The Morning Record, July 17, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 17, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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you, and your heroic men. Your work
has been well,done. God bless you all.
R. A. Alger."


’"Sr 1,320

OBSTINATE GEN. BLANCO. Tbe Sorreoder of Santiago

Was first SDDonn^ in TraveiM City by us—we got
the news direct- same way with bosioeea.. We an the
first fim to offer staple line of Wall Paper at 2c double
roll—because we buy direct from the factory.

War Department Hnoh OratlBed at
Would Not Belish Peace at the Price
Outcome of Santiago Campaign
and Pleased With Terms
of Onba and Doea Not Favor Any
of Surrender.
Peace Negotiations.
220 Front Street
Holley A Oottnnhto Washington. July i6.—(Special)—Sec­
New York, July i6.~The Herald to­
retary Alger, SecreUry Gage. Genera] day publishes a dispatch from its Span­
Brooke and General Corbin had a con­ ish corresiKmdeht at Havana, who says
ference with the president late this that Captain General Blanco declared
But^he quality of our Picture Framiug is still held
over the dispatch from Gen­ that if he could preverit it there would
Th« Capltalatlon Complete and Now
eral Shafter, giving the terms of the be no peace between the United SuteS up. Xnv Mouldings jugi received. Our stock is always
the DetaUe WUl Be Onickiy
surrender of Santiago, and the 'Span­ and Spain on the basis of Cuba passing '
Carried Ont
ish army under General Toral. On
.' -Tbe Praaideat aad S*ct«Utt Alper Band Ood- leaving the white house at 4:30 o'clock
j^taUtory ICeaMCM To BbafMr ud Pay they expressed themselves as highly the United States,
Owing to General Blanco's great in* ■ IfnAli Tn Cntil
Glowing Tiibutaa To Americao Offtcon and gratified at the outcome of the Santia­
Kra—Bpaaiab Forcea WtU Soon Mareh Out oCJ go campaign, as well as the terms of (luence in Spain, his firm determination ! ffluCfl IS oalU
Santiago Aa Priaoaati of War and Xnj Xtown surrender. "Eminently Satisfactory." not to encourage peace proposals con­
Tbeir Anna.
General Alger said, and that it was a templating Cuban independence .is of
* '
Washington, July i6—(Special)—The great relief that all had been accom­ considerable importance.
Therefore we w’ill
that you will find our Ice
The correspondent says: "It • has Cream delicious, our Soda Water true to flavor, our vari­
war department ha sposted thefollowing: plished on the terms'which had been
been reported in the United States. ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to our
i “Playa del Est. July i6—Adjutant Gen­ secured.
It is probable that the -Porto Rican ^ general," I said, "that you are opposed list from time to time.
eral, Washington—Headquarters near
Fountain open week days only.
Santiago. July i6.—The conditions of expedition was also under discussion, to peace. Is that true ?”
"Yes, it is true that I am favor
- the capitulation include all the forces but General Alger declined to state
and war ntaterial in the described terGenera] Blanco replied firmly. "That
ritorj*. The I Inited States agrees with upon.
is a matter not within my domain, how­
as little delay as possible to transport
ever. and it is only for'the govern­
all the Spanish troops in the district to
the Kingdom of Spain. The troops, John W. Beott of Co. M, Thirty-Fourth ment of her majesty and the cones tg
as far as possible, to embark near the
Michigan, on His Way to New
"But you have your own personal
gftirison now occupied. The officers
Correspond with the “fVsrerie City Lumber Company.
York on Hospital Ship Olivette.
views?" I persisted.
to retain their side arms and officers
We have for sale Good.
*For my own pan," Capuin General
^ and men to retain their personal pro­
perty. The Spanish commander is au- hospital ship Olivette is expected to ar­ Blanco continued with great emphasis.
thprized to take the Military archivesbe­ rive in New York today or tomorrow. "I shall always oppose all negotiations
longing to the surrendered district. All Among the sick and wounded on board for peace which have not for their foun­
the Spanish forces known as volunteers are: Privates Andre D. Lockwood, Co. dation the acknowledgement of Span­
mairilizadoes and guerrillas, who wish D, Thirty-third Michigan infantry; ish sovereignty in Cuba. Lam only
to remain in Cuba, may do so under pa­ Corp. Frank Ransom, Co. L. Thirty- sorry that I am not young to give my
role, during the present war, giving up third Michigan infantry. Lawton; Pri­ entire life and all of my faculties to
their arms. ITie Spanish forces march vate John W. Scott, Co. M, Thirty- fighting incessantly and without rest
Mill M,chinerrof all d««riplIoia, including Two Engine.,
out of Santiago with honors of war. de- fourth Michigan infantry, Traverse against that nation, whose only idea
Ret Worka; Oarriagee and Sawa A complete Saw Mill Plant
has been to damage and culminate my
posititg their arms at a point mutually City.
for aale.
country, which I love devotedly."
agreed upon to await the disposition of
General Blanco rose from his seat as
the United States government, it being
understood that the United States com­
States Will Demand of Spainhatred for the United States. His voice
missioners will recommend that the
Spanish soldiers return to Spain ^^h
Washington. July 16.—While many was stern and the eiierg)- was like that
the arms they so bravely defended, overtures tor peace will be formally of the young man he wished himself
this leaves the question of the return submitted to the cabinet and carefully to be.
of the army entirely in the hands of the considered before terms are proposed,
government I invite attention to the fact the president and his advisers have an­
that there are several thousand of the ticipated this rffeponsibility and have
Leading Members of New Party Aesurrendered, said by Gen Toral to be practically decided upon the demands
sembUng from all pans of the
aboutiiooo,against whomashothas not thati-ill be made of Spain. They are:
World, at Canton.'
1. The independence of Cuba under
been fired. The return to Spain of the
Canton, July t6.—(Speciall-Leading RemeiiiliBr My
troops in this district amounts to about a protectorate of the United States for
Mj New Placethe
the new China party are
24»oo' according to General Toral.
protecting property until a stable and assembling from all parts of the world
(Signed) SHA^TER.'■
responsible government can be estab­ to aidyin.the rebellion against the pres­
Under the capitulation 20,000 refu­ lished.
ent government of China.
2. Tht cession of Porto Rico to the
gees are turned back into Santiago.
The American infantiy to act as pa­ United States in lieu of indemnity and
the claims of American .citizens against
Ue Dfeeaae Becoming Formlnable
Our hospital corps is in charge of the Spain growing out of the war.
at Santiago.
Spanish sick and wounded.
3. The permanent withdrawal of the
.The Spaniards who return in Ameri- Spanish fia^from the Philippine islands,
Washington, july i6, -{SpecialhV
; can transports may lake their portable with a protectorate of the United There is an evident desire here to sup­ chwrd, ___
• church property.
press the facts concerning the rapid
All the troops surrendered except
4. A coaling station for the United spread of yellow fever at-Santiago. Dr.
. General Luques' jo,ooo men.
States iri the Ladrone or,. Mariana Dean fears that 25 percent of the army
- The Americans receive the guns and islands.
will be down in two weeks. The navy
defenses and the Jaragua railroad.
With regard to the final disposition has established a quarantine against
The following messages were sent to of the Philippines there is a division of the army.
General Shafter today: "The president opinion , in ike cabinet.
. sends j-ou and your brave army the
The Bequeet of General Linaree.
profound thanks of the American peo­
Before Santiago, July 15. via Kings­
ple for your brilliant achievements at
ton.—General Shafter said this morn­
50 dozen Misses’ fast black seamless hose, sizes
Santiago, resulting in the surrender of Diverged. Wife of Prince of Ohlmay fe
ing: "The Spaniards have claimed the
the city and ail of the Spanish troops
from 5 to 8J^, at the low unheard of price of 6 cents
in Good Health at Bnda Pest.
surrender must be confirm^ by Mad
and territory .under General Toral.
Buda Pest, July 16.—(Special)— rid. I refuse to consider such a conten­
Your splendid command has endured
A lot of straw matting, remuanto of onr large
not only hardships and sacrifices inci­ There is no truth in the announcement, tion. This morning General Linares
spring stock. Some fair sized pieces. Values rang­
to Paris by a correspond­ sent me a letter begging that the Span­
dent to a campaign and battle, but in
ing from IS to 25c. To close quick we have put
the stress of heat and weather has tri­ ent here of a newsj^per of that dty. ish soldiers might be permitted to take
them at 10c per yard.

umphed over obstacles which woul4 that Clara L. Ward, formerly of De­ their arms back to Spain. He asked
• have overcome men less brave and de­
6ig reduction in Ingrain remnants.
termined. One and all have displayed Joseph of Chimay and Caraniao. is if possible, to arrange for the return of
Our millinerj department is creating quite a
; conspicuous gallantry, and earned the dead. She is in the city and in good their arms to the ^risonefs after they
sensation. Onr finest pattern hats, $6 and $7, going
surrendered them.
L gratitude of the nation. The hearts health.
at $3.50.
pof the people turn with tender sympa-'
Cannot Keep Their Anna.
'Cowan Will be Captain.
(thies to the sick and wounded, hfay
Washington., July 16.—(Special)-Sec^the Father of Mercies protect and comWashington, July 16.—(Special)—
Wsi. McKinley."
Among the appointments made by the
that the Spaniards will not be allowed president today is that of Andrew S.
Front Strsot.
"I cannot express my gratitude to to retain their arms;
Cowan, to be capUin of Infantry.

Th»t 1* What Praaldant McKinley
Sayi of the Bnnender of



Santiago Has Fallen


About Ice Cream and Soda Foantain Drinks.
Jas. G. Johnson.

If You Have Logs to Sdl.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Don’t Buy a Bicycle

Or Bet One Repaired


Oil South Union Street, Opposite C. t W, Nl, Depet
lei nedi ud nums to Bat, H. E. GIBBS, Propr.

Hastlogs' Roal Estate Agencit.

A Matcliless Bargain

The Boston Store.




TAAVXltreonT, . MICEIOAM T. o. BAvn* wum
raw m eme> o» raa

«M.T. VnT]
A «. HAxnK. Saiur ud Muu««r.


vbom J. Ogdon WaUoTaUaof the BUnatioB'

On.Jnly Sad Bafl^BantiagoTbe following from J. Ogdna Welle.le Xaemy a BovUnf eon of A. W. Wells, one nf the ownan
basket teetniy here, and one of .
-BetreBtarn’’-A BaatlBoonevelfe Boogh Blderv wat written ^



Cheapest and moot reliable fJace to get yonr bicjcle repaired and
put in good ranning order. Have had several years experience and
kww bow it should be done. Satisfaction gtuiraLceed. I aa selUng
bierde aundriee at about coat. Xew and second band wheels for sale
and to rent. Please give us a trial.
I .
Brazing a apecialty.
BLLI8.811 Prdat

Boagh Bidera an A-Onat Bpaaiak

Cnba.JnlyJ.lBV8. j
Dnan Mshma:—I will have to writo'
Ais letter on Ae back of another let-'
Tax OB Marringa UoaaoaA^
tor as I have lost all my own paper and
There is a oontrovany la Wayaa
I know Aat yen are anxious to bear
Cm coccuTo*
a DeOraw Arreated enaCbargo
eaaaty regarding Ae matter of attach,
from ma I have just found out tbst
all Ae St- Joe and Bentos Harbor boys
lag revenue sAwpe to Ae enrUteato
I JamM Deffraw was arrested reeiar- inf marriage lioenses, and tbe DeUXrii
A Ae Thtrty-Ainl Michigan believe,
I day on a charge of obAAAg a ooA 'TrtbuDc ysttrrdsy veotored
Ae sngme dead and I am afraid tbe report |
gMtion that no stamps had yet W
wiU reach you, 'So to gel word to you
lofB. J. Morgan. DeOraw |
attaebed to such cartifieataa A Michany kind of paper will do.
ja borseof Mr. Morgan some time ago ! Igan. The deputy clerk of Wayaa
We have beea fighting bow for ID :
and gave a oaA to eecnre payment of county nrgnes that Ae rat
hours without uleep or rnt pad to­
I the amount dna It is said Aat De- marriage ilcense to Ae eoonty d
morrow will probably end' it, but aa
! Grew ■Bboeqneatly went to Mr. Morof aa officAl
Ae Rough Bidera are all cot to pieces,
IguD and represented that Ae
and oomcB under Ae exemptiona.
1 will not be A it. Oat of about 3uoo
t. C. MoLAVOB14if 8VFFFOBTED ' was dead and Mr. Morgan |
JusUeee Verly and Urown «f AIs
men la my brigade, there must A
gave bim back the noA. Afierwardi city, however. Alievc that under Ae
ISUO killed sod wounded. I am A Ae
rear now beeauA 1 just brought off
County Oo
OoaT~t.™ ^ ll-...ll.»rfU...Uku,.„«.ia.Mr.!i,
aa .11 carUaa.«., tk.
Ae First Lieolennnt of my troop who
Bnmod Delsgationa
^ Ba-iul^ralajal ibl. kU
t„, y.. .Uaip,
eras wounded.and as I cannot get back
KillAen and B
lUT. W. K. 1 ,TO„a. Ti. aiaita, w,,- «ttl.a bj ! wblali U B.rf at taa crau. ’n.aralai,
I am going to try and sleep. Sampson
which pam Aroagb
will finish Aem by tomorrow I hope.
Soxxtlae afo B
l C. T.
Tbe republicans of Leeli
county;I Ae amount of As note by n efaaitel I| “
Aeir bands,
bare ^e sumps av
Wc captured everything wlA A^ lat' . .
flnwa ulMdpermiMioa*f the h^rd
spirited eonvsBlioo at Ekslaod mortgage on eertaia other property.
I ti
afcdBcetlon tooplyfor the poeiUon
regular, 1st volunteer and 10th regular i"
yeaterday and'delegatos were named to
eavsiry taut we have suffered it
•< MiperU&deDt of the eehooU of Orettd
Ae various eoaventions. Senator J.
Bzeantaa to Omenn Monday avaaly. These men have been fighting
ShpUe. Soperteteadeat Cli»laen barW. Milliken was endorsed for re-elecand trip 25 oaata. Staamor
Hundreds of people enjoyed Ae eonid,000 Spaniards who are strongly'enlaraeo^Wa^iUoiiiaTelede. The
Crescent Band.
tlonand Bepreaenutlve Foster will go
Tt given by Ae Craecent band from
trenAed and who would raUer die
faraiiMioB WM readU.T rented and
to Ae convenUoD with n solid delega- Aa portico
|m. A.ipkk V,
VIM Botal
UVIW4 WbitAf^
„ SIUUpB last .
of tbe
Aan uurreader but we have captprad
Profeeeor Grawo wee aerared that the
tioD A bis favor also. Congremman
about BOO persons who tbiak we ara
heard weald be rlad to ^eak a rood
Bishop was given Ae -Icy mit” and
going to burn Aem. I am feelingwell
ward ia hla behalf if it waa aeewi
Jam«sC. McLaughlin of Muskegon,
but as I was oa ptekat duty wiAA tOO
Richard Easton. Ae young Bngllab
After tUa aetkw Profeaeor
strong caodidaU, was eDAnslsatleally pimed since be began to insirnet Aem. palmUt. DOW located at Ae Sunny
yards of tbe SpanAb outpost last aigbt
OrawB fonaall; applied foe the poendorsed and tbe Leelanau delegation Aey Atrodnee excellent music; a sur­ Bank Hotel. Union street, next to -Aa
t am all Urad out, but sritl rest tonight.
Mtioa, and oat of forty-Mren apwill support him. Governor Pingree prising cootrait to wbat tbey played bridge- Mount and Phalarge ebarta
I bopc Aat Spain will give up wbun
plkatioaa. he. Prof. J. A. Buarart of
was unanlmausly sopported and Ae before. Tfacae oonoarta will be repeat- riven with each readtngfrce of ehargo.
Saaiiairofallsfor AUa Urrtble plaoe
Two dsyi only, Ssturday and Sunday.
Bay Otyand Prof. Darld Maekanxie of
delegation will sUnd hr him' from «d
„ at frequent

InterraA New music is Hoars k a. m. to V p. tn.
for flgbUag and tbe country U so hilly
Kaakeron were aeleeted aa the moat
storttodnlsb. Followlagare Aa del- being rabea^w“MrfresrM,
tfarible candidatM. It traaapmd a
1 must eloae now. . WUl put date of
dew dajra Bco, howerer. Uat
Senatorial—Wm. Dalxell. Ed. John-,
mailAg oa onUide so you wUl then
laaUa e^eaatar tkaae'three aaMk
aoa. W. P Nelson. Jas. Dalrv.
Xxcnrsion to Omsna.
kaow 1 am all rigta. ap to Aat date.
arare entirely atrfekea trow «ba liat of
BepresenAtive—B. S. Dame, Jsmea
•ppUeaala lhaeaaaa of thia reatar__
On Monday night Ae Crescent Band
Dr. G. W. .Fraliek.
8. 18.000
Wc ^ again ready. wiA a Atge
tehle proeaadiac waa aaid to ha he> 7.U aV^rJota
- -"-I--" tt, Col.«just landed sad will be upt^igbt. The
atock of lee. to deliver Ae aame to any
cane each of tbeoi had appUed for Ue
bia to Omena Tbe aoeial
Mg bombardment begins in Ac morn­
feaiUon before it waa raeant. In wAta
pretty resort baa just begua and pan of Ae city.
8Uto-W. E Campbell. H. W. HerMaple block wood alao for ^a.
gird to Profeaaor Grawn the eomwlt'
rittgtoB, Walter E. UreiUek and L. Ae place ia more nttractlva Aan ever.
- J. OuDBX Wkllx.
Sne who teak the ^Uon ia fraaUy ia
It is expected Aat Acre ia to beaa bop
«ROr. aa Prafaaaor Grawn did aet
at Ae resort Monday evenAg.
f. Tbe
TelaphMt No. »4.
E Campbell, A.
hrinc the netter ap befpre the local
F. Bnatiag O. Dame and W. C. Neleon. boat will leava Ae deck at 7:15 ao aa to
heard aaUI after Prefeacor Cbalmeia
have aa muA time aa pooaibla at Ae
Why should
had aeeaptad the Toledo paeidoa. Bereaari. The round trip wlU be only 25
Mea,befera aa IntradneUan te a Grand
cento. The prnreeda of Ae exearaloB
Bapida eewBittee ProfesaorCtawn fiiat four miles of Ac battle, and alao tbe
Manager Evlio* has made arraage- Grand Bnpide Herald Team Won Out are to bv devotrd to tba payment of
aaXled span Mr. Chalwcra and waa poe- fact that Ae Spaniards were driven menU for Area games Of ball wiA Ae
WiA Ae Aid Of Butler and Hunt.
Manistee Colu for Ae IVth. 20A and
itfrelj aaanred that tbe Toledo poal- olne mllaa over tbemountelaa mi
ManUten. MIA.. July I8.-f8peeAII
rut. The first day being Wild West
ttoa bad been accepted. In thla re­ me iangb. A Spaaiah captain who
The Colu were defeated in a good
Baae FiAinx
at uarp
0am iakb
Because If you are sick 14 days or
day a great erawd it expected and a
gard profeaeor Grawn had been placed eaptnred anjd:
isn ng at
tn n lalH lirht and all who knew kin
-i never saw troops light like Ae
Tbe baae fish Ag seaaoB U at lu
token stek. also from Ae hour yen
; also in progress for games with a
kaow that be wonid net apply for a Americana Tbey fra and ndvanoa:
Heralds. 7 runs. 10 hlu. Tbe Hereldi height at Carp Lake and Landlord ' meet with an accident, all for tl.OO per
yoallton that woe net enre to be vacant. we Are and retreat,” WeU.aa”retreat- crack Chicago team and tbe Detroit
Seuihprdor Ae Carp Lake House is
I •»,!! ,»H et your residence
were strengthened by Ae bettery of,
Aa to the pOMible reoirnatien of Prof- aia”Aedag«a are certainly a bowling Athletic aggregatioD. These arc fast
.v, aeeldeBt, aad
...i wealAe Traverse City Huatlera,
Hustlers, Butler
Holler and I|
iingnsats. woe are iner# to either slckoksa or
teams and Acre will be no more ball
«Hor Grawn of bU preeeni poaitlon
Hun*. Battery for the Colu BufHDger I
S«’’«ral fine atrings are tok-have Ae money to nay you wiA.
of Ae sort which was inteoduced last and HcCoDDe'l
hare, the board of edneatioD rerrettad
every t-ay. Friday a Stop and Aink. Talk wiA ns before
I bad A steal Arae «haru A wfiA
vary sneh that be aonght another po- npea. Paper is at a premium 4
! string
striur of thirteen tipped
linurd tbe iscales at r™
intured and yon will have no
tbey played here Aat Ae Man!attlon bQttheealary wn« eo macb Abaeeo. We have abeat lou casei
: 35 pounds. This is but one of many la- ^
Mr. and Mra. &elA Shaken Vp
alee team has been reinforced by five
Aighor that they did not feel that they board, about two-Alrds of which
W. R. HAR*1Y^
I stances of a timilar natnre.
Yesterday a berae.b-longing to Mst•oaMeonaiateotlyaek hlatarwaaU H are wounded. We get all of Ae snr- new players and tbey are all good ones.
District agent for Nortbweste n Michi­
gan, Traverse City. Mich.
ha ooald eecnre tbe place. Coder the gieal eases now and bow n few ty- Tbey DOW have.tbe fastest team Mani­ tt,w IttfchOm... Mma.. m,«iroain«aneaa i« ia not Ukely tbaf pholda I am working wiA Ae eorps stee ever supported. MoConnell.. Ae new City atone crusher, which la locaV j iag. Bonnd trip 25 cento. 8l«an
ulumbia. Cresceat
new catcher is a better man behind Ae ed near Ae comer of Railroad Avenue Colur*-'..........."Band.
there will he n chnnre here ae Profecin Ae DivUioaal Umpltal No.
MrGrawn*a only deelre to Wre wn*
bat Aan Kinmond. and Aat is saying and Front streeU. and ran away,
don't know bow Ang I will be k
»r J ▲. Snydar Will Betnra «aiurOver Wr.VsBsrs's Shoe Suns.
a good deal, as Kinmond was oae of and Mrs. R«iub were Atown from
haoanee of the nttractire aaUry ntif 1 sAy WiA Aa army I wUl eontiaoe
day Evening. Jaly 1C. and will be in
As bast in tbe stole before bo
tanhad to the Grand Bapida |daee.
baggy, Ae farmer caeaplag Injury. bla new ofBeea over WiAelm. Bertok *
ben peflaanently. oa sddreas letArs A
Jared, Bvflinger aad Brnaer, tba two The latter sraa badly Aaken np and 2>-’s^4tocr in City Opera House m.-c',.
■■cacTAKT Alcrb rlrbtly takae ex- me ia oaca of Diriaioaal Hospital
onday. July IS. ^
pitchers are stars, ana wiA such frightened, but notaeriously iejnred.
«nptioa to the anrreaUea of the eoa- M board Ae atoamer OUvetA or in Ae a battery to go agaiasi Ae Hostlers The buggy was damaged oonalderably.
jBieelonera who arranred -the Uroa of laid. Bead me If paaslble aome paper will bava to pAy balL -The loeal
the anrreoder of Santiago, tiwt
team, too, is the beat we aver bad aad
■panieh aoldinra be allowed to take bare a lltGe money hnt money le n Aey deserve liberal patroaaga. The Remedy in my family far yean and
always with good resulu.” eays Mr. W.
their ama Iwek to Bpaia with (ham. aaeleas nrUele bera Tbe last orders last weak bas seen some poor ball, B. Cooper of El Rio. Cnlfforela.
Coder the elrenwataneaa and the
TitsliiKi Alrsdnii—.
iDietrrsd for ahsofate tataanongh to convinee everyone Ant n smaU ehlidren we find it rspeelally
Our ProBi sBd Cssv 8u.
lew eximnliw of urtb.
ago or do any mare aggressive fight­
dittana anrroaadinr thia war and
game with Mnntstoe is sure to be Ae ^^ectivaj For aele by S. E. Wali
ing on tU the heavy . artUleiy arrives
'*** ”
aanaea. it would appear to he aa
rttol articla. For two years past Aere
Uioewt Bled
for nsklnx extrsetiCB
sad is placed ia position. There is ecwiae nova to allow the Bpaalardi
bas bean a prejudice against MnaUtee,
patala their arwa phea they leave onr easionsl firing at tbe ont-poett and on but thU tannou has proved that the
ahorea. and eontrary to paUlc aenti- Ae picket line. As I wriA 1 bear Colu can furnish betterbase ball with
shoA We bsA Mveral privalm who
Meat aaide from tbe valoe of the
Hustlers than any oAer team
The boys
fooa which the fortnaw of war rive
aaide froma praffeasional aggregation.
re eager to firi>f end Aooe who have,
Into onr poaaeaaion and which wer
There is no question now but Aat tbe
■and agaioat ear army by tbe enemy.
Hustlers and Colts are tke faatost inTbe Spanish forces namber about
It teams A MIchigaa'and the
25.000 men and our mea aboal 20,000.
Be XI three games are sure to be exciI beard Aat twe MiAlgao regimeau
arrived Wedneaday but aa Aey were
Bint of Bn^anh BiBaa to Baoaive aant direct to Aefroet and 1 waa not
Joint Aaylm Board. Meeting.
able to gel aabora, I am not anre. If
XhJory in Oaha~Baportad to h«
Thursday July jj. i, the date fixed
U ia ao Aey are probably tbe ThirtyXfot •arioon.
aaeond anJ Tbirty-Alrd. There are a for tbe meeting of Ae Joint board ef
niranyb private advicea yeaterd
conpA ef Aousaad Cabana nroand Emstoea of Ae Mlcfalgaa axylnms for
^ Bxooxp learned that John l
hara-bot I don't bank much on Aem. Ae iasane. wbleb wUI be held ia Ais
Baott, one of the Baaaab Biflea, vraa
beund to aee Aia Aing and eo city. Tbe last meeUag acrured at Aa
the firat to anffer from amoag the far 1 am net Barry, only that we ana Eaatorn Micfaigaa Asylum, Nevamber
right at the front. Our troopa ara 18. 18&7. Dr. J. D. Mnnaon. aad mem­
Tkavaraa C^ty bpya at tba front.' Efaboat two mllea from Santiago aad aa bers of State Board of O______________
ierta were made thraaflh the nae of
Areealdea. Ezeuaa writing.
I am
co»ittlng of tba following
dha telarraph llnaa to learn the Mtnre wriUng ba a mtm pan and Ae boat
Samuel Bell, E W. Jeaka. E
«f hla injartea, if wounded, or tbe form la kieklng aronnd. Yon’i] bear from A. Cbristiaa and W. M. Edwards, wiU
be preeeat ud give a number of in•f hia Ulnena. A late diapatch autw me egeio aa boob aa 1 can get aon
F. O. Rakxex.
that ha waa on board tbe bcwpital ohip more paper.



Oa board Hoapltal ^tp Ollvatl. off
eaboaay. Cuba.
Jnae to. IBOB.
Mownao EnooED^Vou have probab­
ly received my noU written oa the
traaaport Saratoga npoa nay arrival ia
these waters. I have beea oa tble ship
last Batarday. We laid off the
coaat OB tbe Saratoga for over a weak,
then were landed. Was 17 daye on
that beat and It waamonotonooe, I can
aaeare yon.
There was eoneiderablc of e eklrmlek
on Pridny, the atth. The Firat U. S.
V. Cavalry (Booeevelt'e Bongk Biders)
ran into an ambnak and were badly cut
ap. Their lose waa kUled sad about
40 wounded. Tbe x-th Calvary (color­
ed) ware also engaged and lost aevaral
man. no entire number woaaded
onr side during the fignt waa «Bmora. no lean. Tbe kiUad ware buried
on or Bear the fle^d and it ia not known
now many, exactly. 1 think It
cover tbe entire lean. 1 know yon have
already bad aomeroporte of the cnmgement, but 1 can imagine how “yel
low” they were ne we have eevaral
Journal correapondenta aboard. One e(
them a Mr Manhall waa
wounded. There are alao a anaaber of
yaehU repreaentlng tbe dlfferaot New
York papers Tke Sun has two and
the Herald two- Tbe Son'a boau are
both chartered English ateamera. Tbe
English tramp steamer. Silvira Is the
Jonrnarboat, and at present has on
beard Prapriesor Beaiat, who arrived
on the Vale, formariy the New York.
A Santiago paper which the bora got
bold of (weareoalynbonttour
from Motto Chatle) given aa nmualug
•ocoant of Ae battle wiA a aeare bead
eomeAieg like Ais
American army of M.OOO mae driven
back by only 4.000 brnva Spaalah
troopa. Spanish loss kiUed and wound­
ed. S«a Tbe leas of Americans too
nnmereas A eonat, ap A thia tima'
The foregoing coupled with Ae fact



tttt HoDie ProltcliK Associitioa


Traferee Cilj Sclool of Hnslc!

♦ ♦






OUvatte, dne ia Kew York yceterdny
m today, and a private diapateb aut^
that be waa reported wounded, thoneb Attained in Baeoad Teat of Ae Stone
aet eerlaiialy. The eatir? eommnnity
Orunber Teatordny
-arlU be giatifled to learn that hia InThe aeoond test of tbe eity stone
Jntca are net danferoua.
maber was a aneeeae. Eleven tons
were weighed oat and yeawrday morn­
’ An Afternoon on tlm leUoA
ing tbe toct was made an Railrond nveThe Qaeen of Ae Lakes will not go
WiA nfifteen-horea power
to Elk Rapids today as prevlonbly an-1
required but 20 minntee to emsk
MOnneed, but will ran an excnrslon to four tons, which Ae committee
'. Marion Uand after dinner. The dis- ■treeu and sralks of tbe eennejl deem­
-tonne la short and paaaeagers will be ed highly satisfactory. Several of Ae
«Ue to spend a good part of Ae after- aldermen sriAeeaad Ae teat and i
moon on Ae island, wbieb is an ideal graUfied wiA Ae resalto.
aft* tar a pleaaaal day.
AUAe popular muoK of Ae
a to Omena Monday even- Md sveryAing Id Ae mi
Roapd trip *5 eento. Siaafflnr W. Kimball On. K. E 8tra«*.
US Frent street.



Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome
up-to-date stock ■
^ of Men's Shoes. Tan Shoes ere the favorites at th's season'of
Bd. OUbert'a Mev Btora.
Ed. Gilbert ie preparing to remove ^ the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicyfrom Dr. Munsaa'a building on Front
^ cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable'
street to Ae UtUe store owned by Ju- ,
and the
Uns Steinberg, wcet of Ae Grand Op-' i

ara Bonne. Ue is baring Ae room fit-'<
mpecially for Aa baatesaa «f man- '
ufacturlng eigara.aad Ae front parti)
will be nioly fitted up for Ae retail «

Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-fg-daK Paiatar
aad Paper Haager.
Shop Opposite Svle Oflloe.




THM KOBvnro fc«ooBi>, BtrypAY. nri/T i7, leee..


MHii&w t

that It 4M not tortnally/* at. and thi
tbwe le hO danger of lU arlaln* i

-Hr. and Him. A. P. Barbw of SUi
suut are rejoiriaf or«r tba arrival of
oaacx lansooPAL) camca.
;«7 bu rccHred 9K.M from
tha CnUad Butca Benmlnt Sooiaty,
for iBjurlca received at Suttou Bay
Jalyltt. He WM attacked b7 » hhllar
andltadly uad a>.
The eteem bairo Bsna B Thetnpto in ^ loadfnr luBher froo the
Lasber CoB^ny'e dock.
The reomitieg squad eonatotiar of
LieaL Cbu Milner, of Company A.
Serreot Trott. Co. C. (torporal Nelun,
B. Privates Wood and beech of
Oompanlee H and A have roDc toMani-'
stee to eecure reemita to fill out Coiapaay, C. 3«tb Mtchifan Volnntwire of
that place.
Battle Belfry, who was arreeted Frlday night by Deputy BberiC Marvin,
was taken before Jnatiee Curtia yes­
terday tsoruing sod her esse sojourned
one week.. Proeecntor Twaddle lesmed
that the {rirl wsi sent here by
anperistendentof the poor of Moontoisg. where she was num^red among
the indigent poor, and be will uke
aiepe to have her returned there. If she
lot coBVicted of Ue charge sgsioat

Brsaktng Bneklng BroocM.
It to Ue intent on Ue great homo
ranohes of the wes', where branoos are
nisod by bundrads aod even Uonaaada.
that Ue young anlsMlB shall he ‘■bro­
ken*' when three or four years old, er
at Ue (urUemat fire. Jlut Ue ranges
upon which Ue aaimala are allowed to
eeek Uelr own pasturages sra of vast
sxtent. and frequently a little hand of
will manage to aeclnds
selves whan Us spring ‘‘bfealriag aeasoo” arrives, so Ust seme of Uera
reach Ue age of six or seven yesre un­
broken. Itto'rftenaetaslly
to eoequer Ue wildness of such mstare
horses. They will fight until Uey arc

the Last. Week
Sir Richard Easton '

er. Ohaa. T. Stoat. Iwtor.
Bo)7 OMBBUslon »;40 a. a.
Maaisv ssrrkto and aeradn at 10:M
New York. Julyll—Bradatreefeuyi:
PeodlDf the IdUUUod of new rail boatSundar sekosl and BlMe daas at U.
'Vesper aervles at 6:16
lATnSIBT IB OUT OP HIS JOB. BM. p^*^arBUonl fj-r which are ac
tlrely under way In all markeU. there
Al) are qordlallp invitod to these serexlau a quiet mldaunnner condition, acowercr, in man gum, by
^!A0 Writiags, EngniTiBC* m4 DMifiu
price ateedinew and confidenee
Hut Be Aatlwr.ied bf the
proiBlalnr outlook for fall trade. While
CburcB oa the corner of Klntk end
there aeema IKtle reaann to exi>ect any*
Wadawsnk etreeU.
think Uke the excited foreirn buyiDR of
eereata tbla year whlrh occurred laat
Scientific Palmist.
There will be quarterly ewetinr at
j Wm» Bapma. t> t*M araaon. the world'a wheat cropo all
the Evanireltosl ehureh today.
(«lnUitk to exceptionally larjre If not
lug act in Us Wild
Preaehlsg Sunday nmraing at 10:30
recbrd-brrsklne yields, still the situa­
end Pblsnge Ckarts to caek ^
; U4 MUrid Had »«tklac t* Da ir
and Sundv eveslnf at 7:S0. All of West show to a reallstto cxbibitloa of customer Uto week free of charge.
tion of earrttd-over auprltea. visible
................................... ...... * ty Ue untamable savage potentialities of
■ tin.* Umm X«l !■- and Invisible, la auofa w to lead Co confi­
BclenliOc life reader through Ue
dence In. food irtneral demand for »<«!
someRev. J. A. ^e, P. B. of Grand Rapjniirit wUb Um Martial l>atr IMctva.
Stan aad planeta
of tWB emimry’a sutplua. ihouifh the
Umia silvanced that the brutoa have
Me4rid. Julr It.—A decte« of tbr cap­ outlook favors a considerable rbadina
Sir Richard Eaaton advises npra
been trained to coudect the
All are welootna
tain cenerei of Madrid which baa beiin of prices.
beslscM affairs aod tells or
or that Uey are temporarily i
There Is a little more hopeful feel'njt
eOzrd to ibc walU of thli city aayi
naer ars beat adapted for. A
by something Ue eowbuy does to hurt
that dMr«f« 8n»r«r.<llD|r the conailiu- la the Iron and steel trade, the
gcT.J.a.Bready. psalav.
.visit vrlll convince the moat skeptkal.
them. Nothing could be further from
i|«kioa) Kuenu>tc«s tbroughoui the klnc> partly of reduced output ’and stocks of
Servicea at the Methodist ehnreh
lie of LaRne
Palmtotir School,
H' doiB bat-e been putAabed. end * atate ply. and i«rtly owlnk to the lanre iwialUe .truth
ness reported offertn*. rortlcwlaTly at
r ealaiins U la ordered that
In Ue regular proeeaa of braaking, of Paris, Fr.
the west, where some mills win foreyo
PreachlBg both morning sod cvenlBg
swetlnsa take pltre without
their asusl summer shut-down and othbronco to first Isssoxd le s bIgb-wsUsd
by Us Rev. J. Eldred.
prevloua a’utho:lx.'tl"n or loe
the mill- 1
^in curtail the vacation fartlod mahrml. thrown and ’ hug-tied"—hto,
tary aulhurllka, ]t
forbldden ! terially. Kxcepi for some shadlny In
BsUsfaeUon gnsranteed,
7smce O. Johnson has added an
.set bound togeUer—to prevent hto:
■reala caused by the usual tendency
to publtah «iUu>Bt> autbor'
Bouts 9 a m. to 8 p. tn.
The serrloes today wUl ocenr at Ue kicking or striking r-bilc Ue^dls
I dlseounl eovrmmcnt crop reports tractive and energetic elettrie fan
OoB any wrltlnja erjt-av nea ct .i
Next Wtok charges SI sod «*.
ths fixtures In hit drug store, and corl usual hours. Beversl vtoitlag alotoalcu whalerer. T: « d.crec c;ticludae
Privsu and rctlrrd parlors at
breecea are always nerved free to
with apt^l.'rin* the v-4n'«'-tn'B‘ which
la these serriees.
will be tne’ed out to thuae *vho d.srr- siderable steadiness.
Business fkilurto In the Untied Stales toners.
yard the orders tosu-d.
The Rrcobd to fsvewed with s quau- j
for the week number S». ns against Ml
Spain la under .mar b;I )aw 1<y royal last week. 24T in this w ivk a year aeo. Uty of elegant sweet peas of the Soap
Union street, next to Union 1
F. N. Bamum, a well known jeweler
decree for the Hr. i time .iu br the pre- tU in 1*M and »4 In 1SS&.
bridge. Lady In a
Dragon variety froa the gardes of
eent war, alihi ush M i. d haa Iwr.
of Ypsilasti. has formed a parUershlp
No dtopUy of signs .madA Come to
practically under lu.irt a: a'- al ee the TOHT OH KHVBHUB STAKPa
■iU F. A. Earl la Uto city. Be wlU
trouble with Ihclt nl ed .“tat s l>.:>an.
Sbarpshootars Woo.
BspMwOoetblnePnUthe Screws ee the
arrive hers wlU bit family ahouf Us
XM fiMt-mtfrwl -» Im,Here.
liraver tUMi Kto Arwede,
Hie shnoliog oonust ist Bill Mut­ first of August, Mr. Bamum and Mr.
PremUr Btcusla <:e iar-s that netlher
ChkaRo. July
The Denver and ters gallery took place yMterday and Earl were partaers foe IS yeaim aad
r the (toveiti
tervened in the n.p >1181 ore f r t .e uc- Elo Qrstide Exprese comtany has been
Jahrsna' Sharps
boU being firet-elam jewelers Ue
render of BantUgo dr Cjba. He adds riirtilriklns revenue stamps to Its i>a- feated Bin Murrel'e BnUiwackeis aa
binaUon wlU be a good one and Mr.
that the surrender carre witfatc the trons, while the American. Adame and foil
Bamum and family wUl be welcome In
province of Cieneral Torsi, (.nd u* der United PUtea. members of the ao-calird
Staarpabooiern-JahrauB.^ 4
bta responsibility. atU the geneml aim- "express combine." refuse to d<>^ so. A earn, 4fl: Sbenner. 47: Pred I
Trarerte City.
ply aMUiUDoed thnl the sarrlson bad drcular has been lasurd l>y the comPIHurreU.
40: Boy
natloB asjinr that "there wilt be no
▲ Fo«Uob in Fetoakey.
CurtU. 47: Edwatds. 43:
thtomth blUln* between ivnver and RIc
ChasRenglcof Utocitybas secured being strapped on him. A baiter
I. 44. Total. *31.
Grande and this company after July It.
Tmvemc City. Mich. Jnly ItU.
cumins of Commodore Waiaon’a equ
s posiUon as stenegnphsr and book- around hto' nose ia Ue nearest approxl'
IKSL on aec^'Um of the I>enver and Hlo
ron. Many are leavtsf. The Spaman [
’Express company tumlahins
A McUormlek. Dtotrfet MamVALUE OF SEARCHLIGHTS. keeper for Cook A Ce.. hardware deal Imsllontosbrid'c. Thee belt Wind- Blakcaleo
agetA Tmvsrse City, Mieb.
-"‘“rnartwenue .lamp.
are at Petoakey. Mr. Rennie kaa been •folded and allowed to risA The hood
Gcotlsmen; Allow me to Uank ypn
*t comimm points, and l.iwiniaa wiD OsMU Fur BlgmUng su WMt US For S
at Big Rapids
wink teema to Stan him with surprise for eheek for S40. for loss of fingm. I
^ not be interchanged with the Denver
poaing M Kmt<mT.
soma time. Bto msn| friends In Uto
nSiStaf SnMI h^I^Bce^Mr^rires.^
Grande expreea except as proThe United 1
enough for Ue breaker to monn'
city win be glad u hear «t-hto e
in Ue Johnson Mock and merived
in its ooast detesus a
the saddle, and Ue blind to at Uesams fies
London. July W.-The Madrid eorre. I
dalma that It la not large Bnmbw of Ue niosi powerful
my money. I am always wUliugtosay
Ohiesgo Xarket.
time removed.
a good word for your company aai
; «>W«t »o the provlalona of the Inter- warUliRbu. to be built In the carlicm
Tbs bronco leans high Is the sir and Uink Ucm cuperior to all oUem.
Chtonge, July le.—Wheat 73M.
*’ * *"
■ Btate commerce act. arid can tnierpoM pOiriUu time and duilvervd for tncmBtout the Bpanlah peninauU the rtshta; all the obstacles It chooses to
Yosrs very traly,
amas down stiff lagged wlU bis four
33 S-e, osto S3 3-8. pork t».8S. '
of indivlduato as cuanr.teed by the carried by other companies.
Jonx Kacko.
Ing in Ue prindpal harbors along the
feet close together and hla backwrebed
oonsUtulton win probably make a
003 Second strset.
ooast Tiic lights arevd rfUl imporassort Hotos.
like a camel’s hump; he beuds hto spine
greater Impression abroad than at
SeoreW «■ the D|aMad.
tones Id harlxv dofenaoa and will be a
AlUougb Us Omens Inn has been down so Uat it to like s cross aeeUon
borne. The Spaniards know very well
valuable addition to oar harbor equip- rccieving gneau for some Urns pest Ue of a trough and then bows it up wiU s
that like its predecrvs'T. proclaim'ng
a state of siege, which ws> I'sned ImmeNew York—Louisville 6. meutx. Already a
regular opening wlU take plaos next sodden shoot that would
dtotely after
ler t1
the■ news of tbedl a
New York : at Boston—Ptuabur* A _ in opL.-atiLUt
-atiLUt but nut Kifllocut M Wednesday eveaing, July *5. A liter­
skilled ridi-r far sbire him. Again he
Cavite, the f
I Brooklyn—St. Louis L do Uc worit which might be done in
ary and musical program will be given leaps and tnms half round la Ue air, OODUMBIA AITD LOU A. OUMhr appUed a
ronvenience : Brooklyn 3:
Baltimore Chicago t.
at well disposed p.5tlon of , Beltimofe 10: at Bhlladclphli -■inan- this way.
e quiet and
OpTatod on a eclcatifio syatein, tbs for the benefit at the Omeaa Coogre- leaps up and sidewise atUs same Ume.
■ the population. The nrwa of the eapitu- l
j HhH..d-lphln 7; al Was
up and forward, up and backward,
tmpotMtn- t.r the U.'jt era Hcarcely be
Going norU daily except Sunday.
tatloD of Santiago was re.eived too late : ci^^-cland C. Was .trgt -n A
OV<Tawtima.L-<L By its «o |];u whole
Ice cream and cake will toch time coming down with hto legs Leave Tmrerse City..
I by the roc •- -t papers.
— -- | western Leagut
1 Indlat
..8:40 Ain.
sres'd Uv bartru-pnku I. .1 liyonrfurti- be served.
stiff SB posu: makes an mormons Jump,
" Ncahtawantt..
ficariroa aitcl 17 tixL<(l <jt Atatii-iury torThe managen of Ue Inn extend in- and landing on hto fore feet, kicks
'• Omena...............
podn-> is 111 ilic duuil of the lugbt made vluUona to Traverse City. NorUport. wlU hto hind ones as if trying lo reach
wankee—Mlnncn^'is it. >l^.%aukee A
aahngl.l aa day In druciiug the ap'* Norwood...........
Neabtowsnta. Leelanau and Hie Clo-^ Ue sky: dashes ahead a few wild
psuocli or any tuuvi-niiut of uii atteckMrs. 4>hswm WtsM. a Club.
the siege and retire.
plunges aod B»op* sodlmlv. as If lis“ Peir-.kry..............
Areola. Ilia. July li.-Rc^.bert Cald­ Ing' fleet and cKii-.-cially whire au at1
Sigwillrul Pact Made Knowau
•• Bay View.............
R. A. Treadway and son Bbwnrd
OfnciBl information regarding thecop- well. a young man als.-jl SO was se^erc- Wmaeutasieg...
lub by MiB B'ne- er a |artul lt i-.uil df»trurtiua of ■
R gltlcna of iUTT. n-er Is anx uusly iy beaten a
psned through Ue city yalerdsy en and throw himself hszkvrsrd *to cat
“ Rarbor Polpt....
pu'.ll' sireet ■
Ue rider be cannot unseat
L awaited. The Rovernmerfs unusual ham Je hns. n '■
route to Nesbtawsntato jiid Ue «UAr. Harbor Si^agv.
reticence conremlng felons dl-pitcbea l ninda'.ioro. lea m.l'S -'es: of here, while Dt^er »nrli dnumutatK-e* 1 V Aiarchibers
'received Tram Caplaln General Blanco ] ahe wasbtating. her husband
Going eouU daily except Sanday.
causes anxiety. TTie correspondents ■ victim. A f wdays ago. It la allezed,
ihv buavy artUlery ready Uers.
Leave Harbor Springs..............7:fl0 a a
he hon
note art significant fact that a certain , Caldwell went m the
home of Mm. gtans of our c'-aa dtioiue and innxe
TIarbor Poias....
A party consisting of Lewis Voigt,
Cuban magnate who had always de- ! Johnson an I In the a'-een c of her hus­ total deemjrtica.
dared that he wi n'd lemsln in Cuba aa band geoss r .naiilt d her.
Another and most imporomtoC tbs Miss Florence Voigt and Miss McKenloBg as he had hofe «1 the is and being
«»rWtt Bn<iMrC<W ArtMas. :
preserved to Bps n has left Havana tor

some uaUotkaded port, w here be hopta
..H:i8 "
f-.r a fight be:w-. cn James J. Cor­ ity to idgualiug from one fortiflcstini city yesterday.
I to And a neutral ship to take him to inrut
..U:30p. a.
•' NorUport........
bett anil - Kid" MiCcy. the match to to atuitber by nicaus of keig aod abort
“ Omena................ ......1:80 "
take place at the Hawthorne Athletic flaahaa mcamgee bciug sent seven)
Mr. and Mm. C. W. LeffingweU and
'■ NesbUsrantt.. .......... 3:00 "
club of Buffa'.p on Sept, lo, wii e ■ gned
Ar. Traverse City..
. L.. and Mtoa
in this e'ly yLSterday. The puree to be miles by cipluT coda
An idea of Ue wondertul power and Maud Neeley arrived laat sight from ___ ling to your town, 1
b-e. Would Let tWs rvople Is Cuba DMtde «*• *20.1X10. Ue Winner lo take alL
remain for one day only to give the
■ r>
ttwestleu-Hsgwe.'a vieww
Knoxville. 111. After apending a short aick an on>ortuoity to cousjlt him
Going soaU dally except Suaday.
Madriu. iuiy IS.—Itie minister fof.
time in Uto city Uey will gs to Pstos- Uct___________
that cannot uee him at his Sanitarium.
eave NorUport........................ «JO a m.
war. Geotral Correa, le quoied as say­
The doctor haa so much faith iurtbe
ing in'Sn Interview that he thought nSsway'^t
Fnn''wrn‘“ln'iS. ^
experience he has had in treating
^oe might be arrarg-d on the followTHe Chinese torpedo b.«u Hee Chun* tanwd over to the amiyfcr^pcriMtMhhbger Defeudorf of Tmvsras
month’s treatment and medicine free.
lag terms; Tba Un.t d States and Spain
ik at
St Purt
Port miuMi
Arthur •••and 111 men
sank -IIng pnrpoacs
in o«.st
—— ——
■—■------ —
-.......... w ThU
Beach to kept venr busy Ue*e days stAiAO ntgit stiaciCALorneATioxs to
I lightwsa tnm.-bafl-d from a Ann inOerto agree to let the Culwns decide by a with her.
tending to the wsnto of hto guesla. au. THOSB THAT ASK TOO POOR TO PAY.
GMng aorU daily except Sunday. .■
plebisdti- whether the;- lesire Inde­ , At pana. Hto.. Hubert Knihen. aged mauv, uml upon It* Towipt it was ImThis resort has gainad Us popuUr fa
that he asks iu return to that Leave Traverse City................ -t;00p. m
pendence or autonomy under the euaer* 10, son <t Albert Kruben. wsa mo over ^ Bicdiatcly (oTM'arded 10 tlio ^andy Hook
• patient wUl state to their friends
■■ Ntobtowsnto..................8:00 "
alnty of bpan. li-v iwm governments by an Hllnoto Central train and be- | ^ving gmund. where it onderwont a vor of many resorteis. and Uto year every p-...
by his treatment.
Suttons Bay..
j Uoroogh teei. One ubj<-ct wka to deter- will probably be crewdsd Ue entire tbe results obtai
to agree to abide by the resn.t of the beaded.
" Omens........
ic if. All forms of chl
A boy supposed 10 be John A Keeiy,
ij,e facility with wUi< )j| a niuiHUto
plyblsrlte. .In the etenl .<r the Cubans
Last week among Ue arrivals , ,^,nLues ^ated. No
Ar. NorUpmt..
No mao ia tbit
tnimanitad by loi.g uud abon
. voting Indejcndence Uic fnltel 8:sies II years old, 1*1! Into Ue .she irom the
...Mpa H. P. Chanberlato.ChIcagi.:l8tate has bad such
[if to allow 6. aln nine montha tr. which to
fianhoa Thu light was tunuuiud on a Mrs. J. B. Arnold. Anrora. III.; MrA H. | rtonee In the Ircatmej
Ij.. withdraw her army gradually and dtg- drownrd. ,
Traveres City.
towur at Saudy Hook and
ear! TOROA-- -- J.. Ralph, James and SlsttorlyUirmsn DI5EA5ES
BiX hundred miners continue Idle at
I Wfledly ffotn Cuba.
AS Ue doctor. He gmdi
Mr.-. Dunn

of" the vreatbn
Taka stoamsr at 8:«0 a tA for NeakOak Park, ill: Belen and Grace Tho- sted 87 years ago from CWelsnd. ttwsnto where ymi wiil connect wlU
■' , CoBiinui'ng, the m nister for war said.
*'We ought to retain Uorul Itl-o a( all
Dias, and J. O. Eveodea and wife. Chi­ Ohio: was IS rears In geueral prac­ atoamer Creseenl retumiag to Tiav*
W Alb«>-» n.-ar Cull*.
In oi^er
tice; after that lectnred aa Professor
• City I
ArtH.tdlne to the regleter of Ue Vnl- , to the night, as ag^.^tl mwi, cme of t^ cago; Mr*. C. C. BmlU and MrA F^'.
Sf Whuh the Ameec*. I w in11 le able i
Oeapoll us In Uiorse cf time, and In vevsUr of ChK agi. mere wax a total en- army offiow*. e«pocially expert in sig- Hampton and son. LoubvUle. Ky.; Mr.'
bay and can be made every momtog.
unlsr to more cs!d> coromuni.-atc with fmimeot lart year of :.367 studenCA 87* naUng, mounted Uu top of Uc tower, and MrA 8. B. Ungto, Miss Jennie. •ears; was 9 years Superintendeot of If yon wish a longer ride Ue boat vriU
I When Uo exact mouirzjt arrived, tbers Miss BeU and Master ttomuel Ltogto Urns nod Ypsitofitt Sunitariuma. land yon at Omena or NorUport where
the South American republics, which being s otn'-A
-dally display the greatest eothuslssm
This experience, comWued with many yon srill connect wlU steamer relum­
Tbe NellisrlUe <wto.) furniture plant xhxe thrown ogainA the dock sky long of ChicagA
dor Spavn. As tn the Philippine laUnda.
years' study to the best bosplUU in ing to Traverse C^ty at 4:00 p. m.
lo Kerr Ilnw. * Co.
ut bright light from
' and- short

U is certain we will retain them. «vm HlcksT-llle. o. They wlU enlarge and Ue tower at Sandy Rook. At tbe same
tbe coamry,
country, auu
and exaiumiog
examining wou
And treatAftfrnoou excursions ^m Traversa
ing thousands of' chronic

nic cases,
has City, taka Ue steamer Creeeeat every
though the Americans aucceed In oc­ operate It «IU a large forcA
moiamit; ia New Vurk city, another
MrA B. C. Jenks of Kalkuks Urtrit- prepared him to cure when the general sftemooa 1at dO for NeabtawaaU
cupying ilanlto. of which place their
ytilly 10.G« dill-gates and vMtorv to
: Uehigb
practitioner failA Have you been aick where you w_________
oci-upatlon .will be most brief. An of- the annual convention
convention of
»f ’ Ue
Ue Baptist
Baptist i offloe buildings stoadily lotJdng toward inginUsrity.
wUIcoonect with 1
for yeara? Are yon discouraged 7 returning to Traverse aty al 4:00 p.
flclal dirt at A anr.ouiicea that the rebel
F. B. PtoU has returned froms CU- - •^••jcllyc.uwhrtbef
Cblvfa and Ihe Americana wl.l not al;
ways agree: which la le Fpsln's advanwe can core
you or not Ifvrecanooi
Simon Fish, of Chicago, was elerted WP™***! »
b> SSB^ Hook, cggo.boMnem trip.
tage. The gov.-rtmiOTt has formed a president of Ue .NatU.nki Retail Fuml- ^bcrc jt wa* fonud «»rtct ’^Is ^
cure yon,1. we will teU yoa what relief
we can give you.
S(Aniiewhl>ii will not o^Iy a«aurc Spain tore Dealers' ssw>clation before it ad- sage wa.i flaid.wi a disunoe of *0 mllsA are visiting at Bast Jordan.
?. one month vrOl be
the po«aeaal.<n of the Philippine laAnds lonmed Its convention at Chicago.
mdci.aJd oudoubtedly have berapsamd
Mrs. W. W. GUbert and sous Kussell
but wlilrh win re-eatab1ia*i ttanqullliy."
L. 8. OravcA «f St. Luula has re-< a much gnaitor dtotouoA With them and Len. will arrive here from Kanka- absolutely free—medicineA eurgn
Begardlng ih- prosots w of fieuce
as auiwrinter.dent of the 81. light* roiiunted at Ue foctifioatioDl kes. niA this morning for a frw weeks operation^ and the benefit of all c
SMamer Onekama
.'Sener Fagasta. Interviewed by a r pre- signed
skill I
Peoria and Northern railroad. ‘ _
around Nl-w York barboF
ntative of K! OTfvst-indeorla Ullltar.
visit WlU Ue famUy of ChsA S. Csvia
srlll run oa Bert Bay aa follows:
be immedhuely aunt from Ue daIs toprvaer.t

d iS aarirg:
. - ' ll l» Ltrtaln. w.’h! Grtdiey. of Bt Louis, fraceeed*. ,
The Mieses Marie sad Nika Malme of known by all the schooU, with the aid
5:M A'la.
Ex-Preeldent IVnJaroln Harriam. '
,j Saoily Hook to eiUior Port
af electiicily.
that most wonderfal
; rertirth. Ual the govrramenl haa
dly,that_—----7:10 A m.
bon al Nea-York whn bt*wile Wad*w«U
Charlevoix, are vtolUag Baton Bayior.
k BaaidA..
in ParalyaU, Loss of Power, I Arrive
andeavored lO es oTlaln «xtru-oSlcA!Iy who. has
-L. V1«,H
—— —
7:40 A B.
1 all diaeaaea of the i^re
Tba Mitoss Grace aad Bartmra Oerthe dtoposttlon of Ihe tViishlngloe cal^
tUK respecUng a paeifiv »..lull-.n. but
wand It was de^red totransmttin­ hett have rstaraed from a vlrit to
9t00 A m.
office la always mowded.
(or Ue moment I can vay abeolute:
■lutc:y son's cottage In Ue Adlrandacka.
is to Ue inner defnacA
frtonda to Elk BapMa
nothing because Ue enemy might
Leave East Head....
Oa Tassday Ue Manistee Oolto wiU
ho^ was in ChiL»ao. d'.ed or typhoid torferoi wiU tJm sight of UeiMSt
Arrive Old Mtotioa..
bJmseir more exarllng. I have readd the fever SI Ja/ kaonv.Ilv. Fla. He wan 23 Ue helm of an appiusching vemeL jn go agelast Ue HasUers in a gams of ■si/bIIt. MaaTPaues ^jg^inrtasi,wSick
pnponato cab'.ed to Q ImparcUl.whUh year* old end Ue suti>ort of bis moUer. axperunenu tried to Fmnoe a powerful ball Buflste BiU wlU be hare oa Uat
or medical skill, ssdai ________ Bepl*«........
e Q. FTeach. furtuerly secretary of electric
--------- stoiuhlight
jht was
wag tamed vjm
npcn a .
wert thaw. As two
Ue MeehanlLs' aad Traders' Buiw^
BuUdtng moving
moving ve^.
VMel, Ue ceiXein cf which perioratonoes wUl beglvw Ueee who
toted by Prealdent McKinley 1
OambOB. the French . ajnbaoaad
and I»an assn^tlon. of Chicago.
wvw ao dsxaled bT
Block. Betel WhiUag and Park Pl^
charged WiU tbswroKxx emem of 13 0 •
■Washington. These coBdltiona a
r^pcevstted him from ^toeeeUe heUga-meM dosoto
at S-SO B m. ’Bea ertll alao eonnae*
ww of Its fued(. Is under arrest at praperiy steolng hto best, wbi^ i»- Ue afieraeon aad attend Us shew ta
rupture* Also, we I-tre a Iriog-ia tlUtom^.tlL"*-*- ^te^wlll
hospiUl department Ir oar Guitar- S rt^ Hii^TnewlayA Thma;
^ * nm
* that are much more ac- ^u^^^neral
Attorney Lrtoerai MylreA ml
-udu »
iui ttilUjUiJita
Read for Jouma
( of M. B. Oates
Ue state board of control, haa begun , mxieootpsitaAxmea
days aad Batordaya PaeMagMa
■ In reply to a queetlon aa to whether to force the peoriA who have taken |
frhlt will he tak« oa «
ks totended to rwnAn In tdllce to <*u- children from Uc Btate public *chM>l at
nbmg Pealagalaehore by (
■w.nnrilnn to On<
weaJoytagM oatinff nt Oarp
ctode peace 8«>or Bagaata said that ppartA Wla. to pay them Uhe ehUdree)
Round trip 1
■wM waa hla Intention: and he add-.*. (nr thrir labor.
CbTnmbiA Oreeeswt Bead.

I D*or** Intwd at Madrid
Making^ Sword thaSota
Rtitl^in Spain.

aiigi tus nS «I; (Oe lid JI.(lO.

'Sanny Bank Hotel.

A Prompt Mleient! 1
Tbe DliUd GUte BeMTOtat SmMJ
CfftiiBlj Ltids Tbcn a

Itivene Btj Line orsteunas.

DR. SPIHRET SJit.’Ji’.a'f,,".:?

New Departure!



- --






»v«lrr «tn be Be•^ntam teneral w that tbm «ar

ntvmnUed. tmt Ui»r
1 InfutiTinM at ftm. Th*
hat tfiacovmd tb«t tbere
eooBtrr • a-^rcliy of h««vy hone* c«
*»ble of dolDB auperlor acntcc Ib tin

Th*jp Hav«
»c«ntly S
Sharp Cliritiolfm.



ftMBB** l««tnen' Alcer

In thta H*r Actlent at Manifa Giving Our
lupenor acrvtcc’i?
Covammant Mora or
»•»« »«"

. Kfforti are

now being

**de r* KenUteky, Wyoming, and otb*


•banw. Wh« 1« • Mtehicw Hail, u tbf

er Btatre to abenre X5.000 horee* ofaialwarl build.
They are aurprlalncly

: Fraat-Oaafial D4a*M Ma»a>«*
..BaalthafUia 1
; Uealij' r«r«Mt-Pt«.idaat Ptaa^ with


'WacUBClon. Jaly JC.—Tbc eeeretBjT

and na\T clrelee. The atorr >■ tbai be«a«ae Bbafter U a Mirblran man and
*be aecretaiT of war a MtcklaaB man.
Obafter taaa l<een pal to the front, and
alveo prominence ai the expeaae of
Cenerat Wire the ecnlnr nta>>r scndnl

► •. A'r-rJwae'f natly vlalted by
-• ••! adunttf, Whp
... ..rf ai lH.«riy to tnake betoe* oat of Mlcblpan aoldlcra to the
preaent war. but you have no rlBhl to
• arertPOk the heroe* ot the cJvH war.
Ceiierat Mitre mUeCed In Uoainn when
• very yognf man.' Hr made a heroic
record and met-, lo the chief rt-.mmand
VnCer the pre.'ture of th.a.. necraalby raaeoD of hie ability. He nukt not tiee ouryearoagi d-'t. o*e« have been put
new be fa< M down eoMy. breauae a In a romewbat Impio.ed ibr,d;Uon the
Mtcblpan eotdlrj te toJtt: favored.”
nayy ha* u.ea eoiiip|..d aad armed to
Of terrible
Secretary Alf.-r denied havlaa abown the T»'m
CavnHilrm to Shaftor at tbe 'Vapenee of ap*ln»l the Spaoith naval wwer. an
.Ullm, and on the fnlitia-lna dav aeneral
my of nearly
men haa been
klllea ««a ordered to the fi^.nl. and
lUed Into exltience. a revenue bill.
went to sanllayo. Whelbet tV.rr w«e
uy cauee f..r Uiie talk of favorniam
ar not. the etory that Shafter bai been ^n paesed. a bond l**ue of laiO.OOti.POO
«iven promlnenre l.y Alger te K.-herally
Aad why not?
Alger and
Gfaafter were Mlcbtgon aotdirhi In th.
aIvU "war and have aJway* been *o..d lor| boat deatrnyer*. twelve tiTnedoi
gunboat, baa beat pro- '
Every fwvretary or war look* boat* and
mit for hi* <rl«nd*. Bclde*. Shuier t* vlded for:
B food aoldler. and perfecUy competent'
KMrty •aOOAOejMwJ
W command an army.
The appropriation# made reached
nearly tMC.OW.iXiO. of which fSSO.ODO.OM
General Dudleld baa written to (be
r purely war j
OulMde I
department, aaying:
of war legislation tongrea* passed a

n tbe Valtad S«aM* au.i



corrv.pondence with

' remain
camp and wltaes* the departure of
Word 1* received here from
Oaidner saying that tali men are anx­
ious to go Into active service, and that
they are exceedingly diamtisfled becatwc they have not been where they
could Have a abnt at the enemy. They
don t like Bbam battles. Thd- want a
taste of the real thing.


.Oeaetal Atgef.


Tbe war deiartment has'heen fort**rt1cea of Colonel
Frank Hecker «.f Ih-troli. Oefu-raJ AljM^bueineM p*rtn«r. He ha* poperviaed the cmrsrt* which have Uen
made with lran»,-wiatlon oorrpanie* fo,
carrying truopa and rupj.lte* to Cuba
aad F.irto nird. and hn» waved the g.,v.
* of dolUr* Iq
vnderstaeding h
urine** and requlrfrig reasiuuble t
« In all ca»«w. Be.
fere he war* aem soutk lolook after this
xnatler tbe gi.vemmenl was paying
Whatever price* were asked
.... U-.
a busin.-** ba»li

Major George HofAlne of Detroit milJury aide to tbe *ecn-ury «f war. Is
, gendertog valuable service h« re.
AccepKd the gppolR(rr.ent of adji
•eneral on General Shafter'* siarr ant
wanted to g.. to the ru.nt, but Reerv
tary-Alger cirdered him on Cm>- in the
War department
There he 1*I everjv
day, •<eicg sisiiors. attending to
rtspondeoce and relieving the
e setretary
bf «mttimert»e axnouni ><1
T» taiy of.
J»»r to give more time and anlentlon |r,
tke moil importam dutfes .,f m* offlw
In connection with the adrelnlrtratlon
poMcles and Ihp-dIrecUoo of the urmy In
the field.'
By Inqulfj- at the department it ba*
lieen BM-xrialneO that the story It true
-concemiag the discharged lu.idlHr boy
lie was II year* cjd. strong and
bealtby, and not-only willing but anx­
ious to go to the from
But a letter
from bis mother caused fcim to visit
the aecrilary of war.
' Tbe doer was ncA cKacd against hin
And OenersI Alger received the yotn
'fcUow in h:s ptiblir nfllce. He showy
. Oenera! Ihlger the letter. It conulne
two locks of hair, one brown and <m
eray. The letter said: "My half wa
brown when you enlisted and n«»w- Jt |
,»rny. Can you not i.-ms.back to mef"
Oeoersi Alger's handkerchief went l
Ate cr**- b.
Tew Hhof, ai
and that
ddi^ boy- was dls-

ten day# mgotteUng a-aumnder. Gen.
Toral wa# at last brought to terma by
Toril thereupon

appointed Robert 'Uaaon. BrlUeh vice
conaul: Colonel-Fontaine, ^.rtl'a chief
nf eUR, and General Eacarajao. «<>m.
miBaloner* on bis part to arrange a
General Shafter appointed General
■ »A
Wheeler, General Lawti


medium of Arpbaeaador White

Bicycle Riders.




aUte dej artment b^a I.«m makiag re'.


nee*ntafona to Geimaiiy on the tub
Jett of the .-oiidua of the Oermar. nava

however, Is erronewia. the correapoidertet In -tju-BtioB rclatbig to that o j


and trouw.aomo latue the excl-e r.:. d.creea of the German goverrunvnl di­

1 tbe Markham Block, to
room* .over V
........ .................
BarUk A Co.'#
the City OpeM B.

rected agaltiKt GiiI.ed States hog p.og.

It apjoara that aut;ng upon v ry

•cant evldin.e. ai K Vae regarded by
our oflUlal*. the OeiWan eualijtn* olfi.
cetw have denied the admitslon Into
Germany to a very larKe and-valuable
if iMined ham from a Chii«cklnRe»iabU*l-.ment of the htghrvimtfi r-> Atitlwde Aaauy* ((■.
.... P.I
'"IVtiiut doubt a aouroe of annoyi
apprehenalon to our government.
The »plrlt of quibbling a* bet<
InsurgrnU and the furte*
tbe Philipp.n«a attributed tu the Ger­
man government by iu own papen |*
far from a goveramei
like our*, accuatam^cd to d^

from the BU.
thorltles here: f<n- with the a
of several thousand square mlli-s of Cu

‘ Ever Burned Oatt
If ao you know
O. p. o£

do for him did not weem to give
temporary r^laf.
r«liaf. nntil
. - tried
9 tUl e o'clodr ovary ovoBing
--------------------and Dial.joept Sunday,
imday. ia tbe Caldwell A Loarhoea Hrmedy. Since
giving that
don bonding. at oortb .end of Uni
edy be baa noti been tmnbled.
U give
It to
this teetlm mini as an ‘
ce of
»f our gratitude, not that you
1 it to adrertlae yoar
e-medy.—G. M Reokok. Iowa. ■
Foraalo by & B Walt, ^ggiat.

given rt*e to tbe awumpUon that

Commander* In the PhUppinei.


Home. July IC.—In conaeq-Jence of the
j (leratKtrot and sinister* In clr! cutaUoB I>r. LapiKtql. tbe physician of
I (he pope, ha* iFsued an emphatic denial
of the repuri
report that
the i-unuu
Pontiff la auner
Bemember (bat 1 do aU kinds of inliimi uje
' ‘W
» paralytic atta. k. On Ibi pairing and enamaUaff, and that I can
MIley to be con
contrary, the docUir asserta, bU hoU- and do
« give you tb« beat work of any
to treat with ihuae appointed by Gener*
a 1* la good health.
1- the city for the Boo«y.
al ToraL He then iMued urdera to'perdhy what othantAlI you to
troop* to mire from tbe
U7. bat oama and. *as lor


roLmcAL STATI-S is xoTr UP.

Ungen. y that may not ante, and there
Utile crtPciam of Its acUon .in

Afier otindlng off OenenU Bhafwr for

Waablngton. July 1«.-Tbe fact «hat
our goverrunent'hal been angled *i

frankly and openly In 'InumaUoBaJ la^
«f Michigan aoldlera conttnnea tb be general bankruptcy law. annexed Ba>
tnaiewd of adopting usderband
wail, made an app
course*. 8UII our government te anti*,
drtarrrd fonng
Tbelr who
long deterred
sea awai^f
fled that IU tBleresta are ante in the
tnodea of linnr in the magnificent cib
tended the terrlt jrial laws of Alaska
band* of'AdmIral Dewey, and 1* adhermate of Michigan now demonairatee and adopted other legialaUoa of an Im­
Ins to lu original lnt«titlon of allowing
»hHr aoperior phyalcal condition. They portant natnre.
him n free hnnd to deal with the eltua.
Sot only endure the fatigue of a eolThe thing it neglected to do wad to
tjon. UnUI be hlmeelf aska for scUon
,«er-* life, but they endure the bent pass a bill reforming the currency of
on the part of the govei-nment it Is net
•f thla Uland withoot complaint and ,the country: but thie was an Impo^the purpnw to make nny repreeenuWithout aaffertng. Moreover, they are blUty. because of tb* predominance^
tloe* on the subfeci of tbe Philippine*
•a well --------------------today
- - - an veterana.
the sliver Intereet In th* arnaie. and to the Oermno government.
•nd are ai ready to flghti a* they are it le not worth -while, to blame cong
Ceutoat ta Cnman Paper*.
te eat. aad they aU have good appe- for not doing tb* impoastijle. Tbc peoA cable from London aays that tbe
pie rouit change the complexion of the
. ................................... l of The Til
ite before ttaere can be any___
Oeneril thsffleld wrttea efflrlany and
graph* that pai>er: "The Irene Inc d nt
to General
Alger, and rency legtslatlom and this tbey Are
upon here: but
through hi* letter* we will be able to likely to do before tbe next congreea "
ofDclal denial I# forth•et weekly report# from tbe front and vnter# upon iu flrai regular sviMoA
coming U worthy of n.>tt The North
keep well posted about our t»ya who
Party Uom Igwored.
German Gofette dec-lared that ao far
have gone to war.
Onalderlng tbe conilii..______ _
a# It knew ad conflrmailon of t'he Inci- Before ieaWng tor Michigan Senator two branctaet upon ananctal question*.
dept ha# been received in official clrclM.
Burrowa aald; "There I* no truth in congrvBf hal met the issuer with whicb
The Nariunal Gasette dlamiiaec it ae
tbe etery that General Shafter-* cam. the country was confronted, with a
*a rumor Intended to create bad feeling
raign w-a* not aaiiffarforT to the ad- tmsnlmiu that i* to U commended.
betwees ^Germany and the United
mlai.trat<on at Wa«hlngtoh.
On the On moat war legislation party Uses
pUte*.' The VossiBChe Zeltung reegf
contrary. I know that the prealdent wae have been Ignored, and one of tbe
nixe-a tbe'lmporiance of u»e fall of San• t*ed with Shafter* work from the acblevemcnu of tbe scMion just closed Uago. tut em-*-—.
been the obliteration of Up
CuU 1* In no
tlonalinn xbat hh* existed ever'alsM j Santiago 1* f -no stiateirlr imp .r
Idle to Talk follliM Kow.
the clow of tbe war of the rebellion. ‘
Admiral Cerxera'r
Senator MrMlIlaa Mid: "It ia time The present war with Spain tesusuined Is destroyed'
The mlltlan- exf.ert of
aaough to uik polltlra when there U by
the reiiresentauvee of both the the North German (laxeite's staff su.'.a polltlral campaign going on. There north and south, and the men wbp op­
geyt* that It wa* only
the S|«nl*h
te no campaign now. and hence It would posed each other thirty-flve year* ago know-u-dse of the Immeha- B'jperi..rily
be Idle to talk about political atfalra. are marching together to fight a com­
of the Atiu-rlcai^ arfllery which led
It le true that there are rumora of eome mon enemy under tbe flag of a reoalted Santingo'e capituUd. t
• political Btruggle* In Michigan, but they country.
Will not culroindte and be worthy of
Cunditluna may arise that wiU taquire congrea* to agam bef.«a DefadtlBglM AatbortUe. Wadytag What
cemher. but tbe president can caU an
devtsred |>.|lcie* and principles
to De with Ca^ AeuaUillows.
The Thlrty-flrat Infanin* has had a extia svealoD if this sbali be found nac.
WaMilngtoA July is.—Th.
time of It getting to tbe front. ee*aiy.
It wa* hardly ne-esaary for
They were sent to Cblckamanga and congress to all dorlr.g two of the bot- etatus of Banttagn. iu method of gov­
went Into camp there befc^ the other leat mobths In tb* jvar to meet a c«n- ernment and administration. Is now reyeglmenu reached Camp Alger In Vlrglnls. But. the aoldler* l» Virginia were
*«rer the scat of way gpd
, ardered to the Held. Coloiml Gardner-*

right. UM. by tbe Aaaoclated Preaa]-

a peremptorydamand that tbepuleying


B but n

tntb any Eumpeor. power eince that of
1412. Called in epeelal aesilon to enact
a revenue law to prevfut a treaiury
deficU. it found lt*elf ronfronled be­
fore tbe end of the nr*t reguior eeaeton
^th a conttanlly growing treaaury deBcli. an impending war. a aeacoaet
poorly fortlfled. a nary without proper
nmament. ammunition, or auCOcient
aallora. and an army. in*umeieni to man
the neeeeMry dc(en*lve work*, iet.alonc
' irmn offenai
r on.for•Ign
Tbit I
that rongrea*
i neoH-amry
provide for It:

Newport New*. Va, Jaly U.—Tbere
are a large number of alcfc and wounded
Btddiera In -b'wpual at Port Moareenow.
as to the \nen. or a* to
lelicaclea. clothing or
tbe like, should be addresKd to the
"Poat Chaplain. Fbrt Monr.^. Va."who
win gladly give ary information de­
al red. either a* to the al k m.-n themselves, or with refe ence to the art eie*
moat need- d for their comfort.

Before Santiago' de Cuba. July 14. via
Klngaton. Jamaica, Ju.y !«.—(Copy,

be hrougbt to an end.


9t war and Oeneral Shafier have
aenUy auflered ehaiv cHilclatn In army

awoTiATnra AT BAimAeo mb tnniA.'Patciiin.


Horse Hotel.

PATCHiN & cROTstR, Liierj, Silt and Feed Baiii.
Attorney# at Law.

oaee* la Mcwiogu* Mock. Tmvemc City. Kick.
PiraVclass BIga.
and neat. Estes as r
table aa anj
stqtlaaa bam in the
. Givauaa
aad get onr price#.
the Spanish lines. The refugee* ai
UON. OceUin.OVeMlD Harkbaoi
be |>crmiili'd to return to their bom.
but neither our tnx.p* ».r the Cuban
anxillarle* are to be |•e^n1ltcd to enter
the city at presenL The order a* to the
Cuban* Is very specific. They have
loot everything
and any plaee. But they are not to have
the prtvile^ of glutting tbelr appeute
for plunder In Santiago.
A guard It to be maii^fnedubnut tb*
city and the camps of our soldiera are
to be removed fuet to tbe front or to the
rear of our lines, aa In Individual cases
Is moat practicable. The change of the
tb bloefc*. -num*. boos* and of- '
camp siiet w-tll
- ..................
:b of the troops. It la claimed that -TkODOB a oorcu. Aueraey* aad________
there ia no yellow fevep lii Santiago, but J-f loraallaw. OffiMs. Oty Opers Hsose Blk.
w-t.» -wu
the dty Is full of fliib and stench, and If
our men are allowed to go In It will UnI aae*d*aa«'eaeseaea
ptm bole.
I S«82RSS«SS88»«««S
of the
Afeacmets eg mi*. 1
ter appointed Colonel Aator anSCaptain
88 R S C S«S88B
McKlttrtck to convey the welcome tldInga along the lines. Some of tbe offlcera favored celebrating tbe - victory
with a band and a nols}- demoiutratloa.
but General Shafter vetoed tbe proposlUon. .
He aald there was no occasion to ho.
illiste the enemy, who bad fought
bravely. Not even cheering was to be
permitted, but before Colonel Aator and

BnUom I ndamtl,

".fisr.”- ’

finiii hm & lollui L R




Some danced sIk.uI. threw tbdr
■•tn >h. ... k..__ «.■____ _

WMhlBgloa HI.'

. .'ul.a in a f
General Shatter instructed 1...
■ I the Indde harbor
ledlatcly or-vi
>. of the Red Cma BOthat the rat
for a similar purp<we.
We arv to supply the Spanish prison­
er* uiih food {.ending their cencentratlon and vmbarkaUon. General Toral

Efitii ■

Vt»>Uantl. ffichleaD, far sale, or wwwld

siacbtaeF“*.■A’ssrn.s-v.i.sss-. UIlaqwlre




S2Rg* 8
wa-eea m



j Sfir8SSe88SSSItSS




; ss
: •«

asst g gfig^sEfs
«-s« 2 -=«=•—«..»

^^UDRtea. ■. SlMplBf an* dlshw
Mlchtgaa KUIIary KMm.


island Lake. Mich., July lA-O'BrIfn
Alkini».n >1* been aj^xjlnted major of
Ttilrly-nfih regiment,
the govir. the miutary Ixwrd and Colonel
Irtsh agreed U|m>|] him and the an*
nuunct-iDcnt wae made Ti.uisday mom-

reecrer at Rsenan et

c.'NA>rmy-o<Md gin. e
ff tbe borp:tal rep->rts of the ban anil, with a targe commercial pnri
regular troop* In camp al Tamp* tor
and harbor as It* <-er.ter. It Lee.,me# neethe muDtb bef<,re their embarkation
es*arj- to determine hew It shall be adhel|« to account for Rietr wonderful
mintetered. FW the preiwmt. it Is ex­
endurance In Cuba. In officer*
pected. tbe military aatborttle* willhavt
and men. ih.te w-cre 1A4 admteslon*
enure direction of atfalra. both atSantlto #lck reiH)rt during (he moqtl).
General Wbl . __
ago city and tbe ..uUjing country,
(> LOAN Os ssproeM e
tal tna* of lime did not average,
'n'tain the detail* of the surrender are go to WaJhtngton “to represei.,___
ihan cne-hsir a day in the manih
carried <>ut there wilt be time to con­ ■tale's claim of tf&O.WO’fnr equipping
for each man
sider the larger question of tbe perma. and ma nialntng Mlchigaa reglmmU
tmlsr eoD*tM» a
Only Ida Case* •( Ateobollim.
W. E Kearrton. nf Mldland.‘ha* been
n»nt sUtus «>f this tract. If the precevii.g
dent of Manila Is followed. In which elected sec-nd lieutenant of company
to ^aisUi .Cwi. Tre*Ts»
weiind*. sprains i*>il* and minor aurgi* cane General Menilt was sent as tolll- H. Caiilaln Th'irbum.
He Is a law
ta! afTertlona there 1* very- Mule left
partner of ,.<p<-aker Gordon, of the'bouse
ten- governor, then a mllUan- official
but atime tOi csie* of simple AarrhoeA wlD be dealgnated to administ.-r althln of represrniallves
iccountrd for and generally of at^Samiago eity and thereabouts.
x^^raflUi,. Ap^
sporl duralK-n.
then Uioo*snd men
■* appreciated that the conditions
Camp Douglas. Wla^ July lA-The
: at home In June would hardly escape
. Ite different st Santiago fmm Fourth regiment was rompl.-u-ly mus­
well. And what Is particularly not- those in Manila, as the g.n.-rnment has
tered in yesterdsy mornlig, with tbe
hat tbe re pen shows but sty disclaimed R pnrpone to tr-ak.- tenitorlal
exception of the Chap a'n and tha/ehlef
ali-ohol.rm during the month
OIrecled muslvlan. Colonel Seaman was sworn
» thus far lo making Cuba free to at 8:*0 a. m., and at once aasumed
A MARINE BOIUCR for wal*. loeslr*
Df Rsymond. who make* the report.
command of the r.-giment.
Chaplain ^TrarerseCiiyLuBlwrCo.
St> that und-r his perronal otwerva*
consUr-ratlon of Jaeol* wlU be ewirm In on bis retarc
- haol liuabrr.
at Tampa during the six wevki.
i^l.-rwy of alu.wing the Cuban*
e came but two or thr»» case* of
themselve* to <-«iAtiU*h an adralnteerankenner*. and none rf deep intotiHunt W. B., wh.> rei
fiawiago, thus giving lh«-m the
on. It would be hard lo find a town -Opportunity t.. try al.lllty at di­
ly or tw.. ego from the sunthem
Iv.WO adult male Inhabitants with recting r".-;? .-r.T.«C
also giving military eamp*. h** storied mil again
L Apply
: so. II.a record, or with a daily average
to the WAiifc of musterfng the twelve
•th.,lri ..r th.- Isijind,
sli-k list of only two.temhs of 1 per
In Uii.1 ■
rxiA being companies which will constitute tbe TSMWBTFBOPEBTY
cent TbAe <»n le nn doubt that tbe
W..U1.! douMless figure
tempeian.e of tbe army comributet
OM Mlwloo. for m£>. Wlirtoke
I”- admltr'lsiraeion. elw Die* at dtl
much tt ite apt. n Md phyelcal e ndlUon.
Trawrar Oly properly ta excl
t 3'or*.. and his ^alitnet
'n>L-rc Is *om.. Br..ond for bvllevlag
- -ibiy i
1 tb.- ■ «U.»‘ning province
ADDounre the death of Ucutehant Dab
that Germany Intend* to Interfere
ij ' sn-l r.-adlly aeceralGaUA at Chtekamauga of typhoid fewlih our pouesslon o' the Ph'liwdne*.
,X.> ilcit'imtlnBilon has
In thsi crtml the entire congtvte will
frr.Rsgsr be learned.
b« called In extraurd-nary session. The
ream In company A and was recenUy
wrller » it.form.-'l by a -member of tbe
r .li-*lf 1* completed
promoted to a Ueuienantcy.
^hlnei that Piesliem McKinler wiU
|re are nn dlsp.^ea lo
not.tolerste interfrr-ncc by Germany
r w-bichnatTrSTcrae City Lab
A Wortdofl-aeertalBty.
orally foll.-v th
rurr-ndcr. ft Is felt.
Feroona troubled with d
Thl* 1# a wertd of uncertainty. When howvvi-r. ibi't a
1; -p.-runt quesUon ol beiDtAreatedintbeaxperienea of Mr.
John Chatn'-w-riaib after years of tali gv-neral rxjlli-y,* t.n the action
W. M. Both, clerk of &>tel DoRMtoe.
ssCtt^^tor^ I
and trouble eit-cted at Old Point Com- Bantlago.
Provideaee, B. I. -flea^ "For aevofort one of the fiiteM pleasure retorts
ral yeara 1 have been alsoot a oouatoat
tbe world ha* ever seen, with the full
9- from dlArrtkOCA,.
diarrliocA.. tbe frequent
Mllwaoket-. Juy i«.-A rp-cia
knowledge that owing to the i>eculUr.
a oompletoly poatraUnr me aid
Ity of hla lessehoid tbe United Siatee Bentln.1 from Uadl-on V. 1*.,
Iwasttklitypslnef skem to half soU **ing me unfit for toy dnttoa at tbe
government could at any time raht the
Robert M. LaFol.
.. two
. yean aro a oale#- h3
"*orfcd***w^ ****
le mfliR. a formal aitiPe o eme... i...
building te the gr- und. be llttledreamed
lly I--------------------------------------ffbve ne a smalF bottle of
nor did bis flnsnclal eupi.urter* that night that he w mid be a e
o'* Oolle,
Ooll. Cbolers aad Dtor
little more than two yean after the Ike Kepuhla-an
dy. Mock
rhoeu Remedy.
to m/ eurpriae
great hostelrle wa* opened ft would be
n- LaKo.lelle was de­
______ ..Jt iteeffe
incontinently seised by Uncle Bam as fealed in the c al enilon two years ago
Wbenevof I felt
of the diho*j.lial for tbe care of aoldler* after ori» of t '■ hotteet d
lei would forUte myeelf agali
steads wMlcta*
aad dlssesn ofIke
eye w by
>unded In the war with Spain
Tet the hl*|orr of 1
stare. Governor BciswdM M e Btedlethebttoek with
-• a few

this taIench is ite fate A Norfolk. Va.. dis­ field It 111 (!».
•1 for a_r»uminall.>iL
uable remedy. Tbe reatlt baa beau
patch snoouLces that Gem-rwl Miles bat
be wltb Kerl tbr jewotar imUl Oetober Isa
P*«tot«a *t Ike V.IW Vveer. •'
iTAatig^ctory aed almost complete
n be trill rstsr* to ceUegr
condrmr.rd heth the Hygcia und CbamIW frm
from tbe aAtctkin.1; Foraale by
Washington. July U.-Testerda
day the rolW
bcTlln hetels at Old Point C omfort, and
following was r.ctlved from Sit
Slboney. S. B. Wal
Mas set them •part for military purCuhe: -Ooly iwenly-ihree new ^
poses, both atructures being on mlllury
of yellow fever and three dqath# war*
It U s siarillng and a
reported xvlthln th» paaf tweniy-four
sad annnunorment. but
war's rigors
hours- Tj-|» of disexs*. mlid f^w-p
must be met •lenjy to tbe fact
I noted whetTver p

Trato* aiTfre fre« Blekwoo*. Fort Wsraa,


O. L. UtOgWCrap'cL'/aVlIorSid'Basiaa.

- uioTU ID fomusmi 1.1



2* lake aflMt bsaday. JSM ID. Ute.
Ml4#e>elecka a.


oaSu^Jm;".'." "

Cbisf Lake,

gif, i

OesMtag.. M




00100 wimT sr,i,iir; 'is
j. w. OAxnmjBxr

John R. Santo, -•sassTi
Oemral iQsiruta.

I wontoug ateek.

iia 'i



Monjvlch south of the eltr stands upon
the isolated hill of that name TS2 feel
above sea level. It commands tbe niy.
the citadel and tbe port and la v< n>lJered by the Bpaslards to be Impre^abte. Tbe dUdel to the northeast
regular fortiwss built on the sysl^ of
Vauhan. Surrounding II are walla,
ditches and batteries. The bombard­
ment of Barcelqpa would be a most
heartrending and tragic event to the
Spaniards, for it U a city of which they
are Justly proud.
About one-half the distance between
Gibraltar and Barcelona Is Cartagena,
which may bv regarded as the wiutheasl
_ .
port of B|>aln. This city, tbe chief naval
the royal dockyard. U«d at the foot of taken by
arsenal. Is bnlll at the bead of a deep,
the inner bay. about six miles from tbe ! year t»0, when
. .
well shi-llervd harbor, flanked hy'sfeep
city, and Is defended by the cross Are of 1 Spaniards The Englleh knew it by the hills and defended by Hirtinrstions at
two forts.
name of Cales. when they, under l»rt the harbor's mouth. It communicutes
On the east side of the cUy Is tbe I Essex. In conjunction with the Dutch,
Alameda, the principal promenada 1 captured and sacked II in ISW. The nal. An Island
This la where Lord Dyrtm looked upon : l*>oty was Immense.- Thirteen ships of fnrtmed. The city occupies tbe decllvl.
the wesith and beauty of tbe women, war and 40 huge iroasure galleons were ty of a hill and a small plain extending
the loveliness of the senorltaa. and aang destroyed, causing almc«t universal to the harbor. Is n^tly built and luia tbe
the praises of "the dark eyed girl of liankruptry la Fpain. It was. b"wever, regulation walls sorrimndlng It. The
; unsuccessfully attau-ked by the English streets am wide, and there
lere are several
ti Is related Uiat the lllustrioos Mu- both lo id and iTOf and was blockaded
i municipal enrido fell from a scaffold while palnUng ' by Admiral Hlakc in 16LT. Prom 1119 to
with-'ohjects of
a picture which U In tbe Convent of 1*« It was the scat of the central naBan Pranclaco and Bled from Ihe effects ! tional Juris and was Invested by the tensions Is now
of the fait Tbe climate, moat always > FrencK who raised Ihe siege upm Ihe but there are other houses of worship,
hot. Is at times rendered unbearable W [approach of Wellington. In U23 II was convenia hospitals and the usual num­
bh torrid -winds
winds from
fr^m Afrit
bomljarded and su^endered to the Duke ber of benevolent and educational Insti­
Cadlx had woud^ul coi
il Ira- of Angnuler
Her a slei
tutions. for It Is a fket that, despite the
purtance after Columbus' great dlacov•t tbe French
for It was the one port from which
eop^e pie, Bp^n has mairninrent libraries
lo the seem t
opportunities for securing a higher
encles. and there, ea Sept. 17. IIM. be- ucstlon. There also are dockyards, ar­
1 the nrst moremeni which ended In senals. foundrisa. ropewalks. an artil­
ocean carrying trade. But lu poalUen
overthrow of Queen laebells.^whoae lery park, an ohoervatory and an
tbe entrance to tbe Mediterranean
menae glass factory. With a capacious
still makes It tbe most important pert
water front Cartagena haa little com­
of Bpaln.
sat. In merce. The lababitanU are chiefly era.
The opening «f the railroad to SeviDe tbe vicinity of Ibe Pyireneea IneIndUtg ployed In lead or bUtct raining and
Increased Us business, as did also cer­ the large suburb of B
ta. It has Ashing and exporting barilla, grain and
tain harbor Improvements. Shet^ wtne

Castilian Towns That Will Soon Be
the Targets For Commodore
Watson’s Big Guns.
Cartagena, Barcelona, Ferrol,
Cadiz and Their Defenses
Against Hostile Fleets.
I Cadis, the pride ef <
ins thunder pmud oily. 64 mile* Irom Seville (and »
, (bey will I (trei may sail to within elcbl rellra of
,eace. They (the latter on the Guadalquivir river),
■ of projeotllea la I.H'ated

Ipplnea have no monopoly of ahrieklnr
Amerteaa ahella, shattered Spaolah
holldlssa and Siwaish slain. P,e It
known, then, that Commodore John
Crittenden Watson will carry the war
-...................... jntry. 1_„
Bpatn Useic that Spain may the sooner
4 Mataa and the sooner sue for pence.

Isntlc fmni the Isla de Leon and has a
population of TS.OOC or more. The Is­
land la separated from the mainland br
a narrow channel, the Rio de Saatl
Petri, at the entnutce of which from the
ocean U the fori of Santl. Petri, or St.
Peter. On the right of the railroad from
Seville as It approaches'the city arc
the forts of San IajIs Puntales and
Matagorda. But Spanish forts are only
Though they may

hare Ko«am guna. Knipps prindpaltr.

nlc'a bulH f n tbe site of a temggs
Huorlih mosque.
There sre other towns and clttM
the vicinity of the coast, on lbs
terranesn. like Malaga. Almerta. AH*
oante and Tarragona, that offer Indaea*
menu to the attack of Commodore Wat.
son. but they would not be rootests4
unless a '
condition not yet oonteoiplai^
by our govrrnment.
On the bay of BIsemy are Ferrol. 0».
rtma and Santander and on tbs sri.w^
tic cosst Pontevedra. bnt of these
flrat two named are tbe o
Ferrol is one of the chief nsral arsenslA
and Coruna Is noted as the scene of tbs
battle where BIr John Moore fell mortal* ,
ly wounded and whose death was Im.
mortaiued la tbe stirring poem by Bsr.
iWsI note." etc. It Is also tte
from whb-h the InvInclU. armada
sailed, and there exist remngnU «f ltd
once famcnix fortress. The harbor of
Ferrol, one of tbe bert Is Europe. U
entered by a narrow sumlt atod Is 4s>
fended by tbs castles of San PeUpe and
Tbe town on tbe aortbeni Mters Is
strongly fcuilfled. lu vast arsenal aa4
dockyards, founded by Charles TTi, oevr neaVly U seres sad comprise mafty
magnlflcent docks sad storebouaes.
haa a naval barraeka. Is the seat of tte
Naval academy, contains a prison
galley slaves s
and haaB bospitals and ta.
r towns ta Bpaln. Tbe populatlos
Is a.OOO. There are factories of eonstd.
ersble sise. sod tbe city hss aa export
trade la com. brandy, vtnegar and Aih.
Beveral of the Bpaalsh thlps have latstp
been repaired there, and the Numanel*
is stilt la the ducks.
Baataader U a city of ttm pMptA
with old and new quartan and puMM
bslldlnga Uka other pinew alrendy 4«s





Wataon'a foRaldahle fleet, the Oregon
is of the Bpaalards In their
borne barbers, and from tbe reported
n of their ships they srtu not be
Cerce. where the

torpedo boat destroyer sad three tor.BSdo boau.
The speed of the fleet which aalts for
the Spanish coast by the aoulhera rouU
wOl probably be about tea fcaoU aa
boor, as the fasten ships must accom­
modate themaelves to tbe slowest, and
B*AB« gtlWBua teas! be glveb to the
ooenomlslBg vf toM. At this rate It win
take about U days to reach the Canaplies by the American oomraander. 'he
WUI then be ■
to continoe his demonstration and may read­
ily BbeU the shipyards at Ferrol Carts«ena aad Barcelona at hie leisure.
ProbaUy he will captarc a second base
for’coaling aad suppliea la tbe Balearle
. Of all SpanlsB eltles tbe one that
mm dreads a sutmi of shot aad shell
•ad tbe one upon srhleta the greatcat
giginif of iBjnry eaa bo tafllcted u



Hem la 18U.
tVhat remains of tbe Spanish nary eS
tbe home cuaet—enongfa vessele to fons
a squadroa—U In a state of tneffleieory.
Admiral Camara left behind the Vitortm
I history te similar to that Cardenal Cisaeroa. Alfonso Xfll. Prt».
s that lay acroas the wa- cesa de Asturias, NumaixUa and L«
tent Carthage Pounded Panto. Tbe best of these Is the Cisan.
:. the
9 B <
I was laki
inch, ten i.6 Inch and 8.7 gnns. t.
1 peril
email cannon and eight torpedo tnbedi
e Komsn blstoriao Livy, : Her whereabouU for a long time was a
f the richest cities la the- I poBle to us. but It Is now known that
loths. Ishe
destroyed by the Goths.
is being repaired at Cartagena. Thg
................................................. In tbe time Vitoria was ordered to be t
of Philip n and became the cMef naval from a training sblp Into a |
arsenal of Bpaln.
Cl •ui
last rear,
year, but
onv naa
baa not yot
yri OSSm
AboDt half way between Cartagena fully armed, though H U Intended ebs
and nearly opposlu the should carry etgtat * Inch, twa 8 t '
Balearic Islands is Valencia, which Is
7J Inch, one U inch, two 17 laek
altuated on the rteer Ouadalavlar. about and eight machine guns. Tbe Alfonso
two miles from the sea. and has a popn- XIU. which was raeently s—~g.* bv
latleo of IM.OM. Tbe harbor le formed Are. and Le Panto are of the i
by asoralctrcnlarcnrvetnthsbcachone- type and armament, carrying foor 7J
half mile In diameter, with two moles inch and six 4.7 inch gnns. U rapid BratB
extending sraward—one S.888. tbs othw
Bated on a beantiful plain betwsca tbe 8.IW feet long. An toner port U formed and five torpedo tnbes. Tbe rribaraa «g
rivers Deaos and Uobregat. at tbe foot by two arms esfendlag from the moles Aeturias la of the same type as Ow \
of Mount Monjulch. the Moas Jovta of neroa tbe curve Inriostng an area of Vitoria. Tbe Nttmaaeia. wMeb tbs
Bpaniards can a broadside ship, to peas- !
the Romans sad also
the Mons Jai
Jdaj. UMM AquAK
hYblsbria Is doens of tbe ■middle’kges. whMi name Is fended by two batiwies situated on the
Ived from tbe fact that
the country shores at each ride of tbe Orao, or pert tccted erntoer, bat experts claim
Spain’s protected veseele are MrtnaUy
was then occupied by the Jewa its
- - - • - - Aside from the C
popnlatlon decreassd between US4 and
1888 owing lo tbe mortaHty canaed by and »tost thick, conuinlng «l^l galea one of oor first claae battleAlpe to S»>
cholera and the snboeqnent removal of lU Btreeu are narrow and tortueus and prrior to the entire coUectlon.
hss a fine iweasC
much of the manufacturing Industry be­ the bouses bleb and gloomy, bnt tbe When a youngWatson
ofBeer. with the Mtosto
yond the municipal bonndary. But there
anee of Riauud Knowles, swman. k*
has been a great revival since, and to­
Isabed Admiral Fnrragnt to the rlggtnB
day II Is tbe most flonriihlng and. altv
of the Hanford in Mobile barber ta
Madrid, the most popnkmt city to Spain sa. A quay planted with shade tress August 11*4. He has with Urn a
and one of tbe finest in appearance, lu extends along the river, which ta trowsa of the r......................- of tbg
manufactnrea and commerce
by five bridges. Among ltbe puUle navy, and If any Bpaalsh admirals
•xteasive. and R has both a large tm- buildings are the episcopal peiaee. c
steam forth fMtn Bpaln leoklag fos
poR apd export trada
Chamber of Coralnei
trouble they win find all they want agtf
Tbe harimr ta formed by a huge mole
M Of Commaroe, tbeaten. i
more bestdes when Watson's fafg go«
riiBBlag southward for a
boglB thundering 'Ttomemby
a ef whhfr to 6L Demi.

the forttfleaUons can easDy be cn4i.
ed with a few 8 tach and U Inch sheila,
MerchaadlsS for BsvlUe to «■wbUga dmamlts projsetllswonid wrart.
ter the stone and mortar like chaff be­
make II the depot of departare for
fore the aind.
all points of the compara. The <flty has
‘ '
low and narrow Isthmus to the rocky ger than any other In Borope, with Ita
e practically unebangsd. It haa a
the oppoellc sUe of the bay. Inclosed
ancient and romantic history, hav­
by Uls Isthmus and point, are Puerto ing been founded In llgo B. C. by tbs
Bants Marta, at the mouth of the Pbmniciaae, who named It Oadlr, or
OuadaJete. and tbe fort of Baatt Cata­ Qadelra. It was then In tbe proriaee of
lina. The city Is surrounded by walls Dtlra. The remains ot a tsinpta of tbe
of great height flanked by towers aad FhmntaUo Herrules aad oUmt edIBess
baetlons. making It one of the moat of the anelent setUemeot are sUU vlMstrongly fortified places la Bpaln.
bte about the ehoree at low water. BeTbe ligbtbouae of Baa Brimtlsn. <m fora tbe second Pimie war It bshmged lo
the ocean side, ta IR feet tall from Its tbe CaitbagiDisns. bnt la m B. C. sor.
base aad ran be smo t» miles at sea. rendered to the Roraass. who changed
As a slgaal post It will prove of advaaMBS to Oadea. Latsr the Goths

scribed. Tbe harbor U easy of
and Die fortlfleatlont are slight. TUg
town was sacked by the French la IMt

ram mohhiho hepobd. buhpay. htly it. 189«.




BWsaia ta laBavt PWa.
The doctor Bnoksd alowly a
fgar. It waa plain that he had
Iting to my.
An anthcrity <
"IwaathlaUagtf nye>riyocnege
tape that the Bomane made their main hlealad
4ayi."heaaid. "and of a peculiar Inraadc to laat ftaeiet. They wen oon« the food eaten. The randt Uadi
tfaat '
7 toon after I
poaadof ailioeoaeandealeanonamBteri.
........... .......................
wbenea an..........
alaand were Ur eapsior to the Ugfamt the atomach, with nperecBiAg gaiUalthe claae ne daycn «
,- BrvtM That An MIIDmAIbD
type of madan work. The large raadt gla. gaatritia, etc.
In order to f
avenged 4 to 4^ n>«taa the enaUer I AU thia might be avcdded by a dirionee fl to
i~***~* In
monntain n-! den of the food, meat eapaddly. into amlnatlaD each atndent waa ordered to
-TbcnanMArto b» two idcM which
Btoa verynmll pieoea In erdm to effeot
8m led op to the Imntian td the gione the road
tie a rag around bU forefinger and strike
eairiageway 151
The thU opendon it mfOcea to employ the tbe top of tbe finger soddmly with a
Modean ABchw: (1) the ite of httkcb________ r____
m of table knife invented by needle with snfBdmt fotbe to
iagthereewO brntaent of a rope or
Bay. and which consiato of four blood. Booms easy, doewi't Itf I , .
^ain to » weight •oBleieotlj' bearr to bat rednoed to dx-tatha of a metw in
keep the TBHel troBi moriagwhai the die onter dUtricu. They were bnilt of hUdee nnited in a poliahed metaier know there wasn't a man in theolaw
. eralght hao ennk to the bottom of the eat etone, at leaia on the border. At erthat did it at tba first attampt It waa
' MA. and (S) the idea of uiiig a hook eiy IS paoee moontlng etonee were plaoed
ftmny to watch some of ihrae embryo
iMTeedof (crip addition to) the weight end at erery 1.000 paoea mileatonea.
aargeoos poiae tbe needle with a deter­
BOM to catoh in the bottom. TtwEng- Sane of the bed roadi were paved with
mined air and Uuneb it to within a
•<’H* word anchor it pnetlcally the mme
hair space of tbe flesh sud there stop
<MtbeI«tinaiKata and the Greek ang- .were not co catetnUyoade. thon^ of a
dead. Others tried to foroe the neodle
kma. TPeaitiwg "that triiicb hat an an aolidity with which few modem loada
in slowly, but panwd very abortly,
can compare. A ditch wae dog to the
from the root ank. becL
with an expreaalati of pain oommenThe earliett anchon made on the aolM earth, which wae etampcd, tolled
snrate to that of an ampotatian. 1 my• Imk principle probaUjr only had one or daked. Than <m a floor of mod 10
mlf gave it up as a bad job. and hacked
finite inttead <a twa In the "Sonei hr 16 oeotimeten thick a layer of mor­
a cavity in my thumb with a penknife,
AmhmiLOoU."thei«itan lUattration tar wae epread. Tbie formed the bade
and found it eaaicr.
• <d what hat been nnaieed to be an of the fonr oooreee which oonedtated
'The Uct that we wm vefy yonng
ABohor made ou of the nattnal focfced the road. The flirt wae a oonrae of eninexperienoed U no explanation for
fecanch of a Oee. It wat fonnd with an etal Uyera of flat etanee, bound by hard
this pecnlUrity, oa I have ainoe found
aaoient Briciah oanoe at Bnrpham. 8aa> eemeet or clay. Thto la^ waa anally
by pmonal teet.
80 oentlmeten thick and twice that in
anx. Tbcoe la in the Bridfii
—...........-J leaden auohor with two bad Unde. On thU came a oonorete
-------------lag pain in
finkca bearing a Greek ineeriptioo. Ita Pe^Wee. atooea and twAen Mcka,
rotn BLatixD mra.
- Btrongly rammed with Iren^hSItbed
'abeatbed tvwy handle. Theee bUdee may be
about so B.C anditwaatend
tmmmera. The ordinary ibieknem of
(be fonrth trlaL—Kew York Bun.
f any tool
^*Tbe invention of the anoborwlfii two thU layer wat (6 oentimeten. In the
polis led with e
abaenoe of mortar, loam waa naed. Sn' ‘ t U ataibntad by
AM ^ KaUiw a Hwtard riaMM>
In order to nae this inatnunent tba
perimposed on thU waa a layer of 80 to
It is first cot into fire or tlx monthTo put on a mastard plaster is not at
80 oeotimeten of gnvel or onane —.J, fnJa and then, cadi piece being held by
all difficult, but to do it in tbe boMway
Atntca that the flnt anohore wen wood- carefnllyrolled. The topUyer, aromd. a fort, two CRMS cuts with the
requlrea. some care and skilL In the
m tnbee fllled with lead. whUe another waa convex and tan to a tbiokoma at knife divide It into bits } email that first place, remembtf nevv to give a
damieal writer a*ya that before the in- to to 80 ccntlmeten or more. It waa they might, wiibost inn
cold mastard plaster to a patient To a
toodtK«i(Bat metal anebort Inmpeof made differenay. aooording to the maweak or sensitive persac tbe abock is
flteeie with a hole threngta the middle teriaU at band. It waa eithv paved
ten great Either mU withAvry hot
tetbe attaobment of the cable wen with cat atme or laid with pebble and
wstsr, or, better still, have a plate pot
granite or metaled.
Klaadlka oatmt.
vrtiere it can get warm while yon an
An eminent mining mginev who U mixing. Haring everything ready at
«' The fora of the anoban BKfl br tiM
ow in tbe Klondike mya that, al­ hand, mnstard, flour and a spoonfol of
. OnekaandBomanatawellknownfrom
The Berlin <
though en ontpnt of tl6.000.000Uex- molaama with a bit of old moslin or
gefteantatiane on lUjan'f colnmn and
Timea has gtren eome particnlan
- acted thU year, the more oonanradre linen—an old bandkenbief is tbe brot
te the oataoomba at Borne aa an early
new inventian by one Carl Wag___
at it at 110.000,000. He adds that tbe thing for (be parpoae. Btir tbe mastard
CUridian aymboL ThU term doee not
MO to have changed materially fw whi(di haa for ita objeet Uie elUaiaation work there U the wont in tbe wrold and floor together first makiog the
of snoke from a fnrnaw,
ami cannot be dignified by tbe name of plaMer stronger or weaker with bus. fioltoathaomnd yean, aaU abowaby
by a notabU aav^ in the oonsumptU
mining. The climate U terrible, hut tsrd as you have been direcUd. Add
of ooaL The Inventian, we are told, _ there U plenty of gold to keep many
Scene very primitive Undi of anebma
■hortly to be broaght before the Britiah people busy for years to dome if they tbemolasseeand then tbe water antil
jn IniUe at the pteeent day in different
the amootb mam U aboat at thick as
fiarto of tlM world, and a ttndy of their public in the fom of the nsnaJ limited ean face the oountry. l^bcrattfals mo- porridge or poultlee Spread yonr cloth
The prooeoa cf the aystem de­ mmt is $1.80 per hour, and everything
•onatmetton may throw acme liphtoo
upon feeding the tunaoe vrith can be avenged up to 11.60 per pound. OB the warm plate, oilng the middle
te evolntiai of the modem anoher.
portion of tbe linen and leaving a mar­
Food is scarce, bnt nobody will die of
An aacbor which came from Japan
ocreened" Inmpc which have hitherto Sarvatiae this year, tbongfa tbe margin gin un all aidea Which la to be folded
' a of a aatuml forked teandi of a
back at the edgea Pot a moond cloth
baa not been by any means large. "Two- over tbe whole, oo that tbe mnstaiti I* i
htly 1Improved artifleially. eo been regarded aa the most
.aabook. Two round ban are fom of aaoh fneL The ooal dost U fed fer" dgan are 60 oeati csKh. and (be entirely hid-between tbe twocoveri and
fisefl at tight anglee to the abaBk. and into the fnmaoe from a oontainer in worst itqoor that Was ever made out of ke^ on tbe plate anti) it ia neoemary
to teae two ordinary beach peUdea are front by means of a tube which termi­ •diemioaUU60oentaagUid Noquaita to iqiply tba pUatcr.—PhiiadelphU
Med. The length of the anchor U 9 feet nates in a revolving sieve. The sieve ia veins of any value have oo far been dU- L«ie«
$ toihea. the width bctom the book 8 kept in motion by the draft and haa oorered. bnt gold axtsts in tbe
theee effect of- a
ing the fnel ov« the quarts in the bedrock. Tbe largrot piece
▼alas mt TMa Is Watkl^
toehea and aooai the tnnrvene ban I
ton! 6 tnehea. The atonea are from 6 ta fumaee in each a way that it U at
at gold qnartx yet turned out u not more
Tbe idea that the lepoertoeeare Bseeainflamed without moke and with very than twoinctaeawide. Tbogolddeproita walking is generally entertain­
A inebea hi diameter and 8 incbm
Anotbw anohor wai in nae quite le- UtUe aih. Coal of oomparatively low
- jilBt plain, everyday placers. In ed. and it has been a aoririae to Euro­
. ABtlyintbe Ana&Ulan(U.cdrtboWMt quality can be eoonomlcally naed In thU
ly^floe ^ecimens of animal bemro pean phyneiaui to learn that ampntatonat of Galway. It u conatracted of a powdered form, and the only d^wback taken oot of the gold bearing gravel tion of all the leaser toes of both feet
teping bar at each aida and three cmae- to tbe prooesa Beenis to be the neeemity Bakes of gold show in the pieces of has been followed by complete recovery
ton. faming a Ague not nnlike tba for onng a aepante machine for tbe gnvel still adhering to the bona The and tbe reeturation to naefulnfes td both
iaoaoelea triangle in EncUfl’c pcoa ad- grinding of the ooal to powder. On tha gold bearing gnvel U from 2^ feet to the feet operated npon. Tbe feet healed
fiomm. The lowest of the three craoe- other hand, tbe slack or dost which 6 feet deep and penetrate* from 0 to 18 elowjy .-after tbe operation, bnt very
___ _____
^ steadily and wichoat unpleasant oomtoa U of equate eecdon and is fixed by forms a tioocamry byproduct of the ooal ini|li(s in tho bedrock, the whole
toon apikes at each nde to the alopiiig industry will find herea&ld for em­ coren-d with some 16 feet of mndro plioaiKKit Tbe opention
ployment, which will be much appre­ mnek. In aome plaoee the bedru* is
- IS BO as to prevent’th
ed. and in a little more than a year and
outward. The stone, which acts as a ciated by owners of minro and m<r- mica (chlfit, in others a qoaitx achist a half the paoent danced all night and
TRdgfat. U clipped by means of the two chantt generally.—Chambere' Journal. mixed with slate. These d«-tails ennie experienced no incoavcDieuce whatever
tode pieoea. being held tightly by two
from a eoaroe which should wS" t
on aocoont of hanu^ only one toe on
HlHoetl rings of rope pairing nnrti- th«
than osnally valuable.
each foot She rides a whoel, plays ten­
Tbe SDOoeaafol liquefaction of air has
TVper crotobon.
nis and enyoys every spurt that girls of
Theee croesbArs are of round section be«® foUowed by a similar treatment of
her age are fond of Thecanseof tbe
tod project at each aide. Urns keepiDg
ible was originally diilblains, which
te rope rings from slipping upward,
was neglected nnul it prtxlnced oonthe cable u fixed to (be middle of the tompoaturee have been oondneted with I by
xygeo. Tostcr- traction of the mnedee with tbe moot
lowest transverse bar and is carried up
lUe liquids, each as wino. milk, beer, intenoe pain, which was at timm so
At tbe Boyal insdtutiao liquors, etc., tbe liquids are aabjectid severe that she ooold not enjoy the
tocmsideaf the stone, then between
e three weeke ago tbe cx- Id a close vessel to a corrent of gaaBOUs ,
te two eloping boards, and'finally in Lendoo
amonntof deep.
actually performed, and oxygen, proportianing tho volnme of ^ of
- thnogfa a loop fixed to a bole at the top perimaU '
opinian that agreat dsat of need
at the anchor. The boards at each aide a wineglaatfnl of liquefied
gas to tbe quality and quantity of liq- \ leas suffering it endnred which might
an 1 foot lOa inches long and tha
cor to be sterilized, mys tbe 6L Lonis I be relieved by extremely simple operasaid to be capable of yielding fJloli^Dmocmu^^jrooero is said to tiw on the feet. —Kew Ycrt-Cedger.
atone 1 foot 6 inches Icaig.
to may seem strange that each )aimi- the liquid in large qaantities when a
tove looking ocBtrivanoes should oon- supply «< tbe pure gas is available. ly_ Itwonldeeemtobeapplicahlewitb
point U plaoed at 940 de- ‘espedally advantageons rssolu to milk,
tonne to be used by flsberaea who have
When Dewey u I first Uentanantof
greea C below aero or from 80 degrees the preaervation of which
a fnll knowledge oft every modera
a pure
to 86 degrees cf ahmlnte tmnpeiatnre. Mate haa always been a problem difflgUanoe
dlspatch boat tbe admiral
TanaU. yet there are good reoaona why Itiastotod that a tnbe.clowd at tbe cult of aolntion. It has already led to used often to came aboatd and teem np
Ihej abould hive aurrived. Where the lower end and immersed in the liquid
of a vcrybealthful
. ___________
levee to reooaaoiter. The,
aaa or river bed U rooky anobon are was almoA instantly filled with solid agivefble drink, to which the neme>d | aonthmiitus tmdawyfd
The density of the liquid is ebont
oaaUy lost. ThU U a serions matter
pleoe to the top of tbe high bank, firing j
when the anchor U of iron and of nne
point iblank at the gnnbrot and then !
Talne, but if It u coaitmcted like throe
backing down again Upononeawdi oo-1
tecribed there is not much difficnlty
canon Famgni saw Dewey dodge .
ar expense in replacing it. A beach
tone and a few biu of wood are always
at hand, and the akilled woihmaaabip !?
“ tiiis direction.—Kew ttetillzes the milk, whiS^ebampagnyon know you
gaqnind tofaahim them into a very York Post
ized by tbe introdnetion of the;
can't jump <)nick mooghr
aarvioeable anchor is but wri^i
amount uf carbonio acid gaa Tbedrink
A day or to afim (be admiral dodged
Thai it is that under eotain oendiTwo of the experts of the gyj*7 moth thus puduoed^ is spoken of as extrmnely a ohot Tbe iienteoant nailed and heid
toons primitive applianocs most always oommittee have bt«n examining the di-; ^freahing and of exquisite flavor.
his toagns, bat theadminl bad a guilty
field their own agamat modem inven- grMive organs erf tbe gypsy moth to see 1
roaroiopos He rfoanti his thrqro ooce
tocna W'ben. as often happou. a newly what foods be thrives upon and what I
or twice, shilled tusatutode and finally
*»• xmww.
toundnoed contrivance geu out of- or- arebadforhim. Tbe experts came to I ^ number of (rennan electric street dedared:
It generelly involves much greater
"Why. sir. yon oao t help it. tir. It’s
the *2^ thrives .
•-I of tune and more expaiaetore- on adds, while alkalis are a diacouzage- trolley mi overhead linee for
fanman natnre, and tbers's on sod to
it than if it were of simpler o
ment to hia future aotirity. The pt^ ah^nd sliding bar made of alo_______ _
lam Is to intnidnoe into (be digestive having a V shaped section and filled
•ystem of the Urvm eome enlManoe with graaiw'ur in some canes with a
Wtdewire (looking ar board with
BitiJy pRcnrable oo (be ofot.
which will be inm in nentml and bHoriuf snrtace of white metal The "Pity tbe Blind" on it>—You are no
Highly driUred man has much to weak add media, and which wUl reset
-------*■ -» »ili mu for more than
mace blind toon 1 am.
Jean from his prehistoric atuMtors and with phosphate of potatii. Ubreating
__________miles, ana they oooasioti mneh.
OiBial DawHB- Well, what'e it to
tern nncultnred tares still
effective poie^ for it is found that *
^ iroUey a-ire. particnypoY
tohowbe should not in an
phosphate ef jpocatb plays an impor­ larly im enrvea to Dresden the round
Wtokwlre-Whot batioM hare you
svlMn deprived of fais usual
tant part to te ecoQomy of te insect. copper wire used, with a. dlametor of wearing that eordl
»^eUqp>ary and fUnsfiated
Another problem is to flndaenhsmnoe 8mm. «aie.thipj uf an inch approxiDicmal UawooB—Jim oa moeb right
bearing snrlace Smm.
whidi, when taken into the digestive!
its lower side soon after oionybody 1 don taoyI'm blind. Thir
^stem of the tomet.
U pre_^___
hen u jUt a abotnut pvpproitita. See?
flair aW.ia.
phosphoric add there, tims destroy­ tbe opening uf the line, and this has -Lcmdcn Tit-Bica
Shortly before bis death, which ce- ing ita fuDoticn and preventing te aa- shown bnt alight increase sjnoe. In four
dai'ted in I86«. Maanmo d'Axeglio. aimilatian erf aibamtoous food materials years' time the wire baa nndergone an
to a WM tiroa*.
*teteMnan,.arBWr. poet the painter of —to other worda to fating oo te
[ »»empe deertaae to diameter of .4mm..
•leea" the editor eald, "tel^
raiyug from a alight amount on
*'Orlando Fnnoso." bnt, above all. the of teOcnaiad
straight portiona of the road to nroriy have rbymed 'egmin' with 'min.' "
fcuaty friend and valoed coonselroof Broun XmoMripL
Um cOoe poet eeeented.
1mm. on enrvea—New York Prot
■ Tktor Bmmannel. was talking to a
"Well, it doern't ga It mey beoU
Krenebmau. who mngratulaied him
fight in te weetber report, bnt yon ore
The oultivatton qf the camphor toee
-^on tbe anifirotion of Italy
An odd idea to electrical anilirotlca hind eeaprot "-Otoctoneti teqaltw.
"Yea” waa the reply, "we have in Rorida has bem so snccesafnl tet
(his seotioB tromises to be a tormidable i* a cotton pioker. wbidi carrice two
jBOde a tmw Italy; nou we mut
BwakiaaTa*y WoaO.
--------------- te far cast. In (%toa. | nuttog oottou oollectors and a spedai
tevor to make new Itahana **
Cigarette emoting ie a commoB prooJapan and Fonnoaa bat a small portian, ffenerator. Tbs appontns is carried cm
tiee omoDg te coknd woeberwcmai trf
of tbe great cam^or foieets nowre-|i
h is probed between
New Urleona JThey lean over te tnb
-What wiU you havaT' tnqnitud the matoAowtogtothewastefnlmethodsditerowsof oottoo. tebalU from each
..yoadtherndeof tbe and make e quaint pfetore ai te Butte
waiter as Mr Beyraob eronnod the obtaining tegmnDom tetnea, which row of «hlc.
from teir Upa—Netarete State
------- —3 ent down co­ picker—an atfractod and csigaged by reUe
Vhanofa bill of tan
“WaaL" be aoswered, placing Us tirHy. in Fkrlda, <m tbe other hand, tbemvolrtogoollectingwheels or disks
found tet camphor oould to In (here times of low prioes then Is an
Iwgar over an item, "ye kin bri^ me it boa been
*' ' ly from tbe leavse
opening for a
that will pick
Tbe Boatietu ere reported to faaye
aoBWo'that Bnt (tou t go away.'ronat
eottoD rapidly and <effectively, and te Mid when they fit* row tbe hlghlend
If it tastes like tt tonka u print Ilf twigs, obtidntog a pound of the gum I eottoo
from npounda of te enttinga Dm atrotrical piokm. if proved to be quite
fiave te tty
"We tbougbt wehedetoM
tree reqniree no fertiHsatiai and is ex-- proctisabla, abould exaotly fill tUs to fight with men. but find telle la
Wrm Pteaa
ksm^ ronamaMaL
j «asL
• te CMt Wm


bmaAeoC I

In all desirable colors, ^ceis
twelve and a half cents a yard.
Come early if yon want tome.



*• “

nCtB U/AA are no bettor patterna made, no matter what the

Call for August Faeblon Sheet.

To Induce You
To Leave Your Money
With MS, we’re n^ing i-ery special prices oa many
Unes of merchandise—all desirable atylea and qaaUties. Here are some of . them., from the ready-made
garment department

Silk Gapes$3.50 for $5.00 values.
$4150 for $6.00 values.
S5.00 for $6 50, $7.50
$7-50 for $10 values.

Ladies’Suits$4.38 for $6.50 values.

$5.95 for $8.50 value*.

$6,25 for $94)0 values.
$8.50 for $12,00 and
$13.50 values.
▼sBey Caeelmewe. Ftoe Kaeko.


At $1.19, worth $
to $1.75.
At $148, worth $2.00
to $2.25.

Silk WaistsTffjfeubMeMIittL
Cuun tiiiir BMt
*3-50 value at $2.38.
$4-50 value at $3.25.
$5J» value at $3.75.
$5-50 value at S4.25.
$6.50 value at $4.75.

Biilille Di; Coals. Cupel m CWHij Boise.

Ta:^a.-o-ears© 0±t;y-,




Of onsalable go<^s. bnt try to keep jnst what we
think yon 11 need in every day life. We want to call
your attention to the nice hams aud bacon we have
]ust received.

•Phone 167.

$48 Front Stwiet.

213 Front St



E»adil eUiK

At 79c. worth $i43a
At 98c, worth $1.35.

loir dollars do hoaq diiy wkoa foo
briog tton to




a-lUBon Stoci Bralred Tta« TW , w«t

Hoickers Orttor Oapo|iod Bosniiw

That we wUl have a Special Sale on “one
room renmanta"of WaU Faper-Oheaper
than ZaUomlno. Pay you to buy now for
next year. Come quick before the assort­
ment gets low.




. 8UHt)AY. JULY 17. 1898.


dlataly this idea made ae
WlWB UM •uttaa Rwli Zaa
<MX. I could MS myaelf km,
Goes to Uu .
at tandom ta that thkk fom in 1
midst of tbe gramee add iSdt fr
wbich.l «dd not free nA ~
with fear, nnable to aee;|
TlMT Af tmm^nl TWt tba i
find my boat and ' ‘
feri ayMlf dawn
very bottom of tbis
Indeed, as I rirould
And wlnca that are known to aastn
pelled to etnggle $
Tbe gmt- Milne off la BritUh
at leam 500 y^ t
poru d tin pUte wai tbe eobjeot cE Ani*N!Stoo alavaa and smeUng peU
^KoiBl fxneidmtian nt tbeieoent
1 might gain a feotl
tbea I
Bnalmcedneof tbe BritUb Iron
Paai In and eot of tbe cedars doen.
nine chances dot of
& end iseleo diecnaedat I
not bauble to find my 4
mrrtka and vtoleto.
IcBstb la the L

•euriiy. and that I ■'
of JUj B. A report of tbe diKSMian
good swimmer as I-u
____ uiik saltaaa Joceeiu bar hair
before tbe Britieh Iron Trade
And iiiJn
KiLln* with a beans plant tbs tips '
I tried taieeaonwith's
Of her potntpd nails and Utis her lipe
tion and aome
mined not ko
^ be i^d. but tli
lag oo the nme qoeeHaa are embodied
mefiMdMmy w
in a report to tbe (tote depaitawnt br
(his other %ing
^ , war afrsiA .
Mr. Marahall HaUtead. United Statet tVhen he coca lo the cUy Upahaa!
mywOf wbat: there
, . coanl at Bimingbam. in com men ting
bare 1 Jee^ «t
^ - npon tbe matter Consnl Baletcad atjra Ctide In like eblps from fairyland.
never so well us
oonccnmg tfao stotement at Sir John Making a sudden mlM to afr
^ tbe two beings
Jenkiat. M. P.. that Welsh tin plate U
iwilliiK. the
nperior to American and tbe olahn
in ton pre­
that improred macbtnerj-trill rednoe
tho cost of aiantifactiire enfficSeat to t
T^ fboUsh and d

There is eothing quite es comfembie is thet (irigce of ]
comfort ginrs—

ssjsa“‘isrs.s'"isis5« »

Morris Chair.

s-‘^^5s“thrtsx‘r„2ffto moM


aatiqoated raetbodi baa osaal>y«anpled
with it a claim to aopehority of piodoct Improred machinery gea^ly
meaat, American maebine^, and as tbe
BrttbA vorkman has not taken kindly
to new methods its ’ ‘ ‘

' '

Goes to tbh city Isiaban.
Now when I aee an estra Urht
Flaming, nirkering cm the nb^t
Prom ny neighbor’# casement oppoMta
I know as u-rll as I know to pray,
Ttat*th“nnoeeM Sidtarah2i°l£Bisn
Has gone to the rity Ispahan.
—Thomas Bailey AJditeh.
iome other lines
9. an imof American workmen. In one
abotst 50 American m
Operate Amerioan maohinery, and many
more are empiciyed within the limits od
this ooruailar district, and it is worth
while mentioning that enrcral ot these
workmen hare expressed tbemaelres to
. me as dismtiafied srith their food and
lodsint anangamento. They do not
n to adjust thcnuelrat in a happy


One evening, wben 1 had returned all
alone and very weary, painfully pall­
ing my ihwvy boat which t used every
nigbt X pai^ a few aeooDdi to take
breath near the edge of Ksne reeda Tbe
weather was glorions, tbe moon was
radiant, tbe river sparkled, the air was
coolandsweet ThU tranquUlityttmpted me. and I thought it would be very
pleasant to noke my pipe in this pl^
Tbe aetkm followed the tboughL I
eelmd my anchor and cast it into the
river. Tbe punt, which floated with tbe
current, drifted as far as the end of its
chain, and then stood sUlL 1 aeatnl myaelf in tbe ctem on my abeepakin as I
fartably as pomible.
I beard Dothing, not a aoond, «n]y at
intervals 1 imagined I beard a aii^t,
alffiott inandible, plash of tbe water
linst tbe sbere, and I saw clusters of
tall Reds
which asromed snrprisinE
shapes and seemed at iutervab to atir.
Tbe river was petfeeUy quiet, bnt 1 felt
agitated by tbe extraordinary Millnem
ded me. All enatni
the frags and toads, thorn nootumal
singrn of the maisbca—were silent. 6nddmiy at my right, close to me, a frog
croaked. 1 shuddered. It cessed, and 1
beard nothing mote and reaolvcdvto
smoketodivenmyrnind. Tct, althongh
1 was a notorious aud confirmed tzpokcT,
1 could not smoke. With a second pnff,
1 changed my mind and stopped.'
1 began to recite verses. Tbesoondof
18 painful. Then 1 staet.
m;-sclf out in the bottom of the boat
and watched the sky. For some time
1 remaiuiid at ease, but soon light move­
ments of the boat disturbed me. It
seemed es if it was making gigantic
lurrhee. touching alternately the
banka of tbe rirer, thin I thought that
sue being nr inrUible fntee drew it
mtly to tbe bottom of the watur, then,
raising it. let it fall once more. I was
tossed about as though in tbe midst of
a tempest 1 Iteard sounds around me.
I rose with a bound. Tbe water was
gleaming All was quiet

open eyes and cxpccthat ear. Of wbatf
I knew not in tbe IcMt ht>t of some­
thing rterrible. 1 belisveithat it a fish
bad thought of springing Wt of water, j
as often happens, no Rrary would have
been needed to make w> fsU stiff sad
insensible. '
by a vididat effort, I
-in gaduaUffrefcoveiing my
lostreason. I took
my bottle of

The abme of home comfort is reached when
you possess a Morris Chair.
We have them in Rattan and with nice;
S cushions from $6.00 up.

IJ. W. Mer’s House Furnishing Store I

128-X32 ~F*~r*o~ri “t-. S'b3?©©'fc_

0MsiveiytotbefeS?S£toaf ^borison. when my throat was abaolnte*'
pmlysed. 1 beard a d^ bvkii« in tl


1 drank ugain and ffeetchrd myMlf at
ItisnoCgeneTully known tbats former
full length on the bottein of tbe boat
1 remained thus for pvbapa ah boor, citlscn of Owensboro brongdit acrass the
perfaapa two, without - iJeegfing. with ocean tbe first elephant that was ever in
Post it. I9pean that for the first fonr
Tbe name cf tbe gentleman
dyeawide open, and with terrors around
months of tbe enrvent nalendar year
mu I dared not rise, ydt I wished in­ was MoaeaSmith, who atone time own­
British exports of tin plate to tbe Unittensely to do aa I put it off from min­ ed a vast body of land from the mouth
ad States hare decreased E874.247, or
ute to mignte. 1 eaid to myself.' ‘Ooida of fhmtber oreck op the river, embrac­
abont 10 per cent, as compared with the
mand up.” and I waa afraid lo make a ing nearly all tbe present fanni in tbs
corresponding period lest year. *‘aud
movement At last I tuirod myaelf with neighborhood of Sorgho. Mr. Smith was
there is no reason to soppoae that It has
We will cloee out ■ few broken loto of Shoes, at aa
e pneautioas, ss if my life de- at Paris with bis brother and had
yetreacbed the bottom. On theocnpended1 on lbs aUgbteat,sound I mlgbtw “more money than be knew what to do
eapeciallj low figure. The; are all solid leather and
toary, '* says tite editor, “all the erlmake. and looked ever tU side-ef tbe with." He told his brother that he in­
teioe po^ to a steady further ocntended taking aomethlng to America
good wearers. We cstj s Isrge stock in all styles
tractioo of the trade from month to
Iwi__________ ____________________ _ that tbe people had never Hen. "Toa
and all prices and can please yon. For s good wear­
month until tbe whole of it has paamd
the most astonishing right that oonld hadlnctar buy an eJepbant. “ said the
into the hands of our Amerioan oomJocnlar
ing shoe get them of
poMibly be seen. It waa one of thOM
pbantasmsgoria cf fairyland, one of '^OMSdid.
s todwire
those Tintan related by voyagera who
. -pitted out the Uggest
-------le oomfort from the a
fstnrn from afar, and which we bear ; «*!'* ^ and paid an eoannoua prioa
tbeBritish article is of better quality
witboot believing.
for it He tcooght It to hew YoA.
ttian tbe American. Ho put fiwwaid
Tbe mist, which for two boms before |
it was a nine days' wonder. Ut
this Tlew in bis address before the Britwai floating oo tbe river, bad gradual- l
b»A •oat.
1th Iron Trade amociatian. but dom not
ly receded and gathered on tbe river ! ““F *■<>«*
proverbial white
seem to bare made a rery marked Imbanka Leaving tbe stream entirely ; «lepbant on bis baoda He tried to aell
prearion upeo bis bearm who were
clear, it bad formed on cacb sfaoro an
*** ““W find no buyer and at last
pnoticnl men and therefore fully adrisunbroken t»»»b six or serca yaids in 1 «udcrtook to give It away, in which be
ed of the lolly of hoping to beat the
height which gb-amed U-neath tbe
equally nnsnooeasfiil. Finally be
Amerieans.on tbe ground of snpertarity
moon with the eupirb brilliancy of
a man who agreed
aiftr>v,«i» .-a .ui-,
of product. If there are any audh de­
I thing was visible $100 for It and this individual pot it
fects as those menUoned. Sir John may
save tbe nyer flusliiogwiib firry Ugfata on exhitrition. He was ao rueoessful
Between Arise two v bile bills of mist that he went into thesbuwbaslnea and
fannne ont of Mr. Smith's foland high sfeerhi-ad
sfeerhead hung foil aud laige made a fonune
In tbe discussion that followed tbe
s nia^ sti^ lumiuous tuoqni in the midst'
Colonel Frank McKernan of Adairpreeident of tbe association, who was
of a black aky d<rtird with riaia.
i Tille is a grandson of life. Smith, who
tuared in tbe tin plate trade, remarked
AH the creainrcs <f tbe water were
age at his home in this
that “he had always been a strong be­
croaking furi- i county.—Owensboro (Ky. > Inquirer.
awake. The frogs
liever in American oompetitiao in tbe
oualy, while at inurvals
tin plate trade, because be bad seen tbe
right, now at
carpet trade tnoodnoed into the United
WewUl call him Blifaop Stmmona j W &tCll.
moooiooouB, t_____ ___,___ ___ _
States, and he bad tired to see Anwringing voice* of tbe toads uttered to Dnriog tbe afternoon tbe younger min- j
loan carpets sold in Birmingbam in
the stars. Strangely I was no longer
had listened to him with venoni:
large quandtiee, and wben Amerioan
afnld. I was sunonndud by

" ' respect, and wben
ti(B and
their turn i ^rTTuraAw wt nmr
oompetttian oame in bewuafiuid it al­
they found him a dignified and ’
extraordiosiy (hat tbe most strikitig
ways came to stay. At tbe mme time,
siDgularitica had oo power to astonish euiefnl Ustener.
sontb Wales etlll had command of tbe
Tbe afteniocB was delg^tfnl and tbe
neutral markets of tbe world, and he
Bow long tuts lasted I know not. for camp meeting aervioe was a long one.
bopOfi that they would sdll have great shakes, and I determined to bo off. 1 I had ended by falltng arieep When I Tbe good bishop was a keen lover <ff tbe
suooesi and profit in that industry. ”
puikd at tbe chain.- tbe punt began to opened my eyes, the moon had set,
Mr. a a Brooke, who spent two move; then I felt a reeistonce. 1 pulled sky was covered with clouda tbe '
be strolled off fora tmoka. Atallttla
months in America last year, tatifled harder, bnt tbe anebordid not coma It ter rippled mooinfully. tbe wind '
distance be foimd ao abrupt ledge en­
to tbe snperior macbineiyand prni wmra bad canirht on sometliiDg at tbe botten blowing, it was oold, and tbe darkasM tirely out of the view of the osmp
employed in America, whereby the of tbe rlvB. and I could not lift it 1
grotmda, and going down aroond to tbe
as prafoonA
•rwter cost of labor was nentialimd. once more commenced to pnll, bat is
I drank wbat remained of my rum. foot of this be lit hisdgarand enmnd
Americans, he mid. were oanstantly vain. Then with my oan 1 turned tbe** then I listened, shivering with ooH to for a qniot half boor.
changing and putting in fresh
Asitchanoed. soon afterooeof tbe
tlniaboat op stream in order to change the
cry in order to reach as
position of the anchor. This was n^eam ter sound of Ae river. 1 tried to see, bnt younger ministen took a walk from the
ae powible. and be bad found diat it still held fast 1 was aeimd with an­ 1 could not diftingnish tbe boat nor gronnda and finally came to tbe ttq> of
Americau tin plate hands were far eo- ger and sbook the chain furious^. even my banda, which l iaeld before my , the Mree ledge, and, looking down, hw
perior to tbOBF in tbe Welsh mUU in Nothing moved. 1 ast down disonraged eyca.
the bishop
the quanrity of fiuisbed product tnned' and began to reflect upon my poaitiqa.
Gradually, however, tlw thick dark-1
ibe space of a moment or two be
ont in a given luogch of uuie.
1 oonld not think of breaking tbe neM diminished Soddrnly I seemed to, riood wiA a gleam in hti eyp and then,
Hr. tJeremiab Head, wbo bad bad chain orof aepsratinglt from the tSat, fed a shadow gliding very near me I ot-' stooping down, be hM In s sort of nrisome (oQnrienoe ia tbe mauiigement of for it was very lieavy and riveted in tbe terod a try and a voice answned. It waa umphsnttooe:
American mills had also found Ameri­ bow to a picoe of wood thicker than my a fisherman. 1 callt-d to4iim. He drew ; "Ah, Father Simmoas. TVe enugfat
can Ubor to be superior in skill, energy arm. But as the weather was st^l very near, and I told him of^my mlachaaee \ foa bnning inoonae to tbe deviL “ w'
' Basdle Boilding.
and prodocriTe capacity He was of the fair, I tboogbt that I should not temain He then pulled bis boat alongside mine ^
bisbop took out bis dgsrutd
opinion that a great quantity of aod- icug witboni encountering Bome fisher­ and wc both strained at tbe chain. Tbe ' turned about till ha bad swnng tbe
tjuated' British tin plate machinery now man « bo would come to my relief. My aadtor did not move. Day dawned, aom- speaker fully into view, and then added
- in use stxmld be thrown on the acrap miKbap had halmed me. 1 aat down,
:my. rainy.
rainy, cold—one
lid—one of Umn alowir ina deep votoe;
heap forthwith and entirely new
lys w hich bri^
But I didn't know be
gloom and misand at lost Was able to smoke my pipe.
ohineiy Installed in its place.
—^Inrrent Utcratnru.
I had a iiotOo of run. 1 drank two or foitnue.
Tbe aeneeof thoasMciation aeeaedto three glasses and was compelled to . _ ------------------ Jtor boat We baikd
Aa KzamaU of tyCauaaira Vftt.
be that the tin plate Indnso^of Ameri- laugh at my sitnaiica.
it The man wba rowed it united hU
oa, developed tolls premnt strength and
Daniel O'Oaanell. Aou^ brilliant
It was very warm, ae that I oonld. If effeuto wito ours. Then, little by little,
effioioDfy by a protcMive tariff and tbe ueccasaiy. without great discomfort, Ute anchor yielded. It oame up but and witty, was daringly vulgur when
mperior qn^ty of Amerioan maebineiy pass tbe night in the beantiful starlight slowly and taideofd with a nmsidera- be Ht ont to attack an opponent At a
aM labor, will never loae its grip on Suddenly o soft rap sotmdid against the bie weight At length we saw a dark Dnblia election be started to small Betbe great home market, bat will grad­ ride of the boat I stiA^ and a cold mass, and we drew it into my boat
oorder Shaw, who waa » very dlgniW
ually shut but all foreign tin plate fan- swrot froao mo from bend to foot This
. ________________________und
handsome man. by declaring him
an oldwamon wlA
portatiotuL The best that the Welsh sound doubUess came from some piece a stone fastened to tbe nedL—Guy de ‘ ■ fellow wham visage wronld fe^ten a
plate makers can hope to do U to
horse from his oats. Tbe Icrd mayor,
of wood borne by tbt.' cunent, bat it Maupi
who fswaided. tumarked on tbeaeamenlwas enough, and 1 was again pomeasod
ttH and mid it might be auppoasd snob
bya strunge nemns agiutiun. 1 graspthey wiU succeed e
ed tbe riiain and strainid with a desper­
In Ao salt district A Cbeahlre. Eng­ a cririo, like Hamlet's father, was mfingtbcdisastrousoo
ate effort. The anchor heU firm. I sal land, tbe brine has been pumped aooon- dowed wiA Hyperion curia and tbe
of Jove himaell Instead '
, tinuottsly ont of Ao earth Aat Ae land
Meanwhile tbe river bad gradually I has -eettled very oonriderably.
Tbe wrAkled brow and a soatefa wig.
Va Dowbt of ^de KslolaeOm.

^ *
eariK, for himselt be would not be unwilling
Qiairman Joe Mauley of the tf.ino mist
which bung rozy
of tbe streets A NorAwicb to compete wiA tbe demagogue baforo
Bqniblidan state committee baa this to ler, so Aat. standing, I could no Ipuger
only (be roofs are visible. Tbe booaea a Jury of Adles if they oould only me
Kj of Mr. Reed and tbe sUwies d bis see Ae rirer, or my feet or tbe
him as natun made him without tbs
are AhaUted.
enpopclarity in Malue: “Mr. Beed will bnt only Ae tops of Ae reeds, and ia
aid cf tbe barber. O’OocneU strode to
have one of tbe largest majoritim be Ae distanoe Ae lowlaod, while in tbe
ditkmal stories bare been a^ied. so Aat the front of tbe platfcnn. miatcbad off
ererxeceived. Tbe story of dismtislao- mocnlliAt and fttn it great black Vj Uvlag in Ae upper rocSss Ae leBi- his wig and poAting to his naked bead
tkn in bis district is all moonshine. spots, famed by clumps of Lorohardy
dems may have some Ughtand air. Tbe covered wiA a stubble of gny hair,
Tbe petals of the First district as well pc^lara, arose A-the Ay. 1 was wrap­
eried, “Ladiea. 1 demand your instant
roadways sink, too.
as the people of Maine are all prood cf ped A my waist as if in a muilm abeet
Jttdgmentl" Of oourae be bad tbe langh
■ -vel by
Mr. Reed's maguifloent career in oo'
and the best of Ae enoounter.—$an
of nngular whitenesE and fantastic vigreaa. of his grand intelleotnality an.
hit Witt statesmanship. His distriot
1 fancied Aat aomeanewbom I could
Ba WaaSinfi WUy.
devoted lo him. and he wfU be le-eleo
not distiogulsh was trying A climb AMim
''Wasthatman evrna firnnKT'in­
^bandaomely.’i~«pringfleld Unicai.
to my boat, and Aat Ae river, hidden feel that lam growing old. It'stesliy
quired Mrs Oonttomel
la Ais claque mist must he filled wiA
“Ba" aiiswtsed bar hnAand very
As Esmaaga a( CtvUIMm.
these strange beings who swam around
Mr. Cleveland of Prinoeton presenti me. I felt a honible disquietude; my ha oapecially m fer one who baa beat poalrivdy.
“But ha’s always mlkA abont tte
Us ecaniihmeots to Mr. Bryan
of Idn
templea were rightly bound: tbe
young ao Irnig.
fiaUghts of UvA A Ae oonne^. ”
and wo(^ be pleased A have Mr. t lag of my heart almost chokad me, and.
(And be woBdesfd why she
“That's what shows h* BSTSrVHS
in name his bait—DettritTribunu 'icring cnutrol of tnywlf. 1 thought
n Globe.



My Line
of Silverware

Is tbe finest in Northern Michigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Oold

F. A. EARL, Jeweler.





Celebrated Chicago Cailles. |

We have a few latest model five dolU.r
Pocket Kodaks which makes a picture
bj 2 inches that we are selling for



The Little Puck which talres a picture 2 l>2f)v 2-l>2
inches for ^.00.
The Photake,'holding five plates two inches square,
for $2.50,
Also a variety of higher priced cameras, from $5.00 to
125.00, at-------

.;________ Walt’s Drug Store.

Only SO cents

For Half Soling Shoes.
and Heels, 50 cents.

For Tops

Custom Made Shoes a Specialty.
Bnr star, ud aqwir Shop.


ill virtdr>ii»''iiiiA--|'Vffiii['iahmdaslBfeM^giiMmAidM


’ rp- \


TteAoMa>i|a Eirnone
, .'DVis and eonxittir adrocBto tbc
pn>-Blllng to tfaU 00UOU7 n; which tbe
iBMm of........................................
lodiK* <»ll OD thrir

wardcM or ibelr aeolor wardens to pRsldr Id
tbe ooDforiofrof tbs Ant or tbe aeoond
degree or botb as a means, of tnaklng
tb^ phjflcivnt ^ tbe work ud qualifyto tbe c<

> t* Uw bkwt.
entimue Vise Rc«tent W. Bolt Apev
cC Kev Jscaer, who wu n-elwtod M tbe
MBtu) analoo of

The total amount of the penuanent fund
of tbe grand lodge of bew York U «U,4U.M.

cU bcui^Clereland. U a loading
attorney at Trcn*
Uls elevatioo Uat roar to

A full acenontof tbe trial and cEpulsloo of a brother fnmi a lodge was glren
In a Kanaas dall^papor roomUr. Tbe
' tbeotresse tna
letter to tbe lodga but no'action was lad
against tbe Infortuer.

which be has Just
been returned was
aotnewbaC in tbt

In Delaware a warden cannot oonfer a
degree in a lodge. It most be done br a
tnasTrr or a paat master.

pllae: bat that It
was tnpolar and
for tbe best Interr-M of tbe Older
grand regent of New Jerse;', when his
•Ulltj Is well known, and un^ bis gnldaooe the Bojal Arran om has proqicrod
•Dd Inemnsid, and there Is a slrong sentiIn fatorof his re-election. Next
Mr. Apgar will suoeecd to the oflloe
n-gcol on the retirement
cuuibcol. Edson M. Schtr^w.


There was a mt Incnase In meaihersblp
of^4.M4. nmklng tbe total nonboahlp on Jan. 1106.106'
Tbe supreme lodge decided not Co Aert«B the period beta-cen date of appUatlon
and IniUation of oandidatM.

Of Which PoriUvely Appears tu ninstrious Ctisfsbd Preieeta. tbs rsmeca 8oo«/m fhngeacf Berssmsa.



gao borne last jtmr averagod
_____ j____ I__________________ ______________ft.

if Inmates was 9^

r blasonic lodge In CbIcatgO. commostl; of Swedish brothnm. is

cr^ Maaona In£we^iduring allot that
Btnther, If jron are appointed on a eoraBiltuc to int-eetlgntr the character and
ding of an apj>
er drcllnc tu sc V and give your ruaTbe grand Iffiges of IDInolsarrt Michi­
gan oimdcnin t liCtk>otcrlng for oftioe.

e snp
onsulDg y«af are; Suprviuc ngtat. tl.500;
enpreme treasurer, f1.000: su).mDe
tary. *6.000: medical examiner In eUef.
•4,000: supreme afdUor, ll.soa


William E Ginthtr. dc-puty grand Icoturer. lias bevp coninilsslunud to teach In
Oerman tlw.UllnoU standard wrurk.
revised tbeGertnan tui<nlt<ir.
There at«
nine Genoan lotlges of Masons In IlllnoU.
seven of which are located in Chltago.

I—1 Fan

TwelTsPsaews FlchUas Offletm sad Eichi Pnestes Otrtot frea ths B«at ol War.

■ ils^.alETSrTneTsr
|SsM;-*£^ “

Total numherof Knl^ts Tetnplarm In
tbe rolled Statea U114.U0 and In tweign



€0L«l MAU
ron TMt ruto

Tbs f>akMlne BalletlQ ataMs that M



ivslry Experts ol ihs armies
6tb Bsyil Irish Laami
lbs Eapsrer's Oirx Cmiiwsirr.. o! U.s irerrasn Army ; tbs Cxar.t Bes't i




» running expenses of tbe stipnmie
Beginning Aug. 1 tbs aMBnsBti of
each membv will nnmber «1 each yen, to
he dlTliled Into U equal moathly psir

Iheehatgeof «Stoe«ih new dm
tebUbwAoarttloatefane beaB«
Vahito t

MsSse sf tbs bBstoe aC tbs

Tb dlRB the private aSaln of our or•bnltotloB In public plaeea pula na In an
unenviable light before tbe - palcfece
iworid, and the mei^ or soul of tUe^iproval
■tAould be lDdclibl7 etamped npon this
rnetbsd cf holding our fraternity np to
the ridicule and contempt of tbooewbo
might fed inellnod to associate tbemaelreawlthns under tbe banner of free*
doni. friendahip and ebarity___ Jesume
WaorenctA tribe of Cornwall 1s tbei
In tbe New Tcrt
Tort rusenntluiL
It has adojUed 80 new members idDce Jan.
irigwaffi at a . betship U 180.

Tbe great son ooaocU of tbe degree

- 111 be b
G. C. of R. Conley has p

> lar^ It
•odJlDanoee. lie has also fumlsbedaupnlies during Uay for flw trlbia at Wash­
ington and lor one each at Idaho. OUaSaobon Fred Hoceeof Naihaa tribe of
Ttichbuig. s member of tbe Sixth r^
xnent of Maatucl uaetts, b pv-r—-«— at
CampAiger, Virginia.

The serimaoB tor reform In tbs methods
of opmtkmof the
end tor the enfora
itof B t
DOBkalvetem Of management springs np
In various seettons of the country and
ttratens to crystalUse In a tanglUs de­
mand for a leTolutlim la tbe laws of that
august legislative body. At a recent see■ton of the grand enoempment of tiuiynu
1 Instruetlog tte
peijing niUoegc and per diem to past grand
sires and In favor of quadrennial nlons
of tbesoverrign grs^ lodge. They are
also to uae tbclr efforis to soenre legislatioo prevlding for but one rcprcaentatlve
In lUlnoU there are 406 lodges of Bchriiahi. wltba total nicmbcrahlpof 88.877.
There should be no modesty or fear of
milyand pendslcnt• tbcw
Fellowshlp bf any of lu mc-mfaers.
The ontlou of Grand Vaster lAndly at
Vattoon on tbe ocau-lon of laying the cornersteneof tbe Illinois OM Folks'faumo
was an able, eloquent and patriotic effort
The grand niast.^ of Ksnsas has reBigDcd his office and gone to war.
Don't display tbe emblems of tbe erdoto attract attention to your btudnesa
Caliramla reprusentatlves to tbe sov­
ereign gtMd lo^ were requested to pn>kWlslalloD w-rmltUng married sisttws
and daughters of meubera. wboec huabaods did nut U'long to tbe order, u Join
the Hcbekah lodgca.


0^ m

s o< Blupaadoiu sad ^apmealae^Msjmwda. Avw




' Slnee Jan. 1 IM eections have been add­
ed to tbe rank. Indiana and I ennsylvanb
heading the Usi with 12 each; lUluob fol­
lows with «, North Carolina with 8, white
Iowa. Ulsmuri and Now Hampahbv bate
8,000 eppliuautSiiwiswd uvora
aatlon and haiv bwoodmituxl tomembtwship, the instuanoe tepnaonud by oarrifl-

ftrticipawd tn by Sens «4 the Savags Bieox Bravss Present at ths
*;Caster Kasuers '

m m Hio, li[R FH M, I Hewn ol me ifiiiii

Frederick E. White b nbw grand chanfidior of Uasuchusenta and C. A. Crass
grand keeper of records and asaL

for June.
Only two deaths rvporiod. which were
paid from aurplus fund.
Tic average mcmb^lp of the todgta

• 00.

Eonsaspays 82toaU subordinatee ta
ThoaviaagD ageof -lapees tor 1887 was
87 years.
Tbe percpntage of net Increase cm aver­
age mutulicrsblp for tbe aitln order In
- — -

gytotbeWuU being and advanee.f tbe Madera VooSmaa ae a db*. hnweriUeal
Jan. 1 tin Modem Woodmen of Amslfa
bad all losea jmid in fuU. and Um was a
total balance In tbe general end beatfsiaiy
funds of llPS.m.lD, srltb a manrbwshlp
«f 800.000 pledged to pramptly pay eyecy

Tbe btcnnlal Mlun of tbe gnpswme
ecBunandeiy srOl be held tn KiW etPhUadslphto.
r June eaUed forfi*



From the Bordsdsod BstwsesCurepe aed Aste-ltas VUdMt cMPIU Mdma
Vbo Dsily Dsty Dsstb m Their Osriat Dashaa. Bah Bangs Man aM
varrlors Whose Uks No Other Pan M the Varid Prsttois,






i Tbs Baadftds of Borsss Bm-

ftenn^lvanla Ketiekabs expelled four
mwnbess last year—three .men and one

entire order'b

Already vtottnu of tbe Klondike are be­
ing feported. tlw names of two mote membess who went to Alwka hniny In tbe
•setb list last month




and unjust bo should______________________
fall on aU aUke while they obey tbe Uwa

The grand lodge of South Dakota at its
late wasioo authorbed tbe payment from
tbe grand lodge general fund cf aU r
bof tuHDbers who'have
may enlist In tbe war wUh Spain.
U you are In SI


tt Bopslsss Tslor sad has
CobcIiuUbk with

recent eeaslun of the- supreme lodgs
Henry Sanders, who succeeded 0. W
Behuitenberg as aupsema leiumetitatlve
W Yort. :

Tbe order was institoted June 80. 1878.
and fittingly eommesnoratod lusUtaraitnlvsssaiyAlabama made a rrt Inrirt in man
bstshJp last year of tacweco 6<J0 and 000.






Lad by the Verld-Fsaous. BoperUr Mo.jf.e<i Co.^'Ky Pnd

Tbe third regiment of Oble, unfform
rank. wtU risU tbe surroneencaiupmait
with a larger attendanoe than over before
tamed out by tbe regtiurnt.

During last yur the subu
1 ll.uw pv
IS of tbesi
tbe grand domain of lUinob amount to
•6M.U7S. Hoixdtiu for dure last year aggrogaud •I70.C31.


CrcMl iMrodiictorg RMiew d tht Creot Eqnstrian


Of wUrt net a atagla ofiear er aoUhti wu left to tall the swtm tala

cant and reinstated was 4,tS7a. Tbe total
nnmbw withdrawn, dropped, etc.,

port that srltb aome lodgee they find not
only an iDdlsjosUlon to wort tb«mae>rea,
but an unwIUlngnctotbat anything
. ilngsbould
bo done by others, says Tbe Overseer.
They eevm to have arrived at tbe oooclusloo that tlwy have all the destralite
terial tn their nrighberrhood and do not
wish to have thi-ir llttte circle Intruded
upuu by others equally qnaUfted phystcally and tnurally whodo not happen to be
UMuiiliers of tlwlr own tot
funtMl a eerkius l
piaaa, and ibould bo

•T vrrxnjutB ntote the rAHous biitm '



Some time ego Ucmphls lodge of Loobviltc, which had a : lemberslilp of 80 mem­
bers, twolved to go to work. Besoll, 6U0


otea bstwsto ths
stew- Piutii snfi


fissass oTWiid ca

Men Obtunsts
Vest Rtdsm. Ths Axtack
srt and Ssddte Raese bet*
HstisaoB. Boulh Amtr.asss. Ante aad Cwssoki J



The total number admitted to the order

•sMTth of the Sad




Aa laiprsestea. Fserlsotiag Btmet Display U Bstsxo PogsaatrysadMlUtaryPem^

Tn EitMliBllfJiii orltr

Aa Bqaaetrtoa Harrt cf Batioaa.

■'=7.=T-".ir'~oiiMiitiiiimiL Claim, ■JCcMfikt


edet That Ii n the ONE Crest Emtnsininc sad Educatieaal EshibitMe of all the Worid.

TtoOrcemef ttwOreat. ti is the Basse ead the OcaaiatKsUHttea.UBrtaMd
Asaspt to b» lacnsstd ta »iss aad Cemprebeasinasaa. that Has Mads Mot Oafr

“ ft is 8sm*hody*s Crime if All the CbOdm Oe*HM Ssc ti-".je SeteM tsT SptM fMT lilfWa

Nnobered Goapons; Actail Reseried Seats fill Be Sell 0i tie Daj Of ExMbition, it tl» POST OFFICE MEWS STAMD.
Boduoed Hutee on O. H. * I
Buffalo, K. Y., one fare for reund
trip. Bell July I2thtol5th..Goedt»rw
turn SepL 1st.
Chleage. one fare for round trip plus
86 ceoU. Sell Jnly IStb good to retura
August 10th.
Cinelnnati. one cent par mile. Sell
<T »d, good to retnru Oetobf


Tnv«M City Kariwt.
Below U a Uat of tbe buying and aell

.. B18 60
10 78

b and S8th muni July 4th.

1 60
L^lngtMi, one fare fdr totuad trip.
Sell July 86th to Anguet 6th, return
August 16th.

Ifee Oream Freezers, Screen Doors
and Windows.

U August lat. guod to returw AaguM

ga^ to return SepL 6th.
VemllUon. O., one tare for round
good to retera
Bay Vbw Camp Meetiug. one fare for
round trip. Bell July llth U Slat.


Burm BdixsorTBaTi

“New Process” Vapor Stoves.

Bedoeed rates to other p^ta. Phene
C. £. Murray,


Oraud Baplda.

-W"- J"- jHOBBS,



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