The Morning Record, September 25, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 25, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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iryie8| THE MORNING. RECORD, 'vm

-8«iod leMwKo 4S7

Bl( I>«monstmioB In Port of



Am rioM P««M Coou
BcMb T%rt» T«m«row Vtgkt

Agoinst Ansericano Holding
Tho PhUippInoo.

I«adm. tept. t<.—Tb« tnin with
the AneriM peeee
boaiA, arrived ben teday. ’The
AeeUnd that Then WIU be Saeran ataylatf at the letel
cetie Obieetloae to •neh a Coufee
tUrmi TeM^ ef «Mt SHuOa la Oeeil. when they will remaU natU
Beeaaee ■poia'e Blcht to the Xtl
Meadey, whea they wUl lean at 7.
aada la Zaooatntable-Faan «or
o’eleek la the noralnf aad arrive la
•afety of Brittah ■obifou at Zebu.
Parle the tame evealac. The «e«Bla■ailed Terterdar
aloaenwen.'atleeat ae to their mleLowdoa. Sepv >4.—A apeelal from
■ptMal to m HeBSun a
Wei Hal Wei^The BrilUh battle- aloa. bat were arreed at to the fae^ Madrid
•hip Ceatttrioe, the flacahip of Vke that they had bad a coed tlse dariar haa deelared that the Utlted State*
the veyafe. All oa board were weU.
rm....n.tbu ~
“ ^
Admlnl BeyBeer.
j tectonto over any of the ialaada of the
British fleet In Chiaeae waters. aaUed
Philippine yronp, and that the Bpaalah
saddenly yesterday ander scaled oriMonera will eaeryetleally
n Oie Foe by the


battfcebip Vietorina. fint elaat
..MarelaeBa, aecood elaaa erulaer Hermolno, torpedo boat dntroyer Flame.
the dhpatoh boat Alacrity.
at tbe entrance of the river leadlny,to
Tien Telaa. port of Pekla. for tbe pur• poM of makiny a nani demonetntlon.

Bald Vp at^tain Ni
Mew Vp tha Bivreee Oar with 9ynaBite, After Cnttlay Teleyi
W ree to Ont Off Interfersnee In
Their Baoape.
Spacial le Tbs KosatM ttBOOBS.
« »ty, BepV. »4.—Seven matlnd
robben held
op tbe Miasoari

* eapram train laU laat nlyhi aad blew the
ezprem onr to piaees with dynamite,
deetrpyiey all nlnablea. Then Is no
elaa te the tobbars and
anaUent. The
aavoa mllee bom Kansas aty.
Uha sxploaiM was of each fereo ns
to be beard disllsetly at Kansas City.
That the robbers wen not blown to
The express offidsU
box this tnernlny. but abeolntoly
feeed to maheastateineiitof tbeirloes.
•nyiey elsiply that it.
To prevent interference the robbers
had flist enuebed the toleynidt
etrsMnU at the Belt Line stnUon at
the laaetion of the Bell Lise and Frisoo. near tbe aoeoeof Ue bold-np. aad
anrebed the opentor to a print half a
mllo eask While two men eovered his
eyes, the others flayired tbe tntn. eov
ond Enyineer flloenm aod Finmai
' WestoB with pistols, eompellod them
le enyloe aad
Paolfle express car, aod r n them down
the irapk a mile aod a half.
« porter who attempted to iatorfere
was qalckly sent to oovor by a shot
from one of the nadmea.

H. I. Boyally Eecelv.d at I Uon bat been reeaived

by the yovera1 Bent a* to tbe posliloii of the Brltiah
I reaMenu In the Philippines, and that
Bxpieaied lioyalty > VniUd Slates 'the British ynnboat Battler of thb
China station has been ordered to prosOn Ve
oaed with aU poeslble speed to Um
Drbi ofOniitnda.
Isltod of Z *ba, where tbe British era.
Bantisyo. Sept. S4 —Upoa his ffrst
msnity is said to be In imminent danvisit to this city after be left hen la
^ from the natives
aeyer July l*. Oeneral Usreia was ylven a royal weleome by the Amarleae
Madrid. Svpt. S4.-The i
oSoen and soldlen. Kameroas domoa- tentionof the Onitod States to bold
stnUoss were yivoa In his hMor. The' the Pbillpplaes exritos protests from
Onbatm in the elty west wild with Jey.
yovrinment newspapers. They
la reply to a epaeeh of waleesM Oaaitond tbsl Spain's riybl in the islands
oral Garris said:
Boonteaiabls aod any that the yov
"People of Caba. we owe a ynat oramoat la resolved to datond that
debt to the heroes of the army tor riykt with tbs yreatast enaryy. Senor
their ynat efforts in behalf of Indo- Loom y ChaUllo. Spantob ambamador
peedonoe. efforts which wrald have to Prance, will retnm to Paris la a few
boea Dselee*—no. not nealeaa—bat not days to Introdnce tbe Spanish eommisspeedily effeetire. If tbe Ai
slonarstoths French yoverament anpie. that ooloeeal repablle. had aot Nat tooriUos before tbe work of tbe com­
lU own eons u shed their bleed with mission beyiaa. The meetloys of tba
oars. A yrand nation It most be. commission will beyln oa Ock 1.
when SOBS of mllllonairos, who
nethiny u yaln In Cnfaa bat n soldier's
ylory, shoald com hen to die dide by
side frith the Cnbsns. To thU irrent
notion we owe the aeblevement of onr


Eight enters Emitting
and Bnlphor.

Ann Arbor Wo. 8. WUl have a Oapa
city of 88 Oan and Furnish Aeeoai
Bodatloas fer PaMenyen.
BpoeUI to Tn MOBXias Bwoss.
Ohio. BepL tt.—The Biy
ear ferry bntlt for Ue Ana Arbor railvray. was lannched at the Globe ahlpyards today. Tbe boat «rUl be kaewa
as the Aaa Arbor No. 3 and will be
nspd in earrylny ears across Uke Mtektyan between Frankfort,
Menominee and Itaallowoe. She will
baveaeapacliyofSlears. andwUI be
provided with paMnyer aooomoda-

If You Have Lost

The Itea Who An to Xet
Army Beady for Work.
aMrt*i wTae MoBata* aaosBo.
WathiartoD. Beph S4.—The eotowla-'
aloB to lovettiyate the army oryaoiaed '
today. The meaiben an Dodye. I
loa. Howell. Wilaoa. Deaby, Woodbory, Beaver aad MeOoric. The i
alaalon apeat an hoar with the pnoident and wen aaalyned a room in the

Oompu. BoObred
AyyreyatlBy *80.000
Toatordsy Aftomeen.
apectoltotbrMessiiwBscaif ‘
Detrolk Sepk 14.—Thera was a Boros
flro at t p m. today in the buildiny.
101 Woodward avenue, occupied br tbe
Mleblyan Electrical eompaay. A stock
valued at HO.OOO waealmcet enUrely
destroyed. A conservative
placed tbe total love at $30,000. of
which more toon $30.000 tslU on tbe
Mioblyao E'eetrical Compaey. All foar
siories of tbe bundlay and basement
by the eompaay.
pboDoyrapb parlara, tbe brilliant lllnof which, by electric lampa,
had ssake tbU a <
on the Bvanne at niyht.

Bleep la thialriay what yon woald yin year Mead for a
a- tell yon that yon eaa rvet la peace aow, fer yoa eaa
tdetare and have It Inated with eome of that new moaUban ^iMt roeelnd. and It wUl be the flneat present that
they ban ever reori'


Wsplas to ■erionsly Keonood and tbs
Town of Torre del Oreoo to in

Honey ft OommU*

220 Frost Street

Always in season-window Curtaios.
Always the best made, and best fitting,
from the btet material, at
MtrUiam Block.



Abont Ice Cream and .Soda Fountain' Diinb.
Therefore we will ^ that you^ will liod onr Ice
Cream delicious, our Soda Water true to flavor, our van*
ous Pfaosohates refreshing. New drlnke are added to our
list from time to time.
' ,
Fountain open week days only.

Jas. G. Johnson

•peelsl to Tni Hessxas Bsooso.
Point Pelee Onk. Sepk SS.-Thc
Mils was released
from Point Pcioc reef at 8 p. m. and to
BOW OB her wny to the river.

I Batoiny.
Good for General Parminy.
^^In l^^w^^ipsr^ maajjrnctt briny la yeod arittamento; aU

Tbs ran spesiu

at Mrs. W. G. ImwrcBces' miUinsry
Store will he oooUnued Monday aad

WUl-be sold at low prtose fer eaab; or. oa leaf tlmo with onxy paymeata and very low lataroak

Sr. Anas' Bobs Treatstat tv ladies
atl8G East Nlntn strcck Mrs. B.
"Lata CaU

On O. B A I R. K.


Tbx«$ e$Bt8 a day.
SseUstry-Bicb yrsdc at m^dcrato
Ds.Sa«TXU. ‘
U. L. A Co.'s block.


Naples, Italy, Sepk 84.—Where the
preeeat seriea of empUone of Vesuvine
will end none oan toll, but many reeldeoto here protesa to fear the deetraetioB of Naples
A panic prevails at Torre del Greco,
which Is on the eoast. three miles
sooth of Ewlna. ThU place has a pooniation of ss.ooa So yreal is the toripr that Cardinal Prli
Of Nsplca. with a larye bvdy of cleryy.
celebrated a apeeisl open air eerviee
and off trod op prayers in which he implortol the Almiyfaty to causa a eassatioa of the crapttoa of Vesuvius.

Here I. *
clMUrskle TMidreM ea Wrehlartou «r*M. Ne. 418. larov SB loM IM. eoe S<
' Umi lcpf*tioM Id tha cltr- BaiuMlBxoed eoadlUoo. ftfreac*. eewer. IteSm la ptao sad
— r*e to boagbt*t*b*i«*is U takes Moaea.
Ui lMklnz up tor



eerrieos. eomlny from the entire Vesu­
vius tohritory.
Or^nally one of tbe lava etreams is
oominy in tbe direction of Torre del
> Oo. Wot AboorbOreoo.
_^Watohmen are posted on the hUls by
odbyAmvrican Oo. Bat There lea
ileb the leva maet fl>w, ready
XHspoeitien to »eU.
ylve the alarm. It this town to to hs
Sp«!i>lu>TsBlianBUO Bsoosndestroyed there seed be no lees of life
St Loots. Sept. »4.—President DtomIf the people will only leave la time.
nsemdoftbe Drammoed Tnbneeo
But famiUartty wlU danyer has mads
was4n tbe city today and doatod tbe
the Vesurivs inertouloos, aad oftoa It
Story that bU plant bad bees sold to
Is loo late before they stork
tbt Amerieao Tobacco Oo. for fllO.OOO.Tbe damaye to the orchards and vine­
«00. The etockbolden of the Dramyards to anormous. The crop was aot
niendCompanv also deny tbe story,
gstberad. and tboosande of aeree are
bat tttoeaid that Drsmmond will sail
wholly wiped ouk
if be eaa yet tbe price demanded.
AtnlybttheouUlasof Meaat VtoaPBOF. waiOHT DIbOOOB.tOBP.
rius to lost in the dsrkneee exeept when
a daxzUny electric dUcharye Uybte up
■ays Bo WiU Abandon Anii-Salooa
tbe panorama. Every now aad then
iMyne Wotk In I>etroit.
Iter vomits volumes of ashes aad
SpeataltoTst Mossiae naooBD.
hoyh Btense
^ Detroit. Sepl. 14—Prof. Wrlybl of
By these hoDbardm^nUflrty-slx per­
the Antl-Balooa Leayne. failed to make
ms hsve been wounded. The advanc­
« B*iny Kade fer Oonotoa ease befors tbe recorder, ayaiaet
ed eheUer aad restaurant of Oook'a
tion BlKventh O B. Dtotriet to
John Moho. end nys he wtil abaadoa
TonrUto' a^acy. which to near VeeuviTake Place October 81 to 88.
toe work in Detroit.
ns. was oompletoly dretroyed by
Yeetordsy afternoos a aumber of the shower of racks and elndera. The cm'BSSISXWOBS WUCKSD
thebuanloloireciorsef tbe Eleventh! pities wore obllyed to etek shelter at
And ■evoml Pervone lojeied In no C. B. dUtrict, met in thto city aad nr- Prapeil.
renyed for the nest dUtrleteonveatloD,
Obw Oreloae.
Dnrtny the present erupU<
which they derided to hold in Manoe- have been cairied ae tar ae Oeprebo.
S^lri w tbe Kenisi. Bwwri
Lima. Ohio, Bept M.—A torrifle cy- lona on Friday. October SI. ooatlouiny which to tbe Bomaa proviaoa. about
nnUl the Bunday niyht followlay. Tbe aeveaty mUee in an air Una from V’l
is city nt I o'clock
directors also outlined tbs prayram for
Any. tosriny off the npper story of the
which wUl be eraplete
hi^ school boildlnx and wrack iny halt
Blrktcratanaakln aetive operation
and exhaustive.
on Mount Voeevins. Three omit lava,
n doson prlvato laeMencm. Bevaral
Maoeelons will make special efforts two talphsTPus eatoks and etonm, aad
peraons wore hart, bat as tar as known
to do herself prood on Uto eeeselon
•ome aeriosriy.
and vtolUny delcyatoe wlU be entorProf. Theehlnl. dlroeter of the fioman
taioed free of eoek A one-third rate observatory, says that be hritovae tbe
PpMlal letbe.Mos«i«s lUctiBu.
for tbe round trip bat been saearad on
eruption will bo extremeto eertoaa. and
Wnshlnyten. Bept 34.—The president the railmads aad there are
today prom‘>tod Commander Cbarlea alfMdy that tbe eoavenUon will be a
Daria, to be Ciptals is tbe United yreat eaoeesa. Beeretory M. B. Holley
States navy. -OaptUn Davis is a sea of wUlaead oat the ofladal
Detroit O. A B. Memorial Mall,
the }ato Adosiral Dsvis and was In eom- neat la a few days.
•pretsl lotos Hoeaai* Bbcmd.
maadof an aaxUiary eralser doriny
Faintod tn thsrBUeek
Detooik Sepk 84.—Tbe board of pub­
• the war.
Last tveniay whUej^tarniny to kU lic works today opraod tbe W^s for
atds Andrew Vlaek bulidlay the D. A. B. memerlal haU.
We have thrown away the kry—no home on the west
Bpitzly Broa., biddlnir $40.3SS. are the
more locklny Ibe door at the Colom- was token suddenly lU aed fainted oo
' bias Btetaarnet.
Lnnebes srrvod Baystreek Fortonatoly bo wu with lowwk BSlay Bedford atoea. '
.. nbrbv
Mr. Prana
all Umm of
Prank «ay,
Nay. •oma eompaaioas, who took him to his
_ nlybt clerk, will cater to tbe
vrisbos of the hnnoy anifl deyliyht boM on Second streok Dr.
enUod. Vlsok
ainrv will be eonl
fer ssvnrnl boHia.



coKKiaszov ouAjrizBn.

Captain of a Taebt the ▼ietlm ef a
Terrible Tlffht ef *00001110.
Baiualilo. Cal.. Bepk S4 —Captain
Brooks of tbe yackt CUspa. which an­
chored oppoeiu the town, was mardared at two o'clock this momiay by
two bay pirates. They boerded tbe
litUe veaseI.evidenUy helleviay it to
bewltbeatawatehmaa.- They plnndeisd the loekore aad were aboat ready
to pall ashore when Captain Broohs
and Us companion, who had boon
asleep, wets awnsed and appsarad 00
A dseperate flyfat easned tn which
Captain Brooks woe Ulled and the
other man wonnded. Tbe murderers
ese^ed. Thors . Is no elee to their


Mary—':l see by the paper here that
yea eaa yet shoes at a very biy redootion if yon attend tbe sb<jo sa'e now
yoiny oo at Alfred V Prirdrlcb'e po(olar shoe bouse. He's cloaioy ont BeiiUa
A Co.’s shoe stock which be boaybt st
40 to U cenu OB the dollar and 1 em
sura It will pay you to yet your ac w
aboea there."

Sets SfiooB.
the kind we
sell, will be
found in morn comera of tbe world than ever before. The
feetofthoosandsof thecoaqoeringheroea
were shod with SBLZ SNOBS, uid wbeto
ever they hare been introdneed these
shoes have conquered their way by tite
sheer force of saperior merit We tfaliik
yonH wear do otbess after yon have tried
a pw of
and weM Uke to have yon
see the sew ones just arrived.


Woraborg Blo^

Clothing Department.
Read It! ItRins of lateresti

mofij 50 Certs.
lootsUke a$l.5DHat. at


S. Benda & Go.
mFnmt Street

1, eat by an airiat. n{M
tbs Utost patterns, floishod by exportonovd tailors, bwt of trimmlaps,
Skinaer'a satiu farinya, donblo braattod. a rival to any $tS W taU„r
laaait fer $14 SO. Thto lot Is No. eiM.
An ril wool Beot^ Tweed mans’ aoik vroll made. Freo^feeiaffB.
able branstod, wo ventnro to say no bettor salt mad* at $7.Mto
$iaoo, for $4.08. This lot to Na 44V7.

Cloak DeprtmenL
Ladies’ all wool hlaok. Korsop Jaokota, aaUn rhadm Unlay.
•tricUy ap to data, fer $t oa Ask for No. 407 A ladlot' flat sloth
. Kacnoy atrap aoaom, asUn riwdoiaa Unlay thronyhoak apmrtol $8 M. OaU for No 180S
Too nhova two dsptrt'manU era fiUad with sow nad atyltoh noveltl«. We aoUrit year Inspection.





THJC Moumra JtlOOXD, 8UHOAT. BtPTKMBEB 86, 1880
«BCV xoBHnro bsoobd.



JubllM of tho Eniffhto

J, W. BAsm. Bditar ud Mmm«-


*•*•*••Mid?* '^****y*.**-^^^ ***’'’

Oohrt SouBe lUtUr Ac*ihTba BafU faala but haeaoae the
Baooao eerracUy eutee that tba local
Daaocrau arc oadcarcriaf to aake
poUtiaal capital oat et the bill for
tree Ie the ocaetraetloe of tbe aew
•cert hoeaa; eai whlaee beoaoee the
haUdlnc oc»mW did aot laelnde a
Democrat or twST Aad beoaoee there
arc BO direct the eoaatrartlon of the boUdlaf the BecU at
aoee attempta to ahow wbarela there
la a BepohUoaa oraaplraey u rob the
Ia maklar thie aeaertiaB the Btfle
^tea the tact that the eoatraotor
IttC pat ia a bill for oxtraa- All eoateaeton do that aort of tblaf. whether
It la apoa pobUe improreaiemU or pri­
vate Btmctarra. and thla ie no axcepdoe to tbe rale. Bet all aoatracton
Ac aot pet
la thie oaao there ia a larpa bill for
eatra work aad material.,
erhkh appeare aaorbltaaV Bet tbe
■aple eradee tbe last that the oomativ
lac did aot aatborUa thie Ull eor allow
iiwbea it wee praaeatad. It aradaa
alee the fact tbat thie blU waa aot proMated natil aeraral week* after tbe
•1,000 payseat which the Eeple clalme
eraa applied oa Ue bUl
The Bbc»u> reltaratca that tha elali
la dlepnle by the Baflc hee aot beta
iOawed by the oewnUtee. Oa tbe face
•f it it appcaia te be aa aejaet cUUa.lf
it H aa oDjoet charpe tbe Bkoobu will
•poae of Ue diet te ooDdeata it aad we
Ae aot bellere that the board of auper■ill ehnt iheir eyes to the i
«he taxpeyen when eoMiderinp the
Mart houee amitar. The biatory of the
pact proves that tha aupervlaora are
•dMM to earvlap elalma
Thi* t* not a nattar af polities but
MOf preatpublle momeat la which
•aU Demaerata and Bepublioana era

l< M

_______2e»» fsr (fii
Wcoicaa AarlBW lor u.....................


was bwrnn too woa.’’ Oa Ue heeU of
tob eomee the aanonaeemeot Uat SeaMar Kyle, et that sUU, has abaadooed
•opoUss aad free ailvar, and baa dastsred hlBMeliaeoavarttotha BapnbISenn party, while H. U Loeeka, oa* of
Ihs fouDdetoof Populism aad Us aethorof Ue “Omaha platform.'' a aaaa
of national repautlon ia poUUoa. has
r^adbtod tusioa and declared himself
- ont-aad-oot for Ua bueoasa of tha Bopablioaus Uis tall. For a yonag auto,
•onto DakoU b doing qnlU well.
• MB. Brava haa eevered --------------- ^
;Mm with toe aatlonal Democracy and
Aaclareatbat Us oaly. way to defeat
She advooatea of Ue debaeod dolli
to voU Ue etreigbt BspobUsan ticket.
A great many Demoorab dbeoverod

WQl Cluoe. aaeUcr of (
was waraeyaaierday.


O a. A X. Time Ohaapes.
The Ume table of the O B A I. B'y.
roee into effect Monday, Sept. seth. U
Ie aa follow*:
Trata* ieara ‘rrsyeraaCUy at li:is a.
m. and 4:t0 p. m.
Tralu will arrire at Traeerae City
at 1:30 p m. and ?:St p. m;
Tbe 4:30 p m. aad t.-S9 p. m. tralne
ra daily and tbe oihere are daUy exeapt Saaday.


..Thomaa F. Bechi
Oraod Maater of the Vail. .1^ tV. Pixley
ilpb Prieat of tha Sea... .Baa Bec-Tel
btef of the Cbaatan.. .C. K. Beyw

FroaacBWr Twed«le*a| Opportiutitloo
to Pualah Law Bteakcn are



ii!; sri'S'sssss. i.

^raaeeatiae Attorney laho J. Tweddie baa received an appoinim«nt aa
CeuBly Uama and Fleh Warden of
Uraad Travetae eonaty and died hie
path of offim with tho oooaty elarii.
j Be will now plve hU attentioo to vioBreettiaa.
jlatoreot thepamiaBd flah Uw a* wall
r. Hardy U hariap a new additioa I a* all other violator* of law. Mr. Twedballtto hie honae on North Spruce
|dle as.proaocDUopattoraoy hav rhowB
hiuiaelf a terror to evil doera, aad bow
C. Biekerd of Ssrenth atreot. had a
that be ha* aaeaned Ue addittoual dlptall laat Tburaday add ia yet aaflarlnp
from a brotaed eidA
IpaU vielaliag Ue game and Ash'
Mlm Edoa Clapn ha* taken the pea!- bw may well beware how they do ao,
lion aa cashier at the “Fair” aloro.
lent Uey to gathered U and dealt
Hon. G. O. CoTcU bad a new aaTa with neeording u law.
placed In hie oft w yeeutday.
Him DaUy Roland haa aeceplsd aa Aaaa Btrleker ae Loagar tUmbg.
lariUtloB to piTc aa
It has been eUted Uat Uere wm bo
Kingsby next Tneedsy evralag. The
greaada for the report Uat Anna BuU
program wlU eoaabt of readiega and
Strieker of Ub city, who went to ChirecluUons.
eago abonl a year ago, b mbalag.
Tbe RnigbU of PyUlnt will held n
Mre. Xllthorpe, manager of Ua Al­
epeelal meeOng Meaday evening
pha ScroHs Olnb, U« plasn where tbe
make lorther prepnretion* for tbe .*'“
.1 ,k. B. O. K. K. V. ta hd*;““■«* •
wriw. U.t
k... ta Uu tU ta tatakta.
.k. hta . l.Uta !tam Uta SWekta

Deaire a good eoliar. nay atylc, at.

2 for 25c.


S. Benda & Co.
124 Front St

Theouri Tcm^are will -ore
T. 0. HcMaaa* weal to Grand Rap­
F.freUre'balM~k old
J7happy. MbaStrick.P.frbiUe
id* yeeterday to boy holiday pooda
ure. Moaugue Halt The next
.yi to glad to laara ol her
He will aleo attend the lair.
Ingtotohrtditore will to **torday'^
Mra. D. A. Woodworth, aeeompaalod •reniag. on which an olaboreU pre- j
--------------------------by bar eoa Jama* of Coapaey M. epeat gram will to given.
Baptbt Sunday School Rally,
yeeterday Id town fr«.n> Summit City.
Hn. Dickerman of Solon will leave J Reliy day amrioaa wiU to held today
Mta. and Mra. F. J. Wrlpht aad ehild tomorrow tor Ue aute fair at G-aad | et Ue BepUtt church. A talk on Sun4* wilhanl a
.... n curw Ce—•
arrived la*i nlpbt from Mlehlpaa City, Rapids. Where aha will exhibit srverel i day ecbool work will to given by Uo
Indiaaa, for a vi*li with the famillaa of vnrieUe* of Lrelanan eonaty froiu ia'
W. M. and C. B. Wrlpht of UU city
tor Ue O. B. A I. railway program haa beea prepared for the
Prof, C T. Grown returaedyeaterday prise.
Sunday school.
Adas reUlaanake akin measnriag
om Oadillsc. where ha atuaded
with tho meeting aavea feat In lengU b a preaeat to
Lewb Menb. formerly a dealer In
of Ue NarUera Mlehigaa School Maa- Mba Alma Petersoa of Elmwood Are hidaa ia this city, b abeat to embark
one of bar aoldier frlenda in in boslneea aX Everett. Mich. A 11m
Ur«' Club which will be held at Uat
place Ui* fall.
ef dry goods aad gaatt' fnrnbi
Orergo Doyla waa able to be oat for goods will to hb new veaUm.
Harry OibU came op last night from
Bsar sommit City to spend Snndsy a drive yveterdny. Be b very Uin aad
WiU hb psrenu in Ub city.
weighs only 93 ponnda.
Mlm Agnee Rich revnrned yesUrdny
from Saginaw. She viaited a week
Bay City before eoming home.
W. N. Kelley baa retnrned froa
RDd see thebosinam trip to Uraad Bapida.
Walur OreUick reloroad yoaurday
from CaUlornla.
8ue. Perry Banaah baa retnrnad
from a «lp to Detroit aad Cblcago.
we are MlUng
A party couabUng of Mrs. W. O. C.
Germaine and Carey Hull and wile left
ycaurday afiernoon tor a vbit at ManUtee. Milwaukee and Chicago
Who make flour as good aa tim “BEST,”
Bev. \V. BeaU and wife leave to«r ow lor lllinoU and lewa to vbit
but the year around nothiag beats it Our
relativea and frieada
It's a besotj—lai^ siae, doable
H«nry SmlU has retnrned from
first consideration is quality. That this
Mackieae Inland where ^ haa been top, dost proof- drawers, patent
working Snring the sai
casteia, fioe fiaiah, 18x40 bevel
is tbe best policy ts proved by tbe fact
M. Cenlon. treveliag mlesmnn lor Ue
Bluer Mnnnfaetnring Co., enms heme plate gUaa—In &ct it is a hand­
that eyery year we have been able to show
Friday to apaad Snaday.
some saitA
Ure. wnib SiUby came down from
a healthy increase in our sales.
P« toskoy last erening to apead Sunday
with relativea.
Freok Shannon of St Leub nad Mba
Allie Avery of Acme an gneeU at Ue
Honae Forolshar.
home of J. M. Blakealee oa WebsUr
F C. Tice and Jaa. West of Cedar eallad here yreUrdny.
* Mancbmnn and aon of Chieage
and Hrand Mra. Fowl# of Grand Rapids
arrived la Ue city yesterdsy to stund
Ue fonsralofUeirfsUer.John Fowle.
r. ,
Sheriff Bellinger of Msp1e City was
hsee yesterday
MimEamaOHerliDof Biagbam sai­
led yeeterdey open city acquaisUaere.
Miss Msggis Boadraao of Solec. b
vlslUeg friends in tbe city.





*, Camala, Tlpaia, ChanMra,
Water-boya and Vox Popull, by
Time-AayeldoldUma. Plaea-Aay
eld place, mpaelally Ue deaert.
BcMe 1—A* usual. Beeaa 3-WoU.
you huow. Beene 3—106 In Ue abode.
Soeao 4—Getting warmer. Seaae 6—
Borial of tha victim. Soeae «—VieUm
telaprapb* toraammar eleUsa.
Tha banqaet b termed Ue “Feast of
Bejoieinp,’’ aad aonouncee Col. M. A.
Aldrich aa Ue ehlaf rej-deer. Tnaab
will be responded te as followa: “Thv
Preaa,” WIU E. lamptoe; “WoaiaB.Dan McMullaa. Cheboypaa; “Tha Spir­
it of Fraurntty." Mayor Oeorpe B.
Parry: “Id Us Battle Front,'' Oaorpo
B. Getty. Ealkaaka; “The Peaev Uat
Followa NaUoaal Triampk." Joka Loraapar, Travetae City: "The Memory of
Oar Here Doad,” Lm A. Caro; “Seme
reesarka.'’ Pool P. Davb.
Tba 'Trnvaraa City qnarUt. Cbarias
A Baoserand John Haaaaa wUI farabk vocal moaie.
Georg* B. Getty, who wilt rnapMd te
“la tha Battle Froat,’’ haa just ratnra•d from Saatiago, where he want
Urongh the aatire eampaign. Twelva
of Ue Trevaree City mambere #1 Ue
have been to Ue front wiU Uo
Thirty-third aad Thlrty-toerU MbhI-


Make lltalf Ua tool of a aeore or more
A( wealUy aUver-mloere of tba waau
has hoea eompelled to snspaad tbe freeMlver oampalga in SeoU DakoU beAnare nobody uraed out U hear him.


*.• ic. SIO;

That tha«Democ»u are ntlag UU
M a fallHeal ieeaabl^B clearly in
dhalrpUtfannadopt^t the eonaty:
Mntaallnn Bat whM tha oMrt houaa
matter has ta de with^ha elaetiea of
Moaty olBeete we faU to teaTha very tact that the bnlldlep comMlttee have refnead to allow tbe bUI
lor extraa.roba the Bapleof tha proaad
for 1U charpea. Tha Bapla daetaiaa
that the Bxoubo “trice to axeaae Uaee
fcavlBf the matter la ebarpa." Thia b aa
Absurd etatameut o*«l tor affect. The
0800X0 Amply plvee the facu a* U
•ada fham and If thare are axUaa
The earemonim wUI ba held la Sulaihraal npoe u ia Ue oonrl hqoae work
bargb Ormnd Opera House.
•be Eaooxu will be a* quick ta rapodi-'
AM najnat claim* aa any
- Fnasral of John Foeria Sr.
toe eonaty. evoa Ue editor of the
Thefaneral ofUebu John Fowle.
held yeaterday aoralag from
. MaUodbtohureh. Bov. J. A.
1 Uai*^

tob troth la lew.

My -work ia firet daas aad prioea that are in reach <rf all. I aitt.
prepared pt all timop to take care of the trade. I make a epecielty ia
braeiDi;. Vulcauixingand EnamHiOR. *A fine line of trhevU fur eate
and to rent.
J. C. ELIiIS, Sll Front street, east.

the tMeeslr FrogrMn.
The profTM for the Dre»»tic Order
of Kalrkte of ghoreeeiB '‘fWe JobU
lee,'’ to he held here Oet A. te onC The
fspptioeof the order ie reellr the “Mey;
PeeUeel/' wbUh »m po
Hey U Oh leeeMl of he 8
of the order felhr ie ihe froei with
the eoleeieere. The teeUesl wee to
here bode held ia Uteod Replde. but
hee beea chMfed to Uelode the ui
fetherinr fs Tneoree City. U ie
peeled thet the tnJe whlA leeree
Onmd Beplde will here ee beord three
hoodred aeabm of Ue order. It la
expected to lolUete two hoedred nedldetee et the Jobllee. Mayor Perry of
Oaed Bepide wUl be emeer Uem.
TheM iBiUetioea Uke place oaly twice
a year, onee la Trararaa City asd
UOraBd Bapida Thare are oaly flee
lodfea of the order la Hlohifaa, aad
aaeh lodpe haa
the oouaty la which It ia located
aad cODCOrraat jerUdlolioB over all tha
ia which
the oUar lodpaa are loeathd. Bealdea
Qraad Bapld*.lodpaa are located la Sap.
laaw. BettU Creek, Dotrrit aad Marqnette.
The prapram Ie a my aaiqae affair.
Itoftretpapaacaatalaallatof thaoMoera ter ISOI aad a prepraa ter the eaUredayaad ia followed by what ia
a eyaoptle of “tha play.'- It ia
a* followa, Ua tlUea of Ua
i” eorroapoadlap to the oSaea
which the parUci hold la tho order:
laa-nc nE8w>K.«:.
Royal Vislar.


Dealer in Bicycle^ Bicycle Sundries

Oototar 0—Stel>»>.
au rr*9w» i«i« X»dlMM toy

b T. hxxm AXB 3. w. Bahbs.


................................................................................... it

rise the Aadoate
portloBod to Xhie Oeaaty.
ABdllor-Oeaerml OU haa iaeaed aa
taalaed atateaaat od tba atata taaea

of ShormMon.




Rev. Miller coadaoud the eerriee.
Deeeaeed waa 69 yehre^^ and
born at GUlingham, Eaglaad.
SI year* of age ha married Mba
BaUer Gilbert. To them toorteeo
ebtldren were bora, four of whom died
aad are barled la Eaglaad.
in Ue year ItriS with hb family, ha
came to America and direst to Traverae
City where he has aiaoe bean a ptomiaaat realdank
Be fint eeenred a poalUoe ia Abe
fiaoring mill of Banaak, luy A Co., but
after eeme five yoare tfmn, purtoased a flue tract of land *aaU of Ue
Ua city aad eommoeoed farming.
Abotft dve yean ago. however, be waa
forced to give up farming, hariug tbe
yeqr before anffored a atroka of parely
ab. wblcb made It Impassible for. him
to look afur hb laada. Since that
Ume he haa been a reaideat of Ub
H' Jrinad Ue Malbodbt ohareh wbva
a boy and baa alway* boeu a devoted
ehrbUan. The remaito of Ue deoreaed
were laid to real brOakwood eemaUry.
Mbs Frsacto Beaman b aaabUng far
nfew daya at 'MUilkaa's dry good*

ir kid flovrs
Ladle*, clean yoor
Aairew Binder of'Oompnay M. had
_______________ Ub
not a liqald.
laavaa no odor and enn to used while aaoUer attack offerer yeaUrday aad
gUwe b oa Ue head. Faraaleoaly b oontaed U hb tod.
hyJameaU Johhaon. Dreggbk
Word enme from Wexford yoatorday
>hb3 ftort Oanham wm rery lew.
TbXM OSBtt S dsf.


I There
22.00 Mroom Suite.
I Are Others



New Store 120 From Street.


There are few men mnr# wMr awake
nd enterprising Usa S. B Wait nad
. G Johnson who spare ao pains to
s-care tbe best of cvcfyUlng la ihelf
for tbeiw m*ny- enstomcn. 'fhvy
r have Ue valuable ageacy for Dr.
g'e New DlMMvery for_0oa*i
' OoDkumpThb is Ue
Uoa. Cougbs and
wondcrlul remedy
Bceh a faror all over Ue oonatry
by iu
many aUrtllag care*. It abaolattly
cure* Asthma, BroachiUs. Hoareeaeu
and all affeeUon* of Ue ThroaL Ch-t
aad Lung* Call at above drug store*
sod get a Ubl botUA locta.or aregular kice for 90 ceaU and 81.00. Gnarenteed to care or price refunded.

Geo. R. Winnie
llp-to-ilme Painter
aad Paper Hanger.


Halt Ads

We are Tn airing very low prices on Funii- ^
: ture and you can’t afford to buy elsewhere
: without looking at our stock.
Here are just a few items:

Sii Caae-seateil Dining-reom Chairs for only $3.10
t file Caae-seated Roctiag Chair, oaly $1.25
1 No. I Wmea Wire Spring (fall siad) $.85
1 full Sind Mattress, oBly $1.40
I full sized Bed, (castors included) for oaly $1.40
1 nice Conch, with gaarameed Springs, for only $3.75


No one can or will, match us jn prices for ^
the same quality of goo^.

Shop opposite Eagle office.






rim Momnao moom). «otpat. bipctmbm m, ts»8.
moatb, to (fea kb whole time to the
attampt. Amoap aibor BMtbode ba
hired a braae baad to preeede him la a
triampbal marob, be foUawlar la a
aew waroa, drirlaf a trotter for which
Some Good Stories of Fact aad Fancy Condensed ^ bepaldarlpeySMio.
Ool. W. F Cody. ‘•Soffalo Bm “ hae
For Busy Readers.
$ beaa tabu rery alek at Kaaeae C‘iy
asd bae baaa ramorad from bla prirale
to SW foeeph boapita). He Ie eofAt BenffatM »thTM-toa owMof
•tol«a la ladlaaa, aad tb* Ulaf. <aar> teriaf from typhoid feeer aad hie pby»
parbaa baaa foaad at Ut« bottom of laf be woaM be .
. damped lelaMaey bUeoadlUoo U eerl.-nv , Be
bee beeo alllar for tee daye.
Ka t abaft of tba Wlaooa mlod. The the praia lato the road.
abaft ia la aarpririnr rieh rrooad
Genera] Blueo baaooatorred a dec­
Albhm aolleco borla* proadip Ita
top to bottom.
tblrty-aereatb year wltb t»0 etadeate oration opoa a eolorad woman named
Mob erbo oonld not ret work at aSp eorollad the flnt day.
Um! Barbara UnUeme for bravery dU•rare two pear* afo. i r eaaaot be aambar of !ael year.
: played doriaf the
aaearod for the woode la the appar peAo ex^loo of oaaoilliae eaneed tbe IBeoiaolUo. where ehe toarht aide by
aiaeala tor Ml to •») per
y, aide with the rernlar troope, display*
^nk (
lor the Btenoct ooorara.
mebifaa ie aot witboat boaor wbea
tbe roll of her rtMt wbr oommaodere ! 0**Mport wae ellphUy ijered.
teoallad. Two of the proalaeat Amer-1 W. B. Potter,
at W«b IV bovo&ofdxado^xbajdbs.
toan otteera wbe have been aeat to' wood, fonr callee aontb of MuirtWi.
Manila- were at one time coaaeoted is dead. Be was an old soldier and mesolarionr Adopted Byt^pany M.
BUh tttt Orchard Ukebeadtmj. Oa« j hbd mided to the Orand Traverae reThirty-Fourth Mlcb fan.
kBrlradiarOMeralOharlatKiDC. het-jpioe ai Wlliia««\Mr( and Weetwood
The committee on reeoIaUoos, ap­
tar known ae Cbptato Kinp. the aerel- ■ for *1 yean. He took a deep intereet pointed at tbe .set meeting ofOompany
Tbe Berksfairc Pants are warranted not to rip, and we anlet. and tbe other U Mkj *r Frank 8.1 to public affsics. aad bad nerved bb Ml Tblny-fonrib Mbbigsn voluateera,
Riee. who takee a Callforala reriment' township as clerk for eevaral years.
thorize the merchant selling them to i^ke our warrant good by pay­
have reported the following:
WHsatss, Iho cenfilet for kubanlty 1
ing I2c for each supender button that comes off; 60c if the -waist­
and freedom, known u the War wiin
dpato. lha privatioBs endured and the I
band rips; or a new pair ifthey rip elsewhere within two months
euperhumao efforuon vorage, maren
Leah FUlds. the 1
game by parehaeing the only balldtag and fic-ld of battle, have taken from
after date of sale. .
1b t>wn with a vanit. thos ahattlng hb rankuoT Company M 34-.h Begim.
tamed np at Orayton Plaint. Oaklapd
Utehigu Volnnteera. els of onr e
cades, honored and loved, vit.—GrenAt Bst City Joseph jaakowbk. who vUlb Alexander. Fred G. Covey, Gciorrc
• MreFraariewbo lives a little oat was Itijared by so enploe^ of gaae- Caiman, Cioyd Dalteil. Hiram A. Dick­
from Detroit looked oat of the window line at BoosSeld's factory, died Monday enson and Franb M. Fuller, fonr of
whom now sleep on Cuban soil and
the other morning and eaw thievoi do­ afternoon.
la our own fair land, therefore be It,
ing n land office bneioese. Two men
Ail over tbe apper pentosnle ee<
Resolved, Tnat -by tbe death of
were walking <.ff with eevcral faaakeu mills that bare bees idle tor two
these, our brave oomradee la arms, the
of her grapes, tbe more were flUtog a three years will eUrt np thb wlator.
United Sutee has lost six of ber truest
tkkattbe straVetack aad a third
aad bravest citUens: that tbe CommonJaBMS Summerit of near Ltestag, wealth of Miebigan bus snScred aa
pair ware IndostHSosly at work chop­
has died from eattog poboaed cbeeee. ItToirierable loss; and that Company
ping down her feaeoa. They boat a
for carpenters, ma­
Another eophonioos Miebigan name U has parted forever with bind friends
baaty retreat wbea ebe appeared at tbe
b -Hard Luck.” which b the name of aed trustworthy soldiers whose places
chinists. blacksmiths, teamsters, farmers, in
can never be filled: and be It farther
Ool. Petmmaa, of tbe Tblrty-foartk
fact they are made expressly for hard service.
iebigan Central railroad west of pay willing tribute to tbe'homst and
raglmoBt. b bothered abeot tbe delalb
faithful manbood of roeb of tbeoe de­
The manufacturers who make the pants also
of mastering bis men onV Tbey are
Two email boye were picked ap by parted ones, who eaerifioed Ufe for so
blrfa and noble a eaase.
eoattered over milca of territory to tbe
make the cloth, so they know exactly what
tbe police In Cadillac the other day
Beseved. Tbat weextead te the be­
apper pealaeala. some of tba efficere
they will sUnd. The better grades at
who bad ma away from Grand Bsplds reaved family, relatives and friends of
are sUll Hi. and the blanks to be Ciled
beeanse they did not wnnt to go to each, our deepest aad most heartfelt
oat by tbe offloen bare not arrived.
Oolooel Petarmaa kaa been 111 elaoe
e from tl
The bnll of theGnees of tbe Ukee re! easier
hb retoro to Miebigan. bat b aboat
eeotly burned nt tbe Hanitoos, was tow
. . _
the noble
again and went to military besdqoardd to Manbtee. where she wUl beTebaitt and patriotic oondnet of tbMevrboarc
ters at Detroil Fri^y to get adrlee
to mo between Grand Haven asd Grand
Resolved, That eopice of these reeofrom Governor Viagree as to bow he
Rapids, as she b tbe only boat oa tba luUons be presented to tbe family of
are made in neat and attractive patterns, good
ebOBld proceed. Oaptala Irvme. the
lakes tbat can make the trip, drawing each of the deceased, tbat they be
Onlted States mnsterttig oat eSeer. . only 8 feet of water. TbeGneea \
enough for t>cst wear. Ask to see them.
pnblUbed in eur local paper* and be
aays tbe u-day tnrloagh given the mea lato eommiaeloD 81 yaare ago, bat her spread at length upoa toe records of
wlU net ba oaoagb. as they have aeaV
wood work Wat entirely built over to
P. C. Gilpcrt.
tared too mneb.
I6I.9 She eon the Elk Eapids Iron
Wu Bonnor*.
I. of Ssgiaaw. aped Company MT.OOO and bad beea rcfltted
Exjtxnsr Coopcn.
n. wbe was kidnapped Sunday after- ibta spring at a ©oei ofSMOO, as elecnoon. haa retnmed. Be eaye aa old trieligbtplanteoating $400 and $400
man took him for a ride aad promised j worth of lUe preeervcia. Oapt. Jobeto bring him back, but lastead took ^ *um wUl receive $S.000 tosnranoe.
hlmtovs fsrm bouse, where he man-1
Eabbllt of Dmier died nnd left Foraiahed by tba B
onacn (kpiscwai.) cuvnen.
;aged to escape.
j a $800 000 eetata. Her vrtU gave $i00
Fanneie. residing eontta of NUea. are each to three daagbure and the rest to E«». Chss T- stoat. Beetor.
possled over the finding of SO bnebeb | bar eon. AfUreonslderable lltigaUon
Comer Waablngton street end BoardOf wheat strerin along a freqaented ; the hairs have agreed to aa equal divl- sen avenue.
md. It b belbved tbe wheat waejaion.
Holy eommnuioa at V:4S a. m.
of $3.50 to $6 00
Morning service and sermon at 10:3U.
goods while they last: This
.wrecks tbat were suik to tbe Pasig . m. r
Mle has saved many dollars to
------------river sod ^he outer bsrbor, snd of tbe Offertory by E E. White.
eoneml Hews Homs ^ VnivetssI twenty or thirty wmeke in tbe river
bnoduT school at 18:00 a m.
customers who have availed
, nearly nil have been destroyed, so tbat
Vesper service at 0:I& p m.
themselves of this generous
Adricea from the Interior of Cobs tbe ahipe drawing fifteen feet of water
All are oordially invited to these
oooOnne reporting tbe want and dbvioee.
offer. To see them is to buy.
nn«T MxnioDUT.
treet exbtiag among
Cabna troops.
money, food
A dbpstcb to tbe,Loudoo DsUy Mali Bev.i.A. Sreadr pauer.
Bondey preaehtog at 11:80 a. m, and
ik.r CM for iBelr
I. cc.-:.,^
„ protect Utc 7:80 p.m.
Claes meeting at «:S0 every Sabbath
cnlu.iic -occ hocoliolc where thc,„.., .c.iOcoeceCltin. mO Omcmc.
.lek »c cej T ct IcMtcM. mO hccciM It .ccoic ih., ihc ccihorlUa beer brer mpmtog. Sunday school at toe close
fcbm occur womcblj bcbdc. here beer
plot to cccccl.. of moralngeerviee.
Jenlor League at 8:80 asd Epworth eat pesiors wUl be here. A large at^
ate Blog Carloa
League at 0:is p. m.
According to a London paper the
Abonl SOO applicaUoDi for
Homing Subject: -Growth
pope is by no means so weak aa reoant
KVAMIKtJC-SIarising onl of the war with Spain have
reporU would make out.
It lb uald
B«t. a. BskbriT. Partor.
been filed at ton pension office. They
$bat while walking In toe Vatican garBvi(Bry Day a Bargain Day Here.
Cbnrvn on tbe' eomer of Klnth and
embrace, all clseacs, inelodiiig widows.
IS recently be auiidenty turned to an
Wadsworth streett^
Prayer meettog Tbnrsday eveatog at
Snodsy eervlees are as follows;
7:80 p. m.
Prsaebiogat 10:30 s. m.
All are cordially invited.
Sunday school at li:3oa. m.
pcrttbcUcbcc wbtebb. bcb bc.!‘‘~ fr*I"
Y. P. A at «:S0 p. m.
Wnlaw bearily
hMvilv and
and walked
walked some
some forty
f.irtv ;
dtapoeed of ae rapidly as pomileanlag
■•v.D. oeebUs.
Freachlng at 7:30 p. m.
atape at a brisk pace.
NermoD at 10:80 a. m. ea The GreatMid-week prayer nweiing at 7:80
g tbeevaCQstica
eel Movement in the World.
p. m.
of toe island of Porto Rico by the Span- i
General 8ber
Sunday ecbeol at noon.
tshlroopeU proceeding seiUfaelorlly. j “•»Young penple'e society of Christian
tbe Bpantorde are acting to perfect,“*« treasury buildiug to Wash- Endeavor at C:|0 p. m. Subject of the
good faith and are taming over every- '■$ton. Three yean will eUpee before Sunday evehtog sermon will be Warrior SvT. M. S BvuK-b. P..iof
. elaas meettog.
thing as they quit the various towns. the sUtue will be ready for unveiling. aed SuHder. at, 7:S0 p. m.
10:30 a. m . preaching.
Preparations are being made f-lr ao
Mn. B. A. Cortbell of MlUbridge.
lotoodnce your friends to tbe pastor
18W0 m . Sunday seboot
elaborate and Impressive ceremesy Me., haa made a wonderful putehwerk and giveoneaaoUiaragood bandshahs.
«:30p. m.. Epvmrtb League.
when toe American flag U ralaad over quilt, tbe centerpiece of which is a lot
TboM who wish to ualle with toe
7:80 p. m. preaching.
Ban Juan. Tbe mlliUry
ef blue banting from a aignal flag naved ebnreb at the next eoamnnion aervle*
Prayer meeting Thnrsdsy evening. |
bee ad jemmed until Monday next. Tba from toe battleehip Maine.
nre requested to meet in toe pMter’e
Yon are.cordtally inviud to alS iheae :
llghU on tbe north coaat of toe island
Heavy storms are still prevailing to study Monday svenlng at 7:80. Have
wkieb bare beeo darkalooe toewar be-1 the Ba’ue______
flsberaea have Toa a cburch home in Traverse Ci^?
gan. have been relighted by toe 8paa-1 been drowned between Polangon and
A Ceotraei rrtmi AaMnlla
lards, except at ban Jnan. where the \ LtbAn, seaport towns of tbe prortoce
It ix annonoced that tbe PenneylTsoia
VT. J C Csrmsa. PaMOr.
ligbtoouM wss destroyed In tbe bom ^ of Gouriand. Rnssia.
Tnbe works bare received the oontnot
10:30 a. m. Public worship.
b, lb, «cel -^bcr
, Kc Sccbirc Sh.rc he. cc fc,
TUi Salt tS.OO.
Special exerclaee aa^ aertnoa by lex 100 Biilei of 18 inch Up welded
Admiral & mpson. Tbe llgbu la the covered from hU illaees that hU physl•teel pipe and 300 miles o< $0 loofa
Pastor Carman to the loteitatof Bibls riveted «cel pipe. Tbe weight wUJ be
' nlty warn toe marlnen epproaehlag:
Study and Tbe Sunday School.
■boot 80.000 ton., and tbe order it nid
$be port.
. ‘ Ington for a few days. On kit adviee
ll:4S.Rally Day to the Sunday schoel. to be Um- Urgi-ei ever made at onetime.
ju> «-^lated Pitas coitaeptadent,
Sherman has abandoned his
Icmbers of toe Borne Department The pipes ere to carry water to ti»e
writing from Manila under date of apeech-making to Ohio.
I______ _______ ________ __
. ___ fcl. .L. ^
aadI .11
all oibers
ever eoDBreted
with tbe I
tulues Anttrelia.—AtoeriAngaet 80. says that tbe »b,rk uf satAt San Jnaa. I*octo Rico. CkmanI aebee: are copecUlly tovltod. An in- «n MaobUiitt
■•e«r ■<
tertating pregrai
Eew to Look Ooed.
It la the eprotal mimiaD of tbe ebnreb
Young pat^Ie'a meeting.
Good looks are really mere than skin to peeefa tbe gotpel to tbe poor, and ita
7:80 Gospel service.
D.lUdSUU..blp ChMl«.M. <1.. ol:*‘
'-ep. depending entirely on a bealtay
Program to charge of the Wemaa'a
QdiUoD of.......................
all tbe vital
.... organa.
organa. If aeen to tbe wlimtog aad nplifting of
bU firat duUtawaathslof taking ^ P'®**
’the lirrrri>e Inactive, yon bareahUlon* m,.
toventory of nil the shipping tbat fell
-bm) the United Statoe MtoaloaarySocUty.
look:: If
II yourr atomacn
stomach ne
be aiaorocree.;
dlaordcred. 1
Thnrsdsy evenlag aext wfll be tbe iook
talo Admiral Dewey:* band* on toe,*'’"**®* voinntaer* desisted for toe
you have a dyi
dyspeptic look: W yoor kid-‘
*^* **??,
isto instant. Thletoetode**verytotog!p"ri«ee are muetarta ^t tbe army
P-toakry, 1898
affretad. you have a pinched <
be to
ney* be affected,
.. all people and to men of
Blaxcsiak * McCommick. Dwtrfes look. Seenre good health, aad yon . C'W ooodiQoti. Efforta to reach tbe
ratxxM cBcaoa.
■Boat, either on the bay or river, which ;
*«■«» »«lantaer*
wUl surely have good looks. "Ele___
"Electric | rich and tbe noble may not berenmined. M*nagvrs-Genl>men-I «lsh toeg--'
mmMM a radlaa of forty miles, aad lu' *<><1
■oirardH*oreaB4 8larrltoa**.PaaWca. .
my ^
beurtfrU thanks for
Bitters" is a good Alteratirr and Tonic, 'and
.mm tbe
m.., prayer of -..
m, auuuiu
shooid oouuaii
^ ebrek
payment for toe
taloe I* abont Sl.600.000. To aid <^p- j -Baron" ZeUnakl, the farm baad
Oomr Oak aad Fifth etrecta'
Acu dirroriy m, toe atoi^. Ilvdr and pany tbem eff«ta God will fnlfiU'UU •{",
H dtato e.aioi
Oiaea and Lieutenant BrauMca- ef West Orange who lowtly came lato
Sa^y School at 6:43.
kidneys. Puriflea tor blood, eaita trim- word (rf promise, and klniis and oorens
tuatoer to the work, five
a fortaae of aad who has baaa
Memlag eerrlee, 11 a. m.
Artallad from Admiral Dewey's fleet tiyiag for a weak to epead It wkUc
Y. P.fl. C.B. at#:l6.
a Hoflet has
eoaUantox kla work, has flaally rw
Eveatog eervlee at 7:80 p. m.
opttoB aad dyaamlM btowiag up tbe algned bU job aad Ita pay of $10 a
ThU la toe last Saaday that ^ prea-




Nt esd to BerksbiK Puts
No end to onr imnenst assortment
No end te the vear and tear thejll stud

Here’s the xuaraatee—you’ll
find it in the pocket of every
pair we sell:

\ \

This is an iron-clad .guarantee and we stand back of it.


$Z75 aiHl $3.00

For a Few Days More we will Continue our Special Pant Sale

Your Choice

Hamilton Clothing Company.

Safe picking WUh Your Eyes Qosed!


Prompl Paymeni
1 Chtracteristic,’

rsa. ^^“o“‘5.?sL“'7r5L» -




THa xoumro



ksoou> sottpay. bbptembm

a». isse.


Little tOQ^ or rade luKns<(« <• ued

A atarr U told ol an old <

«M eoa fo Into »loal Bt43ro aad par • (be hsm iaesorable mle ond for ten- —um Thor lore to

end gny enb

Trarefaa Ot^ Xaflcet.
Balow u'a Itetof thebayiac aad aaH-

It ia often earpriaiiig to «e bow mwA
pain there may be is the awiaibillty.
and yet p«Me. ia tbe depths of tbe
' * '
AtlanPo same

itgow timi— ■■■iii^ Bb e

aent oaniags for a <i«arterl"
la tbe babble of groff baokmeo’s
rolcrotho al.rill obiWlfb «y rose die-1 Ib.
Wy wl,b lb, pl»^
int fat'o amUed when «be btnrd it Tbe
j filler *«»
o swe«t and it Mtid rarb
I ftumy tbings She
Sb. took
look op
up 1
ipandliitle teown "grip'-ano iJi-ed it
'TcuoenlcarTiagoforaqnarterl Ten
cent carriage for a quarter!" shrilled


___ ___

_____ ___
ft it

S‘£xtrt,i c;nb“„h.*£°i‘s‘iiic:

torofeiBodelhonie.yettoUtocltyJ. wa. etnurf from hU nep by i«D«hio|i
^rive bones and peddle
W. Sister has eetoWUhed each a batl- oat of the asosl rootiae teiog budoom- g^oot and baag abooi liie cornere ate a
Wb.,1 I
IblO lb,_«Wll».
It. tbe
U»e FrrfdFrewgroat deal wjitiw tban mort of w^ve
which UAbw located in
rteh block. aiCagedcepcr^”-'rtillnees
•ae and b#it with a riew
without '
’ '
eenleaec sad
teaairo a bi>cia<
Mr. eUieroocDpicateoneot tbe most on Tboreday ~ilt« ne«. etc
lyaboni town who tells m-• it tn tbat | "Oh, hero yon are," tbe gray lady
, pu^
aodaro and beet appolaled la aorthero | “By whose order?"
D go to Ax-1
' time sbe baa only heard on.
'■ from cried. “Well, I
MteUoo.aBd indeed it preseoto a met
nan’s lips. Tbe sons word minster etreet if you please.
,y omlm oT ^«.bop p,
kU, ! ^
Ves’m," mid tbo voice'8 owner
! I beard in Pemooat Unc was "bloody.
MpoIitaB Wr which faeorably U
Bron'i^r 100..'..............
etoitoro from large ciUes.
The front of tbe baUdlbf U mtrikloy. 1
djoceee. and
rben 1 w-ant rorvioe j, ,, jj,c fonlea word there is. II
I bare
Ho' bustled aboot bnsUy a minnte.
bsing nit glaat except the dlrislons of
chapel 1
«m m,i-« il
b, kH Tl»« b, ™kd«ly mopp,d .pk ipq.™
the three stories, which are of preeecd ; jown." end be elea)
Mpk. Tb. klppl.y -IpkP- P. ib.j Opi»pp|x..lppb,b«ik .klli™,*“|‘^‘lip?Slkl^S
ground floor U arrangod with an* at-' TOoe in tbe pcipu Ir^ orual and,
bcoa^ , ^ow ‘ deajxndenUy.
traeUva exhibition Of flne fnrnl.nre,
np. be aiked: Who ii that up I
in Amerioa wo anooiate
The gray Udy glanced at Uie tiny
which U changed eery oflm, ao that
“V J®®*
MoMaxtetsr i jj
Eagllsb and pot it in Ekig- dogcartand still tCier
iler pony and Uughlau^aanlu <4 tbe evil o
aemetbing new l« onostantly offered
<Klly WQs.rellgirosfnrmanintbe liTi^rST^tteV
tbTt U ^ “Oh. yes. sbe hurried -to ny re*
for Inspection. Tbe flrst floor U dcigly, “yoa
can make me fit. I o
^ ; abonid be nwd to give a local cojor to ; anringly,
Baeklan'h Arnica Balra. '
lain along. I'
ItK-esed btwntifnlly.
re 'be equ
' an English story, .hmerirans come hero
ibt, bowcw weak and , TMg B»T 8SLVX in
"Cotne dfi
town oat of that,'' thundered and make oae of thi-word for the
“You see," tbe drirer confided to her
* erring they
tneero._ ___
be. tbevKnrityof their Outs Braiaea. Sores,
and t
Ujiy claUetud
clsUetud away,
sway, •outs
comfort of tlielr btarts | Bbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chm^
*bsi they slUcb to it. and yeti coofidL-utiaiiy
for tbo cbsplaio.
splain. I’ll appedut
appoint one. D^'t
led to . -i
"I was biipiug
hiipiug yon'd
yoo'd bvn
ben nwlsUmop’a
iptatimi and earBanda. Chilblains. Coma, and aU jUn
afbid all Irial and lomptatioii
ear­ I Banda,
you e
let me enteb yon np there think of any ronUTdisgOkling term they ' down M^eengcr, tot I gl
ions, and positively e
's all row, wbo have a living Ridi
Ridecmcr, sym- Bruptic
parreqniiM. It la |
bsd ever besitl snd nisde ose of Instod ! right. Voo fit qnite nicely. 1 think.
or m«^
again.—"On n Mao-oI-W'or.
tfaeyoonld not more startle ot shook I
"1. this tbo fint time you’ve driven ^iiug te them with the Father and I*
box. For
tbeoo English ears.
a hark?" qocsliooud tbo gray Udy witb ready to imparl all power, even HU j
Johnsffi and «. K Wa«t
Englitii aaitea have brought ibe'utciert.
own aluigbty and divine bpirft. to
« John-ou and h. it
Mother-in-law stories are a drag on
"Vos’m. bnt'tisn't a hack. IfialO thoee wbo trust Hu grace.-Preobytbe market, hot this one seems to be a word “bloody" to onr sbtww—milort
and priicfigbtcn and siablemen. and cent carriage.’’
iiule iraa draggy than ntaal.
A men and bis wife went to Bnrope. only such ponmns cling to it here. 1 They drove <n a little way witiiont
fouler talking. Tbegraylady, lookingdown at;
and tbe mao's motber-in-Iaw went Wbat we oensider a very much
aiciig. Cp to tbU point tbtro is no novasiderod ns bad as
but if not
ai«y in the story.
t)D tbe voyage tbe motber-in-Uw tell “bloody." All this is very strange and :
iUasddled. 01 course, abe bad to be requires a native to explain it. es]»cial- a quarter la 1 meaif?" tbe driver asked
buried at sea. and so tbe usual oravas ]y as "bloodv” is merely tbe eontrao-; suddenly. “You ace. 1 never drove a 10
I mck was ma^ hot instead of an irtxi tion of tbe catb "by our Lady," which ‘ cent enniage before, and sol hai
[weight to sink tbe body they used a was orre cr leM commcxily tbe, bad mnefa’sperienoe.'’
udent ^ya when this was a Bomao | "l a*;* th^ it’s a cent toom^ DUritlg thC BflttlC
Toted to a large Une of rockers of bagofoosL
toaak." tbe gray Udy mid amphatioIn eammeoting cn tbe arrangements Catholic conntry.
«TC97 descripUoa snd an array of
Tbe people wbp try to swear witbont, ally,
-ranees wbiek delights tbe housewife.
know, yon
wearing—wbo in oor ooontry say | “’OauM U n. yon know.
Dining ohsiro, psper racks, pietares
lu. I’m rral
needn't pay bot 1
I—1 always knew wbero ffl-m-mand odd pieces of furniture rro niso
sorry I» i-mti
can’tb take yon -M.
for MW—K.
nothing, w».
motbsr-ln-iaw was g-going, but b-b- tbe word “blooming’' over ben. “1A. Ksa;
displsyed oo this floor, si tbe lasr of blame me if 1 a-a^nppueed abe’d have
I’t very bloomin well make you bny I’m caraing money to send to my Annt Sick OF Well, A BUSll
I'll 'ave a Le'nara. 1 want to see b« dreadf’l
which la tbe offlee, wbleb is eneloeed.
t-to carry her own f:f-foeH"—Olevo- this blooffiin thing, bot I’ll
sway, Ibut
bloomlntryatIl,"iswbBt I1 1beard a and abe was coming right sway.
Tbebsaemeut ia used for tbe dispi^- Mod Plain Dealer.
ttreet fakir my to a crowd tbe other she’s got an equinom’ral fit—a real bad
alUoa of eroekerg. glassware. IsmpF.
day. Tbcro U no barm in tbal at all. I «oe—and now I'm ‘fraid aba can't
tinware. cbMp bfti, kitchen nlensila
and it is moeb moro typio-Uy English come. I asked papa wbat cnivd aqnl- The Peckers at tbe Battle of
cfalldroas' wsgona etc.
OnesMawt of Bst
than tbe word “bloody." bealdM being nom'cal £c>. and be raid nrtbiog ’oei«
BandBCo de Cnbm Were All
The second fl.ior which U reached by tian life is learning to live
tbe day. deoent.
| maney would, bo I'm earning it to
e ther a sulrwsy or the elevator ia the It is tbe long stretebes tbst tire na We
Heroes —Their Heroic BfIt U funny wbat mistaken nations i send. 1 do want to sue Annt Le’non
rear, is fillod with Ue latest and best think we rg»»tini eairy this load nntil make about one another. Over here tbe | an ”
forte In Gettinii AmmonlThe gray lady’s arms felt as though
in bedroom sultee. from tbose of mode­ we are tbrencore and ten. We cannot very smart thing inrepntingihesprorb
flght this hatUe usitiunally for half a of US Americans is to make ns all and , they wanted to bog tbe driver, but they
tio& and Setione to the
rate price to elegant goods at be.ter
century. Bot really there are no long
tocali. tor sBratSf. 1
Arbor. wUl raw
prieea Here also are flne sldeboerds. atretchea Life does not oome to ns all always call ourselves "Amumuaua" It didn't. Her face was all a-qnlvcr with
Front SeTsd the Uey.
x aurtract. na
true of na This whole nation a queer, bright look.
ebiSoniers. chins elo-ets, parlor and at ctie time; it comes only a day at a
siL Bot I never beard an Amer“You *■«. 1 never've Been Annt
BaUer. of pack traU No. >.
centre Ubtes. hall racks, brass and Iron time. Even tomarrow is never ours un­ lean ao prononueetbenameof ouromn- Le’nara since I was bon," ran cn tbe
bads, fo’.diag bedi. qiiltt. blankets, til it beoamm today, and we have noth- try. and yet I've got a quick tingoistio explanatory little voice, “and wfafsi
ya: "We all bad dlarrbma in
2>d. aayi
etc. As Inen d splay as one wool t ing wbateverlo do with it bnt to pass ear, which Isa thing tbeEnglisb oiler-, yoo'venever-acen folks it makes ;
and when
more or l«aa violeat tonn,
it down a fair and good inbericance in ly lack.—JnlisH Balpb in Providenoa ] want to harder. Sbe'a a beanti
tlms to see a doewe landed we bad no> time
wish to eee,
of raab and rash
I aoutie and wmds me things and writes
The third fle >r is aaed fernpbolvtered today's work well dooe and today's life Journal
weU bved.—British Weekly.
I night and day to keep tbe troope aup--------------------------!tome."
goods, including an array of conches of
itioa and raUoaa.
I They were taming into Axminstev ! plied with ammaaitl
every conceivable style for comfort and

• • CoHe,
Lejallr Ut Oar Iswd.
COOLING AND VENTILATION. | street, and tbe driver waved bis whip
qqaliiy. Mr. Slater recmtly went to
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
It is comparatively iwsy to stand by
------------i toward coe of tbe booses.
Chicago to make special aeieciiona of Cbrist and His words when they un sirrw Denes to Seem Comfort la | •‘Tbsl’s my hcose.’’ be volnnteered were able to keep at work and keep sfur loaa l.
BOIM1.C as. miwa.
these goods which are reallv iovitiog sailed by Hii eoemles. bnt many find It
that atoee critical time this medicine
patent has rorootly b«a granted
"Let's stop there, "tbe gray Udy said was the indirect savior of oar army,
to look at. as well as to experience bard to npkold them when called in
. .
Bicgsnt parlor saiis, upholstered rock- qoestiou by brethren whom they love to James B. blade of Riverbead. K. Y., quickly.
for if tbe packers bad been unable to
ers and kiadred goods ara shown ia and buuor, and so indulge a guilty for a device by means of which brilfl- | And—of all tbe wondeifnl, beantisilence or take refuge In a ctxuprumis- IngK ships, mines and boiler roceis aro . f^i ij,ing*—tbe gray lady that got into
every styla B raides tbe linee men- lon. _ raeOB tbal a wsfot train eoai
ing auinido. Bat loyally t<> oar Lncd oonstantly snppHed witb fresh air. A !
tiny 10 cent carriage got out d it
ed complete llnea of ca'pria,. rilclotbs. requires us to be true to Him and HU free exit being iBovidad fur tbe foul and —Annt Le'nara!
ate. Uy comrade and myself bad tbe
iM. Wrtxbl
laee and chenille eeiWna. baby ear- truth, come wbat may. He bonon and vitiated air.
cured mel" good fortoDc to Uy in a sapply of "'
'See bnw quickly yon
WB-lbs»tle_______ IB .srhoBav
»eid.Ma*foronr pack-train before
riagm and combinaUen bed conehee ara rewards fidelity to UU word as weU as
Tbe contrivance ooorists of a tubnUt abe cried, hugging tbe
and I know in four eia»s
casing adapted for iuEa-rtion
iusa-rtion in a cirenslipping a big. round, shiny fan leltTami
displayed to good advaotaga 'Sewing to His cause.—Ptesbytoian.
it absolately saved life."
lar opening in tbe rocf of a building or ’ (q'to hie pocket-Annie Wsmiltrei Donmachines aUo are loeladed on this
Tbe above letter was writua to tbe
caueh MsataMw
msDufaetarTT. of Ibis medleUa. tue
Cbambsrlain Medicine Oo.. Dss Moines, sUroattlBtroBlotUt. PIrat ««aira tokCB U.
Achniob member U or oogbtmbe
Mr 8’ater now baa hla stoek arrang­
U^BlraoTTbo. T.BMa.SaeBrS e®r^
e by S. B. Wait.
Th. Stoolec t—Vi
wbat his name dgniliaa A member is
ed and la ready to have his new bailda vital part <d our organism. O nr hands
ing and goods Inspected by ev -rbody. and feet and limbs an members of tbo
eepeda'ly tbe ladles. Tbe biilding body. They are not like parasites and
ia beavd by steam n d lighted tbroagb- turn re
o that grow and feed npou tbe
WWAJmD-Twrartr rb^rrawi^BB^
ont by eleclrieliy and altogether is a body but add no strength or coniplete- R.P«!iSiSl2S4fl.^tb£.
gratifylngly oemrl te bosiness eatab- iwss to it. They ora nut merely oo tbe
body, bnt are of ik And thus a trne
Uahment. __________________
No ns^f baying cheap clotbdiurcb uiembcr ia a vital pan id tbe
oborah. not merely in it or cm U. bot of
e sell the
bo renaing efbeirweai
There art! now within tbe boidero od ik—Lntberan.
tbe CJpiH'd Stales 41.222 eooieciea

, U"- b™

imp™.,.««.«.».bo™^ sss.'tSi'^p-u

bo,Ub. wiu.-









of Santiago.

Night and Day.




No, Nol


llieaD flgnree do not include tbe junior,
intermediate and other sorietiea The
tot worldwideObristUn

Oosd Will lo Othsis.

Poor human nature, sn sadly twisted

^ U.S .m. ™ Ibi. 1.
Ml cuwuou M. AUIU>
Atnc U

Tbe jonior societies continue to increase
rapidly. There are now nearly 14.0dl>
oocieties in tbe world. Une UianmniLot
these are to be found in foreign lands,
itb»i. I. U., 0.1, ».b.o, lb lb.
world without a Christian Lndeavor *>.

™ .! a, ,»T

b. p^r<i
II be delivered into the
When wr have to do
coot.ra AVD TevTitAToR.
Willi God.
upon His holiness and His mercy, bot ing a sleeve is so supported as to leava
u and an air pairagr between tbe casing and
tbe'alerve Huanted in tbe sleeve ie a
tabe provided interasily witb a spider
^ in • n rasnro dei^dent
lations with <inr Mlowa we sbali he or frania and at its upperamd with

ira. !■ socle
vquilv <» tlielr gimtleoess when | tube likvwiee has a ^ ider or frame on
anuT and ji »*'
^vod wJU.—Episcopal ] which a rod it centrally pivoted. Tbe
BUtoa m4„4f
■icacd by a
■(Miel in
upper end of the casing is incloeod
volmiteera' camps. Jl« societies
in th.
the Beourdur.
tiood farmed
termed with a conical
conics end. through
United Slates navy and on loard mor- rae- raiBhlsa
' which tbe ingn-sa tobe passeo. Witb
rimnt ships. During tbe lost ye«27.-i Tbo "tbinking port’ was a draU tbe omiicui end of tbe faood an egreea
688 . juniors , have bocome meinbera of eoDoeit
e«Krii of
^ till- Ei.glis
English wit, Sidney tube if connected which oommoniewtes
tbe timreb. From the inna-me^ate so- Smith. Not lar from bis gate be bad a
witb tbe Interior of the bood. Tbeoo
l.dlS have joined <5® borne pg« ,pi. „ wUich every cue going out ingrw and egrees tubes aro curved In
I and IWJ.5W from tbe yciuog „„,j„t(,p^j think wbether bo had
..................IS and are mounted to
people's wx-letiiv. making a total re-en-■
behind. Some thinking
manuertbaltbe ingress
f.iiv.u.-atofchntchmomb.Tahjpdanng,^^^nJ^ very fregoently in ItiA
tube'sbali (xastamly present its optsr. f y.
fleotioo. Tbe best tbinking post given
to any of m> U tbe di''
. oolnmu of air downward throegb tbe
At the r I ■■■ ■—
I— —inent rotuma, | bnUdjn^, ^ tte egress lube permits
J l
. lim. .1 wbl.i ..dK»«.t ..d'
B-M«i>. -Ml. j“
, _
of toU an I withdraw^ j
« vilUted air to escape. Any
ng. when all are tbinking and
------------------ion. it U

r tbe « “
___ «.
. .. O.O.. o». roHM ilul, Ui" I—™ " ««!—!.*•> d Fresbyair pressed into tbe odd tube entering^
there is a l«od ojkbj tbe throne, whose ; tinan.
a room at tbe bottom. Tbe veotiUtor at
right and provmo it Ih to direct and |
sAMae la Mo."
Abe rear or leeward ot the bood coostidetoraiiiiv tbe de-nuy of naiiuus as !
tabm. o'ersbaCow by Iby
well as ot ludivMtuals. He rates in the {
bsif tom^
tmpen aad-vlsrk tbracht
below and drawing np tbe warm air.—
armiiwci lu'cvru. oud emiaigtht-iuliabhacirid «ti" ••aril;, ii-'lug ini» oud ibat Aodktvp
natbiii-.iitr tor U»-. airixii
BisperisM* All •-•• :iu aqi.eiHiw fnrslUsr«ra»a11iytM>saBdMt<niy
tber till-•■Mai'tudmi ui umi ettt-usiou of
Never to tire, never to grow cold, to
Bis kit'tdisu ■ Ur tiak |■^^mlttcd tbe
be patient, cnpatbvtic. tender; to Jnok
jnractii vtir-is lur ecuu ■•‘i cad and
te tbe boddiag flower and the opuuiug
Ctaiisiiauk cngiii i« ii'-si-cb Him to
bemt: to Impe aJwuya, like God: to
bringunt ot it ro.u i #nu>. as will ba *^ibnlc t^afsoC tlK7 all. 11 Ivor ta.
love al«aya--tbia u dniy.—AmUl'a
mart uv Hi. nl'^v . nil tor tbe good of
bn luauu r-—1' rt«0} ici IS u.
ties lU
in voo
tbe Unif-d




—New Ycek Ledg».
a Neral Cvofk


From $4.50 upward
n Mlxtare. Coveru


and SlIma-^Extra Sliea.


Age 8 to lA PI
or Storm ColUi
W. Bra UavBltM iB stylB.
Asyui w. BioBK ibBNU.
Ob a friendly moodllr.
Th B mod BllraetlT. laad.
Pnprip.117 BOB and land.
To b. WB1B OB rarry basd.
Down Ui. rtRun are slowly xUda,
WbllB oor saUlas. chaKrfnl xdUb
B^w. his Ultra ^ with ivMb.
Ban to lira oo dslM. yeo ass.
V. ara Irarnlas fawory.

—PrlacUU iMBard In (kanbtaai

Suits...From $4.60 upward
and Wot

A Pat TuA

The littU grandiUngbtcr of Colonel
Ellelbccpe, tbe well known Dlinoia
scientist, bu as bvr moat beloved pet a
rammon forest toaA It follows bar
about, bop. into hro lap a«l romaiw
**>«* “<>* oonlenladly while idie feeds

Suits.... ’

S.w Yort.raui
X. B. ailyn. rrMCrteb
kdtra or <tonlla

O BWOter ur



xl UBTrararaBCnyLambsrOn.
TraraiBsCUrUsm- .


Great ran ra regular altee and Stouta
Id t piece and I pUea Boita, witb
penu te match it upy .
It pays to buy tbe BEST.
Tea al­
Tbo "weeping tree" owned by tba ways gat it at
rt a aew nsUBsi b^ .
Duke cd DevoBkblro is made rf copper
iUbUBBrt------- --and is so dvxieronalyceotrivrdand cun­
rishi to rrinet nay or al
ningly patntud that at a careless gUnoe
«sie don not distiugnisb it from a real
tree. It drips water on toorists who A.V. FrUdriekbUefc.
wander *ftaaai its shada.

Fashionable OutTittera.

Vlacaya after sbe went acraund. and
tbe wind ffBuye s aa over fuily etyhi or
nine points. They mast have ibouyhi
they were flrin* at somethlnc that was
rolnc abeat tt knots an boar. I don't
know what their elevation tens, but
their Shota went way abovs ua. n'c
fousbt the biK shin until tbe torpedo
boat destroyers came out. and then we
went for them. They looked pretty and
trim as they cams out. flrlnc tbeir
atnall cubs and cettlnc on a ffood head
of steam. We Jususslled Into them, and
I tell yon we could see where our sheila
were tcaitnc boles Into them every min-1
ute. It waa a horrible slcht when we^
cot near them after their colors wore '
struck. The poor devils were burusff up^
and shot
>t tto pieces. We went alone-'
aide and took everybody off that \
D o'clock
•Dr ■('•rs ti
Furor. I
I Klco. and It was tbe same vessel that conc-en tested ur tlreo':We tried
if ibe vraael. ret tfe
to ai
she did
I lonenot
trapblra to aboir ihMX she had done t
, destroyers Plulon and Pumr at the l«t- tbe vessels, bpr It was ho use. They
work the was arnt o
.......... with
abelU. and the bolIrT
I tie off Santlaao harbor, but Arst • n- were riddled
exploded, so that there was nothlnc bu
Ob the quarter deck and ]u*t over the yaaed tbe cruiser Vtscaya. which was > tanffed maas of Iron nnd steel,
wheel la tbe first souvenir taken from one of the laritesl and most powerful took Uleutenant Arderla and II
vessels of the Spanish fleet. It war at
the battle off Bantlairo that the little from the Furor and Commander Vns, ques and l» men from the Pluton. Ad
armored cruiser Infanta Haria Teresa. craft showed her worth and th<
mlral tCervera and a lot of other offleermirai
In ihr offleers’ quarters are a number determination of her offleers i
of interesting mementos of the manner They fouyht from the minute the Span­ I were ialso token on board, and for •
In .which Commander Wslnwrlyhl •‘re­ ish ships came out of the harbor until 1 time 1we had a full house. Yes. we
membered the Ualne." They w ere cap­
tured from the ships that were destroy­
ed off Ssntlairo, while some were taken
from the shore batteries at the d!ffe-ent
points at which tbe Gloucester t»ti;ed
so successfully. There arc tt
nomeierw—one each from the ^'•rta
Teresa. Cristobal Colon and Almirante
Oquendo. Besides these there ste aev-

le Little Gloucester' and Her Comiander, Wlose
iiiiant Work Has Excited tlie Admi­
ration of Experts Everjwliere.
ICoprrtrti. »».]
I the conflict without even ao much as •
Tunisih* e«allr at her cables and aur- scratch on her paint, fine would not
touaded br aeveral of tbe bl* Achtlna ] suapc t that tbe Oloueertpr la the little
Btachlnea. wlMMelanre tnina fis.wn down demon that she haa shown herself to be.
upon her.ttoeaurflllarT»unl>oatOlouce*-; Bui It la not onlr the vessel that did
. ler. tbe hero of many battlew lay for 'wonders. The olBcers and m
aeivral weeks at anchor In New York to her have made a record
r. the wonder t
1 and bars
wiwid and th\ freak warship of the i
, alao Bbown what kind of men Uncle
UnitedI States \avy. Everybody
I Sam haa to back him up wbefi some
heard of thU little a...........................
. other nation tries to knock a chip off
Ir a pleasure fwat and fitted out with bis aboulder.
•vtey comfort and lukury that wealth
There does not aeem to be mneb use
ouuld purchase, was as beaoUful and In r^Unjt what tbe Gloucester and her
•lately a craft as ever unfurled a club i brave offleers and crew have done. 7^
buncee nt her mestbead. There waa no dally pr«aa haa fully chronicled her exyacht better known than J. Plerpont ploUs. and from tbe day the veaael waa
' Mrrsan's Corsair. She was not only a converted from a pleasure craft '
thine of beauty, but her construction flebUn* machine almost np to tbe tima

tbe world.
When It became necessary for
cuvemment to increase tbe number of
-ships in tbe naval semlce. many small
Vessels to be used as dispatch boats and
coast cuaid vessels wefe purchased.
This fleet was composed of some of the
pleasure yachts owned by our wealthy
• clUsens. They were token to tbe navy
, yards, where much of their splendor
was removed. Thsy were to be used for
a widely dlRerenl purpoM from that for
w hlcli they were built. The Interior dec-

aearty every one that oeeumS
. the war. she was struck but •
fsw times. None pf the shots rsiMS
any d^ace. Durlnc the battle off 8an>
Ua«o, despite the fact, as alreedy
dy staC.
atated, that sbe was nearer the SpsoM
ships than any other'Vessel
saced the two desir^rm at ck>*e raace.
she came om
no cssualUes and
without havinc been a ruck once. Dth.-r
of the vessels sbe destroyed -was msrs
powerful sad capable, tf handled pro|»eriy. of.#!asUy demollshlnc the littis •■>
The offleers and m.en of the Glooes-tar
eserre nil the praise that can be be­
stowed upon them. They have prim^
r mrdeitly
.f the battles they were in as they a


•era pcralatently refnred to dlaenw
■ hat had happened, and when spoken
o '«f tbe behavior of tbe ship and tbs
new II
“ay we
Tbe modesty and reticence of tbs
llourester's crew are of course as com- '
■endal'le as they sre chsra'-terlstlcallF
dmertran. but If our public were asked
o exprewi lu estimate of tbeae men tf
la certain that K would in snhsraiwc
As brave a fas
band of beras as e
at teDowB, toe. to peb*

Goreramental Pdwi^rdda^
to Munich, as well as throueboM
AustrU and PrussU and also la Pulb
the bostness of the pawnbroker la ess*
rted on by tbe coverumenL Tberu Is H
Munich an Immense structnre, with tre*
crated srliidowa. the sicn over tbe prl»>
dpal entrance clvlnc the 1 ~
as to the character of th
transacted within. A throne of fTtnalW ‘
with bundles ^aa In and out eltbar ts
place anides in pnwn or to take ns
tboae preslouaiy pledced for smalt st
of money. There can be no doubt t
Is a crest |

Glouceslcr have become as much house­
hold words as those of Dewey, Baihpson and Sc hley.
Tbe little vessel has
work and i* now ready to he taken from
the active tiM ©f ihe sen-lce. Just what
: , l>e done Sith her Is not known. She
to the peaceful occupation
| . * return
wHrh «h* eat fstcen or be sent
a .

mounted OB the decks, and abort alcna]
ma»t« were put In.
When the vessels bad been overhauleJ and made ready for aervlceq they
looked like toy roen-«f-war. capttde of
dcItiR but little damace. They wera recarded by naval experts as a useless
. oUas of vessels, able to act only as dlspolch boats or to sail about In the well
protected harbors. Tet when tbe opportluiKy presented Itself they did rood
w<>^ and tbe little veaael. the Oloocester. that has recently returned to tbe
-home stotlin from the scene of severnl
of the moat aeverc naval batllea that
bare ever been fouchl. haa won Imper1. :-Bhle laurels '
- aela whose
c :>y destroyed some of the larcest
f.r'-'. nc machlna in our aerriee.
Th- Opinion of experts as to the value
of ccn\-erted yachts, at least so far as
ih' liioucester Is coneerrwd, has chanc­
ed materially, and as she rides
:e ai
she Is looksd upon
IB as a woninrps"
1" cannot yet
e Into

any navy la the erortd and «

low" packln* up their “ditty box*a“ sad
e department clothes-bacs. for most of the men. bow
that tbe war is practically at an end.
I well fliied for are anxious to yo home to mume their
- .
flj'lnc the flay
>er oreupatloBS. Most of them and
some yacht club It It not at all onllkely that she wDl be retained In the
service, to hla report to the na\-y de­
partment Ueuienant Commander Wain- vate tlfe"—that la. tbe offleera had re•lyned
from the service several years
wrtcht baa recommended that the veaael
ayo. while most of the men. who were
be used as
apprentice boys, took their dlscharyss
ctneer divli
terms of enlistment bad exval academy at Annapolis, and It la beMeved in many quarters that bis recom­
mendation will be favorably seted upon. sons to handle his ahlpA they all retnroIn fart, a hoard of offleers waa appoint­ ed to tbeir Oral love and. as Is well
ed to make a •oh’ey of the Gloucester. known, ynve a yood aceouet of them­
They have completed their work, and selves.
the report ta now In Wasfalncton.
Most of the men since their arrival In
When the Gloucester arrived in New New York have been busy sendlaic tbetr
York bay. she was saluted by every aouvenire to their homes.^ la
craft that had anytb^ on bsard to all parts of the conatry. They have told
make a qolse with. Bh* came to her tbe story of their flybts ao many Umes
anchnrace quietly, l^the ~mnd books^* that when one asks them to ylve a de­
had %-wrcely strudt tbs bottom befora
the vessel was surrounded by a Bom­
ber of small boato fllled with people, test thiny I ever saw. and 1 -would not
all of whom were anxiotw to s«t ea have missed it for a farm In Kaasaa.'board and Inspect this wsBdartui Uttle Tbay vers everywhere, and tbeir skip
fl^uas mschtoo From tbe satalds tha did about as much work as any veaaSl.
Gloucester ahowsd an sIcbs of the maax iDciudlny the I
banks she had takaa put In. ms* weru
1 the firm abet
endeared the vemel t

the enemy lay on the beach masses of felt terry for them. They fonyht hart;
flamM and twisted and molten meut. but. at I aaid. they don't know bow to
emy than nay of shoot. Just think of a resaal Mke tbe
Olouceatec taekllny a ahlp of tbe else
Aceordlny‘10 some of the men who «nd power of tbe Vtscaya! Our laryest
were on board the Gloucester, they wete yon k a < pounder, while she carried >
so near that the commands of the Bpaa- Inch yuns, and a shot from one
tsh officers could be' beard at tlmea, and fellows would have blown us ent of the
they could see tbs effects of tbeir ahelts
on the enemy. Tbe reports that have water. Our abells were too small to do
been aent to tbe navy department by much damaye to tbe bly shlpa. but they
tbe officers who were la charye of tbe were bly enouyb to knock out tbe tor.
several dirtsiona durtny the llyht show pedo boat destroyers. When ibow vaathat the Gloucester at Umes was within •els went down, a number of the man
ISO yards of tbe Uryer ships of the Jumped overboard. Tbe New Ter* came
Spanish fleet. She was never for k mo­ up at Just about that Ume and passed
a lot of Spaniards swlmmtny about. Wa
ment ontside the battle line.
*Tt was a miracle that aared na.** said picked tbem up and then look Adnural
Chief Quartermaster Charles Beebtold Carvers off the sboru. It waa terrible,
when spoken to coacerutny the battle sad. while there was aome excitement
off sAltiayo. “We were baviay soar nt the Ume. I dqa't Ufce to thlak of tbe
deck InspecUon when tbe ships aunsd •uffertBy and tbe dreadful sights we
out. We went rlybt up to them as saw. Ont of our crew of TO msa there
soon as they came out of tbs harbor. were but IS regularly enlisted men.
Our yuBS were kept worklny alt Tbe rest were one year rotuhteera. sad
the Ume. and tbe way we pumped most of them bad bean apprentice boya.
I and « pound abelU Into tbem was a Now we are ready to go home, as then
wonder. We yave it to tbe Vtscaya. is aothiny left for as to do. Spain was
She tried to do ns. but—well, you know whipped, and we helped do K and an
srhat happened. YiMse fellows dM not
know how to shoot. We yot one of the
siyhts trosB the forward taitet at tbs

who are coastaatly eotapensd. tl iMltt
•truaylc for bread, to obtain tern
loans on tbeir household goods.
Gore.-nmeni offleera an la ebarya ai
an iu departawots. and printed ra*
and regulations are ytven to the I
plieants for relief, so that they I
public auction It not redeemed. If tbcT
briny more thaa tbe araouat advaaeud.
apon tbem. they are aottflrt to
forward and recetre their measy. -»•
than the i
Ihe osraer Is taken for
of tha
up for sate. AI
valitoe of the artlcfe Is advanced upca ^
tbs kind, much that U depo
er redeemed. Whatever proflU 1^.


Daert Land Made


No fewer than U.«M.SM aens of Mad' '
bare been made fruitful In tbe Bahaas
desert, sa enterprtsr rrpresenilay
baps tbs most remarkable example tg


. JM^ial DmyvMM <M tlBMla
flHUH>dfl(tlwUcW«o M MpOtmitStatkai of Bwinttoomry tuM. It
VM taok IB tbe ristlM.
Baa» Biditar baa token the oath u
a boeenry oitiM of Vienna, aooept........................T. wbteb WM
, . .
B»ROaichi(».turFaiHl mortn _______
»oninai»h»jw)M«.i 0fara«^kDO|^) xewaea V. Powderly. tbe ooBunie'!*?*****^
atooer general of imwlgretioc. waa
• It 18

MMlMr mt

Ik* I

f «lii» for depotr grand lire. 1* a ma
^ lanr aqalppad tor any poalUoii. t

abuuld no longer be eon-1 an.
TatM of tbe Third Unartc
A« we rerlnr tb* paA mnaai aaweU ▼olnDtoen tbe whiner of Ibe qaeen'a
I. we are rtroct hy tbe rtabUlty of; pHte at Bieley, li 48 yeare orago.ateeonr».—W.J. Kelly. Qrandblaeier lotaler. a Bonwnoker and a Cork maimtaotnrcr.

____________ _
i welcome awaiia tbii
nry U a neworion of allegorin yachuman. ^
aa Jnal
e Tebleie of great kiwcMU in morala i Bnlerini J. Go
{teoeived a permit to keep a fmit
i to Spdn. in Cbloago. ie a Greek and baa been a
Fora long time Uwaa a mpltal ofTenm pnfemor of Greek in InaUnttona InSnto be a Maion. and even alnoe tbe rigor d
^ Americ*.
lued Muo^baa^*^ri^^^
** I _
By tl oprr-av.ll*m,n.of King (Wo- S. TreadwoU. nya tbat Oei^ Waymbit, waa toundod a traieralty tar. tb« a yonng man. waa in bia «m•...................
of which baa ploy for tereral mootba in 1878 at a
apoD tbe
Anre'ot apeeo- mlaty of |8 a week.
Biram a Haxim, tbe wall known inA pact maatw li a
tbal a retired army olDour U a ontoazgoverber, a governor—no more not-beliert tbo American |
Tbe title belong* to tbe office of

j. o.
tat may aM ft to place him to. For many
feaiv hie baa been f<wetoQA In tbe eounoUa bant, and wbon tbo niactor retire* from
tbe tratonl^ and la at precent a mem- tbo (Mt he ba* no rtgbtfol claim to any [ The flret gnat-grandcblld of Abraother title than that of brother.—&»oare
Ltoooln war bom AoA *2 at
rn grand lodge. A* otuOi^ of tfaa
Kooni Pleaaant. la. Tbe motbto. Jeaalt
d off tnateet
tnateof of tbe BU)
_ Odd
. Fel.
lewa* Orphanabe wac largely in- when obiootlon I* made to Ibe advaneo.
rd her family by ber ranewaj
Blal to pl^Ctbataxeellevt tocU- mencot a eandldatatbe lodge trie* bim oo marriage le«t year with Warren W.
« aflmi
aflrmfdkbdatloB and aecoiMl tbe cbaige duly Sled. and. U noqnlKod. he jBeokwltfa. Her father baa nererfarglTtoll* ehartortbefraaeralty
1 over tbe protoet.
ItoefwhlohitlaJwtiypmBd. Hliabtilty
mle bone at Ixmtorille afaeltrr*
Sir Henry Irrlng baa abont 60 pairt
aa a bniTto baa bom tesogalaed by bia apptontoMBt a* Cnttad Stotea dlMitot at- glrU and U boys.
of kpectaoiea either at bia borne or tbe
aton^.andaa a werte tor tbemder b*
"How t»a blackballing beinovtKtedt" tlKater. Tbo itmoo I* that be ia peratondaaaooodtonona
aaki an ezchaDga Bro. Ban Price aay*. petnaJly loring tbem and when Imry
I Odd Fellowa'day at tbe Tl
> prodootino wonld find biniba Monday. C
dnahly bandioapped did ba
» aelf
tmnk and manly way of voting viva w
, not know where to pnt bia band on
j njother pair.
n for bia aciTtoea
WIND tbe retoatotoment of a memb
..... ......
by tbe payment of money
Sa tM cf^ tbe lodge. It cannot bo it
Tba Inn - ooenirlng tbraugh dteth- In ' 1878. It waa taken from tbe reaeel by
Ibe army and navy will nu aeaarily be tbe rapuin liimarlf, Doa 26, 1878, jnal
small, ft*, altboogh Worknren are eqiially before the ship rank while betatg brought
Can yon alway* mnem wthopatowordf patriotiewltb all other elawn* of Anurl- back to tbe UniUd StatM.
tt^on cannot, tbere'a <
a ordw to bU atoto ai

^ Odd FrIlowB' Club baa bem'lbrmed
Wg tbe Odd Fellow* of Skagnay, Alaakai
Hot a tick ebUd to tbe Dltool* Orphan*'
knme thl* rammer. That apeak* well for
tta mnnag------n« of tbe Inatitnilon.
Pact Otend Sir Jame* P. Sander* of
Saw York ba* been an aetiv* Odd FvlWw
lor 6S year*.
Brand ceeretarie* am fntt now troobled
aeanewbat over tae negllgooco of lodge
gateetartoi to ofnlttiog the iwtnlred etonii*
«■ ebocka. and btotbn* wbo pay tb<4r
Aw* ibrongb cheoka ahould tiomp them
babra eenillnK ibem to tbe nanaariea.
A gooil oltiton provida* fur hooie, wife
tmS ^Hdreai.bDt one would be a bettor
■mn wet* be to praride fer widows and

CmboU Clipplawk
mthlD U year* tbe emergency fund
Anold, with Interee* added, raaub a ram
Mt lea* tban 81O.0O0.OUO. Tbe Intenw*
tbatsam attpareenl U8400.000.
Wbleh I* enongb to aboat pay a death rate
gf ette pm tboaaand. So tbat with 18 a*MBMta per year and tbe Iniereti'oD
tbaamtigenoy fund adeath tateof I8H
In 18K per tbonaaiid member* ran raedUy
bn toknn con of.—Rtvid Ananam Onlda.


^ TSOXG STHTEXE\TS, to U UlUftd, must be iacted up ty alaoluU facts.

Not For ti Minute
Would we ask you to believe anytbine in this advertisement, if facte
vonld not back up the statements. Therefore in proof of the state­
ments made below -sohe of which are very broad—vre refer yon to
our stock, open for your inspection and whaterer criticism yon can
pla* on it You yourself are judge.

More Cloaks
Will bf in our enlarged cloak room, when all arc, here, which will
this week sincerely any believe, we than in other cloak department in
Norlhurn Michigan—So much for quantity.

ttbriB Stylfes
Arf shown in our slock, whether ladies' or chil ren's garments, that
are strictly up-to-date, as far as newness and style are concerned, than
Ton’ll find onl-k-Arre else. With tbe exception of about eight garments
(these yon can have at hatf last scafcn's loH est prices), no cloaks here
are more than 10 days old.

Every Dollar s Worth
Was Bought For Spot Cash
- Direct of reliable makers, whose facilities are Fuch as to torn <«t per­
fect garments at marvelously low cost ‘These advMtoges of pnee
power (cash on the spot—purchases of large qaantiUes) we offer yo(
m the f'jlluwing

Array bi Unmatchable

No CM Inii who can w m»"8» >il tniiiie« Hiese prices._______
Number Two—

Number one—

ladis' Bmei JicUts
Half 8’Ik L't-o'*

nunIlJtfen1Sm.eDW?hatnewrioai»oN year* old. He i»M etralght aa an
mn be expected on Chat aeommt. Tbeau- and hi* rveit piercing and kem. when
prume lodge ha* made adequate provlti.m* at tbe post at Fort bill, he play* monte.
-- of
-• every
------- *ucb
—. can get
---------<—--^tito liwve
for tbe prompt payment
^heo be
the reaervatioo bi* time i* apeut in
TbeA. O, U. W.
... banting, of which
be 1* mill very fond.
vaniagu* for yoong

Si:. ».nto».oo.

Ladies Boacle Jackets
Number Five—

Number Four—

Number Three—

Udis' Roacia Caps*

. Btfnlii|-$5.M.
Number Six—

LadlK Heaij Boicle Cape Udles’ ?iJe lersej Mete Ladies' Extra Fiia
~"Fp.«o. Ramie JacleL
TDoe $6.56,1» $415.

wUb double plrau-SOdoebe* long.

nt dinner If Ur. Rbodo* wa* married.
umot rrulB hU n
~ riaud ratmot afford to let a
oyti wry. EngU
w lodge loyal
aliu Uocoiue a mitiila* of
ibat marry in nny other way.
like tba
to tlw supreme ludgo.
TbU tiiould be one of tbe moat pro^FRILLS
ous yaera In A. O. U. W. biatoty. Tbo fupulley It well aettled; barmoBy and
_ , frellng eiljit. All tbat IJ
There la a alight tendency toward tbe
bring resulu 1* offlclooi wotic.
revival of tbe blgb waiathnnd of tbe di
rectuire period. On tbe right figure it
a<Mwra woMimaa.
i* exceedingly becoming.
TbNB are good Ml.iwiJrip camp* In ^h
_ black knotted
8t. 1a>bU and Chicago. Tbtee camp* hato
mrt, In
^tberigbtaof k^oamp*. excc^ they ^ r ^
mnnot Initiate membere Into the eocleiy. Togne fee evening wrar. They 1^ ^
They are eompored of members of tbe or- made ovtr a fonndaticti of black totin.
der wbo are living away from tbelr looti
a taabionable waman’e approach 1*
'famlded by tbe Jingle of Jewelry.
Local camp* oannot preeome to art a* Cbanui are worn on neck obatna. waub

■ Si

Number Eight—

Number Seven—

CUId’s Reefers
Of eoMtMtinl cloth, with Urge
uilor colUr-61 50, 81-75. Si.tS.


Number Nine—

Child’s Reetos

BtoulUnl *tylee. elegunt quulUle*,
»M ore oew-gs ». ft,75. 88.00.

Fully as desirable aa the above, both as to qualities and prices, but which we cannot mention owing to lack of space.
Remember thin in judging
above prices.

all (GAKS

MaaeaMlWMITr —--------- ------- Cfaarle* V, Ung
at balem. He was a member of Haw- tag a Neighbor a^ the one aggrieved or 00 antboritiea my. will
any otber member can prefer ebargoa Ia«d ahoe for winter wror. Thla bowibomBwntntilcvcr, 1* alffloft olway* » matter of todl•<. Mambete eboold not be almmed fay tbe againrt him.
Tbe depntie* wbo are enimged to eollctt' vldoel tane.
' MW aMmiaoot pUn and oonolode that
tba Royal Aroanam Is on tbednwnwwd MwnrerobcreforoureocletyrtKmldbeao-l The ortrieb frether boo’* popularity
eoided (be must loyal support by every . y g,,
«uie. Fnwy boa* of lacc or
, ‘ obiffoB or 0 eombinotlou of -both are
or* plan will add greatly to
Raportafrom local oampedorka pofila.^^ inatoad. and tulle ond net neck
Mongtbof tbeoTderamong batinem men.
^ In 1R9? there wa* paid In death benollM laoreaoDtoO ID OB vmumeur
_ _ _ _
bm«»ie* by the enllatmcnt of I.IBI of Ita
Very emart tbree-quarter* lenph wa•
' lerpioot octita come in wbito or in pale
Bamiry onuncU of rit I*aul 1* preporing
too abadeo for women wbo air iMd
l<wd (ff
Tbe tobool. of inatooctlon fcrdepntlet ton
In adopt a large cliua of candldato* on
TIN tooooj. oi
. ataim bore handliug tbedwbip and rein*. Theeo
BepieTulier. A hurtling ooinmUtoe b“
, eoM* ore made wdtb ccunfortably foil
baca appolntrd to eocuro now membw*.
I alrevea. flnlsbud at tbe band wltb a enfl
BratoD eounell of 8t. LooU made a nti
■aigbw *r BaMT.
fcnicd of a band with a atrep. wbiofa
jMrmm of M for the eU month* aodlng
QrandDlrtaior Fltepatrickof NewTork can I* dntwn clore in cam of a dowsAnne 80. ____ _____________
ba* asked Um dirtatom toa^n^ * <»m— New York fann.
................................................................. .
roittee to iDUrvtew the h
ID of^a brethcr. i
r> keop tbe euro|rtr‘-g 0mI»»i «f tbe Otaot ioaCnaatit
Walter BnmeU oontribniea I
Aleag tbe TreU.
The #e«tioo* of tbe great ooonoU of the ,eommltu»murt report to tbe lodge. Mo«t Oentury an artifU eoutiod-Inddenw
TMr JaerMl s* E
i of tbv luwe* hurtatoed by frateRMl «>cl- of tbe Cuttin Blockade.
Mr. Buoiell
Betblag • 1‘riare.
tJnIbd 8ta»« tobe held aili •'
from *uiqiPO«lon». In many ee*«a mti; Doring qnartora tbe variooa exerOver MeXiaoen'* She* Stare
G«(Vge rv*, while prince and reaidlng
■oBopt la. H and to will be wmgtbe tfar liencficlary o( tbo Kupeoded member ____
emorgeDoy drill* are gone
moot Important ever bold At ag log*»in bi* palatv. kept in bi* bedroom a
datioBWiU (»>niet^Uquorqa^om
poTtroit of Mr*. Gunn, nn old baihlne
B.«nd other
woman wbo need to dip bim into Un
taportant ntattera. Tbe great looobonee
•ea wIm«i be wu tbe little prince of
dchlefawUl have a* a
^lrr^^«*reof mcroWeblnto tbe Ibe obeti. boanling driiU fire drill, ool- Wale*. the Plrei -reKlmont
cblJdrvD------ CHiaAalD*’ Jeegue. ethe little fellow. Beneath tbe picture
‘’oSeoftbeworetparatiteewblehtofetia ^ugbtnp «
waa thi* Btanxa:
! fl
To Bnirhtoe case be.
| ^
Troocteoo report* roeelpt* for the year of tbf fratornal •xUnk* «f today la (he pee- tide, and held there witbta 60 eemda
SbonldaSpunCancGvonn (b*m>d'**aa.
*f.»75- Tbe hall wa* reSttod and lefurwbo
K> Jump* at
ax ooncl^on*
ooncloalon* and goo*“melltiuellablp
ram one
of out*
out* thlamat
■ted at an expooee of
tog around for • ringa" ••oUqna*" and
thrown over tbe apertnre made in
Great Saebem HUeot I’en
A ooiDpanion {x^Ttrait to Martha
“lavoritirtn. ,
held there by the preaaure
____ to hanwM and rialtiBg tribe* In the
of tbe water. Again.
Again, 1linea of boee are Gnun'a waa that of Tboma* Smoaker. |
I Of
luearatioo nlgbUy.
Imperial KalgUa
a wheal i* tun­ wbo bad uharge of the bora
ran ont and e
Tribre la every dMriet ibould do aa tbe
Active atop* are bring lakto to ext
t. m.—Takmi up bortiesl- ,
ed, and a atrong atream of water flooda drew tbe bathing maobtDM into'
abortgloto did—vMll each otbor. br------ tbo oKkr to the Mato cd Waahlngtoo.
Muatoudwltb tbabrotfaer*. learn
the deck immediately. In a very few of tbe
vrlU _
ahoottlNDrderuDdeeeUthalwan'tedto j deputy
- - ImparW oommander
___ __
^ . xueeoay, ^o. **• naowm ai
retident“ln"li«attie‘aod toeoiid*
atnamt tff water eon be di* ut(C““t^w. umv
to a BiMt»ure tbe queetionof amaU auead*1>8
ratted opm, any part of tbo ahip.
ont Jarther tban Thomai judged to > _ Twoday. p. m.—Dug it
-- -------anee aiouml the oounril fire and lack of Spokane.of eolid goidoffiecr*' Jewrt* ha* i Suddenly tbe band play* a Uvdy tof& He relied
It baa grown.-Margneriie Traqy in
hui-n (jfl^ to t^liMiwrial ODturnindrty march, and tbe order for tbernnaroond , but the aeU wUled boy
out with
Ttoe Of* rereral eandldatea for the ubewenpeudlor bj/tS-I'aul and Min- bgiven. Jadt Ukre tbia. It is bia ax-; mm vigor.
aaninp of gnat junl<w sagaiuore of the
heune ahowlng metre It ia to him what wbeellng t* tol Tboanaa want aftn tbe iBioea ovar*
^eat oooDcil of the h'olwd Statoa,
ID Jan. I next to ^
jg y bia oppottnnlty of took him, aetned him by -an oar and
lalpritobrealao^^ moving
,jratL In ; drew him to there.
Kaigbt* «r Hrtta.
-------------------ni "Do you think, "he replied to the
doable quick time eecb aectioc
e Olty oomuandsT. Ko. .177, at
Ever Boriied Oni
d bcy>aa»*7 Ytotia. "I.*»8-«o^ tofff
aa ellipae for five mtontea, the line of,
I..* ISaompaatoBalnthaUaited
reutlte* to eevree* Oireet n
ti nyaelf hanged for lattMig. tbe.Mag’e
raDoa being Bxuelly baretooted at tbia
It; heir drawn himrft
**> P>M* 8
time of the day. Xheydndae is and out;
_____ I eommandory. Ko. SOI, wm tio*
theamiUgbt and ataadow, langUn^Mid at Lowell e*i Ang- 80
W^leka^nd tha
rttoatatofVlL beoetto,8»8*owiM»beirgayety*dfeaUiig.
t the gread eoomandwT Maa*
it to Moriy 818JNe.M8-



skirts, Etc.

Tour own interests demend tbat you
cloak stock.


Beliable Dry GocdUbarpet and Clothing House.





hishp«teTiwi»^iOysj0fs! Systersr

-V.' -



Salaets aad Sttaiarts.


wen M fooa meBoa erdrec. EOUCATJNQ TiP.
.B« jlMtia'atacatnp fareweyta
acnlBe. bia bookt tunbled c«t oa retrierei oat which “btato aU the dee>
Emm m. t^m
Hk tlHll
iaPnskford." Teddy waa tecs is tba
Wte^p...« te.
! atatlflo boeae, and early In life erteead



. Kmi WiW m .Hnr.old m o(
^n>h^ V. K VU«to. .grioaltmi
flteni* «« dM K«m4» State oniTenlty.
lotaMdtai tee. ned«« bicycle record
iMt teth.thet-OMuet; be aaelled
BM7 fall
tricrclitta Fire faiiiiSred e^lUtTiuilei for ten daT*'rldlni
to thto chUd-t ataDderduAnd
udutbood It
it t.
to doubt.
doobttal ifUhM--------•—
booo -—■-■■
oqbbled -----------------br ox »
,■ . ^
. • Attbaedonof themlVettotyforthe
tan tba npfeaaor. flnding to oeaaaaary
tpmakaabaaioemtriptoSaBFnaetoao, ooodnded to make tbe |nniey «t
UabicycU TbeobUd. baring taa fa-






„ r,» ™to


So,- X .00,^, bt. X. Pi »tp I



Sat bad made areal abort mna on^'oonra Inarer tbcngbt MoUie’. hat
I rerypretty. bnt it looked awful
command and at ni
•aigbboring mads and had abown iw |
marble ritallty, hot the father bealr I after Tip eat np tboee daisiea. Mamma tbe great example"
tated Bomewbat to glre bis oonsent to
. Bmt the PlgMs Bela th* DeWan
allow him to nndertake a ride ooraring
A celebrated Bngltob pfaytooton baa
660 odd milw, bet it-a«nmh u the run
fonnd a new use fa tbe cmrria plge^
would lad them slang tbe line of the
as a bdpa in bis pracdoa. Oemribing
railroad tor the moet pan be dedded to
tbe operation, be mys: ”1 take out half
allow the boy ta accompany him.
a damn birds in a tmall basket with me
With tbeir tAals tborongbly oreron my rounds, and when 1 have asn
lauled. they started on their joniMy.
my pelient, no* matter at what distance
idlng to go by way of Btocktim. The
■etc Ban Fnndaoo by tbtototiie
to abont 176 mila tbe fim 60 mila
wound it around tbe sliaok of tae
being oootlsually op grade. Witbont
taid'a leg. 1 gently throw tbe catria up
incident worthy of note a landing waa
Iniotbeair. in sfewminnlee itreaebs
made in tbe city fire dayc after tbe
and. having been shut up taedng
taari tbe dilld making tbe trip witbont
sins tbe previems evening, witbont
i^paient exhaustion. Nearly 00 mila
much delay it enters tbr trap enge ognWM made tbe first day. a pertioa of tbe
oectad with iu loft. wUes« it to at once
Oletaua leading tbrongb tbe Sontbem
raugbe by my amtotant and reliefud «t
teifle mow dkeds over tbe Btoms. bnt
tobc*. Tbe medicine to
Hat rode tbe Ua like a vaeran. and tbe
diately prapared. and wtit off by a i
•ext mailing was ready to mount bis
aenga. who to thus sved several bonra
wheel and cootione tbe jonmey. as was
and 1 am enabled to oonbis father.
Afterareatof tfara days in tbe city cdieRd to bny MolUe acme new flowwa, plete my morning round of vidta.
ttM tntnm trip was banin. and in II hot she wonldu’t take ’em. She wae Should any patitnt be ray ill. and 1
that dreadfnl hat fa at least a month. am demraoi of having an early report
I eonldn't help langbing erery time 1 of him or btx next moniiag. I is
bird to bring me tbe tidings. ”
Afta tbet I tried harder to make Tip
raady lo make tbe trip <n-er again.
Kammlly Prefeaa Wilson to refy behave. It took me eto months to tenoh

Btolt. a regular, said to be of lha
prood ed tbe faaT'sTecnrd. beliering this him not to tenr up tbinge be fonnd
amt be > fleventeentb. was shot tbrongb tbe groin
to be tbe eban.|>i(»sbip ride fa a tbe floa. And I think
at El Caney. July 1. Two wonaded
y-year-old. Tbe obild to of about adi- sbakea Usings when I’m not looking at men of tba Bavaoty-fim New York tall
aary height, bnt of remarkably strong him. 1 wonder if motbera have as mnefa beaido him in wctm abape than be.
bnUd fa one ao young. He ridw a trouble witb tbeir-children as 1 have Tbiyeould not move. He could a iitttowheel maunfactured specially fa him. witb Tip And sometiroes motbera have
A Hpnnisb abarpsbootarootbeirrigi.t
aixebildren. Gracious’ Bnppomlbad
all Tips, and bad to make them all be­ bad tbe range of them as tbey lay (bere.
tbeir oomradea bnving pushed on.
have! Howawfuitovrouldta!
daam, tbe three men ww
Bat Tip did team to beteve faimaelf
a little better as ba got older. One
“SpitI” and ooa of tba bulleto cat a
g tell you
(d1 thing I Ungbt him 1
look of bair from Blair's fon-baad.
nndabelpaDd Hdstaooe to tbe wound"Bpitl ' again, and one of tbe New
Tip always loved to run out in the
nd. Gamany. Pnnen. Sneaia. Austria rain. When bo came into tbe bourn Yorken winced, as faisabonldm
■ nnd lulyall have tbeirbandseff trained ,
Bluir for a time eoold c-.>t locate tba
be wonld walk witb hto muddy
dogs, although it is In tbo first named ^
pets ox»d curtains. fellow, but finally disuovured him 600
eesmtry that they are made tbe taoto
Sometimes be’d jump up on tba chain, yards distant up a tree. Be was isoan.
aud displayed bimsolf in taking
told me bow bad
d it wto
Biooe less PrasU hae •
aim. Blair bad bis gnu beside him and
wtonaAiDdaor doge tor this purpose. Bba drove him
with ono abot brought him dawn.
Inclndiv Aort baited Uerman ptantThen,
wounded in tba groin as ba
Umae. but be would
cn. tpaaieto and abeep doga Two dogs
rtod SOO feet to bis enemy
Bo I tboo^t I would tenoh Tip to
■ cmnpaoy. each
water and 900 feet
wipe bis feet on tbe doonnat when be o get bis a
beiiig unda the special
U care eff one came in tram uiu of doaca. .1 took him
tooching it bimaett and
man. tbe men bei^ miaa tne «ora- out in tbe rain cue day nod Balpb— pmmtd it down tbe throats of tbe tsra
maud Of a aageaot. while a ttoutenaot that's my big fatothm—saw me go, and New Yorkers.
faa» tbe oommapd of tbe wbefle cf tbe baaaid:
Be died bolding tbe drink tn tbe lips
"What are yon going to dok Etbeir’ of cne of I beta. Bis only remark aa M
Almost tbe whole of the tfmeof Cbene
I told him I was gulng to educate Tip bis joainey was:
men to given up to tbe training of tbe and be mdd be’d owne oat and aee me
"I'm a raguUc. Yon Miaws have
dogs under tbeir care. They teneb them
do it.
to carry diKpatolH-s and deliver oarOne of tbs New Tocinra aorvivad to
Bol let Tip get fatofeetawfnl muddy,
tridges to 111'- ri;.-btioc line, to aearch
and UsA 1 took him to tbe doormat on : mm borne and taU tbe atmy of tbto
for wounded cr fallen .ralditra. and. (be poreb and wiped bia feet again and bera'a and.—Chicago Tiines-Uarald.
when they bare found them, to bnrk
again till i made him underaund what
until asnstanoe arrives.
r wanted him to do.
If tliey cannot attract any attention
Ipb ttood and lasgited at me while ft w«M a dtvn-I BMuwt nsl
by barking, tbey curry'back tbe wound­
1 was doing it. and every Umn Ralph fftat 'twBsbu rwuftar.drar k>vs.«tatttaa
ed man's cap or tear off a pieoD <tf Ills
langbed Tip woold stop wiping bis f«ct
dotbing and carry u to the boKpiul.
ami bark at Ralph. It was awfol bard
wb« the attei
Mivey bia work, bnt 1 did make Tip know what 1
meant when 1 said;
*!ji'ipiyourf«-et. Tip"
Another clever trick of theirs to to
ts OrariBn. dsrbtra mabti
Then when I told him I
. sad yt-i tbe >ue's Mcbtfar
give an alann at tbe apprutcli uf ao enS17 tarkmra Istodsy.
a German being drcka.-d up in tbe n-lf hf struggled aud trltd to get away I usima

tbe purI Ab. wtll UltB stPt k
But I , gu* b«v TBlranpmm all, ■, lir. »-iii-rat
pom. Another impanant partt of the doesn't want lottnm bis
like nsto hiBi vMk. mvv.
wirkof a war dug is bringing opamTip baricid. ut<I 1 felt veiy hot and on- ' As tbsn. hM sU. Uxira
nnnitionduring« fighL Wbenttaebattie has oommuDoed. the handler taicM comforublf nil the time. 1 made Tip
know what 1 nitnm, and then 1
Ubs Warrior by tta S«a
him do it when I told him.
with tbe dog. As nxn as be soes ammnrdUkcvobrasokUwbmr
After that, wheui-ver'
uiiioD to wanted be loads tbe ftnisMd boose witb muddy feet,
IB Oula. by Tbe MB.
Ail dsy lone I'd buiM sand fwti
witb tSOvartndgee.carried inadoubto aaidtobim. "Go. wt^
And iboui for Otdiorsl Las.
mddle bag. half of tbe cartridgee on he always ran
either side.
wiped them. It was such fun to aee
_Tbos loaded, tbe intelligent beast him do it.
done bis best to reach the line of abarpPaps aaya Tip taught me as moeta as
sbo<4era and. if mocetxfoL returns la1 UDghi him. I dcio'l exactly know
mediately b> tbe baudler for more amwhat be meant. Bat I cft>-u vrouder if
’-jnnnilion sod m continnet tbe wosk mamma bad as much trouble teaebing
until tbe tattle U over. nr. as would be me to be good as 1 have teaching Tip
nwuin to happen sonutumeu ba him- —E. Ls iu Brooklyn EaglA
e^ to baled.

Don’t think yonr milkman fe ■ pedlreed cows betnnae faenppitoe] nwith
bine milk
Don't get tbe idea into your band
that with women on juris there wooM
I fewa dtoagreementa.
Don't sttanpt to train up yourotailflren is tbe way they abonid go unlea
you are going that way yooraalt—Cbl■tao Sewn





“tta crave brlam paaea."
glsve tana tba csvMIsr's skasb. tor citaA
A Mrdroe nUta and fall.
•Os tbere oatTrastts tba crave for mat
wfbs crave asmaa wag."
-O. V. ooeis la
Task Tiftam

wa have just raeelved coulda'tdo
We knew that every lady witb an rye tor a baautlfml shoe would get
exdtad over ih- We never saw anything like them. Lndira, you never
die., and we are aattofled you aever vrUl aee anyiblnr near like Ibeas «t
the same prtcoa. Don’t buy one dollar'* worth of ladies sboea until you
sec wbat we seU from Si.oo to gS-OO- Cull and benonvineed.



fi e

*=s= = -

His PatroBS tnliasiastic 'n Their Praise.



BO.B.a.s. a


IBBieEfiBEESEififi B

r sfi=8sscfi«ssdii«s 8

ii «8
|; -

Sfifib 8 888S9liS8£
«*-S« £

iai eiais.—- trwls.
..-miBWRtvefrewKaeklsM City. PeVMhev.
ttotas MTlvr fpewfUebBoaS.VtonWafM.
■ODO. P.*T. A..O

umiii ill leiTBUsnu t.
Tstaki •««;< naoday. fUM at, IWI,
atlWe-eleeka m.

ooimo Kovra.

Re must return, tor tbereare taaav waitiuf. tor him. Tbey *11 aav. Doe-v v
tor, you are a boon u aaffariag humanity. By apaelal request be wUi r«Mrit.' >>
' >


One feel Only and No lore-^tesber 26tli to October tL
St. filukicr ud ttpEsiian Paul sun fHi Bt Hm.

Fnblamt to Tbiak About.
can tollow. How (a tbKT BvH H-tw--a tbalbai:- ^
Ur leaua, no .>ibi
n! WhaijT. whatbllm. Wbatooofort and wbav* a-rpriar la this.
but tbe way you
... ,
Yc<dr benri is dlara.ed, joar weeb are rrtlen,
renedI is never forgotten. But when you go to D-. Blanknar. for tbia
ml doctor you will aval* praise, you uU yoor aeigbbor that ba will
pain aad when yonr tocAb aobea yon will
____here for two weeks, long enougta for you
- , ~
true. All his patrons say. Doctor, coma back, won't you. p^eeac. Iknowp
friend or two. wbo will believe mv whan I tell them you am the mas wbn
gives no pain. Won't yon eoma back and IM them gain tbe benefiu of yow
great skin and tbey. Ilka me, will pralae you. I know they wM. Thlnld
Study! You have time. Dr. B'^nbner will he back to Travana Qly
Monday momlog. at tba Wbitlng Hotel, at ntue. By requeat only. You
want tU of roar denial work dene without pain, and gban be leavee Ua pnbronswlllaek. are yon eomtog back again? No. he wIU answer. Thia la Ibd .'‘fl
laat ebanee TOO vriUbave. If you bare di-ca-ed teeth and they hsva heau
aehirg. ynn bad heCier come while you have the opportonlty and Dr. BlankuMr
will make yM-lWlca gisd.
Remeaiber you Uke nochlorof/trm.iio either or other aolsonoos dram,
no puBinri no tw l«tlpg. as you bate those wbn you cull thugs. Bnt ti treib
extracted as easy as one. and abrr yrn are Ihringb you s^ '
ask.^ -ctor. when are vou eo-aleg bach? He will ha bare from Bap^
Oct lat. At tbe Wblt ng Hotel. Don't mim tba ebanaa_________
Uskei no difference bow bad1 yoa____
yoa have...
auakaa ao
pail, makes no dlSareaoe what voa have auNerud
bow many teeth you hare
in the past. Come while j

MotlM to Tax Paynts.

caoiHO aocTH.

IwlUbeUi mf oftee nsill Korawber Isi.
tSH fortkr pnrpciM of rcdtreitav »U» *eh«el
sodcItrorrssaC speetsi as-ri—-bu kvteC .
Is Ifc* elir 'or tbr prior at fi-rai rear.
Ofie* hour* trow Se'elnrk lo I) dO e'elork a.
■ .aaC (TOW I o'rloek to 4 o'rlork p. m.. asS ea

MSB Aamal EzeuiMeu vU 0. 8. * Lte Bkkae&l BapUakar BTtb'i t»
fiatnlt aad ahlage Oot Bth.
Tbe G. R A I. will give their aiWMl
- BiehmeBd on Brpi *

•r ront nonrl.T for I
or too lo.rui •> w tu Jtll UUIMia 4.
____________ ad ee all_____ ^i^d^^d.*nn!aB<) Deiroii,aBdt6.0utoCblaaro.
Oclolwr 1-1 until
krekarired speosJipeftiro
j e*s Wiir be sold from all aUticDa,
tk®. SU tssro-------.................................
^tKovcto^SJUnaw aty to Big Baptda, iaolnri*#.:'*
ISM. will to

PEKR writXBcro.
For Detroit, cboieedf two roBtsev-"f
awT»ea«iiar. barlvon: One via F A P. »* -t
^--------------------------|fr.»EeedCit': tV'-*'-i.v
. . 4
jd M. raihoa.* «r»


Via Ana Arbor raUway, Wmtoeaday.
rallrad dapotat 0:U a- to. Ttekeia to "****9”'
Toledo Md retorn $5.00; ooa ihie from I
Tbledoond pnlata on ibaWboolirrAi ,wor.
LokaBria, HeeWing VaUay. «tio O ntrul. Datnait A Lima Nortbera, C netnamtl. Hamlltoa A Dayton between To­
ledo and Limn and Ohio Ceatral and
Ig Four route batwaan Toledo and

too noble to be uatunl. but it would
perhaps be nniafe to anraa, marks
Youib'a Oompunion. that tboa ai»
many boys in tba same school who
would abow equally w^ under Nmllar
Oaa motBing
ing b^D^ adiool
Stone and Louis had a Uttle tote
Usto. wbo waa 4)uiok tompte. wac
ahpff at firm «Dd igr^tldad Mtotta
fioealy: Imtnftsr all. it was onlyA
triandi; tastoe. and wbau tbp bell tang



AaC to tba mantra CO.



He Has Surprised Them Allt j

135 Front Street.

a.saaaa aass sea
£Sei!«« S88S 189

Tlimsb tbe
rale's euctesrs.
*Xb. de 1 Buw tan to bj- dsrluic's ar
Ordoltatr>e>U.< narkBses cravat

-FtodI-------------- -----

Just as wa axpeetad. nar new;

6ru« Riiiift t iidini K. K

to awaraM santeess rldx s kstcM



Tip lUdii't And papa latM to me:
»v*BrtatdToreof nttiepan^
t„ tim tram tbe
••11ptoeB]yayollIWPB^BtbaL ud rtalrtt
yoo oaa caaily teaob bint anytbiap yoa “f.r***
, . ..... .
^ treea and Iwabea in tbe iM-ighbortwod.
wtob. HewlU tad'weU toehaTedwa
at one of tbe polieesian pieka
itUe Flobert rifle whldi to kept
on band and atarta oot after btoda Tedj,
Iionnid to ml loiitb »bo ^1 jx tta Eo«ll.b ptix. 1 sox dy lolloot elo»
hi. faeela What 0»
looot^B b. wxd, bob xr-xtxl.
, .ooox bribs. down a bird, tbe oat
' botb«thatd(*waaI Hewai lotawoaae
, bonndaafterU Iand brinpt it in to the
Utan taking can of a doU. YonbaTeto ***,****.®'“!r"^ **“ *^^ ^
Bnt when one clinpa to tbe
. j_ii
—k_ -qb t,,,.
Ixnia got hto paper .and mod ready linb at a tree or lodinia among tba
to tawh
ap with
_ wioT^for ia/tbe babywiU __
M —,«•
I ■ ITM«tin.. m,rm
IT w. braaebei, which to often tbeoaae. pnm
m. i. u,d
»—-« and
* P“P^’ Be wac ana it waa
and break
break iu
iu bead,
and too
yon bare
bare ff.**^??*
*«* climbi
S!L.x.b..h.* OO.M I... It 0.1«.
«. <h«
tlx in fato algebra. No. WelLinbiahtotoy optbotrxqolote UxoiaogoooM
gnm, te fear
ntlned on.
and ao he want d!, i, lUi . Iboouid rxn^Jxttlo.
too, It
1, mlgbt
„1,1, ge*
p. nOood
xo “
and tbinitt
like that. Bnt. dar

me, -'
Tip -------------------- -L. w.«w ‘x.d Botbx. It 10—Pl.ll.d.lphloEoo.waaworeftbanadoaendolto!
^ I
Wb« I got tired of playing with,
bin. 1 oonJdn't pnt him away, like I' ’ *
hareyortlaln^ aid Maroan Uua Lontoe, for be wonld follow.
^kDon’t lodge a womao’a ecanplexioa
meaU ora tbe honee. whether J want-!
by tbe box it coma in.
ed bint to so a not Verr often I did ®"‘*:
*."•** **.
. .
ant bim,
bot eomeumn
*:——.—------- ,—. i won iga
him. hot
eomeUinn 1 man
**• into me
^ naoncn
hahltof at
talkiiig to
Oox h.
ha tndXd
trotted OIIOI
aft* ox
me down to
xlS r-txxH ■> ^
foo •" ootllj 1»"4.
HolUateWe bona MolUe wanted qnletiy tore b« p^ aertba tbe midX o wo^ctfol loee:
D**’‘ ottoxPt *« bonow monop
•o .Oiow me ha new whal. and while '**•■■tb.™n™.X^iS“’««»*»> t* •
po,x,b..l. I.woo'.«.dot.™.
we were I
Don’t think beana yon can fool
a chair' BwtanUy tbe etoaa broke into teiaUollie'a c
ma people that otbara an’t fool yon.
^ toto I ooold xop hix b. bit o« .
’’Silencer tbnudered the taatdur.
I Don’t think a man appdEelaMi a ey■ihit
"***pM^”mJ^‘^radona. whatat. Tim be aid in a totwthey had nwar I done beanmbetoarrirfawaywill
I Don't proride yonmlf with a wife
baddogl Don’t bring him here again. bard him tiae before:
Etbcir 1 didn't blame her mneh. and


XUAt liurur tadar. tt nsfak^

Onelareforrrynd'tHp. lieUOet-t4k
. Tiekota good to ratun oo' any rugaInr train uatU Nov. t. IBM. For full to iSth iwtoro Oat. ]7tb- te axtand «A
Plat. Moaidiraet roata, abortati
nnrttaalara and ratee ooma onrlynad
iuffulroof B. W. Ouainiogbas, Agent.
C. R V««;
O. L.


5 .:’T^5W

THB Kosanro



hbooud ajjnoAY, sbptxkbbks^mm

_____expect brfon manj jnrs have pamed
i«® beabletotonooesitoruiaiDfsitiio

Wtrldly BDcrcsa is often not tree soo- mere nor lew than m adaptaUon of the
rew. Few people In the world really , telepbone. with wtaieb it U connected


! placed altmg
lo many to sacoeid means to lay op
fortune: to others it beane to tbe fooUighU in tbenura. Wires ran
mach some high position In tbe social from tbm to tbe central eschange, and
Doliticol world: to otbaa again. It ibemnslo orwhut net U switebed «» to
It U 4ont)tfn} if W17 oSoe in the
.._f— .u...
private wirea. Tbe mme demand there
than .w-----:
tbe aariafy'
no other meaning
MT7. aside tram an abanlnte command, lag of tbe appetites and desiree of life. is for any piece tbe grtater number ef
IBTOIVM an wt a napnodbUit; as that DO matter iu wl
trennnimrTa. In plactsof worship these
To achieve whet we start 'ontin trantmittem, which in aecnlar plama
of aavSsator of a man-of-war. Tbedotiei of this importain i4atlan in torm« lifotoachicxe. no mattw what tbe ob- look simply like ordinary.
jams fell to oIDwn of tbe rank of mai- iect of life may be, is tbe higbea: idea tricka. are made b tbe form of Bibles
tat, tmt with tbe aboUtioo
that that most people bare of soooem. Bot. and do not dhiarb or attract tbe atten
grade iu affairs derolred upon tbe alas, how many do that and then at the tion of tbe wcisblpera. One Is always
E the bijbm
end of life fuel that life, instead of hav-, on lb© pulpit, anotber near tbe altar—
« oaTiftstor
ban cm tbe llat. Dpim tbe
of iug been a snootsa. has been a miserable In fact, wherever the mlniRer it bkely
il^ tbe task
__ of life ta won.
_ but
_ _as W go one Is plaoed. It »s aatonishi
a warship depends not oalr
<f tailorol
Tbe goal
_-_ _• g the
eel’s coort^r for
-----------we’t^ ^*aawn7lwVtbers #nd fades.'i bow mnob tb^ Sunday ac.-vire is m«d
point aoroat tbe seas to whidi ber
and we say to oorMelves in deepest
re-' anc
and bow aften a aohmrlUr will ask to
epest re-1
direct ber. bat also the re,:”This is not what
thought'■ b* "pot an" thr« or-lour different
•bat we thought
^MBsibilitj of pilotiii*
Uocius ber in and oat
bis is cbnrcbM or chapels daring ons aerrtos
This ia not euccem This
of harbor and at oeleoting
a mfeanebormfe anebor- failate.*'
«r>« for
*' ber in e*f*j port visited daring Christ's solemn words hen snggeat
« period of ber cruise. Hence, it fol- two things about true bocccmi.
lows thoL oomblned with a tborongb
L True ancccss comes from giving. ,
MBtioaU'tniuing. tbe competent nsri- not from getting. This may aoem paru- fcbstdtw. Mail
aid* u.
U. Uvr BbiplK>IMeia. ,
gator wort be p
dojical. bniil Istrve- • WhoBOfTerwml
Of geographical. meteorolngical and hj- mve bis life aball low it. and whoso-' The BrittRb pohey of protection for
drcvmphl’cal knowledge. While at sea. over willloeo his life for My «dce shall the BnglUb mm-bi.nt marine has not
be most know tbe Tsmel '■ poeitlcn to a and it." This Is Cbrisl's principleol bemota----- ---------degree, which Deceantates bit taking euoocw. To nud the highwt and truest pmsalioo. When it became advlscble
life, which altaic can be called snocess. to build up English idants ao ** to enlose our liros, wemurt aacriIS in Rmnuettj and trige
floe ibcm. for Christ’s aika and for tb» ; economiraily. tbe ^ntlsh gi
as c-oD’‘taml7 arin ttaroogb deria- sake of bunaulty. True snoeww lies in
ceuirects with private y»^ tat
ttona muoght aboot by tUDOmersble making tbe moot of anr lives for God | the building of vcwcli of war. One of
,d we
do , tbe
largest ehlphuUderi In Eugland
caeses. fruui ber given coorae
and for faumanity. ......
-v vcan
-m never
... .v. —
that if we are sordidly laying up gold. I built four large ireu veawls rf
seldsbly seeking for office or mting

oonstmet a drydock ttm
infallibility under erdinary condldona. ^vwwitb the pl.awii»i<>f life. Self able
in deterujickig tbe latitude, longitude most be eliminated lo achieve snoa-sa. | aaofa.
• built nod finishand error ln\he abip'i oomFam is wbet Hamiliarian leads to exaltation. Tbe
Tbe veesela
is known in^arltime pbnmology as crom it DcoMary lo the crown.
"asntical astronomy ’’ With tbe aid ol
S. True eacecis is eternal, not terna sextant or quadrant for measuring tbe ponJ. Temporal suooeet is an illasion. tbemrmiltcd In lb© ©riablltbineat of
Bldtude of tbe beaveoly bodies above it baa no rualicy. He only sncceods in tbe largcft aud best equipped abipbolldtbe borlMU or xbtit dlstanoe frean each life who baa ao used tbit wvld as to log and niarma engine plaota Jn Eng
oeber. a timepiece to mark tbe instant
himself a wfe entrance into eterof an obaerratiQQ. a ebraocneter to I nal Ufe. "Wbat is a man profited if be land, and today tbe maximum annual
show the time at tbe first meridian, a gain tbo whole world and lostf bia own capacity of English yardi is not far
Corregpood with tbe TnTene City Ltunber CoupuiF.
DauUcal almaaao and an azimntb oom- eonl” or tbo bigber life of (be aoul in from 4,600.000 tons ogainR 960,000
paoi. tbe navigator can rcsidUy deuaWe have for sale Good,
mine bU poRtloo with the Umort aoewtully
for tbe loea cf our aouls bow much leas
A l^ittle more than 80 fttn ago nc
Tbe average voyage ie mme or lew will It pay ni toToaa our aoals for tbe
(boracterited by emoeoaf eerimatea in trifling pari of tbe world that we may
distances wiled, in varying ouRcnta. gain. Tbe wtrld is not tbe true judge navies bnilt in England, and bet pri) plants received not onlj
earelws steering, deriatiou in the ocan- of man's taUure or suenem. "Tbe Son
from tbe British, bot as
psss and nnineroue othta obstaclea, and <d Man aball oome In tbe glory of Hit
apou tbe navigator reats tbe responsi­ tatber. witb His angels, and 4hen He tran other govmunenta, for coastrncting
bility o< adjusting aaob orora. . In long sfasU reward every man sooording to naval vimels. The Euglisb yards enthis cnormons advantage noCU
j uwages aoruw tbe open sm tbe navi- bis works " This asrard will decide tbe
pie of having ber
mplex sDccees or failnie of our lives, and it
France, Roscia
b may be will (ffore that he who lost bis life here
d now only Brit,
summed np as follows; To cover tbe re­ for God. for Christ, for bnmsnity. bat
war vemels
tired distance in tbe abatest space of found it. or, in other words, has snoMill
all deKriptioaa, inclpding TVo Engine*,
are bnilt in England. But tbe English
time with tbe omaJlest expenditure cd oeeded.
........................ and they
Ret Worka, Carnag:ea and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaat
fuel and tbe least wear and tear of tbe
Bible Readings—Josh i 8; EocL ix,
vemel that it puasible.
(or sale.
Z«h. iv. 6: Math, vl,
Witb tbeee objects in view tbe navi­
larkviii. 84-88; Lake employment in new rcustractiao and in
gator mnst prior to sailing superioteod
.99; John xil. 94-86,- 1 Oor. s.
personally tbe stowing of the bold, tbe 81; XV. 68; Col. iU. 17; U Tim. iv. 7, repairs. Tbe British admiralty ii
pwed of trained men. If veaaeU
anangement of ballast, watet, provi. S; Rev. ii, 10; xxi. 7.
b the
tbe 1
be bnilt. they are apporiioued lb
bmt OODceres at a fixed prii-e. and ni
ver ! hmyiral pimaam at t/i lo<m
«ud adjustment <
given to theI lou
lowvst bid-iKl
beOsioe acoustics.
of tbe ship, all of wb'tfb featurea. sevo-1
ally aud collecrirely. gtvaUy affect ber
In this way tbe Etiglish sbipl
new Um m-M ot Wml« Wakes Dm
speed and siwwarTbiucM.
I Indn^try bas been nurtured from tbe be.
Uhii vetael poomoees tbe facilities
DDiug. and It it not surprising tbat it
Since tbe rtiKDt accident to the Prinoa ginni
for making siir, be mnst w hile at sea
It <attained aucb sturdy
proportiont at
axeroiae tbe keenest judgment aud foie- cf Wales be baa been much confined to bat
Hit loveof mnaio ; it now enjoya- If tbti country would
MV._____ —
same, lor mil
sight as to nUlixiDg
tbei ..........................Marltarcrogh
used to rood advantage is a great saver end of tbe playbo%e is well known. ' likewim prcnio
of one). while otherwise, if oned iudis-' "ud frem tbe day when he was brought , duetry. »w g”>
ttly. it may cnull
enuil mu. b low
lost cf lw«n« from “Finlie” Bothschild’s place ^ and rapid. Tbi
dlinir-d In lif.wa.
follow tbo i
time. Tbe expert navigator draws tb —Waddesdon !
A«Bt, to tbe ]
line witb exceediug fineoem between
high fair wind and a gale. maUng th ■ble to indnlg in bia after dinner vesH-lH. which woold eUiLuUte the oremntements. Tbe magic eli-ctrophooe gBOiXBtioD of rlupowiiirH. and tbit
most of tbe former as Icng as his ve
turn would mate a di uiand for a mer_
te not jeoperdind. bearin
bearing bix to at i baa done tbit for him end has
jit tbe proper jxTiodand gittiuRunder cd lo him day by day in bit in^lld chant Diariiiv aud affoid tbe
sr« p»-t sba him ■»
way aguinat tbe first sign of modcraticai | chair at Marlborough House tbe pleas proticiiuo to our shipLoildiug industry
monds. eongt and tuneful music be and our ovcrt«i .sirTyiriB tiwd.^
i S5?iH?‘iE.:rc%x';BVrKi '
in tbe weather. Tbe oummamM da
warttaip npoaes tbe utmoet cunfidesce loves to well No doubt it Is more daligfatfni
in a skilled and cnrtlul uavigator and
XBRiy toterferee
ioterferee with bit Ilians.
iilens. A
AnoaA- will come in time, and meauwbile we
O-M la U
muM take ’’Cfac good tbe gods iiruvide"
-ar cd tbeDunieroutdeiailf coming i
It woold not be surpriiising if anotber (nSTweim
tbe navigator e kupervisicn is tbe keep- aud be cbaiikfni tbat we cun bear.
of gold makers ■■■! **■■»».
Mon than that, the prince baa been mason saw tbonmnd* a
iog of tbcsbip'alag. Tbitisoommenced
oonilng op tbe vallvy. TOat there ie
by him at tbe time tbo v<vael it placed able to enjoy his Sunday diwipatian oa {Old here iu paying qnantiiiea ia now a
in rommiRti"D. and itt pugit record tbe well as bis weekday one—probably well known lant.
Ksan. Bci.
aveuti ( f cacb sneeveding day Tbere ia more than oneecrricoand aermeu being
IM aommer Wbit TerriU and Korabeolaiely notfaUig which traoKpirce of- bmngbt to fait room; for on tbe Sab- man Ferry went proepeeting upon lb®
Oa. SaiNNCv WILL ax at Hotrl
. flriaUy on beard of a mau-ot-war that bstb tbit ingenioua contrivance cwn be huadwaiera of Indian stream.
is out written In the lug. and each day switched on, first to oneand than to
foond traces of gold and were eatUfled
other of popular Loutlic |ircarbrrx jun tbit more was tbere for ebnoe wbo
tbe narrgaiur mnst carry it tu tbe
«jendiBgcfti<»Tfor hit inspection. At I •* on a we«k day the fortunate sob- woold eeek it. Tbit rpring they took in
tbe expitetioo of every six moutha cb« i mnber can roam from one theatm to 1,600 poands of rapplles sod nwlved
Sblpt leg must t« closed and forwarded anotber without getting np fru^ hit to devote tbe eeaann to tbe work. They
to the navy dvpurtiufut at Waablngun. | ebair.
were three weeks taking tbe food, eto.,
where it is pluted among the records.
Tbe wayin wblcbthlseutmtaUmieot- in. No mu bas been able to find tbeir
Tbe navigator ia providad with a ; made-ea*y machine is worked is simple oampiDg groond.
Urge and vanid amurimeut of lomu- I In tbo extrwne and marvelooaly inexMr. Perry tame ooi ttaUweek to pormenu and appIiancM dcidgned tofscili- 1 pmrive.
pm rive. Many people enjoy tbe (
ebase a mioar'e pan and to aend apecilau bia work. While iu port b-!
bi is oftm
often venienor
venienoe ol
of having a telepbone m their
9 to lb© PbiUdelpbia mint. We
detailed to make aurveys of poitioni of I boaae*. and u> those who ate fortnnate aaw .ooe nugget that weighed aaariy
tbe coast line which may be defective ' mongh to poaeew one the ^ of hav
oue founb of an onuoe.
apoD tbe obarti or to detemiine Ibe ex- j ing an elcctropbcme attached—witb apr. Perry was very ctrefnl in bis
aotloMlioo of rocka or aboali which . parataa for five person*, tbe ear enpo. eanrenanou as rt-said* tbe location. He
•a CManev Cr«»» *»v«
* For any of them when it cemes to eelliiig CookifS. ^
hitberto have not bum narked with , oonnecling tube*.—only mna to the weut to Colcbrooic to ooosnlt T. F.
.marlTMlOc ar.1 U>™»
.I email
. ...------------------------Ibis yon
of lbs doct-.r «
earn of |M) a year.
saflicient aocuniey.
Jotaneon. Eaq.. sa regards a miner'a
ere rood rmulU.
We*we got Abont—well, anyway anongb grades to
are uwaled
righto. A number tbuugbt they would
variotu weatbeu induaiors cf tbe vtaeel | ceri hall
R-tum to tbe woods with him. bot be ,«* ,U-«h.raUSjA
ball and ifneen’* ball—to
and mnst rtuder qnarierly repotu of St. Je-“
suit eyerybody. Frlcas ressonabls.
gut BWby wiibuui tlwir knowledge.
all metuorological oiNimiiuonit Them tbout 16 of tbe beet theaters, and to While tbe miners bate oleaued op
arat^en at regalitr Inicrvali by tbe Dumbfts rf porflo meeiinga to varimu anongb for a good torauier's wurk they
^artennaster of (be waub and fully
will remain tu oawp till tbe ground
- antered upon (be sbip'e log. The navitieesei np.—Wert blewarutown (N.
S48 Front Street
4t**-r must regalarly inspoct tbe etcerH.jFrottUiT Gaxetto
ii.g K>wr oompaseos, anefann and ebuin
Hublu> <1 Ibe ship aud daily rrpurt tbeir
N.3odii.aa to the comniandiug offi«r.
ring and enameling, a
. . .
Jaokeep a erparate boidt Ig
1 do give you tbe beet
j ftrorded all oalonUtiona re9 In tbe city
dty tor
for tue
tbe moBoy.
bas boec attempted by many, bat with
, tbe ntivigetion of Ibe vesml
be deceived by what otbeia toll you b
indlffeteut sneocaa by tb© majcrity, i

.rhicb no erasure* are permilied
i Uano. Prtooa 10. IS and M w
tbe oontrary. but acme and am> fw
tar ai bivtnry is conoerned. Alik© ti
Is made. At the expiration of the
cmim tbit book h ftwarded to tbe
^j'gmmutoe all my work to be right
Kingaand If It does not prove so I make 1
bomea rf navigatti’n.
Tbe dntiea rf a ncvigrting officer are
more than ©officieut to fully occupy bia
lime. Lot. ootwllbslauillng Ibia Ucl.
llding, at nortb end of prfo'
tied tbat “Tb© Lost rf Ibe Barons’
bi-IrwiaUiUy eunds hi* walch at sen.
sbnald be awarded ibc first place, with
Wbilv in port b^ v* offidolbeexeco"Bu ry Ertuond" and "Hereward tbe
(IveAjQirvr durinf tbe latier'i abecuce
Wake' bracketed as aeoeud Victor
from tbe vcefel.
HQgo’a‘‘L Hiriarted’nb Crime.” wtaich
- Tbe UlnswioB* Dewey was, doriog
paria. At pnaent it is not granted to has been called "the apotbeorisrf tbe
tbeeurliir pvtnd rf bia caner. an aooutaidos to lieton to a debate in tbt (pedal omie-tnodenL " is a uMarfe
kuowludgtO cxiart a* a navigatOT. and bonsa rf cOBinona witbont tnoie tronhla
Wbora W. H, VLETOtat aorvaa ftt.4
wrpoiary biati
lo bU uuJlcat aUliij in mam artring
eloa r^nlor oNOla for ise aa« B«« r
than they........................
ore to lake, bot.nearly
^ belt
a thin diaguiaa rf I
suiy b* Urgdy acrxiditod bia epUn- ------—
the memtna ore in favor of baring on |
Ttovame OW. SMb LaaehaalBtfaewwIdtoUe. Opaaal)aigbL
did riciory at Manila—PhtladnlptiU oiacttoDbapeappaiataa in tbe bimw. on

New Styles
Of Chairs!

I think they will be winners as they are as light as a cane
seat and have all thebeauty and style of the saddle seat. They
are five ply, veneered seat and back which makes them proo
against Slotting. They are guaranteed not to warp oreplit.
They are moe quarter sawed oak and as nice as any chair that
sellB tor $16.00 per set and these we will sell you for $9.60 and
$10 CO per set. We have them as low as $6.60. Call In and look
them over.


iJ. W. Slater’s House FurnisMug Store!
New Store 120 Front Street.

DR. SPIRRtTjKWiafS.’';^

If You Have Logs to SelL

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.




is not more popnlar than

Air T^M Stons.

I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up.
Save fuel and money by buying
one of

W. J. HOBBS, Hardware.


146 Front Street

We Don’t Have To
a Back Seat
At The Cotta re Home.

Specialist in Diseases of the Eye


Bicvcie Riders.

Watch This Column "Forjargains I


John R. Santo,
GeiHil Itsitaace.

For Your School Rooks
Fifty Cents
Guard Chains

Furniture Bargains

Columbian Restaurant

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