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The Morning Record, June 19, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Second Tear—Ko 353
Suspension ef Operations in Porto Bico Campaigrn Until Oen. Shatter's Army Has
Gained Its Purpose.
President HcEinley Still Has Confl(fence in
Judgmient of Commander
of the Army.
Xuoh SpwoHlsttoii Regarding the Landing of Shafter’e
Foroee—Preparatione to Surmount All Obataolea Which
may be Preeented—Military if^eC^oe^Around Ouantamo haa Preetioelly Oeeeed Sinoe Last Bombardment—
Spenieh Offloial Olepatohea Intercepted by Onbane Show
Threatened Famine at Santiago
> tK>ek U
tke rapsrta ef aerioot dlffereBoee betwoM OoMT«l Miloe aad tke ptoaldeak
OsMral MUaa taaUtsd aU aloac that
mUitaiy erase asd set popolar aBtka•iasm or polltioal peak ahoald rola
Ba InsUtod that as blf army be maked
uamo AT HOMOLD1.U.
SUNDAY. JUNE 19, 1898.
Two Oeota.
Merit The Trade Mark Of Success
ThrM TraupoTts oTTraspa Bmib4 for
Bapertad la Xadnd that Oaptals
KutU Bk*o Baaebod Hawaii.
ttasaral ad PkilippiBas Has
SpMlsJ U> Tbs Moannc* KaeOBB.
We merit onr sacoeas from the way we deal with oor cnstomcM
■tappad Down.
Victoria. Jaae 18.—AdrioM todaf per
by Riviog them the heat of erery barpuu. That is what we hcv*
Bpaeial to Tas Itosstso RsoMW.
atoaMer Miowora. from Hoaolalo Jom
with car new stock Wall Paper—and all this ysar^
Madrid Jbm Ifl.-It la taid kara tkia
10. lar tkat tba Ualwd dtatoa traa*'
rtaraoMi tkaiCaptaUOaaeeai Aor«*^
porta Citj of PoUar. City of 87da»;
haa raaifaed tka aiUitaiy la
and Asatralla *arrtred thare tovaikar
UMlla to tke Spoakik <
OB tka tat laataat. Tkair rojara was
290 Front Street
Holley A Oonnebto
tkara. aa Uat tke e
1 af tkat
plaaaaBl aad tka Taaaab Uaralad afaraast
plane may ke aiffaed ky the lattar aad
moat of tka way. altkaafk it waa aaatkns kOTe teee Importance la Ue ryee
aasAry far tka City of PakUf and Aoaof Ue DaUTOB Uaa U aic«ed by Ur
traUa to alaw op aad wait for tka City
Oaptain Oeaeral of Ue Philippine
of dydaay.
lalanda. Tbs nesrs that Ue Spaniakj
fleet kas ksea slated oB QlkralUr has
iused (Teat laUsfactioB kere.
Both U. S. and Cuban-A new lot just received;!
Oaptorad an Important Saaport and large Boros ef Troops wlU Camara,
Torts on Mortb Ooost Proriooa
•ycclal u> Tb» Moknse Rscobd.
of SaBOaco da Cuba.
Gibraltar. Jaae IS.—It is assartsd
Spsirlol U) Tbs MoBBIBO KBtOBS.
kere that aix traasaUaaUe liaete. hay-1
New York, Juae 18.—Tke Joaraal'a
'1b( OB board t.uOO Spaatsh troopa, aeKey Weeteablr eaye; “Tke CakaBs baea
eompaaied Admiral Oamara's fleet.
oaptorad Paerio Padrr, a eeaport of
Horrible Onmee of
it importaaea to them, as well as
tke ports of Sarna. De Tarama. Sama Syertsl uTbi Hobbiss Bin
Key Weal. Jaae is •
>orts fiwm
aad Bancoa
Aoeordtar to adricBe
brengkt kere ^ Caban eonrlers today Hayaaa aad Piaar del Bio tell of crimes
SpaaUh millUry eoa
Uat traneeead all Ua Imtke Bpaaiah rarrisons at ibe forts fled i
tkat kis mitltsiy i
kaeeted aad tkat kia eoldlera are sow to Naeritas and Baraeos. Puerto Padre |
oakalfratioaa. There are aapplieasaly ia oa Ue aertk ooast ef Santiago Proy
Good Tims by TUlo.
for tka remalader of Jaaa. Tke osm*
The Joarnal's Barana cable aaya: “la
amadaat has alraady ssised all prIraU
Kew York. Jnas lA-Tbs sabarku
aappUaa la order that they may be de- a aerare eafagemeat wlU inaarfaRto kaadirap waa wso ky Tills by a lsi«U.
at FVaybralU. eaallago..Pi«ytBoe. a Sempra Bfoaseoad ky a aoea. Ogdae
roled ts the ese of tke eoldien.
The close ovdoa maiaUiaed ky Ike Spaalak eaptala and tear reeriUas third. Time,
iBto Oaka natU the aoldlara were nUj
Cakaaa aboet Onaataaamc is lUoatra- wenkUlad."
Tbe Foarth at B<
aad iasiated that Porto Rioo ka aet
tsd ky tbs fact that ofBeial SpaaUk
Bateaaifeprparatioasare belagi
la deplicats ky
U sksarre Ue Foarth of Jo y at Northa koM aaUbUsked at Saatlaro. la all
load aad water, bare beea Inureeptsd,
A patriotic progrem will ba
tkeaa mattsia ke kas kera vletorloot.
tiaa af Ue Hew Ooart Boras.
gircB wiU sporta and epeelsl featarca.
and that Ue Spaalak meaesnfery in
Bo aad Seeretary Alfw apaat a laair
W. MUIikea of Trat
The balldiBC eommittee kaylag in
kotk oasee haye keen abet ky tke Cnat tke WkiU Boom today tsiklaf
ekaire Ue eonstmction asd details of i City, wilt deliyer tke addreesandryeiykaas wkUo attemptloff to
tbe new conaly_______
boose yeeterday
l»mly f«»m TTsyetee rs._
City Ik
tnyiied to
tktat* erer. Theae three mu aaqoesmoreiag enga^ a eaperiataadut to! be preeent and ksye a good time.
UoMbly bare differeat oplatoas akoat
Skaftsr Bay Land Today,
..ok after Ue wo^k of
| The Souti^ST^
I elab will
tklaxa St tiwse- It eonid aet ke othereporial to Tbs HosBi>a aseoaa.
bnlldiag. They mImW Tbomas MoalIt Monday afternoon wlU Mrm. W.
wtoe with Btroaf mea of affain dealWatkiartM. Jaae 1»—Tor tke mojeiaUy with biff
meat tke laadiar of Qeaaral Skaftsr'e
It is learaed from eaa of Geaeial
army oa Cnkon aoU is tke enbjeet si Moaltoa to snperiolead this importaat
B. McBamara desires to aanooBM
Hlla'p—..1 .UJI oO— Itot
o( hU closing out sale
public work U a good uoe. and keii
MarUatn UlocL
Too can by coming to tbe place that's headquarters for g
goods—which is here. Any size, bast qiulitv made, 86c
Incb Is Said
AM Ice Greai and Soda Fountain DrinkLl
Therefore We will saj that yon will find onr Io6^
Cream delicions, onr Soda Water true to flavor, onr rzxir
ons Phosohates refreshing. New drinks are added to oof
list from time to time.
Fonntain open week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson.
Strong Points
good citUrn of
i where goods are being sold out at a
ae make abcot Tampa was rafardlnr
City be wUl eee to it Uat Ue plane ................
; loss, no „goods
re to be seat out oo i
* {that Ue big transport |
tke qaartormastor’s and
are carried out to Ue letter, and kU I aporeyal. Eyery eale U cask bat Ue
morad eastward, aroned cape Mayai.
long eiperienc* will enable kirn to ren ........ w are at a meriflee.
Oeaeral MPes and Gaaaad aot by Ue weetorn route areaad der yalnabla aerytee to Ue OouRly.
«el Alger agree oa Uia.
Port Antoale. Tke route taken is exWbsa General MUea relnrood be
pectod to bring Ua troopa to Ue place
tsaad Uat Secretary Alger bad pretty
«f deberkatiaa by tomorrow.
wall focmolatad Ue Ports Bleu camBow tbe troops wUI land, wbetbor
Frtoakey H«xt Tear.
piOga. U osatemplated Ue knrrylag
J. J. Jameson, delegate from MePher-1
•f 80.0QD or S5.000 tioopa from Atlantic endor fire from Ue Spnnlarda or nninoSMt polats ts Porto Biss wlUont torruptod, is tke chief topic of specnla- oa Poet to Ue G. A. B. enea.
mack regard to Ue Santiago ezpedi- tion among mUitary araa. The offloeie
eager to come to Trayerse City
tkn. Oenetnl Milea kas kicked this who bare just come from Tampa and
aastyear. but Petoakey made a hard
200 pairs Children’s Tan
all imtty wall orra. It is said that arc familiar wlU Gcnraal Skaftor's efl^ for It and as no effort bad keen
lace or button, size
Ue prealdeat had keea talked orer to plana, say Uat preparatione kayo keen made by Trayerse City pravionsly.. Shoes,
made to meet oyery cOBtingency, a Petosksy
____ ^______^____
___ en-i^>«
to 11. Compare with
was finslly ebsasB. Tbe
Oessrml MUea' way of UUkiag akont
psacsful landlag or neder flra.
campmut will be held UereneztJaao-j any $1.25 shoe sold.
it. Thera M aoUiag to ladioata Uat
Speeifle instrmetion sent by General Ike Bsw dspnrtmcnt eommandar U
tbe prertdent haa loat eaafldaaoe ia
MUea to Garcia ooyered la detnU Ue Alcnndw L. Patrick of Datrnlt.
MUea. or Uat other emtaaels are ia Ue
landing of Ue American farcra. Garcia
To bo Xairiad at Oas
General MUea Uiaks Uat Oeaeral was to harass aad Mgagc Ue Speatak
ArUur Paine ef Albany. N. Y.. and
Oopplager akrald hare wRMOif'Us rag- bands and to see Ust relnforeemasts MUo Onn Kline of (Mmc^lU. wUl be
200 pairs of Misses’ Tan
nlars, and Uat wksa Oeaeral Skaftra were not eenl to Santiago aad polata marriod at Ue tattor plaoa next Shoes, lace or button, sizes
Wednaeday. The ceremony wUl be
flnisbca Ue flgkUng work at Santiago where Ua Aamriean troops will lanA performed by Bee. W. E. Wright ef 11
to 2. Better than lots
at least half kia regnlars skoald be de- The landing proper, it M enlenUtod UU city, who WlU lenra fra OamepolU of Shoes at $1.50.
toeked for Porto Bico. The lesaU of wUl take at least ton or twelve hours Tueeday.
Mr. Patae was formerly a yonng
these rigeront reprasentatioas oa Oea- after Ue army • engineers ksee done
ef UU city.
scal MUes' part kas caused Ue Parts Uair srork. Tkie work of Ue engi
neers wUl noraist of patUag togeUra belds Ue posltian of adyartUemrat
lUeaa cam]>elgB to be held np.
writer wiU a businem firm at Albany.
la kis pereeaal eooyenaUon Uenaral
MUsEllae has keen a teacher In Ua
150 pairs Men’s fine Shoes,
MUes Is not rery complimenlary to Us cramlng ef tbe troops, amoanting to a public sekoeU the past two years. *nie
$3.00 goods a^
porary pier.
Officials kaf. noV young oesple leaye a hoot of frlenda In in Vici Kid.
aoentary of war. He refers to Ue
a nsglected to ealealats oa a failnra UU city who will give Uem their beet
w as “Ue Michigan outfit." meaawUbea.
lag Seeretary Alger. Geaeral Sbsftrr i W work Ue poatonn pier, ky reason of
Ike BuUer Tucking Great BalL
and Major Bopkina If Seoretary Alger j *1»«
SpooiU ai^lleiy. aad are
Ike Butler. «
knows of UU ke oeyer raters to it ia ' prepared for landing
Ua —.
-e ^^ugh —itgk UU U not anbc- Ue Hnetisra. U new playi^ good ball
Ue alightaat way. G weral MUea makes , >oed be. AlUoitgk
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.,
for tke Omaha Weatern I^eague team
keUittie ooneealmrat of UU criticUia. | >peled. Ue beoek U Iw. sandy and
The Oeaaha Bra giree contiderable Regular $3.50 goods.
Socratary Alger aad General Mll« •fallow far rat and Uer^fora weU aal- >paee to hU pitekiug la a reoeni iasne
srant to Ua .
and pradku a great future for Ue
jronng Trararae City Iwirler.
as Uoagk they had neyer had a dlflerHAT OO TO SAVTtAOa
eaca of opiaioa.
HanU af Hra HitchalL
AnoUra Troapect Which Xiookn Lfko
Spaniards ZAkaty Te Oo Baagiy.
Mra-MaryMitobellof Battle Craak.
Many other special prices
Santiago for Oamp Alger Troopa.
apsrisl wTas aoBSWe nsoeBO.
dHd yastorday at Ue borne of her
on good shoes,
Off baaiiago dc Cnba, Jaae lA—Iho flpacUJ to Ta. UoniLa« nmc.
daugkUr Mra. H. F. Pearl ef WashingWasklagwo. Juac 18 -General Oaf- tarn straot, at Us nge of TO yeara s We want yonr trade.
sraak's oampalgB in etstorn Cakn has
raonUed la a practical daaolltion of field's brigade may gel orders Monday Mra. MitokeU earns kora oaly a abort
Iks outer fortifleatioas of Santiago ia to go to Fortreae Monroe. It U said time ago ua a visit. Bra ramafae will
antiaipatioD of the arriyal of Ameriran that aunilUary oraiaers are to meet the be takoa to Baltia Ckaek Hoaday.
Fur This Wuuk.
troops, aad the occupatioa of Ua fine first diyision of Ue aecond army corpa
harbor of GuaatanaaM, la which are Usra and take it to Santiago.
anekorad aucb magnifleeat ahipa as Ue
Oregon, St. Paul, Marblcbrad. Dolphia.
Bibot Usable to Form Oae te
a olkera. aaxilliary
•neeood HoUao Klauay.
gnnboata, oolUers aad press dUpalcb
Rpeclel W res Momuse Broera.
beau: in an aseragedepUof eeyentoea
}>arte. Jaae IB.—After etmeultolioa
tatkoma of water.
wiU Mna Prytgal. Uarries aad Depuy
Military reaUunee to a definite
Fomped From a TraU.
LorU Pratto, RR csployoe of Uo
Wylie UoopcTRgo Co. at Intorioekea
aukt^ed a paiufal injury Friday
tog. He jumped from aa M. A K. B.
train while in utotlon. and Ue fleak on
bU right hand was rarioual.y torn.
^Ifred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe Honae.
We era agala ready. wiU a large
Mamed Teotorday.
stock of lee. to dolivra Ue aamo to any
Ira M. SpauldiRg aad MUs Mattie part of Ue city.
Maple block wood also tor rala.
Rinra Ue j tkU funmoon M. BAkot iRfcrmed Prrai- aark were marriod at Ue home of Ue
paiioa kae practically
graomb moUra, Mra. J. A. lm|
dent Faart Uat ke U anable to tem a yeeterday. The eeramony
TelopksM No. M.
raforti of Uo cakiBottoaneoeedUeMeltoeMiRUtry. formed by Bev- W. E. Wright.
Are our $6.98 suits—competition price is
$8.60, and $8.62 saved ia a
strong point
Btoek is going down, bnt ther* ar* many ba
Tha aooner jon oome the bettar aalactfona yon get.
Friedrich Blo^
I 124 Front StroeL
Vitk aU Iky ts
aSSra ter Setag aU klade
BrpaiHkg. sack a. Brastag. Rnessetlag art farulsktag*
ef atSTcU a
All WogA Girarmotned-Piiecs Rl«bt.
H. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle Ma
A Slaughter Salu
Summer Capes and Jackets.
Wo do wt wait antU Ue asasoa U eatiraly over, knt we are raady
now to give Ue benefit of our redurad prtceo to onr patrone oa eeaoonablegooda.
1 lot of fancy Braided Capea, radaced from gs.oo to gl.TS. Rns
bi^ art imported Silk Oapea. elakoratcly trimmed, radaeod from $0. fifi,
•itto»$.S6.MaBd$tL BraoddoU and Serge CApoa. ailk lined, rodraod
from $4 and SS to «2.W Udiea-Ja^ota redoead from gs.» and »4.W to
$3.SS. A let of old atyle Udle*'Jaeketa. formra Vieee from » te Sid,
all go at 08c. Miaera' Jaeketa rudacod tram »(.M ami »S to gt.71. Spew
isl reduettoM made to CkUdren'e Jackets.
W« mast figure oa apaee for fall arrivals aad we do aot wiak to
carry orra a atogleeammra gararaat. CMU early before tke adeetton Is
. The Boston Store,
Front BtTMt
Fnit St,ElsC
Cycle Works*
u Tn««M 09, If 4b« awr M pro**
wtot b lycfd of ihM. »ai U«* Is
«r«7 T«MaotoWlWT*tkftiU9 wUL
Brastng a Specialty.
i rehaUe place to get
I* *B7*TMit*^af*lel«MMUiwUl to
Of WbMlar. Boat. Ball.
nincc ssd
IBare had aereral i
Noretap aad Sallka thar* to ae q***BASD TRAVBESB fiSEALS.
ttoa.aad Beat ortoototo that the ac»
all rtirat. ao «« will take
and to rent, neue gtre.u a trial.
Baat'a word with eoaMaae*.
JBLIilS.Sll Front dt.,Bast.
Bd.Vto*lv«iU Atoe Tak* W* OM
The aretfam wUl to pUpto Jaa# «.
W.Hun. Ml»-»4 *-««■
naetoa TkM-Tbto «*• Ptar- the hlc Uaeeatoe 4ap< »h«a the Maam. AU^ of TtoM. a*« tto OaUook tote* Colto. a atroaf *cfr**a»*®^ »«1
Tor Qood dpert to Trickt-Tto Hm eoateat for the hoaore of the 4iaawad.
Ai« AUWMitad to ARtv* Xoatoy There ha* alwap* be* a etroac rt«l*7
MaatotM aad thto elty ai>4
Bom toU la TtoTOTM 09 Uto Mom
the flrat cam wUl to for hloo4. aad ao,
to aow OB Moarto |woM*ot. aa4 if all
kTor*. The HaeUer* wUl pUp **tar» |
plaMoanpaaltoparoaxpMUd to do
todifiealt I
ama Jalp r. a and 4 U Baatotoe.
»• will tore Ito tool toa* wktok —
oaedomm’tmtodU. ItwoaMha dlfl•ato to the proeeat tore toll UtaaoatortalatoaTrawM O9
tioo aa4 the oatlook to brlcht. It wUI
ealt to try aad aqoal Ua torn aad exbaU catoasiaatt. Jama Katoe.
to the porpoee of Ue
lb* fWtBflM M
uatoite meledy of a KImhall ^aao. aad
wlU Btaaac* the toaia. Oarap Ball
Ciee Ue pabUc Ue^beet kiad of baae
Kteh..HMM^ eU»•*!»»■
aa4 J- W. Baaaaa hare toeo worklac
match Ueprlee at Ua earn tlms. A
toll .port poeelble aad it to hoped that
atoldaoaelp for a week la ratolaf fnada
Ue atleadaBoe darlap Ue eeaeoa wUl toadlac Ua aBi*er*l9 at 4aa Arbor.
Kimball to aaexeeltod a. a mtokal latoaapportthe toaa. They haee
retaiBed pcatordap.
Ja.Ufp Ue efforu made.
atrameat. aad we arc aalliac Um at
With oaeoararlac eocoeae. aad whUe
A. Thempaea baa retaroed
The ooapw boeka will to Imaad to
atootputoetUllacklacfor Ue faa4,
prtoaa Umt yo* caat eompeto with.
frUB Chicac*. where Be hae hew tokUe aabaeribera to a few dapt.
there to nfflelMtoa head, with what
lac a apeelal eeam ia aarcerywUl to aoatritoted by thoee when the
William Nawmaa came up from IabKu^oalBodaL
Brerything In mosio and maalcal goods.
imlttee hare beea aaable to eat
The SpworU Laac*e
h®“ » alac laet aipht, where he ha. beea aV
aetara the roqalred *«■■ There to
latocal eoeial at Ue hem ef Be*. J. teadlBC the AcrieeUaial Oollepa.
Coadnetor A. D. Field, of the Weat
thoaa w^o aajop the pane tore ooa- a. Bready aext Taeaday a*aaiaf. kllehicaa road ha. T«tnr*ed from a aix
tribaud BOblp toward, the aapport of Brerpoaa praaeat to
■to Tiait Uraaclv.the waat
Their Intereet will eaable part la Ue propram
H. Boatacae and family are eater,t to wark eacmtotallp tee eeate. Na aaeoi
talalac Mr. aad Mr*. P. A. KItcheU
The following shows the Md Ua fnada ratoed will afford
liUie daof
Oiroalstion of The Horning Utltadc la aeearlnc batter naterlal
Illm Alma Deapraa to aatartalaiap
B^iaalar Meadap. Jaao M. Ue
erer before_____ ^
Beoord daring the post week. thaa
WlU Ue exoepUoa ed aa extra ptteh> ateamer Cammlac* wUl po oa her rep- Mlm Jalia Pkalpa of Kaaaaa MIm
odAT, June 12............ 1,400 •r Ue eatlre team ha. beea elfaed aad eUr roe lor Ue aeaaoa totweea Tra*- Pbalpa arrivad paaierdap aad will .tap
Tneedsy.Jane 14..........IW all of Uen are expected to arrire bare era# Oily aad Pataakep.
Glaa Power and Rehle Lewto came
Wednesday. June 14.. \1,3S6 Ifoadap. If Uere to ae deUp la Uelr
over Friday e*ealap from Elk Bapid.
Thareday, Jane 16......... 1,320 MTiral It to expectod that a praetiee
to .ttead Ue Ueatrr, retaralap after
will to plaped WlU Ue Aepl
L. D. Waraer of teollTllle to la Ue ward. OB Uelr bleyclca.
Viiday.Jone 16.............. 1,320 team Theaitp. If It earn to arranc
•atnrday, June 17......... 1,800 The iMB aipaed are all food
Profeaur and Mia. C. T. Graoa will
«la town
B. C- Lott of Elk Ba^e
leave tomorrow for MwUvUle. Uair
pUyai* who hrlap wiU Uem lopntopeaterda*.
TotU for the week... 8,000 ttoaa which Uey *rUl
aid home, oa a vtolt. They wUl attend
Bert Keltop weat to Grand Baplda
exeretoea at Aaa
TodeyM iasa^ 1.36a
Ftort aad laramimt to -Da.9" Beat, peaterdap.
who caapht lor Ua team laat year.
Maalp C. Dodpe weat te Praakfort
Bm M«a nap be expected thto week. Boat heeam a fa**riU *iU Traeeme peaUrdap.
BaUp Sap Wo^eta at WoU
«ftor Oeaeral Shafier ahaU tore laaded Clip paepl# la*t year bp hi. ooaaeiaB- <%ariea Chrtotlaaara of Maatotaa to
amp oa Cabaa aoU- 4 oweertod tioa. wark aad axeelleat ability. H« U Ue ellp.
.The Seadap aebool rally eosmitteea
aaiem r^tecoad bp Ua Cataaai ___ ball player arary mlaato in erary
Perm and Wm. Bapgard of Gaylord are bard at work maklnp preperatioB.
ami Sanpaoa-e fleet oocht to briaf pama to play, aad Tra*arae Ci9 "lU ere in Ue el9 peaterdap.
for Bally Dap. which to to Uke place
gaatlaco te tim la ahert order. Th.ea plre hi* a cordial
Mie. J. V. Mclateah aad aen Doaald. harcJplyST. Laat peer', rally wa. a
Bbe eaptare of Owrara'e fleet. Porto T*taraa Be wUl eaptala Ue team Uto hare retamed from Manlataa.
prand teecem aad wa. m mack appre
la tar a ehare of aueaaad wUh a eharaetertotie BooBlaaeh Haakell weat to Olcn Ba*en ciated that epeeial effort, are heiop
ilM oext, aad wkea tkat plaea to la »ler determiaaUoa to wUl pat piaper pmterdap for a *toli wityrianda
made to make tbi. eqaally elaborate
146 riant BtraatI alteatloa will lato the eatlre team.
Charlea Faiut left laat alpht for aad more » If poaalble. tomlal featBoat ha. beea eatchlap tor Ue Brad
MhaUp to taned toward Uaraaa.
are, are to to iDtrodneed aad larpe
Grand Bapid. oa hi. way to Ckieapo.
. Baaaatine
that part to. balaf
U the
Bobart Lewi, went to Elk Bapid. aember. of Sandap arbool warkere are
jjMllj atroBCtkaaad. aad what nkfht Oil aad Iron laapaa af
r . . .
.----------- aad Ua laadeie la Ua laapna. Whan ymterdajM* a three week.’ Taeatloa.
I Aa
eat the repioa.
b<( wUl briap tear other tret
bOT peeterday tor tha aem
elm ama. whom he hM aalaeted to
will to ao ea*y mark aad tol
B. Defendorf of Ue Travem Beach
Bn.t9* aarraadera miUioa. of doUar. worU
Betel retaraed trem ChicapoyeaUrday.
WlU hto pood Jadpm^t bU aemt aniir"«*»*~ WUI ha*e to to expendQark Allea. clerk la fioacb drop
si apaiaat Ue fortlfleatlon. of Baeaaa leeUoaa map to depended npoa.
is asid of peepk wbe
One ef Ue new aaqoUltlona will be Btore. bH pone U Norwood to riait hto
while all UeM preparaUoa. are
are cpdo-date and are
moUw «■ ■‘Imp. infferiBC aad crim oae SU 0.te. a ••pheaom" from ladi- pareata.
Mitaa. Llxtie Damn and Nettle Ariarecognixed wberever
who be. caapht Peaa^lvaala by
ggg eomame ia Cnba. The atroclUm
tbc>- go Cor thdr conect
•rUeh broopht oa Ui. war are toiap kto prvat work. Tha teat wap U aUe worU of Empire were la Ue city 8aV
knowledge of life and
aad it will to moatb. EU ep to ia tha faUowlap aollee dip arday.
O. C- Moffett aad family retaraed
gatero Uto oonatry wUl to able to ramliving.
Opera B
Manaper Stoart ha. a new pitcher
4«toh Ue perpetratera of Ue horrore
P^le in tile swim
and he to a “pbeBom." Ul.
dtoa Oabaae are anSeriap•re the people who
A. Bill, of Ue CWlotta Lead
Cateaand be cornea froai Ua "Baak.
A OOCD deal ha. been eaid abont Ue •f Ua WabaU.*'ln ladiaaa. Catea pitch- er, to vialtinp bia friend, E- Shepherd,
hecanse they are posted
aey of Oeaeral MUea. but
ad hi. ialtial pane peaterdap aad made of Ul* city.
OD what is best for the
Mlm LyrUe SaiwhaU ef 8lxU .treet.
U WaabiaptoB ha. torred iu par- nch a bit wiU the bleaetaeie Uat he
be went to 1. eatertaiDlap Mlm Maod BafcerdorB DR. HIGGINS. DENTIST
MO aad Oeaeral HUaa ha. eanmd Ue
Owv McXmaw.'. Bhotfltor
pnr dapartmaat U chaape Ita plan, r*- bat and elm when he etcpped lato Ue of Fife L.ke.
feet There are lots of such people f
wmrftap Ue ttoclap of FOrto Bieo. It pitcher’, bo* at th» bepianlap of each
M D. Morpaa. wife and eoa. treat te
3,559,817 pairs of 5ELZ shoes we
mw appear, a. thmtph noUlap at all laainp- Be pitched a eroadarfcl pama White Olood yeeterday for a *toit wlU
Plane last year alone.
erlU to done ia that direcUea onUI aad held Ue rtoiter. dowa to three Uelr daaphter.
In offering yon these flhoes we dedare
Freak Hold.worU, who LdrWa atjPaaUapa ha. been aebjnpated.
hit*. Oatea Urow. a ball that appme
tiiem the be^ in the world for tire
U have Ue velocity of e oaaDcm projec
00 matter whether the price if
tile and whaa tha aphera leave, hi.
I lt.50 or $5.00,
* SeaUael head Ue apaetoton kaow aothlap of
Andy PUrb to ridiap a
it land, la Ue
^ilaUwa^AjrmailslKer«ll<« <A«ilete pataTha Bbcobd to iadebted to Frank eateherto haada. Be atoe pitcbea
ao ordinary For yoar money? That', what yoa pet
BUred for a haadao
batter can tad. The Indiana boy to when yoa employ Geo. E. Wtonle— Uloe XM luad for nmiw vilnrlioe «■».
eertalalp a "ind" aad will to able to yoor BMiaey'* worth to pood honest
B. J. Morpaa to harlap hi. livery aealp paxcle Ue ba.t batten to Ue Iroa
^Be* on 8t*u atreei remodeled aad
aad Oil Leapae.”
Opposite Eagle Offioe.
AnoUer pood pitcher to la Ue qeartet
The clrcelt eoort will convene to- which Rant will brtop. Be to Freak
pwrrow mornlnp and bepln Ua dtopeaal Dye, who to well recommended, and
' ' m A I O 1 ^
who will alteraaU to left fleld.
AnoUer from Ue earn leapue to B.
Tkt Banday aehool of Ue Friead*
jtoareh wUl bold Uelr Childrea'a Day H. Piltmaa. who wUl hold dona Ue
eeeoad bap for Ue BMUera. Beoemee
Asaretoe. Ui* evenlnp.
There will to an exeoreiea to Manto- WlU a pripfllled wlU mituandapiked
Aee today on the M. A N. K. The train •horn, atoo a repaUtloa a. a slar.
There to aaother maa to Ue proap
laarm at 6:40 Ui. momliip.
•kp 1* Ue flret to ride called BreaaaB. Tom BreaBan.
baUl for a toll player and wboee teat
Snr Baapbey hill, which to ateep and
held to Uortatop, Uoaph be ean play
glAcalt to aacead wiU a wheel. Be
wherever ooeaeto* demuid.. Tbeee
pad* over it with a Oolambia.
all firat-claai mea aad wUl plra to
Thoic will to a tea cant aapper aarv- Us Baatlere a atreapU wkleh wiU
si bp Graoa Cboreh Oaild at Foreater'a toroe Ua team to tha fraat raaha nf
BaU on 't'acad.y ereniap. Jaac Slat, Ue Michipaa amatorra.
gntpoae to tovltod te attcad.
AnoUer man whom Ue fan. will to
iamaa L. Mamy. a v*uraa *f Ua plad to welcoBM back here Uto
43lrU war. ha. bm appotolad qaartarPTH-4— of Ua abw 3SU raplmaat. He been playlap wlU Ue BaUle' U*ek
tocto. hto datlm Taaaday moratop.
Uto eeaeea. Be ha. beea alpaed
Thto avantop at Ue Prmbyteriaa by Maaaper Keboe and to expeeted
jtoareh Mto. Wlanebs Witoon *f CkioaCarey Hull, who to a Wp pa'^ every
ga, rapraaeatlap tha Stadeat'. Volaaeom moramaat. will apeak on Uat _ um, wiU cover hto old
^ad U outre fleU. wbUa Toay
mnifi TO DO Tio
TBII6S IT 08IX.....
X.E. STRONG. Manager.
235 Treat Sired.
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.
“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
In the
Teacher of Violin.
Want Work
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera Houae.
Pie NiglitOnI;.
Thursday, June 23
Amoap Ue pradaatea at Ua Oaiw^ at Michipaa Uto laonU to Mare A.
grenpa af Uto eity. who will raoalva
from the eoUepe of dent
B. J. Morpaa has added to hto
■gvmy baMaeaa a flaa aair hack, which
prfU to on Ue etr*et for Ue bueflt of
|b* public at all heuia. It will to
gmttoned at Ue Betel Whltlap.
The PmabyterlanCkrtatlas-Eadeave wlU heeatorUlned’Taeeday evuinpat UebameefBev. Howard Moora,
»rcntM, bp the Frtond. (%rtotla* 1
Nareuy wUl paUer Ue balto la at
flret where Ue lovere ef Ue pame will
to plad U aee him apula. Ttoy hae
devoted a preat deal of Ume U trout
flUlap Uto aeaeea. but will BOW tnr*
hto attmtiea toUe ball fleld. Keoa
Bnlfka .will atoo to la Ue team, and
hto famlliarfty *riU Ur rlpbl fleld will
eeme Into poto play apaiu. afi a'lpood
mam ha to. too.
This to ue preMBt^llae-np of Ue
team. But eae mot* pud pitetor to
naeded u «U aut Ue
Mr. Kaboe baa several pood mei
rlew, aad whu he deddea which to Ue
beet he WiU Uad him.
, Thto to Ue beat array mr prase
Interpreted by • fhoronicbly com
petent company of pUyws.
Prioae—»e. U. AOe.
Eeeervadesatt ready Taead^a
In the war ot Summer Hardware Is our Ice Picks, Lemon
Squeezers, Grass Hooks, Garden Tro-wels, Ice Tongs, Axes,
Watering Pots, Poicelain Door Enohs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors. Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you -will
find in our
Hardware Stock.
tifli AoMmrq itaooaD. BtrTOAT, jukb is, ism
wta oaeapy tbab- aottafea tbto aaaaar
are Mra Jadfa Wltbay and danfblar,
Mrn. WlUlard and Ua Mlaa Barla.
Mra WUllard'a aettafa baa bean laaoad
by Mra Dr. Bead of Colorado and Mr.
Cnaalufa aad taally of Orand Bap
ida, aad aba arUI ba tba foat of bar
aaUa darlof tba aaaaon.
TbefaaUyof Be*. Dae P. Bradley
bare been aeUled In Uelr eotUft tor
eoae Uaa aad Mr. Bradley la expeeted
Ua Brat of Jnly.
Mia Bebaeea Rlahmoad wlU wri*a
la a few day* and aetUe -BoAny Banka”
' ir pretty boae near tha Inn, tor Ua
XawraMlBf Badtal of • Boldlar
a«v<n View ad tba Vatlonnl
Chap Alfar. Va.. inna 10. IBM.
•JLAJTDXrr rmABBUTAL BIB- Whan waaeaa off froa taranty-tonr
bowafnarddaty woaantakaatrtp te
Waablnflon. My tan aaaa yaterday
Md 1 fot a paw and left bara abont I
»tU (tam*. Boim BMW. Blcjti* Om- o'eloak with foar othen from oar aoa-1
t—te »Md TewBUMt wd D»- paay. Wa walked aboat one quarter
STM Twm Wark ■ OoawUtUM viU of a alia aad than aat a boa ooalaf
H«M VialtlBC Ki«M Md TM«i at froa PallHaiareA Wa hired bla to
CniM-rublw XmUbc m b* Ad- toke oa to tha ebnrah. a dUUaoa of
>llw. tor 8S eaato and ftMihan
dtMMd bjr Orwt Ommasdar B«7B>
[Prof. W. G. Sperry and Prof. Onrrier
we look tba alaetrie can te Waablnf• of ObarUn are both bnildinf eottafoa
an. aboat aeren alia farther.
Wa whlab rrtll be ready for oeeapaney early
Inft tba atraat oara at Aqoidaot brtdfa
Ilka that •( th« HaenbeM Ic take aad took anoiber wbiek took na dlraet la Jaly.
One ef the aoat nniqne end eharvplMtbenoB th«tld i*<,nlr* a crwt
to tba nary yarda Hare wa hired
Inf oottafea on the raaort la Ua new
0ml •( atWaOoD aad «]om> walch ow falda aad ba took oa aroaad I
llUla ds^la wbleh r* *• B»ka ap a fronnda. Wa eaw aany blatoric eac "lef cabin hoaa” dealfned aad erected
by WUdar 8. Uraree of Grand Bapida,
yarteel plan. It la «x peeted that
kptnrad all tha way froa l«U! to whoae talber, P. H, Ura*M, waa one of
tkonaaadi •! vialtora. loeladlof oihera
18VH. We waat aboard the U. M. ooaat' orifinel ownera of the reaurt.
kaaldea Maooabaaa. arill b* U tha city
anrrey ataamar, I don't reaaabar the Ura*M axoela U maUo dealfea and
(roB all direetiaBB an that day, aad
name bat it waa tha boat that want to
Ua pretty bulldlnfe on tha
tba naBaroOB eammitUeB an bard at
Bnrana hwbor tbe aoralnf tha Maine raaort property are Ua raaaU of bU
work rettLof thlafa Into abapa to taka
blown op aad the one whieb earwra of tba blr eroird and make Ua
^P. K. Power* of Travaraa CUy.
riadtbrbaard of Inquiry,
dlaplay a aneoeaB wortky af Traverte
aany ralia of the Maine and tba bean anfafcd to conduct a boa and •!(*•
Olty. It U impoaBlbla at tkU tima to
fnlda took a draw-abara aad abavad off cry at Ua raaort for tba baneflt ef Ua
fin a datallad profraB bat an ootUae
a place and fare U to aa.
wIU prora of lalemi.
board awora It waa fannlna. Next wa
Bdfawaod wiU ba *ary happy UU
TbaBoralaf will be deroiad to the
waat to Ua aachinc ahopa where Uay weak U weleoaiof lt« frlrada who
tacepUan of vlalian arriainf on the
Wa aaw aareral eame year afur year to enjoy iu boatraiaa and boata, in badlea rapraaastthlrtcan-lncb f aoa nadar Way aad two plUlUy.
iar Iba taaU and bl«n froB variaiu
aiz-laeb fnna uken froa tha Maina
Mlaa Florence LeUrop and eonain,
pOTtiaBa of nortbera and omral MIcbThey will ba flrao an
Mia Lonia Dmry of ChleefO. arrira
Ifan. Tbe eoBaittaea Beat Ua arrl■bar Ua Malna" bafora tba war
tar Patoakey Uia aeratnf to
vaU na fallowa:
Tba naral aaehlaa abopa wa a apead a tew weeks wIU Mr. and Mra.
O. A At.
a frand aiffat bat oar Uae waa Uaited Latbrop.
Wafalar train troa tba aaatb........
ao we left for Ua aaUanal library,
Mrs. W. W. WUllamaon and n
Bpadal from Harbor bprinfa. Pa
oar war oat we want Uroafb
Marrarat Blair of Grand Bnplda, will
toakay awl alone tba Una.......... H:l>
of tba Marina aorpa. Tbatr arrive Monday noon for a two wi
O. A W..X.
Praa Elk Bapida.............................. 8;M
suy. Mr. WOliamaoa will join Uaa
oar quartan. They bare food bade
Froa Patoaky. Oharlerolx and
1 a faw days.
nlaaftbaUna.................................. 0:ftt with aprinf* aad plllawa
Monday nlfht Mr. Maday of Datrait,
The eearreuUmal library U wlUoat Mru. Mumford and two chUdran will
Prom Ealkaaka aad Van Bnran.. 10:00
poaaasalon of Ue Uaalla eattefa
fnmi ManUtaa eroa^nf aad
alaaf tba lina................................. B:U Ua world. Uni la. on Ua Inalde. The for tba aanaoa.
ouUlda af Ua bnildinf U net aueb
K. A S. A aad T/A A A.
Sprlof Baaeb boUl baa baas leaned
look at. Tba laalda of Ua bnildinf U
Proa Ml Plaaaant, Oadillae and
dona off aaUraly In marble and in to Ua former manafar. R. W. Payne
aU palsu ea tha T. A A A and
for one year and ha will aasnaa oonirol
beanty It axcallad anyUlnf I aa
fran MaalatM and all polntt on
tha M. A K. B.................................. 10:M> Ua Werld’a Pair. It waa worU Ua trip at onea. Tba boUl baa bean pot In
faao obapa and will be opes for meat*
U aaa Uia baUdtaf alone.
Wa ^
By alnaaor Craaeant from North.
port, Oaona aad Sottona Hay. .110;IS froa Ua library to Ua caplul, hlrad a Joae toU. A number of application*
■ooma bav* already bean looelvad
falda aod he explained a*aryUln|
Darinc tha aoralne than will i
tha fBBaa and Weyda raoaa oa tba latareai about tba bnildinf. Wa want
Aataaaaat Mota*.
inboUbonaaa of OoBfraea.
In the
"Our Goblins.■' a farcloal oomady,
Tha fraat parade will atari at ll.lo Hoaaa Johnaea. of Indiana, waa talkander Ue mamapament of Baajamtn
A a. or laaadiataly afur the atrlrA lef on Ua Hawaiian annexation.
TaUill, will bold Ua board* at Hieiaof tba O. A A I. aad M. A N. E traiaa. UaSaoaUUay were worklns on
barp'e Opera Honsa aaxt Tbanday
Tka parade will fora at tba eoraar of batch of aaall bllla. Tbey paeaad
avenlnp. A nnmbar of bnpbt now and
Pront aod Uaion atraaU aad move aaat bin about every fire aiaatM.
eauby roualcal nombar* will ba Introto Boardaan aranna. aoath to Bute.
Wa went to tbe naUonal Baaena
Mat to-Walllofloti. Math to Waablof- look at tbe carioa and Uaa waat to Ue duoad durlnp tba ooarae of Ue avenlap’* antertatomant, ioeludlnp tha tol*
taa. waatto Hoardaan anane. north White Sonoa where McKinley
lowlnp: 'Tba BUr that Never Knew
to BUU. WMt to Ualoa. aonth
baldinf aracapUon and ebook hand*
Oafoat," “Ala Gasaia.'' “Eli Btavea*,'
Blfbth. aaat to Caaa, aoetb U Niatb, wjtb him aad Bacretary Alfar.
-Cake Walk." "Tba Art of Mq^lo|
waat to Uaion. north to Front, aaat
we went to Waskinftoa'a aanai
Uive." "Willla Off Ue Yacht," "I Do*a
Parh. and diaband.
aad weal up ia Ue elevator aod took a
You la tbe Hama Oid Way." etc. Tba
It arUl be aaen that tba llae of aarcb look upon the eonntry around, it
company comet bipbly reoommapd
baa bean aa anaayad that tbe parade a fraad eifht. 5S0 feet above
arill doable oa Itarlf ooalnf back oa fTOund.
AU Poraatara are urpad to meat
VnioB. firlae an exMllent opportunity
Next we took a atreet car and went tbair hall UU raorninp at B:M o'clock
to tboae Uktof part to aea nearly tba around by tka HrlilU lefstioa aad to aUeod tbe Pmbyterian church is n
Mtlra parade.
other ainlatora' buildlafa L«ft Waak- body. Bav. Wylie K Wripbt will de
At two o'clock A
InfUD at 6:30 and fnt back to earn
liver a aermoa to eoiumemoralion of
Isf wilt ba bald an tba Centnl acboot »:I6. We bare batter frub bot not UaorpanixxUon of Ua order in UU
fronnda. Tbia aaotlnf will be nd- rnoofh of It No proapact of aorlnf rily.
4nme4 by Araat CoBaandar BaynUm, yet.
Mr. and Hr*. L. F. Hoxie have r*
tha father nf tha order.
tarned from Ann Arbor where they
laaadiataly after thia aeatinf tha
want two weak* apo to ooa*alt wiU
band oonlaat will Uka plnoa on tha
Ue emtoant doctor* ia rapard to Mr.
Oanlral aekool fronnda. Prixaa of BM,
Boxle's baalth. Ba U oa better aad
•ss and tio will be awarded.
ba* but little hapa of a peraasant
A fraat ball faae arill ba called at
ton at Omana. 1
>:to p. a. at Ua Twelfth atraat park,
Ed. OUbart has oopyripbtad a clpar
batwraa tkc Tranraa City Hoatlen
aad Bprtnf Beachlabal. whlab U a photoprapb of Ue
and the Cotu. of Manlatoa.
Hannah Blftoa at Camp Eaton. Ua will
Tke OrlrlBf Clob baa arraafod for
Abel T. Pafc, one of tba ownan of maka a new clpar to ba eallad Ua
. trottinf aad biayele raoaa at ika Pair
“Oannah BlAa" and one whieb will be
Ua Grand Knpid* raaort at Omana,
Omnd track. Tbeaa will bafln at at
U Ua oily yaterday for a ebort time of|* almllar exoallaBce of quality to
1:M p. m. aa fallowa:
on bnaisea. He reporU affair* at Ue tba Travaraa City brave aaldier boys.
noma tucu
Ptm for AU. Trot or Face............ tltS.OO
................. ............ Its OO dition and Ua demand for accoai
ever before.
t:a Claa,
ao.ui Mona unpraoedantad. In one day'*
m<'ixi.a lut-Ea
anil laat wak enonfb appllatlont fa I have used many leinadlM without recalvlnp mueb relief, aad being raoomOna.balf mlla opaa, two In three.
rcoa* were racalvad at Omens Inn to
latpiiM, Hlcyda Hboea.................$3 00
nlaoai fill Ua boul fa Ua aeaMn, and
Sdprlaa, Fanoy Bwratrr..................... S.%0 Ua latun aaa froa all parta of Ua top me to be a poor widow, pave It to
td alM->^locklef*.................l OOiCOBairy, rapraaealiaf tlllooli, Ohio.
One mile open, two is tbrae.
] Kentucky'Hiaaourl aod Iowa, aa well
the second bolU
vary muchI aad
lat prise. Heat Hlcyda Halt............. •7.&o:aaall Ua larfer eltla of Ua wat, not
abaolDtaly cured ma I have
•dpriaa. Pine Adlaka Camara........ s.oo forfattlnf aany from Grand Bapida bad aa pood bealtb for twenty year*.
Sdprixe.BpHt Bamboo FUklnf Bad S
lb* Inn. which la to ebarpe of Mrs. BeapaettoUy. Mr* Mary A. Beard.
- U by 8. E. Wail.
rxioxr. JCKK 34.
Brea* of Grand Bapida, Ua feraer
ONariatloa Baeaa aod Bleyela Baaaa landlandy, will be open far bnalnaM^
Pnraea to be anaouBeed latar.
Monday. A larpeannei baa bean bnUl.
la Ua avaniBf Uere *rUl ba n oompaitiva dcfraa team emtnat la Ua
aty Opera Hall for pricaa offarad by
Ue Great Tent aod Ua dlatriet dapotina TbUwillba of apaclal-InUraat
«• Ua TUIllnf MaecaWea.
Tha Quean of Ua Laka will flva
Baarly axcuralon* ao Ua bay darlnf
Tnare will ba a Sna tbaatrleal attoMtiat. -Oar Goblin*'' in Swiaberr’*
Otand to Ue avantof.
Tbe parade will be (he frnatmt atraat
aaaa ta Travarae City, aad
tba Snant of Ua kind evar fivan la
MorUarn Mleblfaa. ApproprUte amUaatatic Boata will fora a particulary
ffna atiraaUoB. while Ua richly robed
iafiii taaou on banabaek. will be
aarylapaatof. Anombarof floaU of
tha L. a T. M. will alaa ba in Ua dUptoy.
bavnral band* will ba to Ua
panda pad a bleycto dlrialon wUl fora
• Ana
ef Ua
day and Ua fratorual
aWt^araryona M nqaaiod u daaofAMt^sUr
AAd dwoUtofm. a
rl*>DC a number ef axVa reoma, and dohp Aab Has Bacarad Expert Baker
nearly I:*') tact of veranda ba*e been
And Bade Bany Improvamento.
added and aUer improeeaeoU madi
oa Ue bulldinp aad pround*
New Ue City Bakery of Jacob ^li
road* aad bicycle path*, have been laid made many attractive '
about the preaUasand :_____________
out UroBph Ue beanUful park aad at- for a oouldanb'.e Ineraaae to Ua bu*ltraeUva rnitlc cummer bouaea buUi. naaa. Mr. A*b wa* formerly one of Us
Tba oottapna have all baea Lakes for Arm of McLellan A Aab. oonfaeUoaara.
aad i* a profeaaloaal candy maker. He
tha aaaaoB. aad aaveral ef them
hM added the manufactnre of ennfaealready opened
tlon* to tbe butinesa of the City Bak•'Cha-mln-wab-ba,” Mr. Pape'* torpe ary. He maka every kind of andy to
anmmar borne wilt apain be la ebarpe tempt Ue fanry ef old aad yonnp.
af Mia. Halan M. Oartble lot Grand Ue bakery part of tbe bwnea bes
aalderably added to. He baa
Bapidk. anu
aad wui
will ba
Ailed w.a
wiU puata.
puaaU. Ncorad tbe arvloi
oe bun
■ Aat •............
Mrs. AUUoa and aoUar, of Ctaiapa. | pert baker, in tha person> of J
John Me*years to Ua. blp
Java baaa Uera fa Ua past Urtw ar,
a. wko
wao served
aarvad seven
waaka, and Mrs. AlUam baa altvady Audltorlom botol in Chleapo. and
alao employed aaveral year* in tbe bakmade a pUentorial record Uat A»ka- top baainaa ofllohlaaat. wkaae kaklnp
wUl Bod bard to bant. Yatorday bustoaa i* the larpat to Ue wat- Mr.
Ue retomad froa n visit U one of Ua Meyer U a *kined artlat to fancy baklnp
trout etraaBB* near Ua raaort wiU a of every description and Uara i* niUtop far Ua Ubls whIU ba cannot de
baadaoaa tour ponnd apaeklad tronk vise and Uare U no claa of baked
ooa af Ua Anaat avnr eanpbt at Uat poods wblU Ua City Bakery ansot
•apply at Uert noUa If It to not
Every room at B. A Kayaa’ aottapa randy on band. Good* are daUv...
balal "Tba Ctovan" M anfapni ter Ua prompUy, and Mr. Ash to w eaarpaUe
Uat hto chiat aim to to plena hto onaaailra aaaaon and n nnmbar of pnaaW tomara. A vtott u Ua Olty Bakaty.ssi
have nlrandy nrrivad.
Wont atraat. will ba boU n plananra
Aaonp Grand Enphto paopla who nnd n proAt to nvwyona.
• •■V)
A lot of Men’s Pants, great values for the money,
desirable goods, $1.48.
A better lot, handsome, good wearers, good en
ough for anybody, $1.96.
A still better lot, extra good, $2.46.
See them—It will pay—Going quick.
Also some great bargains in
Men’s Suits.
When we cut prices it is no joke—It is money
saved for the weEirer.
to Jo*t Ui tblnp to help y«n boy pm>d.
booost and up-to-date ohoa* cheap. Wa
have redacad tbe prioe on ail footwaor for
a few days oe account of the E. O. T. M.
caIrbratloB, and it you naad anvlhtop to
tbto line come to aad lack Ua abowi avm-.
We CM ptasto you in s'yle, qullty and
price. Our 91 IS Vlel Kid aboea are wtoner* Our $1 24 Cbooolau eloU top sboaa
are beanUa*. Oor 75c woman'a Oxfords
■ell ail over forfl.SO.aad onr USeabaaa far
men and'woman are warruiad ail aoUd
and pood wearerm Coma aad boy Uaaa
of u*. We will aarely Save ya* mosey.
More barpafas here.
Th* Hawaiian Raaolutien When
It Comes Up at the Other
End ef the Capitoi.
■•Her RveerT''*
"<e Hraalv Atlvr ■
Vrrr Hiirf «,-rll»a »r tbe Furel*B Atteln <k.B>mtUee—4>|,|M*r*I. (hrllBed to
iBit.'B l■rp,r«lalla*ell
A. S. Fryman,
« IMivU' Work.
WaUlnxtun. June IL—Only aU'Ut flfteea mlnuta' time wa* consumed by the
SenBte furelen relation* committee ye*terday In rcarhlnc a roncluslon to re- j
port (he re*oiuii<>n> for the act(uiaiUun I
of the Hawaiian Islands by the Dnlled;
Staleo. only two of the DrmocmUCj
member*—Turple and Mill*—were prta-;
ent at the meetlnx. and ti.ry contented j
themsrlce* by rvcirdlnx their votea in [
oppcAltion to a motion to rviwrt favor
ably. shonltis no dlsiHnlllon to delay
action by the eommIUre. No Republic
an vote* were caat In the nemtlve. and
Dsvla Btated (hat he woe aulhoriaed to
cast the vote of Morean In U* affirm
ative. The fact drveU<|>ed that while
the renolutloD flrsl rerelted the oancllun
of the house It WB* preparedd by Davl*.
Uifealed to
and no diapoeitiun wa*
ebanxe It In any reapw-t.
Kb Talk Likely Till Meal Waek.
After the ayre-mem to reiKirt the re*.
olutloB wae reached thrr* w*» aome In
formal dlK Uwslon a* ifi when the »en»te I
ahoul,f be aiked b- lake up the i]ue«tlon |
and It wa* decided that tht* should b*
done today—the flret prariliable dayas one obj«'«-ilon w<.o1d have been *uf.
fli lent to prevent the la-ylnnlni of conalderallnn yesterday, it Is possible,
however, that after oalllng the matter
up today It may be allow^ to xa over
until Monday, aa the opimnent* of the
resolution say they w III refuae to assist
to maklox a uo»rum If the question is
Bmlrtal Dm Bn.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with tbe Traverse City Ltunber CompAny. '
We have for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
HUl HaohineTyof alld
flet Works, Osrriages snd Ss'iw^
for sale.
S Two Enginss,
A complete Saw Hill Plant
We do not
bdlong to the combination
should not come up for consideration
durinx the present session of conxre*s
will cut an imporiant Axnre In the conlion Id the aenate.
BldcraUoa of tbe quntlo
_ the Republiran memlwi
mlttee on behalf of the UemoeraU after
the adyoumment of the cummllteemaetInx ye»lerd*y. and they were Infortned
that the Dnnwratic member* of tba
Bnanc* cornmlitee ware xenerally ^
posed to contend that tbe axveemant
was explicit to the effect that the Hasrallan question should not be revived
In tbe senate durlnx the prvaeni sewalon.
Some of the member* of the forelxn re
lation* committee •taied that they had
never before heard of the oxreemtnt. i
but all manlfeeted a diap>«ltloe totnve*tlxate the matter.__________
Btoatorvk^ H<«Hh Ulvw daxtolyV
London. June II.—A aperial dispatrii
from Berlin owr Prinre Bumarch'a
health Is causlns renewed anxiety. H*
to reported to be •ufferins rreat pain
from iniUmmatlon of tha veins of hto
ristat les. hto dally drive has bean aitaMBdad. and hto ataap to brulHB.
And we sre not obliged to sell meat at war prices. We bava a
car load of the best western oom-fed stock and can famiab yon tba
beat Chicago beef killed at h«ne
Bingham Bros., Fnit Stmt
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badtsbes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
Those 167.
94S Front SttMt.
BO?S iT c« m
S3d UHI 94th Michigan Vclun*
taara Nicely Lccatcd.
niBn BOOT or TBOon is cam-.
•uch A rate. Tbt woAt* tea lone htm
dMraced by miburliy rate
l>a par(urmaDcn ounai in» entitv acaaton oa
tbta «rcat qucaiioa bave bM uoaaanlr
and louralr out "f barmotgr wiUi tba
InatHuUuna aC
(hlrda of ih» aenau ba»a dcalred Ha
waiian annoaaiiuu. and yet oae-ihird
of the aeoaton have pteveuied the maJomy Iram votuic uo the aub>rct by
tpatr Inieimtaable talk.
Blw-k* U> nsM NyaaUtaU
^UM«m «llkAr»7
oscMot tiM T«« K«ciB«««4 Iu«*-nr
aic«.lt«4 bjrllMciMteO erw^t Al««rta
Uoa- Mny of yoa who have T«ad
of the auninu«nlnp of colorod r«u.
troo(a to pive battle to the I
of the
army j
without a alngle protest tram our re-i
united biethren of the soutb. bave g.v* {
one Ibougbl to the public agtuiloa i
uuted during the uvii war, txhenj
Ibooe who had formerly been aUvea |
were given arms lu suppress aeceaslon? That «aa one of the m. at ertUcaJ peHods In the nailon'a history, and yet
the act of thuae daya la repwted at i
thl. time wlihuul a rtpple of excitement
... . M-..M4
Word ..r
»f advi-nw ...n.vnkl.l
r tKilliy .if am.lnp «be biarks waa
Aral offlelal!)' antiaumwl lo the Anal.
eii.anfl|»Uon prot-lanuiUtai of Jan. l. i
jsa, and atepa were Immediately taken i
put ibe pi'ijit-l Initi torc^. Joho il. I
Nioilay and John Hay. lo a ehaider of ^
bletury of Abrbam Llnrsdn. aa
publlahtd li
Acoerdinf to a 8p*oial CorrM*
pondpnt ef tht Lendm P«U
Mall Guptte.
la Wblrh They WIU Prahably Be
\» the t)ac«a'> T
HratohadbyttaBappacttva OhBrebta
TnratsaOlV BhiftM.
Bolow te a Itet of tba bu^ and oaUInf prioea of yaatarday for froewiaa,
proT&ona and tans prodocu In Trav-
Tba pnalar wUl dtaanaa aonu Chria- Qa^ psrk par
’Uan napaaU of the j9ar both taonlnf
Short Cnl Pork...................
ud •eanluf.
Short Cut Pork per Bi...................
Tbe anbjaot at 10;M a. m- will be
rionr. B L ACtebaat..............
iWhat the Bpanlbb-AinecicaB war ta Bye Flour. B L. ACo. Beat..
d<dar for tbe Onltad Sla tea
Maai. B. L A Co. Baal...............
ta tba evaalbf at T:** p m. tba aub- Faed. H. L. AOa Bast...............
Bgirs per dug........................................
Jaet wUl ha "Tba
lalanda and
Oudflah per tb.......................................
Lard per ft..............................................
Oive each otbar a warm bandabaka Dntiar per ft. Dairr.........................
t each aerele^ aapacial y fiaat tha OraaBury Butter, ft........................
Chaaae per ft ......................................
Oat* perbo(oldl................................
have oonrreratioaat alnriDf; <'orn per bn., oiA..............................
pleaaa Join >» the hyni
Tba Junior C. B. maatiag
will ba dla- Bran per 100.........................................
Potetoea. par ba...............................
oonUnued for the anmmer.
BiiTino aana or TBAvnak a
YouDf people's aoclalr of Chifatlan
111 7>
li 0»
fl (»
4 SO
1 SO
Ever Borned Ontf
Uao yon know
tba valaa of
Bicvcie Riders.
Bcmember tliat I do all kinds of ra*
pairing and w amellng. nad that 1 CM
and do give you the beat work of-any
one In tbe city for the monay.
be deceived by what o^era tall jn« te
Ibe omlrary, but ooiae and aea te
Waahinffton. June U.—Tb^ camp or
AU the l-oi
the pemteivoua of the volunteer aoU
diera In Virfinla. ten mllea from the
tiatbwal rapiul. U named Camp AUer.
London. June U.-The Pall MaU OaIn huoot of the dlatlnpulahed Uichlpan
guarantee all my work to ba right,
Mle pubilahea a diapaub from lie ape*
man who la bow the accreiary <>f war.
KAL- and It it does not prove ao 1 make it
It la apicndidly looaled on the Vlrclnla
now at
hUla In a country alwaya noted for Ita
j»m„ca. who rect-mly landed tn Cuba
78 ^wp In tm 8 o'clock every avnolbg,
boaitbful and
captured and suboeguenUy re78 except Sunday, In tbe OaldwMl A LonWhaav new, _______
Tntre baa been a acarcUy of water
He cabled
AU an eordlally Inritad.
II i don Building, at north and of Onioa
there, but when the Hlchlpan truopa
Oata, No. 1. par bn. (new)..
nnsT MKTuvuigr.
Corn, par bo...........
made complaint. Ueneral Alger naM:
■ev.J.A. BreMy. paoMr.
'*]f you boya can't «et enouah watci
eneiaddlBK 4hal a battery of el*
Sunday—Praachinf atlO:M a. B. and
It diinrins weiu I win have axroe water
Bnttar, per ft....
ktina unkoown to the Amarliai
tilped here all the way from Detroit.■*
9:ao p. B.
been rampleled In the eaat barb»r, and
Brb. per down..
The l<e«t Itwation in the cam< haa
Claaa meatlnc at 9:M a. ka.
been awipned to the SU and Stih replbe aay e that a aimllar battery on the
Mr. B Rricbam of Pike City. Oul..
tnenu of Ulcblpan volunin-ra.
o|.|>oaUe aide la In couraa-^ conili
aaya: "During my brothar'a late sicksad baa been hefv three week* and the
Uon, AccortlInK lu The Pall Mall Ga- , »*rvi«>enesN from aelatle rheumatiam. CbainS4ih haa been here nboui ten daya They
aeite r<irre«i-.mlcni the Piwnlaide are i
Junior Uame at a:>o p. b. and Bp- 'berlaiu'a Paio Balm waa the only rem
•r« ivKarded aa the Aneat body of men
edy that gave Aim any relief." Many
- ««>■ —> —> -11.1,L-r» .1 «;1S P «.
to the ramp, all of them belnp well ^ S
wrote Irii.ra to e. v.nl of his
' that atl.r defouling the American fleet i
Hornlnif subject:
"Tha Qraatcat otkera have teatifled to the prompt re
erre-ed and fully tgulpiied. while the
lief from pain wbisb tbii llnimeot af
trooi« from other itatca have arrived manders uiumg them to acUve
*''7 „ V,U"hM on
World." Bvenlaf nb- fords For sale by 8. E Walt, Drag-,
here eome Of them without unlforma. In orkBiilalrp neiini rvslmeiila.
gistmany of them without aboea and whole
arKumrm uua m-etltd lo lioloi out
a-ymAu.ert<wai<beU.Are Uermivvi.
The fenaral prayer meetlaf will be
Firat-claaa Riga Everything i
rompanleg without rlAea The
hie preat praotbal wisdnni In the man■m* B|>Bnlard«, It eeemx. ' explain the ' bald tbia week on Wefloeidir ceentaf.
and neat. Rates aa reasonable as any
. W. PaU-hiB.
*'• P.Ciatto
located upon an old Vlrnlnla farm and aarmeni of thla dilAt uU gutatuui tliia
futility Id Admiral Rami*on’, demon*;
engaced for
flrat-claaa bam in tbe city. Oive nan
the anilent manor houae. sai yearn old.
tnrnt U f> uud In ibt u;er«- tuiiiand get our priecA
•Ull aianda. The Mlebipan lini
: up of lU tanatble inUltury rv■■
c camp elore to the houae and aeveenl of
Attorneys nt Law.
and MUa Vadar aa organUv
adding that numl.ers of
the otAreia are comlortalily Aaed with
Maay Calured Hec>men>a.
them have nut exiU.Mlid, and saying Profeaaor Homt. vlollniat of Alaa Col- OSeea la Mtougua Bloek. Ttarer** Ottg, Ml^
Sooma In. the ancient manor
At the bt-Klnn.i.a of t>e«.«mber. rit. that no damage haa b<eo done oabnra.
lara. will play during tba offeratoiy.
Uartww* tlaj«y> UiioM-tt
Ia»a than a year atlrr the prealdenl Aral The country lietween the clUea of Ma*
Penator Burrow-a recently made hla proclaimed the |■ollly. be uaa ahlt to
Everybody weloome.
tansos and Havana la dcMrtbrd aa be*
third vlalt to Ibe eamp and r
aonouDce In hla annual meaaacv that Ing "rich tn cattle, abundant in crops
unaeg (ariacuHAt.) vhvbch.
to eupper. He haa wItneMed aevelal alMi-jl te.<m> men. formerly alases. were
and prufuiw In cmaena." Continuing.
S i^nao^. ^ttw-tor
«reat paradaa and aaya that hla aupper then actually beartne arma In the ranka Tb* Pall Hull Oaaeit* writer remarks:
tn meaa with the oflltera waa aa enjoy.
of the I'nlob forvea. A report made ty "Maiansaa a week ago eatimaied that br. Choa. T, BUtui. a«rtor.
•hla and wholeaome aa any aupperytven the aecretary of war on April S. IW4. it had flour to last ten daya. meat for a
Boly Oommnnion. B:40 a ns.
In a hotel or reauurant to hungry
Bhuwa that the number of nraru Iroopa month and plenty oj flah and vegetableo.
r wailoBtoPi
Maralng nrayar and sermon at 10:W.
Cn the oecottd vlalt of the aenMor he then muaiered into the aervlce of tba
^MereagUta Oc
Thera were no aigna of aurvaUon and
Bnnday aekoal and Bible elaaa nt II.
Waa aeeompanlad by Mra liumrAa and L'nlti-d Sialet aa a»ldlera bad liu:reaaed
prtrea were about the same as la AncrSira Andrewa. and they were intro*
Vesper servioe at 6 p.
to Tljilt. and ae leurs further, from ICA“
diuced to a ertat number of aoldlera. All the re|>orl of the pruvoat marahal cmHavaoB Has a Gay Aspoet.
All are oordlally invited to thene ser•f them were dellghied with the at.
eial. that at the cloae of the war there
Concerning Havana tbe eorrvipoadent
tentlon ahown them by the vtaltora were in the aerv lee of the Vnlied SUlea
auom* that nobody would Imagtoe that
who came ao far to aee them.
of colored lr»>-]« 120 replmenla of In Mav-ana I* thvekaded. aa there la a gen*
Bav.ASatabory. Pastor.
AH of Ibe oflicen of the two rectmenta fantry, twelve replmenia of heavy ar
eral aapect of gayeiy..When the Amer
•ailed at the war depaitment receatly tillery. ten lompanlea of ll|chl artillery.
Sunday aerrieea aa follows;
ican warahiiw were sighted crowds
•nd were received by Beeretai.
Bod aeven replmenu of cavalry, mak- ruahed to tbe seashore, Jeered At tbt
Praaehing at 10:M a m.
s. OIT 0*MW Boom Blk
Sb hla ondal guv term. After apendins
ltt« a craod aacreBate of lUlW men. ..
. and than returned home
Snaday aehool at IDIOa b.
y ' no hour in the war department aa Thia waa the laryrM number In aervlce | merrily. The city of Ha'
Yonag people's Bsetlng at 4:10 p. b.
' 1
''t '• aecretary of war tht
any Ume, but It does nut repreaent' onunred to be ahnonblly ■
to tna CapitoL where
Piraeblag at 7;»0 p m.
«r them. The entire number com- i and the %.M0 Ppanlah volui
1 ^ paid their raapeeta to
Mid-weak prayer meetiag at T:M
mlMiuerd and enltated In this branch de*<Tlbed as being reaponalble men. well
•eaaior berawa and Senator McUll
of the aervlce during the war, or more equipped and capable of over*awelng
laa. With the aenaiora they had lunch pro|-erl) ajH-aklng, during the last two "the Cuban canaille." There U said to
In the aenate rwtnurant. All of them
be enough coal at Havana to laat two
year* of the war. was tlC.91' men.
ktelDB In full uniform they atl
months, and Captain General Blanco la
Walebedlba KsyeHmeiit.
erwat deal of attention. After lunch'
reported to have limited the prices of ■award Moore and Mary Moore. Paato
kbey adjourned to Seaator Bnirowa*
staple articles, t« have cut rent* In half
Corner Oak and FUth atnata.
committee room, where they found
and to have abnilahrd tbe payment of
Bibla aebooi at B:4S a b.
mKAINlD wrtag-jfla* BiaaUs
voodly aupply of good cigara. which dent IJncoln'a plans we are Indebted to
the laU.t» of Miaara NKulay abd Hay Interval on loans
they greatly enjoyed. One of the offl.
Morning aervloA 11 a b.
r. a.
t-tereety Eager to Plghk
tui a su.viuct pirsentmeiit uf tbe facta
cera aaked Senator Burrowa the coai
U llj •«j Walton
Junior abating at t;00 p b. Amanda g Mk«lre*t. B»tf
Neverthelesa, the correapondent adds.
suthoriof a bug of that kind of clgara.
•enator laughed aa be replied: "Thera
C. E. Baetlngate:l&.
ta no trade mark on the box at all Wa tbe blacks with the keenest aptwehen- ,.
t Mk 9 B 'fisUten
Stave clgara to hum In Waablngten.'*
CUldran's Day aaarciaaa 7:M.
Older uf July e. l«. dlrecllni millury pe-.hably fall, "owing tn ihe symtemalle
•nd they proceeded to burn them,
A-baany welcome to all.
commandera to setae and use vr-iwrly. ' runn ng of the l.lm ka V. whK b la Inef*
rro-le. of tbe Hlrhlgaa tmlegatlua.
real or |wr*onal. for miliiary pun«>aea j fecUve." In .-on. lusi'm the correaponS to,........
rutsT naiTisT
Osngreaaman Snover. General Apaldand t.. empl..y perwma of Afric an de* 1
ciita-n army 1* fiercely
T oaT-PatrgoMrtaaiadai-etai
tni and Conirvaaman 8am 8m»b are
Ber. J C. Comma. Pastor
tba cronlea of the Michigan congroa*
Noma^' a^'tom^Bd
lo.-fln A B.
Uaapei life oervioA
fersed already to discover a wicked t1o- i H*i‘ Idea of a compromise,
PiBder glaase laat* ai MeMomara
Monal delegation
8i>aiding la a large,
I0:SUA. oa. Public worablp. Sei
new PHlLlvpthC uoVEKKMKKT.
nuacular man. hnowr la a taU. alender latlon of the laws of war. apparently I
MW. .. Dotralt,
— '
"Tbe MlalaUy of SmUea" Prov. 15;U.
mao. and hmitb. a veritable light forgettlrg that hla own generals were t
tverywhere using such powers in mill* *1W«**1 Agtermeat BsIwvm AgwIaaM*
wcigbi. la Icaa than I feet Ull and only
llittAB. Bible aekool.
and aa Aiartsaa OsossL
weigba 199 pouoda Thru* three Mlchl- lary labor. When n waa learned that
tPtOV*r>-We Ci
*6 9W”*' .OUaage,.
6:l.t p. B. Young poopla'a prayer XroiKa MBC t-HgllP
■an men are great walkiTa and they
w naildlog. ItotrMt.
UM...... rv. Waya*
take many airolli together tbioughwul lo organise negio regiments. Ibe south* apondent of The Timet givet the text meating.
7:90 p. B. Gospel aarvloA
the capital city. When the bouse of era affeciatioD of surprise and protest i of a Urrlln tetter dated June 4 and read
bordered on the ludlcioua “The beat , m ihe corte* on Thursday, purtiortlng
repreoeniatltrea Uhrs Us dally ad*
Preacblng by tbe pastor.
Soumiireni. they
A eardlal InrtuUos la ekteadad M aU
S*ennaylvania avenue and Into the faah* tbe L'niled Hlatis." wrote General Lee
April H at Hlagap-.re between Agulnat.
MoyfleM. Mtrb. _
tonahle norihweatrra |>art of the city.
and tba Amer.
do. the *1
•niy aeissratlng to go to their reap'n^'tlve Hunter oaa armi-d alavea (or the mur* Kswi consul there, regarding the future
boarding bouaea
They meet In tbe dcr of ibelr maslers. and ha* thus done
aervlle governir.enl of the Hhlllplp
tnontlng In the While House, or a me of all tn hla p.iwer to Inaugurate....................
Hi.rg I
tba executive dei>arimenta. and attend
at-UMSWOOD O.P.A-OtaadnaA.
Kung by Admiral Ivwe)-. In iM* agreeto bueiniu together until marly noon,
when they walk down IVanaylvaola t r hill TOT* to ibc ludlacrtrolaate slaugh* ; »»»"« Agulnaldo undertaket t«> organise OkAngaonO. M-*I. and 0. * W.IK.
prorurallsiw. Btoess
•venue tc the Capitol, and l>cgln the
taka Bflbet Today.
transaction of public hualiwaa In their
A little later the Confederate war dto
"t »*" ;*»■ ‘•‘ree Ai^can
committee rooma or on tbe Otwr of the
Tha aaw achadule ef the C. A W. M.
panmem laaued a formal orter. aa fol-1 del.-xtt*. aa counsdlora Tb* itorta of
MtJSs'stoska B.
be opened lo for. and G. R. A I. railroads will go late
-That Major Ovneul Hunter the archlpelara are
Hava KM44B To Pe rroaiL
eign trad* and tmmigrania. with eertaln affaet this Boon. Oa tba C. A W. M.
tlenrial 8|wldllig aaya: The peoida
rcatrtrUooB agaluM the Chtnese.
tba trains will taava Travaiae
Cf klK'hiaali have reae,>n to be proud
Then follow vlauoe* tirnmlatng Judicial
wt tbi'ir eoidiero. and also of their aol*
City, weak days for tba aeatb at 18;M
end other returtna tbe expulsion and
aAl.n-Ose M oaloes Oxiarsa
•i-r iMion. General Alger, who haa (•uilaws; and (hat In tbe event of tbe
abuilllnn of "tyrannical religious or A B. aad 4:90 p. m.. and every day ex•one »•' niuch to take care of our vol* capture uf either of them, or that If any
ders." the freedom of the prrm. protec eept Satarday at 8:M p.
Wiiieen. th neial Shaftcr. cummandlng other eommlasinned officer employed la
tion to Hpanlab residrnik. provlaUm for
tiu aiiiiy of Invaaion. la a Michigan drilling,
tbe retura of Bpanlsh offlriala to Spain,
who le ni.iktag a splendid ivcord slave*, with a view of their armed *ervday except Monday at C:I0 a b-. and
' o^^dVaa . Bark** Oedor Co..
and tbe general develupmeat of tbe
got himecll. t olonel Uardurr and Co'- b* In the wai. he ahall not br regarded
every day except Sanday at 1:40 p. at.
•ne! Moiuirlii are »i-nlor cuIoncU. and a* a prisoner of war. but held lo close
•DgMLOCg«DgW*Lg PLAMg-roes^te
Tbe Times' eoreesM'ndent aaya that and7.-O0p.B•re rKpesti'd Svon lo be plaivd in com- -'.-nfli.emrnt for execution a* a felon St
XX Ik* Tiatenw City Uiator Uv
the conimU of the agreement "harmon- '
Trains arrive from the aortb week
anand of brlyudca Gtuerml liufflrld la *m h Him and place as the praaldeal
• brigadier gen-ral. and be also will shall order."
guartors. but there I. no pPHif of lU
I‘(v*'dent Davla In hta aenaaitonal
have command of a bilgade. No oiber
Satarday at 9:80 a nt.
■late hae U-m ou much honon-d In tba |i|iH-lainatb>*, of outlawry agaln*l GenA dlapaieh from Madrid aaya: "SeBor
Trains arrive from tbe eontb. week
•rgaioaatiun cf the vi.lunte>-i army."
eial nutlet and all I'ummiaaloned offl*
SagaatA replying in the cones yrsier*
a m aad 6-49 n
and lymrrrw city property la eaakaag*. orwlU
MIchlgan'a naval hrio, Capivin Urid* • I IS In bli <-uminand. declared: "Afrllay. gave up hla life for tbia country. ran slaves ha«e nui only le-en Incited
It U now offlcially known at the navy ic. insurrcetlon by every ilivnoe and enadded that the situation there waa of |
'•---------------•epBMniedt that allhougb Capialrtlrld- (vtirueemenl. but numlers uf lb, m have
tbe gravest charai lrr Tbe diapatebes .
A raw oooD w»o mck wwatod.
Jc> wga on the aick list, he went upon siluall) U-rn ant»-d for
A CTtyL—terrw. wm
the bildge of tbe OlympU
coinnuiid of hit veaaol and directed her . ti-ri-ire and uHiai mcrcliesa airoclil^ of are aitacklr.g the walled cUy, ha* i at ASi a b-, 1:» p. m. and 7:08 p. m.
0oeem<-nl» thiougbiut th> gnat battle
in thie It was ordered \thal
caused Intenee di-pr-ssiun.
Trains laaee Traverae City tor tbe
(D Manila l>ay. He i-'ioatncd on duly I mcio e'aves captured In arma M-tr<
lAindon. June l*.-The Madrid eorre- L
aoatb at6:»a. bl. >1:10 a
healdc Commodore Dewey during that : on' - iVlitered oecr lo the executive an. ■pumlcnl of The Dally Telegram aaya:
"•»« •time of conatani battle, and cuBtlBUed I tb rlih-a of the rea|e<tlvr aUtee to ••General Weylt r. In the lourwe of an tA and i.to p. B
"G9n*ral Weyltr.
•e p-rr'im the dullea of hie uffi<v dur- ubn-b they belong to be dealt
Interview, ha* d*.lared that he never
Ing tb* miiiwlng »«-*k until he wa:
oaid state." and beard of Cbarle* A. rrandall. who last
•bilged to retire from duty by order of
Wbte aoetetg Xsatixig.
immisstooed offl- April, when arreaicd In the I'nlted
Admiral Dewey. Very soon tbeieafu-r
rolber* and eriminala deaervlna
Tbaanauaibuilnaai maeUag of tbs
8tate*. oserted that he had planted
be died and hit death was due enilrely d«ath, be. w h-mever eapiured, reserved
mines and torpedoes In Havana harbor Traverae City Bibte Boeiety will be
-UI^TreelrwC aam Jatv 11.9 p m-.^aUlw
to the heroic oervlcea which he ren
for eaecutinn."
or nod toatorial tee a aekoal hoMV at OW
under tbe j-rsonab orders of Weyler. bald at the depoaltery. 4M Union strMt.
_Uaotoo. oeetodlai
dered at a time when he should bave
P*»V» of HeisUailoA
Crandair* atoiy. a* published In tbe
been In hla bed under tbe rare of a doc*
lb view of the rest tuivesa which at
Tacnday evaning at 7:S0 p. m.
• rigt to rajoel oay oaOoUWtended the enllsimcrii of blsck recruits.
J. a BAanr, Saeratary.
hecanu- iieeeosary for Ih* govern*
Q that the anU- ment to adopt a wetlled pofl'T on lb*
When It became k
ere determined qu**tl.<n. and or July tv. IMS. the preshnnexailon i
BerUA June 18—tbree hundred and |
Banaganent knaps more pa^n
i> defeat
issed tb* following cgnprehcnaive thtrty-niur rv*ylu tn the recent elec- I
jwww eireoBBtencas than any other
to la'.k fur a
the llawniian r\-*oluttona benator Bur order:
(tuns for the rc.rbatag show that l«;on*teu»a. To bo auoeaaafal one must bring year obaaa: wwk 4eao white y«a wnH:
•It la ordered Ibat fur every a,Idler second lalkit* w.ll be neertomry. TTie lookahead and plan ahead ao that
row* said:
T am in favor of rhangtng
the I'nlted Flat** klll.-d in rtolatlon retuTTUi tbu* far assure tbe election of wbpBalavn
. ..
..---------------—'—----------- •the rules of tbt aeaate so aa tu enabl*
U itself he is rriiilj
• majority to do business i believe of the Inw-a nf war. a rebel s>ldler shall 84 Conaervxllvea < liDr*riariatL
to tek* advaninga of
that a rule abnu'd b* adupted piovidlng be executed; and l' > evrry one erslnved Cenirlsla. 4 KefoimlSl*. < National Ub*
A UtUe forathougbt wlU also save
by the enemy, or sold Into slav.iy. a enilK. I candidates of the RadleA Ua- Buck expense aad valnaMe tima
that wbenevet a maj'>rll> <>f Ih,- sen
ate shall addiws* a communication to rebel Aildler eball be |>lar.-d at nan la ■ lon. C Dostal Demumts. 11 Holes, on* pradeat and n oarefal man will keep a
r on the public works and cirfitlnued -Dane aad 7 Independenta B la Irapos- botUe of Chamberlain's OMte Cholera
the vica'prraident. r*au*siing that a
such bard labor until tbs oth*r shall a!W* a* >at to pr.dxl the comp.«ttaB
vote be Uken on a pending r<>*olotlciD
la the koo*A
at a certain day and hour, and thia be released and rcslve the tr«aiCK-ni of the rew relohslag
tha abifUam fallow wifi vralt antU neu* to a prl»-.ier of war."
C<in>inuni*atl>-« ti sigued bv a majority
eeealty eompeU It aad than ruin his
iftot NrWeaU.
Tfais order had a salutary effe,-t. abd
•f lb- wiiaKrs. 11 shall l*c e.uis-.dered
Wausau. Wla.. June U.—The Wlai on* beat horse goiag for a doeter and haee
•n order of the oeonu- and a voir shall tb* Cuiifederate government abandoned
Bin A heutser.fe* brgaa Its session ysa- a hig doctor bill to pay. boaidcA on*
then U- taken. Ttila nil. would un*
t.rday. I'elegatl. ne ar.- present from all pay* oot 98 ecntA the other U oat a
gmiblrdly dispose of the fliltmaiera af retaliation did riK faroume nscessary.
the largest cities In the statA About Sandrad dallar* aad then sroadeia why
result, bawever. was not aecom*
the inKioHly on every «.aslon when
tl.990 has b*M oSered In priasA Inelud- I hi* nakrhbor I* gelUag rldter white b*
they would undertake to defeat the wiU ptiahel before tb* country and
•f the maji-rtty."
genatM McHHlan I* nfto in favor of
.................... ...
Horse Hotel.
Uteri, Sale and Feed £an.
i i«.i -s-bb-u. ok—
BndhMa I fIsdBinkT,
B. J. Morgan,
On M. * K. S. S. B.
All bnggage, boa and back woA
for said rowl abonld be left vith
m& Office 239 SUte street, tale*
D6 8. All orders left with m»‘
will receive prompt attentiem*
Gnid Mpidi t miui LI
fJ -i-ii
11 J t B
1 w-."'
1 **
unnu in HnBUiui Li
Witti Xarl, th* yawdw.
LSrr-issfa-Tli ■sria?
■IHB JCOBHIHG EBOOEtt. ttUrViaUSB niTY, Itiflg. BUHSET JtTHB 19« 1898.--'nd» TWO.
The Little Hornets of the Navy Are as
Great a Menace to Those on Board
as to Those Whom It Is Their
Purpose to Destroy.
Cramped Quarters op the Insufferably Hot
Death Dealing: Cockle Shells of the
Cuban Squadron Make Life
Well Nigh Unbearable.
toomrncht. un.)
Ow Mvr to full of hceoM vkeor
unM arc aeldem board
taintar not tamlUar to anr oae'ouuido
of oActal clidea The ocw«i>ap«T» arc
CIVM up to tbc .acblevemcQU ot tbc
" • ■
■ or the
and Sai
aary. but
ttoaed, aad ret tbeae men arc ebarscd
With tbc moat perUoua work that can
•oaolbljr faU to any one on Uard any
•Wt of a warablp. On tbctr little oorkleibaUa axtotencc to well nich puiratory.
«Bd yet, benldee tbe dtooomforu they
tMtfer undM- nonnat eendltloaa tbey arc
enquired to aKcrtaln for tbe commaad«• of th •
quartets In tbe atetn. In tbe bow arc
tbe torptde tubea, two to four
■mall atock of
All nearly all tbe available apace for.
ward- The upper deck to au ttaln that
la some Instanrea It pr<.ducca the trapreaalon of clvlng way beneatb the feel
as one walks on IL ne torpedo boat to
beavtly built. No thick plates of
or protect her'aldes. except atlcblly
about tbe machinery, and ahr la of aucb
delicate conatructiun that a rifle ballet
penetrate ber, poaalMy dlaarTaiip
bath, etcctrtc Uybta. apeaklng tubea.
mmya poltohed furniture and handaumc
rartwtf and mlrrura while encraclnpc
or paateto and palnUnpa banc upon
board -carvy their Uvea In tbclr
«-alto The laat atatement would
particularly 4ppl><'ahle to tbe cabin of banda”
The hot sun durtn* tbe day. rcBectio*
CapUln Cbadwfck of tbe New Tork.
for be Is consldeiably mere than an UB the metal caalnp. adte to tbe Inten.
lb temperature
amateur arttot la both oil and water
"bornet" Into a
colon. Uto work baa lone alncc esrited
>rable comment from art autburl* plapue of mlaery. while at nlchl tbe
dencca of bit Utont there to no doubt
that tbc aldea of hto room on beard tbc
armoraA emtocr baca alao tacked upon
them aketrbca that be baa made from
nature In many watcra a»d raried
of tbe Interior when
tbare aeck repoae. It muat be virtually
a life "on deck" for tbe entire ahip'a
crew. Then there to nothlnc more than
a dull routine of ordinary dutlea, rwab-
by tbe fiia. tbey are Ukewtor a conatant
tpsaace to those whom they are deaipnof ttacm all. torpedo boaU require fre ed to aarea An unlucky abut, tbe burst,
quent repalra. and then tbey return to tnv of a ptoce of
Tampa or Key Went. flrtM the
any one of a hundred c
ace acwelcome '
few daya at etdenu wuuU be auBclent to aend all
1 foi^a
-mat from tbe coaflnea of tbe natal banda Into eternity in a trice. 1
are aeveral torpedoea In lencrml
the btaec taUowa cm board o«r larfe I One of tbe beat fcnoam to tbe Howell,
bat -toahlpa and crutoen. area erttb tbair I dertaad by Cosunodoie John A. HowHL
apecA] awalttca of duck awony over the U to a fatortu one (n tbe United BtatM
malnaa upper deck, tbelr torse quarters ! nary. At tke and to a propallar which
of opor apace. ventllaUny apparatua. ] pota rhumlns abemt as tbe torpedo fltoa
fUnaato and all tbe eoBvenlencea for I
t tbe
' Burface of* tbe
' water.
inlnliBltlDS the <
vui ui .uv wrv
boat, wtth not one of tbeae CacUIUea ...
WbUebcAd torpedo, witb li
remedylns extremely dtotreaalns aur- j dertul Obry _ r. to the o
r»undlB*i that become actual mlaery. [ torpedo which has ever been uaed in
the life of mn attached to the cricked, war. The United Sutes was tbe last
Icadlnc nation to adopt it. Qie nary
only be deaertbed as deplorable.
deparimeal dilArinc acUon with the
U to well known that In lime of bat hope that aunA; Inventive American
tle there to no more eminent poet of senlus wouM deviae nee equal If not
dancer than on tbe torpedo boat. I'n* ai*arior to It. but tbe hope was vain,
leas ordinarily It ran approach within and a tew years aco Imperative need
MB yarda of Ita dcaUned eictlm Ita work
the Wbliewin not be aocompanled critb a- creat bead.
procpect of succcaa. and at that dto* I Tbe term of tbe device la to be found
tance from a waiablp. if dlacovcred, It I in floatinx powder veeaeto, wbicb were
require* only one well aimed abot from flr« uaed at tbe alece of Antwerp In
a rifled sun to poMi na ahatiered hulk' tSU and received tbetr Uieat appUcadoa-n beneath the anvea. probably Uon In Havana harbor on Feb. U. UM.
droa-ulns every man. Mlaery while
David BuabnelU an American caputn
quiet, almuat certain death In the b»ur - enslncera durinp tbe Revolution.
of conflict, to the attendant penalty of made Ibe flrat practical apv
bains a member of lu-crew. Asatn. tbe Idea by oriffinattng a i
while there to n« doubt of tbelr effi
ciency and of their powerful capability
to alnk the larpcst warablp afloat no
far torpedo boau have not proved to
(treat Importance as taciora tn
battle In this war or lb pracedlns
strifes between naUoaa Ctrcumaianccs
iy ezhlbltins tbelr
are nevertbcieaa
Irre of tbc battlcehlpa and
CTUtoara as a poaMbic aerideat-Uke. for
pedoea Colonel Samnel Con'flm to
tlcaljy applied tbe oee of alectrtefti
tbe IcBitlon of t'
But. after all. for nearly I
Idea had been treated as an
and until tbe O
the -water bomb" for harbor darn
la tbc i
lurklnc foe.
All nations have i
torpedo as I
tba coal mine to tabooed. Tbe coal
mine to a paefcace of tea poonda
powder fixed to look like a tump af «aM
and cither placed In the bunker* ar M
tbe aupply of coal which a ship to talto
Inc on board.
It to reoerally unka<
Cusblnn was tbe oaly i
compUsbment of tbe Fcderato In m^—s
of tbe torpedo, tbe Coafcdenaca btov
up T mooitorv. 11 wooden wanbtpa. B
array transports and several other vrdBelt. In addition to diaabUny many
more. Tbe torpedo boats that were an* ’
ployed In the totter year* of tba war
tn sUc to tbatf
antayonlsts that tbey were
"Davidsand were known > sack »
both the northern and
“Tbe Davids and the monitor*" was •
well w orn war phraae.
But It to stranne that in tbo doMM
wan. xreater and leaner, alne* «to Itos
etmnict none of tte antaptoe
taken adrantape of .the dM
of Ibe American tarpedo^u^
1 that subtle taatrumeat to t
tod. and th.
Sricaaon n
with bar enptnea turaiap as they had
practically ordinary steam.
never turned before, bad put aucb
A and the aallora hive only
distance between ber. and ber enemi
contracted space In which to habC thclr
on the abore that she could not be aeen bamencK-ks. one above the other. There
an never more (ban U or M men. tocludlnp officers, on a torpedo boat, and
apparently they have been allotted only
a lew square feet each, to be occupied,
accordlnp to tbe bo«r of day or nlptaL
as Hrinp or stoeplnp quarters. Ibe at____ f hatUe.
y«t the officera aaaipned to them minta endnraUc.
. _ n ------about „...
tbelr duty as
tn n eool climate or In wintry weatheboartuUy as ihouph in command of tbe •ar tbe torpedo boat would be rccarded
warship that . .. bared
as barely fit for habitation, but under
boaom to tbe embrace of the___
tbc tropical sun of Cuban waters, with
And verily tbla is the day of tbe tor. tbe pT«at boilers betcblnp forth addl.
tional beat—pad tbe Area Are never ax.
Tbare la really noihlnp new la tbe
‘ wffien once tbe boat to on
use of tbe wicked mlaaile as an spent
of warfare, aliboupb It did not fully
bepln III career and work <.f dratrve.
On very warm nlpbta It to imtlon till our cIrU war. and tbe torpedo poealble to remsOn below decks, and of
boat ban been constructed aolrl
■lely for ficers and crew must find what oppur
irpuae of aupplylnp the i«se
of tufiliy they can to pet sleep op rest on
the embattirmant from wbicb what may be termed tbe "oatalde." but
tre torpedo to flrvd.
no accommodations then, and
A baitieahlp or a crulaer or even 4 the pk-iure of a man laabed to a stanpunlKAt has ample accommodations for chlon OP davu to prevent hto rolliop or
tbe officers and crew. On the larper 1*1np washed overboard as be aleeia to
"tn»H f.w ar there to frequently much
oi an Infrequent sipht.
toxu.y In the
t'he torpedo boat is only an lron.sbeIl,
wardn>oms. nnd the capialn'e or com- with larpe bollen and enplnaa to (Ive
Bodore'B or admlral’a cabin to a corpreat propulMon r*q«lr«d to
feow stateroom, srilh eTvry acceeaory CMble her to dash ahead with Upht*toM* an hot and COM wanr. a shorn
. i
mploy tbe men. Instance, a a
n or driftto a rock or
with another vmbcI
peller abaft
But uncomfortable as tbe torpedo
boat to under tbe condlttatu piren. bow
much worse to It when. In addition to
everythlnp else, old Neptune poea on a
rampape and kicks tbc sea up Into
veriuble monatalns; Then axlitriice on
a torpedo boat Is as nearly unbearable
as human Bind can conceive. Tbeae
craft are bum for speed and are natutally very sharp at the bowa
qoanUy when they plunpe into a sea.
Instead of -Irunlnp out" the water, as
express It tbey po rtptat
tbruuph. and tbe waves break o
tbem and fall on to tbelr decks In bupc
votnmea, which Ureaten Iramlacni dis
years apo tboupbt. as did nearly every aster to the little vrasria Every man
ons Mae. that be tod a dop-a life, but Is then unsafe unless be be
unless the ablp was bclnp drP
tbe bulwarks or to aometblnp else about
hurricane he had a comfortable ^>ot to tbe atmblUty of which there oan be no
■wtnp hto hammock, and bto nlphtly doubt Naturally. txx>, every ope oa
board to tborouphly drenched, and even
after the storm baa passed over, the
cramped quartern will not admit of tbc
me on board a tonwdo boat whet* offi. taklap of proper precautions to puard
eer* an^men find nlpht and day a con.
last colds and resultant paeumonla.
Ptant effort I
from the arilfl.
t prrtty safe to assert that every
any pros
. tbe day pect of flpbUnp. but It to equally true
by the bumlnp rays of torrid sun.
that Mot more than ooe la ten esMa
Whan lylnp In pcet._4
crew Of a tor. for It U U to to come as tbe result cC
are altowerf, __________ __ BSTAice os a torpedo boat
PorttoM Of tbc Um« oa shore.
Aaotbar atom sat sA daapar M ta b*
drill, but that to aeemlnply uannceeaBry.
Exerclac of some kind wouMbe a relaxatton. but tbe boat's purpose to almply
to shobt torpedoes by air pressure from
tbe tubes or pneuraatic puna, and pe
men are ibetv to feed the enptnes. to
atear and to Arraape for the dtoebarpe
of . tba torpedo. There cannot be any
tsrpet practice, for torpedoes an ex.
peaalve. ooetlop from ttHB- to CX.BM
cakb. and srilb tbe comparaUvely amaU
ipply the boat baa In ber forward
compartmenu not one can be wasted
If It IS possible to AVoM tbe loaa
Tbe aeamen on tbe coaaUnp vessels
nd steamers of our AtlanUc porta may
think tbelr lot to not an enviable one.
tacbed by a wood aerew to tbs botl^
of an enemy's vtsael and fired by a
clockwork fuse. Tbe Brat actual trial
of the iDveatloB was made In ITT*, when
the boat under tbe puld-nce of Berpeant
Ezra Lee was placed under the sides of
the Eaple. an EnpUab man-of-war lylnp
at anchor In New Toek bay. Tbe aerpeant bewrever. fcand It UnpracUcabto
to attach tbe torpedo, which was then
cot adrift and aooa exploded without laiarinpany one.
la -m Captain BuabDcIt directed a
drifUap percuaMoB torpedo apalaffi tbe
fripate Cerberua off New Haven, and it
destroyed oslnleatloaalJy a
moored aloa^de. ffimllar torpedoes
were ant Aeattnp in tba Delaware rtvwr.
but effected no barm.
Tbe name "torpedo" was Invented by
Robert FUltoa who about U0» made
viporoBS attempts to brlap tbe new
weapon Into use. Unsuccessful In
France, be went to Buptaad in 1M4 and
tbe fleets of -ttn oDponentA Ttwn
have bees apaamodic attempts oalF,
and every natloo aeeiM to hav* baaffi
busily eaitaped wltt tbe uh^
whether there be considered the dr*
cuBw^ancea. tbe type of warship or tba
fact whether tbe deatruetten was
wrmtpbt from within or wlt^t. Tbd
flrat torpedoes In poatUon were dtoeovered la Mod river, near Fort PuMaW.
la Fbbmary. IML Tbe Federal ponbaat
Commodore Jonca. (O tons sad Ms '
puna, which was Mown up In tbe Jamer
river It) 1K4. furntobed possibly tbe
fear^ apoctaeto ot Hie power of
Naval actodeeiy. under the p
of tbe present Rear Admiral B.
Maithewa. then a tteatenant comoBB
praparatory and experiment
ecbool of c“
an attempt to deotroy the French fleet
t. wbicb later rvoulted la tbd
at Boulopne. which peoved uuBtoceaMUL
nt^qf tbe torpedo otarioa at
In tbe same year be blew up the brip Newport. R. 1.
DoroCbea. aaeipned to hto ezperimeut
Naval officers have beeoato as tuQr
trial la tbe bartwr of Deal.
acqualntsd iritb torpedo tactie* as ttaar
HoUvea of poikT caused Bspland to
lets Petal, ft. T. This lemitutSoe
fnl Juat before tbe clom* uf the war «t tbc idea of wad to ooctro’-ed by the
UU preparations were made for an ex departmeat.
tended defew* td ov baibcn* by tar.
pure air.
tte >1111^ te* raik« «»• i
Thwti taioMVajto iB^ kFr**BMW. ufl tfaM ti to InAfwt him aemdlt« iDtba rate of tbounkr, ikiMflMtdlat
hliBtonolteUte Uim>b •ooMNUi^ln
Mmtxn in good KMidlac iB OotUoraU,
«MM IB M» Mgs; tote Mtoto. »a,404.OtotBcwm iB onaltoWMyotkbratteai
B iBOBMe <tf iBWte IB
ladeBwUh oiygwt la aenl to all paita to
toe body. girti« off altmg ita ooom ito
Boda^u'wv lo(o *>
oxy;nxi aad. taking ap oartonicacid ga*.
|«f bit WUlMd prudUM tiDf
.—... ^
lueU—jm.M tettnc m whtoh It iBtBgB at laMtotoe Innga
. TettfaMeoKmaoMaiidiBsbIcb when It it oa« oot in axpltotlon. Mere
oxygra it taken In by inapbatioa and
peopteto toe world .who rtitaallydecfare toe toina ptuuat la repeauA
" ‘
‘ og be fall and deep,
perform an UnpoadhUlty—to ituSelt Ite
aoB at tight.—Mteouri Fraematoa.
Ibe report to tor grand high petet of may rwelve lie fall anmmt of oiygtn
Malar *bow« U ohapbnwIUt A8u» Royal btoore egain ataitiiig npon ita coar to
Arch Marani
diatribatiati ebraogfa tbe boi^. Cbm eoe
It U highly prataabte that the Maaont to aee any mare fordUe aignmcnt In taror
MlnaeBola wUl fulhnv toe example to oth of loow toothing than thia? It it atoo- '
er Mate aod vetabUeb a home fur Uawkl- lately impoeMble to aecnre plenty to
owt and nrphana Up to toe pceaent time oxygen if toe toothing it wcm at all
the hUtooc have been folly able to oare
for t
It 1* _
. ______ _____
a borne will be oeokel. and luaay Maaona
Tbe air letrAng the longa U Uden with
an of tbe optnloD that It It time toeommenca work early.
that deadly poiaoa carbonio add get, I
Brethren, let at atody tlw ftnt d^ree wfatcb if given off in a clow room when '
mote, without oegtetlng tbe otoera It DO provlxlan la made for ita eacaye and
bavaMatoiuboutcof Maranlo tee. bard tbe cnitmnoe of pure air eoon render* |
to get at, btit totlMylng to tba auol when the air atterlyonflt to breathe. Perhapa
•omeniidit you wiU find youwdf nnOne of the
MlIngilnBoaolalB. able to deep and tomblerateemlyaboot.
Bawtol, U too W7W Muonic tenpie. •
Then are 818 Royal aod Seleet Matert
In LouUiana In aven ouuncU*
Tbe oommandMisof KnIghuTamplara
1 rrioin to bed and
and otben In LoultrUlo arc alnwdy work probably will wxm be alerping quietly.
ing to eooura tba boUIng ibera of the trt" By He raetleetiiiwi
tonlal eoaelara to too grauU cewampmeot
g ite n<wd of more
la 1001.
"Tbe ivtlgleBl belief of
Matonry I* out a nubjcct of leunlry woeblog hi* fleaeu lo beouinu a tOaran if bU
Ko BMOttor tewld «w rerte Id* TOM. truat U Id God. bU faith I* tell founded "
A fiBB4 lod^ 1* liable for tte «lebM of So rate toe graod matte of Rgoineky
• a^UBM lodgeonlrttUM eaten of (ha
Every Maaoo tboaU eantritnite to bU
eglaa of the
tt neeltoa from the
’ WfpaMThe Indian Maaea mye Tbera aeemt to
m» lot tbe pMl ymr. i—t uaDber> be a large nnmtier of nuoalEllaud Matuna
In toe Indian Tetriiory. Tbit aboold not
Macvof tbe aoldteboT* wear tbe tbne be. Raeb lodge abuuld bare an aellTe
ItBfca. wbieb U a guarantee that Mead*
trak for toeae tet abeep and
WUl Dot be wantlBg to Uine of Bead.
Tbe fend to toe k
dar^ tte Odd FaUowa
« and tomrity Wuet now a
to nbooaSlbu.OOa
4Hte lodge Irani aBDoal to btemlaL"
Vbe one great teeon tan^ br Odd
yMbnrablpl* todoaoBteblng a&d In dotog that atonetblng btei aomebodr ete.
Aim graadwho It alaoa patoeblef
■totlafeh nar tear a eomblnattei eoUar that toe neraamry funda to pay ter toe
to tooaatweianktlsaaabcBdlnatoMg* moanment have all been nUwd and ate
.AtotodlB^ to Uw.___________
now Id tbe handi of tbe |m>per euModUn
will be balled with deUght by evefy loyal
Pythian In the tuprama dotaaln. Tbe
eetemony will take place July 87 at Dtkm,
andtbeiocaUoeaf toeconventomof toe
■ e« tte Order la Pea
grandlodgeto hew Yark hubeen changed
from Binghamton to Utte. Tbe unveUIngto toe moonmeot wtU bring togeibcr
tod to loembereblp In tVontj-Waola. l.OdO avaM
eMMoumeot Pytolantfraui all paita
gltoaiatod and »M admitted bytaidTawto) of b.AM and a Bit gain of 1.8M. Tbe to tba aapMow domain, fortoU laaniattertogceuallnteeM:
toBoberablp of toe ttatc U SS.UU. In 8S« bring made to have toe uDlfmi
rank out
Irthr Uw ardor expended tlK.VlO.bO
iBtelef, «88,670.8>for fuDeial beDedta, In fun force, aod toe parade will be under
Major tietwral
gae,nt.es for other pnrr>te>. Beoef^ta.
MpACnUB' Tbe Invndcd fimda to toe
gpMtai tribee U IftTO.aTi. 16.
Tbe Society to Pa«l Cheneelten. an orttore are eenral tribee
VtonehBtei and llaUane In too K«w
oounty, which bu been In •
for four yeara, bu done much to twotnote
the pact year. Tbera a
tbegrawtoand harmony etlttlng among
the Uleveland lodgw.
Cbltotaln-t teguee are being organltod
Tbe untform rank to Texu bu offered
to terete aaettaot to Indiana aod Obla
lU eerricre lo OunrtMir CulLenon for
Trlbor Xoa. 180 aad SSSof Klngetoo, dnty In tbe war with Stain.
y. y.. wlU bold a eelabradOD oa tbe 4tb
Tbe grand lodge to Tennemae adoptod a
toBsok Hood.
teaolatloa raqueetlng each tabmdlnau
tbe aoxlUarieeare atm dotag good went lodge to diepUy toe Man and atripu at Itt
toteiMlM to which t^w^teyibed, caMle baU during lueewdon. Briodur
Geacte AUlaan to toe BDlfcwm rank hu
. .
let tM aot forget tbe pKmaaeBi part sent Governor Taylor a
’ gar order took lo tbe eariy atrnggle to toe eervtaB to toa nnlfccm rank fi
ante tboe United State tram fwelgB
gala and that we are tbe..............................
laand badonrbeginatog In tbe patrlotle Impotea toMgsra
■sMtag raele Ateel tba Otter gram
Kalgtoe aad tadte ef Iteaer,
r teoad tram San Praaoteo. a
It Older to Unli
wu orgaotaed 80 yean ago wito only «
SB membera Itt growth bu been mpM
and atedy. At ptowni tbera ara more
toan SW.OOO merabtn. Eighty mUllon
dolUrshu been paid oat to 40.000 famUte to teoeamd member*, and toe oidtr
hu never boro known lo delay peyment
to two year* U tbe reourd.
Aeeonling to finaBctal aatemeat. tbit
teder rendvMl fram tbe 7S.OUO niemboa reeamtly In Dblo
during tbe put year. TbU
Vaa dlxtributcd ainung ihu d<-|ieodenuto
fMlBembsa Tbetuprvmc i»jRvex|i<3m toreaMsDoe______________ _________
uocnr* sway tram home. aU that Is re
quired la ptM to identity.
any who opposed the —'*-* plan
- into line and .proving
. torir kyalty to tbe onkf fay setting to work with
tfarir wbuk) iwari and uylng to make to*
plan Bsuooua.
Tbe average age to tbe new members *dmltiod In MUaourt during March and
GfBBd Dictator WiUlt of 1
April wu abuut 89 yean.
Mi-mbets Id good standing at lari moBtb^
ly n.i«rt, SU.uTA
Tbo old member hu taken a meood
thought and wUl retain hU membership
Sick benriltt ara paid by sabardlnate
l^gea u provided by toe bylaw* bat
ratkma to calebrate tb^ aUror aaol7 aod bu iBTlicd all toe lodgee in
KolgkU •« Molte
Bamtne CouBcUor Mone bu raled that
There araII1 eummaoderteat TO pi~~«
vaalwrtto toe order >ululng theteuntotofoKtafur Uwwarduoor tbereby la- B Penuylvula. ,^8^0 b> memborahip
gtoMaU.tbelr benefit oerilllcataa. but no
tonhtr war rltk* wiU be aeoepto) tram ^toe order In Pennsylvania Uaboat 14,Igtolii IB too army deatriag to >oln tbe
_ Jprone Oommandw Dr. E. W. RMniwi
"tatlon plan It copyrighted by hu loened a practenaUoo utumr uuu
tot aatoor, 8a|m
SatoeuM) Cuuiwllur H. R. Souirday, June 8*. fornU
to .oelebrate U» el^t
toma but be bu» given
lu tbe ulSrUla to
UibnndredandilfUclh abnlvrarntrof toe or■
- pririllliweuf
Iiegeoi aoopung u gg, ,hteb fall, cm Jife 84. Sk John's day.
. ttolr vtlom Utoey'disiteT
iRiiaflitperaairalwaym latbalnB^
In Itenlt tom/ara now 87 tenta. with
neorterUmakliig rapid *ap4tte In tbe
gktee to Indiana. Mleblgao. Mlunaeria a total membership of AH49. whlrii dom
not Inolnde toe many hivm with tbdr
md Ctooeado and also to Maryland.
memberibi^to the tedteto toe Maeea-
OaMM* to Bee. B. H. Omte
Mo.-Trae MtadeUe—Pm. xrUL M;
k «. U-l>: deha xe. U^b
Botolng la DoraffaairBhla In tUt Ufa
In tbe boar of need, aand by at in tba
boar to trial, look chariuUy npon oar
« and balUiet and appraoUlc
especially low figare.
good waarera.
Tba; are all aolid leather and
We carry a large atock in all atylea
aod all prioea and can pleaae yon. For a good wearing aboe get them of
antt Bhow bimalf friendly" (Proe.
sTili. 84 V Lore begea love, kindnea
btgMa kindnatand frieudtblp begett
...................................................... to bat
frieodt and not be friendly. If we feel
loocly eometinia end to* need of fel
low »tatp and aaoeintioo with otbert and
bare It not and waada wfay otoen bare
let 1
W* Uve in a world to myitarim Wf
eanaot nnderstand tbe minpimt Mkcee
to natnn. We speonlaie aad toetrite
and act forth oor belitoa aod, after all,
toay am bot beliefa Of a mrety we
know bat iitUe or next to nothing
Wbem we aaoend into tba mlm of ayirit, toe myMalmgrow and de^en. Into
whatever field we carry oor InveetigatkoM we ara oonstantiy nmloded tbat
even wbat we do me"we amutoroagh
a glam darkly," and cannot folly ondermanA—Cbrittian Work
Not a Man
Not a Woman
but who Bhoold be intereeted la—
Right Yaln(5 In Merehindise
—All the time bearing in mind that to be right
▼nines, goods most be deeimble style, reliable qnnlity
nnd oorreoUy mnde. 8neh goods are vhnt nre offered
yon nt this store, et prieee to plense yon, becnn»e they
$n money enying.
Summer Crash The New
Very popaUr now. Baet
Una in town. Plioes,
Soto 200.
for Udieg and OenUbmen. Big, l?ew Lina
now here.
at $100, $1.18, $1.76,
$8 26 end opwerds to
6.00. Everything that's
new in deeinble handleg, yoQ'U find here.
M*de of Znrieb bilkn,
in nn entirely new
order <d pettenA The
beet shepM are fonr-in*
hand, Tnperiel, 8|6cUl
Clnb, Pnff end 'Bow.
26oto 60e.
Kew lota keep a coming
in here conatantly. The
correct colorings and
atylea, perfect fitting gar.
menta, at pricea that are
not expensive. 60« to
Women’s Sum
Take a
mer Skirts,
Made of Crash, Doek,
etc. Prices are 60o to
$2.60. Beet of fittera
they ere. too.
At onr Men's Summer
Caaaimere Snits.
price. $8,90 to $16.00
BeBlbitiPofiluI)!; Goods, Cirpetud (MUM iNa.
'213 Front St.
SMck Br..Ind Thn. TtJM. . *Mh
Fltichei's Ofsttr Dipu ait Riatunut
I There Is One Thing
MM tore.
A* love eoom from bmven «> il
feel on bmvenly teaad. it mnuot exi«
exist A
Intbewildernem onlem It be fed
muioatneiaa high. Love
ca loT* Tbe vary aonl end life to
love to Ood i* Hia love to na—Epiaeopoi Beeorder.
la oor experiesoe. a toonmnd tones
Taktag «taM hy the Peraleefc.
more Intolacant toan toe oonaervativm
"Ma, can 1 go over to SaUle’a boam of any laUglana faith.-JewUb T«to
0t tbaoidwarhen ara brariitognptoelr
aad play a little wUleP’ aaka 4-ymr-old
•96,818,000 worth to oottfleaM In fatea
gner far • aBsoMtonl enmprign.
TResniWDUMitont IsdletribatingbaBeflie *^ea,dmr. I tot care If yoo da
fte 4MB tote Id ^ Older for 1897 Md
IMiSte thn Mra to Ih* 1.908 to and dImbUlir rialma u toa at* to $110,"Thank yon. ma," wu toa damot HmttoaworMia I
i«|dy. "!>* been. "—Ixmto Pan.
We wOl ckae out a few bn^eo lota of Sboea, at an
toip ara Mggaatad by toe lopiiml ttotr-1 j
A Tree friendabip manifeeta Itaelf
in tbe boor of need. "A friend in need
ia a fritmd indeed." "There U a friend
that iiiukMb cloaer than a braUier,"
mya tbe wiae man. We apply ttaeae
word* to Cbriih Solomon dto not. He
bad learned from exparieuoe perhapa, or
from ofaeervation, that men bad *om»ndi who wen more cooaitbfnl than brutoera
D bDDiane
tbe darken bonn of life,
of greateat need, frianda not bonod to
na by tbe tie* to blood are often mure
itofal to M than iboee who are. Tbe
ally adeed for, and it ia i ,
qniet. We get aa modi nneaaimee and ;
a tbe want of tola food , tbat friendabip bu often stood tbe ten
as wbuo we do not eat eaongh. only tbe to need bette than rdatlonabip In tbe
■ympuana are not eo well ondernaod boar to need w* abnold be trtw and oonnor reoagnlaed ao qaickly! Aiwayskeep Aaat to botb brother and tnend. Our
yoor month cl<nud and breathe tortmgb aympatby and oar aid aboold be u tbe
yonr nos* Then tbe air la wanned, enU to all who have eitbar eULm epou
■ligfaUy moiatuned and largely treed n* Tbe greaten need to oar triendi la
fium peniclra of dnat, ao that wb«o it tbelr apiritoal need. If we have reoeiventer* tbe louga it dou* not irriute edbealingfoT oar sina in Obnsi and
ooT frieiMlt bave nut, we aboold tell
e with by
them to tbe Chrlet wbo ia able to beat
ridana la'anmia. In this trooble
all men. Cbrtat mid lo tbe man oat of
parieot i* pale. Ufeleaa looking, tired wbntu He bad cast a devil. "Go b<une
aod generally ored nR often witboot to toy fnuud* and tell toem how great
being able to toll dlMiooUy bow toe tbings toa Lord hath done fur tom aud
dou feel Sooteimea tbeae patirato my bato bad oampuMon on tbee." So we
that they have not enongb blood. It is abottld tdl onr trieDds wbat Cbrui baa
really only an eloaent to tbe blood done for u* tost toey may be led to
which is wantlag. bat ^t ia a very destra His friendabip
impertaat tme—oamely. tbe i«d blood
A Tbe troest frieodtolp U divine
triendibip—toe friendabip to Cbrlst.
**Wbe^yoa know that it la only tbom He » indeed toe "friend that sticketo
eorpoaoleewhieb have tbe power to take oloeer toan a brother." He bu stood
tip and carry oxygen, yoo eee attmoe Hu own teH to ideal friendabip that a
bow Important it k that tbe blood man lay down bis life for bia frieod*
tooold not be lacUng In than. Good, Cbrikt u a friend baa power to help ns
vtooteom food, pleori to it and weU In time to need. He nodersUDdi oa u
digeried wUr give yon tbe otorneclea no oue elm doe* or can. aod is therefore
PtiiBlto toem with tbe oxygen and tbe able to help na u no one elan He never
body win have an ImRcttant alanmit will dlmppolnt o* Be ie always near
townrd bealtlk—What to Eat.
aod rmdy u help a* HisfrivodtoipU
intelligent, dislntwested and cooalaot. |
Gnu w. dowitoooi Iti To have it we'
mott be Hie friend* and to be Hit'
friends we moet.obey ***»" "Yeare My
friends tf ye do wbatooever 1 oomIf Job were to rise from tbe dead and maudyoo." Will yoo do it.'
look tfBB tbe buerens. mya Profemor
Bible Bmding*—OeoL xiii, «-8: 1
9. J. J. See in Tbu Atlantic, be would Sam sviii. l; U Saw. 1. 86-8;; U
see tbe ootiaullation* related to one an Cbrtm. XX. 7; Prov. vt, 1-3: xvii. 17;
other as to old. tint be would find that xxli. 84; XXV. 19; xxvii. C. V. 17; Mia
tbe pole had idiified ita pueitinu amung vii, 6; Zeob. xiii, 6; Lake xU. 4; Ju
tbe stars, and if an immortal ounld wit- 0, 88; Iv. 1-4; i John il. 16-17.
neea *i^e
A Cera For Mrcllaoua.
{evoeaaicn to tbo eqniuoxea prodooee in
aluot 18.800 yean tie wonid find tbe
When tenipuid to stay away from tba
btartru ao altered that tbo former as boom to God. joet aik yooredf tbe
pect conld be reoQgnixed only by an on- qoeation. "Soppum all ibe member* did
dentaodlng to the changes whito had u 1 feel like duiog—what fRenr An
empty oborota. toouots* Wbefftai^pted
to cot down yoor ctaorcb doe* joit'aik.
boaatifnl and
"Suppose all member* began cottiog—
of tbe Soathern Oum. nerw seen by wbst toenK' An empty treuory, to
tbe pruent inbaUtanU to Eoxope aud eonrm When tempted to oonplaln beTixible in tbe United State cmly oo ooi oaoae otoen do not ran toe oborah ae■lotben coast, farmerly abeme on tbe eording to yuor notion, JoM ask. "Sop
abote* to tbe Baltic; and can again be pom otban kept aloof aod grnnibledu
men in that latitnde in aboat 1S.0O0 I do—wbat tbeor A tumble down
yean. The erue* will then be visible oo obnrob, to oonrsa, randy to pam into
tbe abore* to Hndson boy. bat at pre* toehandato toe reoeiver. Iftoereare
CBt it it going rapidly aonthwaRl. and DO nob obofobe* it le beoaoae not
In a few thoomnd vcore will be inviai- nongfa mambera yield to eoob tempt*bleevtmat tbeexmsne point to Flcwida.
In like mantlet tbe brilliant Mar Oanopos in tbe cousteilatiaa Argo, sirastAe TMae* ThU Uahe ter Item.
ed eomo 87 degraos aoatb to Sirioa, is
The Bible bu a greet deal to my In
now visible in tbe eootocni piftioo to eonuBeadation of peace, bot at tbe muM
tbe UuitodState luaboot lAOOO yean tinieMroagly eoudeoins tiiom ebo ay
it will oeau to riau even in Ositral peso* peace, wbeo tbera i* uu peace;
AfflWioa. From tbe same canu. if Ptol and deolaree wito vebemeut eutpbaiia
emy were to again look npcm tb^ beav- that tbera is no pmoe to toe wicktd. It
«i* at Alexandria, be wonid be nnable dieorimlnate between a Doe and a falm
to raoognlau Alpha and Beta Qmtaiiri. peace, approving toe om aod ocodeuinwbiob he earily mw and «atal<voed in ing toe other. We •umeUmm hear men
tbe time to Hadrian. At |e«eait tbeee my "Let oa have paBoe" while they
maguifiomt stars ara Jnat rinblo at tbe 0 tbe toingt toat reader real peace Impyramid* ne.. Cairo, and in a few omibl* Troe p
mere thoosand yean they can be ueo lation in rlgbu
by dweltes on the KUe only in np^
Egyi«______________ ___
TU Mrttarr W Mjst.riu.
■a ru utM ru* u n.
AwoDan'a dab that Inveeted in a
dobboOM not long eiooe wu moob
against ita will obliged to employ
labm* The architect wu a woe
bat it wu found Impouible to froonre
srtnam oaipenten; tnaawis end plasterera One di^ portly beCon tbe oompletion to tbe Uructnre a wortman who
wu employed nirm tbe roto made a
mtetep and throat bis foot throng tbe
beantifnl bat not yet dried ceiling to
tbe anditariom. Jnst U this time. WO;
a number to dab membera dianoed to
be in tbe baUdlng. and to
attberight to tbe pedal extrmnity peodeoc from tbe oeiling may be better im
agined than deacribed. Tbe man wu
eventnally rcecned and tbe bole mtoded.
bot tbe imteb Mill obows npcm tbe cell
ing. aod u toe first rice preaident oats
iL "Well. 1 knewtoat If a faan
anytfflng to do wito this olnb bo wonid
be aura to pot hiafoot in it ’'—Chicago
Tribana _________________
D0RIN6 P-.
That Everybody Acknowledges!
We have now and always did have th^ biggest
bargains for the least money in Wall Paper that the
city has ever seen, ^d now we have a car load of
the biggest bargains right over dgain.
They are finding it out The seaum is not
over, for there are lots that were jnst waiting for
this cheap paper, and now that it is here are bnying
it, and they are all pleased.
Come and join tbe procession and see how ptea»>
ed yon will b^
taO Front Btnet.
TH» uomxiaQ ABOoao, SUSDAT.
nekltm yootb wbol»a
taUmti loribe wftr ftod had «p«it hia
Uaa AftMien.
,ttae Ib camp ia wrltinE
8onw interwdac experlfMota bare Booey flftftUjr tent thia teh
nmtl; bm
TVM(B of reptUeft. A mUtim of the TAtn^-Ut ahoi e« la Baa
TOKen of three aiakee wboae po4«i
«»idered aoet deadly
wee emTothtotteoJd
I'l kaow rear aeabar. lal <ro
p)cTed.aDdditferentdaaeawoeKiTento fioa-Dca'i
nbUta OneoftbeaeaDlmalateceiTed
k)*a Ft*
Ba» lore,
WltUn ft few moithi tbore viU be
—Atlanta OcBatitotiaa.
•fftUfttOe ta the oenOftl powv «tfttioo doee five timca the amoust asnally ccai-,
cE tteKiaem FftUe Power oonpftny. aidcred fatal and died in the cuotm of
to wilnntaa. In tbe maanwhUe Dr.
•I Nia«ftift FftlU. BO
thftii 60.000 Obalmette, the InveBinatcr of tbeae
•lactrioa bonepcm er. ThU U bd iiu- pbencnena, injected two coWcoenti.
> amount of foroi\ ftBd it U impoe-______________________________
metem of Kram into two other_____
Bble to ounopiTc wbftt it would be poe- I
momeote gave ttam the
tfhte to amenpllB by lu i^ipUcatioa to .une doee that bad piored fatal to cbe
Ibe iBdnatrial field.
{ flxet The turruD protected Cbe
Tbe additional amoont of power ntoi-'; perfectly, a
and tbciv waa not the ali^tbe poieoD to
ttoaed will be luaile arailaUe throoitb . eat' trace of tbu actitm of the
ibbita 'wm
ot U» Kin- ; 1« otamr.^
the extenakn of b.- plmi
m Fall* PoacT o.iuipiuiT. and thla then tued. m»e « wnicn wa» tnocoiateci
of the mort inlM»«tin(f in i
*!»•■ mama. Ten tisnat the fa^
lit ol
of kill;
the«RinetwinKlinen.ni-in pmgnwain doee
with the reenli
• Kew Y.rk -tele. The pnaent poa-cr
?rtthto thi«e mmutea. the irabbit
alatiofi ha* three 8,000 h'oraepower gm-I »Wch had not hw-a rondurod
d im
«atm in optratioti. making 15.000 < >7 t^« aeruin. while the other wa« in thiai; pido «yK
bompower in aa and when the ««<*• , •» »*y afloocUsd. Profcaaor ChalmeCte pido-Boa-wow-wow!
aiuo i* oanpleted them will be a total *»«
t^*" the nwUu of the ection
Fannie—What did be enj
«f ten gr«t 6,000 horwp.»w« tnrbimw ; o*
poienn* ooidd be calculated
and tbe aame number <f gmenitnn of-1 with oanaidrrabie precifico. Knowing JonmaL
_______< eupeclty at work tnmlng out
weight of the perecti
A WmM Ba Awaaaa
tbeir invisible fiirtw to give life to tbe . »»» pomihle to atate bow much paiao)
iw—n ...'Ko.
H^irima." mid Mr. Meekh*.
dwtroy and how much aemm
Tbe iUnstrattau in rmn.vtioei with would
lifa Tbe aemm it now be- *‘l Bouldnotthlnkaf
tbit article 1* a view of the deep wheel ^
and it baa bwu found ambitioua to fl^t for your country, ul;to beatable in quality and able to lact though 1 admire your patriutism unddo
any length of time.—Kew York Ihnt
■UAL m or aucABA rAuarownooMrAST.
pft«KBvated nearly to IM fnU depth,
which U ire feet The eolidityof lu
walla la well diaplayed. cut aa they
ant out of Bdid rock. Tbe width of the
pit areragea SO feet but at tbe top this
waa extended in (*der to provide room
flor maaeury walls 6 feet wide, carried
Aiwa to rook, the width between the
walla being 81 feet
.. 11,11 .I.ni
bln«Ti TOI
I ooV nwd «* to diMurb the tartiinee
already in place. At the far rad 1* ann
te atepUke appearance left by the reBoval of tbe rock in U-nrhea To the
. .
fi^ into the
walla of maacuuy aud ready to be
Which lea^doira tetote p t to he
tBTbtnm Here and tb«re
there alrag
al.mg Ithe
walls of te pit project the rastings
which the gilders of te pit will rest
■tamaters UoUained ftuiuitaaty transInnMa, wliich stand at thqra^ «f te
uwlhiUboBid strnernre, but with the
danpletiin of the new inMaUatira it y
ranpuasd to pla< •- four nuall turbint*
is tbe pit to o). rote a like number of
smHb-rs in tlx- iniwtr botw- above. This
fflrvrt <qx-raiiiai cf te exciters will be
is till lim- «f on imiirovrairat which
will give an iuclcqiradi-nt ainrae of sup-
agea Tbe more one eata generally the
mere one diinka, and tbe greateat catera are generally the greateat driukiT*.
If drink be j^iUtod. the amount eat
en i* lea*—indeed, cn tbe abore rciy
greatly deptuid* the wenu ef the
"Schwelninger cure'' for oUaity. It i*
a well known fact that if tbe appetite
U wc^ and the mind and nurvea are
aumewhat relaxed a drink of water
wUl escite the appetite end atimnlatn
both brain and nerrea, and thia u due
The more fluid in the wuy of drink
la added to tbe gmatric juice tbe greatUnder nonnal circnnistanom however,
te stomach, withoot detrimrat, aooomBodatos itaelf to a range of Urge quan
tities (f fluid. Ewald mya that much
of te fluid pami« into te inirati
anotherpwtira Uabeorbed; hraoethen
nevir ia in te nonmd atomacb a sti^natira of large quantities of liquiA
The widely acoeptid belief that alco
holic fluid* (not taken to tbe point of
Best Fruit
Grows High!
Bat tit* best good* ere not elwey* the higheet ^
priced. Toa get fhU wmloe I6r sroar meney'^
taking into eonelderetion qoallty and prloe—at
Markham Block.
To Cure
That Spring Gold
Use Rose’s Pine Expectorant.
Bargain Offerings
Tuesdi), Wedaisdiy, Tkursday, Fridaii and
SaturdaT, Juaa 21-26.
SfSk rf'te ! Tot
The Doane mine yield, j
to the U.n in cobalt TbU U cmly .
OreiWalag It
among hundreds cf ooppto mines al. "Did you find te wids awuke mMaGrand Encampmrat. a^ if they aU man you advertised for?"
oentain cobalt Wyianing's new mining > "Ym hut wu couldn’t keep hist
dyorlcc within a year may be prodneing The only btudneas guslifloation be had
Bore wealth than any three Binlng dy ; was
mia. "-Chicago Beourd.
trtots in te world, not eooepting Elcndike, te Transvaal aud Cripple Creek.
If cobalt exisy in the Grand Encamp
Thm—1 wcaider if Gurale bad that
mrat copper ore 40 te extent that M. Bait made tc order?
Pooloc ameita from hy chemical analyJack—Worm than that It was made
tia of the Doane ore Grand Encampmrat to oummand.—Up to Date.
'will add to te miaenl wraith if te
world 1100.000,000 annually or else the
price of cobalt will be reduced to a
Kipperling—Whist y played a gnat
minimnSL—New Yesk Tiinra
deal in India.
Btrippliug—I suppose ywi’ve uftea
^stlSelal Wins.
played an Indy rubber?—New York
About >50,000 gullona of artiflcial
,We are overstocked with Dry
Clothing, and in order to dispose of some of our
•~r:~ ■ ^ I during these Bai^in-Oilering Days. You may think that
The fact may be said to be peculiar one OF two ccnts IS not much to save, but all wc ask is to
to age that the oornra takes te form cf
a bradering if whitish tiasue. te ranra mark down every cent you save by trading with us and see
The Op>tica] Journal, tbe
tot^^ d^Mratlcn
■ration of tbe
te sfirraandlng
sfirraunding hOW
how much you can Save.
save. Whenever you are in need of anypiarts of the9 oomea. and strragth
strength of
sight decresBs with age until it b»- thing in our line rcmcmbcr that you can always get it cheap*
,-rmw^ rUfflr-filr try
srw—i imwpl
objeou placed cioeo to te eyra thia tt at “The Fair.” Watch for our hand bills next week.
r. being in a gmt n
edied hy the use of glaasea C^tanct, t
although frequratly aocompauiying old
■ge. is bym
qnrara of it. In youth tbe lens la peroplorlera but
ufier te thirtieth yrar it begins to ac
quire a pale yeUow tint, this, as age
advances, becoming mofe praoounoed _
~MaM ■• a BImsT
until it ia fl^ly tranffanned Into a! BrOflCh Block.
Bpykra—la te queen regent cf ^nln deep amber. Tbeae changes in te nor-1
a Intiiette cr a blond?
mal trauapnrracy coincide with a fkU j
Bpokes—She has been acting redhead it«E.........................................
in nntritioD. though their p
ed tor quite a while.—New Y’ork Jour- ia I
aooodipaniul by lorn of tight.
Whoa, however, a total Ion of nutriticn
ensBM, te Iraa becomes quite opaque, |
Batef* W PMle Bam'* Baraw
and when thl* i* te rase te operation '
for rtsnoval. whidi baa been brought
tosn^a degree of perfection in late
ii|«. iind
1 swept
mpt tbr
tbe floor,
Aadlirarrlud oat- ibo
• oshoo
te H|
veryhigl .
omturadi it in te boi^iay of that
ooQuiry. Iu taste y said to be some
what inidpid to tbe palate of a oannoiasrar. but fram all aocounU it y infinite
ly to he preferred to te rank and perniciiius-wini*''supplied at ebrap ta
ble d'hotm iu this cunotry. In cams of
disease <f tbe atomacb te mild malt
wines are ofun easily digested, while 1 camsd uut te Bshio soskUtfuUso
cflHr sweet wine* produce unfavorable Thsl aim I an a nuuter cf te boMf <
symptoms Viry few wines possras tbe
otisles**rame degree of nutrition as those made
from good malt and an extrasion of thu Ic rarrM oot tie- asbto so BfclUtsIleo
wine producing industry may be lonkid
lb* If te I
for poatiUy in Amerioa It is claimed
that it produces quite a clcwo imitation
cf sherry, pert, tc^ aud malaga. and, 1 leuliduwB ILrsti
aa our barley b modi bMter than Ger- J IcmptM temuB
man barley our malt wlmi might alao I ^
^ ^
U anperior to telra.—Chicago Record.
• •
as it Aiuiuls Uslay. but ly prowill b>ralarged by the
wLirh w ill cover the wheel
pit and affonl nsiui for the UuialUtiao
sf srara tuwv .vooo bona]»wiT generatora Th« aami rtvle if arrhili-ctnre
vUeb has luadi- the puwi-r bonae so
mimh admired will u-rl,«.iy adhered
to, and vten it i. cumpluaid it will be
coe of the most imprewive aud impoaI at the Falls. Its entire
Recent deraltTn
gainli^tcf raot will be unbiuki u tiy a single
lattery as an imnney. a* te power house will be Ing with te stors>
te belief that
portant adjunct w:.
tbe electric light w al at no distant day
y> univwraUyu.-<d -.orTUnminatingday
and sleepfng etc
1 un all steam railruada Not oulv u. i.,u trno of the Unit
The Prrach custiuoa anthuritieu have ed Sutra, but one if the largestrailwmy
flunsd a drawback to te uac if te 2 ray oumpaniea in l^ghmd is already equip
•S a dSteenr of smuggled goods In ex- ping 50 of iu day ooacbui with dyna
mos and storage batteries if a system
whieh hat been snceesufully tesUd tor
by exposure to the rajA A way SCBM monte past. Similar experimenU
being enrried on by the oadaleof
fflscorered to prevent te
Paciflo tailraad on te
tmtwSaivt' these artlclM of bagMft te
nreice btowran HtmMal and Toronto,
KaMM «< laawHaaMM*
by a «W
•ae FhnIHea
Inaa iBtaMClng and eoBtewtaat hietvieal artlela, Or. C. A. Ewald of Berlu diacBMM thia mooted qneeticn at
aone length. He otmtidera eoap. becaaaecf iiBWnall pcrancagecf nooriab*
ing materiel, merely ae finld. Be ciatee
thmt, aclde trum whet i( direoUy taken
a* drink, mneh fluid reecbee tbe ■tenech during e meal, through the mnoee
and from the water pocentage (both
natoaland by cooking) of the meata,
regetablea etc. btoet pemu feel the
neoeadty of adding more fluid to tbe
meal by drinking either trdinaiy water,
But tbiTo's amuelhing
Tbe Mawachatotta board of health in ' beaid^ fighting to
t be cctuddcred. And
= Beadle Bailding.
I-' wben 1 think uf your being pnt under
•d of toll!
, all
anybody's <»derB. Inaimd
in that Rate emphaaixee aa one of the .to, offlom •.T*r4lv
exactly hciw
how th»*
tbe wi»p
war nrufhft
oo^l '
ii aeons like aheer
chief cunditiunafavariagtheprodnotlon to be
of that dlwaae tbe a
—Waabingtem Star.
tobebvM out byte recent expertbltnal lamthing of nnrwiewed air. Cootom Pm 1*.
BWtt of Chittraden. Not evra whisky i
aequcntly in wuik:i^opttaotariea.sehoulroom*, poblio boUdinga, halla church"Do yon
(o.my that your cy- or brandy memed to retard digestion. I
The proteolytic powtr of te stomach
and te power of tepanoratlc juice
dwellinga and t<
are uninfluenced by small qoantitiie uf
la of vaitilation ' ontiu{
n hkA over into Michigan?''
alcohol containing fluid.
must ooDduoe to angmcBting the dan-; "Well, a
The exQuetira of body warmth
gur. Of ooone dampoem of soil on replied the euihnsiii*tic wheelman,
which a bouse stands and dampnem of . "that oi the trip acrurn tbe lake and through cold drink* tewrtur ennsiden
..............................to the tack we attached the CTclatpetor to (be as very much overrated. He attribotea
tBe bad effect* cf such drinka to irrita
te rmult, and n
engine of the bant. ”—<;hioago Poet.
tion of
which becy at living or aleefdng rooms of apartBrats which are oonstanily damp or
are parti;
utly or wholly nndagrannd. An-{ Athletic CycliM (to friend)—Tester- polnt for acute or chronic inflammatory
ocher '
> of exprum hia candid opitUoii of my ma author ocsKliide* that not only does
dust in the air (f apartmeota, factcriiim, ehiD^andhebadth«impBdeBoetoton drinking at meals within certain Urnmillsand workabupe; hence, neoeamril..
ily, me itWBsgaapiplng.
„ . . „ Well I threw him iu not interfere with digeMlra, but it
ooenpation* cr tru^ in which men,
en, down stain
Main and
a^ kicked the atufllng
Mufllng out aids this prnom With gatiraU soffvwouwo and childrra are axpomd to the of him. Now, old man. give me yoB ing from stomach or other diwniei.
hoWTrer, te case U different. Drink
inhalation of iiritating dust must in- honest opinion.—Bustoo Ulobe.
the liability to cmtraotocstMmip-1
.. j-..-.
ing ad lihitiun cannot be allowed.
A point J
•-\wald :
lathe atone
this latter ccmnectian U pertinent— | Bmith—Yon see. there
ely. that an examination of the re- age, ao called because war was carried answm that he aoet no reason why |
port* of the registrar general of England on with- weapons mode of Mone; tbe amall amounts uf fluid should not be al-1
several year* abowB that flabsrmra. . iHB age, whin wan were waged with lowed, except to pati^t^ suffering from I
dilation of te nomacb. Aa abovs I
compm^j i Brom-At ja. I b.«li to .. whp
limited amounts, aid digestira and in
I per age.”—Up to Date.
crease te appetite and will more than I
Ilance tbe au called ill effects
the richest gnlden buuauxa <if all uf tbe ! lira P.—I told that girl just what to of drinking at meals—vix, the possihle
aud colnlt has bora do, and she hasn't dune it at aU.
slowing cf digestiiBi. the dilutioa of te
.1 IP...*... B. .•••u.d
Encanipment. Wy., ! Mr. P.^“l prewune your > erdras went solid oonstiturats of the mraL te over
by u,o French minoralogiM. Cbarlm in rae ear and right out the othw.
burdening of tbe Mnmach, a very imPonlot Cobalt it worth ll.flO a ponnd, : Mra F.—Oh, no. Indoedl She never pruUble lowering of Udy traipmtoie.
G««ge Doani-. ibe^ptr
geUanychuigthit^berb^as cn^ etc. Even admitting that such effects
Enoamjrarat district, baa a Cu^-PhihSi^ia Bulletin.
do occur, the questira of drinking be
thoumad* of tim. of this
fore, during or after mrala Dr. Ewald
ore are already in sight. Cobalt ia tbe
uwrautr___ .1
e principle
blue .IP
all. Mra Findt-r—Isn't yonr bu
-Isin aud ghun. It U te active eral in his views?
Sr'.Jlib°l‘I^‘Sl!ii“'Jl!; «l>ohdpyo»«ivt naonty.
Mta. Tripod—Liberal! Well. Ishoold
”?te '!
te total lragth about 434 feet At te
It y being bricked up to a
bei^ of about 40 feet with a wall 80
inchea thi^ Thy wall U to protect
te soft Btracnm cf rack at the bottoa
fram being undermined 17 the action
of te water and to make te rrating
place of the turbines more mfe. The
aU aecticoj of the pit is liki-wisu bricked,
and it will bcrreallid that te tnonel
la brickid tbe ratin- b-ugth.
Dr. Oulraian 8.'lltTK. te chief ra^new of the Niag-Ara Falls Pins-cr com
pany, baa suggisiud a mtable change in
teBaamrof *ni>|..rting the lurtlncs
Is te pit, aud it will 1.- sdi>i)tid. In
te old Kction of the pit,tbe wheel* are
r girdi-n, but (he
, id lowtr
lowir prastuck
prastucl <-lU>\vx
wheel ciuM and
Is te new pit will bav^ projiviinK
projivliiiK riba
tern cnrsMiiugk.
cncasiiugk. I'he »upto support tbrai
19. ISM
sv tub CLAOt
I Bo hunk -OBI opasslaso
at te t
»»“» *k* k, n a MBtar
________trylBS ta uiaka a ftrika
I't WB*t*
waata aej liB* at a aara) ackte
and kr^a
carS U tosaMadkrlU* sotdra
flttc* claw ta te ««rr
Akd TOO nffeU ba bm
Tea Aral atad
The “Fair,’
244 Froi\t Street
’If yon have read Mane Corelli's grest work you caa>
■raM Ste Oaea
The tenn* "rapid Are" and "qukik not help but admire the character of tbe heroine- ' TheF
firing” guna so frequratly teen in the
prras leporti of naval aflalia do not ma.
This is also
of the latest perfume named "Thelconvey to tbe ordinary person any ade
quate idea of the imprereraienta that ma.’
You cannot fail to admire its exquisite and lasting’
mechanical ingranity has effected la
radnanoe in recent yrara While rapid odor oucc jou have tried it, For Sale Only by
."-T" f
projectila The raving in time and rase
cf manipulation is effected by ustng fix
ed ammunition, in which ibcll, powder
fl pooadShota per minute, a number wkiHi can
be raimd to 80 or 86 If aocnracy to aim
ing the piece b dispeiued with. TTcaa
te 6 inch rapid fin guna 8« shots have
bera fired to five mtoutoa, and as
of these
-Tr.,.™ Cilj,
Hastings' Real Estate Agency,
Famna nem btaeon oad MettUw the
U NEW AND ECONOMICAL INCAN•tagt^elr rtw vha« the night Mrda IM
VkrSaf’mr aouL tbat M abwlag •(
I b •
BngliW or m wh~ the reetoa are wak.
SlaUng UiHr thUat to the gitoleatog
JVKit M. 1«88
bia Inalnga. Kow, batea we were marrM I tbought your nnexpeetednem
would com:t tbe monotony of married
UMugb of tbe other oulaide. TbounexpeeMd in matrimony ia not dadrabla. It
kevpn him jumping atuuud like a toad
under a harrow."
••lamvayaorty." aaid Graoe aimply. "but 1 don't aee bow it oan be
In a dim way, tbo««b. Jack did. Tbe
tiMngbt aeetiiod. and be woriced in tbe
wire meabed lehcratoryof tbe electrical
bnildtaig down town^ and nlgbta
Heoame borne ooe day with a
n bia «
alum in my hand I bave diaooverod
Bomethiag which will adjuot tbe world.
ttagtog ot TOO whoa the dawn nght to
»> T~. MU ..t >«..
t Hunp of nBtQM deU ooaxd tile DoreltiM In ti» &ig- . ainrtog of t«u with a aeag of tore, itag•lectrio lighting Mnte. Mji n>e
Ita war to jroti. toUng TOO
World. The noooBipniijdng
•pcHKOta it to be nenriy Btogt^^ rou and the totoa r«ni are
«aUtpani(U] in tlmpe, with its shortMt
•xi* CD the Ycrtinl line. The itp|Mr
|»U of the bulk U idlnrad. for tbo porpo« of veOectinK tbo liitiit in ■ down«nrd dtreotlm. Ibu Incnxudng the InBdngrity of the Ump. It i» atated that
the flrit time Jack Semno of Chithla lamp baa a downwaid lighting tfBhenoT 100 per cent greatt-r than that of ngo. (deotrldan. not Mlm Botoler in
peculiaritiea tbe thing baa
tbo ardiuu7fann of lamp. Dr. John Beaton bo waa delighted.
mealed itaelf inali iu magniflaanee. I
fi^inaon made aome toata npoo iL
“At laat." be thought, '*1 have met will take you down to tbe UfaoraWry
t it with the
tbo ideal Boaton girl. eold)y IntoUootn- tcnifbt and explain it"
abape lamp He found tbat the BTenge al rigidly predae, overwhelmingly cor
In tbe electric gemmed laboraury
cnndlo powor ortv Che lower half cf tbo rect." And being a blaao young man to
tbat night Jack explained.
■ gitte of the new lamp waa 86.6. while whom a new aenaation waa a boon, bo
"Tbe foundation of it all," be aaid.
In the ordiiiarj- Ediiau lamp with eqi
derrotod himaelf to her aaaidoonaly.
"ia tbe X ray. Well, acicaM ia bigincnmaiL it waa ouIt IS.a. The ivlat
Tbe next time bo aaw ber be made up nlng dimly to itolim tbe wooderfnl
oonamiptitai <rf current per candle waa bia mind that bo bad aeen a good many
powers of that ray. They have fonsd
alao determined. Along the axit of the glrta in hU time, but itercr ooe with
that, turned on tbe parts of tbe body in
new lamp be found the cooanmptirB to
iifei, verve and awing than aoemod which they awenn. it will fcill tbe mi
he O.S watta per cmudle, and in the Edcrobes of diaeaae. Kow. 1 bave tvoaoned
iaon lamp it waa 8.08. Prmn a Uttio
tbia way. There are fiuida fllliug Ibe
brain ««lla which axe charged with all
Uttio animal ibe ial" b<- timugbL VBst tbe human paosioua as they prcdutuinala
wbere it tbe other one?"
in tbe individual. They are a part of
With eboraelcrlstic Chicagoan dimt- life. All life moat bare orgauiam. All
' at bia point at tbo car- organiamiBoompoaedofiuicrobea. Tbcra
have it. lan't it eimplo? Be cans
"1 beg your loirdon." be aaid, "bat I tnl; don't touch tbe machine. You
Dover aaw two girla ao different as you might h
hurt it There ia a anret in it.
tbe other night and today, let alone one in tbe n
tion of tbe ny, which I
girl, b eitber of them you? Wbat'o
your idea for tbat aort of ttaingr'
s and will make me fai
Ulaa Qrae» looked at him ia admim"You dou't UDderautod it? Why, It
ia tbia way: Yon turn it on a penun'a
‘*«l>at bad form you arel" dtoaaid bead and yon kill tbe pradominale miin a tone of great aatiafactkn. “It ia orohM. For inatanee, three la a big,
very aoMom I am asked about it in tbat brutal anek drivtir about here; eweara
brutally frank taMiioa. To reward yoa like a pirate all tbe wbUe. I got him
for it 1 beUeve I will toU yon tbe taeta in here, fixed him in tbe obairand
in the cam. I know it aoema quite an- tamed tbe ray on him. When be got
»w KLCcraic uort bcu.
but both are mo. A long up. bia whole cotutommeaww ebanged
calealatien it appeara that the otnpaiaUto ooat of tlgbtiag for 1.000 boora b»- time ago 1 and tbe people oloaa around He looktd like a Quaker. «wn tbere'a
diaeoTwed that I had two diatinct old
He'd akin a flenfor Ua
twoon the cwoatyloa cf lampa the imotto qutoL mild, tn- bide and tallow. Oeta a 8 eent glaaa of
prored lamp bel^ 6 <a»dle powar and
tbo ordinary lamp of 10 candle poww. toUeotual. Ibe other trivoleua, light milk ter lunch every day. 1 fixed hla
Dd. tiny are not bewl tbia mcning. and be bou^t a 80
and worldly,
la greaUy in Caw ttf tbo foniMr.
. —'tlaL
cant Inoeb. I mw him ge( iL Tben 1 • KraaAoalaaswhatTm*
There la a |wamiao that tbo bopoi mooda, but ft
vbleb were diaapfialntod tn aeoCylene eomo otod go aa they ploaiA wbUo I am tried Min May, our typmrriMr. Sbe'a a
Bay bo realbed tean oaihoUio, aaya the aimply the bottom vohiole far tben. ntigbv pntty. vain, fllnatkni little
Pinaborg Diarntoh. Utia anbatanoe ta
tbediaooTorytf al«-al inreatlgator and fied by being odocated and envirooed m ^^8be ia." Interpmed Mn. Ema
"Kow, my darling, as tegarda yourii of more p^eolur Interaat to tbia le <me indlviditol. bot atiU they bave difgion. when the aoouworiea for ita man- fennt taatea in dteaa. aimi, amnao- aelf, when one-of you ia in 1 will turn
People aay tbat
on tbe ray and reduce your entreme
nfacture are fonnd at tbeir beet and in
ap^Rtf atrildi
dng.'tbat I 'pom' cbaiacteriotios a trifle. Then I will
almoat unlimited aupply.
of tbinga Very few know aerve tbe other in iu tom in tbe same
Tbo acotyleaie lighL eztonalrely ex
• • ‘ liove it if they way. In tbat way yon will become one
ploited a couple of years ago. baa been
yon peyeboJogtoal enoogh to very ebarmiug praaon, and a fellow will
proved nearly oveiything that waa
7mv.reacw.Mtak ItUNSOK BLOCK.
claimed for it in qnalitr and ebeapoeen, ■ptxoriato tbe aKuation? I don't know, have a little idea wbal to expeot when
pwtple ate m grooaly be comes borne to dinner."
' bat it baa bom foand to boa highly
cxjdoaiTo antottoDoe under cemditiou
"By Jove, but tbat'a unique!” bo Mra Kcrcna "Will you abow me bow
that are apt to prevail in conmuu prac
tice. F<r amne time at K«at ita datigtr- -ixolaimod, ignoring tbe alar. "1 never it works?”
met a girt yet wbo afforded variety
"It ia Terr tdmplc. ” Jack explained
oaa cbaiacttr will ptwvent it from at
enough to be intereating tor av length "Bot bo careful; it is so delicate. Do i
taining popularity, aa the prejudice U
apt to linger cwcu if a aafe metbial of (f time. Kow, you are geouiiM-ly two you see oow bow it is baudli'd? This
girla, with tbv added piquant of never chair the patient aitain is another little
generatiug ia diai-orcred. Carbolitfc
bowevir. ia inrveud with the leading knoa ing which you anil bo and with ioveution of mine. It loiAs ordinary, '
out the oriala attending tbe cultivating bot a pi-rsnu aits down this way. The !
Tirtma of acetylene, with the claim
of two girla Bu aNoutid 1 do appcvciate bead narurany falls into tbia place for.
that it iaenun lyaafi- uudir allcircamtbo adtuation and you. too." which it Kow. very often they may be on, gtancea The abundance if furnace alag
waa a remark be would never bave willing to taku tbo tost when tbey ^^^
and «f>ke in thePitiaLurgregiiai
made to the ifbcr girl, and therein lay know wbal it ia. bot jnat book tbat, SH
tbo vivid D«t of bia wooing. He waa wire ta-hiod on tbe back of the chair. '
obliged to court ber in^aueb varied and tbey are belted aronud with mch a ‘
atyba. He wondered w biu be came to stroug electric'curreiil no mortar could
the tn-w pnilnct oSi-ra a very profitabli
the piaponal wbieb girl it would Lc to break tbrouKb, on tbt-y have to alay on- |
Utilixation if a waate product. The alag
and bow bo would do it, but be finally til you fix (tiem. Did yon book it on?
conifitnii'a a largi- prupirtiuo of tbe to
aacettaioed that when a man ia in ex- Oh. I aay. (iraor. nubook it What are '
tal output <f a fnnian- and ia nut meivcvediug eameut bo propoaca aoeordlng u yougt
]y a waste, but one that it ia cxpetiidv-o
himaelf and i>ot tbo girl
to dispoac of. Hut one nae lias yet T
Before Jack waa niairitd it camfora atelv,
fonnd for it mi an csiciiKiw wale.
ed him greatly to think bit wife would
am going to kill off a few of ,
never grow niimotoiioua to him; that be tbisu miemUw of coocdl for you and t
abould ui>i be obliged to uieot a atisvo- ai« if 1 cannot rednee your bend a little ' i
tT]s iidiTidoaiity all tbe daya of hia toa"
Jack writhed In agony.
Two Inatance* abortly after bia mar
"Urace, for biaven'a aaku, otopr«
riage oouflruMd bit imptendun. Jack Don't! 1 have no piulamiDato mioubca j \
waa tbe uominal hesd cf the Chicago That's tbo fault with tbe maebinu. {I
open to tbat ob>vtioo. aiiiw they make
electrical bonae, but it waa bnavily
tbe alag almoat a> ealuablc aa the main backtd by a Ni-w Y«k man. who came Turn it on a pcrfcetly well balaooed i.
pereon. and it fuigfat ivdaoe blm to 4
prodoct of tbo fnmam.
eitbvr idiocy or leave him in a o
• Law of Tital r-rMs.
about him and a stern diaappcoral of it
Fallowing up tbe experimonta made in any mie vl».
mucb left when 1 kill tb«
by otbor ariemtiiito in thia field of in
Jack, to wbcm his approval was a
quiry. Dr. Baiadoo of Paria baa inriut- considi-mtion, took him up to dinner to mentioned" And abe calmly oontinoed ‘
cd an itiatnuncnt. termed a bimuetcr. meet bis now wife. It aevaned to him
"Uraoe. don't, dcai'tl Wbat <
to demnnatrath anmo of hTs ruiuarkatle tbe young woman bad never appuaicd
eoQcliudmu. Thus, as he taolda. on so fnvolooa, gay and InocBmqaent in aay?"
tihe tvgardrd him coolly.
tonching thia inatnmumt the hand in all bis aoqttointanoo with her. "If ^
"You might Kiy that you are and ,
dicates tbe vital forooa. tbe movomant bad only been tbf other ooe tonight,"
willcbuiiuof to he ptifictiy aatiafled t
Of tbe hand of tbe' biouieter ourrapood- ho groaned.
k. with me aa 1 am, whatever way it ia, 1
Ing tn ibe mate of mind of tbe pcranti.
Be could pee tbe diaapproval gather^
00 that, attmetod by one in a happy ing on tbe old gentleman'a face. After and you might any that I cafl moah tbia •
akra place in (bo diuner, over tbe dgora, be remackvd: oldmacbiM-."
Hv started up. then fell hack, with a '
(f—via. a poabittg "KcreuL tbat wife of yoors is a prMty
backward. Morethantbis even isrlaim- CTvatuns, but I don't know. I am ahrtek of agony.
afraid—wcsDcn ate terribly undcnnln"Very well ” Again mbc ImOed it
iugovatuTva aomo timea.” And Jack
■. diw't you are I may beecaaa 4
BBW a long vieta of obwne paring nr- a driveling idiot?"
veillauoe in tbe fotuin.which tried bia
1 kuow. You douH drivel 4
front cf a pbotogtapbic oamtrahad ouo- aouL
t that wun'l make vrey mneb
coeded in pnducing a clw impretodon
Tbe otber waa a coamopoUtan young
on a photographic pUta Uareorer, by trieaidcf Jnck'a wbo apfnooiated tbe diffenmre if you only keep your tuBd- <
placing aoeb plates on a human corpao srorld and tbe Iknb above tbe fine aita. kerchief by yun. There, now, 1 am J
In a nmilarly daritcued ruooi an imprea- He, too, wont to dinner and met a Boait math it!” be yelled
if<B waa reoelvod from tbe vital forcoo tooeaque hi^tly inteUnuual. rigidly
"Ko, OB aaocod thought I beUeve I'd J
three boora after death. Such pbaiom- tonual Mtl Jaok, wbo trtne tbe blood
rather try it Kow, be a good hoy and 4
OBa indicate, be beUerea. that ibwe ex- tnbUveloA
take year medieioe. Let me aee a
lata in a living man a vapor of life
Why ooaldD*t abe have been the
. which ia tbo very qninto«iioo of moTO- oebor one thia time?" again be groaned. eeteem-yea. there's the bump "
Tbe exprrexiau of lotinful appc^MD- '
BionL tbe canoe of which ia aa yet not
Some sray tbe imp of perveMity lioD faded tlowly tren bU face.
aeexucd to nm thing! moat of the tim&
"Bow very deft yon arc, Oraoei*’
ao often to bia mooda "tbe otbid admiringly. Be aremed'
A ITMatotlV^ Gala e( OpsaA.
He began to fee] like a MkntBeeaot experimonta with improved Ucouuk between two battledoora
gaxing at his wifu.
tnatTUiDcnts for meaanrlog the velocity
Not being Unn to aufler in oUanoe,
She diaootmertod (he chair and tn
of projectiles have abown tbat the apeed one day bo aaid Irritobly: "1 wish
ed tbo instrameut geotly.
gooB on Incrcaaiag afiur the tuiaallo baa ■on'd try and be ooe or the otber,
"Kow, Jock, dear, yon may try It 00 <
left tbe montb of tbe caunou. Laaviag 3raoe, long enough for me to begin to
the mnxile with a tcIuciKt of about feel at borne. Th^ too. when I want
1.174 fret tn a aeouDd. a pmjoctilo baa youtobeooeafyouyaaare alwaya tbe
hwo obserred to iucruaae its spued to otbsr."
about 1.68V loot pur acoood within tbe
' 'That never tsitbczed you before wa
Aral aix fevL It la only aftnr hoTiag were married," (trace snggwtted.
Uu looked earelemly at tbe mkooUtravoLd about 86 ymi-to tbat tbo pro"No Befiirvamautomarrledbeaart
jectib-’a velocity beoorxe reduced to the of eliniinatm bit own mooda Be elm- eide on tbe Ubla
"Oome, kt aa go bona I like your 1
gp^ that It bad csi leaving tbemnmlo. ply takes Uie Itupnmiona tbe girl ia givjolly
wood, Oraoe. bot tben you are de- 1
Vbia la amrlhod to tbe Impulae of tbo
him without
axpaading gat being felt fur aooM "
tanoo beyoad tbo OHUCB’a mouth.
to Have added another pair of fine bicycles to our 1
S large line of high grade bicycles. It is tljp Oy§ cloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cyclp Oo^ of
to Grand Rapids, Mich., and is one of the ^st and
g most simply constructed machines on the marg ket. They have patented a bell ringer that is
I out of sight.
Come in and look them over.
I J. W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store
TriifutllTMiitfL :
John R. Santo,
Gtoeral Insuraice.
My Line
of Silvepware
Is the finest in Northern Kichigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Qold
F. A. EARL, Jewele
i 1MeNamapa’s
Gpeat Shoe Sale! I
Going Out Of Shoe Business!!
. :=
SlTUflUT. JUNE 18th
I commenced to close out my entire shoe stock, and
to that end wUl make prices that viU Insure a quick sale. ^
My stock is desirable. The reputation I have gained —
since in business is I believe of bavingr Rood reliable goods. ^
Today it is made up of goods made by many of the beet ^
known and most reliable manufacturers in the country, and
purchasers wil] not be subject to imposition in the way of ^
buying cheap shoddy goods, supposing them to be the best. -•
A great sacrifice I shall make as the determination to m
close out my business at the earliest time is sufficient reason
for me to make these closing prices within the reach of all, ^
and hence these
Everything goes—Ken’s, Women's, Kisses' and Child. ~ ;d
ren’s wear, including Kubber Oooda
To early buyers the certainty of getting juet what you 3
want will be the best
Goode to meet the wants of everybody—the farmer, the ^
mechanic, the laboring man.
Worthy of mention is a large new line of Ladies and 3!
Gentlemen’s etrlcUy up-to-date new goods which I will salt
at greaUy reduced prices.
Die Dmi East of Nimiltoi CMUq Co.
Second Tear—Ko 353
Suspension ef Operations in Porto Bico Campaigrn Until Oen. Shatter's Army Has
Gained Its Purpose.
President HcEinley Still Has Confl(fence in
Judgmient of Commander
of the Army.
Xuoh SpwoHlsttoii Regarding the Landing of Shafter’e
Foroee—Preparatione to Surmount All Obataolea Which
may be Preeented—Military if^eC^oe^Around Ouantamo haa Preetioelly Oeeeed Sinoe Last Bombardment—
Spenieh Offloial Olepatohea Intercepted by Onbane Show
Threatened Famine at Santiago
> tK>ek U
tke rapsrta ef aerioot dlffereBoee betwoM OoMT«l Miloe aad tke ptoaldeak
OsMral MUaa taaUtsd aU aloac that
mUitaiy erase asd set popolar aBtka•iasm or polltioal peak ahoald rola
Ba InsUtod that as blf army be maked
uamo AT HOMOLD1.U.
SUNDAY. JUNE 19, 1898.
Two Oeota.
Merit The Trade Mark Of Success
ThrM TraupoTts oTTraspa Bmib4 for
Bapertad la Xadnd that Oaptals
KutU Bk*o Baaebod Hawaii.
ttasaral ad PkilippiBas Has
SpMlsJ U> Tbs Moannc* KaeOBB.
We merit onr sacoeas from the way we deal with oor cnstomcM
■tappad Down.
Victoria. Jaae 18.—AdrioM todaf per
by Riviog them the heat of erery barpuu. That is what we hcv*
Bpaeial to Tas Itosstso RsoMW.
atoaMer Miowora. from Hoaolalo Jom
with car new stock Wall Paper—and all this ysar^
Madrid Jbm Ifl.-It la taid kara tkia
10. lar tkat tba Ualwd dtatoa traa*'
rtaraoMi tkaiCaptaUOaaeeai Aor«*^
porta Citj of PoUar. City of 87da»;
haa raaifaed tka aiUitaiy la
and Asatralla *arrtred thare tovaikar
UMlla to tke Spoakik <
OB tka tat laataat. Tkair rojara was
290 Front Street
Holley A Oonnebto
tkara. aa Uat tke e
1 af tkat
plaaaaBl aad tka Taaaab Uaralad afaraast
plane may ke aiffaed ky the lattar aad
moat of tka way. altkaafk it waa aaatkns kOTe teee Importance la Ue ryee
aasAry far tka City of PakUf and Aoaof Ue DaUTOB Uaa U aic«ed by Ur
traUa to alaw op aad wait for tka City
Oaptain Oeaeral of Ue Philippine
of dydaay.
lalanda. Tbs nesrs that Ue Spaniakj
fleet kas ksea slated oB QlkralUr has
iused (Teat laUsfactioB kere.
Both U. S. and Cuban-A new lot just received;!
Oaptorad an Important Saaport and large Boros ef Troops wlU Camara,
Torts on Mortb Ooost Proriooa
•ycclal u> Tb» Moknse Rscobd.
of SaBOaco da Cuba.
Gibraltar. Jaae IS.—It is assartsd
Spsirlol U) Tbs MoBBIBO KBtOBS.
kere that aix traasaUaaUe liaete. hay-1
New York, Juae 18.—Tke Joaraal'a
'1b( OB board t.uOO Spaatsh troopa, aeKey Weeteablr eaye; “Tke CakaBs baea
eompaaied Admiral Oamara's fleet.
oaptorad Paerio Padrr, a eeaport of
Horrible Onmee of
it importaaea to them, as well as
tke ports of Sarna. De Tarama. Sama Syertsl uTbi Hobbiss Bin
Key Weal. Jaae is •
>orts fiwm
aad Bancoa
Aoeordtar to adricBe
brengkt kere ^ Caban eonrlers today Hayaaa aad Piaar del Bio tell of crimes
SpaaUh millUry eoa
Uat traneeead all Ua Imtke Bpaaiah rarrisons at ibe forts fled i
tkat kis mitltsiy i
kaeeted aad tkat kia eoldlera are sow to Naeritas and Baraeos. Puerto Padre |
oakalfratioaa. There are aapplieasaly ia oa Ue aertk ooast ef Santiago Proy
Good Tims by TUlo.
for tka remalader of Jaaa. Tke osm*
The Joarnal's Barana cable aaya: “la
amadaat has alraady ssised all prIraU
Kew York. Jnas lA-Tbs sabarku
aappUaa la order that they may be de- a aerare eafagemeat wlU inaarfaRto kaadirap waa wso ky Tills by a lsi«U.
at FVaybralU. eaallago..Pi«ytBoe. a Sempra Bfoaseoad ky a aoea. Ogdae
roled ts the ese of tke eoldien.
The close ovdoa maiaUiaed ky Ike Spaalak eaptala and tear reeriUas third. Time,
iBto Oaka natU the aoldlara were nUj
Cakaaa aboet Onaataaamc is lUoatra- wenkUlad."
Tbe Foarth at B<
aad iasiated that Porto Rioo ka aet
tsd ky tbs fact that ofBeial SpaaUk
Bateaaifeprparatioasare belagi
la deplicats ky
U sksarre Ue Foarth of Jo y at Northa koM aaUbUsked at Saatlaro. la all
load aad water, bare beea Inureeptsd,
A patriotic progrem will ba
tkeaa mattsia ke kas kera vletorloot.
tiaa af Ue Hew Ooart Boras.
gircB wiU sporta and epeelsl featarca.
and that Ue Spaalak meaesnfery in
Bo aad Seeretary Alfw apaat a laair
W. MUIikea of Trat
The balldiBC eommittee kaylag in
kotk oasee haye keen abet ky tke Cnat tke WkiU Boom today tsiklaf
ekaire Ue eonstmction asd details of i City, wilt deliyer tke addreesandryeiykaas wkUo attemptloff to
tbe new conaly_______
boose yeeterday
l»mly f«»m TTsyetee rs._
City Ik
tnyiied to
tktat* erer. Theae three mu aaqoesmoreiag enga^ a eaperiataadut to! be preeent and ksye a good time.
UoMbly bare differeat oplatoas akoat
Skaftsr Bay Land Today,
..ok after Ue wo^k of
| The Souti^ST^
I elab will
tklaxa St tiwse- It eonid aet ke othereporial to Tbs HosBi>a aseoaa.
bnlldiag. They mImW Tbomas MoalIt Monday afternoon wlU Mrm. W.
wtoe with Btroaf mea of affain dealWatkiartM. Jaae 1»—Tor tke mojeiaUy with biff
meat tke laadiar of Qeaaral Skaftsr'e
It is learaed from eaa of Geaeial
army oa Cnkon aoU is tke enbjeet si Moaltoa to snperiolead this importaat
B. McBamara desires to aanooBM
Hlla'p—..1 .UJI oO— Itot
o( hU closing out sale
public work U a good uoe. and keii
MarUatn UlocL
Too can by coming to tbe place that's headquarters for g
goods—which is here. Any size, bast qiulitv made, 86c
Incb Is Said
AM Ice Greai and Soda Fountain DrinkLl
Therefore We will saj that yon will find onr Io6^
Cream delicions, onr Soda Water true to flavor, onr rzxir
ons Phosohates refreshing. New drinks are added to oof
list from time to time.
Fonntain open week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson.
Strong Points
good citUrn of
i where goods are being sold out at a
ae make abcot Tampa was rafardlnr
City be wUl eee to it Uat Ue plane ................
; loss, no „goods
re to be seat out oo i
* {that Ue big transport |
tke qaartormastor’s and
are carried out to Ue letter, and kU I aporeyal. Eyery eale U cask bat Ue
morad eastward, aroned cape Mayai.
long eiperienc* will enable kirn to ren ........ w are at a meriflee.
Oeaeral MPes and Gaaaad aot by Ue weetorn route areaad der yalnabla aerytee to Ue OouRly.
«el Alger agree oa Uia.
Port Antoale. Tke route taken is exWbsa General MUea relnrood be
pectod to bring Ua troopa to Ue place
tsaad Uat Secretary Alger bad pretty
«f deberkatiaa by tomorrow.
wall focmolatad Ue Ports Bleu camBow tbe troops wUI land, wbetbor
Frtoakey H«xt Tear.
piOga. U osatemplated Ue knrrylag
J. J. Jameson, delegate from MePher-1
•f 80.0QD or S5.000 tioopa from Atlantic endor fire from Ue Spnnlarda or nninoSMt polats ts Porto Biss wlUont torruptod, is tke chief topic of specnla- oa Poet to Ue G. A. B. enea.
mack regard to Ue Santiago ezpedi- tion among mUitary araa. The offloeie
eager to come to Trayerse City
tkn. Oenetnl Milea kas kicked this who bare just come from Tampa and
aastyear. but Petoakey made a hard
200 pairs Children’s Tan
all imtty wall orra. It is said that arc familiar wlU Gcnraal Skaftor's efl^ for It and as no effort bad keen
lace or button, size
Ue prealdeat had keea talked orer to plana, say Uat preparatione kayo keen made by Trayerse City pravionsly.. Shoes,
made to meet oyery cOBtingency, a Petosksy
____ ^______^____
___ en-i^>«
to 11. Compare with
was finslly ebsasB. Tbe
Oessrml MUea' way of UUkiag akont
psacsful landlag or neder flra.
campmut will be held UereneztJaao-j any $1.25 shoe sold.
it. Thera M aoUiag to ladioata Uat
Speeifle instrmetion sent by General Ike Bsw dspnrtmcnt eommandar U
tbe prertdent haa loat eaafldaaoe ia
MUea to Garcia ooyered la detnU Ue Alcnndw L. Patrick of Datrnlt.
MUea. or Uat other emtaaels are ia Ue
landing of Ue American farcra. Garcia
To bo Xairiad at Oas
General MUea Uiaks Uat Oeaeral was to harass aad Mgagc Ue Speatak
ArUur Paine ef Albany. N. Y.. and
Oopplager akrald hare wRMOif'Us rag- bands and to see Ust relnforeemasts MUo Onn Kline of (Mmc^lU. wUl be
200 pairs of Misses’ Tan
nlars, and Uat wksa Oeaeral Skaftra were not eenl to Santiago aad polata marriod at Ue tattor plaoa next Shoes, lace or button, sizes
Wednaeday. The ceremony wUl be
flnisbca Ue flgkUng work at Santiago where Ua Aamriean troops will lanA performed by Bee. W. E. Wright ef 11
to 2. Better than lots
at least half kia regnlars skoald be de- The landing proper, it M enlenUtod UU city, who WlU lenra fra OamepolU of Shoes at $1.50.
toeked for Porto Bico. The lesaU of wUl take at least ton or twelve hours Tueeday.
Mr. Patae was formerly a yonng
these rigeront reprasentatioas oa Oea- after Ue army • engineers ksee done
ef UU city.
scal MUes' part kas caused Ue Parts Uair srork. Tkie work of Ue engi
neers wUl noraist of patUag togeUra belds Ue posltian of adyartUemrat
lUeaa cam]>elgB to be held np.
writer wiU a businem firm at Albany.
la kis pereeaal eooyenaUon Uenaral
MUsEllae has keen a teacher In Ua
150 pairs Men’s fine Shoes,
MUes Is not rery complimenlary to Us cramlng ef tbe troops, amoanting to a public sekoeU the past two years. *nie
$3.00 goods a^
porary pier.
Officials kaf. noV young oesple leaye a hoot of frlenda In in Vici Kid.
aoentary of war. He refers to Ue
a nsglected to ealealats oa a failnra UU city who will give Uem their beet
w as “Ue Michigan outfit." meaawUbea.
lag Seeretary Alger. Geaeral Sbsftrr i W work Ue poatonn pier, ky reason of
Ike BuUer Tucking Great BalL
and Major Bopkina If Seoretary Alger j *1»«
SpooiU ai^lleiy. aad are
Ike Butler. «
knows of UU ke oeyer raters to it ia ' prepared for landing
Ua —.
-e ^^ugh —itgk UU U not anbc- Ue Hnetisra. U new playi^ good ball
Ue alightaat way. G weral MUea makes , >oed be. AlUoitgk
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.,
for tke Omaha Weatern I^eague team
keUittie ooneealmrat of UU criticUia. | >peled. Ue beoek U Iw. sandy and
The Oeaaha Bra giree contiderable Regular $3.50 goods.
Socratary Alger aad General Mll« •fallow far rat and Uer^fora weU aal- >paee to hU pitekiug la a reoeni iasne
srant to Ua .
and pradku a great future for Ue
jronng Trararae City Iwirler.
as Uoagk they had neyer had a dlflerHAT OO TO SAVTtAOa
eaca of opiaioa.
HanU af Hra HitchalL
AnoUra Troapect Which Xiookn Lfko
Spaniards ZAkaty Te Oo Baagiy.
Mra-MaryMitobellof Battle Craak.
Many other special prices
Santiago for Oamp Alger Troopa.
apsrisl wTas aoBSWe nsoeBO.
dHd yastorday at Ue borne of her
on good shoes,
Off baaiiago dc Cnba, Jaae lA—Iho flpacUJ to Ta. UoniLa« nmc.
daugkUr Mra. H. F. Pearl ef WashingWasklagwo. Juac 18 -General Oaf- tarn straot, at Us nge of TO yeara s We want yonr trade.
sraak's oampalgB in etstorn Cakn has
raonUed la a practical daaolltion of field's brigade may gel orders Monday Mra. MitokeU earns kora oaly a abort
Iks outer fortifleatioas of Santiago ia to go to Fortreae Monroe. It U said time ago ua a visit. Bra ramafae will
antiaipatioD of the arriyal of Ameriran that aunilUary oraiaers are to meet the be takoa to Baltia Ckaek Hoaday.
Fur This Wuuk.
troops, aad the occupatioa of Ua fine first diyision of Ue aecond army corpa
harbor of GuaatanaaM, la which are Usra and take it to Santiago.
anekorad aucb magnifleeat ahipa as Ue
Oregon, St. Paul, Marblcbrad. Dolphia.
Bibot Usable to Form Oae te
a olkera. aaxilliary
•neeood HoUao Klauay.
gnnboata, oolUers aad press dUpalcb
Rpeclel W res Momuse Broera.
beau: in an aseragedepUof eeyentoea
}>arte. Jaae IB.—After etmeultolioa
tatkoma of water.
wiU Mna Prytgal. Uarries aad Depuy
Military reaUunee to a definite
Fomped From a TraU.
LorU Pratto, RR csployoe of Uo
Wylie UoopcTRgo Co. at Intorioekea
aukt^ed a paiufal injury Friday
tog. He jumped from aa M. A K. B.
train while in utotlon. and Ue fleak on
bU right hand was rarioual.y torn.
^Ifred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe Honae.
We era agala ready. wiU a large
Mamed Teotorday.
stock of lee. to dolivra Ue aamo to any
Ira M. SpauldiRg aad MUs Mattie part of Ue city.
Maple block wood also tor rala.
Rinra Ue j tkU funmoon M. BAkot iRfcrmed Prrai- aark were marriod at Ue home of Ue
paiioa kae practically
graomb moUra, Mra. J. A. lm|
dent Faart Uat ke U anable to tem a yeeterday. The eeramony
TelopksM No. M.
raforti of Uo cakiBottoaneoeedUeMeltoeMiRUtry. formed by Bev- W. E. Wright.
Are our $6.98 suits—competition price is
$8.60, and $8.62 saved ia a
strong point
Btoek is going down, bnt ther* ar* many ba
Tha aooner jon oome the bettar aalactfona yon get.
Friedrich Blo^
I 124 Front StroeL
Vitk aU Iky ts
aSSra ter Setag aU klade
BrpaiHkg. sack a. Brastag. Rnessetlag art farulsktag*
ef atSTcU a
All WogA Girarmotned-Piiecs Rl«bt.
H. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle Ma
A Slaughter Salu
Summer Capes and Jackets.
Wo do wt wait antU Ue asasoa U eatiraly over, knt we are raady
now to give Ue benefit of our redurad prtceo to onr patrone oa eeaoonablegooda.
1 lot of fancy Braided Capea, radaced from gs.oo to gl.TS. Rns
bi^ art imported Silk Oapea. elakoratcly trimmed, radaeod from $0. fifi,
•itto»$.S6.MaBd$tL BraoddoU and Serge CApoa. ailk lined, rodraod
from $4 and SS to «2.W Udiea-Ja^ota redoead from gs.» and »4.W to
$3.SS. A let of old atyle Udle*'Jaeketa. formra Vieee from » te Sid,
all go at 08c. Miaera' Jaeketa rudacod tram »(.M ami »S to gt.71. Spew
isl reduettoM made to CkUdren'e Jackets.
W« mast figure oa apaee for fall arrivals aad we do aot wiak to
carry orra a atogleeammra gararaat. CMU early before tke adeetton Is
. The Boston Store,
Front BtTMt
Fnit St,ElsC
Cycle Works*
u Tn««M 09, If 4b« awr M pro**
wtot b lycfd of ihM. »ai U«* Is
«r«7 T«MaotoWlWT*tkftiU9 wUL
Brastng a Specialty.
i rehaUe place to get
I* *B7*TMit*^af*lel«MMUiwUl to
Of WbMlar. Boat. Ball.
nincc ssd
IBare had aereral i
Noretap aad Sallka thar* to ae q***BASD TRAVBESB fiSEALS.
ttoa.aad Beat ortoototo that the ac»
all rtirat. ao «« will take
and to rent, neue gtre.u a trial.
Baat'a word with eoaMaae*.
JBLIilS.Sll Front dt.,Bast.
Bd.Vto*lv«iU Atoe Tak* W* OM
The aretfam wUl to pUpto Jaa# «.
W.Hun. Ml»-»4 *-««■
naetoa TkM-Tbto «*• Ptar- the hlc Uaeeatoe 4ap< »h«a the Maam. AU^ of TtoM. a*« tto OaUook tote* Colto. a atroaf *cfr**a»*®^ »«1
Tor Qood dpert to Trickt-Tto Hm eoateat for the hoaore of the 4iaawad.
Ai« AUWMitad to ARtv* Xoatoy There ha* alwap* be* a etroac rt«l*7
MaatotM aad thto elty ai>4
Bom toU la TtoTOTM 09 Uto Mom
the flrat cam wUl to for hloo4. aad ao,
to aow OB Moarto |woM*ot. aa4 if all
kTor*. The HaeUer* wUl pUp **tar» |
plaMoanpaaltoparoaxpMUd to do
todifiealt I
ama Jalp r. a and 4 U Baatotoe.
»• will tore Ito tool toa* wktok —
oaedomm’tmtodU. ItwoaMha dlfl•ato to the proeeat tore toll UtaaoatortalatoaTrawM O9
tioo aa4 the oatlook to brlcht. It wUI
ealt to try aad aqoal Ua torn aad exbaU catoasiaatt. Jama Katoe.
to the porpoee of Ue
lb* fWtBflM M
uatoite meledy of a KImhall ^aao. aad
wlU Btaaac* the toaia. Oarap Ball
Ciee Ue pabUc Ue^beet kiad of baae
Kteh..HMM^ eU»•*!»»■
aa4 J- W. Baaaaa hare toeo worklac
match Ueprlee at Ua earn tlms. A
toll .port poeelble aad it to hoped that
atoldaoaelp for a week la ratolaf fnada
Ue atleadaBoe darlap Ue eeaeoa wUl toadlac Ua aBi*er*l9 at 4aa Arbor.
Kimball to aaexeeltod a. a mtokal latoaapportthe toaa. They haee
retaiBed pcatordap.
Ja.Ufp Ue efforu made.
atrameat. aad we arc aalliac Um at
With oaeoararlac eocoeae. aad whUe
A. Thempaea baa retaroed
The ooapw boeka will to Imaad to
atootputoetUllacklacfor Ue faa4,
prtoaa Umt yo* caat eompeto with.
frUB Chicac*. where Be hae hew tokUe aabaeribera to a few dapt.
there to nfflelMtoa head, with what
lac a apeelal eeam ia aarcerywUl to aoatritoted by thoee when the
William Nawmaa came up from IabKu^oalBodaL
Brerything In mosio and maalcal goods.
imlttee hare beea aaable to eat
The SpworU Laac*e
h®“ » alac laet aipht, where he ha. beea aV
aetara the roqalred *«■■ There to
latocal eoeial at Ue hem ef Be*. J. teadlBC the AcrieeUaial Oollepa.
Coadnetor A. D. Field, of the Weat
thoaa w^o aajop the pane tore ooa- a. Bready aext Taeaday a*aaiaf. kllehicaa road ha. T«tnr*ed from a aix
tribaud BOblp toward, the aapport of Brerpoaa praaeat to
■to Tiait Uraaclv.the waat
Their Intereet will eaable part la Ue propram
H. Boatacae and family are eater,t to wark eacmtotallp tee eeate. Na aaeoi
talalac Mr. aad Mr*. P. A. KItcheU
The following shows the Md Ua fnada ratoed will afford
liUie daof
Oiroalstion of The Horning Utltadc la aeearlnc batter naterlal
Illm Alma Deapraa to aatartalaiap
B^iaalar Meadap. Jaao M. Ue
erer before_____ ^
Beoord daring the post week. thaa
WlU Ue exoepUoa ed aa extra ptteh> ateamer Cammlac* wUl po oa her rep- Mlm Jalia Pkalpa of Kaaaaa MIm
odAT, June 12............ 1,400 •r Ue eatlre team ha. beea elfaed aad eUr roe lor Ue aeaaoa totweea Tra*- Pbalpa arrivad paaierdap aad will .tap
Tneedsy.Jane 14..........IW all of Uen are expected to arrire bare era# Oily aad Pataakep.
Glaa Power and Rehle Lewto came
Wednesday. June 14.. \1,3S6 Ifoadap. If Uere to ae deUp la Uelr
over Friday e*ealap from Elk Bapid.
Thareday, Jane 16......... 1,320 MTiral It to expectod that a praetiee
to .ttead Ue Ueatrr, retaralap after
will to plaped WlU Ue Aepl
L. D. Waraer of teollTllle to la Ue ward. OB Uelr bleyclca.
Viiday.Jone 16.............. 1,320 team Theaitp. If It earn to arranc
•atnrday, June 17......... 1,800 The iMB aipaed are all food
Profeaur and Mia. C. T. Graoa will
«la town
B. C- Lott of Elk Ba^e
leave tomorrow for MwUvUle. Uair
pUyai* who hrlap wiU Uem lopntopeaterda*.
TotU for the week... 8,000 ttoaa which Uey *rUl
aid home, oa a vtolt. They wUl attend
Bert Keltop weat to Grand Baplda
exeretoea at Aaa
TodeyM iasa^ 1.36a
Ftort aad laramimt to -Da.9" Beat, peaterdap.
who caapht lor Ua team laat year.
Maalp C. Dodpe weat te Praakfort
Bm M«a nap be expected thto week. Boat heeam a fa**riU *iU Traeeme peaUrdap.
BaUp Sap Wo^eta at WoU
«ftor Oeaeral Shafier ahaU tore laaded Clip paepl# la*t year bp hi. ooaaeiaB- <%ariea Chrtotlaaara of Maatotaa to
amp oa Cabaa aoU- 4 oweertod tioa. wark aad axeelleat ability. H« U Ue ellp.
.The Seadap aebool rally eosmitteea
aaiem r^tecoad bp Ua Cataaai ___ ball player arary mlaato in erary
Perm and Wm. Bapgard of Gaylord are bard at work maklnp preperatioB.
ami Sanpaoa-e fleet oocht to briaf pama to play, aad Tra*arae Ci9 "lU ere in Ue el9 peaterdap.
for Bally Dap. which to to Uke place
gaatlaco te tim la ahert order. Th.ea plre hi* a cordial
Mie. J. V. Mclateah aad aen Doaald. harcJplyST. Laat peer', rally wa. a
Bbe eaptare of Owrara'e fleet. Porto T*taraa Be wUl eaptala Ue team Uto hare retamed from Manlataa.
prand teecem aad wa. m mack appre
la tar a ehare of aueaaad wUh a eharaetertotie BooBlaaeh Haakell weat to Olcn Ba*en ciated that epeeial effort, are heiop
ilM oext, aad wkea tkat plaea to la »ler determiaaUoa to wUl pat piaper pmterdap for a *toli wityrianda
made to make tbi. eqaally elaborate
146 riant BtraatI alteatloa will lato the eatlre team.
Charlea Faiut left laat alpht for aad more » If poaalble. tomlal featBoat ha. beea eatchlap tor Ue Brad
MhaUp to taned toward Uaraaa.
are, are to to iDtrodneed aad larpe
Grand Bapid. oa hi. way to Ckieapo.
. Baaaatine
that part to. balaf
U the
Bobart Lewi, went to Elk Bapid. aember. of Sandap arbool warkere are
jjMllj atroBCtkaaad. aad what nkfht Oil aad Iron laapaa af
r . . .
.----------- aad Ua laadeie la Ua laapna. Whan ymterdajM* a three week.’ Taeatloa.
I Aa
eat the repioa.
b<( wUl briap tear other tret
bOT peeterday tor tha aem
elm ama. whom he hM aalaeted to
will to ao ea*y mark aad tol
B. Defendorf of Ue Travem Beach
Bn.t9* aarraadera miUioa. of doUar. worU
Betel retaraed trem ChicapoyeaUrday.
WlU hto pood Jadpm^t bU aemt aniir"«*»*~ WUI ha*e to to expendQark Allea. clerk la fioacb drop
si apaiaat Ue fortlfleatlon. of Baeaaa leeUoaa map to depended npoa.
is asid of peepk wbe
One ef Ue new aaqoUltlona will be Btore. bH pone U Norwood to riait hto
while all UeM preparaUoa. are
are cpdo-date and are
moUw «■ ■‘Imp. infferiBC aad crim oae SU 0.te. a ••pheaom" from ladi- pareata.
Mitaa. Llxtie Damn and Nettle Ariarecognixed wberever
who be. caapht Peaa^lvaala by
ggg eomame ia Cnba. The atroclUm
tbc>- go Cor thdr conect
•rUeh broopht oa Ui. war are toiap kto prvat work. Tha teat wap U aUe worU of Empire were la Ue city 8aV
knowledge of life and
aad it will to moatb. EU ep to ia tha faUowlap aollee dip arday.
O. C- Moffett aad family retaraed
gatero Uto oonatry wUl to able to ramliving.
Opera B
Manaper Stoart ha. a new pitcher
4«toh Ue perpetratera of Ue horrore
P^le in tile swim
and he to a “pbeBom." Ul.
dtoa Oabaae are anSeriap•re the people who
A. Bill, of Ue CWlotta Lead
Cateaand be cornea froai Ua "Baak.
A OOCD deal ha. been eaid abont Ue •f Ua WabaU.*'ln ladiaaa. Catea pitch- er, to vialtinp bia friend, E- Shepherd,
hecanse they are posted
aey of Oeaeral MUea. but
ad hi. ialtial pane peaterdap aad made of Ul* city.
OD what is best for the
Mlm LyrUe SaiwhaU ef 8lxU .treet.
U WaabiaptoB ha. torred iu par- nch a bit wiU the bleaetaeie Uat he
be went to 1. eatertaiDlap Mlm Maod BafcerdorB DR. HIGGINS. DENTIST
MO aad Oeaeral HUaa ha. eanmd Ue
Owv McXmaw.'. Bhotfltor
pnr dapartmaat U chaape Ita plan, r*- bat and elm when he etcpped lato Ue of Fife L.ke.
feet There are lots of such people f
wmrftap Ue ttoclap of FOrto Bieo. It pitcher’, bo* at th» bepianlap of each
M D. Morpaa. wife and eoa. treat te
3,559,817 pairs of 5ELZ shoes we
mw appear, a. thmtph noUlap at all laainp- Be pitched a eroadarfcl pama White Olood yeeterday for a *toit wlU
Plane last year alone.
erlU to done ia that direcUea onUI aad held Ue rtoiter. dowa to three Uelr daaphter.
In offering yon these flhoes we dedare
Freak Hold.worU, who LdrWa atjPaaUapa ha. been aebjnpated.
hit*. Oatea Urow. a ball that appme
tiiem the be^ in the world for tire
U have Ue velocity of e oaaDcm projec
00 matter whether the price if
tile and whaa tha aphera leave, hi.
I lt.50 or $5.00,
* SeaUael head Ue apaetoton kaow aothlap of
Andy PUrb to ridiap a
it land, la Ue
^ilaUwa^AjrmailslKer«ll<« <A«ilete pataTha Bbcobd to iadebted to Frank eateherto haada. Be atoe pitcbea
ao ordinary For yoar money? That', what yoa pet
BUred for a haadao
batter can tad. The Indiana boy to when yoa employ Geo. E. Wtonle— Uloe XM luad for nmiw vilnrlioe «■».
eertalalp a "ind" aad will to able to yoor BMiaey'* worth to pood honest
B. J. Morpaa to harlap hi. livery aealp paxcle Ue ba.t batten to Ue Iroa
^Be* on 8t*u atreei remodeled aad
aad Oil Leapae.”
Opposite Eagle Offioe.
AnoUer pood pitcher to la Ue qeartet
The clrcelt eoort will convene to- which Rant will brtop. Be to Freak
pwrrow mornlnp and bepln Ua dtopeaal Dye, who to well recommended, and
' ' m A I O 1 ^
who will alteraaU to left fleld.
AnoUer from Ue earn leapue to B.
Tkt Banday aehool of Ue Friead*
jtoareh wUl bold Uelr Childrea'a Day H. Piltmaa. who wUl hold dona Ue
eeeoad bap for Ue BMUera. Beoemee
Asaretoe. Ui* evenlnp.
There will to an exeoreiea to Manto- WlU a pripfllled wlU mituandapiked
Aee today on the M. A N. K. The train •horn, atoo a repaUtloa a. a slar.
There to aaother maa to Ue proap
laarm at 6:40 Ui. momliip.
•kp 1* Ue flret to ride called BreaaaB. Tom BreaBan.
baUl for a toll player and wboee teat
Snr Baapbey hill, which to ateep and
held to Uortatop, Uoaph be ean play
glAcalt to aacead wiU a wheel. Be
wherever ooeaeto* demuid.. Tbeee
pad* over it with a Oolambia.
all firat-claai mea aad wUl plra to
Thoic will to a tea cant aapper aarv- Us Baatlere a atreapU wkleh wiU
si bp Graoa Cboreh Oaild at Foreater'a toroe Ua team to tha fraat raaha nf
BaU on 't'acad.y ereniap. Jaac Slat, Ue Michipaa amatorra.
gntpoae to tovltod te attcad.
AnoUer man whom Ue fan. will to
iamaa L. Mamy. a v*uraa *f Ua plad to welcoBM back here Uto
43lrU war. ha. bm appotolad qaartarPTH-4— of Ua abw 3SU raplmaat. He been playlap wlU Ue BaUle' U*ek
tocto. hto datlm Taaaday moratop.
Uto eeaeea. Be ha. beea alpaed
Thto avantop at Ue Prmbyteriaa by Maaaper Keboe and to expeeted
jtoareh Mto. Wlanebs Witoon *f CkioaCarey Hull, who to a Wp pa'^ every
ga, rapraaeatlap tha Stadeat'. Volaaeom moramaat. will apeak on Uat _ um, wiU cover hto old
^ad U outre fleU. wbUa Toay
mnifi TO DO Tio
TBII6S IT 08IX.....
X.E. STRONG. Manager.
235 Treat Sired.
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.
“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
In the
Teacher of Violin.
Want Work
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera Houae.
Pie NiglitOnI;.
Thursday, June 23
Amoap Ue pradaatea at Ua Oaiw^ at Michipaa Uto laonU to Mare A.
grenpa af Uto eity. who will raoalva
from the eoUepe of dent
B. J. Morpaa has added to hto
■gvmy baMaeaa a flaa aair hack, which
prfU to on Ue etr*et for Ue bueflt of
|b* public at all heuia. It will to
gmttoned at Ue Betel Whltlap.
The PmabyterlanCkrtatlas-Eadeave wlU heeatorUlned’Taeeday evuinpat UebameefBev. Howard Moora,
»rcntM, bp the Frtond. (%rtotla* 1
Nareuy wUl paUer Ue balto la at
flret where Ue lovere ef Ue pame will
to plad U aee him apula. Ttoy hae
devoted a preat deal of Ume U trout
flUlap Uto aeaeea. but will BOW tnr*
hto attmtiea toUe ball fleld. Keoa
Bnlfka .will atoo to la Ue team, and
hto famlliarfty *riU Ur rlpbl fleld will
eeme Into poto play apaiu. afi a'lpood
mam ha to. too.
This to ue preMBt^llae-np of Ue
team. But eae mot* pud pitetor to
naeded u «U aut Ue
Mr. Kaboe baa several pood mei
rlew, aad whu he deddea which to Ue
beet he WiU Uad him.
, Thto to Ue beat array mr prase
Interpreted by • fhoronicbly com
petent company of pUyws.
Prioae—»e. U. AOe.
Eeeervadesatt ready Taead^a
In the war ot Summer Hardware Is our Ice Picks, Lemon
Squeezers, Grass Hooks, Garden Tro-wels, Ice Tongs, Axes,
Watering Pots, Poicelain Door Enohs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors. Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you -will
find in our
Hardware Stock.
tifli AoMmrq itaooaD. BtrTOAT, jukb is, ism
wta oaeapy tbab- aottafea tbto aaaaar
are Mra Jadfa Wltbay and danfblar,
Mrn. WlUlard and Ua Mlaa Barla.
Mra WUllard'a aettafa baa bean laaoad
by Mra Dr. Bead of Colorado and Mr.
Cnaalufa aad taally of Orand Bap
ida, aad aba arUI ba tba foat of bar
aaUa darlof tba aaaaon.
TbefaaUyof Be*. Dae P. Bradley
bare been aeUled In Uelr eotUft tor
eoae Uaa aad Mr. Bradley la expeeted
Ua Brat of Jnly.
Mia Bebaeea Rlahmoad wlU wri*a
la a few day* and aetUe -BoAny Banka”
' ir pretty boae near tha Inn, tor Ua
XawraMlBf Badtal of • Boldlar
a«v<n View ad tba Vatlonnl
Chap Alfar. Va.. inna 10. IBM.
•JLAJTDXrr rmABBUTAL BIB- Whan waaeaa off froa taranty-tonr
bowafnarddaty woaantakaatrtp te
Waablnflon. My tan aaaa yaterday
Md 1 fot a paw and left bara abont I
»tU (tam*. Boim BMW. Blcjti* Om- o'eloak with foar othen from oar aoa-1
t—te »Md TewBUMt wd D»- paay. Wa walked aboat one quarter
STM Twm Wark ■ OoawUtUM viU of a alia aad than aat a boa ooalaf
H«M VialtlBC Ki«M Md TM«i at froa PallHaiareA Wa hired bla to
CniM-rublw XmUbc m b* Ad- toke oa to tha ebnrah. a dUUaoa of
>llw. tor 8S eaato and ftMihan
dtMMd bjr Orwt Ommasdar B«7B>
[Prof. W. G. Sperry and Prof. Onrrier
we look tba alaetrie can te Waablnf• of ObarUn are both bnildinf eottafoa
an. aboat aeren alia farther.
Wa whlab rrtll be ready for oeeapaney early
Inft tba atraat oara at Aqoidaot brtdfa
Ilka that •( th« HaenbeM Ic take aad took anoiber wbiek took na dlraet la Jaly.
One ef the aoat nniqne end eharvplMtbenoB th«tld i*<,nlr* a crwt
to tba nary yarda Hare wa hired
Inf oottafea on the raaort la Ua new
0ml •( atWaOoD aad «]om> walch ow falda aad ba took oa aroaad I
llUla ds^la wbleh r* *• B»ka ap a fronnda. Wa eaw aany blatoric eac "lef cabin hoaa” dealfned aad erected
by WUdar 8. Uraree of Grand Bapida,
yarteel plan. It la «x peeted that
kptnrad all tha way froa l«U! to whoae talber, P. H, Ura*M, waa one of
tkonaaadi •! vialtora. loeladlof oihera
18VH. We waat aboard the U. M. ooaat' orifinel ownera of the reaurt.
kaaldea Maooabaaa. arill b* U tha city
anrrey ataamar, I don't reaaabar the Ura*M axoela U maUo dealfea and
(roB all direetiaBB an that day, aad
name bat it waa tha boat that want to
Ua pretty bulldlnfe on tha
tba naBaroOB eammitUeB an bard at
Bnrana hwbor tbe aoralnf tha Maine raaort property are Ua raaaU of bU
work rettLof thlafa Into abapa to taka
blown op aad the one whieb earwra of tba blr eroird and make Ua
^P. K. Power* of Travaraa CUy.
riadtbrbaard of Inquiry,
dlaplay a aneoeaB wortky af Traverte
aany ralia of the Maine and tba bean anfafcd to conduct a boa and •!(*•
Olty. It U impoaBlbla at tkU tima to
fnlda took a draw-abara aad abavad off cry at Ua raaort for tba baneflt ef Ua
fin a datallad profraB bat an ootUae
a place and fare U to aa.
wIU prora of lalemi.
board awora It waa fannlna. Next wa
Bdfawaod wiU ba *ary happy UU
TbaBoralaf will be deroiad to the
waat to Ua aachinc ahopa where Uay weak U weleoaiof lt« frlrada who
tacepUan of vlalian arriainf on the
Wa aaw aareral eame year afur year to enjoy iu boatraiaa and boata, in badlea rapraaastthlrtcan-lncb f aoa nadar Way aad two plUlUy.
iar Iba taaU and bl«n froB variaiu
aiz-laeb fnna uken froa tha Maina
Mlaa Florence LeUrop and eonain,
pOTtiaBa of nortbera and omral MIcbThey will ba flrao an
Mia Lonia Dmry of ChleefO. arrira
Ifan. Tbe eoBaittaea Beat Ua arrl■bar Ua Malna" bafora tba war
tar Patoakey Uia aeratnf to
vaU na fallowa:
Tba naral aaehlaa abopa wa a apead a tew weeks wIU Mr. and Mra.
O. A At.
a frand aiffat bat oar Uae waa Uaited Latbrop.
Wafalar train troa tba aaatb........
ao we left for Ua aaUanal library,
Mrs. W. W. WUllamaon and n
Bpadal from Harbor bprinfa. Pa
oar war oat we want Uroafb
Marrarat Blair of Grand Bnplda, will
toakay awl alone tba Una.......... H:l>
of tba Marina aorpa. Tbatr arrive Monday noon for a two wi
O. A W..X.
Praa Elk Bapida.............................. 8;M
suy. Mr. WOliamaoa will join Uaa
oar quartan. They bare food bade
Froa Patoaky. Oharlerolx and
1 a faw days.
nlaaftbaUna.................................. 0:ftt with aprinf* aad plllawa
Monday nlfht Mr. Maday of Datrait,
The eearreuUmal library U wlUoat Mru. Mumford and two chUdran will
Prom Ealkaaka aad Van Bnran.. 10:00
poaaasalon of Ue Uaalla eattefa
fnmi ManUtaa eroa^nf aad
alaaf tba lina................................. B:U Ua world. Uni la. on Ua Inalde. The for tba aanaoa.
ouUlda af Ua bnildinf U net aueb
K. A S. A aad T/A A A.
Sprlof Baaeb boUl baa baas leaned
look at. Tba laalda of Ua bnildinf U
Proa Ml Plaaaant, Oadillae and
dona off aaUraly In marble and in to Ua former manafar. R. W. Payne
aU palsu ea tha T. A A A and
for one year and ha will aasnaa oonirol
beanty It axcallad anyUlnf I aa
fran MaalatM and all polntt on
tha M. A K. B.................................. 10:M> Ua Werld’a Pair. It waa worU Ua trip at onea. Tba boUl baa bean pot In
faao obapa and will be opes for meat*
U aaa Uia baUdtaf alone.
Wa ^
By alnaaor Craaeant from North.
port, Oaona aad Sottona Hay. .110;IS froa Ua library to Ua caplul, hlrad a Joae toU. A number of application*
■ooma bav* already bean looelvad
falda aod he explained a*aryUln|
Darinc tha aoralne than will i
tha fBBaa and Weyda raoaa oa tba latareai about tba bnildinf. Wa want
Aataaaaat Mota*.
inboUbonaaa of OoBfraea.
In the
"Our Goblins.■' a farcloal oomady,
Tha fraat parade will atari at ll.lo Hoaaa Johnaea. of Indiana, waa talkander Ue mamapament of Baajamtn
A a. or laaadiataly afur the atrlrA lef on Ua Hawaiian annexation.
TaUill, will bold Ua board* at Hieiaof tba O. A A I. aad M. A N. E traiaa. UaSaoaUUay were worklns on
barp'e Opera Honsa aaxt Tbanday
Tka parade will fora at tba eoraar of batch of aaall bllla. Tbey paeaad
avenlnp. A nnmbar of bnpbt now and
Pront aod Uaion atraaU aad move aaat bin about every fire aiaatM.
eauby roualcal nombar* will ba Introto Boardaan aranna. aoath to Bute.
Wa went to tbe naUonal Baaena
Mat to-Walllofloti. Math to Waablof- look at tbe carioa and Uaa waat to Ue duoad durlnp tba ooarae of Ue avenlap’* antertatomant, ioeludlnp tha tol*
taa. waatto Hoardaan anane. north White Sonoa where McKinley
lowlnp: 'Tba BUr that Never Knew
to BUU. WMt to Ualoa. aonth
baldinf aracapUon and ebook hand*
Oafoat," “Ala Gasaia.'' “Eli Btavea*,'
Blfbth. aaat to Caaa, aoetb U Niatb, wjtb him aad Bacretary Alfar.
-Cake Walk." "Tba Art of Mq^lo|
waat to Uaion. north to Front, aaat
we went to Waskinftoa'a aanai
Uive." "Willla Off Ue Yacht," "I Do*a
Parh. and diaband.
aad weal up ia Ue elevator aod took a
You la tbe Hama Oid Way." etc. Tba
It arUl be aaen that tba llae of aarcb look upon the eonntry around, it
company comet bipbly reoommapd
baa bean aa anaayad that tbe parade a fraad eifht. 5S0 feet above
arill doable oa Itarlf ooalnf back oa fTOund.
AU Poraatara are urpad to meat
VnioB. firlae an exMllent opportunity
Next we took a atreet car and went tbair hall UU raorninp at B:M o'clock
to tboae Uktof part to aea nearly tba around by tka HrlilU lefstioa aad to aUeod tbe Pmbyterian church is n
Mtlra parade.
other ainlatora' buildlafa L«ft Waak- body. Bav. Wylie K Wripbt will de
At two o'clock A
InfUD at 6:30 and fnt back to earn
liver a aermoa to eoiumemoralion of
Isf wilt ba bald an tba Centnl acboot »:I6. We bare batter frub bot not UaorpanixxUon of Ua order in UU
fronnda. Tbia aaotlnf will be nd- rnoofh of It No proapact of aorlnf rily.
4nme4 by Araat CoBaandar BaynUm, yet.
Mr. and Hr*. L. F. Hoxie have r*
tha father nf tha order.
tarned from Ann Arbor where they
laaadiataly after thia aeatinf tha
want two weak* apo to ooa*alt wiU
band oonlaat will Uka plnoa on tha
Ue emtoant doctor* ia rapard to Mr.
Oanlral aekool fronnda. Prixaa of BM,
Boxle's baalth. Ba U oa better aad
•ss and tio will be awarded.
ba* but little hapa of a peraasant
A fraat ball faae arill ba called at
ton at Omana. 1
>:to p. a. at Ua Twelfth atraat park,
Ed. OUbart has oopyripbtad a clpar
batwraa tkc Tranraa City Hoatlen
aad Bprtnf Beachlabal. whlab U a photoprapb of Ue
and the Cotu. of Manlatoa.
Hannah Blftoa at Camp Eaton. Ua will
Tke OrlrlBf Clob baa arraafod for
Abel T. Pafc, one of tba ownan of maka a new clpar to ba eallad Ua
. trottinf aad biayele raoaa at ika Pair
“Oannah BlAa" and one whieb will be
Ua Grand Knpid* raaort at Omana,
Omnd track. Tbeaa will bafln at at
U Ua oily yaterday for a ebort time of|* almllar exoallaBce of quality to
1:M p. m. aa fallowa:
on bnaisea. He reporU affair* at Ue tba Travaraa City brave aaldier boys.
noma tucu
Ptm for AU. Trot or Face............ tltS.OO
................. ............ Its OO dition and Ua demand for accoai
ever before.
t:a Claa,
ao.ui Mona unpraoedantad. In one day'*
m<'ixi.a lut-Ea
anil laat wak enonfb appllatlont fa I have used many leinadlM without recalvlnp mueb relief, aad being raoomOna.balf mlla opaa, two In three.
rcoa* were racalvad at Omens Inn to
latpiiM, Hlcyda Hboea.................$3 00
nlaoai fill Ua boul fa Ua aeaMn, and
Sdprlaa, Fanoy Bwratrr..................... S.%0 Ua latun aaa froa all parta of Ua top me to be a poor widow, pave It to
td alM->^locklef*.................l OOiCOBairy, rapraaealiaf tlllooli, Ohio.
One mile open, two is tbrae.
] Kentucky'Hiaaourl aod Iowa, aa well
the second bolU
vary muchI aad
lat prise. Heat Hlcyda Halt............. •7.&o:aaall Ua larfer eltla of Ua wat, not
abaolDtaly cured ma I have
•dpriaa. Pine Adlaka Camara........ s.oo forfattlnf aany from Grand Bapida bad aa pood bealtb for twenty year*.
Sdprixe.BpHt Bamboo FUklnf Bad S
lb* Inn. which la to ebarpe of Mrs. BeapaettoUy. Mr* Mary A. Beard.
- U by 8. E. Wail.
rxioxr. JCKK 34.
Brea* of Grand Bapida, Ua feraer
ONariatloa Baeaa aod Bleyela Baaaa landlandy, will be open far bnalnaM^
Pnraea to be anaouBeed latar.
Monday. A larpeannei baa bean bnUl.
la Ua avaniBf Uere *rUl ba n oompaitiva dcfraa team emtnat la Ua
aty Opera Hall for pricaa offarad by
Ue Great Tent aod Ua dlatriet dapotina TbUwillba of apaclal-InUraat
«• Ua TUIllnf MaecaWea.
Tha Quean of Ua Laka will flva
Baarly axcuralon* ao Ua bay darlnf
Tnare will ba a Sna tbaatrleal attoMtiat. -Oar Goblin*'' in Swiaberr’*
Otand to Ue avantof.
Tbe parade will be (he frnatmt atraat
aaaa ta Travarae City, aad
tba Snant of Ua kind evar fivan la
MorUarn Mleblfaa. ApproprUte amUaatatic Boata will fora a particulary
ffna atiraaUoB. while Ua richly robed
iafiii taaou on banabaek. will be
aarylapaatof. Anombarof floaU of
tha L. a T. M. will alaa ba in Ua dUptoy.
bavnral band* will ba to Ua
panda pad a bleycto dlrialon wUl fora
• Ana
ef Ua
day and Ua fratorual
aWt^araryona M nqaaiod u daaofAMt^sUr
AAd dwoUtofm. a
rl*>DC a number ef axVa reoma, and dohp Aab Has Bacarad Expert Baker
nearly I:*') tact of veranda ba*e been
And Bade Bany Improvamento.
added and aUer improeeaeoU madi
oa Ue bulldinp aad pround*
New Ue City Bakery of Jacob ^li
road* aad bicycle path*, have been laid made many attractive '
about the preaUasand :_____________
out UroBph Ue beanUful park aad at- for a oouldanb'.e Ineraaae to Ua bu*ltraeUva rnitlc cummer bouaea buUi. naaa. Mr. A*b wa* formerly one of Us
Tba oottapna have all baea Lakes for Arm of McLellan A Aab. oonfaeUoaara.
aad i* a profeaaloaal candy maker. He
tha aaaaoB. aad aaveral ef them
hM added the manufactnre of ennfaealready opened
tlon* to tbe butinesa of the City Bak•'Cha-mln-wab-ba,” Mr. Pape'* torpe ary. He maka every kind of andy to
anmmar borne wilt apain be la ebarpe tempt Ue fanry ef old aad yonnp.
af Mia. Halan M. Oartble lot Grand Ue bakery part of tbe bwnea bes
aalderably added to. He baa
Bapidk. anu
aad wui
will ba
Ailed w.a
wiU puata.
puaaU. Ncorad tbe arvloi
oe bun
■ Aat •............
Mrs. AUUoa and aoUar, of Ctaiapa. | pert baker, in tha person> of J
John Me*years to Ua. blp
Java baaa Uera fa Ua past Urtw ar,
a. wko
wao served
aarvad seven
waaka, and Mrs. AlUam baa altvady Audltorlom botol in Chleapo. and
alao employed aaveral year* in tbe bakmade a pUentorial record Uat A»ka- top baainaa ofllohlaaat. wkaae kaklnp
wUl Bod bard to bant. Yatorday bustoaa i* the larpat to Ue wat- Mr.
Ue retomad froa n visit U one of Ua Meyer U a *kined artlat to fancy baklnp
trout etraaBB* near Ua raaort wiU a of every description and Uara i* niUtop far Ua Ubls whIU ba cannot de
baadaoaa tour ponnd apaeklad tronk vise and Uare U no claa of baked
ooa af Ua Anaat avnr eanpbt at Uat poods wblU Ua City Bakery ansot
•apply at Uert noUa If It to not
Every room at B. A Kayaa’ aottapa randy on band. Good* are daUv...
balal "Tba Ctovan" M anfapni ter Ua prompUy, and Mr. Ash to w eaarpaUe
Uat hto chiat aim to to plena hto onaaailra aaaaon and n nnmbar of pnaaW tomara. A vtott u Ua Olty Bakaty.ssi
have nlrandy nrrivad.
Wont atraat. will ba boU n plananra
Aaonp Grand Enphto paopla who nnd n proAt to nvwyona.
• •■V)
A lot of Men’s Pants, great values for the money,
desirable goods, $1.48.
A better lot, handsome, good wearers, good en
ough for anybody, $1.96.
A still better lot, extra good, $2.46.
See them—It will pay—Going quick.
Also some great bargains in
Men’s Suits.
When we cut prices it is no joke—It is money
saved for the weEirer.
to Jo*t Ui tblnp to help y«n boy pm>d.
booost and up-to-date ohoa* cheap. Wa
have redacad tbe prioe on ail footwaor for
a few days oe account of the E. O. T. M.
caIrbratloB, and it you naad anvlhtop to
tbto line come to aad lack Ua abowi avm-.
We CM ptasto you in s'yle, qullty and
price. Our 91 IS Vlel Kid aboea are wtoner* Our $1 24 Cbooolau eloU top sboaa
are beanUa*. Oor 75c woman'a Oxfords
■ell ail over forfl.SO.aad onr USeabaaa far
men and'woman are warruiad ail aoUd
and pood wearerm Coma aad boy Uaaa
of u*. We will aarely Save ya* mosey.
More barpafas here.
Th* Hawaiian Raaolutien When
It Comes Up at the Other
End ef the Capitoi.
■•Her RveerT''*
"<e Hraalv Atlvr ■
Vrrr Hiirf «,-rll»a »r tbe Furel*B Atteln <k.B>mtUee—4>|,|M*r*I. (hrllBed to
iBit.'B l■rp,r«lalla*ell
A. S. Fryman,
« IMivU' Work.
WaUlnxtun. June IL—Only aU'Ut flfteea mlnuta' time wa* consumed by the
SenBte furelen relation* committee ye*terday In rcarhlnc a roncluslon to re- j
port (he re*oiuii<>n> for the act(uiaiUun I
of the Hawaiian Islands by the Dnlled;
Staleo. only two of the DrmocmUCj
member*—Turple and Mill*—were prta-;
ent at the meetlnx. and ti.ry contented j
themsrlce* by rvcirdlnx their votea in [
oppcAltion to a motion to rviwrt favor
ably. shonltis no dlsiHnlllon to delay
action by the eommIUre. No Republic
an vote* were caat In the nemtlve. and
Dsvla Btated (hat he woe aulhoriaed to
cast the vote of Morean In U* affirm
ative. The fact drveU<|>ed that while
the renolutloD flrsl rerelted the oancllun
of the house It WB* preparedd by Davl*.
Uifealed to
and no diapoeitiun wa*
ebanxe It In any reapw-t.
Kb Talk Likely Till Meal Waek.
After the ayre-mem to reiKirt the re*.
olutloB wae reached thrr* w*» aome In
formal dlK Uwslon a* ifi when the »en»te I
ahoul,f be aiked b- lake up the i]ue«tlon |
and It wa* decided that tht* should b*
done today—the flret prariliable dayas one obj«'«-ilon w<.o1d have been *uf.
fli lent to prevent the la-ylnnlni of conalderallnn yesterday, it Is possible,
however, that after oalllng the matter
up today It may be allow^ to xa over
until Monday, aa the opimnent* of the
resolution say they w III refuae to assist
to maklox a uo»rum If the question is
Bmlrtal Dm Bn.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with tbe Traverse City Ltunber CompAny. '
We have for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
HUl HaohineTyof alld
flet Works, Osrriages snd Ss'iw^
for sale.
S Two Enginss,
A complete Saw Hill Plant
We do not
bdlong to the combination
should not come up for consideration
durinx the present session of conxre*s
will cut an imporiant Axnre In the conlion Id the aenate.
BldcraUoa of tbe quntlo
_ the Republiran memlwi
mlttee on behalf of the UemoeraU after
the adyoumment of the cummllteemaetInx ye»lerd*y. and they were Infortned
that the Dnnwratic member* of tba
Bnanc* cornmlitee ware xenerally ^
posed to contend that tbe axveemant
was explicit to the effect that the Hasrallan question should not be revived
In tbe senate durlnx the prvaeni sewalon.
Some of the member* of the forelxn re
lation* committee •taied that they had
never before heard of the oxreemtnt. i
but all manlfeeted a diap>«ltloe totnve*tlxate the matter.__________
Btoatorvk^ H<«Hh Ulvw daxtolyV
London. June II.—A aperial dispatrii
from Berlin owr Prinre Bumarch'a
health Is causlns renewed anxiety. H*
to reported to be •ufferins rreat pain
from iniUmmatlon of tha veins of hto
ristat les. hto dally drive has bean aitaMBdad. and hto ataap to brulHB.
And we sre not obliged to sell meat at war prices. We bava a
car load of the best western oom-fed stock and can famiab yon tba
beat Chicago beef killed at h«ne
Bingham Bros., Fnit Stmt
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badtsbes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
Those 167.
94S Front SttMt.
BO?S iT c« m
S3d UHI 94th Michigan Vclun*
taara Nicely Lccatcd.
niBn BOOT or TBOon is cam-.
•uch A rate. Tbt woAt* tea lone htm
dMraced by miburliy rate
l>a par(urmaDcn ounai in» entitv acaaton oa
tbta «rcat qucaiioa bave bM uoaaanlr
and louralr out "f barmotgr wiUi tba
InatHuUuna aC
(hlrda of ih» aenau ba»a dcalred Ha
waiian annoaaiiuu. and yet oae-ihird
of the aeoaton have pteveuied the maJomy Iram votuic uo the aub>rct by
tpatr Inieimtaable talk.
Blw-k* U> nsM NyaaUtaU
^UM«m «llkAr»7
oscMot tiM T«« K«ciB«««4 Iu«*-nr
aic«.lt«4 bjrllMciMteO erw^t Al««rta
Uoa- Mny of yoa who have T«ad
of the auninu«nlnp of colorod r«u.
troo(a to pive battle to the I
of the
army j
without a alngle protest tram our re-i
united biethren of the soutb. bave g.v* {
one Ibougbl to the public agtuiloa i
uuted during the uvii war, txhenj
Ibooe who had formerly been aUvea |
were given arms lu suppress aeceaslon? That «aa one of the m. at ertUcaJ peHods In the nailon'a history, and yet
the act of thuae daya la repwted at i
thl. time wlihuul a rtpple of excitement
... . M-..M4
Word ..r
»f advi-nw ...n.vnkl.l
r tKilliy .if am.lnp «be biarks waa
Aral offlelal!)' antiaumwl lo the Anal.
eii.anfl|»Uon prot-lanuiUtai of Jan. l. i
jsa, and atepa were Immediately taken i
put ibe pi'ijit-l Initi torc^. Joho il. I
Nioilay and John Hay. lo a ehaider of ^
bletury of Abrbam Llnrsdn. aa
publlahtd li
Acoerdinf to a 8p*oial CorrM*
pondpnt ef tht Lendm P«U
Mall Guptte.
la Wblrh They WIU Prahably Be
\» the t)ac«a'> T
HratohadbyttaBappacttva OhBrebta
TnratsaOlV BhiftM.
Bolow te a Itet of tba bu^ and oaUInf prioea of yaatarday for froewiaa,
proT&ona and tans prodocu In Trav-
Tba pnalar wUl dtaanaa aonu Chria- Qa^ psrk par
’Uan napaaU of the j9ar both taonlnf
Short Cnl Pork...................
ud •eanluf.
Short Cut Pork per Bi...................
Tbe anbjaot at 10;M a. m- will be
rionr. B L ACtebaat..............
iWhat the Bpanlbb-AinecicaB war ta Bye Flour. B L. ACo. Beat..
d<dar for tbe Onltad Sla tea
Maai. B. L A Co. Baal...............
ta tba evaalbf at T:** p m. tba aub- Faed. H. L. AOa Bast...............
Bgirs per dug........................................
Jaet wUl ha "Tba
lalanda and
Oudflah per tb.......................................
Lard per ft..............................................
Oive each otbar a warm bandabaka Dntiar per ft. Dairr.........................
t each aerele^ aapacial y fiaat tha OraaBury Butter, ft........................
Chaaae per ft ......................................
Oat* perbo(oldl................................
have oonrreratioaat alnriDf; <'orn per bn., oiA..............................
pleaaa Join >» the hyni
Tba Junior C. B. maatiag
will ba dla- Bran per 100.........................................
Potetoea. par ba...............................
oonUnued for the anmmer.
BiiTino aana or TBAvnak a
YouDf people's aoclalr of Chifatlan
111 7>
li 0»
fl (»
4 SO
1 SO
Ever Borned Ontf
Uao yon know
tba valaa of
Bicvcie Riders.
Bcmember tliat I do all kinds of ra*
pairing and w amellng. nad that 1 CM
and do give you the beat work of-any
one In tbe city for the monay.
be deceived by what o^era tall jn« te
Ibe omlrary, but ooiae and aea te
Waahinffton. June U.—Tb^ camp or
AU the l-oi
the pemteivoua of the volunteer aoU
diera In Virfinla. ten mllea from the
tiatbwal rapiul. U named Camp AUer.
London. June U.-The Pall MaU OaIn huoot of the dlatlnpulahed Uichlpan
guarantee all my work to ba right,
Mle pubilahea a diapaub from lie ape*
man who la bow the accreiary <>f war.
KAL- and It it does not prove ao 1 make it
It la apicndidly looaled on the Vlrclnla
now at
hUla In a country alwaya noted for Ita
j»m„ca. who rect-mly landed tn Cuba
78 ^wp In tm 8 o'clock every avnolbg,
boaitbful and
captured and suboeguenUy re78 except Sunday, In tbe OaldwMl A LonWhaav new, _______
Tntre baa been a acarcUy of water
He cabled
AU an eordlally Inritad.
II i don Building, at north and of Onioa
there, but when the Hlchlpan truopa
Oata, No. 1. par bn. (new)..
nnsT MKTuvuigr.
Corn, par bo...........
made complaint. Ueneral Alger naM:
■ev.J.A. BreMy. paoMr.
'*]f you boya can't «et enouah watci
eneiaddlBK 4hal a battery of el*
Sunday—Praachinf atlO:M a. B. and
It diinrins weiu I win have axroe water
Bnttar, per ft....
ktina unkoown to the Amarliai
tilped here all the way from Detroit.■*
9:ao p. B.
been rampleled In the eaat barb»r, and
Brb. per down..
The l<e«t Itwation in the cam< haa
Claaa meatlnc at 9:M a. ka.
been awipned to the SU and Stih replbe aay e that a aimllar battery on the
Mr. B Rricbam of Pike City. Oul..
tnenu of Ulcblpan volunin-ra.
o|.|>oaUe aide la In couraa-^ conili
aaya: "During my brothar'a late sicksad baa been hefv three week* and the
Uon, AccortlInK lu The Pall Mall Ga- , »*rvi«>enesN from aelatle rheumatiam. CbainS4ih haa been here nboui ten daya They
aeite r<irre«i-.mlcni the Piwnlaide are i
Junior Uame at a:>o p. b. and Bp- 'berlaiu'a Paio Balm waa the only rem
•r« ivKarded aa the Aneat body of men
edy that gave Aim any relief." Many
- ««>■ —> —> -11.1,L-r» .1 «;1S P «.
to the ramp, all of them belnp well ^ S
wrote Irii.ra to e. v.nl of his
' that atl.r defouling the American fleet i
Hornlnif subject:
"Tha Qraatcat otkera have teatifled to the prompt re
erre-ed and fully tgulpiied. while the
lief from pain wbisb tbii llnimeot af
trooi« from other itatca have arrived manders uiumg them to acUve
*''7 „ V,U"hM on
World." Bvenlaf nb- fords For sale by 8. E Walt, Drag-,
here eome Of them without unlforma. In orkBiilalrp neiini rvslmeiila.
gistmany of them without aboea and whole
arKumrm uua m-etltd lo lioloi out
a-ymAu.ert<wai<beU.Are Uermivvi.
The fenaral prayer meetlaf will be
Firat-claaa Riga Everything i
rompanleg without rlAea The
hie preat praotbal wisdnni In the man■m* B|>Bnlard«, It eeemx. ' explain the ' bald tbia week on Wefloeidir ceentaf.
and neat. Rates aa reasonable as any
. W. PaU-hiB.
*'• P.Ciatto
located upon an old Vlrnlnla farm and aarmeni of thla dilAt uU gutatuui tliia
futility Id Admiral Rami*on’, demon*;
engaced for
flrat-claaa bam in tbe city. Oive nan
the anilent manor houae. sai yearn old.
tnrnt U f> uud In ibt u;er«- tuiiiand get our priecA
•Ull aianda. The Mlebipan lini
: up of lU tanatble inUltury rv■■
c camp elore to the houae and aeveenl of
Attorneys nt Law.
and MUa Vadar aa organUv
adding that numl.ers of
the otAreia are comlortalily Aaed with
Maay Calured Hec>men>a.
them have nut exiU.Mlid, and saying Profeaaor Homt. vlollniat of Alaa Col- OSeea la Mtougua Bloek. Ttarer** Ottg, Ml^
Sooma In. the ancient manor
At the bt-Klnn.i.a of t>e«.«mber. rit. that no damage haa b<eo done oabnra.
lara. will play during tba offeratoiy.
Uartww* tlaj«y> UiioM-tt
Ia»a than a year atlrr the prealdenl Aral The country lietween the clUea of Ma*
Penator Burrow-a recently made hla proclaimed the |■ollly. be uaa ahlt to
Everybody weloome.
tansos and Havana la dcMrtbrd aa be*
third vlalt to Ibe eamp and r
aonouDce In hla annual meaaacv that Ing "rich tn cattle, abundant in crops
unaeg (ariacuHAt.) vhvbch.
to eupper. He haa wItneMed aevelal alMi-jl te.<m> men. formerly alases. were
and prufuiw In cmaena." Continuing.
S i^nao^. ^ttw-tor
«reat paradaa and aaya that hla aupper then actually beartne arma In the ranka Tb* Pall Hull Oaaeit* writer remarks:
tn meaa with the oflltera waa aa enjoy.
of the I'nlob forvea. A report made ty "Maiansaa a week ago eatimaied that br. Choa. T, BUtui. a«rtor.
•hla and wholeaome aa any aupperytven the aecretary of war on April S. IW4. it had flour to last ten daya. meat for a
Boly Oommnnion. B:40 a ns.
In a hotel or reauurant to hungry
Bhuwa that the number of nraru Iroopa month and plenty oj flah and vegetableo.
r wailoBtoPi
Maralng nrayar and sermon at 10:W.
Cn the oecottd vlalt of the aenMor he then muaiered into the aervlce of tba
^MereagUta Oc
Thera were no aigna of aurvaUon and
Bnnday aekoal and Bible elaaa nt II.
Waa aeeompanlad by Mra liumrAa and L'nlti-d Sialet aa a»ldlera bad liu:reaaed
prtrea were about the same as la AncrSira Andrewa. and they were intro*
Vesper servioe at 6 p.
to Tljilt. and ae leurs further, from ICA“
diuced to a ertat number of aoldlera. All the re|>orl of the pruvoat marahal cmHavaoB Has a Gay Aspoet.
All are oordlally invited to thene ser•f them were dellghied with the at.
eial. that at the cloae of the war there
Concerning Havana tbe eorrvipoadent
tentlon ahown them by the vtaltora were in the aerv lee of the Vnlied SUlea
auom* that nobody would Imagtoe that
who came ao far to aee them.
of colored lr»>-]« 120 replmenla of In Mav-ana I* thvekaded. aa there la a gen*
Bav.ASatabory. Pastor.
AH of Ibe oflicen of the two rectmenta fantry, twelve replmenia of heavy ar
eral aapect of gayeiy..When the Amer
•ailed at the war depaitment receatly tillery. ten lompanlea of ll|chl artillery.
Sunday aerrieea aa follows;
ican warahiiw were sighted crowds
•nd were received by Beeretai.
Bod aeven replmenu of cavalry, mak- ruahed to tbe seashore, Jeered At tbt
Praaehing at 10:M a m.
s. OIT 0*MW Boom Blk
Sb hla ondal guv term. After apendins
ltt« a craod aacreBate of lUlW men. ..
. and than returned home
Snaday aehool at IDIOa b.
y ' no hour in the war department aa Thia waa the laryrM number In aervlce | merrily. The city of Ha'
Yonag people's Bsetlng at 4:10 p. b.
' 1
''t '• aecretary of war tht
any Ume, but It does nut repreaent' onunred to be ahnonblly ■
to tna CapitoL where
Piraeblag at 7;»0 p m.
«r them. The entire number com- i and the %.M0 Ppanlah volui
1 ^ paid their raapeeta to
Mid-weak prayer meetiag at T:M
mlMiuerd and enltated In this branch de*<Tlbed as being reaponalble men. well
•eaaior berawa and Senator McUll
of the aervlce during the war, or more equipped and capable of over*awelng
laa. With the aenaiora they had lunch pro|-erl) ajH-aklng, during the last two "the Cuban canaille." There U said to
In the aenate rwtnurant. All of them
be enough coal at Havana to laat two
year* of the war. was tlC.91' men.
ktelDB In full uniform they atl
months, and Captain General Blanco la
Walebedlba KsyeHmeiit.
erwat deal of attention. After lunch'
reported to have limited the prices of ■award Moore and Mary Moore. Paato
kbey adjourned to Seaator Bnirowa*
staple articles, t« have cut rent* In half
Corner Oak and FUth atnata.
committee room, where they found
and to have abnilahrd tbe payment of
Bibla aebooi at B:4S a b.
mKAINlD wrtag-jfla* BiaaUs
voodly aupply of good cigara. which dent IJncoln'a plans we are Indebted to
the laU.t» of Miaara NKulay abd Hay Interval on loans
they greatly enjoyed. One of the offl.
Morning aervloA 11 a b.
r. a.
t-tereety Eager to Plghk
tui a su.viuct pirsentmeiit uf tbe facta
cera aaked Senator Burrowa the coai
U llj •«j Walton
Junior abating at t;00 p b. Amanda g Mk«lre*t. B»tf
Neverthelesa, the correapondent adds.
suthoriof a bug of that kind of clgara.
•enator laughed aa be replied: "Thera
C. E. Baetlngate:l&.
ta no trade mark on the box at all Wa tbe blacks with the keenest aptwehen- ,.
t Mk 9 B 'fisUten
Stave clgara to hum In Waablngten.'*
CUldran's Day aaarciaaa 7:M.
Older uf July e. l«. dlrecllni millury pe-.hably fall, "owing tn ihe symtemalle
•nd they proceeded to burn them,
A-baany welcome to all.
commandera to setae and use vr-iwrly. ' runn ng of the l.lm ka V. whK b la Inef*
rro-le. of tbe Hlrhlgaa tmlegatlua.
real or |wr*onal. for miliiary pun«>aea j fecUve." In .-on. lusi'm the correaponS to,........
rutsT naiTisT
Osngreaaman Snover. General Apaldand t.. empl..y perwma of Afric an de* 1
ciita-n army 1* fiercely
T oaT-PatrgoMrtaaiadai-etai
tni and Conirvaaman 8am 8m»b are
Ber. J C. Comma. Pastor
tba cronlea of the Michigan congroa*
Noma^' a^'tom^Bd
lo.-fln A B.
Uaapei life oervioA
fersed already to discover a wicked t1o- i H*i‘ Idea of a compromise,
PiBder glaase laat* ai MeMomara
Monal delegation
8i>aiding la a large,
I0:SUA. oa. Public worablp. Sei
new PHlLlvpthC uoVEKKMKKT.
nuacular man. hnowr la a taU. alender latlon of the laws of war. apparently I
MW. .. Dotralt,
— '
"Tbe MlalaUy of SmUea" Prov. 15;U.
mao. and hmitb. a veritable light forgettlrg that hla own generals were t
tverywhere using such powers in mill* *1W«**1 Agtermeat BsIwvm AgwIaaM*
wcigbi. la Icaa than I feet Ull and only
llittAB. Bible aekool.
and aa Aiartsaa OsossL
weigba 199 pouoda Thru* three Mlchl- lary labor. When n waa learned that
tPtOV*r>-We Ci
*6 9W”*' .OUaage,.
6:l.t p. B. Young poopla'a prayer XroiKa MBC t-HgllP
■an men are great walkiTa and they
w naildlog. ItotrMt.
UM...... rv. Waya*
take many airolli together tbioughwul lo organise negio regiments. Ibe south* apondent of The Timet givet the text meating.
7:90 p. B. Gospel aarvloA
the capital city. When the bouse of era affeciatioD of surprise and protest i of a Urrlln tetter dated June 4 and read
bordered on the ludlcioua “The beat , m ihe corte* on Thursday, purtiortlng
repreoeniatltrea Uhrs Us dally ad*
Preacblng by tbe pastor.
Soumiireni. they
A eardlal InrtuUos la ekteadad M aU
S*ennaylvania avenue and Into the faah* tbe L'niled Hlatis." wrote General Lee
April H at Hlagap-.re between Agulnat.
MoyfleM. Mtrb. _
tonahle norihweatrra |>art of the city.
and tba Amer.
do. the *1
•niy aeissratlng to go to their reap'n^'tlve Hunter oaa armi-d alavea (or the mur* Kswi consul there, regarding the future
boarding bouaea
They meet In tbe dcr of ibelr maslers. and ha* thus done
aervlle governir.enl of the Hhlllplp
tnontlng In the While House, or a me of all tn hla p.iwer to Inaugurate....................
Hi.rg I
tba executive dei>arimenta. and attend
at-UMSWOOD O.P.A-OtaadnaA.
Kung by Admiral Ivwe)-. In iM* agreeto bueiniu together until marly noon,
when they walk down IVanaylvaola t r hill TOT* to ibc ludlacrtrolaate slaugh* ; »»»"« Agulnaldo undertaket t«> organise OkAngaonO. M-*I. and 0. * W.IK.
prorurallsiw. Btoess
•venue tc the Capitol, and l>cgln the
taka Bflbet Today.
transaction of public hualiwaa In their
A little later the Confederate war dto
"t »*" ;*»■ ‘•‘ree Ai^can
committee rooma or on tbe Otwr of the
Tha aaw achadule ef the C. A W. M.
panmem laaued a formal orter. aa fol-1 del.-xtt*. aa counsdlora Tb* itorta of
MtJSs'stoska B.
be opened lo for. and G. R. A I. railroads will go late
-That Major Ovneul Hunter the archlpelara are
Hava KM44B To Pe rroaiL
eign trad* and tmmigrania. with eertaln affaet this Boon. Oa tba C. A W. M.
tlenrial 8|wldllig aaya: The peoida
rcatrtrUooB agaluM the Chtnese.
tba trains will taava Travaiae
Cf klK'hiaali have reae,>n to be proud
Then follow vlauoe* tirnmlatng Judicial
wt tbi'ir eoidiero. and also of their aol*
City, weak days for tba aeatb at 18;M
end other returtna tbe expulsion and
aAl.n-Ose M oaloes Oxiarsa
•i-r iMion. General Alger, who haa (•uilaws; and (hat In tbe event of tbe
abuilllnn of "tyrannical religious or A B. aad 4:90 p. m.. and every day ex•one »•' niuch to take care of our vol* capture uf either of them, or that If any
ders." the freedom of the prrm. protec eept Satarday at 8:M p.
Wiiieen. th neial Shaftcr. cummandlng other eommlasinned officer employed la
tion to Hpanlab residrnik. provlaUm for
tiu aiiiiy of Invaaion. la a Michigan drilling,
tbe retura of Bpanlsh offlriala to Spain,
who le ni.iktag a splendid ivcord slave*, with a view of their armed *ervday except Monday at C:I0 a b-. and
' o^^dVaa . Bark** Oedor Co..
and tbe general develupmeat of tbe
got himecll. t olonel Uardurr and Co'- b* In the wai. he ahall not br regarded
every day except Sanday at 1:40 p. at.
•ne! Moiuirlii are »i-nlor cuIoncU. and a* a prisoner of war. but held lo close
•DgMLOCg«DgW*Lg PLAMg-roes^te
Tbe Times' eoreesM'ndent aaya that and7.-O0p.B•re rKpesti'd Svon lo be plaivd in com- -'.-nfli.emrnt for execution a* a felon St
XX Ik* Tiatenw City Uiator Uv
the conimU of the agreement "harmon- '
Trains arrive from the aortb week
anand of brlyudca Gtuerml liufflrld la *m h Him and place as the praaldeal
• brigadier gen-ral. and be also will shall order."
guartors. but there I. no pPHif of lU
I‘(v*'dent Davla In hta aenaaitonal
have command of a bilgade. No oiber
Satarday at 9:80 a nt.
■late hae U-m ou much honon-d In tba |i|iH-lainatb>*, of outlawry agaln*l GenA dlapaieh from Madrid aaya: "SeBor
Trains arrive from tbe eontb. week
•rgaioaatiun cf the vi.lunte>-i army."
eial nutlet and all I'ummiaaloned offl*
SagaatA replying in the cones yrsier*
a m aad 6-49 n
and lymrrrw city property la eaakaag*. orwlU
MIchlgan'a naval hrio, Capivin Urid* • I IS In bli <-uminand. declared: "Afrllay. gave up hla life for tbia country. ran slaves ha«e nui only le-en Incited
It U now offlcially known at the navy ic. insurrcetlon by every ilivnoe and enadded that the situation there waa of |
'•---------------•epBMniedt that allhougb Capialrtlrld- (vtirueemenl. but numlers uf lb, m have
tbe gravest charai lrr Tbe diapatebes .
A raw oooD w»o mck wwatod.
Jc> wga on the aick list, he went upon siluall) U-rn ant»-d for
A CTtyL—terrw. wm
the bildge of tbe OlympU
coinnuiid of hit veaaol and directed her . ti-ri-ire and uHiai mcrcliesa airoclil^ of are aitacklr.g the walled cUy, ha* i at ASi a b-, 1:» p. m. and 7:08 p. m.
0oeem<-nl» thiougbiut th> gnat battle
in thie It was ordered \thal
caused Intenee di-pr-ssiun.
Trains laaee Traverae City tor tbe
(D Manila l>ay. He i-'ioatncd on duly I mcio e'aves captured In arma M-tr<
lAindon. June l*.-The Madrid eorre- L
aoatb at6:»a. bl. >1:10 a
healdc Commodore Dewey during that : on' - iVlitered oecr lo the executive an. ■pumlcnl of The Dally Telegram aaya:
"•»« •time of conatani battle, and cuBtlBUed I tb rlih-a of the rea|e<tlvr aUtee to ••General Weylt r. In the lourwe of an tA and i.to p. B
"G9n*ral Weyltr.
•e p-rr'im the dullea of hie uffi<v dur- ubn-b they belong to be dealt
Interview, ha* d*.lared that he never
Ing tb* miiiwlng »«-*k until he wa:
oaid state." and beard of Cbarle* A. rrandall. who last
•bilged to retire from duty by order of
Wbte aoetetg Xsatixig.
immisstooed offl- April, when arreaicd In the I'nlted
Admiral Dewey. Very soon tbeieafu-r
rolber* and eriminala deaervlna
Tbaanauaibuilnaai maeUag of tbs
8tate*. oserted that he had planted
be died and hit death was due enilrely d«ath, be. w h-mever eapiured, reserved
mines and torpedoes In Havana harbor Traverae City Bibte Boeiety will be
-UI^TreelrwC aam Jatv 11.9 p m-.^aUlw
to the heroic oervlcea which he ren
for eaecutinn."
or nod toatorial tee a aekoal hoMV at OW
under tbe j-rsonab orders of Weyler. bald at the depoaltery. 4M Union strMt.
_Uaotoo. oeetodlai
dered at a time when he should bave
P*»V» of HeisUailoA
Crandair* atoiy. a* published In tbe
been In hla bed under tbe rare of a doc*
lb view of the rest tuivesa which at
Tacnday evaning at 7:S0 p. m.
• rigt to rajoel oay oaOoUWtended the enllsimcrii of blsck recruits.
J. a BAanr, Saeratary.
hecanu- iieeeosary for Ih* govern*
Q that the anU- ment to adopt a wetlled pofl'T on lb*
When It became k
ere determined qu**tl.<n. and or July tv. IMS. the preshnnexailon i
BerUA June 18—tbree hundred and |
Banaganent knaps more pa^n
i> defeat
issed tb* following cgnprehcnaive thtrty-niur rv*ylu tn the recent elec- I
jwww eireoBBtencas than any other
to la'.k fur a
the llawniian r\-*oluttona benator Bur order:
(tuns for the rc.rbatag show that l«;on*teu»a. To bo auoeaaafal one must bring year obaaa: wwk 4eao white y«a wnH:
•It la ordered Ibat fur every a,Idler second lalkit* w.ll be neertomry. TTie lookahead and plan ahead ao that
row* said:
T am in favor of rhangtng
the I'nlted Flat** klll.-d in rtolatlon retuTTUi tbu* far assure tbe election of wbpBalavn
. ..
..---------------—'—----------- •the rules of tbt aeaate so aa tu enabl*
U itself he is rriiilj
• majority to do business i believe of the Inw-a nf war. a rebel s>ldler shall 84 Conaervxllvea < liDr*riariatL
to tek* advaninga of
that a rule abnu'd b* adupted piovidlng be executed; and l' > evrry one erslnved Cenirlsla. 4 KefoimlSl*. < National Ub*
A UtUe forathougbt wlU also save
by the enemy, or sold Into slav.iy. a enilK. I candidates of the RadleA Ua- Buck expense aad valnaMe tima
that wbenevet a maj'>rll> <>f Ih,- sen
ate shall addiws* a communication to rebel Aildler eball be |>lar.-d at nan la ■ lon. C Dostal Demumts. 11 Holes, on* pradeat and n oarefal man will keep a
r on the public works and cirfitlnued -Dane aad 7 Independenta B la Irapos- botUe of Chamberlain's OMte Cholera
the vica'prraident. r*au*siing that a
such bard labor until tbs oth*r shall a!W* a* >at to pr.dxl the comp.«ttaB
vote be Uken on a pending r<>*olotlciD
la the koo*A
at a certain day and hour, and thia be released and rcslve the tr«aiCK-ni of the rew relohslag
tha abifUam fallow wifi vralt antU neu* to a prl»-.ier of war."
C<in>inuni*atl>-« ti sigued bv a majority
eeealty eompeU It aad than ruin his
iftot NrWeaU.
Tfais order had a salutary effe,-t. abd
•f lb- wiiaKrs. 11 shall l*c e.uis-.dered
Wausau. Wla.. June U.—The Wlai on* beat horse goiag for a doeter and haee
•n order of the oeonu- and a voir shall tb* Cuiifederate government abandoned
Bin A heutser.fe* brgaa Its session ysa- a hig doctor bill to pay. boaidcA on*
then U- taken. Ttila nil. would un*
t.rday. I'elegatl. ne ar.- present from all pay* oot 98 ecntA the other U oat a
gmiblrdly dispose of the fliltmaiera af retaliation did riK faroume nscessary.
the largest cities In the statA About Sandrad dallar* aad then sroadeia why
result, bawever. was not aecom*
the inKioHly on every «.aslon when
tl.990 has b*M oSered In priasA Inelud- I hi* nakrhbor I* gelUag rldter white b*
they would undertake to defeat the wiU ptiahel before tb* country and
•f the maji-rtty."
genatM McHHlan I* nfto in favor of
.................... ...
Horse Hotel.
Uteri, Sale and Feed £an.
i i«.i -s-bb-u. ok—
BndhMa I fIsdBinkT,
B. J. Morgan,
On M. * K. S. S. B.
All bnggage, boa and back woA
for said rowl abonld be left vith
m& Office 239 SUte street, tale*
D6 8. All orders left with m»‘
will receive prompt attentiem*
Gnid Mpidi t miui LI
fJ -i-ii
11 J t B
1 w-."'
1 **
unnu in HnBUiui Li
Witti Xarl, th* yawdw.
LSrr-issfa-Tli ■sria?
■IHB JCOBHIHG EBOOEtt. ttUrViaUSB niTY, Itiflg. BUHSET JtTHB 19« 1898.--'nd» TWO.
The Little Hornets of the Navy Are as
Great a Menace to Those on Board
as to Those Whom It Is Their
Purpose to Destroy.
Cramped Quarters op the Insufferably Hot
Death Dealing: Cockle Shells of the
Cuban Squadron Make Life
Well Nigh Unbearable.
toomrncht. un.)
Ow Mvr to full of hceoM vkeor
unM arc aeldem board
taintar not tamlUar to anr oae'ouuido
of oActal clidea The ocw«i>ap«T» arc
CIVM up to tbc .acblevemcQU ot tbc
" • ■
■ or the
and Sai
aary. but
ttoaed, aad ret tbeae men arc ebarscd
With tbc moat perUoua work that can
•oaolbljr faU to any one on Uard any
•Wt of a warablp. On tbctr little oorkleibaUa axtotencc to well nich puiratory.
«Bd yet, benldee tbe dtooomforu they
tMtfer undM- nonnat eendltloaa tbey arc
enquired to aKcrtaln for tbe commaad«• of th •
quartets In tbe atetn. In tbe bow arc
tbe torptde tubea, two to four
■mall atock of
All nearly all tbe available apace for.
ward- The upper deck to au ttaln that
la some Instanrea It pr<.ducca the trapreaalon of clvlng way beneatb the feel
as one walks on IL ne torpedo boat to
beavtly built. No thick plates of
or protect her'aldes. except atlcblly
about tbe machinery, and ahr la of aucb
delicate conatructiun that a rifle ballet
penetrate ber, poaalMy dlaarTaiip
bath, etcctrtc Uybta. apeaklng tubea.
mmya poltohed furniture and handaumc
rartwtf and mlrrura while encraclnpc
or paateto and palnUnpa banc upon
board -carvy their Uvea In tbclr
«-alto The laat atatement would
particularly 4ppl><'ahle to tbe cabin of banda”
The hot sun durtn* tbe day. rcBectio*
CapUln Cbadwfck of tbe New Tork.
for be Is consldeiably mere than an UB the metal caalnp. adte to tbe Inten.
lb temperature
amateur arttot la both oil and water
"bornet" Into a
colon. Uto work baa lone alncc esrited
>rable comment from art autburl* plapue of mlaery. while at nlchl tbe
dencca of bit Utont there to no doubt
that tbc aldea of hto room on beard tbc
armoraA emtocr baca alao tacked upon
them aketrbca that be baa made from
nature In many watcra a»d raried
of tbe Interior when
tbare aeck repoae. It muat be virtually
a life "on deck" for tbe entire ahip'a
crew. Then there to nothlnc more than
a dull routine of ordinary dutlea, rwab-
by tbe fiia. tbey are Ukewtor a conatant
tpsaace to those whom they are deaipnof ttacm all. torpedo boaU require fre ed to aarea An unlucky abut, tbe burst,
quent repalra. and then tbey return to tnv of a ptoce of
Tampa or Key Went. flrtM the
any one of a hundred c
ace acwelcome '
few daya at etdenu wuuU be auBclent to aend all
1 foi^a
-mat from tbe coaflnea of tbe natal banda Into eternity in a trice. 1
are aeveral torpedoea In lencrml
the btaec taUowa cm board o«r larfe I One of tbe beat fcnoam to tbe Howell,
bat -toahlpa and crutoen. area erttb tbair I dertaad by Cosunodoie John A. HowHL
apecA] awalttca of duck awony over the U to a fatortu one (n tbe United BtatM
malnaa upper deck, tbelr torse quarters ! nary. At tke and to a propallar which
of opor apace. ventllaUny apparatua. ] pota rhumlns abemt as tbe torpedo fltoa
fUnaato and all tbe eoBvenlencea for I
t tbe
' Burface of* tbe
' water.
inlnliBltlDS the <
vui ui .uv wrv
boat, wtth not one of tbeae CacUIUea ...
WbUebcAd torpedo, witb li
remedylns extremely dtotreaalns aur- j dertul Obry _ r. to the o
r»undlB*i that become actual mlaery. [ torpedo which has ever been uaed in
the life of mn attached to the cricked, war. The United Sutes was tbe last
Icadlnc nation to adopt it. Qie nary
only be deaertbed as deplorable.
deparimeal dilArinc acUon with the
U to well known that In lime of bat hope that aunA; Inventive American
tle there to no more eminent poet of senlus wouM deviae nee equal If not
dancer than on tbe torpedo boat. I'n* ai*arior to It. but tbe hope was vain,
leas ordinarily It ran approach within and a tew years aco Imperative need
MB yarda of Ita dcaUned eictlm Ita work
the Wbliewin not be aocompanled critb a- creat bead.
procpect of succcaa. and at that dto* I Tbe term of tbe device la to be found
tance from a waiablp. if dlacovcred, It I in floatinx powder veeaeto, wbicb were
require* only one well aimed abot from flr« uaed at tbe alece of Antwerp In
a rifled sun to poMi na ahatiered hulk' tSU and received tbetr Uieat appUcadoa-n beneath the anvea. probably Uon In Havana harbor on Feb. U. UM.
droa-ulns every man. Mlaery while
David BuabnelU an American caputn
quiet, almuat certain death In the b»ur - enslncera durinp tbe Revolution.
of conflict, to the attendant penalty of made Ibe flrat practical apv
bains a member of lu-crew. Asatn. tbe Idea by oriffinattng a i
while there to n« doubt of tbelr effi
ciency and of their powerful capability
to alnk the larpcst warablp afloat no
far torpedo boau have not proved to
(treat Importance as taciora tn
battle In this war or lb pracedlns
strifes between naUoaa Ctrcumaianccs
iy ezhlbltins tbelr
are nevertbcieaa
Irre of tbc battlcehlpa and
CTUtoara as a poaMbic aerideat-Uke. for
pedoea Colonel Samnel Con'flm to
tlcaljy applied tbe oee of alectrtefti
tbe IcBitlon of t'
But. after all. for nearly I
Idea had been treated as an
and until tbe O
the -water bomb" for harbor darn
la tbc i
lurklnc foe.
All nations have i
torpedo as I
tba coal mine to tabooed. Tbe coal
mine to a paefcace of tea poonda
powder fixed to look like a tump af «aM
and cither placed In the bunker* ar M
tbe aupply of coal which a ship to talto
Inc on board.
It to reoerally unka<
Cusblnn was tbe oaly i
compUsbment of tbe Fcderato In m^—s
of tbe torpedo, tbe Coafcdenaca btov
up T mooitorv. 11 wooden wanbtpa. B
array transports and several other vrdBelt. In addition to diaabUny many
more. Tbe torpedo boats that were an* ’
ployed In the totter year* of tba war
tn sUc to tbatf
antayonlsts that tbey were
"Davidsand were known > sack »
both the northern and
“Tbe Davids and the monitor*" was •
well w orn war phraae.
But It to stranne that in tbo doMM
wan. xreater and leaner, alne* «to Itos
etmnict none of tte antaptoe
taken adrantape of .the dM
of Ibe American tarpedo^u^
1 that subtle taatrumeat to t
tod. and th.
Sricaaon n
with bar enptnea turaiap as they had
practically ordinary steam.
never turned before, bad put aucb
A and the aallora hive only
distance between ber. and ber enemi
contracted space In which to habC thclr
on the abore that she could not be aeen bamencK-ks. one above the other. There
an never more (ban U or M men. tocludlnp officers, on a torpedo boat, and
apparently they have been allotted only
a lew square feet each, to be occupied,
accordlnp to tbe bo«r of day or nlptaL
as Hrinp or stoeplnp quarters. Ibe at____ f hatUe.
y«t the officera aaaipned to them minta endnraUc.
. _ n ------about „...
tbelr duty as
tn n eool climate or In wintry weatheboartuUy as ihouph in command of tbe •ar tbe torpedo boat would be rccarded
warship that . .. bared
as barely fit for habitation, but under
boaom to tbe embrace of the___
tbc tropical sun of Cuban waters, with
And verily tbla is the day of tbe tor. tbe pT«at boilers betcblnp forth addl.
tional beat—pad tbe Area Are never ax.
Tbare la really noihlnp new la tbe
‘ wffien once tbe boat to on
use of tbe wicked mlaaile as an spent
of warfare, aliboupb It did not fully
bepln III career and work <.f dratrve.
On very warm nlpbta It to imtlon till our cIrU war. and tbe torpedo poealble to remsOn below decks, and of
boat ban been constructed aolrl
■lely for ficers and crew must find what oppur
irpuae of aupplylnp the i«se
of tufiliy they can to pet sleep op rest on
the embattirmant from wbicb what may be termed tbe "oatalde." but
tre torpedo to flrvd.
no accommodations then, and
A baitieahlp or a crulaer or even 4 the pk-iure of a man laabed to a stanpunlKAt has ample accommodations for chlon OP davu to prevent hto rolliop or
tbe officers and crew. On the larper 1*1np washed overboard as be aleeia to
"tn»H f.w ar there to frequently much
oi an Infrequent sipht.
toxu.y In the
t'he torpedo boat is only an lron.sbeIl,
wardn>oms. nnd the capialn'e or com- with larpe bollen and enplnaa to (Ive
Bodore'B or admlral’a cabin to a corpreat propulMon r*q«lr«d to
feow stateroom, srilh eTvry acceeaory CMble her to dash ahead with Upht*toM* an hot and COM wanr. a shorn
. i
mploy tbe men. Instance, a a
n or driftto a rock or
with another vmbcI
peller abaft
But uncomfortable as tbe torpedo
boat to under tbe condlttatu piren. bow
much worse to It when. In addition to
everythlnp else, old Neptune poea on a
rampape and kicks tbc sea up Into
veriuble monatalns; Then axlitriice on
a torpedo boat Is as nearly unbearable
as human Bind can conceive. Tbeae
craft are bum for speed and are natutally very sharp at the bowa
qoanUy when they plunpe into a sea.
Instead of -Irunlnp out" the water, as
express It tbey po rtptat
tbruuph. and tbe waves break o
tbem and fall on to tbelr decks In bupc
votnmea, which Ureaten Iramlacni dis
years apo tboupbt. as did nearly every aster to the little vrasria Every man
ons Mae. that be tod a dop-a life, but Is then unsafe unless be be
unless the ablp was bclnp drP
tbe bulwarks or to aometblnp else about
hurricane he had a comfortable ^>ot to tbe atmblUty of which there oan be no
■wtnp hto hammock, and bto nlphtly doubt Naturally. txx>, every ope oa
board to tborouphly drenched, and even
after the storm baa passed over, the
cramped quartern will not admit of tbc
me on board a tonwdo boat whet* offi. taklap of proper precautions to puard
eer* an^men find nlpht and day a con.
last colds and resultant paeumonla.
Ptant effort I
from the arilfl.
t prrtty safe to assert that every
any pros
. tbe day pect of flpbUnp. but It to equally true
by the bumlnp rays of torrid sun.
that Mot more than ooe la ten esMa
Whan lylnp In pcet._4
crew Of a tor. for It U U to to come as tbe result cC
are altowerf, __________ __ BSTAice os a torpedo boat
PorttoM Of tbc Um« oa shore.
Aaotbar atom sat sA daapar M ta b*
drill, but that to aeemlnply uannceeaBry.
Exerclac of some kind wouMbe a relaxatton. but tbe boat's purpose to almply
to shobt torpedoes by air pressure from
tbe tubes or pneuraatic puna, and pe
men are ibetv to feed the enptnes. to
atear and to Arraape for the dtoebarpe
of . tba torpedo. There cannot be any
tsrpet practice, for torpedoes an ex.
peaalve. ooetlop from ttHB- to CX.BM
cakb. and srilb tbe comparaUvely amaU
ipply the boat baa In ber forward
compartmenu not one can be wasted
If It IS possible to AVoM tbe loaa
Tbe aeamen on tbe coaaUnp vessels
nd steamers of our AtlanUc porta may
think tbelr lot to not an enviable one.
tacbed by a wood aerew to tbs botl^
of an enemy's vtsael and fired by a
clockwork fuse. Tbe Brat actual trial
of the iDveatloB was made In ITT*, when
the boat under tbe puld-nce of Berpeant
Ezra Lee was placed under the sides of
the Eaple. an EnpUab man-of-war lylnp
at anchor In New Toek bay. Tbe aerpeant bewrever. fcand It UnpracUcabto
to attach tbe torpedo, which was then
cot adrift and aooa exploded without laiarinpany one.
la -m Captain BuabDcIt directed a
drifUap percuaMoB torpedo apalaffi tbe
fripate Cerberua off New Haven, and it
destroyed oslnleatloaalJy a
moored aloa^de. ffimllar torpedoes
were ant Aeattnp in tba Delaware rtvwr.
but effected no barm.
Tbe name "torpedo" was Invented by
Robert FUltoa who about U0» made
viporoBS attempts to brlap tbe new
weapon Into use. Unsuccessful In
France, be went to Buptaad in 1M4 and
tbe fleets of -ttn oDponentA Ttwn
have bees apaamodic attempts oalF,
and every natloo aeeiM to hav* baaffi
busily eaitaped wltt tbe uh^
whether there be considered the dr*
cuBw^ancea. tbe type of warship or tba
fact whether tbe deatruetten was
wrmtpbt from within or wlt^t. Tbd
flrat torpedoes In poatUon were dtoeovered la Mod river, near Fort PuMaW.
la Fbbmary. IML Tbe Federal ponbaat
Commodore Jonca. (O tons sad Ms '
puna, which was Mown up In tbe Jamer
river It) 1K4. furntobed possibly tbe
fear^ apoctaeto ot Hie power of
Naval actodeeiy. under the p
of tbe present Rear Admiral B.
Maithewa. then a tteatenant comoBB
praparatory and experiment
ecbool of c“
an attempt to deotroy the French fleet
t. wbicb later rvoulted la tbd
at Boulopne. which peoved uuBtoceaMUL
nt^qf tbe torpedo otarioa at
In tbe same year be blew up the brip Newport. R. 1.
DoroCbea. aaeipned to hto ezperimeut
Naval officers have beeoato as tuQr
trial la tbe bartwr of Deal.
acqualntsd iritb torpedo tactie* as ttaar
HoUvea of poikT caused Bspland to
lets Petal, ft. T. This lemitutSoe
fnl Juat before tbe clom* uf the war «t tbc idea of wad to ooctro’-ed by the
UU preparations were made for an ex departmeat.
tended defew* td ov baibcn* by tar.
pure air.
tte >1111^ te* raik« «»• i
Thwti taioMVajto iB^ kFr**BMW. ufl tfaM ti to InAfwt him aemdlt« iDtba rate of tbounkr, ikiMflMtdlat
hliBtonolteUte Uim>b •ooMNUi^ln
Mmtxn in good KMidlac iB OotUoraU,
«MM IB M» Mgs; tote Mtoto. »a,404.OtotBcwm iB onaltoWMyotkbratteai
B iBOBMe <tf iBWte IB
ladeBwUh oiygwt la aenl to all paita to
toe body. girti« off altmg ita ooom ito
Boda^u'wv lo(o *>
oxy;nxi aad. taking ap oartonicacid ga*.
|«f bit WUlMd prudUM tiDf
.—... ^
lueU—jm.M tettnc m whtoh It iBtBgB at laMtotoe Innga
. TettfaMeoKmaoMaiidiBsbIcb when It it oa« oot in axpltotlon. Mere
oxygra it taken In by inapbatioa and
peopteto toe world .who rtitaallydecfare toe toina ptuuat la repeauA
" ‘
‘ og be fall and deep,
perform an UnpoadhUlty—to ituSelt Ite
aoB at tight.—Mteouri Fraematoa.
Ibe report to tor grand high petet of may rwelve lie fall anmmt of oiygtn
Malar *bow« U ohapbnwIUt A8u» Royal btoore egain ataitiiig npon ita coar to
Arch Marani
diatribatiati ebraogfa tbe boi^. Cbm eoe
It U highly prataabte that the Maaont to aee any mare fordUe aignmcnt In taror
MlnaeBola wUl fulhnv toe example to oth of loow toothing than thia? It it atoo- '
er Mate aod vetabUeb a home fur Uawkl- lately impoeMble to aecnre plenty to
owt and nrphana Up to toe pceaent time oxygen if toe toothing it wcm at all
the hUtooc have been folly able to oare
for t
It 1* _
. ______ _____
a borne will be oeokel. and luaay Maaona
Tbe air letrAng the longa U Uden with
an of tbe optnloD that It It time toeommenca work early.
that deadly poiaoa carbonio add get, I
Brethren, let at atody tlw ftnt d^ree wfatcb if given off in a clow room when '
mote, without oegtetlng tbe otoera It DO provlxlan la made for ita eacaye and
bavaMatoiuboutcof Maranlo tee. bard tbe cnitmnoe of pure air eoon render* |
to get at, btit totlMylng to tba auol when the air atterlyonflt to breathe. Perhapa
•omeniidit you wiU find youwdf nnOne of the
MlIngilnBoaolalB. able to deep and tomblerateemlyaboot.
Bawtol, U too W7W Muonic tenpie. •
Then are 818 Royal aod Seleet Matert
In LouUiana In aven ouuncU*
Tbe oommandMisof KnIghuTamplara
1 rrioin to bed and
and otben In LoultrUlo arc alnwdy work probably will wxm be alerping quietly.
ing to eooura tba boUIng ibera of the trt" By He raetleetiiiwi
tonlal eoaelara to too grauU cewampmeot
g ite n<wd of more
la 1001.
"Tbe ivtlgleBl belief of
Matonry I* out a nubjcct of leunlry woeblog hi* fleaeu lo beouinu a tOaran if bU
Ko BMOttor tewld «w rerte Id* TOM. truat U Id God. bU faith I* tell founded "
A fiBB4 lod^ 1* liable for tte «lebM of So rate toe graod matte of Rgoineky
• a^UBM lodgeonlrttUM eaten of (ha
Every Maaoo tboaU eantritnite to bU
eglaa of the
tt neeltoa from the
’ WfpaMThe Indian Maaea mye Tbera aeemt to
m» lot tbe pMl ymr. i—t uaDber> be a large nnmtier of nuoalEllaud Matuna
In toe Indian Tetriiory. Tbit aboold not
Macvof tbe aoldteboT* wear tbe tbne be. Raeb lodge abuuld bare an aellTe
ItBfca. wbieb U a guarantee that Mead*
trak for toeae tet abeep and
WUl Dot be wantlBg to Uine of Bead.
Tbe fend to toe k
dar^ tte Odd FaUowa
« and tomrity Wuet now a
to nbooaSlbu.OOa
4Hte lodge Irani aBDoal to btemlaL"
Vbe one great teeon tan^ br Odd
yMbnrablpl* todoaoBteblng a&d In dotog that atonetblng btei aomebodr ete.
Aim graadwho It alaoa patoeblef
■totlafeh nar tear a eomblnattei eoUar that toe neraamry funda to pay ter toe
to tooaatweianktlsaaabcBdlnatoMg* moanment have all been nUwd and ate
.AtotodlB^ to Uw.___________
now Id tbe handi of tbe |m>per euModUn
will be balled with deUght by evefy loyal
Pythian In the tuprama dotaaln. Tbe
eetemony will take place July 87 at Dtkm,
andtbeiocaUoeaf toeconventomof toe
■ e« tte Order la Pea
grandlodgeto hew Yark hubeen changed
from Binghamton to Utte. Tbe unveUIngto toe moonmeot wtU bring togeibcr
tod to loembereblp In tVontj-Waola. l.OdO avaM
eMMoumeot Pytolantfraui all paita
gltoaiatod and »M admitted bytaidTawto) of b.AM and a Bit gain of 1.8M. Tbe to tba aapMow domain, fortoU laaniattertogceuallnteeM:
toBoberablp of toe ttatc U SS.UU. In 8S« bring made to have toe uDlfmi
rank out
Irthr Uw ardor expended tlK.VlO.bO
iBtelef, «88,670.8>for fuDeial beDedta, In fun force, aod toe parade will be under
Major tietwral
gae,nt.es for other pnrr>te>. Beoef^ta.
MpACnUB' Tbe Invndcd fimda to toe
gpMtai tribee U IftTO.aTi. 16.
Tbe Society to Pa«l Cheneelten. an orttore are eenral tribee
VtonehBtei and llaUane In too K«w
oounty, which bu been In •
for four yeara, bu done much to twotnote
the pact year. Tbera a
tbegrawtoand harmony etlttlng among
the Uleveland lodgw.
Cbltotaln-t teguee are being organltod
Tbe untform rank to Texu bu offered
to terete aaettaot to Indiana aod Obla
lU eerricre lo OunrtMir CulLenon for
Trlbor Xoa. 180 aad SSSof Klngetoo, dnty In tbe war with Stain.
y. y.. wlU bold a eelabradOD oa tbe 4tb
Tbe grand lodge to Tennemae adoptod a
toBsok Hood.
teaolatloa raqueetlng each tabmdlnau
tbe aoxlUarieeare atm dotag good went lodge to diepUy toe Man and atripu at Itt
toteiMlM to which t^w^teyibed, caMle baU during lueewdon. Briodur
Geacte AUlaan to toe BDlfcwm rank hu
. .
let tM aot forget tbe pKmaaeBi part sent Governor Taylor a
’ gar order took lo tbe eariy atrnggle to toe eervtaB to toa nnlfccm rank fi
ante tboe United State tram fwelgB
gala and that we are tbe..............................
laand badonrbeginatog In tbe patrlotle Impotea toMgsra
■sMtag raele Ateel tba Otter gram
Kalgtoe aad tadte ef Iteaer,
r teoad tram San Praaoteo. a
It Older to Unli
wu orgaotaed 80 yean ago wito only «
SB membera Itt growth bu been mpM
and atedy. At ptowni tbera ara more
toan SW.OOO merabtn. Eighty mUllon
dolUrshu been paid oat to 40.000 famUte to teoeamd member*, and toe oidtr
hu never boro known lo delay peyment
to two year* U tbe reourd.
Aeeonling to finaBctal aatemeat. tbit
teder rendvMl fram tbe 7S.OUO niemboa reeamtly In Dblo
during tbe put year. TbU
Vaa dlxtributcd ainung ihu d<-|ieodenuto
fMlBembsa Tbetuprvmc i»jRvex|i<3m toreaMsDoe______________ _________
uocnr* sway tram home. aU that Is re
quired la ptM to identity.
any who opposed the —'*-* plan
- into line and .proving
. torir kyalty to tbe onkf fay setting to work with
tfarir wbuk) iwari and uylng to make to*
plan Bsuooua.
Tbe average age to tbe new members *dmltiod In MUaourt during March and
GfBBd Dictator WiUlt of 1
April wu abuut 89 yean.
Mi-mbets Id good standing at lari moBtb^
ly n.i«rt, SU.uTA
Tbo old member hu taken a meood
thought and wUl retain hU membership
Sick benriltt ara paid by sabardlnate
l^gea u provided by toe bylaw* bat
ratkma to calebrate tb^ aUror aaol7 aod bu iBTlicd all toe lodgee in
KolgkU •« Molte
Bamtne CouBcUor Mone bu raled that
There araII1 eummaoderteat TO pi~~«
vaalwrtto toe order >ululng theteuntotofoKtafur Uwwarduoor tbereby la- B Penuylvula. ,^8^0 b> memborahip
gtoMaU.tbelr benefit oerilllcataa. but no
tonhtr war rltk* wiU be aeoepto) tram ^toe order In Pennsylvania Uaboat 14,Igtolii IB too army deatriag to >oln tbe
_ Jprone Oommandw Dr. E. W. RMniwi
"tatlon plan It copyrighted by hu loened a practenaUoo utumr uuu
tot aatoor, 8a|m
SatoeuM) Cuuiwllur H. R. Souirday, June 8*. fornU
to .oelebrate U» el^t
toma but be bu» given
lu tbe ulSrUla to
UibnndredandilfUclh abnlvrarntrof toe or■
- pririllliweuf
Iiegeoi aoopung u gg, ,hteb fall, cm Jife 84. Sk John's day.
. ttolr vtlom Utoey'disiteT
iRiiaflitperaairalwaym latbalnB^
In Itenlt tom/ara now 87 tenta. with
neorterUmakliig rapid *ap4tte In tbe
gktee to Indiana. Mleblgao. Mlunaeria a total membership of AH49. whlrii dom
not Inolnde toe many hivm with tbdr
md Ctooeado and also to Maryland.
memberibi^to the tedteto toe Maeea-
OaMM* to Bee. B. H. Omte
Mo.-Trae MtadeUe—Pm. xrUL M;
k «. U-l>: deha xe. U^b
Botolng la DoraffaairBhla In tUt Ufa
In tbe boar of need, aand by at in tba
boar to trial, look chariuUy npon oar
« and balUiet and appraoUlc
especially low figare.
good waarera.
Tba; are all aolid leather and
We carry a large atock in all atylea
aod all prioea and can pleaae yon. For a good wearing aboe get them of
antt Bhow bimalf friendly" (Proe.
sTili. 84 V Lore begea love, kindnea
btgMa kindnatand frieudtblp begett
...................................................... to bat
frieodt and not be friendly. If we feel
loocly eometinia end to* need of fel
low »tatp and aaoeintioo with otbert and
bare It not and waada wfay otoen bare
let 1
W* Uve in a world to myitarim Wf
eanaot nnderstand tbe minpimt Mkcee
to natnn. We speonlaie aad toetrite
and act forth oor belitoa aod, after all,
toay am bot beliefa Of a mrety we
know bat iitUe or next to nothing
Wbem we aaoend into tba mlm of ayirit, toe myMalmgrow and de^en. Into
whatever field we carry oor InveetigatkoM we ara oonstantiy nmloded tbat
even wbat we do me"we amutoroagh
a glam darkly," and cannot folly ondermanA—Cbrittian Work
Not a Man
Not a Woman
but who Bhoold be intereeted la—
Right Yaln(5 In Merehindise
—All the time bearing in mind that to be right
▼nines, goods most be deeimble style, reliable qnnlity
nnd oorreoUy mnde. 8neh goods are vhnt nre offered
yon nt this store, et prieee to plense yon, becnn»e they
$n money enying.
Summer Crash The New
Very popaUr now. Baet
Una in town. Plioes,
Soto 200.
for Udieg and OenUbmen. Big, l?ew Lina
now here.
at $100, $1.18, $1.76,
$8 26 end opwerds to
6.00. Everything that's
new in deeinble handleg, yoQ'U find here.
M*de of Znrieb bilkn,
in nn entirely new
order <d pettenA The
beet shepM are fonr-in*
hand, Tnperiel, 8|6cUl
Clnb, Pnff end 'Bow.
26oto 60e.
Kew lota keep a coming
in here conatantly. The
correct colorings and
atylea, perfect fitting gar.
menta, at pricea that are
not expensive. 60« to
Women’s Sum
Take a
mer Skirts,
Made of Crash, Doek,
etc. Prices are 60o to
$2.60. Beet of fittera
they ere. too.
At onr Men's Summer
Caaaimere Snits.
price. $8,90 to $16.00
BeBlbitiPofiluI)!; Goods, Cirpetud (MUM iNa.
'213 Front St.
SMck Br..Ind Thn. TtJM. . *Mh
Fltichei's Ofsttr Dipu ait Riatunut
I There Is One Thing
MM tore.
A* love eoom from bmven «> il
feel on bmvenly teaad. it mnuot exi«
exist A
Intbewildernem onlem It be fed
muioatneiaa high. Love
ca loT* Tbe vary aonl end life to
love to Ood i* Hia love to na—Epiaeopoi Beeorder.
la oor experiesoe. a toonmnd tones
Taktag «taM hy the Peraleefc.
more Intolacant toan toe oonaervativm
"Ma, can 1 go over to SaUle’a boam of any laUglana faith.-JewUb T«to
0t tbaoidwarhen ara brariitognptoelr
aad play a little wUleP’ aaka 4-ymr-old
•96,818,000 worth to oottfleaM In fatea
gner far • aBsoMtonl enmprign.
TResniWDUMitont IsdletribatingbaBeflie *^ea,dmr. I tot care If yoo da
fte 4MB tote Id ^ Older for 1897 Md
IMiSte thn Mra to Ih* 1.908 to and dImbUlir rialma u toa at* to $110,"Thank yon. ma," wu toa damot HmttoaworMia I
i«|dy. "!>* been. "—Ixmto Pan.
We wOl ckae out a few bn^eo lota of Sboea, at an
toip ara Mggaatad by toe lopiiml ttotr-1 j
A Tree friendabip manifeeta Itaelf
in tbe boor of need. "A friend in need
ia a fritmd indeed." "There U a friend
that iiiukMb cloaer than a braUier,"
mya tbe wiae man. We apply ttaeae
word* to Cbriih Solomon dto not. He
bad learned from exparieuoe perhapa, or
from ofaeervation, that men bad *om»ndi who wen more cooaitbfnl than brutoera
D bDDiane
tbe darken bonn of life,
of greateat need, frianda not bonod to
na by tbe tie* to blood are often mure
itofal to M than iboee who are. Tbe
ally adeed for, and it ia i ,
qniet. We get aa modi nneaaimee and ;
a tbe want of tola food , tbat friendabip bu often stood tbe ten
as wbuo we do not eat eaongh. only tbe to need bette than rdatlonabip In tbe
■ympuana are not eo well ondernaod boar to need w* abnold be trtw and oonnor reoagnlaed ao qaickly! Aiwayskeep Aaat to botb brother and tnend. Our
yoor month cl<nud and breathe tortmgb aympatby and oar aid aboold be u tbe
yonr nos* Then tbe air la wanned, enU to all who have eitbar eULm epou
■ligfaUy moiatuned and largely treed n* Tbe greaten need to oar triendi la
fium peniclra of dnat, ao that wb«o it tbelr apiritoal need. If we have reoeiventer* tbe louga it dou* not irriute edbealingfoT oar sina in Obnsi and
ooT frieiMlt bave nut, we aboold tell
e with by
them to tbe Chrlet wbo ia able to beat
ridana la'anmia. In this trooble
all men. Cbrtat mid lo tbe man oat of
parieot i* pale. Ufeleaa looking, tired wbntu He bad cast a devil. "Go b<une
aod generally ored nR often witboot to toy fnuud* and tell toem how great
being able to toll dlMiooUy bow toe tbings toa Lord hath done fur tom aud
dou feel Sooteimea tbeae patirato my bato bad oampuMon on tbee." So we
that they have not enongb blood. It is abottld tdl onr trieDds wbat Cbrui baa
really only an eloaent to tbe blood done for u* tost toey may be led to
which is wantlag. bat ^t ia a very destra His friendabip
impertaat tme—oamely. tbe i«d blood
A Tbe troest frieodtolp U divine
triendibip—toe friendabip to Cbrlst.
**Wbe^yoa know that it la only tbom He » indeed toe "friend that sticketo
eorpoaoleewhieb have tbe power to take oloeer toan a brother." He bu stood
tip and carry oxygen, yoo eee attmoe Hu own teH to ideal friendabip that a
bow Important it k that tbe blood man lay down bis life for bia frieod*
tooold not be lacUng In than. Good, Cbrikt u a friend baa power to help ns
vtooteom food, pleori to it and weU In time to need. He nodersUDdi oa u
digeried wUr give yon tbe otorneclea no oue elm doe* or can. aod is therefore
PtiiBlto toem with tbe oxygen and tbe able to help na u no one elan He never
body win have an ImRcttant alanmit will dlmppolnt o* Be ie always near
townrd bealtlk—What to Eat.
aod rmdy u help a* HisfrivodtoipU
intelligent, dislntwested and cooalaot. |
Gnu w. dowitoooi Iti To have it we'
mott be Hie friend* and to be Hit'
friends we moet.obey ***»" "Yeare My
friends tf ye do wbatooever 1 oomIf Job were to rise from tbe dead and maudyoo." Will yoo do it.'
look tfBB tbe buerens. mya Profemor
Bible Bmding*—OeoL xiii, «-8: 1
9. J. J. See in Tbu Atlantic, be would Sam sviii. l; U Saw. 1. 86-8;; U
see tbe ootiaullation* related to one an Cbrtm. XX. 7; Prov. vt, 1-3: xvii. 17;
other as to old. tint be would find that xxli. 84; XXV. 19; xxvii. C. V. 17; Mia
tbe pole had idiified ita pueitinu amung vii, 6; Zeob. xiii, 6; Lake xU. 4; Ju
tbe stars, and if an immortal ounld wit- 0, 88; Iv. 1-4; i John il. 16-17.
neea *i^e
A Cera For Mrcllaoua.
{evoeaaicn to tbo eqniuoxea prodooee in
aluot 18.800 yean tie wonid find tbe
When tenipuid to stay away from tba
btartru ao altered that tbo former as boom to God. joet aik yooredf tbe
pect conld be reoQgnixed only by an on- qoeation. "Soppum all ibe member* did
dentaodlng to the changes whito had u 1 feel like duiog—what fRenr An
empty oborota. toouots* Wbefftai^pted
to cot down yoor ctaorcb doe* joit'aik.
boaatifnl and
"Suppose all member* began cottiog—
of tbe Soathern Oum. nerw seen by wbst toenK' An empty treuory, to
tbe pruent inbaUtanU to Eoxope aud eonrm When tempted to oonplaln beTixible in tbe United State cmly oo ooi oaoae otoen do not ran toe oborah ae■lotben coast, farmerly abeme on tbe eording to yuor notion, JoM ask. "Sop
abote* to tbe Baltic; and can again be pom otban kept aloof aod grnnibledu
men in that latitnde in aboat 1S.0O0 I do—wbat tbeor A tumble down
yean. The erue* will then be visible oo obnrob, to oonrsa, randy to pam into
tbe abore* to Hndson boy. bat at pre* toehandato toe reoeiver. Iftoereare
CBt it it going rapidly aonthwaRl. and DO nob obofobe* it le beoaoae not
In a few thoomnd vcore will be inviai- nongfa mambera yield to eoob tempt*bleevtmat tbeexmsne point to Flcwida.
In like mantlet tbe brilliant Mar Oanopos in tbe cousteilatiaa Argo, sirastAe TMae* ThU Uahe ter Item.
ed eomo 87 degraos aoatb to Sirioa, is
The Bible bu a greet deal to my In
now visible in tbe eootocni piftioo to eonuBeadation of peace, bot at tbe muM
tbe UuitodState luaboot lAOOO yean tinieMroagly eoudeoins tiiom ebo ay
it will oeau to riau even in Ositral peso* peace, wbeo tbera i* uu peace;
AfflWioa. From tbe same canu. if Ptol and deolaree wito vebemeut eutpbaiia
emy were to again look npcm tb^ beav- that tbera is no pmoe to toe wicktd. It
«i* at Alexandria, be wonid be nnable dieorimlnate between a Doe and a falm
to raoognlau Alpha and Beta Qmtaiiri. peace, approving toe om aod ocodeuinwbiob he earily mw and «atal<voed in ing toe other. We •umeUmm hear men
tbe time to Hadrian. At |e«eait tbeee my "Let oa have paBoe" while they
maguifiomt stars ara Jnat rinblo at tbe 0 tbe toingt toat reader real peace Impyramid* ne.. Cairo, and in a few omibl* Troe p
mere thoosand yean they can be ueo lation in rlgbu
by dweltes on the KUe only in np^
Egyi«______________ ___
TU Mrttarr W Mjst.riu.
■a ru utM ru* u n.
AwoDan'a dab that Inveeted in a
dobboOM not long eiooe wu moob
against ita will obliged to employ
labm* The architect wu a woe
bat it wu found Impouible to froonre
srtnam oaipenten; tnaawis end plasterera One di^ portly beCon tbe oompletion to tbe Uructnre a wortman who
wu employed nirm tbe roto made a
mtetep and throat bis foot throng tbe
beantifnl bat not yet dried ceiling to
tbe anditariom. Jnst U this time. WO;
a number to dab membera dianoed to
be in tbe baUdlng. and to
attberight to tbe pedal extrmnity peodeoc from tbe oeiling may be better im
agined than deacribed. Tbe man wu
eventnally rcecned and tbe bole mtoded.
bot tbe imteb Mill obows npcm tbe cell
ing. aod u toe first rice preaident oats
iL "Well. 1 knewtoat If a faan
anytfflng to do wito this olnb bo wonid
be aura to pot hiafoot in it ’'—Chicago
Tribana _________________
D0RIN6 P-.
That Everybody Acknowledges!
We have now and always did have th^ biggest
bargains for the least money in Wall Paper that the
city has ever seen, ^d now we have a car load of
the biggest bargains right over dgain.
They are finding it out The seaum is not
over, for there are lots that were jnst waiting for
this cheap paper, and now that it is here are bnying
it, and they are all pleased.
Come and join tbe procession and see how ptea»>
ed yon will b^
taO Front Btnet.
TH» uomxiaQ ABOoao, SUSDAT.
nekltm yootb wbol»a
taUmti loribe wftr ftod had «p«it hia
Uaa AftMien.
,ttae Ib camp ia wrltinE
8onw interwdac experlfMota bare Booey flftftUjr tent thia teh
nmtl; bm
TVM(B of reptUeft. A mUtim of the TAtn^-Ut ahoi e« la Baa
TOKen of three aiakee wboae po4«i
«»idered aoet deadly
wee emTothtotteoJd
I'l kaow rear aeabar. lal <ro
p)cTed.aDdditferentdaaeawoeKiTento fioa-Dca'i
nbUta OneoftbeaeaDlmalateceiTed
k)*a Ft*
Ba» lore,
WltUn ft few moithi tbore viU be
—Atlanta OcBatitotiaa.
•fftUfttOe ta the oenOftl powv «tfttioo doee five timca the amoust asnally ccai-,
cE tteKiaem FftUe Power oonpftny. aidcred fatal and died in the cuotm of
to wilnntaa. In tbe maanwhUe Dr.
•I Nia«ftift FftlU. BO
thftii 60.000 Obalmette, the InveBinatcr of tbeae
•lactrioa bonepcm er. ThU U bd iiu- pbencnena, injected two coWcoenti.
> amount of foroi\ ftBd it U impoe-______________________________
metem of Kram into two other_____
Bble to ounopiTc wbftt it would be poe- I
momeote gave ttam the
tfhte to amenpllB by lu i^ipUcatioa to .une doee that bad piored fatal to cbe
Ibe iBdnatrial field.
{ flxet The turruD protected Cbe
Tbe additional amoont of power ntoi-'; perfectly, a
and tbciv waa not the ali^tbe poieoD to
ttoaed will be luaile arailaUe throoitb . eat' trace of tbu actitm of the
ibbita 'wm
ot U» Kin- ; 1« otamr.^
the extenakn of b.- plmi
m Fall* PoacT o.iuipiuiT. and thla then tued. m»e « wnicn wa» tnocoiateci
of the mort inlM»«tin(f in i
*!»•■ mama. Ten tisnat the fa^
lit ol
of kill;
the«RinetwinKlinen.ni-in pmgnwain doee
with the reenli
• Kew Y.rk -tele. The pnaent poa-cr
?rtthto thi«e mmutea. the irabbit
alatiofi ha* three 8,000 h'oraepower gm-I »Wch had not hw-a rondurod
d im
«atm in optratioti. making 15.000 < >7 t^« aeruin. while the other wa« in thiai; pido «yK
bompower in aa and when the ««<*• , •» »*y afloocUsd. Profcaaor ChalmeCte pido-Boa-wow-wow!
aiuo i* oanpleted them will be a total *»«
t^*" the nwUu of the ection
Fannie—What did be enj
«f ten gr«t 6,000 horwp.»w« tnrbimw ; o*
poienn* ooidd be calculated
and tbe aame number <f gmenitnn of-1 with oanaidrrabie precifico. Knowing JonmaL
_______< eupeclty at work tnmlng out
weight of the perecti
A WmM Ba Awaaaa
tbeir invisible fiirtw to give life to tbe . »»» pomihle to atate bow much paiao)
iw—n ...'Ko.
H^irima." mid Mr. Meekh*.
dwtroy and how much aemm
Tbe iUnstrattau in rmn.vtioei with would
lifa Tbe aemm it now be- *‘l Bouldnotthlnkaf
tbit article 1* a view of the deep wheel ^
and it baa bwu found ambitioua to fl^t for your country, ul;to beatable in quality and able to lact though 1 admire your patriutism unddo
any length of time.—Kew York Ihnt
■UAL m or aucABA rAuarownooMrAST.
pft«KBvated nearly to IM fnU depth,
which U ire feet The eolidityof lu
walla la well diaplayed. cut aa they
ant out of Bdid rock. Tbe width of the
pit areragea SO feet but at tbe top this
waa extended in (*der to provide room
flor maaeury walls 6 feet wide, carried
Aiwa to rook, the width between the
walla being 81 feet
.. 11,11 .I.ni
bln«Ti TOI
I ooV nwd «* to diMurb the tartiinee
already in place. At the far rad 1* ann
te atepUke appearance left by the reBoval of tbe rock in U-nrhea To the
. .
fi^ into the
walla of maacuuy aud ready to be
Which lea^doira tetote p t to he
tBTbtnm Here and tb«re
there alrag
al.mg Ithe
walls of te pit project the rastings
which the gilders of te pit will rest
■tamaters UoUained ftuiuitaaty transInnMa, wliich stand at thqra^ «f te
uwlhiUboBid strnernre, but with the
danpletiin of the new inMaUatira it y
ranpuasd to pla< •- four nuall turbint*
is tbe pit to o). rote a like number of
smHb-rs in tlx- iniwtr botw- above. This
fflrvrt <qx-raiiiai cf te exciters will be
is till lim- «f on imiirovrairat which
will give an iuclcqiradi-nt ainrae of sup-
agea Tbe more one eata generally the
mere one diinka, and tbe greateat catera are generally the greateat driukiT*.
If drink be j^iUtod. the amount eat
en i* lea*—indeed, cn tbe abore rciy
greatly deptuid* the wenu ef the
"Schwelninger cure'' for oUaity. It i*
a well known fact that if tbe appetite
U wc^ and the mind and nurvea are
aumewhat relaxed a drink of water
wUl escite the appetite end atimnlatn
both brain and nerrea, and thia u due
The more fluid in the wuy of drink
la added to tbe gmatric juice tbe greatUnder nonnal circnnistanom however,
te stomach, withoot detrimrat, aooomBodatos itaelf to a range of Urge quan
tities (f fluid. Ewald mya that much
of te fluid pami« into te inirati
anotherpwtira Uabeorbed; hraoethen
nevir ia in te nonmd atomacb a sti^natira of large quantities of liquiA
The widely acoeptid belief that alco
holic fluid* (not taken to tbe point of
Best Fruit
Grows High!
Bat tit* best good* ere not elwey* the higheet ^
priced. Toa get fhU wmloe I6r sroar meney'^
taking into eonelderetion qoallty and prloe—at
Markham Block.
To Cure
That Spring Gold
Use Rose’s Pine Expectorant.
Bargain Offerings
Tuesdi), Wedaisdiy, Tkursday, Fridaii and
SaturdaT, Juaa 21-26.
SfSk rf'te ! Tot
The Doane mine yield, j
to the U.n in cobalt TbU U cmly .
OreiWalag It
among hundreds cf ooppto mines al. "Did you find te wids awuke mMaGrand Encampmrat. a^ if they aU man you advertised for?"
oentain cobalt Wyianing's new mining > "Ym hut wu couldn’t keep hist
dyorlcc within a year may be prodneing The only btudneas guslifloation be had
Bore wealth than any three Binlng dy ; was
mia. "-Chicago Beourd.
trtots in te world, not eooepting Elcndike, te Transvaal aud Cripple Creek.
If cobalt exisy in the Grand Encamp
Thm—1 wcaider if Gurale bad that
mrat copper ore 40 te extent that M. Bait made tc order?
Pooloc ameita from hy chemical analyJack—Worm than that It was made
tia of the Doane ore Grand Encampmrat to oummand.—Up to Date.
'will add to te miaenl wraith if te
world 1100.000,000 annually or else the
price of cobalt will be reduced to a
Kipperling—Whist y played a gnat
minimnSL—New Yesk Tiinra
deal in India.
Btrippliug—I suppose ywi’ve uftea
^stlSelal Wins.
played an Indy rubber?—New York
About >50,000 gullona of artiflcial
,We are overstocked with Dry
Clothing, and in order to dispose of some of our
•~r:~ ■ ^ I during these Bai^in-Oilering Days. You may think that
The fact may be said to be peculiar one OF two ccnts IS not much to save, but all wc ask is to
to age that the oornra takes te form cf
a bradering if whitish tiasue. te ranra mark down every cent you save by trading with us and see
The Op>tica] Journal, tbe
tot^^ d^Mratlcn
■ration of tbe
te sfirraandlng
sfirraunding hOW
how much you can Save.
save. Whenever you are in need of anypiarts of the9 oomea. and strragth
strength of
sight decresBs with age until it b»- thing in our line rcmcmbcr that you can always get it cheap*
,-rmw^ rUfflr-filr try
srw—i imwpl
objeou placed cioeo to te eyra thia tt at “The Fair.” Watch for our hand bills next week.
r. being in a gmt n
edied hy the use of glaasea C^tanct, t
although frequratly aocompauiying old
■ge. is bym
qnrara of it. In youth tbe lens la peroplorlera but
ufier te thirtieth yrar it begins to ac
quire a pale yeUow tint, this, as age
advances, becoming mofe praoounoed _
~MaM ■• a BImsT
until it ia fl^ly tranffanned Into a! BrOflCh Block.
Bpykra—la te queen regent cf ^nln deep amber. Tbeae changes in te nor-1
a Intiiette cr a blond?
mal trauapnrracy coincide with a fkU j
Bpokes—She has been acting redhead it«E.........................................
in nntritioD. though their p
ed tor quite a while.—New Y’ork Jour- ia I
aooodipaniul by lorn of tight.
Whoa, however, a total Ion of nutriticn
ensBM, te Iraa becomes quite opaque, |
Batef* W PMle Bam'* Baraw
and when thl* i* te rase te operation '
for rtsnoval. whidi baa been brought
tosn^a degree of perfection in late
ii|«. iind
1 swept
mpt tbr
tbe floor,
Aadlirarrlud oat- ibo
• oshoo
te H|
veryhigl .
omturadi it in te boi^iay of that
ooQuiry. Iu taste y said to be some
what inidpid to tbe palate of a oannoiasrar. but fram all aocounU it y infinite
ly to he preferred to te rank and perniciiius-wini*''supplied at ebrap ta
ble d'hotm iu this cunotry. In cams of
disease <f tbe atomacb te mild malt
wines are ofun easily digested, while 1 camsd uut te Bshio soskUtfuUso
cflHr sweet wine* produce unfavorable Thsl aim I an a nuuter cf te boMf <
symptoms Viry few wines possras tbe
otisles**rame degree of nutrition as those made
from good malt and an extrasion of thu Ic rarrM oot tie- asbto so BfclUtsIleo
wine producing industry may be lonkid
lb* If te I
for poatiUy in Amerioa It is claimed
that it produces quite a clcwo imitation
cf sherry, pert, tc^ aud malaga. and, 1 leuliduwB ILrsti
aa our barley b modi bMter than Ger- J IcmptM temuB
man barley our malt wlmi might alao I ^
^ ^
U anperior to telra.—Chicago Record.
• •
as it Aiuiuls Uslay. but ly prowill b>ralarged by the
wLirh w ill cover the wheel
pit and affonl nsiui for the UuialUtiao
sf srara tuwv .vooo bona]»wiT generatora Th« aami rtvle if arrhili-ctnre
vUeb has luadi- the puwi-r bonae so
mimh admired will u-rl,«.iy adhered
to, and vten it i. cumpluaid it will be
coe of the most imprewive aud impoaI at the Falls. Its entire
Recent deraltTn
gainli^tcf raot will be unbiuki u tiy a single
lattery as an imnney. a* te power house will be Ing with te stors>
te belief that
portant adjunct w:.
tbe electric light w al at no distant day
y> univwraUyu.-<d -.orTUnminatingday
and sleepfng etc
1 un all steam railruada Not oulv u. i.,u trno of the Unit
The Prrach custiuoa anthuritieu have ed Sutra, but one if the largestrailwmy
flunsd a drawback to te uac if te 2 ray oumpaniea in l^ghmd is already equip
•S a dSteenr of smuggled goods In ex- ping 50 of iu day ooacbui with dyna
mos and storage batteries if a system
whieh hat been snceesufully tesUd tor
by exposure to the rajA A way SCBM monte past. Similar experimenU
being enrried on by the oadaleof
fflscorered to prevent te
Paciflo tailraad on te
tmtwSaivt' these artlclM of bagMft te
nreice btowran HtmMal and Toronto,
KaMM «< laawHaaMM*
by a «W
•ae FhnIHea
Inaa iBtaMClng and eoBtewtaat hietvieal artlela, Or. C. A. Ewald of Berlu diacBMM thia mooted qneeticn at
aone length. He otmtidera eoap. becaaaecf iiBWnall pcrancagecf nooriab*
ing materiel, merely ae finld. Be ciatee
thmt, aclde trum whet i( direoUy taken
a* drink, mneh fluid reecbee tbe ■tenech during e meal, through the mnoee
and from the water pocentage (both
natoaland by cooking) of the meata,
regetablea etc. btoet pemu feel the
neoeadty of adding more fluid to tbe
meal by drinking either trdinaiy water,
But tbiTo's amuelhing
Tbe Mawachatotta board of health in ' beaid^ fighting to
t be cctuddcred. And
= Beadle Bailding.
I-' wben 1 think uf your being pnt under
•d of toll!
, all
anybody's <»derB. Inaimd
in that Rate emphaaixee aa one of the .to, offlom •.T*r4lv
exactly hciw
how th»*
tbe wi»p
war nrufhft
oo^l '
ii aeons like aheer
chief cunditiunafavariagtheprodnotlon to be
of that dlwaae tbe a
—Waabingtem Star.
tobebvM out byte recent expertbltnal lamthing of nnrwiewed air. Cootom Pm 1*.
BWtt of Chittraden. Not evra whisky i
aequcntly in wuik:i^opttaotariea.sehoulroom*, poblio boUdinga, halla church"Do yon
(o.my that your cy- or brandy memed to retard digestion. I
The proteolytic powtr of te stomach
and te power of tepanoratlc juice
dwellinga and t<
are uninfluenced by small qoantitiie uf
la of vaitilation ' ontiu{
n hkA over into Michigan?''
alcohol containing fluid.
must ooDduoe to angmcBting the dan-; "Well, a
The exQuetira of body warmth
gur. Of ooone dampoem of soil on replied the euihnsiii*tic wheelman,
which a bouse stands and dampnem of . "that oi the trip acrurn tbe lake and through cold drink* tewrtur ennsiden
..............................to the tack we attached the CTclatpetor to (be as very much overrated. He attribotea
tBe bad effect* cf such drinka to irrita
te rmult, and n
engine of the bant. ”—<;hioago Poet.
tion of
which becy at living or aleefdng rooms of apartBrats which are oonstanily damp or
are parti;
utly or wholly nndagrannd. An-{ Athletic CycliM (to friend)—Tester- polnt for acute or chronic inflammatory
ocher '
> of exprum hia candid opitUoii of my ma author ocsKliide* that not only does
dust in the air (f apartmeota, factcriiim, ehiD^andhebadth«impBdeBoetoton drinking at meals within certain Urnmillsand workabupe; hence, neoeamril..
ily, me itWBsgaapiplng.
„ . . „ Well I threw him iu not interfere with digeMlra, but it
ooenpation* cr tru^ in which men,
en, down stain
Main and
a^ kicked the atufllng
Mufllng out aids this prnom With gatiraU soffvwouwo and childrra are axpomd to the of him. Now, old man. give me yoB ing from stomach or other diwniei.
hoWTrer, te case U different. Drink
inhalation of iiritating dust must in- honest opinion.—Bustoo Ulobe.
the liability to cmtraotocstMmip-1
.. j-..-.
ing ad lihitiun cannot be allowed.
A point J
•-\wald :
lathe atone
this latter ccmnectian U pertinent— | Bmith—Yon see. there
ely. that an examination of the re- age, ao called because war was carried answm that he aoet no reason why |
port* of the registrar general of England on with- weapons mode of Mone; tbe amall amounts uf fluid should not be al-1
several year* abowB that flabsrmra. . iHB age, whin wan were waged with lowed, except to pati^t^ suffering from I
dilation of te nomacb. Aa abovs I
compm^j i Brom-At ja. I b.«li to .. whp
limited amounts, aid digestira and in
I per age.”—Up to Date.
crease te appetite and will more than I
Ilance tbe au called ill effects
the richest gnlden buuauxa <if all uf tbe ! lira P.—I told that girl just what to of drinking at meals—vix, the possihle
aud colnlt has bora do, and she hasn't dune it at aU.
slowing cf digestiiBi. the dilutioa of te
.1 IP...*... B. .•••u.d
Encanipment. Wy., ! Mr. P.^“l prewune your > erdras went solid oonstiturats of the mraL te over
by u,o French minoralogiM. Cbarlm in rae ear and right out the othw.
burdening of tbe Mnmach, a very imPonlot Cobalt it worth ll.flO a ponnd, : Mra F.—Oh, no. Indoedl She never pruUble lowering of Udy traipmtoie.
G««ge Doani-. ibe^ptr
geUanychuigthit^berb^as cn^ etc. Even admitting that such effects
Enoamjrarat district, baa a Cu^-PhihSi^ia Bulletin.
do occur, the questira of drinking be
thoumad* of tim. of this
fore, during or after mrala Dr. Ewald
ore are already in sight. Cobalt ia tbe
uwrautr___ .1
e principle
blue .IP
all. Mra Findt-r—Isn't yonr bu
-Isin aud ghun. It U te active eral in his views?
Sr'.Jlib°l‘I^‘Sl!ii“'Jl!; «l>ohdpyo»«ivt naonty.
Mta. Tripod—Liberal! Well. Ishoold
”?te '!
te total lragth about 434 feet At te
It y being bricked up to a
bei^ of about 40 feet with a wall 80
inchea thi^ Thy wall U to protect
te soft Btracnm cf rack at the bottoa
fram being undermined 17 the action
of te water and to make te rrating
place of the turbines more mfe. The
aU aecticoj of the pit is liki-wisu bricked,
and it will bcrreallid that te tnonel
la brickid tbe ratin- b-ugth.
Dr. Oulraian 8.'lltTK. te chief ra^new of the Niag-Ara Falls Pins-cr com
pany, baa suggisiud a mtable change in
teBaamrof *ni>|..rting the lurtlncs
Is te pit, aud it will 1.- sdi>i)tid. In
te old Kction of the pit,tbe wheel* are
r girdi-n, but (he
, id lowtr
lowir prastuck
prastucl <-lU>\vx
wheel ciuM and
Is te new pit will bav^ projiviinK
projivliiiK riba
tern cnrsMiiugk.
cncasiiugk. I'he »upto support tbrai
19. ISM
sv tub CLAOt
I Bo hunk -OBI opasslaso
at te t
»»“» *k* k, n a MBtar
________trylBS ta uiaka a ftrika
I't WB*t*
waata aej liB* at a aara) ackte
and kr^a
carS U tosaMadkrlU* sotdra
flttc* claw ta te ««rr
Akd TOO nffeU ba bm
Tea Aral atad
The “Fair,’
244 Froi\t Street
’If yon have read Mane Corelli's grest work you caa>
■raM Ste Oaea
The tenn* "rapid Are" and "qukik not help but admire the character of tbe heroine- ' TheF
firing” guna so frequratly teen in the
prras leporti of naval aflalia do not ma.
This is also
of the latest perfume named "Thelconvey to tbe ordinary person any ade
quate idea of the imprereraienta that ma.’
You cannot fail to admire its exquisite and lasting’
mechanical ingranity has effected la
radnanoe in recent yrara While rapid odor oucc jou have tried it, For Sale Only by
."-T" f
projectila The raving in time and rase
cf manipulation is effected by ustng fix
ed ammunition, in which ibcll, powder
fl pooadShota per minute, a number wkiHi can
be raimd to 80 or 86 If aocnracy to aim
ing the piece b dispeiued with. TTcaa
te 6 inch rapid fin guna 8« shots have
bera fired to five mtoutoa, and as
of these
-Tr.,.™ Cilj,
Hastings' Real Estate Agency,
Famna nem btaeon oad MettUw the
U NEW AND ECONOMICAL INCAN•tagt^elr rtw vha« the night Mrda IM
VkrSaf’mr aouL tbat M abwlag •(
I b •
BngliW or m wh~ the reetoa are wak.
SlaUng UiHr thUat to the gitoleatog
JVKit M. 1«88
bia Inalnga. Kow, batea we were marrM I tbought your nnexpeetednem
would com:t tbe monotony of married
UMugb of tbe other oulaide. TbounexpeeMd in matrimony ia not dadrabla. It
kevpn him jumping atuuud like a toad
under a harrow."
••lamvayaorty." aaid Graoe aimply. "but 1 don't aee bow it oan be
In a dim way, tbo««b. Jack did. Tbe
tiMngbt aeetiiod. and be woriced in tbe
wire meabed lehcratoryof tbe electrical
bnildtaig down town^ and nlgbta
Heoame borne ooe day with a
n bia «
alum in my hand I bave diaooverod
Bomethiag which will adjuot tbe world.
ttagtog ot TOO whoa the dawn nght to
»> T~. MU ..t >«..
t Hunp of nBtQM deU ooaxd tile DoreltiM In ti» &ig- . ainrtog of t«u with a aeag of tore, itag•lectrio lighting Mnte. Mji n>e
Ita war to jroti. toUng TOO
World. The noooBipniijdng
•pcHKOta it to be nenriy Btogt^^ rou and the totoa r«ni are
«aUtpani(U] in tlmpe, with its shortMt
•xi* CD the Ycrtinl line. The itp|Mr
|»U of the bulk U idlnrad. for tbo porpo« of veOectinK tbo liitiit in ■ down«nrd dtreotlm. Ibu Incnxudng the InBdngrity of the Ump. It i» atated that
the flrit time Jack Semno of Chithla lamp baa a downwaid lighting tfBhenoT 100 per cent greatt-r than that of ngo. (deotrldan. not Mlm Botoler in
peculiaritiea tbe thing baa
tbo ardiuu7fann of lamp. Dr. John Beaton bo waa delighted.
mealed itaelf inali iu magniflaanee. I
fi^inaon made aome toata npoo iL
“At laat." be thought, '*1 have met will take you down to tbe UfaoraWry
t it with the
tbo ideal Boaton girl. eold)y IntoUootn- tcnifbt and explain it"
abape lamp He found tbat the BTenge al rigidly predae, overwhelmingly cor
In tbe electric gemmed laboraury
cnndlo powor ortv Che lower half cf tbo rect." And being a blaao young man to
tbat night Jack explained.
■ gitte of the new lamp waa 86.6. while whom a new aenaation waa a boon, bo
"Tbe foundation of it all," be aaid.
In the ordiiiarj- Ediiau lamp with eqi
derrotod himaelf to her aaaidoonaly.
"ia tbe X ray. Well, acicaM ia bigincnmaiL it waa ouIt IS.a. The ivlat
Tbe next time bo aaw ber be made up nlng dimly to itolim tbe wooderfnl
oonamiptitai <rf current per candle waa bia mind that bo bad aeen a good many
powers of that ray. They have fonsd
alao determined. Along the axit of the glrta in hU time, but itercr ooe with
that, turned on tbe parts of tbe body in
new lamp be found the cooanmptirB to
iifei, verve and awing than aoemod which they awenn. it will fcill tbe mi
he O.S watta per cmudle, and in the Edcrobes of diaeaae. Kow. 1 bave tvoaoned
iaon lamp it waa 8.08. Prmn a Uttio
tbia way. There are fiuida fllliug Ibe
brain ««lla which axe charged with all
Uttio animal ibe ial" b<- timugbL VBst tbe human paosioua as they prcdutuinala
wbere it tbe other one?"
in tbe individual. They are a part of
With eboraelcrlstic Chicagoan dimt- life. All life moat bare orgauiam. All
' at bia point at tbo car- organiamiBoompoaedofiuicrobea. Tbcra
have it. lan't it eimplo? Be cans
"1 beg your loirdon." be aaid, "bat I tnl; don't touch tbe machine. You
Dover aaw two girla ao different as you might h
hurt it There ia a anret in it.
tbe other night and today, let alone one in tbe n
tion of tbe ny, which I
girl, b eitber of them you? Wbat'o
your idea for tbat aort of ttaingr'
s and will make me fai
Ulaa Qrae» looked at him ia admim"You dou't UDderautod it? Why, It
ia tbia way: Yon turn it on a penun'a
‘*«l>at bad form you arel" dtoaaid bead and yon kill tbe pradominale miin a tone of great aatiafactkn. “It ia orohM. For inatanee, three la a big,
very aoMom I am asked about it in tbat brutal anek drivtir about here; eweara
brutally frank taMiioa. To reward yoa like a pirate all tbe wbUe. I got him
for it 1 beUeve I will toU yon tbe taeta in here, fixed him in tbe obairand
in the cam. I know it aoema quite an- tamed tbe ray on him. When be got
»w KLCcraic uort bcu.
but both are mo. A long up. bia whole cotutommeaww ebanged
calealatien it appeara that the otnpaiaUto ooat of tlgbtiag for 1.000 boora b»- time ago 1 and tbe people oloaa around He looktd like a Quaker. «wn tbere'a
diaeoTwed that I had two diatinct old
He'd akin a flenfor Ua
twoon the cwoatyloa cf lampa the imotto qutoL mild, tn- bide and tallow. Oeta a 8 eent glaaa of
prored lamp bel^ 6 <a»dle powar and
tbo ordinary lamp of 10 candle poww. toUeotual. Ibe other trivoleua, light milk ter lunch every day. 1 fixed hla
Dd. tiny are not bewl tbia mcning. and be bou^t a 80
and worldly,
la greaUy in Caw ttf tbo foniMr.
. —'tlaL
cant Inoeb. I mw him ge( iL Tben 1 • KraaAoalaaswhatTm*
There la a |wamiao that tbo bopoi mooda, but ft
vbleb were diaapfialntod tn aeoCylene eomo otod go aa they ploaiA wbUo I am tried Min May, our typmrriMr. Sbe'a a
Bay bo realbed tean oaihoUio, aaya the aimply the bottom vohiole far tben. ntigbv pntty. vain, fllnatkni little
Pinaborg Diarntoh. Utia anbatanoe ta
tbediaooTorytf al«-al inreatlgator and fied by being odocated and envirooed m ^^8be ia." Interpmed Mn. Ema
"Kow, my darling, as tegarda yourii of more p^eolur Interaat to tbia le <me indlviditol. bot atiU they bave difgion. when the aoouworiea for ita man- fennt taatea in dteaa. aimi, amnao- aelf, when one-of you ia in 1 will turn
People aay tbat
on tbe ray and reduce your entreme
nfacture are fonnd at tbeir beet and in
ap^Rtf atrildi
dng.'tbat I 'pom' cbaiacteriotios a trifle. Then I will
almoat unlimited aupply.
of tbinga Very few know aerve tbe other in iu tom in tbe same
Tbo acotyleaie lighL eztonalrely ex
• • ‘ liove it if they way. In tbat way yon will become one
ploited a couple of years ago. baa been
yon peyeboJogtoal enoogh to very ebarmiug praaon, and a fellow will
proved nearly oveiything that waa
7mv.reacw.Mtak ItUNSOK BLOCK.
claimed for it in qnalitr and ebeapoeen, ■ptxoriato tbe aKuation? I don't know, have a little idea wbal to expeot when
pwtple ate m grooaly be comes borne to dinner."
' bat it baa bom foand to boa highly
cxjdoaiTo antottoDoe under cemditiou
"By Jove, but tbat'a unique!” bo Mra Kcrcna "Will you abow me bow
that are apt to prevail in conmuu prac
tice. F<r amne time at K«at ita datigtr- -ixolaimod, ignoring tbe alar. "1 never it works?”
met a girt yet wbo afforded variety
"It ia Terr tdmplc. ” Jack explained
oaa cbaiacttr will ptwvent it from at
enough to be intereating tor av length "Bot bo careful; it is so delicate. Do i
taining popularity, aa the prejudice U
apt to linger cwcu if a aafe metbial of (f time. Kow, you are geouiiM-ly two you see oow bow it is baudli'd? This
girla, with tbv added piquant of never chair the patient aitain is another little
generatiug ia diai-orcred. Carbolitfc
bowevir. ia inrveud with the leading knoa ing which you anil bo and with ioveution of mine. It loiAs ordinary, '
out the oriala attending tbe cultivating bot a pi-rsnu aits down this way. The !
Tirtma of acetylene, with the claim
of two girla Bu aNoutid 1 do appcvciate bead narurany falls into tbia place for.
that it iaenun lyaafi- uudir allcircamtbo adtuation and you. too." which it Kow. very often they may be on, gtancea The abundance if furnace alag
waa a remark be would never bave willing to taku tbo tost when tbey ^^^
and «f>ke in thePitiaLurgregiiai
made to the ifbcr girl, and therein lay know wbal it ia. bot jnat book tbat, SH
tbo vivid D«t of bia wooing. He waa wire ta-hiod on tbe back of the chair. '
obliged to court ber in^aueb varied and tbey are belted aronud with mch a ‘
atyba. He wondered w biu be came to stroug electric'curreiil no mortar could
the tn-w pnilnct oSi-ra a very profitabli
the piaponal wbieb girl it would Lc to break tbrouKb, on tbt-y have to alay on- |
Utilixation if a waate product. The alag
and bow bo would do it, but be finally til you fix (tiem. Did yon book it on?
conifitnii'a a largi- prupirtiuo of tbe to
aacettaioed that when a man ia in ex- Oh. I aay. (iraor. nubook it What are '
tal output <f a fnnian- and ia nut meivcvediug eameut bo propoaca aoeordlng u yougt
]y a waste, but one that it ia cxpetiidv-o
himaelf and i>ot tbo girl
to dispoac of. Hut one nae lias yet T
Before Jack waa niairitd it camfora atelv,
fonnd for it mi an csiciiKiw wale.
ed him greatly to think bit wife would
am going to kill off a few of ,
never grow niimotoiioua to him; that be tbisu miemUw of coocdl for you and t
abould ui>i be obliged to uieot a atisvo- ai« if 1 cannot rednee your bend a little ' i
tT]s iidiTidoaiity all tbe daya of hia toa"
Jack writhed In agony.
Two Inatance* abortly after bia mar
"Urace, for biaven'a aaku, otopr«
riage oouflruMd bit imptendun. Jack Don't! 1 have no piulamiDato mioubca j \
waa tbe uominal hesd cf the Chicago That's tbo fault with tbe maebinu. {I
open to tbat ob>vtioo. aiiiw they make
electrical bonae, but it waa bnavily
tbe alag almoat a> ealuablc aa the main backtd by a Ni-w Y«k man. who came Turn it on a pcrfcetly well balaooed i.
pereon. and it fuigfat ivdaoe blm to 4
prodoct of tbo fnmam.
eitbvr idiocy or leave him in a o
• Law of Tital r-rMs.
about him and a stern diaappcoral of it
Fallowing up tbe experimonta made in any mie vl».
mucb left when 1 kill tb«
by otbor ariemtiiito in thia field of in
Jack, to wbcm his approval was a
quiry. Dr. Baiadoo of Paria baa inriut- considi-mtion, took him up to dinner to mentioned" And abe calmly oontinoed ‘
cd an itiatnuncnt. termed a bimuetcr. meet bis now wife. It aevaned to him
"Uraoe. don't, dcai'tl Wbat <
to demnnatrath anmo of hTs ruiuarkatle tbe young woman bad never appuaicd
eoQcliudmu. Thus, as he taolda. on so fnvolooa, gay and InocBmqaent in aay?"
tihe tvgardrd him coolly.
tonching thia inatnmumt the hand in all bis aoqttointanoo with her. "If ^
"You might Kiy that you are and ,
dicates tbe vital forooa. tbe movomant bad only been tbf other ooe tonight,"
willcbuiiuof to he ptifictiy aatiafled t
Of tbe hand of tbe' biouieter ourrapood- ho groaned.
k. with me aa 1 am, whatever way it ia, 1
Ing tn ibe mate of mind of tbe pcranti.
Be could pee tbe diaapproval gather^
00 that, attmetod by one in a happy ing on tbe old gentleman'a face. After and you might any that I cafl moah tbia •
akra place in (bo diuner, over tbe dgora, be remackvd: oldmacbiM-."
Hv started up. then fell hack, with a '
(f—via. a poabittg "KcreuL tbat wife of yoors is a prMty
backward. Morethantbis even isrlaim- CTvatuns, but I don't know. I am ahrtek of agony.
afraid—wcsDcn ate terribly undcnnln"Very well ” Again mbc ImOed it
iugovatuTva aomo timea.” And Jack
■. diw't you are I may beecaaa 4
BBW a long vieta of obwne paring nr- a driveling idiot?"
veillauoe in tbe fotuin.which tried bia
1 kuow. You douH drivel 4
front cf a pbotogtapbic oamtrahad ouo- aouL
t that wun'l make vrey mneb
coeded in pnducing a clw impretodon
Tbe otber waa a coamopoUtan young
on a photographic pUta Uareorer, by trieaidcf Jnck'a wbo apfnooiated tbe diffenmre if you only keep your tuBd- <
placing aoeb plates on a human corpao srorld and tbe Iknb above tbe fine aita. kerchief by yun. There, now, 1 am J
In a nmilarly daritcued ruooi an imprea- He, too, wont to dinner and met a Boait math it!” be yelled
if<B waa reoelvod from tbe vital forcoo tooeaque hi^tly inteUnuual. rigidly
"Ko, OB aaocod thought I beUeve I'd J
three boora after death. Such pbaiom- tonual Mtl Jaok, wbo trtne tbe blood
rather try it Kow, be a good hoy and 4
OBa indicate, be beUerea. that ibwe ex- tnbUveloA
take year medieioe. Let me aee a
lata in a living man a vapor of life
Why ooaldD*t abe have been the
. which ia tbo very qninto«iioo of moTO- oebor one thia time?" again be groaned. eeteem-yea. there's the bump "
Tbe exprrexiau of lotinful appc^MD- '
BionL tbe canoe of which ia aa yet not
Some sray tbe imp of perveMity lioD faded tlowly tren bU face.
aeexucd to nm thing! moat of the tim&
"Bow very deft yon arc, Oraoei*’
ao often to bia mooda "tbe otbid admiringly. Be aremed'
A ITMatotlV^ Gala e( OpsaA.
He began to fee] like a MkntBeeaot experimonta with improved Ucouuk between two battledoora
gaxing at his wifu.
tnatTUiDcnts for meaanrlog the velocity
Not being Unn to aufler in oUanoe,
She diaootmertod (he chair and tn
of projectiles have abown tbat the apeed one day bo aaid Irritobly: "1 wish
ed tbo instrameut geotly.
gooB on Incrcaaiag afiur the tuiaallo baa ■on'd try and be ooe or the otber,
"Kow, Jock, dear, yon may try It 00 <
left tbe montb of tbe caunou. Laaviag 3raoe, long enough for me to begin to
the mnxile with a tcIuciKt of about feel at borne. Th^ too. when I want
1.174 fret tn a aeouDd. a pmjoctilo baa youtobeooeafyouyaaare alwaya tbe
hwo obserred to iucruaae its spued to otbsr."
about 1.68V loot pur acoood within tbe
' 'That never tsitbczed you before wa
Aral aix fevL It la only aftnr hoTiag were married," (trace snggwtted.
Uu looked earelemly at tbe mkooUtravoLd about 86 ymi-to tbat tbo pro"No Befiirvamautomarrledbeaart
jectib-’a velocity beoorxe reduced to the of eliniinatm bit own mooda Be elm- eide on tbe Ubla
"Oome, kt aa go bona I like your 1
gp^ that It bad csi leaving tbemnmlo. ply takes Uie Itupnmiona tbe girl ia givjolly
wood, Oraoe. bot tben you are de- 1
Vbia la amrlhod to tbe Impulae of tbo
him without
axpaading gat being felt fur aooM "
tanoo beyoad tbo OHUCB’a mouth.
to Have added another pair of fine bicycles to our 1
S large line of high grade bicycles. It is tljp Oy§ cloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cyclp Oo^ of
to Grand Rapids, Mich., and is one of the ^st and
g most simply constructed machines on the marg ket. They have patented a bell ringer that is
I out of sight.
Come in and look them over.
I J. W. Slater’s House Furnishing Store
TriifutllTMiitfL :
John R. Santo,
Gtoeral Insuraice.
My Line
of Silvepware
Is the finest in Northern Kichigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Qold
F. A. EARL, Jewele
i 1MeNamapa’s
Gpeat Shoe Sale! I
Going Out Of Shoe Business!!
. :=
SlTUflUT. JUNE 18th
I commenced to close out my entire shoe stock, and
to that end wUl make prices that viU Insure a quick sale. ^
My stock is desirable. The reputation I have gained —
since in business is I believe of bavingr Rood reliable goods. ^
Today it is made up of goods made by many of the beet ^
known and most reliable manufacturers in the country, and
purchasers wil] not be subject to imposition in the way of ^
buying cheap shoddy goods, supposing them to be the best. -•
A great sacrifice I shall make as the determination to m
close out my business at the earliest time is sufficient reason
for me to make these closing prices within the reach of all, ^
and hence these
Everything goes—Ken’s, Women's, Kisses' and Child. ~ ;d
ren’s wear, including Kubber Oooda
To early buyers the certainty of getting juet what you 3
want will be the best
Goode to meet the wants of everybody—the farmer, the ^
mechanic, the laboring man.
Worthy of mention is a large new line of Ladies and 3!
Gentlemen’s etrlcUy up-to-date new goods which I will salt
at greaUy reduced prices.
Die Dmi East of Nimiltoi CMUq Co.
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