The Morning Record, May 28, 1898

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The Morning Record, May 28, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Second Tom—No 8M


TWO FBIffS otiasto.
IMU.U mndu.d w Ui.

.f tb. TbM Msuw.■pMlal Kr tM Ifaaoe Baseai):
Key Wat. May iV.—la the Oalted
Stata eoart taiday Jadfe l«eke raadered deelaloaa la the eaaa ef aia Spaatob atamera alaed darlaf the flrat
MAT CLSAS mrSt TSOM **Sdaya of the Cahaa Woekade.
laeladed aaeaf the nat ralMble
iiM' Sehlar Omt DlapotekM prtoa taka eiaa the war. the ChtoBrea Off OJ*»fu«r>t Sol Their Uaa aad Miraal Je«a were raleaeed.
QbvMter to UmreTioled-BeheTW ! boto
aad arfoa The Pedro
0«T»r« to At Beatuco Bat There to ^
ere eeadeaaed aad farBo Oftctol IstWBBetiPB Tet Oe«- felted, the I
a Vatara aad Paaaaa
«ei>lac SpMtoh aqaefftoa.
■d aad..ferfeited. The
•rMlel u> Tei Mearae Rac«a».
Carte of Baeea Va^fara helaf aeptral.
Wartilaffh*. May tt.-A BtopMeh I the property waa teatered te Ue owafiva the-aortheraeoeat ef Oaha. via er*. at it waa ptolaetad by Ua preaiKey Wat. aye: At tea o-eloek Eat deeVa preelamatlea. The qaaatlen of
atffht the Delphla ran aloBfa^e the
la’a earfo waa takea aadar
Aivahip New.ToHi. The a«o»a«>4er hdriaaetaaL
«J the DcdphU akoated threath a aar
Tka ewaete ef the Pedro. Qeldo.
Baeaa Vaatata aad Paaa«a threarh
aodore Sehlay to the eeaetaadw ta Ualr atioraaya. hare filed ^aotlee ef

T«AS XB arxxx rmm iiraAno*
▲T t^T 09 WAS.



*PP**>Behley-a i



nlte aa he eald." wae the reply Cap■paauh Troep* U Heraae Oeihd Bor
^e (Sadwlok ef the New Tork fa**
Thiei«h-toeU Varurded
SlBM he he^ ef Ad»ira) Oarrera'e
Tampa, ria., May tT.-MaJor fimiU.
arriral at Caraoea Saapaea haa repeat­ Ue iMdm ef the eapaditioa U Oomm'
edly eald ha hellerad the Bpaalarde eamp. haa jaat relaraed from hto aeeweaU fo U 01
nd f^t ef fire deye at BaTnaa.
Te pMre that thb Aaterl^. U>lral
Be aaya that eappUaa are laeUet
ealBMtettre the
throBCh Ue email porta that are not
he mafht. the fellowiaf auy be dlThe troope are aappliad.
TBlfed: *-Whea the ehtpa of Sehtay'e hat'Ua eemmea people ere la t***t
41rMP> **«r*
eadw Saapaae’i ordeca. the adiqiral
There are troepe at Baraaa
•at thto aicaol M Cattala Philip, ef the
add Uey haliem that Uey eaa dmtroy
Tacae: ‘Ten m folac to aah the I
Ua Amerloaa fleet
iarda aad food leek U yon.'"
Oeaarai Qemea aad Bedrit»er *re ImBlue then the rear adaiial haa haee
aOeatly awaiUat Ue eomlat of Ue
iiTi'-'-r afeead..B*rely.M raorietlM Amerloaa army.
e«d aa preeaoUeaary Baeanre..
tlforentbly hellfTed Behley wonM bot­
tle the Bpa^torda either pt. (ken'ti
Beef Ooate 9AfiO Per Peaad-OUerBaattoc*. bat took all meaaarea te
to fltlU Baohaated.
fwrdMfatoat a poBlhle eraaiea by Ue
Opeelai la tbs Moanae Xaoeae.
eaeay, aad aay attempt to laahe
Beat Kent. May I7.-The Caltad
epaa throofb aa eaatera er weeMra
SUUB aaxUtory t«*beat, Zaaflro.
moaatlag foar t***> baa Joet arrlred
WaeblDfton. May n.-Lohf Uw* here frem Manila hariar ea hoard flapfwee far Ue Vmrlna' aitro fel^Uae tala Orldley of Ue eralaer Olympia.
;>«*rtrldrea hare heea ordered r^ed
Ue flecehip of Bear Admiral Dewey,
BeUeyh fleet Leaf time fite' i
aad twe effleate who here heea larat^ Mly by Ue dypemlte finite idad. ne.altaaUoa at Manila to anthe parveee ef exptodlac Uella afUr abaafad. The larttfento
. they lie apea the hotUm. aad UeBa Beef eoita ta.iO per paaad at Manila.
ayeaapleded aa Ue heUem ealy U
The report Uat Ue eommaader of
pMe ephaaeriae mlaee. It la bellerad Ue BpealU faahoat Callae wee tried
Ue Vaeartee to to elear Ua ohaaaal by eenrt martial aad shot for aet flrUf
iaU BaatlMO h^hor la order U let oa the Amarteaa Ulp whlU mpured
«ae of liUleyh beata ally la to aee U Ue Callao, to aatrae. The Zaafire will
letera to Maatla Monday.
The ada^ttatlM to vary aaaknm
aboat Oeetna, alao la Ua maalt
-dlliteaoe wlU whldi the aewapap
porun ooBtisae U he caaraMt
Barai effieera for aewi.
' Borne naval man fraaUy my Uey ex­
pect to tel Ue firet eeUeeUe
from Ue eewepeper.
It is alM stated today that Oaaera)
miea win aot g* to the froat aow aatill be baa laspeeted the irarioaa eae
malaaa defialla aews of Carrera arri'
Aa It aUodt aew. Geoeral Milea axpeota
te laipaet Camp Alyer lomorrew. Uea
Chlekamaafa. New Urleeaa. MoblU,
'end Tampa.



Safreepeadeat ef Leadoa'^m Took
Loaf Obaaoee aad to How U Prtoeti.
jtoeeibJ M Tae Koeaies Eecveo.
' Key Wmt. May
P. Kalfht.
ef Ue .
Timm, who. Sanday alfht. wbea mma
milm off Havana, was lowered ever Ue
how ef a dtopatcb hmt and rowed
eUore la a ua foot UiS. has heea
Urowa lau prtooa aad to aew in Cab«Bae fortrem. Alexander UoUaa. Ua
Brittoh eeaeal at Havaaa. haa lastitated piooeedlBfs ter hto relaaee.

Olhralthr.'MayST.—Tbewaiehlpa at
Ctodto formint the Bpeatoh teaerre fleet
aadar Ua eommaad of Admiral 0amnrffAAioB or ovba dbrsssd Bta. are new ready far departare.
WaUUftoa. May 27.-^Tha reperted
e^loatoa at Manila, mitof Ue wraeklatefUeoraiaer Baltimore to not yet
omftrmad er credited hare. OSdala
UlakUataomaBllth'teeoidaat to pee________
irlwtea. s. C.. May *7.—The


Noosenlt Witt Nis Cowbtfs
agf His Sii Nnifml Sim Ilfills
.Conid not dteaU any more stir than Are we vitb '
oor cheap Wall Paper Wd' bare jost reoeiredanother new atook, and there ie more that wiU bo
here in a few days We coold not keep enoogb of
it We Anil now have enongfa for all, bat it woald be better to cemo
with the first so that yoo can have the beet aaaoitment to aoleet ifoa.

230 Front Street

aad eaUad for Key Waat today U aet
mmedere Bemeyh Bafehlp.


to Mothiat Kaowa or Serealed by
ITary Departmeat flehley Did Hot
It to ewlBf to U« froeadtof ef Ue
Bead HeUUOerraia Trader PUf Of irm which faratohm eleetrie power
>r Ue pramm that the BxcoaD to tote
apMlel tsTna Moaairs a^bD.
WaahlaftOB. May »7.~The prealdeat
Ime decided aew U flfbt Oarrera flrat BXOKBSATBB CAW. ■.BT. 00.
There U bo traU la Ue report Uet Oeraaerto /ary at Aldea Paaad Oaa.
Sehlay aeat a aoU to Carrera, aadar a
T. Kalfht wee XUIad by Aoddeat
flar at trace. ________
Aldan. Mtob.. May »7.—Tbeaoroaarto
Waehli^tea, May >7.—dfter today's }ary which leqatrad Imu Ue dreamee ef Ua death of UMifa V.
eahlaat meatlaf it was aeUoritaUrely
Kaifbt who wee killed by a frdfbt
•tatad Uat while Ue faverameet
train hare e few daym Ofo. readered
ae oSelal Information aa Ue eubjaet their rardtot tadey. le aabeteaee it to;
« no raaeoaeble deebl that '•Wa, Ue Jary. fled Uet Ue e^
Cerram'e fleet wae la (toatUfo harbor Oeotfe T. Kaifht eame U htodeeU arr
tally oa Ua C A W. m: railway
aad Beblay wee oateide Ue eatraaee.
laaaarata (be railway, trilamea,
The fover^meat will m^m no tmparmere or ebaafo ito plane la Ue
_TSem who fo to letoadXake an Ue
loe ef direct eeaflrmatioa ef Uto xoeialce Saadey are edvtoed to take
ofieialaaareaa Uwaealeeeui
ilUe Innnbnia aleaf at It wUI bs ImpesslWe lor Ue eem^y to aatortolB
Uat aay movemeat^af^a^ Ctoba
Parte Btoe will be Mid la pbeyaaee •e many of Uelr Meads at mem
aatU Ue Bpeatoh fleet l•^49tooyod
readered helplam.
WaUlBftoa. May rr.-Thara to food
raaaoB M believe, from a atratefle
paUt of view, Uat mare cam he folaed
by Ue Spaalarda belaf heUlad ap la
Saattofo Uaa to aa aaof
wkiob. Uoarb it waa’A laealt la vieUry for Ue Amerieaae. mlfht have
Baited la eeme damafo U ear ahlpe.
New York. May f7.-The Mall aad
Bzprem Key Wmteerrmpeadeat laarae
aa Ue bmt aaUerliy Uat Oerveta to
BOtat Saattofo. He to eald to have
left Matarday. Two moralaf aow^iapers k«o have private aad reliable adTlemto Ue mme effeot
Key Wmt Nay t'—A SpaatobetmmUlp Uenfbt to be aa antlUaiy eratoer.
wasaifhted by Uetlaitad Statee whr.upe WUmlartaa end Baaeraft fifteen
ssilm off Ray Wmt last alfht. At Uat
aeoonats Ue straafor waa helaf ehaaed
by Ue l^orefi^ Op aoeonat of Ue
appeaiaaoe of the veaael Ue belief to
frewiaf that Ue Spaatoh fleet hat eemped tram Saattofo.

Tacked an to the Seveaae
WaUlnfton. May 27.—Seaater Lodfo'
has totrodeced Ua Hewelisa ea
Moa ameadmeat U Us war rovenae
hill whiU to eUll before Ua as
Senator ToUer talked qaite e wbUe
eoaelodiaf hto apeeck of ymUrday.
He wm failewad by Beaoter OeekreU.

taqaliy ae U Bow Baited I
WlU Oeaclado Peace.
Bpcei.1 to Tbi Mossns R»xsj>.
WaUlafUa. May 2T-Informatlea
Xmrfe Priatlof'Bouse Dmtreyed with
a Dom ef $8fi0,00D.
bee been racalved to Ue eSeet Uat
Man Tb^ BeTO Seaa Bervlee.
arisJ to Tas Mowras aeceea
Buropma pewen desirs to learn from
•pmOsJ w is* Hoeane RrasD.
Uellae. Texas. May 77.—A hlf fire to Uto fovmameat hew Ue Ueltod t
WeUlaftoa. May 77.—Bvory hrlre- rsfiax in Ue black oocapled by Doieey
wUl eanriede peace wlU Spala.
dler-feaeral appeiated tram elril
: a Ce , prlatere. The fire to epreadiaf
today has bed jffevtoas mUltary exper-1
tones. Half of them served la Ue late | wall, have fsUee. baryiaf a aamher at
war aad Mveral are BOW brifadiara is
At •,;S0 tb^oee Was aetlmated
Ue Bstleasl faud. t
Ue Outer WorlA
er .three like between and aad Ue
Captain Elaf. the aoveltot, jOordoa of fire was aUll spread Inf.
■ whiek
Key Heat. May 77.—Tbs
Ceorfto aad Cwrfe Oarrataoa ef Ohio,
were repertod oat by Ue Marblehead
are old Hmt Poiaten.
aad Naakrille before Cieafnfoa toto
The Hat of epiwiatem iaeledm Oel. Shsllod Afaia by the Orutoer Marble­ week appear to be worktof afato.
U to p^ble Uat Uey may kavs eat
Henry M. Deftield ef Detroit. Col. fnd
Ua dummy mblea, whiek were told by
43i»at ef New York, end a dmaa eUm ^mlal u Tbs nuwuas aewiaa
Kay Hmt. Hay 17.—A report ha. Spain farUe parpaee ef deeaptioa. labean reeelved Uat the eratoer Marble­ sued of Ue i^alarwarklaf eablae.
Merrtot U C
head haa Uellod Ue bloekbeam aad
Baa Praaetoae, May 77.-Geaeral Mer­
farto aaar Ctoafaefoa.
Arthnr MarrU's SliUday.
ritt haa arrived bare aad tuU eharfa
UtUe ArUnr Merria srat six yeare
Waylarfln aPaeetieaa. .
•1 tka troope aad Uelr emherkailoa.
«, MeyiT.- moral Weylar mid eld ymtordey, aad was hoaorod wlU a
^ere to etUl frwatWeable balaf ex­
party by bb mUa trlsadn AU had a
aeat U Cuba he
todayUatlf hew
food time aad ptonty of aim Ulan W
it may he Urm weeka heteo Ue aee- weald Uvado Ue Daltad Statm aad mt. aad whan hto Meads left ArUar
ready to start.
vras rlaherby aevaial pretty ptaemto.
«ad expafltttan HiU ha akU to start.




Big Bargain.
800 pairs

UdiRS Tan
Worth $1.96. SfllA prioe

186 pairs Isdlsfl flue Oxfords,
pointed toes, rwrolAr $8.00
shoes, sale price $1.96.

low Price Shoe House.

and Sundries.
I have just arrived from Chica.
go with a new lot of Bicycles and
New and second hand.
Tbe cheapest place to get n i;ood
Bicycles from ll&OO to $25x00.
Call and eee the bargains.
N^ ^WbeeU and Tandems to
rent, mt

lit Deloe Si. Repeif Works.
ri. E. GIBBS.


Pieeos end Orgees
treiimfintoUe to
wnrM. lomtod 1---------nkore No 72S Fmnt at. Tm
N. K. 8TBONO. mnufw.

HoUey & OomuldS

Cheap Wall Paperl
A new Use Jost reoslwed at

From 6l9c up.
See onr window display for some of the styles we show.
New desigos—lowest prioeA
Whether yon want tmrtatne, dnperiee or osrpetA to re*
fomish the house, come here for them.
Pricee that will save you money.


Reliable Dry Goods, Car^t
mad Clothing House.

ExAmloe the good work
and floe eanplee


Oor BemoTAl Bela is showins oai good* with 4 roih.

While the nwh Iflfltfl we firiU


A Sneond Gall Te MoHint
We wish to call yoor etteotieB to the bet that we he^
many bargnins left in coildren'e dotbing, Botwithstsaduig that
it bis stoM n terrible storm in tb« Iset 10 daya We are Sound
to close out tbe last soit, and have made a aeoond cot in oor
child's anit department

A Rgeglat Sligehter ii Prins as it Were.
Childs 13.00 fine Jeraey anit, second cot prioe.................$1S8
Childs SS.00 Wool Cnmimere suit, seoon^nt price......... $1.60
Childs 82A0 Baefer, stylish suit, se^nd cut prioe.......... $1.88
Childs M.OO all Wo^ suit aeopod ent price.....................$1.47
Childs 83.00 OUr Weave suit, aeoond cut prioe.............. $1.18
Lot of odds end ends, will eloee ost some for 60c on the
dollar. And othare lor leaa. Call early.
. Going to lesve tbe d^. Fixtures, show cases and safe
for sale.

Front Street

• WsWet Koot

Children’s Clding

We hare accumulated within the last two yearv
about 150 children’s suits, running in sixes from 5’s
to 8’s of age inclusive. The only fault with them is;
they are not all Reefer style, but they are clean, nice­
ly tnade, good wool, double breasted suits. The de­
mand is mostly for the Reefer sniu now-a-days. We
have concluded therefore to create a demand for the
above mentioned accumulation by reducing the price
to about
We have divided them in three lots as follows:
Lot 1 consists of goods we sold formerly at $2
and over. We have placed them at $1.29.
all wopl goods we have soldat ^.50 and ovtr. All go at $l.s\
Lot 3 are a choice lot of imported all wool fab­
rics, worth from $4.60 to $5.00, have been reduced to


. The Boston Store,



sn KomHnra bxoobd.


niwwrtBi tfct ■ Mb ■pbimp tmm» M
OMiimw Vte mu ouc7
Tw«««ajr kftaTMMi tk« «nmttn
i«< tb«
ffeps. T Baim a» J. W. BAan
th« K. a T. M. m4 I. a T. M. of
ml M« Mrth« Mifthi«wC w to k«i4
U. told » •MlUf
v»tod pUm
ku for tto roNt. Sit Wto
aaarly flra o'aloek katora m oaUlae of
tto airaacomau waa eotoplatad aad
tod. ItoBlra

ban of Uaomtolttoa wata ahoaoa -by
tto ladlaa toior to tka araatof aad
Tto a«ean af tka aiiBaia|tlei
- lallay.
4 a* «to FmiOii M
A. O>0oaaar ia dopaty fraat
dor tor tkia diatriet.
BaaeaUra OoMlHao-Thoa. T. Bam.
d. V. Frtodrito, T. J-Boat. J. d. Moatofaa Mra W. B. Tkaekar. Bra. B. N.
Ftoaaea—d. V. Frtrd^. J. d. Hoatafaa, Praak Bamilloa. Ptaae Oafo,
Mary Jaiaaaaa. Ella Hatttk.




Ompuy M Itotartotoad Kaiy M


Chap fctoa Ulatoi Laka. May »«.Tto Bauah EiBoa won aada kappy
Ofato bgrruaatotor a eaU today fraa
Baulor MUUkaa ato C. E Buck, wka
mra rratlBad at tto kaalUy appearaaee af all aaaban af Ooa^y M^
Thlrty-toartk rariaeaat. Tbay om
with to aad ware wall totbfled wiU
tto taad. aubataatial'rruk wa rae
Wo wore kipkly bcaorod tkb aera­
tor to a call from Mra L. Bokarto aad daerkter Marioa, oa tkeir way
kem from a rWt to hor doarktor
dlieo to PkUadolphia-. They aetoad
with to ato looked ow tto eaap asd
'' s toraraUy lapreeaod aad tolartotOd.
The Tklny-ttlrd rorimoat prep
to Itoto Caap ^m today for Waabtorioa, but were dbapptoatod by tte
C BtlTLFnntE
toaekto to carry ttoa aot abal^; ea
Uuy prepared tkMr quartore arato for Watoto-a flub Bpeat da dflanaoa
bar al^t. Ttoy wm prokakly
to lataraotiar Btady.
d vary totarwUar prorraa waa riraa
We tore recelrad ao ordan at yet. 1 tte Woaaa'e Club yaatarday aadar
bat wUl' probably loare Taaaday or a laadaiukip of Mra. Jaks Pawlo.
•E L. 8,
Wodaeoday of aez^wook for Waablar The eabjoet tor tto day waa Oraak
Prtodrlek. C 8. Vadar. dotaada ttolU.
aad ttolr work, asd wltt
BrolyB Klddor. Mary Marttoak.
«ttor aaoay woe eaptarod today tkb prarraa the aaoraa af Oraak alady
Malta 0. r. Oarrar, Joa Eotaar,
dtot oil this Bormnmt mut do to
by Oampaay M ia tte akape af a blue
saaaad by tka elab liat faU wm ‘
Oea«»l BloMo'a pmy ond Ckarln Vadar.
raearsaaka. Qraatdaztarity waaetowa
E. Book. E. C Bofaa.
Idto piiiiMkiu of Oato. ww to load •
wkoa a bayeaat cbarfe was made aad
da able paper aa Pkidlas and tto
Lartow ttotoofcd Daltod SttoM ooUioi^ Ohariaa Praaha Mary itoara.
Parttaaas was rivaa by Mrs. 6. C. DeaMfoo tto loload ODd doolr^^voniy dla. toaa Slator. BoUo Mooa.
atowa by the rapidity with wklek tto psao. Mra Oarvor faltowad with a
Vada-J. W. MUUkaa. C. J.
« teeo o owrotoor !■ a Tot7 low
aaeay wae dbtotobad.
dasaripUoa of the worship of Zens, tte
8. Birdoall, Jaoaia Oriffitk, Alloa
We made aaatkar addltloa to oar eklof rod of tbe Oraeku. asd the
iadleotto that thia te m to a toak of Morpky, Clara Eoetor, Oiaea Cloatiar. uaiferae today to tte shape of hate.
famous etatue by wkitt to wm ropcM
Traaaporutioa—T. J. Boat,
«ratoar proportloM ttoa may »ooId
Cbptoto Helatoak loavoe tkb araatof eaated.
«a*0 to toliaro. HaTaaata waU forU>r Howell to moot kb wife aad aaa
A lae paper by Mrs W. D. TurBsr
C O. Skarwood. H. L.
Bod. aad wlUla Ito imolMta, or vary
aad the eoapasy wm kavo tto pleas­ traatod of Proaitetto asd kb acut
«1«M to. >■ aa anay of
Uko dltnadar Bobartaoa
ure bf eatortatotof ttea to eaai
Dotod werka.
r-Charti^E Bala. Prad.
140,0W Spaaiak ooldlata. Tbtoe. doTto papera woraiull of totoraettol
oarUor rdporU to tto ooatrary. Pratt. W.5T. FairokUda
d banlor eet
of t«Q0 aoa aoald
■nek eajeyod.
E Bollay. & B. Soawra. hardly
•fO topotlolly woU oqaippod aad
U toasd ttaa an toapod at ___era abe a reeltoUaa by Mra. J. E
ia jrood flckttac trim, aa Spaalarda Oaarfc Bdfar. Mary Bayaoad. BUaa- Camp Earn mirht. Baarty ekoan M^a asd a piaso telo ky Mto Mabel
totk Bekort. AUoa Moarao. •
WkUa tto latoWtoata
V. W. Baaitk. 9.
Salif tora toaa aaflartag far tko
Mbi Sprarus rove a UaMy tea ato»aat of tto aoea^iiaa of Ufa It W. Patokto. J. O. JokBam. J. W. Baaate talk ou rarrost ovoab ttat wm
•Ppmn tkat ' wtot tto aaaatao aoa. C. & Ckria, J. d. Moon. J. d. LorIblenod to wltt elooe atmUoa
laakad tora r*M to fattto tto anny U
elase to parliaaostary driU wm
feaap (t la food tris to soot tto W. IhonoU. Ed. Back. ). Partaek. Oa•aater HUUkaa aad^ E Baek aasouaced to aaot with Mra 8. C.
fmrtraai Baaldaa. faetorlao U Ba- ear riaake, Jaa. Barry, U. E ProaDeopraa sest week ^turdoy.
Spoat a Day at Xolaad Lake.
, dtoaa tora kaoa kapt koay mamafaptar- kMa. C C. Mato. <X Boaastkal. W. B.
Beaator J. W. MUUkao aad C E
Ilf Imaaaoa^BaatltleBof oauamalUoa Edaoada. dafsat Waiaalbarf. L. J.
•ad aappUaa tor a datorolaad oaa- Baddy.'a. W. Urkle. 3. N. Marttoak. Bask kave rutaiaed trato Ckap Batoa.
fllfa mtk aU tkoao adraatafoa. U. E 0am O. E Ooto. Ed. Wait. J.' Ulaad Lake, where they rbited tte Oiranlt Oeurt Voord Some Tkoa Ad•arortkolato It wUl to aa «ary dlSeall T. ■klalda. dlaato Poz. Dr. E L. dak- Uaaaah Biflsa bow Compoay H.. TklrJoursad Witkoat Data
m. Dr. W. E Mooa. Dr. J. E Martis. ty-fourU rerinaat. Mleklras volaaTto Clrenll eonrt ytolsrday adCroat tto aoa aad if Ooaofal klUea kat A. W. Bartak, E A. Bnaa. Ed. Paaaa.
ThirlBit wpy aa to tto tlaa of kU aray of
by. WUlard GaapbaU. W. J. Parker. P.
tolipM acy tto roaatolar os see upoa tto
ttraafaia. a akort, tkarp atroffle will
faoa dlarapt tto. Bpaaitb' aray. Bot Eyaolka. Joke Breitoa. d. A. MeOay. other oompaay as tte frauads. kett to The court raadcrad a dcebica ia favor
A. E Pryaas. W. P. Ootaar, C. d. kobavior asd peTMasel. The ^y« aro of tto plstotlS ia tto tas title
doatoa to tkia diroettoa ara mrtot
aad Uolc ra FoUoU.
iiiwly; aad aU oa aeeoaai of tto par* Barbae: EUaa Brbtol. Mary Barry.. oarer to fo to tto fraat asd while tto
The tax tlUe coato of Twaddle A
todiaii of Carrara to romtotof kid- Mary Braaa. Martha BroWs. Paasy preepeet of fx>m to Washtortoa b fa­
Bakbiaa. Emily Wlleoz. Jnle Beysalda., vorably rooalvod there are few is tte erase ra B. J. Heccaa aad of Straeaek
Cyra Eeaay, Letta Haska. Maiy Aakra
heard aad lakaa nsder
ipaay who would not ratter fo to
tos. daaUaCkakae, Ada Pope, dasa tte Philippines. The boya ara r«ii‘>r advbeasQl.
Blal. datoUa OoSar. Mn. 8Uca daaa am to eaap life aad ttora b aqt one
Ckaa Bollitoy tMm a kirb rf*de
Uillatt. Asm Delta, dsaa Basle. Barak who b aot ready lo rmpaad to tka toll
fadotoat. UltoBpaaiakdaetii atUl MeBaary. Mtoato Baitk. Julia Poa. of Csele Ssa at a aoaont-e acUeo. World bleydo__________
|1 tto torboroftoatlafodaCoha Uto Asm Baamsd. LUiie Harrla. Cbrria Thara has boos eoasiderable delsy ia
I kave bees a eutorer from ekreale
ia, a food «kaaM for Mr. Bollapd to
feUlac Bnifoim but these ara ezpecV dtarrOtfa ever siaco tte war asd kavO
tto tka ralao of kU to^tloB,
•d to be sapplied to fall is a few toys. used all kiads of aediciaea lor It. At
last I fouad aae remedy ttat has beep
a Jaataoeboaaaa aa^b Ithat
a sneecto as s cure, sad ttat is Ckaa• armft of tkat
ktod. if aBaoU<
beets aeUre werk aad U b already
lUW. eto
berlalB's Celle. Cholera aad Dtarrkwa
fliara tkaa aa oatiro Boatt oK^at^
rad tkat ttb will be tte la;
dUpa. Tto aatraoea U tka karbor^ frataraal fattartof ever eeoa to aartb■load toarUy. without doobt. aad b an Mlehirw- Aiready tto aoerotory Dell^tfuUy Eatarttiaod Last Vi;
by Pioftoaor 8rawa
reeeivod setieo from hlree
- da MTTOw aad wtodtof that It
Prat aad Mrs. C T. Craws es
to topanibla far a hoaUlo laat ta aa- tcate wbooo anrofaU aeaborahip b
about 4.000. There aru eUll aaay oth­ taiaed dblirhtfnily fast evesiar. tkeir
m. -ia tto otaaaaw
•at (ran kohtod by a atara troa baary er tarfo teals to hsar from, who will fuMU beisr 'the ■radastUf elaas.
of wusbados. Oorasay.
tottartM af arUllary. Carrara aay to notify tto aooretaryas to the'aaabor tweaty-aine ia auakor aad tte kirk

Cbeapeot aod moat reiubla fdaee to get

•fit in go^ ntooing order. &ve bad eev^ yean experience tnd
know bow
it abooldbef done.

............... gnarantaed.
.. ----------Sattofacrion
I am aellinE '
bic^ee enndriea at «l.
______ ___
New and aeraod band wheab for aala
and to rent. Pleaae give os a trial.
BlXtS.Sll Front tfL,l


MDW tbe qrt we



SuTOmer CerteVt. '3V comforttkVe

loo, st\A ebwV 7be

\B0Tlb 0^ \DttT. ADbaV more
600.V4 au,qwe adt \ml.

The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at


Hardware. 146 Front St.


•ltd they wfll lespect you. Give them • chance at die
ccenfort and cbk that cofoe from wearing S^Z SbOEE
and yoo will find that the respect ertoids to yom pockcu
hook, bmoae Sdx Shoes wear kwger, therefore coat lem
than otbetE



oae. as sooa as ttoy hold ttslr sebocl teachera. Tbe wide plsssas
aosttofs- dU tte todieatioaa ara ttat
this wm beareustortoUbnUea
laetoras aad the
U spaeietn konto asd
plessaat laws f'
aad va­
ried attracUoss lor the r^eata. The
Booal eSorta to make U oellpae aay pre­ eveslBr will beoBoef the pleaaastMt
vious evaat is tts kbtory of tto
marlae aaeaf the aaay the elase
will carry tote the future, of tkeir last
lo ekalraea of tto ooaaittoM wUl year taretker.
Tkaoo WUl ftoao dJaa
; Tseoday alrhl lo pertset plaas.
TtoBaaaahd Lay Morcaatflo Ox.
Tto ptoM of atoUar wm to aaaou
Q. EdLt
arm eloao Moaday, Meaiortal Day, l
tOa a. toAiSOp. a. which wUl fir# toW.
Tharatoy airbt s party of ofBelsb of
•U ito eaployco a ekaaee to attoad tko!
tto U. E d 1. raUraod orrtvsd to tto
mwebM of the U. A. B. T.
dty oa aa InspwUoa tour aad bofora
Emory Moody b to Ckkaca ttb Itovlsr yeatortoy diraetod C. E Mur­
arm elooe kb atore oallt aftar the ea- reek.
orabee. The SUto Book wUl eloee
ray. local araol, to tots tto depot and
SberifI Btoltoror of M^e City, <
Croo) to a. B. u t:tO p. a. aad the la tto city yeotorday.
frairbi kouss paiated aad otter iarint MaUoaal Bask will eloao at aoea
provoacau aade. amour Uoa the
(JaderskorUr Mortis Brom was
Cor tto rcaaisder of the day.
towa yesterday.
It of the
Mrs. JoBM of ThoapaoBViUo vbi
will be raaetolod and
The poitoftiM will oloeo Memorial
rnas asd
Mr. aad Mrs. W. C Naboa of Lotoad. bbod.wilh a eoverisr
. Oay from lo a. a to S. p. a.
asasstod with plaata Tbe laproverare to tto city yeetorday.
Tto Teaeken- AeeociaUoa will bo ia -Cosaty Bekebl OoaatitoloBor Beajats wiU he attractive aad odd w tto
oaeotos today at Craaca Ball
mlD of Lalaad. was to tto eity yniorTto price of wtoat ia the local aar- doy.
hat will to dropped today from »1.10
Mr. aad Mrs. H. ,S. HuU rotaraad
to Vooer of Kr. Bamaosa
Thnreday eveatof from aa oimdod
P. E dtraUe b tortoy kb barber trip lo the east.
L«Bt airkt CEarlM asd Lottie Bela
ahop paperad Mid repaieted. Oaotfa
Btortaised a psiV of flftooB at i
dldaraas Jahraat aad A. L.
%. Wtoala b dofaf the worE
drove over to Maple City yeattoday oa tpUoB to kosor of Rey Siaaoas of
Haary Brodhafoa b tortoy tto taad buili
Woodlasd, who has eoms to live to
yiaiund from kb armiaa woU star
Mr. asd Mrs. Atom Ltod aad ooa Travono City. Tto ovostor wm
dto aU rerrb bars.
bavo me U Dalrdit for a visit with
dU Baabara af MaPhanea Pot C. d. Irlaada.
l at their kail at
P. M. Zora. leader of the Imperial
rttosleotkisrs oajoyed.
toM, marrow aoralsf. 1
<a Cheboyraa, was Is
» at the M. E eharck dty ycator/sy rbiui« friesto
Hr. aad Mra. Praak I
Mrs. C. K. Buck nwrned last airkt
> of Ueir pretty asaaar from Jaekeoa, where she atlooded tte
;t work with E E 8Uv«
. “Saant CoUaye.'' at BaaUtoa
of tto Michlfaa W<

•bto ta bald oat for aontha. The foraraamt tboald aoeopt Mr. Bollato-a
•tor aad too U tka beat oaa
pUok that tor wklek it waa to
. If U eoa. a difBealt praklea wlU to
•olred aad tka aad of tto Hpaibh Boot
«U1 bo kaataood.

^tof Qraootoarek, willtooanla at
•to Oi^ Nowa ataad tkb mratof at
Oa-poral Balpb BaAtofeaf Ooapaay
m, Thlrty-faartk Bofiaato. Mtoklcaa
▼alaabaara. b to tto Miy oa a farioayk
•oaWthM paraata aad frtoada far a
day Wwatto dofartaia of tto «
■av far tto aona of aetm


Eobert Herkaer aad William Eiley
kSM up from Camp Esm last airkt
ba a furiourE T^ wm yutura to
caap Suatoy aoratof. Bo^bweratto
Most poeplo tovo a UtUo pattosea
full Called Btam uBlfarai.
me people kavo a lot. IfyoaratOoa
Mrs. Jadra Boberto aad daairtitcr
Marioa retamod last airkt fraa E Wtoato to kaar your paper. ye«
wea'l seed any, tor to oemoe whea to
Aim Itoy Stoppad ovar at Ulaad orraw to, doeas't wasto tto paper, aad
-fto ao more ttaa ottora.
Laka and vtoiod WlU. who b ip CompakyM..S4thraBitoaBb


OppOBlto Bi«l« OfflM.

Teacher of Violin.

make it easy for ns to fit yoo. Tbe
cost will be trifling bnt yoor oomfort


Ma«w s< atelBberr'. Orsto
irlnalac mSs,. Jua. Ini.»B 'nwoBs-llum



! Once More

: Has invaded the land in tbe intereet of humanity, and once :
more in the interest of those who intend getting

A New Carpet Or a Floor toering
o^’ -Aosrsr -k- i Nn->
We mention the fact that we offer the sest, have the :
: largrest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better eat-:
^ isbcQon than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Letns convince you.



By Whkk tin Rnuiv May Ba
JUila to BMUa Dp Admini Cwvara.'
l!*wi“,n«t •^rfiert** >a
iBpOrtBBt Fact ExistB.

W «<M <>■««** Cm
j. Mar n.-Ti
crere revived la Wasblncloa late laal


Cram the Bpaalarda Moot «< thM Eawa


creaust OB*
?nban camp.
There was no notice of hto eotnlnc. aad
the Bret eaen of Ueul. Rowr---------------I folk

from FlorMs. Re was warmly Brewed
by Ocaeial Oarda. and tbe two bel^ a
three houfe" conference. II was decided
tbsl Ueutenanl Rowan should return
that afternoon, and General Oarcla asslyned Oeabral Colliso and Colonel
Hemtndea. with three culdes. to ac­
company him. Colonel Hcrnandea aays
eommunkiaucni U maintained with Gen.
eral Oomet and with pointe atocc the
roast Ftom these he bat a teneral
Idea of the Cuban forrea. outside ot
tbw with General Garda at Bayamo.
them well
I conaUlu
the eastern dlvtohm of
Garda. He estimates General Gomec'
Immedlalp romrasnd at about tom. with
(.000 meo arattered at various points.
In aU there are. according to >be estl-

VAS n or VO


Weat. tna.. May


nem o( Uie Amerlcaa BquadroBB la Cubaa

waters reached




OMamodot* Brhley

U be-

Iteeed to be off BaatUco de Cuba to.
day, aad deOaite UtfDnnaUoa aa 4 the
asact altuatloB |a ao (ar as It aSeru
\ Admiral Cenrera's' sqaadroa


Wxpceted today.



Rear Admiral Bampaon to taa poaltion
to proceed «ulcUy to the asBlBtaace of
Commodore Schley with any or all of
Els ahlpa OB receipt of deUnlie word
from Commodore Behley. aad



aaiae time be remains within strlUnc
dUtaace df Havana.
It bowetrer, Cerataodore


Admiral Oervera bottled



eaallaro de Cuba the naval view to that
Et will bo permitted to flalah tbe boal.
pem at that point with the afaips now
wnder bis direct commend.
Madrid. May n.-li to carreatly repetted here that the Spantah yovem*
■mat haa ordered all tbeSpanlah atearaara from tdOO tons up. capable of ateamiBs a mialmiun of twelve knoia. to be
Irypremed as atixlllsry crulaera


commaadera at tbe vartoua

porta, it la added, have been lastructed
to lake ^arse of soch sleamerw. wbelhar maU boau or otberwloc.

actually la tbe field. It I* understood
that the purpose of the present visit of
Garda's officers to to tive that reaetal's
the authorttlrs
dr^rv to give every pnadble co-opera­
tion'to the American movements Sim­
ilar assurances have come from Geaeral
Gomes and have been presented by B*cretary Quesads.


fbofit to sfaiv.

Our Neckwear stock is very complete, and wiU soon be
added to by another large invoice “PuSS,’’ “Imperials,"
“Strings,” “Bows" and ’‘" We expect them
tomorrow. Step in and ask about them. IncldentaUy
you might see our new Hats at the same time. Some
decided novelties in the Hat line.

» roeelsa Mli»aee U Ftad a Way ••
• the laMattve — I

London, May 2T.—Tbe Madrid eorrespoadeal of Tlw Times says;
dominant Bole of public oplntoa here to
a desire to Ond some way to hoeoiaMe
Spala ^ bas
ladefiDlle floatation of hoatlUUea. AU
tbai France will inierreac. bow-

Usbi from Key Weal iniimatlBs Uta;
tbe bombanUBeal ot Havana la Iminl*


8bMTo B*E
I Encaging
tha Att
tha StatfBmtn
at Madrid.

fined upon tbe poaslbilUy that the duke
j of Almodo ar'de Rio, the new minister
of forelta aflaim. will find some Ottint
1 which to Ukc tha IniUa-

Tbe song roeltal anaouDced tor next
Meaday eeanlng. under auiploee ef
Gnee eburek, at fEe City Opera Bouea,
abould certalaly aMkct all our music
ilevera. Augusta Ohratroa-Benard. the
Bwediab prima doana. made a moat .

Tbair raeitals have oamplouty eaptarsd
aU bearats, both oast aad WML

la a general order Issued by Malor Gen­
eral Shafter. commanding the Fifth
army corpa Tbe Fifth rortia which

------- ---------- ,


I the I


-- >


Itohed in Cuba'^_____



By Uie Thags Vha Bobbed fba aapla Fa
Trals Last Tsesday.
Albuquerque. N. H.. May r —Under
Shenir Frank Vigil. D.puty Sheriff DAn
nustanente and an Indian trailer were
killed Wednesday by the two desperaOeo. MerAu at ban Feai..
Washington, May IT.-Secretary Alger
kes who held up the Sants Pc (•asseii.
.•ad General Mllea <onf-ned yefierday
Pan Prsniiatv. M.iy 27.—JUji.r Gen- per train last Tuesday. The two rffleera
1 with a number of Pueblo Ir.dlaii trail­
With two Olficers freen the staff of Gcn^
ers bad Burrounded tbe camp of tbe
Oarcla—General Rnrique Coilaio
L All future robbera oa Alamoaa Creek, Mxty-Ovc
■ad ^Qtenact Colonel Cbarles Herc.-menls of. the Manila expeditions mllea west of Belen. When the robbera
■ondcB—who come direct from Garcia's
be subject lo hto ordera He will were ordered to surrender they opened
E«adqusrten beariog credentials from
under Inatrucllons
from fire witb Winchesters with deadly efElm to effect a plan of ro-operailunwltb
fTTt. One of tbe robbers to thought to
tbe American forcea They accompanied
have been wounded Id the figbL but
XAeuteaaat Rowan, of the United States
both escaped, leavlngtbelrfaarsea. When
Omaha.. May 2 .-By a vote of u to the news reached Santa Rita asdtber
•nny. ^n his return from GkrcU'e
gampgand shared wltb him tbe danger XI the directors oi the Trans-Mliwlaslppl large poaae started Id pursulL
keep open
«r a two days' voyage In an open boat expnsutoii have ■ ■' ■ ‘
Hriklag Mtoets Raiara to Walk.
- Crem tbe nortb coMt -of Cuba until the galea of the expnrltloD an Sunday
Bpringfleld. Ills.. May X7.-Tbc sttfkpicked up by a amall alocp which rar- from 1 p. ic. to 10 p. m. In deference to
Xad them to Naaaau. OdoDel Hernan- the wtahea of some <>f the religious pe^ iBg mlBers at tbe Tayiorvlllt Coal «om«aa aayu OarcU bas bis taeadquaiiera at pie In Omaha and elsewhere It was de­ paoy’s ahafi returned to work yeaUrBayuiBB, one of tbe large towns Ib the cided after a long debate to cloee during day moralBc. tbe differences «vwtiog
•antral part of tbe WanA
" tbe forenooR. It was mggesled that tbe between them and tbair empl«rerB hav­
midway abould be closed, but tbai was ing back adjusted by mutual ssrbm

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


arlal work M oald to bo aasurpasasd by
of some'of tbe American srarshlpa aa ahy artkto., Amoag the daets to bo
being contrary
Cuban soil,
made up entirely of regu- also moved ibi
bum's Bbagarfaa Daaoa, airaiirsd tor
lar troops
r of (hecantaln of Cb.______
• the exception of two
&v1te. two ebicM by Vlardai Uarda. aad
unteerw si LakelandSevr
•vealy-firwt New Tork and Second Tbe mtnicter ot marine, Capiata Aunoa. kaasnCas tbs ‘•Oypalaj.” A dainty Tmipied the praposltlea. la Ue senate
saafolk aahgby Carrioiola. -A Flicbt
braces the cavalry division composed I Count
•tCioBda'' A speeial arraagsiDaot by
of tbe nrst and Tenth regtmenia si privateering.
Baaard of Kysna^ . fammu
Lakeland, and tbe Third.
. " The mtahMer^yorelga Mma.
Ninth at Tampa, under command ot.|aiialra Duke
(e AluodevsP"^ Rio, said
tbs graad duo
■ ry tbe matter wi
was Inopponun* and.'ouuld
Norma a»d Ocwtxo's ■■Blleat as atgbt''
Lleutenaal ' not be debated. Cuuni Almc<)^ bow.
. .
Insisted, but tbe president of tbe Tbs balaaca of tba pregTam to made up
ULOM men. The Seventh \ senate refused to allow the dlscuaghm

ballads of modsra
corps, under command of Major General | to continue.
w and aatloaal soagu.
Fltabugb Lee. embraces all the volun- {
rrepartog a Koto to the Pewetw
esbat ot tM day tbe artiata srlll roadsw
teer iroopa at Tampd. five rvgtmenu.
According to El Epora. the Conaervaand the troopa at Jaeksonvllle. or be- ! five organ, the oablnet couacl! yeater- a BBsber of pahriotte alia during tba
tween tOM and ».«C men.
; d«y, the queen regent presiding, dtoOeneral Lee's dIvlaloD to made UP as cussed three points. In tbe proposed
follows: First division. Rrigadler G^- note to tbe powers—Tbe manner of the
Joba W. VogelEblg ••Darkcat
eral H H. Hawkins, t'nlted Stalea vol- : bombardmenta by tbe American sq'
, ka” was givM ta StBlaberg's Graad
brigade, j r«n: the alleged use ot tbe Spanish

Po^il,. nd.
May 77, - CapialB
Uort>n. or th BrliUb .!• anier Fun>pa,
who arrtoed h
yestvrd^ tcom Ucata.
Bklly. re|.Tt
ml a»/1ir wa- lesvmg
the MeHl'-erranesn
was chased by a
Spanish lorteUo lx,
hut a. There was
labond hard, the Euroi« rsraped.

Cornwpond with thfi.Trareree City Lnmbsr Oonpany.

We have for Bale Good,

that a eablBei ertsu
can be ale eamea here witb moat es
averted. Captain Aunon. mlaisler of rafereaeaa and has had what
Firm to LU« wa CaSaa Belt WIU Peobwbly marine, declared In the ci
pi. wmOd My. a
that w'bea an importunity presented
self the cabinet would not taU to do
lo lu
lU I Tbs (wo arUsta form a aalqae. bot ad- j
.. May 27.—The f
bring about an honorablr
In Met. tha enly j
e regular and volunteer troops |
I. vn. ^.a. ....
oae iB tbe whole world jest Uka it.;

_ Waahlnrton. May r.-Secretary Lout
aald at the cloae ot oBce boura yener.
day that no word bad come from any of
iptioa Ue bast abow of ita
e cutting of later
the acooUas veeaeto ao aumeroua la
volunteer Infantry, Firth Ohio
Duke Almodovar de | kind ovsr givsa 1b tkla city. It haa
Went Indian waters concernlnc tbe volunteer Infantry. Second Georgia In­
> conferrad UBtil a tote hour last , bsa« Bald by able critiCB tkat tho DOgTO,
^ apanlsb flylof squadron, wherefure be fantry. Becond tnigade. Colonel Will,
Leon y Castillo, the —vii.
whole show \>y hlmaaif or
aancluded that Cbrvera was
torn MeOuerry. Thirty-second Mlchlgat
r 10 Pranev.
Baatlaxo harbor. Suppooedly Schley, is volunteer Infantry, commanding—ThlrT THEIR CItEAT Ol'NA
iplac ouuide wstchlnc the entrance to ly-aecond Michigan .volunteer Infantry.
prerent the ecresa of tbe Spanish ves. First Florida volunteer Inrancry.
Second division. Brigadier General A.
aels: bot whilt there to evidence of a
with -Esralieat Reeslu."
i|,|, aggrogatl*. which cartaialy eoa8. Burt. I'nlted States volunteers, comcertain kind on that fact there has maBdIng—Tbe First brigade, to be comMadrid. May r.-.Vews fr >m Cadis de- (
arttots of mma than elesW
beoD no offlrlal conflrmatjon of it. Thla
ided by the senior rolohel- -Is a tittle remarkable. In view of tbe
lasperaouata. oosblaad with
tact that H.lB only a day b run fur one Carolina volunteer Infantry. Second to All the s arahips at Caalt haveateam J
ie.n i „„ ^
constantly, and early
Wednesday |* ““*« goalua. makoa “Darkaat Amar•f Scbler'B *m-lft torpedo buatB from .AHgade. Colonel D. V. Jackson. Fiftieth
vnlunieer Infantry. comnrandli._
Saatlado to a cable port In Haytl.
imperador Ca^loa Qulnte left tne ‘
Bltraotloo of unnaual atresgtta
Fiftieth Iowa roluoteer Infantry. First : »,.eto
cuiioua lack
Wlwoneln volunteei^lnfantry.
r.inslst1ng a General Jacome. j the raialag to tho faUlag of the eortaia
■paper dtopatch boau
r BAD TO FIGHT FOR COAL, , ci.lef of the arsenkt: Colonel RaBchra.; ’Ittwae a ooatlhual aioriu of laughter
BBB supposed that tbe
< ml,
ailBht have cut out any Inlonnatlok as
ug and iDlenaely eatcrtalhlhg
Alert Tsoh Vlcraas Heasarss to of engineers, the caPlAln of the poi_____
to the whereabouu ot
I Other members of the lev hnlcal Staff
featoraa. Thors ars nearly fifty poople
why It should be done If Cervera ..
RaD Francisco. Vay 27.—A story haa I Three shota were Bred from the It- I {q (he caat
them eeveral
•Tiomed up- la a myatery to tbe cIrlUan.
jniU been told by officers of the I'nlted ■
C ana nano
f sgoeptl^l.
standlBg the officiaU profess Stales ship Alert, of tbe vigorous meas- t
Car- ; *“• »<»iOea afforda great p>aaaDrc while
ring mechanism, t^r Hmp
copfldcBCe lb their orlgluai I '‘'F* taken by the old cruiser
s Qulnt»b,'lngtbeoailyBiai hwsrshlp I lbs estlrc eaopaay form a eharua that
1 t^ Spaotab aquadroB Is fual on her reveni tnp up from South
furnished s'ltb these Impro'■vements | would put to abade many opera eomBanUago bar- AmerkA At Aii>tvul<o.aUexican luwnof
The trials were made by hand,
por mere is no ccecealment by them of which half the inhubiianu are F^'nlah.
panisa making half tke
horlsonlal, the others to the port and ,
aa Inlenae desire to secure aume abao- tpe rapt .In appIleJ to a steamship comstarboard at from U to W degreea. with BealtoUc plautatioa tocasa. rennlse
luiely iruslwonby iaformallon on that i t>any for coal. He was told that he
exceUent rVsulta. Shots » ere also fired ; aonlkern darkle aoaga Bad muaie lead
point. It to aot to be douhted that with ■ t-vuld have coal at the rate of (20 per
the 10 and H centimetre guna from I ^ charm la Ike show which leave
p question sOU
sdu open
beginning j| tun In
in gold, provided he i.
look It him- ,
runs and from ! ,
xe ,a .h.
Cl the mUltary oparaUons Is retarded, aelf. as. the ciimpany could
deUver |
m.trlalleuse, all I
impraaaion. tbe e
for as long as tbe're exists a p^blUly
excelleBt resulta Further iruiaj pan; to a Splendid hand aad meba
1 force being i
marine guart to protect the coal p^- .
*Crref»Gon to c
hoases wberavar
When they arrived at the wharf ' ^
bly ii-v
_______crowded with natives who at- I
It goes.
that Indued i
tempted to prevent the Ccal leaving the j
Bay. We'II Have Raesaa Is a Wes«Consnitat
WhRs H.
I London. Way 27—The Piirls correday l^t.
The inamtee cleared the wharf with I sponder.t of The Dally Telegraph rvBelow is a list Of Ibe having aad aall
LQhK. General Uilea snd the members a bayonet charge and then stretched a | pons an Interview he has had with Dr.
iBg prieea of yeaterday for groceries.
of the naval war l«>ard-Adml-alPicard. rqpe hcroaa. loaded their rifies and In- tUeunoes. reprw niaili i ,,f the Cuban
od farm pr^ucu is TravCaptain <->ownlii«hb-1d and Captain stnicted the natives that the first one 1 republlran guviinment in 1‘arip. Dr.
Mahan As stated by one of tbe mem­ to croie the rope would be aboi. After l Uoiancvs express,« the firm conviction
bers of the e.nfer.-n e ,he purpose was that ISO loos were l.«ded oB the ship ; that the wxt will be over s.v ner than i
to go over the wh . s|;u:ii|..n but what without further molnctstlon. PtwIimis | to thought in F7urope "Ttie Ameri.-ana" I
p ™
. they aald or did was -not for publlcabeen made through
bt says. '•» ill experience o difficulty I
sul to secure coal ffcm the government, landlcK trtH>ps. who win a< once ne
Abosl the New roll for Troops.
but wllhoul suic* ss.
Joined by Insurg-nts, who are much
IB tbe rush of niliiiar> ir. paratl<
aironger thso to generally suppised. Nor ;
Tbe rhlUppIse Eipedllton.
tbe war departm-nt ofii, inis have i
Is there any doubt IhJi It-ar Admiral
Baa Franilsco. May 27;—The IransImeD able to give much ailenilun
Sampson will strike a heay U<«w short- ,
of troops
tbe regulationa fur the pro jn-m.-nt oi , ly. The Insurge nts w. uld rather accept
tbe Ttoto|-volgn:.-,.e railed
*'*'• «“'-eromet.l agents o
annekallon by the I'nlted Sutes than
for by the president. It to .fit unreV!
IhiciBe. <K-ean for
the autai)omy which Spain would grant.
tain Just how far tbe national auihorl- '
'es.»la So far only 2.(M
Before another we-k the Am-rleanswlll
I Admiral Dewey
Ilea a-III go towards rreruillng th.-w '
be masters of Havana and llrmly ewtab_^orcee ihem.Hvcr. nor <e it po.Ulv ly ;
kDoww that Independent organljanoti., i
HpalB Bays a New Ship.
companies, banulloas and regiment. !
" Ip' transpiTl. arc required.
Ith a half dosen colliers The
ralaed by l^lvlduato will
acrepte.) b.ceiher with
en bloc, If by ao doing the ' ^T’-f'l exi-mi-.o -m no. leave can
Oermah Lloyd ateamahlp
is required lo accept the officers with rt®''-'J-r ft'Hy three iraeks ualeae
Havel haa l>eeii sold lo tbe Spaalsb
tbe men. Indeed. It Is now quesibmcd •h';
Cuinfania Trans-Atlanlica. and bas
gone to narv-clona.
could. If it would, ■•curl aeTvi
<1is,ed by spsotoh TorpeAw ReaL
Acers under soch cmdiilons. as the gove alntes appear to be lh*
aulhoriaed to Issue rsms- the regimental grader

If You Have Logs to Sell

Dally Mall sayt: "The puUUcal ouUuok | taecrabla impruaalaa when aha •mmg
to brighter, and tbe nUntotedalltts be- ! bOfU Bee yaara Sfo. aad Miss MbcRea-

_ r-ajsrnis


Mill Mhchuiei7ofBUdMeripb'oeB,iiiclBdingTwoip!BgiBaB,
Set Works, ChrrUgeB And 8bwb. Aoomplete Saw MiUPIgnt
for baIb. .


Asparagus, Lettuce, Radishes, Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
•Phone 167.

948 Pront StreA

We do not
belong to the combination
And VC are not obliged to sell meat at war prices.
MB. Welupre*
c«r load of tbe best western oont-fed stock and
best t;bicRKo beef lulled at home:

Bingham Bros., Froit Stteet

Hastings' Real Estate Agency,
to loot lot. small boov. Boe lorstioB. Ito suvei, es
tUfoM ks. good BveUlsg. para wood. Ml Bows sad ISperwsmhimtlJpaMI,
M seres three sues soBia and wssa from t*«cuy.
•rt This to sbargslB tor osly SIMA
NO, sores 1 alls wroLsllUasren,!, wUl toaelBlB^ptoeeorBlTtAtBMsaU. 1
<nhrr pUrrsJsM Sodealrsbieor Bore so.
*-“•------ , r*rT> Phu

213 Front St.


Stock Beewlead TEtm Tlmw a dr««)i
40e per quRrt
StondAnU. 30e pM> quRrt

Fletcher's Ofstei Depot »< Resnmit

Ruby JU^t fflub OaoecA
Tbe Baby Light Qub met last cveulag at the borne of tbe Miaaeo Bard,

Bicycle Riders,

aad after a pleaaaut aed proBlablo aaealon tbe following officers were elected
for tbe enauiag year:
Prealdeot—Harrv Rweclaad.
Vico f

Ecmewber that Idoall-Un
Tling. and tl
lo give yoe the beat work of
) tbec'tT 1


Ohscago HwkoL
siaxp lu uii a acKms sverr eveoiRg,
w May
57. —Wbe«—May,;*xocpt 8onday,iniEeCEldwellAUjR$1.7S: Juee.

B1.S9; July, tl 06<gM; Sep- i don boUding, at DortE mi ol OnkM
•T. MKe:
.. _
wmbci MKc.
, Com-May.
«Xe: JuJ
luiy, 32ffc: Septomber. Sl^e.
e; July. 24 be.
I.SO; Joly. BU.,



Butter, per fi
Bffffs. perdea

Haav aid aoldiera sow feel the effeels ef lEekard aesviee they andured
dnrinr the war. Mr. 0«a. 8. AbdeiUM
of EoM^ille. Yorhoenaty. Fenn,, who
eaw tha hardrat kind of aervice at tba
froot. is DOW fr^eutly troublsd erith
“1 had a aevsre attack
Ulely.''haaayB.aodiiroeared a bottle
of Cbamtwtain’s P^a Balm. It did ao
much roml that 1 would like to know
whatyoa wo^ ebarga me far one
it both for bio own uae aad to supply it
to bia frieada and aelgbbora, aa every
famUy abould have a bottle of it
tbair boadox^ aal^ for r^matk
but ume uaek. ^ratoa. aweuinfa. c
bruioeaaRd bur«a, for which (t E . .

rarmteby8.E.Wait, finr

Grand Bapids, May ST.—Wheat *1.10.

OMf Adjaattog.
Ouoloner (ml opticiaa's)—I’m afraid
tbrae fllsiwe would be too old for tna
New Aasiatant—They night be at
flm. but after yoe have used than a
little while ru guannlee your
wUl get 00 tbey'II fit tbe glaosM
right ODoagb.—Cbiuogo Tribuna

I an reeolvlwr direct <t«m New Toik
City. A lae quaU^ ot ooeate aad
ataadaHa and eEall oonUnue m to
batoUe toenaalcmgao there lo a dw

Horse Hotel.
Unr;, Sale ud Feed Ban.
■Firat-elaea Ugu. Everythiaff aev
Bd neat. titiTae reaoooalde aoOBg
ratitlaM barn la tEo aty. Oira MB

BndkMa t ntkimky,

waiea R u.w^ui «fli bt iMMd a^
«*r--tae anr can.' CMeoM ~ '

luhlng Vary SanaaUmal Hap- 1 p*ning «t th« National

-Baa Waier (


Park, Qa.. Hajr 1
ar'a arrivala Aere
w 41,000 men encamped at Ae park.
SBe Ninth New Torfc. Colonel G. Jamea
Oreene commandlnr. acrlred aarlr ireatarday momlnp. Where'art Ml* okb
Ih the command. Thia nsiment wa*
devised IB UM and baa praaeread lu
•rrapiaation AtacL The Second Km*
Ack7 renment
reached Ae park
at T:M. Thia eotninand eombera MIO
and ti commanded by Colonel E.
B aod
The El«hth Now to.rk.

laa Koaanro aaooBO, aanrBoaT, kat as, iaa»
rtnm at m imatr.

thM «mUU a* laakbw nrwwitnaifl
low eohten. tevtartNCB cMomI nsec
UM., It haa be«a aspactaa br Bwatnf
-ktia otlMT Iowa' conanara
liMota woald be
btlaadler .
araL Be la inaiwctor c*De<«l of Iowa I cabDolia^ aUU, for ttet


Wlaou Laha.lBd..lUr r.-A Ua«Mr
almoK doacd tba alt«m>ee aaarioe oC
A« Prcabytcr^ae gonrral aaacmbl; jraa-


John R. Santo,
Gtnral listram.
VBrshms BAak.

Sid“win*iS ttire5A'*nfucb“tht'*a»« ueta tbaTwaefciwW grow.bare '*®““*
1 n« obooea Me.” He aayh "btil I bare • “L, *'Tf.m.ed ho.
_aa tlw flnt tour rerlmeDA


■ aa enormous
------- ---------------- ---------------------------------- Bd all buBloeas
c be. hones* were doted tor thrte houra R*>
1 Into Ac federal servlee. port* from all along the line Aew
aerred that Ac boya »
e royally received.
^ Ae^ llrai time



win i


beoeg and glcgy of God.
gwsaed few Mile, bM A* dlseusaloti laai
Tbe ChristAu'f giowA
U to be to­ Tolvod a wide eange of aobJecU. Than
ward perfect manbood A Chrim JesH, was a brush over ciril ssrvlcs reforia.
Epb. iv. 6-11. This A the high idtel leiv roeeche* from Bhafrote bad Orow
apon As trs* oohiag* of stiver sad
that Paul setebefm^-C)MA beeayk
greroteoks as legal tebder*. and the
pendAg iBIsenal revsnue Mil did not

aod^^IS^T^SSiMirtid^S ____

A? D^*u^ai^
WaahlnctoB. May n.—Omeral OorBeen
by ^ Wn Issued order* test night assigning

Yesterday two miles of pipe waa li
A the paA and several of Ae coi
maads were laat night enleylBg i
luurte* of cold water baths- By t
lueok lue —u o.oe ..on - .u ue com '
Meted to Ae eatreme llmlte-of Ae Perk
S Ae problem of a adequate water i
'or the Mg v..luntee---------- —••• •
n solved. The'roTB
u president
Of the Chlckarpai
to espend nc.doc
orecUon of a p<
I water work#
oymern at tte
e park.
The Blaty-Nlnth
Hew 1
'irst Arkanus and FlfA
Miammri regimen** srrived last night,
•aanary Cwndittos of camp Alger.
WaahlnglOB, Hay ri.-Camp Alger la ,
raptdlr telng put la excelleni sanitary
Colonel Girard, chief aur- '
geoB. ha* bevB Ubremlttlng la his stteatJon to the beaJA of the men alnce
be aiauraed control, and !;<■ woA has
produced good remrlla Coloaet Bfrard [
heU a conference at headqu.^ro yea- !

ETer Bcnicd Ovtf

Dta Udaea. la. Bar t7 —T*^ nn.
1* 4aB«araaa. Ha j Tba epaaeb of Oov. Jaisva. A. Beav«r
a.S^“^it-STJoS'*«*»-» *• tm«!*-a. cot
faRUIn,. a«d
would bave.^lfB If i
bad been apeakW and Ib clualor p
that opa wbo putt bit baod to'cba pi
ed lo.lbe national (las aod taJd be____
aamce Wedaeadar aad 'Cotoael Hum- a&d looka bank it'Dot
wertbj at 1
pbnj raportad to AdJolAot Oaoetal
CoiWb for ordera. Tb» reglineBt wui deralop. He ha«-pUoad the eleawnti of
ba nadr to move tomorrow. Alraadr a prowth wlUua and witbont on Ha baa ezclalmtA "Ood epeed t:
of the Dorthem aod i
them Pr»»b)-.
lartc Dumber of companiea bar* been
pUoad bigb idaala before oi aod oalli terUii cburcbes shall o
e to carTT fc
ward Ae s°apel of th<
<»H- T*e new recrulte will he raobldied opop n «D «rira- to attain to tbem.
national force* he
Cbrift'i ibtenPoo and pnrpoae toward

UeOIITen case, wbirh U of Intense
prcecBt for the equlp^ graoe.'' njk the aptiple Peter. Grow in
iBArest to (be whole rhurrh. .
ment of troopa and «ntem the federal
Ae graces Art adoro and beootifr | to ealebrate the lioih annlveraarrof the
sdeptlon of Ae WeBitninsler cnfesolon
of tallh and catechisms A largenuniher
of tba palm"»w aodt^.^^^l^ of adclresaes were made, one of Aem
being that of Governor
apop <Ps. xlii, T.16.)
"T>e rigbteoiu
oaken gavel and granlU block from
Algta—fcl Jora. Awofaie. y<m do
aball flonriA ilka Ae palm croe; ba Westminster Abbey were prseente
Ua Instead of the state falr^^nde A kball grow like a opdar in L>ebaooo.
It the raattabi
of (be aaacmbly. Later Eh-.
Milwaukee. Reports from various
Atoble—Aw. cieafa boy. I'm gwowAg
11 portn
a moMODbA deab boy. aod it gwowa to
lor of t;
beasUy awfully wapidly ta« that it
asaembiy. and nalhor of t
MwanA. daab bojU~Oon»
CMBDloUns the comnlemetit of tb.
a«eed the numoer
number asicea
asked tor
pwpotnlty. NoAing m
A« m**
all i
i Lanalnr.
ha»y« isAoroatatolyUiaD
moia stately Aao ! ,
The Second Kentucky and r Koohir.. ..r ....................................... . w— tkooori..
j •cotlsnd.
T.„k a. Hopkina of Detroit, It Is said, has tba cedar. The Jfclpi is evergreuo, "A |
------------------- ----------------Whooping OoB^
KiBlh New Toik were aaslgned to As teen proffered the apnolntmen. of eWef Ae wioter'a cold aa A Ae aammtr'a
Vtm brigade o
J of -------------... .
General Bhafter, but U beat Not by years, hot by oatnriea. la
bad a little boy^ -who waa navly
the Third corpi
ni* PMlhl*T>te( A* War
d from ao attack of wboopiag
^ <»^‘t •«« teokoued. •• "Tbe wi.-ked
C and D. of Ae Third voluBfeer cava!
Pingree aald Ihal while ah of Ulrhl- —in,
My neighbora reeommesded
Ag M Ao gTBaa,” wblA aooo n
fSolOhel Orlggaby. arrive# from i
gan’a quoU under the first rail ha* ^ '
Washington. May fl.-Ko aubttentlaf
dy. r did
aod dies, but Aa rigtateona an.
teen mustered In and business at Camp
progress was made by
ool Alak that aay modteiae would
Eaton was about to be rlosedT steps Wiu
frultfol. ‘They Aat
lerday towards the dlspnsiton of Ae help klm. bot after ^viag him a few
at onre be laker to raise the addltlanal; pl«nted A Ae bouse of Aa Lord abaJI
dose* of that rsmody I aotieod aa imquote of *,5« assiKned to Uirhiran
ran un- swuxmo
>o .**5®
toe courm m cmr uteL ^otj | under con*lderBtlon”’fOT
consideration for ^’ihw
three houi
houra provemeat. aad one bottle cared bim
Itie variouB coramand* _.
der the laM
K .call.
, Recrultt «
»>' ""-1
brAgforA fruit A Aoir Old] Tb* Whole time wastaienuplnspeeches eotirely. ft A tb* beat eonrb modleioe
Miniary nfem earnest All the
at the presept camp. Tb# : ,**; Aey aball be fat and flourlAAg." 1 White of California drew............................ I'evar&ad In Ae heoaa-J. L. Hookk
that are
_ _________ _ 'The frnitfoAeoi of Ae date palm in old ! that an amendment was
nn regiment
SonA Berrettetown. Pa. For ml# by
Moftbe date palm ID old |
given reglmcnut drtU ymterday____
_ 4^
^en ,from age is reznarkabla
It has been said
that to A* bui b> Oonnan placing
- E Walt, drorgiet.
this win be coetinued from day to day. this Pate under Ae first call which' waa
wbeo it reaches its maturity It pi^ooM «f <M*-half
Beport* of dIaaffecUon among tbe Bis- for-4.IW.
Fanro, N- D.. Hay n.-Pargo Asd WO cm 400 pound* weight of ftrnd mi
________ water
. "or*
tears yenerday than ever In the I •**» •• »»«* " WO pOBOda • May o» laid aalde In order that Milogl** might
•Bppiy, but Ala will b* remedied,
" ' as Ae htstorr of tbe city. It was all over Ae | ObriiMap growth be like Ae pala mM te.BronRUBced epoa A« late Sestator

n of pipe lines will afford departtfle of the North
Dakota voli
' '
Walthall, ef HMasIppt.

Wash meats rvgulariy.


Wbaa BM te «ha laarta. •
jBtaoa JiBaaaWwhtB* Baton fa
worklim at baatiag tba* aarpaL
Mn. Jotm-Taa Mca. Dotas aati
bin atworkatnaatUBfaC tba kted
}«« afar bataadaiba war aawa ia Itia
paper.—Brooklja Ufa.

aodtmobera, for Ae psefeotAgof Ae
mente to the permanent camp* aa fol­ MAla • • ■ tfU we aU oome A Ae
lows: The Fifty-second Iowa, Colonel tulty of tbe talA and of the kiwwladge
ttia I of Ae Soa of God. onto a petfpcC
W. B- Humphrey, to Chlrki
I Arkeaiaa. Col
T.' onto tbe meaaore of Ae stature o:
a bblA^maaga: t
bn- fnlAeeeof Obriat” Pwfectice A Cbriat
Keller Anderson, i
A tbe ideal Aal ii me befocu ni, and
“<* “>* f>e<»Od L
bow well we know that AA oaaoot be
attelood A a day or at a tingle boond.
Per Ib* BeaeBI of A* Reys.
bat by Ae Meady. giudoal grrrwA at
moatbo and of yeezk m Meadllywod
gradoaDy tbe oedar sttaAe uitegAMiy
height and HweadAg teairty.
Lot bs
J H^aA with a view to having eoltake Ala as oor Ideal aod Mrive oaob
dters pkld a portion of their aalaries by
check Instead cf money orders when day to oome ooe etep oeanir to it.


Aey wish to send money ____
.borne. ThU
would aave tbe
fte coat
coBt of Ae moBcy order
f^ and fadlttale the

Bible EeadAgs.-Pa. i. 16: Jer. lU.

^ i*-_ «• *: JoHn
r. lit. 6-0; n Ock. ix. 6-16;
tXMtoOlee departmenu
ti.. IB-SS: Pbii. iii.
OaL Tl. *1 Epb.
----------------- o. a. m_________
1-16; Col.
U TboM. 1. 1-6; I
^ . Pet. 11. S: U Pet. lU. 18.
Awicton, WU,. Hay IT.—Milwaukee
**** "'** department encampment G. A- .
----------------------------------Wisconsin. George H. Kusaeii. of |
Here Is a caWobiam on tb* SabbaA

. *<«ifiod with Bible referuooea It U Ae
' '"k of Misi CaAerine Copley, tbe

BayMS os Ae IHsisosd,
Chicago. May ZI.—Record* at
ban made by League clubs yesterday
were: At ClaelBuatl-New Tort I. ClBdnnatl II; at iMlsvine—BostoB
LoutsTtna t; at St 'Loartw-Brocfelyn 4.,
St Louis I: kt'Fitteborr-'Wt
L PlUsbbTg 7: at Chleago-PhlMdelphta
L Chicago T; at Clevetaod-BaJUmor* «.
CIrreiBbd L
WesterB League: 'At Detroit—Omsha
L Detroit i: at Cotombu*-^. Paul 4,
Celumbus t: at Indianapolis—Mlnneao-

BtHte of roMlgo tsAsewn.



Dr. Hipins,

lata paialoaa «gtg*etioRtf taotk.
▲otMoUr. tor onraSSpo of too*
wiAout pate oaed. Louat u>a BKiab
satiatoetetT preparotioB pot oaod tor
■akiareztneUoB oaay.

B. J. Morgan,



* ir. b. b. b.

AUaraoyn U Low.

AH baggage, boa aad back work
lor nid road aboakl be loft with

auatsBae camds.

phooa h. All orden left with aa
will raceiTe.ptoapt attention.

Oflhto a» State atmat, tofe-

a m: BBOWN. Allcpisy aM Oiteimira*
O. law. Opaelai *| ssM*e w liHihIiii
aeSMeT*jweH»g. tlltVsetOt
/I nmgBT 0 OATBB. AwuMeia •pariMst-

SflB liliMi t fitllBl. I


Lebanon. Pa.. Hay J7--The feeUng of
nresi amunc tbe foreign laborers of
He Bird Coleman and NorA Corswall
troB furnace* of As Lackasraniia Iroa
company, of Berantan.
somed a critical aspect yeslerdsy.
American workmen wer* driven away
Wedaesday by the fnrelrnSTa. because
they refused to Join tbe strlfcerv In Aelr
'(or hl^er pay. Tosterday tba
company’s manager* called upon Ae I
sheriff for aid. and twetro deputies wer*
■rorn In and armed.


SIM» Ved^^Ty^^ne ted ff‘«"0rr. and A. Agrn. of West Superior.
»P«*intend«it of fiivetaida,
Ktewdlkc Party Drwwwsd.
gone over carefully the ground under
WtendldOodmsfcstteGsbteAl Oea:U.t.
Nashua. N* K.. May n.—iBfonnaMoB
hli direction. *nie opinion gga unanlVhu did Ood do n feel GtB. a a
received st the Armenian colony here
mnis that tbe bofpltal corr^vg^as
^wbas^Bsmakelll Hark 1
well organised as auy
any other deparftneBt'
departineBt Uon at the Epwerth League stele conwall
»bst dcro Be oomuaod ni u> dol Ex. **.«•• “
from this etty and Haverbfll.
of Ae camp, and that tbr
the aanltary con­
con- venltun. n hli b closed yesterday, reached
Be «ay w- miy workl Ez. xz. a I
Hass., were drowned by Ae breaking of
dltlon of Camp Alger was as good as proteiliy
rrotebly ],400.
1,400. It was one of the largest '
*■ I 'i'
A MARmi BOim for aala. Mislri of
that of any regular army field camp IB
Ib «™i
8,kJ moat
m..*t successful state convcmion.
conventions ! M»» «-or* on Actebteit,? Es. xx, to.
the country. Colonel Girard was par- , in Ae league's I
Vow BouU to Obloago.
Uealariy emphatic In hta InJuBcUons | nam. of OnargA
“f Toor Ttabinl
the surgeoBs to prevent Ae ident.
apfsad of ceutaglouB dlsenaes. such a*
bwMddea to do csi lbs Babtoeaslea.
CalcaffD sad Graad Bspi
WbocougblvM toprspars tarSBOdayl Ex. opentad bv Ae Graad Trank Bailwav
PtosbUm First Class BqsIpateaA
The Montrllo (WhIs.l Granlle o
svi. m.
Commenting upon the wort already
When Ood prepared food tor Ite cbildrm of system sad Ac G-aad lUptds ± Indi­ Q.HIL yWTWD-App^y NltM. AF C^erhas
accomplished Col GlraM said yesterday
teael. illdBe propan any an Sunday I Ex. ana Btolwar. via VMmbarg.
aflern- or:; "Within a few days we wiu
lot will at rive at and depart
Louis Toepel. one of Ashland's IWIa)
have our Corps as well equipped as any
rmelTs did ite Jews of Kebsatabg Uearbora ateliOB. Cbicago.

• men. Is dead, leaving dsy mskrl Nek. x. SI.
e srr>-uc We
— will have
accurate >»•<>*»*
What effect did It hare! Kcb. xlU, 14-H.
record, of all the men In the camp: w* •
oaA five children.
Captain Sleslre's bicycle, which went
The bcmklng
the PourA Dmuundmetrt
■will havejevery maB gt all III under
----------------------------- M J«T. xvttrriNA. ilh. la.
the carp of rapab'e, competent hospital down a-llh the Maine, has Wn Ashed .h^bsdwtetrf
What atnot As mao wbo keeps Ae Bsbtelbt
authorities. We have not yet as many up and I* on exhibition at Chicago.






a*IAa*>*le*ka w.

‘rfais s<


. amiiulsoccs as we,ought to have, per­
haps. but we have'as many as arS abaolutHy n~'essar>-. Within n day nr

i j;U It poilble lo i-*.".
-h"..- V.

f ......


-.m. I

o Denver recently n accoufit of
I HI hcaJA U dead. He
I Old.
€<iuiiiRt> RtniMRvr nrr^ED.
Ex-Senator John . Sherman
- le Read s Foree of w>7e have arrived at Mansfield.
Chtrsgs Mss r
Usr ivewa,
I will leave tor Sesttlelomorrow, enroute
Chicago. May
John C. Buckner, ,
Ae former , ommatjd-r of Ac Ninth '

S.lks0"''vrnur Tnnner ba* commuted Ae

No transfer win. iheref irr. he neesaaary for paaseDgers t« or fram the
above mentioned linsi
Oateg WlAoat BeItgMu.
uportant etetioes on this throurb
Ite* between Cbl<
Cblcaro and AJj^d
Th« worst kind of roligioo la no re- ear lias
ligioD st all. aod these mea liviug in Rapids are Valparaiso. Sout^ Bend aad
Ulshawska. lud . Vicksbarff. Kali
soanand loxory. iuJolfriDg tbemaelTe*
«ao(l Plalbwellv-MIck.
ib tbe amnsL-niPDt of going vriAoot reffAlsllglou, may be tliuukful that Aey live service i
In lauds w-berv tbf „
gospel Aey neglect vsalibuled day eoaqhea, Pnllman bnfhas tatued tic bviisll
sIltei-H and ferocity ' fet parlor car* *nd tbe latc»t dwiga* of
■t. ...
for Chriilianlty.’Pol'inaii
wide veaUhuled. ras-lichted.
oltbc tni-u wbo,
, _ I
tui:.-u lo-ig ago biirc cotou tbi-ir ear-!‘"■‘•'xvsectioa drawing
'FPg ,
ca.i--. liki-the Simth S.a iKlaodet*. or [
it 1* telievad Aat As

V HcOdM Ba
01.1 HlJ-We for mP WIhT...le
s! OBlBCsaten
exrbsoge. or w
Trsrrree Cur PMpeny le »J
lOve lonvilBieoe tW'Stilrtee

b.-..d- ord tannod

Os«fcswi Je»
Chlal Laks ...

—Stock of conirclioi
r Urrk .«r0nlon .1,

ilOSSll 4

,KTgi> roK “W*B wrrH
lu4lnr baulMfls*** and land
-'1 »rwlM. nariM, fort* asd
>lps e(bo ■ S<M> and a graebtr lUory of
(begrrat riMory of ihr rallaoi Oewr*:
rwrylbOt* abool MBpaoB. Brkirl. Flxbogh
It Das.--,
Of Ae cun^cy.
Andcro-m. In Ae Weal Superior.
Lcr asd l-adla* coBBaodrra. br Hon. JaisM
K IS Wiio orrerva nis t.> Wc*.
lnck-ui> nn a charge of drunkenMastic YiK.og. tbr lairrpid b-ad-r for 0sba
. Idem McKinlry. at the head
a regi«„em|.t.-d s.n.-ide by hanging himBbrv ic tar ball, of Cosxm** Tbr xrsaMI
rar I.Mb isUlirbed: Ou lanri pasro: MO aumem of men, of which number mu vi» his susi i-nderw.
■Iratloo*, BaoT In ncbral rolsra. Baa
oesriy huj( ar- thoroughly drilled uJ . yi,,. most uni-.rtact action of tbe seslorrd wap.. Blgvrrl book, hlgbral
. i,.,n..i..c.„f ,ho PWohl®'
be such as to![„,m
liberal patronsffe by Ae travelWMt prlcr: ouLj 11.73. BsirS
cqulp|>-d r.T liiioi.-.liaie tparchlng oi- si..n of the- Iowa hankers wa* tbe adopruljrrrltirr rrcrll
ders. Since the rrolgnailm; of Major ' ti„r, .,f . r-s-.lutlon Ind.roing Ih* cur------ .... ,
agrci*. B>
ia following la a
•cbed-.a™ rtv<l®fT^tehi paU: istat frar. WHtr
"f ‘■'•ironcy bill n.vw before rongres*.
will Cirorr Krsinivy.
•i.rlaj Addr-w.Tb- Halt______
al Ooot Coarm.
Kotert K Lamte. ex-mayor of CarDrarburc *urrt. Cbi,
\nil powro Ai’olU Is- liebind our nsklylc. III
Lr. Ownri Bspld* 7 10 » «. I'U » s
recruiting slailun Iisf br. n at bis for cil
iOR. Seolin eiu ]• all right If it has res­ Ar tibiriuro
MSr. a. k i»r. s
gesldencr. 4442 Dr*rboru »lr«H-i, where
olution mill exiv.uiion lo give it bodyadministrator.
rung* IliMtitf
111interest of Ac mov^' , ITeparatlMn* are making at Camp AJanil Bi’livity. Euiutioual supplicatiim
It hnv I- ti en held almost nluhtly.
ger for a r-vi..,»- of Ae Second army most bu animated with Ae praotioal
Springrinid. Ills.. May
At S:30 A
eon'* by rr. sid.-i.t McKinley. Secretary ipiriL Hauy plroiJ laraeMly and do
sBoatalr U>r beaaw
to. yesterday Ac FH>i bausjl.-n of Ae Alger and other official* tomorrow.
very little towanl turiouf Aotr prayers
Fourth replmi-nt tnsnhcd to Ae dris^t
IL to V. X. B. V. Sumaer XxeataibBa.
jHv exp. iise* oy^he several Wisconsin
at Camp Tanner and soon after boarded
a reality. Tbr grace sopplioated must
laistr InaiHuil'ii's under the JurlsdlcUon
Traverae City. U \lanl*ter on Sunday. A rvw noOb log men vai
the car* that are
oome into A* heart aod go ont into A*
A CliylaiabrrCo. jm tf
of the state board of coniml, a* audited
Bay i2ad, and every other Sunday
way I" Tamp*
loaning .
iw»,^ i-s* m..r,tw
month, aggregated .ills—Freshytertte.
Aefeafler. Traias leave Traverae Qly JpOR SAIA-A rood
lbs ten dsyf Held and fU-e days' ituv.-i
at 8:30 a. m. Retureing traias Jeav*
ntions began Bi 5 o'c-lock In the moinTb* dseowd Cotalag of CbriW.
The regular 'army la mode up of JS
UaBlsteeat 5 40 p. at Ustral low ratro.
iBg. The horse# and baBgase of the en­
«b. a
1. Aoa
Tbe algBs appear to point to tbe oeor Rosmd trip taranatBiora than SI.00 lor
tire regiment were nearly loaded nt per rest, of foreignera. while In tits
|. HI
Tickets good oaly on
lof tbe blessed day of Christ's aay dUtenee.
'6:10. -Tte whole rvgtment had de­
parted at 1 p m.
.. nile en route to and 42 per esnt of the seamen are tor- aeoaod coming. Tbe wcgld.
wld. wiA all its daytof-tel* and not transferable.
elgB bora.
2^APLK WOOOf»aalr. TrarensClir
Tampa. Fla, the regiment stopped Bt
B a change
Beltevllle. Ae home of Colonel AadeL
of som« kind, and soon we wbo look for
Bomaiandlng.and fur two hour* paraded Uoa ha* been liwued from the pres*,
Him Aall see -tae oomteg glory end
the atrecte of Ae town. Com|>asy tt of the author being Senator Stewart, of
share in tbe bllm of Hit everlasting
IC. to V. X. OoBBoetloas.
BeUerillg. is the crack comj«ny of Ae NevadL who ha* chosen for Hz title
--Analysis of the ruBCtlonaor Honey." kingdom.—Episcopal Beoarder.
battalion c„.,r-d llifanlry. I N. <1-.'"'•"llXrt^rch^MVo^wte we^^^
ta* Aruuxn PcuainrCuIlom and Chester


—a tew good wea. AprixteTra
lly Lqwbrr Cs.

Lukert. r-M. P*.
—Cbrtwiau Eodeaveg Wogid.



■a. tigs





Ds* MolBe*. la.. May
evenT»>» irold.-nce of A RtAter was deteg Colonel Jama# Rush Ltecoln. com- *tW*<i te- «re. Two children, a boy
Seder of Cimp McKinley, waa comteed 11, were
d by Oot-eraor Shaw a* colonel homed lo a crisp, and two oAefa. age^
volunteers, and will be aaslgned 14 and A a girl and a boy. were so badly
BSBdgr of the new regiment [honied that Aey cannot Uvs


All Ategs work together for good M
tbem Ast love God, becaass love is al­

coBneetotOopemish with Ae /i. ^
X X fw Arendta^ Tbe 3:40 p. m. train

with Barlrtiui rrwalgr.

m•4 n


e(Ms g

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