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The Morning Record, September 01, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
a Wiit SaTMsah Saa
«ot Tat I
New Yerk. Aaf. SI.—Tbe details of
M atom irhi^ swept tba Qaetclaa
WUl Bo SoynUy Honored on
Xn Btmu/Trom Cuba
■ape tba Bpaairit Peace Oomariaa m
Bas Vot Tat Baoa Permad.
Madrid. Aorwt SL-Pnmlar dafaeu
Ibb moraUf dealad fte tralb of tba
nport that tba Spaaisb paaoa eammisakm bad bams formed. Than waa pm 1
pleatjofUme. ha eaid. for Baleetiep
aamban of tba oommimloo. The
aeaat Bbowstfaaidamafx OesawaatI Meeting in Otty Op»ro
w srlth BafUBah baa aot pet base
l^Uok Point.
Hoom Sonigiit
natond. No death raperts an pat n«Wa Xt Oiaattat Vsmbv Ta^Uaa eeind.
To Pomateu Plaas for a Boaelac
Tat Xsovn oa Ua Vir rn« naaXSaoBatratlaa u Hobor of tbe M cabled u the UaUd lutm paeui^
Uana—Tear Daatkt at Oaap Wy.
Hsnaah Blflaa Wbaa Tbap Oema dap, with tba
koff Taatarday, Bat Vq Kiehl
Oeaeral Zabala U replaoad bj Uat
Back Prom tba War-Baaaral of the
s et Xalghu <ref Ppthlas la
of UcDakeofNsJcra.
Bopa U Arrlre Todap.
X> eidtd.
B Liberal. oommeaUar apoa tbe
Tba oaar approaeh of the time wbaa aames of Us mamban of the WaahiarBaw Tork.
St—Tba tT«uDauelt, Avpast St —A private dis- the Baaaab Blflee. Oompaap If. Tblrtp- toa oemsaimioa saps that tbap aattafp
9oru AUard^ aad the Putbar ar> pateb reeelvad late this af teraoen from foartb Mlehitaa Telaataan, will arrive Ua prarram raoeaUp aaaaaaeed.whieh
thU mmiae. ra- ladlBSaapolis saps tbe Eeiphts of Pp- borne bu prompted a movamaat
"two or Una nallp rood
plve tba bopa a eaiuble neaption.
tba oUan briar aierrip of orsaportlar ^ rn»tetl faUUttaa jat tbisa wUl hold a eoaelava la Detnit
maatal matariai.’'
ScBOiTD ee roate. Piftaea deaths oe- OB tbe aaoeod Taasdsp la Septamb
Liberri eooridan Meaan Dap.
«arad. it beiar ee tbe Paatbar.
Is Ueir boBurwbieh wiU impnm them Wblu aad EUid as Ue
with tbe fact that Tnveree Cltp ^pre ban of Ua eommlsrioo aad
Tba haaaltal eooditieas are atUl iadates at iu tras valoa tbe braverp ead blrhipofUeir latallaetaal qaallUm.
«daqaata at Moauah Point. IW aolseir-merifleeof baraeldler bops. Tbe
Tba iariorioa of JasUoa WhiU ia Iha
Alara aMoUlradtotlaap oa ban fleon.
heps who bnvad Spaolcb balleU aad
alssiae is attrihaud to Ue iaflaToalch't there are im patiaata la aaaaral Wbaelsr Adriaad That tba dleasie ia Caba wlthoat fliDchlar aad
PreaMeat WOl Ttalt Bis Oemof Anhblsbop Irriaad wiU Pres'
tbaraaanlhoapttalaedtlTlatha dawho have eaffered haaper-aBd the lack Ideal MeKialap.
Btaaa at Oamp WpkriT
oa laad aod aea
taatiea haapltal. Fear deaths are re- •serial le lbs Moanno kseow.
U tbe oerformaaae of a aaeiad datr.
^rtad, aU fron tba raaaral boapltal. J Waabiartoa Aarast II.—Tbs follow
Tbe Btaaaer of the deasoastratlaa
Voae <a tbM an Miehicae aiae.
lap dispatch was seat to Oabcral baa act bean dcu
Waited Suua Hoaplul Ship Woat
Tfboalar at Hoalaak Polat tbis atUr- Mspor Smith has isMed a emii for
Dome lo a Hpaurioas
BOOB from tba Adjataat Oaaaial'a pabUemaaUar.ttbabeld ie the Cltp
Open Boaee toairbt. ai abieb it la
Admiral OeUap aad OManl eordaa,
propoaad U formalau a plaa aad aoPeraaBdiaa. Fla.. Sept. 1.—The boa**Tbe preeldaat will pap pear eom- polaltba aaeeaaarp OMmItUea U aanp plUl ahip Ollvettr. which was Ijlar
•attUmaat UMBmtaaioaars, An
maad aa Ufarmal risit Batardap. ae- It oat la a msaaar la ooeord with the Bear Us qaaraotiaa auUon. mpsUrBa A Bta for Porte Bieo.
enstom of Tnreraa CUp aad la apm- ioaslj nak at 7:S0 pnUrdaj maralarsalad bp tba aaeretarp of war.
OpaelaltoTu Hosaisa Bsmbd.
paUp with tba lottp eeaUmaat wbieh Ua hoard was a hospital carps of » aad
Be* Torb. Oept. 1—Admiral Schlep
haa iaspind Ua idea. The fri'^wiar
of 4S. all of whom aaeaped.
aad Oaa. WUllam Oordea. Oaltsd
is the eaU imaad bp Mapor Smtib;
ia tbe
oemmissleaan tesettU tba eoai
MaporbOffiea. TnTamaatp. Bleb. bold wan drtrea from their baaks like
Aarast SI, im.
for tba gpaaiib an
. of Peru
« Wbe WUl TlaU To tbe CiUseas of Tnvene Oitp:
Slee. aallad tor 8aa Ji
lodap oa
la eompJlaan with the nqaest
mp Wjkeff With Praaldat
o oae. m>PwuU7. km>wa bow tba.
board the ateamar Saaau. Tba third
larr* aamber of ear cltiuas. 1 ___
rrest pleaean ia eallters pablic meetmember of IbacomaalsaioB, Oaa. Joha
lar of tbe riUsaas. to be held la tbe
aaeeimioTnMmsniBsoosa. *
Citp Open Hoase at T:SO o'clock TkareBrookx Is pt presset la Peru Biea.
WaahlarUn. Aaraat si—Seentarp dspevaolaUr. »'«T»«*berJst, tt»S. U
disearntbrsltoatfea aod As tbe Ume
OBBFBAA TO BBTVBV AT OBOI. Alrar baa lavltad Oonraor Piarraa to aod
decide the Buoaer of a proper rp- Frtaoaar Obsrtad wlU Barrlbrp B‘Maataak PoUt with tba prasideaul eeptionfor tbe Haaoah Biflea, Oomaaped Traurdap w»«"<i"r
Ordared to Propan for Kla Foimsp psr^. Tba ronraor ia U meat tba paap M OB their ntara home, aad to
appolat oommltteea u aarrp oat tbe, There was a joU driimp at Lelaad
praalleatal partp ia Kaw York. Ba U declsloa, aad arfbariar to provide tbe ynterdaj aoralor aboot two o'elqck.
u BpaU With His Oflean.
meaas for defraplar tbe awcemarp ex- Charles Hajas who wae ‘awalUar trial
•paritf w Tas Keama maeoBB
tba oalp ronraor lavlud.
peasee atUndinr Ue same.
oa a charre of barflarp, aaeaoad bp
Aawapeni, Ab(. si—Ordan an nOivea aader mp bead Uta SUt dap of
pooDdlar OBi the wicket of bis cell
Aarast, low
maind bare from the presldaat. diraeV
door WiU a oUeh of wood.
DadarW. W. 6xmi. Major.
fi« Admiral Cemra u make arraapaPreriow U tbe Imalar of Ue call a aberiflf HarUn Brevra was ia Ue ei^
iBnrraata KnaUar ud PUUclat
epeAts to preeaad wltb kU offlean
merUar of npreeeauUve baslBeea jeetardaj belierior that Ue Wlsooer
Spaalarda aad Bseklar
mad mea baric U bpaia Immadiaulp. la
bad beea arraared aad waa held bad made for UU direetioa. Be . ffen
award for laforsaation leadlag to
Ue office of Ue Moavim
•eeotdaaea with lastraeUoas isaaad bp
Loodm. Aaraat SI.—A dIapaUb U psaUrdaj afUraotm. Th# objeet
dba Spaaish miaisur at MadriA
tba DaUp Talegraph from SUaUrn UeratberlarwastolistoB to safrnmOean wan rarp eatbaslsstiac whea
dated Aaraat S7, aaps:
tloBS which woold fscilisU tbe work
Spjribl flsls oa riolias for U daps at
. tbap raealred the aews. U la aadcrW.W Kiobail Co.*a. riS-«t
*'AU tba oatsklna of Maaila an la a to be doae at Ue
atoed tbap wUl ntnra witboot flriaf
la view of Ue fact that a anober:
aUU of aompleu aaarehp.
mbam of Ue eompasp an expect-'
garoia. Cbpt^ £aUu of Ue iU fated
“Tba laearraau an baaUar aad ad U arrira this mofsl^ it waa deemed
▼meapa left 4bis afuraooa for Ksw
pUlarlar the Spsetards. wfaUa tba aaTortt.
Uvea raaerallp an aacklar villarea aad tea U meet Uem at Ue depot aad u see
Cor. rraoi osd Cana Bin.
robblar vabtelaa aad stealiar boraae.' that they wen aroparip eared far opoa
tbalr arrival, aa Uej an amoar thoae
who wen dlscharrad from the boapitel
aiOambWjkoff aad will prabodlp be
U tba Bzpealtloa.
BrfSatad bp P. B. Bacan, « atrear la ehape ta reqalre eom- little atteadfpwUl w ihvHesmsv Bsoosb.
UoB afUr tbrir loar aad todlou j>arBarrows Baa.
Claralaad. Ohio, Aafast SL—Tba
aep. The oommlttM wae alto asked to
Dearflrid, Ifiebiraa Aarast SO.—na^ aomeBDDieate wiU the csmpaaj
Camp Wpkoff for the porpaae of aacarD Woodward baa of tba oomatlaa
rraslles saeeovdvd la dowalar Ssnator
Uialar the exaet Ume of departon of
Pibbs at Ue aeaatorial ooaveaUoa
Ue eompaaj from the camp aad oUer
dap. eomiaaUar J. A Berers. a stnwr deUlls which vroald b« of aaa U the
axeeativa commlttaa to ba appelated
BarrowB mw. Bssolatioas eadoi
gaaeral aad the poaltioa is oae of McSialep aad Alcar wan F«med.
Utoaveniar at the meeliar Major
BsriU,wbo presided at Ue pnllm
trast. aad reqairlac ffraat exoeotire
meeU^ a^riated, for Ue doUee
mbUitp. Woodward U a profamor im
tloaad the followier:
. Oelambla aalvsniip aad wall kaown ia
Hareotp Baaebad 07« la Ua Shade U
J. W. Haoaen. Kraak Hsmiltoa. B.E.
met aad UCsrstare.
McCoj, A> V. Friedrich aad P. C. Gil
Detroit Teatardap.
•nciri to Tte Koretaa Bnon.
PBOBoujraBO a fakb.
Tba varioav oommlUeat proptmed aad
Detroit, Sept. I.—Tboslraal effiena
Bapon That Oaaaral Oflea'of X.O. B. report todap Ue hotteat of Ua pear in s« oaUiae of a plan will be
Ula rvaalar for forUer oaasIderaUoa
& WUl ba Koead is Dealad.
Detrolk At boob Ue menarp eUod at bad aarreeUoBs. Several
dpaemi lo m HeBBIse Bacosa
03<'; at 3 o’.-loek «7« la Ue ebada, ooa have baea advaaead. bol Ue matter
Detrrit. Aarast 31.—The Cblcafo
derm hirber Uaa Ue record for iSM. wOl be left wlU tbe paepU who atUad
Bbostab that the Mlehiraa Ceatral
Rocooler weatber beton FrUapis pro- the ffaUeriafl thU eveaiqp, so that all
Ballwapwoald pall iU baadqaartm
maj eoatribato by aorpaeUoa or eff wt
la brimrlo^ aboat ooe of Ue moet aoefrom D'^trolt U Chioaro is proaoaaesd
eeasfol aad elpalfieaat demoastratioas
m fake bp the offielala hera. The
evar held in this aaetiua of Hicbifaa.
paap has too maeh ieveatad ban U
WOl ba BnnmedbpUe Plaat Spa- It U dcripaed to have Ue aaUn eoaaeaatidar aeeb a more. A paaeral ahakoaadaboot hen parUripaU Is tbe
tam Vazt Weak.
tar ap of pssaenrar oraaU atoar tka
Ssvaaaah. Oa.., Anrust 81—The
The matter of appropriate aarrieea ia
last ateamshtp Urim will mama earmaaiery
of Ue b^ wbe aaertflaed
viM to HavaaaWxt week. Tbe first'
steamer will arrive then oa Wadaea- Ualr Uvea la aerrioe in Oalm, will prebablj be left wiU Ue paatoca of tba
dayJUs Bapa Kaadad Oopp of tba Oaar'a
Wm Hot Kaat Smator Baaaa.
■seM «*Ta» Uvanaa Roodob.
Apeetri w Tu MoutM Bocess.
<»aTaUBd.8epL 1.—It is aot probaaad ereep nse of Uem paaaad
Waabiartoa, Aaraat SI.—t'alUd
master. All Ue ladlaa who
bis that Saaator Haaaa wUI meal
giaUs Ambssaador Hltchsoek, at St.
►Bri Fotermae Bpesfimia Soaoc
here aeoa Uem Ulak tbcj an
IVaaideot McKlnlej dariat bla praaaal
Patanbarr. bss csbiad,Ue SuudrpartTerma ofBiaAbUltj aad
Oar S3 so aad te.OO ahoea an ooririt at Clanlaad. Saaatoe Baaaa Is
maat, Uat ba bu baaa hsadad bp tba
Bard Work.
pedj^ Uklafl. Take a tyk
oa'tooU from Ua aorUwMt. bat vrUl
•loarl PeterBOO, aommaadar of tbe
Batriaa MlaisUr of forelra aftatrs, a
Thlrtj-toartb Mlehlfaa, ipeaki ia varp,
oopj of tbe Osar's aou apoa a aalvenal
lap. Ttaep
krij will laava bifk praioeof Ueaklll aad efforta of'
aloe for Oaa^ tka aortaoBB of Ua rerinaat dartap i
tbe war. CapU J. U. WtJ^lai. asria. I
Tbs Tsaarlas at Haw To^
taat aarreon. of Tnverae atp. is aa•pmiri te m HosaiM Baeoao.
Fin Chiaf BUiott U Daod.
» of pcalBo:
Kew Yodt. Sept. 1.—Tba dpaamiu
We Are nDpacking
7600 Tablets and one ton of Slates today.
Watch tbis space tomorrow.
290 Front Street
sraton IB looo.
A full Bupplj of School Books, Tablets, Pencils, and
everything pertaining to school nse, at
Markban RIocL
J;. T
i Just Part
I of the Price
# '
Jm whai*7oaTl pay now if yon want a
RMBittuHll. BaiiliBscL
and Clothing Bob
Hastings’ Real Estate Agsncif.
Good for Fralt BaUar
Goad for Stoek Kateiar.
Good tor Geaaral Farmlar.
iHlRCHt IT iliilUL
TraTem Cit; Scbool of lusic!
Holley ft
to O.I.! «,«. v«» u«
Go G. B A I B. R.
is the craft that ie hon
ored as tbe head
quarters of (be com
mander and all other f
abipa, big and littie,
lo(A totbeaigiialsfroin
the flagabip for or.
--- A
flsgabip of tbe aboe wort
first and best, SELZ Shoes lead the rest, asid
while many trr to follow, few aqcceqd. Hon
mcmey U pot mtoa SELZ than Inotbera, but
they coat yoa do more because tbe niabera
reap a smaller profit by rdason of tiietr tmmenseontpotofSH millioapairsayear. We
bSTC She SELZ ud want yoo to wear them.
Fall Styles
. Imirin TleksU bafarbt aa
“ ••
Daurit. ABf.sl.—Oblat BUioU of tba
Petrrit fin daportmaat, 4iad at Bn
The Leader
in New Shoes.
Look at the Glass Gaskets
of Shining Pennies
r:------------------- our rioUloir window.
In onr display wiodew. The largest one eootaine 600 of them
for tbe first prize. - The aoaller cootains 400 for tbe
bestgoeeser. ^
Tbe contest is limited to boys between tbe sgee of 8 and *16
yeea. For every 60c sale in onr boy's and javoule clofbins
tbe pnrebsser is enUUed to one gnma
which will be registered. On October 1st we wiD oonnt (be
beans and the locky boys will go home re|o)cii«.
In thq Ueaniioie we wish to remind oor friends aod patpefttion in tbe backgroaod.
Oir "Ucuiriiien" Bar's aiR CUIdmi's StOK .
are mworpamble u workmanship, fit sad dorsbUtty and oar
pnoes sra within tbe reach of slL
Toor money seven.
Glui Blocks
Ttmw» Oily, Midi.
■ 3 -i-'.^-J.i iw'“t'vi(;^''^ ffi
fpCr-VDunaro bboow
4 W. BASirn. BAitor
TT oowsmov.
Acttto aad latanertap OoatoMa Are
Prenbed—Three Oaadldatae Tor
More toaa weal latereet b totap
■aalfeatedia (to Bepahlleaa oMaty
aanpalpa, aad laat afpht (to
la toe aereral warde were spirited.
TheaaadMetaetor the rarioae ofBeea
tore been eetlra hhd
The ofiea to preaeeater aean te to
l tarlUap. if a I Bay Jedpe
eaatlap Attoraay Tweddla b ayala la
toeBeld te a laaeailaatlon, CltaaU
ehicd hla eaator iato the riap te (to
Attaraey Maaly C Dedpe
b also a caadIdaU aad JaaUoe O. W.
Car«b woatd net dladala (to aoBlaaThan U a proapeet to a aplriied
The atA whleh b briap te
’attend aad te white a ripareat. bet
alat aaaapalpa haa bsM werbad. (a te
the eOee to aharlB. Bherif SiBpeee b
ep for a naaBlaadoa. tot UadarteerlB
C.- W. Aahtoa eoreta (to job aad la aa
Dapaty Marrla aa-
Mtkkaatur et kkrUf • deaoai
«M »kM Um aolBUn of Oom^Mj M,
ntrtHMrtk ItMkifMI, IMM
>>iWxCly. .TtoomlytMliwbM
to bb« Maav* U trUek w« thAll
hMer tto toy* wb«a they ntm. It b
flTM a Httair. totrt*
to*r toMk b*ra atol mm after
•faUtoailM wUl to ciraa la tMr
kaMrwbl^wDl MUtoe
«MBtUttohb(«iTortto diy. Oalj
*a totalb *t the <1
aala to to atraarto. Itolfbt (tore
blot to a MeaMMtiar to toe City Oym
gen M eoasider plaaa Cackle aad
Oerfblr eltUeae win to Mlaetto ws
aarry Ml (to plaaa atoaud and (tore
|iaob>etotoa toai Ttmeacw City aad
toeawTMadiar eMady wUl d« «v
«Bir iMMr te (to tor* wto to«r*4
•be tre »(^nlto to((«toa a( Haattofo aad foBfht dbWM aad pe*t^ee
lb toe ^eleaaa
by. VetolBffbleeffeod tor (to eot4taa wto tow nerllMltotoeBal Utortob aad eafetr (o BiakeUla a prioeiple
•tolebtoatoealto (oMdatioa to (to
fitoaktie. Therefore b
la pariM eeitatoe (rltoie (o yMae
aatocd aad batetj
plrl^ Ida nanl aeppon (a Aahtoa.
WilUsB BlaalnaeB of Pandias daoBo
hlBiolf well ^aaUded for (he oMoe aad
10 (to Babb, tot hb opantioaehavebao^aa^aiat thataearoaly a ripple haa hoM fab to Traama
City, (haaph ha npy to tarniatf too
tide ia Ma faeer (a Pandba. Whabeear (ha aitoatloa toe oU
iyiap awake a^hu to faar
of (ha toteeaoato Blaekaea to eppealUoa.
Clerk h'ewtoa fer a renMlnaUM.
Porrepbtertodaedetha pmaat toBBbaai. & «. tedd. b a
O. S. MottaUhaa baea
reaaaraeatelto oMee
aadPnak Witoea to Fhcadba towntelp alaa waata it. The reaalt wlU to
kaawnat toe ooantebw Friday afteeTharebweoppoaltlM to Ttoaaarar
Ge Mpa W. Clyde te a
AUerwap M. B. Oatea b the oaly
te CtfcBlt Oeart fbaimleaioMT. ttoeOea aow haU by Ptod
Taktopbaltopetoartbareh a preepoB tor a eeiy totoreattap tine at (ha
a foUowtop an (he delapatae
ehaaae et (ha ward aaaeea toat alpht.
wto will deride (to fata to (to eartato
PM Ward.
Delepaiea-J, W. MUUkea, 3. W.
Patehto, O. P. Qarw. A. P. Oawerea.
X A. Lemtger. H. MMiapoe, Oaocpe
Mtora to (to Uriac (to «a*ory «t (to Jaiaaaoa, £. B. McCoy. Prto Baater.
^ad wlU aet to i«it bra( of ato ap S. M. firewa. B. to
W. J. fh(~
froprbte ■aaorial eerrioea will to ar- ker. 6. J. Merpaa.
caacad aooa 'after (to airtral to toe
■aeead Ward.
OriTBaa^ a. Browa.
Baeraiary—£. H: AUy^
s. -T. p. V. vm. umsTAX*. Dalapatea- B. UotoriatoPiaak Getoriak. A. a. Baaaatt, WUliata Cri.
Jao. C. MpniM. a. C SBlth. Ttomaa
Maaltoa. A G. Damw. Joe Ztener•ahalan to X«b acheel BepL 9th.
Ttoaaaaal reoeptloa te (to teatoart BB. thraeat Unlllak.
Third Ward.
aad eatolare to (to Blfk wtoel wiU to
ff«e8(Uayear by too Baptbt Yoeay
Chainaaa-B. L. Oortolt.
Tto reeeptiM will to
■larataiy-C- O. Taraw.
told in toe Baptfet ehweb Friday «
Driapataa—Parry Hanaah. W, W
toy. topuiBtor Bto.
•lalto. S. C Daapraa, Vlelar Petoriyl
J. a. Moaioa. J. T.
Baamak, B L Cortott. A. W. Biekerd.
•nday toboto Olaaa Party.
«. Clyds, tfaocpa K. Bayt. M.
Two elaaaae to (to Be|Nwt Baaday
atoeal were aatartalato by ttoir (oaoh a. Oaiaa
Pearih Ware
an. Mbe EdJto Gibto aad Mrm. Albeit
Ckalmaa.—a a. Papa.
0arBeu.a((toto»eto MinUibbe OB
tocntoiy.W. A. Moaup^
Siphto ((reel, yc
The aflaraooa wee a delirbifal oae. Driacataa.~B J.Palpkaia.TaBltoaaa.
betacapeai la rawaa aad other aaaee- M. C. Orlatt. Will W. Thrtlhy, Dr. H.
aaaata. Befrcehmeii(a.dalaUly eerred, a Caraar C. B. Oiekaray.
Tifth Ward.
added to toe plcaaure. TbOM preeeat
Chalnaan-O. OoteUa.
were: KelUe Biafhaia. Vida Somm.
ttoeniaiy—E. to Ladd.
Bthel Pope. Fraaeea Blrriaa. Aoaa
Dalepaua-M. Viatoa. to K. aare■eater. Cera Shima*. Eva tody. HatUe
fToroiay. Jeaaie Boeemond. Clara WelU, laad. Praok UbIof. W. W. Patrekild.
Xra Pos. Era Bant. StelU Jahraaa. Sa Oaorpa A. Stearaa. O. P. Oarriaaa.
die Bnctoy. Km* Oarriaoa. Maad Cbarlea Piekell. A. J. Me Beary.
A (to caacoa to (ha Fifth ward it
Oyda, Mabel BaloMa, Ethel Braaiapaa Bored toat the dciapataa to to(. Clara Cetler.
BradoirtM. toda Whitaey. Mabel Da- attaoted to rote for Oaoer 81bi
toe. Oraee HaatlapB. KIta Baphee aad too aoBlaatioa for ahviS, aad (to
Kaaaarer Montapoe haa eaaaed to to
ylaecdio toe hardware, proeery and
•too dephrtneau to toe MettwaUle Oo.
•tore, deak telapeoaoe, which are al. nedy prorinp toelr ralaa The ealh
hrOl to BOBber « for the peneral
- b^ed for toe
Bteod (to aame Bamber wlto toe call
'<Jor (to departeeat waatto. The ita>
.^romaea( will to appreciated both la
dto store aad amoop toe pai'’ooa.
f. TMntOOHnrMW
Sapl. C. T. OtowB wlU be ia hto ofdM at toe OMtral school bolldlap on
Friday aad Satarday Boratopate toe
a df aoaaalUap with pa
pareau aboat school work.
BtoelpW te Aaiaat Saaaed These'
te Beae Bcato Xa.( Tear,
bw Tneaarer Wmratorir waa kept
•ay Taaaday aad yaataedaylaklap. ia
paymeatato taxce. Oo Teeeday the
reoelpts to hb oOea aatomtad to dl4.ooo aad ycatarday Prote ww the
na ia. He aiam toat the
Roeipta dariap Aepaat were to caaaes
toe sBoeat takra la darlaa toa
■a period
tiwa i*«i y«er. Ftom
tob data a fee of 1 per cent win ia
eharpad te oaUaaUaa to taxaa yet to
My work is find claaa aad pricM tbat are ia rea^ ol alL I-aiD
prepared at all timea to take rare of the trade. I make a speeUIty io
BrazioB, Volcaaiziog ted EtMuaeliaff. A 6ae Use of wheela for sale
and to rent.
J. O. SLLI8, 311 Front street, eaat>
Specie! Sale.....
nijol' ii
otfa Bwv.
The Btoftary Taly ia Toatorday*a
Oamo Waa by Maaaoa to a aoaa
At Less Than Factory CostI
Bta—Tha Laat MaBa to the laaicta
Waa aa Xatanattap Oeetoah
The atUBdaaae at yntordayh hall
psBc betweea toe Pape Paaee Olaato
aad IttaUefs aad OSIta aoBhlaad was
aaUrrly wo aaall te (he playlap pet
ap by toto teaau, eariedlap toe
feet that It waa tha laat pasM to the
aaaeea. Had (hero aet been e atroap
h wtod, it woold hare been aa Ideal
ball day. Aa It waa, not a naa
bctoopiap to toe hoBO apprepettoa
ereaard tha piete. eaf oaly mo to the
OlaaU waa aaeaenfel to aeoriap.
Whea ^itear WUsm eaaaa to bat to
toe fearto laalap ha bompad the baU
the fcaee for a hose ran. Ihna
BsUap toe oaly can aad U aa earned
lathe aixto iaalap while eatehrr
Heat wMpotop after toe ball, a dlfflMlty with kb paauloons eaaaed hlB
to retire fren too past BBtU ha OMld
Bake a ehaape ia kU wardrobe.
The faaoy aoaebtop of Beraa aad
Biapa oftka rblttop tesB eaeaed a
roaed of (serriaMot to toe praad-ataad
aad Weaeben. WilhelB pot a alee
two-bapper lathe aecoad aad polled
down aereral hlph fliee derinp the
a. Bates waa to the box far the
I taaa aad did aoae rxeelleat
pilehlap. Oaly aerea hlw ware Bade
•Tkbdelirery. aadhewaeoaeto to*
foar toathtt toe balleafely.
* Wheeler reUred the third aad laat
coaMdy b to fMr sets, toe aoeeee err
laid to had aroaod tha New Baplaad
oeoDiry aed New York City. The eehtral dirore. of mree. ta “dl Flaahard.*'
a yMap Yaahee aoOoa peddler, white
pa'^ *• looked after by Mr. J. C Lewie.
BoBe rf tta* laadtop ekaraeten awa
ooulry leaa ia lore wlto 81:
SBart, aa lareatire DeafaBsa: Bobart
Drsay, abapaaatoakapaaatotei Bcra
Pape, aa hoBoat old faraor who does
Followipp an
core by toaiapa;
^ •ii]
■ i
We baye received from the Friedrich Hnsie Hoose of Gran^
Bapids over oae_______
will be placed on tele at Wr
W. Kimb^l’e Music ritore. 235 Froot Street, for
IS Days Oaly,
ir of theee iBBtnimenta.are atore worn sod aliiibtly dhiDApxd bF
•bippins hsd will therefore be sold at
One-Half to Tio-TUrds of tlie Segnlar Prica
a Behrsw Bopey leader, aad
Abmp them win ba foaad
»ad 8_________
Btndlrarias, Ooi
>le BaU asd rrete>
>aroas eoaawy frtoada of toe pare •ioeal Models Tban rioIlM retailed fro
This to a ran op'
The perforwaaee toelhdea porton ty f<-r ra.wriap a model wed by the
1 (bees iMtr^ntb
meay epeelelttoe of ea orirteel and
e at milatepaste
ilehaieeter by aaoBpaay of cow
W. W. Kimball Co.
N. E. STRONG, Manager.
Good Words.
Manapr's. Tr»wr»e Uiy. Mleb.—I bare
heeo a umb^ of toe Calted
Ited Sutee
Beneroli-Dt Soctotr of S«rtoaw
tw for
ararly etoyeere, and hare always fooad
theB'proBDt and jest. Aeorpt
for ebeek *or Ml 78 to aetUai
BraceidaoietolB. Mea ia
to toto*ririsL
ty hare been bnHly awledted
lied ^
by aeel
. alee, bet toe
•a to hat to toe dm toatop. by mak- Uaited Sutea eai always be dcpcoded
to falfll their .
tap a pret^ eatab of a hot Harr fruB oe
wayi atand ready
Jukaaoa’a faaL Uetll Bddlr eaopht it. yoa ooBe here.
a toad Baaytotbe aadlenae did aot
Wh j. McLaesLAX.
kaew where the ball bad pone afur
BOD hit it.
Saifka pUyad well to left deld.
ayeersiap toe oaly foar dire that caaae DR. HiGQlNS, DENTIST
oat to aim. Be alao pot a hit. Beaptbeotbar player that batted
'*»iaoaxo xee.
Mttbe reBstoiap b«ae hit. Be atoo
eorered eeoond hcee to a pood wav. pe'ap eoBlnp la bto direetioa.
WltooD, the pheaoBeaal oolorrd
fiteher. did alab work te tee rtolion.
Be prored a paule for local ptoyera.
allowtop Mly toer hla. Wllhelai'a
twfr-bapper was the loepeat one Bade.
Yeaterday'a waa the last pane of toe
aenea. aad It to
atria rw a«d to wahtos ratcaetiee aaw.
will ha too last osa pUyad hen toto
--------- -
235 Front Street
Good Horses
"From Indiana.
I have just received a carload of fine farm and
draft horses, which 1 will sell at pnce» the lowest for
first class animals.
See them at osee at the bam of Brodhagen &
Wisebnewskj, SUte street.
. (Wb. Would
to Gall Your Anoniioif
Miss Doyle To^ the U|e
nice Bacon and Ficnlo Baaie we' B-d
OWm Fr»e Lsasona
I ill Kills at Emiiniiilenr
aaflbiini Uct diHag
AtheretaibMef An Kwlwrton** at be
eelUnp. We never bad any nicer, nor did sap'
body elee.
to Frat
IS'- ini ^ 'g Our Offerings
....» I n «r
—.0 0 0 a a a a a a-a
.......a 0 « I 0 a a * p-i
rtlMB. MroeA #B Io Wilaen, A
Faa FarStodtppirtaera
The aeBberaot toe kiodeqtarta
the Coaprepatioaal ehareh wen
liphtfally eotortoiaed yesterday after.
Boon ettbeboBeofMra.Mnilkea ky
toat tody aarietod by MMe KathariM
Moore aad Edith Earl, loaehata to tl
departmeat. Gaaeeaad refreebBaa
foreeed a part of the calertalaauBt.
He Oantari. te futeap. w bambap
of aaydeperipUaahare. Bfery behv
to towa eaa pet free a top which wDl
dy MO fPM to the air aad epfa whea
etriklap iheproaad. wlik.a purebaae
Id OB' Rcys' fripartBcot. /Maee paata'
eclu from 81.00 op. Load paata’ eait
> Sf.Miap. EverTtUop
Friaeipal C H Bora wUl ha to toa
BIpb school RMB aU day Friday to
risaalfy Biph ateool paplla.
.. toahlonabto Mtdttara.
Clare Cartto tooxhlWttopa aoBber
of daa Ttews of toe seeaes of toe Sood
to the city toat wMk. Be Is dtoptoyiap
toe plctarea to Ba^kaU'a booh atora.
The BaBberaaf too Wenaato OemThe foaeral of Little Alie> Peteiboa.
' Maerhtorof Mr. and Mia. JeoiC Pe- otery Aasoriattoa are roqw
this aftoraoM at S;to to the
' tonoa. who died to caarrhai leSi
1 Ladtoe* Ubrary parieaa. This wUl ha
awtioa of toe towda. OB Tbteday e<
. «ap. wiU to held today «( lb a. m. at toa repator BoatUy ataatlap.
A tatopTSB waa reaalved toataraalap
t(pm Oaplato J. V. Mclhtaah aanoane'AMwrooflalMiiVIiUM, m .Ud. tep that ha woBldtoaea Cabs Wyhoff
W.U A LMdn'. UMlwwa
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
Geo. R. Winnie
Dp-to-late Pahter aal Paper Naiger.
Shop opposite Eagle office.
I -»< Fupnitupe
Oesam Uaasaal ineatiaa.
I WE WEPartiCMlar
r?.ST..™'rir:S!S 3
mention of SEED and EATTAN FDE-
NITUKE. Aside from a floor full of beautUUi creations in
^ thie material we make prioee equally aa at'ractlve.
Whether you Intend to refurnish your houee IM- fan or
J- just oontemplatp the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
^ to do BO at a very Uttle cost Wo want you to see the aooda
fc. In any event
a&t kaitiiw iotw«^^
wuitus waMtoim
■m Jmtm, Port* Kiao. Aaf. ti.^BBOatM 8MM yrmnMp ««w OrkUN, tk« Cnt AMriMs «M«l M rater
«k*kw^«f teJttMdM* *h«
witk 8p^ bafM, >ttete>d Uu> port
Moadop Md Moboroi arar Ue B^ll^
Tkk arrlral of U« Htw Orlraiw wm
aaaapMtod aad araated ooniddoraMo
aaritesrat. TV «mmI wterod ttao
VrVr at akw (vaad. tAo atara aad
atefpaa Ayla^ at tha forapaak aad
aoaadlar laada balaf oDaataailp in ara
Aloar tv walta of Marro CAatla tha
Apaalahaoldiaraferaa^ aoltd mate,
wkila fraatcrowda of daMM awarmad
aaVaaatonaaA ataaf tba wharm,
aaftelp watebiar tV adraara of the
Amartoa aaaaaL After tba Ka» Orlaaaa had dropaad aaelior bar eom■aadar eama aalm at oaca to pap bU
ra^arta to OaptAa Oaaaral Maabiaa.
Ea waa met at tV wharf bp aa Imteaaae crowd. OapuUOaaaral MaeUpa
baa prpteatod to Oraaral Milea afataat
ailawlttf peraooa paWablor aewapa-:
para ia Pooee to aap that the SpaalaHa
aaBtamplata rearraaeeoa the aatirte
Tboae prraooa. he daelataa. areaaekior
to prajadiea the Amerkatw afaiaat the'
Oeaaral Mllaa hae aahed for pormia«loa toaaV a hoaoiU' ahip to AipeiV,
aad hia reqoeti baa been rraetad.
MBBard raya that tv only tod V raad
ia teaiclBCAVaaaa waa a pteaa-«d. tV
blado af a pocket VUa TVarttete'te
ambarnabed with piotorao of Daw^
aad hte ftsfahip. Sampson, ftehtey aad
Baaiy A. Cocawall. ftiabard Van Nnya
aad Jalioi Wateal. w V woat to tV
Klondike teat Febraary from Laaalap
ratoracd Moaday al^t
They aay
there wore thonraoda of poopte la the
Oopper eonouy repioe aad still
eomiap. TV eatira rofioa baa baaa
, ly proapoeted. Vt aot eBoaffa
*oW waa fooad to pay for taktep it oot
theproood. Paople are tbrowtep
asray ostBu and petttep .to tV aaaabore as faat as poratbta
aXtedy W
V Vau ta Xaatla.
«V Oatollaa Oaatte of B>
teelmttep Mra. Lorte BoVrta oa Waahlaptoa etraeV haa jaat reeefrad a latter
from bar aUtar te Boa^ala, plrinp
Bmnaiam l. i«w
MV MVra of JaeVaarllU. lit. ar*
rirV yeatarSay aad will ramala la tV
MV Bloaaom Jarria left fhr Phltedalpbh yaaterday.
Mra. & Ball left V hoM te Mandoo yesterday, after as axteadV rialt
with relatlvas.
»«!. G O. c™ll nd d.whl.r wr.t
te Oraad Baalr'a yratenlay.
MlasZ rbala Berb«rt of Maate City
Mr. Bath Br*^ M Baa. ABVra. ^
Ma. Vafitrarood iahiaaltedtVi haa
teSB thara U yeara
Lord Mcmtapn of BeanUen haa tcvnad
blmmlf and bUbceorcdClltberaa iritb
-Its maonn. minoa and prlTUepea into a
_________ __________1...
imir <tev i.
dootelimMm vioJLpmV^
"On hattteshipa aa a praaral nila
tbe oaa of wood srill VaboliVad. TV
Miborittea srill ssidaasw to carry «V
^ prindple ar
AJtVopb bItV teaaeeya tV late!
bedwpradaally on tV oVaraProfomor Mnellrrof V.eana matorrad
the opperttmiiy faeanto V*
oret 100 tenpjapet aod was ooe of tV ^
bat^ paid to tV datailgreatest ethaolopiita of modern tiffisa. ;
which will V Imaed by
preat bobby for
<B,i, i, ,
ers and nosiclana. ao tVt it parts
. after the
. *T
deatnetioo cf
Oarvera’a aqnadnm by tV AasrltM'
I enthBsVtieatly Vpoy orer
Lrwi* Morris left last aipbt for Chi!zaUoo of BawaU. b»- is TB capo where be srill traaaaot bwiaaos.
yrara <dd, aod bar dellpht orar in.< ao-1 A Traey Uy aV Vapfatcr, Mra. attoney te Chienpo. Behaaaamootb
rant of oar soldier boys la moat piaas-1 ClUcS. bare relornrd to Calcaco
sVrra face aad soy dark bate and
ant .to bear of. The ftaruan piad to
'I- U Kymer aad wlte arrired laat eyes.
pise the followtepeztraettr. m iV let cr-atep from Oraad Vplda
Res. Jefea Paten, wV te atarionad te
Ateo dtetoiet maaapan to
koewinp tost it will be
M. ftals.o b sisliiap rastera eitlea tV New Bebrtdea istendi. elaVa that
Qaiary man baa dliooaated
for tbe porpoeo of beyinp poods.
te 1697 be indaced 1.1*0 natise canal- damape by wratber or bops or aay of Interrat to all ite readers:
Booolalo. Aupa-:. t. I8M
J. 'Voear ot MspieCity tranaaeted b«l* to forsake thete farmite articte cf
Back paau by raisiop bia enoamVra te
territory te Mieb
a hot boose Up to date ha has dis
TV king of Greece. wV sraa pen- <ipaa. Moat popster p'an accident aad
aatartate the soldien. Mother i. la
Boy Noteware of V
posed of M.ooo dotea of them
e oa tbe t
nllemwben he resoVd Athena te tV '
bar alemeai I aaanre yoa. As an-.n as a risttoP seeterday.
Bot diy weather is playlnp baroe
Pierce 'Walher and MV MyrUe Walshe raaltead that there was real bardwith potators te the coathera part of abip oa the sbip from Ibch of proper ker.wbo bare been the peeata of M. C. aatimatedBt«80.000.0(M>byapeealattep The Oil; IvdlUlfl ll licU|U TIK ItJI
in foraipn atocka
the state and te many places only half food nod um liiUe of it. rhe proeeedV
ClUat kj Tdignib.
tbini'r. -etarned yaaterday
a crop la
Captain Jack Haynes of SC Lonis te
to feed tbe buys herself and for foar or *" '*•■*"*
mid to to tbe oldwt veteran soldier in
A terpe frolt araporatlnp raubllsb- ere days t^cre has beaa a raadrtroaa
tV world. He te ilO yeara of opa
eat which will employ tweaty-6ve aader tV maapo tree where may cae
fonttbt with JotVen at New Orteana
meo aV flftr women is one of tV
Cl sat Tismiarat s4 ta« ai^ra I
wV weal by euold come te and wash
ran a steseihip and was an enpinaer on
iVastries of Uosiap.
TV Ateakan dep it almoM tauni
aad be clean in para frrab srater, ojnld
tv Brat ataamboat boilt te New Or4nti er Glckwas i-tmU rmur m irrul.
Adelberl Pthe. a well Irnowa farmer drink all they wanted aad Bare ail the tetelUpMoa He srelpV abont ...
ibrr pmm tkrtrtmriwnj azrien 4r»
llTlap arar Vpeer has been arrested bread and bettor and ebeesa and trait
Bcs. W. A. Spnoer. eotTaapandlng
Tbir Askucisncn ts oMxntzzo tm60miV ados.
aecretaiy of tV MatbodlA Eptseopal an rax uaws'orTBZ Atattop Mica^Ity to aa adopted
tbey wanted.
With *0 does in a team no tsro of
te nni writtoa their namee te her book tVmara in ascraifdit line tram the hoard cf Bteaiona V* trasated 600.000 eaa. Nevrr e’.oatd its door* at eight
mUai te tv last IS yean. HteJooiVyt with an nnpoid elsim on lu boohs oa
aad partaken of tV tbiaps oftered.
drircr. When mibltcbed few Che nipbt. an made in tV eonna of bte looter wbiefa it hV rrcrivV proof*. aV teMoUbra. the yard-boy. bra beea a tbey pile apon tV Brat bUnket that 1s
work fer tV baud. Hte home ia te seres men aad womaa from 18 to 61
Jewel 1 aaanre yoB. Ba has beea aa thrown upon tV onow aad then they Philadelphia
yeara of ape.
mt Koaiten Hara Vft Porto Bioo
A terrible aooUrat oaeand at Peiaa- laterratad aa could V aad sratebV may. When yon oawl Into ytmr oleep«6l«MnMpFMTsMi.4
OMpreamaB ItolUsw of Iowa srant
fbrVawpon B E.
srill pstnndertVroV anlmsyoBan trom tV Bteta GhJvendty of Went Virtimea
Waablaftoo. Anroat Jl.—Tbe aary ayoaap man from LeziaptoB. Ky.. av
earafnl V will V inside the tap in tV plate into a hrkkymd. Vvlap hte
feadtep tV malUtude, and early monOnp. Their endnnooe te yVnom- money. V soon bad anonph to go to *wlTo.s»nu.»e4 T
Aapartmeat baa raaeieal a aaWecram tempted to Croat the railroad track be
fore aa lacomtap C. A W. M. train aad eloaatep ap tV place for each Vy'a miaL and tbey an capable of sttmif Iowa, when V opened np a tew ofltea.
from Pooea.
Vtordey we made up forty afreockms. They an praat fiphtm.
Dr. Thlnmpe «yi that 80 yean ago
tbattVPDrilaa, Ampbttrite, Tei
four loarra into bread aad batter eaadA teaseter who reoenUy ytotal uad V nsed to mekin that V cipan made
■aaaibalaod Moatcomarr railed tbit terribly matUated.
tnatmentaowiehaa, itenday, aiaety-ooe loarea.
teoralar for Newport, ft. L Tba aula
Moaday oae baadrad aad alziaea, aad
«b^ of eaUiof la t> r>t away fro«
"TV whip tVi ia naed on then, te ''Is sermons sritbout tolmcco for
today one knadrad aad ttairty-nina
• irapleal dlmate. The dticrat of
tV cznelam thing of its kind iVt te
There were three aad one-half ehi
----BV ISS---Sowparl bare baaa arfia^ the Mrr
knows to man. Thirty feet te Vi^
Csrl Weim, aa actor in tV OVisg
srlth haaaaaa. plaaapplea. prapre aad and two inebes thick near the abort Oonrt theater, bna AcpartateBt to raadasrow tba larpor
PblUipteaa as Xa<tep-nArat.lpBarOae day Bel<
handle, it hoi a teab ten feet Jang tVt tieih yaarot bU pr--------------—^
oaaaa’a at Newport. The dapartmeoi
ieed-tee all the aftarnooe.
cats like a Vifa The
kaout mppoi^aa WilliamTaU’emm te BehUmp the Vaited Suua.
•aald aot, bat afroad to teaa tome o:
New York. Aapast tl.—IV San ka« aad papera, plenty of clean towats and VI te it. Whan a dop te atrsok. yon Vs ploy In m: aod bos never Ven a
«bo amaUar typaa.
a Maaila cable that aays Apalaaido haa aoap V*e been on duty, and all baru bear a sharp yelp aV then ytmr oteiph itagledty sritbonti
moat abnadanUy apprecls
£olocml A. A. FowMl of Texas te one
Vaed a memorial Vdreaaed to tbe
terpo pieoe of bloody akin lyi^ on tV cf tV tallest men in tV Oalted Stttaa
forcipa powera. reeittep that tV Fill- Boys from escry aiate. a>moat. hast MOW."—Su Pan! Dtepatch.
Steading 7 fsK 6^ teofaea te lite saoekpiaos Vee formod a poveramrat aader ^ bean here—a pood aaoy from Moate:
tnpa Be it 86 yean old and weigV 171
iiitatioa adopted oa Jaae SS; aad South Dakota- The Idaho Vya
n# SVeHS* SMte.
ponada He wears a very high Mlk hat.
It thronph Vfora.
A life tVt if to to octire oopVto. catutep him to appear « lev 10 feat
M Kattma ol Xataraat From Ail E tvt they vre slace carried oa a eamAnd refreabment te (be midst of labon^ talL
Pane ad Miehlcoo.
w paipa forliVrty and Vra takea forty
—nay. to draw rrfreabinent tnatbem
proriacaa aad redaeed Maaila They
Jeoepb ieffersco waa aofced by a Otobat itate it cannot do nuleas tbe mtt
Ob tomb
NvmvifrWWdrtorwA bare 9 000 priaooeta nnd peace and
einutl bore wVt time an actor aboold
take np ibr Tsried employments cf ratlre. He took out bii watch. whiV
An Adiaw aromaa hu fa.Uaa la lack.
t Onrerail te the eoa^a
M. B. Starfaa of 6aa Praadaeo, a eapi- prorinccs.
Vptetetod 11:46. and replied. "On soma
Imrpe Tracts Beinp Sapid y Vnpht
daliat, died ttera oa Aayaat», Icarior
oooaaiaB* I Vld it fate dnty to retire nt
I of the
np by Maanlactnrora ia Farieua
beaven descrited by Woedswortb la
exactly Il:4Bo’cloek. and this te one
•boat«6.0U0to bia two aUtera. Mra.
4«<».jnctoru>entow.. «»»* el UMs'am
MBdraee of tbe Pbilippiaa rapabbis immonnl ode. that ligV
Farta efthefttaia
''Laeratia Crowell of Toledo, aod Mra. llc. or. falliap that, ha wiabea tbe
Vhkh to. .bum a. u our UObmcj.
A apecial trlepram from Lonstap to
Wtiamioarof Adrala. Ue waa a pewerato p.-ant the FUlpteoa belllpWhich atteiMte tV yonih npoa bte way.
Vac loat broUer, aad his alaters reatnphte
fact of mnch interest to rraidratt io teust length
VUaradhV to be dead, aot harlor
The United SUtes ie not mentioned this see-4oa of tas state. It said that
the msa (MrvlTm H die sway
board from him for 40 yeara. Be to the memorifi
Aad toto tmu Ui. hrin <f «aan day.
dnrinp the pest few aoatbt there has lu ndiaace still pUy* abont those few
waatoharaaeoDatortcd for Miehlfae
told arose from' eensnmption.
been aa teercra«d demand for the wV strive earnestly to kn.p tbemsdres
for a rialL*
beVB..rrl-— ''
hardwood tImVr lands owned by th* anspotled from tV world and ore ric•ly .cored by Dr.^f^'s New Oioc.v
Meal Ketate Tranatera.
Kaakafob ie propariar • jabilec oele
y f..r CoesnmpUon. (WbsaV Cold,
sute. Tbe lest sals of more than
lot* te tv strife.—tiledsuma
A.C ««ne TTTJ CrdvoMe oevenae, sa msS '
btattoa toh<B->r U Cb.r, Tblrtyfoortb
‘en Aaz«M tt. loAozsat
declares that
gold )e
^ ->f
^f’ little
lulle Vatee
value rreoi wrtvt aeSadinremiksme.
dlanry proportions made was closed
iIsM r^ E O LsS . B«ri
MiahUraa, npoa lu rrtara to Utat city.
rnopariMP wltlr thte marvrlaus
test 8a«nrdny wb«a the Oral W.xri
A ftae prorram is bates arraafed.
eor»; woo’d bur’ll. Ven If it cost B
DiV Co. of Traswne CUr became the
Tacsdayh list of dratV aad aed)f *00 aerea in Wexford eonbty. BffizlDp a reveunc stomp on aaothar B-oui............................
icbiUs and all tbraat and tear sfdaota te the aute leelode: James
for «hieh it paid tl.»00.
check, "bot hard us will to served feeiioe* are/paalilvcl* ta:«a by Dr. Is Sraed Fv.vwn. eenstv
•trtaftw. afed 10. drowned ia tbe St.
of US for yean to coma" King's "Now OtecoTcrv for Opn.nme.
W. D VTodeof Maoteo, riee-prcsl- out to'tv
C air rirer at Port Haroo; Fraok
tma. ^Trtel io tie* 10 e-a at tV drug
deat Of tbe Miebipaa Berk aV Lum —Chicago TriVoe.
stercaotS. B. Wait aad J G JobuMc.
Dzworkowdcl, acad 10, drowned la tba «. b'k
ber Co . U snthufity for tV tUtemen’
R-mUr sloe so cu. sod ti-oo. G«ar
Dat d rtrar at Dettol*. Praok
Bew It O0»«Ud Him.
Georrr G. Bates to J. B. Monroe, lota that the hardwood timber leads of tbe
onleed to cure or pe'ee reloaded.
---- 1ttob*rUoA*.*«wpUBa<«oe*
Blcbola, a Bier te Baeklay and DoafUs' SB aad M. blk f. Osk P^rk add-htOO.
Dorthern part of the lower paaintn
«si<l at Maatetoe. kilted by the batatJ. B MoB'oetoJ W Petehta. lota
ore btiap rapidly pnrchaeed by mant
ts aad ffi, klK t. Osk Park add—«00.
■ tap of his whaeli Uri Oamptoa.i
*^00 wen tooilbla"
teetnrinp eOBceras which will ramc.se
"Not Ddch. I wish I had tv money
•am. aa old man who fell fro
the timber as rapidly as pamible .. Ispaat oa teleprama"—Chicago fiao•■-/aedUble
& T White
hraire bia aeek; Cbarlaa Sterane, ^
•maa I
BaUlaCrrak. at work lathinp a new
auppea IV Pnfwr.
laada ta that aacUoa of tbe state will
VlUiag wb{( fell from a a-opgil atoij
"Snpby'i face would atop a clodc."
H^aard WbUiap loPanl WeUler.loto shortly be dconded of their da* forasta.
"Worm than that. Bte portrait ap
■ AtoiPir Pkllt watcoinir k ciieoi pro- to aad ! I. blk 3. Btrsfdr add—»W.
Mltebel) Brothers of OadlHhc base re- peared in a local pnprt loot month aad
iaaslua, was fatally mjared: tba ste
Panl Weisler to Hosrard Whiiter. daaUJ pnr:Bssed tlietimher on three tv 'Slope'an still coming in."—caera.year old ajn of John Viotob. of Berrien OtoZ7aadS8. b:k 18. a. L. AC.'s. Sth
atillrC townships laths Mathoastern tend Plate Dealer.
Bprinpa. who was pla.riap .n iront of a add—IIKKI.
partof Knlknaknceanty, and will cenakad when the door fell OB him itjor___________ . _
. .
B. 0riii>\>
Unna their loppiop railroad from
. lap bin te a. proVbly teUl mei.ncri! of lot t sec It to I* a f to w.—pf 75.
StitusUle. Misaankce county; across
■ aad Isaac Biarteper. ot bsptaaw. w^o;
P- Cooper !o w. L Brown lot
tv Meaistee riser, n id hsnl their tim
lapalltepe aeckUe cwt of a baraenl®*
* Bsyride edd-fW.
ber to Jeanteps. where it will be law.
'ano wbieb ba* Ven eadoraad by
ftrawercauphj it la a loaded rabolrari ,*•“?'* M Blierto B. W Jeffemoa
g ariUi. of tbe world. Step ra
Tbt timber on seseral towashlps
which wradlteharpcd, the ballet pase-I* * Oo.'n Tih adA
W. W. KIMBALL CO.. N. E. 8TBONO. Maaatar,
la MUteuk^ ecnaty had been preslons
lap thronph one of hU Ibpn
Jn*!6 Gills to 0">rea PaaVdy nel< ly pdreboMd by this firs.
Toe Brat knewladpa tb« narrate h{ sa- IS tpi'O nrV w—pia
Mr. Wsde baa also recently porebssWalter Cotrrih ni Cvtan had of hia aaCbaa. B enroll et al (tVstera) to V acTcral eztenaise tranta in Kalkaska
Went te tba Army sraa Ua tawa at Oeorpe Peabody psntela te see 9 to M eoaaty and will establish camps there
Wbera W. e. FLETCSet aareaa I
fcU deate hi Moatank PoteL
elaoa vepnlar meals for_*5e aad I
William MePkenne et al to L. K. oa abont Bse ailra out of Fife Lake.
"For tbe love of beaveo. Jimmie,
^Vadar was tV bippeat peach day
*h of sw h eec 27 IptS n r ll w— Bo ezprcu to pat te abont two add trot d'youae keep yer bate cut so abort Laaebeate tV world for ite. OpeaaUaipbk
nt Grand ftaplds and more »*»*" a
mUtlon iaet of pine, hemlbck, tvr'—New T'ork JournaL
tVtUiBd teaau came to tbe morater
Perry Banonb et al to Phnandcr oadar aV other timber* firim tkeee
market briaplap early Crawforda. U Paris loU 1 aad t see 4« tp S7 a r It w
dar\np the cominp srteter.
sraa tba Isrpeal crowd asee tuah at tV •*00.
Smith—Bcme people set aalV a Mma
Wm- L. Brown V/Phllaoder Peris
t everything.
aaarkat aod the frnit bmpht pood mii
of lot 4 blk e Treserra City—BSM.
Joaea—But more people wet aside
prieaa owtep te a heavy demand from
Mra. Barrlaof SVth Bead. Vd.. and iratything for a time.—Brooklyn Ufa
C. G. Mae* aad Rsy Mao*, father aad Mra Oilddea aad danpfatar ftatk
Correapood with tbe Trarerse City Lumber Company.
Free PiUo.
9bt!b^>rl of State Uad Commia- brother ot C. C Maea, rctnraad to T>eLakealda, Mieb . arapuesisof Mra J.
W« have (or aate Cood,
Send yoar address to U. B. Boeklcn
, MdVr Fcmrah for the last Berai year tndt Wedaeoday moruiop after ea}oyC. Morpna.
A Co.. Cblcapo. sad pel a free sample
InatCoM^eted shows tbnt the state iap a plaaaaat rialt of tea days.
Frank FrfMrieh ia at tba Mnnttoaa Vz ol Dr. King's New Ufe Pills. A
dtepOMd of 87.113 acres pi lead dnriep
trial will convince yon of tVlr merits.
OB an oil Imptotinp trip.
tV>VraadavUi basG95.034 eerrssnbThese pill, ere ea.v te octioo and are
Min Alice AUne wBl laava this
It'S Bat XdtUa Fan
■flectJve io tV core of
to sale and Vmestead entry.
to walk into a stm aad the Brat ntcrwlnp lor a Vort visit with friend* Con&UpnUdn nod Sick Headache. For
Kenry8tBrka,ApromlaeBteit>ssB of
now yon Bad yonraelf at JackMD before eatering tV aormsl Materia end Liver tronbleathey ban
MaaistM ooaatj ia dead, aped eesraty
been proved invnlnable. TVy kto
»f job lots aad anetioo inebool at YpsHaaU.
lUwd to be perfectly free from
goe patter
Derid Jtckltep raturard yceterday
■ deleterion. sabivtanee and to V
______ .
any twice
i reap aad i
thinklBpaodecoBomlcal V»_ -------- afternoon from F|tek where V Vs
menifested whea Corporal Ed Watson, not carry it home at all. On the ether Ven spending bt* snmmm eacallon.
a Mn'qneUe Midler lad rcachV borne. band. Is it not a pleasure to pick from Be will eooitene hte ntadV at tbe
tbe system. Rente rise *Sc. per Vx.
Fred J. Pteraon of Boat will nlwayn a Diee crisp, clean aad new stock of High eehool here this fall.'
Sold by J.G. Jobni k nnd b. E. Walt
floe Clothing. FaroUbteps, aad Bnt<
Mill Machinery of all deacripttooa, indoding T*o Enginea,
J Va Foote went eouth oa tV a A Drupgiste.
V a firm Vltever Ja Vvenlaiap. A
W. M. flyer laat nlpbk
Teryamnll ad te a Miehipaa paper baa
R«t Worfca, Oarriagea a^ Saw*. A complete Saw MID Plant
Sip Fa.
jrat broepfal him a rc^aeet tec pricca
MV Brms .CnnninpVm of Fifth
paut street te eatertaininff IV Oberite of for every boy te towa. One of tboae By.
tem a doctor » Toapa. Friendly Ta- and bell feel proud of Ik,,
saito see start at tt.80. BBaadaACo..
lap tops pir -e tree with every purdiaaa
teaV. Polyncaia, aad alae by tV aama FaahteaabU oatfittara.
te ear
e'ethtug depnrtaaant No
i^aalmlterrapaaat froaa SooUaad.
J. W. MOUkoa to. dotef bwlnaa ia ftnaaateg or Baraam trieV bnc. wh*.
...iCteleapo this week.
wa^teajre pie* to nlL S-BaadaftCo.
ahnsjnatracriswd a
V MaadSnmtoarantCMaago aV
VuartromJsr a Milford, formerly of «W»«*
A Live Agent Wanted
Tte IkkUu Ifiddat iaodtUn
8randIra*Brse ’
Land Companj
alSii'tJsr alSS:?’”
til u u Men to sat n»nm
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Pm You ScM Bools
Fifty Cents
Guard Chains
Bam Yon Tried Tbe Kimball?
Furniture Bargains THoifirColumbian Restaurant
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
traverse city, lumber
THI XOBVaia Mid<aB>vTglg«PAar, ««FT»jO«» l, um.
. MasaSA^ ■
’■TIaaamtoha Mm t
1 ■ndHaal
tfm emptoyad is I69S reoeiTed.
'‘BamT' npUed tba
non OoitaeeCteat tbara an vapsta Is prataottm. with tbeaa daily avitba agricoJtaral board.
fcooi 78 ceoeatna which amployad 18.MotUag bat oompadtiro
. .
iff 9,919 cooewna
mhaatelB March, 18M. aad 18,676
** $87,000,000
^,oS5w isore to
is 1898 ' triaU iff apaad
. ad ca Itnefc. as yoa will ass
IB Maiob, 189& Tbe wagea paid la hare
»IW«A AAM w Cnt X* <■—I
18Mware«60e.WA.S«:lD 1868. «606.- tbaa they bad is 1896. U It____ .. .. by tba eatalogae. Allow me to preaant
Wagm- tm* tlM far OMtt la A«mi
•68.98 Va find 16 parcaotmeaebaBdt tbe tansar aad tbe ffirdeser baea par*
TraveroaCMy Morttav
anployad la 1806 tbaa ia 1896. aod tbe •akao of tba proapority iff tba taotaiy
. also a sacred belL
rate iff wagea ia IS par eaot hand and tbe tnlser;
Ua mlta of ttw ladutrlAl .
U tbe ansployeea of tbeaa 9,999 eoaway. Mr. Goodman, make my
Tariff kwraeareEtren in tbaei
to tba groaada Well, good day.'
SBLLive man.
<ff ettployaei is tbe wue- Haw Torfc Weekly.
tasetber with tbe oonpariMOf and aa- 8,718 basda in Manb. 1895. and' $'899
$19 «
airaU diawB tbataftuu b; Boo. Bobwt
U «0
W. Taylor, natabcr of eaogr«« fran
«hU>. IB Mi iDdoKrial pdl tbr Tariff
4 98
laacmbaitaJaaai tbe ba«U
t M
iUBRatap1 98
folloviog Maich. 1898, and tbe avenge rate «,
SnsiiBately eqaal .
ai^bar of band, eaplo:^ wai (.wsd*
tbe enactmest of tbeuriff lawaof ISM wagea inrreaecd nearly 90 per oest.
ffVom Miaaoari there are 906 reports «“/.
Mifona-Tte, at
and 1698. tbaWUaoBatid IHaglay lawa
from ooneoM which employed 8.067 ?‘ «® P*P«»Mage of
, ! baada la 1898 aad 7.688 in 1898. Tbe,
T"*"!,'**? “? ashWMtWly
abr«a. d>a former being aeeen moa^ | wages paid in Mar^ 1898, were 8168. * 1
Mler the Wilxm law Pnme eflaotiee ^’®-**: in ISM'tbcy amooated to
nt. i
18t>4 and tbe latter eight a mtta 1 *»47.906.64. The iacnaaeln baada ammLbnttbanwaa lta.ll.M per cent.
Iff 40 MOM ta Aaa^barof «*wb paM r.TM,MOtewacaaiB ItM
ewpto^ b«teMbaaum»l*ed
neat wac« «haa
b it toagaff tbaeBployaa
' pw
^“ *“■
“r ^
i&£| :e;e
SSTTiET *"■.............
' Iff lOoeroent.
| of tbeaa retnma and of tbe pel
&ir to
to^ Wilacm law
1,^ ml.^ by retnrna from tM
fair to W Dingier law. m
T b^eaaOB of tbeenoni “**‘*“*!a®aeroa amp^ 18.67^^^ » LlmporfiO.) pottery dUtrict for ^
March, 1896. and 99.818 in Marsh,
>688. “ ompared i
af Importationa broogbt to tba Cali
tbe i
•tatas in andelpatiao of bighw tariff 1898. Tbe wage, paid for tbe month with the nme moalbof 1897.
wenrM.996.28ln 1896-aad $1,180.- conditioo. wen n« matertally diffaront
catea wbeteby Um demand for articlea
from tboae eslating In 1896.
af domeatie oonaamptiao was tednoad
in tba 89 pottenea
potteries of tba Kbit
Earn IffrerLiverthen were nearly 4.000 man penona
nal aeange peodlng tbe
“il 'P- .rarwi w.g« („| I»ol atoel tte. am l«16 ta»a.
me wbtts this toad goes tol
$8llnl896.' Tbl. iDorean in average to Febroary. 1808. TblaUanl
Boetio—Dcan'i goDowbere. Bin'«a
wagnpaidwa. doe partly to an in- of jm^oally 80 percent In tbe
ever atooa 1 knowed it—SketriL
oeaae in tbe wage nte and partly to
tbe Incraaae in tbe anmber
We do not have exact data aa to tbe
work per »"«■«
I omoiial of wages paid dnring tbeaa two
"J. Addlmn, V said PreaMest McKisFran tbe atata of Waablngton tbara ‘ >»°>>tba, hot we do know that «ncb ; ley to hi* private secretary, “did yt
■T. 118 nrom nprm.tii« con»n»
~ mpl-rf "
.m- not bear tbe tolepboaie belir’
.......................... S,94Q
(g Match..
>>°°^ pw day in 1898 than in
“Ibegyoar pardon, yoorexoalleex^,
in 1898. Tbe wagea >8*’ ■»>
“««> was a aniform In- lapUed Mr. Potor. “bat I wm absorb
1698. and 7,i
ithto 189Bware$I88,-:««»* >" wagHL tbecot of 19J< per ed to tboogbt"
paid for that
889.;;; to 1898, $490,988.89. Tba.— ----- —in 1894 baviug bean raaaoced
Going to tbe leleph< a be caned:
bar of baods almoat dosUed. and tbe >" >>«»t
“Wbo wants tbeex<
I exeoBtlve manaiocr'
gntifying. It ooran tbe antln
nisbea a etriking aimilartty
i ^>>>*
“This ia OaptaiB BtoDoo at Havana. “
and every kind of prodoottoD and em wages paid mon than ____
between tba reaolta derived from tbe
“Abl Whatoanwadoferyoa, genployment Tbe plan adopted fmobtoioatalP'
tog this infermatioo wa. tba mme as
“1 waM to know srim your liaa
catabliabmenu eoatteoad all over the
ta likely to
employing 969,899 haoda in reach Bavai
Fittsborg Chnmicto
by reporta from all tba cemoerai to one
line of btatoMss ij>.$ne of ^ two great
pottery oanlan iff the obimtiy.
Tbe Amartcan ProtacUve Tariff leagne
ptaauuta thaw facta for tba oonoidwatlaD
of tba is apparent and tbelr effect nniat be ti
atimolata tbe bops and atnngttaen th
. calcBlatiDgnatoreaahia"
ooevictiona of every believar to tL
Oertrede—Bat what makes yoa think
prindpie of proiectioo.
bail so enaaaoticmal « cold aad oalcnlattogr*
Miriam—When we wen at tbe ptonfe
yesterday, be didn't anggeri that we
Mve oar ttotypea takaa.«>-ElhkagD
£rer Bnraed Oot /
The Way They Settlef
Mantotee. Hteh., Aog. 1.19M.
Boam ProteeUvr Am'a., Gaylord. Mtlto.
DearBbm:-! raeeleed t^ytoraMb.
yosr oismet
dtatriel maoBgar, vt. B. Batdy,
aebeekot 690 00. to faU eetUamaMof
my aerident claim.
Tliaaktogyea for tba fair aad pemapt
manner in wbieb you have settled wtob
mA t ramali a member of yoar aaam
GBonoB BAMKemt.
1901 Tiae etrwt.
Manistee. Mtoto
Bicycle Riders.
Bemembar that I do all ktoda iff rm'
nalriBg and anaearitog. and that I ana
and do give yon tbe heat woric of mar
oae to toe dty for tbe money. Donto
be deceived by wbat others tell yoa to
toe contrary, bat oome aad am «er
I guaraslee all my werii to be right,
aad if it does not ptovsm* I^^
1898, waa a period of eroeptioual bed
totkm and saoertBioty beoaoM of tba
fftraatmied war with hpain. and for
that reason fell below a fair average of
Indastnal activity. The fitrt that
March. 1898, waa aelected a. tbe test
month only eervea to ampbahua tbe extoanrdinaiy oontraais abows by tbit indoftrial oaoinia
to tm a e'etorii every
... tototo cxeept Bonday. to tbe Ctaldwall A Loodco balldtog, at north end of Daloe
Bnefciea'a Arntea Salva.
Tus Boar SAi.Tn to tbe world tor
Onto. Brnieea. Sorea. Bloera, Salt
Bbecaa. Fever Sorea. Tatter. Cbam^
Banda. ChUbUto*. Corna. aad aU BUn
Bn>pUona,aad poairivclj enree PUea,
eroo parrwqatred. It to raaraatoed
togive perfect eattofaetlos or moner^ondad. PrieetSeanttperbox. Fc
mlvbv d. O. Jobnaon and R B Walt,
John R. Santo,
Gsnril lasiuiee.
Giud KifMt t bdlui 1.1
Otw Oiiwra. ta sBsarJsb A »
66tlf6 6166 688
asoaaa aaso sss
fiSgesE esse tss
W . •eSSni^IrTV a^"
a W«* Mcma te It.
tor yosr very kind advice and liifTirian
trade, bat if ros will ea«t year ere over
tbe todoitrial oennia joat completed by tbe
'Tariff league
and aim btnr to mind onr trade balanoe of over 9016.diO ono rno will readily
dimover why tbe American |»iicy ia entirely aatiffactorv lu tbe Amiricau propie.
■m wan made with 1899. At that ttoie
aetnrnjwera received from 1.888 em
ployers of labor, to thia examinatioo
we have 9.929 retoroa In tbe farmer
toveetigaUon it waa fonnd that then
were 80 per cent fewer boodr employ
ed. In tbii toqolry exactly tbp opposite
anwara Icneedoot teaaid that tba
ntmoatcara baa been exercised loonn■
dnet an boaeat and
Take lumber aeanexample Webava
“Bow do yoa like it old aoanr' ask
ed Browning. “Pteuy clever, im't il7
Only coat me $4. Chnp at twice that
Br..wi iiiDg I'ocki-d
away that Totcf-kic. might get a better
view of hi. new duck eeit with nice,
abarp ereaaee down the troosera, sp tbe
tlwvea aad across tbe beck iff bis coat
“It looksweli."aneweRd Tompktoa
snrraytog bit friend from bead to foot
“Fita n>>R>dld too. First one 1
aajr that firteiL
fitted. 6nlyoaat$4,
“Tep. only $4.
ve I'U get one myaelf.”
“fonerdoit. They won't laal long
Orrotaat enlts eVar made.” Bnwniog
_ pleased
at tba thought of gaining a •
** ■ Fj”*•>•«
Tboogbt Itwas a good
-.........-................ ...............
— . bought It" Evans
nearly twice aa many liked it.aod mid be waa going aroond
men employed, with an average to-1 to try one en. Browolng tooughtprmty *
creaeeof wagcBof 71, peroent
well of himaelf.
j X>'57»'."®
When be ran across OImvm after
I manntocturera wbo amiuoyid 93.466 loncb. iff coorst tbe coorcrmtiim •><'»- '
. bandi in March. 1898. and 99.666 to I ed upon tba salt “Only iwat $4.’ ->d
; for March. \
“Doo't yoo feel gloomy.” mid tbe
of aoDlfatocea, “wbin tbe aky it overtmat with gray, when tbe Aytbmic rain
eoanda a dirge npoa tbe roef and the
lasdacapa'a beasUea are bid by tbe
weeping tuift?"
“Yoa" abe answered, with sweet
tercet “It's dmdfnlly ansoytog.
does make one's hair o__ > oat iff onri
sol”—Waahingttm Star.
aasi: 8 8«SS8888e
hypnotist." be explained, "andnow
i,.bleto feed b« boarders
ataafc and make than think it ia tmadffm j30'4rm>«a WAwrao^-aw or itoau*
loto "—Chicago Poet
rra^re for UttI* ooea W> rtowa np fotoa 1^8
cv-tar.. a—
_____________ WMhlaeilVr SolSee aarvMfor •avrai**'
MlffBoUAs SU
of lb* pooian aJoo*. J>i
■MB* noeih Vlik ear
Tea iiATioaALBooa Co«i
>er caw. 1
rmarat. Ubrral n
iUoBm. tllAir
"I want to know what yonmeant” ClaravoKsv
mid tbe otaim. "by oalling my speech
- ikoowledge
a geometrical paicdox.
Oaaette explained, "that it bad length
ncBimm, l
breadth. “-Ctod EDOstaDI
Trareree CMr; t
Bedaeen Batra oa O B- * 1
HneinssU. one cent per mile. Bel)
He^tember Id, good to returu October
,pt>) pais. 8ar W P. Onnarr.
< UB WOnxN vaailar «
raooar by e
pt. TTavevaa CUr- Aim
dr—to met
Toronto. Oatario. one tore for roxnd
trip. Bell Angoat S4tb. tsth. aad 97(1.
g<wd to leui’-o Sept. Otb.
Red need ratm to other potota. Phone X3 EMipocK smBWaut nAJtx—paea^kr
n ihaTraTatsaOtirL—bevOo.
II C. B Marray, Agent.
CL. Lockwood, UP. A..
Ornod Bapida
I. TVavantawLaa'
I From tba Booth oo tba
e. M * L
The O. B. A t. vrUl______
S.t’SZ' iZdi '“f
fcma wottini taride tbem. bat
! •«> be reprmaniouve. With the develop- vfao ml cppoaiie her, Bvbdgetod aboot
vX TSSrm getti^^l ^ ^
taw the «,d be frownod. At last, wh,* rim left
tor and .poker
6«<l in ^mnelv wav
] be blgbor than It Was to March. Bnt.
“Pardoi me.” mid be. "but won't
^ tte 2«9 ^Ikbmeat.
*>»»«-*«>«»>« M faWy rep- yon please cheure that flag? Yon're
u roe 2,229 fsiannanmeuta xrom--------- --------^.,^...1.----------------------wfbring it opi...;o down, and tbattoa
do these changed
wbiob rapurto were received 64,749
dlHanamean for tbeae 9,999 ooootma aigital Iff dU;nn.”—Watoington Poet.
men bands were employed to March,
and tbe 969.899 banda by tbem em
1898. than to March. 1K96. Is there no
rignlflaanoe to this? dan it be explain- . ployed?
It meau that 64,600 wbo vrere oat af
When toe boy asked tba HfftgvM
ed by any otbir feet or faeu than tba i
employment to Maicfa. 1896. are em- betwevaa nfdrm aud a praetfialpolchange to tariff oouditioos?
ftioian. tbe «lil gcotlemon ooogfaed two
that 9,f9^cooaafss wbiiffi or throe tlmn befoto nplying. Then
So moeb for tbe general ramll of tba '. M
o« look m i» a liiOe
D toe ainiplest ijncstico, yoa koow.
Ho. do-.
A Tcfonn puliticiBn," be -mid at
'(^«7er83T,O0o,000tocaly$999asttblast, "ta i«c who. even tboogb mtoFtom Colorado there
aeeke to doaametbtog for tbe
60 eonoenu which emplo^ 4.768
$98,pablic. while a praotioal polltteian. al' haoda to 1898 and 6,682 in 1898 Tba
... |BOO.Ou»iu wages to 1898 at againff
tagoided. is
!tl' f
in 1898.
baretba pobiicdosE
‘^'1 Tne>:eimsto«em <ff wi^ food.
wwfg g
ttXto^tog^ : »•»«. they roee to $888,869.86.
vritb MltobelL
have beic not only an iDcream of $9M. - jj “Only bad topay$4 for it. yon know."
• 000 paid to the bands WDployed to tbeaa And then Eodaoa agreed with aU tbe
This bnef,
hot tbe average amount paW odmm that It wmvrath^
ffgm My moot cogently aod eloto eneb It U^.
j worth a cent. In fact nine times that
g mid to one or mcac of
It onlyo
oostM." It ratoed
mme in
- operation, 2.229 psublisbmcatscmploy___ ... These works employed to be had nonmbreUA When bo resnbod
ad 604.580 fa aoda and paid them $7,079. March, 1896. 86.998 banda: to Match, | tbe boose, tbe rnit looked like tbe gar128.84 to waget.
1898. 4L446 bands. Tbe wages paid for stent Jeon Valyoio wore in the aewen.
to Usreb. 1898. tba mme 9,299 eatbe month in 1898 amoonted to $1.-1 It waa a lumpy msM iff atieky bnrlap
tohliabmenU eniptoved 9G9.S90 bandi
606,896.08: to 9898 they roae to $9.-' and flapp<-d aronud bira like a unddy
and paid thorn |10.198. IS6.94.
118,168.81. The average amonnt paid colored baiiocr. When Browntog bad
Every report received by tba Tariff
each employee waa nearly ID par oent' taken It off. he threw it over a ebair, a
Imgne la tocorporated ia Cfaia sutement
| wreck of furu er naiciueas aud beanty.
It was found tbathl.es percent more graa(«f*to 1898 than to 1898.
A atriktog argnment to fnratabed by | and as lie K-nued LaikagainMtbedi
Ibarotorni from 24 prodnoera of ooal i and anmyrd it. dauidiug. limp
ho enitiloTed 10,482 mluvre ia Morolk ' ertokW Ib.rv. he n.ottned, “Ai
March. 1898. The, coat $4."wages paid in ibefitat toatanoe amaant-;
in 1896. and that tbe avi>raffe amonnt
ed to $390,837.70, or an average oft
paid each employee waa 11.66 percent
i$s;.40uach. toMarcb, 1896.tbe
An e^ucu.'ily pri-tiy girl rode to tba
oapi'ul ia QU iltvrnccar tbe other dayBhe «sa luilor i..:.du ai.d trim aa a
tba slogan iff protection. Is 1896. where \
Vt-^L USM It MraeT
cTDiaet. ai:<i ipckitl in tUi- front of bar
There ta
U f^easmi
flu rcanm to
to believe
believe that
that for
tor juck.t
juckvt was a viik
nik tls« almnl tbe saiM
Im of
iSo*?^waBm*iu*i80^S wwfflw^ I There
and reoelTed 6144 iu wanes. Tbe tro ***®*"**®® yearofleStt the prosperity. a baudkerehieL R..ice!Uiap at«o* the
err* tot vUUfve.
Clmver did.
lilllMlilBf ■
'Progrestove!" be aaiA “WeU. I
abonld think abe waa Why, do yoo
know whaLtbat w<_____
Irate Ooesl—See here. Yoor adveetiaemcat mid "no moaqnitoaa.”
bommer Undloid—There • m’t a
moaqeito here when that adrea
waa written, not <me. Yoo
*.« -
, totn Traterae City aa followa:
Angaat totb from pointo no O. B A
^ By. between Biobmoad aad Fort
iislia tma a
TvalSaoi* (or Chi
Sep- >r«-7ib Peana. pointo LoaUvULa.
Indianapolis. Teire Haate, St. Loata.
The first five axeonkma Uekeu good
for ten days.
Prom Ohio. Udatoaaad I^na. Uekgoodtodaya.
B MommT, Agoat.
I.O. P AT. A
Grand Bapida.
Oa aeroaBt of tba Boldien' Bepnloa
at Arcadia the M. A. N. B- R'y wUlaeU
tlekeUon Aagoat n. <0. 91. and 8*ptember 1 at 61.......................................
her 9d on train_________ ______ - .
H. w. CuxnMOAat, AgL
tad lee ^ balUlac «l
m X, JUrtarTSi^"-"
ISma arehUaet, m««r1ak
btaek. or ahowi
t??—!—'is: -—.It
aaS la anrslar ta Ikem.
■UanaUoVa, Di
ooTOUWAirsr/ioir.ir.^f. -w. oAVHnan
a Wiit SaTMsah Saa
«ot Tat I
New Yerk. Aaf. SI.—Tbe details of
M atom irhi^ swept tba Qaetclaa
WUl Bo SoynUy Honored on
Xn Btmu/Trom Cuba
■ape tba Bpaairit Peace Oomariaa m
Bas Vot Tat Baoa Permad.
Madrid. Aorwt SL-Pnmlar dafaeu
Ibb moraUf dealad fte tralb of tba
nport that tba Spaaisb paaoa eammisakm bad bams formed. Than waa pm 1
pleatjofUme. ha eaid. for Baleetiep
aamban of tba oommimloo. The
aeaat Bbowstfaaidamafx OesawaatI Meeting in Otty Op»ro
w srlth BafUBah baa aot pet base
l^Uok Point.
Hoom Sonigiit
natond. No death raperts an pat n«Wa Xt Oiaattat Vsmbv Ta^Uaa eeind.
To Pomateu Plaas for a Boaelac
Tat Xsovn oa Ua Vir rn« naaXSaoBatratlaa u Hobor of tbe M cabled u the UaUd lutm paeui^
Uana—Tear Daatkt at Oaap Wy.
Hsnaah Blflaa Wbaa Tbap Oema dap, with tba
koff Taatarday, Bat Vq Kiehl
Oeaeral Zabala U replaoad bj Uat
Back Prom tba War-Baaaral of the
s et Xalghu <ref Ppthlas la
of UcDakeofNsJcra.
Bopa U Arrlre Todap.
X> eidtd.
B Liberal. oommeaUar apoa tbe
Tba oaar approaeh of the time wbaa aames of Us mamban of the WaahiarBaw Tork.
St—Tba tT«uDauelt, Avpast St —A private dis- the Baaaab Blflee. Oompaap If. Tblrtp- toa oemsaimioa saps that tbap aattafp
9oru AUard^ aad the Putbar ar> pateb reeelvad late this af teraoen from foartb Mlehitaa Telaataan, will arrive Ua prarram raoeaUp aaaaaaeed.whieh
thU mmiae. ra- ladlBSaapolis saps tbe Eeiphts of Pp- borne bu prompted a movamaat
"two or Una nallp rood
plve tba bopa a eaiuble neaption.
tba oUan briar aierrip of orsaportlar ^ rn»tetl faUUttaa jat tbisa wUl hold a eoaelava la Detnit
maatal matariai.’'
ScBOiTD ee roate. Piftaea deaths oe- OB tbe aaoeod Taasdsp la Septamb
Liberri eooridan Meaan Dap.
«arad. it beiar ee tbe Paatbar.
Is Ueir boBurwbieh wiU impnm them Wblu aad EUid as Ue
with tbe fact that Tnveree Cltp ^pre ban of Ua eommlsrioo aad
Tba haaaltal eooditieas are atUl iadates at iu tras valoa tbe braverp ead blrhipofUeir latallaetaal qaallUm.
«daqaata at Moauah Point. IW aolseir-merifleeof baraeldler bops. Tbe
Tba iariorioa of JasUoa WhiU ia Iha
Alara aMoUlradtotlaap oa ban fleon.
heps who bnvad Spaolcb balleU aad
alssiae is attrihaud to Ue iaflaToalch't there are im patiaata la aaaaral Wbaelsr Adriaad That tba dleasie ia Caba wlthoat fliDchlar aad
PreaMeat WOl Ttalt Bis Oemof Anhblsbop Irriaad wiU Pres'
tbaraaanlhoapttalaedtlTlatha dawho have eaffered haaper-aBd the lack Ideal MeKialap.
Btaaa at Oamp WpkriT
oa laad aod aea
taatiea haapltal. Fear deaths are re- •serial le lbs Moanno kseow.
U tbe oerformaaae of a aaeiad datr.
^rtad, aU fron tba raaaral boapltal. J Waabiartoa Aarast II.—Tbs follow
Tbe Btaaaer of the deasoastratlaa
Voae <a tbM an Miehicae aiae.
lap dispatch was seat to Oabcral baa act bean dcu
Waited Suua Hoaplul Ship Woat
Tfboalar at Hoalaak Polat tbis atUr- Mspor Smith has isMed a emii for
Dome lo a Hpaurioas
BOOB from tba Adjataat Oaaaial'a pabUemaaUar.ttbabeld ie the Cltp
Open Boaee toairbt. ai abieb it la
Admiral OeUap aad OManl eordaa,
propoaad U formalau a plaa aad aoPeraaBdiaa. Fla.. Sept. 1.—The boa**Tbe preeldaat will pap pear eom- polaltba aaeeaaarp OMmItUea U aanp plUl ahip Ollvettr. which was Ijlar
•attUmaat UMBmtaaioaars, An
maad aa Ufarmal risit Batardap. ae- It oat la a msaaar la ooeord with the Bear Us qaaraotiaa auUon. mpsUrBa A Bta for Porte Bieo.
enstom of Tnreraa CUp aad la apm- ioaslj nak at 7:S0 pnUrdaj maralarsalad bp tba aaeretarp of war.
OpaelaltoTu Hosaisa Bsmbd.
paUp with tba lottp eeaUmaat wbieh Ua hoard was a hospital carps of » aad
Be* Torb. Oept. 1—Admiral Schlep
haa iaspind Ua idea. The fri'^wiar
of 4S. all of whom aaeaped.
aad Oaa. WUllam Oordea. Oaltsd
is the eaU imaad bp Mapor Smtib;
ia tbe
oemmissleaan tesettU tba eoai
MaporbOffiea. TnTamaatp. Bleb. bold wan drtrea from their baaks like
Aarast SI, im.
for tba gpaaiib an
. of Peru
« Wbe WUl TlaU To tbe CiUseas of Tnvene Oitp:
Slee. aallad tor 8aa Ji
lodap oa
la eompJlaan with the nqaest
mp Wjkeff With Praaldat
o oae. m>PwuU7. km>wa bow tba.
board the ateamar Saaau. Tba third
larr* aamber of ear cltiuas. 1 ___
rrest pleaean ia eallters pablic meetmember of IbacomaalsaioB, Oaa. Joha
lar of tbe riUsaas. to be held la tbe
aaeeimioTnMmsniBsoosa. *
Citp Open Hoase at T:SO o'clock TkareBrookx Is pt presset la Peru Biea.
WaahlarUn. Aaraat si—Seentarp dspevaolaUr. »'«T»«*berJst, tt»S. U
disearntbrsltoatfea aod As tbe Ume
OBBFBAA TO BBTVBV AT OBOI. Alrar baa lavltad Oonraor Piarraa to aod
decide the Buoaer of a proper rp- Frtaoaar Obsrtad wlU Barrlbrp B‘Maataak PoUt with tba prasideaul eeptionfor tbe Haaoah Biflea, Oomaaped Traurdap w»«"<i"r
Ordared to Propan for Kla Foimsp psr^. Tba ronraor ia U meat tba paap M OB their ntara home, aad to
appolat oommltteea u aarrp oat tbe, There was a joU driimp at Lelaad
praalleatal partp ia Kaw York. Ba U declsloa, aad arfbariar to provide tbe ynterdaj aoralor aboot two o'elqck.
u BpaU With His Oflean.
meaas for defraplar tbe awcemarp ex- Charles Hajas who wae ‘awalUar trial
•paritf w Tas Keama maeoBB
tba oalp ronraor lavlud.
peasee atUndinr Ue same.
oa a charre of barflarp, aaeaoad bp
Aawapeni, Ab(. si—Ordan an nOivea aader mp bead Uta SUt dap of
pooDdlar OBi the wicket of bis cell
Aarast, low
maind bare from the presldaat. diraeV
door WiU a oUeh of wood.
DadarW. W. 6xmi. Major.
fi« Admiral Cemra u make arraapaPreriow U tbe Imalar of Ue call a aberiflf HarUn Brevra was ia Ue ei^
iBnrraata KnaUar ud PUUclat
epeAts to preeaad wltb kU offlean
merUar of npreeeauUve baslBeea jeetardaj belierior that Ue Wlsooer
Spaalarda aad Bseklar
mad mea baric U bpaia Immadiaulp. la
bad beea arraared aad waa held bad made for UU direetioa. Be . ffen
award for laforsaation leadlag to
Ue office of Ue Moavim
•eeotdaaea with lastraeUoas isaaad bp
Loodm. Aaraat SI.—A dIapaUb U psaUrdaj afUraotm. Th# objeet
dba Spaaish miaisur at MadriA
tba DaUp Talegraph from SUaUrn UeratberlarwastolistoB to safrnmOean wan rarp eatbaslsstiac whea
dated Aaraat S7, aaps:
tloBS which woold fscilisU tbe work
Spjribl flsls oa riolias for U daps at
. tbap raealred the aews. U la aadcrW.W Kiobail Co.*a. riS-«t
*'AU tba oatsklna of Maaila an la a to be doae at Ue
atoed tbap wUl ntnra witboot flriaf
la view of Ue fact that a anober:
aUU of aompleu aaarehp.
mbam of Ue eompasp an expect-'
garoia. Cbpt^ £aUu of Ue iU fated
“Tba laearraau an baaUar aad ad U arrira this mofsl^ it waa deemed
▼meapa left 4bis afuraooa for Ksw
pUlarlar the Spsetards. wfaUa tba aaTortt.
Uvea raaerallp an aacklar villarea aad tea U meet Uem at Ue depot aad u see
Cor. rraoi osd Cana Bin.
robblar vabtelaa aad stealiar boraae.' that they wen aroparip eared far opoa
tbalr arrival, aa Uej an amoar thoae
who wen dlscharrad from the boapitel
aiOambWjkoff aad will prabodlp be
U tba Bzpealtloa.
BrfSatad bp P. B. Bacan, « atrear la ehape ta reqalre eom- little atteadfpwUl w ihvHesmsv Bsoosb.
UoB afUr tbrir loar aad todlou j>arBarrows Baa.
Claralaad. Ohio, Aafast SL—Tba
aep. The oommlttM wae alto asked to
Dearflrid, Ifiebiraa Aarast SO.—na^ aomeBDDieate wiU the csmpaaj
Camp Wpkoff for the porpaae of aacarD Woodward baa of tba oomatlaa
rraslles saeeovdvd la dowalar Ssnator
Uialar the exaet Ume of departon of
Pibbs at Ue aeaatorial ooaveaUoa
Ue eompaaj from the camp aad oUer
dap. eomiaaUar J. A Berers. a stnwr deUlls which vroald b« of aaa U the
axeeativa commlttaa to ba appelated
BarrowB mw. Bssolatioas eadoi
gaaeral aad the poaltioa is oae of McSialep aad Alcar wan F«med.
Utoaveniar at the meeliar Major
BsriU,wbo presided at Ue pnllm
trast. aad reqairlac ffraat exoeotire
meeU^ a^riated, for Ue doUee
mbUitp. Woodward U a profamor im
tloaad the followier:
. Oelambla aalvsniip aad wall kaown ia
Hareotp Baaebad 07« la Ua Shade U
J. W. Haoaen. Kraak Hsmiltoa. B.E.
met aad UCsrstare.
McCoj, A> V. Friedrich aad P. C. Gil
Detroit Teatardap.
•nciri to Tte Koretaa Bnon.
PBOBoujraBO a fakb.
Tba varioav oommlUeat proptmed aad
Detroit, Sept. I.—Tboslraal effiena
Bapon That Oaaaral Oflea'of X.O. B. report todap Ue hotteat of Ua pear in s« oaUiae of a plan will be
Ula rvaalar for forUer oaasIderaUoa
& WUl ba Koead is Dealad.
Detrolk At boob Ue menarp eUod at bad aarreeUoBs. Several
dpaemi lo m HeBBIse Bacosa
03<'; at 3 o’.-loek «7« la Ue ebada, ooa have baea advaaead. bol Ue matter
Detrrit. Aarast 31.—The Cblcafo
derm hirber Uaa Ue record for iSM. wOl be left wlU tbe paepU who atUad
Bbostab that the Mlehiraa Ceatral
Rocooler weatber beton FrUapis pro- the ffaUeriafl thU eveaiqp, so that all
Ballwapwoald pall iU baadqaartm
maj eoatribato by aorpaeUoa or eff wt
la brimrlo^ aboat ooe of Ue moet aoefrom D'^trolt U Chioaro is proaoaaesd
eeasfol aad elpalfieaat demoastratioas
m fake bp the offielala hera. The
evar held in this aaetiua of Hicbifaa.
paap has too maeh ieveatad ban U
WOl ba BnnmedbpUe Plaat Spa- It U dcripaed to have Ue aaUn eoaaeaatidar aeeb a more. A paaeral ahakoaadaboot hen parUripaU Is tbe
tam Vazt Weak.
tar ap of pssaenrar oraaU atoar tka
Ssvaaaah. Oa.., Anrust 81—The
The matter of appropriate aarrieea ia
last ateamshtp Urim will mama earmaaiery
of Ue b^ wbe aaertflaed
viM to HavaaaWxt week. Tbe first'
steamer will arrive then oa Wadaea- Ualr Uvea la aerrioe in Oalm, will prebablj be left wiU Ue paatoca of tba
dayJUs Bapa Kaadad Oopp of tba Oaar'a
Wm Hot Kaat Smator Baaaa.
■seM «*Ta» Uvanaa Roodob.
Apeetri w Tu MoutM Bocess.
<»aTaUBd.8epL 1.—It is aot probaaad ereep nse of Uem paaaad
Waabiartoa, Aaraat SI.—t'alUd
master. All Ue ladlaa who
bis that Saaator Haaaa wUI meal
giaUs Ambssaador Hltchsoek, at St.
►Bri Fotermae Bpesfimia Soaoc
here aeoa Uem Ulak tbcj an
IVaaideot McKlnlej dariat bla praaaal
Patanbarr. bss csbiad,Ue SuudrpartTerma ofBiaAbUltj aad
Oar S3 so aad te.OO ahoea an ooririt at Clanlaad. Saaatoe Baaaa Is
maat, Uat ba bu baaa hsadad bp tba
Bard Work.
pedj^ Uklafl. Take a tyk
oa'tooU from Ua aorUwMt. bat vrUl
•loarl PeterBOO, aommaadar of tbe
Batriaa MlaisUr of forelra aftatrs, a
Thlrtj-toartb Mlehlfaa, ipeaki ia varp,
oopj of tbe Osar's aou apoa a aalvenal
lap. Ttaep
krij will laava bifk praioeof Ueaklll aad efforta of'
aloe for Oaa^ tka aortaoBB of Ua rerinaat dartap i
tbe war. CapU J. U. WtJ^lai. asria. I
Tbs Tsaarlas at Haw To^
taat aarreon. of Tnverae atp. is aa•pmiri te m HosaiM Baeoao.
Fin Chiaf BUiott U Daod.
» of pcalBo:
Kew Yodt. Sept. 1.—Tba dpaamiu
We Are nDpacking
7600 Tablets and one ton of Slates today.
Watch tbis space tomorrow.
290 Front Street
sraton IB looo.
A full Bupplj of School Books, Tablets, Pencils, and
everything pertaining to school nse, at
Markban RIocL
J;. T
i Just Part
I of the Price
# '
Jm whai*7oaTl pay now if yon want a
RMBittuHll. BaiiliBscL
and Clothing Bob
Hastings’ Real Estate Agsncif.
Good for Fralt BaUar
Goad for Stoek Kateiar.
Good tor Geaaral Farmlar.
iHlRCHt IT iliilUL
TraTem Cit; Scbool of lusic!
Holley ft
to O.I.! «,«. v«» u«
Go G. B A I B. R.
is the craft that ie hon
ored as tbe head
quarters of (be com
mander and all other f
abipa, big and littie,
lo(A totbeaigiialsfroin
the flagabip for or.
--- A
flsgabip of tbe aboe wort
first and best, SELZ Shoes lead the rest, asid
while many trr to follow, few aqcceqd. Hon
mcmey U pot mtoa SELZ than Inotbera, but
they coat yoa do more because tbe niabera
reap a smaller profit by rdason of tiietr tmmenseontpotofSH millioapairsayear. We
bSTC She SELZ ud want yoo to wear them.
Fall Styles
. Imirin TleksU bafarbt aa
“ ••
Daurit. ABf.sl.—Oblat BUioU of tba
Petrrit fin daportmaat, 4iad at Bn
The Leader
in New Shoes.
Look at the Glass Gaskets
of Shining Pennies
r:------------------- our rioUloir window.
In onr display wiodew. The largest one eootaine 600 of them
for tbe first prize. - The aoaller cootains 400 for tbe
bestgoeeser. ^
Tbe contest is limited to boys between tbe sgee of 8 and *16
yeea. For every 60c sale in onr boy's and javoule clofbins
tbe pnrebsser is enUUed to one gnma
which will be registered. On October 1st we wiD oonnt (be
beans and the locky boys will go home re|o)cii«.
In thq Ueaniioie we wish to remind oor friends aod patpefttion in tbe backgroaod.
Oir "Ucuiriiien" Bar's aiR CUIdmi's StOK .
are mworpamble u workmanship, fit sad dorsbUtty and oar
pnoes sra within tbe reach of slL
Toor money seven.
Glui Blocks
Ttmw» Oily, Midi.
■ 3 -i-'.^-J.i iw'“t'vi(;^''^ ffi
fpCr-VDunaro bboow
4 W. BASirn. BAitor
TT oowsmov.
Acttto aad latanertap OoatoMa Are
Prenbed—Three Oaadldatae Tor
More toaa weal latereet b totap
■aalfeatedia (to Bepahlleaa oMaty
aanpalpa, aad laat afpht (to
la toe aereral warde were spirited.
TheaaadMetaetor the rarioae ofBeea
tore been eetlra hhd
The ofiea to preaeeater aean te to
l tarlUap. if a I Bay Jedpe
eaatlap Attoraay Tweddla b ayala la
toeBeld te a laaeailaatlon, CltaaU
ehicd hla eaator iato the riap te (to
Attaraey Maaly C Dedpe
b also a caadIdaU aad JaaUoe O. W.
Car«b woatd net dladala (to aoBlaaThan U a proapeet to a aplriied
The atA whleh b briap te
’attend aad te white a ripareat. bet
alat aaaapalpa haa bsM werbad. (a te
the eOee to aharlB. Bherif SiBpeee b
ep for a naaBlaadoa. tot UadarteerlB
C.- W. Aahtoa eoreta (to job aad la aa
Dapaty Marrla aa-
Mtkkaatur et kkrUf • deaoai
«M »kM Um aolBUn of Oom^Mj M,
ntrtHMrtk ItMkifMI, IMM
>>iWxCly. .TtoomlytMliwbM
to bb« Maav* U trUek w« thAll
hMer tto toy* wb«a they ntm. It b
flTM a Httair. totrt*
to*r toMk b*ra atol mm after
•faUtoailM wUl to ciraa la tMr
kaMrwbl^wDl MUtoe
«MBtUttohb(«iTortto diy. Oalj
*a totalb *t the <1
aala to to atraarto. Itolfbt (tore
blot to a MeaMMtiar to toe City Oym
gen M eoasider plaaa Cackle aad
Oerfblr eltUeae win to Mlaetto ws
aarry Ml (to plaaa atoaud and (tore
|iaob>etotoa toai Ttmeacw City aad
toeawTMadiar eMady wUl d« «v
«Bir iMMr te (to tor* wto to«r*4
•be tre »(^nlto to((«toa a( Haattofo aad foBfht dbWM aad pe*t^ee
lb toe ^eleaaa
by. VetolBffbleeffeod tor (to eot4taa wto tow nerllMltotoeBal Utortob aad eafetr (o BiakeUla a prioeiple
•tolebtoatoealto (oMdatioa to (to
fitoaktie. Therefore b
la pariM eeitatoe (rltoie (o yMae
aatocd aad batetj
plrl^ Ida nanl aeppon (a Aahtoa.
WilUsB BlaalnaeB of Pandias daoBo
hlBiolf well ^aaUded for (he oMoe aad
10 (to Babb, tot hb opantioaehavebao^aa^aiat thataearoaly a ripple haa hoM fab to Traama
City, (haaph ha npy to tarniatf too
tide ia Ma faeer (a Pandba. Whabeear (ha aitoatloa toe oU
iyiap awake a^hu to faar
of (ha toteeaoato Blaekaea to eppealUoa.
Clerk h'ewtoa fer a renMlnaUM.
Porrepbtertodaedetha pmaat toBBbaai. & «. tedd. b a
O. S. MottaUhaa baea
reaaaraeatelto oMee
aadPnak Witoea to Fhcadba towntelp alaa waata it. The reaalt wlU to
kaawnat toe ooantebw Friday afteeTharebweoppoaltlM to Ttoaaarar
Ge Mpa W. Clyde te a
AUerwap M. B. Oatea b the oaly
te CtfcBlt Oeart fbaimleaioMT. ttoeOea aow haU by Ptod
Taktopbaltopetoartbareh a preepoB tor a eeiy totoreattap tine at (ha
a foUowtop an (he delapatae
ehaaae et (ha ward aaaeea toat alpht.
wto will deride (to fata to (to eartato
PM Ward.
Delepaiea-J, W. MUUkea, 3. W.
Patehto, O. P. Qarw. A. P. Oawerea.
X A. Lemtger. H. MMiapoe, Oaocpe
Mtora to (to Uriac (to «a*ory «t (to Jaiaaaoa, £. B. McCoy. Prto Baater.
^ad wlU aet to i«it bra( of ato ap S. M. firewa. B. to
W. J. fh(~
froprbte ■aaorial eerrioea will to ar- ker. 6. J. Merpaa.
caacad aooa 'after (to airtral to toe
■aeead Ward.
OriTBaa^ a. Browa.
Baeraiary—£. H: AUy^
s. -T. p. V. vm. umsTAX*. Dalapatea- B. UotoriatoPiaak Getoriak. A. a. Baaaatt, WUliata Cri.
Jao. C. MpniM. a. C SBlth. Ttomaa
Maaltoa. A G. Damw. Joe Ztener•ahalan to X«b acheel BepL 9th.
Ttoaaaaal reoeptloa te (to teatoart BB. thraeat Unlllak.
Third Ward.
aad eatolare to (to Blfk wtoel wiU to
ff«e8(Uayear by too Baptbt Yoeay
Chainaaa-B. L. Oortolt.
Tto reeeptiM will to
■larataiy-C- O. Taraw.
told in toe Baptfet ehweb Friday «
Driapataa—Parry Hanaah. W, W
toy. topuiBtor Bto.
•lalto. S. C Daapraa, Vlelar Petoriyl
J. a. Moaioa. J. T.
Baamak, B L Cortott. A. W. Biekerd.
•nday toboto Olaaa Party.
«. Clyds, tfaocpa K. Bayt. M.
Two elaaaae to (to Be|Nwt Baaday
atoeal were aatartalato by ttoir (oaoh a. Oaiaa
Pearih Ware
an. Mbe EdJto Gibto aad Mrm. Albeit
Ckalmaa.—a a. Papa.
0arBeu.a((toto»eto MinUibbe OB
tocntoiy.W. A. Moaup^
Siphto ((reel, yc
The aflaraooa wee a delirbifal oae. Driacataa.~B J.Palpkaia.TaBltoaaa.
betacapeai la rawaa aad other aaaee- M. C. Orlatt. Will W. Thrtlhy, Dr. H.
aaaata. Befrcehmeii(a.dalaUly eerred, a Caraar C. B. Oiekaray.
Tifth Ward.
added to toe plcaaure. TbOM preeeat
Chalnaan-O. OoteUa.
were: KelUe Biafhaia. Vida Somm.
ttoeniaiy—E. to Ladd.
Bthel Pope. Fraaeea Blrriaa. Aoaa
Dalepaua-M. Viatoa. to K. aare■eater. Cera Shima*. Eva tody. HatUe
fToroiay. Jeaaie Boeemond. Clara WelU, laad. Praok UbIof. W. W. Patrekild.
Xra Pos. Era Bant. StelU Jahraaa. Sa Oaorpa A. Stearaa. O. P. Oarriaaa.
die Bnctoy. Km* Oarriaoa. Maad Cbarlea Piekell. A. J. Me Beary.
A (to caacoa to (ha Fifth ward it
Oyda, Mabel BaloMa, Ethel Braaiapaa Bored toat the dciapataa to to(. Clara Cetler.
BradoirtM. toda Whitaey. Mabel Da- attaoted to rote for Oaoer 81bi
toe. Oraee HaatlapB. KIta Baphee aad too aoBlaatioa for ahviS, aad (to
Kaaaarer Montapoe haa eaaaed to to
ylaecdio toe hardware, proeery and
•too dephrtneau to toe MettwaUle Oo.
•tore, deak telapeoaoe, which are al. nedy prorinp toelr ralaa The ealh
hrOl to BOBber « for the peneral
- b^ed for toe
Bteod (to aame Bamber wlto toe call
'<Jor (to departeeat waatto. The ita>
.^romaea( will to appreciated both la
dto store aad amoop toe pai'’ooa.
f. TMntOOHnrMW
Sapl. C. T. OtowB wlU be ia hto ofdM at toe OMtral school bolldlap on
Friday aad Satarday Boratopate toe
a df aoaaalUap with pa
pareau aboat school work.
BtoelpW te Aaiaat Saaaed These'
te Beae Bcato Xa.( Tear,
bw Tneaarer Wmratorir waa kept
•ay Taaaday aad yaataedaylaklap. ia
paymeatato taxce. Oo Teeeday the
reoelpts to hb oOea aatomtad to dl4.ooo aad ycatarday Prote ww the
na ia. He aiam toat the
Roeipta dariap Aepaat were to caaaes
toe sBoeat takra la darlaa toa
■a period
tiwa i*«i y«er. Ftom
tob data a fee of 1 per cent win ia
eharpad te oaUaaUaa to taxaa yet to
My work is find claaa aad pricM tbat are ia rea^ ol alL I-aiD
prepared at all timea to take rare of the trade. I make a speeUIty io
BrazioB, Volcaaiziog ted EtMuaeliaff. A 6ae Use of wheela for sale
and to rent.
J. O. SLLI8, 311 Front street, eaat>
Specie! Sale.....
nijol' ii
otfa Bwv.
The Btoftary Taly ia Toatorday*a
Oamo Waa by Maaaoa to a aoaa
At Less Than Factory CostI
Bta—Tha Laat MaBa to the laaicta
Waa aa Xatanattap Oeetoah
The atUBdaaae at yntordayh hall
psBc betweea toe Pape Paaee Olaato
aad IttaUefs aad OSIta aoBhlaad was
aaUrrly wo aaall te (he playlap pet
ap by toto teaau, eariedlap toe
feet that It waa tha laat pasM to the
aaaeea. Had (hero aet been e atroap
h wtod, it woold hare been aa Ideal
ball day. Aa It waa, not a naa
bctoopiap to toe hoBO apprepettoa
ereaard tha piete. eaf oaly mo to the
OlaaU waa aaeaenfel to aeoriap.
Whea ^itear WUsm eaaaa to bat to
toe fearto laalap ha bompad the baU
the fcaee for a hose ran. Ihna
BsUap toe oaly can aad U aa earned
lathe aixto iaalap while eatehrr
Heat wMpotop after toe ball, a dlfflMlty with kb paauloons eaaaed hlB
to retire fren too past BBtU ha OMld
Bake a ehaape ia kU wardrobe.
The faaoy aoaebtop of Beraa aad
Biapa oftka rblttop tesB eaeaed a
roaed of (serriaMot to toe praad-ataad
aad Weaeben. WilhelB pot a alee
two-bapper lathe aecoad aad polled
down aereral hlph fliee derinp the
a. Bates waa to the box far the
I taaa aad did aoae rxeelleat
pilehlap. Oaly aerea hlw ware Bade
•Tkbdelirery. aadhewaeoaeto to*
foar toathtt toe balleafely.
* Wheeler reUred the third aad laat
coaMdy b to fMr sets, toe aoeeee err
laid to had aroaod tha New Baplaad
oeoDiry aed New York City. The eehtral dirore. of mree. ta “dl Flaahard.*'
a yMap Yaahee aoOoa peddler, white
pa'^ *• looked after by Mr. J. C Lewie.
BoBe rf tta* laadtop ekaraeten awa
ooulry leaa ia lore wlto 81:
SBart, aa lareatire DeafaBsa: Bobart
Drsay, abapaaatoakapaaatotei Bcra
Pape, aa hoBoat old faraor who does
Followipp an
core by toaiapa;
^ •ii]
■ i
We baye received from the Friedrich Hnsie Hoose of Gran^
Bapids over oae_______
will be placed on tele at Wr
W. Kimb^l’e Music ritore. 235 Froot Street, for
IS Days Oaly,
ir of theee iBBtnimenta.are atore worn sod aliiibtly dhiDApxd bF
•bippins hsd will therefore be sold at
One-Half to Tio-TUrds of tlie Segnlar Prica
a Behrsw Bopey leader, aad
Abmp them win ba foaad
»ad 8_________
Btndlrarias, Ooi
>le BaU asd rrete>
>aroas eoaawy frtoada of toe pare •ioeal Models Tban rioIlM retailed fro
This to a ran op'
The perforwaaee toelhdea porton ty f<-r ra.wriap a model wed by the
1 (bees iMtr^ntb
meay epeelelttoe of ea orirteel and
e at milatepaste
ilehaieeter by aaoBpaay of cow
W. W. Kimball Co.
N. E. STRONG, Manager.
Good Words.
Manapr's. Tr»wr»e Uiy. Mleb.—I bare
heeo a umb^ of toe Calted
Ited Sutee
Beneroli-Dt Soctotr of S«rtoaw
tw for
ararly etoyeere, and hare always fooad
theB'proBDt and jest. Aeorpt
for ebeek *or Ml 78 to aetUai
BraceidaoietolB. Mea ia
to toto*ririsL
ty hare been bnHly awledted
lied ^
by aeel
. alee, bet toe
•a to hat to toe dm toatop. by mak- Uaited Sutea eai always be dcpcoded
to falfll their .
tap a pret^ eatab of a hot Harr fruB oe
wayi atand ready
Jukaaoa’a faaL Uetll Bddlr eaopht it. yoa ooBe here.
a toad Baaytotbe aadlenae did aot
Wh j. McLaesLAX.
kaew where the ball bad pone afur
BOD hit it.
Saifka pUyad well to left deld.
ayeersiap toe oaly foar dire that caaae DR. HiGQlNS, DENTIST
oat to aim. Be alao pot a hit. Beaptbeotbar player that batted
'*»iaoaxo xee.
Mttbe reBstoiap b«ae hit. Be atoo
eorered eeoond hcee to a pood wav. pe'ap eoBlnp la bto direetioa.
WltooD, the pheaoBeaal oolorrd
fiteher. did alab work te tee rtolion.
Be prored a paule for local ptoyera.
allowtop Mly toer hla. Wllhelai'a
twfr-bapper was the loepeat one Bade.
Yeaterday'a waa the last pane of toe
aenea. aad It to
atria rw a«d to wahtos ratcaetiee aaw.
will ha too last osa pUyad hen toto
--------- -
235 Front Street
Good Horses
"From Indiana.
I have just received a carload of fine farm and
draft horses, which 1 will sell at pnce» the lowest for
first class animals.
See them at osee at the bam of Brodhagen &
Wisebnewskj, SUte street.
. (Wb. Would
to Gall Your Anoniioif
Miss Doyle To^ the U|e
nice Bacon and Ficnlo Baaie we' B-d
OWm Fr»e Lsasona
I ill Kills at Emiiniiilenr
aaflbiini Uct diHag
AtheretaibMef An Kwlwrton** at be
eelUnp. We never bad any nicer, nor did sap'
body elee.
to Frat
IS'- ini ^ 'g Our Offerings
....» I n «r
—.0 0 0 a a a a a a-a
.......a 0 « I 0 a a * p-i
rtlMB. MroeA #B Io Wilaen, A
Faa FarStodtppirtaera
The aeBberaot toe kiodeqtarta
the Coaprepatioaal ehareh wen
liphtfally eotortoiaed yesterday after.
Boon ettbeboBeofMra.Mnilkea ky
toat tody aarietod by MMe KathariM
Moore aad Edith Earl, loaehata to tl
departmeat. Gaaeeaad refreebBaa
foreeed a part of the calertalaauBt.
He Oantari. te futeap. w bambap
of aaydeperipUaahare. Bfery behv
to towa eaa pet free a top which wDl
dy MO fPM to the air aad epfa whea
etriklap iheproaad. wlik.a purebaae
Id OB' Rcys' fripartBcot. /Maee paata'
eclu from 81.00 op. Load paata’ eait
> Sf.Miap. EverTtUop
Friaeipal C H Bora wUl ha to toa
BIpb school RMB aU day Friday to
risaalfy Biph ateool paplla.
.. toahlonabto Mtdttara.
Clare Cartto tooxhlWttopa aoBber
of daa Ttews of toe seeaes of toe Sood
to the city toat wMk. Be Is dtoptoyiap
toe plctarea to Ba^kaU'a booh atora.
The BaBberaaf too Wenaato OemThe foaeral of Little Alie> Peteiboa.
' Maerhtorof Mr. and Mia. JeoiC Pe- otery Aasoriattoa are roqw
this aftoraoM at S;to to the
' tonoa. who died to caarrhai leSi
1 Ladtoe* Ubrary parieaa. This wUl ha
awtioa of toe towda. OB Tbteday e<
. «ap. wiU to held today «( lb a. m. at toa repator BoatUy ataatlap.
A tatopTSB waa reaalved toataraalap
t(pm Oaplato J. V. Mclhtaah aanoane'AMwrooflalMiiVIiUM, m .Ud. tep that ha woBldtoaea Cabs Wyhoff
W.U A LMdn'. UMlwwa
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
Geo. R. Winnie
Dp-to-late Pahter aal Paper Naiger.
Shop opposite Eagle office.
I -»< Fupnitupe
Oesam Uaasaal ineatiaa.
I WE WEPartiCMlar
r?.ST..™'rir:S!S 3
mention of SEED and EATTAN FDE-
NITUKE. Aside from a floor full of beautUUi creations in
^ thie material we make prioee equally aa at'ractlve.
Whether you Intend to refurnish your houee IM- fan or
J- just oontemplatp the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
^ to do BO at a very Uttle cost Wo want you to see the aooda
fc. In any event
a&t kaitiiw iotw«^^
wuitus waMtoim
■m Jmtm, Port* Kiao. Aaf. ti.^BBOatM 8MM yrmnMp ««w OrkUN, tk« Cnt AMriMs «M«l M rater
«k*kw^«f teJttMdM* *h«
witk 8p^ bafM, >ttete>d Uu> port
Moadop Md Moboroi arar Ue B^ll^
Tkk arrlral of U« Htw Orlraiw wm
aaaapMtod aad araated ooniddoraMo
aaritesrat. TV «mmI wterod ttao
VrVr at akw (vaad. tAo atara aad
atefpaa Ayla^ at tha forapaak aad
aoaadlar laada balaf oDaataailp in ara
Aloar tv walta of Marro CAatla tha
Apaalahaoldiaraferaa^ aoltd mate,
wkila fraatcrowda of daMM awarmad
aaVaaatonaaA ataaf tba wharm,
aaftelp watebiar tV adraara of the
Amartoa aaaaaL After tba Ka» Orlaaaa had dropaad aaelior bar eom■aadar eama aalm at oaca to pap bU
ra^arta to OaptAa Oaaaral Maabiaa.
Ea waa met at tV wharf bp aa Imteaaae crowd. OapuUOaaaral MaeUpa
baa prpteatod to Oraaral Milea afataat
ailawlttf peraooa paWablor aewapa-:
para ia Pooee to aap that the SpaalaHa
aaBtamplata rearraaeeoa the aatirte
Tboae prraooa. he daelataa. areaaekior
to prajadiea the Amerkatw afaiaat the'
Oeaaral Mllaa hae aahed for pormia«loa toaaV a hoaoiU' ahip to AipeiV,
aad hia reqoeti baa been rraetad.
MBBard raya that tv only tod V raad
ia teaiclBCAVaaaa waa a pteaa-«d. tV
blado af a pocket VUa TVarttete'te
ambarnabed with piotorao of Daw^
aad hte ftsfahip. Sampson, ftehtey aad
Baaiy A. Cocawall. ftiabard Van Nnya
aad Jalioi Wateal. w V woat to tV
Klondike teat Febraary from Laaalap
ratoracd Moaday al^t
They aay
there wore thonraoda of poopte la the
Oopper eonouy repioe aad still
eomiap. TV eatira rofioa baa baaa
, ly proapoeted. Vt aot eBoaffa
*oW waa fooad to pay for taktep it oot
theproood. Paople are tbrowtep
asray ostBu and petttep .to tV aaaabore as faat as poratbta
aXtedy W
V Vau ta Xaatla.
«V Oatollaa Oaatte of B>
teelmttep Mra. Lorte BoVrta oa Waahlaptoa etraeV haa jaat reeefrad a latter
from bar aUtar te Boa^ala, plrinp
Bmnaiam l. i«w
MV MVra of JaeVaarllU. lit. ar*
rirV yeatarSay aad will ramala la tV
MV Bloaaom Jarria left fhr Phltedalpbh yaaterday.
Mra. & Ball left V hoM te Mandoo yesterday, after as axteadV rialt
with relatlvas.
»«!. G O. c™ll nd d.whl.r wr.t
te Oraad Baalr'a yratenlay.
MlasZ rbala Berb«rt of Maate City
Mr. Bath Br*^ M Baa. ABVra. ^
Ma. Vafitrarood iahiaaltedtVi haa
teSB thara U yeara
Lord Mcmtapn of BeanUen haa tcvnad
blmmlf and bUbceorcdClltberaa iritb
-Its maonn. minoa and prlTUepea into a
_________ __________1...
imir <tev i.
dootelimMm vioJLpmV^
"On hattteshipa aa a praaral nila
tbe oaa of wood srill VaboliVad. TV
Miborittea srill ssidaasw to carry «V
^ prindple ar
AJtVopb bItV teaaeeya tV late!
bedwpradaally on tV oVaraProfomor Mnellrrof V.eana matorrad
the opperttmiiy faeanto V*
oret 100 tenpjapet aod was ooe of tV ^
bat^ paid to tV datailgreatest ethaolopiita of modern tiffisa. ;
which will V Imaed by
preat bobby for
<B,i, i, ,
ers and nosiclana. ao tVt it parts
. after the
. *T
deatnetioo cf
Oarvera’a aqnadnm by tV AasrltM'
I enthBsVtieatly Vpoy orer
Lrwi* Morris left last aipbt for Chi!zaUoo of BawaU. b»- is TB capo where be srill traaaaot bwiaaos.
yrara <dd, aod bar dellpht orar in.< ao-1 A Traey Uy aV Vapfatcr, Mra. attoney te Chienpo. Behaaaamootb
rant of oar soldier boys la moat piaas-1 ClUcS. bare relornrd to Calcaco
sVrra face aad soy dark bate and
ant .to bear of. The ftaruan piad to
'I- U Kymer aad wlte arrired laat eyes.
pise the followtepeztraettr. m iV let cr-atep from Oraad Vplda
Res. Jefea Paten, wV te atarionad te
Ateo dtetoiet maaapan to
koewinp tost it will be
M. ftals.o b sisliiap rastera eitlea tV New Bebrtdea istendi. elaVa that
Qaiary man baa dliooaated
for tbe porpoeo of beyinp poods.
te 1697 be indaced 1.1*0 natise canal- damape by wratber or bops or aay of Interrat to all ite readers:
Booolalo. Aupa-:. t. I8M
J. 'Voear ot MspieCity tranaaeted b«l* to forsake thete farmite articte cf
Back paau by raisiop bia enoamVra te
territory te Mieb
a hot boose Up to date ha has dis
TV king of Greece. wV sraa pen- <ipaa. Moat popster p'an accident aad
aatartate the soldien. Mother i. la
Boy Noteware of V
posed of M.ooo dotea of them
e oa tbe t
nllemwben he resoVd Athena te tV '
bar alemeai I aaanre yoa. As an-.n as a risttoP seeterday.
Bot diy weather is playlnp baroe
Pierce 'Walher and MV MyrUe Walshe raaltead that there was real bardwith potators te the coathera part of abip oa the sbip from Ibch of proper ker.wbo bare been the peeata of M. C. aatimatedBt«80.000.0(M>byapeealattep The Oil; IvdlUlfl ll licU|U TIK ItJI
in foraipn atocka
the state and te many places only half food nod um liiUe of it. rhe proeeedV
ClUat kj Tdignib.
tbini'r. -etarned yaaterday
a crop la
Captain Jack Haynes of SC Lonis te
to feed tbe buys herself and for foar or *" '*•■*"*
mid to to tbe oldwt veteran soldier in
A terpe frolt araporatlnp raubllsb- ere days t^cre has beaa a raadrtroaa
tV world. He te ilO yeara of opa
eat which will employ tweaty-6ve aader tV maapo tree where may cae
fonttbt with JotVen at New Orteana
meo aV flftr women is one of tV
Cl sat Tismiarat s4 ta« ai^ra I
wV weal by euold come te and wash
ran a steseihip and was an enpinaer on
iVastries of Uosiap.
TV Ateakan dep it almoM tauni
aad be clean in para frrab srater, ojnld
tv Brat ataamboat boilt te New Or4nti er Glckwas i-tmU rmur m irrul.
Adelberl Pthe. a well Irnowa farmer drink all they wanted aad Bare ail the tetelUpMoa He srelpV abont ...
ibrr pmm tkrtrtmriwnj azrien 4r»
llTlap arar Vpeer has been arrested bread and bettor and ebeesa and trait
Bcs. W. A. Spnoer. eotTaapandlng
Tbir Askucisncn ts oMxntzzo tm60miV ados.
aecretaiy of tV MatbodlA Eptseopal an rax uaws'orTBZ Atattop Mica^Ity to aa adopted
tbey wanted.
With *0 does in a team no tsro of
te nni writtoa their namee te her book tVmara in ascraifdit line tram the hoard cf Bteaiona V* trasated 600.000 eaa. Nevrr e’.oatd its door* at eight
mUai te tv last IS yean. HteJooiVyt with an nnpoid elsim on lu boohs oa
aad partaken of tV tbiaps oftered.
drircr. When mibltcbed few Che nipbt. an made in tV eonna of bte looter wbiefa it hV rrcrivV proof*. aV teMoUbra. the yard-boy. bra beea a tbey pile apon tV Brat bUnket that 1s
work fer tV baud. Hte home ia te seres men aad womaa from 18 to 61
Jewel 1 aaanre yoB. Ba has beea aa thrown upon tV onow aad then they Philadelphia
yeara of ape.
mt Koaiten Hara Vft Porto Bioo
A terrible aooUrat oaeand at Peiaa- laterratad aa could V aad sratebV may. When yon oawl Into ytmr oleep«6l«MnMpFMTsMi.4
OMpreamaB ItolUsw of Iowa srant
fbrVawpon B E.
srill pstnndertVroV anlmsyoBan trom tV Bteta GhJvendty of Went Virtimea
Waablaftoo. Anroat Jl.—Tbe aary ayoaap man from LeziaptoB. Ky.. av
earafnl V will V inside the tap in tV plate into a hrkkymd. Vvlap hte
feadtep tV malUtude, and early monOnp. Their endnnooe te yVnom- money. V soon bad anonph to go to *wlTo.s»nu.»e4 T
Aapartmeat baa raaeieal a aaWecram tempted to Croat the railroad track be
fore aa lacomtap C. A W. M. train aad eloaatep ap tV place for each Vy'a miaL and tbey an capable of sttmif Iowa, when V opened np a tew ofltea.
from Pooea.
Vtordey we made up forty afreockms. They an praat fiphtm.
Dr. Thlnmpe «yi that 80 yean ago
tbattVPDrilaa, Ampbttrite, Tei
four loarra into bread aad batter eaadA teaseter who reoenUy ytotal uad V nsed to mekin that V cipan made
■aaaibalaod Moatcomarr railed tbit terribly matUated.
tnatmentaowiehaa, itenday, aiaety-ooe loarea.
teoralar for Newport, ft. L Tba aula
Moaday oae baadrad aad alziaea, aad
«b^ of eaUiof la t> r>t away fro«
"TV whip tVi ia naed on then, te ''Is sermons sritbout tolmcco for
today one knadrad aad ttairty-nina
• irapleal dlmate. The dticrat of
tV cznelam thing of its kind iVt te
There were three aad one-half ehi
----BV ISS---Sowparl bare baaa arfia^ the Mrr
knows to man. Thirty feet te Vi^
Csrl Weim, aa actor in tV OVisg
srlth haaaaaa. plaaapplea. prapre aad and two inebes thick near the abort Oonrt theater, bna AcpartateBt to raadasrow tba larpor
PblUipteaa as Xa<tep-nArat.lpBarOae day Bel<
handle, it hoi a teab ten feet Jang tVt tieih yaarot bU pr--------------—^
oaaaa’a at Newport. The dapartmeoi
ieed-tee all the aftarnooe.
cats like a Vifa The
kaout mppoi^aa WilliamTaU’emm te BehUmp the Vaited Suua.
•aald aot, bat afroad to teaa tome o:
New York. Aapast tl.—IV San ka« aad papera, plenty of clean towats and VI te it. Whan a dop te atrsok. yon Vs ploy In m: aod bos never Ven a
«bo amaUar typaa.
a Maaila cable that aays Apalaaido haa aoap V*e been on duty, and all baru bear a sharp yelp aV then ytmr oteiph itagledty sritbonti
moat abnadanUy apprecls
£olocml A. A. FowMl of Texas te one
Vaed a memorial Vdreaaed to tbe
terpo pieoe of bloody akin lyi^ on tV cf tV tallest men in tV Oalted Stttaa
forcipa powera. reeittep that tV Fill- Boys from escry aiate. a>moat. hast MOW."—Su Pan! Dtepatch.
Steading 7 fsK 6^ teofaea te lite saoekpiaos Vee formod a poveramrat aader ^ bean here—a pood aaoy from Moate:
tnpa Be it 86 yean old and weigV 171
iiitatioa adopted oa Jaae SS; aad South Dakota- The Idaho Vya
n# SVeHS* SMte.
ponada He wears a very high Mlk hat.
It thronph Vfora.
A life tVt if to to octire oopVto. catutep him to appear « lev 10 feat
M Kattma ol Xataraat From Ail E tvt they vre slace carried oa a eamAnd refreabment te (be midst of labon^ talL
Pane ad Miehlcoo.
w paipa forliVrty and Vra takea forty
—nay. to draw rrfreabinent tnatbem
proriacaa aad redaeed Maaila They
Jeoepb ieffersco waa aofced by a Otobat itate it cannot do nuleas tbe mtt
Ob tomb
NvmvifrWWdrtorwA bare 9 000 priaooeta nnd peace and
einutl bore wVt time an actor aboold
take np ibr Tsried employments cf ratlre. He took out bii watch. whiV
An Adiaw aromaa hu fa.Uaa la lack.
t Onrerail te the eoa^a
M. B. Starfaa of 6aa Praadaeo, a eapi- prorinccs.
Vptetetod 11:46. and replied. "On soma
Imrpe Tracts Beinp Sapid y Vnpht
daliat, died ttera oa Aayaat», Icarior
oooaaiaB* I Vld it fate dnty to retire nt
I of the
np by Maanlactnrora ia Farieua
beaven descrited by Woedswortb la
exactly Il:4Bo’cloek. and this te one
•boat«6.0U0to bia two aUtera. Mra.
4«<».jnctoru>entow.. «»»* el UMs'am
MBdraee of tbe Pbilippiaa rapabbis immonnl ode. that ligV
Farta efthefttaia
''Laeratia Crowell of Toledo, aod Mra. llc. or. falliap that, ha wiabea tbe
Vhkh to. .bum a. u our UObmcj.
A apecial trlepram from Lonstap to
Wtiamioarof Adrala. Ue waa a pewerato p.-ant the FUlpteoa belllpWhich atteiMte tV yonih npoa bte way.
Vac loat broUer, aad his alaters reatnphte
fact of mnch interest to rraidratt io teust length
VUaradhV to be dead, aot harlor
The United SUtes ie not mentioned this see-4oa of tas state. It said that
the msa (MrvlTm H die sway
board from him for 40 yeara. Be to the memorifi
Aad toto tmu Ui. hrin <f «aan day.
dnrinp the pest few aoatbt there has lu ndiaace still pUy* abont those few
waatoharaaeoDatortcd for Miehlfae
told arose from' eensnmption.
been aa teercra«d demand for the wV strive earnestly to kn.p tbemsdres
for a rialL*
beVB..rrl-— ''
hardwood tImVr lands owned by th* anspotled from tV world and ore ric•ly .cored by Dr.^f^'s New Oioc.v
Meal Ketate Tranatera.
Kaakafob ie propariar • jabilec oele
y f..r CoesnmpUon. (WbsaV Cold,
sute. Tbe lest sals of more than
lot* te tv strife.—tiledsuma
A.C ««ne TTTJ CrdvoMe oevenae, sa msS '
btattoa toh<B->r U Cb.r, Tblrtyfoortb
‘en Aaz«M tt. loAozsat
declares that
gold )e
^ ->f
^f’ little
lulle Vatee
value rreoi wrtvt aeSadinremiksme.
dlanry proportions made was closed
iIsM r^ E O LsS . B«ri
MiahUraa, npoa lu rrtara to Utat city.
rnopariMP wltlr thte marvrlaus
test 8a«nrdny wb«a the Oral W.xri
A ftae prorram is bates arraafed.
eor»; woo’d bur’ll. Ven If it cost B
DiV Co. of Traswne CUr became the
Tacsdayh list of dratV aad aed)f *00 aerea in Wexford eonbty. BffizlDp a reveunc stomp on aaothar B-oui............................
icbiUs and all tbraat and tear sfdaota te the aute leelode: James
for «hieh it paid tl.»00.
check, "bot hard us will to served feeiioe* are/paalilvcl* ta:«a by Dr. Is Sraed Fv.vwn. eenstv
•trtaftw. afed 10. drowned ia tbe St.
of US for yean to coma" King's "Now OtecoTcrv for Opn.nme.
W. D VTodeof Maoteo, riee-prcsl- out to'tv
C air rirer at Port Haroo; Fraok
tma. ^Trtel io tie* 10 e-a at tV drug
deat Of tbe Miebipaa Berk aV Lum —Chicago TriVoe.
stercaotS. B. Wait aad J G JobuMc.
Dzworkowdcl, acad 10, drowned la tba «. b'k
ber Co . U snthufity for tV tUtemen’
R-mUr sloe so cu. sod ti-oo. G«ar
Dat d rtrar at Dettol*. Praok
Bew It O0»«Ud Him.
Georrr G. Bates to J. B. Monroe, lota that the hardwood timber leads of tbe
onleed to cure or pe'ee reloaded.
---- 1ttob*rUoA*.*«wpUBa<«oe*
Blcbola, a Bier te Baeklay and DoafUs' SB aad M. blk f. Osk P^rk add-htOO.
Dorthern part of the lower paaintn
«si<l at Maatetoe. kilted by the batatJ. B MoB'oetoJ W Petehta. lota
ore btiap rapidly pnrchaeed by mant
ts aad ffi, klK t. Osk Park add—«00.
■ tap of his whaeli Uri Oamptoa.i
*^00 wen tooilbla"
teetnrinp eOBceras which will ramc.se
"Not Ddch. I wish I had tv money
•am. aa old man who fell fro
the timber as rapidly as pamible .. Ispaat oa teleprama"—Chicago fiao•■-/aedUble
& T White
hraire bia aeek; Cbarlaa Sterane, ^
•maa I
BaUlaCrrak. at work lathinp a new
auppea IV Pnfwr.
laada ta that aacUoa of tbe state will
VlUiag wb{( fell from a a-opgil atoij
"Snpby'i face would atop a clodc."
H^aard WbUiap loPanl WeUler.loto shortly be dconded of their da* forasta.
"Worm than that. Bte portrait ap
■ AtoiPir Pkllt watcoinir k ciieoi pro- to aad ! I. blk 3. Btrsfdr add—»W.
Mltebel) Brothers of OadlHhc base re- peared in a local pnprt loot month aad
iaaslua, was fatally mjared: tba ste
Panl Weisler to Hosrard Whiiter. daaUJ pnr:Bssed tlietimher on three tv 'Slope'an still coming in."—caera.year old ajn of John Viotob. of Berrien OtoZ7aadS8. b:k 18. a. L. AC.'s. Sth
atillrC townships laths Mathoastern tend Plate Dealer.
Bprinpa. who was pla.riap .n iront of a add—IIKKI.
partof Knlknaknceanty, and will cenakad when the door fell OB him itjor___________ . _
. .
B. 0riii>\>
Unna their loppiop railroad from
. lap bin te a. proVbly teUl mei.ncri! of lot t sec It to I* a f to w.—pf 75.
StitusUle. Misaankce county; across
■ aad Isaac Biarteper. ot bsptaaw. w^o;
P- Cooper !o w. L Brown lot
tv Meaistee riser, n id hsnl their tim
lapalltepe aeckUe cwt of a baraenl®*
* Bsyride edd-fW.
ber to Jeanteps. where it will be law.
'ano wbieb ba* Ven eadoraad by
ftrawercauphj it la a loaded rabolrari ,*•“?'* M Blierto B. W Jeffemoa
g ariUi. of tbe world. Step ra
Tbt timber on seseral towashlps
which wradlteharpcd, the ballet pase-I* * Oo.'n Tih adA
W. W. KIMBALL CO.. N. E. 8TBONO. Maaatar,
la MUteuk^ ecnaty had been preslons
lap thronph one of hU Ibpn
Jn*!6 Gills to 0">rea PaaVdy nel< ly pdreboMd by this firs.
Toe Brat knewladpa tb« narrate h{ sa- IS tpi'O nrV w—pia
Mr. Wsde baa also recently porebssWalter Cotrrih ni Cvtan had of hia aaCbaa. B enroll et al (tVstera) to V acTcral eztenaise tranta in Kalkaska
Went te tba Army sraa Ua tawa at Oeorpe Peabody psntela te see 9 to M eoaaty and will establish camps there
Wbera W. e. FLETCSet aareaa I
fcU deate hi Moatank PoteL
elaoa vepnlar meals for_*5e aad I
William MePkenne et al to L. K. oa abont Bse ailra out of Fife Lake.
"For tbe love of beaveo. Jimmie,
^Vadar was tV bippeat peach day
*h of sw h eec 27 IptS n r ll w— Bo ezprcu to pat te abont two add trot d'youae keep yer bate cut so abort Laaebeate tV world for ite. OpeaaUaipbk
nt Grand ftaplds and more »*»*" a
mUtlon iaet of pine, hemlbck, tvr'—New T'ork JournaL
tVtUiBd teaau came to tbe morater
Perry Banonb et al to Phnandcr oadar aV other timber* firim tkeee
market briaplap early Crawforda. U Paris loU 1 aad t see 4« tp S7 a r It w
dar\np the cominp srteter.
sraa tba Isrpeal crowd asee tuah at tV •*00.
Smith—Bcme people set aalV a Mma
Wm- L. Brown V/Phllaoder Peris
t everything.
aaarkat aod the frnit bmpht pood mii
of lot 4 blk e Treserra City—BSM.
Joaea—But more people wet aside
prieaa owtep te a heavy demand from
Mra. Barrlaof SVth Bead. Vd.. and iratything for a time.—Brooklyn Ufa
C. G. Mae* aad Rsy Mao*, father aad Mra Oilddea aad danpfatar ftatk
Correapood with tbe Trarerse City Lumber Company.
Free PiUo.
9bt!b^>rl of State Uad Commia- brother ot C. C Maea, rctnraad to T>eLakealda, Mieb . arapuesisof Mra J.
W« have (or aate Cood,
Send yoar address to U. B. Boeklcn
, MdVr Fcmrah for the last Berai year tndt Wedaeoday moruiop after ea}oyC. Morpna.
A Co.. Cblcapo. sad pel a free sample
InatCoM^eted shows tbnt the state iap a plaaaaat rialt of tea days.
Frank FrfMrieh ia at tba Mnnttoaa Vz ol Dr. King's New Ufe Pills. A
dtepOMd of 87.113 acres pi lead dnriep
trial will convince yon of tVlr merits.
OB an oil Imptotinp trip.
tV>VraadavUi basG95.034 eerrssnbThese pill, ere ea.v te octioo and are
Min Alice AUne wBl laava this
It'S Bat XdtUa Fan
■flectJve io tV core of
to sale and Vmestead entry.
to walk into a stm aad the Brat ntcrwlnp lor a Vort visit with friend* Con&UpnUdn nod Sick Headache. For
Kenry8tBrka,ApromlaeBteit>ssB of
now yon Bad yonraelf at JackMD before eatering tV aormsl Materia end Liver tronbleathey ban
MaaistM ooaatj ia dead, aped eesraty
been proved invnlnable. TVy kto
»f job lots aad anetioo inebool at YpsHaaU.
lUwd to be perfectly free from
goe patter
Derid Jtckltep raturard yceterday
■ deleterion. sabivtanee and to V
______ .
any twice
i reap aad i
thinklBpaodecoBomlcal V»_ -------- afternoon from F|tek where V Vs
menifested whea Corporal Ed Watson, not carry it home at all. On the ether Ven spending bt* snmmm eacallon.
a Mn'qneUe Midler lad rcachV borne. band. Is it not a pleasure to pick from Be will eooitene hte ntadV at tbe
tbe system. Rente rise *Sc. per Vx.
Fred J. Pteraon of Boat will nlwayn a Diee crisp, clean aad new stock of High eehool here this fall.'
Sold by J.G. Jobni k nnd b. E. Walt
floe Clothing. FaroUbteps, aad Bnt<
Mill Machinery of all deacripttooa, indoding T*o Enginea,
J Va Foote went eouth oa tV a A Drupgiste.
V a firm Vltever Ja Vvenlaiap. A
W. M. flyer laat nlpbk
Teryamnll ad te a Miehipaa paper baa
R«t Worfca, Oarriagea a^ Saw*. A complete Saw MID Plant
Sip Fa.
jrat broepfal him a rc^aeet tec pricca
MV Brms .CnnninpVm of Fifth
paut street te eatertaininff IV Oberite of for every boy te towa. One of tboae By.
tem a doctor » Toapa. Friendly Ta- and bell feel proud of Ik,,
saito see start at tt.80. BBaadaACo..
lap tops pir -e tree with every purdiaaa
teaV. Polyncaia, aad alae by tV aama FaahteaabU oatfittara.
te ear
e'ethtug depnrtaaant No
i^aalmlterrapaaat froaa SooUaad.
J. W. MOUkoa to. dotef bwlnaa ia ftnaaateg or Baraam trieV bnc. wh*.
...iCteleapo this week.
wa^teajre pie* to nlL S-BaadaftCo.
ahnsjnatracriswd a
V MaadSnmtoarantCMaago aV
VuartromJsr a Milford, formerly of «W»«*
A Live Agent Wanted
Tte IkkUu Ifiddat iaodtUn
8randIra*Brse ’
Land Companj
alSii'tJsr alSS:?’”
til u u Men to sat n»nm
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Pm You ScM Bools
Fifty Cents
Guard Chains
Bam Yon Tried Tbe Kimball?
Furniture Bargains THoifirColumbian Restaurant
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
traverse city, lumber
THI XOBVaia Mid<aB>vTglg«PAar, ««FT»jO«» l, um.
. MasaSA^ ■
’■TIaaamtoha Mm t
1 ■ndHaal
tfm emptoyad is I69S reoeiTed.
'‘BamT' npUed tba
non OoitaeeCteat tbara an vapsta Is prataottm. with tbeaa daily avitba agricoJtaral board.
fcooi 78 ceoeatna which amployad 18.MotUag bat oompadtiro
. .
iff 9,919 cooewna
mhaatelB March, 18M. aad 18,676
** $87,000,000
^,oS5w isore to
is 1898 ' triaU iff apaad
. ad ca Itnefc. as yoa will ass
IB Maiob, 189& Tbe wagea paid la hare
»IW«A AAM w Cnt X* <■—I
18Mware«60e.WA.S«:lD 1868. «606.- tbaa they bad is 1896. U It____ .. .. by tba eatalogae. Allow me to preaant
Wagm- tm* tlM far OMtt la A«mi
•68.98 Va find 16 parcaotmeaebaBdt tbe tansar aad tbe ffirdeser baea par*
TraveroaCMy Morttav
anployad la 1806 tbaa ia 1896. aod tbe •akao of tba proapority iff tba taotaiy
. also a sacred belL
rate iff wagea ia IS par eaot hand and tbe tnlser;
Ua mlta of ttw ladutrlAl .
U tbe ansployeea of tbeaa 9,999 eoaway. Mr. Goodman, make my
Tariff kwraeareEtren in tbaei
to tba groaada Well, good day.'
SBLLive man.
<ff ettployaei is tbe wue- Haw Torfc Weekly.
tasetber with tbe oonpariMOf and aa- 8,718 basda in Manb. 1895. and' $'899
$19 «
airaU diawB tbataftuu b; Boo. Bobwt
U «0
W. Taylor, natabcr of eaogr«« fran
«hU>. IB Mi iDdoKrial pdl tbr Tariff
4 98
laacmbaitaJaaai tbe ba«U
t M
iUBRatap1 98
folloviog Maich. 1898, and tbe avenge rate «,
SnsiiBately eqaal .
ai^bar of band, eaplo:^ wai (.wsd*
tbe enactmest of tbeuriff lawaof ISM wagea inrreaecd nearly 90 per oest.
ffVom Miaaoari there are 906 reports «“/.
Mifona-Tte, at
and 1698. tbaWUaoBatid IHaglay lawa
from ooneoM which employed 8.067 ?‘ «® P*P«»Mage of
, ! baada la 1898 aad 7.688 in 1898. Tbe,
T"*"!,'**? “? ashWMtWly
abr«a. d>a former being aeeen moa^ | wages paid in Mar^ 1898, were 8168. * 1
Mler the Wilxm law Pnme eflaotiee ^’®-**: in ISM'tbcy amooated to
nt. i
18t>4 and tbe latter eight a mtta 1 *»47.906.64. The iacnaaeln baada ammLbnttbanwaa lta.ll.M per cent.
Iff 40 MOM ta Aaa^barof «*wb paM r.TM,MOtewacaaiB ItM
ewpto^ b«teMbaaum»l*ed
neat wac« «haa
b it toagaff tbaeBployaa
' pw
^“ *“■
“r ^
i&£| :e;e
SSTTiET *"■.............
' Iff lOoeroent.
| of tbeaa retnma and of tbe pel
&ir to
to^ Wilacm law
1,^ ml.^ by retnrna from tM
fair to W Dingier law. m
T b^eaaOB of tbeenoni “**‘*“*!a®aeroa amp^ 18.67^^^ » LlmporfiO.) pottery dUtrict for ^
March, 1896. and 99.818 in Marsh,
>688. “ ompared i
af Importationa broogbt to tba Cali
tbe i
•tatas in andelpatiao of bighw tariff 1898. Tbe wage, paid for tbe month with the nme moalbof 1897.
wenrM.996.28ln 1896-aad $1,180.- conditioo. wen n« matertally diffaront
catea wbeteby Um demand for articlea
from tboae eslating In 1896.
af domeatie oonaamptiao was tednoad
in tba 89 pottenea
potteries of tba Kbit
Earn IffrerLiverthen were nearly 4.000 man penona
nal aeange peodlng tbe
“il 'P- .rarwi w.g« („| I»ol atoel tte. am l«16 ta»a.
me wbtts this toad goes tol
$8llnl896.' Tbl. iDorean in average to Febroary. 1808. TblaUanl
Boetio—Dcan'i goDowbere. Bin'«a
wagnpaidwa. doe partly to an in- of jm^oally 80 percent In tbe
ever atooa 1 knowed it—SketriL
oeaae in tbe wage nte and partly to
tbe Incraaae in tbe anmber
We do not have exact data aa to tbe
work per »"«■«
I omoiial of wages paid dnring tbeaa two
"J. Addlmn, V said PreaMest McKisFran tbe atata of Waablngton tbara ‘ >»°>>tba, hot we do know that «ncb ; ley to hi* private secretary, “did yt
■T. 118 nrom nprm.tii« con»n»
~ mpl-rf "
.m- not bear tbe tolepboaie belir’
.......................... S,94Q
(g Match..
>>°°^ pw day in 1898 than in
“Ibegyoar pardon, yoorexoalleex^,
in 1898. Tbe wagea >8*’ ■»>
“««> was a aniform In- lapUed Mr. Potor. “bat I wm absorb
1698. and 7,i
ithto 189Bware$I88,-:««»* >" wagHL tbecot of 19J< per ed to tboogbt"
paid for that
889.;;; to 1898, $490,988.89. Tba.— ----- —in 1894 baviug bean raaaoced
Going to tbe leleph< a be caned:
bar of baods almoat dosUed. and tbe >" >>«»t
“Wbo wants tbeex<
I exeoBtlve manaiocr'
gntifying. It ooran tbe antln
nisbea a etriking aimilartty
i ^>>>*
“This ia OaptaiB BtoDoo at Havana. “
and every kind of prodoottoD and em wages paid mon than ____
between tba reaolta derived from tbe
“Abl Whatoanwadoferyoa, genployment Tbe plan adopted fmobtoioatalP'
tog this infermatioo wa. tba mme as
“1 waM to know srim your liaa
catabliabmenu eoatteoad all over the
ta likely to
employing 969,899 haoda in reach Bavai
Fittsborg Chnmicto
by reporta from all tba cemoerai to one
line of btatoMss ij>.$ne of ^ two great
pottery oanlan iff the obimtiy.
Tbe Amartcan ProtacUve Tariff leagne
ptaauuta thaw facta for tba oonoidwatlaD
of tba is apparent and tbelr effect nniat be ti
atimolata tbe bops and atnngttaen th
. calcBlatiDgnatoreaahia"
ooevictiona of every believar to tL
Oertrede—Bat what makes yoa think
prindpie of proiectioo.
bail so enaaaoticmal « cold aad oalcnlattogr*
Miriam—When we wen at tbe ptonfe
yesterday, be didn't anggeri that we
Mve oar ttotypea takaa.«>-ElhkagD
£rer Bnraed Oot /
The Way They Settlef
Mantotee. Hteh., Aog. 1.19M.
Boam ProteeUvr Am'a., Gaylord. Mtlto.
DearBbm:-! raeeleed t^ytoraMb.
yosr oismet
dtatriel maoBgar, vt. B. Batdy,
aebeekot 690 00. to faU eetUamaMof
my aerident claim.
Tliaaktogyea for tba fair aad pemapt
manner in wbieb you have settled wtob
mA t ramali a member of yoar aaam
GBonoB BAMKemt.
1901 Tiae etrwt.
Manistee. Mtoto
Bicycle Riders.
Bemembar that I do all ktoda iff rm'
nalriBg and anaearitog. and that I ana
and do give yon tbe heat woric of mar
oae to toe dty for tbe money. Donto
be deceived by wbat others tell yoa to
toe contrary, bat oome aad am «er
I guaraslee all my werii to be right,
aad if it does not ptovsm* I^^
1898, waa a period of eroeptioual bed
totkm and saoertBioty beoaoM of tba
fftraatmied war with hpain. and for
that reason fell below a fair average of
Indastnal activity. The fitrt that
March. 1898, waa aelected a. tbe test
month only eervea to ampbahua tbe extoanrdinaiy oontraais abows by tbit indoftrial oaoinia
to tm a e'etorii every
... tototo cxeept Bonday. to tbe Ctaldwall A Loodco balldtog, at north end of Daloe
Bnefciea'a Arntea Salva.
Tus Boar SAi.Tn to tbe world tor
Onto. Brnieea. Sorea. Bloera, Salt
Bbecaa. Fever Sorea. Tatter. Cbam^
Banda. ChUbUto*. Corna. aad aU BUn
Bn>pUona,aad poairivclj enree PUea,
eroo parrwqatred. It to raaraatoed
togive perfect eattofaetlos or moner^ondad. PrieetSeanttperbox. Fc
mlvbv d. O. Jobnaon and R B Walt,
John R. Santo,
Gsnril lasiuiee.
Giud KifMt t bdlui 1.1
Otw Oiiwra. ta sBsarJsb A »
66tlf6 6166 688
asoaaa aaso sss
fiSgesE esse tss
W . •eSSni^IrTV a^"
a W«* Mcma te It.
tor yosr very kind advice and liifTirian
trade, bat if ros will ea«t year ere over
tbe todoitrial oennia joat completed by tbe
'Tariff league
and aim btnr to mind onr trade balanoe of over 9016.diO ono rno will readily
dimover why tbe American |»iicy ia entirely aatiffactorv lu tbe Amiricau propie.
■m wan made with 1899. At that ttoie
aetnrnjwera received from 1.888 em
ployers of labor, to thia examinatioo
we have 9.929 retoroa In tbe farmer
toveetigaUon it waa fonnd that then
were 80 per cent fewer boodr employ
ed. In tbii toqolry exactly tbp opposite
anwara Icneedoot teaaid that tba
ntmoatcara baa been exercised loonn■
dnet an boaeat and
Take lumber aeanexample Webava
“Bow do yoa like it old aoanr' ask
ed Browning. “Pteuy clever, im't il7
Only coat me $4. Chnp at twice that
Br..wi iiiDg I'ocki-d
away that Totcf-kic. might get a better
view of hi. new duck eeit with nice,
abarp ereaaee down the troosera, sp tbe
tlwvea aad across tbe beck iff bis coat
“It looksweli."aneweRd Tompktoa
snrraytog bit friend from bead to foot
“Fita n>>R>dld too. First one 1
aajr that firteiL
fitted. 6nlyoaat$4,
“Tep. only $4.
ve I'U get one myaelf.”
“fonerdoit. They won't laal long
Orrotaat enlts eVar made.” Bnwniog
_ pleased
at tba thought of gaining a •
** ■ Fj”*•>•«
Tboogbt Itwas a good
-.........-................ ...............
— . bought It" Evans
nearly twice aa many liked it.aod mid be waa going aroond
men employed, with an average to-1 to try one en. Browolng tooughtprmty *
creaeeof wagcBof 71, peroent
well of himaelf.
j X>'57»'."®
When be ran across OImvm after
I manntocturera wbo amiuoyid 93.466 loncb. iff coorst tbe coorcrmtiim •><'»- '
. bandi in March. 1898. and 99.666 to I ed upon tba salt “Only iwat $4.’ ->d
; for March. \
“Doo't yoo feel gloomy.” mid tbe
of aoDlfatocea, “wbin tbe aky it overtmat with gray, when tbe Aytbmic rain
eoanda a dirge npoa tbe roef and the
lasdacapa'a beasUea are bid by tbe
weeping tuift?"
“Yoa" abe answered, with sweet
tercet “It's dmdfnlly ansoytog.
does make one's hair o__ > oat iff onri
sol”—Waahingttm Star.
aasi: 8 8«SS8888e
hypnotist." be explained, "andnow
i,.bleto feed b« boarders
ataafc and make than think it ia tmadffm j30'4rm>«a WAwrao^-aw or itoau*
loto "—Chicago Poet
rra^re for UttI* ooea W> rtowa np fotoa 1^8
cv-tar.. a—
_____________ WMhlaeilVr SolSee aarvMfor •avrai**'
MlffBoUAs SU
of lb* pooian aJoo*. J>i
■MB* noeih Vlik ear
Tea iiATioaALBooa Co«i
>er caw. 1
rmarat. Ubrral n
iUoBm. tllAir
"I want to know what yonmeant” ClaravoKsv
mid tbe otaim. "by oalling my speech
- ikoowledge
a geometrical paicdox.
Oaaette explained, "that it bad length
ncBimm, l
breadth. “-Ctod EDOstaDI
Trareree CMr; t
Bedaeen Batra oa O B- * 1
HneinssU. one cent per mile. Bel)
He^tember Id, good to returu October
,pt>) pais. 8ar W P. Onnarr.
< UB WOnxN vaailar «
raooar by e
pt. TTavevaa CUr- Aim
dr—to met
Toronto. Oatario. one tore for roxnd
trip. Bell Angoat S4tb. tsth. aad 97(1.
g<wd to leui’-o Sept. Otb.
Red need ratm to other potota. Phone X3 EMipocK smBWaut nAJtx—paea^kr
n ihaTraTatsaOtirL—bevOo.
II C. B Marray, Agent.
CL. Lockwood, UP. A..
Ornod Bapida
I. TVavantawLaa'
I From tba Booth oo tba
e. M * L
The O. B. A t. vrUl______
S.t’SZ' iZdi '“f
fcma wottini taride tbem. bat
! •«> be reprmaniouve. With the develop- vfao ml cppoaiie her, Bvbdgetod aboot
vX TSSrm getti^^l ^ ^
taw the «,d be frownod. At last, wh,* rim left
tor and .poker
6«<l in ^mnelv wav
] be blgbor than It Was to March. Bnt.
“Pardoi me.” mid be. "but won't
^ tte 2«9 ^Ikbmeat.
*>»»«-*«>«»>« M faWy rep- yon please cheure that flag? Yon're
u roe 2,229 fsiannanmeuta xrom--------- --------^.,^...1.----------------------wfbring it opi...;o down, and tbattoa
do these changed
wbiob rapurto were received 64,749
dlHanamean for tbeae 9,999 ooootma aigital Iff dU;nn.”—Watoington Poet.
men bands were employed to March,
and tbe 969.899 banda by tbem em
1898. than to March. 1K96. Is there no
rignlflaanoe to this? dan it be explain- . ployed?
It meau that 64,600 wbo vrere oat af
When toe boy asked tba HfftgvM
ed by any otbir feet or faeu than tba i
employment to Maicfa. 1896. are em- betwevaa nfdrm aud a praetfialpolchange to tariff oouditioos?
ftioian. tbe «lil gcotlemon ooogfaed two
that 9,f9^cooaafss wbiiffi or throe tlmn befoto nplying. Then
So moeb for tbe general ramll of tba '. M
o« look m i» a liiOe
D toe ainiplest ijncstico, yoa koow.
Ho. do-.
A Tcfonn puliticiBn," be -mid at
'(^«7er83T,O0o,000tocaly$999asttblast, "ta i«c who. even tboogb mtoFtom Colorado there
aeeke to doaametbtog for tbe
60 eonoenu which emplo^ 4.768
$98,pablic. while a praotioal polltteian. al' haoda to 1898 and 6,682 in 1898 Tba
... |BOO.Ou»iu wages to 1898 at againff
tagoided. is
!tl' f
in 1898.
baretba pobiicdosE
‘^'1 Tne>:eimsto«em <ff wi^ food.
wwfg g
ttXto^tog^ : »•»«. they roee to $888,869.86.
vritb MltobelL
have beic not only an iDcream of $9M. - jj “Only bad topay$4 for it. yon know."
• 000 paid to the bands WDployed to tbeaa And then Eodaoa agreed with aU tbe
This bnef,
hot tbe average amount paW odmm that It wmvrath^
ffgm My moot cogently aod eloto eneb It U^.
j worth a cent. In fact nine times that
g mid to one or mcac of
It onlyo
oostM." It ratoed
mme in
- operation, 2.229 psublisbmcatscmploy___ ... These works employed to be had nonmbreUA When bo resnbod
ad 604.580 fa aoda and paid them $7,079. March, 1896. 86.998 banda: to Match, | tbe boose, tbe rnit looked like tbe gar128.84 to waget.
1898. 4L446 bands. Tbe wages paid for stent Jeon Valyoio wore in the aewen.
to Usreb. 1898. tba mme 9,299 eatbe month in 1898 amoonted to $1.-1 It waa a lumpy msM iff atieky bnrlap
tohliabmenU eniptoved 9G9.S90 bandi
606,896.08: to 9898 they roae to $9.-' and flapp<-d aronud bira like a unddy
and paid thorn |10.198. IS6.94.
118,168.81. The average amonnt paid colored baiiocr. When Browntog bad
Every report received by tba Tariff
each employee waa nearly ID par oent' taken It off. he threw it over a ebair, a
Imgne la tocorporated ia Cfaia sutement
| wreck of furu er naiciueas aud beanty.
It was found tbathl.es percent more graa(«f*to 1898 than to 1898.
A atriktog argnment to fnratabed by | and as lie K-nued LaikagainMtbedi
Ibarotorni from 24 prodnoera of ooal i and anmyrd it. dauidiug. limp
ho enitiloTed 10,482 mluvre ia Morolk ' ertokW Ib.rv. he n.ottned, “Ai
March. 1898. The, coat $4."wages paid in ibefitat toatanoe amaant-;
in 1896. and that tbe avi>raffe amonnt
ed to $390,837.70, or an average oft
paid each employee waa 11.66 percent
i$s;.40uach. toMarcb, 1896.tbe
An e^ucu.'ily pri-tiy girl rode to tba
oapi'ul ia QU iltvrnccar tbe other dayBhe «sa luilor i..:.du ai.d trim aa a
tba slogan iff protection. Is 1896. where \
Vt-^L USM It MraeT
cTDiaet. ai:<i ipckitl in tUi- front of bar
There ta
U f^easmi
flu rcanm to
to believe
believe that
that for
tor juck.t
juckvt was a viik
nik tls« almnl tbe saiM
Im of
iSo*?^waBm*iu*i80^S wwfflw^ I There
and reoelTed 6144 iu wanes. Tbe tro ***®*"**®® yearofleStt the prosperity. a baudkerehieL R..ice!Uiap at«o* the
err* tot vUUfve.
Clmver did.
lilllMlilBf ■
'Progrestove!" be aaiA “WeU. I
abonld think abe waa Why, do yoo
know whaLtbat w<_____
Irate Ooesl—See here. Yoor adveetiaemcat mid "no moaqnitoaa.”
bommer Undloid—There • m’t a
moaqeito here when that adrea
waa written, not <me. Yoo
*.« -
, totn Traterae City aa followa:
Angaat totb from pointo no O. B A
^ By. between Biobmoad aad Fort
iislia tma a
TvalSaoi* (or Chi
Sep- >r«-7ib Peana. pointo LoaUvULa.
Indianapolis. Teire Haate, St. Loata.
The first five axeonkma Uekeu good
for ten days.
Prom Ohio. Udatoaaad I^na. Uekgoodtodaya.
B MommT, Agoat.
I.O. P AT. A
Grand Bapida.
Oa aeroaBt of tba Boldien' Bepnloa
at Arcadia the M. A. N. B- R'y wUlaeU
tlekeUon Aagoat n. <0. 91. and 8*ptember 1 at 61.......................................
her 9d on train_________ ______ - .
H. w. CuxnMOAat, AgL
tad lee ^ balUlac «l
m X, JUrtarTSi^"-"
ISma arehUaet, m««r1ak
btaek. or ahowi
t??—!—'is: -—.It
aaS la anrslar ta Ikem.
■UanaUoVa, Di
ooTOUWAirsr/ioir.ir.^f. -w. oAVHnan
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