The Morning Record, January 05, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 05, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



THE morning record.


,.»-wmB«w. ■










oiiL! Tio yoTES »ED.

TM»1......... ....................... ...............W
Tb* two wbo JrnwM
boU wm«
Mtwtod c* cWcw «f bovinr Jaapad
Oomblaad Oppoalttoa VaU ta Tfaita
Ibalr board Mila is UU ooutp. TbO
' Oo a Oaadtdbaa aad Haaita Party
WOK -ralMMd <a thalr vn raotrSaarUBJt SmT
ThM Cw SoCna-BM a Total «f aicaaea'awi fled t* Bellalra, wbara tkif
fpwt mn/brn* -W»“*l.*OW<rr fa-aaldbabaa.iopwMd aba vartWa- Oa All Aidaa-Aaaa l>aabt^ Aboat
laiM»..iar»UoktUj tbap wan amatad
hara. Tbaj lallad to c«t off aa aaay U
Colanb^ O., Jaa. «■—Prariow ta
Iba aaaual aaatiat of Um raraara' Aatria aoaat;. aad balac aaarietad af U aMbUorof thalafiaiatara today
Matoal nralaaaraMa Co. af Uraod Ua affaaaa mA waa aaataaaad to ban wan aaefai—uLioa-botb aid«
tkna Boatha lo >U. «- * —- >
af tba aanatorial aoataat. Tba Basaa

bar at leaal» yaan eao •
badya. Tba badya <
blew. of tba I6dye aad beaidee balay

The Russian Agitation^

Pnt^ BH or laaytaatloa.
Mr. CoDuble of tba Cily Boolutora
baa axaroiaad bU yaataa la wialdow
ayatn. Laat alyht ba ar>
raayadadl^Uyofwbiehaptetan «f
TraTaraaOlty la moaadaaotbar of a
porUoa of Detroit ara Aa prlaetpal
aleweata. Tba wiadawa la the balld__ are ««t out. rad. yraaa aad white
ataa alatead tabawaaoand 1*lodyn ] y^tta______________
nada to appaar
aeMola oa
CnaBapnaaatatlntOrUBoaadJoyoa. ^ba bay aad tba wbola w aoramadfd
|wba Mtad far Maaoa yaatarday for ^ alrtwa ta hatybMa tba eflaet.
Mkiaff tba praoaat Itet aa faUowa:
bat aHtb theae doobtfal
Xdward A, Baatty Baa Bagm Balt
With alaatrie MybU bablad «ba rlawa
• Piaatoaol T. H.Moaraa. Qraad TtmaBiMlaaa tbay an atUl abort two eotea. tba aeaoa piBaaatad te vary ^laUe
aallstad tba> aad la aada to repnaaat a Blybt view
Baetatai7<- G. W. MeWaUy. Gtaad
rapobUoaa' eoaoty ooBBlttoaa. clafaa. of.Travaraa City aa It waa fib m aid
Tba Bagla at^ yaatvday that WUTraaaraa Ooaatip.
ate., at tba bona of dtrabtfol rapobll- aaVtUjabeiemo.
Dbaetora-D. A Wyaken^ timad na S. Bead, a daaUr Im atoalaal Inbaq
naatbwa. aad aiaoy dalayalloas
Traaana; Staf^ Laotaar. W«. Ooia. naataaabaatb U^atraat.
riaiian an arririay. om af tba
Brarrtblay la tba Voale llaa. at W,
Laalaaaa; Z. f. «»ma. 8. W. Btawan.
(. KiwbaU’a aew atora. Ut Broat
met. M»-tf
Baporta abaw tba Mcietr to ba la a
I to Banna
aalt far Sl.OOO daMyaL . WbUa aaeb
la a^aaetrtaUaatotbalr caadMato
btfora. 147 aaw laaiaboTa ban baeo aa action had baaa Wi^ tPara
done af tba deaMoata object to Oorer- What’s the matter with
raeord af aa amw. Tka'ABO0ai>. b
• addad tkla yaar. maktafr a aatal
abr BnabaoH. or Mayto McKlaaon.
to >2^ or Kartt. ar asy other naoblitaa
baraUpof l.m.
Ifaw riakiadd^ aaoaat to S167.70S,
yet aoyteatod. Wblla the oppoeiUon
dttkiac tba iaaaraaea now la foroa
have tofonaally aaaanoeod aeraral
tba kind aad aaaMaVjiriaad 'w
•i.m.aoTi .>: *
aMM far aeaaty. than baa beao aa
Tba total loaaaa paid dariaf the year
'tSmi acMoa.' Tba eoatMaad oppoaltion
wan.Sb,4H.T4..4>l wbleb C07.M ae- Mr. Bead atatod tbat
toBaaaabaaaot yat clalwad aaaoyh
awnd'to fbapriaryaar.'ad that tba did aot kaow of kla maat
eabaeribar to
aetaal loafer »r. wm* baTas-tr
Ba waa very
Tboaa who loot bana with eaataaU tba aftaraoaa
Tbalr trodMe la aot oaly to bald
bewavar.- to lean tbat be tbalr preaaat foroaa. but to yat tbaa ta
daiiar tba year wan Joba HalaU.
tor s Christmas or New Year’s
had been arreaud bat bad aot yat as- ayraanpaa a eaadldata. Tdday
TbOBaa Daaiiac, L. P.
We' hsre s nice lot of
Jiaey Praaklia. Oaarya Pnlnr. Trad parlaaeai aay naeomtortabU ataett devQtod bytba-wDbtoa'-to baldtoy present?
DaaM. W. B. Crowell. Maraball Far- tbioayb tba atl^ preoaadlay.
tbebferoto. aod naaaylny tbato lor them in «vc^ et^ sad finish
Ita aotioa M bayaa by Baatty tba aaaatorial ooauat. The work of
faat. B. BUlay and C A Moauyna •
White Ens^, Antique Maple.
Olrsslt ooort tba Baaaa mm to ddvotod to aklrmtobWn. MelLanyhlin. NaU BoUar. Joba by raptaa .la
Ash, Mshi«aa7 sed
Tonoa, aad G. W. Kat^MC leat tbalr for yi.OOO daawyai which ba olalaw lay far two or non voua
Birch in etiosre'snd luug glass,
kaaaaa; Joba Waraar nffarad tba Iom to bare "MMaJlBad becanea
- of blaboMe] barn aad aU baildlaya. and a pktoo baloaylBy. to U« by
patent doBUproof dnwera, and we
which to raiaaBIW. - Ba aBeyad^ tbbt
hrllb^Ava bonca.
art eelUng them at prices tbat will
■ Otban habo aaitarad nlaer loaaaa be Uved la Saatt Bto Marla fMvioaa: «o
snrprise yon.
want-PatorBlabaMey. whoMdar^ton Oetobar tot aad aaaw ban abnl tbat Aa Sffoit to Kavs Sravana Otty*
ate. were bara^aad Maiy-K^Ma aad tee. BeallayaeaMo that Bead w«t
Xsasam Pot Tbnn^ at tpielal
Joba Johaaoa«.wbaBe oewn wen killed to bia naidaDM In bU ahaaaoa and told
Sasaloa of LayisUtnn.
b^ wife tbat be had come at the rw
Kow that a yadal acMlon ot tba lay
' Baatty after tbeir ^aao. Uaum ta pretaWe It basbeaa daterIn aleren eaaee the eanaa M tba Cn > ^oaat
waettckaown. I.l^tolny noeod dre ' which be took away and • put up for ttlaed by tba offieiaU of tba
House Famishing StorSv
lawce.fanat dm two. aad -aa onr- Maailty for »IM.
■aka aa effort tokave tba propaaiS
It to aUtad la ibe papara tbat Beatty aaMBdmaaU to tba charter af T^vene II6-m Proat 8U TBAVBBSE CITY.
taniad iaatora oaa
aarw aetbariwd Bead to fUke toe Citf poabad tbronyb.
piano and tbat iU waa taken with yatterday a patltloa to Govaraor Pla>

trouble OVEBt WOO.

r-r - “


u nothing, compared to the rushin" bosiness thVt wi
are doing in the Framing of Pictnres.




Tea we are. We oaa do Picture Framing In Asr

Style, Color or ^hape
Haskell’s Bookstore.
park_^tinge, ▼el^ 8c,
Beet TfteBffueeeU Oi
rns, 69o a yard.
•H >Uk Used. Ts^e $18.50, at

Myrttsoi Steinberg’s


Wmtii Shoes
at Out Prices....




Blattoriay Bopartp at Oaaynyatioaal:
Cbnreli Maaiiay Xaat Miyht- '
▼artena Offloan Kleetod.
The adotol maetiay of the Coayn.^;
yaUcaal chaiisb waa bald taat aiytab:
fBanptoto ad the afficaee of tba rarieaa
aocirtlea coanactod with tbr cboreb
abowad'a vary fltttariny aaaditkia of
tboa^oryanitaUte aad af taair wark
dnriay the paat year and arldanead tba
anWyy of tba laatoban aad tba edielaaey of the oSem.
Tba anroltoieat of the fiaaday bcbeol
at prcaant la 475 and the aranya av
taadaaoe dwiny the paat year wa* au.
IBe Yoaay Ladiaa.' Koniya Mtoaioaaiy aaelaty wportoi aaeb acMva work
dnriay tbe pact yaar aadyraat renlto


Aaked aa to tba dMaUa. Mr. Bead
auted that la aoaie raapoeU tba atat«>
■eat waa correct. Ba want to
naldoaea 'of Beatty aad took
plaao. bat at toe nqaeat of Boal
wbo bad -ame to TraroiM- I
for-ttoaical laatfawiatefor
bin on commlaeion. Baatatod tbat
Beatty waa oot of Otoaey aod asked
bin to diapoaa of tbs plaao aad davotc
portion of toe preonda toward#'
novat of bU fanUy aad bonae
iKecta ta Tnvarae City. Bead atoted
that be nortyayed'toe plana aad yava
Bn. Baatty a part of tbe asc
After tbay came bare, be eaya, Aa ax>
peadad a ooAldanble part kf tbe
y ter Hppliea ter tbe Baatty
.balA Uul>. ba deolana. ba haa
I Beatty for a etataneat aa- that
the matter oaold be eetllbd. bnt that
he bad be«B naable to ret ooe.
Tbe papara are in tba baada af Bbaraad wUl be a«-red today.

•**D^y the year tbe Wonaa'e Boma
aai Farelpn Mtaalonary, aodaty eoatrlbnted IIOV la ptodyaa aad otbar baaevalanl work and tba work of the
nemban ebowed 'tbat tbalr aSarta
have baen bppreetotod.
The Ladtea' Aid aoelety raiaad by
nppara. daaatioaa, ate., $3S».«S aad Uoanaaa laaaad in 1M7 Ken Than
Uclr efiorto nlierad wneb aoffe '
la isoe.
aad pravWad many with oewfotta
Tbe total aaoter «f marriaye Uaaaeo toanad bytba eana^ ctefk
Tba nembenblp oftbe Y. I>. & C e:
htoponatydarln^ the yaar4B97 an
aaw oamben IM In aetln hvoA and
ayalaet 16S dariny t»e.
tbe ouUoak for tbe year la aeelleat.
PIfty manben an earoUdd la tba
^'jtoemloal Works Baeama.
Jonlor C. B. aad tbe yanny'^^brtoUaa
Blk Jlaplda, ' Mieb.. Jaa. a.—Tte
workera an aa enaryetle la tbalr toterta
' aa Che older maarbara of tba aaaia^
cbaiataal works nsnmed openUaas
Bsw. Yaarisdsy at 4 o'clock p.m. This
Offloen wen ebcaea aa foUawa:
yiant'-was eatlnly iaatroyad by dn
Trnatee. tbraeyean—TbcaT. Bat
' -N. U. Cbapla, C A. Bam* Aky. ITlaat Tba n-balldlay baa baea
«Bdar-tesnpervlaiaa of Fred O. AalaU.
tba affieleat manayar of tbe depariClerk-8. E. Walt
meat for toe last 16 yaan. Mr. Asistt
ayaaaanr-ltobel B
E«d to be one of tbe best wood
a &llc« (kawfard.
sloebol men la tba etoto.
BaHnWiwe Trank BaiaUtoa, J. W
Tbe Bk Boplds inn ooapuy an
MtUto«.T. OnwB. C.J.Bbaer, H. boaUloy foftbe aanai-aapply ed toy*,
aboat 7,«»;000 feet. Wood to eomiay
Cibtfa-C. L. Oooaer. WUIlaa Bank, Ip at toe rate of omde per month,
J. G. BlrdaU. C V. Wrlybt.goe Ga- tbeir eopply belny aboat W.OOO o(^
Iprao, Ealph MeCtoakey, Cbarlca Bock, nannaUy.
Pnd 81to)9. Barry Kaaeland,.OUver
• Watofa.
' Ptod et lalaaA
After the boetammaallny tba ladiea
Hn. Bnea Monreo, Will of Balpb W.

ime, to have t^
and at the apedal aanlao, waa alysad
by tbe maaebrn at tbe oannell. cl^
oSeiale and oibarik aad aeat to lAaaiay by C. U. Tamer, wbo left oa tbe
afuraoon'itton to atland a meatlay of
tbe Stole Board of Patdoai.
amoay tbom
tbat provtdlay for toe aztoaeioa of tba
tonaofofieeaftbacityelarkaad el^
traasorer fnm oa« to two yaan. Tbe
provlalaa pnvidlBy for as aqnal voice
by board ofsapervlKtn witbtbceaBnell
la flslny tbe aaUiy of tba noorder.aad
hUoy acAaaya la
tbe coontj road ayatom. Tbeae
nraa panad the laat aeaato bnt failed
to, yo tbnnyb toe
beeanee-otlaekof tl




Bat then la alwaya room tor
Bore. lionfoncomeatooeafor
year PBOT08. We have a eompleto
liDeof-Plrtan Monldlaya aad will flU
all orden prOoipUy. If we have to work
aU Biybv -

411 Soflto Caioo at. ^

Free Storage
for Bicycles.
..tbow »bo !••»» toUr

Mr. Edmanda baa baea c


ootofortoble aad baadaofee oak cbalr.
The «Ut waa reoeived to tbe Wilrit
which prompted Ito yirlsy aad Mr. Ed■nade will -epend many oomfortable
koen to nmembrnaee of tbe ylfk At
tbe doe# of tbe meeUny e Insebeon
aervedbytoe todiee.

the' IsAaltottea of tbe neeaUy eleeted offiean of Umnd Tnveree Lodye,
Laiyeet Lend ef Petotoee.
Ika laiyen lead of pototoea hauled No. too. took pl^laet aiybt. - After
a tbe oity toll eaeeoa wee bnoybt to tbe eeremoaiea e vetorna'e Jewel wa*
by Artbnr Weldoft yeeterdey. The Ind pm« A B.
Brown, with appropriate weede to beoeastotod of IM baafaele aad waa hm
baU at tbatodye. Mr.ttttttete fa a
by A A. MeOey A Ben.

Gain ing , in Popularity—

Last Month Excelled All Past Busing

All Dealers Sell Them for

Manufttotured by

'.Au. -W. J-ATTTt.A-TJ'a,
Tonneltor Block.


Unquestionably So...

eitia wr.ter

Oity !Tent, K. O. T.
Boaond Their Obaplatn.
a epoeial meetlay laat
aiybt of TnvaneCHy Teat, No. 871,
Oeir pUee la^sr^^pt* jree cm -fM Anlatle
K. O. T. M. at wblcA tbe ebapt^a,

Paiform Bank PlaBsiar' a SrilUast
Seetol A&ir.
At the reynler meeUny of to* HaF
form Bank, K. ef P.. laat niybt. it waa
decided to yive e ynad bell an tbe
alybl of Ikbrnery nad. Ittoparpoaed
to make tbto tbe mnt brUUant faU
dneeaoctol went et tba year. Prevloaa
•oeceeaee tn ■ vniiona way*. by tbe
Kniybtoof Pytbtoeeenne yrnad nF
Honrea. a wMl known yoaay mbn of fab-. The baU will te ylnn la toe
Ulaed. died Moe^ at tbalr home Is CtoyOpenBMek
FUTTTBOOO BOM OtOOUMTT that place, at Viiu potoen. Aye. to
yeaneadsmoeibe. Bmtdm a boebaafl
Orimibal BnMaaaa Payt BU Koatba aed baba aix weeks oU, decneed leaves OAFX xxa A TBrnAirB KAMI
a fatoer end mother aad tbrea ^dlen.
Zdyktet la Pin Taan.
^Odd Pair
The fnneral wUl be held at ID a. at. to­ ▼alnable TeMnoptoi
tow* to Allan SaytoMS.
day from the town ball to Intoa^


We are
Still Yery Busy

Prices 60c, 68c, 76c, 98c, $1 36. ,


That A Flour iBtaiowB by the results it produces.


ThaFThe success of the Flour is best judged by
tbe testimony given, and by that judgment we, are
wiUiug to stand It is the "BEST."

Are You
In Photo­
graphic Supplies?
We can fnmish the
varied list of chem­
icals necessary for
^ the laboratory of
owners of cameras.
When you make np
yonr list of wants
let ns qdote prices.

James G. Johnson,
125 Front Street.

' Hannah 8c Lay Co.
Silk Remnauts
in Triuunlug L«.gtl», Shin Wsist
Shirt Lengths:^,, bt m., on. Una f limttod m>d priem
too Tsried to Nivertise.
The Bsrgains me het^ however.






TH» yoaariHq imooaD, wbpwbbpay. jasvaxy b, isee.

him lor kaa^ a4af wlthoat a It«m «d Haa Kaaw BIm.
AMtala aatnre a ------------------------.
He oaya that tha dor 18 q«**An old Oeorgia «<ro. haaria« (bat
mr* Joha Muir ia The AflaoUo, aad
Uaa te aa aalnal whfA tUj* apoa erery lo»« ot wildoeawtU ri<}ok« with bta former neater bed.deeldad to anllH
amy. nid to hin:
BM that by kindly fnat it la ao well dw
•TBAVSBfiE cnr. - IDCHIOfM Btataathat he U oamaive to
“Mam .Ton, doan’yoB do ao eioh
lendad. The diaoor^ lately siade that
aad War wiU ted haa Oo lacllaaUoa U U ir^klad with KOld nay canae teol thlat ea dat-doan' yoa do UT'
Why ibaaldD-tir’
to learo the pramiaea. He haa aot>rw aone alanu. for the raanrely accltliw
••Kaae, Mam Ton"-^nd ben. the
etaff Biakea---the dnid
-- bold eaongh
'Vap*. T. SAtn Axt> i. W. BAjrato. eaiad a lioeaaa ter the dec haeaaea ha---------------old nan lowered hie rcdoe- “yoo'e rot
cn yon can’t
a toorh or de rl
J. W. BAxm. Bditor Mid Mamtot- mal waa kept .ooafiaad there waa ao___ ^ ^
fast DOW ea yon nm ea-darta «.
that 1
ptHhinr thrir wmy Into it.
de war.”->AilaBtaOonMitatiCB.
the faet test I-------*»th«n pane# over the
other dor* «om« thm to ptttenre food tuuButaina. port^uee the flret
k Per OM HNS.
Mr. OUe etotee that hie «iar bae do taJoe they bare ever aeon, RpcmwUur.
riaaoa te leara hie place, hot that If jit atrujcglinr. gaeplnr for bnatbaetbey
Ml ■—U.
ie aeoenary ter bln to pay a Uoaaae he climb etep by step over roagta anpled
bowlder* and tbln./Biry bura. laden
i CtrrOMceiAMB
•tadylBC kraacallstle Week. |
of prov.
Mre. P. B. Ben hae been aa}eyiar a by tee)
ward ter^b Canada, tracing lbs old
TlsU fron bar danrbten. the MHaee
Kittle and Jaasle Bara. Miee Jeaale en, otbert by Bering km and tbe
ntam taday W her eebool in Snmnit milUig all tbe way. getting gl>m|M
City and Mln-KHUe, who bea tehaa; a perbaiM of tbe famooa for aeala ine tioee
It te »o« <dAla«d that 8eutM Baa- aoarae ia eraarelietie work in the te- and tee innnmerable itlandi and ban of
•a Taqulna but two Totaa to aaeare hii dnetrial Tralalac School at Cblehro. tbe gnat Alaika rirer.
In epite of frowning hardiAlpe and
fMolaeUOD. aad -rofy itiMaf prcMora i$ will ro to Plnehlar to aeelst la rerlval
halartamurhttoheartocOMt tom of meetlar* Uien. She wQl leoture teb the froaen gronnd tee KloudUce fold
will lacreaeu tee ermewliBg crowda for
aMao' erealar at Klareley on. *’Tba ladlaaS"
yean to oome. bat oomparatiyely UUle
tine tee oonbiaed foroee erUMt Baana
barm will be done. Rolev will 4ie
bare Dotyet;mnahleto>cr*« o* »
bnmfd and dog into tee bard grannd
Tbe followiar pemou hare enrolled here and ib<-r» and into ttw qnam
Mcffineii eaod KorU an haiar ad- aa ktadeate in tbe Bnelneae Coll^ tela ribbwl monnuint and blllH. ngg.-d
towns Uke burer ou.l miteral Tillagea
T^doedthy thalr Tartoae eopporurpKnpp. Albert Ma
"Te’re not noin into'
Tbie lade of onlty on tbe part of tee O. Qrinttod. Good larbor: J. B. Lind- will be boilt and mUU and lubomotlvee
will make rauibllng. oerecebing. diaen- boaw. are ye.. TimY'
wUl tend to r»—
la>v Solan: Daley Koch. Ollnr Badbntt tbe miner'*
••tinre lA am. y« rtTerineel"
» ^
stnartbea tee tkaaoee of Haaaa when erott, Kinraley: LewkCbmpball. SUrer
"Tben, do ye know, the divil i* gain
m fu
Uoaneatnaakow-downwatbe taallat- Lake; Charlie Gkard. Blnrham; Oaade plow, nt hmat not nntU nature
« isre
is ready iBwidyef
nnbirk tbe froam *dU bed* with her
PaiUi. tela, be’lP bata to pay for
.Polrer. Samnit City.: Harry Daha,
D. J- Dyer, Cbaa Car^ alow turning climate key. Ou tee other Ms own dbitek..lor..............................
Taa wonea in tek aeetloa of tee
baud tee hmda of tbe pioneer miner* price d wan.V'’—PbU
Matry who delirbt in der dfhta end Tramae CIWwi U Jead many a long of wHdnem into AnnnaL
Uadndeparte.nait yield tee pain to
tbe bwn of the rmrre wbo witboot
„ WaaiaBanr Boolety AaanaL
them w.mld .never see it.
the Taxanlrirl- Now eonee a ra)
TraTurae ity.^*aikol.
The aaanat maetlar ef the Wan^'e
^ a'boliday hall fir^t la wbidi-wa
CMaagW* Ulerarr A<eae«e,
Hone aad Panim Minlmary aod^ty
wan tee prtee^'iHrtomer* aad
of tee Oo&rrcratloaal ebahte. wUl be
UnHi tee Onitimbian nrWMtion.
t^rSu^aad term pt^ae«s?£^
held tek attarnooo at» o'claek. Tken
pBironiBing way of regard
nLLUA) paint.
KurrcovrrY.of wkleb Grand Bap- will he tdeotioM of aBoere aad oteer lag CKitago a* <oi tbe exttome uotakirta
A full aUandaaee k desired.
Me U tea oeatn. waata aa iaanae aeyot ciTiliudcm. mneh u ta
lam. W^. tbie ie what nirht ban
rupeaa* are apt to r«|mrd tbe moat eeheea axpaetad eiaoa tbe Grand Rlrer
SEEKING FOR A CASHIER. tablite«d pun*«tfAmmcm. The esbibitloa opened m*ny.<-yea that mw It to
^aael and rtrSare haraer arany hu
iteefact-teatObicagoMfaat -------PmM«PM«M4 HPaiMeCi
haea Injeetad Into local hletory.
owe CM»h Jen.
an important cenlerof
■' Wllat Bill Wateon. es.etareoaecb well at amterial aoUrlty. That
robb«, a-gawUer and ez-aaloon keep­ pnUic library of (bein U not only in
Tho Jaaaary tana of tea dreali eoart er. opened op a bank at Gold Orwk, all laobability te* but bnildlng on teif
abool 60 moi became applicaiuU for po- ooBtineat fur library pnrpoee*. bat It
wtn h^ Jaaaary IJ.
■ 30JL Mr. Wateon annoiinoed. how- give* a permanent botne to an iastiCaTbartall A Oaa* han Jast neeWad
___ r, that he wonld only wa udc aiqili- tlaD which in tbe year ISSe rlrcblated
aaMthamrload of Gold Medal Boar.
eanl at a time and ordered tlbemtofall
Tbe librarie* of Birmingham and
Tba naw .of the Oaae Street eafiae In Han and take tnnu txmiing ia. Pm>boaaa teeh the atean «n aaflae aet rie Pete tAppeaM to bead tee crowd, Boston abowad for teat yur a ciroala.
and u be entend (he henktr'e pritate- tkm of abure S00.000. that d Manterpraetlealeataicht.
offloe tee letter came dowa to bneitim cheater one of 675.000. that of Obioago
Than will he a rar
one of far nma than l.(KWi.0t>0. ia each
Qaaaa City Oa»p. Bojal Rairhhon. to**Kow; Pete, tbar'e only om >ob ^ere oaaa. of oonrae. flgane won gready
Birbt A full i
(bat balD't flUed-teat of oateler-^ swelled by epbemaral fiction and tee
like, bat with all allowance fur this
The’Woanah Oanetary U
boaeat. D'ye know anytelnr about the neb flgaraameau'gmtmeaul aotirity.
Of teiaCbimgoshows many olberaigna
bankin baainwa;"
I la tee Ladiae' Ubrary
‘•Waal, lnt«r.*' drawled Pete, with For <a>e thing, it bust lean twootbor
r;» o'clock.
e proud look. "eMia ubow l>e ibbbed
Kewbarty and teat of the Unirer4arl Pleroewailajnred Satardey at ■non banka tbaa any galoot ia teii
aily of Cbioaga. Tbii nnireraity, only
' '
tea brme of bk panats aear Orawa. by tewe."
'■Andycr boncat, bain't yoP’aiked four years old,.it ainmdy an edncatlaaa
froB a hone from which ke wa*
a] center of iiuportanoe. not fairly to be
reworlar the baraeaa
••Why; oert I .am. When we meter Jadged by anob feuts u Mr. Moaltixi'a,
DaaielP. Pox of Sarteaw. epectal dep­ lob Ragw. didn’t 1 allu diride afur' wbo is trying to make '‘nioden naduty for Mlchlraa. la In the city In the with yon?’:'
totomta of tee Order of the KnlrhU of
back a teok. Pete.’ Te alia* Bible 1
’■Yea. tbei
a aT«nge
acted like9 b3 boBMt iBSB than days piTM of Cbicai
■mer. A lodre any he <
•b? Kip ye merit which a
The apodal Jaaaary meettair of tbo Now, bow about oooutla
ooBst party fart?”
baard of aaperriiort Will berla aaxf
”1 kin. When we wu tatnia —
^W-Jaaasry. Sic; May. Uke: Jaly.
The noM linportaat enbject boodredao' conmerfeit dullan, didn't 1
21 He.
Itetose UaUm.
I win be tee eounty auarbectauin lightninouconatin '<
Pork^aanary.; May. te.M.
When a maa (tart* a cxiUeeUag bob^
’■Cone to think o'it. ao ye did.
by. be speedily derelup* a rtvy ketn in­ - Quad Baplda. Jaa. (.-WbeaA. aOe.
Dr. E. B. Bready baa Mred aad other ^iug fw
wUl preach tete arealnr la the Mete- My caabicr ma*t know bi*
kind d thing be wants Tbia appean
sortie botborin me evwy minit.
laara to daaoe bow aad enje^ yo«r>
Preaebinr erery nirbt
to be tbe case with Rider Haggard, eeleu. Do
uo not
ant wmiv
wait neui
aatU tee
*mw daaelac
tet» week exnpt Saturday alpbv
who. in addilitm .'to being miTelist. ------- a U OTOT with, teen hlsme yoarin ea held ye np wbat wonld ye - ,
eeiraa In the spring for mlmiag ao
oryhedy eardUlly larltod.
’Td jnM go ou SKRrnn witlt lone
moeb fan. Paor. bis.rxaa.
^e bnalaen neetlny of tee Y. P. 8.
him fiver wiib the otMr.' aqaireauil aeviiral othtT tbluga, ia li
wise a Kelaon colluctor. He bu joet
C. B-of the OonpracaUeMl
______ will ba lateraated la the nig
ha held at tee reetden^e of C. A. Ham melbodx K<m, one more q«wdcm.
Hala't tear wane mfid bineea nwB in
mraplu at Baghm and Boxbargk drag
.noBd teU ereaiar
Commlttaoe will thi* town wbo wonld hnwillin to gin
store. Tbe raft are made from old
ropart oa tee wartc of the |mat elx ye a bang np let t.-r o’
Ui dirnmfcfuiiut.. In tee jeenter d tee earpeU bv the Wwbbarne Cruby Co.
'Thar are. fliU. an bt-’» Teui Jack, pitce >■ ('Otmved tbeaTma and motto d of J'etukey. by a mew proeeu aoperier
Tbe otamat
The oaee of Tbe People (4e- Dwtpht tbe rul cuatc man. Jack know* ,me tbe great admiral, together with an in- to say other kaowa.
of material te attalnte.
nripuiiu. "The Nelson Ulob.-'' while
By. who H aoeoMd of amW^ bat­ like a bonk—we tpeat three y'aii in
Prieea leu teas Chicago rates. The
tegeteer 'an be’ll gin me iheSblgb- eroood tbe edge‘s cat tee words Wubburae Cruby Co. are now filling
tery by <leor»o Bel
In tee iaad Anything ••Uor
an ordrr for Che entire new Arlington
yntanle; la Jdetiee Ilrowa'e oo^
•eyed like loask*"

PetmtU Jaaaary 14. This li an echo of the
Na teat’a all, P.'te, an ye kjn be* I

roMBt frwfirbtat Beitaer ia which tee ioli. Bscaae me fararin ao piany < Nr. Haggard lacUnea to tee belid werk la No- 1 in e««ry reject, noiliqooationa bat a banker un’t be ton i “»•»«>» d<te wumee tbe property d tie* fer doing tee iMgmt work in the
Bedm wM badly oead np.
Ualted mates. T%eu rags are beaaOai Brown waa hlttea by a dor ketffnl when be blru a cateiar. ye a Nurwu-h dab which wu jwobably tiu. Call aad aekthe Mmplea, aad get
foobded enou aftw the immortnl rionvy
yaaterday afUrnooa In the alley know."—A. B. Lewis in New Vork- at Trafalgar. Tbi* is not HiderJ^ an exBUaatorrclrealar.
haek of Motr'e Ilnry barn. Be
gard’e only find d tins demrteban.
' yt***-rr teroarn tee alley whea
tiome years ago be' oboerred among a
atamblad aad tail. Jut then a dor
hup d odd* and end* in -an old cariosl”Maria."ian«d tbe old _
haloariar to « •‘•‘fb etaadlar there from the bead d tbe atdn. ’'isteal cy shop at Norwich a life sim bead d
Nelson cot In oak. Heat
npranr-ai blm aad eelsed him by ene of yoong
down teem yetY'
it and bad tee mtetfaciiou d finding
tec araa. makiar a aUrht wouad.
"Yes. papa." taplted tbe tratfafal
"Well, if be intendi to go borne be­
•' Sra. Jewle Deranof Lake Ana, wu fore moralng be'd better begin to lay
good Bigbt. The oon Will be op in led
than tAo weeks "—New Yak WaM.
B J. Marran went to Cbloaro yaeterAn old
Port, aoateweat of N<
. 4ay after a wload of horaea.
W. J. Kent caan down from EJeIbe bailiff Wbiaperwl thet indged bu been an
8b« 1*a aptateer leading
warthWonday aad nturned yeaterday. teacoantyoom:
a bermit'a Ufa and baa a oomfertaUe
Oapt^ A. E Johutaa of tea at.
"Tbat oee «yad witaeoa oaya
big. , of matey mcrated in ber borne,
- •
or WeateoU. want te Maekeraa yeatar- JM»."
lag dioppointed
In love 4b
’■AUrigbt.'.’tcpUedtee jndga. “Jnat llnce
tn ago tee bar aera m<>kn
A. L. Deaaia. a weU kaowa lamkar- BM teat bc'a -monraly twndenffed. an
m. 8be la mldoan teen In town, and
wbrni eonrt adjoama I'U knock .hi*
ama af Grand Baplda. ie la tbe dty oa
other eye ont"—Atlanta OnoaUtntten. ber trading U dow'wUb finale olerka
Ae bu made,k will aad iprmhaaad a
numetvy lot. Explicit direotiau bara
® A. a. Brawn, who hae heea la U»bem ginn that ao maa teall'preacb
ntaraed Meaday
"Natan atrw a
ber funeral eermoa na act u.pallbearaeaaiatm, a woman shall drtre tee beaae. and
Mn. P. LahanU baa heea called te appropriate looBtion.
wotnen sball Iowa tbe reanejoe and fill
meernoat by tbe Ulaeae of her bnib- Allen Hparka "If tbe Asuttio ekrAant, tbegraTs No BMi are to bh allowte in
fa inetanen, bad been placed In tee
•r. Jm Moeler.
tee foaeial proomwmi. Bbe baa willed
Joba A. ??lleOB returned te St. Joea ram of money in trnat to ptyrsll exooet tbe poaaeatnnfa ear mafia
•Ph yuterday. after speadlag tea haUChicago Tribnue.
day asMOB hera arlte his family.
^ K. W. Bolbdm aadTlla* Clara
ladte Mukafoa yaaterAnew I
i, wUte rtiltrea at
"IwoDda why it U that SeBSta
Biggna bu been so ^aiet latelyl ~~ moa tbe pain of daqi busa. of nloara
dny after tvoadiaff tee holidays 1
han't made a epaucb ttaU
oaaow. faai bean diuorered 'by
ante Mr. Salkaim.
Dm Befaoa aad Baiw cd Manloh. It

'r ,

We Extend
Hearty Thanks

To onr rastomen for tho Konrs! iit^j^y ^triAuge...
at^nled oa, and aasore them teat we shall conUoa«: to keep a'
fnll.stook of the beet quality of OrooexiAA uid ProwlaioiiA.
Prompt Delirery. Prioee Always ^fat.








—Watch Repairing.
—John Veriy.


-Front Street.




The demand for Improved and Un>
improved City Froperty is becom;-ing brisk. I have

Two or Throe Hooses and Lots
and a Number of WeU Located

Vapant Residence Lots
in Averse City that wUl be sold

At Low Ppiees
If-sold NOW. Gome and ask about
them, if you want a home or a good

TTHos. TT. Bates.

213 Front St.
fllJCllM S OjStef DWHH All RKBlfUt
Real Estate
BalOmoru Steek Beoeirud IVm Ttmu a jffuak
Coonta, 40c pur quart


Fire Insurance.

Miney to Loan If You Have Logs to Sell

-Tip" OlM'Do*.
••TIp'’01da4eukdtaka klwdly te
»^,a,tepte»M««r. 0^ Mlate,

”_OteralaBd Uadu.


-ONImproved Parms and
. City Propwrty.

aamtd otteataB baa bam glraa.

Jobnaon Blaek.

-Fhas« 78.


' -1

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem*
lock Lumber, Surfaied Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Land$ for sale. Mill Madiinery. of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Milli^ant for sale.


* ^'~. '^- tr.—



oocaNT 9ttu TO aconc US.




t>seew^ tor

Washtnytott. Jan. A — The moalhlr
MaSnl. Jia. «.—In the codcm ot a
ytaiemefit of the public debt abowa
•PMcb at a mrctlnc of Ibe Caaserva*
Urto Bmor PIdal drclarrf Uiai Cob. Tw«nty«Four Pdrsent Killdd st a that at the doee or 101x10001 Dae. <t
•wratlve-lndiffwwr had eondueid to
Petitied Oathdring in a
Tht C«ltbnt«a SpBoUUiU.

I atnoonled to • • -ll.MJ. a decrease for
a aul* of tMnits •thorobj' the Unltod
.Canadian Town.
) the mooth of
This dam
Butas waa pennutrd to vlolale
. — —
' In tbe d’-bl Is dor prlncl|«t)y to an
rtrht and atl law' aseepi (hat of foroa.
ereaae In the raiih. which la aecoua
OClKFim An>'PAIGI30UB FRAUD. Ho aald: “Hoa oftrn have I '
FLOOR DB3P8 UIDER THE CROWD. |: Ur by the s«i«- of the I'alun Pacific
I ndlruM bj- tbow who Boir au|
J raUrpad. Fnll.-vvipy is a recaptulatlot)
I war with the Americas Jlncora. t
wOf the dArt: Jntereet. bewrtny debt,
holdiDc that the Cnlied sutea.
Skiu tor aiM That CaaiM
aair sm.rjo; debt vm which interest has
riiiay a
tor OrMBlaa
by (•
ceased since maiurliy. 11.314.27$: d^
if Them Pader the ateklay ■
Teayebsi CiTT, Mice.
bewHny Bo interem, Bss,ii».44€; totat
''Waahlnrton aad into r^icaia: > -^'Neaiber et Key* Aveewy tke TtHtms. dlJM.tJK.tS4.
aed asm* ef tWM''lUewly fJrwshad to
Who. while obilced to rrnoonca In Hartl
This ame'iiBt. bowwver. doaa not
the taatdent Monroe doctrine before the
ItoMh-Terrikto Patoe at Theto Whs elude ri74.B^.nZ la certifleates
rvheuf 0«i
Were Nat CaraM fa toe MtoUwpbe— treasury notes outetandloy. whl<±
•pint lBCnba,beUevln* that the Bj
W*rtjB*toB, Jwi. 4.-On« ef the n
. NtBim ay tbe Itosd ead^l^ared.
offeet by an equal amount of rash In
arror la decimatvd. br the rt«ora of the
Oaa Bay Oaly Xaoh Voath.
London. Ont. Jan. t—^-Two doMn per­ the treasury. The cash In tbe traaeary
. .
Saa made Ita appranuuw. John Cmm- climate.
clasalfled aa fotloww: Oolit. I1*:.4I4:
"l.el Biwnlarda who are i
sona areknoww tobavebeen killed and la
lO: Bltver. T-iS:j»1.4M; paper. tI44.SH
ar. of the aub.traaaniT at |>hludelphla. ot conrervallve prlnciiilea c«
_ dlitounUny
_ _ offlee-e' tatancea.
Oonsoltatloii and Examination Ftm and BtrioUy
hsa' brourhl tn the aecrM aer>-1cc ll\-e tojiutlre of their renaurea i >0 tbej- many* Injured by the eoUapee nf a floor cat; bonds
•IM counterfeit allver eer^cMea, head
f th.»3 In the city halt last tilyht. The nlffht | etc!, '«S0JM.*:t: touirrai.9Un
closed the munhtpal c
« Prealdent Jlonrea. Their .seoerel
------B a.«.a OO deefdsthstratttolloo
hall was crowded tn Ibear the addrsMsa

I eaiellenL After ctuer donation reapr.iiitjr our
' axamlnauob the oflMala of the treae- ‘
CTUrmlnated the la- i>r tbe minceMful randldales. Thr bod- ,' PWtally W'owedMl br a Winn set While ea
Ualchnailr Oooyh. (Wlrv flda Beak).
Kb Way tot-hwrrb.
^ ~ — — ^Kidsere sodBtodOw.
ary cash room »cr< oaderlded aa to :
M of the follow lay have been. taken j
_ 4.—Wtwd
from the wreMted huUdlny and Identi- i oeH-rd yr^ierdsy flora the Alcorn AytiMM had bee*
In h?* water.
unlver,..; they fled, at Afaltf . wrttlny: F. Heaman. C. I cuKural and' MechanlcwJ eollryr
wiM the two pleeee tonsiDK the front
after year, la Uie woet niSuat BecketL K- Luexton, N. Carrotbera. B.- colored i-euple near Hodney. Hlea..' that
aad bach of the note came apart, arere ! and im»i cruel * ar-* h. re the aboil-, Lelvh.—; Harrta, L\v. Burke. J.amltb. the preeldert of the coHeye. E. H
they tenvlDced of the fraud. Un ex- { tion of elever?-. loetead of belna an act' ----- Talbqt. A. rhUiiia. John Turner. Trtp|.lctt. was ah<li and fatally wounded
a 'of the dayia treaeory. caeh > of humanity, era* il^^ty the eirataetD
i ot war—exrrrlaed the muct atriK-loui Ben -Nash. J. W. BorUnd. j— Hllaaofher of the apMoue
lie »n hla way to ehurrb. Foi
r by I tyranny and a
e time perfidy buin. Frank Boblnaua. W.^ OetL aeverwJ years there baa been a yreai
aoeared. The note* brnusbt i
Btephni Williams. John EeUem AU«n deal of discord In the colleyv fatuity,
Towe. Jamee HrLean. Johi
j the true fat here of
Thq trouble has been caused by some
Oswald Bruce, a Jacques, asd an un. members of the faculty who have been
I aad material proyr
- ^OCAEANTEE To cone rfrrj case ol Uyspepaia. atek Btodacha. PUaa. Tape W«rw
Idenltfled tnkti.
ne, iSfenu of | nation "
recatred them aa renulne.
trylnt to oust Tripplett for the pup­
Pwrltal Usi ef the Wewitosd.
|^.Weerillciere|>eclalstMBtl<atci UIKcdH caaee aad to raaaa
the aeerct aerrtre e\-er
The In/un-d. wo far as can be Irerned,
been wired a dcecriptlon
But tbe elate board of education baa talltojtooMa- Perwooe appblay »»r tranisaat will pleaae brlBd twope
Includr the rollowlny; Dr. Wilson, the refused to remove him because they
with Inatructlone to l>
mayor-eleci. ley broken: Alderman oottsidcrril that he waa tbe man for the
tor paiaons oUeropied
'l&mm .. —
I'arrcjiHen. allyhily Injured: Rdward place. In the faculty troubles and the
.If yoaeesph
Morkin and — Uutyiwn; William Oray,
I It U poa-.
- Xnqulrlee have'alao been aent to all
ley broken: —:-F1emlny. botb arms Blbieji clue may Ije found
the leadlnc cittee aa to whether any of the foreet wllderpeae. Rrick flolbery
af the notee have appiared other than hrouyht hla deepemtely wounded wife
eloortoelfoi. imdly bntlasd; J<nhua I
blacks. He was a man
. ta PbtUdelphla and tVaahlnyti.n. and
the beet men In the aenlre will be put to Ashland Sunday nlyhL Solbary, who Dyrch. John BUnch. Alderman Nell ' of 1ntcHH^n.e and yood Ju^enl.
and-----Van Wyck.‘ Oeorye W,
on the cane. Following le a deecrlpiton lives near Marroyo Falla, arrived home Cooper
Kof the note aa fumlehed by the aecret
Paasmorc. raperter on The Advertlaer
aarene: The aote a> ^ the eerlea of year-old eon had ahot bis
siaB. '
tin. check letter D. fal-e plaee I: Till­ emptyiny the cwotenu of a
4'rtUcaLaod Kasweerr DeebtIW. MalkWtofeeksC
man. reyleier: Uorcan. treaeurer; por­ -into her rlyht aide from a dlaUnce at
AtUnta. <ia.. Jan. 4.—A special to The
Those who were more seriously in­
trait of Jasoe Monroe. All numbere eu
She. lav for an hour aluni
jured were cnrrlrd to nelytaborlny druy Consiitution from ThoniasvHle. Oa..
..-tar aeen becin with Hi. The moei
Patent Commiasluner Butterfioor
> ihia hole
re found In Ultchiny a email rldlny pony to n hospital or .to thetr hornet after
mbertny. the fortnei slelyb. Bolbery pUced hu wife In aome InjuHex had been attended to At the
He k
er than In the yinrerlny from kidney troubles and waa
e aad the latter allyhtly diBerem In drove to Ashland, maktny the twenty, the rtty hall, where It has' bew '
pltacked auddealy yeeter
lerday with oon.
Bepeclally 1» thli true of alx ratlee In six houta. The woman 1s ruatpm for y ears past for the succ
i ho Is attaodtte I and A In tb^Oyure » the lower eUll alive. Bollwry It undecided whether candidates to eddrese Ibe el.Hlore. The vulslons. Dr.-Mclntueh. w
coadlUon ex­
buUdlny was crowded u> the very doora.
toep doee not esietffnp a« tar toward Un ahooUny was intentional
tremely arave. rmtimisaloner Buttarprotably iOto people belny jammed
the center of the fiyure at la the yen- dental. ■
ils namnr space. There was a lull to wo<th came here some weeks ayu to
tilna, and tn the flyure four the eparc
recuperate from an attack of pneu­
dliwe. when In response
beiwrentbe baee and the center rrooe
Bheboyyan. WU. Jan. t.-As the re.
monia and until yesterday was aleadily
calls K. H. Toothe r
Bne la narrower than In the y.-nulne
“Among the best advertising media are papers that
aull of e bar rbom fiyht in which Martmiravink.
_______A Yee, ltoay.e.a. rredeeUea. .
tin lluyhs. a aan-known attorney, and
AS he reached It
One of the principal polnie of.dlffer. Edward a McUanlels. a comedian In
KaytowOW twitoo os to rktod.
Bpend money liberally on themselves, first in secnr>
there waa an »
anee. loo. la that the new couaierteit Bob Pitaalmmons' Ibeatrical
London. Jan A—t'p to a late hour
the ralsvd plalfo
li 1-W of an Inch or leaa ahoiier than were Involved, ^ttorpey Hnyhs ilea
popular features; and second, in adverti$ing these
last nlcM the sialemcni of tbe Man­
the yenulM. The chief enyraeer at the a precarious cunditlan.. The tihuble and newly ele<'ied aldermen wereaeeied chester Uuardlan yeaterday mornlny|
features. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
bofanu of cnyravlny and prlntlny an- ytaw eat of a cntlclam paaaed on Flu* ae^med'to pll<'h forward lo lhe floor.
had neither been confirmed nor 'denied,
•Bawry tofr sw Top a# Tltoia.
noancea the counterfeit a very danyerand the y'enetal belief Is that whether
I* show by Hoyhs. which .waa
increase of circulation, in the benefit of tvhich the
There was a aayylnx of timbers and an actual "V' ^
ona production. It la enyraved on aieel'
dispatched to
enied by McDaniels, ahd a, i
the next moment 1(0 people w ere hurled China -n not The Guardlan'l mateAnd printed on two plecee of paper
ael over Huyh’s ey^ was ruptui
advertiser, of course, shares."
twenty feel to the floor below. A beam menl-^'lrly n-preae^ta -Btltlah policy.
^tfd toyether after colored allk fibre
nmnlny twssily feet alony the center The alalrinefit was to the eBecI that
bad been diatrlbuted between them,
the work, he
I Bprlnyfleld, Hla.. Jan. 4.-^oal opeth' of Ibe hall had ylven way. and tbe whatever conceKdOM were ylven In
careful and e
torw tn this distHri believe another crowded mam standlny atxive that a
China to any other nation must beylven
while there waa no appreciable dIBer. coal' strike la not (ar distant. The tIon of the ilnor waa thrown In a heap to Ureat Britain For Instance. If Ruarace between the yenuine and tbAcouB- trouble la bot on account bf ibe' scale to the bottom. A laryr iiafe alood
s4a used I3>ri Arthur for a-wlnier
terfelt note to the ceaual obaerver. on- ao much -aa of the (ivanner In which ui>e corner <if the halt and with a huye bor Great BrIUtn would do the a
der a ^aaa many alfyht dlBarraceewere operstun and dealers have combined steam roll, welyhlnx
DM Net Koew Old ntory.
diacemed. • Tbii. however, waa ex­ to act ayalnet emsumera and mtnera. craalilna do«n on the heeds of the
Kew Tork. Jan. 4--Jamea A. Wrlyht.
tremely dUDculi
Wkeeled Hefw^lf Uto the Urwve.
FuMowlny the emta there was a wild aecund Oce president of (h<- AmerWan
tsQranye. Ind.. Jan. L—Mrs. Oratl rush for the dottrv. At the aoulh door, lane, and (kiptain Sbackfnrd. lie mar of the danyerout character
Of the counterfeit Hevreiary naye hae Bullock, dauyhter of the Ute Dr Vbere thr niajurlly of the crowd had rifle euperlalendepl. >ie*<ferday denied
decided to atop taeulny and to call in Dancer, one of the beet known physl* entered, there was a temuie panic. the truth of -be reimrt that Rrtitah
nil tlM elh-er certifiratee, of which 4lana In nonheasiem Indiana, la dead Those Id front were thrown down by stewards on temrd the Ft. Louis had
the on-ronOB* rush.
burned the American flay on that ship’s
there nr* ahyut tK.aeo,«N> outatandiny. tbrouyb ex<esajve rldlny of a bicfcle.
(Ixhllny for the d>»r and safety. Only last trip fp>m Bouthampton.
ThaeeiWtll be erchanyed for allver eer-;
Kasetw^^ Keek l.leaA
tUkaMvrf emeMer denomlaatlona, ani
Chlcayo. Jan. 4 - The estimated yrnas erf the rear door, a epaie o(
HMrwHM PlTiM niai.
the platce draih.yed- Aa. awn aa new cariilnys of the H<H-h Island railway probably three feel, was open, and la
Oilrayo. Jan. 4.—Mias Franies Wtllplatec can hr rnytave<l a new aerlee for December are tl.Jtt.Onc an IntTcase the mad niah no .onr Ihcuyhl to open 'ard
returned from Janeeclllc. tVlx..Vat
door In Ita entirely, and 500 people
wM Ice leaurd, Aaalataot ireaauretw at of $Pn.0O$ over the eotlmeted ynjM
strwyyled ihrouxh the narrow apace, tbe evenlny. and It not at .all III, She did
nil of the aub-liwaeur) citlee will be eamlnsa for Ivecetnber, IkW.
not faint at the meeilny Sunday nlyhl,
atPony bartny doc^tbe weaker.
requaeted to eend to Ibe
but was i^verit'me for a m'*ment by the
MANY IMtTa Tl^lHattJ'TUB HlimAP. bad qlmophere In the hafl; reco
Zina K Carter was rlecied i>r««ideni TWIr Uses lOowly OwsM Uel by Ibe Inim^lal
banka, truei comranlra and other mon­
ied laatllutloae to do the eame. Bri-re. ot tbe-i>iiHX<. Hoard of Trade ycaier.
Bratlay Bmmw
tary 'layc dridred the aUlrnirnt made dsy by IW vot.-s.
Many ef those carried diowa by
The weddliic of Min
that In hla ludyment H wa- unaafe for
Halsted and
(alllny Boor were l-«yt.'l4 to U years
boatneea men or utbera to a<vw|it allver to CoPvnel Vespaslac
old. Borne of them manayed to pquirm Twenty-ntnih atreeia and who died
certlftralr* of thla denolnlnatlcm. and In place at CiinioD. Ills.*
later, was killed by acvldenlally fatlcue any w i-r« new on hand they ahouM
Mc.Vulta^has been BpiM>lnted from under heavy twams, where men Ine^roni a Halstrd street car. au It has
could not mow. .Hesplle Ihls a ounitMr
he bank* f>« irannnlulnn reaver <'
b«vn. dlnr»>v<-rrd• U Washlnit.i ____ _
nols In pla.e ..f John C. UcKatA, re. of itieoj were killed. th-1r lives belny
The Wswlwr We
cruihed oul by lbe 'bean>a whk-h yredatyned.
^'AVoniBB nnirr or HLtrD.
WastifiyinB. Jaa. A -Pollnwiae are the
The terms of live reyrau atjhe slate ^a41y setlird upon them, borne down by wealli—
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
ia-nmiloos tor tweaty fowr boon
university and three toyenta
normal ihe'bmvy iron m(r and tlH- steam cu
WsaMhyOsOMeUcat Kan
(nwD s p lu. VMteTdsv: Pair Isdlaw-Palr.
wthotda'. of Wliuvnaln, will expire In lhai had (alien'on tup o( tin- wrwrkayi
enoUietty wlads. Poe DUa Compiete Local FIistor>’Every Day.andf^
Aldermen I'srMthers and Tbvlor. al- B<4s Pairweather:
wmiber: eawtherly wloda. Fbr
Kew Brllaln Conn..
Conn., Janjaij- A-/^heron
A-..TT>eTon Februiry.
Jpouyh injuied and o>vered with blood Mlclilrao t-inn asow; warmer wMOtasr;
sets before its Readers Up-tp-Datc
eallhy retired yiWouMR. Camp, a wealthy
ti4ed-lo serurr aumv fort <if order aad
Hy wloda Ptar WtovostoHirer of this city.
liy. hu come to ibe^m- the iiirrem y. 1va» aswumed hla duti^ .system In the nMcor work, bot the yxy
ilr weather, preceded hy Uyht
in the t'ornmeicisi National bank, of^ '■■III mml was s» ytvat that they could
•rtbaro itoitoi.: wmtjtarir wtadw I
e hu been ________
^t Chicayv. as prraldcnl.
Mualim that he
itih"e«er:y Por lewa—Pair '
ke but lUllr impreSBIiiil »n
of (]t.W)6 throuyh inveatmentt In AJ. T. Rruaji. o( Cincinnati, atlll
wtbwesierly wlqfia.
crowd. ^Ilhouab lhi-|ilat(ormpn which
ieyrd yold mlsie a'oeka. and three other
the speakers ol the etenlny were stand­
Well-to-do ..Sew Urltaln rreldenta, one
lny was apparently ibe first thlny; to
told to be-a n-Ured minister, have U-en
r lu.1l tleld.
ylve way. the mayorV|n-i and many
mulcMe.1 to the extent of *1.(0$ l«(h.
>r Krhaack. yt the CUleyyn poraiiuot marry you. <if c»nrs>-. Wbjr. IgM
The tenowiedy' ol Camp’s transactions lice, will ylve IJP.OOI) in appn-.ved teat aldermen earaped the death that over■•Mik ao many others.
|Z5 a week, while you jpi uiIrBS,”
becsnie piibiK Ihnniyb service of pe- retate u
. le-raon* pnajurlny Mrs.
U'lthin a moment after lbs Boor bad
••Wull.-” be iHTslst.<l piTMMBirply,
peis we ''amp attaclilny property
Luelyert drad or alive.
fallcB In there were ijot n
’’that luakAs
a week, wiw, ioeUi'l
tSl exiem of tlli.KKi In suits '
The net funded debt of Oeealer Sew
it.*"—t9€UwiH>mo Juumai.
hy A. c;■; FI.
- u her and Wewley Bupple. Tork would be tZr.4Sl.UV. and the ap­ three persnna in the hall nn that .
ii.'m of the floor which had hot (allrn.
praised valuation of real estate of the Alderman Nell P<s>per wwa amnny the
entire city Is C.4H.;C3.lie.
druERi'd out of the maaa of
who sold the st.ek -yave the name of
'Tm BpiPR tojwmmiif than footMre. D. E. Bates, the ftrat wife of the bmken beerrs He was quickly cymed
mnds C. ylrwbie. He opraed an tdadjelnlny nsim and In a mumeot baU luDen auuo dkr."rald Tommy,
See In Ibis c-lty In July, end at once blyamlet now on trial at Cbirayo. has
"ao'a t can wear my hair ao kmE-tbM
CtLlled upon Camp and finally Induced been ynniiil a liivor^ for adulieiT. half a d.aeii mure wets keepiny him
blyafpy and extreme cruelty.
Several men lowered ropes (Olka dan’t toll wbatlMr 1 furynt to
him to subscribe (or winie stork.
Dnrlny tbe year ItvT Hk-hlyan cor­
waMi my oedi or mw."—bdiana] *'
Jto an addiHonal incei.uve Camp wu
pti. Fnn^under ibe massed
«aM that hla note for three momhs porations haviny an ayyrayaie capital
'would be recelred for ih. amount, end stock of «St.«4&.llD filed articles of In­ welyht of the br<iki Miiami came cries
If at the end of Xhat Umr the dividends corporation with the aecretsry of elate. for help. Thr windows on the yraonf
Bchmldi' Brua-. ot KupeHur. tCla.. floor were bn-ken In, and tbe'llvl^
LuA—You aboqld rM him 40 aisn
bad not Increased suBlcIrmly the notea
have received a contiacr from tbe and the dead were tenderly |
could Ive renewed- Camp purchas.d
tb« plodce befon you marry him.
Ml of stock and yave
>r tt.WO Eastern MlnnrwoU nlllsrar for erectlny
Balm-Why. be doeim't driak.
and anolber 4. a n.toO. Each waa (or a l($xin foot .marblAC shop at Uiai tion of Ibe wreck nfter the cataatrdphe
Lulu—No, bot be mqy be umpud to
dMclotod the fnci ibat a whole aeotlon
plnoa. .
three months., :;Vi —- • ---Go K later.-^omon Traveler.
m u( bi
k (Irm
brokers. Urable sour
31 Is aeml-oflfcUlly announced at ot the -floor had dropped, the jutsia
afterward cluMd hla oBtee tn this cUy, New York that W. K. Vanderbilt. Jr.. hatlnx been as neaily ctrt oB as thonyh
As Dadoed la New Teak. Jnal before the notes became due. how. has with the consebt of the elder Inem- the rrurk had been deae w tthA saw.
but the Increase of the Circulation Proves that
The hulldlay waa an old one, haviny
"\Yhat U a oonopuiimnr’
aver, be rerunted to New Britain and bere .of hla fanil
been erected in the errtrJBa.'and of
aouyht out l.'antp,
"A ouaDK^mn la a New ToAer
Mias Wicks, of
late years addition^ atprlM bad beer
All tbe pcatoBloea within the (erri^rr placed pn the old frails- In 'the Oraad whohaabtoB ooDviBoed that thon-la
N'ew Tork will remain , ax
iomoefaios RotoR 00 oktaUa ot Uo oira
they were before tbe cmsolldatlOfL 0|>rra House, which adjolnsibe wrecked towa."—GhieaRo Baoemd.
There will be no dtanye until an act bulldiny. tbe first Mt of "The Oiri from
Faria" had just been concluded wrhra'
there are now tU.06$ of Camp'a paper of ooDyresa alters the names.
word waa wbisperefi throuyh the thrato the bands cf tnnncent pahtae, who
The N’ew Yoiic World tekeraphed to tre of the-caikralty. A paak was Tmyye aaeklny to coUecC.
Mayor Harriaon.OfChlcayo.asklBfhlffl mlnent. but wsa aterted by the actors
Ifbewould Issue a permit for a contest or aad nahera. aed the people fiuietly left
Btibkr—Tea. madam, ft ia. b«t «a^1 between Rubert-'Fnsslmmoha and the bulMInc.
fortanaMy aoO aa BUcal aka-Ally
1 in thU cliy that lb* mov^ "Ho.* I J. Corbett The answer '
'ashlnyton. Jan 4.~Amoac thee*
Word has botn receifed at Chfthye
yyad Bartharly advaaea ot tha. dare ftom Darwia MeJIrath and kM wua. ateltted topractleeintheOnliedStates
aMah. a»« (hat thar do aet tm^ aa hitytfai. who Jiad been mMa*. Th
antoML who has bmi for w tosay
-----------'"AKoa fa tha diraettoa ot
-I'm my. bat I tenat
wriuta tram
«m Kirahbl yraia chalrraaa of tbe latarauta eora-

forcm th« Gevfmmwit to Call
in S26.000.000 of Silvor Cortifleataa.

Hotel Whiting^

FIIIDir. JUUlRr 7Hi. 1(98.

To Young, Midjile Aged, and Old Men

DRS. B. S.&CO.

Loik Box 160.


Printers’ Ink Says:



The Morning Record

Poplar Illustrated Features.



■ It Costs Money to Dolt

ne BEGORD Hu i fiiened Seit in tie find WMil
Advertisers Profit by It.

toy ted flaaztoti.—R]

I .


litp Myi pipi.
Pint Round dT tho Rfht for «ho
CHilo Sonatofship Hu Boon
0>i iilBK^AH Mm>0
2^ *P»-k-r
tta Umr

OfiU liU ppUiaM'‘b ‘’aa d^prty oU
laapartnr. «a accootit of th« tov*nxn*B
aoUadr tm the waatorlai «oniMi. Tbr
reatCBalkw* «T Jadpr Kaata. ColoMl
Moat* Md 0«« wMT aJI pnmipUr »f*
fcy^oT r«<«red a wJe•ran rmd WanVn. rradla*: ‘Tnunbull ooiAtT aad Wntrni fUOm-« aill
not Btaad rour trtcUir to lb* RrpubIlrail ’paltx." ThU waa ■tenrd br (3ro.
Rinllh. OaoiV* Wuf>
fipld. Moiijtb Bro«rBle« aad Harry allbrrL ADotbar rran -Touaiatnnt told
(be •otreiaer thai "All ybar Republkaa frirnda here r«rr«« very much that
rou ahould aaeni to be fomlag aa alUaaoe with Dennoata aitb (he purpuae
of defMUnc the
our party."
t emi another frotn Gljrrta my» that
! "It la the voanlnoua oratlnent of

IM .r UatUw tM
Columbua; U.. Jul «.-Tbr MiiAiorUl
eoBtf«( la th» ohiu IfCtalUai* ht« broo(B» daapfT^. Tb* romblM ol wa
uU-Uaau ^pubUcaiu vltb ibr D^n•Gfatlc a^twn
t and again yaaMr*
day Id orggnlalng buth braorbea of (be
agjlslaiure In (be (ateiaat of oppoNtkm
ta the re^aHlon vf Senator Banna.
Ibere are two lODre dated tor tana of
• be held (omumnr nigbt and tbr
>alnt balloting (or aenatur «na a-aau
. treni tomorrow. With tba cemplleatUtna of the Ibglalallve urginlsaUuti and

1 wUb IMce lor a gold Dereoctat
for aeoait.r raihuTi than be beaten
bJ- a
r nrill
fMa allrer Arpt
doanyihlna elae but fight U out.
takea ail wirter.
■we TbeirBao-a aa (be i-eepte.
M'bll* the} are not nblr (o gl%r n Ual
long enough W elefi they rUlm thai
Hanna la alrangrr than Boiaell nnd
the other regular RepuMlean enndJdate# la the organlaatlon at the ieglalaiure. and (hat (he »pp<«lti«n*haa n«t
OBougb ‘voiea (i< a>et-( a aeamor. The
'Hanna nan ennerde (hat they hare loot
t^e pomar of the orgenlutivn of both
braneban. can nanr nu (^airman, place
, no inembem on dealrdbla eomrnllle^.tor
dispone of an> other aiate taironage.
but they hare carried the aar Into the
home oountUp of the ‘boltingRepul.r
Ikon m^iiera. ahd espcK t the. aecro.
nary ebancro la-fore neat Wedneadai
night, at
dentand of the "b<d(«M- "



Tbd^lar gnpptaMoD that a peUaa
«ea« la naaar. nareron band wbao ba la
vrankd aiM (hat the aoiiDd of alarm >a Ui
aWma] of Vrtrwi ncelenj a mew* a>eek
ty ratal' pwid or (iw.Uttie Olaaaad ■ ban '4lie> sleay of Hirgeant Howaid'a
ebaaa afMa ihn murderer Bobaa wa«
pubUnhad a few day> ago
8arguui( Howard, with (we loads in his
"flow vcf7 hard it U to praride for
a yotiB*. faN ««urinji family eowadai^r' add the tnolbrr abark. turning.
f(K (be bvudttOlb time that monlng.
upon b«r btiiild aide In orin
get •
better view o4 urbat night baatining
ibnra For Dearly a «red( abe bad beta


Loyers of fiftipi}

Will be pleased to know
that we have seenred .
short stories by the fob
- lovlxts famous authors: '

»t^|Bret Harte;

Mooped an aampnl uiuiili'iei with tbn*
wraponi am) -ualliultod gmmoolUim. la I
out tbe first aSkrrwba baa gobs with
open H-ea Into danger qimI bm penditod
agaiaal-grea'i prell fur the mVe o( Uh- law.
Other wmimof anlfonushave pcrlnrinad
almllarir nany (<«U and bare mada the
torn U mililrf lo
r«. d IbdriaCr d il» cld. ol..
tmm rlitvr alar B aiju of \ak>r
itpiai O-the «r.pi»l_
stripped .
As. [«if InstaiHT, Tom Orinafiy.
n«nWr of
.1 Ihe
ih. leglaihlute
idUUid. elected ”*•
d • -*««
every member
Onushy was a patrolinun la the day*
upon the BepubUtwn HcdMC" Ibis Is wlihla Tbw. by dint of tbe SDergy <d
atgited by Judge Syr, of the oommor iber iDhBdve abonldera. b«g 14
whan the police dcpariineM of -the Hty of
pieAS court; Rdlior Johnson. o( The iflOgtb hod fivWnld rowi of triangnUr Omaha was first gladdaBod by tM gnuBaporter. and tweMy other prominent tectb. aba ligd lagnhged to aecnre a re- abaaora--iriBnm." Kawndays ibv patrol
Republicans. The Republican glae Hub. amcubls Droportlun of tba spoil (or tba wagon has iu own craw just tba aam-- m
af Cuiumbua^which gained a reputa­
of her own bnge tnaw aa Aralirpad u«ln—iu coodunuw to convey
' pribooer (OLtbastotlna wish profav dation In the last praddentlal-mtmpalgn well aa for t*» up keep of the IdAvk
1^—but at tbM tUue
tUua the gsrii ili
ilty ter
and aang f..r Rualmell and J<
tba laat stale ounpatgn. Usi night Uaga that war* now natlsMly-iUrtiDg a oundimlor Was not koourn. and i
I Is and aw cd tbelr boay
*i the tar -nwUng offiorr nalc «n the elty iail with
the raltelt ami bH|iei tha swuiwt the desk
r In the tnauguml eger- and of bur oapacions tbroak
Within tba iBiMsdinta gang* of ber
A the affoote. Unuaby wae night
rleea «e*t Monday.
busy last lilglit. glanoeaTaK
akhdow ofaaound a ^
■Roth fartluna
looking after tbe wMa, Irtugularly ahapad ari» id Abe l«» • "‘lag sarloiu offcosa UarajK-re. a
tbe aatl'Hanna
-niB and the Tianna blatiug ——I-I-* il-wai ao (■!■ that ««•< glnnlof • mao. Mf enough to eat
figuring hoa lo c«-nllnu«- (be earn* .1^ shatimr wiamod wtorlanarr In tha '
** Ikree oedlnary pollo-mcn. Tha
palgfi. The Utter lasuw) an addi*aa la
a-, m I
.**" ?■***»»
e for apeak*r was not a ertierlun by llagmd oanwstly,
Mlixg fit well *• i<B8 erperteee gavu
luea- i ^ B koowledg* that from the mbegpreming( (be | kUOoe
kuooe O
of aoeb gbadow««aiDe fond dropHaas ware a-(i (ha si
beller (hat the Repv
come plug dot
■P solid -<T aearly • far tha eaucuBI ■lly alive
iwbat Impatiaatly abe wandered a(.(be •f auMst nkagnlfiecntfight. TIh< tiulse of
fU-Benalor Hrice In reaponae _ "'-Jleog
... , ,«,f (im*
oam (bat
u»» ber
oer liitla
si.u. bloa aod go~^
1 nerved. by [I

Tba inimiiabla.
bad a muoaenpt rejactad.





Suits to. Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.

S.R. i>ockett
‘AntboV A ■•TbaStiiAU Miaiitrr.'* Tbe Mas of tba Moaa


BeSe Moses
tbe giitad Georgia woman who
wrote ••TbayD.aiforeoptaa.-

Roto Rarr
WeE known as “Lakn 6barp*'e(
tbe Detroit Fra* Press.

re CewpaaUtMriBg

ercEZBCfiO «bon '*
isaew STvparad U)jrt»* tkv rUlwe* of lUa

Gy Wartmn


"Vr TTanna^ has a field of hb
own. and be'is master is iL''~
Pbiiadalidua Ptosv

Grul lj|Mi t lodim E. 1

Izora C Qiandler .
Anist'and Mtlm oT ‘-Vba Thm

n. was an ai-ldcaii abncBt fros BU gi«.i.siuiinl«K^lukai.dnstbvloosttDad
■«) OT*T (he bsuDcbas of (bs
' I ate
trtn (bat
that ibe
abe gut
got ^nU
unit* fiw-sy. but while boto»atr.wdy narroiai hecause of (bo ua^
• ------------usual cUmor----------u-hlDd,—
IIhtnn. Umt bniPtl
I aboMjmiadfrrtfully.
abafiageladtrrtfally. withmanytwlioh-i
Pratsal teal fraw ClerelMd.
.. v. -w

I alga
a to "‘Tbs OhalB.'
Cleveland. Ja».- (.-The prasideni aad , ^Jtoe^ibo'piioCiiih tfi* a
aecretary of the Tlppecnnoe club, the,
a along, da j
big centtwl Republican orgaalaatton of |
i Tbar*-a a Iwnptd fat porknl».»l aa big ^
,t,„ ranaw.y mM fiaah'ed nnItta city.wsuteTday rent tbe fnlloartng I
• - over that
u abi|>
w. a Oer the gaeligbi and thci

r bend bangl^
telegram lo Sefiator Butke and Rrpre. 19* ri**".
**'' S»ellghl and then fllttod Into the
1 don’t quila utdentand why ii darknesa beyonU tbe ronxea. triad to stop
aenutives' Mason and Rramley. the
three "boiling” ItepuhllcaaB from ihls doaan'CalakrbDtit ia good. 1 nibbled ; Mm-taain.-bBl hefoi* they could get to tbs
county; ‘Tbe offleer* of the Ttppacancv iuitaD mb. aad.yod uan ba sure this aaatee of tha
club eapresa tor tbemaelvea and Ibe Ume that it is no bagful of dndera Ulta
BepubUcans generally ihroiigluuit th- that nasty mouthful that gave yon the
«y dlaupprovwt at yeur atfiloa la not obeatnrba ao laid (hit. mcniuig.'' The
AUtmays ni Law.
atandlng>-by-tba lhatructhins
iBtttgpaitof (his euKgvtic axurdhua
mvaotlonB. The
I'^nty nnd state
The auiierlor taganlaallun of the op- mHnbera of the clob are very in­ was ioae upem mother shark, being ri«w. fi<mr the hMtla hetwMai abe two O^eto to Motoagwa mack. tasetaaOMp. MM
poaltlon aaa abuaii In tbr euaiblne yea' dignant." A telegram »a» also seat to dnrwad tn tbe waA set up by bm !m« waged In ihenamiwe '
trtday ar>uitag neaHy all of Ibr doubt­ Ooveruor Kuahaell eipresaing disap­ greM luilfln. whidiwnagoiiig iDgruBd itfcasanu of «fa<> pntn-l w.
ful tPtea. The opi-oaltloh haa bad an pointment at hia poetilon l8 the aena:ing ber off at sacb a rate : bulk of the nrouasd mauk urcUng,the
Bimy of vnraer* here Cor a veeh, with lorial coatevt. Two members nt the
r tbran atrag^era if 4be fum- • ■‘mreb gHt and ooum* td Om.sUy. tiw
detachmenta that kept
commiiteevd the Hob to Biyange tor a Uy Imd to Aip like ahrimpe 10 gat intpuhlrtana The apednl tnUa to Oovemor Bushaall s dpore
oBe of Uie doubtful
CJ M. gBOWM, Aumver a
befora they war* loft behlsd and |
of_u» Mn««ng>dta-iaan. »«i at
the. atate bout-- Inauguration, have resigned and the
oppuatllon marched
‘ I be Hong on. Hw prtwMwr iHwi to (brow
Ubl ,
tn line Ukc tma|«. aad worked for trip will be*nbandui>ed. It Is aald.
htnigbta > au arrow to tha mark w
weeks like aoldiers under ordera. They
With bis own
bmoi.aad thrgigaoik' 10. HcrcaBUlc Oe. Hnck.
a (be meat Oesr lOa «
bad tboir I
swept loto tba rimdow, whm. aura ‘ prlaD(sTeaut«twl evaty effort oo reaching
CslM (‘pea le Uel (MT Ihs BAaih.
'Upuaual manner because of the ronl)-'
dance ta their oTtamlhBi;on. 7^
QuIbct; HIw.' j*n- 4.—Suit has been
auilace. though ganUy lilMd aland daugbteru of the managers of ' Uk commenced by Edw in M. Harertonti and
out cd water evoy now and thin.
comblRr" iMieured choice i-rats la a4' ether aaatera clstiaanta to recover poa%-ani-e In the legislative halla, awaiting 'aesston of ihouaands of scree of farm 'lOh. do look, niaminal Thera's a big
- the arrival nf the antl-Kanna hoata Urdu In Adama. Ilaocork' Warren. fiab. b be gotejl to Mt
and tbr moat elat»rstc (Inrwl designs
' Ibc hono- by iu dltobaigc.
li* mate, "but
polkMoaii. mngnlting his own to­
toin. lOt. UB
wye on hMd for (he o<-tai<li>n.
......... ........... .
—---------— : the polivuiaii.
other rountlrs In thU stale. It ai-peara , ^
now!" Aabeapoke tbe - fi-rlorlty to atrrngtb. With a Jvrk of bli
ntxiko nKKHS T«t BP. PKRSOhAl.
that Richard Bmlth lived In *me>gb. I
Urteeie a 1 wrist threw tbe weapon vni tnmi him. It
Member* Hf«la OMttiw to Tbalr Ward
u>Hy of the


Kerbert D. Ward



The feeling
e routine
legUiatlve proceedeven In the
Kepresentatlvr Itrainley. ol
Clrvrlaad.' ImrtKluced a bill to repaal
the fifty-year fraiM'hlae law tor afreet
miaata Ui ahk-h deuaurr Hanna U
Urgriy •nterceied. BmnUey la a
traiKK- obi. has large inn-.traeta u
< the municipal admlalslratioa of Bayar
M-'Klasua, and other membera frotf
Cleveland oho are aupporting Hanna
arv aald ti- have measures ready foi
ebaneva aail invtallgailons at ^evebind that would-BaH.t Ittamley. Rep-


daughter. Mary A. Fmllh, and after
thHr deaths a vast -amount of property
to the tlim-ils rallllary- tract reverted
to the daugtoer’a children. If any. or
hto nalitral h»-ir*.
boon after HmKh'a death his wife add
daughter deeded all the llltoola proper­
ty to Bltan T. Orrea fui a compars-

Chicago —
West Michigan.
IS. a-ie- U.‘a. u.

» friu^ with I
nhle patnta-J
oogotry road which hwds to thh (or*
Ilk* cbovanfi de frise and aaI big as tbe on the bidghu four lullcv awwy. The dangip of a ccwl rmk. Arannd it Ibe anmU teci
uci of a htnad. cUmi
ckM laldnlgbl
luidnlgbi street was
I^lot circled eacitedly at toj. -fpeed. many Itoics mulr1|iUed on the narrow dir*
Slowly tbe tnaio Aa g(Btly abeknd away, nisd. cut It gullliw and (nvkt-n by rtdgca.
danger w«rocd .......
ther* was a gulp, and (be Ug Joint dia- Itai allI tbe
appMTod. Tbm W n flaab. a aptadi wwl toe ardoMf toe landing mea ta tbe
blue wapet). Orcnstiy. beard the bolkiw
aTm^^^l**^*****’*?'- Then Ibe rope ntUeb.d to toundot Tbeir tBawgvutor wooden Mdgea
alnre quii-clatmed
dIRerent tracts have ebanged tarsi'!
bands' tJwibfifk hook ouDcenll
, . to
. 1.(be port .andfvhthccwiw-olngoflbeblgvDhlolea*
Ar. m fiapl
UfHtUmatiuln. l,.,n^{^gld,.,oeide. Motimnurily
many ^llmea. Rmlth's wKe-dlrd long Ignaned or^tfaerai) ultfi
ago, the daughter died later It the I |‘*lAy af( tbe watch. '' Tuared tbe j h,-aught diszy giimpeaa of i^gbt toinpe
aow'i mkto. nod amid tba tmapl
__ ________ itt imm ftmi
beyp. _.
hton have oomidred
fnk,ababelo(41rt«UoMADd*treBwu- lihcm
iHwioOisai over MO preweat eecupn
I ddns tnmnlt alongtdde. tbron^ (be ! yHpliut at (bv <Mt*. whicb. roused from
.4 (be moon, tolled bblad
e€ large fanaa on the ground that thvir iwHthtoga of ibotopdTe nmoatur. abe --““"l'^
been ftvnocMly p
frenzy Into (be
Ude Is but (be U(r ewi
• w;y transferred forward to tbe lee gang­
film Jo aopt-irl Hanna.
ttcki:1a. abe wall boistodont of water,
limow beforo
hall was uiu-iwl tha
A* eflMt haadayl^BM M, t*T,
Juan, uus cbatrmaii of Ihe commltta*
I at Ueaala This goto
'“DoD’t Mkablmatnnrd.'' cried tbe [w^q with lu aUnxlani ctomur was toalliMo'eleeka a.
oo-.r«wlui<.<«s III ihal wunty
~ ’-------~ ■ sWe ibclltowof tbeKsrrtwni aad-----------Neb.. Jan. (.-W. J.' Brran ' oaptois. ''kUke euok an tol.-----Uvo.' Slid ' declared himself then for
000(0 IIOBTm. '
In l.inMiln atog o'clock this if yon da JoetsiwitBailynrdbtmaDd let
Hanna. 4 i-e .-^red a
very ativag Cuhaa renduUua inai la to evening, iwu daya lairr (ban originslly : aim gongua’’ boa pieoe of aoantltog
tM.TraT»imOliy.ii<* tkMri
acMuled. I'atoaa the preaeni. pro- 1
g^t from tlm emtpmva. pUsted at
OunriU t irllh liai
VaKlSD-Tor als ■Ur haal Nr
baa gurwtMB la the amate.
wbkh. with a last bdmttoninem of kick­
taUie hc«ti. i.f Fulton injjmy. who
ing M *(*"•- br->k» away and diaapprond
voted »Uh the -comMite” y^erday Hryan TraveUng t
down OfllciTs- lyw. Hanging and Hauarranged • diraer Ir
npd Is opi-ming Hanna's rr
tbe Hngh-trrea and the shaMeewd
Usrod that Iw will uUllse this
wae.alau Inatriiited by
to partially declare his fulurs toteatbe rouniy (i.nvvMK-n that n-eni
him i>f toon's cfartlluenla yes­ Ilona more eapeclally the rumor eonA VOIKO HAK wtshM place te stork (or kU
terday ‘had toe Fulum cH.unty, (.-nven- :/*e. ling him »Uh the
tl Derourrailr nnini- paetural flua, ietttog (be quirerisg
A bo^ ^ mwM -M. B**alr* al,
for cvngivss to this district next csss fall toto tbv aea ugaiu by tbe auo•»oouma •»«
Uon's-tew.luUcns tnibltobed here to Ihe
luiwl poiwr*. Itoth sides sp.-M laal ! <*'*'
ple expedital-of cbopptog tbe buok out. ____rushing and'fouad ibem goey and
nighi IR rluae --onf-rvint-*.
"Wbat ubumtoable rrnelty," oiuttorvd
Aaether Atbtoto b Daed.
tajtered wbrro
they wtw
bad m
Btilni. the faig
*■ onv wico
ebangea that are to-ins auuglit
Lanatng. Mich.. Jan. 4. ~ Henry L. A goille faoed man amung tbe cgowdL Iman uncmarloUB from toeei
Aftdpaled .from the n prca-ntatlv^
. ^jlick
,Orm»by grtuatog wdakly through tbs
n<-<krr, vt JI-ai»Tla.' dh-d here of a IstsKfi^ as be tuned away
owreded thai
to-naler Baiilc.
But uie
(be u
buitUng aeaiaaB looked
biuud as toe lamplight (all oe him.
heart. tnit
df eumaota brought oa by I, beurt.
/ do* of th* Repuhllaan avnalon frean cwnbmaiion
thtoV 'euld
••xn^re training for ailiicUe itoorls. ,Ipltytaglyat him.
________ _
____- ___
— . tbe mlHtaiyjnan
/. Ctevelaad. who has not yet appearod.
will to- here In vote against Hanau. H. pus aa agtl- ultural roHese eenior. 1 gt hi* Uck of eptPttog iDittocto. Ibn* I after tbe poUeeman
''You re hand^tsl.
Bis att-mey y^terda) pr<-senir4 his
oertlflc-ate of eleciiioi to Ueutrnani Miii..n 11. tta.n-d h.rd. but not dl*- bjig^ly in usoeRulb dtiectiou*. naaUe
1 he lulghl get agun to my bead sod EMl-Kortopan. »-**•
Covrrnur Jonea )uM before Ihe arwaie,
me M him r>. and to be sura that
' convened If Hanna Is no atronger In
eativ .. wesmCttf ber faithful UttkmtellJu. borouMn'tget away, no matter bowks
4he house than the Rozwall Uckst was «nvsk<-*l
I and a j*»bo^ bad Aliaortaibauated himself *y Uoked nm. 1 snapped tbe Irons on him
■ ri rears
‘ yaalerdat. \-hea Itoxwell received U
leapiug up ut ber aa abe bbi
laud nwwhro 1 saw be wa* doing we.
icn of phyi
votes and Mason H for spealrr. then
Ita» In Ibe buR71 got bU left baud looked
Hanna will have only T« voles on yuint
to my right, and bo kept right ab pulUng
ballot. and'Tl an neeman to elect. -|‘rto*n.» iv-ytta- Hats Tlwls Msae.
of b«r wondwiajr trood. bo up too WDob fight for mv. HUlTu dUn’t
Noiwlihaiandlng the reonlu on tbe or-'
ITimvl-o .V. J-. Jan. 4.-Feo(emo
eand from tbe view of Bi* worry um mueh, fcr 1 knew that c*«o U
ganlsallon of both housta both aldCa tVeui. at I’l'
nwiiy. aald yea
1 was Allied he oouIJn't get away- I
laegbiag. happy ouwd oa deck. But (barw toe keya away wuh my gua."
aaem e<)uaRy confident la cOalnfing tbe
annatoisblp on jolat ballot
be dosed per- whkBerorwhy ^ ra^ed she always
to tbe anrfaaa lanaptly, becorreci. He aald toe '
report grow out .uf toe fart that the -tauaeof'^'^^lotMrbahd. 'Tbas for •aata uf figbUug. lookad adwtriugly M
ihaUUlemrubafanoUaaiaaa. ^
grill room bad.been closed for a week, h^undaidtbt abe i
“Would yoBmtod.''*e«Harod(Mmtl>y.
was not an unusual occurrenoa wlibal'
■ ■ cuM^ amatfing viluBty
' Icttiug ma pau tola fellow to yuur «ua(dTb* feeltog uf tbe Rep
peat up ifi ber
tnty against t^
bousetUl our ebbf cornea ooieogvtuaf
bera srbo vuud for (heir caucus a
I'U bats to go wUh him os amount of
tnenw la epanly exmwssed agalOK OovI ly abe ftdl 'to wdth a couple of c«y«aoas thei araor BnabacII moretoan agatnai Kurta
Csto^i See tbs Teas isar
or xRhar Hepublleaas a bo comblasd
Washington. Jan. 4.—Th* monthly
nrttb tot Democraia. Tbe Bute J<
' by th* director of the •Mfiga. they leD wpcB btr.
Ml, toe RspubUcan organ uf ceptxal mint shows the total coinage ut tbe bard tb(7 aowra. Martog their way
Ottwhr be eur
Ohio. prlfiU a large picture of toe gor- Uultod fitote* mtou during December
m kla own qbai •tern (or M|teklng.
tbrougb tbe tougb (rnmairark until aa.mor with u IMUT}- talaek boidar. Some
rallewa; OoM.
bandecii«aBd tying «p.-CkkMgo BeofrojnuU
Repubileau tfiuba have caon-iisd.toetr
; mtoor eofaa.
•ngapement *f quarters bere (or toe la- tlt;.^CTl. T%« silver dollar* ooHied motley multitod* <fi vaitoM bungty
IMagtoWtaA•Mi dasBcd up ereey Axu^
tbe walouguratlOD exercises next Monday, and umbunted to >1.eM.tW.
many ptoteaU are being received at
cum* bansnet. Uhviug calybba deserted
tbs euic houae. CoIobH IC'W. Moor*,
pilot Mi.heak anedbm {onnag.—Itotdos
9ulacr, Illa. Jan. 4 -The firm uerto
of MaHetia. SBotoer appointee of Oovpeople to tkU ouunny lire on wmd. Xhu
•raor Buahara yeatarday iwMmed as gacF OU to* MW Omaha. Xaama City
“W«B, to* Uwye**,'Ike Arawffon. tbs
truaiee of tbe atoto tosuM ogylum at and Kasiem roud was filad yeeierday.
Altboogb ONumbHuna
wuA agaBto toe limit aaui eoUcltor* and
la for IUAM.1M and ouvan all properuatto (ka^u
Jmeph a. Oeat. uf WatolagtMCouR 1 ty- A new minioa doUar bridge ts to he
Impocii at M
louse, a JtarubUMA effltor. diau tau-| bum at'Qutocy.







unsra auNtnunniLi

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