The Morning Record, January 09, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, January 09, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



«iDmoxAL tAnm



Fltst T««r—Ko. 214.


UtewT iMAnlif ywl«8^
MO. tk. WU^ 1M0.A

js« *.

liN* whkb waald parprla* Traraaae
aty.' ptopla abiNld toa etoaa dalf* -to
tiaplay toeir totonto to fiWe a* a
Mtoipaay or todiTidully- The work o<
aapb ••* waa flatabto. atroec. aad dlapUyad aarafa) tratoW
atody. aad toarawaaltttta caaaa for
todlrldaal erlUeUai fnaa meh otbar.
whfcb WH to be a part of to* itoftoBDm radtol waa artcanaly aalayahto
boto to toa torltod taoato aad to*
,b*ra of to* etoaa pad to* *atoitotoaaaat waa aapplatoabtod by dali*4»* rafttobMta.a^V Mia: Marwn Ua. FbHowtoff iaUtoprarAto: '
■BtofaraUa. toa Oypv.” to oaatM*
"Tmtp." to apataaea Laoa F.- TUoa.
■■Tbara. UMtofirl. daa't aj.” wlto
boo annoainanlnitot Fraar Faller.
»a-—WUl Eoberi*.

HAtni IS eumw.


by yoor reading-, 'We bar* tha beat filled Xewa Cbouter y0«
e*er mv, and tbe meat reada^atagaanea Mwtare paUiahed.


Bar. Jea
DppatftUto SUU Ooafldeat, Bat Fab.
Ue ltoBOB«trattoe aad Xtooal la- Maatoo to «pap* inrallpioaa rrark for
fla*M* Paema w Xaaa 'Vvaad toa a abortfin*.
Mltoaal (toy, *m *« the aUaat pk>TMa-Oo*«raar BaiabBaU va* poame* of tola eoanW. waa to tba sity
dotoBOd «t Baytoa FabUa MatHag. yaataiday. fram JClk BapUa.
SMB A B. BMItopar of Laatoaaa
Oolaabaa. O.. Jaa. 8.—Haaaa I* fato
b^ oatoabMaaBWOtob. At toa aea- oBBty. eaaa* ow from Hapto^CitT
•amrdaj. aaaempaaM hf Un. Maaaa* •' waak ar> Matckt be waa
baatoa, aito be baa beaa beataa itopar;
Baparriaor BbaU aad wife, aaoompaeaar.atooa, bat tbara ai« (albM*
rap^ today todiaa^ toat b* ha* alad bytoalrdaapbte^^Alie*.bar* ratonad from Sblawaaaa* eoaaty. where
toe 'wmmmrj aareai^toraa rotae.
they towbbaaartoiUap far aoma Urn*.
Tb* ^aaaabMdqaartwaaiP jebl

daat. Tba eiyoaltloe dapeodad apoa
toa foUawtof Ua fiapabUeaM Toftof
with to*' atoty-flre damoofaUa ■***bareeftoalacialatBra: BapreaaataUaea
at ftobaab Bar'—M. & Maaaa aad BraMley of Cayabopa. Joaaa
O^ biark. OrlAto at Uatoa. Otbi of


Read and Profit.^

axto» so BB ABU TOPWXValoa.



Itora c^oad abtoohamltotop'abop at
ttoat ptoa*. Mr. Blotipatt waa farmar)y aa amploya <S to* Oral Wood IHto


A glance <|ver tbe ooonfer will cobvince yoa that oar atste>
BCBt ia correct.




Ton SAB plwBjB g«t tte LatB

Miarrtbl^ to to^Kaahi Ito*. at W.
IT. KlmbaUb aew men. «M Frpat

RasRell’s Bookstore,

Fdbraaiy Mambar. < Waw Idoa” FMhiom BbssM Oafl te au-Asm
. B|unn^ A BAW.
Miy. aad beaator Bwka of
ItKTFv ^oapa^gf Partial. Xaa to ClarnlaaA
XIU arTraveaa* City Ldsbar Oo.
Tbit aaakaa on j<^nt baUot aeranty8 PratV I
Bareral aaiTow aaoaaa* trow toataai Bra la aaranty mrauml Hanna. At a
k A. L. lUTllud ud U B
pabUe maattop to Daytoa toat nmoi.
t. W. F. 'CkUrtiw. death ar aertoaa tojory warb
Awi.'taMdkl McrMu7—Ml*. Fi«d toaoad is to* sUl of to* Tiarpna Cllj
Laiebar Ca‘Friday anatop.
Tlw Itomnliip Oorarnar BaabneU aad to*
ptoat I* eatUap ala* lawbar for Mol'ttop rapabUcan mamoera. aad dand aee thm. at
to to tofttookl flovtektor oowUtlgC. barriaeo Bra*., botap aoUdaot oaaaad imaadtop that Aaru raMpa'aa an Oklo
to* aeunaal rapabUeaa
Muy M» ud *»)wW« book* h***
IMMIe Sir «Mia.
bM totod to to* iltovy dvtoc Um of toa preat elroaUr aawe waa ebatOMjto Nto
a apdeeb pladplap bimaaU naajmr, (uktof itwy oenplM*. Tb« und by eODitop to OMOet wttb a dcp
eally ftar dansk. aad BapraaaatoaMiUom «i« ftliwjr* *f Um Utoa OB toe larriapa whUa to taatioa. Tba
• tooto. ud «•» UbrviM to U* atou
a taw of thaw atrOclop Boaae of to* to hare done to* earn* tbtop at tbair
•to mon sp to d»to la toM napaet.
workwaa, Oaorp* Karriaoa. who wto taomaa, aad tbaraara Ilk* report* fram
qnlekly dlapened attor Utttop to
r toa year to tba bvUdtor la toe staadtop aaar. waa atraak by oa« of Bama and Itodkay.
Tba Banna man p* ao tar ** to elalm aae af ear aomfOrtabla, aa»>-toaiia or
•■a to rafaid to toa haU whtob oeea- to* Urpaat flytop plaoae, bat fortatoat It la' aaraatHM* to rnnmtj toe alrattoad at aam on a afee *osy coach.
piaa toe MUra aaecwd floor. TUa baa aatalr tba watal atrato with
Wt to
otoar way aad to tbair taror far naxt
flat aid* iMl^ of to* adpa.
Tbaraara apparaaUy aaraaty- Btyle aad t[oa!ity aad ear priem “down
i asd flttod np aa a aartoa* tojaiy waa aaatalaed, tboapb
at to* baeU.” Hototop b ao ctoafr
>arrad. L. O. 1^. to* forreaaa. bad' paMloiy. but ttetla oa* abort, aad'toa W* or ao raaVtorlU^ as Bbridah or
wtUoa ooaeada ao lorn exoapt Mana BlmUar azperlMoa aad waa aqoaUy
TSAT Fiurua^ Ip WA^SB. tartaaala. Otbar maa at wark
tUraOrifito aUtad apala
weia atrack by plaoa* of watal which
war* barlad to all diiaetlooa. bat aoae today torn be did not want to rata for
wSaarcb WamattoSaeara It.
raaairad aarioBS tojery. Tbaaawww HaBBa. but If U waa Ua eonaUtai
Boubb ynrniahW 8tor«,
a^ ha would 710*0. Tbara i* ao lack
T&t'A^aattcMUWa Pictara, wblehl *ala*d bt |l«i. It
lU:4n Front St. TBA^’BBSE CITY.
of eSort to t7aioB aonnty- to aaprkm
jaeaaMd ap mato ttoabl* for l>bll toe delay)waa alipbt.
phbrMr.proprlavorof Lloa aaloea. U
baa bean tranafanod to the Haaaa
dwUaad to d^loa aUl) further eoeWith toa obaapm of Maaaal
' toovarey. YaalaMay Hroaaeator TwaddU daurmlaad to r*t powawtoa of toa W. t. Boblaaon Mow Pol* Owaar af and UriOitb toa Hanna maa bare toa
aaranty-tbrar rota*. The
pletare aad oa eoBpUtol of Depsty
an today ebarpAaat al^t to* prooery atoek of tba
fibartff MarVlaa aaareh wairaat was
Last Mooth ExeeUed AU Past Bosine«.
All Dealan Sell Then ior
haaad. Tba iaatrsBMBt waa ptae^- Bntarprlae Uroaery waa otored fiom topbrltary.
Bat tbara b alweya room for
to tob'baadk of UodanbariF Aabloa. tba north aide of Frost atreat t* tba
met*- Tbarafcra ooaM at oac* for
r PHOTOS. We bar* a aomi
^te atdaof tba*traat.-to tba oUT
^b*. bowarar. did aot aarra Ik
_ I of Pietnra Moaidtop* aad wU
ha weat to .aarra llba raw toa plciara to ataod of E. U Baaaom A boa. W. i.
^ata promptly, if we bar* to work
the wiadow. bet it praaealad pa alto- BoMaaea. toa Jonlor member ofrtoa
patbardiflweat appearaaoe, I
drmofO. Piaraa AC*., baa boaphtM>
pparea wbteb para riaa to
Baaaam A Mo. dtao toe Intaiaat cH io.
Tbe Impro
a to b* mad* to
•f toa eatboriUaa, war*
Ftaroa, aad wfl) anottona tbe baalaaa^ Ubrary ball bar* fwead to* Haaaab
1 Soato Uaba St.
ly anayad to parwab
to toa new leeatiea.
Tba atora M Biflm to aaak aaotbar ptooe to drUL
oa* aoloia. wad* of « _
toipa. eoB**BleaV prorMad with a Amapamaata hare bow bean compaper, peaUd artiaUaeUy apoa tba laipa rafrlparator aad aa lea box tot
p)M aw to* fiparaa.
L'adarabar- batter, etc., aad Mr. Boblnaon will ad<^
IS AtoUw eoaeindad that aa to* bay and faad to bla praoary ttaek.'
pleUre bad been M cbaaped aa to re­ Tba new atari will be ready for bu»l- to tnutaferrlop toe aqaipstooto of toa
mora tba allapad objaetloo. be tboopht aem Monday morainp. .
company to toeir bow qaartor*. wBeia
beat Doi to aarra tor warrant.
toa rapnlar drilb and mapU^ VUl
•etor Twaddle waa diaplaaaad
mftor take place.
-'bl* mandat* bad aot bean obey,ad. aad
TUtkam wbe !•*<* Meir vkmU «»* aw (er
' toto back the wairaak Ha daetorm
omauaaieBsr of Vsltod BUtaa to tba
Want* Sbem AH BlUedr
w repalw Cartae the wlaier. I
that- be will place It to tba baada of
GOLD is what we want for money. Still
lU ehara* awhiac
rarr aa« awrac*
Faru BbPo^Iob.
Mr*. Annie Wllllanw went before
iibaiiS Himpaoo Monday morainp aad
HoMl Bob Air. A VD»ta. Ua.,yan. (•.— Judpa ItobarU yaatordar to aB*war to
eveiy gold coin is adulterated—some gold,
•Juaeta that it will be earrad -bltboat
Major Meaaa P. HAdy died at awm.
ebarpe af kaapinp a
alloy...........^ot so>with
fartoar delayTbe ramato* will be takea to Varlto. witoent barlnp paid tba ai
alaee la leva There re« aaa e*t Ai
Md.. for *borial. Major Handy bad
r lleenaa. A daa of t! and aoau Oaly
Birtptm Ml* OraamcBlaU>a.
bean aa Inralid for two month*.
PS.» were prompUy paid. Mra.
U* wa* Ukea III in Parb wbltoar be wmiams ha* •ermal Sop* and pay*
WUUam Baitaar^ mu BBd FbBtory to
'bad r»a aa a apaelal commbaloBar of Uoanae apoa none of toem. A'fter pairStart Tameirow arTaaaday.
toa L'nitod StaU* to tba Fraaeh axpoal- lap to* finb *b* kakad .ludpa Roberta
,Onmiw H. a «. A Oepet.
WUllam BaitBar baa ratanad fram a lion of iwao By rarlred aottclenUy to'
toMlI^biefofPoUoaBanplatocaU at
aDocemfal baalaam trip to Cbieapo aad make tka jonraey to America aad
Flour—livery ounce is Pure, ALL GOLD,
bar place aad kill the tot of toem.
iaaow makinp aetire preparatioaa to i once to Anpnata.
> and takes the shine.
Btan bb abUre plaak iaelpdlap toe
Maior Haadj wm bora Id Vtrptoto.
Square Tlmbar-Wr-BppiaBd.
factory and aaw mill. Tba poad otolpb- aad aarrad to toe aonfedcnia aerriea
. F. May. fcto enUnM** Umber
iap ba* aeabled tbe baallap of lop* at darlnp tba elnalBf Biooika af tba -toar:
- a rapid rato aad wbaa the plaat start*
amplorad by toa New York dealer' of Oraad'Bapida. forntcriy wall
......irn in CadUlae, arrlrad to tbe d
work will be plren for aaraial moatha TVibaae a* a apaelal correa
atoadlly to a latpq. fare* of employaa. durlBp to* Caban troablaa. Latar be yaatardaj to look Attar bb latorMt*
It b Bxpacled that tba plaat will b^a
maaaptop adlur
to* Pblia- toU city.. Mr. May will pat oat saooo
m or Tuaaday.
dalpbb TImaa, aBdmbaeqnaBUy adllcr feat of aqaara pise timber to tob aecUas. wkieb b bainp bandied by Will­
*{ to* FbOodaipka Kewa Ha
to OUeape to istt to aoeapt toe pe- iam ResBic. He will alao pat Oat
altioB of ehlaf af toa bareaa of pnb- 10.000- feat of aimUar atoek at Boysa
Tba FnaaoaWr b OoodneUnp.a
Tba oBtira lot wUl ba dipped U
Udty aad promotion lb to* OolumbtoB
ton BapUab abipyarda Tin Qnabao.
Praaaoswr Twaddle kaa bepni
Aftar toe fair be want to New York
In Photo­
U1 Odd lot of Hoeiery, “fennttly eU
-ttbe hoaam aad aapapad to .litorary work and
of ill npato to toe city and ba* n*Uiorl.ofPrioooupto60o”
graph ic Snppli»?
Sed toa pmaeai kaaptop toem to ra- Unad to'ChIcap* a* editor
neat with Mr*; C 3.
We can furnish the
oau at oac*. Be ba* written letton Tld»**-U*raU to im. Uatyear uaa- er*alap,a»7:lo. .j .
to toem and in rmpeam traqaaai eall- dy wa* appototod ^ tb* piaaMaat a*
W. 8. Band, tbe maab
varied lUt of chemWool-.ror Ohlldron.
•I* at bm oOc* tnttfy to to* ibtowt
dal —i-G-w to to* Faria on- boato Cnlan *traet, ha* aoldw ptoaa. to
takra to lb* pne**«top* by too** meat poMiioo.
,icals necessary for
to* Baptist ton^
4*ap)y totondtod. Seaerai rblud toe
Tb* Partis ^ will meet Moaday
proaaentor ymtarday to maponaa to in- .
tbe laboratory of
Victim nf Oonaamptioa.
at t a'elo«k wlto Uia. A L.
rltatloM wbito It waa aot rdae to daMrs. Mary Stopaa. wife at Aatoay Baebaat Mr*. F. C IMamooa. toadsr.
owners of cameras.
btopan. diadofo
, Tb* Soato «de Sbakmpmre Oab
ktoBMOB Third I
wUl BMet at to* r«md*ae* of Mr*. C 8.
When you maMe op
top at V O'clock. Deom**d wa*
Trarb |lcmd*y attaraoaa at to* a*aal
FnpU* rf K»- d »• Hartto •a*#
year* of apa. and laavea a bubaad^ad hon^. AfnllattosdmMsbdaHiod.
yotu- list of wants
fik*e«tt«p BaciUl Laat Vipfat.
two children.
While Caslkett-A Ce. hare *old tbelr
let iia quote prices.'
worker aad B*«mb«r of to* J. C.J D.
Um\ Bipbt Mr*. 3. B. Marito aah
neat market departaeat to Melatoth
b«r etom 1b •loc«U*a aad a faw •oeb^. which bthr woman'* ansiliary
A EUiolU Oaalkett A Co. will ran the
taritad pa«au at b*r hbm* aa Waab- of to* C. 8. P. N-. and bald PSOO life tonarkot aalU Jaa. iv when too'new
laptoattraM. Tb*oemMaa wa* a ra- saraB^ tbaaociety.
Th* faaeral wUl take place toe^ ftrmwlU
atol by to* pupib. arraapad dor to*
a. from the tomlly^t
4iMUa pnrpom of aatortotomwt aad raw at
12SiVoi.t street.
BtodpaU A OUletw M Travera* a|y.
' /
iaatnetiOB. 1b* papU* dbnlaytid abU- dem».'




Hat nnd Feeliiig

Wajrm Siipcs
at Gut ^cea.... :

TO ObO?^ Ol^


We are
Still Very Busy


Free Storage
for Bicycles.

Prices 60c, 68c, 76c, 88c, $1.88ALFRED V. FRIEDRICH,

Gaining in Popularity—:^


■ 3

.A~ "w. o-.A.s:E:A.xra,

They §ay



Are You


Hannah & I^y Go.


■2 2

-a^at 26c.




James G. Johnson,




_____M w«U M
tmmey of waj MW
'BMk«U% BMktVoi* ol^ •

«W»ry to oM wklek ■hottld «wb^
tba »(*i question lut now. Not
0.1, bMwt U to now. toil
eilAin) TBAVKESI sbrald.
for »wl * o«to
4|M. T. Bavm AVt> t. W. BAJtSB. wpria of (ke Boot tnaow nntkOT* of
tMtonce- TbtoUbmryton pnp«
i. W.
BAiMr maA UaaMtr. •Md Wok, u« nBonf ibe nnl^ nn
B. Kyi*r Bnn^rA. Botort l^nto 8ieBUBBOBlPnOMS.
JbIm Voraa. nnd otkm of Uk«
Another pt^alnr pnhllcn'
tloD to the'-Qm
I, wiUuMl Uloobooh, to pan
Ue best and woat enfartof works.
This, too, to sold for s oento. The Mmleanibrary to also p^tor, sold far i
If a faU Una 6) the
ntertoi of Lawa Jean Ubhy.



AaooKuino to Dan's Woekl/ Bartow.
tha<nU«r« dortnf iho jw is« reproMnlod loB In ItobUIUM Ihnn to nnj
^anrolnoe im- Notoal; thnU bat to
tbto imp*et tost jmr wos tbs bwt
dafinltolr Wnowb. Tba retams by
tonnebB of bnslMM show that to Bftoo* 'Oat of twentyrirbt cIimbu the
toUniwt woro lower Man to any prorSons year of whleb there'Ts reeord.
with eapetoUy laire deereaae to the
ftnat nomber ef naelaealfied sanataeInrtofandttndtoctaltoraa. Boeharoportfrom a reltobto eoaree todkataa
that the ora of batter Uinea (atoed a
atort tost year and at
pNoant the proapocU are brlrbl for a
•nntiavanoe of Ueae eondlUons this

CTOBOH anvioB* today.

Bor. f. <•• CsrwSB. Ps«w.
Moraineaorrtoe. U:80a m.
Yoanff peopld*a aerrloa. S;4S p. ni.
. tioapel aarrtae. T p. b.
Chorwa, qoartatnndaoloMneinebnnday oTealae.
A wmrin welcome for allooKonneaTMUtai.
i Thera win be no preacBlnff at 10:S0
s m. becaose of Ulnem of the pastor.
Bunder school at u:*i am. Bead
le lewea to the chlldrea. Please help
them' to preeerre Uelr qnarteritoa
Junior Chrtollan Bndenrdr eoclety nl
) p B. Tbe '.boys and fftoto hare
•iwt etteers «f the «re <
e 'eallad open to ooafrent the proto roodmeettoe.
Yonne People's Society of Chrtollan
Sam of hydro-weehantoa as Applied U
Endeavor at
p. m. Topic to ‘-Onr
'--ihe difference to power between tbe
aad thalr eoaqaeat." Heb.
hyfJtennss of a rifht anffto tHaofto
4:11.10. Think and pray orer tbe sub­
and the hoHso^talaad parpendtoalar
ject befoM oomtoe- No life
' ^ tbs------- aafto. This to a rindy

that wUl prere naefnl to the fntnra. atronc «aUl able to master
How can It be done?
tat how Htneh seatnl strain andtap. m- •*«><• C. H. Horn srtU
psnai inlffhl hare'fcen sared.
speak anon Nanmn and tbe aortb pato.
Is the death of Mator Meees P. Baa* Durtn* the racaUon Prof. Bom had
of eoetoff and bcarinr the
dy ths protesatoB of Jearaalism loaea an
Arctic esplorer. AU are
bMo member and a brlffht and profi^ve spirit. Tbs TlnlUd Stqtes also eoctllally invltod to come and bear tho
to dsprired of ths aerrtoss ef an sner- story of Dr. Nansen and hto aehterogeOe repressataUee to ths er«nt «*PO«tion to be held to Parts to leoa

BXBXvb TBS sonm.
•Mata- nrTimaato Secretary TeUa


Laartar. Mlcb.. Jan. e. --A Peep
■ablnd tbe Soenen. M lebleao Bailroad
Lestototton Espved. By Senator Meistop's Prirate Boeretary, J. U Berkbelmer.*' Tbe above to the toaerip
M tho Utto pafb ef a book of m pafee
which will be Imtoodlatoly plaoed be­
fore the pobllc- It to B -book which
Hr Borkbelner has promtood for i
time as showtoy bow, from hto view of
the esse, tbe Merrtmab bill was carlnosred tbrooffb the leftolatve.

enacs snsooi-AL cnuncti.
a*., Cbsrtw T. n>mt. rvewcnor Boardmas svenue and Washtortoastroot.
n at 0:4S a m.
Haly Om
Morntos swvtoa and SOT
a. m.
Ssndny school at is »•
Bvnlta aervios and oer
A cordial tovitation to
tbeae servieoa

-You dare BotV.
Tbe Ups were white with pai
IBB fear, and the lady eOood
Ilkea'lkMMW St b^ Even then 1
nut brip but note
splendid beauty ^
thU«t^ Isdv. TsU and sletMtor, —
d ^shlny.
ainuot lurid now.
blur sod


Model demiw •( ibe Pwma
BHirort, Is.. Jan. t-4»aUco of ta'
pnaee John MrOosran went to the
home of hl» Wlfr last rvento*. shot her
four lUwo snd nrd Th*Instantly. The eooplr srparsted forths
third Umr abont two weeks a«o. They
had twice been divorced and thieettmvs
married. Tbey had four.chU^n.

Wm Buy you

Oshkosh. Wto.. Jsa. A-Bute Osme
: Warden CapUtn Johnson and a force of


hundred pounds ol fleh. The nets were
destroyed and the ftsh we^e sold.


bKl rwlasad. and t

One Giallon
of Good
Table Syrup

20 Cents
248 Pront'Btreet,




TmoamoOl^ Kartnt.
Below to a list ef thebnelnff and talof yeetada^for


. *10 M

1 ulA wltoi to aeod a mnimncer t
friend. Wnl jnu penoll him to psml


myOrrt in
guula OwuUle. 1 bed sren her here
iBuiitb*. tbe kwdrf of our ttsyeev and inost

Taa Ke&e or Serving DU^
Price from 60 Cents Up. CbD and See Them.

nntll oiM- (
as a niurdnttwe.
li was now nHripid that ths jouny beau­
ty WB« no mbur IbsD the wtuusn who hod
poloutnl bi-r burimnd In Harsns and fkd \
with all bl. wealth. A n tmrunae rrward '
waautTi-Md fcr'IxT apprvbcnrlun. snd tbe 1----- -----v
rltruniManno that bad enuie toour koowl-j bjtviso RSTMor TAAVI
}«'iniod bw out beyond aU donbi ss |
lb< l<'tvoo we wtev to aearcb of
pmaoi who had re
toil before at tbe t..............
uaivfMl IM rtm should fmmpe aa 1 ,
Isuitbcd at the W<«. When the tody left
mr. J etr]ipfd ^4he window and aUil to
my mate, «
Tbe lady
lai: ikultea to
Unttor, per B
ferafrirtid. Suffcvhtojtopaas.'
AhnoMetthe-aanmlneUiil thrdoorof E(r»> p»-^<*>
thv aiiannirnt thr lady bad enb-n-d opened
Ohieafd BLarket.
and a routh^-apimrTfitty a iimlaUii boy—
4>a>wnl huiTtrdly lhruiu.-h
._ta(o. Jan. A—Wheat—January,
till- ball, and fmm Ibrnop kSKc; March. BH«c: May. OltkC: July.
Ok- mom I
ll war nodoKld tbeimwInto the Mi
Iboujcht. and 1 plckul up • bt».k
arnner. 1 U
unMDcrd nwdluR. .Vwly an hour
and Mtu Ibr tody did not make July.
Oam—January. Sl9(c: May. UKe:
her ai^waranoe, our did the boy return.
Tbe fritmd she bad amt for uiuM llt-e at
some dbnaoee, 1 Ibouilht, or tbr Isdr was
utiuMially cmrrful about tow toilet, and so
Grand Baplda. Jnn. 'a—WbMk B7e.
aootber boor went by. At tom 1 ffww iupettoot and knocked at the door.
-Madam. 1 tM wall no IqaKiW."
Tbwv was DU leply. I knocked repeat-,
shly, and at tost delenntoed to fume an Bturi. Tbe run are made from <
onUanou. Strwuce (<wr> hanwaud me. I
betao 10 euefaiM I fcoew not what. It of Pe'.4hfy, by a new process anper
took but a tuetaent to drive
re to the disw.
and once to tbe
was rrvealdd. 1 r rob« xd the Imly lay Priooa lass than Chleayo rales. The
Waahbume Oea^ Co- are now SUtof
u|jua the floor, and scatuwud
lu>nj wcow euUs u( boys' w<«rinf ttpfmnX an order for the entire new Artlnyton
eln-ltor to that wwm by the mulatto. On hotel nt Reioekey. and are dotof extenrk for shipment abreta. The
a table wm a cmoMlc (bat would Main
So. 1 in every respect. Faellltbr skin to a Ilfbv dt-liosle brown.
foiled tor a sumty. Tbe lady had Gc« far dolDf the larfest work In the
catBimdln thedtatilwcd themrseeneer. Unltod States. These m»s are beantbe ruaa I frit bn- ttos. Call and see the aamplse. and fst
si^ld have detevted
M et
mlltaicd. and <Asectnlned to rrdn-ee my an explanatory circular.
Ikm rtie would mit rrmeln In
the city an Instant iuo|cr tbau sbe could
Learn to danoe new and enjoy youp
(M away. I hurrlrd to her bankiir's. but aelvea Do not wait unOl tbe daneinf
found that sbrhad drawn tbe amount due •eases la over with, thea blame yonihour earlier.
in the aprtnff for mtalnf ae
-Who pnwmiud tto- chrekf" I asked of aelvea
much fun. P«'r. Suvnit*-A timtotioboyT-U«



14fi Front Street,


Ttitveme City, Mjck.




"fc^Muary. SB.77; May. •B.40«S4*^


SeT.J.A.arssdy, feeler.
Bev. R. B. Bnatty wiU preach at
10:30 a. m. and at 7 p. m. • Mornlnr
tohject: “The Great BaertHoe,''and In
e Hi
Bandwrttlnr on the
tbe evenlnf. -Ilte
Class meetinfaticSOa. m. Sunday
seboel at IS m. Junior Leasne at 3:3u
tyel a chanea. Thr Frriwb
pad Epwortb Losffue at S:4S p. m.
wlihto an hour. It was poa
d)>U- >bv would Mwk that mran> <■( .wwpu.
EvanreltoUe serviees will be ooi
^ •wb and arrtvrd tbrn-ten
for Bay '^Isw.
ned duritf the week.
mlixilra Is-Iurr rbr Uft tbr Wharf—JUM
All aiwWdlally Invited.
Poteskey. Jan. n.-The Bay View as­
lu llnir lu awlst an atrnlaud dwrcplt pmIl..)iian li.tu tin- •■abln- Thm- were b-w
sembly andyniverslty, which has been
----- '^nvAJfosaJCAt. onuncH.
.ia otraltensa clreumsianees for'the paat Rrr.s aeUbsTT. Pastor.
iwrMW 1 suunbt. I Mood
two years, asks I'eteakey business man
PrcMhlnc. 10:30 a. m.
lertl.uoci a year for ths next five yaatm
> in the a>
Sunday wbool, IS.
•1 until It d
tuniliw away, wtom a baekman apta -Insars tbr conUauanoe of ths aa- ^YoBUK Peopto’sweeUac. e ^ mpecK-tod lus with tbr Iteiiark :
Preaebtoff. 7 p. m.
"Mr. K..dldymsre that old ntanon
A bMamlttee of tbe civk fedwatton.
board: Ho bad a luaK«>>»« beard and
rniRsns- cm-nen.
wfll husUe today to secars
hair that feU on hto sbuuMrre."
neward Heerr aa« Mary Msore..Cfet«r..
be ImoAtoent
I tlekeU to helo the
Sunday aerviees.
"UVH, sir, tberr'a somKhing curtoui
BlUesehoql. 0:43.
.'aUnil hlm."
MeeUwt for^worahlp, 11 a. *. 7
Theatrical MotemV___
■■'WhJ,' whm he p* Into wasrrtsitc he
Jniriorendcuytir, I p. m.
T ,
ersss liiutotKi boy. ami whop hr fut out
H. J. Tbiry, repreaesUBr -^fea'a
r. E. meetinc 3:43 p. m.
to- wasan.dd mant "
Oomedtona.’- arrived In the elty^aat
Eveminjt aerriee 7 p. m. •
I will iKit UM1 the exprveatun I iwsd
alffht. _Hls company wUI opraa week's
Itov. Levi Luptoa. the evanrejlsl, Ito-n—ll wui-li'-ittoT rrOtHd mr polite—
muyacement at Stetobenr-s Grand OpI kiK-a tin- vo-wl wuuld to- far out at
will apMk both roomloff and evenlnff. fur
saw lirror« 'id>r rouM to--vi-naken i was
eta Henae on Monday evenlnf. Januarv
AU are cordially Invited to attend.
fiillid by a W'lmSD. \»r <vuld Ibclrre17U. popular prlereof in. so and -to
w that the cimiw was uver. that
Mats prevalllBf. Tbe plays to be pre­
| »>>•-1
sented arc farce eomediee sod dramas ’ Hew a Ureat Caavos Wee Maved.
or cuUiy. tbrre was a charm
The moTinif of a paintlnir B«m ml”
could rrsirt- Tbe LjeJl
af a first-class erder, and the company
. paviliiiB of the city of Faria lu the
wundMUs l■unu>y aITvettd aKwbo
Is decidedly s.trof one. sumbertof Chami* Klyiew* to ^
' '
rW til my urrmury
the Auienil (taU«ay ; ains
4? peeple. Tbey have tbelr own wtlo
p^blwa to the !«„<i 1 r
. sin <d her
haad and orr.faeatca. The enyayement
riij. nathonlirs. Tbe patounz by | bluuU ug-un my •-■mx-k-uor.
is looked forward to as one of atreny M Roll, rf'prescntinir tbr eelt-btatian |
drawlBK pewhr. and UUthnutbt that Inf Jn .
mrowdml heoaea will be the rula.
- < hlRi> ami with the msmive fn^
llwr Wr Mar Hspsrt.
weiabs <»v.-r 4.300
poouda II -» ™- I
,.,W) poua,
I r-uo-M
ain the
(or tw-aty tow bnarm
poMiblr tu move the psintiny
Judya«<1U^ Wome. .
r. by uUos
» p. a T-tmtor: ^
I ottliiiurTevaytaklos til.
tin- .Mavoi.
Manistee. Jan. s.~Word was received tbefranuforthc palot- jally totf
IV ftanu- and rolliiialA
this afternoon frem lAtdinytta that toy, toudg variilsbe.1. It wc»uld jenhably .
Jndye McMahon, who has bMi reenv have tTuckMl lu sareral lUacea. H was | •„atbrrir winds, bm ~ ~
mrinyfrom a aerioBs lllama. has ant-'
fared a rsispse which oocnired last
Ubention b irccis) ttariot
reUi Mrlbwestwlr winds.
•tnieted ovrt rw«i of tbe flneH which
Ibwwmtii. r..-^ tows-ttmwere used in tlir,Mahli Ur«np(mm.ion. toifrti- ,
Good Winter Bea4tny. .
^tbar: weSmrly WiiurtkTbe city ■■URiiM-er, with c »kM labosets, vrelly tslr. r-Msr
ealUble food tor the mlad U Just as rmt-erdrd In tlir paviliun aud the puint- •-••M-lr wtodi.
eMtotlal to good health and happinom tny was nsmisl by ripht nmn. aiybt
ns eustenanos ferthe body. In thto othen brsciitc the uppiv part of tfii |pl<^
oonnectlou yood iiiarstare to a subject tnre to kr^ it In so npriKbl pedtioo
wbieh invlles close aUesUon
This until it was d.-pomti-tl in the charinA U
Widow. eaUtlJd to an amr pension
aye preasnU literary ftaaia such as one was finally yot not wlthont serlfiant to'UermsBy reortve but fta.n year.
mid have beM amaaed at a few and slid npoo yreasrd planks upon ' ths
Of uil the tsarinaas td tanin onl7
at the
thr flsllcrie d'AU*
^ Oaa with a raveuans an. ^ rUsnnl. Arrived St
five bate paid rbetr dnhm to whoolt.wdiem The rest owe» thu tuaeben
aeleetloDt whevu he to sure to «lnd ^
iu rxistence and wu b.Vb5.0O0 psMdss.
semslhlny to suit hto fancy, and wberr
by o,a.-, qf tbe French ponro- i London', ns. has lent tbe monster
to there a better plao* to mrtUfy aneh i nM-ni tu lhM» ui perpnnate the laetnory j python, rt) f«t Itniy. which ft p----------*
a demand than the City Bookatorr? | of the fln-i natioDal holiday of the third [
yO y'
Manager Holley baa reedhtty added : tnmblif.—Farts Letter.
keepers » i e obliged to ccam it down
•everal law works of the most Ptaular;
m-.H-a»lj. Trail .r
anthora and one can not help but find
Jan. s.-^mo
A—Oao a
A.. Ktuart
are Us thrust.
ICO. Ran.
iMuarr wre
yretetday and tonlrbt
Tbe qnaiat- lluto Unok
aomethidy to anliany aort of mood « ■ rtv-rd IDD I'hlmcv
are fur 81. Paul, where be win
will limve
the pL
■or to sevure tbe elcnatui* of
wb«m tbw
B of the ntasimmons to artlelse calUna for
Mat dnaod to clanu Mm ehiafieys of
a of booka ara astant
tta not frmn the aeA ptawood
to July or August.___ _ _ ,
dtalatod to nit


------ ^-----



Caulkett & Co
HuvincBolti IheirrMeat Departnii-nt 4o Mclntonh i El­
liott of ManUta, will eon*
tinne to keep

A Foil Line of Meats
QiiU! Bucli imrtiMi lake posaenhioa, January 16t|i.
Don't fail to call at once and
take advanta« of Special
Prieea. Alao Full Line of

Kednced to Lowest PoesiWe'
Don’t. Fail to Profit
by HiiB.

Caulkett & Co.,
C'or. Kintii and Union Star


The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property is becom­
ing brisk. . I have

Two or Throo Housos ond Lois
and a Numbgr'of Well Located

-John Verly.

Vacant Resilience Lots

-Front Street.

in Traverse Oity that wiU be sold

—Watch Repairing.:

B.W.HastiiigG.. At
Real Estate *>„
Fire Insurance.

Moooy to Loon
-6nImproved Farms and
City Property,
robaxta Block. -Phoao 73.

Low Prices

if Bold NOW. Dome and ask about
them, if you want a home or a good

THos. T. Bates.




M«d« In tilt Houm by Cumming*
of Now York in tho CWU
. .
ftorrloo Ooboto.
m AID nrnTAWA,

ivC.r7 —•»

■4—TbI^ ta «

l^uUDiton. J«B. t-Tb* dvil wnncc

prtr1W«w tB ChtDS tnd tbst the satso>



AUm'er 2
tJoD derlsiinc ihst ibe I’nitid nisiw
should tndependecUjr nod «-tthout d«>
ls7 bedB and eoDUnae the free eoUisc*
or UlTer St the rstio of U to 1: thst
s»ch colQSce should be mpf>lciB«Btsd
br s SBf» sBd snund BSIMSI paper
mone)' to be t«ued by the so^eramest
wiibnut the Intervenilun ot liorik*, Ibe
notes to be full lesul under snd'
Isoued In an amount iiiibiieni to meet
the buMnese de^odr ir-the eouBtry;
that SBj- InrfVsae -f .
irl-rest bear>
Inr debt should he |•n'Tlt•1ted. and that
no noveraBMil tK-rids M-«uld be imued
or sold exeepi by »»e. lOc set
dosftem: tbst ibc po\en>tn«m Is the die*
chan* of tie oi-'lfittlons sbould use IN

mm Pueyi Ml» «»IW W—S« Is OiSm^Ss
pw • a«iM iB Btok
Menptats, Jss.'T.—A double Wfotr
serurred bi the outskiru sf Nenphls

In on Effort to Induoo Oomoz |e
AccoptTho Olhrt Brsnch
from Spain,

rtsuwdsr sftrntoon. Dr. Sbep A-Rdf
MS. proTessur of auionoair st the Mem­
olirsr. es-pn
phis Mbdicsl
the l»si
shot by Mis. Hsry Hsnbrlbk. a sidos,
and U tnadylna oundiiionailti.Aosepb-a
' hospItaL After ahootlns-Dr. Ro«ets llie
I wcHiisn turned tbe re\i>lver to her
breast and sent a hullel throusb her

It a »Uhe—MsW
>. but Ka CWtanM.
Moo-Cwtedar SI'

AhstaM laiMeso-

UM-MrtUahaa4 #apai^ Pleats <W.

•BT rate be will be a paralytic M fon*
as he Uvea He Is shot la tbe aptnal

hUs AasiaH aMka

OBlwmiliT. Roaers rewalned conartousneas for
a few odnotea laat nlKtt. He made a
tot tu itvmlMUoB
and It Is earsiatrmrnt that Mts. Aaebrlnh decoyed
ICapialnO' B ral Itlanco When the latter bip to the Caul m»ol by WTttlna
UIb do«' to. ru.1 uvar lUo Dtxl week,
Tnraer trf WaahlnittoB. tnad' a apeM* |
^ further reported ........... lie aays tbe wuman had ,irreat)y
tbe interrK In
aaalirst. tbe Immlstailon
i that Peoor Utreda faitna. the delecdta | annoyed him with her attentions and
D to be trsnlna. The debate yoatef
Cutstn In- I tbtvaterted to ah’S’t him on severs) oej to the foiled tttatrs
day s aa mited fur Some vtiry slaomua ttonal amendmeni
castona Th- fsr ly of the dead wtandeclarations irt upt>osttlon to the whole •lection nf the federal JuituEsn by p.Vp-] aurtenta. wHI arrive he,* .horny ahd an has not as >ei made a siaiemeiit.
aebeme «t rrturfi, nuUbly th*t ol Cum- nlnr vnlv, Ar ea-.'Ullve see.l..n«a» held j a”-"nipaiiy the captain .frneral and but It Is understotid lUat th-) claim
and the senate B<t}<iurned ti> Uoodsv. | lienccal PHal;tirfa
tu the Held, and
- mlnn ot New York. 'l-*arU of Indiana
that t>r. Kuners was enaased t<> b>- marihut
LAHtiM e-rati^niATtub MiMtpvs.
was «Hte of the speakers In opiioaition.
rltd to Hra Farbrlnk. and for stun, reatloDies ullt ioIIipW.
Xhi< reports hav ooB did not carry out his part of the
sad- ailh-n» ot MaaaasbUKetU (arvTvd
Sadts Laws That'ttsmpwfs sad Hts tt,|. \ mused a aenaatton In this e-ity.
tbs las. The latter malotatned that'
>•«««#• tVsuM Hass Pasesd.
WaBhinyton. Jan. I —No coafirntatlnn
tbe araurnenU of Uiuav«n<^and Uusdla
Washlodltm. Jan l-Tb. leslatathw ' of Ibe aiory that Is'e. Illanco and I'alma
saalaat tbi'law wvrs bulb in reality
tomnduee ot the Federal hi, I
«« 'talt (Jome* U obialnablr to AhlmaaWCW Ukaly to ttoM.It IwaOew.
Blrona srialifnineiu uf the a|K>lla ayaof Labor, cpnabdlny of }>ro.ldeat
It eielied .-oniUd,
ml LorkMt e> ir.rkwm.
tsm. H« di Dled that the .eri>|»
PltiMnjr*. Jan »-Instead of a geaMDdeTsiood wli.-n
•ral nvnn't-tloB of pork M the Window
farm s-aa adopted He
venll-h .|f the federation, held in Naahr | ^,.,„ jj., .oumatlon of cvnlemplatlnc ytass faitortes t>f tbe .-ountty^.today'
while- vllle, iiaa laeurd an addresa to toe tnytB- i auch a mote, and (hat no arranreinem there may be a.general icK-kout otfac*
I (he at>« lai'le
bairsd veteran. Or\.*>-enor. teadinf the hers of the Fifty-fifth con«ivsa
Attar loaktnk to auch lalervenlioB had been count of the dtOlcultp at tbe Phllll|w
rounc Hotspurs of the party to the tatllna aitemion to the imr.siuetlon of I sunesieii irom Wasbtnaiuu. Further Olasa wompany's factory on the aonlh
battle tor the sp<dls. sn>i said It rscaiw
aids Fmideni Bunts Is obdurate, and
to bla mtnd the sropls Ua.auley pUre.-l
be wlU obey the In^tructlvM of the
methods and i
hi the muiith ot Henry of Navarre at lahot. etc., they iwoounead as fullowai 1
board and Inaist up<.n the relnmalethe battle c.f ii-ry.
New York. Jan-' k—The rum.rf that ment of Oaiherer Ahlman. If U results
•sMMlnce PaysHtoltBepn^lofiru.t^-oseb pubUi- works.
I wlplrut the window alaaa Workers'
Oenerst Fltahuyh Lee. the t'nlted
Cumminsa of New York announced
Mx-tatlon off tbe face of the earth.
Rtalea cooBuI xvneral. »»ald arcorapany
>lmaeir an Implacable f»e of the whole
Thla ataiemenl was ntade ai noon,
rrtsis ItUI^Ishec
iished. or w.irk done niu»l Captain Oeneral B anro m hen the latter
system of civtl servav* reform. Itnacoe
and after that time wtorml members of
Conklins. IS his opinion the-ai‘v»to«t ahall he the maximum labor o
the Amorlcan Glass company. altboUgh
0«)»ie wBtlDUfd thruucbout
tB U>( hdUM. An <4Iurta to flz a Um«

refuslint to make a poaltive staiernem.
irtlcally admitted (bat It bad been
hcided to aaartd by tha -PhUU|ia comuntil the
littook Wale— Off ioe nr— Dayw.
Springfield HU.. Jan. k—There waa
BOt a quorum present to the senate ye*,
tsrday. The primary electh-o bills wvrs
ivporied and an adjournment taken (10
» p. ro. Monday. The pouro waa tc aesados ten mlnutro.' without a quorum
Governor Tanner yesterday
signed a bill making an additional aplaimepxnce of the ftoldlcrs* sad Rail

raJpl^ bUli

en-d b> Teller regardtiig pmw repivts
that the nnent eliuru U> make It appn>r-(hat t-e.-ivlary (lavr had tendered
hlareeUoaiu-n as a meaUKS of the cabUvt to I''d. >it Mi Kudu «ere a pan
af a cxmsj-lraoy uf the alhet then idlsrvpt itw «aklncl aod create dias-iialoo bvtvi-ev the |■mea,ml and hla ad
- Tell- r brandi-J (he muMIcwtli-ii
as an Ineult to the advu-aiusVcUje free
eotoaffe utail' cr. He was aalisil^toal

SytowtOB railroad,
arguiiienl In iwro
serted mat there -



il ..fWr A

aiatton. this step being taker
Russia persists in Ignurirg tl
Inienwts <if England and Japan.
Is.ndnn. Jan- »- The .whlnet will
meet i.xlav I'renimaUy to deride about
f^nt I the fhiiw-iu- (oan The mm^dard. in an
Tbonms It Needirih of
rial apparently Inspired
^s. .•..mmts«i*ner to^s:;„,w: - irur the )-reseni ................ ..............
-.1 , (to-roy that China haa n-de earn.-ai
mil, r ai I tn laisiTTd ' ' a*verturr-a (or Crest llrltaln's good of-



rear's risus c

I>—lias* l> AriilUwt* will brag—.
In .xsi lusoV Teller, spesktog lianlf.'
* ^ *'
'® "■'"*'*1'
aulP here bsfuro I
hanging. ..
London. Jan. K.—A
laUrl.v uf wfaui hg aald appears to M a
■utt wa* against Durtont, the natlaasl Caps Town to Tbs Dally Mall says that
pror<-Bva tueii>einl.e<n.ent of China by
guprome court ratostng to inlerfsr*.
Recrotary Cbsnbertoln has "(en-ly rethe Europssii |x>wera. dcvlsred that bs
rhlMs-Oesse/MoBw tor Petotorw.
fused" to subtoU to arhllratlon the <llfwould s-e lu It If be wrre In the poslWtal of the pT'-aldent that tbe poweew of
Oolotods Rpringa Ctdo., Jsn. k-Tbs (eroacas between tbe Transvaal and the
Xaropr should n..i panlUsa Ihal groat botpltaJ
anuvx to the CbtUs-Droxel BrlUah gororntneota.
SBpIrs without slrong prolast (Amd Ibis Homs (pr Union Printer* is about oomssaatry- Us believed that s wigd (rom plstsd. Oa toe flrwt floor Is tbs dlntog
I, Oa.. Ja
Jaa. k-Hoa. Bsaroom and sswscal bedrooms. Tbs amad


-.ii-v. ■. ■.

Order by Telephone No. 146.

Enterprise Grocery,
W. J. BOBINBON, Prop-r.

213 Front St. -fletcher's Oystermfot aid Resipinii
BMelv«l Three TtsMs a


Counts, tOc pur aoart

Suuidarda, GOe per quart
dolid Msata

Boys’and diildren’s
Reeling Jackets...
Will Make a Price of 25

- ■5; r:"

2^ns”^tow U “* t“r )‘riVxr,:y i‘^’".Hr‘^U c?lm:faro '^l.‘t;..wa


' I have purchaspd the busint^ss of E. L. RsQsom . A Son
and moved tbe Eeterpriad' Grocery stock to the old Banaum
stand OQ the Soatb Side of Froat Street, on the comer of the
alley opponte Steiaben^'e Graad. ~ I have also purchased tbe
iatereet of O. Pierce ia the Enterpriee Grooert'. aad vil) cobtiatie tbe busiBesB with a fine stock of Groceriea, etc.

CooStroed by >he Soaale,


^ A Window Full of Gent’s Night :3
^ Shirts, only 38c. Last Call.

,. ..


Groceries of All Kinds.
Also Hay and Feed..

Children s Overcoats



I hasp bands off. aur rigbu

Stock of


tw»vinst,n. Jan.
a, ine luinnei ,
-ting yrot. rday the t-hln.we complll ; J**'
-'tri.n-n to the ,m.„.
tlotv Its atis<kyd the itepublhao ,«rw
u|.. but tbe^ •4>lnUHi
»r 1-«--aM-cto Th. i-rsbabl
ty b.-cause It was a leirl) aiUKailiix
' liilerewts V
tbs gold riaiMlard. ahd expieiowj hU
J .J^iale* In China were D<
lmeMI<« v> dvitig all to hU power
orrwewt III ati) >
feat the pa,(y In ISM sod tu dri
caniiol le>• likely io l».
pr-eenl udmtnIatniUuii from puwi
kl-prslw-d III m-rv moneiary ternux"
« cayw the (H.ii< r uf the |«rt)' waa. Id bU
The editorial pr«> . ede t>. auie that
.-sR.imnn. inliiilial U' the Uwt asd btgli/••l iuieivata ..f Ibe prx^Je ofYtlS Hatod
hle-l>)e<l lAar mw.l *(),—rite.
t Rtai-w
Uiu» make the eiiip> ror of Chios Bnln
Ran Framlsco.-Jan. k—William Hss- I
He n ti rred in t>qna of bijb rsapetl
mastcr.-ln hi* ow n house, w hlh ensbllnxly Theodore liurrani wa» haiyrd
K<xf .XI) «'aK,- iK-raoiieUy. and
., the (iilxailo so aa to Inouxe his arim
prison at l»:» a. i;i. yee-i!
eerd .!> .i.iuUliisil.m
4lutl Gage
uUlKsii'm 4lotl
bad ] Ran uiirelln prts-n
ye«-i, ^
^nd de.i os to tvi.der Jiws a puw. r
................vii Lkma sad was ! tsrday la tbs prtW m-exif iru perwui a o'l whieh ihr s(ri<ngrsl vi-.wauhg'.
.1 -iUi.i. l) u)*m bla
■ • "pIn'
'j-whoin Ills falb<
at I' »*"l afford
i v
I l*ry nuB...................................
In (hT optUhA • yww,i,nt
and active worker ...
of ,...
the .iapBap- ''"•'lares "It .la the
xex....M, «..w
..rl't!..,. In tht. t^-cl lo| „„
^ murder,*! Uiwuc-h,
and llwn lu' bring Ibe . ..
I I ic-il.inel;l1 -Hei'UblHWBa.
of Chlaa fnto bar
h Wlllism.
,Lam.>ii( and klinnie
William*, just be­
. Cbandlnr eald !:.• (lesirvd to
rtK-ny will, ii, t. InligMiy, orxl
fore tua' e)A.ull.>B he cbancAd
attanttoB ef th.- s.r\j;„i fruu. t'ointado
religion and
was rvrolred tolo the to pursuiieix '• ( ihi, |n-l|, > ihq i-cr.'lat
to a matter w'bii hh. ..•■vildently cvsi the I’nlled hlale*
Homan t'alholtr .-hurcli.
He niade a co-iq~-iaiu.r
t. "The l—inl 1 iruihe, ' saidC
--IChau- ratber ntmi-ling «i>-sch on iho gwYiows, l» pre*uti'«H " Will! rvfefvnre t« dlfll4Jsr. 'Is Ibal tin iT^enb nt of ibc I nll-'
lbs burden of whiih was liml he was nilttes in the way ..ra Brlilsh guarati
ad Rules si>
speak, f.T hia.M-lf either
Innun-m. and "t'am lnno,v„t." wrr* lee loan, the <x]|ii:elal says: 'HapplI)
through BUtv'iiaper* it ii sulh >Hher
then- U Hi. aloKflute dearth of ex|*toe last wbrds
w-6rds be iaaki
■r aa he may d.-em w i»e.
exlieme unetioe JUBi dleniar"
Is. Ing received e
lamilsn. Jaa I - A dtiqislrh to The
befulv be uUersd these w..rds
s h
Dally'Uall from Flngaixsv tniys; A telegrop received here from Hx^tlow. on
lbs ouerwacea of the set atv, 1...... 1... ?
V"’ “
lie iuivd two glris Hito Emanuel Hap- Hal-Naii Island, demWiMbe^rt^Med an
dians. nud^ to the full tlusii ul vi.ibitetl«t church to riaq Fn»arls*xi. ravished nexatlon of Mal-lftn. but ipya that the
lam nvdr hU xntraoce lutx. the e. i.sie
al teas! one of them and l■ruulIr mut- French w-arwhlpw IleScariea and. Rurof the ITnlled RUlea. Iffore an au.'i. n..
dered them h>>llu .\i any rate that was |Hl«- ere there |
•f hU eonstliuents In lndla< ap.'<<*
Pekin. Jarx » China baa ivjeeted tbe
was baoged for. TbU was in
r aald be hc^-d tha,
U baa lakrn three years l" propn'wle (or nItusstan guaroci.xd
, (inw would soon (sms wbsa
Klao-Orau has been, leased i.>
could say to a fifth rats power
I rwUeved because the event proves Germany tor flfty year* only, aliboueh
INwih: Take yx-uf haiids oS that bnnn' that they can bang (bugs In this suts. Germany bad demand^ a ninety-year
.Uful uisnd-u islaud wblota y
: >N'ery resource of- tha a. ttvg minds af term. Trotarday the Cbinltae ministers
heatl) de|*>pulatvd—and any
attd members nf the tsang-ll->-ameD
r I ,n.
C the
'•“r'"™ »«• exiwuated tO Save btS
the opinion
th men.*'


IscreMGGd Paeilitl«a,

To Close Out the Lot of

WashiBXtwn. Jaa k—Tbe senatA yeaten's) ••ontlrme.f these nomlnattons;
failed mate* •x-nsiila-John «* KUb
helm><r. ,r( I-.d'aRa. at KankKwr. ranatJohn,

New Location.


A re MOW. Cblew.



, stock

and |li.«oe in cash premiums will
paid to esblbllurs. <M.«M ef wUcb ii
be awarded ta the speed i}Bg.

"XondoT*. Jiin. I.—A aperlal dIspAlrh
f the Peniejfnmi Ahanglial aa>s that a Japanese
. yen strong I n,-: „f three ballleahitw. ten flrat-claa.
f the bill. He are j erulaera and numeiopa smaller vesesls

the aralplrkg (p^rolt^



Mill MhcbiBM7 of all deacriptioiia, tDcloding Two EntdoMr
Fet Works, Carnages and Saws. A oomplete Saw Hill Plant ,
for sale.


'Waahlruri.m. Jan. k- A biu waa Intmdoxvd In the house yesterday by Bel
kiutp. of Ulltuils. pixesislns rrullalury
ne|ie against Ftan.e tf the plans of the

•iLVitit ii»-x Mrr 14'a «ftF«ciNACX.

.. kurolxw Pullry.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
. .Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.

RprtngfleW. HU.. Jan.
bn^ of agriculture el-.
meellDP betv.Tbur«da) 1

AmerifW’ tienor Sllvela. the Conserva. In the cxnirwe ot a siieech
dultra tta Amerlmn meat iwudurta. Is at Hadajio last evening, twedlrted tbst
authoriiew an hx-reanr Jtpain wou.l not be alone In resisting
look epeasl.m to defend rarrled out.
Call fV-han from what be termed the of duty on artp-lew brought fr«mF>mB<w American liuervenll.-n, as It would he
Slandets 'beaiwd upon that gentleman In amount e.|ul\a1"Bt b> <he addlthmal' ImiioaeiblF tor Hurop- to remain Indifhy. Oro«vee«>r. The Inttmallon that dtrJea Unpewed uu Ameruan pradueta.'
Ahere waa a alalo upon (aa personul
Maoriwg •* the tail-senlp MIL
. hoaor was ap Insult to Ibe Uennai
,Walhlngli-n. Jan. k—The
Aaterirans wh'we i-oufWenre Bchurs lereli
t the Two Nattoa,
Wlate oon^n-cne .
had. r. talned (or y«ara._

M^kfchlngt.'n. Jsn. *.-Tlie feature
the a-nai- ae.'Muu was a s|ieech drll\-

Comspottd with t^e Tyawrae City lAimber Compuy*^
We hare for m1« Good, .

Ravana. Jan. k—U Is rumored here

htoh they should I* paid, aod'lbst | that nencral riishuch L«e. tbe Ualtad
sneh ‘'option" ahould never be aurrca* | Biatea roasol general, wfli arcompaay

d ever kmiwn. bad «vldu.l In any one calendar day.
The further rumor (hat
f the "ds«.i> driveIvel of 'I
•aival aert-H-o reform." H* fiad V
apprscUie.) It so n
toe this 4ay'y dobale. Cummlnsa
(ereixv' with Ueaeral Maximo Oomee
Um> boaunty
hosunty to toe ayalem
.bad liaen
wmfid follow
Is Considered absurd
aystsm ta
r coovlci labor we urge lienor Palma U In Ph'ladelphto
” sslh
Id h
he. "and one of the fac­
( —T.
tors la Its
desmn-tlon is Tamouny
speakers at i
ban." In Yhts cumectlon Cummla** from one stale Into anotoer state •
largely attend-dCul-an Amerimn
ropUed .warmly
e of the ehanco iMTltory.
Ing laat night called In peutesv agamsi
at eofruptloo made acalnst Tammanv
"4. We urge the adoption of a ret
the scheme i.f autonomy When he saw
halt durtos (be dshetr.
"T^ ffvaUe- aonatde taw tu reatrlr* luideaftable In
the Havana dispatch that he was m
■tar. front Ohio." said he. "raahiw on
migration, such law to be tiased ap«
acrompany Blan-x. and Conaul General
here frtun iv.lumbus, that >m» bed of
n educatlotyduahfleatloa."
too OB a mlMlon u. Gomes he read It
potHlral «orrui4U«) -tv which be has
pluud. and fur s.Wne lime It formed «
bled hlmwlf tiaeh. and lella m that
topir of ridicule and merriment In (he
Tammany hall is «onui>L Think ot U!
Washington. Jan. k — Among tha
meeting. Palms hlaiaelf Samrlrd that
denounc-od as lOTrupi hy a man wTm name* a-nt to the senate by the prsslIt was too absurd for .^unsldeimilon.
aomca fiom the stale that peuated by denl yvsierdar were Ibe followtog;
the robbery ..f llTk"
Rob-n G. Pearre. eurreyur of cnatoma
Madrid. .Jan t.—dense Kmillu Casteport of Kvrk Island. Ills: r^rlea
tar. to a mucb-dls.uased article on
H'right. rollectae o
President HrKlnley> msMsge to ronthe First dialftct of Hlrblgi ; Jams*
Tbrnmany hall was the meet cuirui
greea aays that "the alloaloor to tbe
aecaalsa'lno <m the (arc of tor earth
Ouhan belligerents display unexampled
d Jvlinei.n came from the state made dise for tbe district of Detroit. Uti-bi
(amdusI by *%lorka of Bre~ methods WtlUam H. H. Grahem. of Indiana: to cynicism ~ Hr declares that "American
InlervvntlonwouM be a crimeanalai
aald. H be e-unaul at Winnipeg. Men.
to that of tbe de|«ta who deep.
Burtun of Ohio f-Jlowed la deCrimr of
the merit m-^em and In tbe course of
hie yemaHe, |iald hisb (ribstr to Aeeretary Sherman and tbe late Hrerident
Hayes. wtaDSe records had boen aasslMd

If You Have Logs to Sell


..Children’s Tapshanters..|
26 and 60 Cent Goods.


at 19c.




laa KOSHim UOOSD, ieiflUT, lAmvAt-r i, iiM

Cerr*»pond«nt ^•tch«« 8«nater
Burrows Hard at Work.

ibcr ot ihw <x>mmllt*«. wr* th«t
“Iba old BoMkni *buuU not br d*r«lvrd
tau> r«l»* bnpw bf the inmidiirtto* of
blUi »i5 thi>lr favor . Tb«» has/ bwti
upward of LOW ^va(r fM-Dalon buia

jkm4 thm Vatr. af MMilKMi**
W Wni OMMHid Ammttmrn n>«acl
■ itf CMairr—Ha« lh« T
• wofUM rwuiMIUm.* .1 a^vratarr Altar—MaHlUaa «•
Umar •! /klAtcMi'* Xa^ ■IllUa.
// 'n-aabtoKtoo. Jaa. L~WhU( be »aa^
^ WemWr of che bouae of repreaentativea
a««aiur Burroaa waa ttanepally .rt*
.aard>.d aa the-mr*! for<Yru1 and i>UaaUii oraior tn the body ^f autratpan:
ika waa parrii-ularfv an affartivc apeak*
er til behalf -'i the prtnctpla Of pratec. tloD >0 Aniertiar laduairtoa '

That Manna Idea of Aatembling
Republican Ohio in Colu^
bus on Monday.

ate of private penatun billa duiinc iba
preaem aeaHon of coatnaa. The dta>
poatlloa-ot coBtraaamea. teneraliy. la
hialnai taaaty penatun letMaiton Becnndiuofi of the, trearurr
make* wnireaamen feet that they mtfal
to aloa In all kicida of approprlhllona.;
1 do not aay ibla larttht. I merely menlion Ibe fan "
Should the benale rail upon the aer*
relar>- of
dor UniteiJ Biatea conauJar report, from Cuba It It likely they
would be made public
far aa they
•bow the rondlMoB of snfferiw la Cuba.
Tlieae conaulir reporia have teen earef«ny kept from the public for aewral
reaaona.-bui rfalrf -f theae la that they
ah'-w a fallore dt Syaln'a plan of autooomy In the laland. and the adinlniBira.
tion deea ool care to do anythin! U
ombarraaa or appear to prejudye the
eftorti of Spain
Aaalatant Secretary
Day know from .the conaular reporta
bow extratne I* the need of Iba Cuban!

siiAoeTUire •$ coMSERvaTivt.


New Torh. Jan. L—Urw-Jaimot*a Mya:
The veer opana with a tune of nulat
conAetoceperradtacoeaHy all
of bumiDvaa. wjtb enciiuraclat activity
trade, a rvjumptlun of
of Indi
employee la the. weeivin tbma Induaur,

nwww tbowpaoB ia BMrly M jton
old and dOM not dacm it anoewnry W ,
•‘" for Urn race.
Tin Mnnihy tm a new piny eaHed
**Tba OaiMihnccvr” and baa ebaaaed
bit 1^ to-Vilka .Bam.
Ctain McRte. tbo emoticmal auUra.
li wntiiia a aaitM of abort atcrun bnoad

Ever Buii^ put?

O. P. CAftVEA. Acaab.

to any pcvvioua year at thta.uwe Dia. 1
CaWiwiiin. Han j
tributive trade baa uaturmli} been | Ffawawo.
latbM aWw pendint ai<xk taklnc and ! no Irwin wna mr^j tbocbnd n*
return of aaleemen
Mtljr iu Kanwa Oty by
WhlU Uw volHiov of i
Itv* wire that waa <
larsei iodui.rUl activity
d»e atace.
OnaWef HMor rt>M Xwc.
apeclal fealur
» hM bMisnColumbua. n.. Jan. L-Tbee-atllnt ot A
mua coavetilt -o of Ripvbllraiui In thi.
w of tba taem para
dly next M»ndi(y by the Repubtlran hoUdaya haa brm fenei.Uy eacouraciDi


Stale axeevtlve c<cninfltee to proteai
Natuiall) enimth theie waa a alltht
Oeorai Ueorg* A. Ponrtk. V. S.
ataluM tb* aiirwipl to defeat Hanna tain In fhe.nnull^r «f fallurca reported
.. tbe hero of Five Forks. bkairrinaB
te rUlined by the oppualtiun to be mera- thla week o*«t la.t. the total atsretaitour pot MCiMT plaj* that rasds «'
ty a move on tbe part of l
IBI LlV^acalaet' 97 taal waefc. >nit a
midaie the Rep
hea«y faUlac off from U»7. when the abow for p^votion in tbe esM.
tidal waa OL Hank taUuraa U> U>7
imnaelf with kttradlnt dlittenily lo
l>a Mw'pltp wrlttmi Iff UwwaHibeMB&Jt'or
And to lookiot after
aa. The aalhnt oi the coaventSm ha* followed the teiwral leadeiuy of bOBl* tatd. (be soreliA, for (be l^oaam tbm
mortality In all other line, of •u*. Kow Yiffk. ia oailml ■•Mayllurbe«i teneraliy Indomed. however, b>
hla paraoidu tx.mwpoiidonca. Bui. la
neM The reputation of the badk*
anppnnera of Btnna In all parta ....
the near fuitir* he x1» apeak, la tb*
rommuaity for conaervattsm.' o(«b.-’ai>dii pUcad is tbe m4b «<
Qbmb Ansa.
of the alatr.arcoidlns lo t^etram. that
•aaata. and bta utt.eranoe* »1U com*
Senator Maaon of llllooia la retarded have bean reeei.-ed at 'he Hanna head however, la h-wn out by the raUllvely
Jobs Wild. Hra Assie YessiBBa «M
mand aueation ibrt>tiKh»ui
tountry. na the beat atory-icUer In the north;
baavler famni off in the number of
4era It developa that- the KdrU fallurea and the redmed volttme of lla- Dss OoUtw. aU old xarabm nd £d«raid
In Ihia eHmaie Ih. re are aome warm wine of the Capitol Hi waa retarded'
take ndvanCa«« toOltlee Id banka and tniat companlea^
_ is's cenpssy. have tocsiad a
^ya even duriDg the winter montbA ,aa the wlitieet man in conkrem when people bad decided
compaied .with precvdlw yearw- sanbiiiatian to play u Aetcb os (be
Tbla afiemoon when your corraapon*
a member of the houae.of rep- Of Ihe effort, of oerlaia RepubUvaa.
B ID ordinary commercial ^irrtea.
vaodernie sta«n.
dent entered the vommlUea room of rcaentallve* In the aenaie cloakroom throw .'o'ld' water on the ccremunir*.
he today enleruloed a'coterle of atatee- BItendiBC the Inautuntrion of ikovrinic
Senator Burrowa he waa •
CUcag* and other <iiti« thia mmos
■ tpriBjrtlcid Ilia.. Jan. «-Tbe J.MWph will Me Kat C. Coodwis is “Natbas
find that Aui^man.altUn* hack of bla
the diappromi of (Im-ertfi. Uanhiirli'. Letter deaU In wheal and tbe aUp- Bale," (be sew pUj writt® *oe bisi by
IMTIlere acreer In bta ahirt .leevee,
aoulheru arene
atltinde wovld keep Hir M.ioui Kepuii- meni* of wheat to Chb-a*.. in order
artib booka on hla dea*.
A traveler landed at a wayvide lav. Ueana aarav fr.on lh> cli». and they a.-i liquidate b> Atmnur btvebroutht toite Clyde Fitch, bat 'Sew York will haVh,
to wait sntil mU aesn.
Chair, bvpka oa ib* no>v. and maau- ,m In Texaa early one jiiomlnt. and
about to briiit a bit cro. d ..i,0.oer»...i receipt, into the-^lrano train dopna*
msiv waU treated is
ncTlpt talon- all about bun He looked after altiln* aroutid without dlaeover- Raebneii'. fwend. i.e—
men! of the etalf board of rallr^ and^
up, atniled. and aald; -Kt.*. don't r*- tnt any al«n» cf brwakfaal until an ap*.
piarebouw comailaidoBem. and IhAu A Fiance. They pet 10 per ent of tbe’.
^vra neelpta of tbrir plxyxaad lou
pon me aa belat «" m ehlrlalervee.,
The'raKInx ot Ihe IU4MI i.m\->-<ion
tnteiWQnbof nefcet. forevciy evenbceauae It U ool dlantfled. and ^pnatora
a larye «
who waa behind tbe counter bent near*
ermnoirin paaaed Into the banda tsf when they are ptsyed.
Wiuuld alwB>-a be dlsiUllid. even when ly double over a newapaper In which, •upponaru *1 olimiha. Atetita of th> tbe depnrt
,, <
..........nuvlaai February
« orint y**tei of th.'
tbe> are aawinc wood, aa 1 am <foln( ’’
tracint the Unea of a ihrllllnc
wa. an indeblednem of t*.eM.
' .
aiadylat All iMe PreceaeaU.
mmanre with hi. foreflater aa I
«M>hw.h W-IU B-aA'.he Wall-Rria.
But the fact ahall hr reponed. Juaf pnVed away at an'old rob pipe
HadlBon. Wl.. Jan. >
The rate
'What lime do you have bfeiaklayt
Tbe sew Iriderasi cyprex clsm U sd
the aamr. He ia atudylns aU of the
wKh ronaldcrahle opfw>ail'n, and toil hatchery for the pwpatalloa of wall­
as it U dedimte.
pretedanta. and everytWn* of oomUIu.
eyed pike I. to 1* Iranaferred from Mil­
■Tbe landlord tmaned. but did »
— tlonal law be*rlnf upon the appolnl"■"""■’-''-"I..'
T.«».y narrow leathtf hasd taa|s with
waukee lo oahknah In accordance with
lok up The traveler ralaed bla vole*
mrm of a aenaior by ibe envefbor of a
oca. nmimmea.
Adopted by tbe rate flah S ebais attoobmoDt are popntar.
notch or two and repealed:
The tnautural pande will be
□mJaalun: The raaeon for Ihli ebante
aute in alV «wf* of vacanclea.
Merala and lamp attDdaai«l»ovid
"Wbea do you have bnpakfaatr
e up chiefly *f folUtary. aa nearly
The CDitinilUee no priellefea and-electhat the halchlnt
••Hehr- aald ihe taadlord, with hix
-• I had de- of BHi at Milwaukee has been a failure •d isbrnm. onyx. Maksrood aad Taarbla.
ttooa. of a bleb Senator Harfhaa la a face atm buried la the newapaper.
I^irple. lilac asd iaveodex am ookn
this year. -The reaiwn la that the exateniber, la copalderihS the caae of Ben-Wbea do you have brenkfaatr'
Some week! Afo the Ninth bat- unslun of the water works InUka mseb naad is leatber |oeds tbu rakW
ly W. Corbel! o^ter*. who U here
A'Moart even- day."
ration < if ehbued troopa tendered lU
Tht4 balli is oryaial and U colon
t to the
-tatbt. one of the unlucky day»r
with a ceiiifleale of
aa -acort to Oovemor B-jahaell
®t Is asBaaaUy atOnctit* pstr“Hehr

____ f py (be tovemor of Oreton u
in thaparade and th* tovemor prompt"Ar« ywn rdnf W have breaklaat tt
la««a*rtly KSl.4 to a towee. •
Cll the varnnvy twoeed by tbe expiraly atevpled the tender in reeofnltion of
Chicato. JAOmab was UTkm of the tanu of Senator MKcbell oi
PorliiniT or drawing ram daomtbe loyalty ahowp V the colored people
that aiaie laat March. Tbe queation be­
of the aute in the election ln-.the face
loo are .attneOTn Italian plaqaas la
-How aaun do you auppoae ll wUI hn of tbe flthi made atalnal him on ac­ yaaterday momlnp V the expWaSoti «tf
fore tbel ooinmlticr. and which will
| count of the rrbana lynchlnt
dynamite In a sewer in Oniral Dark gtaaedebiaa.
eomr before the eenale. la wlfelher tbe ready?”
A daeidwl aoveliy it afforded la tbo
••i doB i aupp<.w nothin- about H-” '
boulevard. John Rltey la dead, and
•ovt-mor haa |iu»er to app<>lrit a aenatBiMed Teeep. Abaadoo Ihe Ooveewac.
trayrwitb m^botry bordscs
lox when the l«tia>atutv baa had aa op*
Tamerday Major Charied Flllmdre. Michael OWwm ate Ihe wounded.
a baadlaa.'-Jew^orx' Oiroalar.
ponunliy lo elect a «-oalor and haa • "Tax 1 don't know " .
owKnandint .he Nlnth'baiuUon. aeni neithar Mrimi.iy. Riley mruck a dyna­
failed 10 prrforfTi Ita conatltutlonal
.0 the tovemor . letter decUBlnc
duty VpA» that BUblei't SvnatuT Buract aa peraonal eapori la tbe l-lter mite Vryldsv while drivlat We P»ek J.W.Pawkla
“Haa the fire haen aianed yeC"
mu s^le of hard clay.____
ro«e will apeak
Major Fillmore aaya: -Some w
••I don't know nothin- about It "
Jadte William-1, fanwoier and wlf«
«Mara<Wper HU. to HMSsaa.
1 voluntarily lendrred you the aer\1ce«
“Whai B the rekiOB you doa'tT'
of tieiioti paaaed ihroutb Waahlntion
of my command aa an eacort oa tbe Aar
Detroit, Jan (---Th* BalUe cowwr
rei-enily; retur^lox from their aoulhrrn|
Attoracya at Law.
of your laanturarluB. but alace then mine near. fUTUroM. rerenlly sold to
”0* I don't care, a cua. "
trip. Judte Cirrpenter told the follow
-See here, old rqan. ain't you Ibe exltendea have aiiaee over whb-h I Canmroa Currie, of Detrill. aad lb* 8L SbMio HentacaeSloek.TmverwOtr.MMIbt IntetfallBi atory:
have BO conirfiL Word reaebae me Mary'* Canal and Minatnl Laad cetn-While Be were In HIchnwmd, Va.. I landiordr'
-I reckon mebbe I am."
_ I my command in particular aptwwrw !u ;
made Inquiry comernint the tomb of
vela aho*..aa averat* width of fortyfhlJf JuBik-e John Marahall. the treat- I "Well. then. I d Ilk.- lo have you leS the innucnrHl parada It will be received : eUht feet, and the feet rock haa nai
le wbo-B ruBBtnt thta tavern " .
eat Amerlcat. jorlai of the earty daya of
n u. BBOSTK. Auwvey aad Car
The <4d man mlard hu head, rate with >eer«, himea ahd laathter I hare been re«ch*d^^_____ _
our (eiuairy. I found In Ktshmoad
labored too hard (o brint my command
treat dimculty in locailnr ihe trave.
ap to the hith BUtf of efDcIcBcy and
Nllen Mich.. Jan. LvHra. Katie Am­
After rrakint Inqulrli-e of many people crovp. and .aid:
-Well. Bomeiime* the nltpen. run. IL. dlwlpUne where ll la now- lo b* mon. of VandalU township. Cans coaaI aa.vrlalned that Ihe lafV chief Juatlre
hnmillaied In auch a aunner. ,l recrei
U burled IB an <*«-uie cemetery which aomrtimre Ibe old «,oman *lve» It a very much that such la the aute o: ty and two minor belra. over whom she
'.hint----la under the cuetody of tbe auperinten*
affalra. but .hould the aervioea of my hM been appolnled tuardlah. have tali'
dent of the'iMwr. There eeema to be,
command be required to defend the rn betr to a U.HO.OOV esiatq by the
nod to have beer, rwv dlet«JUllon op the Btin aomellme&l t<' e H a hlat biyaelt honor of the auu or protect the llvaa death of her a*ed uncle. Bllai A. TtB'
pan of the people of Vlrtlnla |o pa> and every once and awhile aome lav of her clUsena. you wIU not Sad us boa. a Jadmoa. Mlaa. ptantee.
proper tribute to the memory of tUeIr tem-Jaued.-kn.wk-knevd aoti of a tlt-T faUerliit*'
like-you luniee alorn and wanta to try
Bton dinmtui.bcii jurin."
Ua hand at mak'lna It apin but about
TWO t'OM* orr fos SAintA.
Tweiwla Cwaaty BepaWttaa*.
QulU a aevere ^rtVnake aback
• The livpuMl.wna of ‘Taacola county tbe time he ceta to .hootin' hi. motwh
Matose. N. T.. at 1:9 I
nre worhlnt i-.Hll.-a in a very fln* way. too free he lakea a notion to to out V 'Maaeotha rteaa Are 111 Hlat O
A auperiniendebi ♦•! recently elected •te bnrwe trouth and aoak bla bead,
A-rlrli depooK of pUtlanm baa bees
tar a Urthodl.i church Sunday acbool. and -fiir that he a Bliux meek enoufjh
ColomboA P-. Jan. l-^TTie
and the fart, coacevnlrt tbe elecllon to mind hte own tiualnem for a apHl Bepreaeautlve Manucl'a decUratloB ,
a-ere jiul.liah.4 la kK-al oewppapera All WMri^ Ihe name of Tom Scott do y«ru made before a ma.. meelint of bla I ^

of Cbwe naw.paperv ha»e le*en >enl le want, anyhow * Tari'l you keen your conalltu'ni. at Dayfwn laiM nitht lhat ,,,, ,„n „ i^.ned lo h
SeimloT MiMlllBO and Senator Hur. roBi on till I rtrlke the end of thI. yer* be wiwild vole fur Senator Hanna wa. ^ I'vaidr cwinty. Tea.
«ww> In oi.b'i I" *b'’W the hl(h n|r„..e I a-ant to And out what tbe meived with treat aatUfactloa at tbe
\ p, Lflui, jury tave-a.da.tard who
•amtlnc of ihe teni'-mah y”
Beep . l.e-t.-d «up.*rlBlrnd.-Bt: and oo <Ji1 pirate I'vr tM, wvirym' about for Haniia haadquanei*. It b claimed that murder-d hU. aweeiheart twenty dvs
Ute tltenxfb of that bitb alainUm It U <h- Uat fw" r omth*. BOW that tb-yT* Maouel'a’declaralloo at thi. tima mean. year. In ihcpenltentUrTexpu <"d thai he will b* authislaed In keichod him at Ip.t. Tout* not'riam more to Haana'a cause than the vote, Paddlnf m.the extent of 39 names
^hV; uu of ih. |«airraaiara for Tuacila oh the k. era now, ao. what*, the uae tf
II will mnuMu- oil., ■"e
i-"*- ■■' i"™*-____
\ iiir.*n. of Mnhitan; realdCkt all
...uainl.. lwbn,.„. lo br..k crop
----a Join'
1 ie-mlile
of Kanna
atonx th.-: lax.. ,
away from tbe fuai.m News was
h a brrdtrn
the criwier mi-w
bought from lUpreaenlallve r.rtffUh'a
ICC Ul lit.menma {M-UlWha
-Doea that .
”rke biggest atoiw battery® earth,
. tapon. of the rnlted Sufea
qutred the .tranter In ■ humble vhliy. 'in the hand, of hla friend, theta aad to be built at a gvwi of D«».«0. U to be
raimtun Th- iwoBior*
•T ehouldn'l wonder a dnrned bll,"-1»- that they had eorured hi. promlM to in.iBlied by' the Chicago EdUba com­
men are endnitoritit ■ D su^b ^e*e
turned 'he landl .rd a* be planted Itko vote foi Haiiiu. Thla new a waa not. pany In Chleago.
unuaOal demand.
- | '
There 1. a general exodus of ighe
There 'l. an old wddler In Vlchtcnn hla paper;
from Griffith hlmwlf.
SI* mfe*. A«r.
who haa been wrillns.l-ilera to Scnaior
porulatlon .t J;-nl*y. Daring fortyA special from 9enla aaya that at a elglil bourn th.-^ague relttroa are H6
Th. Unt ci-n.u. of the I'nlted Slaiw
McMillan for the pa.i elthl year.
tipe ble mass meeting there Kepreaeatatlve deaths and 1« n--a.
threa"UIlnt .•■•natantly to rx-mmll .ui
The S-year-oW son of Martin Oarlaoo.
d<l«. ■ In the nrat idace be thieaterred
ta kill hlroaelf If he could n..i rei-vlv, a which be embodied aa interview ■wph aa. A aignifleani fait was the holding
ving r.i-ar Chelek.WU . ®ot and kUled
he.n.U.n. Afier
Aficr Ihe
the wnajoi
acnajoi scrun-d L'man on Fort urevl. who answered pll last night In vartoo. parta of thejalaie
Is S-i'-ar-old alater. The children"na prampt.y until the age of hi* of mass meeting, of Republics^ at
"The iK'it.Inn for him. the «ld
^ft aloue and bad got poaacsatoa Of a
tan to apply lor an Increase, and ua- wir> wa. aahe«V
manding tbWl Kum resign from U»e rilie.
"Oan t tell.' T-spo«ded the husband
, . til thii day he conUhue. lo ihreatea to
Lady benry Bomeraei haa again ten­
national ^.rnmluee.
•f.iit iVll*' ■-'rn...'d the queaiioner.
' end hi. Hie un1e«w he can mwure more
which he Is the meral>er from Ohio. dered her resignation of the prcsideacy
R-' v' Dm i you know*",'
money on the peBrt'.n roll. Nobody beThere was a rumor tost night that For- of the Brlttoh W- men's Temperance as• 11' roUT'e 1 d- "
Meve. that he will rarry ciui hla ihreai
aksr waa on his way to Columbua. bat sncfatlun. <m account ot prulonged Ui
OvMt9 Altec-. ItUm.
was not Al-oard any of tbe IncomiBg health.
The lllrjw* of Sc-reUry of tJUr Alter.
.'in. up to mldalghl. Them waa »
' whVh h«» iMvn ao iwvUrarled, betan
.»mwr. unverified, that tile aenator
'with a allthi ooid. Coqirary 10 the di­
had had a conversatlOB over the long dlilonal aimropriatlon of BA9 for tbe
n they do with me If 1 do
re. il<>n* -.f hi. phyalelan. Ceireral Alter
distance telephone with Knrtx duri— completioB of th* public IwlldlBg ,*t —
wem to th. war deywrtivnt a«T'eral
etna. Wls.
the day. In' which the aenator
rpui V04* ll Jail f-ir ooBiempt." .
time, to ir.ri.act oinclal bualnea. when
Capuin Jeha McCuOagh. who
quoted aa having tuggrtted -to Kum
-A" i'r>:l
me *n Jail"
be waa K-anel> able to ♦land Aa a
that It was abodt tin* for him to reUre
tbe'aatdnooaaequenie of thi. seal and Impra*
Uo* force for twenty-eight yeara.
from tbe flght. Mr. Kam ia
Senre, be uk. llnally compelled lo suc­
been mad* chief of the Oreatev New
have respondad that It----auff-i
cumb and to to bed. where for lhr*«
Tork poll**.
bt>. that be bad r>Be
eroMu be lemaliM-d. anaWe to recuper* will you—
Heary CdOler Mia. a Chkage Kt»d«>i
-Well. ye.r*be *»ld----------------- - - daal^ tbe story ta a'triend.
ale'vr U aaln aufflrtent atrentth 10
Anderson. Ind. Jan. L-Wlnfiald T. at Harvard, and Mlaa Maude _*volyb
flfvet 1*een In Jxli' and on one oecatdon
all up la bla room
DurWn, Indiana lepraaeBtatlve ® tbe Shaw doped from Cambridge and wart
J did tell my wif. '. age "
man long before
married at Buffalo. The girt JUied a
aational RepubUraa commute*.
.Congreaaman Fletcher Of MIt
that fact.
10 t^dumbuw^.'to.Joib H>e force* young m*®aoic.
Tb* Michigan nai-al mllitu having tried to lie funny -recently atbni
Bfforis that bale Iwea amde duflag
hoi^ some- of Senator Ha^ DurV" to of the
Incurred aa etpenae approxlmallni p^». of y.ior «.rren>ondeat. wo^deijlBI
opimoB that tbCRapubllcaa futuee
tb* ton thn* weeks to bring about a
liora In taking the Tanllc from Mon- thint happened, and
and the________
natloa topoair

, comblnauon ot maahaden oU Intereaw
tr..'l lo Delroll. and the navy depart'
luJt at Coluidbua. asd that Hanaa'a
suueaaful. aad a combine
Birnl having declined to ahare in that
ttoftot would be>dlagTac*
-------------------to-------------iba atate baa been orgaalaad
----------- -a capital af
expenv Senator McMIlUn and oth.r* Iheaewspaper man asked him if he Vd d Ohio. DupMo ladleatad fbal he was tawkw*.
who are capable will liberally eomrib' any aewa for tbe St. Paul Globa >1' vanned up to the point nf a hat ftghl
Th# Newark Faraem' Mutual FV*
Fletcher responded; “No. on the ®n%te IP a relief fdnd In that toehalf.
with the anli-Hanna men aa aoon as ta Infuranee company, of Bock county.
nef^aH I. neither fair nor oecerary to
eouM reach them. HCaald: "Majk Wia.. baa only bad «4<S in Iowa* to pay
fool the pcopl*. The report that there paper Ri® fnim finding ool whgl I jam fi.«wA wm win and then what vUI ba- la the past year, aad but oa* bmib*That Is my greatest difficulty
It to br a deep water way conetruried doing
»»t baa bpea levied In three yearn.
Th* congreasmen pretrnt laughed at eome of ForakerT'
from iniuburg toLake Brie 1. a dream.
The total rtaks carried foot op to*
ieww KepublbWto OaMW
It ma) be done two.or Uw« huBdred
repealed: "Te.. whAl I am dolh*. I
year* from now. hut. at pt*s!»tit the fniend
Dm Meinaa la., Jaa.
The Repub- ^nggwuact'a <-ar cannot pan* through
federal gmernmeni haa ao money to
Uma BMenbers of the botwa held their the atrecu ot-CPIranbo owing ta the iS'
oat "
b«f»: n it .even for practical public Im- finding
The correapoBdent ralaed hi. hand to caacus tost night and noodnated cmadi- terfcreaca of overhaad tolegrapb wiraa
for the various oflket. For PKlUoM have be«*> aoal to the gorwapn>veiiiepta.
h<* ear aa tboogh bard of healing, and dates
speaker J. U. Funk, of Hardin eottaty. M by Ibt CeyiMKM. aa twmityfiTe pmyriv.t* Pee.lon SHUw
was bomlaatad wttbwt t^KlMltkia. aad •oaa wish to throw t^emaelvto uadM
During the paai w eak, slaea eeatgraaa
^ea a i— — —--................rertiaveaed. the Michigan men have In- FleUbar
esL and b* doo't sae aay |oka for eJerk J. h. fcowaa. of «« a«~o. UMMolTcag.
ty. Th* aanaa* frill Mucas t^.
tfOduced thlrty-ave private pkaMon la U, even bow.
toll, tad Uuy have bem ralerred W

Suits to Order.

Fpe Mer^ast Tailoriage

IH^ tt FNfHtj BMnI


t Miut L 1






West Michigan.

mi ::E i|Js '!!!!.



;:.;v ••

Ar SSrDSt-'-'.V.'.V.;"



Qraad KaaMs, SUk.

lusm iU HRlUBUl Ll '
T. u» .•;» a.aday. Jam SO. 191.
an«a<eUekaa. .


w.. 'K


. ^..



pe^My twa-fiftbe of ^ preceat an*
of ruBBl&c gbe whole ffo<------------ “
- C
ilI p
pa4in ruealeu*

the hands of c _
**Mera iSa^taa
years ayo th. stsrtr of Illinois <
to tbe rovemment the
alatn .
eaasl between Lake Mlcbli^ aad tba
bad beeajpr «> IjDr a ttiac ihe.adllritor tlUadU river CD condition that It sbeald
tat a areat rallruad. But I said to U«im
------- ----------------------- .
that for that very reaaaa I knew wbera-1 tbe HUnoU river wltb tbe Mlaalsalr^
of I spoke. The woiwt enemy of the Tb* distance fmm HenMfdsi 'ta^lbn.
•torkboldcra ef a ralimad today la tba , Mindaatppi by tbe propoaad >aiial'wBb.
traffle mana«er.
brea uader pooUaa M mllea. while by way "Of tbe mouth -tf
and traOte asreements be puma tbe tbe lUlnois the eame point on ^ Mlsray. Bui ooocuitbroat policy wtalrb bae prorad
rulBOSB to railroad propertiea HU osily yresa, after bavlnr riaborate wrveya
and animates made, let tbe pro>ect K<>
nblect Is to cat busmam.**
1 asked tbe acnator if hs did not be- ^defaulL One polat of dlffereace s
Ueee auce Uka 8L Louis would suffer
from tbe dieuraloa of tralBc to Cblcarx tbe eaaal. aad that dlfferape* t
"1 think BOt*' be daid. "It would artar asalA Three r-mlsa u
stockboldais are affected. New inven- elmply make tbe rmllroade ruanint aast ed. Tbe ebaepeat aad mon nttsfaetorr
polBL '
Uons are coastaaily maktac maonfac- from Bt. Lnula'rodttoe tbeir rates
S Marais d'Oain «
taring cheaper; but we can't wtop to . polal where they could bold tba bumat Albany, asven mllaa
taka tato aooooat tba mss who owns 1 arm. It would be a tittle bard oa tba
abbve Bock Islaad. Aaotber rout* torv^
tba old maebtoery. who may ba' ruined , rallroada. pertaapa. bnf tt sroald
mlnaiad at Watartown. SI mllaa abova
by the asw. Ballroad lalsrmU
nts would ji hurt
osi RL Loala'*
ter .from tbe bultdla* of a prrat ship 1 I aabH tbe cenator why tbe water Albany, and the third at Rqpk Island.
Newton and Bacretxry Endlcett
oanalJbnt tbfn most be la time a re- ' rouu by way of the Mlarisalppl aad the
keep down ratcf on expert favoredHba Rock Island rooU. larcsly
orcaflisatloB of
sf rMlroad
rbllroad properttaa
propertiea Inipulf
oa aceonnt of tbe arapeal there aad tb#
HiatiT. AbaMt every railroad la | pmdi
*3eraoor the. buxlaoaa naturally foi- coaaaouent UBportaaee of tbe eaaal in
tbe United States Is overeapuallaed.
•-ast aad west route and aJ- time of war. Tbr local tataraets tuprs.
.. . •
L" be nM. Tfo constderabla aented by tba thn
part of our exports ever has pone
■ass for yaars. at^d tbrir CallBra t*
II go
ffo by way of.........................
apiwe no doubt bad macb to «e sritb tbn
Itaaa tbe actual
the road, la | ever will
tbe cuJf.
seme casta tbey represent
ml aad accustoniod Muta la to defeat of tbe raaai bUL
peat deal . tbe natural
tbe AUaatle
mere ttaaa that. TbU la «

A National Water Highway From
The Mississippi to the Atlantic.
tblasB are oot dooe la a day. TMy
must be dlocuiaed by tbe people What
must be dene at fliat la to approprtatt
tbe money for a complete eurvey of tbe
prapoaed rooia with an estimate of tbe
cost BO that the people will have noincthlnc concrete to eoaalder."
**Do ydu tblak aueb a canal could be
made proflubler*
"I have BO doubt that tt eoaid. But
Buppoae that It did not prove dlruetly
profltable. If we apead tMO.adP.OW on a
waterway system which wll) cave tbe
people of tbe whole country oao-twlf of
what they are paylac for traaaponatloa. It would be a rood lavestiDeBt U It
liae eurrered a j«ar adia br a vom. never paid directly a eeat."
1 Bucfccted that oae-balf tbe amnint
The tiae of this canal would be the paid for tiaaaportatloB by tba people
cbaapentnx of tranaportatloa Tatea|Oa
the farm and ruace
west to podiu of
■a aad k«port la the east aad on the i
aad ImporU of tbe ca«t to Ue
westera atat^
"Tbere la no doubt ta mr mind.*’ aald
b me a
the aeaator la
few dare aco. ‘that the «ov«mi
baa cot to uadartaka aorne day a
acheme of lateraal Improremeats wbJcb
will alve work to the aaereplojM.
There U nt> coaelderable number of
,t la. of tboae who
/lUt of s
tt durlac tbe Ui^
reard c


U ris- Proposed to Invest Postal Savings
Bank Funds In Interest Bear-^ I
ing Canal Bonds.
Jau. 4,-aeBater Johu U.
as4 prop
lnc> fund* U a pocui buk bill abonld
go tfereuab eonarfa. The nlsreatmebt
Of tbe depaalu I
path of the bill, be aara. To la' Id
vaai the roODCT la our latrreat bearint
bonda la at beat oel>- a temporarr «s*
pedleni. Ur. Ttaomoa vanta the taosey
P«t late a cnat UTataB.of lataraal !«.



_________ tbe number........ ........
tooo.eae. l twUeVe it would have
beea betiv
for tbe _creat maaa of tbe
people If Ibe voverataeat bad found
emplormeat for these mea. Tbe commualtr bad to aapport them ta aotne
way. Every Idle
Itsmteot. which MITU up a
revoluUoaarr feallnr
Tbe scbMBc of tmprovemeBta ' I
Think, will take tbe form of a erstein of
waSerwaya nblcta will cbeapea truaaportatioD and keep tbe rale, of tbe rail­
roads down to a reoaonable Baure. Tbe
canals of New Tork have dooe a
derful work In tbe reculatiod of traaeMmuld aay that ta tbe east tba 1 Henry Ward Benhar adad ta tsQ M .
beat route, for safety, would be tbe oaa | story of tbe way tn ^Icb Ms taa«M*
farthest Ifrom tba Cdaadlaa Uaa. la of matbematlca tauebt him to.dspaa#
tbe west I am disposed fo favor I
*T was sent to tbe blacfebeard aaR
rooU which reacbea the MUatra
vent, uacertaln. full of wblmpertac.
moat directly from Chkapo.”
-That leraon must be laaraad.’ aaM
*-D>> you think tbe system will a
my teacher la a very dulrt tone, bat
extend arast of the Hlaalaaippir
or i
with a terrible Inteaslty. All explanalow tbe coorae of some one of tbe rivers tkms and excusea he trod aadarfost
of loss for a short dlstaaea. Bat outla ^ with utter acornfulneaa ’I want that
thuM roads to make money. The In- our direction tbe rise U too abrupt, ano problem: I don’t want any reasons
"Of couroe 1 don’t mana Hterally one- cv'aBa waa not Ctatlrely Indefenslhlc. tba locks would have to be too dose to- , why you bavsn’c If be would ray.
Betber. As to tba Missouri river. It ts
" ‘I did study’ll two houra*
baU.'* said tbe senator. “Buppoce it
saved 10 per cent of tbe amount- That road oDt oa the pralria Follewlnjt tbe quite Impossible for aarlBatlon. Sobw
” Thst’e jwtbiBB to me. I want tb*
would be 1( per cent on the amount In­ railrcwd ramc a boom in valuaa Real of our people talk at lUpea of makiDC It' leanon.
need not study tt at all. or
vested In the waterways system. Tbara vawte *
up to two and three times available ter barsea. but'Xbat Is a vain you may R|Mr It ten hoars, fust ta
youraetf. I Wraat’Cbe lesaon.’
has not been ver>' much aald about ca­
price. Other valuea adnals la recent yrara because tbe raOl- vanced proportloaately. II was only
"By tbe way. the condition of tbe
road la competition wltb them have natural that tbe owner of tbe rail- Mlsslsalppl alarms me." md tbe sen- aeasoaed me. tn lens than a month I
BOt tbeir races so low
that tbey .
road aboaU Increase tbe eatlmste of ,tor. ’The Jetty system ts provln* a
tbo moat intense aniae of Inta*8uf«Miae that result.: tbe value of bla property on tbe eame. fkiiure. and It U -demoastiated very , lectual Independeni-e and «oura«e tn
fdllowed tbe bulldlny of a rraai ship | scale. In that way. ln tbe many ways > clearly that tbe levees are ralsinc tba [defend my revitaHoni.
. s
from tbe Mlaslaalppl by way of j known to the iworooters of rallruad enof the river. I was In New Or“One day hiacold, calm votes Ml
tbe Bteal lakea to the Atlantic. If tbe teeprtser.stocks-were watered, and-vci- leans on the day of,tbe hl«bcat water upon me InR *'
the midst of a d
carried another pound of i nes must be scalqd down. Rallroada ^orinc the last overilow. Tbey told | Hon. *Ko!’
s a talr.murn
d Its must be pn
that tbe leveee which protect tbe
1 on tbeir value only.
cHy of New (Wteana were three Umee ,
as hlBb as tbey used to' be: but the | aame point asala *NoV utterad ta a
arred mr i
Hvei- was brtmmlBB. and 1 saw ibe of convtcUoo. barred
-The next!’ Aad 1 n^
water triefcUns la over tbe floor of a
house at tbe end of tbe levee, ao that
“He. too. was stepped with •No!' b«t
they bad to 'ret madbare aad protect
went rtcht oa. flalsbed. and as be as4
II from wttbout. T eouIE aot s
doara was rewarded wltb Wary vaD.'
approve aay e
for the f
"’Why.’ whimpered L T ledted Id
Just as be did. and you aald. T«e!*"
talaiy the preeent eystem
“ -Why didn’t yon say. ’Tea." aaT
Mr. Tbonton boa eminent autborliy
for his advocacy of tbe canal syat^ Brick to iiT It u not eaoaBb to know
John C. (NOboun la ll« presided over
waterways ponranrion which dedared
that *nhe iwoject i>f tonnecUnB the
U all tbe wertd
Mlaslaalppl river with the lakes of the
north by a canal, aad tbis with tbe At­
lantic ocean, le a measore worthy of
lbs enliBhteaed consideration of coaA New Adrertisi^ Dedgck'
cress " Oranl approved the canal projecL So did Arthur. President Monroe,
AnewadvertUinrdodBc has Just bees
in one of his mecaaxeo to conBteae. said adopted by a leadiBB tbekirical eompac' '
of tbe Beneral scheme of waterwaya; ny In New Tork wftb CDBridcrab(e a
-When w^-VonsMcr
consists of sendlnc checks ts
D tbe United Btatee. the
I thousands of theater Boev*.
I value of I
» compotatloa mCdent tn pay far two minutes of ths rv ■
ty aad bapplnem depend, we ca
riptentr rime. Tbe ebseks are pwfect.
fall to entertain a hlBb sense of tbe ad­ ly Bood. end tbe b
vantage to be derived frmn tbe faClUty them rrad as follows: "Dear BIr—Aswbicb may be afforded In tbe Inter- sumiBc that your Inoeme le «U.000 a
conroe between them by means of Bood year and that you appreciate tbe fact
rr>ads and csibala Never did a coua6y that *time is money.’ we Inclose our
ter '
0^1 "Do you think tbe rallrnads are pre"As 4o tbe stei^
check for 4 c«nis la paj-ment for twa .
a tbe belief tbst ra3- meats to haprovement of
minutes of your
our ante
Ylme at that
that. rata, ts
equaity-wide and deep, and be wants a
**I>o you think tbla an oppor
■icsvet u posalbler*
lera woaid be better pro- ever were csaeeqneaeee of aacb macal.
n carefully readme a krieC
ship lapal
opened from Lake Erieto tor carrrlnr sat such a ptenr
"Not la tbeir preaea eoDdUloB. Bat
tude tavnlved In them."
it ef a few tt ttt
the AUanllr. either by the wtdenlaB
Tbe "eoaeeqnenoes" at tbe preaeat many arictnal. t
B of
of tbe r
the Erie cabal or Uy tbe openlnB of a
time . Hr. Thuraton eatimatca at tN,* wlnnlBC features to be found 1
take Cbamplnla m tba' bank Uw abould b
y a man vbo «oa.«W to •iM.m.MS a year^-tbat la. three act musical farce, to be prsdnest
for tbe flrsf tJate In New Tork cm 3den.
In (be Eloadike reBloa have elM of a haselBut or a walnut a»d carried on «only
day evci^Bc." Then follow oome aspie supply of.w...................................
been ddaf Jast what has bean de- laryer are called aacceta.
tremely oompi
Tbe told Itself le tbe measure' of tbe the Elondike scree that tbe best "dJff- tbe ploca.
The mlaeee have so other
dey’B or tbe month’s or tbe’seasoB’s Ctase" we in the beds of creeks, and
that the farther down tbey got tbe
bat the paa aad tbe watw (melted proflL Ab ounce of II ts worth
A Bullet Set la Gold.
Ice) of tbe creeks la tbl* new KI Do­ about tbe mintns campa. At tbe ■"fta richer tbe dirt, until bedrock Is rewihed.
All ihisde a threadbare story to minrado. Bat tbe extraordlaary yield of It is a'trifle lean All storca are pro­
rsfflape.ona tt tbe meet poea)
Bold to tbe paa tber* has been star- vided with BoM nealaa. aad the mlnenr' la of the pret
Uinc. In tbe ervek beds they beve pt^- dost is accepted as ao much coin of tbe wbe worked aad a
tt Ma
«d UP chunks of solid cold as larpe as raalm. As much as can be held oo the
This la a bsoMy lUastraticm or placer Whanap
s ouL be takea
Uraest blade of a peakalfe Is worth
frotutftefTJO. But this small quaauty
TrlnlBB: Taka a buataal of eoanw sand one made of copper. Oaiber with pour
la tbe laBBaaca^-JBlRoA, the esrtb ' often only the yield of 10 or 40 pana.
r,died wltb cravB. a bushel of earth faande or a pick or a abovel a quart of
er whieta caused ths lorn of
___ —_____ -Ast is. tf a miner can save in one panthle mlxtura of soU Just described aad from which got€ Is
e cold IB which tbe buUei
wbl^ijleids tt cenu fui of dirt tbr tenth ol a dollar be Is
In Gatlria. in Aastrlan P^tasA there
■ doe from a eraveynrd Is
tton ID any lai*a
from tbe eoua- lairu In tbe poa. Fill tbe pad.nearly ‘■dtcL’* Auyaaitbwbl^ijteldi
toll of water. The earth wfll be noftencold to tbe paa Is kMwn aa "pay i maklnB fair
I a ramarkable underBrohad city,
try tirid. a oorisldefaWe proportioa ef ei into mud. Add more water. Tben e<
dirt;" U ceau lo tba pea Is s«M aad I Some ef tba cold Is ta oneh flue jiar- which bas a pepolatloa of oVW l.OOP shape of a double hearted .Mrpeut. tba
clay, a little eamsnt a fleWile handful till your pan ow a very imie aad Ibe M cenu U rich.
miner warktac la j Uclaa that It llaata like a peppery daet
* aadI children, eooras «
heads supporOae tbc'misriie. tba wbsle
«f shot, varylnctaatee trpm the nmall- soft mud win ro* out aver tbe top' of
nias ff to 10 eesta to tbe paa !
whom have never seca tbe Uebt of d^ raaMue a very ttalque armlet.
• M bird shot to tbe dlamsfw of a amall the Pea. Oontlane the operation, aad
B C-H to O.H a day. as be'aaj cireamstaacea. A censlderaMe'por­ II Is' know 1 as tba City of tbe Balt
pexMo. Imactsie all tbaaa InBradleets lx l« -or U mlaataa the oartta has na ts able to wash about 40 ^uifoU a day. j Uon of aveta fioariOB B«ld runs over tbd Mtnea. and U sUuated several baadred
VbX WeDieOt
Vo be thereucbly mttsd to <he eoasls- off and all that you have left tn the tbe bomber dcpendlns on tbe ebaraeter j lop ef tbe paa aad le loeL It Is estlmsekrtb’B Burtxce. It bas
. ten. y of an ordlsary compact aolL
. pan U tbe abot. -which, belni tacavkw ot ^ dirt, la KIpoftiks tbe lowest: ted that In tbe first placer mlaliic tn its town baa theater and amembly
It te estimated hr a competett tor’Now. to extract the shst—whlch'ra^ then the earth, has aank to the tat- yt^ to tbe pan reported Is 30 centa ] Callforala about oae-fonrik of tbe i * reom. as well -as a beautiful church, Men autboHiy that only *M pel seas out
i. voldvoid—in tbs least
pesribla Urns toen, toBctber wltb aay Bravol foi may This woBid
would five tbe miner
ralaer iwt
not teas tban
. . day
was tbns tesaed aride. To this
Cbl- ....................................
RB brine faah. ef every L0M.3M die fi
»ltb 'It_________
have thrown ta oriBlnaUy. The w*rk MO a day for Ms work. Ssme
Same paafols
paafaU aamea an eacaftt.ta
tbe ref­ loasd from tbe pure crystaTllsed rack 1.3MW
ceuL ]!.■
«"c the
latv'T. 111. placer mlBcr wotdS'tell you of oeparaUnt tbe ebot from the sralrei have yielded nw In pradoaa meUL The use' Art
of' sariy
mUiera. and tbSy salt. U baa well craded streets and 11N toapotttxy. TAN to
. te'^»b away tba saith aad tavr ths after tbe earth baa bean waabed away cold that retnalns la the pAe after tbe make Cram «ldi ts tt s day In the oper­ spackntB sqiiaren. Uebtsd with eiectris- MB to
le very easy."
ation. In msadlks. where much sf tbe
Tbete an aamai
■ wiinsidae ooueh. M.BN to
*’AU yen need ts a pan aad plfaty ef
Sub^tute parades ef ffeld
M aa flas aa tbe Bold is very coarae; tbe miners taCe
typhoid aa4 tn«us and 7AM to rbeawater. Aby son sf a flat vessel from leaden (lohatea. and ta a wild,
«nest sand, some M tt ta cralna tbe Mse wry Uttlc sf tbe prsrious metsi by rca- cle tndtTWual la throe or four succcs- matlsm. Tbe avmevs vary aceordlac
a «Mp plate to a dlshpaa wlS answer talnone .country, with Kb everie^at of a pinhead end seme aa latge aa a PM ef Its noattne away. Plsoer srialiw
CcneratloM has seer ssea the son,
tbe porpoee. The miner'e paa W shapthe then
eeteTBenkly pear r tbe end. of year mue flacer. but U tbe MnMest of all----as any Maa tt hsw paople Mva ta
s4 «M a aafee aaa with a flat bottom. raasm from M to R deanes hMoerrafee Jtia an kaswN tt "dm." LamM tba t^ CUM sot tt the emud. hot oaa ha
HenaepiD t
1 river to -ibe AUaatlc cosaed. It waa abowa that oa r<
nine east fimm Chlcafo in c
Jfr. ThuratoD weuM iwlve Ibe Hea- ' wltb tbe water routea tbe freisbt rate.
aepiD eaaal protect. But be would fo> were only oae-balf the rstea on roads
tartber than the' advocates of that>-ea- runnlne northwest which had no water
They a-anied tbe coreftiment to | competition. Of course the eoormdu
approprUte ldeea.ew or «S.0M.n« for a irafflc oTlbr east bound road* aecouptcaaaJ front HeDaepln oo tb^ lillaoU ed for this la part,
iteer M aomr point weal or aorttawmt
e for much of It.
' t oa tbe Mississippi: tor the wtdeatae of tbe tlUaola river and for tbe eaUr«tu of tbe lUlaols and Mtchleaa ca­
nal. which waa constructed by the carrlera. Therefore 1
•Ipte of Illinois In tbe fleet half of tbe
oantuTT- Mr. Tbiiraton wanu a raaaf* of a essmi between the I
s>pl aad
p enoueb tbe rreat lakea. It ousbi to make a com­
aad wtde caousb <
plete Job of It by affordlas a tdiaanel


I Jlf







<y - J

«t«Toi|e & An.A«r/c|


Modern Methods
Of Placer Mining.



THB MOBimrO B800BU. SinrPAY, JAgUAHY 9. 1898.
Viaor- l-tbouRlit................
Boo JM* old. bot u»r iadr I bciprd coUM
bar'mlat,'aoti waa btMllnr to beat tbs
band »pkM bM. bo I fot bor.
wbat do yoo «blBk( I'm bem I and 1 banlnl and ti«Kad and pltiiiM and



No Cheap, Shoddy Shoes

•»—« M-tf «t lIMMti .Otu« E»i^
TlDO* Ltak n^m.
Jod«» CkWD J. Llndlcr of OiMQTflK
/ ' wteWMchetctf cru>d niMWg of UllaoH
Odd PHknrs M the
wrtoa of «fce
Mod lodicr. WM boro tern? and UtbMit»9 attil a jtranc mb. Ur. Lindler ba*
, bm a promlMt mao to 4ba MM (or a
BOBibaraf ywB. lo IWO ba woa elacMd
acmntr J«l«e <* Bond oooBtr and U) IBM
iMooa ttoacourtdwdoat»t«meoodl*
' date for (be fok

rraoia. ™ uw M»irv» oi vor laj, »or i/r^ ivodohan 1 waa wbali ll haots'nnl. and 1

wnrtbc tMrk you will t



l*-k«,tb*cMtam(«-Tart«Tlbe «>e« *•! ;
I «io'» foaalUy aa I look pabapa.
hoatle aJoo» with a «aB« of Kip a aod IJnt no ted' knkiral lhav bud
'“»*«?i“»‘lliia» o«M to ny
»r bonoM wbat^r

I “WMi; aay. JuMaatraeaa iMaodbare. ;
qiIm Lw'ma Vab^^t^imi^ to I
(dPaal Maatar Hecry I'M.Uiat woklna op there, and whal do;
ty«r freeka
Newark kodjce. The cMm you aoHPoMl did! [HoocM, you d nerer on j wi* gM*aboutbefUkooitao# Ibooa
it U yean and the yoonjnat S3 the ,„«■
|una lb
ID a million
mlllloD Uiure.
Uiuea. bo 1 luay aa ^ ^,etrl«
Maotrlo letia.
father baa bami a Maaoo oeariy H yaaio
wOl tel you aod pul
put you
you out
out of
of your
^ ttinkj
bare aa
w Dany fiU
fiu otwr
ut'er , •• jau„>„d Ow trick all rilcbt and bettor
There U a Meady (rrowtb ort6^ A*lh ■ te-^ny or dae you'll hare
------------Uaeonry In UlniMota There are U: H a* Ida did wbeo 1t ...ut.
luadr bor pvrea.
i than aor our ibougM. Mtaa Vao basanebaptera. trltb a total BteuberaUp of: "Well, yon know they mate walata aiwl
for her maid
«.m m the atato
j talkw luade trucka bay. all I ted to do-: ..Honrat. who* do you tblofcr"->XMr
Tim grand lodite of Atbanaa. auepteflai I
bead at ihai .
'Say, whnt do you tbluk'^ Now. fre;*
iber >ob «buirt< TtKan ttet.


0 tbe wardaoa outckle the otdlnary ritual when InatalllDp tbrnn.
Tbe annual ball of Palretlne oammap i
fay. New York, will be brld Feb. 10
The mttne Ftr.iuaaoo appean
twatd I of
firm time iB alalute B« of Kdwi______
Knglaiid. A. D. ISAO. Tbe lerio
eiKnlftcd '
,”.oiw who worked In '
r. wbo^^re^
t walla of rotlBb


and in bla baoda and
^der bla dIneOoa Odd FoUowddp M «n
rand lodge of Qoebae tatedtba
M appropriate $1160 to lut
' Tbe iortadlction of Kanaaa refumd t
gtre tte P. W.Hb hdgea that did not o'
tte Uw relating to tte p
' ~
laeelpta and new rituaU
. Odd Prilowahip ttectea IH ■
and obey, tatter tten fear or orada.

. TSS.'

lls^and eanioB U1.
Odd Prilowshlp aa a fraternal ordm It
- >r in ortMbiDK tte aptiit
ter!«f^uver ttdlgkMU btite or palldealaaet. to rmugnUad aaa brotter.
glt.BM laat yaar for tteialtofef Patri
arete. Tbrnn an I0.0M mmtbM la tte
John T. Blancr to grand pa&rtMtiierilUnoto and John C. bmltb grand aotbe.
Tbe New Jersal Mate board of taxatioB
teattortded that tte property of a lodge
•oald not be U to need '
Tbe I Uinols Bubckab Marmblyaenferraa
tbe amembly degree U|sni GUU |aM noUe
grand! of Kctekab lodgee at lu recent me-

la Iowa last year. Hmm are Iti,*U In tbe
Open lhi.tDee«ng pngnptiy at
s.orta tte
tend te tbe bylaws.
w delinquent oftexT.
Inga, they should remain t
looks rtry ted to see balf of (hose p
leate before tbe nimtlug ts otcr.


tiouid I
wrr» all out on a et^^nd’?°wa« icrUlnJc ]\
.Itcy rail*
what .Alter
call* Die
I* - hot ritd .if tte ~»t.
» '
tewOMi iiM»t <>f tbr Kiris what were nut
an the strike had bottsre to «o (« ur ‘'"’•I'era and falbers what would do fair liy
them Bm 1 bad uutblng. only that Alp; ,
uerUrd up to Dip lioardlnK
luardlUK h.iuae
htiuee mod'
peW e wrek Id adraneefor me wlibuutI «.*!
my 1
1 eaya to myself. I «y>i
JiaD»e.*myaL •ktome. wbatyuo warn to]



tnK“Tbe tettloBoiunttf tbeb. rtjeea"
Tte Britieb Nary und Annr plcauntid
tbe ftcT.iIuiiiaiarr
war. Whin it doe-, it is pmty «ur«M
be iBarcurato.
The eorar c4 one isMO of tte**Bat.
bM a spirited picture «il
tie nrawm"
BrnKir’* fCrcMUcn wionintt tiMrte.ttle
rf"whTtTPiaiui. wbtTO tMyte.i'tie



tbtew away tbeir flistiuekt and oarried-^
inmnefanicait with ttenr eburt
] twordi. . Tbe pictnn is ratitlid "Tbe "'I'hat'e wbal I say* to mymtf, and 1 EOaaben at tbe fiactle uf Wbita Flaina. |
wasn't stuekal that haUwayirip ona; 17?6.."
farrj-lsmi. Umu^ I've kiwwn plenty of. the baule of While Plains was
good glrU wbai has taken it and jnstj feugbl. Ma matter of fatt. on Oct :fS.
ltm»-dupi..l..ingc raihre
than gv xn try-' jy-^ j,
,o ,i,„ pubUdiot,
loK Uigct aloug a bea ttete wasnY no naa «h«i Waabittgtom aent H.UOO men to oc1 Ungulattcally Id FMemaaonry. 1
,tt>h ■
ogpy a hill aboTu tte ford of
aonto btuiter neada to be toldhm 1
'Wbal do
y forget aoue dutlea which te ow
-As I
M can Deter forgm this,
tte sk:
.tla- .l.'tki.w are* me when I am down | aworda. It U aim said that "eoan after
thenand takli
waguudglrl te mys. j ingioii. atendocing bis Morea. retiiad
WITS to JAlgy,
le's tte U*l -------------' witb -bu army luwi
and Alg
le pike; ate's niy steady,
As a niaiUT of fact tte positioo rre
and wteii 1 gel a nise we're going lu be
married.' sa.vs Alpy.. 'cause te'p d--B<l fenvd towM teU b.v 1.400 Ameri
h aay kind of an idaa
lODOor peopaMtioB; tela all right. under Utoerul Mcpougal and was -car­
that llwUl-work ItaelT'wUl
ried by a British force of 4.000. One
tokr. It will taka work m tnaka tte or- . -^iotbe •uperinteodetit mys.'DcMaste
lid tbiak from reading tte British
der grow with any kind of a plan So.lf want work?'and Algy says I wai
Tsnioo of tte fight t
ttet tbe "blasbrn’'
you like tte oM. plan teat don't sit down
than aii ArenulTA n^wants a high wbin>ed tbe entire .
and wall until the order gels Into^
.wenn ntobt. and
aiMl the ____ _____ otteg Britisb regimenu cn“rocky read for want of work. Or If ,
,ay, be has a daugbler at wn.-k In
canring Chaitrryou ed^ tte new ^D. do Dot coodnde ;
.<„k Bres. and happened t« know
t<4 bill, and it U uufairto them to glra
jiTtte credit to tbe ‘'SlatiMn"
«sueaaas ODdar saay pUa.—Kaotes [ ••'jiun.M. nhai U«. you thliikr
Of wbat took Jilsca after tte poeitkm
"r^tdWl h..-ieoi,tt',Tl Wliy.Uie «u carried -Ae rennoB glrea I7 Tbe
MbU mt* Ua.ii
ri-.H.gU fur Uie. n;
Karr end Army OluMrated ls deUbertwasaouutvl Uvttlb*htli
ately mtolcmling. Tte lac4i are that
lo a memlKT cf hto.funlId
tbe hiU was carried Oanaral MeDougal.retired to WhditagteB'* camp
ant OD him.
withalomut mpriaatonand 100 kill­
ed and woniHkd. Tbe Etoftiah loM rt»
killed and wounded, liowe did not dare
ibers 1^ ’ F»>*» ^
ropped ».«
toattm-k Waabington. bui'i
reiltin, toau>«.'i
ymr as-a rtwult <if tbe "clamlfled'i-agbi: I
aafdtnRDMJlB, and on Nuv. 6 moved
Callfnnila. under tte elaasU . . Ism.
"Well, Iwasgolnstu teiryou. Wbrn hie angmeated'araiy to Dobbe Ferry.
broke all ber farmer ireordswltban
1 iiiialc aiq-ix-alum. I wv-o lu a minute WasbingMi. being omilrooted by
cmuaof 3.ISI meniban. tteMultof
tbnt (te suis-rtni. ndenl bad gitm >iw a riot nufflbree, retired, not toward tion-•ral outlay M aettva work
ehjracier then-, lor ail the young lady
Mlsauurt lost kSU
d.^ who I help was. u>
U> nnK
bsik OM over. ®*****”‘’ tet amm tte Badaon to New
while MlnDcaoU busthd and gained D7U
me IW..UIK1 the sbouWere. wals: ^
Wbeo a naUtm Malta out toerriteito|
Oiegiu., ihreugb unwtoe aglutloo. re- aodbipNatMltbonehemys.'Vou'11'do.'
what du you t.
\ military DEstory and diaturts it in aome |
. r
tuaitw by 818 memUsw tmuib
gracious im allre! tVben she
it makre one doubt tte!
Uakota bod e net gain of MU.
BM-asuriog nil-. I was that simul you
«>iild bare bcsud my bsaft thump Uke an of While Plaint would rsdonnd Jnst as
aii.nuUiire eung. bod 1 woDdenri a hat V rnueb to tbe gbiry of (he ‘‘HlaaberK" as
do that tbry wamnl my | dors ibepf-rrertcd arcvant^pobhsbrd by
sniteltot** Worii SbMdg Bs
box nHwaure.
Prresoma-Tsou mmd Blv
l>0( I aasla It allrtgbt. All I badM tte navy and army.—New York Pima
Tbe Maawbrea hare a rtiiial that any ' g. -L
bt'lp my bom hang dnswos on j _
nember mn bout u(. and the entbuMaMu • ruKtuiuers.
and oooe la awhile, when a I
,r. DC'


E.:A.ii:^=ER BROS.

N J. Tbry a

tnrea yean lor a^acauw a motner

CKSbD 1. unoer.
tetteofllw of deputypand

Bought (or the occasion! But broken lots in
sizes from 2 to 4. C. D. and E. widths, to clean
up this month at $I.OO,Per Pair—Not sq^Hsh.
but Solid Leather and Good Wearers. Former
price §2x0 to $4.50.

-..a. ,

bargaina. notblnit that U of
caMb, earthy. Froemasooiy wae bom
and Utm la tbe it«lo& of tdma. "tta A
gnat Ugbt tame tium abore
| j
A Imgenimcf money baa already'
Yrer'a doni

be lui ■

“MK W Pattrnu lead-in beauty gQd style—la ecoDamr el
IBEA” goods and slmplieliy of consWocUoa. We eel) 'you
any pattern for o^ Tan Oenta. February ieeue on-'Atiii"
re. £tll for ooe.
buKKT* Ubere.

To cioee out befoi
Dmie (souda, SilkvOotingg, Flanneb.
Lin<^ Woolens. Etc. Some bt balf
price snd lew, gome *t a third off, otben
at a fourth off. etc. ' Mufit cloae ool tbe
learihga of onr immense dry goods sell,
log, if price will do it.

A Clearing
of all '
of Dry Goods


Whatever may be tbs pri
of otiiorB fn the matter of OIsOAKS,
' yoa're Dot'tfetting the groatagk raloe for
yoer money uoleas yoa see what we off­
er yoo.
Take $ look at our Ladies’
Black Kersey .Tsekets, valoe *7.50 to *8.
-for $4.06; and tbe extra fine Kary Ker­
sey Jackets, valae$1860, for $7-05.'
Prices here that are rapidly thiooing
ODt ibe assortments. Better come soon.





Oitjy.* Tiff 1 oik.


Accuracy and promptness at the
store o( -

P'ofIL re^reyTAndd (IrewgiancTU. tearing .ti.«
•“»«« ammkmyoef».tbeljos*jDM ' bit fmupr maMerlmd decided tocnliM

"Bui what do you think?
i "ka-v Marae Turn”—and bare tte
TbeKblKbisof tbeMar<abeMt>arelB-| "Tbrre **• one Udy op to tee D*A in ' eW man lowtilvd bis voic^-yon't got
creased itelr mcDbcrsbip nwre qyau tap^^ g fitting on ptoutc when i first wratttere. |« touch er da riiaumatism. oa yoo emn't
I ran ac faH now rr. you ran en-duxin er
Of dcatb claims
loan, N. V., Imaibanaycarago^
"1 reuldn'j g.-t on *0 berourveaat first. 4^ ^^.••_Atlanta ConstiCDtiom
'for tbemaclna.—J
Kaisirta (ron. bianltotja sbow that tniti tteiigb—honrst. on the level, she hactn t
Oread IHctator Ocorgr



Maine to oslug every eflurt to create a rePululb's "Marcahee Bill'' has rettmxd 1
vtvallotbfworkof tte order bi that «a*^
It la evidently one thing to drelare la treii. his Bumuirr vat-atlon and has again
stannl on his inrsUtaet round of Maem- |
tarer of lucre
jDitf lodge and quite am
(Intariri tenu report a more bnpMnI oolkiuL than at any tliue ln tte post (aw
Dull uwellng* are tte reaalt of aalim years, and (prtu pnacut lodlCBtlont OnThoie preltj Solid Xidi.l Qp.dmple.Silver H.t<Urbi win lakt a gund move (Urwanl dDl^
log tbv Duzt ymr
caa attend lodge meeting
knights of PYTHIAS.
Kvery member
meniter to rxper
erperted to do bto
abare in Incnwslng tte n^r
To keep in good atandlng te a lodgoand
Ibns protect t our laiuUy is not a great
Grand-CbamvllurU M Uamalcf Tir
" k for any ilirlfty
glula suggreta aa a remedy furst
Bare j.>o Intrudoced a new tnemher te* lor uenpayuM-ht of dure
(bat where It U
dura (bat.w
Bojour lodge during tbr past yvmr* If tKk praitkal (or the M of K to aee permol, wtn yiMi not try to do ao> You ow# mnally afu-r delli.queou (bat a lodge
mac* to tte untre tbaonte paymot
ai.ould api-olDI a roll.' r gl\lng bluiD
daea and aaws.Tuetrta. Think this ot
Itol of dellnqumU a.-iii .Dually and tot,
him cullerl <t^
The •rb«Dr Chat has bcmi agttatad fdf ^
euprene svegrov b, ss. ncoryrer :
mulilhepssaof rsublltelng a petmaneul
Momum Block,
ttetttan tiraud Kegent Smith, highly et
Pythian teadquarton In Umaha toabuia
BUmentingtbe mcuibeiablp In Utom
dead AODnunUlsahaalaboredformontte
ler the eBaetlre a<«-kc done during tte In tbe sfforU 10 sre-un- some MDtral t>K-n
mveniage of gaio In biU- tloo ai whivb all (be lodges eeuM iue«
>g that of aoy otbir lurtodto
local bodtoe (b tba plan, but f
Tte graod regent of Rhode Idand has
aflered a prise of a gold lu.miiMd garri to
LoiiUiana has BO uolfbrm rank
tbeouunell, tuaklDg.tte larittat gain te
Tte Katblnne tuoDumeet U aa*
tangible form and will auon be an a
iMoera Look not to tte
WhyDUtglvelteqDmtieDof aPytiilaS
to rather bleek. bettor
______wre. but reihre look to boine a little ttengfai at your nen $iand
.tte aalsettom of eOcam wbowtll faithfully kMlgeoiuiwDtlnn'?
turn ov*4
Your teeth are lo
gerfoRu tte earioW dBtte of their ofitoe
about tte aanmabap*. Ton cut
andamkm pnaaom ttewaUnmdf Itedr
Halgtola eg Malta.
Utra them ovpr; but we would
draw yenr attenUon U our uomIt No.mMte*»ZMaN<t.
pleta line of Tooth Braabea—
10. 16. »,
to and 60 e«DU
fotloa ingouiiiUtlOBa: Earburganirer tball
filrnlifa a bondforll.OQO Hr thaU lumr
eaob-all guarantted.
Alao a
D<. eaiwMe in tbe name of tbe new oorafull. IIDO at T**U
PaatM and Soapaf Weareleadfinr hiwmtr m .................... ..................
oumiBtaBtae. Tte ta can be made aa high
m the lodgmmt of tte otfiankaar mar dlo-

A Few of Them]Lett


Got One Before Thev are All Gone.

F. A. EARL, Jeweler,

That Old Leaf

Iba DOW rewnmanttoey at Rymeutb.
..MMMd towiteovMloeeD iMrimr.

S. E. •WA-IT,

Grand and
Mighty Cloak
in Jackets
and Capes


It will not...
Cost you much to keep
warm. We are
closing out our Warm
Shoes at Cut Prices.
The Popolar Shoe Honee of Trayeree City.

S.chool Books
and School Supplies*

' ^

& :S.'oor'w;

make a spedajty of

* Kindergarten Goods *
and then there aresnanv things that are used^ in only oae
or two schools: we carry the papers and materials that are
nsed there. We are here to be a help to the teacher, and
we do everything in our power to accommodate tbent
When you want anything come to u* and we wiU help you.
are thfe achool providers


to. B. aOLIMT,



'\ -•

rit't tbi stemplaoelwaa.everlB."
‘'1 wub tb« VriBC
We are to a
witofa'towm.aadwaihAU b« boU«d i> k
mMkb •tuldaicht tojrs qiMt vtth
m»7 <7« «Bd-M>tow Up*.’.'
M> «tBOqibetb d ln»wefiw aad
mid. Wtlmoc "And
beavm than we may ever ellmb

ffiltoanra. Botyoe
Bot yoe cn nt-teMt b
It to reoembm na by. 1 bav*t anytfaiiig elae with me that will do to a
gift 1 wito yoBWooU taka U that
" 'Skagedr *aid fbe etordy yotmi
fellon Hit tMeexpmidedlntoalnad
grin a» be went np tbe bill, toaring toe.
-u<_,------- .J -------- J enttotog it wlo
aa he wmi ont nf Mgbt.' Tbe two nwn
torir b<inve and rode aUeBtll yoototetidiodowitotoeae. Tbey
toeealoB. It
to tbe dirccthai that had been pokto or beard of tbeaoadmny
la not totr.
Tbe great eattle langca 'cf wamaoi
irbe mecning wval wm ov«. end to* ed ont to tbem.
Then, aa -If even tbe rdcff of tbe ve­ Korth Dakota hod Montana., when tor
Wnlen. ready to motmt Ibrir boraea.
randa made tbe air etifitog. bearoae nearly M yenri. tbe bcamnxa cattle ont,CHAPTfiB ni.
(Wafl baton tba tat Tbe 1*7 «m •
cniy and walkM down tbe long
Some days bad pamed when Ogymm
deUwM ttst. iTiUiwtt. sawallka qn.v
flta tore held complete eway, and trtrma
wxon it Tbe tnf axpann itf tbe Ore- rode np to tbe nitchiim late one even­ pato.brfiwe tbe raij< ^ A. In tbe clear oattlg have roam
lined (he vam pmirlm to
LiFTodand aaftmuri
ing with water ooto box. bloto and night ersytbing n,i..
win, like toe bnffalo a gnaiter cd a ceninto an all intoliiing diarm.
InalaattowarJ^laefwiiSTloei ibw
"Wby doea be go toede-aod what la toy ag« are paaring oat of eiiaMPoa
WM not a unile, bni^aoaialbing
it that rnnkeamecaietogo? It U toe
Tbe deaihkncll of the Urge mitU
like an inMr imdiatioo. a protfctinit anceL nae high in tbe np-' mid WilmtA a« tbe Indian led it nwny. mme objeci Imt we are drawn in differ­
d wait tm tt!a U^t. ..................
oompgniet baa bets aomided by tbe to" Wbifh way did yoa go todayr*
Xbo(«h of (be poonrt, Mnettainit with­
KoJOrncd'o bMtBd to Inot aa tip iB tbe
Lanrvl mood alittlcat one ride of toe
"I’m not guild at potnteof comiRm,” ent vraya 'WbatfuolawenmrtBlibe.'"'
in had kept bw....................................
waa tbe evaaive anawe*.
Dent land to toegnto
**Oi»eah<«^ I
JttRattbat moment toe water oolor Tbe deep, gliimy kavea nttkd aa be
toe mid. "flood fOmik. ole Moont
bnilc "ahancim" to tba
naat ba aotte aoSF'of bamanitj not &r taoMUiciOM grace with which abe
htii hapda and fell nn- I>med' too iieareaiid their ah«p little vicinity of every natoral aprlng
her gnnu to tfusipown will wonld-hare Bool eweet montotoyo’r' Aitdtoe tatd riippfd iMiii hfli
Ing nft
walcbed hia band Bnt the yelkifaedberfaanda. Tbarewaawiid grmn- der too toft llgbffroni aawinging lamp
bceome a loftier etalion.
in tbiminndf cf 1acrea
"Well. in. bforea’a naiM. don't <wiiewau amt n tnidcr fiagranon
Cnyturr etand after her. Sntncthing rtV in her air and peui'iniliiig aweet- on thevrtoida. Wilnjot oanghl algbt j
.plore. Tlwrenererwaanbiadcariapbu
oat fium torir cla«t.^ apnya tbut of grazing laud ahddrivai tbe ii
nM in her voiiv.
of toe idd bnt with iU pict
madi.-him punar. Ue^nked npaodonl. he^ u{ toe tuBMza caulemcn from
And now that , we'tc lerapod ataazupatt'She do'tout ev-ry moroln
firelight fell open it caogbt hie
place Ui place. tSnl
fnl tom ia no plane
( ne Ongon deatn with onr bcnra
ni^hl. •* Kiid tlw yootb who Rood ready " "Yon bare bc«n
ben tone." be aild «e- Uiidag above tbi- tnoe at hia right
attunticio.doh'tiat’onu ttaeriskof tanbling off
toat be bad
"Fine nedel to a picture," be midi to pilot ilie two down-tbe bill |nlh and ' vercly. notwitbfta
tbo Donnaiu ioib a oanjon.*'
ibc.dinct.Ciail. "Nnluily
can’t be j toongtat
and o' about going there
with UD
"OmiM a little fatthernp. 1 bear a
...Ikt. Laorcl ■
t' IliTnaa I bimiedt Indeed, tthe ucmiiry of that
lalkto t'tobgi
Launil flit tbe lUffonuce between Imiewime with
^M'e Tolca, and/a tnonent agp I aundr
I lonelv pU<e and ita iiihtoitanu bad I «7mran d.,v-n tbcreiig,. nnultbsy^thote and the other ridtore wbo raine •anfthry waaatalkiutoa"
le bai been ini ported.'
•aw a light
tim«a>]'^ npoii
ilmut looked npat tbe tree above I hauuUil him tutil thue wm
w.«i tlm«i.i«rt
upon Ibe
(be onnclike
ouoc-hke anmmit
nuumit »•
tm wbtwo
at long ioti rvab to dt at their table.
|daoidjip<iu tbe tangec at a coR not to
n»r pa*>bed on op the atsep tnO, Tben> wa« Homelbing new and etnuige b*r. Tbe teavM were yet Impriaoned to 1 wbwi be fell that be mnR make RireJ ^de nemlid the hut. Be looked ou at exoadffl^a head for toe 8 ycer-«ld
the low lying clooda apd at tbe great
larWaaddenl.ra tbild appeared brfnre,
the look and nuuuiiir of ihcse nii>u. long timed,n4U etaniliug ont Inall di- j toat-ll waa true—that there wm anch a
lowed le roam at will for two
wbite munntain that biJd lu atatily I
tton cnciiclod with a wavering light ; itK-ir wonls
•e niillkv any Uit^' had rertiona from toe bfvwn limba She wild place, add that it hi Id aneb goitle
k.. i~.i....i '. yean, at en avenge animal oat txit to
nty were .ndthiT eoperArtloof a«.
abe mrdcnrtood
the meaning. waned the eplrit iif toe wood—an litbe { dwellmi. K« fand nut owned that he brad high above tbem. and aa be loukud exceed |S. awl tboi aold in 1
-jdcTdood Uiemeaning.
paitimlarly r»vTer.wi ^ug men. but j 1( -wa* like new mndc to caie who loree ■ud yotuig. He almoet felt that if abe wodld aware bimwlf that ri.r waa teal- be aimoR beard a tauder, pairing voiie M Cbica^ for an average prica of 145
tSilmftly:rtvetocall to. toon the green Imvrn [ ly aafr: that tlie climda and tbe grtvit
drew rein in miauentaiT awe. muic., <r like inre biwuty to tbe eye of
"Good evenin. pgrity rionda. Good, to $50- Tbe fade rangea uflered by tJ
roold bnrat Ibeir fwaddllug banda and | white monniato bad keiit watch over
However, they aooa di>«wered (bat the |.an arriet She kept the edio of it in btt
^ilUoiR of acrea gf Bm>orveyed and n
: her by day and toe dfoerf bad trurapped eveeip'. olu Monut Bood, aweet eveudoor of arade bnt which eeeiued ho 1 heart and tboogbt of it iatt into tbe rebeb down toward bur.
I land have beat
IDraymer. eagrrlo beuO. bade harried I any font that wutod'do bur lianu tij~ ^toyo’." •
otM tbelr Iridle path, had been opened •
o nitllkria
of doUara to cold
by a very buman ll^e 1^1. A yootb
ti«' meal wai nearly over when abe adicoa, and. pUo»«l by toe yonto. auit- : night
by tbe tntilr kinga, bnt lha tide of
>r and etogd 'bedde ibi< child, and a uanie and nood beaide Wllmot ouce adon.
i "Tta bav? bool toero^’ be mid again
ligiatioo tu tbe weR Iwa eeal
yaw girt loakfi over in bend, while more, "We ha'ot got e' mneh 'e we'd
fWilmot looked in again at toe rimple ' mtne avVi^-ly
their fete and they are ready to ^
an old woman' came elowly forward ortcr ber fnryo’." die mid in b« deer rotnn whiofa had riielured tbem. took i Cnymir threw blmarlf into ahamFor »0 yeara nearly a vaR region ly­
of toe wtttog cf cork bit of rode ' raock and waited to roll a rigen-tw
'iron a aaat by tbe greni blaaing fira
ing along toe wenera part of NorttaOavoice tlwt eonoded ei ft eome wild bird
EPISODE OF^Tt^ late WAR. kotaand
tooakincnrtatoaof tbe K- with hia delicate'flugira brfmbeantoe eaabn rtripof Montana
bad taki-u (o epwking wnrda
I awerod. "Doii't get cicited. •’
___ ____
i ranch and fonnd
( 100 milea in width and IM
We wiTt two v«y hnngxy
tm* KlCtrt Ran
I 'n>«n be ligbttd too trifle ai»d watch
that It ww mileeaw^. Tb«n tbe old
rniim to length baa tier« entirely given
reply. ‘' Nothing mold be more
I ed tbe amgke corl 'riowly frmn bta
W&w adied d»em to/'pnt op tbeir i delldoiu
• th'^
tb^i thia rich
- milk and tbe
"Don’t leave mt captain! Oh. don’t np to Um- inureau ut toe cattle kio«M .
"'fiaada and atop to the ui^t ” and tbey i mndi and the Mhd and botti-r. ”
leave me!"w««e too worda that oaine to Tboomoda (d bead of oaitle have biMB
"tea. I wrot there ri»«Uy after onr me wito an agociaed abrvek facmi a hlaed- gtaxed year after year. coantJem trainw«e glad to a<x^
; "Thank yo*. kindly, "aoid tbe ytwng
i imprompcn viait. Pmtyonll. yon know. tog and dying Onofedertte aoldiar cn loada of baevea have bc*-n ahipped to
In anotb^ mlnnte tbe yooth - waa j
Hbetnnied away wiihcmt lmk.
: Devoira io tbe yonng hoRem. Don’t
lending the way. with a rickety hm- ing ,t tim thi> time,
ling of tbe great battle of Mai- market and milliuua of dedUn bave
look ao aevora. She docRi't oare for
iem. toa abed to the botma. aiTd abent-) <n» child bevan a petslant.whimper,
vera Hill. July I.-1X08. He, a
Sbe alwaya aaki kbont ‘tb’ tall im’ to a yoaih of If yeara, Uy in a beap.-gaep- _____ WirUnx, tbe Monta
ly after tbo imvdera were within tbe . she took it to her anna and toothed it
—— aid to be tbe UrgcR aiaglb owner
toy way--no( to tbe leaR aa abe wmld (ngfiart^e bnnth wbii
hot before a gteaj^rtding fire tff fir r
Then abe carried it to a door
of atUa in toe United Statia. bw nnmaak yen abont me. Sbe live# ao among tog him. .along with tbe mya of 1
at the md of tbe room. Wllmot ataited eattU at
ml^ty moBBtaina that a man who light, on
memotoble day.
to open tbe door fir her. bau noting tbe
that md and
Bfi.000 bead Tbe Bwry-Btaoe Oarite
— - whom that fdteona cry waa meant,
look on bta nampaniou'a fhee, leaned
btr notice It would be emel for yon to,„ .
oftew of toe brigade to ooapaaybaa owned and graand each
Tbey were bn&giy.
back - again in taia chair. The neit
nylng toe fad Tbey wwe tarry to | sent be tnenuliy kicked bimaelf to a
goj^.bnt it
which toeioniaiana ngiment. tbe ad- year oot fewer toad SO.OOO bead, and
there are nnnxvcna omn|RBtaa rimt teva
Wllmot lilt bU flngtn tingle to Uy igi*, b„y»» w«iu>ent. waanttached.
make troable. bat tbey would by grate-1 eowaid.

. ............................................................................
fnl for a bit of food.
While ibe wat gme tbe grat
Well mounted.
1 waa gailopfbg back oemyad u keep an toe rangea ao ananal
iooev that bluodv field to tepwt tbe total of from 10.000 to gS.OM band.
• " Tbin'k no ttoable,”aaidtoe grandthingi and
r to alow
lal<i«.^tinBooM>ted monoiognemonologne. ' Tbe
doty 1 bad pcrioraacd when aaddeoly TlwvaRoem if toe baatoea of toow
iuw weetem
w^mmu apeeefa, with leMiw.^tinBOoeutea
Craytner nodded. "1 eanm here to erreated in my oonrae by tbe volee of attle oonipanMB may beeRimated fn#i
it of every word. Then ebe t nandtatlrar had gone to toe eetUcBxnt
‘ !tto toe ooontry and toe people. And deqnir and woe. eoulBg tram my tbe fata that tbe annoal ahiimienti far
dtpw a th wood table from agal^^jto do acene trading
and woald not ha
ding ai
■ woito 'kniug taxriwy to get eoah a •tr^rn caoRade. Tbe day waa taR
wall and bogao to maka ready to
to anothtf day. Ibe yooth and
- hmotoer three
away into dartneak, a darfatcM
| 4be dild 1^ km Ottii
’ tu enriiroad tola valley «f poniea. Tbeannaal proflta of tod larger
. X4Arelt>tto||o btotk over.the fire.
back, bht toeir fatbrnhadgona
do tbem jnRkp_iBooeBortoaev(*al|^^
and when the wwto boiled toe took a below—tb>- tumal manner in which Orelerriflo canoatading tm both oominnii-a. after deriacting ;baorigin^
' -*•«.ririta."
: aidea that bad Uated for hoort tram toe COM of toe cuttle and toe
grvnt Rick in MM Irand and mirrea it gotoana inter ta San Fi
anoe op* Urn rangea. an Irani
------ Will
- I anrroonding hlUa (Malvern hill being
alowly while rifting tbrongh the flngera I WM doing talr. Re wrote to them one*
t( $150,000—411 toat fatan tha
liitU be had aeen of Crayn^ ri^ ‘I** I toe cwiiral point of altato by toe Con
of theother aametfatog that toonein :« year and nwt a bos of tbinga.
iMgca ut toe I
ibe fitoli^t like dari^ gold. Tbe mix- j Lantel didn't belimg to them. Htv
1 and Reamed and amt j tottor died troaring tbe pUf
Tbel w.-»ixmuiMrrw€kna tke rtolif ITOII1‘'®*bad never cared f<w the coBi- I
artiUi^y and IjarRing of witbont tdmtoo or. any lecwa wbattetb a moR mvory od«. The gfri art I mother waa moR dtad. ao ttie train
b onderataM toe ritnaticri that baa
glad than otberwiae when day after :
tbe kettle berida tbe fire and bong an-j
«itb tbe baby and thd wagun and
e day bad pamed witboo^ bU
ravoli at thla aeene exiatad ap to Oie preaMU ttote it maM
Otorr to ito plaea After a few mam«nU (gber U-liagiBga, at tbe bnt.
brown bowl by tbe window,
d Btrt now a fioy rage aroae witbin him.
blood and ewnage. Tbnnder and be ivmfvnbmri that toU broad toghn
riie bnto eome egge into toU Uttev.
"Bat Lanrel
Lam V- growed inter a ccariibo^ bardy vine ibai eUmbavd
urttningaudanavaUnobcolTatotKDe which bas been given np to toe tota«au
Two or toree ewift errandi back and tan f me. ” added toe gnndmatber.
^ low doorway, looked aboat,, I Craymer mw it. and being to a aataufc U^mingaud
If humor j«R-tom went into toe rautoui- in quick aocomriou with
. mto
. great of toe cattle growera baa not been toforth tor tb« Utoe young llgore. and "an th’ yonng una oka
taka t’ bewmightT.
b*wmigb»T- jhiM
|blm attb
tbe fold waa upon toe taUe and tbe We cneldu’t gk 'Uoff nubow ?tboat,|nto
force- aa to canae tbe atooteR bmrt to termeted ^ly a fence. diRnrbed with a
!tkoat||oto mMy hnea. too. with ,ev««t ' «
qoaka ThU great battle waa toe aev- plow or graced with a field cf grain np
chain wer« to pUoa
I toward tbe^ fol uf aketebm
"Tbeae may toimR yoa." he mU. Rith day'a fight to captoro the city u( to 4 few short yrmra ago—nothing^ f<w
Then toe tonuri and with rity cor­
"It doon't mju rtlef.iryoa.’*Mid|j^
miles bet short nuiritioni grow, which
diality mid; ."Won't yo’am by? It be WUfflot. "to live buneo far from
any {, He bad n
never mid mivdi about divine with a mrduuio omilc. Then, wbitdlng Hiohmond. -U waasutan ordinary bat­ cored Ml tbe prairie, asrlovrrtoaotack.
' .= =in awiHvnoa
-----u.----- ..
tle. hat .a demoux' fight and the final
wuB mm*
I befniv. bat tom - "HoghtTea.
encoBiftCT faetwwn tboae two gtanta of and mrt ed equally well tor food in dead
Inatncd a toiug »wt dllBeull to apeak of j
of winter as in toe b«nt of Riunier.
way. wito fanlUma drawing andrimn war Robert E. Lee and Urorge
'Waa a ohann to ber gentle votou which, "ft be perfa^ trib-. We don't •* no [to eanoection with b«.
Fevto opw ihiavaR ana'every spri^
ClelUn. It geye the Unreb rf victory
ir iHounv t gi-ihrr. -N tour bomt I
to tbe eoatbarn chieftain, tariewed wito have been ponrvd Rtenuis M ganni, ill
mdrv /niaUe wtih InJlna bere'bonta s^id a
id-lsao ribbed
with dignity in toe ’Arne and toe tean o( broken bearu.
me omna 'Img.
.. bat w» yon,"
■nnai aa abe did

. .
___ _ Lij -u.
___tbi-ni cattle Left to Kwm at will.
CraynMT.yowtbatUiBdangCTaf be­ don't
Wiitaoat stopping to oonrider what I Riotbi-ni
uiml '•111. Tb' giaa’tbrr bid to' j Mked very gmitly. "Yon know wbo i J****-. Ami that U tim grandmotoer.
Hero ia toe cbiM. and Sere are a
ing Iwt waa pamed. Inclined to look bnt 'way op b>-nr ont
alone ‘could do lur toe dying yonth they bare tortveo and vrazed faV dniil
right when bim
in two yeara tbey have braane eirok
—tapon Uie h^-du aa a faita oiacced Ipt
woa .young frJka. 'N mitiody
"Y«s’ rim
ml^ o^mly.
' their«nt.rtauiiDrtit. He looked qnixxl- murti d.w’t knoa-l we be here. The I yn Ww a^ Mm. He be to'tnd
tamed and fat and comely to toe eye. Onring
P*®**^"^'T^' of
- tbe night that
previailed; 1t.-------«
And here U tbe UtUa iho
oOly at WiluiM. w baarom and thanked fm U to' bi-^e good s-pot o’ groan, ,
nd dismutinted P keep a lonely all that periud tbey have been m faoe
rigU w ith tbe died Mv _burse, which. and nntranmiuled m were ever toe bofjwont thar in ih' dt-nirt. He Iptted'.,
Tbe shoek that eama to Wllmot at faegmlf.
fmiiY Uot at tbe clom of tbe matoflng
., t\iwir
atrauge to my. bad aeeiuud frenzied
She laid Ikt faand'un the better obair. oat t'....................................
boild a big bonsi- down
(bar. hnl
bat'.* ,t,is nnimpatriooiri nUermnoewas aonie"Tbiaha
- ■
ia for yo’,"
toe mid
midKfcly,R<tly, 'piari tike we dnnno • how t* tear oor-1 u,i„. tnst be tried afters-ard to define
fear, became quiet and tractable at period they have beta roonded np.
and WUmot acuepied it eimidy. f.,
tbongh be knew tben- was mfety with drireo to railnad Rock thipplng ptma '
eel's‘vmy from to'old plrnn. I a’poto j
bimsclf. It w as like a whirl that seta
and loaded npoo toe crinjor a trip to
Cmymeg’B natnre wax u<rt large aamefolka nd toiok it he laoManeUba <
gjix}-uxfdaiub. U<-gave a March- It aroma that riic'a trooUtog U« |mvty bU niaRer I oalled the boy. wbo
«oagb to vndurRand tbe at^itade of Uvin so by oanad'a Bnt thar'^th’; i,,g luok into toe iiinoc»»: faro tnrncd bead wito new and atrange tbooghta awovneri awny Iran loss of blood, and market Their pUoea are taken by faeoh
toesontb. Andao.
his oominnlnn. Ttata e
UaRa. Tbey bi-a biapo'oomp'n^' -Jwirii'a parvfnl cxprwsdnu *«iward the Sbe rokrd nn- wbo God is; it be patoU gras gUd tu know bo wm not dead.
year after ymr. ti
•neb bam purerty that be t*
Tbi'two men Jisikiv! at tacli oftar. ''(M'uouptam. Tbi-wutilswcroUaspbi-profits tost wen
bold. I uuv toe msh fnxn arooud my repented, tmtil toe
'Wnmnt'atuauner nothing n
* ; The w iud mnaned ont a cry of tcT«M
Usy. Pm
pot ii pUsphcjny
bUsphnuy muR tm
be h
hi the yoo.. Hard <m me. now. wan'f tt:'"
freon - the bnriAnd
waiR to baudkgv bU torn amf Utwding
and ibuI iilfasant
Iilcasant i-rackltog
■-ratkltag uf Uw
fir' p„„ prfore
befuge it can past the
tbe li|a tlxa
nemfasre tttnpted thoontniri <uf 'musU
I gravity, with neiUitr
, wood in too huge Un-place turned to a wbati-ver'shv. might my would he
••Pretended not tb have heard ^
The berr WM praying abd callsddown
anile nor op-n meer opou liia Ups.
• The yoong girl eama ■ marly Hkewursbip c^bowaa not Iwim____not even gave her a plcltiro to look at ifneto. Gods blMsuig on me. His patitinn to and Migugv U < e boef baciuum ou a
The girl looked «p in snrprlm. Tben
i-biU llie grandmiither . ^ jje knew ___
tost _
ebe cunld
rim luadi- a little motion triward thu waa speaking and puuwd' joR wbrot;
ivon aeenitd to be beard n»o Rorm omsUcr scale.
'toat’a'xioni I'd* Prodhon. "Kvil U I
_ .. ___ __ vriw^s
Tbe presence of them amallcr opesn; Other crikir- "That thar U yanm.’’abe tooflfikerhighghl t^od taTallKht;yod.’’iniwf*eplsrodlirfareber. Ha!
of wind and rain, altbon^ Rill high.
amalUd bv the ciKiniiM-ioaa ignu- 1 Thun Craynw laid ont auveral WM abating Kangfat bat (be mourufal tors is (be luwitabie doom of tbe cattle
, ♦, arid.
Crayi'ier sat down afta* an •labornU
daya." abe mid. with a little , ranoL At tuTmme tins- Ur lMi..«n
WllnK< rom^- wail of (he wind toroagb the sarrannH. kinga Ibuir vast herds are no longer
i„ ,pe natnro aboat bwvriShLt.ri ,
•» »''U-tbe ^ wito
tag tckcR u^qld now be heard. Tt>e allowcri to ruam tbe raagw nndiatnrb- .
- -kdw."wi>i.ii brought an angry fiaati qniver in Ut vidoi—’‘rome daya I’m ’
Tbe small raochwen bave baill
feared wUn toar U«ii no need to fiwii p,,^.
audsto uioath: tbeaofimsssaof rira^t. groat amii's tost
bad• SI •lately cunfnuittoath
aome days, ag'iu, when tliar bq.
--(ioodbe. "■she mid at UR. thinking ihtflr. pittjri above toe
ii each otovr in bailie! aiTiiv
omy bad (uofqgaS- fenore and Kiclused toe water boloa
,The-pratnes baru tuen made to yield tolike to*' fm'r do all ga 1 aU»k «
'tbe muwiog ntaebtuu. and chef
v*rv noise I hoer’n all day. 'n t'nigt^
Wet and driptdng. wito toe chill of fm gra?» bus cutuu to be- ent and
oonldn' ojsn luy muoUt wUs 1 seen
ed as bay. cuiii* rbe rangea in ___ ..
[11 tfakt feand.
plw s sn- ban of fnd for tbe herdf'tff
_ an rorie flgnre. yoong. eUgfat fiayHl U .till .ill yo- giti’
Tb« m «Dd be. too. tof brave aoldier boy.
Ibne oenditione
Hu larth-d ami l«rt hit Iwrai rapidly , ««»mw fawn one to anotba. Then aa waiting for tuoniing. Uh. God. will it tbe largLT
and tair. ataiiding in (he wevirlng light
•re ccspoqpMe fer tou ciocing oot of
ever come?
attd nttering (bis<- nnenath words in ^wn the niuuiii.nn siito .V andden |
toat toufter. thrilling tone. Oayi
ahadow bud Irileo uvur ovoything:
i abirored
m«a and ttrrw
drri- ntwr
n«ir in
ni loe nre.
"In tbe nnmu ufr toe pitying Godr-j
»»«“ »P
nroep things at withont piUnl 1 briiered be bad gone to total Ih. u.<?-d r.-ttl.', the p*>inrtr of
Don't be afraid tonight." mid Wil- beeac-Uitned after lung
of ibvL.,..r
• •
•leap Miirning cane.aodb«iwaeptm
mot. "We don't protend iogroal'broyThe lucre be thu ..
Miec'p—aslr-n) to wake nu mQre.—DtJW- to tot-, M-vuniy ol .tbe a-mtb«'for no
ery. but wo'll do onr U-R tutakeenfe fell that (t was croul to
aonA-BUikriaid taWaabinguki For. other tvXKiDr tb;.u that toe rangea had
of yon and Hm-grondmotoer and t^
brou-dmaderi uf giM by tbe nnmeruaa
•mailer ranebmes. This was aaraeaX
, She did not aiwwer. thoagh abe Rood took off hlihatand broaUd tnck pj, , astd.’•Pca’fsbcrotbem ttn^
bnt neme any r
eandqontag that the moR obatinate moR bevd.
“tbaak V9\ ktadfp.” airid the> with hands luiikad before her until M biary hair. Aw
Wbm Hunxa- Davenport, toe oarieaaider them aoM.
had fiBisfairi.. Sbe
wtarto tbe yonth. a piio.
"Ab. aoT’ mid CrayracT. wito a tnriat, WM in BogUiid aome montha merly nniuU-rod their piwsrorians 1.
Into the eyes of toe othsr. Innrel wsm i wordy Mlow. who bad fallen aalijp wU-t
knowing nod. "1 toui«fat m iqnch. ago, hU ability to Uy cUim to Oregon tbe tboatamis of bead inay.uow number
aUntandpoiindririiBUkfruraagniai on tbe skin ooverad tonnge. and asownd
nativity aarved him to goafk ]
toem «aav
caricr in aonorw
bondreda Tbe amali
idtober • “
bowls bim goiUy. Then abo drew
irn |di-------------------------brown
tbe hbor wh$n $e went oat with Cniy- WpU. yoo ehall bave firm rafaimL"
im! don't
ilcn't go
aaaiB.” WBaaot
then again,'
hd^ npoo
whom the
anobnmn U tod'^
«hat had riny bloa and wUta atripm curtains of lAi™ and di^Uyed a
fflcT for a awif^oanuir ow the ffeat
eoantty place to gM i
torare a
moRveiy for ita
> ’
Barket et tbetorare
aruandthem. Tben rim UfMd with her ewtaming a bad and a tiny wash
"So that yon o»
baet->8v Panl Pioneer Pita
•light hands toe dUh that WM ptod
• Thisbeyo’rpUi-u."sbo aaid to toe
thU bed ait ebangto d
toltoer he meditatad inwardly toat if
,fcigh with toe Ktoaniing. golden maas
rangers. "U bo aU clean ag in t^’
he told the m«e ho waa fatan Hew Ttnk
' and rot It near to Wilmot
__ the living rools within It
.tocre WM great danger of
T dat qoite amb toe drift cf yoar'
•way tdgMher. and 1 am not goii«’’
"Efvo d>»' bi-lpyo’roel'e ’nbellke's
Tbeo she slid » long wooden
mueaaaoabU Utet bo abtralff e
wtka"aidtoe girt wbo wfUfully
"VMyooapend booregating in that a frigid noeptitat. "Then an idea came
af.yo wai f. yoT own home.” rim _jron^ inm loopa to faaten the
StiU.boa '
into ay bead.’'-ridd Davenport, "afid
Mid. witbalinUat^tBbs'Vtdoa.
door, WDond 'the olock and with
at afate ihaltsoaid bring nch ftatuae
"I think 1 do tff ytatta" aid toe
“Yon on tanpercuwnv 1 arimdyon ao when i tatrodoeed myaelf to Ma
fhaymer bunt oven-bU bowl and gnv* iftaioe OR toe ttoaln at rigbla Mesin- toilba fair girl 1M had MV tooking
GUdRoneltridhimniad oi»e from
I man wbo had bea trying to pro>M
WUmot a nag with bUfoot. '''
wbiU tbe grandmoihiT oovoed too ean- fanidlyattbectojadsaad
ecdundsaad toenoantalna
paa "M.fsaaietoingiBtoenatnreoi
^mre an^ it nattrUl for toetohm
toMohm in Ozegto to haw a ttlkwito
Vlbank yon." said the Utter gnaw- btot with ariiea Wboi aU wm dona. and |»dlctiDg no harm for Un.
•taaek him ae aramilfwcly odd ttet a
^_^^"Good Bign f yb<"
giwndnnther wotOd not be paid ■CBMOtotadiNCtloa."
"Ob. to be ana. IsriUna a^ aene of'
dlenily by. be MMed:
"fa^ fesepin aa tori.'
and ho told aa oe
iKfi tolok tont ytM tana watt npen na
Che taro bmb eat batera toa aril oov- yoBto had given tbm the right oall at China Toa'ro a lofty aeoae cf boner Oregon to aae him,
I and otoae in France oake.
Why, rve told toa pmtnit of vay pUaaMtly. Bnt it opaaa ^ toa
Blegbe we'Q not den to eat aU we md emben onttl tha eandU tamed toetootof tbe■ mnontalti WUnotelipMW W <k- —•«
and I got tta with hia aD
tttj peotaltad wila
Mri U esen one toohi atw" Be tow. ThtaithayafOMritoBtlynBdsn- peA.agridptoee>toUe^»^
MiM.ead UarihreyeeHBWd ftew fmqditabad.
"1 don't kBori^whnt^TOB'a do with I

/^?5. u^Sow«x^;;
















iialad." be added,

BknM^Bart !»«>«, u
A> •'«M» Uiur tUl atoe* «M
All U«'> Md
lar «i; «r«W7 IM,


■Bcnebod; jla rob-

od mj Mean.

Get oaU” aald
Mr. Banbaia


half dm tinea within the la4 three
werke 1 hate found mjraelf taewln faoe
with etidcnoB that joy prirata ipapno
bate b«m lampRrd.with.*'


>• ■miaa OOT-Hedeer Ftot

■‘fifwmtinotdiUe.‘'aald Mr. BoraCoH af MtRlm.

Vv. invin. «v •«
<] «B I br daund as Oto tar
9MMT*r|L. aa tfcr Md'a ao- kart at a'BteabrlplaavaaUl UfVk<B puirtllh <«ann>aB tha caphBid'atara,
— or than-».iS
nil lala-br........................
b- a' tUnt aa
Iiak BT mua, ao II a Ualair tax*
«bn naaiM laa a WOT Wl
VhntbafowkaIBbnwataa tbaMriiyiaeai
Aaorm nr bndd-n ciaj aa m; oMirkla dimB.
I oar* aa- nai* iten iW maa i' tW> agao.

Ayal^wib« r*

ham, I Bag wba r«


Ula cu BOTOT t» aniMBtibOT ted
imilr II Ica-kt ar a WOT Ul Maf.
>T«i«irMarUad la Bnatna TlMailJIfc

Q<^ U foimd tn tbe rooki

all acea. audit ban been Crda the raat
. C.mMl— ntB|»UV

diaintepnml tuu^mm

*‘Gcec|(e.''bfiaald, "UllMlnEblllipi i tbi' allaviiil dupoeiu of Ualifcmia abd
that 1 want bet."
) otbiTootintrimi. that mowof-tbe voHd'a
“Hold oo." aald Bontbam. “I don't) gold hae ao far Uc»« oUatood, bat aluce
like tbia It’a Ml wrong. Jnat eaenn ‘ tbeae deporiu hare to a great extent
beeii worked uot tbe attenUon Of min^Sit down.” eeld Mr. Pwklna
ing men
bMu torood to tbe rocki
Tbe etont nan aaafc bark in hU chair.
tbemeeleoa, the ocUinal eoatre of tbe
Then tbe door opened, and Alice roter- gold. .Moat nfdbegoid of tbe lami
td. nbe eart a nerrone glance fran Perkiaa to Bomtaan. Her cbtek paled a
little, bnt her llpa were Hfmly comptened. Perkinawatchedbcrnamiwly.

] dmipnl binarlf ioto bU nlTol
anair. Tbro b« Udad bla kooe iB Ibe
alt. elaaped bit baiitla aboat it and
fDinml at hit naataebe. Orditiarilj
Uz. Sobert IVrki»a w« a gooA InoktnR
axampla of manhood. . Ui> aiacn’i at all
arttactitn at the pmmit tuotupoi. bowOteC. That’a what tbe fair haired girl
at tba lyprwrim ip tbo outir nfflrw

1^- '•


RbaI ccnld anI
bin wb-a abe
■l diatorbed b

ly anoriated with inou pyritea, blrade.
otcal pyritea. oarbcnaie of coppor.IC ia aiao funnd in tbe minetal ayl-

nydeak, Min PbiUipa:”
Tbe girl atarted, bat abe retnmed bia

vabite. a oonpoond of Mirer, gold and
tellnrinm in nagyagite. a oompoand of
aUrer. lead, coppH- and tellnrinm, and
iu very email qaaDtirtea with galena.

gaw fearlcnlj.
‘*Vi«tenla.T ahemoon tbia'
wort again.
moat have taken place while
waaabaentfromtbeofBce. Too.

It will bore be uecoaMiT to oonaider in
tbe gold Itanlf exiata in

were bere nniil ba rHumedr’
~lwat bein." Her Toioe waa olear
and atcady.
"Did any one enter tba ooter cdBoa

and practlinlly pore and "
tbnragh tbe rodt in graina at an appre-

Innug that tine!” '
"hcreral neu eaue to tbe dopr and
iDqnin*) for yoo. Mr. Bombem ia tba

thrnngfa tbe mck in pantclea ao anall
that tbe^ hare no
iird^Wben tte gold ia oentaioed
•if tUi'
tUi- o
om—io wbirb
in tlie

tbe rook.

We nay take the followiilg

nitr one wbo entered.’’
"DidI yoo ait where yoo conld M ny
prirale door:

cdable weight.
Sei-owl.—When tbe gold iadiatriboted

not aa irae gold.
....................... ...

body aenwalJp be Uarking all bit imt.
He looked back at ibegirL There
1 metala it furmed. Ibe *
portant ntoraa. Only tbe day before be was
ras a oeep
deep Doan
floeb «b b«r rbrekA
<..being foRued by pnlv-rixing the o
bad ptepatad in a aketeby way tba plat
"Yon mean that Mr. Bnmbam paid \\
' at an eateorire tract be bad neant to
over ixipper plates coated
silver, wbereby tbe gold ii retained on
that tbe price bad been }smprd on him
to an ertrot that meant aa onUay <d
> girl oompreeaed her llpa
I gold i
110,000 mote tbao he bad coonted on.
’Yea.” abe uorainred.
-rook ia custained is ibe
Be knew (bat bia briaat waa tbe only
-H-M 11 -11;
Bmat «ol<l ™ i. minat,
lias of tbia propoard
d <deal—bia

b-n. -wt« i.. mr «j«« • OT.PJ1.

and itamvt it into tbe keyhole. At itoat
be altempKvl tn do ao. bnt aometbing
Interfered, aotnetbiog
iy rvirted Ibe mo(t riolent effort. He
drew ont tie key and brought fortb bia
knife. A few minoiea of energetic pry­
pi>ing end twiatiog dialodged tbe obatade.
rit waa a bairplii.
A twieled bairpin at branaed wl
Mr. Prrkina iDKtiuctlrejy lamed in
•hair and looked toward tbe^air haired
* besdg orer her woA and dirt not aec him.
•Mr. Kerkina knew that tbe fall haired
girl oaed taairploa of branaed wire.
y bad /tried t0 pick bif deak
body w^ bad been making miaebief
.tarbiafightakmg. Could it be that
Innooeut looking yoimg woman? hbe
Bandlod bia letcm; tbe was to aomo
otani familiar with bia prirate boaiMr. Perkina.opened bia deak witb n
bug. nes be atmek abarply cm a call
bdl tbirt
(t stood
at bia elbow. A boy ap-

tbe door.
When’tbe lad'a bock was
looked at Ibe baiiTur again and aigfaed.

TVn betbraat it enrefnUy into bia Teat
iwier. Wbeb tbe boy appro^ him.
beI waa gaxing intenUy at ibe plat
' wbere' it lay, a^pnnslly nndiatnri
Qicrvk. ' said Ur. f
"do yon
It 'am^^gateiday


" 'boot half an boor. Mr.'”
"Wa. UiM.PbiUips in Um

,,, I

SSrklna aren- and fombled in bia vest
"Is ibatvonrbai.
beaaki-d. "1 Tcmixl
ul it iu tbe keyhole of
my desk this morali
Ilia fam wa* Uvid.


"Jo»i a joke, a piactjtnl jokei” be
mnttetvd thickly aud tomnl and gnabed
from tin- room.
"Ikuew itwastbslcnr tb^natant
yon cui'n-d the ruum.'’ said Ftphiaa.
bnt bia voicil rbanged as. tbe girriajnacL
"Joat a mo-moment." he riasuitfred.
want to aak yon one more qoee•*I—1 wai

coin|«-tent aud trn*iwortby a
that esteemed lady.—W. B
CkvrlaDd Plain Drale

In fail "Campaigniug.With Grut,'

in TIh- Centnry. General Uoraoe Porter
b'll> of Groeral fiallerk'a fear of tmo'■Wbo—Miaa AliceT'
We from tbe enforriug of tbe dinft and
"Yi*. Mia* Alio-."
It wa* a pretty
name. It waa tbe fitit bi* desire that Grant tbouldsend troote
tine Mt- Perkina bad apoken it. and be : to i1h- nortceto ritiea. General Porter
Abcogbt it a very pretty name, and Bay*: f-hi tbe eveniogof Ang. 17 Grnaral
f li
his qoar
........... ..
- ‘i
I front of
Btbe halrpm
tbeo ■hia llogera
and hi* heart hardened.
a ten -with eereral staff effiem aboot

r! Bonibam waa U JnM bafets I

He waa uIking to Mim AUoe.

Tbeie was aometbiug in bis nappy
lose that carried the iatimaiioa tbat
Mr. Potklna didn’t like tbia tnfonnatlon.
"Yea. Mr. talking coeOdeotlal Uho.
When I looked afoond, be stoopeddoarn
aud aald aometbii« real low, and Mim
AUoe kind efblnibed."
“Tbat will do. Ofcagn.''
'kina ealltd
"Step .neram tbe ball to Mr. Bnnham'a tffipe and tefi blm 1 want to aee

him wtacn tbe telegrepb operatcr cBnae
over from bia tent and h^ed him a
diapsteb. -He-'orened it, and aa be janoeeded with tbe niading bia faoe became
anffttKd wi& luilea. After be bed finIsbed it be (anke into a hearty langh.
Vo wen uriona to know what oonld
t BO
ao DitHtD
monb oerzunai*
mfrtTimeBt la
in u*e
in tbe nridat <d tbe trying olronmttsncea which anmonded bUm'
him.-' ^
Be oaal
bis eyea over tbe diapatob aga^ and
then remarked:
"Tbe preaideht baa
nerve than say of bis adriaanL
This ia wbat be says after landing my
fvp^ to Ualicrk'a dUpateb." Hp then
teed alond to aa tbe-foUowing:

bHibw SB 1 Wtunia
d ebokste anebas
Of grip sadebnraad

Two minoiea later Mr:
Born"Wbealwaa in tbe Ugbtnlsg rod
bam poUrd In. He wat • abqrt. Mont
man, with a doable chin nndnUngbing tnalnfoo." said tbe dramaar. In a nm-'
inlacent mood. "1"—
Bat tbe Bteking room bad foddeoly
"Want to sM me. fiobr* bn cried aa
ba took a ebair.
"Yaa." replied Mr. PerUnA
•anted a mernent. "I'm wnrrlad and

On leaving the pUtaa tbe


Hue anlphniMa an aared for ■
treatiBSit. The amalgam tram a mill
me i* banted in a retort to drive off tbo
mecmiy and tbe spongy reaidae of gold
medted into a bar.
Tbe coot of a oomplete plAntfcr a
stamp mill ia calcolat^ atAl.OOQL .per
tbo OOM of fncl and tbe facUitjes for
»buinlng a goodAvater supply Wldg

At tb/Prav-

»•>“' “»• qniA*nv«. TbU ibwe-

d I\rfc1


when I dune back, air."

128-139 Front Street


when yon Irftr

"hbe waa h<3« when X left and here


idenoe mine in CalifemU tbe ooat of
-cIotu" and will not oonmfliing ianaly M omU per too. bnt this
b In &««|iiiixial <Me.—Briciah Oolnmat him.' and there w
a^^togio tbe [take tbe cate of gold diatributed in ^ Mining Beoord.
look tbat mbde tbe heart in f^eIkin•'
leap lot jay.
Ue weight—in 'other words floor gold.
■avc qneaiioDed George," be raid This gold, however clean and pore it
may Iw, cannot be mred by battery
I and oannoC tberefote
■ w I:be
fie saw Mr. Bimbam
Tbe pnrpooe of pulenrixing. CTi
d aa free milling. In tbe oaae
u grain* of clewn. pore gold cd sp- Ulng, milk b to deetroy any d
preaent. It if
iaUe weight are distrilaiud tbrpngh gvnnB tbat may be preaent.
tbe rook tbe e^id will readily amal­ mated that mbont aot--tbird of all cbil•
a die before theatre 8 year*
old. and
gamate. ($ncb it trae free milling ore. drao'............................
PiTkins did D K Dotioe him. & n
of tbe leading onaoi of infant morNow. let na lake Ibe last caw^in wblcb
looking at tbe girl
ty b
) nnwboleoame milk.
tbe gold ia diatribnU'd tbrongb
"Yea.” abe slowly aaiA-"! i
case of freiioeot coenr- amaafutlowa: Oneoris
renoc ia Ibis onootiy. and cae which ly foil of milk are plngged with dry ab“Cerl'ainly not."
basgiven ritetomneb dixciunou. If an aorbeot or other clean ootton and |daoed
"Do as yoo
pleaiw." aaid PcrloDa.
ore nf this deocripiioa
ripiio eoatain* wofB"It was onlr u simple ^nyat,” tb
deat tree gold to allow of iu
iU biiioi
girlwi-niou. '-lir*»d"—
aooogh water to rise above tbe milk in
» laoflt by tbe agency
"1 proteat, •’cried Ramhain.
a it Mtonld beclaioed
tbe bonlee. Tbe veteel b oloeed. placed
qoickallvw, then
"Go on." uid Erkins.
a free miUliig era. bat if. on tbe otber 4D tbe stove and banted outU tbe w
."Be said tbat be wiabed-toclean as
band, tbe balk of tbe gold it contained
in^elL and be aiked me for a bairpin.”
u tbe term la not aj^
—Bntobam laogbed boisieraoaly.

AlonsK Bp tlmr? "
*Ye*. nr. 1 wr« to tbe poarofHi r

"How long vwri yon gawF'

„iu. i„p„riU». TbU

L W. Slater's Honse Furnishing Store,

mentary wwd or two to a pretty g rl |

•*1?® ^ r’**"

Aftemoenr* .
."Yta.*tr.” aald George. «»nwegt
Away at « o'clock with Mr. Tompkini tlon.”
Tbcr! U a new typewrlim is tbe Per­
in aoamagr"
* 'Did yon bare tbo ooter ofDce befure' kin* unicr office, Iral ai Mrs. : Alice

lor atampt. and 1 came back hj tbe
'%ay ofr Lawyer Urigga'-offica
Urigga'-office and left

We strive to make the acquisition of knowledge a com­
fortable taste by placing at your disposal a flue line of Writ­
ing Desks, Book Oases and Combination Cues. Wbat
would make a nicer present for your wife, daughter, sister
or your sweetheart tban a nice Polished Oak Writing Desk?
They would sit down to it and write until they got tired and "
then Bit back in tbeir chair and admire the Jiandsome desk
and think of the kind friend that was so tho'ughtful of their

Firat.—In wbirb tbegoldoaoaradraa

Tbe fact ii. be waa a eiTr.nneb dieta gold—which ia a
fnmtled nan.
Be bad caan to be..
■'Koi ,J1 tl., Un 1 nM m,
, u,ck
Bone body wa* ^iug npnn bie n^ep- wrlio,
i«t lb. cd pore gold roaied with anlpbnr, araeaesta. Bonn body waa even laying into
rreii abootmn."
nlo-or trane oUicr Inparity.
bia ptirate affair* aud atealtug intonua"May 1 aak why yon did tbatrf
Fnonb.i—In wbirb iJm gold ia contton that waa of gf >t *aIoe to him.
Tlic^fcirl beaitaUd, but ber gna
talnti t«rt:
{artly in tbe ore aud partly in
Mr. Bobert Prrkiiiii wat a real eatatejsot fiincb.
operalor, a nan of big BeoU. wbon
cdMr. Ponii^aBi a i
ib~'aeparatiBg ibe gold from Ita
Bane.'^n apile of bia two-and ihmy • atttatiooa.
Aangne. advantage. i»
yeara, waa alrewly a power in tbe ttraet
Iproteat"— began tbe t^is of tbe faeta t^t when oImd g'bld
■tool man.
li brat^bt into direct contact with par
"bit down, "aald Fertiaa.
qmckaflver an amalgam or alloy cf tb

i and bia deak, for inI ti
tbe latter
-wa* lonkeri tbe-ptecinoa plaL
Mr. Perkiut polled ant bit deok k»iy

i Wisdom and
I Comfort Combined

ledgea travendiig tbe
rocka. the precion* metal being freqnent-

”bUdown, Min PbiUiin.*' be aa
”1 bave colled jon in beie to aak y

w'wUb a
8* taaMd hla hat at tbo nnraat book


emptied, and be wo* aa ontcaft atnoag
tbe aa*alii« 'mea tbtnaftsr.—Bard-

A brief Mnteb of tbe mode of prooednre in the extraction of gold may not
be ont td plane bwc. Tbe ore i* brongbt
fran tbe mine in ewr* and dam port on
IbegruxUet That part whidi paama
tbrongb tbe bars goes straight to tbe
aelf feeder*, tbo re« pamtng ioto a rook
breaker, wberr it is rednord to pieces
of a walnut, and tbat also pasms
Into the self feadera. A rock fraaber
with IlOsbakma mUioteof tl
'tors of an inch fans a uapacity of tbrae
bn* an hoar. By naing a ru-k fateakv

paaTxrmznro arraKkTrx

U IDS degrete F. U in wintm. nr to 160
insteud of feeding direct to tbe battery
degrtee (v even to boiling if epraial
tbe efflL-iency of tbe stamp la iucrenmd
80 per »!DL Tbe mlf fe^im are bo|^
pen or wooden pointed boxoe placed
tightly ooviT«# few half an bov.
above tbe battery and fitted with simple
heavy cloth orec^tbe pail will help re­
mecbauiam.'iy which they are enabled
tain tbe benU Tbe mUkbetUet are then
casaOUit and
taken out. ooMed a* qnickly as pomihle
ply of ore to Ibi- batbTy mortu
by cold water or ice and kept in a oold
aopply b niiircly
:ly regaUUM
regnUU'd bx/lbe
place. Milk tboa prtpared may be ex­
of the I uupo. Tbe (UBp battary itoelf
pected to keep 84 boors and sboqld pref­
cif an oblong raotnngnlar box
erably be need within tbat time. Tbt
oattoa plngi Mionld be kept as dry as
pamdblc and abOald not be removed «a>
enlly than are five atai
til tbe milk Is to be naed.
1 ia known at i
tar, sort (bit'
A uovered tin pail anawera veil for
stamp battery. Tbflgpisab
tbe largv tomoL An inverted pie pan
omning aluug une of tbe Mdea of tbe
with perforated bottoD
battery, wbicta ia oorrrfrt with a scroea.
and tlirongb tbb the pnlTtriaed rock b
(urriud on to tbe pbtoa by a stream of
water.' The bottoSB of the mortar ia fit­
ted with Steel dies wbirb receive tbe
weight of tbe atampa kbcb stamp oooM*u nf a heavy eteel eboe fitted with a
btvHl or box wblob b attacbod to an iron
Stem ur tappet.
Tbe Bantpa, which
avenge ebont 850 poondi in weight,
have e drop of trrsD C to
inches and
are worted by.ffiean»~of oama atlacb.irt
to a borlnotal cam ^ft. llieoamsare
eo'ananged of tbe Muft that eagb Mmp
baa an indepeUdent fall.
Water ia sa^ied to tbe battery, tbe

■qnauUty varyflig with tbo cbarwiter of
n>e water finiu a wot polp
with the ore. and tidapnlp. by tbe im­
pact of tbe etampA ladaabed ia all dlrectlmu. Borne b'^rowa againstttav
tbe battery, wbtaeby^ dmuiaed'gold
beoomee attacbod to the pbtoa. aotae of
^ gold awiaigamate* with tbe moranty

and a obemloal
tbermcanetac pat
tbrongb tbe oort ao that tbe bulb ffipa
ta tbe water, thne-iaMtiig OTmUrwateli

tbe fincDSte of tbe pnlp depend on tbe


Read This.
Trarerflc City, Mich., SepL 16. 1897.
Proprietor of the Traverse' City Business College,
Traverse City, Mich.
Dear 6V>.—We desire to commend the enterprise
shown by you in establisWog in this city a most excellent
iostitutkm for the practical training and discipline'of any
who may a.spire to prepare themselves for a snccessfnl
business or professional career- ''^^ur wergy, sacrifi<».
and efforts, ha,ve in a great meaaure\been rewarded, and
we are pleased to assure jou th^t. in onr judgment, the
Traverse City Business College has earned a most worthy
place among' the educational institutions of the Grajid
TraverM regfon.
We have employed in our office some of your students,
who have 6hown>a proficiency in their work that is indeed
highly commendatory of the methods and discipline which
characterize your work, and our general observation leads
us to say. tvithont reserve, that as long as you maintain
your present system and facilities, there will be no occas­
ion for going elsewhere to abtain a first-dass and practical
Yours truly,
MA>^LY C. DOrfeE,
Travti-M City. Mich., Sept. 15, 1S97.
City. .
Dear 5xr.*-J^Having been one of your students for
over a year, I can cheerfully recommend'the school to all
persons who desire either a’business edneation ora normal
I know the instruction to be excellent in both. In the
business* department the teaching is not mere theory, but
that of a' practical.boofctkeeper, and I believe the short-'
hand tanght here will compare favorably with that found
in any other school in the state.
Ver}' truly yours,
Call or write for ii^ormation.


tbe ttntperamra oloeely vritbont nmovliig tbe mer, or an ordinary dairy tberBKnoteZniay be osed ftta ttxoe to Mate
by nmoriag tbe Ud.

"Wbat,"said tbe girlwllfa loose bafr
around bertera anda
ner, “laI your oidnlcm S' tbs alttmate
of tbe bnman racer
(I yoo to I
tbe nltimaM deteiny
' tbe fanm
mrar Inqnind WUUe Wisbingtoa.
Why—vm—if yon rrant my ■■
opinlan. 1 'eboold my tiiar* nh—
It'S a long wayr off."—WnsUnstoa


Let us Frame a Photo for You In
a ttew Style for Kantel or
Table Ornament.

to^e the mortar, while all tbe polp
paaaea tbrongb tbe acreeae and flowa on
to tbe apron of amalganuted oopptr
pbtes pbced in fremt of tbe battery.
Tbe aiae of tkasoreensandoanwqoeaUy


Traverse City, Uich.

Bawftlelgb—1 tell yon wbat It U
ibere'a acana fanny things bappea in
leenv—That's A tael BowlODgafO
«Id yon bapps ini—Bomb Ooub


. . -






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