The Morning Record, August 24, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 24, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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To Allow Admirel X>ewepie Sbipo ite
Beflt et Boac Xeec.
■i wieHeTeeWg—toetoma. .
i SSeota of la^htIbehiBirtoe. Angvet IL-Ambi
Ttiwy end Bets.
dor Hoy. in • eeUlecnm to the eteu
depwiment rMeieed thU oftmi
TtaIBo Interrupted On The
«ye thot the BrlUeh forermmeat hoo
directed the reeeraor et Hoar Konr to
BfattAetorBnenMlM mU «• Bor- ueept Admiral Dewey's applioatiea
mderofXComiCMaeaBd Xwjm of
•ermteeioBto'deek aad clean hie West Side BsAidwito Bwmped From
Their Dwemsps in Boato —Bine
Ktow-BpfiMtto WUl Vot b* Al- thlpc at Hear Koar.
Bridpee Croeelag Kill Oreek Were
.. low«d to B«mov« Bi«re Oau but
Wrmked-Balnbll HearieetBaewn
Mot Sak* Poriabl* 0«*anuB«at
la Thin Loeallty.—The BmuIU la
the Onteklrta of the City.
Beport at the Toeemite'e BatUe Off


•pKUt M Wklfoaang Xaooms

Two Cento.-


Hammocks From 1-3 To 1-4 Off.
A ci’ty bookstore,

Knights of Pytbtee Oceidod to Lfnm
Om Floor of BA^nason Bloek.
The Knlghu of Pythtos met last
night nad oonsldeied farther the plan
of leasing the third floor of the new
bnllding eontompUtod by Dr. J. D.
Mnnson on Front etreeb It was de­
cided that if Dr. Mnneon would decor­
ate the entranoe to the baUdlag with
enltoble pepw instead of leaving
^Wr S20 Front Street
HoUej ft
the walls while, the lodge would aeerpt the propgaltloa to tease the floor
for flve years with a privrlige of
thadlag it to ten yenra. If Dr. Maaeoa
eoneedee this the board of trastece
empowered to eneeate the Umt. This
provislo le one whlen it is quite p
We hare a new- lot with index or without,
ble can beeomplled with. When
pieted this will be one of the finest never made.before for corresponding grades.
buildings in the city and the KaighU
of Pythias wUt bsvs a handsome and

A Bible!

The storm of yesterday morning ana
at prices
Monday night proved the moet de•trneUve that has visited this aectioa
In years, sad it is donbtfnl if it hss sver been •qDslled. When it began about
nine o'clock Monday night it developed
into a torrifle electric storm but no one
thought that the reeults could bavt
been so disastrous as they proved to be.
li was a veritable cloudburst fol­ Charged WiU Aensnlt WtU Intent
to Commit Murder.
lowed by electric effeete which dished
and crashed through the air eontinuIm UcBlll of Vsyfleld township was
onsly. accompanied by quick, sharp arrested by Sheriff 8impw» yesterday
!• what ron-U ps7>«r Ifyim want a
crashss of thunder which conid be on a charge of amenlt with intent to
likened to the crssh of a bandied bet- eommlt merder. The eompUinaat is
teriee of aniUery. The tbnader and Bdwid F. Hot
ll^tttlng were followed by • deluge
McRill aamelled him wiU e revolver.
rain which continued stoadUy until The accused elalias that hi ehnaed Ue
after three o'clock yesterday a
eompUieaat who refused to step and
Sneh are said to be the
Was not until after that time that he fired his revolver la Ue air to cause:
Cirea Admiral Sampooa this aftamoon ZlUed Batalf nad Two Tonnp OhU- the effacu of the storm began to be him to halt. McBUI says he wanted to
d»n Beeanse -ehs Was Dafait Abont half past four Ue river have a talk wiU Hopkins npon a mat­
by President UcKinley. As noon as
began to ebow signs of rapid rising ter which demanded a eeUlemeat and
Morro Castle and the keys «e the mlaes
nad mUl meek bwmmea tocmat from which involved a member of the fam­
hare been banded over to Admiral apsctol toThs Usrsias Bsmte.
Ue nsytnm greands to where It emp' ily ^ Meftnu The aeensed was U ea
Sampson be will poooeed to have all
lies iBto Boerdmna river near West
the Bines rwnoved, so that AmerleaB Manfan. aped SR yearn, of Third are-1 Front etreet
warships can eater the barberto Ineare ane, at l o'eloeh this morning killed | The water same •• feat and fnrions
heraelf and her two ehtidrw. Catherine that Ue tiUng at Ue DivUlon street
peaee In the city dnrlnf the ieeelei
maid not carry it off fast
tyeareofare and Jamce, to "»»«■»«*■«
The eotteeqaeneea at oaee
casrs. TUatasta
Admiral Sampeon was tnfemed that old, by means of iUnmlnatisf pas. the
imstrou. Hot finding ade­
ths eommtmionefs wlU net dlsenm ^ had been dtopondenU
quate ouUet Ue wsior flooded Ue flat
west of Divisloa street and backto np
Cabas dsht nor ths qnsstioa of public
to meet the mshlag flood oMlag
bttUdlacs. roads, bridges, etc. This
down. The reenlt can be better Imag.Coremmeat assnmee the position that Waatt to be Annexed to the Baited
Ued thaa described. CMlais of dwell­
all such ImproremsnU fo with the ter>
ings la Uai locality wars soon flooded
OpeelsltoTss Hecsiss Bbcobs.
uvea for
lor r
ruit tBsl^.
Rnbi Ht 1B< 11, B«l]« Bict
and famUies were forced <£ swk eefety
Good for Stoek Baleti^. •
Cor ProDt eoC Caaa Sla.
Klagelon, Jamaica. Aognet :s.Tbs only qneetion to be dFtramed
Good for Oeaenl Farming.
AlH-c a. Cra-ford. Mias Sllrv T. Bobma.
The rash of water
ineideat with the Wmt ladlan sugar
ai.slUbvlP Wbitr. XiM Josvts
I*«el*. niMy tneu being in good a
carried away Ue SevenU (treat bridge,
wUl he the remoml of portable gtnernwithin abort »a..^t.-, ,ram TOUTO,
ereaee to ssaemble at Barhadoes. Uea twe ssmU bridges on Cedar street.
meat property and the earryinp home.
Will be sold at low prices tor■ enU; or. on long time wlU easy paySepUmber 3rd, for the purpose of pro- Ths Utter can probably be replaced
menta end very low Inlereet.
«f SimMi Boldiers.
Addreet or eee
taeUag against Ue sacriflee of ths col­ again ae they are small etnictoree.
Seire rvBS lo fortilcatlou will not
onies. Jnmsien Is preparing a pleMecite Thelongbrid^oaWeet Front eueet
be permitted to be remored. PUld nr*
west of DivUion street was next swept
On C . R A I B. E.
to the British parliament, requesting
away and rendered naelees, while tbe
tUlery and Uenssre, however, may be
permission to arrange for annexstion banks nUag the stream os both sides
taken from the Island at ths di
to ths Uaited States. The promoters were badly oat away.
«f the eommission.
At Ue DivUion etreet cromiag Ue
of thU fflovemeet sre eadaavortag to
style of
water aoos gained Ue top of tbe hank
•oenre intercolonial co-operation, hnt
and gradually crept over until a great
•treaia noon rushed ever Ue sUeel.
Judge Feck Bo Decddre Bccnrdlag the
gradnally carrying away Ue embank­
$450 Wbleh Wes to Aid in
ment, untU. in a Uort Ume Ue whole
V at J>eti«it gave away and Ue torrrent raebed on
apselsl to Tn Hosnsa ascoso.
to Ue Oak etreet bridge. Uaring that Which I am selling. It :
ag Bows Last Bi^t.
stmetare out is an incredible abort
JackMM, Augnet 33 -Jndge Pw^ to­ •pacts) ta iSa Kossna ascosi).
good thing. .
space of lime. Tbe Front street bridge
day decided tout $«&o held by Warden
Detroit, Angost S3.—This dty Is
Met of Oak etreet suffered a like fate
Cbnmberlala.elnee StoaeWnU DeFr
blaziag with light and stirred with; and Ue stream wiU iu accnmulsUons
I have also io connection
attempted to eeeape tAo years ago, music by many baada The ceiebm- of Umheri and earU became mote volAfter Uree weeks of bargain hunting U Ue eaetan markets we rw
with my undertaking Dusitnm home fully eonvUced that onr poreibaeee am right. We bought

belongs to DcFrpaee. The money wm Uoa of the Twenty-fifth aaalvwsuy of aminoue at every yard of advance.
many roods below market value and new we
am iwady u ahum onr pmL' amnggled into the prlmw to aid De- theOetr^ Evening Mews being lo The C A W. M. milroad bridge went nessa full line of
flu WiU onr friends and patrsM.
Wade. France to escape and SM vraa paid by
Twenty thonsaad disinrs
worU street eroeelng was Innadated
.DeFranee to Wm. Higglas a eoorlet.
worth of fireworks are being fired from notil it. too. finally gave way and Ue

theroofof the HnJesUe bnUding by flood rushed into Ue almost rsglng
Pala, tfeeiUw-Yerk expert
Bor Bmiaeat mid Ooneptcaons
The earU ender the tracks of tbe
•m. all stoyed and mlaforaed. He $1 U Ulrt mad^M^^? ^
of M.O0D people.
dact la Battle.
raHroad and tbe walk oe WadnvorU
33do^ mcn-u blmds and U. eeami... hena.
Tbedisplny i I brUlient b^emd de•paelsltoTBSKoBSise Kscosti.
street were left enspeaded. wiU great
3JM Union Street.
SO dosen men's sUk club Um. ragnUr 3Se goodu. go St
excavations l^eneaU. All Ucne bnp- "WeehiagtoB. August «.-Tbe presi- •eripden.
3S dom. me.', blmsk French
and ,well made, worU
ptningstook p'teec sboet five o'clock
. dsat today mads the followiag promoZBBBS9 TBBK BACK.
ymterday morning, dtreet Commls^^
r. rv^'ts'^'MB'qnnU
9u« qBMIty,
'^tiotts in the nsvy fer -enlaeat nad
before daylight
Bew Oanadian Agrlenl
oonsplcnoos ooadnet in battle:" Lisplooking aftor the croseingr. but was
toaanu Tappaa and Tbetnas and M.
powerlees to stay tbe tide which swept
everyUing before it.
Braenby to he ad van cod. flve nnmbers;
The greateet damage to private
Bnslgns Harry B. CaldweU sad Wm. F.
n agricnltanUeu going to
teU. flveanmbeiv: Nsval Cadet Wm. HorU Oskou were retnmed home by property was along tbe flat Urough
Gl«« Block.
which Mill ervek Ue vUiattyof
B- Wbitr. flve numbers:
Ue United Sutes customs offlemn at SoeU Cedar struct: The reetdenoe of
Port Huron. They havs laid their Fred achrmder was eompieuly flooded
before Ue Dominion govenmeet I and Ue famUy were forced to emmpe
through m second story window in a
Wte In Bew York TeMetday ^ and applied tor-compensntloB.
boot brought from Ue bey eborc.
TnUnt Dumped at Windsor.
family of W.
A. Wceton
npacui w Tss Mouni ■ toensa
epaeisl to Tbs Uosaive RM^sti.
Hvleg OB Ue comer of SlxU and Cedar
New Y'erk, Angust 31.—The great
Detroit. Aogast 33^be talent
•tiucta were also compelled to laave in
futurity stake. Americn’e riebeet raeiag dnmpwl in great ^le at Windsor
MikeLitaey. who lives
prise. worU $33,000. wee wen Uk nf- mees. whea Bob Garnet, a a to 1 shot, Ue West Front street bridge vrai fore-1
tomoM by MnrUmM. by two tragUs; eantered la an easy winner. The horse •d toreecce bis bone from birbam by
7V pain “Ptogrea” $S.0», SS.80 aad $4.00 Ladiea' Shoaa
Ue meaai ef a boat. Ths berM was
at $1.98.
High Degree. secMd; Hr. CUy. UM. was hacked for a kUUng and books'
tied, and Ue water reached to iu neck
Time l:U t-5. Twenty-five bona were hit hard^______________
99 pain “Pingne” $400, $6.00 and $9.00 Xan-a Shoaa
betore it wae rammed. Abonebelonr
ing to M. H. McIntyre vras eonfiaed
at $9.99.
wlUin anancloenre •;
90 pain "Pingno” $3i)0 laidiaa Jnliata at
•ood TUag tor FrofeoMr Boon.
t of County Atoocla- wire fence. The water meehed over
Spaeisl to Tn Monsoo Bsocian.
the fence and Ue hone in enoeaverlng
IIS pnin “Pingna” $9.00 and $960 lauUaa’ Oxfbrda
tion at ZlngMayYpeilnntl, Augnet 33.—Principal B.
to dash through to dry land came la
Tbe ooavratioa of Ue Grand Tmv- eooUct WlU Ue fence nad was badly
P. Boon of Ue State Normal Seboed.
90 pain Ladlaa $169 and $1.76 Oxlbrda at.........$1.00
AnoUer home belonging to
ree eonniy Sunday ecbool aseocUUoa iMrated
. .
has beea offared Ue pneidsacy of Ue
began at Cinguley last night. A nnm- Fred tiehnder. Sr. was also tied in iu
r Idaho 8taU Dnlversity at an inerenaed
79 pain Xiaaaa’$1 00 and $1J» Oxforda at....... ,76c
ber from Ue city arc in •‘Undanee !„i looe*. wbi ll swam nrti«»:
•alary. He Is now
ehUdnn-a and Kiaaaa- Calf Shoaa at.......................sOo
and Ue progum, which was printed la 1 The front steps of the reetdenoe of
^ anmesar instltnte at Prinoetop CoU^ Uc Kxcomi a few days ego.U elnhemte < ">>•<» Cole were tom away by Ur
npd contalne fentnme of nnneaal In­ flood and it was Ue crash of breaking
lumber which awakened Mr. Oela
Oenmnl Xitae Delayed..
terest. Valuable papers npon
Was. Gmenwald. oigbt cclerk at Ue
. : epiilil le TSK KaaaiBa Rscoas.
taai t^ics in doaday aeho^ work will Hotel Whiting went bom
home abont flve
Fance, Porto Bice. Aegoet 33__ The
but round
found bimself
himsel ent off by
from his home near Cedar and
^ deparure of Outeml Mile* for thej
Bxenrrion Tiekste IFwstefi. aA City HixU stmeu. He west beek to the
Tjxe OjjOl SellatiXs aPtoexmazi.'
Uniliid Btatoe has beea dMay^
(Coatianed on page 3.)
San doan Bae Barer Braobed
aommlMton will eell September Sthi
lOpwlsl lo Tsi Hesnss Rsoaso.
olther from New York or Port Moaroe.
Washington. Anr«t aj.-Admital
Ut Ue emiear Kew York. If
Sampnoa has praeUoally eompleted his
made ready in Ume. Admiral Samp'
work as oommandr>ia-Chief of the na>
aoa eaya the alee* will be remored
ral forces, yet ths report of the Yi
-frwa Haraaa harbor before the oom- te'sbatUeoff San Jasn has not been
-nlMion eatora. Admiral Sampeon
mads public. Aetlap Secretory Allen
WaebinrtoB today after another
eald this momln? that the report bad
derwiee with the pre^deat. General aot reached the department. ComBaUer soee tenirht
mnadcr Emery says It was forwarded
The firet 'aot of Spaia'e eraeitation of
Ml on July lU. Thus it leap
Cnba mwt be the enrtonder it Morro to the rear admiral.
Castle and the keys to the mines in the
WMhlBft^&ar«n aa.—The Cahee



Just Part
of the Price





Hastings’ Beal Estate Apneyi

Traverst Citj ScM of lasic!

Something New !




Extension Table i Boston Store!
) ^aigain fajj potamnnBiiil
Fine Furniture.



Garhant Overalls!


It Bamiltoi ClothiBg Co's. I

Summer Shoe Snaps!



Iri maijt oBiw tntoi liiss rail0C8< ii price.

IFra.xi'k- iFx*iedj?ioln.




fjfB xounvo HBOOBl>< WBPyBBPAY, ATTOPBT t, 1096|

0> E<I-kLiIS

wBUtelgiktooUaBBtt* tto MA(mI

»«d 80«r bUI dML. •»« «M o«t »t
d^tlCM »C»iB lupMttnc tke ^AMre. i
6a Meoaai of tha waaboal o& the
a A W. M. Iba ttaUaof »hal Ilaa wart
hotel aad proeatada pair of wad^ r«a oat of tba rity tod la oTtr Ua O.
hort, «d-aaeadadlacattiaB to bit
B.BL traeka.
-dwama«. , Maay .aUallar laata^aa ara 'Tha rataUrCi
W. M. Mat wWcb
_HB. T. Baw Ajn>
W. H*TO*»*^*^, .
. ,.w.
arriraa beta from ibe tooth at «:«B P

[ •^'m BtMtwM, BdUor M>d llM»C«r.
1“ \



tbon(ht that It woald be naoaaaary to
hart Ua boooi of Ua TiaTeiaa Cltj
Lamber Co. cot away to alUrw mm
ftMAoBtoUattraam CblafofPoUea
r—— wM oa Ua lookoat from loay
befora dayUyht aad Mayor BmlU waa
BoUfiad of Ua eoaditloB of Ulnya
Aboat 7 b'elock Ua wator la Ua rirar
bacaa to aabaida aad all daafer to
property aloay itt banka waa pracUcally orar.
Tka C. A W. M. railroad aoffarad
craatly from tba caracaa of Ua atorm.
Aboat oaa aad aawhalf mUaa Ula aide
of Ua pleat of Ua Board man Blrar
Elaetrle Llykt A Power Co. Ua dam of
Ua Wetdeahammar p»d care way and
a flood awapt down Ua atraam. earry
lay arwrUiny la ita track before lU
At Ula point tba roadbed of Ua 0. A
W. M. waa waUad oat to Ua antantof

pear —BIB.

Dealerin Bicycles sBicycle Sundries
My woA u firat clau »od pricn that ar« in reach ot all. I am
prepared at all tiniea to Uke oare of tbe trade. I make a ai^alty m
Brazinc. Volcaniaiiur and Snamelias. A fine line of vbeeia for aalo
—-I to rent.
J. O.EIsLIS. Sll Front street, easU


. . _ . .
tran;(aiTwl by B. J. Moryaa'a bnataa
to Uta train wblcb bad backed down
from Ua city aa far aa tbe araabont
Oarmaina Broa tranalarrad tba bay
6. E Walt ylraa Ua enact rain fall
Monday nlybt aa4.S Incbea. Ue bear-,
OoncApond with the Trarerae OHy Lamber Oompao;.
lent arer known bare.
We ha»'e tot eale Good,
Tba yard about Ua dwelHny of T. B.
A. Ticyaa waa anuraly corarad with
water and oonaldemble damaye eaued.
Considerable anaoyance waa oaoaad
boU alrclrie Uyht aompaniaa, aome of
, Uair polaa balny tom out, bat fortn- Mtoa KocUynrBniartatoad in Honor
antely Ue dantaya waa not ao aarioaa
of Two Priands.
aa to materially dlacomode tha patrona
Mias Gertruda Monuyne antortalnad
abont atoty yonny people laai arenlny
at bar pleasant boma on Mato street.,
T-JAfg-PS S'OEl SAX^m.
Tha arent waa ylren in honor of Mlaa
Hlrda Moore of Ealamatco and Balpb
mdoding Two EnyilMh
of all <i
Mow Belny Held in Ua MranyaUcal Ba^att of this city, who are abont to
tes feat and a dapU of 40 faat. A
mplrte Saw Mill Plaat
'Set Woiks, Carriagei aad Saws,
loare tba city. Him Moore baa baas
■paoa of SO faat waa carried from noder
Ua traeka. Thia waa aWiit 0 o'clock.
Ua yneai of Mlaa Mestayoa for aome
for sale.
When Ua train from tba aonU dne ETacyeUeal Boclaty of Ua Grand Bap- Ume pnai sod la abont to rctnra to
bare at 6:10 came Uroofk Ua track Ida diatrict oonranad in Ula city Mon­ Uair boma. Mr. Bailatt learea here
waatbaoTaryahakyaBdadlaaaier waa day cranlny aad wUl bold aaaatona af- Tbnraday and aster a abort rtalt wfU
expected. Tralna on that road could tamoona and eaanlnya. cloalny Tbnra- hUpareau at Jackson, mil take a
aotpaaadartntdayand Uepaaaaayar day arenlny. Tba aaaalona are balny poalUon with a larya shoe firm to Al­
daa bora at I;M waa forced to take Ua bald in Ua Plrtt Emayellenl ebnreb.
Yaaterdiy momlny Urea laetaraa
Tbb eranf ylran to bOMrof tba two
M. A5. E«><rom latorlocben. It did
daUrmad, foUawlny Ua '
popular younypaonla waa ooa of tbe
not reach bbra sntU abont 6 o'clock,
aleserelara. Tba ftrat Ueasa, “U Ua moat oajoyabla of aoclaty'e fnnetloaa
' •—
WB BTnrr ■ntof
w* Ulawaaboctp
^1. An imprompw proy™*will hare to. ba tronafarrod nnUl Ua Holy bplm Olren Now na on Ue Day tbU aaaran.
rod aad. aa amony tbaycaata
troek larapalrad. whlek will ba Imma- of Pantoooai? If ao. Who Can Bacalra
dlataly.naayaay of aaetlon man are Ua Gift and When?" by Bcr. B. SplU- _______ j,y of Trareraa City's moat tal-j
lar of Bart, Miob. Oaorya Brown of catod yonay people It wna e»iremely
TsarcBDAv'a dtantrona atorm muin* lioody nt work.
On Ua Honor bmaek of Ua a A W. Clorerdnle. Mteh.. eaponndad — enjoyable. Vocal aoloa ware rendered 1
' to Ua front’nyainUanaeeaatly of bet­
by Mla» Bobarin. Mlaa WUbalm, Mr
xor Bkarmnn's mUl, a apace ot aoo Uocyht on ‘ Tbt New T
tor brldya proriatom Tbia la Ua
And succeeded ID getting Fresh VegeUble* every
of HaU"; and Ua momlny aaaalon White
Wbito amd
wd Mr.
Mr. Haairtu
Haalett. Tba
Tba m.lai
•HOad time within n aery few yenra feattolenyU was washed out to a
eloaed wiU na able addraaa by F. E. qnartau aonaiaUny of Maaara White < morning.
A large assortment oearlj all the tune, and jon .
toad Baoda hnro oraatad dnatoya to Ua depth of 100 fast.
Tbara was a allybt wasbont on Us Armatroay ot Pomona, oa tbe sabjeat. Uaalatt. Bale and Bnntor. also farored I
Al^. TMa prorlcma atorm wWU oana■•ThaAdrnntayaof anBdncntod MinAd Ua tonndntim of Ua flata of Ua M. A K. E. batwaan Lake Aon and
A prettVaaleoUeo w*c yiTsn by Mlaa I
Wmt side ynra riaa to a anyyantton for
I by Ua „a^
To* at'
Mwearrytoyofrof Ua wntar Uraoyh bar* at U o’clock waa farced to pot
darotodtonblaulkaoa Ua toUowtoy
flbadMalon atroat ercaatoy. Aa Im- back to ManUioa from Lake Ann. Tba
anbjacu: I' Tba Value and Adranca- Mloa by Mteaa White aad Vndar aad
^otamantwna made, bat Ua plaeiay momlny tr^ dna to Isaac hare at «:8S
mauiof Biblical Knowiadya" by W. C roelintioaa .Vy Mr. HoUay aad Mr.
•.AdanootmtUantUnt pcdnt wna not
Swrnk ot NaabrUla. Mich- * "Adop- Titaa.
aMSimoBaly npprorad, Uonyb nt Ua who ware is n hnrry warn a
Uon. Wbat U it? Does It obanya onr
, MmaUnaamad Unt U wonld be nde- Vm G. E a 1. to Cndillac, U—^ ~
- ^wto. ‘Ala Inat atorm baa prorad that Mnntotaa da Ua T. A A. A Tha aren- reUUonioOoor” by J. G. Nanbcr of
EaamckMMi-Whaiiaehnrab Loyalty
tba improTcmant wna InaaMatint. Tba
and Bow may wa Promote It?" M. A.
At^oonaeil wiU ny^ be eonfroatad yattlsy Urooyb aU riybV tbonyk n
Oidu MU Plansanu Mich.
by Ua anma problem and Ue raaiUt UtUs lau.
Last areatoy an able aarmoa arat da;
probably be n mm laatioy proViBaary Damnya at Ba« Bay.
_____________ _
ahoBld carry ao- FETTBBLY. 617 Monma atraaU West Sida____________________________________
eeied by Eer. W. C. Swank of NashAloa that will not only nasarerUe putIt will coat naarty iiocu to repair Ue rule, taklny hU teat from lalab 33 eideDtandrickDawprotoetloe. II
It eoau
Indndlny Ue Hamlltoo. W.
jaw of bettor water waya bat obrlau dammyas on Ua roada in Bnat Bay
ynu only tl 00 par m’oatb in Ua
belaryC. A B. A GANNETT, Jewelry
eau atronyeu and beatI eon
r~' any on
to totara dammya to prirata M wall M townablp. la Ua Black aalybborhood chapter. 17U rerce.
Tbta momlny B«r. E. Weiaa of Bow- trU.
tea oenermeuv
---- -------------------------------------wa
Store. IJ.
UT rroei.
Front atraaU
Ue tUlay yara way and a bad ent has
ttoty of sayinaw, Urenyh Uelr
art City, Ber.J. J. Marahall of bodbean made. The old oordnroy road
sale, look after yon when yon are
' ' ' tau wlU be no ttM for boats in Ua mnnl'ny aooU from Mltcball'a baa baas dlnyton and P. Bchenter of CaladonU. ._k. Tbair many letiliDoslaU from
■wdi conduct Uaaeaaion.
U-i------- * of Ua new oonnty conrt waabad down to Uc Icya. and
. dtlieaa of Trareraa City and rldnlty
Tbe foUowt
^ akonid eoorlDce yon that they arc fair
Beat nra CentCiyar Made. THBGILBEBTqGABOO
Mmma to ttmaa like Uasa. and atoco taka a larya amount of money and to&1 expect to render literary prodne- —^ *Ti»u X«Uamaa* ui.
jotoardayb flood tboaa who aooMdorad bar to pot tt to tm nannl yood oondl%.
. . a... a e B-_ BU3ns:
too boaamnt aat too Uyb onyht to. tiea. A bridyakaa also bean waabad
G Frye of Grand Baplda; G.Jtroan of
toil batter aboot it
Mriat Hksercr..T>Bmw Cltj.
away and faratima It looked aa tbayh
lUl^ohBM Block. Boom I.
Clorarfalt; J. G. Nenber of LaawiU;
mr*Rcll«b:r Arcau WooteC.
Ua Mdya at MltckaU's wonld yo ^
AbnanxAX Goodeics may oow rwiT* Tha wator was to tba mad In acSb W. C. Bwonk at Naabrillai P.Scbonertr,
CaladoDla: U. Voalker. Hersey: A.
' ^ Uaa of ronstoy Mill Crook atralybi
ptoeaa 'from twa to Uroe faat deep.
H. E.
E 8T1
u. <™t
W. W. KMBALt. 00.. ».
to Ua bay tostaad of notoy it for Ua Qnyon croak wna nlao 0* Ua mmpaye. Balmtanbar. Bead Ctty; O. Eoaklar. Io­
nia: F. E. Amatrony. Pomona; B.
. toBtoatUn of bridycaler floada to earry
bat did no apaclal dnmaya- In Ua WalM. MaplakUl: J. J- Maraball. Blrcrto»y- And ha will
■wnmp near tba eati enrra of Ue bay ton: M. A. Oldi, Mu Pleasant; K. W.
tba wnt« was orar tba rand-bad in
Balaoppla and W. Browa, boU of PaHIRAM COOK, star Oraeery. 245 Front fltraaU
mnayptooaa Tha frnltnnd rayaublaa
taakey; B.'BpttOer. Bart: F. E. Walin this Mwmhlp ware also badly damMpodtalEokBayOaUadtsProoidn te nyad to many placcn. and Ue lom mil
aad Park »trarta.
haaaranlbnndrod doUnra.
lamndiato BapalrsM Brldgaa
•beat Hoato at
. HaU Prtoa. also
a lataat popular mosie.
Votoa ot Ua «tom.
»MAS. comer Siato aad Caloa eta.
i Front atraaU
Tba daatmeUra raTayoa of Ua atorm
One of Ua weeat rellca of the storm B. B Ssrony. man
aAPmMtatad a apodal mootfay of Ua •onUwaat of Ua dw » Ua ton-foot
,naadl to taka Immadlata aotbm to entinUablyfill between tba "Twin
•-Tba Druyfftot'* 8 oenl cylar. fineat
Loaebas to tka world for 18c. Gpaa alt niybU
. ^thewrackadVidyaala Sbapa to
Lakw." For a Ume toama mU kara aldils amoke to wwn S. B. Waifa
• Admit of Morel. It is caUmatod Unt to foUow Ue old road down aronnd Ua DroySiora
tho damnya to tba city will ranab aaar- Inkaa, m^iay a rery ateep bUl-ellSb

if fio,000 and Ua ooanoU mat to aoa
for Ua boraea.
Ba sora aad nae Ua Mew Store.
- Wtotoaold ^ dona abont tompomry
At Kaaaon llyhutay atratk Ua ham
laryeat It poalUraly ahall
’ npmrs. Tb^ ware eaUad toyaUar of WUliam Newman, pamlny down In­ WbUftBottbe
be Ue beat aad moat aecomodaUay
Abont * o’clock by Mayor BmlU and to tba etall and kitllny two fins boraea. pltft to do yonr aboprlBy in onr line.
too —diieniaad at lanyU. Tbe rnlnad nt »M0. WIU Ua axcaptlon ot Come
Anyoet ..
S3, 26, ST—onr Urand Op>Die auxiM.
WlU da—
liny, and- yet. a barrel
imrre* filled wlU

amnlt waa Unt Ua beard of pnVac n few tom dapboarda ao fnrUar dam8. Banda
vorka ware naUarltad to act in con- aye waa dona. alUonyk Ua bam rrat ..olotM candy, free ot ebarya.
A Co . Faihlonable oatflito . A. V.
jaaeUaa wiU tba cammltta oa atraatt fall of Inflammable material.
Friedrich block.
•ad walks to makeanchumpomrypro406 8U
Tbe famUy of Naiaon 8miU had a
••In M they daamad adrlutda
narraw aaeapa from tojary. Abont 6:80
^bia deatmetlon of Ua brldyes of p. m. Uyhintoy atrack Mr. SmiU'e
mu Craok rarlraa Ue anyyaatlon of bonae oa Webator atraaU antariny a
Ooedrlek to tnm Ue cocioa bedroom ia wblab bia cblldran were
• At Ua creek into tbe bay and now that alaaplny, and oorerlny tba bed mU
a bonae to paint
- ---------------------- broken plattor from- tba walla
•o control Ua oradf ara fonnd to ba I-------- tbrooyh aaoUar room uwor
•MCMary Ua project will raealre con- Ua aarpau wlUont injartoy it to tha
rtdwation. Tba board of poblle works laasu and out apon a plsua fram wblcb Ua
•adoommlttoa ooatraeta aad walks mu it followed a ptoi down into Ue
«t oBoa aoeUatUabridyaaarapatto
Geo. K. Winnie,
• oonJltlon to fit Ua pnbUc aaad.
Tba beat flab story ot Ua sanaen to Cp4»<iata pUatar and paper banyer.
told in oonnaetkm mu Ua bty
Mbs Hlyb Bobool Lactora Oonraa.
r. Ooartada aod C L. Domtoa a
Tba dates for Ua
dha Hiyb Sebaol Laetore Uonraa taava
Uay paaiad a placw where a tront
' bam fixed by Sapertotandant Orawa. Stream bad Hooded Its baaka aad for a
Tba ftiat inmber of Ua oonraa mu ba
lony dletanca Ua road was tram two
Oiyea Vree XieMoiie
• toctara by Ooloaal Oapalaad, who ao u Urra feet under water. Placidly
maUy pleaaod Ua TraearM City peo- sw^mmtoy alpay to Ua middle of Ua
•to last aasaon mu bis tamoaa laetnra,
toad ware two biy apaeklad tranu who
: ••Saatoy Us BlapbanU" Ba wUl be
‘to ba anjajday Uelr aansoal
•na to bsTS a larya aadiaaaa at bto
nnd toread ont to tat the
. Tbe ramatotoy
team yo by. mU the air of dotoy a fa: MatoBanaaf^owa:
aer to Uc drieer. In yaata to ooma
Moeamber SI or 24.—Tbomaa pinn, Uay mu probably rayaJe Uolr obUAtbaresUMicf Art Emb»rt4erl«»Kfa. W.
dma .mU Btoriea of Ua tlma wbaa
O. LeerwaaS. Oeeambw ».-«ebabert Gtoa Clnb of
1 Ua ebnUneat.'’ and tbair
len Ua way
'”f!bSary 6 -Ladlaa' MOltary Band
J. a Daeto. who eras drialny a ------at
oompeaad of twaa^-Uraa
WiU a baaey loai. orar Ua West FroRt
Wlik or wtoboat Wb.
atraat briflya, jaat yot o»ar aafaly
Marafal. -Bderart B. Prya, laetaza.
when «bd brldya yaVs way and ba bad
tba aattofactioa of kiwwiny Uat ba
Marto Oraen-Tba pora atnff. -- bad bm a narrow aaeapa
«bM adnltarmtio-. tooama «
lUyar SmiU arps oat aatll May aft•I WtotbDrarBtara.

H You Have Logs to Sell


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


We Have
Been Lucky.

Watch This Column For Bargains 1

Take Only the Best Fifty Cents

Do Yob Wrat a Boat?


5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Clgars-6 cents

BUBSIEE t leCMirat—.^iGuard^ains


Hate Yob IWiie.llaiM?


... wm.ur~^^

Soaps^2 Bars for 25c


Boa Bena, Choice CaafecUoaB.

Furniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant ST.4i£-25rtof~"2S£2

I Our Offerings

To Him That. Hath
ShaU BeOiTen

Miss Doyle


I -IN Furnitupe
Deserve Unesaal Aneeiiee.

I WE >Bt sHBwiH6rr.£r.:i?rrj.°‘.r;.r |

Wo make partioolM mention of BEBD and RATTAN TOR- ^
iZ NITtrRB. Aside from a floor flill of beautiful creatlpito tn ^
tZ this material wo make prlcee equally as attractive.
Whether you Intend to rofumleh your.Jiou*e this fall or ^ | .
nn Kinds ^fmbroiitenr
- just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your - f
- rooms look rich and handsome we offer youths opportunity ^ ,
and Motern Ucn Makiig tZ todoeoataveryUttieoost. Wo want you to see tho goods
- In any event.











August 25tli,26tli& 27111

' Tbe bright new store will make its
bow'to tbe good people of Traverse City
and vicinity. We bered>y extend to you
and yoUre a hearty welcome. A welcome wbich will make ^ou feel at home If you will hon­
or us wlthjour presence.

FREE—Each customer will
receive free of charge a barrel
of delicious Detroit Candy.

Hang on to 3'onr dollars
until you'have made c

“This ^ Store and It’s Prices Shall Have No RiYal."


D betwaan our


Rubber Bei Coats, Umbrelles. etc.,iinil ererybod; else's.

Shall lead all others in qaalltj and low prices. Clearly it’s a mistake to spend,
yonr money before yon have seen onr new goeda. Bemember, ereiTthiog in (his
store is new. This fact cannot be too often referred to. There is no nae of anyone
any longer picking from merohandiae of qneetionabla age when we oome to the trout
with a magnificent new stock. The prices which we hare marked on onr new
goods will make yon think ‘*wkat a lot of money has been wasted before this new
store opened its doors.” Heneeforth, everybody, the poor as well as tbe rich will be
enabled to wear fine clothing, up-to-date fhmiahlnga and “Hewland” hats at popular,
not fancy pricea. The countere, tablee and shelves are crowded with new goods, t
See the new tfainge in car window, but don’t stop there; they bat suggest the sn.
perb stock of fresh merchandise thst awaits your inspection tn^id^, Ask to see the'
newest of interest to yon. Examine the goods, take your time and take as mnoh of
oars as yon wish. Don’t think you are nnder any obligations to bny—yon are not.
We Invited yon to visit os, and yon areoomplimenting ns by doing so.

Onr line CmiBS-UI tki UiKt ud Best Oit-Tio ter iHc.
Club Ties—Bnodreda of patterns.
Bni Cents PafliB Hnndreda of patterns..........J
Teckfl—Hundreds of patterns.......... 1
4-in-Hmn<U—Hnodreds of patterns 1 WW
Tou have never bongbt a. tie equally as go^d for Ires
than so or 39c. See window.
eraytuu W in lutlonblt dnsais It pri«
jN BBt lOiit in ninuUt.

Ren's Suits
and Fall
Overcoats. Assortment
Latest Oat
- Clothing.
Sea Them.

*Thls New Store shaU be the People’s Store. "We have come to please you and
shaU please you if you will only give ue half a chance.
Brine your friends and neiebbors Thursday, Friday and Saturday and help ns caiabrata.


Fashionable Outfitters.

A. V. Friedrich Block.
*** *»*»»0****



Some Odd Bits of Fact and Fancy From




__ __________ _______ ____________ aba* of AmorieafroatbotiaoofitadlMOf
latntion. BvotroM l4 ibo Bmbli- orr, tooebinf upon the
food aad
> b« DigeusMd.
can party Iron Ut«lcy«^eni down to tbe edeaategoa that bed eone to tbe
,QOOD TXStB AT BOWXBS HABrbad reeaoa to bciworld Iron tUtleadof freedom aad


By -W. C, T. U.

; prowl of th« eonree Uie
Tbe W. C. T. D. »m meet mt S:30 p
haa pataoed.
a. Friday in the parlora of tba Con-, a laiga Oatharing of Brienda aad .
___ _


motbere' tnertiog. The tnhjei^ for
eooeider.‘lonwlllbe-The Moral Ob-

All Over the State.

I liberty. “Bqnal aad n
alwaya haa been aad alwaya will be
tbe eoner etoae of tbe BepeMISM par*
ty and of oer goeeruaent. And aa
inanU BepubUnan Orgaaist.oa- So«t young men. It U the rank and leag aa tbe party ataads oa tba tdead
Sloqnent aad Interwtlag Addnea-1 file of nay party that lla greet atrugth and priaeiplea it dMa todi^, aad baeafv
0. Dodge.
I Ilea. And la tbe lediddoal ballot of nixing tbe good n has done aad to 4a>
Ing. he oongratelatee tbe elnb ea belag
aa by e-r^p^p wni.fc^ nnd BUnly |
reeU iU power.
as tbe people realixe Uto. then we will i BepnbUean.
Uo aeconot of tbe i
weather yesterday momtng there was I,... b.u«p,utia. D.HIWU,. i».il
, wM
aot so large aa suendanee from Trav­ campaign, many ef the old goestiqne. **“■* **“
erse aty at tbe Peninenla McKinley wUl be done away with bat there are'
aad imwwiMv
Important odm
ones «>
to wae
uke tneir
thetr!1 . /
cleb. at Bowers Harbor, as there woald ■ew oan
m ti 9’.* ‘
otherwise bsvi
place. Bat tbU will nrely be eoleei ! MiSiganVenote
iteers; alaoa member ef
BniUe Pee
of tbe in the right way. We
may make ml.__
| tbe _w.^inley
. —_________
Clab of this town, baa
club tnraed out in good force, notwiih- nor misules and
ill errors bnteeeD-!1.lew <W»n
W life for kto oeontcy'a
g and a very pl«

^ jTb» Moral Neceaalty of Uvlnp Waeea
^ ^ for Oirla Employed In Fa« toriea.” All
, "Otbera ^p-olallT ihoae who*^«rb. 11***
-enployed. ere cordially
Sixty Lasalnc newaboya took
I *Hy
t invited and earneatly urged to attend
' IlMlnary etepe Sunday night to organ-j night. Sympioma of.lod.1aw made an
over ihf* ail-lmportaot q»*aly Sateroay morning. tioD. on which tbe welfare of eo many
iaaan aaaociatlon after tbe Detroit |
were!Tbe child died Monday la terrible preeloM girla depends. AU are invited
pan. with a hand, etc
. to atiend and become friends working
A Flintgenins sent to New York the
..p„ ^
tien.and now chief stenographer In tbe other day for a #5 spotted adder 8at- ,
Land." r.^sders: detell game between the Mapleton
aeereury of state s oflice. Office™ will nrdsy night be received an express box ,
Charles Temple: literand Monroe Center teams oeenpied tbe
becleeted this wi
ary. Mrs. H U. Laod.
moat of the moralng. The game reMathew J. Byaa. a clerk la W. A.
now en rente (or New York, sod the j
Oenley's drag store at Uorriee, was
I genius feels hart.
B'ind Trawlirg Musician.
Dinner «
and everyperhapsfstaly bn ned bya gaMlInee'x(ieorgr i'mlor. living six miles north [ Pot ihirteen years Jacob Eterbsrt
Traverae City
people Inclnded.
ploaloa. Be roabed Into the street all
aflame and, slthongh his clothlog was
Liuis. ktiiod the laigeet ’'IWeat 'blind mnsiean. has : were made welcome to" the qnaallttoa
qalckiy tom off him. be was so badly
brought te that eily 01. hto farm,
j,to annual visit to this city, and ; of good things which were bronght ont
bnmed that the skin dropped off.
Monday evening. It meaenred f*»r:
bU well known prewmoe was! of tee ^eta.
'and one-half feet from tee Up of tee ^
teepasers by. as be sat; Tbe Boys Band waaeipeeted to fnrThe destmellon of the DslroU sanl-;
tip of tee (all. The body a'd sang war and other popular eongi nlsb moste for tea day bat did aot ap­
tary works at French landing nroeed j ^
„,ree feet long. It U the
pear. The local band of the Penlntt tee aooompanlmeai of an a
ofconelderablebeneflttoteefarmemln tbW wildcat killed ib that vidhlly Ds wQl remaia a few days, going to aala played and their efforta were
^ that vldaity, who bare drawn the gar- i
Tbe program of tee
Mantotee and gradually working home muchenjoTed.
b.,. ..d I«dUI,.r to ttolT Imt
A pecDl
to Muskegon where s bUnd wife and day was opened by a eeieetioa by them,
People are anxlons to have tee works lorae belo
-lasifiBg to Antoine Johnson at Bvreial ha^y ehUdten awalV bis com­ after which tee preetdent ot the club,
P. E Brews, spoke briefly ef the orFranklin last teturdsxy Johnson's lit­ ing.
Cant. Cbarlca E. Clark.
tle boy Ued tee lines to the hub of a
Althongb afflicted in so apparently ganixation of the elob and iu object.
ot tee Oregon, his wife and two daugb- wheel. • Whichever way tee horse helpless a manuar. he provides with
The old offioerv were unaiasously re­
tere will spend some time at 81. Juaeph______________
moved iu heek_______________
wss curved in a____
painful the other eenses left tu him, a pleaMt elected for tee eoming year ae f«
. Lardie.
where Capk Clark will recuperate. Bis | manner. Tbe animal backed over
home for hU famUy aad travels aTona F. E. Brown, p
fhmlly ts there bow and be Is expected
embankmeat and broke Ite neck. over many routes and aajoys to tbs full eeeretary and John J. Lardto. treaam^*^^**^*r


0«..F, BpwTjI.nii.njo,
The reeeat doelsion rendered by tea
srritm teata new g^ field hns
Saprame eanrt to tba effect that tax U-1 been dteMvarad to mUee east of Lake
tlea baaad eo dacreee rendered before Tagiah. where three men wore diecovthe court haa been In aaesloa five days, ^ed by railroad enginaers who had
ara void will have a Bwaeptng (fleet oa iog oat StW.OM in gold In three
tax tltlea in Gladwin oonaty, InTnlidat-1 months, and now hava Isft
- ing many 01 them.
field, which to. tha bad of
The atete pardon board has deaiad an old lake IS mUea wide a^ So miles
partoBB la^e foUowing eases: Albert long.
JllekaloL seat from Shlawaaaea 8ep- . Soma time agaMtoaJaaie Merritt of
hember 10. Jdekaoa for Ss yearn Bafpar hoapltal. Detroit, sent te aa
far erimlaal aaaaalt: Daniel Falton. appUeatlon far a podUon as noxaa at
antfrom Shiawaaaaa; Daeamber. less, Camp Thamaa, Saturday aba taoslvad
to Jaeksou for life for mnrder.
word to report Immediately. She wired
Tha Bute 6-yaar-eU daaghter of Uri that eha weald laava Tneaday night lor
BartbeOemew eff CharloUe. aoeldent-

Milllken closed, amldit hearty appli
imiitee to

aaaaty. Ha mealkmed the good
dose by tee elnb In tee Isal eampalgn
and knew it would be af stttl more use
U tee next campaign, whteh to hat a
eanpsntlrely shert tlma away.
Mr. MUllken to a good Bepublicaa
and (xpreasBa tbe opintoa that It eaet

eonatoting of W. E. DeOraw, A. P. Gray
aad P. P. Lardie.
President Brown lolroduced kl. C.
Dodge of ^averse City, who
hsarOly received.
Mr. Dodge expreased pleasure at once
more being wlte the elob and said he
teooght he voiced tee sentimanto ot all
tee BepubUeana wbra be welcomed
tee Democrats preeest and hoped they
were thankful for tee «q>portnnlt;
get into good society.
The addreaa oLMr. Dodge eras in hto
nsnal aloqneot style and ooatalsed
many witty hiu aad stortoa.
Ht spoke ot tbe great evenu that
bare transpired alnee the meeting of
the elnb one year ago, not the ieaet of
which has baen the happy tarmlnaUon
of a short aad vietorioas war.
He said. “The elnb Itoalf to a tribnte
te a party which bee deoe more good
teas any otter. It to also a tribute 10
ef the best men upon whom the
enn shlnaa. Tbrongh hto wise edmintotraticB ef affairs greai events hava
been made ia htotory.
“No words are too axtravagaatte
Hto wtodoai haa gfvea saw glory to
> par^. whleh already haa
tbananythinretoato make
this ooaatry what It to. the grandest
itry In the werld, aad haring tba

tec Democratic reign than te carry on

Mr. Dodge hrtoflytosaad tbe htoteiy

all teat life bolds for him.
This Xa a XdtUa flingnlar.
Word baa bean received by Condneter
A. T. Peek that his mother, who re­
sides St New Bedford. Maae.. haa anf-'
fared a paralytic atroka. IttoaaUignlareoincideaee that a nambar af the
meet eventfal bapaealage <a Mrs
Peek% life have eeearred npoe a daU;
W which It is attached. She was bora
tbayaar 1(*1S. became a Christlaa whaa
she was 19 yaatm of age. was maryiad
apoa the I9th day of the menth. and
aa bar last birthday. Angnat 19. she
aaffarad the paralytic atraka.


i Senator J. W..
Mr. Brown li
MUllken. who was received with «nthosiasm.
Mr. Millikan ^toke briefly is hto

cltiacns of this wwa alaeerely (eel 1_
loss of one of their brightest and best
yonng men: one who was crar wfUlag

i; That we extsad onr bearV
felt sympathy to friend* aad relativea
tee det eased aad teava copy ef thaeo
tsbe printe la tee coan^
6 s>
papers and
The exerctoee of the day cloaed with
a haU game betwocn tee Old
aad WlUiamsbarg teams. reaalUng la
a score of is to 9 in teror of Old Mtosioa.
Two ef teelaryepUte glees ptoMi
for tee nMV Frtedrieh Week were hrokea yesterday, one of them wklJe bring
pat in the npper window sod the ether
in taking from tee wagon.
riloban Boaea,'
M latest perfoi

ms" and
Wait's D


Hamilton Carhartl

“ I-



left jaataodap tor a eWt Arift Wat
a B. Biepato Olah ■toUem
TraTMeOUg aatM
The aaaael ba*to«** ■**Uag at ft*
OTVthto KaAlptoaat Vbb Baraa.
Below is a list of fte baptag
o^klas Basel Hapas has Mtantod from a B.,9to7M* Oab wa* h«ld Moadap
•im U TMMrta^n th« »« Sb- aaavaa arafts' vUt with T*l*tlfa* at •VMtoc at ft* hoaM wf Mtoi OvlaU aad COLUMBIA AMS LOU A. OU«csntan Vraat ft* Somk
ertoCiip; .
B«a*r* claetod a* fellow*:
Whitohall. Mich.
U no poa kaow
OmiMg tofte«r«ftU ft* »orft«ii
B*U7 aad Boj Oibhe are at Banialt Jbwtd*at-B*T. W11
.ft* vahw of
Vice PtasideBt-C. I
taffie ft* •ZMnUa d** b*r* l**l <
at7 oa basto*** eoaaeetod Mft tb^
*t 7:0S «• ft* U. E. A I. did not •w asw aiill plaak
vriT* tiU 8:45. bsTtpr to w»it *t W*lMia* C^to Ovtott
V. E. rairbsoka of aoap faaM. ar­
!•■ for ftra* iWiUott*. Two awto
rived to fta ctt7 Teatsrdaf. B* toaat
UoM orrixed to ft* eoriy kov* *f ft* to Elk Bapids whar* h* will ^aad aocM
MTBtor fms p»tott Borft Of *sd to- Uaie to recapersle hU health.
•todter Fort Woro*. Tw* harllj
Ulaod* Carter baa retnraed from aear
tood*d oooftM bronffkt to ft* flat ooa- Lelaad, where he has beeo the past
•iCMMitot Ur*d»«ewotottUto.
week camptoc oat
spent aad the pra^teeu tor fatare
Ur. ead Mrs. U. A. Pox at Lake av*•0
Dear Sin;—I reoeived todap throneh
work aod plap of the dab dtoeaaaed.
aae will eatertato her brother and. els- There was maeh Utorwt aisntfesud to
ftr.Cbarlee aad LorilU Pox of Bradler'. the oatlook for the clvb in the months
so my socident claim.
U. krtoriBf to HoMtotv pMple trom Utehifsa. The7 esma ap oa the Q. E.
‘nmakiagpoo for the fslrsad prompt
aad frsqaeat meettog* will
Oklo Md otb«r petoto bobU. «mi ud A L cxeaialon laat eveaiaf.
7S manaer to which poo have aetticd with'
watWtocz|to<d*d«>*rrtT* 7e*t«rd»y
7S me, 1 reiaaia e member of poor aae^
Mr. C. L. Ypoarot Ascaato arrived
... ctotioB.
OxoBox BauaKTTX.
**■1 tlBe dutor ft* BfUrBooo or aa the a. E. A I exearaloa aod wUl be
MaaUtee. Mieb.
•oriy *T*niar. Dortof ft»t Ub* ft* the (Beat of E. 8. Pieroc of Lake avtoiae ^‘I'Tetaoken (be record," exctotxaed
. r. .1- W. U. kUUnn Bad plot
bis wife Uviar beea hare some Ume.
............... . “
Mp.e kwalUa^
Mias Be** Wbltaior* of AUerso, for- befloorwalkm.
• S'train Birired »Bd merlp a pooaisr teacher in ft* cit7
■•Wbp. poo know that rich Mn.
aiiu* told r*l*U*M b*- •ehools, arrived last evwitop oa the U.
srsainoooter. doo'tpoor'
I tor a*
fBB. Ttto «ralB ca:
•■Of oooraa.”
E. A I. •xearslOQ tor a ton daTt’ t1*U
TboiBp*o^le OB> Itbe a & W. U. with Prof, aad UxJ. C. T. Orawn.
••Well, ebe cametonp ooaotorthto
Bemember that I do all kinds of re­
(rack. ftenS to Cadillac .Ti* ft* T. A
Doratog. end I sttcoeedod to ecUiag her
Mis* Chells UcDormaa of Uoatpeltor,
pairing and enameling, and that I caa
A. .md aad from CadUlac to Tnrori* lad., arrived oa fteaoatbem excaratoa a paid and a qnsrter of 8 cent ribbon
and do give poa fte beet work of an
, to lem ftsa au boar and a hnU. and
Olty OT«r tk* G. B. & 1.
in fte dtp for the mooep. D^
tost cveoinr aad wlU be the raest of siUioiiAb that was nearlp four hoars
Owing to their Urge and ooaeUaUp
lecelved by what otheia Ull you to
Miss Allie WUklDs tor a moaU
aftn she hasn't U«n bach to have it ex­
€rowd<4 Wlft 1
fte Dra B. E A Co. PbpsleUns ..
Mr. sad Ur*. E. C. Beat of r.S9 West changed pet "—Chicago Post
Ameriean Medical and Surgical
Last ***BiBC Bftor ft* last arrial Eighth street will eateruto Mre. C. E
rgaarantee all mp work to be riglil#k
rtiiute, will eoaUnne to maue ragalar nod if it doe* not prove *0 1 mate tt
kad k**B *al*l7 tBcked away tor ft* Miller sod dsaghter of dwaru Creek,
monthi’—■■ “ '■ -•*
Pint Tftmp-Doo't go near that
Blffht ft* hotels toand ereo’ rooai tok- who arrived on the G. B A I. exenrsioa
Ifter oSrsui«
Stop to till« o'clock every evening
'nnsaecMsfuIlp by other
n aBdbada strar^er oome to after ls»t eveatog.
Ar. Norftport..
Becood Tramp—Whp not?
will have an opportunl
Or. 6. A. Soeder. A Sajder. Bernard
ft* excBraioBS from the sooth, there
eminent speeUllstt. Their
M .treeu
First Tftnip—The owner iaaofrieod
troald have beeo diffi^ivlt; to fiodiac a 8B7der, W. It. Albertoa aad wife sad
of ours.' The last time I was ftm |
W. H: Lewis, all of Atheas. are gaesU heard him tell hi* wife that bis motto
place for bis wearj boac*.
Traveme Oitp.
one, no matter
AaOBd those at the Park Place are O. Dr. J. A. Ssjrder.
Take etosmer at 8:40 a m. for Neahwas "Sap uothtog and asw wood.
towanu where you wia cosneei wlft should dUpair unUl after
following: P. B. Mitchell and
Mi*. W. E Wilson. W1 West Pront New York World.
steamer Orscenl returning to Trav these eeleorati
UtoeosM. E Ultehell and J. G. Mitch- street wUI entarUto Headsmes John
Tbs W'bols Bsiy.
. *U of Ciaetonsti, who go oa to Omens: Briggs and Blln Wilson of bunfleld and
••Wbenamaai* angry, be tella poa bop and can be made every moraiog.
W. W. Preneh aad tomitp of Three Mr*. B. F. Miller of Lautog. Tbep
what he thinks of poa "
If you wish a longer ride the boat will
Elvers; J. W. Brown, wife and bahp. arrived on the
"Tci. end when a woman la angry land you at Omeoa or Northport where
Oeofge H. Mewdl and wUs of Grand
Mn. F. Van Bpniog of North Spraoe ■be tells yon what she thinks of poo
will connect with eteamer retaroBapids; V. L. Burtoa. W. W. Beemso, street will entertain her brother C. E. nod what everybody else fttoks
to Tksveree City at 4:00 p, m.
Wsrraa Tsaghan. Ana Arbor; W. U. Alward and wife of Meadon, (pr tea poo."—Chicago Eecord.
Bop • 8chotoi«Bip.
City, uke the eteamer Creeceot eveir
Albertson and wife and Mrs.'
afternoon at t:00 for NeehUwnnt*
aftortlw BsU.
The TraveraeiStp Bostoess CoUega'
Lewi* of Athens. Michigaal .
Ur. C E Alvmd of Meadon arrived
At the Bold WblUag the followtog oa the U. E A I. exenrsioa last eran“Did poo dniwe With Mr. Ctewn tost etom^ to Travel** cup 'St V:00 ^ aod Normal InsUtoU offers e 75 weeks Fw
•cholstahip for ooe-ftird off ft* r^at* foand: E. B. Kelsoa of Wpaadotte; Ing f*r a tea dspe vieit wlft his deagh- Digbt!"
lar ratea If poo deelre on of tbei
••Yoa HowdidpookBowr’
To portim of flve cr more a
B. Alward aad wife *t WpaBdotto;Ura. ter. Un. Alexander KiUer of Webetor
••Saw him boptog s pair of alippen •etore for fte round trip
Ora Venderahlp of Ssadoskp: Dr. D. A. BtiweL V
and s entob this manitog.''-.B(Btw
Bapder. EeadelviUc, lad.; C. B. Porter,
Emsnacl Wilhelm 1* to Chicago hn;> Tzavoler.
^eksbarg: Lena Barrie, Detroit sad P. tog fall goods tor Wilhelm Bren.
I From fto Sooth oo ft*
L Boe* of lABstog.
Mn. E M. Bice has retnraed from
'Admiral Dewey is not an Amerienn
O. E A L
Bsp View. She expecta to open a mB- nay longer.”
7%* G. E A I. will have c
Itoerp etore at that place in the near
“Heistoa What do poo meonr
into Traverse CUy se (oUewe;
Mrs. James Meodp aad Miss Mead fntare.
••Wasn't beneetUerto fte FUllp.
Angnet 23 tram potou bet*
Tender wUI leeve todap for Chicago for
Weyne and Grand Rapid* toclusiw.
a visit with friesds.
August 24ft from potoU on F. A P
Grace Ckareh Galld will meat on
U. Bp. tocludtog Detroit aaddlotodo.
Mrs. G. W. Gibson of Went Eighth
afternoon to ft* leetareExsmtoer—Wbst ^ <« epeecb i*
August 2Sth fram potou oo Ann Ar­
street ha* gone to Petoekep and
fte weed ■•nml”
bor E B.. all potou.
retorts for * vUit with friends.
August 25th from pednu on L. S.
Smart Tooft—Whnt. the •••**•»
Mra- Dr. Amer gnd two children, of tor's. as sppointod.
U.;. E Bp all potou Ito sooften Mb
Governor Piagree has telegraphed rhst yon eat. air. or fte •‘nm“ v&nt
JcffMeoa. Ohio, will retam booM toyoo is?—Foil.
‘^^rost soft from poinu en G. E A
dsp, after a six weeks' visit with fts the adjataat general at Waehtogton
1. By. between Blchmond nd Fort
aaklng for an extensloa ia the farioagM
Omldpk Bs MalpsO.
•'Yes,” remarked the prea agent to
and Ml*. J. a Eicc sad dsoghtor of Artbnr Seott of Companp M. of ftirAugust loft fram Penns. poinU Ctoip dap*.
. the neporTar, “there was only one dry ciensti. Depton. Springfleld, Nenia
Eabp. of Clcvelaad, ai* the gaests *f
eye in the endienco. and ftsc was a
The entorUtoment given
U Louiaril
Mrs. B. McDenaott sad tomilp. glssi one.-. "—New York JonmsL
------------------ 8l LonU
David Saiber of hattons Bap was to
The first flve excursions tlekeu good
WUlism^ Petoftep Oream,
the dtp pcstsaAsp oa his wap to CUea- well attended, coasidertog the
pleasant wssthar. J. C. Bollidap *f fruit jalam, eold sparkling sods water.
__________ Indains and Psa.s
g* after horses.
:lean spooss aod• glsasea

ThU Bsix- good 30 daps.
Mr. Boaenftsl aad dsaghtora. who Bear Creek, gave maap vivid -sureepC. B. ML'ansr, Agent.
have bean spending the pest moaft to tieen views of fte land of Caba.
C. L Lockwood. G. P. A T. A.
ft* dtp. the gaeau of Dr. Baeeathai
Grand B^>idc.
Thompson, left pssterdsp afteisoon lest detaebmeot for Camp Alger is re­
ported verp sick with tpphoid fever.
Bednond Bate* oa O. e'a I
for tbelr home to Grand Bapids.

Itifene Bij Llie «f Steam.



Ever Bnnied Ostt

The Way They Settle!


” rs.J'-Jl.'orsfr.n'L.LsE


Bicycle Riders.


c— wb,.L


John R, Santo,
Genral Igsiraice.


IIIE8__ '

Mias Clara Balaer. retamed pesterExenrsioa Tickets Wanted, at Citp
dsp Afternoon from a week'* ritit at, Newt Staad. peat; flic*.
Elk Baplda
Attoraep A- A Ball and the Uiwes!
Annette and JalinDomtos arrived last!
bM CW Story TeUsm WIW Waste
night from Detroit for a vUlt with C. j
ttav* asM Ahsel la
Domtoe and toadlp of Bast Bap.
••8-e-slri” be Bid when be entarad
William London, preaideot of the | the office.
Plain, 50e, With bib. 50e. All yon
want of them.
Boardmao River Electric Light aad
InattocdTelp tbep drew
'Men wUl oome aad men will go. but
Fewer Companp,wu at Barbor Springs
we are here to eUy."
Mondap night, and when the terrlSe
••I went to the theater last aigha
electric storm came on be hastened There was a todp with me.
“After fte tbeaaw w« bad a Httla
home, frsring damage to fte atont of
sapper. 1 have a rerp distinot reoollectioo of that bocaneL-1 {wid the bUL"
Mn Charles Johason of Graad Bap••Ah. *• cboramd the ring of totcgHbMs arrived pesterdsp for a visit with ed Miow clerks ronnd him. .
Mrs. Bicbsrdson of SUU street.
“S-s-khrsnid fte man of mpetery
Miss Bessie Evans of Grand Bapids again. “Do poa want to get me into
who has been fte viellnUt at fte Inn ; trotftle? That sapper bae nothing to do
at Omeas Uis season, came to Uondsp j
except iiK-ideumllp.
oho has been
Wa ,
morning, on my way to the
wiU Miss Alma Despres, who
' there as pianUL Miss Brass will spend ' effioa I fbnnd tbk to -mp overcoat
days .lu.
wit u..
. I., dv.

"”3?pinrt „„ .
Mrs. Jam**t UannUetl of Milan, b ffiaft^r tan.
fts guest of her son. Or. J. W. GaaaV
"Ub'-b-hf cTTcd cverpbodp.
“Soppoit^” Bid fto BUM! who bad
Mrs. 11. McDermott of Meadon. a els- then bat,-“euijpQae 07 wife
to "mp pocket
tor of Dr. J. U. Martin arrived last debtallp foand* that
evening. She will be entertelneo bp brforo 1 started forvftwa this moraiog,
: what'wonld fte have mid?”
Dr. and Mn MarUn for a week.

Hamilton Carhant

Gnid lipidt ft iidiiu S. S

CtoetooaU. one cent per mlla Sell
^tomber id. good to retoru October
;trip- Sell August 24tb. SSft.'aod 27ft'
good to return SepL eft.
Reduced rsfts to other potou. Phone
Breiroa* be* beard of Lo vn*p*e
eaodle*. ssekageeall sue* end priom


Bosurbole reodB.


Krv. Trank -

... uekMiatastk tab

rpo OKKT-Oeb-roew In

4; Bll Is rood aSspe.
>af JoSs VeuUk.ra f

TIm Cdibntal SpKliliiti,

|/ Hotel Whiting

Wssurs Botal at Empire passed: ''She MoaW h»e
ftroagh fte city peeterdsy en mute to , man who-Bid etirnd-tbeiu *U np. ee-be
fteir borne from Grand Bspids, where, pat (be fan beck in his poiSket. “ebe
Mr. MeDoaaid has beeo speadlng some j^tsve mid as marlp to I «u>
weeks for fte benefltofkU health.
og: 'i;^ like to ka<
• Min Cerrs O'Neil ha* retomed from
oa^ing iw »» JoOtoja
Do rod—.to
Bev. C. T. (jtont aad family are
ependiag a few days at Nortbport.
After speodlng some Ume in Uiia ol^
Mias Zebls Bebert of Maple Citp hen
gOB* to Bsp View tor a few days.
Mn. Bsrrows and oieee, UUdred
fiaselstt of Grand Rapids, are visiting
Mlto Barrows.
F. E Densmore of Mason. Muh.. ’ is
ftegnestof Mist Eeltoa Gates.

Mr*. E K. Gibbs is rielling at Mapfold.
Mies Map WelU will rotors hi* meningto Elk B^ids, after speadlag a
' week visiting A. Gunn and fatoiip. *f
■asVFront street.
Mise Adame. o*e of fte teachers to
fte Boardoian svenoe eebeol, has ar­
rival to the citp troto her eamaier vx' cation.
. Mtonee EUtcl Pape and Vida Beotor

d2Fowo boak."

•'Den «bM all4’ee«ot4er mp, Baetoa. aiQ'diphe*b.*"cui8noed thi( o]^
mao: •U>m t uyt»'h«ak'ds nooed
•; AMUrtortwe
raUip .peoltiy
------------.At ob de mocm
aw ' - (Kmt-cd
en dqn't
loaf aouixLili
.A 'bin'
peat of el mnto- Aa,maj db gpod^wd
hM) menp'iu p«h'eqM.*'—Oiitoge

WEONESDiUUG. 24,1898.
On* X>ap Only BMb Month.

fid Strictiy

OonsoltAtaon aad £xi

■ S.e.o 00. devouUietrsttaelkwto DtscMw «d the g|«.

wnetbo Inilp vrirn ws* with me
Ttyi aw4vsl at fto eniornartner was
fteoalp ftiflg tbat*aeeneJ^n ttagedjs

•%aebeah, BMtaa.” said'the good
old oolorad dtieogn to hie el4w ago,
••yo!^ am gwtoj mMoter de wicked
'2' ler aqfte er llvip.>is poT*

ft* pooDgetev.
mo UrkrpgiMn Haogtm

Tbatzbse CITI. Mice.

sa* Loan*.


To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
e,wc«sncl«*3af«ti trBUft tSeslBUea
t esiw) eithont sdds, hsUs. pms m



e eiSenll esaee sod to es.
■Smsm wUl pl*MB Mss 1*0
n seruealw*^ thsira
c wttt s Bspttel

DRS. B. S. & CO.
I Lock Box leo.


M rap
«(ato*lihB*i1tb«)**MwBmU <
«hcn b* will reiof* «s esilses.

**•1 m

uo Hmuim xa

Temkeegeejsa^.Jen* 0.107.

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