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The Morning Record, August 23, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
VhrM Xor* Klehlgan K*n SoMBrnb
“WteD Ov Bob Come linMig Home Agiii,
Hnrrali! Bnmli!"
Thara Will ba””vf larp. pia,* «t
Baapton Boada.
^eeUl to ihc Moanaa aecoam
Aucust ts.—Ordera
There wm be reaem] rejoicing, ai it U vrltb
cuetomen that have eeen tM
ware iaeued by the navy dapartment
new ctoek of picture mouI<
we have Juii received, and the (act that w.
today which will prevent the aaaaataming ont such a high grade of work. The market U full of ac—
blaca of Ue larye fleet at Hampton
aweU thlnge aad we have them.
ia. The lanre warahipa will be
to New Xork aad Beaton and the
torpedo hoaU to Newport. The only
ahipa to remain nt Port Honroa art
290 Front Street.
Holley &
Kager'ta Oat Aeroaa the Water—
auxiliary cruieere and torn. Thcae or: fourth lliehlfao. died at aea of remitKae.T.^d.d,oth.I..nuh..«.di^^^^^f;^^^^^_
Juna Vow Paaa UaiBUmpted Be- dare were leeued owias to compininta
twaaa Ban Joan aad Ponca By Un. of etcamboat compaalca that a larya
Ucreaa (Af««dttiooa Xapoaed by ^
tual Acraemant. Oanaral Xrrritt.
fleet in Hampton Boade would interfere
I alao died at mo.
j B«perta from General ShafUr and ••»*‘**‘*Tui»ioa.i« buh
aerlonely with navigation.
Xanlla Hu Almost fieg^ed
Its Normal Activity.
under In Chief Will
Wuhlartoo, Anfut ii. ~0«aer»]
ShaHer raporto Ui« dwU of PrivatM
Leave Porto Blco.
Praak G. Sbarsa. Conpaoy C, ThirtrAguinaldo^ ths Insnrgent third Miebi«aB.aodAi«iut L.Jobaa«i. General Brooke'e Will Take
Compaay E. Tblrtf-foanh Htehlcaa.
SUs Place In Command
Chist Hu Given
Both di«d of typhoid ferer. Kapdru'
rol Oaatoa Ooalidtpea from Moatank PolaV wbara the 0»»- PUaa for Braonatioa of Spuiarda
I eU* ha* laadfd, aay that C^t J<Aa A.
ifeariy OoaplaMd aad Thay Are
> la OradaaUy
A Bible!
Maalla.AiMni»t »2.-Periecl order baa I General Ludlow ahoa that the praat!
CMcaco. Auru»t
thna far been aaiaulned la Manila.! raporU of the orercrowdin* of tha Mo-1
Ondar Amarieaa control tba city
bile were cxanreraied. The Mobile i
quiet and aeeme almoat to have re- had. capacity far 3.000 men. and could
earned ita normal busiaeei and aocial
New York. Augoat SS.-The Jo»r-!
^,1 nj,
•**“•*• *'•*“
return U, the .United sutea. i
»«•«» Of
Who Bat
on the Track.
mben of bUaUlf will a
I Hpcclel M Th( UnaxiK. K(i oeD
^^at ac- ' ®*
.a»al*a Hong Kong oofre^iondentbae re-^
ported that an amicable arrangement! voyage,
baa teen arrived at by General Merritt'
ned Aguinaldo/
The mon^ Monadnock AtonxHl
the Ladrone ialaod of Gnam which had |
eut* of complcUon that there will pe
The Sun's Maa^n advices say that
’Aguinaldo has been in an ngly miood
nines the capitulation, and was at first
inclined te carry hU hoeUliUm
point of aq opea rupture. He hAids
the waterworka, and has cut ofl the
the anpply. but General Merritt aaid
laat evening that the aitnation had
bMa prMtieaUy aeUled. Aguinaldo ae. nepUng the Amerlcna eonditiona.
At the oaast Arnlaaldo made i
•as demands on the Amencans, nil of
which Merrin refused. There have
been n tew slight dlsturbnneee in the
city, bat they were laeonseqaeatlal.
'Confldenosiiretnralng. Theahopeare
epen and buslnsm it reviving, f^aeml Andereon has teen seat to Cbvite.
baring been detached from his com
mand Bis principal bnsiaess wUl be
Marta Bioct
mue left for the joint commieelon of, f*^^***®**®®"**^*" ‘
Spaniards and Ameneana to do. The
SpanUrds are withdrawing their forces .
<»*■ *‘®P’
from all the garrison town* at^d
West Side Inundated and
Bridges Washed Away
Floods of .Water Caused
Serious Havoc.
Is what you’ll pay now if srou want a
CouoterfeiUng 1 #
Onm Will Soon Bvveal SomeA
prior lb the.bb.b.l»bUb.bIU,.b—Drtrol..
!!.-To, O.UrtiT..
Uo. ol bo.UUU.0 Tb. r.l.U.0. W1 „
coo—rl.illo, —
t.rro b.o.r.1 MUr. Obd CpUln Oa- |
. .p.Uoo .rrp «.». Tbr,
Ve.Midop. bj Bpreanrot i
were found but it is sold to beve been
a. mailt were allowed to psni be St tte bouse of a prominent clergyman.
tween Pence and San Joan and vice Mra. Devid Johnson has been released
a The telegraph line overland aad Mra. Baylie Is released on fQiXi bail. {
will be opened for boiinem ahortly. They will not te prosecuted.
Bepaln are neoeasarr tetween the onte
poeu of the armiec near Aibonlto.
where the line was cat ns the Amer:
j — ... — •«.
tcana advanced. CommunieaUon btth- rand opening. August 2S. S6 i
erte with San Juan has been carried on Iverytedy most cordially Invite
iMt night's storm was Ike
aktrouB that baa visited this loeality in
years. It started about nine o'clock
with a terrible thunder and lightning
fuiniade which ooatinued two bonis.
The rain came down in torreoU and
continued noUl three o'eteek Uls
morning. The bridgee on Seventh.
Sixth. Front. Dlviaion aad Wadsworth
Btrest were washed out and the tenka
of Mill creek carried nvmy la some by means of the cable running from
plaeea. On North Dirislen street the,
tiling wu takw oBt and Ulegnph| Geneml Brooke le expected to arrive
from Arroyo tomorrow. General
polca and ahnde trees tom ont clean.
MUm wni reoommead that he go
The streeu On the West Side wei
a transport with 170 SpanUh
flooded. The bam of Mike Litney was
flooded aud it was with dUBcnlty that prleonere and proceed to San Juan to
other commlmionen.
the horsee were Ukea out. The water
Aeoerding te General MUee all the
was so deep that it reached to the
necks of the horses and they were eammiaeloacre will have to do is to give
forced to awim to a place of eafety. reeeipm for tbs goverumeuf pro|
The ham of F^ Shrader vms eqaally tamed over te the Americans and exflooded. Ths river i
fully four psdiate the evacuaiioa of the islands,
feet la a
Dgly short space of which the Spaniards appear more
time aad the danger was so grave tone to eairy ont than the Americans
that Chief of Police Bennie noUfied are to have them.
te handle Agninnlda
Theenstom boast bns been opened
fee two days. The fint day's reeeipU
nrnonatedtooverSl.om. Maay goods
have been placed ia the wnrehonm.
The dntiea on tbeas will not te paid,
until the goods am taken oat.
the {Major aad the chief was
Major Bemsat has been appointed dered to have the log boom of the
calieetor of internal mveana Ibeedl- Tmveree City Lumbor Co. tom ont
lecUm of these taxes will teffia
as to save danger to property. The
tow. The rmnae from the iatmal water on Wadsworth street rushed STOBT or SITFTZBtVO OT A
excise law eqonU aU the other taxee clear tbrongh to the bay. The electric
IAV81VO 80t.DtBB.
power of the Bonrdmsn Elver Co. was
Tbe Spaniards have asked General affected so that the Bnoxo was delayed
teeidanUy Shot ia Ue Toot Be
-Merritt for permimloa to eeed borne heveml bonn.
TM Trcfa pnap After Suftring
1,«00 sick eoldiers, and the American
Through imek of Surgical Osre.
oommander has given bU eoasenL. The
flpMtel Ic Tt» H»n>>s« ttworC.
Philippine treasury held only MO.OOO
Laaelng. Angaet22.—Charles Wilson
whea tamed over to the Amerienns.
of Uie city, a member of Company E,
Thegrenteet Interest is manifest
Thlrty-flfth regiment, arrived home
in the ommnte dlsposiUon of the
from Cfalcnmnngm today and will be arislnnda Englishmen who are in busl- Tor the Death of Vnlaem Vieholameted as a deserter.
nem there are aaxlona lor the Americans
Ooroasr'e dury Bendored Verdict
Wilson admtu being away vriUeut
to bold the whole group, and maay
Teeterday-Vrideoce Agalant A6leavm tet telle a barrowing tale of his
Spnaiardt believe that this would te
exparienena. Severn! weeks age ha aethe .beet eolniien ^of the problem. Bpcdsl U.TSS BouiM Bkobd.
Detroit, AtwuBt 2S —Bobert Lang, cldenteUy Uot himself to Ue feet, ia<n>ey eay that buslnem wU) te impoefltctlug a dangerous wound. Be says
•ible under the condltiou that former alias Aeeber will be tried for the mur
tba doetore paid no attention to b^.
ly prevaUed here, aad that the FUipi. der of Velmor# Nichols, Thto afternoon
that hie foot has not Imea dremed einpe
am would not te able U eeublith or the jeryrendered^erdiet thet Nich
week ago today, and that he has
enbmalnuln a goveramenV Aguinaldo
mergad under water after having been been doped wiU morphlne.oDtil now
represenU only a tmaU faction of the
rendered uDCousocoiie by a blew with he cannot get along wlUont it. Be
natives, and trouble would eurely fol' a bloat inetmment. Beeldes Dr.George,
eayt the doetore wanted to ampntete
lew If he were given control. The Ue county physician, only CUyton A.
English declare that If the American! Vatea. broUer-in-Uw at Ue murdered Ue foot: nlM that he thought he might
jnat as weU die a deeerter as to eufler
give the tolaads back to Spain or hand
Thompeon, who fouad Ue body, and and die in n camp hoapltol. Otflemu
them over to the FiUiplnoe they will
Patrolman Stoddard tesUfied. Tbeir here have bsM noUfied to arrest him.
hnvfetoqult. ________
teaUmoay. bowover. revealed noUiag
and the splritualtetic phase of Ue
MnnUa.AttgnntS2.-The cable that
ease was not gone Into.
wasent^ Aimiial Dswej shortly af
proaeeutor Waite eondneted Ue ag
ter his arrival here has been repaired, ination. Attorney George F. BoVin- The Forte of tfnited States te Imad
aad Muila ianow In direct comm
Wae Uere te look after Ancheris
aad Vaload OnrgoM.
in terns e.t
cation with the outside world.
•pMlalteTUB Moan*! Bsooss.
ArUor Halbert again nlzod up Aaeh-.
The city ram^u qaiet. .Tte Ai
Washington. Augnst 22.-Tha seer^
ar ia Ue brown suit and aaid Ue re-.
tary of Ue treasury has decided that I
offleeru are at preaast boaUy eawas striking. Ne tracm cf
under Ue exUUag conditkme them te
«ngcd In getting n government «
lUhed. There has been oopeider
r«Mon why Spanish vmeeU skenld
The fat^ point aghast Aaehnr U his
delay swing to the fact .that It was ndviea to Nichols to wear S4M in a belt not enter, land and elenr nt Porto U
■eeeeeary to get fnrthar iastmetleae U order to find Ue treasnrer on hie Ue United Stetea. Oolteetera of caefarm. Nichols lagged Un gold te hk
wiU be inatmoted te Ute affect
Just Part
of the Price
iin St
Traterse City Scbool of Music!
Bmu fO ui 11, Bcfldle Boet
Our stock of these g
Reliable Dr>’ Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
WhiieThePrice of .Tea Has Gone Up
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of alL
It will pay you to try our 13c bulk coffee—a good
wholesome beverage at a small price.
Thone 167.
fMB Front StrMt.
Cor praat soC
Something New! Boston Store!
Bargain pajj poreninnars!
Exteosioo Table
Call in and see the nsw
siyls of
After Urea weeki of bargam hunting In Ue snsMni mnrkate we rw
tnm home fully convinced that ear pn^neae are right. We height
Which I am selling,
good thing.
IM dcM Mn'e liana «-ply eellnn (la nU Ue lateat etylee) wnrU
I have also ia connection
with my undertaking Dusi>
ness a full line of
Fine Furnilure.
t» doseu men's lineu^^e^te^^ei^t etyl^ worth 2»c. nil i
ti doseo a
rod. Nefll.ooi
. .........................
n doeen men's black
eenmlem bane, regnlar iSc gwda. gn at 7cn
SO desen
2S doxea
?Sc. a
2t dorea mM^'fl^e teibri^ nnderww.' 're^^’»'^' SOc'.qi^S!
OlaM Block.
Traveme City, Mich.
324 Union Street
Summer Shoe Snaps!
TmViTir-i i i-TTiiTi---- iTiTTiTt
74 pairs>*Pinvree’’$3 00,$3.50 and $4D0 Ladles’Shoes
at $1.98.
69 pairs “Plngree" $4.00, $6.00 and $6.00 Men’s Shoes
60 psirs '•Pingres'’ $3.00 Ladies Jnlists st......... $1.98
113 pairs "Pingree” $8.00 end $8.60 Lsdias’ Oxfords
St $1.46.
90 pajn Ladies $1 60 and $1.76 Oxfords at..........$1.00
78 pairs Misses’ $1.00 and $1.26 Oxfords at......... 76o
Ohildren’s aad Misses’ Oslf Shoes at. ..................80e
•iri m*“f
»i burg
l»org of
of Gi
Gr^ Point, wa* eirock by an
oUncentratlng them at Jan Juan, the
been aeiied by the fl«t expedition. It; Terrific Electric Btorm Crest. c,IUt.
' found that the Spaniard! bad repadi- >
r.1. ..d
. CO.. I
Mu* Duniwe.
Both armiea. however, maintain the!
...p»u U... .b.. b.b »UblUb.b
emment on their own aoeouaL CapUin Whiting prompOy npaet the new
••garernmeot" aad made the chief
usurper a prisoner aad brought him
We have a new lot, with index or withouti^t
never made before for corresponding grades.
>'™l>“ li"K ™i®i»il !■ price.
^b?a,n'k- IFriedricli
Txlo pxa. Bslis'ble SlioezrLazi-
uotanmo bxoobd.
M nrartlHAT FAILHI. nsiia n iiniBim.
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
•Win ©ante na Drora Two Wnwol
oomoTtaltofnTrwnthoMnUAan. i
teanoa With a Onn.
Mr. and Mra. W. D C. Oarmatoa had
litUa anperiaaea with bur^amatUie
Mt work to first ctoan and pric«s that are in ranch of ail. 1 am
W. OAnn.
BK VriM la • T«rl*ta Kaaaar- midenea of Mra. Oarmalaa'a pamu,
prepared at all timea to take care of the trade. I make a apecUlty p
■ », W. Hakto. Kdiw Md M«m««
Brazing, Vnlcaniziiig and Boameiing. A fine line of wheeto for aaw
l>om«Mic TnmUe J>tdt« Him to a Mr. and Mra. U. 8. Hull, on WaahUig- •
ton Btreat. They ara ateytog at the
and to rent.
C; ELLIS, 311 Front street, «»aaU
X»Mti* to OonmH •aioid*.
Hall realdonoa during the ataaeooa of,
tea famUy and abont S o'clock Sonday i
After «Mrei«lar a
Fraak Adaaaw morning Mr. Oermaine waa awakanad
ip«latioa of a
atlU Utrea to paadar < ar kla aabaiiP7 ^ tee flaabtog of the light of a dark ^
tontara to bU face from the.
of kia wrtata aod oaa of hla aaklaa by wlodew. Whan tba ilbgt waa dlneaaa of wbleh ba aMdaadaapwratoaf reeted M Mother part of the bad-.
room be quUtiy altppad from the bad i
fart to and an nahapRy exUUaea.
Oorreapood with the Trnveme City Lumber Compauytk* FCM—»» M T»^»— 0*V>
aatoted an adjalntog room and
Yaatarday morninf a^t b o'clock'
We bare tor sale Good.
gbariff Bi-paoa waa atartlad by tba procured a raToWer. Entering the
raealpt of tba foUowiag aiVrte»fdinary faatb room be law that tba midnight
^„.n.i..Wtfa»a addrawad to Ura Fraak eUltort bad dtocoTered that they were
dUeovered and were baatontog
••Kara:—Ton will find kc about
cape. Oermaine fired two abou at tea
dTrlonda Teaab'a ban or aoroaa tba straat \n tba rotreattog borgatora, bat the apaod KmaTraviaBj
lertfay Aftaraoon.
wooda. I do thto parfaelly aober and with wbUh they dUwtorod around
>r*er prored tbat bU aim waa not
hare not tooebad a drop of aayUito*
Ycatorday afternoon tba Mtoaaa Cartotebonra. Yoorloring
ria and Alice MpSley
Chicago wa.-e
Tba room into which the tbierea
Dlogly entortalnod by Ktoa TinTk» abora waa written on tba back Bought entrance U on tea aacond floor via at ber home on Eaat >*iuth atraet.
T-.A-rma B-OK SAT..B.
of an anralope and waa brought by oaa and they renebod tba window by maana The eDtortolnmant eonatotod to the
n Coonty OoDTaatlon.
of Mra AdeaaWe aona to tba abarUf. of a rope ladder which they pulled guemlng of namea of longa by varioua
Hill Machioery of all deacriptioaa, including Two EnHifififii
The tody lor whom U waa Intandad did dawn aad carried away with them.
arUelea about ten room. The firat
Set Woikfl.Carriagea and Saws A complete Sew MiU Plant
not aaka an iaraatlgatlea. but at once
priaa waa won by Mtoa Carrie Ltodley
aaat tba comBnalcatloa to SbarlB
for tei&
and the eonaolatioo by Mra. A. W.
lai— aa toUon, oa a baala of oac dctanw
The aharllf aniamonad Coro
Peck. The honored gneato contribawd
ner'Moob and t.^tbar they went to Solemn Oeramoay la tba Haw Oonlaeleeliona to the
5S5SSWgragaUonal Oburch Sunday.
Mim Wilhelm favored in a like man
lUed. Tbay weat to tba barn men1 event of latoreat not only to ner. while Mra- J B. MarUn entertainttonad. near by. and tbera fennd AdaOmeaa but to aU the aurronnding ad with roeiutlon*. Mlat Travto arrva a torribla atoto af anffariag by
dellcate refreabmentt and other
country waa tba dedication Sunday of
______of daep gaahca apoa both wrliia
tba new und baudaome Con^ugaUoaal aoctol featurea added to a vary pleaaant
and ooa of bla anklaa. Baalda him toy
ebnreb. which baa inat been completed
tba raror oorerad with blood, and a
betUa which bad cantalnad at a coat-of fil.SOO. The bnUdlng to
Odie B «arry Coaatad.
compoaed qf atone and wood, aa aV
tondannia. Tba eoronar aaw at ooea
tractive lealura being the la^ portico
WbU# Odla McGarry waa coaating j
Wc ara i
teat a anrgaoa, not the coroner waa
•oat ^taona pbaaa of tba war. Tba raqnind and Dr. RnMland waa called. in front, with iu atoaa pilton. 'I'fae down McRae bUl Sunday ba fell from
dmigu. which to modem to every par- bto blc.vcle aad anatolned a fracture be
M toot let. vnaU boatt. flat lecMiaa. Ml mmn. eaa bt toa>bt ttr teO.
^ eaten of our troopa fro* Caba
Tba raaa waa token to tba eonnty
wraot let. goat 4-aUliw. rmaoato. teUe-a aa* tlOpw meatt aaU paid Cm.
lew the knee on bto right leg. Be will
flltetratiag tba barrm of atrUa that honaa wbara bla wouada ware draaaad Ueular, waa the work of a promto
d aaed. waU waMrad.,raaBg a
41 am« thiav wU>* tmtU aq^ waA trow ibi
ba laid np aeveral dayaaka vaaUy graater tbaa tba raaalta of
Id pronennead not aartona. tba rltal arebiwit who waa a goeat at Ibo
chard Tbia U a torcain (oroaly •I.Sd
•ateal batUe, with amflariac wbleb oaa
aerva 1 wUa-cat, aU taprored. wfll aa *«U ta aaa ptaeaar dlrtoto ta
trial not bartog been cot. though oert, and who. like all tba
Sbaat Knaic at Balf Prioa, alto
took an active intoraat in tea aBarta of
. Banr ba aoraiataly daaerlbad. Sharp rary paiafol.
everr piece of the latetl popular mukie.
DmeM people to build tea ebnreb. W. W. Kimball Co.. *3S FVopt atraet.
teltteiam U iadnlged in. and tbara U
Adennw atoVad that tba boUla
In thto cenuacUan it to Intoroating to N. £. Strong, manager.
■a daabt bat that tbara la
tionad waa Slled with laudanum und
NavaaMgaanyoffictaU. Saeralary teat ba bad token aU od It. Tbiaateto- neto tbat there li not a eeat of indobtWiUiamh Patoakay Oraua, pure
41far oomaa in far tba harden of tba mant waa qoaaUoaad. aa a don of that odnoM on the building, the money be
ing ratood tbreagh tba untiring aSorta fmit joiem, cold aparkllng aoda wator.
•■aara, yet the reaaonlac mind will kind would ban kiltod him.
clean apeona and glaaaea. Thto mix
of the eburcb memberm.
aaa at once that tba emlaaat aaeraala at
tare eonititutos
eonatitutoa our ice
ici craam aoda
In tba poekata of tba erring
Many of the raoortora nave been glad Wait'a aoda foantaln.
IteT ^ aaarclaed great tact and waranomaron»lettom,aaalad and unto lend a helping band, and they have
ia hla plana for the g\g»m
addnmod to bis wife. One of
.y* been liberal In all tba plant for
oparatloaa vbl^ bare taaalv team .waa bia"toatinatrnetlana“. TbU
build a good one cheap, elan rapnlr at
aneh to rloeleoa aada tor tbU
nottca. Call and aee wbat yon can gnln. wM.
«Uf nation. ThaV
tea dtopMltoM bto body, which be ba- larger part of the aum. aad the bard
'k naoMaary to complete it baa been
fiheaa atriekan with dUanaa. howarar. aought bla wife to let nobody touch
0fj tor toTaatlgaUon aad it may be but haraalf. It atoa dlraetod ber to wlUlagly pontributod by tea good peo
abeuld carry aeI Bach and every n
mUif aaid tbat BecraUry Alger will have Uadartokor Andmou tak
ple of ibe village.
DMa protceUoa. H coaW I ay,re. ut Front atraet.
laSea no atone untumad to ferret out of tba burial but aat to permit
par moBlh in thelarg-|
anlBtoraattngone.aod^t all tba aaa"t^ni
•haaanaaoftbaiaragaaot dUcaaa on ■balm ih«L body.
atfoDgeal r~^ ----earth. The L’nit- _
Aipboard and to bcspiul. C Wblla the
The other lattor* were filled with efi- alone tba church waa crowded to ito ut- Soctoty of Saginaw, tbrougb
teaditton which toritaa ^a
dearing torma and azpraaaieaa of nn-: moat capacity. The dedicatory aarvieee
■bU. look after yon when vou
Brat Five Cent Cigar Made. THEOILBERTCIOAROO.___________
••tea U nntortunau nad to ba greatly dying love tor bto wile, from whom he were bald in the morning and oonato
- •teatii
-Imbnlali fi
Their many
ga^orad, bUtory abowa tbat in all tba
mod to have been oeparatod by do- tod of prayer by Rev. W. H. Unlburt of
Sewing maebine aeadlea and
ivinee yon
ftaat ware of the paat dUaaae baa been
J. N. M ABTIKER. S17 Front
ktle dlfferenoea in which bto vrlfeS Soflbport. aa able icrmon by Rev, D. aad joat Call and arena
tar more deatmeUra to tba aoldiera I children figWrod. One of the tottora Cecblln of Traverae City, a aketeb of
n^n AOBVA.W tmo A BAra
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
' Ml:
Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
Watch This Oolumn For Bargains!
Fifty Cents
Take Onlii the Best ia.!“'.'.lg!L-.—
5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents
tba orgaatoatloo of the ebnreb at Umaghna tba field of battla. and o
read aa followa:
arilh the condition which now preralU
inn UaDJ>rcr«.T'avrr«r Oiy. Braorh
"Kato:—I wanld give worlda for one na. and a brief btowry of ito early btoflr- JohtMK*r BW.CII Boom I.
fiba penanugaof daatbi far grantor ktoa from your awaot Kpa b^ora 1 go. latj and of lu alnigglea. by the fir*l
IW'llclKMc ArvBU VaotrC.
and iratliT^my of tone. W. W. KIMBALL 00.. K. E.STBONO. i
^na U abowa In.thto toatanoaor to aaa your dear face once again. paawr. Re*. C. D. Banntotorof ThompTraat street.
It to not to ba. Pray for me, Kato. I
Td Bncoai) haa raealred a co^ of
lid aot help it. for I loved you oo. 1
tbt “Hand Book for Trarelera for
preaant paator, Rev. S. L. Divina. Tba
could tegive but aot forget.
H^IBAM COOK. Star Grocery. 245 Front Slioat.
Eactbara Mlehigaa," oompUad by Ba*.
progmm wae lator*peraed with mubic
Innaa «ato toglto aad pnbltobad by
•^on wUl tad my Inat word* to you and waa very Impraaai
OMCga B. Bptaag, PMoabay. It to a
to tba afternoon Mr. Oocblla bad the
la my vaat pocket.
and Park atraeta.
bnodaomalr gotten up. wall iltoauanaual exparioaca of addraaal
Tba other latteru wwo apoa tbo
MaWd booklet of o*ar-100 pagaa, aad
Indiana tbroogb an Intorprator,
giate mote valaabla toformatloa ro>
of Chief Agobte. who to much IntoraatAdanaw baa bate m|*ed up in cobInttog to all tea iMorte of Haiteara
ad in ebnreb mutttra. und a bright, at
•tdarabia domaaUc troubla Utoly. and
meblgan, aad to totaadad aa a travelit to aald ba iadulgad loo frooly In In- tractive young
jr'BguidA In preparing aaeb a book
gnat care ahould batokan la datoaaad
odattbalnatancoofa moabar of tba •ermon by Rev. R. Hanatoa of Maple ■«••
erf t*Mb.
ggnraa la apaaktog of Tiawaa City
City, and the reoepUon of fourteen new
ABUrfolai, tor ertnrtiob U trrtb vlhhoct
family npoa a ebarga of aaaanlt and
peinuwd. L»i«w and w«w wiirfecnwj prvpw- Lnqpbaa in the world tor 15c. Open all nlgbV
Ibe atatomaat to —■*** teat Haaaabi
QMd lor oiiklM utrvrtlon Mafbattoryandwaaoonvletod. Since than membera. followed by communion. 4tioo
t«y AOo. bought tba
Mn.Adanaw haa conumpUtod aoeuriag
' fivaata bar* to I89i. Iiabonld barn
to ito beanUful locaUon loot eaat of tee
a dlvoroa and tba pair bad aaparatod.
bate IISl. E*MaaUy a typograpbioal
vlUage aid facing the blue water* of
Tba attempt at anleide ezplalna the
«mr. Trararaa City to gi*aa a popntoLitton of mind which tbo man waa tba bay. wae the centre of aUraeUon.
fiies of aooti. it abouid have baaa givaa rodueod to. Be to now in the county pal only for reeidenta ot the village
aa NOO. A apeetol poat office departand reaorter*.' but for people for miiet
poor hwtae raceirlng flie attonUoa oJ
•ant aaaana.takaa to Daoamber.iaoi.to
around, and It will ba a long time before
tee county pbyaician. and it will aot k*
SoWRDlne tee number of carrlara tee
tee memory of the oecaalou paaaea from |
long before be toabla to ba about again.
aitf wonUl be antiUbd to, gave a poputee minda of tboae praeent.
jgOoa of H.U3. We nou aimllar error*
Is tome of the neighboring towna.
Be aura and aee the Krw Store. ^
Bavino eboorved what baa happened Ktoa K. Sllnbath BUokhnrs and Say fbile not the torgrat It poalllvely ahall
e the beat and moat aocomndatlag
fie hto political eoUagaaa. Hon. George
place to do your ahopptog in our line.
Xbaekar Vattad to KarrUga.
ftad Willtoma baa preaerved a dlgalComa Angnat 25. M. 27—our Grand Op
A vary pretty wedding took place ening, and gat a barrel filled with da.
>Sod aUeaoe on tba enpanaloa quea
' Tba novelty of bto poaiUon ought to iaat evening on Franklin atraet, la tba lleiooe candy, free of charge. 8. Benda
^Ce.. Faabionsable ontfitwr*. A. '
nteounga Gaorga Prod to make othor fotura borne of tba bride and groom. Fcleflrieh block.
Tba happy pair are Mtoa K Bllaabatb
SBporimenta In teat line.
4oe 21.
Blaekbnm and ^r. B. Raymond Thack
e a» tar er. The cereffioay waa parformad by
DsaiocBanc o
feteb very aaay on tee protoeUve tariff. Rev. Wiley K, Wright In the praaeioa
If they dared to ba boueat tbay would of only tba clcae frienda and relatlvea at Wait'* Drug Store.
pratoe tee Dlngley law aa an '
of tba nnlted couple. Parker Penning
Improvament on the WUaa
ton figured aa beal'man and Him Mary
aa bridaamaid. Tna raoou
of tea dwelllag were prettily arranged
Ooi4)SKL Bbtxs may now unbuckle wite floral offerluga appropriate to
a beoaa to paint
fcto aword. taka off bto mUltary mns- joyoDi aa oecaalon. The bride and
sla and give bto oratory a little Uoenaa.
will realde in tee realdence
•napoUtical battle to on and be to where the oeramany waa performed
lay'a worth to good bonmt work
Beaded to oenduet the ratreet.
aad which baa bean prepared and nice
le employe
ly fnratohed by the groom. Among
'Puck maana e general boom baaed
Geo. E. Winnie,
the fomtobiag* and appointmento are
tee^^*to«*a,natonwUd apeeolaay gltto bote naeful andomamentol t'p-kHlato painter and paper hangar.
from alneere frienda. The
both well known bad popular to the
fttzton Idttto Indiana.
city. Tba groom to tee nephew ^ John
fllrtirfT little Indian ehUdfan from T. Beadle to wboae atore be bolda a reFriends from far
01ve« Free I.MOM
tba city on their way to the lodian
f will }ela to hearty wtobee for
nebool at Ml Plaamat. Some of teem
ire bapptoaei of the yonng bride
had bean home on e vaeatiM. bat
nembar went Ufcing their fliat trip
•way from tba place wbara Uiey bad
eDraegtors oant egiar, finaat
ye--* ttielr anttra Uvea, and boma, amoka In town & B. Watfa
•tokBM atrngflad aritb tba Ipdlan
AtbararhlbHef Art lwbrol4ert*»«Hr*. W.
Mrtetom deifietod M their taeaa.
HawYooIrM Hie Kimball?
Soa6s“12 Bars for 25c
Bod Bods, Choice CoDfectlons.
Dewey Cakes and SanUago SBaps ?«
Columbicin R6St3Ur3nt
mwSTtof^ and Baa*
Our Offerings
I -N Furniture
Deserve Uiii
To Him That Hath
ShaU Be Given
Miss Doyle
All Kiodsoflmbroiiltni .
and Madera lace Makiae |
We make particular mention of KEED and EATTAN FUETUEE. Aside from a floor full of beautiful creations in
this mateiiaLwe make prices equally as atlractlve.
'Whether you intend to refomlsh your house this fall or
just contemplate the addition of a few piecee to make your
rooms look rich and handsome we ofl'er you the opportunity
to do so at a very little coet. We want you to see the goods
in any event.
^ j
^ ;
^ ■
^ ^
'........ „
i .i
mmmmmmmrnmmmmm mmm «»««««««»
• I
•■tVMtOM Today.
IfthowMUwpenituUU BMralar
» Uryo awW (roat Tnverae CUy «nd
MMiy owyooo M the poolsoala will
make bowai*’ Harter «ha^ obJoeUra
poiBt. TkU ia Ua data «f tba Paa’.aaoU MoKJalay dob picnic and the praparatlona of tbc paat faw weaka aaemre
a f'dBd Una.Tbara will ba food apaak*
ara, all aorta of JoUy aocial featnm.
two ball fame* and
riooa kinda will make the oceaelon one
Tha riUafc of Maoton hat voted ia
of capeeial pleaanre. The Uaeen of the
favor of adaptinf the free text boob
Lakea will mn an exearsion from here,
boofht apSi eertlflcntee ia that city at
^ataa for tbe eeboola at that plaea.
leaving the dock at H o'clock tbit momThe effort »ado at the Bay City that dfnre. Thara are w other afesu tag.
OamoeraUc eonvenUon by C S. Hatfp>
ton, to make allefad ■lemanafeineBt derdale. A great many abarvholdere.
-X. O. O- T. e&AHS LODGE.
of Uia war a oaaapaifa iaaoe. te aevarly who wobld have eold oot for two oente
eritidaed by promineBl DenoeraU of oa tbe dollar a week ago, are now be> Will Oabla Waat to Grand Bapida
Tenth diatriet. The reaolotlon gianiBg to think that the aeeoelatlaB
aa a IlelagaU. on Kia Bicycle.
wUI reeaaae baaineu. Thare waa
waa tabled, and oid
The grand lodge of tae I. O. G. T.
about diso.oud of Michigan money in
are very eore over Hampton'e aetioa.
volved in theaeaoeiaUon before'it went Ukea place in Grand Rapid* this week.
M. T. Cnrtia. oi^ttie Creak, grand
WUI Goble etartpd Satarday to make
knaper of rocorA^and eaala of thel'^'*'**^
the entire dieUnoe on hie bicycle and
MtAigan EnigbU of Pylbtae,bat aaeervtaamer George T. Hope, towing attend as a delegate from tbe local
talned tke nnmber of offieere that the
eeboonere J. C. FitspatricB and lodge. Miai Jennie Cnrtia it also a del
nnitormed rank of the order bae tar- Camden went aebere in the thick emoke egate and ehe hea gone to Big Rapids
aiehod to tbe volnoteer force of the on St. Helena, near Mackinac. Sonday aooompanled by Miss Mabel Brown
atate. Sa far tbe record etaade: One morning. The etaamer ran on very whorrpreaenu tbe Jnvcnlle Temple.
. eolonel. three lleatenant.coleaela. IG har4 and is oat 10 laches forward and At Big Rapids they wUI join tbe delaaptalne. lo flret lienteninta. S aecond 4 inches aft The schooners both fol agaUoB from that place and acoomlowed her on to tbe rocks bat did not
pany them to Grand Rapids,
aergeanu. C.firet oorporale. i aecoad ground so heavily. All three boaU
eorpomle. S aaamen. 1 dram major. I have ires ore from Becanaba to Lake
Meerly a I
regimental qaartormaeter. 1 engineer, Brie. The wrecker Fkvorite went to
While aeveral email boya,
ante. 8 qaartar- their aaaiatance.
amce conld not be learned, were play
anaetera, 1 orderly. 8 enmpeay clerke.
Dr. Mary Green of Obarloite, presi
1 major eergf«n. I ebaptala I o'dnanee dent of tbe Amerioen Elooeehold Beon- ing on tbe ehore near the elnb hooee
1 hnapita'. tli-warrl. 8 iibarma- omic aaeoetatioD.-an aathorlty on foods yesterday afternooh some of them
•sehed «ff from the ehore ta a boat.
eieta. t aetlstanienrgeont, and 3 i
and a well known leetnrer on hoaiebold topics has been appointed apeclal Unc of them then atumpted to swim
Five days of laat week were dovoted food examiner by tbe war department. ashore and foand that be was nneble
to ontartainlng e.cioo vieitora at the Mrs. Green bad charge of tha to do BO. Hie erisa for help attracted
and ha waa brought
Mtehlgan Agricaltaral College. Bxcei^ western ^ departmeal of a large
eiooe from varione poiott were mo eastern pare food coneem dnrlng the safely to ehore. Paranu cannot be too
each day and the visiton were well an- •rorld’s fair. Mrs Green bee goae to earefal about allowing their hoys to
play aaartha srater where teats are to
tarulaed. Tbe abject of theee pilgrim- Camp l^omsa to beglo her work.
be had to easily.
Bgee ia to get the people better aoCol. A. T. Bllee of Saginaw, bat aafqnalntad with the eqaipasest ef the
fered elx week* of constant pain fro*
•Dllega and tndace more etadeata to
Lecture on Cube Libre.
an accident on Jnly 4, when a caanon
Tbb evening at the First M. . E
Mra W. P. Stine, wife of apromlneat cracker went off in his handa Another
ebnroh a lecture anUUed -■Cnba Libre,
he neceeeary.
Saneaa Oty nndertaker. who bee been
a gneet at the Kew Arlington at Petoa- hands was so bruised tbe bones seem to or Caba'sSlmggle lor Liberty," eboi
key far the peat few weeke. waa robbed have been inj ired so that the wounds tag over 100 steropticoo view*, taclndofgl.KW worth of DIamonde Sendey at tbe ends of tbe fingers do not heal. ing views of tbe late vrar. wUl be given
v-aad a amall earn of money at the Char AU the large laeeratione healed nicely. nnder the anepicee of the Epwortb
levoix Bwimmiag pool. Her room at bat tbe fingers are stiff and sore and League. Selections npon a gn
phone wUI also be given. Adsisec
has mknn plaoe.
the awiuating pool waa
The schooner Alert, ta low of the eeaufor adolu anB 10 cenUfor ebildbar abaenee. Tbe loae wae dleoovered
• Somp Odd Bits of. Fact and Fancy From m
All Over the State.
ae aoon aa ehe re-«atarad the epartment steamer I. Watson Steveaaoa. waa sank
m bar retnm from tbe pool and within ia Sturgeon Bay canal Ssnday morning
half an hoar tal^rame were
by a cbilieion with the etoamer towing
rantry giving an exoellent: bar. Tbe Stephenson went aground
de^ptioD of the thief.
I after the accident. She now lies on
ibomae Danderdale of Chicago i* in | the bottom of the narrows. The Alert
Ann Arbor in the tatereeu of a Chicago can be saved. Doth boaU are laden
nyndleau which ii baying np all the' with lumber from Menominee ta Chi•baree in the eappoeedly dsfancl Oran-. cago.
Tendered Ooneral Merritt
I Admi'
WUI be Xefitted for Kodel
Wssb'tagtOB. D. C .Aaguet 88 —Tbcae
Troop Ships.
of eongratnlation were sent
New York. Angnal 88 —The 1^
! lest night;
I-nxm. 111. I-rud ,«l.r. !». d, ,
M.d.,od. W»hldj.d., O.
<ddod to retain in the service ail the C.. Aagoet 81.
Admiral Dewey
vaneels it bongbt on the AtUnUe coast ManUe: Receive for yoaraelf and the
tar aerrke aa timn^rta. Theaeveeaele offieere, sailor*, aad marinas of your
•a soon aa they ean be spared from ^e
my tbanlu and oongraialanervice, will be eont here, or to some tlon* and those of the Nation for the
•tbar port not far from hers, to be re galleot conduct all have again so
fitted Into modal txwopahtpe. There are
“WltUAU McKixi.tT"
"ExdcBtlve Manelon. Washington. D.
Bleeping qaarUrs for the soldiers. It C.. August 88. ]ti98.—M*jor General
noemi that it it not by any means a Merritt C. 8. A.. Manila; la mv own
aetUed qaeeUon whether tbe bank or beba^, and for the NaUoa. I axWnd
>r some other kind of bed i> yon aad the offioers and the men , of
beat for a troopship. Expert* on tbU yonr commaed eineere tnanke asd eonmatter will be consulted. The sleep gratuiatione for the cot
ing qnartera will be so arranged that' last eoadnet displayed
•neb man wiU have an abandenee of
franhair. Each ship will be fitted with
"Wiu.iau McRixLKr."
lag plant, a dUtiiliag plant
and an ice plant
B an army offieial today it is evident thtl the war department believea that it will be neve*-^ Between Vnitod Staten and Engnary to send troops over seas, in one ;
land Bagarding BMtem
direction or another, for some time to I
oome. andltwanuto have plenty of^
M«.eheetroopships, well eqoippmi and readypaper,
for Immediate acrvice.
eeya; "Wanaderaund that Ambasea• dor Hay’s reeall to Washtagton is dne
to hie apecial flineee to carry eat a pol
icy in regard to wbicb negotlatlone
»g AnxlUa^ Onlners WiU
base been proeeediag lor some time be
Back to Ooean Femqngor
tween Washington and London, and
upon which a tabstantlal agreement
Philadelphia. August SJ.-Tke auxU-' ^ *»““ reached, w^by the two
Sary cruiser 8t I'aul, wiU Gapuln jWwlries will act tofSiber in the far
Sigaboe ia command arrived at Cramp's;
wheiuver Americaa and Brit.
is are IdantieaL
Ske wUl be;<
skip yard this afte
retted to tbe InMraaUonal Navigp- > "There ia no tatention of binding
-tion oempany by the govemmeot as 1sattona to an amanee. Bach will
BOOB ea ehe ia pat ta tbe eame coadi-' ^ ^vft to paraue its own destinies in Its
tfon as when chartered for naval aer-!«"«'•"t'begovemmesu will act
j together diplomatically where oommon
' . Notlem have been pcated at Ue tatereeu are
Frankfort anenal to the effect that
Blanoo BtiU ArbitrarF.
tte eerrioee of all the extra men who
were pul to work ataee tbe ontbreak qf
London. Aagnat 83.—The Madrid corX WiU be diapeBeed with os SeptemI of the SUndard says that
her 1. Ataont TOOpereone are affected captain Ooneral Blanoo haa again notiby tbe redaction ta force, and it wUl; grd the govamment of his rofnsal to
fedaoe the daUy output from IM.ooo to pr«alde over tbe oparationi ef evaena40,OM cartridges.
. ; uoa, owtag to the feet that be fevered
Itis reported here that the Tele. | rwutanoe. The government U dieHarvard aad St. LoaU. the other three
embarramed by* hU re•wUt trm»-aUantie aaxUiaiy eraleeis
to bo
wOl be ordered here very
BopM.” •tbelma’' aad< all
stripped of tbolr
the tateat perfamM at Writ’s Drug
wlU than be pat ea thalr
KeBalar Olab nesie VromlMB fl^uWAVT TO UTAXV TSKXB Vna
Vew Aapeot of AffstmOkaagea Things
and Tbay Would Xaka a Bedpoeal
some qneetlone that bavr given cause
eonlrovtrey between the I'nlied
SUtae and Canada will meet in the
city of Qnoboe. There ie one qnoelUon
which has not yet appeared on the pro
gram which will be broagbt up rni be
half of Canada by Bir Louie Device.
MlnieUr of marine and Fiaheriee. This
qneiUon will be:
'What position eball Canada occupy
in regard to Porto* Rico and Cuba in
teth those ialande ren aln under
eonirol of tbe United Sutce, as the
former ia ceruin to dor'
Nova Seotle alone annually aeila |1.000.000 worth of fish in Porto Rico, and
in Cuba a large quantity of fiih, agri
cultural prodneu, and Inmber. Hali
fax bnsineee men are wltilng to give
almost anything u reuin the prlvUegs
they have hitherto enjoyed of aoeoaa to
those markeU oe the same terms with
other conniriee that compete for trade
expeeeed their
wllltagneasw give W Amerii
right to nee tbe ia-ahore fiaberies of
Canada on the eame tertneaeCknad lane
nee them, in exchange for tbe free admlseioa of our fieh and other produeU
iato Usee ulaade. or for admleeion
there on tbe eame terms thst are ac
corded to such goods from the United
Sir Loais Davies waa la Ue eity the
ether day. A oommitiee ef Ue Halifax
board of trnde waited aa him. dUcniaed tbe West Indian eUnaUoa. and
asked him to offer to the United Sutea
eemmiseloBert tbe nee of Ue whole of
tbe Canadies chore fiihsriesta exchange
for eqori Urme wiU Ue United SuUe
ta the markeu of Cabs and Porto Rico.
Tbe marine board of trade, at a
UGhlgiD Accident Association.
A. J. Bradshaw and Aldetman Jabrant came in from Carp Uke oa their
bleyelea yesterday ia OM hoar and
twenty-five minni
Xf yon need a fine polhbed quar
tered oak dining table, yon can get
one Monday momlog at leas than mannfaetqmn' price.
1 will eommenoe
moving tbe uWes tbU
and wlU eaUtbemaioomi- J...
move thorn. Oome ta early for they
Anaagamaat With Unela Sam.
eommitles which waited on Sir Lonit
Davies and empowered him. on behalf
of that body lo make a simitar offer at
Qoeboe. This will meet wlU mach eppoeitioa from a aeetiom of tbe Casadlan
At present Americana are not ^r-'
milted to fish within thrM miles of Ue
Censdian shore, and they canDOl even
touch at any Casadiaa port for any
The pnblie aeboole will reopen Mon- aUer purpoee than to obuin shelter or
lo aeeare eappliee of wood or waUr.
Grawn would be pleased to hear from Unleae they haves licenee they cannot
tamitiee having roonu which they bey bait in any Canadian port.
would rent to studenu, those desiring
etndenu to board or thoee wiabing
take etndenu to work for their board.
S. Benda & Co- tbe new clothing Two Ken Killed In a Powdar Kill
firm vrho have opened a store lo tbe A.
V. Friedrich block, have engaged the
Chattanooga, Aognit 88.—A tremen-.
Crescent bend for a concert
dona esploeiOB at the plant of Ue Chatstore ^Thursday evening, for their Unooga Powder company at Ooltewab
grand opening.
Butioa. elgbtoeo miles from Uls eity.
Goorge W. Gauld of Fife Lake aad has i tiled two mec. Lneiue B. Eekta
Mist lAora MatUews of Miwkegon and Hartyn Mortchke, and wounded
were married yesterday by Justice serionily. if not faUlly. six oUare.
Afur tbe explosion the plant burned.
George Chandler aad
down from Manietiqoe Satnrdav night
Two XuDdrod Wem KUIcd.
ia their yacht to vlell E W. BeaUngi
Berlin. August SI.—A dbpetefa from
and tamilr.
Manila sUUe Uat Ue Spanish tom dar
The steam barge. Hattie U. Penie.
ing tbe bombardment and Ue aesanit |
OapUta Colemen, is loading lomber
by Ue American troops waa 800 killed I
from William Beltoar con>iigood to the
and 400 wounded.
T. Wiles Lumber Co ia Chicago.
Jnstice Gage of Elmwood laat SatarPlan to Play OiaaU.
day sentenced Uerrasn Moee. a yoaeg
At least two more good games of
boy of Traveree CUy. to fifteen days ta
jail for enuring an orc>ard witboat base bail will be seen bera Ub season.
dates can be arranged wiU
tbe owaer'a coneon'
Ue Page Penoe QianU. The plan U
Jack Prohert did a job of 80S yards of
for the local membcri of the late Bestganged sand HoUbiog plaeuring yes
lers to nnite wiU what b left of tke
terday in seven honn, which is an
Manbtee ColU and pUy two games
traordinary day's workwiU Ue GlanU ta tbb eity and two,
Tbe C. A W. M. will make a rau
at Manistee. NoUlng deflnlu can be I
tl for the round trip to Peloakey said about itaeyet. but Ue plan b
Thnredey on accoaol of the races.
ears to meet Ue approval ef all Ue
Miaaes Eiaamoad and DaUy Shadek base ball fana boU of Ub city and at
are the happy poeieeture of a fine new Manletee.
Eenwood bicyeis. a gift from their
Tbe large panes of plate glam which What tbe Dents end Leading I
Mea of kaUmaioo Ibiafc of tbe
are to be naad ta J. W. Slaurb tnmitare store have arriyed.
Mr. and Hra. Bd. Hardy are rejoicing
over tbe arrival of a fine is-poued baby
V* err pmoDsllj ec-iB«lBtv4 «lib Itr ..fflerrs
Chaa. Wah imd Ring Wab, who for eseditvctorsol tbrKlehlgaa AccldesiAs
aociSsMon ol tbb rtir. soU kose ibrm w be
the past two years have been operat firat-cleiM
rr>puo>lblr bueliM-M mvb. wbo irr
It to tbr Inter en*
ing a lanadry ia Chicago, have located
ta this city and will open a laundry in Iksl from whit w* boo? %t'\b‘*‘'ionhih. sod
Ibr Kichlgao Aeddent AaooeU.
the buUdtag on Boatb Union etroet for tlea <rr brllTTr
II tn br oor Ibel la ]nJlrk>iii.l7
■ eneerd end retidsclrd oo atrln ba«liir«a
merly occupied by the Ragieter.
The game of hast bell at Manistee
Sanday between a plek-np nine from
thU city and Manistee, reealud in a
victory for the latter. Tbe eeero
n to 0.
Hamilton ClotliingCo.
Ainocis e lerr« mrabrnbli. Id |
harr BTTTT beard a rotnnlalel «l Ub-
MIcatlMe ^
Mallooal Saab.
A. P. Suerr.
Raster of Deada. galemaseo Oe.
Casa rststrSkk
- ■'
xi^GMta ranlablac,
Men’s Pants
Lot 1—Cottonade. Price way down
to close. 60c.
Lot 2—Pants for the worbingman—
Lot 3—Extra good—68o.
Men’s Rents
Two lots Wool Goode for $1.48 and
$2.46, sold from $1.76 to $3.60^
to close.
Negiigse Shlits
Handsome goods.
25 Per Cent. Discount.
See them.
See Our
Bargain Table.
Men’s Underwear.
Lots to close.cheap. -
Flannel Blonses.
Ages 8 to 14—All wool, blacks, blues
and grsys. Will close the lot of
desirable goods, broken sizes
Half Price.
Black Long Stockings
Extra good for the money.
6 cents a pair.
All sizes.
Cotton Waists and Blouses.
will close the lot at
19 cents each.
Very cheap.
Children’s Pants.
Broken sizes. Extra good for the
19 cents.
We are clearing the decks for fall goods.
A good time to buy.
Team. P. OLSaaos.
Uve-y. a Krr. Kalaname Psk Co.
LlTfi ▲gents Wmated in Un<
ooonpled Texrltory.
Hamilton ClotilingCo.
TRtf Mourura moob
TmeiK Btj Line (fSteinen.
OnderaherfS Martin Brawn of Le>
GlevelaBd ....
Ever Bunked Ovtt
Innd wna In tbe city yanterdaj.
OOX.VMBXA Jjn> X<OV ▲. CUM.- day* ago.* and in tbe oonne of the ocoW. &Nelaon.adltorofthe Laalanan
nrmtlao tbe war waa tonebed npon
If *o yon know
with Uerrem'a aanlbilatkm M (be main
btatprUa. came ottf fram Uland
Going north d^ly except flanday.
LenTeTmTOee CTty..
•■Too bnd." Mid tbe Hew Torkv,
J. W. Slater want to Chtanga yeatn>
•• Menbtownntn...
o. P. CABTEB. Ag«M
"that Oaptain Bob Evana waan mOmena................
dny aftamoon. He wUl reMirn Tbniaeerely wounded."
••WoOBdedr’ echoed tbctmauapiclou
Mm. Cbnrlaa Boaentbal will go to
CUwelandur. "I hadn't board of tbnL
DetKdt today to apead a aaontb witb
How waa be w
Tbe Borlliietai mtn bad jnK i^ied
her mother.
cot of Haidnes and tbe txadnoU* wna
Teckcrwltb a luwofanckle, "■bat bM
Cfaaa. W. Faut bae retnmed
. Aog. 1. im.
. .5:40
Wortlne bit war np tl>« «r ptm^ting
______ Poim
Iowa”—Cloreland Plainllealsr.
>’n.. Gaylord. Mick.
boaineaa trip to Grand Raplda.
Ar. Harbor Spring*.
tloketa and tearing off oospcau. He bad
*;—I n Ived today tbrongk
Loudon U making n abort rlalt
^baU thronsh tbe aaioker wb«i be
_ger. W. B. Hardy,
among tbe northern recorta.
Going aoetb daily except Sunday.
canw to an inetaiated mao wearing a
Mr. Bltlua woe looking mwially a check of S30 00, Ila lull •etUament of
"Wide tloocb bat and brown orenJla.
Mra. M. J. Eddy of Kalamaroo. after' Leave Harbor Sprlnga..
throogb an old pocket diary, yclillow my aorideot claim.
Tbe man bad alt aorta rJ patriotic amaHarbor Point....
Ttaaaklngyoo foi
week* vialUng Mra. B. S.
with ago. that had cune down to him
•• Wequeionking...
loer in which you have eettl
CnenUtlon attached to fa>« pcnoo. Tbe
from bl* paudfatber.
Pratt, relumed home yeeterday.
__ I______ L* u^A
1 remain a member of your
Bay View..............
^p wbtcb be bad atowod into tbe aoat
Mr. and Mra. A. Weetgato vUlted
Gu>n6e Bxiuorm,
•• Petoakey..............
le bUu wae painted red, wbite and
Mid, "as I Hv frum an cutzy bore, tba elation
Snaday with relation* at Eaat Jordan.
1201 Vlneitrcet.
" Charlevoix............
- blue and half a
banting waa
old gentluiuan dmuk a mint }olcp."
“ Norwood. . . .
The MUeee Emily and Mari .a dound
ymiwi arvond bia awibrero. Tbree
"Well, wbat uf tbatf" aaked Hzn
riamed yeeterday from atbree week a
bewer bntt^ were in hi* coat and a
■■ Omena. . . . . .
Tiait in Soutfaero Michigan.
■4- •lilaDiledW hong from a boUen"Kothiag. onlyl-re got a beadachn
" Neabuwanu....
by Mika Geitbi* morning—blame him."—Chicago
Ar. TravereeCiiy----#
: ■• •'
t!-e MDdnrtfW.
trade Ellto of Graad Rapid* and MUa
LtUian Bonad of Port Huron.
Aa Arh
Miaa Fredda Bainee and Hr*. Cora
politioal Und
Remember that I doaUBinde of re
”Wlut'«'tbat?' tbe official tnqolied.
Bavea will giv* enUrtaiamenU hi
er," aaid Mr. Comt«w>-l'» neighbor.
,____ and enameling, i
"WolL”wa* tboauswm. "be iai't’and
and do give
yoo the beat worl
northern towni.. They left here yea••Cuby tlblier an proeperity/'
button* Itey ...
n tbe BPQt letomed.
n in
Travel** City..
O E. Uema* weal to Kalkaakayeater“(Hee me
e yoor
yooriticket, pit
cTOlud. nj lb, proWob 1. TO»
eCDdactqr nid.
tbe florid reaid. ignoriag
day. Heard hi* wife who h*b been |
U .bin BTOlu o« lb Jl«f.~._b^uJi
„ b.'H,bl.
Going north daily except Sundae,
marka of tbe ntlter.
c«gnu on, teller*. — v>aau»ngtoopur.
^ jj
^ j
av* Travel** Qty..................■s;'*) p. n
The pabsenp-T looked rarpriaed
turn Wednesday.
.. N^htawanta.
------ L— right.
, repeated
••Tiekewy" be
after tbe
tl oonJudge Corbetland E. S. Parlt went J
.. KuttonsBey ..
dsct<n.' "What do 1 want of a ticket?
nr.sfN£.s>- i'AHhs.
•• Oioei
” lulntingtvthe largvat. Bellaireyeateraay to attend the Aom
except Sunday. Ic the Caldwell d^tou1 expect ibU biif old rtad to nx-opuite
I Ar.•. Nonhport..
end of OniOB
doo building, atI norUi
a county Circuitconrt.
pntrioti«;i tui h.ve <d coODtry. l’»u pan
T >1 UUD
toto Gnmd l^t^. I*u« ^
1 would to GodW wen r*,,.undl^’they
Daily Xommg Bven-vioa* From
Hurtey for old Bill chutUTl
,,,, wltUlmw tU n.—whh h 1 d- nut
To Camp at Torcb Lake.
Tmverae City.
••X'on’* bate !<■ give me a ticket or . jhinktbcyaivt>iiltii..l toou. ji.dplngfr.uD
Apn'rlyof camper* are expecting to
Take steamer *i‘;4i) a tn. for^Xtahpay vour fare." tbe oondocMT coldly ,h,.of ilmip—wllUomi n «•
IBRT * <-ATn». AiwTT*/*. Sperlalal
Informed him.
1 riou*..lMoclc tooll ray well Uld plan* and
<«. i.. i
i g'i Stine lo Prel-au-practirr. Beoaj.VaaS
••I*ny fan-'r Thunder and bnilrtuRns! | oomi'U-n-ly fni»tmt« lh.-ra.’'
ly outing on Torch L»ke. They go
city at tu;4S a. ro. Thluwill rlvr ■'“-*«■ p*B«.lr Cti. Hl—-k.
Ala i TO TO ao iBmati-u,! la thi.
■ H to “in ,1-c a;- to________
of V. E XIoDUgue'*
Urgeil sail you
you aa pleaaanl
picaaaot ride
ride or
of 24
24 m;.«a
miiaa on
on tbe i-v^hs. H'ilXII’AX.A
Warrbarx nioek.
Travers Cltr. Mlab
u‘t yon !
triiun|:b of the Anieriran
lUplds. . After a .bort *Uy there they i {iid yon""t GmVnV or Nonhport where
0 ‘idy ■lipyood yoor blsUK-d tk-ki-U
got no
no tickeL
goon to* Torcb Lake and .enjoy | jog will eoneect with sUami
reel' I toll y<m 1 ain't gotnc
no faree'
at for the life of
iping and flahlng for about two Jlng toTravenw City at 4^w> p,
I’t need none. Wc bad twine
V buw you will 1
1 don’t
nanii'd one ouod."
ont houBt- lt« week.
weeks. The party oonsUU of Arthur ' City, take the steamer Craeoent every
If you will provide me with eotne
Cuty au tho other Hobson, l^x'k at
E*rl. George Chase. WiU bauabnll. afternoon at 2:00 for Nvabuwaeu
that there gripaack an'^ook at ih« wtxlgi*. a mnlk-t uud a fi-w ptekvd —
where you wlli oonneet with steamer
Clark Allen and Wall Gray.
liiv rangere. 1 will take bar oi
bt»e ducomtlotu*. Go on away. 1 want from
returning to Traverse City at 4:00 p.
Ikh in the attempt. '
to go to Grand Island. Tbi*« i» warAiiibi-rA wo» astoolahed. Htae n
timivt an we most all be preparud to nuiii who, with no arms but a beetle and
To parties «f five or more a rate of
Local C- X. DaIod AnnuoL
Mcribre a little "
one fare (or tbe roaod (rip will be
wixlpoe, togi-tli.-rwltb thiworlour men.
es ssssds sass as*
"Vou can prepare youraelf to mcriauda
meeting of the Local Cbristian Endeav
flcogl.Sboryoocan prepare to get off
• Bliwkor Oaton took place in the parlor* et
tuifi train."
Exctualous From the South bn tbe
A TIlOUPtWIN. H. D OBrvisHsmiltcti' {1 SfiUggSSeS:
"Wbat? GitoffT In ^teof Goby eMoulthcd: imt. weing the provincial col- tbe Coagregalional church. Tbe
, * KIllikMi MJuek. HooraSto 11 am-1 i. -e-gg»s£«onel was In iwrawt. and ktiowlug someand HotBoo?"
O B dk L
thing of hi* Ingi-nultT and dogged drtw- port tor the yaar's work vras given and
niinuihm to suocud lii whatitiT he undw- tbe officers v-ere re-electod as follows:
"Too don’t roc’nlae tbe flag of yoor took, lie gave tbe n-qulnd aulbnrllv-, furInto Traverse City as follow:
Preaidenl-Winlfrvd Pratt.
August‘J3 from poinU between Fort Arbor, will mpobd U> <-s
blsUxl the artlrif* nrouwiaiT for the halSecretary aud treasurer-Mlsi Payna ^ayne and Grand Rapid* Inclusive.
anhiiu undoruking and waited with minnggo?"
August 24tb from palate on F- * P
‘•One-thlrty-BiDe. plaam."
By. including Detroit and Toledo.
Tbe a«nbrom paMcngor looked abt
Traverae Otty Market.
August 25tb from points on Ann Ar
All beta* In roadlnca*. Putnam waited
him. "An do you men boar that?"
for night. It eouiu. and, to hU sattsfacB. B.. *11 points.
Below Is a list of the buying and sell bor
inquired wanderini
ttoD.wasasdark as Erebus Itwas noised
August 25th from paint* on L. B.
ing prieea of ymterday for groeerlM.
yow ooemtry gittin .
about the caiup that a moTetuont
' By all poiau U aoutbors Hieb
pTortetons aad farm prodnete in Trav- M.Ai.
blood of booe* dyin in troicbra gittin .“A., “.^vupturv'ordiwin^—....................
■tamped on an treated witb diagnst? stood, scaiecly dliocmlblc In tbe fast gatb- eiaeCity:
‘August both from points en G. B40*-U
SXLLDfe ruoKgrim aontliiMs
Wbo ii fer declarin martial law an erlDg glwni. like
I. Ry. between Biemmond and F>
taaehiTi tbU old nilroaii a thing or two watting with jealous eyw tho Iwuad Clear Pork per bbl, n
Angast Utk from Peaaa. points C
about freedom en liberty an bninaD- ■zuuu and guarding it fn>m all lutmdcra Clear Pork per tb
A Dumber of ofiloms. iDdodlng Auih^ri* Shortcut Pork..
nnsU. Davtoa. Springfield, Xvnla.
himwlf. gathered around to me tbe daring
Sep. 3rd-7tb Penea. peinU LeuisvlUa,
! 8a cse: a s sss£« 8
Nobody aHrred to help him. Tbe ooo- pturinelal off oe hi* pcrlloo* expodlUco. ........... ...........
sdianapoU*. Terre Haute, 8l. Loola
I *"•
= «»o»..g B
dnotar racbed for tbe beIl«ope.
TlK) gi-noral wa* ciwcwcly anxton* ft - *•- Bye Flour. H. L. A Co. Best...
The Ural five axcuralons Uekete good
At that tbe patriot weakeued. Be SDUossof tbostraUgvm, although li
Meal. U. L. ACo. Bcav............
saaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
rr ten dsva.
pulled a pockcttxmk into view knd be not have much faith In It He was Igoo- Feed. B. L. A Co. Heat.............
From Ohio, tadalna and Peasn. ticksgsBSse&ssgffRds a
gan oouating: "Fifty oenU—a dollar— ranta* to the plan In which It was to be
good M day*.
Borer beard of aoeb alatfery—dollar’n a •oeomplUhed. fur Putnam had not dls
■£. le er-werter plea— M
I El
bBSlBsav esperlsM.
Mtoe a»4 bu
--------quarter, 80—oo regard to lojwlty an closed to fatm tbe secret. He advised him Lard per R....... ............
I aa
acae. a easasssaa
paniotiam at all—five, alx an three’s to be (bdUdo* and not mab taably into Butter per B Dairy- $8
SSS!: 8 8K8SSg8«S
Creamery Butter.Ib..
Bine—them’s yer money, opjmsor.
—ss -=•=••—
"Trust mo foi; that, general.’'
:Cb«cae per lb ............
change tbe tiame* of them twins men's
Beduood Katoo on O. M. ft I
)^l at W Wm> Bereatli atmt
Oats per bn (old).......
1 git back from Grand IMand."—Chi
CiaeleBall, Cbicage. Dsueti a
wtebesof bis brother offiosn Com per bu ., old........
Cincinnati, one cent per i
cago Bectwd.
Potatoea.per bu.....
good to relvi
ai<m3y. with muffled oars, the
Salt per bbl.............
Cold tn BM Bash.
band, with tbelr lourpld leader at the
I per 100...............
oflMcaroBtbir — —
Mn. O'Lcskty-An bow’a all y*r Itclni. ruwol no. Tbe dsrkhw was Intuano, Btrmo Bay tSOVTBATSBSBCITT OkaL- trip. __
arriv* (row k
and not an ohjoct could hare been eei-n at
od Oraod ltepld*.7Xep.B). I
goM to rcturo Sept. eth.
, cer frwB Dvuwit oe thU irels.
Reduced rates to other points. Phone
Mra. McDoy-WUL Molkal boa cold
............- short Ulstaaoe and then
Wheat, old,
U C. E Mnrray. AganL
tn tbcte ragion av bis bock.
■B-uck huldly (or tlw oppotlte sburv.
Wheat, new,
C. Ll Lockwood. U. P. A..
a. nnebera
Mra O’LMzy—Indade Ofmaotryto
Ouoo tho lowiv* n*n gainst s floating Gate, No. l.t*
Grsud Bapids.
log. and the Imprtu* glv™ by tJ» shock
nlmoet kniKked then, ovurhoerd. but they
Mrs. WcOoy—Tea bodrolTsn *
oorc-Up to Date.
toe csUfK.' they rowod on again In silence.
Eggs, per doten..at 6. E. Wait’s Drag Store.
PuCDsm gave bb< c
Potatoo*. perba...
0. and nut a sound « ■ tamidbuttbe
"TbatfortiiBC teltosaid if I pMd
bw $8 Mm. would reveal to me vfayl bent eDergltlrnlly u> tb.dtm'tget ricli."
pUng sound tbuwai'n. agalDVtAbe prow
"Did you give it to betr’
of the biJeA as It gilded ewlMy onwaid"Tes, and sbe told me 1 bad a great Wlth his uaglc cTu idcrcliig the gloom
WOKES w*nUoe «
weakness for fooling away awaey-'’— ahead, be at Icnifth *uw4bi- dark ouUli
jusp for OsekswsJev
Chicago Bocord.
y. 9» tn oavkaae........
Sr^.^^7*4»U^*U^- Trare
Mur t**re M»d UiHlllii* «xp»otl* M
«( iMel P«aw.. OB. of th»
braTMt neo «>d n«»» «oo»rful «il^«
that t<nr dffw a nrort U> defoue uf thrtr
OMU.UT. Frotu hU r>u^ h« «nw noted
tor hJi lntnT>*‘»7 ■«1 foarteaanwa. M well
w that lodoiDltabli- will which In after
• • and dlAlngulsbed
SuIfaS made blm one of tbe ha* genenia of tbe agu.
HU IngonoUr aa wcU aa bit nttor fear■DMM in Uioetof extreme dangetwae
often put to tbe ao>-en*t tnt. On one ooeadon it became nerwawtr tor Ocnend
for the rodxictloii <if Monttail during tbe
French and Indian war. on hi* waj-u|i tbe
Ht. Inwrvnoc. to dlslcrigc the garrUun at
(Xwcfoitehiv, a eniall a-Ulcim-tit
Y of tlK- French,
Royal in tbe ,p
The vntranw too fbU plaoe WM guarded liy
diK of IS gun*
armed ahl|>
guu* each, wbo
b»ipt pottioclou of the iftnaii*. rhen>br
daring It citivmriy diniruU If n<« luiioealblc for tbe army to jirncad, a* a brood■Idofruai cllberoracling lnouiK«n would
duoKilUb oumidotely their whole fleet of
ttan^rtatfen bmu.
AiiilH-rM wan d«-ply annoyed and dl»
mooettod. He mui« ettber abandrm hla
bute alugn^hor and imneed by land, and
■o leave an cm•my In hU rear, or ela' derUr mme plan which. If eucnwful. wimld
rid him of tbflr j.n-a nco. Wilh- ho wae
teflectlng what a.ume to imniw to aoootnpliKh Ihi-lr naptntx' or d-rtructfon. I’utnam. whnwa. tU-n a lU-ub-iiani coluuol
In the (inoirictiil U-nxr, wiilLod up to
wb<i\' tU- gcncpal ».-»» Rtandlng. gl»“ in
hand. Kurvi-viiig uncii-lh tbe tx-wt-U which
The Way They Settlef
Bicycle Riders.
John R. Santo,
'General Insarance.
c",« 5f,Kv;',^7s.*.ii'rV
unsni UD iMmisRu t.i
SISTto *:::::
HatWul Thlag.
box cf cako 1 eeot bioL
Flora—**o doubt be wrote tbe lettse
bMora be ate tbe caka—Cincinnati Bn<mlrer.
u>e hubn. gm*i»d (be chalor uf tbe ship's
' ruddi-rand laedi- tot. Ltmcnlng im
, ly. (h« km. BHW-urvd tramp of tbe
wa^UtlucUy U-ard iwclngtbe.deok,
and hU^hlvivur'' a* a follow sonUnol
The Balleg ;towlop la Bavaim.
blm were tbe only suund* that
Aid—The dofn of {Kamo is flying tAs WriT hoard, and (ho little bond brmtbwl
tiiuK (fwly a* ifat7 loanwd tbet Uay
way. gfoetal.
BIbok. tovSKvlyi—Maledkto! If be
Tla-v then firmly but notsrkwsly drove
flics low ti-' ugh. we will kill and eat ibf w^gr U-tWiWn tbe niddor end tbe
bitu !—U '.d Huiu Uuoler.
o<-mi«i>n, *o e*iviidor the rudder oomd' b'lf uniiuiifiurcalik-. Thr? tbeo ooulouJy. sualthfl)' rffccuid tlielr eeoape.
Thu luquitl U, this doriug actoiupl we*
"Why •:..!. t ;-vt. w.nr a button wad
hot the luanKg-wer.di-privodof her baton,
ing. ‘l.<UJtur..ur Uiu Muiia'f " >
‘•1 ii<* » PC-! Ut. Ky wife gnve mo n *e* loft et tbe mercy of tlie winds and
warm and was awn driven atooru. where
Uon ILK up itou «ii*s day.’•—Chicago sbuetroci. boroulora. Uorcwiupeiiiou soon
(ollowud brroxaii))ik-. wx-lng Itrr fate, and
thus this victory wus won without'the
Ko Sty We Ail.
Brownt—Do ytm think mm* of tbe
inoequito flii f?
Town*)—Woll.Td think mow of him
tt be wato't so fleet.—New York Jonr-
unuy werv en
of Putnam U
duoo tbv (urtru
km* of a man.-
Tb* CfiletoUd 8p«
Hotel Whiting
V^R 8&LK-A r>
city property
.....................................• Chief Lake................
•aU TrueereeClty t-sm- Twl« toMtele....
rilw'* awlK
I'e KUL.
Traverse Citi, Mich.
WEDNESDM.iUG. 24.1898.
fSO 00 Reward
B.«h.».oot. of gold 1**1. eoolaUunrooeelgbth
One Day Only Each Month.
OoMsaltfttion aod Examinfttloii Free ftnd Strloti;
d.Tot.U.lr*«te»llooto Dl-ew. uf-to Rr*.
"“JSJ e'ljh? <m»e* book of xold leaf *111. tera*
One l^^^ltb^ur ptweel*!* teeth sod two
5S5^'Sa‘'i------- ii«.. 0-.
. BL VUo* Dam*I. <*wwrs>
- .BorotalaSkl*
Two void toad, for eoeptd or eye itote-
Titov'e nwiteb.
Ttetloe of tbe party.
t Be—Tell mo the name of( tbeTiUala
that kissed swu b> f'*e 1 did
a»—WbniH the nse? He’d be too
-—r f« yon.-Now Tot* World
CI«M to u.
Mia Hay—Wbat M meant fcy •&
■nny mobiHslng, Uiraio?
Mr. May—-Why. it attmo* U asaeaMm down lb Moldle.—Op to C«(s.'
_____ ________ _ ..il.#
AKD CAT4C1R8 cured •tthoU *Rda kaif^ pete
and oetk-rvd a plate of wheat
Tfaal we* iitvny bad. but I gut ntriewre.
CbUD for bln^ Tlicc be began looking
« and Bnlldara.
Wew wetbode
FUa*. Top* Wane, and
root tbree oosoc* of alto
f llffto**'
bo*rd .toerra Uf rtxht »
9—tome del- . .by* 11
‘Wbeto’s tb.- oil
. "IguthlliitbeolltoeocwhjtticwqBld
do wftb It. anfi I’M be blcseod fl be dlS&
eaktoem a* if H wsn lufjlsnses
"IS-panJHd uusomacb Chat I mo
Toiontbun IboOnnety—Wbatnbou lorgDttogKTblm at*eek.’’-NewT«
K ■
To Young, Middle Aged, andatoolaU
SDflerlsr froB m »
DRS. B. S. &CO.
[Lock Box 160.
taecUaw. take __
tol tba lewete^atoU ^
VhrM Xor* Klehlgan K*n SoMBrnb
“WteD Ov Bob Come linMig Home Agiii,
Hnrrali! Bnmli!"
Thara Will ba””vf larp. pia,* «t
Baapton Boada.
^eeUl to ihc Moanaa aecoam
Aucust ts.—Ordera
There wm be reaem] rejoicing, ai it U vrltb
cuetomen that have eeen tM
ware iaeued by the navy dapartment
new ctoek of picture mouI<
we have Juii received, and the (act that w.
today which will prevent the aaaaataming ont such a high grade of work. The market U full of ac—
blaca of Ue larye fleet at Hampton
aweU thlnge aad we have them.
ia. The lanre warahipa will be
to New Xork aad Beaton and the
torpedo hoaU to Newport. The only
ahipa to remain nt Port Honroa art
290 Front Street.
Holley &
Kager'ta Oat Aeroaa the Water—
auxiliary cruieere and torn. Thcae or: fourth lliehlfao. died at aea of remitKae.T.^d.d,oth.I..nuh..«.di^^^^^f;^^^^^_
Juna Vow Paaa UaiBUmpted Be- dare were leeued owias to compininta
twaaa Ban Joan aad Ponca By Un. of etcamboat compaalca that a larya
Ucreaa (Af««dttiooa Xapoaed by ^
tual Acraemant. Oanaral Xrrritt.
fleet in Hampton Boade would interfere
I alao died at mo.
j B«perta from General ShafUr and ••»*‘**‘*Tui»ioa.i« buh
aerlonely with navigation.
Xanlla Hu Almost fieg^ed
Its Normal Activity.
under In Chief Will
Wuhlartoo, Anfut ii. ~0«aer»]
ShaHer raporto Ui« dwU of PrivatM
Leave Porto Blco.
Praak G. Sbarsa. Conpaoy C, ThirtrAguinaldo^ ths Insnrgent third Miebi«aB.aodAi«iut L.Jobaa«i. General Brooke'e Will Take
Compaay E. Tblrtf-foanh Htehlcaa.
SUs Place In Command
Chist Hu Given
Both di«d of typhoid ferer. Kapdru'
rol Oaatoa Ooalidtpea from Moatank PolaV wbara the 0»»- PUaa for Braonatioa of Spuiarda
I eU* ha* laadfd, aay that C^t J<Aa A.
ifeariy OoaplaMd aad Thay Are
> la OradaaUy
A Bible!
Maalla.AiMni»t »2.-Periecl order baa I General Ludlow ahoa that the praat!
CMcaco. Auru»t
thna far been aaiaulned la Manila.! raporU of the orercrowdin* of tha Mo-1
Ondar Amarieaa control tba city
bile were cxanreraied. The Mobile i
quiet and aeeme almoat to have re- had. capacity far 3.000 men. and could
earned ita normal busiaeei and aocial
New York. Augoat SS.-The Jo»r-!
^,1 nj,
•**“•*• *'•*“
return U, the .United sutea. i
»«•«» Of
Who Bat
on the Track.
mben of bUaUlf will a
I Hpcclel M Th( UnaxiK. K(i oeD
^^at ac- ' ®*
.a»al*a Hong Kong oofre^iondentbae re-^
ported that an amicable arrangement! voyage,
baa teen arrived at by General Merritt'
ned Aguinaldo/
The mon^ Monadnock AtonxHl
the Ladrone ialaod of Gnam which had |
eut* of complcUon that there will pe
The Sun's Maa^n advices say that
’Aguinaldo has been in an ngly miood
nines the capitulation, and was at first
inclined te carry hU hoeUliUm
point of aq opea rupture. He hAids
the waterworka, and has cut ofl the
the anpply. but General Merritt aaid
laat evening that the aitnation had
bMa prMtieaUy aeUled. Aguinaldo ae. nepUng the Amerlcna eonditiona.
At the oaast Arnlaaldo made i
•as demands on the Amencans, nil of
which Merrin refused. There have
been n tew slight dlsturbnneee in the
city, bat they were laeonseqaeatlal.
'Confldenosiiretnralng. Theahopeare
epen and buslnsm it reviving, f^aeml Andereon has teen seat to Cbvite.
baring been detached from his com
mand Bis principal bnsiaess wUl be
Marta Bioct
mue left for the joint commieelon of, f*^^***®**®®"**^*" ‘
Spaniards and Ameneana to do. The
SpanUrds are withdrawing their forces .
<»*■ *‘®P’
from all the garrison town* at^d
West Side Inundated and
Bridges Washed Away
Floods of .Water Caused
Serious Havoc.
Is what you’ll pay now if srou want a
CouoterfeiUng 1 #
Onm Will Soon Bvveal SomeA
prior lb the.bb.b.l»bUb.bIU,.b—Drtrol..
!!.-To, O.UrtiT..
Uo. ol bo.UUU.0 Tb. r.l.U.0. W1 „
coo—rl.illo, —
t.rro b.o.r.1 MUr. Obd CpUln Oa- |
. .p.Uoo .rrp «.». Tbr,
Ve.Midop. bj Bpreanrot i
were found but it is sold to beve been
a. mailt were allowed to psni be St tte bouse of a prominent clergyman.
tween Pence and San Joan and vice Mra. Devid Johnson has been released
a The telegraph line overland aad Mra. Baylie Is released on fQiXi bail. {
will be opened for boiinem ahortly. They will not te prosecuted.
Bepaln are neoeasarr tetween the onte
poeu of the armiec near Aibonlto.
where the line was cat ns the Amer:
j — ... — •«.
tcana advanced. CommunieaUon btth- rand opening. August 2S. S6 i
erte with San Juan has been carried on Iverytedy most cordially Invite
iMt night's storm was Ike
aktrouB that baa visited this loeality in
years. It started about nine o'clock
with a terrible thunder and lightning
fuiniade which ooatinued two bonis.
The rain came down in torreoU and
continued noUl three o'eteek Uls
morning. The bridgee on Seventh.
Sixth. Front. Dlviaion aad Wadsworth
Btrest were washed out and the tenka
of Mill creek carried nvmy la some by means of the cable running from
plaeea. On North Dirislen street the,
tiling wu takw oBt and Ulegnph| Geneml Brooke le expected to arrive
from Arroyo tomorrow. General
polca and ahnde trees tom ont clean.
MUm wni reoommead that he go
The streeu On the West Side wei
a transport with 170 SpanUh
flooded. The bam of Mike Litney was
flooded aud it was with dUBcnlty that prleonere and proceed to San Juan to
other commlmionen.
the horsee were Ukea out. The water
Aeoerding te General MUee all the
was so deep that it reached to the
necks of the horses and they were eammiaeloacre will have to do is to give
forced to awim to a place of eafety. reeeipm for tbs goverumeuf pro|
The ham of F^ Shrader vms eqaally tamed over te the Americans and exflooded. Ths river i
fully four psdiate the evacuaiioa of the islands,
feet la a
Dgly short space of which the Spaniards appear more
time aad the danger was so grave tone to eairy ont than the Americans
that Chief of Police Bennie noUfied are to have them.
te handle Agninnlda
Theenstom boast bns been opened
fee two days. The fint day's reeeipU
nrnonatedtooverSl.om. Maay goods
have been placed ia the wnrehonm.
The dntiea on tbeas will not te paid,
until the goods am taken oat.
the {Major aad the chief was
Major Bemsat has been appointed dered to have the log boom of the
calieetor of internal mveana Ibeedl- Tmveree City Lumbor Co. tom ont
lecUm of these taxes will teffia
as to save danger to property. The
tow. The rmnae from the iatmal water on Wadsworth street rushed STOBT or SITFTZBtVO OT A
excise law eqonU aU the other taxee clear tbrongh to the bay. The electric
IAV81VO 80t.DtBB.
power of the Bonrdmsn Elver Co. was
Tbe Spaniards have asked General affected so that the Bnoxo was delayed
teeidanUy Shot ia Ue Toot Be
-Merritt for permimloa to eeed borne heveml bonn.
TM Trcfa pnap After Suftring
1,«00 sick eoldiers, and the American
Through imek of Surgical Osre.
oommander has given bU eoasenL. The
flpMtel Ic Tt» H»n>>s« ttworC.
Philippine treasury held only MO.OOO
Laaelng. Angaet22.—Charles Wilson
whea tamed over to the Amerienns.
of Uie city, a member of Company E,
Thegrenteet Interest is manifest
Thlrty-flfth regiment, arrived home
in the ommnte dlsposiUon of the
from Cfalcnmnngm today and will be arislnnda Englishmen who are in busl- Tor the Death of Vnlaem Vieholameted as a deserter.
nem there are aaxlona lor the Americans
Ooroasr'e dury Bendored Verdict
Wilson admtu being away vriUeut
to bold the whole group, and maay
Teeterday-Vrideoce Agalant A6leavm tet telle a barrowing tale of his
Spnaiardt believe that this would te
exparienena. Severn! weeks age ha aethe .beet eolniien ^of the problem. Bpcdsl U.TSS BouiM Bkobd.
Detroit, AtwuBt 2S —Bobert Lang, cldenteUy Uot himself to Ue feet, ia<n>ey eay that buslnem wU) te impoefltctlug a dangerous wound. Be says
•ible under the condltiou that former alias Aeeber will be tried for the mur
tba doetore paid no attention to b^.
ly prevaUed here, aad that the FUipi. der of Velmor# Nichols, Thto afternoon
that hie foot has not Imea dremed einpe
am would not te able U eeublith or the jeryrendered^erdiet thet Nich
week ago today, and that he has
enbmalnuln a goveramenV Aguinaldo
mergad under water after having been been doped wiU morphlne.oDtil now
represenU only a tmaU faction of the
rendered uDCousocoiie by a blew with he cannot get along wlUont it. Be
natives, and trouble would eurely fol' a bloat inetmment. Beeldes Dr.George,
eayt the doetore wanted to ampntete
lew If he were given control. The Ue county physician, only CUyton A.
English declare that If the American! Vatea. broUer-in-Uw at Ue murdered Ue foot: nlM that he thought he might
jnat as weU die a deeerter as to eufler
give the tolaads back to Spain or hand
Thompeon, who fouad Ue body, and and die in n camp hoapltol. Otflemu
them over to the FiUiplnoe they will
Patrolman Stoddard tesUfied. Tbeir here have bsM noUfied to arrest him.
hnvfetoqult. ________
teaUmoay. bowover. revealed noUiag
and the splritualtetic phase of Ue
MnnUa.AttgnntS2.-The cable that
ease was not gone Into.
wasent^ Aimiial Dswej shortly af
proaeeutor Waite eondneted Ue ag
ter his arrival here has been repaired, ination. Attorney George F. BoVin- The Forte of tfnited States te Imad
aad Muila ianow In direct comm
Wae Uere te look after Ancheris
aad Vaload OnrgoM.
in terns e.t
cation with the outside world.
•pMlalteTUB Moan*! Bsooss.
ArUor Halbert again nlzod up Aaeh-.
The city ram^u qaiet. .Tte Ai
Washington. Augnst 22.-Tha seer^
ar ia Ue brown suit and aaid Ue re-.
tary of Ue treasury has decided that I
offleeru are at preaast boaUy eawas striking. Ne tracm cf
under Ue exUUag conditkme them te
«ngcd In getting n government «
lUhed. There has been oopeider
r«Mon why Spanish vmeeU skenld
The fat^ point aghast Aaehnr U his
delay swing to the fact .that It was ndviea to Nichols to wear S4M in a belt not enter, land and elenr nt Porto U
■eeeeeary to get fnrthar iastmetleae U order to find Ue treasnrer on hie Ue United Stetea. Oolteetera of caefarm. Nichols lagged Un gold te hk
wiU be inatmoted te Ute affect
Just Part
of the Price
iin St
Traterse City Scbool of Music!
Bmu fO ui 11, Bcfldle Boet
Our stock of these g
Reliable Dr>’ Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
WhiieThePrice of .Tea Has Gone Up
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of alL
It will pay you to try our 13c bulk coffee—a good
wholesome beverage at a small price.
Thone 167.
fMB Front StrMt.
Cor praat soC
Something New! Boston Store!
Bargain pajj poreninnars!
Exteosioo Table
Call in and see the nsw
siyls of
After Urea weeki of bargam hunting In Ue snsMni mnrkate we rw
tnm home fully convinced that ear pn^neae are right. We height
Which I am selling,
good thing.
IM dcM Mn'e liana «-ply eellnn (la nU Ue lateat etylee) wnrU
I have also ia connection
with my undertaking Dusi>
ness a full line of
Fine Furnilure.
t» doseu men's lineu^^e^te^^ei^t etyl^ worth 2»c. nil i
ti doseo a
rod. Nefll.ooi
. .........................
n doeen men's black
eenmlem bane, regnlar iSc gwda. gn at 7cn
SO desen
2S doxea
?Sc. a
2t dorea mM^'fl^e teibri^ nnderww.' 're^^’»'^' SOc'.qi^S!
OlaM Block.
Traveme City, Mich.
324 Union Street
Summer Shoe Snaps!
TmViTir-i i i-TTiiTi---- iTiTTiTt
74 pairs>*Pinvree’’$3 00,$3.50 and $4D0 Ladles’Shoes
at $1.98.
69 pairs “Plngree" $4.00, $6.00 and $6.00 Men’s Shoes
60 psirs '•Pingres'’ $3.00 Ladies Jnlists st......... $1.98
113 pairs "Pingree” $8.00 end $8.60 Lsdias’ Oxfords
St $1.46.
90 pajn Ladies $1 60 and $1.76 Oxfords at..........$1.00
78 pairs Misses’ $1.00 and $1.26 Oxfords at......... 76o
Ohildren’s aad Misses’ Oslf Shoes at. ..................80e
•iri m*“f
»i burg
l»org of
of Gi
Gr^ Point, wa* eirock by an
oUncentratlng them at Jan Juan, the
been aeiied by the fl«t expedition. It; Terrific Electric Btorm Crest. c,IUt.
' found that the Spaniard! bad repadi- >
r.1. ..d
. CO.. I
Mu* Duniwe.
Both armiea. however, maintain the!
...p»u U... .b.. b.b »UblUb.b
emment on their own aoeouaL CapUin Whiting prompOy npaet the new
••garernmeot" aad made the chief
usurper a prisoner aad brought him
We have a new lot, with index or withouti^t
never made before for corresponding grades.
>'™l>“ li"K ™i®i»il !■ price.
^b?a,n'k- IFriedricli
Txlo pxa. Bslis'ble SlioezrLazi-
uotanmo bxoobd.
M nrartlHAT FAILHI. nsiia n iiniBim.
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
•Win ©ante na Drora Two Wnwol
oomoTtaltofnTrwnthoMnUAan. i
teanoa With a Onn.
Mr. and Mra. W. D C. Oarmatoa had
litUa anperiaaea with bur^amatUie
Mt work to first ctoan and pric«s that are in ranch of ail. 1 am
W. OAnn.
BK VriM la • T«rl*ta Kaaaar- midenea of Mra. Oarmalaa'a pamu,
prepared at all timea to take care of the trade. I make a apecUlty p
■ », W. Hakto. Kdiw Md M«m««
Brazing, Vnlcaniziiig and Boameiing. A fine line of wheeto for aaw
l>om«Mic TnmUe J>tdt« Him to a Mr. and Mra. U. 8. Hull, on WaahUig- •
ton Btreat. They ara ateytog at the
and to rent.
C; ELLIS, 311 Front street, «»aaU
X»Mti* to OonmH •aioid*.
Hall realdonoa during the ataaeooa of,
tea famUy and abont S o'clock Sonday i
After «Mrei«lar a
Fraak Adaaaw morning Mr. Oermaine waa awakanad
ip«latioa of a
atlU Utrea to paadar < ar kla aabaiiP7 ^ tee flaabtog of the light of a dark ^
tontara to bU face from the.
of kia wrtata aod oaa of hla aaklaa by wlodew. Whan tba ilbgt waa dlneaaa of wbleh ba aMdaadaapwratoaf reeted M Mother part of the bad-.
room be quUtiy altppad from the bad i
fart to and an nahapRy exUUaea.
Oorreapood with the Trnveme City Lumber Compauytk* FCM—»» M T»^»— 0*V>
aatoted an adjalntog room and
Yaatarday morninf a^t b o'clock'
We bare tor sale Good.
gbariff Bi-paoa waa atartlad by tba procured a raToWer. Entering the
raealpt of tba foUowiag aiVrte»fdinary faatb room be law that tba midnight
^„.n.i..Wtfa»a addrawad to Ura Fraak eUltort bad dtocoTered that they were
dUeovered and were baatontog
••Kara:—Ton will find kc about
cape. Oermaine fired two abou at tea
dTrlonda Teaab'a ban or aoroaa tba straat \n tba rotreattog borgatora, bat the apaod KmaTraviaBj
lertfay Aftaraoon.
wooda. I do thto parfaelly aober and with wbUh they dUwtorod around
>r*er prored tbat bU aim waa not
hare not tooebad a drop of aayUito*
Ycatorday afternoon tba Mtoaaa Cartotebonra. Yoorloring
ria and Alice MpSley
Chicago wa.-e
Tba room into which the tbierea
Dlogly entortalnod by Ktoa TinTk» abora waa written on tba back Bought entrance U on tea aacond floor via at ber home on Eaat >*iuth atraet.
T-.A-rma B-OK SAT..B.
of an anralope and waa brought by oaa and they renebod tba window by maana The eDtortolnmant eonatotod to the
n Coonty OoDTaatlon.
of Mra AdeaaWe aona to tba abarUf. of a rope ladder which they pulled guemlng of namea of longa by varioua
Hill Machioery of all deacriptioaa, including Two EnHifififii
The tody lor whom U waa Intandad did dawn aad carried away with them.
arUelea about ten room. The firat
Set Woikfl.Carriagea and Saws A complete Sew MiU Plant
not aaka an iaraatlgatlea. but at once
priaa waa won by Mtoa Carrie Ltodley
aaat tba comBnalcatloa to SbarlB
for tei&
and the eonaolatioo by Mra. A. W.
lai— aa toUon, oa a baala of oac dctanw
The aharllf aniamonad Coro
Peck. The honored gneato contribawd
ner'Moob and t.^tbar they went to Solemn Oeramoay la tba Haw Oonlaeleeliona to the
5S5SSWgragaUonal Oburch Sunday.
Mim Wilhelm favored in a like man
lUed. Tbay weat to tba barn men1 event of latoreat not only to ner. while Mra- J B. MarUn entertainttonad. near by. and tbera fennd AdaOmeaa but to aU the aurronnding ad with roeiutlon*. Mlat Travto arrva a torribla atoto af anffariag by
dellcate refreabmentt and other
country waa tba dedication Sunday of
______of daep gaahca apoa both wrliia
tba new und baudaome Con^ugaUoaal aoctol featurea added to a vary pleaaant
and ooa of bla anklaa. Baalda him toy
ebnreb. which baa inat been completed
tba raror oorerad with blood, and a
betUa which bad cantalnad at a coat-of fil.SOO. The bnUdlng to
Odie B «arry Coaatad.
compoaed qf atone and wood, aa aV
tondannia. Tba eoronar aaw at ooea
tractive lealura being the la^ portico
WbU# Odla McGarry waa coaating j
Wc ara i
teat a anrgaoa, not the coroner waa
•oat ^taona pbaaa of tba war. Tba raqnind and Dr. RnMland waa called. in front, with iu atoaa pilton. 'I'fae down McRae bUl Sunday ba fell from
dmigu. which to modem to every par- bto blc.vcle aad anatolned a fracture be
M toot let. vnaU boatt. flat lecMiaa. Ml mmn. eaa bt toa>bt ttr teO.
^ eaten of our troopa fro* Caba
Tba raaa waa token to tba eonnty
wraot let. goat 4-aUliw. rmaoato. teUe-a aa* tlOpw meatt aaU paid Cm.
lew the knee on bto right leg. Be will
flltetratiag tba barrm of atrUa that honaa wbara bla wouada ware draaaad Ueular, waa the work of a promto
d aaed. waU waMrad.,raaBg a
41 am« thiav wU>* tmtU aq^ waA trow ibi
ba laid np aeveral dayaaka vaaUy graater tbaa tba raaalta of
Id pronennead not aartona. tba rltal arebiwit who waa a goeat at Ibo
chard Tbia U a torcain (oroaly •I.Sd
•ateal batUe, with amflariac wbleb oaa
aerva 1 wUa-cat, aU taprored. wfll aa *«U ta aaa ptaeaar dlrtoto ta
trial not bartog been cot. though oert, and who. like all tba
Sbaat Knaic at Balf Prioa, alto
took an active intoraat in tea aBarta of
. Banr ba aoraiataly daaerlbad. Sharp rary paiafol.
everr piece of the latetl popular mukie.
DmeM people to build tea ebnreb. W. W. Kimball Co.. *3S FVopt atraet.
teltteiam U iadnlged in. and tbara U
Adennw atoVad that tba boUla
In thto cenuacUan it to Intoroating to N. £. Strong, manager.
■a daabt bat that tbara la
tionad waa Slled with laudanum und
NavaaMgaanyoffictaU. Saeralary teat ba bad token aU od It. Tbiaateto- neto tbat there li not a eeat of indobtWiUiamh Patoakay Oraua, pure
41far oomaa in far tba harden of tba mant waa qoaaUoaad. aa a don of that odnoM on the building, the money be
ing ratood tbreagh tba untiring aSorta fmit joiem, cold aparkllng aoda wator.
•■aara, yet the reaaonlac mind will kind would ban kiltod him.
clean apeona and glaaaea. Thto mix
of the eburcb memberm.
aaa at once that tba emlaaat aaeraala at
tare eonititutos
eonatitutoa our ice
ici craam aoda
In tba poekata of tba erring
Many of the raoortora nave been glad Wait'a aoda foantaln.
IteT ^ aaarclaed great tact and waranomaron»lettom,aaalad and unto lend a helping band, and they have
ia hla plana for the g\g»m
addnmod to bis wife. One of
.y* been liberal In all tba plant for
oparatloaa vbl^ bare taaalv team .waa bia"toatinatrnetlana“. TbU
build a good one cheap, elan rapnlr at
aneh to rloeleoa aada tor tbU
nottca. Call and aee wbat yon can gnln. wM.
«Uf nation. ThaV
tea dtopMltoM bto body, which be ba- larger part of the aum. aad the bard
'k naoMaary to complete it baa been
fiheaa atriekan with dUanaa. howarar. aought bla wife to let nobody touch
0fj tor toTaatlgaUon aad it may be but haraalf. It atoa dlraetod ber to wlUlagly pontributod by tea good peo
abeuld carry aeI Bach and every n
mUif aaid tbat BecraUry Alger will have Uadartokor Andmou tak
ple of ibe village.
DMa protceUoa. H coaW I ay,re. ut Front atraet.
laSea no atone untumad to ferret out of tba burial but aat to permit
par moBlh in thelarg-|
anlBtoraattngone.aod^t all tba aaa"t^ni
•haaanaaoftbaiaragaaot dUcaaa on ■balm ih«L body.
atfoDgeal r~^ ----earth. The L’nit- _
Aipboard and to bcspiul. C Wblla the
The other lattor* were filled with efi- alone tba church waa crowded to ito ut- Soctoty of Saginaw, tbrougb
teaditton which toritaa ^a
dearing torma and azpraaaieaa of nn-: moat capacity. The dedicatory aarvieee
■bU. look after yon when vou
Brat Five Cent Cigar Made. THEOILBERTCIOAROO.___________
••tea U nntortunau nad to ba greatly dying love tor bto wile, from whom he were bald in the morning and oonato
- •teatii
-Imbnlali fi
Their many
ga^orad, bUtory abowa tbat in all tba
mod to have been oeparatod by do- tod of prayer by Rev. W. H. Unlburt of
Sewing maebine aeadlea and
ivinee yon
ftaat ware of the paat dUaaae baa been
J. N. M ABTIKER. S17 Front
ktle dlfferenoea in which bto vrlfeS Soflbport. aa able icrmon by Rev, D. aad joat Call and arena
tar more deatmeUra to tba aoldiera I children figWrod. One of the tottora Cecblln of Traverae City, a aketeb of
n^n AOBVA.W tmo A BAra
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
' Ml:
Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
Watch This Oolumn For Bargains!
Fifty Cents
Take Onlii the Best ia.!“'.'.lg!L-.—
5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents
tba orgaatoatloo of the ebnreb at Umaghna tba field of battla. and o
read aa followa:
arilh the condition which now preralU
inn UaDJ>rcr«.T'avrr«r Oiy. Braorh
"Kato:—I wanld give worlda for one na. and a brief btowry of ito early btoflr- JohtMK*r BW.CII Boom I.
fiba penanugaof daatbi far grantor ktoa from your awaot Kpa b^ora 1 go. latj and of lu alnigglea. by the fir*l
IW'llclKMc ArvBU VaotrC.
and iratliT^my of tone. W. W. KIMBALL 00.. K. E.STBONO. i
^na U abowa In.thto toatanoaor to aaa your dear face once again. paawr. Re*. C. D. Banntotorof ThompTraat street.
It to not to ba. Pray for me, Kato. I
Td Bncoai) haa raealred a co^ of
lid aot help it. for I loved you oo. 1
tbt “Hand Book for Trarelera for
preaant paator, Rev. S. L. Divina. Tba
could tegive but aot forget.
H^IBAM COOK. Star Grocery. 245 Front Slioat.
Eactbara Mlehigaa," oompUad by Ba*.
progmm wae lator*peraed with mubic
Innaa «ato toglto aad pnbltobad by
•^on wUl tad my Inat word* to you and waa very Impraaai
OMCga B. Bptaag, PMoabay. It to a
to tba afternoon Mr. Oocblla bad the
la my vaat pocket.
and Park atraeta.
bnodaomalr gotten up. wall iltoauanaual exparioaca of addraaal
Tba other latteru wwo apoa tbo
MaWd booklet of o*ar-100 pagaa, aad
Indiana tbroogb an Intorprator,
giate mote valaabla toformatloa ro>
of Chief Agobte. who to much IntoraatAdanaw baa bate m|*ed up in cobInttog to all tea iMorte of Haiteara
ad in ebnreb mutttra. und a bright, at
•tdarabia domaaUc troubla Utoly. and
meblgan, aad to totaadad aa a travelit to aald ba iadulgad loo frooly In In- tractive young
jr'BguidA In preparing aaeb a book
gnat care ahould batokan la datoaaad
odattbalnatancoofa moabar of tba •ermon by Rev. R. Hanatoa of Maple ■«••
erf t*Mb.
ggnraa la apaaktog of Tiawaa City
City, and the reoepUon of fourteen new
ABUrfolai, tor ertnrtiob U trrtb vlhhoct
family npoa a ebarga of aaaanlt and
peinuwd. L»i«w and w«w wiirfecnwj prvpw- Lnqpbaa in the world tor 15c. Open all nlgbV
Ibe atatomaat to —■*** teat Haaaabi
QMd lor oiiklM utrvrtlon Mafbattoryandwaaoonvletod. Since than membera. followed by communion. 4tioo
t«y AOo. bought tba
Mn.Adanaw haa conumpUtod aoeuriag
' fivaata bar* to I89i. Iiabonld barn
to ito beanUful locaUon loot eaat of tee
a dlvoroa and tba pair bad aaparatod.
bate IISl. E*MaaUy a typograpbioal
vlUage aid facing the blue water* of
Tba attempt at anleide ezplalna the
«mr. Trararaa City to gi*aa a popntoLitton of mind which tbo man waa tba bay. wae the centre of aUraeUon.
fiies of aooti. it abouid have baaa givaa rodueod to. Be to now in the county pal only for reeidenta ot the village
aa NOO. A apeetol poat office departand reaorter*.' but for people for miiet
poor hwtae raceirlng flie attonUoa oJ
•ant aaaana.takaa to Daoamber.iaoi.to
around, and It will ba a long time before
tee county pbyaician. and it will aot k*
SoWRDlne tee number of carrlara tee
tee memory of the oecaalou paaaea from |
long before be toabla to ba about again.
aitf wonUl be antiUbd to, gave a poputee minda of tboae praeent.
jgOoa of H.U3. We nou aimllar error*
Is tome of the neighboring towna.
Be aura and aee the Krw Store. ^
Bavino eboorved what baa happened Ktoa K. Sllnbath BUokhnrs and Say fbile not the torgrat It poalllvely ahall
e the beat and moat aocomndatlag
fie hto political eoUagaaa. Hon. George
place to do your ahopptog in our line.
Xbaekar Vattad to KarrUga.
ftad Willtoma baa preaerved a dlgalComa Angnat 25. M. 27—our Grand Op
A vary pretty wedding took place ening, and gat a barrel filled with da.
>Sod aUeaoe on tba enpanaloa quea
' Tba novelty of bto poaiUon ought to iaat evening on Franklin atraet, la tba lleiooe candy, free of charge. 8. Benda
^Ce.. Faabionsable ontfitwr*. A. '
nteounga Gaorga Prod to make othor fotura borne of tba bride and groom. Fcleflrieh block.
Tba happy pair are Mtoa K Bllaabatb
SBporimenta In teat line.
4oe 21.
Blaekbnm and ^r. B. Raymond Thack
e a» tar er. The cereffioay waa parformad by
DsaiocBanc o
feteb very aaay on tee protoeUve tariff. Rev. Wiley K, Wright In the praaeioa
If they dared to ba boueat tbay would of only tba clcae frienda and relatlvea at Wait'* Drug Store.
pratoe tee Dlngley law aa an '
of tba nnlted couple. Parker Penning
Improvament on the WUaa
ton figured aa beal'man and Him Mary
aa bridaamaid. Tna raoou
of tea dwelllag were prettily arranged
Ooi4)SKL Bbtxs may now unbuckle wite floral offerluga appropriate to
a beoaa to paint
fcto aword. taka off bto mUltary mns- joyoDi aa oecaalon. The bride and
sla and give bto oratory a little Uoenaa.
will realde in tee realdence
•napoUtical battle to on and be to where the oeramany waa performed
lay'a worth to good bonmt work
Beaded to oenduet the ratreet.
aad which baa bean prepared and nice
le employe
ly fnratohed by the groom. Among
'Puck maana e general boom baaed
Geo. E. Winnie,
the fomtobiag* and appointmento are
tee^^*to«*a,natonwUd apeeolaay gltto bote naeful andomamentol t'p-kHlato painter and paper hangar.
from alneere frienda. The
both well known bad popular to the
fttzton Idttto Indiana.
city. Tba groom to tee nephew ^ John
fllrtirfT little Indian ehUdfan from T. Beadle to wboae atore be bolda a reFriends from far
01ve« Free I.MOM
tba city on their way to the lodian
f will }ela to hearty wtobee for
nebool at Ml Plaamat. Some of teem
ire bapptoaei of the yonng bride
had bean home on e vaeatiM. bat
nembar went Ufcing their fliat trip
•way from tba place wbara Uiey bad
eDraegtors oant egiar, finaat
ye--* ttielr anttra Uvea, and boma, amoka In town & B. Watfa
•tokBM atrngflad aritb tba Ipdlan
AtbararhlbHef Art lwbrol4ert*»«Hr*. W.
Mrtetom deifietod M their taeaa.
HawYooIrM Hie Kimball?
Soa6s“12 Bars for 25c
Bod Bods, Choice CoDfectlons.
Dewey Cakes and SanUago SBaps ?«
Columbicin R6St3Ur3nt
mwSTtof^ and Baa*
Our Offerings
I -N Furniture
Deserve Uiii
To Him That Hath
ShaU Be Given
Miss Doyle
All Kiodsoflmbroiiltni .
and Madera lace Makiae |
We make particular mention of KEED and EATTAN FUETUEE. Aside from a floor full of beautiful creations in
this mateiiaLwe make prices equally as atlractlve.
'Whether you intend to refomlsh your house this fall or
just contemplate the addition of a few piecee to make your
rooms look rich and handsome we ofl'er you the opportunity
to do so at a very little coet. We want you to see the goods
in any event.
^ j
^ ;
^ ■
^ ^
'........ „
i .i
mmmmmmmrnmmmmm mmm «»««««««»
• I
•■tVMtOM Today.
IfthowMUwpenituUU BMralar
» Uryo awW (roat Tnverae CUy «nd
MMiy owyooo M the poolsoala will
make bowai*’ Harter «ha^ obJoeUra
poiBt. TkU ia Ua data «f tba Paa’.aaoU MoKJalay dob picnic and the praparatlona of tbc paat faw weaka aaemre
a f'dBd Una.Tbara will ba food apaak*
ara, all aorta of JoUy aocial featnm.
two ball fame* and
riooa kinda will make the oceaelon one
Tha riUafc of Maoton hat voted ia
of capeeial pleaanre. The Uaeen of the
favor of adaptinf the free text boob
Lakea will mn an exearsion from here,
boofht apSi eertlflcntee ia that city at
^ataa for tbe eeboola at that plaea.
leaving the dock at H o'clock tbit momThe effort »ado at the Bay City that dfnre. Thara are w other afesu tag.
OamoeraUc eonvenUon by C S. Hatfp>
ton, to make allefad ■lemanafeineBt derdale. A great many abarvholdere.
-X. O. O- T. e&AHS LODGE.
of Uia war a oaaapaifa iaaoe. te aevarly who wobld have eold oot for two oente
eritidaed by promineBl DenoeraU of oa tbe dollar a week ago, are now be> Will Oabla Waat to Grand Bapida
Tenth diatriet. The reaolotlon gianiBg to think that the aeeoelatlaB
aa a IlelagaU. on Kia Bicycle.
wUI reeaaae baaineu. Thare waa
waa tabled, and oid
The grand lodge of tae I. O. G. T.
about diso.oud of Michigan money in
are very eore over Hampton'e aetioa.
volved in theaeaoeiaUon before'it went Ukea place in Grand Rapid* this week.
M. T. Cnrtia. oi^ttie Creak, grand
WUI Goble etartpd Satarday to make
knaper of rocorA^and eaala of thel'^'*'**^
the entire dieUnoe on hie bicycle and
MtAigan EnigbU of Pylbtae,bat aaeervtaamer George T. Hope, towing attend as a delegate from tbe local
talned tke nnmber of offieere that the
eeboonere J. C. FitspatricB and lodge. Miai Jennie Cnrtia it also a del
nnitormed rank of the order bae tar- Camden went aebere in the thick emoke egate and ehe hea gone to Big Rapids
aiehod to tbe volnoteer force of the on St. Helena, near Mackinac. Sonday aooompanled by Miss Mabel Brown
atate. Sa far tbe record etaade: One morning. The etaamer ran on very whorrpreaenu tbe Jnvcnlle Temple.
. eolonel. three lleatenant.coleaela. IG har4 and is oat 10 laches forward and At Big Rapids they wUI join tbe delaaptalne. lo flret lienteninta. S aecond 4 inches aft The schooners both fol agaUoB from that place and acoomlowed her on to tbe rocks bat did not
pany them to Grand Rapids,
aergeanu. C.firet oorporale. i aecoad ground so heavily. All three boaU
eorpomle. S aaamen. 1 dram major. I have ires ore from Becanaba to Lake
Meerly a I
regimental qaartormaeter. 1 engineer, Brie. The wrecker Fkvorite went to
While aeveral email boya,
ante. 8 qaartar- their aaaiatance.
amce conld not be learned, were play
anaetera, 1 orderly. 8 enmpeay clerke.
Dr. Mary Green of Obarloite, presi
1 major eergf«n. I ebaptala I o'dnanee dent of tbe Amerioen Elooeehold Beon- ing on tbe ehore near the elnb hooee
1 hnapita'. tli-warrl. 8 iibarma- omic aaeoetatioD.-an aathorlty on foods yesterday afternooh some of them
•sehed «ff from the ehore ta a boat.
eieta. t aetlstanienrgeont, and 3 i
and a well known leetnrer on hoaiebold topics has been appointed apeclal Unc of them then atumpted to swim
Five days of laat week were dovoted food examiner by tbe war department. ashore and foand that be was nneble
to ontartainlng e.cioo vieitora at the Mrs. Green bad charge of tha to do BO. Hie erisa for help attracted
and ha waa brought
Mtehlgan Agricaltaral College. Bxcei^ western ^ departmeal of a large
eiooe from varione poiott were mo eastern pare food coneem dnrlng the safely to ehore. Paranu cannot be too
each day and the visiton were well an- •rorld’s fair. Mrs Green bee goae to earefal about allowing their hoys to
play aaartha srater where teats are to
tarulaed. Tbe abject of theee pilgrim- Camp l^omsa to beglo her work.
be had to easily.
Bgee ia to get the people better aoCol. A. T. Bllee of Saginaw, bat aafqnalntad with the eqaipasest ef the
fered elx week* of constant pain fro*
•Dllega and tndace more etadeata to
Lecture on Cube Libre.
an accident on Jnly 4, when a caanon
Tbb evening at the First M. . E
Mra W. P. Stine, wife of apromlneat cracker went off in his handa Another
ebnroh a lecture anUUed -■Cnba Libre,
he neceeeary.
Saneaa Oty nndertaker. who bee been
a gneet at the Kew Arlington at Petoa- hands was so bruised tbe bones seem to or Caba'sSlmggle lor Liberty," eboi
key far the peat few weeke. waa robbed have been inj ired so that the wounds tag over 100 steropticoo view*, taclndofgl.KW worth of DIamonde Sendey at tbe ends of tbe fingers do not heal. ing views of tbe late vrar. wUl be given
v-aad a amall earn of money at the Char AU the large laeeratione healed nicely. nnder the anepicee of the Epwortb
levoix Bwimmiag pool. Her room at bat tbe fingers are stiff and sore and League. Selections npon a gn
phone wUI also be given. Adsisec
has mknn plaoe.
the awiuating pool waa
The schooner Alert, ta low of the eeaufor adolu anB 10 cenUfor ebildbar abaenee. Tbe loae wae dleoovered
• Somp Odd Bits of. Fact and Fancy From m
All Over the State.
ae aoon aa ehe re-«atarad the epartment steamer I. Watson Steveaaoa. waa sank
m bar retnm from tbe pool and within ia Sturgeon Bay canal Ssnday morning
half an hoar tal^rame were
by a cbilieion with the etoamer towing
rantry giving an exoellent: bar. Tbe Stephenson went aground
de^ptioD of the thief.
I after the accident. She now lies on
ibomae Danderdale of Chicago i* in | the bottom of the narrows. The Alert
Ann Arbor in the tatereeu of a Chicago can be saved. Doth boaU are laden
nyndleau which ii baying np all the' with lumber from Menominee ta Chi•baree in the eappoeedly dsfancl Oran-. cago.
Tendered Ooneral Merritt
I Admi'
WUI be Xefitted for Kodel
Wssb'tagtOB. D. C .Aaguet 88 —Tbcae
Troop Ships.
of eongratnlation were sent
New York. Angnal 88 —The 1^
! lest night;
I-nxm. 111. I-rud ,«l.r. !». d, ,
M.d.,od. W»hldj.d., O.
<ddod to retain in the service ail the C.. Aagoet 81.
Admiral Dewey
vaneels it bongbt on the AtUnUe coast ManUe: Receive for yoaraelf and the
tar aerrke aa timn^rta. Theaeveeaele offieere, sailor*, aad marinas of your
•a soon aa they ean be spared from ^e
my tbanlu and oongraialanervice, will be eont here, or to some tlon* and those of the Nation for the
•tbar port not far from hers, to be re galleot conduct all have again so
fitted Into modal txwopahtpe. There are
“WltUAU McKixi.tT"
"ExdcBtlve Manelon. Washington. D.
Bleeping qaarUrs for the soldiers. It C.. August 88. ]ti98.—M*jor General
noemi that it it not by any means a Merritt C. 8. A.. Manila; la mv own
aetUed qaeeUon whether tbe bank or beba^, and for the NaUoa. I axWnd
>r some other kind of bed i> yon aad the offioers and the men , of
beat for a troopship. Expert* on tbU yonr commaed eineere tnanke asd eonmatter will be consulted. The sleep gratuiatione for the cot
ing qnartera will be so arranged that' last eoadnet displayed
•neb man wiU have an abandenee of
franhair. Each ship will be fitted with
"Wiu.iau McRixLKr."
lag plant, a dUtiiliag plant
and an ice plant
B an army offieial today it is evident thtl the war department believea that it will be neve*-^ Between Vnitod Staten and Engnary to send troops over seas, in one ;
land Bagarding BMtem
direction or another, for some time to I
oome. andltwanuto have plenty of^
M«.eheetroopships, well eqoippmi and readypaper,
for Immediate acrvice.
eeya; "Wanaderaund that Ambasea• dor Hay’s reeall to Washtagton is dne
to hie apecial flineee to carry eat a pol
icy in regard to wbicb negotlatlone
»g AnxlUa^ Onlners WiU
base been proeeediag lor some time be
Back to Ooean Femqngor
tween Washington and London, and
upon which a tabstantlal agreement
Philadelphia. August SJ.-Tke auxU-' ^ *»““ reached, w^by the two
Sary cruiser 8t I'aul, wiU Gapuln jWwlries will act tofSiber in the far
Sigaboe ia command arrived at Cramp's;
wheiuver Americaa and Brit.
is are IdantieaL
Ske wUl be;<
skip yard this afte
retted to tbe InMraaUonal Navigp- > "There ia no tatention of binding
-tion oempany by the govemmeot as 1sattona to an amanee. Bach will
BOOB ea ehe ia pat ta tbe eame coadi-' ^ ^vft to paraue its own destinies in Its
tfon as when chartered for naval aer-!«"«'•"t'begovemmesu will act
j together diplomatically where oommon
' . Notlem have been pcated at Ue tatereeu are
Frankfort anenal to the effect that
Blanoo BtiU ArbitrarF.
tte eerrioee of all the extra men who
were pul to work ataee tbe ontbreak qf
London. Aagnat 83.—The Madrid corX WiU be diapeBeed with os SeptemI of the SUndard says that
her 1. Ataont TOOpereone are affected captain Ooneral Blanoo haa again notiby tbe redaction ta force, and it wUl; grd the govamment of his rofnsal to
fedaoe the daUy output from IM.ooo to pr«alde over tbe oparationi ef evaena40,OM cartridges.
. ; uoa, owtag to the feet that be fevered
Itis reported here that the Tele. | rwutanoe. The government U dieHarvard aad St. LoaU. the other three
embarramed by* hU re•wUt trm»-aUantie aaxUiaiy eraleeis
to bo
wOl be ordered here very
BopM.” •tbelma’' aad< all
stripped of tbolr
the tateat perfamM at Writ’s Drug
wlU than be pat ea thalr
KeBalar Olab nesie VromlMB fl^uWAVT TO UTAXV TSKXB Vna
Vew Aapeot of AffstmOkaagea Things
and Tbay Would Xaka a Bedpoeal
some qneetlone that bavr given cause
eonlrovtrey between the I'nlied
SUtae and Canada will meet in the
city of Qnoboe. There ie one qnoelUon
which has not yet appeared on the pro
gram which will be broagbt up rni be
half of Canada by Bir Louie Device.
MlnieUr of marine and Fiaheriee. This
qneiUon will be:
'What position eball Canada occupy
in regard to Porto* Rico and Cuba in
teth those ialande ren aln under
eonirol of tbe United Sutce, as the
former ia ceruin to dor'
Nova Seotle alone annually aeila |1.000.000 worth of fish in Porto Rico, and
in Cuba a large quantity of fiih, agri
cultural prodneu, and Inmber. Hali
fax bnsineee men are wltilng to give
almost anything u reuin the prlvUegs
they have hitherto enjoyed of aoeoaa to
those markeU oe the same terms with
other conniriee that compete for trade
expeeeed their
wllltagneasw give W Amerii
right to nee tbe ia-ahore fiaberies of
Canada on the eame tertneaeCknad lane
nee them, in exchange for tbe free admlseioa of our fieh and other produeU
iato Usee ulaade. or for admleeion
there on tbe eame terms thst are ac
corded to such goods from the United
Sir Loais Davies waa la Ue eity the
ether day. A oommitiee ef Ue Halifax
board of trnde waited aa him. dUcniaed tbe West Indian eUnaUoa. and
asked him to offer to the United Sutea
eemmiseloBert tbe nee of Ue whole of
tbe Canadies chore fiihsriesta exchange
for eqori Urme wiU Ue United SuUe
ta the markeu of Cabs and Porto Rico.
Tbe marine board of trade, at a
UGhlgiD Accident Association.
A. J. Bradshaw and Aldetman Jabrant came in from Carp Uke oa their
bleyelea yesterday ia OM hoar and
twenty-five minni
Xf yon need a fine polhbed quar
tered oak dining table, yon can get
one Monday momlog at leas than mannfaetqmn' price.
1 will eommenoe
moving tbe uWes tbU
and wlU eaUtbemaioomi- J...
move thorn. Oome ta early for they
Anaagamaat With Unela Sam.
eommitles which waited on Sir Lonit
Davies and empowered him. on behalf
of that body lo make a simitar offer at
Qoeboe. This will meet wlU mach eppoeitioa from a aeetiom of tbe Casadlan
At present Americana are not ^r-'
milted to fish within thrM miles of Ue
Censdian shore, and they canDOl even
touch at any Casadiaa port for any
The pnblie aeboole will reopen Mon- aUer purpoee than to obuin shelter or
lo aeeare eappliee of wood or waUr.
Grawn would be pleased to hear from Unleae they haves licenee they cannot
tamitiee having roonu which they bey bait in any Canadian port.
would rent to studenu, those desiring
etndenu to board or thoee wiabing
take etndenu to work for their board.
S. Benda & Co- tbe new clothing Two Ken Killed In a Powdar Kill
firm vrho have opened a store lo tbe A.
V. Friedrich block, have engaged the
Chattanooga, Aognit 88.—A tremen-.
Crescent bend for a concert
dona esploeiOB at the plant of Ue Chatstore ^Thursday evening, for their Unooga Powder company at Ooltewab
grand opening.
Butioa. elgbtoeo miles from Uls eity.
Goorge W. Gauld of Fife Lake aad has i tiled two mec. Lneiue B. Eekta
Mist lAora MatUews of Miwkegon and Hartyn Mortchke, and wounded
were married yesterday by Justice serionily. if not faUlly. six oUare.
Afur tbe explosion the plant burned.
George Chandler aad
down from Manietiqoe Satnrdav night
Two XuDdrod Wem KUIcd.
ia their yacht to vlell E W. BeaUngi
Berlin. August SI.—A dbpetefa from
and tamilr.
Manila sUUe Uat Ue Spanish tom dar
The steam barge. Hattie U. Penie.
ing tbe bombardment and Ue aesanit |
OapUta Colemen, is loading lomber
by Ue American troops waa 800 killed I
from William Beltoar con>iigood to the
and 400 wounded.
T. Wiles Lumber Co ia Chicago.
Jnstice Gage of Elmwood laat SatarPlan to Play OiaaU.
day sentenced Uerrasn Moee. a yoaeg
At least two more good games of
boy of Traveree CUy. to fifteen days ta
jail for enuring an orc>ard witboat base bail will be seen bera Ub season.
dates can be arranged wiU
tbe owaer'a coneon'
Ue Page Penoe QianU. The plan U
Jack Prohert did a job of 80S yards of
for the local membcri of the late Bestganged sand HoUbiog plaeuring yes
lers to nnite wiU what b left of tke
terday in seven honn, which is an
Manbtee ColU and pUy two games
traordinary day's workwiU Ue GlanU ta tbb eity and two,
Tbe C. A W. M. will make a rau
at Manistee. NoUlng deflnlu can be I
tl for the round trip to Peloakey said about itaeyet. but Ue plan b
Thnredey on accoaol of the races.
ears to meet Ue approval ef all Ue
Miaaes Eiaamoad and DaUy Shadek base ball fana boU of Ub city and at
are the happy poeieeture of a fine new Manletee.
Eenwood bicyeis. a gift from their
Tbe large panes of plate glam which What tbe Dents end Leading I
Mea of kaUmaioo Ibiafc of tbe
are to be naad ta J. W. Slaurb tnmitare store have arriyed.
Mr. and Hra. Bd. Hardy are rejoicing
over tbe arrival of a fine is-poued baby
V* err pmoDsllj ec-iB«lBtv4 «lib Itr ..fflerrs
Chaa. Wah imd Ring Wab, who for eseditvctorsol tbrKlehlgaa AccldesiAs
aociSsMon ol tbb rtir. soU kose ibrm w be
the past two years have been operat firat-cleiM
rr>puo>lblr bueliM-M mvb. wbo irr
It to tbr Inter en*
ing a lanadry ia Chicago, have located
ta this city and will open a laundry in Iksl from whit w* boo? %t'\b‘*‘'ionhih. sod
Ibr Kichlgao Aeddent AaooeU.
the buUdtag on Boatb Union etroet for tlea <rr brllTTr
II tn br oor Ibel la ]nJlrk>iii.l7
■ eneerd end retidsclrd oo atrln ba«liir«a
merly occupied by the Ragieter.
The game of hast bell at Manistee
Sanday between a plek-np nine from
thU city and Manistee, reealud in a
victory for the latter. Tbe eeero
n to 0.
Hamilton ClotliingCo.
Ainocis e lerr« mrabrnbli. Id |
harr BTTTT beard a rotnnlalel «l Ub-
MIcatlMe ^
Mallooal Saab.
A. P. Suerr.
Raster of Deada. galemaseo Oe.
Casa rststrSkk
- ■'
xi^GMta ranlablac,
Men’s Pants
Lot 1—Cottonade. Price way down
to close. 60c.
Lot 2—Pants for the worbingman—
Lot 3—Extra good—68o.
Men’s Rents
Two lots Wool Goode for $1.48 and
$2.46, sold from $1.76 to $3.60^
to close.
Negiigse Shlits
Handsome goods.
25 Per Cent. Discount.
See them.
See Our
Bargain Table.
Men’s Underwear.
Lots to close.cheap. -
Flannel Blonses.
Ages 8 to 14—All wool, blacks, blues
and grsys. Will close the lot of
desirable goods, broken sizes
Half Price.
Black Long Stockings
Extra good for the money.
6 cents a pair.
All sizes.
Cotton Waists and Blouses.
will close the lot at
19 cents each.
Very cheap.
Children’s Pants.
Broken sizes. Extra good for the
19 cents.
We are clearing the decks for fall goods.
A good time to buy.
Team. P. OLSaaos.
Uve-y. a Krr. Kalaname Psk Co.
LlTfi ▲gents Wmated in Un<
ooonpled Texrltory.
Hamilton ClotilingCo.
TRtf Mourura moob
TmeiK Btj Line (fSteinen.
OnderaherfS Martin Brawn of Le>
GlevelaBd ....
Ever Bunked Ovtt
Innd wna In tbe city yanterdaj.
OOX.VMBXA Jjn> X<OV ▲. CUM.- day* ago.* and in tbe oonne of the ocoW. &Nelaon.adltorofthe Laalanan
nrmtlao tbe war waa tonebed npon
If *o yon know
with Uerrem'a aanlbilatkm M (be main
btatprUa. came ottf fram Uland
Going north d^ly except flanday.
LenTeTmTOee CTty..
•■Too bnd." Mid tbe Hew Torkv,
J. W. Slater want to Chtanga yeatn>
•• Menbtownntn...
o. P. CABTEB. Ag«M
"that Oaptain Bob Evana waan mOmena................
dny aftamoon. He wUl reMirn Tbniaeerely wounded."
••WoOBdedr’ echoed tbctmauapiclou
Mm. Cbnrlaa Boaentbal will go to
CUwelandur. "I hadn't board of tbnL
DetKdt today to apead a aaontb witb
How waa be w
Tbe Borlliietai mtn bad jnK i^ied
her mother.
cot of Haidnes and tbe txadnoU* wna
Teckcrwltb a luwofanckle, "■bat bM
Cfaaa. W. Faut bae retnmed
. Aog. 1. im.
. .5:40
Wortlne bit war np tl>« «r ptm^ting
______ Poim
Iowa”—Cloreland Plainllealsr.
>’n.. Gaylord. Mick.
boaineaa trip to Grand Raplda.
Ar. Harbor Spring*.
tloketa and tearing off oospcau. He bad
*;—I n Ived today tbrongk
Loudon U making n abort rlalt
^baU thronsh tbe aaioker wb«i be
_ger. W. B. Hardy,
among tbe northern recorta.
Going aoetb daily except Sunday.
canw to an inetaiated mao wearing a
Mr. Bltlua woe looking mwially a check of S30 00, Ila lull •etUament of
"Wide tloocb bat and brown orenJla.
Mra. M. J. Eddy of Kalamaroo. after' Leave Harbor Sprlnga..
throogb an old pocket diary, yclillow my aorideot claim.
Tbe man bad alt aorta rJ patriotic amaHarbor Point....
Ttaaaklngyoo foi
week* vialUng Mra. B. S.
with ago. that had cune down to him
•• Wequeionking...
loer in which you have eettl
CnenUtlon attached to fa>« pcnoo. Tbe
from bl* paudfatber.
Pratt, relumed home yeeterday.
__ I______ L* u^A
1 remain a member of your
Bay View..............
^p wbtcb be bad atowod into tbe aoat
Mr. and Mra. A. Weetgato vUlted
Gu>n6e Bxiuorm,
•• Petoakey..............
le bUu wae painted red, wbite and
Mid, "as I Hv frum an cutzy bore, tba elation
Snaday with relation* at Eaat Jordan.
1201 Vlneitrcet.
" Charlevoix............
- blue and half a
banting waa
old gentluiuan dmuk a mint }olcp."
“ Norwood. . . .
The MUeee Emily and Mari .a dound
ymiwi arvond bia awibrero. Tbree
"Well, wbat uf tbatf" aaked Hzn
riamed yeeterday from atbree week a
bewer bntt^ were in hi* coat and a
■■ Omena. . . . . .
Tiait in Soutfaero Michigan.
■4- •lilaDiledW hong from a boUen"Kothiag. onlyl-re got a beadachn
" Neabuwanu....
by Mika Geitbi* morning—blame him."—Chicago
Ar. TravereeCiiy----#
: ■• •'
t!-e MDdnrtfW.
trade Ellto of Graad Rapid* and MUa
LtUian Bonad of Port Huron.
Aa Arh
Miaa Fredda Bainee and Hr*. Cora
politioal Und
Remember that I doaUBinde of re
”Wlut'«'tbat?' tbe official tnqolied.
Bavea will giv* enUrtaiamenU hi
er," aaid Mr. Comt«w>-l'» neighbor.
,____ and enameling, i
"WolL”wa* tboauswm. "be iai't’and
and do give
yoo the beat worl
northern towni.. They left here yea••Cuby tlblier an proeperity/'
button* Itey ...
n tbe BPQt letomed.
n in
Travel** City..
O E. Uema* weal to Kalkaakayeater“(Hee me
e yoor
yooriticket, pit
cTOlud. nj lb, proWob 1. TO»
eCDdactqr nid.
tbe florid reaid. ignoriag
day. Heard hi* wife who h*b been |
U .bin BTOlu o« lb Jl«f.~._b^uJi
„ b.'H,bl.
Going north daily except Sundae,
marka of tbe ntlter.
c«gnu on, teller*. — v>aau»ngtoopur.
^ jj
^ j
av* Travel** Qty..................■s;'*) p. n
The pabsenp-T looked rarpriaed
turn Wednesday.
.. N^htawanta.
------ L— right.
, repeated
••Tiekewy" be
after tbe
tl oonJudge Corbetland E. S. Parlt went J
.. KuttonsBey ..
dsct<n.' "What do 1 want of a ticket?
nr.sfN£.s>- i'AHhs.
•• Oioei
” lulntingtvthe largvat. Bellaireyeateraay to attend the Aom
except Sunday. Ic the Caldwell d^tou1 expect ibU biif old rtad to nx-opuite
I Ar.•. Nonhport..
end of OniOB
doo building, atI norUi
a county Circuitconrt.
pntrioti«;i tui h.ve <d coODtry. l’»u pan
T >1 UUD
toto Gnmd l^t^. I*u« ^
1 would to GodW wen r*,,.undl^’they
Daily Xommg Bven-vioa* From
Hurtey for old Bill chutUTl
,,,, wltUlmw tU n.—whh h 1 d- nut
To Camp at Torcb Lake.
Tmverae City.
••X'on’* bate !<■ give me a ticket or . jhinktbcyaivt>iiltii..l toou. ji.dplngfr.uD
Apn'rlyof camper* are expecting to
Take steamer *i‘;4i) a tn. for^Xtahpay vour fare." tbe oondocMT coldly ,h,.of ilmip—wllUomi n «•
IBRT * <-ATn». AiwTT*/*. Sperlalal
Informed him.
1 riou*..lMoclc tooll ray well Uld plan* and
<«. i.. i
i g'i Stine lo Prel-au-practirr. Beoaj.VaaS
••I*ny fan-'r Thunder and bnilrtuRns! | oomi'U-n-ly fni»tmt« lh.-ra.’'
ly outing on Torch L»ke. They go
city at tu;4S a. ro. Thluwill rlvr ■'“-*«■ p*B«.lr Cti. Hl—-k.
Ala i TO TO ao iBmati-u,! la thi.
■ H to “in ,1-c a;- to________
of V. E XIoDUgue'*
Urgeil sail you
you aa pleaaanl
picaaaot ride
ride or
of 24
24 m;.«a
miiaa on
on tbe i-v^hs. H'ilXII’AX.A
Warrbarx nioek.
Travers Cltr. Mlab
u‘t yon !
triiun|:b of the Anieriran
lUplds. . After a .bort *Uy there they i {iid yon""t GmVnV or Nonhport where
0 ‘idy ■lipyood yoor blsUK-d tk-ki-U
got no
no tickeL
goon to* Torcb Lake and .enjoy | jog will eoneect with sUami
reel' I toll y<m 1 ain't gotnc
no faree'
at for the life of
iping and flahlng for about two Jlng toTravenw City at 4^w> p,
I’t need none. Wc bad twine
V buw you will 1
1 don’t
nanii'd one ouod."
ont houBt- lt« week.
weeks. The party oonsUU of Arthur ' City, take the steamer Craeoent every
If you will provide me with eotne
Cuty au tho other Hobson, l^x'k at
E*rl. George Chase. WiU bauabnll. afternoon at 2:00 for Nvabuwaeu
that there gripaack an'^ook at ih« wtxlgi*. a mnlk-t uud a fi-w ptekvd —
where you wlli oonneet with steamer
Clark Allen and Wall Gray.
liiv rangere. 1 will take bar oi
bt»e ducomtlotu*. Go on away. 1 want from
returning to Traverse City at 4:00 p.
Ikh in the attempt. '
to go to Grand Island. Tbi*« i» warAiiibi-rA wo» astoolahed. Htae n
timivt an we most all be preparud to nuiii who, with no arms but a beetle and
To parties «f five or more a rate of
Local C- X. DaIod AnnuoL
Mcribre a little "
one fare (or tbe roaod (rip will be
wixlpoe, togi-tli.-rwltb thiworlour men.
es ssssds sass as*
"Vou can prepare youraelf to mcriauda
meeting of the Local Cbristian Endeav
flcogl.Sboryoocan prepare to get off
• Bliwkor Oaton took place in the parlor* et
tuifi train."
Exctualous From the South bn tbe
A TIlOUPtWIN. H. D OBrvisHsmiltcti' {1 SfiUggSSeS:
"Wbat? GitoffT In ^teof Goby eMoulthcd: imt. weing the provincial col- tbe Coagregalional church. Tbe
, * KIllikMi MJuek. HooraSto 11 am-1 i. -e-gg»s£«onel was In iwrawt. and ktiowlug someand HotBoo?"
O B dk L
thing of hi* Ingi-nultT and dogged drtw- port tor the yaar's work vras given and
niinuihm to suocud lii whatitiT he undw- tbe officers v-ere re-electod as follows:
"Too don’t roc’nlae tbe flag of yoor took, lie gave tbe n-qulnd aulbnrllv-, furInto Traverse City as follow:
Preaidenl-Winlfrvd Pratt.
August‘J3 from poinU between Fort Arbor, will mpobd U> <-s
blsUxl the artlrif* nrouwiaiT for the halSecretary aud treasurer-Mlsi Payna ^ayne and Grand Rapid* Inclusive.
anhiiu undoruking and waited with minnggo?"
August 24tb from palate on F- * P
‘•One-thlrty-BiDe. plaam."
By. including Detroit and Toledo.
Tbe a«nbrom paMcngor looked abt
Traverae Otty Market.
August 25tb from points on Ann Ar
All beta* In roadlnca*. Putnam waited
him. "An do you men boar that?"
for night. It eouiu. and, to hU sattsfacB. B.. *11 points.
Below Is a list of the buying and sell bor
inquired wanderini
ttoD.wasasdark as Erebus Itwas noised
August 25th from paint* on L. B.
ing prieea of ymterday for groeerlM.
yow ooemtry gittin .
about the caiup that a moTetuont
' By all poiau U aoutbors Hieb
pTortetons aad farm prodnete in Trav- M.Ai.
blood of booe* dyin in troicbra gittin .“A., “.^vupturv'ordiwin^—....................
■tamped on an treated witb diagnst? stood, scaiecly dliocmlblc In tbe fast gatb- eiaeCity:
‘August both from points en G. B40*-U
SXLLDfe ruoKgrim aontliiMs
Wbo ii fer declarin martial law an erlDg glwni. like
I. Ry. between Biemmond and F>
taaehiTi tbU old nilroaii a thing or two watting with jealous eyw tho Iwuad Clear Pork per bbl, n
Angast Utk from Peaaa. points C
about freedom en liberty an bninaD- ■zuuu and guarding it fn>m all lutmdcra Clear Pork per tb
A Dumber of ofiloms. iDdodlng Auih^ri* Shortcut Pork..
nnsU. Davtoa. Springfield, Xvnla.
himwlf. gathered around to me tbe daring
Sep. 3rd-7tb Penea. peinU LeuisvlUa,
! 8a cse: a s sss£« 8
Nobody aHrred to help him. Tbe ooo- pturinelal off oe hi* pcrlloo* expodlUco. ........... ...........
sdianapoU*. Terre Haute, 8l. Loola
I *"•
= «»o»..g B
dnotar racbed for tbe beIl«ope.
TlK) gi-noral wa* ciwcwcly anxton* ft - *•- Bye Flour. H. L. A Co. Best...
The Ural five axcuralons Uekete good
At that tbe patriot weakeued. Be SDUossof tbostraUgvm, although li
Meal. U. L. ACo. Bcav............
saaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
rr ten dsva.
pulled a pockcttxmk into view knd be not have much faith In It He was Igoo- Feed. B. L. A Co. Heat.............
From Ohio, tadalna and Peasn. ticksgsBSse&ssgffRds a
gan oouating: "Fifty oenU—a dollar— ranta* to the plan In which It was to be
good M day*.
Borer beard of aoeb alatfery—dollar’n a •oeomplUhed. fur Putnam had not dls
■£. le er-werter plea— M
I El
bBSlBsav esperlsM.
Mtoe a»4 bu
--------quarter, 80—oo regard to lojwlty an closed to fatm tbe secret. He advised him Lard per R....... ............
I aa
acae. a easasssaa
paniotiam at all—five, alx an three’s to be (bdUdo* and not mab taably into Butter per B Dairy- $8
SSS!: 8 8K8SSg8«S
Creamery Butter.Ib..
Bine—them’s yer money, opjmsor.
—ss -=•=••—
"Trust mo foi; that, general.’'
:Cb«cae per lb ............
change tbe tiame* of them twins men's
Beduood Katoo on O. M. ft I
)^l at W Wm> Bereatli atmt
Oats per bn (old).......
1 git back from Grand IMand."—Chi
CiaeleBall, Cbicage. Dsueti a
wtebesof bis brother offiosn Com per bu ., old........
Cincinnati, one cent per i
cago Bectwd.
Potatoea.per bu.....
good to relvi
ai<m3y. with muffled oars, the
Salt per bbl.............
Cold tn BM Bash.
band, with tbelr lourpld leader at the
I per 100...............
oflMcaroBtbir — —
Mn. O'Lcskty-An bow’a all y*r Itclni. ruwol no. Tbe dsrkhw was Intuano, Btrmo Bay tSOVTBATSBSBCITT OkaL- trip. __
arriv* (row k
and not an ohjoct could hare been eei-n at
od Oraod ltepld*.7Xep.B). I
goM to rcturo Sept. eth.
, cer frwB Dvuwit oe thU irels.
Reduced rates to other points. Phone
Mra. McDoy-WUL Molkal boa cold
............- short Ulstaaoe and then
Wheat, old,
U C. E Mnrray. AganL
tn tbcte ragion av bis bock.
■B-uck huldly (or tlw oppotlte sburv.
Wheat, new,
C. Ll Lockwood. U. P. A..
a. nnebera
Mra O’LMzy—Indade Ofmaotryto
Ouoo tho lowiv* n*n gainst s floating Gate, No. l.t*
Grsud Bapids.
log. and the Imprtu* glv™ by tJ» shock
nlmoet kniKked then, ovurhoerd. but they
Mrs. WcOoy—Tea bodrolTsn *
oorc-Up to Date.
toe csUfK.' they rowod on again In silence.
Eggs, per doten..at 6. E. Wait’s Drag Store.
PuCDsm gave bb< c
Potatoo*. perba...
0. and nut a sound « ■ tamidbuttbe
"TbatfortiiBC teltosaid if I pMd
bw $8 Mm. would reveal to me vfayl bent eDergltlrnlly u> tb.dtm'tget ricli."
pUng sound tbuwai'n. agalDVtAbe prow
"Did you give it to betr’
of the biJeA as It gilded ewlMy onwaid"Tes, and sbe told me 1 bad a great Wlth his uaglc cTu idcrcliig the gloom
WOKES w*nUoe «
weakness for fooling away awaey-'’— ahead, be at Icnifth *uw4bi- dark ouUli
jusp for OsekswsJev
Chicago Bocord.
y. 9» tn oavkaae........
Sr^.^^7*4»U^*U^- Trare
Mur t**re M»d UiHlllii* «xp»otl* M
«( iMel P«aw.. OB. of th»
braTMt neo «>d n«»» «oo»rful «il^«
that t<nr dffw a nrort U> defoue uf thrtr
OMU.UT. Frotu hU r>u^ h« «nw noted
tor hJi lntnT>*‘»7 ■«1 foarteaanwa. M well
w that lodoiDltabli- will which In after
• • and dlAlngulsbed
SuIfaS made blm one of tbe ha* genenia of tbe agu.
HU IngonoUr aa wcU aa bit nttor fear■DMM in Uioetof extreme dangetwae
often put to tbe ao>-en*t tnt. On one ooeadon it became nerwawtr tor Ocnend
for the rodxictloii <if Monttail during tbe
French and Indian war. on hi* waj-u|i tbe
Ht. Inwrvnoc. to dlslcrigc the garrUun at
(Xwcfoitehiv, a eniall a-Ulcim-tit
Y of tlK- French,
Royal in tbe ,p
The vntranw too fbU plaoe WM guarded liy
diK of IS gun*
armed ahl|>
guu* each, wbo
b»ipt pottioclou of the iftnaii*. rhen>br
daring It citivmriy diniruU If n<« luiioealblc for tbe army to jirncad, a* a brood■Idofruai cllberoracling lnouiK«n would
duoKilUb oumidotely their whole fleet of
ttan^rtatfen bmu.
AiiilH-rM wan d«-ply annoyed and dl»
mooettod. He mui« ettber abandrm hla
bute alugn^hor and imneed by land, and
■o leave an cm•my In hU rear, or ela' derUr mme plan which. If eucnwful. wimld
rid him of tbflr j.n-a nco. Wilh- ho wae
teflectlng what a.ume to imniw to aoootnpliKh Ihi-lr naptntx' or d-rtructfon. I’utnam. whnwa. tU-n a lU-ub-iiani coluuol
In the (inoirictiil U-nxr, wiilLod up to
wb<i\' tU- gcncpal ».-»» Rtandlng. gl»“ in
hand. Kurvi-viiig uncii-lh tbe tx-wt-U which
The Way They Settlef
Bicycle Riders.
John R. Santo,
'General Insarance.
c",« 5f,Kv;',^7s.*.ii'rV
unsni UD iMmisRu t.i
SISTto *:::::
HatWul Thlag.
box cf cako 1 eeot bioL
Flora—**o doubt be wrote tbe lettse
bMora be ate tbe caka—Cincinnati Bn<mlrer.
u>e hubn. gm*i»d (be chalor uf tbe ship's
' ruddi-rand laedi- tot. Ltmcnlng im
, ly. (h« km. BHW-urvd tramp of tbe
wa^UtlucUy U-ard iwclngtbe.deok,
and hU^hlvivur'' a* a follow sonUnol
The Balleg ;towlop la Bavaim.
blm were tbe only suund* that
Aid—The dofn of {Kamo is flying tAs WriT hoard, and (ho little bond brmtbwl
tiiuK (fwly a* ifat7 loanwd tbet Uay
way. gfoetal.
BIbok. tovSKvlyi—Maledkto! If be
Tla-v then firmly but notsrkwsly drove
flics low ti-' ugh. we will kill and eat ibf w^gr U-tWiWn tbe niddor end tbe
bitu !—U '.d Huiu Uuoler.
o<-mi«i>n, *o e*iviidor the rudder oomd' b'lf uniiuiifiurcalik-. Thr? tbeo ooulouJy. sualthfl)' rffccuid tlielr eeoape.
Thu luquitl U, this doriug actoiupl we*
"Why •:..!. t ;-vt. w.nr a button wad
hot the luanKg-wer.di-privodof her baton,
ing. ‘l.<UJtur..ur Uiu Muiia'f " >
‘•1 ii<* » PC-! Ut. Ky wife gnve mo n *e* loft et tbe mercy of tlie winds and
warm and was awn driven atooru. where
Uon ILK up itou «ii*s day.’•—Chicago sbuetroci. boroulora. Uorcwiupeiiiou soon
(ollowud brroxaii))ik-. wx-lng Itrr fate, and
thus this victory wus won without'the
Ko Sty We Ail.
Brownt—Do ytm think mm* of tbe
inoequito flii f?
Town*)—Woll.Td think mow of him
tt be wato't so fleet.—New York Jonr-
unuy werv en
of Putnam U
duoo tbv (urtru
km* of a man.-
Tb* CfiletoUd 8p«
Hotel Whiting
V^R 8&LK-A r>
city property
.....................................• Chief Lake................
•aU TrueereeClty t-sm- Twl« toMtele....
rilw'* awlK
I'e KUL.
Traverse Citi, Mich.
WEDNESDM.iUG. 24.1898.
fSO 00 Reward
B.«h.».oot. of gold 1**1. eoolaUunrooeelgbth
One Day Only Each Month.
OoMsaltfttion aod Examinfttloii Free ftnd Strloti;
d.Tot.U.lr*«te»llooto Dl-ew. uf-to Rr*.
"“JSJ e'ljh? <m»e* book of xold leaf *111. tera*
One l^^^ltb^ur ptweel*!* teeth sod two
5S5^'Sa‘'i------- ii«.. 0-.
. BL VUo* Dam*I. <*wwrs>
- .BorotalaSkl*
Two void toad, for eoeptd or eye itote-
Titov'e nwiteb.
Ttetloe of tbe party.
t Be—Tell mo the name of( tbeTiUala
that kissed swu b> f'*e 1 did
a»—WbniH the nse? He’d be too
-—r f« yon.-Now Tot* World
CI«M to u.
Mia Hay—Wbat M meant fcy •&
■nny mobiHslng, Uiraio?
Mr. May—-Why. it attmo* U asaeaMm down lb Moldle.—Op to C«(s.'
_____ ________ _ ..il.#
AKD CAT4C1R8 cured •tthoU *Rda kaif^ pete
and oetk-rvd a plate of wheat
Tfaal we* iitvny bad. but I gut ntriewre.
CbUD for bln^ Tlicc be began looking
« and Bnlldara.
Wew wetbode
FUa*. Top* Wane, and
root tbree oosoc* of alto
f llffto**'
bo*rd .toerra Uf rtxht »
9—tome del- . .by* 11
‘Wbeto’s tb.- oil
. "IguthlliitbeolltoeocwhjtticwqBld
do wftb It. anfi I’M be blcseod fl be dlS&
eaktoem a* if H wsn lufjlsnses
"IS-panJHd uusomacb Chat I mo
Toiontbun IboOnnety—Wbatnbou lorgDttogKTblm at*eek.’’-NewT«
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To Young, Middle Aged, andatoolaU
SDflerlsr froB m »
DRS. B. S. &CO.
[Lock Box 160.
taecUaw. take __
tol tba lewete^atoU ^
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