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The Morning Record, April 20, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
.^Fnddnt Koftinlqr WlU*B«id It Today and Oomaad a
Prompt ddmpUanoo l^lth IVm Tonna.
4>aln wai Hot Tlold a Stop From Stand Takon-Oonfllet
Kay Begin Tod^, Wben BMolntio^ is Signed.
ms. PIERCE iegiliTTEt.
will take two Beathe to hriag
reealte which will easpel the
Ohsit* et BbtsI^ XHoprovod to • lords to eraeaau aad oMble toe
Cital of lUay btottototog
to be aeea^ by Om Daitad
Tho Oireait wwi rM «
**The Ualtcd StatM will aot baoe
aaylettomof Bargae aad reprleal aor
itoaaaee privmtoertag. bat if the
■ieh goTaraawat ebaeaee to eater
•bow; Mn. Ptnoe «*4e os toterMW apM tob llM of wertare abe wm have
deal with tha.aatloM ot ffaropa,
with whaae poBmeroe ahe aaake to laywurday u4 the «m* of ho^^ery
hgalMt Ur*. SebeMO Ptarae .|v«*e4
or AtUncy F
Wbaterar opiaim
I opoo that
Madrt4,-Aiiril 19.-:>At thto bear the
, ValM StahM Forew Vata ths iMt-Flana of taltcraphlo Slgamlo t«|l»lBi. bowmo. Mrv Piero* sm out lobWM df parUaBeat are crowded wHh
-Weni T*mti Owmen Vot to Send Out Sblyo-BiU
will be Uttodnoe^ -I---------- ■»------------------------------------------------^
iimii, aew depetiea aad priltiriaM
..a-------- »
tlBB toe wlUMBe eecared eoeh a good
Xa Otmgtmm Aothottotog Ml tor 400,000 Toluteen-*
•tart ee to leave the preeeeotcr eo far aad aU are dtoeoBiag toe eitaatloa.
FnetoMOd SightMo More Oowa Itoere ud Sms Toebto—Toboooo behiad that toe eoort wee forerd to la- The OM predoBtoaUag word b '‘war."
Km Froteettog Agmiut Frapind Tex.
torpeee la order to eUoi^^^rrTspHdle
tMTbaa VarieM.
to eetoh op. end properly oO«dQi.i) toe
KryWeat'k reported owiog t
Berlia, April IS.-It b aow etated
WMhtogtoo. April IS.—At lt«> tbU toelUUca. It aow tiaMplre* U
lire. Pierce wee cberged by George from olBrial aoaro« that Ocreseay mw
edIortMeo Speaker Beeddfned the Ob.
.tof the Sytog eqoadroii de Pierce, with bering brokea lato hto
BedbUoa as wUe thaa omhu raeoletlM aod toe . hooee
rided opoa iMt sreric h«> been ohamnd reridenoe on Weeblegtoa etreet. end
•ftor adjomed. Vie* Preeldeet Bo- by the rcfatol ef th^ Duito gerera' eeoretly teicea a ooach aad chair
Dr. Bdwerd Aadrtia, an eqolao deaWteiCMditatl:fi6ud»t l:i5it left Beat to Ut the Uattod Statee aae. dnr- wbirii Warren PUroe. the former kae- tin aod boree traloerHrf Boxtoa. to ia
band of accoeed,
toe city for a ^w deye aad will be
tor the White Eq*m. The preeS
tof hoetUiUB, the cable betweea Wee^ hiB. Mre Ptoree admitted bar
hbd toteaded te Blfa it »t ooee bat the togtoa and SU IhoBae, where Oob* ea toe tnraitara bat declared ^t It to komee reqqlriag
reqclriag each treatment.
Dr. Andros to a
deaptoa WM chMfod Md the oeblset ede t deal ttotry aadAtoanexpcrilB-e<]Bine
ider Schley wm to eail IwaMdlately' wae her ewa. There wae a gnai
1 can
eaa be eeen today et Park
‘ JooMd te t:U. when It Mt eod ed- after the preeideat'e aignatare was
'htoh extotod between toe
. ioctnedhoto »t t o'eleek.
two. aad toe evidence was Mich m W
^ Seerotaiy Bherto«D wid the eetire eoal ap praparatoty to the totorriew oliBiaeto toe burglerly ebment from
edite WM derated te the Bpeaieh Mltl- with toe Bpenhh floUlla at Oape N'atde. the eharge, toe hooM heriag beea vawUito would be further 1**^
•ant when the goods were tekea. The
eeeoadeoaat, toer*fere.thatoflereeey.
to the aerator I'h'en PreeMeet MeWM the only om whlto the Jeiy wm
Bemember 1 have • fall 11m of Bley:
Stoley weald Bln
■ tl
the reeoIcttoM.
ele Soadrtoa aad Eepalia. I alee have
Friead ed McBaleyS Says That Ie called apoa to eoaridar.
Krea the adatolet
‘Tip" Olds wm toe party who haaled
The OytaUta of the PteeidMt
alt that the eeUoa of eoagrea yeetarthe geede for Mrs. Pieroa, aad he
(to the Sltaetlea.
M a wltaeB toward toe
dtty WM -riiMAlly a Porakar rletory.
•pseUI to Tax MoBBias BwestD.
eloee.ef toe efteniaoB. Whoa be ea. BeaaiorSpooaorel^ihattbaeretde,
New Yerk, April is.—A Loadoo tored toe oeart room he eengbt te leara
tTM” eaa oaly apply te toe prMMt
■pedal Njt: •'eOrial rirrito are la- from toe eheriff whether he wm to get
/toa. gormaMt. which praetloally
letioB wltadm fee. end epeat
to Bed byaoaaS^tof.Prvridaat Meato ta recegsiUoo.
monte parieyiag with Sheriff
Klaley. who held a p^tiiM of hi^
while toe proeecdlage eweltod
Mr. MeKtoley wlU aeOfy toe Spaalto
Aatte of Omcth* ■■ttActoT7 te th» Jont* u« enbus viU Fight
Enaneliae lai Decoratiag
ia tie latest Styles.
WaehtogtoB, April 16.- •It ie expe.
ad Shat Oatgraedmaa Cb >Doa.,wUl I
itredaoe a MU to lalae SUe..
f fasd. Ithpropeoedtotax
hew. tea. eotea. tohaeeo. aaat, patoat
ahdtetoe aad railroad ttoketa Lead
pcetaata are hriag Bade by tebeeee
BMBteetaia aad wholoaelh growara.
It la aaderetood that the mye add
' BoaH' eaBBittei will radaoa the
HaU wiU totrodaea a MU
<mO* tor 400.0I9 rMeatean
tag ed aeahie to <
oatkB tooB Oaba to Wm
aatoorlty to toe naitod'Butoa, that to
the pTBUeath belief the war bob
bri^f aad eharp.
■Weehtogua U perfectly eoeUeat
that ptoM are MW aaBpletcd. otwhieb
the puhUe to Urgriy i^poraat, parUealarly thoM relaUag to the ■
meete of warehipa Be ie eare war wlU
aot lest leager thaa a Booth."
UiBovoMate. A pallw
«rm Inritetion from the eoert. kewcTcr. ladaoed Mr. Olde w moantAhe eteed and
teaUfy. Whan MkefforSi
spurs NEV MOVE.
Onat dlMealty la eoali^
S>I»IX jLsnusd.
a iadiridaal idea M thto'ltj
Another i)ig lot of
Wall ftiper just received.
From 3 to 3 I-4c
a Double Roll and up.
290 Frost StrMt
You needed some WaU:Faper this sprinxP
We have it. Have you look^ over what We
haveP It wiU pay you.
MarUiaia BlocL
Buy “Raw Idea” Patianis, ^•SSU’S&r ID Ceats Eact
If It’s
Wash Goods
Reliable D17 Ge^s. Carpel
ai|d aothlng floBs^ -
Wheel Enameled For S2.5il
c Prank
H..E. BIBBS, Proyr.
toraatioa eoBca froa Cbmda that
a BpaaUh warablp te oealtog at Noea
Thto eonriaded toe VeetiBeay.
■oetto, where eoal Ie largely atoed' by both ridee havlag declined to addimw
the jury farther, the eourt gave kto
paltod Statee eapltal.
ehar^ The jury wm oat aboot t
mlaatce aad then retnraed a verdict
Mtgailty. Mra nerce beamed with
and vffsrively thanked toe Jarya for torir deririoa in her tevor.
•earod aad Book Oak
apoelel to TXB aeanM SkW
rtoaw, April IS.—Owlag to the
war agltatieB toe $60,000 bridge bonds
to gi ve eattofaetloa or ao obarga.
Barriaoa Olda" Attar he bad 'told
aboot taking the fnrallare aad taetldeJ that they did aet break into the
hoaae to gel It. be retirad. aad wm
oared by Mr. PraU that hto fm would
•old by tola rity to e Boetoe flra are
oa haad for reMla. Other Wddere deFvaeirxD.
^toe to etaad by toelr offers Theritj
wUl reeell aad reqalre the two per FMB8ISKHT WHO. MOT FBUOT
|Tew Terlc, April IS.—The Oafaaa Job- oMk depoeltWoB toe Mddcra
dfartaten are eatisAed wlth^aoMaet Answer la For^-Slght Bean
ttoa of oeagiMa ^They «y the Co^
Hto Demand to Bcacnato the lewm Sgfatby toeUaitedSlatea to toe Megettoting Wito OahaM fer Oabland—XaeaigMts wlU he itcaacthened m Xsabto Them to Hereee
Bew Terk. A^^.-A Madrid a
Spaatok Amy frotn the Bear—The
Hadifd, Aaril IS —U U oSelally aatol eaya •the pahUeatuw ed the tM
Vatted atatM Xxpeot to Have FoathBi adopted bye.
eeirlcB ia Short Oidar.
tog with toe Cnbaa iMatgeaU to ebAt a reaalt tato to^ eebDiBioa ^the' reealt of epeeiei w Tas Howise Berven.
the qaeeah addiMB to <1
' It Ie claimed
lekingtoa. April IS.—“Ike altimaaeete her* thto week, hM faeM gnatly Spain prefera to face «
tam." eaid a member of the eaWaet
etreegtoened aad ie mw praetleally to^leld to Awcrlcaa
after .to* me*Uag todmy, “haa bna
a call to arae to the Spaaleh aattoa. geacral belief here to that the .joiat •gmd apoa la •abstaaee aad will be
rdkolotioa of ooagreM Bkkeo war toetIhe cabtoct bM beea.eaBBoaed. It le
eeat to Syria toBorrew aad wUl reach
aot belicred aow tbat the g
The eorrrepondent of the A
Madrid ia the cvmIw. 1 thUk yon
wUl yield aaetoer >t«p.»
Preee wm the firet to take the aewi ot are eafe la BLylag that Spaia will be
toe acUoB 6t eoagiMa to Hiaietor
givea farty-^kt boon, tomt to. ontU
Weodtord, aad to toe Spaaleh mlaleteTe
TOFZXA onDinsD to
for toe ooloDlce aad forriga effelra. Friday evaalBg, to Bab^t her reply.
totoc term at the
To laace Xagtoad at Oaee aad Mot ProBier SegMto had a loag ooafereaee
with toe qeeea regeat this Boralag. ~
I the preeideat wUI demand
» Wart fw the SoacM
the lataad.
wpestol M Ths MMxm Knou.
ipeeeh at the opealag of the oertoe t^
The damaad for tofa will ba flat footed
ffhlBeato, Bagiaad, April lO.-Tbe
are Aealooriy gaaided. bat it
or half
Daltad Statoeeratoer Topeha hae ra- ie eaM the epeeeh will prove Stb, eoerindag aad eatlafadtory to aatioaal way r^y wQl eaUriy toe preridMt.
eMvad Bigeatorderetoiail
ly for toe Uaitod Statee withoot sraltaiiy prevaito la Spala to toee'wer therdriay.
lag fer toe tor^ boa^ SoBerd: which
than to ytoll to the
rompt meanrea will ba adopted to
pot late foree the t
A blockade of Oaba wlU. m
Fnatod ia Blood »e4
far M at preaMt padentood, be began
iMt Might
etnauat VtB Met FetinM Vnede
Sub to Vm OabloAe St Tbemaa
of war e IB all In tbe rielally to Bake
offoetlva. 1 thick aaeh eappUee
Waehlagtoa. April IS.—The govong The
• batletia hoarde are M toe SpaalaHe mw eoabol will aet
throoged. Extra edttioM of papenara iBM them score tkaa a Booth. Taea
MMWt Uto .algkt harher bIm de- prtBtod Mood red.
etopa will be talcM with a view to in.
Waminge by Talegnph.
firfMlng tkf n~‘l------ »-*"— ”-------- ■I Itoecs wili be toestoiteiMtoewueMceM.’
aadoaablehlBte harriM the
Bew York, April IB. —-S
the IMT whlek wUl'
Gage hMp
Shore iMve hMheed de^ to eafiBatorfaUj McietUb
to be flMhed to the MgritlB aad
gomaeet that toe prorhloM of the
rceoletiaaa rcqaiie Spato to iaaedlauly withdraw her toad aad Mra)
' toroM froa Caha aad to earreader b«
hty peer toe ielaad.
will UlcawiM etoto that
Ositod SUtoe expect a praaat •
pBaaee with lu laraa
And sh^t yourself up, so yon can't see what is going on in your midst We,
have now the largest and best appointed shoe department in Northern Michigan,
so changed, aniy new methods adopted that it is one of the most important in pur
mammoth store. We hare cleaned ont most of onr old stock, the remainder is
bunched on onr bargain tables, and will be sold at grwt reductions from real valne. Our shelres are filled with new np-to-date footwear, made eapressly to onr
order by sereral of the leading manufacturers in the east, and comprises ererything in that line nsnally found in large city stores.
Are stubborn things, and it is a fact that we show the largest variety of
medium and fine footwear in the city, from a man’s or woman’s good solid .serv
iceable shoe at 98c to the# finest that can be produced at $4.00 and $5.00. Our
$1.98, $1.48 and $1.98 lines are hummers and trade winners. See our ^r^t value
Hn^ of women’s turned sole, button and lace, all sues and widths. These have
approached for the price in Traverse City,
Need something tbat will stand bard knoeJes—we 'have th^-—and^while
' they have all the wearing qualities they still iiarry the style ot^e ^ershoe.
Others have proven the merit of ojtrf new shoes. Why noi yon? Thf
' large increase ih our trade shows that onr efforts to pat.reli^le, ^tylish, wear^ able shoes at reasonable prices with the public is being appredated. Yonr monI ey cheerfully ridonded if not satisfactory.
SED*' Come in and see for'yourselt See onr window display,
h by onr artistic designer. It haa never been equaled in the efity.
Ison the same floor, and it is a winner. Eeer since the opening it has
been crowded with orders, and the number of hats turned ont surpasses onr most
sanguine expectations.
THM Kbsmoro kaoe», wbdsbsoat, Amir jo. moj
; Kosmo uooas.
• . amm. T. Mvim A30> y W. HAmn.
V ; I. w. BAMwa. BdUof
• «t T»m»«rw Ohr,
WUT M7 the frM tnde ontM**
•rltt ratATwH to tWr'MMTtlou U«t
hM«* m4 m looroMod dndatj M hM
M UotbM- wMid ovtolnlr I»iM Uo
^ri«o OB boot* and thomf Tb« UtoM
teMof Dbb'b Boriow, t* It*
iMtioB •( biMliUM eoedlOoBB. wjr*;
boMB Bbd obOM Uo B
1 botwan FobrBBir l* ood
MflA M bBTO Mt prefWUd BBOTBliy
IbiVb ordon for Ud* HBBpB. with prieet
•Ufbtiy jioldlBf BB to IcBthor.” Tbte
^oBori^witbtbB etvw rwMtir
4)«0tBd. BbOWtBC tbBt bU CtUcB Of
boetB Bad BboBB btb bbIIIbc Bt laoBtbBB
tb«7 wtf Bt tbo borlBBlar of laBt
jmr, MksB piBla bow BbaolnUlf
.MU tbBt tbo tariff wbk^ It plaaod aa
' Mdao BBd laatbar araald eaoae as iaanaaa la tba prioa of baoto aod Bboaa
,T raWtehad artida,
■MBtlac oaoa tba radaetlOB la ral«a of
r =1"
BBxaPBfX fa
Omdt OoBrt ba tto Btoal
AJarxUtba Ctraolt aoa^baa dateratlaad that BUax Swoata la aot
paUtx of farparX’ aa ba waa ebartad bx
e. D. AUax.
Tba aaaa axaltoi craat lataraat
amoap Ttararaa aix paop^ aa boU
partiaa to tba metloa are wall kaoara.
It waa a aoaroa of aarprlaa aad loprot
ta>'a wide dreta of frlaada of Mr.
Bwaara that aueb a abarpa aboold bara
boaa broapbt apalaat blm. aad aow
that it baa baca affactBaUx'^'
tboaa wba kaow him waU aad maax
wba'oalx kaow him aaaoaUx v* partiaolarlx wall ploaaad aad the oerdiet
firm paaarml lattofaeUoe.
It to
aboold ba*a broapbt aoeh a aerioaa
trtrabU apoa tea of tba ymag maa at
tbo dtx. bat It to pratlfxlap that a Jarp
of iBUllipoat maa, aftor axamlalap
earatmllx lato tba mrrita of tba -traaaactloa which pave riaa to tka aetloa.
bare daddad that tbara wm ao erlmlmal letaaV Mr. Bwaaia waa ae«alttad
apoa tba drat ballot of tba Jarx aad
wkaa tba tardlet
aoart room waa flUed aad amax friaada
tba ae^id apoa tba
at at tba trial aad Jadpo Oarbatt waa dba of tba
ta axtaad bia
eaapntolatlaoB aad* oapiaai Mtlataettoa kttbaaardkv
Tbto aaaa baa baaa bofoip tbo ooarta
aoma tUaa aad tbrao Maaa baa Mr.
artaalod. tbo ftrot two
iapa had baaa dtoooatUaad am aaaoaat of 1
Tba traaaaeUaa which lad to tba aetioa
flT.tO ,bx Mr. Bwaara, wbkb waa
dalmad to hare baloaped U Mr. Allap.
u obtalaad apoaavoaeb-
tba C. A W. M. Rj. Oo. aftor Mr.
that tba narkata la Maw Toib Ctt^. pwrora had rotlrod from tbo Blloj
wbU aran foratarljr aappUad wiU Swoon Marblo A Oraalte Oo.. tto baai.
af wUeh Mr. AUox had
ira tbalr botiiUm larfal? troa tba That* bad baaa mattera of a varieoa
rbieb, tbrao^ roBaat daralapof aattlMMtaad Mr.
tba rwacbar. wbl^
__________B. ^ otbar aodan
aaiaa la tba old
iMata. ai« abla to plaoa' tba
OToataallx foaai that >t
«< tbalr obaap labor, rteh aoU. aad Mr. Allex aaaacaaaMir to tba baaiana
. AaataMaollBWtalatbaMrkataof tba aad tboroapoa offarad ta raUra tba
float alUaa la ampaatloa wttb tboaa i^aap. It waa atatad that tba
amoaat waa lafaaad aad that a aattlaoMBt for BlSO-waa aoppaatod, wblab
> dacHaad bp Sw.
led the defaaaa.
PraU A Darto eoa
HM$ lOT 1 F{8GBl
rnak J. BaMdan QbaiBwl Wltb
Sarlac Obtalaad Koaop aa Otaft
MalnctBC to Aaatbar.
A. O. V. W. laltlated Blztew aad AaIbaak J. SaBadaiB. aa aaplppa of
oeioad Twdoa Km AppUeattoa
aha Oral Wftod DkBk Oo., haottada aeriOraad Tnraraa Ledpo, Ko. !«. A. a
•M tioabU for biBOBlf aad ia aow la U.W., U aeqatriap aaw Ufa aad to balap
jaU. aw^tlac acUoa of tba ClroBU raiaforead bp larpa aamban of pood
than. At tba maatlap laal aipbt
BaaadaiB waa anoBtad
tbara waa a larpa attaadaaea aad rowraiar bx UadarabariS dablaa aa a
la tba
ahaifo of fOTfon^. profatrad bx Joha wort of tba ardor. The foUewtap ofl
A-MolataBkottbaBoBtoa Stora. It to Bean wora alaetad:
tbataa Pi
Paot Maatar Wartaaaa — RlrtarB
caaalrod a lattv tram Ua poatoSoa Beaad.
addriwiil to Joba & Saaadan, wbleb
Maatar Wertmaa—Aapw MoOoU.
OBatalaad a draft tar MB.n from a
teak U Oaatraiia. Waabiartoa. 8bobOaanaer Cbmlaa Mooroa
ffMBwaaldBaUfladbxC. M. Baara who
Qaida Oeaepa Tarbaak. '
fcsaw btoa, tboacb ba did bm kaow tba
---------M. lapiap.
^maal UttlaU. aad tba fonaer parPlomaaiai—O. E-Sanaa.
^hMadaomagoodaattbaBoaioa 8tm.
Baaalfar-Jaoob Portaeb.
dphtaf oaob ter tba dlflaroaea. after
laoida WBlebnpa Oopd SalaaU.
-Tdnralar tba diafk ^baa tbo.
Oatalda Watebnaa-Barrx Roaad.
optoam tba draft waa lataadbd
Traataaa, throa paara, Bao^amla
>tua (D ^ it^ b^aa to maka ia- Tblrlbp; two paara. Artkar Dnpraa;
«BirtaB aad feead that tba mm/' bad eaa paar. Dr. H. B. Oaroer.
a paid oa tba draft laroiUfaUaaa
-Dr. H; B. ______
atallad bp Dapatp
naa Joba P. C
Giiad Maatar
bo waa takea to Jail, apt balat abla U
Tba Hat daproa waa oeaf
. teralak 9t00 balL Joba C. Saaadara to e aowotanbaia. ai^'l* i
aa omplaxa la a ioabar aamp aaar
rero raealvod.
MtX________________ Brarttiaa
Mtoi Lottie Balm to lidlap a aaw
« of Baorfa IClrkbx. Voar Xataa, wbaal.
Noae BhaaM mtoa Ool. Copalaad'a laetara taalpht.
A boaaa om aad a half mUaa aortb
Tbara will ba a rtpalar maatlap of
of Bataa owaod bx Mr. Oraaa aad oe-
■0J2>Ar MXOHT rax.
aa^ b; Ueorpo Elrkbx. waa boraad
Joba Oraad to palatlap aad tamodal.
to tba croead Moadap airbtwitb ■
lx all eaataata. The atabla waa alao tap hto baam oa Waat SsTMtb atraat.
boraad. tofaUiar with a qaaatitx at
Tba Baaiaaaa Oollcpa Lpeeam poathax fad 100 baabala of eora. tba fire poeed ha maetiap to kora takaa pOae
waa teeaad by a MaeUra atova pipe, laat Bl^t far oae waak.
nare waa ao laaniaaaa.
Uadenhartff Aoktea waat to Klapalap paatordap aad
owUl.toatifpla tba <
apalaat Joba C. Calboaa ia tba Olreait
ca»ur«h Bodet^
Mra.CE MeMaaoa wm pli
Tbara arlD ba aa oxkiar oappv oadar
aarprtoad bp a aambar af bar friaada
tba aaBptoaaf tba Ladtot Aid Saelatj
aad aalphban Maadap oroalap at bm
«< tba Baaeod M. E. ekorak tbto
boma oa Plftb atraat. tbo aeeaMoa ba^attbabOBwof Mr. aad Mra. E A.
. Xali.«pr«ea atraet third door aarth of
'•Boalap tba Slephaat'* wUl bo tba
tba obwrA. Oxatera will bf aarrad for
aobieet ad OaL Oi^wlaadb laatara U tba
> a dtob.
Hoam Uia ermOap. Tbto
to tajii tbo laat aambm ta tba Blpb
aaiaa aad araip eaa
aboald atteaA
Xaw Balidlata at Bataa.
Bataa ara a baadaose aow ^arab. a
Bm rcaldOMr for O. J. It’hitaoa. aad yEat. A. E Walto arrlrad taoaa Oraad
SOOibarBite BaK CHap aad E E Bapida Moadap for a taw dapa’ rMt.
P. 8. Priaa. who opaat tba wtatar at
__ ____________ ___
Aablaad, Kab.. bm loMraai to
.-WoMn'I tbto maaBa at paMMx aa-;
that wa ara bouTMtiralr.
PBMIad with
rltb tba Mlo
aalo of boraa«rpaaa<
boraatrpaaatlx toidar from a tbraa
throapb tba Btata, oepaa
B. firaSbr
D. aoaiatica.
WitBtaata TwtlBM Of«Ur ia Bo.
prana Ooait.
FOR ONLY $2.50
tm^atap. April H.->Tha f
Ooori ledap ntabltobad tba alnaai aahrard of proM^aat of aalltap a wftaan
,«lor onnprica.
tauatUX anJlp ta opaa ooart m pra«U.^ bp oaeMoatatt. Mowdl'aaUtatra
Two wltanan wara aaamlaad ta a Datrolt raal aotata aaaa, Waaaaa ra. Toto
We ^ Bolid Wh*elB to Order. 66 it cheaper and pire bet-
AliVm omoBBB
tortap a 1
Par tba Aaaaal Oathoilap.
. At Ue naatlap of tba Alanal AoaodatloB laat araatap ta tbr Blpb aebaal
aad oUmia aleclad for tba aaaatap
^Mtriaal Matao.
"PaMV'tha moat InatraaUTC plap In
Amerl^ wtU ba pnaastad at Stelnberp'a Urand oa Map 14. aader Ibe
maWannt af tlaorira A. Maaafleld.
M preaeated bp Purler
White aad hto eompaap. la toM to ba
aaperb. Tha mideata af Traaarae
Manapar Stelaberp'a efforts ta aeeariap
/Pmidaat-Leri T. Paaatapttm
this prMt atiraeVon bp plriap him »
Vice Piaaidrat-Mtaaia Walt.
lanreaadlaaee. Tbto riMapaap cniriea
Saeialarp aad Troaaarar—E E Al- ita owB aoeaerp and waaderfal elaeIpa.
Uical efleeto. The star. Porter White,
to kaowB thmpboot the ^epaaup m
‘■The Uraatrel Mrp^lilo:’*''
Aaother m^ltap iHII aaoa be eallad
to dadda apoa lha farm of *'tba aaeoal
At tbto moaUop tbara waa
•oma talk of obaaptop tba aaaaal baaqaet W a recepUoa. bat aa deflalw
plaa waa daddad apoa.'
Tba tollawiap
The wMtkm Map aeplaemat taat
Tbonaa teOrd af Imlaad waa Amaat^ d
alpht the aadieoee to S^aberp’a Oraad
ta Araadoa.
WM aot rarp larpe. bat thoa# who a
Uadaraberlff MartU Browa of Ua- then eajoped a pood
laaaw eoBBtp arrlrad la tba dtp paaI bp tha Abbott Comte Opera
tardap tram Araadia. wbarahaarmted
The btll eoBstoled of Uph aUm
Tboama Laird of Lalaad.
laird la
atlcaad maaleal aai
rbarpad with harlap atolaa a watch ben aad apaetal aad aatnmalp eatorfrom Boddpb Ro8mt Ulaad.
taialap featana. A aceaa wm pltaa
from the opera-aoBd It PrlBC«’’aBd tba
1 bp Bapal Mmphbora.
ptepram eloead with Ue laat net at LaWhile tba Modara V
Maaeott. It wm espacted that tbe
ara»ios Taradap aipbt tba aaaUto^fp
woald pin Pm Diatrolo. bat
Ud>n' iodpa. Ua Bapal Nalphbon of fallara ef tbeir epatamM to arrtea praAmerica, ^ra tiam a daliphlfal aar- TOBtad tba ear^ag oat ef tka arirtaal
prlae. which ooadadod a poad meial plea.
time aad ad
Baaond leotoa Bock.
A plMMBt aarprlaa party wm plna
Loatoa Bock taat ewtap at bm hema
Batter Wapn Ara Paid ta Braad oa Wmt BiphU a^t. hp a doaaa
at bm aebool-pirl frtaada. Ail who atTrararaa Bapioa.
thoroopblp aajopad pamea,
Tba foUowtap aatiaet from aa art.ad daUeieaa nfraobmaato.
Ida ta tba Kaw York Lambar Trade
ThoM prMeat wan Mabel aad Maadc
Joaraal wtB ba ef ooaaHarabla tar-----BlathialeealUp. partiea- MoMlehaal. Mamie Pbboral. Bboda BatI ia tba lamber teabarp^ KaUpraa Parraak Oraca
BmIU. Edaa Moffatl. Bilda Otawa.
Ifclerealtap atotlatlm oa tba Alton Wail. Lela aad Mprtto Millm.
ktapaad lambar iadattica of
Dr. Bdward Aadruo, Uaeqatae dMborib <broiiaa ara» aoetaload ta tha
aaaaal report of the barcae of labor ttai. will make bia acadqaarten at
aiaUatlcB which haa Jolt
Joit baaa made Park Place Hotel dariap bia atop ban.
ablla. Itcbowa the darelopmaat of aod will romaio a abort tima aadm thr
aaapicea of Dr. Tilt, who will neorl
la tba
Bra paara to hare bean rediarlia^. him amoap his caaiomen and aee that
There arc aow la aparatlna ihlrtp-fira proper atteatioa ia pirea to Ua t««i
Ua pnfaoaioa ef which Dr. Aadr
makm a eomnlela apoetal^. Dr. Aadraa to a Boatoa vateriaarp daattot of
aa cztramdtaarp biphela
ararapa wapaa aiaaty-aaTi
hall caata a dap for men aad tortp-two
Btaetrie Bathe, Tarhtoh, EMtaa.
aadooe-kalf forehlldrao. The lambar Bomaa. boaltat, aaoUlap. madlntad.
>aa. Itladlffleel
perfamad aad lezarioaa. ^eea la aflM
aalta af raama. So. te Markham BVpS.'
la tbraa aloaa tbara are Sti mllU. with whan Uatoa wllT nealta dalk^^
acapariip of e».ooo.goo fart a pear' eoaaldanta atuntioa bp tadp operatar,
Tba mlUa laat pear aawad ISB.OOO.DOO and Biap aad bops bp male operator.
ahtaplea. Tba ralna ef the ptodaet la
tba aaalera eoaotlaa to B5.000.000. Tba
preatm part of It poaa to BalUaiora.
Philadalpbta. Waahtaptoa aad New
Ymk aad to tha New Baplaod atataa.
Thera an aow M.00D maa aapapad ia
the lambar trade. Tba ararapa wafoa
ara: Sawpar. fl 7S: eartaaor, tl->«:
Bremaa. $1.07: laborm. Meaaiaadap.
tbamUU la North'Gareltaa. to
axtaat, reach the markata ooarbt bp
lambar manafaetarara ta aortbara
Micblpaa. aad the wapa rata BMaUooad
show tba aort of compaUUea Miebipma
lambar daalera are forced to ooatead
with. Tba lahoriap pao^a ban bare
raaaoa to coapratalata thamaalaaa that
Ihrp an not eompallad to work for
aarb low wapaa Waprn la tbto aaetiop'araeoaatdarablphlphar. Tba rataa
pnld bp oaa aataaaira oampaop ta this
t«rk>a ara: Sawpara, $3 Si: aapiaaara.
ti.oo: Bramac. $1 5»: laborrra, $1 15 to
$1.50. which U a fair avarapa tor tha
A Walahmao who waa ta ioodoa
wbaa aiteaaira aewaota$
wore ia taopwaa loat hit watch He n•pmted thematia.- to Scotland Yard, aad
the offleiato nld tbep waaM Imtc do
' tofladthamtoainp timekaapm. Sbortlp aftarward TaSp apata
Tiaitad tba matropoito aad nw atraat
ahrr stnaitataed Bp Ha wm told tbal
to all >6 milm of road wma to the
ooDdiUM Ue ratbad down to Sodlaad
Yard aad axolalawd to tba waaderlap
>>} dhto't think 1 WM ptTt^ poa aU
that troabia If poa .don’t Bad tba
watch bp Saodap, I woaldn't braak ap
nap taen otmeca
Paarans'a WaaUp.
Pl^a—Hnea pan beard tbnIheBihto
Amp nbaal old Sclffa bolap bariodaUrtt
Or. Bolna < haatilp;—Bwtod aUpef
lavoMblal Wbp. ba-wta oaa ad np
IBllMtil—Btooklpa Ufa^
CktoM«- bprU It.—Wbant—Mop.
Owa-April. Uiiai Map. UBJHo:
$$c: aaptambmtttoe.
Pprit-AprlLBAOe: M«p.$AM.
Qtnad Bnpida, AprU IB-Wbaal. tbo.
Plenne joTe ns n truL
ELLIS, 311 Front dt, EbbI.
‘“SVve "SWeTs
*5\va\ ^Voom vw \\vt Spfviv%”
^Tt BC/t m«Yt bBBnW^VtVuw ^e T>n»»
9oo4k «t tlMn OB
obt bobtActb.
iUin\uM MIUK<n4> >n u WWM u mt emU
ttit quU.\t m ihm.
If you are goins: to make gardon do uot ftil to aaa o
oomplato atook of Plowar. Oardau and FiaM
Is paekage or bulk.
Me Front Stract.
If You Have Logs to Sell
ComapoBd with thS TnTmae Citjr Lamber Company.
WebBTe {oreal*«ood. •
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
sTwo Enfunee.
Ret Worke, CbTriagee aod Sewa A oouplete Sew Mil) Pleat
«watts tiie peraon who examines our aewi .
[. .Stock of Carpets..
We have surpriaed ourselves as weU as done ourselves proud ou our seleetious of Value and dual
ity.aad at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. Ro one has ySt gone
away dissatislled.
Hotnt and 8muH AgrM on th«
That la to
•M Adopts tbt
V MtariyUai
•t* Mach OMM.
u twaattw oi ibe I
tbt Cttbu ctpiifaUc. Tto» ac«M_____
ttp to tb« nttBnto of ad> [
ww MM of
of brtdiuttr BttXrod WQBM t«d I
Do the 6e<
" No Debating
“i The Question
: and’Oiple. '
mare CirelM at aha 8pahitTT*B htBlorr aWBlUnc ibe V«rM
:«(□ tb« conforoDoe coosmltt**.
Wbce flnaUr tt cBme tWr« wb> «
ia th»- sT««t ebamber vhicti • *«»
•omadt ^rc<n> had Iwa thrllUaf trltb
WiMB tbf \-Mdlrt bad
bocB Mtuniod Bad Bfcopttd hr the ata*
Bit (bt rreai Buditnt*
ptntd ooiMir: BltnoBt BuKtaaty. AB Ib Ibe Bicbl •( Ibe f
rCBUted that tbB rtrdlrl bubbI war
Bad fht BctloB takte wbb too tagtatat•us to iDspIre BnylMac It* Ihah b«b!
Vbleba Ibe leo«th •( tbe-CiMl^ 1
SEE »>FE Foa ra uatv
We are showing more rallies in spring goods this year for the in*
■ restment required than the upward tendency of the market warrants.
WaBhlaston. April U.-Tlit 8mnlah
. ^
fifteen styles, a/i
finely made and finished snits, ffuar- ^
I l«a*lloD hrrt fama rr<^vtd iht foltowlas
Madrid. April U—Odveninraui and ,
VotoApoOBtba VWI MoUl a aad hot I Bdritta tiom HaA-taa: Coloael Rnaeado dlplueiatic rirries an aasluurir exreri.
anteed in every nor, $7.50 per suit. These are made in the same way and -!«
: CtarrlB' aiih ihrtt cdU-ir* of the nM Inc <lebelopneBie at WsaUactoa. The i
by tbe same firm as those sold last winter which gave snch nniversal satis- ^
I form Bad twtf)l)-<l«ro nldli^ alt caHael eouadl sat yesterda>--to discus* <
See them—you will be aEreeabk snrorised.
«( tbe speech from tbe throne,
, fcBBiBwi TM lao riipli or Caha -Am Saaell Splritus to the dvll a 1 miliury to elect a number of Hfe oenstu
BbB af BiBhi-OaBbt «• Bo> r«^
Brill for thc-Cubsn home covcm. !
fortbcooiliic sewloiu The dly Is ,
WBBhlBitoB. AprU
«nttl aiMiUcht iBBt iildbt the boUM aad meat under the mMher rouniry's Aac ' traaqui) m Ooms (HmlaterlaU
and to defend the latereou of Ibe Spaa< 1 “It le reported from Wasbthjtoa
•Bbfte cottfBtiBBB a^TMd'ta a eempru- lab race Auwndo Oarrta was one of m the event of tbe sen.te's reaoluUoe
like—finely tailored—good enough for anvone—practically no Hmit to the aS' ^
BBlBB tB tba natter of the dlSttBOot oa
prevailiiv Presldeal McKinley
sortmrat of patterns.
Cuban lasumcllon snd hie prevrDta. avail blmaM ofbit privtivse of tea days
th« GBbaa reoetutkiah.
lion I* of creBt Importance, then betac
By the way! Have yon noticed this U the year for spring overThe w«r«a ‘'are bad- la tbe dettera. stronc reaaoB to believe It nlll be fd. ere slvlac tbe rrsolutka hu appmeal.
provided he doee not empl^ftb<ksfttal
coats? More of these desirable ganneilits have gone out of our store this
' Boa la tbe Am paracnipb that ^ Cu- toaed by many otbet*."
veto. Amid much excitement tbe ^tr
season than for several years past—Very convenient and stylish garment to
baao -are aad‘*. et ilcbt ooshi to be;
of war w ith Spain pretalla at ^t^asUnsVIEWS OP UB VBABU
MB. an left ta the Beaate rnoiaUoaa
loa..bBt further delays wiu probabty oen BnAC-ini trcv-tfotirfeM
Tblaba Itb Vade asob .OsBm Bo “rTtii cur oslnx to parilamentary routine or
aad the
special invitation given yon *-.«
to call
and see our stock on
this onr ^
ITraidml McKinleys tacmuUon.''
ttAt^tbe Uaited BtMca renwalBea tbe
Bl Rpoca (Conservative), dlscumlny ^ anniversaiy week—whether it’s clothing or furnishings we are “with yon.’, London. April H.-Or inisries Dllke.
MbUe of Cuba Is BtrlAca oat.
nerobrT «r p^ament. is quoted In an •*- question of plrvateeriax. says:
laterrlew on tbe Sihuilsh.AmrrlcBa by KuRife from empleyluk the richt,
a the Om t«sBla> crisis SB espmwiTqc the npiBioa that bavins reserved her Ij^rty <t action at
Ooa read as follows:
tbe Uipe of tbe derUratIca of Parts.”
-yirst. That tbe people of tbe taUad
«< Coba are. aad of Mdbt oacht to be. dslve actloD vUl be tuusbt at sea. "IL"
El Corr^MsparK I O'arllsi) BririMktbat
, (Tee and IbdepeadeaL" Tbe pmmUe said Sir Cbsries. ~tb« /
the pope "has not Interferrrd to rethe war will t>e over. If Spain alas It
Bbd other resolutteas an tbe
doc* the rebels b . obedience to Spslo”
adopted by tbe seosie and printed la, Bin be the berintilnc of s lunc slrujcrie
which must end Ui tbe crushlDc defeat
«eae diapatcbsa jtpterdsy.
the |ife*,nt
of Spain." Cnntlnulw. Sir Charles
tbe Ides of tbe Spsalarda starll- are esert-lsed intensely la rxpectatloa
When tbe acn<
t was presented ridiculed
Inc citica. pulnUnc out that It would be of the resuh of the via|t to the Insurtat tbe aeaate tt a<
camp of the coRuniasInners «if the
BO adrantaae to S(«ln for ber to do so.
a CAPT. PBiLir ynuBT.
then eipresaed the oplnkm Insular m-vemmenl. By most people
.' AlUsoa. Bakar. bur- Sir Charles
Jk-..I.S W. -I._______ A
this commlrslon Is considered a forlorn
TOWS. Cartar. Cbaadler. Clark. CuUom. that both sides should be allowed acces* hope and the ceneral public anticipate hsamsey »r aniMw (Wactii* ayMb
DaTla. Dsboe. Dklns. Psulkner. Ifor- to British cnsllnic statluna aHawlnp the wojdt.
aker, Flye. Oalttncer. Qear. Gray. Hale. twenty-four bouts to elaiwe between
R] Heraido. pointlny out th* btaarre
Old Polr.t Comfort. Va_ April U.—
deiMriure «f tb* aailons ships and
Hawley. Kyle. tbe
Captain Pblllp. of the baltleAlp Texas,
the arrival of their enemy lo rnsL Ha poalUon of Henor Polo y Beraabe
Lodee. McBride. McMillan.Msiwo. Mor.. also said (hat be antk-i|tsied considera WafWnrtoB. aays: rSpalB'a
-Spain-s minlater
minlst la la anrry
Saa, Maertll. Netson. Penroae.- Perkins, ble trouble from tbe ctasoUc suu of in- stoppiny bis cars and doslnx hi* eye*
tt.lbe I
o( tbe IVxas
l. Pritchard. Proctor.
while tbe Eovemmept
bleb be la Spanisb
Has tor use as a drewflaE to
accredited pamrs rewdutton* ir
GecttoK Beady M tbe fbaarl-s.
his country* prescriptive richt."
Su OAt It would be wail
_^aya-AUea. Bacon. Bate,
TVnerlffe. Caaary Islands. April U.—
Vber WIU OOUr Me
ytatler. Calfery. Canaon. Chilton. CUy. 'Spanish sutborltles here bsve aeqolred • Tt la amerted on ((^Authority that Ide down. Tbe fact
- OockreO. DaaleL Barria. HritfeldJoaea all tbe principal aarehoUses at this tb* mlaalua to the Insunrent camp Is that becaaae aocnc dIsUasuisbcd Euests
were ormlni aboard tbe men were orTHff PtWfmn A BIAITH MMKC OR
of Arkaimas. Jotiae of KersMa. Kenney. place and al tbe Grand Cbnary for tbe limited lo an offer
flefod to drvpa a companloaway. which
; Xibdaay. McEnery. McLaurln. Mallory.
cider* to recmmlse tbetr ptvaem Eradea they did by puittaE up a fe* alEnal
Mantle. Martin. %JI
Mitchell. Money. Ps»In the future Insular army, after tbe
CO, Prttcrew. Petlos, Rawlins, Roach. vtonv V hirh are about due to arrive withdrawal of thr Spanish forces from r*r« a* coven to th# steps Captain
fbliip said: -The story Is »u<r«Ceou*.
Stewart. Teller. Toriey. Tamer. Tuf. berr. Rv*n the chun bes ar* to be kaed Cuba, “which will rrmaln under
me. Wblte-n.,
for military purposee and the atretiatb protectorate qf Spala^ltfc a EOVemnr We me men of a liuic common senW.
an<! are not dolnE ridicnioas and aocof the fnrtMcaUnns la
preferentially a clrlllan. It I* said th* seoslcwl thViB*. If war wa* declared
Xa the bouse, as soon as the confer* Work on the latt*rdiaa been In
about to assemble will
«> would
tomorrow> w»
not1 offer
otfe any aueb
Obce nported had been presented. Ad* for awne time past, snd heavy,
this arranflement.
lasoit to the Bpanl^.flas ''
ama moved the adivtlon of the report. bare luM been mounted al tbe Telsod
The MlnnnpoUs bad a Woken
*aad apon that moOon be '
battery, which is
IS eltual
swn. steerifiE Emr but It has
Tbt sallerles cave onlory commandlr
Una the loaw and bar.
•* a Coe
been tepairxl All of the ships of tbe i
Iwra. At Lea Pali ______
1 Will Bay.
suq..dr»ii had calls to quarter* yesier-of yraln have been amassed
London. April U.-Tbe Madrid corre- d£> momiDC. and cleared their decks
rions qu
rarEoed are on their way heiq. About
ley and rohnson of tndlaaa appealed S.00e additional Imnpt are expected apondent of Tbe Daily Mail teiecrapb- for action Tb* heavy work of dearinx
Mid <>h.>p.
y1 few mlDutm- time. Ad|>m re* here, and It l« said that a similar nutn- Inc at II o'eiork laai ,wenlB« says: the decks and pnparmE for flnnx was
quickly as to aarpriae even
fiMod to yield tlm^ for debate owlnc to for of men »111 In »n rr.>bablilly ba sent “DuriBE tbe day the ouUook has become
>rr Schley. All the ships re
tbs laicMSi of tbe boar. Johnson pro1 tbe Grand Canary.
iBch aorse. and \er> Elvuny views are ported clear aad ready to Are In Afteea
tasted , indlpunlly. Bailey demanded
Ecoerally eDtertalned. A few pet
mlnmes nearina lBdodea.thr removal
tbe syes aad nocs and ibe-roO-csIl was
Of everythlnx that Is i,-vtroctlUe. or la
‘London, April U.-The Madrid currv- more optimistic thaatbe majority,
mamdrni of The Times, telerraphinff that In a few daya' lime the pievaillnE the way of the xans. fhd tbe cloalnE of
Tlua OXd. BwMaTale.
yesl't^f- Mvs: "It I* knos-n in dlploT^ Bnal vote, la tbe I
math- circles here that Kuropean «t- r^ bell.
imm-ncni. The cablnci council met
MIowtnc voted a«alBSt the nBopUem of ptumacy Is maklnr a d*«pa>rinc effort 4 o’clock Ibis afienicNio The scssloato
tbe report: Botrtelle. Bnwer (Dem.) oC
Insied three htiui*. lienor SbessU.
Alabama. Gardner tRep,> of New Jer- pected of It amona thuae whses political
are worth •erlout rotialdera8$aeh Banateml Thriw TImb a f$a«
aey, Johnson of Indiana. Load of Cali
A. uueveleaed la
of jMoma
1 cannot find any on* In aurh
fornia. and McCall tRep.l of Masaseba-—...
----A.J* . ...
__________ B
New Tork. April l>.~Aeapeeial from
the hiahest .palrioUsm of IlMoML «in p
n Is
Speaker Reed «111 net elvn the Cuban that a parlfic aoluilnn
raraca*. Vfaestiela. to The BvesiiiE
MM Sew* rtwM Bal «r
reaolifUoe antll after the bouse meets
'orid. say* Ihsl ~ Preaident Joaquin
sutnmariaaa the Inicmstlonal
213 Front Sl
today at nwsa. It wni then «o
Tamdon. April l»-A dispatch W The
and ptdBU out that Spain has Creequi. of Venetuela. was biltad In bal.
Dally Teleitrapb from Gibraltar, dated always..presented an ■
tl* with Hemandes. Il>e leader of th#
Monday, says a teleyram received there fooni In evcG-thluE which did sot
rebel flirrws..lasl Rrldsy.
from Mslaca reporu a resumption of citn'sb her soverelEhty. tbnuEb
■enatc <hro ni e mavi
Joaqaln Oespo waaaverr pictuMaque
the riots at Mslan on Monday, that <>n!y SET*I'd to Erant i
lb« American. <vnsul's neyro aervant. roeiimies It Cub* When lb* pope mad* AEUrv to modern history^ The siory of
was killed aiid.perw>n* In th* crowd hiB request aad the power* .JMned In his nse Is chararterisUc aad deacripW*rc Injured.
I military affairs.
orui-rvIliiE It.- Tb* epeech appeals to the
of the cninlo' he sovrmed. He
fluutsh people to rally around Ihe
a half-breed IndUu. He was a'
aacaped in ckner^ bvlsiation yesferABBBZTUTED 'TELB0BAM&
youbB Una. save tba coaniry. and to division commander In tb* army at
day wbea at f-U p m. Ibe m;Ms^
rierk of tbe house
.» his
hie m.nt
tn.^T valuable
>->l.ier,l. and!
wh.ib may b* necessary aad uryent to for p..wer «*.
rmalB Ar
It ranee wUb a
defend the BBIIonsI hor.<.r and iDtexrlty. VBlued asalstsot When BIsaco bm-ame ^
lmmed'*|ely by the committee. Its
s Florence Klfer. d
packace of bills aad^Xil
KiiOM In band
I am informed that aUhouxh tbe speech pre.10
-lOenl at lat Crespo was made bead i
expedited as rapidly a* poarihle
y Vive Presidenl H6■ «nd will ,t*ke effect Immediately upon '
•- no* deRnllely drawn up it may sttl! of the arm). m«4inc«i. I>ut Id any case Beaor
bart. interruptlna ibr debate, recuc- ried Hay L
FoscMny yesrs Cr-ep.. remained «««
* •PP~val. Its term* Will OiMaUtadbaffar.;...
Bised Ibe rierk. He prtaented to tbe
»-''v*lileBi lo call on tb* CbMr* Brokah Ela*...
Cbarlea W. Hacketi. rtnriitnaB of tbr KaKasia will tomorrow momlns deliver faithful to Iliar.ru. but »he*i bu maa: i
senate several bills snd resulutlnns New York Republlraii /itate ceaiial
|i the queen rvEeni. »ho will apen
into the preeident-s . hair ''arl..^*tate# for quota* la mskiaE ap Whole CodBak
« arEreaatn.
ahlcb had been passed by tbe bouse committee. Is dead at CUca. He was lar ismeni acrompanted by the UnE
a* hi* creaiuyedurinx thei~
lnc:udlBE that relstlnp to the loierveti- «S yesrs oM.
iBfants laabel.
alleriAte term when by the i-onsiliu"The cabinet l.day d
ttun of ihe United States in the Culan
blniwHt was c>np-||od
Uise FYanm Alcer. the younfcat dlsi«l<-he* relatlnE to i
rebellion. There, a'ss an Ineiani <‘om- dauahier of the sevreiao' «
Cuban ques- remalB ufBclalt) - mm-ratnaat Creapo.
motiun In the chamber. Scores ol mem- CharV-s Iturrail ttke. of Chir >. «1ff be UoD . nd the aittti
Che United .Ilkina the nm«v. wished to Iiei-orre a
beo» of ihe bouse were on the floor married next month.
S*tn>r Motet, secretary for the modldale for a sen.nd lerm Oi-kmi
read a dispatch frtiro General refused, and urn Ihe InsUEUi
aasiuns the srtlun of the aensir upon
the hi.iifu- sm-ndmenti. Dsvia chslrJuan Pabfe KoJ
I mayor, will i
msa of Ibe for. xn relations commitlee.
a |irvnun<4”4ni and dr<Jarrd a r
requested Ihsl ihe.-messBge from the aert in the bead- He had been
house con.vmios the Cuban rsaotuuona months.
867 Front mrfffft.
Tbe nffi revolution
eon-* and parade the atreeta. •
be laid l»f..*e the sen.te.
ta\-or of the fvcocnlllon
Ihs^.u^ island of t'uia- , ,h^ rrirrull* falUox in. The reEtment ,=
An attempt by the BurrrU
------------ ------ ^mdenco th* rebels abanAfter Ihe readins of the measase Da
But he retufn-d
afterward, and ' ;"u, ^
--------fUJlkvr* 4-^#^'“
the I dom-d their inieniiua of yieidina
vis sddrassed th. eei.eie. and moved «anp$ny to build .tracks at
aucreaaful after *r Ini-q-val of im---------1.
Spain In rclom for a bniadrr measure ,._onroem. ai-d etne- tlri/b* bad oc-1
that the sensir iiiiirur in tbe boose,
$*•»•*• Fl*h» t-r • Tsar,
roents. Th* moiiun was defiled company nearly led to a riot at Msnla- of aut<m<'my. and tbrtv ta a seneral .cupitd'^thr pmddentisl •hair ta the! WashiliEton, April IL—Secretary
popular dlsirust here a* lo any out
—M to ^ Oavls tli«n moved that the tlque. Mk-h;
I has Issued s cirevisr la which be state*
McLeod * Co.. Umber nmuactora of come of ibenecoUatlonswIlh the rebeU. autumn of IDB after a year nr'bUmdy
seaata Inalst upon Its ani- ndment to tbe
. , ondei
warfare he raptured Carnraa...............
pn»- :that
rierk or employ
bouse resolution, and that the preaident
News respectinx Ihe prdEiess of events claimed hlo-sell dlrutoe and was for- | the treasury dopartment desire;
of tb* senate appoint its ooferreea The Car M.0$$ black wainul sun stocks to he In America is anxloualy awaited; bat la mally elsried r rvdldent for a t$rm <if, leave the aers-lce tempuraittj- lo ena
tbMkto^Wnda of r«Ann pan of thu motion was axived to. fumlabed tbe Eovemmeai am.ory at any case tbe xovvmmeet wtll maintain .foui years, beslr.nina with K-hru*ry. 1 •» the military servb-e in the aveal of
—- “
aad that I a
firm attitude and w-llt act ener- 1$M. This, in brief, is tbS• history
but tbe last was defeated, and the vun*-■------- of]
e telnsisled al any t
Plana are
mtriete for an ad- Eethally."
dry civil blit taken up While the t
withia c
wa* pendlns tbe clerk of the house
^ What otbar* tMl poa lo
Uvea bsrientered tb
Eundard aaya: "TbepubllratloB of the
aaMdebwE* EiGee
the cMtraiy, b«i eomo aad aoa far
Black River Fblls. Wls. April H.—
and was awaiUnc reeoBnitleAT l?ci^ •<»'•## a spaee of crmind about » by tfi Maine disaster report by the Siianisb
Fffkborh. Wls. Apri>
coaimtsahin of Inquiry Elves E>»« aatta. The Xorthwealem Beet Suxar eompsay
preaenled to the senate ' the h<-u*f'- feel. It trill be three Maries talEh.
Dody. a plumber a
I rMiwtaaaUaajwoAihto right,
noUSeatlan that th* house had iasined * Tbe rvsldenre at McDUi of G. E. Me- fodtkm It.l* hti|vd that this wilt dla- b*. M^-ured^ another extearion on lu; dealer In wind mill., was fMnd la a
itdoaaaotproeaao I Mb* It
least in Europe, aU dmibta as
upon Its amendments and asked for. a_ : Dill, (wshler of the ailsens' - National
option (ID tbe
aivea of Jacksuo; voodabed shot In tbe head with a leGontrrmc*. The mesasEd was at onr.- bank of Steven* Pptat. Wla.. wa* de- the purely atrideiual rbaracler of tbe e6unty laada Thi4,e*len*lon wiu car- •
ft was ondoaMediy a case of
St^ la U» $ o
lxb*tbetore Ibe Sensir. Davis moved ' siniyed by fire.
The family evraped explnabm. li asserts poalil\-ely that
Saaday. la Ito Cbldwril AL»
U. when vulclde. Nn known reaBOBBEMu for tba
' — *- ------- with only a few artldes of riothlnEto boOdlar. at aortb «ad of Ualoa'
operittion in the way of constnictlo* of
l*Her Bona, who murdered Pearl Ker- hijufy to other veeaela. tbe quays,
oonfrrence be sfreed to, aad fort
risun at Cryatal Falls. Mich., In Octo -each as most hire exlstpd If tbecauae be MD-toa factory at MerrUlaa.
“Ttaaara tbts* Said* U ^rUahl
ber last, haybeea rakea to the aaylam of explosiiM had been external. Th*
aalstisi ea'^ Wra^enTMoeka.
for the -en^nal tnashf at lonU. Kleh. report even lavofees American taatlGrand Raplda Mich.. April U.—Tb*
motion prevallqd And Davla. Foraker He har% a ravlnE Eianlsc for th*
Elven early after tb* entna- body
of Mrs Jehanna Klaebow. axed $i
and Horxan were appotntod eonrerreea. paM three weeks
years, was round
After frequent lerajsm tn wait for
paid In aid of tkO. vemetery of ber fa
the action of the eanference cominlt- way coanructbin liy Canada np to Nov. acridenul character of the calamKy.
nste at 1:U o'clock this L l»:. amounted u pearly t4}.$*$.fl0t. ' “Outaide this document I may r^mt vorite soa. wbe died six year* seo.’ 8b*
Xbatttte cC ooltMi «gM$ fmm •
moralBE received the report of tbe Ol t^s num the Canadian Pactfle >*- the aentala already made by Oeneral had rummltiod salclde by laUaE polaun.
On her person was found------committee and twalve ariantes after celved tt*.4$u.0«. But the num
Weyler sad Marabal Campos that mine* tracate* of deposll and a d «t$t in cer. word AtaDCM tba mm ia amBol InCwatAKffBtfylnfaoaUn. naoolsward had adopted Iti Thar* kra* a Asht roads asslMed wa* over elEhty.
or other defanae* were laid In the Bat« the tasi-mlnote. bowovar. tbe advnMl was m caUad baiMM to M cr on\-ana harbor. With reference to AdFriday eveninE
Wtoa U aaad
eat**/or recoEnlttoa of th$ independw ill Eri-e lix that ap- tiAral DannEor’a etatemeni that be
BM* of the Island rapnbUc standfot nual dinner at tbe Grand Psdfle taotal.
t baa dismissed tbe amai
ra aad got proiM MTlc.
thalr ffreond - until tlmr vara fairly Cbiraca. It Is expevtod there vIB ba ea MEfc AOtherity from the mkrla* mtaInvolvlns th* validity of the CUTtotercrnttototoiorMlar Cto
fcfifffiH «osrn by a vota «f tt $d IS..
istry that snch ditonpaa were never csEo rivU nerviee law*. The refusal of tondnda (< tbdwMto e( toUtAxhUtoor can ap "
EilBarttj vote waa «wt hyvtboae
^,iald jMiitn. aad tlmt the anval aad aOh tbe tsderal ceort to eaicrtaia the appaol tote toopwtoatwtU MAtoftttBCto LaaMFvvtomat
ygtai -waatad radlral actloa and ladtaieA
w tbe and of tbe Asht aEaMst-tb*
toit c< ito UtBti wm.
Mitt tb* resolatluD should carry wu£,
ttion of thamaxU tav at
Juliet and Oxfords.
893 PAIRS {“'31'^)
$2.00 Oxfords xoin* at.....................
XIM. ar.°S
Frank Friedrich,
FliMnr's Oftnr Dtpn til tonim
GraceriK It Mtowiig Prices!
Alphheus Pierce
Bicycle Riders.
--------------- 'nS
Thoiis Ho. 8.
■ ->;.;
THS mauiiMa Jiaoos^vwinmsi^^
*!WtataaiaatrtgDaMabg bsaa^elP
ad spas totognloabi smatofarabM'
KmrwM naa. art oasa pate poaat
noMl pBhUcdtjr. tba «tt that ■rata, m brtotad an mj trtaad Wrtter ttUteaoowapIlrttedby mai of two
Jawa.Vt wbalbrt for bUoMlt. or tor tbs
wtbaptoparad with
«Ofk« tNB Um dirtrlbotka td bioi^nrtarii lama tbalwaa bla, or ter
•ition Rtcvding th«
irtb of B« at tea*. Toaodraraiptei^arter tba ^rfi
anmolfat anaiaote to rediwolra tba
boUt aem irote^ (batten M>rr Koi^irttSt be *"
kiunf obbai boea u crrerMtUnatioo of In rxloe tear Holw teU.
and armpatbatta. “22“* P
a»«M an eaocaa
lotbaiMfcanof booka OMofUMwat rtllted M art a batMol man at aaae; far
anoaiih dictllted water Uaddadto make
popster bodk» orsr writteo was "AUm Mam Fwthrtte <terk. elciaiiA, tin
tba.liaaid DM
far K«elrn
la WaBdaitend." Ite diteribstka mte
and doaUlew It IMtIsNaf tbenalli far Ulrtaai ttemell, Kklaclaatep
adeHirttfdl Ctrl, not beauUloL bat aany oatat of f(
• • fta>i«t«r *•
. TbateimrnakI rlRorotuIr oa. bat wbo had aad
adored Hkteapb-Uar:
bp tbi«e Mtea
Aar OIW CaaMaUtaa mt lb* iMa*
a likceoH of tb« man wbo teannlaiaand tar lour &:!■ Bawlito. tap traolec-abit^te rt pteM and aftar
n>rr«Mlri« laM OaaaWtbaa^
wrdtaltr Wbao Dr. Dodgm died tba ftxe kllM Jaomm and Him Nora Kamaler. poltebint It daftly with roopr aad
it parfacily dry
Debar darbnd tba aewapniTi told wbo
and all
lapU mirtw
Diztsre ft
K«w. 1 .u, not
u. Udd a brtef and cl^ Tb« a rapid
Loadon, Aprtt lt.-Th» Dtllr CJiroa. la gratafsl armory, tbotmndt of hit I lor Wnli«, Aa tbr rldwt JoM.«lrl aald: a^ cd two parti of tba aUrer aitPti
of tba forma], M« pnblMca Atettcr (M« norstac trom daUon IdeatUad bia f« the flat tfat
b* a*ku op bb
dehyda aolsdon. this mixteR being
' Blr FrrAerlck PoUook. Corvui pro(M»or
poo^ creiiD en the gfaua. Fkum 10 to
of Jnriqmtdvnrc •( tb« Dninratr <.f fntanltobU ttorlen that an alaort aa teIS uionteewUI be leqoired tor tbit ap
Oxford. Juadfrlnx Hir xtUtudc of tho affter to oooToaponry ohlldna at pnttyfooL
but tbo wind blowelli wbere It llrtetb,
Caucd FUilc» 4a Uw eoBtioTcrsr wUh
likad and tt'aluo bad no wlrti to rtnoaa. Ha pUcMioa to In oompteied, and tbeo the
•wax. flir Pr«d«rld(. PoU^ In part, peaca and a asiat Ufa and rary ootrttel- wm
niDofa jaMexTru
preterrrd to
•« w«*,
waK. .
mu. ».
uh »-rpa- plate
• > warbed with water and
dS- In tbe.
an**- *lt would be a oup^uoun and ly dialikad noiorlMy. Uka many wise ] ba(> a bamorut. pMbapa aerolc. be main- <
1 ordinary ntttor
people, be fo^ great pleaaare and'.talnodanaMUud-fcifahaoJnteltD—
.................! treated to a ooating of earniab. bat tf
I# tbe one to be naed. aa
bat the time has arrlTeil for aa Anplm I cbildrati. and. f« tbair
aonooctad two of tba oaaerett and moat ! *“*•
-kricbidyiih SUa Mar-1 In OfSiebl inatremmu, tbe layer of allAarHcan enteotV or alUaaw whkh'............
wioald do awar with any necaaalir f >r
arbitration tretUra. We are the other , werewrit^ Bs. ba a-r-rooaridaml
aay, bare not yielded
preat power of the Noftb ABDerteancon-I tbataerely beoaoae bit books
with telai >tenuter. MArted wtU MUe
tlacm. and If we Hetdir consider our |famoM there wet any aaad that ba filmblngton and dlmi) witWb m^niae aatiafaertory rwoltt.—Ntw Ymk Mail
M often a< ibeyatked bim
iK-^ld. and E»press.
bellig of a lMaH-ltabi<snMtirr. ha
retnnifd their bmpltaKiy—yaw casual'
y mreign power Id Amntcam ; prodoue a a
lunebeona rtamilnttly, gate tea* tbe nwet
aS^ Tbe Irne keyateiie of an aiilaere | Ur no*al (which need not be a
parts of Sontb America
vtteM be OB tbe aide of ibe UnlUd !demand oamllr isn't one) fm fear
soapidoos and rery daagaroaa. Some of
rat)^ armngud. at wbkb eacli notber in ibem will trade with stangeia. bat can
baMurti was asked
ucaniy (bo bead of never be relW on, while o^^ will be
I if Its worth isto ba Wall '
-trienoly and hare a
, good
.. repate1 TMitnred Id aaSKoat to Walter tbte was
fairly tested, bst that be abonld be pbbtioa in tbe maitar of deali^ wltb foreruel.a^ ^
Hr> A.uDnmga
llstaed. too. la not et all Indisp
eignoa. Baton ood-polnl all tbe tribet
agree->tbey do not tmgt « man with
■Do onr aldf abould be underatood. i
ba merrir su.Urd a
U not tormaliy expreeaed^ veadlneaa | ™
eyaalikeacat. Inmanypteoetin Soetta
papara. be can
it oat.
to nppon tbe Monroe doctrine in
.............................. .........
la bta America a man with light ayes is new
fmi'TtioB wUh tbe npiied States fay book won't antfer: if be parefera that bU gaina." 8oaay* tbv rough Ueg In Tumy- rnfe. and tba Indiana an apt to kill
and €inm* aoa’e^'Prtnaaa. *' But what II mon ba mob a man on dgbt. U no praaeni opwbaterer menna migbt ba nitnaary hr
e'anfllcleat and acalii«i all cornera Such atanma aboold tm be diaesaaed,
Cbat, I DU%
not dteimwid to uuafcl
buntr •»
dots CJtr»
' tfd offer Itself of gratifyM'anianre would make wholly tor KMt oadbe*
la graat^mas-1 there wiu not be sport Wslter was tog this mjodioa, tbay will often bang
ttre witboat i
I ttonblA Tba only
gain would be Irreatatlble: but
telM FcrrtieUi took to goU. tetes May aratiDd for ddya for tbe ebanoa of dlsthugs fba pabho abaolntaiy
intradar. Itisnlatad that
SmoF dW come, tbe Srot shotted guna tram wniert In axofaonga for Ita larora nard shot, Mlti Holt played tennis. Nora
« long ago a Freart trader war si tttog
•red far tbe copjWned Aaglo-Amertcan
Baraslw skwabni; (te Mannings rude,
•eei might be tbe begtontag of roon i*f"
Er^tWng tte Uewltte hiked, tbe Joneeee annked,
Ually among aona Ooaiita ladtana.
and. tbaa the ob)eclon oontenutetn*-1
an a party of tte
•be Dally Chronicle. eadmctiUng edU! ^ aately and aafaly withheld.—"Tbs smIM. Waller waited and 1 wateted tte
Pout of View” U
tarteor on Sir rrederlck I>olloek't
pietto eomedy Ute bto devised (or my whb awsoi
tba cry
I ayea likes
lubjectENGLISH OFFICE SEEKERS. tbrt.Walwr ibewsdrt prv
rati Lai ns kill bim DOW. ■ There wan
-Will Be f)
aaeramblaandA darteg rakcaa. for tba
April It.—Margaret Mather
tipdw-a ooopaaiona naotaad bia rtda
II her pn^erty te Colonel Uoi%toplay- Tboewas.a dsartbof eaddtea. ably jnat to ttma.
Let ni uppM that tbe E
.. .[. of New York, who acted as
school efandrm tn«ad--traank larteues
A far inataaoa. te anx- wen- bemg mede. and Miriam Pon«dl
r attorney.. Colonel King says when
an debts are aetiled there «-lll probaMy Iona to aaonre «tBadidau to eoniast one bad ter irork out oot to keep lbs plaoe la
fee a dedHentr! if tbere Is aay aurpUs cdtba patltemaniary dlvfrtoM of tba Oidar. "------- -------------------------------------------------________________ _________l.Btetl
Colonel King says he wlTl tarn it overi^iM The
maabeta ui ua usHUMion gesUoo. 1 OS) glad to tblnk—wes In a
noiEoeEB **SAiDe AU Aiomm.*
-1^1. c™u, u».«!», 1«» ssT,r:,is^rx:;2.i2sr2,
”I bavwi-t ny ggbet mforiMl
bettetoofca aalf ba might teragoaa
Mib a ptoad of ua.”—CtogwaiMi Ba-
She—Did you norioe tte white racb• oroond tost Boatoa giri'a arok.*
Ha^-Ob. was that rarttogf.l tooagU
A tewf-^Yonkos Hui
r, baa a
tbe «
6aleabBrg.IUs..At>rjt I*.—Republlaana
«r Knox eounty^ Its conveatiw yeaterday indorsed a. W. Prtnee. .of Galeahnrg. for renomlnatloa to eoogreaa Ja
tbe Tenth district, and O. I. Btepbenif Oneida, for suie repraaentative
U the Twenty-n'D'.h district. Resoia.USfU were paas^ coumcndlQg HcKU-
aig in politlcn “for »toue bm]th.''gnd
wbo naitbar art for nor dwira waf
ward, meat udteoum tbe aitoatfate. u
It bappaoa that any loaal LiboSl of
praminanm and good standing is avallabte, an Urltehon fa aant m him U
stand fw tba oaostitaaocy. If not, n
fa held with tba oentral aaraetettcxi in London, on wboaa taoofca mt*
tba names of most of*tba aaptring Llbanls in tbe ooaotry. Tba candidate arrtrea U Biruiagbam and iasow bis addreasto tbe-.eltotora. Hare, agala ona
aenrea made by League
data for oongraaa
orr saute
ymlerday-. At New Tork—Boaton Li._______
NSW Tort I; at PhUadelphla-BrooWm ! *! "W»wd U fttea) no
no private oplniona
—Wet. whatavar. Ha la pot forward as tba,
t. PhitedeIpbiA U: au 8L Lonia—i
LoulBvHle-PltUbarg T. ; patty'a tt
e and bas to awal
LoutovlUe I. at Waihlnglon—Bsltlmwn
a. WasblagtoB A
likes ar not. A^'i^lirt mndidau te
not called npon to morUoa ao mnab
lb to
bis ooontiy's watfara. Ha ia aHowad i
SEEING AROUND A CORNER. oaruin latltnda of indepandanoa. Oor
A paraon standing
simple pteoa of appa
m tar abooi SO yean
aartly bear mniio or anfenteto ^aaeb
-abd MoogntM tbe vrtoe of a friend fcnsdrada of mites away. Tbe
•Bployed Is elaccrienl. and tbe two
yoinw taeiwifen wiiicb tba ttr-----' ' aocon are o
iply by a win
It tba eenaat
▼iaon oan be aerrad in a aimiteily
plate and aatiifadteay mkoner andar
Bka ooDditiooa.
ad 'fernseber
tender! visible
>ie an
an ob)aet
Objaoi with
witn au lu
aoloa* aitoated ardknd tba owner,
a great dwunoe.
maans of tbe transfannatian of light graves into electrie
. wavaA In'otbw wotda tba maebin
is optic Bppearanoea along elec
- tote wirw and remlen Cbwn vixlbla
U anotbeg piaoe. IIU uid to te tbe aolacioB of a problem on wbicb fidteon
baa bean engaged for 94 ymri. Tba
nwmraof tte patent wbiob baa bean
Ukansmtare boaatUg that it will te
n of tbe Paris axbiblMen. TbeUveDtoriaapowPoliabrUk^ga eobooixuastm naniU
A te In tte abape of a taleOnd'WiUqniokly parmive tbe diffsr>
aadeviaeuf Ufa kind and
a wlaanopi ,Tte tetter UrtruMt parmfto one to aae only U a wrtigbi line
sod art aronad a oomkr. Tbaeorvatura
afiba earth, to aay notblDg of other
iP pn«lr tarrastrtel
Baridaa. tba greater tba die
tanaa tba^oatar mnai te tba magnifyiBgpowwAtfiatostranMnt- Itmay te
fatasad frou tba aaaldgy afforded by
I that tba “fanuebs**
worts aqaally waUM a diaUDm of__
^leoraboadi^ aad to apitt iffanI aldag tte raate.
Tba tet. baaa, fog and otbw faperitoas fa tte atmuapbata are aim airtoaa
abateolui to visioe to a borteoetal dlreoB. no mattw bow grtrtUnttbaopibraogb wbteta alartriofty
I tba otbw band, teiiiBta wo
titmt "
Brer Boned Oirtt
o- p. oARvn; Agort
John (R. fsanto,
Baaatil tasanoat;
TPseatalaG^. Mfab,
—groaraa frellag pf wiaftmS*^biw
avideneapf kMnayaad bladder unaMa.
Take Dtota KidaR Baane at oaee-tooy
wOl rare yoo—tory bare eored toemiaeda of otom Tgk Tram's or Patte
tDgU*aiA arakeJJtab Ridary Bea»A
What am I offgrad for a goad boara aad
USrv ibet Se Mftl«t<mlotoBtraal.wagtT Avatyds-
poise la the
■ If milt >u
alraUa fiaaa. ran te tetfgbt oa martAly paymrata. Lot tokoa to exrhayrtAlao goad boose aad M ioat lot. Oak
JaaJ3. JoBotoox. Draggtat
Atteraeya at U w.
Otoeee le Heeueer toeek. Ttovenr ntr. tom.
arsnrffss cards.
c. for tktiiultoa of' tooth
witoMt pdto aard. Imtort aad rant
oattatoeoary prapamioB yat aosd tor
.making extraettna aaay.
O. SJSSfSiil;
**o^meflal! te tout yen, a. t
tbair own deed weight Tba
vaouge by batog Aral In toe Held, and
rtetcblng club i
Ubardamlte.,nMSi><S^ Vaana'vrrtiieura.can
uun rama, and with It art a pauing poww€qnal W9.071 ti
Tte boDting
madeb^ efloris with two teraea. but to open it a farra aqnrtto 1.819.6
toe dieunomweie long, nor did they look tbe
wrtgtat (d ite
abeU-lea body la re
quired. If toe b>
T OtlT—glai
i» inoo.
rnjw mm» <■»
J_l r-nler
ebaDoe-abeekaied pcriretly. TI
did toalr beat to B»U It by
Wahw was very poUsA. but 111toney ttey woaM te ataie to lift tte enoemons ■piPTOLi
weight of 9.976.000 puanda. palling to
torn gtound.
TteUewimbedan tatodratton.iableeax toe same degree as the limpet, and if
vlTanta. in which they posed with Waltw. tte man palled to Ite rasaa iropartieB"TbeBugucDot.''-blr
■'The But
John MlUalc' '
aia degraa aa tbe ooefcla ba would aaatnrv. was a complete niocem. but
ramoMd tbem b«l ban lome rivalry be- tain 8.l0e.600 poandA — Popolar
tween-toe olsters and that pamtel au BclaDoa News.
thority had ted to be called to. And to
eOB SALS-Oe •lUea s«r. I Ilk Mt PlM aw.
peony The
support of toU view it wet pototed out
£ Utuews;'ae* seO Is
toot Don's vieltn was new. and Datw.
poasr, did net gutotovrn
that year.
aure- bnbblaa of air it toay ba ranirltad rnwo'lixw mi ten bsea eeaeato te leak
X. 'aflCT ito work lo my bkyele rrpstr abep
I by rapidly twinging toe tbermometar at *'
yea « s> peer eliiel pal le tkessea* esdsr
repeated at...............
foot or ao Imig. If
e neeeniiili rilri retl nn wi Preane-a,
itiM. Coneeru andebarttyfliled maidens' • the and
_ of a string anoth
minds, snd Valter bed to be eonsoJled .'""P
, M.. taaolt. toe .toenBometer may be pieoed
S aaiX-Oes iwu-yser eM eeX net eee'
Ite; in a vemel-of water and brat graily ap-
knows, of ooorsa. what are Iba mala
tanau of tba Liberal faith, bat be need
not namsmrily aoburibe to nil Ita art)claa With the gragarions Uatlnoi of
polilicuDA tba odds are that be wiir
^1-cooling toe oolao
wiil nniu aa toe
not difler troU tbeyn on any material aceepted the
iteiold tome. “J v^ itvroukL
and tbe bubblea of
pomL But
at bp may. and atii) te t
but while It doMs I may as weU mate
lidata. He nukaa bis owe f
le ptetfonn and r Monttuautblm
of air driven to tba «9 cf iba
She vrra qatte rigte—It did nut laaL
Valter wrt ralied to town on bartoraa tote by toe foregoing epantioM will do
Cteolly grew cold. UesurtedonaWedMe- no
00 tf tba top of tte tote la widi
day. and Mtas J<»h was at toe Metloo
A gteiioe at tba walls and tbertww- with dcaigne on a cenveuleDi aunt. 8be ■0 aa to form a smaU chamber in wbiob
took aflfrtelaeetictet. Valierwenttolrd. tbe air aiay lodge At toe top of moot
lluclDoee touk Walter frequently to town, meranrlal tbanndmetm tom la gowA Ml '
slly allKlasir tons antrappod.—big.
torn e
bast players went, and il
____ Waltn
_lter broke bis ana. .
a pair of iratuark or wbat not lauedClaes wes prumpUy starteO, and___
The pUca Was like a beabire; oni- mmtell gave iusmiotloti fur a uiodermia
fee. to the mabifeat advaatagvut ixr eevui
tomeri of both ntaaa
“Out of tbe eaur raiue forth
ing and coming with
and ate tmliod. ”1 Uke u turn ulMarpneior and' bis olerta—two of 'lb” uneo to account,'' ate aald.
Nn need to tell wbat Bovrers were aant
to Walter, wbal loquirice made. Koough
afaiDing boor. One strapping yoeng eoi- tool te mede eatlriMtoiy progresa, and
funding near me tDqnirad for toeatrlrale vrrre set on foot to eoiarula
D being abowa tbem. hU eonrakeceBee. Waiter wat aeked to
sHacted aritbout betiulioo (it tea good
"PatlMtee.” with
cnatooMr wbo knows bis own mind) a Umaelf aa Buntoonw Tte cborM.
bnUtent yellow pair embroiderad 'or "Twmty Lovestek Mstdera.” was Imedged with
aqaally brllliaat red And mease. bot daognvras, IndltodOWy daabarUg boagbt tbem at an oatUy of II gwera. ”DoyeatolBkteli(oollnsHr'
eaeas. te pracaaded u tba pteoa. wbat* asked KoreKsrtsleyatoarnrMretearsaL
be took off bia coat and pot tbau oa. “Utewese aDyonebatWs)ur,”lfepUad.
That was wted bg bad boagbt ttaggi lor- “I steoid eeruinly soy te was: bnv bellig
VallW”—hare. Itoag at entes lam what to
aay.l paaaed. ”Be cvrtstoly ta tdlnd.”
raid Kora Eemstcy, and 1 was eootent to
loBVe H la tost way.
Hoaaw^nim|i^rt«r^lrtara Braa^.
Batetette.” saM Mr Maaktoa, "yoe
kaow/oa uid almost two boars ago ‘^TteyaraTrttoM moaoL^rta mW,
yoB wete goiag to tell me jast bow
‘yon tboagbi tba araeafa man
"I hadart Mrtad ^oaHtortrt UghA~
epos bia a look of aUmt
‘-Yoabava ufd i
rt.”**Do iMy!" said obo. rwWwitaig. as 1
” Wea ” rtw aagwaod. "toat'a wbat thongte. aUghtly.
Ttet evening Valter toU am aomalbt^
Itbtokba aBUonti ta.
A wart Mtar. after tte''Tattraw” pirTo elwttr Ttoegir aad sraa naddy tonnanea. baltasid, wbetVattar told me
wtoe poor into a bottle of it half a ten-^ wea glvaaeut to Mapiatera
”Vhf4 Miriam Pranaur” Ukod MIm
eapfal of fresh, sweat millrand let tte
Kanrtvvbrajtoldbm. ”Vrti.rtovaa
whole Stood for 94 bean. Aa tba aedl- a
dartboaae • awrtara was mw”
' meat will aattla to tte bottou wltLttaa
”1 eoaMiit have tpUevad It porttUa’*
;gardted aUk (te rttar Uqidd may Ort ffaolaaod Misi Joaes. "and aftar ^ <»
fca paaad off into aaotbw bottU,
a AMPKaAT.terai.
0t> O.P.AtoQrstePiant
oowo Mona.
leqelce e( N. C
LOAK—Ve aew ee depeelt
Locet»a eo Proei strpet. Trsiri—
TraporaaOtty Kartat.
Balow’M a IMt of toa barlnf and sail- fraet by isotsvirasp. All la tbs beM «(
s»Clty.Mleb. MS-U
t. Tramee Oily Last-
b^*"SqB'nySf ChSwete pkb iw»'-*f
F^TMMwO^&b^te MStf********’
prcipcTVy. PstcslaAa
4 00
tbm-u — kvn wUt.
paratvolB; aay form
or rtU troaWIra of wbitearlaty. ^ as Blaatria Bath,
ms 18. Markham Bin., a trial teU
Srtto. to i
.^Fnddnt Koftinlqr WlU*B«id It Today and Oomaad a
Prompt ddmpUanoo l^lth IVm Tonna.
4>aln wai Hot Tlold a Stop From Stand Takon-Oonfllet
Kay Begin Tod^, Wben BMolntio^ is Signed.
ms. PIERCE iegiliTTEt.
will take two Beathe to hriag
reealte which will easpel the
Ohsit* et BbtsI^ XHoprovod to • lords to eraeaau aad oMble toe
Cital of lUay btottototog
to be aeea^ by Om Daitad
Tho Oireait wwi rM «
**The Ualtcd StatM will aot baoe
aaylettomof Bargae aad reprleal aor
itoaaaee privmtoertag. bat if the
■ieh goTaraawat ebaeaee to eater
•bow; Mn. Ptnoe «*4e os toterMW apM tob llM of wertare abe wm have
deal with tha.aatloM ot ffaropa,
with whaae poBmeroe ahe aaake to laywurday u4 the «m* of ho^^ery
hgalMt Ur*. SebeMO Ptarae .|v«*e4
or AtUncy F
Wbaterar opiaim
I opoo that
Madrt4,-Aiiril 19.-:>At thto bear the
, ValM StahM Forew Vata ths iMt-Flana of taltcraphlo Slgamlo t«|l»lBi. bowmo. Mrv Piero* sm out lobWM df parUaBeat are crowded wHh
-Weni T*mti Owmen Vot to Send Out Sblyo-BiU
will be Uttodnoe^ -I---------- ■»------------------------------------------------^
iimii, aew depetiea aad priltiriaM
..a-------- »
tlBB toe wlUMBe eecared eoeh a good
Xa Otmgtmm Aothottotog Ml tor 400,000 Toluteen-*
•tart ee to leave the preeeeotcr eo far aad aU are dtoeoBiag toe eitaatloa.
FnetoMOd SightMo More Oowa Itoere ud Sms Toebto—Toboooo behiad that toe eoort wee forerd to la- The OM predoBtoaUag word b '‘war."
Km Froteettog Agmiut Frapind Tex.
torpeee la order to eUoi^^^rrTspHdle
tMTbaa VarieM.
to eetoh op. end properly oO«dQi.i) toe
KryWeat'k reported owiog t
Berlia, April IS.-It b aow etated
WMhtogtoo. April IS.—At lt«> tbU toelUUca. It aow tiaMplre* U
lire. Pierce wee cberged by George from olBrial aoaro« that Ocreseay mw
edIortMeo Speaker Beeddfned the Ob.
.tof the Sytog eqoadroii de Pierce, with bering brokea lato hto
BedbUoa as wUe thaa omhu raeoletlM aod toe . hooee
rided opoa iMt sreric h«> been ohamnd reridenoe on Weeblegtoa etreet. end
•ftor adjomed. Vie* Preeldeet Bo- by the rcfatol ef th^ Duito gerera' eeoretly teicea a ooach aad chair
Dr. Bdwerd Aadrtia, an eqolao deaWteiCMditatl:fi6ud»t l:i5it left Beat to Ut the Uattod Statee aae. dnr- wbirii Warren PUroe. the former kae- tin aod boree traloerHrf Boxtoa. to ia
band of accoeed,
toe city for a ^w deye aad will be
tor the White Eq*m. The preeS
tof hoetUiUB, the cable betweea Wee^ hiB. Mre Ptoree admitted bar
hbd toteaded te Blfa it »t ooee bat the togtoa and SU IhoBae, where Oob* ea toe tnraitara bat declared ^t It to komee reqqlriag
reqclriag each treatment.
Dr. Andros to a
deaptoa WM chMfod Md the oeblset ede t deal ttotry aadAtoanexpcrilB-e<]Bine
ider Schley wm to eail IwaMdlately' wae her ewa. There wae a gnai
1 can
eaa be eeen today et Park
‘ JooMd te t:U. when It Mt eod ed- after the preeideat'e aignatare was
'htoh extotod between toe
. ioctnedhoto »t t o'eleek.
two. aad toe evidence was Mich m W
^ Seerotaiy Bherto«D wid the eetire eoal ap praparatoty to the totorriew oliBiaeto toe burglerly ebment from
edite WM derated te the Bpeaieh Mltl- with toe Bpenhh floUlla at Oape N'atde. the eharge, toe hooM heriag beea vawUito would be further 1**^
•ant when the goods were tekea. The
eeeoadeoaat, toer*fere.thatoflereeey.
to the aerator I'h'en PreeMeet MeWM the only om whlto the Jeiy wm
Bemember 1 have • fall 11m of Bley:
Stoley weald Bln
■ tl
the reeoIcttoM.
ele Soadrtoa aad Eepalia. I alee have
Friead ed McBaleyS Says That Ie called apoa to eoaridar.
Krea the adatolet
‘Tip" Olds wm toe party who haaled
The OytaUta of the PteeidMt
alt that the eeUoa of eoagrea yeetarthe geede for Mrs. Pieroa, aad he
(to the Sltaetlea.
M a wltaeB toward toe
dtty WM -riiMAlly a Porakar rletory.
•pseUI to Tax MoBBias BwestD.
eloee.ef toe efteniaoB. Whoa be ea. BeaaiorSpooaorel^ihattbaeretde,
New Yerk, April is.—A Loadoo tored toe oeart room he eengbt te leara
tTM” eaa oaly apply te toe prMMt
■pedal Njt: •'eOrial rirrito are la- from toe eheriff whether he wm to get
/toa. gormaMt. which praetloally
letioB wltadm fee. end epeat
to Bed byaoaaS^tof.Prvridaat Meato ta recegsiUoo.
monte parieyiag with Sheriff
Klaley. who held a p^tiiM of hi^
while toe proeecdlage eweltod
Mr. MeKtoley wlU aeOfy toe Spaalto
Aatte of Omcth* ■■ttActoT7 te th» Jont* u« enbus viU Fight
Enaneliae lai Decoratiag
ia tie latest Styles.
WaehtogtoB, April 16.- •It ie expe.
ad Shat Oatgraedmaa Cb >Doa.,wUl I
itredaoe a MU to lalae SUe..
f fasd. Ithpropeoedtotax
hew. tea. eotea. tohaeeo. aaat, patoat
ahdtetoe aad railroad ttoketa Lead
pcetaata are hriag Bade by tebeeee
BMBteetaia aad wholoaelh growara.
It la aaderetood that the mye add
' BoaH' eaBBittei will radaoa the
HaU wiU totrodaea a MU
<mO* tor 400.0I9 rMeatean
tag ed aeahie to <
oatkB tooB Oaba to Wm
aatoorlty to toe naitod'Butoa, that to
the pTBUeath belief the war bob
bri^f aad eharp.
■Weehtogua U perfectly eoeUeat
that ptoM are MW aaBpletcd. otwhieb
the puhUe to Urgriy i^poraat, parUealarly thoM relaUag to the ■
meete of warehipa Be ie eare war wlU
aot lest leager thaa a Booth."
UiBovoMate. A pallw
«rm Inritetion from the eoert. kewcTcr. ladaoed Mr. Olde w moantAhe eteed and
teaUfy. Whan MkefforSi
spurs NEV MOVE.
Onat dlMealty la eoali^
S>I»IX jLsnusd.
a iadiridaal idea M thto'ltj
Another i)ig lot of
Wall ftiper just received.
From 3 to 3 I-4c
a Double Roll and up.
290 Frost StrMt
You needed some WaU:Faper this sprinxP
We have it. Have you look^ over what We
haveP It wiU pay you.
MarUiaia BlocL
Buy “Raw Idea” Patianis, ^•SSU’S&r ID Ceats Eact
If It’s
Wash Goods
Reliable D17 Ge^s. Carpel
ai|d aothlng floBs^ -
Wheel Enameled For S2.5il
c Prank
H..E. BIBBS, Proyr.
toraatioa eoBca froa Cbmda that
a BpaaUh warablp te oealtog at Noea
Thto eonriaded toe VeetiBeay.
■oetto, where eoal Ie largely atoed' by both ridee havlag declined to addimw
the jury farther, the eourt gave kto
paltod Statee eapltal.
ehar^ The jury wm oat aboot t
mlaatce aad then retnraed a verdict
Mtgailty. Mra nerce beamed with
and vffsrively thanked toe Jarya for torir deririoa in her tevor.
•earod aad Book Oak
apoelel to TXB aeanM SkW
rtoaw, April IS.—Owlag to the
war agltatieB toe $60,000 bridge bonds
to gi ve eattofaetloa or ao obarga.
Barriaoa Olda" Attar he bad 'told
aboot taking the fnrallare aad taetldeJ that they did aet break into the
hoaae to gel It. be retirad. aad wm
oared by Mr. PraU that hto fm would
•old by tola rity to e Boetoe flra are
oa haad for reMla. Other Wddere deFvaeirxD.
^toe to etaad by toelr offers Theritj
wUl reeell aad reqalre the two per FMB8ISKHT WHO. MOT FBUOT
|Tew Terlc, April IS.—The Oafaaa Job- oMk depoeltWoB toe Mddcra
dfartaten are eatisAed wlth^aoMaet Answer la For^-Slght Bean
ttoa of oeagiMa ^They «y the Co^
Hto Demand to Bcacnato the lewm Sgfatby toeUaitedSlatea to toe Megettoting Wito OahaM fer Oabland—XaeaigMts wlU he itcaacthened m Xsabto Them to Hereee
Bew Terk. A^^.-A Madrid a
Spaatok Amy frotn the Bear—The
Hadifd, Aaril IS —U U oSelally aatol eaya •the pahUeatuw ed the tM
Vatted atatM Xxpeot to Have FoathBi adopted bye.
eeirlcB ia Short Oidar.
tog with toe Cnbaa iMatgeaU to ebAt a reaalt tato to^ eebDiBioa ^the' reealt of epeeiei w Tas Howise Berven.
the qaeeah addiMB to <1
' It Ie claimed
lekingtoa. April IS.—“Ike altimaaeete her* thto week, hM faeM gnatly Spain prefera to face «
tam." eaid a member of the eaWaet
etreegtoened aad ie mw praetleally to^leld to Awcrlcaa
after .to* me*Uag todmy, “haa bna
a call to arae to the Spaaleh aattoa. geacral belief here to that the .joiat •gmd apoa la •abstaaee aad will be
rdkolotioa of ooagreM Bkkeo war toetIhe cabtoct bM beea.eaBBoaed. It le
eeat to Syria toBorrew aad wUl reach
aot belicred aow tbat the g
The eorrrepondent of the A
Madrid ia the cvmIw. 1 thUk yon
wUl yield aaetoer >t«p.»
Preee wm the firet to take the aewi ot are eafe la BLylag that Spaia will be
toe acUoB 6t eoagiMa to Hiaietor
givea farty-^kt boon, tomt to. ontU
Weodtord, aad to toe Spaaleh mlaleteTe
TOFZXA onDinsD to
for toe ooloDlce aad forriga effelra. Friday evaalBg, to Bab^t her reply.
totoc term at the
To laace Xagtoad at Oaee aad Mot ProBier SegMto had a loag ooafereaee
with toe qeeea regeat this Boralag. ~
I the preeideat wUI demand
» Wart fw the SoacM
the lataad.
wpestol M Ths MMxm Knou.
ipeeeh at the opealag of the oertoe t^
The damaad for tofa will ba flat footed
ffhlBeato, Bagiaad, April lO.-Tbe
are Aealooriy gaaided. bat it
or half
Daltad Statoeeratoer Topeha hae ra- ie eaM the epeeeh will prove Stb, eoerindag aad eatlafadtory to aatioaal way r^y wQl eaUriy toe preridMt.
eMvad Bigeatorderetoiail
ly for toe Uaitod Statee withoot sraltaiiy prevaito la Spala to toee'wer therdriay.
lag fer toe tor^ boa^ SoBerd: which
than to ytoll to the
rompt meanrea will ba adopted to
pot late foree the t
A blockade of Oaba wlU. m
Fnatod ia Blood »e4
far M at preaMt padentood, be began
iMt Might
etnauat VtB Met FetinM Vnede
Sub to Vm OabloAe St Tbemaa
of war e IB all In tbe rielally to Bake
offoetlva. 1 thick aaeh eappUee
Waehlagtoa. April IS.—The govong The
• batletia hoarde are M toe SpaalaHe mw eoabol will aet
throoged. Extra edttioM of papenara iBM them score tkaa a Booth. Taea
MMWt Uto .algkt harher bIm de- prtBtod Mood red.
etopa will be talcM with a view to in.
Waminge by Talegnph.
firfMlng tkf n~‘l------ »-*"— ”-------- ■I Itoecs wili be toestoiteiMtoewueMceM.’
aadoaablehlBte harriM the
Bew York, April IB. —-S
the IMT whlek wUl'
Gage hMp
Shore iMve hMheed de^ to eafiBatorfaUj McietUb
to be flMhed to the MgritlB aad
gomaeet that toe prorhloM of the
rceoletiaaa rcqaiie Spato to iaaedlauly withdraw her toad aad Mra)
' toroM froa Caha aad to earreader b«
hty peer toe ielaad.
will UlcawiM etoto that
Ositod SUtoe expect a praaat •
pBaaee with lu laraa
And sh^t yourself up, so yon can't see what is going on in your midst We,
have now the largest and best appointed shoe department in Northern Michigan,
so changed, aniy new methods adopted that it is one of the most important in pur
mammoth store. We hare cleaned ont most of onr old stock, the remainder is
bunched on onr bargain tables, and will be sold at grwt reductions from real valne. Our shelres are filled with new np-to-date footwear, made eapressly to onr
order by sereral of the leading manufacturers in the east, and comprises ererything in that line nsnally found in large city stores.
Are stubborn things, and it is a fact that we show the largest variety of
medium and fine footwear in the city, from a man’s or woman’s good solid .serv
iceable shoe at 98c to the# finest that can be produced at $4.00 and $5.00. Our
$1.98, $1.48 and $1.98 lines are hummers and trade winners. See our ^r^t value
Hn^ of women’s turned sole, button and lace, all sues and widths. These have
approached for the price in Traverse City,
Need something tbat will stand bard knoeJes—we 'have th^-—and^while
' they have all the wearing qualities they still iiarry the style ot^e ^ershoe.
Others have proven the merit of ojtrf new shoes. Why noi yon? Thf
' large increase ih our trade shows that onr efforts to pat.reli^le, ^tylish, wear^ able shoes at reasonable prices with the public is being appredated. Yonr monI ey cheerfully ridonded if not satisfactory.
SED*' Come in and see for'yourselt See onr window display,
h by onr artistic designer. It haa never been equaled in the efity.
Ison the same floor, and it is a winner. Eeer since the opening it has
been crowded with orders, and the number of hats turned ont surpasses onr most
sanguine expectations.
THM Kbsmoro kaoe», wbdsbsoat, Amir jo. moj
; Kosmo uooas.
• . amm. T. Mvim A30> y W. HAmn.
V ; I. w. BAMwa. BdUof
• «t T»m»«rw Ohr,
WUT M7 the frM tnde ontM**
•rltt ratATwH to tWr'MMTtlou U«t
hM«* m4 m looroMod dndatj M hM
M UotbM- wMid ovtolnlr I»iM Uo
^ri«o OB boot* and thomf Tb« UtoM
teMof Dbb'b Boriow, t* It*
iMtioB •( biMliUM eoedlOoBB. wjr*;
boMB Bbd obOM Uo B
1 botwan FobrBBir l* ood
MflA M bBTO Mt prefWUd BBOTBliy
IbiVb ordon for Ud* HBBpB. with prieet
•Ufbtiy jioldlBf BB to IcBthor.” Tbte
^oBori^witbtbB etvw rwMtir
4)«0tBd. BbOWtBC tbBt bU CtUcB Of
boetB Bad BboBB btb bbIIIbc Bt laoBtbBB
tb«7 wtf Bt tbo borlBBlar of laBt
jmr, MksB piBla bow BbaolnUlf
.MU tbBt tbo tariff wbk^ It plaaod aa
' Mdao BBd laatbar araald eaoae as iaanaaa la tba prioa of baoto aod Bboaa
,T raWtehad artida,
■MBtlac oaoa tba radaetlOB la ral«a of
r =1"
BBxaPBfX fa
Omdt OoBrt ba tto Btoal
AJarxUtba Ctraolt aoa^baa dateratlaad that BUax Swoata la aot
paUtx of farparX’ aa ba waa ebartad bx
e. D. AUax.
Tba aaaa axaltoi craat lataraat
amoap Ttararaa aix paop^ aa boU
partiaa to tba metloa are wall kaoara.
It waa a aoaroa of aarprlaa aad loprot
ta>'a wide dreta of frlaada of Mr.
Bwaara that aueb a abarpa aboold bara
boaa broapbt apalaat blm. aad aow
that it baa baca affactBaUx'^'
tboaa wba kaow him waU aad maax
wba'oalx kaow him aaaoaUx v* partiaolarlx wall ploaaad aad the oerdiet
firm paaarml lattofaeUoe.
It to
aboold ba*a broapbt aoeh a aerioaa
trtrabU apoa tea of tba ymag maa at
tbo dtx. bat It to pratlfxlap that a Jarp
of iBUllipoat maa, aftor axamlalap
earatmllx lato tba mrrita of tba -traaaactloa which pave riaa to tka aetloa.
bare daddad that tbara wm ao erlmlmal letaaV Mr. Bwaaia waa ae«alttad
apoa tba drat ballot of tba Jarx aad
wkaa tba tardlet
aoart room waa flUed aad amax friaada
tba ae^id apoa tba
at at tba trial aad Jadpo Oarbatt waa dba of tba
ta axtaad bia
eaapntolatlaoB aad* oapiaai Mtlataettoa kttbaaardkv
Tbto aaaa baa baaa bofoip tbo ooarta
aoma tUaa aad tbrao Maaa baa Mr.
artaalod. tbo ftrot two
iapa had baaa dtoooatUaad am aaaoaat of 1
Tba traaaaeUaa which lad to tba aetioa
flT.tO ,bx Mr. Bwaara, wbkb waa
dalmad to hare baloaped U Mr. Allap.
u obtalaad apoaavoaeb-
tba C. A W. M. Rj. Oo. aftor Mr.
that tba narkata la Maw Toib Ctt^. pwrora had rotlrod from tbo Blloj
wbU aran foratarljr aappUad wiU Swoon Marblo A Oraalte Oo.. tto baai.
af wUeh Mr. AUox had
ira tbalr botiiUm larfal? troa tba That* bad baaa mattera of a varieoa
rbieb, tbrao^ roBaat daralapof aattlMMtaad Mr.
tba rwacbar. wbl^
__________B. ^ otbar aodan
aaiaa la tba old
iMata. ai« abla to plaoa' tba
OToataallx foaai that >t
«< tbalr obaap labor, rteh aoU. aad Mr. Allex aaaacaaaMir to tba baaiana
. AaataMaollBWtalatbaMrkataof tba aad tboroapoa offarad ta raUra tba
float alUaa la ampaatloa wttb tboaa i^aap. It waa atatad that tba
amoaat waa lafaaad aad that a aattlaoMBt for BlSO-waa aoppaatod, wblab
> dacHaad bp Sw.
led the defaaaa.
PraU A Darto eoa
HM$ lOT 1 F{8GBl
rnak J. BaMdan QbaiBwl Wltb
Sarlac Obtalaad Koaop aa Otaft
MalnctBC to Aaatbar.
A. O. V. W. laltlated Blztew aad AaIbaak J. SaBadaiB. aa aaplppa of
oeioad Twdoa Km AppUeattoa
aha Oral Wftod DkBk Oo., haottada aeriOraad Tnraraa Ledpo, Ko. !«. A. a
•M tioabU for biBOBlf aad ia aow la U.W., U aeqatriap aaw Ufa aad to balap
jaU. aw^tlac acUoa of tba ClroBU raiaforead bp larpa aamban of pood
than. At tba maatlap laal aipbt
BaaadaiB waa anoBtad
tbara waa a larpa attaadaaea aad rowraiar bx UadarabariS dablaa aa a
la tba
ahaifo of fOTfon^. profatrad bx Joha wort of tba ardor. The foUewtap ofl
A-MolataBkottbaBoBtoa Stora. It to Bean wora alaetad:
tbataa Pi
Paot Maatar Wartaaaa — RlrtarB
caaalrod a lattv tram Ua poatoSoa Beaad.
addriwiil to Joba & Saaadan, wbleb
Maatar Wertmaa—Aapw MoOoU.
OBatalaad a draft tar MB.n from a
teak U Oaatraiia. Waabiartoa. 8bobOaanaer Cbmlaa Mooroa
ffMBwaaldBaUfladbxC. M. Baara who
Qaida Oeaepa Tarbaak. '
fcsaw btoa, tboacb ba did bm kaow tba
---------M. lapiap.
^maal UttlaU. aad tba fonaer parPlomaaiai—O. E-Sanaa.
^hMadaomagoodaattbaBoaioa 8tm.
Baaalfar-Jaoob Portaeb.
dphtaf oaob ter tba dlflaroaea. after
laoida WBlebnpa Oopd SalaaU.
-Tdnralar tba diafk ^baa tbo.
Oatalda Watebnaa-Barrx Roaad.
optoam tba draft waa lataadbd
Traataaa, throa paara, Bao^amla
>tua (D ^ it^ b^aa to maka ia- Tblrlbp; two paara. Artkar Dnpraa;
«BirtaB aad feead that tba mm/' bad eaa paar. Dr. H. B. Oaroer.
a paid oa tba draft laroiUfaUaaa
-Dr. H; B. ______
atallad bp Dapatp
naa Joba P. C
Giiad Maatar
bo waa takea to Jail, apt balat abla U
Tba Hat daproa waa oeaf
. teralak 9t00 balL Joba C. Saaadara to e aowotanbaia. ai^'l* i
aa omplaxa la a ioabar aamp aaar
rero raealvod.
MtX________________ Brarttiaa
Mtoi Lottie Balm to lidlap a aaw
« of Baorfa IClrkbx. Voar Xataa, wbaal.
Noae BhaaM mtoa Ool. Copalaad'a laetara taalpht.
A boaaa om aad a half mUaa aortb
Tbara will ba a rtpalar maatlap of
of Bataa owaod bx Mr. Oraaa aad oe-
■0J2>Ar MXOHT rax.
aa^ b; Ueorpo Elrkbx. waa boraad
Joba Oraad to palatlap aad tamodal.
to tba croead Moadap airbtwitb ■
lx all eaataata. The atabla waa alao tap hto baam oa Waat SsTMtb atraat.
boraad. tofaUiar with a qaaatitx at
Tba Baaiaaaa Oollcpa Lpeeam poathax fad 100 baabala of eora. tba fire poeed ha maetiap to kora takaa pOae
waa teeaad by a MaeUra atova pipe, laat Bl^t far oae waak.
nare waa ao laaniaaaa.
Uadenhartff Aoktea waat to Klapalap paatordap aad
owUl.toatifpla tba <
apalaat Joba C. Calboaa ia tba Olreait
ca»ur«h Bodet^
Mra.CE MeMaaoa wm pli
Tbara arlD ba aa oxkiar oappv oadar
aarprtoad bp a aambar af bar friaada
tba aaBptoaaf tba Ladtot Aid Saelatj
aad aalphban Maadap oroalap at bm
«< tba Baaeod M. E. ekorak tbto
boma oa Plftb atraat. tbo aeeaMoa ba^attbabOBwof Mr. aad Mra. E A.
. Xali.«pr«ea atraet third door aarth of
'•Boalap tba Slephaat'* wUl bo tba
tba obwrA. Oxatera will bf aarrad for
aobieet ad OaL Oi^wlaadb laatara U tba
> a dtob.
Hoam Uia ermOap. Tbto
to tajii tbo laat aambm ta tba Blpb
aaiaa aad araip eaa
aboald atteaA
Xaw Balidlata at Bataa.
Bataa ara a baadaose aow ^arab. a
Bm rcaldOMr for O. J. It’hitaoa. aad yEat. A. E Walto arrlrad taoaa Oraad
SOOibarBite BaK CHap aad E E Bapida Moadap for a taw dapa’ rMt.
P. 8. Priaa. who opaat tba wtatar at
__ ____________ ___
Aablaad, Kab.. bm loMraai to
.-WoMn'I tbto maaBa at paMMx aa-;
that wa ara bouTMtiralr.
PBMIad with
rltb tba Mlo
aalo of boraa«rpaaa<
boraatrpaaatlx toidar from a tbraa
throapb tba Btata, oepaa
B. firaSbr
D. aoaiatica.
WitBtaata TwtlBM Of«Ur ia Bo.
prana Ooait.
FOR ONLY $2.50
tm^atap. April H.->Tha f
Ooori ledap ntabltobad tba alnaai aahrard of proM^aat of aalltap a wftaan
,«lor onnprica.
tauatUX anJlp ta opaa ooart m pra«U.^ bp oaeMoatatt. Mowdl'aaUtatra
Two wltanan wara aaamlaad ta a Datrolt raal aotata aaaa, Waaaaa ra. Toto
We ^ Bolid Wh*elB to Order. 66 it cheaper and pire bet-
AliVm omoBBB
tortap a 1
Par tba Aaaaal Oathoilap.
. At Ue naatlap of tba Alanal AoaodatloB laat araatap ta tbr Blpb aebaal
aad oUmia aleclad for tba aaaatap
^Mtriaal Matao.
"PaMV'tha moat InatraaUTC plap In
Amerl^ wtU ba pnaastad at Stelnberp'a Urand oa Map 14. aader Ibe
maWannt af tlaorira A. Maaafleld.
M preaeated bp Purler
White aad hto eompaap. la toM to ba
aaperb. Tha mideata af Traaarae
Manapar Stelaberp'a efforts ta aeeariap
/Pmidaat-Leri T. Paaatapttm
this prMt atiraeVon bp plriap him »
Vice Piaaidrat-Mtaaia Walt.
lanreaadlaaee. Tbto riMapaap cniriea
Saeialarp aad Troaaarar—E E Al- ita owB aoeaerp and waaderfal elaeIpa.
Uical efleeto. The star. Porter White,
to kaowB thmpboot the ^epaaup m
‘■The Uraatrel Mrp^lilo:’*''
Aaother m^ltap iHII aaoa be eallad
to dadda apoa lha farm of *'tba aaeoal
At tbto moaUop tbara waa
•oma talk of obaaptop tba aaaaal baaqaet W a recepUoa. bat aa deflalw
plaa waa daddad apoa.'
Tba tollawiap
The wMtkm Map aeplaemat taat
Tbonaa teOrd af Imlaad waa Amaat^ d
alpht the aadieoee to S^aberp’a Oraad
ta Araadoa.
WM aot rarp larpe. bat thoa# who a
Uadaraberlff MartU Browa of Ua- then eajoped a pood
laaaw eoBBtp arrlrad la tba dtp paaI bp tha Abbott Comte Opera
tardap tram Araadia. wbarahaarmted
The btll eoBstoled of Uph aUm
Tboama Laird of Lalaad.
laird la
atlcaad maaleal aai
rbarpad with harlap atolaa a watch ben aad apaetal aad aatnmalp eatorfrom Boddpb Ro8mt Ulaad.
taialap featana. A aceaa wm pltaa
from the opera-aoBd It PrlBC«’’aBd tba
1 bp Bapal Mmphbora.
ptepram eloead with Ue laat net at LaWhile tba Modara V
Maaeott. It wm espacted that tbe
ara»ios Taradap aipbt tba aaaUto^fp
woald pin Pm Diatrolo. bat
Ud>n' iodpa. Ua Bapal Nalphbon of fallara ef tbeir epatamM to arrtea praAmerica, ^ra tiam a daliphlfal aar- TOBtad tba ear^ag oat ef tka arirtaal
prlae. which ooadadod a poad meial plea.
time aad ad
Baaond leotoa Bock.
A plMMBt aarprlaa party wm plna
Loatoa Bock taat ewtap at bm hema
Batter Wapn Ara Paid ta Braad oa Wmt BiphU a^t. hp a doaaa
at bm aebool-pirl frtaada. Ail who atTrararaa Bapioa.
thoroopblp aajopad pamea,
Tba foUowtap aatiaet from aa art.ad daUeieaa nfraobmaato.
Ida ta tba Kaw York Lambar Trade
ThoM prMeat wan Mabel aad Maadc
Joaraal wtB ba ef ooaaHarabla tar-----BlathialeealUp. partiea- MoMlehaal. Mamie Pbboral. Bboda BatI ia tba lamber teabarp^ KaUpraa Parraak Oraca
BmIU. Edaa Moffatl. Bilda Otawa.
Ifclerealtap atotlatlm oa tba Alton Wail. Lela aad Mprtto Millm.
ktapaad lambar iadattica of
Dr. Bdward Aadruo, Uaeqatae dMborib <broiiaa ara» aoetaload ta tha
aaaaal report of the barcae of labor ttai. will make bia acadqaarten at
aiaUatlcB which haa Jolt
Joit baaa made Park Place Hotel dariap bia atop ban.
ablla. Itcbowa the darelopmaat of aod will romaio a abort tima aadm thr
aaapicea of Dr. Tilt, who will neorl
la tba
Bra paara to hare bean rediarlia^. him amoap his caaiomen and aee that
There arc aow la aparatlna ihlrtp-fira proper atteatioa ia pirea to Ua t««i
Ua pnfaoaioa ef which Dr. Aadr
makm a eomnlela apoetal^. Dr. Aadraa to a Boatoa vateriaarp daattot of
aa cztramdtaarp biphela
ararapa wapaa aiaaty-aaTi
hall caata a dap for men aad tortp-two
Btaetrie Bathe, Tarhtoh, EMtaa.
aadooe-kalf forehlldrao. The lambar Bomaa. boaltat, aaoUlap. madlntad.
>aa. Itladlffleel
perfamad aad lezarioaa. ^eea la aflM
aalta af raama. So. te Markham BVpS.'
la tbraa aloaa tbara are Sti mllU. with whan Uatoa wllT nealta dalk^^
acapariip of e».ooo.goo fart a pear' eoaaldanta atuntioa bp tadp operatar,
Tba mlUa laat pear aawad ISB.OOO.DOO and Biap aad bops bp male operator.
ahtaplea. Tba ralna ef the ptodaet la
tba aaalera eoaotlaa to B5.000.000. Tba
preatm part of It poaa to BalUaiora.
Philadalpbta. Waahtaptoa aad New
Ymk aad to tha New Baplaod atataa.
Thera an aow M.00D maa aapapad ia
the lambar trade. Tba ararapa wafoa
ara: Sawpar. fl 7S: eartaaor, tl->«:
Bremaa. $1.07: laborm. Meaaiaadap.
tbamUU la North'Gareltaa. to
axtaat, reach the markata ooarbt bp
lambar manafaetarara ta aortbara
Micblpaa. aad the wapa rata BMaUooad
show tba aort of compaUUea Miebipma
lambar daalera are forced to ooatead
with. Tba lahoriap pao^a ban bare
raaaoa to coapratalata thamaalaaa that
Ihrp an not eompallad to work for
aarb low wapaa Waprn la tbto aaetiop'araeoaatdarablphlphar. Tba rataa
pnld bp oaa aataaaira oampaop ta this
t«rk>a ara: Sawpara, $3 Si: aapiaaara.
ti.oo: Bramac. $1 5»: laborrra, $1 15 to
$1.50. which U a fair avarapa tor tha
A Walahmao who waa ta ioodoa
wbaa aiteaaira aewaota$
wore ia taopwaa loat hit watch He n•pmted thematia.- to Scotland Yard, aad
the offleiato nld tbep waaM Imtc do
' tofladthamtoainp timekaapm. Sbortlp aftarward TaSp apata
Tiaitad tba matropoito aad nw atraat
ahrr stnaitataed Bp Ha wm told tbal
to all >6 milm of road wma to the
ooDdiUM Ue ratbad down to Sodlaad
Yard aad axolalawd to tba waaderlap
>>} dhto't think 1 WM ptTt^ poa aU
that troabia If poa .don’t Bad tba
watch bp Saodap, I woaldn't braak ap
nap taen otmeca
Paarans'a WaaUp.
Pl^a—Hnea pan beard tbnIheBihto
Amp nbaal old Sclffa bolap bariodaUrtt
Or. Bolna < haatilp;—Bwtod aUpef
lavoMblal Wbp. ba-wta oaa ad np
IBllMtil—Btooklpa Ufa^
CktoM«- bprU It.—Wbant—Mop.
Owa-April. Uiiai Map. UBJHo:
$$c: aaptambmtttoe.
Pprit-AprlLBAOe: M«p.$AM.
Qtnad Bnpida, AprU IB-Wbaal. tbo.
Plenne joTe ns n truL
ELLIS, 311 Front dt, EbbI.
‘“SVve "SWeTs
*5\va\ ^Voom vw \\vt Spfviv%”
^Tt BC/t m«Yt bBBnW^VtVuw ^e T>n»»
9oo4k «t tlMn OB
obt bobtActb.
iUin\uM MIUK<n4> >n u WWM u mt emU
ttit quU.\t m ihm.
If you are goins: to make gardon do uot ftil to aaa o
oomplato atook of Plowar. Oardau and FiaM
Is paekage or bulk.
Me Front Stract.
If You Have Logs to Sell
ComapoBd with thS TnTmae Citjr Lamber Company.
WebBTe {oreal*«ood. •
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
sTwo Enfunee.
Ret Worke, CbTriagee aod Sewa A oouplete Sew Mil) Pleat
«watts tiie peraon who examines our aewi .
[. .Stock of Carpets..
We have surpriaed ourselves as weU as done ourselves proud ou our seleetious of Value and dual
ity.aad at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. Ro one has ySt gone
away dissatislled.
Hotnt and 8muH AgrM on th«
That la to
•M Adopts tbt
V MtariyUai
•t* Mach OMM.
u twaattw oi ibe I
tbt Cttbu ctpiifaUc. Tto» ac«M_____
ttp to tb« nttBnto of ad> [
ww MM of
of brtdiuttr BttXrod WQBM t«d I
Do the 6e<
" No Debating
“i The Question
: and’Oiple. '
mare CirelM at aha 8pahitTT*B htBlorr aWBlUnc ibe V«rM
:«(□ tb« conforoDoe coosmltt**.
Wbce flnaUr tt cBme tWr« wb> «
ia th»- sT««t ebamber vhicti • *«»
•omadt ^rc<n> had Iwa thrllUaf trltb
WiMB tbf \-Mdlrt bad
bocB Mtuniod Bad Bfcopttd hr the ata*
Bit (bt rreai Buditnt*
ptntd ooiMir: BltnoBt BuKtaaty. AB Ib Ibe Bicbl •( Ibe f
rCBUted that tbB rtrdlrl bubbI war
Bad fht BctloB takte wbb too tagtatat•us to iDspIre BnylMac It* Ihah b«b!
Vbleba Ibe leo«th •( tbe-CiMl^ 1
SEE »>FE Foa ra uatv
We are showing more rallies in spring goods this year for the in*
■ restment required than the upward tendency of the market warrants.
WaBhlaston. April U.-Tlit 8mnlah
. ^
fifteen styles, a/i
finely made and finished snits, ffuar- ^
I l«a*lloD hrrt fama rr<^vtd iht foltowlas
Madrid. April U—Odveninraui and ,
VotoApoOBtba VWI MoUl a aad hot I Bdritta tiom HaA-taa: Coloael Rnaeado dlplueiatic rirries an aasluurir exreri.
anteed in every nor, $7.50 per suit. These are made in the same way and -!«
: CtarrlB' aiih ihrtt cdU-ir* of the nM Inc <lebelopneBie at WsaUactoa. The i
by tbe same firm as those sold last winter which gave snch nniversal satis- ^
I form Bad twtf)l)-<l«ro nldli^ alt caHael eouadl sat yesterda>--to discus* <
See them—you will be aEreeabk snrorised.
«( tbe speech from tbe throne,
, fcBBiBwi TM lao riipli or Caha -Am Saaell Splritus to the dvll a 1 miliury to elect a number of Hfe oenstu
BbB af BiBhi-OaBbt «• Bo> r«^
Brill for thc-Cubsn home covcm. !
fortbcooiliic sewloiu The dly Is ,
WBBhlBitoB. AprU
«nttl aiMiUcht iBBt iildbt the boUM aad meat under the mMher rouniry's Aac ' traaqui) m Ooms (HmlaterlaU
and to defend the latereou of Ibe Spaa< 1 “It le reported from Wasbthjtoa
•Bbfte cottfBtiBBB a^TMd'ta a eempru- lab race Auwndo Oarrta was one of m the event of tbe sen.te's reaoluUoe
like—finely tailored—good enough for anvone—practically no Hmit to the aS' ^
BBlBB tB tba natter of the dlSttBOot oa
prevailiiv Presldeal McKinley
sortmrat of patterns.
Cuban lasumcllon snd hie prevrDta. avail blmaM ofbit privtivse of tea days
th« GBbaa reoetutkiah.
lion I* of creBt Importance, then betac
By the way! Have yon noticed this U the year for spring overThe w«r«a ‘'are bad- la tbe dettera. stronc reaaoB to believe It nlll be fd. ere slvlac tbe rrsolutka hu appmeal.
provided he doee not empl^ftb<ksfttal
coats? More of these desirable ganneilits have gone out of our store this
' Boa la tbe Am paracnipb that ^ Cu- toaed by many otbet*."
veto. Amid much excitement tbe ^tr
season than for several years past—Very convenient and stylish garment to
baao -are aad‘*. et ilcbt ooshi to be;
of war w ith Spain pretalla at ^t^asUnsVIEWS OP UB VBABU
MB. an left ta the Beaate rnoiaUoaa
loa..bBt further delays wiu probabty oen BnAC-ini trcv-tfotirfeM
Tblaba Itb Vade asob .OsBm Bo “rTtii cur oslnx to parilamentary routine or
aad the
special invitation given yon *-.«
to call
and see our stock on
this onr ^
ITraidml McKinleys tacmuUon.''
ttAt^tbe Uaited BtMca renwalBea tbe
Bl Rpoca (Conservative), dlscumlny ^ anniversaiy week—whether it’s clothing or furnishings we are “with yon.’, London. April H.-Or inisries Dllke.
MbUe of Cuba Is BtrlAca oat.
nerobrT «r p^ament. is quoted In an •*- question of plrvateeriax. says:
laterrlew on tbe Sihuilsh.AmrrlcBa by KuRife from empleyluk the richt,
a the Om t«sBla> crisis SB espmwiTqc the npiBioa that bavins reserved her Ij^rty <t action at
Ooa read as follows:
tbe Uipe of tbe derUratIca of Parts.”
-yirst. That tbe people of tbe taUad
«< Coba are. aad of Mdbt oacht to be. dslve actloD vUl be tuusbt at sea. "IL"
El Corr^MsparK I O'arllsi) BririMktbat
, (Tee and IbdepeadeaL" Tbe pmmUe said Sir Cbsries. ~tb« /
the pope "has not Interferrrd to rethe war will t>e over. If Spain alas It
Bbd other resolutteas an tbe
doc* the rebels b . obedience to Spslo”
adopted by tbe seosie and printed la, Bin be the berintilnc of s lunc slrujcrie
which must end Ui tbe crushlDc defeat
«eae diapatcbsa jtpterdsy.
the |ife*,nt
of Spain." Cnntlnulw. Sir Charles
tbe Ides of tbe Spsalarda starll- are esert-lsed intensely la rxpectatloa
When tbe acn<
t was presented ridiculed
Inc citica. pulnUnc out that It would be of the resuh of the via|t to the Insurtat tbe aeaate tt a<
camp of the coRuniasInners «if the
BO adrantaae to S(«ln for ber to do so.
a CAPT. PBiLir ynuBT.
then eipresaed the oplnkm Insular m-vemmenl. By most people
.' AlUsoa. Bakar. bur- Sir Charles
Jk-..I.S W. -I._______ A
this commlrslon Is considered a forlorn
TOWS. Cartar. Cbaadler. Clark. CuUom. that both sides should be allowed acces* hope and the ceneral public anticipate hsamsey »r aniMw (Wactii* ayMb
DaTla. Dsboe. Dklns. Psulkner. Ifor- to British cnsllnic statluna aHawlnp the wojdt.
aker, Flye. Oalttncer. Qear. Gray. Hale. twenty-four bouts to elaiwe between
R] Heraido. pointlny out th* btaarre
Old Polr.t Comfort. Va_ April U.—
deiMriure «f tb* aailons ships and
Hawley. Kyle. tbe
Captain Pblllp. of the baltleAlp Texas,
the arrival of their enemy lo rnsL Ha poalUon of Henor Polo y Beraabe
Lodee. McBride. McMillan.Msiwo. Mor.. also said (hat be antk-i|tsied considera WafWnrtoB. aays: rSpalB'a
-Spain-s minlater
minlst la la anrry
Saa, Maertll. Netson. Penroae.- Perkins, ble trouble from tbe ctasoUc suu of in- stoppiny bis cars and doslnx hi* eye*
tt.lbe I
o( tbe IVxas
l. Pritchard. Proctor.
while tbe Eovemmept
bleb be la Spanisb
Has tor use as a drewflaE to
accredited pamrs rewdutton* ir
GecttoK Beady M tbe fbaarl-s.
his country* prescriptive richt."
Su OAt It would be wail
_^aya-AUea. Bacon. Bate,
TVnerlffe. Caaary Islands. April U.—
Vber WIU OOUr Me
ytatler. Calfery. Canaon. Chilton. CUy. 'Spanish sutborltles here bsve aeqolred • Tt la amerted on ((^Authority that Ide down. Tbe fact
- OockreO. DaaleL Barria. HritfeldJoaea all tbe principal aarehoUses at this tb* mlaalua to the Insunrent camp Is that becaaae aocnc dIsUasuisbcd Euests
were ormlni aboard tbe men were orTHff PtWfmn A BIAITH MMKC OR
of Arkaimas. Jotiae of KersMa. Kenney. place and al tbe Grand Cbnary for tbe limited lo an offer
flefod to drvpa a companloaway. which
; Xibdaay. McEnery. McLaurln. Mallory.
cider* to recmmlse tbetr ptvaem Eradea they did by puittaE up a fe* alEnal
Mantle. Martin. %JI
Mitchell. Money. Ps»In the future Insular army, after tbe
CO, Prttcrew. Petlos, Rawlins, Roach. vtonv V hirh are about due to arrive withdrawal of thr Spanish forces from r*r« a* coven to th# steps Captain
fbliip said: -The story Is »u<r«Ceou*.
Stewart. Teller. Toriey. Tamer. Tuf. berr. Rv*n the chun bes ar* to be kaed Cuba, “which will rrmaln under
me. Wblte-n.,
for military purposee and the atretiatb protectorate qf Spala^ltfc a EOVemnr We me men of a liuic common senW.
an<! are not dolnE ridicnioas and aocof the fnrtMcaUnns la
preferentially a clrlllan. It I* said th* seoslcwl thViB*. If war wa* declared
Xa the bouse, as soon as the confer* Work on the latt*rdiaa been In
about to assemble will
«> would
tomorrow> w»
not1 offer
otfe any aueb
Obce nported had been presented. Ad* for awne time past, snd heavy,
this arranflement.
lasoit to the Bpanl^.flas ''
ama moved the adivtlon of the report. bare luM been mounted al tbe Telsod
The MlnnnpoUs bad a Woken
*aad apon that moOon be '
battery, which is
IS eltual
swn. steerifiE Emr but It has
Tbt sallerles cave onlory commandlr
Una the loaw and bar.
•* a Coe
been tepairxl All of the ships of tbe i
Iwra. At Lea Pali ______
1 Will Bay.
suq..dr»ii had calls to quarter* yesier-of yraln have been amassed
London. April U.-Tbe Madrid corre- d£> momiDC. and cleared their decks
rions qu
rarEoed are on their way heiq. About
ley and rohnson of tndlaaa appealed S.00e additional Imnpt are expected apondent of Tbe Daily Mail teiecrapb- for action Tb* heavy work of dearinx
Mid <>h.>p.
y1 few mlDutm- time. Ad|>m re* here, and It l« said that a similar nutn- Inc at II o'eiork laai ,wenlB« says: the decks and pnparmE for flnnx was
quickly as to aarpriae even
fiMod to yield tlm^ for debate owlnc to for of men »111 In »n rr.>bablilly ba sent “DuriBE tbe day the ouUook has become
>rr Schley. All the ships re
tbs laicMSi of tbe boar. Johnson pro1 tbe Grand Canary.
iBch aorse. and \er> Elvuny views are ported clear aad ready to Are In Afteea
tasted , indlpunlly. Bailey demanded
Ecoerally eDtertalned. A few pet
mlnmes nearina lBdodea.thr removal
tbe syes aad nocs and ibe-roO-csIl was
Of everythlnx that Is i,-vtroctlUe. or la
‘London, April U.-The Madrid currv- more optimistic thaatbe majority,
mamdrni of The Times, telerraphinff that In a few daya' lime the pievaillnE the way of the xans. fhd tbe cloalnE of
Tlua OXd. BwMaTale.
yesl't^f- Mvs: "It I* knos-n in dlploT^ Bnal vote, la tbe I
math- circles here that Kuropean «t- r^ bell.
imm-ncni. The cablnci council met
MIowtnc voted a«alBSt the nBopUem of ptumacy Is maklnr a d*«pa>rinc effort 4 o’clock Ibis afienicNio The scssloato
tbe report: Botrtelle. Bnwer (Dem.) oC
Insied three htiui*. lienor SbessU.
Alabama. Gardner tRep,> of New Jer- pected of It amona thuae whses political
are worth •erlout rotialdera8$aeh Banateml Thriw TImb a f$a«
aey, Johnson of Indiana. Load of Cali
A. uueveleaed la
of jMoma
1 cannot find any on* In aurh
fornia. and McCall tRep.l of Masaseba-—...
----A.J* . ...
__________ B
New Tork. April l>.~Aeapeeial from
the hiahest .palrioUsm of IlMoML «in p
n Is
Speaker Reed «111 net elvn the Cuban that a parlfic aoluilnn
raraca*. Vfaestiela. to The BvesiiiE
MM Sew* rtwM Bal «r
reaolifUoe antll after the bouse meets
'orid. say* Ihsl ~ Preaident Joaquin
sutnmariaaa the Inicmstlonal
213 Front Sl
today at nwsa. It wni then «o
Tamdon. April l»-A dispatch W The
and ptdBU out that Spain has Creequi. of Venetuela. was biltad In bal.
Dally Teleitrapb from Gibraltar, dated always..presented an ■
tl* with Hemandes. Il>e leader of th#
Monday, says a teleyram received there fooni In evcG-thluE which did sot
rebel flirrws..lasl Rrldsy.
from Mslaca reporu a resumption of citn'sb her soverelEhty. tbnuEb
■enatc <hro ni e mavi
Joaqaln Oespo waaaverr pictuMaque
the riots at Mslan on Monday, that <>n!y SET*I'd to Erant i
lb« American. <vnsul's neyro aervant. roeiimies It Cub* When lb* pope mad* AEUrv to modern history^ The siory of
was killed aiid.perw>n* In th* crowd hiB request aad the power* .JMned In his nse Is chararterisUc aad deacripW*rc Injured.
I military affairs.
orui-rvIliiE It.- Tb* epeech appeals to the
of the cninlo' he sovrmed. He
fluutsh people to rally around Ihe
a half-breed IndUu. He was a'
aacaped in ckner^ bvlsiation yesferABBBZTUTED 'TELB0BAM&
youbB Una. save tba coaniry. and to division commander In tb* army at
day wbea at f-U p m. Ibe m;Ms^
rierk of tbe house
.» his
hie m.nt
tn.^T valuable
>->l.ier,l. and!
wh.ib may b* necessary aad uryent to for p..wer «*.
rmalB Ar
It ranee wUb a
defend the BBIIonsI hor.<.r and iDtexrlty. VBlued asalstsot When BIsaco bm-ame ^
lmmed'*|ely by the committee. Its
s Florence Klfer. d
packace of bills aad^Xil
KiiOM In band
I am informed that aUhouxh tbe speech pre.10
-lOenl at lat Crespo was made bead i
expedited as rapidly a* poarihle
y Vive Presidenl H6■ «nd will ,t*ke effect Immediately upon '
•- no* deRnllely drawn up it may sttl! of the arm). m«4inc«i. I>ut Id any case Beaor
bart. interruptlna ibr debate, recuc- ried Hay L
FoscMny yesrs Cr-ep.. remained «««
* •PP~val. Its term* Will OiMaUtadbaffar.;...
Bised Ibe rierk. He prtaented to tbe
»-''v*lileBi lo call on tb* CbMr* Brokah Ela*...
Cbarlea W. Hacketi. rtnriitnaB of tbr KaKasia will tomorrow momlns deliver faithful to Iliar.ru. but »he*i bu maa: i
senate several bills snd resulutlnns New York Republlraii /itate ceaiial
|i the queen rvEeni. »ho will apen
into the preeident-s . hair ''arl..^*tate# for quota* la mskiaE ap Whole CodBak
« arEreaatn.
ahlcb had been passed by tbe bouse committee. Is dead at CUca. He was lar ismeni acrompanted by the UnE
a* hi* creaiuyedurinx thei~
lnc:udlBE that relstlnp to the loierveti- «S yesrs oM.
iBfants laabel.
alleriAte term when by the i-onsiliu"The cabinet l.day d
ttun of ihe United States in the Culan
blniwHt was c>np-||od
Uise FYanm Alcer. the younfcat dlsi«l<-he* relatlnE to i
rebellion. There, a'ss an Ineiani <‘om- dauahier of the sevreiao' «
Cuban ques- remalB ufBclalt) - mm-ratnaat Creapo.
motiun In the chamber. Scores ol mem- CharV-s Iturrail ttke. of Chir >. «1ff be UoD . nd the aittti
Che United .Ilkina the nm«v. wished to Iiei-orre a
beo» of ihe bouse were on the floor married next month.
S*tn>r Motet, secretary for the modldale for a sen.nd lerm Oi-kmi
read a dispatch frtiro General refused, and urn Ihe InsUEUi
aasiuns the srtlun of the aensir upon
the hi.iifu- sm-ndmenti. Dsvia chslrJuan Pabfe KoJ
I mayor, will i
msa of Ibe for. xn relations commitlee.
a |irvnun<4”4ni and dr<Jarrd a r
requested Ihsl ihe.-messBge from the aert in the bead- He had been
house con.vmios the Cuban rsaotuuona months.
867 Front mrfffft.
Tbe nffi revolution
eon-* and parade the atreeta. •
be laid l»f..*e the sen.te.
ta\-or of the fvcocnlllon
Ihs^.u^ island of t'uia- , ,h^ rrirrull* falUox in. The reEtment ,=
An attempt by the BurrrU
------------ ------ ^mdenco th* rebels abanAfter Ihe readins of the measase Da
But he retufn-d
afterward, and ' ;"u, ^
--------fUJlkvr* 4-^#^'“
the I dom-d their inieniiua of yieidina
vis sddrassed th. eei.eie. and moved «anp$ny to build .tracks at
aucreaaful after *r Ini-q-val of im---------1.
Spain In rclom for a bniadrr measure ,._onroem. ai-d etne- tlri/b* bad oc-1
that the sensir iiiiirur in tbe boose,
$*•»•*• Fl*h» t-r • Tsar,
roents. Th* moiiun was defiled company nearly led to a riot at Msnla- of aut<m<'my. and tbrtv ta a seneral .cupitd'^thr pmddentisl •hair ta the! WashiliEton, April IL—Secretary
popular dlsirust here a* lo any out
—M to ^ Oavls tli«n moved that the tlque. Mk-h;
I has Issued s cirevisr la which be state*
McLeod * Co.. Umber nmuactora of come of ibenecoUatlonswIlh the rebeU. autumn of IDB after a year nr'bUmdy
seaata Inalst upon Its ani- ndment to tbe
. , ondei
warfare he raptured Carnraa...............
pn»- :that
rierk or employ
bouse resolution, and that the preaident
News respectinx Ihe prdEiess of events claimed hlo-sell dlrutoe and was for- | the treasury dopartment desire;
of tb* senate appoint its ooferreea The Car M.0$$ black wainul sun stocks to he In America is anxloualy awaited; bat la mally elsried r rvdldent for a t$rm <if, leave the aers-lce tempuraittj- lo ena
tbMkto^Wnda of r«Ann pan of thu motion was axived to. fumlabed tbe Eovemmeai am.ory at any case tbe xovvmmeet wtll maintain .foui years, beslr.nina with K-hru*ry. 1 •» the military servb-e in the aveal of
—- “
aad that I a
firm attitude and w-llt act ener- 1$M. This, in brief, is tbS• history
but tbe last was defeated, and the vun*-■------- of]
e telnsisled al any t
Plana are
mtriete for an ad- Eethally."
dry civil blit taken up While the t
withia c
wa* pendlns tbe clerk of the house
^ What otbar* tMl poa lo
Uvea bsrientered tb
Eundard aaya: "TbepubllratloB of the
aaMdebwE* EiGee
the cMtraiy, b«i eomo aad aoa far
Black River Fblls. Wls. April H.—
and was awaiUnc reeoBnitleAT l?ci^ •<»'•## a spaee of crmind about » by tfi Maine disaster report by the Siianisb
Fffkborh. Wls. Apri>
coaimtsahin of Inquiry Elves E>»« aatta. The Xorthwealem Beet Suxar eompsay
preaenled to the senate ' the h<-u*f'- feel. It trill be three Maries talEh.
Dody. a plumber a
I rMiwtaaaUaajwoAihto right,
noUSeatlan that th* house had iasined * Tbe rvsldenre at McDUi of G. E. Me- fodtkm It.l* hti|vd that this wilt dla- b*. M^-ured^ another extearion on lu; dealer In wind mill., was fMnd la a
itdoaaaotproeaao I Mb* It
least in Europe, aU dmibta as
upon Its amendments and asked for. a_ : Dill, (wshler of the ailsens' - National
option (ID tbe
aivea of Jacksuo; voodabed shot In tbe head with a leGontrrmc*. The mesasEd was at onr.- bank of Steven* Pptat. Wla.. wa* de- the purely atrideiual rbaracler of tbe e6unty laada Thi4,e*len*lon wiu car- •
ft was ondoaMediy a case of
St^ la U» $ o
lxb*tbetore Ibe Sensir. Davis moved ' siniyed by fire.
The family evraped explnabm. li asserts poalil\-ely that
Saaday. la Ito Cbldwril AL»
U. when vulclde. Nn known reaBOBBEMu for tba
' — *- ------- with only a few artldes of riothlnEto boOdlar. at aortb «ad of Ualoa'
operittion in the way of constnictlo* of
l*Her Bona, who murdered Pearl Ker- hijufy to other veeaela. tbe quays,
oonfrrence be sfreed to, aad fort
risun at Cryatal Falls. Mich., In Octo -each as most hire exlstpd If tbecauae be MD-toa factory at MerrUlaa.
“Ttaaara tbts* Said* U ^rUahl
ber last, haybeea rakea to the aaylam of explosiiM had been external. Th*
aalstisi ea'^ Wra^enTMoeka.
for the -en^nal tnashf at lonU. Kleh. report even lavofees American taatlGrand Raplda Mich.. April U.—Tb*
motion prevallqd And Davla. Foraker He har% a ravlnE Eianlsc for th*
Elven early after tb* entna- body
of Mrs Jehanna Klaebow. axed $i
and Horxan were appotntod eonrerreea. paM three weeks
years, was round
After frequent lerajsm tn wait for
paid In aid of tkO. vemetery of ber fa
the action of the eanference cominlt- way coanructbin liy Canada np to Nov. acridenul character of the calamKy.
nste at 1:U o'clock this L l»:. amounted u pearly t4}.$*$.fl0t. ' “Outaide this document I may r^mt vorite soa. wbe died six year* seo.’ 8b*
Xbatttte cC ooltMi «gM$ fmm •
moralBE received the report of tbe Ol t^s num the Canadian Pactfle >*- the aentala already made by Oeneral had rummltiod salclde by laUaE polaun.
On her person was found------committee and twalve ariantes after celved tt*.4$u.0«. But the num
Weyler sad Marabal Campos that mine* tracate* of deposll and a d «t$t in cer. word AtaDCM tba mm ia amBol InCwatAKffBtfylnfaoaUn. naoolsward had adopted Iti Thar* kra* a Asht roads asslMed wa* over elEhty.
or other defanae* were laid In the Bat« the tasi-mlnote. bowovar. tbe advnMl was m caUad baiMM to M cr on\-ana harbor. With reference to AdFriday eveninE
Wtoa U aaad
eat**/or recoEnlttoa of th$ independw ill Eri-e lix that ap- tiAral DannEor’a etatemeni that be
BM* of the Island rapnbUc standfot nual dinner at tbe Grand Psdfle taotal.
t baa dismissed tbe amai
ra aad got proiM MTlc.
thalr ffreond - until tlmr vara fairly Cbiraca. It Is expevtod there vIB ba ea MEfc AOtherity from the mkrla* mtaInvolvlns th* validity of the CUTtotercrnttototoiorMlar Cto
fcfifffiH «osrn by a vota «f tt $d IS..
istry that snch ditonpaa were never csEo rivU nerviee law*. The refusal of tondnda (< tbdwMto e( toUtAxhUtoor can ap "
EilBarttj vote waa «wt hyvtboae
^,iald jMiitn. aad tlmt the anval aad aOh tbe tsderal ceort to eaicrtaia the appaol tote toopwtoatwtU MAtoftttBCto LaaMFvvtomat
ygtai -waatad radlral actloa and ladtaieA
w tbe and of tbe Asht aEaMst-tb*
toit c< ito UtBti wm.
Mitt tb* resolatluD should carry wu£,
ttion of thamaxU tav at
Juliet and Oxfords.
893 PAIRS {“'31'^)
$2.00 Oxfords xoin* at.....................
XIM. ar.°S
Frank Friedrich,
FliMnr's Oftnr Dtpn til tonim
GraceriK It Mtowiig Prices!
Alphheus Pierce
Bicycle Riders.
--------------- 'nS
Thoiis Ho. 8.
■ ->;.;
THS mauiiMa Jiaoos^vwinmsi^^
*!WtataaiaatrtgDaMabg bsaa^elP
ad spas totognloabi smatofarabM'
KmrwM naa. art oasa pate poaat
noMl pBhUcdtjr. tba «tt that ■rata, m brtotad an mj trtaad Wrtter ttUteaoowapIlrttedby mai of two
Jawa.Vt wbalbrt for bUoMlt. or tor tbs
wtbaptoparad with
«Ofk« tNB Um dirtrlbotka td bioi^nrtarii lama tbalwaa bla, or ter
•ition Rtcvding th«
irtb of B« at tea*. Toaodraraiptei^arter tba ^rfi
anmolfat anaiaote to rediwolra tba
boUt aem irote^ (batten M>rr Koi^irttSt be *"
kiunf obbai boea u crrerMtUnatioo of In rxloe tear Holw teU.
and armpatbatta. “22“* P
a»«M an eaocaa
lotbaiMfcanof booka OMofUMwat rtllted M art a batMol man at aaae; far
anoaiih dictllted water Uaddadto make
popster bodk» orsr writteo was "AUm Mam Fwthrtte <terk. elciaiiA, tin
tba.liaaid DM
far K«elrn
la WaBdaitend." Ite diteribstka mte
and doaUlew It IMtIsNaf tbenalli far Ulrtaai ttemell, Kklaclaatep
adeHirttfdl Ctrl, not beauUloL bat aany oatat of f(
• • fta>i«t«r *•
. TbateimrnakI rlRorotuIr oa. bat wbo had aad
adored Hkteapb-Uar:
bp tbi«e Mtea
Aar OIW CaaMaUtaa mt lb* iMa*
a likceoH of tb« man wbo teannlaiaand tar lour &:!■ Bawlito. tap traolec-abit^te rt pteM and aftar
n>rr«Mlri« laM OaaaWtbaa^
wrdtaltr Wbao Dr. Dodgm died tba ftxe kllM Jaomm and Him Nora Kamaler. poltebint It daftly with roopr aad
it parfacily dry
Debar darbnd tba aewapniTi told wbo
and all
lapU mirtw
Diztsre ft
K«w. 1 .u, not
u. Udd a brtef and cl^ Tb« a rapid
Loadon, Aprtt lt.-Th» Dtllr CJiroa. la gratafsl armory, tbotmndt of hit I lor Wnli«, Aa tbr rldwt JoM.«lrl aald: a^ cd two parti of tba aUrer aitPti
of tba forma], M« pnblMca Atettcr (M« norstac trom daUon IdeatUad bia f« the flat tfat
b* a*ku op bb
dehyda aolsdon. this mixteR being
' Blr FrrAerlck PoUook. Corvui pro(M»or
poo^ creiiD en the gfaua. Fkum 10 to
of Jnriqmtdvnrc •( tb« Dninratr <.f fntanltobU ttorlen that an alaort aa teIS uionteewUI be leqoired tor tbit ap
Oxford. Juadfrlnx Hir xtUtudc of tho affter to oooToaponry ohlldna at pnttyfooL
but tbo wind blowelli wbere It llrtetb,
Caucd FUilc» 4a Uw eoBtioTcrsr wUh
likad and tt'aluo bad no wlrti to rtnoaa. Ha pUcMioa to In oompteied, and tbeo the
•wax. flir Pr«d«rld(. PoU^ In part, peaca and a asiat Ufa and rary ootrttel- wm
niDofa jaMexTru
preterrrd to
•« w«*,
waK. .
mu. ».
uh »-rpa- plate
• > warbed with water and
dS- In tbe.
an**- *lt would be a oup^uoun and ly dialikad noiorlMy. Uka many wise ] ba(> a bamorut. pMbapa aerolc. be main- <
1 ordinary ntttor
people, be fo^ great pleaaare and'.talnodanaMUud-fcifahaoJnteltD—
.................! treated to a ooating of earniab. bat tf
I# tbe one to be naed. aa
bat the time has arrlTeil for aa Anplm I cbildrati. and. f« tbair
aonooctad two of tba oaaerett and moat ! *“*•
-kricbidyiih SUa Mar-1 In OfSiebl inatremmu, tbe layer of allAarHcan enteotV or alUaaw whkh'............
wioald do awar with any necaaalir f >r
arbitration tretUra. We are the other , werewrit^ Bs. ba a-r-rooaridaml
aay, bare not yielded
preat power of the Noftb ABDerteancon-I tbataerely beoaoae bit books
with telai >tenuter. MArted wtU MUe
tlacm. and If we Hetdir consider our |famoM there wet any aaad that ba filmblngton and dlmi) witWb m^niae aatiafaertory rwoltt.—Ntw Ymk Mail
M often a< ibeyatked bim
iK-^ld. and E»press.
bellig of a lMaH-ltabi<snMtirr. ha
retnnifd their bmpltaKiy—yaw casual'
y mreign power Id Amntcam ; prodoue a a
lunebeona rtamilnttly, gate tea* tbe nwet
aS^ Tbe Irne keyateiie of an aiilaere | Ur no*al (which need not be a
parts of Sontb America
vtteM be OB tbe aide of ibe UnlUd !demand oamllr isn't one) fm fear
soapidoos and rery daagaroaa. Some of
rat)^ armngud. at wbkb eacli notber in ibem will trade with stangeia. bat can
baMurti was asked
ucaniy (bo bead of never be relW on, while o^^ will be
I if Its worth isto ba Wall '
-trienoly and hare a
, good
.. repate1 TMitnred Id aaSKoat to Walter tbte was
fairly tested, bst that be abonld be pbbtioa in tbe maitar of deali^ wltb foreruel.a^ ^
Hr> A.uDnmga
llstaed. too. la not et all Indisp
eignoa. Baton ood-polnl all tbe tribet
agree->tbey do not tmgt « man with
■Do onr aldf abould be underatood. i
ba merrir su.Urd a
U not tormaliy expreeaed^ veadlneaa | ™
eyaalikeacat. Inmanypteoetin Soetta
papara. be can
it oat.
to nppon tbe Monroe doctrine in
.............................. .........
la bta America a man with light ayes is new
fmi'TtioB wUh tbe npiied States fay book won't antfer: if be parefera that bU gaina." 8oaay* tbv rough Ueg In Tumy- rnfe. and tba Indiana an apt to kill
and €inm* aoa’e^'Prtnaaa. *' But what II mon ba mob a man on dgbt. U no praaeni opwbaterer menna migbt ba nitnaary hr
e'anfllcleat and acalii«i all cornera Such atanma aboold tm be diaesaaed,
Cbat, I DU%
not dteimwid to uuafcl
buntr •»
dots CJtr»
' tfd offer Itself of gratifyM'anianre would make wholly tor KMt oadbe*
la graat^mas-1 there wiu not be sport Wslter was tog this mjodioa, tbay will often bang
ttre witboat i
I ttonblA Tba only
gain would be Irreatatlble: but
telM FcrrtieUi took to goU. tetes May aratiDd for ddya for tbe ebanoa of dlsthugs fba pabho abaolntaiy
intradar. Itisnlatad that
SmoF dW come, tbe Srot shotted guna tram wniert In axofaonga for Ita larora nard shot, Mlti Holt played tennis. Nora
« long ago a Freart trader war si tttog
•red far tbe copjWned Aaglo-Amertcan
Baraslw skwabni; (te Mannings rude,
•eei might be tbe begtontag of roon i*f"
Er^tWng tte Uewltte hiked, tbe Joneeee annked,
Ually among aona Ooaiita ladtana.
and. tbaa the ob)eclon oontenutetn*-1
an a party of tte
•be Dally Chronicle. eadmctiUng edU! ^ aately and aafaly withheld.—"Tbs smIM. Waller waited and 1 wateted tte
Pout of View” U
tarteor on Sir rrederlck I>olloek't
pietto eomedy Ute bto devised (or my whb awsoi
tba cry
I ayea likes
lubjectENGLISH OFFICE SEEKERS. tbrt.Walwr ibewsdrt prv
rati Lai ns kill bim DOW. ■ There wan
-Will Be f)
aaeramblaandA darteg rakcaa. for tba
April It.—Margaret Mather
tipdw-a ooopaaiona naotaad bia rtda
II her pn^erty te Colonel Uoi%toplay- Tboewas.a dsartbof eaddtea. ably jnat to ttma.
Let ni uppM that tbe E
.. .[. of New York, who acted as
school efandrm tn«ad--traank larteues
A far inataaoa. te anx- wen- bemg mede. and Miriam Pon«dl
r attorney.. Colonel King says when
an debts are aetiled there «-lll probaMy Iona to aaonre «tBadidau to eoniast one bad ter irork out oot to keep lbs plaoe la
fee a dedHentr! if tbere Is aay aurpUs cdtba patltemaniary dlvfrtoM of tba Oidar. "------- -------------------------------------------------________________ _________l.Btetl
Colonel King says he wlTl tarn it overi^iM The
maabeta ui ua usHUMion gesUoo. 1 OS) glad to tblnk—wes In a
noiEoeEB **SAiDe AU Aiomm.*
-1^1. c™u, u».«!», 1«» ssT,r:,is^rx:;2.i2sr2,
”I bavwi-t ny ggbet mforiMl
bettetoofca aalf ba might teragoaa
Mib a ptoad of ua.”—CtogwaiMi Ba-
She—Did you norioe tte white racb• oroond tost Boatoa giri'a arok.*
Ha^-Ob. was that rarttogf.l tooagU
A tewf-^Yonkos Hui
r, baa a
tbe «
6aleabBrg.IUs..At>rjt I*.—Republlaana
«r Knox eounty^ Its conveatiw yeaterday indorsed a. W. Prtnee. .of Galeahnrg. for renomlnatloa to eoogreaa Ja
tbe Tenth district, and O. I. Btepbenif Oneida, for suie repraaentative
U the Twenty-n'D'.h district. Resoia.USfU were paas^ coumcndlQg HcKU-
aig in politlcn “for »toue bm]th.''gnd
wbo naitbar art for nor dwira waf
ward, meat udteoum tbe aitoatfate. u
It bappaoa that any loaal LiboSl of
praminanm and good standing is avallabte, an Urltehon fa aant m him U
stand fw tba oaostitaaocy. If not, n
fa held with tba oentral aaraetettcxi in London, on wboaa taoofca mt*
tba names of most of*tba aaptring Llbanls in tbe ooaotry. Tba candidate arrtrea U Biruiagbam and iasow bis addreasto tbe-.eltotora. Hare, agala ona
aenrea made by League
data for oongraaa
orr saute
ymlerday-. At New Tork—Boaton Li._______
NSW Tort I; at PhUadelphla-BrooWm ! *! "W»wd U fttea) no
no private oplniona
—Wet. whatavar. Ha la pot forward as tba,
t. PhitedeIpbiA U: au 8L Lonia—i
LoulBvHle-PltUbarg T. ; patty'a tt
e and bas to awal
LoutovlUe I. at Waihlnglon—Bsltlmwn
a. WasblagtoB A
likes ar not. A^'i^lirt mndidau te
not called npon to morUoa ao mnab
lb to
bis ooontiy's watfara. Ha ia aHowad i
SEEING AROUND A CORNER. oaruin latltnda of indepandanoa. Oor
A paraon standing
simple pteoa of appa
m tar abooi SO yean
aartly bear mniio or anfenteto ^aaeb
-abd MoogntM tbe vrtoe of a friend fcnsdrada of mites away. Tbe
•Bployed Is elaccrienl. and tbe two
yoinw taeiwifen wiiicb tba ttr-----' ' aocon are o
iply by a win
It tba eenaat
▼iaon oan be aerrad in a aimiteily
plate and aatiifadteay mkoner andar
Bka ooDditiooa.
ad 'fernseber
tender! visible
>ie an
an ob)aet
Objaoi with
witn au lu
aoloa* aitoated ardknd tba owner,
a great dwunoe.
maans of tbe transfannatian of light graves into electrie
. wavaA In'otbw wotda tba maebin
is optic Bppearanoea along elec
- tote wirw and remlen Cbwn vixlbla
U anotbeg piaoe. IIU uid to te tbe aolacioB of a problem on wbicb fidteon
baa bean engaged for 94 ymri. Tba
nwmraof tte patent wbiob baa bean
Ukansmtare boaatUg that it will te
n of tbe Paris axbiblMen. TbeUveDtoriaapowPoliabrUk^ga eobooixuastm naniU
A te In tte abape of a taleOnd'WiUqniokly parmive tbe diffsr>
aadeviaeuf Ufa kind and
a wlaanopi ,Tte tetter UrtruMt parmfto one to aae only U a wrtigbi line
sod art aronad a oomkr. Tbaeorvatura
afiba earth, to aay notblDg of other
iP pn«lr tarrastrtel
Baridaa. tba greater tba die
tanaa tba^oatar mnai te tba magnifyiBgpowwAtfiatostranMnt- Itmay te
fatasad frou tba aaaldgy afforded by
I that tba “fanuebs**
worts aqaally waUM a diaUDm of__
^leoraboadi^ aad to apitt iffanI aldag tte raate.
Tba tet. baaa, fog and otbw faperitoas fa tte atmuapbata are aim airtoaa
abateolui to visioe to a borteoetal dlreoB. no mattw bow grtrtUnttbaopibraogb wbteta alartriofty
I tba otbw band, teiiiBta wo
titmt "
Brer Boned Oirtt
o- p. oARvn; Agort
John (R. fsanto,
Baaatil tasanoat;
TPseatalaG^. Mfab,
—groaraa frellag pf wiaftmS*^biw
avideneapf kMnayaad bladder unaMa.
Take Dtota KidaR Baane at oaee-tooy
wOl rare yoo—tory bare eored toemiaeda of otom Tgk Tram's or Patte
tDgU*aiA arakeJJtab Ridary Bea»A
What am I offgrad for a goad boara aad
USrv ibet Se Mftl«t<mlotoBtraal.wagtT Avatyds-
poise la the
■ If milt >u
alraUa fiaaa. ran te tetfgbt oa martAly paymrata. Lot tokoa to exrhayrtAlao goad boose aad M ioat lot. Oak
JaaJ3. JoBotoox. Draggtat
Atteraeya at U w.
Otoeee le Heeueer toeek. Ttovenr ntr. tom.
arsnrffss cards.
c. for tktiiultoa of' tooth
witoMt pdto aard. Imtort aad rant
oattatoeoary prapamioB yat aosd tor
.making extraettna aaay.
O. SJSSfSiil;
**o^meflal! te tout yen, a. t
tbair own deed weight Tba
vaouge by batog Aral In toe Held, and
rtetcblng club i
Ubardamlte.,nMSi><S^ Vaana'vrrtiieura.can
uun rama, and with It art a pauing poww€qnal W9.071 ti
Tte boDting
madeb^ efloris with two teraea. but to open it a farra aqnrtto 1.819.6
toe dieunomweie long, nor did they look tbe
wrtgtat (d ite
abeU-lea body la re
quired. If toe b>
T OtlT—glai
i» inoo.
rnjw mm» <■»
J_l r-nler
ebaDoe-abeekaied pcriretly. TI
did toalr beat to B»U It by
Wahw was very poUsA. but 111toney ttey woaM te ataie to lift tte enoemons ■piPTOLi
weight of 9.976.000 puanda. palling to
torn gtound.
TteUewimbedan tatodratton.iableeax toe same degree as the limpet, and if
vlTanta. in which they posed with Waltw. tte man palled to Ite rasaa iropartieB"TbeBugucDot.''-blr
■'The But
John MlUalc' '
aia degraa aa tbe ooefcla ba would aaatnrv. was a complete niocem. but
ramoMd tbem b«l ban lome rivalry be- tain 8.l0e.600 poandA — Popolar
tween-toe olsters and that pamtel au BclaDoa News.
thority had ted to be called to. And to
eOB SALS-Oe •lUea s«r. I Ilk Mt PlM aw.
peony The
support of toU view it wet pototed out
£ Utuews;'ae* seO Is
toot Don's vieltn was new. and Datw.
poasr, did net gutotovrn
that year.
aure- bnbblaa of air it toay ba ranirltad rnwo'lixw mi ten bsea eeaeato te leak
X. 'aflCT ito work lo my bkyele rrpstr abep
I by rapidly twinging toe tbermometar at *'
yea « s> peer eliiel pal le tkessea* esdsr
repeated at...............
foot or ao Imig. If
e neeeniiili rilri retl nn wi Preane-a,
itiM. Coneeru andebarttyfliled maidens' • the and
_ of a string anoth
minds, snd Valter bed to be eonsoJled .'""P
, M.. taaolt. toe .toenBometer may be pieoed
S aaiX-Oes iwu-yser eM eeX net eee'
Ite; in a vemel-of water and brat graily ap-
knows, of ooorsa. what are Iba mala
tanau of tba Liberal faith, bat be need
not namsmrily aoburibe to nil Ita art)claa With the gragarions Uatlnoi of
polilicuDA tba odds are that be wiir
^1-cooling toe oolao
wiil nniu aa toe
not difler troU tbeyn on any material aceepted the
iteiold tome. “J v^ itvroukL
and tbe bubblea of
pomL But
at bp may. and atii) te t
but while It doMs I may as weU mate
lidata. He nukaa bis owe f
le ptetfonn and r Monttuautblm
of air driven to tba «9 cf iba
She vrra qatte rigte—It did nut laaL
Valter wrt ralied to town on bartoraa tote by toe foregoing epantioM will do
Cteolly grew cold. UesurtedonaWedMe- no
00 tf tba top of tte tote la widi
day. and Mtas J<»h was at toe Metloo
A gteiioe at tba walls and tbertww- with dcaigne on a cenveuleDi aunt. 8be ■0 aa to form a smaU chamber in wbiob
took aflfrtelaeetictet. Valierwenttolrd. tbe air aiay lodge At toe top of moot
lluclDoee touk Walter frequently to town, meranrlal tbanndmetm tom la gowA Ml '
slly allKlasir tons antrappod.—big.
torn e
bast players went, and il
____ Waltn
_lter broke bis ana. .
a pair of iratuark or wbat not lauedClaes wes prumpUy starteO, and___
The pUca Was like a beabire; oni- mmtell gave iusmiotloti fur a uiodermia
fee. to the mabifeat advaatagvut ixr eevui
tomeri of both ntaaa
“Out of tbe eaur raiue forth
ing and coming with
and ate tmliod. ”1 Uke u turn ulMarpneior and' bis olerta—two of 'lb” uneo to account,'' ate aald.
Nn need to tell wbat Bovrers were aant
to Walter, wbal loquirice made. Koough
afaiDing boor. One strapping yoeng eoi- tool te mede eatlriMtoiy progresa, and
funding near me tDqnirad for toeatrlrale vrrre set on foot to eoiarula
D being abowa tbem. hU eonrakeceBee. Waiter wat aeked to
sHacted aritbout betiulioo (it tea good
"PatlMtee.” with
cnatooMr wbo knows bis own mind) a Umaelf aa Buntoonw Tte cborM.
bnUtent yellow pair embroiderad 'or "Twmty Lovestek Mstdera.” was Imedged with
aqaally brllliaat red And mease. bot daognvras, IndltodOWy daabarUg boagbt tbem at an oatUy of II gwera. ”DoyeatolBkteli(oollnsHr'
eaeas. te pracaaded u tba pteoa. wbat* asked KoreKsrtsleyatoarnrMretearsaL
be took off bia coat and pot tbau oa. “Utewese aDyonebatWs)ur,”lfepUad.
That was wted bg bad boagbt ttaggi lor- “I steoid eeruinly soy te was: bnv bellig
VallW”—hare. Itoag at entes lam what to
aay.l paaaed. ”Be cvrtstoly ta tdlnd.”
raid Kora Eemstcy, and 1 was eootent to
loBVe H la tost way.
Hoaaw^nim|i^rt«r^lrtara Braa^.
Batetette.” saM Mr Maaktoa, "yoe
kaow/oa uid almost two boars ago ‘^TteyaraTrttoM moaoL^rta mW,
yoB wete goiag to tell me jast bow
‘yon tboagbi tba araeafa man
"I hadart Mrtad ^oaHtortrt UghA~
epos bia a look of aUmt
‘-Yoabava ufd i
rt.”**Do iMy!" said obo. rwWwitaig. as 1
” Wea ” rtw aagwaod. "toat'a wbat thongte. aUghtly.
Ttet evening Valter toU am aomalbt^
Itbtokba aBUonti ta.
A wart Mtar. after tte''Tattraw” pirTo elwttr Ttoegir aad sraa naddy tonnanea. baltasid, wbetVattar told me
wtoe poor into a bottle of it half a ten-^ wea glvaaeut to Mapiatera
”Vhf4 Miriam Pranaur” Ukod MIm
eapfal of fresh, sweat millrand let tte
Kanrtvvbrajtoldbm. ”Vrti.rtovaa
whole Stood for 94 bean. Aa tba aedl- a
dartboaae • awrtara was mw”
' meat will aattla to tte bottou wltLttaa
”1 eoaMiit have tpUevad It porttUa’*
;gardted aUk (te rttar Uqidd may Ort ffaolaaod Misi Joaes. "and aftar ^ <»
fca paaad off into aaotbw bottU,
a AMPKaAT.terai.
0t> O.P.AtoQrstePiant
oowo Mona.
leqelce e( N. C
LOAK—Ve aew ee depeelt
Locet»a eo Proei strpet. Trsiri—
TraporaaOtty Kartat.
Balow’M a IMt of toa barlnf and sail- fraet by isotsvirasp. All la tbs beM «(
s»Clty.Mleb. MS-U
t. Tramee Oily Last-
b^*"SqB'nySf ChSwete pkb iw»'-*f
F^TMMwO^&b^te MStf********’
prcipcTVy. PstcslaAa
4 00
tbm-u — kvn wUt.
paratvolB; aay form
or rtU troaWIra of wbitearlaty. ^ as Blaatria Bath,
ms 18. Markham Bin., a trial teU
Srtto. to i
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