The Morning Record, September 18, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 18, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



.Y/arfae^}nroo:iz jVTia.sOM siffr '

MC^MNO Rmimi);

laoH, smiaii.ssFTEicBEB le^ use.

DiSill lOfi SPAIN

MAT wm A nnt&
ObatooUa Vh^» JCoy HlMor tko«^

X>OM Vot Want PUUpplnM

John otelfiaB»<W»<l DohJ

la Bfiowloc baiter that
war ia««tbtestfedwlUbaoMrtete. Utaprote Ou af MmJritMtM 'Moma H
TiMiWI «tet Mm« 'M Xawl Md •btethdto Jetek-oanlttao tea <ba Onad TnrMM O^riaka l«d«M^
bosM aad aasate say ha pweteted.
roMlMr ^ Wbato Anht9*l«
Tha Utsable wlU ba la
•p*i> FMk VmquI «• TMk of
■ teaUfjr. Oalpar«7«
Of Ste^Hfcua to tfarrteoHte-ao
OormlMC VadOTolopod bloadi


oimatotrawiinaOttFtB 1«»4.




Btamorod that Bobf ehiMteao Von
Kilted aad a Vsabn kFoaodad,
Athaaa, Saptsmbar I7.-U la raaaradthatatacrlbteooodtet bolwaaa teoarad aaar Oaadla. Aooocdter to tha
r^ UBj Ohiteteaa wara kilted aad


SO Front Btnet
0ASXH9 FOft ««JK aiVSKS.

«0«M «* *n MMRH taMo.
^wtardaj aftaraoaa abMt 4 o>el«te
ModtO.So^ 17>-^»<of«
tba oMBiaaaHp waa ahooM bp 4ho aaDawaoa ttty.
OOM teothMflfoto do« Mt i__
of tha BBddaa 4aath of
ao7 of Uo PhiUpvUM if >ho mMMot i» Kc Ohte^ Oapttaltete Hava Vafott- doha OtaiUek of SorttevOIa.
Raw York. Saptotobar II.—Tba Baltolo tbo Waaiof Imoo. Tho iilooaM Onat Traahldao
irop^ dead apoia the laws at kli rw* ratios armp boa aateUtebod borra^
ideaoa wlU bat aa laataaVa waratat- la Dawaoa dtp, Atealto, Aad ara 'cacakM
MlaoM Bartha Haddaa. Harr Baatar ter (or alok aad dlatranad
Now York, Saab 17.—It la rapwte
MOB Hu Soilod.
oa Wall atTMt that P. D. AnaMr. Mar- aad dialla Yoftfaoar Wore rUUar bp
■baU FMld,KorAaa & Eaaa aad othpr Ua Oremefc home whaa thap met Mr.
Hoir York, oopc 1?.—Tho OklM Ohloafo eapliaUato hara bea^ht tha Oralllek roiac to
hpiUhar of fraah ' _________________
Bam<aara aad Ohio railroad
thayoBartedtea teto hla fardaa wbara
aad wm oteaUte a saw iraaa
Batwaaa'Tha Waate aad
« of plama.
“wo ■
^ tha proddMt Md eoMoat,"
aad arpad them
Tba BlUtea dallara la eaah «
tlH«ch» BotUar wmU oooar «o pn- price battarad to ban baan paid.
Uem. The poaar ladtea tbaerfallp aaLeaden. Btyt 17.—A dtepateb to Ua
l^tedtaMrieo. Soutar Fit* wu
aaptad Ua laTitattoa aad Uap all Dallp Tblapr^ from Carlo aapa Uat
lhap ban laada JaoMa J. Hill, pi
daal cd tba Oraat Northara rUlway.tha atartad to aroaa Ua Uwn, wbaa tad- OaaaralBrBarbertKii
^ Tbm korA^M so sow dovolop'
daatp Mr. Oraaiek aoaptetead
dwoftho Aapla-Btyptiaa axpaditSen
MBtaiatko^tutioo. OablsMaM* af thaapataa.
ttwabte WlU bte heart aad aald that ka to tbe Soadaa, iatoode to eaad aa alU'
Waosdpwu owiiiwinoora ora wy
mate* to itajar Marabaad. tha Fraaeh
Tbty ban Uaa «alaad for Obteafo Uoacbt ka had batter pa aad 11a do<
A mteato later be dropped to Ua ofioar who la aeaapplac Faahada. daaad Ua NorUwaat what ia praetieallr
lad. Tba ladtea were fripbtoaaa naadlap Uotte qalt Ua ptaoa forth­
akUMtetooaaaatooaoaa. eoa-:
ttofto^baUaf U WaaUartoo ool- traUod ty Chteaco eaptlal.
aad aallad tor balp. Temp BbeoUp with. 1/UaFraaakopaatra an Ua
. lidasftkaaoblBatdroleAMUMpaMa
aad Bam (tea ware paaetef ta Uo road Bairlteh. it wUl be lataaklp ratanod
ad mlttod
lan axoaet, oadar tbefrUaad raapeadad pnnptlp te Ua oaUa af aad Faaheda win baowaptod bp tin-:
Ua parahaaa had baaa aiada
«te«etteaa,taaaa<ra tha eaaalaa of tha
the ladtea Mr. Orailtekte brother Aa- oral Kltohaer.
tehete Pkmpplaa arahteatefa.
Ihoap. who Um aaxt door, alaa harThameratepPeothaaa otmllor dtetha Alteatte to tha ntaUa. aadar on
teaeqaattiM abaattbalr daaaadfar
rtad erar, aad Ua nca ptekad ap Ua patah from Oario. It adda that Oaabha iatead of Laaoa. aad it la baliarad
teraa of tha atrtokao
oral Kltehaar te aba^tatp
that hpaU wm aat aara to
lato Ua heaaa bat U^ taak waa to claim Faahada aa IpppMaa toiritha ctwwaaaat at (ha othar aad teaa
Btofal Ufa
Tom for Botytiea of Iktyte CM#
Mra <teantefc waa dowa toWa at
olal, nUltarp, aad raUrloaa laflaaaaaa
Parte. Saph 17.—Tba BUo da Parte,
. Oaaood ewe Kanban to droaro
Ua tlma bat wbaa ate rataraad to Sad to aa arttete oa the attaatloa la Africa,
aralathalaUada(Las<>a. W baa that
Fraaoh Babtoet
brrhaabtad dead ate
aapa that Oanaral KItUaar woald aot
Otharaar ralaaa to
Paria, <te|it. 17.—Ata naetter of Ua
dan Ire apoa Uc Fi ewah aadar Majer
«IbUltp (or a atobla aad hataaaafoa- oabteatntektarato^ltwM daddad aallad bat Mr. Orallek waa bapead Marcbaad at Faaboda, far Fiaaoa U ba­
aid. Bap
wraeaaat la tha». Ra athar powai* to aabnlt Ua donaaoata of Ua Orapbied Uat (area for pood or bad. BaptoaoommMoatoba aateetad of bte death, heart diaaaaa. lUp la. ud Ua
laad. Ua paper daelaraa, meat oaaeaBt
iHbaea baaa u paan toaiiBertqwaaaoafenaw aalcaa aha
Caited Stataa wm aaoaa. (ha wbola bpUamlataterofjQBttea, IL Sarrlas.
Mlalatorter war. Onatal Zartfadaq, of ape ee Ua ITU dap of aaxt DaaaoaYha Praaldaat. U la aald, aa1 te raadjto
aad tba mlalater of MbUe wborha,
Hte aoa Walter, who te |
'nUapa.teft befora Ua oeaaeU adjooratbaiaapoaa'Mlltp far Ua |
partof France, aa tha i
of tha PhUipplaaa. If tbep i
ad, whlsh la latarpratad aa aecaalar ladall*—•- ----- ------------- Faaboda woaU eaaaa Ua dewatell af
UatUapdonetacraawtu Ualr eol it te doabtfal U ba eaa ba raaehod te Uapp
taaranlatha aatur aad lataad to tlma to oome heaaa for Ua teaarsL
Liberto aod LaTampa eoataad tte
W. A Andanas waa oailad to look
Faaboda waa open to tbe drat eowt
K te rapartod aow that tba war part- after Ua arraapaneata (ortho teaaial,
Toaafolte will be offered to Oaaoral Ubroa
naral Da Fnptaiit, aad if Uap ra- dap. Tbte aad dnU ramona owa of tneal when Joke L. dtoddacd te poar
Warty of WoBoa Vaat to Kaka It
Ua ptewaara of Ute r^oa. whaaa
faaa to accept. M. Brteaoa wm ata
Warm te Man Oak
affect of h
bia^^?Aroqa4^ Wortd^
tba datln df mlntetar (or war la add!- (riaada bare baaa laptoa tar maap caaaatbe________
ired. What
______a work
. _ ...
tin to Ua prantertbl^ aad IL TaSa paara.
hope aad ptrla Uiaa octalap wiator
Starila. Mleb., flapt. 17.—tetyau wm be appolatad mtateter of Ua te’---------' *■
o teom Aaatria with craalapa!
Blaiabaoch of tba Panaaa baak la tarter.
bte (aUar te tGtl.Undiap te New Terk. ehaato U
hlphaat form. Panaa Ua
teiT Oak haa Bade a alataaaaat that
Jelp 4U af Uat peer.
la 1«$4 tha riabaatt aad blpbaat
tU andltonof tha bank woald la aU
temllp aaaie to Travarea Cltp. aad Mr. bipad.
reUek, belli,
^baUUtp raeain lO aaata oa Ua
w mill at what te now NerrteviUe,
Taraad Dowa te Wapaa Ooaaty Oea- two ml______________
mllea aorU of Ue oltp oa tha bap
, Apartyofa
a waat to Paraoa'a
a talWl
ta IHl aaotber mill waa bolltoa
▼ntioB. Ke Daelaiaa Ka will Oo
Ua aame loeaUoa. aad Ute waa apaie Belt, extra fiir of panto, eap to amteb,
i If thaj coold rat
Arateat Flarraa ter Ooraraar.
rebaUt in 1177 bp Ue Gralllck Broa. •bin. silk Ua. aiapeadere. or belt.
bold of hlB Uty waald haac him.
John aad Edward. GoUard atoeklapB, haadkerehlef, all for »3 7B.
Fataoai te.atUl la bad aad thap ware
aralliek' «kmrdte 1871 bp Ua fhU At 8 Beads A Co.'a of eooroa.
Datrolt, 8epL 17.—Mareoa Polaakp of Ua baorp
kept oat of tba boaae.
of a apUedrirar
Tba caab la Ua eatdta hw baas waaaatdowaoa hard bp Ua Bapnb- •taUe
“Goodrieb- daek,
bat ba wbara D. B. Carter'a mill and faetorp
ooantad aad it waa toaad that
- ra now laeatod.
waa WM oa baad, alUonrb from Wlt.Tba Arm cf Orelltek Broa. baa been
narrea aad teateta Uat oaa of it
CDO to •lAOOO had baaa dapoaltad la tha
It proaparou aad aaecaaaTba tel tembarlap enoanu te aortbwa
teat (awdapm. Fataoaa'ana k^ the
M1cblesa.ha*lairopantod aoraral mllla
boaka of the baak aad waa oMhter.-bot
at di Sareat poteta on aad near tbe bap.
Fanooa kept hU owa privau baaka
venela aad tape naad te
blmaalL Tbeae prieata booLa hare sot
aettea wiU Uair 1
baaa pcaiad for aUmoatha aad It te
aa aotira, eawpaik
aatbartoFtebaBald at Tanpa. Fla., OreUIlieh waa
and bte daaU wUI M ai
tmpaaalbU! to tall aajtblor aboat %

CORTR01MI.«O. n.





Ooad for Finn BaWw.
Good for OaaarSrtyStap-

Oaa.B AIB.B.






at Oaiap Ktoda.
•paeUl W Ac tteaaiae Bmu.
Camp Koada, Pa.. 8apt. 17.—Tba
Tbirtp-flfU MteUcaa ta fortaaate te
Ite eanp iMttaa wbteh te oa a baaaU(ol aloptac treaad at Ua aifa of a
. larga wooA It hat pteatp of food
water aad te |afaaoaaoad a partaetlp

SpMtel to The HaniBCWore.
, SapC 17.—Oof. Boxtern baa teaaed a call for a aatioaal
barber defaaaa cMroatkdi to ba hdd
Fab. I aaxt. te Tampa. Fla., to diann
of Ua atata nillUa,
np aaaitatloa aad aitaa. aad other
mp aad aa*p aebjaeta.
armp aad aaeal ofltean an to attaad.

Mr. OrelUak*a
liar, who to •oragad te Ua mama'
tila boalBcaa at Kerrterine, bat '
teatpmaat in OalUornla. Aa o
Aaapbtar, a baaoUfal pirl. waa ki
------------>wap aeeidaat te Datrait a<
al pean apo. The teta J. B. GralliU
waa a broUar. Tha sarrlrlap braUan
an AaUoop. Bdward aad WUUaaa
Mra. Fraak
te a atelar.

Two FUtepars Arraatad Bat Bwanad

Arraated in Datrolt Taotordty Whan
Ba WUl Fipht BxiradltioB.
apieul le Tbs Mcuin Baooaa.
Djtrolt. Sepv 17.—Carl Ladwip
Two SartbqMkaB
iapar waa arraatad ban today on
wairaot aworn oat bp Ua Garana eat
ami at Cbteapa,
ParUaad. Me. 6apk 17.—Twodtetiaat
Premia. Mepar te a Aaelp dr
aaHhqaaka aboeke ware (alt ban toBa wUl dpbt extradlttoa.
dav. oaa lattter aasrlp half a nlanto.
Tbe people were waeb torrlflad.

Oat af tha Xmrpa Wambar of Blok
AbntM bp W<
•oldian la Detroit,
tyeteal to Tn Moanso kaeoBD.
CtoealaaA Bept. ir-Tba Walker toatetl te Tkb Uoamsa Bnoan.
DatRdV Btyt. n.-WhUa Uan an
Kaaafactarlap Oo..ooaof Ua laiyaat
on Uaa a haadred eoldlar patteato
ate Ua eooatfp. waa
te Ue Detroit boapltata tonipht. snip
1 today bp Ue
(oor oaaaa are

teteldad to a Oattolt SotoL


hp Their Baad Who Dety
' Walker. Hina.. Sept. 17.-Depatp
Gattod- Btotaa Marabal Morrteoa aV
tempted Ua amatol Pup-Oasrp-Kaab
lap aad BhaV-oa-Daab-Klap. plUa^
at Ua ladlaa aponep. Whlla trptep to
pat tham oa a ataamboat to briap Una
to Walkar, Uty waia raaoaad hr atom
ban of Uair baaA wba cafaaad ta
piraUomap to Ua aaUerlUaa. AU
Ua ladiaaa are maeh aacnod. aad daty
Ua aathoritiaa. Tbep bare Jnt raealead Uair aaaoittaa A lot of
wbiakp haa baaa aaieppiad teto the
apaaep. ladtea Apant SaUarlaad bad
a eoaaall with Dr. Bart, raUdaat

trpapaban to beobt^aad. Tbaeom------------.'Of ladiaa a&tra baa baoa aoUAad aad kto adrtee aaked. gfaaald
Ua baad natet Ua toeapUn af tbe
two BOB tooBbla will
Ktehigaa Troops Xdkaty to Baeiala te tbep an Ue
lasolant oa Ue
Valted ■totoo.

tol la tbte dtp thte nnratei
nU. m
. u —]

FaoMa Ideataaaatt BatMad.
Waahteptoa. Bept. 17.—The latwt is toaM^MTaallaan»a Xama
to Uo offset Uat tha MtUipv eoiaaDamn. eepl. n.—Alban Paek'e
taeia wiU probablp aot bare to pd to
PortoBloo. U Uo baolUofUoaoU- ----------------------- Ua state. Tbspelalm
^ maap dalapataa alaatad at tha
wa oaneaatkma woat eoto for

The Crowd
After Bargain

Froo (be BenHa Stock
WM 80 gnat M to make it
for u to wait on
the pec^le and gire thorn the
attoitioa we ahooid liked to
bare given thorn. .However,
we feel satisfied that all who
bought ahoee are more than
repAid for say delay in be­
ing waited npon by the great
valoM they received. Toor
money back if yoQ want it>
bat thez«*s ao danger of peo­
ple wuting their money
back when they get 8tich
bargeuis m we are giving et
onr greet shoe Mle. Lots of
A look means s salA


we winbCB trigger
^ V .
natios than ever
before and 5BLZ atay heve to bnUd Aaotber tactorj «»
ferntah shoes for {be feet of oar ioeressed
popolstiotL There are five SELT factories
'--Jal'- '7
r, tornhigoat
millioci pairs of shoes
e yesr, becsose “Sels Shoes nske yoar
feetglsd**: sBdwehsvethesesboeemoor
stock becsiisc «c bey* foBOd Ahem to be the
ehoea which wear leogeetandgivebestestiafactioa. One trial will coOvince yon. They
cost tt> acre, cvcb less, tiwn other eboee.



Grand Fall Opening

Boston Store

j Thijrsday, Friday, Saturday,
Sept. 22nd, 23rd and 24th.
A Orend PenorAiiMi will be enfolded on tbe above detArtistic seeiiss of beentifal &brloa will bsdi^ysdie


Materials of tbe btost tashioDs,
ad i
•c' 1will
ready for wear, for ladies, misses', men and biiys*,
in profnaion


^ beanty of shape, toe and last will

1%st fMolnstee the mind and cmaea a gUauner of glsdasH
even oa tbe most wrinkled Imow will be (he event of the iUy.
Xvwrybody come, the old and the yoaag, tha rich and the
poOT. ttiepoyen and tbe lookers.
This is a day of rojoicing on the aimivenaty of oor grand
snoossi yoQT sneocas m welT^ hsva na sawog yoe-flia tevoletimuaws of prices.
We wont otge yon to bnv. Ombo, Ustaa to tiie beenfIfliT
BQsio, aeeept oor bueble tonw of

For (be ooeaaton, then go home with a mind et mt, that
you fntare wenta will be gratified by dealing at the Boetow
Store, that abopiang witfa os is within yoor mni*n that oor
prices quoted are the lowest, (hat to dad ta a one priced houa
u always the aaleat.


non exsm,'

IBB xoitvnr0 maoosB. iDnAx ibptbkbct \% iwb.


^£twk OrtT.. - mOBlOUK
. '■■ auxsiSATnnBBUiA,

tHK «. Baw asp J. W. HAWWt.
i; V. BAracK. utter wd Masacw.



I M ;»»AtAi«A eMr,

•:- *=

Tn DaMACfAta aaam to taka aaw
UMaaathaffyprtaprigr........ trom
4bA teat that tBiaArvM ta tka traaa•i7A<«ba Daltad ttataa ia frowtar
AfAiA. Oaa A« tka awat Mchtfal tklACa
Mt tka DaaMaratU party haa arar
Uae AoabAatAd with waa a aaiplAa.
far ta tka dO yaaia ta wkteh it bad
MalAt naUoMl aflalra it aavar
•Ua to aocaMAliuoaa. TIm BapakU-

IA pnpaaa to taka aaia af
•u ABA it wha)y tor tka ooBatry'a
mo^ 'Ika paapla kara traatad thaw
•a tka paat. aiA tnatiar tbaia BOW, aad
arUl imt tkem in tka fatara.
ark daparUBADt kaa
awka kara diafraead
t tv axtortlAff
^am tka Blok aaldlara ea ahl;board a
frtaa far tka airiaiarlaa which tka
jararBBiaat baa aatraatad ta Uatr
haapiac- QBartanaaatar Oaaaral Lad4«toA kaa dMatryad raoeaUy aaaaral
ymna ia Ika awployawataf tka dafartaiaat, aoM of whwa will karw
»a trlod la tka drU aoarla.

laUaU baa baaa
i by a I
A will at
UpaUat pfiaidaatlal aoatlaaUaaa to
«HAtkooldltaa Popaliato a ehaaoa.

fkr tka aaBdAr lekool Af tbA Oaav
TodA^wUlbAkAort of rttlydayfor
tudAy AAhool of tka OaBtrarAHaaaI fkarak. At tkt Tkottlm AAHoa
II AAW trar tka tAA^iia an MAktAf
ffATl to fat hU tkt thUdraa of tkt
iinnj MhAAt tafAthtr at tadtit aatilw. HmMaI tkt rafalar >tMahiUAiA
fWkfikArtMkrtttAi la tkt kodyat
kka fkartk ma4aMa4 ky laft C. U.

Urt lA««ii7 >AA TbM U MM ti
TMl^MUiMrAfUi '
B*Mn Baba.
■A^ thAi OCMflUA Al—AAiUr. ow
mt Ua m*Wa Af 0MAAAA7 M. »m
mot dAAd WM rwtTAi 7MMT4A7 frkAA
Ua r«pan »aa AtmUM «hA» 1u ked
ntAIWd te klA kAM AAAT VAAfAid
kAAltk. TkArAfartAAMtkrasffhOO.
Stekoncm, wke a«aM tbmt Mia. Hor>
toA kAd bdd Mia. HMmAAA tkM Ak#
had kAAid At tka rataiA At Ati
' WAtdi to tkAt aftaet. Tba Baoa»
AACAIAtod BA toq«b7.
<AttAd tO
ooritr tka rapert. SfaeiA) AaUrMi
aaat ta tka kam at M pHaala
bat AA r^7 waa raealTAd laat Aifht,
piAkAklj AwiAf ta tka dIstABea aC Ua
fam trom tka tetam^
Aaaa,whiek iaaarafal adlaa.kaaidaa itia
aot a al^t oAaa,
laat Birkt. liAa that vialBlv. kaw^ttharawaa^a^ft
tka rapori.
BVAITOM woald raeaira wltk Joy
aawa that Alaaaad^r waa atOl Sirlac.
bat tka'oMelat raport of Oaatcal 8haftarcairiaahtoaaiBaaaoAaAf tka .rlettw at Saatlaro.
BaaldM tkte. Varila Tkanaa, wba
aaahaapilalaUward .aBd aarrad 1a
tka toQt adJoialAf that oaeaplad by
hia Uli
that ka dlad oa tka MTAiar af Jely >t
Mr. Thomaa atataa that ha aaw klAi
aaly a faw foomaata balara ka diad AAd
af lar aa abaaBoa of half aa hoAr. toead
kia eat Taaaat aad waa
body aad laapaatad lha yra^ <■
tkaiartotadat8aatta(oit lalrht haiA
baaspoMlbla that Mr. Thomaa waa
mtotakaa. yat tha oSeial report aaaw
to hear OAt tka raport broApht ky him.
war Uma tkare to always room lor
arror aad mta roportod dwd apoA tAiy
rood aatkori^ hara taraad ap la tka
daab. BTaryoaahopm tkat thto may
laeaaawiU OraBrlUa dlezaader.

Baktot Darto win laarA the drat of
tka waak aa kto btoy«la for tka aoaUarm partial Uastata.r Ba wiU rtoit
Grand Bopida aad aaTAral otttoa farUar
maklay tka aatlra dlaUaM
Mtoa Bartha Oalmaa toft last nlykt
OB Ua PAtoskay tor ba aztaadad tuU
MiA. Oaaa aad Uttla bob wtaraad
pAAtarday Iram OaiUtoo. wkwA tkay
attoadad Ua atraat tair.
Oolalat Saalyaal of Oompaay M ratATAsd yaatarday bam a rtoit wiU
Mlm Battle C. Orny ratarasd last
areBlny frM OadlUae.
MIA. T.J. Boat aod ekildroa ha«o
yoao to Oraad Bapida to Join Mr. Booh
who to in boatooaa Uora.
Mtoa Emma Oborlto and Mtoa Bortlm
PaIma of Btockam. oaltod y«tArday
a ac^AAtotoAoea to tka MtyMtoa Zeila Oridtoy. of Paioakoy, to
rtolttoy har atoUr. Mra.. B. OoABabto,
Mra. E. B. Braat and famUy atart
tomorrow tor apokane, Waak.. whom
Mra. Braat wU moot korkaabaad who
ia alraody Uam. Mr. aad Mra. Braat
oxpeet to maka tkolr koaaa Uam tor
Uo fntam.
T. 8. dkapard. of DAbafoo. Iowa, to
to town TtoiUay kto atotor. Mm 3. W.
SimMa aad kto motkor. Mm. L. h.
Miaa Maad Diekenaoa, af Bay Oty.
arrlred bom laat alybt to rtoit ber
bmUar. Birnm A. Dickanaoa. oao of
Ue Company M boya wbo kaa boon
rary tick atoea bU mtara from Mootoak Potot.
Oabrya Doyle, wbo bao kaaa 01 la a
Detroit koafrftol Uwe Oompaay M
Point, to expoetod
Oaear Frladriak wUl laart thia waak
for Oraad B^Ma for a rtolt bafora home today. Be will be aoeompaniad
oattotay tka OairaiAi^ of MMloa- by bto broUar. A. 3. Doyle.
Mra Bd. Kehl mtnrnad yaatarday to
■a will aatar thaUtararydaparimaat
Norihport after a Uort vtoii to Uto_
aad flmm aapeetol eoaioa la Owmaa.
Tka PamearAUe oaawm tor tka ally.
Eodly Ckmp. wba kaa been Ue
parpeaa at aUetlar daian>At to taa
aatkm, wUl ba bald aaxt CAtot of her Btoior, Mtoa iaaaia. raWadaaaday eTAAlay la tka aararal Ur«td yeatorday to bar koma at Lanwards.
•l-FG. B. Omaa mtaraad yaatarday from
Boa. a. O^OavaU haa hsaa
I oaa of Ua prtaidaaU af Ua mAAk a vtoU WiU mlaUvaa at OraAd Bapida
Mlaa Jaaaia Twaddto of Bmpim. ia
lAfA of Ua fltoto SapaWtoAA olaba.
wUeb wUl ba bald AASt Toaaday to vtolUay mlativaa la Uto.eliy.
Mtoa Martoa Pratt kaa ukaa Ua poDtlroil.
Twa Blyh aUoAl toamt playad m Ia- iltloA. of toacbar at Ua Coder Baa
torAAtlayvamAAf kata kail yaatordby
Mta. WIUlaklUbyrntAraodlaatiltht
la Twalftk Atratt park. XkAMorAWM
U PAWakay aftar a akcrt vlatt wiU
Tkar* will ka b rayAlbr Mbtlby of mlavlrea to tbla sity.
r. W. Kilmar, ataUoa ayaat at
UAikoAi Oamp, Me. Mtt.MAdbrb Wood■AS of AmarlAb. Maadby blykt to Moa- Cedar, waa la iowa yaiUrday.
Tka Mtoata Oballa MePoriMa, Oallto
tayib kbll. All toiakan bra raHUNtMlUar aad Allla WUhtoa wflIvUliat
*^MIu^^'DA)karr. «kt hba kaai Patoahry today.

■dm. Hmtt krtkiM la Mkt m •larhlbf It "Tbt rttr fw
dtprt It kkvi tktir tkiMm prMMt M MbitkA,kbi mlfuM kw ^Uta to bo
uptbittoUbrbM with Wllkbim
NMM tki »pk tl tktir tlMHi
tkwibfthMnth tMb
HbfMM IkrfffkfN, <tf tfxiRpbky M
MktN If VklfHMl wka iki kHk «alM Mki kbi rmnn*
bS bkbUh bid Ith lut iliht lar Qhi<
Mra.wbitoba wlU fiMl M m*
kknt thru wMki. Umb nura \m.
M Ut kAtoi rfUty htWfkMk. It
«M ttrwkAi with h|wyltM<^
tbroKik whlak kt kM
fMNd dtrlif iht day kAtir '


Baa. «.H.raatarMdnAAkmaip
rlah waat to eatlaaa Bay';yaalaAday
aa panikAl aad othar kaalAM.
Mra. LyoAtof at. IffAAaa, la rlalttaf
k» daacktw. Mia. 8. Baoda of Daioo
Mia. J. M.lArMaAO(nftkAtrAAt to
AflAlAlAI Mia. L.. MAifAT of MlA-

Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
My work U fiiat dan aad pricee that are ia reach of alL .1 aia
piwpaied at aU timea to take oare of the trade. 1 Biake a epedalU in
BnMag. Vokaoisug and Bnameliu. A tee line of wfaeeb for «!•
J. O.MIiLIS. 8il Front atred, eaat.

iDCb Is Sud
AM Ice GreaiD and Soda Focntain Drinks.
Therefore we will ^ that yon will find onr Ice
Cream delicious, onr Soda Water true to flavor, onr varions Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to onr
list from time to time.
Fountain open week days only.
Ziaeato Lltoraty Olab BIsettoa.
At a maottoy of tka Uaetda Uloraiy
Qab hold Friday OTAAtoyotUo koma
of Mwto B. Chapman on Baal 5iaU
Btmat Ue followlay ofioom warn ekoaoB for tko oasoiny thma mooths:
Pmaldaat—Bdyar RriU.
Bearotary—Cdwto Chapman.
Amtotant 8oemta^-Prod Smith.
Tr<Maarar.-Cbarlea Belm.
lUa to Ua aaaond year af tka aaelrty'B oryaaltotioh and atarta wlU a
I anroUmaat. Meattoya am bald
Friday alykta.
Frond cf Sloyoto GirL
Blmer MeCoy to prond of Ua moord
of B. J. Morynn'a Bleyeia Girt Ika
i-baa been to moea U Umaa and
trottad lot bento, nod haa aorar baaa
abnt OAt In ber klatoiy. Tkto to an anrtoble moord for any melny homo.
Tallow taamdloo Oniod
:«Tiny hemaniiy akoald ba aapa Ub every meana poaalblo for ita
relief. It to wfU plraanm we pabliab

Hon. Tom Jones

Oorrespood with the TrsTorse City Lumber Compssy.
We have lor sale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
SKDTi RAT.m. '
Min Haohineiyof all deAcriptians,i]iclnding Two Enames,
Het Worka, Oarriages and Saws. A eomplete Saw UiU Plaat
for aale.


Am e wrr teelrmble mtoSmei os Weetimi— eu«M. Mo. m. torn M tew Isk w ««
AnMloeMkweiBtSecitr. Hwiee to foaS naOnes. tne—»«. —wm. lli>4etA la ytossse
Tkle.u tehessStstsfasrmlmlrmkeaueM


Has Been Here. .


(8m Sandsy Record.)

piOipUoiisll)f liig lisrgslns
«Ki?.!.as!r.s«".rr.2y. som«
uu odda Slid siido.

To do buiioeu with ni. Wo place at the
iitpeuat of ovr ciulomtrt aat Urge eiperleece in the flour trade. Cnrreipond with u
end reiultn will be mutually Iwnclicinl.




dbAb will ka obA Ua bttrbattoit, btd
Inf lha PtodAll Mf faally are
tAAM #1 thi hi
tvary dL,—
day. utd a MonoflfMotbUhibdiwUlkAffrAtaiAlly r» dard
kvd l/a«uma
> lama tvam
MattAl Uiakatl ootomaidAd tht at*tiaaa to tba wrltof mtaa>
•IhM iUlaaa
aaltad. Tka prataidi wllll y* M
dtolAAtk laUbtry at tka batUf of Bl Armylaad. tU*. tbadArao
and rultum ws w’t* tba
Oh^ bad WAA twloA woaadad la Ua yo will AoadBot Ua ttrrlaaa aunday
of' -dtoddard'a Lveturaa" above all
ka does warn one who
•Boat a BoaUafo bad trat rapidly nLook for Ua Iwy* »dClayd Otltalla. who to eat of tha tlak
MWlif • ^ka woaad ta tha ahoaldar, boyt of Compoay M. aad waa raporird
Sowarar. bad paralyaad hit laft arm. kattor yaatarday. was worta ayato laat
vhiab -ka caniad la a allay.
day moralay tka Saraatcaatk rayl'
Fraak Parka, who kat baaa vary tick
~ toaat TAtaraad kama asd Gaaeral Haa- atnoa bit retara from Oaha. wnt akla
hallwaattaUadapotlaa carriaya to
to drltfA oat a abort Uma yaatarday.
Avalooma kU yallaat man. Ba rada at
The Gamptoll kaya bare kaaoUdad
Ua kcad af Ua rAgimeat thnwyk tha Us approAch to tha wator worka wlU
eUy to tha poat aad tha ehaart af tha
bed af kandaome yUdiolaa worthy at Shop opposite Eagle office.
orowdt of paopla that ilaad
apaaial aattoa.
Ua atraato wara dlraotad almoat aa
The dcmocTAtio ooBTentioa tor Laaaaeb to him ladlTUaany aa ta Ua ray- AM oouaty wiU ha bald Tmaaday. Octtmaai. At Ua rariawlny ataad tka
abto 4. at Battoas Bay.
Atowd Aorroaoded tka oarrlaye aod
Sowan wars tairiy abowarad late tha
AnaUerr ymat diaooveiy haa haen Of Ssylnsw does not toll you whstUey
wUiels from orary Bids. Altboayh aat
that.. too. byatodyln Ula •Xpert to do. They mfer to what they
m Atrosy at f<wmariy OaaotAl Hatkal) made, andI '-Otoeaaa
fastened lu clntchcouatry. -Dtoease fastened------------' aypmrad rayyad aad kit taddaa dsath ss npom her aad for sever yearn she kAvs doAP snd sm dMny dsily to Tmvwas a tarrihla Uoek to bU taaiUy aad wiUatood IM aeverost teats. ' - — *7s?s ns stock to fske to”**"*
nndemli .
by sUAfA. Ws sm bws pennsnentiy
doaU I--------^ Imminent. For Uroe sad can back sverythlny we say. Yon
At kBrTicaaa whith awapt
«Ua she
oonyto ineoaaaaUy. and deal direct wiU ns to esee of aeeident
Windward ItUoda on Saturday laat
>14 not al
waa aBoauBterad on Baaday moraiay a wry to mcover^by pnrcSsainy of
wlU other eompanlea Look up onr
by Ua Korwalyan ataumUip Aroaa. a bolUe of Dr. Kioy a h’ew Dtooovery euttdlpy then oompam Utm. Bettv
Oonaomptioa. and waa aa mach re­ teke out a policy: H doean-t eoet^mneh.
which arrlTsd at Pbiiadsidhia Tkaraad oa tekiny Us fleet dose that aba BL*Kxai.AS A NcCoAMiCk. DtoU MAym.,
day. OapUia ProtUd. the matter of Mept all aifht; aod wlU two botUes
Branch office Jobnaoa block, Travaolntely eared. Her n
baaa abaol

Hnoss Famishing Hton>.
110 FroAl atopvt.

aid Paper Hinger.

No Comparison.

.. ---------- -


waddtoy or holiday
mt them to ito work az^t

C. Bsmakk A Os., of Shelby. M. C.
Trial bottlca lOctoAtUedraystomtof
8. B. WMl aad 3. G. Jshaeoo. B«yalar Alee 50e and II. Every bottle yo^
The fare to New York to more, bnt

g .......

Suit of etoUes., niea. hmvy
_____________ jf Stoddard's I.M- you yet;
aadetyltoh; extm pair of p„
taras. And many have fonnd it oa
as suit); cap to mat
' suit:
^ am aoUny wioaly. Bee laiye ad.

w belt;
;t: silk
sill tie; sloeklet; All for SS.74.
Ladtea. elaan yoor kid ylovm wiU
me tbsm’s only ooe ptoos to t
MUtor Olomllna It to not a liquid,
Uavoaneodorandeaabo oaod while
Uo ylom to oa tha band. Foraaleoaly
ky Jamaa O. iekbaon, Drny^



Geo. R. Winnie I Our Ogerings

Oondaa Advortlaor laatm

Jas. G. Johnson.

If You Have Logs to Sell

r: “T • -

torribla aafterar from
1 waaa torri
____ ..a for
forover aii monUa. and
tmatod by some of the best pbyaletopt
Dor city aad all to no avail. Dr.
doIL oar dmyytot, meommand '
trie Bitters: and aftar talrisr m bm
tloa-I vraa entirely enmd. I n< V tehe
ymnt plaasam to meommoadii
to any person soflertay from ikia t
Me malady. I am yratofelly y<
" • "

Ky" .

We sro not sll MtUod in onr
new building y«*t; whos wc are I
win lf<l you know; hut wt sro do.
ing biMin><w right ilong just thr
•nms. I ihonld bsw cIqaikI tbs
doon uiilil wp wore tnovod sod
•atUod, but it would nnt bsvo bun
Aa tarilnuakAof eaeaual iteayth right, M lh»r« wort Uusoim of
aad daratiM arowAd U« pMyU at umhU who wini«d th«ir bousM
ttorlay. leiitk titkaM, at 4 ablPPli tumUbMl snd wsutod II si ontw.
mdii ■•utof II NMAd bftHN U
irrMkIi tkii dlihM ta ritlU n Ihi If I hsd oliMwl n|} fnr two wuki
■bdlrN iHf aktHi lu aoMkkh. .It aeoBtd U would hsvi> Ml Ihsm hniidrods
ta triul kkriward.
of diilisM stirs. Ws lie giving

titlaitiriririiitoybbat lUrmtt c«i>
•kHttoi. It will kt UbtlbAbd «biU
Tbudky. A ffdad aaklklttob of pro-




I -N Furnitupe
Deserve I


WE ME sonwiNC


We make particular mentloii of HEED and RATTAN FtJB- ^
NITUHE. Aside from a floor full of beautiful creations in ^
tbls materiai we make prioes equally as at'ractlvA
Wbetber you intend to refumlsh your bouse title fall or ^
just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make yonr ^
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity ^
to do eo at a ve^ UtUe cost We want you to see the goods ^
in any event.


iM itu»ini^

l^mTmssTiiws. i “TMIttTraMfliiHr
«Mal VkOkta





0M*« la BMia VIU

irom 4«0 to 7;eoa'tfo^^'«raiia.
Hall. TkaaUk qaUt wUah hw' koM
i iuemt «t taunmt Tnm AD !
oa aaklWUoa U Baak^^ kookaun
VkU «(Xtoh^M.
rlardald, 0..^iFt 1?.—Xato W.- wlfl ka dUyaaad id tka mm» ctaaiav
■%nfr nn>r mmmim mmmwn Barimltar.
ah«Bt f40 0‘claA
tka pcdIttaataaoMia
Un. Botart HmUm, tk«
mUttar dated Tadtel^Waak. Mbaria.
■Mru«wk7 » Fltat A Pm MarBaaklaak Araiaa Balaa.
4mU« traifkk tfmia<»Wad»Mdaj, hw 1.400 BiUa aaat al Maaaow, mjK,
TmM txn aaiiVB la
»«fld f«
«M frm th« ahotk. >
Gate, Brateaa, Soroa. Ctea^ Balt
DmW IfaUaBM, u old tnffv ud almat to Ika Oral i
Moaeow, aaarljr l.oee *IUa. tka maa,
raUMitef bouftta, WM atnak ky a
at haat, wm vary yoor. kat U d«a Brapttaaa, aad
aealk koaad train Friday «mla|t aad
of wUak «aaara U tka orao parraqairad.
Itte yaaiaaM
waa aartoaaly lajatad. Bla nfleraiy la
eanter, aad askcMlar a raftoa fally
____aa akaolate tallara. la tka fOTmiaaat ad atutra. «*taa aa Uiya aa
oou and tka famm wlU art ralaa
' «8aai«(aB. aad waa drow^ad U tka aaoafktoampplyoBaflrtkof tkapoy^
algktaf atwal kaadradpaayU tka
alatloa. Tha exar haa Joat rivaa a
UteaaaiarmwAaa not yalkaaaakU
kalf Bflnoa raklaa for tkair taliat
to taeaaar tka kady.
Iktaatrlekaadiatrtrt U tka Volga raWarraaA Stieknay. acad M.
glaa. aad the daart apriag wkaat aad
ailUad aaUUa at Aaa Arkte Friday
aataal aaettoa te Boaate. It aaaally
soratar by akoatlay hlteaalf with a
aad gaaaral)y
raaalate throafk tka brala. A At of
wa a larga aaparttkla aarpla*aaaaad kj laaaalal tmthat r«tea baa from IAOOO.000 to ».•
karraaamat waa tka
of tka aet.
000.000 paopla. It wUl raqalra tka Imtatkaaraak at tka CadlUae atraat
portattoa of aa liataaBaa qaaaUty of
fair oa Tharaday Mra lUaal had bar
gialB to mka ap tka dafteteacy aad
yoekatboak.eoateialar »40 aaateked
promt fttot aaSarincoat of bar kaad: white aararai termr*
oBleial aaaaaetad with
.•part that wkilatbry aad tkalr taial.
tka r^lway mtetetry told no that thay
Uaa wm at tka fair, karrlara kroka
aapaeted to Import Into tkooa proriae. a
tpto tkair homm aad atote a aavkar of
aot lam tkaa M.OOO.OOO boakate of grala
tkla ymr. 1 aaaaet oaa bow wheat
t Barak waUaa Oi
- At Part
oadar tba rircnmataacaa, la to ramain
taraad acOdter,
oMter, Vl
IWl down
dawa iataita aad dawn 1a prlea. Herar barn tka atoeka
iB of tbakraiawklek
of tka world beam ao oomplataly do­
tted. They tell me that tkaotookn
At Waat Braaek Aaatia AbbotV aa
lo Bamte are oomplataly [bauud.'
old aoMter aa^telnaaar. diad aaddaaly
r Bookwalurtamakl:ii«
Friday mraterof apopteay.
tha Traaa.«lbaf
A Fantoa towaaklp me ralaad a
toaakaMlao that wkaa ripa walgkad
Twaaty tkoaaaad pao^ attead«l
tka Ckdlltee atraat fair aa Ita Wg day.
•koroa of Virglaln.
Apabliawaddlagwaa oea af the aV
Cbleago. Bapt 17.—lUlaola wlll'ba
traatioaB at tka oacaalM.
Jaka Park, aa aid aoldter and pan- iroparly repreaaoted at tka iaanAlag


Lamson & Hubbard

Fall Style, 1898.


Embraces the “Hobson” Derby in two colors—
the ever popular L & H Derby—the “Dewey” soft
bat and the finest line of $1.50 Fedoras, we
think, ev^r shown here—All colors,
26 dozen sample soft hats, all styles and col­
ors going at 39c each, while they last.


Our %m $10 and $12 Suits
and Ouurcnats Win All Prizes.
If jon are partial to the latest styles and the most
fanitless fit when baying clothing, see that the Stein
Bloch Label is on . the coat. They are recognized aU
over the United States as the nearest approach to the
best CDstom tailoring.

sssis. s vs


Bteaar. llrlag la Faattee. want into tka
aoutry looking for wark. WkUa ra- at Sawport Newt. Oetokar 4tk. When
Uiai Lntar braaka tba battle of Aam
tarnlag ha waa waylaid by two
Jwt tealda tha elty llmita They pagna orar tka prow of that maca>**
ksoekad him dowa. braha two riba aad oaat rtaaal at war. aka wlU do no la tka
hii right aakla. aad took tM la -maay praaenoa of OoroTMir Taaaar and aU
from kte packala. Ha ooald gira ae bla ataff. a proper rapraaonteUa
dcwriptioaef tka MB aad 00 far BO tha tteto troopa.and aanmbar af p
teaat eltteaaa. repraaaatlag pramteeat
arraata bara baaa mada
At Prerport. Jasoa Marpky. aa oU elate aad aodatlaa. wkooa namao will
aoldter, a^ 70. waa fboad alttiag aa>
Tha feet that tha laBaekiag ia to
dor a traa la StockUb wooda daad. ffe
waa teat aeaa attro tteiarday. Death te taka plaaa from tba akoraa of tOrglala
imurmf to kara reaoUad from aataral is regarded aa a opaclal oompUaaaat te
m-rv A gold 'watah aad »t« wm lUlaoU. for tkm an many Uaa that
klad the two stetea togatbar. Uaeoln
fooad OB bla paraoa.
AMoaraa maa. Oabrial Blaaoaetta. teaood bla daaeaat to Vlrglaa. and Bbal
kaa priiaatad to tba moaaom of tkr by H. Cnllom and ether ill
of Vlnrialaaiiaa
armory lo tbatefty a gna wkteh waa otIUtooia
IF civaa K>
^ nawaaaw-Bab aftar tba war of IBtt.
Tkegnalaaboatala fart long aad la
•aid to be 180 yean old.
d by the Xoapoetfva Ohorokoo
Albert Kirk of Obcoter. Baton
oaaoa (apteoupaal
ty, waa blowing ont otompa tka oiker
Be*. Chao. T. Sioai. B«wr.
day with dyaamita. and ooa bteat did
Comer Waahlngton atraat aad BoardBotgooff aooB aaoogh to aolt bUn. ae
aaa aveana
haatortadtobolpitaloog. Jnat oa ba
BoIyeommaalM-ot»:4( a. aa.
araa kaadlog orar Ihafaaei
Nomtag aarrlea and aatmoo at 10:80.
«aBM.-aad be waa badly baraed abc^
the face aad otkarwiaa ioJaroA
‘sudw aekool at 18.-00 a. m.
rtotbaa wm aita klawa off.
Veaperaarrleeat4:ltp m.
Tbay ralaa wy Baa grapaa down
Al! an eordtelly lorltod to tkaoa aar■wMaakagao. Two boya of that city
mant^y paid gs aptaoa fat a
bna^ of tbem. Tba boya did aot
Intend to boy tba frmlt in tba Arat
Ckarca oa tka comer af Hlatk and
plate, bat tbar ware eaacbt la tba aet
Bnoday aarrtesa ara aa foUowa:
them that thay faad baiUr pay than to
Praaeklag at 10:80 a. bl
fiandaj ackoel at 11:80 a. m.
. At Bay City, two waahn ago, Boaa
Y. P. A at«JO p. m.
- Vlalda. » yean old. a
Praaeklag at 7:80 p. m.
floyad by L. O. Batkaway. walked ant
Mid-week prayer meeting at 7:10
•ad haa not bam ae«n nor board of
•fnea. The gtri tefi her wagee aad
"^Allnre weloo
afoUing brklod. She gan ao
For bar myaterlooa daparion. hot had
B. A Baa. Paator.
koao board to oomplato ol beteg a^
prtted to work for a llrlog all bar Ina.

Tkm wUI ka aarrleaa In


M o( The*. T. Bmm BMota


BBroaD oa«c.

F°oia.*e5r___Ka. Will iifII lor port eoab
es4 pM ce ilKF. ortradt. idarfw. til *•«
Urbik aMFl. rllr
•n sod iw«
■crCe at-U

aa'aptil*rra-«. Oaraereaa

rarcTFr a> ftacoab ol

Praaktort Plow oi.*a. Mirk . n^al Pla««

Heaay Imkr PralgbU.,
« ateMBar Patoakay pal te at this
port teat olghlaod among other maridtea dtsebanrcd a qaaoUiy of aalt
lor leeal dealan. alee a bona for B.
J. Moryao. Sbe took 00 a bea*y cargo
of potetoca, apples aad earinoa klod#
fmlt for Cbloago marketa. Tka
rtetoiz will arrlTc today.
amn s •oD'h with ear F*rla«l** lewete

gouriTOB* wa«fTaD-^^y*


D —OaoC
eiBIV moa slrl
__________ -^7!_________ .1___


p«Tcn* e Caenaa
^Vi» tULk-Two


BerauM at 10JO a. m. ia the aarlaa.
tka tatornal and exteraal aids
^itaal life.
-yday life. Jota in byatns aad reapoaaJve nadiage and iatrodaas yonr
frlanda to tka pastor.
Boaday ackoel at dona of ^ teamteg ear
Yooag Paopla's 8oda9 of Ckrtatlaa
Bodaaror at 0;l» p. m. Oat a topio
aard at tka door, atody tka topte and
toko part among tka Stai.
Tba anbjeat te tba war aarias at 7:80
p. m. will be “Did the war with Spala
pay?- Wbaa wa eonaldar the east of
ueaura aad life, and tha condition
and obaneur of the Caban peapla may
wa aot wall oak dU It pay?
•objeeta m eoaaidared from a ehriatlaa ataadpolni. Br^
with yea.

ITkat te Idle if we Cannot one the
worlA nod bow mock can we oee of UT
J. C. Carmaa. Peaiw;
Aa wa
tka romaoUe toar of all
I0;«0 a. m. Pobllo wonUp
lands wUkioka L. gtoddard. rleh and
Preaehteg by Paatar Oarmaa. •tba
i^teagoaga. pm and ebaate Eogllab.
•iMaatnndaeeoraUpletaraaof noted Modal Church." Arts 8:47.
BibIaaeboolatll:4SB. m.
Yoong people's BmaUag at «08.
B«ay tbrnmalrea the adneatira foroa of
Ooapal aarrioa at 7:80.
•pdkawork. BaadtboMgad.
Sormoa—“Op Stream ar -'lte
. Bow TfartMgt for tedtea nUL8:lA
Beat Hlatk atroet. Mm. B.
AO m owdlally laritad.



During the Battle
of Santiago.
sick or Well, a Bush
Night and Da7.


•e*. P.CmUIb. paMer.


ss^r.s.ii'S.-s. s.”KT~;r,'S:

SteuatraatadAooihoaaoSoDday. dapTO TffBJf OVBB BAB FPAB.
tomker mb at 10:80 a. m. la BngUak
' AaUalty in Baacaatioo of Porto and at 7 Ji p. BB. In Korwagiaa.
Bte-> 1a wary Kaalfeev
' Baa Jaan. Porto Bleo. 17.—The
eommiaateo agraad yaaurday to ^
prtaiadoalkoard,oompotodof Spaateh aad American army oBoen. who
daty wUl be to iaapact all forUdeatlo
arith regard to tkair Immediate eraoa•toa. Tka gpanteh oAeon wiU formal­
ly tom dear tha fonideatioDB. wkieb
will be moriptod for by the Amertean
^eera. TUi wark wlU bagia today.
• BpaaUb wmrea.
It has been drflaltaly aattied tibat
«ba araeoatleo ef AgoadlUa. Darea.aad
Baa Sebaatiao will begin Monday.
Tbmtsotlllnooowabara ceneeraing
Abo arriral of trantp'jrta. Neoorrobokatten cm obtained from the Amerleao
• to the report that the
•nay board to In^t and formally iwMiaafortiftoatiooabas'


Vot'Ca to Tax Payan
Ionite la
oSc« BBIU MoTvater 1^
l■a.fartte t»n<** ef ceUeetlBg UW teb^
•oicUrtameaBd speFlal aweess-au teiM

The Peekere at the Bettle of
SantiaBO de Cuba Were All
Heroec —Their Heroic Sffbrte in OettinB Aznmanltion and BatLons to the
Front Saved the Dey.

■.aad tram IWetek to t o’rleck p. ai-.aad ea
Tamdar aaO rwdar cwetag. pf«Mh iraek
Orioter lat. IMB.
P. E. Botlar, ef pack temte Ha 8.
ttwa win te ekatgrt aot i»r mu. pnaltr for
- -jaapdoaall tasra pa d m aU atwr rriUng Irom MaoilagodaC«taa.baJBly
in Batn Hotmter l«t. in. Utera will 88d, Bays: “Wa all had dlarrhosa te
monor less riolent form, aad wbe«
we laadad wa bad no time to sea a doeor, for it waa a ease of rosb aod niah
.light and day to karp the troopa aappliad iritb ammnoltloB aad ratloaa,
bat tbaoka to Chambertelmb OoUe.
Cholan aod Diarrhcea Baaady, we
able to kaap at work and keep
__ jcalth; in fast, 1 alnooraly briieva
that at one critical time thU taedleliia
• the tedireet aa*ior of oar
if tba packan had been oaa
workjbcrc wooJd ban baas no ^ of


I for k aa-

madieiaa for car paeh-trate bafora wa
Ion Tampa, and I know te fonr
It akaolately aavad life/’
The abo»* latterr waa crrlttoa to tba
laanfaetoran of tkla madtatea, tM
bamberialD MedletoBOo.. DaaMoteoa,
>wa. For Bale by S E Walt.
Baory wa who' kaa «xaialasd.
ipteBaodaeopeoftko "etodl^ I

, !T f tq -OH t-

'T ,


’-. vdiiHi-’-' i!.:;':-.!;.!



«n»Oitjr b*d • cbtaoe to SiSSd.XW^n »SdSU «• hare £YEBYTHINQ
wt in Mkbtgu (Qonlity

lousiness Silits



Box Ctats
Box Coals
». ■

'an at SI nptoSS.

Boys’ Reefers

$3.00. *
$3.60, $5.00.

ilii. «.;m a***»iM)f«>«-«1>*m«arU«(«»tea I. a-alM*
dallr) of rm»«o^ -aw-"* ta ^ aaiae. Cm* whaw. •*
aaod* an itot aaA cterk* paUla. te to B*« aoem e<



yon msy look for bnt tpsoe forbids to enoaerste.

*.00 School Suits,

Kid CM

Coal atoet halt U aiseb.
,*kSI JOB seed topeyftOoama lor. atS6

OVM ur

G«o4» .re ril .ew, ae»rtme.t large. Arotier lot of "FLYING TOPS'’-One FRBB-with every
purchase ia boy’s department.
> ____________


and $1.00 "•*<• e» BMrt

laad »Bixaa.
um. Oar Am akirti Mfia at w omta «•al«l.tba
orarkiBff aklrta atart at N.
M. STm aad tteaala. U 71m wamaaWrt


rorWalkliiffi»Drtr(ac-«UoalMa. B«k Piwdi-kid. OattoStawfaeUv to the kanei*. Yoa *riU dad Ux«m parfeet io arwy »*y- *••• •*•
aUk lla«d wkleh saKw tkeas warm aa orod



about Idad"

wdd«o^rtorm<orabmtj<-ora. ’f*

lien’s Top Coals *"r Ulsters
All that^a

at* themma

u—^b25?vi.T.aSI'.S* ~

SSSioroa.-. Fall Hats
,..llt.BM.. Butt-U-. O. "...rtMa.-


Oodtam-waaanifcaCXO. W 1 tor W eaata-aUaiaaatiamUyea
to koja-HH to I* tor maa.

Hen’s Pants,

>sr=s.'Sa.:L~v,*i-.=: s;

iniNDA &CO.


Here is
Your Opportunity to

Buy Shoes At Less Than Cost Of HaMna!
We have bought S. Benda & Go’s, entire stock of shoes at from 40
to 60 cents on the doUar. and shall immediately close it out, giving our
customers the benefit of this most fortunatej purchase. We sweeten
this still more by adding several thousandrpairs of shoes ^m our own
stock and make prices on the whole lotthat will make this

The Record Breaker
of Shoe Sales!
Boy’s Shoes
WlBn’s SOMESines
at 63c, 79c, 90c, $1.12.
at E«Ei LESS rau Half.
300 pair. Mm’s Shoes, *4.00 and *3.50 at..............*1.90
250 pairs Men’s Shoes, *3.00 and *2.50 at.............*1.45
190 pairs Men’s Shoes going at...............................


Big lot
at Half Price and Less.

Misses’ and Children's
School Shoes.

uaies' nn SbMS-Pricas SmasM Wa; Dowa.

Shoe Up The Whole Family!
V. Friedrich,
The Popular Shoe House.
Neiar will lOB gel a diaaca M ao it dieaBat ar as cBiap as aoai.


________ THB IIiiOBwnro BgQOBP. tttAvaaOTTarr. Moa BUTOAY

It ia8a.-PBBT TWO.

lersial dipfitefe of tie Two Yonng len
Upon Wlom tie Peace of He Worlil
Depends In a Great Measnre.
In Temperaniffit:


•CM wiU MIAMI)’ equal that of uy < ae
«C the otlMT kim ofF Europe
rerte the ; moce, uennanr* muoi inuer enrmr.
peace of the VertS. With the tonl&E ia held In the bahdi of KIcbelaa. whlla
Auatna and Italr are aubaarrlant to the
-.......................................... ......
wlU of the '-Demon Kalaer." as the ea>
the iue» of vblcb bu never been
peror of Oeraianr la called hr bis aolIlicec t«o younc men not oa!r
. 1111
Thr power of both tbaae ruleca
iBle over two of the (nrceet and moat
powerful coontHee of Europe, but bare
tte KladphI voice in the nanasoineat

baa made for blmaelr manr enemlee at
home and abroad, but It muat be said
that he has atreafthened the position of
Oermanr br the alllaneea be baa made
iC of t
that there abould be but one ruler o
earth, and be has cobeclt enoueb to
Imaclne that be le the man beet fitted
to run the atUlra of the world. Otheru
think dUrerentty. however, and WIU
llaxn'i ainbltloM alobfi tbeae llnea will
never be reached. There la nothing be
ready to do, and when be is i
kept busy
. a
with attain of vtate be Is glv
ing Instructlona to the women of th<
In the manner la which they
Bhoold drvsa. or be te Icadinirtbe Impe­
rial oreheetta or opera. When tbeae
things grew tlnegma WtUam ttada em­
ployment among bis many Uuopa. which
be ksepa In a constant stats ot exdtamant. ter. as sens or bit ottkaru nay. ooa

yw to huDdrsda of tbwiMHlta «T dot.
WilUam la a soldier. Pcem bis ear­
liest boyhood be abowed
tbs mllltarr, and. wbUe IPs ^
army as it stands today was
laid by King William t Bismarck
rck and
Von Mdtke, much baa been doner by (ba
present empanfr. Theea li
time durstationed In
the barracks near Berlin do not expect
a vtelt from the kalaer. With all tbalr
watch/oinasi be oftan eentrlves to sur­
prise them, and on more than one oecaSion be baa bad the troops called out

b Us fsttfty..wMii
Ins sad two trnm

tbat sugrtsts attber tbe able ruler or
tbe firm mUltarr eflteer. yet tbe
who te te eeatrol bM only one of the
largest and most powerful nnt^ Of
Europe. b«t one that bsa ao much volae
temeat ot tbe affaire ef^
baa Rsmda, sbonld te both
of these.
Nlobolas Is b«t » yean aM ami baa
teas la pouter slBce IM As the Maruwits uuie or nothing was known of
him. as be abumed notortety and 4eteetad offletm life and the tesnige of
eonrtlersL Ba la rntbrn small of sUtura
4hd pbysichUy weak. Be has been
troubled with fits of epllepey. which
have eauaed him much unegameas and
glvea tbe crowned bewda ef BBrope
much concern. He inheHts from his
family a disordered brnln.' and on eeveral occnslans It baa been alleged ttet
anlty. This, howlerely gooalp of tbe
court. Re baa kept wttbln his own
domain Anoe coming to tte throne and
has- little or no Intcrceuioe with the
outAde sreild. BO far as social fUncitnns
are ooneerned. Be once MHted the
president ot the French rupublic and
tbe emperor of Oermony. President
Penre returned the visit, and with the
at these tbaro are no
special funcUoM at whl^ Miebotas was

Uon that be U of unaonng mind. It teg
’s brain Ig
no better-bauneed tbamltsl midba. It
II ao wonder, then, that the irewnei
beads of the world regaid with aacletr
and ocnoern these two men wte ewitral
contlnenui Europe and have a pouiuisl
mnuence In tbe affairs od tee world, ltd
one knows at what mosasnt they may
braak from their present paeWe poUeg
and take aome stand ttet wtu hot oalT
destroy tbe piaii that now exists la
Europe, but be the means of embraiU^
tbe whole world In a benfilct.

other courts. Tbe calU____ _________
an of an agreeable kind. It U suted
that at the feasts and ceremonies at­
tending tte coronatleB mwe than tea.WS.SW was spent s crest perttan ef

The Mttary waU papen now oMg
In most effective and useful Shadea, sp
that they may be used In-tte UvlM
mows as wtllaa in the btewnM.Uffffl
awhile tec eboloe ot design and oolegW'*
wsB so United teat tbalr «se «a#

bdlty and ean te'easUy Influn^

as to Us p


obliged to attend. Aa has been stAtsd.
he comet from a line of people who have
been afflicted with brain irooMk. Among
tala noted aaecstora was "Mad King
Paul.*- and U was comparaUrriy re.
eenUy 1
Duke h
of the bratn.
Tbe tarallr of tbe k
free from the saapieloa «£ Insaalty el*
tber. and his p .......... a an eltsd- -bg-

ed upon as a wonder but has been nick­
named by
ly the men the "Demon Eelier."
Althongh not ph>-elcally perfect. Wil­
liam phsarasev wonderful powers if en­
durance and baa often displayed It by
wlineiilDg the maneuvers of troopi In
one pan of tbe empire In tte tncmlng
and being back In Berlin to take part In rerepllon tbe same nlghu'wh'Ile
the follouing morning be would be
ready to start on snotber Journey without rbnwingthe illghtest fallgtie.
The cmiierur'a life of state and that of
hli home are entirely dllferenl. and the
and abow loving monarrfa Is a
food and loving husband and a devotedfather. On the streets of Berlin or Pots­
dam he does not hesitate lu stop to
speak to the lowliest of his subjects.
He le fond of ceremony and enjoys ths
flattery of hli courtiers. When, howev­
er. be enters the hlg gates of the palace,
he ac-ema to change and seeks tbe ner litaloB of his own soil, where he .njoys
the oom|>any of the empress and the
smaller members of bis family. It Is
said that he spends at least two hours
every day with the young prlnceasos
and pnares. enjoying with them their
toys and sporta He bss insisted upon


• \

Wadiable Wan P^ien
Re never Urea ef tbe army and la aiways on tbe alert for soma plan to hn.
prava It. Owbi^to tbe auipilaai ba baa
given the treopa In many ad the fortified
towns'of Oermany ha U nM only laak-


reached tbe age when personi arc sup­
posed to te fully matured and capeWe of
handling great problems of state with
.wund Judgment. Tbe men In qneetlon
arr William II of Oermany. ’ who, berauee vt hla many pocullantlss. Is look­
ed upon by bis snemles and deiractors move. No opportunity has escaped him
to chew taU power and the trend of bis
peculiar though coneededly active
. «U tee RbsMaa Niebolna rules ever tbe mind. Net only haa te tried to rule Oer- :
greatest empire In populatiea and area many, but wba tte osssfflon has sfi* <
in ffluope. while WUUam's emptre. al- fared be baa undertakn to ate
of tte oMer crowned heads tew they :
tenuM mnOnrl titffi gsurniiiw


Umes. and they must Uk*
chances on meeting the emperor, fur
Is seldom Idle. In fact. It Is said that i
only time be la al rest is sbeo he
asleep, and from tbe manner In which
he haa at times aroused the |>al>)
guards and caused all kinds of ezr'i
ment It would seem that be seldc
He spends much of his leisure tin
among his horses, of which hr Is ps
ticularly fond. His stud Is large sr
contains some of tbe finest horses to lie
round In Europe.
While the aerman emperor -U enasUDiiy talking of war and crushing
nations under his fool bis enemies de.
Clare that he Is a coward at heart.
bad Impression on the' people during
the time of ths cholera siege In Ham­
burg. Be had been asked to viait the
pUce, as It was supposed teal his pres,
ence there would afford some relief te
tee plague stricken city. Ha refuaed
at first to go, bot laur sUrted on the
trip. For some unknown reason be
never got te the eltr. and li srsa aaid
that ht was afraid of contracting the
dread disease. On several other occa­
sions also, according te bis detracton,
be has shown tte "white feutber."
Of Nicholas II of Ruaain little cu be
said. He has been fn posrer only for a
few yean, and during that time be has
dene nothing of much aeeounL Tbe
which came from the doarntrodden
telngs which teve brought hla te- people
of the Roealaa empire.
tte public were his aUlance wUb
Shortly before be aacended tee throne
Finnct and the circular letter recently Nlchtriaa made a tour of the world with
lasned to tbe other nation rwquestlng hi# coUBln. Prince Oeorge of Oraece. it
nmnment be reduced. N. 'tber.
however, baa enuned much eonunent
among tbe diploinnu. aa Nlcbotaa la
looked upon as a ratber weakralnfied
by Prince Oeorge nod rbcelved
person worthy of Bttle eensidcinUon.
only n alight sarord wonnd on the fore­
Unlike WUUam of Oennanr. be Is of bend. BU vlalt to tec
n retiring nature and M fend of nelteer excited no end of
mllltarr nw offlda] Ufa. RU trmiang
haa bean mora In tte line of tee nel- ■tent, and becanse of hla retiring nnture
ences ratlior than In tec direction which te raoHvod tte nleknune of "Kltetdna
would fit him to govare n large nnd tte ffUent," Like bis Oemnn neighbor,
NIeholns M tend ot hone life nnd epMdi

bly only n qnesUon of time whte i
wnll papers
velly so.
----- » li n t__
I soft. dnlJ abades that It •
reprtsenUUon of denim. Thlg
r and dull background for o
Dd wnlU Is highly artlsUc aaff
efifactlve. nnd now teat tte denim pa­
per has come we nay look for lU anrtF



atBM mnMiMf

■^JtofcBowtlA fflhotaatBiMn
Bhialotoow mu gaMk, iMtbM
■i« Mo putioMan. T^ammotA
«ho Beat TMag to OiOin


CHt« 9rtm m» Wm
fcA.». Jawi tt y
Mk>n«< tlMWinm lodge, to w«a
B to the IM«nl9 m • WotknwB o<
_____V- Be)olMdtkeocd«tB«ntetnr
•MMgB Id lanaadflOed eUlli««aMi
: 4b Itoat lodge. Is IMS
wm etoetod
MMd lepraeartetite to ttte groDd ledge c<
V«r JwMT. UatTtoBd end Detoweieead
to UW WM eboBM gMBd oottide wetok-

;i Stoddanl Lectures


goedataadlog at tbe law a«Mt e0S,OW, toMMa^ a««hydyV*tyS^SidtftW
Kot<i«ltoaD.fDad t
amklagaeotol If 9BS.9MdMaamdaad leflagSTlagtnmiaactbt
toMnlDc ta taambatMlp. thto WMdd
iMVe l.on.M! tobe to.....
1 ftw. What
faeeaipe of Ibta mete than I.OOOAOO mamI ’ QMrt. It If Uw Amerioan flag flj
bant Soma belonged to lodgm that have
Bdlon by meBDt of imprat
Iran tbe maintop of an Amerioan n
atmMdetedtbAr chateera and died, ata
bava baM eKpellad, and tha r
and ceaaiged laoUltiee and wlM*,j otaant abip that beada the ^
otil rednolngwagea. Tbanio, boworer. piooeMlon. Ike abfp with ibotwd g
a teaerratlon
oCaaU tha late Itawaylndl
MledgmeaL It to tbe glory at.d tbe
■or trf t
tbootatomMl that U tbe fooda bBtittonotthe
benbtp of lAOO. In Eaitock7. Gtnnd Fn- tn whlM Amerlmn ptodouata an abla
Wlareb Ambrom Bruner hM faeeD boar to defy farrign oocopettticni “wan aoM ablp of oomwtro
•ending letano to tbe offloan to tntermi
aa cbaaply to domeatle oouauuMW aa' crdcr. Witboiil it trade wUl have a
them Id the fall eampaign.
ping up a
they are to forelgiieta tbe tariS wall diffienlty In kerplaj
would be worthtoaa to tha |
Oet. 17. the
axpaeta to' hen 10.000 Odd Fellowe In
AmeTtiona of tbia kind era nwA fa

ite not only Universal in Seojw Bat Bmadly Comprehensin
in Subject Matter, they embrete:

A>inauHn|nnw>(DeaoTereigngraim,Tbeyareaaf7to mahe. bnt not ao aaiy
lodga Kortfa Caiullaa 1^ 4,4Sd menbera. to omtrontl. for the reaam that no
TblaahowiagUaffmtooafortoamaUa'apeoiflcatlou an fnislahad. It wonld
forladletlon. Ralalgb la tbe bomaof IM t>a tinite to tbe point If
Qraad She Obartea Bodwa.
•bowing tbe arttolaa of Americas
Tbe pmoepite taxfor aappott of tbe' bh
for wblM bigber prloca
of Ohio baa bean fixed

Nature, in all it’s Varied Aspects




Towering Mountains
, Sublime Canons
Foaming Cataracts
Sweeping Rivers
Placid Lakes
Rippling Rills.

Ipand tbirowtie*7a not boar ont tbe a
It to
dmtbe. Tlwtt
tbe aoaal worth of ihelodBa to ataoat MS,flooding of tbe Amcrloaa aaricet with


MB. At the MMiDB of IMS ke wu I___
•Md f end when, la 18M, Ike

lir the n

FroiB Mor-ar'a Bortavm UM to taeuw WMb-


and no twilf of tba Witoon law m
1 !>««*«»
^ domeatio manaI hew Tort.}
^ Btarketodabroad at prioea
. lodge eannot be Inatolltd below owmU valoea at btsM. and vary
by proxy. He DiMbepn^t tnp^|ltb^ytb,prtooi^^ „
bM been dropped to not no margin of fnflt to tba pcodanar.
eotlttod to borUl by tbe mdw.
A new Odd Feliowa' bell to being baUt
Xenia, wblob will be oomptoaed about
Oet. II. wblob It to ooBlIdently expuetrd
ganltod V

Man’s Mastery Over Nature ^
la AU Lffisds.


Kearly MOmnof thaTwM9-ftf|» X
me regiment, D. & ralmtema. an f
«bo are toemben of the ocder ere Ootoaol
BOaCoIonei W. J. Bbtod aad^Cyria J.

efae^dy tofendgn
■BMBS.. Bst that
dmatopart With tbe Ug btBwmkrtet
ODoe man tmder oontiol and an lm>
wort of tbedegneal- menoa fnenam in the damand tar tbeir
oatpet growing om «< ttato fact tin o»Mdy taken eeaneily*
A mnUon brntbare end ooeAftb aa many ooaaity tor wtorificing prioaa in ocder to
neonnontleta in tatogn laarktiTa boa

Ufa In A I It’s Phases

At tba bigbaat flgsn a<
nierof tbe grand badge of TtagtoUtfnoo

A lodge eennot faallol on the «
g( AD endtout for Bwobahlp el

CBIM Wrom the VeMgW
A MewB to faoQod to oonmH the karsdBMO aitd promote the lotonMe cf hto
tooMw. to avoid ereiTtlilag oOeoalve to

Tbe “oocaaloo o' Doie tolk” In Boyal
Areetanm drclee In North CeroUna to the
ebanjK of tato. Otand Begont Scalea hm
Againat tl
leaned an oBlotal drealar relating totfae
lpal« .
•objeeL Oiand Saeratary Wv baa |n- mark of gXBS,000,000
of exported n
pai^ and aent oat all over tbe alato. one
te every rnembw of tbe «dar In tba atate. nfaetoiea U.a nlativaly inaignifioant
a table abowing eomparlaona of tba old matter.
and tbe nmv rate and oompariaons of Me i Tbe Anwncao oaoramer la not flsd
new rate with late far an old line ordinary ing any (anil. He to getting hia gooda
lUe nonpartldpaOng policy. Tbe latter obeapar Jtbfip atjmy pceviQu imitid U
U an eye opener totbe member whnthlnks
"the rate too high, “and tbewcckm re­
port It m a omful doonmant
Eaatan oonndl ef St. liouli mwla a net
rdaringtbe laattarm

MBM IbexepataltoD of hie famllr, to pro■tm tbe obaMltr of hi* ttonae. to defond
Ml Bfe, kto latterly, and, what to dearer
Me maa of honor, bU chatwtor.agaUMt
«B}aA attaeka. to relievebU wanuaad
Madtotiiaa. to laatUI loto hli mind propor
HaMofcoadnct latkettoparUneBtofUli
aadopudtl yean ago
•toek be to oallad to HU. aad, M me add.
AafMtarhto aebemei<d intereM and |»o> baa been in torn •<
enitod to the low average eoet for tbet ,
length of Uma. The aTetage eeaeaement' <
pdd by all mmubeii Ma faaen |1 67 nn ,'
gS.OOO, and tbe avccage anonal com baa :!
On the Itoh of eeptwaber. ITM, Wi
been bot$e86psgl.000, witbwbleb aU :
gMton WdUwoaraerMooeof tbeoa|i
daima have bam> mat tor filynara
M the CDited etatea la tbe et^
While tba new table of retm to a ndiiwl '
Ato name. It waa laid at the i
ehange from the old ^n, It to a eheoge ''
lor futon CtabUUy and evrr InereMlng |
Tba Boyd Ananom WM notarMOtood-,
Vbee^oarM <d tkl MatoM of the
a. bat •• a fratatid aoetoty pnrl.
VOrtd ate la Kcetb Amerlea. and r«t the
for wUa and
of the Genael AmertcM Bell '
Tbe new calm wU pay tbe moitalKy
MMdatloii ebow that more than half t .
nitof extended tbe peat yntobM bmn to eiaiw.« upon a death tato of abnot 1
IIK per 1,000 membera Itibooldbeat
kaet IB to XI yeara bdore the deith rale to

______ veone,
aaMe tmtemlty.
In Oolcndo It to a lUtoaleofloBW for tbwvaftor. ixir In any way ean It >w ermdhamaAarorwardeuol a lodge to make •tnmd M a waiver of tbe icwal ruqolrementthat momhenabaU pay tbe
manta wltboat noHoe.
A brother wk igraeb Infonaatloa U enb-


tbe total rapt
tba borne markeC It la twonam of tha
etUion to ratain a ahan in a mac* ,
rtaleb ocnatunM mon than ps.000.

11 give j
mr fathe
Od. to tbe milkman andCSl IB
to tbe coal merchant*''
; Dolly icoafidectly)—We
*0,*.-Pic* Me yp*

W« will close ont a few broken|loto of Shoes, at as
good wsaren.




ing shoe get them of




history and Biography


la Barwt Form.


Vb Eflt budnds ol Ike
uta im ulbwltla

Watch This Column For Bargains!
For Your School Bools
Fifty Cents
Guard Chains

a yoer akoea hdf aolrd or
JOB SABLIN. >14 Eaal Front atmet.

:: Religion’s Hold On Humanity.

«i par lio> aod


How Christianity grows
How Buddhism grasps .
How Hindooisffl embraces
How Mohammedanism s n b*

' A Classic In It’s Literary Style.

Open aU algbt.





How cities have grown
How nations have arisen
How kings and queens, lords
and ladies have lived and
loved governed and died.
Told with the richness of

I gepptlva of all kinda
kind aee tba CITY
Poet Office Belldlag.



How Little Laplanders Live Farm X-ife in Norway
Haymaking in Switzerland Women of tbe Sultan's Pal*
^ Donkey Drivers in Egypt
’ Httman Horses in Japan
River Houses in China
Dpsbky Riding in Russia

Palaces. Temples, Mosques,.
Shrines. Cathedrals, Obel*
isks. Monuments, Rnins,
Homes of Great Men, past
and present, and Common
Cottages where the mtlL
ions live.

IM lull tm puw
puslNe to pndaa.

They are all solid leather and

Furniture Bargains ^a'o.
Columbian Restaurant



We cany a large stock in all styla

and all priosa and can please you. For s good wear-

Anoleot Landmart lodge. No. IT, of
Portland haa a larger membwebip than
MV othw lodge lo Maine
Tbf grend lodgvof IndUnaowne bar
UMOoto temple and other red eWato. be^aeaboatSto.uw loveetod In atooka end ing tv Money to wampam, a fathom of
mpurn being |l and an Ineh 1 eanv '
e treaauty to the wnnipom balv and
Tba grand lodge of Indian TeRltory
webea am long talka A year to a great
ytem to the cndlt of tbe WIdowa and
3 divided loM muutu, dodgnaied ae (olOrpbaw' borne tnod tbnw-foarthe of aU
MBMg reoolved above nereemry expenaea. Iowa: Janoary, ould uioon; Fefansary,
•DOW mooo: March, warm moon; April,
Then an 16 lodgm at Manxta lo San plant niaoo; May. flower nioon; June,
Pnnetoeo. TM avmage mambemhlp to
i; Jaly, buck moon; Angnat,
moon; Svptamber, oon moan;
Tbe enpreme eoancfl of tbe northern OctotNC. traveling luuoo; Novonber, beavMttMletloti. Sootttob Rite, baa emh aaeete «rnK)oa;l>eDeoih(W,bui]tlagmoOD. Werta LassbMtalhaw rldlorise.
M fil67,t76.M allwaU Inveaud In gtMd are aeveti anna, and the <toye are flrav moood and third eun. boginolng with Sonday. AnlgbtUael»p;adar.aean. An
Iwur to a ran and a mimRe a taeath.
lodgeof Pennaylvmtlaat tta Morning to rtolag <d tbe aun and evening
1 at Lrtanon etoewd John & aeUtagiif tbeaon. The reckoning of the
onkr daiee tnan ihedleamrv of Amwtea.
thto being tbe great
kair ~ *------- '—■* —'
OartngI Mtba amail
ama IneeMaof ttwanPaqnot tribe Of
|BMM lodge. It to 1twtng ...............
ana qt
MMnart time from the ... .
Incrwkae of nearly X _______ ...
Tbanantmljisboat SOOddegatoe totbe poet tom. The gieateet galsa have been
ssiswue lodge, and tbe «w of tbomget- by Oecoula—U daring tbe tmm and 67
«tng togvtbar alone and naiimoUng tba during tbe year. Monteauma gained SB.
PouabuntBa S4, Ooeopab IB. Iruqooli 16.
•rttk tba <Mt under tbe ptment method.
Other trlbce abow galM, but none eo largo
Bveay member of the greet oooncll
•binild fully poet bimaelf os tbe bneloeei
: ATto oonw up to tKM they wIS be |>r«.'pand
IMghban of America tot tbe moo
to tagUlate with promptnew and dtopotob.
Oaart tribe of New Yort to tbe only
Tbe firm Math tooeeor in tbe Boyd
Mgbbae naka In tba Twin Cittm wm tribe lo the country eompoaed of ItaUana
= BMdlaBsUdiag.
MM of kin Beaiy, ameabarof Hym- It bM a lUDd of «7ud. and during tbe part
for alekaod
SBlb conp, MlnnaepoHa 6fao saM


iBiCaay IrtBdn.

! ArtandArchi ecture of the World


especially low fig:tire.

The mountain road over the
Alps. Tbe St. Gotthard
Tunnel with 167 Railroad'
Bridges. Famous Loop
Road up to Darjeeling in
the Himalayas and Rpores
of other wooderfnLengin'
. eering feats of the hnmao

ttoUun iKtvir'
IS Un u loit IS Ow
lute. TtM
SnlBi on ms dll.

The compressed essence of
Each sentence an idea
Every page a jewel casket of
richest thought and rarest"
language holding the read­
er entranced

i A Picture In dex at the Close.

, Euuooirto.



Bringing all of the Ulustrations in alphabetical ar­
rangement within our i«mernau control.



!OU KOBma MMOom. »o»i>a.t. mxmMarm »a, iw.
aad mask to kto aarptoa fond H bat Atoii la keaar at tka aaeaatoa. Ttoa
Ba M tte S faMt Of L.
aot wiuoat cmdit to hto tomDp.
__________ oaatoaai foTuateMtto M. BHMtfabatema ^walry M
Srat made aam af thaacw iSh wmka peatoOM boOdlaf.
aad e
a 1loak
tttmmi bf kto fMkar. Tow« tSm
r. eed
. klm tkat
warn fOad baaJa Mr. Jom' plato. uafaawMtortka aabUutitor m toaU
- to JelB tka Ladtoa' Llhmry HthecemmaataL BatoabadmMwa
Bawm Ha tka WteaS
... -jiatfaafar
far M a Joam. oaa
owe i______
from a
3. fcltoa^ Ok^i^^fera^^ tka lam- Ikair aaS bet baflnmit Ufht. Maaam.
waU kaowa aaaial Mb fv Mr. Jaam RMeBi_____
ttoe cardoftkamayareftkaafty. aad aaevred apalr I Bm A Pachardto tea
CampkMl * Boh iMdS wtm. Urbt
______ almalar __ ____________ _ _
aad power.
SA 00 patent
akona far Ue an*
mt lutker

ahowad tkat kto walA aaadi
prtaH tka pile. Mr. Jaaae wm earn
(mmdy tow price of $1.00. Bto attoa*
tor. aad Mr. Itoaaett araadaa
akn« kto ahealdan at the atmala
tioB waa aumetad ton Am Itoe at
••The ama wko do aot
am adrarttoa
to I >trtotly np
twdau ladlea' akoea. which
la aatttlar tka oamta at kto daataaad Itdaaatkateeaalar.
Oo. aawpUaatkatpada.
aaaal, keklad Ue
i Mr. McRamam
to eelliac at jMt I
Ktoodlka mlaUea. tkom aiHa aoaw ad Mr. JooM npm earrytor a foad aewapapnn am. Mnanal.
Mmaa, my dear." ka rmaarked to Mm. thirds
Utoda rasalar
pricaa Tbm. Jr., proai*
knotty tekl poiata aoaamlar «bkU
Joaaa, aad tka rtmalam wnm mmored ' toed to i
‘tkto Momto kto
•Opakte hr tka Matte.
BamTbamaa Jobm fait Uatkaaapat
m'ther aad Btotan.
Tha Hoe. nwmaa JaMoaUpaUli
with Frad R Pratt, tka wall kaawa
kto aaetnet tkat tka Paalaaalar
aaea akaU ba «aad la kto aaw k
Joaaa to aot wkatto tmrmad af
■ ImiHH. who kaa roama U tka ■aa. b«t doM hJ.^ coed door at i
Tam. Jr., had Uu far kam mtkar
aal plan bp
Umaa aa baktor to doaa to kto to
la Ue backfnmad, bat wiU a wtodom
tkadifBealtlaaaod a
Ba west to
HoMa. IM Froat atraat. wUl aa
Ba aakad tka adftoa of a pramiaaat
AM Praai
proaadam to ba adopted by H<
rroaar, wko told kim tka bmt fasUy
InMcwtlnc OoMdp Oono«ni.
-,..jOt. aad
wroaraad alae do tkr Ua wock oa kto
door waa Baaaak, Lay A Oato “Baat**
aereed la
tokad tkat ka had fal a i heaad. Behold mara of it than of a
lag the Hob. Jonaa'
•abject of blayelaa. Tka family acraad fait inra. Tka akew of roods
late rood
od baada. aad arraiiTMl wlib otkar brand, aad ka board tba aama
t ■ r> diraetly to B. B. Olbba,' tltSmU aad loalda Ua'store was larca aad at*
Mr. Pratt to draw ap a anmbm of ba- port from otkar rroeara. The Joao
Gaioq Btmat. oppoalle Ua & A W. M.
aad toelnfad aU kiads ef ata*
partast lar^.papm.
wlU aaa Haanab. Lay A 0o.'a *-Ba«t.'
BUttoa. aad impaet wkaato. They tmetira.
B. E. Watt wUl faratok tka aalat
pis and team froewriaa, foreifa aad
bawedoab>tktha<BBlda aad oat
domes;to fralta, eit A aambar of pee*,
SnMUa TkeaM tmm.
•oadtmmee. Tbm. Jr., ae ---------- pie were abaed of him. aad otkan an*
Tom uid thw Drwn Salt.
The Bo. TkMma Jmm* whe is • »t Tkoataa Jaaot' aaw hosaa. 1 .
TbH Taomaa Jooaa priioanded to
Olbtaa racer, a cpaclal
:lal wheal
terad after klm. Mach to Tom.
«< ''^tta hnat ap aa taanraaoa uffiee. Ha aOaUy
«eil kMwa m4 aocaamfai ateek ralaar tadeda atrieily wtra
Mr. J<
factored by B. E Olbba.. Mia
MlmJ,-_- aerprtae
aad cnUSeatloa. wbae kto
n« tarmm hm aold kia farm U lava iMd aad oU. tba Boydall Broa.' mIzM foaad O. P. Career's offloea oa Ue to rim
ckaaa for kar manat a ladyb
lyb At
- -le ka WM eoartoanaly aahed
M«niaMaMMtoTrm«araa City to
____ ___
wkat tram frame. aaamalaA toe olirafraon
rroead flom' of Ue Ladmo- Ubrary Aa
eonid ba aareed. Ha fanad
aad ctripad wiU cold. Wtolfaad ^oaa
aaetattoa to^ltor. M? Fmot atraat. ba'' Aeairad at Fmek Htodek’a. at
anU tka pom
aattoSH I
a Olbba. bamnaa af lu bcaaUfnl pre- Uat fa. J. Boblamm aad
made armaramaate to plaoa WB.MO Baadol^'aMt. iud~
Birle Mocha
' Jam
advwtaCMfor wUeh
H kto kanie and S.HO oo Ua farai* ka woold make a toe.____
porttaac. which waa aaametod to te. Golden
•a*'-.. -SaM. snek as bto (
1. Mr. Joara hat Weaa
lam aad aUcr paragoal oSaeta la tka at Ua raeapUoa. Mr. tUadak'e Itoa
A oomUBattoa wheat, tkat Ua aatim ws
OoUea Baric tea*, sraiea
. hMWB ia Ua omnaBanity aa a
waU kaowB aad raltobla eomnaatoa faU aad winter aaltlara aad kto prioae family kad tawaad to ride on, wa« muCbar always drank Habnarhtat__
i. wboa. . .
' faboae word to at rood aa a bead,
I oppoalta tkr Bafte nffaa, will do repraaaated by Mr Career, who to OH warn ao atiraoUea that Mr. Jaom ar- toraad to oa Ua pnrahaaaa atallbnml oranraa aad STM emrtoaad tkat a Arm
kto fallow tawMBaaa kara a«aUad
aalaUnr aad paper kaart«t >■ of tka oldaat aad bast known toaamnM raarad to kaea Tom, Jr., Uaea kto •care. The Andnrwa tandem wpt wbleh reeocnissd tba rirkta of a boy
aad kaea tka aall forwaidad. Bkawa Mr, Joaaa aad aadonbtodly
Tkomat JonM' aaw konia. Mr. Wla- armU la Tmeema Ciiy. Ha mprcaata
weald ba aqaaily ecmaatoatlOM to astf- .
■tab rapotatioa aa a eomaateat, artto- a aplaadld line of Ua moat mllabla and
tie workman iaanraa Ua Joaaaaa aat'
tlm temUy eaa taka wkaM tripe m tka ISu'ua J
aneUble raooi
faclory* and ooaaelaallona work.
Tbaordarlasofadraatantt bronrht
■in wriUar Mr. WlaaU' ezoela, a
to Mr. Jhm’mtod the teat that ba
maaj kanitanma aai intoiln ttonr d
aaadod apma draaa ahlrto. 8a awppad
e biu of aeaaary. Nr- Oibba
la tbto elty am tka motk of I
AlUonrk bronrht n on a fana.
into Baada A Oo.'a etotktof atom, lU
aad felly aqnipped repair Tom.
Jr . kM awnll AeWoped awaat
>-------- ----------- ----- -------- -------------.1,------------Tba J< acaaamat at aapper to tba
toeU. aed next to etolMac a eastUy nhop
dtotorr •« af Ua Park Plaaa HoUl.
M^elo to saceaaafnlly trmted. _
Saearuttw Oidw.
• irfM am nannibte. Firat clam
daytoexpariMoaa. Aaobkada haar^
V wkeala am kept for real at mod' Ml Front atraat, aad whUa atosrtac
appaUte aad did JaaUoa to an eaaaUaat
bla^ yarn aadarwaar far wbleh
away a aiokalto worU nf jril roll, tomaaL Tba rlHa aad Tom. jr. had bam ___ la A Co. are axelnalva araata; a
•peetod Ua stock. The bread- looked
toapeettor Ua al^- They eeam mUn- aaU dLM «f Ua Oeld aadSUrar bmad
Fsxabama Ftasa.
delMonsIy brown aad appatfatoc. UA
______ Iraaof kto abUlty by alaeiaf
of kbma for Tom, Jr., aad
cakea ivam Ue aema of a koaaamifato
kirn aa tka aekaal board, afrcttar.
nxoallaal ailk nmbmllA. A walktof
dream, aad as Tom's toat amaUfil Aft
TbafeaUlyMAtteamator U tka
him a aaparatoor at kto tawaabip.
alad IV aad Mr. Joaaa
rleau mrlor amlra«d to Uair aaa. Ia WM at Snt
Hartodirida np tka work far Ua dadtok, kntl
AUto brand and calma wara jnbt wkat
PHt day. Mr. Jom aald ba wanid took
the Joam famUy stm loeklar far. Mr.
after Ua bayla* af a catTfafa and barAakto Qnakar bread to a aoeal^ imA
ama aad aaeartato wham tka baH Soar Joaaa lonad that Baada A Oa. aold
totrodnead ia TraecrMCUy. aad-aay
canid ba had. Ba woald aedar Ue ClOenAOooa'e oellam aad aaffa aad
mtod a eoioa. Sararml piaaoa wara
wbo triM a mmiHs loaf wQl waM
Momma BbCDBD to foUoW Uam CMt tka wall kaewa BHmarioh medy*to*
s .of it. It to wWaaoma aad An*
aa by ito dally permkl tkm eraald ba- wear clotkiac. Tbea Themae Joam
aoma famlltartoad wiU t^ fatam beaded for Ua Park Flaaa hotel for mai attar maUra A—
"luTaadaiataod tkat by tka daatb af
mrml ckotoa centered1 npM Us Kimtowaapaopla. Ha had atoo a llttia
at tba Klmball, eotd to TraeanaI City
CU,------------akop^ U do. aad mmt order a drcaa
ball bmaak baaaa. iFfOTl
Frwt atraat, R.
•nil far the raraptton. Hto oaly aaa
E. (Mraac. maaafar. Iw Asa tone.
raa rottfaS poaltieeW akabby.
Tkomaa Joaaa to aH kypareriti*
Mn. Joaaa aaid aka bad baiter fat a ..elMm
lilk aad eraaak Tkto
In tka maUer of drma. knt arnrytmeallas bat for tka mUway trip aaat, Ulac aka waan to aalacud wlU tka
aad tka cirie Beaded new powm far bmi
of taato. An attmciim atUltoery _________ Tkto koma mrrim a eaiy
Ua mcepttoa. Ska tkoasht bar time dtoaUy
mBb taator wkea H
larfa stock of ali kinds ef masiaal mm
weald be ooeeptod nearly Ua whole af
Mr.Tkomaa Joaaa aad faaiUy wara
eommu daUrmlolac. the qaaU^ of
TCctotarad at tka Park Plaoa Botal
inUk. H' Stopped Jmapb Jaeqnas' Balrlir
Tataday a>d aceaptod Kooma 14. IS aad
daardaliywaraa aad aakad fariiMlia,
Mm B. & WaU’i fine
d ML aad a clam of rick milk sru stemklm
la aad tka parlor oe tka aaooad door,
dark Fraak Wraeahy laportad tkaa aa
As ahseema to Walt's drnc aura, Ttoe HI raU he kad jaat mtea may
and aalaeted a rary teatei
sraor Oaioa aad Front alraata, Mm kaea had aometfator to do wiU it hot ’
Joaaa wa* ea waU mtii
--------------- —*
aba waated a ttom. Jr . ikonfkt tba milk tka
oat damar to tka *ary reaaoaabla to aaU Janet kto bolldato- kaidwam.
batUa of Tbaltu parfama. u.
hat had
tail aad winter aiylai dla^ya^
ekarraaaf the Park Plaoa Hotel. A
_.. that
. —. i . tkoaght •Tkto to toad aaooth (wU^Joaa^
a tWlat eaaa
lew prioae, aad Ue conrtoay a
rho adearttoad aarapraaoBtatlTaaf tba Moame BaooKD
wanU e>mM nsafal
‘ >l aad bokfkt It. hr mid. Aad ka made artnafaaaMtB
Uat aka wiloateered to $1t«
a Ue aoplea of Ua
foaad tka Mon. Tkomaa Joaaa aajoylaff
waila tbs ciris aalaeted a boiUa of toll* with Mr. Jaym to rapply Ua faaMly.
' aeid Hr.
oad J. clear la the hotel lobby
la rraated a vary p'eaaaat iaterMd
rarttoamaat. Maw. a* a a
omb, aad promlaad
Mr. Joate aald be bad }nat eoma fron appmelato Ua oonrtaay of kaiar Um«ka a trial of catltor hto naraly
tbalrrooma Mia. Joaaa waa allrbUy elMd to eiait kto atore. aad i know
into order. Mr. Joambanfkt far
iadiiprwad a«d ba bad wlrpboaad tor a from cxparleoee Uat Ua mao wha ad*
aad aacamary aap
Tom, Jr., a aai
famm Lanadiy. Wmtaa A Dattoa,
tmiaad anna, and Mtoa BitalU Hoi- earttoa am Ua eatarprtotor. prarmaFront aliwat, ia rarard to the msktor para, somaUtof tne boy bad lonr de­ prapHaton. 41S Umi BirkU atmat,
aoab. arradnate of tka Oairanlty at aiea dmlan and the oaaa who keep Ua
of Ue recaption gnn*. The yonne sired. The anlim family todnlrad in’ ^ family and ladlridaal naUiafn
latHtaadhaatroodatoUalr Uaaa.-'J.
. aoda sarmd at They am aeUiac at that lanadiy that
ladles dlsplayad a lively latarMtla the tba dalietoos ioa
A. MoBtarna. 1ST Froat atmak, ■ ‘
dtoeamlcB which anened.
Mn. ^oan Walt's aad eompllm< itod Ue maaked will Irjnra Ua fabric, and tkalr work
atiafactory. am) be receiead
frnlu and jsiee frnlt
todelirmd promptly oa Uiaa. Tbar
o wall pleased sriU Ua e
M tkoraarklp compateat la bar proorder for Ua bnildare’ harddMlIna. aad he eraaeatUfiadthat aadar ware, aad aUo aald him one af tka
. Millar will
tba deetoion with bar.
Kn. Jhai Ordtn Xarltatleab>
bar watMal aad axpartaacad cam Mn. aalatoatod Ballpaa atoai marea.
___as' reraptioo
Joaaa woaM be Mtlraly raooeared by
am modsmte.
a aaiia fiotobad
Ua raeapUoa tram Ua MoAeWA BaXapw a Be Papar.
Tka reporter laaraad Uat tka family
ooBb Job Toema.
bee wvnrbt
TbasaMUea of n-tor wall i
fmaiathaeltyfor tka paraoaa af aoawoDid be ssfSHant. Ska wss pla
ilia Ua aaw '
aas TBOMM jona.
toaetlar far Ua matertoto for aad tka otatonr
for Mn._____Jto
kalldiar at tkalr mw boaaa. parekaalitos Jonm aad faiaaifra: made ar*.
aaa plaesd her ardar wiU Ua daU of
d to Mr. Joaaa bat ka oaly eald,
aatameau with 0*0. B M2LaUaa,AM.
iar auppUaa. and nrraariar (or Ito far
Ua raeapUon to ba determined Intr______________ .ay dear.
■ar. . 1 will
atoktoc to kll Hi dateUa.
-r of P.i,( atraet, i
elUrr way.” Mn- Joaaa
aancaterm- for Ua moaptioa.
Mr. JoB« ballaead tbay eoald eoar mtiaBad
URaaltelle book atom. ItVFraat atraat, "won Id meat Ualr motkar at
plate tkalr toaytor to two daya, aa Uay aaw
lion Tkay
a beantifal pattara af pa par. aaatk rrcat admlrm- of be ao ii
bad ia mtod aaarly aearytUar wanted. toted aad waa loat She wee t toutka ocloaketMn AUtoa'a.
Mm Joi
ntamat, aad Bampfaa
Tom Jonas, Jr. wm
They had oMatoadeopleaof Tn MoaaFraaem BadgaeB Baraatt aad Bad.._____ oraata akBrbart,prash
Mi. Joaaa amlliarly
daty of loeklnr np aad
DO RacOH aMt Uma aro, aad from a atom.
yard Eipliar- Bar farorttu ef Ueac
I, eboaolatmaad eooosmat bar
Ska waa abawa »o mmay kaa<
______ hekar.
a rroaar, meet dealer,
antbenara "Llttia Lord FanaUarcy" _iadim srm mtoa by
Olcae etody of lu adeertialar and local
Iris aad
aad lenadry. >n. Bto faUer alae snraawe oolamna. bad laaraad of Ua paoby Mn. Bnraatt and "CapielM Ctonr- proaeaMsd^acU^y antiafaetory. T1^
Ir of
tkat he bny kimaelf a pair
plawkokoptakaroodadaMrad. After
areana'' by RIpHar- Sba did
makiar their porebaaaa. tkay wonid
to cat oa tkalr trip mat a bns of Mo*
afId of Ua family aald t
Tba bead
I that Ha •
tear* tor a etoit to Mr. JaoM boykaod’a
Lellaa's handmade ekoeoUtm.aoBMBat ~
t thins yet to boy <
toaate ia Felton aooBte. K. T..aadrw feet. Mm Jemaa also aalaetod wiadew
eaadlM and an aaaortmaat of UStos.
abadaafrom Baskall's vary attractim plane. The mnalaal rlrto amaated to
para when U.-lr hooM waa nearly «
tkto. bet tka sport-leTlnr Tom saU
Hated. They liked Ua Park Plaoa B
that U« aeleetioB of
-------- ■*
ao waU Uat they wenid make H tkalr
Silk 3mm FuBitua.
and eoBiidaration.
Aamporaiy koma oa Uatr ratnra.
I it came U bayinr foraii
waaarreaC that Ue iaspaetlon of plTba Bon. Thomss Joaaa and famQy
r konac, tka astirn Joaaa
aaea aed bieyclaa shonld ba made Ue
left TrarcrM City for Fallon eonnteiH.
apaeial ardar for Ua afiaraoaa.
T.. oa UaC BA I. at 4:40 ymUrday
Tkomaa Joaaa etoited Ur Tneana aatoctadthaa. .
of the whole Jnst
afternoon Their iDtcaya bad prrmdad
Ote Slate Bank and preaanted a latter Uaprtoctpal rooms, aided by an ocea- at Uto palatt Mm Jenaa
• ham. Tba famD* will mum in aboni
sioael aarrmtloe from Mr. Joaaa. Tba Uatonaefkei .
of latmdBctioB fro« Ua preaidao
two moaUa, and soma of Trarrraa
t Ua bottom with aa a
yonec ladlea aad Tam. Jr, warn flvao and Bhakapae I
the Firat Vathmal of Honayellla.
City's beat people bare already dapidad
. .
ofrkifloaof Uasamaec
kad plaead to hto eradit a oerliflaat
Ua happy pririlara of eboaator faral- work.
riva mrrpUoM la Urlr bomor. Tka
rba eofMCa to ba made at eelrat.
Mepoalt for SlCUOaO. Mr. Jnaa* ■eenred tarn (or tkalr raapactiaa reams, aad
made in Ua (
aama color m the skirt, la s darkar
Tea family aapemtad, ti
a ekaek boook. toft hto alraainra, and Uay warn not lunf to makiar Uair tor Ua amlrnmeaU for U
•Bade, aad unmmad wlU
•oM Caahiar J. T. Hanaah Uat
ekaioa. The roods wmo banykt at J.
bad camfolly laeealirated tka Traea
W. Slater's'
liar atam, lU
3mm Bsy> a Ftoa Oairlaft.
I that tba daOily SUU Bank aad wm plaaaad
Anyone wbo knows Ue plaaanra
Cl Us dean.
open aa aoeoeat with Uam. Be axthem U to aptontor alanf wlU a Baa dm trimmed
paetad to payontpaito a aambar of
Lawllord Holdra raeeirrd a latter
taraeat aadar tka Uady tmaa af onr white melm.
ohaoka to Ua aazl Awo daya. aa ka
yeoter-»sy from Bon. TkoBBsa Jonas.
Mn. MUlat
baMUfal city. ooUe flea stneta
Mkiar him to sac A. W JahrM. tl4
bonlerarda. wlU aomm cad Mr.
• sl.bart
new cystem now need in all Ua taryar
Ua Saaa<
Front strret. aad ucacs half e tbaw-.
ter tooktos abut tor_____
8ba will ba prepamd to taeeb
aad wall imsoard Diammd J nod
ricca to Ue asarkat. Ba want to Ue eiUca.
Jqm A&opts PUss.
TrnTana Belle e-can for Mr. Jonas'
PrcrlM far HU late.
wall kaoara aarriaca npmltory of Q. B ttato systam, wkleb la Ua bmt kaewn
raeapUoa. Ba bad tried Uma faaarlto
Hon. Tkomaa Joaaa arraared wlU 0. Bonrkay A Oe., aeraar of Cbm aad far eettias farmeato (or ladlm aad
Samil^ ^a*e1^«Utad*fey*«rA.^aaa. W. Merrill, wbo« ofiica aad wamhoaai Bute alraata. aad waaanrprtoad to c*t
aam m Froat aUwai, Frtodriek ktoek. to oa Watt Froat atraat. adjolalar Ua each an alacaat carriacc at ae reeaoa*
tka waU known aiekto
C. A W. M. track, for a wtaur anpply able a priea. Ba Mlaeud oaa of tka
Mm Joam aonykt Ur. fa. J. BIcylM’
for. Tkomaa Joaea*------------of key. atmw. femi aad rmla for kto
ka«M will ba a Am modem twalea- aublaa.
Mr. MerrUl to a wbolamlar an had to mock.
daatal offiea oear MoRamara’a shea
■tom, and for a wonder toned Ua dearooto cottara. with all ooaemtoocea. and ratetlar of applet aad poutoaa. m
and wUI ooai aboot M.OOO. Tka Mlmaa «i(cU M bay. straw, feed end frala. Be
ttot at liberty. "Mn. Jamm Bmsra
Jmea aad Tobl. Jr., toatotod that Uara deUren rH>dB tma-to any part ef Ua
had an appototmaat wiU sas team
aboald i« a bicyela room, aad Arehi*
11:10 to U:»v.’-mid Dr. Biyr<»c> "bat sraatod, bat bonybt aernml ttoptamboiHind DnpUottH
tact Data readily eeolead oaa tkat
ska mat a note tkto momiay mylac and October mayMlam and Mlre*cd
Boa. Tbomas Jonas Lao sold all kto tkat ahs WM loo ill to baea tka srork
wUl ba adapted to many af kto fnum
maektoary wiU bto farm dean Tbaralora, I oaa fl** yonUa
Mm Jeaaa eaanaad karMif. aad after farm
Hana for madam komaa. Tba amay
d to bay amp Uma." Tka reAlUac teok a UtUe mom
Baa prieato dwalliara aad beilama aaeortlar bto wife to the Paric Plaaa in lowa.aad ha oonelndad
batldl^ to Tmmna aty deatraed ^ Beul, Nr. Jemos atarted tor J. M. Lar- Uinr
Uaa kaU aa kaar of Dr. HifsiM’
OtV« Xafarmt to Has.
Iriaa' ocal effae, 4t3 Weal Front atrMt. tanebt klm wkat wm kaat, aad ha aa- akiUad and rapid workssaaahl^ Aa
Mm and Mtos Janm ran toto Hka
far tka work. Dr. BifUa* aMuV^ Amoar tU^anttoeabla Ba mMLe a eoalmet far aofieieataoal to enmd dapUoatM of the maohiaM Uat Mm Jonm
•nrroirs’ kalrdrr-*—----Ha konrkl rlns mmarkad that ke srmUi tHma* Oarrla
•traatra w>tok attraoM UeatUa- larttkmnrkUaaaaM. ata tbit lib- kadsermdklm aa srriL
mt HI Froat strMt. ia cooare*lon
ami aacuoata. realltlaf that aow was
t e that AlUsr to remain.
Mm JoMa
^ M- Ashton's mi’llnsra
toto atmai
kriek baOdlar wbleh to a pati of Ua tba beat time to aaanm a wiataria aapaald that Us family woald hats mom
• Uelr hair drasesd b'fora
Friadrtob ktoak. oaenplad aow by J. ply.
Ha was amnred kafara foinr U toelndad a MeOermlU Wader and _ . work for him. Dr BlcrU* admiato- risiUac Ua pbotocrMbaifa. Mm Jonm
J. M. Larktoa' tkaCM wonid ba glmn war. Amartaaa Barrow Cato, dtoe bar- tem Tttallaad air far tka paialemnx- neaped to try the scalp toeatment m
W. Slator. The pUaa far Ua
•<iaamtmatBaataad fnll walcbt by raw. aa Bmpira drill. Btosail plow, aad traeUoa of toaU and aleo nam anil* wall, aad also carried away wiU bar a
Maaaoa Week, alao aoaetoead
Joaaa that Mr. Dana waa tka ntoat UatSrm. Mr. LaAtoa aantmU tka as Imperial wtodmill aad pomp. Tka dolar for mllaf of pala dnrtny Us ax- kotUa ef aaU-daadraE tonle. MH
traction of toaU.
akUltol arebhaet la tkto part eftka afmey ter Mro aanatiaa ef a vary de- Balloek patoto dln«r. mm ^
Jonm kad kar tern memarad add bar
Blrakle Sn ktodlar, aad Mr. Jeaaa to* A ^ampaey, ^ a pcHttm^^a^toa
balr dniiid Both of Ua tadtoa aoo*
eindad a anpply af tkto eaU wmUar
An BUisA Ua Asm.
riaded tkat Mtoa -Barrowa wanU ro^wTHtoy^TSaSTwit^^ tk^t
Ttoa famOy mat at Ua Park Flaaa
Haul far Inaeh^MUa^ Ihrir taWa
kmndawkOa MUa Fnrk Pleas hotel
__________ tiWbato
ftfa frbAffa.
and laaraad Ua mahsi'i aama. Be wm
•tor ap a Ana krtak ktoek H Oatoa
MaBAffar Hald« kad,
TtoaBoa. TkomH JoM dMirad ta
srtoA nil iffhb.
■Mat tor Albvt ftoter^l. auUy m aaanm far kto new ponaa Ue beat,
TDm.Jr...had apnl Ua )
Ttoomaa JomM kpokad at kto wmiA.

Will Cam Tt BmdfilTnnRi

wmTmhhM teste.


B i
«ai tot Md m uiw

fiwlMto Sftaaib. Uj k Oo.'i“B«r

, Mi-lDmMMl


IE m MM A HODSE. fiiTs^yssi-Su'sr'wti:


t. TT

-------- —-

JoBMt dttha T*A n»»i EetdL




Oa EU SstlTsBsia.




wm Kskf


JUosptle& Oowas.

5C*r. ■ '



T«us SBd Uto Jtirslsr Agiwd.






irs.^:--_ _ ;

«d bcr HM H pmM «p talD li> IM­
AM* Mfl tar fmiRliSte Ota MM'
gomcmL OtataMtowoitlsttakllctaB.
to tat 8M M rk» Mm Uta rM» "
Dun anr tain UI don't"—
. 110.700 won't Yon will jMllta
tapT work rlrta nloDS. rad Mb TOO will
m»7«m wgfa Ata
«««7btar o«<* yvQX tatauidurM



• ItataMWlU

MB*! pul la tta MW borlMqM
’•aoMl Topap Tarty."
Zta buotUal artta't Modal. Out

AniOM tboM who will appur Innpport of Hildnd HdUaBd in "Two Uula
VMMM' thia tMton la Ettal Bnadoa.
M, ta*. > torn roa *• <
(orcl«>. 1-laort kxi*.
Two naw mtulal eocaediaa abont to
«M«M. )<m «■. b* »o*M b«M.
^ pcodooad in Mflfauid with "giil’’
-J!fU Ctanr U Ti»M Pw—Xlnum art "Tta Foalar
'Oiri" and "Ita
PntitBB Girt."
JUa Ida K. Dawaj. oootaa of taa
adffiinl and taao of mbkb
MasiU.. it
, „,. a_.«_ wuaomnaxanancaom
"TanMfMaK,Iam tataid ItaaU to gat _oot taa out^ Mxt anpany ingontaatoMa. StateataooHjBgirl.

' •fMtalktTsMIda'xk^-Ctov.
U <m UMd WBBtflbe irt^MR m«.
jLCBla «• Mlpm'«W4 droupi M.


IloMal taa maku ndnfariBgly.
-fia wa ataot M yoan old, and a roMUly thmmti. taowii« a taa ■
^leak. HawmaJaaaiTtat aadnai .
r oataway oota. aad below hte taa taag
ataBgtetobandtattygoldaaaL IwM

for ■wrey't uke. ttopl"
"WtaB TOO koow. nod I know, that
It ,—------------------Toorwift tad netaaoeto nat and
tadniceclottaa like orberwomantaa
.wooUbaoB^ofttabeatlookinc woman
' of tar again tbe town.

nm iMmijtmt, wu j na
taa Alloa Mailam Opera ooapany,
waaOitaon'afBiBOu BodaL Tbaaontpaay will appau la "Tta FertaM Tallgoi^ to Ura a girt, and i «•”
Janla BaUaita. tta mote deligtafnl

• eoal• atote and a I
___ nawBktal plated
r tata dxaa 7«a am go-

av’a WUa."

^ . W«w T.T.ik amdasBUi '
ABO WHU nana orr « bwb «bmv»
&. A. Bama tail i
^ Iw^ with atMlolaipaaadwita Ira nice new

-Gratcban. Qraan of taa Btatet." on
^ thte.beoaaa jm u» wnd. Bite ala writing a

Tben is 10 rltce lite koa ni wo coo foroish it mj i
We are sU 1 movlns and straigrhtenlnK around in our new j
' store, and we run across somstbinw every little while that got ,
i packed away in onr old, crowded store, such as one, two or three (
I chairs of a kind, one or two rockers of a kind, odds and ends In '
' window shades, lace, chenille and tapestry curtains, dishes, etc.,,
[ that we will close out cheap ds we need the room to get our new i
I stock arranged. It U a good chance to fit up for light houae. ]
I keeping or to furnish smUl rooms. If you can use them it wlU
I save you money.


_______ rawJral of "Tta BaltetOlr)'
"And taea. wbTB taa tau attrto in Viola Oen^ taa twighial baltet gift of
bareye. and ttaauM old blntaocana
>e London pndnaion. JUaDaoatea
I dot tau yon taongbt wa a nica wban
amgw Bteur of Oiay Fitigaald.
iVilaon Buntt te laportad a tata
ImMrttor. '“’Sd'SJliS.-i””
taa wa taa auxtat girt on tta ctaek.
an infant prodigy in Anaof ttaDamaarCUtt.
taa wey eta made tta work atand aioand
who played itaa child in "Tta
took my ay«- Eta wa a poor girl and taink ata had Bw
,jeUtuKlng" with ramaikatae
tarlnduatygrtMaricblinahand.". lying a rich man. ________
"Too'ie right, Oldman."
| Tta trincaa Chiiuy ^ deeldta not
,„„TO,ian'i im.Iio.mfi« iumTortdo.
.t tt. tto«. pot It M ooa oaji^
ta«n. Tta V
«>.— •» “a. ~o.ti.
taeatlk fohoc tta front «f hteateely
' iWronldDolMguwMttoaenorrenttta tor nadaUla. She deelaru ttat eta
tem,bBtwcaildtetaowlngtaeBiotaa wUl aenr eto foot oa ABMiona eoU
ItaawlU be a ptetboiB of ww play*
•»*»<*“ knnwatawaa putar la tUa aeaoa. "Tta Maine Areaged,"
, that ggO.OOO. Ttan,if yoBawtoyou "Tta OawB of Freedoab""AOabaa. _______ttat I do all kladt of r*
»«s—Ir^ M I—.™* « won I wUi
tae tad a good tat. Patriot." "On Land aad Sa" and "A^ ■airing aad enaaallng. aad that I e*i
DaogfaW of Oabe" an mw of tta
titteataoea by the makaa of aelon and win nertr
"Think ao, profeearT'
Memta taott to you injory with tta
tqaare deallag-We base aanad it W*
"I know it Woman te a plant that
qnato ralasa ttat aaka eastorntta te aa.
"Weli. FtoCwv. loonld crowd |S0,.
you wife in tta ahade too moch. She
COO pretty hard."
Wa aafi kelp yoa to Itva writ Hanaran
•Ttattegood. Bow long taa yoo
thinb Me la an old womaa She ha
tatontlag qaotatioM te ttaee "torrid
"itop in till 5 o'clock every awing
"Thirty yam MatFoorth <1 Jnly. ginn BP all hope of admintian aad
ten. aad te only waiting to dte aad get
John B. Oenmy lowered tta Ooaben
We went dowu to Albany on a llttla
ootofriwway. Sevpoayaowae treat­ (N. T.) track reootd tta otberday from
taw. and 1 propUed tta Batch and
ed eor
"What me? 1 aa all right"
Fete Ouran ba been quite lU in
8 bomer New Procete Vap6r Store. tt2, te $17.00.
"Tea. 1 know. Wmoea pity yon taMade la tbae 80.yeatf"
eaaeyaoantied to aata a aony look­ Aastria. bat be te expected to again U
1 burner New Procen Vi^ Store, $25, te $1B-60.
"Hum—ma—temme am. I got the
ing wifeT FooUab old malda and allly abU to taka hte aaat U tta anlky before
Darit fann the Brri tern yean, then I
glrla wfaiqier behind you hack whU a long.
lMaaootB«fiigerator,$8, te..................... $ $iW. ran in debt for the Binnnona place, got
George Bette. Tiffin, won a baadBice
wwpncafor mycheeee aud.aqaarcd
•tick td a wife yoa Urc. aad yoo «W acaaa wUm offered by the MansfleM
lChiIkootRe£rigerator,$10,te........ •:-*••• W».
nphotb plaom Well. 1 think 1 have jam
eott eacandi to weu tight boom and (O.) Driving aaoeUtton. to being tta
Uaoyou know
eteared op ^0.000 mnoe we apUced."
bea dreaed diira oa tta track.
"Very good Indeed. And you wife oil wbU little hair yoo ban left oa tta
t<T cf
head aad go anand figaring
Jenny, by Ball Pap. dam ri Halda.
ha been a gxeU help all thia timer'
aphow teng before you wife will die." S:06H. and Gmole S. 8k8. dam of
"Oh. yon betl She wa a mtllerl
•*R«r nner SM heaeL iMCrf«aw. tha Diona I rMM. |s tta flrst mare to |wo.
Bbe took rare of b«T baby and the milk
Only one each of the rfbove left. Pitst come first served.
o. F. CARVKR. Agardaoe e S:10 trotter and tbe dam of
from SO oowa. 1 tell yon abe made the
« yoo next
Tta Moer AlUe Boy. S:l7}k. te rettaware flop! .Why, we tare had few
^ildien. and abe aercr had a hired girl
_____jr Oak park track. Hartford. Aug
r onr sx raontta in that time.”
SO, U fl:M. and that without boppte.
‘ ‘Eplendid, and yon tare cleared $ wile. I'll try you medfciae. Would
OOO in that time?"
George Queme. Senta Boa. Oal.,
you etti k te-ttat premriptimi aboot tta
who bred and raised Direetum Kelly
' etbook and ISO aotee?"
"Now. bow aaacA ha you'wUe
Boa Ludwig, ays ta doa
l•OUT. Ate'
low much did yoa my yoa tare Mid hte
pot regret ttat ta eold tta eon of Direct,
‘Bbe? Why. dun iA prartaa, itee te made
"I care. TU drea wOl be all rl^t but it eorry be sold bte dam.
Snarrisat ria 0. B. A L
Mike Owtello, San Franc
and the pony and phaeton wiU be bandy
tettagaU Come down and aw at gone to Honohiln, wUre be wUl train 'le uetauni, fapteaba rth; le
Dftntt mA OhlMii Oct Mb.
old man. but not a word aboot this and drive a suble of trottm and paoare
bu Mow, - . ..
talk. D you wasn't aa old man. I'd"- for Mr. Onnningtam. a weU known
The O B. * I- will give their aanaal
"Whr^xmbeat elll Why.ebeteniy
aseman of ow new aoqoisKitm.
Tipping hte derby back on bis bead
exeonloB tc Blchmoud oil Brptembu
Wife, and we own it all togrtber."
aad eb-Wng tta wrinkla ant of hte
Tbe foUowIng te an eiuato of an ao- r?tb. and to betrait aad Ckleago ena
"Do yoo? Thta ebe eon draw on you
„ beld to eeek later. OctoUftih. Tlckett win
titdit troowra. ta put bis band* iato bis count
of tbe teoent
hank acooniit? Then abe ba a bone and
g«~in, CkiW., and te frean a weMam pa- be sold at the rate uf to 00 to Blehimd
pockem and aatmtered away.
eariinge when abe wanm them? Thai
"There." eaid I. "to one man wte
rile ba a arrant girl wtan abe wuim ba taken tta only legal and God girei
ODC? Then abe ridn oat for ba health, way of getting rid of a miserable wtla ’
feelings u fari time.
loaw City to Big Eapl6». inelusiva,
and ha a wateh and gold chain a yoa
A pecolter aeddmt oecurrta at tta good te return on regular ttalaa te
do? te timt 00?”
8L Loots fair grounds oomse recently.
"Prafeemr. yoo mart be emoy. Ko**For*Setroil, choioe of two routes will
■ body'e wife it boa in that abape. Who
Judge Debrniwand BUI Dawdycidlided begEven: Oes rii F A P. M- vmUrv«aj1
wnr beard of neb a thing?"
•• —
and feU bmvUy. web bone breaking frem Bred City: the other, vtop..O H.
"Now. look beteu Ton nr ebe did at any komi «» uiv
well in marrying rich, and 1 cantK* aee
It If abe wa getting IS. 60 per week mal and n«etablc diet. Dariugttai
and tta Grand Trunk systoB.
itbs inscris and worms
iriiM yoo married ba and bed i
abandant, and fowl* having a iangi< can
' tar wagea, abe woold tare bad
i with at-lmal
IS,600. U abe bad inreeted U. abe aasUy apply......................................
mnld tare bad 16,000. Kow yon tell food, but in tbe winter this neceaity
IMtOt _____________ q P A T. A.
aie abe te brcAcn down, aard up and must U aptdied if the best remits ate
mteanbl^ and looks ao badly riie makes to he ctaained. Mat eerapa and gieen
In tbe Imperial library at Oalcotta
Aaautl Ohle Fztarrim
ym aif^. and abe ba no mooey. no help torn are the beet abriitoics and should mom than 100,000 voiumee on Indian
Via Ann Arbor mllway. Wedneaday.
and will iaol«bly get nothing bat a be fed a leatt twice a week. When affaire an braogbt togetber aad elate«ber 6th. me. Through eoache*
farmer* feed more wheat and less grain,
Sootoh. gmite tamkatoee when abe
mTruvmue City, Leave M. A N, E.
they WiU have larger profits from pool fled.
Iroad depot at «:»5 a m. Tickete to
At Oonoatoa, in tbe eootb aens, arery Toledo and rutur
**^Profcaor. if yoa wa a y«»gcr try. TU introdortiou of Ibegwcn bone
man. wunian or obild oa that island Toledo aad polot
man. 1 wonW lick yon qnickcr’n a cutter also teaeus tbe eott. a obcap
bonte and meat can be cut flue and fed who dow iwt go to cbmeb at leatt three Lake Brie. Hook_
epiing Icnib can }onip a Ibtetie."
"\Statfor? 1 ea amting thia eaa witboat tbe KoeaoW of cooking tta times a wete te liable to be anerted tml. Detroit A Lime'NorUiern. Ciu^natl. Barnmoo A Dayton between To­
and fined.
fairly, am 1 not? Vow wife te notenger
ledo and Lima and Ohio Central and
A*fair oomparteon between grain and
Sinee^many cbildreo^e
yoBBg. Bbe te no longer huKteomt Hw
ore aa hard aa a local editor • meat wiU show that meat to really
riieek. and rile Ua ftooped oreramilk obeaper than grain, becanse it increams ooloced chans are now shown In eome
Tickets good to retuni m any regu­
and ateo contains Ira
can until riie tae a banip on ber back egg piodoction
lar train natU Nov. 8. 1698. Fot full
A grain fed ben appropriate a that nmst be*avoided.
ake a peddler."
irt of It to tta storage of fat,
rf*H^W.^nteJta “ 4«ut.
In tta great voloaaio district of los"Sbtit op. wiU yon?"
I not itauable. while lean meat load tbeie te a whole mountain cosn"Sbebu raised fow ebfldm. One
L Tbefood
of them teat college. One te taking mupoead of eruptive clays and pure wbtto
riel«>i«MlnBoBton. The ether two are
mlihu. A beautiful grotto penetrates
ott expensive to u*:
Commanclag on gteUmber tta Itth
tbe western slope to sn unknown depth.
toariiing aobooL Sbe te U borne alune.
gulag araond in a tnndmiU life which
A awl siaa.
will end in a roeewood coffin and a flw
.plaoe Ate. 18. 1889. when tbe 40.000
A Welrii oonnw «*««
Special values at 89c,
Olaa country funeral”—
had betee him a case in which a printer attyossaf Fruncecat at a table in tbe
Light cassimere Baits,
"Stop that lauleaer.^
palaM de I'Industrle In Faria Ttare Tletato te aala at tta deck ofllea oa
$138. $1.79, $1.98, val­
“While yoa ere etill a handaome coed a pork batriier te tta Talue <d a woe three relays of abtet l8.000guseM above data. *Phoaa M
well made, value $5.00.
man. with jut enough gray in you large parcel et paper bags with tta latues $1,25 to $2.76.
K. B. Pte*. AgteW
wbiirien to make yoo look intoreriing. tor'c adTertteemeot printed tberooa.
1 of bwaditaiy eairide
at $3.76.
Ko doubt yoo bare been thinkiiig of The' priatei. haring no mltthle ilhisaa
Zsl^ TespUr Oe&ekra A PlttAaxf.
ame niw ynong girl trf 18 who woold tkaito embaUUb tta work, tboaghtta
r Etam^
One Use at 35c. Knee
jtmp a the ehanoe, to many you 80
One fare te round trip. SaUO«.«tb
elaborate royal anas above ttamaa'a tanged bimsrit Me k
»lath ratars Oet. nth. Oaaextaadto
oowa and to acra of bopa "
"Pitdaaar.Iwon't atiybwlf yon nmiieand addnu, bat altiuatoly tta foor taaiAiten. ten of a
at tut. Most dircet raato, obortort
lattot tefnsed to pay/
don't let up on that”
Boet of tbrii obUdrm also took tbrir
Tbe jndge, loo^ ovu a speol
"And your wife doa not lodk wril ta
, G. ^ j
ttu new wuertovra wagon, ao ytn obeerved tbat foFbte part ta tbouiflit own Urea
A tiureitg wbo tae Jaat retaxaed
take >oar biitd man «nd nrtgbbor'e tta Hte and nakwn were nrarii ntov
from Atbeo* ears ttat Me Oreeta, wbo
girls to mating. Yoor wife new goea than aa old bt pig"Oh. well.” enswered tta batriier, not eo IcBg ago wsce teoatiag tbelr ta. anywhere, ao yoo do not g« ber a walch
i^PrirateBadMcartok, like yuw own. nee a new ailk drem. nor "periiaiB you honor Ukea to eat ani­ vtrlto cry of "Dow* with tta klngl
. a pony that riie could drive, nor a baa- mate lita tbat. but my cuetoxneradte’t Oat with hi* fight eye 1" tarn now re1
kill lioM and nnieono. I only tariied to tbe moot asttavagaat loyalty,
- ' M ptaetM tiiU ahe could climb into
T3.tb V aurae Od'bT',
F^etrwet. *«»«••
■ wltboot a Udder. SU never ays aayVerdiot te dritedanb—Lcttdos
DMdi pteoterity rinoa ta ossm to tta
r riiiaf. eo JOB bate aot got ba a act <a
- toetb lito you own. gold aid robU*.

J. W. Slater’s Honse Fornisliing Store i
Bicycle Riders.








John R. Santo,
Biieral lisnrun.

W. J. nOBBS. Haniware. ,

Men of
M Sense


’They think to save a few dollars on a
^mit and find that when they have saved a
couple of dollars tney have paid twice the
difference in comfort and appearanoe.
Don't pay sn ordinary price for an or­
dinary suit when an ordinary price will
buy an extraordinary, up-to-date suit at
Come In, get our prices and see our



SS.35 for $7.50 niaes

•4ner?TaJ£?riS*"»0^t IM


..-Km Pnts.~

nuiui Dq finta, CupM m CMUM B .

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