The Morning Record, May 08, 1898

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The Morning Record, May 08, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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omcui pipn


Glorious. Achievement of Commodore Dewey
Has. Astounded the World and
Has No Parallel.


7—9*>or Polo •xprcU
S*»w York.
7.—Cnilaar New Or-1
to reoiolD bore » week. Wboa ^wo I leooo left todoy (or Homptom Boodi u
tbe dUpMkM of Dewej'o eleUrp be joU the flylmf oquodroa.
0^4: "Amerieoo reporW M b role ore
lion Praoelaeo. May 7.—Tba aarantb
rerlBOBC 1000 atroof, airleed thia
BoteofXoToaloo Fixed.
moraiot fraia Loa Abfeloa to he maoBpMUI laTai Hoamae BaroBO.
Urod dato the Chlltoraia
T»»Bo>«oy 7-Lirol. Waldron re- i xbey
d'a apleadld
the eoatorebco' today.' eaptloB.
Ooaorol Hboftor helieTos the exact
Mobile. May 7. •There la ao trath la
plaoe aed dote of the Umdtor of troopa
the Btory of Ua abootiar of a aoldler
oatka Onbaaeooat boa boos doeldod'
by aaothar; a aarfeoai with eraospa
eauacd tbe ro«or. Peoeefal qaiet preralli.
a •oald'a Otfl Kooeleod.
0p.«taJ loTai Haanna Hacaaa.
■lOHiOAjr TBoore to xovS.
WaablartoB. May 7.—Tbe pi^ldant

New Lot of Cheap Wall Paper
Will be here Saturday.


terdey—HeHee Complete Ooi^l ofManile Bey-De.
moliahed the FortiflcatiODS end Now Ooenplee Cavite
Fort—HomaBe Treatment of Spanleh 8i^ and Wounded
Weablart®"- « C.- May 7.-[Spwdall-A dlapatch (rea CoaB-idere Dewey
neehed tba aary departmeat tbU atoralar- It waa raeetred U cipher aad waa
' tnaaUUd a* followa: .
“lUaUa, PhlUpplae lalaadv May 1.—The Amartcaa aqaadroa arrlrad at
Waaiia bay at daybreak Soaday noralDf. Wa iaiMdlately aanred with the
eMByaaddeetroyadthefollowlarSpaalahwartraaeaU: Eelna ChrUUma. Oarante; uu«a. tale de Cnba. Geaeral Loxo. Dsro, Oarreo. Velaaca. Miadanaa. aad
ceabaaaport The water battery at ObtIu waa alao dasaliahed: Tbe Aaaeri«M aqaadroa U naiojarad aad aaly a few nea ware alirbtly wMadad.
Tba oaly BMna of ularrapblaf ia U the Aaerieaa caasal at Hoar K«bcJaMlcOTamaalcate with bio.

290 Front Street.

In the hand If worth two in the repair shop

Buy an Outing.

Flrat Begimeat Xay Ftert for Waeh-1
lagton Wedaeedey.
for tbe aooaot waa rwoelved by tba 'ChBpKatoo. laland Uke, Hay 7 —I
treaoury departseot today.
picte tbe azaBlaatioB of the Pint
atizuBS or ths lafatittb. MIehlgaa rerlseat thb bfteraoon.


B..!...i:. B A . will ~m. :Markhanr Block

It Did aot Froteet!U 8. A., aald be wlU
tbe re«liBeat ia directly after
—The Oaptaia waa WreagDr. Maaday Saiabea! It ia
■ pwlal ioTmi Hoaiiaa BaAOeo
WaabiagtoB. ^lay 7,-Tha'' French that tba Pint will leaee i
wearaBeat baa net prnmted agaixat | WaabiagioB Wedacaday.
thaaaUare of tba Lafayeiir. and will-------------------------aatdoaa. Her copula waa clearly bot | BISK IM AXBBIOAV STOOKB
Igaoraatly wreag. She b
Hava of Deway’a VietorT Oauaea
ad by ocdar of the praaldaal oat' of
damp ia Sacuritiaa la X«adoa.
dltaaaa U> the flag oader'^hicb
Loadaa. May 7.—Tbe war aewa froa
ta Mlllag.
Maaila haa Maaod aa upward jnap la
Americaa aaearitleaoa thaalock ex­
New York. Hay 7.—I’paa tbe official
eoefirmatioB of the reperU froa Haaila, atock prloaa bonaded opward.


A aaoead dUpaUh freo Deway reada; Oarlta. May 4.—{Special)—I baaa
poaaewioa of the aaral atatioa at Caelta. PbllUppiae lalaada. aad have daOaptarad while XacorUag Hewqpapar
«Myad the fortiSeatleaa of the bhy aatraaca. parelUtr the (arrieoa. I oeatrol
Baa to Oaa. aomaa* Oamp-Fpaa«he bay eompleUly aad eae taka the city aay time. The Sqaadroa U ia exerlurda wan MarcUaaa Md Bahaadlaat health aad aplrita The Spaaiah Icmb la aot kaawa bet it ta *ary keaey.
ad tha OffiMr at Oaea—Bo waa a
SkllUtti laaorgaat Lander.
IM ware killed. Ueladlaf the Chplaia of tka Uaiaa Chriatlaa 1 am aotaUac la

pretaetlaf the Spaalah alek aad wrandad oea and S» eiek aad woeaded
New York. Hay 7.—A apeclal to the
la the hwpitali wltbia oer Uao. Mach ezciteaeat aow at Maaila. I will pro- World (roB Tampa aaya: A Ulegram |
Uliaaaral Laerataayt: ‘ MajarSmitb.-j
«a«t fmira mideata
who aa April t4 leaded at Calbariea to
Thank* From President McKinley.
aacort a party of aewapap^ correapoaWaahJaytoD. May 7—|Speclal)—By dlpaeUoa of P
deaeelo Ueaeral Obmez a camp, vraa
>U di^teb
:b to CoBOodora
taiy Loaf aeat the (ollowtnr
Of the ABfricaa
Aoariu people, vhaaln yea aad yoar captured by tbe SpnnUrda aad killed.
y^-Tbe prealdeat. la the aa
The aeeaaga waa algaed by tbe Cnbaa
aad OTarwbelMtar rlctory.
a aad sea for
offieer, Loreaaz. who with other effioen.
neocaltiee I haee appolatad yoa. A^tiiL^oiiIral. aad will racoBBead a rate
Note that tbe w«»ther is
aeot by Oeaeral MIlea to eaafer
of thaaka by Coagraie;'
_ laaargeou."
getting warmer You will be
with the
' WaakiagtoB, May 7—|8peeialJ—CaBBOdara Dewayb aeoouat of the battle - Alotbwlb-ia'dbpaich aaya Major j thinking about getting your
of Maaila ooalraa the glowleg raporU of the aaperb rictory at the Phillppli
Smith waa oaagbt by the Spaobb |
/ Be eecaplB OaViU at the Baath of the bay. aeeea mllat froa Maaila. aaeariag
army aad beheaded. Nolbiag b kaowa
• aaral baaa (or the Anerieaa fleet laaUag for tbe remainder of tho
of the (ate of tke uarraapoadeaU.
We uxo showing some very
ia at hb sercy bat he b lacking men to oceapy tbe place.
Major Smith waa an Americaa whe
pretty designs and lasts In
BamUry Alger aad Geaaral MUea plan aaadlag aa expadlUo
bad fonght iat Cabaa liberty for aavarFkaoeiaeo ooasbtiag only a( the City of Paklx aqd aix awifi marchaat ataaaen al yean. Be was a (averiu of Geaeral
Itwlllctart May l»tb. Oeatfal Hilaa thiaka 5000 relaforecaaaU aafficieat Uomat who bad atUebod bim to bb
OfficlaU of the aary aad war dapartBaaU are aimply aaacad bttbaaxuat of own sufl. and who depsaded macb
the mortality laflbtad on tha Bpaabh. No naval eagagaaeat oaa be raeallad apoa hb advlee la maklog aavemeau
that waa ae oa'a^ldad la raealta.
of bb (orem. Be was one of the
Thr«e SpnnlFh WareUf^ at Porto Rico.
atrateglsU cf tbe iaaargeBt army and
Port Aapriaee. May 7-[8Dacbl)-Tbe I'oitad SUtea ember Hootgoarry ar­ bb loss wiUbeeoeUy.
rived at Cape Haitlen thb aomlag. Three Spaibb aad one Preach wanhipa


have arrived at Part Kloo.

Oongrees will Honor Dewey.
WaahlBgloo. May 7.—| Special l-CaBgraaaBaa BaatoUe. chalrBim o( tha
eaBBilleeoB aaval aflain will Tatrodaee aa Monday a raaolatioa of tbaaka to
•. CoBBodorv Dewey, alaea hill creating aa additional rear admiral. Ha caanot
nama Dewey Id U« bill, bat it will provide far tha proBotioa a( the eoBBOdore
who won hoeon for the Caited Swtev navy aad tha Uaited Sutaa.

Spaniards Were Taken by Surprin.
WaahlagUB. May 7.-(Speeia! |-SaeraUry Long la oamaeattag oa the gmat
-VlhUry. aaya that It waa'a eoaptete victory add that thp Are from the Aaeriew-a waa ao anddea aad urriflJ that tbe Spaalarda were Ukea by aarprba.
The fact that bom «( oar ae<. were kUlad ahowa tha Sereaaeaa with whieh
Dewey fell apoa tha aaoBy.
Dawey'a woadarfal aooeaai baa hare racogaieed as tin graateat aaval victory
la hbtory and be b^e graateat aaval hero araodera Uaea.
WashlBjrtM. May7.—{Special 1-The rreataaiexciumaat prevaUed here,
army and aavy offleen remalalag ap all night to bear aewa.
Tba aix Amarieani who ware wonadad werahort froa biUd^ flying ahall.
Mot a dasgerooa lajory vraa UflleUd. All will reoovoT.
Three baadrad Spaaiarda ware killed or have died alaea Ua raboaatar and
fear baadrad of tba Dobs were waoadad. aome faUily. .
Tba eaadaet of tba eoamgaans offieen aad brave sea of the aqaadroa vraa
woederfal and tholr ahooUag more thawexoalleau
Tha lUady nerved gaaaata took aba aa earafaUy.aa If c Urget ptactlM
aed ovary ahet Uld.
Tha Amarican fleet eaam oat aaacathed aad thb napara
•ttrlheted to aaperUrlty over that of the fee. hut uadeohtw
le aad tha haoic aoane a( tbe c
r aad akin of the Aa

ZmontioB Bcleotea la Virgiala aad
Lea or Wilaoa wiU be Placed la
BpcriKl to Tqs Moaoivo Kecnao
WaahiagUn. May 7 —I poa tha recOBmea^atioD of Oeaaral Uilea tba
aeeratS^ of War has aalccted a bnct In
the vteiaity of Kalb Cbarch. Va.. (or a
camp for iO.owi r 50.00U aoldlaia of the
volunteer army. Tha camp -b located
at Maaaona. Halifax eouaty. on the
liae of tbeaontham railroad, exteadiag
toward Fort Myor. (•eeeral Lee ar
Oeaeral WUson wUl have oomaaBd of


Warkmaa Barriaaded Straeta aad
ThraaOitiBaaatKlUad ia an Hafooaaur of Xloun aad XlUtary.
Bpaekal to Tai Hoanxe BsoeaD.
•am, May 7—Sariooe ontbraaka at
Milan today raaulted la Ua praelaa.
tag of BWrtlal Uw. Thoatoads of
(Boa barrioadad Ua atraeU wiU
bona care aad fumltora to pravaat
Ua dopartan of Ua marvto oallad
oat far >00(100 doty ce aacoant of diaHaw York. May 7.-18paclall-Tha reaaea of tha delay la raaalvlag Ua dw Urkaaoto ThraaritiaeaB wan kUlad
^lad r^art of Ua Maaila batlla today b that tha Oaltad SUtsa laaaad Ua ia aa aaeoaater between Ua military
Mhla wire flftaaa Loan for iu awa aBea.axeladiag aawspaper autlar.
and rloun. Traopa are la patoaaalae
Bnmpeon Mny Strike Todny.
of MUaa'a atraata.
Haw Tech. May T-lSpaeblL-A oopyri^tad aaVte froaOapa HalMaa taUa
Foaiaal aaya the ereiaw Moaf^aaiy arrived thb moraAg aed.raaalvad d^
Faltat havaprotaeh
fatUaa far Hampwe Swda aad pat to oaa.
atUtada of tha |
TkMamlBdbaMaMthsABaapaMwUlbaatSasJaantoatrikaahtowto•uliew, U ha ddto eto
tha Spaabh Oa^ Fetda laM.

High Grade
but Not High Priced.


Would You Use Soap
If You Could Get It
At prioaa Uat are right. We can aeU
yen Tarklah Bath at te per eaka. Notches
aoap. bat oae that U balltoa heav.
Maay other braada at loe, tflc. fSe.
BSC, SOe aad 7tc par eakA Thp old amd waU
kaowB Chahaera Boqaet for Uc.



l» Proat street.

™ « Wheel Enameled ForS2.50

\ Announcement I
i to the Public.

We have decided to make a change in onr lo*
cation and bare chosen Grand papids as our future
home. We. have already leased a building. WiU
occupy same by August 15^1898. In order to avoid
expenses of packing and freightiug, we have con*
eluded to close out our mammoth^tock of


I Ion's. Dots' and CUIdrcn's 'Ming.
i tnd Goat's Fnrnisliiaj Goods it a Gnat StdOae.
? Everything will be sold regardless of cost. See large |
• bills for prices and further particulars.

T. J-. KOST. i



HoUey dC Oozmeblo


Only Six Were Wopnded, and Those But
SUirhtly by Pieces of.Flying Shells—
j baa aoerpted the flft of Halen Qoald.of
All Wm Recover.
IIOO OOO for war porpowa Her check
Th« Fleet Uninjored end Still In Oood Oooditian-Offielel
Keport neoeived From the
of the PhiUppIne# Yee-

This is our fifth stodk this


Cycle Works.
Bimsing • Specialty. •

The Popular Shoe House.


ember I have a fall llaa of Bbyele Snodrlea and Bapaira. 1 abe bave
pleaty of workmea to da yoar work
-------- I gaaraatee all werk to be
td Ue loweat la price. I
bnild wheeU to ewder. they are baeat*. Call and iM Uma.

Enanniilie aad Decorating
In He latest Styles.
Broxtagofall '
made aa go^ aa new. Tha only up-todate ahop ia tha city. AU werla gnaraateed wglvewflefeettoaarnoeharfa.
Wheab void MLtoay p^rmtota. Bbyelto aad Taadami to rant at 118 Ualoa
•treat, near Float.

H.E. GIBBS, Prod.

Kimball Pianos aad Dreaas
at Factoq Prices.


Cheapest and meet reliable place to get yonr bicycle repaired Mid
put in
running order. Hava had several years experiet
experience and
kuov Isow it should be done. Satisfaction guaranteed. I a
bicycle eundriets at about cost. Xew aud uecond hand■ wbeele

and to rent. Please give ua a trial.
BLLIS.Sll Froatdt,

At the right time and place. We are at all timM to
the front. Too cold for gauzy stuff.

Nonelty SpriDg Flannels
For suits and skirts are the right things at
ent time. Our stock is immense, styles pretty, qual­
ity for the price unapproachable,
oil wool BMalty fluBMl. good and Ann at
F7 iaeh ptata apring (taanril'all vroel. par yard...

taw QQq
....... 16C

86 laeh half woe) noveitlM (or........................................... I............. lOC
SO dMaalrabctyb aad irtrib heavy rihhadoottonhwatamlato 1 Are
ly taatWek, rmtoat hargata oa eaalh. all abto Bp to »K far X\Ar



eaf4tt MarT»y la Tlktar a SterliBr
rueareacuiwdfor UMbytbe MBmiiMUDo.

Mi. •ampbaU’B Owtooa «oUt
B. D.CbWBante Um peeaaMor at a
OompoMdi «fB^tmtsU avieaityia the fora ola<(iBUt which
be WOB at a aoelal of the Methadiat
MATXR8S CITY, . MlomOAK • U Obiea««, Bmwb wd V«« ToiB
church at OdcmabBtf. The qallt U of
wmm T«i M>*ia«VTU
the-'eraiy'’ variety aad eabrolderad
upoB the ataay Uoeka are looa BUBca.
•pwlBl M Tn asmsa maraks.
The tadlee aU eodety of the eheeeh
CUoar*. May 7.—‘A# IrlA brifadt
aelieUed the Bailee and eoadocted the
BdlMr aad MaM«ar. | ewkhUDf of Uraa talfj neraltad r«r
w. I
tl. TbepreatoolbeqaiUwailM)
; itaaata of IriabBaa ba*a etarad Uair
•M^rioM w the {ireaMeat. Be wlU be
I. br ewrMr,
dep^lBaat of the Uasaakad to anwlat am Iriib officer froai
aah & Lay frial Bill wee cloeed dowa
the reiralar ar^ at brifadler rcaanL
thla DorolDf aad oezi Saturday olffht
ne raftMBia ara atatioaad at tbrae the feed rrladlnr' deBattaeot will be
Vinanarf. . ■
•lUaa. Chleaco. Boatao and New York. cloeed dowB. preparatory to the exteaOaaeertad aetieB o*ered by lettm alee ImproeeacBU to be mUe which
will liielode aeeeral aew aad DiodarB
wa.ter wheela.
WaabtUBtoa, May 7.—The Irlah brl»MMne a« the pMoBr* el -TraeeiM CUy,'
Hteh., a* MMd elBM metierade offered the Colled Stateearay ooaalau of the Claa Ba-yael ruarda of UU
dty. the RlberBlae nflea of Bcatoo Local Hi«h School Wee Defeated by
Xastatee la a Good Oeme
Vke fellowiair U aa aeenraU reoir d aod the Iriah haterlcaa Military Unioe
at the laaue bf the MoaxiRo Rbooku lor of Nuw Vor^__________
•aeh day laai week:
Yeeterday waa aa ideal day lor heae
ball and a Hue ratac waa played In the
PlpBffeta IB Hew York aad Obieago aflerDuoe between the Haoiatee aad
Oeuae the Pricee for Key to Jum> jTrarir>« City BIffb achool Wra» at
iTwelflb hlrvet park, before a amall
toBl.eOaod B170.
crowd. The Maoitiee boye arc yoed

1 KOMOT BMOKH- /f*£S£ 01 £00D flGHTEHS.

Social Varty.
Tha IL 8. M. will yire a hffip tOBori«w oraBiaff at MartBuyb'e aeadeBy.

Have Ton Sees Ibat aew autloaery
Detroit Free Praaa er Triboae de>
at tbe South Side PhanaeeyT The very
llateet atylee aad atarieee whieb will ilretud far lOe per sreek.
earprlee'yoa. See Aer. ie thU paper.


Thursdsy, Hay 5......... 1.375 j«iy piuared law a f< teat of excite*
exeat, blddla* the,lerweru Sl.OO Md
Frlda« May 6............. 1.375 the
latter to tl.Ub. the acxl edraace

Saturday. May 7....... 1.325
Tatal lor the weal •■ I0.200

« of credit for the maaaer In.which
She victory wae won. and all aatiotis
Bill acoord commeadatloBs to the
’ AmericaB tan-who»i shared in the
fiamous teat oader the leadcrehipof the
teave Dewey.



was l«S aad* <!» reapeetlrely. The
price fori No. 2 red winter wheat
thia,dftsU le Doniaally Sl.M. The
ley Sf will be
by the sborU
Todsy's issue, 1.400.
iB May w
Chlca»e. May 7-Mey wheel added
eeau to fu raloe wlUlo thiity
-•----- I mlonlM after lodey’e opealor oa the
the fflobe. with tbe
epealaf price for
poeaible cxceptloa af Speie. Tbe
Mey waa Oe tbe fourU tele It
erieaa cotomaader boldly eetered at weaSI.60.
Blfht tha tMaBUe bay trap which had
baea prepared to aenitailale hU Beet, al advance, tooebed $1.70 a btiahcl aad
aad ia^ a very abert time completely eloetac eeveateea eeau blfher than
deBoltohed e do»eo creel Speelah wai- yeeterday.
.r '
eblfa aad ailroved aererut forta. The
July flaetuated violently aad added
feat deaoaaUutrd true Atnericaa heroeeau to lu value Today'e abert
Ibb. perfect dlacipUae aad tbe ahrewd- aeaaioD of the board of trade waa the
eatfeaeraUhlpaad 'oreaiebt. , Bat tbe Boat ezcIMBC la yearc.
meet remarkable feetarc of tbe wbrir
Grand Baplda. Hay T.—The boyla*
- eacaccBCDt wa* that ael aa Americae price ot wheat la Uraad Bapub Mon­
waa killed and bat a half doxea wouod- day will be $1.'.':) tor white wheat and
ad. Tbia creat aaral eacaerKeat will SL3D for red.
CO down iatoblatoryaalbe moat woa
Aerfol in tkebittorlesof tbe wareof tbe
world, aad tbe hero who aeeompllahed
the oTcrw helBlof riclory ia the fore
Moat flettre befere all aatioaa today:
while Aaoerieaaa art proud that Admi­
ral Dewey repreacau tbe prlDCipIraof
I at ibird ai
the liberty upon which our clorlqaa^ ittempted by aay prerious claea. It is
la right field pleyed well aod a
^t«B U fonnded and baa accompli
to i« prioi^l O. n™t.!.»
aefetory la tbe cauae of liberty jaad
tk-it.^ 0,.
1. ...u,
^natlee and the freedom of the Col
central building, the class of 'tu-. the
from the iBiqoltaaa thrffidom of 8
:Scalty aad the ktbleUa. *•
— '
lah tyruaay. While AdBinI Dewey la Uln the history and Ue prophecy of ' ^
rul «cnre la thli epoch la the Uie Senior cless. tbe ethletlc reeords j
y, aodieoce la the rraad
„aay other thlags of cqnal latereat., .und^Jedy of amusemeat.
hlatory of asval warfare, bis brave ef.

Fletchct's Oystet Depot aad RestaaraaL

t . I • XT you are going to make garden do not fait to aae onr a
complete stock of Flower, Qardeo aad Field

MlB Bdlth E. Somera U ridlny a new
Kenwood bicycle.
TraveraeCity Ixxltc. No. SJS. F. A «
A. M.. will hold tapeelal eommnaica- l
U-o on Uonday’eveniei; al T:3u lor. *
work in the F. <7. degree.
.Meded V'letoBdroveorertoWilIlaiBe- «
kxrff yesterday aedrt turned with bts «
mother, who is Bu yeais of aye aad tUIl |
local teal
j sprightly as a woman half her aye.
Mpliua of tbe first three Inalora. It
Fre.1 »ccht-l. Tony Novotny. Dick •
was a aharp aoonu-*t all ‘
Campbell snd Km Wilhelm havedoae|
to Hear Crevk on a trod fisblay rape-;
Lartlie- put up an uDotualy atrooy ditioa. They will be away about ua
game bebiad the bat for Travene
did bU abate with tbe stick.
Wall. Thirlby played center field In
bit naual style and Joe Ebreabenrvr
at third rot in front of every ihinfi that
came taia way.
Frank Nwotny played first
withoDt aa error. WiLhMtdal t^uond.
played a steady yame. and'hrouybt la
the moat aoores bd. Tbirlu^-wooepted
teveral eheacca al abort for the first
three-inainys. sftcr which he
the Box and succeeded la ktcplag tbe
-tbop Opposite t:a(leOfriee :
vlaltora down to tbree blu aad three
Bert MooUffoepUyed in rlyhl aad
left Aeld aad secured two aiot biu.
Upeal Hobbe played left ftrta aad
ebon step aad made several fiac stops
aad throws to-flrat.
TrambnlL pltibed tha first tbi
alan but waa too wild aad reGred to
rl^bt field where be made sevetul first
:lass playa.
Go the other side Tbompsos aad
Aadarsoa ledthe-battloy CbrUtianaoa
pitched e fine, eteady came, while
Luadbua waa the man behind the hstMaynard played lelt>.flcld wiiiionlaa
error aod ^ufht in bis share of the

Wedaasday. May 4..... l.375j:“,^V.r:iru“ ■“*

UI3 Front St


SMdaj.SajI...........I (200
■'\BoiHlar, Sa» 2, (special
editions, actual sales) 2.2S0
Toasday. May 3.......... 1.300, .v.wv„.,m.,

iMt t foead oae rcBedy that baa h
a aacoeaa aa a cure, aad that la Ck__
berlalB'a Oollc. Cheleru aad Diarrhoea
BcBcdy.—K E. UauHaM. Oaara MUIa.
La. For tale by S. B. Welt. diafslM.

la package or balk, t



1 Too Smllto Read
lien. R. Winnie.



Steinberg’s Grand I


Cuban Creoles
Cake W alkers,


Glass Animals at Reasonable Prices.
State Street Sale and Feed Bam.

A colored company of metit,

________ _____ ____ paailioas™, the price ws.
was put
headed by
altweaty-fiveceaUbatOD aoodiBt of
Traverae City.-Lardie. c.. W. Thirl
U BOW being eo much larger than was ;
Efirroberger. 3d h.. Novotny.
«poo^ll wmbeneeea^toehaageji„
wilfielm. sd h.. E. Tbirlhy. sa.
It to thirty-five eenu. The Oracle will aad p.. Montague, r. f. and 1.
be equel ia every way to any maanal L f. and B.. TrumbuU. p. and r
Oreat Hjaagarian
pubibhed by any hlga eiffieal of the
ManUlee.—Tbompeoe. let b.. Gould.
ime sIm or larger.
3d b.. Maynard, l. f„ Anderson, sd b..
Uancea, sa. Cbriitiaason. p.. Pete
Ohaige of Aaaault aad Eattcip by fimurihwalia. tab.
1 t »« 5B7G9 B. B.8.0
Dr. Ak. B. Bolllday.
ilstee___33111010' i:e 0
YaMerday'^ftoraoon a warraal was
rente City 010131004 lull 8 S|»cial Prl«« ol 10, 20
mwarm oat by^Dr. A. B. BoUldsy for
the srreetof Dr. Mlag. the vetertasry
Tbompsoa. Trsveree City. Wilhelm t
suigeca. on a charge of ;aBauli
Novotny. Wild pitebae, Tramboll i
betlery. It it alleged thet Dr. Mlag
empire. Hall. Time l:«u.
asaanUed Dr. Holliday in J. U. Joha>a's drag store seme time ego.
The 8eutb 8idc fibskespeere dab <
The warrant was placed la the haade will Bcet tomorrow sftemooa wl
af Chief of Police Reanie laet eveaiag. Mrs. J. J. Gray, on Webster street.


Good Farm
Draft Horses


Tuesday EYDg., Hay lO.lj


*Hhone 1X7.
From Street.


Piof.'Wm. HcKanlass,

My Line >
of Silverware

vioiii>i.t ud Wu-bier.



Spate is theThzeaaof a Big Bevolatloa aad a CivU War la Immteeat
Weyler WIU Plgnra
ly ia thy Kovement.

Mat prqvailelbroiighealthe capiul.
Stadeate of the nnivecally arc aesamb*
Uag. and it u supposed they iatend to
promote a riot- fitnmg forces of pel lee‘ Bttda in Pia« Ooaditioa aad Heavy
__kfivs been deuiled.te prevent the gen-1
Yields Promised.
«sal pahlle rtaeblag Ue aalveretty and ! *"«
bis fmit farm,
jotalag the atud^U. who U U believed
Be eutea Uat ail kinds ef fruit show a
have planned to be the leadera In t
prospect of a fine crop, with the poasiot a few varieties ef late
There has been .fipebriotiBg at Cta- Japplea Unlem Uere sbonid be nousI Beal, capital af Ue province of
that iMkBe. eltualed loojDilea aeuU of
the city. Martial Uw has been pra- Delegate to B. O. T. ^ Oreat Camp.
On Friday evenlag at Ue review of

Tiaverae Cily Teat, No. 071. K. U. T.
M.. W W. F-alrghUd .vras elected dele­
gate to the Great Oamp of the state to
ha held la Detrffit an June 8. 8. 10 sad
11. ThU wUl be tbe hienalal Beetlag
the United btatce and 8oaU America of Ud Greet Chmp Truvane City
fia lola him st epea. Some leave oa TUBl. No. 871 has Ue largeei meaberdhipof
any teataorUof Grand Baplds
. oUers have
aad U tbe deilbaratioae of Ue Chmp
lattalrwbdyaoda we leave later.
Mr. Fairchild wlU be aoUUad to <
The paper qnou I benor Oortiaa, Dea
ffiarlastiupreaeatativehera. ae eaylBg;
BooapMoa to Kr. aad Kia. Wood. “The emlsaariai of Don Psriot Uroagh*
Last evening a dellghUnl raoeptioa
mat Sp^a have roporud Uat aa overwae given at tha boma of Mr. aad Mia.
whatBiog aiajoriv of the . people are
J. L. dtnatoa. oa FUA etnet la honor
Mdy *0 flock to his ataadard.
of Mr. aad Miu. Aasoa Wood, who wore
“Oeaaral Waylar aad tha army are marriod last Saaday- Tbs sveat was
Mly walMag to moMi|« thr-4ard to la tha hands ot dteBadsavorari of Ue
Friaais ebareh aad waa eharaslagly arraagad, Ths eveaiag was derotad to
followed V
Hew York, May 7.—The OoBBoeial
AdwtieerpoUlshee a man Ifesto which
has baea ismiad by Don Chrlaa, oalliag

; Is the finest iu Northern Hichigau. .Come and
secure an Omamehtal Clock or a fine Cold'
. Watch.
l5~Penple In The Company-15

Social Party.
The M. 8. N. will give a bop tOBor* '
row evening at Murtaugh'e academy.

F. A. EARL, Jeweler.

.n.i 30cl“’^®®°® BX.OCK.

Once More

Washington 1

for tbe chermee oMd daring tbe -V _
cal CoavenUoa. coBmearing Monday ,
evcalng at Ue M. E. chnrcb.
Magrra and yoaag peepie late
ested io aioging are invited to I
It at the M E. eharcb Moadi
suing aad take part In orgaalxiag e i
Masical Coavealioo sad FeeGval l
Cborua Words aod voico caltore. '
wiU be given that wUl prove enjoy___
toadraaeed eiageraapd of greet valoe <
to yeaager singere \ Terms for Ue 4
OoaveoUoa but a few eenU oer lei
it WiU tha e
part in the work.
work. Lot
every eiagto be <
HcteBAan, Director.

A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering
OF -A-isr-z- jsiiisnD

Bicycle Riders.
Beexotuber Uat I do all Idade of repairing aad enamelUig. aad Uat I eaa
aad do give you Ue beet work of any
oae in Ue city lor tbe moaey. Doa't
be deceived by wbatotbenteU yon to
;tbe eoetrary, bat oome aad aea for
I gnaraatee all my work to be right,
aad U it docaaot prove ao I make It

: Has Invaded the land in the interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of those who intend getting.


Stop la tniao'eloffiiovrry evaaiag, !
eaeepl Saadi^. in Ue QffidwoU A Loo- ■!
dog baildby. at aerU oafl-pf DakB {

:a_. .

We mention the fact that we offer the bes^Jla'^e the
largest stock to aelect from, sell cheaper and give Mttar sat- :
Is&xctlon than Is to be obtained ebewhere.
i 1
Let us convince you.



Tj^-HPEyiJfq a»oq:ih>, evyoAT, may 8, tm


«aple Far tbe Week Muti-tit Haw A
fwaiai—t hr Bee. A M. Darto.


Me» Tofk. Mar 7.—Bradstmt'a —rax

fcatoy—IV—chlag •» 10:M
Om* —tl^ U »;M a. HI Ml •( Uw

Itaa flaallr b—o tunt«4 In tbe t—4e MU
tiatloa aal iba(
bar* bithrrto' baen
racarded *— dlalUlctIns hare besun tO'plve war M
more eheerfol mndlUosa While It la
claimed, .and perbapa with Juatloe In
(aany caaea, that the chancea ret noted
are Urceiy aentlmental, and that little
, that la lansIMe la to be cited la tbe
MO—lac aab}aet: -DirlaiOM la' lh*| dtrertion of Improvement. It la not lo he
hateh.” Eraaiac
Ereaiaa aabjaet:
aabUet; "A
“A Ki-».
KlM-1I torgotien that ihb dullne— ami even

—oraiaf —rri—.
Jaaior UacMata;W p. m. aal BpwU liaacaa at «:ie p. a.



• MUal Flowery Elacdoo In a atata of! n ta no» bealnnmB to Iw admitted br
IWatac—tloB, Hiapaaia
loaiac ber ^ manr—bad even leaa of a basia to real
atriaolal peaae—toaa.

bnt there ia

Blsna of imi'roi<-n>i-ni.
new aeoM of nallunal etrenath and
Tharwuy p—yer tneeunc »l TtM P--|...................
—. Naroial elaaaal tbecl—e.
All*reeordiallr ineited
can vlci. r}-at Mao la An>ot>s the more
j tavoral.iv f.aturve ..f the week bare
jbeen the .hel.ll> earier lero In the
' money in»rk-l ami h Mile more dli<l>»RlOwinc V) a derere cold Rer. D Ooch- 'I-'" «n.thv imri of|aM iun..n,
II _iii a 1.1
. to acwmmodate leirtiimaie demand* ..f
Klacdc— wbteb will remalB foreeer.'



'Banday at tba Concrrffalional cburob. ;
at the tnieiiur. bn\v broken all recurd*
- ~
Tba oiber aerricea will baaa uaual. *
> for many x iim due to a conaider*
|A - a «_•
1 fact ilial the «or..l a wheal rt.aloi tof
day ur*- antaller Ilian tlivy have been
Tb-d erillbe aarrioea in tbe Seal ,„r many year* ,.a.-i
It, of .,.ur*«,
Sum Meet achool boiue. today, at: would be
t.. il-ny ihni there are
W. -Ma. m. laEiiflUli. andatT:JOp. IB.
a ui ylew,
1b rHai wadUb
notably In ibc cotton and wu,.|in InaBack (Kpiacui'ALi cstiBra.

Eu»i'n<-w failure* are eltchlly
State* :4K. tutulnet
w-,k. =IS In
thia wi-ek a year aBo.'Zdt In UW and

Morniac —rrloe and ae.

in isas.

Fellewlac the Holy'Teii
Bnaday achool aad Bible ela—

ai i:.

Brenlnc aervioa and aeraea at ::tu.
All are cordially Invited Uktbe—
piBirr BAiTtar
Bc> J C. Carman. r*au».


pro^rra of aarrle—



Bontiaewlllioeladanapecla] meetinr
at 10

m. in the chorch parlenfortbe


’ deappalnff of the apiritoal lifA a prelade oa tbe war with Spain, and i
■ OB Moral Onwardaeaa (Phil
^tbe paator Rev. J. C Cararnb.
Tbe Bible ecboel achaioB



Tba Yoanr Peeple'a aerricc at fi:l& abd
Srealar Ooapel maetlar at 7:30.


^ aabjeetof tbe areniDg aermeh will be
' **Moaa other NaaeA"

BapUaia will be

BdMlhbtered dortay Ua lerrice* Tbe.
poMie cordially iBvUed to




There w— a rcbeanal laat creaiay
«d the tanale for tbe war eoaeart to be
' ftraa to Omce chnrcb


Bacaat ereata and the prcaanl co
loM aerre to inaplre a more ial
pakrietiaiB ia tbe brcaatt of ABerleaaa



Anna Held'* Clfl ta awoMter.
Spiinetleld. nia.. May T.~Anna Held,
the French aetre**, ha* preeenled fteneral fharle* Flt*» of the Firat
hrisade.« National iluiird. with
ah American flag. She rnWr the haaner berwlf
BMewIi U a KoMler Now.
Waahlnstc.n. May 7.—Thet>dore Rooai
veil naa
muatered In as lleutenai
colonel yeaterday.

HUa Helen Could will Expend tlto.OOO
In equlpi-liii: four ra—In' enmpatue*
for I'nil.-d SiBie* eervlre In Cuba.
The i«|e nin* of the naUonal circuit of
bicycle race* at L-ulavIlle. My., wai
puatponed until tonlRbt owtns to rain.
The lilB Bl*-at.>n brick block at the
anuthwert rorner of Jiank and l^e
alrevi*. ni'vvland. waa dealroyed W
Are. lf*». *i:i.toO.
Veteran* of tSeorse A. Cuater poat.
e. A- U-. Chlcaso. adopted reaolullona
proteeilng’ acnlnai
bicycle race* and
ba*e l«n nme* Memorial day.
Dr. Tbi-maa. chaplain of the Ftrat IlHnol* r< Kimetii. he* n elmed. Rev. B. C-'
Preeton. of Whit, water. Wl»., will be
apieiinted to aui't-.-.-d 1>r. Th>>m4*.
^Harry PolNwh. a«'-d Ik. whnae homi' aelf l♦<all*e he fa l-d to paae the eumlnai>.r. and c-..u:d not «o lo the front.

aad tbl* will be an oocaaioa to attract


Manil.. at & a. II. Sunday mor
It :■ minute* 2
sei-onda pa*l
noon In Chicaito.
yTippd word* aboet tba perforsaa^ o'cl-wk Smurday a



Price-a Caban


Creole* and

lib be M Ir «ba pBBite a

denomlMtiouA It baa never luadelicbt
of denontiBaiional ciea. It Lasalwaja
atrlren to lipbteo tbrm. It baa Betir
■ hat alwi
terdcDoBmiailoBa]. ‘^ot the Ivaai
ael Ii
Im- ]
a> been
twee !'
ponaoi <J all tta jmat work* baa
tbo iiilcneiiag <if yoiiDK ]<eo|ile in
biatorr ami work uf Ibclr denoniina |
tfoea TtiBl tbea*> ibiuK* are tact* and
that (bey bare Utu ti.Uy appncialed {
:_Cbrmtiau d> iiouiiunlioua
al’OtidaBily ieem..<l IV r tbe fact that J
(berv arc Clir.ti n -W,,.aTor furlelUt ■
in dOdiffer.ot (.bri
It 1' iifMeei'ili- to lip II 1-y^ Endearorer i.ii'i i.i i lu I*- luyal to not ik-imuiiDanube i.inl < iir i.aal cliarrhe*. Tbe
plidyk- maker ibi* ini|itj><rible. It ilia-1
liocil.v r.iva,‘*1
liini <t:iiri»i)l
It 1 will make it U.e ri h- of niy
f err Wal^eei.t

00—e» to Steloberr'a Grasd OB Batur-

.11 eburcb ur dt>

tbe Holy I^ud ilwrlf. If (iud lurt-a Ilia
cburcb ao (Ivarlr, JJi* lute embrariUR
all braoebe* of it. etirUy tlioai- wbu are
tiud'* rboold aieo lore it aiul nalirc ita
ParticeUrly abuuhl we
loveaud aerre Ibat branch at tbe cburcb
ia wbieb we bare be— boru and raised
perbapa or iu wfaleb at Icaei webaye
fooDd Cbrlat and beeu bum iaip'Bia
8. Cbriat'a lore for tbe cbnrch, prov­
ed by Hta d—(h fur it, Epb. r. iib-27.
"Obriataluo loved the cboreb and pave
Himaelf lor it that He misbt aanciify
and clean- it." What a wtedroo* lova
that would bleed aod die id the etead of
(be chnrcb! Soaboold we love, Chri*t's
church and be willing to make sacritlcve
fur it* prosperitr and its aoooe**.
Aud i
bow caa w^«lter abow Hub lure tbau |
by beiuR ihltciM'ly iiilt-rcelud
Mudying up carvinU;
distr^liug cburity^
I Su*|>el uf ebriKi |i. all

xiv, 1-6; Eiih. v. 2U; CuL t, lb.
TakiBB ktweiu

Tbe beyiaainr of tbe acene abowa oa
the at—p icK-kt aod yawnioir ebaacu of
^ peak of the Brockeb. in U* Mar*

wbere. accordiay lo


rHEPAiiAnoNM »-


Oarataa leyebd, tkr witeben and war- asTw-Tr.
loeka meat oa W.-lporir'* Nifbt (tbe
.JOth of Aprill to hold their yearly fee-

They climb

hifber and hiyber: tba Uo— aad roc^
Md diataat cliff* tohB oa woadroii»V
faataatie abapeo in the dim lirbt of th*
dylaffBtoOD. Only the bootlny of owl,

try to elaap lb* waaderar U their








galbar from ft

IT to tbair aa-

( tr*;i..l a i„i „t m.n to
irvd Kutu. will break camp

Baly f—ural.
Daring tba truly 1

As an extra iodmemunt we will
ive a cheek on oar' anda fountain

ia that tlivL-rd i* nut a beggar. Ueaska
tor bnt a mi.ui] purl uf wbal He ba* au
boODitfully girvu.
The ulbi-r ia tbat
tbiiN' wbu a-k lu Hi* tiaiiie are not beg­
gar* eiiUiT.
Lord euiiimpniii
great deal of aakitig from th< Lurd,
never caU It
aaka of tUeni.—

.„.ountiae to 25c.
Come and nee what t
n if vnii do not buy.
lae day only. Saturday. May 7.

Correspond with the Traverse City Lumber Company.
We bare for sale Good.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Short Maiple Wood.
FOR «AT.-p
Mill Machinery of all deseriptjpnB, including-Two Engines,
Ret Works, Carrisges aud Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for aale.


South Side Pharmacy,
C. 1. jDlira, Pnp. US Uilin X

Palace Bakery

iwtm Ihr Balt Fields.

terday:* League teourda at
Boaton—New Tor* T. Bnsinn t:-at
Brooklrn—Waahtngtoa I. Bn-nklim 10;
at Baltimore. Plttabuxg and Cincinnati
Bra daaaaada. amid wfaleb tbe imp* aad
Weatern I.*a»ue: At Mlnneapoll*witebaa ara aeaa icrelliag ia tbair Kanau City C. Mlnneapotta 7; at Datrult—Milwaukee
Detroit •; at 8t.
Caadiah toerriaeov
Paul—Omaha 1, St. hul U; at lodlanapoUB-IialB.


Atowoiag tlM CkliA

ia Ihe place to buy yourCakes and
Pies. Tbs biggest and best loaf
of Bread in tie city for fivs cents.

Tbe child ia very near tonatnra**
heart. He is gifted oanally with obaervaiioD. If all bie
into the pbeuoi
.. ded an aligbtiualj
. :iugly and indiSerractreated, bis obaerTiDg,i
ItoDltlL-* will be defrauded'of tbeir
oral right lu grow and wax atrong witb

Th^ Bread Is
Full Weight.


aa Fatot writbiag in th* aril oae'a


parfaet atana af


rtnag. wa aaw atoanran o—am Laun­
dry wiU BMopaa for boalDaM aaiU


MaMlrwtMpMd agraatMvlagaf


If You Have Logs to Sell

There i« t<«i much begging done and

oor' aoda fountain
00 little asking. • Tberv err two ibiue* « '**» t'very piirrbsse of stationarjf

■treDgtb to cast out tbe tboni* or
' worldly iuclinatiuni lest tbe aeed
abould ba ebukedJ—Cbnicbmau.

Btraojrc abap— crawl to and fro,, aad



the faraway leoely cry of the

Blfht-bawk hr—k the —Inas BUUp—a.
L weird, aaake-llke fora* a— to writhe


Special Sale
of Slationery

It ia of tLe ouuo*i impartann tbat
niuu should take beed bow and wbnt
tbuylnmr. Tbe gracious Invitation i*.
"He that bath car* Co bear let biu
bear." But would it uot be well for
profeaung Cbristiaoa. before they g

tba iBooa la io ita laat qaarter and

Hamilton Clothing Co

tTaosgrestiuoa aud win*—tben beluui; to tbe year
nuwtudlug. Art-yoo williug tho* to'
make op Ibu record aealed iur ihueleriiaJ ,
jodgttjuui; Cod'* Intiuite grace aluuul
can cure tbe Ueftvla and make yuur
Mtandlng for th* great day i*Tf.
jierfect aud Whirli
cuuiplrle to Jeana OfariM.—Ed

Tbe aiyht (Tpawa^arker and darker;
klv— bat litUe lirht.


Merchant* tuke acrtipiit t<f stork, aud
barimns geiivrullr u i^VPwetl fur ii:uk
ihg uD aDDnnl invcnlury. We raoDol
bare neb a ruDuiog accooul in uor
apintoal nilaliou*. l ot uarb utis eboold
wi—ly take a survey fur sell examtua jMsy -ocenr Saturday, but it will
liou and iiuprorutueuL itie—lugii. uier- !
not prevent our
ciea. beoedca. delivttaocva aod rupuDii-

. day eecniOA. Hay Slat.
' Vanat and .Mrpbbto toilfully cUaibiBy

Now we do not anticipate that the Philip­
pine victory will increase our clothing sales
—all we can attend to is the Grand Trav­
erse region, and we are attending to it pret­
ty thoroughly--not a clothing want but we
can supply--nothing in furnishings we do
ndt carry in stock—best of all our guarantee
jis on everything we sell- -a guarantee
strengthened by twenty-five years’ busi­
ness experience in this city—Count your
“pile” and bring us anywhere from five to
twenty , dollars—it will surprise you toknow
how completely new you may appear for a
small-amount---you know we brag a good
deal on our $7.60, $10 and $12 Suits. Come
in and see if our “brags” are not well

The lopirjl reft-renerr eoKrvrt
rfast<l>* wby t'briMi.:o luiliaini
dupe will lo cui|jiarite the in jiorlaiKxof the church:
J. (iud,'• lure fur llie rlmreh. rv|irr■rated by Hie line |r.r /lou, .which
typiUod the didn-h (!'* Ist/iii. 1-J|.
“Tbe L<ird.’'Kiy» ilic |<Blunrt, '‘loveUi tbe Kate* uf Zim u.i n- tbau all (be
dweiliDK* oi JatDh." t-i<i lone Ilia
oborcb with a dit p aflwi:<u>,
evnltudiuR hive
lie^t^jKwitb a
K t>
InVe, net ca

j . “■

. - . carryliw
Walkar* eanUadc to eome to Uaaayer 'PJiMkvr. t.r uichlakli. tn help the poor,
' aw tuenly-*lx garden paithca ready
ir plowinKBl— from aoiae of hi* friend* who han
The audience at the Natloral theatre
•eaatbU company.
In Washlngt-n, Inc.uding Mr*. MiKinThe rioliB w^k of Prof. UcI^U*a
•>- and a box luirtv. arose and sto->d
,«Uo hla apeclalty of playlay oa two
hlU- the •n-chesiiu played "Tbe ^ur
pangled nantier."''
■aewau at Ute aaou time, aad bi* warbAlexander .Sordllnd tried to kill Mr*.
11b(, daaerre beany praiae. Tbe alayU B. Wharton at (Thkaxo. Nordllnd
1B( of tbe BirertiUters, Mi— Llul.
nily dlsr-hargcdl^roni the |h«1Thannaa aad WillUm* aad Ueodall. U
inltor li: an aparimeni building
all of a fairh order of Ulent aad win of w hich Mr* Wha ton I* lAe agent.
A *peclal train -r the/Rock Inland
he a pleaaaot featare. Specialty work
railrtwd whiili left
at t.70 p.m.
bydiCareat aemben oftbeeoap
Thurs>!ny arrived In belivcr at 1 3t'p
aadayraad cabeMlk. whieh^l*
m yesterday, hating made the run of
to ba very toe. fora part of tbe ei
l.cs; tnll.a In :t hour* and ? minute*.
Kler llon of oi;U.-r* of the Weatero
talaacat. All ia all. It will be as av
trwckiob that ia worthy a crowded Pranlnc Te*( tors' aiWHlatlnn at De.
Iiut resullrd a> follow*: Ml—
honae aad It b wry probaMe that tba Jonca. Detroit, presidem; Mis* Mli
earairemeBt will be a bly eaceeaa.
Pepple.-Elgin. HI*., *c-i
A Itome aperla! imwei
Toe celebrated Brocken aceo*
aent a t«lvi.ram i
Meeiall.Y elaborated ia
gent of Spain earn.wtly
White-a prodnctloa of Faoat wbieb' medi r .Il—I• lo Ihr -

Pave the way for civilization—civilization
creates a demand for

mtolar h


.'BteiaberfT. not only from the ore— bai


ChritHab Ealeavor baa ah—ya mac*
Billed and empbaaijied denomiuaticaia]

er anil




win Be Ik

• Army Corps-

Uf.-* Doty.
otfat daed* arc trumpled, loud toUs are i
AikI mra tojTi round to baar
Tba falyb prwlD rcbo to tbe paaas *BB(<

crv^rteioa dser, ^ yet grat
Tb. uucbttoi mm dad eppmtualU« bel

Also pare dome Hide Maple
Sugar, 10c lb.
Fall stock first clus 0reeeriM
alwsya nn bud.

I flue Reixifed t Ctrlwd of Fine floites.
If you wa«t horses come and see me-before bsyisg
elsewhere. I can save yon money.
These horses were "porchased at Monrile, WisiSossu,
asd will stand the .climate of Northern Michigan hetter
than ho^s bronght from farther south.
Weight from UOO to 1600.

Tto awomm lir*. an Uxae te duty wud.

ulto "•'
~ tratitoa. rtag to
arid volunteer armlee Into aerea army' n* Book <« Uto tb* totatof leoort talla.
oorpa waa twmed at the war departDeat
yaatertay. Thla annoiuueineBl. to ax- 0«d toly u moUtou aU lo Uf* ariibv
pected to be fgUowad by tba aaatgamitot* of tbe mayor geoetato wbo win {
m toadtod UUlatoUdra to lha Ugbl.

Tliiirtell& Gane,


Can be aoen at the Cutler Barn.


THa MOBgnrq moobd, suhpat.kat s. iws



*boM atoiy. awl vtaat ha (orvMh. Tov
: Ptimte will ramaobar.
' tujer Bopkiaa ai>4 CDloael Charlaa
1P. UBcato mn alae anxtotu to tM bileadlara. and tbtrt are olhare, Ju«»a

Raport That tha 8pi
Ragant Haa Again Appaalad
to th^ Powara.

Ha aara tl
htindred m»mbare baa more tti
' ir SIGHED DETUSITIOH OP WAS. ban. and If ba n I K<*l aulh<rtity Irurr.
with blanork.
tha ■orarnor In xo ahaad

lu, U.H~>.U

" l»riSl?-'‘Si»OEErBOKAltEltOETO THE TOE.

Arehlaaa af th. Hlauaiaal
m o,, volanlaar ranka.
Mlah%aa aad Ba a QrM K*l>r
Wbra Clrii War Brekr Oal.
a nd Carried Oal tba b

Al the breaklnc oul Of iha civil wa>
tbare ware only twaniy clerks In lh«

war dei>ar<m>-nl. and Blmuo Cameron,
ObWiBiaaAae Htetorlr *W
aarreiary “f '>ar, aai forced to rely
Waahlnrtoo. May T.-"Tha atory of upon »urh volunteare a» he rould |r*t
tha two which algned the declaraUon ot
war la a very ainple atun .' aaya Coosatiaiamw in the emersemyandworked
>reaawi»r wmian Aiden Braiib.
*Xoh( before l.came to conareae I1 without pay for some montba until .-.■n
> areas met and mad.- aplinipflaiion for
raad In Iht newapapere about
e emfUoymrnI of additional clerks.
tMid to ^n Impi^ant public acu. and
.iThomaa A. Bcou. then a nee president
. ooeaalonally wiabe^ that 1 mlcbt have

I Defies the Opposition in the
' to n Vote.on Ceefidenc

■ Af..v
Prrnsr'vama Itollread e. mi.any,
ui to»w iwue. Alter eomin*
to«uns as all the r.-«
etocrcat and settlnf cloaw to publU y,
».,thnui military rank or any
cacta I loolEPd upon tbe retention of an emeiil tunding until on tiny 1 |i>Cl.
thoanaate pen aa uf no conacsiuencc | be waa commlaalon. .! aa .u'.onel of tbe
DlaiHci of Colombia vulunteere
~Wben the prealdent recommelded a • provide him «»h the nee----------------------

... I occuired
\ that algned that declaratluo would be
a ealuaUIe relk for all tlmea. becauae



a Are Prellas Tyly
"(be t'aplare of a

John R. Santo,
General lisgruea.

•^ae' SThaeler Pint MwaSarad 1%
Washington. Hay 7.—"F^htlng JoeWbeeler waa the first of the majeg gencrati of the volunteer army to be mus­
tered ID. The ewth of ofllee was ^mlDlatered to him In the ofllee of tbe ; Wai
chief cleik of the war departmoni aboat
noon yesterday. General Wheeler waa
not only the, first major gencrel to be
muttered Into the volunteer army, but
be was' also the first ex-Confederato
officer to re<flve a commission In the
rollllary aervlce of tbe Enlted Blatea.
Half an hour later General Flubugb
Dee foimally tdok the oalb Of offlea.

Alia. B. J. Baaa will mmr* away
fran tiiaeitj aast Thnnday.
Dr. MarUa waat to Maatoa jaatorday 00 profaaatoaal boaleeaa
Will Biwwa of tha BaookD oSea waat
to Lalaod yaatarday to apaad Saaday.
Bsanww to appMT la tbe
la behalf of Oay neree. whoM releaae
ha eapaeU to aoenre from the Ionia iw
Many old soldiers now feel the i
feele uf the hard eervice they endur
d.nrlng the war. Mr. Geo. K. Anderw
of Roeerille. York oonaty. Penn . who
saw Ue hardest kind of service at the
fmt. is now f^uutly troubled with

TreTBisA 0t«7
Below is a Hat oi tbe ba^g aad sell­
ing prloen of yeatordsy for groce^
Brorbloiia and farm pr^ueu in Travelse City:
SKLuna PBicx•l< u
Olear Pork per bbl. new...........
aear Pork per tb............. .........
II so
Short Cut Pork..........................
Short Col Pork per ft................
Floor. B L. A Co. beet...........
Bye Floor. 8 D. ACo. BsM...
Meal, B. L A Co. Beet.,..........
Feed. H. L. ACo. Beeui,^........

« CoBsal-OilrNeaoteai

lately." he aaya. and procured a bottle
of Cbamberlaln'a Pals Balm. It did so
mneb goad that 1 would Ilka to know
what you would charge M fer one
lemdon. May 7.-A special dispatch down beetles." Mr. Anderson wnntod
both for hit owe mw nod to supply it
from Vienna aays the qCeyn regent baa
to bis friends and neighbors, as1 every
again M-iM-ul.-d to Emperor Francis Jo­ family should have a bottle of It In
seph "In favor of European Inurtentlon their home, not only for rhesmat
lame back, sprains, swellings, c
The Austro-Hungarian foreign mlniaier
No Kowa fraiu l>e« ey. aad Basspe

bnms, for Which it it
For sale by S. IE. Walt, drng- Butter per th Deitr...................
Creamery Butler lb...................
Cbeeeeperib ............................
ber yi-sterday challenged a direct vols |
Bplradtd work is BOW readini
Com per bn., old........................
of decUring that ,the gov. j sight re. ir r BBd musical theory fc
clans lathe Musical CoB- Balt per. bbl.................................
ernment would resign If It was noi car- |
imeDclBg at tbe M. B. Bran per lOO................................
eborch next Monday
Bnekwheat Flour.......................
Loadon, May 7.—A iperlal dispatch
Potaiore. per bo...................... •
Bcnrue **T*soyrtuvE*agor
Ikom Paris asya that tbe selsure of tbe
Motloa oftowto
has addreteed a note to the powers on
the subject

charge of all raJlr iac
motement of lm>|>s <

a declantlpn of war la
aometblog - matlon wiid Inairucliona
which eeldom occurs In modern tlmea extended roads or telegraph tines, or
because the leoder.ry-of 4be times taicperaiing then- on gov-rnmeni account,
toward peace rather than towards war.!»nuat emanate fr.m . ..lonel Bcott'a *
-I therefor, went dow„.„*lre to .be :
Ho* he f.illMied
i Anally
Ovn-rtl Csmcroo
otalloner} mam. a.-l.-ctvd a gold pen
frith an ordinary and ash hanD words, a
die. and carrlc-d it.wlih me In my pock- Q,,r,(tor;
Ct to tbe floor of the houre of reprvarniibe Plan
•tivea. Just, before the |>aaaage of Ihej
m America. In ir r ]udx-bill declaring war, I walked up to the menl. could have on that day fulmied
. Bpeakrr quiril) and told him that 1 had the rruulremvnia ot ib>- altuatiun aa
a pm with which I would like to have colonel Tbomaa A. Pcjii did 1( needhim sign that bill drclarliitt war. and ed an Individual of untiring energy
be ami.ed g.-od neturediy. rcplj-lng Uiai uuick decision and great nerve to dea
be would use my ^n wU,h_ li.eaaure. .wUh the e.ery-da>» of thBgaaksr t'ard (be l-eo.
eltuallidi. and- n» man p.-awaaed tl
"Aa ao^n aa Ibf gavel fell and tbe three quallilea In such a d-uree aa h.
speaker annouticed that the bill had did. It bad been a |M.n of my policy
- Jwed. I w alked up to bla chair, band-1 at the lawlnnlng of the war not only t.
Cblm the gold iwn and relumed to. take and operate rellroada In th<
my seat. A. a.Am aa the bill was en-1
- country, but to build
rolled and ieiurn -.l t- the apeakvt be're'lway ib tollnw the army a a nearly
.S^my gold Hin and amned m. name j •*_
I omeere though! thia rould not be done.
to tbe important deed.
- and but Colonel ttentt demonalrated Its vn"1 then foljowed the mra
apltoiitlre feaalbimy aim.wt at Abe bmclnnlng
CToaerd the entire length of tl
bla career aa a military railway
building and walked upon the floor of
the senate Just aa Ibe measure was
n Incredibly thoH spare of time
•boat to be called
at the senate go' after he rame to the depanment he had
"It WM moved
(hat is a saerct bla -.flier pls-v-d In telegraphic comlato executive
________ e-aenalor. only are per- tnunl.stloi. with all tbe army stations
Bitted to IH- preaent- 1 haailly
in-, that y.uirt W re., h-e1 and with every
formed the vice prreldenl of n.y dealre telegraph atatl-.n
and he took the pen. aaaurtng me that "f the nonl. He had great reaponalbe would use It when the time <ame
....................... ........................ .....

Bign the bill The senate remalni.d
Kmsetoloti of
- oxecullve t-ol-.B a long while consider- 1 “I had taken poaa.
ing tbe bill, but finally the doors were more and Ohio rallwAd
opened and the hill waa paaaed. I waa rival,
aaauin- -I
there l-wklng oul l-.r It. and when the , hla nu
of railway
measure.'Juai adopted by the aenale.- chargi.hinglon
■ waa Laid Iwfor.- the vice president, he through the aire.-ia
osed my pen and algned bla name Ipf^ Oie I>.ng bride.- ■scdlaiely beneath that of 8|«____ connecilnn with the Orange and
] andrla rallr-ad beymil Alexandria
d so «yat,-msi; leas thm a month I
Jtl--t> of th.- de­
icon l*«l bla portion of the dutl--t>
but 1 knew that President Mv inley that, he ~,old t-'l
would sign the drtIkrAtlon aa a d-re^lty for iranypurtatlon toward every dl-

Madrid. May 7.—Moret In the dram* I

LaFay-ette baa


Well, Now!

What am I effermi tpr a good.,boBM aafi
SOftlotOBlflUtatmeUwertt A voey de­
sirable plaee; can be boo^t oa meoto
ly paymeoto. Lot taVaa to exchang*.
Also g«yd bouse and so feet tot, <Mt
Park. Waabiagton street.


Dr. Higgins,



- I
To Joke'Fowle, Jr.
feeling against tbe Cnlied Ptatea -An­
1- Bdward W^llt. Belei
gry expreiwlnna are heard. The I'nited .' PatchlB.-<;. J. Ebner, A. F. OameroB,
F. Titus, hchool Uiau-lct Na
State, embatay U under fipeclal ,-.1lce |

Wheat, old. per bu...................
Wheat, new, perbw.................
Oats. No- I. per bn. (oew)....
Coro, per bu..
Potatoee ^
p *


protection In view of k poatUde b.«UJe
liaurr* W. Boob. W. J. HoMly.
I A. V. Buellmactel. Bryan Hqrray. Jtw- R^ckwht
Uverpool. May 7.-Steamets from the ' epb MoaZenrk. Caurvllle Brothers. Wll
Batter, per ft ■.
________ _________________ ...... .w.
litom Crocker. Emms Cam-roB. B. F, Bgga, per dnten
ialands re|virtI (tnai
/that toe Amertcbariotre Hurley, I-E. I
can consul at l^s Paliintorbaa
deal)- with the td^na

Vft wd- 4 C- Andareoa. Mrs. I'lnkhaai. William
of \ihe Marbor. U Brown. Titus Stovtr. O. O. Bates. F.
E Hall. E. Warneir. W. K. ~


tbe aeaalon
was a dlacuaalon ef the attttudr of tbe
aenate In providing tbe •'elnewB'of war"
for defraying the cxpendfturea of the

The preaideBt baa received posi­

tive Information that the aenate commltlee un finance, which la aUU strug­
gling with the revenue bill, will report
that mre'auR with





Wartilngton. May
After another
day of nntllng In the liavy and state
departim-ntaihrdrtirs were again closed
tn the evvDtng y,-sirrday without aword
weyotany other
what haji|.ened at
ManllH after the cable During
Ibe course of the day there wi-rerufli-.ra
that the cable cob*muiU>aiion had Wt)
rrelored. but these w.-r.- rt«h found to
be baseless and the ex. It. ment sub­
— . -..............the vltlon of the army. Hj» marv.-l--ua maait oa>
waa .siu
laid .--.o.e
licrore ...o.
sided. .One comfort tbe -iflli'iala take In
Wbl" Houre and awaited the arrival
>.-d with hi, i.u.ltbe altuuilon. although It la of a nega­
the rtalrman of the c. mmitlee on ">*« qualities and hi, p-wer to reach
enrilled bm. It was a quarter after • FOUf Judgment almo.t without explan- tive charucier. la that the lark of la a mohi^le ,-vldenre that
evening wh“ he reached the atl«»>.
""V' “''J*-™'
White Houa.- and I went In with him. hla mind which served to make him m the Si'aiifcrda. alteaA- are not in e«nII- great
I told the prealdent that I bad the pen f"any respreto th,gre.tret
railroad trnl of Manila, else they would speedily
cammunlcale that fad to the real of
r lived
srhk-h had reen ua,-d l-y Pi«aker Heej manager that •
the world through the cable. If. the de­
and Vice Pfvaidenl Hol-ail and rvqueai- «0J KOgar
d foresight and m- n- lay means anything It Is believed not
•d that he wo"uld ala- uae that pen. He hli euperior In .
to be mbre than that Commo­
to<A the pen. read the -trill rarefally. •*’
him'inexecnuve alrilliy Hr and Th-mi- dore Dewey has l»en delayed In rarthen tndora-d It with my
[aoB formed a rt.mhinatk.n of hruiii an-1 ry log out fully hla plana tor the occu­
pipved. Wtlltam MiKinleypation of Manila
n and holder pul ' railroad talent greatly
------------,n a...In^
Sh- ^e<tlve for
ta a auhaianiial laa,- a-- It .
In other words. It may not have baen
during reaulta upon all .evaalona
'only during, my lifetime.,
poaalhir for the oommodcire, ulihin th,
____ I. ,
la !«■ raadlilaa <s Plgkt.
tbe lifetimes of g-neiailont to emu
■^-o days l-efore the battle-of null a|-a,-e of five days, to effect the destrurwin prnt«lriy ullimalel) hnd its and myself went down tIoD Of the S|«nlsh fled, tbe allenolng
lato the arrhlvea of the Hi,i"rl- al
lock over the position of the trnn|M>. of the fort, HI Catlie, the aelxure
etety ot Michigan, and w ill Or regarded
Corregidor. the eai-ture of Manila, and
Ir iiereaxltiea. etc. Nelih.-r of
aa a great rell, Ui the yrera to coi
riluatb-n. t--r
Kw aa tiasy trek.
n dela>-ed beyond
If h.- I
that after the Confeterste army

■bolB. UatUa E Comaloek. D. G.
tobaaffb. P. Kyaalka, WUItam H.
BtoU.. Loria Robaru.
Bnberu. Martin Waat.
A. Nslaoa. M. C. Qvtatt. Jsha Oarroll.
Uworg# JamtaoB. T A, Conlea. F. A.
Clary, (ieorge E Murrmy, Bobert B.
Price. G. B. Nortomp. WUUaas lAraI^aine aad Ceblmaa. Satioaai
Loan and Isveatmant Company. W. P.
Ootoar. T. H. A. Tregea. John Dru,
C A. Crawford Estate. D. O. Bmltb. W.
Vogsison. Jamas Blreaall. A. H MoSBBS. J. B. Price. Wella-Hlgman Com­
pany. Oval Waad DUb Compasy. Han­
nah A Uy Co.. William BeW. J. W.
Mllllkea. J. T. Sauahall. Hiebael But­
ler. H. R JthBSOB. VV. B Uillatte. Das
iereon. John H
Chris Ulouch.
Buie Vogl. F. U. Creaaoagh. Conrad
Wsialar. George Uouah. Ed. Bonaer, M.
White. George Lewrie. Msrr L. Mang,
James B. Bagletoc. II. T. Bell, l>wla
Boohr. Amelia L Arnold. Anthoaj No
volny. Uaery Brown, Floranea AdJndaon Cameron. Jacob Corntbony, Ji
well. J J Blagga. Uaoaab Uraka. Joka
11. Cody. Martha Gray. Martha HllchIrvlBgJ. Dlplrv. Mary O-COBBSll,
Frank YaoUh, Free Ricktor, A. K-

(;!■ •*




Cbloago. May A-WIreat-May. »I.I!v; July, tl pi: Septomber. M«e:
cesmtor. Hike.

Vitalliad A
Corn—May, use: Jnly, ide: Sep- ■to painlesa extracGon of tooU.
ember, S4j<e.
Antidotor. for extraction of tonUl
Oata-May. MM< July. toMei-ttop- without pain need. Latoat and reoA
, ts.S'C-rXentiefaetnry preparation yat treto for
pOTk—May'410 »; July. tU.OO.
Baking exMoboB easy.
Grand Bnplda, Mny A-Whant, tl-U.
WBneptoc Om^
Yrwm an attoek of
c^h. My neighbors re
CbamberlalD'a Cougb Remedy,
not think that any medieiaa woold
help him. but after giving him a few
doaea of tbat remedy I aotioad an imprwvemest. and op'e bottle etirad him
entirelv. It U Ue beat oongh medic

Gtud Eiptdi t IidlpBl K-1


'all. dmggtat.W.pawhio.


Attorneye at Law.

-a DIpley. Adam OBeea la Kaetagsa Block. TTaveree my. Mich.
y YenUh. H. J.

i Caaapaiga.
r. H -S. Bui.

A E.tep- B
.. .
Elijah Hills, Haggle Carltale, Chicago
A West HicblrsB Railway Company.
Utand Rapidt A iDdlana Railroad'Com­
pany. sod all albera iatoreaud Iberela.
Take Notice: Tbat the roll at tba
spacial aaifsameBi herawfore made by
tbe boird of aaaeaaora for tba porpoae
of defraviog tbat part of tba eoat
which tbe council decldad ahoold be
paid and boroe by aaeclal aMtesmaut. •Pbooai !«■ tot, tm______________ _______
for tba ooaatroetiaa af a mala aawar in
'Vallington street, from tVaabisgtoa
street to Eighth street, la Ciewer Uistrlct No. Three (S) of the City of Tree•rae City, said sewer dIaUiet being
ided OB ibr north by tba alley be-B WasbiagtoB street and Webajar
......i: -iB the east by Jullroad avcone:
on tba Mutb by Boardmau lake and
Ui«romao river: aad oa the weat by
Koardman avenue, according to tbe
recorded plat thereof, is new on file la
*^'‘^.f*Xi-umVrTrm,‘not"l: rt-nreilret-d’a. Man.—a our forre. i Tu-ed.v or Wednesday In carryli
gaiUiaiion 0
my office lor public iBepecUoB.
.. He h.ri Ortdnallv antlcl- wer- rot In condition to light. We re- j this extensive programme it I. 1
U also hereby given that tha
mlehl iH- He p.-nam-d luined In Waahineii'n Impressed wlih|all aurrrlalng that he has nol
muni IH-, Mrp<rmma
_______ .
s Ce„„ eo—. h».r.l from
a disietrh but. aad
d board of aasewKj,^
graduHlee' who a.: this Idea Gen-r»l Winfield Bcott. com- heard
^an*il ,,
j totp. w. Telep
The stale di-[-arlmcnl
touch Traverae CilT. wVl meet in the oon*jl
bureau ..ffli.i,
roams tl said ehy OB Ue fSrd Ay of! •
to BUpervlae tb« nrenarstbm
who la expecled to supply the earliest Mey. A D. I«9R. at 1:30 p. m. of Uall
pruvldina for
day. ta review ulS aaaeaament. at __________________________________________
Consrt|u--ntl> I
wbieb tlms and place npportonity wil' I — —

.fp-nertil ralteraon. who was
manlnel nreasun- which was one wit
I, Informing thedepartcould ,-etiKin1y peevent It- I , yesterday
West P'vint milliariam raib.-r than wii
la ihat four famllb, --f refugees '
Ihcicbl It Iniieieell 1e. and urged the
.pure fw'rioili-m
Dated tkis «th Ay of Mav A. I). I*«A I TWgv rortiD-o____
rhlllpplner bad i-lHIntied for a
r'n-lliic of all svalUMe troops to Bull
Inal.-ad of re-anadlllK the meaSuP
A. W. Ru-kBKii.
XS. office jia-tl
the mlsHlor to the Cnlled PtalcacItUemdilp.
adni'te.1 In Uril fi-r a t->1unieer aron
City Clerl
for tha
tbe congress u.-.-at-t.-d the war <1.-pai,
dre-Mor, wo, r-a< bed In forward ... ............ gram under tbe naiurallaa' mrot b ITwhlch toiiuarlly Igo i- a all «i 'r—I-s Hitt rt.uld he gotten to Usoaa- '
tlon laws.
the state otoanlXNllona known aa na
•'«- "i.d IV"
" o-e-«'en
■aw Bnuto tn Oblaago.
soa uaaa..
\ H^lu’rtl 'ly' us'eTatoce locsUoo. AUof I
will Hear of SampasB When He Mrti
Honal guaroa and seeks the'Individual
i , ChsiaiMgiir tlSTi
Commencing May l&U. 1
ItrapecllBg Admiral Rampaon , m
' sob'i-d '
cxmaenl /jf each w-ldler aa
throogh oar II
•pwlB M_____
meats the dci-arlijiem Is still mute
In fleM I" H*"
bla Its-al i--m|uini
1 Washating reglmenta.
rise la abeC
Wblcli he baa tilt
news Is eip<-<'led on that mjbject within operated by tbe Grand Trunk Rallwav : -ue ,"riv i»» l
e City trop
syatemaBdUe Grand Rapids A Indl-1
I'the next three days. Therefore
ana Railway, via VicAburg.
jWorSH its ir
which ana Railway, via VicAbui
t certain that 1
,-iie ,.f tia first
*Th'is bill abtold have been entitled -e "When eongrea.
will arrive at and depart from
•I that
•■A mesMire to dl.iooriige enbamu-ntpi '
*'•" **’
Dearborn atotlnn. Chicago. Tbi
Bccrelary of War Alger, having been a si-iHiIntnieM
Treveree heaert. ..
ton la on Folk street, between Hto'ei
the Canaries Is dlamlaaed without
volunteer S'-t-lier himaeif during
a veto s
and Clark itreeU. ie only three blocks'
enough Rrolt had po other jotaltlon o. W. 8. u
nr osw ul*,
«ivll war. -ught to have paid er
Bear Ue banc
• of
of Ue Poatoffioe.
“ ---■-----"inferraO ui—n h
- .rt)«l-1. nieb. XI
A«trnil->r. I- lUr matter to have pre­
down town boalaeae and hotel dletrieu
District of Columbia
vnlonvented the iwaa.igr 'it such a bill How-. cnel of the DlatriOther raUreaA using UU station era
maktnmhlio n-ana- the Canailea wUhIn so ahort a space of
ever b|.»la 1, suvh a lltcl,- bit of a teera. and my o
:hlaoB. Topeka A Santo Fe. Wabash tariCs, wtU lak* ^plla Ob pU^c aod
. rallroada and tele- Hme aa three days. A leading diplo­
mouthful for rncle Sam to swallow *er of the mlln
A Eaatoro nilaoia. Chicago.
not give him all the author- matic official said there was no reason
that we ran gel alung witb
rtv"* needfA* Wbkn the Inw rreai-d the ! why foreign nations should be given In­
formation of an attack on tbe Canaries.
iomce of assistant aecretan"..........-...........
^Incc the Cniled States waa conducUng tary for paaoeagers 1
Oenerel Shafur. who waa aelectsd by , que.tlop y
abnvb meBtiosod lines.
I war It had the right, he said, to choose
WAtrrXP-Por rrerr
iBAoaUBtatoUooa o
'»‘^‘tlmbliTmaL' wj:,
Havld D.vla^ after- ru own points of attack without keep- mr llna Atwean Chicago and _____
•ber governmenta advised of Itt
H.. Inns toon In the regular army 1 wards aenaior from Illinois br apa PVW GOOD UM ICKN
RiSlA on Valparalao. SouU Bend and A
euylMbevOo. I» G
a JeSii
W<*»t««»»ery Blair, aa well as




unsnt lu Kmusnu LI



— ......... . '''• —

: §?9J\rH




Sarber before fhe war at
RlohllSd. hie father, my !"»*!;!'»' frtend_ .L.leed
Oenerel Bhafter waa ofe ortS^plI. 1‘h.YrP«-lr.«n^^
lliam T She^ar^
senator Burrow, ha* taken a warm In- |
“‘f' r"' r"llTd«i wbh e.V
tareit le Bhafler duiMig hlswnllrr life- •• •
General Bhaftcr U a -uP^rtor ' r^d- and the tran.^rUG^^^^^
mlllian- mao. and t. apoken of very ard munlllone M wa^.nd f have got a
highly by Oeoeral Mile.
Benrv M Duffleld of Detroit haa been

r General Alger, pollllcal:.
and other taa. that he naturally aseommlialoa-arfruld be early
forthromlng. foldnel Duffield was■ the

aa ag' nl

f yon
Tr-» win
will be
be pleased
Pl»*aM with.
“Mr. Chase said: TYho Is If
“•Colonel Ttiomaa A. Brolt.’ said T.
“Mr. ftea-nrd. who had seen snmefhtng
of him In the depariment at once said:
fot Mr. Scott.' and . Ihat day
-a A. fcotl was made 'aaaliUnt
Bevrelaryr of^war. From tba moment
ro1 t gave myeelf
ht»» »""»
aboul matters connected
with the

man who spoiled Algwr’i prealdenllal
fhanres 1b 1«» at a grill
sesdlag SB loaoleBi meaex..-------------lof Quay, a man who controlled about
two huadrrd voiea aad who wa. tM«y
e wgp hand them over to Alger.
Aak ,•»»«*« »■

, ^Pebar OUa Bhout It ,Ha can tan the


is quirk to deride, cna and always relUble."

atoaet b Not Rvm Batag DIaa—tdi
thvl'iwsMt Ttma.
WaabingtoB. May 7.-The London raport eablsd yasurday that tba
Unental power* ware aceklng le hava

Mbhawaka. lad., VIekaburg. KalaaaBOO and natowbU. Mioh.
TAequlpmantnaad toprovidtogUia
aarrien will eoffitMt of naw atnnArd
vaatibutod day eaaeh«a. Fallmna buf­
fet pnrtorAt* and Um Intnat daaigna of
- .......................... gawHgbtod.

___ UU AUaved^tt]____________
It tbe Aaraetor
Ot UUMulpMtaadtha oenvwiim
lacking m verifleauen la official aod af tA azalea wiM to saah aa 1
by tba trav*
dlplomaUe quarter* here. Tb* cut* de­
partment Ax received
ofC such InlervenUtm. a
does not be- ‘
Tbe foreign
Great Britain. France, Oermany. aad
FtusalA meat Ueaa reports wtU speelA
Aalala, and declare tbat IntorvenUoa
to not tolag diacuaeed ta any way at
tto pnaant time. Tbare affiolala have
bere (any aanvenaai wlU all pmloaa









k ae^nd lieutenant by paasing i
1 where the i
shall bs placed
sno IS ready also lo handle them in
The sailor has no such opportunity Ue nght If necessary
Uaay great
offered him. He may Prst become a . military rhleftaln's have beta engineers
petty ofltcer, such aj boatswaln a mat*. I Our engineer corpa are carpenter*,

Decadent Spain Is Woefully
Overmatched In the
Present War.

[Copvriahi. 1SM.{
/HAT rhanue does 8|>aln stand
rainn the I’nlied Rtales la
« present war? That Is lbs
Ul anaorblnr lopx at the present llihe,
tf tbs pinion of those » h.we views ate
0 reapei'l by r

«»at for nearly two eemunes has Wn
«BS Of What might he called "dlaaalr'ius
decadence." One by one her em.i'moue
colonial puaaesilona
r until now. omitting Cuba, v

two woakesed bodira aro rooaolldatod
and fhr combination la knoan bj tbe
name of one of the former omanltations. or It may be riven an entirely
new deslanallon
The re«ular t’nited Stales army today
regiments c
nis of artillery 1
meX^ r Infanto—that 1

maaier .. ...... ...

trotiml by tti* toUowloc (vncnl onif*n>:
I>rpi>r(in*nt ol CftUfurnlA.''Bncdl.r
0*ner«l W. R. RhRflrr: ddiarim.nt of
» f-olor«<Jo, Brts»<ll»r Ofnfr»l K. S.
I*. d«pbrtmem of ihr Columbia. BHcfor Gpn.ral H. C. M«rrrlani; dn>an■Bt of Dakota. Rrlradirr Oonoral J.
' r. Wade dpparttornt of th« aaat, Ua>or
Q«««fal Woaley UorHU: of
J K- Brimk*;
department of the UlaaouH. Brlca*
Ueneral J J Coppln*er, depart
'be aulf. linaadler Oeneral tV.
. “• f^twham
The offlrem It
a a higher

-..V - - - - .[

| bridge builder*.

elecirlcUna aappers

crease in bli pay. and there U
poa. I and
J ,mlr
miner* and withal as well drilled a
albUlty of his even rlam
Ihe digiilly ‘ IxMly of soldiers as any army ran boaau
of a warrant officer, bt
■f Of eoglgo any higher.
eer*. with ths brcvcl rank
Our ami) la supplied with the Krmgler generaL
Jorgensen ride, and the revolvers of the
One unique feature of tbe military
Siildlers are of IS caliber Instead of the
-mice of tbe I'nlted State* bss been
caliber of Ihe Colt and other
le army pack train, which bat been of
ty|H-s. The old fashioned heavy bayonet
a a* exchanged five sear* ago
i-ertain t
ir (iflenaive
smaller weapon of the knife psiteni. ' operations
These Improvemenis were chiefly for snd mules are well trained snd equlp^
tbe purpose of rendering the fighting' and are sent to the vaHou* commands
man's equipment lighter, so ihsi ht, w hen requlrxl
Although part of the
might be able to carry the greatest I army, th- men are civl||ani_and are
poaslble quantity of ammunition.
In required to rnliab Their wagn~ar«
r days of npid firing weapons the
Imi. rtsnt ob4ect It to have (be
warrior provided with Ihe greatest
prs.-ticsbie number of cartridges. Even
trifling nevoutennents as bucklM

aei of fellowa. Nolwithatandlag tb* 4b.
ihe horse through tbe popaltfw
Ity of (be bicycle and electric can. D*.
cle Sam requires s eerlain quou of gOo4
rsvaln- eleeds yearly. Horses hart al>
ways been Indispensable In l^attle. and K
would require« Invention potash
Ing an jutomatic action lltlle short ««
marvelous to replace them aaUsfagl*.
D the artillery t r ncruit-s ad VI
i * In proportion to tbs ability bP
. ays After leamlni
learning bow ta haodlv
. musket be Is Instructed' It Ibc art dC
manipulating fleldplecaa Then by dagreet he It taught how to work mortar,
l-aiterles. alege gun. (be modem I. 14
and U Inch'rifles and magaalnaa sab
the Ostlln
sn of ordinary Intelligence la rtad^
r active service at say of ibe 11 ssI
acoast fortlflcallohJ or on the fletd a<

c aa U Imagined, although L


re.'inieni- are really boihlng nu>re than
luiitallous of from fonr to eight eomiia.


■ Wm

iDstbnies martineu have rendered mJa.
erable the live* of some of the enlisted
men In their c.«mm*nd. ““


ti either
cavalry or arllller) regiment I* IJ
nipanie* of ISO .ach. or l.MO men.
ir distinguishing marks on (he efaevTglia.^are while for. Infantry, red for
. arifmry and yellow for cqvaln'
y nothing


The United Bute* has additionally a

a m..nih It requires six monlha’ train­
ing i.i make a fairly good packer of a
green hand aad.*gvera|,years lo make
I blni an t Xpert. Only ableliodled men
1 are hired, none weighing less than Wg
I pounds, and every applli
Dds tr

' salaried class I
- InAhe i,
I Ihe graduate fi
l»^ leer unnum. whlle.the serx
! tenant wh- has Just left Weal
The cluiie* I.
milllar) engineer t
paid from ti.evo to II.SOO a year. To the i" aid in ever
next grade In the navy, eiialgn. is at- army lace t,. tj r wUh Ihe enemy a
(ached a .Inaxinium Sii|n-^ of from (l>< p lo start it flghimg
II.. niual tl.MO. while the first lleulen- e<|iially px|.-rt
am in (he army receive* from Il.SOO to s|~i.l.. and the rlfie
H- plans
II.too. and so on to the highest rank. buUde fortiniwtlons. m il. a|e« the
------------where the rear admiral la given M.OOO.-------------while the major general has an annual
aalarj of r.wo.
A better class of meti^en^ralty enlist
In (be army hecAuae there i* more Inde.
pendenev. a freedom from SU< h cramp­
ed quarter* as those on shlplauird
Then. b~\ there Is the addiuona’ in-

k modiflcwiloB of a cowboy's
The lot of the private soldier I* not
• an unpleasant one
In lime* of peace
' he u.oks only about four hours a day
I for his board and clothe* a'nd lu a
nionih. the monthly .cash stipend In' creas'nx antlually until after five yean
I. The cavalryman must


f-'i -

world or liny |K«s|i>le off -nslve alllan..e
of nallons the United Stales I* InvinciWs provided she be the attacked party.
If that atai. ment Iw ime. li would ap­
pear (hat (hi lussilillity of Spain's sue- .
osss In the -ar iraU.ut aa renote aa aoything could well be In this
Wehavr the men and the money and
wt also hsve Ibe officers. lUm win pe
rsenmed for any auxiliary tro..p, w hich '
may be tu-eded from th. rank* ..f ihm
who served In the. Conf-.|-rai-. and;
Xlnlen armies drfring the cun war to •
say nothing of the hundreds of im.u. !
sands of men who have done their time
ta the miiuia organlaatlons of th. va- !
riotii Slate* por exangle. out naiional :
guardamen have bad so much general :
training that even the privates will !
make capable minor offlceiu. such as i
senteanti and "
s. 10 Inspect the


B m.vre general officer* I




of men The flrel elaat
ha* lust been gradoatthat supply may bs


sH-ew Of
»e the volunteer forces. That we
*all have then a tufflcleni number of
•tajpetent military directors l, assured.







“>» fold- of Old Glory,
isw. ~-,g|„uon of the
a by tbe avers

Ahtag wb« In rekut^ tboy are 'as ^
wart aa tbe pole*.
: A rsgloisDt of tafantry is properly 1*
satapSBle* of ISD men each, or t.eoo sot.
(taeludlag tb* omoer*. IJIC msm.
wbU* this u tb* strict tatent^t a
Ml eomplement It • ssldom realised.
M a rcglmeal from Tartans caooes is
Mkalr to number anywhere from-TM to
use men. tn time of *rar Its tanks ar*
•atttraltr deplttod. and somsUmMr
ft ts imposBltds to kMp ap tbo de.


. rank* are a govkl represeeutloo of n
I tive bom Americana, and all mimt by
<«w be cltlxena
AH that I* left of the apanlsh amiy offM.OM men sent to Cubs since ItH ars
*0.000 r^ulara. and these, with tbe «.•
000 home royalists, a total of UO.ti^
have rrmlrolled only tbe seaports as4
sirongly fortified towns In Ibe Interlon

In the hands of the I
I province it Ptnar d
1 trerae west. Is a Cub
.nu there, under
Generals De'gudo and Dueaal. holding ‘
tbe long and impregnable chain of
^ntalns extending tbrougb tb* pro*.
>Bce. In tbe provtace* of Matansas and
r Havana are BboutysSOInsurgenta. The
^ fortified towns are nearer to one an*
other In these two district*, tbe ^ao«
lab force* more numerou* and tbe Onban* tbe weakest but the latter bar#
always been able to keep up a llvciy
I guerrilla warfare, raiding almost week.
I ly the lanrer towns and raaktag dasbe*
Into the vrimvbs of Havana. Altbougb
I they lost ihefr brilUant leader Aran,
guren s short time ago. they Mre stin
. the brave commanders Generals Betan.
court. Alejandro Rodrigues and RafaM
de Cardenas and Colonels Davalea Col.
■aso and others.
rush of Ibe navy, or at leant that
part ..f It known as the north Atlantic
■qusdron. on Havana was amaslog to
the people of tbe Valted States, who.
, expecting war. had still coasldered that
j there would he !4 hours' notlflcaltan to
j them of the advance.
under Captain William T.
I Sampson, a•ho wa» some time ago given
I tne highest n lotlve rank and has nine*
I been designated as rear admiral oom.
I mandtng. while Investing Harsma at
! the same time hold* open Ihe riortda -

Seoor a^ta time ago. when,„o„ avallahle flghllnc men.
qbestloned as to the nunil
men he
President William McKinley la com- od of rising from the ranks and beromeould put Into the field, said that
* “ ' I mander lo chief of tbe army, while the
' general ivunmandlng la the senior maMiles
There I
bSM computed (hat t»>-• I'niled Rlales ' j
general, .>eiaon .

•ssary. oppose th-aO
10.000.000 men
Those who are In a p-slilon to know
dsclare that for all purpisi-s of wartare I.'OOO.OOO are as good ss SOO.OOO.OUO.
Thsl Is to say. no innly of troops could
be gathered together which could suc­
cessfully oppose a com|Nt<'t army of
t.OOO.(NW properly offleen-d and dlscipHned

Wltboui any desire io appear vainglorious II may therefore Iw staled that

I bdendly natore.
1 InU-rrourae Is n
In tbe volunt<«h forces there is oC
course more fieedom of speech bstwsea
Ihe rsnk and tbe file.
There we re a large number of fotelghere. aolrtlef* of fortune. In tbs.
army during the elrll wwr. severs! Sue
biqmen from European countries bOMe


lion of aupplle* to our troop* on tbe Is­
land and fur conveyance of more aol.
dler* a* they are needed. A port of our
naval tlnlUla al*<i guards the gulf to tb*
west of Havana for a similar purpose.
The fleet co-operated with the land
forces from the moment they landed la
they bo
menaced Ihe capltsl c
It was from tbe he) Inning the array
plan to unite with the fortes of Gomes
Gsrcla troop* t be seat to jota
iboae revolutionary bodies ta Puerto
Principe or Santa Clara.
Tbe principal object of tbe tavadtag
army has been to form Immediately tb*
clooeot alliance with (be lno«BT*Bt
WUh tbe eMbUabBMat of a •
stable and ladependeat gusetuiuoat ta

government for weeks |
warfare U not essenUaL Tb* Spauab
army there depends upon tbo prWTMoBs
Imported. Rice, beans and flour cocn*
from tbe mother country. Meat Is seat
I from Mexico and Florida. Tb*

Naval Force
Landing Under
Cover of the
Fleets Fire.

llw towBS was laid waste by tfeyIsr. a policy that wUl remit ta a boami fmlsh. and .tbe gaunt specter t/t
famine i talks tbrongbcnit tbe IsMad.
Our r-gular army U ta tnagalflcoat
eeadlticB aad exesUcet trim. XtbasteA
eonatast exercta* to scoattag. flgbttv
lodlam. rotmarr maBeuvec* aboat Ms
wsateri torta. aad has bad an extoashr*
temlUarity with camp Ufa. Both On.
•mis Miles and Merritt are noted indlaa



tettb. Mihiiic tetl'pbte WUlUa

iovrs R08AIIV.





Md7ih* U«. aad
•VI.* to kixpr lb* tew. bat M4
• of nvtag <)ae*(kiB* «tMi |n*ek"^.'^''.1.tbf Uw
Uw. bM ter tb*
tb» I .



• *>k W idoiubw. par. *Bd Uilil

i«*4*r aad
pnap.rttTlathatedia-OddPaUvn’ ,
-p* N*W T«
brlcate. pDitoRD
• *M«*tk>
'.tbUiw lo tb*
Uinao n* tb*
prim* BIOTS ID
tb* omsltsUon
M ABStlo tUrl•toe. Na It. of
Amsterdam and
wasoboaeo herald
DDd lawf lleateo-

to dm ^to'^lw^ate.
*(w sf V btarttetow

bchab tod«e cm b* mad* Id opia ted«* a* ; itew. wbrca t

asklDg tbe qoaatlnn, "It any OD* kaow*
;e(a*lek hrotb*r<lr*b^atl>eTlDdlBB•■r
'Ite wbot* biMliM- u-tohalpoo* aootb-

THE BIG_____

■' bom* to

1 (or tb* betxdt of th* UId
i lllleals ha.* bcooubt lo tba dm
The work of f*Uln« food, for

afw the Intel^^
Bebek.b lodgto. Tbia la bsMor

Mr littoT^.r*lw:tMhrtg.diwll«'*''^
Iter I
_____ _______„ ablp
-MpI to old lodgea


berdinn«tim*.lmlrhewrnlc.u n^
iho found another wtant of llie star.
^ ^
gardiug OfB. rt Smith. This tim* ah*

kind” to «,
-My goedneas" or
aom. thing «}nally nOieruiB to Jieut

the desired iof.wm.tioD. and
Uk* boardid auorbrr car. with a heart

,p iuijipoati.aL

whicb held in it a detrnnimd puipona.

• *b»

Qof**r Itebokah 1^ at Altna

■«*» hi.m* .lie «i*d b.-r *<,vr for

f^igbtcoed at tb* crowd. Ib«

pe«,ng Ti hiclia.

Balblo of Alton


tbe clanguig

tbe cars tbeuiaeirea
Julius B


.bo ™ b^ u.


___ ^

kind of arar .tuff and with big imtbctic

borne fend.

Tbe big parade of tbe unlfori rank of
tb* Enlgbt* of I’ythia* daring tbe enk D*kt August, will lake plae*

Well, they're here, in all the latest styles.
Qualities to suit everyone. Ladies', gents’, boys’, miss­
es' and child’s sizes.
Best assorted line of work shoes we have
ever shown. Prices $1.00 to $?.00.

U»king down, tb* big poUceman
Tb* nv« morning die went to work
B.W a litiic womaa attired in eouie aa oauai. boi wUn » win. lim* to re-



tbs boma


miieditaelf op with w-coldraioio sorb

\i of lb* DDifom ram In .SewYork ' “‘an working to orgatila® new lodge*, m-

Myrtle Leaf lodge of PhllacletpbU U 80
•Mts old. ha* 87u member* and Inteated
(DDdtand properba* worib |l&,«&r

mj that. -wUte b* voeld DM
IcM bte l*ii. jtt tb* oOocf wooU b*
crippl«dfcriite."etc. Bat wbat Marie
waDted to know wm wbne tb* bsrt
mao was to be fcniDcL'dDd tbia the
Dewapaper star; failed to tell beyoad
tbe (act that b* bvl bam takeo to a
Maria aiabed aod poekord ber white
foTfbetei into a frowtk. while she
tbnoabt of a “way," asd tbea at tb*
Deal ooroer abe climbed off tbe
’aibd for a .
be knew where Officair WiUi

that momiiiii. bad been taken, bet tbe
policeman did not know anjibini; atoot
^ U« polteemaA felt nooinuaiy ^ accident, and be did not know OfBthis mcniufc DotwiihsUDdiOR cer William *>mitb. and. bi io|i a creff

11, tolMDCd '»
«e aDlfom tank. Ha was mad* adjuunt n—t amounted
Sail IS
. arouuo u»e awroc
•OOUDWd to
to »l
•f the Second rrglm«nl Id IMe. afd ui»o ;
“ V'.
^„k|t I **”
vine ptwideut of (he llUeal*
Sh. death of Outonel Jam*. «. Oowdand |
' »~

epcclal rate* bale
•■premt aneampRu


m«cb pntMd for bii oohW
m» of ■ fooUA
Mart* aoddtxl ber

" j tbe fact that a disagreeable rain was fellow and ared of tbe mod and other
. n I falling—DraD spring rain, which bail diaagrerabl* things which follow a

^mpmeot c^toe oeoOTu __ri.iimcu._Ki






shiTopDg, and bcr,gann*iita wet

maul* of beg wore liul* picket-

msiie the liberal donalkiD of 1100 to tbe tbrongh. clung aUmt her in a bindernilDuls Old Folks-boma
I isg fashion, w birb kept ber from rapid

. Tea. ib* meant to do it—sb* meant

Nobody Gan
There Isn’t
A Man in Town Spread News


D Hoe. and It will be

a trip to BewtoB ^de tb* big polio man b* f*U a
: at-airr ui caar ii'-i
i,,,, .op _juwvu
j^pch a.
a* <me 'Digbc sb* dill not feel so lonely as she
.. .. I .M. tb* aoverelgn grand lodge ------------bad dime when sb* rvmeniberod tbsc
Mra AonleTrefetben, slceprcaldentof would lake op a cbil^K«bd carry be
_ of Mleiy.
____ ___ • _
b> r uitdher was lying in the grar* far
Preparation* are I
llbe.Sew ll»mp.ailreasto-mbly.w*. tb*r*; 4 placx)
Sbe bemtied
SS.UOO men In camp and
Is *e- . elplent
of a
■ bandwine !■
1 . -S
.N U
Cj. ..di«
cotter .«!
,h* aitenfoted to go f
teeeedforkbe oampwlll a
m of ber. and
Jewel tbegUl of ber lodK*
,____ h h.., .... wh,..b.r .he ™in
lolerert bad
ain l.lioH
■wny morelf neaeaaary
*>ad bqen er^T.d
IM e»*ry Hamaich perfoet hlmaelf In
Tbe mlarlet of tbe aopreme olBe*t« are; the -unwritten work, so that, b* will b* •be was m basi* and moat at any n*k
“>ro»«b a *.'ua* of jBstie*. Sbe
Sapreiuecbanorllor, $S.0W): anptwme keep------------- ------------- _ I
w war abe attemntid to i-rrws carefully bnisbed tbe pretty hrown balr
V of reerda and aeal. H.toW;
and. by tbe moet rigid esamlntioa.
- |
Ibe next mcTOing and lacknl a liiUe
gen■water of esebequer. II.<d
The ecmoiwtone of tbe UId Polka-bom* ;
J? ,
.li. »h.
.n freeb bse* in b*/collar and nieudud a
uniform rank. 84.MW.
of IlllnoU wUI I* laid Mar 2V MattooD '
*"*„7 jn ^did
glora bewIllweloomebM-ofOddMlo-eoDtha. *J«o..^«m
f™* pu.ung then. cn. and then, when
Harmony Bebekah lodge
lb* royal ftaleriiK, In lb* poalUon of *
ptam* Tic* president.


cmw,. ,n« «.n..Ki o*r. w,.,
n^.me u...


ough. .S. H .prsiUka loedraoce aeommlttoe for Mcb lodge nmetlUK to the yote.

Tb* report of tbegrwDd keeper of t*
«gd* and aeal of LuulsUna lor tlm ,«
U07 abowa a dwmsase of TUS.

a i.-gi-u.
. ..-.o. w
hnsbiii tolO_ toataiit silence. _


Tbe A. O I■sake false ..r ml
MDOrd Is before tb* wOTld. and no Work I
•■! .bemomTJ.c .g,„ c..nipUin
■ran Is asbaiuvd of■ ■kM ptld hi has been bon.wll.
lly paid
out. nut
S. • Tbe fact U a no
toeWwk dlvldoods. uut It. large nwereea. laUuD of tbe bylaw, to ibl.
Ibis raspeot
respect should
Bot In cxiraragaat cxp*n>cs. but ltt<-^lr«t
ln-<tr«oi be
punished tlio same
e> any Other
It la
baneliu. Urer U& per oeoi of all tbi^i
paid lo ba« been l»id out to bep.
late at night when 1. might be
Mltameii.beia.-A. O V. W ULL
areddod by obeying ibe law reepeoUag
,-W. J. Uuncao.
A* gvxal bh«l in active elreolatkin 1*
Boto Another das# of 27 U about retdy.

n bun, tbe noise of tbe

She bought
. ,.-w ferns a^d a half doinwblt.CM-

hi ,to...
• nsliug bjs life




ey.-s did


effort, tbe flinging o his body forward. **““
col, bui looked at ber with tbe t
and tbe
d.-od WM
e Hie woman
drawn out of tb* rvacli of ibi- rmi l
< t.l
wb.s-ls; but tbe big polie.-mBD « l. ft l. g •b* atiaid U-Mde bim ai that fatal ____

tbe pasaeug. rs in tb.-car a siokchas tbe Wh.-els [a-ae-d ov. r it ai.d


pn-paratluu ou |s>acr un eartb o
, a uue Mason uf bliu.
There U a gieal loss of time In lodge*
much "rolre»hii>riit."
Mareb. 4) pur cent of whom are under JO

The duly lo guard well t

f tb* craft isasuiucb
South lukota Is the Dretlurfi
led In the adml>>luii uf tH-vr recruit*
gMurv Ibe t2.iMi jirise uffend
jffend by Ibe sube grand nl■1■ler. and all .bould
^lue lodge lur IncruaM fn im-inbrrsfaiti.
luard weU tbeoati-wlauf Ma~iur,. Look
Kaomcky and Vilw-uD.iii will witbuot
well to tbe uuu-r door.
dsHiU both wvuroa liko pruo.
Do to your hhiU.cMhe ouiiiiT.g yea* just 1
Tu U-a Maauu and to live a Hawin ate
■cily as }<iu ]>l.-lg"d to ilu at tbe altar. ' tw» dlffi-reni things. The one n-<|UlRW
--------------------------------kno.vhslgi ; the I.U.. T Is tbe ap|dl<a>tlou of


tbe board of directors

itb.t^n.o»i«igc to

Uuring lM.7 only


. .
loxl.v ..f mull can make innoiiin« in Max.i.ry 1'.. <.l(ciiipt lhl> ilm-a
chnngt- MaM.mry, but pm» thm«iwh.i
ll.u eitempl III .I-Iile the paleuf the

r;3v.“a K.'tiniiiri —M..Juru tVouiliiiXii.

auii lUi uuuiliuruf J.6JT bai been

Pevunly nitiu m-w eaiup> w-i.ructtortered •tteinnl
I Poru I* that th*
4nnog 1 el.ruory
The tetiwl new. I
Tbe d.-alb rate for Match watagalo !»-•' auth-r uf ihu .iJi<-t
— _______________ .pli-odld raeutd la , Maimle-alter.
jurliolte-tloo baa.
*mib uiulilb being coulliiuist
.under prw-uiv of griwt ..ppinittun.
Tbu'M..U-ra B n.alte.-n uf Aiu.tIcb tkipped an BK--«nM-iit during t'ui.r.
over 8'K...a-i l.'lt III 11- b
ply un the Marrh il.wUi I
Th.. tb.
building al K.a k l.laDd
With apprupnatr eeru-.m.


le UM April 21 '


.... ... i

«" •'
“• ■ -'th ™lj ,b,. ...
courug' iii* m of tlie Liiidly <-y», went


bud lost |<IT
ui.-iloi's us>.slnut slid
only known r<'luut <. uuly
ksl. tciic. Six- hod crW»»
|U little naan she ralli-il luimu
at night that klispw.lil awiiy >InlU
ber aud
aud rli- wus m cxUnnsI.rl \rlicD
niiirniug cann- tli'oi »i.c o-uid liatcily lat
her lu.wgtr bn-akfa-i. and it w*as latiwin 1. slic start.-d fur th.- lii
UblisLun ut wben- -In- «
Ilwas this tbiiuglil liiul
III «. h a diKi>ir<'US
w l.i.-h h.i.l
la-hl.iu fit II,.- big ]«tli.-i
n nn-uilu-n .1 ihul bi« gUo-- ........................
U|. oi l..-r kiiiJly. and while eh.- l.a.i
l„ I.U.I, 1.. ...r u,

Member. .b..u1dio-r to mind that
«of then, W hu ma.v be dulinquent cun-



• *nr Ulore fer. and »iiu reaoivuo uac

Ever Burned Out



iHack, 6ns and Baggage
tVbeo in need of *nytbin|r in thM
' line remember tbb u tb* ptece to Icaee
• your order* and get prompt work.
Batlsfkction gu*rsnte*d or no eharfw
Lear* your orders at oflJee or call op

"Phone No. 8.

q„i,.„.r ;,n.rie *bich Uar* Upon

th-a. culuni wonl.l as-

, j .-i, uobcoly iliitik.

We are the one place where

b^d w u. raiwal to the iliguity of a t-ro

rs or Ibis ante* ’ **”
quickly nnfoldID the w«k of I
PM« “d
to aean tbe
D tbajate baadlioea Tbatv were big. doable bMd
Tba UsM <2> tbe flnt page, but than wm
Dotbing olioat the affair wbicb aras of
totkm of new oounotU to thU onter pror* snobvitol totefMt'to bar. ondabetnnied
tbe wtedom of tb* adoption of tb* MW tbe papo <>*«• and—then It waa.
maibodof tattog to«abM4 inmllM m
■TbeDtod (ff a Ueni.''aBd tba big
to olB^ls and m«
• eevw moia aara

tena. tostorte
— ** toi to '


Beliiblt Dii Goods. Cup* ud CloUdif Bow.

the dvrs i


It. «j <«i fame's baDOCT- Wbat if be was
would ilpfvioto«c« plain that It pay. to oui,' a
* puliceman
puJiaBBan and
and tbe
tbe saving
saving of Ufe
j bain good sanding by advice cyiu^ite was in tb* line
lino of
of hu
his duty?
duty? K^msn
No mso U
retiomid III nak tail own life lo Mva
TbetrlUw in Allai la have bcen-bolding ' New York ate iiiaLlng pr^tsUoDS W
Uiat of another, and a« Marie ranonlob te.oto a public rueeptlon and enldW- oolrbnte Arcaooiu day. June 2V
“T“i-'~ir*iri'"a'V!Xl,^ via
I>vr*d that. B*?* a bruise or two.
without injury
Ite iLml^rihln !• auoi '
“^“'7 white
white ber
rally teaois to be ' nenU:
w»aty of active
I it
It with
wllb a vigor
work, and they era doing
' for tear irf toabiUl, to carry hU ocrttocate
, .'..Tf
.. a
• and enthuMlasm that 1. moat encouraging, to oaae of alckneas and an lose aU be bas
tbe hero, or a hero, but my
Tbt grrat council of Xennanaa* by a paid to abould be apprliod'of tbefaot that ; 6o*V
hl™h««l a little as she
usvote ludoiaed Ibe new work
tbeooDSlRitlon ooti.ptls bU counell to pay I «aid It. but aomebew it was so mocb
a shows a Dice Idctmi* to meui- all bla duas and axoanrenu at (oeb Uknea | like music to b*T that sbe did not drive
A movement that oogbt jrgafo gmund | U away, bat kept it ncsi bur and aiomid
irlsdlctloD of tbe order !•
Tbssa bs« been aderlded Infrtaw iB tba to erefy grand jurladlcth
i« Instead
f bolding blennUl
,p to Louisians rsaently.
Wbni sbe aiorted borne in tbe erening.
annual m- from Ibe Bm oewnboy sbe came actoas
Tb. order is growing to Rlebmond
<>( m now to nearly all
abe bought a paper and with rare good
eittxses of this city an in
fogtone ttndisg a seat in the coj which



> b.-1-om.. -Mra- OIS.-.T tt.lium
-tiid. »un- . i.uugh, ibu w-.-d

inlliiimin BhfM BSBM WM WUltea

you can ^et

silly par- J
«-«•». "II the


fliBJMt and few au^naloos ocenr.
MW plan gfowa tteUyjB terut,


l.d, ■*■“»
km-w u. w.-H u.m- u« IhI -r ou Pull'riuali • chl.-f wur pn-ie-Ut. l«-«ld.-.

Durlnp l itiruarj tfi.- dri.uiles aaoun.
8.VI7 luuiubets aud uruanlied 71 net

We think they're better
\-slut>s than the other stores
cao offer you. Tou jodf;e of
thir wheu you set- the ^oods.


Rl'X* "-J--- '

. As is DOW here for yonr attantion. The effects ue very
pretty, and we've taken care
that ^e prices will pleaw yon
fully, aa mocb as the gotxls
themselves. The finer stnfb
come moatly in aingis drvas
leniftbs. so that the atylee are


....... . it

n“ m-7 e‘ton'it?ii"t^‘'‘rbu‘"uT« ',«yTng

't.' -h--»■-«>

cudoct. and tbol she'-bud b.-gun by
bi.ngiufih..nw,meflt.w.r..mia bit of
frulL" Tue I .g brid .ml blhund t.> >1." Iiii].' wnniuii. and witboci
anr beriiaUcv M,.hits in u, and
a kind, f a cu.,u.c,
tbo. -aJed.
B. Kuid.n a g.ull. way bu - teas glad
b-..av.d h.r 111., - and rbe bad
lu.iiniwil I., .a m.- acaiu and had gnn.
th.llow.rsw.,e lanl ilp.. i.1.1 tier.- wu« a frelinS »u
III.- lag iicaii for Ih- I."-- woman ibai
l.n.l.-f and i. IV -w.-cL
t- tin-

er r.-*t omil ►bu hu.l mid biiii l»>w
gri. vuO abu Wiu aihiHl.uM end howmu.ii ►be u|i|>reciat>tl hl^ ti< ll<■►ul.
H<- u.igbl bate h.r (»■ b-itig
IVU little
, but Mario '

t-aaaeil Clirpius*.

wiS M ™
mil. It I. ll. i>..-..-ltal.-a i-liv
pati III tiiurgiii.' U.'ld wurkurw

...a .......
u • .
. . _ .w. .

Dress Goods


Uaauus are burn and nm
men .uu....... ..••.• ........ ........... ............. ..

Of the 00.000 women
irn ihatronMlIule
inatevnMiiuie tbe
Sagreo of Hi

Xt*a a plewora-to be abl«
to show yoB nuch b choiee
line of

Id Black Clay Worsteds, at
these prices:


-bat u. bm.. ba did not hat* bar for tbe ir tb.-li;.d broughl upon him.

Tbe cltosIUed plan wcol Into effect to i duiw are' .
Michigan uu tbe 1st of April.
! being of tbr Mawoic budy
Tbe rooolpu of tbe fs-r captu tax In ,
CaUlomU tbs past year were 8hii.274.

' Whether yoB live in Traverae city, or ten miles, or aeveral hundred miles from here,
the coat for New lOaa P«L
terns ia 'the asms to yoh—
ten cento- for any a^l*—
d«liver«d free of postage to
any addrwM.
Send for monthly faahi«
aheet—no charge.

Is the most setvicMble und
well-lookiDR cloth for profMsioDkl, budnesA, or dress
wear. We' want yon to see

tering lik
bird in ita cage,
T«U in (
11 wbi. but r.-su-nlar w

Bu lufanl.

New Idea

Clay Worsted...

The bylaws ■
foro|wDlOg tL.
-•UDCSW tbe byUws• ars g
groasly rlolaird 1.
We ha*<
ba*e often known of a
I wil. rrvaru

Like a pleasant womao.
Et-ery day more sod more
pleaa^ women tell their
friends shoot the goodneae of

That domn’t need k blAck
■ait of KMne kind or o>ber,on
Frsctical expeneoc« has
demonirtnted that

a Per MrdM aaMtei
to* Werktoep.
t deeelre o

Dry Goods Depaitmeot.

Clottiing Deiartmenl. _

Wane ^ a. bed bom* *b«

white heart a rrtap new |1 till, and this sb*



ton." and
be bigfiohceligfiohcepoff the old

Koaa iVarU- to Cbicagu Tlib-

According ton liable ststistlca. there
wm in dapan in I gvg U4V, i 2S Inomi In
operatiou. distriboud * uong tl«Ki.408
diSmnt ealablishments, giving ao avenge of teas than 11, looms for eaefa
estoblithmeuk This avemg* sbowa that
Chu wearing Indnftry of Japan is still
to a very great extent a bom* indnstry
and is far from having reached that de­
gree of ccntralixal^ whicb it baa in
tbia Goontry. Tbe nnmbertff penoB*
employed in (ba weaving mdustiy of
Japan last year wash..SMI malvw and
9Vb.018 femalrs. and tb* total eatimated production for IbM was »«. 187.18V
yen, ioclndiug silk cloth amoantiug
to 46,471,401 yeni
silk end conoo
amoontinc to 10,*81,178 yea; oocMO


\ The Best Wall Paiffir
At The Gheaphst Prices.
Anotber new stock, just leceived.

230 Front StrMt







year U
bosblMt bomee on haddled • u
wife obd family.
Tbe i
■N of tbe tdotoeto poMblo. « torwlton tfame to moroely a {deoe that
ftgpit wbo m» iiiMMnd to elw- woaM brtog aoyUitog «t a pawoebop.
bat of eridoMe of
ood wont
iriaitr ■■ ■ Botlve power to ompcrtetboe liaboadaiwe. Pan of tbe two retto*. ettber ti«a> » eetootlflowflMiMtol
matotog obairt bM }oM been hcokea op
»otot etf Tlew, we wuohtoc wltb toterto keep tbe fire from dying oat, and oe
•totbeeltiiaUofi tollew Yarkdtr- Tbe tbe flame* crookle with renewed life tbe
eiyh.^.. eiotMed rod bM for. eonM man pick* from tbe floor a derk looking
tfaM bMO dmU^liic wUb tbe qowtloii of
and gooee at it with a longing
•qsintac AeetrioeUr, bat eo fw tbere that I* petbetlo. He bolde it ap
■re M flgM of nob eqeipBeat. which (tndiee it with w*ay e ligb tbel
U to Bodentood it oo( io ftTor with
the more ooDeerretlee eeelUm of tbe diteolonte of tbc nmi. Id ib« meuititBe
•beelereted relirtwd eompen? of tbe
■it7 of Brookifn b'ei followed ibe ueodden
ligbteoed IcMl of Cbioeco wd edt^ited geai. offent
tbe femerbeble btfeccive maltlple bpIi


Hoto Iwtodend wto WM'KID.fa Itov-i torttorahtp.
Tb<meht.WL».bp.tritordr>Uora enaa Lore-B owa UtL

"Now I ba*e enoagb onelee." Mid
tbe girL "Tbe next etronirtT I meet

■o t wtot. ood (toe* ttoi day
Life i* hold (erniB.
IwoBbeakad! iBrIbBWdy.
**OB."to JfolciaB7.|
~-nto porktr Bailw ta'OBMary.

the troefca. Only wbea they reached Ibe'
pavilion they *aw a emort yoang toldler
paring op and down. "Qood
conoin," cried U>« girl. "Qood montog. ooooio." replied tbe emort yoong
aoldier, ana be gave ber ■ beany kim.
"How.dare yoa?" aied tbe mother to
CoDiiD* oiway* ki*^" replied
the emort yonug i
Tbe Dorlee ■


Pay in tbe long run.
Buy your Wall Paper at


™ „.«bTb.-.7r. ^'r'.Sbrjnrs'

toelt toe“


Good Goods
At Honest Prices

«> *>er Wryrie. on- y^ug wldier «"^tbe
tbe bod-vowed
^uvhaud. "And Dow 1
half «^bed mbaiure from tbe (tove. »|,„.i,ng that *he boili tbtte bicycle »«».i leave you.'" oaiil (be emort ynopg
Bn there ia a marked change to the _______ __________
Ou tlie_____
mUier. «ud
«ud he man-bed off, wbiatUng
_ tbere waa a hedge toldier.
itoea tbe borued; ,{*,
eeotod ■ ptod! “Tb*1



poPkettf” And tbe men anewered. "Benom my grip to eo ttrong that I
lift tny bike OT«r C^->reei and ap and
-down tbe teltcrapfa pan» if 1 wed my
bm>da"'"Tbat to beet." nld tbe mothV. "WUl y«B help D
tbe mown ]wlnee j



‘ >«»r.rd. wide, and to the third a lad.'


Karkham Block.

If you hare read Mane Corelli's ^
great work
you can.
help but
but adW-the
admire-the character
character of
of the
the hcroi:


end toteno.- Intereirt la be near tbe
IW yeii'higb.'ond the' flbr^ that "d drtoeed' ibr 6r.t miclc In a rrimoon
end of yean of labut, loffering and dii•uit and

(wpaiDtintot? Ttaipka to tbe ould on (aide,
ifwIllnottakelotiKtudecide. Tbe bursIge, arrnoa tbepnod and opond down oigual
ed eabMnnoe i* boug oouIJb tbe door. ,
ladder. Many girt* tried, bnt all
In on hour tbe oold baa nut oSeuted it. tbe
Town prince remained oiaIn two boon It ctill reutn* the proper- .1. .qh
be eaiDithe budge
Licticv that woo
woa 100
came to tbe
la»t tbe track* were over- till hu
yatdi thick, and there Ih- opcord tbum
grown with weed* for want of noe.
.■boDge bo* ukeu plooe. A great diao
One day tbe qneen went on I to her and *aw bi* way througb in a tnoe,
^tootoiplcte. Cbarlee Ooodyeorbe*
.jone, m anal, and loot; b« and wo, afanrting bl* ryca again, be *]ied
foo^ tbe proome of moklog vpltoniMd ^.,y
glad round the track to tbe other door of the
when pavilion.
"V.*"- .
to find theller to a lonely cottage w
Here, tbto. wo* Goodyear, after yi
dwelt o'womoa and ber dangbter. Tbe
of varying b<^ and onvorytog ill for- ai’iiiltter vro* very beaatlfni-4 wim arait of dark bloc and ,,____________ __
mne, in poowwito of a eeerel tool wo*
Id foretold that obewoald rida «U ofajltcr llllgh-e work that gltoten^aoe bi* name to tbe bigb-1
ed like moonbeau*. And be flew ooi of
Ifome. Bat tbi* knowledge
did not bring him immediate fortai
to feet, tbi* he
wo* 100 yarda arroao, but (ben be pat

"Am«d -Thei-

,r.; i'Si-r.r'.s: .■s." s“f

Yol cannot fail to admire its exqais.te
oot.iikc Un wind and kept bii cymrimt: odor have tried it. Por salc only by

and laatiMt'


Travjree City.



oonfldenoe of all who bod helptaj him. eo ebe refomd to lean bi* feet to tbe treadlea and akimm«l
ed him. and for two year* bl* mSering*
4,4^ .. ^
over the water witboat even eplaabfng
•arpooied even tbom of tbe year* of exTh„
Tbe n.«,k.
mother wm a ol^r tn^ ambi­
perimeating. At ladenougb mooey wa*
m the ti
tion* womaiL 6he knew tbe queen at
oecared to pat bia Invenllnn on tbe mar­
once by her proflle, which -vet* on oU around the track to tbe oibur door of tbe
ket, oad Goodyear'* jiroeem very
I the penny piece*, and beeldee the wore parilioo.
made tbe mannfactore of robber u
Tbe third ancle ba<f a rait of block
' tlx- great mol on brr Anger to prevent
one of Ibe principal induitrie* of tbe
tbe king fnun minuing it to ber ab- velvet, but a* llicre were no porkeu for
world.—Gbioogo Poet
*0000. But tbe mother kept ber own him to pul bi* liouda into they wen
oeaneel and treated tbe qo.-en a* a forced to cot a alii on ■ itber side toorWack lace.
lace. »^n-1
*ptn- And we want everybody to have a share of the
etronger, *i-ning before her tbe beet cteod. Hii veil wo« ef-black
Tbe kim wai unknovn), I tbfnk, food tbet« wai in tbe bonw for rapper. gled with diamui '
among the aboriginal irittea of America
niS' .'nd
•• ‘-®" •'
When tbe qoec« bad flnikbrd brr like the atan to .
and of oentr^ Africa, k'rom Ibe most meal, obe noticed bow lovHj ibe girl when the door of Ibe
e pavillotj
ancient time^ bowever, it bni be«s fa­ wo* and oaid (o tbe mother, "I* your be *bot fonb tike ligbiuing,
miliar Pi tbe Ailacio and European dangbior fit forau.vifaiug?" Tbewomon bauda in tbe alita ni bia auil, but a*
race*. Tbe Lbiin* divided it into tbrM replied. “Kb., i* the champion tody bi­ anon aa be Come to tbe ladder that wai
forma—tbe oecolom. tbe barium and cyclist of tie'whole world." "Ob. m-, 100 Tarda bigb betook bold of tbe baatbenuaviom.tbeflrM being tbe ki** of daed."BBid the queen, •and, pray, why j
and reepect, tbe oecond of; doet che not ride over the threw truck* '■ Vnkliug. and xo. potllng
ouremtoy and tbe fbird of love. Tbe I sod win tbe hiuid of the crown prtooe. .. ;, band* in tbe alltR aguln, be wbii
. ...kneta4be
.. ..
I round ihu track
kim. and Job



Mondsy, Tne«l.., Wedm«d.y, Thotrisj. Frid«y ud S.lori.j, tram
M»y 9tb to the 14th. ‘ An honest bargsin will slwaya stood an
honest test.” This is the reonon onr store is slwsys to the boat
H e have always given yon gooda, good in quality and low in price.

eoBtrol f^Mem. which eiiabtot ear oer
to nm eUbar Iteeif or eu.r nomber of
tore br eleetricK? at e «pe>-d of lb mile*
■a boor, wftbooi env rbeoKe of track,
lolltot etock or eleteted etractarc. It
toeme that tbi* itrp wee metip Imperetire b? tbe eaoopee of tbe nrtooe elecMe tor* to BrooklrsA qaeatioo of iotereet to all mnbioipolltlet le whether tbeee derelopmeau
to Brookl7& ore to be exactly dnplicated
to New York or whether the priscipol
Ire tb.e poblio e

...Just as We Advertise...

■omfort. Eleotritol eqaiprueuu are betog rapidly applied to ibe exiKiog nrtooe ruada in New York, aad tbe poblio
to flocking to take advantage of tbi*
speaks of it oi pert of tbe aecred rite*.
rvloe. wbiob. it iieaid. bai added
e rare them waa a great
a* it i* today in l^ Bomao cburcb.! man.” "I tK-vor tboogi
#S.000 a day to tbe r eelpta of one of
ihoiiling and a ungbiy rn*b of people
The Htogolion klua.iowever, ie not tbe j eerred Ibo queen, and puUini
tbe lioe* which
iblcb bare
have odopi
1 lopled iL
toward tbe imviliun of ibe efaampito
. prevaili
mme os that which
prevaila with oo.
uo. ^! rvlte
rvtte out of ber roar
ohe■ feU a-*mukl
aA trolley wagon bo* made Ita appear­
In it ibelipadonoi tooeh tbe rarlaw'I
M b.-n the girl went out to waob up iadj biiyrliiii of tbe world, but a line
ance ip Nevada. Tbe motor of tbe
of Nl'
barred (he way, and
0 tbe mar wbeel^-l
**”“* * "*^‘
tb" nipper ilmig*. the qm-cu ouked,
CB ii connected
wKu (be
fell back to let Ibe crown prince rad I
It ia a^t
I •uto ugui iRHivavtwith
•.•faii't yoo penr^to- yoot dang
salmble guarlng
i* drawnalowoloi
bin relinoe gallop peBg
I bead or band, tbebreath
nfli over (be tbwv tra.-k* juai to tbow
It i*a powMol affair,•' f/^TL
wr Ita . ly throogb
thmm-h Ibe
rhm noatrilK.
m/imfnt. and
amH tbe
.hm act
m..r endi
—.la U.^. _____________ ______ .
And when bt: gnt to Ibe donr, ever n
fluriur we womru
two rear wbecla are H^t in diameter.
wiUi a alight (mai-k <if tbe lip*. Tbe
Sihf^ tb.‘ niotber, " but ibe moeb before bl* lollowcre, be fonud tbe
/ Tbe two
from wheel* ore 4 feet la 'di­
Gbtoeae cto»idet onr mode of klaatog
lURt bare ttarvw Tbinga."
"Nem* mcitber Rlaiidiug aud walebing.
ameter. TbetramerapponiogibeWtar
fell of coarra raggi aitveneoa. and oar tbrm.”eaid tbeqooen. "iiliematl bate OBW at a glome tlial lie wo* Ibu imart
to ranpended from tbh wagon
wriler« regard'tbeir luetbod wltb eqoal a pavilinn built, opruiiig on to tbe young aoldier wbo bud met them in tbe.
Tbe width of the wheel* i* oonriderdiadaio. Darwin ami
id ntlier lialot
. able, ouil a* Ibe front Wheel* ore mneb
I''ttliicb alM> muBt Muni ofb-r each ihitlb- be cared ua. leaping from
Bearer togvibet (ban tbe rear wheel* Ibe
the act of ibe lower auimala wbo, round, wiliioirt any one Uing allowed I *“*
•’« r°*I>v<i mlo the room,
wagon act* to quite a di gree a* a road
seise Ibeir prey wltb ibelt teeth, etc. ' to «peak to ber."«
I when- be found (be girl ilrtaaed in her
toUer. lliA-of tbe advaoll>ue* of tbe
An iDlereatiug rtwenl utody of tbe «ob-1
" WiiyV'* ooked Ih* queen
“BEVanee ' ordiiiurt' eli <l>e* and iuukiug
tfolley wuRuu i* that (br wurat road in
ject i* by M. Hani d'ftojny in Tbe Bui-! every man tbai up. ag* to her w ent* ber | - - - .
tbe eoontry bo* 00 n-rtura fur it. Tbe
letin of (be Paria .
to uprak to him. und she d>-«pu<'S aucu
Tb'^etiu r errm-ded in and wood ly
Widtb of the wbtvla and the wey they
ciely, volume c, No. ;
ilie'pnuce ran op to her
* waste (if (Hue." replied tlm molber. I
ore edjoitud meku it puaaibK for It to
"Ob!” fluid Ibe qnn-n. "Next riie lunM
"1“'Hug *»« onua. mid: "Dearcflt,
even ride over plowtil ground in oifriy
have three riding suit*, toe (or uaeb
and witbonl (bet very diaagovotble jar |
Will 1-- my bnde-f"
AdTUDioer. or a Knl IM«
irai-k. and eiu b euit unst Lave
that a rough raailgeuf-nllyraawi*. The!

Look, Road Wonder.

irw|26 piecBB BlTerside Shirting

10 yards to eustotnsr.

ao pieces American Print at;....
io yuedM to cnotomor.

“V' j

16 pieces Turkey Red Print

. yCl.



■he pn-Iemled not tokiiow I 50 pi6C68 Scotch L&Wn

Brinito in

trolley ils.-lf i* adiipM-d to run either cm
two or three-wm* Every cue wbo ba*
own a indliyA-ur lioa ooliri-l tbelllUe
wlKvl that run* ubjugtolbe wire. Xhl*

■' i (be
liickiiig wbo-l, and its




and Fancy Colors at..............

l“odiif (irimeral
"'''amTiiK eiviliratlou •
uhv-n-d o*|
«f toud nnliloi Inat lli. y have |
^nie to be Ita.k.-I opoo a* only a ride |
Olab, to he uacd to aliiulted extent, and :
then only aa ou acces.-nry to the (able, j
Wt of luxury uiriiud of a fond. Nut*

riictemitot. which liar heretnfii
to u Vertiizil plane, i* arranged in tbii
lurtanue .to qprnte ou a liorisontol
plane, ibns, eluujglug eompti'-i
liciiy and reduclug
and (
reducing, tbe cm
j| of
of tbowm--l.
tbowm-.!. Tbe
Tiie U'V.-utor
iiiv.-ut.,r of
of ’
'‘''••kiu. or lum r :

the Vfliiel., Ixlievea ibirvarw vtoiiift-rful '
diaairile.1. 'liny p.,aw«a lii. \
tiu if any alareli
Ktareti oixl
MKl tber-liwitberil'vt- are a
proiqx.1, luauweforii. He—:* no m-i“
-------- .
oou why it lu.iv not he ti(ilizi-d in many ........----------------'“•““ble aotoaitute oOier
aecticn. uC the couulrt. panirnlorly '
obw'fTThey umip.1
where atreet ear* do mg run ami tba '
muaiieutiou whlrb ia giveii
baildiug'.f asiriv-t iwr linu woald to- to-noiiiing Hue, No one awalluw*, in
Tolve tn-nieiidouH* tbinfca i **'®'*“5'
will other fotri, «iihoot
,tbe trolley v
w (»nl.i he
erected, and | “'“’"ugbly
“'“~»«bly cbewipg
Utv-illul will have u-es !I
I tbe fllomacb.
■Bcb. awiat ioI pH'VeDllhg
•ooumpliahi-d, a* ibe li' liey wagi
bile and act
ran over ouy kind of aiou'l. The 1
a gmufu lai
i’erwaja aom-riug
' referred to baa luade n -ja-.!) on a road
dyape|»iB will lied a greut relief
of but overgood ooiiatriuluiu uf i£
by making unu a putt of th
miles on faonr^ltbnnt great jar or aceidem. Tfa« invention certHiuly iKpaeMus diet.—Nopolur Oc-lenoe N'uwo.
tbe merit of being nDiqoe..aud Is attnetibg no little nttouUuu aumug tbow
wbo arc ioteretted to tbe troliuy.
A ]ii«]K>aiiioM for a new ayBioui of
dlvray uigbt rignaliug, ouy* tbe Sl
bnrs aud rivers and have proved tbat
nuts Gluta'-Dusiocnt, bo* oomo oot uf ' they can fiano tbvir way tbrongb thick
le of' tbe electric bradI- I1 icu. .
lorUir c
.......................................................... Jf Ugbicu be
ji-liually aealtri fig luor <w flvemuntb*,
thrown up perprndicnlarly.-w»d itba*
been foond that in that direction it may throngli lb.' winter, the FinnUb port
be uf even greater wrTice than to tbe of Hiogo 1* DOW open to oommeroe
barixtotal pusltion lor wbiob it wm (broogboat (be year., and lari winter a
cngtually luieuded. In the latter oMa •imUu steam nui kept up otoneotioD
It is vuihle fur uoly a oimiparatiTaly with (be Ural railway tbrongb tbe loe
toon diauracM, end in-a moauuiuoas of tbe Volga *1 ttarainiT. It is propoaed
fltotriel it may be lemporaiily vbut out
to kwp open by stronger Uwta of
Of algbi by the winding eoarae of tbe
liratito of blL PetersUse. WOvn the beam is pru}raied ikyword. tbe approach of the train is her­
alded for miles lu advance, end it i* angel to (be moatb cf tbe Yenisei. Ad­
sow enggntMl that In tbe some way oa miral Mokarof, oddreming the BoNian
Sbq baiiugrapb meamge. from Geographical raototy. torinted tbat «ilh
fMk to prak by day the raya of the mom powerf d1 beau of tbU kind tpigbt
locomotive headlight con lie made to ■nfely be oonoMd on to oope with polar
tnnimit rignalt by nigbi It bo* beeu
demosfttMed that tbe electric bi-adligbt
toiagrapbi tba upproaob of a lost train
from five to Mgbl mintsa in adroooa
of its arrival, and it to nginwted that
to otojonodto with (be ju2dligbioolTb« drill <4 tbe B
ond dtofc* Of otbM dovioM he need to
.Mflool expTMi er opratolo, and (bus csly (be Me <d woepool, bnt i

' MHa—y sowtoligbi h^wod fartto- imdDC, eUaebtac. wtoMU^
■sltofl St ngritmi
atofl, both Htkod and to fall •

LL Cotton-extra flne-10 yards limit—


inaieh. for W U’Wearwhim six- ndea.”
' Wlivr'a.-kid tlx. quwi. "toeuimr
fveiy n.uii who loulf* at her i.iid x.r* de... 01X1 km w .bat her lover was .
Ito. her molber aeld, "King,
lx>w l«-uutlful ahe i* lri«-a m mukV i„ r pnme
h"'t ut bun," replied the uioUier.
"Uimi!" raid the qm<-n
"Laally. 1 .“liui!"
nm-t g« wtib big, aud *0 must her thrM
un< li a."
' Wliy?” atonl the qnn-u. "B>canNe
b:ive to 1
m. Iiutd Unit ahe
w .11 wear . ut a I myrle on enrh irurk,
aud Rh.- miiai liiive uJwjiy* a fiv-h .
ri-udy. will, uii uixle to oilit ami o \
bate il in icri wtwkujg mici
,I Rucli
■ ajid the qmvn
"Do you ]' ■
'V good woman,

that 1 aiu (


10 yards to enstomor.

“Fruit ef the Loo&" at........ ............ ........
10 yards to ens^wur.

■‘Capitol” Cotton
Cheesecloth at............ .................................
10 yards to customer.

loukilig tl'j-y
uu/h . "How did yi.u gt t
I'Mijivllus evvn
I Ibul Jiu:
And the
•I uocle I


" B.v "kiiunivt.g. hy toimiiiiug. ,

;'i S:.™;*:.,*6 pleoas of Fancy Novelty Goods
regular price 18c, now.

■ w-cuui unrji-, "How did yon get
ightiif I
" rt'plhxl the mother.
■ I fool;" Aud the avct IB *u." soul Ute quit u, "aiiiJ 1
oiid om-Je O'pliitl. "By w-urcbl
rcbliig. Iiy
' you to bring yviur imuglih-r u
Tb<u tbe
uiythpv lluek* (JilK
day wivk, wbei
sraryiiiing yon a*k
yon get ihui bidisms. bngi- baud
-It ri.ull be;
u ujenv com
lied tlx- WUra,.ra.
. "By
rii) ou
''J- •koliping.'
Kariiri for tbe troi-l*.
.kopping!" mid
tTBi-1*. and Ihe „„J 1 "
walked flrai..iuging*«shewent for ibej ll;*'"I d-Mi’t know wbii yon
very joy of liie.
TIm'D the motiier explained: "May it
Preeenily Ox y ui.( e man riding on
bicycle wltb in* lye* riiot.
"(iood pli-aw- yodr RjyuJ bighui'sK. my el^l
morning, nm le!". riiri tbe girl But the bruihiT has the cycle <yr, ihat ctuoce
woman askiri. "Why do yoo rule with from always lu kiug miles abead. which
uralliri nkimmuig: my atvxiud bnitbi'r
yonr eye. shuir'
ir' An
1- rycl
ryclr fi«n. w
:b cornea from elIiwered, "Ud-BUse I am m> kwn of ngbt ba* tilliLal 1 cniiuol belp aiding my way way. ixrialiog «> bard os he can. whieb
iroagh tlie ttoitvit crack to the groand, It culled acorcbiug, ana my yoongeal
id if I keep my eye* open 1 ahonld go brother bo* iberycic band.wbicfanuuu*
doWo to tbe very tvnter of tbe earth." of always steadying the maetaiue owr
"Tbat l■gooa.”BBld(bemo(ber. "Will Ups and downs, w hich, os it l« *om«e
you help my daughb-r to win tbe crown Uiing between aklpping and bopping; ia
priDPeforebusbondr' "That will L" callid akopping. btoie people wbo biBoid Ibe man. "(cr Do giri ever called cyrjr ^ yuy gmt deal have oil tbeoe
tbrw peonliariliea." "I uovor tbougbr
me uurle beftav. '
„■ " a.,H (kra


be mniber oaked, "Why do yoa
ride with your feet on ibe forksP' And
tbe men osawerad. "Beoeoee 1 ptriai oo
fast (bat 1 atom over tbe ground, end
no toe could get out of my way if I pat
myfeettoibe traadlea” "That is hat..................................................... Will yon help

tbe man. "lig no girl ever railed
nnole before."
Before It ig they »M a tbltd n
(Idtog e btoycle, with bto h-wd* to
pookata "Good ■wtilng, ooeto." Med
IbegitL BntthenotlMr Mkad. "Wby
do you ride with yoor hand* to yov

L be wried.


have just received twenty-five cases of new

j^ootis. including Prints, Shirtings, Toweling, OoS
ton, Lawns, Dimities and some very stylisli
patterns in Organdies. Don’t miss this opportunity
to save your money.

Money Saved is Money Earned.

s“»r‘The Fair.

244 Front St.

The Finest Line

"Yon aboU never

of Fishing Tackle
Tbe Duke of Tedi having aakad tbe
Canadian govenuent to allow him and
taw ebarWed canpony to govern (be
Canadian gold rrvtona io tbe Ynkon river
•errltory. Tbe Britiob O
- “T
"Tbto to the I

mtBt cf tiawa«itM.a and A


to • choMed agHpa^. m tf thoy w

in the city, at

Hardware. IteFrontSt

W tag« M lb« kBMi wUte rttHpf i


MapoMlblt far BU7«UaMali..M'kUi
that tbU tawotiea ‘Mi LwlMjWe drtfVBwlwbwe the feOetae
Mm HETMOO OF PEMFORMiNe OP>> atleaetOMSDOMofeoldfeat. bewIaob<
■MW ebon aiw toamB. ■
rorloaaa veiDi. Bicm aod other trooble^ AudKmaawUMteMtor diattai rnftcMHi
Itw uKiv la uTrwnilne plaWM. .
doe to poor olmlatloo in (be lower And
yawaa Ifae fell at tbe nwaiw bale*
ilnba Tbe rcMoa of tbli 11m In'tbe
ta M^ie |k>ara awl (louMa. foot that jail under tbe knee, where
tbe gTMteet preaniie conne lu tbU poei- Atoar tbe nterlpMa tbrre la eo way
•MM-tw Ue> wwi« (unMt t* tlaa. there are large veina artrrlM and That ha war atuel; trMd.
B^i la bujtoiboU oaMM aUiwarr atay
nervea, wboae Welle are preMud tagetb*
•r tbna interfering more or lew with
and tbe aeoaatloo. It U
I. tM flrM foor Inek Mid that women are more liable to ao- | oouid b«tmi b€>MnD<- hnriu•
b<aB* moaDtjaB u-ii nni ciwr.
•tienkr mw Io Um oaoiurjr tor ravlakl gnire the babii than men. and it may be
one rmeon for tbii
«M ii bNw tDfUllod. AD «l«otrte
ibaoboataa laadlac
tor wlU funlib tba power by
y «blcta tatitebelgbtof ordinary chair aeatt." n iteiW
tbe MW U to be rotated, and tble
ibDt nS or applied in «a loataot by ^
Me of a fool let er. Tb« prlociple of tb
aaw, Mye tbe New Vork World, I
MDob tDO Mtllft Of
1 a method of
vf anal darkBMaWMwIo
tranemllting mnileal looaa telegrapbioAad luld bmi
IB U It* 1*11
udcbe Hof ItasMa;
M apporeot. Wbeo tbe duotlat'e roury ally. and tbe tbiug ibei Mt ray mind in
•navaur woe bret lotrodiwed, taany that direction wei a dumeatio incident, I
people ob)ected to IM sae. Tbe iblng writoi Profeeeor Elieba Gray io tbe Cbl- I
Er Mrtalalydoea bare au ncly look end oogo ‘nmee-Hmld. li ia a oeriona fBot
r ;
eoMd. Bot lu great adTaotage over that meet invenilooi have ibelr begin- m
' i
ted ohleel*. tbe rapidity wiib wbioh ntnge in eome iucident or obeervatlon . _|
------------------ - -be dellcwcy wicb wilcb that oomM wUbtn tbe eiperlenoe of i ;
xittwn ne ooutrouco eooa. maar
m om i^eooewbo U able to Me and intermadi'luoie
VMUea»7«dl'rr>a1. Herr aud Iberr ^
an oU faebiooed dantiat ttili exravatee
rtu MewBiBaM Hbb Wm Vet* ttf*4
ncoillyibe rranll of
by ted. bat they ere tbe eiorpiion.
Tbe eotgical mw i* raonnied uo a flexi­ bappy thooBbt -nr indent. Tbe germ
(be trioke which
bar to baya tbe
ble ebefi like that uf tbe drotlat'e ma­ may be, bnt tbe genu
•wepaper rrpciiriert play span one of
chine. bnt of ooorae man powerful. A rigbt.kind
otber to rellev the eomber "grind” od
It ie a
I rare ihlog that an
heodle enablee tbe operator to direct iu
ecioniitie imcalling. Two young men employ­
ooom. end by the ore of an oSmI it
ed cn a morning paper in a large city
con br raede lu mw puralb l witb Ibe
all upon (ba
oighT oil and day- i
Maft it i> nolaeleM In rvrrv pert ei'
iueuen and "iDlerTlew’’
U rarely If ever that a , reeident tbii
■■«|>t«iiDg I
ibno pending
pendin in oouareea One
rery doei
•blybe aomewbat .. loM.m. Ti.e
| diaoovery
doee unt
not have
bare eouner
aouner or
or later
later :> meaxore ib«o
BM. allbongb we aftaa b...
‘ke two rt^l.r* wai J begiDoer.
.id d,«d
i -• ,._.:ti<al ■«.
tiaat It laid
opop ,b.'ilir.dnii'Slli'
the opri.imig tal
etbericed and rnvrriHl
I e bile to wait oestBrieBloflnd il oBt We had «°'l Ike cither, an experieocod man.
ei»«V.^ to wall 44 yean after tbe galvanic bat- oaloraily aBUUiud tbe managMuenl of
olotb. exeept tbe |mi in
n ireated
npoo. Tbe ww. wlnrb baK l••'n
irealed ! ^ »" dlwovered before It became a


IhGe elitiirlo met. r at ilie (ent iif Kiel

ILul Si Mb”




We carry a fine line and are selling them i
S.olose. We have the following: Barnes’Famous I
^ White Flyer, Stearns, Eagle, World, National 1
I and Pyramid, besides a cheap wheel.
We have a few of the ’BT^Eagles left—They g
I are bargains. I got an order from one of the «
^ clerks in the senate chamber at Lansing for one «
of them.

I J. W. Slater’s Hoase Fiirnisliing Store I

X28-X32 ;Hb?03=L-t S-bi-eet:.

luagueto clec-itidty tadore it fouod a : iinpoftant rMoll. "hero t>T4ea noye. I

. ;U.Vto .nd "-■'•Wdi-

«.b J-d..d.d do iu -d .^-uh

r,d the Mw_Mt '—ti I. -II
‘"F- kot now it ie cine of the moet Om- ‘k® propn. tctf 1 want f. knoiirvrbat be
and 1)10 MW XXI
"think, about (.ihimiueti voting. I'll go
tbe old method a tlnv bandeaw we.' ------• - •
luUTView wllb the
.e Hger ehcip next
poebedlwfk andfortbU dirtorbed tbel‘“8**'‘' 'W'
«r^»"‘k' ,
noaUloo of tbe limb oueraled nuon and '
kiting qu.liiiee aud tbe nee- «l>«r. Kemembcr to aee tbe very
i^rei—i >i,A ft—h nl!^re.
Tti« '
macbin- pl*'** l.ugltUi at ynor comiuand.
S,”S" .
I "1
dl..,.H. 01 ftoTb. ,0.0.
bob, lobd. .b.
Md wttboDi clibiii^uu tliH-Mdr T>Jf '
Crooke. In paacing a rumnt of «• .»<>»'•• «w>k uut lii> notebook, Mid
! electricity tbmogh tube, .d^il.b vacua , tbn.bdarewrd tbrprupi. t.a. w bo>pMl th-t ih^ hi-wt eenmiwi he It will ^
miuy year, before il foBud ■ peurd lu be alone .1 lUr munieut:
«M of beallDg bribe imnoruul^flM
'* “* great eervica ip modloiue aod Jcdiul bew>iuipe—Mwy, Jubu? New.-

M. Uuoereaox wbo U ooe of bai q, w S. Colman dr*>rl«. a Baabor
a tbe aouoo of oa». of "color beorfb([." xueb a. are
well known to p-yubojcjgi.t.. iu wbiib
a aeoMUou a color ^wociatea ilnlf
witb ceruln toond., (be color Men betog definite aud invarlabi' ‘ - ------------nood. lu one ola« of
aeMX-laled with each


Ibe appearance being
naUBlty that uf a iru.pareut colored
film. .Imilar to a rambow, >u fruui of
tbe obaerver, but not obaonnug obj«Ma |
^ a aeoond rltu.Uiere are color mdm- |
tliBj. whenever letter.^ written word. ,
Ibei when a word ii uttered the

will pump grate or broken ooal exxlly.
and pump np a load of fiOO too. Id a
day it will r.i«> onal from a boat
rank Hi BOV (ti'pih froip 5 feet m^OU feet.
Tbe psuip and engine are lu.i.lled
1 a wrecking boot, wbicb I. moated
neer the raukeu Uwt. lu tbi. dm Uw
pump has u lung tiexildu.Mrllou of fUo>
tioo pi|H- atiaobed to it, aod to Ibal
Bitecbed the varioo. addmoiial

To Cure
That Spring Gold
Use Rose’s Pine Expectorani

rvacb down i
made of wruugbi i
end It ia made
n,m.u-vote_ell .ame Uelican man? in Mcliuua ul dllf>u
Unglbi, eo tbal
gar, v. JuUn? Vote? What Ibiuk?"
II may lie Jiiiii.-d to make a pipe uf
Tbe Cliiuaman luiened to bim with any length de-ired At each end of each
profound gravity Until b« bad bniibod length (il ir.m pipe i. a flanger. A.
and nnlied:
letigib- u> pipe are joirnd. tbe fUngera
• ~ Btele Buildinc.
ere lioUed together, with a rubber•gai
kel between, to make tbe joint tgbt
II iliijiiiiin
____ __ ibe United Biaiee with tbe Tbe flexible auction pipe lx beJd
avowed inieuilou uf meking tbi. coun­ over tbe water And over tba auukeu bout
try- tbeir pennaiiHiU borne ia one tb.t, from tbe wrecking l-«t by b gaff, and
ba. ocenpied tbe auenliou of Bioogblfol iron pipe I. added to tbe needed depth.
meo uf all iMnie. (.,r wwiwmoH it u.-v ' By meaua of tbe gaff tbe pipe may ba
booou.e iu limeouegf paramount tmpor-irai««i aad loweiad a. oaoutoo may
umoe. At |>rvi.-ui. howt ver, it .enn. to
| qolte.
aa for iuManoe. to rater
me i« no eiigeucy requiriug eu
' „ end
of tbe racoon pipe from
expre-xiot, til opinuDfttm. me opon tbi.
I of Ibe
oau«lb.«t op aod over
.abjetl. Yon will pleai eicui m..'■ 1 hnam coootcltng tbe nde*. to be lowerTbe young repeno went ouuide and , ed into tbe
in aootber p->» of tbe i

opinion that tbe pbenumene are ‘‘axK>- had taken i
eUled MintloDi;''analogou. to tbeco- rade bad
taueous aeuMliuo of ebiveriug in a
Uiupartauf tbe body, wbicb variM in
D in Ibe United StaMa-^Yostb'. jand In a vwy eimple
different iudividaaU Tbe liutx are very Oot •nlotf.
of a tipbun ellacbed to tbe abell of tbe
definite and ctaarocieriitio. each for lu
I pump When it bai beMi obargwi, the
-----------------------aooud. aud they do oc vary a.
BMAtag at Hriehf.iii
pump u xi.ried and the iower and of
lime' goe« on. Tbe color* m -oeroely
'tbe xnrtKiaI pipe
piy ii ibea lowered into
«E aloohol. Miy. Tbe Medical Beomd. erer tberame in two todividuAla—Lao- biiily. In breakfa.ting elone il I* per-- tbe roal. and oiwl and water are pampmiMible.
ed op logelbcr end tbrowo oct tbmagb
baa lately glvea'biMipiniun with regard

pipe la a oonuna- ,
to tbe iroe eauH of drinkere' cirrboala
we lived alone, we couid nut help read- j oai .trxam A boat to feoeive tbe ooal |
Eiicowclotion. are deduced from pering at meala. and It u ceruinly a deii-| le'lnailv fael al<aigaid« tbe wreckiug <
Bcoal obeervaiion. of SIO pereaoa ad- with regar
dioted lodrink lu Paria X. Unoereonx aaaiotauoe <» eome familiar obieet
""““e “ aoleruluing j boat, end tbe <*■! from tbe pomp u j
dlxpatM the .tBieiiieni that Ibe oraal
•e'e el- ! Cline twlwecu the two bewu. Tbe water
eaoM of oirrbMia i<
an exnnix of almbul, bat MVa U ia due
Tbr^l*^ reldN^lTti^w^'nliflt one . hand. Tbe Ural look at Ibe page, | ran. on into tUe other
to drlnklug latge qUBUtitiex uf wi
Mide.p.Kial1yrvlaloe. He lay.
Ibe 1 dexign.te it forg.Hl n when tbe memory •‘'““fU'ed by yoexUunt bite of the,
blame up.m be
I ia>t*x>imu Mltn. aud I faiU We eaaliv renre-mt oeraom. and
under tbe bead uf Inteuxl- tbe luoet i«rl from the wrecking boatgive. tbe nwnlu of cvirtain e.periuient. tSlng. munlt^vMwXuttb^r^“ , tira." A l«.k .t breekfau.. no oompJI-! If m., ood.-r w.ter u ^
made upon auiniali. Hv mean, of tbera | Mine abetracl oonoeptli.nfcOo tbe txm*** “** cook, bet a ucwipeper i. rary. a diver goe. down for that puraxperlment. it we. prov«l that pota.-1 u.ry, ere attained only with tb.-aid of “‘“‘u'l- ^‘k® o«ker lund. a new.- ^ «.d it may be That the diver
■inm Mlu wbni admiuirtered to ani, b,c-n alone give them their ex“* hreakla.i t. a benefit to Ibe bring. wHhin tbe power ^ Ibe pump . ,
xnal. uniallv killed lu from 16 to IK
.bape la onr mind. " Hence verba
» '. »ben ooe i> pot off racliuo remnaul. ol oual left in nook.
Biontb. aud cirrboei.-wa. iu ad-viivea wuunoua adverba nretKuu*'
*>‘k (be aud crauuie. wbicb it ^1gbl olberwiM I
»an7 i^nTBbcn ,u.
(old. rad the w«cb lor Item, of tnt«. no. bav, rerabed WbTn the boa. b.. .
-dt rutlH-r experiinent. Ibi- i ...ti-lv re1.t«l to tbuogbt thram-un.
‘kat. .be way t. n-de eaxy for the been ra.pHed, if .1 .. not too mocb
.PP«>.ch tif dyepepua. damaged or water wtaked grtoofirmlyl
, AT name, .lip from tbe mind-^-Bopular
1“‘ke old day. of Tbe Spwt.lor rad ^ded in tbe mud. it WlUfioat of itaelf |
oell.and raUequvntly fatly oirrbiaiia Science Newa!
TaiUer. when paper* w.-re of a reraou- II .ncuon bol.i. it n. tbe bottom, it will
Tbe AohI ctmclpaiuu. arrived at from i
—————.kle aiie aud repuMlul to bout, they did I riM wbeo II liai been .tarted clear.
tbi. terita'of exiierlmeuii were .that
Ceeper rawed AUmtaiaM.
"o barm. N<iw—well, now tbe largeit | Pump, of ibi> kind are made of from '
- •
—'------ >“ tbe-world
illv IBOmay prodoce
j t tc I) incbo* la diameter.—New York i
A Gtrman engineer ba.
ith omt
poorest digMtiuu it ba. been re- :
i-anroiloclaf tbeproroM
log prooee. Add mAk«.^e
' that tbe only 1
1. -A ery often, perhap. cumom maienei.
*l Urvakfaxl i, book-j^ The Hon. George Cortou, wbo mar-:
in »ocn lerm. mat „ii.„-,,ot
geuerally. my. tin New York Tribune, they may be aoldered, rolled, drawn
Leiter, i. deeidrfly j
tbal pcooeai 1. not far enongb advanced
to offend either tbe laite or tbe aenw of
•mell. CouMqoautly au.pioiaa ii out
I compelled l
•xciled and a penoo eat* or drink*
tbe buB*. Be
aomelbing wbicb runuioi amngb of
tried to exact from tbe Uudlord'a agent
. pumping co*l.
tbi. baleful element to make a great
a pledge that at ibe expiratiem of tba
Real oftroobla Tbedimovery ofibeexleato
• wereaTaktoroetB
7 iMenoe. oaiare and origiD of ptomaine*
«r a aaaaee CeralUem.
off bie handi atlwo-tbirdeof wbat they
te thrown new light on other maUditw
'Tfae agent demorred at firet, bat
Tb* old way of recovering ooal tram
than tboM'far wbicb they are raapon*}wa. to raim tbe I «ken bp dieeoteed tbal they ww* 16
We. Wb«ei it fimt became known that
Savdoat ia rained into tranapartaWe
in it. to a point Bi nantfaer. of jBf«>u»d tin and eoet 40
DMialn diMoAM were due to a variety fuel io Germany by a very aim^e proe- boat, witb tbe ooal
t, be eolemnly agreed to pay
«f baeiUin. it waa coppomd that tbe eaa It U heated nnder high ateam prea- where tbe ooal cooid be tracbed.
•« tor tae lot when Conco leavax
tecilln* performed lutatiefol work in a (nreontil tbe laainooe Ingredlenta be- ware worked onder tbe fBoken boat
direct monnar, bat inveetigatioa hat oome aUoky. when it U premed into tram pontomi* maared-alongelde of it.
■bown that in dipbtberia. tor inwance. bricka One mab. witb a two borm At low tide tbe cbalni were made taxi
tba baeliln. Moretes a poimn. <x toxin. power maobine, con tarn ««l 6.000 on tbe pontoonx, wbiob. rUlng with tba In a London polio* eoon by airieontr
tide, lifted tbe ranken boat olear of lb*
latter wbiob do
tbi dafini'bouom. At high water it wax takea ta- toarged with, begging, and tb*
» of dipbtberia. to be
aooepte by tb*
■bore a* tar ae pOMibla BOtU it again tioo eeeme to have been aooeptad
•Me. tba polM U not prodnead antiJ
d ber. She
Mmt (be baemne ba* got into tbe paWte tmot filled ia, a Moalam grave uUl tbe txnt wae teoogbl to tbe ear"I'm a teqieciable woman, a
ttwt'a ayatem and baanWCiplied (bare,
r reopened on any ao^t.
Wby. ImaketTMen te Mr.
taea Tb* new way, or. rather, the mod­
bet tba aoxin, artiAoiaUy prepared and
ern way. ie to pomp tba ooal np from Mewtoo—Mr. Newton, ib* magietiata,
(beat iniaoted into a perui'. valna.
- na. U I-m reepeetabl* enoogb to
«odM p^ve tbe M»e effeota. While
(ba dtevacy of tbe ptoma^ tbaawmble fotea ,-Yd at* qiilte daon- By tbli method tbe work le all dooe la
te awy not bare tnaterially modified
very mocb te time and at very maok
tbe Mtobod of traatiM «hat are ksom
a* tMteal diakaaea il te at tea
OU^Wby OB earth are yoo weartmt
Tb* pwap a«d bae ao puep valvea’
tote Ibe tear a mae iDtoUlglUe gnb to a oenirifagal pamp. tba moBob toot oout plaetorfaee beeoxtaking la
cadB*e tte bate*.
•ooo oak* walk?
Aeeadtog to Tb* BaWUi MagaxtM, , WM m to* aaa «■ tb* tonto batWMB being iwodnead by meaMoCadiek, wiU Slip—Nn Mtaty taaor.—aimUd'd
IkglBbd.aad India.




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