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The Morning Record, September 06, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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E, wm^^G. RECORD. ^
Company M Was Given a Great Ovation Upon
Their Arrival Homa
lownr tod*y Md wOX noortt.
O.W.Smiwm. Ofc M. TUrtrthM, MMABLff
today, srtll lauim.
Boopltkl-O. J*«0b 8wo.0a. Poatb of Oordoa
ftrwt Tletwy of Coaoral HltekH. TUrty-foartk. Inawood. TyphoM
• oaor la So Bdiardad by Sayllahfmr. waa la wmrj aoriOM eoadi
ywtwday. Wt dlfbUy iMprorod today
aad |>hy«leiaaa kbpa to aava Um.
St. MacyV-PalK Manay. <« yaara
0I4. Oe. O. nfarty-fearih. 8aoll Sta.
rA-Tbaatrdar. Ooaoral Sir Hobart Kiteboaor. wltb Khal
B»T««nd H«rry to th« L«t tii« Haomah Biflaa Baaoh Maria. Malarial, aoalba to apaak ar ifa'* Uaek atendard captured darlac
opaa ha Boatb yaatarday aad taaproBut a Doaea Foroad to Gtva up—Baybattle entlraly. Omdurskaa, o^ltel of
lart Bp to tOS today. U Isprovad aad
aral Ara V«>7 Bick Hara and Mora In
Khadiam, at 4 o’eli
will probably raoovar.
thahtedaf the Byyptl
Detroit, Hona Oan^anmaly.
r a death blow to Mahdtam.
Os tba fOBrth of May tbit city and, wprda Of cordial waleome from aU
Britiah loma* worn hetwoaa I.OOO aad
and Hie Hecovery Doubtful,
•arroandinr torritory »ava a stlfbty aUka.
Bat the aeaae wsa one to be ramam- apwrtal to Tn Hemsa Kteoaa.
&.000 while from «.0» to lt,GOO of the
iarawall roeepUos to tba br*»a boyt
arboaaliatdd In tba aarrieo of Uaelo. bared. The compasy which left bara
lehte ware kiUed or woaadod.
Deabam, Mam—The oonaition
flaa to
Spaniards; aad whilo fall ofbepe. brUrbtepiriU. dalermiaad
Tbomae P. Bayard, former ambaata
Loados. Sept. t.-The newt of Oaatew ever itmmti that they woald pa* feaat and forme eraet. cMie back amoatalda Aaorioat dowlnlon aU wara wsiatad. atooped. reCTod and with a to Bayiaad. who it at Rarltuln. the arml Kitehoaark victory over the
raady and aafcr to fo whrra d«ty (Boatal appaaraaea of harinc endarad home af hb dtufhter. Mrs. Warran, It derrbbm at Omdnrmau waareeeivad
aallad tbem. wbetbrr to battle with Bsattaisbla eafterlsyB. Borne wbo eritleal. So pronoaneed hat beoo
with the rraateat aattofaeUoa barn,
tbaaraadfoe or fiffbt the more eobtle went away with tmoothly tbavan taoae
«o la the laet two or throe days
where It b held that Baylaod hae at
oaewy. dtoaai Mom yaomed to ooo- wore heavy bearda and their friesde
With. that it b tboutht tha patlaat woold laat wiped aut the atiffma attaehtay to
«tet wtA alakncaa aad pbyalcat teffermot
iPf. bat there w« so ebiriiare Is (aw axeepUoBa the boye wara aaariy
her defeat in the previou «cpedli
andihcaa wara vary alekComstar » aad wbao Uay w*«orDIXP AT DAMP WIXOrff.
dered to move to the -tropic Wend Tbaaa tha doetora at osea fava attas
where doatb Inrlnd la ovary etrM tioa. IboaaaabaardwbowaraU tha •ad Kate of Albert Piokvsrtb of the
Cblro, Sept 5.—Tka ooBgvatateuona
Md foraat la many forme, all ohayed
•am Bmparor William os Oannral
with tba alterity bars of true Amer- Berknar. >Balph Mother aad WaltM : apeelal te Tai ■•**!>• Bsceso.
Kltehansr'a victory, which hb msjaa^
Perry. Maay othera wore aiek bat not
Camp Wlkoff. Sept. S.—Oo tha way
Wine and food wore coroaaya ••avangaa tha death of poor OarTba aaU eama aboat (oar 1
from the traaaport Boamanla to the
fally dbtributod bat tha food
doa.” wara the first raeaivad tram
MO. the raaaU to Mlohlyan laat
not aaadad aa the train wna lo
deteatioa boa^taL Albert Pkdiwertk,
After a
ao life Ud hmltb the boye b^ return- with the beat that lovlar and patriotic a private ml Omapany O. Thirty-third
hearta ooald provide aU aloaff the line.
«d.' Hot all of tbem, bnt maea ara
Mleblffaa VolBSteen. died.
«emlar. Bsaapt tba fear baraaa wbo Bat many of tha baya wera waak and n
little ettmalnnt jadlekmaly admlnU'
Mo U ocOdiar^ fravw 1*
Orand OaUbrattoc te Detralt Tmtarterad by tba phyaieiaaa waa belpfaL
When tba ward aoma Saaday that
When the homeward joaraey wae r>
day With Xnteaaa Patriatie
Company M waatoratara that nlfbt tamed there wot n (aseral vUlUnf
weacytbUn ta tba alW
aettloa and tterim wera told and laddonta related of army life generally
Ocean Went Down.
Detroit, dept 4 —Navar haa Labor
tba anaatlva and rooepUoa eommit- aad of the memorable eompaiffn
day te Detrail bean so alaborately obteaeaf tbep .
Cubapartlealnrly. LleotonantElanaea
X White
^vatba ratamlmcaoldiaraaraorpUoa
ed. A grand proeeaaten of labor
wiU bb etelwart form, happy tmlla
in kaaplnr with tha oncathm AU day aad hearty amaner wae the centra
•heala-«ba OonU Mot Waathar a
igen, floata, marchad and
toBf tba wlrea wore kept hot with ia- ofaa anaioat ffroap. The Uoate
Heavy dale and Saak With Oargo
eonnur marched till tbe principal
^alnaa. and «naUy the boar of thalr
of Ot*-«tnw Bavad With Oiaat atreeta wara one brillient pageant
-dapartara from Detroit wae deSaltoly
tearsad. Than it wae that Mayor
tralBe waa atopped and dens*
I to meat the boyt ea
crowds paekad tha atraata. At BaU*
for the etra of the aiek aad tba dbpo. apMbltoTnSem* Recoss
Ma. together wltb P. C
r S.—The tele this atteraooa aa steb'<Ate*pr»,w City,
tiUoB of the othera when they tbould
a of the esacntlve comreach the dty. The arraaffeoMBte al
Wlastow, in tow of tba ateam- gram was observed. The parade vras
mittat. Station Affoat At. Sehoc and ready made in the dty wi
Bb. Wilhelm, boarded the frdrht plete and nothisf was left andoae to er later Ocean, wa* lent near
teteaeely patriotic, partakteg of the
whielF left hew at boob. They went make the boyt comfortable. The White eboab early thb moralsy. The nalsra of a jsbllea.
d wfth n quantity of »ood Ihlnyt train reached the dty at t:SS a. m. and
of the ■ehaeaer arrived her
■r of Company B. of
to eat aad drink wkieh they provided when U pulled ia the ttraina of beard the Inter Oomn. havliig be«i
ManUtee.eamvnp last night to sea hla
*or Uie tired and wMry eoldleta. They
Sweet Home" nod "Wben taken off the teat boat with tbe grratmother.
met the epeelal train from Detroit at
Johnny Comet Maruhlaf Home.'' by a*t dilBeolty. a* tbo wind sra* Mowing
White Ooad. where they ware joyfully
the Creeeeat aad Boyt baadt mlDfled
a gale from the aonthweat and a haavy
.rooaivadandnawttromhomewaa walwith tha ahottte aad cheera of a vaat
ooma indeed to tha worn aoldiera.
threat of people who had waited pa aaa was maniag.
ImtlOulll, BMHiSfCL
la the
"rime iha raataislnc mem tiently, yet anxioady all alftat for the
Tha ateamer aad aonaort wm
Cor. Woet u
' barn
the eommitteea. aided by every retara of the keroea
tag down the atralta leal night whan
■ AlkvM.Crsv
rswlorc Mtso SIM T.
not to be foryotteo. Mother* were at 11 o'clock tba gala proved too mneb
■t»s Msbvl
there, aad tathei* too. Brother* and
a of Um boys here. B. i. Mar sbtera and *weethearu mlsyled to- for Uo Wioalow. Water Mgao to poar
ian kindly offered hit entire livery cather to give the dear one* a happy, into bar hold aad tha veaaala aooi
•ntft (or the aaa of the aoldiera, aad and loving waleome. The ieeae which
I ’aamaaagaable.
Tha ate
Undlord Boldaa aryad the
followed when tha boy* alighted wUl then angagad in teking off tha crew te
to briny the man to Park Plaoe to par evar romaln aacTad la the mamorim of
the big sea maniag. All were gottea
take of t warm lanehooa.
evoryone preooat. and there were more
off ia mtetyand tor two hoata the
atated that than waa room in tha ho thaatwotJ
mar lay within eight of tha ahaadtel for aU who could sot roach tholr
All bat twelve want to their bomea onadboat. At the end of that time the
komat that nlyhU Many almllaroflert
ulymade aad tha food. or vrere carried away by friaade. Cap- hall was aeariy out of eight and iu
adwork want oo. A alek coMittoa wna
alnklng waa only a queedoa of time.
•pp^atad of which Barbert Montoffaa miring groan, tor like Liauteaaat
Inter Oeeaa came on, reaohlag
Ktaaeen the boya eould not Sad worda
. era* made cbtlrmso, and
beta at S:40 this moraing.
. . « made to five proper atteatlou to aalteblato czpreaa their
the alek that mlffbt be aboard tbo train. Both these oiBeera worked with tedeIke teat remel was owned by Peter
Pr. 1. A Tjompmn and Dr. A H. Hol fatigoable zeal for the comfort and White aad was Insarad for aboat IB
Neither is there a place in
liday wera on hand to render whav aikd health of their aum and whUa tba
hcateDaat b aUll hate aad hearty Oap- par cant of bar value. She waa built
town where yon will see the
te 1871 nod raglaured 685 tana. 6h*
tein Wilhelm b almoet a shadow,
It waa arranged that a apeoial oar b eo thlo that hb hmt friend woald
was worth tome S8.000. Had acS tha
abould be engaged te go down the liae acarcely know him. Ha ha* been off
&oaaaba.ora rate gone to 45 eaets the
' «a tbe »:M train to meet the special at daty Bteee Angaai Sad oa aooonnt
Winslow would have bad a eargo of
Manlatoa Croaalag. Tbe arrangement
baring overworked. Oapi. WUwas carried oat admirably, bat enly belm'a haodeume saddle boras Doha grate. Aa it wa* aba waa ehartorad
SO could be aeeommodated where three
hroagbl te on the special and waa lorocBfrom Beoaoaba to Imka Brl*
hundcod wara eager to go. Those who
cared for at Oermatea'a bare.
and left that point last Saturday.
were lavmaa were the oommittoe aad
Wbiir } ,J knew oo bocada fM' many
relatlvm of name of Ou. eoldlera. aleo there vrere alao many wbo were dlsapOra. Holliday. The
painted. Theta were 45 men oa tba
Koyea. Thb «
train. Captela Kelotoah. vrith othera.
d aad eaitebte atlma- were left U1 in Detroit, being kept Dteelosad te the Otaa of John Haardon. Wbo Was Sick at tlbosey
Coatlnued oa Second Page.
and is BOW at Itetroit
r the Travarae
TittIi't ---------------- Raooan.
aty delegattoo wa* obliged to srall
DatrMt Septembar 5.-A borrlMa
two hoata. White waiting the hoy*
baUt tbrte warlog boaffree wbleh Xtetall* Of Sariana Casas te Detfoiv oaaa of criminal aagteet on tha pan of
-^at we show here. Tbnt’i
lighted op the aoeae with srlordaffeeW afirtsl toTaa Moeim* Bacoan
claetetaatSIboMg.ladieelaeed is tbe
what oar cnatomen say who
Wben tbe special palled In it entered a
Detroit. Sept 5.-^Tbe foUoaring are
of John Beardon. of Company M,
hare been the ronnda. Ton
rediaa of briUlaut UIvAlsatloa In tbe
the names aad eobditkma and aa many Tkirty-thlid MlcUgan. He sra* tekea
win say tb: same after taking
cesuv of which waa a ebeoring, entbnU1 with throat troBbla August i hut
ateatte and happy gathering. Ike in- datMlaaspoaalblctelearaofth* mo
a look.
aondag train wa* greeted with ahoBla aartoososamattitevariotiB boapltate
wna given so medlctea. When tba S|^
of wcleom* and a rousing taant of
At Harpers—Adolph Cordi, Oompany geouaaw Urn again flies bad gotten
Johnny Comm Marching I. Tblrty-iomrth. Ionia, typtedd few, late hU mouth and maggota warn aatHome" There waa no grand mah for
tbe train, hat according to a previous eonditten aerloua; vraadelirioM Ml day teg him ativB. Dr. Borman by strong
arrangement tbe chMrtnan of the re- yesterday. Temparatara alighUy low. offom saved hla life bat tha roM of hia
cepUoD oommiitee and the four phyai- ar this morning. Pbyaleiaaa hope for .month aad throat ara ao salon that
cian boarded toe train first, is order to raeovnry. John Qulter, 11 years old. ba wUl not be able to talk.
see tbatU^i
Company C, ThIrty-foBrih. Mnak^on.
their friend* and to p
due demonatrattoB which would aa- typhoid fevac. coadltteci aartoua, alow- y«* go to see the Orary A UIdeon Com.
tdnatloa ia thalr ortgisal and nniqBc
danger tba sick.
A toblot and • pmefl for i oent. .
A paneO, pen holder and a pen for 1 cent
A penofl box with k^, pen, pen holder and blot
ter for 6 oentA
Fla^ sUokera and rulaxa F&KS.
SO Front Street
HoUey A Oonnablf
An Oilcloth School Bag
Given with every porohase of School
Boohs, at
MarUiam BlocL
Just Received
Ladies’ Wrappers
New FUl Pattenu, nioely made and niokly trimmed.
Prices range from 59e to 81 AO.
A look at them is appieeiated, at
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
mud Clothing Honae.
Hastings’ Iteal Esbfe AgBn^
10 (OM les. ewan hoBM. as* tasaalaB. aib Btfmt.
te acBfM mr am.
aot<MKlei.«OTdOir*ma*.mrBirss*.mia««Bu4 6MpwsamhBatapal4ter.
Muerwmrte mile* sooth fMvrmitrM Ike elty. Ute goeC.
WBiotte. yuBaf aW
Traierse Gitj School of losic!
No PlacB
likB Home
Fall Styles
The fitat aboard warn graated with
Oraes Boapiial—MUa BaUtegar •
paayandfBfteMotnaknown; Typhoid
Populir Shie Hoosa
Oaod for Oeacrml Farmteg.
my traeta bateg te good •
wni be sold at low priem far each; ce. on langtiaa with aaay pay
ments and vary tew teterest. ,
Oa Q. A e t A R.
shows the anpariority of
American dtifiens over eonttoentalTeteraoa. Somehow the
^irit of “get there” overcomes every obatocle. So
with American shoes, and the leading
American aboea are SBLZ5HOBS. of which
more paira are sold every year than of any
other make. In every tiade someone is
at the bead, and in the shoe trade thiaia
true of 5ELZ. It coats no more to buy a
SELZ SHOE, but yon’re always anre of
your money’s worth.
WnriAnrg Blook.
Shoe Department
One of the
most model shoe stores »*» this ragtoa.
Hardly a tone* of im former bateg ia tefu It is over a year sine* we
trvad te diapoae of tb* ahoa ato^ bmm ^ ^
dapartmant srlthfrvah. new teU good* of tb* latest daaigB*, made *a|ttri*nj to oor order by aoma of the beat
Men and
Women’s Footwear
Strictly np-todate, new Uatoandwobbgrtoaa. Btoska^ weekman-
Our Boy’s and Girl’s
Batidea tb* «a* Unw w* carry aow. w* havnyMd^ tly mart
ated adteol ahoa te tbe oonatcy. called tbe *• UCAHITUPEM.’* Wa
mranteejaaiwbatUeaame Lb^Im. Mad* of aiea anft utnek and
---ir mueb atyte, wUeh te Bananal for heavy footwear. Bamombar.
PB yon money oa aay or all of year parahaaaa, but mare aapadaQy
to OBT modal aboe pepartmaab
Tnmn Oitr,'Huh.
- . -
rm Moumro bboosd.
; * 01U(D
OnttBwd rn* V(M<^
BicymesilBicycle Sundries
Dealer in flicyHesi
-Eet. •. SiOabarr Md tmtDj I«to f»taraed from a areek-e rMt at To—e
Mr. ead Mra. Dr. Lyadeolhaa Arbor
tkmVf «ht axpnM octem «t Oew arritod U the eltr laet etealar for a
FtacTM. Tb* enwti^ «f Ueo- rWt triththefamOyof BerbectaealaTBlvnSB SKE&LD.
Kt Pm— wm m»4* «p m <o1- rM.
SbrrUt JohadaMofCr ‘
rWad la the el^ leet eriMiaf to aee
, editor M>d MuH«r
WIU aaae, who retUMd fn>« the war
My work ii first elate and prices that are in readt of all. I am
prepared at aV iunea to take rate of the trade. I make a apedalty hi
^eIbb, Volcaaisiog and 'EnamelinE- A fine line of wbeela for aale
end to rent.__________
J. O. BLI«I8. dU Fr^t street, east.
trh to b«
th»t nmlM B«p«bttau pmpMtjr •kmU reoelM • kVHA Uk tiA MW fwtsn the eMlre
«ro*r of leleJe kaows ee the AatiUee
trill eU treat to be anaeMd to the
Vatted Btatae.
'•MwedJeeWheelM'te Ooi«nM trill
•etw ferfite theoe Mexeben of their
fw^ who eUia to hate hreacht oo
•he tret.
iTwUlaMdotodeeUrethet repahIte — aarretotaL Mea like Detrey
•adSohleyeutae ealled for Ue deimm wheatTer thto qaaettoa le raUed.
r Theatae, Otto Ky
COrporal»-<Oeo. ntrlby. Mari WUale,JaUiuC. Johaeei
Wa. Lafayette,
WoL Bialtaapt.
Wai. H. Meek.
Wyatt A. Dewitt. Oeo. ‘nirlby,
Itrya BUI.
Traak Bpealiaaa.
Alfred Day.
Wellle C. Perry.
Alee Dickeraaa,
ft. J. Selkirk.
O. & Oiaapaey,
Harrey Deekor,
Brseet Saleuky. Kelaad Bem^toa,
Bd. Garaett,
. Brawt Ooeper.
Fred Beod.
& B. Thacker.
Wm- H. Smith.
Jea. C. Woodworth,
Oarl V. Moody.
Umb 8. Morraa.
Balyh Mather,
BobL Berkner.
Jbha O. Talmaa. Aedrew & Sleder,
Joha BUoy.
Praak BUey.
CUad Dalfell.
J. B. SoMdley.
DMk Banter.
Arthar Needbaai.
Ohaa OoDton,
Jobs Seett.
Balsoa WyekoC.
Iboee left eiek la Detroit were: Oapt.
J. V. Mclatoah. derft. Oeoryetarbiiek,
OeorretUeyle, W.J. Bllllker, Charlae
Slada. C. Beelinwl. Bert Dnaham. Boy
Darideoa aad Baneat Iririi.
Othera who. thonrh aot sick, were
loft hohiad by BUMoueeUoa. won
WUUam - Beteeoa. Bey
Walter Thtrlby, BnfeaeBaryTareeaad
Tbaae arrived oa
the 1:20 trala yeeterday afUraooa,
yraat throaf welcomed them.
William tOIaae wee ctriekea with
meatal eOUapea Jnet alter the ^eciet
wtth ^aia with Ue war of the reMUaa etarte eat wlU a' daliberaW iat to leave
UrtoM Uet it «
fMtfaM ef bahiff
«• aemebody.
him at Oraad Jteplda Be elM arrived
Wa fear eome Of oar military offleiele ea the afteraeoa tram aad wae bettar.
4riu too ataay letten. Thara it a Bwiraal eame oa the eveaiag traia.
«aet dlfteraaee betweea ichtiac and
Whea the trale arrived yeeterday
mrelny all whe had bo
reerhlnf home at oaee were orivea ta
Park PUee where the crowd followed
aad where they were eerved wtth a
«.X«leBUvora aad i
It WM nearly dve o'elook
WiU BaUttala Fridiw
aad daylWbt wae well aloay before the
«. Ute SUvera aad a taleated eea
Uet Ufod toldler foaad Umeelf eafaay of clever peepto have i
eeeaeed la a bed of UriOaf eomfwt.
With the diteelets ef the Baaaak BiflM
Teeterdey moniaf before aeon
•Ofiveartaad beaedt eatertaiameai
iertherriietof the Baaaah Uflei oo maay of the hoy* were mt yreetlac
Friday eveaiac la the aty Opera Hoeee. trlead*. bet eeveral ethere wbo wMt to
bed apparently well, were forced to
• of Mr. 8U'
.AdAeatqaemlBttrelftretpart, popnler five np and reomia in bed aad receive
folly illaatratcd aad. late Ue eUoetioB of phytleiaaa
Inquiry iMt nlfbt abowed tbo fol^
•podalttee. The eonn ooaefot of
■ee«e aad aelectfoae adapted to the ec- lowinf to be Ue lUtof the eiek:
John Tbtmen. Dick Beater. Jnlln*
lead dlepUyed
J. B.«medley. WUl Layfey
«1U front electrical effeete. Bere U
‘ m eppnrUnlty for friend* of Ueeei- atte. WUl Beberte, Oaoteln Wilbelm.
: 4len to render aid to the aoldien and Balph aMtiaim, Balph MaUer. BelMn
Walter Perry aad Bobert
Mjoy a flrat clam perfonnaaoe at Ue
Mmetime. Everybody dboald eee that Berkner are very eiek, bet the ^yalfhey have rmerved aeatt, which wUlbe elans have aot yet determlaed Ue ex.«■ M^a tomorrow momlaf at the City aetaatareefUaaUmakmef Ue etve
ral aldi eaea They are reeelTUf Ue
beat poMlble oerc and It U hoped that
wlU aooa be able to be ont.
Oolamm eonU be written abont the
fraifomlhiri Mecelved a Ohartoof brave eoldier* and their
and leaf keen wUl be apeat by the
•hot la The Letof the SaatUfo eampaifa about
Tmtmday WiUaam ThM. afed IT.
MB Of Aatee Thiel, wbo Uvm abont la inUttaf ■toriee of thrlUiaf lator-
Mvm mUee from Ue dty, met with aa
•mldantwhlehwm reader hl^ a eripylalorawhile. BewMeat knatiaf
la diaf'
fiafthlefaneveralof Ue pleee
dfoeharfed and the loed entered Uelef
Bdtheboy.UeehotMatUrinf Uroafh
«he Ulfh aed abdemen. The injored
font maa wm broiifht the eity laet
BvealBf oa a warm aad uku
^ome ef J<Un Umlar. where he reeeiv. Bdaerfloelettentioa.
r Piafreo ordered Pnllema
aleepen for Ue aoldlere oemtaf
Traverne CH^. bnt Lit
hnd te make a hard flybt to fet even e
chair oar. And he only fot one of
None of Ue b^of Company M want
any awre of Cnba.
Kaarly every om of Ue aoldiera
bronfhtasnmbereteonvealn or valnabUmlioa
O^tala Molateih Imprerinf.
Teeterdey Joha Melntoeheeai a tcl*
'' Bfram ioqalrinf after Ue healU of hi*
faeUer. Oaptain J. T. Mclatoah, wbo
fo ia Oraoc Bcapiul la Detroit la ra<
fUj he received Ue tollowiaf:
•rDetreit, Bept S, 1IB8.
"Am daiof welL' Will be home ia
Bhoet a week.
J. V. Molman.'
Mra Melntoeh, wbo baa been eUyiaf
U Manlrioe, hu foa* to Datrolt to aee
t EUuen taraofht aeeriy
.;.; • ;
Daniel Dake w«t to Chteate Uet
JohoOontm.a memW of Compaay
a. UU refimeat, paaaed Uroofh Ue i
eiw Uet ai^t ob hie way to lilaad
Laka Beeojoyod a Uree day*’ farloBfhaad opeet Uo time with reJativea at Potoekey.
MimE M. Broeke rriumod yeaterrj
day u her home at Baltimore after eajoylBf e aamber of wseka’ entiaf at
Foreai Lodfe.
a W. Swaverly and W. D. Tettea
Cbrt* Coda of LeUnd. ttaaucted
btttlBfoa here yeeforday.
Oeorf* Oide. Cbri* Bimeaaoe aad
WUl achetrman arrived yeelerday from
MUwaokee. They wlU fO Ul* mominf to Sottoa* Bey, Ue formm- home
of Mr. Olda
Mm. Flood of Connell Blnlfo, lU.. and
Mra. Kins ef JaekeonriUe, UL. arrived
la Ue city yMUrday ead wlU remain a
abort rime.
Bye Joidaa aed Jacob Baffll came
over from SvlUae Bay yeeterday oo
Mra. P. Power alarm Ule aMrainy
for Bmpire to ririt her mother, Mra
LaRae. 8le wUl be aeeompnnied by
aty iMl niybt to ere Ue beya
BrnmettCniiter. formrriyeonneeUd
wlUW. J. Bobba bard earr. bnt now
of St JoMph. ia vialUQf friende ia Ula
Arthur BwenUal. brother of ObM.
BceenUal. of Ue Beaton atore. ande
former realdent ef Ula eity. arrived
Uet nMrbt from Detrplu He la eajTylaf a ahert vamtloa
Qwirfe Beff. Jr. hM retnravd from
e all weeka' vlalt wlU relativea at Wilonl, Ohio.
Mlm Mary Bletner bM retnraed from
Chirayo, ebere abe viaiied frieada tor
Ue peat Uree weeka
B. 8. Pratt ia atteadlaf ooert at Cad
UleeUia weak.
J. P Homer, a eaieemu at Jnlloa
SUii-berf'a eiore. b at hb bom* at
Cbebjyyu oa account of Ue tlli
of htadausbter.
At drew Vlaek b apeodluf • week et
M.-e.J. 8. Oraat b vblUny bar daufhter at Yuba.
Simon Yalomatrin arrived Uat alfbt
from DvtruiV
ery of Blmw
avco aa b eojoyinr a vtalt from her aUterblbt Maiy. of B»cbvaier. N. Y.ThU
la tb 'ir flrat mrvtiny ia tee yeark.
Auil! Nerllofev. a meaner of Ue
Hannah Biflee wbo hM joal returaed
from Cnba. b prepeHait to enter Ue
ODlveraity thb fal
8p*afur Pratt iMt Sunday enlertaliied Harrboa 8. Smalley of Chi>-ace.
MbM4 Myrtle and Lelab Miller ar*
oontinolnr tbeir atodira at the Hlyh
aehool. They arrived from Charleroi*
Sunday ecealnf.
Mia Beleu Gould left yalerday far a
vlalt at Maekteae. before reUminy
borne at Maotoon, UL 8be bM
tbefruret of
afn'e for the pMt week.
ArUur Hllllker. wbo ealletod wlU
any. eame up yeetordey fiem Menbtee for a vblt with
JvM ia Ub rieioliy.
atmnk foU of arttelM of valM aad
enrioua dealfn from Santiago.
Santia matchete. of baadeome make
which he beufhtottheSF
who eaeorted Lie
Ue eity whea be wm exehaafcd.
EUneen bM maay Utmn
addrenaed to reernim at Camp Alfer
which went on to Cube.
-Many ef Ue boya met in Sop^hfo,
eeveral ef the better eloM of Oobana,
4rom Ue
rabble ander
SefaB Tbetr donney HoowZbFbU*
. maa Sieepera
. mqt by UeiUBaat
The fleut
Klaaaen aad
Alfooaa, Pa . Beptamber B.—Oompany laUadInratSai
• F. O. Ranu, fermerly ofrtte
tte Bxood etaC, who
M xeeraite from Camp Meade have
a—ud for 0»mp Baton. AUare wolL
aaobUny^ laadlnf auppllM
ahli^ to Ue army.
B. 1. Ksipp.
Tax Uonaix^BaKxiiUJ wm a reynUr
vbitor at Company M'a qnarteca
Beam Ua Kkmdtha
Mr. A. C Thootaa ef Marvtrina. SantUyo and the M'.diota epent manj
Tea., hae foend a more vaUab'.e die* .. happy hour lu reodlaf of home aad
eovnty than hm yet been toMe la Ua frtonib..
KtoBOike. For yeaia be aaflered anNotbinf wMtooroadfarthonoIdien
■old afuny from ooaaomption, aeoum from Mkhiyaa all Ue way from Bow
‘ Ibyhemorrharet: aadwasabM.
eered by Dr. Eiaf't New DIaoov York to Trawrae City.
DoaC Mo-yan bro^bteeveral larye
------- ConyheandCelda
' Uof liulevaloe taraetulM piekied In alooboL
The only llveepoeimoa of ffohaa veylid have it. evvQ If It cat a
d*i Ian • boUlr. Aaibma, Ftation brooyht atony b a latariai t
Bronehltbandall tSrpntaod Innraf. crop of whbhen which adoa* UafoM
feettona arc puritivaly eorod by Dr. of^Svty^t
8 Oavla went down te ItanbtM
CrraUny Sunday niybt arlU the city
Geo. R. Winnie
Up.to.ilate PaiBtei
and Paper Hanger.
zxA, ADvRieT
Btmdey'e Fire.
A lire eterted In eome
■.e Ue Onloa etreet bridfe Sunday -
Send yonr addrem to H. B. 1Boeklen
Co., Cbloayo, and yet a free.. aample
» of Dr. Klny'a New Life PUb.
yOT of their merit*.
Tbeee plUa are cMy in aeUon end are
parUcuIerly effective In Ue cu
lonatipaticiD and Sick Ucmlache. . .
dalaiiti and Liver trocble* Uey have
proved invalueble.
They are
ynaiaateed to be perfectly free from
every deleteriona aabetance and
mrelyvi-yrtable. They do not w
3j Uelr action, bnt by sWiny tone to Ue
•tomach aod boweb yreatly Invlyorato
Ue ay»i«m. Bvyuler riie 2&c. pa bo*.
Sold by J. O. Johnaon. aodS.^ Wait
Miss Doyle
Gives Free I«esBona
ill Kinds of Eitibroideri
A ...
DR. Hliatjnno,
* •«> (
Otw McXseiWi's foos Stwa .
rnra nnsrAi, wobk.
j ^ock T«A&.^ ^fifT
I TVeAMd Ve tftiov
We Would
Like to Gall Your Anention
•Phone J67.
94S Front Btraot
This spac^for what we have to say about
We have
just two of those
Sample Couches
I/eft. One is s $35 coach, tbs
other Is worth $SS7.50. How
the first one in this morning
gets their ohoics for sn even
t muet yet moved oat today.
Hnose ParDuhtny Store.
% Our Offerings
Good Words.
'Km) &0(At\
Kms StqUsl Km» 'ST\ces\
Bacon and Picnic Hanu we are
' Felling. We never had any nicer, nor did any
body else.
M J!s
Shop opposite Eagle ofBte.
r*. Dbtrtet
Manayva. Traverae Chy. MIeh.—I have
becD a member «f the Uolmd Sutra
Berrvolmt Socleiy of 8«yinew foe
nearly aixyeara. and have alwaya found
Uem prompt aod1 jMt
jMt. Accept that
l TR -In »ettl«mvnt
for cheek «or foil
eeridnit claim. Men tu Ub
died ■
“’have bew Wdly
drnt and akknoa compani
Dnltvd State* can alwaya bv dependad
__ to foldl thrir oonfwrt. I will al
ways vtand ready to help yon when
you eome here.
(ia\l^s axvd SacKe\s.
:ler had been Umed cm by Ur
trv dapartment. No dammfa wm oe
' - Ue bridfo.
Deserve UnisBal Attei^i.
exclusive with us, that
for beauty have not been equalled.
^ We make particular mention of BEBD and BATTAB FUB^ NITXrBB. Aside from a floor full of heautifU’ creations in
t 1*118 material we make prices equally as st‘ractlve.‘
Whether you intend to refurnish your house this fall or
Z: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offer yon the opportunity
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods
in any event. .V
drier*^ ud dbtrita^nao^ tha
boye three I
- .-r, *
m »0«MiwO »^«D. TTOIPAT. UP
dfi..JUiihadiha apart and «id. as>j
(Bia 8. 1S8S.
A SotohaMton
faffylny trafai lidand <
aboat oma and ane hntf mUm aMth of
latartochen. Ties and toys were pUad
on tbs traMi M a Mrea whara it
I for tha enylBoar to aaa
them la Urns to stop,
•aylae aeatterod the pUe nadkepttha
track, snfferiny no damnye.
Aldanaan Laidla
thaayaeonoMoathntatthaeaxtataattny of thaaonnoahawanM offer a m vm ha Wnatmod o«t at Unnd
ZiAa Wlthant Bmwimg
aolottenpeorMtaythat tto mattor of
: hendlay tha oity ler new wator works
tho Ooo&efl Loot Vifht.
nthapaopU. Bo alatod
DMrnlt. fept. t-Oommer Playras
InUe ramuin that onterday and 'jaet haCon
I raeaiesd word tram
t WwM ae .M
a needte points to a magnet no atirelv does this
Banday tha wator oeirtaa on tha Booth I tha ww (
___ ___
_____ .__
t at Waahiaytan
new store with its new goods and it’s low prices atJ Itol tta T»l.t,««»4 •01 Mut tna
tract the economical taring pnblic of Trarcree City.
7O0. WlabMtoOOBBMt W man Desmond sadofaci tho aoatimoato ^ BaatoriUo tomocrow^ awralay. and
of Mr. Lardio.
, that they wiU yodlrect to Camp Batoa. company with n aash cnpiial of SM.1 he two poles of onr nia^et are
' WIU Ottno«attao Xn
«00 has heea formed for the parpoee of
at leiand Laha. to be n
doat Imeoadaotiny it in eenaactioa srith the
that tha alaieaway ba
» tho town
ItMlncmof iheTpeUnaUMtoeml Bath
Tb« tet MttorotUM Mtb ter ship of OnrfcM nnd Tmraree
Co. Sereral Oetroltf^arUaa. toyetber
m» eiky eoBBell wm b*M Iwt Biftik. naed of bolny mpUoednad Straet OomX.OMB UT* TBS ». A. «.t
with some of the leadlny eituem of
Aa tome, of the mmbm wm ool misalooer Kelley was anthoriaed to
MM)r eU of Um prevkm olftt to wri- lake the aeeeamry tUe and aae that tha Ba^ Onre fbr Ooapaay B Band- Ypsilaati are iatamated is tbs ran*
Like a true magnet these two bold with aa inrepalre were properly doae.
eomaly in Detooit.
MOH the retuned eoldien dwre wu
Aldarmaa OreUtok latrodaond tha
vincible grip—Once a customer, alwajg aenstomer.
I to diapetoh
Snperlstendnnt Mo^tyomery. of the
Jerome Wtlhrlm-pUyed with the D.
mattor of a new iron wnur mslo whid A O. team to a yarns of ball in Detroit Mate pablic aebonl for dependent <A0Onldily, with • pr^r retard for a
See what
rhat a lot of mone;
money savers tb^ are:
reel dtapnlUoe of the uattacm before B.. D. Campbell A soas dcalrad to az- Batnrday. When tba bnya of Company dran. says there are a larye nambsr of
1 lot of boj’s Knee 'Pants, size 4 to 15—^jnst
toad trom-Uaoold etoraya srarenoase H arrleed eeraral membera of tbe De bri^t, aiuaotive boys, ranytoy from 1
the ueetliit.
for fno.............................................................
The firat thi«t diapoeed of was a pe- to the MoreaniU* Oa.'e bnlldla*. oa troit Athletic Clab UHed Jaroma to 10 years of aye, at sehool, for whom
tlttoa of B. J Motfaa to sera some of Daloa stmat- They desired permission yreaUy to lookiny after the Trareraa yond bomnn am dmired.
1 lot of^j’s Knee Pants, size 4 to IS—just OCp
hla shade and hie warehoBae to differ* to haay the pipe from tbe bridye. The City boys Thrr.axereiaad ioea! IrflcAt Fraskfort. Bal Wiekbam. aynl
«rt poelUoM ap.m tba property titey eoonoil yrantod a permit, with tbe proand the prlraleya of the cu of the
Srt 4( wool sad tsnallr wU at ma
vlaioB that B. O. Campbell A Sons shall yoreraor to such a maoaer tost the U. oaly aon of F. O. Wtokbam. was acooeapy. The petition wma traoted.
ddeatally drowaad fa Uk* Mieblyaa
1 lot of boy’s Knee Pants, size 4 to 15—jnst I ftDr. J. D. Moneon peUUonad
boys worn atoely tnartored at tha Gatnrday emoSay whUn fa battafay
•onaall to pMt hla to atMl a throe of P.ouo 10 protect tbe city ayalnet toes Wayae and i
with nevaral of bis friends. The wind
or* sB wsol. asrvusuy U* bsMa*. aad ««rU as.
•lory brtek ^ atoee baUdlnr oa hia by eccldeot.
which they e< lid oot have had to any
Alderman Oarriaon esiled tba stun. other way. la addition to this they wa* hlowfay a yala and the brary aarf
lot on Pmat »^et, east of the Grand
and BDdnrtowearrted blm andw-btfora
Uoo of the eoaacU to the fact that tbe
Opera Boaee. The
the eoldleialrom bora to
' of all the rood brtek baildlBjre that esn City Bookstore bed eztooded a aiya many srays to make thalr etoy to
We show a line of Long Pants Suits at $4.e0,
WlUte bmltb is the aamn of a l»he eeeared on the mala etreri, lost no over the sralk contrary to law. and oa Detroit pies
#4.50 and $5.(M) that cannot fail to give satisfartion?yaar-oU boy of Deltoa, who mast be a
tima la rranUap the peUtlnn. Thie ie motion the oonneU directed the Chief
Our ‘•seven-fifty" men’s suite are the kind yon
lly. Ba sran ran
the hnUdlnc whleh Ie deatrsed for the
e od Trank Tarkn.
the otber day. the wheal* of a
pay from hlO to H2,50 elsewhere. If you doubt it,
fawn home of the Knlchta of PythUe and to n mind tha City B<
r bat arisen heavy wayoa pamfay over bl* bead a^
and Rrotunr Ooekeray'e bnaasM ool- fntnra riolatlons of that natnra woald
prove all we say—yon don't have to bny
in rayard to tbe care and attoatioo of
be aebompanlad by a flae.
chMi; bat vteanya to my no bone*
lara, and it will be a fine atraeinm.
Trank Park* and it ie bat Just that a araro broken, and a* tbe injarlm be reBenry Wieehaewsky. who
pnblie etot
men’s and'boy's Sweaters. SOc, 75c, $1.00.
of a few brvleca.
honffOl the old atm stare oow oeeayiac
The feetiey la anlvareal that the beat
Best line of Shirts. Collars and Neckwear in the
Ba wiU ba around ayafa livaly'a* e
•heapaeetobeaalbynr Maitaoi
ThinyThird and Thir^-Vonrth Kara medioal attooUoa to be obtalaed Ie fa a fowdaya.
city—Prices and styles right.
too yood for tbit orphan boy and
more tho bnildlnf to hU lot on
Anotbar fit. Clair coaaW Klondike
to asktoy Or. A B. Holiday to take tbe
BonU aide of Proat atreev weat of
p Wikoff.
BO mistake wae made. Tbe as- yold seeker hsa ratamed home
▲nraet Beitoarh property, llte par- Montaak Polnv M- Y.. eUto that da- stotanto have bt«s m-at taithfalaad
Be is Martin Potter of Ma-rinc
toMoo was rraatod. tho merer to pay epita the mortality to tbe make of tbe aitentlra hot tha
aty. HespnnttonnMsthsfathnAra•spoaae of catUny and eplieiaf wiree Thirty-third and Tblrty-f^rtb Mich- threatened tbe ease sayyeated the Uc cold reyioas and rntnrand withoai
. ramorad baeanee of the ebaairik
iyan sad tbe IlUaole moa. the troops idea of seeartoy a shilled traiaed nai
an oanoe of yold. Mr. Potter taya
of these two states are eomloy home to to eaUsfy the dseira taat the very best that tbe Kloikdike woald ba a yood
T. B. A. Trayaa, whoao property
•oeded darlay the raeaat storm, asked Tcry biyb bonora. It woald be a pleae- talent be si Us boy's sarviee. In this plaee u baoUh crimfaata. bat is
ttal tho tUe BOW sappeoed to carry off are for the Mieblyaa sad lUtoola falh- wish no ooe Joined more beartity than piaoa for oUers.
It 1* a trifllay thiny. parha«a.that whlto Ivory
'/.. Vi
orator by way of dereoth otreat, be ••- eta and motbare to bear wbat is said Dr. Bolllday.
The clam whlcb yTsdaaInd from the battoBC are aaad . exclaslvely «b ••Adfar*
tonded»Tsrhlslot.aetha intake pipe by oSoars to aathority of tha ^ameUr
My pereo^ anxiety oa the matter Micbiyan Oolleynof If iatn at B
now lanaela iaemadaetfortheperpoee of tha troopa from these two aUMa of narem baa beea misooaetraed to an last week was the laryeat to tba Ue- Troa*m.ym "Adler" Clath^ owm im yood
to pm-fe^D of details. Tbe Ivory
dariny haary raia atorma. Mr. Trayaa that want to the front. The
OB the doctor.
toryof tba school aad
■leo ayraad w defray bait tbe expeoM paid to the merit of tho Ililnoit and
1 wonld eorreet Uis idea to total and parte of tbe world. That the demand hettea* arc almply <me iadkatioa of th« patoc
takaaby the
MIehlyan aoldler te of tho blybrnt kind. aasara the pahUe that tha d-oter e
of the imnrorement. The matter
for mintoy naytoeava U yood is showa
Jmtthiakof Iti that of all tbe ml skill and ooodnet of this ease seeds no
referred to the <
hy tha tact that aeversi were called
nntoertroapa seat Into tha Santtayo defense. It Is beyond all manner of
and walks.
away months ayo aad that many othara
The Swaesriy Telephoae Co. eakad eampalyn tba Pint Illlnoto sad tbe oriUclem.
have yood posHions.
Hlehlponaiaeloa to extesd lu llces throeyb
Dr. Hollidsy jofne me to the •»yan are tbe oaly
the elty tor the perpoee of
that BO expense will be spared
Zxenraioa Tontpnnad.
lay with toil smaller towaa tkra^- whom not one word of eriUdam has to yet tbe bmt poeaible naree that the
Owiay t > tbs fact that nearly ^cfy
ont the reyiom.' The ooapaey ' pe^ bean pamod. Not a ebaryp ayalnet ease reqclrca, bat at preaeat nothiay
body was tired oat from betny ap all
tiUoaed tor permimloa to malatalo ooe these three rryimento that
U.wanUny to hastaa his
iinpoaj Diybt wniUny for tho Baaaah
' er ttbo eoBttal stotioae In tbe elty for skalked la battie; that offoeia w
a Is very favorable.
Kiflea. the exearaioo to have been yithe pnrpoao of aSordlny direct com fire deserted tualr poets; that the
Rxu-r Ooxxsbix. Jb.
fast niybt by the Craaeaot band.
toaaioatioo between many towoe.
that they erer forsrhleh were menUoaed. It is not Ui« yot the honor of a soldier and that of a dMf MTMf MtJMMUfitmtmt MtMUtak
label 1* not merely na ad wtUemeat—It U. a
parpoaeof the company to malnialn a
Peryaaraatee that every yarmoBt to which ft la at. bat to «
haoi llUnolsaad MIehlyan fatbm and
taebed fai riyht, from Itotoy to h
with other motbera hare failed to nou that
"Adler" noUlny 1* toteaded fee mM whom
amnU towu-la tbie reyion,
only mloBtoer reyimeci reiamed from the w Batton <d Interast Trom All «
taste* lead them to w<sb to be wen drrmdor the oonraoleneo of Trarerao Citr. treat has alvaer a eoaadaloat row or
Tart* of Kichiyan
•d, bat who do not care to pay tbe hl^ priem
hat for tho b-nofit of the towne
ehanraof onmiUttry coodoct ayminst
of the emtem tailor. It U do^yMd by expo’U
tioaed. Attorney W. D. Tottao. of it as a body or eo^tost some of
aad made by ospeble aad
Kalkaeka. wae present a'ad la behalf
bat the Ft«i IHiaoU and the
A biy factory burned at Bay <“ity
It comm to the best mor
•ftheoompany addressed the ooancii Thirty-third and Tnirty.fwnrthMlei.i- Rnnilsy momtoy with s lorn of P40.00C. In aU the anocx-opled territory in Hiehiyaii. Mo>.t popaiar p an accident and abd fiu aad wear*like ibe
U a rary pleassnl manner. Be ouied yan.
It was owned and operated by tbe sick benefit isvnrance on the maikot.
work. We have th« wle of "Adler" Clotbfa
that Tramine City Ie now the hob of
Beylmensl names are not nooMsary Bamptea Msoa^tortoy Co.
Ttavrtw a^. aa^W aew stock of raita
tbe Grand Trararoe reyion and that bstbereara two New Baylaad rayiA little dsayhter of Joaepb CoHss TkOilyiMffMHHBcItgunil Pin
kt* tMMnrraady.
thoamalior towns needed elooarrela
of Grand Baplds died Salerday fram
Qiltt kj Td«nn.
tioas whlak the proposed ane wpnld dale at their baela Bare Is a New blood pnitoniny osnsed by tho bite of s
afford. The petltioe was referred to York repisaal whnar prlvaim fooybt fly or moMiulto which had bees teedtoy
the eommltue on atreeu and waike.
Ike taeroca at Gi Oaoey. bet whose of- OB decayiny matter.
fieers woBid B.-t be bellerad sador oath
Aaotber I
The body of a man named Cerwto.en
wt*S .
if they swore they performed their fail
of adiflamnteharaoter.
roate from Pennsylvania to On»t«d.
daty Jnly l; hare 1s aaothar eastani
la the ebspe of n propoaeJ ordini
Mich., was nest bv mletaln to AMden. 4esl or slrSeeM mHiM
which woald ymnt to the Nortbero raylment yet andecMed ae to which
iher pmtmi i*»-lr property tgmimti Sn
Mootealm Co.
When It arrived at
TBIS AM<IClAriO]| 18 OBOAinzCD vxOF"
Telephone Co. n franchise tor thirty was tbe mast dtooryaoltod aadcr fireGreeovIIIe it was to asch a eo»diUc« nxa TUX Liw* or thx Ststx or Micsi
yaara to eetabllab nn<. Bsitttnln an ax- oOcarBormen. Over there la a eentml
barial bmame neecaNever c'-«/h1 ta rtoore at niybt
state reyiment with lu eammaadtny
ehaaye la tbU cUy. The rates
wit!, SB nspsH claim og it' bor-t
td as a liar and coward ury. While the rristires at OnsteH which it bad reeeiveJ pr
1 sre »I4 tor be
wsiitoyfor a fnneral tba bodt
another reylmool aioayaide of it ba»
sam men sod women from 16 to 03
fit for reeideBees. Tbe pn
be‘ny bnried by atranyars at
etaded aU free phooee for the city and boon forced to choke InenbardtosUon. Green ville.
And la all this possibly ioe>iubU
laatramenis for the eehool bDltdiays at
lo ItnknMp F« Ti Ml
Tlis bndv of an anktiowa
tho First llii.
One Bonik-8 tsm tmrrm p Ur- reaWenee rates. This propmltine
^srvsee lor cor atesth. tolee
vafarrad to the ooramitim on ordlnsn- BJtaaBdtbeT»ir>y-third and Thirty fonnd on the brneb on* mile math of
barber Sonday afterc
n4 Tene*.
fmnh MtobiysB stand Bustorrad aM
body Is sepnosedtobe the atao that Addno, UCHKU iCCOOT ISSOQITIOI.
WebRverwivwl from tbe Friedrich Mnsie ^oa«e of Grand
-A petition for a walk oc Pirteeath BBUihled.
And farthtsemore, of the soldleta of rented, a small sail boat L Uaalstae
over one bnndred Violios which will be pl#i>pd oo asle at Wt - •tract from iu western end to Itoisc
KniJuiAzoo. ncaiuxN
W. Kimbatra Muric btora. 235 Front Street, for
, Btreeb wae raterr«id to the eommiiter Uicee two sute*. it wae the M'chigffn last wMk.
h>ys wfaodM all the hard flyhtiny.
«n atreeu and walks.
drirlar along the hlyhwny tbe other
W. L. Brews asked that the yniter
day wboB tbolrborse fell to the yroanr
'•cranyemenu on Park street be Im
and di*d In S few mora'eU. the retml'
prorrd and this also was referred
Some cd theae iiwtnimeoU are store worn and sUybUy dtmmred by
of a rifle ball striking i*. The toll. <«■
omlttoe on etmeu and walks.
Two Roodred Ltreo ooot in the Bash
shipping'and will therefore be sold st
rmtlystioB abowod. was fir«d by a mr
Opera Eouae.
Claims to tbe amonnt of St,144 64
to Copper Btrer.
who claimed he was B'jo->tfay at s
arars ordered pehL
Seattle. Wash . Sep'. S.—The steamer cMeVea, bnt tbe man whose horse
City Treasurer Warsbary
City of Seatile arneed lata last alyht klUed i* mad and will Wrla Ityal probalance to tbe traasuy of Slt.316.»t.
fmm bksyusy with sixty miners from ooedinyt to make the ahonter pay for
Antoog them will be found Strsdtoarias. O _
Ole Ban aad Pnte- :
The statement of the board of pob> Dswson, seventy cllayn<.t«<d otteo from hi* bad mari
>oal Models. These riolios iwullad from Slte«73 saeh. This Isa <ara op. Ue works was a bly osie. Tho total Cspper river, sad psno.ooo to gold. It is
e old I
iB'ty for «oearit>ra model B-ed by the_______
. _
Th* Per* Marqnotte Coal Go.
c put la first cdsas playlny oondittoo at UtUe experm.
The Tontig Oharuoter
nmosDt was Ses3.4>. which loelnded osttouW that SOo men have been tenoed omolnr np the chambers aad
tho oast of mudh of the ropalriey of
rnsd or lost tbeir lives on the taklgy eoal from their mine fa SayinComsdlau,
«he brldyea damayed by the bly storm Valdss yiaeier since the Copper rti
aw oonnty. Friday. They will soon
The bill of the Baelne Fire Bsytoe rsah bayso. Bandas of destliotm have s Isrye force of mno at work, aifa
y. E. STRONG. Manager.
235 Front Street.
Oempany. for the nsi^ ehemtoal. was IherearnbHay fndwith yoverament expect to pat down their ahsit.
ntdemd paid, less the amoeat of tbe rsUbns. Four thoasond people arc
ss4 hb stpimC siW vaeUat
Sweet’s Botel sod all other propmty
•opesditBrea to put the ecylne In' rsebipy to yet <rat before winter eoi
owned to Msrito L Sweat srere sold
•hapetorbosioesa. L K. Gibbs.
Sstnrd«.r nndet-*Kn hrmnw-r to eatlv4y I sa cMJwly »#w Tv-vrtQra wbIm af «
MBA KfBxvxmr m..
•yent stated that be wonld par for tbe
orwlitor* whoae claim* acyrespu fiiso,•eadc mcmtloned. aad-had already paid
Asd Sobeol (fappMto of all kfadaaaa tha'CnT
Tba buyer wae James M. BarNEWS CO. PooWoBalldfay.
npart'of thaamoosi. The total bUi Witagag^ a Baaaway aad Bgcataad
ntot. OM of tbs
aBervoaa Shock.
«B jn.its.
Swoot wasatoM Mbm worMi half a
: what had
baeoau of the atone mtmhar hot learn- McKinley waa atartlod by a raaaway
, ad there bad bMaaoibtoydooe reyard-, aeefaeat which *ba wltnmaad whUa allaffalrsoftbaettr.bat now, at tbs
fal^e>wrlry. J^MABTTHB^?7?to«
lay the new mscblna aiaca Its rwont
preaideat to Bast Sids aya of M years, he is brohaa fa health
. iParkthisaftaroowt. TUsbrooyht on
Tbe lamber operators of tba appor
Aidrrman Lardio broafht ap the | a nervons shock. WUle titttoy oa tho
mater works yasattoo ayafa aad stated mranda of the
■ay that they are batlay
fibat It ws* Ums aomethiny was done thl*«vaalay*bs hooan « faiat. and had gfwt dllBenUy la
man to work 1s the woods tUa faU.
to provide fm-aew water wiwks.
tobaamlBtad to bar
1 M Batta. Kvw U evair imtef*.
L. Keysa, Janitor of a Detroit
Ml with the fact that thara waa mack thatMm.MoKfal*yb Qlaam was ato batol. dfad •addably from tha affaota
to tha raport of Bnytoam BaftermhkA
H. FLKTCBKB aervw era*
■vto worthy of clme atady by th* oosn- Waahlnytoa with the preaident.
elam rsynfar meaJa for HU aad Bm*
jTwaahmfa tlwamtoforUa. OpMaUalfhL
Two of Thus 0«
“Best (jnalilj-Popiilitf Prices”
For ToDBg Meo-UtolSyeirs
Good fresseR seek otr goods.
*____________ »
A Live Agent Wanted
Tkfl Uefcigu Ittltot Isodidoi
Special Sale..
15 Days Only.
Steinberg’s Grand
Satarday, September 10
At Less Than Factory CostI
One-Half to Tfo-Thirds of the Regnlar Prloi.
W. W. Kimball Co.
Walch This Columii For Bargains I
“Si Plunkarr
Far lour ScM Boots
Fifty Gents
Guard Chains EsTjJis,
11F U NI
I Furniture Bargains!
Columbian Restaurant,
■ >-^,-\f'-
fe-V p
m MOMmm'MM^
K ‘TsMl >nral]iiiant th* lint
tOtdj ud
»d lOdtoUOB
rwItotiOB room
loom mn
•» m»
•<» «>«
Hd «Mt th»t It BuLMnlr
Bright froopioti. to tto T«or-^
tMOltot am eoBO Idea of
. •
SebMl apnMd yotwdar «or«i.»
____________lawt •( im.
Tkto OBiy
«ly lOr
for uwonv
tiwfliot oay
day mma»d wlU
te«paaldaallartart9 tta «d of
Tb* foaowlMf ia tke oMolUaaat U
tba dICaraat gradM for ywtarday
Pak Park.
Sarastk asd mighth ccadaa.M; taaekor. >U« SotUa PlUdaa.
Ptntt «>d aUUi rradaa, 49; taaebor.
MIm Oertrada Hiiftaa.
rovtk trade. M; taadrar, MUa <to.
Third fiada, U: laaehar, IUm Tky.
naPalB of ISB
, Mr. SBltti haa Joat talahod Bkbf
tba Bhool aoMoe of Ula city. n>ia
rmtH total tala orar laat yew la lO.
Tba raamt taU la U tha Booad
waiClibaiatM. Tkoro taa Wa* an
toMoaaa la the oUib warda alao, axcapl
tka int, whiak U tba bbo aa laat
...... 1 :iH
TtaBBo out Bdya la tha IMratt Saa.
pIBlo oBMBParfiMBly ni
Tba BrTByoodBt of tba Mobom
Tbahlfkaaboal la to bara aaotbar
RaoBolaDotraltatatadlaa lata dlatootkaU teas tbla year. A aashar of
patA tbat oU of tba OoByoay M atefc
thaantboaUatabalda bbUbf yoatarhoya In Detroit wbo doiat waU. Raday aftoraooa aad daMdad to orfanlB
porta at taaiTOTaicwa
tbalr aomiMoa »U1
-*»* ba
**» aaat —
today aad aaoh of tba bbb la tba boapiiab tria be aaaa paroonaUy. Albvt
Mantar-Blaar VtowB
I V.—~
—----------------------Oaptaln-wm Oaaa.
I CbUdraa’B boapi^ tvaalriat t»od aara.
Traaaarw^TbarM Mortan.
Cbampaey ia a liiaiber of tba Thirty
Tba tmm wUl r> to OadUlaa for a
foortb rarlBaat baad. W J. Gef.y ia
taso tba Ittb. dariat the atraat Calr.
alB a BOBbrr of tba Tblrty-foartb
Aa they bare only a faw daya BOra
ratimeat baad am la alao aiek la
tbaa a waak to prepare for tba oontBt
Dotroib Ha ia at Ua WoBanb beepltb«y win need to praeUea arary aftartal. Oaptaia Melotoab laatGraea Hto- -TainUUbaldata.
pim. aad Oaoet* Deylr ia at tba ChildMlB Oapitola Vadar rWtad Maada reab beaMtal. wbaro Oaorye Tarback
and W. J. BUllker are alao hainy carad
for. Moaaof taaaiokaro aariooa.
City Opera House
One Bl^t Only.
Si Piaakard. tba raariat,--------- raUy of fn aa praBotod by J. C. Uwia
attatbeOakParif and
hia uta
bit oanpany *.*
of coaaadiaB
aao atm
— wUl
baiToU at latitbtar for tbota
Bbool ia SM.
fond of fan at Stolnbart^ Qraad oa
KlBwood ^aoaaa.
So thoB who
. ----------------Sixth and aoranlh t»adB.4«s
rlah aa rrealay to ddra away Mall
Mb Afaea Bataa
Fifth trade. 4*: toaehar. Mtaa Lola _ara ahoald ba oa baad toaB'Mi*and
la hla aaw
Foarth yrada, »; taaehrr. Lacy Oaa- raraioa of the Unyhlaf---------- ----Plankard. All new faatarea. aaw aorthird ftade,»7; taaohar. Jram Stllra alUoa, omrythlny new.
Saecaid yrada, S8; taaohar. Baida
Vorelcn Mlaaloaary Society AaotiaL
A.*t«t|trada.4»; taach
Tba Womea’a Peralya Mlaaloaary aooiaty of tba M. E. obareb wlU bald ila
S drat yrada,«; taaohar. BdlU Ad- aanaalBBtlaffortbaalaoMoa of ofdcaro. Wedaaaday at Z:»0 p. m. Ofltora
araroqaBtodto raaiembar tboir aatbm aareUnaat, Mf:
Soatb PrtBaiy;
anal raportt aad BoBbafO are daalrai
Flntand aaooad yradaa. 4S; BdiU to attend praparad to pay tbalr qoarterly dura. A abort BOBorlal aarriea
ariU ba bald to Mra. Doroadatl.
FUtkandaUtbcradaa, MO;
MlB Myrtla WUaoy.
taaekar, MIb
Feartb frada. I
Ataraoot BBtlay of tba IbrBt
tblrd Kiada. >4; taaebB. MIb Oorart. Workara MiaMoa Baad. tba feUowiay
arm waia alaetad tor tba aualay
Saeoad ycada, H: toaobar. MIb Batb
FroMdMt-Artbor Heal.
A., Bnt gnA», <*: taaohar. AaraaU
ViB Proaideat-Marioa Pratt.
r; taaaharr MIb Aaaa
8. Erat mde. tl;
$11 00
am a daBatie aoraa la oaa act,
“HwieBlier tie ■tilt."
Popnlar prioea.
on aale Monday.
Bpadtl Ml 00 rloUM for II daya at
Beioambar that I doaU kMa of iB
palrlar and raaiBoIlac. am that 1 aan
am do r<Y« r»o tba bBt work of av ,
OM In tba city to tba Money. DoaH'
ba dcorlTed bf what othera tall yoa to
the eostrary. bat oobc am ob to
lyaaraataaaJlBy woriitobe rifbt.
opiaaraBBonT t*ai^ am if UdoBaotproroB 1 saka 11
Stop la tni 0 o'eloek arary araala$
aaoept Soaday. la tba CWdwall A toB
doo boOdlac, at aortb am of tTaliMi
Wbaat, old. par ba.WbBt now. parba.
John R. Santo,
Beural lisiraiM.
Booklaa'a Aratea Salva.
Taa Baar Satra la tm worid to WarrbafcEtoak.
Oata, Bralaea, Sora^ tTloara. Salt
Bbaam.'Farer SOtb. Tetter. Cteppm
Baada, Cbtlblaina. Cama. aad all Bala
Braptloaa, aad poalUrely earB POaa,
orm^rraqairm. It U raaraatem
tofl^ rrrtuet Btlataettoa or omay
rafnmed. tMoalSoeataperbc^ For
Ble bv J. O Jobaaod aad S. B «*
At Pioneer Livery Stable.
B. J. KOEQAH,Propri«tor.
- ,
D*. SawTaa.
H. U A Oo.** Week.
A pair of nice yonnx
Oxen, weight 3.200.
with a good yoke, price
• M-,^UDCHI.D«.A.O.
smU rnmi
• a,^nk!^'^»aa MB «tn«a.
* Ml
Sfe:::=;;;: 1
4 u
> Ml
----BY TBB----
A faroa eoBody.
Bicycle Riders.
ShortOatlv.. ^
nooT. H L. A Oo.....................
Bye Floar. B. L. A Oo, Boat..,
Maal, U. UACo-BbA.
Bpaoial lal* oa eloUaa fnr l» days at
vTwrKimbaU Ca’a 4IMI
Oa Bcraath
Etsf Barsed OatT
¥edfle8(layKfe.,Sept7 FOR SALE
Grary and Grand Traverse
Und Company
I M. aaoWK. Aweroey ■
eruf Bipiii 1 bfim 1.1
Seed Wheat for Sale!
Bxtn Bios BEd OlEWSon.
Ubrariaa-Wialfrad Pratt.
W.>r^ball Co.’a 41I-01
‘A Pair of Lunatics’
IMvaao Otv Btomot.
Balow te a IModtbabaytar am aMb
s..nfb« rradr. f7: Mattie Millar.
^ laytma. U; taaehor. Bdlth Sob"b Ut^a.
BMtaar bolt tafBa B PwriaMla.
”m.1~ a. 40; UvAn.
i r
' - •
J5; moo
Mra.FraneBA Staia. hB OMrad
tram 114 Front atroat to «U Waablaf
aa atroat.
Bar. Onadarmaa. a atadeat af tba
ia tba
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
TUa aftanooa tba Sooth Slda.Sbakaapaora Qab wUl BBt wltb Mra. H. B.
Fbarth grade. AS: taMher. MtoPay-
Aldoraaa aad Mra. Bobha ara aatartoalag a aaw baby boy who aniecd
yBtarday moralag.
S. BandaAOo.aredlaplaylacaa arSacom Frada. 47:, taadier. Stella tiatlc aaw aiga at their clothing atora.
Oaorga B. Wlnale waa tba artbt.
Pat McDooald. formerly of tbla dty,
bat now a man>bar of Company B. of
ManteUa. wb ml«iag from tba oomTolaloD ■
whan it loft New Tork aad bia
The Hlgb acbool taaebaia ara:
frtenda bare fear that be bB been tak
Prof., era.
c- a. Hora.priacipaL
Mary McLanyblia, aritbakatie am en afatk am waa ptaom la aoma koapital.
Helaoo WyekofE, oaa of tba laaBah
Uelap Nortaa. BogllaB and bMtonr.
Harriet Booldia. Latin am OarBan. Blflaa, from Summit City. bB loot a
ebicb ba brought
Mynw A. Cobb. adeaoB.
UiUaa Drwnlog.ftamatar aad Aaaa- fromCuba and would be glad 11 tba
Bader will ratom It to him. The waaieaa Livaratore.
Miaa E eia Dean, finglbb am aelaa- poab a little maty am bB a aaw
'"’Swrd rrade.Mi Backer. Mtoa Cbrla-
I am odBaphemU JlddlBg, p
jmetarctai oraoenea.
MlwJiekliBguaehaabalfottba day
ia Ibe Hlfb acbool and the other half
day la the gradra.
Mr. Swift aad MIb Dean ara new
ecMnan ihla yBr. ,
The other new teaebam ara: Miaa
Anna BUaa. Oak Pirk; Miaa, Edith Ad.
■ and Mtaa Flor.
anca tVamar. Caatral.
HtoaEdiU Boleombto i
ocoad grade at T
tba piece of Mto Cie.o.—. — rery HI aed unable to ba hare.
Toe B lat grade in Elmwaod araBna
kaa not organlBd. owing to tbo onarpidabic ataacnoa of MIb Adama. tba
All tbma who dBlra to aaalat la baa
aring the Bannah BtflB at tba proid ealabratloa am wteb to coatrlto t^ Eacoan or Eagle oBoaa. la eata
a KkeWMt.
B. J. HOBGAN, Prop.
Now I have a fine lot of them. Fifty head
to select ft-om.
A p*ir ot dnift hor«A color b.y, weight 3100, • UtUe ruigr, Mtr* nice puir, well broken.
A fine bay mare, blocky bnilt, 1550 in weight.
An extra good gray mare, 5 years, weight 1500. blf»k bnUL '
One bay mare, 6 yearn old, weight 1350. blocky bnilt
A pair of gwy geldinga, blocky boilt, weight 2600, 5 and 7 years
*11 C* The
CBw win tafiwrdec b» I
^^ru4 haSet ev •• ttle trmlB.
r.Mw —I IClcb
' A nioa black mare, blocky bnat, 7 yearn old. weight 1380.
A low bnilt grey mare 7 yeata old, weight 1500.
An extra nice chestnut horae, blocky built with arched neA. cioucnoR" WA3«TaD-L*dt~ «
weight 1400.
A pair of blocky bnilt bay marea. weight 2400.
A fine chealnut mare, 6 yeara old, rangy built, weight 1400;
A fine bay gelding, 6 yaata old, blocky built weight 1360.
An extra good cheatnnt home, 8 yeara old. weight 1150.
A nice brown mare, blocky bnilt weight 1160.
A few cheap boreea af a very low price, and a whole barn full of
all kinds of boraea to anil all kindfl of cnatowera.
Stock taken in exchaage for horses. Time girw with good a^
curi^ Satiafaction guaranteed or money refunded, Pleaaebearih
mind that you c*n boy cheaper and better horaee here, and know
wbat yon are getting before you buy than any auction arie.
ba aaoBoary for tba actual a™—.~—
of tbaaoldlcra am a part of tbla fund
ia to be darotad to tbalr relief. It la
arill be libaral
am quick.
A Utile ieformal party wax Indul
ged la laat areniag by the gMata at
tka Park Place. Oorda and rarlouB
gamea ware an^oyad am daUdow
punch waa lermd.
Thera will ba bi Bpwortk Leagae
aodal at ibe Buell farm tonighl. BuaOB will loake A -T. JohaaoBb ahoa atora
One cannot help aoUelag aad bala| at a o’cl
Two bright baby glrU were Intro
plaaam with tba feet that ao many
of our own graduataa, after hariag dacm into the family elnla of Mr
prepared tbamaeWea for tbla work re- Mra. Barray MorrlMe Suaday.
tara to teach ln.todr borne aabool.
Tim Shane will go to Chioagn today
Amoog the aamaa of tBchara tbo after a Brlcmd of bOTMU.
feUowiag ooM ware noUaed aa being
HoUry A Gonaabla hare reeolTm tka
tboee of gradnatea of Traretae City order for the paper for Ike iatorlnr of
High acbool: MatUc MiUar. Bdilb tka Hotel Cotnmhla. which ia axpeetod
Bosera. tola Bnabw. tola Oaoaau, to ba ramy for Mr. Fletcbar about tba
Baida Emaa. RotomooA Shadek. Satie Brat of October.
PralL Eoby Dean, Eliih Glbha and
Thara will be a meeUag ot tkc South
Side Shakaapaure Otab at tba home of
p.jt.iw.1 nerar opeoad with a brighter Mrs. H. H. B. Oamar. oa Baat Elghtk
proapaettban lUia and tbaparaattaf
Ue p«pH» eAd
‘■A Pair of toBailcu.” M prBaatad
oot refaaa to help In any way by the Crury A Oldaon ComWaaikm, la
that ia la thalr power, tba eaniBt a cicun oat high claB eomady. aad b
fatthlulwork, that will be dooedur
orpretad bytkam.ltalwuya prerokro
log the cM»lag year, by both Uooban
lada of iaaghtor aad appUaaa.
and pnpila
A word moat be aald about .tba rery
Sr. torB* Baku troatasst to imira
attmeUra appaaraaoe of toe acbooi CaUailteBBtMlatkxtrect. Mm- B.
baaaa. DaeorMlME ed flac> m* m-
Please ca'l and examine my stock whethyou wish to buy or no^.
B. J. l:kS:o:Ra^J!k.liT
c. u wunwooD'a rSyHthSaitoaiB.
unnu lunnuunu LI
«• taka aatatsuacar. rsB aa im.
•Atgla'eleBo m.
r *>aa
wouw w*»aM |^toMr3|»ta
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the TrsYetae CSty Lumber Oowpsny.
We bare for Bde Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Motiea to Tax Fayara.
•r.A-pg-r-ts -yOR S.A-XJB1.
mil SUohlneiyof all deseriptiona, indoding Two Enginea,
Ret Works, Oarriagea end aewa. A complete Sew MiU Plant
■ ■■
"a****** •**
a. w. OAUMi-Lsn
wmbewHk Bari the ]«eMl«DBtll
wUM he vfll rmwu M aollBu
E, wm^^G. RECORD. ^
Company M Was Given a Great Ovation Upon
Their Arrival Homa
lownr tod*y Md wOX noortt.
O.W.Smiwm. Ofc M. TUrtrthM, MMABLff
today, srtll lauim.
Boopltkl-O. J*«0b 8wo.0a. Poatb of Oordoa
ftrwt Tletwy of Coaoral HltekH. TUrty-foartk. Inawood. TyphoM
• oaor la So Bdiardad by Sayllahfmr. waa la wmrj aoriOM eoadi
ywtwday. Wt dlfbUy iMprorod today
aad |>hy«leiaaa kbpa to aava Um.
St. MacyV-PalK Manay. <« yaara
0I4. Oe. O. nfarty-fearih. 8aoll Sta.
rA-Tbaatrdar. Ooaoral Sir Hobart Kiteboaor. wltb Khal
B»T««nd H«rry to th« L«t tii« Haomah Biflaa Baaoh Maria. Malarial, aoalba to apaak ar ifa'* Uaek atendard captured darlac
opaa ha Boatb yaatarday aad taaproBut a Doaea Foroad to Gtva up—Baybattle entlraly. Omdurskaa, o^ltel of
lart Bp to tOS today. U Isprovad aad
aral Ara V«>7 Bick Hara and Mora In
Khadiam, at 4 o’eli
will probably raoovar.
thahtedaf the Byyptl
Detroit, Hona Oan^anmaly.
r a death blow to Mahdtam.
Os tba fOBrth of May tbit city and, wprda Of cordial waleome from aU
Britiah loma* worn hetwoaa I.OOO aad
and Hie Hecovery Doubtful,
•arroandinr torritory »ava a stlfbty aUka.
Bat the aeaae wsa one to be ramam- apwrtal to Tn Hemsa Kteoaa.
&.000 while from «.0» to lt,GOO of the
iarawall roeepUos to tba br*»a boyt
arboaaliatdd In tba aarrieo of Uaelo. bared. The compasy which left bara
lehte ware kiUed or woaadod.
Deabam, Mam—The oonaition
flaa to
Spaniards; aad whilo fall ofbepe. brUrbtepiriU. dalermiaad
Tbomae P. Bayard, former ambaata
Loados. Sept. t.-The newt of Oaatew ever itmmti that they woald pa* feaat and forme eraet. cMie back amoatalda Aaorioat dowlnlon aU wara wsiatad. atooped. reCTod and with a to Bayiaad. who it at Rarltuln. the arml Kitehoaark victory over the
raady and aafcr to fo whrra d«ty (Boatal appaaraaea of harinc endarad home af hb dtufhter. Mrs. Warran, It derrbbm at Omdnrmau waareeeivad
aallad tbem. wbetbrr to battle with Bsattaisbla eafterlsyB. Borne wbo eritleal. So pronoaneed hat beoo
with the rraateat aattofaeUoa barn,
tbaaraadfoe or fiffbt the more eobtle went away with tmoothly tbavan taoae
«o la the laet two or throe days
where It b held that Baylaod hae at
oaewy. dtoaai Mom yaomed to ooo- wore heavy bearda and their friesde
With. that it b tboutht tha patlaat woold laat wiped aut the atiffma attaehtay to
«tet wtA alakncaa aad pbyalcat teffermot
iPf. bat there w« so ebiriiare Is (aw axeepUoBa the boye wara aaariy
her defeat in the previou «cpedli
andihcaa wara vary alekComstar » aad wbao Uay w*«orDIXP AT DAMP WIXOrff.
dered to move to the -tropic Wend Tbaaa tha doetora at osea fava attas
where doatb Inrlnd la ovary etrM tioa. IboaaaabaardwbowaraU tha •ad Kate of Albert Piokvsrtb of the
Cblro, Sept 5.—Tka ooBgvatateuona
Md foraat la many forme, all ohayed
•am Bmparor William os Oannral
with tba alterity bars of true Amer- Berknar. >Balph Mother aad WaltM : apeelal te Tai ■•**!>• Bsceso.
Kltehansr'a victory, which hb msjaa^
Perry. Maay othera wore aiek bat not
Camp Wlkoff. Sept. S.—Oo tha way
Wine and food wore coroaaya ••avangaa tha death of poor OarTba aaU eama aboat (oar 1
from the traaaport Boamanla to the
fally dbtributod bat tha food
doa.” wara the first raeaivad tram
MO. the raaaU to Mlohlyan laat
not aaadad aa the train wna lo
deteatioa boa^taL Albert Pkdiwertk,
After a
ao life Ud hmltb the boye b^ return- with the beat that lovlar and patriotic a private ml Omapany O. Thirty-third
hearta ooald provide aU aloaff the line.
«d.' Hot all of tbem, bnt maea ara
Mleblffaa VolBSteen. died.
«emlar. Bsaapt tba fear baraaa wbo Bat many of tha baya wera waak and n
little ettmalnnt jadlekmaly admlnU'
Mo U ocOdiar^ fravw 1*
Orand OaUbrattoc te Detralt Tmtarterad by tba phyaieiaaa waa belpfaL
When tba ward aoma Saaday that
When the homeward joaraey wae r>
day With Xnteaaa Patriatie
Company M waatoratara that nlfbt tamed there wot n (aseral vUlUnf
weacytbUn ta tba alW
aettloa and tterim wera told and laddonta related of army life generally
Ocean Went Down.
Detroit, dept 4 —Navar haa Labor
tba anaatlva and rooepUoa eommit- aad of the memorable eompaiffn
day te Detrail bean so alaborately obteaeaf tbep .
Cubapartlealnrly. LleotonantElanaea
X White
^vatba ratamlmcaoldiaraaraorpUoa
ed. A grand proeeaaten of labor
wiU bb etelwart form, happy tmlla
in kaaplnr with tha oncathm AU day aad hearty amaner wae the centra
•heala-«ba OonU Mot Waathar a
igen, floata, marchad and
toBf tba wlrea wore kept hot with ia- ofaa anaioat ffroap. The Uoate
Heavy dale and Saak With Oargo
eonnur marched till tbe principal
^alnaa. and «naUy the boar of thalr
of Ot*-«tnw Bavad With Oiaat atreeta wara one brillient pageant
-dapartara from Detroit wae deSaltoly
tearsad. Than it wae that Mayor
tralBe waa atopped and dens*
I to meat the boyt ea
crowds paekad tha atraata. At BaU*
for the etra of the aiek aad tba dbpo. apMbltoTnSem* Recoss
Ma. together wltb P. C
r S.—The tele this atteraooa aa steb'<Ate*pr»,w City,
tiUoB of the othera when they tbould
a of the esacntlve comreach the dty. The arraaffeoMBte al
Wlastow, in tow of tba ateam- gram was observed. The parade vras
mittat. Station Affoat At. Sehoc and ready made in the dty wi
Bb. Wilhelm, boarded the frdrht plete and nothisf was left andoae to er later Ocean, wa* lent near
teteaeely patriotic, partakteg of the
whielF left hew at boob. They went make the boyt comfortable. The White eboab early thb moralsy. The nalsra of a jsbllea.
d wfth n quantity of »ood Ihlnyt train reached the dty at t:SS a. m. and
of the ■ehaeaer arrived her
■r of Company B. of
to eat aad drink wkieh they provided when U pulled ia the ttraina of beard the Inter Oomn. havliig be«i
ManUtee.eamvnp last night to sea hla
*or Uie tired and wMry eoldleta. They
Sweet Home" nod "Wben taken off the teat boat with tbe grratmother.
met the epeelal train from Detroit at
Johnny Comet Maruhlaf Home.'' by a*t dilBeolty. a* tbo wind sra* Mowing
White Ooad. where they ware joyfully
the Creeeeat aad Boyt baadt mlDfled
a gale from the aonthweat and a haavy
.rooaivadandnawttromhomewaa walwith tha ahottte aad cheera of a vaat
ooma indeed to tha worn aoldiera.
threat of people who had waited pa aaa was maniag.
ImtlOulll, BMHiSfCL
la the
"rime iha raataislnc mem tiently, yet anxioady all alftat for the
Tha ateamer aad aonaort wm
Cor. Woet u
' barn
the eommitteea. aided by every retara of the keroea
tag down the atralta leal night whan
■ AlkvM.Crsv
rswlorc Mtso SIM T.
not to be foryotteo. Mother* were at 11 o'clock tba gala proved too mneb
■t»s Msbvl
there, aad tathei* too. Brother* and
a of Um boys here. B. i. Mar sbtera and *weethearu mlsyled to- for Uo Wioalow. Water Mgao to poar
ian kindly offered hit entire livery cather to give the dear one* a happy, into bar hold aad tha veaaala aooi
•ntft (or the aaa of the aoldiera, aad and loving waleome. The ieeae which
I ’aamaaagaable.
Tha ate
Undlord Boldaa aryad the
followed when tha boy* alighted wUl then angagad in teking off tha crew te
to briny the man to Park Plaoe to par evar romaln aacTad la the mamorim of
the big sea maniag. All were gottea
take of t warm lanehooa.
evoryone preooat. and there were more
off ia mtetyand tor two hoata the
atated that than waa room in tha ho thaatwotJ
mar lay within eight of tha ahaadtel for aU who could sot roach tholr
All bat twelve want to their bomea onadboat. At the end of that time the
komat that nlyhU Many almllaroflert
ulymade aad tha food. or vrere carried away by friaade. Cap- hall was aeariy out of eight and iu
adwork want oo. A alek coMittoa wna
alnklng waa only a queedoa of time.
•pp^atad of which Barbert Montoffaa miring groan, tor like Liauteaaat
Inter Oeeaa came on, reaohlag
Ktaaeen the boya eould not Sad worda
. era* made cbtlrmso, and
beta at S:40 this moraing.
. . « made to five proper atteatlou to aalteblato czpreaa their
the alek that mlffbt be aboard tbo train. Both these oiBeera worked with tedeIke teat remel was owned by Peter
Pr. 1. A Tjompmn and Dr. A H. Hol fatigoable zeal for the comfort and White aad was Insarad for aboat IB
Neither is there a place in
liday wera on hand to render whav aikd health of their aum and whUa tba
hcateDaat b aUll hate aad hearty Oap- par cant of bar value. She waa built
town where yon will see the
te 1871 nod raglaured 685 tana. 6h*
tein Wilhelm b almoet a shadow,
It waa arranged that a apeoial oar b eo thlo that hb hmt friend woald
was worth tome S8.000. Had acS tha
abould be engaged te go down the liae acarcely know him. Ha ha* been off
&oaaaba.ora rate gone to 45 eaets the
' «a tbe »:M train to meet the special at daty Bteee Angaai Sad oa aooonnt
Winslow would have bad a eargo of
Manlatoa Croaalag. Tbe arrangement
baring overworked. Oapi. WUwas carried oat admirably, bat enly belm'a haodeume saddle boras Doha grate. Aa it wa* aba waa ehartorad
SO could be aeeommodated where three
hroagbl te on the special and waa lorocBfrom Beoaoaba to Imka Brl*
hundcod wara eager to go. Those who
cared for at Oermatea'a bare.
and left that point last Saturday.
were lavmaa were the oommittoe aad
Wbiir } ,J knew oo bocada fM' many
relatlvm of name of Ou. eoldlera. aleo there vrere alao many wbo were dlsapOra. Holliday. The
painted. Theta were 45 men oa tba
Koyea. Thb «
train. Captela Kelotoah. vrith othera.
d aad eaitebte atlma- were left U1 in Detroit, being kept Dteelosad te the Otaa of John Haardon. Wbo Was Sick at tlbosey
Coatlnued oa Second Page.
and is BOW at Itetroit
r the Travarae
TittIi't ---------------- Raooan.
aty delegattoo wa* obliged to srall
DatrMt Septembar 5.-A borrlMa
two hoata. White waiting the hoy*
baUt tbrte warlog boaffree wbleh Xtetall* Of Sariana Casas te Detfoiv oaaa of criminal aagteet on tha pan of
-^at we show here. Tbnt’i
lighted op the aoeae with srlordaffeeW afirtsl toTaa Moeim* Bacoan
claetetaatSIboMg.ladieelaeed is tbe
what oar cnatomen say who
Wben tbe special palled In it entered a
Detroit. Sept 5.-^Tbe foUoaring are
of John Beardon. of Company M,
hare been the ronnda. Ton
rediaa of briUlaut UIvAlsatloa In tbe
the names aad eobditkma and aa many Tkirty-thlid MlcUgan. He sra* tekea
win say tb: same after taking
cesuv of which waa a ebeoring, entbnU1 with throat troBbla August i hut
ateatte and happy gathering. Ike in- datMlaaspoaalblctelearaofth* mo
a look.
aondag train wa* greeted with ahoBla aartoososamattitevariotiB boapltate
wna given so medlctea. When tba S|^
of wcleom* and a rousing taant of
At Harpers—Adolph Cordi, Oompany geouaaw Urn again flies bad gotten
Johnny Comm Marching I. Tblrty-iomrth. Ionia, typtedd few, late hU mouth and maggota warn aatHome" There waa no grand mah for
tbe train, hat according to a previous eonditten aerloua; vraadelirioM Ml day teg him ativB. Dr. Borman by strong
arrangement tbe chMrtnan of the re- yesterday. Temparatara alighUy low. offom saved hla life bat tha roM of hia
cepUoD oommiitee and the four phyai- ar this morning. Pbyaleiaaa hope for .month aad throat ara ao salon that
cian boarded toe train first, is order to raeovnry. John Qulter, 11 years old. ba wUl not be able to talk.
see tbatU^i
Company C, ThIrty-foBrih. Mnak^on.
their friend* and to p
due demonatrattoB which would aa- typhoid fevac. coadltteci aartoua, alow- y«* go to see the Orary A UIdeon Com.
tdnatloa ia thalr ortgisal and nniqBc
danger tba sick.
A toblot and • pmefl for i oent. .
A paneO, pen holder and a pen for 1 cent
A penofl box with k^, pen, pen holder and blot
ter for 6 oentA
Fla^ sUokera and rulaxa F&KS.
SO Front Street
HoUey A Oonnablf
An Oilcloth School Bag
Given with every porohase of School
Boohs, at
MarUiam BlocL
Just Received
Ladies’ Wrappers
New FUl Pattenu, nioely made and niokly trimmed.
Prices range from 59e to 81 AO.
A look at them is appieeiated, at
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
mud Clothing Honae.
Hastings’ Iteal Esbfe AgBn^
10 (OM les. ewan hoBM. as* tasaalaB. aib Btfmt.
te acBfM mr am.
aot<MKlei.«OTdOir*ma*.mrBirss*.mia««Bu4 6MpwsamhBatapal4ter.
Muerwmrte mile* sooth fMvrmitrM Ike elty. Ute goeC.
WBiotte. yuBaf aW
Traierse Gitj School of losic!
No PlacB
likB Home
Fall Styles
The fitat aboard warn graated with
Oraes Boapiial—MUa BaUtegar •
paayandfBfteMotnaknown; Typhoid
Populir Shie Hoosa
Oaod for Oeacrml Farmteg.
my traeta bateg te good •
wni be sold at low priem far each; ce. on langtiaa with aaay pay
ments and vary tew teterest. ,
Oa Q. A e t A R.
shows the anpariority of
American dtifiens over eonttoentalTeteraoa. Somehow the
^irit of “get there” overcomes every obatocle. So
with American shoes, and the leading
American aboea are SBLZ5HOBS. of which
more paira are sold every year than of any
other make. In every tiade someone is
at the bead, and in the shoe trade thiaia
true of 5ELZ. It coats no more to buy a
SELZ SHOE, but yon’re always anre of
your money’s worth.
WnriAnrg Blook.
Shoe Department
One of the
most model shoe stores »*» this ragtoa.
Hardly a tone* of im former bateg ia tefu It is over a year sine* we
trvad te diapoae of tb* ahoa ato^ bmm ^ ^
dapartmant srlthfrvah. new teU good* of tb* latest daaigB*, made *a|ttri*nj to oor order by aoma of the beat
Men and
Women’s Footwear
Strictly np-todate, new Uatoandwobbgrtoaa. Btoska^ weekman-
Our Boy’s and Girl’s
Batidea tb* «a* Unw w* carry aow. w* havnyMd^ tly mart
ated adteol ahoa te tbe oonatcy. called tbe *• UCAHITUPEM.’* Wa
mranteejaaiwbatUeaame Lb^Im. Mad* of aiea anft utnek and
---ir mueb atyte, wUeh te Bananal for heavy footwear. Bamombar.
PB yon money oa aay or all of year parahaaaa, but mare aapadaQy
to OBT modal aboe pepartmaab
Tnmn Oitr,'Huh.
- . -
rm Moumro bboosd.
; * 01U(D
OnttBwd rn* V(M<^
BicymesilBicycle Sundries
Dealer in flicyHesi
-Eet. •. SiOabarr Md tmtDj I«to f»taraed from a areek-e rMt at To—e
Mr. ead Mra. Dr. Lyadeolhaa Arbor
tkmVf «ht axpnM octem «t Oew arritod U the eltr laet etealar for a
FtacTM. Tb* enwti^ «f Ueo- rWt triththefamOyof BerbectaealaTBlvnSB SKE&LD.
Kt Pm— wm m»4* «p m <o1- rM.
SbrrUt JohadaMofCr ‘
rWad la the el^ leet eriMiaf to aee
, editor M>d MuH«r
WIU aaae, who retUMd fn>« the war
My work ii first elate and prices that are in readt of all. I am
prepared at aV iunea to take rate of the trade. I make a apedalty hi
^eIbb, Volcaaisiog and 'EnamelinE- A fine line of wbeela for aale
end to rent.__________
J. O. BLI«I8. dU Fr^t street, east.
trh to b«
th»t nmlM B«p«bttau pmpMtjr •kmU reoelM • kVHA Uk tiA MW fwtsn the eMlre
«ro*r of leleJe kaows ee the AatiUee
trill eU treat to be anaeMd to the
Vatted Btatae.
'•MwedJeeWheelM'te Ooi«nM trill
•etw ferfite theoe Mexeben of their
fw^ who eUia to hate hreacht oo
•he tret.
iTwUlaMdotodeeUrethet repahIte — aarretotaL Mea like Detrey
•adSohleyeutae ealled for Ue deimm wheatTer thto qaaettoa le raUed.
r Theatae, Otto Ky
COrporal»-<Oeo. ntrlby. Mari WUale,JaUiuC. Johaeei
Wa. Lafayette,
WoL Bialtaapt.
Wai. H. Meek.
Wyatt A. Dewitt. Oeo. ‘nirlby,
Itrya BUI.
Traak Bpealiaaa.
Alfred Day.
Wellle C. Perry.
Alee Dickeraaa,
ft. J. Selkirk.
O. & Oiaapaey,
Harrey Deekor,
Brseet Saleuky. Kelaad Bem^toa,
Bd. Garaett,
. Brawt Ooeper.
Fred Beod.
& B. Thacker.
Wm- H. Smith.
Jea. C. Woodworth,
Oarl V. Moody.
Umb 8. Morraa.
Balyh Mather,
BobL Berkner.
Jbha O. Talmaa. Aedrew & Sleder,
Joha BUoy.
Praak BUey.
CUad Dalfell.
J. B. SoMdley.
DMk Banter.
Arthar Needbaai.
Ohaa OoDton,
Jobs Seett.
Balsoa WyekoC.
Iboee left eiek la Detroit were: Oapt.
J. V. Mclatoah. derft. Oeoryetarbiiek,
OeorretUeyle, W.J. Bllllker, Charlae
Slada. C. Beelinwl. Bert Dnaham. Boy
Darideoa aad Baneat Iririi.
Othera who. thonrh aot sick, were
loft hohiad by BUMoueeUoa. won
WUUam - Beteeoa. Bey
Walter Thtrlby, BnfeaeBaryTareeaad
Tbaae arrived oa
the 1:20 trala yeeterday afUraooa,
yraat throaf welcomed them.
William tOIaae wee ctriekea with
meatal eOUapea Jnet alter the ^eciet
wtth ^aia with Ue war of the reMUaa etarte eat wlU a' daliberaW iat to leave
UrtoM Uet it «
fMtfaM ef bahiff
«• aemebody.
him at Oraad Jteplda Be elM arrived
Wa fear eome Of oar military offleiele ea the afteraeoa tram aad wae bettar.
4riu too ataay letten. Thara it a Bwiraal eame oa the eveaiag traia.
«aet dlfteraaee betweea ichtiac and
Whea the trale arrived yeeterday
mrelny all whe had bo
reerhlnf home at oaee were orivea ta
Park PUee where the crowd followed
aad where they were eerved wtth a
«.X«leBUvora aad i
It WM nearly dve o'elook
WiU BaUttala Fridiw
aad daylWbt wae well aloay before the
«. Ute SUvera aad a taleated eea
Uet Ufod toldler foaad Umeelf eafaay of clever peepto have i
eeeaeed la a bed of UriOaf eomfwt.
With the diteelets ef the Baaaak BiflM
Teeterdey moniaf before aeon
•Ofiveartaad beaedt eatertaiameai
iertherriietof the Baaaah Uflei oo maay of the hoy* were mt yreetlac
Friday eveaiac la the aty Opera Hoeee. trlead*. bet eeveral ethere wbo wMt to
bed apparently well, were forced to
• of Mr. 8U'
.AdAeatqaemlBttrelftretpart, popnler five np and reomia in bed aad receive
folly illaatratcd aad. late Ue eUoetioB of phytleiaaa
Inquiry iMt nlfbt abowed tbo fol^
•podalttee. The eonn ooaefot of
■ee«e aad aelectfoae adapted to the ec- lowinf to be Ue lUtof the eiek:
John Tbtmen. Dick Beater. Jnlln*
lead dlepUyed
J. B.«medley. WUl Layfey
«1U front electrical effeete. Bere U
‘ m eppnrUnlty for friend* of Ueeei- atte. WUl Beberte, Oaoteln Wilbelm.
: 4len to render aid to the aoldien and Balph aMtiaim, Balph MaUer. BelMn
Walter Perry aad Bobert
Mjoy a flrat clam perfonnaaoe at Ue
Mmetime. Everybody dboald eee that Berkner are very eiek, bet the ^yalfhey have rmerved aeatt, which wUlbe elans have aot yet determlaed Ue ex.«■ M^a tomorrow momlaf at the City aetaatareefUaaUmakmef Ue etve
ral aldi eaea They are reeelTUf Ue
beat poMlble oerc and It U hoped that
wlU aooa be able to be ont.
Oolamm eonU be written abont the
fraifomlhiri Mecelved a Ohartoof brave eoldier* and their
and leaf keen wUl be apeat by the
•hot la The Letof the SaatUfo eampaifa about
Tmtmday WiUaam ThM. afed IT.
MB Of Aatee Thiel, wbo Uvm abont la inUttaf ■toriee of thrlUiaf lator-
Mvm mUee from Ue dty, met with aa
•mldantwhlehwm reader hl^ a eripylalorawhile. BewMeat knatiaf
la diaf'
fiafthlefaneveralof Ue pleee
dfoeharfed and the loed entered Uelef
Bdtheboy.UeehotMatUrinf Uroafh
«he Ulfh aed abdemen. The injored
font maa wm broiifht the eity laet
BvealBf oa a warm aad uku
^ome ef J<Un Umlar. where he reeeiv. Bdaerfloelettentioa.
r Piafreo ordered Pnllema
aleepen for Ue aoldlere oemtaf
Traverne CH^. bnt Lit
hnd te make a hard flybt to fet even e
chair oar. And he only fot one of
None of Ue b^of Company M want
any awre of Cnba.
Kaarly every om of Ue aoldiera
bronfhtasnmbereteonvealn or valnabUmlioa
O^tala Molateih Imprerinf.
Teeterdey Joha Melntoeheeai a tcl*
'' Bfram ioqalrinf after Ue healU of hi*
faeUer. Oaptain J. T. Mclatoah, wbo
fo ia Oraoc Bcapiul la Detroit la ra<
fUj he received Ue tollowiaf:
•rDetreit, Bept S, 1IB8.
"Am daiof welL' Will be home ia
Bhoet a week.
J. V. Molman.'
Mra Melntoeh, wbo baa been eUyiaf
U Manlrioe, hu foa* to Datrolt to aee
t EUuen taraofht aeeriy
.;.; • ;
Daniel Dake w«t to Chteate Uet
JohoOontm.a memW of Compaay
a. UU refimeat, paaaed Uroofh Ue i
eiw Uet ai^t ob hie way to lilaad
Laka Beeojoyod a Uree day*’ farloBfhaad opeet Uo time with reJativea at Potoekey.
MimE M. Broeke rriumod yeaterrj
day u her home at Baltimore after eajoylBf e aamber of wseka’ entiaf at
Foreai Lodfe.
a W. Swaverly and W. D. Tettea
Cbrt* Coda of LeUnd. ttaaucted
btttlBfoa here yeeforday.
Oeorf* Oide. Cbri* Bimeaaoe aad
WUl achetrman arrived yeelerday from
MUwaokee. They wlU fO Ul* mominf to Sottoa* Bey, Ue formm- home
of Mr. Olda
Mm. Flood of Connell Blnlfo, lU.. and
Mra. Kins ef JaekeonriUe, UL. arrived
la Ue city yMUrday ead wlU remain a
abort rime.
Bye Joidaa aed Jacob Baffll came
over from SvlUae Bay yeeterday oo
Mra. P. Power alarm Ule aMrainy
for Bmpire to ririt her mother, Mra
LaRae. 8le wUl be aeeompnnied by
aty iMl niybt to ere Ue beya
BrnmettCniiter. formrriyeonneeUd
wlUW. J. Bobba bard earr. bnt now
of St JoMph. ia vialUQf friende ia Ula
Arthur BwenUal. brother of ObM.
BceenUal. of Ue Beaton atore. ande
former realdent ef Ula eity. arrived
Uet nMrbt from Detrplu He la eajTylaf a ahert vamtloa
Qwirfe Beff. Jr. hM retnravd from
e all weeka' vlalt wlU relativea at Wilonl, Ohio.
Mlm Mary Bletner bM retnraed from
Chirayo, ebere abe viaiied frieada tor
Ue peat Uree weeka
B. 8. Pratt ia atteadlaf ooert at Cad
UleeUia weak.
J. P Homer, a eaieemu at Jnlloa
SUii-berf'a eiore. b at hb bom* at
Cbebjyyu oa account of Ue tlli
of htadausbter.
At drew Vlaek b apeodluf • week et
M.-e.J. 8. Oraat b vblUny bar daufhter at Yuba.
Simon Yalomatrin arrived Uat alfbt
from DvtruiV
ery of Blmw
avco aa b eojoyinr a vtalt from her aUterblbt Maiy. of B»cbvaier. N. Y.ThU
la tb 'ir flrat mrvtiny ia tee yeark.
Auil! Nerllofev. a meaner of Ue
Hannah Biflee wbo hM joal returaed
from Cnba. b prepeHait to enter Ue
ODlveraity thb fal
8p*afur Pratt iMt Sunday enlertaliied Harrboa 8. Smalley of Chi>-ace.
MbM4 Myrtle and Lelab Miller ar*
oontinolnr tbeir atodira at the Hlyh
aehool. They arrived from Charleroi*
Sunday ecealnf.
Mia Beleu Gould left yalerday far a
vlalt at Maekteae. before reUminy
borne at Maotoon, UL 8be bM
tbefruret of
afn'e for the pMt week.
ArUur Hllllker. wbo ealletod wlU
any. eame up yeetordey fiem Menbtee for a vblt with
JvM ia Ub rieioliy.
atmnk foU of arttelM of valM aad
enrioua dealfn from Santiago.
Santia matchete. of baadeome make
which he beufhtottheSF
who eaeorted Lie
Ue eity whea be wm exehaafcd.
EUneen bM maay Utmn
addrenaed to reernim at Camp Alfer
which went on to Cube.
-Many ef Ue boya met in Sop^hfo,
eeveral ef the better eloM of Oobana,
4rom Ue
rabble ander
SefaB Tbetr donney HoowZbFbU*
. maa Sieepera
. mqt by UeiUBaat
The fleut
Klaaaen aad
Alfooaa, Pa . Beptamber B.—Oompany laUadInratSai
• F. O. Ranu, fermerly ofrtte
tte Bxood etaC, who
M xeeraite from Camp Meade have
a—ud for 0»mp Baton. AUare wolL
aaobUny^ laadlnf auppllM
ahli^ to Ue army.
B. 1. Ksipp.
Tax Uonaix^BaKxiiUJ wm a reynUr
vbitor at Company M'a qnarteca
Beam Ua Kkmdtha
Mr. A. C Thootaa ef Marvtrina. SantUyo and the M'.diota epent manj
Tea., hae foend a more vaUab'.e die* .. happy hour lu reodlaf of home aad
eovnty than hm yet been toMe la Ua frtonib..
KtoBOike. For yeaia be aaflered anNotbinf wMtooroadfarthonoIdien
■old afuny from ooaaomption, aeoum from Mkhiyaa all Ue way from Bow
‘ Ibyhemorrharet: aadwasabM.
eered by Dr. Eiaf't New DIaoov York to Trawrae City.
DoaC Mo-yan bro^bteeveral larye
------- ConyheandCelda
' Uof liulevaloe taraetulM piekied In alooboL
The only llveepoeimoa of ffohaa veylid have it. evvQ If It cat a
d*i Ian • boUlr. Aaibma, Ftation brooyht atony b a latariai t
Bronehltbandall tSrpntaod Innraf. crop of whbhen which adoa* UafoM
feettona arc puritivaly eorod by Dr. of^Svty^t
8 Oavla went down te ItanbtM
CrraUny Sunday niybt arlU the city
Geo. R. Winnie
Up.to.ilate PaiBtei
and Paper Hanger.
zxA, ADvRieT
Btmdey'e Fire.
A lire eterted In eome
■.e Ue Onloa etreet bridfe Sunday -
Send yonr addrem to H. B. 1Boeklen
Co., Cbloayo, and yet a free.. aample
» of Dr. Klny'a New Life PUb.
yOT of their merit*.
Tbeee plUa are cMy in aeUon end are
parUcuIerly effective In Ue cu
lonatipaticiD and Sick Ucmlache. . .
dalaiiti and Liver trocble* Uey have
proved invalueble.
They are
ynaiaateed to be perfectly free from
every deleteriona aabetance and
mrelyvi-yrtable. They do not w
3j Uelr action, bnt by sWiny tone to Ue
•tomach aod boweb yreatly Invlyorato
Ue ay»i«m. Bvyuler riie 2&c. pa bo*.
Sold by J. O. Johnaon. aodS.^ Wait
Miss Doyle
Gives Free I«esBona
ill Kinds of Eitibroideri
A ...
DR. Hliatjnno,
* •«> (
Otw McXseiWi's foos Stwa .
rnra nnsrAi, wobk.
j ^ock T«A&.^ ^fifT
I TVeAMd Ve tftiov
We Would
Like to Gall Your Anention
•Phone J67.
94S Front Btraot
This spac^for what we have to say about
We have
just two of those
Sample Couches
I/eft. One is s $35 coach, tbs
other Is worth $SS7.50. How
the first one in this morning
gets their ohoics for sn even
t muet yet moved oat today.
Hnose ParDuhtny Store.
% Our Offerings
Good Words.
'Km) &0(At\
Kms StqUsl Km» 'ST\ces\
Bacon and Picnic Hanu we are
' Felling. We never had any nicer, nor did any
body else.
M J!s
Shop opposite Eagle ofBte.
r*. Dbtrtet
Manayva. Traverae Chy. MIeh.—I have
becD a member «f the Uolmd Sutra
Berrvolmt Socleiy of 8«yinew foe
nearly aixyeara. and have alwaya found
Uem prompt aod1 jMt
jMt. Accept that
l TR -In »ettl«mvnt
for cheek «or foil
eeridnit claim. Men tu Ub
died ■
“’have bew Wdly
drnt and akknoa compani
Dnltvd State* can alwaya bv dependad
__ to foldl thrir oonfwrt. I will al
ways vtand ready to help yon when
you eome here.
(ia\l^s axvd SacKe\s.
:ler had been Umed cm by Ur
trv dapartment. No dammfa wm oe
' - Ue bridfo.
Deserve UnisBal Attei^i.
exclusive with us, that
for beauty have not been equalled.
^ We make particular mention of BEBD and BATTAB FUB^ NITXrBB. Aside from a floor full of heautifU’ creations in
t 1*118 material we make prices equally as st‘ractlve.‘
Whether you intend to refurnish your house this fall or
Z: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offer yon the opportunity
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods
in any event. .V
drier*^ ud dbtrita^nao^ tha
boye three I
- .-r, *
m »0«MiwO »^«D. TTOIPAT. UP
dfi..JUiihadiha apart and «id. as>j
(Bia 8. 1S8S.
A SotohaMton
faffylny trafai lidand <
aboat oma and ane hntf mUm aMth of
latartochen. Ties and toys were pUad
on tbs traMi M a Mrea whara it
I for tha enylBoar to aaa
them la Urns to stop,
•aylae aeatterod the pUe nadkepttha
track, snfferiny no damnye.
Aldanaan Laidla
thaayaeonoMoathntatthaeaxtataattny of thaaonnoahawanM offer a m vm ha Wnatmod o«t at Unnd
ZiAa Wlthant Bmwimg
aolottenpeorMtaythat tto mattor of
: hendlay tha oity ler new wator works
tho Ooo&efl Loot Vifht.
nthapaopU. Bo alatod
DMrnlt. fept. t-Oommer Playras
InUe ramuin that onterday and 'jaet haCon
I raeaiesd word tram
t WwM ae .M
a needte points to a magnet no atirelv does this
Banday tha wator oeirtaa on tha Booth I tha ww (
___ ___
_____ .__
t at Waahiaytan
new store with its new goods and it’s low prices atJ Itol tta T»l.t,««»4 •01 Mut tna
tract the economical taring pnblic of Trarcree City.
7O0. WlabMtoOOBBMt W man Desmond sadofaci tho aoatimoato ^ BaatoriUo tomocrow^ awralay. and
of Mr. Lardio.
, that they wiU yodlrect to Camp Batoa. company with n aash cnpiial of SM.1 he two poles of onr nia^et are
' WIU Ottno«attao Xn
«00 has heea formed for the parpoee of
at leiand Laha. to be n
doat Imeoadaotiny it in eenaactioa srith the
that tha alaieaway ba
» tho town
ItMlncmof iheTpeUnaUMtoeml Bath
Tb« tet MttorotUM Mtb ter ship of OnrfcM nnd Tmraree
Co. Sereral Oetroltf^arUaa. toyetber
m» eiky eoBBell wm b*M Iwt Biftik. naed of bolny mpUoednad Straet OomX.OMB UT* TBS ». A. «.t
with some of the leadlny eituem of
Aa tome, of the mmbm wm ool misalooer Kelley was anthoriaed to
MM)r eU of Um prevkm olftt to wri- lake the aeeeamry tUe and aae that tha Ba^ Onre fbr Ooapaay B Band- Ypsilaati are iatamated is tbs ran*
Like a true magnet these two bold with aa inrepalre were properly doae.
eomaly in Detooit.
MOH the retuned eoldien dwre wu
Aldarmaa OreUtok latrodaond tha
vincible grip—Once a customer, alwajg aenstomer.
I to diapetoh
Snperlstendnnt Mo^tyomery. of the
Jerome Wtlhrlm-pUyed with the D.
mattor of a new iron wnur mslo whid A O. team to a yarns of ball in Detroit Mate pablic aebonl for dependent <A0Onldily, with • pr^r retard for a
See what
rhat a lot of mone;
money savers tb^ are:
reel dtapnlUoe of the uattacm before B.. D. Campbell A soas dcalrad to az- Batnrday. When tba bnya of Company dran. says there are a larye nambsr of
1 lot of boj’s Knee 'Pants, size 4 to 15—^jnst
toad trom-Uaoold etoraya srarenoase H arrleed eeraral membera of tbe De bri^t, aiuaotive boys, ranytoy from 1
the ueetliit.
for fno.............................................................
The firat thi«t diapoeed of was a pe- to the MoreaniU* Oa.'e bnlldla*. oa troit Athletic Clab UHed Jaroma to 10 years of aye, at sehool, for whom
tlttoa of B. J Motfaa to sera some of Daloa stmat- They desired permission yreaUy to lookiny after the Trareraa yond bomnn am dmired.
1 lot of^j’s Knee Pants, size 4 to IS—just OCp
hla shade and hie warehoBae to differ* to haay the pipe from tbe bridye. The City boys Thrr.axereiaad ioea! IrflcAt Fraskfort. Bal Wiekbam. aynl
«rt poelUoM ap.m tba property titey eoonoil yrantod a permit, with tbe proand the prlraleya of the cu of the
Srt 4( wool sad tsnallr wU at ma
vlaioB that B. O. Campbell A Sons shall yoreraor to such a maoaer tost the U. oaly aon of F. O. Wtokbam. was acooeapy. The petition wma traoted.
ddeatally drowaad fa Uk* Mieblyaa
1 lot of boy’s Knee Pants, size 4 to 15—jnst I ftDr. J. D. Moneon peUUonad
boys worn atoely tnartored at tha Gatnrday emoSay whUn fa battafay
•onaall to pMt hla to atMl a throe of P.ouo 10 protect tbe city ayalnet toes Wayae and i
with nevaral of bis friends. The wind
or* sB wsol. asrvusuy U* bsMa*. aad ««rU as.
•lory brtek ^ atoee baUdlnr oa hia by eccldeot.
which they e< lid oot have had to any
Alderman Oarriaon esiled tba stun. other way. la addition to this they wa* hlowfay a yala and the brary aarf
lot on Pmat »^et, east of the Grand
and BDdnrtowearrted blm andw-btfora
Uoo of the eoaacU to the fact that tbe
Opera Boaee. The
the eoldleialrom bora to
' of all the rood brtek baildlBjre that esn City Bookstore bed eztooded a aiya many srays to make thalr etoy to
We show a line of Long Pants Suits at $4.e0,
WlUte bmltb is the aamn of a l»he eeeared on the mala etreri, lost no over the sralk contrary to law. and oa Detroit pies
#4.50 and $5.(M) that cannot fail to give satisfartion?yaar-oU boy of Deltoa, who mast be a
tima la rranUap the peUtlnn. Thie ie motion the oonneU directed the Chief
Our ‘•seven-fifty" men’s suite are the kind yon
lly. Ba sran ran
the hnUdlnc whleh Ie deatrsed for the
e od Trank Tarkn.
the otber day. the wheal* of a
pay from hlO to H2,50 elsewhere. If you doubt it,
fawn home of the Knlchta of PythUe and to n mind tha City B<
r bat arisen heavy wayoa pamfay over bl* bead a^
and Rrotunr Ooekeray'e bnaasM ool- fntnra riolatlons of that natnra woald
prove all we say—yon don't have to bny
in rayard to tbe care and attoatioo of
be aebompanlad by a flae.
chMi; bat vteanya to my no bone*
lara, and it will be a fine atraeinm.
Trank Park* and it ie bat Just that a araro broken, and a* tbe injarlm be reBenry Wieehaewsky. who
pnblie etot
men’s and'boy's Sweaters. SOc, 75c, $1.00.
of a few brvleca.
honffOl the old atm stare oow oeeayiac
The feetiey la anlvareal that the beat
Best line of Shirts. Collars and Neckwear in the
Ba wiU ba around ayafa livaly'a* e
•heapaeetobeaalbynr Maitaoi
ThinyThird and Thir^-Vonrth Kara medioal attooUoa to be obtalaed Ie fa a fowdaya.
city—Prices and styles right.
too yood for tbit orphan boy and
more tho bnildlnf to hU lot on
Anotbar fit. Clair coaaW Klondike
to asktoy Or. A B. Holiday to take tbe
BonU aide of Proat atreev weat of
p Wikoff.
BO mistake wae made. Tbe as- yold seeker hsa ratamed home
▲nraet Beitoarh property, llte par- Montaak Polnv M- Y.. eUto that da- stotanto have bt«s m-at taithfalaad
Be is Martin Potter of Ma-rinc
toMoo was rraatod. tho merer to pay epita the mortality to tbe make of tbe aitentlra hot tha
aty. HespnnttonnMsthsfathnAra•spoaae of catUny and eplieiaf wiree Thirty-third and Tblrty-f^rtb Mich- threatened tbe ease sayyeated the Uc cold reyioas and rntnrand withoai
. ramorad baeanee of the ebaairik
iyan sad tbe IlUaole moa. the troops idea of seeartoy a shilled traiaed nai
an oanoe of yold. Mr. Potter taya
of these two states are eomloy home to to eaUsfy the dseira taat the very best that tbe Kloikdike woald ba a yood
T. B. A. Trayaa, whoao property
•oeded darlay the raeaat storm, asked Tcry biyb bonora. It woald be a pleae- talent be si Us boy's sarviee. In this plaee u baoUh crimfaata. bat is
ttal tho tUe BOW sappeoed to carry off are for the Mieblyaa sad lUtoola falh- wish no ooe Joined more beartity than piaoa for oUers.
It 1* a trifllay thiny. parha«a.that whlto Ivory
'/.. Vi
orator by way of dereoth otreat, be ••- eta and motbare to bear wbat is said Dr. Bolllday.
The clam whlcb yTsdaaInd from the battoBC are aaad . exclaslvely «b ••Adfar*
tonded»Tsrhlslot.aetha intake pipe by oSoars to aathority of tha ^ameUr
My pereo^ anxiety oa the matter Micbiyan Oolleynof If iatn at B
now lanaela iaemadaetfortheperpoee of tha troopa from these two aUMa of narem baa beea misooaetraed to an last week was the laryeat to tba Ue- Troa*m.ym "Adler" Clath^ owm im yood
to pm-fe^D of details. Tbe Ivory
dariny haary raia atorma. Mr. Trayaa that want to the front. The
OB the doctor.
toryof tba school aad
■leo ayraad w defray bait tbe expeoM paid to the merit of tho Ililnoit and
1 wonld eorreet Uis idea to total and parte of tbe world. That the demand hettea* arc almply <me iadkatioa of th« patoc
takaaby the
MIehlyan aoldler te of tho blybrnt kind. aasara the pahUe that tha d-oter e
of the imnrorement. The matter
for mintoy naytoeava U yood is showa
Jmtthiakof Iti that of all tbe ml skill and ooodnet of this ease seeds no
referred to the <
hy tha tact that aeversi were called
nntoertroapa seat Into tha Santtayo defense. It Is beyond all manner of
and walks.
away months ayo aad that many othara
The Swaesriy Telephoae Co. eakad eampalyn tba Pint Illlnoto sad tbe oriUclem.
have yood posHions.
Hlehlponaiaeloa to extesd lu llces throeyb
Dr. Hollidsy jofne me to the •»yan are tbe oaly
the elty tor the perpoee of
that BO expense will be spared
Zxenraioa Tontpnnad.
lay with toil smaller towaa tkra^- whom not one word of eriUdam has to yet tbe bmt poeaible naree that the
Owiay t > tbs fact that nearly ^cfy
ont the reyiom.' The ooapaey ' pe^ bean pamod. Not a ebaryp ayalnet ease reqclrca, bat at preaeat nothiay
body was tired oat from betny ap all
tiUoaed tor permimloa to malatalo ooe these three rryimento that
U.wanUny to hastaa his
iinpoaj Diybt wniUny for tho Baaaah
' er ttbo eoBttal stotioae In tbe elty for skalked la battie; that offoeia w
a Is very favorable.
Kiflea. the exearaioo to have been yithe pnrpoao of aSordlny direct com fire deserted tualr poets; that the
Rxu-r Ooxxsbix. Jb.
fast niybt by the Craaeaot band.
toaaioatioo between many towoe.
that they erer forsrhleh were menUoaed. It is not Ui« yot the honor of a soldier and that of a dMf MTMf MtJMMUfitmtmt MtMUtak
label 1* not merely na ad wtUemeat—It U. a
parpoaeof the company to malnialn a
Peryaaraatee that every yarmoBt to which ft la at. bat to «
haoi llUnolsaad MIehlyan fatbm and
taebed fai riyht, from Itotoy to h
with other motbera hare failed to nou that
"Adler" noUlny 1* toteaded fee mM whom
amnU towu-la tbie reyion,
only mloBtoer reyimeci reiamed from the w Batton <d Interast Trom All «
taste* lead them to w<sb to be wen drrmdor the oonraoleneo of Trarerao Citr. treat has alvaer a eoaadaloat row or
Tart* of Kichiyan
•d, bat who do not care to pay tbe hl^ priem
hat for tho b-nofit of the towne
ehanraof onmiUttry coodoct ayminst
of the emtem tailor. It U do^yMd by expo’U
tioaed. Attorney W. D. Tottao. of it as a body or eo^tost some of
aad made by ospeble aad
Kalkaeka. wae present a'ad la behalf
bat the Ft«i IHiaoU and the
A biy factory burned at Bay <“ity
It comm to the best mor
•ftheoompany addressed the ooancii Thirty-third and Tnirty.fwnrthMlei.i- Rnnilsy momtoy with s lorn of P40.00C. In aU the anocx-opled territory in Hiehiyaii. Mo>.t popaiar p an accident and abd fiu aad wear*like ibe
U a rary pleassnl manner. Be ouied yan.
It was owned and operated by tbe sick benefit isvnrance on the maikot.
work. We have th« wle of "Adler" Clotbfa
that Tramine City Ie now the hob of
Beylmensl names are not nooMsary Bamptea Msoa^tortoy Co.
Ttavrtw a^. aa^W aew stock of raita
tbe Grand Trararoe reyion and that bstbereara two New Baylaad rayiA little dsayhter of Joaepb CoHss TkOilyiMffMHHBcItgunil Pin
kt* tMMnrraady.
thoamalior towns needed elooarrela
of Grand Baplds died Salerday fram
Qiltt kj Td«nn.
tioas whlak the proposed ane wpnld dale at their baela Bare Is a New blood pnitoniny osnsed by tho bite of s
afford. The petltioe was referred to York repisaal whnar prlvaim fooybt fly or moMiulto which had bees teedtoy
the eommltue on atreeu and waike.
Ike taeroca at Gi Oaoey. bet whose of- OB decayiny matter.
fieers woBid B.-t be bellerad sador oath
Aaotber I
The body of a man named Cerwto.en
wt*S .
if they swore they performed their fail
of adiflamnteharaoter.
roate from Pennsylvania to On»t«d.
daty Jnly l; hare 1s aaothar eastani
la the ebspe of n propoaeJ ordini
Mich., was nest bv mletaln to AMden. 4esl or slrSeeM mHiM
which woald ymnt to the Nortbero raylment yet andecMed ae to which
iher pmtmi i*»-lr property tgmimti Sn
Mootealm Co.
When It arrived at
TBIS AM<IClAriO]| 18 OBOAinzCD vxOF"
Telephone Co. n franchise tor thirty was tbe mast dtooryaoltod aadcr fireGreeovIIIe it was to asch a eo»diUc« nxa TUX Liw* or thx Ststx or Micsi
yaara to eetabllab nn<. Bsitttnln an ax- oOcarBormen. Over there la a eentml
barial bmame neecaNever c'-«/h1 ta rtoore at niybt
state reyiment with lu eammaadtny
ehaaye la tbU cUy. The rates
wit!, SB nspsH claim og it' bor-t
td as a liar and coward ury. While the rristires at OnsteH which it bad reeeiveJ pr
1 sre »I4 tor be
wsiitoyfor a fnneral tba bodt
another reylmool aioayaide of it ba»
sam men sod women from 16 to 03
fit for reeideBees. Tbe pn
be‘ny bnried by atranyars at
etaded aU free phooee for the city and boon forced to choke InenbardtosUon. Green ville.
And la all this possibly ioe>iubU
laatramenis for the eehool bDltdiays at
lo ItnknMp F« Ti Ml
Tlis bndv of an anktiowa
tho First llii.
One Bonik-8 tsm tmrrm p Ur- reaWenee rates. This propmltine
^srvsee lor cor atesth. tolee
vafarrad to the ooramitim on ordlnsn- BJtaaBdtbeT»ir>y-third and Thirty fonnd on the brneb on* mile math of
barber Sonday afterc
n4 Tene*.
fmnh MtobiysB stand Bustorrad aM
body Is sepnosedtobe the atao that Addno, UCHKU iCCOOT ISSOQITIOI.
WebRverwivwl from tbe Friedrich Mnsie ^oa«e of Grand
-A petition for a walk oc Pirteeath BBUihled.
And farthtsemore, of the soldleta of rented, a small sail boat L Uaalstae
over one bnndred Violios which will be pl#i>pd oo asle at Wt - •tract from iu western end to Itoisc
KniJuiAzoo. ncaiuxN
W. Kimbatra Muric btora. 235 Front Street, for
, Btreeb wae raterr«id to the eommiiter Uicee two sute*. it wae the M'chigffn last wMk.
h>ys wfaodM all the hard flyhtiny.
«n atreeu and walks.
drirlar along the hlyhwny tbe other
W. L. Brews asked that the yniter
day wboB tbolrborse fell to the yroanr
'•cranyemenu on Park street be Im
and di*d In S few mora'eU. the retml'
prorrd and this also was referred
Some cd theae iiwtnimeoU are store worn and sUybUy dtmmred by
of a rifle ball striking i*. The toll. <«■
omlttoe on etmeu and walks.
Two Roodred Ltreo ooot in the Bash
shipping'and will therefore be sold st
rmtlystioB abowod. was fir«d by a mr
Opera Eouae.
Claims to tbe amonnt of St,144 64
to Copper Btrer.
who claimed he was B'jo->tfay at s
arars ordered pehL
Seattle. Wash . Sep'. S.—The steamer cMeVea, bnt tbe man whose horse
City Treasurer Warsbary
City of Seatile arneed lata last alyht klUed i* mad and will Wrla Ityal probalance to tbe traasuy of Slt.316.»t.
fmm bksyusy with sixty miners from ooedinyt to make the ahonter pay for
Antoog them will be found Strsdtoarias. O _
Ole Ban aad Pnte- :
The statement of the board of pob> Dswson, seventy cllayn<.t«<d otteo from hi* bad mari
>oal Models. These riolios iwullad from Slte«73 saeh. This Isa <ara op. Ue works was a bly osie. Tho total Cspper river, sad psno.ooo to gold. It is
e old I
iB'ty for «oearit>ra model B-ed by the_______
. _
Th* Per* Marqnotte Coal Go.
c put la first cdsas playlny oondittoo at UtUe experm.
The Tontig Oharuoter
nmosDt was Ses3.4>. which loelnded osttouW that SOo men have been tenoed omolnr np the chambers aad
tho oast of mudh of the ropalriey of
rnsd or lost tbeir lives on the taklgy eoal from their mine fa SayinComsdlau,
«he brldyea damayed by the bly storm Valdss yiaeier since the Copper rti
aw oonnty. Friday. They will soon
The bill of the Baelne Fire Bsytoe rsah bayso. Bandas of destliotm have s Isrye force of mno at work, aifa
y. E. STRONG. Manager.
235 Front Street.
Oempany. for the nsi^ ehemtoal. was IherearnbHay fndwith yoverament expect to pat down their ahsit.
ntdemd paid, less the amoeat of tbe rsUbns. Four thoasond people arc
ss4 hb stpimC siW vaeUat
Sweet’s Botel sod all other propmty
•opesditBrea to put the ecylne In' rsebipy to yet <rat before winter eoi
owned to Msrito L Sweat srere sold
•hapetorbosioesa. L K. Gibbs.
Sstnrd«.r nndet-*Kn hrmnw-r to eatlv4y I sa cMJwly »#w Tv-vrtQra wbIm af «
MBA KfBxvxmr m..
•yent stated that be wonld par for tbe
orwlitor* whoae claim* acyrespu fiiso,•eadc mcmtloned. aad-had already paid
Asd Sobeol (fappMto of all kfadaaaa tha'CnT
Tba buyer wae James M. BarNEWS CO. PooWoBalldfay.
npart'of thaamoosi. The total bUi Witagag^ a Baaaway aad Bgcataad
ntot. OM of tbs
aBervoaa Shock.
«B jn.its.
Swoot wasatoM Mbm worMi half a
: what had
baeoau of the atone mtmhar hot learn- McKinley waa atartlod by a raaaway
, ad there bad bMaaoibtoydooe reyard-, aeefaeat which *ba wltnmaad whUa allaffalrsoftbaettr.bat now, at tbs
fal^e>wrlry. J^MABTTHB^?7?to«
lay the new mscblna aiaca Its rwont
preaideat to Bast Sids aya of M years, he is brohaa fa health
. iParkthisaftaroowt. TUsbrooyht on
Tbe lamber operators of tba appor
Aidrrman Lardio broafht ap the | a nervons shock. WUle titttoy oa tho
mater works yasattoo ayafa aad stated mranda of the
■ay that they are batlay
fibat It ws* Ums aomethiny was done thl*«vaalay*bs hooan « faiat. and had gfwt dllBenUy la
man to work 1s the woods tUa faU.
to provide fm-aew water wiwks.
tobaamlBtad to bar
1 M Batta. Kvw U evair imtef*.
L. Keysa, Janitor of a Detroit
Ml with the fact that thara waa mack thatMm.MoKfal*yb Qlaam was ato batol. dfad •addably from tha affaota
to tha raport of Bnytoam BaftermhkA
H. FLKTCBKB aervw era*
■vto worthy of clme atady by th* oosn- Waahlnytoa with the preaident.
elam rsynfar meaJa for HU aad Bm*
jTwaahmfa tlwamtoforUa. OpMaUalfhL
Two of Thus 0«
“Best (jnalilj-Popiilitf Prices”
For ToDBg Meo-UtolSyeirs
Good fresseR seek otr goods.
*____________ »
A Live Agent Wanted
Tkfl Uefcigu Ittltot Isodidoi
Special Sale..
15 Days Only.
Steinberg’s Grand
Satarday, September 10
At Less Than Factory CostI
One-Half to Tfo-Thirds of the Regnlar Prloi.
W. W. Kimball Co.
Walch This Columii For Bargains I
“Si Plunkarr
Far lour ScM Boots
Fifty Gents
Guard Chains EsTjJis,
11F U NI
I Furniture Bargains!
Columbian Restaurant,
■ >-^,-\f'-
fe-V p
m MOMmm'MM^
K ‘TsMl >nral]iiiant th* lint
tOtdj ud
»d lOdtoUOB
rwItotiOB room
loom mn
•» m»
•<» «>«
Hd «Mt th»t It BuLMnlr
Bright froopioti. to tto T«or-^
tMOltot am eoBO Idea of
. •
SebMl apnMd yotwdar «or«i.»
____________lawt •( im.
Tkto OBiy
«ly lOr
for uwonv
tiwfliot oay
day mma»d wlU
te«paaldaallartart9 tta «d of
Tb* foaowlMf ia tke oMolUaaat U
tba dICaraat gradM for ywtarday
Pak Park.
Sarastk asd mighth ccadaa.M; taaekor. >U« SotUa PlUdaa.
Ptntt «>d aUUi rradaa, 49; taaebor.
MIm Oertrada Hiiftaa.
rovtk trade. M; taadrar, MUa <to.
Third fiada, U: laaehar, IUm Tky.
naPalB of ISB
, Mr. SBltti haa Joat talahod Bkbf
tba Bhool aoMoe of Ula city. n>ia
rmtH total tala orar laat yew la lO.
Tba raamt taU la U tha Booad
waiClibaiatM. Tkoro taa Wa* an
toMoaaa la the oUib warda alao, axcapl
tka int, whiak U tba bbo aa laat
...... 1 :iH
TtaBBo out Bdya la tha IMratt Saa.
pIBlo oBMBParfiMBly ni
Tba BrTByoodBt of tba Mobom
Tbahlfkaaboal la to bara aaotbar
RaoBolaDotraltatatadlaa lata dlatootkaU teas tbla year. A aashar of
patA tbat oU of tba OoByoay M atefc
thaantboaUatabalda bbUbf yoatarhoya In Detroit wbo doiat waU. Raday aftoraooa aad daMdad to orfanlB
porta at taaiTOTaicwa
tbalr aomiMoa »U1
-*»* ba
**» aaat —
today aad aaoh of tba bbb la tba boapiiab tria be aaaa paroonaUy. Albvt
Mantar-Blaar VtowB
I V.—~
—----------------------Oaptaln-wm Oaaa.
I CbUdraa’B boapi^ tvaalriat t»od aara.
Traaaarw^TbarM Mortan.
Cbampaey ia a liiaiber of tba Thirty
Tba tmm wUl r> to OadUlaa for a
foortb rarlBaat baad. W J. Gef.y ia
taso tba Ittb. dariat the atraat Calr.
alB a BOBbrr of tba Tblrty-foartb
Aa they bare only a faw daya BOra
ratimeat baad am la alao aiek la
tbaa a waak to prepare for tba oontBt
Dotroib Ha ia at Ua WoBanb beepltb«y win need to praeUea arary aftartal. Oaptaia Melotoab laatGraea Hto- -TainUUbaldata.
pim. aad Oaoet* Deylr ia at tba ChildMlB Oapitola Vadar rWtad Maada reab beaMtal. wbaro Oaorye Tarback
and W. J. BUllker are alao hainy carad
for. Moaaof taaaiokaro aariooa.
City Opera House
One Bl^t Only.
Si Piaakard. tba raariat,--------- raUy of fn aa praBotod by J. C. Uwia
attatbeOakParif and
hia uta
bit oanpany *.*
of coaaadiaB
aao atm
— wUl
baiToU at latitbtar for tbota
Bbool ia SM.
fond of fan at Stolnbart^ Qraad oa
KlBwood ^aoaaa.
So thoB who
. ----------------Sixth and aoranlh t»adB.4«s
rlah aa rrealay to ddra away Mall
Mb Afaea Bataa
Fifth trade. 4*: toaehar. Mtaa Lola _ara ahoald ba oa baad toaB'Mi*and
la hla aaw
Foarth yrada, »; taaehrr. Lacy Oaa- raraioa of the Unyhlaf---------- ----Plankard. All new faatarea. aaw aorthird ftade,»7; taaohar. Jram Stllra alUoa, omrythlny new.
Saecaid yrada, S8; taaohar. Baida
Vorelcn Mlaaloaary Society AaotiaL
A.*t«t|trada.4»; taach
Tba Womea’a Peralya Mlaaloaary aooiaty of tba M. E. obareb wlU bald ila
S drat yrada,«; taaohar. BdlU Ad- aanaalBBtlaffortbaalaoMoa of ofdcaro. Wedaaaday at Z:»0 p. m. Ofltora
araroqaBtodto raaiembar tboir aatbm aareUnaat, Mf:
Soatb PrtBaiy;
anal raportt aad BoBbafO are daalrai
Flntand aaooad yradaa. 4S; BdiU to attend praparad to pay tbalr qoarterly dura. A abort BOBorlal aarriea
ariU ba bald to Mra. Doroadatl.
FUtkandaUtbcradaa, MO;
MlB Myrtla WUaoy.
taaekar, MIb
Feartb frada. I
Ataraoot BBtlay of tba IbrBt
tblrd Kiada. >4; taaebB. MIb Oorart. Workara MiaMoa Baad. tba feUowiay
arm waia alaetad tor tba aualay
Saeoad ycada, H: toaobar. MIb Batb
FroMdMt-Artbor Heal.
A., Bnt gnA», <*: taaohar. AaraaU
ViB Proaideat-Marioa Pratt.
r; taaaharr MIb Aaaa
8. Erat mde. tl;
$11 00
am a daBatie aoraa la oaa act,
“HwieBlier tie ■tilt."
Popnlar prioea.
on aale Monday.
Bpadtl Ml 00 rloUM for II daya at
Beioambar that I doaU kMa of iB
palrlar and raaiBoIlac. am that 1 aan
am do r<Y« r»o tba bBt work of av ,
OM In tba city to tba Money. DoaH'
ba dcorlTed bf what othera tall yoa to
the eostrary. bat oobc am ob to
lyaaraataaaJlBy woriitobe rifbt.
opiaaraBBonT t*ai^ am if UdoBaotproroB 1 saka 11
Stop la tni 0 o'eloek arary araala$
aaoept Soaday. la tba CWdwall A toB
doo boOdlac, at aortb am of tTaliMi
Wbaat, old. par ba.WbBt now. parba.
John R. Santo,
Beural lisiraiM.
Booklaa'a Aratea Salva.
Taa Baar Satra la tm worid to WarrbafcEtoak.
Oata, Bralaea, Sora^ tTloara. Salt
Bbaam.'Farer SOtb. Tetter. Cteppm
Baada, Cbtlblaina. Cama. aad all Bala
Braptloaa, aad poalUrely earB POaa,
orm^rraqairm. It U raaraatem
tofl^ rrrtuet Btlataettoa or omay
rafnmed. tMoalSoeataperbc^ For
Ble bv J. O Jobaaod aad S. B «*
At Pioneer Livery Stable.
B. J. KOEQAH,Propri«tor.
- ,
D*. SawTaa.
H. U A Oo.** Week.
A pair of nice yonnx
Oxen, weight 3.200.
with a good yoke, price
• M-,^UDCHI.D«.A.O.
smU rnmi
• a,^nk!^'^»aa MB «tn«a.
* Ml
Sfe:::=;;;: 1
4 u
> Ml
----BY TBB----
A faroa eoBody.
Bicycle Riders.
ShortOatlv.. ^
nooT. H L. A Oo.....................
Bye Floar. B. L. A Oo, Boat..,
Maal, U. UACo-BbA.
Bpaoial lal* oa eloUaa fnr l» days at
vTwrKimbaU Ca’a 4IMI
Oa Bcraath
Etsf Barsed OatT
¥edfle8(layKfe.,Sept7 FOR SALE
Grary and Grand Traverse
Und Company
I M. aaoWK. Aweroey ■
eruf Bipiii 1 bfim 1.1
Seed Wheat for Sale!
Bxtn Bios BEd OlEWSon.
Ubrariaa-Wialfrad Pratt.
W.>r^ball Co.’a 41I-01
‘A Pair of Lunatics’
IMvaao Otv Btomot.
Balow te a IModtbabaytar am aMb
s..nfb« rradr. f7: Mattie Millar.
^ laytma. U; taaehor. Bdlth Sob"b Ut^a.
BMtaar bolt tafBa B PwriaMla.
”m.1~ a. 40; UvAn.
i r
' - •
J5; moo
Mra.FraneBA Staia. hB OMrad
tram 114 Front atroat to «U Waablaf
aa atroat.
Bar. Onadarmaa. a atadeat af tba
ia tba
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
TUa aftanooa tba Sooth Slda.Sbakaapaora Qab wUl BBt wltb Mra. H. B.
Fbarth grade. AS: taMher. MtoPay-
Aldoraaa aad Mra. Bobha ara aatartoalag a aaw baby boy who aniecd
yBtarday moralag.
S. BandaAOo.aredlaplaylacaa arSacom Frada. 47:, taadier. Stella tiatlc aaw aiga at their clothing atora.
Oaorga B. Wlnale waa tba artbt.
Pat McDooald. formerly of tbla dty,
bat now a man>bar of Company B. of
ManteUa. wb ml«iag from tba oomTolaloD ■
whan it loft New Tork aad bia
The Hlgb acbool taaebaia ara:
frtenda bare fear that be bB been tak
Prof., era.
c- a. Hora.priacipaL
Mary McLanyblia, aritbakatie am en afatk am waa ptaom la aoma koapital.
Helaoo WyekofE, oaa of tba laaBah
Uelap Nortaa. BogllaB and bMtonr.
Harriet Booldia. Latin am OarBan. Blflaa, from Summit City. bB loot a
ebicb ba brought
Mynw A. Cobb. adeaoB.
UiUaa Drwnlog.ftamatar aad Aaaa- fromCuba and would be glad 11 tba
Bader will ratom It to him. The waaieaa Livaratore.
Miaa E eia Dean, finglbb am aelaa- poab a little maty am bB a aaw
'"’Swrd rrade.Mi Backer. Mtoa Cbrla-
I am odBaphemU JlddlBg, p
jmetarctai oraoenea.
MlwJiekliBguaehaabalfottba day
ia Ibe Hlfb acbool and the other half
day la the gradra.
Mr. Swift aad MIb Dean ara new
ecMnan ihla yBr. ,
The other new teaebam ara: Miaa
Anna BUaa. Oak Pirk; Miaa, Edith Ad.
■ and Mtaa Flor.
anca tVamar. Caatral.
HtoaEdiU Boleombto i
ocoad grade at T
tba piece of Mto Cie.o.—. — rery HI aed unable to ba hare.
Toe B lat grade in Elmwaod araBna
kaa not organlBd. owing to tbo onarpidabic ataacnoa of MIb Adama. tba
All tbma who dBlra to aaalat la baa
aring the Bannah BtflB at tba proid ealabratloa am wteb to coatrlto t^ Eacoan or Eagle oBoaa. la eata
a KkeWMt.
B. J. HOBGAN, Prop.
Now I have a fine lot of them. Fifty head
to select ft-om.
A p*ir ot dnift hor«A color b.y, weight 3100, • UtUe ruigr, Mtr* nice puir, well broken.
A fine bay mare, blocky bnilt, 1550 in weight.
An extra good gray mare, 5 years, weight 1500. blf»k bnUL '
One bay mare, 6 yearn old, weight 1350. blocky bnilt
A pair of gwy geldinga, blocky boilt, weight 2600, 5 and 7 years
*11 C* The
CBw win tafiwrdec b» I
^^ru4 haSet ev •• ttle trmlB.
r.Mw —I IClcb
' A nioa black mare, blocky bnat, 7 yearn old. weight 1380.
A low bnilt grey mare 7 yeata old, weight 1500.
An extra nice chestnut horae, blocky built with arched neA. cioucnoR" WA3«TaD-L*dt~ «
weight 1400.
A pair of blocky bnilt bay marea. weight 2400.
A fine chealnut mare, 6 yeara old, rangy built, weight 1400;
A fine bay gelding, 6 yaata old, blocky built weight 1360.
An extra good cheatnnt home, 8 yeara old. weight 1150.
A nice brown mare, blocky bnilt weight 1160.
A few cheap boreea af a very low price, and a whole barn full of
all kinds of boraea to anil all kindfl of cnatowera.
Stock taken in exchaage for horses. Time girw with good a^
curi^ Satiafaction guaranteed or money refunded, Pleaaebearih
mind that you c*n boy cheaper and better horaee here, and know
wbat yon are getting before you buy than any auction arie.
ba aaoBoary for tba actual a™—.~—
of tbaaoldlcra am a part of tbla fund
ia to be darotad to tbalr relief. It la
arill be libaral
am quick.
A Utile ieformal party wax Indul
ged la laat areniag by the gMata at
tka Park Place. Oorda and rarlouB
gamea ware an^oyad am daUdow
punch waa lermd.
Thera will ba bi Bpwortk Leagae
aodal at ibe Buell farm tonighl. BuaOB will loake A -T. JohaaoBb ahoa atora
One cannot help aoUelag aad bala| at a o’cl
Two bright baby glrU were Intro
plaaam with tba feet that ao many
of our own graduataa, after hariag dacm into the family elnla of Mr
prepared tbamaeWea for tbla work re- Mra. Barray MorrlMe Suaday.
tara to teach ln.todr borne aabool.
Tim Shane will go to Chioagn today
Amoog the aamaa of tBchara tbo after a Brlcmd of bOTMU.
feUowiag ooM ware noUaed aa being
HoUry A Gonaabla hare reeolTm tka
tboee of gradnatea of Traretae City order for the paper for Ike iatorlnr of
High acbool: MatUc MiUar. Bdilb tka Hotel Cotnmhla. which ia axpeetod
Bosera. tola Bnabw. tola Oaoaau, to ba ramy for Mr. Fletcbar about tba
Baida Emaa. RotomooA Shadek. Satie Brat of October.
PralL Eoby Dean, Eliih Glbha and
Thara will be a meeUag ot tkc South
Side Shakaapaure Otab at tba home of
p.jt.iw.1 nerar opeoad with a brighter Mrs. H. H. B. Oamar. oa Baat Elghtk
proapaettban lUia and tbaparaattaf
Ue p«pH» eAd
‘■A Pair of toBailcu.” M prBaatad
oot refaaa to help In any way by the Crury A Oldaon ComWaaikm, la
that ia la thalr power, tba eaniBt a cicun oat high claB eomady. aad b
fatthlulwork, that will be dooedur
orpretad bytkam.ltalwuya prerokro
log the cM»lag year, by both Uooban
lada of iaaghtor aad appUaaa.
and pnpila
A word moat be aald about .tba rery
Sr. torB* Baku troatasst to imira
attmeUra appaaraaoe of toe acbooi CaUailteBBtMlatkxtrect. Mm- B.
baaaa. DaeorMlME ed flac> m* m-
Please ca'l and examine my stock whethyou wish to buy or no^.
B. J. l:kS:o:Ra^J!k.liT
c. u wunwooD'a rSyHthSaitoaiB.
unnu lunnuunu LI
«• taka aatatsuacar. rsB aa im.
•Atgla'eleBo m.
r *>aa
wouw w*»aM |^toMr3|»ta
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the TrsYetae CSty Lumber Oowpsny.
We bare for Bde Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Motiea to Tax Fayara.
•r.A-pg-r-ts -yOR S.A-XJB1.
mil SUohlneiyof all deseriptiona, indoding Two Enginea,
Ret Works, Oarriagea end aewa. A complete Sew MiU Plant
■ ■■
"a****** •**
a. w. OAUMi-Lsn
wmbewHk Bari the ]«eMl«DBtll
wUM he vfll rmwu M aollBu
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.