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The Morning Record, February 25, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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p p IS p|yt
bride and grtxmi rpeetrad with Ue cehGhtoago Market.
grbtolatioM exteaded a large aamber
Chteaim. Feb. »4—Wbeat-i-Febranlnabto aad nMtnl glfu. Ttojrednly.g lljjc;
May.bl^SX; Jaly.8
evpper wat eiabora'te aw!
£»m-F.^brBary. y»ke; May^WKe:
eerred, while the hnepU'eliiy of the
Jaly. 81c: toptemtor. SiMepareatt of Ue bride-wee freely dieOat»—Febrnary. *iMc: May. MKe;
St«7 ImUMtton Potato to Mroar pUyed. Among Ue gift# raoeired by There Kay be po Weeeaeity
“la hr. Stepa. or Wliat Wonld Jens
^"lirk—ftbrwy. tlO.SO; May, Sib o&. .. «
Svitfoaw Tbattlw lbtato Vm »*• Ue happy eenple wat the deed of a
B«t OeadlUena X>emaad
tbigjemMTkMble book. We 1ut»
farm af IM aerM bam Ue faUer of
tioae fcr TranMa Wuh •palnOiaad BapMa. Peb. M -Wbeak W; also sold 109 oopka of “Quo VsdiB,7«»d \are a new stoiA of Ibis, th*
Ue greoB. 73ie .preptoV it ffiinatod
W« ^otop>rt»g TBto'
Vamiatakahto Asttvity t I Wavy
at lioag Lake bad will make
We bam Ice Oream to eell la plato best historicnl KNoanc* of tbs mnsteeiitb oentorr.
VMk-btttU AkaMaf .lAo Btotott. fOrtoWe heme.
er qaarM today.' Jaa. O. Johaeee.
B»*aaa. raVlt.—uval koard
Chicago. Feb.
ThaTribaae today
irm Be X>^ to Beat Baaday.
«a wkoM dollberaUoaa u* eoatorod
haa Ue iaUewlag from Waahlagtea
tb« •jm of the cdTUUed world will
*», B.‘mOu1y. hUnaAss
Tha faaeral of Ue Uto Mia. Aaa A. Cram aa iatorrlew wlU Preeldaat Ueproheblj eoaehide their dellt
Haoaah will toheUfre* the family Klaley:
tenifht or Frtdej at leaeU There le
*T do aot propcee to do aayUieg to
leaee Saaday aftoraoea at aae p.
ieow lltOa doah^ that the report of the
wiU Spaia- Cp to
heard of laTceti^tloa oa Ae eaoM of
tbe preeent 1 do not UInk that war is
the wreck of the Uaioe. will he to the
eiunr neoemary or InevlUble. I wonld
•Cek that the prlne casM ef the
to lax la my duty however, if IAU ant
^oeien was a eobmarlae toiae er tor- Xagaifloeat' Pradectios
prepan for the fntan. Tbe elUiaUon
aede drafgad ooder the keel. The
ie grave and Ue administration's poll^
"dCystie Kidgeto
Wrd oaa hardly eo«e to aajr ether
will to detormlasd almost enilnly by
V»r Tonigbk
deekdoa fron the erideaee pU
Ue eoaree of eveate. Tfapn is ao
Merer before bat an eaurtalament
iora it. The haofficial teaUi
areeiilty for alarming Ue people, bnt
^ oSeeie who gave U aa their belief been offered toUeTrareree City pnblk eongresa arast to ready to aaslst Ue
pceeeeting auch a peenliar faeeiaation
that eotoethlaj^ free) beaeath had
for both old and yonag at "The Myttic | admiaiatratioh wlUoat making
eaaeed Ue expleeloa of the forward
ly iaqulricaaa to Ueeenneef earMldgem.*' which U to be gives la Ue '
^agaaiae. ^ heea borae eat hr the
net cveats."
report of thedlrere from the iret dej- City. Opera Uonte by Ue pnplU of Ue
There U ao donbt that the goveraCeatral school tonight aad
'they weat dewa lato the forward part
Bight. It it ajBveaile fairy tpactaele Bunt is pnpariag forwar. Itdovsnot
pf the ahip.
oto. giriag two honrt of enjty fellow Uat war will come, bet the
aeUvity .in bsU Ue war and navy de(Wieage. Feb. M —Diapatebee to the meet- The eaat it compoeed of from
U aemlstok'ahle
_^Chroalcle aay: The preeldeal U eUir- 7S to 100 efWnr own children, Ui boy*
Than is ao qeeeUati of the aeUaaIng hard topaatpoaese loag.aa poe- repwteetlag.aldgvto from all naUoaa. Ueity of Ue eutemeet of the prealdeak
eihle the otole ;phieb U alsoet oerWa aad gpomto ever heal oa mleehiet: Ue
to be peed^Uted by the rapvt ef the giria, “all gUttenag with eptnglee aad
heard of ietiairy eoiatoteloBad t« la•reetigate the deetraeUoo of the Walae. neat Ue dainty deaUent ef fairylaad Eorbon and Ohaaaela to to Datoeded
la the iaaer dr^ ef the adtoleUtra- Beeidm Utee Uerc appear oa Ue etagt
By JElam aad Tetpedoaa
tiea It le BO loagcr preteaded that the live iaeeeto aad animaU.
Th^ omtnmee are rich and toanUfiil.
Key Week Feb. <4.—Seent naval
keiae waa blowa op by aeddeak Oeod
being eepecially made for Uit prodne- . iwpanUcse an being made along Ua
aathorily U gleeo f(fr the awwi
UoB by one ef New York's toet cceinm* Florida eoasu, and every poeeible pre-'
|hat WeSiBley bae held la hie po
BleB to three daye poeltire eridenee era. Complete eeto of epecltl aeenery ennUom U toleg token to protoet Kby
We have rix of the latnt style 18»«
pbewlng that the Walae waa daatroyed art carried. Ue drat eceae being a fan- Weak
Tbe eyntom of defaaae eontomplatoa model, pnd they are bnatie* for $15.00.
by exteraal ageaciea The Spaabh tottie ti^ garden. wlU a profotloa ed
Uc planUng of aabmarine tor^eca We will sell ibem lo yoa Uls weak,
pathoritiee are aware of the fact that tropical (lowwa, bntterfllea. etc.
(onUIFebH) for$iS.75. »
ihe prceldeat hat tbia eTldeaca la hU eeoend a choral cave, gllttorlag wlU aad ether cxploclvea le Ue water
Daa't wait aad axpeck The six will
Maaetoioo- aad hhre eent seaeagae gems aad dauling in iu beauty; a gi anUeharboreaed cbaaaeU wiUia a
Which hare bees kept fren the pablie gantic roee opens to fnU bloom in view radios of Ulrty miles arannd Uls city,
Aleaeowiag all reepeaelbUity to the; ef the andUm. and a eilrer twaa-beat when a hcaUle fleet migbtseekaneborIf annns abcAM aafc m ynm mention Ue
eiUv voinntorily or Uiwegh
pet aad oSeriag to aake yamble apel- i neea ia fbli mil.
Te hlghtoa Ue effect af the rich eaam of woaUer.. These torpedoea
ggy at well tt soertaiy eeapenwtlea
to to eonnectod wiU Ue shore,
ler the damage iafll^ aad ^ abort tmaa aad brlUieni scenery. Ue entire
m-lM Front 8k TRAVBE8E CITY,
ta do anyUiag which may to doae ehtertainmant U given aadet Ue from wbenoe Uey will to exploded.
Ae bnt few of Ue earraueding keye
boavahly to prerent war totwaea ebaagiag colon of Ue calcium Ugbk
Ue aim of tbe govereBpala aad the Uaitod Statoe.
It wUl oaly to dinetod to protect
The pretty etory it told in vem and
by meant of 54 brlghk catchy musical tta fortifleatipas hen aad at 'TorUgaa.
nambrrt. strengthened waere praeti- In antMimUan of aay rapton wlU
If yon want a bicyrir built to flt yon ■
Party of Xleran Wade PiaalArraagarave yoor nrdrr and tpreifleatinas et j
of tbe aianagemcat la
meato Taatorday aad Vill Laave
ay shop, and I gnarantre to snit yon
atoglng gigaaUe JnveaUe |
a workmanship, amterial aad price.
For AiMka Wexi Woaaay.
hae made It polnlble to eeenra moeh
Tbera wat a mceUag in the office of more ci-edliable performaaeee thaa wveraw of Ohio Wonld Build
O. P. Carrer ycatordty of the men ef tboae of mbet prafecetonal compaelea Coaiiment on Wains of X>ra Oaetlo.
Thl* ridaliy wbe are to go to the klca- ef Ue day.
CtoeianaU, Feb. 84 -Governor BoU
^e and Alaekan geld dalda ne ob- .
Ceai or caeneten.
aril, wbe came hen to attoad U<
|ect of Ue toeeUeg wat to make dhal tVtMv Obdillee.. Bat
:ting of tbe Ohio Sons of Ue BevoIntioB. eald .p^cerning tha traobla
Ben to Seattle. By going la a body
WiU Spain; -Tban to a'tims v
Fv^Uing Fraab and the Bask
Sheaper raiee can to procured aad yaetiamll Bale patience and forbaaraaee an no longer
torday Ue t^relieg pttteaget ageate
.. CbarUrWbtte rirtnaa War to awfnl. bat losnit to
of the Gnat NorUern aad WiaeonMn
wona Wbatevar Ue beard of ioqoiry
Oentnl nilwayt mat tht gold seeker*
ta Ue Malee dtoaeur ebaU dtoeover
lo oompleta armagemenU
Ueold to apbeld by Ua Amerteao
•oiw -a-mwB.* Vte trcm-rmxww otw*
Tbe boye an all ready
pie with a detormlaatioa that w
Order by’Phone MaM.
Sow and Uey will go togtUer
aot fllacb at war.
SB Ue C A W. M. .to Ctaieagd^
1 am Amerieaa eoongh to eay Uto
Ueaee to SeatUe. when Uey wiU
!b—fcr every Amerieaa killed ia Ue
ante aad peek rarioat portim ^
ae t would'make ten dons cat dirt;
........................................... . nasHeeBnal
gold fielda They will leave tore i
SonU Dnkm 8^tJ9foow
forUeMslae I woald send ton VUS. B. Monday, aad It U etUm^tod that
cayas to the bottom of the eea.
A mentb win to eontamed by
"The other day 1 craseatod to •
naeblng Ueir .variont dMUaaaoaa.
on a national committee to erect a wliicb I have H^Rosi
Enameled. taemeeUi the •
Tbe list hat been printed in Ue axelao
monnmcBt to Ua Maine haraea Where
Look at them
in E. E. Miller’e
tofon bat a repetition will to of inter- sICi ( rimoflaUo
wonld 1 toild Ue meanmenit Oa Ue Drug Store.
sek J. O. Laarworthy and Cbaa O. Sul«>v. Klfig ef iSv laser
artfcar Oa Us rnlBs of Mora cesUe, ea I've eald' beTitasla.
Carver will go at partnen to Ue Cop
TlBiwII* I Wee aiu-o4ai
per river district; Thomas McLangblia Tldillevlak (of IbeQueva .Matol«ee
and William Nelson will seek Ut same PivrSt. Qe*SB'» Comp- — I.. tSr
Bus HrhneMvr
( Olsra Warttorr
«etd:.Jl. L. and James A. Boyd will go aileerslo* ,
'Mystic MMgato*’Umtght. Cl^ Ctam
And all tbe Celebrated
*0 Ue Kloedibe vU Ue Cbllcoot Pate;
'l.Fvl and David Ilee will also go to Ue
A large anmtor of caeca of spring
Klondike:, W. F, Aagaitlae. W. W.
goods airived at "Tbe Fair" yestarday.
Miller and Williams lies will go to Ue
The mlastnl peP»ormaace given last
Oraee Bvaae
eoest end determine Ueir cowee aftor
ao4 HeHtrSssI night will to given at Ue asylnm on
nabi PSlIaon
they get to tbe beatUe.
(UtstotS PpriT Friday alghk March 4.
We Have
Just Received To day
Don’t Write
Tour letters on any old thing when you
can got the latest In Writing Papers at
sarihaE BiocL
Idn- FuUn Shetb F(v link, m fin.~Fm ti Bnrym
I Our Half Price Sale
ial... CLOAKS.
Mori Suits. j STEIKaaiU’S
Diamond J.—lOc
Or the Traverse Belle—Be.
Bicycles Built to Order. |
Onlf $2.50 to
Enamor Toor Wheel.
-A., w. J-A-sik^rrs,
TEAS, GOFFfES. ~ ,?■ the eirest ures.
Faocj ^eerias. Fleischmaaa's Camiiresaeil least.
■ KaSS
Pickled Pigs Feet,
Deviled Ham,
Potted Ham,
ssres' i^ssiTiV.
! i.'SrsSsi
Win. Kaiia K H>U Died at
Mr*. Maria M.HUI of Mspleton. ansttor old pldoeerortblscooBty, died
Wedacadey of dyapepeia, agrd 6i years
Deoeayd has lived oa Us penlasnU 8S
yean aad leaves many warm frUnds
to monrn her loan. Tbs funeral will
to held from UeOgdansbargb school
boaae Uie' mernlag at II a. m.. ib
Uarge of Ralph Aadenoa.
Man; Differgni Styles.
Tbontrioal Woton.
Monday nlgkt Ue Oonrtoaay Mo<
Co. will ap|gar ^a the City Open Boaee'
tor a week'e engagement la a npertoin of p^nlar attractions. This earnpapy has been ben eo meay Umeo be
fore Uat extendi aoUees of iu meriu
an enperfloona. "La Belle Marie’twUI
to Ue flint attraction and Ue preca la
oUer eiUee when Ue company baa
appeared are naanimoos la pnian
That of Berman Waselbnrg aad Win Ue work of Ue aggregation.
JnlU Pranke Tbnnday Wight
One of Ue nxiet happy weddlagn ever
E. w. Hnbbell went to Tbemp
Bol^Ued in Ue rnnl dlstriem atont ville yeetordsy on bnalneaa
Travene City wac that of Barman
Mra Joa Rntoer left Tbnnday to
Weaelbnrg of Long Imke
Mbs visit ber moUer at Bast Jordan.
Jnlla Fnake. daaghtor of Mr. aSd
Mra E. WOhelm weot to Grand BapMra. O. Fnake. who reside ahent two ids yaatorday to meet her hneband oa
mllea eenU of Ue eaylnm. There Ware hUntorafreoiKew York.
100 gaeata preeent who vriUeaaed
Charles .BosenUal ef Ue Boston
Rhe cemaony. which
Store, left for New York yestarday to
Thsredey night by Rev. D. OoehUn. pvobaee a qnantity ef spring gnoda
Among Ue gnaate wen a large nnmbor of trtands tram Tnveree City. Tbe
We have Im Oream t
I in pinto
a Joyoo. «me ..d Ue
«e^ t^. J^ o'j'S^*
Genl tipilni ul Bipol EouhIv.
BeeetTvd seaUforTbs Mystic Mid
geu will to on esle at Ue City Newt
stand Uto morning at 7 o'clock.
Ckaa B. Momy. ageal of Us O. R.
A L. has sold bis asp&Ua Usach to
tbe auditor of Ue Boo railway Iloa, at
Marquette. The boat waa ahlpped
nwib yesterday.
Rev. W. K. Wright performed Ue
oaremney Tbnnday evening, which
made Mareball Oam^ati^ Mm Unto
one. Tbe>nang eoppie have a
beet of frieods wbo wUl Join U eongratslatioH.
The ngnlar mec^sg of Ue W.' C. T.
U. wUl to held at the borne «< Mra. F.
J. Csrtis. Bast State street, Uto sftorsoea at half peat two o'oloek Sob}eek
'The Praaeat Btatss of 'D
Mrs. WUbelm. leader.
One bnadnd o( Ue brigbtMt Uttle
folks U Us el^ will ppsseat Ue bansdioB "Tbe Mys
tic Midgets" la Ue City Opera Bosae
toalght and temorrew aigbk Tboee
who ennaol aaesn eeats for Uto evsaiag oaa got good artoctieae for tomor
row nlgfak
Ta Take Idvantaea of Out Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
In trood abape, bet ve can anjtply
yonr wnota for nona time to emne,
d are
Anxious to
Lower our stock,
And are <
which yoB wfli do well to Uke sdvantage ot A choice Stock of
Bakery Ooode alwa3ra (» hynd,
and we woold not have yon loae
eight of tbe fact that the
Club House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat
248 FVont Street.
Phone 157.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oo™imnd with lh« Tr.vei» Cit, Lumber Oompuy.
Wehere farmleOoed,
Sound Hemlock Lumbe^
Maple Flooring;,
Short Maple Wood.
I-OS B.A.T.Hi.
ia the beet, and that it will'pay
you to try a aaok if yon have newer
need it
Oor. 7th ABd Ustoa StFMta.
m xoBvnra bboobo.
M eU teimeU Ma ctenrar
•k*tA wtth Mar aa< dasw. Fruk
Park* *aaf “Old Blank Jo*" ta wa^
tBM. aU Mkwp «a» Mmet aad
M*f U food v(d«* k* f*T* a partiear
lartp pUaaiar rwdiiioa. H* waa aa
TM. T. Bat» aw> J. W. BAnn. riatad bj tka laaialadar of tk* Bate
W. Baitot. Bdltor »ad MiMffw. qnartat la tk* ckoraa. A flaa laatnmaatal Banker waa cl*** jv AT>*rtat:
eoapoaad of WlUaid Canpbtfl.V Jo* I
Eatav. C. Oarwlaaaad SUaar KoOoy.
. .?
«a* yaar.br nail.
Ma*t of the i
kwo year* .afo eepaaaad warmly tke
' oaaa* of trae eoloa^ at 16 to 1 ar* aow
admitUac ftaakly tkat tke plan la ao
loafar a praetkal oae aad tkat U oafkt
bo ka akaadotiad. Wkea *«ek
M-Ooraraor Selaa of Iowa, Wkartoa
Barkar of PkUadalphla. and
erko ara ooaaidarad amoar tke moat latolUfaat a^ laflaaatlal laadare of tka
frer mlpar* moaomaat of two- year*
.a«o admit, aa they aow do. that tk*
alMt b »o leagar feaeikU, It will be
< 2m tkat tkooa wko *ot«4 afalaat it la
yiiw wara aatiraly jaatlflod aad wUl be
r mma tkaa Jaatlflod la ropaatlaf tkat
aatkm ia l«M. Kx-Ooraraor Bolea.
wka moatka afo aaaoaaoed kla '
tfaalM tkat tha 16-to-l ptapealUca
a* Icmfar toaakl*. la arrtaff a plaa for
Ika BtUlatkm of ailnir by
■ U wltk tke teaaaary aad Imalar for U
Mrtifleataa kMed apoa lU markat rale*
. at tke data of ita preaaaUUoa at tka
ttaaaary. tka aertlAealaa to U redaamaMa aHtbe eama eala*. Ha alao prapoaaa tkat tk* iraaaary akall kold eilvm aad c*ld balllea la like qaaaUtlaa
•t tkeir market eala* eaAelaBt to aqaal
It ii atmraaly aopoetod tkat Mr. Bola*'
pdopoaitlea will b* lookod apoa a* faaa^
iU*. it ia lataraatlaff ta akowlac tke
rapid dlaiat^ratloo of the 16-to-l
moTomaat aaraar tkrmMt iatdUfwt
ed tkooa wko aapportod ft two yaaz*
Arttetk aad Xadcn) Titamph of
Local Salaat loot V>tkU
M tkar* wa* aa/cm* la tha elty yoaMrday wk* tba«rkt our local talaat
ooBld aot praaaat a fliat clam miaatral
pmformaaoe they wor* arnaably i
' pried laat alfkt wkea tha akow i
fleeo before a e<
tke City Opera^ooe*.
Tke bcffiaaiac of the ckow-toek
pUoe ta the aftenMoo wkea the eoUr*
oompaay headed by Uc Bi^’ Bead,
pare^ tk* atrabta arrayed la aatty
oearoeata. taU aOk kata aad canylar
aUy wall raadarad aad ^neorad. Parar attaatloB akoald be laeitad to
tke daak ••eaaa’' Impaiaoaatiooa by
WlUO* m^a.
lb* erowalag ptee* of tke perform
laaM wa* Ibagraad DeOoearill* oak*
walk wkieb aoaeladed thp aatartalaTk* partieipaato wer* W. D. C.
a.LeoaTItoa. DoS MeBooaM.
Elmer MoCoy. Daa Loodoa. Oeear
Bemoe. William Lora aad Bert MUkr.
Tke eroloUoa* of tki* pari of tk*
with a predothat wat oommeodabi* aad tke
... .tmtag wae to Itaeplag with the
ceaUmeat of the park Itwaeaflttbg
of U* blaekfaee rariety aad wheo
prixe, a mamoth eak* with raqoieita
froeUar aad other emkeltahmeala, wa*
preeeatod to Doff McDoaald by Mr.
Taram tke aodieaee ladotaed tbe dawith applaaa* tkat mad* tke
Tk* aatlraperfoimaao*. tkoogk am^
ple*aiag Miprie* aad
ateor. wa*
yreat eiadit ra*da* M WUlOermaiae
MarUhgk wko kad the
it of ik Ibe Hoatlar* will
r*ap a boadeome keaeflk
ahoot Croc mano b tbe fact that tb*
tro« keeqa kb moeth olo*wl wbaa h* b
He eaa ilBg tfaroogfa bb aklB. B* b
prodded with a pair of roooaaat ^m.
her* iik* dnimi. oad'b
' "
Or H. BoUaad myr “Wkalmr tbo,m cry V* bedd a* to the foactkma <ff tbo
taaiB or mlad it k oertala that tke
to power* <^Ah« braia aia cmly fndaal^
totc2»^ Mr. B-^imyt:
fgreat import, applylat to lb* wmdltkm
Tbe late Cbs-orllcr John V. L, Prara *od coltare of erery fanlty aad tiaoBind aad liafaMriy
rf Albany wa* Oic wccaeifal oanAaaer tloo rf--------------body <» «<r n
formr la ooc
oC'Aald UoR Syae" aaS<^^ to ao to tbe memory, wbk>b
make U>* aoto|p*pk do* af\Am<^ca'* , aeoae tbe fotmdaUi
treaiorea Ika faeca legardhw-'ita re-1 ni*- ----------moral to tbb 000807 Ota of peoeUiar la- da(-ioKfati{rtw.b,liDprodag to it, u
wreck aad they brine tk* fablory of the I lodeod it li to oil Ibcmltb* aad fonoipb. now man thw a Mtoiy ' d<ma bwt w* are benad to rebain tnn
to data
by eoMtaat aad..w_—
edforu in early Itte aad bdewe tba inMr. Pmyn waa • lo'
partioalarly of tbe Ida
it deoar* la W >>adfa.
tacie eff the oBaal ooUoctor. In IBM the
Ttaaarw OtlT^Ittltek
oenteaDbl of the Uithday of' Bobert
Balow ta a ibt of tha boylaff and milBtutu wa* made tbe eemricn for a eelebmtiim io diSmaot citk* d tbe Uaitad Dg prlom of yoaterday for yroeerb*.
and farm pr^oett In Trar. and tbe literary peoplecff Albaay
dedded to obaerre tbe day by memorial
exrrcb*B la a Uqt* ball oo tbe eaewiag
of tbe.day. Preriooi to tbe ereot Mr.
Praya planned that it woold be a fiatore it be oonld Moare tbi* anlograpb
copy of tbe port'* “Aold Lang ^-yna ''
Henry sirren* wa* a famooe pnrebamr
for rollrccioa* in thoaa daya aopplyiag
Mr. Jam** Leaoi. Mr. Joba Garter _
Brown, (be BHtbb muaeom and other*
with aoma of tbe maet trainable old
errand tb«««^ bang* a mi* ta be Bnttm p^ B) Dali^...
told bicr. Be owned tbe reraee In qnea- Crcaatery
tion. He waa a Mend of Mr. Praya,
and a cunaepoadMwe raganllog the mat
ter its bead bagao.
- .
Tbe raeoll wu that Mr. Scotcb* add | Aalt per kbl
ebr Tenea to Mr. Praya. aad tbe maan- j ^
-iO^- • • •
WTipi wm iatramed to Oapmla Moody.
wboRoaraateed that it aboald
P" «»«•
Chmooellm Prayn ip time te tba oeJe- i «’«»• »*«• *>►
*t.eaoi*blp reaebrd New
" I Wkaak Odd. per ba..............
York late on the day of tbe r>
IraTing bot a foe boar*
bony, or tbe mimioo
lea* Tbeonl;
____tom per
>0 arlert
Rya ner W.
tbi* aped*) meaaenger it wa* ami from Bockwbmt...
tbe etouoer and oonreyed with all db- Botter. per R>
patch dinetly to the ball in Albany. BgiaperdoM
Mr. Prayn wa* all expectant wk*m
dnrlng tk* esernaee. 6* wa* rolled from
tbe ball Tboogb b* waa gene only a
mocnent, all iniareat in what waa going
on «pt« tba aiaga wa* lam for tbe tiiii*
Fra* Oonanltatton and adrle* wUl
tieiiig. Anoeber awing of tbedoor. and
Mr. Prayn entered. waTing aloft tbe be gieea a limited nomborfor a few
tnanneerlpt and exdaimlng. "It b day* cmiy by Dr. Voa Dolck*. lb* calobsn-V’ With mitanl delight and amid bratod Invator of tbe Electro -I^eroOabinel-Batb. Call at Park
mrnnt ‘"Aold i.-»g Syne' b withmI''
tbtoo«h hb efcia aad aeppiy all tbe
wind that b neoeemry withoot openly
bb month.
A Ftaoch adewtbt. oflar IcnK IbMBiag'la tbe wouda haemadeoot Md radooed to wrltlag tbe eoop of tbe frog,
or “tnramp mode.” a* be oalb it. and
bae dl*oor«red that tbe frog repmtory
b TarledandezteoaiTa Frog* can oarry Gbameilor Prayn adraoeed to tba dag*
and read the poem tbroogb. Hardly
ootiM tbe peopb be prermted from
breaking in opon him, and when It wm
d fear or anger.
Tbeb etmgi, bowover. ar* all lor* propoeed to alng it tbroogb enthniiemn
•DBg* and are ooly indnlged in when knew BO boond*. Nerer did a cborne *o
tbere are female frogt abcRik It b then witliagly lm»d aid. mod the familiar ab
that tbe frog dbtemb hbdrame to tbeb awelled forth ia mlgbty eolonie.
Tbe oberisbed pege woe bound witbin
otaoek throwinK hit bead weU bade
and bb lam far apart and labtng bit BomlB 'leather cofvera and with ft wae
Todpe. a* Itle called, to tbeTtrybigheM pleoed a bitm to Or. Bithmood from
piteh of themadcnlKmla—Pmrwa’e Bona dated Peh. 7. ITHS, proeing tbe
tdmoty of tbe writing is tbe poeiu and
al*n tbe letter writtm to Chanoellor
Prayn by Henry tttercci* wbm Modiag
Not infrequently tbe art etodentialb tbe poem to bitn.
ta arrear* fur tbe rent of er«n bb airy
p^ootbe“dxbme.''nnd laadlorda
baTe.«eant lympathy tor beingewbocaa
"eoar to tbe empyrean.-'bat can't pay
im tfftCB Imd* to atriking if oat
caeh. On* yoong man eix aaoatba in arknew that fab landlord war koe|^ ruliroloB* reoalta D* Wolf Beeper.
ing a-w*tebfal eye on hb trank, whlob
oqt a* a bpan‘*b aoldiet of tbe
■toodopporile tbe door, feeling aora that
t-.t-.--.r~-t.----wtaUe ft wa* tbeie tbe owner wuald not
dtqiart. Oor artbt painted a portrait of
(ban Franci* Wii
fab trank on tbe wtUl oppoait* the door
and in tbe nigbi look himmlf and bb nai, in tbo rrwtniue nf a vtimbned. mak
belatging* qoiedy away. Nor wa* be ing a orrtua* >pte-ofa. aamiluig bia (oe9im>4 for ■ereral daya. Good work luie* and btirliug figure* uf »p>«cb at
-mmetimae-aerTm raiy inaitbuo eoda-- b>* detnt(-t«ra. To be rolled on fur a
Bpi-e-b a ben robed in *orb bebllimenu
CktboHe World.
Tbam ax* d
L*dk* will Bad ft motuM* te call
pcm4 df Mra Uar* S^ aad Mra
Mlonb Lancaeter, .They here opened
atlraetlec parlor* er*^ the etor* of
Arm* A Cole oa-Cam atroek
Motto* te Taxpayata.
Tbe City Ooancll baa *xteod«d tba
time for tbe collection of taxm to
March Uk ISW.
AU delloqot
Mt-Peb- ?7
ne fliat part of 'the I
proper wa* of the r*(al
A Mow TraU
order aad pot OB iaaa eaqaUtaly arFor the a
ttoticatylc. with the charaetM eeated
Banid* Satorday nig)
ia a eirda wiU tbair faatm adatlraKMible ItoaeftlDr: e
Uy diaraiaad wiU berat eerk. fiebiad
lay. Frbruarr S6th. a
the arcle apoa a raked plaUerm wa*
the orcbaaua. clad U erimaao Ja^dta
ladiaak wil] raa a traia
tra laariog MacWaad wbit* c^a. lb* effect
naa^ty In Ue afiei
pretty. The orebeetra wa*
Of B. £. Monaorb. fint TioUa; Wm.
arriral af tkm trpta to Otand Rapid*
tbe actor. 3m
Stcffeo*. piaae: W. Blakaler. ciaiiaat;
wll) be to Urn* for eoanectloe* to Cblmgo aad Detroik Betaratog irala
Joa. Botan^, loooad Tiolla; E. Bartak.
will leare Orand Rapidt erery Saaday
Tlola; W.CbBpboU.o*ra*l:B. N*wtaa. ■OTtsuge npiiu tbe editor.
at 7:0 a a..eomm«oeiag Saaday. FebtroMboaa: Ckaa. A'adrr. bam.
____..___ *iflnaleor'tb. Uwt act of' • Prioo* Ananlm’ roary mb., raaninr <» the Um* of
The orartore wae flarly amei
Ne. S Fiw time tarda or .far
McD«mid dittog « •
the aadiaaoe wa* ao well U
«»«king a cigv^ta. robed ther tofarmatioB apply to U. R A I.
^ oa tbe retora mtelapa.-l«ml(» [
that there waa a laaewad aatl
C L. LugtwuuD. •
i drapi^ thrown orar hi« aboolder and a
of a flaa perforaeaace. Tke tret part '
Oaoeral Paaaaoger aid Tiekrt Ageat.
waa a revalatioa t* maay. aad tke asMo remaaMt in Ek. Peteptbnrg will ]a}iH-r luacbe crown on bUbmd. Imag
Uraad Baplda. Mbk.
ine tbe coorternation of tbe cygnedton
e^oaoe of the maaaer la wbieb tk* be allowed'bmeafter to bare it.« bill nf
garbed tbo* to bare ae aedieDca o-t op
aamber* wm zaadaiad lariud aatko- fare exolodrelT in a foreign Uagoage. a cry for
aiaetle appUaaa Tiaraia* Otyb keat
while MoDoald mid. "Go abmd. Jm
mom alway* be sddrd.
mala vtdeea war* iaelnded la the proI 8yk>« ADibled du^ to tbe foutli^il*
(ramaad.tbey aoqaittod'U
land mid: "Imdif* and* geoUemta. Mr.
\ke beet of tkeir racocal
{ M. lAioald. my oompitriot wbo du op !
(ollowiar maaieal
inhere, inlura^d »i»* Jon a muiaie *«(<> f
foraiad the lint part:
dLoagL**dE.»«* .
A tottb lealttaiKbr gTvrt* a trimd i
>iUto*]»«cb jarcpaivd ,
•>1 Lore Her Jaet the 8am*’'-M
byflin.dDga>rufw»lerover fat* bead. I tbn he'd like to bare arbaoce to try
In-Baidia it b corrwt for gentleucn to j
«*>• aadumoe. 1 bop.- you U gire him | =■•Emer*ie"-W. J. Hobba .
“KMiseky Baba**—B. B. Vhila.
‘•Pearl*.-' (baw *ele>-C. F. fiai
Germany and other Maiinrata! ndiion* !
Pj-k« tm* nerer again prtaspted to
••-The Swelleat Tkiaf la Towa"—W. kiedng between Bentabynornmnebn- i“lf«»br*daiid aey aometbiag.New
I tork Ti-legram.
B. C Omtdaiaa.
One Solid Week.
“Ver Baby-a a Ooatl^ to Towa'
------- ------ ------------The Valilaa OrnwroTi UlM ■**.
D. VcDoaard.
A Haitbn i<*Mral baring loBtAB eye
" Mima* JohaaoB'e Boat Bar
In battle aeut to Pari* fur an artlflctol
w. Tbe makrr aent in letnrn om of
B. H. HAtlelt.
Park Plaoa.
bi« beat hbirtly after tbe gUMral reMala Quartet-B. B. W!
Wh^. F. B.
turnod it. with ib* remark that tb* rye
Parka. B. B. Uadcu: C. P.
r. j^oater.
Ohroato HarrottB PbiaaeB qi^kly wa* too yellow and ^ecallrd to fab mind
Dariar thl* perUoa o( tk*
tk*~prjr*»* enrad by Dr. Yon Doicke-* Bleeffl^ tbe SpamtJi flag, adding at tb* eame
• &.O. ToraerpreMdad a*
metked. See kirn aow at Park Pl^ time that be wonld wear taly an rye
Coaenltottoa aad adrtc* fra* far a akert toring the rvdort of bii own exmnizy.
aad tk* repartee aad
I kirn aad Duff McDmiAld aad tbaeoaly.
mad* OM with
Wm Lora, booe ardeU. aad Bart Miller
r«d and gncB pnduminaling. tbeae be
itifyl^ cnl- tog lb* Uaittou color*. Tbb *o pitamd
aad Daa. Umdoa. with tamkoriae
■ing tb*
maaipnlatioa*. excited tke
. .
dded ft
taaae ealba*laem aad oeoUaiiad -aplady.
bb eaUeoftoo al eweuu. — Pomi teaUflod to tk* atariia of tke
^ ^ledal featoia* la wkick Jokee of
mber tbqaaeambly at P
Jobba-’Pto) m- word, ft * tnanyl
acadamy toaigbk Adi
Elte-Whal bl
In tb* aeeand pariaaotkef pleaatog grab es crab: ladb* free.
Jobbe—Well, w* bad aU oardrawteg
mertare wa* girem W. D. C. Oer-1
*M fonttar* altered, tbe ptoao moved
amtoe aad Laos Ulo* gar* an admlraMotto*.
dual cbaraetarakalehof-fke "ColThe Beard of Ednoatiea wiU aaU tk*
*mad too." Dan Loodoa gave a apton- Baal Sum etiwet eekeol proper^, comdid exhibition of dancing to’ pniper abttog
lob X8 aW «». Mock 1 Hanaaral cadet eoatame aad earpriaed erea aah. Imy A Oa.** 7tk addlttom. tiMotkar te*eaatd:“QraotomI WhataaaftmTap*brF»toea.»aadAfla.
hb triaada by tb* maaaer te wUeh be WM tkeboDdtegtkeraoa. at^vata
mUforfToa Far farther teforma^
deaplayad bb Ugbtaemoffaok WiU
Bekwt* gava a kamore
aigOark. mtefOA-AUy Skpm.
City Opera House
‘La Belie Marie.”
"Viva Espanola”
Bicjfdes MHded at Fnat SL Cycle foils
From $1.60npto$S.60
wm dean It tboroagkly. trae tba wbaefak gbo yo« aay ornamantal work
yea My wbh and aay color. Beat baking oeenb dty. Only the vary kont enomL OoU and ana aampl* and nArTur yoarmM. y*Moty prbm and flnbk.
Practical kbyela npelrmi Beat work for tka laaat meney. All wertt
gnarantaad. Brndng a apidalW-
ELLIS, 311 Front St, East.
213 Front St.
BalUmore Stork Beedead -Jkrpa Tima* a Wcok.
CoiutU. flOc per qtinrt
^id Nmta.
.Hetclier’s Ofster Depot ii< Restaorait.
Ra^ingth* Rtd Cuim of tha
Oaat«ctlon«ftha IM-Fatad
»li *01 i, MILEB mUBIO*:
tm Mr». X. p. Ktu. or M
ob4 b«m«i; Chkoco. wkla«
Edvu« r. K«U. bM' Wo.
emoia that b» to amou tb« lictli
ChaptolB Cbldvlek nr* that tb* toU>
BontMT «r BtmiBK to «trhl-flr« or
•Icbtr-toK. and et> ban died Is tb«
bo«|iHaL Of the iBlnlaK. naar 4Mbttan -wt* btovB tc atoma. do pa«tloa* of
ibatr beam betaa monrahl*. aad
tbm to nocto doabi that anr coDBiaar**
DOW bflDK mn«T^ ^1 bf Idwittarf
or BwsrDiBc; oearr aodaJ funetM* waa
abandoaedi'VbUe IB New York tbe a»ctaJ Inder* wnried bt«b bnvea wUh
taainar ftaem *ft Think tin* !
Will Soon B* BlMy«
ht-ffc Uat ramiAlra theae-aana
dnaDclal oneotloo waa befor* tbe eota.
try. rbea it waa Battonal bonor. A
few dart a«o. wbeo ihe nai
» Boln« to t
rram. they aeeaoad t
' tn b-r Ktoef- He bad'BO d^re. be aaid.
to rer»«-( upoB tbe rich- There waa a
dtoltnetlOB betwrea (boae who eirplerod
’ capital IB a produettv* capacity aod
' ibon wbe werc -diooca aad uaera of
‘ wealth, who Idled Bot-®9t OW •»»
■ dared to dtottiib tbe.hogr* of (be na. (iitfi-a nioontlBK witb tbto laauii to tbe
laaati« iLmItenna Oilr Aianv M*
IW MP CoMletotr >
, "Naw Tof*. Rah. »*--Tb* weather w
«ubiM«n.o» Tto.r Anto-trn. dear reaterdar aod the abaim and
aborc* of biaieo l*lat»d wet* crowded
with people who nm* mm all pane
WatoUactoD. Feb. M.—The aidval it of (be
a naU la WaablnstoD from Ker Wcat Spanlab erulaer Vlacaya
,yHrday afterBOoD br< ictac aeverai Torojdclnaville. Tbe ct*w of tie erulaer lomailc and conniiar approprlaii
pelvate letter* from Ba*al ofBcera laiclr
«n* *r Part mt aw Iwwattached to the Malae oaboed a wdve ot
WaihlBCtoB. Feb. 2«.-Appllcalloo
egectteineBt to nu> o*»r the deDortmeDta Taeeday. Oreat cat* to belns lakeB la Nebraaka. wbo oa«*d aa aa amend_ __
a* made «« the iBierataw wmmetce
^ tbe Capitoi. for tbet*
puttlBC the coal oa board. Every aienl tbe rcwXBUoP paaaed by tbe
>e*,irrday «o behalf of
of mxDor* aa to tbe coateBia of theae oaeaemii
baaketful i*
I* inatir'
Inape^ t-d
(*-u -wj
by ibc olBreraV-k- m* * rear aav* rT^'u*H>e«ua,’. the be”. ' cemmtaalop
leUen. very few of wblcb nimor*. in fort It 1a put In
iB 'the
the bunker*
bunker*. T«o *lnin
number ..f raHroad* aak:nc for a
H»»r*Bl rl»bWof
rl»bW or the CuUn
CuUb Inaurreou
Inaurrrou ,
pdBt of fact, bad aay aouad baaU. The laimcbe* iter* ad,ded lu the poiK* patrol J
debate became .rro>raJ and occu- eupeoelon
**«• fo«ftb sectM of
iSEIlIt UUS wt':
^ ««w b. ai.- n-ina-J'. ™-bl« e- ia -a. n. n: I
^ „„„ ' tti™.!.
^ »!»«. e tt.
I wnb ftpAlo at tbe
derlously *^ued,
[ om;er* tbe Vtacaya will in all proba- I pment time weree deHoualy
^ Alaskan and Pacific coa« budi btllty
remala ber* until the
# and of tbe •; and that loicrveoUon by tbe^nlted
ibeiTJnlted ,,
,.h,rb joined In the pcweek.
{ SiateA-ewbIch a year'aco would bave ,
Ihctode prarttrally
: Tbe. only tnrtdeat that happened yes-, ^**1, tnoffenslveb-would now be almost traiucuBtlncntal road* and ibHr tdbuterday to mar tb.- cuiei
duiei about tbe war- ,
cipreaaed the opln. taHsa we« of Cbirago. An airumeiii
^bjp occurred abortiy
I ipn that the Cuban attair would event- was made by counsel preocntlng tb* spYlTieB
aubmitted to the arhluaiDent pUretSon.
were eoallnt ship
They said (hat tb* Canadian FaMfle
a red disk faatehed to It Boated of the sword beiween the rmted Bute* had reduced.through talc* atomt —
aloncslde tbe vearct It^waS painted aad Spain, but he did not want war half, and as It was not subject K
Inter-state commerce act the only reMalae and Jett tbe after pan'almeat red with tbe aeama heavily coated with
coal tar. Several at the men aaw It and
ihe Amertcan ilnca must come
Porakar thougtat the day mat
t far dis- through a suspension of that aectloe of
It was hoisted on board and carafully
It was found to coBtsIn *evint when the-time fdl a.^loa by thie _ _
which prohlblu tbe Amerlcaa
tountry would arrive,smd that the chief reads from making a Ie*s charge f
magistrate ot the natloa uugbt to re long haul l^n for a shorter one.
ballast Tbe barrer^.----- ----------------- been one used by the sallorsand maBnes joice that tbe legtolatlve brwncta of the was alleged' that a large share of the
Mendauooi ot Captain Sampaon. of the of tbe rolled State* navy as a ur*et.
government was prepared to support legittmate bustnem of the Amertcaa
-heart of inquiry, as le tbe rattlBA of ;
him in asserting Amertcnn rights. roads -would be directed to tbto Cana
the wrack.
Vartoua tnierpretatloe* I
Thurston counseled calmnrsa and pru dian competitor In the event that they
were pul on tbe expreasloa ‘forward |
dence. for he believed that the country
redoopermitted to
' -------half oompletely dceiroyed.- Tbto waa I
was rapidly drifting Into a srar with ttoBs In rate*
a parilal conflrrqalloe of !
Bpaln. "We ought to hare patience."
the tbeoty that the forward macaslne ported to hsve said ihaf the American* said be. "and wait as a great aad
bad exploded, and that to one of the In Havana were In sreat .lanyrr and powerful people, not In (ear. but In bopc
DaJIaa Tex.. Feb. M -Near Re*
Meat Important portion* ctf the fbrwaM that Crneral 1-ee had been quite ftcht that some saitWartorr conclusion of tbe
» Fkili county, yesterday evening
haU or tbe ship. At the same time. It If be had advised them to Iksve the prteent dith'-ultr ma> be reached."
esse Jolley shot and killed H. N. and
was held by some naval aulboiiUe* City. "1 have not had any intimation
_ B. Desalt, brothers. Kelley then
ttai tbe deatructlon of the forward half that Oeneral l-ee has ylveii tbe Amerlrode
to Martin, the copnty seal. BurrM*.
Hoar maJiitelned that the floor of the
ct tlie ship did not i.eceasartly mean c«n* In Havana any such advice." said
o tbe Sheris and was kx-ked up.
Bkat tbe forward raacaxlne bad ex SecretvT Oay. "and I have not dto* be did the shooting In aeU-deploded. and this mlcfat be atlll Intact, cuaaed fbe matter with any one."
that no senator ought to uiier any
alihouch a part «t the crneral wreckiXOMO
thing that might not wM be uttered by
tbe prmldcnt of tbe United Statea He
expraaed hi* wllUngne**. however, to
Vrldently the prcsIdcBl of tbe court'
give hi* support to the esecutlvr should To n«rida Tla "Tl^e Land «f tte
■Mat brtb*
at Inqnlry to fearful of the eftert upon
Indianapolis. Feb. U. - A peoten Ihe time for action arrlv*. provided the
tbe public of attempts to account for
tbe drwtrucbon of tbe Maine, for ye»- aitalnst convict Uber In eompeUUon
The Mighty bootberu Itollwa^byufaHa
Mday afternoon he lelesrapbed Secre- axalnat free labor waa mads to Gover
tern, trsrerslag the eight
,-ht G
was ruled out of trrder.
of the Booalor South desire* to call
lary L^nny. doubtiMi havlox In mind nor Mount yesterday by ottcer* of tb* amendment
HealUhSeeker. the
atitialii publications of yesterday mora InternaUunal Broom Hakera' uolon. the appeal from (be ruling taken by the attonUen of the HealUxseeker.
ine. as follesrs: "Any reported inier- now In Bcsslon to tbto city. Tbe xov- Uble by s vote of U to L Early IB the Land-sechsr. the PJeaaure-eeeker. the
was asked to iDvesUxatc a report day Ali-B offered a resolution providing Prnflt-eerker and the Fk-kle TruvuHng
___ the convict labor law had been
(or a committee of dvr senators who Public, to the many adrantagew. tbe
evaded at Hlch^n City by cosveninc should go to Cuba and aacertaln tb* beautiful soenrry. tbe rjch and ferGle
a bicycle cvbtra.-l into a ckaln making precise situation on the IsUnd Under Utd and the many reudrta which Us
c pro <
contrail. It to pr.ip..»ed to caU a meet- the'rale* It w«n: over. BoibNlta* mili alocg llBUneg.
Go tty Florida aad escape the many
Inc up of tbe forward tnayaslne*.
: Ing of employer* and employe* in bus- tary acadreny and thr dlplomall* aad
cold aad dlaarresahls days *f wlpter.
. i Incsu aflected by prison emnpetiuon.
inlarapproi-nsUi-nWIl* were passed aotf threat A«BBVILLF.. -Tb* Land
The offleer* Bere are Hill thinking Of
j Agllatlon Is
- now
-r arttve
In In
labrougb attempted to secure sMlon
OapUln Blgsbee's request of Tussday. 1 tocky. Michigan. llllB-*l*, Indiana and >.. the bill to regulate tbe laws of bftheSWy." THE 8WITZERI-AND of
.. be
I Pennsylvania Thr delegate* srtu «n- Alaska, but on ol.Jeclon from Turner AMERICA, where beareu and earth
furnished _..w
with .wt
aeem to meet amongst the many of the
Maine’s section through the magsi
deavor to raise funds for (be
of Washington It •
beauties of nature. See tire grui
and coal bunker pockg^ The reference Ing ofk parer
■a. B WhMb
aeenery ia Amtriea and Bllu.
e the latter Is partlrtilarly Interesilng,
The folio* ing otBcer* were elected by
TUlklngMpoe bU pro;*.*«d "rider" Ai Bonas. America'* ou'y Palace, the
and leads o a desire to be informi-d on tbe ohtanliatlon; Presldral, O W.
suppi! at Mcdler. Indlansisills: first v«*e pre*J- re' asrerted ihal br b-J reliable In Chstsan of <too. 'Y. Vanderbilt. Or
the rxaci riuallty of the cpal supply
i.rm«t.on that no irs* than at pei the trareier. who is in a harrv- to get
the time of tbe explosion. It U said denl. t>*««l'-1 SLulia. tlalesburg. Ills ;
that these pocket hunker* are rarely seennd vice piv*lri--iit. J N. HofTmstt. ent. of the Cub«n p»puUltlo|i-ur MO. to riorid^ran ^
ewrpUed. being designed as mueb for l.ockiK>rt. N -Y : ihlrd vk-e president. MB pe-n-k' -natl t-ilslied m Cuba allhln
tte protecUon of the ship against 3. 3. Fisher Han Fraort*.-..; aevudlaiy- the past three year* a* a resull of SpanIsh.cruqlty
' Aod yel." «ald .Mien, 'lest
CUB shots a* for inrartiy to b<M coal. treasurvr. 8. T. 1‘cn'i*. IKirolt
we. the wenate. • b.*ly of elghty-nlne
One expert aald that these bunkefs. in
men. oBrnrt the ho-4*r of representa
with the Quaeu * ■Cna-l'
bis own experience, have not been emp- .
----------------- —
tied In month*. AH nf iWs ha* to do j Waukesha. Wla.. I>b U -The wooIto tive*. consisting of *i; mra. a p«‘lnt of cent Route, the Houiberu teilws.v
arltb the »potvlanenu»-cimibustlon the- 'pills a1 *1en.-*ee. Wl*.. were ilesiroyed order •* to be made against this amend form* ihe^Oreat T-hrengh Trunk-Ldu*
tkihth' aad norida. Eltoraat
o*y, as the tamker* abut on the mags- ) by (Bre yeeierday afiernwm. Loss. ment «t.d it will go the way of very
vest-bolsd trains, ean-vlog throngh
Mne* and might have ret ..ff even the
no .ii.uran-e The Are orlgtoMfe bpiwn powder.
: a»«m In the pti-kine vstm ot tl*e third MOfkC HAS ■mr l.lvei.T ■OtoHNTA slrepin^diD’eg and chair cara
Line Psr-eteellr^e* of the South.
anil thr empluyes barely escaped
For msps and infor-atailoB. appl.r to,
The I'I'-vi le fat tiiry aa* also destroyed.
Toea Mmm Ulve^ the Creator CMy*
nor aearest coupon tick-' agent or;
•on* totrei tor Lwvlty.
Cwart sr laqaltT CamUmm— fi* Iwvsttlga- ! ha».
_______ _________
Wm n.TAVUir.
tlM-VsttBie.D.<ih>atly Work.
p.isIIt Hsnby s IweomeUea.'
Washington. Feb .*4. -A VaHety Ul
A**t Gen’I. Paaa Agent.
Havana. Feb. «—Tbe Vnlted Stales
B*c*n*»». Mu.li. Feb «. — Albert eubjens ot-upled ih* atlenlloo of the
X tlsFouriVi
tin Foorih Aeou*.
. court of Inquiry Into the lost of the 1 Champ, a resident of North Escanaha. house during tbe conslderalloo of tbs
Loolssill*. Kentucky.
Malneroe: at 10 *‘cloek yesterday morn-j was fatally injured by a ’
sundry civil approprisuon blU yrstrrtag and examined Dr. • Hnnerberger. while he was walking on tb
day. Mshauv of N'r* York made an
Paymaster Kay and Chief Engineer [of the Northuctera railway, north of auark on the peirloUsm of some of the
B«.n. « u.. mwMp. Ti*- ™ . i
-»»■ H'
social lewf.ie of New York, whom he
saPt b.-ia lush rrvrl while Ihe nation
until 1:» p, m. Several wltnessea. !
Alger Haeli at HI* IW.
(Mwrvl i;-wn with gr1-f over thr
whose name* are not how obtainable. | Wa<blngtiVn.-Peb.
Secretary'Al kiss ..f Mil ir»ulllng from in.- Maine exPlvslur. Th>- southrrn nii-iiiber*. who
............x£mined durtng thr afternoon. ger has returned from Fori Ho
health, and railed have foi years ts-m nghtlog Ihe appreAnother visit was made' to tbe wreck
r •inf..rmrr»idem at Ihe While House. prtslioa
by Captain Sampson, president
M foot lot. with church buUdleg.
i|ih a Ann *Iep and seemed
court. -Ric captain say* be has
Elmwood Aee. HpUding evnid be re
ovrred from his recent Illi-anwln gsv- nmice that modeled into store -with little expeoa*. |
and an aye and nay voir
upon ihv irtitlmony. aad new feature* I TEO08&BDS SEE TEB DBAS.
NVl>»i-*#ioo a
requiiuig furlb'-r lavrsitgatloa may de- |
treolulli.n wa* ad/ipied inqi-lrlng of the dwelling, situated on Madiaon aiiwet.
velop si any time. Captain Sampson j g|« WUtordV Htoswls* Ue Is MM* I* the treasury -dejiar.ii.rni wl'«* «*• ‘>«v'> Sold oh w.v term*, oniy M5o
Weatoa-. Treapte wi Chtwi*..
-added Ibst sooner or later every sur- |
done by tbe i nlird Sialo to prev
vlvor of U.e Maine uiil.be easmlr.ed by t
the coi veyanre i« thv i'uIabs of artlthe court. wbOth-*e>.ms to Imply, that '
vle* l>r.-1nir.( ID Ibe ( tlivd Stale*; also
dehhaon BMek.
•s 111 llir prcvrnticin "f tlhbusl.-rtnc.
.at Key Weau m.iiwuxu «ui». lajviuiw. ,
Vlu-fi Ihe appmuintlnn .if STS.WO
tlon to meager It .* alreaiutely all Cap- i
the last timj aw
tain SamiooD wlU glvr u, the pres*.
l ihe mortal rrenalns of France* E W 11- 'the.ilelection of vlcteiinn# of the Inter
Aiargv quamit) .,r .tathlnc ha* been , lardy Fllin*
' ly fnside the arches
taken from the wn.- k. aud after It has j thi- crowd* ri.terrd Wi.lard hall, wbefe IDrm.t and Utim-y (Rep.) of North
vx.i.- I•lll<'r in their denunila'been dtslnfevted It win i«r given to the ; the remalr.* of the greal temperance Carulln*
reco^ssretrado*. ■I'h* Udies^f the miss- ! le^er U> In slate. Manj' of ibrae who tlon of the Injusllca- of tb-- syst.
(or Intonnatlon. The f<
log offleer*. Ui-utenaEt J- okiqs and
j paawd Uie peart-gray raakel. BK tn Ihe (wying
airike eui the lirnv It placed
atotant Englnw-r Uvrriil. haw nut been midst ot a maas nf (lower*, shed tear*, a pnmlum.
they root.-nded. upon false
rscevered. -fhe diver* r.-a< h.-a, the ' and sob* mingled wlJh the low sung
'iraff iKep.) Of HI
yooner'a room, but hi* body w^ not | *ord* ..f familial hymn*.
3? 5!!^“
Thii* Ur the Shark. h-vW.;
rh;".fter;'o^ Btobop John
When yoo want to takg a -ride
no trouble, but the vuliurys
..ffered prayer over the re-,
.Tld b^^l.v^mrre dtoremember tliA best place to ro.
MMoely anythin* irei the .kelemn. Tf 1 a,ne. and they were conveyed to ,>»J'^rirt. b. ^
I bave fl IflT^ open bug. a 5 MMt
three men Who were enUngled Indebr^, r„, cottage. Evanston, where they lay ,
very near tb* surface of the »aie?:!to Mate unttl-lbe final acrvliro ,hls '
•leiRh and fl top bn». All T*ry
Ihe bodies were not nollred by any one
I doming
. The llm aepvlce this morti- |
oomfoiiAble for
unUl the foul birds bad evmiaei.d their ; („g wns held at the <-ottsge at * o'clock i formrd for pay anod declared II
ghastly work. From tbe band uf one (c,
intmcdiaic member* <if (be famChsplaln Chldwli-k removed a deeply i„
frend* Frtx.nd sewlc-s
mCDt that (be, two after hollers In tbe
after boiler space were all ot tbe elEbt
bailers of tbe Maine that were under
Manat at the time ot tbe cxploaloA Tbto
• M^'bad a ne«ative value, for It dtopfaed at once of (be theory (hat an
■^tadlnc boiler had cauaed tbe wreck.
Tbe ekperta all aay that by ne poaal
The demand for Improved- and Un
improved City Property ie becom
ing brisk. I have
Two or Three Houses and Lots
Jt la n^rted that twenty bodies have'
feMk found under the forward batch of
the Maine, but only three have been removed owing to the mass of chainarend
wreckage tn-ihe way. The oOcers of
the court of inquiry-during their in^ectloB of thr wyeck yesterdar discov
ered. It I* said, that tb* armor plate*
projecting from the waiter forwardjear
tbe bow were tram the bottom « the
Mtlp-' There to a good deal of Bpeeulanon aa to what caused this, many eontndlng that the poslUon of the plates
Mtowa that the big magastne forward
fljd aotexpleda Thi-redoeso'lseem tobe
any apeculatlon as to what amor plate*
wwe dolctg oa the bottom «C tbe ship.
Marty yreterday afteruoofl Chaplain
CMdwb-k reeeivsd a comnualcatlon
irk erethat Mahany (Rep.) of New York
wlU speak uf Him WllUrd a* an edu- ated another Burry by dellvei
catur; Dr. LftU* wHl talk of .
Bvo-mlnute apeccti In
public woman: Dr. Terry will consider
ber a* a neighbor and Dr. Bradley wtn
dlsciiurwe upon Miss Willard as a wom- lion waa In mourning for the Iras of the
Bailors of the Maine. He aald be- felt
It to be htodniy to rebuke a drenmstance ic eoanertlcn srtib a disaster to
the Maine. While the mangled rente
of the bsaro sailor* who perished
M. The Itol will be a W* one. IhL
being placxd on the HcKtnicg vot*. one
dqlecaie tor each 4M votes. TUs UMAha
a conrenUan of more than UM detegatc*. tbs largeal lA-thc history of tbt
■ tbe so-called sad self_________» of Kew York held a oodal revel which was termed a ^-egttaUc party." Bow dlffereol the feelloc
^IMed by UtoM oo^led *oc^
taaden In tb# naetiupoman city aftbo
ratted .sum and tb* oonditKM In Lmdtm wbed tbe Camperdown aank tb*
Sleighing Tallies,
and a Number of Well Located
Vacant Residence lots
in Traverse City that wiU be sold
At Low Prices
11 sold NOW.
Come and ask about
them, if you want a home or a good
Alflo fl-krt of tbe very beat Pott*
land cDtUfE, two tnd thrae fleated
I can fit yoo ont with any kind
of a tanipDt.
PionflflT/IitTHiy lUa.
Thos. T. Bates.
ItWM »
raiDAT. >»>PAaY M,\99S.
Eopira annm a cepigL | ^yr^nt wTg^»«T « 04— '.* . .J— ..
—— M—
-_____,1 .
tecM'XdiDMr. nw«w«»
Ever Burned Onk?
8pr1ti«fleia. m.; reb. K-IB the «oh-
PrortBcetow*.. Ma»..
Yeoiton of mited Mine wA-kew y«i- | tu* toercary. ftotitaiD E«na. haa Vr
Ctowfiff 8e*n*t of tho Frooch
___CaUM Colobr* Oo«cribod_
by Emily Crawford.
W AlfcitfItT CHURCH.': ■
OoBCRsatkBal aociety,
U Boyoo kBow
at Nocth
tertay a reaolutton <raa aaopied al- !
i»**a that tbtoe Batrarty. M*aiu. to J84 yean tdd and to |
lowln»theine«L«aofthe.aUie««ecti. >en oftbd enw of the BHUab ahlp ,
„d only booteof worahip tba
«r« Melt MUte Dw •rbyt Bod wba«(nnB of. live bcnrd tt-U W* »'hlle 1b aecxloD. • Aria a-^yeacoed TveBtoy by the crew ggelrty baa ertr bad. H»e Second parlA i
‘ -•--’-nloiB. offerina • »wy jaetty An attempt to ProWtoltbe ihltlatlon of or Ha^kercalef itohuhtp. The njen^BererJytoooeolUieoUeoctotieaod;
O. P. OA&^a. Acntt.
any rajMlldate for Biembribblp Ui any ereiy Uken from a r‘ere ct «Teckayc.oD i)>e OOOL^.
HMmb inocivorateil by Ibe.
for the
nu«T. to be dWaVdid by the otbw UReo.
local iwh« a ho haa been biackh.ied or nbJsb^they had been floaun* for twen-1 g«,anl A«rt in I71>. It «aa aa Uw i:
blackballed by a local aaa defeated. W-ftw bou^and «ere rraaUyeibawtrf sajani and Bererty." Ob-1a t.
n.*J^ i
BBd loerd the domreto. ywrctoK
Tte cotn'enllon decided to enforce the
dnrtt^^i ■
“•*** ®“
«f) UHPOrttfll 10 ItOPuIJ QOURnl
Ibevuzld. Weyrhre«|»ndlnf tbooonmwr
w Bto x*rw« u, tte vm, «•
ai— I___ ' welybiBf of ■II coal Innaa pit
i. ♦.<
at Kewpurk, my metber oad t.
i> P>ctA.
«r CMiinrtec fltioWf
Only three t,f thnee on board Uie Aria
iiM «M rion
Tf waa alM decided
fWnie«in» toward /oRDinrtba
w-epe raved- FoUow Ir.s 1* a U»l of thtwe
..laVMt* naclB a etob. otdj otety bMkw from Hot- the northern, fli-ld ahould'
»hould\ ri.tonirote
k»l: Cnpiain n. K. Dakin. Mre. Dakin. ■joietywki held to Novambw. Hi*.
ton. Tbe InfloeDoe of mooDllirfai walk*,
—TMt to Z«U> Lu&«rto<w B»»» Bra*— tbe balmy air of tbc «a and ibewondcr- work each mornlny V 7 O'cliwit. aUB- Lena Dakin. I -ryi Mate Thoma* Co. k. •Bd a oootoiitu-a appotoi
At B law
lsTrWT«r«(CUr. '
BUB.to. :
______ Jag
fol cbann of two InerprctolUy ghnioiM
Secoc.d Mate------ Croato. Jamca Mar
Dg tbe
som <rf £860
C3SI waa.ratoed toJonathan McT>>ititld. prealdent e( tbe
Michael Dcyle. Chart s
j yard'boildiog B meottog ho^ Urn
reb. S4.-lCoprrtithi, lM.'br tone eyea all -onlied In eanloK tbe myatle Bute Hototlits Bhsliieen’ Amwlatkoh
--------------- bniU and floiaied and dedi'«h« Atooctatrd Pre».l-Tb« ZoU IH»1 mil over me. and tbe end of tbe iBninw of liliDOla: r.;ade a »tron« talk before F^K Wait-r. Pbarier V.
Jobhron, J'harle*
i mU.'A the followtog year. ,
to eBdfd. .The Jury «*re«0 d«>-» »be«<l
tim convenllnn In.which be advocated
r, for when I madci
Ts’lliir.mr, Charier Cartston. Jyhn F'eld- j
aduatton with bto nnkm. A commute*
OB the t erdM-U Bhd lU UBBalmlW WB»
THfred 0
of my am
«ae to thnaie. It *i»yed in the Jury with a lipplinR touab. a HweatyUnoa from wai appointed to conalder the adviaablllty of surh an kflitlalloe The con(be dmr oye« and a -Mby. you foohtta boyl
tar Boeton w-lih a ^yr» of bemp. The * 1761 » Keeple was boill and a «00
] never dreamed yon weA eerloaa I
ahip 8ln»ck on Creat'-BAind rhoal 'at i ixmnd bell was frarcbaMd. Two femn
aoBtlu for M. I>emux. tbe nonilnal di thouybt thUwaa only a auiDmer filrtation.
mtly eared (or yoo that-way. and,
i:U> oduck on tbe cvenlag of Rutidsy j later Bobnt Hooper gave a bell ft) tbe
rector of The Aurcre. The boor eraa ■
I am enoBlNd to Mr. Stewart, who
last. After ahr atruck ahe floated j dborch. Tbe boore waa placed on tta
T In tbe cveniBK. and the court waa
p»**eiit rite to 1887, when if waa «S
Ufbled b>- eUcirlcIt'r. ahlch'reveBjed
he per- agalB and then atruck
TDorc. Tee:
laned and rbnnmglily
t Lake
tbe face of erery perwin. A very atrlkabipl
B waa
%hen GrocTBl Gage
. atudooed at
tac object. "ClirtofCruclfied.-huito hl*b follow*:
tbe boats, but aa taw I
Danvers and lived in tbe Colltoa booee.
' behind the bench
U. Maltre Lab9rie |
irlnatbe rear of 1870 I wia«r.|«»'>^ »*
ih* ar^ and
ered It was amashed t o piecee ayalnsi
at tbetimo bon
f lbc|)OstAtP«tTownaband.PW«»
®*''*'* »-■"«>» «■*•“ »«c»ere
ended bl> apeccta b)' na>Unlt: ’'The
the vemel. uatll they i
airoyed. Captain Dakin . -.. ------------■
name of Pilate la tbe moot abhorred In
WbsD ia ae«d of anytbtag to tUa
mand of tfceriTctma rnSer Aretlo, iSa.!
Cen^ Gary ^lawrri a
to conrtrtici a r*ft. but bef.ire be could j asecthbly bo-sore it war aboot to fnmi a
i»tolory.“ Tha flfnre of .CSillol enitfbt
parttenUr fflend of mlae. and It waa order to dlrconilnue the offlee at Lak
acentnpUsta anyUiing he was awept provlndal oonprers. be attended cborcb line reBembm- tbU ie tbe ploM «»Idavc.
Ecla’a eye. After toOieBoe bad been
through bln I flnw met tbe woman 1. City from this time.
everbotrd and drown. His intruc- i], tbe Kortb Bi ierly booae of worriilp. yoarordeT*andgeipn»|Awo*|t.
pained «ah pumiiona deoorBfu. he e»JovetL She was cnyaiccd to blm at (be I
-------------dons werr fonowed. however, and all
fof maoy year* tbe nelliug wee sot
• claimed;
board got away on . ,j,adenri..bnt Ister some of tbe wealtby Leave yogr ordat* at oOe* or entl ap
ChrlM- J. UKi. am a victim of mob vl«rafta.
- lence,
om> lal coi^ erdl.e and a cranJ
nembera iiad tl:t sjuccs
r (beir own
—ww uh m-Mta Tw4k «r A*
■ TM
Origtoally it waa60 fret by 40. In
m s-w. . 107, to OO.b D«0«. « “O ™
mlmr^re.of juaiki . "
' golaDwked ratlrely InUllTeTooM.
''Blithe did fi..t WIOIV n.r t'.rdi.'v.He
f lofked as lnd;n«> iu hs .v m-i • ry-wy, Mure. Z-Ja's dc.i.J b. .m at
■I sevttied .l.nUivn; lor. wbi'i. s.ie /• '•
that she niuot
hvn-erf U|i to rlrto tbe helimrof *oU V cre id ritunllnn
.. ..................................-..................... .4 ! given ...rflaner* was a dinner alward the could be overpowvr^_ ^ere^ ^
than she. They hsve dl.tti kv.v.mpatJed : rtiennc cutter. That night, onfortunstcly.
Zola, protecting him from mob violence. U was vtiy III. bw Inslriwl «p«
wga-alao g«*n>
ui«;L |-,w* takirig plaaTwltbootTBa. We}L.boys. i
B (St4d Bight (or me.
_____ f other ', friends w-i-rc delighted. ’ that
They dei lared jbet by the eenicnce he j tDornli.;- the Aretlo was mitring from Ibo
r. ^md iwith It my bclrolbed.
»ps redeemfd from aU past faulis: that j harbor,
A-wet him upon a radtont pedes*,nl;
gavr ;
**| hwi
forward tbae tBd been a
a unique p<ialiloo and w -uld make : quirt v>ivjding after tbe guesu
■ •’.?*( *^on Belkins, myrebant and poetmas-,
mid-- i{ ,er
•_ at
.• Aven-a. thirty mUe
—.It. each nf
r repnwcniatlve ^Ran of bu- ashore,
and they
ritooily s« sail at bm
ftobt. >~rtng me thq bUtefnesa and oha-'
k. Blsseot«ll«*7*wrPerT»ws.
grtb to endure alona SbcBJUSthava lovad i
„,„ed John Blackwelt and
‘m. Perreux.ioor fellow, baa rmeom- Wm tosta^alT"
l«ny wounded Joe Stewart. The ahoottook place al a daiKe.
e of glorr-'
tiH-ni for his works, i
,vd »«
to ke«D i ••
b, ^ ,ud while I
order during ihe trtal. The civic guanto
and rona:al,uh.rv on.v uem Allied „ut."
ind' toe tow i »»ir*
bioome sacred—
rrtaultoM >»«*-«rvedtol»«m^^
c«‘urts todayi'buideepjie all |>ct.-i
••A.youallkoo'e. tlieearlr iswtof my!
to exclude tbe public LOm person* got
wa< *|K'ut In uwvt-IIng Dimng»iH>af'
Into the haJI. There were endl. s» ojflters
a>y irlpa eo rim ci»n I etop>>rri ______
in {ton ,
iB uBforih and civfiton clothes, and'tbe
ynung ofTkem U> the CBUrt and baO
totBrit IB tbe manlfewtotlBBs and waved
when ''Vim' larri.ee- was
CIi"d. The old ofievrs were ror.tenl to
Isuzh merely. Th.- Jury sllpj-.l away,
but ->inc of the Jurymen wen- recog
nised in the hall and borne in triumph
through tbe seethlnd
oa jH.ong
ethlnd crowds
» shoulders. The din was fearful.'
* was a joyous din.
been given
will, prohabi
.. . It-____
held in .New York. bow.
.,... tradee
an'tta* penpie interested
arc al peesent la that city. After tbe
her meeting of
tbe bell, be waa giveti a pew in tbe
cAiiKb. nud tbe parUh voted to Lave it
tad at tbn.exiiciuecd tbe
•odety.—Boauw He-uld
^^ utooHnd
jeettve—to pul down Israel—In
This union is l«s fortuKoua (has it
bw control all tbe
The Jewrndw
Inds sod feel.
aounrs •«! w ealth. The
tne* of the people bav* lung been la re
volt In sr-crei agaloat this i-ower which
will be held, when ■
i, expected
vrtlb tbe detai
This great trust, which will he known
as the American Steel and Wire oompsny, la capliallsed al tr.0B0.W0. Tbe
plan of tbe consolldaUAn la to buy up
qU tbe wire plaau in the oounur and
Imadenutir secure a number of furd a
steel mills, so ihnl the comnarcs and
estimate tbe total niimbcr af separate
bito nr |.iece* of metal wbiob toiRVtba'
make up tbe typtw
an Oxfctffl refereac« Bible (bore mar then be added ful
ly 1,100.000
letters, figure*, points,
^oes. eio.. in tbe text and BOO.OOO to
tbe niaigiual notes, making a total of
6,666,488 jdeevs to all
Gruf Kiplii ft Indlm 1. i
sETfm KBimis uiaonci.
BioeU Pills feed to*
®f «be itoi
• luU alCsrdeoCIty. ' *«>>*
4AWS-VW* s ebedow of hi* larw»
'^1 I
hardship; hi* falh>r was an old mllltsrj- eamjlsicner with Napoleon and
was-lB the reiecRt from Buaaia. at
Waterloo and other batUei. a alurdf cid- iiImI)
"Cdiri tbe wedding^
1.WU I •
-French peeVtifU. M. Zola was reared
:li.> IveTensL There
by peasantry In he hardy and,e*adui-- Hi.-*
I* R in;.'»«? In i. .v, afti* all No
ibBl nlgklk.1
. —ct.^
4ben. I Bcver-ws. in lure.—Owt
' HUrel. Lretetatle;
BprtogaaM. HI. Feb.
Tsaicrdar advanced the
primary elwAloif bill
and bit elide tbe UrM «1 lu kind drilbcrThe measure aj-pll.-a
Wbeoceeaue hi* Infomiathan Cook, aod musi be adopted by ttoi*». I Aibow noL Turn. If you ran. the
popular-vote before it can become oper isavreot nauin's word0ful voluBM bock
ative Tbe house joint rreolutinn ask To tbe oprntog cua^reof animal Ufa for
ing ioagrem to pew a ^ esubllshlng
D tbit and a
a naUonal mlUUry park at Vlckaburg eurtoo* trelta Maybe the primal
eras concurred In.
aaw a cube of lee break from it* p
- By a vote of O yets to.7 nayr toe]
and go alldlngriown a pel
S the biU which ,
Be may have then tried
the Cbltwgo ecbool treebera hope will
hliutvlf under tbe notioD that
, aecure them their long-deidred Increae* ,upj, sliding was jure good fun Iw otten
to aatarie*.
The measare paeoed the Qolen reber
last Thuredar. Tbe HeGtoaU{
Wberewr tbe ottre
may bave cdMalned
w mayb
talepbonr bill was reafl
a third time
to bis Idea of •dUllog. beha* neitbre
- -........................
r loetU
tbe bouse.
- upon IL Be slides as b
10^ TsValkreko
ISif IKMwarekwa
■ (s'lia
* SB »«
}. W. PaVhiB.
AttorneT* at Law.
4 H......... iaieawsai
«IS ......KXeelsaaU
a K- BBOWl*. Auw-sey aa« O
O. Law. UpreWov^vw* to
areeenverwDCln*' tllPreotai.
Hotelr Whiting
Thf Otifibntfld BpeoitUfti.
"■1 ■■■tessiw
Ja* O. Joinreos. Dragrlal.
w Whimsy Msy Die *g Bse-Sajartse.
-Front Street.
bas ar..pbysU»i force behind It What
bar fermented In Ihe brain l» now going
Into action Tbe church I* 'f
X. of Evanston.
soTv'ly was. •
great universal orgrrtxsllon
TelvM Ibe SSyl*.
Iiliyslclen to charge of an i
____ elected pr*rideat-. Mr*.
Jewish univeitol alltoacv. abd bad tovtftd mS out to
Marvin, of Oak Park, weeretary. and
<Bdv Violet Grevilla wborn tips Id
rraace. th>-r«fure. b now politically wHb him. ssyingl
to _
saying 1 might wtourened
Mr*. Ellen Reaor. of Cani.fB. treasurer.
farhioaa are riwnya acceptod sagoswith Borne; bal s^e rouxt keep the republic. A- ronnarchy could only live by
fan* of thv army, and would mean
war. Frame U not orgst.lscd
'• -By the way. Kure ll. old boy. I must, puy^gi* of Abraham Lincoln to Ken- t»S j^Kgmhls
for her army Is only mlim*. But tbnw you uhouf our liiinates. Soyutmg.
dlefl Tuesday at bit home near ^ “ v.c, siyie. gnaji* am «uor—
Prince Henry of Orleans I*' b*ij>l"g for hautlful andlfmr bopelfwa
There ri.e
the martyred prealdeat black, aornfltWgr-Jilae.-ppbit^ ril^
.......... ,
----------- -----------«•'--oM aoda boriof otb«
a mliiiary mnventepi acalusi the repub ritoatl dayquietly arranging there Sowers
lic and t.i .ome to th* i«i>| gbd
and «ofU>
inftly 'ringtog
riogtog to bnaell.
At a late hour l.might- I went to ;
Zola!* h «*»
A* 1 o-*~d tbri.ueh the)
-UHt-l hreid m more. Sldwjyabrbad
HlUght t
fl<nS*r-ailorned vretlbule
a ahd looked tot
Into mtoa AC
relied ber eyve
ould be
a year'* lini>rl*QnfBi-ni
last 1 bad (duod b.T. my M
wholesome chans* from this luxury. M. sochBTilRcel 1 grasped Jack's wrtsla and
Zola'* lasK fur luxun 1* Hallac and hi*
: dragged him from
home V* rumlfhed muih In the Hallan
mantT*r. n. lily and handaomely
1 I lnH..-0 our talk. ’ I told him of the p
f ttuy unllrli
9 and of
found hirii more n-rvou* than on ib> i lu^.
As the trutb
7 ilka a
i rlin lip He *ays he I* aorry Ooshi d before me i
for Prantv. but Hunk* she w ilt right eob e-. sped my bps.
beiweir. The house w as filled from qlie
•'.'^hcls dtod now, While aba Hr«d l.i
ground ll»-r to the garret with bou-: lugged tbeprivlligs of aupplylngber flowquetr nf flinseni. (bsi bed come from <-re, v> llbout wtakb sbo often beoalne v ioall tort*., the gifts, doubtless, of Jew -1 lent nnd under where »ubtle toOuenoaabe
. Ish Igdle* • • •
I waa gvMloand hainy nsaoblld.'',
A friepd expressed regret that tbere~ M«e-eeopeuc<J lilswsicb aod pewd It
bi'so mui^ iHHirgeolae <vmfort at tbe ' nroutu. giving us a view of tbasweretoea
81. Pelagic -prison. M. n«.eh*fnrt haa; whi.h bW poswreri ao niueb po<w«». Budthere his Kngihili bed and bedding and d-n-y lUigh nimon. after one gloBCe at
It,and »>-fte go dally to prepare’ H,;_yvVli. evcUlnw;! »u tin excltw] tone;
Iwy. yon
I would be preferable
' V.liy.
<.rlglnal of tbst ptc■ rheumatism.
>tii-:ilr.jioB. Herxtam*
r that he will
oldest friend
Ods Day Daly Xaob Veatta.
]n-'i ■ ..all Ididbsargbe
Boi die 111 Jtit He was brought up to
-John Verly.
iBvastiratloa shows thvt men wh
lecMd ar* men of braina-atroa
will power.
Xnson was presented with ,
cssnot sapp'v the vital ft
alumni and ttudenis of : Cgni .. O.. Feb St-Former Mayor :
Mere, •
a ...
leading ■ torney. was
people with acUve braias and
hla alma mater, Notre Dame.
|W. J.^.c,,..
W. Carg.a company, of Omen afreetedv >--terdny_____
____ _
tbe miad bright, mueeic*
•ievator wits
with s
a ..Postorflee
itar.'U U., will etect an cievaior
mv^ Inspector XP. Owen.chargrf
1 the^rehhvry
of tb*
biaod and give
eanacltv of ILOW) bushels at Depere
with rotnpHcltv
buaneia a
poatofBcv Sunday nonrtag. In
perfect health
^naieur chamo'""
^ Tn Trukaa oi
T n Hooper wc
g oS^he Uunda . found, together
plonahlpai trap *i
Adrtan C
aruduetiuB of an amateur. '
The body of Mrs. George F Jordan, of dish it may be saggastsd that dmeobta
■■For years tbe tare was my Ideal It'tbe town af Romer*. Wia. was found < ew<i g* a drink it mueb improrsd if
flltt^ before me In my droBW*. to tbe ' la a ctatera on tbe Jordan farm. She , We^dod orreral hours beforehanA It ia
aunligbt luoonllgbt, at aU Umea and bad beva In very poor bealib for aome'
he.wk the lump* of
plorr*. boWlng t
) sweetened obooolate into i
resting roe from iorlna any.woman, for 1
wl^;nre of'^h";U“?i'^?Vn‘;?e'^*oV
bod not seea one wbo looked like ber.
00^1* do-to
•■It.was only two years ago, while rlrit- W? P Nfcholls former pireldeM of th*
Ing my friend Jack (. amill to Pbdadri- Bank of Commerce. Sew Orleati*. for tbo flavor of tbe aboodtota is betoaxtraetsA.—New York Post.
. • Alkea. B. C. Teb. Jt-Tbe co^ltlon
•t Ufa. WiUlam C. WtaUbey to
V—Watch Repairing.
,< th, Kbl. .-d
‘ 8.6M.48a 1<
' «*are*.aByaT
Jonraal of ani
d by tl
at Bib]
Claretadiii Tress, ralaM to a text
« deHrivd action and are todepentot of v«neflgai«aod
» familiar Bgaree (if nsadi tod
Mias Clara BartCtu pr^ent of tbe
[i I
pbowapl^rto Bd’ Crosi aoCIeiy to the United States. !
I visited all
To there who atody tbe ateetiea of d«>. but without avail
My fair picture; it actively engaged 4n the relief work in I
reldnUy'boun'toej Cuba.
*toU to the prcparavlon of *v« a rimple
r. diurch and people, with
people, wbo will be iutereated to lasntbat there ere 778,746'woeda to tbe
„ Duiuth damaged tbe Chamber r.sH. -from Ihe ore. The cnpaclty of
or Con
muing to tbe
extent af I
ptorits which it la exp.-cted eventtio.ooo
I uslly to Include Ir the new company, I*
Two g<
nt cutters capatoed tn a gbout &u.vt>o tuns a wryk nt rods, wire
to to
ns'ls.- ' )
gale off WeHa. Nor..
log elev*f»-twvaona
t !wt^h. t
1 foup'
mnu ua,
bUri-su In my IkKcI r mm a jtbuUigmph.
'Thitv. was a strange fascination
to |<ut
that leoc forma. Uw.-.*
___________ -■ - I
It from my mil
carriage wIikJowa at the tb«a», to |
cn^bere it vrould Oath
tbe street*..
before me.
“I made all
prrwmi wbtf bad ompled the room* be-1
fori, (be proprietor (old me.'
Thone No. 8.
Wben Bf b. rt Hooper gnv- tbe diurcb.
I at once tmune atlmittre to to^wv Bis Ptlth rierder Within a Werk
Hiss Newton, but ft wm not until almost
tbe expiration of (wo ynara that abe prumLincoln. Neh , PV-b. « —A rt-Wlal from
Ir rfwdwct, M.OQe Teas.
iied to l« tny Wife.
Alma, the county seat of Harlan county,
rittsUiirc. Feb. H.—The much-talked
'■About icDriais-bcfore tbe date wt for tars;
“Word bas l^s{ been received
onr wedding the
tbe Arctic
ArMie arrived
In f
of wire trust will Mkely l.ecome aa acfrom Maacot. this cuunty. that Tbomaa
Captain SlmpKoif. upon bcaringofour<
Id fact before tbe end of tbe
Ford, who tost week cut tbe throat of .
gBKcnicnL waa moat pKifuae to bU a
hla hrolber-ln-tow. escaped from toll |
“Amoog tbe nommnos entertainment* * y*«fd«- “'"I kHlrf fow men before be !
FRIDAT, MARCH 4th, 1898.
/-XllBflRT A yATBLAurensys. Bpaeialreij tfirtfaevo^to^peoeUee- RreaueaaS
mom uDM«muTm i.i
ta taka oBretbaaday. Jaoa ». I»t.
■no^ im.104. m
oono Monra.
■:=------- r
a'lteBtiaa to tax tales.
i3 14:
0. £JEEfS,t5SSi.‘VSi'>.“
to I p. w. TMwAnnwTt
Ooafloltauos and ExanunatiDn Free and StriotlF
UtwittoDto Wiliili ofttoBreW. ThM a
a-'.K'iS'Si s
AM Ori Toa TameL Roatre Oeetor.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
as eured wAboci w
--------Ot'ARAKTEB To
•w“sSw 4"5i|
BRgtre^^lred. reewy b(
. toqalreotOrWlW.
yo^Airroy^^ re or a
duet not
tea During summer earth sHdes «rv<
v*U eu<M«b. sad tbeee will surriy be
I fisaad cm tbe banka of -------------- --------------- "~*
dW. aandyatoOnUa*.
p p IS p|yt
bride and grtxmi rpeetrad with Ue cehGhtoago Market.
grbtolatioM exteaded a large aamber
Chteaim. Feb. »4—Wbeat-i-Febranlnabto aad nMtnl glfu. Ttojrednly.g lljjc;
May.bl^SX; Jaly.8
evpper wat eiabora'te aw!
£»m-F.^brBary. y»ke; May^WKe:
eerred, while the hnepU'eliiy of the
Jaly. 81c: toptemtor. SiMepareatt of Ue bride-wee freely dieOat»—Febrnary. *iMc: May. MKe;
St«7 ImUMtton Potato to Mroar pUyed. Among Ue gift# raoeired by There Kay be po Weeeaeity
“la hr. Stepa. or Wliat Wonld Jens
^"lirk—ftbrwy. tlO.SO; May, Sib o&. .. «
Svitfoaw Tbattlw lbtato Vm »*• Ue happy eenple wat the deed of a
B«t OeadlUena X>emaad
tbigjemMTkMble book. We 1ut»
farm af IM aerM bam Ue faUer of
tioae fcr TranMa Wuh •palnOiaad BapMa. Peb. M -Wbeak W; also sold 109 oopka of “Quo VsdiB,7«»d \are a new stoiA of Ibis, th*
Ue greoB. 73ie .preptoV it ffiinatod
W« ^otop>rt»g TBto'
Vamiatakahto Asttvity t I Wavy
at lioag Lake bad will make
We bam Ice Oream to eell la plato best historicnl KNoanc* of tbs mnsteeiitb oentorr.
VMk-btttU AkaMaf .lAo Btotott. fOrtoWe heme.
er qaarM today.' Jaa. O. Johaeee.
B»*aaa. raVlt.—uval koard
Chicago. Feb.
ThaTribaae today
irm Be X>^ to Beat Baaday.
«a wkoM dollberaUoaa u* eoatorod
haa Ue iaUewlag from Waahlagtea
tb« •jm of the cdTUUed world will
*», B.‘mOu1y. hUnaAss
Tha faaeral of Ue Uto Mia. Aaa A. Cram aa iatorrlew wlU Preeldaat Ueproheblj eoaehide their dellt
Haoaah will toheUfre* the family Klaley:
tenifht or Frtdej at leaeU There le
*T do aot propcee to do aayUieg to
leaee Saaday aftoraoea at aae p.
ieow lltOa doah^ that the report of the
wiU Spaia- Cp to
heard of laTceti^tloa oa Ae eaoM of
tbe preeent 1 do not UInk that war is
the wreck of the Uaioe. will he to the
eiunr neoemary or InevlUble. I wonld
•Cek that the prlne casM ef the
to lax la my duty however, if IAU ant
^oeien was a eobmarlae toiae er tor- Xagaifloeat' Pradectios
prepan for the fntan. Tbe elUiaUon
aede drafgad ooder the keel. The
ie grave and Ue administration's poll^
"dCystie Kidgeto
Wrd oaa hardly eo«e to aajr ether
will to detormlasd almost enilnly by
V»r Tonigbk
deekdoa fron the erideaee pU
Ue eoaree of eveate. Tfapn is ao
Merer before bat an eaurtalament
iora it. The haofficial teaUi
areeiilty for alarming Ue people, bnt
^ oSeeie who gave U aa their belief been offered toUeTrareree City pnblk eongresa arast to ready to aaslst Ue
pceeeeting auch a peenliar faeeiaation
that eotoethlaj^ free) beaeath had
for both old and yonag at "The Myttic | admiaiatratioh wlUoat making
eaaeed Ue expleeloa of the forward
ly iaqulricaaa to Ueeenneef earMldgem.*' which U to be gives la Ue '
^agaaiae. ^ heea borae eat hr the
net cveats."
report of thedlrere from the iret dej- City. Opera Uonte by Ue pnplU of Ue
There U ao donbt that the goveraCeatral school tonight aad
'they weat dewa lato the forward part
Bight. It it ajBveaile fairy tpactaele Bunt is pnpariag forwar. Itdovsnot
pf the ahip.
oto. giriag two honrt of enjty fellow Uat war will come, bet the
aeUvity .in bsU Ue war and navy de(Wieage. Feb. M —Diapatebee to the meet- The eaat it compoeed of from
U aemlstok'ahle
_^Chroalcle aay: The preeldeal U eUir- 7S to 100 efWnr own children, Ui boy*
Than is ao qeeeUati of the aeUaaIng hard topaatpoaese loag.aa poe- repwteetlag.aldgvto from all naUoaa. Ueity of Ue eutemeet of the prealdeak
eihle the otole ;phieb U alsoet oerWa aad gpomto ever heal oa mleehiet: Ue
to be peed^Uted by the rapvt ef the giria, “all gUttenag with eptnglee aad
heard of ietiairy eoiatoteloBad t« la•reetigate the deetraeUoo of the Walae. neat Ue dainty deaUent ef fairylaad Eorbon and Ohaaaela to to Datoeded
la the iaaer dr^ ef the adtoleUtra- Beeidm Utee Uerc appear oa Ue etagt
By JElam aad Tetpedoaa
tiea It le BO loagcr preteaded that the live iaeeeto aad animaU.
Th^ omtnmee are rich and toanUfiil.
Key Week Feb. <4.—Seent naval
keiae waa blowa op by aeddeak Oeod
being eepecially made for Uit prodne- . iwpanUcse an being made along Ua
aathorily U gleeo f(fr the awwi
UoB by one ef New York's toet cceinm* Florida eoasu, and every poeeible pre-'
|hat WeSiBley bae held la hie po
BleB to three daye poeltire eridenee era. Complete eeto of epecltl aeenery ennUom U toleg token to protoet Kby
We have rix of the latnt style 18»«
pbewlng that the Walae waa daatroyed art carried. Ue drat eceae being a fan- Weak
Tbe eyntom of defaaae eontomplatoa model, pnd they are bnatie* for $15.00.
by exteraal ageaciea The Spaabh tottie ti^ garden. wlU a profotloa ed
Uc planUng of aabmarine tor^eca We will sell ibem lo yoa Uls weak,
pathoritiee are aware of the fact that tropical (lowwa, bntterfllea. etc.
(onUIFebH) for$iS.75. »
ihe prceldeat hat tbia eTldeaca la hU eeoend a choral cave, gllttorlag wlU aad ether cxploclvea le Ue water
Daa't wait aad axpeck The six will
Maaetoioo- aad hhre eent seaeagae gems aad dauling in iu beauty; a gi anUeharboreaed cbaaaeU wiUia a
Which hare bees kept fren the pablie gantic roee opens to fnU bloom in view radios of Ulrty miles arannd Uls city,
Aleaeowiag all reepeaelbUity to the; ef the andUm. and a eilrer twaa-beat when a hcaUle fleet migbtseekaneborIf annns abcAM aafc m ynm mention Ue
eiUv voinntorily or Uiwegh
pet aad oSeriag to aake yamble apel- i neea ia fbli mil.
Te hlghtoa Ue effect af the rich eaam of woaUer.. These torpedoea
ggy at well tt soertaiy eeapenwtlea
to to eonnectod wiU Ue shore,
ler the damage iafll^ aad ^ abort tmaa aad brlUieni scenery. Ue entire
m-lM Front 8k TRAVBE8E CITY,
ta do anyUiag which may to doae ehtertainmant U given aadet Ue from wbenoe Uey will to exploded.
Ae bnt few of Ue earraueding keye
boavahly to prerent war totwaea ebaagiag colon of Ue calcium Ugbk
Ue aim of tbe govereBpala aad the Uaitod Statoe.
It wUl oaly to dinetod to protect
The pretty etory it told in vem and
by meant of 54 brlghk catchy musical tta fortifleatipas hen aad at 'TorUgaa.
nambrrt. strengthened waere praeti- In antMimUan of aay rapton wlU
If yon want a bicyrir built to flt yon ■
Party of Xleran Wade PiaalArraagarave yoor nrdrr and tpreifleatinas et j
of tbe aianagemcat la
meato Taatorday aad Vill Laave
ay shop, and I gnarantre to snit yon
atoglng gigaaUe JnveaUe |
a workmanship, amterial aad price.
For AiMka Wexi Woaaay.
hae made It polnlble to eeenra moeh
Tbera wat a mceUag in the office of more ci-edliable performaaeee thaa wveraw of Ohio Wonld Build
O. P. Carrer ycatordty of the men ef tboae of mbet prafecetonal compaelea Coaiiment on Wains of X>ra Oaetlo.
Thl* ridaliy wbe are to go to the klca- ef Ue day.
CtoeianaU, Feb. 84 -Governor BoU
^e and Alaekan geld dalda ne ob- .
Ceai or caeneten.
aril, wbe came hen to attoad U<
|ect of Ue toeeUeg wat to make dhal tVtMv Obdillee.. Bat
:ting of tbe Ohio Sons of Ue BevoIntioB. eald .p^cerning tha traobla
Ben to Seattle. By going la a body
WiU Spain; -Tban to a'tims v
Fv^Uing Fraab and the Bask
Sheaper raiee can to procured aad yaetiamll Bale patience and forbaaraaee an no longer
torday Ue t^relieg pttteaget ageate
.. CbarUrWbtte rirtnaa War to awfnl. bat losnit to
of the Gnat NorUern aad WiaeonMn
wona Wbatevar Ue beard of ioqoiry
Oentnl nilwayt mat tht gold seeker*
ta Ue Malee dtoaeur ebaU dtoeover
lo oompleta armagemenU
Ueold to apbeld by Ua Amerteao
•oiw -a-mwB.* Vte trcm-rmxww otw*
Tbe boye an all ready
pie with a detormlaatioa that w
Order by’Phone MaM.
Sow and Uey will go togtUer
aot fllacb at war.
SB Ue C A W. M. .to Ctaieagd^
1 am Amerieaa eoongh to eay Uto
Ueaee to SeatUe. when Uey wiU
!b—fcr every Amerieaa killed ia Ue
ante aad peek rarioat portim ^
ae t would'make ten dons cat dirt;
........................................... . nasHeeBnal
gold fielda They will leave tore i
SonU Dnkm 8^tJ9foow
forUeMslae I woald send ton VUS. B. Monday, aad It U etUm^tod that
cayas to the bottom of the eea.
A mentb win to eontamed by
"The other day 1 craseatod to •
naeblng Ueir .variont dMUaaaoaa.
on a national committee to erect a wliicb I have H^Rosi
Enameled. taemeeUi the •
Tbe list hat been printed in Ue axelao
monnmcBt to Ua Maine haraea Where
Look at them
in E. E. Miller’e
tofon bat a repetition will to of inter- sICi ( rimoflaUo
wonld 1 toild Ue meanmenit Oa Ue Drug Store.
sek J. O. Laarworthy and Cbaa O. Sul«>v. Klfig ef iSv laser
artfcar Oa Us rnlBs of Mora cesUe, ea I've eald' beTitasla.
Carver will go at partnen to Ue Cop
TlBiwII* I Wee aiu-o4ai
per river district; Thomas McLangblia Tldillevlak (of IbeQueva .Matol«ee
and William Nelson will seek Ut same PivrSt. Qe*SB'» Comp- — I.. tSr
Bus HrhneMvr
( Olsra Warttorr
«etd:.Jl. L. and James A. Boyd will go aileerslo* ,
'Mystic MMgato*’Umtght. Cl^ Ctam
And all tbe Celebrated
*0 Ue Kloedibe vU Ue Cbllcoot Pate;
'l.Fvl and David Ilee will also go to Ue
A large anmtor of caeca of spring
Klondike:, W. F, Aagaitlae. W. W.
goods airived at "Tbe Fair" yestarday.
Miller and Williams lies will go to Ue
The mlastnl peP»ormaace given last
Oraee Bvaae
eoest end determine Ueir cowee aftor
ao4 HeHtrSssI night will to given at Ue asylnm on
nabi PSlIaon
they get to tbe beatUe.
(UtstotS PpriT Friday alghk March 4.
We Have
Just Received To day
Don’t Write
Tour letters on any old thing when you
can got the latest In Writing Papers at
sarihaE BiocL
Idn- FuUn Shetb F(v link, m fin.~Fm ti Bnrym
I Our Half Price Sale
ial... CLOAKS.
Mori Suits. j STEIKaaiU’S
Diamond J.—lOc
Or the Traverse Belle—Be.
Bicycles Built to Order. |
Onlf $2.50 to
Enamor Toor Wheel.
-A., w. J-A-sik^rrs,
TEAS, GOFFfES. ~ ,?■ the eirest ures.
Faocj ^eerias. Fleischmaaa's Camiiresaeil least.
■ KaSS
Pickled Pigs Feet,
Deviled Ham,
Potted Ham,
ssres' i^ssiTiV.
! i.'SrsSsi
Win. Kaiia K H>U Died at
Mr*. Maria M.HUI of Mspleton. ansttor old pldoeerortblscooBty, died
Wedacadey of dyapepeia, agrd 6i years
Deoeayd has lived oa Us penlasnU 8S
yean aad leaves many warm frUnds
to monrn her loan. Tbs funeral will
to held from UeOgdansbargb school
boaae Uie' mernlag at II a. m.. ib
Uarge of Ralph Aadenoa.
Man; Differgni Styles.
Tbontrioal Woton.
Monday nlgkt Ue Oonrtoaay Mo<
Co. will ap|gar ^a the City Open Boaee'
tor a week'e engagement la a npertoin of p^nlar attractions. This earnpapy has been ben eo meay Umeo be
fore Uat extendi aoUees of iu meriu
an enperfloona. "La Belle Marie’twUI
to Ue flint attraction and Ue preca la
oUer eiUee when Ue company baa
appeared are naanimoos la pnian
That of Berman Waselbnrg aad Win Ue work of Ue aggregation.
JnlU Pranke Tbnnday Wight
One of Ue nxiet happy weddlagn ever
E. w. Hnbbell went to Tbemp
Bol^Ued in Ue rnnl dlstriem atont ville yeetordsy on bnalneaa
Travene City wac that of Barman
Mra Joa Rntoer left Tbnnday to
Weaelbnrg of Long Imke
Mbs visit ber moUer at Bast Jordan.
Jnlla Fnake. daaghtor of Mr. aSd
Mra E. WOhelm weot to Grand BapMra. O. Fnake. who reside ahent two ids yaatorday to meet her hneband oa
mllea eenU of Ue eaylnm. There Ware hUntorafreoiKew York.
100 gaeata preeent who vriUeaaed
Charles .BosenUal ef Ue Boston
Rhe cemaony. which
Store, left for New York yestarday to
Thsredey night by Rev. D. OoehUn. pvobaee a qnantity ef spring gnoda
Among Ue gnaate wen a large nnmbor of trtands tram Tnveree City. Tbe
We have Im Oream t
I in pinto
a Joyoo. «me ..d Ue
«e^ t^. J^ o'j'S^*
Genl tipilni ul Bipol EouhIv.
BeeetTvd seaUforTbs Mystic Mid
geu will to on esle at Ue City Newt
stand Uto morning at 7 o'clock.
Ckaa B. Momy. ageal of Us O. R.
A L. has sold bis asp&Ua Usach to
tbe auditor of Ue Boo railway Iloa, at
Marquette. The boat waa ahlpped
nwib yesterday.
Rev. W. K. Wright performed Ue
oaremney Tbnnday evening, which
made Mareball Oam^ati^ Mm Unto
one. Tbe>nang eoppie have a
beet of frieods wbo wUl Join U eongratslatioH.
The ngnlar mec^sg of Ue W.' C. T.
U. wUl to held at the borne «< Mra. F.
J. Csrtis. Bast State street, Uto sftorsoea at half peat two o'oloek Sob}eek
'The Praaeat Btatss of 'D
Mrs. WUbelm. leader.
One bnadnd o( Ue brigbtMt Uttle
folks U Us el^ will ppsseat Ue bansdioB "Tbe Mys
tic Midgets" la Ue City Opera Bosae
toalght and temorrew aigbk Tboee
who ennaol aaesn eeats for Uto evsaiag oaa got good artoctieae for tomor
row nlgfak
Ta Take Idvantaea of Out Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
In trood abape, bet ve can anjtply
yonr wnota for nona time to emne,
d are
Anxious to
Lower our stock,
And are <
which yoB wfli do well to Uke sdvantage ot A choice Stock of
Bakery Ooode alwa3ra (» hynd,
and we woold not have yon loae
eight of tbe fact that the
Club House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat
248 FVont Street.
Phone 157.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oo™imnd with lh« Tr.vei» Cit, Lumber Oompuy.
Wehere farmleOoed,
Sound Hemlock Lumbe^
Maple Flooring;,
Short Maple Wood.
I-OS B.A.T.Hi.
ia the beet, and that it will'pay
you to try a aaok if yon have newer
need it
Oor. 7th ABd Ustoa StFMta.
m xoBvnra bboobo.
M eU teimeU Ma ctenrar
•k*tA wtth Mar aa< dasw. Fruk
Park* *aaf “Old Blank Jo*" ta wa^
tBM. aU Mkwp «a» Mmet aad
M*f U food v(d«* k* f*T* a partiear
lartp pUaaiar rwdiiioa. H* waa aa
TM. T. Bat» aw> J. W. BAnn. riatad bj tka laaialadar of tk* Bate
W. Baitot. Bdltor »ad MiMffw. qnartat la tk* ckoraa. A flaa laatnmaatal Banker waa cl*** jv AT>*rtat:
eoapoaad of WlUaid Canpbtfl.V Jo* I
Eatav. C. Oarwlaaaad SUaar KoOoy.
. .?
«a* yaar.br nail.
Ma*t of the i
kwo year* .afo eepaaaad warmly tke
' oaaa* of trae eoloa^ at 16 to 1 ar* aow
admitUac ftaakly tkat tke plan la ao
loafar a praetkal oae aad tkat U oafkt
bo ka akaadotiad. Wkea *«ek
M-Ooraraor Selaa of Iowa, Wkartoa
Barkar of PkUadalphla. and
erko ara ooaaidarad amoar tke moat latolUfaat a^ laflaaatlal laadare of tka
frer mlpar* moaomaat of two- year*
.a«o admit, aa they aow do. that tk*
alMt b »o leagar feaeikU, It will be
< 2m tkat tkooa wko *ot«4 afalaat it la
yiiw wara aatiraly jaatlflod aad wUl be
r mma tkaa Jaatlflod la ropaatlaf tkat
aatkm ia l«M. Kx-Ooraraor Bolea.
wka moatka afo aaaoaaoed kla '
tfaalM tkat tha 16-to-l ptapealUca
a* Icmfar toaakl*. la arrtaff a plaa for
Ika BtUlatkm of ailnir by
■ U wltk tke teaaaary aad Imalar for U
Mrtifleataa kMed apoa lU markat rale*
. at tke data of ita preaaaUUoa at tka
ttaaaary. tka aertlAealaa to U redaamaMa aHtbe eama eala*. Ha alao prapoaaa tkat tk* iraaaary akall kold eilvm aad c*ld balllea la like qaaaUtlaa
•t tkeir market eala* eaAelaBt to aqaal
It ii atmraaly aopoetod tkat Mr. Bola*'
pdopoaitlea will b* lookod apoa a* faaa^
iU*. it ia lataraatlaff ta akowlac tke
rapid dlaiat^ratloo of the 16-to-l
moTomaat aaraar tkrmMt iatdUfwt
ed tkooa wko aapportod ft two yaaz*
Arttetk aad Xadcn) Titamph of
Local Salaat loot V>tkU
M tkar* wa* aa/cm* la tha elty yoaMrday wk* tba«rkt our local talaat
ooBld aot praaaat a fliat clam miaatral
pmformaaoe they wor* arnaably i
' pried laat alfkt wkea tha akow i
fleeo before a e<
tke City Opera^ooe*.
Tke bcffiaaiac of the ckow-toek
pUoe ta the aftenMoo wkea the eoUr*
oompaay headed by Uc Bi^’ Bead,
pare^ tk* atrabta arrayed la aatty
oearoeata. taU aOk kata aad canylar
aUy wall raadarad aad ^neorad. Parar attaatloB akoald be laeitad to
tke daak ••eaaa’' Impaiaoaatiooa by
WlUO* m^a.
lb* erowalag ptee* of tke perform
laaM wa* Ibagraad DeOoearill* oak*
walk wkieb aoaeladed thp aatartalaTk* partieipaato wer* W. D. C.
a.LeoaTItoa. DoS MeBooaM.
Elmer MoCoy. Daa Loodoa. Oeear
Bemoe. William Lora aad Bert MUkr.
Tke eroloUoa* of tki* pari of tk*
with a predothat wat oommeodabi* aad tke
... .tmtag wae to Itaeplag with the
ceaUmeat of the park Itwaeaflttbg
of U* blaekfaee rariety aad wheo
prixe, a mamoth eak* with raqoieita
froeUar aad other emkeltahmeala, wa*
preeeatod to Doff McDoaald by Mr.
Taram tke aodieaee ladotaed tbe dawith applaaa* tkat mad* tke
Tk* aatlraperfoimaao*. tkoogk am^
ple*aiag Miprie* aad
ateor. wa*
yreat eiadit ra*da* M WUlOermaiae
MarUhgk wko kad the
it of ik Ibe Hoatlar* will
r*ap a boadeome keaeflk
ahoot Croc mano b tbe fact that tb*
tro« keeqa kb moeth olo*wl wbaa h* b
He eaa ilBg tfaroogfa bb aklB. B* b
prodded with a pair of roooaaat ^m.
her* iik* dnimi. oad'b
' "
Or H. BoUaad myr “Wkalmr tbo,m cry V* bedd a* to the foactkma <ff tbo
taaiB or mlad it k oertala that tke
to power* <^Ah« braia aia cmly fndaal^
totc2»^ Mr. B-^imyt:
fgreat import, applylat to lb* wmdltkm
Tbe late Cbs-orllcr John V. L, Prara *od coltare of erery fanlty aad tiaoBind aad liafaMriy
rf Albany wa* Oic wccaeifal oanAaaer tloo rf--------------body <» «<r n
formr la ooc
oC'Aald UoR Syae" aaS<^^ to ao to tbe memory, wbk>b
make U>* aoto|p*pk do* af\Am<^ca'* , aeoae tbe fotmdaUi
treaiorea Ika faeca legardhw-'ita re-1 ni*- ----------moral to tbb 000807 Ota of peoeUiar la- da(-ioKfati{rtw.b,liDprodag to it, u
wreck aad they brine tk* fablory of the I lodeod it li to oil Ibcmltb* aad fonoipb. now man thw a Mtoiy ' d<ma bwt w* are benad to rebain tnn
to data
by eoMtaat aad..w_—
edforu in early Itte aad bdewe tba inMr. Pmyn waa • lo'
partioalarly of tbe Ida
it deoar* la W >>adfa.
tacie eff the oBaal ooUoctor. In IBM the
Ttaaarw OtlT^Ittltek
oenteaDbl of the Uithday of' Bobert
Balow ta a ibt of tha boylaff and milBtutu wa* made tbe eemricn for a eelebmtiim io diSmaot citk* d tbe Uaitad Dg prlom of yoaterday for yroeerb*.
and farm pr^oett In Trar. and tbe literary peoplecff Albaay
dedded to obaerre tbe day by memorial
exrrcb*B la a Uqt* ball oo tbe eaewiag
of tbe.day. Preriooi to tbe ereot Mr.
Praya planned that it woold be a fiatore it be oonld Moare tbi* anlograpb
copy of tbe port'* “Aold Lang ^-yna ''
Henry sirren* wa* a famooe pnrebamr
for rollrccioa* in thoaa daya aopplyiag
Mr. Jam** Leaoi. Mr. Joba Garter _
Brown, (be BHtbb muaeom and other*
with aoma of tbe maet trainable old
errand tb«««^ bang* a mi* ta be Bnttm p^ B) Dali^...
told bicr. Be owned tbe reraee In qnea- Crcaatery
tion. He waa a Mend of Mr. Praya,
and a cunaepoadMwe raganllog the mat
ter its bead bagao.
- .
Tbe raeoll wu that Mr. Scotcb* add | Aalt per kbl
ebr Tenea to Mr. Praya. aad tbe maan- j ^
-iO^- • • •
WTipi wm iatramed to Oapmla Moody.
wboRoaraateed that it aboald
P" «»«•
Chmooellm Prayn ip time te tba oeJe- i «’«»• »*«• *>►
*t.eaoi*blp reaebrd New
" I Wkaak Odd. per ba..............
York late on the day of tbe r>
IraTing bot a foe boar*
bony, or tbe mimioo
lea* Tbeonl;
____tom per
>0 arlert
Rya ner W.
tbi* aped*) meaaenger it wa* ami from Bockwbmt...
tbe etouoer and oonreyed with all db- Botter. per R>
patch dinetly to the ball in Albany. BgiaperdoM
Mr. Prayn wa* all expectant wk*m
dnrlng tk* esernaee. 6* wa* rolled from
tbe ball Tboogb b* waa gene only a
mocnent, all iniareat in what waa going
on «pt« tba aiaga wa* lam for tbe tiiii*
Fra* Oonanltatton and adrle* wUl
tieiiig. Anoeber awing of tbedoor. and
Mr. Prayn entered. waTing aloft tbe be gieea a limited nomborfor a few
tnanneerlpt and exdaimlng. "It b day* cmiy by Dr. Voa Dolck*. lb* calobsn-V’ With mitanl delight and amid bratod Invator of tbe Electro -I^eroOabinel-Batb. Call at Park
mrnnt ‘"Aold i.-»g Syne' b withmI''
tbtoo«h hb efcia aad aeppiy all tbe
wind that b neoeemry withoot openly
bb month.
A Ftaoch adewtbt. oflar IcnK IbMBiag'la tbe wouda haemadeoot Md radooed to wrltlag tbe eoop of tbe frog,
or “tnramp mode.” a* be oalb it. and
bae dl*oor«red that tbe frog repmtory
b TarledandezteoaiTa Frog* can oarry Gbameilor Prayn adraoeed to tba dag*
and read the poem tbroogb. Hardly
ootiM tbe peopb be prermted from
breaking in opon him, and when It wm
d fear or anger.
Tbeb etmgi, bowover. ar* all lor* propoeed to alng it tbroogb enthniiemn
•DBg* and are ooly indnlged in when knew BO boond*. Nerer did a cborne *o
tbere are female frogt abcRik It b then witliagly lm»d aid. mod the familiar ab
that tbe frog dbtemb hbdrame to tbeb awelled forth ia mlgbty eolonie.
Tbe oberisbed pege woe bound witbin
otaoek throwinK hit bead weU bade
and bb lam far apart and labtng bit BomlB 'leather cofvera and with ft wae
Todpe. a* Itle called, to tbeTtrybigheM pleoed a bitm to Or. Bithmood from
piteh of themadcnlKmla—Pmrwa’e Bona dated Peh. 7. ITHS, proeing tbe
tdmoty of tbe writing is tbe poeiu and
al*n tbe letter writtm to Chanoellor
Prayn by Henry tttercci* wbm Modiag
Not infrequently tbe art etodentialb tbe poem to bitn.
ta arrear* fur tbe rent of er«n bb airy
p^ootbe“dxbme.''nnd laadlorda
baTe.«eant lympathy tor beingewbocaa
"eoar to tbe empyrean.-'bat can't pay
im tfftCB Imd* to atriking if oat
caeh. On* yoong man eix aaoatba in arknew that fab landlord war koe|^ ruliroloB* reoalta D* Wolf Beeper.
ing a-w*tebfal eye on hb trank, whlob
oqt a* a bpan‘*b aoldiet of tbe
■toodopporile tbe door, feeling aora that
t-.t-.--.r~-t.----wtaUe ft wa* tbeie tbe owner wuald not
dtqiart. Oor artbt painted a portrait of
(ban Franci* Wii
fab trank on tbe wtUl oppoait* the door
and in tbe nigbi look himmlf and bb nai, in tbo rrwtniue nf a vtimbned. mak
belatging* qoiedy away. Nor wa* be ing a orrtua* >pte-ofa. aamiluig bia (oe9im>4 for ■ereral daya. Good work luie* and btirliug figure* uf »p>«cb at
-mmetimae-aerTm raiy inaitbuo eoda-- b>* detnt(-t«ra. To be rolled on fur a
Bpi-e-b a ben robed in *orb bebllimenu
CktboHe World.
Tbam ax* d
L*dk* will Bad ft motuM* te call
pcm4 df Mra Uar* S^ aad Mra
Mlonb Lancaeter, .They here opened
atlraetlec parlor* er*^ the etor* of
Arm* A Cole oa-Cam atroek
Motto* te Taxpayata.
Tbe City Ooancll baa *xteod«d tba
time for tbe collection of taxm to
March Uk ISW.
AU delloqot
Mt-Peb- ?7
ne fliat part of 'the I
proper wa* of the r*(al
A Mow TraU
order aad pot OB iaaa eaqaUtaly arFor the a
ttoticatylc. with the charaetM eeated
Banid* Satorday nig)
ia a eirda wiU tbair faatm adatlraKMible ItoaeftlDr: e
Uy diaraiaad wiU berat eerk. fiebiad
lay. Frbruarr S6th. a
the arcle apoa a raked plaUerm wa*
the orcbaaua. clad U erimaao Ja^dta
ladiaak wil] raa a traia
tra laariog MacWaad wbit* c^a. lb* effect
naa^ty In Ue afiei
pretty. The orebeetra wa*
Of B. £. Monaorb. fint TioUa; Wm.
arriral af tkm trpta to Otand Rapid*
tbe actor. 3m
Stcffeo*. piaae: W. Blakaler. ciaiiaat;
wll) be to Urn* for eoanectloe* to Cblmgo aad Detroik Betaratog irala
Joa. Botan^, loooad Tiolla; E. Bartak.
will leare Orand Rapidt erery Saaday
Tlola; W.CbBpboU.o*ra*l:B. N*wtaa. ■OTtsuge npiiu tbe editor.
at 7:0 a a..eomm«oeiag Saaday. FebtroMboaa: Ckaa. A'adrr. bam.
____..___ *iflnaleor'tb. Uwt act of' • Prioo* Ananlm’ roary mb., raaninr <» the Um* of
The orartore wae flarly amei
Ne. S Fiw time tarda or .far
McD«mid dittog « •
the aadiaaoe wa* ao well U
«»«king a cigv^ta. robed ther tofarmatioB apply to U. R A I.
^ oa tbe retora mtelapa.-l«ml(» [
that there waa a laaewad aatl
C L. LugtwuuD. •
i drapi^ thrown orar hi« aboolder and a
of a flaa perforaeaace. Tke tret part '
Oaoeral Paaaaoger aid Tiekrt Ageat.
waa a revalatioa t* maay. aad tke asMo remaaMt in Ek. Peteptbnrg will ]a}iH-r luacbe crown on bUbmd. Imag
Uraad Baplda. Mbk.
ine tbe coorternation of tbe cygnedton
e^oaoe of the maaaer la wbieb tk* be allowed'bmeafter to bare it.« bill nf
garbed tbo* to bare ae aedieDca o-t op
aamber* wm zaadaiad lariud aatko- fare exolodrelT in a foreign Uagoage. a cry for
aiaetle appUaaa Tiaraia* Otyb keat
while MoDoald mid. "Go abmd. Jm
mom alway* be sddrd.
mala vtdeea war* iaelnded la the proI 8yk>« ADibled du^ to tbe foutli^il*
(ramaad.tbey aoqaittod'U
land mid: "Imdif* and* geoUemta. Mr.
\ke beet of tkeir racocal
{ M. lAioald. my oompitriot wbo du op !
(ollowiar maaieal
inhere, inlura^d »i»* Jon a muiaie *«(<> f
foraiad the lint part:
dLoagL**dE.»«* .
A tottb lealttaiKbr gTvrt* a trimd i
>iUto*]»«cb jarcpaivd ,
•>1 Lore Her Jaet the 8am*’'-M
byflin.dDga>rufw»lerover fat* bead. I tbn he'd like to bare arbaoce to try
In-Baidia it b corrwt for gentleucn to j
«*>• aadumoe. 1 bop.- you U gire him | =■•Emer*ie"-W. J. Hobba .
“KMiseky Baba**—B. B. Vhila.
‘•Pearl*.-' (baw *ele>-C. F. fiai
Germany and other Maiinrata! ndiion* !
Pj-k« tm* nerer again prtaspted to
••-The Swelleat Tkiaf la Towa"—W. kiedng between Bentabynornmnebn- i“lf«»br*daiid aey aometbiag.New
I tork Ti-legram.
B. C Omtdaiaa.
One Solid Week.
“Ver Baby-a a Ooatl^ to Towa'
------- ------ ------------The Valilaa OrnwroTi UlM ■**.
D. VcDoaard.
A Haitbn i<*Mral baring loBtAB eye
" Mima* JohaaoB'e Boat Bar
In battle aeut to Pari* fur an artlflctol
w. Tbe makrr aent in letnrn om of
B. H. HAtlelt.
Park Plaoa.
bi« beat hbirtly after tbe gUMral reMala Quartet-B. B. W!
Wh^. F. B.
turnod it. with ib* remark that tb* rye
Parka. B. B. Uadcu: C. P.
r. j^oater.
Ohroato HarrottB PbiaaeB qi^kly wa* too yellow and ^ecallrd to fab mind
Dariar thl* perUoa o( tk*
tk*~prjr*»* enrad by Dr. Yon Doicke-* Bleeffl^ tbe SpamtJi flag, adding at tb* eame
• &.O. ToraerpreMdad a*
metked. See kirn aow at Park Pl^ time that be wonld wear taly an rye
Coaenltottoa aad adrtc* fra* far a akert toring the rvdort of bii own exmnizy.
aad tk* repartee aad
I kirn aad Duff McDmiAld aad tbaeoaly.
mad* OM with
Wm Lora, booe ardeU. aad Bart Miller
r«d and gncB pnduminaling. tbeae be
itifyl^ cnl- tog lb* Uaittou color*. Tbb *o pitamd
aad Daa. Umdoa. with tamkoriae
■ing tb*
maaipnlatioa*. excited tke
. .
dded ft
taaae ealba*laem aad oeoUaiiad -aplady.
bb eaUeoftoo al eweuu. — Pomi teaUflod to tk* atariia of tke
^ ^ledal featoia* la wkick Jokee of
mber tbqaaeambly at P
Jobba-’Pto) m- word, ft * tnanyl
acadamy toaigbk Adi
Elte-Whal bl
In tb* aeeand pariaaotkef pleaatog grab es crab: ladb* free.
Jobbe—Well, w* bad aU oardrawteg
mertare wa* girem W. D. C. Oer-1
*M fonttar* altered, tbe ptoao moved
amtoe aad Laos Ulo* gar* an admlraMotto*.
dual cbaraetarakalehof-fke "ColThe Beard of Ednoatiea wiU aaU tk*
*mad too." Dan Loodoa gave a apton- Baal Sum etiwet eekeol proper^, comdid exhibition of dancing to’ pniper abttog
lob X8 aW «». Mock 1 Hanaaral cadet eoatame aad earpriaed erea aah. Imy A Oa.** 7tk addlttom. tiMotkar te*eaatd:“QraotomI WhataaaftmTap*brF»toea.»aadAfla.
hb triaada by tb* maaaer te wUeh be WM tkeboDdtegtkeraoa. at^vata
mUforfToa Far farther teforma^
deaplayad bb Ugbtaemoffaok WiU
Bekwt* gava a kamore
aigOark. mtefOA-AUy Skpm.
City Opera House
‘La Belie Marie.”
"Viva Espanola”
Bicjfdes MHded at Fnat SL Cycle foils
From $1.60npto$S.60
wm dean It tboroagkly. trae tba wbaefak gbo yo« aay ornamantal work
yea My wbh and aay color. Beat baking oeenb dty. Only the vary kont enomL OoU and ana aampl* and nArTur yoarmM. y*Moty prbm and flnbk.
Practical kbyela npelrmi Beat work for tka laaat meney. All wertt
gnarantaad. Brndng a apidalW-
ELLIS, 311 Front St, East.
213 Front St.
BalUmore Stork Beedead -Jkrpa Tima* a Wcok.
CoiutU. flOc per qtinrt
^id Nmta.
.Hetclier’s Ofster Depot ii< Restaorait.
Ra^ingth* Rtd Cuim of tha
Oaat«ctlon«ftha IM-Fatad
»li *01 i, MILEB mUBIO*:
tm Mr». X. p. Ktu. or M
ob4 b«m«i; Chkoco. wkla«
Edvu« r. K«U. bM' Wo.
emoia that b» to amou tb« lictli
ChaptolB Cbldvlek nr* that tb* toU>
BontMT «r BtmiBK to «trhl-flr« or
•Icbtr-toK. and et> ban died Is tb«
bo«|iHaL Of the iBlnlaK. naar 4Mbttan -wt* btovB tc atoma. do pa«tloa* of
ibatr beam betaa monrahl*. aad
tbm to nocto doabi that anr coDBiaar**
DOW bflDK mn«T^ ^1 bf Idwittarf
or BwsrDiBc; oearr aodaJ funetM* waa
abandoaedi'VbUe IB New York tbe a»ctaJ Inder* wnried bt«b bnvea wUh
taainar ftaem *ft Think tin* !
Will Soon B* BlMy«
ht-ffc Uat ramiAlra theae-aana
dnaDclal oneotloo waa befor* tbe eota.
try. rbea it waa Battonal bonor. A
few dart a«o. wbeo ihe nai
» Boln« to t
rram. they aeeaoad t
' tn b-r Ktoef- He bad'BO d^re. be aaid.
to rer»«-( upoB tbe rich- There waa a
dtoltnetlOB betwrea (boae who eirplerod
’ capital IB a produettv* capacity aod
' ibon wbe werc -diooca aad uaera of
‘ wealth, who Idled Bot-®9t OW •»»
■ dared to dtottiib tbe.hogr* of (be na. (iitfi-a nioontlBK witb tbto laauii to tbe
laaati« iLmItenna Oilr Aianv M*
IW MP CoMletotr >
, "Naw Tof*. Rah. »*--Tb* weather w
«ubiM«n.o» Tto.r Anto-trn. dear reaterdar aod the abaim and
aborc* of biaieo l*lat»d wet* crowded
with people who nm* mm all pane
WatoUactoD. Feb. M.—The aidval it of (be
a naU la WaablnstoD from Ker Wcat Spanlab erulaer Vlacaya
,yHrday afterBOoD br< ictac aeverai Torojdclnaville. Tbe ct*w of tie erulaer lomailc and conniiar approprlaii
pelvate letter* from Ba*al ofBcera laiclr
«n* *r Part mt aw Iwwattached to the Malae oaboed a wdve ot
WaihlBCtoB. Feb. 2«.-Appllcalloo
egectteineBt to nu> o*»r the deDortmeDta Taeeday. Oreat cat* to belns lakeB la Nebraaka. wbo oa«*d aa aa amend_ __
a* made «« the iBierataw wmmetce
^ tbe Capitoi. for tbet*
puttlBC the coal oa board. Every aienl tbe rcwXBUoP paaaed by tbe
>e*,irrday «o behalf of
of mxDor* aa to tbe coateBia of theae oaeaemii
baaketful i*
I* inatir'
Inape^ t-d
(*-u -wj
by ibc olBreraV-k- m* * rear aav* rT^'u*H>e«ua,’. the be”. ' cemmtaalop
leUen. very few of wblcb nimor*. in fort It 1a put In
iB 'the
the bunker*
bunker*. T«o *lnin
number ..f raHroad* aak:nc for a
H»»r*Bl rl»bWof
rl»bW or the CuUn
CuUb Inaurreou
Inaurrrou ,
pdBt of fact, bad aay aouad baaU. The laimcbe* iter* ad,ded lu the poiK* patrol J
debate became .rro>raJ and occu- eupeoelon
**«• fo«ftb sectM of
iSEIlIt UUS wt':
^ ««w b. ai.- n-ina-J'. ™-bl« e- ia -a. n. n: I
^ „„„ ' tti™.!.
^ »!»«. e tt.
I wnb ftpAlo at tbe
derlously *^ued,
[ om;er* tbe Vtacaya will in all proba- I pment time weree deHoualy
^ Alaskan and Pacific coa« budi btllty
remala ber* until the
# and of tbe •; and that loicrveoUon by tbe^nlted
ibeiTJnlted ,,
,.h,rb joined In the pcweek.
{ SiateA-ewbIch a year'aco would bave ,
Ihctode prarttrally
: Tbe. only tnrtdeat that happened yes-, ^**1, tnoffenslveb-would now be almost traiucuBtlncntal road* and ibHr tdbuterday to mar tb.- cuiei
duiei about tbe war- ,
cipreaaed the opln. taHsa we« of Cbirago. An airumeiii
^bjp occurred abortiy
I ipn that the Cuban attair would event- was made by counsel preocntlng tb* spYlTieB
aubmitted to the arhluaiDent pUretSon.
were eoallnt ship
They said (hat tb* Canadian FaMfle
a red disk faatehed to It Boated of the sword beiween the rmted Bute* had reduced.through talc* atomt —
aloncslde tbe vearct It^waS painted aad Spain, but he did not want war half, and as It was not subject K
Inter-state commerce act the only reMalae and Jett tbe after pan'almeat red with tbe aeama heavily coated with
coal tar. Several at the men aaw It and
ihe Amertcan ilnca must come
Porakar thougtat the day mat
t far dis- through a suspension of that aectloe of
It was hoisted on board and carafully
It was found to coBtsIn *evint when the-time fdl a.^loa by thie _ _
which prohlblu tbe Amerlcaa
tountry would arrive,smd that the chief reads from making a Ie*s charge f
magistrate ot the natloa uugbt to re long haul l^n for a shorter one.
ballast Tbe barrer^.----- ----------------- been one used by the sallorsand maBnes joice that tbe legtolatlve brwncta of the was alleged' that a large share of the
Mendauooi ot Captain Sampaon. of the of tbe rolled State* navy as a ur*et.
government was prepared to support legittmate bustnem of the Amertcaa
-heart of inquiry, as le tbe rattlBA of ;
him in asserting Amertcnn rights. roads -would be directed to tbto Cana
the wrack.
Vartoua tnierpretatloe* I
Thurston counseled calmnrsa and pru dian competitor In the event that they
were pul on tbe expreasloa ‘forward |
dence. for he believed that the country
redoopermitted to
' -------half oompletely dceiroyed.- Tbto waa I
was rapidly drifting Into a srar with ttoBs In rate*
a parilal conflrrqalloe of !
Bpaln. "We ought to hare patience."
the tbeoty that the forward macaslne ported to hsve said ihaf the American* said be. "and wait as a great aad
bad exploded, and that to one of the In Havana were In sreat .lanyrr and powerful people, not In (ear. but In bopc
DaJIaa Tex.. Feb. M -Near Re*
Meat Important portion* ctf the fbrwaM that Crneral 1-ee had been quite ftcht that some saitWartorr conclusion of tbe
» Fkili county, yesterday evening
haU or tbe ship. At the same time. It If be had advised them to Iksve the prteent dith'-ultr ma> be reached."
esse Jolley shot and killed H. N. and
was held by some naval aulboiiUe* City. "1 have not had any intimation
_ B. Desalt, brothers. Kelley then
ttai tbe deatructlon of the forward half that Oeneral l-ee has ylveii tbe Amerlrode
to Martin, the copnty seal. BurrM*.
Hoar maJiitelned that the floor of the
ct tlie ship did not i.eceasartly mean c«n* In Havana any such advice." said
o tbe Sheris and was kx-ked up.
Bkat tbe forward raacaxlne bad ex SecretvT Oay. "and I have not dto* be did the shooting In aeU-deploded. and this mlcfat be atlll Intact, cuaaed fbe matter with any one."
that no senator ought to uiier any
alihouch a part «t the crneral wreckiXOMO
thing that might not wM be uttered by
tbe prmldcnt of tbe United Statea He
expraaed hi* wllUngne**. however, to
Vrldently the prcsIdcBl of tbe court'
give hi* support to the esecutlvr should To n«rida Tla "Tl^e Land «f tte
■Mat brtb*
at Inqnlry to fearful of the eftert upon
Indianapolis. Feb. U. - A peoten Ihe time for action arrlv*. provided the
tbe public of attempts to account for
tbe drwtrucbon of tbe Maine, for ye»- aitalnst convict Uber In eompeUUon
The Mighty bootberu Itollwa^byufaHa
Mday afternoon he lelesrapbed Secre- axalnat free labor waa mads to Gover
tern, trsrerslag the eight
,-ht G
was ruled out of trrder.
of the Booalor South desire* to call
lary L^nny. doubtiMi havlox In mind nor Mount yesterday by ottcer* of tb* amendment
HealUhSeeker. the
atitialii publications of yesterday mora InternaUunal Broom Hakera' uolon. the appeal from (be ruling taken by the attonUen of the HealUxseeker.
ine. as follesrs: "Any reported inier- now In Bcsslon to tbto city. Tbe xov- Uble by s vote of U to L Early IB the Land-sechsr. the PJeaaure-eeeker. the
was asked to iDvesUxatc a report day Ali-B offered a resolution providing Prnflt-eerker and the Fk-kle TruvuHng
___ the convict labor law had been
(or a committee of dvr senators who Public, to the many adrantagew. tbe
evaded at Hlch^n City by cosveninc should go to Cuba and aacertaln tb* beautiful soenrry. tbe rjch and ferGle
a bicycle cvbtra.-l into a ckaln making precise situation on the IsUnd Under Utd and the many reudrta which Us
c pro <
contrail. It to pr.ip..»ed to caU a meet- the'rale* It w«n: over. BoibNlta* mili alocg llBUneg.
Go tty Florida aad escape the many
Inc up of tbe forward tnayaslne*.
: Ing of employer* and employe* in bus- tary acadreny and thr dlplomall* aad
cold aad dlaarresahls days *f wlpter.
. i Incsu aflected by prison emnpetiuon.
inlarapproi-nsUi-nWIl* were passed aotf threat A«BBVILLF.. -Tb* Land
The offleer* Bere are Hill thinking Of
j Agllatlon Is
- now
-r arttve
In In
labrougb attempted to secure sMlon
OapUln Blgsbee's request of Tussday. 1 tocky. Michigan. llllB-*l*, Indiana and >.. the bill to regulate tbe laws of bftheSWy." THE 8WITZERI-AND of
.. be
I Pennsylvania Thr delegate* srtu «n- Alaska, but on ol.Jeclon from Turner AMERICA, where beareu and earth
furnished _..w
with .wt
aeem to meet amongst the many of the
Maine’s section through the magsi
deavor to raise funds for (be
of Washington It •
beauties of nature. See tire grui
and coal bunker pockg^ The reference Ing ofk parer
■a. B WhMb
aeenery ia Amtriea and Bllu.
e the latter Is partlrtilarly Interesilng,
The folio* ing otBcer* were elected by
TUlklngMpoe bU pro;*.*«d "rider" Ai Bonas. America'* ou'y Palace, the
and leads o a desire to be informi-d on tbe ohtanliatlon; Presldral, O W.
suppi! at Mcdler. Indlansisills: first v«*e pre*J- re' asrerted ihal br b-J reliable In Chstsan of <too. 'Y. Vanderbilt. Or
the rxaci riuallty of the cpal supply
i.rm«t.on that no irs* than at pei the trareier. who is in a harrv- to get
the time of tbe explosion. It U said denl. t>*««l'-1 SLulia. tlalesburg. Ills ;
that these pocket hunker* are rarely seennd vice piv*lri--iit. J N. HofTmstt. ent. of the Cub«n p»puUltlo|i-ur MO. to riorid^ran ^
ewrpUed. being designed as mueb for l.ockiK>rt. N -Y : ihlrd vk-e president. MB pe-n-k' -natl t-ilslied m Cuba allhln
tte protecUon of the ship against 3. 3. Fisher Han Fraort*.-..; aevudlaiy- the past three year* a* a resull of SpanIsh.cruqlty
' Aod yel." «ald .Mien, 'lest
CUB shots a* for inrartiy to b<M coal. treasurvr. 8. T. 1‘cn'i*. IKirolt
we. the wenate. • b.*ly of elghty-nlne
One expert aald that these bunkefs. in
men. oBrnrt the ho-4*r of representa
with the Quaeu * ■Cna-l'
bis own experience, have not been emp- .
----------------- —
tied In month*. AH nf iWs ha* to do j Waukesha. Wla.. I>b U -The wooIto tive*. consisting of *i; mra. a p«‘lnt of cent Route, the Houiberu teilws.v
arltb the »potvlanenu»-cimibustlon the- 'pills a1 *1en.-*ee. Wl*.. were ilesiroyed order •* to be made against this amend form* ihe^Oreat T-hrengh Trunk-Ldu*
tkihth' aad norida. Eltoraat
o*y, as the tamker* abut on the mags- ) by (Bre yeeierday afiernwm. Loss. ment «t.d it will go the way of very
vest-bolsd trains, ean-vlog throngh
Mne* and might have ret ..ff even the
no .ii.uran-e The Are orlgtoMfe bpiwn powder.
: a»«m In the pti-kine vstm ot tl*e third MOfkC HAS ■mr l.lvei.T ■OtoHNTA slrepin^diD’eg and chair cara
Line Psr-eteellr^e* of the South.
anil thr empluyes barely escaped
For msps and infor-atailoB. appl.r to,
The I'I'-vi le fat tiiry aa* also destroyed.
Toea Mmm Ulve^ the Creator CMy*
nor aearest coupon tick-' agent or;
•on* totrei tor Lwvlty.
Cwart sr laqaltT CamUmm— fi* Iwvsttlga- ! ha».
_______ _________
Wm n.TAVUir.
tlM-VsttBie.D.<ih>atly Work.
p.isIIt Hsnby s IweomeUea.'
Washington. Feb .*4. -A VaHety Ul
A**t Gen’I. Paaa Agent.
Havana. Feb. «—Tbe Vnlted Stales
B*c*n*»». Mu.li. Feb «. — Albert eubjens ot-upled ih* atlenlloo of the
X tlsFouriVi
tin Foorih Aeou*.
. court of Inquiry Into the lost of the 1 Champ, a resident of North Escanaha. house during tbe conslderalloo of tbs
Loolssill*. Kentucky.
Malneroe: at 10 *‘cloek yesterday morn-j was fatally injured by a ’
sundry civil approprisuon blU yrstrrtag and examined Dr. • Hnnerberger. while he was walking on tb
day. Mshauv of N'r* York made an
Paymaster Kay and Chief Engineer [of the Northuctera railway, north of auark on the peirloUsm of some of the
B«.n. « u.. mwMp. Ti*- ™ . i
-»»■ H'
social lewf.ie of New York, whom he
saPt b.-ia lush rrvrl while Ihe nation
until 1:» p, m. Several wltnessea. !
Alger Haeli at HI* IW.
(Mwrvl i;-wn with gr1-f over thr
whose name* are not how obtainable. | Wa<blngtiVn.-Peb.
Secretary'Al kiss ..f Mil ir»ulllng from in.- Maine exPlvslur. Th>- southrrn nii-iiiber*. who
............x£mined durtng thr afternoon. ger has returned from Fori Ho
health, and railed have foi years ts-m nghtlog Ihe appreAnother visit was made' to tbe wreck
r •inf..rmrr»idem at Ihe While House. prtslioa
by Captain Sampson, president
M foot lot. with church buUdleg.
i|ih a Ann *Iep and seemed
court. -Ric captain say* be has
Elmwood Aee. HpUding evnid be re
ovrred from his recent Illi-anwln gsv- nmice that modeled into store -with little expeoa*. |
and an aye and nay voir
upon ihv irtitlmony. aad new feature* I TEO08&BDS SEE TEB DBAS.
NVl>»i-*#ioo a
requiiuig furlb'-r lavrsitgatloa may de- |
treolulli.n wa* ad/ipied inqi-lrlng of the dwelling, situated on Madiaon aiiwet.
velop si any time. Captain Sampson j g|« WUtordV Htoswls* Ue Is MM* I* the treasury -dejiar.ii.rni wl'«* «*• ‘>«v'> Sold oh w.v term*, oniy M5o
Weatoa-. Treapte wi Chtwi*..
-added Ibst sooner or later every sur- |
done by tbe i nlird Sialo to prev
vlvor of U.e Maine uiil.be easmlr.ed by t
the coi veyanre i« thv i'uIabs of artlthe court. wbOth-*e>.ms to Imply, that '
vle* l>r.-1nir.( ID Ibe ( tlivd Stale*; also
dehhaon BMek.
•s 111 llir prcvrnticin "f tlhbusl.-rtnc.
.at Key Weau m.iiwuxu «ui». lajviuiw. ,
Vlu-fi Ihe appmuintlnn .if STS.WO
tlon to meager It .* alreaiutely all Cap- i
the last timj aw
tain SamiooD wlU glvr u, the pres*.
l ihe mortal rrenalns of France* E W 11- 'the.ilelection of vlcteiinn# of the Inter
Aiargv quamit) .,r .tathlnc ha* been , lardy Fllin*
' ly fnside the arches
taken from the wn.- k. aud after It has j thi- crowd* ri.terrd Wi.lard hall, wbefe IDrm.t and Utim-y (Rep.) of North
vx.i.- I•lll<'r in their denunila'been dtslnfevted It win i«r given to the ; the remalr.* of the greal temperance Carulln*
reco^ssretrado*. ■I'h* Udies^f the miss- ! le^er U> In slate. Manj' of ibrae who tlon of the Injusllca- of tb-- syst.
(or Intonnatlon. The f<
log offleer*. Ui-utenaEt J- okiqs and
j paawd Uie peart-gray raakel. BK tn Ihe (wying
airike eui the lirnv It placed
atotant Englnw-r Uvrriil. haw nut been midst ot a maas nf (lower*, shed tear*, a pnmlum.
they root.-nded. upon false
rscevered. -fhe diver* r.-a< h.-a, the ' and sob* mingled wlJh the low sung
'iraff iKep.) Of HI
yooner'a room, but hi* body w^ not | *ord* ..f familial hymn*.
3? 5!!^“
Thii* Ur the Shark. h-vW.;
rh;".fter;'o^ Btobop John
When yoo want to takg a -ride
no trouble, but the vuliurys
..ffered prayer over the re-,
.Tld b^^l.v^mrre dtoremember tliA best place to ro.
MMoely anythin* irei the .kelemn. Tf 1 a,ne. and they were conveyed to ,>»J'^rirt. b. ^
I bave fl IflT^ open bug. a 5 MMt
three men Who were enUngled Indebr^, r„, cottage. Evanston, where they lay ,
very near tb* surface of the »aie?:!to Mate unttl-lbe final acrvliro ,hls '
•leiRh and fl top bn». All T*ry
Ihe bodies were not nollred by any one
I doming
. The llm aepvlce this morti- |
oomfoiiAble for
unUl the foul birds bad evmiaei.d their ; („g wns held at the <-ottsge at * o'clock i formrd for pay anod declared II
ghastly work. From tbe band uf one (c,
intmcdiaic member* <if (be famChsplaln Chldwli-k removed a deeply i„
frend* Frtx.nd sewlc-s
mCDt that (be, two after hollers In tbe
after boiler space were all ot tbe elEbt
bailers of tbe Maine that were under
Manat at the time ot tbe cxploaloA Tbto
• M^'bad a ne«ative value, for It dtopfaed at once of (be theory (hat an
■^tadlnc boiler had cauaed tbe wreck.
Tbe ekperta all aay that by ne poaal
The demand for Improved- and Un
improved City Property ie becom
ing brisk. I have
Two or Three Houses and Lots
Jt la n^rted that twenty bodies have'
feMk found under the forward batch of
the Maine, but only three have been removed owing to the mass of chainarend
wreckage tn-ihe way. The oOcers of
the court of inquiry-during their in^ectloB of thr wyeck yesterdar discov
ered. It I* said, that tb* armor plate*
projecting from the waiter forwardjear
tbe bow were tram the bottom « the
Mtlp-' There to a good deal of Bpeeulanon aa to what caused this, many eontndlng that the poslUon of the plates
Mtowa that the big magastne forward
fljd aotexpleda Thi-redoeso'lseem tobe
any apeculatlon as to what amor plate*
wwe dolctg oa the bottom «C tbe ship.
Marty yreterday afteruoofl Chaplain
CMdwb-k reeeivsd a comnualcatlon
irk erethat Mahany (Rep.) of New York
wlU speak uf Him WllUrd a* an edu- ated another Burry by dellvei
catur; Dr. LftU* wHl talk of .
Bvo-mlnute apeccti In
public woman: Dr. Terry will consider
ber a* a neighbor and Dr. Bradley wtn
dlsciiurwe upon Miss Willard as a wom- lion waa In mourning for the Iras of the
Bailors of the Maine. He aald be- felt
It to be htodniy to rebuke a drenmstance ic eoanertlcn srtib a disaster to
the Maine. While the mangled rente
of the bsaro sailor* who perished
M. The Itol will be a W* one. IhL
being placxd on the HcKtnicg vot*. one
dqlecaie tor each 4M votes. TUs UMAha
a conrenUan of more than UM detegatc*. tbs largeal lA-thc history of tbt
■ tbe so-called sad self_________» of Kew York held a oodal revel which was termed a ^-egttaUc party." Bow dlffereol the feelloc
^IMed by UtoM oo^led *oc^
taaden In tb# naetiupoman city aftbo
ratted .sum and tb* oonditKM In Lmdtm wbed tbe Camperdown aank tb*
Sleighing Tallies,
and a Number of Well Located
Vacant Residence lots
in Traverse City that wiU be sold
At Low Prices
11 sold NOW.
Come and ask about
them, if you want a home or a good
Alflo fl-krt of tbe very beat Pott*
land cDtUfE, two tnd thrae fleated
I can fit yoo ont with any kind
of a tanipDt.
PionflflT/IitTHiy lUa.
Thos. T. Bates.
ItWM »
raiDAT. >»>PAaY M,\99S.
Eopira annm a cepigL | ^yr^nt wTg^»«T « 04— '.* . .J— ..
—— M—
-_____,1 .
tecM'XdiDMr. nw«w«»
Ever Burned Onk?
8pr1ti«fleia. m.; reb. K-IB the «oh-
PrortBcetow*.. Ma»..
Yeoiton of mited Mine wA-kew y«i- | tu* toercary. ftotitaiD E«na. haa Vr
Ctowfiff 8e*n*t of tho Frooch
___CaUM Colobr* Oo«cribod_
by Emily Crawford.
W AlfcitfItT CHURCH.': ■
OoBCRsatkBal aociety,
U Boyoo kBow
at Nocth
tertay a reaolutton <raa aaopied al- !
i»**a that tbtoe Batrarty. M*aiu. to J84 yean tdd and to |
lowln»theine«L«aofthe.aUie««ecti. >en oftbd enw of the BHUab ahlp ,
„d only booteof worahip tba
«r« Melt MUte Dw •rbyt Bod wba«(nnB of. live bcnrd tt-U W* »'hlle 1b aecxloD. • Aria a-^yeacoed TveBtoy by the crew ggelrty baa ertr bad. H»e Second parlA i
‘ -•--’-nloiB. offerina • »wy jaetty An attempt to ProWtoltbe ihltlatlon of or Ha^kercalef itohuhtp. The njen^BererJytoooeolUieoUeoctotieaod;
O. P. OA&^a. Acntt.
any rajMlldate for Biembribblp Ui any ereiy Uken from a r‘ere ct «Teckayc.oD i)>e OOOL^.
HMmb inocivorateil by Ibe.
for the
nu«T. to be dWaVdid by the otbw UReo.
local iwh« a ho haa been biackh.ied or nbJsb^they had been floaun* for twen-1 g«,anl A«rt in I71>. It «aa aa Uw i:
blackballed by a local aaa defeated. W-ftw bou^and «ere rraaUyeibawtrf sajani and Bererty." Ob-1a t.
n.*J^ i
BBd loerd the domreto. ywrctoK
Tte cotn'enllon decided to enforce the
dnrtt^^i ■
“•*** ®“
«f) UHPOrttfll 10 ItOPuIJ QOURnl
Ibevuzld. Weyrhre«|»ndlnf tbooonmwr
w Bto x*rw« u, tte vm, «•
ai— I___ ' welybiBf of ■II coal Innaa pit
i. ♦.<
at Kewpurk, my metber oad t.
i> P>ctA.
«r CMiinrtec fltioWf
Only three t,f thnee on board Uie Aria
iiM «M rion
Tf waa alM decided
fWnie«in» toward /oRDinrtba
w-epe raved- FoUow Ir.s 1* a U»l of thtwe
..laVMt* naclB a etob. otdj otety bMkw from Hot- the northern, fli-ld ahould'
»hould\ ri.tonirote
k»l: Cnpiain n. K. Dakin. Mre. Dakin. ■joietywki held to Novambw. Hi*.
ton. Tbe InfloeDoe of mooDllirfai walk*,
—TMt to Z«U> Lu&«rto<w B»»» Bra*— tbe balmy air of tbc «a and ibewondcr- work each mornlny V 7 O'cliwit. aUB- Lena Dakin. I -ryi Mate Thoma* Co. k. •Bd a oootoiitu-a appotoi
At B law
lsTrWT«r«(CUr. '
BUB.to. :
______ Jag
fol cbann of two InerprctolUy ghnioiM
Secoc.d Mate------ Croato. Jamca Mar
Dg tbe
som <rf £860
C3SI waa.ratoed toJonathan McT>>ititld. prealdent e( tbe
Michael Dcyle. Chart s
j yard'boildiog B meottog ho^ Urn
reb. S4.-lCoprrtithi, lM.'br tone eyea all -onlied In eanloK tbe myatle Bute Hototlits Bhsliieen’ Amwlatkoh
--------------- bniU and floiaied and dedi'«h« Atooctatrd Pre».l-Tb« ZoU IH»1 mil over me. and tbe end of tbe iBninw of liliDOla: r.;ade a »tron« talk before F^K Wait-r. Pbarier V.
Jobhron, J'harle*
i mU.'A the followtog year. ,
to eBdfd. .The Jury «*re«0 d«>-» »be«<l
tim convenllnn In.which be advocated
r, for when I madci
Ts’lliir.mr, Charier Cartston. Jyhn F'eld- j
aduatton with bto nnkm. A commute*
OB the t erdM-U Bhd lU UBBalmlW WB»
THfred 0
of my am
«ae to thnaie. It *i»yed in the Jury with a lipplinR touab. a HweatyUnoa from wai appointed to conalder the adviaablllty of surh an kflitlalloe The con(be dmr oye« and a -Mby. you foohtta boyl
tar Boeton w-lih a ^yr» of bemp. The * 1761 » Keeple was boill and a «00
] never dreamed yon weA eerloaa I
ahip 8ln»ck on Creat'-BAind rhoal 'at i ixmnd bell was frarcbaMd. Two femn
aoBtlu for M. I>emux. tbe nonilnal di thouybt thUwaa only a auiDmer filrtation.
mtly eared (or yoo that-way. and,
i:U> oduck on tbe cvenlag of Rutidsy j later Bobnt Hooper gave a bell ft) tbe
rector of The Aurcre. The boor eraa ■
I am enoBlNd to Mr. Stewart, who
last. After ahr atruck ahe floated j dborch. Tbe boore waa placed on tta
T In tbe cveniBK. and the court waa
p»**eiit rite to 1887, when if waa «S
Ufbled b>- eUcirlcIt'r. ahlch'reveBjed
he per- agalB and then atruck
TDorc. Tee:
laned and rbnnmglily
t Lake
tbe face of erery perwin. A very atrlkabipl
B waa
%hen GrocTBl Gage
. atudooed at
tac object. "ClirtofCruclfied.-huito hl*b follow*:
tbe boats, but aa taw I
Danvers and lived in tbe Colltoa booee.
' behind the bench
U. Maltre Lab9rie |
irlnatbe rear of 1870 I wia«r.|«»'>^ »*
ih* ar^ and
ered It was amashed t o piecee ayalnsi
at tbetimo bon
f lbc|)OstAtP«tTownaband.PW«»
®*''*'* »-■"«>» «■*•“ »«c»ere
ended bl> apeccta b)' na>Unlt: ’'The
the vemel. uatll they i
airoyed. Captain Dakin . -.. ------------■
name of Pilate la tbe moot abhorred In
WbsD ia ae«d of anytbtag to tUa
mand of tfceriTctma rnSer Aretlo, iSa.!
Cen^ Gary ^lawrri a
to conrtrtici a r*ft. but bef.ire be could j asecthbly bo-sore it war aboot to fnmi a
i»tolory.“ Tha flfnre of .CSillol enitfbt
parttenUr fflend of mlae. and It waa order to dlrconilnue the offlee at Lak
acentnpUsta anyUiing he was awept provlndal oonprers. be attended cborcb line reBembm- tbU ie tbe ploM «»Idavc.
Ecla’a eye. After toOieBoe bad been
through bln I flnw met tbe woman 1. City from this time.
everbotrd and drown. His intruc- i], tbe Kortb Bi ierly booae of worriilp. yoarordeT*andgeipn»|Awo*|t.
pained «ah pumiiona deoorBfu. he e»JovetL She was cnyaiccd to blm at (be I
-------------dons werr fonowed. however, and all
fof maoy year* tbe nelliug wee sot
• claimed;
board got away on . ,j,adenri..bnt Ister some of tbe wealtby Leave yogr ordat* at oOe* or entl ap
ChrlM- J. UKi. am a victim of mob vl«rafta.
- lence,
om> lal coi^ erdl.e and a cranJ
nembera iiad tl:t sjuccs
r (beir own
—ww uh m-Mta Tw4k «r A*
■ TM
Origtoally it waa60 fret by 40. In
m s-w. . 107, to OO.b D«0«. « “O ™
mlmr^re.of juaiki . "
' golaDwked ratlrely InUllTeTooM.
''Blithe did fi..t WIOIV n.r t'.rdi.'v.He
f lofked as lnd;n«> iu hs .v m-i • ry-wy, Mure. Z-Ja's dc.i.J b. .m at
■I sevttied .l.nUivn; lor. wbi'i. s.ie /• '•
that she niuot
hvn-erf U|i to rlrto tbe helimrof *oU V cre id ritunllnn
.. ..................................-..................... .4 ! given ...rflaner* was a dinner alward the could be overpowvr^_ ^ere^ ^
than she. They hsve dl.tti kv.v.mpatJed : rtiennc cutter. That night, onfortunstcly.
Zola, protecting him from mob violence. U was vtiy III. bw Inslriwl «p«
wga-alao g«*n>
ui«;L |-,w* takirig plaaTwltbootTBa. We}L.boys. i
B (St4d Bight (or me.
_____ f other ', friends w-i-rc delighted. ’ that
They dei lared jbet by the eenicnce he j tDornli.;- the Aretlo was mitring from Ibo
r. ^md iwith It my bclrolbed.
»ps redeemfd from aU past faulis: that j harbor,
A-wet him upon a radtont pedes*,nl;
gavr ;
**| hwi
forward tbae tBd been a
a unique p<ialiloo and w -uld make : quirt v>ivjding after tbe guesu
■ •’.?*( *^on Belkins, myrebant and poetmas-,
mid-- i{ ,er
•_ at
.• Aven-a. thirty mUe
—.It. each nf
r repnwcniatlve ^Ran of bu- ashore,
and they
ritooily s« sail at bm
ftobt. >~rtng me thq bUtefnesa and oha-'
k. Blsseot«ll«*7*wrPerT»ws.
grtb to endure alona SbcBJUSthava lovad i
„,„ed John Blackwelt and
‘m. Perreux.ioor fellow, baa rmeom- Wm tosta^alT"
l«ny wounded Joe Stewart. The ahoottook place al a daiKe.
e of glorr-'
tiH-ni for his works, i
,vd »«
to ke«D i ••
b, ^ ,ud while I
order during ihe trtal. The civic guanto
and rona:al,uh.rv on.v uem Allied „ut."
ind' toe tow i »»ir*
bioome sacred—
rrtaultoM >»«*-«rvedtol»«m^^
c«‘urts todayi'buideepjie all |>ct.-i
••A.youallkoo'e. tlieearlr iswtof my!
to exclude tbe public LOm person* got
wa< *|K'ut In uwvt-IIng Dimng»iH>af'
Into the haJI. There were endl. s» ojflters
a>y irlpa eo rim ci»n I etop>>rri ______
in {ton ,
iB uBforih and civfiton clothes, and'tbe
ynung ofTkem U> the CBUrt and baO
totBrit IB tbe manlfewtotlBBs and waved
when ''Vim' larri.ee- was
CIi"d. The old ofievrs were ror.tenl to
Isuzh merely. Th.- Jury sllpj-.l away,
but ->inc of the Jurymen wen- recog
nised in the hall and borne in triumph
through tbe seethlnd
oa jH.ong
ethlnd crowds
» shoulders. The din was fearful.'
* was a joyous din.
been given
will, prohabi
.. . It-____
held in .New York. bow.
.,... tradee
an'tta* penpie interested
arc al peesent la that city. After tbe
her meeting of
tbe bell, be waa giveti a pew in tbe
cAiiKb. nud tbe parUh voted to Lave it
tad at tbn.exiiciuecd tbe
•odety.—Boauw He-uld
^^ utooHnd
jeettve—to pul down Israel—In
This union is l«s fortuKoua (has it
bw control all tbe
The Jewrndw
Inds sod feel.
aounrs •«! w ealth. The
tne* of the people bav* lung been la re
volt In sr-crei agaloat this i-ower which
will be held, when ■
i, expected
vrtlb tbe detai
This great trust, which will he known
as the American Steel and Wire oompsny, la capliallsed al tr.0B0.W0. Tbe
plan of tbe consolldaUAn la to buy up
qU tbe wire plaau in the oounur and
Imadenutir secure a number of furd a
steel mills, so ihnl the comnarcs and
estimate tbe total niimbcr af separate
bito nr |.iece* of metal wbiob toiRVtba'
make up tbe typtw
an Oxfctffl refereac« Bible (bore mar then be added ful
ly 1,100.000
letters, figure*, points,
^oes. eio.. in tbe text and BOO.OOO to
tbe niaigiual notes, making a total of
6,666,488 jdeevs to all
Gruf Kiplii ft Indlm 1. i
sETfm KBimis uiaonci.
BioeU Pills feed to*
®f «be itoi
• luU alCsrdeoCIty. ' *«>>*
4AWS-VW* s ebedow of hi* larw»
'^1 I
hardship; hi* falh>r was an old mllltsrj- eamjlsicner with Napoleon and
was-lB the reiecRt from Buaaia. at
Waterloo and other batUei. a alurdf cid- iiImI)
"Cdiri tbe wedding^
1.WU I •
-French peeVtifU. M. Zola was reared
:li.> IveTensL There
by peasantry In he hardy and,e*adui-- Hi.-*
I* R in;.'»«? In i. .v, afti* all No
ibBl nlgklk.1
. —ct.^
4ben. I Bcver-ws. in lure.—Owt
' HUrel. Lretetatle;
BprtogaaM. HI. Feb.
Tsaicrdar advanced the
primary elwAloif bill
and bit elide tbe UrM «1 lu kind drilbcrThe measure aj-pll.-a
Wbeoceeaue hi* Infomiathan Cook, aod musi be adopted by ttoi*». I Aibow noL Turn. If you ran. the
popular-vote before it can become oper isavreot nauin's word0ful voluBM bock
ative Tbe house joint rreolutinn ask To tbe oprntog cua^reof animal Ufa for
ing ioagrem to pew a ^ esubllshlng
D tbit and a
a naUonal mlUUry park at Vlckaburg eurtoo* trelta Maybe the primal
eras concurred In.
aaw a cube of lee break from it* p
- By a vote of O yets to.7 nayr toe]
and go alldlngriown a pel
S the biU which ,
Be may have then tried
the Cbltwgo ecbool treebera hope will
hliutvlf under tbe notioD that
, aecure them their long-deidred Increae* ,upj, sliding was jure good fun Iw otten
to aatarie*.
The measare paeoed the Qolen reber
last Thuredar. Tbe HeGtoaU{
Wberewr tbe ottre
may bave cdMalned
w mayb
talepbonr bill was reafl
a third time
to bis Idea of •dUllog. beha* neitbre
- -........................
r loetU
tbe bouse.
- upon IL Be slides as b
10^ TsValkreko
ISif IKMwarekwa
■ (s'lia
* SB »«
}. W. PaVhiB.
AttorneT* at Law.
4 H......... iaieawsai
«IS ......KXeelsaaU
a K- BBOWl*. Auw-sey aa« O
O. Law. UpreWov^vw* to
areeenverwDCln*' tllPreotai.
Hotelr Whiting
Thf Otifibntfld BpeoitUfti.
"■1 ■■■tessiw
Ja* O. Joinreos. Dragrlal.
w Whimsy Msy Die *g Bse-Sajartse.
-Front Street.
bas ar..pbysU»i force behind It What
bar fermented In Ihe brain l» now going
Into action Tbe church I* 'f
X. of Evanston.
soTv'ly was. •
great universal orgrrtxsllon
TelvM Ibe SSyl*.
Iiliyslclen to charge of an i
____ elected pr*rideat-. Mr*.
Jewish univeitol alltoacv. abd bad tovtftd mS out to
Marvin, of Oak Park, weeretary. and
<Bdv Violet Grevilla wborn tips Id
rraace. th>-r«fure. b now politically wHb him. ssyingl
to _
saying 1 might wtourened
Mr*. Ellen Reaor. of Cani.fB. treasurer.
farhioaa are riwnya acceptod sagoswith Borne; bal s^e rouxt keep the republic. A- ronnarchy could only live by
fan* of thv army, and would mean
war. Frame U not orgst.lscd
'• -By the way. Kure ll. old boy. I must, puy^gi* of Abraham Lincoln to Ken- t»S j^Kgmhls
for her army Is only mlim*. But tbnw you uhouf our liiinates. Soyutmg.
dlefl Tuesday at bit home near ^ “ v.c, siyie. gnaji* am «uor—
Prince Henry of Orleans I*' b*ij>l"g for hautlful andlfmr bopelfwa
There ri.e
the martyred prealdeat black, aornfltWgr-Jilae.-ppbit^ ril^
.......... ,
----------- -----------«•'--oM aoda boriof otb«
a mliiiary mnventepi acalusi the repub ritoatl dayquietly arranging there Sowers
lic and t.i .ome to th* i«i>| gbd
and «ofU>
inftly 'ringtog
riogtog to bnaell.
At a late hour l.might- I went to ;
Zola!* h «*»
A* 1 o-*~d tbri.ueh the)
-UHt-l hreid m more. Sldwjyabrbad
HlUght t
fl<nS*r-ailorned vretlbule
a ahd looked tot
Into mtoa AC
relied ber eyve
ould be
a year'* lini>rl*QnfBi-ni
last 1 bad (duod b.T. my M
wholesome chans* from this luxury. M. sochBTilRcel 1 grasped Jack's wrtsla and
Zola'* lasK fur luxun 1* Hallac and hi*
: dragged him from
home V* rumlfhed muih In the Hallan
mantT*r. n. lily and handaomely
1 I lnH..-0 our talk. ’ I told him of the p
f ttuy unllrli
9 and of
found hirii more n-rvou* than on ib> i lu^.
As the trutb
7 ilka a
i rlin lip He *ays he I* aorry Ooshi d before me i
for Prantv. but Hunk* she w ilt right eob e-. sped my bps.
beiweir. The house w as filled from qlie
•'.'^hcls dtod now, While aba Hr«d l.i
ground ll»-r to the garret with bou-: lugged tbeprivlligs of aupplylngber flowquetr nf flinseni. (bsi bed come from <-re, v> llbout wtakb sbo often beoalne v ioall tort*., the gifts, doubtless, of Jew -1 lent nnd under where »ubtle toOuenoaabe
. Ish Igdle* • • •
I waa gvMloand hainy nsaoblld.'',
A friepd expressed regret that tbere~ M«e-eeopeuc<J lilswsicb aod pewd It
bi'so mui^ iHHirgeolae <vmfort at tbe ' nroutu. giving us a view of tbasweretoea
81. Pelagic -prison. M. n«.eh*fnrt haa; whi.h bW poswreri ao niueb po<w«». Budthere his Kngihili bed and bedding and d-n-y lUigh nimon. after one gloBCe at
It,and »>-fte go dally to prepare’ H,;_yvVli. evcUlnw;! »u tin excltw] tone;
Iwy. yon
I would be preferable
' V.liy.
<.rlglnal of tbst ptc■ rheumatism.
>tii-:ilr.jioB. Herxtam*
r that he will
oldest friend
Ods Day Daly Xaob Veatta.
]n-'i ■ ..all Ididbsargbe
Boi die 111 Jtit He was brought up to
-John Verly.
iBvastiratloa shows thvt men wh
lecMd ar* men of braina-atroa
will power.
Xnson was presented with ,
cssnot sapp'v the vital ft
alumni and ttudenis of : Cgni .. O.. Feb St-Former Mayor :
Mere, •
a ...
leading ■ torney. was
people with acUve braias and
hla alma mater, Notre Dame.
|W. J.^.c,,..
W. Carg.a company, of Omen afreetedv >--terdny_____
____ _
tbe miad bright, mueeic*
•ievator wits
with s
a ..Postorflee
itar.'U U., will etect an cievaior
mv^ Inspector XP. Owen.chargrf
1 the^rehhvry
of tb*
biaod and give
eanacltv of ILOW) bushels at Depere
with rotnpHcltv
buaneia a
poatofBcv Sunday nonrtag. In
perfect health
^naieur chamo'""
^ Tn Trukaa oi
T n Hooper wc
g oS^he Uunda . found, together
plonahlpai trap *i
Adrtan C
aruduetiuB of an amateur. '
The body of Mrs. George F Jordan, of dish it may be saggastsd that dmeobta
■■For years tbe tare was my Ideal It'tbe town af Romer*. Wia. was found < ew<i g* a drink it mueb improrsd if
flltt^ before me In my droBW*. to tbe ' la a ctatera on tbe Jordan farm. She , We^dod orreral hours beforehanA It ia
aunligbt luoonllgbt, at aU Umea and bad beva In very poor bealib for aome'
he.wk the lump* of
plorr*. boWlng t
) sweetened obooolate into i
resting roe from iorlna any.woman, for 1
wl^;nre of'^h";U“?i'^?Vn‘;?e'^*oV
bod not seea one wbo looked like ber.
00^1* do-to
•■It.was only two years ago, while rlrit- W? P Nfcholls former pireldeM of th*
Ing my friend Jack (. amill to Pbdadri- Bank of Commerce. Sew Orleati*. for tbo flavor of tbe aboodtota is betoaxtraetsA.—New York Post.
. • Alkea. B. C. Teb. Jt-Tbe co^ltlon
•t Ufa. WiUlam C. WtaUbey to
V—Watch Repairing.
,< th, Kbl. .-d
‘ 8.6M.48a 1<
' «*are*.aByaT
Jonraal of ani
d by tl
at Bib]
Claretadiii Tress, ralaM to a text
« deHrivd action and are todepentot of v«neflgai«aod
» familiar Bgaree (if nsadi tod
Mias Clara BartCtu pr^ent of tbe
[i I
pbowapl^rto Bd’ Crosi aoCIeiy to the United States. !
I visited all
To there who atody tbe ateetiea of d«>. but without avail
My fair picture; it actively engaged 4n the relief work in I
reldnUy'boun'toej Cuba.
*toU to the prcparavlon of *v« a rimple
r. diurch and people, with
people, wbo will be iutereated to lasntbat there ere 778,746'woeda to tbe
„ Duiuth damaged tbe Chamber r.sH. -from Ihe ore. The cnpaclty of
or Con
muing to tbe
extent af I
ptorits which it la exp.-cted eventtio.ooo
I uslly to Include Ir the new company, I*
Two g<
nt cutters capatoed tn a gbout &u.vt>o tuns a wryk nt rods, wire
to to
ns'ls.- ' )
gale off WeHa. Nor..
log elev*f»-twvaona
t !wt^h. t
1 foup'
mnu ua,
bUri-su In my IkKcI r mm a jtbuUigmph.
'Thitv. was a strange fascination
to |<ut
that leoc forma. Uw.-.*
___________ -■ - I
It from my mil
carriage wIikJowa at the tb«a», to |
cn^bere it vrould Oath
tbe street*..
before me.
“I made all
prrwmi wbtf bad ompled the room* be-1
fori, (be proprietor (old me.'
Thone No. 8.
Wben Bf b. rt Hooper gnv- tbe diurcb.
I at once tmune atlmittre to to^wv Bis Ptlth rierder Within a Werk
Hiss Newton, but ft wm not until almost
tbe expiration of (wo ynara that abe prumLincoln. Neh , PV-b. « —A rt-Wlal from
Ir rfwdwct, M.OQe Teas.
iied to l« tny Wife.
Alma, the county seat of Harlan county,
rittsUiirc. Feb. H.—The much-talked
'■About icDriais-bcfore tbe date wt for tars;
“Word bas l^s{ been received
onr wedding the
tbe Arctic
ArMie arrived
In f
of wire trust will Mkely l.ecome aa acfrom Maacot. this cuunty. that Tbomaa
Captain SlmpKoif. upon bcaringofour<
Id fact before tbe end of tbe
Ford, who tost week cut tbe throat of .
gBKcnicnL waa moat pKifuae to bU a
hla hrolber-ln-tow. escaped from toll |
“Amoog tbe nommnos entertainment* * y*«fd«- “'"I kHlrf fow men before be !
FRIDAT, MARCH 4th, 1898.
/-XllBflRT A yATBLAurensys. Bpaeialreij tfirtfaevo^to^peoeUee- RreaueaaS
mom uDM«muTm i.i
ta taka oBretbaaday. Jaoa ». I»t.
■no^ im.104. m
oono Monra.
■:=------- r
a'lteBtiaa to tax tales.
i3 14:
0. £JEEfS,t5SSi.‘VSi'>.“
to I p. w. TMwAnnwTt
Ooafloltauos and ExanunatiDn Free and StriotlF
UtwittoDto Wiliili ofttoBreW. ThM a
a-'.K'iS'Si s
AM Ori Toa TameL Roatre Oeetor.
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
as eured wAboci w
--------Ot'ARAKTEB To
•w“sSw 4"5i|
BRgtre^^lred. reewy b(
. toqalreotOrWlW.
yo^Airroy^^ re or a
duet not
tea During summer earth sHdes «rv<
v*U eu<M«b. sad tbeee will surriy be
I fisaad cm tbe banka of -------------- --------------- "~*
dW. aandyatoOnUa*.
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