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The Morning Record, December 13, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Second leer—No 602
|Tblrty-FtrU> lCtchie»D Kfty baOaeof
S«iator V.M Again Offar. a j
Anfi»U. '4a.. 0<e. IS.—ileTArAl tbeuBcmonstrwioe.
And penoM visited tbe oemp ^eAterdej. TbereFiBsntAlbAAdcATeAAcred
J>«e)AreA the 1>«aIn of the American jeoneerU.
FAopleforTerH«»rtAlE*tenAlonlAA;. ''Ao order bee been received b; the
wbto the ThlHyfifUi
1 HiebicAQ • Atuehed. drderiu one
BootMo Oompeny of Detroit in the
Archbishop Ireland Urge
Deirolv Dec. i; -Oreo Scotten atetThat Oourse.
ed today that theticotteii lobAcoo ptani
ADd the atock would be tranaferred to
Believed TbAt Be Voloee the Benii- the ContlneotAl Tobacco company on
of Pope IaSO—Decleree That Oea «0. aimaiuni
tT r,
i®WcA Danie. hcotten will be paid fur
nexAUCD necaUM They BAve.arave j i,|, toureei. and retire. Oren will beFenra of Bevotatlona UnderJUtive 1 come ^enerwl manAKer of the SoottoA
i bTAneh of the new tmat.
WaahlnrtOD, liee. 12.-Pope Leo is i
SAldon credible enlho’rily to be work-i
T-.l.lto.. oI clW™. ol U..lr .UW !
■. a. “ C.b.,
•OT for the Annexation of Csba to the, Bethel Doa«. nn Asylom AttentU
Ireland »
ie I
II.1UA ai.bb. .blbbl.bop ImUnd
B.«. Kll.d
Amn-W. ..„„lab.r
Ui, Pbllip."J -i" bWdg ....x.udb, ,.d It i.b.n...d! ,
pine, and atra.n.t the .«,nlaition
heU.oiiH..ih.»oUm.oiofth. poi«.' ^ S.t.rd.,’.
.ppiubd .
foreign terrivor, wltbont the
; «»*«Ac>a.bben. wa. «lcas^
Tb.Sl, l.,„brf.„b«b«d lb W„h. IV**"'
oI l» l.b.b,Tb. ...olb.l... ““
■». -lUHi...,
d.i., .«d b, b.. l.lk.d
-llb...„b« or i„Hd.dti.l .,d.lb„
■' l•'n»..l«|,
: >Vbl»~d.f. .0,1 ,bd dlrf tb. tbll...
Mr. Hoar introduoMl the following!
-------------aj .xpl.l.. tb.t b. .pb.b, ,v.
l.r n.g
tb. :"■•-'■•I "
»' lb.
reeoIntioBs: "That the committee on ,
Kennedy Killed by a Falllae
Cuban*, who want a etAble
"Jlun. is fearful
millUryaffalra be instructed to inquire' Limb Teaierday Afiemoun In the
yoverament that will permit the dc^
and report whether A policy may noil
White Dumber Oo.e Camp.
velunment of ibereamrc.* of the ia"bom be hai not aeen W
be eetAbUahed.by which the Midiera,. „
land in re-.A=.
peace. He
repreeCnu „e
the C-iI ii,.*- in R,r Ciiv
who formerly
............................... 12. -TbU --------—
- of IberecoUrarmv. with famiiic or
*- ._ bae* of
„r . >''•«! m B.y City He is caotin* an
parcDta depeadior. upon them.
of »«v Territoir by the Untied | brijAde to be roAdy to etert for Cnt»
As the Tbiny-Bftb is in
VAehlnrton. I)ec,0 -lo the aenaf
P>°f Won. end neerly folly eo.ip-
“■'" j
Shid about them. This U only to aay we have them
for the mantel, dresser or table, and in all the styles.
Oandlostkske, inkstands, paper ws^hU, pipe holdersin the new black iron and ib all shapes; inkstands in
all the odd shapes and newMt styles, gold, silver, iron,
brass, glass and composition.
1 220 Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
,' p_bb.„b..p.lrs^br,d..tn,..
wllb bj tb. lb.,., ...llb.bb«.
. .
„,„„„.t. laiau
„„ ..M.
,„:.b1 o.«b.,r,l.llbUt..Ubr -,.b.
vuc wuittrAuuabv
-------- .— Tb. .I.tlm ot tb, dl.l—to, 1Sp~totoA bbd
Foe Hinkley'd Trouble.
the war, or nnder aaiuraneea that they 1
^ aamarrled and la put'“tey have been faithfat uphoiaere of
Joe Kinkley was arrested yesterdsy
^ the Eoman faith, It IS expected the i afternoen for beinr drank and disor-1
•d, b. btotopUTdltohtoBtototd U..,r
pope is seeking to protect
them from | derly.
irolecl them
derlr. Be was Uken
taken before Jadge
Jude* Ro
plMM b« flllto bp P.W tocrbilA"
__________ ■
,the wrath of the
berta and fined >3 and costs amonnung
Hr. Vest of Uisaoarl. then called np{
The belief Uiat Archbishop Irelandlu>82.
A resolution offered last wr*k. declar-T
rev* ea.
! U speaklnr for Pope l.eo is sirenathen-'
ioftbai the constltotion confera no I
»P«ml meetlncof the
by many evidence* of the vaUan’a Set hew
Vowar on the federal government to ne-i
* r•“*
n»e of the distinguished Amerit-an Ca-| Or bow cheap, but how good. Cha*. i \
origmal baker.!?
baker, f
ejnlre territory to be held and governed:
"Ul *»* •»«>'»
Lawrence, ther original
- 1I thoiir
tbolic in
in aemi-dlplomatiemisaiona
ice to the poblic ?
_________ ^________________________
Let^ Ij ^
as eoloniea. and addreeaed^ ; SutesI set, this afwmoon at
pope gave a striking proof of bis favor j thu*he*dtir"noi““m to mal^ the] i
the ticnale thereon. Be didn't propane. 1
memher attend.
le to public koewledge.
biggest, cheapest, but beat loaf of J
ke said, to aay anything that would { Buba Urattop. the InfanldanghUr of, Be offered Archibisbop Ireland the dio-1 bread in town, smndard weight. {|
naeesaitoteaaeereleesaion. as be had j.Mr. and Mra. Ueorge Oraitopof Boon-jeeae of the Philippines with the pro-1
lion siresl. 'phone 1:
no intention of diacnasniog any treaty : vllle. died Sunday afteroooa. The mlseofacardinars bat. B» friends!
d be refused these tempting j •
-------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- -------------------------------toiptowte
alien Qiates.
honors U.B
hU lu'c
love tor
for uie
the x.folted
Sutes. j.
•y dpprppriate to discom the powers of j Matnrduy evening Jnstiee Brown nn-1 and his belief that the work ahoold be
the United Smtes goverameat uader: ited ia marriage Alexander Mason of ia the hacd.* of a young man. with a
knowledge of Spanish and perhaps of
Mr. Vest said that our forefathers ' Bay.
~lH»rT ..r.;.,, .bd .b. I.ll.»d tor
tobjlkl tor tobt
«.to« ^UOb j a,j
rtthobt topn«,.UU«, ul tb.t
in'u Beward.
ntoUtotU. Ot Ibd.|tobdUto wu . |t„,b„
Waabiagton. Dec. iS.—Senator Burdrawn np with the Idea that all ^v-1
rowi has aecnred the appoiatmeat of
ernmeata derived jost powers from the ; _
eonaeat of the governed. It is Incrodi-1 .T***
Compayy M and the Bdaa Pout, a resident of Northern
old members of the Hannah Rifles will Miebigao, as clerk lathe ugricnltura]
ble the founders of the gover
a time evening In Kaighu of Pyi
could have looked forward
He had a eoufereacc with SecreUry
when mOlions of human beings could, ...
b.h,M wiUto,. th.1.
to b.
•nm.itoUo. ottb, Alger and asked that CoIoduI Peter
man of the Thirty-fourth Hiehtgan. be
Altobtodbl to\to..tolp, powm ,I
out wimn the regiment
finally discharged, with tbs brevet
r q- c ed from the Deed
of A more guitable
Scott deeUion of the Cnited Sutes Sn- of the company, with the view of be- raak of brigadier gaaeral. He was
|>reme conrt and declared: ‘-I assert comiag a part ot the Hiehigan Nation, told it could not be done, bat that Col
aow that not one tribunal ora aiagle al Unard when it ebaU beeome reorgan onel Peterman would be uniubly revrarded ti specUlact.
4>nblic man contradicted that part of Bed.
. tha Dred Scott deckion until within the
The coffeeeerted.at theOnmpaaylf
Mow They’ll Oo To Work.
laut six months, wbea the erase of ex- banquet Saturday ni^t wae daaatod by
panmon seems to have taken pcaaeMlon Wilhelm. BarUK A On., and
Now that Company M has been mas
of the Amerieaa people."
Bed RlbbM brand.
tered out the uoldier bon an acatterthao s uie« pair of
Clem Barts of Monroe Omter, and ingand reanming their varioas voeaL CapUio Melatosb wentto Man
Miss Joliet Seymour of Ornwn, were
married Sunday eveaiag by Jnstiee istee yeaterday aad began hU dutiea
Uame too Lata to bdBead at the kaaCharles McIntosh at the reaideaee of again as eondnetor on tbe M. A N. E.
qnet of Oompaay X.
the UtUr. The yonog eouple will railroad. LienUnant Classen has been
either for a lady or
at his old poat in Prank Friedrich's
Owing to the aarly cloalag of the make their home at Hoame Center.
local office ot the Postal Telegraph Co.
On Saturday night Bmeet Cooper, e shoe store some Ume and Lieutenant
Company M and their friends were de member of Company H. lost a *30 bill Caapp has begun work ie Bamum 4
Ton will have no trouble
nied the pleasare of Ibtealag to a
either in Poreatera' haU or before Bari's jewelry etore In hit old position.,
in eelecdng a pah- from
mnaleatlon from Goveraor nagiw reaching Uiere.. The finder will confer George Doyle is baek ia the grocery dc-'
which came to the |B*eldeat of the
oar stock.
favor by retyping the bill te Mr. partment of tbe Mercantile Oo-, Dick i
eompaay the moraiag -following the Cooper ofloriiag it at the-BiiOoKD ot- Innter has gone to Uke e poeiUoa ia a
eawa) etoae ia Wexford,Oecar Thomas
haaqucl and reeeptioa. The —-----igt
A look
and John l&tman have resnmed their
reed at follows;
‘note who fynlahed dUbca, etc. for old fwntee on tbe poeiofEce delivery.
It It with much regret I am obliged
to deny myself the honor of atteadlar theCorapanyUhanqnet and who did
the banquet and reception tendered not have th«^ property marked can
Thanks for Valuable Aasistance.
Company H tonight. I abeuld uke
ire It by ealling at the
Tbe Misses Hiaale and Marie Beitner
great pleasure ia meeting the buys
again. Trust you will have ao-enjovwish to publicly thank tbe hnsineas
able meeting toulglt and many more
I. the housewives and young ladies
Misa Lola Chaae hau reanmed her da- ABC others who so kindly assisted them
H; S PisfiBKE. Covemor.
Uee as bookkeeper In L. Cornwell's with tbe prepsratiODS and in csirylng
Pemonal. •
_ _____
out the arrangemrnu for tbs baaqnet
'•“■'■’■.r. Ito. t.kto.k.pf given Saturday evening to the hoys of
B.U to. ptolUtoiof toito..,, .. »r. |.iu„ b. to.to..l, b«bpl,a 1. Bo- Company M. Tbe efforu ot
lAwntoto'. tollltotoT .tor. tor to.,,
b.tor. ,olb, to ladies who gave much of their time
U.,.. b.. totonito to h. fa... ini Cob. with Comp..JM.
and valuable assistance when needed
Andrew, Slrder, one of the Company aremneh appreciated, as every effort
Mra. A. H. Brown went to Inland
M boys who has been 111 almoal all the helped to make tbe affair a sucemi
yesterday, called there by the iU;
e»e since his *um from Cuba, is
of hersUter.
Bfodem Woodman Xleotioa.
again very eick. '^
Mra. K. M. Gardner and daughter,
At the annual meeting of Dnehrn
Margaret of Grand Rtpido. are visiting
Prrd Brown from Fort Kyer.
Camp. No. 2.34S. Modem Woodman of
tbs former's parenU Mr. and Mrs.
laut nighv the following
Fi^ Brown, one of ihs recraiu of ,
. Wiillam london of Blgbtb street.
C. .t. Barker of C&lcago arrived In Company M. who left here for Cumpl®®”
Alrer. retamed lakt nigbt,lo3klng thin '
C.—Chaa E. Howard.
the city ;..,;eveniBg.
Ol Charlevoix,
Gnanerou. who has
health. He wcon-j
Smith of
thegut-stof Hrt s. Garland, left tm I
montheand received a
■ight for Detroit where ahe will *pund ID«*®>>er 4ih. He
the wiitriL Her father, Wiliam a. ! »«>»
hia home at Fine Grove and
For the people, and at prices
•;■ came
to this city
last algbu «; E- s«»Smith, -.-T" on .................
■-’■viiM to ChurTevuix.
L. A !'ra:t' has n
that make them
n a hoal- I wa* met at tbe train by alarge numhcr.l
I of friends.
-trip to Arm Arbor.
l^eM.iH...i;Hiiocr'.are entertaining:
____ _____ ___
Alternate—L C Uickeraon.
E. W. Auv.lo of K.,n Leavenworth.
Special Sale..
Men’s Wool
Cassimere Suits.
^veral• t—
styV----------ba.. ..o. vab
^.v^os osy
___A.____ 11____J.
sack cut. Well made, trim
mcd. ctc.. Well fitting^ garments
—These suits are sold at $5.50
and $(>.00 and worth every cent of those prices, but
we offer you them for a short time at ^.45.
All sites.
Reliable Dry Goode. Carpet
and Clothing House.
b the bwt dgar in the market for
-Five Cents.
PRESENT _________ A. W. JAHRAUS, Tennoljor Hloet
Slippers, P'or Christmas
means a sale.
Popular Shoe House.
Goods... ^
r. 11. P.to,: 1
O. M. l*4U.'oI Northport was in the'i ■AtorItoO,to.ltol,„n«.''h...bto.i
A *«-iea of revival serriime have been
City yeiterdir on basil
. the
. Evangelical
, commenced. In
chureb : y**™’
^ J’**'*'
. Barry tLlilib and Giibiri Hodges of,»“<l"*l>
c3nduc'.«d erery ereniog ’
-------------------------Mayfield wi-rr visitors in town yeeur-;
weeks Etr. S. SaU- j
Lcland Stage.
jbery will be aaaisud this week, and! Jnlins Fraua of Lcland wUl rim a
Sear it Talk.'
j antil after Sunday by Bar. J. A. Frye. l.uUge between that place and Traverse
; Step into the W W. Kimi^i sbm i
Rapid! and there will I City. Be wUl leave tbe former osi Frif» Front itreeii Md enjoy the gramo^ i
e»«i>««g. A cordial 'dayaandwUlretnrafromthieeUySatphone and If yon like it. boy It. 4sMf j In.luUon U^atended loaU to alfond. t nrdaya
Call and look at our goods
before purchasing.
W. C. & B. i Gaonett,
187 Front Street '
Meet p<qralar dgar In N
Every dealer aeUs it. Made by
Be Interested_ss^
In our new display of jBwaliy,Bavlland OhiBawaz«r
Silk Umbrellas, Stringed Xnsi^ Inatniments,
Strings for all lastminents. Oomplete lines and
everything new,,^ A personal inspeetioB is snre to
1-3 Off
on Ladles’, Misst
Misses imd Children’s
For.lO Days Only
We rill drop oor already lor prices «U11 lorer.* If prices rllj
move them re will not carry over a eingle garment. Rich and
poor alike will W>ble to bay the most useful df presents for
Chrhtmwjciii^ A cloak, cape >r Jacket below maoafactnrerB
■prices, '
,/ ThisTs an effer fee can't afferd to miss.
R-member ^ off oar regalnr bargain pricoe—at
to.!'TTntnn streets
Oomsr of 6tb and.'Union
THK Muaeruro
aboobd.tdbbdat. decbmbbb is, ism
Colonial Possessions.
■M T.
'*.W BAVim
*»» J.
•• j
By ibe tfesty of pe»ce afreed «. by the comml«loi>w
and M*niR=.' I
Suta*. ihiacooBiry beooiB*a the Do»»««jrof ail tie CO
----------------cle, of Spain except tboae la Africa and tbe CaroUae leUada With ibe acquire„ meat of thla eiapire by coaqaeal and of the Uawaiiaa Ulaod. by aaaaxatloa the
ttSSJkViSr'• ■ ■ •
• S ralteJState, at oaeeatepe into the rank, of the aattoae hariait rreat foreipa
i BfTUre in inlerBaand will hereafter cat a a
■ •li! tlonal politice than in the paal. Tne a a and popalatloo of
I prceent, at leant, are at
t. el (he PaitaBoe at
Mlek. •• eeroo. elMs-■
The Territory Acquired from Spaia Places the United
States in the Rank of Countries Having Great
PhU^ln. Uland.
Porto Bieo..
Snin Ulaod*.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of taitar*
Safeguards the food
against akim*
' luAtfS' ba. Bade a
Total................................................................... .................... 1*0,«5
itlo^ ie Cuba and be be•tadyofo.
ed by purTo tbeee .bould be added the territory 5Pt
tiavM tbet the i.laad .boald be apinexIBM or annexa|oo, me followa:
iqwn the market.
•A to the railed SUtea And fa bi.
AreatnSq. M.
PapnUllon ^ Soap b.« bi»ii ill air for 8.00^0
1.000 jtmn I
Prices? h
and Indeed a little less J
A Bitfle. A
afforu in that> direction be 1. eAid to
ISO.OOO I and i*
meulioucd in the
many Inferior grades.
109.U30 few yearK upo a HMp boijpr'n( »hoD we. '
aoloe the eeatimenuol Pope Leo. ,^e
Glad feet. Glad pockets. Glad hearts. What'
--------- ^ ] di*«m‘r«i >u
hariOK been burt the better, elemore do you want for Christmas?
wat of Cabana aad the bearieet
... «»8.5C5
Ul,4tW.Mt 1
fpil oppu
<,j,y -a A. D. The
arty owaen are fearful of a home -gbrCompared wllb the colonial po
•eat BriUUl tbU iabalaapeek enap foiiiid in tlie .hop hwl not In»t oil
lament.-becauee of the liabiRtj^of
itnoOiriM-y. alllioaph it had beeu buried
ODe-Sftb the toreirn wrrilory of Prance, bat
amone the oaUree a«ala.i' ▼orably
“ **“
which rire. l.b00yeai.c-SuiVr.noieoo New. Let- jusPront Street.
with other eonntriea.a* may be Men by
The Old Reliable
M coUbliahed corernmeat, and that the area and popalatioo of the foreurn poMfuaioa. or depeodenclc. of the
the intelli^Doe of Cuba woald much ^on* which lead in thU jiarlicular form of property:
frefer to lee the ieland a part of the
Art«inb%. H.
Pnpolalioa Fssey Ckm. '
United SutM. There U wladom in
Clrn.ipeiittog ' a t.preiaHy
Name. I
t Britain..
eaU and if Cnba can be
printed on eaken to order, by Chn» A. ^
•oaapared with the Central America^
lAwrenc-e. ibr oripnal baker. aiT
s,sin,7o7 Union street. Thone I*»
Matee it U quite likely that a naUre
IS. i.7,71.
IWeernment would not be the .occeM
I the Amerieaa people deelre and hope
If the impreaaion. left upon the
American aoldien and their officer, are
io eonnt for anything, there ia common
in the idea that the CubaAs are
ttnable to gorern thesuelrea Beeidea.
Kew Par iliia.
the death of General Garcia, one of tbe TWO HUMOROUS BROTHERS.!
boM> 6... ..
rnllng apiriu of Cnba.
Wsa w*cm Ml ta« IhrMixUi «<
Ttirlr Owa’ BomellMM.
to eatabliahing.a stable governm
la Grand ^id. tonight there wUl
he a meeting of local anti-imperaliaU
who mean to organlra a mrannoo.
ngaiut urritorlal ^tension.
With Grand Bnpids arrayed againat
the aeqairiUon of new territory there
•konld be no reaMn.ble exenw for ear the expan.ioo of American
Mtarpriae beyond tbe shorM of Uraad
Metaraed From the Klondike.
~ A. L. Kellogg ha. retnrned from
Klondike gold region and will remain
<er a time at ieaatin-this city.
:ity. He
, ^--geft hi. claim on Stewart riverr in Srp'
ffimber and came home by,way of St.
Kl^uelt to SeatUe. Be .late, that
Oit of the -Ji.OUO claim, on the qaeen'v
aeil about 200 dr 3w are paying.
The law. in that eonniry are that
•rwy othei lOLClalma are rceerred for
<h« erown. llVKellogg left tbi. city
nacly iMt springer the g^d ragiou.
llanyyrai > air> ibiTvwcre two broth
era, named Ji»-1 and Jonathan, who Jewinh OommeUL
were fani'ia.tbrunKhiiul Wayiieoonoty.
------------------------Ihd.. Iiwaoiw Uii«y w«ee IxHh (inch '
friKlitii One day they were on tbdr ; .WtyllU—Are yon rare yfo lore »•?
wav pi Cincii
Cincinnati by wagon in tbe Oorydeo—J ongbt to be.' 1 think 1
tbr'old canal. Tbe wagon wa. have bats in love often ennogb toreoday*
lye of the'.ill
the ourerod variety, and only Joel ognlce the'aymptoma —
wan virilile to the natnral eye
roliirle plnuKcd into and rml of t^s]
ebnek b-ilt-H that lofiwtrd the way. Joel .
Otoeeverad by a Woman.
wa. Mill to be the next to tbe drIIpM
Another great ducovery has been
n.ui iti all tbe country ruond. and bia lade. and that.
1. too.
by a lady io this
brother took precede
eaM fastened !u cliticb-
I will have a car load of fine
is BhowiDg a very lai^G Ubg of
Book Cases.
Combination Book Cases
and ladies Desks.
Ig autlqne oak, g^dan oak.
mahogany, birdeeye maple—
and we ttre mbkiog apecUl
Come in—look them over.
h^re on Wednesday, Dec. 81.
This will be a fine lot.
Call at Brodhagren's barn and see them.
1 cyi sell you good horses cheaper than any
one else in Traverse City.
you luimi b lliu inn your namci"
In a M'puU-bAil tuue (bat bticd well
__ .
T\» L-.n..-.
TI _ _. _ L.1_V;
thebWp.mefa.v Jm-lreplp,i:
ubot'.icoff Ur"i^ogv'’Ni^
House Furnishing
;-\tvll, Iguivvl hatn'l never done
tkinsumpv.on. aud wae so much re-1
nothin that would make me attained ],evtd on taking ihr Aral dose Ual she , R« Si
to Ifll tny nainv. My name is Joel"— alept all nigut: and with two boultw I
••winredo yoo live, if it il a fair haa been akaclutely cured. Her name:-------i» Nf- Lulbcr Lulx." Thus write. W.
* Co. of Shelby. N C
• W. II. stranger, 1-ve seen mm.-b cd .Jri*l bottle, lo cU. at th. drugeto^
Indianny. b.., I'll U-t y.,u «ID that
J. «.^Johnwn. Begu•yon'ro tbe nglie^^
man in the state.”
heorge Bipas Birthday.
guublin loan,”
Kr. Oeo^e □. Sipes of West Fourhatn't I
?cr CkriftOM
h atiek bad a birthday Saiu'day nutblu in (be Si-riptor' sg'in betlio on a
Look at tbe elegai
ha eviiing about tu ny of bia
••1 tka
I. smalt
grteadaealled upon Urn nnexpectedly to
------------------ r. —.
-I I •
IIIw^ him eelehrate tbe event. U.ate*. ing into its depths bo called :
ver used—A remark we
card* and danetag helped every one
pcaaCBt have a good time, and an oyster
r e>rery day in regard to
Tbe Bttauger paid tbe money
•opper was eqnally enj >yed.
a word of oomplaint.—New York Mail Bring yitr^nrkeyi
: to Chaa.
Mamerons pretty tad valuable prM and Exprew.
laa. A. I.{.Awrenee.'
the origleaj
r, for roasting for Chrisi
Mta will help Ur. S.^ee to remember
New 'Ymt-‘a
' dinneia. &I7
the oeeurrence as wall ns-bis frienda
ON A BIKE BUILT FOR TWO. | atreei. -pbot
MCkriiuiiii cmt.'**'
"•■Z f
Whiat Oltsb Keeting.
-• Was KM Kaewa j.
Members of the Traverse City Whiat
Osb and other* interaated are relliug
iug along
along' the avenue when be j
qMeted w meet at the office of O. P. toticed a prett;
[iretty girl m a neat cycling j
Onmr this evening at fi o'clock for the
atidiu'g by a tandem. She had |
lixing for the win- .her bar-k tann-d in him. bnt be
B. MrNai
n>-iame. bad a neat aukle
and a nii-ely amiugi.l lot'(it hair. liax.
B. J. KorKBXi, Prop.
J. A. Lokxm.ek. aeeretary.
ter is vity |*rti.;n r ab-int a girl's
hair. This girl lisAt-d
lisAt'd ..n attractivi- ihai
Four paira of heaiY bob sleL,
SaBtiago de Cuba bae an ecolalx* be ^nsed. Tb-re
«*iiurthing la- two square box cotters and ‘one
'b-Te was viiiurthing
Menl diMiuctinn. and that i. that it ii thelic in biT attitude, n W.ought. Was
rell bodY cotter.
4fae oldert bishopric ip the weeUim she waiting fur a cavaliiT to jniii bur
weridi Wbrn all PcimHylranis wa* a on tbe tandemr A wild idea enuinri
Baxter’s hiad. He would do a dazing
to tbe girl, ene
him as
1 me.” he Ungfalngly said,
-c yon looking fur an aocompaind be pomted^ tbe tandeip.
an work of lil/tievi
stM*. rise stilC
work »«rrrlaJiT.
Baanah. tor * Co. Blet*.
“nowthst you nxmUem 1
nearly all Central Amerioa,
A momeot later
ttp the Mraet. When
dark, they tunifd back.
“My tandem?” criedihegirL “Why,
it in'C mv tandem.”
“Not your tandem?" abonted Baxter.
"Who» is it, then?”
••Why," raid
d the girl, “I tbooght it
“Beavena. no’* groaned Baxter.
“But you acted as if ft was yoon,''
In Cocbin-Cbina when husband and raid the girl.
irile find they can 10 lougtx agree they i .••Wi'hat ihaH- are do?" moaned the
rIts a dinner, *
which they invite ■ »jtl •
Miair lalations aad tbe
’Take it beck,” said Baxter.
vlUage. Tbe toter daring tbe mral | go thry nrie hack in silflooe, and
the chopRick. of tbe pair and | ^ben u,e^»erawhont a WotA away the
braaka them, and by hi* action they girl raid:.
jn lagaHy divorced.
"1 guess I’M stop here.”
Tellew jaanOMa Oarad
Leaving tbe iOindi-m at near to tl
BcHering hamanlty ahonid he sup- place where bo faw it a* be ronld, i
arnttled awayinWdarknera.—Cyclin
Tbe latest oonaua proves that in «ppm Tifth avenue there is a stretch at
■oaaffi a mile and a half long tkiat coodaeas of millionaitea. It ia for
to Ingcb the highest sociaUy. the must
Wtffiiiectarally haodaome and by far
As Boat wealthy street in the world.—
Mew York Telegram.
the follewing: “This ia tocerUfy that
1 wa* a terrible sufferer from Yellow
Jaondice for over six montba. aud was
treated by some of the
in car dty and all to
Bell.I. our druggist.
trie:Bitters; snd after taking two bot. Uee 1 WM entirely
I BOW take
great pleaenre in r___________ _______
to nny person enffering from ibis urri_______ I am gratefully yours.
M- A. Horsrty. Lexington. Ky " Sold
'y B. E. Malt and J. G. Johnnra. drug-
Tbe aiipplefft and surest remedy f<
blackboCds is tbe bathing of one's face
every mgbl with very l<ot water,drying
itewilh a soft towel aud tbon rubbing
in very gotitiy some cold cream, per
fumed or .not, as yon fancy. In tb«
morning wash your face well with bol
watte and soap and tben give it a batb
in tepid water, to that all the aoa]
Union St.
You may prefer Brook Trout or Black Bass, but this is not the proper time of^^
.year to indulge
_ in either ol those kinds. But it is just the time to come to our Gro- ^
eery Department, look at our display of fish, and try any of the following, all of ^
are extra choice, •••
in ........
---- ------------------------.. condition, and good to eat: Smoked Salmon, xPickiv-a.- ^
led Salmon, Canned Salmon in H lb. i lb, and 2 lb cans. Smoked Finnan Haddies, ^
Smoked Hallibut, Smoked Med. Scald^ Herring, Salt Herring, White Hoc^ Hoi- ^
land Herring. Salt Mackerel. Canned Lobster, Canned Shrimps, Canned Clam #
Chowder. Imported Sardines in Ji's and i^-^'s. Domestic Sardines in K’s, Musurd
Sardines in Ji’s, Cove Oysters in 1 Jb^and 2 lb cans, and last, but not least, try our ^
Bulk Oysters. No water, but R oysters direct from Baltimore three to four times a
(■ -'
Even if you don't want to buy any of these goods, at least come In and look $
^ them over.
The place-------^
Jacob Furtsch,! :THE
Phone 34.
from the "BEST” wheat in Michigan.
lie Bid.
Tbe New Wheat Food S Ifi:
Far BUperior to oatmeal or 1
other breakfast foods. It is
the ideal moming food. '
This excellent article of 1
diet and a full line of
For sale at the store of
It's to vour best interest to patronise home in
dustry. Use the “BEST” flour, which is made
Rose’s Carnation
PHIsbury ||
When we are al! dependent upon each other,
Pioneer LiYery Stable!
Like Ours
Pine Expectorant
In a City
f^oVdi 0^ TJdkVX^au.
5V\oT\,‘3TcsVv”KevBsS\QT\es j
Di«pit( (Ijp fart Ibat
ibat tbr txantrofa
oil aicbrd fm la mwhapprw-iato)
f projilo of ao artlhtir ton. of IiDind,
• boro lORfmioc . b.T
. .poeta ami DOtil late!
lateljr U(.
At Melamora mad AoKa are playinit, n*ii dar oooanllod Dr. LoTalley. who tnakora, thiio baa boon Doril
kaaoc amonf tba farmera. be*eral I found a bole tbc aiz« of a bullet ander Itn lutareat. from a trirutiSr point of
tIow, laltru
«ue«cha After connoUberrf'________
little boy/HJ. M|U„ had a batr | alderable trenble. be look out a piece flat feet are tl*o«a«on of .•.mai.lentble
breadth cectpe.
lof the whip laah thref-qoarter* of an lieen reffcrinB. procTallyrreomi.B from
At KaoxTille, Temt. tbe Tblrty-firet;
ooe-quarler wide, and aa the breakinR down of the arrb—that i*.
mebkffaB waa buried beneath a beaTrlhard aa wood, wnicb bad broken off] ihedirplarF-nunt of Mtne of ibo many
wet anew yeeiarday The rifle ran«'•»! bei^e Imbedded in tbe cbeek, >»«* »>“'»
. wa.oo«iplei«l Saturday and M.jorUm^ when he ermtked Uid whip.
{ OTerarrum or-nned.-e—---------------I lar atrnrluro. A^« weiRhtof tbe body i
ah narebed bU battaltoo there Sunday
tbe foot.tlicge
.thege iit
morsloff. but it wae eo wet tbe eoldien
probably had tbelr two mUe walk for
I that tbean litlK
l)d boD<
baa broki
At Uaalnff. AImio Perry.wboebarc- Etheridge, near lb^eri*U^oi*oItn^!l'“P mbbiiip aKain< roJh other, aud
canned tbe
ed W. A. Killer with tbc murder of K. j and haa ibua farrcat^
j Comuiooly „,p
the peraon afflirterf in tbi.
O. Lauaua laatapring. waarleen aeen-' four bead of valuable
: way ibiiiln that be*or .be haa rfaentuac of eight yeM ul'jacknM priaoB 11>« cauM of thia diaeaue U a baetlae
ti>m aud let. It po at that Cutil
for perjury.
' ‘
atnall germ which bai iu habitatiou ormly the only remedy wa. a .teal wiled
in tbe ground, nod tbe dUeaaa u either; ebne that va. rluu<7 and bravyT^he
nming. Iiiiau‘'iu-
A Poker Came Im Wbleb Twa BlB«.
era Poaahl (a a eiaBdetlll.
“Wlien 1 lived in .<^'rill^ wnn«
yeart apo." mid Bank'T^Wluter. the
minnrel. "I Bwflrii.i .iiiBad the Xaebville Amerioau. a biR daily newepapw.
abaDjte.iiwuereliip cat a pair of deuoee. j
"Dune Cooper ownnl tbe eontrolliiiR ■
atock iu Tbe Arucrlcau and waa eonild- j
ared <tuite wealthy. Me wut oneof that
Clara nboare unujrroQ'thioQRbi
elate, who.
tbe ayiuu Roei". •have
monc’T to bnrti. • and who enjoy oetblng |
more than aimriK I'ehiiid a line borre, |
uulere it ia aittiiig bebiud eeveral stackt i
" Wbeu Che lafrielatore weein eeMlon.
we were piraity
|ht iu the Met
nwcll hoteln'iif tbe place, in
which tbr.UMitidi of dollar* oban'g^;
Consultation and Eiaminatlon Free and Sirictlf Confidential..
B. S. & CO.
THfc CkLCIlUATSt) HPkTiauirn or TBk
T3ra.-v-e3?8e Oity,
Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17 and 18, 1898.
Ofiee Boon from 8 «. Bi to 4 p.m.
“IJniie Cooper wa. r^ie of
boWart '
player* of the .late, and a«i to t
perb.pa wa. Jrrty Baxter, a leadiug <
cilirvu aud poUiiciau, and a very i
wealthy fellow Bntb were good al;
blufliiip. end when they rakud in a gorid
pot it juat seemwl to tickle them imnicnwly.
“Onenifflit Cooper aud Baxter got in !
,p]j. ; lawmaker*, aud 1 clieocrd to be in tbe '
diflicnlt to treat thin dieeaae aueena- to he pbeed iup.wition. it ('JO'be [Thiusawnnl Blong at n pretty;
Tueadavau’d Wadueaday of tbU^eek t'
fully, remedies thn> far proving nu- chiingesi___________
at ^
awl(ile. hut honor*
in cue afaoe l auotber ....
. A veo- •ipterretSr^iVm^i w; ^
availing, but vanxination with a weak- wiiL
j «d to be nearly T-vl'a. OwipiT aud Haxarvunged
e will be made .
■ ................... ,ened virus, from tbe diaeaae has proved; lu pra>»1«i 1* «« eimply aa aenp-j
wore laying
byannmbcr of
' pwr,
f • hey never play
pOTi, literally
litcrully h.il.ling
hohliliK up the
tin- h.,i..si
hiiii.si and!
Tobaceo cbeweh. tbouid beware leet
, „
‘ ji u u
. <
giviiiB llieiu
lliciu «u
au oppnnauitv
(ipponauitv to alip hark 1I *^ **‘*“ • I'um. the pnwpert wa* that
they meet tbe aame fate « Cam
county :
'•••“. lujiuf. their rro|*-r
pro|*-r placre.
|.l»c«i. While,
oiiy "in■•in-II « they did lo^ hiwns there woold be
cow did rtaxQily. ThCL-ow. a
o«'-‘‘«tcd llueai;^ fXweo^ flftb eoi,.,hc- approximate al.apc will i •»>" P^«y UH battiug before the
(d op
able Jerrey. got ioto a barn where !
Congregatio^ cfiksroh while give relief, the U« nwul.a ar- reached | ‘»*bdn were turned
ly Md a only whi i. otii> i* repw iBllv tuade from ' "** •*"
'«>’y •"“•t befeue the opa
mime tobacco bad been bung up u. dr, :
*" ~
be WOT- acnMorim|,n-w.iouof ibe VooL a Rrcat!
aud the iwu got nt it . f
audateeome of iL Three poor. laUr^^
While prt’io-rtjon of lh.. i*«ple trouhhsi with i ktmmer aud Icuik*. It wo* a Ing pot, i /
y.f 0“*
fla* *"•
f« «t ™t»'“
"»»<* *«•»
trvm *be
the north of Koropo, j!
W'-f" drawn and •
b midat of
many of them from the lowland* of <x(?- “•c b;;ttiuij riminivnn-tl there were four
At Nile*. Jai
Tivi^ member of the
l"ederal eeiPpn* went t;„rope. elrai.g. ly . i.ooKh. arc widom ‘‘■■'•R did o-.t gel atiiui>d iR-fpre Cooj
of 1S47, when OetivU WM t^^Dilal ■
«. wsv^pimi.
tronhl.d Wiih auylhiisK (if the aort. “»■<*« a plunge, aud Baxter
it •
died Saturday sigbl.
e wa*
waa raised. A hurried acrumble Tlii it in«* jw. (*p< eially in the caao of ' bnad that mad* the ntbor two drop onL
i waa made for the exiu. but fortuately Wiiuieii, nrr m-ariy alwaya higlilv arrbed
There aeema to be no endto the; no one waa Injnred in the r.iab.
andfipelyf.mued.—.svir Vorktribuue.
bard. He raised the bet gb.OUO apd
Iben remarked in a half jesting way.
cap from a local cloth- g;.
‘Tfaal'aell Ibeataff I've got here, hnl
I'd like to bet luy atock in The Arnett- i
I SewtraVT^evos &Uwvs
■ SVeawed. 5totw Sver^MoVvaTt •
"Witbont tbe lesat show of nervto pay aeveral Umes the ordinary price A
ooKDHn or anxiety Baxter retorted, I
to keepoalof jiil.
■Pul np a doe hill for it.' Cooper took'Tba KueiSucceeaful and SriratifleTraatmaetof All Dim
At Jaeicaoo. the 4-y«srold child of
Auguat Bumicr raa fatally burned:*
Sunday afternoon. T^ chUd tipped! At London, the death U anooonced t American minitter regarding a aatUpocket aud wrote on tbe hacl^ it:
ir.-«i aii ( HfeoMU. KXKVofs.HWN ao4 BLOoii tewrari. spue ib* istrai .M-ir*
arlruUnc prieelOTuralampacd waxen badly burned of William Hlack. th« novellsL
< fartory aetllemenl of all pendinr ((iie**1 O C an amnuiii (-foal to the
before ana altanec arrived that deatbj The weather in Ureat Briuin Ls still | Alone between tbe 1 nited .suua
value of yemr suidt in The American.'
------- jd burex-al DU-aw^, Arule u.« Chra^
U.wssr.ol inr K;r. Par. N.—-. Tbn
| marked by exceptional mlldneaa and a j'''“fkej-*be payment of
“Hu pD»h*d liiecard into the pot and Caiarrb.
tem KMnr;. Llrrr. hlwldrr.t^brvDir groisl
Ureat bed* of .white aaod have been i plentiful rainfall.
jdomolly for American .oxaea to
Usnj p*op!' mm .IraiB rrrri xraf ah* Blrl
•• Tvs gut a bnlitail,' mid Cooper.
|.»ml ibrir 1-S>r> id ttar hsuSa nl ezprrtedlacovered some SO mllesfrom Saginaw, I The uuecn mother of the Netber-l"**"**near the liiseof the Flint A I'ere Mar-; UodSTfiS^wiwirten'* to gjeen Victoria, AV>rnellua Vanderbim jr. re<xntly |
queue railway, Therullroad
companv privately, deflnitely announcing
h«., | kad hi. finger cruahed while coupling i ,„ued over bia band. >howing a leoe
. . railroad.
■ II j»„ „t d,.o,«
haa purchased the aand bed*, believing'daughter * betrothal to Prinee
Williaai jf»f» — .L.
‘ke L-._
New York Central
themvobeof value lor glass making. ' <,{ Wied. Au ottieial nolitt^lioa. on )«■> "kito be bad been-employed saa
"S(jm*UAy a*ke<l Baxter
The atenographer and trunalator of! tbe subject will be made ahurtly.
imechanirel engineer.
(lenceii. to which h* v-iilicd: ’I
-r-- -i—-, (:iTAkl(H(^T^4^^|*t„ lm..m-hiu, ,«*
•I gotaj^.i;""
, the peace commiaaion i» a Mina Me-- At tbe eenvenary of the cattlea^w' For iwr^ral hour* Sunday an areaof
bunch IhaC be wa* blnlUng. t set him {. 9*^*°*!*°*<*B‘ ETBS and xrsoulatsc I te». .<Fv<
Nangbton from the atale of Hioblgan. ,
uiiugion. wbicb waa opened bv tbe {^'"">ty hlocke in the Twenty-eighth dowu ai drayritiB iv a bobtail, aud ll 'A'’oBBTAiS''AH8 POSITIVE OOKB
Sbepaaaeda high grade exaininalloD 1 Prince of Wale* with a record entry. 1 ward in H-OiWyn N. Y. waa iaaDdated couldn't g.-t tLu iiire nut of my head
'*re •«> (h®
a year ago for tratYafcr in tbe bureau; the qqeen won tever^ flcbt prixea: I ky raging w*iere. which wa.bed out O.nno Ooo|K-r i. the la<4 mau on earth
I ■predllj. ruopletelr bad
American repuL.^p.
pub^ She i*
.. onetrf; viaeoont
, ■■ci.iuul EqrimaO. tbe
l*c Earle
wane of
VI Oov-1
WT- , tke
— ■ fouod*viou. of hr.uHe*, . V —— — w i d Irtrnnmenia
w. H. « pukergai
-e.** - —.Un > u
J U— .....te
.. 11
I I.
J - *
tbe only two woven
who are paid
by entry. Baron V,..
and Lord Ko*e-*n<l
pole*, imprisoned j rego loiw Oo-an.
A SI BE Cl HK for sU orraok- weaktwssra
the gOTernment tbe ealary of SS.icu.
; bery were also among tbe prise win-' prople in their
^p^in.ra^ij^|^DjL^T^ vx- .Srel3?o“fu.‘~“‘
William ValeoUoe. aged 30. waa ac- ^ nera.
! drowned some wi
addrrasra iboer wbam soUI tVfcairtic Raoki. anO lesdlng*Bn*inw
cidenta'iy shot and killed near llollam
''f^ITIV&t'oOBBO- Pesale WwikMan uf kalamaroo thlak of tbe
Sopday wbUe bunUng. Be leave* a Igniabed Cuben warrior and leader, and
om. sod oil dellrst* dieordsr* nreuUsr to
widow anA two children. He had I the bead of tbe commiaaion elected by ; think flsoti.odb. A great water main
■ABRIF.n MEK. Of (bow rateHagoa Iksl
fcywjll*. sear* of pbraleal SebUUr. qateklg
burst at five o'clock in the moraiug.
lira ur ibF eicras ol asiorr rrsn.
placed tbe buttendofbiagononalog.lujeCubanaaaembly to vUilthia
>PlXiaLTIt»: ^mrea.
Forth* first hour l.SUu.ooo gallooa.it
- the gun slipped off and discharged, the | try. died at Washington Sunday
WE Gt'ABsXTFE TO Itt'BE oerraus As(kaeer. Plira sad PlMmoes
load entering hi* month aud paAslngiisg at the Hotel Raleigh, where the t« eaUmated. roahad through the streeu
out through tbe back of tbc bead. | e jmmiaalon baa iu headquartefu. The sod there was lilUe diminution for
-----------..buc Iron, tbe w^rm cllute !
The leo^ e.b,e «, .ndran ksaxihatiob op te
of ih« Klchlgan Acraldeai As' noat
sJioul* arad or brlox frow t (o 4 oui
Eblphneteb.r.olElm»ood.1Wx.l.io: Oeb. with .be l»rf.blp. be bbb I ■'"'l
F™terrwl), wUWuWmrarnTos careful rh>
eounty, borro
bb.„le.lbba.;tb.,..bdb™d.b,U.e.lbt,j...lh.r“''“’V-''*-««“IFj"IbU"s wTttios saalrel* will b* Xtrea. Pvraoa
(rtat^ Wita thra Booth sfler booUi.xIisg rifle of a
b..b«,.b»bel«I Xe- Yorb .bd «'„bl.,b.b. U re- ®"'F
Orlar* sre dsa*
. ! (InnriMi
flooded sbH aa Bnmh«e
number n4
of cLsni
them mrt
so k.
dog* which had been worrying hta j' eponaiblefor
i damaged that they wUI fall if they are
abeep. When tbe canines made tbelr ed in bia demUe.
pulled down. Buodreda oLotbern
be pelled U,.
„d |
de.Uu.Ub. puu.ll.
U,, | “'
(ras. Address, vUh postafs,
M lb. cue bed bbe. buded Wlh dp- Ubbrt.plb Ube.bb. Tbee. hu. i "’"AAmttal K ludip Ibbt u ulll be
eobldb-. b... dpb. bbu. „i ;
7 . “ .b,p‘b.p'..„ u... U.e I *
PraiiSi. nf*l Nattousl Bask
dld-M, luipb I.]»djblbbkul. bbpbP Ibbt April, tbb .»lp.t“ “;:ri
L.D* vasra (kal It Al_i__ .i-b..- i__i____________i baa_ 1 **“"•*•"* *
mid not let them eater the ebaky
4“'^ 1‘ burawd at the! local authorities . %n do nothing more
breech, filling Fletcher'* fane witt », ibeir fund* are eihnnsted. Doetoiu.
b tbe ashea of Colurabos
powder and giving faiw a narrow e*-:Bor*re. medical supplies, rice, oeatisror ol tCsJowasoo.
I with milUtary and
ALasarvW. S.ini.
repe from dret^
! denaod milk.'eradtefUb-^aeoBuod canSunday from
At Pilot. Giddeon Tboma* vras Bed beef are nevied at oeoc and in
tbe cathedral to Ue Ooade de Venadita
awarded »soo damages by a Jury in tbe, auffleient quantiiie* for so.obo people.
! and tbe cruiaer wlU anil for Cadix con
r ^ Of Bi-s PuniisfalBx.
Circuit coork He cUimed to have au* ' At Key Wrel, Fla., fully 10,000 wlt- voyed by two gunboats.
taiuad aarions injury iu June laat by a! neaaed tbe dediretion Sunday afterVeneteel* la to bold an .expoalUoa is
AefeeUveaidewalk. Tbit la the aecond i .oor^of tbe handume iron fence eo Caracaa during the flretbalf of tbeyear
jn^eot obtained agaiuat the city closing the plot of ground In the city IJOU. All nation* are lavited to make
a.ri« tb. pbbt Wbri..
exhiblu. but more particularly the Lat<®A Thrw Riven aao who apraioed ; the reilore who were klllpd to tbs ex- ia-American eountrire of South sad Live A^ente Weatad lu Un
hie erriat wrapped around It idothea | plosii
■ a* Ontrml America.
occupied Territory.
aaturated with UrpenUne to relieve well;a* four men from tbe Wsoalow,
wen. Pilxbugb Leeandbisataff have
the pain. He went loo cloac to a Are one from tbe Marblehead, one from the
aailad from Savannah for Cuba on the
witbont thinking, and tb* a^ln ba* Newport, one from the Yankee and
The party will land at Marinot botbered him in the least alnce, tblrty-elx olbere killed during tbe re
because bU attention 1* completely bellion. The fence was pnrebaaed by |
will not enter tbe city till
Uken up with the bunt* reared by tbe' popular •ubaeription under the auspices' ,
bow be I
.?,'r’.KiriL"' •“•
HicUgaD Accident Association.
. u.,
bandage Igniting.
of tbe Union Veteran'* Legion Eo-'
Is New Y'ork City Sunday while
I No. GS> of Wa*
Ren lloover.a cigarmaker,
Ibribed.t U» el„ b.b TF~>‘"« Mb “»•««•> >*■ Speei-bJ.
4ead in M Sunday mornl_. ________
: I.ra... McDonald, a prominent TamDibble houte, Fifni. Heart failure 1**^
tbe oemeterj-. where
aan, was thrown from bis ittlky
was tbe cauM of dretb.
j appropriate exercise* ware held.
;bod -died a few bonre later from a
,<aty. ba(i oo-ssmo loreerereli. repri-;
®®”*'**t'*“‘**y : the Italian colony, wa* ebot and killed U>iwr«;^ Bs. ur s«di-d m la* .*« «
reand Eos* ^Er„:ki and .loreph Macro-!
bnrymg many of the wiwk-,
Jewnki, member* df the eongregaU(». | “«<»- “'Rkteon bodire ^ave bean «• i committed snleide by taking carbolic
The woman teak exeepUon* to hi* re- i
: acid. Catherine Werner also eomralUed
rearkn. cladn.ng u>ey reflected onl The United Sutreerulaer Raleigh re-'auicide with tarboUc adi Tboma* 1
them ^ wounded ibrir f*elinga.They | turned to Manila Rainida.v from Batan- • McKeever. a freight agent, waa foiAid
krourhiauiicUlmiagttOO go- She reporta that tbe Insurgent*! dead In bed. Bliaabein CHntos. aged
1 each vase. Juatioc Haller, r——ra-j—kk u.-^>-tA-a
<-j...bk a.. ..i-.i__
frltu-n opinion, held there <
wn* BO reuse for acllofl,-taking tb* '
position that tbr rules of tbe chnni i
Mad been broken by tbe pUinliffa
Anterieu* Chadwick.* farmer ne
.Vaaree, while driving hta
town, gave the whip a vigorou* eraek .
to reake the boraea go faster. He fell <
atfngUngBeDMtioBosUie cbeeb and I
American Medical and Snrgical Instiinte of Mnslegon, lict,
tb« ktm;
A euw tWk by Whirb >b» t
Matbi-r iu
A BaldbMa^'^pty.
A naval oHircr. r(^ wdlaad faT<tt-
-U.,-tb, l^n-r.
l> fp»n bU |uir»r. Tha
,Aco.»il1n>: bi a pn.Kl au<J tror ti*i»
All at uiK* b« pw-:a- KS7 \i> CtiiuBilt, jU IflGuu who bad
: mar *>ut jwl
: Him) a pti'i fan-.
and |ukla.
f hita
>- rnn-H Ih.w‘y{!-.1l!d’'ht!!d
u WUrk Laii^a• “--and
Uia ^
j tea.
■y b
bU fcJdw, iianUDS auu«Uo7ln.
V ar< a nii'iiicnt.
r Miaa Olieajorton.'' ba nid.
•■wl.y_t!ny<in^i. rtirbrl.k»>'
**Aboat B» riUoul .r„nn„
a Fnartb ™
of Jaly |
Id tw.
Below is a lUt Of the baying ayd arilig prieea of yeOetday tor groperlea
'oTfalnna asd fam pr^aeU in Trov
jcarnMl »-uic «.f tUi'vl«-mrnlar7 prind- abl* kinmti lu Uedob. liuy fnr
l^k wr ®>“
wm.ii niikmi«'n
laH*/! a(ha'**'*4i in liia .1
. .P^.
»>>«'Joschr.r and <nu.torfic« went nukn.iwn
l«;;i a.i.a.i.wl tb “>» Morn cm f^ork...................
0«» ouo< vv»»iu« bi wall; ni-iii a ridgy
U.oiipli bo Ima
i;ut Pork per #>...
grnwu Kray iu Ui< u rt i-.-wjii luuii.'d |.-;uur, h L. A Co. b«t.........../.
p1^.' Wbm liP rearb. .1^ • top of ouo
lamcuUbiT bull)
K«rt«itly nu> •« Bia bye f'loar, B L. A Co. BeSL..
thS mooiiil*. Im Niw a . • r alicafl of
Vurd. away. B.dnro ioinora waa bold racAiKb to ijO'VtibD : Ucni. II. L A Co. Beat.................
„„,a t,., wn.d ....... J .•» hitnua (0 hi* romarliable abneuoe uf ■ Ford. H. L. A Oo. Baal.........
► r.«T«k «l 4-ly ItoMac
OavlMtat I
liaviiiu bo lot uii* cf ili.Ubae. tbvre
Tbe omoer rridiod promptly and with i
«a( uuUiius for ibf luan tod.i bat to,____ ^
inch Tiudictiveueea:
’Cheese per lb ................
Tears ago do>tn in ib.‘ burhnr of Hono ■ rror«iero. whrrr rar».-li: bail im,.«iod w rsf" for the m■a^•*t irrr, bin tboojrti be ; “tIT...,
"Viiu. ubiD. y««i wonld be bald. 1 loaU pi-rbu (old),
Till'lb imiURtiUi bad an all star **"•■
< br«»mon * Irlyht hadevt. triKi it uml pol furlii •'Lbj^’osjB'a*
think, if you bud liad iii< >1
orer . Uim per bo., old.
’ Pototoea. per bn.
bappeneil to 1>- ay.>KiM*l to tba Ben- ,
Mi.. ri«ydTton .uddenlr awakened
h.1, p.rd.bl...
uiilcui Jody
ningtoaios l.nmb before (Ae luff for
''iTbai waa b.-to do? InaljiTr dp»p.-n».,
10 pAr 1<
berPadflp cruiM-. and atweral of the
-At the Tn«ad.T.i.
wild Cargill. 1 tioo he r.aolved opou Aui gnuenuli
ui«.r—t l.l—a. t-citkaa
0AaRD»nb.Kl bd,.. incmlaw «f tbe CV j
1 bOpe you err gol^ to dine with arbeme. Juat a* be di«p|inared for an J
Buvias naT*a or tbatk««
^lnibia-*tTuckb.»t'*w>v.hatwanop(d’iBe •
, innantirou. the ticerV Mgbt in nw ,
alloftbeJlr.iitbnajy' Ixat.’nttrain
"Hut I |>r.ynlwd l..lw at HafiipB«ail by niiiR over a ridge be bulled. Mrelcbcd
kii ** pri.pi r > otncreil, ^e
0I4, pg, j,b................
. y.anolcouwiitthinkofdlnliigwlibyou ^01 bis leg**nt risbt auBli*. norled does not maitiff. TU>i»allv.» oi *«n-I wheat, new.^ bn..............
’ Famoos Baltimore Counts,
. Selects end Standaids.'
Ti..«... b.d iM, ;“js"
I. Nr Carvill ••
' dowu hi* l.wid
a*bi look b. lwwu lli*
V,*^ ""i;*
1»tebrr'« oymer
irsi rluM aystm.
T« hr aeod, erst
netdur's MiaMn tstunit
^ Pffa"- <«»«*)
i Bicycle Riders.
1 do all binds of,
-ing and eoameilDg. and tkat I (
[and do give you ibe bust mor
.lone In tbo <lty for. the money.
1 w*. ..ro.
L M.V 0Wei-V-J oy V.UOI.O.UUIC
I„ oidnlon, a* 1
A ttellwd P.anhn 'taa-< tOn> of the Val<
qm-»llnn of
II In AiuiTloL Onv
of ttegoUr.l.-I«. tbe Crook,
Ul U>im; I II.
Anohltluie . r.*ik «ioib1 nu a Brnydway ■•••fiir, i'l Cm. Ti'iiderlom di.iriol, to ray. It ua* ii-............
lat" >«). 'Uiglit m-'-rillr. waIrhiiiK a ukiw tLo
In lIh ixpulnr.odnd tif a'
Kuip in till * o'clock every eeeol
yonii" •
«n 1171115 tti-*!m-i-donr*. pniiiouoc.it ui.il oeii rn lire Irolinglhal • xcept Sunday, in the OaldweU A L
The poin-. m^r.
.1 the w.irk with graat in thw miCi.rTd bxi<.hm.io th
An.erl.-a it eUwr. AMt too tei
“Th.it * u.*.- i;il A.tw«-r.“tlmcron\ huM.u-r. in.-u In the v..et way t..o .«orw..
abipe Iviug at tbe vard. iovJudiuR lie
' If
t'"* H
; the ol.j.x t HMUtutd a ,bi.k-oii» grimace. ;
tiptMl’creW of the' OJvmpla and the »b«-«hl. you haw me no
1 A Jin-l..iiked yell urow eu.buK bad per•■ineli.K
B.*t«.-. h... m-w. Wivbonnhi that
hup* mv.r i^oro pi.«^ th.-.«r .d any
wewereahout n-warm aattey m«l» h!:
!-l.«er. and t':n Kti!* ..f the windmill beniir mtefor-•
^'k'*ar'l “"fl forward:
'em after <irr ere* put .it lui w> n>iny^ui„|„ ,|*i
hvnmiirot *» if
eudiim whirlwind ^til buret
Other i:uD-o'-WBr <-'r. tie. Jttvius ihrma tuneihiev
ti the M.-.uK.
xoaplcof ti iliute-tlif MnVt of u*. t<«X (Iitliiy fiiei
reniilnl. Wb»l. be evibn nuui'-'.r-.ae <avu ooue bud etdl t>-aling l.adn'i jio..
d. ittlv, thoii-bi. i» iliir? Tin re Mood a
, l*.n oii.li.p nii- wl
fCT..<io-j, n.:r-hai-d tuiniM.-r. Kiganlic
“Til- p.-eile
il.aiolniu uirat)B*«d .
f. lU
aguiurl itie «ky.
bidt-.ur li.ail
t me—l*o,“s..ia CBrcin. “To
situoixl iu the very fiil-T-if it» IomI
Jnly-r-tbe Auir-rinuie dowutluro celAj.,„: ttie
le Truth. ! wa» IhlnkinRalaOl*
btattri me >'.v«rth jn*t a» e*lhn-da.*tie- y..n iii«t l»t..rv
I intendtd to call upon —nay. ilr vlK-like jaws b-dvrecu wbie.
ally it vv <;>. 0!.b.rr—uiid th- Ih-n-.yuu t..jnorrow,'
-Ntd her liryid xMiio arluidly |diic<«1 above iU two fiery eyes.
uington'r inw E,:ari-d iu it iurpely.
MI^> i:iu.»Ten ..
Hr liiiilw w.u-i fiirii.nriy •-lan>.ir:Dg fia
<ni *lii|.'s eiihiM V/ re at tail foW “> the and p«i.ui.t «»a-ue»Uy I.a- her p.« kei hand
icked tet'bief.
nrthai. aiiti th-. luau be huo Uep ebsstwirttu-.' Inal wore run
rudladtoww you." ing. wheivwarhc; .Alr.wdv duvotnvd
- Kanaka crewr, sud the lb‘r.1
. ■bcoaM..
bvtbi. UiTibic b.a.1? .The tie r-nuld
Boeof tbi -Uiy wai cue. in wbirb oar
• '
^„i ,^d,vr it t
not lutuw. to retl-Tt. Hetnrmui tail
«nckajatk tight war tullgtire. tbeotbur
u.cail u .«f hea-k.a.
________ I _______
tr>. r a friuKlly
lua irlll fas
dfsa|>)>-«n*l tiM
haMSR ta*Ji won by sotaTTwe
Ob. no." she a
• jtidgOB luMuwIoi yell caoikfl bini to
praciicallr picked at rapdom from in.
•our moth- lednnldc
ledi>olJc bir para
paca He waa mnqneiud
0 your
antonR th.- nn'iigeot wamen.
t-r.l- f-.™. o, '“.tri;.,
“Wetbomtlil thir rjiv war at onr -m.
--------- wof Kauaka polioentpp and tbe
REcn cmr, M
,j ^«,ti„niug Uie di-
I.BtaO, ra. Ota 0»
lead ami tbe lead of tbe two Knuaka —m«_________
I —“will you he my wife''
“Two muiutos after tl» suketxait^
OB-SPlNIlEt ffl.t'ffiiSt’KlSSS
uidm UD eonTBUsnu li
Th* Best Salve in 4he world tor
Onu, Brakws, Sores,
Clcers. Salt r.aP.ILOi
Bbeum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Evwlose....
Chilblain*. Coma, and all Skin Oswpt.........
-enMS Piles,
— . tell jost w^re
i.«p ...i sr^s*r,-A5i.s'‘‘u'uTZZis
^ perfe^ aattofaetion or money '
their jr*. See? Th-Te is no knowni ^I give
er-tf-m «f k.,pmg track of - ni. U-r-uae
funded. Prioe 99 cento per box. For ,
tb'T ‘bf •
bosinees tbemselvea by Mie by J. O. Jofanoon and 8. B
any sy-teiu. those tiad cop* dcai't.''
Tb-n the old time crook walktd into
a sahmn and gota dniik. having t^
™ tbs,^Er wcmdcriiig. The
(‘itiaen iearued tjie nbriilitycf Ibocrook
•Iwn bP natrated the lundeiit later to
the proprietor of the same sal.ion
f-'Uow wa« » retin-U bnoko man —New
Ytwk Son.
*■.!— "
In tbe cellar for Chrfslmaa and New
Var'a.atCharle*A. Uwrenee'abak- CSTieekm ..
ry, SIT CbIod street.'Pboae 189
- ■
18. 17,21.
•..b .b. 8—.'-h
srsL z/r !7.“j
oDv-uka in
w tba table
• pbiefar
Boeklena Arnica Bair*.
Tbe ciofik* are,
vine w-gk of eufraBcbiscrotiit and of «'U'i "1-. •*>«
,i|.. .nd ™;
‘Canadian Boliday Kaceraion.
* lets of iiB finger nail*, wl ' '
lioeiuea'* crew trailed after tb-m. ginll- jgg
,rf |„
fare for tbe round trip
Date of sale
held in
Dee lAtb I7ib aadiatb.Betnn Jan.Stb.
ing fb-adily. rtu-n the Kanaka sngar,
Holiday tatoa to Uieblgan and Indiworkerv ami. a good ten lengths f> tbe goou, Isn't tit"
oanolntoons and one third fare for
xtatr, tbr EI-aii-a'seTew. Tblswi-tbe'
"Ve*. without yon w«aw going to pro-,
And all tbe rtorio* of vamp^^rf t^threc-quart.:* of the ytir ^l.CJS.
..lond trip
ttollinr days. Dee. 2ard.
elfs. return to Ibv luiud with all tbe
way it looked for tbe finlsb when the poa* somathli.g very drrodlul “
- I was going to pmjsisa''aald Cargill, victims ibev have made and are making Id 1K95 the emigntiou wa< 10,781, and 24th. tKb. 30th. 3let. and Jan. 1st. Re
in 1884. 7.047. against 80.OOOdnring tbe turn Jan. 3rd.
efalng at the
‘ ' ‘ -----S MIebtoan Teaeben' Aasoetoin lading «.ch thing, that.»«''?
tioQ. half fare. Dee. MU ami 17th. n
' w still impen-: '
mouey np 00 the two. Kanaka ,
of all fbe wnm wero upon bar. b
torn Dee MU.
Seginaw Knightooftbe Grip, eel
actually lM«aDto*qoarescmnntB, I glanoe
assured her that she was as ic
aa to a ehnreh.
Dee. 2TU and 29ib return Dee. S9U.
and the cry. 'It'sallover—Benuingion!’, alone there
[ftg. yat tbryrar
Bedneed mtee to aoatbera pntoto.
-jabonitl all over the bay. Wbea.ibe; , vis that ao v^drwwlfiiU''CargUl aak- Figara
$1,311,930 was received m money urden
C Ita Loowouo,
C. S. Mvekat.
■Ukelioai was roonded, iLwas noticed ad..
mi., fks*.
from tbe United Statoi^ while $377,810
G. P. AT. A..
that tbe Kltouor'e b«t wa. sort of get- i
** ■ ^
was eeut from Sweden, leaving a balGrand Bapida.
ting a move to. ilaelf. aiwl the men ^
-lAdn't oulte put Itlo tbe form of a
_it «eli>: In Ctm-1 toee in favor of Sweden of $1,084,610.
were working Uke macbiaos at a long.
but i ,iu nom. I'to breo to necticot be will not at rtnrgenn, tbe'Ptt»b.bly«i equal amt»« was sent »
KMdy atitiko that certainly looked aa if
,qu for qoUe throe---------joyalflHbof Kugland. where tbe firrt Sweden ibfoogh tbe bankeandemigraa*
.p»o„ taP.KMtaM,
fignre ont just bmv loug the r>-a«t will, |„p,g„ experiuj sot tb which there Is a
beclearaudtbeJ-.hcaDl^ earrted mi.|eunsld*rab]s«ksiientofdadger.-Benja“bo can ful cop goes at lim w ork ynst min Kidd In AdanUe.
like - Icekwnrk. Now. with what snmo
made a iiitstakr. I, helping t
IS thinking that you knew all about It. Duranca.
^tilfl by little Uiesecloods are ranat of n>une y-m don't."
bew—which was yerv
M 1—t'T Im•-lude-d 1 don't. " said Cargill. “Bo.
Hiiuolislu B'-notK-.sj-ort-.
,. fvid lu"
usrs an not ezaenty In my line.''
.iigence Uauius tbu-more
more rudiantly
rUrt was first rale. TheT-»wa-:i't :i ti-vi.
• No. ' Mlw Cbiwiertou agreed humbly. in the midst of tbe trarailing n»*«a
fore or aft. on tbe Heniinigi n tUul
'1 don't want to s]>u]l sueb a ]>1casaot
Bot all of a suddin a vdll cor.-rs tbe
didn't Hand ;m go lirnke to th.'wrt.'cit
rrnliig—fd-wsant tn me at any-ratr.'’
torch—ssiuielbiug eurgui up
cd at Inu-M a monili's pay im the -iu- ts'.*'
“And to me. tc«." she Mild.
seems like tbe darkn.-v* of auoiber age. ■
of tbe H-iiQiiigt.iD's ciew. aud
Thank.,'' oalclCamdl. -butrm going
lid only ,.r
' se n^ One f«-Js that m a . oruer of ibis civito give M to 1. to.i. for At w-a»
u> gem
rally, *0 risk it.
toy.”|liratiui; monstrous thiug. have place.
conoudod that we bad the race uKior, lotMunnuye
watebed H,,ru tb-y bnm a woman u-cused of
Hu f*'it
felt bis w'oy
: He
. much In , aorcery
,„reerv th-re iu Soabia a tribunal coo“'The mart, a* 1 wid. was gijod. and »>«• f«* sid. Im.g
but hewasirtill
, demur to Iniir days of iB,mi„ni«nt
impriSDUnient a
tbe Bunmugtoo's crew sbowe.-l lu trout »o'T»"h
tad disinliTn-d tlw cxwpiw
iabotvr wbo had
■tort ami
oot ajiFarubUyto nuke ’"-VTsu'ityao w-lrtn^w.yanytWnB
a nmaway r*w of It, Ibe Kauaka po-.
■■&«,. .,r ,b. H-nol.i. ««, wio tad;
• rslil!
', thlDgaU-ut abaraar.
,ed. “wfmlun’t il. luhVurthat that «.r» '
..f _ _...rMi «... i. . Am.h
«..-k roe "«» not aongbt. but wnieti base
«ip ie a de^ laey mark foe her; Ibni she sliuuld keep wbst sbe has
of a carfol coj
got.'' She murt. ID sbon. In a faroHie
’’ r-doroed tbecia* plir.-«e.'» ••friK' to her own di-stlny."
Now, that Uone trxJy of opinloii. There
lUt 1 dliln't i-nnkalarly by tb« tuikuiiwn.
1 waiibd to see y-u."
“Easy enougfa,” reinrTcd Ilia tronk. Is also auolber gnat l>«Mly of opinion,
1 “It’« vutir --anfnl r-ipp-r tfaatcanbn. btrgtlr pn-vallltig ainni-g tbs
ua tn tbe knltnl
i easily sp-.ttnd. The ttian who is gtung ^
t.beaun..n asked
, todc. a i-h-kuow* ju«i where be will be of tills'
it lsalN>ut to embark
' ly that thegi
puppy bad nothing to do with j *
on bis>«t nt a r-Ttaiii
I don t kn..w any-1
•eened tbe nini-i formi-labl--.
“The rmvwa* -a.t Uie f.
cOBne--aivlally bJoeked r
aimidirii.’a fi w f'- l iiwur.
a. L.: a« 1 Li.J uul. Lot ibey arc
. «
“ V< r.” replied ihi-oih.r. “Evidently nov.-fth.:
■ and decJ.h*]
bewi.i,t> to guiii Ibe g-rid-ipiDtOuuf bia ahdot 01
Vou a«k. t;i ■ x mnrntitnTT
, thing b4__...............................................i»twir
Tbe oM time rr-g-k Ungbed.
"wbal iblngt ' and they ie,.ly. “Why. ,
8.““” X V l"rr
“It would eontri-.o yon." Iw rfmlin-; «>«i
k-»P a Mid upp.T lip , g. y, b«„,.bi i-urcKUa. oltli ow-dUis* pby
rhMl had tnllf-l into dlonoluio barlevrr -Then It iiiu«t Tu»v.- I. - nlmat—alput . As autbiue ruiiuirr pnAwd from band
from Japan a few-'duys Mow. oar the Iwssar. '-sbe sal.t, < » .............. Un ' to baud ib.f r«r-d lonb. en tbe gea.-racrew di^'t ittiv mnlb attention to the eonoemed wiwl «uea--i).n
-y lu blushing | ttunh traurujit tw tbe geaetaUtair whic h
yacbfsruciuv’crew.and were .atlv tig , deeply at l.,T cm n f»U im
,i,„u. ,)l that they bare
UTSXn?.A^OBJo. P. rABVBR. Armv
:E Oysters! Oysters!
lc^<^ 10 «1»' nwr and est.iidcd hi* arms
** “
fuutuKtic manna, like tbe i"""” -';
bniJt fur a lae.-r' li fore w left
>;„i aw that 1 want nmto
f wear rjolbw bid.ire
Blare Wand nary yard for«notb I’acific
"N..*.'' wld Cargill, • v-.... ------- -.
indoMii to tbua i iSTk**. par doaen -..
water* tbe »hii.>ra<:ii.K.n'trbaiJ.-a«lT in«lM on yauauulBg. Heracmber. I-aved
la a few WTouds tbe tiger boro in "™ '‘ ‘
Potatoes, per bn...
beaten all .8 the .Ab.T.Ti w* .rf ahe your.ife-'
, osbl. mid at that instant tbe face <rf toaPPfar ain*tnl..l
Ever Bvroed QkIT
it Uint yna «ru so vi^y <'
SOV Hviup ill WacbIRiniiR lo a niport-. gp,^
«r. "wu. li»d.p..udi®or day not nianyi
Hy ihla time tl.cy wora apjir«»chln« the
^.d i„,,
the Tbaiuee goa to the _ agenda______________________
'(■rk be will
fingrn rlueed npoo his. and aha ^
Nippon—I was aotry yon didn’t think
1 bring my timteella back yesterday.
n's enttpr, , j know nothing about It. 1*
boring Ue yell, of waruiug from the l
riHaki. tb« ri.k," Cargill said.
!liX!neni ih<M..wfaiohI enter"*"■ ** y««erdBy wiUotrt
n blmjack- uasborv. lookod
-And the wlnef abe aakt •'» “» O"'**
I getting wet mytolt A man U bound to
behind him and mw tbe Eli-anur enttor Ign-mot of wloa
<mly two leugUi* behind him and com-‘
''That Ism
I'll riVk that as wdl.”
! as there are beiweo pigwma and
ing like au ol-omc laonch. Oor ervw
t tokeany toterottoj pjoahs. I im-fer an adult pigeon to a
Tbasrr aaS Feaeilee.
there is betur cluOilieni-1 am John BmiU. aotbe* of
'None whatever, butlf yea particular-1
“Tbe Elranor'* crew bad heUl thema bazaar of yoor owith a flavur of raw fish, bt him tacliio
3T the finish, and they cer
m. adult loon. That bird conld not be^
■Not fur tbe world." said ktta Cbesurtainly did mnku a Oartibuo finish of it.
picked. It was skinned, mid iu i.e atom-:
The yacht s cutter kltot abend of
ask- , sch there was a.catliU ««mtly sw^ciliien-1 have iLt
'Are there B«y ol
'entter a g-xsl uiik-from huim-. iiiid Itn-u,
to make the tbiug more galliug. tbu
mew actoally stup|s-d rowing mitj] tbe
I Uluk o( any n
BcBningt : ' ..<■
-atalaugsiiic aiminTbuo yen ssy y-s?' "
TfaCD tb-y I.rjk |.. i'.e oar* again, and
■Nr Cargill.'’ sbe *aW. “don't yoa
think you lia.e
trtoD ttaeu ..
- -s a bowling farce.
at vtiur iiim-yl Yon toe, yon saved
Tbe tleanor's crew jnst romped tncir ali
1 this cmilug ahd Ibvu gave me a
cutter iu ten lengths nbuad of our ent- V«iy riod dtum-r afu;rward.''
; i«f and the Kanakas a quarter of a
“You admit, tbe dinner was good?”
mile in tbe rear.
“You never saw etoh a disgnsted lot
“Then forget elnot Ue lUeavtog—1
of meu ill your life as (be mai aud give ibet up—t»ulit It out.”
.... - .____ -u.____________ ,.,
o»ou> ou iLv Beuuington.
The Ela•Tticn ooonlit lti.“ be mM.
nor's abip'ci>ui]>aiiy bad token all of tbs
8 to 1 tuotjvy im y could get ou ixiard
— u,«i. tad -ta,-. .11 ,ta,. «.!
^ .. ............. ........
gi WE ARE~~~^
Buying Logs!
crew 00 th- whole trip aronnd tbe
^ BudUcoly'sbecrtedowt
rid that was vvomid up at .'san Fnin-j
Oscu badu >t l•t:L■u l-cutun ouci-ill amt-1
••Vn.-'CargUl. “I'mgoingtoiae
t-ir latr, ii:.ii (i.e yacbt’i- hH>l''rk had yoo boiue now."
made nil tlu;k of moa-'y to b-^uiiig f* •
“in oOBbi" the askrt.
thair-f.w.' ii w-us a minor
-d con“In a ab''besald
K tbercs any
for ns whin we fonnd out that fund for irnsloulr.g decayed ral.tuan. I
If yott have any to sell oorreapond with the
Traverse City Lumber Co. We have also
Wasbu.,:>.u .-ttar.
..«ta ».
ree^d of su injp-jrtuut yacc beiiig br a piebtld.
J^et Haeb.
—Therv't'il^y plnpltt at the
- -.TJVi. _________
Vtaile we arc ccia-i-l-ring when to
Ufin it is cJUiu too late to act.'—Quin
My baby does that.—ttMton JooniaL
ta_____ TTVta
lanils FmSale-Sjiiable Fur Farms.
y— Mill mBchincry of sU dwriplions, inclndinc fwo en.
‘ ginee. Bet works, carriage and saws. A complete
ysaw mill plant for Gale.
ISZU8 e Esa Sofia
.,*^rtl 1'I.I 'BE~66EifiSaEaEB8a7BBB6e
aa.aaaa.afteaaaa6.a aaaaa
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Sboi^ Maple Wood.
•five of tiic lUcauur's’rBciug crew werv
ex.-Ameri‘«ii luznKf-war'e niui.’'—
Ka Jealeoar.
“Ho aneras 10 iirire hU fiano
I hlehlr," esbULo flr«t sweet tblog.
W'iDiiiiig 1
■ horse* are generally ,
ih.- otbti sweet!
bays, chc-U:tiiei rl-n.wijv anil J'T-tw.Ty jjijcg
hand palnud. you know.
hmiiin-d-Uv-:ii-joiiK th-an linre arrJ?7
of oonmo thrre w»» no Kal-u'y to Ue
cb-wmcistii-'l ii'i.Litiwfi*. Ti-1-0 it uo , asa Cartsiiily
Cbivagu PoU
‘ ta'.-," j
'• £SS«SSlifiSBSR5hS BSfifiS J|
• MMMM*eaa tata««M j|
eg—. -• *—■
'rnSra^Ip^X to Nra 4.4 Bakvr
lOSO.r.aT. Atath
Second leer—No 602
|Tblrty-FtrU> lCtchie»D Kfty baOaeof
S«iator V.M Again Offar. a j
Anfi»U. '4a.. 0<e. IS.—ileTArAl tbeuBcmonstrwioe.
And penoM visited tbe oemp ^eAterdej. TbereFiBsntAlbAAdcATeAAcred
J>«e)AreA the 1>«aIn of the American jeoneerU.
FAopleforTerH«»rtAlE*tenAlonlAA;. ''Ao order bee been received b; the
wbto the ThlHyfifUi
1 HiebicAQ • Atuehed. drderiu one
BootMo Oompeny of Detroit in the
Archbishop Ireland Urge
Deirolv Dec. i; -Oreo Scotten atetThat Oourse.
ed today that theticotteii lobAcoo ptani
ADd the atock would be tranaferred to
Believed TbAt Be Voloee the Benii- the ContlneotAl Tobacco company on
of Pope IaSO—Decleree That Oea «0. aimaiuni
tT r,
i®WcA Danie. hcotten will be paid fur
nexAUCD necaUM They BAve.arave j i,|, toureei. and retire. Oren will beFenra of Bevotatlona UnderJUtive 1 come ^enerwl manAKer of the SoottoA
i bTAneh of the new tmat.
WaahlnrtOD, liee. 12.-Pope Leo is i
SAldon credible enlho’rily to be work-i
T-.l.lto.. oI clW™. ol U..lr .UW !
■. a. “ C.b.,
•OT for the Annexation of Csba to the, Bethel Doa«. nn Asylom AttentU
Ireland »
ie I
II.1UA ai.bb. .blbbl.bop ImUnd
B.«. Kll.d
Amn-W. ..„„lab.r
Ui, Pbllip."J -i" bWdg ....x.udb, ,.d It i.b.n...d! ,
pine, and atra.n.t the .«,nlaition
heU.oiiH..ih.»oUm.oiofth. poi«.' ^ S.t.rd.,’.
.ppiubd .
foreign terrivor, wltbont the
; «»*«Ac>a.bben. wa. «lcas^
Tb.Sl, l.,„brf.„b«b«d lb W„h. IV**"'
oI l» l.b.b,Tb. ...olb.l... ““
■». -lUHi...,
d.i., .«d b, b.. l.lk.d
-llb...„b« or i„Hd.dti.l .,d.lb„
■' l•'n»..l«|,
: >Vbl»~d.f. .0,1 ,bd dlrf tb. tbll...
Mr. Hoar introduoMl the following!
-------------aj .xpl.l.. tb.t b. .pb.b, ,v.
l.r n.g
tb. :"■•-'■•I "
»' lb.
reeoIntioBs: "That the committee on ,
Kennedy Killed by a Falllae
Cuban*, who want a etAble
"Jlun. is fearful
millUryaffalra be instructed to inquire' Limb Teaierday Afiemoun In the
yoverament that will permit the dc^
and report whether A policy may noil
White Dumber Oo.e Camp.
velunment of ibereamrc.* of the ia"bom be hai not aeen W
be eetAbUahed.by which the Midiera,. „
land in re-.A=.
peace. He
repreeCnu „e
the C-iI ii,.*- in R,r Ciiv
who formerly
............................... 12. -TbU --------—
- of IberecoUrarmv. with famiiic or
*- ._ bae* of
„r . >''•«! m B.y City He is caotin* an
parcDta depeadior. upon them.
of »«v Territoir by the Untied | brijAde to be roAdy to etert for Cnt»
As the Tbiny-Bftb is in
VAehlnrton. I)ec,0 -lo the aenaf
P>°f Won. end neerly folly eo.ip-
“■'" j
Shid about them. This U only to aay we have them
for the mantel, dresser or table, and in all the styles.
Oandlostkske, inkstands, paper ws^hU, pipe holdersin the new black iron and ib all shapes; inkstands in
all the odd shapes and newMt styles, gold, silver, iron,
brass, glass and composition.
1 220 Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
,' p_bb.„b..p.lrs^br,d..tn,..
wllb bj tb. lb.,., ...llb.bb«.
. .
„,„„„.t. laiau
„„ ..M.
,„:.b1 o.«b.,r,l.llbUt..Ubr -,.b.
vuc wuittrAuuabv
-------- .— Tb. .I.tlm ot tb, dl.l—to, 1Sp~totoA bbd
Foe Hinkley'd Trouble.
the war, or nnder aaiuraneea that they 1
^ aamarrled and la put'“tey have been faithfat uphoiaere of
Joe Kinkley was arrested yesterdsy
^ the Eoman faith, It IS expected the i afternoen for beinr drank and disor-1
•d, b. btotopUTdltohtoBtototd U..,r
pope is seeking to protect
them from | derly.
irolecl them
derlr. Be was Uken
taken before Jadge
Jude* Ro
plMM b« flllto bp P.W tocrbilA"
__________ ■
,the wrath of the
berta and fined >3 and costs amonnung
Hr. Vest of Uisaoarl. then called np{
The belief Uiat Archbishop Irelandlu>82.
A resolution offered last wr*k. declar-T
rev* ea.
! U speaklnr for Pope l.eo is sirenathen-'
ioftbai the constltotion confera no I
»P«ml meetlncof the
by many evidence* of the vaUan’a Set hew
Vowar on the federal government to ne-i
* r•“*
n»e of the distinguished Amerit-an Ca-| Or bow cheap, but how good. Cha*. i \
origmal baker.!?
baker, f
ejnlre territory to be held and governed:
"Ul *»* •»«>'»
Lawrence, ther original
- 1I thoiir
tbolic in
in aemi-dlplomatiemisaiona
ice to the poblic ?
_________ ^________________________
Let^ Ij ^
as eoloniea. and addreeaed^ ; SutesI set, this afwmoon at
pope gave a striking proof of bis favor j thu*he*dtir"noi““m to mal^ the] i
the ticnale thereon. Be didn't propane. 1
memher attend.
le to public koewledge.
biggest, cheapest, but beat loaf of J
ke said, to aay anything that would { Buba Urattop. the InfanldanghUr of, Be offered Archibisbop Ireland the dio-1 bread in town, smndard weight. {|
naeesaitoteaaeereleesaion. as be had j.Mr. and Mra. Ueorge Oraitopof Boon-jeeae of the Philippines with the pro-1
lion siresl. 'phone 1:
no intention of diacnasniog any treaty : vllle. died Sunday afteroooa. The mlseofacardinars bat. B» friends!
d be refused these tempting j •
-------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------- -------------------------------toiptowte
alien Qiates.
honors U.B
hU lu'c
love tor
for uie
the x.folted
Sutes. j.
•y dpprppriate to discom the powers of j Matnrduy evening Jnstiee Brown nn-1 and his belief that the work ahoold be
the United Smtes goverameat uader: ited ia marriage Alexander Mason of ia the hacd.* of a young man. with a
knowledge of Spanish and perhaps of
Mr. Vest said that our forefathers ' Bay.
~lH»rT ..r.;.,, .bd .b. I.ll.»d tor
tobjlkl tor tobt
«.to« ^UOb j a,j
rtthobt topn«,.UU«, ul tb.t
in'u Beward.
ntoUtotU. Ot Ibd.|tobdUto wu . |t„,b„
Waabiagton. Dec. iS.—Senator Burdrawn np with the Idea that all ^v-1
rowi has aecnred the appoiatmeat of
ernmeata derived jost powers from the ; _
eonaeat of the governed. It is Incrodi-1 .T***
Compayy M and the Bdaa Pout, a resident of Northern
old members of the Hannah Rifles will Miebigao, as clerk lathe ugricnltura]
ble the founders of the gover
a time evening In Kaighu of Pyi
could have looked forward
He had a eoufereacc with SecreUry
when mOlions of human beings could, ...
b.h,M wiUto,. th.1.
to b.
•nm.itoUo. ottb, Alger and asked that CoIoduI Peter
man of the Thirty-fourth Hiehtgan. be
Altobtodbl to\to..tolp, powm ,I
out wimn the regiment
finally discharged, with tbs brevet
r q- c ed from the Deed
of A more guitable
Scott deeUion of the Cnited Sutes Sn- of the company, with the view of be- raak of brigadier gaaeral. He was
|>reme conrt and declared: ‘-I assert comiag a part ot the Hiehigan Nation, told it could not be done, bat that Col
aow that not one tribunal ora aiagle al Unard when it ebaU beeome reorgan onel Peterman would be uniubly revrarded ti specUlact.
4>nblic man contradicted that part of Bed.
. tha Dred Scott deckion until within the
The coffeeeerted.at theOnmpaaylf
Mow They’ll Oo To Work.
laut six months, wbea the erase of ex- banquet Saturday ni^t wae daaatod by
panmon seems to have taken pcaaeMlon Wilhelm. BarUK A On., and
Now that Company M has been mas
of the Amerieaa people."
Bed RlbbM brand.
tered out the uoldier bon an acatterthao s uie« pair of
Clem Barts of Monroe Omter, and ingand reanming their varioas voeaL CapUio Melatosb wentto Man
Miss Joliet Seymour of Ornwn, were
married Sunday eveaiag by Jnstiee istee yeaterday aad began hU dutiea
Uame too Lata to bdBead at the kaaCharles McIntosh at the reaideaee of again as eondnetor on tbe M. A N. E.
qnet of Oompaay X.
the UtUr. The yonog eouple will railroad. LienUnant Classen has been
either for a lady or
at his old poat in Prank Friedrich's
Owing to the aarly cloalag of the make their home at Hoame Center.
local office ot the Postal Telegraph Co.
On Saturday night Bmeet Cooper, e shoe store some Ume and Lieutenant
Company M and their friends were de member of Company H. lost a *30 bill Caapp has begun work ie Bamum 4
Ton will have no trouble
nied the pleasare of Ibtealag to a
either in Poreatera' haU or before Bari's jewelry etore In hit old position.,
in eelecdng a pah- from
mnaleatlon from Goveraor nagiw reaching Uiere.. The finder will confer George Doyle is baek ia the grocery dc-'
which came to the |B*eldeat of the
oar stock.
favor by retyping the bill te Mr. partment of tbe Mercantile Oo-, Dick i
eompaay the moraiag -following the Cooper ofloriiag it at the-BiiOoKD ot- Innter has gone to Uke e poeiUoa ia a
eawa) etoae ia Wexford,Oecar Thomas
haaqucl and reeeptioa. The —-----igt
A look
and John l&tman have resnmed their
reed at follows;
‘note who fynlahed dUbca, etc. for old fwntee on tbe poeiofEce delivery.
It It with much regret I am obliged
to deny myself the honor of atteadlar theCorapanyUhanqnet and who did
the banquet and reception tendered not have th«^ property marked can
Thanks for Valuable Aasistance.
Company H tonight. I abeuld uke
ire It by ealling at the
Tbe Misses Hiaale and Marie Beitner
great pleasure ia meeting the buys
again. Trust you will have ao-enjovwish to publicly thank tbe hnsineas
able meeting toulglt and many more
I. the housewives and young ladies
Misa Lola Chaae hau reanmed her da- ABC others who so kindly assisted them
H; S PisfiBKE. Covemor.
Uee as bookkeeper In L. Cornwell's with tbe prepsratiODS and in csirylng
Pemonal. •
_ _____
out the arrangemrnu for tbs baaqnet
'•“■'■’■.r. Ito. t.kto.k.pf given Saturday evening to the hoys of
B.U to. ptolUtoiof toito..,, .. »r. |.iu„ b. to.to..l, b«bpl,a 1. Bo- Company M. Tbe efforu ot
lAwntoto'. tollltotoT .tor. tor to.,,
b.tor. ,olb, to ladies who gave much of their time
U.,.. b.. totonito to h. fa... ini Cob. with Comp..JM.
and valuable assistance when needed
Andrew, Slrder, one of the Company aremneh appreciated, as every effort
Mra. A. H. Brown went to Inland
M boys who has been 111 almoal all the helped to make tbe affair a sucemi
yesterday, called there by the iU;
e»e since his *um from Cuba, is
of hersUter.
Bfodem Woodman Xleotioa.
again very eick. '^
Mra. K. M. Gardner and daughter,
At the annual meeting of Dnehrn
Margaret of Grand Rtpido. are visiting
Prrd Brown from Fort Kyer.
Camp. No. 2.34S. Modem Woodman of
tbs former's parenU Mr. and Mrs.
laut nighv the following
Fi^ Brown, one of ihs recraiu of ,
. Wiillam london of Blgbtb street.
C. .t. Barker of C&lcago arrived In Company M. who left here for Cumpl®®”
Alrer. retamed lakt nigbt,lo3klng thin '
C.—Chaa E. Howard.
the city ;..,;eveniBg.
Ol Charlevoix,
Gnanerou. who has
health. He wcon-j
Smith of
thegut-stof Hrt s. Garland, left tm I
montheand received a
■ight for Detroit where ahe will *pund ID«*®>>er 4ih. He
the wiitriL Her father, Wiliam a. ! »«>»
hia home at Fine Grove and
For the people, and at prices
•;■ came
to this city
last algbu «; E- s«»Smith, -.-T" on .................
■-’■viiM to ChurTevuix.
L. A !'ra:t' has n
that make them
n a hoal- I wa* met at tbe train by alarge numhcr.l
I of friends.
-trip to Arm Arbor.
l^eM.iH...i;Hiiocr'.are entertaining:
____ _____ ___
Alternate—L C Uickeraon.
E. W. Auv.lo of K.,n Leavenworth.
Special Sale..
Men’s Wool
Cassimere Suits.
^veral• t—
styV----------ba.. ..o. vab
^.v^os osy
___A.____ 11____J.
sack cut. Well made, trim
mcd. ctc.. Well fitting^ garments
—These suits are sold at $5.50
and $(>.00 and worth every cent of those prices, but
we offer you them for a short time at ^.45.
All sites.
Reliable Dry Goode. Carpet
and Clothing House.
b the bwt dgar in the market for
-Five Cents.
PRESENT _________ A. W. JAHRAUS, Tennoljor Hloet
Slippers, P'or Christmas
means a sale.
Popular Shoe House.
Goods... ^
r. 11. P.to,: 1
O. M. l*4U.'oI Northport was in the'i ■AtorItoO,to.ltol,„n«.''h...bto.i
A *«-iea of revival serriime have been
City yeiterdir on basil
. the
. Evangelical
, commenced. In
chureb : y**™’
^ J’**'*'
. Barry tLlilib and Giibiri Hodges of,»“<l"*l>
c3nduc'.«d erery ereniog ’
-------------------------Mayfield wi-rr visitors in town yeeur-;
weeks Etr. S. SaU- j
Lcland Stage.
jbery will be aaaisud this week, and! Jnlins Fraua of Lcland wUl rim a
Sear it Talk.'
j antil after Sunday by Bar. J. A. Frye. l.uUge between that place and Traverse
; Step into the W W. Kimi^i sbm i
Rapid! and there will I City. Be wUl leave tbe former osi Frif» Front itreeii Md enjoy the gramo^ i
e»«i>««g. A cordial 'dayaandwUlretnrafromthieeUySatphone and If yon like it. boy It. 4sMf j In.luUon U^atended loaU to alfond. t nrdaya
Call and look at our goods
before purchasing.
W. C. & B. i Gaonett,
187 Front Street '
Meet p<qralar dgar In N
Every dealer aeUs it. Made by
Be Interested_ss^
In our new display of jBwaliy,Bavlland OhiBawaz«r
Silk Umbrellas, Stringed Xnsi^ Inatniments,
Strings for all lastminents. Oomplete lines and
everything new,,^ A personal inspeetioB is snre to
1-3 Off
on Ladles’, Misst
Misses imd Children’s
For.lO Days Only
We rill drop oor already lor prices «U11 lorer.* If prices rllj
move them re will not carry over a eingle garment. Rich and
poor alike will W>ble to bay the most useful df presents for
Chrhtmwjciii^ A cloak, cape >r Jacket below maoafactnrerB
■prices, '
,/ ThisTs an effer fee can't afferd to miss.
R-member ^ off oar regalnr bargain pricoe—at
to.!'TTntnn streets
Oomsr of 6tb and.'Union
THK Muaeruro
aboobd.tdbbdat. decbmbbb is, ism
Colonial Possessions.
■M T.
'*.W BAVim
*»» J.
•• j
By ibe tfesty of pe»ce afreed «. by the comml«loi>w
and M*niR=.' I
Suta*. ihiacooBiry beooiB*a the Do»»««jrof ail tie CO
----------------cle, of Spain except tboae la Africa and tbe CaroUae leUada With ibe acquire„ meat of thla eiapire by coaqaeal and of the Uawaiiaa Ulaod. by aaaaxatloa the
ttSSJkViSr'• ■ ■ •
• S ralteJState, at oaeeatepe into the rank, of the aattoae hariait rreat foreipa
i BfTUre in inlerBaand will hereafter cat a a
■ •li! tlonal politice than in the paal. Tne a a and popalatloo of
I prceent, at leant, are at
t. el (he PaitaBoe at
Mlek. •• eeroo. elMs-■
The Territory Acquired from Spaia Places the United
States in the Rank of Countries Having Great
PhU^ln. Uland.
Porto Bieo..
Snin Ulaod*.
Baking Powder
Made from pure
cream of taitar*
Safeguards the food
against akim*
' luAtfS' ba. Bade a
Total................................................................... .................... 1*0,«5
itlo^ ie Cuba and be be•tadyofo.
ed by purTo tbeee .bould be added the territory 5Pt
tiavM tbet the i.laad .boald be apinexIBM or annexa|oo, me followa:
iqwn the market.
•A to the railed SUtea And fa bi.
AreatnSq. M.
PapnUllon ^ Soap b.« bi»ii ill air for 8.00^0
1.000 jtmn I
Prices? h
and Indeed a little less J
A Bitfle. A
afforu in that> direction be 1. eAid to
ISO.OOO I and i*
meulioucd in the
many Inferior grades.
109.U30 few yearK upo a HMp boijpr'n( »hoD we. '
aoloe the eeatimenuol Pope Leo. ,^e
Glad feet. Glad pockets. Glad hearts. What'
--------- ^ ] di*«m‘r«i >u
hariOK been burt the better, elemore do you want for Christmas?
wat of Cabana aad the bearieet
... «»8.5C5
Ul,4tW.Mt 1
fpil oppu
<,j,y -a A. D. The
arty owaen are fearful of a home -gbrCompared wllb the colonial po
•eat BriUUl tbU iabalaapeek enap foiiiid in tlie .hop hwl not In»t oil
lament.-becauee of the liabiRtj^of
itnoOiriM-y. alllioaph it had beeu buried
ODe-Sftb the toreirn wrrilory of Prance, bat
amone the oaUree a«ala.i' ▼orably
“ **“
which rire. l.b00yeai.c-SuiVr.noieoo New. Let- jusPront Street.
with other eonntriea.a* may be Men by
The Old Reliable
M coUbliahed corernmeat, and that the area and popalatioo of the foreurn poMfuaioa. or depeodenclc. of the
the intelli^Doe of Cuba woald much ^on* which lead in thU jiarlicular form of property:
frefer to lee the ieland a part of the
Art«inb%. H.
Pnpolalioa Fssey Ckm. '
United SutM. There U wladom in
Clrn.ipeiittog ' a t.preiaHy
Name. I
t Britain..
eaU and if Cnba can be
printed on eaken to order, by Chn» A. ^
•oaapared with the Central America^
lAwrenc-e. ibr oripnal baker. aiT
s,sin,7o7 Union street. Thone I*»
Matee it U quite likely that a naUre
IS. i.7,71.
IWeernment would not be the .occeM
I the Amerieaa people deelre and hope
If the impreaaion. left upon the
American aoldien and their officer, are
io eonnt for anything, there ia common
in the idea that the CubaAs are
ttnable to gorern thesuelrea Beeidea.
Kew Par iliia.
the death of General Garcia, one of tbe TWO HUMOROUS BROTHERS.!
boM> 6... ..
rnllng apiriu of Cnba.
Wsa w*cm Ml ta« IhrMixUi «<
Ttirlr Owa’ BomellMM.
to eatabliahing.a stable governm
la Grand ^id. tonight there wUl
he a meeting of local anti-imperaliaU
who mean to organlra a mrannoo.
ngaiut urritorlal ^tension.
With Grand Bnpids arrayed againat
the aeqairiUon of new territory there
•konld be no reaMn.ble exenw for ear the expan.ioo of American
Mtarpriae beyond tbe shorM of Uraad
Metaraed From the Klondike.
~ A. L. Kellogg ha. retnrned from
Klondike gold region and will remain
<er a time at ieaatin-this city.
:ity. He
, ^--geft hi. claim on Stewart riverr in Srp'
ffimber and came home by,way of St.
Kl^uelt to SeatUe. Be .late, that
Oit of the -Ji.OUO claim, on the qaeen'v
aeil about 200 dr 3w are paying.
The law. in that eonniry are that
•rwy othei lOLClalma are rceerred for
<h« erown. llVKellogg left tbi. city
nacly iMt springer the g^d ragiou.
llanyyrai > air> ibiTvwcre two broth
era, named Ji»-1 and Jonathan, who Jewinh OommeUL
were fani'ia.tbrunKhiiul Wayiieoonoty.
------------------------Ihd.. Iiwaoiw Uii«y w«ee IxHh (inch '
friKlitii One day they were on tbdr ; .WtyllU—Are yon rare yfo lore »•?
wav pi Cincii
Cincinnati by wagon in tbe Oorydeo—J ongbt to be.' 1 think 1
tbr'old canal. Tbe wagon wa. have bats in love often ennogb toreoday*
lye of the'.ill
the ourerod variety, and only Joel ognlce the'aymptoma —
wan virilile to the natnral eye
roliirle plnuKcd into and rml of t^s]
ebnek b-ilt-H that lofiwtrd the way. Joel .
Otoeeverad by a Woman.
wa. Mill to be the next to tbe drIIpM
Another great ducovery has been
n.ui iti all tbe country ruond. and bia lade. and that.
1. too.
by a lady io this
brother took precede
eaM fastened !u cliticb-
I will have a car load of fine
is BhowiDg a very lai^G Ubg of
Book Cases.
Combination Book Cases
and ladies Desks.
Ig autlqne oak, g^dan oak.
mahogany, birdeeye maple—
and we ttre mbkiog apecUl
Come in—look them over.
h^re on Wednesday, Dec. 81.
This will be a fine lot.
Call at Brodhagren's barn and see them.
1 cyi sell you good horses cheaper than any
one else in Traverse City.
you luimi b lliu inn your namci"
In a M'puU-bAil tuue (bat bticd well
__ .
T\» L-.n..-.
TI _ _. _ L.1_V;
thebWp.mefa.v Jm-lreplp,i:
ubot'.icoff Ur"i^ogv'’Ni^
House Furnishing
;-\tvll, Iguivvl hatn'l never done
tkinsumpv.on. aud wae so much re-1
nothin that would make me attained ],evtd on taking ihr Aral dose Ual she , R« Si
to Ifll tny nainv. My name is Joel"— alept all nigut: and with two boultw I
••winredo yoo live, if it il a fair haa been akaclutely cured. Her name:-------i» Nf- Lulbcr Lulx." Thus write. W.
* Co. of Shelby. N C
• W. II. stranger, 1-ve seen mm.-b cd .Jri*l bottle, lo cU. at th. drugeto^
Indianny. b.., I'll U-t y.,u «ID that
J. «.^Johnwn. Begu•yon'ro tbe nglie^^
man in the state.”
heorge Bipas Birthday.
guublin loan,”
Kr. Oeo^e □. Sipes of West Fourhatn't I
?cr CkriftOM
h atiek bad a birthday Saiu'day nutblu in (be Si-riptor' sg'in betlio on a
Look at tbe elegai
ha eviiing about tu ny of bia
••1 tka
I. smalt
grteadaealled upon Urn nnexpectedly to
------------------ r. —.
-I I •
IIIw^ him eelehrate tbe event. U.ate*. ing into its depths bo called :
ver used—A remark we
card* and danetag helped every one
pcaaCBt have a good time, and an oyster
r e>rery day in regard to
Tbe Bttauger paid tbe money
•opper was eqnally enj >yed.
a word of oomplaint.—New York Mail Bring yitr^nrkeyi
: to Chaa.
Mamerons pretty tad valuable prM and Exprew.
laa. A. I.{.Awrenee.'
the origleaj
r, for roasting for Chrisi
Mta will help Ur. S.^ee to remember
New 'Ymt-‘a
' dinneia. &I7
the oeeurrence as wall ns-bis frienda
ON A BIKE BUILT FOR TWO. | atreei. -pbot
MCkriiuiiii cmt.'**'
"•■Z f
Whiat Oltsb Keeting.
-• Was KM Kaewa j.
Members of the Traverse City Whiat
Osb and other* interaated are relliug
iug along
along' the avenue when be j
qMeted w meet at the office of O. P. toticed a prett;
[iretty girl m a neat cycling j
Onmr this evening at fi o'clock for the
atidiu'g by a tandem. She had |
lixing for the win- .her bar-k tann-d in him. bnt be
B. MrNai
n>-iame. bad a neat aukle
and a nii-ely amiugi.l lot'(it hair. liax.
B. J. KorKBXi, Prop.
J. A. Lokxm.ek. aeeretary.
ter is vity |*rti.;n r ab-int a girl's
hair. This girl lisAt-d
lisAt'd ..n attractivi- ihai
Four paira of heaiY bob sleL,
SaBtiago de Cuba bae an ecolalx* be ^nsed. Tb-re
«*iiurthing la- two square box cotters and ‘one
'b-Te was viiiurthing
Menl diMiuctinn. and that i. that it ii thelic in biT attitude, n W.ought. Was
rell bodY cotter.
4fae oldert bishopric ip the weeUim she waiting fur a cavaliiT to jniii bur
weridi Wbrn all PcimHylranis wa* a on tbe tandemr A wild idea enuinri
Baxter’s hiad. He would do a dazing
to tbe girl, ene
him as
1 me.” he Ungfalngly said,
-c yon looking fur an aocompaind be pomted^ tbe tandeip.
an work of lil/tievi
stM*. rise stilC
work »«rrrlaJiT.
Baanah. tor * Co. Blet*.
“nowthst you nxmUem 1
nearly all Central Amerioa,
A momeot later
ttp the Mraet. When
dark, they tunifd back.
“My tandem?” criedihegirL “Why,
it in'C mv tandem.”
“Not your tandem?" abonted Baxter.
"Who» is it, then?”
••Why," raid
d the girl, “I tbooght it
“Beavena. no’* groaned Baxter.
“But you acted as if ft was yoon,''
In Cocbin-Cbina when husband and raid the girl.
irile find they can 10 lougtx agree they i .••Wi'hat ihaH- are do?" moaned the
rIts a dinner, *
which they invite ■ »jtl •
Miair lalations aad tbe
’Take it beck,” said Baxter.
vlUage. Tbe toter daring tbe mral | go thry nrie hack in silflooe, and
the chopRick. of tbe pair and | ^ben u,e^»erawhont a WotA away the
braaka them, and by hi* action they girl raid:.
jn lagaHy divorced.
"1 guess I’M stop here.”
Tellew jaanOMa Oarad
Leaving tbe iOindi-m at near to tl
BcHering hamanlty ahonid he sup- place where bo faw it a* be ronld, i
arnttled awayinWdarknera.—Cyclin
Tbe latest oonaua proves that in «ppm Tifth avenue there is a stretch at
■oaaffi a mile and a half long tkiat coodaeas of millionaitea. It ia for
to Ingcb the highest sociaUy. the must
Wtffiiiectarally haodaome and by far
As Boat wealthy street in the world.—
Mew York Telegram.
the follewing: “This ia tocerUfy that
1 wa* a terrible sufferer from Yellow
Jaondice for over six montba. aud was
treated by some of the
in car dty and all to
Bell.I. our druggist.
trie:Bitters; snd after taking two bot. Uee 1 WM entirely
I BOW take
great pleaenre in r___________ _______
to nny person enffering from ibis urri_______ I am gratefully yours.
M- A. Horsrty. Lexington. Ky " Sold
'y B. E. Malt and J. G. Johnnra. drug-
Tbe aiipplefft and surest remedy f<
blackboCds is tbe bathing of one's face
every mgbl with very l<ot water,drying
itewilh a soft towel aud tbon rubbing
in very gotitiy some cold cream, per
fumed or .not, as yon fancy. In tb«
morning wash your face well with bol
watte and soap and tben give it a batb
in tepid water, to that all the aoa]
Union St.
You may prefer Brook Trout or Black Bass, but this is not the proper time of^^
.year to indulge
_ in either ol those kinds. But it is just the time to come to our Gro- ^
eery Department, look at our display of fish, and try any of the following, all of ^
are extra choice, •••
in ........
---- ------------------------.. condition, and good to eat: Smoked Salmon, xPickiv-a.- ^
led Salmon, Canned Salmon in H lb. i lb, and 2 lb cans. Smoked Finnan Haddies, ^
Smoked Hallibut, Smoked Med. Scald^ Herring, Salt Herring, White Hoc^ Hoi- ^
land Herring. Salt Mackerel. Canned Lobster, Canned Shrimps, Canned Clam #
Chowder. Imported Sardines in Ji's and i^-^'s. Domestic Sardines in K’s, Musurd
Sardines in Ji’s, Cove Oysters in 1 Jb^and 2 lb cans, and last, but not least, try our ^
Bulk Oysters. No water, but R oysters direct from Baltimore three to four times a
(■ -'
Even if you don't want to buy any of these goods, at least come In and look $
^ them over.
The place-------^
Jacob Furtsch,! :THE
Phone 34.
from the "BEST” wheat in Michigan.
lie Bid.
Tbe New Wheat Food S Ifi:
Far BUperior to oatmeal or 1
other breakfast foods. It is
the ideal moming food. '
This excellent article of 1
diet and a full line of
For sale at the store of
It's to vour best interest to patronise home in
dustry. Use the “BEST” flour, which is made
Rose’s Carnation
PHIsbury ||
When we are al! dependent upon each other,
Pioneer LiYery Stable!
Like Ours
Pine Expectorant
In a City
f^oVdi 0^ TJdkVX^au.
5V\oT\,‘3TcsVv”KevBsS\QT\es j
Di«pit( (Ijp fart Ibat
ibat tbr txantrofa
oil aicbrd fm la mwhapprw-iato)
f projilo of ao artlhtir ton. of IiDind,
• boro lORfmioc . b.T
. .poeta ami DOtil late!
lateljr U(.
At Melamora mad AoKa are playinit, n*ii dar oooanllod Dr. LoTalley. who tnakora, thiio baa boon Doril
kaaoc amonf tba farmera. be*eral I found a bole tbc aiz« of a bullet ander Itn lutareat. from a trirutiSr point of
tIow, laltru
«ue«cha After connoUberrf'________
little boy/HJ. M|U„ had a batr | alderable trenble. be look out a piece flat feet are tl*o«a«on of .•.mai.lentble
breadth cectpe.
lof the whip laah thref-qoarter* of an lieen reffcrinB. procTallyrreomi.B from
At KaoxTille, Temt. tbe Tblrty-firet;
ooe-quarler wide, and aa the breakinR down of the arrb—that i*.
mebkffaB waa buried beneath a beaTrlhard aa wood, wnicb bad broken off] ihedirplarF-nunt of Mtne of ibo many
wet anew yeeiarday The rifle ran«'•»! bei^e Imbedded in tbe cbeek, >»«* »>“'»
. wa.oo«iplei«l Saturday and M.jorUm^ when he ermtked Uid whip.
{ OTerarrum or-nned.-e—---------------I lar atrnrluro. A^« weiRhtof tbe body i
ah narebed bU battaltoo there Sunday
tbe foot.tlicge
.thege iit
morsloff. but it wae eo wet tbe eoldien
probably had tbelr two mUe walk for
I that tbean litlK
l)d boD<
baa broki
At Uaalnff. AImio Perry.wboebarc- Etheridge, near lb^eri*U^oi*oItn^!l'“P mbbiiip aKain< roJh other, aud
canned tbe
ed W. A. Killer with tbc murder of K. j and haa ibua farrcat^
j Comuiooly „,p
the peraon afflirterf in tbi.
O. Lauaua laatapring. waarleen aeen-' four bead of valuable
: way ibiiiln that be*or .be haa rfaentuac of eight yeM ul'jacknM priaoB 11>« cauM of thia diaeaue U a baetlae
ti>m aud let. It po at that Cutil
for perjury.
' ‘
atnall germ which bai iu habitatiou ormly the only remedy wa. a .teal wiled
in tbe ground, nod tbe dUeaaa u either; ebne that va. rluu<7 and bravyT^he
nming. Iiiiau‘'iu-
A Poker Came Im Wbleb Twa BlB«.
era Poaahl (a a eiaBdetlll.
“Wlien 1 lived in .<^'rill^ wnn«
yeart apo." mid Bank'T^Wluter. the
minnrel. "I Bwflrii.i .iiiBad the Xaebville Amerioau. a biR daily newepapw.
abaDjte.iiwuereliip cat a pair of deuoee. j
"Dune Cooper ownnl tbe eontrolliiiR ■
atock iu Tbe Arucrlcau and waa eonild- j
ared <tuite wealthy. Me wut oneof that
Clara nboare unujrroQ'thioQRbi
elate, who.
tbe ayiuu Roei". •have
monc’T to bnrti. • and who enjoy oetblng |
more than aimriK I'ehiiid a line borre, |
uulere it ia aittiiig bebiud eeveral stackt i
" Wbeu Che lafrielatore weein eeMlon.
we were piraity
|ht iu the Met
nwcll hoteln'iif tbe place, in
which tbr.UMitidi of dollar* oban'g^;
Consultation and Eiaminatlon Free and Sirictlf Confidential..
B. S. & CO.
THfc CkLCIlUATSt) HPkTiauirn or TBk
T3ra.-v-e3?8e Oity,
Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 17 and 18, 1898.
Ofiee Boon from 8 «. Bi to 4 p.m.
“IJniie Cooper wa. r^ie of
boWart '
player* of the .late, and a«i to t
perb.pa wa. Jrrty Baxter, a leadiug <
cilirvu aud poUiiciau, and a very i
wealthy fellow Bntb were good al;
blufliiip. end when they rakud in a gorid
pot it juat seemwl to tickle them imnicnwly.
“Onenifflit Cooper aud Baxter got in !
,p]j. ; lawmaker*, aud 1 clieocrd to be in tbe '
diflicnlt to treat thin dieeaae aueena- to he pbeed iup.wition. it ('JO'be [Thiusawnnl Blong at n pretty;
Tueadavau’d Wadueaday of tbU^eek t'
fully, remedies thn> far proving nu- chiingesi___________
at ^
awl(ile. hut honor*
in cue afaoe l auotber ....
. A veo- •ipterretSr^iVm^i w; ^
availing, but vanxination with a weak- wiiL
j «d to be nearly T-vl'a. OwipiT aud Haxarvunged
e will be made .
■ ................... ,ened virus, from tbe diaeaae has proved; lu pra>»1«i 1* «« eimply aa aenp-j
wore laying
byannmbcr of
' pwr,
f • hey never play
pOTi, literally
litcrully h.il.ling
hohliliK up the
tin- h.,i..si
hiiii.si and!
Tobaceo cbeweh. tbouid beware leet
, „
‘ ji u u
. <
giviiiB llieiu
lliciu «u
au oppnnauitv
(ipponauitv to alip hark 1I *^ **‘*“ • I'um. the pnwpert wa* that
they meet tbe aame fate « Cam
county :
'•••“. lujiuf. their rro|*-r
pro|*-r placre.
|.l»c«i. While,
oiiy "in■•in-II « they did lo^ hiwns there woold be
cow did rtaxQily. ThCL-ow. a
o«'-‘‘«tcd llueai;^ fXweo^ flftb eoi,.,hc- approximate al.apc will i •»>" P^«y UH battiug before the
(d op
able Jerrey. got ioto a barn where !
Congregatio^ cfiksroh while give relief, the U« nwul.a ar- reached | ‘»*bdn were turned
ly Md a only whi i. otii> i* repw iBllv tuade from ' "** •*"
'«>’y •"“•t befeue the opa
mime tobacco bad been bung up u. dr, :
*" ~
be WOT- acnMorim|,n-w.iouof ibe VooL a Rrcat!
aud the iwu got nt it . f
audateeome of iL Three poor. laUr^^
While prt’io-rtjon of lh.. i*«ple trouhhsi with i ktmmer aud Icuik*. It wo* a Ing pot, i /
y.f 0“*
fla* *"•
f« «t ™t»'“
"»»<* *«•»
trvm *be
the north of Koropo, j!
W'-f" drawn and •
b midat of
many of them from the lowland* of <x(?- “•c b;;ttiuij riminivnn-tl there were four
At Nile*. Jai
Tivi^ member of the
l"ederal eeiPpn* went t;„rope. elrai.g. ly . i.ooKh. arc widom ‘‘■■'•R did o-.t gel atiiui>d iR-fpre Cooj
of 1S47, when OetivU WM t^^Dilal ■
«. wsv^pimi.
tronhl.d Wiih auylhiisK (if the aort. “»■<*« a plunge, aud Baxter
it •
died Saturday sigbl.
e wa*
waa raised. A hurried acrumble Tlii it in«* jw. (*p< eially in the caao of ' bnad that mad* the ntbor two drop onL
i waa made for the exiu. but fortuately Wiiuieii, nrr m-ariy alwaya higlilv arrbed
There aeema to be no endto the; no one waa Injnred in the r.iab.
andfipelyf.mued.—.svir Vorktribuue.
bard. He raised the bet gb.OUO apd
Iben remarked in a half jesting way.
cap from a local cloth- g;.
‘Tfaal'aell Ibeataff I've got here, hnl
I'd like to bet luy atock in The Arnett- i
I SewtraVT^evos &Uwvs
■ SVeawed. 5totw Sver^MoVvaTt •
"Witbont tbe lesat show of nervto pay aeveral Umes the ordinary price A
ooKDHn or anxiety Baxter retorted, I
to keepoalof jiil.
■Pul np a doe hill for it.' Cooper took'Tba KueiSucceeaful and SriratifleTraatmaetof All Dim
At Jaeicaoo. the 4-y«srold child of
Auguat Bumicr raa fatally burned:*
Sunday afternoon. T^ chUd tipped! At London, the death U anooonced t American minitter regarding a aatUpocket aud wrote on tbe hacl^ it:
ir.-«i aii ( HfeoMU. KXKVofs.HWN ao4 BLOoii tewrari. spue ib* istrai .M-ir*
arlruUnc prieelOTuralampacd waxen badly burned of William Hlack. th« novellsL
< fartory aetllemenl of all pendinr ((iie**1 O C an amnuiii (-foal to the
before ana altanec arrived that deatbj The weather in Ureat Briuin Ls still | Alone between tbe 1 nited .suua
value of yemr suidt in The American.'
------- jd burex-al DU-aw^, Arule u.« Chra^
U.wssr.ol inr K;r. Par. N.—-. Tbn
| marked by exceptional mlldneaa and a j'''“fkej-*be payment of
“Hu pD»h*d liiecard into the pot and Caiarrb.
tem KMnr;. Llrrr. hlwldrr.t^brvDir groisl
Ureat bed* of .white aaod have been i plentiful rainfall.
jdomolly for American .oxaea to
Usnj p*op!' mm .IraiB rrrri xraf ah* Blrl
•• Tvs gut a bnlitail,' mid Cooper.
|.»ml ibrir 1-S>r> id ttar hsuSa nl ezprrtedlacovered some SO mllesfrom Saginaw, I The uuecn mother of the Netber-l"**"**near the liiseof the Flint A I'ere Mar-; UodSTfiS^wiwirten'* to gjeen Victoria, AV>rnellua Vanderbim jr. re<xntly |
queue railway, Therullroad
companv privately, deflnitely announcing
h«., | kad hi. finger cruahed while coupling i ,„ued over bia band. >howing a leoe
. . railroad.
■ II j»„ „t d,.o,«
haa purchased the aand bed*, believing'daughter * betrothal to Prinee
Williaai jf»f» — .L.
‘ke L-._
New York Central
themvobeof value lor glass making. ' <,{ Wied. Au ottieial nolitt^lioa. on )«■> "kito be bad been-employed saa
"S(jm*UAy a*ke<l Baxter
The atenographer and trunalator of! tbe subject will be made ahurtly.
imechanirel engineer.
(lenceii. to which h* v-iilicd: ’I
-r-- -i—-, (:iTAkl(H(^T^4^^|*t„ lm..m-hiu, ,«*
•I gotaj^.i;""
, the peace commiaaion i» a Mina Me-- At tbe eenvenary of the cattlea^w' For iwr^ral hour* Sunday an areaof
bunch IhaC be wa* blnlUng. t set him {. 9*^*°*!*°*<*B‘ ETBS and xrsoulatsc I te». .<Fv<
Nangbton from the atale of Hioblgan. ,
uiiugion. wbicb waa opened bv tbe {^'"">ty hlocke in the Twenty-eighth dowu ai drayritiB iv a bobtail, aud ll 'A'’oBBTAiS''AH8 POSITIVE OOKB
Sbepaaaeda high grade exaininalloD 1 Prince of Wale* with a record entry. 1 ward in H-OiWyn N. Y. waa iaaDdated couldn't g.-t tLu iiire nut of my head
'*re •«> (h®
a year ago for tratYafcr in tbe bureau; the qqeen won tever^ flcbt prixea: I ky raging w*iere. which wa.bed out O.nno Ooo|K-r i. the la<4 mau on earth
I ■predllj. ruopletelr bad
American repuL.^p.
pub^ She i*
.. onetrf; viaeoont
, ■■ci.iuul EqrimaO. tbe
l*c Earle
wane of
VI Oov-1
WT- , tke
— ■ fouod*viou. of hr.uHe*, . V —— — w i d Irtrnnmenia
w. H. « pukergai
-e.** - —.Un > u
J U— .....te
.. 11
I I.
J - *
tbe only two woven
who are paid
by entry. Baron V,..
and Lord Ko*e-*n<l
pole*, imprisoned j rego loiw Oo-an.
A SI BE Cl HK for sU orraok- weaktwssra
the gOTernment tbe ealary of SS.icu.
; bery were also among tbe prise win-' prople in their
^p^in.ra^ij^|^DjL^T^ vx- .Srel3?o“fu.‘~“‘
William ValeoUoe. aged 30. waa ac- ^ nera.
! drowned some wi
addrrasra iboer wbam soUI tVfcairtic Raoki. anO lesdlng*Bn*inw
cidenta'iy shot and killed near llollam
''f^ITIV&t'oOBBO- Pesale WwikMan uf kalamaroo thlak of tbe
Sopday wbUe bunUng. Be leave* a Igniabed Cuben warrior and leader, and
om. sod oil dellrst* dieordsr* nreuUsr to
widow anA two children. He had I the bead of tbe commiaaion elected by ; think flsoti.odb. A great water main
■ABRIF.n MEK. Of (bow rateHagoa Iksl
fcywjll*. sear* of pbraleal SebUUr. qateklg
burst at five o'clock in the moraiug.
lira ur ibF eicras ol asiorr rrsn.
placed tbe buttendofbiagononalog.lujeCubanaaaembly to vUilthia
>PlXiaLTIt»: ^mrea.
Forth* first hour l.SUu.ooo gallooa.it
- the gun slipped off and discharged, the | try. died at Washington Sunday
WE Gt'ABsXTFE TO Itt'BE oerraus As(kaeer. Plira sad PlMmoes
load entering hi* month aud paAslngiisg at the Hotel Raleigh, where the t« eaUmated. roahad through the streeu
out through tbe back of tbc bead. | e jmmiaalon baa iu headquartefu. The sod there was lilUe diminution for
-----------..buc Iron, tbe w^rm cllute !
The leo^ e.b,e «, .ndran ksaxihatiob op te
of ih« Klchlgan Acraldeai As' noat
sJioul* arad or brlox frow t (o 4 oui
Eblphneteb.r.olElm»ood.1Wx.l.io: Oeb. with .be l»rf.blp. be bbb I ■'"'l
F™terrwl), wUWuWmrarnTos careful rh>
eounty, borro
bb.„le.lbba.;tb.,..bdb™d.b,U.e.lbt,j...lh.r“''“’V-''*-««“IFj"IbU"s wTttios saalrel* will b* Xtrea. Pvraoa
(rtat^ Wita thra Booth sfler booUi.xIisg rifle of a
b..b«,.b»bel«I Xe- Yorb .bd «'„bl.,b.b. U re- ®"'F
Orlar* sre dsa*
. ! (InnriMi
flooded sbH aa Bnmh«e
number n4
of cLsni
them mrt
so k.
dog* which had been worrying hta j' eponaiblefor
i damaged that they wUI fall if they are
abeep. When tbe canines made tbelr ed in bia demUe.
pulled down. Buodreda oLotbern
be pelled U,.
„d |
de.Uu.Ub. puu.ll.
U,, | “'
(ras. Address, vUh postafs,
M lb. cue bed bbe. buded Wlh dp- Ubbrt.plb Ube.bb. Tbee. hu. i "’"AAmttal K ludip Ibbt u ulll be
eobldb-. b... dpb. bbu. „i ;
7 . “ .b,p‘b.p'..„ u... U.e I *
PraiiSi. nf*l Nattousl Bask
dld-M, luipb I.]»djblbbkul. bbpbP Ibbt April, tbb .»lp.t“ “;:ri
L.D* vasra (kal It Al_i__ .i-b..- i__i____________i baa_ 1 **“"•*•"* *
mid not let them eater the ebaky
4“'^ 1‘ burawd at the! local authorities . %n do nothing more
breech, filling Fletcher'* fane witt », ibeir fund* are eihnnsted. Doetoiu.
b tbe ashea of Colurabos
powder and giving faiw a narrow e*-:Bor*re. medical supplies, rice, oeatisror ol tCsJowasoo.
I with milUtary and
ALasarvW. S.ini.
repe from dret^
! denaod milk.'eradtefUb-^aeoBuod canSunday from
At Pilot. Giddeon Tboma* vras Bed beef are nevied at oeoc and in
tbe cathedral to Ue Ooade de Venadita
awarded »soo damages by a Jury in tbe, auffleient quantiiie* for so.obo people.
! and tbe cruiaer wlU anil for Cadix con
r ^ Of Bi-s PuniisfalBx.
Circuit coork He cUimed to have au* ' At Key Wrel, Fla., fully 10,000 wlt- voyed by two gunboats.
taiuad aarions injury iu June laat by a! neaaed tbe dediretion Sunday afterVeneteel* la to bold an .expoalUoa is
AefeeUveaidewalk. Tbit la the aecond i .oor^of tbe handume iron fence eo Caracaa during the flretbalf of tbeyear
jn^eot obtained agaiuat the city closing the plot of ground In the city IJOU. All nation* are lavited to make
a.ri« tb. pbbt Wbri..
exhiblu. but more particularly the Lat<®A Thrw Riven aao who apraioed ; the reilore who were klllpd to tbs ex- ia-American eountrire of South sad Live A^ente Weatad lu Un
hie erriat wrapped around It idothea | plosii
■ a* Ontrml America.
occupied Territory.
aaturated with UrpenUne to relieve well;a* four men from tbe Wsoalow,
wen. Pilxbugb Leeandbisataff have
the pain. He went loo cloac to a Are one from tbe Marblehead, one from the
aailad from Savannah for Cuba on the
witbont thinking, and tb* a^ln ba* Newport, one from the Yankee and
The party will land at Marinot botbered him in the least alnce, tblrty-elx olbere killed during tbe re
because bU attention 1* completely bellion. The fence was pnrebaaed by |
will not enter tbe city till
Uken up with the bunt* reared by tbe' popular •ubaeription under the auspices' ,
bow be I
.?,'r’.KiriL"' •“•
HicUgaD Accident Association.
. u.,
bandage Igniting.
of tbe Union Veteran'* Legion Eo-'
Is New Y'ork City Sunday while
I No. GS> of Wa*
Ren lloover.a cigarmaker,
Ibribed.t U» el„ b.b TF~>‘"« Mb “»•««•> >*■ Speei-bJ.
4ead in M Sunday mornl_. ________
: I.ra... McDonald, a prominent TamDibble houte, Fifni. Heart failure 1**^
tbe oemeterj-. where
aan, was thrown from bis ittlky
was tbe cauM of dretb.
j appropriate exercise* ware held.
;bod -died a few bonre later from a
,<aty. ba(i oo-ssmo loreerereli. repri-;
®®”*'**t'*“‘**y : the Italian colony, wa* ebot and killed U>iwr«;^ Bs. ur s«di-d m la* .*« «
reand Eos* ^Er„:ki and .loreph Macro-!
bnrymg many of the wiwk-,
Jewnki, member* df the eongregaU(». | “«<»- “'Rkteon bodire ^ave bean «• i committed snleide by taking carbolic
The woman teak exeepUon* to hi* re- i
: acid. Catherine Werner also eomralUed
rearkn. cladn.ng u>ey reflected onl The United Sutreerulaer Raleigh re-'auicide with tarboUc adi Tboma* 1
them ^ wounded ibrir f*elinga.They | turned to Manila Rainida.v from Batan- • McKeever. a freight agent, waa foiAid
krourhiauiicUlmiagttOO go- She reporta that tbe Insurgent*! dead In bed. Bliaabein CHntos. aged
1 each vase. Juatioc Haller, r——ra-j—kk u.-^>-tA-a
<-j...bk a.. ..i-.i__
frltu-n opinion, held there <
wn* BO reuse for acllofl,-taking tb* '
position that tbr rules of tbe chnni i
Mad been broken by tbe pUinliffa
Anterieu* Chadwick.* farmer ne
.Vaaree, while driving hta
town, gave the whip a vigorou* eraek .
to reake the boraea go faster. He fell <
atfngUngBeDMtioBosUie cbeeb and I
American Medical and Snrgical Instiinte of Mnslegon, lict,
tb« ktm;
A euw tWk by Whirb >b» t
Matbi-r iu
A BaldbMa^'^pty.
A naval oHircr. r(^ wdlaad faT<tt-
-U.,-tb, l^n-r.
l> fp»n bU |uir»r. Tha
,Aco.»il1n>: bi a pn.Kl au<J tror ti*i»
All at uiK* b« pw-:a- KS7 \i> CtiiuBilt, jU IflGuu who bad
: mar *>ut jwl
: Him) a pti'i fan-.
and |ukla.
f hita
>- rnn-H Ih.w‘y{!-.1l!d’'ht!!d
u WUrk Laii^a• “--and
Uia ^
j tea.
■y b
bU fcJdw, iianUDS auu«Uo7ln.
V ar< a nii'iiicnt.
r Miaa Olieajorton.'' ba nid.
•■wl.y_t!ny<in^i. rtirbrl.k»>'
**Aboat B» riUoul .r„nn„
a Fnartb ™
of Jaly |
Id tw.
Below is a lUt Of the baying ayd arilig prieea of yeOetday tor groperlea
'oTfalnna asd fam pr^aeU in Trov
jcarnMl »-uic «.f tUi'vl«-mrnlar7 prind- abl* kinmti lu Uedob. liuy fnr
l^k wr ®>“
wm.ii niikmi«'n
laH*/! a(ha'**'*4i in liia .1
. .P^.
»>>«'Joschr.r and <nu.torfic« went nukn.iwn
l«;;i a.i.a.i.wl tb “>» Morn cm f^ork...................
0«» ouo< vv»»iu« bi wall; ni-iii a ridgy
U.oiipli bo Ima
i;ut Pork per #>...
grnwu Kray iu Ui< u rt i-.-wjii luuii.'d |.-;uur, h L. A Co. b«t.........../.
p1^.' Wbm liP rearb. .1^ • top of ouo
lamcuUbiT bull)
K«rt«itly nu> •« Bia bye f'loar, B L. A Co. BeSL..
thS mooiiil*. Im Niw a . • r alicafl of
Vurd. away. B.dnro ioinora waa bold racAiKb to ijO'VtibD : Ucni. II. L A Co. Beat.................
„„,a t,., wn.d ....... J .•» hitnua (0 hi* romarliable abneuoe uf ■ Ford. H. L. A Oo. Baal.........
► r.«T«k «l 4-ly ItoMac
OavlMtat I
liaviiiu bo lot uii* cf ili.Ubae. tbvre
Tbe omoer rridiod promptly and with i
«a( uuUiius for ibf luan tod.i bat to,____ ^
inch Tiudictiveueea:
’Cheese per lb ................
Tears ago do>tn in ib.‘ burhnr of Hono ■ rror«iero. whrrr rar».-li: bail im,.«iod w rsf" for the m■a^•*t irrr, bin tboojrti be ; “tIT...,
"Viiu. ubiD. y««i wonld be bald. 1 loaU pi-rbu (old),
Till'lb imiURtiUi bad an all star **"•■
< br«»mon * Irlyht hadevt. triKi it uml pol furlii •'Lbj^’osjB'a*
think, if you bud liad iii< >1
orer . Uim per bo., old.
’ Pototoea. per bn.
bappeneil to 1>- ay.>KiM*l to tba Ben- ,
Mi.. ri«ydTton .uddenlr awakened
h.1, p.rd.bl...
uiilcui Jody
ningtoaios l.nmb before (Ae luff for
''iTbai waa b.-to do? InaljiTr dp»p.-n».,
10 pAr 1<
berPadflp cruiM-. and atweral of the
-At the Tn«ad.T.i.
wild Cargill. 1 tioo he r.aolved opou Aui gnuenuli
ui«.r—t l.l—a. t-citkaa
0AaRD»nb.Kl bd,.. incmlaw «f tbe CV j
1 bOpe you err gol^ to dine with arbeme. Juat a* be di«p|inared for an J
Buvias naT*a or tbatk««
^lnibia-*tTuckb.»t'*w>v.hatwanop(d’iBe •
, innantirou. the ticerV Mgbt in nw ,
alloftbeJlr.iitbnajy' Ixat.’nttrain
"Hut I |>r.ynlwd l..lw at HafiipB«ail by niiiR over a ridge be bulled. Mrelcbcd
kii ** pri.pi r > otncreil, ^e
0I4, pg, j,b................
. y.anolcouwiitthinkofdlnliigwlibyou ^01 bis leg**nt risbt auBli*. norled does not maitiff. TU>i»allv.» oi *«n-I wheat, new.^ bn..............
’ Famoos Baltimore Counts,
. Selects end Standaids.'
Ti..«... b.d iM, ;“js"
I. Nr Carvill ••
' dowu hi* l.wid
a*bi look b. lwwu lli*
V,*^ ""i;*
1»tebrr'« oymer
irsi rluM aystm.
T« hr aeod, erst
netdur's MiaMn tstunit
^ Pffa"- <«»«*)
i Bicycle Riders.
1 do all binds of,
-ing and eoameilDg. and tkat I (
[and do give you ibe bust mor
.lone In tbo <lty for. the money.
1 w*. ..ro.
L M.V 0Wei-V-J oy V.UOI.O.UUIC
I„ oidnlon, a* 1
A ttellwd P.anhn 'taa-< tOn> of the Val<
qm-»llnn of
II In AiuiTloL Onv
of ttegoUr.l.-I«. tbe Crook,
Ul U>im; I II.
Anohltluie . r.*ik «ioib1 nu a Brnydway ■•••fiir, i'l Cm. Ti'iiderlom di.iriol, to ray. It ua* ii-............
lat" >«). 'Uiglit m-'-rillr. waIrhiiiK a ukiw tLo
In lIh ixpulnr.odnd tif a'
Kuip in till * o'clock every eeeol
yonii" •
«n 1171115 tti-*!m-i-donr*. pniiiouoc.it ui.il oeii rn lire Irolinglhal • xcept Sunday, in the OaldweU A L
The poin-. m^r.
.1 the w.irk with graat in thw miCi.rTd bxi<.hm.io th
An.erl.-a it eUwr. AMt too tei
“Th.it * u.*.- i;il A.tw«-r.“tlmcron\ huM.u-r. in.-u In the v..et way t..o .«orw..
abipe Iviug at tbe vard. iovJudiuR lie
' If
t'"* H
; the ol.j.x t HMUtutd a ,bi.k-oii» grimace. ;
tiptMl’creW of the' OJvmpla and the »b«-«hl. you haw me no
1 A Jin-l..iiked yell urow eu.buK bad per•■ineli.K
B.*t«.-. h... m-w. Wivbonnhi that
hup* mv.r i^oro pi.«^ th.-.«r .d any
wewereahout n-warm aattey m«l» h!:
!-l.«er. and t':n Kti!* ..f the windmill beniir mtefor-•
^'k'*ar'l “"fl forward:
'em after <irr ere* put .it lui w> n>iny^ui„|„ ,|*i
hvnmiirot *» if
eudiim whirlwind ^til buret
Other i:uD-o'-WBr <-'r. tie. Jttvius ihrma tuneihiev
ti the M.-.uK.
xoaplcof ti iliute-tlif MnVt of u*. t<«X (Iitliiy fiiei
reniilnl. Wb»l. be evibn nuui'-'.r-.ae <avu ooue bud etdl t>-aling l.adn'i jio..
d. ittlv, thoii-bi. i» iliir? Tin re Mood a
, l*.n oii.li.p nii- wl
fCT..<io-j, n.:r-hai-d tuiniM.-r. Kiganlic
“Til- p.-eile
il.aiolniu uirat)B*«d .
f. lU
aguiurl itie «ky.
bidt-.ur li.ail
t me—l*o,“s..ia CBrcin. “To
situoixl iu the very fiil-T-if it» IomI
Jnly-r-tbe Auir-rinuie dowutluro celAj.,„: ttie
le Truth. ! wa» IhlnkinRalaOl*
btattri me >'.v«rth jn*t a» e*lhn-da.*tie- y..n iii«t l»t..rv
I intendtd to call upon —nay. ilr vlK-like jaws b-dvrecu wbie.
ally it vv <;>. 0!.b.rr—uiid th- Ih-n-.yuu t..jnorrow,'
-Ntd her liryid xMiio arluidly |diic<«1 above iU two fiery eyes.
uington'r inw E,:ari-d iu it iurpely.
MI^> i:iu.»Ten ..
Hr liiiilw w.u-i fiirii.nriy •-lan>.ir:Dg fia
<ni *lii|.'s eiihiM V/ re at tail foW “> the and p«i.ui.t «»a-ue»Uy I.a- her p.« kei hand
icked tet'bief.
nrthai. aiiti th-. luau be huo Uep ebsstwirttu-.' Inal wore run
rudladtoww you." ing. wheivwarhc; .Alr.wdv duvotnvd
- Kanaka crewr, sud the lb‘r.1
. ■bcoaM..
bvtbi. UiTibic b.a.1? .The tie r-nuld
Boeof tbi -Uiy wai cue. in wbirb oar
• '
^„i ,^d,vr it t
not lutuw. to retl-Tt. Hetnrmui tail
«nckajatk tight war tullgtire. tbeotbur
u.cail u .«f hea-k.a.
________ I _______
tr>. r a friuKlly
lua irlll fas
dfsa|>)>-«n*l tiM
haMSR ta*Ji won by sotaTTwe
Ob. no." she a
• jtidgOB luMuwIoi yell caoikfl bini to
praciicallr picked at rapdom from in.
•our moth- lednnldc
ledi>olJc bir para
paca He waa mnqneiud
0 your
antonR th.- nn'iigeot wamen.
t-r.l- f-.™. o, '“.tri;.,
“Wetbomtlil thir rjiv war at onr -m.
--------- wof Kauaka polioentpp and tbe
REcn cmr, M
,j ^«,ti„niug Uie di-
I.BtaO, ra. Ota 0»
lead ami tbe lead of tbe two Knuaka —m«_________
I —“will you he my wife''
“Two muiutos after tl» suketxait^
OB-SPlNIlEt ffl.t'ffiiSt’KlSSS
uidm UD eonTBUsnu li
Th* Best Salve in 4he world tor
Onu, Brakws, Sores,
Clcers. Salt r.aP.ILOi
Bbeum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Evwlose....
Chilblain*. Coma, and all Skin Oswpt.........
-enMS Piles,
— . tell jost w^re
i.«p ...i sr^s*r,-A5i.s'‘‘u'uTZZis
^ perfe^ aattofaetion or money '
their jr*. See? Th-Te is no knowni ^I give
er-tf-m «f k.,pmg track of - ni. U-r-uae
funded. Prioe 99 cento per box. For ,
tb'T ‘bf •
bosinees tbemselvea by Mie by J. O. Jofanoon and 8. B
any sy-teiu. those tiad cop* dcai't.''
Tb-n the old time crook walktd into
a sahmn and gota dniik. having t^
™ tbs,^Er wcmdcriiig. The
(‘itiaen iearued tjie nbriilitycf Ibocrook
•Iwn bP natrated the lundeiit later to
the proprietor of the same sal.ion
f-'Uow wa« » retin-U bnoko man —New
Ytwk Son.
*■.!— "
In tbe cellar for Chrfslmaa and New
Var'a.atCharle*A. Uwrenee'abak- CSTieekm ..
ry, SIT CbIod street.'Pboae 189
- ■
18. 17,21.
•..b .b. 8—.'-h
srsL z/r !7.“j
oDv-uka in
w tba table
• pbiefar
Boeklena Arnica Bair*.
Tbe ciofik* are,
vine w-gk of eufraBcbiscrotiit and of «'U'i "1-. •*>«
,i|.. .nd ™;
‘Canadian Boliday Kaceraion.
* lets of iiB finger nail*, wl ' '
lioeiuea'* crew trailed after tb-m. ginll- jgg
,rf |„
fare for tbe round trip
Date of sale
held in
Dee lAtb I7ib aadiatb.Betnn Jan.Stb.
ing fb-adily. rtu-n the Kanaka sngar,
Holiday tatoa to Uieblgan and Indiworkerv ami. a good ten lengths f> tbe goou, Isn't tit"
oanolntoons and one third fare for
xtatr, tbr EI-aii-a'seTew. Tblswi-tbe'
"Ve*. without yon w«aw going to pro-,
And all tbe rtorio* of vamp^^rf t^threc-quart.:* of the ytir ^l.CJS.
..lond trip
ttollinr days. Dee. 2ard.
elfs. return to Ibv luiud with all tbe
way it looked for tbe finlsb when the poa* somathli.g very drrodlul “
- I was going to pmjsisa''aald Cargill, victims ibev have made and are making Id 1K95 the emigntiou wa< 10,781, and 24th. tKb. 30th. 3let. and Jan. 1st. Re
in 1884. 7.047. against 80.OOOdnring tbe turn Jan. 3rd.
efalng at the
‘ ' ‘ -----S MIebtoan Teaeben' Aasoetoin lading «.ch thing, that.»«''?
tioQ. half fare. Dee. MU ami 17th. n
' w still impen-: '
mouey np 00 the two. Kanaka ,
of all fbe wnm wero upon bar. b
torn Dee MU.
Seginaw Knightooftbe Grip, eel
actually lM«aDto*qoarescmnntB, I glanoe
assured her that she was as ic
aa to a ehnreh.
Dee. 2TU and 29ib return Dee. S9U.
and the cry. 'It'sallover—Benuingion!’, alone there
[ftg. yat tbryrar
Bedneed mtee to aoatbera pntoto.
-jabonitl all over the bay. Wbea.ibe; , vis that ao v^drwwlfiiU''CargUl aak- Figara
$1,311,930 was received m money urden
C Ita Loowouo,
C. S. Mvekat.
■Ukelioai was roonded, iLwas noticed ad..
mi., fks*.
from tbe United Statoi^ while $377,810
G. P. AT. A..
that tbe Kltouor'e b«t wa. sort of get- i
** ■ ^
was eeut from Sweden, leaving a balGrand Bapida.
ting a move to. ilaelf. aiwl the men ^
-lAdn't oulte put Itlo tbe form of a
_it «eli>: In Ctm-1 toee in favor of Sweden of $1,084,610.
were working Uke macbiaos at a long.
but i ,iu nom. I'to breo to necticot be will not at rtnrgenn, tbe'Ptt»b.bly«i equal amt»« was sent »
KMdy atitiko that certainly looked aa if
,qu for qoUe throe---------joyalflHbof Kugland. where tbe firrt Sweden ibfoogh tbe bankeandemigraa*
.p»o„ taP.KMtaM,
fignre ont just bmv loug the r>-a«t will, |„p,g„ experiuj sot tb which there Is a
beclearaudtbeJ-.hcaDl^ earrted mi.|eunsld*rab]s«ksiientofdadger.-Benja“bo can ful cop goes at lim w ork ynst min Kidd In AdanUe.
like - Icekwnrk. Now. with what snmo
made a iiitstakr. I, helping t
IS thinking that you knew all about It. Duranca.
^tilfl by little Uiesecloods are ranat of n>une y-m don't."
bew—which was yerv
M 1—t'T Im•-lude-d 1 don't. " said Cargill. “Bo.
Hiiuolislu B'-notK-.sj-ort-.
,. fvid lu"
usrs an not ezaenty In my line.''
.iigence Uauius tbu-more
more rudiantly
rUrt was first rale. TheT-»wa-:i't :i ti-vi.
• No. ' Mlw Cbiwiertou agreed humbly. in the midst of tbe trarailing n»*«a
fore or aft. on tbe Heniinigi n tUul
'1 don't want to s]>u]l sueb a ]>1casaot
Bot all of a suddin a vdll cor.-rs tbe
didn't Hand ;m go lirnke to th.'wrt.'cit
rrnliig—fd-wsant tn me at any-ratr.'’
torch—ssiuielbiug eurgui up
cd at Inu-M a monili's pay im the -iu- ts'.*'
“And to me. tc«." she Mild.
seems like tbe darkn.-v* of auoiber age. ■
of tbe H-iiQiiigt.iD's ciew. aud
Thank.,'' oalclCamdl. -butrm going
lid only ,.r
' se n^ One f«-Js that m a . oruer of ibis civito give M to 1. to.i. for At w-a»
u> gem
rally, *0 risk it.
toy.”|liratiui; monstrous thiug. have place.
conoudod that we bad the race uKior, lotMunnuye
watebed H,,ru tb-y bnm a woman u-cused of
Hu f*'it
felt bis w'oy
: He
. much In , aorcery
,„reerv th-re iu Soabia a tribunal coo“'The mart, a* 1 wid. was gijod. and »>«• f«* sid. Im.g
but hewasirtill
, demur to Iniir days of iB,mi„ni«nt
impriSDUnient a
tbe Bunmugtoo's crew sbowe.-l lu trout »o'T»"h
tad disinliTn-d tlw cxwpiw
iabotvr wbo had
■tort ami
oot ajiFarubUyto nuke ’"-VTsu'ityao w-lrtn^w.yanytWnB
a nmaway r*w of It, Ibe Kauaka po-.
■■&«,. .,r ,b. H-nol.i. ««, wio tad;
• rslil!
', thlDgaU-ut abaraar.
,ed. “wfmlun’t il. luhVurthat that «.r» '
..f _ _...rMi «... i. . Am.h
«..-k roe "«» not aongbt. but wnieti base
«ip ie a de^ laey mark foe her; Ibni she sliuuld keep wbst sbe has
of a carfol coj
got.'' She murt. ID sbon. In a faroHie
’’ r-doroed tbecia* plir.-«e.'» ••friK' to her own di-stlny."
Now, that Uone trxJy of opinloii. There
lUt 1 dliln't i-nnkalarly by tb« tuikuiiwn.
1 waiibd to see y-u."
“Easy enougfa,” reinrTcd Ilia tronk. Is also auolber gnat l>«Mly of opinion,
1 “It’« vutir --anfnl r-ipp-r tfaatcanbn. btrgtlr pn-vallltig ainni-g tbs
ua tn tbe knltnl
i easily sp-.ttnd. The ttian who is gtung ^
t.beaun..n asked
, todc. a i-h-kuow* ju«i where be will be of tills'
it lsalN>ut to embark
' ly that thegi
puppy bad nothing to do with j *
on bis>«t nt a r-Ttaiii
I don t kn..w any-1
•eened tbe nini-i formi-labl--.
“The rmvwa* -a.t Uie f.
cOBne--aivlally bJoeked r
aimidirii.’a fi w f'- l iiwur.
a. L.: a« 1 Li.J uul. Lot ibey arc
. «
“ V< r.” replied ihi-oih.r. “Evidently nov.-fth.:
■ and decJ.h*]
bewi.i,t> to guiii Ibe g-rid-ipiDtOuuf bia ahdot 01
Vou a«k. t;i ■ x mnrntitnTT
, thing b4__...............................................i»twir
Tbe oM time rr-g-k Ungbed.
"wbal iblngt ' and they ie,.ly. “Why. ,
8.““” X V l"rr
“It would eontri-.o yon." Iw rfmlin-; «>«i
k-»P a Mid upp.T lip , g. y, b«„,.bi i-urcKUa. oltli ow-dUis* pby
rhMl had tnllf-l into dlonoluio barlevrr -Then It iiiu«t Tu»v.- I. - nlmat—alput . As autbiue ruiiuirr pnAwd from band
from Japan a few-'duys Mow. oar the Iwssar. '-sbe sal.t, < » .............. Un ' to baud ib.f r«r-d lonb. en tbe gea.-racrew di^'t ittiv mnlb attention to the eonoemed wiwl «uea--i).n
-y lu blushing | ttunh traurujit tw tbe geaetaUtair whic h
yacbfsruciuv’crew.and were .atlv tig , deeply at l.,T cm n f»U im
,i,„u. ,)l that they bare
UTSXn?.A^OBJo. P. rABVBR. Armv
:E Oysters! Oysters!
lc^<^ 10 «1»' nwr and est.iidcd hi* arms
** “
fuutuKtic manna, like tbe i"""” -';
bniJt fur a lae.-r' li fore w left
>;„i aw that 1 want nmto
f wear rjolbw bid.ire
Blare Wand nary yard for«notb I’acific
"N..*.'' wld Cargill, • v-.... ------- -.
indoMii to tbua i iSTk**. par doaen -..
water* tbe »hii.>ra<:ii.K.n'trbaiJ.-a«lT in«lM on yauauulBg. Heracmber. I-aved
la a few WTouds tbe tiger boro in "™ '‘ ‘
Potatoes, per bn...
beaten all .8 the .Ab.T.Ti w* .rf ahe your.ife-'
, osbl. mid at that instant tbe face <rf toaPPfar ain*tnl..l
Ever Bvroed QkIT
it Uint yna «ru so vi^y <'
SOV Hviup ill WacbIRiniiR lo a niport-. gp,^
«r. "wu. li»d.p..udi®or day not nianyi
Hy ihla time tl.cy wora apjir«»chln« the
^.d i„,,
the Tbaiuee goa to the _ agenda______________________
'(■rk be will
fingrn rlueed npoo his. and aha ^
Nippon—I was aotry yon didn’t think
1 bring my timteella back yesterday.
n's enttpr, , j know nothing about It. 1*
boring Ue yell, of waruiug from the l
riHaki. tb« ri.k," Cargill said.
!liX!neni ih<M..wfaiohI enter"*"■ ** y««erdBy wiUotrt
n blmjack- uasborv. lookod
-And the wlnef abe aakt •'» “» O"'**
I getting wet mytolt A man U bound to
behind him and mw tbe Eli-anur enttor Ign-mot of wloa
<mly two leugUi* behind him and com-‘
''That Ism
I'll riVk that as wdl.”
! as there are beiweo pigwma and
ing like au ol-omc laonch. Oor ervw
t tokeany toterottoj pjoahs. I im-fer an adult pigeon to a
Tbasrr aaS Feaeilee.
there is betur cluOilieni-1 am John BmiU. aotbe* of
'None whatever, butlf yea particular-1
“Tbe Elranor'* crew bad heUl thema bazaar of yoor owith a flavur of raw fish, bt him tacliio
3T the finish, and they cer
m. adult loon. That bird conld not be^
■Not fur tbe world." said ktta Cbesurtainly did mnku a Oartibuo finish of it.
picked. It was skinned, mid iu i.e atom-:
The yacht s cutter kltot abend of
ask- , sch there was a.catliU ««mtly sw^ciliien-1 have iLt
'Are there B«y ol
'entter a g-xsl uiik-from huim-. iiiid Itn-u,
to make the tbiug more galliug. tbu
mew actoally stup|s-d rowing mitj] tbe
I Uluk o( any n
BcBningt : ' ..<■
-atalaugsiiic aiminTbuo yen ssy y-s?' "
TfaCD tb-y I.rjk |.. i'.e oar* again, and
■Nr Cargill.'’ sbe *aW. “don't yoa
think you lia.e
trtoD ttaeu ..
- -s a bowling farce.
at vtiur iiim-yl Yon toe, yon saved
Tbe tleanor's crew jnst romped tncir ali
1 this cmilug ahd Ibvu gave me a
cutter iu ten lengths nbuad of our ent- V«iy riod dtum-r afu;rward.''
; i«f and the Kanakas a quarter of a
“You admit, tbe dinner was good?”
mile in tbe rear.
“You never saw etoh a disgnsted lot
“Then forget elnot Ue lUeavtog—1
of meu ill your life as (be mai aud give ibet up—t»ulit It out.”
.... - .____ -u.____________ ,.,
o»ou> ou iLv Beuuington.
The Ela•Tticn ooonlit lti.“ be mM.
nor's abip'ci>ui]>aiiy bad token all of tbs
8 to 1 tuotjvy im y could get ou ixiard
— u,«i. tad -ta,-. .11 ,ta,. «.!
^ .. ............. ........
gi WE ARE~~~^
Buying Logs!
crew 00 th- whole trip aronnd tbe
^ BudUcoly'sbecrtedowt
rid that was vvomid up at .'san Fnin-j
Oscu badu >t l•t:L■u l-cutun ouci-ill amt-1
••Vn.-'CargUl. “I'mgoingtoiae
t-ir latr, ii:.ii (i.e yacbt’i- hH>l''rk had yoo boiue now."
made nil tlu;k of moa-'y to b-^uiiig f* •
“in oOBbi" the askrt.
thair-f.w.' ii w-us a minor
-d con“In a ab''besald
K tbercs any
for ns whin we fonnd out that fund for irnsloulr.g decayed ral.tuan. I
If yott have any to sell oorreapond with the
Traverse City Lumber Co. We have also
Wasbu.,:>.u .-ttar.
..«ta ».
ree^d of su injp-jrtuut yacc beiiig br a piebtld.
J^et Haeb.
—Therv't'il^y plnpltt at the
- -.TJVi. _________
Vtaile we arc ccia-i-l-ring when to
Ufin it is cJUiu too late to act.'—Quin
My baby does that.—ttMton JooniaL
ta_____ TTVta
lanils FmSale-Sjiiable Fur Farms.
y— Mill mBchincry of sU dwriplions, inclndinc fwo en.
‘ ginee. Bet works, carriage and saws. A complete
ysaw mill plant for Gale.
ISZU8 e Esa Sofia
.,*^rtl 1'I.I 'BE~66EifiSaEaEB8a7BBB6e
aa.aaaa.afteaaaa6.a aaaaa
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Sboi^ Maple Wood.
•five of tiic lUcauur's’rBciug crew werv
ex.-Ameri‘«ii luznKf-war'e niui.’'—
Ka Jealeoar.
“Ho aneras 10 iirire hU fiano
I hlehlr," esbULo flr«t sweet tblog.
W'iDiiiiig 1
■ horse* are generally ,
ih.- otbti sweet!
bays, chc-U:tiiei rl-n.wijv anil J'T-tw.Ty jjijcg
hand palnud. you know.
hmiiin-d-Uv-:ii-joiiK th-an linre arrJ?7
of oonmo thrre w»» no Kal-u'y to Ue
cb-wmcistii-'l ii'i.Litiwfi*. Ti-1-0 it uo , asa Cartsiiily
Cbivagu PoU
‘ ta'.-," j
'• £SS«SSlifiSBSR5hS BSfifiS J|
• MMMM*eaa tata««M j|
eg—. -• *—■
'rnSra^Ip^X to Nra 4.4 Bakvr
lOSO.r.aT. Atath
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