The Morning Record, April 03, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, April 03, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text








an MAT AMX, oos.
Bb*at*«r B>a*on, wk* wa* n ■*TBBPSBB Vies SB.
vom m4Lv'Bixuov. nralylalarad
by Ooy Plan* Prtday
dlaat-aigktn I
ganlaad *tat** tkat tk* boy 1* •■««lacbonaaeranaorroB* aboek bon
wUto to wUl probably raaorar aafriy.
Mni TrtBtii Yf W—rt«T BnBli y«at*rday to* boy .wn
«tto naralag tot raUiad latri to
OHM^W if WliAftMW O0WM to P«> to* day aad wa* abu t* taka a
fo*A H* aaak Into aa ' '
tot attarwvd* nUtod aad
d battn.. »b* Mow idklek araatad
WMklafMa, April A-Ot4m t
^bm4 Mip to «Swt to* <
tto rtgkt 'rid* of tto kaad aad at ini
•at M *nn7 ortAtop ■*■ «* mWa^
faarod that to bad autatoad
«*ta to to* «twt «f k**UUtto* tolea of to* hroU, tot tof pbyri«»**• B*tos Mi tol* Mttoo. .
that it w to* a«r
OTtojr to to *o«p*i^ of *toto Mllttta. oo* aboek whlek to I* anffartog bon
T*to|y to* towmammx otottod to to Barido* tto
to* tojery n«atl*a*d tto aaok
priptod *0.000 anater relt W*aka to to U badly broteod aad tto fw* i* ia a
Ti«7 Motoby aon^. TU* ortor
toad* lio % aonfinatto* of to* toltof
toat M pM**t*l *elatto* of to* tr*«U*
wlto 8p*to to protoMa
WlOto It to 4Mto4 to ofietol rirato*
«tot Mtetotar Woodford to* to«t r*>
to* Bark OomnlttM Vko ViU
oaUod. *4rto« boa Madrid ***** toot
Bavort totoaOeaaeU.
Ito atototor ^B•klar toal pr*pai»«*M to lav* Spot* whn to* raalt of Tkb approaek of warn waatk
aioodaptodrilbaMteM to now*. U bo goal* ttot a city park or two woald b*
gr«aUy appraelatad. -Aldamaa Dew



Woedferd yrtll aeeopl to* good oft- parka, of tto eoQBOil. baa aribaaa Ml*
*fto» Brtttoh.BBd rraoH aatooa- aad to bn derotod naok U*m to
to Bmagtog for * dtopoa' ‘ •Moriag rarloo* riln aad noalriag
B* ha* boo* aawgiUe
totor****. if to atoll to ooaaad ka* i**poriel ■onral UaaUtln
wkkk pronirii Bataral
April a-^Ttoy f*v
Lari Friday.
inaaiw ana to toll*** that ttor* to
i*d l7 Altomaa Moataga*.
aaritor nnabar of ito oonnltt**. aad
do •■■0 to* toUof apeo to* Itoary ttot Aldamaa JakraaeaBd Partor, AiderV^Bto trill TtoU at to* toot ariaot*.
naa Bitonii rioitod aamal ritoa,
lto«ol7tol«wUBh**aBototo**- apoawbitokakad
toUtotod d*dsltol7 r^ardlag to* pr*o prtan aad wa* giro* tgamwkiok
•dMttoB iinga wiiloh wiu to **0* U
Uritlag. la fari to*
Motown Taooday, aalao Spato took* •gam nad* *r* oaly abiat half
4o« ttot to* >orid*at wtU bo* to*
» Mtorily worlk.
Mk tontor dolay. Wtottor to «rlU
' tto traot aarto
of tto loridne* of Boa. Pnry Haaa*k.
OBdrtaai*od H* ka* aid ttot wtoo raaalBk to tto riror haak aad bon
toaaorittoeaMtooaaroa to-woald Daioa *tr**t bridg* to Wadawortk
ator* to* rap—iiamty tor atotonr rinri. Thi* woald nato a baaattfal
wd*eld*d apao. •Ttoptwail- ^ aad Mr. Baaaak hn nad* a prte*
g toUof to ttot to <rlU aato a raeoa- wUto, if parka arogireaaarioa*
to arid to to aa Bttoapt OB to*
to^aHBtaay*tooBg*rao*ka ky
*1oatoBB*toa*agBlHoBofOatoalBoiato* top* ttot B^oUa
MnawffltoOB to
•wtoi. Batltoi
attoton*a*Bt***Mtoto to g* faraaadtoaoiafaaato faoonillaa to

t to^ aMd to too* -aamUwmt
flBtoBoB*taaa*BBld*Blyto t^ad
toatadtoana. MiOCHagUy to* aaTto azpartaaC to* 4
^fopariag a MU to prerito fa !•

•■an at Ba»«i todlac Ibt aa Ito
«to* Baad OaXMtm^toa
0.dlW.M aoUraaA
0. W. Bkkaid tod a Borrow aaeap.
boa atorrlU* daatk atoot • o'elodt
laatBi^ttoarBatonaidl^. Bawa*
“ • r Orato wUk a
tOHD whipk to tod klrod at Taatofoa
aad m, away, ttiokard n*ap*d bon
. to* rig jnt tofora tto toan daotod
aloag the track aad iMtatoalsoonlBr
ntooaaklarabUcpnd. Ttotocaoawoco
laataatly.kUlad aad tarriMyjBw^
Sai ^Md H a Lari Shot aad Ptod
Paato of Da«Ut*t.
Waoo,-Tea., April *.—w. c Brana,
to* Aghtiar aditorot to* leoBoelnv
dl*d «artytoM
I bleeding
of to* laaga. toAy«*aH of aa *a. o«pt*r
wito(Mpt.M.T. OBrialBMaigbt. Tbe
Bgkl waa to* laototaloag^oari** of
ritolaroBaintBwhtek Braan partirid ia. Die ritrioUe ofyltoflM
atolacito oktof

Tarinday PfclUlp aad B


KeXlalay «a Olaarly Btata ItoltkA
of Anartn Pmidaat 9*8^
Advtndto Baoennaad Xadapand.
aae* ^ Onto aad Tirnid1*li U-

Tto Paato Baand.
Myaara,wlf*of Joba B*on, dlto of
Tto hnbaad and two
obOdran aarriri tto d*e***il Tto
fanatal wl^ nto plan bon %L Praa*
at Bcu.
Hra Beaatma
of Trnma* Bay Bria. Bo. 71. L. a T.
M. aad to* nonbanot to* kb* wBl
attaad to* fnaanl In a bady.
Ooargo Eorb. lataataea of Mr. aad
Mm. ABtooay Karb.dlad Friday. Tto
faaaral wlU to bald ban
ebarob today at t:tO p. n.

Waabtagton. April S.-^Tbl* aftaraaoe
a oaWM oBoar nid
Tto pfoparatloB of tto
faagna >y toe pmidtot
tbi* noraiag. after a loag eoatmae*
with bt* eablaal adrinr* aad pabtie
nnn ea tb« lin** It rtonld uk* la or.
dM^ that to* poaltloe of Aaterica la tbi*
eriri* nay naad fertb ta p clear. UtriUgaat aad JnUAabl* way befoto pmpat aad fntar* gaaeratioaa.

All vidUi,. We can wre yo» money.
prices, nd we mil get year trade. '


Get ow



wttli pripe brdUe yos bar


And Iptne show yon onr new nto<e.u




Bpoa tto pmidaat bn been tto mogaitlaa of tto iadepaadeao* at Coba,
aad Istarveatloa at on I to aad tto
home* of ito ritnatida.
Baeratary Oag* aaA Bepmaatativa
liiagiay eoafanod wiik tbe pmideat
w^ they woald not dteeioae It. aaa
to nfely aoM u tor* r*Ut*d t* aatlaaal Aaanaaa. aad to tto nan
■ iilii to pat tto tronary oa a
foottag aad larolriag largaly iamiiil
ltli*Q*M*dtbatapMn im aapoal
t* tto noaarebln afBarop*. aad tbora
ia aaab}aetioa to bordriag M. booaam
with tto ampUenof Aaotrin, it M ari
a^aotad oto toll tad any aynpatby.
It U potoM* that Praaeo nay attonpt
tane tor good toton with tto Uaind
gtatn U b*balf oi pwo*. bat ItMnor*
•pala to «arT>*dw tto Waad
tnUyaadMMptaalatonally^ia ^fto golM Into a war bt wkiok
atowiU Ion balk.
It nay to riatod my porilleriy tkat
to praoUnt dan aot^pnom to allow
aa^ l»t*rf*r*aa* U Oabn* affair* by
Tto pewnn
of Barop* nay adrin Spala n naeb
n tkay plea**, bat ttoy nori k**p oB
tklaaoatlaaat, aad tk^ tore already
b**a poUtriy iafomto tkat wkQ* tkrir
latnnti aad
Oari* lari I* pardact'y «ri>abU to tak*
ear* *f M own aOalra

We Make
and; Hang Curtains

Wonld Ton Use Soap
If You Could Qet It
At prion*rigkc Wooanoril
yaaTaridokBatkattoporriln; Baaoknp
Many oitor kraad* at Mo, ate. Ma,
U.,ni.ud7W pwwks


Wheel Enamaled for S2.58
totaetba goed work
fla* tontplaa ri-----

la alwaya danrable, e^ne.
I.U, u, Ik,

Tkri* ta al*oab*atl.Oee ft. bay boat
w* are no* iko^ing.
want at tto watnr work* wblok Mr.
Baaaak woald aril to to* oltyataoary
B* mtre aadseetfaAaliaaa.
low priea. lUt woald b* • my d*>
riiabte loeaMoafarapark.
of to* bay w*riol
ooa to* bay
aad a d^rik of dtoat too f**i. Tkn*
an a abnber ofriatriy tm* at tki* Bpaaiak RotUU Hn Only B*aab*d
Gap* XI* ▼!>«* Iriaada.
paint wklak add to tto
Madrid, April A—1>*
rirabto aad Aldomaa Dnnaad wUI eaklad lari algkt tkat tto torptl* iobring ttoproperittontohn raealrad tiUa *f Spala k*a arrlrad at Porto kleo,
aeanaeQritoar at tto a*ri wn trim bon a a*w**ap*r tor*.
3to*«ona*U*rto*a*nt tri- resUgatMe akowa tkat tto •
TtoSpaatek So
tUla kn arrt*«d at tto Cap* Do V*td«
Iriaada, aaA It M nM. wUl proeoad
Board of PnkUo Worka Vrg* ,Xa»- after aoallag.
A* It kn tekra tto Spastok torpedo
prevmat of Btm Bank.
•eUUa alao day* to nak*^ Ckp* Da U «M M* «rii* lh»*«*««m Ottr *eeplp
At to* naetotgof to* board of ppb- Varda Iriaada bon tto Ckaary hOatoa. «e* dept wb* vesta* tmlj ■cettkeTe
MUot. a
Ue wink* laat night tto Toport waa wklebth^teftoaMartoM. itabooM, Ueced bkyct* umupp
tto roagkiy •paaklag, tak* tto AeUlIa eMaetketlin aMUrtoMH. Iw
—> te eevt «ad pv mj lepelr .rr*j
VT*e I fee**
rim dartpg tto rooaat high
going aboat tto aan
by Attoitori Moor* antotad by in- tw*Bly-«in day* bon
r*yor Tbonn* of Aldm ttoy ravori Porto Eieo bon tto Cap* D* Vnd* 1*. M*4. aerinpia*-tfe* pefeltt W cell eeo nodithat tto watar in tto atroan taada •aopnlag tto flotOla M abl* to
bad'toaa tom tori oa* into and •ori *ad *Mrt*gria today, wklak It
a fraction abot* nornat bi^ watar. arilkriy.
100 aU klad* of Brariag. Valenalr^ Abotraetioa* la tto
lag. aad ny BanneUng io tto Abom
Oa notioa tto board doetdod to toconttot yo« eaa got anyt^ara, tod for tto
nopd that tto bank* of tto rim bo Ooamaf tkoPioridwt n^UyOewIg to tto nublitoad dock
llna.ttooo^agoamnor, at leari tto
. B. C3-ZBB8,
London. AprU ■ —Tbo aberaooa pa­
aeath aide of tto atroan. Ttor*
taat opporito tto nlll bf tto Tiot- per* deplor* a war kotwaea Spain and
am Oily Lanbor
prom that toe tb* OaiUd St^}**. bnt deolnr* it it ln>
ppronaat I* a ajkaaliy.
Tto Pnll Mril Onntto nya: >*Pml«Axv XV maat—T xjBXB.
dont McEioloy knpUyed nirmt pnrt;
Many V«* Vnnn Warn Addad ta
tottowiUknow wbon tto Unit kn
baMr*nAod,nndlf ItM war to wfQ
Waida Taatarday.
it wltk qalsd dignity. «m1
PoDowlag M tto nanban of bow
ogMnd 4n too aomal ward* imt atroBfly wlik tto aieltabld. atag*
af tto MadrM epata
MToai aoata *w tto Miarirri I
wUl W«anl**tttoOtyK*w* Staad



Hare No Superior.
The world’s greatest imusiciana
endorse them wherever found.


Bicycle Repairing!



bat to* total nglatiyal
arabto gain la aaek ward.

alaty wiUk*k*ld«tttokon*of Hka
BdltkBn1oa~ '
^,>laMnd of Tttriiay oeonlag


Ttot* WtU b*ar«tnlar niitiig ad
toekcn Cknp, Ho. Mu. M. W. A,
Monday algbtb* Maatagaa balk AU •wringto*lory*aonpaay of btaad*
nikMkomoa V«rid*gtcn*tr**l. In
ntnbntar*t*snootoitoto------- *
^ Intartriad, at too wnt by .Mattt* Armtlwg. Myrt**
\ •prtarOpaalng Wodaoadaynad Ttota- Wrigto and C*L Laagwbrtky. tla
^^:i«Ul*.naalaBa alab *aw la Ito nOl

No. B8S Front Strept


Quality And Pfice in The Prizes fe OlTffl
Wbat would you tbtak ol a lev/er «bo tried to^ecorerddeota bj
offering ebanoee oo a Ucyclef
Would you want the eerriees of a jihysMan who offered
eoal hode or eofa pillowe to p
We think not.
bettave rieo that when
yen hare preecriptiona to be filled, or need any d^r aid that tbe
akitled pbannadet toaJboder yon want parfeoi aenrM at a fair priea
—«od noUihig elae
Ww ton gire aohb aerrioe. We h
Oik that area

aaentiow about quality are pretty eare to be aa careful about pttaa.


6W 17aioa«t*«egwr«r.m.

Whal a UMe Nomy Will Po



First Spiisg Optntag SAs,

It esB ba ssed •• a swin^ •
obair, A
vagos or a csadle.
Ton ton take tb* chUd «rt«b«i
■alMp and.eARy tba ebild ta tbe
booee, eboicb or esy ptaee, witb
ooi dtatorfatav It

Oommenciiig Xonday, April 4.
WIU Borprisa Ton..


Acompt*toUneofDry0ood*.01oai’ Ing and Spring Novaltlep now on sale.
. Wfetoli for onr hand tiUls.



BroMdi Uoek.


Momra BMBB. tron>AT.APBn.vm>.

IttBimni maooxD.

iftl^ laftMMiiwttk r«M*ad v<fc*‘
la my aipartpwl • • • «4m
te May'Minrta
Craaly aad a^ m plaatUal w<«» kMf
tMylaatbwr * * * tkaytoteflaM
laAwtty to «a a aoUdw. battar, aad

ilBM. Vr B^ni AMS i. W. M«—


totta to
yean.- Aad aU
aadw tl»a Dla^y tarift aad aitboat
«ha Iraaaad'aaUMlladatlaaca at Ml-

J. «. Bann. potlar aad Baa^.



r la wbteh Iba aa^Had
aOaar I
bit—«if baMar kaaaato tba aotm
la tba eoaa^ aad I7lb aaaalarial dtoifOa, tba —f*-----*' la favor of J. V.
Mmtkaa«araaaa*arto lanaatoay. aad
ba'wUlaetoelyraeelTa a sabataatlal,
i at (batoaada of Oa Ba>
.7 to artooB ba baa olwaya
bMO tojiJ aad trao. bat a fraai wy
Mbara of tba albar yolttteal yartloa
wiUabowtbalroeaSdaaoalB bto abUlaadaprlrbUaaaby-voMaydar khn.
wm ba alactadbya roaalac -a-





Bbn Boarded BaMto Wa
Vard«tto<oftkaFaaaa8AMCBL M. BBOWK.

bnriabad toy Baapaattaa «bM

KWaaobotoata:4Sa. «. Lavi Faaatastoa. Said.
Mor^aaiTtoa, 11 a a.
JaaKTBadvaverlp. «.
Yaaav l>Wfda<a (Maty of Ovtottoa
^diBvor a» a;«i y. ak Tto^a.
Craeaof baaMtoH^." Oad- U:l-ia: Bab.
' •voafair tat^lad ^ a-■I MidwM prayor
— a»7y •.
tort&^^^t^aaa •tf'
AU aro aerdtoUy to'

Bav. Ijr. H. WansB. a D..aa oratory
of tba boato totoalewny aoetoty. «&1
tyeak at IBtoo ik m. Saaday.. AU win
badaHcbudtobaarDr. Wartaa anto.
Pfaaaa baoatftoS. tertaw b^ta M
aa tbabrtloaaaaotot^ Itto a
Jtoily__________________ ,
Itaod ptoa to atort a faw ■tostoa aarty.
Ada aaartUy to tba byaaa to |«t tba
ballot far boadl^ tba OM«y far a aa« ■Hat food. MorstoyoCartoff wm ba
fto-btftoM sUMlaat.
SaodayaeboolltoaoatoMato. Urtl-tl.
toots far traa taxt boaka to
Tbit to tba drat Iraaoa of tba aaw qaar«w. PsTMto wtUpltatoaU tea abU*
^aa with tbaJaaaoa.
“w. a-T. V.
' Jsalor Chrtattoa Badaavsr aaalaty at

Sb Ba BaM Shto Vaak.
avtoaottbraa arrr-c~ wOl ba
baU tba tmt of tba araak aadar tka
aaiptoaa of tba W. C T (T. Tba
anU baa tartar aiaatlar aad aadal oa
Haaday avaatof to tba C<
oharoh. Tbara wUl ba a«d vaaalaadtaatoaaMttal mto. tadtatlaaa. ate., aad tUa yabHe to caaaral
to aardlaOy torttad ta atttaA Ttoa to­
ad tba W. C. T. D. ara
bavtar «ltk tbaa for tba
bMl afBartk»wi.aadalaa^OataaUaMaotaofWaatBiyOBy.wba to tba


«Xba Vail- Dty Baada Saaaa
mva TwaMaw niiaiii^ Vila
-.AtowwaMayoM-Saalaaed ‘‘Tba
Pair-dry yaoda atoia otesd a yrtoa od
a 4ra» patows fkoto tba baatyM
tba atora. far tba bt paato prtttoL
tka yaatebyaaabaai ytrt. Tbaooatoatcl^ApMlSrotaadatotya 1
BoaiicdBdacatkto dlataBayt.

Oavtobla-T. D. Mawta.

tba^aa The poawi ara aow to tka
baada od tba )adyat, Mra. M. B- C
Btoaa. Mia. M. K. Bock aad Prof. G. T.
Oraws. wbo wlU deteiottoa wbBk
tooat toaril. There wiU ba.two
a. Bbadimtadrawofyoodawortb
•1 a yard aad tba aaeoad. yoeda worth
■■toayord. TboiacBitotnl poata
wfU ba aoaootowd to a few <Uy> aad

pula Mtoa Mabal Heidkshaet of Waat
Blyhth atroat waa tba aabjaet «d • to7
rabla aarpriaararty Friday
TStowaow tba atoatacm of the oUy
p«U aaleet tba waa wba an to ysida
dba tosaielpalaUpdortaytta ooatlay
fmr. Tba aanaa of tba aaadidatat
wbo kava beam aalaetod by tka
.Itoaa party to tba
are ylvaa abova.
li'wUl -ba aaca 'thattbaaaai* toaa of
worth aad ablUty. Thayeaa aUbarw
Jttd s^ to daroto tbalr bnt aadaav^ la^tha totoaata of tba Uxptyah.
Maay of tbaai ha*a aorvad tka pobllo
totea. waU aad faltbfoUy. Otbera
wba kava aottaafon held pabUe oOoa
■yi capabta aad wUU waka food oMOfala. AU of tbaai ara worthy of tba
wain Of tbapaopla TbaBaoov bae
ftoot ttoa to ttoM dortoy tba paat two
wMh had eaaatderataa to ray to tbaaa
aaadldato. Bot only to tba raka of
tba oaadldataa bat to Um totareata of
good toeal yovaraoieau^
wtUaot baled totovottoyadeBoeraUe
tieket baeaaae It to dtoyolaad aader the
■awe of “CiUceoa'' tlrtiet, aapeclaUy
t wbaa was aaated by tbair owa party
an iMoaaaadad by ynd roeorda. aafBtoieirtaMUty.aadtbeaatoaaiaadooaSdearaof tbaeowHoaity. Oa Moaday
a vote
tba atraiybt tieket. trow
am* B^ur down to eabttahla. ^
ba a vototoryaodwaaaadfdad yav-

yaoay frieada.

woale aad iw

FOR ONLY $2.50

fieII otiri aae wstt^.
W* also Btolkl WhMls to Ordor, do it cbMM.mod yive b»t>
tar nsbuial «nd wo«k tbon my abop in the eiiy. S«n had acrenl
ydaiy* anprriaacwndgnarantaeaitiafacfiop.
EXliXS^Bll FroBt«^SB■U

Good solid leather counters,'soles sod up
pers—that is the kind thatwean.

AS AbtoU~Btt^
ba. Tte toad of Prowtoa.- to
tba tftto at the Wan fo he fivoB bar*
to tba Hlyb wtoof ireloraoooioa to the
Opera Bom oa Batarday evoalay.
AprntobyProLPradB. Hathaway of
404Uabm StTMt.
South SUk Sim Bton^
Pitot. Tbtotoatlwrtytopieaadafarby ftofrwiw Orawa.
Aaat at tkto time wbaa Alaaka to tba
m af tbooaaadaofgald aieha
BUaySwoerarama^from aeatbera
to tutoy that we aboold kaow mm
MtohiyaS laat aiybt.
thatrteb eoaatry. la Profiaaor HathMiao Otovolawd Mt yaaterday k
away to foaad oae who bar wade a deep
w«ak*a rtelt wttbbaretotor at Bi
Toaay Pao^bSoatov ad Cbrtottoa Btady of the oasditMo. raaoa
wtivto aad' wealth of ttoaka aad hla
todaaver at »:4t p. to.
Miwpa Vara aad TMlte Wyahaap of
rvatbwa told to olaqaeat worda
At 7 y to. 'Dr. Wansa triU pfs
Ktoyalay. ara vtoMayfora faw daya
(toowlpttvo laayoayo wUlaiBard aa
with Mr. aad Mip W. B. Umlor.
ary Said ia Mlebigma. AU a
A U law itdaraad yaala
ly tovitodtoatatbeylettirtoof aetoal
•am Bnaeb aoaaty amd waa art at
botoa totortaaafy Ufa aad warb tojat
of tba tojaiy eaatalaad by htoaoa
Mw what to aad iaa baaa doaa bytba
r ........................................Mir wUk
A mottoae yaaterday aftaraeon at
aaoiaty. Thia to tba
Ooy ftoroa. wwtil bo naabad baaA
wa baaa bad to Tmaraa
to aaa Krtabary^ Oraadby tbaSlmaa Oomady
MtodaaMaCbwpaadMfp A b. Air
Uaaa rtawa. Tba analay Parlay Op plaaaad the todtoa aad ehildraa: lay loft ymtirday for Aik lapHa tor a
' 0
wOl ba for baaa toiaatoM to Mieblyaa. Loot alyht tba aawpaay aagBladad
rtolt srith Mrp a D. TOwm.
tot M <» aU
to tba woA to tbalr aayayoaaaoito thtort^. wl« a Camp WiU Mwata darbiy tba «
■tp Allay win rataimMrtfay.

Tba waak of pe^arwin-be atoarvad aol qamedy..*‘Aa AwfalVIybt.- to a
Mmoa. to
eat weak, begtaatoy Toaaday aad
MoatorPrtday. IBto wIU ba as toiport- tba eharaetor af Bam Srtwya. aearad
Mlwaek. Pispaia to U by prayar. aaolber ML The aappnrrtny ebar' The aarwoaetoc the arrival of the Hpiatob
MakaaU a
*• ^ vfmmt
yb enyiyamciat baa baaa aa to- torpedo floOtla at Porto Klee waa «alte
aad brtay aoaa Mead
I to tba way af eapertor prai. BatMpertvd to yvaafataftop aad created
orltk yoa. Tbptoa odU ba aaaoo
, u
frotodaytodaytltotyoo Myeeaaldar
The dtotval of tbv flodlla sarpaaaaa a
latlaaa that have pisyod brra. The fereeaata aa to tbr timv rMceamr ’
■tofck the trip aad todlcataa that
pUye ara pvmaartad to a tost-elam toi
Tboaa wtoktoy to saito witk
blah rate of eprtd waa matotadtM
ear, free tromaU vrtysrity. aad i
Aonk rt tba aasiootoaiaalaa ar
vttod to toaaaia tba paotorta otady a daaarvlay af tba boat aaeeaap
at 7:M.
Parsato wtoktoy tbalr oblldraa baptiaad
Dea Motoep la, April l-B«h b<
AU mam bam of Tisvwoa Bay Itop of the feoeral-ameitblr yeaterday afiatUatttotoaboold baad tbalr ai
Ms 71. ai« otfod to meal to Mowtoyse enooB paaved a hill approtriaUDc r** 77K«: Deeombor.TTMA'
•ae to be wart In (am to war. tbe m
baUtbtoaftsroooa at 4 erioek^ jrw to be alaert at tbe diapnoal of the *ovOorw-AprO, Met Mpy. Wto'BKdp
para to attand tbe fsBeral at tba tort
Jaly. foSieXe; Seplowbm. f1X«W.J.A.BllHr. p—MT.
Soatey—Praattotoy at tOiMa. aa
Mrp Hooap wbiBi sriU taka plart
Moaday. Tba ladiaa will meat at tbe
Dr. A Tea Dalofco wiU ba at Park
Claaa meettor at «:» a. m. aad at tba roaideaee of Mrs Jlpha Barry at a-.M Plan aext Moaday aad Taeoday aad
wfll ylve fraowmoallathm Md^vleo
efoea af rreatoy arrrioe.
p m. sharp Moaday to attoad tba
tetheaewbewMtooro Mm (rick or
Saaday aebobl at IS m.
Tteao to a body.
pom) or aood mediaal advioa fW-U
Jaaier Lrayae at 1:10 p m.
Bpwortb Leayoa at S;4S p m.
Cboleraaad DiatBtayM aprtay MlUtooty diaplay to
Morstoy aobjtot; “Tba Bcalloy of rbma Bearndy
to tL_ _______________
tbo.partora of tba Wood Stoura at tUir
the Leaatie Child." aad to the evaatoy prteo rocMtly. which laada me to write
Wadaoiday aad Tboraday.
ibip I caa trathfally aay I aever aard opoalay
-The Tralatoy irf Cbildrcn."
Imtratatylrt aad paMoros direct from
Tboroday—Prayor Btoottoy at 7m
dlarrtxBP 1 have awor bad
. . than one or two deaso to eara the
AU an oordlaUy tovitod.
ercrat ease wtth myaalf or rtifldm.— aad aero wOla rtthoaopraealof tka
W. A. Bnocp. Popomcko Oty, MA toaateritiaal.
FW wlo by 8 B. Walt. DrwyyiaL
Df. A Too Dol^ wUl bo at Park
raer Beardmaa Avesoe aad WaabDr. J. A Alma has moved bto ofliea
to rooms to tba Markham bto^. Aa
Stoth Boador to Loot. Palm Soaday. Beetric Ctobtoct if aow to Tcad&rta
poor) or aood modtoaladTicp tSPit
Moratoy aerrlea and eenaos at lOOa aad men oa weU aa woasea aad ebUBely oommoatoB lUW p m.
B tofPB.
Baoday aebaol aod B(bU elam at It. Bwaaiaa. Vapor. Twrklab, Tarica-Bae_i_________ .1______ I.___..k
rieealb anlt
Bveatoy oerriee aod oorwoo at 7.
late palaleao axUwttoa of Walk.'
AU ara eordlaUy tovitod to theoe aw^ tbopatieaL t» tf
A AAtonto Hpriar HllltoNert wertt brtay Holy wertt.
e^l^&poatoy Wodamday. Tbnrrtay aad






. «»




a.»* uwomtii t-wUiM. ■.



>t were Maode McMiobael. May
aad Jettla •traay.Otaela MoBroe,Oracto
Potwrsl. Mabel Dedprea, Bna Prtedrleb. Mato Cneaaoa. Beolab O^rcU. Al­
ice Kyielka, Lottie aad Mtoala PetorVL Chaitotta Friadrieb. Baby Sbilaoe.
Mahal Anderaoa. Sadia Ersaa. Maode
ita of the laat days of oor Lard aad
Btoaoat OarUod. Irane
Pokeral. El Utbath aad Maryarrt Parry; Saviork earthly Ufa aervlecoat Oraea
Mtonta Yotniba. Bertha Petertyl. Lao- Bpiaeopal oharoh wUl bo beU aa followo;
ra«ayae asd Beatoh Wtoaa.
Moaday 10 p m. aad 4 p wi.
OB Ohriatiaa Otttoaadbip.
Toaaday lO p m. aad 7:« p m.
Wrdaeaday 40 p m. aod 4 p m.
The reetor of Oraoe Bptooopal ebore
Tboraday 10 p ip,aad 7:30 p a.
Good Friday 10 p m. aad 7d0 p Bk.
bare of bto caayreyaUea preaaat
satorday—Baater Brea—10 p m.
day werstoy ai be will preaeb opea
The pnblte U cordially tovitod tc aV
Chrtotton ClUtoartUp la tka :Btoydora
of God. TBe poblia baa Uatoaad to toad tbraeaervioMand by mrdlutioa
diaenwlon of tbia topte m ralatod aad prayw to prepare for a Jeyfel aod
to eivU aad oowaierclal Ute. AU ara appraeiativeoomsieB>orattoo.of Baatar
aakBd to eoaalito it aa ralatod to tba Day. the ItoaieB FMtlwd of the Chareb
Ktofdow of Ood that la iaalatlra of tba
A «ood ^pototBBaA
At tba -^ato C.- B. poaVBaOoa Jaat
- ^SupMcl Mn.
rtoaod at Sayiaaw Levi. T. PBaatoytoa Kn. «. D: BcUUA
ft tktoohy waa rwrtaetod daen
urpri_d V
It for the frieeidp
thii^ of her (rtaada aad a^hboro. Mr. Pesetoytoia toaa a
Oai^ aad other yawaa irara tba ^ordar aad BO betters
of the ereatoj

•>A word to tbo wtoa to aotteleat" and
_ word fi«w the vriae aboald be Mflrteat, bat yoa oak. wbo are tba wlae7
Tboaa who kaow. Tba oft repeated

fBaiTwIiii ri T 1111-111111 to a ra■HitianM ealla atteaUea/fb tba fact
1 U.«00.«U botoa of
-aMT. It dU aat raito ODoayb fa^ aad
yaanlaliiwopotoiappwtlttogb pap■ Bto Miba. aad baa boea bay
li« aon. bay aad wheat to the woat.
M ooMfadaa that «w prodaeoi
_bt to fallow tba a


opaatoy Wadaaaday airt
SS^*the ma^at. Be baa bM^II
tbadrsy baitoeaa at Btktoa. Ky.. for
twelve yearet baa mM bairttada of bottiea of tbit remrdy aad aearly aU other
Dr. X» Paa Doteke w!U bo at PSrk eowkstodietoeomwaftiotoisd. wbiob
loaivrtytliat Obamberlatok
Plaaa aast Maadiyaad Tnaaday aad
will 'yira frae ooaBaltattoa *aad adviee
to tboaa whowtobtoaaa him {riAo»
poor) or Bood toadkirt adriaa. fSf-u
Imdlra WiU «» I











<> Jm





Is a good thing to have, espeotally when it is well Mled. But :
you osn hny;eo much fiir yonr money in;

at this store that yon dent nehd one.

Our values in tUs Urn are so good that pnrchssers enoe
: are costomers always. . 'We are showing coireot spring styles
■ inshoaf.;
■■ . _



kilBCi crsHSoMBorPlKiple aadOddBttstifNeWBFtam

Situstien BothstWsi



okUdiM. Tko MrMty-loar cbU
I tte MM- roBfo to *0 troaa *4 Toon to two
• •C0M4Mlton
woM. tW«ldMtooo.CMrtK hoolac Ate Win Make He Meta Coi
■ 4 10.14:
bMB Mntod tSrteo. AU Ik* ekOdno
Say Tkaoa Who Are SapMtea4UIMMUt«f
lat wiU my oltet mm wro fowafoaowUttoc- Mr. BprMa
i it foltk- b MW koto Md koort* ot ?L
W «mW-»
&J7. teP>fWf
tePTO to.
to witk OMI7 Moi
void ,M\ «• kb MMUt, «M*( WM4,
tcMUteke^ 'tWkoTWMtl TOM. doHac tko pMt wook of tko ImoImco U MHIWy
««»t to aowd tk* wow.fMo'CitowB
4^ Mr or?
torir pumiTMd
tkotwopol^diCoreatpMtoot tko toCTtoCMw
- _ -I .
hM k^ kMdioc kla oMU tor o<
tOffB, 00^ iko 8t. Johoa Kowa. Two
Tat itot
Mat Um OMootpold oatto kOM bl» btf. arty foUowo weio aiabinc tkeata nti^ m
obM Md tMM»kl7 bopp7.aolroo obJeettoaable.Moaday aftotMoa
is oeveral plaaoo. Quo of tboa bod Watolhdteo. April t-^e sub-ceoiy«o4i»poiro«4i»iorirtiUyiag tej
oon pf track for fair, sod with tplUea.ofi the Mnate comniUae on toraU tbo 1
loayoae Biyiit 00- 0^ relatione appointed u> draft a re­
MM7 tiMrtitbdifloBttteUU whiek O.OBO walked ap to too frost dopra
port and prepare a tom of roooluUoa
ftoaVolMk: <lMO(tkMilMO bMO. raat the boUooaltho wore, tko
ontUnlnc a coorao of-aeUon whicta'ibb
M«4ko TOMrrdbtiOM bbM ItMM Boyor of Loodoo. The tBp^eat
lac to kaow wktek om e< tk« yoon* eoloBoe sad iatrooloo of ooao of Ikooo with rofetme to Cuba ao tmt tmatodM ko b kTtaJr to
eaiB b as oabofo to which ad boaoo- pbtod Ito work yeturday that It wlU bo
bolder olMwld bo oabjoetod. The tow
ko wbhoo to too MO kocM (Tool ckoM sboald prorido work tor tboa and they
^«Bd dtoooMB itb
tko t'othor
wUl be 0 ooaotoot Moaaoe ood eoarco will racommend the adopUon of a rcaopfoBo<7oooeaotU itdoeo
latitB dacbrlna. to tko flnt plaoo. (or
' raensal.UoD of the indopeBdeaae of
A Bi^TO ■( Sooe
wMt to % B07
Cuban republic, and In the oaeood
Oir koM tko otkor migbt, a#a tko Aayooe wbhiac to too the power mt
» for the tnlorroBUoo by the United
- TMM ■wli Tko a««td07 ko ktokod licbtotor ohoold Tbit the woodo of
too with h«r amy and narr tor tbo
to%frtoad.oo7tarkoMa llttlo kloop. OUbort Soatoy. om aito oooth of Pratt- pnrpooo of aaBatlay the Cubaaa to ao' *nnr tor oakod the tttoad.
Tilto, toy* Ue Billodato DaoMorat. cafe independence to 'ate Spain ote••■on. I4IIM iloep to o doric
Ua.oM to rcfnac to cencoda
Tbo committee will Croat the rooelDdoad
em to tkb tororo b
tlTorod It wHh tko c
wUmVkmmrniilmjmtMimA o food
>ty foot of tko top, wktok b toft tap of tbo order tecHbo coaototrotloa of
,0 IMA Sow tko7 cto tko f0|. witkMtOBOikoolyaolt wao hnkm tko Caban BOB-oombataaB aa a oubterfxipt. and wlU dwell upon the past. H
B Ihlv pot to o UtUo rto. rtobo, I9 too fan. The rwolodor b aoou
the preaeot. treatment of throe an/oH I MatkoU Iko alCkt toTtoC to to an dlrooUoM for o dbHaee of fatiy (ortnaotoo; wffl detaU'^the Malse IsdktoiHto«t.bBteooUB't^lt,ood tko rods. eoTorlar tko (rooad arllk ploota. doat sad attempt to demonstrate that
thMhaptotojnrohOMOtod tko root Utoltoothtorof tkeaHteMa few It b a anOtiaiit cauM for the dedarao* tko tMo tiU iooni*B.'
■it IMV

_______ ^



■i ■tottoartiila o ntona od tko

. MoUo

ThM krifodo, Boeood dlobioo. Sixth
Oerf. aww oTototoot off teot Sortoow.
. kMwrituatkojoaowtoctoturto tko
■ow York koo: -1 oat os old toIotos
•BCo«taoalktooarMMpuboot». 1
to Mko tkb ■scfeoUoo: 1 o»
temt »ffto tototfa peootos. Bad I
ten doooM 000 Mthb pooboa tooMd koDdtav Wcnkoot, If ^ tko oU
VoaMoofo wiUdothoaoMo. Wbot o
■sabeot wo eoold bsUd'. Asd bosm
ksofctko VoUtoB.
-I wmU like to kMT tnm book
tko old karo4«< too fidlowtoff flow
TtekJOffMoototkoteMpfMitaiy tot•Mo: Tko TkMrtoM, Vorty third.
■ter olotk sad SoTMtyMooBtk. Cot

CdM Bosoms, White Body.
Gdiored Body and Bosems.
As pretty a line as ever came to the city. .'


S2.00 to $3.00.



____ Window fbUhandtomeplaida and etnpee equal to
1ouetom $6.00 xoodef .



tercou eaiBOd by the Cnhaa atrustle aa
a full luauficailoa for our laicrferanee.
Tbere bao boaa an effort to puiatiada
the compnuee that Spain'* release of
tbo reeoaeanuodOB leaTos tbt United
Btatao ptmuimUj wltboat an exenac ter
- ■vaouao. bat toe ooDimlUco has not
«r booa oeayloeod by this rcaaooo port of tko lottooa toot hb rarMnt.
las. and there baroat aaanlmUy to tba
too TwBrtyotothMkbicaa. drew Joot

who oorrod to OMpaay A. Fifth MtobtffM Ga*Blf7,pai« too Com CttyJfetor
prbo.booakdrdtoebto Uo pcaoBoieo
that wao Mote to kb hrotkw. J. A.
of MlUtoftoa. Mito.. 00

fflob to Aaroot. iBto The bbooit b
laoa cxMltoot ototo ajjai
VoaBOM woold Uho toww
•tMKaarM that le

/^S7iB Suits, Nfiw PattBrns, Stylish Saods.
SI6.0B, Fine and Desirabte.
Elegant TailorlladeSo^

Madrid. April t-A *eml-«aiclal eUte.
Mst baa been issued which says: "<toa
WnUa Mooowtooo ooaaty roaidoo of tbo moot IB)mural device* which
the oldcot wosBB la too ototo, Mia.
t empioyad at the preoeat tnomeni
Mary Shefroaoky. The offad wama to Injure Spain and mWead opinloe
tiToo With her doorhwr sad (oBliy oa toe United Etpito Is that of suppoBnt
o fOTB 00 toe boy ebore rood, riffat Spatn would be dlspotod to rec<«e
Mro Mefraa- toe Independence of Cuba In return
Aktowoi Bortoa, wko li««o oo » for.
paymasi of Indccnnlty- AIrMdy
okMt fw »Uao Borth of VoBtoborf. ekyetolBo to be 116 y«on old. She the
Ibe boats of Jlnyolal randee the people
to im. Sbo
koon tko Crood dloUsottoo of bolof
have been lead to belirvr that Preoldent
tte'tekwoftwoatrtoarehUdrM. Mr. U tkb toeollty tflera yooro eyoaodre- McKinley liaaed hi* pruposaT on
proacb Of the Bpaoisb torp-oo'neuiia. ;
■OtoM tor Moorol 70010 lirod to Ai. oteodto'tkteettyforotiB*. Skebop- Idea. Tbie impresaioD baa be. n utUloed whk-b baa.Just arrived ai Porto Rleo.
It bu been an open secret for aoroe I
VaitooCto. U..tortkoorooidod to ood poTMtly to food hMiUi ood ber oy«- In Wall ctreet Ly varluue means to at.
ddOkMt Tootoborff for thirty yooro.. Ho
of tbe Spaalsb |
kooo Morrlbd tbroo ttooeo. hortoff tlfkt to too tetotow titoo b to wouk
and tbetr |
urrtoi kb tbM ood prooMt wifo flock of foroo. Hho tokOB pecslbr "It Is our duly to declare In the 1
enouch to rail thr matter to tbe atten­
pride to tkb Hook. Uor frtoado bdb*o aothofitauve masner that toll Is
wbM ho wMBryootooU.
that no propiislflcm coatatoiM tbe tion of tlH aathorltlea After consider,
Bykorbo boo. twelra jobo will Uro oorml yMro BOre.
inx the mailer. bowc^■TT. it Was de•Ushtcot aUuslun to tbe independea.
Cuba, either with or aitbout Indemnity. Hded that no order* would be laoued
lookJnc lo a biovemeni of tbe squadron.
been made to the Spanlab »ov.
*«» pOOM wltaoni repplrmrtWO.
While (he dectoloD to understood to
I Icfleb^. D tbi- tortMTi oad oUppcro Bent: tbe yovemment would etralKbt- have been baaed primarily upon tbe
ShOtooWetoAoW IMt-rUe Bin took
« to j would be forr«d to per U» loercow Id way reject any eueb proposition, and fact that It would be nnwise to remove
the IncrcoaMl frHyht imtn. Senator tbcto I* no party or (tatesman in Spain tbe Bhipa from their preanit rahiBblc
>*ed to Ilalre to such a onlutlon."
Mew Torkj Aprs A—Bradstroet'oMr*: P'<niytb rharard that ty«aoBc of OoTBtraieirir position, yei it to believed t5
• unfair/teachinXB darta«
A woto.oT roibor onlcicr concraJ ttado
that diplomatic coasIdenUoos also bte'] ^
sad of oBOibT dMtrtbattM, doe to easi­ the bM two year* Irylrlatore must eith­ toe favorable attitude of European
ly cxplolaaUo ceueee, clooeo a'ouarter er TOlc blind OD whatever bill the exec*
mental powrn, whoee friendly dltCDBAm ASS NOT AJX ■
curwhich bao fcoea oentoenuy oottotsetcry
pesitiob toward Spain baa been
nipiloa^a by ih’ publl«._
to aeorly all braactaca of trade sad proatreiifthened by the tael that the Unit­
aud« on tho OntolMa IM '
ed States and RnrUnd have lately been
dactiTe of oa oaproeedenud baofne** le
diawT Hoeer by their common ln'-rt«ts
Boay CoTortd Uaea - The brovy farcin,
China. It aaaens that the Preneh unique deaturea of the dlfOculiy with
tbit it a vary tlyiiak laat
deBood for oor pruducta. porUculorty WBlaeOaTewaL—e. teaeOiO wHO Ptw
; and Rusdan povenimenta have aekrd Bpaln developed yeetecday afternoon
osnculttual otapleo, and (be artier diSpain to state elearly the irsrtmum of
soli Iho oboes tbe public want to boy. Bow wo bavs fulSUteAko A___________
toeatie norontMt in moet llnre ere evlUaco.'a, Neb.. Aprfl t-A fire which | eweeeaicni -ehe
make to Cuba and wficn^ie president received ibe f How. eoBtoBBv to best told fa tbe larvc ate ineteaaiac bualaeas eoMtaagy ee»t-y
deaeed by the beavity tneweaxed bank Martcd at.* p. m. yesterday in the the I'nlled Ptalee. wHtti
Inx appeal tnx)> the aunmumout xov- to ua It to to our Interoat to please tbe pablle. wktok ww eteeavor to Aa by
chortoM. ard ibe aSeet
etiUDfm of CufaA alcned Oaivek ifae fflriDff tbe bast value la shoe irstber that «xparteaM ate akUl eaa proAaea.
arholeiBle and retail carpet and foml- . ebllne those power* to e»err-l*e
cut imrfnailty la fi
pfraldcnt of the colonial gc vemment
a total for the flrat three montbi of IM tarn bouae of A. M. Datia k Co baa to- < It Waahlnxton In favor of the prtsi
The colonial xovernmeni of ruLa de■ Spanlab rule 1
tally dealroyed that bumdtix and..........
of fnllore* and Uabmilai involvtdx
Blra to make knomn to the president
tenta. -lUrbardB block, a four-story aSdiCuba.
cr thqn in the a
Aprtl t—The FTench Inlerna- of tbe United EUtes that qlth u.h Ihenfour '--ar* past
total luaa Ike I Oonal arbitration ooeicly hat sent let- ate some rubans in arms, y. t mere are
COO.OOQ, and at tbit ! tere to th- Spanish minister tor forelxa .an ln;men*e nun b-r -who accept liotne 136 Front Street.
£*x«kOt±oaA Slroexixate
aa rernrOe
and affair*. Sennr Cull'n, and In the Amer- rule and ate resolved to work sexloualy
steel at m-vM markets, and
Sherman, under thlr form cf xuvetoineni In' order
Ins in 'tiir.ietiuna li claimed, but the threatena the entire square. Omaha baa lean accreury nf state.
bs for aaalatoncc.
' urylnR tbe b6\ irablMtv of the arbitra- lo Te-eetabltob peace and pr.sperity to. boeds or a tJUt dMbr hmeStah
bulen--* iMne ir on an iimnenae aeala., been called-----------------•.------; tion of the
the land. Tbe tnsursrnts form a ml-; piiblirhed with maUxnaoi Inient
Tbe pne Mto.nion h. on the wbBe. | ABBESTXATED T«t.«flffAte»
I and the 1'nlted Plates The jAumal dee borily. while the autonomlnx tvrrracol ' ttrinc panslors, maklny It appear that
qttlle i-n'-ooroiiiic this seek. oua. ffotir.
' TVhata ct.mmentlne rm the Inadtnlae- the mijoriij of the list, r sis of rhlllta- Injustice and brula! force relxii In Cuba. T» FtoriAa ViM ••The late qff the
pftnt cluihs and
_Wtestler soeffrr Wlsba* to meet ; Qbliuy of America's yxorWtant pre- Uun hy meaaa of jusiii- and liberty■ky.» prominent ain<
Tosoouf axals.
tenetons." ftimplalit* of tbe American
"The Oibar |>e« ir an AmrricaD
Tbe Miffbty Bputbern BaDwpy
Uoaed. while *hrai. «im.Jard. eoffe«,
"Jimmy" Mk-baB baa stned to Hd* and Enifllah papers that are sdvlainK people, and has. In n.r-vqucnee. a per­ Its seat, and when experience cannot
tom. travMlar tko tebl Onat State
- SottOB and sneer are hlirhar. and tba several more cycle Tsees this samBcr.
Bpatn le toll rMha The arptpathy of fect rtrtit 1C r»vmi Ittoir aecordlu 10 ten wbcBMT the new ytwtini; -wtu an­ W tkeBooBlnrSeatk. Ateras-M MlL
list ot atopies unrhane<d In prtc* apUoyd C Ctaurdt of fltursto. Mteh^ henchmen Inclines rather to Fpala.
rwa wishes Tnd avpiraUo&s. and la ew^ or tet. There to no good talth la tba aUentioo of tbe Health seebB. tke
psar* the tnosi numerous.
dtod of tuberculosi* of toe*d
jnaf for a forelyn these eforiea As was aald by the
•0 PlMMtrwMdhw, Ihe
FUtafe records, as sbme Intimated.’ IT year*.
fi-ripfl aQi anaoN u ntoBiifEnc. no way would It
Wffl to Impose upon it a political raxlme Bortal Waahlnxton: 'BoBcaty to
omlnr ate tke Fitele- TrateiBr
boar wttaeas to the atiirnfartory cosdlArthur Orton, tbe celebtatod. TIchwblt* It aaieems ccntrary to iia happl- htm potlcT.'
. to tke teay tevaatsM.^
tloas rnUnx ta to* c.mmrrcial Hnee
died of aysoMe
imabear and conscleacc. This would be to
The Cuban paritoment to about to btMUlai ensawy. tbe rieb aJ (teOo
this year in a total for the oosner of Borse MslUtot.. dk
I. sad both t ■ Bpirit
of Bbcrty.
UU. embarraaBnenta. invoum* liabli- kia Tburteay.
Tbe Cuban people to n
lUes ofJtUf^M, a derresse In number , Tbg-fffrtnynaee fDversmeBt baa anIt wIsbM to rule Its o
IT tlw WID Of the Btajority of tbo ^l^tollerida^
. of. B.M.M
r preoenr at least. TbM tt wouM-be a sreat wtokedne** t
jn wb
two yaan apo of B per cent.. » hii» aa kUofftssun** bf forwlys
fsgsida UabOlUea tbore to a fatline
' 'Belatlow botveen
Decretary leooc. ate SOt
u : Costa Ktcn are «i«aUy Kislnod; war »
a tke toetlBXB of the UnlWd TrMidaRt of tke Ho
off tkeJM."
(Mb last year of » per cent..
BMBt ef Cuba."
over « per omi. 1 Prjhabla
a «. d. tf.
AMBUOi. wfate beate ate MHh

■■■ of ovi
pie to be aaerUhtod and forced to tooa
FUtooBi In tke DomlBioo of Canada for ' After a week of hard work Oenaral
a xwvefnsoeat tphleb the mm* poopl*
tbe Ult duBTter of im number U(. „WHIUun Booth, tbe -bead of tbe anltraret of tke squadron t
ttmlder peraldpus to Its permaaeat tawltb UnbRlUM of B.M.SOO. a deerra*- Uon Army. Mfl Cbltsfoa^ noon yteterWatenffton. Aprtl A—The navy do- Beoee. teeriepb only Pklaae, Me
ursau and to the ease? of pesos ate
of N
H per cent, la number ate
and B. pei
per Aay.
parunobt rsodved lafemaUon yester­ (iBtoaa M See. W. VetetoWU. Or ■
L la IlaMBtM from one yaar ban.
Tbe New York ate soutbsrn New
day that the crutoera TIacaya ate tke traveler, who 1* in a harry $0 'fte
Oqueteo .tke two flae Bpaatob cruMere to
srhlcta Um ' ahlps aadar Cot
OqtMteo. tbe two lylnx at aavana, bad
«tey Tbra* Ttoae Ateaw ■¥ ''«al>war
loft that port.' Tbctr doMaatte to Act Ste^^Jte*BMle-fleMB. w£k*^
E haa'offerte to bafU ON
- Caa B.II by BtaMpa.
known, but there to reasna to btfleve tketaieeftkeatrtfebtewaMihe Btaa
■ of tbe Borth Atlantic Btataa. faithful to tbe n
XASBlnK. JllcfeLt AprU eC — Bte ! at ueo.ew apiooe. to a
they kava •ete'to Jtdn tke totpodo ll»of
atedkeOay ■
osaboard. Be adde
taAeamaatiM with tbe 9wtoi * Omr
boce laseod tOiOot
towt BeiAto. tbe Saatbawt MIIwm
Arnold tbeec
Bto^yeeterday w
Cktoaffb. Aprtl A—United ataus ■Pv- teas tbe Qwte iTbiMffb-YkMb-Lite
of niiBota, to
^tbe varloas phate of tbe BUBUea
amsMbt hu for^ueveral day* baea ta- to.tbe Mb ate Vlerlte. Bl^te
yastorday tbo ttylac aquadron stood oBt
peoBtecaUr, both as a oeater of pobllc
liadmhip of Btx JlcbOaff brsTea from tatorwt B oOBpaetlee wKb -----------.qael fur alL ate which 1^ be
Wte caae* of <aB
Pine Btdas sffeacy. bare tMdersa tbBr oteantortt*
iB^HteasMto ikapirrtho MBfldaMo
MMtoM to MlMaaoto to fltei •aala. ate as



ruuovB ynti at infooui.



**• ............. * '

b«ter M M$ten M tte p

......M state oa^^nteM

.Marffuetto, MtoK. ApeU A-A Msofvvqtrteb
Tba b«te tee ffovmeat of IMt ■tbphk offer was eeai froa hers pte
Mteny to ftetral Al*er of a cupp^

00 otatod-ta cocBocUoa wte' O* a»Stiii


■■ r.-, ii-vV-

i ■■■ ■


TBM MOMmro Moomp, etnrPAY. ArtiL s, m

miniua TO »(IHT.
Hm I.

tbt vabpla BOV aaflanax^tmuTVaa
■tov<4«aUi IB Cuba usttor dlraeUM at
tha nraraaMat of Bpaln. I km aorrr Z
*aat OB that trip, tor tha pictura of b«.
aan niarry vhkb vaa braadea upon
my. brain ia eoDatantly vltb ma and wtU
BtVar todc away. The vorda of Sate,
tor Gallliipar. Sanator Praetor asd
Baaaigr Thuratrm do not In may maa- i
Brr exapperata the awful amdlUoBi'

anaat.lo tka

PottOea. bowavar, araa not tha chief
anwaa by nay menaa. About a month
bafera the city eampaltn opeaadL a
T«rribU CendWonof M«n aiMl aco,
(Head of Brnaa' taferred to him la
Woman Who Work in tho
aompUmentary tenna In the praaeaea of
Caputa Davla. and nrariy pnirofced a
MillbofNow Engluid.
»v then aad there. Raraarka on that
ooeaBoa atade by Captain Davte aa to
The leonoclaat and lie editor were re­
peated. u la aald. In Brana'a beaitac
Brann’a rrjolndrr carried to Capatony which wa wItBaoaad in Cuba.- ^
Uln EfcTit. Thia epieode atimd np tbt
th^ BUII BaU Ooa AtuiBM iba a
----- acalBBt daoh other and
I^Uie *ke bltlemeM bet'
them which betan when '^e Brmnn-Baylor
e Belp to Ctothtot. V
I wall-kaown c intreaainan tcday.
aroae and t»^ Iniento
whra the Oer.
■d lieM-Moooy he* Wee
have the old a«.................know that they are
a bore to me. for I am aot out of poU*
Ike yet; but the fact U. they make my
Mew 1 dtord. kUaa.. Aprtl h—Not- •xraoyvp BAPPBvirSD TWla TtBB.

««ot S./^otSjyX'^Ka ,

S.4MII «t C«ta.


U® OF roOD.


Apru t-rha

Man {toopU gathpr tbrnwa by (UUaf
to bMd the waralaf^ aeat ent by dlt-

«^“Whlle il
•■cBlt ts «r1U crM« ftrotM at tb« b*>
•* ««r civil war," aara BacraUaeeaad hUdderttoahla.
- 2^
**«.*UI «>• ■•*•? »ou*h U
Thlu Dlah Ktdoey Boaaa at oaaa they
■no craat crMaa mam. Tag may t*wlU enru eou—they haea eurad thouumtmhat Uat at iba baciBsiac of our
anda of othara_ Tn Tvtna'a or Bbl«»M ww »a hatf oalj (b« Waat PalBl dependent m'^fa’S^anTrS
ADKLPtu malm Olah Ktdaoy Banaa.
«m«aataa to
mpem tor arininc relativee vrtta me day after day. aay“•“» ■aW oparaUrea ara aa
It waa utun predicted that i.___
tat: -PJeaee to to the pcaaloD oaeu
“»a*» protWto.w*hlitot a Braaa aad Capuin Devte met fhrra
-----------------MiBiBan War. Theae
aad Inquire eoaeciralat the eoadltloa at »*doeUon of wata aa tbey>ere irhea would be bloodahed. Captain Dayls
<f«l maMera wire aMt epoaliy dl- : my caae. t caanot pet aatwere to my ^ traat atrlke bapaiL X aommt was a feaiieu.maa. aad ready on aU
Widdd belwaen.tbe aortb aad the south. kitcra. either from tht cofmnUWonfr eommiitoa. -inn|maeiT of bualoaHmaa •oeaBens to aiprem hlnaeU. The pub.
“•w today we. hare not only our or my atiorneya. I nuiat depend oa haa laeued aa irrml to tha ««».■■- u UoaUoaa of Brann apalas Baylor unl“ ruraity wounded him deeply, aad be
Jab o. Jonaoa. Drafftet
Wapi Point men aad the aerrmta of you to look after my latereau'- None whkh it aara'
-yae eoadUloa of ih.-------------- l.
.the recnUr army. 4>ut we hare reUr. of ttem aoem to realiaa what it rneana
40 call on mp for each wort. I am ob.
•M of tto am war. all of them «npa- Uted to to \o the pfa^n office, and
Me Of driniat raw roeratto and pui- that lake* half an boor out of my day. “*■ *«« •«»« AUdraa. arc depeadttmt thaS la eoadltloa to take the T only hare two boura. between !• •“*
ikelr fallowtaaa for life. Thuy „
- ---— —----------- ---- -w
o-Qlock la the momlnt and noon, beatarrUtt aad thaweap Utcbcaa iXat
®“**croaa*rtd without craal delay.
' »tt«>i'ed them for ao loi« are ^^..‘2?’ 1'T*.
totot la the dl- y.W.PaMhto.
**Ihe boya who apend four yMta at rauae prampily at U o’clodf the bouae
* ' Polat learn all about the. aeleare
»r tne work i
M.aaAraPltbUat(erUOi. '
«• war. and they accure broad edncathe lefieUtive day.
without rood, with Bre
«ona. but aa dnil maatera they ara notxuoraoya at Uw.
TttoeuMhe Peertea OBee.
•he whit aupenor to'the boyi who
ffiaaa la Keoupee Mcto. Tiaraeto Atr. Mlea.
“The bouae ooatlnuee______________
Jamgbi four yearev aeaHnt blue and
( o clork p m. and the penaKm offleo •»PP«na them to
1 hellere
4„. the --------tyrannical
I ckoce at'l. *0 the only Ume
“ mill ownera. They are ' were worde of
«WMh aurvlviap reteraiu In Mlchipan ' ^ifi. i;,,
ta di«n aa army of men iaiide of tikee
*W» waeka. I hellere that ihe'\>ieT- office, and there I muat eread coaaldhM north and eouth could dHII and erable Ume walilnt tor racb cam. I to
•Bake eSactlre aa army of men to the room of the chief elertc, wrtu
W?Uln a parted of a month, aad maha 4poa a rtip the name of
raplmeni and aute. the nature .»
®; t**
-matered. At lid
wild bullet hit JdoWrm.2
X. . Bhud aoldien of aU of them.caae. and wait tor a meaoenper to brtap 1”^
y to the ka«c. Aaothrr wild bul'*
mieoi* Be need mt Aloee.
ttT»en It oomea 1 mi
let hit Bupene Kepler to the f«M. Ibe
>e«ry Mkhlpan man*abouM be proud
jWUd bullet wounds afeaotstrtoaa. Xepof Oeaerai Alter for hU apleadtd detor and bis panoar Prtace are tonrtap
*-----laatlee of oharacter. Althouph be
-kea from aftoen mtoutm to half .^h* boiMittoe deao aot aakformoaey the world oa a waper aad had fun
aortouily m for two montha. aad
.ur, end aometlmea a whole hour
Clothtop. vepetahlea. braad. reached Waco.
crttloally Ui a part of the Ume.- to dmoted to the thorouph csamlaattoa meM-aayihtot wM-be tueaired Mt
A reporter haa vtoltod B(«bb
oa aa a treat national ertata came of a eii'ak caae. ,1 UauaUy bare from •'■eiV'
WM ahoL Be was al home on a eoacb
apoB aa be aroae to tbc'oaiBalun. eonmeat;
on baiA and am or MB pirraBCBa opal Dtmicr. aurrounded by ourpeOBs. hto face as
•uered the dlaeaac by ezerclae of will alwaye behJad my docket.
The people
White aa nrew. Hto wife and nay
power and want to the war depanmeai who write to me do aot nnderatoad thIa
. at the Btaui
Crteods were with him. Be waa too
erery day to eaperriae the work of
of affalra: aad they do aot atop
___ _________
weak to talk aad ews prebahly past
preparatlOB for boatllittea. The offieera to think that 1 hare ethera than themnttaburp. ApeU X—The eoal mlaan surpery. althouph the doctors mid there
Bad bureau cblefa of the war depari- ■tfvaa to look aflar. Bach otie of them of thto dhlrtet took » hotadar to mlt- was some allpht chance for him. Cap*
Bwet apeak ofbtm aad of hie worktop thinka the world rerolrea around hlmbrau the I
> of the elptat* tala Tom Sarto was taken to the Pa'' chpacltr la torma of eateem and eaclBc hotel Bad reparded aa taortany
wounded. Jrt* nphr toap betap cruelly
Thia aflomooB. la hla office. Qenen
poUtkally- My Ufe to anythlnp but n '
lacerated. Both men'vere blcedlnp to.
'Xiper aald: *Tt Is especially pratlf]
picnk.teraaUy and were fatal. At a tato hour
to the praaldi
It u aU rery well for mewbera of c<
both were alive, bul appearod to ba
• whole country
of their work. 1
would be picuaed. to aee the leiiera
tioas woou be oompUed with I_____
r all overlook «
This erin make.fota- homkldaa t
from otd aoldien tendertap their aanhouse of representatives Is nIp’ dtotytet witboat rtaan to eatreme
Baylor univcralcy crtiktoma.
tern. Break Jamee Lontstreet. the old
The situation to the central;
Harrtt brotbere
havinp wn
been uuaireoine
iidiy aad stiapv In acme partlculara
- ,----------.....u*
. BthUat ctkaracter upon whom the
hlle II I* Bhamefully Uriah and prodl- dJKi^ oamj^ap Cambria. Indiana. I months apo by yudpe Gerald, on that
Ohufederaie 43endral Lae priulpally _j1 to others. Aa a atople epampto. let
«w» other Importaat eoal account.
Tolled, write* that althouph he ie al- Its consider the bHU makini appropiU- «o»Me^ h aot ao encouraplnp. The
Moat M yem old. he would pladly thms for rlrera and harborn.
dlatrtci. aumbertap
taka the Held for this eouatir. and be
■pM«aet Drototoe ^ m aireto BaUwm
Btaua hie belief that be could reader
r the United Mine Workers.
(bm u Deieih.
e bills eaO for the e
Dnlath. Minn., April LWodpe Motr.
___ . - harr recelred a lettar ^ m.«M.OW to
par. OB or before April to. aboold the .
from the aoB of Oenerwt Grant, mod•®_*W»W*wed^^to a matM* refuae to meet them to eonfet- of the dtoirtet court, decided yesterday
lOtty exprcMnp hi* dealra to-aerre hU



t' ; • letter
that be haa

- ■
^▼er Burned Ostt c

r Atkinaoa that the anteaeocf
BltabMh Noblea. who waa tohrto
baaced yeeurday at liaeon. be oomaratod to Imprlaoammit for Ufe. Tba
TBor haa pempened the eremlluu
aad will no doubt todom the fla^

John R. Santo,
tutral lisNiice.

Whioa in aoed of aaytUat la
Una reMber lhla U Iha^Sa totoHew
Zioaeo yoor flcdora at oOea cr otOlap

Thone No. t.

Oaa laiBo lot. te-foot fr«at. ea «oh
tor atroet. batieapa WMllartoa aa«
Praakila. Ctoaba bourht for SIM lom
thaa^ eataolf tahoa hafero Xarfl
St. Look thto np at oaea.
Oa* M-toM lov Bsriow steust. <



Clerks, vhicb mipht aa wall

.......... -.
__op- P
arators hare deeUaed a ooafereaea aad a test caar bronpbi.apatost the Duluth
,* ^ ^
Uth* >ha men have asked Street Railway company to UK. Tbt
lOoey may pive
. .
» Tueaday , tranebtoee bare been tased each year
me p&ttleal worker* aad Meads
alace. aad the declaion. if affirmed on
of tadtrldual eoapTraamcn. In ethappeal win amoam to thousands of
or werda. the public money to used
doUar* to the apprepate.^ior all the
tVe alao wont to Wept Point, oerrod
• to the city eaieyiap mnal.
tear >aaia. aad was praduated to UTL
, etoal ptsats bare been taaed.
Bo then served la aereral frontier lathx vatt ttj
41aa campaipna. and was alao a ataff
wapea apreed upon between the mla- i
------ '
era and mlae operstora al Oolombna
XXeatoaant Oeaerai Sheridan,
L~Aftar an cit laborura to U
!• penaayg: The reeordy of the war depart.
eoedlnply turbulent aaaaiea of ato boars
meat will abo* where and to what cn- aton office. The clerical force to the The operator* my they, bare net j
I penalon office Is only half ntuaeroua had tuna to make dS i
I tha naral
,t I enouph to promptly haadla Iht butoneaa
t becaum of the i
which baa accsmulaied tbera.
. be pirea to me by
worktop force of that office oupht to danpar of trouhla.
(Utotry of war.’ ” ^
Uesced to ail the a:
• aad overrode
General Alper apoke of Alt letter
about two UMkUBaDd clerks eatployed
frsn the son of bU old
top the number of torpedo boau
ih-Ahe penalon office now. aad there
torpedo boat daauoyora to twcaty-tokir,
«apht lu be four tbouaatto at-least, la
the blU as reported providtog tor but
order to keep
p para with fhe! work or b
a bariop rasebed the acrlptuni ape | heep It
d tor by o
Of three score year* and ten. who aay
that they are ryady and wllllnp to
Spht fur their country. I have also raThey constant)p klpeal to ma" sonOmeutty with s Fsliew
salved peraonal Icllera from DemotraU tlnued my conpreealonal, Mend, “ba.
•ad Kepubileana la Mlchipan. aaylap cause they esnnut pet answer* to their
tune* would have praeipluisd a debala
that.*r aefred to Uicbipaa kuerg which are addressed to their al>
of *everaJ ]^r_p. was diapoaed of to tea
rspbneau to their boyhood, they are tprtreik- Now. how een their attorneys____________
now leas than M year* old. aad brlisvc answer their Utter* when the pcaatoa ZUET SETTLE IT WITH RETQLTERa. aaEUleei a.prupoBJtioo to decrease the
that they can render pood aervlce
to cannot answer their attorueyaT
Bald tha Bald."
Thousand* of totter* are received dally
— . ■
of not*. -^Oanaon duriu*
•HeblpaB Beady far Wan
la th. pension office which are msrelr »__ _ - ■ _ _
- _
of the day announced the belief
There to no mlatahuip the facUac tiled away, no msiier whether they
see* Kaa Be* e Lead ^ ^
________________ ^
ajorlty of the members ibsi war
Of the people of MlchlpAh.” mya Sen- come from the ctototonl* or theto at?•“.*“ “** *’•“«
»••• W*”
TwePee.rat.-PMr rieUm. aewaflb. '
aior Burrowa.
“My ceiraapondance ; torne>u. Ws mast po tbera to petaon
----------^ raaeu.
Of MlMuri
made a noubto
abow* l^t they are all raady for war. j if me want to find out about these ^ Trad- O-TOV Tba _ieea*»iisib
tf bo^Um'
to—e- ar BeyWr
•--------- was our duty to strike"^
auaaity. 1 ara sorry to set ibsm war | Very true, but the eatwt la la
first blow.
cloud* palher. I bsvt prayed from the I press. It Is' not the provloee of
Washtiipton. April ——tua
t-The ■ lUBka
Tax.. Apru
t-A special to The
a— aay. -IBM
----—A a>TOVW
ID 4B*
flrat that there mtpht W no war. The i correapondeoi to bar#
view* —.a
at^f Is
il wise aan ,,
tn the mldal
to^oacrat Mecoat of human life, the suBertops of I eemlnp pension laws, what
------ •**"*
M«lstoilaa belnp
Ml. clecUoo
bereaved wives and children, the coat | unwise to the matur of pranllap pea- **
praparauone for oily
done to open seeelon. In secret seatoa
of treasure to the country, all theae ' slons. to rUlmanta. but it la certainly “»*“npb while Und* erere ptoyUip and __________ of the Danish West India
must Or voBiidecrd Bul when
la ‘ the ripht of the corraspendent to atax* •cauerlap handblUs Crum thetr decor- lauM. kas 0 Btronply opposed that the
*4>oh a paara-lovl^ oouafry. U | the torts sad Par Ufr paepli to met •»- atod vaat. oaUtop the paople liwittiw. reaffiaUaw
to pralUylnp
. ________ cordlnply when the caae to placed bot W. C. B.-ann. editor of The
le spuntaacou*
Tht I
pamolUm of the peoia*. MlcUpaa waa
them. Tbt fact to tbera ara haa- pnA
foremost of the aoniincsisrn sutes In
the civil war. and her peopl* win not
be Mckward on ikts occasion nor on
any oeeasioo when the federal pororaBwat needs the aervUca of her aoi
b* eoBriderad and dtopoasd of oa* ^
•eaator HiUliton mya; "No
■srmUre man la ailhm the osaaie or
both bapan emptylnp tbeU rimirsr*
the bouae of reprei
haa dsI
olap the pemSoa h«|.
otrsd war wuh fl^ia
in or with any othar
It U a'abaiitoe that lb*
* Unitod
b* doa* with pay
ta the igft lua«; tbs left taf
Mr OaTtertooModthslapdlwaaiw
•Ulw should be e
u aov psaffiap and ^ tM ripht foot: Darto was shot dhaato of thto vUlaM aad eat^ m
aa emerpeacy. vtthoui harinp a more
____ ,___„ (hi* oMoltT —
fOnaldable nary Nevertheleaa. w* will a WsratloB hsae^ vte aU th* prsm
kis anaa Tbs '*
, w. a fttam. Mlmr M Ormk
probaMy pir* a- pood aerauat of our- *aiSJrl»*T*ofth#«l*flV*rara5^. beffi
•a. ■braatobyg. B.Wali.Dn.gylM^
osiraa. My
Bmaa wtm aaylce OatemeMy.
a frmt papular war fseUnp to Michl- tap la th* raUtyt aadar th* datoNfa
Tba BIffioulty bstwsea th* two ....
caa. a^d I bar* leitsrs from old sol- Thms ffiatm* win bscoms. what th*
4l*n la Bswty srscy eouaty. tpaderUfr.
-1 with hie dletla^labed soldier
ftdher to the memorable eMpe of Tkkabus. la the ChatUDOopa. WllderaeM.

tharihT'is'^ ^u'to^^'to Hovn pAnn


wffbraom 'tram w«l*m a* MB* a. m


sstii»“."‘ns: £,“:ss 2 s


u ™.»bu.-w. J.

auLOOKWoop o.r!^aSSSliiori3a^

ITtKLOCX UTMmSeeeal* at ffiper NM
** Ti»'w»* Ctty
KTom-rOB aatl Bewl and rMaemaV
XX »U (eraU ea. yiA»; or heUStay ato-e.


Sear loro, serusr IWhant Ossaaueafa. IMtset

froet br M test Seep. AU la tbs bSMt S( the

sai. tl* yraotPt..

« Tm WiitTmEjn EnaiNl

«w Mk, 11. taBoo, m tot III mm.


dortap tho priimt BsasiaBoa and asfa an paBOa of Bayter «alr««lty aad th*

AMMtlA^ hTOTOra •
CklaiB* A Vonk MmUsm XMB;wA frf ih|.





aat ar toli pato. a
» tba c«If. omm

Mtcgic Vdue
SSitwl ¥«* IP Bf Acc«wBpI>?l»cd at tha
Citoaltar ef Aaterica-Hie Occu­
pation o!Port)eH«^

acalaat Cuba. It la aalaoMa oa a (sealtoe atotloa aad aaat of aappBaa ««rtot
aw. Tba plana of totorm tow baaa

toro« to
» to too
hotottol at Baaaoa. «»«• ytltow tow
•ivaira Mloto war* titolail at Dar
ToniWM bafaa* bato« oaat to K«

toapa lha totort of baetoBw
aeaarga of t^aao aato. a»a Uw
D«rtat,UM am artw tka fan «M biut7 of baitotoc a foM iw BOOM ona to


« to tropkAl wmtars kr tkm ttou- acM. toMdar_____________
Ma otoea tka elrU «mr) at toa I foond tnlltr V a mDltatr c
—1. wlUUa to nltaa of Caba i of partidpaUoa I- **

WtoaaOoa. with tba pfUaarr abjaet to

The Navy Yard
At Mare Island
M(to lo^wHato Naval Statioooajtbe Pacific
Ctoto-Secood Id fitoc an^ W*'
ttdJce--Marnmofii Drydoefc
Wblli o«r AMaatle com ■
PBPBto aam to tba BBcky I

tawto OM OB tba Bbtoto •

oloaa. aarroBBdad by Mra obAb Bito
poBlan. whUa Bipaa. NBbbb Md toada
tnaa form a lar«to- part to tba meat
pttoaraaaaa aaaaJ depot to tba OaMad

bare tba promWaM ••
has boaa allrbtad by
Uona, aad its djataace from Waatalar- > ban matded tta pr^ar
and can.
lae outottiar aUUow tba
blaad (PbUadatptala) aaay
yard. wHh Ua BU aoraa.I. to tba to
bat Hbn lalaad. wUb ita 7«i aena. w
next la alaa. laddMiUlly tba Brook-

oval at tba bettoap alcac wbaaa cruuM
diaawtir raata fee kael to a daabad vam
aaL The naaoa lor doeklar Is ^ tta
ablp'a atdaa and kato iAj be ---------f.
aiartad btota aad etcaiaa batow tta
water ttoa amy be rapaind ata tta kna
rtraa B aew coat to palat. Tba irdtoaTr
toaWutiBu has Uttte Idea to the wortoooB amaoBt to drift that asttoeto pa •


wkkb than la aa taowa iraiuUra. %
ferae mosrtbr entaa. «ni fe«i
feip Aipd. Iraa ar toiil to aacb^
Bxtoait Chat bar jpaad w0 ka iBaliitoMmd aad bw i~ Aad doektoc la alwaya aa wifeMi
affialr. tta coat af wbkb adfe iBtafe
toe abtoec H«r rrMa. bar BfettadblMr
to ppaed aad aiUtr TBta


iM .to
dar took trlffii



. s bar w Dary JoaaT V___
totled wm*. netma oBly a *
-------------------- fee tower few to a
I than la tta ataalw to paoito

1. oppewu tta town to Vallato.
re moat af the vontmea .maployad to tba yard Uvc. A iluie wiiww.
Aba BUaa. jMlaa betwaaa Kata Waad
jC .otoeeta asd maa. Btaacto. a Cqr
ulao away, to wbora 9oba C Baeaaa
*K noma of bla trototor fpr tbe porflfe.
Ale Hw aad wbeiw ba.tad a lili kaaiUk

. rfvto»'tota4arti I uianuar oa ■ffiar- wi


diy. Tbaaa waw b

, taW -4ta Stato




Jtor. rvT nv
--------- ---------- Ha« to•aw bia botoa jMbetiea to »t. Macito
asUbaltp of tba AOOBtjr.
ltd. ....... bla Aoeoaaa a
htfea. *«R -It tooB :
too tamitrto Utaa«. tol «ba t
-WBpptlaa far W lab<
toaoL Tba paAIttlNito «aaaraliy to- iina fwto Mto« totoa.
. .................. aiid . totaal
•Bd'ta Ba-«ataB 4o OatoaB bay by au.
Rbatort-feTiiBiBinl to abBpa. Bwd *t «SB adlaa to ppoM. IfeNWA thetB to | dUtoc
atoUtoBA tbar*. Tto
»auaW tbrp. talas wide owHptiBBk tta •
two. Tba toot named ,raaateee from tba
> tbaa calM pf-ti
l^.“. T>ap.<i»« a

Ltattot BnoMt tta Mk Jb to tta
toary htad. la Btooa* coainat w
a to tta oaatora yarda. Tba PbOta


ft- -s: -aar-~~ S



B tba aoethwaot of Oarden key to I by
to toUaa to ana. with a dapU to fraiB
M to nt tothew to waaar aad axaaU
wt *boMiar tnW
Vaay ntka to ptratlcal dan bawa
baaa fowd then to tba form af *
I, botb iToa and bnaa aad a
eotoa to Bll coodirtaa of botb aftrar aad
Today It ta ealaahla aa aa Ideal
aaeal atathw-

A ftCttake fay Spaiib

Dmsidft or roar nrPERsoN. .drt torttioas.
r tea BiUaa aaA - EaM ta tba lartaot aa« Loa
O' of tox. Ttoatr e
b'to to too j
of arUcta li Oardoo
... .. _
la tatasL Tba auto eatraaer ka rnw
tba aaat. mm a dtotaaco aototta la
a Tba ulats. ipbito an to eotal fonA- ana bat a lew Itoe of rettora. wbMi
Pobl. art low aad bama except wbera broak oa a oomU naf aereraJ mUea la
*raftlr eoetnd vltb ■an«n>aa aaf extaab Tba obfp ebaaaal ben aetara
wati eadar boabaa. Ob Baab (or Oar. batweea Boat aad Buab keya. ttowaa
«M) tar la rort JaHeraoB. which to lira Baad aad UfaUle tara. toon aiiiioot
toad a Barrtooa of M rwb. bot arar i
"doobtaa «i ttaaU. rwanlac by aboals
ToDow teeer a few raara as« eamad which ar'extnme low tide an altnoat
wwar BO BBasr aictlBB, aaarir axterml- ban. Tba ebaaaal to-to awne placto
watlae a battarr of artlliarr. the placo bardir a ablp'a leacth to width, aad
larpe cnilaen would ban dlflk-uitr la
aaiartac. erao If It wen paaalMe for
them to do ao. Tba ehaaaal la de^. of
a Meb Wae color, ta atroac eoatniat to
toe net It tana kracefalJr aiouadI waatcTB odea of tba croap. la IB Oaidaa tar. paaolar betwcea It and
feat above tba aaa bM riafbte for
Lobk tar. thaa paat Bird key. toaa
■waatical mllaa. Ttaro an tbrae aa- eompletlas tba dieait aad aSordia* an
■toaoeaa to toe barber, aamod tba oortb- ewUet to (he aeotovaat and aorthwMt
waoc. BOBtbwato aad aeatbOMt d
by Iwiarbaad Mr.
Fort JefferoDB la thanfon a coni
Bta to the eeater of a pnat lacoon.
protectad hr coral reef* and aarrepad-




V ,

UBS. wbea SpaiD was OebtUe
acalaai Baalaad. tba dpanlarda made a
.pweer Muadar to trrtot to defend Ha▼aaa acatoat aa attack of the Brtitai.
Before the Brttlab dee* appearto la
the oSac the iBfealous Spaalarda had
kBoefeed belea lo.tbe bottoms of toetr
wanwlpa and auak tbam In tba
•arrow cbaaael laadlac into the barbv.
They areomptlabad one tolar at least.
The iMBtJle Beet could not uatar tba harthr cfaaa.
Bal had be«B removed, aad It would bo
a mtber trylac aadartoktoc to attempt
to dear the ehaaaal under fin from tba
roaa to La Cahaaaa and Borro
Bat the Bnttsta did not
y opt I
part to toa procramme
«WL laatead they
the eesmidc aorth of (be har­
bor entrance, acatod tba bWrbts (n the
to La Cabaaaa. eaptarad tba (on
out difficulty, than taaatoad from
on to llorro raotle. planted a mine,
blew a pan of toe caatle Into amltberaad Havana was tbelra.

flaeramaBto aad tan JoaoBto rtr- men to the aavy prefer the east, thooxh
an. which drain the ynat valley be- tbs Baropna otatloa (tba MsdUarrawaaa tba Biam Natada aad auaat ana) la racarded aa tta paradta to
Mnatatok. diacharce into duimin bay. {them an.
The aavy yard proper at Mare Island I Tbe hwe drydock at Han Island U
Is oa tta saatera Kdt Toward tta cen. f perfeaps tta moot Intereottar feataro.
eoL an (be offlrerW quar- | Imaxine a eatal eoUarom or claade KiTktoad. who to tba aaalar real
----- -------- _toa barracks and tta naval i ampbllbeatar. aad you wUI have almiwt mbal to tta aavy.
hooidtaL dll faoklac Inward Saa Frw. I a Uleral Idea to this raaaWra baWa.
AlffiKRT r. ffiJUTHW


_ patod
R hwks Ilka a floatto* eaoUa. Tbe saad
oa wbleb the fort ataada la so shaUow
that by dldylap a foot or two aaywbara
aalt water can ta raaebsd. aad dnrtac
bavry storms It has rlssa so that oaa
could float about aa a raft wttbto tta
fort. Kavatotaleoa tta panda proota
to tta efntar was oovarad with cnaa.
aad unit totnia to Bermuda sraaa wen
lO-XBi'loaa yarda. Tba path froto
ally port, when tben la a
uiiusv. Bbd to tta oAccru' poartc
frlnxed with tall caeca patau and biit>
toBwooda wbUa to rartooa parts of tba
eocaaaou crew BBd. flaarlataad. ttafr
ir deep ta the Balt water. Tba cottaxea of aome to tta ofllcan were co»red with viDaa. thaa 'prtaaiitliii an at.
motive appearaaea aad fully Joatlfy.
u the name to Oardea key. “
Bach caaemato OB Fort JefI
var a cistern. Durtay tta clvtl wa*
rbea it was additionally uaed as Ir
•ae of operntloaa ayalaat tba Oobfed.
emte autaa and LtaB meB bad to be
furalibed with water, tta aaptoy (am
oat. and a eoadeaier was kept tobniw^day and alcbt to Bopply tba da>
Tta^oM fort shows tba wear aad tear
of Ume aad wcattar. Oima wbleb were
never Brad are dlsmantlad. tba roafa to
bastions have -blown
aiv the uaalaoa yua nr>
leaaca. and
a aland Uta yboata erarUay ta (he


praoaBta tba ataamv Onratto toavtoy tba harbor to Havana feroagb tba aairow p»._,sown as L^PaatawB tta ML when a BsUtorr yaa that may be to tta patan to lha -dlmms
^ ttapai^vlBltor. Wbllettatortlfl*attoBatol*PaatoatB«otBb«r»l»tbB B^tKt^ BB they an toftbay to tt*
Rto aytoadad plattotm. or radoaht. hoUtoy tbla atottary wwd to a


won—MMOoip, wnroAT,

taur aCMMtbar H« to toa OMa


rtaar la aMM to oooL toaar vototor.

0«w ao Mm bMMM tM

Tto raOrtMe at Cairo. DIb, va begtoalBg ta ooBar w aooo«at o( tto
rtolng watert.
Tto Htaatwlppl Valter Trwt oemtow. «< Bt- lemia. la dallp axpaettog tba
airlval to AMt.aai Id gold from
Tto Dale A SempiQ Drug eoeapaar. at
m Clark atraet. Chicago, baa made aa
atogtiment. Rant took all tto proSta.
or tto llDltad atatea
vae baagad in eWgy Wedaaaday alght
at Neerport. a I.. Buffalo. N. T.. aad
Rtchmead. Va.
iMiiMtar otPoHcaKlebaal 3. ftrtiaark.
Chicago, la daBgeroasir aiek ta bw
ne la-wfferiag from a aaeaea at*
jSrtk of New Toelt. aeat a
meaeage -te the leclalatnra aaklar for a
war approprtatloe of n.MLtM aad tt
waa a lew In leaa than an boor.
Twelfth iniaolB dletrlct. baa BOtlfled tbe
gerembr that be will realgn and rwlae
treepa to flgbt Spala If a-ar Is daeiared.
CapUIn C. D. Blgtbee. wbo com*
maadad the battlmhlp UaJoe at tto
time of ihe exploelun. hai been aa*
signed to dntr aa aid to Sacretarr of
tbe Navy Long.
Five Oak Park (Chicago suburb)

-Waae «VP7S,1W 1

BoSM In taw wlD to
*Wd •iMWaitoto KIbc 8c»om-.mb.
•to. IttatotoHoMw-wUl tow ttollDM

•a BIMMI■ dMattWos
«r tow
m tolMt^w4 azpaeat vUi Mt to ooa" BktBg U or eenwpoBdlsc alaa
< Ito atoaaa toa tow od4w
I to tto oq«^MQO ao4 todlac

•V obW^ Tb* cxpoMM «f Ib« w«»k
of lb* rltwl «r
«rttM work eootd bm do w tDDto tom
or to a <Dor« aartoq* TtolaUw or tto todfe

" poWJe -

to UcUr wmtUM at tba aaUUt aMa
bj tto Fobrmry toaMswl to tto trewnr toowlng tto


totbadoMA It la w>« (alt that tto retoriM to tba next (oar awtba to tba
Bawl pear vlU mato arw more eenelbd*e tba tact that tbe Dingier tariff wfU
to wtaat It was Intaoded to be bp IM

A Botokab mar ■>( In tto Me* wittool
tto tm tuMWBia ustU tto ItdiWtod

(ramin. a wetoitta pndoow.r
BeriM flgwM to reoelpta and expeodltona dsttog Fatamarr toow a net
eorplm la ordlnarp reoelpta to tba
iiMwib off1.97S.10L Tbaieealpti a

> tootton ba*«

lloirAlp. BO nr
a bl«b«r piana tbaa Ji
aoO iwkorler <M(ax—tto
flS.0]Q,O81 bow oMona flAdps.SIP
and itootbar lt> tto Ba- -tiom ialenal rerwaa ator^l,69^,868
.TOgtrafta Dwailw a pwaooal brtnwl
tokmi. bmoeb to tto onlor.
'»«T«7 Mmou !a Uilt oooDtTr >t if atao
A dropped bob bar mar to lelBauted aa toultofS«.C->^.SS6. £x«
- dloMf OB Carma
Caruia Itlasd.
a braefloUl or pontoDeOelal oamtor aa fll,9TB.9:i6 to pwalwa. •9.MI.716 !
------------------------------of tto eaporitloft, a
tto tod«a luar ctooaa.
•toMte tawpla. wbanduniic tto o
toioinrot. fa.OM.IIS to tnlfMllaBO-'
•Hto fair wUl to dlaplarad a n
Odd FeUowf to Ecdeld. K. B>. dadkatla. #8.780,71
,750 tot
WUaettai to ralln at>d (aitoBf __________
itwaU to tod
a nrw ha]l
Mareb lA aad a M«Bo16 to tbe M
ato<»4«r. X^^^Jodfa that eomaa to tto ; tofcab ktoce
9Mto IndUna a total of #86,599.866. : attendlns theeVaiurrilatt.
naklttg the aurplu aa abora eutod to | ‘>7 D’rigbt U Moody--'
aj>d It tamfc to ear that U
na'llfe to naar a pood lodfa toa tow
introduced In tbe aen*
aaarir cruatod out hf bartos a poor praate for th«- purebaXe from Denmark Of
t aboold be noted that Fetnair «M
aldlDi otSoer placed la tto ttolr bp tto
tbe Wret fhdla iBlarde of PL Croix. BL
ebort BKWth. having oolp 9# Bara
toethren becaam pettapa oT hla todag "
Thomae end Bt. John, or Any of them,
taoator aad tottooi
good fellow
for a naval rnaling aietlnn.
A lodge caaaot coTtuB to gtaat a dia- rale of #1.000.000 per dap. tborefen a


taaUato ttoieai^wlU to flioawtid la

. ItattolDiMraaBenaitottotaBmlawlr
MmomwU) to admltM. aad tore foma
toa ofdar. Tto parade I

DiMB) eartlBeate to a membtowbe baa
been drappad for noaparmaalor doea aa>
leaf etoqtea are pi«<■■»*Alerara abide bp ito deeWw of tl|a ma)orttj

*'pM^fl^lnter. «tbo It I
arOl protobir attaad tto ealebrall

Narer mat foaz ballot la toTtir oT a owdMate opiem yoo ItBOW blm to to -Ma
tram repmeb.

wand emaaiOBka will

take plaaa,


teoDded br aU tto pobip to tto ritual, la

f«H mwth of 81 dapa, nadar almilar;
•ded #8.000. '
000 to tbe total.
. f
to ngnr an# raw wool, at aoMintilauvl {
eBoeiro am loan and nwra axtaaiuded, i
will mattriallp aW in angiawclng eua* |
line tba view ^


---- Un If LMiet'HM Stats
kBd i ^ or Black..................................
Oent’a Fine and HaavT Work Shoe*.
Stjrla, Wear and Prioa Gnaimatoad.




I' u I n I u T TT TTTTTTf


Have np effect


the hand when you nee =

Carnation Creazo. It keeps the skin I
soft and white.


iDiozl<-a...n. and temoree
tor tbe lulTer^ng he bad caused a loving
wife, lew Altcrney J. J. Kcha'ara. of
Cbtcaico. to send a cullei Utrough bia
^'llUama. man under arreet at
Tku t'laJre. Wit., on a charge of steal*
trollrs' wlrt, ewaped from

gpraaMd br tba frat.iew to tba tariff
................ ......
hat ll would be pmdnciiaeto ItKTeaaed
evennaa. That cbv tartff did not wriiw
The board to ariw
neet expectailooB ub a pradnoerto
WlB.. hat decfded i
DUO it largely doe>o tbe fact that tbe gl'lng
impariaiioui of nigar and wool, in an­ aval c.
ticipation to tha cbwgea in the tariff,
were anoROOiM. bqftnnlng with OaosBbiT, 18IHI. and to atorly aevw maaths
tbew articlee were bfougbt o«t in nnBcedetated amouota Baceipta to wool
New York. Boston and Philadelphia
Havana. Aoril I.—II
doring the entire pear 1696. wereonlp



r Beadle Bnilding.



---------- -

Thoughts Of Dress



e aniall aacb moMh after Hap antil!
Daring 1697 tbe reoriptt! kuied tha i
to wool at the ahoen named ports
vtel^lng the bouse of Dr. Prmnware 889.976.009 pounds, to which etsoo VlditL at tluaaabaeoe. has beer
nearlp 800. OOO. 000 pound! aertrad with* W ounded by I revolver aboc
Tha rolorvd man who Ored the atot
in tbs flrsT mven montbt of tbe pear.
eKraplng. Benedicto will
Importato angar locreaeed from 171.BBPItODOCnON OF KOTO 80L0U0KS TBMPLX.
ArangurcD waa the
319.016 poudi in November. 1696. to
Inaurgent chief wbo caused tbe
.995 in Map.
JH87. faUing to
tloD ..r LIruteaani Culonel Rult. tbe
IOG.8l6.7iO in Deowiber. Tbe Urgsst
«a to open ttar rtpirltiop. (or vfaleb to
' todka grauBd iM, A usual
iniportattouto ngar in 1690 were 644.Blanc", who vlalled Ihe eamp of the
It la eBUaMU.ll hr ibr l>w-ABKTt<MB
108.469 puuDdi in Unp.
iDBuntenta with propoalUoni of ear4 dbccton that
kUnmi will ko to
Tbe one centra! fact D that tbe Dii
toa Magam froiitar u<« llure> tbrie tmTto tneowu of every iodge depends to a i j*y tariff hat dm^imtid" its abll^
When the tnidler* of the La Relna
poriDf crmnuulea and to lie a port of tto
»eht extent upon the pnaldillg cflloera ,
reventw. even nnAer e«
gn«l sattorlDic.
Froni CaneJa. Mexico.
tbey became lo*
IK(.d with enet earn. He BhanU i_,.‘"*a‘*J aovenw oanui. _
AtxePtlDC Ib^ubtlr. I'blle. BraxtI. Peru.
They armed ihemaeJvra and
Btoel'man. H.ilmoldh.taltoltaSt^Kl,**"'*^'*""*''‘“8*** •Inw paraded (brmiKh the tireeu of Duana.
thoroughly poWed lo tbe rttualiaita work »««'»nruging to all frieodt to protec.
bacoa. aeHauliing ptaaervby, eti Iking
■ that tbe Hat
, e»erywbem! of tbe order.
wlU land their eupport to tbe project to j and the dw itloni on c
muekeie tod rarrying
tendered by lU Mtalal irlbuoala
Ha dnrtries are generally lu a prneperona captive to the barracka. These
ihould be an aellra.^e^^lc mao^^Ho oondillop. and this onoditinu '
ere were, however.Dnally rcleaBeif 'ifrc
ebonld t« Orni
] iDarktKl (lUitraBl with that which pre* j to the ritltetiB were woupded. and there
yet kindly In


the Wilwm utitt.
' la an unconfirmed report that one w ai
gM with Ihe WorM-t bir at Chicago aud BsniMT.
agath at tha AllanU expoaltluii. but at
Tbe guvemor of tbe emte
Mtber tlnia wa» It taken op buod anougb a lucuiber Id gtwdandaeU'
Veer------- ----------------ga be worked out ttMtaMfully.
tbe order to Kolgfate to Pytl
A a^^ld lite bat been
When Cbarlw R. Tbntae, Jr., wm
■aPWII with Ihe
' Tbe endownirat rank it
Hmonlc t^uple
, .
on tba
> bank
of tbe
lag utility at (be Bu«tua moaeDO) to
_ t. racIngCayogaltiand. Tbit It with.
______ ^ J____ _M*—.
• **7>y alxtiea. be married the daugb
The. itnagia
In.lbe fair groundt. which will be as targe




-- -at tbe Chicago elu. Iha* tempta may be
bum ovrrlouklhg the rUcror on-the 4tland. at tbe Maei^t prater. Tbe axjnel.

eiBoa flrat eim eoi^iuaoo. Q. S. D 406.
P are twigged

WeVe jost unpacked and placed on gale, large
invoices from several prominent Shirt Waist mann*


.. .................... ... menibwablD' “*’’er sod wheat mnnol ba trotted out I '«7 to a well known ‘Boeton detective
tion.' Tbe qOalldcatloDi
ioa in the order and good] bcn
«• rtijtil© the agnculturiita I
oemed CAlder.
Afttfward be
are 80 yeatao California and did ttui ret am to
■tandlng lo
' ioj with tba notion' that the
that domain.
I inemtelheprioutoUi^p^ncU Boston to tome years. When he
reading man, Older weal into tbe
» valna into
apbthtcary etore to Orlando Tumpklna.
parted oompany before tbe eieotlon to then uue to the leeecea to the Boetoo
theater, and eaid. "I


ley Tnome ii coming bock to Boaton.
'*Y>a ’ wa* the raply of Tmupkioa
•‘Cnniing hack to support Boucb. it he

If than Wat My ddnbt abont tha fal*
lat7 to thii ••partnenhip ’ before elechowever, naiura ba
baa demtoiebed it

^trd by the grand and »up»wme lo^

........... ........ ........................

«. J hmlth. great asebem to New Jeraey. It a true and tried tuauibrr to tbe or­
der. and the rvtervaUon wllJ be ably I

Colllnevllle lodge eaplored tbe epun
Illinois last year It added 65 new mn
ben to the roUa

ing the claim of the Bryaniwa -Jiai the ]

Heperu eohilDoe to come Into many
relhBlata-iiK-ltle uf
• iribot. Thu la gtong to ha a great

KalghU el Malta.
ftnee the last annbal ranioeattaa 'la
May il«ra have beeu raralved lou> the comnuuideriea le l‘enn«yivanlB 88 clamao.

C“i“»80 to iilver, the records to the bn- ,
resu to ftatirtica tbow ■ eu-ady advai:
in nearly all farm prodoct* since 1696. (
Tbia baa bnk ooincldani witb a gradual
decline in the prioe' to tUver. wbivb i
69.8 centa ah ounoe n

Bvery Wuudman abonld wcarSn emUtaD
u.lier' I

I,ow«r Priou Thin Ton-U PInii ElMwhen.

tbe upward trend of tbe wheat
ii due to the £uru]i«M shortage. Tbie ii
true. Bnt it i* ubaerved that tbe prieea

Orand Ctamiuedder Pllaa B. Vairan ot
WtoeciD>1ii rtaua that weral new cuni-.
tnandetlca will ao#b ba nady far InsUtu-1 oents per ounoe wheat advanond from I
non in that state
68 6 oente a buthelto #1.068, mom pork •
Tbeeoiuruaodertaiat BL Paal are mak

Cohdfrtorr aud brnkemen
tralDi a» ooi on tbr prohibited litl. bauea
are eligilila w lucu.bersuip i^^eigbt oonduetora aod (rtoghi braseuics are on tba
pMbibitad Ital.

Ite Sol Flung luiti lue.

neaday of last wn-k was 54.g cents in
tbe New York niariteL

V a mideot in a peubIbUto district cenuni IncruBK hla cenUkata.


ties oonid
orea>«d except by free and unlimited

Tbe uraod lodge to Maine voted gSOO
Tbe Chtaftalnt' toagoe at kiuoeta bar be io*ed by «Ae grand aictatw to (wrirtna
asearrd unlforiaa
on tbe work to getting new luumbcrB.
Are you doing all lo your p
r loadDeputy GeurKB A. t>u tirce li rn-stlng
V the luu ru
to Hcd Mchl I
e ouu|irrailog w
Setcral divitiunt to t
lU* luite ivceuily been fuTUted IB Ubto




Sjieeial Tallies at SOe aail $1JIO.


If you are In the store, step back to the
CLOAK DEPARTMENT and look over
the styles—Also Inspect our stock of

advanoed from #7.76 per barr«lto#]0.76 I

®“" '*'1
Awful a«ddeni_to Prtoctaor Wrlgglm
Bed Cruai and pound to 96 oento
B locrododng'bit celebrated oonjnr*
of tplendor aod eom~ lulcbw In
in s
a Blyla
lug trick,
trick titedimppeuringglobeto goldpleWmcBB that aball rltal any pravloue affish.—Al
Mly Sloper.
lort on tblB oooUnotrt.
prioe to fUver.eeAAioego Timea-Berald.

Tbe main thing that baa been proved
ll Aiuerloa If bs , '
by tbit incream to exportt both tn nat*
oral told niannfactnred {wodocts' la that
—.---------- -------------------------- ...,—MaiBarhotetle tadgoe are
jeopaidIks appUeaUoo bunk
] adopting dtatlnetJve ooloM to be worn al the American erpori trwde
, ianot7-•

I viabuiuoaa

load tay tbe UntUnaao to a tariff nffl-
Thirty-one eubotdlnate todgm. with a
----------- to old age unoflia were paid »"'"5s-rabip of aluiem 6.iM>. are In AltaMrke* W the home |godooetn.
I to lodUiMtpulu lu open nSmb
P»ID le safe to my that the eiporteof loco*
rancilB racanuy.
Tbe next (upicwM lodge wiB-'have t«'«>BBi<ea. macblDety. bicycles, etc., will
e aod may be doable
i> In ibeciiyto ImlianepolU.
r what

ipanlab uar veeae! the ViMaya eniarid New York harbor, at tbe very mo­
ment when the mlutea wen firing in
her honor, a littw to pnpa waa bon
one to the police bosta. and oet to oomplitnenl 10 htwinwa ocmplimcBt 1 hope
Via-kay-yl. — V

get ptoag TbtMB by Btoem.
eaaatty to the eetlar ta May
Tbe grand todge'to UUsourl locraaot^ ;
Major MeKimoa to Cleveland niter*
atea hit detrrniinntioa to oosteot Mark
Bgnsa’t aeat for tbe Mg senatorial
koBL It U in this enoMentadoui manMr that Mr. McKUko konoknom to tbe
worM that be it preparing taglva tt
enoeber azbiUttaB to grouid aad lofty

.wV-4 ■

Ladies’ Wrappufs.
We’TO a g^and lint of these,

A 4«rauB oabnet
to tha Moiled oc



Mr. Craai,er (In xeeUntent)—Bi,
tbor, muter 1 Feieb bm a doean nr
them tbor.raw nystin.
Walter"-Yea..tot. Un the half ehell.
Mr. Otaagerw-New. Bring.*en «a
th’whole Mtdl. I’m ont «er a good
tttne, M 1 nckoa I don't kasrfsr eg*
pmuM.—Obtaago Kawg.

np-to-date stylw, correctly made
and perfect fitting.

Prices at 59c ep to $2.50,
And whatever yon bny, it will
give you satisfactoij wear.
yoiTshould be a


N ■

I Hoanvo BBooiD. nmir. jknsL •tim.


torn ■VfckipymttvMia.rj
j tb« hridto
«Hkstf Ibt tasM, tka liMrtra bom
OlWiiM Md haxticd ap lb* Uttl*
MU. bu wiMB Ibcr mcM tba 4>ot
«Mm «M ■! Iiiim tad Moodttat*
Cte nlB
tad. ta I
•*ep|Md btalad tta ratawhU* tta bolIta pund orar fail bead, ud br tta
CtaettapoMB had iwtadttaemtcd
taablll wd woowred tranttair’jBr» atosBuiii. Mdinc

^bi» ciood* rolled down U
u the fleece mlU (ron
ibted bmp Bt tlie (not id tta ntwe.
Ita grar dawn oauie out of tta ea«
•■d rertnled tta pmk* itatwm biding
McbsplntaBTeo-B faloe. UpoB eiUicr
< tasd^befon
re and beblsd
beblnd him—<tai
hlo-ttameeMfl«. eeoachlng U the mgi, bmrd


idtadkl it ae deUbentely ae

iboolder and then tta tectan ankle,
and aekad. "I* that aUr
"Tea," mid tta woosded
"Im't tbatiso^r'
"Not if they meant to kiU yon. for
they haven't fonnd yonr Titala Wbat a
lot of krwen Co go abootln a men ia
the foot—goea* they wanted yog to
That top M-ralcb wam't bad. |
Heckiei yoB moet bare got that in tta |
{wrviou intagtmirnt. *b7 Tta blood't.
begin to tkirken dp. leoe that fellow'i!

"Bot wby don't It bleedr'
"It'e blcrdin on tbe wroim Mde,"
wae tbe urwvr, and ibm tbe ccnngw

Miant death.

."l\rty tboomnd. ebT'aald ttadarii
ttanaabe domped tta'five enrelopee
beaide tta uemengm. "And it ain't
wortb tbe excitement you've i
thiveigb. Bnt I liter
S in yon. boy."
Half of it oagbt to be ymira for yon

op tta hill. TtmiiM
of d«7. ate anlT
B point bexond

Bnt who
n to
yon left

among tta roeka >ta becauie ounfuaed.
^e btnvy growth of piuou and cedar
oUamul ber vie«..«od for nearly an
boor abe galloped np and down along
tbe foidbilb nuable to find tbe omet
Urr htirae was white with (oaiu.
Her veil - bad been tom away and her
face was blMding (rum many wootidx
lnfli<-ud by tb<- stiff bnurbe-* of tbe
sia^ adiug mduta At timis abe actually
rVird opt to Uod lo guide ber to her
whom sta beUevrd to ta intu)-

last eta fiAnd
^b« trail mad<
mis-1 by tbenberifTspomea* tl>eycatn<- down


Tb« whiaprrlliR win

fon abe ooold malixe tbv awfnlthtatsf
wtatabe bad beard. "Inanbonrtta
whole town wlil be after hini"—abe re­

pented what tbe aberiff bad mid. Tbe
gnardi at tbe prlatn, (boee wbo could
oktad hi* efain, looked eteadily at his be epared—even tar oven fetter—wonld
aaked. "^*beM'e your be npuu hi* mil to kill bim. It most
not U-. With a prayer npQU her lip* tbe
Bdilnd tbtae two rocka thet an bewildered woman turned ber bone and
tly bidden by tta boweof yon cedar, daabed away tnward tbe faUla.
yon brlBg U to m«l There am five
Frrta the valley tbe gnlcb ebowed
plainly, bot alum abv found bemrlf

edmeaDdtbe 'pi<n«T

teelBbod feet and knew
dOB ennonnded. Deler

My mmd Otartm Daly k a
tem Mat bow entO mcaMg. Her af tta ttaatrteal pretaatea. Inttaearty
bean wm bmry witbb hw brmm. 8ta pmtkn of bie cweier. whDa yet nnfcnown
felt half iMltoed to ta a^iy with tar mkma tafennd the enmmer laming ty
eftolnd h(ne.«bo«M noweantwiag witboot tavlne ■mued an engagemma
■way with tar toward tta beta grwn. ll was not ootll laM in CMobar that ta
bUU At tta odge of tta viUty tae met laeMmi ae offar to OH a vaomw «bat bad
three htnemee tiding hard toward tta eeenned In a Hi. Lmil* tbe* ter.
As tbe poriUon be tree aboot to Oil
town. Two of tta:
one wta
taa mked wbat e eobordlnau one, be »m oblleed to (____
wie tta witter. The men appeared oot ebmpiodClBta- Achaneeecoaalnianeano
fa want to eton. bnt wtaa eta bad ......................................................him to an '
on a haek utr.
taaM, to a ooBinaea way. eometamg
Vaartadtrlth Ut long Journey from New
abow tta dtiaem meawnger. eta tonad
York-for tbnb ware no deeping «an in
and eode by tbe elde at tbe eberiff ontU
tbeae dayn-ta begged to be abowe Imme­
ta^ed b
rail that bad diately tobls room. Ae Iben waa no gae
ooenrred. He tatde ber n
ta tbe bcrtel. a akepy tallboy llgbMd a di
mlnatlveoaadle andeaeorted hi
him loblf
fedmu at tbe top
Joel 00 tbeyei
which they tad joa temerg^ and that
.nd flight of (lain they wan atartbe "thief" wae tcvervly woonded.
"He ta no
thief' ^jetwtad. Ued by tbe n>oa bnrvld l•ogbler. apparenttyfroiD
"Tban it aome migtaka"^
"Ym." mid tbe eberiff, "we m»da.a

e dug at Unrt right, but he ll never leave
tboae bitl. aliva In an bwr tbe whole
(own will be after him."
wbin tbe Isuer lotaed hp lo bi* Mend
With that tta aberiff drove tbe epore
bad bia own abiil optm and was «iocea-1 inpi 4ii* borwi and gaUop>d away after
little ^nk epot Inet niidm bu | hi* cooipaiiinn*.
^ht'b* *
Tta dark eyed woman reined
ft<ip and Btuod looking after
yob abol itare?"
tta depatlm It wae some muimnix be"Tea—that waan't a bad ebot. mUy
on the wrong ctdel"

"My. bet I
wicked,” tbe
be pioM ^'bi*
to kick tta ibtai

Ibe ofltar'a borae with hie flm bolle^
and at the aaine inrtast a eleg <if lead
Cron a wlncbeeter craabed tbroogb hi*
L» ewuiwa,
taoolder, n
taring it ahattend and
n«e1a». The depotj'ihone.
having re-

m barled him to the gjoand. hie foot
-"tanght in the etimip and tta ineMeu•« waa borriflad to aee the eraxtd

tUe gunboat


The Helena is a IX knot ganboat.
Hta has i.OOO boreepower. and taw dlsMRDeut !• l.XUf tons
8be onat gXbO.O
. Bight 4 Inob rapid fire gimi and
1 cans of l«|*wr caliber eominae bo armammL


a«wn in a heap, and

"There's no end %> tbeae leotming
fellowa Ht-re's Ur. Sven Hedln, the
mivMkjgiT w-itb a sort «r byah-rioM Bwediab explorer, wbo it received lo
auillc. Tbe black burse Miiffrd at bra PariiAvitb ax mocb mtboaiaiau as was
and siwwud at tta smell at given NaoHU."

/ •*-

tbl* way-"-^evi
iktbg bur rvgnlta morning rita in tta

tad bm Ml in tta tend, te blood waa
1 Ma (Boa Tta battle
’la gone agalMC ttam, ata Him tbe
!«taitded atari! ani Ua btaedlag

■ Mdi

AMtboe tteUar ■**■».

tbam leaning

on ttair Mbowa. they looked at each

Tta warden's dark c^ed daughter w
gan again to lue bl* gn. Tta aberiff,
glarwing at bis oompanfam, mwr that ta

Ee«p« BAkM, Boat. ShoveU, Fork*,

18 taura
Be feU aaleep almoal Inatantiy. Bow
long ta remained sn ta cuuM (mt leU. bu
le Utne during tta nltihl ta wea
d by a quick, abarp noise at bb k
imiillng tbo oTiinhrua' of a pi.
furniture r tta borstloii open of a door,
btarting ap in Us Iwd. be was borrlOed
ling near falra a Ugurv in while.
with glaring eyea and dlsbc> vied bair. ap-


Th* Wa*
Faatqr—Bradford i

Ttanwoe no daily jiapera

to vtead tbe newc of tta pUee,'and'ata
tadtaard nothing of ttawaabool of
ttaprariOQtdayaadof tta fight of tta

Yeateday ta bad made ber

Harold—Well, ll'a a aon of family
Ton know ta eameot oldookg^

a alDok.—Pittabm cammtolA


WhMlbkrrowB, etc, eto, at

14-© :F3?o3a.t: S-teee-b.

If yon «re goin^ to znhke gmrdes do not fbdl to oee onr
completo stock Of Flowor, p«rd«a onif Field

Almset as suddenly, however, tta
eppariUon vanltbad.
Tta dlsai.pmninee effeelad blln no leas
asriously, fur be knew not from what
qnarmr te expert an ausek.
Anything was prefetabic to enefa ttonrminty, aud
. Hog«
eonnur tbe tnsniw be groped fall way In
tbe dark to lb* ubie where ta bwl W« his

ba.1 flusTvi
liuscd his
hb r3tw.
tbrbupeuf setUng bis mind at n
Irrk suggtwied that ta should sit Oc

Is ]»>*.(• or bi^

3«8 Fmat Sirwgt.-

Friday and Saturday,


April let and 2nd,
LcdifiB are invited to call and «ee oor dispUy of Spnae
Millinery, Pattern Hats. Flora] NoveltieB.
' ' ^
Lstoet atyles in Beilora.

190 Front 8tn«t

sr. Want Ads

ahoollor Tbe Ueutenant In eommi
suddenly bnanw biaspenled at the pi
eboouag and. arising a gun from
privi 'ea. cried sharply;
I'll Show
«w yon rellow* bow te *hog*r
Taking a Song.
Song aim, abd a> strong
and an aim altogi-tbrr. S:e Hmd and missed.
Coolly tnralng lu tbs prtvate who owned
ttagim, bessld
“TSukt'e the way yen alxxit."
Usagaln’luadod ibeweaponand mimed.
Turning to tbe seevod «— In ibg mnlta,
In tfalswey
Uttwa. Uloaimlng to eeeb mldlw hU pw
sunaS tnoapMlty. and fiaalty ta aooMaalaUy bit the targat.
"And that," ta ejaenlaiad. bandlta «ta
^ bmik te tbe pHvato "B Ita wag t



1000 Rolls
Wall Paper Given

bJe Uia Intruder
Tbe arrangement was canird out, and
after tbe last uocH bad brrsLtasied my
frk-od was furucO lo taJkive ital nuur <4
Uu ni ruulil hate been tbe Intruder, but tta
that ta could nut

1}' (Uc meeacngci—one was able
deb rtulnvd t
} op stairs
Sllll (1 belicv. m bU uiuo cure, bsob
an esaiolnalluD uf^
is lb.- a|au-|/y of a wtanau's love Ni
tta preovDce of my
Cu tbe grunud with tbe air uf a tired a new tr
■led lier. Her Loree
mild bim wtibout dlsnverlng sny |ui^lc means u( oilL
Vexid snd annoyed wlib biuiwlf
bluiwlf for

... .
"IroAonao. Can yoo art a bomT'
awav Niwr-i***'^* Innied My his confession ita ill
"No." mid tbe nii-Na-ngrT. "bnt if would idily rnurt and
tbe . Icrfc. ta
yon'v. ^ a bona-, fur h-jveu s (okn
ID« crtxaa ta ““ upon ita «!bc of ita bud. rnd, avortng u>
lake tbia money aud go. fur tliuee
U-Jiind her. At last, hntiug
,i„. ,,|ren..,stanr.* of tta <*«,.
wujvtw will mtini, aud I'd raibhr given up all
uf .................
gettiug ■tHsr
■" bc>|s'

While III Ibis positiuu I..- sluiriy raUed
WM me wlthunt the money tban beyiaiU liic gba.-iiy^liud. she ha|ad m hU bred, when his lyis viiruuiiu-red » tat
tta mtuey without m., ur. what u ; the grouud and cuntinnid on fuui. Tbe swnifd l<> ta the epimrltiun ibsi bml pn-more likely Duw, butb (ff U aud the ; biow. hating lieeu tniiiied i<> follow ber vluusty prswuied Its^H. / s.^unil gleii.w
nddrcnl fall (’ixvks with .bauie whuo ta'
fflooey Ion."
|"di faithful d<v fi-llowx bi» uiuster,
Thu dark man pnt two flngir* Ip bia |<«iwd tbemrneeul bisbrutberaiidnal- recogntnd hbasclr In a iidtrur.
With lilts elrw t.i giiidv him he diseov
UpB. gave a ebiiU, wild wbistli-. aud a j toped to bis uiiatrvsa. it nv)Qin<d bnt a
(be nuiw wliuli bad awakiosd
.......................... rwr-fcaok ae night—cam
Mm ea* made by the porter of the hotel,
xini tbe
Ibe gulch bebiud bim.
biu I Mk- nacbnl the tup uf tbe narrow caua^jng np tmm
wbo oveitnmrtf a chair lo an attempt tc
"My. bnt you'm a verdant youth.J
youth.! yon abc
sbe toruid
teruid i<> hsA
lc<Ji behind b«r.
bur. Tbe .extinguish a Ump which was barnlna Is
mid tta dark mao as tbe mcHsc: gcr of- < little gulch uus tllnd with a stream nf the otirrldor
buaUeg In snrprtae from a
eavy sli
sleep, my friend hrbcid, by the brief
bred bim tbe mtony, aud then- was a , bicsenudi. and at tbebrnduf the column heavy
igbl of the Uup
_____ through (b*
p whi
which ahuoe
stiade of a nitk- ulxint bi* bbu k tuns- i rode b<r faib<T. fuiluwed.hy tbe monnt0 of the duor. bis .iwu i
larbA -Come, let we help you iuto the ed guard Imu. the imniumiiary. Pnom
tbe glass, which dlsappeamd. of eoura*.
■addle .wbUe I've got strcuglb— ba I tbe month
ilii- gnlcb a straggling
wbeii the light was esitogulsbed.
qalnk.’' ^ be txaebta to buJp tbe bcokni line <rf ban.-m«i rvwcbad dt
tbe remclous history
This la the
of a man
mMi-ragtf K> riaa
j to tbe stage road, and the stage itMd
I friglik-nsd My bis own ahtaow.—
''1 aball new leave ymi tare alfloe. | was lined «iib wagons gad boys on the
ril bo dead In SO minottw—SO at tbe ' bnttus, wbiie oot of the town and over
Now don't be a fonl." aud baj tta valley
to lift tbe■ big
—fv mMiu|.vT
.III ,11 —r-- - by
—rf bia
—— ; like auia.
A'Tcxa* n.llltary eompany was oot
CONffitued A'crf .SiiniiMy.
w.MSudcd Itg. but the cfltMt i>n*d bim
tlHi range rucebliy incticlDg at r

his aalda, while the winebester
r it
ii was
leveling (all to tbe pruuml
Now , j
d—n yoa.
* flgbl teir_! '_ sbnuted On— ■
nanger. advaneiDg Follow tug the fearlam example cd this maa yrbo bad sol u.cungb. BloodsimrttdfromhUmoolb,
anexpecttdlT re-cuforced him, ,ibe me*- | guj i.yn,
tbulr woouda.

alm<«t nnmanaftable, ao t^ tbe
taeritr, finding tta bratU ct (be fight
npiai biinsulf and aeeiu 'tbar-fliu
was ata^t
aimed idiot frqm
' tbe ankle of

Hobbs, The Hardware Man

aronnd tbs boose, and Ibeinln U-at wildly
tbe window lanes. HesUly dUroblng
the candle, ta

e watebers that ta

taaoi. wbta tta bone and rider bad
(alta. m maagUd maaa of tom and
•atU-nd fleah.
. Made deepoate by tbl* appalling

from ibellor and l-ian in |


Odv In bim. w 11b thu Ihj|v uf o
rxplnnadon uf ibr niyalery.
Itatlflk .ildci.iiy tallrvocl

'--------- *■* '-------- ■““1 «w»T dragging hie
rider, bead down, orerthe lagoel rodca.
Tta maddened animal appeared lo be
Mind with nge. He eraabed (hrongh a
. ____ r. apd a i
taped orer a prenpiee and w«nt rolllag down the
• . ^intend
■ aide of a deep
gorge, and wha the abmff and hie
tKBDpanioBi oeme up the gnlcb tb.y

tavaut*'opM biaaaaallMtA f^c.Fvb*

Markham Block.

was a gcDtInnnti «rb<i bad bn-i. drloktng
loo noob and was edflrrine.wlib ddlrtom
By friend faaslutad about proctadlng
tartber, but on (be awuraner of the asTVanltbat this was tbe flm Uma,that tbe
lick man bad made any'.nolse-aed that be
was in rbarge of lau friends wbo bad
op alib blui Charley

Tta candle bonwd to It* sorket long ^
fore day dawned. Ita Ores feeble glltunier
bad bariHy madu Its
r office and waited I
■ Lnwklast, with Ibe doluriujDatlon
' Ing uibvr quarter* afterwaid.
Hr had deoldcd b> asy mAhlng ol hli
aiw. but when the clerk, surprisad at bia

oaived hi* death wound, pinngud wildly
and made it impoaribk' for hi* ridu- to
take aocoretc aim. [tapping hie rifle.
.. . n necbli revuJvcT, hot
a danoe ehot frean the meaaeDgtT's

eager caui-


t CouMI
! bate tana a dream'
At all evenu. tbm was no mae sleep
. fur.bbii that nigbi. After dreadbg bin
K-:r br was bI»miI lo go (a Ibe ufltm of tta
IkucI and apply fur anoitar room, when
' It <avurrrd to bIm that K would be rather
g lo ez|.lalD bis rensoo for te■ msndlng a ebangr, and In tta bopr that II
I was D45er ntonilng. fnr bo bad no wateb.
ta wtap|«l
and ait In a obalr ataltlng tta break M.

kmB alBoe It shot mmle lint into tbi
Hw^tta tDfleeengcr thought of hie n
^ wae bf oo neani an expm
with a els kbooier, but manairod tu bil

faia rtwolviT on the n-wi--iimT, only to
And Ibat the man wax aiming at 'the
Witbont B' word he tnmud
ag^ to tta work in band, ajnl
•axtoaok n£ tta atrauger'a pixuil m
rm elr tbe ebmn tail hmp
. -■,

Then you will need BaU, Balle, Kaeka,
Oloves, Mitts, etc., etc. 'We have them—All the
new stylea, and they are right, too, at

. .______ ____ _kii*li?Srita

li to the aamjw ^ch.

am..flViili hfleeand to bold tbie advautaKv fought at long rangu. Tbe len<«»l. U iog alieltmd by tbe raoka.
wax al-le I., Muid iben off tmtU both ol
bie guux w.-n- empty, bat tta momeiK
be muN-d i.ruig ili>- xheriff and hie depnty leguu to Bilvamv. The mceaengcr.
Weak frutu hieVouml. wcrkedjJta-von>ly with bU <jna iMrfBl 'baadud bad
barely atK-a^cd in rt Riling one of bie
pietoliwben b.- wax xiir|guii<d by tta
noondafagnu almoxi •liivi-tly behind
kifli and not ten (o-i nwav
He turned


the gulch, but a mmimi later berhcaR
m. wbli
fellowa did flght ’ tank as abe btnrd tbemtileuf bun*ioic-u
mnarktd, at bditnd her. Pnwmi
Anoing bloiself with his one. beexunipty guu uud U«an USBU
tawl drinty*
and uts
b: u>ur', out uji-xigu. g>rnasd a search but with
uri<ut* auu
Kjai that was 'did not appall her. Nutbiug conJd stop I tbe Intruder Tta door
over her
• tbe

imacnce of tbeia- inside and tta .wiodows weM meured.
nrmui tta boiee and rider I'faue was but one closet In tta mum. and

Me of tbe depotiea, and inncdiatelj
both Bcn opened Are. Now for the dm

Mgbt, tbe tbrae cOoen wm moo bol
npoo tbe trail of tbe fogitira nnding
•It lo inn gway from
bi* parnera. tbe meeMger cached faie tnaeurt
took refnge among ooma rtiarp Mrk* and
awaited the oomlug of tbe enemy. To
bU inriwiM only two
tbe gnlcb : tbe otbtf, having taken anoibiT route in mder to bead tbe fngiiivea
olf. wax now tar col of roiigt. Tbe
•rfl|o.i> had tbe advantage uf twlui;


happy, bet had ewtamed b adHadfat
£tam«ta had been aaable to elaep

"Am job Mtr ’
tta lattm. eemWwd tta yomm mao. tad tta
eeonpiymttU be had


ktawrnM.' Bta hta geta to tar tad

wMBktoaMtttngpoatwe. laid Me empty, meoklta molrm
■pee tta pond esA ihM at kk nrw
foawl friend.

Five rolla free with every g2..'>0 order.
The paper U all new daid^a Frio*

trow !
look at lampira a
iataelioo guaranteed.

Dicycle Riders.
Bemambar that I do«l> kinda «f tw
pairing and eaawellng. and that 1 caa
and do give yon the beat work of any
one lo the dty for tta money.
d by ^at
W:' ' other*
ta deceived
yoa to .
I guannlea all my work to be rigbU
and If it doea not prove BO I maka It
Stop in tflt a o'eloek every •
ixoept Sonday, In tfarCaJdwali
loo bnildlng, at north end o:


C.H. KU(IKil.D.
oxuim aicubt

Chas. Mastic,
418 Isakd Awanofl,


X^ lesssd bf ib« leto

We Can
Save You Monay. t .1
Our stock of 'Wall Paper is new and, and our prices are down—4, 6,
6,8,10718 and Ibo a double rolL




Irra mKxrTANci unoto «v an
•ta VMM


rw aHMM f«r

OPy Oy PA\vX


mmt»a »•

Bit cr~tbm OoMAy oonipui/. rwM
OkrvUNwHh kif
ita,*'MtHld,'*taMarv«yihlog Boatglaa
^^«a doty and h
giatttDda Mr CoHM
Ci —
ta giatttBda.
........ ........... i yoar fiaHagi toHaaBdh&
doUar. ataa Htd taa of lha gnat favor yoo bat*
Mopa hla la allonl^ bio to briag hta
Mbn Jtk l1yi<H.^irtan tb<T«r^M AM ODOpaBy to Tipaoa. 1 now aOTM yaa.
*t caftataty.” bof-th.«.«rv» only aoffl- Mr. neat aolroniy ibat I wlD Dot oarry
•taatfoBdaoaband 1"
ili«odfai«,to peotaaa. 1 oavar will w*ak to bln altar
thiaboar, boa
o aatraatlaa. aa p

' *ktv WOT bi UM iMk. TU ombot >

OtelyAUM wilh tb* tUOTOOT
W(tellal«MW<i ttw DofM^awN

_________________________ _______ Bw (lOT *y

porpoaa I rapHt ti. alr~I abail not aaar

................. ... tba^M-

tar and

«« vMMt oTMiMl a*.
imc*. te Ito Mndr if bm awlft
VWthafOTriiMi^ to MMrkMi
«f that OMUL with tba «pmttv«|y

,______ _____________ . lb

^UMOTttMkad bar Maadly, ana Ma
borat lata Uwra aad lafi tba roan.
tba iaadlard took tba aoitaaw ilowo ta
tba tarj wbmba tovttad bln to aatabrata
iiiiiMi.aad aavotol ta—hiM «ba
■pailally danag -Ma aban.
eonpaay wbo bappaoad to ba «i
e eollaira. totaM la tba i dMaitM
»«aw wat IL Mr. Corlv.“ la,
I ibt dM
M tba aaaoloatoa td Mta
MB'a loraiKlbopatiBd pilda, and ba tavad
■MS. -‘thatyoa had aaah graat laduaaoa
ta talk aboM blai.
with Mtto Mootagoar
JBat when tba
«6ba ta toy wtta'
taek at iBoaay
laoaay aad mwid' a dadra to
tababta yartraad
ThpOT; wUb'tha p^^taaStTaOT^
____ tMWU taa...
tal baaptrdaalaiad Ibai batatroak aboaM
taava tba booM oatll tba bUl wh paid,
la valD dU Cnrtay aalatga opoa
wattadJaa ta Ttpaaa
BortalBly* Ml awattadJas
BMTt Ow atalH t bb
Motain Ma m igiwait iBtbaa Mwa.
tba olttOTkoa.M tba Bbdnrata ni.ibaea faarbawaadtaiioHd wbe ii;.wi
ba bad Iroaelad
jBctad l<h
IdaM ol hk awa •

What You P^y
fm k Bicycle Is Importanty
Blit wbat kind of a bicycle you gat for your money la
ten tinea more taoportmt

______ ^-arsr


At) woodwork. w«a
otrtppad ^ rzpoard apoU and'.am
pabUa a^l- Jtnna Monugoa. oe to
war. takan down. To a caitalb
Ttptoo wlM Iba rropwty
ta a* bw ntant htUrtor woodwork waa also Tatba land lay tbOT^aod Bobna anUat .^rrad and
grtialy aa ba ■« Sto dapart wtiboot a caVaroodan
gha’bad-iOTiily badMiaa toVMMTIpMBwbas a tatagranaddnand tobHOBOT


__ uripca M IjaadL___________
••{ bUiaaa 1 had hataar apaa M,** ha
MhL'aadU ttaaaOT tohaM aaMVMl
than taadnaadag.’ -OPar
ItoOTtaBea 1 wtU forwanS ta to bar a* Tip- ttaha- apoe AataMcaa iiiaaiMtpa mm*tog today far ttaa aaat MMt at Baath
at I par .
2phvUdiA« M WMjhOO,.
knaHna. Baatap t^
WaabiagtoB. AprU L—Aettog oa ti?
Bow did Moot

I When jron
yoa get tbe very te»t wbed fliade.
I bay an
^bere U hardlj a bicycle ip town Mtild fm]|bO
I but what thetft<to>y tWt jnakes them make* » better wbeel 'that selte for <60 or
i $75. Not ab with t£e
They make the very beet wheel they cu meke
with tea years' experience and sell it for $50. Call to and get pae of thdir ea^
I lognes—it's good reading, ^nd I have the "World,*’ the ‘Whit* Wyer,”*^
Steams.'' and afnll line of cheap wheels.


ANd giwrr


If you Hoye Logs to^il

:'toaar IndUJaroatiy i»- Oa^aial Laa ta adato^-tba a


k <d aik'mm


«ha IRM

-Tm. thtotahiMOT tatrotobiM Toth
MMWidftiL- TlMtaphatd bvlatM
M tbtag. KM tar worlda woali f
to totok a tatad fatbar-t haMt.**

b aU VhOTihMOM MtlMM hAM



Sound ttenjl,^

OT. ». Ta
L-»a M
a algpt batwAM- Ooaagr Slaa
uap Wtaka waa daetorad a4m
MM' rtaata at Mat taMtMg.'

la Iha boMM <d tha panpla, aad Mr
dlaUty of tbair roerpriM aad tba bi
tilalBOT of tbair (BtaftataMiMl «U aa
with adnilTatlntw fkiapk vN hVMSa to
oar ScMto ta^. wa do a
itaei with tbMa wboto wt 4a BM
know ia tba eboiob. in plaoM of baMPOT. la ndaty. aad Maald alwvya MCRtaa tbia grnoe cf buaplUtatta Wa
aboold Ml kindly and eoptaataBWiy
all aea arrfywbtaw
la ttaa refOTDOT wo M

tv Mt ^Mh U akMSA-ft that pwfod
^tbaaeal pvtm <dwd watcbt Abil­
in iai«t Maabma AM MUM man
twaMparoMi in tbaMka •blpraidA
«ad tbm aia sow aiMt tally a HOT M
'n Tba
pwtfaiMa«adUMtc«iai(KbM •

wai theUi»tro(.iid

M «tau. 0«mg. «d S.«- AMWta


Tba trtaiBpbBof tba
tba old dayA wbieb Lot oar flap «a
•vary aaa, aad tba graat aad crowlac
la Ue aad eoaitwlM tnOe. abow, da4dla OMMMfv MOTaga la tba tOTi<D
bada. UMt Mipbaildlag aad ablpowaJtt ada BOt node lodaatriM in tba
H«r«o«l ia fO taoBL hrr
" UBitad Stataa It oaBDOt ba. tbM, that
tba BaUoa arttl loaf daUy in taktag
fadh. twaira b iaM aad M OTAltar*
^ia tfaat blpb ^am oa tba m froB
wbl* tat a faBantioB H baa Uraad' to
daaatop tba Uada. tba
------aad tba inarfcota o( bail a a
Tba aOMiag yaan aboold ot not only a
I on tba Padfle to aad
w WbIM Ctalta taa
“8ba baa foea tbn ta toOT bbn'"
A bat M wall a manbaat
Mrteked tba landlord. “SbearUl nany
■Mriba. flytag oar
bln. aad toy boy wlU ba lOM to an. Marbitbway at that oo~n—a graat 8aat vtadtoaatroUlng piayt/wbo moat baat
NPblab tba BatSoa by wlHlawa aboold
gtban and by ila anaad
antl-Bpanlab droptiatratlon laat olgbt.
I aad goal
ttortng the aytrmoon a duminr auprrprvaaot Spain bnag from ib*
nw tbat I Vta-; Baxataff of
«M CaMtay taaao Fttowaaon.
patbUa wltb yoodraplyor I w^ navw j ^ejag pay
you tbat talrgiu.
Di^lrylata bat Ito drowhacka. yar
ofortbatl Tba toantaga to<
■nd thta aroutod viclem rearntmanl ■
tba-btroHt trm tndm. U boMOL Biota ha pmantad.-and l moai go to itpion
adail tbat Ma MBDtry U BOT proapeT- «ooa BotAndraw tacfagaandtalaarBBiy. bumvd It and ibrn. trvarml
oMaadtrittban UWM dorisgtbaez- luUy anbbern. Wbatihallldor'
radad ih« atrrvu
tatMoaoftba WUkoatow. Saa. vaatly
"1 will gowltb yoo."axcUl»ad Corky. ______ _
______ ... MrKlnley.


• r\:r.r.v
I Mva an inn.^~
InSoaoaa w«b

uir prvaldent
hlm of thrlr dri-oUon and aupport.
atrr lb th* avemc tbr eiudanuealied
adalhtataOT'tbaaattMpiowa. WiUea- Mw parpotoandparanadaharBoatotoarfy . at Ibt office of tbe oreudlng nnropapar
demanded an ezplanailon. The.poMtwaaaqaally
tba yoaraoa.”
1 end tbe aiudecU
______ _ ___ i_, IB____ ...^1..lie
«a win taka tba m

nntu a late hour.
lUrrUAe MW of e Wewwe.
ivlU*. Wla. April 1.—The glare
■oath, wbiob oppoaed ^L hat wo mb
“T^ot^H ahag. bMAM* aad aUl
MDoaiToofbO InlalUfwt panoo Mri- T«h tfaato at obm to get ready aad ba la a af Him. Sarah SmUb waa opened yoaterday to remore tbe rcatoiae and K
aaaly bartnlng mta an abaazdlty.— barry "
tatonotblng bptbaLMr. wee found abe bad been burlad whUe In
a trance. Vbe had rrtdtattly eetne to.
.“Idoa’I tarowhatl MU Icbbhvo aad bad partly tuned ever. The hand
waa diawa to tbe taco, and tbe Sageia
OoTOTor Leedy of Kanaaa m aaa at
^k^M^'paMy M bo tana Mttrn la tbe agony e« Sadlng bBataf
tba taw anrriving wind taxBinen of tbe ta ^^ing tbair trunka and BotaaM bln- burled alive. -mdly weeL Snda It saeaOTiy ertry «eU bw ^ proctooi baggage muled on •
MealBAwblta to fnBpap. fly amaad
-------- - ----------- *—

— ________ ________

, BBl.t^bta^ togetbB toMIte
-nrU too«tb.i .
u>« am

» Bt hit w

iii^ranMedthattowaatan early bogr
In tbe aigbt aad WMt at oaee to tba botta
aA'wbleh MM Moatagoe wee (topping.,
whereCoriey led Uetrlcod Botaea-toa


nata tba. iriBto ibem to ampt bia
lorliatldB toaoycMBwUb bito. that ba
BMP give cbem a tafnal of .kraad to
oomfort tbair botrta taafOT tbay pa«
oa. Tbn b« gon to Sarah, bia wila
and brtwmo ibem a aanptttotwfMto ta
^BMd before tba miiot What a
bMBtlM ptotAM af taBpia won
boaBHOMbMpUaUtyl And ibta tactaly
toigbt be rtaarrad «a
aoeb a nory ebonld Bat Mly *U wa with
adtotaMioo. bat a ditaia to Imftota tba
Mint tbat
ledi Hab. ciU.
a. B.
I). -BeBotfargMtvltoMMrMtaraBgen." aye tba apoaOa. and adda. retarto tbe ezperienoM td Atambaa and
tba ebapMT Mya “Ut
oloTotboimcbeoDtlBD^’' pat 'wbUawa
rm wo are not to forgot aim to looo
andtoMitbankisdly. Tbe
Maitarer m weU te tbe MoctaB mut
tba atrangm wbo c
ounpa and vagaboada, tboagb la maay
MoaU Bot betteatod
eMt tba kindly la
it will bedoM unto HIb
iiibB than anto tbenu aad Ba to
S Boqdtnlity
talnlag debovab and twoof Hb Breaatt
and raMioad gMdoM ^^l.^talla■ froB
TtoB. bpayeiobeklnd. Aeeptaecdd
■laaMiarh aa ya faave d
Miu oea cf tba IBM ta Unb. My b
tea. ji bare doM it anto Ma
Bibb ffmtingi—Gbl ilx. 1-S: xxlv.
M-U: I SbB. ix. SS-S4; U Sabl svtl,
U Kingf iv. S-11; Mab. v,
lt i»: Math.xzT.ll-««;Lok«e.t7-d»;
kix. l-S; sxir. SS-tS; Seta zvL
Ban. eU. It; QaL Tl. S. 10; Xltaai. S
SrllNLtv. S


M Horses
CirlMl Fin Sttct list laaM

First Glass isiiaBls it ReasMtiible Mces.
etatt 8MM ed« and Vstd HaiB.

“Rich and Rare
Were The Rems She Were.”
And she feenred them xt
Low Pri^ beesnse
F. A. £ARL displsjed a lai^ line of Elegx^
Goods in all kinds of------

JF. .A_ B.A,TtX^

“Tou bad tattar aiay bare a Dtlla
Itady—How that yoa haw parlakM
t a good dlnaar. aa yaa aggal to tba
lak ta Mwlnc acma wood!
•aad .jgwdB.

aqBd to acd tba
propBWBd. I'taaapBkrMit-Ohl-

m ItaBli OlBll PidC votoet you m tble toancr.
I Ike landlord waited aa;iztootay and Im
moeotbanbaU aa
eompeitad to walk
tbat U waa three
Bb at d^ ta taa -**,-aJd ben

'y **. **?T.^y,

*TT^*5f----- ,1------- >- ile.^

Pnii Ti Pining xnakanWitagwiA


«<X»aBB’t8ny«'taMtaeai aa, Mb


yS ptat

ia yoa ao^ dU yaol—Tn^

• TIMM a Wa*

9c pur gaan

HucMi't 0|t^ tatat nf IM

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