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The Morning Record, May 11, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
BMaiTWI tht Joyfal Tm of
tiM Oiqrtiin of MobiU. lioMan.
poRTp Ricai
PpMtal te Tn MonciKS BaraaB.
MaWla. May 10 —Onatore DeCbrda-
^ suKo* ■« *™at.
anre to be within a few daya. aa ordarm
hare been laanad froai tba warda^rttobaTatbaToIantoeraoftba aeeera! atatoa aorad at aeee.
In raapaaae to aa iaqsiry by Cbptain
HelntoU. « tolafTb^ waa raeeirad
froBi Ueaaral Iriah Uat mlrbt at »-J0
statinc that tbla oacepaay weald be ardatad to camp at Island lake to aooa
at caaras Mnnketa aadorereoaia coaid
ba eeearad. Tba maatoce also sutad |
that tba rcfalar army aaiforma wonid {
' nad to tba oaa wkas tbay raaebad'
epee Oaptaip Helatoah tbe iaportaoee
ireleeely the
a.' .te
ted ta tbe perieat telerram. whleb
d to
n mmv>
• UTMOOT Tioom.
New Lot of Cheap Wall Paper
Will be here Wednesday.
This is our fifth stock thU
Haraaa. dated April teib; 'Tbe SpaaI
lak are oalebraUnf tba vtetory at tba
oaptsra of four Asarican porta. Mobile,
230 Frost Street
Boatca. Cbaralatoa and Panaaeela. Oaa- Bp^eed that the Bpanlarde alb Maas,
■tM «f Oub* t* Xak* tbort Wtrk wal Blaaoebaaciraaa larta buqnet tai Tbair x;t Fowarful Warablpa
«( tha SpMjatOa—Oeaarftl XUm do tba army and ury. The city U at Oedia Tor e Orand Aaaanlt-Old
wm TaUbltab *a»diin«iw. at rally decorated. Tbaasandt of people •iery WiU Prebably Ware Orer
TuBp*-D«Ucbin«at S*il«4 iMt
la a praemaioB. Tbe dty la
Oabeenil Pwto mieo tn tbe MaanFactory made, in Felt or
wHd with eaUnataam.'' Tbe letter is
S^MUJ to Tn MoKsin Baooao
taken and shades'made to order
l™. . U-,frI,.d « Cd....
....... i™,
W»»hi«CM»>. ***7 10.—Tha pallcy ef inqelrto apprahaasirely if tbe soooanto I N,w York, May lO.-A speeisi from
o-.„ I>«dd.d Tb.. H. Ieoods. at
aanylar ihe war ■*tau> Bfypi" f**'
« as allcTsd.
: Wasklartoa to tbe Jeoraal eaye that
«rt*c lac'aaaad i*paM«oa har^ hoarly.
i whto tbe Spaoleb armada rctobes
l%c araleriM aeUaa at tba Spaaiah
OKDXBS rom kxobioaf.
: side of tbe AUantic. if It nUs from
«aat, tba aTidaal {aUaUM of 8paia
Troops Will Be Serried to Tampa ' Chdiz. it wUl lad me haran. Admiral last aitbUhSTiec with bla Ooy Pierce, j ‘___ •
«pata(a aaljr oa tba dataa^va. taeeil
who kss beea releeaad from Ue !
With tbe Utmeet Speed.
| Sempeoa will sow proceed to bombard
reformatory. L’adcr tbe writ ef babeae |
wiU UkB ooalaaad feparta loesUaf Ibe
SfarisiMTuMmsmeRsoua. .
i Porto Bice, as seoa to tbe »o*we«
Isssed by tbs Sspreme eoc
fl^aaiih aqaadraa alCadla. the Oaaar■Oamp Eetoa. Island Lake. May
fsl -or* «• bl-. and before tbe tbe wardea of the loaia reform
iat aad aa >ta way U Ue PhUtpittaea.
Oerenor Piafroe bas jut reeelred er- Spaalab vemelt eaa come from Cadiz leabowceaBewby he held Gay Ptetto
iMda Ua adnlaUtntiMi to laaadlla
tbe wardea prednced Pierce
dara from Secretary of War Alter to
,trtp„ wUl be floetint
staly nka aa|iaa tba ward.
eonrt. After tbe erromeat by bM
hoRTbtorerlm la to Tampa wiU tbs orer tbe isJaaA
attorn^. C. O T^raer. the eonrt deter
WblU U ia MtaSeial. rallabla aa- atmaat epead. Tbe drat
Cape BatUea, May IO-.r-(;aiied States mined that Pierce was bold illseaily,
tbaci^ «ya that attar the oodn<»t *Y nearly aqoii^ and tba
aad ordered bis immediate dieebarre.
Oetoal Teeker, at MartlnlqBa says
. Caba aad Itarto Rieo it ia baUerad a
tbeaariiast po^Uo
■d at the last Urm
there U eo foendatioo far the re ef eoart to sersa moetbs ia leata. on
. brief taak will eaptora tba Oasariaa aa
will more this w;ak.
« baaa of aparatlaaa. tbaa to abaU Oarport that UeSpeaisb Saat baa beea oearietioa of assault aad battery. Tbs
defoBM claimed that a seaUne
rWM. Oadii ValapcU aod Baroalaaa.
aitbted off Ibat islaa^,-ieaia for assenlt aad aattory was U«bUh Spala jlelda or Ua paware force
Waahlattoo. May 10.—Tke «ary de- lajal.
bar. Tba covarancBt ia IncUaed to SPASI8H ASKISAX. A TlOm
partmaat bto jest rbeeira^ews tkat
baUare that before UU ia carried act
th* Spaawb Cape vw.
“ bonineto
bora for '
Varde fleet bae arrir-. “•
ef « ewtirea
■reraluUoa le Spain or UUrraatloa by
edatOadiz. It U expected la WaaUot-' pa> meatb. rv! per year aad 3.000 ner '
tba powan will atop the war.
Holley ft OoamAU*
Window Curtains-
Cloth. Cheap. Measnie
and hnng. All widths ifl
haskelis bookstore
■ '
Gse New Idea Patteras-Neie ire Bener-IOt lip Stplz
The Fourth Lot
Colored Cambrics
»-m-u. -w- U-.
-m -1
d there by tbe most pewarfel I them, order at bace. as I peslGwIy
inc ia General Cowan's prirato car. to
totabliak beed<)oaruri at Tampa.
Oeserals Wsde. Coppinrer aad Bbaf.tor will lead tbe dirleieas. while Ceoetml Brtoks wUlepmmand.tbe eaUre
welneteer foroea
Aasteuat Secretary Heiklejoha has
ebartsred thirty sUps of a eapMl^ ef
U.000 to eoaeey troops to Cabo and le
- the PbUIppleee. It b slated that to.<100 troope will at asee be sent to Cube.
i ....I-
V ^ - f-
PETANDER’S, iL“.rjs?o£
Prom tbe
elBeiab reeeatly it b takaa that sock
Haaeaerea are mU to aaee eoeorred
plaa b eontemplaled.
octoide of Uaalia.
Tke Pelaye. Spec's most ^werfnl
Boas Roar. May 10 —It is said Ad ship, b at Cadiz, aad It has bee^Xwt-'
miral Dswey cannot eentrol the lasar- tto of serprtse tkat it was act mt!
r»BU nor enable tbe Spaabb to de so. acroaa Ihs ocean wiU tbs rest of tbe |
I,. It is reported tbe Spanish priesU aad 9tot wbea it waa reported w be sonWashibSton, May 10.—Notwl
^sbterm of Cbrite rsaeid tbs Ameriemas
Tbs Bswt was receired
ing tbs laformstloa fnrnbhed by may.
sencers Is eommaateaUoa with O^miz. [ tor their hamsaity by trylnc to lead I With s great de^ of saspicioa by many i
/•^tbat the Isller waaU aoAid exc/pl ra» “>■«* cbaaael
j oaeal effleera. who tkiok It was glrea
tiosmaad ammuaiUoa. tbee itackicB ef
I eat by tbe SpsbianU to eoacesl the
Hote VhBt the Weather is
tbe war departmeat indicate thaV.^
' real moremeauef the fleet. AH >aforwarmer. Tou wUl be
rards dWc tr^in Offeriag Mar- malioa eenceraiag tbe mereiuenU of thinking about getting your
impertaal esmpalra will aot be leflto
aelftoVnela Bam.
the naey aad army are ferbiddea ia
, tbe Jodgmeat of tbe Insargenta.
Spain, so ercry eae la oftlcisl ciralea la i
While General Uomsz can march bb
army witkte a gonsbet of Baeaua he - Washingws.Msylo.—MinbterHateb WasbiagloB b gdbmlig kbw Us i
I We are shoving some very
weald act bare tbe aasnmpUoe to at of Hawaii, called at tke atate depart- got oat.
, pretty designs and lasts in
tempt to take tbe city witk one er two nuat tbb meroing aad offered Ike free
reglmeau of erlillery. Tke iBsargenta i ase ef the islsads for the I alted States
: to a base of operatiens. He acknewlfleatieas or garrisona. Tbair proaaiag edged it aa aetof war bat eaid tkat THATXB8B CITT 80LD1BBB A&B <
need b latiens, aad that naed axtoada Hawaii b aet a fair weather appll
. I
far admbaioD to the I'aloa. Tbay will
to lbs whole Caban pei^le.
The Spanish' aathoriGss ^ee tolsed lake Ue ekaaeea ef a Spaaba bomkard- foaur Boll Beached lS0,-of Which |
ererythiag and told tbs Cnbens to go "““S
to ths woods for tabsUteaoe. Tkb ait- ‘ AVMKXATIOV OF HAVAU.
aatioa explains tbe ebarp deelaire ae-,
▼ete ta be Takea ia tbe Haiiaa Totion BOW begaa.
morrow and XeaoluUoa May Paw.'
88 Hare Faesed tbe BxamtitsUoa ,
—Inttoeetlng Actirity ia I-ecal Hil- j
Itary Oirclos—The Boys Have Be-Iws«>,
gnn AcOto miUing-AaoUer Tel-
egram from Geaeral Iriah.
I Announcement
I to the Public.
We have decided to ,m|ike a change in our location and have chosen Grand Rapids as onr future
home. We hare already leased a building. Will
occupy same by August 15. 1898. In onler to avoid
expenses of packing and freijrhting, we hare coneluded to close but our mammoth stock of
Mod’s. Bops' ltd CMIdrcD's ClotUg|
ud Gest's FnniisliiDE M it i Cmt Simitor
! E.erTtlimg will be sold regardless of cost. See large
• bills for prices and'further particulars.
T- J": laiOST.
but Not Hlg:h PriCed.
BporlsJ to Tat Nostras Rtooso
Traesrae aty fairly buued with milWasblagtoB, May IQ.-Next Tbats- iUry actirity all day yesterday. The
day the haaae will take a rote oa Ue aoddea rise'in Ue proepects of the!
Rifles crested s ceasiderabls
Bawailaa anaesaGoa reaolatito. it.
stir, aet oaly among tbe boys who are
deaeieped to<^y Uat Ua eommittoa oa | to ge to Ue front bat among basiaew
foreign affairs staad II to 4 in faror of men wbcdbplayed 'ally as moeb iaterast as Ue bo.ra Tbe old soldiers,
tej. were acti*e ssd msoifested s more
Uaa lirely iaUreet in the ereaU of Ue
Wtndward MiaalBg.
flp.eiai le lb* Mosuras Saooaa.
Early in Ue moralag the boys who
New Verk, May 10.—Shipping l
-n., u.. ior.»-u ^ 1. b.„ „... I
j;: bad signed Ue master roll
bead St Ue sfilce. Of Drs. Boltiday *■
!«r Wiadward wkiek left Loadee M tVlIkrlm for aznmlaatioa and Uoae
I days ago for New York, from which
s good part of
peisl to carry Peary-e enpedltioB to Ue
““>»« “>• Mo-aary eiamKw ViU Blight Fkyakml Dctett Bortk pole, has bees c tptared er soak InatlOBB. While many passed fsrota
ember I hare a fell Kae of Bieybly, Ue ordeal, it seek it might be cal
idrica and Brpalrt. I also bare
VUl Mot be Bprred Oat.
by Ue Spaaisb.
led. brao^t grief to a great many, plenty ef workman to da yonr work
Bpictsi ioTbi Mouras Bscosa.
promptly. I gwarea toe all work to kc
who. to aeoeont of slight physical de- the
kaot and Ue lowcat in prieo. 1
WasbiogtoB, May 10 -The wi
XUiaaia Troops Mering.
fseta. were beirad. WIU thaw great baud whtoM to ordv. tbay are boaatpartmsnt wUl lane a gsaaral ordv net apKlel loTiis Mosnsa Bscosa
maaUstoed. aod
CbU and aae tbaaa.
•priogfleld. 111.. May lO.-Parmnaat Ue rigidity ef Ue reqnitemeato deto preclade frem enlistmaat t
to ordare frdto Washingtoa Gortraor plond.
Ba*e been Inbls to rejeetic
Before aooa yesterday Us aomber
sent Of slight physical defects. Tbe Tanaar atartad two ngimeals ef Infanby end e light battery tor New Orleans npen Ue master roll e( Ue
. oOm Is l^ase Of eomplaUto
Brazlitgof all kiada. tires rnleanitad.
Ucfeaaed to ISS. Of Uese «8
madeto good aa acw. Tba only np-totomlght. •
dawSay In Ua gUy. AU wock^nr... .
... .. ornoeharga.
Uere ate are aereral mere who keee
■oldlan to Bpaia.
- Bicy.
aothadanepportiiBl^tottkeUe exTKB FLVOZT VOreLOV.
Weed waa roeeieod yeetertoy Uat
a Ue eempany, aboet
eomiag here te eadaerer to ealist ^U
stroog. ntarcbed to Twelfth street
Ue Haapah Rlflaa. Fire alas eems park fer a drill and they were glree n
Bey West. Kay le.—Tba torpedo tram Waxfsrd aad fear frem Sammlt eeietol aad rigeroto meeaaie of discip
City. There are to many well qmaUfled line end pet Unogb e ssriss ot erelojbestfntolov kU e flans esgagei
men hi Ue oampeny sad oUsrs In Ue Umb and feet aserementa. andv comelV who are eager te ge to war Uat maad of Idanteeant
' Tke
: •toBv-Bfday. Hkedltokled e. it te Ueogbt Uara wUl ba UtUa aki
drills wlU bs keptapdaily nnUl Ue _ _ —_
- sC the gnbeata ssd totofad^Bii
eemFeNylaerdvedlntocai^whlabto 1. L SHW, Iff.
steamer Oussis Left Tampa WIU a
Itotacbmeat ef Troope.
Tampa. Pla.. May lu.-Tbe Oatsle
aaUed Uib ereniag with two compaaice
•f troope for Caba. A targe crowd of
•aldlers gathered epea tbe decks te eee
_ aheir eemradee deport. As Ue bast
steamed away beeriycksen were seat
Wheel Enanteled ForSISB
“ -“
-i,. 1. u,. Bp-bb
„d u. -' ’".'.Vn'
tire naral streaftb ef Speie asay then |
Lendoe. May 10.—A special dbpateh
perhapa move aeresa tba Atlantic te-
Tlie Popular Shoe House.
213 Front St.
Stock Becolred Three Timm a
Solid M
Flotchoi s Opsloi Dopot lid ResUiniL
At the right time and place. We are at all times to
the froat. Too cold for gauzy stuff.
Eeamelieg aid Decoiatine •
ii ,the Latest Styles.
For suits and skirts are the right things at the pres:
Mt time. Our stock is immense, styles pretty, qual
ity for the pnee unapproachable.
H.E. GIBBS. Propr.
Ninball Pianes.eed Ore»s
at pRiory Priess.
Novelly Spring nannals
to inch all wool
tUmmol, good and Arm at Ua' tow pp^
WlKkM.i.WriwI.n.I..U.ni.I.,w,ud....................... 160
•eiwlb.Uw.lwo.ltl_ tw......... ..............^,1............... lOO
I xouraro itsooBO. . niESRAPHIC BOLLETIRS.
mAVMUuc omr. »
Iuy .10.-Tk* coVMMBt LkSito Of BfMa Ukanb Kev* Pre.
pared a Patitotio Treat.
wiu iBsUt tk»ttkc Cotm* *U eNtia*•Hly tlU a war waaMra >• aU»t*«.
TMlykt TnvatM City wlU have an
oppartnnHy to enjoy a war ooaeert,
WaUtarWa. Maj 10,-U' ka> kaw eampriainy U* aatloaal alia and aonys
UeMad UatOaaaral Plukafk ^ wm and aoma spadal appropriate faainrea.
«BM. T. Batm Am 3. W. 1
!*(**• Uronyk tka effort* of Ue ladies *f
Qraoe ebarob. The proynm is com-
' faa ika firat roraraar of Cuba.
1. W. Baavn. Bdttor aad Maaafar. thara a. aooa a* Baraaa U t^aa.
peend of Ue most lakpiriay patriotic
Oardaaaa bay.
wbara tb*
•bonid mtoa Ue entortaiameat.
Cbeapeat nod most reluble place to get yoar bicycle repaired aod
pot in go«i nmoiog order. Hava had aeveral yean experience and
know how it aboold be done. Satisfaction ^aranteed. I am selling
bievde snndriee at about cost New and aecond hand wheela for aale
Mid to rent. Pleaae give na a trial.
HLIilS, 811 Front B t. Bast.
faUowiny U Ue excellent proyram pretraopa ara ta laad, bar* baea dlaeov-
^*( Matkk.br wan.
^ ^
erad by aaval ofiean.
Viaana. May 10.—Tk* emparar wiU
America. (fBl2.)
■oelaUa the neatnlity of AastrU
Sam F. bmiU
Orand Ckaras aad Orchestra,
^ov \\v^
hoay. -Room for one mere star.''
aarrew at tk* apanlny of Bnadaan
Mice Klttie Oarmalae.
Trie. -'Beat Uee on this meesy pillow."
■a at tkt FoswCee M TrkTwat
Hick., aa Mwod claM ai
say that Dewey’s fleet wlU n
Mliaee Udea. Crawford and Wilhelm.
000 prize maaey.
BbcitoUea, "Star Spaaylad Baaner."
THaas ikatajatariook laactirity apaa
Deaver. May 10 —TkeCelerado troope
Ua part of Spala wbicb U ooaktrnad
will be seat to the PbUIppiae lalaads.
AlBaraally by tba bead* of the aarioa*
They will leave for the west Thaiaday.
' Aaparutenta la WaablnEtoa and army
aad aaral offieeta.
Bat tba M*t rea*-
Madrid. May lO.-tleneral BUnea kal
At Stolobery'e' Oraad Open
—Jessie F. O'Deanell,
Miss DaUy Bolaad.
AUaatie. whaia. it 1* thaafbt. at Cadiz
»Braat fleet of warablp* U balar waa-
«ad for oae fell blow ayaiatt the Ualfltata*.
Pcrbap* tbU Is a wise
■urra oa the part of Spain, bat It only
■akea aaslar the plan of raialaf ooea-
■Bed. wSir^lue^’u'":)
deyrats of loayitnda
oalbUlties can de i
400 in nombar:
The yned cake walK was done in
I snperb
^ Miadanae.
him in choreh Ue nUer aiyht
taiement has been placed at 12 and 25
..Something New..j
Pret. W. H. fltoffeo* will direct the
Asra imned yeatsrday to move troope
choroaea and Martoayh'sarehestn will
There b e small
idaat Hpaaieh popnlatton, bat a larye pciompany. The Boys- Band, always
nnmfaer ef Chiame. The native iahab- ready to do patriotic dnly has kindly
to the coast cities and frem Tampa to
Itants are meetly Maylayaa, .bnt there
Beth reynlar and velBBleer. ' The or-
Oaka is msbiay tbinys lock mora llkt are acme tribe*, of the a^rltos. The
. and there is a more defiaite yeverameat is admlsietered by
view for the Michiyan
yoveraor-yeneral aad a captala-yaaer-
Our Macintosh Dress Skirt
and Empire Cape.....
kotod to yive s ooaeert upon Ue
A BpM of Anblazis
Germaine Bros, received yesterday a
tolAicn. The iroverameni has decided jal. and the forty-three prninoea are
rye namber of floe hones frem Chicto invade Cobs at once, with an army i raled by yotemore. alcaldes or com- syo vis Ue Btoamer Charlevoix, amooy
4^ abont 80,000 mea and fetes the Spea-lmeadants. aceordiay lo their imporUses beiaya pretty spaa ef Arabian
leh toBnireader. ThU will offer ep-1 tacos aad potltisD.,
horses. beanUfolly marked sad well |
wortnaitlea'wblehthe valnnteere havs{ Tbs estimated reveaae ef Ue Phll- bred. T-bey also received several Sae
Baaa lonyiay for. tbonyh yreet hard-' Hpploe IsUodkla ISlM-ui woe i;7.7i5.(.80.
pkipe aad danyer are enre to aitoad I *cd expeadiiuree
aneb awinvaeioad
aa ezpart duty oa tcbecoo, and
\ every article of foreiya pmdoclion U
I heavily lazed on briny imported.
axd slumps
At $1.80 TeotarUy.k
“Unequalled in Design and Gut.”
■ fer Ueir livery.
56.07CJ. , There is
the dnly
The ehUf
ebUf prodneu
predneu are:
Bemp. 80.-
Skirt open all the way on left Side.
Easily put on and taken off.
Wheat la >be local market
On' raised to 81.1.’. yesterday.
Xat the Price *f Kay Wbeai (Ssand I abent too per cent of
Chss. tl. Veder. Jr., is bsvloy an at
tractive veranda built an bis boose ,o e
Uaien street.
Price, Skirts S3.00
Capes S3.s6
Arthv Welt, one of tbe Rki-ohh <mr#AS1.90. Uetopntoaiflynreyet
joj, I !««• -"-ew
«>«•*• l «2
tons in 1892; 807 tons ia 1892: copra.
rier boys, bosato of bsvlay made tbe
11.522 toa* in 1893: tohacocv—leaf expor
best catch of trout Uls season thus far.
tobeat covered a raaye of 8^' cent
Aarlay forty-flve minntoe iradtay.
ted. 230.616 qaiataU ia 1893:
Tbe ladies of.;rraf*r>e Bay Hive. He.
exported, IS&.438.000 in 1893;
71. wm 'eerveatoa.centsnpp*rin Mont-
940 qclnttUIn 1893.
The fall amanntad to 10 eeau
Oberaa (
Rabbard at Ur
...1.. ..s .. ..
It was a market eeldom equaled
eveaiay frem
wheat eloaad at
imber of Ue beet local slayers have
Suit $6.o0l
^c'surc to see these most desirable garments, only at
J. 0., Jeaena A Co.
Tbare was a
fety rebonad and Ue clasiBy price was
■ wUdnena.
ayue Ball Satorday
ontll 7 o-clnek.
Frwm 11.22, Ue qnatatlea
flar July, ltlaUtoSl.06.
The Caban Cre-j
itia Ueir Tnvene City enyayemeat.
Cabecera, 29.0S7.
with yreat favor amnay the saldlan.
• boahel.
psrticlpsBtk wereyncefal. easy, aad j
at Vll times pleastny
olm leave a most fa«
The capital of the Philip.
Thz deoisiOB of tbeadmiaistration t* !**■<*■ Maalla, hw 270,000 Inhabitanu
(tSM>); other
towds are Laoay. ----------so.030:
----------------------------idaet of the war 1* belay received Saa Miyasl. 24.672: Banany, 23,106;
TSbe movements of Ue sevenl I
the two larysst ara
adopt a mere ayirrassive policy la the
maaner. and was Uoroayhiy I
^appreciated by the lerye audience pree-1
Lnsoa (area 40.024 aqnare miles) aad
Spain to yield.
Moapeeti ia
I seme time, wss quite s featare
:b Rifle*.
"Star Spaayled BaBner." (18)4,)
slayiny. i
‘■I—l.-dr~.l.ppl.-.-. Al«,bJ..p«I laity of plsyiay on two cornets at the
BceiuUen. "Crhost of tbs Old Contiaeahave placed tba Phitipi
aappoditioa recited ahaU prove a raaleoatiwl of the United
H. B. Botley.
some facts repardiac Ue wealth and Bony
Me. W. D. C. Gdrmaine.
rcaonroes of the island a scarce of canMid Parto Bieo will have been e* well
siderable lai
Asm that alMst the entire atreayth of
The Pbillpplae IsUnda extend almost
th* American aavy eaa be throws
Mr. A. V. Friedrieb.
dne north aad aontb from Formosa to
M^Mt the Spaalarda, thna ereatiay
Fife nod Dram,
the powers will step ia and compel
j-”>■ “-f
The racent important evenu which
If the
■?V de&a, tvvee aev» OVV CXoth Vs
qveaVVia s-p^TeeVaVei.
3ot 9e a laarA \nt qVue
hssV qoo&s ma&t.
assofrtovtaV sV^VesVs WmVVei, haV
does aoV
a heVVer qaaVVV^.
Crenlee and Cske Wsikere The com
Mr. aad Mra. X. fl. HoUiday.
pacy is cempeaed of clever eolored peoCh^s „d Drills ••Marchlny Thronyh | p,..
entorui.ment b intesd-1
"Tentiny ea Ue Old Csmp Unoad."
ptata paaaaaaioB of all the SpaaUh peaiMioaa by tbej United Sutea.
last Dlybt. s Isrye aadleece wiUeesed
a food perfermsaee by Price-* Caban
aaabl* opialoa. and one whieh li yrad- cabled an nryent ra^nest for inpplles
Yonay tediee.
aally baiac accaptad. U that W* Span; aad provisions
8oay. "We Are Seedy," Alfred Sell
tab fleet U B^n an the ether aide of the
EUIS, 311 Fruit St4ist
Cycle Works.
piaoea by Ue beat loeal Ulent and none
Waaklaftaa. May lo.—Tka aiaaa
BnuEln^-B Spedslty.
have reoelvwl a
mmUt ot fine borsea which will.
*»• aoetiened ofl-Saturday ia Germain
Bros.'livery barns.
The Steamer (Tbarlevolz arrived yea-
joined Ue elaaa aad are enthaaiast
torday from Chicaye aad breoyht near-1
praise of Ue work.
ly forty berees for B. J. Moryaa. Ger-
SMlne Bros., aad J. O. Jensen.
•AoiT of o Bicycle Mlx-Up «a tbs
BnflUo BUI’S WUd Wmt-
Pair Brounds Zzack.
Captain Wilhar of Cbarlevelz
take the Traverse City Lumber Co-i tay
, _______
Bill-s biy WUd Wot Mary McLean to Manitowoc to bsve a
an Ue_nee track at Ue tiOe of_
Uir yronnds laat bveniny.
a Oenmsof Booyh Bidira. new boiler placed In It Th* cost will
enlay. the front Bblw aad
U Ue city ^torday and oomplet- besbont81.2uu.
mkeal of Clande Carter's bicyel* beeeme eatanylsd ias root aad he was ' ed amnyemeate for Ue appeennoe of
Ckrown off.
Jesse iobosos. was to]. Us show here oa Ue 19U ef July.
eriU Usrry Eeat a doss third.
city doiay bosineM with J.
K. S. Pratt is attondiDg Circuit coort
«ka dnat had cieared away >i was fouad
that Oarter-s wheel was badly damayed .
tram Ue rear, aad the frwnt wheel!
at Charlevoix.
broUer, Or. Urawa of MaBlsiay.
•Mrs. J. V. Melatoshaed sen Donald
semi-annaal apportlonmeet ef
•rtmerypehobi money ferUe eoaatlee
■ear by is as follows:
» 2,072.00
Orand Traverse.
Mrs. Asa Hale, arrived from UreeavUla
yesterday to visit her pareats.
!>*** Vet Own Lake Ana
r Raff has received invtrncWashiayton that all pastel empleyea
wbo shall salist in Ue army or navy
shall hava Ueir ponltioas back when
Uey return.
The Cenyroyatlvnsl Utdlcs Aid sbeleiy wilt meet at Ue home ef Mrs. C.
Ladies bavlay money to Incrssae for
a SMlsty wUl yivs Ueir ezparisnes
UU msetlny.
Opportnnlty will also
Aunt Mena—What'l Mary, cannot
yon comb yonr own heir yetf
Mary—No’m. 1 sin’i big enooyb.
Aunt Msjjs—Yonr sise has nothing
H. Wixom.ra
ef Chicayo is at
Mary—Tee, ft baa. 1 ain’t tal
Manly Clreait oourt, in Ue ceee of‘enough tq ><xA
lUetaqxAmybead.Amy WbeeleU va H. L. Lake and Vew Yotk
eas. Came aad select yonr eloU from
the Isryest and bnt woolen bons* in
Ue country. Ovsr 1600 stylas to nsiset
iectured before the nadenU and
^eeith interest in Us real eetoto wUU -faculty ot Cornrll university Saturday
Ue whole villaffe of evening on the "Dnlted Bute* Treas
Lake Ann.'
Bute University of Iowa defeated
tahey for
I, aad Tweddle A
Cornell coUeyc In a dual trank -meet.
The vaisUy took first m evejy one of
Ue twelve events. winnloK Ue'kieet H
to 18.
Sk* MnMnel OenveatMa meeto at
Bev. P. 1. Thn^peon of Lanslay
the M. B. C^nrok taniybt. Tbare are
akeat M enroUed aad a*w «n*a eominy Oeatral H. B. ehorek. will laetore U
every nlyht. All wbo rsaA moMc ere U* Second M. E ckurok Tneeday eventnritodtojoin.end^yttoieed mnU iny. May 17UA Bubjeet. "YenU, Yealer^ and Teesoerew." V* na* can
fc Bnbtord,
Direetar. affardtomimUtoleetar*.
•road Bmplds Harold or Dmaoerot
dellvnod for loe psr woekCity Mew*
,*oa^t to eetobUsh a claim of one aev-
Too Smallto Read
It II sSvertUn anythlnf ORUssfy. :
Bsi It Soa-V li'a^
of o •
PaperHantev *ba Uvea sp i« bU :
S80. R. WiHit,
Shop Opposite Bsyl* Ofris*.
tioas.from Ue postoffice departmroc at
Aeetsliw. of Jndye AldriU of Benzie
J. Uke. U which Ue former
Once More
b* ytvsB for Ue payment ef dnss.
B06 20
He bao with him
a fine nickel plated cbaialew wbsel Uat
Joha Maywood of Bad Axe. one of T. Grawn Uia afternoon at 3 o-cloek.
2.601 2* meellny of tbe board today.
Mra. D. C. Carlin, dauybur af^dr.
1.22020 Ue trasteee ef Ue Northern nsylnm,
1,871.00 arrived in lows last niybt to attend a
^ f.Mi
went to Maaistee yesterday.
ynr. the local ayeat.
Isa besoty.
Ladyato west to Chicayo
'•f Johason't bicycle was dtmoUshto. | T*****^ <>» batioes*.
Grawn U eatortoiaiiiy -bU
Kent came oat wiU a braised ley.
' ''
Primary Scbbol Money,
F'cank Lee of Grand tUpIds. ayent
for the Clipper Bicycle Co.. U in
Iwwiny closely sad came down also.
vaded the land in tbe
the ii
Has invaded
interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of thsoe
who intend getting
A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering
We mention the fact that we offer the oest, have the :
larxeat stock to select fVom, seU cheaper and give better sat- I
I isfiiction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.
AiMrtcM FiMt R«|
proMhiiv That Pits*.
• At Uh
CAbt« u> CMCMI ■om------------- ---tua or oo«fcem« of Spontoh pblpo la
that aoartor of the world.
WaahlBctoe. M«r 1«.-Tbere la the
hMt aolboritr for Ite atatemeal that
mterdar havin* paa»4 without a peport ftWB Admiral Sampwia the tiavy
.(artmeot doe* i i expect Ito hear
a naienieot
...... A
- AiXnCW UXELT TO BE THRItfi. . plaoa. and the rer-ark would aeem to
: Indicate that,the adn iral lavln« failed'
I to find (be eDrm>- ai (he place expected
d tnmfd bU a(t-nt!oTl tn an alterna
tive project, trhai (hie 1* cannct be aato Say Where He Kay
certalned. It *i evldj't. however, that
the departirent i« under no apprebep#k>n a« to (he eafety of the American
Beet. DOT of any veemawif the fleet.
& Sweet Orr
Pants and OYfralls are Unexcelled.
8agtMa Shewt Dhspak in a Talk
with a London Cor*
gpAn nr
qeeat ieed -of utot,
Ask to see t>em~alniost indestructible-aU styles— ..
all prices and sizes;
Me>.or.«.r J
Both Hoaeee Vole Theta oad Hake Blia a
Keor Adialrol.
Waehinrtm. »Uy 10.—FltUne tribute
lb T~op. to Mart for tfcr i•hmppl...
VeateiMay to
CommiHloie Dewey fur the timaninicnl
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Madrid, May lo!—Both chamber* Of
the cortex have ad. pied the war meaaurea prvroaed by the covemment.
LoDdoo. May 10.—The Madrid correapondeiH.of The Uornlap Poat baa had
Ibna interview- with (tenor
Madrid. May lO.-A cable dl"Patch i
Itay. *
fr.v.^cfr.«n|he,.re.. ithepi^ilvr. lnthect,ur*eofw2|lchthe:
0» of the
factori In ' ThC FiXlCSt Lllie
fcaa been received hert from the cap- went waa recetied ....................
ved re.-ommend na that j SpanIM.
»lMe,man. «Ud: ' The aad B,„n,„cing health to Rood or.ler li I
tala seneraj of ITirtc KIco aaylng that; a vote of thanke !»■ extended l.y con- I evcnie at Maalla have aaddened all cleaulineLw” lu.
ipriaed In neaaorea '
three auapidoos
louklne veaaels are j Areaa to (-omimxl’wv t> uvy and
I ......................................
Epanlardf. but h
made them loax
e offlnp. He adds that he miant oRU-vrs omj
say wlth^cnrindenee of
mand. Without a »oid of debate and
baa'eonfldenUal Information to the tf- wilhcait a cli.wcntlnr voir., thi- aenate thle.dlsnsier that notblns has .meurred
■ uf tbe skin I
to *'uund our pride. Muih hai
•Mt tlMt the Dolled Etatea fleet U ap aereed to the resolution oarvylnp Into
I iDd ihealr ipnrity of thcair) that wo i-w
------- -n 4aald reyardlnc tbe causes of the
proach I np Porto nico.
effect the revomnieiid;i(ion of tbe presi iropbe.
dlsciisaloc '
lU are essautlal fur tbe firoper JiU LUw L^l.lVa d. I
Madrid. May lA.-An official dlsfAtch
has l>e.-n
. • luipontict
--v----------creastne the number of rear admirals In Tbe truih
|"n fc«B
n Hal
Havana aaa«ru that an Atncrkan thef navy fr-m s‘x to i.-ven. U olt^r
and were overwhelmed by the BraatiWkT'to tbe blood, and Ibni aerra so
Vroiaerr and
a lareb torpedo boat
- .Pr>'Sident
nominate, superl..iity of the ennroy's forces, and Biauy oeoters of diiwaae and are the
damptwl to force Carderaa channel, aad [ Contm.-dcor.- IVu.-y |o the blpu.-«i pial»the fortunes of war which, unbappi-loanaa. of many infectlimi ditmaea.
navy within his cift and
•peaed fire oa the BpanMt vnnboau
asainstI UA
In the present Agiid. it tbe ikin it not kept clean tbe
•ut dlBX-nt. Juncture there
li'no tli
Aatoaio Lopea. Upera and Alerta. Aft
..e e. .o t. »miiJ n
UBeleaa to debate. We 'S.'.':
er a half bour-a enmemeat the Amer- Imoufly aateid to directlna u.e aevre- our klrvngth and ail oi
nndolr acenuraUted in tbe blood end
energy for la
tend to {[ire rise to aerere and often
Icaa warwhlpa. the dlapatrb aaya were tmry of the navy t.v,pr. tunt to G.im- morrow,
modore Dewey a wr. .rd an.1 medil of
danBeront diaorden. neb at akin dit*Torecd to retreat.**
g|ida*x First Dwty I. Vntty.
honor, and to have siru. h in cum••Our flrat duly la to unite In order to
Spaalard Picxiepx am Aoxlllary.
memuratlon of the baiGe ..f Manila, a
Madrid. May ID.—Ooremor General bronxe me.ial f.-r each of the offi.era ▼anqulab our enemies and to uphold the
honor uf Spain. It Is neceaaary to se
Mariaa. of Porto Bico. cablea the rov- and men who yarttrlpate-l In the Ralcure that end Cor the government ta
anuaeat that a Epanlsb merrhant
have the tuppiy-t of all, wtibfuc constdauthoriiinir the poatr-iasler
eratlons of party, and exclusively oc Htiu* free with onr Photca. and i
1 by an Ameriran
iahtlsh t
patriotic gruundA Now this Is precise tnetnhot^ we are makln* rood Cabias
At»ed traae-AUaBtic Bner. but •■soaped , i»ry |uata and camps wi
ly what grieves me. I bell.-ved that tbe
tl !S pet doxen. and Photo But
loroot let. sHdl boeto. A.e loeaUtoi. SUK-treri. cos be kougbt (or WU
H«h tho aid of Spanish ir..-D.of-war.
1 passed.
Tne |wist..mce appiupriaUon
flrsl cannon ahoi rind hy the United by the bundreda. Bra MIIAW,
SO lost lot, t-od <l.eUU>g. rerawooC. isaan sn« tIO per aionUi aetll pdd for.
^ ' hill was undiT dlstueslun dnrine alStates against our troorw w
^ : moat tbe enilrr ai-saion. the subject of
«« arm thrrr wile, wmto sad wen (raw the eily. load good, well watered, yooag maignal tor tbe union andUhe tiwternlty
rhato. TbUi.sbargwtoforoalyfI.9iO
* - dlarussion Wlna the prt>|sislUbn to re
of all Spaniards, as all V« fullk >'
duce the rontper^tlian of railroads t€
HI wrieo I ulle -e.1. oU inp^ved, wUl be »ld Ib^e pitoeor dirided to oaK. Look this
reeled by the assault of >he ijlili
tier cent. Tor carry ing the malla The
op. Oib*rplse~Ja«a.derirablearuoreoe.
Jobaooii Blork. Pbooell.
States. 1 was mistaken.
; amendment was defeated. At a late
Uamenlarian grouiw aie In dlaagrt
; hour It hecanr-e svi.Ient the bill could
tnent with the government, and ha
not be dlsp. ^ of, and' It waa onaolthe oreiension to make .-..ndlUoni
return for their support. • • •
Bemember (bat I do all kind* of reOppassd to War oa PHnrl pis.
palHn* and enamelin*. aad that I can
and do give you tbe beat work of any
•Thi pnrcijde 1 am unpueed to xn
one in the city (or the uibney.
preeldenl j which la always dJasstrou.. even to th»
(hattka b' lei^ered CoOi. [ vietonoua nation. God is my wltaese be deceived ly wbat other* tell yon to
tbe contrary, bat come and see ftw
that I did not wish
* f m.'dore Dewey
United (^latev I reaUxvd perfect^hat yooraoU.
the Spaniards, a
s followed quickly «
: we were exhausted by the war'whlch
1 with equal
e house passed the bill creating ■ we have l>een waging s.. Jong, aiti
dtp la blown ) plecea. A tclegratdi op- ;
mit B.Idllbmal rear admlralrhlm for the need rest. On the ointrary. 1 desired
Slop in till t o'clock everv t
a pea.-eful solution whirh woul.l I
«f«tcr ’laa gone with (he M-KTuUoch to * berc-of Manila. TVie bill providing
.Me What can be done with the cable, i the organlxatl. n of a volunteer
t Dortk end of Union
rights and sovereignty. The govern
' San Franclaco. Mtly lO.-The City of . flneer liripade and enllslrnem of lO.OOO
ment did everything
flirt, more
ev. n
than -It
tba cruiser Charlealon. will leave here [ debate. ,The svi.atr bill aulhorlxlng the have d-m.-. ' When ou- adv.-rsarlea beabout BaturdaV or Sunday next with , army to dIstrlBuie food among th- sut- cam.- inetitahle, and we were rompelted
to ar.-rpt It with all Its consequenrex,
Front Street.
treope and proriatona for the Philip- i
Cuhnr.s and to arm the Cuban
wbaievrr they may lie.
way* That W> r«v»t Fulia.
That right tvrai the Other Way,
"TTtr situation Is very simple, at
cannot be
Key T^es^ Fla.. May lO.-Three eep- ‘
That Will PTsl..Wy Be Neat W* A^ unfortunate;}*
Spain IK dettolated nad ruined l.y 1;
■rate rwiyns ef engagementa of Dulled '
slu A<lR.ln>l Dewey,
terqal troubles. The, l*n;l-d Suites haStates B'arshiie r-.arhed here last nl(rtih>^^‘aeh1nci.in. May lo.—Evtdences of
cov< i»-d Cot«“for a
bnt .thus far dealU are wanUng.
' thej.re.uirailons l- lng made for cairy. tieenuse it la an exi rlleni
r Mootgomfry t '"H
were apr point, second so as to Iw masters of ih
Inler-oceanie trade. "To attain Iheir ob
A capturtid tw. priaea off Cape hLt- '
ject they have llteralfv' hi-sltaled
They knew the state of
tab gunboats, and pul Into BL Nicholas
flcholas ressels wbcec
flnanevs and look advantage of II
. .
•Ughijy damaged. Another eaya
clflc coast, and wt- making prepara- altark ua after having ars:sted the Cu
tiH tug Osceola, of the mtjsquito fleet. Hons looking to the ir rbarter as trai» ban Insurrection with a
pleting our ruin, and w
]iorla Their aon-rcaie
I fired uion near Havana, and the
dri-d plan declarng upra^so-m as^hey
(xmsidered our exhaustion xufflclehtlr
* * *nie future Is
Arad upon the United Btates torpedo ' deparlment will be able to send csValry advanced.
the hands of God. None ran Torsee II
l'*hllln lues
lnes la case-thTs
koat Winslow at Cardeeaw but wort* j troops to the l*hllln
deemed diTlraMe. The aw
batlalliin of Inhinlry. f
of light arilihry and one troop of cav
l'•HicBlea. nf a Nmaxh.
alry—Uiabx ..phorili timeni of iroipa
for the nstlonsl defense—la taken to InI.nndnn. May 10.—The Madrid corredk-Ble that
vf them will be sent apnndent of Tbe Dally Telegraph says;
"Bread riots txmtlnue ihrvuchoul Slialn.
It the origtoal .
> la adThe painful monotony <*f Ih^sthered to the Tolumeera
be Bent
briJtcn yesterday morning Tp>
Bunday wax with blx fleet Dear Cape reinforce Admiral D.-»ey will Inofude vtctJins. killed and
the fnllowlpc. with the (mssllile excepBayib-n. cc the cor:h cwsst of Santo
wll'J atti-mi'ls to ■•blaln (imoI.
Jlomuf the arclllrry and the riflemen:
Domingo, and distant aiioui a days
dad Ileal on-t In almost cviTy i
Two regiments of Irfnntr}- and two l-at.
»un from Porto IHco. So far no re- , terles nf heavy artlUeo* from t'allfurVery serious dlrorder*. nnil ti
department of nla. otfb regiment of Infantry frt,::> -Ore.
breaks werr only quilled l.y tl
any of iha lurid vngagamema
----------------------- Ron.
Washington, and
w. Now It appears that the
pltcx* in those I battalion of Infsnirv and flenat.
are too small and tiK> f-w to cnnialn
but'it la believed at the deparv I Shitup's troor of riflemen from Idaho. the (leoiile BiTveled. Sunday at Lin
aiCBt that If there was gun nrti.g Sun- *
addllior to the*.- ir-wpa,* tbe depari- ares 14.11011 workmr n became disorderly Office (uut warfhoagt*. Cor. BarJotx—
day anu the day U:lore. as reported :
and EftsI Fruiit stri*el. Trawrie
and a regular 'haute ensued
fcr mrix-liont v. aeels. It probab.y was
•xonpanles tif jhe Fourteenth Inrounlrliisl guards. The rioters posnessed
City. Mi.'h.
caused by some of tlo-' United Hui-s fnntry. n-.w on their way from Vanoon- thi mrlves of a tiuantlty of firearms,
wsaaels vhas Iig either irixes or the I^A'^'wrkf to Fan F'ranclscp. and porstreets were iMrrb-ad.xl, iitld they
•CoaJl Bpamsh guuie.ats that are be- I thns wf (he Fourth vavalry and Third
malned-so down to the m-iment of telellsvad U be cruising ai- und In those | Artlllenr._______
Twelve dead b<«lles ard
“>Bt (hers I
He Wghted a'i^anlard.
many soundi-d slIU tie In the streelv
s-U-en any c
'r -rion. May lO.-Csiitam Itol-ris. of and noU-dy dsri-s to remote any of
•emeia.i |VT,.'’.^7,I lo1be WarTeo line steaniship Uiiiiian. now -them on Serouni of the firing, which
contlnusw rxeedfly.
■oulJ I. ;!*i„u iLt
q*'i. - I.’’V','^
"*at at noon last
The Madrid i-niTespondent of The
>aJ!y Mall snys: "Marilal Isv.- has been
maon.siej at the navy
de|«rtinei:l '
„ .lahi-i
aw. w..
proclaimed In Se«-flle and Sanu rossa and
griul-iall)*. lie exlendl- It-roughout
eouolr]. The msst'xlgnlllcanl fart Itf tbe pifice to boy yonr C*ke« and
of the present momenl Is that tbe mlll• Siismab flyl:
Tbe bigg»t and beet loaf
. Ui
i: knot, an hour In the aame dlrec- tary f-ariy Is beginning to use Its un- Pies.
strength. General La Cham'*;e -‘^.''.m,?r.e
‘“''e conUnued her
of Bread in tbe dty for five centB.
a/i cnai tnus far , court" for about half an hour orter she bre, who has lately returned
the naiy d-;arti.'^ut
was Ural s.ghlert *i-d was apparently nilllpplnes, convened Brniday
gaining op the Riitnnn when a Ihl- k fog In* of the mllltarr memliei
memliert of the
cortex, at which It waa resolved
lentnate their noldority
directly or Indlirvily connerlrd with'
n's ii.sgnlwThood Ih the ^
TheO^r oirea to IVwey.
the army, such actlim to ba wholly tireM*fSt Ini, S
Thni su< h a thing can I
Washington. May IP—The order Adbappen Is i.,alnly shown by tbe report' mlral Dewey iwH«rd before he started
fatitre'ntoeilogs they wIU invite tha co
from ht. m li as that the Bpanisb | far the Phlllpplnoe was mode puWlc
opersHon of naval member* of the
MUlaer Alphonso .XlII arrived at Porto j yesterday. It Ik addressed to "DeWey.
cones, conridering that there U a oetnItlco Sunday or Ui. day iwiore. This Is I Hong Kong.*' dated April Si, and it as
mnnity of Interexts (>rt ween the two
modern type
and . folloBs; 'War has commenced In-tween
* peon
. .........
branthes of the service. This Pew doIt hat been supi'-ised a:i ulmig that abe ‘the United Plates and Pr«ln. Proceed
Home Hnk Jliple
vs a serious factor
was at CadlA .<pam. forming part of
the bsme defense squadron.
opetutlont at once, particularly against
Ike fact that the haa arrived at the Spanlah fleet. Too must capture
Dsrto Bici) without knowledge of her tMaela or destroy them. Vae utmost
flaparture having h-ato-d out is an evl- andsagora.** And Dewey did It.
HRuaukee, May
Jamieson. Gad- always on band.
4saee that the Bpanish authurliles are
xnw A Orelg. proprieioi* of one of tba
Bkla to guard the aevmy of their naval
largest department -stores In this dtT.
Atthleoa, Kan.. May Itt-The- wife
aovements much better than our own
i*de an assignment last night to Willpsoplatare able to fio.. Word came to
tm J. Allen, who gave bond In tbe sua
tbs navy department yesividay that
h»e w.. ' I
»IK.«00. The lUbnitles are said bs
Fishing Xackle
Hardware. 146 Front St.
Hastings' Real Estats Agency.
Bicycle Riders.
If you are going to n^p^garden do not fall to see onr
complBte stock of Flower, Garden and Field '
FAIn. with the steamer Auatralla and j "rw.r^^^UTn^r-.s:: n’^fe
I Want
Lbs Michigan
- I am willing to pay
Chicago Market Prices.
R. 8GH0M6ER6,
■ti:.?T“- rth
Palace Bakery
lAM?.;,'"; StlTsir‘t''o?,^'‘o
In package or balk.
Auction Sale
On Saturday,
May 14, '98,
Consisting of Firm Marcs, Hea«|[ and Ught Draft aad
Driiing Horses, from 4 to 8 years old-and from 900
to 1500 poonds each will be sold at loctloo at
Germaine Bros.Barn
Traverse City. Mich,
Sale to Commence at 10:30 a. m.
Their Bread Is
Pull 'Weight.
ThorteU & Gane,
to Cuba to Jh^camp ofgeneral Garda.
■ :
It of South America b
Chief. orFoUtoia teoeil.
.Mrst and last named point, in the aouib
Milwaukee. May 1«.-Tbe JHatlacHl
*t Braalk If Ihla were not an accident Aaooclatloti of Chief* of Police «oa.
k would be bard to gucM 4t Un purthis dty (oBOSS. Iks OruBOB bariBC sSiooi Ctrl
far flay. Aboot IS dlC^n
It m
•srth ^
of .a>
(ks b
iMai to attend the eoevenUon.
Wont, t'aagrsw to Have a Rest.
Waabingiun. May It. — Dockery of
Hlasourl has introduced a concurront
remriuuon la tbe .bouac declaring that
sAm tbs two bopsaa adjourn on Mon
day. Jane C. they stand adjonnod nbtfl
It o*<doek aerldlab, Titobday. Jbly tK
IAl U was referrod.
C«. Qila ulltkStL
Dstrott Vtm Prwa a* Trtbaaa d«Ewersd tv lOe per week.
Terms of Sale:—6 months time will be given on
approved bank notes or real estate or chattel mort
gages at 8 per cent, interest,
Or fi per Cent. Off For CasL
Every horse will be sold as repre^ted and tried
when sold on day of sale and all responsibilit^jSfACsn
on day of sale, when horses are select^
bidding wiU be allowed bat will be sold to the high
est bidder.
We will sell horees every day privately on same
terms. '
' j ,
Jas.. O. Jenson & Go.
Traverse City, Mich.
SAXLEll or XOISKT t.TwnTtrf>W I
Mie*t«d of United 8tst»« Treepe
in the Invasion of
of the Aittillaa.
---------- ---------- —- ~ f VM
tb« Mrvtee. Campkalm L of Aurora,
Md A. of Streator. of Of ThUi -ntl.
mwit. w*f* Bot BeraptMl\en Raturity
n» —
«>• Maw wait I
ABBttVmP TW,1»aJW.
A ilapatth from Chleaco eaya tb« ^
Etcf Barwftd Ontf
CUevo, May ll.-Ono CaUura waa i
-------------------------------roeordod yralnday as the rmlt of,“ ^ ** *»*
tad a towoio M
flurtuatloBi b> the wheat markrt, and
Ttjiiiiiu(*i bia at big w bt
th> mao lo «T> QBdrr was Robert Und-
ttaMcbl hejw^l-<aicBW Haooti.
^ „
♦>d prwldenl of
the civil aemra comrmealon. ImmrdITo, John Kwwle, ar.. ara. oraMtod.;
y »« .
Itely after the clo« of buidaraa In the . Wwd Wellv Belea B. Orawa. J. W,
^ „
afternoon he made as araUsmem In the I *^»«bln. C. J. Ebaer, A. F. C^maroB, I
®"f** * f“county court to the Ro, .1
J. F. TlWa School Walrict Ko! \
party ai aaalmee. .aweu and llablUllea i 0“*'
Kellh. W . T. Bozbarr. Joha ; ^ JIJ.
being nzed at tiob.m and na.W0
W, Boon. W. J. Mood,. 1 »»<»*• ""t*. «•«»■
aWMotWlMra tk^VIUIIa I:
Tbe tvtroii ttnap cnmpaDy't plaat •
A. F. HoeUBaolcI. Bryaa Uorray, JoaThe failure of UndWom waa ,„tlrely •?*> **<»**“«1‘-»'Hunexpected, even amonc hie clear buel- ! ii*“ Crocker. Bmaa Camenm. B F, totally denroyed by fire Saturday. The
ne» aaaodatee. It la attributed to ,he
‘*<'^*7. teE. Bable. A. loaa U tlOe.ODO: Inaured for tU.MQ.
A dlapaich tmm Shanghai annnuncee
on of the wheav-maritet aod the *
ABd«aoa, Mfa TtBhbam, WUliam
fndrr nrdera from Waehinition TTwrerM City, Xlak
that tb^ Cbineae governmept has lisued Wurxbsrg Meek. at he waa auddenly called upon ^
“**“• *'•
Vrachinaton. May lA-Tbewardepart-■ umt *
I>«n''ine. waa t-xaroinod
the day le ptorlde marrtiu for I g J*“"-“ Hookar. W. a proclamailc.n of neutrality In the war
1 BtalM aunceont ihla
ln« { iradea
weat bat finally decided' to aanoance
la hartey areountlnc to |«.0OC ;Codarbolm. Battle b CumeUtuk. D. G. between the t'nlled Slates and Spain.
tmodlately r
Three fine Iron bridges, spanning the
lABgihbaiigb. 1* Kyaelkm. William H,
vtaere tbe varlout ataie volunteer
Captain Ui
Eh^. Loria
in Roberta. Mari
Martin Weal
Arkanaas river east of perry. O. T..
concentrated. Mlllrr
laoa. M. C, Oviatt. Je
. . ' have been waMted awgy. one at Bli^kOarroll.
Ibe order at publlahed by tbe depart- curing recrulla
Ueonre JameioD. T. A. Cealoa, P. A
bum. one at Ponca and one at Ralston.
provide equally
atani le (huught Iti aome quarCera to Plrat cavalry rectmeni will follow Ui.------It la
arrangemema may
A- Murray, Robert M
vrartaat tlir aeaumptlon that It oontem- battery, provided the governmeni ran ^ made
the credit^ in a fe.
« S- KorUrup. Wim*. LaraTrsTane Ottjr Market.
riatee a apredy movement of the Cnitei
ibetn with horaea. etc. The Firai , Wa ao U)<
... ---------1‘aiBe -----------------------------Nsttb
aai CoUwaa. Kattooal
rcaume buslnesa
Below U a list of tbe buring and aellBtatea mnitary forcee upon Cuba and •''V'*”*"*- crtnmanJid by Colonel
Loan and InrostsiaBt Company. W
I of yesterday for g
Crotaer. T H. A. Trerea. Joha Oraa.
C A. Crawford EeUlc. D. O. Balth. W.
ally itlanned Tbe war department a
r- kco3S-mntsurm‘a SXsow ■
eptlre daiy In field exercleea
Captain j lerday’p acoiea on League dlamobda: P. VofultoB. Jhwee Biroaall. A R Hetr. T. Reed, or Chicago, commanding ' At I'lttaburg—Louisville a. F,l,aburg $; Maaus, J. S. Priee. Wells-Uigmaa Com
officer enclneerlnx <s.ipe. bs* resigned, j at Washington—I'hlladelpbla II. Waab- pany. Oral Wood OiahOmpany. Baa- Clear Pork per bbl,
Captaln Kelly, of Chicago, will probably * Ingion «: at Cl^vnUnd-—Chicago 12, nah A Imy Co . William Beitaer,
Clear Pork per B>..
abort Cut Pork
aucceed him.
The engineering
ling cH>rpB
.h>tw ' ^’♦'rland 1: at N< «- York—Rn-iXlyn
Milltken. J. T. «DBaball. MIehat
I la expecting a call Into service
durl'ng New York J; at Cincinnati—Si.
. Cut P.iTk
i-tc-e durl'oe
ler. H R Jihnsoa, W S tliiirtte.
I Uvslon—Ualli
.U UACo.best..
.rkey, A 0. Andc-reon, Jc>hn Mullen,
James Alexander, of company I. Sec- 11 Poston 0.
H. L. A Co, BUenry
y J rSmith, t.hne Glouch. Mrs
ond Infanlrj'. met with a painful ,accl- 1
Western LcMnn
DetnMt-CoInln- Basie Vogl.
' F. i; UreoBougb. Conrad
dent Sunday night at Camp Tanner. ; bus 10. Detroit
Miiwaukee-ln- Weiali
H L A Co. BeaL ..
ler. George Roush.
He accompanie d some fri'-nhs
i-nhs to the i dianapolla
L Milwaukee 3; at SI Paul— ' Wblte. George Loi^e.
e. MaryL Mang. ^ P*'.........................
rnlln-ay siaiiur.. and In cr->ssing the Mlnncp-dls
:. St. Ibiul 12: at Omaba— James K. Esgleton, H,
H. T. ileli.
Bell. Lewta
LewU Codfish
Ood&*h per ft..........................
tracks Icefore an approaching train, Sam
r. Omaha IBeokr. Amelia L. Arnold. ABtboay
thoBy No-; Lard [«r ft
stumbled and fell. The wheeU passed |
'lorenoe An- - Batter per ft Oairv..
over one leg-aliuve the ankle, mashing
---------- ------------------------------------ -Jacob Corn-«•■»«*»•-*' •n so badly that Cuu.qcI Kreider. p<m'
I well, J. J. Staggs, iianaab Drake. Joha < CBeeae per ft ...............
' surgeon, found It neceiiaary to ampi^lalt
^'n.Cody. Martha Gray. Martha Mitch-I <>•*• P'f Bu (oldl.........
the mc-mher.
° rock. Irriag J Uipler, Marr O'ConBsll. i Corn per bu .-old.........
aatiafaetori- preparatioa yet tnad ter
Governor Tanner has Issued a proclaYentah. Fred Richter. A. K Salt per bbl
gj , wakiag extraetwa easy.
' maUun culUng for a meeting of tbrae i
rronen pariiam-man' elections
— P^'
George Dinler
Dipier. W. U Jones,
1« ...................................
auonokass ROPSB.
laterrsted in extending aid lo |
moderate Republican, galm-d eight hVu.k'CamwJgo.Chari ^ Dipley, Adam Bnekwheat Floor.........................
CKoted spot IB Chlckamanga Parkl
e soldlerr a
r families duHitg
[ “*•*
w. H. S..buli.
r YrnUb. U J. ^tatoea. per bn..........................
cuts rv-fuse to say anyihlug on this
„me“lhe in«p,
l pet dog killed the Infant child of!]
■mico kavks or TkaTSBSk I
point, hut there Is evldenee that they
Milwaukee, May la-Governor Sco•haeLGlIck. Chicago, by biting It In'X'R^tep.'^B"? M^^’.
expect a short, aharp. conclusive and field haj wired the war departmrr.l
Carlisle. Chicago Wheat, old. perb^,.............
Tbe condillcin of Gladstone at
Immedl.te.campaign, such as could not from Camp Harvey that the examlnaligas Baitwray Compaay. Wheat, new. per bo..................
be waged hy &.000 or ia«M addlera it Gon of two of the three reglmenu of eat leport «• as not changed,
Oim>d Rapids A Indiana Railroad Coai- Oats. No. 1. per bu. (sewj..
I* also to be noted that preparations Wisconsin volunteers has been com.
ativviy comfortable.
Com. per bo..
ipaay. andall
made by Ibr quarlermuter's dc-i>art- pleted and the men are ready to sign
grand counc-H of lllltsds Improved
Take Nolioe; That the roll ef the | Pote»oe« Per ba.
ment and the comrolaary's del artmeot.
muster roll^ Tfu- governor says Order ■If Red Mefi,.a>-«riT<bgfleld. Ills., [apaeial asaeeameBt heretdfore mada *r Bye. Ber bo....
Wb«a in Bbad of aBjUlBg is this
■0 far as It Is dtscloard by artuol ordera that 11 they arc not to be equipi*d beurated tbelr^hpnual)
\ >ual) sesslim
aeeslim by ,< the
Ue board of aaacaon
aeecaon for Ue purpose
___ BiK*wbeat.
tiac reaumber this is Ue place to laftro
indloale that provision' Is being made fore moving tbe First tcglmeBi will be giving a banquet
! af defraying that part of Ut coat
yoar orders aad get peemM arork.
for moblllEing and transp- rtlog and ready to move Thursday night, tbe SecFire In a dens'ir poputuTed district of wblsk tbe coooeil deeidad afaoald be
Hattafartfam gnaraBtrrd or do eharf*.
n outMde
Friday nigbt. and the Third Sat Duluth did damage to the amount of : paid aad boras hy ,aae«lal aaaeaiioanv
Leave year eadera at oOec or call'op
urday night.
e rmted States.
c war department aboni lioonoft. directly affecting rooew ' for Us couatnictiea of a maia aewar la
, Mwdy.
»«e‘» »k« Gwpa equlpt-ed here It will than I.M) persnna.
WaRiagton street, from WaabiBgtoa
reek or,
or ten days before they
Instead ..t aJIwiving all the iro^ take a week
The pretrtdeni has nominated Charlee '‘troet to BlgbU atrrel. in Sewer Die-'
called for from ^lanlcular state to be
** "*'*7
Allen, -cr Masaachusette, te be as- ' trtet Na. Three (I) of Ur City of Treeaasemhi.d and broken In at the ranMilwaukee. May 10.—Two Wlsconslh , Mstanl
-returv of the navy
vice|w** City, said erwer district faeiag
Attomrya at Lbw.
detvout tbe depanment Is Irsiructing -t**""'"**
Camp Harv-ey for , Roosevelt, resigned.
IbouBdedoaUr-------K. —...t
-e-. -eniild regl.............
tta mustering om<vrs i
H. J. Whlstiam. wbo
w ho It was feared
reared had '
Wd*bid|Igua street aad
ttreeii oa tbeaaal by Railroad aeaaae:
1^ T. Moore.^ b„B ^oi by the 8i-.nlsh_a.l
ka possible an■n as one Is <-rgani-at
. e Chlfka^uga , cqha, has been beard fr-te by
Boardmas river: aad oa Ua west by
Ised to report
rt to the depart- **** “
Boardmaa avenue, aecerdlag W Ue
saenL when t
»amralaa«4apaaaaiaa«yialaaa Tiaa
Q k. BkOWK. ane
dered at once f. th. i«.lnt a-lected for
Shoboygan. will be sent to Washingplat Uereof, u new eo ftla la O. Law. Beeclal a
who attempted to aasasslnaie King recorded
OHg ass Hew. U
concenlraif.-n. It li lift expfiiallon
Friday. The First regiment, George of Greece In Athens on Feb. « ] "7
for public iDspeclioo. Notice aeS eeaewraaclmg til
that the flrwi rerlm.nu organised and
Colonel 8. p. B-haJel. of Monn^,
ry given that U«
last, was execuK-d yesterday.
CT a uana.A
reported fmui the siat.-e will be went
»» «-«n»P f«>f »h' pi.-sent ai
Tbe Elms
to Chatiam-ga. thence going lo Cuba: least. " '•
•• ‘ "weG t regiment Uo.. which
•e called out only
viB klopiie Tami>s. Nei> Orleans ard
Oalveeton. for expeditions will be dis that other tTO.^« are needed.
L'amp Katun. Island Lake. Mleh., May
maw said
patched-from each of ibeae'poris.
It —Twelve trains from different eec...............
-- j Tb«welM.10t.
Tbwe i«. lot. jss
la aod place ^portuaity wUl
n A. Hiller.
. S Tears old. son
■ stale earned that many
be givei I all perauaa intereaied
A. Miller, r-r rhl- heard.
J ,-t
FM Ready, rtrsl Called.-Parer ‘
ratfo, a.ildcrtally rhot liini*-if'‘in the
irtay that they might
V again s
CU day of May A. » IK
ibdumen 'Hih hi« father's retoivi-r and
d-bye to their soldier loved on
aia 13t
A. W. RlCkkiU).
our Uier.
nie-govrrnor oT a state will haveino before
City Clerk.
Uiaw. OMees.OHr Opera ■
baBd In the designation of
• f.-r the sc-oe of eonfticl. Company A, I
Maw Boats to Cbisafe.
i First rt-glnienL Captain'Grangej. has ‘
bas b.-en .
■tents to go to particular con
rOKT&B. attnraer at L
Romd the wildest anOkinpa: tbe desUnallon will dt-dend up- b-cn musietc-d
feellng of It.
«B the promptnem with w'hk-h the vol- tbuslasm. ThU is ih Ann Arlsir c
try regard ni
The troop*
untvers are organited and arafreJtdy fur [*'”'•
hU sent messages to operated by Ue Graad Tnuk Bailor : .ev r wnsw.
trusportatlon. Probably aboBt W-tbird ,
- > and otb. re exprera- *JvUem aad Ue Grand Rapids A ladi^ O.
of the enure let y railed for by 3^:'
lag pk-asuK.r n- ii.m -r the peoiie
Railway, via Viekaburg.
Went, --r ab.ui 1,. i.- :.o..p.. nil cunand govern
of the I nlted Plates.
Traiks will arrive at and depart fiwm
Btilule ihe f. rce u- be sent south to take p,n,.r^ „ ^ a.-llve a
n pfrpanns
I nut MW-rute of sending troupe Dearborn station. Chicago. This atav- X. k Miillkw) Bkefc. How
p^t in tbe first c ulian service, fi.l- tj,e a-.ldlrrs f-.r "hard fiKhilng.
' k» is on Folk rlreet. between blate lo4r oi- Tvlepboae.T2.
Tne ^rvp r»ii*lou4 Idea of -spning' and Clark sueeta, is only three Woeks
Ball :-einfi oniu. ky took Its H*e from aouU of tbe Poatoffice. and aesr Ua
Tratas antre fia a CUelaa
one ot Ihe oriclral paintings m the lia:- do*n town busincai and hotel dUlncla
Bi tboi-ch tomorrow'
ThunuUy mornlDc would pro i«n
thr troops «t loasi lesnor Camp
Tan. ^___ B*r for tbi Bold of bcitli ttle. Major
J. T>«._0-----------------------..
Ninth b
talinn. ooIo-rB,
•a»o. waa yraiori»*o
hla rnmmond. bl> irrm
»•- or«
L>iBt axpirod at boob Sub-
John R. Santo,
Genril lissnict.
.({y» • i
4 ooi
Hack, 6d8 and Ba^
Thone No. 3. -
Giud Eipiii a iiiuui a. I
Ian schiwii of ih- I-ast Suw-r. In whi-n oUgg railroads.o,ing UU station arc
hating Atchison. Topeka A Sanu Fc. Wabash
arrieM al ItWO s. m
Uavae at umi p. m.
rhieagn A Ksslera IlliBOis. Chicago,
urer of ladiaBap- lie A Louisville and Erie.
-Rea -o
. L. LOeXVOOD >.P.a-Orwa4BaniZa.
Nu transfer will, therefore, be Beceawork la fa
day. I* now dla- sary ter paaaeagerw
i regiment coiild I— enc-erert I
■d the names of abova mpBlIoned lineu
d he Is a1»'s deI mporUnt Buttons on thia Uroagh 2QW iiotragroii aaLg i
When Ihese are equip|>ed Ihe govern- asked how the reglm
n the amount ot car line betwevn Cblemro aad Grand itasif**’
*^"l a
11 wi:l II
cbuscB. by nunirriral uorder. >r 1-y Ihe
the I tsoo.
atiase'claeka m.
t third <M the rank of I
-latter I*
A gieat throng of people weieomeo
s cslled f
t Is the preferred. 1-erause h
ininga Ury
an and hhit wife
•Idt-r.-h-pe of iht .rard-Mirtmemthsl
„,,:u.ry .,|s-.olions. There I, Intense Wlllliim Jenninga
The eqnipmect uert In proridlug this '_____
. It WU n-.i be .alled;^u|oit to fully equip*
„„ aro.unt of the at Frabody. '
service will conalat of new aUodard '
b-'or- h.-.iniue. are at an
jeiwnmem In order- speech
. veatibnied dav coaches. Pnllman bnf.l^ Mra w.h. me.vos.aMi rti
aad. but the work of i-raparallon Is proto the front- It
Addlalon Hllla assistant t
^Ing tm the contrary
assumpU.m. i, ,^g-rded as a plan t.. break up,the
TUa third divls.oa will ronstltuie the original vnianUaGon by niling the riiha ! L“'"'
'“*■ *^•‘3 ■'f'f*
sili.>eUBi aaenra atlOaapt...
aacond nn<\-. to he drawn upon for
„.-ulari and vulumeerw. The an- fPoflbern railroad, dU-d In his hom
.lores*. Mar M. si If, ' -------relnforrements whenever r. edrd.^n'd It
.-amp demands that It go as , I Cleveland Saturday night of pnaumof this equlpmant and tbe cob'
Ooakama........ ..:..Art
Is possi
lb. m-n Ii.-v.-r will he brigad'-.
Krtrad.-. to
to pre^-rve
uresl-rve Intact
telacl low..'* ouots
ot the acbeilBlcw will be
called >
of troi-iis
ualeee tl. pUns of the
U may !■« r.-insrk.-d
.................. ........
*werC “raQatrealh. were drowned
W lliu: m of the firsl-claM. wl
recmritlng ,
by the eapsixlng of their boa2
W sen. to the ,',f
*nd move them to ; stnnH pond near Gallai,n. Me.
' -e-t-et Of -be oster worsw
Philippine I
I'Slionses so far wa,nlngton where It Is undersluod they I
Th« reprew niailve* of I'hina paid the Lt Orwnd RapUs t.io . a 2 <o
<0 > a. It V, r a ! WorSs. ni if
iveelved ft
rou r. a e.'u
•II r a
as- .. a .---------------------------------------lei.iig ofBcvrti ^
new as rvserves. There was ! repreeentntlv-s of Japan
r ril.OCO.. ^ Cli.rago
coo <»i5
Camp Ih-wey when «>»
» ... . at the Bank of E^l^d
el Bos-w. g.MbSL aw It
Map.r Oen- ral Num-x. cf th- Cuban the- examining aurgeuns rejected-the |
“^n Puturday. this being
anny. arrive.l here Funday night on hla rapiain gpd flrsl and second lleutcnanis
China-Japan war Isdam- '
return fr-ni landirg a tarty la Cuba. Vf -^-Ini>anv H. <-f Huron.
: Blty.
I Bast^e. V-III lake iwwls no ptsas SB«
This landlni; u a- !i-ade after cnnf-i. gesMewer. Cl t-uloa elreM. W !■&
l.loeolA-May in—Ssturdty Bight iMc
SBeei U-tw.-n C.r.-I/.I Nuiwi. 0--m-ral
\-rnor Holcomb re<vlv.-d a mewaage
T cwT-i>«irrooi*»rve».T»Br.d*r,i*c»i
Miles and t^ ii'-r yu-ev-la. the Cuban
i-t kerektel rtoOvr pk-wsr leave al El
o—i. agt
.o.. ..s
8>vreury Alg.-r saying a sudden
delegatw ai-fi-jt two weeks
“ rhonge had been made to the aaslgnter the pnrp «■; of ojaning qp
meni of .Nebraska troops aed that one
/^[RL WANTKP—Pnr xve-rwl houwi
cation with I'en-ral* Oorela an-lOomra. ,reglmenu
,, perhaps both, would be seo!
NX CaU at oaev at «s We-aicnos M. 1
After a brief r -nferenre with Que.ada
go to the PblllpA SWWOOOO LOOMEKwXX City Luwbevfta KStf
MOnl Will I- ready tn equip these.s-n.1
eo»imt-t.-.. namely, fun-e* alsmt equal
oM.erthlrt .T the total rail, which
Wrfll b-- arrisned
coast and harbors, tvj.lart^
4ar United t-lales troops lUdrawn from
tul.Triaph.d S-vreury of War Al.-^atvrnlng .he
UliSBB UD .NSnuaUI 1.1
______ _
_____ ^ j.:k
The traulis of hla trip arc]
Annsoa ib-Way uCwta.
guarded with much care by the Culan , Tampa. Fla. May I0,‘-The aieamer
oSclals here, who deem It loexpedlmt Ouaslc-. one of the Mallory line of boaU.
to discuss what General Kunex did- It ehaytered by the ledvertvmenl for nae as
la Bald, however, that bis party found , tranaporl. sailed for Cuba this itHwitM dimruUy In esunilahlng gommunlca- ^ mg loaded with arroa etc., firihe use of
the rebels. A company of IW United
fitatra troope from the Plm regiment of
Ipfantrr will accompany the expedltlun
aad aid in guarding Ue landing uf the
valuable cargo and wtll. It neresssev
penetrate Into the Interltw
. Ilia, May 10.—Ooveraor to plac
Tanner baa received word from VakhiBgtBa to equip the tw o reglmenta raixstaad Into tbe servtre of the government
Tampa. Fla. May lO.-M
Md get them ready to be removed aa
_ alble. Tbe word came late ' Ue army of invasion, bf hla i^t aa
gaaterday afternoon tn a meiaage from ' senior officer. dlapIacHig Major OenerqJ
MgBrotary of -War Alger.
Governor , W. R. Sbafler, heretufore la command.
TManar Unmedtately Tvylled that be Ordera to tbU effect w ere Rcolvod (tea
eotid*ftavB two reglmenta ready by Washington last night.
- t Fifth.
-----------------------L and tbe Third, imd-r Fred Ben^ oeiMtSL have been mustered late
SBWTte* of ue Cnlted^e^go^
Vieana. May ia.-Thi
that the Austrian governn
atiapend Ua .
If You Have Logs to Sell
CorregpoDd with tbe Traretse City Lumber Company.
We huge for lale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Shorty Maple Wood.
■W'S'E;3t;£:'s,3~“ ■
er will lra«e tor
T^IVgT TO LOAJC-are kevv aw depoWt
iXL here weaey laloasaatBpraradeluaBd OUar'ite.'.'.'.'.
term propeny. Uederwao* A Uwlor. Asur-------■frarara.Ctty.lUch.
■0-Ral “
viU reegeed to cell* tor aaralBg
UUl BUchioeryof all depcriptiona, iscloding Two EogiBW,
Bet Works, Ofirrugei and Sfiwe. A oom^te Saw Mill PUat
vm w a Ui rawm. at, oBm. «ie
r. s. BvC w save, of we wMh.
BMaiTWI tht Joyfal Tm of
tiM Oiqrtiin of MobiU. lioMan.
poRTp Ricai
PpMtal te Tn MonciKS BaraaB.
MaWla. May 10 —Onatore DeCbrda-
^ suKo* ■« *™at.
anre to be within a few daya. aa ordarm
hare been laanad froai tba warda^rttobaTatbaToIantoeraoftba aeeera! atatoa aorad at aeee.
In raapaaae to aa iaqsiry by Cbptain
HelntoU. « tolafTb^ waa raeeirad
froBi Ueaaral Iriah Uat mlrbt at »-J0
statinc that tbla oacepaay weald be ardatad to camp at Island lake to aooa
at caaras Mnnketa aadorereoaia coaid
ba eeearad. Tba maatoce also sutad |
that tba rcfalar army aaiforma wonid {
' nad to tba oaa wkas tbay raaebad'
epee Oaptaip Helatoah tbe iaportaoee
ireleeely the
a.' .te
ted ta tbe perieat telerram. whleb
d to
n mmv>
• UTMOOT Tioom.
New Lot of Cheap Wall Paper
Will be here Wednesday.
This is our fifth stock thU
Haraaa. dated April teib; 'Tbe SpaaI
lak are oalebraUnf tba vtetory at tba
oaptsra of four Asarican porta. Mobile,
230 Frost Street
Boatca. Cbaralatoa and Panaaeela. Oaa- Bp^eed that the Bpanlarde alb Maas,
■tM «f Oub* t* Xak* tbort Wtrk wal Blaaoebaaciraaa larta buqnet tai Tbair x;t Fowarful Warablpa
«( tha SpMjatOa—Oeaarftl XUm do tba army and ury. The city U at Oedia Tor e Orand Aaaanlt-Old
wm TaUbltab *a»diin«iw. at rally decorated. Tbaasandt of people •iery WiU Prebably Ware Orer
TuBp*-D«Ucbin«at S*il«4 iMt
la a praemaioB. Tbe dty la
Oabeenil Pwto mieo tn tbe MaanFactory made, in Felt or
wHd with eaUnataam.'' Tbe letter is
S^MUJ to Tn MoKsin Baooao
taken and shades'made to order
l™. . U-,frI,.d « Cd....
....... i™,
W»»hi«CM»>. ***7 10.—Tha pallcy ef inqelrto apprahaasirely if tbe soooanto I N,w York, May lO.-A speeisi from
o-.„ I>«dd.d Tb.. H. Ieoods. at
aanylar ihe war ■*tau> Bfypi" f**'
« as allcTsd.
: Wasklartoa to tbe Jeoraal eaye that
«rt*c lac'aaaad i*paM«oa har^ hoarly.
i whto tbe Spaoleb armada rctobes
l%c araleriM aeUaa at tba Spaaiah
OKDXBS rom kxobioaf.
: side of tbe AUantic. if It nUs from
«aat, tba aTidaal {aUaUM of 8paia
Troops Will Be Serried to Tampa ' Chdiz. it wUl lad me haran. Admiral last aitbUhSTiec with bla Ooy Pierce, j ‘___ •
«pata(a aaljr oa tba dataa^va. taeeil
who kss beea releeaad from Ue !
With tbe Utmeet Speed.
| Sempeoa will sow proceed to bombard
reformatory. L’adcr tbe writ ef babeae |
wiU UkB ooalaaad feparta loesUaf Ibe
SfarisiMTuMmsmeRsoua. .
i Porto Bice, as seoa to tbe »o*we«
Isssed by tbs Sspreme eoc
fl^aaiih aqaadraa alCadla. the Oaaar■Oamp Eetoa. Island Lake. May
fsl -or* «• bl-. and before tbe tbe wardea of the loaia reform
iat aad aa >ta way U Ue PhUtpittaea.
Oerenor Piafroe bas jut reeelred er- Spaalab vemelt eaa come from Cadiz leabowceaBewby he held Gay Ptetto
iMda Ua adnlaUtntiMi to laaadlla
tbe wardea prednced Pierce
dara from Secretary of War Alter to
,trtp„ wUl be floetint
staly nka aa|iaa tba ward.
eonrt. After tbe erromeat by bM
hoRTbtorerlm la to Tampa wiU tbs orer tbe isJaaA
attorn^. C. O T^raer. the eonrt deter
WblU U ia MtaSeial. rallabla aa- atmaat epead. Tbe drat
Cape BatUea, May IO-.r-(;aiied States mined that Pierce was bold illseaily,
tbaci^ «ya that attar the oodn<»t *Y nearly aqoii^ and tba
aad ordered bis immediate dieebarre.
Oetoal Teeker, at MartlnlqBa says
. Caba aad Itarto Rieo it ia baUerad a
tbeaariiast po^Uo
■d at the last Urm
there U eo foendatioo far the re ef eoart to sersa moetbs ia leata. on
. brief taak will eaptora tba Oasariaa aa
will more this w;ak.
« baaa of aparatlaaa. tbaa to abaU Oarport that UeSpeaisb Saat baa beea oearietioa of assault aad battery. Tbs
defoBM claimed that a seaUne
rWM. Oadii ValapcU aod Baroalaaa.
aitbted off Ibat islaa^,-ieaia for assenlt aad aattory was U«bUh Spala jlelda or Ua paware force
Waahlattoo. May 10.—Tke «ary de- lajal.
bar. Tba covarancBt ia IncUaed to SPASI8H ASKISAX. A TlOm
partmaat bto jest rbeeira^ews tkat
baUare that before UU ia carried act
th* Spaawb Cape vw.
“ bonineto
bora for '
Varde fleet bae arrir-. “•
ef « ewtirea
■reraluUoa le Spain or UUrraatloa by
edatOadiz. It U expected la WaaUot-' pa> meatb. rv! per year aad 3.000 ner '
tba powan will atop the war.
Holley ft OoamAU*
Window Curtains-
Cloth. Cheap. Measnie
and hnng. All widths ifl
haskelis bookstore
■ '
Gse New Idea Patteras-Neie ire Bener-IOt lip Stplz
The Fourth Lot
Colored Cambrics
»-m-u. -w- U-.
-m -1
d there by tbe most pewarfel I them, order at bace. as I peslGwIy
inc ia General Cowan's prirato car. to
totabliak beed<)oaruri at Tampa.
Oeserals Wsde. Coppinrer aad Bbaf.tor will lead tbe dirleieas. while Ceoetml Brtoks wUlepmmand.tbe eaUre
welneteer foroea
Aasteuat Secretary Heiklejoha has
ebartsred thirty sUps of a eapMl^ ef
U.000 to eoaeey troops to Cabo and le
- the PbUIppleee. It b slated that to.<100 troope will at asee be sent to Cube.
i ....I-
V ^ - f-
PETANDER’S, iL“.rjs?o£
Prom tbe
elBeiab reeeatly it b takaa that sock
Haaeaerea are mU to aaee eoeorred
plaa b eontemplaled.
octoide of Uaalia.
Tke Pelaye. Spec's most ^werfnl
Boas Roar. May 10 —It is said Ad ship, b at Cadiz, aad It has bee^Xwt-'
miral Dswey cannot eentrol the lasar- tto of serprtse tkat it was act mt!
r»BU nor enable tbe Spaabb to de so. acroaa Ihs ocean wiU tbs rest of tbe |
I,. It is reported tbe Spanish priesU aad 9tot wbea it waa reported w be sonWashibSton, May 10.—Notwl
^sbterm of Cbrite rsaeid tbs Ameriemas
Tbs Bswt was receired
ing tbs laformstloa fnrnbhed by may.
sencers Is eommaateaUoa with O^miz. [ tor their hamsaity by trylnc to lead I With s great de^ of saspicioa by many i
/•^tbat the Isller waaU aoAid exc/pl ra» “>■«* cbaaael
j oaeal effleera. who tkiok It was glrea
tiosmaad ammuaiUoa. tbee itackicB ef
I eat by tbe SpsbianU to eoacesl the
Hote VhBt the Weather is
tbe war departmeat indicate thaV.^
' real moremeauef the fleet. AH >aforwarmer. Tou wUl be
rards dWc tr^in Offeriag Mar- malioa eenceraiag tbe mereiuenU of thinking about getting your
impertaal esmpalra will aot be leflto
aelftoVnela Bam.
the naey aad army are ferbiddea ia
, tbe Jodgmeat of tbe Insargenta.
Spain, so ercry eae la oftlcisl ciralea la i
While General Uomsz can march bb
army witkte a gonsbet of Baeaua he - Washingws.Msylo.—MinbterHateb WasbiagloB b gdbmlig kbw Us i
I We are shoving some very
weald act bare tbe aasnmpUoe to at of Hawaii, called at tke atate depart- got oat.
, pretty designs and lasts in
tempt to take tbe city witk one er two nuat tbb meroing aad offered Ike free
reglmeau of erlillery. Tke iBsargenta i ase ef the islsads for the I alted States
: to a base of operatiens. He acknewlfleatieas or garrisona. Tbair proaaiag edged it aa aetof war bat eaid tkat THATXB8B CITT 80LD1BBB A&B <
need b latiens, aad that naed axtoada Hawaii b aet a fair weather appll
. I
far admbaioD to the I'aloa. Tbay will
to lbs whole Caban pei^le.
The Spanish' aathoriGss ^ee tolsed lake Ue ekaaeea ef a Spaaba bomkard- foaur Boll Beached lS0,-of Which |
ererythiag and told tbs Cnbens to go "““S
to ths woods for tabsUteaoe. Tkb ait- ‘ AVMKXATIOV OF HAVAU.
aatioa explains tbe ebarp deelaire ae-,
▼ete ta be Takea ia tbe Haiiaa Totion BOW begaa.
morrow and XeaoluUoa May Paw.'
88 Hare Faesed tbe BxamtitsUoa ,
—Inttoeetlng Actirity ia I-ecal Hil- j
Itary Oirclos—The Boys Have Be-Iws«>,
gnn AcOto miUing-AaoUer Tel-
egram from Geaeral Iriah.
I Announcement
I to the Public.
We have decided to ,m|ike a change in our location and have chosen Grand Rapids as onr future
home. We hare already leased a building. Will
occupy same by August 15. 1898. In onler to avoid
expenses of packing and freijrhting, we hare coneluded to close but our mammoth stock of
Mod’s. Bops' ltd CMIdrcD's ClotUg|
ud Gest's FnniisliiDE M it i Cmt Simitor
! E.erTtlimg will be sold regardless of cost. See large
• bills for prices and'further particulars.
T- J": laiOST.
but Not Hlg:h PriCed.
BporlsJ to Tat Nostras Rtooso
Traesrae aty fairly buued with milWasblagtoB, May IQ.-Next Tbats- iUry actirity all day yesterday. The
day the haaae will take a rote oa Ue aoddea rise'in Ue proepects of the!
Rifles crested s ceasiderabls
Bawailaa anaesaGoa reaolatito. it.
stir, aet oaly among tbe boys who are
deaeieped to<^y Uat Ua eommittoa oa | to ge to Ue front bat among basiaew
foreign affairs staad II to 4 in faror of men wbcdbplayed 'ally as moeb iaterast as Ue bo.ra Tbe old soldiers,
tej. were acti*e ssd msoifested s more
Uaa lirely iaUreet in the ereaU of Ue
Wtndward MiaalBg.
flp.eiai le lb* Mosuras Saooaa.
Early in Ue moralag the boys who
New Verk, May 10.—Shipping l
-n., u.. ior.»-u ^ 1. b.„ „... I
j;: bad signed Ue master roll
bead St Ue sfilce. Of Drs. Boltiday *■
!«r Wiadward wkiek left Loadee M tVlIkrlm for aznmlaatioa and Uoae
I days ago for New York, from which
s good part of
peisl to carry Peary-e enpedltioB to Ue
““>»« “>• Mo-aary eiamKw ViU Blight Fkyakml Dctett Bortk pole, has bees c tptared er soak InatlOBB. While many passed fsrota
ember I hare a fell Kae of Bieybly, Ue ordeal, it seek it might be cal
idrica and Brpalrt. I also bare
VUl Mot be Bprred Oat.
by Ue Spaaisb.
led. brao^t grief to a great many, plenty ef workman to da yonr work
Bpictsi ioTbi Mouras Bscosa.
promptly. I gwarea toe all work to kc
who. to aeoeont of slight physical de- the
kaot and Ue lowcat in prieo. 1
WasbiogtoB, May 10 -The wi
XUiaaia Troops Mering.
fseta. were beirad. WIU thaw great baud whtoM to ordv. tbay are boaatpartmsnt wUl lane a gsaaral ordv net apKlel loTiis Mosnsa Bscosa
maaUstoed. aod
CbU and aae tbaaa.
•priogfleld. 111.. May lO.-Parmnaat Ue rigidity ef Ue reqnitemeato deto preclade frem enlistmaat t
to ordare frdto Washingtoa Gortraor plond.
Ba*e been Inbls to rejeetic
Before aooa yesterday Us aomber
sent Of slight physical defects. Tbe Tanaar atartad two ngimeals ef Infanby end e light battery tor New Orleans npen Ue master roll e( Ue
. oOm Is l^ase Of eomplaUto
Brazlitgof all kiada. tires rnleanitad.
Ucfeaaed to ISS. Of Uese «8
madeto good aa acw. Tba only np-totomlght. •
dawSay In Ua gUy. AU wock^nr... .
... .. ornoeharga.
Uere ate are aereral mere who keee
■oldlan to Bpaia.
- Bicy.
aothadanepportiiBl^tottkeUe exTKB FLVOZT VOreLOV.
Weed waa roeeieod yeetertoy Uat
a Ue eempany, aboet
eomiag here te eadaerer to ealist ^U
stroog. ntarcbed to Twelfth street
Ue Haapah Rlflaa. Fire alas eems park fer a drill and they were glree n
Bey West. Kay le.—Tba torpedo tram Waxfsrd aad fear frem Sammlt eeietol aad rigeroto meeaaie of discip
City. There are to many well qmaUfled line end pet Unogb e ssriss ot erelojbestfntolov kU e flans esgagei
men hi Ue oampeny sad oUsrs In Ue Umb and feet aserementa. andv comelV who are eager te ge to war Uat maad of Idanteeant
' Tke
: •toBv-Bfday. Hkedltokled e. it te Ueogbt Uara wUl ba UtUa aki
drills wlU bs keptapdaily nnUl Ue _ _ —_
- sC the gnbeata ssd totofad^Bii
eemFeNylaerdvedlntocai^whlabto 1. L SHW, Iff.
steamer Oussis Left Tampa WIU a
Itotacbmeat ef Troope.
Tampa. Pla.. May lu.-Tbe Oatsle
aaUed Uib ereniag with two compaaice
•f troope for Caba. A targe crowd of
•aldlers gathered epea tbe decks te eee
_ aheir eemradee deport. As Ue bast
steamed away beeriycksen were seat
Wheel Enanteled ForSISB
“ -“
-i,. 1. u,. Bp-bb
„d u. -' ’".'.Vn'
tire naral streaftb ef Speie asay then |
Lendoe. May 10.—A special dbpateh
perhapa move aeresa tba Atlantic te-
Tlie Popular Shoe House.
213 Front St.
Stock Becolred Three Timm a
Solid M
Flotchoi s Opsloi Dopot lid ResUiniL
At the right time and place. We are at all times to
the froat. Too cold for gauzy stuff.
Eeamelieg aid Decoiatine •
ii ,the Latest Styles.
For suits and skirts are the right things at the pres:
Mt time. Our stock is immense, styles pretty, qual
ity for the pnee unapproachable.
H.E. GIBBS. Propr.
Ninball Pianes.eed Ore»s
at pRiory Priess.
Novelly Spring nannals
to inch all wool
tUmmol, good and Arm at Ua' tow pp^
WlKkM.i.WriwI.n.I..U.ni.I.,w,ud....................... 160
•eiwlb.Uw.lwo.ltl_ tw......... ..............^,1............... lOO
I xouraro itsooBO. . niESRAPHIC BOLLETIRS.
mAVMUuc omr. »
Iuy .10.-Tk* coVMMBt LkSito Of BfMa Ukanb Kev* Pre.
pared a Patitotio Treat.
wiu iBsUt tk»ttkc Cotm* *U eNtia*•Hly tlU a war waaMra >• aU»t*«.
TMlykt TnvatM City wlU have an
oppartnnHy to enjoy a war ooaeert,
WaUtarWa. Maj 10,-U' ka> kaw eampriainy U* aatloaal alia and aonys
UeMad UatOaaaral Plukafk ^ wm and aoma spadal appropriate faainrea.
«BM. T. Batm Am 3. W. 1
!*(**• Uronyk tka effort* of Ue ladies *f
Qraoe ebarob. The proynm is com-
' faa ika firat roraraar of Cuba.
1. W. Baavn. Bdttor aad Maaafar. thara a. aooa a* Baraaa U t^aa.
peend of Ue most lakpiriay patriotic
Oardaaaa bay.
wbara tb*
•bonid mtoa Ue entortaiameat.
Cbeapeat nod most reluble place to get yoar bicycle repaired aod
pot in go«i nmoiog order. Hava had aeveral yean experience and
know how it aboold be done. Satisfaction ^aranteed. I am selling
bievde snndriee at about cost New and aecond hand wheela for aale
Mid to rent. Pleaae give na a trial.
HLIilS, 811 Front B t. Bast.
faUowiny U Ue excellent proyram pretraopa ara ta laad, bar* baea dlaeov-
^*( Matkk.br wan.
^ ^
erad by aaval ofiean.
Viaana. May 10.—Tk* emparar wiU
America. (fBl2.)
■oelaUa the neatnlity of AastrU
Sam F. bmiU
Orand Ckaras aad Orchestra,
^ov \\v^
hoay. -Room for one mere star.''
aarrew at tk* apanlny of Bnadaan
Mice Klttie Oarmalae.
Trie. -'Beat Uee on this meesy pillow."
■a at tkt FoswCee M TrkTwat
Hick., aa Mwod claM ai
say that Dewey’s fleet wlU n
Mliaee Udea. Crawford and Wilhelm.
000 prize maaey.
BbcitoUea, "Star Spaaylad Baaner."
THaas ikatajatariook laactirity apaa
Deaver. May 10 —TkeCelerado troope
Ua part of Spala wbicb U ooaktrnad
will be seat to the PbUIppiae lalaads.
AlBaraally by tba bead* of the aarioa*
They will leave for the west Thaiaday.
' Aaparutenta la WaablnEtoa and army
aad aaral offieeta.
Bat tba M*t rea*-
Madrid. May lO.-tleneral BUnea kal
At Stolobery'e' Oraad Open
—Jessie F. O'Deanell,
Miss DaUy Bolaad.
AUaatie. whaia. it 1* thaafbt. at Cadiz
»Braat fleet of warablp* U balar waa-
«ad for oae fell blow ayaiatt the Ualfltata*.
Pcrbap* tbU Is a wise
■urra oa the part of Spain, bat It only
■akea aaslar the plan of raialaf ooea-
■Bed. wSir^lue^’u'":)
deyrats of loayitnda
oalbUlties can de i
400 in nombar:
The yned cake walK was done in
I snperb
^ Miadanae.
him in choreh Ue nUer aiyht
taiement has been placed at 12 and 25
..Something New..j
Pret. W. H. fltoffeo* will direct the
Asra imned yeatsrday to move troope
choroaea and Martoayh'sarehestn will
There b e small
idaat Hpaaieh popnlatton, bat a larye pciompany. The Boys- Band, always
nnmfaer ef Chiame. The native iahab- ready to do patriotic dnly has kindly
to the coast cities and frem Tampa to
Itants are meetly Maylayaa, .bnt there
Beth reynlar and velBBleer. ' The or-
Oaka is msbiay tbinys lock mora llkt are acme tribe*, of the a^rltos. The
. and there is a more defiaite yeverameat is admlsietered by
view for the Michiyan
yoveraor-yeneral aad a captala-yaaer-
Our Macintosh Dress Skirt
and Empire Cape.....
kotod to yive s ooaeert upon Ue
A BpM of Anblazis
Germaine Bros, received yesterday a
tolAicn. The iroverameni has decided jal. and the forty-three prninoea are
rye namber of floe hones frem Chicto invade Cobs at once, with an army i raled by yotemore. alcaldes or com- syo vis Ue Btoamer Charlevoix, amooy
4^ abont 80,000 mea and fetes the Spea-lmeadants. aceordiay lo their imporUses beiaya pretty spaa ef Arabian
leh toBnireader. ThU will offer ep-1 tacos aad potltisD.,
horses. beanUfolly marked sad well |
wortnaitlea'wblehthe valnnteere havs{ Tbs estimated reveaae ef Ue Phll- bred. T-bey also received several Sae
Baaa lonyiay for. tbonyh yreet hard-' Hpploe IsUodkla ISlM-ui woe i;7.7i5.(.80.
pkipe aad danyer are enre to aitoad I *cd expeadiiuree
aneb awinvaeioad
aa ezpart duty oa tcbecoo, and
\ every article of foreiya pmdoclion U
I heavily lazed on briny imported.
axd slumps
At $1.80 TeotarUy.k
“Unequalled in Design and Gut.”
■ fer Ueir livery.
56.07CJ. , There is
the dnly
The ehUf
ebUf prodneu
predneu are:
Bemp. 80.-
Skirt open all the way on left Side.
Easily put on and taken off.
Wheat la >be local market
On' raised to 81.1.’. yesterday.
Xat the Price *f Kay Wbeai (Ssand I abent too per cent of
Chss. tl. Veder. Jr., is bsvloy an at
tractive veranda built an bis boose ,o e
Uaien street.
Price, Skirts S3.00
Capes S3.s6
Arthv Welt, one of tbe Rki-ohh <mr#AS1.90. Uetopntoaiflynreyet
joj, I !««• -"-ew
«>«•*• l «2
tons in 1892; 807 tons ia 1892: copra.
rier boys, bosato of bsvlay made tbe
11.522 toa* in 1893: tohacocv—leaf expor
best catch of trout Uls season thus far.
tobeat covered a raaye of 8^' cent
Aarlay forty-flve minntoe iradtay.
ted. 230.616 qaiataU ia 1893:
Tbe ladies of.;rraf*r>e Bay Hive. He.
exported, IS&.438.000 in 1893;
71. wm 'eerveatoa.centsnpp*rin Mont-
940 qclnttUIn 1893.
The fall amanntad to 10 eeau
Oberaa (
Rabbard at Ur
...1.. ..s .. ..
It was a market eeldom equaled
eveaiay frem
wheat eloaad at
imber of Ue beet local slayers have
Suit $6.o0l
^c'surc to see these most desirable garments, only at
J. 0., Jeaena A Co.
Tbare was a
fety rebonad and Ue clasiBy price was
■ wUdnena.
ayue Ball Satorday
ontll 7 o-clnek.
Frwm 11.22, Ue qnatatlea
flar July, ltlaUtoSl.06.
The Caban Cre-j
itia Ueir Tnvene City enyayemeat.
Cabecera, 29.0S7.
with yreat favor amnay the saldlan.
• boahel.
psrticlpsBtk wereyncefal. easy, aad j
at Vll times pleastny
olm leave a most fa«
The capital of the Philip.
Thz deoisiOB of tbeadmiaistration t* !**■<*■ Maalla, hw 270,000 Inhabitanu
(tSM>); other
towds are Laoay. ----------so.030:
----------------------------idaet of the war 1* belay received Saa Miyasl. 24.672: Banany, 23,106;
TSbe movements of Ue sevenl I
the two larysst ara
adopt a mere ayirrassive policy la the
maaner. and was Uoroayhiy I
^appreciated by the lerye audience pree-1
Lnsoa (area 40.024 aqnare miles) aad
Spain to yield.
Moapeeti ia
I seme time, wss quite s featare
:b Rifle*.
"Star Spaayled BaBner." (18)4,)
slayiny. i
‘■I—l.-dr~.l.ppl.-.-. Al«,bJ..p«I laity of plsyiay on two cornets at the
BceiuUen. "Crhost of tbs Old Contiaeahave placed tba Phitipi
aappoditioa recited ahaU prove a raaleoatiwl of the United
H. B. Botley.
some facts repardiac Ue wealth and Bony
Me. W. D. C. Gdrmaine.
rcaonroes of the island a scarce of canMid Parto Bieo will have been e* well
siderable lai
Asm that alMst the entire atreayth of
The Pbillpplae IsUnda extend almost
th* American aavy eaa be throws
Mr. A. V. Friedrieb.
dne north aad aontb from Formosa to
M^Mt the Spaalarda, thna ereatiay
Fife nod Dram,
the powers will step ia and compel
j-”>■ “-f
The racent important evenu which
If the
■?V de&a, tvvee aev» OVV CXoth Vs
qveaVVia s-p^TeeVaVei.
3ot 9e a laarA \nt qVue
hssV qoo&s ma&t.
assofrtovtaV sV^VesVs WmVVei, haV
does aoV
a heVVer qaaVVV^.
Crenlee and Cske Wsikere The com
Mr. aad Mra. X. fl. HoUiday.
pacy is cempeaed of clever eolored peoCh^s „d Drills ••Marchlny Thronyh | p,..
entorui.ment b intesd-1
"Tentiny ea Ue Old Csmp Unoad."
ptata paaaaaaioB of all the SpaaUh peaiMioaa by tbej United Sutea.
last Dlybt. s Isrye aadleece wiUeesed
a food perfermsaee by Price-* Caban
aaabl* opialoa. and one whieh li yrad- cabled an nryent ra^nest for inpplles
Yonay tediee.
aally baiac accaptad. U that W* Span; aad provisions
8oay. "We Are Seedy," Alfred Sell
tab fleet U B^n an the ether aide of the
EUIS, 311 Fruit St4ist
Cycle Works.
piaoea by Ue beat loeal Ulent and none
Waaklaftaa. May lo.—Tka aiaaa
BnuEln^-B Spedslty.
have reoelvwl a
mmUt ot fine borsea which will.
*»• aoetiened ofl-Saturday ia Germain
Bros.'livery barns.
The Steamer (Tbarlevolz arrived yea-
joined Ue elaaa aad are enthaaiast
torday from Chicaye aad breoyht near-1
praise of Ue work.
ly forty berees for B. J. Moryaa. Ger-
SMlne Bros., aad J. O. Jensen.
•AoiT of o Bicycle Mlx-Up «a tbs
BnflUo BUI’S WUd Wmt-
Pair Brounds Zzack.
Captain Wilhar of Cbarlevelz
take the Traverse City Lumber Co-i tay
, _______
Bill-s biy WUd Wot Mary McLean to Manitowoc to bsve a
an Ue_nee track at Ue tiOe of_
Uir yronnds laat bveniny.
a Oenmsof Booyh Bidira. new boiler placed In It Th* cost will
enlay. the front Bblw aad
U Ue city ^torday and oomplet- besbont81.2uu.
mkeal of Clande Carter's bicyel* beeeme eatanylsd ias root aad he was ' ed amnyemeate for Ue appeennoe of
Ckrown off.
Jesse iobosos. was to]. Us show here oa Ue 19U ef July.
eriU Usrry Eeat a doss third.
city doiay bosineM with J.
K. S. Pratt is attondiDg Circuit coort
«ka dnat had cieared away >i was fouad
that Oarter-s wheel was badly damayed .
tram Ue rear, aad the frwnt wheel!
at Charlevoix.
broUer, Or. Urawa of MaBlsiay.
•Mrs. J. V. Melatoshaed sen Donald
semi-annaal apportlonmeet ef
•rtmerypehobi money ferUe eoaatlee
■ear by is as follows:
» 2,072.00
Orand Traverse.
Mrs. Asa Hale, arrived from UreeavUla
yesterday to visit her pareats.
!>*** Vet Own Lake Ana
r Raff has received invtrncWashiayton that all pastel empleyea
wbo shall salist in Ue army or navy
shall hava Ueir ponltioas back when
Uey return.
The Cenyroyatlvnsl Utdlcs Aid sbeleiy wilt meet at Ue home ef Mrs. C.
Ladies bavlay money to Incrssae for
a SMlsty wUl yivs Ueir ezparisnes
UU msetlny.
Opportnnlty will also
Aunt Mena—What'l Mary, cannot
yon comb yonr own heir yetf
Mary—No’m. 1 sin’i big enooyb.
Aunt Msjjs—Yonr sise has nothing
H. Wixom.ra
ef Chicayo is at
Mary—Tee, ft baa. 1 ain’t tal
Manly Clreait oourt, in Ue ceee of‘enough tq ><xA
lUetaqxAmybead.Amy WbeeleU va H. L. Lake and Vew Yotk
eas. Came aad select yonr eloU from
the Isryest and bnt woolen bons* in
Ue country. Ovsr 1600 stylas to nsiset
iectured before the nadenU and
^eeith interest in Us real eetoto wUU -faculty ot Cornrll university Saturday
Ue whole villaffe of evening on the "Dnlted Bute* Treas
Lake Ann.'
Bute University of Iowa defeated
tahey for
I, aad Tweddle A
Cornell coUeyc In a dual trank -meet.
The vaisUy took first m evejy one of
Ue twelve events. winnloK Ue'kieet H
to 18.
Sk* MnMnel OenveatMa meeto at
Bev. P. 1. Thn^peon of Lanslay
the M. B. C^nrok taniybt. Tbare are
akeat M enroUed aad a*w «n*a eominy Oeatral H. B. ehorek. will laetore U
every nlyht. All wbo rsaA moMc ere U* Second M. E ckurok Tneeday eventnritodtojoin.end^yttoieed mnU iny. May 17UA Bubjeet. "YenU, Yealer^ and Teesoerew." V* na* can
fc Bnbtord,
Direetar. affardtomimUtoleetar*.
•road Bmplds Harold or Dmaoerot
dellvnod for loe psr woekCity Mew*
,*oa^t to eetobUsh a claim of one aev-
Too Smallto Read
It II sSvertUn anythlnf ORUssfy. :
Bsi It Soa-V li'a^
of o •
PaperHantev *ba Uvea sp i« bU :
S80. R. WiHit,
Shop Opposite Bsyl* Ofris*.
tioas.from Ue postoffice departmroc at
Aeetsliw. of Jndye AldriU of Benzie
J. Uke. U which Ue former
Once More
b* ytvsB for Ue payment ef dnss.
B06 20
He bao with him
a fine nickel plated cbaialew wbsel Uat
Joha Maywood of Bad Axe. one of T. Grawn Uia afternoon at 3 o-cloek.
2.601 2* meellny of tbe board today.
Mra. D. C. Carlin, dauybur af^dr.
1.22020 Ue trasteee ef Ue Northern nsylnm,
1,871.00 arrived in lows last niybt to attend a
^ f.Mi
went to Maaistee yesterday.
ynr. the local ayeat.
Isa besoty.
Ladyato west to Chicayo
'•f Johason't bicycle was dtmoUshto. | T*****^ <>» batioes*.
Grawn U eatortoiaiiiy -bU
Kent came oat wiU a braised ley.
' ''
Primary Scbbol Money,
F'cank Lee of Grand tUpIds. ayent
for the Clipper Bicycle Co.. U in
Iwwiny closely sad came down also.
vaded the land in tbe
the ii
Has invaded
interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of thsoe
who intend getting
A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering
We mention the fact that we offer the oest, have the :
larxeat stock to select fVom, seU cheaper and give better sat- I
I isfiiction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.
AiMrtcM FiMt R«|
proMhiiv That Pits*.
• At Uh
CAbt« u> CMCMI ■om------------- ---tua or oo«fcem« of Spontoh pblpo la
that aoartor of the world.
WaahlBctoe. M«r 1«.-Tbere la the
hMt aolboritr for Ite atatemeal that
mterdar havin* paa»4 without a peport ftWB Admiral Sampwia the tiavy
.(artmeot doe* i i expect Ito hear
a naienieot
...... A
- AiXnCW UXELT TO BE THRItfi. . plaoa. and the rer-ark would aeem to
: Indicate that,the adn iral lavln« failed'
I to find (be eDrm>- ai (he place expected
d tnmfd bU a(t-nt!oTl tn an alterna
tive project, trhai (hie 1* cannct be aato Say Where He Kay
certalned. It *i evldj't. however, that
the departirent i« under no apprebep#k>n a« to (he eafety of the American
Beet. DOT of any veemawif the fleet.
& Sweet Orr
Pants and OYfralls are Unexcelled.
8agtMa Shewt Dhspak in a Talk
with a London Cor*
gpAn nr
qeeat ieed -of utot,
Ask to see t>em~alniost indestructible-aU styles— ..
all prices and sizes;
Me>.or.«.r J
Both Hoaeee Vole Theta oad Hake Blia a
Keor Adialrol.
Waehinrtm. »Uy 10.—FltUne tribute
lb T~op. to Mart for tfcr i•hmppl...
VeateiMay to
CommiHloie Dewey fur the timaninicnl
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Madrid, May lo!—Both chamber* Of
the cortex have ad. pied the war meaaurea prvroaed by the covemment.
LoDdoo. May 10.—The Madrid correapondeiH.of The Uornlap Poat baa had
Ibna interview- with (tenor
Madrid. May lO.-A cable dl"Patch i
Itay. *
fr.v.^cfr.«n|he,.re.. ithepi^ilvr. lnthect,ur*eofw2|lchthe:
0» of the
factori In ' ThC FiXlCSt Lllie
fcaa been received hert from the cap- went waa recetied ....................
ved re.-ommend na that j SpanIM.
»lMe,man. «Ud: ' The aad B,„n,„cing health to Rood or.ler li I
tala seneraj of ITirtc KIco aaylng that; a vote of thanke !»■ extended l.y con- I evcnie at Maalla have aaddened all cleaulineLw” lu.
ipriaed In neaaorea '
three auapidoos
louklne veaaels are j Areaa to (-omimxl’wv t> uvy and
I ......................................
Epanlardf. but h
made them loax
e offlnp. He adds that he miant oRU-vrs omj
say wlth^cnrindenee of
mand. Without a »oid of debate and
baa'eonfldenUal Information to the tf- wilhcait a cli.wcntlnr voir., thi- aenate thle.dlsnsier that notblns has .meurred
■ uf tbe skin I
to *'uund our pride. Muih hai
•Mt tlMt the Dolled Etatea fleet U ap aereed to the resolution oarvylnp Into
I iDd ihealr ipnrity of thcair) that wo i-w
------- -n 4aald reyardlnc tbe causes of the
proach I np Porto nico.
effect the revomnieiid;i(ion of tbe presi iropbe.
dlsciisaloc '
lU are essautlal fur tbe firoper JiU LUw L^l.lVa d. I
Madrid. May lA.-An official dlsfAtch
has l>e.-n
. • luipontict
--v----------creastne the number of rear admirals In Tbe truih
|"n fc«B
n Hal
Havana aaa«ru that an Atncrkan thef navy fr-m s‘x to i.-ven. U olt^r
and were overwhelmed by the BraatiWkT'to tbe blood, and Ibni aerra so
Vroiaerr and
a lareb torpedo boat
- .Pr>'Sident
nominate, superl..iity of the ennroy's forces, and Biauy oeoters of diiwaae and are the
damptwl to force Carderaa channel, aad [ Contm.-dcor.- IVu.-y |o the blpu.-«i pial»the fortunes of war which, unbappi-loanaa. of many infectlimi ditmaea.
navy within his cift and
•peaed fire oa the BpanMt vnnboau
asainstI UA
In the present Agiid. it tbe ikin it not kept clean tbe
•ut dlBX-nt. Juncture there
li'no tli
Aatoaio Lopea. Upera and Alerta. Aft
..e e. .o t. »miiJ n
UBeleaa to debate. We 'S.'.':
er a half bour-a enmemeat the Amer- Imoufly aateid to directlna u.e aevre- our klrvngth and ail oi
nndolr acenuraUted in tbe blood end
energy for la
tend to {[ire rise to aerere and often
Icaa warwhlpa. the dlapatrb aaya were tmry of the navy t.v,pr. tunt to G.im- morrow,
modore Dewey a wr. .rd an.1 medil of
danBeront diaorden. neb at akin dit*Torecd to retreat.**
g|ida*x First Dwty I. Vntty.
honor, and to have siru. h in cum••Our flrat duly la to unite In order to
Spaalard Picxiepx am Aoxlllary.
memuratlon of the baiGe ..f Manila, a
Madrid. May ID.—Ooremor General bronxe me.ial f.-r each of the offi.era ▼anqulab our enemies and to uphold the
honor uf Spain. It Is neceaaary to se
Mariaa. of Porto Bico. cablea the rov- and men who yarttrlpate-l In the Ralcure that end Cor the government ta
anuaeat that a Epanlsb merrhant
have the tuppiy-t of all, wtibfuc constdauthoriiinir the poatr-iasler
eratlons of party, and exclusively oc Htiu* free with onr Photca. and i
1 by an Ameriran
iahtlsh t
patriotic gruundA Now this Is precise tnetnhot^ we are makln* rood Cabias
At»ed traae-AUaBtic Bner. but •■soaped , i»ry |uata and camps wi
ly what grieves me. I bell.-ved that tbe
tl !S pet doxen. and Photo But
loroot let. sHdl boeto. A.e loeaUtoi. SUK-treri. cos be kougbt (or WU
H«h tho aid of Spanish ir..-D.of-war.
1 passed.
Tne |wist..mce appiupriaUon
flrsl cannon ahoi rind hy the United by the bundreda. Bra MIIAW,
SO lost lot, t-od <l.eUU>g. rerawooC. isaan sn« tIO per aionUi aetll pdd for.
^ ' hill was undiT dlstueslun dnrine alStates against our troorw w
^ : moat tbe enilrr ai-saion. the subject of
«« arm thrrr wile, wmto sad wen (raw the eily. load good, well watered, yooag maignal tor tbe union andUhe tiwternlty
rhato. TbUi.sbargwtoforoalyfI.9iO
* - dlarussion Wlna the prt>|sislUbn to re
of all Spaniards, as all V« fullk >'
duce the rontper^tlian of railroads t€
HI wrieo I ulle -e.1. oU inp^ved, wUl be »ld Ib^e pitoeor dirided to oaK. Look this
reeled by the assault of >he ijlili
tier cent. Tor carry ing the malla The
op. Oib*rplse~Ja«a.derirablearuoreoe.
Jobaooii Blork. Pbooell.
States. 1 was mistaken.
; amendment was defeated. At a late
Uamenlarian grouiw aie In dlaagrt
; hour It hecanr-e svi.Ient the bill could
tnent with the government, and ha
not be dlsp. ^ of, and' It waa onaolthe oreiension to make .-..ndlUoni
return for their support. • • •
Bemember (bat I do all kind* of reOppassd to War oa PHnrl pis.
palHn* and enamelin*. aad that I can
and do give you tbe beat work of any
•Thi pnrcijde 1 am unpueed to xn
one in the city (or the uibney.
preeldenl j which la always dJasstrou.. even to th»
(hattka b' lei^ered CoOi. [ vietonoua nation. God is my wltaese be deceived ly wbat other* tell yon to
tbe contrary, bat come and see ftw
that I did not wish
* f m.'dore Dewey
United (^latev I reaUxvd perfect^hat yooraoU.
the Spaniards, a
s followed quickly «
: we were exhausted by the war'whlch
1 with equal
e house passed the bill creating ■ we have l>een waging s.. Jong, aiti
dtp la blown ) plecea. A tclegratdi op- ;
mit B.Idllbmal rear admlralrhlm for the need rest. On the ointrary. 1 desired
Slop in till t o'clock everv t
a pea.-eful solution whirh woul.l I
«f«tcr ’laa gone with (he M-KTuUoch to * berc-of Manila. TVie bill providing
.Me What can be done with the cable, i the organlxatl. n of a volunteer
t Dortk end of Union
rights and sovereignty. The govern
' San Franclaco. Mtly lO.-The City of . flneer liripade and enllslrnem of lO.OOO
ment did everything
flirt, more
ev. n
than -It
tba cruiser Charlealon. will leave here [ debate. ,The svi.atr bill aulhorlxlng the have d-m.-. ' When ou- adv.-rsarlea beabout BaturdaV or Sunday next with , army to dIstrlBuie food among th- sut- cam.- inetitahle, and we were rompelted
to ar.-rpt It with all Its consequenrex,
Front Street.
treope and proriatona for the Philip- i
Cuhnr.s and to arm the Cuban
wbaievrr they may lie.
way* That W> r«v»t Fulia.
That right tvrai the Other Way,
"TTtr situation Is very simple, at
cannot be
Key T^es^ Fla.. May lO.-Three eep- ‘
That Will PTsl..Wy Be Neat W* A^ unfortunate;}*
Spain IK dettolated nad ruined l.y 1;
■rate rwiyns ef engagementa of Dulled '
slu A<lR.ln>l Dewey,
terqal troubles. The, l*n;l-d Suites haStates B'arshiie r-.arhed here last nl(rtih>^^‘aeh1nci.in. May lo.—Evtdences of
cov< i»-d Cot«“for a
bnt .thus far dealU are wanUng.
' thej.re.uirailons l- lng made for cairy. tieenuse it la an exi rlleni
r Mootgomfry t '"H
were apr point, second so as to Iw masters of ih
Inler-oceanie trade. "To attain Iheir ob
A capturtid tw. priaea off Cape hLt- '
ject they have llteralfv' hi-sltaled
They knew the state of
tab gunboats, and pul Into BL Nicholas
flcholas ressels wbcec
flnanevs and look advantage of II
. .
•Ughijy damaged. Another eaya
clflc coast, and wt- making prepara- altark ua after having ars:sted the Cu
tiH tug Osceola, of the mtjsquito fleet. Hons looking to the ir rbarter as trai» ban Insurrection with a
pleting our ruin, and w
]iorla Their aon-rcaie
I fired uion near Havana, and the
dri-d plan declarng upra^so-m as^hey
(xmsidered our exhaustion xufflclehtlr
* * *nie future Is
Arad upon the United Btates torpedo ' deparlment will be able to send csValry advanced.
the hands of God. None ran Torsee II
l'*hllln lues
lnes la case-thTs
koat Winslow at Cardeeaw but wort* j troops to the l*hllln
deemed diTlraMe. The aw
batlalliin of Inhinlry. f
of light arilihry and one troop of cav
l'•HicBlea. nf a Nmaxh.
alry—Uiabx ..phorili timeni of iroipa
for the nstlonsl defense—la taken to InI.nndnn. May 10.—The Madrid corredk-Ble that
vf them will be sent apnndent of Tbe Dally Telegraph says;
"Bread riots txmtlnue ihrvuchoul Slialn.
It the origtoal .
> la adThe painful monotony <*f Ih^sthered to the Tolumeera
be Bent
briJtcn yesterday morning Tp>
Bunday wax with blx fleet Dear Cape reinforce Admiral D.-»ey will Inofude vtctJins. killed and
the fnllowlpc. with the (mssllile excepBayib-n. cc the cor:h cwsst of Santo
wll'J atti-mi'ls to ■•blaln (imoI.
Jlomuf the arclllrry and the riflemen:
Domingo, and distant aiioui a days
dad Ileal on-t In almost cviTy i
Two regiments of Irfnntr}- and two l-at.
»un from Porto IHco. So far no re- , terles nf heavy artlUeo* from t'allfurVery serious dlrorder*. nnil ti
department of nla. otfb regiment of Infantry frt,::> -Ore.
breaks werr only quilled l.y tl
any of iha lurid vngagamema
----------------------- Ron.
Washington, and
w. Now It appears that the
pltcx* in those I battalion of Infsnirv and flenat.
are too small and tiK> f-w to cnnialn
but'it la believed at the deparv I Shitup's troor of riflemen from Idaho. the (leoiile BiTveled. Sunday at Lin
aiCBt that If there was gun nrti.g Sun- *
addllior to the*.- ir-wpa,* tbe depari- ares 14.11011 workmr n became disorderly Office (uut warfhoagt*. Cor. BarJotx—
day anu the day U:lore. as reported :
and EftsI Fruiit stri*el. Trawrie
and a regular 'haute ensued
fcr mrix-liont v. aeels. It probab.y was
•xonpanles tif jhe Fourteenth Inrounlrliisl guards. The rioters posnessed
City. Mi.'h.
caused by some of tlo-' United Hui-s fnntry. n-.w on their way from Vanoon- thi mrlves of a tiuantlty of firearms,
wsaaels vhas Iig either irixes or the I^A'^'wrkf to Fan F'ranclscp. and porstreets were iMrrb-ad.xl, iitld they
•CoaJl Bpamsh guuie.ats that are be- I thns wf (he Fourth vavalry and Third
malned-so down to the m-iment of telellsvad U be cruising ai- und In those | Artlllenr._______
Twelve dead b<«lles ard
“>Bt (hers I
He Wghted a'i^anlard.
many soundi-d slIU tie In the streelv
s-U-en any c
'r -rion. May lO.-Csiitam Itol-ris. of and noU-dy dsri-s to remote any of
•emeia.i |VT,.'’.^7,I lo1be WarTeo line steaniship Uiiiiian. now -them on Serouni of the firing, which
contlnusw rxeedfly.
■oulJ I. ;!*i„u iLt
q*'i. - I.’’V','^
"*at at noon last
The Madrid i-niTespondent of The
>aJ!y Mall snys: "Marilal Isv.- has been
maon.siej at the navy
de|«rtinei:l '
„ .lahi-i
aw. w..
proclaimed In Se«-flle and Sanu rossa and
griul-iall)*. lie exlendl- It-roughout
eouolr]. The msst'xlgnlllcanl fart Itf tbe pifice to boy yonr C*ke« and
of the present momenl Is that tbe mlll• Siismab flyl:
Tbe bigg»t and beet loaf
. Ui
i: knot, an hour In the aame dlrec- tary f-ariy Is beginning to use Its un- Pies.
strength. General La Cham'*;e -‘^.''.m,?r.e
‘“''e conUnued her
of Bread in tbe dty for five centB.
a/i cnai tnus far , court" for about half an hour orter she bre, who has lately returned
the naiy d-;arti.'^ut
was Ural s.ghlert *i-d was apparently nilllpplnes, convened Brniday
gaining op the Riitnnn when a Ihl- k fog In* of the mllltarr memliei
memliert of the
cortex, at which It waa resolved
lentnate their noldority
directly or Indlirvily connerlrd with'
n's ii.sgnlwThood Ih the ^
TheO^r oirea to IVwey.
the army, such actlim to ba wholly tireM*fSt Ini, S
Thni su< h a thing can I
Washington. May IP—The order Adbappen Is i.,alnly shown by tbe report' mlral Dewey iwH«rd before he started
fatitre'ntoeilogs they wIU invite tha co
from ht. m li as that the Bpanisb | far the Phlllpplnoe was mode puWlc
opersHon of naval member* of the
MUlaer Alphonso .XlII arrived at Porto j yesterday. It Ik addressed to "DeWey.
cones, conridering that there U a oetnItlco Sunday or Ui. day iwiore. This Is I Hong Kong.*' dated April Si, and it as
mnnity of Interexts (>rt ween the two
modern type
and . folloBs; 'War has commenced In-tween
* peon
. .........
branthes of the service. This Pew doIt hat been supi'-ised a:i ulmig that abe ‘the United Plates and Pr«ln. Proceed
Home Hnk Jliple
vs a serious factor
was at CadlA .<pam. forming part of
the bsme defense squadron.
opetutlont at once, particularly against
Ike fact that the haa arrived at the Spanlah fleet. Too must capture
Dsrto Bici) without knowledge of her tMaela or destroy them. Vae utmost
flaparture having h-ato-d out is an evl- andsagora.** And Dewey did It.
HRuaukee, May
Jamieson. Gad- always on band.
4saee that the Bpanish authurliles are
xnw A Orelg. proprieioi* of one of tba
Bkla to guard the aevmy of their naval
largest department -stores In this dtT.
Atthleoa, Kan.. May Itt-The- wife
aovements much better than our own
i*de an assignment last night to Willpsoplatare able to fio.. Word came to
tm J. Allen, who gave bond In tbe sua
tbs navy department yesividay that
h»e w.. ' I
»IK.«00. The lUbnitles are said bs
Fishing Xackle
Hardware. 146 Front St.
Hastings' Real Estats Agency.
Bicycle Riders.
If you are going to n^p^garden do not fall to see onr
complBte stock of Flower, Garden and Field '
FAIn. with the steamer Auatralla and j "rw.r^^^UTn^r-.s:: n’^fe
I Want
Lbs Michigan
- I am willing to pay
Chicago Market Prices.
R. 8GH0M6ER6,
■ti:.?T“- rth
Palace Bakery
lAM?.;,'"; StlTsir‘t''o?,^'‘o
In package or balk.
Auction Sale
On Saturday,
May 14, '98,
Consisting of Firm Marcs, Hea«|[ and Ught Draft aad
Driiing Horses, from 4 to 8 years old-and from 900
to 1500 poonds each will be sold at loctloo at
Germaine Bros.Barn
Traverse City. Mich,
Sale to Commence at 10:30 a. m.
Their Bread Is
Pull 'Weight.
ThorteU & Gane,
to Cuba to Jh^camp ofgeneral Garda.
■ :
It of South America b
Chief. orFoUtoia teoeil.
.Mrst and last named point, in the aouib
Milwaukee. May 1«.-Tbe JHatlacHl
*t Braalk If Ihla were not an accident Aaooclatloti of Chief* of Police «oa.
k would be bard to gucM 4t Un purthis dty (oBOSS. Iks OruBOB bariBC sSiooi Ctrl
far flay. Aboot IS dlC^n
It m
•srth ^
of .a>
(ks b
iMai to attend the eoevenUon.
Wont, t'aagrsw to Have a Rest.
Waabingiun. May It. — Dockery of
Hlasourl has introduced a concurront
remriuuon la tbe .bouac declaring that
sAm tbs two bopsaa adjourn on Mon
day. Jane C. they stand adjonnod nbtfl
It o*<doek aerldlab, Titobday. Jbly tK
IAl U was referrod.
C«. Qila ulltkStL
Dstrott Vtm Prwa a* Trtbaaa d«Ewersd tv lOe per week.
Terms of Sale:—6 months time will be given on
approved bank notes or real estate or chattel mort
gages at 8 per cent, interest,
Or fi per Cent. Off For CasL
Every horse will be sold as repre^ted and tried
when sold on day of sale and all responsibilit^jSfACsn
on day of sale, when horses are select^
bidding wiU be allowed bat will be sold to the high
est bidder.
We will sell horees every day privately on same
terms. '
' j ,
Jas.. O. Jenson & Go.
Traverse City, Mich.
SAXLEll or XOISKT t.TwnTtrf>W I
Mie*t«d of United 8tst»« Treepe
in the Invasion of
of the Aittillaa.
---------- ---------- —- ~ f VM
tb« Mrvtee. Campkalm L of Aurora,
Md A. of Streator. of Of ThUi -ntl.
mwit. w*f* Bot BeraptMl\en Raturity
n» —
«>• Maw wait I
ABBttVmP TW,1»aJW.
A ilapatth from Chleaco eaya tb« ^
Etcf Barwftd Ontf
CUevo, May ll.-Ono CaUura waa i
-------------------------------roeordod yralnday as the rmlt of,“ ^ ** *»*
tad a towoio M
flurtuatloBi b> the wheat markrt, and
Ttjiiiiiu(*i bia at big w bt
th> mao lo «T> QBdrr was Robert Und-
ttaMcbl hejw^l-<aicBW Haooti.
^ „
♦>d prwldenl of
the civil aemra comrmealon. ImmrdITo, John Kwwle, ar.. ara. oraMtod.;
y »« .
Itely after the clo« of buidaraa In the . Wwd Wellv Belea B. Orawa. J. W,
^ „
afternoon he made as araUsmem In the I *^»«bln. C. J. Ebaer, A. F. C^maroB, I
®"f** * f“county court to the Ro, .1
J. F. TlWa School Walrict Ko! \
party ai aaalmee. .aweu and llablUllea i 0“*'
Kellh. W . T. Bozbarr. Joha ; ^ JIJ.
being nzed at tiob.m and na.W0
W, Boon. W. J. Mood,. 1 »»<»*• ""t*. «•«»■
aWMotWlMra tk^VIUIIa I:
Tbe tvtroii ttnap cnmpaDy't plaat •
A. F. HoeUBaolcI. Bryaa Uorray, JoaThe failure of UndWom waa ,„tlrely •?*> **<»**“«1‘-»'Hunexpected, even amonc hie clear buel- ! ii*“ Crocker. Bmaa Camenm. B F, totally denroyed by fire Saturday. The
ne» aaaodatee. It la attributed to ,he
‘*<'^*7. teE. Bable. A. loaa U tlOe.ODO: Inaured for tU.MQ.
A dlapaich tmm Shanghai annnuncee
on of the wheav-maritet aod the *
ABd«aoa, Mfa TtBhbam, WUliam
fndrr nrdera from Waehinition TTwrerM City, Xlak
that tb^ Cbineae governmept has lisued Wurxbsrg Meek. at he waa auddenly called upon ^
“**“• *'•
Vrachinaton. May lA-Tbewardepart-■ umt *
I>«n''ine. waa t-xaroinod
the day le ptorlde marrtiu for I g J*“"-“ Hookar. W. a proclamailc.n of neutrality In the war
1 BtalM aunceont ihla
ln« { iradea
weat bat finally decided' to aanoance
la hartey areountlnc to |«.0OC ;Codarbolm. Battle b CumeUtuk. D. G. between the t'nlled Slates and Spain.
tmodlately r
Three fine Iron bridges, spanning the
lABgihbaiigb. 1* Kyaelkm. William H,
vtaere tbe varlout ataie volunteer
Captain Ui
Eh^. Loria
in Roberta. Mari
Martin Weal
Arkanaas river east of perry. O. T..
concentrated. Mlllrr
laoa. M. C, Oviatt. Je
. . ' have been waMted awgy. one at Bli^kOarroll.
Ibe order at publlahed by tbe depart- curing recrulla
Ueonre JameioD. T. A. Cealoa, P. A
bum. one at Ponca and one at Ralston.
provide equally
atani le (huught Iti aome quarCera to Plrat cavalry rectmeni will follow Ui.------It la
arrangemema may
A- Murray, Robert M
vrartaat tlir aeaumptlon that It oontem- battery, provided the governmeni ran ^ made
the credit^ in a fe.
« S- KorUrup. Wim*. LaraTrsTane Ottjr Market.
riatee a apredy movement of the Cnitei
ibetn with horaea. etc. The Firai , Wa ao U)<
... ---------1‘aiBe -----------------------------Nsttb
aai CoUwaa. Kattooal
rcaume buslnesa
Below U a list of tbe buring and aellBtatea mnitary forcee upon Cuba and •''V'*”*"*- crtnmanJid by Colonel
Loan and InrostsiaBt Company. W
I of yesterday for g
Crotaer. T H. A. Trerea. Joha Oraa.
C A. Crawford EeUlc. D. O. Balth. W.
ally itlanned Tbe war department a
r- kco3S-mntsurm‘a SXsow ■
eptlre daiy In field exercleea
Captain j lerday’p acoiea on League dlamobda: P. VofultoB. Jhwee Biroaall. A R Hetr. T. Reed, or Chicago, commanding ' At I'lttaburg—Louisville a. F,l,aburg $; Maaus, J. S. Priee. Wells-Uigmaa Com
officer enclneerlnx <s.ipe. bs* resigned, j at Washington—I'hlladelpbla II. Waab- pany. Oral Wood OiahOmpany. Baa- Clear Pork per bbl,
Captaln Kelly, of Chicago, will probably * Ingion «: at Cl^vnUnd-—Chicago 12, nah A Imy Co . William Beitaer,
Clear Pork per B>..
abort Cut Pork
aucceed him.
The engineering
ling cH>rpB
.h>tw ' ^’♦'rland 1: at N< «- York—Rn-iXlyn
Milltken. J. T. «DBaball. MIehat
I la expecting a call Into service
durl'ng New York J; at Cincinnati—Si.
. Cut P.iTk
i-tc-e durl'oe
ler. H R Jihnsoa, W S tliiirtte.
I Uvslon—Ualli
.U UACo.best..
.rkey, A 0. Andc-reon, Jc>hn Mullen,
James Alexander, of company I. Sec- 11 Poston 0.
H. L. A Co, BUenry
y J rSmith, t.hne Glouch. Mrs
ond Infanlrj'. met with a painful ,accl- 1
Western LcMnn
DetnMt-CoInln- Basie Vogl.
' F. i; UreoBougb. Conrad
dent Sunday night at Camp Tanner. ; bus 10. Detroit
Miiwaukee-ln- Weiali
H L A Co. BeaL ..
ler. George Roush.
He accompanie d some fri'-nhs
i-nhs to the i dianapolla
L Milwaukee 3; at SI Paul— ' Wblte. George Loi^e.
e. MaryL Mang. ^ P*'.........................
rnlln-ay siaiiur.. and In cr->ssing the Mlnncp-dls
:. St. Ibiul 12: at Omaba— James K. Esgleton, H,
H. T. ileli.
Bell. Lewta
LewU Codfish
Ood&*h per ft..........................
tracks Icefore an approaching train, Sam
r. Omaha IBeokr. Amelia L. Arnold. ABtboay
thoBy No-; Lard [«r ft
stumbled and fell. The wheeU passed |
'lorenoe An- - Batter per ft Oairv..
over one leg-aliuve the ankle, mashing
---------- ------------------------------------ -Jacob Corn-«•■»«*»•-*' •n so badly that Cuu.qcI Kreider. p<m'
I well, J. J. Staggs, iianaab Drake. Joha < CBeeae per ft ...............
' surgeon, found It neceiiaary to ampi^lalt
^'n.Cody. Martha Gray. Martha Mitch-I <>•*• P'f Bu (oldl.........
the mc-mher.
° rock. Irriag J Uipler, Marr O'ConBsll. i Corn per bu .-old.........
aatiafaetori- preparatioa yet tnad ter
Governor Tanner has Issued a proclaYentah. Fred Richter. A. K Salt per bbl
gj , wakiag extraetwa easy.
' maUun culUng for a meeting of tbrae i
rronen pariiam-man' elections
— P^'
George Dinler
Dipier. W. U Jones,
1« ...................................
auonokass ROPSB.
laterrsted in extending aid lo |
moderate Republican, galm-d eight hVu.k'CamwJgo.Chari ^ Dipley, Adam Bnekwheat Floor.........................
CKoted spot IB Chlckamanga Parkl
e soldlerr a
r families duHitg
[ “*•*
w. H. S..buli.
r YrnUb. U J. ^tatoea. per bn..........................
cuts rv-fuse to say anyihlug on this
„me“lhe in«p,
l pet dog killed the Infant child of!]
■mico kavks or TkaTSBSk I
point, hut there Is evldenee that they
Milwaukee, May la-Governor Sco•haeLGlIck. Chicago, by biting It In'X'R^tep.'^B"? M^^’.
expect a short, aharp. conclusive and field haj wired the war departmrr.l
Carlisle. Chicago Wheat, old. perb^,.............
Tbe condillcin of Gladstone at
Immedl.te.campaign, such as could not from Camp Harvey that the examlnaligas Baitwray Compaay. Wheat, new. per bo..................
be waged hy &.000 or ia«M addlera it Gon of two of the three reglmenu of eat leport «• as not changed,
Oim>d Rapids A Indiana Railroad Coai- Oats. No. 1. per bu. (sewj..
I* also to be noted that preparations Wisconsin volunteers has been com.
ativviy comfortable.
Com. per bo..
ipaay. andall
made by Ibr quarlermuter's dc-i>art- pleted and the men are ready to sign
grand counc-H of lllltsds Improved
Take Nolioe; That the roll ef the | Pote»oe« Per ba.
ment and the comrolaary's del artmeot.
muster roll^ Tfu- governor says Order ■If Red Mefi,.a>-«riT<bgfleld. Ills., [apaeial asaeeameBt heretdfore mada *r Bye. Ber bo....
Wb«a in Bbad of aBjUlBg is this
■0 far as It Is dtscloard by artuol ordera that 11 they arc not to be equipi*d beurated tbelr^hpnual)
\ >ual) sesslim
aeeslim by ,< the
Ue board of aaacaon
aeecaon for Ue purpose
___ BiK*wbeat.
tiac reaumber this is Ue place to laftro
indloale that provision' Is being made fore moving tbe First tcglmeBi will be giving a banquet
! af defraying that part of Ut coat
yoar orders aad get peemM arork.
for moblllEing and transp- rtlog and ready to move Thursday night, tbe SecFire In a dens'ir poputuTed district of wblsk tbe coooeil deeidad afaoald be
Hattafartfam gnaraBtrrd or do eharf*.
n outMde
Friday nigbt. and the Third Sat Duluth did damage to the amount of : paid aad boras hy ,aae«lal aaaeaiioanv
Leave year eadera at oOec or call'op
urday night.
e rmted States.
c war department aboni lioonoft. directly affecting rooew ' for Us couatnictiea of a maia aewar la
, Mwdy.
»«e‘» »k« Gwpa equlpt-ed here It will than I.M) persnna.
WaRiagton street, from WaabiBgtoa
reek or,
or ten days before they
Instead ..t aJIwiving all the iro^ take a week
The pretrtdeni has nominated Charlee '‘troet to BlgbU atrrel. in Sewer Die-'
called for from ^lanlcular state to be
** "*'*7
Allen, -cr Masaachusette, te be as- ' trtet Na. Three (I) of Ur City of Treeaasemhi.d and broken In at the ranMilwaukee. May 10.—Two Wlsconslh , Mstanl
-returv of the navy
vice|w** City, said erwer district faeiag
Attomrya at Lbw.
detvout tbe depanment Is Irsiructing -t**""'"**
Camp Harv-ey for , Roosevelt, resigned.
IbouBdedoaUr-------K. —...t
-e-. -eniild regl.............
tta mustering om<vrs i
H. J. Whlstiam. wbo
w ho It was feared
reared had '
Wd*bid|Igua street aad
ttreeii oa tbeaaal by Railroad aeaaae:
1^ T. Moore.^ b„B ^oi by the 8i-.nlsh_a.l
ka possible an■n as one Is <-rgani-at
. e Chlfka^uga , cqha, has been beard fr-te by
Boardmas river: aad oa Ua west by
Ised to report
rt to the depart- **** “
Boardmaa avenue, aecerdlag W Ue
saenL when t
»amralaa«4apaaaaiaa«yialaaa Tiaa
Q k. BkOWK. ane
dered at once f. th. i«.lnt a-lected for
Shoboygan. will be sent to Washingplat Uereof, u new eo ftla la O. Law. Beeclal a
who attempted to aasasslnaie King recorded
OHg ass Hew. U
concenlraif.-n. It li lift expfiiallon
Friday. The First regiment, George of Greece In Athens on Feb. « ] "7
for public iDspeclioo. Notice aeS eeaewraaclmg til
that the flrwi rerlm.nu organised and
Colonel 8. p. B-haJel. of Monn^,
ry given that U«
last, was execuK-d yesterday.
CT a uana.A
reported fmui the siat.-e will be went
»» «-«n»P f«>f »h' pi.-sent ai
Tbe Elms
to Chatiam-ga. thence going lo Cuba: least. " '•
•• ‘ "weG t regiment Uo.. which
•e called out only
viB klopiie Tami>s. Nei> Orleans ard
Oalveeton. for expeditions will be dis that other tTO.^« are needed.
L'amp Katun. Island Lake. Mleh., May
maw said
patched-from each of ibeae'poris.
It —Twelve trains from different eec...............
-- j Tb«welM.10t.
Tbwe i«. lot. jss
la aod place ^portuaity wUl
n A. Hiller.
. S Tears old. son
■ stale earned that many
be givei I all perauaa intereaied
A. Miller, r-r rhl- heard.
J ,-t
FM Ready, rtrsl Called.-Parer ‘
ratfo, a.ildcrtally rhot liini*-if'‘in the
irtay that they might
V again s
CU day of May A. » IK
ibdumen 'Hih hi« father's retoivi-r and
d-bye to their soldier loved on
aia 13t
A. W. RlCkkiU).
our Uier.
nie-govrrnor oT a state will haveino before
City Clerk.
Uiaw. OMees.OHr Opera ■
baBd In the designation of
• f.-r the sc-oe of eonfticl. Company A, I
Maw Boats to Cbisafe.
i First rt-glnienL Captain'Grangej. has ‘
bas b.-en .
■tents to go to particular con
rOKT&B. attnraer at L
Romd the wildest anOkinpa: tbe desUnallon will dt-dend up- b-cn musietc-d
feellng of It.
«B the promptnem with w'hk-h the vol- tbuslasm. ThU is ih Ann Arlsir c
try regard ni
The troop*
untvers are organited and arafreJtdy fur [*'”'•
hU sent messages to operated by Ue Graad Tnuk Bailor : .ev r wnsw.
trusportatlon. Probably aboBt W-tbird ,
- > and otb. re exprera- *JvUem aad Ue Grand Rapids A ladi^ O.
of the enure let y railed for by 3^:'
lag pk-asuK.r n- ii.m -r the peoiie
Railway, via Viekaburg.
Went, --r ab.ui 1,. i.- :.o..p.. nil cunand govern
of the I nlted Plates.
Traiks will arrive at and depart fiwm
Btilule ihe f. rce u- be sent south to take p,n,.r^ „ ^ a.-llve a
n pfrpanns
I nut MW-rute of sending troupe Dearborn station. Chicago. This atav- X. k Miillkw) Bkefc. How
p^t in tbe first c ulian service, fi.l- tj,e a-.ldlrrs f-.r "hard fiKhilng.
' k» is on Folk rlreet. between blate lo4r oi- Tvlepboae.T2.
Tne ^rvp r»ii*lou4 Idea of -spning' and Clark sueeta, is only three Woeks
Ball :-einfi oniu. ky took Its H*e from aouU of tbe Poatoffice. and aesr Ua
Tratas antre fia a CUelaa
one ot Ihe oriclral paintings m the lia:- do*n town busincai and hotel dUlncla
Bi tboi-ch tomorrow'
ThunuUy mornlDc would pro i«n
thr troops «t loasi lesnor Camp
Tan. ^___ B*r for tbi Bold of bcitli ttle. Major
J. T>«._0-----------------------..
Ninth b
talinn. ooIo-rB,
•a»o. waa yraiori»*o
hla rnmmond. bl> irrm
»•- or«
L>iBt axpirod at boob Sub-
John R. Santo,
Genril lissnict.
.({y» • i
4 ooi
Hack, 6d8 and Ba^
Thone No. 3. -
Giud Eipiii a iiiuui a. I
Ian schiwii of ih- I-ast Suw-r. In whi-n oUgg railroads.o,ing UU station arc
hating Atchison. Topeka A Sanu Fc. Wabash
arrieM al ItWO s. m
Uavae at umi p. m.
rhieagn A Ksslera IlliBOis. Chicago,
urer of ladiaBap- lie A Louisville and Erie.
-Rea -o
. L. LOeXVOOD >.P.a-Orwa4BaniZa.
Nu transfer will, therefore, be Beceawork la fa
day. I* now dla- sary ter paaaeagerw
i regiment coiild I— enc-erert I
■d the names of abova mpBlIoned lineu
d he Is a1»'s deI mporUnt Buttons on thia Uroagh 2QW iiotragroii aaLg i
When Ihese are equip|>ed Ihe govern- asked how the reglm
n the amount ot car line betwevn Cblemro aad Grand itasif**’
*^"l a
11 wi:l II
cbuscB. by nunirriral uorder. >r 1-y Ihe
the I tsoo.
atiase'claeka m.
t third <M the rank of I
-latter I*
A gieat throng of people weieomeo
s cslled f
t Is the preferred. 1-erause h
ininga Ury
an and hhit wife
•Idt-r.-h-pe of iht .rard-Mirtmemthsl
„,,:u.ry .,|s-.olions. There I, Intense Wlllliim Jenninga
The eqnipmect uert In proridlug this '_____
. It WU n-.i be .alled;^u|oit to fully equip*
„„ aro.unt of the at Frabody. '
service will conalat of new aUodard '
b-'or- h.-.iniue. are at an
jeiwnmem In order- speech
. veatibnied dav coaches. Pnllman bnf.l^ Mra w.h. me.vos.aMi rti
aad. but the work of i-raparallon Is proto the front- It
Addlalon Hllla assistant t
^Ing tm the contrary
assumpU.m. i, ,^g-rded as a plan t.. break up,the
TUa third divls.oa will ronstltuie the original vnianUaGon by niling the riiha ! L“'"'
'“*■ *^•‘3 ■'f'f*
sili.>eUBi aaenra atlOaapt...
aacond nn<\-. to he drawn upon for
„.-ulari and vulumeerw. The an- fPoflbern railroad, dU-d In his hom
.lores*. Mar M. si If, ' -------relnforrements whenever r. edrd.^n'd It
.-amp demands that It go as , I Cleveland Saturday night of pnaumof this equlpmant and tbe cob'
Ooakama........ ..:..Art
Is possi
lb. m-n Ii.-v.-r will he brigad'-.
Krtrad.-. to
to pre^-rve
uresl-rve Intact
telacl low..'* ouots
ot the acbeilBlcw will be
called >
of troi-iis
ualeee tl. pUns of the
U may !■« r.-insrk.-d
.................. ........
*werC “raQatrealh. were drowned
W lliu: m of the firsl-claM. wl
recmritlng ,
by the eapsixlng of their boa2
W sen. to the ,',f
*nd move them to ; stnnH pond near Gallai,n. Me.
' -e-t-et Of -be oster worsw
Philippine I
I'Slionses so far wa,nlngton where It Is undersluod they I
Th« reprew niailve* of I'hina paid the Lt Orwnd RapUs t.io . a 2 <o
<0 > a. It V, r a ! WorSs. ni if
iveelved ft
rou r. a e.'u
•II r a
as- .. a .---------------------------------------lei.iig ofBcvrti ^
new as rvserves. There was ! repreeentntlv-s of Japan
r ril.OCO.. ^ Cli.rago
coo <»i5
Camp Ih-wey when «>»
» ... . at the Bank of E^l^d
el Bos-w. g.MbSL aw It
Map.r Oen- ral Num-x. cf th- Cuban the- examining aurgeuns rejected-the |
“^n Puturday. this being
anny. arrive.l here Funday night on hla rapiain gpd flrsl and second lleutcnanis
China-Japan war Isdam- '
return fr-ni landirg a tarty la Cuba. Vf -^-Ini>anv H. <-f Huron.
: Blty.
I Bast^e. V-III lake iwwls no ptsas SB«
This landlni; u a- !i-ade after cnnf-i. gesMewer. Cl t-uloa elreM. W !■&
l.loeolA-May in—Ssturdty Bight iMc
SBeei U-tw.-n C.r.-I/.I Nuiwi. 0--m-ral
\-rnor Holcomb re<vlv.-d a mewaage
T cwT-i>«irrooi*»rve».T»Br.d*r,i*c»i
Miles and t^ ii'-r yu-ev-la. the Cuban
i-t kerektel rtoOvr pk-wsr leave al El
o—i. agt
.o.. ..s
8>vreury Alg.-r saying a sudden
delegatw ai-fi-jt two weeks
“ rhonge had been made to the aaslgnter the pnrp «■; of ojaning qp
meni of .Nebraska troops aed that one
/^[RL WANTKP—Pnr xve-rwl houwi
cation with I'en-ral* Oorela an-lOomra. ,reglmenu
,, perhaps both, would be seo!
NX CaU at oaev at «s We-aicnos M. 1
After a brief r -nferenre with Que.ada
go to the PblllpA SWWOOOO LOOMEKwXX City Luwbevfta KStf
MOnl Will I- ready tn equip these.s-n.1
eo»imt-t.-.. namely, fun-e* alsmt equal
oM.erthlrt .T the total rail, which
Wrfll b-- arrisned
coast and harbors, tvj.lart^
4ar United t-lales troops lUdrawn from
tul.Triaph.d S-vreury of War Al.-^atvrnlng .he
UliSBB UD .NSnuaUI 1.1
______ _
_____ ^ j.:k
The traulis of hla trip arc]
Annsoa ib-Way uCwta.
guarded with much care by the Culan , Tampa. Fla. May I0,‘-The aieamer
oSclals here, who deem It loexpedlmt Ouaslc-. one of the Mallory line of boaU.
to discuss what General Kunex did- It ehaytered by the ledvertvmenl for nae as
la Bald, however, that bis party found , tranaporl. sailed for Cuba this itHwitM dimruUy In esunilahlng gommunlca- ^ mg loaded with arroa etc., firihe use of
the rebels. A company of IW United
fitatra troope from the Plm regiment of
Ipfantrr will accompany the expedltlun
aad aid in guarding Ue landing uf the
valuable cargo and wtll. It neresssev
penetrate Into the Interltw
. Ilia, May 10.—Ooveraor to plac
Tanner baa received word from VakhiBgtBa to equip the tw o reglmenta raixstaad Into tbe servtre of the government
Tampa. Fla. May lO.-M
Md get them ready to be removed aa
_ alble. Tbe word came late ' Ue army of invasion, bf hla i^t aa
gaaterday afternoon tn a meiaage from ' senior officer. dlapIacHig Major OenerqJ
MgBrotary of -War Alger.
Governor , W. R. Sbafler, heretufore la command.
TManar Unmedtately Tvylled that be Ordera to tbU effect w ere Rcolvod (tea
eotid*ftavB two reglmenta ready by Washington last night.
- t Fifth.
-----------------------L and tbe Third, imd-r Fred Ben^ oeiMtSL have been mustered late
SBWTte* of ue Cnlted^e^go^
Vieana. May ia.-Thi
that the Austrian governn
atiapend Ua .
If You Have Logs to Sell
CorregpoDd with tbe Traretse City Lumber Company.
We huge for lale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Shorty Maple Wood.
■W'S'E;3t;£:'s,3~“ ■
er will lra«e tor
T^IVgT TO LOAJC-are kevv aw depoWt
iXL here weaey laloasaatBpraradeluaBd OUar'ite.'.'.'.'.
term propeny. Uederwao* A Uwlor. Asur-------■frarara.Ctty.lUch.
■0-Ral “
viU reegeed to cell* tor aaralBg
UUl BUchioeryof all depcriptiona, iscloding Two EogiBW,
Bet Works, Ofirrugei and Sfiwe. A oom^te Saw Mill PUat
vm w a Ui rawm. at, oBm. «ie
r. s. BvC w save, of we wMh.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.