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The Morning Record, July 25, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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SMond Year—No 885
on wow xw po&to wioD.
Am«rieau WUl Sooa b* B^orcwl
IB Porto Wleo bjr Oonarai ■itoka'o
Xtatatebmtot—XU«' Amp West
Atoera W«ar Pose*, oa to* Sooto«m Bhor* of too laluA
St. Tbomao, July 26-SpecUIThe United State* troope are Uod*
<ng on the leland of Porto Rico,
near Ponce, on the south shore.
Weaadsd SoldleiB are All Bolag Well
aad Beat aie ia toe BUitot'
aft Daayar.
apMiki la Tn Moans* Bnoas..
asUaytoa.Jaly ts.—Major Maelaaa
says toe Mlehlyaa mea at the heapiuls
all delay well. Noae are la the
aliyhteat dsayer. Doamld Stark, who
lost hh arm will be seat home aoae
time tote week. Moat of toe other
mea are walklny abmt toe beepiul
yroaads. aad aay there Is ae rc
why they shoald aot lease. The
pita] here U ia first clsss eonditioe
patisnU are Just as eomforUble aad
well cored for as thoayb la the laryest
hospital ia Detroit.
Mejor Macleaa sisited the Yoae
and ears he neser eaw a yronp of aj
many ama ia aneh a hearty aad healthy
oondltioD. Be eaye all the men are
happy aad ooaUated and be was hiyh]y pleased with his sWk
Crisis Expected Snaday.
BOW belicT* toe crisis will be resebed
at MaaUs aad tea Jess sboet toe
Mae day, aad ss sear as eaa be calalated aext Snaday wiU be that day.
Oeaeral Hlles at Porto Woo.
WaaUaitoa. July U.-Toalrbt toe
war departmeat is felly
They Knst Bot
orKoloBt BpsaMh
New York, Jaly St.—A Worid Saaiiayo dl^Bteh saya toe Cahaa laearyeota, eneovayto ky theeoReap
I New Yarka
oonriaeed paper, are retardlny toe work of Mili
tary Ooreraor Wood la tpstoriay e
ia the dty. They are stiU disymatlod
kseaase the towa was aot delisered
Oeaeral MUe* is now at Porto Bieo.
bat taprereatedfroiB laadiay by the
lato of smaU boato aad lichlers.
- Bo Bwr« is expected till Miles U able
■ to ooBmnaieate with Geaersl Breoke
aad the rtdaforeeneaU srrlee; aad
Oenseml MUests eery saxloas to r«t
hisMaaadaainsslsssboretoreat betea koaUUties aetasUy bagla.
eoaoral Brooke sailed today troa
Hewport News os toe St. Loais.
The lasaryeat lorece base yone twen
ty mllee loto the interior. They base,
been sramed aot to nudeet toe SpaaUh
rseideata or to retnra to their old eyetem of briyaadaye.
Fifty fnaerals ware held yesterday
of refnyeca who died as the result of
UeBteaant Massey bsa ealled from tos seaieity of food.
Bow York for Ssatayo, where be will
Tbs Spasish eompaay hasiny toe
oee tost the Spaabbprisooen are em- eoatnet oi toe deportatioa of Spela's
batoed aooordinK to eoatraet.
Bestorstion of Bomal Taiifh Teaterday Oloeed a Bieastrou
' to^alteTheHoretacB*^
Chicayo. July *S.—All frelftt ratee
were rsetored to toe nentral tariff to
day oa the weetern read*, brinylay to
a tone a loar oonliaaed aad dlsastroa*
enrrendered troope, has ootiled them
by cable to be ready aext week.
We’re Stuck
on Base Ball Goods.^
Booffbt a biff stock to ffet tbe best prices mod cfiB% •
sell’em all. Will ffire 16 per oaot. off on erery« ^
thing for nextleo daya to rednoe the stock.
ths pnrpoae of diseosBiDy b
Ion with the anrrader. which v
) which peace with toe United amde eolely to Ue Ameriean army.
Statee eaa be amnyed.
‘The policy of my yovenment
ntlBUlay In power temp6rarily the
Madrid. July SS.—The c«
perioDS oecupyiny the offiem to one
. laterrlewed a
wbieh I mm, of eonrae. unable to dtotnpylny a biyb petition
To show you toe^iews held by
toa qa. I reyent's bonaebold wh
roveramcat. I iaeloae s eopy of the
datica briny him In daily -intimate reiastmetions raeeived by me yeetordsy
her majeety.
from the pretideat, which appear to
that the qaarrel between Spaia aad the
r ovnrytoiny that eaa poulbly
United Statee wilt be mneh easier oi
arise ia the yovemment of this torriadjastmeat thaa to yeaerally heUevad.
tory while It to held by the Calted
Theqaeea rsyaat aatarally dsaires
an honorable peace. She to alive to
■Full credit kss been ylveo to you
the force of public o{doloB and holds and yoar vaiiaet men la my repmt to
strictly to tos eonstitntionsl laws of
wvomaieot. aad I wish to ackaowthe nation.
>edye to you the yreat and valuable ^
The offieial is quoted to bsvc caid:
sblaaee you readered dariay toe cam‘"Ike preeent yovemment wlU not
InitUte peaoe, but s modified cabinet
"I reyret very mueh to knew of your
heeded by Seaor Qamsxo. the minister detenalaatioa to withdraw yourtclf
of public Instruction, will eoaelnde the Dwm tbb vicialty. I remain, youtu
aeyotlstion and than retire, aad Gea- very tincerciy,
’■SHArrxa. Major GenemL**
oral Polavieja, vrith a eomhlnaiioB la-
clDdbv SUvela aad Geaaial Oampoa.
will reotyaaixe the eonatry.
'Everybody eoBsidera that Spain
Bdt Onbaas Petition too ProsldoBt
ahonid treat dirut with the Amerieaas,
for Homs Bala
Saatiayo, Jaly S5.—The Cnbaas hers wboee pnetical yood unse wUl prevail
approse of General Garda’s
drswal into tbs Interior, of his Istter
to Shafter and hb realynstioa which
TwoOsti. ,
Ootutoeualy Bnt Firmly Ttiis Oraoral OsraU This ti Amsrioab
Saatiayo. Jnly n. via Klsyatoa. Ja
maica, July ss.—Oeoeial Skaftsr baa
BPAWXBB B^ TO BB PXtBPAB- seat toe followlny letter la reply
toe eommnakatioa addrcMcd to him
twa MnSAOB TO that BBB.
by General Osrela la whieh the Caban
leader eomitialoed of the toeatmeat
aooorded to the Cnbaas sad aaaoaaeed
PBBOnrO SIBOSBSZOV OP TBBK8 ths witodrawal of hb troops from fur
ther eo-operation with toe Amerkaas:
"I mast eay that I wm very mneh
hoivsatoation la Spain Kay Be Bf- enrprised at the receipt of your letter
morainy, and reyret exeeedinyly
fisetad and an Boaorable P
Soocht-OoBdittoM Bow Said to Be that you sheald regard yonraelf ac la
Very Pavomble for Veyotiationa. nay
way allybled or igyriered
TendioyTo Oloee Hoetilitice.
“You will remember toe fact that
Sprcbl to Tbs Homnvu Rsmn.
linvited you to aeeompany me into ihe
London. Jnly SS.—It to annonnee
town of Saatiayo to witaees the snra special dbpateh from Madrid, pnb- >ader, whieh you declined.
Ibhed here tbb afternoon, timt
“Thb war, aa yon keow, b between
Bpaaish yoremmeat has drawa a mas- the United Siatee aad Spain, and It to
saye addressed to the yovemmen
oat of toe queetion for me to take aaj|'
Washiaytoa, proposlay an armbties aetion la regard to your foreea In e
»j to General Oeiaea Oeleffstoe to the Bepobiiean Ooa
Uon Left Lart Biybb
rate war. While It were la proyrem | u u belicred by maay that the actions
The full eonyreuional deieyatlon
mUlioas of dollars was taeklessly oftbeAmerieaaadmlnbtraUonand of
-thrown %way. For twelre months rates the yeaarala here chow that annexa oonsbilny of Tboe. T. Bstee. John Pnieipher, J.T Hannah. P. F. Lardie, A.
to all parU of the territory west of tion to the aUimat* tatentlM of the
J. DeVriee. J. W. MiUlken. F. Hi
CBieayo were demorsUsed.
ton, tv. A. Newton aad H. K. Bull went
was exempted. It to diflealt to eay
A petition, which was draws ap by down to Reed City last eveniny to
tend toe couvection. which wUl
where all the reealta were meet osseroheld tob afternoon. Poetmaster Bsff
ly felt.
wbo wrote toe Gsrcls letter, b belay
mpanied the deieyatlon.
From St Pant to the yalf aad from widely eircnlated smoay the Cnbaas.
Chleayo to Use Pscile coast the ra<
The Death Bccord.
It b addressed to President HcKlBley.
of the war were experieaood. Bnt for Tbsaki are extended to the American
Word was received yeetordsy of the
it toe earn lays of the roads woo Id hsr* pe<9le for eomiay to the sM of Coba, death of Oarloa Wnyht, ayrd t yaara,
ahowed phenominal aad onpreeedented aad ooafidenoe b expremed la toe yood toe infant eon of Mr. aad Men. Arley
iaereaaa and ttockholdeis would hare ffiltb of the AsMricaB yovenunent. Wriyht, who recently moved to Marion
bOM enriched by the cnlaryemeat of Neverthsleee the petition nryee that
After SS yei
diridends and paymenU.
toe Cnbaas are capable of eetablbhloy
Lake township Mrs.
for toe island. The hope
died St her home Snndsy mominy of
b expressed tost the present eUte of old syc. Betides aa syed kosband she
Amsrioaa Spy Barrowly Bocaped
affsirt in Santisye wiU be brief and leaves one son and one dsuybtor.
The funeral wae held from the
tost toe Cabans will be permitted to
Spte^ u iSe Homiio ascoeu.
Friend's ehureb at Loay Lake ymter- NSW York. Joly S5.-An Amerlosn enter toe city, bnd that toe Cobaa flay day aftomeou.
spy. who has t
r valnsble be allowed to weve beeide the Ameri
Mra. Anyiuto Fraaka. wife of Gota for bb conatry has jut can flay. The petition aays that in
Ueb Franke. who retidcs aoath of toe
from a Cadis hotel aa hour felereCaba may become a part of the
the,city.died Saturday nlykt of dropsy.
ahead of several Spanish detectives, i'nlted butce. hot at preeent the aa- Deeessed bss been s suffemr eiyht
' whe had yol oa bb toaek after come tivet want to yovera themaelvm.
year*, but only for the past tiybt
General Shafter hasiasned an ordsr months kss she beea eonfised to her
oonyraiulatiny toe American army np- bed. She wea 4? years of aye. and has
oalu victory, and prabiny the ■"«■< for been a resident here tiaoe 1871. The
funeral wUl talm place at the family
Haro Balled Prom Port Artbar. Pro- tbrir endnraoee and conraya.
reaideaoe at B o'clock thb moralay.
eamahly For toe PhUtpplBM.
PAOBO BOAS BBOOBS BBOBXB. B«v. Wiley K. Wriyht wlU offieiato.
apwlallcTu MouivaBscess.
London. July SS —A speelal dispatch
Otisbratod Their Ooldea Weddiay.
Praak Waller Hade 8B8 KUes in One
from Sbaayhal cays that four Bossiao
Lest evealay Mr. aad Themss PetorXiatxU Leu Tkan fifi Boora.
oaeMls, men-of-war have left Fort
tyl oelehrated their ytiden weddiay
1*1 u> TU Mouts* Bscou.
aad a ystheriar of the
Artbar and it b snppoeed that their
Honyhtoa. July
-Fi«k Waller,
famUy made the oee
dutinatioo U toe PklKpplae totaads.
wbo etartod at Korwmti yeatorday pnrtieular pleu-m Aon
ayainst the S4 hour paead road reeord.
and ths ayed eonple
-Allen to Be Dia
flaUhlay at 4:49 thb afternoon, one .toarouyhlyeejeyed toe event. They
Bpwla] w TBS MoasnK « Uuou.
Washiaytoa, July 8S.—Bertram Al mlnau sbmtof 14 houra, haring eover- are amoay toe oideet retideaU of the
city aad their many friends wUl bs ylad
len of Cempaay O. 3«th Mlehlyaa. will edS«8.4 miles, toereky breakiny the
to ooayrstulato them.
be dtotosryed from service by the com previons reeord of 8SS inllca. 7W feet.
Daitartan Services.
His flniab was stoony.
easaduty officer at hb etation.
BevRT. W. lllman. a Unltariaa dlOto^ lake Drowniay.
vise of Bay aiy. was U the city yee
Bpevtol to Tbs MoBBtae Rsoeask.
tordsy risltiay Dr. J. K. EIbm aad arSpMdti to Tbs Moanne Earasn.
raayiay for a Ueltariaa aervies to be
Gsyloid, July SS.-Twe men. a wom
London. Jnlj SS.—Tbs Bart of Mfato held la the City Opera Boom a week
an aad s boy were drowned la (%abb hu bun appointed Oovaaor Oeaeral of
from Snaday. Bev. L. W. Spmyue, an
Lake, six miles from the vOtoye of frauds ia eaoeeatioB to the Bari of ^ elnqaeat preacher. wOl deliver the
Otosffo Inks today.
sertooB both moralay aad evealay.
'T' 1,360:
of the Good restore* of tbs
Tesebsrs’ lastita>.e.
One of toe moat InlereaUug diviti
if close work al toe Inttitaie.
weli as Isvtractlve, b tksi braoeb of
drswiog Id free hsed iketcb work un
der toe tutilayeof MbiWlghimsD of
Normal schaol at ML PleaaaoV
While toe work must In four weeki he
brief had elemeataiy. yet the sehoUia
accomplbb more than they reallee nod
will be able to enter totireeboels and
aketcb object leaaons they a^er
thought of attomptiog heretofore.
They have eonfidenee la themMlvea.
The object leasoa* are baaed npc
the cylisder sud bembphere. the for
mer developed la the stallet, pltebor,
vase, barrel and tbe Istter la toe kelUe. bowl, cop and esany other tomllisr
^ For cpeelal study in geographicel,
work, treea. canyons, rivers, etc., will
be skeiebcd.
Tbe work ii all In black and white,
BO eolored work being used u oolora,
nnleu is the bands of aa artist, would
bring out notoing but emde rcsnlU.
Tbe decorative blackboard work to
very important for all teachers aad Is
pat to good UM iu blackboard head
ing*. border*, calendar* and many *to■e*. Tbe two elssaee under Mise
WlghtiDsa comprise nearly, If not
quite toe entlru enroUment.
The work In geography wktdh to un
der her leadcrtiiip alM. to given in leeI 00 natural, phystoal, oommereUl
Md pclitleal geograpbv, matkematieal
being finished Isst week.
Oatherinff Huckleberries,
sen. Praak Putman and John
MnlleB have, been yatheriny In tbe
huckleberriM for the Ust.thrae weeks,
picked by abent 40 Indians plticers *b
toe pealnsals. They briny in aboat
rates adsj sad chip dlraeUy to
Cbtosyo firms. They expeet to eoutlnne shtppiny lor at least weak Irayer.
. - WUobeskL a UtUs nndsr ti
weather, was ^aced lo the coop at the
enyiae house yetierdsy, whet* be rw
malnsd for a few boniu UU toorofffhly
c of the dsv
uato line. W.
Tmene Gltj ScM of InsicI
Ow rmt *od Ca» Su.
U. WUtote.
BOUfl t COOIfll ^
250 Cloth BoQod Books at 15c each. Ppor
paper—poor binding. ^ I don’t adyise anyone to
buy them—1 simply offer them at that price^
• to get rid of them. '
] These Are The Paces
We are now making os
i 29c, 39c, 4»c, 68c, 790,’89o and $1.19.
Bargalna, ereiy
onA Valoaa 46o to $2JX).
R«'iaWe Dry Goods, Carp^
and Clothing House.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
New Place312 Soetb Ueiee Street, Opposite C. t W. I. Depk
mn«li nl Tutoi to But H. B. GIBBS. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
.Corre^nd with tbe Tnretse Cify Lomber Oompuy.
We hn«re for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Hill Machinery of all deacriptiotia, incloding Ttro Engines,
Set Worka, Carriagea and Saws. A complete Saw MiU Plant
Hastings' Real Esiale Agency^
A Staining Announcement
1,000 Remnants
Of everythioff coccsiralde is obr Dry /Goods departmri^
cooristiag of cashmerea, aurgsa, flaonels, suiUnga, ailka, ootiag
flannela, etc., etc.
No credit to ns for «cb an aocBmiilatiotti It ioToIrea a
lot of money. W.- are despeinte' to clean np the meaa regard*
leas of cost.
Tbe most of them are freab, new merdiandise, in fair
lengtba, which are pot op in packages or folds, st cosi, and
many items below cost, bnt in order to caoTart tbesp goodf in
to ready cash we make an extra leducUon of 16 per cent, on
t^em. This is the gresteat oppbrtonity erar offered on a repreaentativ* lot of merchandise. It means a rsdnotion of 16 to*
26 ppr oent on wboleaale prices.
The Boston Store,
THS xoumrG ksooaD. tusboat, jttlt se. ibbb.
^^^WTHEm flcmi WORKS!
BeftnatM of BMriet emmtiat ud
Proffrem ta the BwiagBTTT VZU BASLT BBATBT.
TlMdlbtrtetoMreoUoeof the I. O.
Cbeapegt nod moat reluble place to get four bicyde repaired and
O. T. bccea U thU eit^ jcsterdey, •
pat in good mnniag order. Bare had aeveral yeara experience and
bnelMae profrram beinr preeented ia «‘Joeho”
Gave Aaother Bcmo
aftaraaeael Foreeter’a heU. Ia the
know boir it abonld be done. Satiafaction giunbteed. I am aelling
Boa Xxbibitioa aad Boablo PUya
ereaiar the foUowiaf profraia wee
ObaretiOTiaad the
Otme »ood
bicycle anodriea at aboot oosL Xew and aecond hand wheels for sale
I. W. HAavu. Bdltor »nd MuifwWotkJui Aroaad Bade a Ooataat of
and to rent. Please give oa a trial.
Aor« Than Ordinary Xrtsraet.
Braring a specialty.
aad Babel Browa. .
The ball game yeaterday betirow
BLUB, 811 Vront«t,EMt
Prayer—Bor. Hargin'.
Qoartet—Dr. Sayder. Bar. «. D. the Hutien aad Battie Crreke ww V.
Harrer. Bimea Aaaa Paatea aad Babel
and deaerred a larger crowd. While ‘
the borne team won oat It waa not be-|
a Mi ae-—
caaie the vialtMs did not play good
Prof. C B. Hora
ball, aa the wror eolamn wUl teetify. !
Addrae by Oraad ^lef Templar.
The weather wae Bne and the oondi■
09, W. Bordlek.
UoBs fa'
, laatmmenul daeU elarlaet aad
Tbe home team played fast ball, at
Caaa. Oea D Bairer aadClaadlee BelL
usual, aad two fine doable plays added
BeaedicUoa—Ber. G. D. Barger.
totbeinUrestlntbegame. They also
vrbere she is now livtog. She wUl
plaoed tbelr blu opportunely and prof
spend several weeks visiting Miss FUwa
ited tberoby.
Allen, BlM Carrie Broedfaot and other
There wUI be a regnlar meeting of
Wliceler put up a stiff game at third,
■Trarerae City (Bapter Ha 147 of the and Hull took everything la eentre
Mm a Starr of Morria. IIU. and Mrs.
(Bder of the Baatem Star thU croaiag. flelA Weaver played excellent at flrat
Mattcaaa of Chicago, are ristiug Mrs.
A foil atteManoe U detlrad.
and made a great home run to tbe
£48 Front Street. |
sin Matteaon of 13t8 Union strosb : -FhonelST.
'Themcmbeniof the ladlea Library thir.l Inulug. Butler pitched his best
Mrs. Wffl. Bole and ehUdren. who
Amoelation aiAjbelr trlaSUng Manda game striking out 10 men.
have been vUiting relatives in BseaaaTbe oppcalng team put up a good
rmt &st I
t of Oenenl wUl eajoy a joH| picaic at £aat bay to
for six weeks, returaad yeeterdST,
day. Conreyanoea wQl leave the teal; game also but could Boi place tbe ball
KDm’ ftrmy
ludisc OD
Ur. Bole meeting them at B:k Bspdit.
Maad «f Porto Rioo Tcoterda; osd deaeea of Br*. Eoealand and Bra. Oea* when at bat. Callister , pitched the
Mrs. A. J Sbellmaa and family
•eea Ivportut sow* wiU ht ooKinff
rand Rapids, have joined Dr. Kbell1 Uero. At the other extreme of the benefit of thbee who hare mot rige substituted for the remalndsr of the
an here sod will remain for a abort
^- ,
d one cheap, als
MM of etrUe, MeolU, other »o- of tbelr own.
Botlee. ' Call and see wbat you <
Theanttlersaoenradooaron in the
itaou eveate ere ie profrem es4
The gaemea apoa the date of the
Circuit Conn stemogrupber J. E FprrBBLY. «12 Monroe street. -Side.
West 81
• ariale; !• oxpeeted rerp
e-irrender of PorU Bleo. tor which Dr.
Benderaon of Cadillac, parsed through
tent to Irdf ou a dead ball, avd
Oemeat ir offering priam. ahoaUE all be
the city yesUrday on route foe Lelaad
1 be made witbln a eery few days, handed In to the Bxcokd offiee by to advanced to third on Purs passed ball, where circuit court Is In sesstou.
and scoiud on HnU’s klL No soorea
thla war the greateet batUea morrow orenlag.
Mrs. Frank Helm has retnraed from
ere made in tbe second inning.
Bam eoeored oa Sunday, aad it la aow
Br. aad Hn. Boland Doaglae are
visit at SasbviUe, Mich. Sbe was
In the third Bunt sad Hull cacb got
fradleted that next Sanday wiU aee happy over the arrival of a daogbter
base Bits. Hunt scored oo Wheeler’s accompanied borne by her father. John
«rWa both at Porte Bloe and Manila, make their heme brighter.
who will spend soma time
ulngls. Wbealer stole
ManufaetBradbyED. GIIBEBT. Beat Five Caat Ogar Bade.
fhere ean be bat me raeolw bnt AtaerThe Boye' Band will foraieb moale at base and both be and Bull cataa here.
g „
deaaa are impatient for Ifilea aad Mor^
Zsxa, tbe clairvoyant, who spent last
the feu to be given by the ladies of
giU to aeeempliak their taaka.. AateriGrace eboreb. oa the lawa of Bn. Av. tbe next man up aad knocked out a week at Manistee, is in tbe city.
«aa eoenpaUonef the PbUlppiBee aad •ryh lenidenoe. oa Boardaun aveaae,
______________________________ .. '
Hiss Edna Wllbelm entertained Mies
borne run. sending Glcaaoa aeram tbe
Parte Bleo wUl pfobably be fellowea
thla evening.
pUte. This ended the runs for tbnt Isabel Gallic of Charlevoix and Miss
By defialte peatfe
proepeete. ‘
Cala McOmber of Grand Bapids
1. thereeeemt nowtobe a healthy
$2S3. will sell to get room, pt fl40. W. W. KIMBALL 00. N. E ffTBONG.
Tbe fourth was a abut out for tbe
'ameat la that directioa>
Bat of PriaoeUiB, Ilia.. Is in tha ei^ viaivT. 8. Henderuon went to Empire yee- Manager,
Front street.
ahoold there bo fortber delay Haraoa lag Dr. W. E. Moon, whom babas knewn ome (earn.
tarday on buslnem
ly yeSM. Mr. Jobaton U a gradoThey scored a gain in tbe fifth bowVaatreeeivetbeattentioaof thla getaUofthaAnn Arbornatvenityof the rer. when Wheeler came up aad
aeat. The capital of Oaba wenM
ef ’*4. aad throagh the repreeeat- knocked out n neat ainglc, stole to Copemlsb yesterday.
BIRAM CODE Star Omcfiry. 245 Proa.t Street.
^eabtieae preaeat the moat formidable
B. C. Dodge is is Fmakfort oa legal
and craeaed tbe plate when
■Uaoe of anything yet eaeonntared aUoaa of Dr. Boon, be came here
PhArnlofoc ELEGANT FLAVORS, aaaortad varieties—m flser made little. He likee Ue Grand Weaver mppad out a alagla.
Be AmwioaB toreea. bat poaee orer. a aovsla af l/IIUtUldlCO aaywbere. Also eholee eoofecttoiisof all iriada.audeea
Mioa Barilla
Bnoa by 8paU would eaem to be m
got a nice bit over la right field
ttaea. GEO. B. McLELLAN. aoroar Front aad Park sta.
A. T. and G. A. Johnson, arrived
w ooarm. before the Uaitod Statea ed tan tae farm near Bllswerth aad and stole to second.
Both he and
a ' b^ta oparatioM agalaat Aha any make Tnvene City ble borne tar a Weaver came home whan Miller p
a^old of Blaaoa. whieh moat while.
tbe ball ever the fence for two basca
B. F. Northrop left yesterday for
W. S. Smith, reprcaeating the Baclae
#nia«^y ahare the fate of SantUga.
Traverse City was unable to send
Fin Engine Oo-. b here to taoeive the tan acroos tbe plate again until the Detroit, where be will attend a meet
VBAaaow the Sanday eeheel ehUcbeosteal lor tbe city, which U ox- niuib inning. Hull then started it by ing of tbe Amertoaa Society of Civil
Bakery, eorner Unli^ and 7lh otreeta.
Bna will have the right of way ia the poetodThonday.
putting tbe ball ouUide tbe lot for two
Maytie Bobinson bas gone to Altogan
<d^ aad daring the parade it U aogMr. aad Bn. Oscar Bemoi mde
bases and was advanred to third eu for a vialt with friends.
gamed that everybody nsiagoonveyaa- to Kalkaska Sandar on their bicycles Wheeler's saeriflec bib Gleaaon se>
I for 2«o aad Beat
Mm Bysdsle of Grand Rapids is the
«a make a special effiwt u let the lit- aad retnraed y
eared a single whieh sent Bail gnest of Miaa Oea McCoy.
Lunehea in the world for 15c. Opm all nigbb
fila folks have all the room there is.
Than. Shaae left yesterday for Chi borne, and eromed tbe plate himself on
Band Compton returoed yeslcrday
Tbs younger ones will oecapy the cago and will retorn with a carload of Weaver's bib Pitman drove a fly Into
from Bead City and Maalou. wham
Xir. B L. Aahtou the dentist, will be | Dr. A. J. Sfaellau of Ormod Bapida,
whole etreet in eome plaoes and partiea- horses.
right field which Callisur caught but sbe visited the past three weeks.
at bis office dortog every day nbtil S > by request of bis fri
Jar atUnti<m to their wanderings abonld
E.B Dailey came over from Empire p. m.. after wbieb tbe offiee will be , bourn of fata tiote
E. J. Folghum aad fiev. W. A. Frye could not return before Weaver bad
Bs given by driven ef rigs
closed on aecount of bis absence from {examination
examination of eyes,
eya 2 to 4 p.'m. at Dr.
emased tbe pUte. TbU ended tb( yesterday on business.
left yeaterdsy lor a few days-fisbing
London's oCee to tbs Markbsm Block
aeoresfortbe Bustlem
Bon, mi Waebtal af Petoakey. la in
Fleam call aa early aa pomibie aad
iris expected tiist the boslaeas Bear Creek.
For tbe Battle Creek team GalUgfaei tbe city 00 bosinesa.
883 4t
Today's ball game will be a good
Boaaee and residencea. partieolarly
came to bat first and got bis first base
W. O. King, s lumber buyer of <%tea> renaise
•long the line of tbe parade, will be one and tbe HnsUen should be sup 00 balta Be went to saeead oa Bar
go, is to the eliy doing buatoasa with Bakery, 221 Frost stieeU
AaeoraUd Wedneed^ in buor of Bally ported by u large crowd.
ber's sacrifice and boms on a bit by the Oval Wood Dlsb Oa. aed William
P (hg. This ooeasioa has beooSse aa
Delavan W. Mooa.
Puff. Not till ths cigtatb innlDg did Beltnor.
Ovw BeXmars'* Stee Blow
fixtan and tbe bnadrede of vi»^ of the Davis Gnnd Concert Company,
they secure nay more runs. With two
C. B.OviaUaad wife of Ctovelaad
itinwillbetterremember their visit is U the city endsavaring U arrange men out Galllgher came to bat and se
stopped at the Park Plane aa roaU for
If the city is in gala attire.
for tbe appearance of tbe company In enreil a aingla Barber was sent to
tbe north.
this city.
first on four balla. OaUigber stole to
•DanOag Party at OmonaThe Supreme eeurt hue rendered a third and both he and Barber acondi
Dr A J. fihslimaa, tha wall kaown.
I wUl be a deeirion la favor of Bemaa Hyman, in on a long aiagls by Puff.
optietou of Grand Bapida la kJ^it busy
Baaetag party at Omeaa Inn and Trav a tax title eaee brought against him
Myers sent up n high fly whlrit land with hlB Bumeroua patrous to Dr.
«ne City aociety is iavited U be pree- by Kneelnad aad Cole.
ed in tbe bonds of Wheeler, which end Loudou'a offioe la tha Markham black.
Judge B. L Corbett, accompanied Oy ed that Inning. Tbe ninth ended wHb Bin office boars are betweaa 2 aad 4 p.
•at. Tbs Oeaeeat band has alse beoa
tbe fallowing attorneys, left ye< srdsy a brUiiant doable pUy by Wbeeler and m..aadbere^ocaUthat these rrqnlrIavited and they have amjifed
TltaitaadairuamtalMvsdlto afamli
ing bla servieas call aa aoou as poaalbto.
U atUnd Circuit oourt at Lelaad: Bon. 1 Weaver.
aa excaisiOB u tbs resort,
af teeth
as be expects to be ealiad awe;
ray aboot
itoeetetypntar•tmmer Colnmbla, leaving the dock W. B. Foutar, Fred B. Pmtt, M. B.
Shop Opposite Eacle Offioe. p^nSMd.
Follovring ate tha summary andaoDre the sod of the week.
le rvt sw«i for insklng rxtractiee
pcamptiy ate;So sons to allow plc*9 Oatm, J. W. Patehin and E S. Pratt. by inotags:
•fttmefor dancing. The round trip
C. C Mam and Tony Bactna are each
luu wUl be U penu. Thla wlU be a driving new dmya
gae aoeial event and tbe young people
Over five hundred axeaidonistt
Will be eager to taka advantage of It.
UM Up from Grand Bapidi and intermedtoUpolnuontbeC. A W. M. Sun
Aeaort Votea.
day, aad about one buadred and forty
WUiam JamsaoB. Bra. O. C. Smith
from the north.
•ad Bts. & M. Baasoms. reaorUra at
A Urge tow of logs lor tbe Traverue
Travelae Beach, went u Fetoakey ysaCity Lumber company was brought la
by the tug Mary McLane Saturd^
Mm. Lorln Boberu aad Bias Barton
SobarU dlntd ysnurdsy at TnverM
George Oallrins spent yesterday fish
Ssarii. aeeompauied 'bj tbelr gnesu.
Mr. aad Mm F. S. Psaey of Gunaan- ing near Foneh. He returned vrith M
Btoe trout.
e •. »
Mm Cbauaoey Wbltacy of Saginaw ^ A tmln ef tt eanof bark left hare BaMlers............
1 4) & 0 < i
arhe bas been apeadlag a few days Sunday an the C. A Vf. fS. for HoUanA BsUlrCrvek
I 0 0 0 a c
bm. tbs guest of Mr. and Mm & ~
liaM bna. Ball. BlUer.
Whitaey, baa gone to Omana. where tog. Crseeent band exenreioa, atasmer
aha will visit the eolUgs of her fatbur, Colombia. Boat leaves at 6:30 p. m.
F. E. Qravsa.
Mm M. B. Cbnreb of Oraad Baalds,
arbo baa been spending a few daya at
at tbe rsna Mlam abowe
Omens, is tbs guest of Mm W. Ponad.
Kab-rta) Cbaage.
Dr. 8. O. Sawyer left yeaterday aftarPuna. nia.. July EL-The sixth sueF. O. Euanedy and (has. B. Aberaa noon for Ratkaaka, where ha will da
•ally of Covlngum, Ey..paased through eessit-e dally attempt tn operate the dauul work this weak.
iha dty yesUrday oa their way U three mtoes of Paoa with nan-tmlon
William Hole of the Stogar Sewtog
men. thereby breaking the miners' or
ganisation. was attempted Haiuiday Machtoc Com|My wee to Elk Bapids
William 5. Bmwn and wife arrived morning under new lacUrs by the op •a bubineas ymtarday.
' pterday from Ann Arbor, and wUl erators. but It was a flat, failure. Here
E O. Cberrymas, formerly a promlapand a pan af the aummar *t WiU- tofore tbe endeavor to operate ihenitnes aunt uadartakar at Oraad Bapida. is
with non-union miners, guarded by ex
tra police and deputies, was made at the to town.
Mrs. Bart FeUowa of Ooldwmter. ia
W. H. Dick had fassOy pamed Pennell mine, but without succei
Saturday morning the change
ths guest of Mrs. J. B. Bartia.
ttrongh tbs ehy yeaterday on titeir
Frank Friedrich want to the Maaiemy from Milwauius U tbe resoru made from the Penwell to the Springfield mine, the tatter mine being ontMttbaraortb.
aidc the city Ilmita Here SberlfT Ira taut yeaterday oa aa oil toapeetini
Mm'BcHoogh and Mm Dr. Biller Coburn, of Tnylor\-lllc, a large foroe of
*^ra. U L Barmy of Grand Bapida.
aad son came np yesterday from Cad
centrated in guard the mine and escort arriTad yeaterdsy tor a visit with Mr.
illac aad west to Heabuwaata.
the new miners to work. The old em and Bra. B. B. Bracken.
Br. aad Mm Cbaa. Fox aad C B. ployes and tbelr wives were oo
Miaa Edaa MUler has retaread tram
Bmllb are Uu arrivals frpm' Grand streeU leading to the mine ready for
any non-union men who might attempt a vlait to Charlevoix.
to pass their linen. Only two non-un
Miaa Babel Northrop, dapghti
Mm E W. Eaton arrived last
ion mlnera. both residing In' a beuae Bav. G. 8. Northrop, formariy pi
. fag from Chitego. Sbs will spend tha rieae to tbe "»i—, uudar guard, anterud •f the Baptist ekareh. arrived to the
yomaiadar of tha snmmar at U
rity laat evealag from Bt. Morria, i
rA4TBRSX orrr. .
We are
Strictly In the
H' H!
{ Business and can keep your live stock
: alive for months if you will give us a
• chance.
. *
^'1 Watch This Column For Bargains!
Do Yoa fant a Boat? '!^'"';'’.?
Spectacles, 29c to $9.(HI.
6 cents-SMe Cracker Jack Oigars-S cente
Guard Chains
“-tHne Piano for $140.
c..u,b~. — “i Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Furniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant
6eo. R. Winnie,
Up-t04laiB Painter
and Paper Nanpr.
i iinn
• 11'
pnrs DBHTAl, W0B&
i,; vt » «
i ■
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself trith a pair
of Shoes, you will find in our handedme and np-to-date stock
of Hen's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th's season of ;
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ;
: and the
'■ '^qTT®
New Dewrturei
the "LltUe Alaekfe- had failed to ated by tbe dty'e yneeu, if the mercatch. We tn«ht two of the “UtUe chaata wonld daeorate the etoree In
Aleakaa'' aad Jeka toric one and I up- their honor. Thera wiU be hnndrede
poee be ie rnmbliny the nnyyeii late it of rMitore. eld and ymay. in the eUy
tomorrow, end the parade wilt be one
on tbe other ride of the yleeier.
•aweoaeeortofaa aaimelabopt of tbe prettleat ever sun bera. Jt U
half the riM of e eqaiml and a wood- wvrj appropriate that Ue stores a^ld
ehnek. It whletled at pain a pecnliar ranoynise the oeeuioo by BtUny 4eoy BanJtariam, ia
faabioB. If I knew anythiny abont it orationa.
i-v—iwy to your town,' where I e
Tamalnforoftadxy «»»l7
give the '
f woBld eay It wafea whleUiny marmot.
an opportmUty to eosstUt hi»
\t they yet thU far north. It had a of the day. aod aU thou takiny pan :.riek
that cannot see him at his Saoiuriuai.
tall eomeihiny Ukea aqairrel'a. bnt not in tbe parade wUl be giru badyu on Tbe doctor hu to mneh faith In tbn
experience be hu bad in treating
M lony In proportion. On tbe wey |
g Tkm lUlM iKMB SutiMPf Cnb^
alynal for etarUny a III be yireo by ebt^ diseases that he wiU^re eu
we fonnd e ne»t of the minor
yell; jut a little hollow In the eoar*e rinyiny the ehnreb bells. The proeu'
-Th» S4lh
Also raxs ecaciCAL onuanoxt t*
rios wUl be led by a band, and will be
ytarel with twoeyf. In it Oerconme
or^ the monntaln Uy over rhe flat,
^rmr« ebeat two o’^ock Friday, inly l,
marehiny. and a yrwl bi-, erery patient will eUU to iher friendo
which wae oririnally corered with tbe
^ a MBall nialat towa If allea (ram
cycle parade. Both the Creaout ud 1 tbe results obUined by bis trentmeat.
yUeier which etrewed the yroond with
ptatUffo. We pitched oer tcaUjut
Boys'bsBdswlUappurln the proees- lAU
forms of chiWtdlseaske
rocks uU melted aad receded. They i-_ f-K. 11—
----- 'ride of the towe end aoaa w« ate
-.—I. k.. k— msd. formlticB treated.
maa \amm
I of aU eicea. shapes and eoiora. aad rioa The line of march hu been made,
ftnt mealapoo CebeaaeU. The
close toyether that one most olep Bborier thaa lut year, u that all can , rjenc* in the treatment of CATAWOfc
■oldlere and womea othered
part. A committee wUl
wm meet
meat all
all' BVE. BAR.
tram one to the other.
aad other
bum and tralna to receive and riteck t DWE^ES as the doctor. He yrad j
Snnday. June B.~We l*y around
Dakaa (reite wh^ they aaehaaired (or
camp noUl abont noon, asd then took
I tack or aay elotbiaf which we
onr ynns aod a lunch and went for a the Central school buUdlny, and wiH u^T’af^r that lectured s
« wUUac to part
** in Detroit'
be delivered immediately afUr the ; of Anatomy and Pbystoloyy
lony walk. Charles ahot one of tboae
After dlsaer oer amaanitioa wee ie'■marmots'' bet it yot Into iU bole, and
. if^ roaada to each aaaD. aad
we could not yet it. After eooklny onr
ea we bad a abort Uaie to explore the
-- --------------bnt to the pnWle in ; This eeperlenc*. combined with many
.bacon, aod tryinyeome “hard tack'
i. wbhA U moeh the tame
tbe mwp* wbenlyot In with a reyi*
in' Bindy in the but hospit^ lit
came home. Not a rery profitable way
Mlaiog towna ia the mouaUica of Virment and
to spend fiandsy perhsps. but we a
lay thoosands of chronic enses. has
“DiU part of the talaad ia
d him to core wh
when thejfw^^
I aad the rocin
Todayk Wedding.
, - . ,
1 wae with them ontB recalled.
practiUoner faila Have
would be home on the next boat.
k.l.p ...y
.io.«„lU. bu> .»
Bev. ud Mrs. W. H. Barlbnrt et for years.? Are yon
Monday. Jane 6.—Early this raornlpy
tell you w
.pp-rv. h...
»y tf... will he eo thick In the little creeka
Korthport ud Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Otta
we cu cure yon or not.
id . moliai ii.U- Th. b««l. U > > iT1.1 here a little Uter, that their bach* serea men psmed. on thair way fi
miles np Copper rieer, from where of Honor came in yesterday te attend core yon, we will tell y
the lake emptlee into the rirer. They
XW-Remember, one t
Mr. Benry BoBmu, to take place at
were old miners and aaid they
absoletcly free—medic
itiona, and tbe benefit of alf^r
IndkatioBS to warrant them in yoiny the residence of WUllam OruU
akiU to all' who are too poor to pay.
b,b.«.y. Tb...-d...,,b.:..lr«^t;^p■r‘^.blr■.^^^^^^
Onr metboda of treatment-^•1
U all that Is
Biybt before from the same place.
operated-by o
They ell uy the bottom hu dropped
all syenUin Paralysia, Lou of Power,
oat of tbe boom over there. They sey
Rheamatiam, and all dlaeasea of tbs
. .
. ts WTCI^I mitm
■"v—. fionr le ulUny for filS.OO per 100 on the
derVey reyn^ ahot him;,^^,^ larye lake, le the low plaoea
nerroua system. Go early, u mg
other ride.
Sjriae. and ataiMO’oloek w«
rnkiny hU
' I When t^e oome de< . U will make
SHenr Bfteoa mile march to Saatiaya. nowdismieeadonfnlipayformieycar.lj^l,,^ Iniarutiny for thou oa low
^ Wo reaebad the beadqcartere of
.NooneyetoftheStih Beyt. or On. M. -pgapda. After onr tent wu np Char^UIVMMn
DivMira A
Army Corps soon alter day j
,^nded. Two have been ,j
.................. thuaweconld
cilnmte not u hot -I uS:\Zho-e .^8 TXATU&X8 THAT VIU. IBAO
LT tha.nriu of tbe battle which wu ! p^ted to find It. Bain a ItrSOtolor ,o'clock, but reported nothlny premiatrasiawat tSv lecsst at Uf ei
^ thu takiny pUu oa the tamou San i ,.,o rack day and quite i uddy.
ptiat Is tbs OsItsU fitaisa
'Bu will leave Uc Msreantils
law. 1 think we are all looklny In tke
. . . „...
raet aad '
Seniember, sre give a
Rteek. Hotel WhiUny aod Park 1
laukfeel H ' _____ _______________*
—. . .
wru»y plau, and u aocm u the uow
m. 'Bob will also eoaoeet antee to cure every case of FILES aod
a we rasemed Ii Btanyow
and eoocaanta. This is in-‘ y«te oO
^ a lllUe, I'm yoiny to where I Rtaborate Bnnday School Fatade. Buwith boaTt at 11:30 a. m. Fruit ear will
•u- .ud t» Uu triv U~. -W'* — la™., —I k..tlfal ..d .laUrnqa., guik U 1. rtabt
ket Fiatlc and Addrauee by Voted be at East Bead on Tnesdsys, Thandays ud Sstnrdays. Passeoysrs ud
ra—dome of tbe Detalla.
fruit wiU bs Uksn on at uy point
(aUy (
along Pentunla shore by coming
pleted for rally dsy. ud from all ia- in a boat _________________
-“..rt- 1« U.U.7 baa b«»
|h„,.r pda. Uroa.b Ib.
dieatloBs it will be oneot the most uU< b.U
b.tw.;^. .
--------- -----------------.IT-----------lb«.
lor m.
MedBoed Mates oa 0. E. MI
. Tb. art., .roar a’o.bt. .b,;”lrolo.,- -."P r''."'" ieyahle Snnday school re-uniou
Clnclssatl. ooeeent per mile. Sell
leldia the northern partof the state. Slumber 3d. good te return October
tb.ru. plu <»oU.orfaaUl d.rk.ad
..... ., a,iMo«
Iftbedayis pleesut nearly all the
.nai .boo. -M- ,r.iur.o.b.mbo.l...d«cll-u.
Detroit one fare for ronnd trip. Bell
seboeU frem thUconnty and a anmber
u,bt ,b„ u. Sp-Ub
..a „ u. buu i. i. bmu,. tvk.
fram Leeiaun will be very' folly rep- Jnne TTtb and 81th return July 4th.
ate attempt te re-eapture the bill.
Indluapllta. one tare for reand trip
ud the Traverse City ecbools Sel "ADgntt 8th. return Anynst ISlh.
They ware drivu hack with buvy lorn
will torn out in force. No effort hu
............ - fare for ronnd tr
before they reached onr pita.
I uT .te
biJI wm
Anynst 5th. return
lay home, came off the ylaeler lut been spared
t>>e ><><*1 committee to ________
At tea o'clock a. m.. July 3rd. a trau write ayain. No mall hu come to "
niyhL Oee wu uow blind ud the Btake the event a snccees. and whu Aoyw'. istb.
« deriarad which atill
Addrem at Waahlnytoo, D. C.Ttth Bey.
Saratoga, one fare for ronnd trip.
the hour for the parade arrivu every- Sell Anynst 1st good to return August
mnraWe oelebrated tbe yloriou Fourth Mich. Vol. Ou't tell where wit wiU
Iny Charlie aod I contracted to bant thlay wUl move off like rioek-work. list
- ^ dlyyiny tranebm in the ride of a bill: yo
Traveraeaty, Miefe. Jnly 18th.
Toronto, Ontario, one fare for ronnd
m for tbe day is
300 pounds on two sleds down te the
for eompuy qnartera. aUo by a sU- j
trip. Bell AnyMl*4lh, 88ib. and 870., Blakeslee A McCormick. Dtatriet Mu. hrfb for them, yeitiny one doable u follows:
ayrrs. Traverse City, MIeb.
mile march to beadqnartera to reoeverj
y^ to retnrn Sept Cih.
Allow me to tbukyou
” -million. O.. one fare tor ronnd
oar aUaketa ud team which were left
Sell Anyut 1st good to retnro for cheek for »4«. for loss of flayer. 1
The parade will form at 10 a m. at
Cenaty Clerk W. A. Newton raceived
* P“‘‘
there u we-came thronyh.
wish to say that the utUemcnl was
_________ __of theotb
yesterday a letter fram hU un Ed., wu pretty bard work yelUay it down.
tbe Central school yronnds ud will AnysstSiat.
On the aftmooa
ss I called atyouredBay View Camp Meeting, one fare for
te (<«d trte... TO win« U,,..- wboi. wlU, Comp.ojK, 3l-.b M.b IboIroU Mo, tej poor. W, boo,b, movsat 10:30 a. m. on Blybth steaet to ■onnd trip. Sell Jaly mh to 81st. fiee in The Jobnscin riock and received
my m-'ney. I am always willlnytesay
_ Any. SOth.
ebuir.1 ten Llrotete Hobte'-oloopwr. .1 S.ot:«to. B. wTte S» poood. ol .0^
I~«»b* Cam. on Casa te Suta on State
year eompuy au
ites to other points. Phone
ppdhU crew. Thebpanish prieoners, that he is well aod enjoye bis expert- of*®™ *»••*
5 cente. one can Of
avenne, on Boardman avethink them anperior to all utbera.
whoweta axchanym) pueed onr lines 1 enee immensely. Heencl-aed a pipea tomatoea at fOcentt aad came home, nne to Front, on Front to Union, on
Yonrs very trnly.
at oae o'clock and abent five deafeniny; of cloth whiJi he cut from the coal ^ We look tnru in packlny the eoyar Union to Seventh, on Scvwth U tbe
Jon> Ksexx.
fi03 Swxmd street
pkMU from the firlpy line told os that. a dead Spaniard on the battle field.
honyry when
acbool yrouda
!bed. Wish yon eonld have
Tbe frilowiny yroyram will be given
the exchanye had been made.
I He says tee climate (s ayrceebic ud
___boya seen the stack of com «ste we die- on the yrouds immediatriy after the genol
Tbe yeaeral hulth of the company is' with a fewr trtfiiny exceptions
Baker . SSI Front street
T1..T iWte irUi 1. ..^8- parade:
psaenut, with the exception of Bear-' are all wel’- \vi«p
When Lte^tei
Lleatenani fliV
Hob- I«»«l »'• They
yantThrbiiekadd Privates McM*akin;son ud hit crew were exebsoyed Bd. Ihch pan. and
{ aad Sleder who are anfferiny from bad the honor of ofleriny Ue hf*ve hlyh in a pile. This did not Ipciode
Singing. «OOLDMBXA AMD XOD A. OVMBeotettut a drink from hit cuteu.
*’«-• **«■
Prayer—Bev. p. Cochlln:
a poisu almiUr to Us ivy is Hichlyu.
i -Tboradsy, June 3.—We pnt in
Inirodnctory-Eev. J. W. MlUer.
NomaU hubeu received aiaee we which vraayratefnily accepted:
Going north dally except Snnduy.
______________________________________ day yettiny Ua haluee of oar roods
Addrru of Wrieome—Mayor W. W.
lul heard a
store tent and yettiny them Smith.
__' o'clock lut niyht we .
u. ^ .Ptranyed ooovenienily. They had
spoMc-C H. Esua. prsaldent of
' fellow eominy on the
eoanty association.
bebeyuteput “A hear, a
P**'’**^ ”P “
eeaoM it yon are rick 14 days or
we pay yoa from the----. ,
Addrew-H. W. Blllta. of Qeveland. are taken sick, also from tbe boar yen
t' m Vlifflppw oftheSvery Day X<tfe m i fayeof all pereopsaflilcted with bears.
* **.*7* .
snperintendut of American Sosday meet with u accident all for fii.OO per
month. 1 will call at you residence
School Union.
' j
Onrtie in Alaska.
aod settle yonr claim in fell in
either riekorss or accident, ud we ala;.
Prid,j.M.j,7.-U te..d «, P.d.1 •l“»-o.td...d —p 1„U.
Ficnic on the Bchtol Orouads.
Th. foltelW ..tel. te te.. tel .IthT Ctell. tet.te..d bp ~.-..lte.b...teI.,h.«^»
A bukst picnic will follow, on tbe
tte . l.te write bp Fte D, Crib !«... .ou.UI.. p»ted.p „d P«.d ' •»!“” ■"
“ >«
entral aehool yronada, and at I p. m.
yon know very few pe'>ple
incampat ValduUlacier, Aiuka. te jsome-yallt’nests, two Iripdi, the
the afternoon program will be given
, world are utlrely utisfied.
W. R. HAR *)Y.
Nortbweatei n MIAIKsyS4, isiw
»!,! ITO U Alulta and Others yo to the bad, in tbe City Opera Ball w follows:
Dtatriet agent for Nortbw
. yan. Traverse City. Mie!
telp p-btep
tedte te
Addreu-Bt. Bev. Bishop A 8. Tntanon I startyd down.
,uswer tnat pwpe^.
taU. for I've tried to yet fitted into
The trail is simply awful now. It U i'T
^^STTeJ^h^^ some yroovs Where I wonld slay oonSlaying.
aUriuh and ruks ud very
o» ;
f., , j ___ ,k.«
^ venlenily. bnt u far with iU cneeoss.
Address. “Tbe Snnday School WorkUevjuuU..n.hufnll.weep.The
, UeJStl! ^-7 be, Uat whu I yet thronyh
ers''-Horaos Bltohoock. Detroit
Bat is abont Ureemllu across and wu
and CbISle tuted of them with Oita performance I'll be so ylad te
avidutiy covered withths
the raffeerradv yohomethaliwIllnotUvelonyueayh
Obairmen oftbe Oommlttosu.
»U«I,T...U.W. Tta.tep
OIJ,., b«lteldl« Atepte.pte.ta.Ub
Bev. J. W. Miller ta prosident of~«he
taluaumte dwarf the dtatanoeud It
anvthinr wrotur at first, hot lay to the nttermoat partt of tbeearlh.
‘ looks two luUMi of throe, hot Itseems
j, ^ ptcnliaT^by teste that labaUtaks my family uUre along day ud chairmen of o
Ar. Travers* City................ 10:48 - '
'tanycr every time I yo a
, siroay
^ *• **a*ba either.
Zasa. the world's yreatast elairv^Charlie hu ••tun^" every rock ud
Friday. June 3.—Went over today
thelMyer yon have it with yoa.^I
ut ud madtom is here. ^ tolls
panned every mud buk ke eu reach, dsked Charlie if he wuted any more. **> <>•'
Chulie staked ent, takiny
your foil name, tolls umm of friends,
•0 he took kis now shoes ud ynn ud and he politely said Icrald throw them
‘LltHe Alaska''gold weaker along,
toll* what yon called for. reads yonr
arut fauotioy this moraiay. I went to oot doors and If he wuted uy more '''ben we were in ScatOe Luyworthy
AdVny and PrVy.
utlrollfe instutly ud eorreetly withtha^riay for water ud Oicn went np he eonld find them.
was determined that we should boy
ent Mkiug a question. Tbe past vivid
onthaeuyoo. Thewatisrnn almost
In the evening I walked np te the' some sort of a machine for thawing
ly ruaUed.. the present unmlstak- Daily Xoraiag Sararriamfi Fnot.
•taalyhtnp. In «tBy places the rocks
of tbe uow slides to see If any ' oot frozen yronnd. We tried to oonably given, the fntnre clearly foretold.
cverhuyudit is not more tbu M thing j,,d thawed ont, found two tent vlnoe him that It wonld be easy enough
Xrareree 01^.
Do not miss this great opportenlty to
Take steascer at 6:40 a. m. for Kcab- .
feet wide. Uttlestrrams come trick- ^
out WUl dig them ont'to bay such things after wa
eourit ZAia, xa shs remains In Trav* twuta where you will ooueut with
UnyAown while the rocks ars oovered ...._____
.. bnt
.... opputaat ovaryavailabls
roturalny to Truvaiy
with moss, small ^lutsud bnshes ud
Satnrday. Mty 8t.-Wut aptedlg ,jty h,
retnrnte fks thawing
ths liras TB eomes foaming ever the bed tbe tent polu outnnd found the trall nachine sohjeel. Be uld: “Why. 1
veloped this wonderfol power ia Bast .res City et 10:45 a. m. This will yfva yonapleeMatridsef84mitai ra the
here and there formiay pools and falta. filled wHh a faying torrent and the wonld rather ye in a tttUe abort of
India. Ska has bera taaybt by tbe bay and cube made every mointM.
WhUe beantUal now,.it will be doubly pries nader a (oot of water.
greet adepta the development of the If yon wtab a longer rid* tbe boat srtll
'yrob udtakeenealoaytbuyewithlud yon et Omene or Northport where
so when the ruk veyeuUoa of this
more nbUeforoee of the hnmu
TbUtaaveryatraoye ooaatry. N^o ont lt.'' So finally ws oompromtai'
you srlll eonnect with etaamer refors- .
eonntay hu grown np. which will be souerdoeo a little spotufyroandahow^ the “UtUe Aiuka" gold waahei
yuism or what may be tormod tke Iny to Travares City et 4.-00 p, nt.
•eioeoe of the eoal. Thie etody leads
in about a month from now.
Aftanoon exeutrioae frem Trawxe
thronyh the uow, tbu the grass be- only out ti.OO ud didn't weigh n
totheaoqniririoaof powme which ap- Olty. take tbe etoeaer Cimeeet ovary
Wednesday, May 88.—After
onr ylnsto grow, iltlle pluU spring up We took itakwy today, ahevried —
peu mystoriou* to tbe ordinary senses, aflsraeoa et t:00 far Vc^Mwaata
'••b«Beewori(*'wu4oM np'thit men- ud there yon ow the phenomena of a ’ dirt late it for abont twenW mlaatsa,
where yon will eoraeet with staasusr
tag wt pUsd ap a lot of wood and wow bank aad raak ysyatatfoa aide: washed it and yot no ooler. Thw
hut whleh are ealy the rmelt of know- returafoy to Traveraeaty et 4X» p.
OmrlkirantoatudbocMhta job of by ride.
ladye of utaial laws of a more delieata
Slaying Mrda. hattarflleo Charlie twk apunfdlrt out of the
klBd thu tboee which ere more yuerud bumble hose have been here for wme brie, and yot asrsnl speeks of
Hare eac week eoly.
orer a month, when ealy the taps «f lyeUenVcf it. wd tbu wa teak a pu
Tbandey. May M.—Abont
rocks showed thronyh the euw, bnt full of tbe debris and yot erior that aetofceuitosy.anduumneh apprsri- GbU IM State etfwt. eacur «l Cam.
fiaad. riarioBe thlac that we do
bare it room. We hare room for every,
ooa Asy oae caa hare all the lead
fee wanla. I'm free te ooefeea that U
my bobby, to yet a litUe piece of laad.
ao matter how email. Ifoaly 1 ooeld
Uke a few eqeare rode of thie eoutry
home and aechor it eome where!
Borne of the people dowp at the
beach hare eqaared loor timbere and
bcilt real pice baaaea They make tbr
roof! ont of matched lember attTOper
M.bnl 1 ypeae we will bare topetaloey
Icfl Omp Alter, m4 we we
tooUog (or Mwe trom hon*.
OP eommop whip mwed leaber. The
oaly troeble, we will hare a leaky
D. H. MoBOiui.
roof. Of ceerea we doot knew where
BtereatiBtWotaa by yeiUa Tbomaa. we win make our ahaaty tor the win
ter. It aM depeode oa where we Bad
On the Firid 8>< ailca Northeaet of onr £old mlne.'-bnt U wUt probably be
Saatiaro. Jaly 8.
pear here, apleat they Bad irold on the
1>aaa FoLsa at Home:—Oaear aaS 1 other ride of the ylacier, aad then we
era all a K. la bealU aad epirila Are would try and yet in. locate a claim,
beiag eared for by the yoreroi
clean pp a little irold, ye home and
very well. Bare not eeea or heard a then come out here ayatn in the aprlay.
word from home riare done (3. tiaoti- It iiapecular etoff heriny no fixed
a^ U completely earrooBded.
mode ofhabiuUon. and nerer.yi«ee iU
at one time dnriny the Byht. when the
hlUnuttotbe Uat one wee oharyedj xfee explorlny pertie* nnder the dl-
««««»»4BMH» ««»«»« »»««««
^»«««»«*»»«»«» ««««»«» ««««»
.... ....
■>“>"”ord.-,.-u,.u.u.p..u.. -1,
sx.*-.'^0, .T.'rr
A Prompt Settlement !
Tta DiSet SUls bHitW S«MI
Tmene Bay Uu ofStonen.
Home Fntectlfe AsoclatioD
•rr- “ite
Zaza, the Clairvoyant.
covrM a* fc few y**p«—p»rt of tbt t«rritoiT «{ Uw UDlicd SutML ihtu ln>
crcftvlnf tbe comfort ud bappiDtM of
tbU peoplr; but bow »U daalrc a gov>
erwoent of our onn as comprnntloB
W*r« Probably at th« Landing
Point in Porto Rieo-8om«
Tln»* Yotterday. ,
armr, and tbs dcflnlts cstabtlahmcnt ot
tbe Cuban repubUc. with Cuban autboritlco. iB aecordanoc with tbe teaoluUuiu
of tbe i:nUed Btaies.
••We hope that tbe rresent atate of af.
fairs at Santlaito^where Spanlafda arr
mil the admlntstrstors of our iBiereais,
property and fate. «tll be'brief: that
bepe.^ Larisir •• the «
Beporu tbe Baalth MltaaUoa at
— The GareU Letiar ud
■ rr!rj
c flax of Cuba vraviBB trfut
liealrte the Amerlean fla« aa' Cuban
;i>ley Veer
▲Ube-Heoeef. Allseed Break
Men Bnd Cunt Letve Cemp
Thoma* to Reinforce Cen.
Mile* in Porto Rico.
il:iiois aid udiaha ASimcsY
under two Indictments for sbortaxes In
Ihe funds of the Chester penltentlary.of
which be w as chief clerk.
Two of the Orga
BrigiMie hebedntod to Lrave Meal—The
JkiUre nrsi Cerp. Mamie a Good Sksw
I «r rytuse
l-He aa« •nberth
•portals Oat tbe Ormmd Beanee for T
cAlss tays tbat Nbaner b tbs Blcbt
Mmm is lbs Blabl Plaes.
VasblnirtoD. July n.—la a persasal
Xondon. July U.-A apecial frorn’llad*
•W aari that General Aucuaii. captain letter to Adjiuani General Corbin Osn•Merat ot the Phlllppioes. haa tele- era! Henry, who It an experienced In•raped to the gnTemmeat aa follcaa: diam fighter..apMks as folloka of Gsn>
tmeriren' kie alswit to attack
.. ..
n. July ZL-li waa aald at
the war department late yeaterJa^- that
BO news can be ekperied from auy ofHe«B] aource as to General Uliea'm Vesnenta until today at the rarlUat. It Is
calculated that be arrived last eve'nin:;
or ;aai nljtht at the p4nt ba the coast
•f Porto lUcoaelectrd as the re.ndesvoui
(m- all tbe vcaaela of the't-X|>cdUUm.'
Whether or' not he will undrrtake to
snake a landituf la adYant-e uf the ar
rival of the whole ex]>edltlun prubibly
- will depend entirely upoa cv.uluuin? as
he flDls them, n-.ould there i>e bu
^Spsalsh force, or ai least an Ir.-onsld.
"mbte one. on the toast the tro fm will
he lan'ded to relieve ibem {mm tbe d s, Bstrous effects of l>elnr c nfl..i.‘d ciiariy
Falahllek a Huepllal.
yrsterday afternoon
three apeclal
trains from Camp -Thomas.
The first
train, hsingias General Haines and th
known to exist In tbe camp, the war
were, authorities are mure- than ever Imlined
camped north of the city .on the hanks to the belief |^l the cases Of yellow fe.
e of nihd
rJld type.
of the James river. They *-Ul embark
Some clear rases of yello
today on one uf (be transporu tor Porto
: the ofllclalB a
few as compared with those of other
fevers. rkiM-ral Fhafler's dls|ial(-b
tlon f<vr hla headquartera and la debat
ing whether he wilt locale on the idle
General llruoke
his headquarters
near llaltlefield atailun or pitch bis tont
on Snodgrass hllL
The only movement yesterday In concectlon with Ibe Porto lUran expedition
was the departure for Newport News of
eral Shatter's army and of the Reneral
himself: -The work done by these
troops aince landInK, their herolam and
patience under discomfort.
y BHafter. hiB
perUnarlty and 'i
der sdverae cir>'umstanc-es and dlsoomforts Is s revelstlon to ma
"I doubt If there Is anothpr officer
who would have 'got there' tJ
i«e did.
Our lost was most uafortunai
from character of country could
ould nR
have been aroldid *lf we had to
there.LAst nishi the Eighth Ohio
were almost drowned out and It pours
durance of men who have borne the
brant of this , week." General Henry
also speaks in high peaise of the work
of Clara Barton and Mrs. Addison
doubt tbe authority of pub'l-hed stories
on these subjocu. In fact It U now
-ported that the'letter waa written by
a nea-spaper correspondent. a*bn has
bees OB Oeneral Castillo's auff and
that ft Is doubtful If Gsrcla ever ssw
SSbat OsMral Camil«-s BMlbee Calls Oar
FoUer w to Cwba.
NtwTsl's Brsab Is a FML
Bantja^. July SS, via Kingston. July
Prom Shaftcr’s r^wn It would ap
pear that:anlmaied b>- aa ambition to jJt.—Tbe Cubar.s here resent General
take a prominent part In the Important j Bhafter'a attitude In Ignoring General
eveou following each other In rapid | oarcia and In refusing to allow the On
it Santiago after ihs InlUa- ; tan ttoops.te «ter SanUago or to cop.
Uon of the negnUatb I for the aur-} m,]| o^nei^ Ganda on the terms of the
1" -I1MI..I., U. .r».n. 1.10
four batteries of iRbt artllle’ry at f.'
k-w-s: UanetT A. of Mlaaourt; Battery
A. ot Illinois; Battery B, of PennaylvwnlA and the TwenU'-sevenib Indiana
battery. Tbe-ae batteries broke ramp
at * o’clock yesterday- morning, march
ing to RossvUle. &ch of the four batterlei had six guns. ]«0 horses and mules
and from KO to 17& officera and men. tbe
first batterr to leave was Battery X,
ed by CapUln Phil
Teager: the negt was the Tweniy-seventb tndUna battery, commanded by
CspUln J. B. CurtU.
Tnospa B-hlrh Will Follow Meat.
■The Third brigsdc of the First divis
ion. First corps, w-lll he the next tt
go today
it was authoritatively aiated last night,
received orders at a late
lal hour last sveniac to rush this brigade to Newport
News as promptly as he could get tbe
necessary can In position. The bri
gade consists of the First and Third
Kentucky- and the Fifth Illlnola It U
the understanding that the First bri
gade nf the Second division will be tbe
tlcable udMI the Flrgt corps
Soodsy 01 Camp Tbomaa
Is ex
The usual divine scri-kes by the chap
lains and by- tbe evangelists were oindueled yesterday throughout the park.
One hundred and slxty-tw-o patlenU be
tn hla efforts to take
e part
raising over the city h^l
luun' of n In (he <
rept a mb
• place!
It ti
he wBs s
General Shafler's answer a
this was a war belwctn t
at this plso- to a epcrial train anfi
en to McPherson barracks hospMal at
Atlanta. Owlag t» the limited supply of
i -e ro?".Jo.'.rr.or7.:^;“ sii;
i the army ufllcera
■ are generally amteaUe and s:t sfactory.
la an enUrely different manner Gen
Bl»r ofTra
eral Sl.ait-r takes notice of soite of ih»
./iiua. nLes,u..er articles partmeni
about the eonditiun of the irooi« U- General
fUiafter dated ftanUago. July
fore SanMsgo while they Uy In the U. In which eav-s: Lieutenant MIley
trenchek He admits that there was a baa retuiBsd from San Lu.s and Pali
shortage of tobacco fur a time, but Soriano wherojlre went four days ago to
shows concluslvi iy that th-re was no ‘ receive
irrender ot Bi«nlsh triops.
lack of the no'-WAsrli-s -f life and that Tliv
piled with hard bread. I uc<m. sugar morrow,
and coffee. Although this bill of fare ihey hs
: will be abont :
extcniOve ss that sffordel tb ship awwr-nearly 12t»00 hern, 1.DM
iroaps in giirrison. It emliodb-s ib- maJn , from fUn J.uis, 6.000 fr m Guaittnnamo.
features .4 the army ratl..n wfiii,
j,,*o at .•‘agua arJ Baracw.
field service and removed fr m a ba-e
of supplies.
t three and |s«alb!y five of the vol
< “r army ngimuMs now at Tampa
1: *■'
1" Join General MIlM at
Ssntla^ Ae Coba. Jalr tS.-A docu. i
xhe v..lonu-. r organlxatnent which is t«*lng cltvuUU-d for sig„aw at Tsmpa Include the Ons
fiatuiT' oimma Cuban residents in Ban- Huedred sad Fifty-seventh Indiana.
Uago, addrersed to the -prtwldect of tbe
Got t'mtor Hay tor I'orto liira.
United Btstea. thanking
r tbe
Tampa. Fla.. July ti—The transports
co-opeiwil>>n'of the army of the United
Butes. and vxiiresslng the bupe that the
a IIBal In the Vlrsc-toa ^
American s-vrCnroent will recoimlxe:
Cuban sovereignty in tbe sum^en-d
portion of the province of-Santlago de
Cubit, was drafted by Arms, tbe newapaper corrcBin.Ddeal on the naff of the
Cuban General (Jaauiio who drafted tbe
'la the text of the ducument:
•To President McKinley; The undersigned. Cubans by- blHb.landowne^and
populttloh Ikal suffered for many years
Spanish nilc In Ibis section of tbe Isl
and. wlsb to exprons tb-.-lr warmest
•hanks to the people of thrt'nltedgi
Bar delivering them from tbe msui...
iff»rable yoke of Epanlsh rule. They aim
wish to express their absolute oinflflescc In the good faith and.humanltarisB purposes of tbr United States, and
lu the pledge thk: the tFsrttory of Cuba
t» net «• be conquered by the American
troops for parposes <4 annexation.
••We be'levc. and would urge, that onr
•wn iH-»pl- are capable of tuUlUlng the
tnlemational obtlgaUnn to establlah a
' government for tbe island. Cubs in tbe
fnturc may possibly become—la tbs
at vartous h-urs Haturday night between I
I'clock and dsyllght.
transport Mot
day and the men li
her out some tlfne
Gen. tlyiBelJ C
Washington. July- £k—aeneral Dnf•eld. who has been engaged tn the rampaign at fianiiago and who Is convales
cing from yellow tovec. has been given
pemdssloB |o return to ibe United
Bute* If he desires.
'Santiago de Cuba, July SS.—Tbr pratoffice here warn opened Eaturday, lOt
; bags of mall of the steamer Lampasaw
I brought by lbs C<mal being dlsirilmtsd
by t-uulB Kempner, the pustmasur.
WasManIe*. Met U
murdered. His tather 1ms arrlucd trom
there sad says the young man wa* atetacked by a gang of loo^s, robbed and
murdered. His body being ihrosrn tn
tbe lake ta eeaesal the ertma.
Cheese per ft ................
Oata per bu (old)...........
Corn per bu., olfl....... .
PoUtoaa.per b«...
Salt per bbl.............
Bran per 100.......
Btnruie bati
•gmtui. ssMEi r. WAP*.
s|otls next {T'-ntb (o rrake
Ing In Indlciiwi
an ajTrof r:» irti f.-r th(- h. splial. PylhIans In all p
Bicycle Riders.
le un • o’clock evray evealnc '
egoept SaBday. in Ihe OaldsreJl ft London beildlng, nt north end of Dnloa
Bffga. perdosen..
We have aU klnda of kewlsr m
chine needles. J. W. Slatcx's bou
furaiahing alore.
John R. Santo,
Geaenl lasDrauB. >
Sew Oralgns In Fanoy Work.
Mias Grace Jubnsoo of Grand Baplda Warxbarg Bloek.
will be in the city for aome tiras with
a largs and braotifnl line of fancy
work and sumprd goods. In all tba
We nr« again ready, with a large
MapU block wood also for rala.
Telepbone So. M.
^indBipldiftliidiiul. R
: IB
BMIIt Bfll
aeaaaa ease sea
gS8e«« sat* IM
■ MIBIItlMiiaifl
aasaaaeaaasat seas
. ...Beb
hcspiial ship Belief arrived
tine yeeu-rday aflcrnoon from Slboney
with 12s sick and wounded officers and
soldiers on hoard. Thei
her died en route who were buried
s«a. among them Oila Man-, private
Thirty-third Michigan. P. J. Manning.
Thirty third Miaugan is among the
Two aeldlers I»le (a Camp.
Cbarieston. S. C.. July ZS.—The death
of Uemenam Heetpr H. Swift, of W. SI
Superior. Wis.. Is announced ai the hra
pital here, nf typhoid.
Francleco. July ZS.—Corporal
, ■l■ee■iil8eEEEf 8
' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
T^^i^yie ot tto
{: BE
I aa
j: S8
WAMTgn—To dogroeral h
nor WAMTEO-Apply to
O LmaberCe.
Traverto Clly
TTTAMTXO-GIrttocookaMke HBllea*o*el
House. CaU at eec«. « Bast^Ejgbth
Boom on Ihe IMamyag.
Mich., July &..-The 1
. Savings__________
Tbw'bs Clly. hav.ng a cap taj stock of
128.000 and a local tleg osii of 418.0OO. has
The failure Is
Wliirk WHl Mat Bs
There tor hereral Days.
' of BevsTd Wbiusr.
IMLOCB gtPgWA^JL^-Fars^tg
W^!5^iiSig£rTrtOB ai
r city
rale. TravrttoCIlyU
for tbe aoldlera at Camp Tanner and
IMS may d»A>- the contemplated movemont of the truopa Major Ballou has
I vaot thirty
l>BC wblie you
and M raais: week doa* aisi
- elFrywaB.
IB Froal
Bsesleer ferthe B
Home BulldlBg and Loan asooelulon.
X. W.Hard has been appointed receiver
ivlng a
baBn car oe this II
____ js arrive frow Rlrk_—.
Rtrk«nsi4. Fori Wares.
Dmioli aiM OranC Bspi4s<TXA p m. Parte
aaObolM cor freoi Detroit OB this t '
O. a. MUKBAT. AgCB0. L.LOCKWOOD O. P. A T. A.. Oread Ba>Ue,
iinmi iDramuiuiu
Chltwgo. July a.-FoIlwlng 1
urdsy-s l^eagur score* at base balk At
Urooklyn-Uoston I. Brooklyn I; at
I'hlltolelphla-Washtnglon i PhlladelLovers B. Wood tn If
pblA 6; at riev-land—Chicago 2. CleveISNd <; at Plltaburc-Cim-InnatlS.Pitts- ^^BM UK yMB^^wa^g^
burg 2: at New Tork-Bsltlmore 6, New
persnooflrye --•
(Saudayl At ClndniiAW- reply-tort* *1
, Travrtae City IV te
Pltuburg K. thnclnnsii C: at Louisville—
fit. Iy>ulM 1. Tx.tilsvinc 2; at Chicago—
CT-velr.nd », Chicago 2.
WetU-rn L.*aruc; At MMineapoIli
—Wll»»ukre 2. Kans.-isflly 1; al Pt. Jo.
aeph—lndlanai»>lls S. EL Joarph. 4.
(Sunday) At. Kansas Clly-Mllwaukee
t. Kansas City (: a\.Et. Jom
sis-lls I. Bt. Joseph T: at Minneapolis—
IVUrolt Ik MinneaiKiiia ‘
- Columbua I. Bt. Paul *.
aaaa a easaeceea
SaSK 8 8S8i«a88S
w»-S» S
Hra B. J. Mo>
n. ctloti with their, profotalon
ipatinn make Is a regular part
busln<-ss to negoUaie purchasea
of stocks, bonds, notes, etc., either for
Ibemaelves or others."
SEfIfi I
aaaaa «
^ aazassaassasfifis a
first Iowa, died at Camp Merritt,
urday, of pneumonia.
WAX aiTEsex up^xetnos
CfiSe 6 8
: 81, cac: a s ssas« 8
•=s= = •*fs g
Bprtngfleld. Ills.. July a.-Ther* has
been another deiai' in getting suppllas
received a mcaaage from Rock laland
autlng that the baveraacks and can
teens asked fur would not be aent Until
the istuv iiart <4 UiM week. Unlesa th<
coromand Is moved ahead without wait
ing for there supplies the Ninth w1)l not
get away tomoirt-w, as was cxpecu-d.
It la now aeliled that the Eighth will
be attached to General Lee's dlrtidon
and It will prol«ly be under General
Barkley, of this city. There appears
to bf no fonndatlcn for the ■lorvorlnted
in a Qitcago paper to the efie«; tbat
Major^lou U to b( dropped from the
o. P. OftRTE& ftt*ft(
OUT BteUeB.lae«aaiJiayAU
who In c
surgeons and medical assistants at this
point It has been deemed l>ert to send
those of the alck who have so far »cov->
(red as to be able 10 be safely moved
tn other points where they ran he cared
for, and at the sante time make room in
the l..elier hospnal for the sic k whokre
DOW In the division and rrglmental field
Knights oTPrllila* Hospital.
Tbe Xntghtr < f Pythias lodges of this
dty hkve j-clm-d In a nuivement to eslaMlidi a (M<e(>iiiil al Chaltanonga for
the rare of th,- i-l.k kh iuIsts of «ie orOir wls. are In n.p v..hintc-r army here.
A joint ton mlitie. has t>een aiipolnted
to lease a <-t - 'ire cli.,us building and proridi- .(t-i
m ruisea. Ihe hosplUl
It Is the purr I'rthlBl who
^guarantee all my afiwk
and if it doea not prova ao I raakint^
•Tbeat. old. per bu................
Wbeet. new, perbu..............
Oata. No. 1. per be. (new)..
ells; F.rst Kentucky, directed
d t>y
l»y 4Col.
Csstlaman; and the Third Kentucky, by
Colonel Emith—went on an extei-tided X M. LOLDOM.bsaUsi.OB.
order drill Eaiurday from • o'clock a. sl • Block.
m. until nearly noon. General Grant a H. BEOWK, AUeraej aae OsaatoUer 1
mounted a cannon and directed th<
inoveateet of the trogi a from that sir
vatlon. Tbe movements of the tr<-<>ps
tolalMcoBslstedof niAnneuvera stml'ar tothoes
employed In time of battle.
*" President UcKInlcy Wilbout de-
£T«r &inied OatT
Bemcmber that I do ell
an kinds of rp- pniring and enameling, and that t «i m .and do glee you t^e brat work of amj
In the dty for the money. DobH
be deceived by what otben tell yon to
the contrary, bat oomo ftnd ara l^r
She will be plraaed to ab»w tbe_____
CK-k and Coratt I^earnsb.K-k. both of iala and gire Instrnctinna In embrofitfIng them, at IIV
liv Eut Eighthatraet.
CumiAiiy E. fbciind infaniiy.
Baturday night the' war deiArtment
received a dispatch from General Shat
ter stating that Private F. A. Perrlval.
Braton Browa Bread—The real,
Company F. Thirty
irenalne article, made at JAn Aah'e
at ElboDcy of the yellow fever. He adds; iakerjr, 21 Front atraeL
•Th* altuatioD Is not alarming, though
there are many altlt with fever—abc ut
l.tM. Only a amall pan of thuae
W. P.Ckeuse.
are down with the yellow fever-aUout
le per cent. l» In aiL"
Cra. OrwBl lirtite HI* Traepw
AttroraaFt at Law.
OBeesle Beetagu Week. Tiaverat nty, MIek.
revenue holds that there It no proftskio
In the new revenue act under which spe
cial tax can be held to be Imposed ot
fval estate agents, or any person 01
firm for Amply buying or Belling real
estaii- on rnmmlisrton. either for thems-lvrs or for othera: alto that tbr law Is
aimed M a rlsss.of m<n known gener
ally in the community as bc^ra.
••A man It a br*>ker under the act.'
the decIrP-n says, -who negotiates pur
chases or nab s o. .'tnclw. Imnds, notes,
eta.. In the <-our».- of businru; and this
applies to real • state agents. Insurance
, JcAciuln Castillo, president of the San
! Carina Cuban club, and a Imoiher of
; General Castillo, nnt>'S an official pm-
dengue fever and asthenia: July 22. of
- llllora malarial fever. Privates XS'll
Saturday the cnmmjsslonvr of Intymsl
ilnlstratlrm of the surrendered
district sre interpr^-ted ss a tacit avowai of American lci« nil<m to annex the
from tbe fart Island and not to trrant Independence.
rsteMlny, Bprr-'’Xlmale|y .'SM',; d< stbi
ot previously n-ported—I^vste l*n•I A. Slone. ComiAny I), First Illlnoli
Appttos to Brokan bal Met to
liJmscif with eipaung that conesponml from Cuba.
*m.e'» wer..' Dkewis. -e.e.ei«i'
dispatch reiHirts only four deaths—and
Brooke be baa not yet selected a lois-
General Bhafter reported by cable
yesierduy that tb« condition of ibc
troops at Bantiato waa rap dly Improvtnx. and said Lc hoped In the course of
« day or two to hare them all located
In (omftiriuble ramia where they may
rest and recupe.-ate and wb-re tbe alck
tnay rtccvtr. He Is feed.ns 11:000 of
tbe Spanish prlr.iners of war. The renersl makrs no mention of tbe allexvd
letter from QanMa to himself, nor does
other Sewspsper
A more arrkjtts off«
ceived last Bight by Adjutant Generai
Corbin says that SK nrw cases of fever
of ail classes were reported Ip his camp
before Santiago Saturday. As the same
Sbaad..rame In at U-.a and tbe oUu-rv
sumed command at Camp Thtunas ^lurday as the successor of General
Wa>«beGaroU hMiMa ftbot
to Day s
CUckaBuinga Park, July Oa.. 2k—Al
though General James P. Wade as
•very effort to hurry alone the reBialnder of tbe expedition.
eir duty I
Washlngton. July 2S.—A dispatch re
News. Va» Jifly
XniFSMOi^ HukPt
•erries bseattse Ibe Beveatb rsgtoMbt
BpImt la * Itot of
Is to ba reorK*anls«d with only two maof yastarday w grtweriak.
>era. Ballou haa been mustered into tbe
-volunteer service snd he caEooi be de
posed berausc of t£» change of orgsml- mClty;
CUor Pork per bbl. Be«. .
regiment, narrowly
0«ar Pork per B..............
Ing taken Into custody Saturday by the Short Cutl^..
sheriff of Bandolph county, and was Am Cut
Pork per ft... ■
only aaved by the timely arrival of his Flour. H L. ft Oo. brat..
father. Frank W. IIsvUI. and bis attor Bye Flour. H. L. ft Co. B<
ney, M. H. Mundy. of Mount Carmel
Keel. B. L. ftOo.B«t...
who gave the trecemary ball. Hsvlll 1* Peed. a. UftOo-feet...
SMond Year—No 885
on wow xw po&to wioD.
Am«rieau WUl Sooa b* B^orcwl
IB Porto Wleo bjr Oonarai ■itoka'o
Xtatatebmtot—XU«' Amp West
Atoera W«ar Pose*, oa to* Sooto«m Bhor* of too laluA
St. Tbomao, July 26-SpecUIThe United State* troope are Uod*
<ng on the leland of Porto Rico,
near Ponce, on the south shore.
Weaadsd SoldleiB are All Bolag Well
aad Beat aie ia toe BUitot'
aft Daayar.
apMiki la Tn Moans* Bnoas..
asUaytoa.Jaly ts.—Major Maelaaa
says toe Mlehlyaa mea at the heapiuls
all delay well. Noae are la the
aliyhteat dsayer. Doamld Stark, who
lost hh arm will be seat home aoae
time tote week. Moat of toe other
mea are walklny abmt toe beepiul
yroaads. aad aay there Is ae rc
why they shoald aot lease. The
pita] here U ia first clsss eonditioe
patisnU are Just as eomforUble aad
well cored for as thoayb la the laryest
hospital ia Detroit.
Mejor Macleaa sisited the Yoae
and ears he neser eaw a yronp of aj
many ama ia aneh a hearty aad healthy
oondltioD. Be eaye all the men are
happy aad ooaUated and be was hiyh]y pleased with his sWk
Crisis Expected Snaday.
BOW belicT* toe crisis will be resebed
at MaaUs aad tea Jess sboet toe
Mae day, aad ss sear as eaa be calalated aext Snaday wiU be that day.
Oeaeral Hlles at Porto Woo.
WaaUaitoa. July U.-Toalrbt toe
war departmeat is felly
They Knst Bot
orKoloBt BpsaMh
New York, Jaly St.—A Worid Saaiiayo dl^Bteh saya toe Cahaa laearyeota, eneovayto ky theeoReap
I New Yarka
oonriaeed paper, are retardlny toe work of Mili
tary Ooreraor Wood la tpstoriay e
ia the dty. They are stiU disymatlod
kseaase the towa was aot delisered
Oeaeral MUe* is now at Porto Bieo.
bat taprereatedfroiB laadiay by the
lato of smaU boato aad lichlers.
- Bo Bwr« is expected till Miles U able
■ to ooBmnaieate with Geaersl Breoke
aad the rtdaforeeneaU srrlee; aad
Oenseml MUests eery saxloas to r«t
hisMaaadaainsslsssboretoreat betea koaUUties aetasUy bagla.
eoaoral Brooke sailed today troa
Hewport News os toe St. Loais.
The lasaryeat lorece base yone twen
ty mllee loto the interior. They base,
been sramed aot to nudeet toe SpaaUh
rseideata or to retnra to their old eyetem of briyaadaye.
Fifty fnaerals ware held yesterday
of refnyeca who died as the result of
UeBteaant Massey bsa ealled from tos seaieity of food.
Bow York for Ssatayo, where be will
Tbs Spasish eompaay hasiny toe
oee tost the Spaabbprisooen are em- eoatnet oi toe deportatioa of Spela's
batoed aooordinK to eoatraet.
Bestorstion of Bomal Taiifh Teaterday Oloeed a Bieastrou
' to^alteTheHoretacB*^
Chicayo. July *S.—All frelftt ratee
were rsetored to toe nentral tariff to
day oa the weetern read*, brinylay to
a tone a loar oonliaaed aad dlsastroa*
enrrendered troope, has ootiled them
by cable to be ready aext week.
We’re Stuck
on Base Ball Goods.^
Booffbt a biff stock to ffet tbe best prices mod cfiB% •
sell’em all. Will ffire 16 per oaot. off on erery« ^
thing for nextleo daya to rednoe the stock.
ths pnrpoae of diseosBiDy b
Ion with the anrrader. which v
) which peace with toe United amde eolely to Ue Ameriean army.
Statee eaa be amnyed.
‘The policy of my yovenment
ntlBUlay In power temp6rarily the
Madrid. July SS.—The c«
perioDS oecupyiny the offiem to one
. laterrlewed a
wbieh I mm, of eonrae. unable to dtotnpylny a biyb petition
To show you toe^iews held by
toa qa. I reyent's bonaebold wh
roveramcat. I iaeloae s eopy of the
datica briny him In daily -intimate reiastmetions raeeived by me yeetordsy
her majeety.
from the pretideat, which appear to
that the qaarrel between Spaia aad the
r ovnrytoiny that eaa poulbly
United Statee wilt be mneh easier oi
arise ia the yovemment of this torriadjastmeat thaa to yeaerally heUevad.
tory while It to held by the Calted
Theqaeea rsyaat aatarally dsaires
an honorable peace. She to alive to
■Full credit kss been ylveo to you
the force of public o{doloB and holds and yoar vaiiaet men la my repmt to
strictly to tos eonstitntionsl laws of
wvomaieot. aad I wish to ackaowthe nation.
>edye to you the yreat and valuable ^
The offieial is quoted to bsvc caid:
sblaaee you readered dariay toe cam‘"Ike preeent yovemment wlU not
InitUte peaoe, but s modified cabinet
"I reyret very mueh to knew of your
heeded by Seaor Qamsxo. the minister detenalaatioa to withdraw yourtclf
of public Instruction, will eoaelnde the Dwm tbb vicialty. I remain, youtu
aeyotlstion and than retire, aad Gea- very tincerciy,
’■SHArrxa. Major GenemL**
oral Polavieja, vrith a eomhlnaiioB la-
clDdbv SUvela aad Geaaial Oampoa.
will reotyaaixe the eonatry.
'Everybody eoBsidera that Spain
Bdt Onbaas Petition too ProsldoBt
ahonid treat dirut with the Amerieaas,
for Homs Bala
Saatiayo, Jaly S5.—The Cnbaas hers wboee pnetical yood unse wUl prevail
approse of General Garda’s
drswal into tbs Interior, of his Istter
to Shafter and hb realynstioa which
TwoOsti. ,
Ootutoeualy Bnt Firmly Ttiis Oraoral OsraU This ti Amsrioab
Saatiayo. Jnly n. via Klsyatoa. Ja
maica, July ss.—Oeoeial Skaftsr baa
BPAWXBB B^ TO BB PXtBPAB- seat toe followlny letter la reply
toe eommnakatioa addrcMcd to him
twa MnSAOB TO that BBB.
by General Osrela la whieh the Caban
leader eomitialoed of the toeatmeat
aooorded to the Cnbaas sad aaaoaaeed
PBBOnrO SIBOSBSZOV OP TBBK8 ths witodrawal of hb troops from fur
ther eo-operation with toe Amerkaas:
"I mast eay that I wm very mneh
hoivsatoation la Spain Kay Be Bf- enrprised at the receipt of your letter
morainy, and reyret exeeedinyly
fisetad and an Boaorable P
Soocht-OoBdittoM Bow Said to Be that you sheald regard yonraelf ac la
Very Pavomble for Veyotiationa. nay
way allybled or igyriered
TendioyTo Oloee Hoetilitice.
“You will remember toe fact that
Sprcbl to Tbs Homnvu Rsmn.
linvited you to aeeompany me into ihe
London. Jnly SS.—It to annonnee
town of Saatiayo to witaees the snra special dbpateh from Madrid, pnb- >ader, whieh you declined.
Ibhed here tbb afternoon, timt
“Thb war, aa yon keow, b between
Bpaaish yoremmeat has drawa a mas- the United Siatee aad Spain, and It to
saye addressed to the yovemmen
oat of toe queetion for me to take aaj|'
Washiaytoa, proposlay an armbties aetion la regard to your foreea In e
»j to General Oeiaea Oeleffstoe to the Bepobiiean Ooa
Uon Left Lart Biybb
rate war. While It were la proyrem | u u belicred by maay that the actions
The full eonyreuional deieyatlon
mUlioas of dollars was taeklessly oftbeAmerieaaadmlnbtraUonand of
-thrown %way. For twelre months rates the yeaarala here chow that annexa oonsbilny of Tboe. T. Bstee. John Pnieipher, J.T Hannah. P. F. Lardie, A.
to all parU of the territory west of tion to the aUimat* tatentlM of the
J. DeVriee. J. W. MiUlken. F. Hi
CBieayo were demorsUsed.
ton, tv. A. Newton aad H. K. Bull went
was exempted. It to diflealt to eay
A petition, which was draws ap by down to Reed City last eveniny to
tend toe couvection. which wUl
where all the reealta were meet osseroheld tob afternoon. Poetmaster Bsff
ly felt.
wbo wrote toe Gsrcls letter, b belay
mpanied the deieyatlon.
From St Pant to the yalf aad from widely eircnlated smoay the Cnbaas.
Chleayo to Use Pscile coast the ra<
The Death Bccord.
It b addressed to President HcKlBley.
of the war were experieaood. Bnt for Tbsaki are extended to the American
Word was received yeetordsy of the
it toe earn lays of the roads woo Id hsr* pe<9le for eomiay to the sM of Coba, death of Oarloa Wnyht, ayrd t yaara,
ahowed phenominal aad onpreeedented aad ooafidenoe b expremed la toe yood toe infant eon of Mr. aad Men. Arley
iaereaaa and ttockholdeis would hare ffiltb of the AsMricaB yovenunent. Wriyht, who recently moved to Marion
bOM enriched by the cnlaryemeat of Neverthsleee the petition nryee that
After SS yei
diridends and paymenU.
toe Cnbaas are capable of eetablbhloy
Lake township Mrs.
for toe island. The hope
died St her home Snndsy mominy of
b expressed tost the present eUte of old syc. Betides aa syed kosband she
Amsrioaa Spy Barrowly Bocaped
affsirt in Santisye wiU be brief and leaves one son and one dsuybtor.
The funeral wae held from the
tost toe Cabans will be permitted to
Spte^ u iSe Homiio ascoeu.
Friend's ehureb at Loay Lake ymter- NSW York. Joly S5.-An Amerlosn enter toe city, bnd that toe Cobaa flay day aftomeou.
spy. who has t
r valnsble be allowed to weve beeide the Ameri
Mra. Anyiuto Fraaka. wife of Gota for bb conatry has jut can flay. The petition aays that in
Ueb Franke. who retidcs aoath of toe
from a Cadis hotel aa hour felereCaba may become a part of the
the,city.died Saturday nlykt of dropsy.
ahead of several Spanish detectives, i'nlted butce. hot at preeent the aa- Deeessed bss been s suffemr eiyht
' whe had yol oa bb toaek after come tivet want to yovera themaelvm.
year*, but only for the past tiybt
General Shafter hasiasned an ordsr months kss she beea eonfised to her
oonyraiulatiny toe American army np- bed. She wea 4? years of aye. and has
oalu victory, and prabiny the ■"«■< for been a resident here tiaoe 1871. The
funeral wUl talm place at the family
Haro Balled Prom Port Artbar. Pro- tbrir endnraoee and conraya.
reaideaoe at B o'clock thb moralay.
eamahly For toe PhUtpplBM.
PAOBO BOAS BBOOBS BBOBXB. B«v. Wiley K. Wriyht wlU offieiato.
apwlallcTu MouivaBscess.
London. July SS —A speelal dispatch
Otisbratod Their Ooldea Weddiay.
Praak Waller Hade 8B8 KUes in One
from Sbaayhal cays that four Bossiao
Lest evealay Mr. aad Themss PetorXiatxU Leu Tkan fifi Boora.
oaeMls, men-of-war have left Fort
tyl oelehrated their ytiden weddiay
1*1 u> TU Mouts* Bscou.
aad a ystheriar of the
Artbar and it b snppoeed that their
Honyhtoa. July
-Fi«k Waller,
famUy made the oee
dutinatioo U toe PklKpplae totaads.
wbo etartod at Korwmti yeatorday pnrtieular pleu-m Aon
ayainst the S4 hour paead road reeord.
and ths ayed eonple
-Allen to Be Dia
flaUhlay at 4:49 thb afternoon, one .toarouyhlyeejeyed toe event. They
Bpwla] w TBS MoasnK « Uuou.
Washiaytoa, July 8S.—Bertram Al mlnau sbmtof 14 houra, haring eover- are amoay toe oideet retideaU of the
city aad their many friends wUl bs ylad
len of Cempaay O. 3«th Mlehlyaa. will edS«8.4 miles, toereky breakiny the
to ooayrstulato them.
be dtotosryed from service by the com previons reeord of 8SS inllca. 7W feet.
Daitartan Services.
His flniab was stoony.
easaduty officer at hb etation.
BevRT. W. lllman. a Unltariaa dlOto^ lake Drowniay.
vise of Bay aiy. was U the city yee
Bpevtol to Tbs MoBBtae Rsoeask.
tordsy risltiay Dr. J. K. EIbm aad arSpMdti to Tbs Moanne Earasn.
raayiay for a Ueltariaa aervies to be
Gsyloid, July SS.-Twe men. a wom
London. Jnlj SS.—Tbs Bart of Mfato held la the City Opera Boom a week
an aad s boy were drowned la (%abb hu bun appointed Oovaaor Oeaeral of
from Snaday. Bev. L. W. Spmyue, an
Lake, six miles from the vOtoye of frauds ia eaoeeatioB to the Bari of ^ elnqaeat preacher. wOl deliver the
Otosffo Inks today.
sertooB both moralay aad evealay.
'T' 1,360:
of the Good restore* of tbs
Tesebsrs’ lastita>.e.
One of toe moat InlereaUug diviti
if close work al toe Inttitaie.
weli as Isvtractlve, b tksi braoeb of
drswiog Id free hsed iketcb work un
der toe tutilayeof MbiWlghimsD of
Normal schaol at ML PleaaaoV
While toe work must In four weeki he
brief had elemeataiy. yet the sehoUia
accomplbb more than they reallee nod
will be able to enter totireeboels and
aketcb object leaaons they a^er
thought of attomptiog heretofore.
They have eonfidenee la themMlvea.
The object leasoa* are baaed npc
the cylisder sud bembphere. the for
mer developed la the stallet, pltebor,
vase, barrel and tbe Istter la toe kelUe. bowl, cop and esany other tomllisr
^ For cpeelal study in geographicel,
work, treea. canyons, rivers, etc., will
be skeiebcd.
Tbe work ii all In black and white,
BO eolored work being used u oolora,
nnleu is the bands of aa artist, would
bring out notoing but emde rcsnlU.
Tbe decorative blackboard work to
very important for all teachers aad Is
pat to good UM iu blackboard head
ing*. border*, calendar* and many *to■e*. Tbe two elssaee under Mise
WlghtiDsa comprise nearly, If not
quite toe entlru enroUment.
The work In geography wktdh to un
der her leadcrtiiip alM. to given in leeI 00 natural, phystoal, oommereUl
Md pclitleal geograpbv, matkematieal
being finished Isst week.
Oatherinff Huckleberries,
sen. Praak Putman and John
MnlleB have, been yatheriny In tbe
huckleberriM for the Ust.thrae weeks,
picked by abent 40 Indians plticers *b
toe pealnsals. They briny in aboat
rates adsj sad chip dlraeUy to
Cbtosyo firms. They expeet to eoutlnne shtppiny lor at least weak Irayer.
. - WUobeskL a UtUs nndsr ti
weather, was ^aced lo the coop at the
enyiae house yetierdsy, whet* be rw
malnsd for a few boniu UU toorofffhly
c of the dsv
uato line. W.
Tmene Gltj ScM of InsicI
Ow rmt *od Ca» Su.
U. WUtote.
BOUfl t COOIfll ^
250 Cloth BoQod Books at 15c each. Ppor
paper—poor binding. ^ I don’t adyise anyone to
buy them—1 simply offer them at that price^
• to get rid of them. '
] These Are The Paces
We are now making os
i 29c, 39c, 4»c, 68c, 790,’89o and $1.19.
Bargalna, ereiy
onA Valoaa 46o to $2JX).
R«'iaWe Dry Goods, Carp^
and Clothing House.
Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
New Place312 Soetb Ueiee Street, Opposite C. t W. I. Depk
mn«li nl Tutoi to But H. B. GIBBS. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
.Corre^nd with tbe Tnretse Cify Lomber Oompuy.
We hn«re for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Hill Machinery of all deacriptiotia, incloding Ttro Engines,
Set Worka, Carriagea and Saws. A complete Saw MiU Plant
Hastings' Real Esiale Agency^
A Staining Announcement
1,000 Remnants
Of everythioff coccsiralde is obr Dry /Goods departmri^
cooristiag of cashmerea, aurgsa, flaonels, suiUnga, ailka, ootiag
flannela, etc., etc.
No credit to ns for «cb an aocBmiilatiotti It ioToIrea a
lot of money. W.- are despeinte' to clean np the meaa regard*
leas of cost.
Tbe most of them are freab, new merdiandise, in fair
lengtba, which are pot op in packages or folds, st cosi, and
many items below cost, bnt in order to caoTart tbesp goodf in
to ready cash we make an extra leducUon of 16 per cent, on
t^em. This is the gresteat oppbrtonity erar offered on a repreaentativ* lot of merchandise. It means a rsdnotion of 16 to*
26 ppr oent on wboleaale prices.
The Boston Store,
THS xoumrG ksooaD. tusboat, jttlt se. ibbb.
^^^WTHEm flcmi WORKS!
BeftnatM of BMriet emmtiat ud
Proffrem ta the BwiagBTTT VZU BASLT BBATBT.
TlMdlbtrtetoMreoUoeof the I. O.
Cbeapegt nod moat reluble place to get four bicyde repaired and
O. T. bccea U thU eit^ jcsterdey, •
pat in good mnniag order. Bare had aeveral yeara experience and
bnelMae profrram beinr preeented ia «‘Joeho”
Gave Aaother Bcmo
aftaraaeael Foreeter’a heU. Ia the
know boir it abonld be done. Satiafaction giunbteed. I am aelling
Boa Xxbibitioa aad Boablo PUya
ereaiar the foUowiaf profraia wee
ObaretiOTiaad the
Otme »ood
bicycle anodriea at aboot oosL Xew and aecond hand wheels for sale
I. W. HAavu. Bdltor »nd MuifwWotkJui Aroaad Bade a Ooataat of
and to rent. Please give oa a trial.
Aor« Than Ordinary Xrtsraet.
Braring a specialty.
aad Babel Browa. .
The ball game yeaterday betirow
BLUB, 811 Vront«t,EMt
Prayer—Bor. Hargin'.
Qoartet—Dr. Sayder. Bar. «. D. the Hutien aad Battie Crreke ww V.
Harrer. Bimea Aaaa Paatea aad Babel
and deaerred a larger crowd. While ‘
the borne team won oat It waa not be-|
a Mi ae-—
caaie the vialtMs did not play good
Prof. C B. Hora
ball, aa the wror eolamn wUl teetify. !
Addrae by Oraad ^lef Templar.
The weather wae Bne and the oondi■
09, W. Bordlek.
UoBs fa'
, laatmmenul daeU elarlaet aad
Tbe home team played fast ball, at
Caaa. Oea D Bairer aadClaadlee BelL
usual, aad two fine doable plays added
BeaedicUoa—Ber. G. D. Barger.
totbeinUrestlntbegame. They also
vrbere she is now livtog. She wUl
plaoed tbelr blu opportunely and prof
spend several weeks visiting Miss FUwa
ited tberoby.
Allen, BlM Carrie Broedfaot and other
There wUI be a regnlar meeting of
Wliceler put up a stiff game at third,
■Trarerae City (Bapter Ha 147 of the and Hull took everything la eentre
Mm a Starr of Morria. IIU. and Mrs.
(Bder of the Baatem Star thU croaiag. flelA Weaver played excellent at flrat
Mattcaaa of Chicago, are ristiug Mrs.
A foil atteManoe U detlrad.
and made a great home run to tbe
£48 Front Street. |
sin Matteaon of 13t8 Union strosb : -FhonelST.
'Themcmbeniof the ladlea Library thir.l Inulug. Butler pitched his best
Mrs. Wffl. Bole and ehUdren. who
Amoelation aiAjbelr trlaSUng Manda game striking out 10 men.
have been vUiting relatives in BseaaaTbe oppcalng team put up a good
rmt &st I
t of Oenenl wUl eajoy a joH| picaic at £aat bay to
for six weeks, returaad yeeterdST,
day. Conreyanoea wQl leave the teal; game also but could Boi place tbe ball
KDm’ ftrmy
ludisc OD
Ur. Bole meeting them at B:k Bspdit.
Maad «f Porto Rioo Tcoterda; osd deaeea of Br*. Eoealand and Bra. Oea* when at bat. Callister , pitched the
Mrs. A. J Sbellmaa and family
•eea Ivportut sow* wiU ht ooKinff
rand Rapids, have joined Dr. Kbell1 Uero. At the other extreme of the benefit of thbee who hare mot rige substituted for the remalndsr of the
an here sod will remain for a abort
^- ,
d one cheap, als
MM of etrUe, MeolU, other »o- of tbelr own.
Botlee. ' Call and see wbat you <
Theanttlersaoenradooaron in the
itaou eveate ere ie profrem es4
The gaemea apoa the date of the
Circuit Conn stemogrupber J. E FprrBBLY. «12 Monroe street. -Side.
West 81
• ariale; !• oxpeeted rerp
e-irrender of PorU Bleo. tor which Dr.
Benderaon of Cadillac, parsed through
tent to Irdf ou a dead ball, avd
Oemeat ir offering priam. ahoaUE all be
the city yesUrday on route foe Lelaad
1 be made witbln a eery few days, handed In to the Bxcokd offiee by to advanced to third on Purs passed ball, where circuit court Is In sesstou.
and scoiud on HnU’s klL No soorea
thla war the greateet batUea morrow orenlag.
Mrs. Frank Helm has retnraed from
ere made in tbe second inning.
Bam eoeored oa Sunday, aad it la aow
Br. aad Hn. Boland Doaglae are
visit at SasbviUe, Mich. Sbe was
In the third Bunt sad Hull cacb got
fradleted that next Sanday wiU aee happy over the arrival of a daogbter
base Bits. Hunt scored oo Wheeler’s accompanied borne by her father. John
«rWa both at Porte Bloe and Manila, make their heme brighter.
who will spend soma time
ulngls. Wbealer stole
ManufaetBradbyED. GIIBEBT. Beat Five Caat Ogar Bade.
fhere ean be bat me raeolw bnt AtaerThe Boye' Band will foraieb moale at base and both be and Bull cataa here.
g „
deaaa are impatient for Ifilea aad Mor^
Zsxa, tbe clairvoyant, who spent last
the feu to be given by the ladies of
giU to aeeempliak their taaka.. AateriGrace eboreb. oa the lawa of Bn. Av. tbe next man up aad knocked out a week at Manistee, is in tbe city.
«aa eoenpaUonef the PbUlppiBee aad •ryh lenidenoe. oa Boardaun aveaae,
______________________________ .. '
Hiss Edna Wllbelm entertained Mies
borne run. sending Glcaaoa aeram tbe
Parte Bleo wUl pfobably be fellowea
thla evening.
pUte. This ended the runs for tbnt Isabel Gallic of Charlevoix and Miss
By defialte peatfe
proepeete. ‘
Cala McOmber of Grand Bapids
1. thereeeemt nowtobe a healthy
$2S3. will sell to get room, pt fl40. W. W. KIMBALL 00. N. E ffTBONG.
Tbe fourth was a abut out for tbe
'ameat la that directioa>
Bat of PriaoeUiB, Ilia.. Is in tha ei^ viaivT. 8. Henderuon went to Empire yee- Manager,
Front street.
ahoold there bo fortber delay Haraoa lag Dr. W. E. Moon, whom babas knewn ome (earn.
tarday on buslnem
ly yeSM. Mr. Jobaton U a gradoThey scored a gain in tbe fifth bowVaatreeeivetbeattentioaof thla getaUofthaAnn Arbornatvenityof the rer. when Wheeler came up aad
aeat. The capital of Oaba wenM
ef ’*4. aad throagh the repreeeat- knocked out n neat ainglc, stole to Copemlsb yesterday.
BIRAM CODE Star Omcfiry. 245 Proa.t Street.
^eabtieae preaeat the moat formidable
B. C. Dodge is is Fmakfort oa legal
and craeaed tbe plate when
■Uaoe of anything yet eaeonntared aUoaa of Dr. Boon, be came here
PhArnlofoc ELEGANT FLAVORS, aaaortad varieties—m flser made little. He likee Ue Grand Weaver mppad out a alagla.
Be AmwioaB toreea. bat poaee orer. a aovsla af l/IIUtUldlCO aaywbere. Also eholee eoofecttoiisof all iriada.audeea
Mioa Barilla
Bnoa by 8paU would eaem to be m
got a nice bit over la right field
ttaea. GEO. B. McLELLAN. aoroar Front aad Park sta.
A. T. and G. A. Johnson, arrived
w ooarm. before the Uaitod Statea ed tan tae farm near Bllswerth aad and stole to second.
Both he and
a ' b^ta oparatioM agalaat Aha any make Tnvene City ble borne tar a Weaver came home whan Miller p
a^old of Blaaoa. whieh moat while.
tbe ball ever the fence for two basca
B. F. Northrop left yesterday for
W. S. Smith, reprcaeating the Baclae
#nia«^y ahare the fate of SantUga.
Traverse City was unable to send
Fin Engine Oo-. b here to taoeive the tan acroos tbe plate again until the Detroit, where be will attend a meet
VBAaaow the Sanday eeheel ehUcbeosteal lor tbe city, which U ox- niuib inning. Hull then started it by ing of tbe Amertoaa Society of Civil
Bakery, eorner Unli^ and 7lh otreeta.
Bna will have the right of way ia the poetodThonday.
putting tbe ball ouUide tbe lot for two
Maytie Bobinson bas gone to Altogan
<d^ aad daring the parade it U aogMr. aad Bn. Oscar Bemoi mde
bases and was advanred to third eu for a vialt with friends.
gamed that everybody nsiagoonveyaa- to Kalkaska Sandar on their bicycles Wheeler's saeriflec bib Gleaaon se>
I for 2«o aad Beat
Mm Bysdsle of Grand Rapids is the
«a make a special effiwt u let the lit- aad retnraed y
eared a single whieh sent Bail gnest of Miaa Oea McCoy.
Lunehea in the world for 15c. Opm all nigbb
fila folks have all the room there is.
Than. Shaae left yesterday for Chi borne, and eromed tbe plate himself on
Band Compton returoed yeslcrday
Tbs younger ones will oecapy the cago and will retorn with a carload of Weaver's bib Pitman drove a fly Into
from Bead City and Maalou. wham
Xir. B L. Aahtou the dentist, will be | Dr. A. J. Sfaellau of Ormod Bapida,
whole etreet in eome plaoes and partiea- horses.
right field which Callisur caught but sbe visited the past three weeks.
at bis office dortog every day nbtil S > by request of bis fri
Jar atUnti<m to their wanderings abonld
E.B Dailey came over from Empire p. m.. after wbieb tbe offiee will be , bourn of fata tiote
E. J. Folghum aad fiev. W. A. Frye could not return before Weaver bad
Bs given by driven ef rigs
closed on aecount of bis absence from {examination
examination of eyes,
eya 2 to 4 p.'m. at Dr.
emased tbe pUte. TbU ended tb( yesterday on business.
left yeaterdsy lor a few days-fisbing
London's oCee to tbs Markbsm Block
aeoresfortbe Bustlem
Bon, mi Waebtal af Petoakey. la in
Fleam call aa early aa pomibie aad
iris expected tiist the boslaeas Bear Creek.
For tbe Battle Creek team GalUgfaei tbe city 00 bosinesa.
883 4t
Today's ball game will be a good
Boaaee and residencea. partieolarly
came to bat first and got bis first base
W. O. King, s lumber buyer of <%tea> renaise
•long the line of tbe parade, will be one and tbe HnsUen should be sup 00 balta Be went to saeead oa Bar
go, is to the eliy doing buatoasa with Bakery, 221 Frost stieeU
AaeoraUd Wedneed^ in buor of Bally ported by u large crowd.
ber's sacrifice and boms on a bit by the Oval Wood Dlsb Oa. aed William
P (hg. This ooeasioa has beooSse aa
Delavan W. Mooa.
Puff. Not till ths cigtatb innlDg did Beltnor.
Ovw BeXmars'* Stee Blow
fixtan and tbe bnadrede of vi»^ of the Davis Gnnd Concert Company,
they secure nay more runs. With two
C. B.OviaUaad wife of Ctovelaad
itinwillbetterremember their visit is U the city endsavaring U arrange men out Galllgher came to bat and se
stopped at the Park Plane aa roaU for
If the city is in gala attire.
for tbe appearance of tbe company In enreil a aingla Barber was sent to
tbe north.
this city.
first on four balla. OaUigber stole to
•DanOag Party at OmonaThe Supreme eeurt hue rendered a third and both he and Barber acondi
Dr A J. fihslimaa, tha wall kaown.
I wUl be a deeirion la favor of Bemaa Hyman, in on a long aiagls by Puff.
optietou of Grand Bapida la kJ^it busy
Baaetag party at Omeaa Inn and Trav a tax title eaee brought against him
Myers sent up n high fly whlrit land with hlB Bumeroua patrous to Dr.
«ne City aociety is iavited U be pree- by Kneelnad aad Cole.
ed in tbe bonds of Wheeler, which end Loudou'a offioe la tha Markham black.
Judge B. L Corbett, accompanied Oy ed that Inning. Tbe ninth ended wHb Bin office boars are betweaa 2 aad 4 p.
•at. Tbs Oeaeeat band has alse beoa
tbe fallowing attorneys, left ye< srdsy a brUiiant doable pUy by Wbeeler and m..aadbere^ocaUthat these rrqnlrIavited and they have amjifed
TltaitaadairuamtalMvsdlto afamli
ing bla servieas call aa aoou as poaalbto.
U atUnd Circuit oourt at Lelaad: Bon. 1 Weaver.
aa excaisiOB u tbs resort,
af teeth
as be expects to be ealiad awe;
ray aboot
itoeetetypntar•tmmer Colnmbla, leaving the dock W. B. Foutar, Fred B. Pmtt, M. B.
Shop Opposite Eacle Offioe. p^nSMd.
Follovring ate tha summary andaoDre the sod of the week.
le rvt sw«i for insklng rxtractiee
pcamptiy ate;So sons to allow plc*9 Oatm, J. W. Patehin and E S. Pratt. by inotags:
•fttmefor dancing. The round trip
C. C Mam and Tony Bactna are each
luu wUl be U penu. Thla wlU be a driving new dmya
gae aoeial event and tbe young people
Over five hundred axeaidonistt
Will be eager to taka advantage of It.
UM Up from Grand Bapidi and intermedtoUpolnuontbeC. A W. M. Sun
Aeaort Votea.
day, aad about one buadred and forty
WUiam JamsaoB. Bra. O. C. Smith
from the north.
•ad Bts. & M. Baasoms. reaorUra at
A Urge tow of logs lor tbe Traverue
Travelae Beach, went u Fetoakey ysaCity Lumber company was brought la
by the tug Mary McLane Saturd^
Mm. Lorln Boberu aad Bias Barton
SobarU dlntd ysnurdsy at TnverM
George Oallrins spent yesterday fish
Ssarii. aeeompauied 'bj tbelr gnesu.
Mr. aad Mm F. S. Psaey of Gunaan- ing near Foneh. He returned vrith M
Btoe trout.
e •. »
Mm Cbauaoey Wbltacy of Saginaw ^ A tmln ef tt eanof bark left hare BaMlers............
1 4) & 0 < i
arhe bas been apeadlag a few days Sunday an the C. A Vf. fS. for HoUanA BsUlrCrvek
I 0 0 0 a c
bm. tbs guest of Mr. and Mm & ~
liaM bna. Ball. BlUer.
Whitaey, baa gone to Omana. where tog. Crseeent band exenreioa, atasmer
aha will visit the eolUgs of her fatbur, Colombia. Boat leaves at 6:30 p. m.
F. E. Qravsa.
Mm M. B. Cbnreb of Oraad Baalds,
arbo baa been spending a few daya at
at tbe rsna Mlam abowe
Omens, is tbs guest of Mm W. Ponad.
Kab-rta) Cbaage.
Dr. 8. O. Sawyer left yeaterday aftarPuna. nia.. July EL-The sixth sueF. O. Euanedy and (has. B. Aberaa noon for Ratkaaka, where ha will da
•ally of Covlngum, Ey..paased through eessit-e dally attempt tn operate the dauul work this weak.
iha dty yesUrday oa their way U three mtoes of Paoa with nan-tmlon
William Hole of the Stogar Sewtog
men. thereby breaking the miners' or
ganisation. was attempted Haiuiday Machtoc Com|My wee to Elk Bapids
William 5. Bmwn and wife arrived morning under new lacUrs by the op •a bubineas ymtarday.
' pterday from Ann Arbor, and wUl erators. but It was a flat, failure. Here
E O. Cberrymas, formerly a promlapand a pan af the aummar *t WiU- tofore tbe endeavor to operate ihenitnes aunt uadartakar at Oraad Bapida. is
with non-union miners, guarded by ex
tra police and deputies, was made at the to town.
Mrs. Bart FeUowa of Ooldwmter. ia
W. H. Dick had fassOy pamed Pennell mine, but without succei
Saturday morning the change
ths guest of Mrs. J. B. Bartia.
ttrongh tbs ehy yeaterday on titeir
Frank Friedrich want to the Maaiemy from Milwauius U tbe resoru made from the Penwell to the Springfield mine, the tatter mine being ontMttbaraortb.
aidc the city Ilmita Here SberlfT Ira taut yeaterday oa aa oil toapeetini
Mm'BcHoogh and Mm Dr. Biller Coburn, of Tnylor\-lllc, a large foroe of
*^ra. U L Barmy of Grand Bapida.
aad son came np yesterday from Cad
centrated in guard the mine and escort arriTad yeaterdsy tor a visit with Mr.
illac aad west to Heabuwaata.
the new miners to work. The old em and Bra. B. B. Bracken.
Br. aad Mm Cbaa. Fox aad C B. ployes and tbelr wives were oo
Miaa Edaa MUler has retaread tram
Bmllb are Uu arrivals frpm' Grand streeU leading to the mine ready for
any non-union men who might attempt a vlait to Charlevoix.
to pass their linen. Only two non-un
Miaa Babel Northrop, dapghti
Mm E W. Eaton arrived last
ion mlnera. both residing In' a beuae Bav. G. 8. Northrop, formariy pi
. fag from Chitego. Sbs will spend tha rieae to tbe "»i—, uudar guard, anterud •f the Baptist ekareh. arrived to the
yomaiadar of tha snmmar at U
rity laat evealag from Bt. Morria, i
rA4TBRSX orrr. .
We are
Strictly In the
H' H!
{ Business and can keep your live stock
: alive for months if you will give us a
• chance.
. *
^'1 Watch This Column For Bargains!
Do Yoa fant a Boat? '!^'"';'’.?
Spectacles, 29c to $9.(HI.
6 cents-SMe Cracker Jack Oigars-S cente
Guard Chains
“-tHne Piano for $140.
c..u,b~. — “i Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Furniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant
6eo. R. Winnie,
Up-t04laiB Painter
and Paper Nanpr.
i iinn
• 11'
pnrs DBHTAl, W0B&
i,; vt » «
i ■
Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself trith a pair
of Shoes, you will find in our handedme and np-to-date stock
of Hen's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th's season of ;
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ;
: and the
'■ '^qTT®
New Dewrturei
the "LltUe Alaekfe- had failed to ated by tbe dty'e yneeu, if the mercatch. We tn«ht two of the “UtUe chaata wonld daeorate the etoree In
Aleakaa'' aad Jeka toric one and I up- their honor. Thera wiU be hnndrede
poee be ie rnmbliny the nnyyeii late it of rMitore. eld and ymay. in the eUy
tomorrow, end the parade wilt be one
on tbe other ride of the yleeier.
•aweoaeeortofaa aaimelabopt of tbe prettleat ever sun bera. Jt U
half the riM of e eqaiml and a wood- wvrj appropriate that Ue stores a^ld
ehnek. It whletled at pain a pecnliar ranoynise the oeeuioo by BtUny 4eoy BanJtariam, ia
faabioB. If I knew anythiny abont it orationa.
i-v—iwy to your town,' where I e
Tamalnforoftadxy «»»l7
give the '
f woBld eay It wafea whleUiny marmot.
an opportmUty to eosstUt hi»
\t they yet thU far north. It had a of the day. aod aU thou takiny pan :.riek
that cannot see him at his Saoiuriuai.
tall eomeihiny Ukea aqairrel'a. bnt not in tbe parade wUl be giru badyu on Tbe doctor hu to mneh faith In tbn
experience be hu bad in treating
M lony In proportion. On tbe wey |
g Tkm lUlM iKMB SutiMPf Cnb^
alynal for etarUny a III be yireo by ebt^ diseases that he wiU^re eu
we fonnd e ne»t of the minor
yell; jut a little hollow In the eoar*e rinyiny the ehnreb bells. The proeu'
-Th» S4lh
Also raxs ecaciCAL onuanoxt t*
rios wUl be led by a band, and will be
ytarel with twoeyf. In it Oerconme
or^ the monntaln Uy over rhe flat,
^rmr« ebeat two o’^ock Friday, inly l,
marehiny. and a yrwl bi-, erery patient will eUU to iher friendo
which wae oririnally corered with tbe
^ a MBall nialat towa If allea (ram
cycle parade. Both the Creaout ud 1 tbe results obUined by bis trentmeat.
yUeier which etrewed the yroond with
ptatUffo. We pitched oer tcaUjut
Boys'bsBdswlUappurln the proees- lAU
forms of chiWtdlseaske
rocks uU melted aad receded. They i-_ f-K. 11—
----- 'ride of the towe end aoaa w« ate
-.—I. k.. k— msd. formlticB treated.
maa \amm
I of aU eicea. shapes and eoiora. aad rioa The line of march hu been made,
ftnt mealapoo CebeaaeU. The
close toyether that one most olep Bborier thaa lut year, u that all can , rjenc* in the treatment of CATAWOfc
■oldlere and womea othered
part. A committee wUl
wm meet
meat all
all' BVE. BAR.
tram one to the other.
aad other
bum and tralna to receive and riteck t DWE^ES as the doctor. He yrad j
Snnday. June B.~We l*y around
Dakaa (reite wh^ they aaehaaired (or
camp noUl abont noon, asd then took
I tack or aay elotbiaf which we
onr ynns aod a lunch and went for a the Central school buUdlny, and wiH u^T’af^r that lectured s
« wUUac to part
** in Detroit'
be delivered immediately afUr the ; of Anatomy and Pbystoloyy
lony walk. Charles ahot one of tboae
After dlsaer oer amaanitioa wee ie'■marmots'' bet it yot Into iU bole, and
. if^ roaada to each aaaD. aad
we could not yet it. After eooklny onr
ea we bad a abort Uaie to explore the
-- --------------bnt to the pnWle in ; This eeperlenc*. combined with many
.bacon, aod tryinyeome “hard tack'
i. wbhA U moeh the tame
tbe mwp* wbenlyot In with a reyi*
in' Bindy in the but hospit^ lit
came home. Not a rery profitable way
Mlaiog towna ia the mouaUica of Virment and
to spend fiandsy perhsps. but we a
lay thoosands of chronic enses. has
“DiU part of the talaad ia
d him to core wh
when thejfw^^
I aad the rocin
Todayk Wedding.
, - . ,
1 wae with them ontB recalled.
practiUoner faila Have
would be home on the next boat.
k.l.p ...y
.io.«„lU. bu> .»
Bev. ud Mrs. W. H. Barlbnrt et for years.? Are yon
Monday. Jane 6.—Early this raornlpy
tell you w
.pp-rv. h...
»y tf... will he eo thick In the little creeka
Korthport ud Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Otta
we cu cure yon or not.
id . moliai ii.U- Th. b««l. U > > iT1.1 here a little Uter, that their bach* serea men psmed. on thair way fi
miles np Copper rieer, from where of Honor came in yesterday te attend core yon, we will tell y
the lake emptlee into the rirer. They
XW-Remember, one t
Mr. Benry BoBmu, to take place at
were old miners and aaid they
absoletcly free—medic
itiona, and tbe benefit of alf^r
IndkatioBS to warrant them in yoiny the residence of WUllam OruU
akiU to all' who are too poor to pay.
b,b.«.y. Tb...-d...,,b.:..lr«^t;^p■r‘^.blr■.^^^^^^
Onr metboda of treatment-^•1
U all that Is
Biybt before from the same place.
operated-by o
They ell uy the bottom hu dropped
all syenUin Paralysia, Lou of Power,
oat of tbe boom over there. They sey
Rheamatiam, and all dlaeasea of tbs
. .
. ts WTCI^I mitm
■"v—. fionr le ulUny for filS.OO per 100 on the
derVey reyn^ ahot him;,^^,^ larye lake, le the low plaoea
nerroua system. Go early, u mg
other ride.
Sjriae. and ataiMO’oloek w«
rnkiny hU
' I When t^e oome de< . U will make
SHenr Bfteoa mile march to Saatiaya. nowdismieeadonfnlipayformieycar.lj^l,,^ Iniarutiny for thou oa low
^ Wo reaebad the beadqcartere of
.NooneyetoftheStih Beyt. or On. M. -pgapda. After onr tent wu np Char^UIVMMn
DivMira A
Army Corps soon alter day j
,^nded. Two have been ,j
.................. thuaweconld
cilnmte not u hot -I uS:\Zho-e .^8 TXATU&X8 THAT VIU. IBAO
LT tha.nriu of tbe battle which wu ! p^ted to find It. Bain a ItrSOtolor ,o'clock, but reported nothlny premiatrasiawat tSv lecsst at Uf ei
^ thu takiny pUu oa the tamou San i ,.,o rack day and quite i uddy.
ptiat Is tbs OsItsU fitaisa
'Bu will leave Uc Msreantils
law. 1 think we are all looklny In tke
. . . „...
raet aad '
Seniember, sre give a
Rteek. Hotel WhiUny aod Park 1
laukfeel H ' _____ _______________*
—. . .
wru»y plau, and u aocm u the uow
m. 'Bob will also eoaoeet antee to cure every case of FILES aod
a we rasemed Ii Btanyow
and eoocaanta. This is in-‘ y«te oO
^ a lllUe, I'm yoiny to where I Rtaborate Bnnday School Fatade. Buwith boaTt at 11:30 a. m. Fruit ear will
•u- .ud t» Uu triv U~. -W'* — la™., —I k..tlfal ..d .laUrnqa., guik U 1. rtabt
ket Fiatlc and Addrauee by Voted be at East Bead on Tnesdsys, Thandays ud Sstnrdays. Passeoysrs ud
ra—dome of tbe Detalla.
fruit wiU bs Uksn on at uy point
(aUy (
along Pentunla shore by coming
pleted for rally dsy. ud from all ia- in a boat _________________
-“..rt- 1« U.U.7 baa b«»
|h„,.r pda. Uroa.b Ib.
dieatloBs it will be oneot the most uU< b.U
b.tw.;^. .
--------- -----------------.IT-----------lb«.
lor m.
MedBoed Mates oa 0. E. MI
. Tb. art., .roar a’o.bt. .b,;”lrolo.,- -."P r''."'" ieyahle Snnday school re-uniou
Clnclssatl. ooeeent per mile. Sell
leldia the northern partof the state. Slumber 3d. good te return October
tb.ru. plu <»oU.orfaaUl d.rk.ad
..... ., a,iMo«
Iftbedayis pleesut nearly all the
.nai .boo. -M- ,r.iur.o.b.mbo.l...d«cll-u.
Detroit one fare for ronnd trip. Bell
seboeU frem thUconnty and a anmber
u,bt ,b„ u. Sp-Ub
..a „ u. buu i. i. bmu,. tvk.
fram Leeiaun will be very' folly rep- Jnne TTtb and 81th return July 4th.
ate attempt te re-eapture the bill.
Indluapllta. one tare for reand trip
ud the Traverse City ecbools Sel "ADgntt 8th. return Anynst ISlh.
They ware drivu hack with buvy lorn
will torn out in force. No effort hu
............ - fare for ronnd tr
before they reached onr pita.
I uT .te
biJI wm
Anynst 5th. return
lay home, came off the ylaeler lut been spared
t>>e ><><*1 committee to ________
At tea o'clock a. m.. July 3rd. a trau write ayain. No mall hu come to "
niyhL Oee wu uow blind ud the Btake the event a snccees. and whu Aoyw'. istb.
« deriarad which atill
Addrem at Waahlnytoo, D. C.Ttth Bey.
Saratoga, one fare for ronnd trip.
the hour for the parade arrivu every- Sell Anynst 1st good to return August
mnraWe oelebrated tbe yloriou Fourth Mich. Vol. Ou't tell where wit wiU
Iny Charlie aod I contracted to bant thlay wUl move off like rioek-work. list
- ^ dlyyiny tranebm in the ride of a bill: yo
Traveraeaty, Miefe. Jnly 18th.
Toronto, Ontario, one fare for ronnd
m for tbe day is
300 pounds on two sleds down te the
for eompuy qnartera. aUo by a sU- j
trip. Bell AnyMl*4lh, 88ib. and 870., Blakeslee A McCormick. Dtatriet Mu. hrfb for them, yeitiny one doable u follows:
ayrrs. Traverse City, MIeb.
mile march to beadqnartera to reoeverj
y^ to retnrn Sept Cih.
Allow me to tbukyou
” -million. O.. one fare tor ronnd
oar aUaketa ud team which were left
Sell Anyut 1st good to retnro for cheek for »4«. for loss of flayer. 1
The parade will form at 10 a m. at
Cenaty Clerk W. A. Newton raceived
* P“‘‘
there u we-came thronyh.
wish to say that the utUemcnl was
_________ __of theotb
yesterday a letter fram hU un Ed., wu pretty bard work yelUay it down.
tbe Central school yronnds ud will AnysstSiat.
On the aftmooa
ss I called atyouredBay View Camp Meeting, one fare for
te (<«d trte... TO win« U,,..- wboi. wlU, Comp.ojK, 3l-.b M.b IboIroU Mo, tej poor. W, boo,b, movsat 10:30 a. m. on Blybth steaet to ■onnd trip. Sell Jaly mh to 81st. fiee in The Jobnscin riock and received
my m-'ney. I am always willlnytesay
_ Any. SOth.
ebuir.1 ten Llrotete Hobte'-oloopwr. .1 S.ot:«to. B. wTte S» poood. ol .0^
I~«»b* Cam. on Casa te Suta on State
year eompuy au
ites to other points. Phone
ppdhU crew. Thebpanish prieoners, that he is well aod enjoye bis expert- of*®™ *»••*
5 cente. one can Of
avenne, on Boardman avethink them anperior to all utbera.
whoweta axchanym) pueed onr lines 1 enee immensely. Heencl-aed a pipea tomatoea at fOcentt aad came home, nne to Front, on Front to Union, on
Yonrs very trnly.
at oae o'clock and abent five deafeniny; of cloth whiJi he cut from the coal ^ We look tnru in packlny the eoyar Union to Seventh, on Scvwth U tbe
Jon> Ksexx.
fi03 Swxmd street
pkMU from the firlpy line told os that. a dead Spaniard on the battle field.
honyry when
acbool yrouda
!bed. Wish yon eonld have
Tbe frilowiny yroyram will be given
the exchanye had been made.
I He says tee climate (s ayrceebic ud
___boya seen the stack of com «ste we die- on the yrouds immediatriy after the genol
Tbe yeaeral hulth of the company is' with a fewr trtfiiny exceptions
Baker . SSI Front street
T1..T iWte irUi 1. ..^8- parade:
psaenut, with the exception of Bear-' are all wel’- \vi«p
When Lte^tei
Lleatenani fliV
Hob- I«»«l »'• They
yantThrbiiekadd Privates McM*akin;son ud hit crew were exebsoyed Bd. Ihch pan. and
{ aad Sleder who are anfferiny from bad the honor of ofleriny Ue hf*ve hlyh in a pile. This did not Ipciode
Singing. «OOLDMBXA AMD XOD A. OVMBeotettut a drink from hit cuteu.
*’«-• **«■
Prayer—Bev. p. Cochlln:
a poisu almiUr to Us ivy is Hichlyu.
i -Tboradsy, June 3.—We pnt in
Inirodnctory-Eev. J. W. MlUer.
NomaU hubeu received aiaee we which vraayratefnily accepted:
Going north dally except Snnduy.
______________________________________ day yettiny Ua haluee of oar roods
Addrru of Wrieome—Mayor W. W.
lul heard a
store tent and yettiny them Smith.
__' o'clock lut niyht we .
u. ^ .Ptranyed ooovenienily. They had
spoMc-C H. Esua. prsaldent of
' fellow eominy on the
eoanty association.
bebeyuteput “A hear, a
P**'’**^ ”P “
eeaoM it yon are rick 14 days or
we pay yoa from the----. ,
Addrew-H. W. Blllta. of Qeveland. are taken sick, also from tbe boar yen
t' m Vlifflppw oftheSvery Day X<tfe m i fayeof all pereopsaflilcted with bears.
* **.*7* .
snperintendut of American Sosday meet with u accident all for fii.OO per
month. 1 will call at you residence
School Union.
' j
Onrtie in Alaska.
aod settle yonr claim in fell in
either riekorss or accident, ud we ala;.
Prid,j.M.j,7.-U te..d «, P.d.1 •l“»-o.td...d —p 1„U.
Ficnic on the Bchtol Orouads.
Th. foltelW ..tel. te te.. tel .IthT Ctell. tet.te..d bp ~.-..lte.b...teI.,h.«^»
A bukst picnic will follow, on tbe
tte . l.te write bp Fte D, Crib !«... .ou.UI.. p»ted.p „d P«.d ' •»!“” ■"
“ >«
entral aehool yronada, and at I p. m.
yon know very few pe'>ple
incampat ValduUlacier, Aiuka. te jsome-yallt’nests, two Iripdi, the
the afternoon program will be given
, world are utlrely utisfied.
W. R. HAR *)Y.
Nortbweatei n MIAIKsyS4, isiw
»!,! ITO U Alulta and Others yo to the bad, in tbe City Opera Ball w follows:
Dtatriet agent for Nortbw
. yan. Traverse City. Mie!
telp p-btep
tedte te
Addreu-Bt. Bev. Bishop A 8. Tntanon I startyd down.
,uswer tnat pwpe^.
taU. for I've tried to yet fitted into
The trail is simply awful now. It U i'T
^^STTeJ^h^^ some yroovs Where I wonld slay oonSlaying.
aUriuh and ruks ud very
o» ;
f., , j ___ ,k.«
^ venlenily. bnt u far with iU cneeoss.
Address. “Tbe Snnday School WorkUevjuuU..n.hufnll.weep.The
, UeJStl! ^-7 be, Uat whu I yet thronyh
ers''-Horaos Bltohoock. Detroit
Bat is abont Ureemllu across and wu
and CbISle tuted of them with Oita performance I'll be so ylad te
avidutiy covered withths
the raffeerradv yohomethaliwIllnotUvelonyueayh
Obairmen oftbe Oommlttosu.
»U«I,T...U.W. Tta.tep
OIJ,., b«lteldl« Atepte.pte.ta.Ub
Bev. J. W. Miller ta prosident of~«he
taluaumte dwarf the dtatanoeud It
anvthinr wrotur at first, hot lay to the nttermoat partt of tbeearlh.
‘ looks two luUMi of throe, hot Itseems
j, ^ ptcnliaT^by teste that labaUtaks my family uUre along day ud chairmen of o
Ar. Travers* City................ 10:48 - '
'tanycr every time I yo a
, siroay
^ *• **a*ba either.
Zasa. the world's yreatast elairv^Charlie hu ••tun^" every rock ud
Friday. June 3.—Went over today
thelMyer yon have it with yoa.^I
ut ud madtom is here. ^ tolls
panned every mud buk ke eu reach, dsked Charlie if he wuted any more. **> <>•'
Chulie staked ent, takiny
your foil name, tolls umm of friends,
•0 he took kis now shoes ud ynn ud and he politely said Icrald throw them
‘LltHe Alaska''gold weaker along,
toll* what yon called for. reads yonr
arut fauotioy this moraiay. I went to oot doors and If he wuted uy more '''ben we were in ScatOe Luyworthy
AdVny and PrVy.
utlrollfe instutly ud eorreetly withtha^riay for water ud Oicn went np he eonld find them.
was determined that we should boy
ent Mkiug a question. Tbe past vivid
onthaeuyoo. Thewatisrnn almost
In the evening I walked np te the' some sort of a machine for thawing
ly ruaUed.. the present unmlstak- Daily Xoraiag Sararriamfi Fnot.
•taalyhtnp. In «tBy places the rocks
of tbe uow slides to see If any ' oot frozen yronnd. We tried to oonably given, the fntnre clearly foretold.
cverhuyudit is not more tbu M thing j,,d thawed ont, found two tent vlnoe him that It wonld be easy enough
Xrareree 01^.
Do not miss this great opportenlty to
Take steascer at 6:40 a. m. for Kcab- .
feet wide. Uttlestrrams come trick- ^
out WUl dig them ont'to bay such things after wa
eourit ZAia, xa shs remains In Trav* twuta where you will ooueut with
UnyAown while the rocks ars oovered ...._____
.. bnt
.... opputaat ovaryavailabls
roturalny to Truvaiy
with moss, small ^lutsud bnshes ud
Satnrday. Mty 8t.-Wut aptedlg ,jty h,
retnrnte fks thawing
ths liras TB eomes foaming ever the bed tbe tent polu outnnd found the trall nachine sohjeel. Be uld: “Why. 1
veloped this wonderfol power ia Bast .res City et 10:45 a. m. This will yfva yonapleeMatridsef84mitai ra the
here and there formiay pools and falta. filled wHh a faying torrent and the wonld rather ye in a tttUe abort of
India. Ska has bera taaybt by tbe bay and cube made every mointM.
WhUe beantUal now,.it will be doubly pries nader a (oot of water.
greet adepta the development of the If yon wtab a longer rid* tbe boat srtll
'yrob udtakeenealoaytbuyewithlud yon et Omene or Northport where
so when the ruk veyeuUoa of this
more nbUeforoee of the hnmu
TbUtaaveryatraoye ooaatry. N^o ont lt.'' So finally ws oompromtai'
you srlll eonnect with etaamer refors- .
eonntay hu grown np. which will be souerdoeo a little spotufyroandahow^ the “UtUe Aiuka" gold waahei
yuism or what may be tormod tke Iny to Travares City et 4.-00 p, nt.
•eioeoe of the eoal. Thie etody leads
in about a month from now.
Aftanoon exeutrioae frem Trawxe
thronyh the uow, tbu the grass be- only out ti.OO ud didn't weigh n
totheaoqniririoaof powme which ap- Olty. take tbe etoeaer Cimeeet ovary
Wednesday, May 88.—After
onr ylnsto grow, iltlle pluU spring up We took itakwy today, ahevried —
peu mystoriou* to tbe ordinary senses, aflsraeoa et t:00 far Vc^Mwaata
'••b«Beewori(*'wu4oM np'thit men- ud there yon ow the phenomena of a ’ dirt late it for abont twenW mlaatsa,
where yon will eoraeet with staasusr
tag wt pUsd ap a lot of wood and wow bank aad raak ysyatatfoa aide: washed it and yot no ooler. Thw
hut whleh are ealy the rmelt of know- returafoy to Traveraeaty et 4X» p.
OmrlkirantoatudbocMhta job of by ride.
ladye of utaial laws of a more delieata
Slaying Mrda. hattarflleo Charlie twk apunfdlrt out of the
klBd thu tboee which ere more yuerud bumble hose have been here for wme brie, and yot asrsnl speeks of
Hare eac week eoly.
orer a month, when ealy the taps «f lyeUenVcf it. wd tbu wa teak a pu
Tbandey. May M.—Abont
rocks showed thronyh the euw, bnt full of tbe debris and yot erior that aetofceuitosy.anduumneh apprsri- GbU IM State etfwt. eacur «l Cam.
fiaad. riarioBe thlac that we do
bare it room. We hare room for every,
ooa Asy oae caa hare all the lead
fee wanla. I'm free te ooefeea that U
my bobby, to yet a litUe piece of laad.
ao matter how email. Ifoaly 1 ooeld
Uke a few eqeare rode of thie eoutry
home and aechor it eome where!
Borne of the people dowp at the
beach hare eqaared loor timbere and
bcilt real pice baaaea They make tbr
roof! ont of matched lember attTOper
M.bnl 1 ypeae we will bare topetaloey
Icfl Omp Alter, m4 we we
tooUog (or Mwe trom hon*.
OP eommop whip mwed leaber. The
oaly troeble, we will hare a leaky
D. H. MoBOiui.
roof. Of ceerea we doot knew where
BtereatiBtWotaa by yeiUa Tbomaa. we win make our ahaaty tor the win
ter. It aM depeode oa where we Bad
On the Firid 8>< ailca Northeaet of onr £old mlne.'-bnt U wUt probably be
Saatiaro. Jaly 8.
pear here, apleat they Bad irold on the
1>aaa FoLsa at Home:—Oaear aaS 1 other ride of the ylacier, aad then we
era all a K. la bealU aad epirila Are would try and yet in. locate a claim,
beiag eared for by the yoreroi
clean pp a little irold, ye home and
very well. Bare not eeea or heard a then come out here ayatn in the aprlay.
word from home riare done (3. tiaoti- It iiapecular etoff heriny no fixed
a^ U completely earrooBded.
mode ofhabiuUon. and nerer.yi«ee iU
at one time dnriny the Byht. when the
hlUnuttotbe Uat one wee oharyedj xfee explorlny pertie* nnder the dl-
««««»»4BMH» ««»«»« »»««««
^»«««»«*»»«»«» ««««»«» ««««»
.... ....
■>“>"”ord.-,.-u,.u.u.p..u.. -1,
sx.*-.'^0, .T.'rr
A Prompt Settlement !
Tta DiSet SUls bHitW S«MI
Tmene Bay Uu ofStonen.
Home Fntectlfe AsoclatioD
•rr- “ite
Zaza, the Clairvoyant.
covrM a* fc few y**p«—p»rt of tbt t«rritoiT «{ Uw UDlicd SutML ihtu ln>
crcftvlnf tbe comfort ud bappiDtM of
tbU peoplr; but bow »U daalrc a gov>
erwoent of our onn as comprnntloB
W*r« Probably at th« Landing
Point in Porto Rieo-8om«
Tln»* Yotterday. ,
armr, and tbs dcflnlts cstabtlahmcnt ot
tbe Cuban repubUc. with Cuban autboritlco. iB aecordanoc with tbe teaoluUuiu
of tbe i:nUed Btaies.
••We hope that tbe rresent atate of af.
fairs at Santlaito^where Spanlafda arr
mil the admlntstrstors of our iBiereais,
property and fate. «tll be'brief: that
bepe.^ Larisir •• the «
Beporu tbe Baalth MltaaUoa at
— The GareU Letiar ud
■ rr!rj
c flax of Cuba vraviBB trfut
liealrte the Amerlean fla« aa' Cuban
;i>ley Veer
▲Ube-Heoeef. Allseed Break
Men Bnd Cunt Letve Cemp
Thoma* to Reinforce Cen.
Mile* in Porto Rico.
il:iiois aid udiaha ASimcsY
under two Indictments for sbortaxes In
Ihe funds of the Chester penltentlary.of
which be w as chief clerk.
Two of the Orga
BrigiMie hebedntod to Lrave Meal—The
JkiUre nrsi Cerp. Mamie a Good Sksw
I «r rytuse
l-He aa« •nberth
•portals Oat tbe Ormmd Beanee for T
cAlss tays tbat Nbaner b tbs Blcbt
Mmm is lbs Blabl Plaes.
VasblnirtoD. July n.—la a persasal
Xondon. July U.-A apecial frorn’llad*
•W aari that General Aucuaii. captain letter to Adjiuani General Corbin Osn•Merat ot the Phlllppioes. haa tele- era! Henry, who It an experienced In•raped to the gnTemmeat aa follcaa: diam fighter..apMks as folloka of Gsn>
tmeriren' kie alswit to attack
.. ..
n. July ZL-li waa aald at
the war department late yeaterJa^- that
BO news can be ekperied from auy ofHe«B] aource as to General Uliea'm Vesnenta until today at the rarlUat. It Is
calculated that be arrived last eve'nin:;
or ;aai nljtht at the p4nt ba the coast
•f Porto lUcoaelectrd as the re.ndesvoui
(m- all tbe vcaaela of the't-X|>cdUUm.'
Whether or' not he will undrrtake to
snake a landituf la adYant-e uf the ar
rival of the whole ex]>edltlun prubibly
- will depend entirely upoa cv.uluuin? as
he flDls them, n-.ould there i>e bu
^Spsalsh force, or ai least an Ir.-onsld.
"mbte one. on the toast the tro fm will
he lan'ded to relieve ibem {mm tbe d s, Bstrous effects of l>elnr c nfl..i.‘d ciiariy
Falahllek a Huepllal.
yrsterday afternoon
three apeclal
trains from Camp -Thomas.
The first
train, hsingias General Haines and th
known to exist In tbe camp, the war
were, authorities are mure- than ever Imlined
camped north of the city .on the hanks to the belief |^l the cases Of yellow fe.
e of nihd
rJld type.
of the James river. They *-Ul embark
Some clear rases of yello
today on one uf (be transporu tor Porto
: the ofllclalB a
few as compared with those of other
fevers. rkiM-ral Fhafler's dls|ial(-b
tlon f<vr hla headquartera and la debat
ing whether he wilt locale on the idle
General llruoke
his headquarters
near llaltlefield atailun or pitch bis tont
on Snodgrass hllL
The only movement yesterday In concectlon with Ibe Porto lUran expedition
was the departure for Newport News of
eral Shatter's army and of the Reneral
himself: -The work done by these
troops aince landInK, their herolam and
patience under discomfort.
y BHafter. hiB
perUnarlty and 'i
der sdverae cir>'umstanc-es and dlsoomforts Is s revelstlon to ma
"I doubt If there Is anothpr officer
who would have 'got there' tJ
i«e did.
Our lost was most uafortunai
from character of country could
ould nR
have been aroldid *lf we had to
there.LAst nishi the Eighth Ohio
were almost drowned out and It pours
durance of men who have borne the
brant of this , week." General Henry
also speaks in high peaise of the work
of Clara Barton and Mrs. Addison
doubt tbe authority of pub'l-hed stories
on these subjocu. In fact It U now
-ported that the'letter waa written by
a nea-spaper correspondent. a*bn has
bees OB Oeneral Castillo's auff and
that ft Is doubtful If Gsrcla ever ssw
SSbat OsMral Camil«-s BMlbee Calls Oar
FoUer w to Cwba.
NtwTsl's Brsab Is a FML
Bantja^. July SS, via Kingston. July
Prom Shaftcr’s r^wn It would ap
pear that:anlmaied b>- aa ambition to jJt.—Tbe Cubar.s here resent General
take a prominent part In the Important j Bhafter'a attitude In Ignoring General
eveou following each other In rapid | oarcia and In refusing to allow the On
it Santiago after ihs InlUa- ; tan ttoops.te «ter SanUago or to cop.
Uon of the negnUatb I for the aur-} m,]| o^nei^ Ganda on the terms of the
1" -I1MI..I., U. .r».n. 1.10
four batteries of iRbt artllle’ry at f.'
k-w-s: UanetT A. of Mlaaourt; Battery
A. ot Illinois; Battery B, of PennaylvwnlA and the TwenU'-sevenib Indiana
battery. Tbe-ae batteries broke ramp
at * o’clock yesterday- morning, march
ing to RossvUle. &ch of the four batterlei had six guns. ]«0 horses and mules
and from KO to 17& officera and men. tbe
first batterr to leave was Battery X,
ed by CapUln Phil
Teager: the negt was the Tweniy-seventb tndUna battery, commanded by
CspUln J. B. CurtU.
Tnospa B-hlrh Will Follow Meat.
■The Third brigsdc of the First divis
ion. First corps, w-lll he the next tt
go today
it was authoritatively aiated last night,
received orders at a late
lal hour last sveniac to rush this brigade to Newport
News as promptly as he could get tbe
necessary can In position. The bri
gade consists of the First and Third
Kentucky- and the Fifth Illlnola It U
the understanding that the First bri
gade nf the Second division will be tbe
tlcable udMI the Flrgt corps
Soodsy 01 Camp Tbomaa
Is ex
The usual divine scri-kes by the chap
lains and by- tbe evangelists were oindueled yesterday throughout the park.
One hundred and slxty-tw-o patlenU be
tn hla efforts to take
e part
raising over the city h^l
luun' of n In (he <
rept a mb
• place!
It ti
he wBs s
General Shafler's answer a
this was a war belwctn t
at this plso- to a epcrial train anfi
en to McPherson barracks hospMal at
Atlanta. Owlag t» the limited supply of
i -e ro?".Jo.'.rr.or7.:^;“ sii;
i the army ufllcera
■ are generally amteaUe and s:t sfactory.
la an enUrely different manner Gen
Bl»r ofTra
eral Sl.ait-r takes notice of soite of ih»
./iiua. nLes,u..er articles partmeni
about the eonditiun of the irooi« U- General
fUiafter dated ftanUago. July
fore SanMsgo while they Uy In the U. In which eav-s: Lieutenant MIley
trenchek He admits that there was a baa retuiBsd from San Lu.s and Pali
shortage of tobacco fur a time, but Soriano wherojlre went four days ago to
shows concluslvi iy that th-re was no ‘ receive
irrender ot Bi«nlsh triops.
lack of the no'-WAsrli-s -f life and that Tliv
piled with hard bread. I uc<m. sugar morrow,
and coffee. Although this bill of fare ihey hs
: will be abont :
extcniOve ss that sffordel tb ship awwr-nearly 12t»00 hern, 1.DM
iroaps in giirrison. It emliodb-s ib- maJn , from fUn J.uis, 6.000 fr m Guaittnnamo.
features .4 the army ratl..n wfiii,
j,,*o at .•‘agua arJ Baracw.
field service and removed fr m a ba-e
of supplies.
t three and |s«alb!y five of the vol
< “r army ngimuMs now at Tampa
1: *■'
1" Join General MIlM at
Ssntla^ Ae Coba. Jalr tS.-A docu. i
xhe v..lonu-. r organlxatnent which is t«*lng cltvuUU-d for sig„aw at Tsmpa Include the Ons
fiatuiT' oimma Cuban residents in Ban- Huedred sad Fifty-seventh Indiana.
Uago, addrersed to the -prtwldect of tbe
Got t'mtor Hay tor I'orto liira.
United Btstea. thanking
r tbe
Tampa. Fla.. July ti—The transports
co-opeiwil>>n'of the army of the United
Butes. and vxiiresslng the bupe that the
a IIBal In the Vlrsc-toa ^
American s-vrCnroent will recoimlxe:
Cuban sovereignty in tbe sum^en-d
portion of the province of-Santlago de
Cubit, was drafted by Arms, tbe newapaper corrcBin.Ddeal on the naff of the
Cuban General (Jaauiio who drafted tbe
'la the text of the ducument:
•To President McKinley; The undersigned. Cubans by- blHb.landowne^and
populttloh Ikal suffered for many years
Spanish nilc In Ibis section of tbe Isl
and. wlsb to exprons tb-.-lr warmest
•hanks to the people of thrt'nltedgi
Bar delivering them from tbe msui...
iff»rable yoke of Epanlsh rule. They aim
wish to express their absolute oinflflescc In the good faith and.humanltarisB purposes of tbr United States, and
lu the pledge thk: the tFsrttory of Cuba
t» net «• be conquered by the American
troops for parposes <4 annexation.
••We be'levc. and would urge, that onr
•wn iH-»pl- are capable of tuUlUlng the
tnlemational obtlgaUnn to establlah a
' government for tbe island. Cubs in tbe
fnturc may possibly become—la tbs
at vartous h-urs Haturday night between I
I'clock and dsyllght.
transport Mot
day and the men li
her out some tlfne
Gen. tlyiBelJ C
Washington. July- £k—aeneral Dnf•eld. who has been engaged tn the rampaign at fianiiago and who Is convales
cing from yellow tovec. has been given
pemdssloB |o return to ibe United
Bute* If he desires.
'Santiago de Cuba, July SS.—Tbr pratoffice here warn opened Eaturday, lOt
; bags of mall of the steamer Lampasaw
I brought by lbs C<mal being dlsirilmtsd
by t-uulB Kempner, the pustmasur.
WasManIe*. Met U
murdered. His tather 1ms arrlucd trom
there sad says the young man wa* atetacked by a gang of loo^s, robbed and
murdered. His body being ihrosrn tn
tbe lake ta eeaesal the ertma.
Cheese per ft ................
Oata per bu (old)...........
Corn per bu., olfl....... .
PoUtoaa.per b«...
Salt per bbl.............
Bran per 100.......
Btnruie bati
•gmtui. ssMEi r. WAP*.
s|otls next {T'-ntb (o rrake
Ing In Indlciiwi
an ajTrof r:» irti f.-r th(- h. splial. PylhIans In all p
Bicycle Riders.
le un • o’clock evray evealnc '
egoept SaBday. in Ihe OaldsreJl ft London beildlng, nt north end of Dnloa
Bffga. perdosen..
We have aU klnda of kewlsr m
chine needles. J. W. Slatcx's bou
furaiahing alore.
John R. Santo,
Geaenl lasDrauB. >
Sew Oralgns In Fanoy Work.
Mias Grace Jubnsoo of Grand Baplda Warxbarg Bloek.
will be in the city for aome tiras with
a largs and braotifnl line of fancy
work and sumprd goods. In all tba
We nr« again ready, with a large
MapU block wood also for rala.
Telepbone So. M.
^indBipldiftliidiiul. R
: IB
BMIIt Bfll
aeaaaa ease sea
gS8e«« sat* IM
■ MIBIItlMiiaifl
aasaaaeaaasat seas
. ...Beb
hcspiial ship Belief arrived
tine yeeu-rday aflcrnoon from Slboney
with 12s sick and wounded officers and
soldiers on hoard. Thei
her died en route who were buried
s«a. among them Oila Man-, private
Thirty-third Michigan. P. J. Manning.
Thirty third Miaugan is among the
Two aeldlers I»le (a Camp.
Cbarieston. S. C.. July ZS.—The death
of Uemenam Heetpr H. Swift, of W. SI
Superior. Wis.. Is announced ai the hra
pital here, nf typhoid.
Francleco. July ZS.—Corporal
, ■l■ee■iil8eEEEf 8
' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
T^^i^yie ot tto
{: BE
I aa
j: S8
WAMTgn—To dogroeral h
nor WAMTEO-Apply to
O LmaberCe.
Traverto Clly
TTTAMTXO-GIrttocookaMke HBllea*o*el
House. CaU at eec«. « Bast^Ejgbth
Boom on Ihe IMamyag.
Mich., July &..-The 1
. Savings__________
Tbw'bs Clly. hav.ng a cap taj stock of
128.000 and a local tleg osii of 418.0OO. has
The failure Is
Wliirk WHl Mat Bs
There tor hereral Days.
' of BevsTd Wbiusr.
IMLOCB gtPgWA^JL^-Fars^tg
W^!5^iiSig£rTrtOB ai
r city
rale. TravrttoCIlyU
for tbe aoldlera at Camp Tanner and
IMS may d»A>- the contemplated movemont of the truopa Major Ballou has
I vaot thirty
l>BC wblie you
and M raais: week doa* aisi
- elFrywaB.
IB Froal
Bsesleer ferthe B
Home BulldlBg and Loan asooelulon.
X. W.Hard has been appointed receiver
ivlng a
baBn car oe this II
____ js arrive frow Rlrk_—.
Rtrk«nsi4. Fori Wares.
Dmioli aiM OranC Bspi4s<TXA p m. Parte
aaObolM cor freoi Detroit OB this t '
O. a. MUKBAT. AgCB0. L.LOCKWOOD O. P. A T. A.. Oread Ba>Ue,
iinmi iDramuiuiu
Chltwgo. July a.-FoIlwlng 1
urdsy-s l^eagur score* at base balk At
Urooklyn-Uoston I. Brooklyn I; at
I'hlltolelphla-Washtnglon i PhlladelLovers B. Wood tn If
pblA 6; at riev-land—Chicago 2. CleveISNd <; at Plltaburc-Cim-InnatlS.Pitts- ^^BM UK yMB^^wa^g^
burg 2: at New Tork-Bsltlmore 6, New
persnooflrye --•
(Saudayl At ClndniiAW- reply-tort* *1
, Travrtae City IV te
Pltuburg K. thnclnnsii C: at Louisville—
fit. Iy>ulM 1. Tx.tilsvinc 2; at Chicago—
CT-velr.nd », Chicago 2.
WetU-rn L.*aruc; At MMineapoIli
—Wll»»ukre 2. Kans.-isflly 1; al Pt. Jo.
aeph—lndlanai»>lls S. EL Joarph. 4.
(Sunday) At. Kansas Clly-Mllwaukee
t. Kansas City (: a\.Et. Jom
sis-lls I. Bt. Joseph T: at Minneapolis—
IVUrolt Ik MinneaiKiiia ‘
- Columbua I. Bt. Paul *.
aaaa a easaeceea
SaSK 8 8S8i«a88S
w»-S» S
Hra B. J. Mo>
n. ctloti with their, profotalon
ipatinn make Is a regular part
busln<-ss to negoUaie purchasea
of stocks, bonds, notes, etc., either for
Ibemaelves or others."
SEfIfi I
aaaaa «
^ aazassaassasfifis a
first Iowa, died at Camp Merritt,
urday, of pneumonia.
WAX aiTEsex up^xetnos
CfiSe 6 8
: 81, cac: a s ssas« 8
•=s= = •*fs g
Bprtngfleld. Ills.. July a.-Ther* has
been another deiai' in getting suppllas
received a mcaaage from Rock laland
autlng that the baveraacks and can
teens asked fur would not be aent Until
the istuv iiart <4 UiM week. Unlesa th<
coromand Is moved ahead without wait
ing for there supplies the Ninth w1)l not
get away tomoirt-w, as was cxpecu-d.
It la now aeliled that the Eighth will
be attached to General Lee's dlrtidon
and It will prol«ly be under General
Barkley, of this city. There appears
to bf no fonndatlcn for the ■lorvorlnted
in a Qitcago paper to the efie«; tbat
Major^lou U to b( dropped from the
o. P. OftRTE& ftt*ft(
OUT BteUeB.lae«aaiJiayAU
who In c
surgeons and medical assistants at this
point It has been deemed l>ert to send
those of the alck who have so far »cov->
(red as to be able 10 be safely moved
tn other points where they ran he cared
for, and at the sante time make room in
the l..elier hospnal for the sic k whokre
DOW In the division and rrglmental field
Knights oTPrllila* Hospital.
Tbe Xntghtr < f Pythias lodges of this
dty hkve j-clm-d In a nuivement to eslaMlidi a (M<e(>iiiil al Chaltanonga for
the rare of th,- i-l.k kh iuIsts of «ie orOir wls. are In n.p v..hintc-r army here.
A joint ton mlitie. has t>een aiipolnted
to lease a <-t - 'ire cli.,us building and proridi- .(t-i
m ruisea. Ihe hosplUl
It Is the purr I'rthlBl who
^guarantee all my afiwk
and if it doea not prova ao I raakint^
•Tbeat. old. per bu................
Wbeet. new, perbu..............
Oata. No. 1. per be. (new)..
ells; F.rst Kentucky, directed
d t>y
l»y 4Col.
Csstlaman; and the Third Kentucky, by
Colonel Emith—went on an extei-tided X M. LOLDOM.bsaUsi.OB.
order drill Eaiurday from • o'clock a. sl • Block.
m. until nearly noon. General Grant a H. BEOWK, AUeraej aae OsaatoUer 1
mounted a cannon and directed th<
inoveateet of the trogi a from that sir
vatlon. Tbe movements of the tr<-<>ps
tolalMcoBslstedof niAnneuvera stml'ar tothoes
employed In time of battle.
*" President UcKInlcy Wilbout de-
£T«r &inied OatT
Bemcmber that I do ell
an kinds of rp- pniring and enameling, and that t «i m .and do glee you t^e brat work of amj
In the dty for the money. DobH
be deceived by what otben tell yon to
the contrary, bat oomo ftnd ara l^r
She will be plraaed to ab»w tbe_____
CK-k and Coratt I^earnsb.K-k. both of iala and gire Instrnctinna In embrofitfIng them, at IIV
liv Eut Eighthatraet.
CumiAiiy E. fbciind infaniiy.
Baturday night the' war deiArtment
received a dispatch from General Shat
ter stating that Private F. A. Perrlval.
Braton Browa Bread—The real,
Company F. Thirty
irenalne article, made at JAn Aah'e
at ElboDcy of the yellow fever. He adds; iakerjr, 21 Front atraeL
•Th* altuatioD Is not alarming, though
there are many altlt with fever—abc ut
l.tM. Only a amall pan of thuae
W. P.Ckeuse.
are down with the yellow fever-aUout
le per cent. l» In aiL"
Cra. OrwBl lirtite HI* Traepw
AttroraaFt at Law.
OBeesle Beetagu Week. Tiaverat nty, MIek.
revenue holds that there It no proftskio
In the new revenue act under which spe
cial tax can be held to be Imposed ot
fval estate agents, or any person 01
firm for Amply buying or Belling real
estaii- on rnmmlisrton. either for thems-lvrs or for othera: alto that tbr law Is
aimed M a rlsss.of m<n known gener
ally in the community as bc^ra.
••A man It a br*>ker under the act.'
the decIrP-n says, -who negotiates pur
chases or nab s o. .'tnclw. Imnds, notes,
eta.. In the <-our».- of businru; and this
applies to real • state agents. Insurance
, JcAciuln Castillo, president of the San
! Carina Cuban club, and a Imoiher of
; General Castillo, nnt>'S an official pm-
dengue fever and asthenia: July 22. of
- llllora malarial fever. Privates XS'll
Saturday the cnmmjsslonvr of Intymsl
ilnlstratlrm of the surrendered
district sre interpr^-ted ss a tacit avowai of American lci« nil<m to annex the
from tbe fart Island and not to trrant Independence.
rsteMlny, Bprr-'’Xlmale|y .'SM',; d< stbi
ot previously n-ported—I^vste l*n•I A. Slone. ComiAny I), First Illlnoli
Appttos to Brokan bal Met to
liJmscif with eipaung that conesponml from Cuba.
*m.e'» wer..' Dkewis. -e.e.ei«i'
dispatch reiHirts only four deaths—and
Brooke be baa not yet selected a lois-
General Bhafter reported by cable
yesierduy that tb« condition of ibc
troops at Bantiato waa rap dly Improvtnx. and said Lc hoped In the course of
« day or two to hare them all located
In (omftiriuble ramia where they may
rest and recupe.-ate and wb-re tbe alck
tnay rtccvtr. He Is feed.ns 11:000 of
tbe Spanish prlr.iners of war. The renersl makrs no mention of tbe allexvd
letter from QanMa to himself, nor does
other Sewspsper
A more arrkjtts off«
ceived last Bight by Adjutant Generai
Corbin says that SK nrw cases of fever
of ail classes were reported Ip his camp
before Santiago Saturday. As the same
Sbaad..rame In at U-.a and tbe oUu-rv
sumed command at Camp Thtunas ^lurday as the successor of General
Wa>«beGaroU hMiMa ftbot
to Day s
CUckaBuinga Park, July Oa.. 2k—Al
though General James P. Wade as
•very effort to hurry alone the reBialnder of tbe expedition.
eir duty I
Washlngton. July 2S.—A dispatch re
News. Va» Jifly
XniFSMOi^ HukPt
•erries bseattse Ibe Beveatb rsgtoMbt
BpImt la * Itot of
Is to ba reorK*anls«d with only two maof yastarday w grtweriak.
>era. Ballou haa been mustered into tbe
-volunteer service snd he caEooi be de
posed berausc of t£» change of orgsml- mClty;
CUor Pork per bbl. Be«. .
regiment, narrowly
0«ar Pork per B..............
Ing taken Into custody Saturday by the Short Cutl^..
sheriff of Bandolph county, and was Am Cut
Pork per ft... ■
only aaved by the timely arrival of his Flour. H L. ft Oo. brat..
father. Frank W. IIsvUI. and bis attor Bye Flour. H. L. ft Co. B<
ney, M. H. Mundy. of Mount Carmel
Keel. B. L. ftOo.B«t...
who gave the trecemary ball. Hsvlll 1* Peed. a. UftOo-feet...
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