The Morning Record, May 19, 1898

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The Morning Record, May 19, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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9Moad Tmt—Nq 826






▼m Soon Ba Beady For

nw TX.Ajn I«B httabiov ot

Philadelphia. May U.-tka battleakip Alabama waa aaeeeaafttUy lamn^
ad at Cramp'a ahlp yard at 1I;M tkla
SS LAHDZD CUT THS afiernooa.
The Alabaam ia the fliat lanneked ef
three aew batUaablia of her type, tha
othara bainc the lUiaoia and WiaeoaKomneBU of Sampaon'o and tiio
She dISecB fremUeOra^. In­
■paniah Jloeta-^-Oi»»oji ia lor^ diana aad Maaaaehnaatta In'alee, dla■afe-Plan to Booicanise tbe Fly
plaoemeat, battery arrmaremania aad
inf and VortA Atlantie Bqoadfo&a


WaaklartM. May IB.—Saeretary
Lmc. aoerotary Alfv and OaDora)
MUaa ooaferrod ttU morataf. tbc« miaroaoa raaolUay la a new iapati
\ aray dapartaanta: U la raportad tBat
'oaW will ba iBTadad laiaadlataly with
100.000 aoldiara. Ofdart are aspeetad
MMBtarUy tar a raactal BoraBeoi
•f tempo ttan Taatpa, MobUa and New

Leaf tbla aftarmomi aaid: -Uto atatad
aOai^ that tha Oefoo la aafe bet
1 eanaot properly make koowa

Hamiiii Rifles to tlie Froot!

Karelo Ooadnct ef Kan trbo Cm the
Oablaa in Otaafnacoa ^ Called
U Attantien ef OaTammeBt
Baaelel u> Taa KoBazM Bwioeii.
Waahiactoa. Hay lA—la the eSeial
report of tha enuiac at the eahlaa U
•feacoB hay laat Wedneaday. Cemidar MeCalla of the emiaar MarbleTSBTBB AWABB OF TKB XOhead apaaka of tha terrible Are opened
with a maxim gna at only 1» yarda cm
foar leaned eatting the caWea Me

& are we in onr stock of Wall Paper, both
in our prices and our goods. We are iwalrittg
a record erery day for the goods that we
give for so small amount of money. We are
adding to onr stock so that you can always
find a good assortment,


I From Boatken On- j eoolaaai aad brarery of the mra. callbaa Forte, Heping U Kaka a Baah
tpaeial attantiea of the gorernFor KaraBa
it to their raleroaa eoadimi.
apoclal <o Taa Koaim. Kaedmo.
baaaa edam are: Length, m feet:] Kaahlngtoa. May ir—It ia generally
bellered here that Ua nary departmeat
breadth, T1 feet: draught, M feet e
lltUe aanoyed at the
Ischea: diaplaeaoeat. M.StOtoai: gearThlrty-Firat KibhlgaB 111 Frerlded
adteed apeed. 16 kneu. and eatlomted maay fakaa aad ramera aaat oat aa
For u That Liae.
aewa tiaoe the eeal baa heea placed Special to Taa Noaacse Racoas.
heree power 10,000.
Camp Tbecaae, (Bicamaaga. May 16.
Ber mala battery eenaiatB ef fear | opoB ampleyea' Ilpa. OffielaU are heataad that the aewa- —The goremment te anable to aopply
Ulrteaa-iach goaa In tarreta. Wnrtaaa i
papaea cannot be aappreaaed and it ia madkni atorae aad tha Thlrty-fimt
eix-lseb rapid firing goaa Ha
daiy batury eeaaiata of aareateea Mx- hallered that from thia an all boUatUia. Mlehlgaa te wlthoatthem. bat Barracm
eanaiateat with eafety. will be ofllelally Biddle haejirorided eaeagh far ImaMpeeader rapid Are geaa. alx ob'

er rapid Are gnae and tear gatllnga.
The maxlmem thleknem ef ber ei^
tor cm the water Uae la aixteaa and
ose-half ineh|a te
r to BlM and
on^half at ^I 1bettem of tha belta.
Her cmaemate^anc
la fire and aee-half iaebea In thlek. The armer of tha blggnn tarrei
la fifteealaohea thick. The deel^ eoaaiag tewer, etc., arc prelected by henry



220 Front Strait.

Wall Paper
Kew lot—cheap—just received et



Two Uoes

get fresh goods^

----- ----





enarsef war in Ue l'alted suter '



• the PhUip-



^_If- OaUlde Kaa te Foroed On It For
•aptaia Oompaay WiU Oe Heme.
Hereafter War' sad Msvy Offleon WiU
SperisJ loTs* Morsme Bwtord.
Map Out FISBS aad Most Show
Island Imke, May 18 —It eeeiu that I
Taaglbls Besulu.
the loaia tangle ever the eapUiacy of j
fos.Ma ri:..,xd.
the local eompaay te bigger than ha., ^’•.biagten. May l».-The report
bsan geaerallT suppSasd. . Mayor Elite. I
"irategy board will bs dlsao'<ten«tal Dadsoo, ex-Iaspeeter-General *6d this week is c-oafirmed. the beard's
work has bees
itized. The
Aid Saell bare been‘ bare aU- day.
asible'fer ithe change.
bat have rMcived do deolsion. JanMS president it respoasible'
Kelley, ropreseautlva ef tbe eastern Heaeafortt war ptea. will be mapped
Ateteictef laalsceosly. expraseed hte oat by the Joint army and aavy oflluera.
fipMIags stroagly yeaterday. Tbe feel­ There mast be (hagible rcsalu or eame
ing is maalag high la the company ^e wiU be held aeooaatabis far failure.
that if aa ouUide msa U forced apoa
them they will probably pack ap aad
go heme. They have an idea that the Sagasta WUl Again Be Ito Freeideat.
May maaa. that tbe military board Ppsclsl to TBS Uossiss RsrosB
M^rid, MaylN.-Tbe new Spanish
wm Inalst OB having iu way.
esblaet with Sagasta as prseidaat
sabmitted te tbe Qaesa Begnnt to­
Battle Attempt by Or«w of Spaalah day. and vrlU bs awora 1a this eves
Film Tomel Ontalina.
The new mbiaet will be far sgg
■pselsJ UTSS MoBsia. nsoeaa.
ive aeUoB, ead wiU try te etrlke a
Key Weet. May 18.—The gaards •troag blow at the Calted Staten. It
•heard the prlxe vamel (tetaliaa de- realteee that if it fails u better ^e
Olara the ereve attempted tnypMaea
Bltnattea of 8palM|a a ahert ttme tte
«ham aad eelMthQ ship.- Tkeaathorl- people «MUMt be oMtrtdled. aad tte
prmsat dyaasK mast fall. .


See thsM two lines at $1.18 and $1.78.


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honse.

™ « Wheel EnamriBd For S2.5D

Are Handsome. i


ladies’ 26 inch UmbreUas that oay intareet

yon. Other* that are epecUI ralnea, too. at ftOe to 84M).
All new—juit received from fbe mannhctnreis—ao you


Oui New


“one seventy-nine”

diate aae fsom hte prirete faod*. Be
While aadoabtedly the uary depart- caked ^e etaM er eitlxeaa relief eomhailnayiehaewl,dr»ocmeen»iag;^tj^,j„
He waata
a of fleeu it ia aot be- SI.000-and
aaka that the money be
lleved they hare peaiUTa lafortaatioB wired him. The order for fixiag a
locatlag theaa.
bathing peoUa Chicamanga rirer, two

Waaklartoa. May l»i.—No latormaThe ManUa haute ha» andaebtedly milsB from camp, has beeo tesned.
teOD kaa beeo rl”> Mt la the aary
changed ndioally the t^oa cit the
Aepartaeot tkla Boroiap raffardlar the
Spaalab aary whmh new faUy,.raaUMa
laeateoB of dampaoa'a er Sckley't fiaeta
the defmtef tha mala aqnadroB prohand ae iaforcaaUaa ia abtaiaable reahla la apea battle, aad eenUmplatm
cardiac t^« dpaalah flaek
either a daak far the relief ef Haraaa
If aa reported the ttpaaiah float baa
or a ekaaoe te strike a ati^iag blow to
COM to San Joan, the departweat will
irkna eaaatciUm aad aklppleg.
bawallplaaaed.. It can be bottled ap Swift OntiaerXaa LMtSas Fmaelam
message was rscelTsd by the itate
there aad eaptarad wlthoot troabla
to relB AdmiraTBfnay'a Meet
aad nary departmsaia this Mralag. |
Witt Uarge ef Bopplim.
A new Flylnc Sqaadroa kaa beeo
aad it was el aa eaeonragihg aaUre. {
Vallejo. Oal., May IS -The emiaer
pUnaed «inal M theBpanlah fleet aad
iteapeedtecreater. It coaalata ef tha Ckarleatoa mUed tor Manila today.
aad Sttley now bare a Uoroagb on
Ob the rmeel are a Bnmbar ef eorme' Maw York. BroohlyB. ClaelaaaU. New
Btaadiag that the fermer Is ia s
Orianna. Detroit, Haatgomery. Marble-[peadeeu among them B Ldagley
Uea to encoBBter Iks Spanish fleet j
head aad Veaariai aadar Oaptaia |•l•aee. whe hae been ordered tg Manila
shoald It seek refuge at Cieafasgos er !
Sampaea. the ladlaaa, MaamchBeette. {to report the meremeate ef the Oaited
make a dash for Perte Rico. It u'
Oragea. TeMa.'BlneeoeauaBdtoapedo SUlea troope for tha Aeaoeletad Praaa.
I thonght the Spaniards are eUll waiti^ :
bants Bndcr Oemraodere Wstsee: fear
The Charles
te hmrily loadml |
Caha. oeasU j
WMnitsn sad aiae gnabsau. many enl- with ammanitloo far bar ewa gnas. ,
[ I They are maoearerlag ta
tara. toga aad yac^hte nader the eom1 Urge enpply of powder and I
SampesB and te dmw him i
naad of Schley.
IS tar Dewey's fleet. No troops
Cisafoages. It U ctUlated that Sampcarried a. she has
reom ter ^ ^
a BOW ia the
mere than her crew of 3».
u,ree day. to kaew wkeihsr the
. Ibbean aea and held it ,aaUl CapSnlt ^It will uke tte CbarlestoB betweea : Spanish fleet was bouad for Perto
Hampaen esa amra with hte haary two and three weeks U steam te Ma-1 nice.
BlU If she
e by
the Honelala nMto. I
as aha probably wUL
Tbr troops will leave wilbia a week,
Thsae Are tha Xsa Who Failed to
SytwBter BeeeeU Called Dowa-Ke- and .boald ceach MaatU abortl^ attar
Fbm Kxamlaetloa at Camp
goUatioBs to Trade Priaoaars
the Ckarleatoa. as they go by swift
oeaaa Ilaers which shoald .team i
eptctol to Tbs Mossin Rkmsi>
•terlsl to Tbi nossuni Rscou.
faster thaa caa the heavier eraisai
tetead Lake. Mich.. May 18.—Thoae
Wasktagtea. May 1$.-Orders ban
rejeeted smoog tbe Hsansb Rifles, ia
been Imned by tte nary departaeat
the fiasl axsmlasUao.'’ are Pettis.forbidding Bylreater Scorell, the noted
Are prouounml Ui >m tbe nic«el in
Hearn. Prembolu. Deagheitr. Uaae. ^
eorrespeBdent, dbeard tcmsIs ef the Japaa is Bepertsd te be Beady te
Wa.i.„ Old j
-'ll lk« '«l» |J.tUT0,.
Unite With Oreat Britain aad
Bsry or at nay naral stetlon, on acWarner.
J. V. Mt-IarusH. j '
United States.
eesot of bU eoadact In siowlBg himepscteltoTstMoBHne Rmso.
It waa reported by wire yeaterday
«elf OB board the tag L'aeas daring
WmhlagtoB, May 18.—There was
^ttat twelve had been rejeeted. Aa latte recent rlsi^ el that reeeel to Hawferesoe tedsy between Secretary
eaaa. Ur ba. been refaMd .permlssicn
qairy addresaed to Captain Mclalosh
Day and the Japaaaee mlalster. Boahi,
te go a. a psswnger.
brooght thembevs list Ute last sight i
who said that Japan was ready to form
NagotUlioB. are Id progress to effect;
triple alllaace with the L'alted Sutm
as eichaage of Tbrall end Joses.
land Uiwst Iritais. Be malaialaed
. for Coloael C.>rtejn aad

HoUey & CtHmabI*

to the Public.


We have decided to ^ke a change in onr location and have chosen Grant^- Rapids as onr future
home. We have already leased a building. Will
occupy same by August 15. 1898. In order to avoid
expenses of packing and frergjiting. we have con*
eluded to close out our mammoth stock of


Men’s. Bojs' end Childrai's dotiiiig
aid Gent's FinisUil Goods it i Grut Sicrilla.

J Everything will be sold regardless of cost Sec large
J bills for prices and further particulars.

T. J-. HOST.

ALFRED V. We do not
tieloiig to the combinatioii

And we are not obligtxi to eel I meat r1 war prices. We bav* g
load of tbe beet wuetern com-ft>d stock and can famieh yon the
Oaptaia Kclntesta Aaka fur That
best Uhicajpj beef killed at home.
Xany to Taks Plaoss of Tboas
Bsjsctefi-Oo Tbii Koraiag.
A massags was raoeivsU by Ks-LIvnIt pays to trad* here and people
teaaal (iilhwb ot tbs llseosb IllSas
fram Captaia Mclalosh sutiag that IS
arc fiudiu^ ii out
had mot luaosaafany passed tbs examlaatloB at Camp Eaton, and direcslag ,
that IS Bsw nu-ruits. be selected fro™ these preriously ezamiavd and daalg- <
sated as reserves. Active werk was,
performed by Hr. Qilbert. Em. Wllsad J. W. HanseB and before I
alae o’clock last aigbt ibe.recraiu had \ de srBd“S'
been re-examteed by Dr. A. H. HeUlity of workmen to de yonr work
day aad prepared te leave this men' promptly. I gnaraatee all work to be
price. I
lag as directed by tte csptala. Tha
bnlld wheels to order, they are beaut­
offiee ef Tux Monxuio Rxcoru was ies. Call aad see them.
made. tbe recruiting italioa. aad if
r Biee bad been required la a half
there weuld have been aodlfflenlty
Goods of the lateet prodaction. Many noveltiee in fancy
la aecuriag them. Tbe follewlag are
plhida. CVilored parasols with rnffiee made of good material,
Braxiagof 'all kinds, tires vulc
the reeraite who wlU leave for Oamp
made i^«ood as aaw. l%e oal]
and a handsome selection of handles.
Eatea this moralag:
date shop ia tbe city.
Ueorge C. Boimea. Charlaa Oarpeater.
steed togtvesKttefaetioaoraoehsrge.
Wyatt A. DeWltt. Gesvve B. Mather.
r'heels sold ea easy payments. Biey­
Harvey Deeker.
Claad DaUall.
es sod Taodeau to rent at 116 Caloa
Marioa U. Oriffith, BaraMt Iitek.
r FronL
100 ladies’ Umbrellas, cboioest handleADwaden natural
Tbemaa Stafford. W. Edgar fUitt.
Eoy Darid.ioa.
Wm. A. LAfavette,
and pearl, first class taffeta covering: a job^t, worth folly
Chsrlee K. Cnatoa. WaUace SlmMSoa.
Herben l>saa.
from 12.50 to Id.OO. all
at $1.78. Other. giWea «f paiaaola
and umbrellas from' IBc up.
WashlagtoB. May 18.—The aavy deparUnoci has asked for bids today m
three warabips Ilka the miaitt aad
Are mads la tte largest ^ury la tte
worid, located la Chicago. Breach
The Taatt Fsa
steieMo mFreatst..TravwMClty.

Bingham Bi^s., Front Stmt.


Enamelin; Md Decorating
In the latest Styles.


Parasols and Umbrellas
At The Boston Store.

Spe$ials Te Csitiioe All TIhs Week.

R. E. GIBBS, Prnpr.

Pianos and Organs

The Boston Store,

1 1


na xouriNp Bsooai)
CBO*. T. Batw un 3. W. HAnn.
#. W. BAwn. ■diior

« M tk* F«*<o*M M Ti»W
Mlek., M Meo*a elM* wimi

TaiGuniic Niunns.

Fort D« Ftaboo, M»j ll.-Thlrty
•ifbt BflMrtaAD refAfM* (ron ^orto
Eleo wriTOd km todoy. ■
They uy tkmt U« ylM* fa tm op by
lb* boabMEmeaL
FteVMB MoatTM. Hay W.-Tb« Yo•emlta loft bora tbli aeralac tor tho
opeaMo. Her dMUBAtloB baakaowB.
bat prwatoably aba baa troac U tha
practioa Froabda a (ew mllaa oaU
New York, May is.—A Yokob
cable aaya that Japaa eeai (oar
ahi^ U Haatla te preteot pkcb iater*
CbU there.
LoadoB. Hay IS.-tircwl Briteli
erideatly prepariaF for a orisia. Vast
quaatlUas of coal are belOF stored

Tn BafU ia very aocb ezerriaed baoaee the city eenadl eoatladod tka
aeatraet with Thz Moaziaci Eboobd
iar priatiBF tbaelty official preeeed^ ia«a (or aaother year. Ibe BaFl*
daeau it a riolatiea of the charter aot
to BBbBit the eoatraet to eewpeUtioa
M Uat the lowest bidder mlybi F*t it.
%at Ua Bacla does aot sute that the
bid of Thk MoHSlze Bbcobk last year
area IS eeau per (olio (or the priaUaf.
whUe that of Ibc BaFla was 24 oeaie
per folia The BzcoaD baa (Dlllled Its
'ooBtnet to the letter aad aa Ue price
was Biae oeau per (olio lower than the
Md of the Ea«ls last year, the eoBaeil
aaw at to eoBUaae the eoatraet (or a
pries that Is as law sa aay other elty la
MlehlFaa U peyiaF: aad that (or the
hMt latereai o( the uzpeyera

New York, May is —A WaahlnFtoa
dtepatch aaye that tbs Cerrerms deet
Aas reached Porto Rleaa watere.
erideaUy la toads to nake Sea Jdaa hia

Nsw York, Hay !«.—War .prioes are
reralllBF bora aad bread riots are aot

FiTTuro OUT pbivatb:

To Frey Upoa Amorlcaa Oomme
apeeuJioTBB Hoasuc KaeusD.
WashlBFtoa, May Is.-U'te Paris
dispatches aay that arraareaeaU hare
beea eemplatod la Madrid te ana
equip e aomber of fintelasaprirateera,
Tn czaet whcroaboots of the Spaa oeteaaibly eazUlaiy eralsera. but reaUy
Jab lect is still a laystery. AUkoepb It' I ^ pray
Aaerieaa ooaaerce.
. was decided a (ew days ace that the '
«aeay was la a trap, it aeeiaa aew that
Abe la likely to Fi*e eor bip squadroaa
tbs slip. ItBfeHs to be the Bpaalsh
SoToi* atom Swept 1
poUey to avoid a aaval
terday Aftsipooa.
•od aeatter lU ahips where Uey caa do
the aoet damafe U Aaaricaa latertaU, eperial to Tas Moasisc Bscoao
MlBaaapoIls, Hay 18.-A dtaaatreua
thas readarlBF Ue squadroaa of Ue
Caltad Statae Uaporsrily Laeffectire. cyclone awept Ula section of the state
Tkeae tactics will -hsra a Uodepcy te Ula aftemeoD deiaF a larye aaenat at

Telarrapb wires are dowa
•tloa of UU aod will oaly add to tba
lalty which Spain will Iw ohllFod aad Ue details are aot yet (^ulaable.
ta pay UU Foremaeai.


XUlUry OrFBBfaaUoa Bflbsud Last
Nifktud Officers Bleeted.
VBATBBBE OXTT BOTB BATI8. | CoaaiderablWatbnalaaB sraa men
JXBD WITB riBBT NXOHT. ' I (eatMi leal aipht at Ue aectiaF to or-----------F^i** 8
aazlt> /M. a. 'SoBFherty Bravely Stuped a I iary U Ua Haaaah Killw. The
ftanaway Team la Oraad iBapids,
*’• Gilbert,
BavlaF Ue Life of a Seelet^^A^
Tbe lUt of ambers o
Story of Uo Journey to Oampift
28 yOBBF aaa. many at Uaa asabem
Ue Flnt Mipkl Under Oaavae.
of Ue Elfisa unable to F« *IU Ue
Camp Betoa,
eoapaay new at camp.
Islaad Lake, May 17.
The queeUoa of a aaae for Ue comTbe Hhanab BIflea arrived at Caap paay was deferred uatU seme (ulare
BatOB at 5:20 o'clock laat aipht aad Ue Uae.
whtfs eeapaay was la Ue best of spir­
Tbe folIowlaF clvU aad alUtory a(its. Ws reaebsd Urmad Rapids at 1:20 Seen were elected;
p. a.. taklDF dlaasr at tbe sUUea
Prealdeat-J. W. HoBaea.
Uaeh reea where a auabor of (oraer
Viee Prosidentr-P. S. BiUby.
TlAvsrae City yeuiiF people Freeted Ue , Seeietary-Roy Hllllker.
Baaaah Bifles with Fceat enUaHasa.
Treesuiwr—B. C. Wllbela.
Private Doacherty stopped a mnaway
CapUla—Bert WllbeJa.
hone. saviOF Ue life of d Oread Bap
b'lrst Lieotoaeat—Clare Curtis.
Ma aoeiely lady, aad Ua brave yooBF
SoeoBd LteutoBant—WaltoB Cray
MB was aarried to Ua train on Ua
It was deeidrd tha Qrat term of affice
' aboaldera of hu contradee
should be Urea aoBUa. it was also
LeaviaF Oraad Rapid, at 2:2U p. a.
eidad Uat toe aea-coaaUstoned
wo aadt s rapid run to LaBaiaF, where
era ahoold be appointed by Ua eappda
M were lolned bypHvate Balph UasaM to be aubaitted to Ue llantoa•AaFa- said Freat apnlause (rea the
aaU for tbelr aparuval.
aptap8°7- bad to make sure of hta proaAeoaailtoaef Uree was appolatod
Mca be was abouldared by aeabera
to look after the hall (or acetiafra acd
and Urusl UronFb a car wimiow.
drill, srau and uniforms. Another
Tbe Beatoa llarbar aad loaia com
paay'a special coaeba. were attaebad eoamlttec wee named to draft by-li
to oar special train at Uraad Jlapld..
Oar company la (araoperior pbyai•ally to aay othsr company ea rovle,
and bars received praise oa alUnaeat
alaee in caap.
Sapper was aervei In ‘mesa toel" at | iThi. WiU OoasUt of Xea Above Ue
y:t0 p. a.. eenaUtiaF of broad aad bntA«e of 81.
cofee. dteak aad wafer*, of wbUb
A Bumber of well kaewa aea ao
avwy one partook heartily^ (any satisadraaced ia years than these who ooi
Badpose Ue Uaaaah lUfleo. are foraiaF
The boys retired at l‘:2u. and a very
militory oompaay for Ue purpaae of
jelly crowd ooSlaaaoed Ualr drat aiFhtbeinc reedy In oase Uere Ueald be a
call or special need for
Tbe Beatoa Kerbor oBeera eeaaUt of
None will be admittod nader Ue afe
Ckptoia Prank Uravea. First LleuuaOf . 21. A meeUa/wlIl be held Priday
aat Harry Pouad and beoond LieateanlKht to eoaaider Ue matter (arUer
aat DalFaaa. Tha Baqtos Barber
and to effect a pen
■vaalBF News U repreeeatod by BarAbont 20 have
ntt O'Hara, aad Cbaa. Leifler repcealready slfBod Uo roster.
aaate Ue St. Joe Prose.
Ike effieera al Ue loaia eoapaay
•Mitt' of Senator NorrU, captala;
Ffrat Lieutoaaat Boa Wallace. Second
LAntaaaat Poet. Hr. Kaaalneker U
HMtiBFa Herald.
The eoapaay vras called for drill
at 4;t0 Ufa BoralaF natli breaklaat.
Wklek was served ate:)0. ail belaF wall
•SppUed wlUoefree. bread aad bnttor,
•na. baa. beans aad wafers.
J. V. MclItTOlB,


XeetlaF «f Btota AMoeUtioa U Bran
The tfty-eeveaU aaanal aeetlBF of
Ue sute CeaFTCCatleaal Asoociatlea

at U«ir ball Ufa aoraiaF
fUMktoMortUeBauak Uflleereed to Ber. Oeaaa OeeklU e( <Ufa d^.
^tt aad Bpyt'head t^e trala.

Cbeapeat and moat relubl*
place to
get yuor bicycle
Ui* piauo
uj 1^4
uicycj n ^ .. .
- „ . ronnibg order. Have bad aereral
years experience and
how it
il ehonld be done.
....Satishetion „guaranteed.
mow bow
I am •etlinfi'
bicycle snndriM at about cost. Kew and aecond band wbeela for aaia
and3 to rent.

five oa a trial.
ELU8, Sll Front 0L, Em


Some 0^ \Vve iaiuViesA ^Urles o^
tVve ee&sop ^ot SViirt'\Da.\s\s.
IVVso Vine oV "P. Tfi'e. "ViDViWe
C.WV iVmuTes SVr\\iee ani Cross
\6 Vo S5e
VVvese eVioVixsV
qooAiS oV VVie season.

Fred Oowlee OharFod Him WiU Aaeeult end Battory.
Jobs Doolea of lalerlerban paid a
•ae of At and eoau amoaatlaF to tT. la
Justice Brewn'a court yeatorday. He
was arrested on e cbarFo of assault aad
battory at tbe inatanoe of Fred Cewlaa,
wbe waa workisF with him. It la
allsFed that Doolan was aot satfafled
with Ue maBBer in which Ue bey waa
werkinF aad F>ve blm a cbaatoniaF.
.Tuesday evaalas Ua V. W. C. T. 0.
held a meetlBF and decided to hold a
literary and a social maetloF saeh
moaU. At Ue social maatlBFS Ue
honorary members are to Uke part


- Steinberg’s Grand The

iromboaa: WilUam (leUy. ea^ drummtr; Bert Chamaney, alide'-trombone.
Williard Camplwll. corset: Cbarice
Breadfoot. solo Alto: l^eoBard Urarson,
baas drnm: Andrew Vlacb, drat alto:
Aupuat Banmaa, aecond alto: Albert
Rezenka. ooraet.
UeorFs UsUtoea, a emiet player
of Kiacalay aad a clarinet player from
Ue same place will tola Ue band acme
■wbere oa Ua raato.
Aa soon as it became kaowa that tbe
ba>id was te fo frienda ano (ratornal
aoui^ies and tbe Creaeeat band beean
,^raBFemeBU to aea the boya of in
rayalAi.vIc. Tbe band will meet at the
Hanhab Rifles arnurr Ula merniaF at
e'elack loFvther with Ue tlfteen
recrulu to Uke tbe places of Uoaa rejeuted from tbe roaUr of tbe HaBaah
Kiflea A parade will be formed sail
Ue band and racmiu will be escorted
to tbe train ip catbuaiaatic atrle and
Fivsa a fead and rou.iaF farewell.
Last Bight tbe k'alFbu ef I^Ula*
met to arranFe for Ue parade and tbe
band waa invltedto tbs meetiaF abd
preaeatea with a box of elFara. alas a
ael of resalntlons la honor of Ue mem•f tbe band who baloBF to Ue order.

Opera House.
May 21st.

Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at

Hardware. 146 Front St..

Porter J. White,
In a complete production of
Goethe's immortal

EtcW CirrM CompMi
t Cllj PralKlloii.

are sunitner‘8 greatest com>
Now is the tune to
buy your oxford ties. Don’t
wait until tbe summer as
half over before you secure diesonnfait of km. ahoea.

We have Just the Right jlliliig.
All new}«nd blight, blai^ or tfln,
some with fancy vesting top»—very

jO new eleclrif effects.
ArranFctaaato (or a Ohaap Trip to
blaad lake to Baa Ua Soldiara
Jamas Kehaa. BFeat of Ua C. & W..
M . will Fo to Oraad Baplda Ula moraiag to arraaFs for an ezeuraioa from
here to Camp Eaton at Islaad Labe, to
beFireo Snoday. May 29, Thera'baa
been a yreat deal of talk abont an exenralon and if Ue iatcraat coatlnaes
there will he one on Ue data meoUonod. A rale of »2 for Ue ronad trip
will be fixed, and at UU low amonat it
ia eipectad Uat a heavy train l<sd will
be lakes from here. Tbe Iraia will
.Url at four o'clock la Ue morolcF
aad reach Camp Eaton at lo a. m.. re;
turalnF abont three In Ue afteraooa.'
This will allow about five bouraoa Ue
FTOunda aad eaakle (rieada ef tbe Baaaab BIflea to have a long viail wlU
them and aea wbat It it like to be a
aoldier. Mr. Kehae will rvlnra from
Grand Baplda toBigbl aad anauua,«
tha deflaiu arraaFcmral.

She Wants
Only a woman can appreciate havlar Ue MpertBF floae at a time u aalt
her. What she waata ia a paper kaaF•r who will do the work right and
enme when ha agrtwa to. Hfa mama fa
Winnie and hfa addrcai 112 FnmtSt..
eppMltc Bagla office.

Horse. Hotel.
Liierj, Sale and Feed Bara.

toaded by aaay promlaeat dlvtaes and
laymen (remall over Ucetate. OaUe
proFraa for yeatorday aft
dfaeamioB oa "The Bras
Ue Baral Dfatrteto." Ue iaportaat dlvfaloaof

Cycle Works.^ '

Braslxif B Spedat^.

•teauMbly to be DealFaatod Ue
Tbirty-Foanh BectaMal BaadTbfa Dfatiootloa fa FUttorUff te
Ue Baad aad a Orodtt to Ue Oity
-They WiU be Oivea a Boyal
aFaia Ibrowa late
Trererae City
(ermeat of war ucimwca.
whea a telOFraa came to Willard
Caapboll froa CkpUia Mclatoeb at
Islaad Lake aakloF K be eoald briap
the'^ya' Bead to Oaap Batoa. This
was Joat wbat Ue bead had beaa
bopiac for aoaa Uae, bat Uey did aot
expect it to eoae so qalek or ao easy.
The query froa Ua captala was qaickly aaswercd la Ue affiraatlre a*d la a
•boH tlmeaaouer aaaaaFe came directioF the bead to atart (or Ulaed
LaVa oa the s o'clock traio rla Ue C. d
W. H. tbis moralaF.
Tba de&blte aawa caused tbe baad
bnyk to Feiabaetla upoa tbeasalrea
aad la a short time <>ord was seat to
all abeeat aeabera and laat aipht Uay
were all in and makiaF arraaFeaenU
to atari.
WhW there was no deflaiu leferaatioe la Ua dlapatcbee as to the diapoaitioa of Ue bead, yet it was auppeard and raaaaaably ao. that Ua
Beys' band la to be aiade Ua bead of
Uu new Thlrtt-foarih reFiaaaU CapUia Mclatceh baa evlCantly beaa at
work la the latereaU of Ue local bead,
and his cfloru tOfeUar with tbe ezeclleot repataUea of tbe bead
broafhl (ratlfyiaF rcoulla. Ibuea
who will form Ue bead la eaap are
(ollowa: '
Cbarlee Uermaiae, tnba: Sam Chaabarlala. solo eereet: Elmer McCoy, baritoaa: Bdpar Newton, slide treaboae:
BertCoaaott. daring.
srlaA. Wdter
Walter Blakely.



WMUivtkA. Mat lA-OMMKlart
Dmt«7 bM
oCBmlAMA. tbto U
M W Um
iMt I^AMk WAMblp «a U* PmUo

Hjodb of-special scenery, prop,
erties and electrical apparatus.
Prices for this i-ncngemeat—75.
50 and ;t5o.
Scats on sale Tuesday morning
at tbe box office.

elegant, very dorabk.

They’ll wear

>x>u all summer and then be in good

Ours oist you very little.


Once More
I Washington


Has invaded the land In the interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of those who intend getting

A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering
‘OF .A.3sr"5T -Fg-T-Nm
We mention the fact that we offer the oest, have the :
: largrest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better sat- :
: isfaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.

IMtagn a llstimkj.




mwr^won aaouMiTT.
nmpa u •oon ms th* cva mt*

M«y ll--lUiqa«tM
nlaed t»ir tb« cumiMiar ot upfwr penln•uU volunwr. »W<* h*re b»«n mu*:
Wf^ lBt«
Md the boy. left tor
l.UtBd Lake at 7 o'clock laai evralixK.
oemoDitratlon la the hie.
torr of .he city Li held here mterday
SpHnefleld. Ilia. May It—The Beeond
-------------- iInfanirr m-elved order* ye*ier«ay art-

Grow* to 12,000 Mon. Adding
4)000 in Twonty.four Hour*
•nd Still Coming.

AerteMi *!*• ,, Chickitnauea. They will leave a*
- KlAlOB and ladlaaa T?~e.-Hl»e«yaa tuUy e,)ulpped. which will probTw* Theateed Mee Muteenl of the pbly he by next Saturday. The Beventh
ttt.eoe c^ii—, ■ lyriyrr li.slB.rwl Ue> Intantr}' will be tnu.tered Iciu Ihn
4am4*etWBBe.n^AtM«»etramllU., Vnltrd Butea aervlce today. Thomat
Bell n.a-r I'thr
"Waleh. of company D. FSret Infantry.

p..,. <■- Sor.:..’%’:s‘rr,'‘".nii'U7i'i
,„,-e with the rv|[ln,enl.

Buy ll-At < o'clock U»l eveninc elec- i
c of Infantry, one of caval- ,
e baltellone of artillery. It* |
..... ...................... ......................
d reported
to Oen- ■
eral Brooke. In cvminand of the Chirk.
amaiica army. The dlScrenC reE>tnenll

reeled I
The 8

Mai* Baak Bowcht OraBd Trataraa
a%e State Baak 'haa parahaaad tha
Onnd Travacaa aouty boad* tr«» tba
eaart boaaB esulUae. Thla k tea
0^7 SBbt aa Ua aooaty. n# bMii*
Bayabla B1.W0 far year for tba Snt
fleaywnaadSt.soo pmi year for tba
taayiara. Tba eoaaty may pay
the Ute«u.owaBy ibaa aftar flee ytar*.
Tba bank p^rttOO fretelam ter Ua

Tba Naadlawork QnUd of Aaiarlua
kaa baan appwlad to far aid la farnbkiac varowBU for tba Oubaa aalfartra.
Tba tirabeh af tkl* dty baa beaa aaltfled U eowipermte.
Tb^ will ba a maetior at the hame
ofltra Jokb Qlllh. dlOSute atraet. on
Moalfby next at 1 p. te. The dlraotoia
of the aoclat.v aod all Udiee of tba ally
iatareated aid urrad to attaad.
UarmeaU for taea. woman and cbildran. nla* boapltal anjqiTite ar* neadad.
All kelp rl**D will ba aanl ibroarh the
Una P. J. Crima, Prea
Mna JuKkOlLuaSao'y.

I. Colonel
^.«fT •••imiiiandlnB, Kfi
midnisbl lari c>«hi on the Wal*«h f->r
Wnablnstun. the train being in three
De» klolnea. la.. May It—Ten com.
Idly aa poaalMe. and Ihe hiaturic battle. p,r.|,.,
,h,- ft,..H,nd regiment of Iowa
. CaM baglna to praaent proof of what the National tSuarU were mu.iered in ai
) memlH-ni of the Fiftieth Iowa \-oIun.
I teera yeeterday. The remaining iwo
and- the ftelO ami ataff nltl*vr» w ill be
aworn In today,• A leiegTW
the department
nl bylMui
Olmated, atatlng
Ing that
would not lie r<iul|iped ready to move
before Saturday, Inatead of lomOrgow,
The Ba^ BoU.
The low* leader* do not want to .end
Jaaepblae Ckampoey. tba SI montba'
tbely men to the frant unwjulpi»d a*
have other .tatow____
old okild of Mr. and Mr*. Alex Cbamppey. died yeatarday morninr at
Hew Yi rk. May
borne, Hit Bait Blfklh atraat, at brain
William Kirk Brice, aon. of ex-Senatur trouble.
Funeral at tba Cbtbollu
Calvin S. Bnoe. have received appoint­
at a p. m. today
ment n the Vnited Stale* army. 1
KIHc Hrtce I* now on hi. way t
Jaaephlae, thi teree and one-ball
rapore from litmg Kong and •
yeara old daofkter of Mr. and Mra U
} a* poaalble will return
Uardra. died at their borne in NorrieFTanrlaco. He will
to the Philippine* a* military aille yeeterday afUraeonrof' apanama
aecretaiT to General Uenilt. Stewait Tbe fnntral will be held fram tbeCathM. Brlcw aalled fur New Turk on the
Umbria from le.ndon la.t Saturday. ollc ebnreb Friday mbralaf.
will Immet'
Sattlod lb* Boraa Ona*.
r command a
Tba casa of Bnrt HaR,vvTte^ Ilca.
wkleh waa tried Toeada^d in) which
WpOf^-rafar HbII mraU
' .
St Lnula May lA—Immeraepurcham ike Jury in Jaatiee Browa'a-^^ dlaa*f*I.*MJ.IXIlIPO-llkUrTUmi>C*»tIV
^y the rreed, was settled yeatemy. Ilaa
United state, can do in Ihe way of aa- mited Slat.-, government throughCap- tebeaback the korae and bnffy. refembllng n volunteer army when the uin Duval, - comml.wary uftlcer, *taBccewlile* ot the government require, tinned In tbi. city. In all orders for tanlac to Ball the tii paid aad a aot«
Oenerml Ilrwike y.-.terd.y morning com- ifw.POO |*tund* n*ve*l*->-n placed with for $30 rfvea for Ue balaaoe. Tbca
pleted the awlgnment. for ibr flrat dl- «*•
I'X'ltcr. *nd provlalon deal- tb«y pay their own caata. abpat $13
virion .rftbr alx pruvl.lonkl army erpa
The larg-.i «lnrl.- order wa* given sock pad their own attorney face.
Major General Jam.-, H. \Vll...n tom- «■> «*>' Mound .'.ly Packing r,.mpany.- It
Btandli'g a. f..flow..
f" K> p-und. ufclde meat t.i
• Tax l^U* Dacron Bararaod.
P1r*i hrlgude-Itrlgadler General A. 8. *>• deliver.*! l.. Ihe »r.s>|w at Tampa a.
Twiddle A Croat roeelTed daitice br
Burt: Mn.! uhlu. Third ,Wlw*.t>*ln.
wlre last aveoiar that tbe declaion lb
Fifth Jlllnol*. Second lirtgade^lrlBO-,
N« New Call terTewnpa.
dler General C. E. Compton; Fourth yp„hlrgtoB, May ls.-Generat Mlleg, Ue tax Utle caaa of Kaeelaad aod Cole
Ohio, Third Illlnola. F.-urth c.,mmanJing the army, aald yeaterday V*. LixxU C. Wood, which was decided
Bla. Third lirIgaJ-—lirigndier General
^ot the Inlentlun of the la favor of Mra. Wood in the Circuit
H. W Lawton. Sl«ie.-nth Petin.ylvanla. pr,.,|<j5nt to t-all for an additional numBecond •tVl.c.n.ln. One Hundred and
x.ounieer* at thi. time? Jl !* eonrt here, baa boen reveraed by
Flfty-wvenlh Indiana.
augge»ted that au.-h a call at present anpreme epnrt at lAoaing.
Arrival vlHome More Unaeda.
'wouldflie a UUIC premature In view- of
The Third Pennaylvanla—the crack the fact that hut a little .-ver P0.006 ..f
Bast Bay Logpag Bao.
A,lo« bee at tke farm of I-VaBcIs
Fortoo of Eaat Bae yeoierday
laifelr attended, over flfiv meb being
preaent. In tbe'erraiag a daace aad
JqJly toclal lime Funad up tbs work
aad featirUlra.
For Bally Day.
Eeary one who is intereated la Boaday tchool work la reqneoted to meet
iB tke parlor* of tke ConcTe(atloB»l
ekarck tomorrow eveaing. An latereatlag proETun kaa been arraaged end

b»un the orgaalaatlub of the Second dl- n,r


oiv on lie wav aouGi

Penr.*yl.«e|a have bren arslgned to tba
Firm brigade, and regiment, a* they ar*i
Five will-he ■K.lgned to fill up Ihe raAmelia Oleeon. living near Oah«.,u, brlgadew. It is ex[»cied th.t Qeni
Wla. dropfwd dead alter working
•ral Wlis.iii * cirp. win ba>-e been com"1*>‘ ‘h *•*' ‘'''I'*pleted by ihl, evening or tomorrow
FX^nn.-r Scrctary of Slate John Sbermorning, by,which
h time <;Ge.-nral Wade •"** 'Flu go to Alaska about June I. fo^
e benelll of hi* health.
Win be here t» aul.t In th.r n-organlu.
. WBBhlnglnn
tlon of the .imjI ,n*.lnn his
Thera H U I'.-i-.rted
tlcag.!) belting privilege 1
It a warclty ..f l.rik-ndler uenerala'-ror park
i.lled hy John Condon.
the pmUtiunnl army unit General lie ciiilr.'lli
Bro-ike will np)w.lnt l.ricsdicr* for hla The fre-gl
provl»U.nal aimy from the ranking "Old Hay LlmC Italilniorv. were
olTleer* of Ihe vaGou* ivgln.<-nit aa they burned, cunning a lo*. of aluiut t?S.OOO.
report for duty.
, uunng !•«? ...» h-nd of live Block In
Mar* ladlana Troop. Arrive.
S» Use. land wen- aflr, led w ith f.e.l and
The .Jne Hunrtr.d ond Pifty-elghth m.mih diseatv: of ihia number 1.414were
Ipdlana intBiitryarrrv.-d utt' kl.led.
ai » ...•h.l. last night. The regimenC Ottawa. Kaw, 1* eXiwGcncIng the
Jtaa 1.1C1 olllc-cr. and m.-n and lu cm- gg,.a,..M Hood known for over twcniy^ded by Colonel Harry It. Smith, flv..
.^Hundreds of families are
-They n.-r* aide-tracked at their bar- homei.rui.
”•‘•'>*0 “«e park thla,
fiami«..n. a watchman emIployi-d In one »f t'hi.ago'. ofti,* bund­
ling.. i* u first i-Munln of Acting it.-ar
iAdtiilnil Sampaon.
■w Hastered la la the TolaaliM Army— I'
. le-hind ulher localities Fort-,
.age. wiu.. puts 10 a .talm of relatlunr .ahjii In I>.-w.-y ihcugh K H- Iiewey.
■ cousin of the admiral.
twria received by Adjutant OenanI
AuguM JuhtiMin, of Dunbar.Wla.
Corbin last night sho* that M.MC men gave hlrlh In ihn-e girl
have been muet. red In. Eighteen aiaies died the following nlghfe wbile tbe other
have cniph-ied their quotas, as follow*: t •*"
O «dvi,-e* received at Ban
ttllforala. Georgia, Idaho, Indiana,'
v>m Hawaii, the I'nited
Kansa*. MHloe. Maryland. 1
' Buries will I dae Its flat; on the islands
V liampabiru. C»no,’ and uae
Oregon. Pemieylvatua. Vennont. Wash-, ,


d at Haver
wood ---------------IChlcago Butnirb).
M.y lA^lonel BamwM I‘------mlteed- bit footing and w
F. Bebadet-piommanding the Finn tvgl. Tyrwllllgrr
mant of tVIsconsin
Wlaconsln lidampy. Ihe only."'^’®' . __
emhexzlement against
Harr-r-y. re-j The cba*»*
«*lve4 telegraphic order* yeaiei.
by ■
afterboon from Waahliiginn to move__
troop* to Tumpa, >'la.. imimnvdlately.
uely. . .
Colonel Bcbadel M to report to the com­ Watermnn.
t-ocked up in tbe guard. bouae
manding ganeral of the department at
Chh^ when he is ready ic. depart. Bandy Hook are three men who
wvd prowllr
rung about tbe Hook In
Adjutant General Corbin announced
a small rowboat and who were eaptorod
yaaiarday that It araa definitely
by the ccaat patrol.
IllwaukM Ugbt i«Uerr c
Hetty Green, tbe richm woman m
«alL H* la cosfidniL howevn. that bia Amrrtea. appeared at New Torb as da■ splendid batiery adU yet have aa op- fendanl la a suit brought by WUUam
portually to ahew lu sklU in guaaarr B. Staytoo to recover U.SOO. which ha
te tbe rear gainst Spain.
IgllBd L*ke. Hleh.. Majr.jC-<k>laset


Men’s and Soy’s Caps

Ask About Them-AII Kinds of Bicycle Clothing.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
▲mueaest Votaa.
Aa laUreat U l
liar pradacUon of Potter J.
WhlM-a •■Faasi’'-thal U la keeplaf witb
tbetoparunltyof tbi* attraetiea. *ad
wkicb kbow* tbat it la tboroorbly *F
d by th* Traeerae City. pablic. |
Tbe adeaaee sale el aeate la the larreat I
in tbe bUvory ot.tha bonae. Tbe Grand ;
Bapida Berald af Mar 6 says;
"Tb* erand w*a well filled last alfbt I
at tbe praasatetloa of‘Fanaf aad aa!
iB«cb Inuraat wa* atanifaeted la tbe j .
pUy at If it wet* tbs fli*t Uma It bad | /
rlvaa la tbis city this year. Por­
ter J. White la bis eersiOB of 'Fanaf
i maay admirer* at bis Initial apraaee here for tbe remaiadar of tke
,k, aad hi* venlon of Ue pUy la bU
(aeorite role of Mephistopbelea was a
MIm Ulga Verna U
the Harrimrlte. The entire prodnetloa
te Ubdrally stared by Mr. White with
special tocaery,

Hob. Gilbert E. Reed, wboee death
vraa reported la the telerrapUe dlspatebea fram Kalaiaaaoo a law daya
a^. waa tke founder of tke asylum for
tbe inaaa* at Kalaaaxoo aad very
promiacat ia Mleklraa. H* waa
fatkerwf Ckaa. P. Reed af thU city.
0*orr*Oaae waaVt«Maniateey*aterday.
Mr*. H. C. Davit left yaatarday for
Uraad Bapida
' 'Mrs. Geerr* Oaae vrill spend east
week ia ChdUlac.
- Mra^J. F. FalrahUd. wko ka* Iteaa
^•adlar *everal moatb* at Bayaa City,
arrived ymterday to visit ker eem W.
W. FairekUd. 8k« waa aeeompaalad
kp J. r. FairekUd. CMkiaredtkaBeyaa
River Beak, wk* wUl rater* teday.

Tht 0$lpto$t$d'8pfleiAUrta.


0 Hotel Whiting




FfllDir, HUT 20, ISS8.
On* Day Only Saeh Koath.

OoDBOltMtioB and SxammatlOB Ftm and BtrioUy
aa. a a. a. a OO dmtelhMraitmule* to Ptasmm M th* Br*. Bm. Throat aa* teat**
n 1.1 rrMTiiii|iili«i ami til riirmli rrlTaii anil tlsniini ITlirim rs^ioiiltlia -flianaaiad
~ ~Wa.u». Kybaiy td the gm*. Bropcbitl^.tawMle

tke week with dally maUBeea."

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men


will give .pwUI siuailoe to SIBcalt ewsrs aed lo esss* otbar’ phyatcUas ba*o
failsd to enrs. Pvrooet applflas for troSIwsw will plrasa brtas ‘oo or thro* imnc«* at ailae
ro ot itelr east aaJ bar* asodl.
Tbom ivbaarvaBsbUtocslIcsa «r1u full gw


DRS. B. S.& CO.

Tnverae City KarkaL

Lock Box I’eo.


acLuae raica

mm. 1
Short Cat Pork per !b

If You Have Logs to Sell


Corredpond with the Trarene City Lumber Compasy.
We have for aale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


•artis Taylar SurpriMd.
LitU* Miaa Gmie Taylor was plc«s- Backwkeat Floor.'.
aaUy aorprlaed at kcr bom* on NinU
Btreat Toaaday eveaiaE by thirty of bar
litlls frieada. Bbe roeelvad aaoy nice
preaenu and will have oucaaloa U
memkar th* teeat.
Th* N. A. 8. B. Will meet I
Bert Uare baa been appe
Oapuin Mi-Iateab aa Fifth aerreaat at
fkmp Eatoa:
Biacr roinr to camp Gcorre Tarbnck
bat been appoiaud Flmi aenreant of
tb* Uanaab Rifle*.
Tohirkt a Company of beya wi)l rive
a pleasant aoeial party in Montarae
kail la honor of the rirla ivbo eater.
telaed lo the same ball aboot three
weeks ar*. Mra. J. 11. Martin will
shspereoe U* party.
Tbe Knlchu of Pythias will meat at
0:11) tbia moralhr to participate la tba
parade and demonatratlea ia honor of
the r«cn>iu of tbe llaanab Riflaa and
tb* Hey*' Baa'd who will leave for
damp Baton at s e'dlack
It was reported yeeterday ia tke Rxiokb tbat Frank Bpealnma ran into tbe
lltUe *oB «f J*me* Uareble wkUe ridinr <m tke walk oa b>oDt street. It
-was LouU Bpealmaa iaatead «f Frank,
as error beiar made ia r>«lB* the

Drs.B. S.& CO.

4 00

Hill Maebiueryof at) d
Bet Works, Carriagee and Saw*,
for sale.

A complete Saw Hill Plant


Ohicago Market.



July. iCKc: Hep-

Pork—May. tIS.U: Ji^ly. $■:.».
Grand Bapida, May 14.—Wheat, $l.».

Aa Ordiaanc* relative te feedla
erdlar aad gratiar cattle aod otb
animal, withie tbe city llmiu:
' Tbe Couacil of ITaverse Cllv erdaii
Bsc. 1. It .ball b* ualawful for aay
parly or peraea to herd aay caul*,
borw*, mules, sheep, colu. hor* or
other aaims la for the purpose of feedlor. rraxlnr or paalore witbla the
limite of the city *f Traveree Qty.
Uichiraa. ertoeaueethe aaisr to be
doae unlees tbe plaee, paatare or pram*
laee where any suck wnlmala arc eo
herded, fed or prased ckall be eacloaed
by a lawfe! feaee.
Sgc. 3. Any vielatlon of this ordinaaoe eball M poalabed by a fla
egoeedlnr fifteen dollars aad tbe
of preapenUoa, and tbe impoaiti'
eacb Bap and eoeU tbe eenrt may make
a further aenteaee that tbe ofleader aa
failatpto pa.v such flan aad ooaU shall
b* Impriaened la Ue City Prison or la
tbe County Jajl-of Grand Traveree
e palV provided tbat tba term otaBci
shall not exeaad
pa^ of fifteen days.
Bsc. S. Tbis erdlBane* shall take «ffaet ia twenty days after iu publloaUoa.
We do karaby eerUfy that tke farecotnr eedlaaaec was paaaed by the
Cooaeil of tk« City of Trarma* Clly on
tke 161k day af May. 1«M.
W. W. Bicra.
A. W. BicKSkD.
aty Oatk.
it-U Jbm IL



I Asparagus, Lettuce. Radishes, Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.



8 ’FUoDe 167.

948 Front Street.


I can get At prioee from 13o np to 98c per lb,, aooordingljr.

H, Soliom.T3ex?g©2?,
Office $dQ warehouse, cor. Barlow and east Fra^^utreet, TraTerae (Sty.

213 Front St

Steck Beeeived)Thrae Tl»w a
inU, AOe per' quart

Flateher's 0]rster ^ot iil RestuniL


Ifomade SwMpt Down Through
N«braako LoroHng Evory^ng in Its Pathway.

«MTM I«M tM mm*
Braam rp-«a Om fc-porX-* Snud.'
tat Ovtte • KasBtar Ar« ln|at«t—I
mt Lie. U FMMd Ata-».ral«r Fall*
with Klchl Mm. Itaaa Mia taM aad
Ita Oth.r Chi* 1* Oflap. '
UarxilD. Npb.. Mar IL - A violnit
teMdi> drvutatvd * wide district alone
B*Oabllcae river in south central Ne>
braakn enrty last •veninc. A mednl
*rojn FVnnktln mf*: The Tldnltp of
Franklin «u vUlted lui eveolne bji a
umat- rain- and ball slenn. Sbortlr
afterm-ard the funnel furm of a tornado
wan seen etrtt mile* aouUicast of town.
It swept rajildly northward, devaalat.
tne the tarms.erovea and cattle ranches
that lax In lu path. The forest crowib

ta >s TWa FispaiU Kst«
• -Week ts Cpaejeia.
Waablneton. May U. - Ooi
. rafrcBS was ntadc by the senate yhaIsrday In conslderine the’war rsreniM
nira Jones of Ar!:ansns prCMBled
eeoeral Staten • 3. the vl^ws
He 1 ..itaned that the
taaee Imposed by i -■ pendTne bill ouebt
to be'levied upun p >perty and not uixm
eoosompilon; that --- policy of the Republican party alwaya had
that of tike Deioccratlc part;
pn'perly. He uppewed
r UmdB and certlB-.
ales of indebted.. _.
Theblll was partly read and a few gnmporiant amendments mad*. Allison
sad a sutemeni of the ordinary ap­
propriation for the cnvernmetil for ihe
year, anrecailnc Hem Kl.•».«« for the alnklnt fubdl «».•U.1U.
The estimated
revenges are
t4t2.ri.SC7. Eulones on Ihe 1*(* RepreMllllkt-n. of Maine, were pro­
nounced durlnc the stsalon.
lae held a brief session.
Important blllt alfpcilnd labor
llmIUn* tbe Uhor g

alone lean river llespnistnir hours dally, and tbe other pmvidinc tor
gulpmeni of a non-parHaan labor
and u'neled. The tornado lifted the
ilsslon to ronsider legislative pro!..
water fr«>n. the river bed
whera It
Criisaed, formlne a ereat
volume of
«p^^a^ water that Hooded the vaSey


populists split.

Ma Fans Bnaw* Twn ts Bits.
The leleirraph wires and pole* alone
tbe Durllneiun road are broken <>P
8pHn*firlrt. III*.. May l« —The Topu
apllnirred and twisted fur neariy halt
list riatr conveml n hclR in ibl* <-it)
mile. 8li tarm huuaes were torn I ' ye*trrdsy resnltrd In thv fuiionlrt
pieces, loeelher with out-bulldlnjt*. bi
• I ment bolllns the convontl.-n and erf-anr here
known . The tornado vwrvd
froq. Ihu puvo. pamdng Into the thickly ;
«"'«?'-5 'h'
■ plntl ron.
nettled coontry of Tbomp.un'» creek '
•» « coirmntre or cr.and Buffalo township,
wh.-re It j,'‘’•‘'"'"‘'S.
feared Ihere Is loss cf life and a furifaer 1
loss of proprriy
niadvi. Tvpui ie three *
■'"‘’"‘V •"!* uneeaUne thv 100
fnalonlst delecalvs, which aea declared
farm house* demolished, hut
killed. The pruperiy damarea are heavy
The fttslnnlst*. numberin* IS of the
at. Riverton, bat no
faiaUtlea on
in deleyatvs of the convention preiwnt.
.withdrew and proceeded to Allen’s hall,
Maay t>rmM lajaead Beew
they elected J A. Crawford Aair81- Louis. May It—A special to Tbi
Republic from Albion,- Neb., aayc A man of the state central coreltise. and
tornado passed over this secUon yester­ then ■djuiirned unUl July 11, when they
day. with the dlualrous results. Wood win mcei the Democrallc slate commitlee In tbia city.
River eeetrs to have suffered the
damage. Many bouse* were destroyed
tad a number of. persons hurt. Mrs. Joseph Wlcklinc chairman of their coeBarry Austin and two children
pinned hy falllnc walu and seriously
Pam Morton, of the Union
P^5c. was Injured in a tamny house.
An exprees train ran before tbe terHfle yalv for thirty mile* without
ktsam. SO hlyh was the wind. Ttie damace to other towns In the vicinity
to have been very severe. A special to
The Republic from 81. Joseph.
■ays: A tornado psssed over this rUy
warly last rVvnlne. hl--winx dusn trees,
tiniouflnjr house* end brvaklny In plate
•lass windows 8rveral persona were
•Itrbtly Injured, but on faUlltle* are
COW Tii»: i.ivFA OF iRvinc.

Uxf ». tm.


O. 0.»

tS 55
•f Trascras Qt/ shall permit or snffsr

To John Ftwla, Jr.. Mrs. OrMSWd.
Uward WsUa. B«1m & ati'ra. J. w.
Phtehin, C Jr-Bb«er. 4. F. Oaaeron.
Ita. J. F. flta4, tiehooi DMrtet Ko.
Ota. U. M. EMth. W.T.BssInuf. Jobs
OUUa, 0«wc* W. Becm. W. J. Meta*.
A. .P. aasllmnitel. Bma Uanvmpk Mas Zeaeh, Osnrrfils >r«th«m. Wlll&m Oneksr. Emma CaBSroa, E F.
Fwria. OharloUeHsrlsx.
OharloUeHsrUx. UE Bahia. A.
4 C Andsikon. Mra Tiakbam. WUliaa
I.- Brown. Titas Hlorer. U. H. Bates. F.
E. HalL E Wartar. W. B. Booker. W.

nnd treatment of Chronk
and IVlraw Ptosaaoa. and tbe fnet that
they rafneo to praoerlbo 1*
oatstdoof their speelaltles and ash only
tbcoetovkit Uhorn who have failed to
rentier from their family p
anUUse team to tbe confidenoe of the
Larm nrabon already
throne their
r priva
private rooms gpon oaeh
vary !n<
Invalid is eotdially in----------mnll
eoasnll tl____
at tea Whltiae
1. Traverse
Friday. May <0ib.
Consnltetina tram and strictly

Ever BuTQBd 0«tT
If so yon know
tbs valne ef

reasM of aierelsiiif
pant, sitbsr bj reasan
any tiawholeaoBe or eSenslre trade m
eallinj. or by parmittinr any baildlnf.
draU. privy, sty. barn, yard or other'
thine whaueer on their premlaae to beoone offeaeiee by ill steoebw or other­ LtariBbaoFb. P Eyselka. Wlllj^
wise, it shall be tbe dnty of the health
o«eer ef said city, to rt»« noUee to
^eaid peraos or pereeni to reoeve
nnlsaaoe forthwith, and if the owner
or oeeunsst of the premises on which Price. G a Norihrup. I
Wnnbnri Alook.
Tavern* City. Blok
neh aakasos U toosd shall esfleet or bee. Paine and Cehimaa. Kstioaal
refaes to preperly ramsve or abate tbe Lotaud Invsstmant Company. W;P.
Zlstreit Piwe Pfiss or Tribue ds
same, for tbs space of twsaty-fosr Crotesr. T. B. A. Trtma. ^bn o4a.
boars after each getloe shall be riraa. C. A. Crawford Estate. D. O. Smith,' W. Livered tor lOe per week.
City Newa Oo.
hseraheshalJ bs pnslsbed/as hdrala- P. Vorelaon, James BlrdssU. A. R. Bc■Aflor prescribed.
Mano*. J 8. l*rloa. Wells-Hirmaa ComBsc. t.-No person shaU east or place paay. Ural Wood Dtek Company. 8an.W.Pmtcata.
aoy rnbbisb. fl:th, straw, skaeisrs, nab A Imy Co.. William BeltM, J. W.
ashes, paper, farbafe. decayed fruits UUllkea. J. T. Snashall. Uiehael Bavler. B. E Jthnsoa. W. B. Oillette. Dan
Sharkey. A. O. Andoraon. John Uallen.
aaysttest, Ians, alley, tide- Henry J. Emlth. Uhris Uloacb. lira
Attorneya-at Law.
Basie Vofl. F. U GreoaooFh. Conrad
Wolsisr. &orre Uonah. Ed. Bonner. B.
White. Ooorre bowrie. Mary L. Manx. OMsss Is Mssiocu* Plaek. Traverse Cttr, MIeb.
Jamca E Bacloton. H. T. Bell. Lewis
tbinfs shall be fonnd in
reel, la
Boohr, Antella L. Arnold, Antboay No­
shall be the doty of tbe votny. H«ry Brown. Florence An­
owner of the lot er premise# In front of thony. Jgdson Cameron. Jaoob Cornor adjacemt to whlchinoh rabblU. egb- well, J J. Stefn Hannah Drake. Joka
sUace or other ihlny shall he foand. to
remove Ue same Immediately anon ro; cock, R
cclvlny noilee from the health ofBcer Frank
to remove the eaioe. and if the same Peek. Oeorfe Dinley.
VlUllsed Air mUnialsterad for
aball not be ramwved by tbe peiww eo
Inte painless extraetien of teathnoiUed,
within twenlyfokr honrs L'mlor. H S Mall. Msrv Yenlsh. B. J.
Antidolar. for extraction of
from reoeivlnf soch noliee be. she or Banreas. Henry Youker, James Hodfe.
tad moat
they shall be panlahed at herein prw
vided for.
t used for
Mill*. _ Hanie Carlisle. Cbicaco 1 ‘Phuam lOk KM- _l» __
Bsc. S.—No peraa shall bnry any
dead animal withla the eorperate lim£®“ Frisdrk* U
<U of said city. Every aneh dead ani­ pi^. and nH others interested Ihsreia. !
Take Notice: That the roll of tee |
•!--------------------------mal shall be removed ontside tbe city
Hmlu ¥y the ewner or psraoa In eharwe special asseosmeDt beratefore made by t DT?
------------ -of the tame within tweaty-foar hoora Ihe board of a--——
after sneb peraon or owner shall re­ of defraying teat part ..
*vbl:h tee cognell decided sboald he
ceive notioe from the health offioer
paid and borae by snecial sas
for the eenetruetloa of a main
Wslliafton stroet. from Wssblndteo
Uhed by a fine of net leeh than two atroel to Elfbte street, is Sewer Dis­
dollars and nntexeeedisr thirty dol­ trict Ne. Three ($) of the City oFTravlars tad eosuo: proseeotlea. and in eree City. *mii sewer district helmc
ths ImpooiUim ef each Bee and eoeta boanded on the north by tha alley be­
the court may make s further eentenes tween Wasbinftea stroet and Webaier to 4 p.m. Tslspbro*.n.
that the offuderon failnra U pay aneb street; OB th* east by Railroad avenne:
fine and eoete be imprisoned In the aty on the sooth by Boardman lake and
Prison or la the Connty Jsll of Brand Boaidman river: and on tee west by

John R. Santo,
Geaeral Insortnce.

Dr. Higgins,


filiE dehtiiworl.





B. J, Morgan,

Traveras Cmaty antU taeb fine and Boardman avenue, aeoordlnf to tee
ci vaNTB&-appir e
—“ be paid prarUed that the term of recorded plat Usroof. u now on file la j T
say oficc for public Inapectien. Notice
versIty-A. C. Vantine, of !oU and Dr.' period of thirty deya
te also hereby piven that tha
Mary Krandner. of Uncoln. and Jones
Set. 5.—This ordlnuet shall telts and hoard of asstadrs. of tbs
Adams, of Chlraao. c. E. Palmer was
srae City, will moet
meet in tea coondl i-------^-----------.r——.—
egect^Y^ths eairiratita^ twsnty days
sleeted chairman ut the state eentraJ
commlliec.__________ ___________
Ws *^wby osrUfly thai“the foiw
•- "'Titw said
relnr erdlnaaes was pemsd by tbs
bieb Urns and place opportoalty wUa!
Board of Bsaltb of tho City of Traverrand OU
tajhve. an peraeta interaeted te be|.^
I>yla« sU HayisnUa wUk
90 City on UellU day of April, in
--------- -rs^seC Mk-Ursa svesM «v sSanm
Mis Lai
Uved Owe* Xesr.
B. D. Asinvii.
Hswtrdcn. May 11—* last evenT M iisuo*
A. W RirBRnn.
inn all -the servants of the Oladotoo*
*•19 2«
Ad lB« s pockelWk eosislol
Caty Clerk.
keys. nDdrrklaaiy I'swsi Ik
household were admitted ts the sick
An Ordlnasos.
of Xoetinc of Board of Bo- r OBT-AiC. O V ■ *

VTfer, :irr.“"‘

' F“/


M. ft N. S. B. E.

AH bdggtge, boa had b»ck work
for said road «boaId be left witb
Office 239 Stete etreet. teleidione 3. All oiden left with m*
will receive proiopt attention.

Grind Sipidi




iow and BqaalixaUon.


Wo *rleb afain M eaU tha attention
F oar readers to the ratarn vtelt of tho
ra E A A Cb.
Physieiaw who ha<
already tiiepmi so wall and tevorah

« .h. K,rd';

*r plvs*v Ivs'v *l Revo






«WK»-of .hv Columbian Flrc.Proofln*
Mr*. 01*d« r-mair.. ai the pa- Tbe council of Travers* Ctty Ordain*•ompkiiy >.-*lvnI*y fell a dlsiyncc ofltlvni's bedside. The aricndlnc physl-,
Kwncy l.-i.\o ics aball be washed
more than »0 feet with an e^vaior In vlan said last evealnx: "ll Is a stranae 1 on the sidewalk on Krant alrast and : mid cR
1 whvn Iaddiviaed In Etmliah ! Union street in the city oi Trathe buildlne no* under oobsiruvlluo: r*< i
4, and ooBUnn* io session four*vUy, Mis. B P HruSte^______________ Jtutp
n‘»iun ItTiarf romijanj; on a| UI*d»ione murmur* s f»w word* In City. Hlcblda^ tar te^i any ice hs
•trvel One man wa» InvuAlly killed, I French and some times seem* to be ti
so placed while'bclaf handled, washed
Six -.1 her* have rinoe died oriJjriiJn- >n« to pray In French.
Juric* and th. n- l*Ver>- little hopeTor I
bas had very eertnu* altacks «f <dirt, filth IT water from the a
the rr-*-»very of the other man.
the heart since yssierday evenin* and I...
natil 4:0U o'clock p. m. Any
Mrown. foreman «h' Te ha* been almcether very rapid Iwalk <
persons deslrlay
o may apprar I "'"'JT
' Str
for ih- Hre-n-ev-nre ev-mpany. Put,, failure He lie* partly uncSn*rlni
at teB meotinr 1
imiw .his. her I i7i'R-vik>m> Kooits u
bury. Pb.' MU hs-I Crlffln. uf PH, htiurg
BntTio.t :.—Anyylolatloi
ssid rolls, end ^
hosr* st lit park
Mas* JVmisrn Ehinrao. Bruno Ssmnfdioanea shall le pimlsbed
)d hy a fine
ofF! may show cause. If any exists, why tbt
co. t.irWirde Cardsinene, Henry Hsrtvs ($5) dellars and costa,.........
not to exceed iv#
I; valsstlon tbsreof should «e
be c*
Vev snd Plelm Pune.
. rosecotioB, and
and in
in the
the impaailion
of probation,
of : and^id board shall decide the sai
> Iteee Net Bettev* It.
Parlet Boyle. nii*lstaiit foreman, had
fine .nd
and e»...
costa Ik-n^ks
the conn
h Be.
A. W. Rktuou
- May IS.—Ex-Pvnstor W.
Ljr Call at IS) Pari
bnih l-cx^crijahed and will probsbly
I a forther Mtence
tet! ogendsr be ■
I'atbhui 1 d.*-* nut believe th*
imprison^ in the city prison
jsii sf Grand Traverse county uoU'l Orand Bnpitls Bomld or Dsnsoenu ronialB.all abut
CoalMlneoa Flee.
nrprescnled In Chins
each fins and costs be paid, provided delivered for lOe per w«»k.
wanbliBOlbotb ■
Che (-ontract for bulldlnt a
Kanlick. Pa„ May 1« —Fli wssdliIbv rrvat victory
that the term of each'imprlsonmeot
Rn tf
covered vewerday *flern,mn In Mope 'railroad belwc-n Hankow and Canton, ahall
than notexeeed
Bot exceed thirty
thirl (SO) days. .
Lev aiKl Icadl
Kn I. a larce aitlhracit,- coal nlndhe- B* h'l’lt since rfhsndnned ail effort to
A M. B Ooi
eccnos 3 —ThUordioanee sUu uke I
- •
ujos.'ibr iBtvrp 4 l^vr (or rote
IK lojthe 8
«I lore-1
•»**'h • ri-nlravi.
egecl la twenty (SO) days after its pub-1
Tbe M. * N. E traios Iteviny Trav- Itbrv Is Ui* hall, of Coaarsas Tb« ervai
• Thfee U:
tryv sir
SOii lar«v *arw>; lua
I erne City st 9:3.'. a m. end 3;40 p. m.
ewkv knkw
- f-nv-d Inlc
10 the
"e do hereby eenlfv that tbe fore-{coaoevl si CoprmUb with tbe A A A.
-ant wncr: oaly tlTf,. Kach
To tak* aSset nasasy, Jan* 9,19r,
UId Km Raa Iste a Mrsnxe Iterbar Icnor- roinr erdinanee was passed by tbs J B. R for Arcadia. -TbeS:40p.m train
oaeii of tbs city of Traversa City on ; else connects at Ugekains Jaoclion for
aal of II. HefeaMS.
i.: karvm for at<oi.. k> I
tent of Hv- dtiiiiByv camiol yet be asOaeksina. Through Uekets on aaia
day* c-redllr (rrurhl
hr paid;
paid octet frw. Wrftc 'CIneInnatl. May
WlUlam tbe 9te day of May ltl9».
c»ri*it,.-,l. Tl - T-'-e iF ihe isncest aed
peaj Addr-.., Thr Nall
allaaaJ Book Coorvrs. I
W. W. Sumi.
04)010 KOKT8.
Dvp,. is. taDrarUon, MV* ... __
most Importeni In this swtiun -"S em­ ’Dubvriy, an uniliboli«lsi and enluoioA. W. RicaxkD,
U«l«l. who in the ini-reat of a i-ncd ha*
ploy* Sri) men
Bvery atnevr
City Clerk.
U 19 16
Iraverwed the tuur uuarlers of the f1oIk>
Muaical Coaveat
tad has achler>-d a repuutlun as farTnesdsy sod Wc________,
„ tbi* week »4 Wa.bia.-tM, -ire-t.____________________
Vew B«nte to Ohiaago.
end next st the M. E. ehnreh. at T?ao p. ^OB KALB cboai< lot "oj. Mock l« 00 Wok- '
Ana Arksv |> m Bad DsfstU Io' raavhln* as bis traiel*. has Jusi rva«drr~v. Da. r C. B.u,
tuined from thv Philippine Island*, via
May llth,
inns, a
Note readioe. *1;hi sioslnr. voice
m ihaic .trvet. Xlkkan. Ii
H<-UK Kune and San Franelsnu, In rest teroogb car line will be estebliaked
Ann ArUnr. Mn-h, May P-MIchlRsn
a year- w ith his pan n;* In Mount Au- between Chicago and Graad Rapids,
R C|,AU rrkBAkK. Director.
nvidipum, this city. Ills latesi dlptlni-tlcm operateti by the (irwkd Trnak Eaifw*v :„___________
- ---hie Vs* In succvessfully paasine the Span- system and tbe Grand Rapids A indi- :■-*»• B. E B, Snamw ExearaioBB. •
i> 3. lllinniB stored first*
I cuatnms umcers 1
BBS Kailwsy. via Vichsbarg.
Traverwe Cit.v te Maalsteeon dnadav. I Vorka mu
Trains will an-lve at and depart frem I May ssnd. and every athar Nandar
. rxwuoonu
KKK wasted- '
' throwlnx
Dearborn steUon. Chicago. This slat-. thereafter. Train* leave Traven,* City A ctj Lumw-t
Oasis Otwva..
tow’lni; are ih>- «liinrrsr 100-yard dash, nf ihvir artnaidvnt fmm Cor^ul Genera: Ion is on Polk street, between S:3ii a m
Rstomlng train* ieav* 1 i.'------------------------tn^fOT
W*Mftl. MIt-hleso. P- ..yui,.l»; KO-sHnl William* Io Admiral Gerrse l>ewvy. ll and Clark streela, iaooly three blocks, ManWteeat 5:40w m. Usual low rate*,
dash. Thnms*. Mi-hit;.n. :: 1-:. ac-vii.j*. w as a danjmr-uji pr««-.-<llnf. but Ikiher- souteef ths PoiloOce. and near the 1 Uonnd trip fare sat more than »l rs) for
440-ysr'l lun. T.-u-l. WP luyi.t,. tl ).£ 'ty 1 arn—l ll i.i a *uc-c-wfiil accumpllsh- dowrn town basinss* and hotel districts [any diatanoe.
TickeU guod oaiy on ^CTtKTKn-r.i
IbterlarWa ..........
niar's Swlleb..........
eeconds; haJf mllv run, Hayv*. MIchl- ni.-nt. Arrivlnx at Huiur K-tm etay In Other railiamda ..•ing this *tation are I day of *alo and not transferahtw
1 **
*an. 7 » 4-;. Hill,- run.
i*Hl. Ml, hiym.
hr dvllv.-rr.! thr supremely
^Ison. Toj^ka A Santa
Sante Fc.
Fe. Waheah
Wahtah !|
F. A. Mmuku,
[ -lur:
d;41 :-F, mile *slk. H•e•1■>'<]. liun t., |.,r-ani pa|wrs t-- Admiral Dewey on
Chicago A Ftestern lUlnois. Chicago,
Generall'assengrr Agent.
hvr. >000 u. loat 0.1
Ttat 9-S; llo-yard hurdb >
M-I.,aii, t>l>i,ii.i*
Louisville and Erie. ' H. W. CrKKiXHHAK Agent.
«ar« ^^rty. rrdcraood
a s 11
Vlcblcan. 16 f-.t srv^nds. :.'<i-j*rd hur—----------No tranafer will, therefore, he 1_______
Hauh's Crosalag.
die*. M. I.ran, Michleao. M 1-t seconds; '
sary for pnasengen te or frem tee i
mRSlNBP NUnsB-WIastalslIv Hnlroab. a Travsva* tmw....
half mil-hli j^, 8pn«t. Uli-hican.l ll:.r Washtnet-n. May U—Tbe lorpedh- above menUuned Udm.
A rradaaivof ib* I'alwsalir Boapital. Ass
Arpor- wUl reapooC to rails for saralax. 81
dlwus Ihr-.w^oran. Illinois. Hi* fr, i • b<;;.i M. K-r and thr auxiliary torpedooportentateUons on thU thraugh 1
Inrhrr; runnlne hlich Jump, n.iurnoy. *"»* d-KTru>ir Vankir.n were placed In
Itee between Chicago and Grand
aoiMo noffTB.
Mlrhipan. !■ Ir-t *,.tk tnehrs; thtwwm*?
at thv .\„rt„ik navy yard.
M-puund hummer. Van Oven, lllloulai l->'-uirnMnl C. M Knrp|w-r I* In com19 fe-i S Inchss; rutlinx It-pouod shut.!
‘be M.^- and LJeutensm J.
Remember that I do all kindsa of'r
14 Inche*; nm-1 ' - Adam* Is In 1 --mniand of the TankXrebr, ...........
Mii'hlnn, ■■
Theeqaipmsat aned inpreriding tela
And enatpslfng, and that
tt II c>
I. Russell.-Mlchlxan. 21
Thr criil.-r N. w.rk-sill »o
irvios will consist of new standard And do give yon tee best work of any
commlml-m at (hr Norfolk navy
•atibnlodday ooaebea, Fallman buf-:PA*
the eity for the money.
Sslurdsy. hut may nut be enUrely
>l parlor ears tad tee latestdeslgas of! ** deoelved by wbst others tell
ready for ban Mr two week* yet. Cap­
coBtrary,---nllmta wide vesGbalsd. gan-lighted. tee
-------------------------tain Albert B. llaHter. now a member twdve^sect^ dnw^ raom sleeping yoarself.
Madrid. May H -ltl*snn«uncrd asmi- ef tee naval atraieiric buenl. ha* been
I fasrai
cars. It U believed that tee ebaractar
dSclBllr that thr reconstructed obtlort Mrixmil to the command of the New.
and 4f
>t prcT* ee I make
msri* awitek. .
will be mode up as follows; Minister of ark. and wlU Julo that vessel on tbs
forelfn orfslr*,'3>-ua y Castillo: minis­ tlM Inst.
Mof in Ull 8 o'eloek every evtaliig.
ter of wsr. l.lrni. nHM Qrnrral Corrm;
ixoept Snnday. la the Cbldwelt A LoutnlnWer of marwr. vice A.Jmtra: Bat­
ter: minister of. the colsnles. Oamaso;
xnlntsier ef finance,
base ball records made yralrrday by
terof Oielntrrinr. Capdrpun: mlnIsteroC tee Leeftw ctgba: At New York-Wsshytistice. Grotsard: irlnlsirr of public In- Inet on A New- York 9: fsecond fame)
•traction. Romero Ginm.
Washlnrton lA New York U: at ChU
ctao-Cleretand i Chlcwco U: at- PlusKo Ctaajre Is the Otehosh stHta
bur*-«l. Lout* A ritubarx «; *1 BosOshkosh. Wis„ May 11—Th,-re ts ne
chaarr In the woodworkers' strike here. toD-Brooklyn 0, Boaton It; «t PbUadelphls—Baltimore t, Fbiladelptata I:
TBs Disnufsi-turers say that the sink(second Baine) BsJUmora 11. Phlladelera* place* win net be filled for ths praphis J.
ent bat erantnally a day win be set
Western Lbsxue: At Detroit—Hln- To ^era af drays and backs: *
U loot tea aaudl kma*. flso tecaltee. Mb strvst. eas b* hoagbl forWA
far them to return to work or lose their
All Ileauee for tee prteent fiaral
aaapolls t ^troit U: at Cdombap•e toot te*. rood CwalUnc. Fora wood. ■» down bod IM per moelb until paM lor.
placea TDc unloo took iaJ« new mem­
dtiktad pMble sad moot
&ans*a CItyV CMumbna 4; at IndlaaMa^tkrrvwUsasonlbaMwvattroatkeeltf. Lead good. wolT wsMtod. foang t
bers MsmSay gisbt: An offer of aostst.
I A tDdiai
I- •: • U abtalMd tate the Wty Clark hafen ehard.-thtelsabortwlmteros^njaa
•MS has bsss racrired from the Max-Jew* Exxwe.
Me U.
»Hacr*almU*w*at.sUteprov,ot,wlllbaanl4lBSasptees«r«lvteodtesaH. Lsoktt

:s IS,



fn<r*teii »

tt iisiKR ar.



' inCHlOAX TAra' TEE

$20 “i


Bicycle Riders.







!S::i 'li:::

With Bari, the Jeweler.

Hastings' Real Estate Agency.

ap. OtesrM.f^,m.rad.8rahteteMrata ,

JMlasTSssk: Fb«»l

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