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The Morning Record, September 16, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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TRAVERSE orxy, aacH.
'•'Md Tew-Ho 429
01R.T BABB Knmoir.
Complied With
OTeaOaarrw DiUBald ia Bperti'
fr;oay, September
|l.-.r.cuv. H„rr.c..
WaahincloB.fiept. It.—UrATal Sbaftar'a report plraa Oaaml DoffieU bare
lUoa aad other briyadlar* mueh Deraalatlen ia^Westladlca aad Tire
OMMBtod to Wltbdn* teawcMt
Ufperapaee. Maoh oomseat ia twlar
Raadrcd Lirea Were<Ioto-Tweaty
b«opeM>4eO>OMmlOood TMltof atade here oa the osiswa.
Tbouaaad People Beadetad HomeVtMraila — Other ImAm v«ra
Irao and Pour Thoiuaad are Burr
•Ueatff XMllsed . to B«iit Bat
-rh»r Wen VotMd to Aee»lo.
' epMtol w Tma HeBjrai* KaooBD.
WMUoftoB. Sepk l».-Oo«M»l 0«*
ropona a wUataelory •oodUkm of »(•
fain fro« Maolta. AfolaaUo haa
•OMpUad wltk Uadeaiaads aada gtm•ml rood faoUac prmUa.
OMatal OtU fixed today for' the
1 by the Inaorgeata.
~ ' '
wm atroofflytadl
othara who wva larpaly iaflaaoUal
ware axtranaly aaxiona to aroid a
liot The vltfiMtas of Oeaeral OtU
waa dalirara^to the ?Ulplnoa laat rriday.
Tha PUlptoo ooaBMlon wwa rary
frlaadly to tha As
Iny-Two VeaeeUBIewa Oat to Sea.
Hla Beqoaat Bra.tad aad OapUdn
Tarry Will Taha the Iowa to
tha Paelfle.
•miel u Ik* asanaa EacoaD.
WaahlnytoB. Sapv >» —At hie owa
reqaeat -nyfatiar Bob" Brana faaa
beea rellaved from the eossaod of the
Iowa. Be will protobly take duly oa
the naral board. Capt^o Terry wUI
take the Iowa to the Peeifir.
Detail of the Campaign
Oeaeral Hilee Oiraa Little Heotlon'
Tribnu to the Oailaotry of
Amerleaa Troopa.
Waablayton. Sept. 15.—The official
report of General Sbafter oa tbe 8aa‘
liayo campaiya baa been made public
Ueaayithatoa June 30 he made fait
plan of attach, aad it waa explained at
tbe meeticy of the yeaerala. Ia the
deUlled accouat of the battle of 8aa
Ueaeral Wheeler ia yieeo tpecial
praise for hla yailant and etfi tieat
dee. to reedar which he had ariaea
from a sick bed. Great credit U also
yiTCB Bjtyadler-Geoeral B. S- Haw
kina to that batUe. The report atya:
‘ lothlafierea aneoantor words fail
to do jciUee to onr yailant reyimaaUl
oommaodera aad heroic men. for while
the yeaerala Indicated tbe. formation
and the poinU of nttaek. it wai
tbe brarary of offijars and men that
planted onr colon on tbe craat of San
Joan bill and drove the rnimy from
hia trenebea and blncktaonaes, tbea
yaininya poaltion which araled tha
Omani Flo Pltoo Will Baalet Aseri- fate of itoniiayo.''
Lteouneai !‘ark<r r{ the Thirteenth
' October eth.
infantry also yaU apecial pralM for
KaaUa,8ept. IS.-Geaeral Pio PlUr. action in IntUe. Tbe yeneral aaya
the inaarteat leader, said to be op^ that bis own health ^evented bis yeipeaad to Ayalaaldo, ia throwlny ap tiny into tbe battle aa he wiabed bat
atroay works at Laa Plaaa to protect he had n yood view of the cobfi ct from
BekoM’>adthe rebel aopply depot at a biyh btll.
Of tbe Michlyan aoldiem In tbe camIsaa.
loaaryant aoldiaraaay the AseHcsaaa paiyn tbe report aaya.
••General Doffidd With tbe Thirty
ere to bo attacked oa Oct. 5. Ayala
aldo U preperioy aad will aoon iaeae a third Mietalimn ntuckrd Ayaadorea. aa
ordered, bnl waa aaable to aoeomnliab
atatoSMt to the Aaiericaa people.
Uiaa to deuln the Spaaiard
Amiaaldo baa reeolred to appeal to
AmericaDC. eabliay bia owa stateneat that vielaity."
The report aaya that a few Cebaot at
to the Asaodated Press. Be wUI d^y
iiliaiyna of treachery or that ha ever alsb d IB tbe attack on El Caaey and
acayht to hamper American operatiMS, foaybt valiantly, bat tbelr nnmbeo
aad be arUl declare opeoly bU willlay- were too atoall to amonat to much.
General Garcia failed to beep Genera'
or e—pf the iaiaada. He also Bscario oat of tbe city as he bad pro
wiUdiaeUlm aay amblUoa lor a dicta- mised to do.
al Mllee ia only mentioned
onod. aa foUotn:: "Jnly It I tofermed
tbe Bpanlah eomaadcr that General
ommander-in-chief of tbe AmBltod Her Paraatoar. Hia OhiU.Thea erican army, had juai arrived to my
ipand r>queated blm toyrant
Took Her Own 1. fe. Teatorperaoaal toterview on tbe lollowlny
da7,la XmatoTlUa.
day. Be replied that be woald be
■psdalMTea Meeaiee Baooui
plsaaed to ateet na. Tbe interview
XmaiaTlUe,- Sept. 15.—IteUle Me- took pTaoe on tbe 13th and I informed
OaSa merdered Joaepb Villler. her nim hi# forrender only eoald te eonpaiamoar. tfaU moraiay, thee killed alderea aad that as be was witboet
•It and Villier's !
bope of eecape he had no rifhi to eoaw of tha crime.
tinne tbe fiyht.*'
Uadera. nrytoy thair oospllanoa with
tha Aserlaan eosaaaadar'a desaoda.
Acaloalde’a daeUkw to comply wa*
■ laryely datarstoad b7 the dtelraa of
theea laadara.
Amlaaldo ycetarday arata comslaaloB to Osoaral OtU to dlacnae the de
maoda. Be coneeded the leyal noanawerabUUy of the Amarieao poalUoa.
aad reqecatad a few sioorooDoaaa
Oweral OUihald to hU orlyiaal dasaada. Sooo after the comsiaaioBeca
toft the iaaaryaBU bayaa qeittlar the
eity. 400 sarchtoy oat to ope anbarb
aad >00 to aaalhar.
Tcatarday afUraoon there weap yea*
•rat BoreseBt thronyboat the city
•ereral hapdred iaauryeat tnwpa left
the city yeeterday, aad aiany sore fi
despatot. All told there were c
The Aaraala Arriyad at aoeaoatfrwn
la To V aad Waa Orarfiua.
-•paetoluTaa Kcanaa Bmoas.
QaeeaatowB. SepW is.—The Onaard
Uaar Aaraaia. froid New York, hat
baaa ^ted «C Browhead. She U
dtaabtod aad to la tow. TbeAaiaaiaU
That Xamber HavaAoeaptod Ptoe
On Javoatlyatlea Beard,
apestto w Tto Messiae Kewma.
Waahliiytoa. BepW 15 —Theato find
mambara of tha mllltaiy owamii
are Ullauar Sestoa, Denby. Dodya,
Hawaii. Sohodald and D -. Kaea.
•tokieldtora XtototWall.
■pedal »a Ton BtohKM Baouan.
Deirall. Sapb 15. - Hiivato Joha
a to tha
Ohiidraaa' BcspUal todaf. havtoy eeartotkidhiaalraaytb. Tha haapltalt all
repart tha paUaatt dolny wall tohitht,
hakMuhaeahaea dlachanted daHoy
thppmtsi hoBia.
• ; Hn«*aaker. Sept 18 —The NatioMi
Mpoaiatkia of laaaraaM Oommiaaloaaca
lirtrr n--------- *y voted to bold tha
le. isss
Beboot Foot Balt Team Waa
Oripplad aad Lost
A vr-7 cloee yame of foot ball waa
played yeatrrday at Csditlai: beiw.eo
the hlyh eabool team of that place aod
the TVsverae City Biyh aehool team
Tbe oonteat waa won by the Cndlllac
team by a ao<we of 8 to 5.
Oeorye Raff made the only tonchdown for tbe local team.
The Traverse City team waa yreatly
crippled as <»e of ttfir playen waa
aaable to yo with the team.
Coaaeqaeatly a OadUtoo boy was anfaatltatod
to fill oat the elevoo.
"Doe" Mnrray, Chat. Corbatt aad
Clark Allen wUl yo to Oadillae today
and partitopate to the yame. U to ex
pected that Walter TmmbaU will also
be la the yame.
The Toung Uan
Loves His Best Girl—
aaelelie Tn Msaaura Baeeaa
8V Tbomaa. D. W. 1. Sept. 15.—Aoeordlay to the lataet reporu from SL
Lada, reyardlay the yreet Weet la.
diaa hnrriraae aad Udal ware. 500
Ifree were loet aad >0.(100 people are
readered homeleae. Kiayaton. the
oapiul of 8t. Viaeeat lalaad. ia danaUted and 4,000 peraoaa atarrioy. Oae
BrliUh aad ooe
blowoootof port aad are ballered to
Tr'elatoy Institcto to be Opened Here
have baea loek
October 10.
Tbsr. bU ho,|.»^: u» 70QBC My wvrpis aiss. thaf* I
*tn^ tSea.
Il » aar ImdlnM to .Snw
IS Uai pmpte spjmrlste ear wars ef Cc
220 Front Btreet
Holley ft OonaSbl'
To turn out onW tbe best of work in PICTURE
Is proven by tbe number of frames we are making
■triton 8i.ct
m will hr f Iq»>C TOHIOHT at So'cleek a»S maats 1 li al
A normal traialny toatltoU for tbe
Bay unnorauw, cw arvossi ef BvVrsw heHSay.
•anday aohool-woi^eie of the Grand
OoBiraew Awarded Ttoterday Per Traverae rayloa will be beld ia this
city, October 10 to 10. eader the dlreelBaermoaa Wanb'pa. One to
loD of Bav. J. C Cerman, normal aube Called the Maine.
peristoodeat of Grand Traverae Coaoty
A vesy susuuBuuue uns m
Phtladeipbla. Sept. IS.-Today the Sunday School AaMciaiion. The pro- '
formal order of award of cootraeta for yraai. which will ere tony appear to
the three tremeodona new bauleebipa print, will bear the aasee of eompeBlaine. Ohio and BllaaouH. were made, teatintt'iKtora aad will offer a splen
--------Priors 75c to83 00. “8ce the
new- Military Bata.
aad to a few day* the reyalar ooatracta did opportnnity for self improvcD
be eiysrd. The fortaa;
to Sundny school workern.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
traetora are tbe Crampa. the Newport
Clothing House.'
SalooB Oases to Oircait Court.
Newa Sblpbuildlny company aod tbe
Uatoo works at Han Pmnciaco.
When the Clrcatl court moete ooe ol
The new type ebipa will be 188 feet the chief aUracUona will be several U
tony, aa ayalaat Sr>8 feet Hn the Ala- cal liquor dealer*, who will answer h
a. This lenytheniny. I
cheryceof not properly drawlcy the
wilt not be in the amidafalp secUon, bnt •ereent of their saloona-on Labor day,
fore and nfl, the bnll belny pined dowa which imidiae that tbry did boatoeaa
H tarn lei. snail b-i-svs. An* lon>ilo-v. StS wrw, ran be liouxbt fer WB
to yive the amooih. easy rake that on that day contrary to the law.
eoroot 1st. BO-CCw :lilB«. r.f IWOOC. St’-lows aoctwprrwoalb nnt'J paM tor.
American aailora always dellykt in and
Burt BUto. who at fl-at decided
to anpply tbe clear mn that seana waive examination, has ebanyed bta
sqaerm I all. wm.alllBiernrrd will be aal4 Is ms niece or dl*tM toSBlt. teehOBe
Joboeoe Blwk. PbMen.
mind and demaaded an examination, p. Olbcr pUr*. )u.ia*d«elraMeocw>***a.
In breadth tbe Alabama aod Ualnr which U aet for next Hotiday in .'nstb
typee will be eaperially identical, Brown's court.
eevenly-twn feeL With bunkers full
Howard Wbltioy will appear before
of coal the new tblpa vrfll be able to .loatice Brown tbii mominy on a simi
eteam tn.uoo mllaa without additional lar rharye.
Utod for Fruit Babtoy.
for!, and under coaditiona ibal are at
Yeaterday nominr Ivan Dona. Pbll
Good for General Farminv.
all favorable they can run tbe full Sbermer and Kred Wurzbnry appeared
lo laryc or small pareeta. many trgeto betoy 1b ynod psItiemasBa;
eiybteen knoU fnr hour* toyetber before Juetiee Verely for examination
within ebort dUtaaes from niiraada.
Tbe batterire for the abipt have not ^rd were bound over to tbe ClrenU
WUI be mid at lew priera for eaah: or, oa loay lime frith cmtj paymmla and very low intereet.
.x>nri,eacb in the aum of $:oo bail.
I on sale
I this morning
f Ladies' New Sailor Hats and Valkiiig Hats
Hastings' Real Estate AgeiKy.
Schooner Pre< man Blown Op and
Sunk Duf'-ny a Teat of Aa
apeelaltoTeaHouiM Btrean.
New Bedford. Maaa. Sept. IS -Doriny the teal of tbe Cunniaybam torpedo
near Priest Core, ia the experiment tbe
eebouner Freeman waa blown up aod
ik. Several men were injured. Tbe
>ac of tbe explcainn ia >iDbaown.
rhainaan Bynum of the Nsttonal
1-nioentic party bat unexocctadly re
kiyned aod Georyc Foster Peafiody of
New York baa teen eirc-cd bia aue>r (>y the executive committee.
V Uolmao of Maine declares that be
intends to have Mr. Ryuna Invealianted, ebaryiny ooospiracy in the re
cent Maine eieetiona.
Ou O. R A 1 R. R.
A Prlyate EiaAeryarteB.
pritste kluderyariee will
»ed OB
on Tuetdty,
Psrkalreet. Thos> desMny infonna'
ir.quire nf
nukt Vaed by Sold ara at Camp Patoa
Would Not Buod Teat.
Sperlal mTm HeRVive Raceau.
Detroit. Sep’. 15.—Surp -on Barber of
the Tblrty-fiftb Uleblyan declares that
the water rtUIaod Lake, which baa
, been tested at Aon Arbor. i« found
ooDUin ioyredioots that, ir.iaeted into
yulnea piy, eausad destb to 18 hnure.
The watoroonld be need If bulled, but
the ooldirm would not boll it Drep
wells ia tba only remedy anyyested.
Arrived to Detroit Laat Hiybt With
186 Oaaea.
I^wlsl u> Tns HoBsiva Rsoesn.
- Detroit. September 15 - Official
Was Praaeoled at K S. Ooafaranea newa aaya the faoapital train with 13«
patienU left Clnclneali at 1:45 this
aad Bo Waa PrompUy P.imUtod to
aftornooe. It is due in Detroit at nine
WtUdraw from tha Oharch.
apwlal UiTbi Moexns Becoan.
Lanainy, September 15.—A dramatic
aaaae oeeured-in the Methodist confaraaoa today whea tba prtildiay sldar So Hamored la Waablnytoa T«
peaeeatod the eonfeealoB of Eev.Oeerye
day Afteracen.
Entp. of Iraod Rapids, wh-i asked per- ipeeUJ 10 Tax Movnne Saman.
mlsaion to withdraw from tbe mlniatry
Waablnytoa. Sept 15.—It ia rumored
aad ckarch. Tbe aoceptaoea am^aatad bet Recretarv of war Alyer haa
to a pracUeal expnleion.
alyaed and that Morae ol Delaware,
B«v. Wriybt, fonaerlv of North Maa- will yet his p'aoe la the eaWaet.
kayoa, who la now moniay a b mrdtoy
hoaao. has been ordared tried on ehaiAftor Green Goode Hm.
yaa of iatoxtmttoa Bs rsMatly triad
SpMdal W Tne MerelM Bwiera.
to obtala adlvoroe to Detroit.
Dxtroli, Sept. 15.—Green roods man
XV UBALF OP lyOCTOm OOVOBE are flaodiur Detroit with elrcalare aad
■ are trylny lo
WH: Aiden •mith Has local# tbe eeadera.
Thaahad tba PretMMi.
General Lawtoa at SanUayn ra|
WaahlBftoa, dept IB.-Ooaymamao the deaths nf Private Ueotye R. Lov*Ha. Aiden SBllb arrived hare today J >y, Oompaiy B, Tblrty-fnarth Mlehiyaa.
malarial fever and aoau diarrhoea,
totbaaktha Prealdent for apprlatlay
Bditor Oonya- of Grand BAplda oa the and Jacob Bitrke, Saecatf Maaaa
ludastoUI eommlaaioB. He said that aeitm
ka saw Dan lamcat. who atotad that
Tbe tranaport CoacLo, with General
he had never been aaked by Ue praM- WUaoa aad,eta<r of the FitetAivUloe,
Aeettoeerveoa thebiardof iaqaiiy.
nrat eorps.' aad the aufl of the Sixt)
Private Albert Cekdo^Troop B, eorpe «f General Miles’ army, arrived
Griyeby'a Bueyh Bldere. haa been at Maw York yeaterday from Porto
came to4$e
AO ota^ory
-after the first week of the “ Yanko-Spaidco war." When w*
,.~a^Ve have captured another prire by captoriog tbe great
Imeof SBLZ 5HOES to **snke your Iset
glad,” we know tbe prue iaa Talnable one
because more people wear 8ELZ SIMM
than any other make. Tbatcoeld ooly ba
true if the ahoea were better than any other
make, so we captured this prise for tba '
special benefit of ocr cnattnsers. Corns'
aad see tbe price.
At those
Half Price
ShoM yon are sdvertieing”—
That’s what they say, but
they never leave our store
without buyioi;, beuaoae tbey
find tbe prices and qoalitiee
too temptiiiR.
The shoes are leaving oor
store at a lively rate. Don't
aait ’till it is too late.
Now ia tbe time to get
$4.00 Shoes at $2.00
$3.00 Shoes at $1 SO
. $2.O0Shoesat$l.00
Dim «Dd Cilldr-nV Sbo«
At prieea }-oa will never
get again.
Pepolar Shoe Heise.
Worsburg Block.
Pants Department! ,
$ We Are
I Dtfering Special Values
on new srrlwalB of
Fall and WintBr Panb^
bouyht advaatoyBOBBly from a teresd »!• Mat
\ 100 pair8 Men’s All Wool hair-Une Pants. {1 QO ‘
actual value>2.00, our price............... vItvO :
' 150 pairs Men's All Wool Cssiimere Puts f I J||' ,
worth|2.S0,ouc price........... ....... VIsTO -.
100 pairs nf Men’s fall and winter weight
fancy Worsted PanU. market value (3. f I 7II
our price....................
Vsw goods of the Istsst styles srrltriiit dMly. 0
the lowest piioss prsTsU hers.
’> '-^v
tMA Moaifurg mmoomd, tkdlj, •iwitiii le. im
Omnfbm Sir TWM «o MaM «f
fttATEaftEorrT. -
KIB Bvalya Maryaa. wto haa Jnat
rata road froBA trlpabroad.ri*eaaoM
bar Joar“%ii.». ftAta* AMD J. W. HAon. TAij IntBAitlBd Ti‘~~----- -
«aun> TuvBBU
She BAAda a vary azleoal*a trip
IhrtM^ BacUad and BooUaod aod
opaot a wato la Paria.
, Wbaa Mto Moryaa weal
oaoaa aba laadad la OUayow and Btoda
aatoplathatrtty.Aadalao aaw baaatlfal Bdinbaiyb.
HiB Moryaa tbinka Beotlaad rary
and iatarBtlay. Bba *Ultod
Ayrablra. tba Baraa oaaatry. tba lako
dUtriata, aba Traaaaeba. or BoantAin
diatrteto. aad Baay notad eaatlaa, laelndlny Bdiaboryk aad dtorllay eaatiaa.
ABoay tto
tk» DimaM.t Tr*w«e Otty,
brodybt froa Beotlaad ara SeOteb
pUldA aad capa. aad a boa of Bootob
oatBeal bread
Bbe alao riaitod all tba prtaelpal eathadral towaa la Borthan Barkod
and tbe toABUfal BarUab lake dlatriet.
Oouldarable tlBA wto apaat la LoB'
doB, aad aba rialtad all tba prlootpal
plaoB of latoTBt. iaeladiv Wntaiiaatar Abbey, St. PanVaUathadTAl. WindOaeUa, BaBptaa Coart. aad the
rran of Oaetye Billot. 8h* daaeribB
tbe trip np tto Ttosan. wbieb aba aaSki OBMtloa (tf A HMpttAl.
Jayadaefaraa Qraat Marlow, aa par' aDT* Ui Ttawm 017
••A hoaaltAt tor Ttawm Olt/!
Tba daoerlptloBA of Oxford aad OabkwTM'iMki wjAttor? U w>m>
bridra ware nry aafaylv: aIm tto
Wh» dMn't AWA A AMfi worU
dBAripUoB of tha bonaa aad yroaada
Vnftr«7. dylAficb. »A»dr
af tba Daka of Marlboranyh. whore
Ka. WA 40 AM BAA« A bOAplUl t« AA- IfiB Moryaa waa fartoBato to eatoh a
—utoU Umm who ewM aa prapAiV riinpBof toabAABtifal aad noeb boBad An “dylAff to to tAZAd." And aa lorad dBcbeaa.
AaA to drtac to to UzAd ior a toApltAl. She alao rtaltod Stratford-oa-Aroa
It woAld to btltor tor
aad aental aaaalde towaa, iaelodlBi
lAspA7«r UkA tto Biftotor to
Whitby, the UrthplAo* of BoyliAb
Ito tont with AA AAdAwmAAt tor oba. poetry..
ton lAtolr ton
aaUMIb MoryaB happily arrt*ad ia Paria
Ad Apia to rrOAin aad tAn for a oa the rreat Fraaeb fata day, tba I4tb
wtopAAy of tht toAt Toonr
of Joly. whoa they oelabrata tba
B< T>a»»aa qtj AAd TtoUtoy wto w#At fallo
of tbe basUla
ABoor AOBA of tbe plaoB rialtad la
' with dtoAAAA. 0( Ito Alcbty-toar who Paria waa tto Cbareb of Madeliae, VerWAattoOMtooTAT UlTtj
aalllea. and U« Gardena of TBlUariea.
toAtUtoAAn for thrauAltAA Aod of
MtoMoryan broByht a vary latorttot AABtor A dOAAB AT
bUbt eoUaetiOB of photoyrapbA hone
AB«AHaf with dtoAAAA AMlrAeud is with her.
iilAMiBfthAlf AOUU7. TbAAA Are
tl dll
■AAJAd thOB tore BO rolAliTAA At
toad to AAf« for thAB. Ttoy ore tolar
•OBAthlAt AbOAttbA SrATA of OaOTC*
AAnddor, howATAT. bat boo Baoh totOntuAA in Fat Off
toronM they oAold to tiAAtod if Uata
WAS A AAitAhlA hoApitAl bon. Tho
L -i. S. BAam. Mlwr uMi Mi-fw.
BlVela mti Vaa tto TrMdbr All
Baaa Ia SaaIMAA.
BleyAA Oirl. B. d. MoryAS'e teat
mare, w« freab Uaraia at tba MaAlaua and Mawa eoaniy fair ywarday.
Tha fanrita yrmy woa oat la tto fraafor-aU IBM ia tbraa atrniyht taBta
aynlaat Boon, tto bona from Blr BtpIda wblto waa pot fo to toba ararytblay la aiybt and wbieb hae a Bark
of 1:17: AIbob D-. Gulden B-.* aod
Bndbory. Tiaea, «:tSM. t:ts, t--tS.
A apaelal raM ta toiv arraayod to
taka plAM today. Blipar MoOoy drora
Bieyala OlrL
toto wbiab wUl to road At tba praowt
ttoabr way of ooBpArtonB with tba
daa toBobtv tto toBAA of oar traopa ia tba
«to WoBt fsdto Tha tollawiv ladiaBA
nflBOBto: ttoltotb, ABdfroB tbe 14Sd
to Ito IHU, iaalB^to asd tba itotb,
ban A htotory worthy of BOAtiao in
tUaooeBoeaoA. Twoof ItoAonrlBABU
waroBBAtond 1b NonmborliM. almo
oCttoB U FabrAAty. IMS. and tbraa in
Sanh and April, Itit. aa that thoaa
«in aetoAl aar
Atoo AboBt foar Boatba. Oba of tboB,
■AAlirii la in robraary. ttooa Boatht
toian tto and of ito war. toot ton par
t of ito BABbarablp by dtoanaa;
arhlla aaa ttot waa Boatand ia Ho*ABbar kot BAora than ^ona par aaat
by dioaaaa.
What rarfBoat la th*
armyaf lanaloa of Onto oab atow
aato A raeord of BortAlity aa tto abova
ratarrad to.
DXAB Will:—Yob think it airaara i
ha*aa't writton. Well, yoo woBlda't
If you were bore. Wa tore been
■bad alBoat nitbt asd day. It te
better now. kowa*ar. 1 yet a note
Halaa and waa ylad to bcAr froB)
yoB all aad ylad to know that yo»
well. I waa kare when yoaaf
OalBaa of TrAnrae City died. He fe
bartod riybi back of the boepItAl Is
(he Spaatoh trench aeAraet Saattoyo.
aaMay abeat 40 other poor fellows.
Bantlny aearly every rayiBeat la
J.O.BLLIS, 311 Front
3^ C<TVlS\\, "I
'?Vas\v Capes.
BKVztB ootn^T oovyxvnoM
Mrv M. A. WBtcaU ia aajoyiv *
Tialt froB bar brother CharUt 0. boab
of Beat Jordan wba cnltotod May K
with tba aaral raBr*B of Cbleayo, aad
Utar baeame oae af tto eraw of tto
ynoboat Manyrora. Tto Maayrora to
tto plBoky ABarieaa *aaBl that, after
peaoa waa declared, aatorad tba harbM
of CAibarlaa la SaaU Clara pra*lnM
aad baaehad tto Bpaatob entoar. BarM Oortaa, Anynat 14.
la dolnr tbia tba Maayrore waa azpoaed to tba era of tbraa wartolpa aad
General Field Boapltal. Santiaco, Oaba,
Anraat *f. to.
iiiHl 1- rfnl.'
Otortoa O. Baah of Beat dordaaHad a
ThrUUay B^q^Hanoa on aa
toto froB tba rtdB of Ua Ufaotry.
Mr. Bueb bad tto honor af toisy ooa
la BOB wbo loaded tba yoa wblto did
tba moat eSaetlre work.
At ana tlaa wtoa It beyaa to yat
daayarona for tha Maayrora O
d oHared oaa at tto yaaa to
direct ito ire at a pablto belldlay la
tha city aad only three abot« were re
paired to put an end to tbe dre of tbe
Wbea tba AaerlOBa ahlp eoBmenoed
to retreat abe ran npoa a reef aad tor
early a qaartor of aa bear waa under
beary dre with only ese ynn to'
wer with. A* aooa m tbe drlny •
ed a ABall yBoboat, dylay a day of
traoe and bearlny tba eapUla of tbe
las Oortea, aa*al ofBeera, tbe Bay
or aad aereral hea*y property owaara
of tbe city, eteaBed aloay aide the
MaayrOTeaad aabed protecUoa from
iBearyeaU. who had eoBBeaeed pilUyiay tbe city.
Tbe next day the Maafre*e reeeived
ordara to proceed to'&ey WeeL From
Key Went tbe ibip'e crew waa
Hew York and received tbrir dtoebarye
TbA followiar rafatabaa to tha
troB tbe n. & B. VarBoat.
of tba lAto Ueorra CbIbaa, wbo Ueo ia
Oaa inurettiny eonreBir brooyEit
far off Co to aabaa froB F. O. Babborne by Mr. Bueb to a ptoec of tbe toet
BAB wbo U Atill At SAAtlACO. tO hiO
eable cat by tbe AaartoaBt in a Cubaa
brotbar. Asd wiU prora of opAclAl ia-
I hMorr of tba war of tbe rotol-
Ky worit is 6ret vtaaa and prion that trs in meh of all. I am -
^aaattoa of a boapitol. thAraforo, to
ABA to to BAt with ridlmlA, tot Aotor
ttoarht.' Wblto WA will AAt AlATAyt
ton Atok AAldiATA, tkerA to aIwaja aoed
teoatoAB lAAUtAttoo ia cIUaa UbA
a Olty.
J. c. e:llis
Dealer in Bicyciesi Bicycle Sundries
Hcryne for Hebrew OcBetery.
Mrs. Jalins Steiabery has been very
eaeryetic la her efforts for tbe Improve^
It of tbe Hebrew cemetery aod
aaooy other thiays ba* ratoad safieieat
faadt te bnild ia the plat a muryne.
which wUI be locatod oa tbe soatbera
tide of tbe eneloeara.
Tbe buildioy
will ba Ustt feet la else, aad two
storiae Id belyht Tha dastyn to neat
aad the plans are donated by ArobItect
W. A. Dean.
I Oaodidataa Vamad Teatorday.
The retobUeaa oonnty eoareatioa
for Benito oonoty took plaee yceierday witb the feltowlay
For aberlif.- Beo Uttle; proaeeotiny
attorney. D. O. F. Warran; rierk. B B.
^noldt: treaaarar. J. C. Woodward:
reytotar of dead*. W. A. Joy: dremt
eenn enBmtoaloaer, Marion G. Paal;
*nr*eyor, JaBaa Petit; aorooera, C F.
Joaeanad Bamaa Koeka.
---- ^
Geo. R. Winnie
U|i-tiMlaK Piiitet
ul PapnHaigtr.
No Comparison.
\AT^t eolUt. valetv\ TtVtv^flTcemenX s\
] «v» TvscVi.
a Va.Va«
j fttoX
mhAT. aU 5AATATv\tb4 WV Vi ttv* mAML^Acta.rv
I m ATV& oATuVott. to 4^00 oltaoivWt ulds^AdVaiv.
The Baptist Yooay Feoplie* naion
will yive a reeepOos ibis eveniay to
the toaebers aad puplts of tbe Hlyb
■ebool. A maaleal oroymo has bMD
prepared aad a very eajc^able time to
Tallow Jsusaiea Oorsd
Suffrrlay bamaolty should be enpplied with evrrr measr poBible for Its
relief. It is with pleasure we pebltoh
tbe foltowlar: “Tbia to to cerUfy tbat
I waa a terrible sofferer fr-ia Yellow
Jaundice for over six Koaths. aod wae
treated by some of the beat pbyslclaas
inov city aad all to no avail. Dr.
Bell, bar drayylst reooamraded Bleoiric Bitters; aod after tekini' two bot
tles I was esUrely Cured. I now take
<reat plessare In roooBlseodiny tbea
lo any person suSrrtny from Ibis terri'
ble malady. I am ytutefiilly youru,
M. A. Hozarty. Lexiseton. Ky ” Sold
by S. E Wait and J. G Johnson, drayytou.
Hon. Tom Jones
Has Been Here.
(See Booday Reconl.)
We are not all Battled in oar
DOW boUding yet; when we are 1
will let yon know; bnt we are doioK boBiDem right alony juat the
aame. I ehonld have closed tbe
doors notil we were moved and
settled, bat it would not have been
right, aa tliere were -lozene of
peaple wbo wanted their boneee
fnmUbed and wanted it at once.
If I had cloeed up for two weeka
'^tvSTO ATt cUkm.
We Would
Like to Call Your Attention
To the nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we are
selling. We never had any nicer, nor did shybody else.
•Phoiro 1B7.
it would bave-coat them bandreds
Hebiaw Hew Tear B liday.
of doUara extra. We an giving
Tonlybt at auadowB will bayla tbe eome exceptionally big bargaioe
Hebtaw Hew Year, aad tl^ holiday
odds ynd ends.
will eoatiaae UU Soaday aiybt at aaedown. Tbe Day of Atosemast will heylB OB tbe Sseday aiybt folluwlny aad
ecaUane antU sundown oa Monday
Honse Fomizhiny Store.
Aeoordiay to Hebrew rellyious rv'B all
UO Froat street
bnaiaeas shoald to
ibeae bolidaya.
PBDCbed holee ia it to form bU fall
and rvytmeaV
wall aad caretally done aad done eredit
totboM who 1
I tbonybtfel eaoayb
to do It They 1 » dzed ap tto yrave
aad lined It with A-iacb abelto troa
the Spaatoh tottocy nnr by. I wtoh
I ooald five the baoma of thooe who
Mra. & P. aad Mim Hlaaor and Jamea
did It All. It forms a brlybt moand
C MeOeaacll. who apeat tto aeaeoa at
aowey ao many aaoAred for yravea.
A tto followiar rneafsl trib- will try aad write man aooa. Addreea Omens, returned yaetorday to Oticayo.
r PlBrnataaUdaa: “Tbe ae abovA Lova to all.
laaori daalna. aftar all It baa aald
I, to ezproaa lu
aaU after epeadlay Ue 1
I for tto otnrdy and Baaly
LitUe Mecrto Bell, eoA of C M. Bel)
dafaaii of Oaaoral Alrar to baa pat ap
Affiiaal tto attaeto of tto yellow Jjor- faroaybt to tto Baoubd a perfectly
Ladlea, clean yoor kid ylovn with
'aalA. Oaaaral Alrar la a tnia. aad bbIf illar OIovcUba It to not a l^oid,
aaltob, aad aMa baa, aad baa beea picked from a tree In bto fotberie yaH leavea ao odor aad eaa be oaad while
Dr. Kaealaod briayu tbe buoso
■toBafally rttltodaad aboaed. Oorarodtoe a Cbamploa peach Bcaamriv
OBAto aad dataadiar hSttg acalaat tto laobea and srriyblay half a poABd. It
to frem tbe Doetor'a frait fo^ Oowria
Altoaka of tto ooppa^aada. baa
Hill, and be has a lot asore like Ik
May Maada la aad oat of bia
Tto Boldswortli boUdiv <» tto
party.or of Siato aad Uatoo streeto to rerTAxm oovTxniov oelvlay repalra.
Tto Wood atotora
Two GaadidaWa far
ttoir mUllaery busiaeB from tbeiV
taOoBB^. atora in tto old Stolabery balldlBC to
adJoiaipyAab's bakery oa Fraat
M of the
Mra. Frank HaBlItoaeAtertalaed the
Shop opposite Eagle office.
ladiM of the Bob# and FcrelyB MtoOnaca hall at two o-«loek. The <
. aeeiety of^ Goayrayal
rta aaaaty laat araaiat to pbUb » <*w
a far tbair oAadidatAa, Aadar- eat cotuya. MaloBi yrowa ea
aoB ad Baaaaala aad Wiekbaa of plan were aarvad by Mia.
A. A. McOey A Boa have bonyfat the
ffFABbfort. Thoaa are oppoaanta of
aapnaalAtln Faator of tbla aity for eropa of plBBA iattooreharda Af Jadya
RaBBdaU aad W. F. Banha. Tbwo of Sayiaaw doea aot toll you wbattboy
will toAboAtlMObAAhria la all sad expert to do. They rufur to wbat ttoy
have done aad are doiay daily in TiavtwoerevraAreBoweafayedia pfoklay
IdUlA SaBiy Midar totaroA
tto Iralt aad pnparlay It far ahipTkkaaeatodtla
kaary Fladar. tto aana-yaarHOd Bcat Tto Ina ■bippiil oat
back everytbisy wa say- Too
atoM J. w. Fdofar, of DM Wabatar of piasM aad aaother af applaa laat
deal dlioet sritk ue ia eaaa of aeetdeat.
ataato wbUa ptoyiv yoAtarday oa a Aiybt
rsfokaeaa. Tton to aa e
ato^BMTttoOak Parti aabool toOd.
Tto atore of Jalhw Stoiatory wtU
Mfirilta Ito fiaaad aad
eae this evaaiv at alz e’aloeh and te- staadlay thee comp... —
Bta)Aiyta«aaidaaChfo faaa. Tto baIb aloaed aatO a atBllar hoar Baa- - ‘ Mt a poUct; it doaaan________
t A ItoOoAMOK. Dtot Mayru..
iBMarhfoAya waa latoBoffaMlt day aeaatay, la obaorvaaM of tto SaBraato. - - lAbaiwa Mato. TraorpnMhnrioM ta}Aiy «• Ubrtfhh braw Haw Tear toUiay.
IV "BeanVV^V SaTtnenV
S4S Front Stm>t
To do basiness witb ns. We place
disposal of our customers our large experieace in tbe flour trade. Correspond with ns
and results will be mutually benefidaL
Our Offerings
Oesenre UBasnaitttettioi.
exclusive Wim US, that
! for beauty have not been equalled.
We make particular mention of n.aaTi and BATTAN PHBNITHBE. Aside from a floor full of beauUfU' oreatione in
; this material we make prices equally as at'ractive.
Whether you intend to refurnish your honse this fiiU or
: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make yonr
' rooms look rich aad handsome we offer yon the opportunity '
: to do so at a very little cost Wewantyouto see the goods .
' in any event
**»»**«*•*»» ***•*•• •»**»*»
m Some Good Stories of Fact and Fancy Condensed «
For Busy Readers.
**•*« »»»*mm**mm*
bySMr^'7 AlfcrMdM* r«>UaJl
' S« tb« Wckt
IsSiM Win gp to HoTMO.
toff. tb»t both Vkm TkirtT.-SfPt »«d
Thlrtjr-Snh MleblfM win iMd ta Coho wlthla tbe B«it otc or •rrro wMk*.
bat tfato OMd not ooeoatoo tMr frluS*
Mr eoBcara for tb« ipmob tb«t Rov-
n ie llketr to prora
I, OoMpaoj F. 000 olrbt-foot Om, >0,000 Barrow gaagt far Bare bealtbrthMMr of tbeSoath•od >00 aru of awlteh tiea
era easpe In tbe United SUtw. Hie
SrM«M» of hte r^MBt Ib Cobt wm
oUted at tbe war departweat that tbe
tllB«OeoMBttT«*«MdBppMWaUr BB ud win furaleb e»oloyiD«t for MO
wUi cot onlr bolld beep’.
IM plMB for • OBB* groaBd.
Ula ia Onba. bat will erect barraeka,
bor« that tbBlIiobiCBBbBjra bald tbetr
h Wakalee ma» aaed bla nelrbbor and under aoelrenmataoeeo will
S.wt exporiMaa witk b C«bM r»Ia- beeaoae the laUer'i ehkrkau gut into pr the qaarUrs raoatbd br tha PpMlak
aterm. Afler th^ bad made tUnSB bia wheat Sold aad it ooat tbe aelghbor BCridlen.
tUr tbar aaaatBred dowa to the ooaat tsltaSaeaad
•eawal Uilea h pUaniog M urgent
ta taka B look at aome traaaporta. Tber
Welliogtoa Shiaebercar aad Jobs
waraaaachttBB raioatorB Md whaa MUler were throwa io froat of a moUte
tkaj cot book ta eaap arerythloc waa car at Maatetee, aad both «
i. and be bopea for ^npt aetion.
aSoat, Bid the taata war* la a recBlar Ij lajwed.
^^k». Tbe bare fait
A Bar atr Hra. Robert Harkioa.
lata, bat to a mooMat the atralaa of rears of ago. was haoeked dows bf a
'•HloUgaa Uj Miehlgaa’' earn float- niat A Pore M^rqsette freight train Strang Benttment Favoring Betra
lag oat Iron a tree. Xbe bor* iaawti' Wedaeedar afieraooa Md had her left
Uoo of Phillppiaea br
gatef aad feaad a Mabar of ike bead legoaabed ao that ampsiatlOD below tbe
United S'ates
who bad takes to a tree to aroid the knee waa Beeesaei7. A lltUe girl who
flood, pwehed oa oae of the teg Uaiba
Waehlngton. Sept. It —Tbe aute dethe eceideot palled the old ladj
iBdaatrioaalr warkisg hie eoraet The eg tbe track and prereot^d her being
baa enrpriaad Wesbington by
laailoa waa eo faaar, the b«^ were eraabed to pieoee. Oa aotonot of her making tba following i
pat la a good baaor at
adrMoed age It la not bellered thatahe tor pnblleaUon:
The almost anlrersal expreaeion of
Oarfleld Mrara. aCbarlerolaber who will lire.
opinion in the pnblle piaaa of Japan U
__ __ the atreet
In favor of tbe United SUtea bolding
rtredathomforaabort farloogb. I
fair alOadillae in apluof bad weather.
perwanenUr and governing tba Philip
haa net with m ei
The ezbibiu are floe aad ab,rtit l.ooo
aad bla girt' adBlron hare praoeated more thM Uat roar, the Ifrolt exhibit pine islanda. Tbe poeiUoa taki
that thW will be la tbe Intereel of
hlB with a haadeoaie gold riag.
belBgtbaflDeatereraeaa 1a tbia part
peace and eommaree Md good governKawshM been reoalred at Cbarla- of the sUte. Abool >00
roUof the death of Bert Caaipbeli atteadlBg the eoldlere’ aad a^lore’ iw- meet. Tbe editoriaU Inclat that tbla
who went to tho Klondike last ^wlng. aalea aad are eacanped la tea u In U tba onlr leaae of the matUr that
will aathfr tbe hlgbeat loteroeta of tbe
OomeliaC. V^U has ased tbe eitr the pahllc park. Tke eamp U eallod lalMdeMd tkedoModaot elvlliaatlon.
of Detroit for $Mbo dasagae. o.ntad br Damp Sbafter. A boUr coateeted
The papers declare that tbe United
being atroek br a limb of an orerbang- of foot bell betweea the Qadlllae Md
SUtea in aeanming the ooalral of tbe
tog Irae Md haoeked og her blerele.
ir afteraooa
leUnda will rraelve tbe moral enpport
D br CadUlec b7 a score of 10
At Lapeer Petrlek Herr waa found
if not tha active oo-hperatlon of JapM
dead In bU bod Wedncadar aiomlng.
aad Urant BrlUio."
Arr Boonen bee
An eld
It ie eeid that the aUU department
aUeckcd hr a ball at Rartford Wedaea* died, aged w
threw ont the Japaneee poiaUr a«
At Port Huron a gaaollDO etore ex feeler. It may have beea Inlesded to
dar and aerloaair Injored. Ho la M
ploded at tbe laeldanoe of Frank Un- etirnp comment tbrongb tbe oonatry
yaara old aad aaar not raeorer.
irlr loot bar life bell Wedncadar aaoralag. ean^ag eon- Md enable tbe adminlairation io gain
laat waek tbrongb a ailatake U Uklag aiderable dainaga. laabell waaaetarair . better nndeteUndlng of the national
i OB tbe Pi
Mdlelaa She awoke la tbe olgbt bomad abont tbe face ia atteopting U>
with a aerere beadaebe Md loob a boP get tbe ttore ont of the taonae.
Daring tbe a >1dier dasaaaatration at
tla front tba drawer which abe anppoaFraaeia Tallldge arrived lent nlgbt
iglnaw Bernard O'Hagan, aged Id.
from CindanaU to l-iln bie wUe aad
br aa
ahMdkerpbief with tbe H<|ald and
laid UOearberfaee after getilog Into plodlng akgrocket. Md 14 rearold Bcj
Oewge W. Jeobod again. Before ebe rrallaedebe wat Jenninga. »oo
last night
too far aaeoadooe to reaore the hand- nlng. fell fifteen feet tbrangh a bole at
from a betineu trip to Everett.
bnr^ef front bar nnntrile. but loukilr tbe boae boaaa Both are eererelr la>
Mr. and Mta. Frank Fnedrieh rw
bv bMbosd bad beea awakesed br her Jnred.
a,aadaoUeed tbe anoll of
At Ml. Morris a a^bbor eallnd in tarnad yeaiarday from OsdilUe.
J. C. Croteer. of Kingsley, vlelted
the drag, ranaorod U la Use to save Wedaeedar to see Mrs. Frank Beebe,
frienda bera yesterday.
her life.
who la eonfined to her room. Md
Dr. Q M. Fralickand wife wera vU
Rag atr h being flooded with bogna asked to adminietor a dose of castor
itora bare yeeterday from Maple City,
nlekeb of home ntMofaetare. Tbe oil, bnt tbrongb mlauke gave cai
a. B Lewie, of BIk Rspidt, took din
felt baa a aplandld appearance
doll. Wban the mUUke waa
et tbe Whiting yesterday.
battodefleleat io weight aad ring. dlaeovered abe was nearlg berond all
Joseph Bachinatein of Chicago, is tbe
The polloe hare abtalned a half ban help, but br tbe prompt arrival of
gocet of bis eieur. Mm. Berman Hy
dmd of the piacea. bnt oaanot eaub on phraieian abe
man of Wesbington street.
to the BM who makee tbnni.
Itoek eompMj capitalixed at SiOO.Dr. J J. Robbins srrived Iasi bight
Br an ezploaioB of brdragea gae in 000 will be oqraalxed In Owoaeo to rethe NUw high nehool Uboratory. Ww. enote the basiaaae of tbe Woodard
Dnnn. a ntndaat.waa tarriblr eat abont fnrnlUro worica.. raeenUr deatrareA
br fire. L B. Woodard. William F.
the fane br flrlar rlaaaMcKvnxie. D. & Clapp and aereral otfa
. Wrigbl Broa, of Iroo 1
waaltbr man of tbe city will take week
^•aadar binge of the aorthwaet," hare
e R L Corbatt went to Uadillae
olnaad oae of Ue largaat eoatraeta eeer moatoftheetock. A boena of gto.OOO
booked la thU eoeatrr. The contract win be gireo by tbe city. ClUtena arc ^7.*^W*^i»otcbln
relumed yeaierdey
to wltk the CbUmto, MIlwMkee A 8t asking tbe common eonnefl to call a BOOB from a un-day vtatl with bit purPsal railroad oompMr. aad la for >00.- apedal aleeUna to voU on the matter. eou near Cleeeland.
Senator J.W. Mlllikeo waa In Tbomp-
lairtr-tbM MfehifM. MT«
Uw sCebs War.
Cm B«n (bon <»e oneaMca Man the
gnw of Dewey waked (be Philippine
oelioM on Mny 1. Tbe Mell and Bxpnee
baeentenda pka for eerioaeoongreeckmal ooDoideratlon <S oar merchant
ntailae's <
pared with that of other leading sstiaaa,
and particnlarly with that of Great
of oar foreign carrying trade
d tbe olvU war and bae held it ever
idoce. We teiterau that this war bat
made it InoonoeiTable that congram
eboold again ton a daaf ear to tbit
plea, aa it bae eo often doM dulBg tbe
The Baltimore fired about >1
this beiag tba Urgeat
amount fired by any one veeael
Ooanftbe Oharloaton'o Orav BaraM SpMlarda foagbt bravely Md tbe crew
Vae Mot For BtaakfiMt Bnt
of the Cbatnio eonUnned flriag ae Ue
ship was ainklag Md one gun
For mapaira.
charged wHh the crow knee-deep in
Tba foUewlBg letter wee written bg
W. C. Moore, bookiweper of tke AeUtie
We are expaetlog tba aeeond fleet of
fleet In command of Admiral Dawap.
traaoporta from tbe United SUtea. Tba
JMr. Mmra U a naphaw of B. F. Moore
Oaaeoed and Raltigb have gone to mast
Of WUlUoubarg aad tbe Raouao la
them. BrMythlng la at a aUodsii i.
a pen
awaiting the arrival of Geaaral ,Mei0. S. S. CbarleetoD, Caviu P. I.
I have Jaal loiabad opening tha
Dnan SienA—We arrived bare tbe books of this ship. I have aboat 4.ftOO
MIh oU. Nothing BoUworttar bae bo- aooouou la the ledgers and tha vnlna
HdMmiog Mother—What objection
eerred ataee anr arrival.
ofarUelesoaeburgeameant to about
teve you to that wealthy Mr. LlgtatTha dbpatdi boat arrived from Hong get.MO.OO.
Kong en tbe ?th. bringing news of tbe
Tbe eoet of onal raeeived from Msy
BeMtifol DangbCar—He never ulka
kaUla at SMtiago de Oobu and tb* jui U June »0tb amounU to fllS.tUT >5. anything bnt noownm. r
arrival at Part Bald of Ua SpMlab «aat Tfii, ,,, „p„ded dnring tbe paasaga think all women an fooU
boond fer MmIU.
I and we bad U borrow abont IM Una
Motbes^ Too cannot And that fianlt
Wall Mary, vary few. if My of them.
with Mr. Oreatmind.
Dangbur—He'e a perfect bore alwiU see tbelr aative Uad again.
tud Press repo
ways ^ing about toingt I don’t nn1 oneloae a proelamatloo iesded by
danund.-New York Weekly.
■ Oaaeral at tklt port. Fith love to all. will eloee.
about eight dare prorioos to the eaYonr loving brother,
(agameat. which aaded with the daW C. Moona.
Bm Uttld Brotbor—Set down to tbe
• of the Spaalak fleet.
^lor. Bia'llbebensstoansssbegeti
Sloes tbelr defeat he baa denied Utbn^ givto ber face s swipe with
ealng It. Md haa beea willing to anr-1
what did I
Mr. HlmpcrltogT-Aod-------------------reader, but may. ehanga bti
ObMOefOrMicbieM BewimenU to
osy when yon told ber I was bece?
whea he learns of U#
Oo to Forto % 00 Becauae Thvy
Ber Utile Brotom—Sbe mid sbe
wat MmIU
anronie Tbe oaly def<
ootse down
larn lo-Ueb
are two forU Two i
Weehlngton. Sept. IS.—Oeneral Miles DC ber thmnb Monday mmsto tost (bU
Krapp rifles a
wm goto to be n unlocky week te bar.
baadeabad the bo^ of the
ethar haa ohaoleU gaaa.
—ClevclBod lander.
The worid at Urge will never know regimeaU who have conaUd m m
why Dewey withdrew from arttoa at portnaHy to go to Porto Rico laeUad
of Cuba, by a automeot wbirb he has
T:U oa the morning of the
It wee gieaa oat that bo withdrew far Jast made to the cSeet that he had da
Mr. Peck—There. I'm gUd yoaUn
the parpoee of giving tba crow break- elded that no'more troops are wMted
„ Bn^ was not tha case. All tba ia tbe formee UUod. Be added, bow- made np yonr mind to admit it at tort.
A actant later (be neighbors mw
that M.OOO or 40.000 troopa would
sA blocka of tha >. 6Md «-Ueh
rannlng down the atreet wUboot
e had axpnnded. ceuead by tbe In- probably be eent to Gtabu aa soon as
his hsr__ nsi—iw, N.M
____.1___ ,_____________Ui_iI, U ..II
ail probe
a beat, dM to tl
end raqaltad aomaeb time aad Ubor to umy abo
War deportment oSeUla have bean
extemet toam after flrUg, that Dewey
Bongiy Biggine—1 doa’4 «e bow
fleirtfr* to withdraw and eool the gaaa dlspmed to thUk that the 'Tblrty-fittb these proverb gays msfce It oat (hot
•e qaiektyaaeoaeiMo. But, aa it bar MicblgM regiment weald be eent to time is mcDey.
Weary Wetktos-Jist Urtee Myoal
■Mea. tha vUtoty had bean woo, aad Porto RU» Md toe Thirty 8fat reglAa if yoa d never beard toe Jodge nshs
MM lataraUg to wUoa thoro wu mwt to Cnbe bat Oeneral Mllee' detgrnotto ndd to the force to; It so many doUsn nr to puny dsya—
g Utt hat the tarU wkioh
tsMW/ rnmmt IF
To tbe many aigniMntt already adeanood in behalf of legUlatioa to rerlre
may be added flgay'e
nne lecently oompiled on Gemany'
MiippiBg txada Tbem flgimaate(be
...................... and bare to do with tbe
record of 18M. Mnce wbid time, ae U
wtit known, Germany hat not dMertorated in tbit regard.
In WO yearo Germany bat witneemd
u InoreaM of 8S per emit In tbe nombar of eateelt carrying the empire't
pndneU Cram ber porU and bringing In
foreign raw materiaia and as ioaeaat
of 10> per omit io tbe nnmber of regis
tered tona Tbe growth ia one year—
180fi.fi—wae nearly 10 per cent, and
' I tbe Bteedy ineream in native boRona following tbe
Ftanoo-Prandaa war. Previone to that
■traggle, wUeh n gieatiy adranoed tbe
pretiige cf (be Germant, by far the
Porto Blon WiU froknbly ks finrorod ‘
A Tboasand To One.
Jlor wlU
mabp yne a coH
ao overecat eqael
In Biy
style,, fit and trimming to m “
ler” roedytowear garment, bat be
will have to eoarge you doabla. or
neeriy dnuhle, for bie leivicca
Wbyt B -cause be ia bet oaa man
against a factory foil. Wborebemskea
• aujl, tbe factory mskaa a tboaaand
mora. And bis knewledga aad akill
are no graaur than tbeae of tba fac
tory designers and Uilora. wblU hU
lliUea for baying and i
tog are poor•to
to comparison.
Fb- meUriala tbst enUr into "Adler" Clothing
_____ ,---------------- I-______ —.
1.1^ /___ ...k
are bought In vast qaaatlUm
for raab
We pay essb and cell for eaah. Every
advanuga tbere*or*. is secured by tbe
^ M
"AdUr"8attMd OverecatL a warrant
of Bstisfaetlon. It means—"Brorythirg
right, from lining to battonboU."
wat carried
eially. aa la onr own cast
Great Britain.
In IBM, of all tbe vcmelt that came
In and went out of Oermaa pccU, 7D.4
cent bore the Otratan flag. Of all
Marnen. fifil per cent were Gar
in tonnage, German efaipa carried
PricealO. ItandSOci
18.fifi0.fi80 as agaiut 8,81H.B1> bone
by tbe EkigUsb and 18,088,468 bone
by all (cnign vteula. iDclodlng tbe
Tbe eocnotnlc wrlien of Germany ciU
gratification the fact TTifhrr r!g>rtfe To have your skoro half soled or tops and bmk iw
puited. JOB 8ABL1W.IU Bant Froat elraab
that to tiw rapidly d^elopiag tr^
with Bontb Amerke tbe
mnanelpated ItMll from British eblps.^
MARTINKK. 81T Vkanfi
Why cannot we U7
my 'tbe mmeT^Stmpiy
__________ has tiins far
xamove tbe obettclae to qviek tcviral
Boaae FaroUblng Oonda. OMO A -f
wblob exist to fit of onr treaties of
frirodtitlp aad oommeroe. Tbe bonnty
lystem doea not appeal to tbe AmerioM
mind, bnt tbie is not tne of its eqnlvaand »M
lent,, ttbe dlKTimtoatiag duty in favw
ebcstothesvorldfnrlto. Opaa all night-__________________
.merican bottoms oontempUted to
of Am
tbe Elkins bill of tbe last congrras and
by other measa(ec of like perpeae from
time to time.
Watch This Column For Bargains ! |
For Your ScM Boob
Guard Chains
Furniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant
glcry we will ignore one of tbe chief
lessons snd oppartnnities fnrnisbed by
s sacrosfiil totemationel war. Ger
many has uken and is
f«« that tho I
wbat Germany has dm
enterprise? Tbe qoeetii
New York Mail and Ezpi
Wast M*r« CmU
Tbe DiogUy Uw ie making a great
rooord for itselt tbe flgnree np to Ang.
1 idiowing that, omitting tbe ootMy ftr
war ezpemea. tbe law wonld have aecnmolaud a rarplos of fiS.OOO.OOO dat
ing tbe patt five man the. Tbe new Uw
bae torned tbe tide of gold in onr direc*
.ticn. has made pomible the greateet
oommercial report fw a fltoal year in
ourhlstmy. bae
‘ * '
trim and
pins had it not been lor tbe war. What
**Frank Fried^h’ratnraed from OadUlid be asked, and yet tbe calam
Jaelast avaaing.
ity bowling papera cf tbe oonucry i
at this time foil of ediurisls deeUitoi that tbe Uw is a fsUnra. Let
tbe Dingley law ran another five years,
An Atebino girl wboayearago
flfiO a montb for idttlug in a eool oiBce snd the tuiesmen will be woodering
and pretending lo work and wboee wLst to do with tbe rarplna—Dm
wages went cm while ebe took a two
wariu' vacation ia xpandlng her time
this rammer is making tnad in a hot
it that the most marvalkltoben, pnttingnp trait and deUg oth
ona extonsicn of American cmda ever
er boowwork witbont
known bsi uken place nnder s tariff
wngea Wbat happonc
Uw tost stirred Bnope with tamponry
moth nrrowT Sbe resigned herpotitioD
solmotity toward this country, sod not
under toe
lepcerioos "tariff iefoRn"Uw,
If You Have Logs to Sell
OormpoBd with tbfi Traveroe City Lumber CoupAoy.
^ Webfive fbrwleOoad.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood,
Bicvcle Riders.
RememberYbaiT do all kinds of re
pairing a^eoameling. Md that 1 CM
aad Vo give yon tbe beet work of any
one in toe city for the money. Doc’
be Jwrived by what olhere Ull yon V
th^ eontrary. bnt eome and nee tm
of rain. Within s toief year we have
men that animosity die out. flirt In
England and giadni^ in Germany and ^top In till • o’clock every eveutog
France, nntil at tbe presem time near exeept Sunday,
to me
tbe Oaldml^^tipe
nunuay, m
don bonding, at north end of Onloi
ly tbe whole of Enroiw ie
s desire to be triendi with tbe mart neooroefol ostioo to tbe world.
In some qoartere it bm already bees
1 tost tbe Amerimn Uriff li no
longs needed. Tbe I
mnst give troadom cf trade to that
CDnntry. Onr experitawe with free trade
hse been too reorat to pey rack a price
for eomLinlng wbiob. while it ii desirabla. It not absolutely necessary. Tbe
AfficricM Uriff ie Mill needed and will
pccAably always be needed. If only to
protect onr raills from tbe ratoons cmpetitioo cf foreign Job lots wild at any
Smm M Kiv siviTef*
BCiU Machinery of all daacripticmfi, inclnding Two BoRfaNt,
R«t Works, Csrrisges snd Sava. A oomplete 8sw UiU PUist
for sale.
Ever Banted Owt*
U no yon know
toe value of
Q. P. nAWVKB. Aswiw
John R. SantOp
Gen^ lisinioe.
Ika^mUem o( ataijirtoK mri*«l ta
<he Cnfted 8utn is sot • pew one to
fPi^ttoimeptgtMUtkB. Pgf
tfhpa a e«t«7 kefote the
^ Mt^Mibad POiBwed the atteotlaa
««f UpWmA We ehell look into ooloalpl li<lileiWi lour OP, bet will mj
_ rtb«e kao teuoe toottribeteto
BHtUb eaonple tteinitiotiao of • thipMinlte7ia
the Am tariff act 1788.
Soteoliotbat nob0poUer
«(Ibe objoeli <ff tbe Uaim oad ibe a
' eer owa abilitj to «
JS tbe Uoi«^
. BawooekltfaUb
N wore/tbe Bovolai
tbeir lUjiplnK oeatari that of otbera.
Saob elalawaa pnotlaaily ioteiga to
and old and
____ Ve^Blf were) bm
II and
• fa poor o(a>dftica. EnploTmcnt being
faod to get tbera wae DO enoouageaMOt
tobaild. Ft
JTatazaUr they did not rtodj tbe interafa of aap foreign ooenttr at oominoaitp wltb wbora tbe^ Waded, bet worked
te tbtsnrelrea and tbelr aatire labd.
gaer b»oori»t «or tapeew Dob tmz unj.
get leray tcofc nor erpwit lor w.
Uad« tbte fomign .
a conntry
effeeted. Mot a etnglt. atste conld gain
a footbold in ita own foreign trade nndar eeadldcni then exiatin^ 1%eforalga aUppinB tbeo in onr oommerce
bad aD tbe loetccUcn deetsed neoeoatj
ffa Ita aDoeeea. Tbe foreim ovum bad
all tbe adrantagea of Dercantile conaaetitaw in aU tbe porta of tbe world.
It waa oammoa erca for prinaely nerrbanta to own tbe ataipa in tbeir unpk^aMat Bridrh nnderwrilcra, then
be BOW, faeored tbeir own flag in ratea.
aitnatioD. Ikade mnat be
at tbe tiak of war.
for if nottba
I and afloat? In
*oft tbere mnat be an effeedre proteofli«B to Ancrican navigation and anefa
aa would operale to protect AsierkBa
aoauoetea everTwbere.
. Aooocdlngly tbe first tariff
4788 provided lor ~
Ing eoamand tonnage dniioa These
sod nbaeqtwnt regnlaUou on the same
frineiple afforded such potecUon that
1 and oar
te of carriage in our own com■wee toae in aix years Dorn about 2d
fa M per cent Tbe general discrininaaon eoaaiated at firct of a rebate of 10
oent. This eras toon changed to 10
am Mnt'artn d^ «n goods brought io
fanign vemela. If froao tbe East Indies
m Ghfan. tbe dnties were aboot donblcd.
dmerimnvetacili were not long in gainfag thia rich trade, aud with it were
fatUt tbe Tcsels nltable for it
mof tbie trade came
lha nnee worid renowned Americna
“dipper'’ afalp. Foreign vaeaela eoan
fact oor ooaacwiae carrying wholly to
- oar own. being taxed out of it as every
«me a foreign vemel eotnad one of oor
porta tt paid a dnqr of M ceota and
ifltar X884 of fl per ton boxcien, while
' Amerioan vmaeb paid «mly < oenla.
Aftarward, 1817. oongrem tenrved do. gtaMfaoarriagefor oor ownveMdaby
. gaabihUory law. EhipboUditig v
avvad for American bniiden a^
"%BX voBsiirtf mooBliimDAT, biftekbsb le. less.
fl.boatfroai tbe talaad of St Via■atahaadredoiHeeweetofthe Ber at tbe ialaad
Orraada and reparu that St Vlaeent
baa nperieoeed a moat rioleat and Amtnetlre c.felooa ever kapwn there.
Kiogetbo. the cental «f St. ^^oeent is
toullydretiuyed. It ia eaUmated that
MO lirra bare bre'a loat In that inland
and •that #0.000 people are hoioeleaa. The bodies of the dead are being
buried lo tbe trenchea. Thonaanda are
etarriag or balng fed at Ue pablie
Adrieea were raedTad at Loadoa'
Wedneaday night aaylng that a terrible
borricaae had ewapt over tbe Barbadoea,in the Windward Sronp of the
T laenr AatUIee. Two haadred paracme have been killed aad do.ooo rea-
Bat its prtadple U selflab, it Sa mid.
fa tUs it la antsimL Selflahaem la tbe
pMb of Ufa tbe emence at boaiBem. and
Ml fae laaM of f be olementa nqnlaite
■■M aad a good t
From ISTi to 1880 Groat Britain’s
abai« in tbe world'a prodoution of pig
iron has ahmnk from 40.03 pa cent to
27.05 per cent while tbe United States
baa incrraaeel iu production from' 16.1
pw cent to 80.08 per cent Wbeo tbe
fall flgorea of tbo world for 1886-7 are
at band, it will be seen that tbe abate
of tbe United Kingdom haa still fntber
deontaaed aud that the share of tbe
United titatet in iron and steel prodootion baa vmtly iocreaeed beyond the
tioa ending
How has tbie great development of ao
By tbe aid of auperi vnatoml reaonreer,
anperior ene^y and enterpri w and the
preserving the home market
prodnoor. Xu the race fur antirenacy in
iron and steel prodootion protected
America baa steadily foigad to the
front, while treu trade Gnat Britain
has steadily !o0 grounA Kothingoonld
obrioos than thia '
tlon <ff oaoae aod effect In the operatiw
<ff two opposing ooQoumio poaciw.
death teemed imminent.
latba abe ooughed loceseaotly.___
could not Bleep She finally dUmvered
a wry to reeorerv, by parenasiog
of os
a botila ef Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consamntioo, and was so much re<d on taking tbe first dose that she
; all night; and with two bouli
veen abaclntely cored. Her naa
ra Luther Luts." Thna writes V
C Bamaick A Oo, of Bhelby. N. i
Trial botUca 10 cuAl thedrugatorea ef
H. E. Welt aod jf U. Johnsoo. Regu
lar sit 50c and SI. Every bntla guaraataed.
X. fl K. & A A Fainaad Afftln at Oas
Fan Orlma
Manistee and Haaoa ronotj fair at
Maniatee. Mich.. Reptember II, 14. 1*
and 16. 1898 One fare for tbe rv-und
trip from all M. A N. B aUtlooa. Tlekeu will be sold on Septamber 12. IS. 14.
)C. return
•n limit September
1888. All trains stop at Fair Grounds,
laolstae Bounty dsy
dsyiat Msnistee. Sep
tember 14. A special train will Isave
Travetoe City at 7:00 a. m . fare 81 and
arrive at Maniatee at »:4n.
train will leave Maniatee at Mmnlatae
During the Battle
of Santiago.
Sick or Well, a Bush
Night and Day.
nimao ratm or taavaaea onr o
U9S Aantal Szeutbai via 0. S. ft L
Te liGhmaafl. fleptamhtr STth:
fattdt tad OUeage Oot 4th.
Ire not oel|i Universal in Srmpe But Broadly Compteheasiiie
in Subject Matter, they embrace:
... .
Bnckleeb Aratea Balvr.
Taa Baar 8ai.tb la tbe world for
^U, I^iaea. -Sorei^ tJleera, Salt
Sata, Tetter, Capped
Coma, and all Skin
BrupUans.aad poaitively eurm PUea.
oroo par requirad. It la guaranteed
to give perfect eatlefaetion or money
refunded. PrleetScenOperhoK. For
O. P AT. A.
Assnal Oble Zsevrioa
Via Ann Arbcr railway. WederRlay.
Oelober 5th. Id9e Through «wcn*fc
from TrsTeiaeCiiv L-a*e M. A N. R.
railroad depot at «:35 a m. Ttckela U>
Toledo and return to 00; ona fare from
To'edoapd pr.iots on the Wheeling A
Lake Erie. H-x-king Valley. Ob<n Centrsl. Detroit A f.ima
[.ima Northern.
Nnrtber Cincinoa'I.
ia;l. Bamllton ft D.yt-n
D>yt-d beiwoen ToIrdoand
and Lima iaad Obilio Central and
Rig Pour route between Toledo iand
TlckrU goM to rhtoro on anv r.
lar train until Nov. 5. 1898. For
osrtirnlars and ra'rs eome ear'y and
Inquire of H. W. Cooningham. AgrnV
finid Ripldi S bdiui K. K
SS6!i«8 SSSS 8SS
Frees Konrsy's eortbera load IO Isdis'
asd eoDvcrsoclse
Man’s Mastery Over Nature
In AU Lands.
/XILKBT * C»AT»=. AUomer.
V7 teiitl<ieuPrt>hsl'|>rseUce. a
■O.Keresatn«- Co B)w k.
U ;-<V,”Ta
M. t>.. UnlTfin
'Pliucim toa. l<
^topSdrieh blwkc .'
fitii niiMs
sod of-
01 OHjpiiil Fbototnpts.
I. Aij-mer SBOeosoketSt Isw. Oflee.^.cCllr Opers Boose BIk.
o. ii,:EffiSi.ii
In :Blanj Landa.
JIRtlNSD Kntna-lfiM Bstelle HokeW). s
1 gcs-lusic uf ibr UnlTcrsltT Bnspns'i 4ns
trbor. will mi(>nni1 torslls (Of nurslsa. SI'
Fecntiir PBople
to oor
. li a tboDsud fu» troa
> Kortberu
:higan Tranvpnr»v
from TraveraeCUy to Ohiregnfr.rSS.tiu.
‘Tleketo good anUl Oesubev I5ik.
*neketanaealeat the dock ifllm
above date. •Phone 8«
A A Pan. Agaat.
Art and Architecture of the World
ITOHHtLa—A Iljrhl ArlrlBC bora* thww t.
r oW. well broke
Win .ell for pan r
sn<i nan Ob'iBio. or irsde. Addrvoa. (II 1
Palaces. Temples, Mosques,
Shrines; Cathedrals, Obel
isks. Monuments, Ruins,
Homes of Great Men, past
and present, and Common
Cottages where the milL
ions live.
iHst bttt ton pklK
posslUe to pndoce.
:d—OIrl (or ecncral I.onscwiirk
.d woevs will be |Ald. laqoliw a
Roii^•Ipb vtrrrt. K W llaalinrs. -S If
8ALB-Two wfacclcd scrap«-i-a a
J|»OrKD-PhrsWao-.ph^ca-c. (twocreao
TTTANTBD—Nurse elrl to ea
W J. W. 8lale>. 4> Woabl
History and Biography
PO street.
TNBfRAKCa—When ycro wont Brw or l»r ItiX snrmacr. reisrsibertbst I SB la tbe basloeas Boral Biebsare Asauran-e. Amerlesn
of Kew York. Ttaorlorls Fire. Pealnsnia Kotn*
of. Fniekrcm Plstv (Jiaaa. Bleb , Vu'asl Piste
Glsfa Aelos Ufr of Oono. sad other compsoiea. a B. Allrn. FVIrdMcb Block.
In Barest Form.
rortbrboUrtan””^*b ^'hoa'Tonr booki
STsded for mile oooa to frrowii up folkv. Eset
book cbanDisc,de1lrtal(ol.rapiIvstlD«; prfeei
orerflosior withb«ppr IllaaVr^kms Trerncn
dous sellers. Kotblna like them. F.tur nnolhi
soldes bsrresUor eoeriretle workers
nips for its'inr psn only
of tbe poslsve
—. slosc.
— -.
Drop sli trash sod elesr
toons Bomb with our vxrlusl.e Jurealleo.
Tri Karfnaai. Boos ('onrasa. Senr
^^aNTa»-^u^^lel^ roora e^1
luubisn Rrslsursnlf
How cities have grown
How nations have arisen
How kings and queens, lords
and ladies have lived aod
loved governed and died.
Told with the richness of
Vi too niiMs ot Ue
ot ouil tnm uoonte
Utoo IroB iiOiotIUes.
gounroas WAS^aD-Lod^ or^enUc
Religion’s Hold On Humanity.
pitas ibore In mo's
A HARIKB BOILEB for sol*, ioqaire of
A Trmrvruc (nty LuBberOc.____________ »Mf
se Cn/LoRtber Co.
a—iBBtier. sib SBd sbl
se City Lumber Oo. MS-if
Qras4 Ksf<*v»*p- ts. Usatag so«i 4t^
Trsloa arrivt frasi MseSInsc CHr< PeUsfes*
How Little Laplanders idive
Farm Life iu Norway
Haymaking in Switzerland
Women of the Sultan’s Pal
Donkey Drivers in Egypt
Human Horses in Japan
River Houses in China
Drosfaky Riding in Rosnia
tor. slriit"
CVps SaLS—Two cows lequlre of A. B. ^rry '
C sta a. Konban's bsrd.srr slorr. 4tiei* ,,
«8flZ « S 8S8S9 a
•SSS = - w—r-e S
£S=aS£e88SS£88S 8
The mountain road ov«r the
Alps. The St. Gotthard
Tunnel witfa 167 Railroad
• Bridges. Famous Loop
Road up to Darjeeling in
tfae Himalavas and scores
of other wonderful engin*
eering feats of the human
Ufe In t Ill’s Phases
•aile Block.
e KsgsES
Towenne Mountains
Sublime ^nons
Foaming Cataracts
'Sweeping Rivers
Pladd Lakes
Rippling RiUs,
m nttm
J .a. LOCDOX. Dn.tWt. O 'ev» is X^hsw
The O B A I. will give their ennoa!
exeurslon Ic Riebmond on 8 ptember
S7tb. and to Detroit and Cbk-ogo one IVX n«if
week later, October 4th. Ti<-keta will Hc.cii-b .1
arid Biit therateofgi ™‘t" R’.-bmonil
Detroit, and $0.00 to Oiicigo. Chil
I under IS years, half iwiu. Ti ;k• <WT-A black
•ck pork>-tt«
eta will be acid from all atalions, Mack
II. cilhcr
inaw City to Big lUpido.' induaive.
Ceairsl ^1
good for return on regnlor trains for
ten days.
Per Detroit, choice of two routes will
iDmut-mr. noRnk ronSALE PPTIO
be given: One vis P A F, M. railnwd fV be IP
from Rrrd.Citv: the other. T*a D . U H. Ferawood.
A H. railroad frnm Urand
d R«pi<
R^piriFor TTTAXTED-ApprvBilcc Is oiir ■Uliocpy
Cbieogo tbe rOote will be^ via
via Vi
W eppananil. The ftoMoo sloiw
nd the Grand Trunk ayriem
For time of trains and fonhrr Inforappiv fn O,
u. R. A 1. ticket
Nature, in all it’s Varied Aspects
How Christianity grows
How Buddhism grasps
How Hindooism embraces
How Mohammedanism s u fadues
A Classic In it’s Literary Style.
VotiM to Tax Paysra.
I will be Is asr <>■» ostU XoTWBber in,
To Chicago For 88.00.
Stoddard Lectures
Cabman (Co dlatrauU-d old
after innob Mwreb. Icia p
pouuy bit aitil
and nioc
nine iwuuks
in pay&M-ui
for a drivuuf inonJ:
ili'ii)—Iwy, misFiiH,
K long ’aru ycr lx.431 a tntiu np for
1..Jla ’ere)
‘ISUUllfs Lalinf
ims. forUir porposr o( collociiSF tbo oebooi
sod city (sees sbd speetsi sasrssB outetled
Ealtht Tompln OaadsTa at ntUtef
. Aran, A^ved aa cf ao advantage
gfaeafl Intend of remricUng on nlea
afaaad B boa bean fonad powible to fa— fan m that they are aenrly 20
, yfaaHtptatar than ovar bfaan..~Xa-
A Pair tlBMUao.
WUUam Bearitea, a wealthy farmer
af Brown ooaaty, Indiana. eUiou to
have reesivedan iaaptratloa to tbe effeet faat the world would oo«e to an
end Oetoher 1. He aUegea that aagala
vialted him dnrtag hU aleep aod told
him that the world woald be rednoed
The Paokere at the Battle of
to daat Be baa the enUre eommonity
SantlAgo de Oobe Were AU
is which he Ilvee worked ap to a groat
Heroee —Their Heroic Ef
pltoh of exeltameaL Beaays all
aleet will be eavad tbe nigbt before tbe
forts 1b GettioE Aaunani*
tlon and Eatlone to thb
Mim Aana Boee of Hilo. Biw^laa
Front Seved the liBy.
ialaada, haa aeerpted the InvIuUon to
set as qoaea of the flower oaralral et
P. B. BoUar. of peek train No. :
. . lagodeCuba,on
>n Ju.y
JudeCuba, on
Topeka. Eaaaaa. Miaa Boae will be writing from. tenU^
aaya; "We
‘We all had
diarrba-t in
net at San Pranelaeo by a
a er
or lem violent form,
of Topeka'a prominent people.
landed we bad no time to
lor. for It waa a cate of ruab aod rush
nigbt and day to keep the troops tnpi Itema.
plled witfa ammunlUon aod raUona.
The reaort aaaaoa at Edgei
imt thanka to Cbsmberlaio'a CoUr.
not cioaed yet. and tbere are new ar- Cholera aod D'arrl ma Remedy,
md k»*p
rlrala evwy day at thia popular reaort. wrra able to keep at work and
bealtb: in fast,1, I alooerelv
alooerel ^ believr
Mra. Meday. Min Bebeoee Bnmford. that at one criUeal time this mediriue
Ufa. Hanford aad two children ra- waa tbe indirect uvlor of oor army,
tamed to Detroit yesterday after i for if tbe packers had been unable ti
work there would have been no way of
stay of two mootba.
getting Bunplies to tbe front Tbere
Ura. M. B. Uteer, Mlai Sara Heo were no raaaaI that a wa
wagon train ec
deraoB and B. H. LUnar and family
M.v aomrade aud i . •M.|f bad
have ratumad to Detroit atur a three good fortune to lay in a a ippty of
0 before
nontba' stay.
leii Tampa, aod 1 know in four cs
Mr. aod Mia T. Catter and daughter itaboolutelyaaved life.'
of Olevaland. have arrived for a few
week!' stay.
Mra. W. J. Young, mother aod two
daogbtara are stopping nt Bdgewood
on their way home from Cbarievoix.
Tbeetfed of tbtae_______________
^favifaoapital and caU talent intoefalp- pending, aavigatioo aod ojaunerce.
Beaw of tbe hem men of Bnropeoaatin
•hair lot with ns. Onr tannage in fordgn trade rose in eight years from 128.
888 to 687,^77 tone; oor ohippiog
ng per
•npita inenamd from 8.04
- 12.46
entafe feet <cf
a per capita enlarged from abont
#14 to.
In fl27.M: onr Import carriage adwmoadtram abont IT to 82 percent
and on export oarrioge Cron 80 to 88
pneeot Ws soon became leaders in toe
art of Mlipbaildlug. fonaaoat in mle
nnd speedy tailiog end noted for oomamdai enterpriae. Aa oor eonnlry waa
amtledic prospered greatly. Onr bnl•nuoR« becataeBodoootiimed
favomble, allliongh oor importa exeaeded on exporii. Onr shipping
out at foreign debt, and our locrea
see power aecnted adTaucement in
itgaal piaitica. Onr fls,
Jpeet tbe world over,
proved ere long—aye. i
t^xUpplng protcciion was a ptdlcy of
great aaltM to all tbe BUtes,
nod ncme
<» totbetepoblio
solved, ao M-
TiavwaeOt^ Kaifeat
'■mm'Wotw .
Below ia a Hat of
hoying aod avtlTbe Soldier’s Mother-1 tot m fattn tag^lcea^y-eletdi^for
from George today, and be ia grambling
abont tbe vicioala in tbe army.
axixnie pbuw.
Tbe Soldier’s Wife—I am glad to
#1* 00
bear that be k making bimmlf atbomo.
im Un u knf u On
lists. Tm
UtntDi la nonr dk
■t.SBdfraw lo-rlork te 4 o cleeh p. is., sod oo
TooodAy OBd Frldsy eraolacs ofoseb work
The compressed essence of
Each sentence an idea
Every page a jewel casket of
richest thought and rarest
language holding the read
er entranced
A Picture Index at the Close.
nssAs msdlrlito sad dlossosa of tbs syoerto
■on wtoaorer studied Is s aedlesi coUsrei
vm hsve hlsomestoapovarily over TasneU
a^o-s Psloes Bsksty, eumr Oalsa ss4 nil
•tmma eeoih aUs.
Bringing all of tbe iUnstra*
tions in alphafaetical ar
rangement within onr im
mediate control.
TRAVERSE orxy, aacH.
'•'Md Tew-Ho 429
01R.T BABB Knmoir.
Complied With
OTeaOaarrw DiUBald ia Bperti'
fr;oay, September
|l.-.r.cuv. H„rr.c..
WaahincloB.fiept. It.—UrATal Sbaftar'a report plraa Oaaml DoffieU bare
lUoa aad other briyadlar* mueh Deraalatlen ia^Westladlca aad Tire
OMMBtod to Wltbdn* teawcMt
Ufperapaee. Maoh oomseat ia twlar
Raadrcd Lirea Were<Ioto-Tweaty
b«opeM>4eO>OMmlOood TMltof atade here oa the osiswa.
Tbouaaad People Beadetad HomeVtMraila — Other ImAm v«ra
Irao and Pour Thoiuaad are Burr
•Ueatff XMllsed . to B«iit Bat
-rh»r Wen VotMd to Aee»lo.
' epMtol w Tma HeBjrai* KaooBD.
WMUoftoB. Sepk l».-Oo«M»l 0«*
ropona a wUataelory •oodUkm of »(•
fain fro« Maolta. AfolaaUo haa
•OMpUad wltk Uadeaiaads aada gtm•ml rood faoUac prmUa.
OMatal OtU fixed today for' the
1 by the Inaorgeata.
~ ' '
wm atroofflytadl
othara who wva larpaly iaflaaoUal
ware axtranaly aaxiona to aroid a
liot The vltfiMtas of Oeaeral OtU
waa dalirara^to the ?Ulplnoa laat rriday.
Tha PUlptoo ooaBMlon wwa rary
frlaadly to tha As
Iny-Two VeaeeUBIewa Oat to Sea.
Hla Beqoaat Bra.tad aad OapUdn
Tarry Will Taha the Iowa to
tha Paelfle.
•miel u Ik* asanaa EacoaD.
WaahlnytoB. Sapv >» —At hie owa
reqaeat -nyfatiar Bob" Brana faaa
beea rellaved from the eossaod of the
Iowa. Be will protobly take duly oa
the naral board. Capt^o Terry wUI
take the Iowa to the Peeifir.
Detail of the Campaign
Oeaeral Hilee Oiraa Little Heotlon'
Tribnu to the Oailaotry of
Amerleaa Troopa.
Waablayton. Sept. 15.—The official
report of General Sbafter oa tbe 8aa‘
liayo campaiya baa been made public
Ueaayithatoa June 30 he made fait
plan of attach, aad it waa explained at
tbe meeticy of the yeaerala. Ia the
deUlled accouat of the battle of 8aa
Ueaeral Wheeler ia yieeo tpecial
praise for hla yailant and etfi tieat
dee. to reedar which he had ariaea
from a sick bed. Great credit U also
yiTCB Bjtyadler-Geoeral B. S- Haw
kina to that batUe. The report atya:
‘ lothlafierea aneoantor words fail
to do jciUee to onr yailant reyimaaUl
oommaodera aad heroic men. for while
the yeaerala Indicated tbe. formation
and the poinU of nttaek. it wai
tbe brarary of offijars and men that
planted onr colon on tbe craat of San
Joan bill and drove the rnimy from
hia trenebea and blncktaonaes, tbea
yaininya poaltion which araled tha
Omani Flo Pltoo Will Baalet Aseri- fate of itoniiayo.''
Lteouneai !‘ark<r r{ the Thirteenth
' October eth.
infantry also yaU apecial pralM for
KaaUa,8ept. IS.-Geaeral Pio PlUr. action in IntUe. Tbe yeneral aaya
the inaarteat leader, said to be op^ that bis own health ^evented bis yeipeaad to Ayalaaldo, ia throwlny ap tiny into tbe battle aa he wiabed bat
atroay works at Laa Plaaa to protect he had n yood view of the cobfi ct from
BekoM’>adthe rebel aopply depot at a biyh btll.
Of tbe Michlyan aoldiem In tbe camIsaa.
loaaryant aoldiaraaay the AseHcsaaa paiyn tbe report aaya.
••General Doffidd With tbe Thirty
ere to bo attacked oa Oct. 5. Ayala
aldo U preperioy aad will aoon iaeae a third Mietalimn ntuckrd Ayaadorea. aa
ordered, bnl waa aaable to aoeomnliab
atatoSMt to the Aaiericaa people.
Uiaa to deuln the Spaaiard
Amiaaldo baa reeolred to appeal to
AmericaDC. eabliay bia owa stateneat that vielaity."
The report aaya that a few Cebaot at
to the Asaodated Press. Be wUI d^y
iiliaiyna of treachery or that ha ever alsb d IB tbe attack on El Caaey and
acayht to hamper American operatiMS, foaybt valiantly, bat tbelr nnmbeo
aad be arUl declare opeoly bU willlay- were too atoall to amonat to much.
General Garcia failed to beep Genera'
or e—pf the iaiaada. He also Bscario oat of tbe city as he bad pro
wiUdiaeUlm aay amblUoa lor a dicta- mised to do.
al Mllee ia only mentioned
onod. aa foUotn:: "Jnly It I tofermed
tbe Bpanlah eomaadcr that General
ommander-in-chief of tbe AmBltod Her Paraatoar. Hia OhiU.Thea erican army, had juai arrived to my
ipand r>queated blm toyrant
Took Her Own 1. fe. Teatorperaoaal toterview on tbe lollowlny
da7,la XmatoTlUa.
day. Be replied that be woald be
■psdalMTea Meeaiee Baooui
plsaaed to ateet na. Tbe interview
XmaiaTlUe,- Sept. 15.—IteUle Me- took pTaoe on tbe 13th and I informed
OaSa merdered Joaepb Villler. her nim hi# forrender only eoald te eonpaiamoar. tfaU moraiay, thee killed alderea aad that as be was witboet
•It and Villier's !
bope of eecape he had no rifhi to eoaw of tha crime.
tinne tbe fiyht.*'
Uadera. nrytoy thair oospllanoa with
tha Aserlaan eosaaaadar'a desaoda.
Acaloalde’a daeUkw to comply wa*
■ laryely datarstoad b7 the dtelraa of
theea laadara.
Amlaaldo ycetarday arata comslaaloB to Osoaral OtU to dlacnae the de
maoda. Be coneeded the leyal noanawerabUUy of the Amarieao poalUoa.
aad reqecatad a few sioorooDoaaa
Oweral OUihald to hU orlyiaal dasaada. Sooo after the comsiaaioBeca
toft the iaaaryaBU bayaa qeittlar the
eity. 400 sarchtoy oat to ope anbarb
aad >00 to aaalhar.
Tcatarday afUraoon there weap yea*
•rat BoreseBt thronyboat the city
•ereral hapdred iaauryeat tnwpa left
the city yeeterday, aad aiany sore fi
despatot. All told there were c
The Aaraala Arriyad at aoeaoatfrwn
la To V aad Waa Orarfiua.
-•paetoluTaa Kcanaa Bmoas.
QaeeaatowB. SepW is.—The Onaard
Uaar Aaraaia. froid New York, hat
baaa ^ted «C Browhead. She U
dtaabtod aad to la tow. TbeAaiaaiaU
That Xamber HavaAoeaptod Ptoe
On Javoatlyatlea Beard,
apestto w Tto Messiae Kewma.
Waahliiytoa. BepW 15 —Theato find
mambara of tha mllltaiy owamii
are Ullauar Sestoa, Denby. Dodya,
Hawaii. Sohodald and D -. Kaea.
•tokieldtora XtototWall.
■pedal »a Ton BtohKM Baouan.
Deirall. Sapb 15. - Hiivato Joha
a to tha
Ohiidraaa' BcspUal todaf. havtoy eeartotkidhiaalraaytb. Tha haapltalt all
repart tha paUaatt dolny wall tohitht,
hakMuhaeahaea dlachanted daHoy
thppmtsi hoBia.
• ; Hn«*aaker. Sept 18 —The NatioMi
Mpoaiatkia of laaaraaM Oommiaaloaaca
lirtrr n--------- *y voted to bold tha
le. isss
Beboot Foot Balt Team Waa
Oripplad aad Lost
A vr-7 cloee yame of foot ball waa
played yeatrrday at Csditlai: beiw.eo
the hlyh eabool team of that place aod
the TVsverae City Biyh aehool team
Tbe oonteat waa won by the Cndlllac
team by a ao<we of 8 to 5.
Oeorye Raff made the only tonchdown for tbe local team.
The Traverse City team waa yreatly
crippled as <»e of ttfir playen waa
aaable to yo with the team.
Coaaeqaeatly a OadUtoo boy was anfaatltatod
to fill oat the elevoo.
"Doe" Mnrray, Chat. Corbatt aad
Clark Allen wUl yo to Oadillae today
and partitopate to the yame. U to ex
pected that Walter TmmbaU will also
be la the yame.
The Toung Uan
Loves His Best Girl—
aaelelie Tn Msaaura Baeeaa
8V Tbomaa. D. W. 1. Sept. 15.—Aoeordlay to the lataet reporu from SL
Lada, reyardlay the yreet Weet la.
diaa hnrriraae aad Udal ware. 500
Ifree were loet aad >0.(100 people are
readered homeleae. Kiayaton. the
oapiul of 8t. Viaeeat lalaad. ia danaUted and 4,000 peraoaa atarrioy. Oae
BrliUh aad ooe
blowoootof port aad are ballered to
Tr'elatoy Institcto to be Opened Here
have baea loek
October 10.
Tbsr. bU ho,|.»^: u» 70QBC My wvrpis aiss. thaf* I
*tn^ tSea.
Il » aar ImdlnM to .Snw
IS Uai pmpte spjmrlste ear wars ef Cc
220 Front Btreet
Holley ft OonaSbl'
To turn out onW tbe best of work in PICTURE
Is proven by tbe number of frames we are making
■triton 8i.ct
m will hr f Iq»>C TOHIOHT at So'cleek a»S maats 1 li al
A normal traialny toatltoU for tbe
Bay unnorauw, cw arvossi ef BvVrsw heHSay.
•anday aohool-woi^eie of the Grand
OoBiraew Awarded Ttoterday Per Traverae rayloa will be beld ia this
city, October 10 to 10. eader the dlreelBaermoaa Wanb'pa. One to
loD of Bav. J. C Cerman, normal aube Called the Maine.
peristoodeat of Grand Traverae Coaoty
A vesy susuuBuuue uns m
Phtladeipbla. Sept. IS.-Today the Sunday School AaMciaiion. The pro- '
formal order of award of cootraeta for yraai. which will ere tony appear to
the three tremeodona new bauleebipa print, will bear the aasee of eompeBlaine. Ohio and BllaaouH. were made, teatintt'iKtora aad will offer a splen
--------Priors 75c to83 00. “8ce the
new- Military Bata.
aad to a few day* the reyalar ooatracta did opportnnity for self improvcD
be eiysrd. The fortaa;
to Sundny school workern.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
traetora are tbe Crampa. the Newport
Clothing House.'
SalooB Oases to Oircait Court.
Newa Sblpbuildlny company aod tbe
Uatoo works at Han Pmnciaco.
When the Clrcatl court moete ooe ol
The new type ebipa will be 188 feet the chief aUracUona will be several U
tony, aa ayalaat Sr>8 feet Hn the Ala- cal liquor dealer*, who will answer h
a. This lenytheniny. I
cheryceof not properly drawlcy the
wilt not be in the amidafalp secUon, bnt •ereent of their saloona-on Labor day,
fore and nfl, the bnll belny pined dowa which imidiae that tbry did boatoeaa
H tarn lei. snail b-i-svs. An* lon>ilo-v. StS wrw, ran be liouxbt fer WB
to yive the amooih. easy rake that on that day contrary to the law.
eoroot 1st. BO-CCw :lilB«. r.f IWOOC. St’-lows aoctwprrwoalb nnt'J paM tor.
American aailora always dellykt in and
Burt BUto. who at fl-at decided
to anpply tbe clear mn that seana waive examination, has ebanyed bta
sqaerm I all. wm.alllBiernrrd will be aal4 Is ms niece or dl*tM toSBlt. teehOBe
Joboeoe Blwk. PbMen.
mind and demaaded an examination, p. Olbcr pUr*. )u.ia*d«elraMeocw>***a.
In breadth tbe Alabama aod Ualnr which U aet for next Hotiday in .'nstb
typee will be eaperially identical, Brown's court.
eevenly-twn feeL With bunkers full
Howard Wbltioy will appear before
of coal the new tblpa vrfll be able to .loatice Brown tbii mominy on a simi
eteam tn.uoo mllaa without additional lar rharye.
Utod for Fruit Babtoy.
for!, and under coaditiona ibal are at
Yeaterday nominr Ivan Dona. Pbll
Good for General Farminv.
all favorable they can run tbe full Sbermer and Kred Wurzbnry appeared
lo laryc or small pareeta. many trgeto betoy 1b ynod psItiemasBa;
eiybteen knoU fnr hour* toyetber before Juetiee Verely for examination
within ebort dUtaaes from niiraada.
Tbe batterire for the abipt have not ^rd were bound over to tbe ClrenU
WUI be mid at lew priera for eaah: or, oa loay lime frith cmtj paymmla and very low intereet.
.x>nri,eacb in the aum of $:oo bail.
I on sale
I this morning
f Ladies' New Sailor Hats and Valkiiig Hats
Hastings' Real Estate AgeiKy.
Schooner Pre< man Blown Op and
Sunk Duf'-ny a Teat of Aa
apeelaltoTeaHouiM Btrean.
New Bedford. Maaa. Sept. IS -Doriny the teal of tbe Cunniaybam torpedo
near Priest Core, ia the experiment tbe
eebouner Freeman waa blown up aod
ik. Several men were injured. Tbe
>ac of tbe explcainn ia >iDbaown.
rhainaan Bynum of the Nsttonal
1-nioentic party bat unexocctadly re
kiyned aod Georyc Foster Peafiody of
New York baa teen eirc-cd bia aue>r (>y the executive committee.
V Uolmao of Maine declares that be
intends to have Mr. Ryuna Invealianted, ebaryiny ooospiracy in the re
cent Maine eieetiona.
Ou O. R A 1 R. R.
A Prlyate EiaAeryarteB.
pritste kluderyariee will
»ed OB
on Tuetdty,
Psrkalreet. Thos> desMny infonna'
ir.quire nf
nukt Vaed by Sold ara at Camp Patoa
Would Not Buod Teat.
Sperlal mTm HeRVive Raceau.
Detroit. Sep’. 15.—Surp -on Barber of
the Tblrty-fiftb Uleblyan declares that
the water rtUIaod Lake, which baa
, been tested at Aon Arbor. i« found
ooDUin ioyredioots that, ir.iaeted into
yulnea piy, eausad destb to 18 hnure.
The watoroonld be need If bulled, but
the ooldirm would not boll it Drep
wells ia tba only remedy anyyested.
Arrived to Detroit Laat Hiybt With
186 Oaaea.
I^wlsl u> Tns HoBsiva Rsoesn.
- Detroit. September 15 - Official
Was Praaeoled at K S. Ooafaranea newa aaya the faoapital train with 13«
patienU left Clnclneali at 1:45 this
aad Bo Waa PrompUy P.imUtod to
aftornooe. It is due in Detroit at nine
WtUdraw from tha Oharch.
apwlal UiTbi Moexns Becoan.
Lanainy, September 15.—A dramatic
aaaae oeeured-in the Methodist confaraaoa today whea tba prtildiay sldar So Hamored la Waablnytoa T«
peaeeatod the eonfeealoB of Eev.Oeerye
day Afteracen.
Entp. of Iraod Rapids, wh-i asked per- ipeeUJ 10 Tax Movnne Saman.
mlsaion to withdraw from tbe mlniatry
Waablnytoa. Sept 15.—It ia rumored
aad ckarch. Tbe aoceptaoea am^aatad bet Recretarv of war Alyer haa
to a pracUeal expnleion.
alyaed and that Morae ol Delaware,
B«v. Wriybt, fonaerlv of North Maa- will yet his p'aoe la the eaWaet.
kayoa, who la now moniay a b mrdtoy
hoaao. has been ordared tried on ehaiAftor Green Goode Hm.
yaa of iatoxtmttoa Bs rsMatly triad
SpMdal W Tne MerelM Bwiera.
to obtala adlvoroe to Detroit.
Dxtroli, Sept. 15.—Green roods man
XV UBALF OP lyOCTOm OOVOBE are flaodiur Detroit with elrcalare aad
■ are trylny lo
WH: Aiden •mith Has local# tbe eeadera.
Thaahad tba PretMMi.
General Lawtoa at SanUayn ra|
WaahlBftoa, dept IB.-Ooaymamao the deaths nf Private Ueotye R. Lov*Ha. Aiden SBllb arrived hare today J >y, Oompaiy B, Tblrty-fnarth Mlehiyaa.
malarial fever and aoau diarrhoea,
totbaaktha Prealdent for apprlatlay
Bditor Oonya- of Grand BAplda oa the and Jacob Bitrke, Saecatf Maaaa
ludastoUI eommlaaioB. He said that aeitm
ka saw Dan lamcat. who atotad that
Tbe tranaport CoacLo, with General
he had never been aaked by Ue praM- WUaoa aad,eta<r of the FitetAivUloe,
Aeettoeerveoa thebiardof iaqaiiy.
nrat eorps.' aad the aufl of the Sixt)
Private Albert Cekdo^Troop B, eorpe «f General Miles’ army, arrived
Griyeby'a Bueyh Bldere. haa been at Maw York yeaterday from Porto
came to4$e
AO ota^ory
-after the first week of the “ Yanko-Spaidco war." When w*
,.~a^Ve have captured another prire by captoriog tbe great
Imeof SBLZ 5HOES to **snke your Iset
glad,” we know tbe prue iaa Talnable one
because more people wear 8ELZ SIMM
than any other make. Tbatcoeld ooly ba
true if the ahoea were better than any other
make, so we captured this prise for tba '
special benefit of ocr cnattnsers. Corns'
aad see tbe price.
At those
Half Price
ShoM yon are sdvertieing”—
That’s what they say, but
they never leave our store
without buyioi;, beuaoae tbey
find tbe prices and qoalitiee
too temptiiiR.
The shoes are leaving oor
store at a lively rate. Don't
aait ’till it is too late.
Now ia tbe time to get
$4.00 Shoes at $2.00
$3.00 Shoes at $1 SO
. $2.O0Shoesat$l.00
Dim «Dd Cilldr-nV Sbo«
At prieea }-oa will never
get again.
Pepolar Shoe Heise.
Worsburg Block.
Pants Department! ,
$ We Are
I Dtfering Special Values
on new srrlwalB of
Fall and WintBr Panb^
bouyht advaatoyBOBBly from a teresd »!• Mat
\ 100 pair8 Men’s All Wool hair-Une Pants. {1 QO ‘
actual value>2.00, our price............... vItvO :
' 150 pairs Men's All Wool Cssiimere Puts f I J||' ,
worth|2.S0,ouc price........... ....... VIsTO -.
100 pairs nf Men’s fall and winter weight
fancy Worsted PanU. market value (3. f I 7II
our price....................
Vsw goods of the Istsst styles srrltriiit dMly. 0
the lowest piioss prsTsU hers.
’> '-^v
tMA Moaifurg mmoomd, tkdlj, •iwitiii le. im
Omnfbm Sir TWM «o MaM «f
fttATEaftEorrT. -
KIB Bvalya Maryaa. wto haa Jnat
rata road froBA trlpabroad.ri*eaaoM
bar Joar“%ii.». ftAta* AMD J. W. HAon. TAij IntBAitlBd Ti‘~~----- -
«aun> TuvBBU
She BAAda a vary azleoal*a trip
IhrtM^ BacUad and BooUaod aod
opaot a wato la Paria.
, Wbaa Mto Moryaa weal
oaoaa aba laadad la OUayow and Btoda
aatoplathatrtty.Aadalao aaw baaatlfal Bdinbaiyb.
HiB Moryaa tbinka Beotlaad rary
and iatarBtlay. Bba *Ultod
Ayrablra. tba Baraa oaaatry. tba lako
dUtriata, aba Traaaaeba. or BoantAin
diatrteto. aad Baay notad eaatlaa, laelndlny Bdiaboryk aad dtorllay eaatiaa.
ABoay tto
tk» DimaM.t Tr*w«e Otty,
brodybt froa Beotlaad ara SeOteb
pUldA aad capa. aad a boa of Bootob
oatBeal bread
Bbe alao riaitod all tba prtaelpal eathadral towaa la Borthan Barkod
and tbe toABUfal BarUab lake dlatriet.
Oouldarable tlBA wto apaat la LoB'
doB, aad aba rialtad all tba prlootpal
plaoB of latoTBt. iaeladiv Wntaiiaatar Abbey, St. PanVaUathadTAl. WindOaeUa, BaBptaa Coart. aad the
rran of Oaetye Billot. 8h* daaeribB
tbe trip np tto Ttosan. wbieb aba aaSki OBMtloa (tf A HMpttAl.
Jayadaefaraa Qraat Marlow, aa par' aDT* Ui Ttawm 017
••A hoaaltAt tor Ttawm Olt/!
Tba daoerlptloBA of Oxford aad OabkwTM'iMki wjAttor? U w>m>
bridra ware nry aafaylv: aIm tto
Wh» dMn't AWA A AMfi worU
dBAripUoB of tha bonaa aad yroaada
Vnftr«7. dylAficb. »A»dr
af tba Daka of Marlboranyh. whore
Ka. WA 40 AM BAA« A bOAplUl t« AA- IfiB Moryaa waa fartoBato to eatoh a
—utoU Umm who ewM aa prapAiV riinpBof toabAABtifal aad noeb boBad An “dylAff to to tAZAd." And aa lorad dBcbeaa.
AaA to drtac to to UzAd ior a toApltAl. She alao rtaltod Stratford-oa-Aroa
It woAld to btltor tor
aad aental aaaalde towaa, iaelodlBi
lAspA7«r UkA tto Biftotor to
Whitby, the UrthplAo* of BoyliAb
Ito tont with AA AAdAwmAAt tor oba. poetry..
ton lAtolr ton
aaUMIb MoryaB happily arrt*ad ia Paria
Ad Apia to rrOAin aad tAn for a oa the rreat Fraaeb fata day, tba I4tb
wtopAAy of tht toAt Toonr
of Joly. whoa they oelabrata tba
B< T>a»»aa qtj AAd TtoUtoy wto w#At fallo
of tbe basUla
ABoor AOBA of tbe plaoB rialtad la
' with dtoAAAA. 0( Ito Alcbty-toar who Paria waa tto Cbareb of Madeliae, VerWAattoOMtooTAT UlTtj
aalllea. and U« Gardena of TBlUariea.
toAtUtoAAn for thrauAltAA Aod of
MtoMoryan broByht a vary latorttot AABtor A dOAAB AT
bUbt eoUaetiOB of photoyrapbA hone
AB«AHaf with dtoAAAA AMlrAeud is with her.
iilAMiBfthAlf AOUU7. TbAAA Are
tl dll
■AAJAd thOB tore BO rolAliTAA At
toad to AAf« for thAB. Ttoy ore tolar
•OBAthlAt AbOAttbA SrATA of OaOTC*
AAnddor, howATAT. bat boo Baoh totOntuAA in Fat Off
toronM they oAold to tiAAtod if Uata
WAS A AAitAhlA hoApitAl bon. Tho
L -i. S. BAam. Mlwr uMi Mi-fw.
BlVela mti Vaa tto TrMdbr All
Baaa Ia SaaIMAA.
BleyAA Oirl. B. d. MoryAS'e teat
mare, w« freab Uaraia at tba MaAlaua and Mawa eoaniy fair ywarday.
Tha fanrita yrmy woa oat la tto fraafor-aU IBM ia tbraa atrniyht taBta
aynlaat Boon, tto bona from Blr BtpIda wblto waa pot fo to toba ararytblay la aiybt and wbieb hae a Bark
of 1:17: AIbob D-. Gulden B-.* aod
Bndbory. Tiaea, «:tSM. t:ts, t--tS.
A apaelal raM ta toiv arraayod to
taka plAM today. Blipar MoOoy drora
Bieyala OlrL
toto wbiab wUl to road At tba praowt
ttoabr way of ooBpArtonB with tba
daa toBobtv tto toBAA of oar traopa ia tba
«to WoBt fsdto Tha tollawiv ladiaBA
nflBOBto: ttoltotb, ABdfroB tbe 14Sd
to Ito IHU, iaalB^to asd tba itotb,
ban A htotory worthy of BOAtiao in
tUaooeBoeaoA. Twoof ItoAonrlBABU
waroBBAtond 1b NonmborliM. almo
oCttoB U FabrAAty. IMS. and tbraa in
Sanh and April, Itit. aa that thoaa
«in aetoAl aar
Atoo AboBt foar Boatba. Oba of tboB,
■AAlirii la in robraary. ttooa Boatht
toian tto and of ito war. toot ton par
t of ito BABbarablp by dtoanaa;
arhlla aaa ttot waa Boatand ia Ho*ABbar kot BAora than ^ona par aaat
by dioaaaa.
What rarfBoat la th*
armyaf lanaloa of Onto oab atow
aato A raeord of BortAlity aa tto abova
ratarrad to.
DXAB Will:—Yob think it airaara i
ha*aa't writton. Well, yoo woBlda't
If you were bore. Wa tore been
■bad alBoat nitbt asd day. It te
better now. kowa*ar. 1 yet a note
Halaa and waa ylad to bcAr froB)
yoB all aad ylad to know that yo»
well. I waa kare when yoaaf
OalBaa of TrAnrae City died. He fe
bartod riybi back of the boepItAl Is
(he Spaatoh trench aeAraet Saattoyo.
aaMay abeat 40 other poor fellows.
Bantlny aearly every rayiBeat la
J.O.BLLIS, 311 Front
3^ C<TVlS\\, "I
'?Vas\v Capes.
BKVztB ootn^T oovyxvnoM
Mrv M. A. WBtcaU ia aajoyiv *
Tialt froB bar brother CharUt 0. boab
of Beat Jordan wba cnltotod May K
with tba aaral raBr*B of Cbleayo, aad
Utar baeame oae af tto eraw of tto
ynoboat Manyrora. Tto Maayrora to
tto plBoky ABarieaa *aaBl that, after
peaoa waa declared, aatorad tba harbM
of CAibarlaa la SaaU Clara pra*lnM
aad baaehad tto Bpaatob entoar. BarM Oortaa, Anynat 14.
la dolnr tbia tba Maayrore waa azpoaed to tba era of tbraa wartolpa aad
General Field Boapltal. Santiaco, Oaba,
Anraat *f. to.
iiiHl 1- rfnl.'
Otortoa O. Baah of Beat dordaaHad a
ThrUUay B^q^Hanoa on aa
toto froB tba rtdB of Ua Ufaotry.
Mr. Bueb bad tto honor af toisy ooa
la BOB wbo loaded tba yoa wblto did
tba moat eSaetlre work.
At ana tlaa wtoa It beyaa to yat
daayarona for tha Maayrora O
d oHared oaa at tto yaaa to
direct ito ire at a pablto belldlay la
tha city aad only three abot« were re
paired to put an end to tbe dre of tbe
Wbea tba AaerlOBa ahlp eoBmenoed
to retreat abe ran npoa a reef aad tor
early a qaartor of aa bear waa under
beary dre with only ese ynn to'
wer with. A* aooa m tbe drlny •
ed a ABall yBoboat, dylay a day of
traoe and bearlny tba eapUla of tbe
las Oortea, aa*al ofBeera, tbe Bay
or aad aereral hea*y property owaara
of tbe city, eteaBed aloay aide the
MaayrOTeaad aabed protecUoa from
iBearyeaU. who had eoBBeaeed pilUyiay tbe city.
Tbe next day the Maafre*e reeeived
ordara to proceed to'&ey WeeL From
Key Went tbe ibip'e crew waa
Hew York and received tbrir dtoebarye
TbA followiar rafatabaa to tha
troB tbe n. & B. VarBoat.
of tba lAto Ueorra CbIbaa, wbo Ueo ia
Oaa inurettiny eonreBir brooyEit
far off Co to aabaa froB F. O. Babborne by Mr. Bueb to a ptoec of tbe toet
BAB wbo U Atill At SAAtlACO. tO hiO
eable cat by tbe AaartoaBt in a Cubaa
brotbar. Asd wiU prora of opAclAl ia-
I hMorr of tba war of tbe rotol-
Ky worit is 6ret vtaaa and prion that trs in meh of all. I am -
^aaattoa of a boapitol. thAraforo, to
ABA to to BAt with ridlmlA, tot Aotor
ttoarht.' Wblto WA will AAt AlATAyt
ton Atok AAldiATA, tkerA to aIwaja aoed
teoatoAB lAAUtAttoo ia cIUaa UbA
a Olty.
J. c. e:llis
Dealer in Bicyciesi Bicycle Sundries
Hcryne for Hebrew OcBetery.
Mrs. Jalins Steiabery has been very
eaeryetic la her efforts for tbe Improve^
It of tbe Hebrew cemetery aod
aaooy other thiays ba* ratoad safieieat
faadt te bnild ia the plat a muryne.
which wUI be locatod oa tbe soatbera
tide of tbe eneloeara.
Tbe buildioy
will ba Ustt feet la else, aad two
storiae Id belyht Tha dastyn to neat
aad the plans are donated by ArobItect
W. A. Dean.
I Oaodidataa Vamad Teatorday.
The retobUeaa oonnty eoareatioa
for Benito oonoty took plaee yceierday witb the feltowlay
For aberlif.- Beo Uttle; proaeeotiny
attorney. D. O. F. Warran; rierk. B B.
^noldt: treaaarar. J. C. Woodward:
reytotar of dead*. W. A. Joy: dremt
eenn enBmtoaloaer, Marion G. Paal;
*nr*eyor, JaBaa Petit; aorooera, C F.
Joaeanad Bamaa Koeka.
---- ^
Geo. R. Winnie
U|i-tiMlaK Piiitet
ul PapnHaigtr.
No Comparison.
\AT^t eolUt. valetv\ TtVtv^flTcemenX s\
] «v» TvscVi.
a Va.Va«
j fttoX
mhAT. aU 5AATATv\tb4 WV Vi ttv* mAML^Acta.rv
I m ATV& oATuVott. to 4^00 oltaoivWt ulds^AdVaiv.
The Baptist Yooay Feoplie* naion
will yive a reeepOos ibis eveniay to
the toaebers aad puplts of tbe Hlyb
■ebool. A maaleal oroymo has bMD
prepared aad a very eajc^able time to
Tallow Jsusaiea Oorsd
Suffrrlay bamaolty should be enpplied with evrrr measr poBible for Its
relief. It is with pleasure we pebltoh
tbe foltowlar: “Tbia to to cerUfy tbat
I waa a terrible sofferer fr-ia Yellow
Jaundice for over six Koaths. aod wae
treated by some of the beat pbyslclaas
inov city aad all to no avail. Dr.
Bell, bar drayylst reooamraded Bleoiric Bitters; aod after tekini' two bot
tles I was esUrely Cured. I now take
<reat plessare In roooBlseodiny tbea
lo any person suSrrtny from Ibis terri'
ble malady. I am ytutefiilly youru,
M. A. Hozarty. Lexiseton. Ky ” Sold
by S. E Wait and J. G Johnson, drayytou.
Hon. Tom Jones
Has Been Here.
(See Booday Reconl.)
We are not all Battled in oar
DOW boUding yet; when we are 1
will let yon know; bnt we are doioK boBiDem right alony juat the
aame. I ehonld have closed tbe
doors notil we were moved and
settled, bat it would not have been
right, aa tliere were -lozene of
peaple wbo wanted their boneee
fnmUbed and wanted it at once.
If I had cloeed up for two weeka
'^tvSTO ATt cUkm.
We Would
Like to Call Your Attention
To the nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we are
selling. We never had any nicer, nor did shybody else.
•Phoiro 1B7.
it would bave-coat them bandreds
Hebiaw Hew Tear B liday.
of doUara extra. We an giving
Tonlybt at auadowB will bayla tbe eome exceptionally big bargaioe
Hebtaw Hew Year, aad tl^ holiday
odds ynd ends.
will eoatiaae UU Soaday aiybt at aaedown. Tbe Day of Atosemast will heylB OB tbe Sseday aiybt folluwlny aad
ecaUane antU sundown oa Monday
Honse Fomizhiny Store.
Aeoordiay to Hebrew rellyious rv'B all
UO Froat street
bnaiaeas shoald to
ibeae bolidaya.
PBDCbed holee ia it to form bU fall
and rvytmeaV
wall aad caretally done aad done eredit
totboM who 1
I tbonybtfel eaoayb
to do It They 1 » dzed ap tto yrave
aad lined It with A-iacb abelto troa
the Spaatoh tottocy nnr by. I wtoh
I ooald five the baoma of thooe who
Mra. & P. aad Mim Hlaaor and Jamea
did It All. It forms a brlybt moand
C MeOeaacll. who apeat tto aeaeoa at
aowey ao many aaoAred for yravea.
A tto followiar rneafsl trib- will try aad write man aooa. Addreea Omens, returned yaetorday to Oticayo.
r PlBrnataaUdaa: “Tbe ae abovA Lova to all.
laaori daalna. aftar all It baa aald
I, to ezproaa lu
aaU after epeadlay Ue 1
I for tto otnrdy and Baaly
LitUe Mecrto Bell, eoA of C M. Bel)
dafaaii of Oaaoral Alrar to baa pat ap
Affiiaal tto attaeto of tto yellow Jjor- faroaybt to tto Baoubd a perfectly
Ladlea, clean yoor kid ylovn with
'aalA. Oaaaral Alrar la a tnia. aad bbIf illar OIovcUba It to not a l^oid,
aaltob, aad aMa baa, aad baa beea picked from a tree In bto fotberie yaH leavea ao odor aad eaa be oaad while
Dr. Kaealaod briayu tbe buoso
■toBafally rttltodaad aboaed. Oorarodtoe a Cbamploa peach Bcaamriv
OBAto aad dataadiar hSttg acalaat tto laobea and srriyblay half a poABd. It
to frem tbe Doetor'a frait fo^ Oowria
Altoaka of tto ooppa^aada. baa
Hill, and be has a lot asore like Ik
May Maada la aad oat of bia
Tto Boldswortli boUdiv <» tto
party.or of Siato aad Uatoo streeto to rerTAxm oovTxniov oelvlay repalra.
Tto Wood atotora
Two GaadidaWa far
ttoir mUllaery busiaeB from tbeiV
taOoBB^. atora in tto old Stolabery balldlBC to
adJoiaipyAab's bakery oa Fraat
M of the
Mra. Frank HaBlItoaeAtertalaed the
Shop opposite Eagle office.
ladiM of the Bob# and FcrelyB MtoOnaca hall at two o-«loek. The <
. aeeiety of^ Goayrayal
rta aaaaty laat araaiat to pbUb » <*w
a far tbair oAadidatAa, Aadar- eat cotuya. MaloBi yrowa ea
aoB ad Baaaaala aad Wiekbaa of plan were aarvad by Mia.
A. A. McOey A Boa have bonyfat the
ffFABbfort. Thoaa are oppoaanta of
aapnaalAtln Faator of tbla aity for eropa of plBBA iattooreharda Af Jadya
RaBBdaU aad W. F. Banha. Tbwo of Sayiaaw doea aot toll you wbattboy
will toAboAtlMObAAhria la all sad expert to do. They rufur to wbat ttoy
have done aad are doiay daily in TiavtwoerevraAreBoweafayedia pfoklay
IdUlA SaBiy Midar totaroA
tto Iralt aad pnparlay It far ahipTkkaaeatodtla
kaary Fladar. tto aana-yaarHOd Bcat Tto Ina ■bippiil oat
back everytbisy wa say- Too
atoM J. w. Fdofar, of DM Wabatar of piasM aad aaother af applaa laat
deal dlioet sritk ue ia eaaa of aeetdeat.
ataato wbUa ptoyiv yoAtarday oa a Aiybt
rsfokaeaa. Tton to aa e
ato^BMTttoOak Parti aabool toOd.
Tto atore of Jalhw Stoiatory wtU
Mfirilta Ito fiaaad aad
eae this evaaiv at alz e’aloeh and te- staadlay thee comp... —
Bta)Aiyta«aaidaaChfo faaa. Tto baIb aloaed aatO a atBllar hoar Baa- - ‘ Mt a poUct; it doaaan________
t A ItoOoAMOK. Dtot Mayru..
iBMarhfoAya waa latoBoffaMlt day aeaatay, la obaorvaaM of tto SaBraato. - - lAbaiwa Mato. TraorpnMhnrioM ta}Aiy «• Ubrtfhh braw Haw Tear toUiay.
IV "BeanVV^V SaTtnenV
S4S Front Stm>t
To do basiness witb ns. We place
disposal of our customers our large experieace in tbe flour trade. Correspond with ns
and results will be mutually benefidaL
Our Offerings
Oesenre UBasnaitttettioi.
exclusive Wim US, that
! for beauty have not been equalled.
We make particular mention of n.aaTi and BATTAN PHBNITHBE. Aside from a floor full of beauUfU' oreatione in
; this material we make prices equally as at'ractive.
Whether you intend to refurnish your honse this fiiU or
: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make yonr
' rooms look rich aad handsome we offer yon the opportunity '
: to do so at a very little cost Wewantyouto see the goods .
' in any event
**»»**«*•*»» ***•*•• •»**»*»
m Some Good Stories of Fact and Fancy Condensed «
For Busy Readers.
**•*« »»»*mm**mm*
bySMr^'7 AlfcrMdM* r«>UaJl
' S« tb« Wckt
IsSiM Win gp to HoTMO.
toff. tb»t both Vkm TkirtT.-SfPt »«d
Thlrtjr-Snh MleblfM win iMd ta Coho wlthla tbe B«it otc or •rrro wMk*.
bat tfato OMd not ooeoatoo tMr frluS*
Mr eoBcara for tb« ipmob tb«t Rov-
n ie llketr to prora
I, OoMpaoj F. 000 olrbt-foot Om, >0,000 Barrow gaagt far Bare bealtbrthMMr of tbeSoath•od >00 aru of awlteh tiea
era easpe In tbe United SUtw. Hie
SrM«M» of hte r^MBt Ib Cobt wm
oUted at tbe war departweat that tbe
tllB«OeoMBttT«*«MdBppMWaUr BB ud win furaleb e»oloyiD«t for MO
wUi cot onlr bolld beep’.
IM plMB for • OBB* groaBd.
Ula ia Onba. bat will erect barraeka,
bor« that tbBlIiobiCBBbBjra bald tbetr
h Wakalee ma» aaed bla nelrbbor and under aoelrenmataoeeo will
S.wt exporiMaa witk b C«bM r»Ia- beeaoae the laUer'i ehkrkau gut into pr the qaarUrs raoatbd br tha PpMlak
aterm. Afler th^ bad made tUnSB bia wheat Sold aad it ooat tbe aelghbor BCridlen.
tUr tbar aaaatBred dowa to the ooaat tsltaSaeaad
•eawal Uilea h pUaniog M urgent
ta taka B look at aome traaaporta. Tber
Welliogtoa Shiaebercar aad Jobs
waraaaachttBB raioatorB Md whaa MUler were throwa io froat of a moUte
tkaj cot book ta eaap arerythloc waa car at Maatetee, aad both «
i. and be bopea for ^npt aetion.
aSoat, Bid the taata war* la a recBlar Ij lajwed.
^^k». Tbe bare fait
A Bar atr Hra. Robert Harkioa.
lata, bat to a mooMat the atralaa of rears of ago. was haoeked dows bf a
'•HloUgaa Uj Miehlgaa’' earn float- niat A Pore M^rqsette freight train Strang Benttment Favoring Betra
lag oat Iron a tree. Xbe bor* iaawti' Wedaeedar afieraooa Md had her left
Uoo of Phillppiaea br
gatef aad feaad a Mabar of ike bead legoaabed ao that ampsiatlOD below tbe
United S'ates
who bad takes to a tree to aroid the knee waa Beeesaei7. A lltUe girl who
flood, pwehed oa oae of the teg Uaiba
Waehlngton. Sept. It —Tbe aute dethe eceideot palled the old ladj
iBdaatrioaalr warkisg hie eoraet The eg tbe track and prereot^d her being
baa enrpriaad Wesbington by
laailoa waa eo faaar, the b«^ were eraabed to pieoee. Oa aotonot of her making tba following i
pat la a good baaor at
adrMoed age It la not bellered thatahe tor pnblleaUon:
The almost anlrersal expreaeion of
Oarfleld Mrara. aCbarlerolaber who will lire.
opinion in the pnblle piaaa of Japan U
__ __ the atreet
In favor of tbe United SUtea bolding
rtredathomforaabort farloogb. I
fair alOadillae in apluof bad weather.
perwanenUr and governing tba Philip
haa net with m ei
The ezbibiu are floe aad ab,rtit l.ooo
aad bla girt' adBlron hare praoeated more thM Uat roar, the Ifrolt exhibit pine islanda. Tbe poeiUoa taki
that thW will be la tbe Intereel of
hlB with a haadeoaie gold riag.
belBgtbaflDeatereraeaa 1a tbia part
peace and eommaree Md good governKawshM been reoalred at Cbarla- of the sUte. Abool >00
roUof the death of Bert Caaipbeli atteadlBg the eoldlere’ aad a^lore’ iw- meet. Tbe editoriaU Inclat that tbla
who went to tho Klondike last ^wlng. aalea aad are eacanped la tea u In U tba onlr leaae of the matUr that
will aathfr tbe hlgbeat loteroeta of tbe
OomeliaC. V^U has ased tbe eitr the pahllc park. Tke eamp U eallod lalMdeMd tkedoModaot elvlliaatlon.
of Detroit for $Mbo dasagae. o.ntad br Damp Sbafter. A boUr coateeted
The papers declare that tbe United
being atroek br a limb of an orerbang- of foot bell betweea the Qadlllae Md
SUtea in aeanming the ooalral of tbe
tog Irae Md haoeked og her blerele.
ir afteraooa
leUnda will rraelve tbe moral enpport
D br CadUlec b7 a score of 10
At Lapeer Petrlek Herr waa found
if not tha active oo-hperatlon of JapM
dead In bU bod Wedncadar aiomlng.
aad Urant BrlUio."
Arr Boonen bee
An eld
It ie eeid that the aUU department
aUeckcd hr a ball at Rartford Wedaea* died, aged w
threw ont the Japaneee poiaUr a«
At Port Huron a gaaollDO etore ex feeler. It may have beea Inlesded to
dar and aerloaair Injored. Ho la M
ploded at tbe laeldanoe of Frank Un- etirnp comment tbrongb tbe oonatry
yaara old aad aaar not raeorer.
irlr loot bar life bell Wedncadar aaoralag. ean^ag eon- Md enable tbe adminlairation io gain
laat waek tbrongb a ailatake U Uklag aiderable dainaga. laabell waaaetarair . better nndeteUndlng of the national
i OB tbe Pi
Mdlelaa She awoke la tbe olgbt bomad abont tbe face ia atteopting U>
with a aerere beadaebe Md loob a boP get tbe ttore ont of the taonae.
Daring tbe a >1dier dasaaaatration at
tla front tba drawer which abe anppoaFraaeia Tallldge arrived lent nlgbt
iglnaw Bernard O'Hagan, aged Id.
from CindanaU to l-iln bie wUe aad
br aa
ahMdkerpbief with tbe H<|ald and
laid UOearberfaee after getilog Into plodlng akgrocket. Md 14 rearold Bcj
Oewge W. Jeobod again. Before ebe rrallaedebe wat Jenninga. »oo
last night
too far aaeoadooe to reaore the hand- nlng. fell fifteen feet tbrangh a bole at
from a betineu trip to Everett.
bnr^ef front bar nnntrile. but loukilr tbe boae boaaa Both are eererelr la>
Mr. and Mta. Frank Fnedrieh rw
bv bMbosd bad beea awakesed br her Jnred.
a,aadaoUeed tbe anoll of
At Ml. Morris a a^bbor eallnd in tarnad yeaiarday from OsdilUe.
J. C. Croteer. of Kingsley, vlelted
the drag, ranaorod U la Use to save Wedaeedar to see Mrs. Frank Beebe,
frienda bera yesterday.
her life.
who la eonfined to her room. Md
Dr. Q M. Fralickand wife wera vU
Rag atr h being flooded with bogna asked to adminietor a dose of castor
itora bare yeeterday from Maple City,
nlekeb of home ntMofaetare. Tbe oil, bnt tbrongb mlauke gave cai
a. B Lewie, of BIk Rspidt, took din
felt baa a aplandld appearance
doll. Wban the mUUke waa
et tbe Whiting yesterday.
battodefleleat io weight aad ring. dlaeovered abe was nearlg berond all
Joseph Bachinatein of Chicago, is tbe
The polloe hare abtalned a half ban help, but br tbe prompt arrival of
gocet of bis eieur. Mm. Berman Hy
dmd of the piacea. bnt oaanot eaub on phraieian abe
man of Wesbington street.
to the BM who makee tbnni.
Itoek eompMj capitalixed at SiOO.Dr. J J. Robbins srrived Iasi bight
Br an ezploaioB of brdragea gae in 000 will be oqraalxed In Owoaeo to rethe NUw high nehool Uboratory. Ww. enote the basiaaae of tbe Woodard
Dnnn. a ntndaat.waa tarriblr eat abont fnrnlUro worica.. raeenUr deatrareA
br fire. L B. Woodard. William F.
the fane br flrlar rlaaaMcKvnxie. D. & Clapp and aereral otfa
. Wrigbl Broa, of Iroo 1
waaltbr man of tbe city will take week
^•aadar binge of the aorthwaet," hare
e R L Corbatt went to Uadillae
olnaad oae of Ue largaat eoatraeta eeer moatoftheetock. A boena of gto.OOO
booked la thU eoeatrr. The contract win be gireo by tbe city. ClUtena arc ^7.*^W*^i»otcbln
relumed yeaierdey
to wltk the CbUmto, MIlwMkee A 8t asking tbe common eonnefl to call a BOOB from a un-day vtatl with bit purPsal railroad oompMr. aad la for >00.- apedal aleeUna to voU on the matter. eou near Cleeeland.
Senator J.W. Mlllikeo waa In Tbomp-
lairtr-tbM MfehifM. MT«
Uw sCebs War.
Cm B«n (bon <»e oneaMca Man the
gnw of Dewey waked (be Philippine
oelioM on Mny 1. Tbe Mell and Bxpnee
baeentenda pka for eerioaeoongreeckmal ooDoideratlon <S oar merchant
ntailae's <
pared with that of other leading sstiaaa,
and particnlarly with that of Great
of oar foreign carrying trade
d tbe olvU war and bae held it ever
idoce. We teiterau that this war bat
made it InoonoeiTable that congram
eboold again ton a daaf ear to tbit
plea, aa it bae eo often doM dulBg tbe
The Baltimore fired about >1
this beiag tba Urgeat
amount fired by any one veeael
Ooanftbe Oharloaton'o Orav BaraM SpMlarda foagbt bravely Md tbe crew
Vae Mot For BtaakfiMt Bnt
of the Cbatnio eonUnned flriag ae Ue
ship was ainklag Md one gun
For mapaira.
charged wHh the crow knee-deep in
Tba foUewlBg letter wee written bg
W. C. Moore, bookiweper of tke AeUtie
We are expaetlog tba aeeond fleet of
fleet In command of Admiral Dawap.
traaoporta from tbe United SUtea. Tba
JMr. Mmra U a naphaw of B. F. Moore
Oaaeoed and Raltigb have gone to mast
Of WUlUoubarg aad tbe Raouao la
them. BrMythlng la at a aUodsii i.
a pen
awaiting the arrival of Geaaral ,Mei0. S. S. CbarleetoD, Caviu P. I.
I have Jaal loiabad opening tha
Dnan SienA—We arrived bare tbe books of this ship. I have aboat 4.ftOO
MIh oU. Nothing BoUworttar bae bo- aooouou la the ledgers and tha vnlna
HdMmiog Mother—What objection
eerred ataee anr arrival.
ofarUelesoaeburgeameant to about
teve you to that wealthy Mr. LlgtatTha dbpatdi boat arrived from Hong get.MO.OO.
Kong en tbe ?th. bringing news of tbe
Tbe eoet of onal raeeived from Msy
BeMtifol DangbCar—He never ulka
kaUla at SMtiago de Oobu and tb* jui U June »0tb amounU to fllS.tUT >5. anything bnt noownm. r
arrival at Part Bald of Ua SpMlab «aat Tfii, ,,, „p„ded dnring tbe paasaga think all women an fooU
boond fer MmIU.
I and we bad U borrow abont IM Una
Motbes^ Too cannot And that fianlt
Wall Mary, vary few. if My of them.
with Mr. Oreatmind.
Dangbur—He'e a perfect bore alwiU see tbelr aative Uad again.
tud Press repo
ways ^ing about toingt I don’t nn1 oneloae a proelamatloo iesded by
danund.-New York Weekly.
■ Oaaeral at tklt port. Fith love to all. will eloee.
about eight dare prorioos to the eaYonr loving brother,
(agameat. which aaded with the daW C. Moona.
Bm Uttld Brotbor—Set down to tbe
• of the Spaalak fleet.
^lor. Bia'llbebensstoansssbegeti
Sloes tbelr defeat he baa denied Utbn^ givto ber face s swipe with
ealng It. Md haa beea willing to anr-1
what did I
Mr. HlmpcrltogT-Aod-------------------reader, but may. ehanga bti
ObMOefOrMicbieM BewimenU to
osy when yon told ber I was bece?
whea he learns of U#
Oo to Forto % 00 Becauae Thvy
Ber Utile Brotom—Sbe mid sbe
wat MmIU
anronie Tbe oaly def<
ootse down
larn lo-Ueb
are two forU Two i
Weehlngton. Sept. IS.—Oeneral Miles DC ber thmnb Monday mmsto tost (bU
Krapp rifles a
wm goto to be n unlocky week te bar.
baadeabad the bo^ of the
ethar haa ohaoleU gaaa.
—ClevclBod lander.
The worid at Urge will never know regimeaU who have conaUd m m
why Dewey withdrew from arttoa at portnaHy to go to Porto Rico laeUad
of Cuba, by a automeot wbirb he has
T:U oa the morning of the
It wee gieaa oat that bo withdrew far Jast made to the cSeet that he had da
Mr. Peck—There. I'm gUd yoaUn
the parpoee of giving tba crow break- elded that no'more troops are wMted
„ Bn^ was not tha case. All tba ia tbe formee UUod. Be added, bow- made np yonr mind to admit it at tort.
A actant later (be neighbors mw
that M.OOO or 40.000 troopa would
sA blocka of tha >. 6Md «-Ueh
rannlng down the atreet wUboot
e had axpnnded. ceuead by tbe In- probably be eent to Gtabu aa soon as
his hsr__ nsi—iw, N.M
____.1___ ,_____________Ui_iI, U ..II
ail probe
a beat, dM to tl
end raqaltad aomaeb time aad Ubor to umy abo
War deportment oSeUla have bean
extemet toam after flrUg, that Dewey
Bongiy Biggine—1 doa’4 «e bow
fleirtfr* to withdraw and eool the gaaa dlspmed to thUk that the 'Tblrty-fittb these proverb gays msfce It oat (hot
•e qaiektyaaeoaeiMo. But, aa it bar MicblgM regiment weald be eent to time is mcDey.
Weary Wetktos-Jist Urtee Myoal
■Mea. tha vUtoty had bean woo, aad Porto RU» Md toe Thirty 8fat reglAa if yoa d never beard toe Jodge nshs
MM lataraUg to wUoa thoro wu mwt to Cnbe bat Oeneral Mllee' detgrnotto ndd to the force to; It so many doUsn nr to puny dsya—
g Utt hat the tarU wkioh
tsMW/ rnmmt IF
To tbe many aigniMntt already adeanood in behalf of legUlatioa to rerlre
may be added flgay'e
nne lecently oompiled on Gemany'
MiippiBg txada Tbem flgimaate(be
...................... and bare to do with tbe
record of 18M. Mnce wbid time, ae U
wtit known, Germany hat not dMertorated in tbit regard.
In WO yearo Germany bat witneemd
u InoreaM of 8S per emit In tbe nombar of eateelt carrying the empire't
pndneU Cram ber porU and bringing In
foreign raw materiaia and as ioaeaat
of 10> per omit io tbe nnmber of regis
tered tona Tbe growth ia one year—
180fi.fi—wae nearly 10 per cent, and
' I tbe Bteedy ineream in native boRona following tbe
Ftanoo-Prandaa war. Previone to that
■traggle, wUeh n gieatiy adranoed tbe
pretiige cf (be Germant, by far the
Porto Blon WiU froknbly ks finrorod ‘
A Tboasand To One.
Jlor wlU
mabp yne a coH
ao overecat eqael
In Biy
style,, fit and trimming to m “
ler” roedytowear garment, bat be
will have to eoarge you doabla. or
neeriy dnuhle, for bie leivicca
Wbyt B -cause be ia bet oaa man
against a factory foil. Wborebemskea
• aujl, tbe factory mskaa a tboaaand
mora. And bis knewledga aad akill
are no graaur than tbeae of tba fac
tory designers and Uilora. wblU hU
lliUea for baying and i
tog are poor•to
to comparison.
Fb- meUriala tbst enUr into "Adler" Clothing
_____ ,---------------- I-______ —.
1.1^ /___ ...k
are bought In vast qaaatlUm
for raab
We pay essb and cell for eaah. Every
advanuga tbere*or*. is secured by tbe
^ M
"AdUr"8attMd OverecatL a warrant
of Bstisfaetlon. It means—"Brorythirg
right, from lining to battonboU."
wat carried
eially. aa la onr own cast
Great Britain.
In IBM, of all tbe vcmelt that came
In and went out of Oermaa pccU, 7D.4
cent bore the Otratan flag. Of all
Marnen. fifil per cent were Gar
in tonnage, German efaipa carried
PricealO. ItandSOci
18.fifi0.fi80 as agaiut 8,81H.B1> bone
by tbe EkigUsb and 18,088,468 bone
by all (cnign vteula. iDclodlng tbe
Tbe eocnotnlc wrlien of Germany ciU
gratification the fact TTifhrr r!g>rtfe To have your skoro half soled or tops and bmk iw
puited. JOB 8ABL1W.IU Bant Froat elraab
that to tiw rapidly d^elopiag tr^
with Bontb Amerke tbe
mnanelpated ItMll from British eblps.^
MARTINKK. 81T Vkanfi
Why cannot we U7
my 'tbe mmeT^Stmpiy
__________ has tiins far
xamove tbe obettclae to qviek tcviral
Boaae FaroUblng Oonda. OMO A -f
wblob exist to fit of onr treaties of
frirodtitlp aad oommeroe. Tbe bonnty
lystem doea not appeal to tbe AmerioM
mind, bnt tbie is not tne of its eqnlvaand »M
lent,, ttbe dlKTimtoatiag duty in favw
ebcstothesvorldfnrlto. Opaa all night-__________________
.merican bottoms oontempUted to
of Am
tbe Elkins bill of tbe last congrras and
by other measa(ec of like perpeae from
time to time.
Watch This Column For Bargains ! |
For Your ScM Boob
Guard Chains
Furniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant
glcry we will ignore one of tbe chief
lessons snd oppartnnities fnrnisbed by
s sacrosfiil totemationel war. Ger
many has uken and is
f«« that tho I
wbat Germany has dm
enterprise? Tbe qoeetii
New York Mail and Ezpi
Wast M*r« CmU
Tbe DiogUy Uw ie making a great
rooord for itselt tbe flgnree np to Ang.
1 idiowing that, omitting tbe ootMy ftr
war ezpemea. tbe law wonld have aecnmolaud a rarplos of fiS.OOO.OOO dat
ing tbe patt five man the. Tbe new Uw
bae torned tbe tide of gold in onr direc*
.ticn. has made pomible the greateet
oommercial report fw a fltoal year in
ourhlstmy. bae
‘ * '
trim and
pins had it not been lor tbe war. What
**Frank Fried^h’ratnraed from OadUlid be asked, and yet tbe calam
Jaelast avaaing.
ity bowling papera cf tbe oonucry i
at this time foil of ediurisls deeUitoi that tbe Uw is a fsUnra. Let
tbe Dingley law ran another five years,
An Atebino girl wboayearago
flfiO a montb for idttlug in a eool oiBce snd the tuiesmen will be woodering
and pretending lo work and wboee wLst to do with tbe rarplna—Dm
wages went cm while ebe took a two
wariu' vacation ia xpandlng her time
this rammer is making tnad in a hot
it that the most marvalkltoben, pnttingnp trait and deUg oth
ona extonsicn of American cmda ever
er boowwork witbont
known bsi uken place nnder s tariff
wngea Wbat happonc
Uw tost stirred Bnope with tamponry
moth nrrowT Sbe resigned herpotitioD
solmotity toward this country, sod not
under toe
lepcerioos "tariff iefoRn"Uw,
If You Have Logs to Sell
OormpoBd with tbfi Traveroe City Lumber CoupAoy.
^ Webfive fbrwleOoad.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood,
Bicvcle Riders.
RememberYbaiT do all kinds of re
pairing a^eoameling. Md that 1 CM
aad Vo give yon tbe beet work of any
one in toe city for the money. Doc’
be Jwrived by what olhere Ull yon V
th^ eontrary. bnt eome and nee tm
of rain. Within s toief year we have
men that animosity die out. flirt In
England and giadni^ in Germany and ^top In till • o’clock every eveutog
France, nntil at tbe presem time near exeept Sunday,
to me
tbe Oaldml^^tipe
nunuay, m
don bonding, at north end of Onloi
ly tbe whole of Enroiw ie
s desire to be triendi with tbe mart neooroefol ostioo to tbe world.
In some qoartere it bm already bees
1 tost tbe Amerimn Uriff li no
longs needed. Tbe I
mnst give troadom cf trade to that
CDnntry. Onr experitawe with free trade
hse been too reorat to pey rack a price
for eomLinlng wbiob. while it ii desirabla. It not absolutely necessary. Tbe
AfficricM Uriff ie Mill needed and will
pccAably always be needed. If only to
protect onr raills from tbe ratoons cmpetitioo cf foreign Job lots wild at any
Smm M Kiv siviTef*
BCiU Machinery of all daacripticmfi, inclnding Two BoRfaNt,
R«t Works, Csrrisges snd Sava. A oomplete 8sw UiU PUist
for sale.
Ever Banted Owt*
U no yon know
toe value of
Q. P. nAWVKB. Aswiw
John R. SantOp
Gen^ lisinioe.
Ika^mUem o( ataijirtoK mri*«l ta
<he Cnfted 8utn is sot • pew one to
fPi^ttoimeptgtMUtkB. Pgf
tfhpa a e«t«7 kefote the
^ Mt^Mibad POiBwed the atteotlaa
««f UpWmA We ehell look into ooloalpl li<lileiWi lour OP, bet will mj
_ rtb«e kao teuoe toottribeteto
BHtUb eaonple tteinitiotiao of • thipMinlte7ia
the Am tariff act 1788.
Soteoliotbat nob0poUer
«(Ibe objoeli <ff tbe Uaim oad ibe a
' eer owa abilitj to «
JS tbe Uoi«^
. BawooekltfaUb
N wore/tbe Bovolai
tbeir lUjiplnK oeatari that of otbera.
Saob elalawaa pnotlaaily ioteiga to
and old and
____ Ve^Blf were) bm
II and
• fa poor o(a>dftica. EnploTmcnt being
faod to get tbera wae DO enoouageaMOt
tobaild. Ft
JTatazaUr they did not rtodj tbe interafa of aap foreign ooenttr at oominoaitp wltb wbora tbe^ Waded, bet worked
te tbtsnrelrea and tbelr aatire labd.
gaer b»oori»t «or tapeew Dob tmz unj.
get leray tcofc nor erpwit lor w.
Uad« tbte fomign .
a conntry
effeeted. Mot a etnglt. atste conld gain
a footbold in ita own foreign trade nndar eeadldcni then exiatin^ 1%eforalga aUppinB tbeo in onr oommerce
bad aD tbe loetccUcn deetsed neoeoatj
ffa Ita aDoeeea. Tbe foreim ovum bad
all tbe adrantagea of Dercantile conaaetitaw in aU tbe porta of tbe world.
It waa oammoa erca for prinaely nerrbanta to own tbe ataipa in tbeir unpk^aMat Bridrh nnderwrilcra, then
be BOW, faeored tbeir own flag in ratea.
aitnatioD. Ikade mnat be
at tbe tiak of war.
for if nottba
I and afloat? In
*oft tbere mnat be an effeedre proteofli«B to Ancrican navigation and anefa
aa would operale to protect AsierkBa
aoauoetea everTwbere.
. Aooocdlngly tbe first tariff
4788 provided lor ~
Ing eoamand tonnage dniioa These
sod nbaeqtwnt regnlaUou on the same
frineiple afforded such potecUon that
1 and oar
te of carriage in our own com■wee toae in aix years Dorn about 2d
fa M per cent Tbe general discrininaaon eoaaiated at firct of a rebate of 10
oent. This eras toon changed to 10
am Mnt'artn d^ «n goods brought io
fanign vemela. If froao tbe East Indies
m Ghfan. tbe dnties were aboot donblcd.
dmerimnvetacili were not long in gainfag thia rich trade, aud with it were
fatUt tbe Tcsels nltable for it
mof tbie trade came
lha nnee worid renowned Americna
“dipper'’ afalp. Foreign vaeaela eoan
fact oor ooaacwiae carrying wholly to
- oar own. being taxed out of it as every
«me a foreign vemel eotnad one of oor
porta tt paid a dnqr of M ceota and
ifltar X884 of fl per ton boxcien, while
' Amerioan vmaeb paid «mly < oenla.
Aftarward, 1817. oongrem tenrved do. gtaMfaoarriagefor oor ownveMdaby
. gaabihUory law. EhipboUditig v
avvad for American bniiden a^
"%BX voBsiirtf mooBliimDAT, biftekbsb le. less.
fl.boatfroai tbe talaad of St Via■atahaadredoiHeeweetofthe Ber at tbe ialaad
Orraada and reparu that St Vlaeent
baa nperieoeed a moat rioleat and Amtnetlre c.felooa ever kapwn there.
Kiogetbo. the cental «f St. ^^oeent is
toullydretiuyed. It ia eaUmated that
MO lirra bare bre'a loat In that inland
and •that #0.000 people are hoioeleaa. The bodies of the dead are being
buried lo tbe trenchea. Thonaanda are
etarriag or balng fed at Ue pablie
Adrieea were raedTad at Loadoa'
Wedneaday night aaylng that a terrible
borricaae had ewapt over tbe Barbadoea,in the Windward Sronp of the
T laenr AatUIee. Two haadred paracme have been killed aad do.ooo rea-
Bat its prtadple U selflab, it Sa mid.
fa tUs it la antsimL Selflahaem la tbe
pMb of Ufa tbe emence at boaiBem. and
Ml fae laaM of f be olementa nqnlaite
■■M aad a good t
From ISTi to 1880 Groat Britain’s
abai« in tbe world'a prodoution of pig
iron has ahmnk from 40.03 pa cent to
27.05 per cent while tbe United States
baa incrraaeel iu production from' 16.1
pw cent to 80.08 per cent Wbeo tbe
fall flgorea of tbo world for 1886-7 are
at band, it will be seen that tbe abate
of tbe United Kingdom haa still fntber
deontaaed aud that the share of tbe
United titatet in iron and steel prodootion baa vmtly iocreaeed beyond the
tioa ending
How has tbie great development of ao
By tbe aid of auperi vnatoml reaonreer,
anperior ene^y and enterpri w and the
preserving the home market
prodnoor. Xu the race fur antirenacy in
iron and steel prodootion protected
America baa steadily foigad to the
front, while treu trade Gnat Britain
has steadily !o0 grounA Kothingoonld
obrioos than thia '
tlon <ff oaoae aod effect In the operatiw
<ff two opposing ooQoumio poaciw.
death teemed imminent.
latba abe ooughed loceseaotly.___
could not Bleep She finally dUmvered
a wry to reeorerv, by parenasiog
of os
a botila ef Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consamntioo, and was so much re<d on taking tbe first dose that she
; all night; and with two bouli
veen abaclntely cored. Her naa
ra Luther Luts." Thna writes V
C Bamaick A Oo, of Bhelby. N. i
Trial botUca 10 cuAl thedrugatorea ef
H. E. Welt aod jf U. Johnsoo. Regu
lar sit 50c and SI. Every bntla guaraataed.
X. fl K. & A A Fainaad Afftln at Oas
Fan Orlma
Manistee and Haaoa ronotj fair at
Maniatee. Mich.. Reptember II, 14. 1*
and 16. 1898 One fare for tbe rv-und
trip from all M. A N. B aUtlooa. Tlekeu will be sold on Septamber 12. IS. 14.
)C. return
•n limit September
1888. All trains stop at Fair Grounds,
laolstae Bounty dsy
dsyiat Msnistee. Sep
tember 14. A special train will Isave
Travetoe City at 7:00 a. m . fare 81 and
arrive at Maniatee at »:4n.
train will leave Maniatee at Mmnlatae
During the Battle
of Santiago.
Sick or Well, a Bush
Night and Day.
nimao ratm or taavaaea onr o
U9S Aantal Szeutbai via 0. S. ft L
Te liGhmaafl. fleptamhtr STth:
fattdt tad OUeage Oot 4th.
Ire not oel|i Universal in Srmpe But Broadly Compteheasiiie
in Subject Matter, they embrace:
... .
Bnckleeb Aratea Balvr.
Taa Baar 8ai.tb la tbe world for
^U, I^iaea. -Sorei^ tJleera, Salt
Sata, Tetter, Capped
Coma, and all Skin
BrupUans.aad poaitively eurm PUea.
oroo par requirad. It la guaranteed
to give perfect eatlefaetion or money
refunded. PrleetScenOperhoK. For
O. P AT. A.
Assnal Oble Zsevrioa
Via Ann Arbcr railway. WederRlay.
Oelober 5th. Id9e Through «wcn*fc
from TrsTeiaeCiiv L-a*e M. A N. R.
railroad depot at «:35 a m. Ttckela U>
Toledo and return to 00; ona fare from
To'edoapd pr.iots on the Wheeling A
Lake Erie. H-x-king Valley. Ob<n Centrsl. Detroit A f.ima
[.ima Northern.
Nnrtber Cincinoa'I.
ia;l. Bamllton ft D.yt-n
D>yt-d beiwoen ToIrdoand
and Lima iaad Obilio Central and
Rig Pour route between Toledo iand
TlckrU goM to rhtoro on anv r.
lar train until Nov. 5. 1898. For
osrtirnlars and ra'rs eome ear'y and
Inquire of H. W. Cooningham. AgrnV
finid Ripldi S bdiui K. K
SS6!i«8 SSSS 8SS
Frees Konrsy's eortbera load IO Isdis'
asd eoDvcrsoclse
Man’s Mastery Over Nature
In AU Lands.
/XILKBT * C»AT»=. AUomer.
V7 teiitl<ieuPrt>hsl'|>rseUce. a
■O.Keresatn«- Co B)w k.
U ;-<V,”Ta
M. t>.. UnlTfin
'Pliucim toa. l<
^topSdrieh blwkc .'
fitii niiMs
sod of-
01 OHjpiiil Fbototnpts.
I. Aij-mer SBOeosoketSt Isw. Oflee.^.cCllr Opers Boose BIk.
o. ii,:EffiSi.ii
In :Blanj Landa.
JIRtlNSD Kntna-lfiM Bstelle HokeW). s
1 gcs-lusic uf ibr UnlTcrsltT Bnspns'i 4ns
trbor. will mi(>nni1 torslls (Of nurslsa. SI'
Fecntiir PBople
to oor
. li a tboDsud fu» troa
> Kortberu
:higan Tranvpnr»v
from TraveraeCUy to Ohiregnfr.rSS.tiu.
‘Tleketo good anUl Oesubev I5ik.
*neketanaealeat the dock ifllm
above date. •Phone 8«
A A Pan. Agaat.
Art and Architecture of the World
ITOHHtLa—A Iljrhl ArlrlBC bora* thww t.
r oW. well broke
Win .ell for pan r
sn<i nan Ob'iBio. or irsde. Addrvoa. (II 1
Palaces. Temples, Mosques,
Shrines; Cathedrals, Obel
isks. Monuments, Ruins,
Homes of Great Men, past
and present, and Common
Cottages where the milL
ions live.
iHst bttt ton pklK
posslUe to pndoce.
:d—OIrl (or ecncral I.onscwiirk
.d woevs will be |Ald. laqoliw a
Roii^•Ipb vtrrrt. K W llaalinrs. -S If
8ALB-Two wfacclcd scrap«-i-a a
J|»OrKD-PhrsWao-.ph^ca-c. (twocreao
TTTANTBD—Nurse elrl to ea
W J. W. 8lale>. 4> Woabl
History and Biography
PO street.
TNBfRAKCa—When ycro wont Brw or l»r ItiX snrmacr. reisrsibertbst I SB la tbe basloeas Boral Biebsare Asauran-e. Amerlesn
of Kew York. Ttaorlorls Fire. Pealnsnia Kotn*
of. Fniekrcm Plstv (Jiaaa. Bleb , Vu'asl Piste
Glsfa Aelos Ufr of Oono. sad other compsoiea. a B. Allrn. FVIrdMcb Block.
In Barest Form.
rortbrboUrtan””^*b ^'hoa'Tonr booki
STsded for mile oooa to frrowii up folkv. Eset
book cbanDisc,de1lrtal(ol.rapiIvstlD«; prfeei
orerflosior withb«ppr IllaaVr^kms Trerncn
dous sellers. Kotblna like them. F.tur nnolhi
soldes bsrresUor eoeriretle workers
nips for its'inr psn only
of tbe poslsve
—. slosc.
— -.
Drop sli trash sod elesr
toons Bomb with our vxrlusl.e Jurealleo.
Tri Karfnaai. Boos ('onrasa. Senr
^^aNTa»-^u^^lel^ roora e^1
luubisn Rrslsursnlf
How cities have grown
How nations have arisen
How kings and queens, lords
and ladies have lived aod
loved governed and died.
Told with the richness of
Vi too niiMs ot Ue
ot ouil tnm uoonte
Utoo IroB iiOiotIUes.
gounroas WAS^aD-Lod^ or^enUc
Religion’s Hold On Humanity.
pitas ibore In mo's
A HARIKB BOILEB for sol*, ioqaire of
A Trmrvruc (nty LuBberOc.____________ »Mf
se Cn/LoRtber Co.
a—iBBtier. sib SBd sbl
se City Lumber Oo. MS-if
Qras4 Ksf<*v»*p- ts. Usatag so«i 4t^
Trsloa arrivt frasi MseSInsc CHr< PeUsfes*
How Little Laplanders idive
Farm Life iu Norway
Haymaking in Switzerland
Women of the Sultan’s Pal
Donkey Drivers in Egypt
Human Horses in Japan
River Houses in China
Drosfaky Riding in Rosnia
tor. slriit"
CVps SaLS—Two cows lequlre of A. B. ^rry '
C sta a. Konban's bsrd.srr slorr. 4tiei* ,,
«8flZ « S 8S8S9 a
•SSS = - w—r-e S
£S=aS£e88SS£88S 8
The mountain road ov«r the
Alps. The St. Gotthard
Tunnel witfa 167 Railroad
• Bridges. Famous Loop
Road up to Darjeeling in
tfae Himalavas and scores
of other wonderful engin*
eering feats of the human
Ufe In t Ill’s Phases
•aile Block.
e KsgsES
Towenne Mountains
Sublime ^nons
Foaming Cataracts
'Sweeping Rivers
Pladd Lakes
Rippling RiUs,
m nttm
J .a. LOCDOX. Dn.tWt. O 'ev» is X^hsw
The O B A I. will give their ennoa!
exeurslon Ic Riebmond on 8 ptember
S7tb. and to Detroit and Cbk-ogo one IVX n«if
week later, October 4th. Ti<-keta will Hc.cii-b .1
arid Biit therateofgi ™‘t" R’.-bmonil
Detroit, and $0.00 to Oiicigo. Chil
I under IS years, half iwiu. Ti ;k• <WT-A black
•ck pork>-tt«
eta will be acid from all atalions, Mack
II. cilhcr
inaw City to Big lUpido.' induaive.
Ceairsl ^1
good for return on regnlor trains for
ten days.
Per Detroit, choice of two routes will
iDmut-mr. noRnk ronSALE PPTIO
be given: One vis P A F, M. railnwd fV be IP
from Rrrd.Citv: the other. T*a D . U H. Ferawood.
A H. railroad frnm Urand
d R«pi<
R^piriFor TTTAXTED-ApprvBilcc Is oiir ■Uliocpy
Cbieogo tbe rOote will be^ via
via Vi
W eppananil. The ftoMoo sloiw
nd the Grand Trunk ayriem
For time of trains and fonhrr Inforappiv fn O,
u. R. A 1. ticket
Nature, in all it’s Varied Aspects
How Christianity grows
How Buddhism grasps
How Hindooism embraces
How Mohammedanism s u fadues
A Classic In it’s Literary Style.
VotiM to Tax Paysra.
I will be Is asr <>■» ostU XoTWBber in,
To Chicago For 88.00.
Stoddard Lectures
Cabman (Co dlatrauU-d old
after innob Mwreb. Icia p
pouuy bit aitil
and nioc
nine iwuuks
in pay&M-ui
for a drivuuf inonJ:
ili'ii)—Iwy, misFiiH,
K long ’aru ycr lx.431 a tntiu np for
1..Jla ’ere)
‘ISUUllfs Lalinf
ims. forUir porposr o( collociiSF tbo oebooi
sod city (sees sbd speetsi sasrssB outetled
Ealtht Tompln OaadsTa at ntUtef
. Aran, A^ved aa cf ao advantage
gfaeafl Intend of remricUng on nlea
afaaad B boa bean fonad powible to fa— fan m that they are aenrly 20
, yfaaHtptatar than ovar bfaan..~Xa-
A Pair tlBMUao.
WUUam Bearitea, a wealthy farmer
af Brown ooaaty, Indiana. eUiou to
have reesivedan iaaptratloa to tbe effeet faat the world would oo«e to an
end Oetoher 1. He aUegea that aagala
vialted him dnrtag hU aleep aod told
him that the world woald be rednoed
The Paokere at the Battle of
to daat Be baa the enUre eommonity
SantlAgo de Oobe Were AU
is which he Ilvee worked ap to a groat
Heroee —Their Heroic Ef
pltoh of exeltameaL Beaays all
aleet will be eavad tbe nigbt before tbe
forts 1b GettioE Aaunani*
tlon and Eatlone to thb
Mim Aana Boee of Hilo. Biw^laa
Front Seved the liBy.
ialaada, haa aeerpted the InvIuUon to
set as qoaea of the flower oaralral et
P. B. BoUar. of peek train No. :
. . lagodeCuba,on
>n Ju.y
JudeCuba, on
Topeka. Eaaaaa. Miaa Boae will be writing from. tenU^
aaya; "We
‘We all had
diarrba-t in
net at San Pranelaeo by a
a er
or lem violent form,
of Topeka'a prominent people.
landed we bad no time to
lor. for It waa a cate of ruab aod rush
nigbt and day to keep the troops tnpi Itema.
plled witfa ammunlUon aod raUona.
The reaort aaaaoa at Edgei
imt thanka to Cbsmberlaio'a CoUr.
not cioaed yet. and tbere are new ar- Cholera aod D'arrl ma Remedy,
md k»*p
rlrala evwy day at thia popular reaort. wrra able to keep at work and
bealtb: in fast,1, I alooerelv
alooerel ^ believr
Mra. Meday. Min Bebeoee Bnmford. that at one criUeal time this mediriue
Ufa. Hanford aad two children ra- waa tbe indirect uvlor of oor army,
tamed to Detroit yesterday after i for if tbe packers had been unable ti
work there would have been no way of
stay of two mootba.
getting Bunplies to tbe front Tbere
Ura. M. B. Uteer, Mlai Sara Heo were no raaaaI that a wa
wagon train ec
deraoB and B. H. LUnar and family
M.v aomrade aud i . •M.|f bad
have ratumad to Detroit atur a three good fortune to lay in a a ippty of
0 before
nontba' stay.
leii Tampa, aod 1 know in four cs
Mr. aod Mia T. Catter and daughter itaboolutelyaaved life.'
of Olevaland. have arrived for a few
week!' stay.
Mra. W. J. Young, mother aod two
daogbtara are stopping nt Bdgewood
on their way home from Cbarievoix.
Tbeetfed of tbtae_______________
^favifaoapital and caU talent intoefalp- pending, aavigatioo aod ojaunerce.
Beaw of tbe hem men of Bnropeoaatin
•hair lot with ns. Onr tannage in fordgn trade rose in eight years from 128.
888 to 687,^77 tone; oor ohippiog
ng per
•npita inenamd from 8.04
- 12.46
entafe feet <cf
a per capita enlarged from abont
#14 to.
In fl27.M: onr Import carriage adwmoadtram abont IT to 82 percent
and on export oarrioge Cron 80 to 88
pneeot Ws soon became leaders in toe
art of Mlipbaildlug. fonaaoat in mle
nnd speedy tailiog end noted for oomamdai enterpriae. Aa oor eonnlry waa
amtledic prospered greatly. Onr bnl•nuoR« becataeBodoootiimed
favomble, allliongh oor importa exeaeded on exporii. Onr shipping
out at foreign debt, and our locrea
see power aecnted adTaucement in
itgaal piaitica. Onr fls,
Jpeet tbe world over,
proved ere long—aye. i
t^xUpplng protcciion was a ptdlcy of
great aaltM to all tbe BUtes,
nod ncme
<» totbetepoblio
solved, ao M-
TiavwaeOt^ Kaifeat
'■mm'Wotw .
Below ia a Hat of
hoying aod avtlTbe Soldier’s Mother-1 tot m fattn tag^lcea^y-eletdi^for
from George today, and be ia grambling
abont tbe vicioala in tbe army.
axixnie pbuw.
Tbe Soldier’s Wife—I am glad to
#1* 00
bear that be k making bimmlf atbomo.
im Un u knf u On
lists. Tm
UtntDi la nonr dk
■t.SBdfraw lo-rlork te 4 o cleeh p. is., sod oo
TooodAy OBd Frldsy eraolacs ofoseb work
The compressed essence of
Each sentence an idea
Every page a jewel casket of
richest thought and rarest
language holding the read
er entranced
A Picture Index at the Close.
nssAs msdlrlito sad dlossosa of tbs syoerto
■on wtoaorer studied Is s aedlesi coUsrei
vm hsve hlsomestoapovarily over TasneU
a^o-s Psloes Bsksty, eumr Oalsa ss4 nil
•tmma eeoih aUs.
Bringing all of tbe iUnstra*
tions in alphafaetical ar
rangement within onr im
mediate control.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.