The Morning Record, October 30, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, October 30, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Oaptaln Dreyfus Has. Gained

Two.8 ild’« raDledontlu Wajr From.
Porto Bieo.

Nror York. Oct.
The traniportj
MiMoori. which arrived tO'is;, reporia
Bat Court of Oauation BrfuMi to t-VO deaths amonjr the troops, that of
I- F. Bradish. corporal of.Compapy A,'
Order His Bolraae Peodina
of IlliooU. who
of ^vialoa—Public Frosa^ilor oCl burimt at MaKeqoer. and H. H. Morrl-,
□oo. fO'C"®?*®.''U •^''’"«^>Ohlo. Morri-i
I the Cojuatly Con­


demned Should be BtRbted.




B»th aeaths were-dne to typhdii


Rooks of all kinds.
All ibe new books by the most popular authors.
Then we hare three line.s. we are offering for a
few days at 10c, 15c, 19c.

The Islands

a Point

Speclaltelbv Movsrr-Ite,-ui..

p,pb*Wy Offvr to Pay Oaab
^ ___ ^_____
Bonus or Aasume Encumbrance of

Holley & Gomiable,

Forty XUUon Dolian — Brliev«d
That Peace tfeKnUatlona
HegoUatlona WUl Be

230 Front 8tre»'L

ai*-elsl to


HoRsiso Rei-nns.


Oo.„..dL, P,rli.u,. i. .ddlUo.

“City Bookstore."

Coooleded Within a Week.

Paria. Oct. •».—The court of CasaaI WashlnyloD. Oct, sn.—An ofHcial of
tion this afternoon irranted 'the appli­
Itheeiau- deptrimvnt ssld this affercation lor a revision of the Dreyfo*.
inooDlbat It was evident that iipsin
martial, uuv
bnt ref used to ord^ t be
court mania*,
• would ^lauiy
ylsdly aci^-.-pi,
aei-»pl auy
any p.
release of the prisoner, pending the re-; "««»ent WIU Havs «0-^6- for the prewnuiion of acash bonus.
•uU of the revision. No demonstra-; lay in Evacuation ofCubS.
and this adiuinslrstion. in view of the
tiOB atwnds the proceeBinga. The',
_______ _
Ivasl beneSu which will be derived
-public stUJ ignores the cmirt.
January F rat Fixed aa the Limit of from the p<»sess1on of the entire PbUThe demand made before the Coort
by Which Every Cuban Port (»PP'"» pronp. will prohabl.v pay a t-ssh
o^of Caasation by Prosecutpr tleoeral

« . «
^ sum for the islands with the exception
Manan teat not 6ol, sb-^dtheun. of Ims-.n. which we alr.-ady|posses.
jaally coodethnad be righted, but the
SUiea and Every Bpaniah Soldier i it is anlhoriliveiy stated that I’resijuiUy punished, hss caused a panic I ' jjaported
McKinley has oecided to keep all
_ arnboj the bead, of the army,
: Ibe Philippines. The American pe«e
The use of Colonel Ueufy s foriwfy ;
n., ... ,. I commissioners hsve been instrucUd to
Washinytoo, Oct J8-t.eneml Cor- j,y the presid/nfs d*cislon the
•"‘"-'dp.ill Krt.^rj e^lTTio.d.r.

That when you Rave your



Made and huog -if you want a perfect job and want to bs
•at:s sed, be sure we do it lor you.

Marlham Block.

The famous shoe
for women.

Tbr IIBII o( vs<->-]|rurr.

TbI. .uu,,.bl «l ,h. ,d-


This is the Season

Uurqualod in rctaiulny shape.
Wear andlustrv. Kasbinuable for
street, dres.. h-nir or -nitlny.
All feel and faneire fitted in
t/>es. heel*, and learners.

;To look up new thiogs m



• ••A.


iKitand comfort,

X_^A 1 1,-A.X A 1

Jas. G. Johnson.

“Fosrderer's” Vici Kid
used exclusively.


Copper Ware

Sold exclusively by




I Sell Goal
And deliver ordere promptly.

Likewise Wood.


Montserrat. Among Bep»irUt«l
down town to kill eomeone. ThU ii
-J a low rate of Interest.
Spanish Svldier*.
caused the asylum manafremept to,
Tba islands number l.CoO to ?.<K>r>. .
PonU del Oada.Ax-jre lalands,Ocl.-’x aend for tbe aherlff, who responded im[They axteud north and aouth


Tt is better than biIvit plated
as it wears longer and does
not tarnish. _I hsvo
Kettlei Tea and Coffee Pola, PitoheiS •
javo it in Tea K»?tt1es.
Ilice Broilers. Dippers, etc. It will jwjr you to investigate it what la
nt*«l of any of the above moutioae<l a

Popular Shoe Hoose.


We are receiving new lots for the fall de­
mand. Some very pretty, ineKpensive pack­

In three easmtials this shoe is
■*gnKBN gUALlTY" ftom sUrt
to fluisb.

Philippine qaestlon was fully dlseaiuwd
ion of the
“PO® on bbrnlote daW on which
Jost what form the demand of the
Aemand for the proi
ruilty partiea. for then the jovern- tbe CobsD poru are to be turoed over United Butea concemlnr the Philip­
tb« United SUtes. They also decld- pines will take when it is ]
monl will have no option under the
^„ot be predicted, Tbe decenaUtntloB.but to aaseul.^
miliUrr commUaionen an nllimatiim ;
the commlsslonera,
as to the lime each pert shall be aur-! ^ui it mmv be staled in the most posirendered. Tbe profram as arranfed j
In^nner that they wUl demand the
will be csiTled out to tbb letter by! ^i^n of tbe Entire Pbilippiue arebi
BoUovod That Hajor Harchaad BoJanuary first, at latest. Ha said-. "Welp^i^o It is probable, almost eeruin.
oeivad Orders Pram Prance to
expect to bare every Cuban port in our |
ij,at at the ssm.'time ihev will
Goto Cairo.
posiosiloD by that time and we expect: ^tltr on tbe psrt of Ibis rovemment.
mpeetsl lo Uw HCBrnKii Rsc-osn
by that time Spain will hare deported
assume tbe public-iebt of tbe PhllLondon, Oct. 2^-The arrival of Ma­ ber last Spanish sold^.'
| jppin**. which amounU to about WO,jor Marcband at Khartoum, on bia way
iim.OOt) in five per cent bonds. The
toC^rowjtba part of bis re-1
cabinet has dreided that this would be
carded asa rift io the clouds overbany-!
only fair, and the secretary of suu
inc the An^lo-Froncb Teiaiions. for io Emorv Sharp Wiabed to Enter the J baa instructed the commissionera in
apiteeflbe semioffi-tial denial Isaued
Asylum But BhanffSimpeoa
- Paris accordiorly- It is ibouyht best
in Paris, that orders were sent to Mar­
Took Him to JaiL
1“ a«-nme the debt rather thau pay a
cband to go to Cairo, it is fully be­
'cash indemoity, be<-auBe in the latti-r
lieved here, that tbe French officer
At two o’clock this mominy Sheriff case It would be necessary for eoeyress
would not be on h-s way to Cairo un- Simpson was summoned to the asyhim ,
make an appropriation, which
iMcbefaxd received a hint. to-.that lo take chary*
of a mao who Wiinld. of course, (suses yreat deal of
effect from tbs Frcoch jfoverumenl.
.needed lookiny after. The party waa ,and debate while if we mersTv
r I""
u, u, „«1«-C. li
-IWho went to tbe may .urn about oue »<-til*d when the treaty U ratified Vy |
{o'clock and aaked lo be uben care of:
. and the ».ecreUry of lha ‘
'Tb.amun waB evidently
eaa taka
That i. the Eecord on fhe Stumer ’ j,-,
uikcd about coming iI ircaaury. aa Mion at. need be. ZTVt:



Second Tear—No W5^

Don’t Fail to Anend
The Great Slaughter Sale!


Trj lOi Sra tei4j Fire HiJlers..


torn a.~„, 11,1. 1=, .i. Uib., to. C.- wh... b,
*.,d. ™, tor.

iU. wiu. r.p.t.u,«l Sp.nah irodp. ibeolgb,
I ,b„ ot S„ V,rb. P.«n.,vl.,ba ,bd
8b,rp koow. b„ n..o,.t
c«oo«,ll„, „o,bl,ri.
aeventy-lwo deatfas during tbe voyage, and sought entraoce to the iDslIlutlon.
lie aayt that
It he baa felt for years that li Madrid. Oct. 2S.—U
2S.-U is
i» sUled
aUied here ll
that j
i hiK mind is seriously affected. He will j the 1‘aris peace commission will termiMarine.
. Aetoa
' ■
I U-cared for at tbe jail until his mental: Date its labors io four days. Senor:^a-!_
aont of Pen. • Believe Our; ^..^ndltion can be properly examined.!gaalasaid on leaving tbe palace that: '
E..H ALLYN. Agent, j
AeUoa U' Vojuet.
i when the requisite steps will be uken ; he tbongbt ihc work of the commission j Froidrlch llWk.
' to place Mm in the asylnm if hU con-' would be finished next week.
Special loTav Ueasiss Raman.
Wilion warr
1.1ms. Peru, (rit. gtf-The forern-"*"*°**' *~__________
Injunction Oaaea Dineumwd.
b|., b.»k;.,^^
fipringUeld. Hi. Oct. Sl>.—The Injune.
giving a faistory of the McCord claim.'
tioo cases mgsiost twenty-five of the
with a view of showlag the action of j Believed of His Puree In the Crowd
Virden miners were brought by the
the United bUt«e to be unjust and uaChicago-Virden Coal Co., enj-iining the
Orand Rapids. Oct. *».—The two miners from Interference in tb
iu<ist serious reports of the carnival tion of the mlscs. today «
concern Charles Chandler and Oeorge Id tbe circuit court by complaini
Pederal Employes Will beOiven Leave S. Hanford. Chandler wu on bis way
from Tmveme Cil^ to-Knoxville. He
of Abnoce Begardlns of Party,
Mr*. Noah Weiu relumed- from
.stopped over yesterday to attend the 'Araod Rapids last evening; after a
apectel to Tm a..i.ei>.« I! r<
i fesliviiieK. Presumably while board pleasant visit with her mother.
Waabington, Oct. v>.—Secretary Aling a car in a crowd at the corner of
i w hic
Mrs Pred U. MeKsIl of Cedar wss In
the city yes-.erday trading.
. . lafurnoon. he wee relieved of a purse
permitted to go home
<-.ioiaioiog fids in tnooej and a draft
spcctive of party.
iforSj.^a Be did not miss tbe pumc
iral Lake.
ju.n.l today,
Ijaudlord Soulh^ Of the C

Dry Goods, Cloth rg, Forolshing Goiog Got
of Shoe Bosloess.
Goods, w.
rv .u>rk to be eoM fer

For Monday and Tuesday, from 2 nnUl
4 p. m. of each day we offer a special
slaughter sale of dry gooda

SOc 00 the dollar.


90 Pisces of all wool 36
in wide dress flemnel
at 15c.
8 yds to customer.


the name—


• Sometime yti
yerterdey be eltbar loalor
uperialloTbr Uoaxise ut-oai.
Upper 8andusky.Ocl.!i.-Ha*ld Haro-«»ta>ning
ater died at 8tis tonight athis borne lo I
aorvioe U the
Harpeter. He was one of the meet ex- •’’“ytensive wool growers la America and for
yean hat been known na the
Andrew AndersoD of Empire, a memking. He was the prime factor In most
bgl-of the crew of the famous ha'tUeof Uie wool legislation of ^e last een- ibip Oregoo. is home on a furlough.
He expecu to join the new battleship
Aatt-Sem 4 French DfipnliM Issue
a ManUesto.
DfsnAi. (• Tn HoBKiko BaoDan.
Paria. OcL 29.—Tbe Anti-Semite
nsmbem of tbe chamber of depntles
have leaned a manifesto to tbe eeustry
•nl of the
'rspoblic most be divorced from Hebrew Inflnence which le ruining it and
anbjeetiag it to the yoke of the Jewe.
Captain BaraUer Starts for Egypt.
. «|wela>toTBC Hoasiae Kscniu.

Paria, Oct. S9.—CapUin Haratier.
bearer of Major Marebaod’e Faahoda
report, started «<»■ Egypt today with
the gotrsmment’e inatrscUons to Mar-

^ our busiest day
___ ^ of the
____ ___week.
We are bound to make Monday
previous Monday's spsoLals have been very successful. The barcrp 1-1." Kdns we offered were in demand long after the sale was over.
we will make it an object for bargain seekers to look sharp for
Monday announcements. We offer for Monday:

the city for tbe wlnur.
W. L. Hammdod of Ludingt^n. is tbe
gnest of bis brother. C A. Hammond.
street. Mra HumBond will jdin her busbaad in n few

Ernest nnd Wnrren Adtley of Har.
vey. 111., formerly of this city, am visi­
ting their uncle. 8. Adeley. 584 Sosth
Illinois when tbnl veaeel is rendy ior
A. F. Hapklns of Wexford, wne in
her cmw.

The stsambarge White Star, Captain
Blyfleld, nnd eonsert Eva S. Robinaon
of Detroit, are loading Inaeber fmm the
Oval Wood Uieh Co. for partiee in De­
The Hnllswe'en eoeinl to be given
nnder the nnepteee of tbe Junior Werkan of 6mce cbnreh.Mooday night, will
lie given in the Weqnelong dob boose,
instead of in the lectnre room of tbe
ehnieh. as prsvlonaly at
Mn. L. Sonle and Mra. C. C. Maee
went to Bellalrs yssterdsy in the intereaUof the Woman’s Relief Corps.
Mrs. boule as inspector wUlazamine
the bonks and tbe work of Myrsn W.
Webber corps of that place, after
which they will go Vo Central Lake.

■■ '.'1

Shoe Department.

..... ..... .........


Therem,:,d,rat lutHl, Mloeh^^^M,,. ■
ed Draaa Goods, value 25. 35e yard. 1



.'r™ 20c

t. LewU, Elk Baplda, wns in the

UdiM.; FImm Ltaid SudmU, I,t qwJUy, ,«•
Mm. Joe Demllng arrived in Ue city
' to join her hnsband. Job lot of boy's Imitotlon Sandals,
per pair..
nn nrUst in the employe of Mohlo, the
photographer. They Un up permanent rsaidence here nnd will begin
•»00^yaids of Mottled Ontlng. worth 8c per yard.
houeekeeplag at once.



Dry Goods Departmeot.

Mete IhMi Sr^^ied
aople ef the Oread Travarse Ragion
'ho own Kimball plaaoa and organa,
ibeir superior
snperior m<
can tell you of tbeir
We am ahowing a nice liaeof i
inatraments at 835 Front stmat.
W. Kimball Co.
M. K. Strong. Managm-.

The antlm let of Remnai
the dry goods department for Momday only, nt 25
par ccot. off.
Oar men's and Indiea beet Linen CoUnm.

An alegnnt line of op-t<Hlnte Pnff Tien,
Come earl|i and avoid the rush.
Men's beat Linen Cnfft,

Boston Store,



Front Street

- -lA.:-.


t^-.-^T^/---: ■f.fc'ijyywy



whtcb M Mt bat reflect tipoa the
ebencur a»d hoaeety of purpoee of
all tbeae eaadidatea.

rmAvx&SE omr. - MichiganI

State Taxation
Public Isaaea

'mea are worthy of the traets to be re-



Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries

pnaed io them aad tbe people of Grand
Trareraecoaoty will set be Bu>led by

■OA T.

W. BAsn

abaelre aad eraeatioaal attacks.

iKuesed at nest Might's BepuMicia


prei«red at all fituw to take care <ff the trade,
8omr of tbe auretioas to*^ Ceneid-

_be fooled,

aeck. br carrier,
momii, br
---------- bj ui
rear, br mM.

My work is first class aud prices that are in reach of all.

Meeting by Bon Oeo W. MoBride-

Tolers of theonrtr »re mro of totellij'.m. HaJUiu. Editor and Manafler. fen<« and will not a.low ili, Ottclres to j

Br»-i!.iuK. Vulcanizing and KuatneliDg

er*d by Vetera.

and to rent,

■as aosbie to be present at Uir Refnb-

tbe treasury de-

tbr stale old charge against the poelal


{the department of tbe interior been

by eercibl selections wbicb were fol­

t iT." floated, and eren theoerr department

lowed by tbe appeerancr of tieoator

bas been spared by tbe campaign liar.

Is ibe best cigar io the market for

Uilliken. who mads eomb interesting

But all the rUUbt wratb. all the ri.

tion of the speaker of tne erening.

boldness of the esmpslgii lisr# com


Mr. McBride is tfaormigbly pobP <1

blned bare been flengon the* war de­

Most popular cigar io Northern Michigan.
Will IMirer an Addiess in Bteinberg’s

pnbiic affsira and when be tnski
partment. and the whole attack and
, .
^mbardment a ia Chinese has been
] np-rch it m filled with g.»d thing, for
___________ _
I one mailer wbslher one le

OBRINW. BfllllNMOKorBoarhiot.
' ** "5Sn.-S S^«?tABNS of ilamlD.
gbr anOllor-tirtirral—


resiixe that bis virid aud lorid deacrip i

■Her Stale Trraourrr OEOEUEA irrEELofClloUn.

Omnd K<-n Thursday Brenlng

fingreewill be here and


V per Bearol of ibe Voln-nillr <>uar iStmlJ. BYEUK Jl'UKINb of Krnl.
Per Member tiiate BoarCof ECucaUud labon
**Tl. r. JOllNSOX of WAshteoaw.
Per Member 6iate Board of EdcraUon (kuw


Be Interested__--E=^ ,

Hon. IVank J. Lodge of De­

troit,, will niso be presi’ol andgirean

The Bays' band will furnish

tbree Doctora in Consultation.
Krom Brejsmlu Krsi.kllo.

.CP ~ll.l P-J. ~

lool. because there W
is .o
no ...k
What tbe


Nichols, tbe

soldiers to come over to tbe

... D..PK,r.U. pro.,... U. ... cl,l.,P. 1

A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Blort.

will deiirer

held in St-ioberga Grand Opem

fusion candidate for congress io this

crowds or find willing and approring
Will ,k.
IB itself in j “*




Ik, i...r..U «..d : 1"'‘
a kindlr referenoeto Dr.

Alger and bis minions no longer draw


...Mr- «. Br.J.
reotured the

Democrats want


“When you nrc sirk. wbsl yon like:
a ......................
ret- brat io to be chosen for _

thst the

erant would look after the-msuer mlij“'''

is tbe oflifes and what there is in them.

Fls.e; what exp. rimer tells

r. A PLATT of UcoeaeB.

atandpoint. There were features wbicb

*** "jtSlEBwVMrLUKEK. of Orand Trareree.

were rerolting to sens!tire nstures and

Per BeprewolatlTr Io Ibc Stale Lririelsture.
F^EB of Grand Trawe*.









ibougb tbe city officials SEarted erery
t fforl to subdue the *'-bot time” entbu-


It was a

"hot time"





essltbe back fur about two years and
ly judgeas ti what was (or tbe public


ErenU oftbUkmd when once esiablisbed as a custom nre rery likely to rerert into ckennsls entirely foreign to

EE A^^TBS. ■■

tbe iateulious of



silrer falla'-y as argued



presl-; tbe sysl

business, tbs----------the faclones of the connwy under the
-» »sp™....,..PC,,.p..pp«.r.R.-.k..p..

Howerer, wbaterer tbe result. Grand

, Who Are tbe BssealaP


' termed



ba bas suflleicBtly prosen.

Couch Sale

His friends, I igan sutdiers were ibe envy of all oib-

tfae DemocraU. were very disagmeably lers io the field.

surprised tberest and they now claim j backed by the staU and

Anre to breathe a sentence against tbe

U the Eagle desires to conduct a clean



for Palmer and Buckner in


tbe board.

three per

cent., while tbe corporations paid only
aBurprlaeon Will andLotUe Mash.

about one-quarUr of one per cent. This
cosdiiion be declared was

GuTcrnur i'lngree prop «ed to remedy

of Elmwood areeue.

and in order to do ao be must

OrthatRepieaenUtire Foster la one of

Many delightful games

Friday erening.
were played

would gel

after which dainty refresbinenU were
sane roter .beliere that serred.
Morgan and

low" j lamals for tbeir course in at-

public Uuat?

Nash, of Company M, gare some Inter-

tsoking tbe war department and ad-

esliug war stories.



Measn. Thomas,


McBride touched np the -yel­

O Is there a man io tbe county rrbo enn
mj that Treasurer Clyde is disbonest


the support of tbe


wboae burdens be aonght to !i(L

following were present:



declared that the

soldiers wbo (osgbt and suffered for

Morgan. -Dsrid Jlccifng. Clara VanMBd a rascal?
Is there a man in all the county wbd '«lan*ky. Lettir Marria. Charles Koen-

thsir conntry were nut tbe-ones wbo

kp.. port IP w vpip.t <>■ c M.Ra. j y-

subisio tbe admlnuiratiun wbsn <

BMdldaU for Register of Deedv.’
. Ureilick, Waller Greilick, Ira Kellogg, : “on
Wbo will beliere that W. A. Newton J Airlq Smith, Willard Qnbbell. Willi
The tariff, be said, was settled for at
Brer was ut^ithful to a public, trust? | Reunie. Bertha Drews. Tom Wilhelm | i^asi twu years, bat the issue to be .
Be Is the only man on the RepubDuan |
Meket wbo has held ofliceJor more than!
the Esglc bcaue lime ago desired to ex-,

Emtlie Crowsll.____________


How lo Prer.nt Orout,

^ »tuck« of croup.

^1,^. conduct of tbe wai. and

j tbs Republican pany asked no better '


T.- HlP™"-


«.• ,

Whem-rer an i foiled SUte* army and oary In the

omeraU from any blame iu the court | attack is coming on my wife gires them | war with Spain showed only too well
boas# matter. Yet Mr. Newton is the Chamberlaiq’s Cough Remi-dy and it tu, course of tbe ndminir'-raiion and

j^oppu, wtpp.... ii~p»

^ We are agents forr-^


I Alfred Dolge’s
I CelebratedTelt Shoes,
Slippers and Insoles!


one which

giren in honor of Will and LotUe Nash,

tteriff dimpaon is an mnfitnianfora


lie declared thst Gie

priTste citizen psid a Ux of

lieee that Sensor Milliken U a rascar.-

Will any

120 Front St.-New Store.

And urged that by tbe pas­

tbe SUte Uxes.

A very pleasant surprise psrty was

that class?


to pay nearly tbeir just shars of


Let tbe Eagle cume out plainly aad

Will tbe Grand Trarerae region be-

You pay

your money and take your choice.

big carporations would be compel ei

Company MB 70 Helped BnUrtainat


Some like one and some the other.

Furnishing Store.


sage of the bill tbe railroads and other

asde it may be conelndcd thst erery

fltEte wbo are oosafe men to place in


the bill proriaed (or tbe election of

And be is
these robbers, so that tbe9 cratie party is committed
< right, and. what is better yet, be bas
eotenean intelUgently cast ibeir faaI-<
\ tbs conraga of his conriction.
lau? According to tbe
aamca of

iBseal to be turned down.

at J.W.Siater’s House

It were to-be appuini«l by the gorern-

aays. tbe Dei


We make the old kind, as well as the new—

that the state assessors prorided fur in
lle reminded tbe audience

oudtdate on tbe Repnbiiean Ueket U a

846 Front StrOet

Johnny (lake Corn Meal.

Large Issortment!

sprsker referred to the misUken idea,


it not tell tbe time be will rote tbe Republican ticket
money, to which, he


not as good as the old fashioned

Pingive. who

Touching upi.n tbe Atkinson bill lbs
Gexeba). BliAuu of Wisconsin, voted

voters who these tetrible rascals are'.’
, Why does it not gtre to tbe people the

Quality of powder guaranteed.

Com meal, made b-}* improved machinery, is

Big Bargains!

All because t^ y were

this campaign
, ^
it was not enifausiasm that caused the | saw to it that the Michigan buys reCHdldates. and the fight is bsing made ,
simply 'ceieed eeerylbing possible to ssee suf-

iBdiridual candidates and print names


Kor aale


were idle most of tbe time during nesrThe atalement of tbe <
ly (our years of Clerclnnd'x 'adminisThe
sensational llteralore being
gpread all orrr the county for political tbe' tsie war. will b^food for thought ] tralioo.
among those who have been abusing |
bpcaking of slate matters Mr. Mi•Meet by tbe Demoerais. in which bold
tbe war depanmmi for mismanage-j Hirde paid a glowing tribute to G .tlEharga are matte against , tbe alleged
meni. The figures gisen show tbstI’^ngree. UcalIudedtotbeD.-m♦'conrl house ring.” are tiieeling with
the death rste was much lighter tban]<»"t‘c
Hiat Piogree bad wasU-d
^neral disapproral among ihinuing
during the cieil war, and will there-' ‘he people's money beexuse the cost of
pMple. Tber arc so sensational and
fore disproremsny seosaiional state-jdUiug out Micbigan rplunU-err was
sbosire that eren tbe liemocials who
ments msde to ereste antagooisro to-f •'■'i per man. while in Tennessee the
lore fa ruess, freely express disgosl.
seards the Republican admimsttalion'cost was only filt permso.
In this
^e theme; ••turn the ra-M»ls out.”
during tbs prwwnl campaign.
I connection be referred to the tqnip
lands to tbe ioiuirr as to who tbe ras,ment of tbe men. toe ears Ifae.t :
^in areBut tiie Eagle carefully re­
The presideat's popularltr iscertain-‘ceired in the bo pita s and in
frains from mentioning any names, for ly fully established, as bis trip to Oma- |can:jis. and showed wherein tbe Mich-



of idle laborsra all .over tbe l-pnly by James G. Johnson, tbs drug-

steady employment to tkousandk


y«>“r kid gloeen with

Now.'lhe millt and factories give


upon' It

Our prize baking powder at 50c per pound can, lU
|>er cent off for cash. A large line of prizes and

country seugbl work and could nut get |

Rapids bas gained somelhiog by ex­

frar tbe wratb of good citjuess wonlu


choice of White Crosa or Lynch Baking

He po.nud

dilion today with two years ago when the gloee is on tbe



! qLQ3IfgQ OUT

lbng». I
eatoring |

ed by tbe administration, or the free | opening'^ tbe
niral. will scarcely approre of ita reps-.
lillon next yea . along aimilnr ,in„; |


____ __

interest: s soundcurrsney. atmsinUin-

*** ®srn2la'? A. MBWTOK.


it b<csu>-e it Is prepared o

strictest senae of tbe wor^, nad so hot

Uint tbs batter eiament of tbe comuni-



pariy stands pledged for


reney. just as it did two 3 tara ago



elearlytoihe GAR men who was But if you can get D'. Inclination. Dr.
io bold a
tbe man to look kfter their inlereaU in 1 Experience and D-.. Reason
will gir
* Ukeo.
Th> dpeaker touched up’ra tns money
bad o>iu
cold Dr.
When yon bare a1 usu
irr. jn, - s
queetion and slated that tbe Republican

in n blaze of beillitney aad objectlenal
feaUires, wbtn rlewed from a moral



In oar new display of Jswelry, Haviland ChinawaiG, Silk Umbrellas, Stringed Musical InstrumenU, and
Strings for all instruments. Complete lines and.
everything new. A personal inspection is sore to
please you.

The Grand Bapids



Made by

an address at a Republican meeting to

intrrestinE and contained many

,l.n. .f t., c.l.W p~.lted OP Vk. ■

VlhUAlf A FRKKCH of Prrw|Oel»'
per neprriolei.dcai'ot Public InsiruelUuiJUioS E UAHHUKDof BllMale.

Erery dsnler sells iu

tin next Thursday erening G.iremor

Democrat, or^nylfaing
His addreae

~ ‘Ktfl"?.!!.-..

..Five Cents.

remarks preliminary to the introduc­

tepcratioB. all the skill, renom and

OOTeroorBiXBS 6. PlNanEKof Wajiie.




Bsgle can apply.
no matter what else wc run out of. it ftbe whole p -ople.
What U the matter with Frqd I’rait, | w.mld not do u> be without ChamberThe speaker touched upon many tubwhowillbcpiwieculing atwroeT?

9 lUt- properly ol
iyen>r We guess nut, a

is nsin'i. C .ugh BenK-dy.

More of


is jf^,, which be handled .1 ouentlv and

»s>^ ; t-> Hr<w. mrr,-hantr. Nicklerille. l*a. »>■>» »«*'* create a desire for a more
I F< r xsir by S. E. WstL
otuse study into tbe actual political aiili fs'tuNn In drn-9 a
be rerlred. uation.

no old fifasliinr.ed medicine can reHe a^ke of tbe growing senllment
,p’acertiamtierlain's r-Oic. Clnil>-ra I
xsade sgsioiit these
udiuates. against |v,rrhoea
Remedy. FurnalebyS.
in faeordfrelcDtionof tbe Pbilippiocs
nrboee b mesty nu man- dares sty
and declared that not an acre of the
word- But the cuurse of tbe Drmucratlanda taken by tbe American army



Iceampaign Indicates ihtl these are
tbe men who must col be elected.' (pr
tear that they will mb tbe people sad
eonflbcale tbe property of tne laxpayeafor their own peraonal profit.
The RxcoKii condemns tbe conrse of
tl.( Eagle



I am

I make a sjkfial^y in

A tine lin^ of whi-i ls for sale

J. C EIXIS, 'dll Frontstreet, east.



' was there and held tbe audience deep-




L'oforlaastcl.v. C>ngro**inaD Mralck

IVr -bare not heard a word against
Secretary Uage and

w uvood rla« mailer..



Aad the Racoau

fleelarca that withoat eaeepUoa tbeee


Foartees Cents A Week. -

Everybody wbo Ukrs Thk M'iKMxu
Rk' ukii can bare the (Iraod Rapids
Brraid delivered to thru alto for ao
additional four oetits per week, mak­
ing obl; 14 cent* per week for tbe
best paper in northern Micbigan and
tbe best metropolitan paper in the
■ta^. Telephone S3.

should be given back to Spain. '
^'berteamerColombia will leave tomorrow for Empire with a large cargo I
of nsercbandlM from the Hannah ALay '
UereanUle Co., tor tbe Empire Lumber

These goods are made from pure wool, are
^ warm and healthful.






L«jtki«p*rtof th»»iat^ Tbay war* om
ft alroed to the Bay City •nr*r faetorj.
ba«b«la. aad
K f T«« car eoi
ala Boraeara will b» thipp>d thU fall. Nearly Thre^ Thousand Am­
The beetaare tbeproduct of tba eoaerican Soldiera
ptay'a farm, where aysirioaiie •ffbrta
are belm; made to deralop their cni-,
tare. Mr Buckley it maeb intereaied Oara «p Their Xnvia id Spaaiab War,
in prorine that the aandy bine plaioaj Which U ( oaaldarwl a Very I»^ht
Barii>a<r baaka are briuir
omparcd With ihe OuU War.
flooded with ts hiUa U.«l have >een wU raise die aa<ar b<"M. and all!
ade northern V.ciKta w.H watah lha oat- | Cbicafo. on. I'f —Corotii Bvloner of
raised to leoa. The mao that
of bit eaperihuata with mach id- ;
Clay Kr»iik mIu at the
tbcis nasi bare irrown rich if the i
j Great Mortbers bold today that op to
isd K of leresi.
ber of bilU can be Ub«M>
I Sept SO the war with Spain bad cauaed
bla iadnairy.
i the loaa of the llteaof
The mi^iiny of the aUie superb
I soldiera and aailors, and that the peoflenta of the poor was oocc;u'*a at
John P. tine Came u> Hia Da««h*er*a aioii Mat would likely be inereaaed tbat
rUat. They will meet In Chef
iberof nscnee. Mr. Kraus declared
•eat year. The old cfUeers
Home to Die. Afur Teara
ibal tbe suiibtica of bis ufice abow
Of aspiration
that the peroanttfle of deaths in
An elm lo( eiflbt feet in (
from disease duriojr last sommer was
u«d».. I|r..| Job" P
o.lM tb. oomb-mrf .....pb ol L. j Mr.. W. U. E.rl.. ™.b.r ot El,bbh ..d mach has than dur ag tbe cirii war.
the rebellion tuuMi men
Kranklinatreei*. diad at: 4H5 o’clock , ''Darittf
........... . .......................—
to banl .it to tbe
depot for i i.
lyrslerJay morniny at. bis dpiichtor'a ; were killed in battle suo tno.ouu per.' residence, aped «« yt-ars
: isbed In eamps and pri»o» s ' sa»d ComVrank Phoenix of Calumet.*
tAne was a in nittor of tbe | mlasloner Braoa
"Krom nfBcial flfMalted and robbed of
whieb h* ^
'diii'ch of tbe ^stter (lay Saints and i «r»s wolrb I bare recently
Oh hit person. Tbe boid-up t
mimbrroftfae Iowa SiaU con-I eorerinr a p- riibd from May 1 to Sep.
within two miles of the city «
”,g I ference.
I 30. I fiod tbat the toui number of
road to the I'boenht far
I He came, as near as they cnnid leamideatha ss the resultof the war with
Udly cut by Ibe Wow which hia a
I from him. aa bu mind, owiof f> bis ! Spain waa S.HOn Of tbii number lUT
' hsts delirered.
ladracced are and iilne«.wiB not clear, | were < lB.!era. AiSantiaro the loss of
A jay of ^Boline in B'drid^’s i
and belnir deaf, from R*ed City, last I nfe waa
officers and :i2 men. Tbia
•tore at Bay, City exploded, being 1
Tnesday and bad been snfferior aome j |a an arera^ of one <'ffi *r for erery
LT tba store,
•--- and
ford lime it loolf time.
; Urn men. At Cardenas onfpfflji
•a if tbe store woald be dcetroyed.
The meetiordf the fatberand dauyh- j killed. Since tbe battles on Cubiimn soil
prompt response by tbe departm
ter tea toncbiair story. Mrs. Bari bad | sixty-men bare dle>l of
saved tbe {flace. Tbe Rasoline is n
not heard from her father f>'r a earn'j |a service.
kept in the vscsnt lot adjoining.
ber of year*, and when be was helped ! •• The toUl number of American aolSheep kllliog doga are doing t
ipio the door at ber home Tnesdav | dlors that have died in camps from
damage in Grand Blanc township. <•
morning, leauing heavily upon biitdisease are*eigbty oB:ers and 3.S30
eaeeconpty. They killed a vslnab^
>. bept with age. he looked Into his j privates, or an aggregate of
‘n and f< ur iborongh]
dangbter's face an t pitifally inquired: I *n>li is is remarkable in vinwof the terShropshire ewea for iJ«>rge StnarU
Dilile. deo't you knowm' ? ’
| rible climatic diadvaaUges. and la fnl.
i'imc and the faithful toil In wbat be I jy veriBvs the soldier's adage that dis­
8. B. Tucker of BeUevue
fcy a Grand Trunk train while drt*
believed earnestly to be his dnty had |
killa more than bu'leta. There
•erase tbe tracks aome lime ‘ago. _B\_ to markedly changed the face of the { bave been «00 clainfk for penaiona filed
liUle daughter was killed. Tbe Clrcni| father tbat the daughter, whom be to date aa a result of the
court ga*e him tl.&3A»9 damagea.
readily recogolswl, eould notrecognixe
*i'ln the Cuban campaign tbe loos of I
him until he spoke.
so many rffloera la ae-couotad (or by tbe!
Clarence R Kiwea of Pnnt'ae. bad
Tbe deceased siesdKy failed in bis fact that SpaolstaSbarpshooien. bid in!
$10,000 farm left to bim by his fathe
the tress and dense foliege need smok- While a minor be was induced to r
advanced tn be ehneke t. uetll the end. lesi powder and picked • ff Ue offijoa
lease bis claim and ibe farm wessnli
ia a fight tx-tween oineteea whites and
bicb camr quietly at-tbe time sUUd.
fia la BOW of ate and asks J udge 8mi
five bi'k lallans. Gjirge Cutting, a
to aet the deed^de.
white man. was killed and the five Indeeeaaed, it is surmised that previoue
Tbe D.. G. B AW. freight depot
dlane wsra wiped out. every voe being
Belding was entered by burglars. The to bis arrival in the city the invalid had
‘ki'lad. The lodUna are gatberingal
Toward the last‘ ha
d and picked at wllhl”'*“
Use an I iro->bi« is feared.
At S'. J iicoh. M I. Berherl Donovan.
--------„J ...hUnotp—■
“t- E.rl..,»i
I—•bo.t. p» JJ";
“t- E--'...”1
'* ^ Alodti Art-ba-n. Charles Cook', James
Ivioes to hisdeath. wheoevar Mr Earl
, (lathsway aud William Batbaway have
'Upproaebed bis be-laidc he would hold
Ib. ..Idci
•>Cb..„„riM„„bl.Iu,u«u,.bl.l. A freight train o the Rsading rail been a'ni n: • I i> the penitentiary for
K.lbub. .pJ Count, Cl.i-b 1'«t
train carrying 1 ten ?eir<. T.ieae are young lads of
wishing tbat the aute would send bim
- or two before bis death he raised | the .Ninth Colorado troops from Phlla- gMdfao ly Aanis. H they held no
a epecimeo lynx, an that he can rqailelf to a sitUng posture on the side jdaiphia to Camp Meade at Hummela- •nl ribSs-J a Bi-Ungton paaeenger
aWy distiibate the legal bounty. Tbe
f the bed.pnuiog hisfeelon ibefloor. I town. Pa. Six msn wer^lnjorod. two train They threw tbe safe from the
bounty for a lynx lags, while that on
iraln. but b.*came frightjoed and ran
away wilhiu*. ooEilng it. They aetion is wondering how die is to tell the aised both bands and cried, “Don’t | Chinese troops toward tbe coast of .tbe {cured no hoity. V >an< Hatbawsy condifference. In fact, he bass dim ans- ill me: 1 never harmed yon."
' Gulf of Re-Chi-Di. liJs uodentood to | fese^.
piciOB that aome gui)ele9S hunters try
The funeral service, will be conduct-, Op dot to an apprehension, of an at-1 The gold excitement at Malvern
to work wildcats oS un.hlm fur lyr.x.
I at tbe brmeof the deceased's daugh-, t«mptby a foreign power to eeiee tbeloulo. m still aprevling and there now
At Maple Uspida an unusual
by the Rev. II. Cocblin. aiS'o'clock 1 railway.
■J he cri-l-ooe > in'-licate that
law has been cummenwd. RW-enHy S. 11 ,iK afternoon.
' j Tbe Acme Wrecking C >. of San Fran- Lg ,id re.ilv
in p.ying noantitira
a bo^
boy to
to help
help him
him clean
clean |I
A- Case l^in-d] a
-- -----------!cisco, has made a request upon the ns-i Tagdeuii. at far from the field have
hkeiatern. The lad v as taken 111 and ; Temperance Cone-rt Tomorrow^ i vy deparimt-ni for authority to raise bw.&.-n*a’r-br-.u.. of lu out-of-thetbe boy’s father. E. F. Moore, began:
num.bor in the series of-the battlf-ship Maine. The company |w*v linsiin end the frequency of
proceedings against Mr. Case 1*”'] t [„pp,aiic» con-erts wlU be given this has bad rxi^rienc* in raising vessels i trave ers from that district to this
ages, claiming the sickness was caused
ening at tbe Erangelk-al church. Tife on the Itacific coast and represealt-: point.- lt la claim'd some assays < f
by tbe boy's going into the cislern.
lions have been made to the depsrt-] ^„r'x sh
$V) or p-iii U tbe ton. A
The other day H. C- Auer wajgciven ] jiiow Robbie told-Tales—KllUe O’.eh-: mem as to iu ability to aocomplish ! bj, quant crasher w.U be in opera
a practical lesson of tbe awful destruct '
the task in Havana harbor. It pro- i iion in a day or two.
Irenenaof gasoline he will not soon I
May Fall Cpon Ton-Z-na Thao-! poses to blow tbe mod from under the'
forget He was disposing of some of j b,
,i wreck by means of water and then to
i pass under chains and attach them
tbe material and think ng to turn np a
pile of rubbish at'be rear of his prr>p-]
wofU connected with a system
. arty, be Ihrei
•;»e Little Jske—Meud McMichael. jof at-el barrels. These birreU will si
: tbea tpuebed it off width a mau-.b. Tbe|
so be placed in the vrreck and tttllixjt*
e Dili—Carrie Howard..
wherever they can be made araUable.
reanll was aurprisieg. With a Uud, 4e<-itatioo—Bessie Co'bett.
report ibe mass aprang into fl»me. en­
m my Boy went Down—Lula Lut. i Tbe company rimo’y asks authsrily to
j raise the Maine and bring her. to this
veloping Mr. Aner and burning bim in
many pieces eeverriy.
Indeed the
e Mother's Room—Irene Pohoral. cone try. If tbe government wanu the
nature of bis borne were such that bit
^vm and I'll Try-Georgia Johnson, ahip after she reaches tbe L’nited
•scape from a horrible death nr being
lithe Rumseller Rolls in tbe Gold- States, tbe company will want to be
paid salvage money through condemstricken blind was almost miracuieue.
Bereafter when be baa any gasoline to
>kying DronVard-Norniao Salabery. aaiion proceedings. It It probable, in
bun Henry will Pot bum iu—Cadillac
rie BcJdleria Cradle Hymn—Mamie esse tbe government did not want the
ship, the ctimpany would exhibit her
A i’ain Little Mlst-,Qeorgin Latman. i in different large aeacoast cities of the
AX Detroit Mrs. LlllUo DrxiUa was
Sohg—Moselle Bennett.'
^A’niled SUtva. No money isdemsod.d
•iixing stove blaekiug wiib gasoline,
AdirMe L-vIT Fennington.
I from the government by tbe cnmpaoywhen the gasoline caught fire. Mrs.
----------- ---------------It la alated at the department utDexHla was frightfully bi-oed abmt
\Oood Templsta’ KteeUoa.
j officially tbat ia case the compsny ia
the baad, arms and upper psrtinn '4\f.'
Alfcemeellpgof ibeOoodTemplrrs!^""'"* relUble, the authority asked
tbe body, and It U thought that her
tajaries may prove fata'.
in Mc^tsgne haM Isst night (he follow- "'H
givenirs * Phoe filar
The Konh American Trust Co., the
h were elecled for tbe CMaing
■ At Detroit. Simon Buch. a match
fiscal agrais at Havana', have rented a
■x>3M>zte aas.
peddler, was struck by a Lake Shore
thime-etory building at the corner of
L li -I D Hobbs.
ftaiu while crossing the traeke. He
Havana'and I.anpari11a strei-ta.
l> cjT —W, W. Goble.
was taken aboard tbe baggage car aud
trust company will open a bank there
C. rUj- snie Curtis.
died bef' re tbe train reached the Brush
at once.
ij-E J 1-aveoder.
ntrect depot
Uueb was partly deaf,
A special courier from Nye county.
■■in—A R lantner.
•adasb^dldnat ^ear tbe train an-1
Nevada, the scene of tbe recent Indian
. I try—Mayme O. Lancaater.
praa«b be stepped dlrecUy in front of
scare, reports tbat alt dread of an up
Tinancial Secretary—Edwin Tbiea.
among the Hhovhonea U pa*t.
Trea^nrer-rbas M l.iacaater.
At Detroit while on bis way to work
FMly mounted policemen are sllll on; VUsto-e Air ■■iminlsierrd lor sWIute (isIb
Man^l-Wm. C'lune
at the ^oninsnlar stove works. Henry;
and n
believed mat
that inese
tbhse maa
y ana
is Oelievea
j- An-MaJar, for -.-strsviloa of i»vb wiiiHstii A
Oobliu. aged IT. was run down by a'
quell any distu-lmnoe that may |
I-Earl Ueoneit. •
awitch engine just beyond tbe depot
arise, but bi»i!liiie» are highly^lmprob-1
oo re u
urma nerzrv
yards It is feared that be kusUined
laterna! ii.juric* that may prove fatal
Work on thepier-at Martaou, Cuba,
-tie Club have organized (or where the first troops and eterea are
Near i’iymouth six weeks ago Rich­
TC.C Mlo-iVE : wi.;.,'',7,
\V frk .
ard Smye cam- him* fi«in. ahn'ij.g >
nij--n. * l~i-t,-.i:
pien. and warehouses at .M sriel w
from a severe
re' at-i
begin soon unleat it la decidedxbal tbe
tack of yellow fever. A short lime
Vice !|.-* -Mrs lii-nnett.
wreck of the Alfonso the month
If .you w, i pofvl tr-'sh Baltimore’^
' after his return M--. Nmye was taken
Seereliiy—Mrs Doyle.
of tfio harbor. U found to make the Oyster*, ^ivao'l'l*rd>or Sr-I-cle. goto
firith a combiaati'ua uf v.-liow and ty­
Tivs-il-r—Mrs ,M.-G..ugh.
phoid fvrcis. Bburt!> ari.-r Mr .Sove’a
'vin in-.-i with M,s B.ehanl piialsasd a wareuouse will at once bf
relapM' hia brotlier. T v i-, wai- taken
Union Street.
Sou'h Side.
i Monday fiftemoun to begin tbe study eonttructed in the GnanabacoWiis.
with tbe same diseffv SM'l iu a short
of Hamle|.
tbae died. The aoidiur hav been
empress of Germ tny were w trmlr we Iveyed to a Detruit-b Jsm'-aL b4i. his
B«cklnii'a Arnica Sidv<
oomed on their arrival Thursday after
place ia filled by a third br.stber.'.who
Salvk in the world lor
tas. Br.sT
a hot and tiring eight bours drive
lias at tbe point of death. The disease CuU.
a. Btuisea.
Bidisea. Sores.
Sorea^ Ulcers,
A. n. 1-riv'i-f N. 11.. lYi'ii'f. I-« Rm
‘ It abdominal typhoid ferer made pir- Rbeui
•um, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped from Halfo. by the German ruai- M. P..
wUti r..B«ellinc
•D<1 >un:r..n>. and pn>l.....ouI ab___ ,
Ids. Oiilblains, Coma, and all Bkln denU there- Tbelr msjeaties will pro­ sIHsDi
tionlarly dangerous by yellow fever Hands.
TVi-tw-aia-Et ssnuanum lotnv wn-ld; s idsw (W '
ceed today on boreeback to the camp at
or no parrequirwl.
Babolwad and expect to reach Jeraaa Balt hritd (et qurstkie lut, prion sad ywaak.
. At Manistee Friday tbe Buckley A to give fsrfect aatIsfacUon
lem on Ssi-irday.
l>onglat Lumber Co. ahlpp d tbe first refuniled Price <&>:enU per box.
A Canyon City, O-egon, dlapstch taya
«arlMd of sugar beeu tbat'ever left >aale bv J. O. Johnaon andIS. B Walt



A SAA meeting.

“The Ring Must
be Broken.”
"When it is it will be found that
ours eve n d oil ar and fifty cent suits
.^ulsters and overcoats are all. a.nd
even more than we have claimed

Numliers of people passing up and
down our streets are sble to keep up a
good appearance by buying right.
Incidentally, when you call to see
$7.60 goeds, kok et cur lines at ten to
fifteen drllers You may find these to
he just what you wart and can afford.
Wbat we aim to do is to give a cus­
tomer the very best values for juatwhat
he feels he is able 1o put into his pur»fchaEe, whether it is $7, $10, $12, $16 or
more. Our immense line enables us to
fit and please all.

SttveraV 'Kems
. A.Vit'VDoTVi. *

Hamilton Clothing Co,
That’s Right



--Keep Coining!
It shows us plainly you ara tireij of
paying tbe old fashioned high prices for
mostly old fashionrd goods.
We are offering you the pick from an
entire new stock cf

Ciothing, Furnishings,
Hats, Etc.,
Values which eclipse all other offer­
ings here, r Isewhere, anywhere.
Our efforts to please the people are
crowned with succees No old togy “shill,
ing for a button” guarantee goes here—
but a

New Garment Free...
For every button that comes off. or
any seam that sUoul-i rip on our “Pitz”
suits or pant-i. That's a guarantee with a
It pays to trade at Ihe new store.

S. Benda & Co.
^The lost Uberal Clothiers is IkhUii.


■Oysters! Oysters!!


Are Ready
H JT.U U.i- u-td inir et 1-lnHB evtr ehown, U« ar
BJ If M O i-« iiimu- Km kflfrf. ( alf. bnttoD........
nii]<h. n:f. «. noil..- KM.^rhJtAiCatf. Nation............

O nil-BiciLu)

:: He

B$p«iricg neatly done..


136 Front Street.


us: We will ffirely eaw youninney

1Practical Shoeman.

«uK>ura aBoosD, buhdat, oq«»BMt80, iwe.
•n^rtaad a rantar Taaohar.
dm. BaardalajofWimamatOB.Micb.,
VvuMtvd I17 Ua BMpwtt** OhurebM fer«arl7 Mta CrasbMk of tbti cHj
»ed whila hera a taacbar ia tbe aisib
rrada of tbe Ceolral aebool. »aa taoB«*. CkM. T.
Cont WMhiMtoB atreat aad BobN- drrad a plaaBOi aarpHM~tan~aTaBlnr
Baa avaana.
But B«btb atTMt. by aboat M
Boly eovannton at V:40 a. b.
MoraiaraarrlccaadaenBcmat 10:30. fOTBer acholara Geoe*. Beale and re-1
freebBcau were tbe order of of the I
I of the eeenlBf. Mrm. Beardel-’y wUij
BjiadaV aebool at ISrOO a. m.
SaaBia? Bbraiee »ad aarmoa 1 7p B.'retarn tober home Mnaday.
of tbe faaii'
. ival of
oaa r«<
••All Sain »' n»r' • on .TuaadaT
theaabj'fltof the semnn
anoraini; will be the •'Commoalon of, ______
funeml of _ HetlUfyltaiilt Oeniiou. tlie
I eialil of thr iiM ii nil M ltl> ilu-lr li.iU on in
tbetrburcii U rtTlolnl.r a riirlmi« ••ito. Silk |
AU are cordially iarited
hats, straw hntir. f< U hai», clr-rUlt«—In '
fact, eeiTy kind ol
i xi-. fl oa|M
mwte tbe eye. Thu w.-ar<e> arv eiippoetd 1
CO 50 ibtea Tioii AL.
tolwin Mich arU-r Uint Ih.y nrcli.r iba |
D. Cophllc, PMtor.
Ix-ltift fXciiAd from anrolMiTviu
■ i»r
l.» in jn huui
Tbuoirlitt eaygnited by theaewcaart; of th<- (xUiveiitiuiiul• •l« ha\

Buaday ar.-bool at DOOD.
I niiii Ww tiu- iU>»r>li:r on toino ori-aelona
Yoane Beoplea Society Of ChrUlla* \ tbas the cl.ytry « u*. ni.i- ecoord tvfuMd to
.1 x-ix
i oftl. lAt4'at fuiir ml. wb.iv ll.juid tvfnAb' 5.45 p. m
,..rmd..,l UIh- old cuMom of
tatF'iDU fum-tiil
l« Mil! obwmd
Bar. J. Caraiaii. PaMor.
WltuuV IIIlf the fiinm-n. and ^ or
.....r aq^ __
pt-oi-U' are
lo:3na. m ,Public worebip
doe dlaeoarac I
t'«‘f «w il.-' d.v.WM<d in wb<
Bion. SubjTvt of
boDoi-lho bariuv u.- f. Imld.
•■Eemel or Crep." John I2;S4

-^'Oysters! Oysters!



Biihop FiBBcie MoMyn. who w
year appaiuted to the newly c
Uoman Catbolic biabopric o< WalM, ba«
tmmtly breomo tlw fonnnate pourBor]
of a miter wliirh it uiil to auipaM in!
niiiKUl&renee and in euiaiaitc workman-'

Traverse City Business College
Sbowa that tbe work dope by ttate ;hool ia tbe paat four
baa be«B appreciated Hy both atudenta and
proBuble po^tioaa aad the
who baee
« beoome prrflci
prrfleieat have
and Traerrec Brrkta h»»e learned they eaa debtUlDFM Ben of the «'ai
, daponatadeau
. __________ that
at we
w reoomroeod The demand for well qualified
haa been ymter than we conid aupply.
About January Ui, l-OM. we ahall unre Into our ele«wat rooBi *tbe New Mnaaon Block where we will hare acc«m-idaU(Ba for twoa banh
dred atadrou. and we hope >bat the people In tbit region will a* t that
It ia to their adrantare a*, well At on-a mat our rooma are filled.

or .1,11.

tmefi ColinitUi KeUinit.

«r->ilp. tmfct

Shorthsnd i Typewriting!

Bicycle Riders.

»lra“rat*>.'“'“^' ’*


lioinial:Tcnstiiss; •'
K;itcsof Tuition.

aad Shorrhaad

}i:45. Bible School.
''6:45. Yoanf peopie'a meetiae.
any. W.m», What tuaioo •boll 1
7:U0, SertaoB, anbject.''ForrtvenesA'
luy new- luanctturi—Stanluy Hall or
Uamle.vr Halit
PlBhT MimiOIlltT.
-Won*—t'-dl X Aitx^bul.—Kxchanita.
f i
pte« r A.Brei^ pan
A 1-wate ol
. B. Bad
Sunday pr.-X^ir
_ilre at 1"
aquarium rl<rliii|» nrt- u~d inoiv or leat
T.-t"! P
a« food for tbe |]«Ii Itwil lutmt m|uirothuni
tClata Bieeliaf al
or that tlirtve U»l ou tlieiu Oc
6u.d., ..bool.. cio« ol
e prvlty Kun-to pt a latiteof tbrliiip It
rent Ibeiu up and dcaw Umu puiicL
j aad Epworth
Junior (.eapue al
rliu|i are fed to tbe
how and
Laaroeat :.;4.% p. b.
uo tbu fliur of tbe
Ui tbe hip
Moraiaf itubjeet: "A S-fht of God aquHrluni. The ahrimii urv thrown In a
Mid a Sanaeof sin."
handful at
Ai:da< n from all quarSere tbe ttnaller fii.b<w
tbcni The abrimp arc likely to attlart
▼alotBelifloaNeeeBkry to Save
the two or three blackUidt in tbe |»ol,
pood. blE fi»h. which. Ntaid and lumbcrTharaday-Genenl Prayer Beetior iBfC in deaicMKir, keri> at the liotUiRi, and.
wesniDg al tliuiw to inand on Ifae'T bead,
Bt 7:30 p. B.
pick up wbaterer tdirimp nutyaink far
?ke Epwo-tb Laacrae will hold a aer­ SDougfa.—Now York .'>ua.
ie* of eraagelittic prayer m*«tla(u is
the Swediah church. eMt end of- tbe
TraTetae City Markau
city, omaeaciap October 3tat- MeetBelow ia a lift of tbe buy in« and eel iapt will becia at 7:30 p. b.
in< pricet of yeaterday for yrocerica,
aitd farm pr^uela in Ttar
AUare welcome.
asixuie PBicK.
fter M. E Keiuu-A. Pa.inr.
Clear Pork per bbl. new...
$11 U
Bnnday aerrices:
Clear Pork per ft................ .
10:00 a. m . cIam meetiof.
Short Cm Pork per ft........
10;M a. m .'preachisp.
Plour. U I. A Co. beet.
i$»dm. Sooday eehoot:
6:00 p m . Eywortb Lea^ae. .
7:iM p B-.preAebioK.
htoraia; •uny>cl4"rbe PromUeof tbe CoJflab per ft................
(Ard per ft........ .
Breainir eu'^jiCU ■-’Reoewicir the Butter per ft Daln...
Cr.-amery Butter.ft...
Ootenanl‘ - Ydu'are cjrdUlly invited to ail theee
jConip.T bo.*,*old"”!!i
EVAX.iEljrAlI Potaioea. per bo...........
i Salt per bbl.....................
■a*. A ittUber/. PuMur.
' a_____ _______ __
Ohurvb on corner of etta 'andd Wadsarortb ttreru
Sunday aereicct aa feltowa:
Preaebinpat 10:30 a m.
^eat, old. per bo.. ..v..
I Wbeau new. per bn......
Sunday «cbo»i at ll:3<ia. m.
Toere will be q temptir^oue proprwi Outu. No. l. per bu. ^new).
for ILe evening instead oft preachmE, Corn, per hq................ :...
Rre. per bu..........................
'bcffinoiopat T;iwp ni
I Rutter, per ft................
i;r alto tbe | Rrea. per doten............ ..
. IS to 80; ,
aaidweek prayfer meeUny at 7;30 p. m.: Potaloea. per bn,
Siacoverad by a -Womaa.
■.B Rur. Pa.lor
Another yreat discovery haa
There will be aervieea at tbe l^t
j made, and tiat.too. by aladr in ikiat
Stete atreet aebool booae. at lO:
is Bnf lUb mod at
i bar!
witbaUMNt i
terertwi teats.
were ' undermined and :
' 1 vital. orsrans
IdeaOi be.
I mod iamineoL For three
Urn. Dean of flariford, Mich. . who ________
] months. she eonyhed
iAceasantly. aad
baa been a'.tendiay tbe federation of! could sut sleep bbe fipaliy diHiovenrd
Woman'i emba at ManiaUe. is Tiaitiay >

... a
~7*'abottleof Dr. Kinya New Discovery
k.r .LU... M™. S. (J. Bouard ri W»l
uf .
Biybtb street
i Heved on takiny G, - tir«t doae that abe
aad'Mrs. SVilUam Reeman of islept all niyht: and wuii two botUea; pHr<i Ear
• m abfcoli
• ' Osborne, are in the city



..fill on
, .W0 no

bdildlng. at north end of UbSos
• Ourad
Sofferlny fauinanlty should be supplirtl with every means poMible for lU _.L.. .. .. laiief. It ia with pleasure we nabliab
« «f
tbe follewlnr: “This is to certify that

J was a terrible salTerer from Yellow |
Ever Buroed Out?
.laundice for over six months, and was ‘
treated by some of the beat physIciaoB |
in our eitv and all to ao avail. Dr. |
Bell, our drotrylat. recommended E'ec- [
trie Bitten: and after takiny two bot­
tles I was anUrely cared. t now take________L
____ ,pieeaarr io_i sjBajmeadlng
. line them ;^artMS OtSU A Weak
to any person siifferiny from this terri­
Everybody who lekea Tax Moiisuie
ble ma>ady. I am yratefnlly yoara.
Ru-oun can have the Uraod Baplda
A. Hnyarty. I^exinytin. Ky ” Hold
Herald delivered to them also for aa
8 K Walt and J. G Johnaon.dn"*‘l, addiiioaal font eenU per wevk. Bak^ lay only 14 cenu per week for the-----I beat paper in aortbere Uleklyan and
j the beat melropoliiaa paper to tbe
' aiau. TelcpboaeS3



aa Knfli'-.
r r cent,
adianec of EnfHa
tad Grade in par
pef ceat. ad»xat»>y^f Bofliab.
lat Grade

Any iaformatioo cheerfully ylvcn.

C. R. DOCKERAY, Propr.




Pboooios. m.I.


7 aed


Osakawa . ..

t......... .1L.-. Bp-u

O^ltT *t-di
T A.THONPSO H. I) OftiorlnHamilt*
A. A Hiliikett It k. Honrs. »to It AOi. »
•«*p. m. Trlrj.h.
rpRAINRU NTIISE—Mi>« EBieltr BiJec^h a
A aTsduste..r tb-UBl*rrsll]rBo*p>tar. Aw
Arbor, will respool lo ralU for SatsLay. S*
I UbBtren OS if


___ __

But Still in the Ring.


Batek's CrMstSf
TrararM Raaon.
a aty


T orr-Xalaht Trmidsr aed : iHae ds.
Aj PlB.t<-r wlli br fv*anlrd by durslBcio
M. B. Holley.1'I1> Book-lore,
bruaar. naier
T^OR RAL ~Honw b
r aad robr all! .w-Uoi
IWlltiAUt-i.eaeral aiorr aod arorerj <wiek
f at •imllrkrilk. I .will dl-poar oC wy
atorkaiarea-uaableiirirkaadleaar huUdtia,
oc rood term- Oiber l^larM drfnaodxwy.
wltoailcKi Walirr^ireJJfek.OrTlUrkrUle.BWb

That’s old. But our Bill of Fare i
Traverse City and popular in Chicago.
Here it is; read it.


•H dt>« 4 4T ...

BS !K;:


’ slU. Beuaoo lor seroi. Brlsful ulWI


- !®t HltM*™'''*


to Ik: 4 II ..


Twta Moaal

> kVmi;; i"; m-r».ur'r,nrv;«r-

>h Cakes.............
- .ten wlib abine.
d E«*-....................
"J Kgg....................

'Sh--rsml.t«-l Eiifs.................
IMi-rotnl.lrd Err* wllb Has.
.. » Plats OHjki,
.. .
.. 14 Uasftinlrt........................
«l B.-U1U llatwO Braai. ....

Cedar Raa...........

So. S No 1N«. I .
Mall IBxs-iAae-a
A. H.IP. M.<A. H.
( O. I 40| ..
• e 40r< I tf . .
• k'is.. lii:::
(41 IW...

AmvE «<i|jc:rroRH wav
AAwHERR lor -rbe Buiry .rf ih


Fr-irkipa'd. Crrdllytreo. I»-vp


Use of abase tr
r. AMiroDU.
I « w.c-imroMAM,
. I'J W-V3R

6rud Kiplds ft iDdiiu E. B

Wr,-lri- ttrrad. Butter

ru Wa»r- with Syrnp ai

Chiegao Cream St Waffle House
And Lunch Room.
TraYsrse City', Hich.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Jacob Bsiybard retaroad to
Abr Arbor yesterdry after vislUay Mr.
ud Mrs. K 8. Pratt at their hoae,
BiUcteai. Went Front steeeL
J. W. Cliffe was daddesty suBBcaed Breslag Sehoel
Of Bosinea* Colleye prill open at the
t« Ashland. O . yesterdsy, by the ae'
lye bail Monday eveniny, OcU
TCre Ulnens of his mother.
He left m
31. I89S.—
Thoae desiriay to Uke
the afternoon train, aceompnoled by
leeplny. aborthand. or any (
•fra. Cliffe.
-- branehc* wUl be ac
Mr. and Ur*. John A^ ^tnrned yea­
terday from their wedding tour te
•ontharn Michiyan.
Tewtaea OnU A ▼aek.
- Mr. and Mr*. W. O Holden rptnraed
Everybody who takes The Morrieg
Bkoorp can have ths Grand Eaplds
teat niytal from Grand Rapid*, where
Herald delivered to them also for sn
they attended the caroleal.
additioDsl four cents per week, mak
iny only 14 cenu per week for tbs
ft. X. iTafToUMLetleBi
best paper ia aortharo Michiyan and
the beat metropolitan paper in the



^^Priwliieb bloeka. -Phoo*. boMS aad

ft to Profe*M>r Keei
the niyhic. Hamnick A Co. of Shelby. N.
iTrial bottles liicl-i a'ihedmystorea of i
and Mra U. V.ioton are home-S E-Wait and^J.
lar siz' t'lo and $1. Every botilayoarfrom Virand Rapidk.
Robert Kuapp has yone to Detroit
Mid win reside with bia brother.
Fnttwfi CeBtiA'Tiek.
Mrs. .lenal’eteraon is home again af­
Everybody who lake* Tfk ...............fLUormico : u!!b sis,,,
ter a visit with her mylber la Cleve­
IDioiiiii can .........................................................
have tbe tJrsod
j <1 tVn. Kaa
Herald deltv
land. Ohix.
itional four
cents per week mak-1
WaiU Pennington

IPrtnerly dray clerk for Rose A Son. 1
It paper m nortberp
• best rartropolitan papei
Vn>. Glen Parks of Nortbport. was
S09 Fn>nt
-viaitiny her pareole. CkpUin. and Buiseu CeUegt
Will BOt occupy Oranye Ball ontll -—
Mrs. R. E cAse, Monroe atreet.
November T.b oa aocouat of Circuit
Mra Georye Calkins received a telecourt and meetiny of supervisors
•ram from ber husband at Roaebusb.
osiny the rooms
Eveniny school
neat week at HO Ea«t »tb street.
Olare eoualy. etatiny that he wu mneb
C. R Dotkerav. 464-31
Mr. Calkiaskasbeenalek aev-

itional fonr cents per week, makiny only 14 cents per week for tbe
beet paper In nortbern Michiyan and
the beet metropolitan paper in tbe
•Uto. Telephone 83.

uc ioitbuSKB LI


x».:r7,7T.;.'77rJrXllS.'i'^.jIs the Eatm of It”

nsTtaa&Outa AWstk.


g M BROWN. Attor-Wp
O. Law. Bpaetal as.aatl«e w
aadeoDrvraacla*. lllPraalB
LBERT e «ATBB.Atl0n>«7a. Spertal atIVBUaa te Probate praeUe*. RowasSaaa .
_________ _
10. M.

- u‘5

«ral weeks aad was on his way from
thia dty to Hot Spring- Ark .In aeareh
•t heqlih. stopplay at hla eld. faoB* In
Boeebusb for a few days for a brief

Selects and Standards.


nameoud with fcold, it it ttuiddod with
{ fivo preriowi niuih'o. 11m< luitr-r, wbicb
k.r_ r_ .i._r\__ __
. .
dl uw-k roeeirtd by eipriw dliwel Croat
it tiotbio
in diuijni. beuni un it* t----front
Holy Spii
hoawWr Pleteber-* OyMer Heaw la the
uanofa on: |,eaa.|uarten. Ur#eod. nni rlaeaerMeru.
and a iH-art fonn.-dof a»inirl<->'uiUincle
cf larffi- atn-. with ji-wi-itd nya Tbe
wliolt' It mnuquiiU'd b
pna-xlofUli (O-iUA On llie Imx-k are tbe '
fltfunw 4if tih' WVMi patron Kaiiita, 81.
Dux-iij and St. Winifrid. boaniifnlly
wruupbi ill cli<. IVeliJi <iil<Tt and ettrunteiitiil i.y rnliiiw, viiu-ra!il> unci pwrla.
kemrmber thall do al! Unda of ra­
At thi- a]w<x a|q*i-aTK
ibe iiuiiimul eminy and eoameliuy. aud Inal I eas
bl<tu. Ui" AV.-lali
do Rive you tbe beat work of any
t6pj»-> uiid
in ibe city for the mon^. Don’t
tell yon to '
wlw'b tnulicion Uii-ianw
j.wwwnnn of
Of ll*>:
11*.= MuAyn
b-t «>»«
tnaiin-d in Ibr jawirwRinti
irly I'liturn*.
all my work U> be riyht,
W but. »«»• wnud.'iw. w.inld the Gall- »t| jg ii doea not prove ao I make U
Iran li*h< nu.w huvi- tbounhi sit thii rl.'bt.
cttdly mark of cpia«-«^ raiilt?—Wtart- ftop
3 till » o'clock every eveoinff

Course of Studies.

Coitunetcial: I

e wuh oar


Correspond with tbe Tnvene City Lumber Company.
We have for aale Ooed|

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
• Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood
L.ajirDB BX3K SAT.m.

£ «rsllde«-n
quiro of Tru-leeMich Gt»S _

:r. L-wli BslAle. Sllcbis,



on the rorc'c of Ebrhlb si>4 Bate- MrMt*. New
■Idrwsik In (riHil of Is). Pina cotse- pkes It. ^



gtOEWALK FLS1»—Tin lot* ddrwal
■rpoK SALX-^oaar salt IM oe tbr RmtniSc;
£ M dows. 15 pn- moaik mod Ibuml 3.
W. Palckio. OS-lf.
_ I
pm bad iwq

-»g" WWK1-W- AA

, H B E S B E E 6 B E E B« BTiTBiTF


». Trantac «Uy Lom-

fTKlB SALE-1 aed 4 fcot tanars wmS.
fa Hull, pbeoes;
Motloe to Tax faysn.


liyssss 8 sss £8ca


(£S8*asfasasfiSC8 aseas

Iwnibele ay
MH.fdr (br portK


Mill Hachinepy of all deacriptions, tnclodlng Taro Enginea
Set Wo^, Carriagaa and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Piuit
for able.

at lliMAaL.







The Anomalous Position Occupied by Portugal
In Eastern Africa—England Will Probably
Secure Control of Her Posses­
fisions There.
tCopTTicht, IW 1
* Th« PortUKuraf piwrsi*n» on tha
■•Ml ronat of Africa haw .iea(n coma
(nto promim-nce aD<) the -'y> < aif th« na­
tions o hU h hav.- holdlnas n the dark
oitilin- nl arc crnler«'d <m tl i- harl-or^-f
J-oi-'-uzo 3>iBr<)uef>. DetaK»n Itay, ami tha
tBilicai-l whic-h runs thn>ui: i Ihr'atale
ot Kasi Afrh-a and oli.s- t.> the border
pass the railroad Knaland i ropoara to
buitd1 from Cape Town lo <'
< nlro. It l»
I t>a.l
-well known that IVr'ienl Iway financially and tnat shi- la deairoua
•of dJapoalntr of her hoMIno la AVIca
In order .to Mcore funds with whk^

Wr! river lo be the Ixiumlao' "f a )>art
.>r'x..iml>eslB. That alone Is a Iremen•I..U- c,.„nctitsl<in. as U (tlv.-s the lerrllor> -if Zambetm an opotilnc Into the
I Ithndes and the
Kncland is to abei.r.b l.ilh the «•^anKe Fri'.- f“tuli' and
the Itouth African Itepubllc Into their
Sciulh .Mrican possexaions. If U-fi to a
popular vote. It Would occur today, aa
In l»>th stales most of the male adults
arv Anclo-ftazona. In Ihe Transvaal
republic it Is t to 1 In favor of tha An- j

Mvlnr aluui
tween the duties of the two: iiss-ssini;
caraoea about one-half Ihi-lr real value;
passliie KcoMts free under the head of
vtvil. mlliiaiy and eceletdaslltal sup­
plies. Thus a hd of cheap Runs and ammunltli>n Intended for the traders In the
Inierioe of the rounlrj' have s>assrd as
altar '■■guipnients for interior mls.-lona.
Indee<i there are fe«r dudses that have
not been w.irked by the officials In or­
der to enrich themselves at the ezpense of all who happen to come their
There la no racial prejudice atnonit

poor. Thrr. I» • ]»nw Ai]
many -‘f th»- vori--ilc
of the*.- la Ihelrvhlefa. He l.aiked after them, sent ep t„„es they w ill submil to the llU*a
kn<i*n to Kur»|.-an«.
.1 an apple suracons to attend their sick and In- no n and *o to tb" l■M-hUll tvlihout mak'
ipl'lr. whic h
Jurist and would no! allow any Interfer- lux iiny • ffort to «e| away. They arc
at nil. but a fruit of tht- ..
rile, but at times, a
■ tribal IrcRUlatluDs .
Tho r«vular raliooa tor th- lr.-Oha nn4
he paid
the common final for tlie belter i lnssca custf rna. Above
J>ecfi wiont;..l. they will
consist of native bei-f. Veal. muUon. promptly, and ihi^- did hot have i.
IH.ultry. epRs, iiork and flrh. wlih rice, in usurers. He n-fus--d to deal •
Slrencth |p> eleanlnx out
Pour, licnns. jicas and other liii|e>rti-d any xo bi-iweens. and he was well paid i
drivinx the troops l
products. rHjrPiK the last five y.ars a for his trouble. The result wa# aptly i
trade has sprunx up with Auslmliii Ins expn-ss-d i,y Captain Jameson, who
All mt»-hiii«en. deformed and stunuA
l•n•alistufTs which may devebi|> Into an said. "If Hhodea would xive Ihe word, ; people am-nx the Dative trlbiw are at>
tmisirtiinl industry. .The Auslral an ' the Kaffirs would ezterminata the I’or- ' lowed yrest freedom of si>eecl». Tba^
xovi-mment has a nunilsT of comm.s- lutruese and Hutch in 90 days."
} speak In any |>crsnn they meet wltbont
sloners alonit the cast coast oT Afrli a
Many ivmiirkal.le thlnxs have hap- ; nwlralnt nnd do about as they plraa*.
workinx up the huslness and heellnx I“n-il In Ihe southern part of Afrlea Th-y yn from place to place wlthoOl
the 1»-M disiriels to deal wifli. They within the last few years, and mosi of l»-lnc n/o'- .let by the l*r.rtuxuese Iro ipB
travel from nmi port to another, lookinx tb-m sli..«e<l In what dins tiun ar- Ihe ■ «r civil ofli- ieiu. They have a sort ct
for new markets for country's sympaible* <
fiKsl supplh's. liebuton Hay hn« ls-*-n ' years axo
Drlayoa Bay xave Cecil Ithrides consld- Their own 1*00500 look ut»«n them as beaeiid'd as likely cventunlly
crable trouble. They rlni1<-4 in by t-y- tnx unfortunate, and It Is probably for
pmve a profitable point. T1i*t.- or*rnilnxids riinninx Into Delacoa now. Inx to collect full duties upon Roods tn^jhls r.-ns.m that they are allowed extra
and there will probably lie more wlihm tc-ndnl ft>r Zamliezla. Khodes sent a fre.-dom.
with TVIaxoa Bay and the state of
the next few years. Knyland has loam.d protest, which was (•Ixeonholed In true
the money with which these roads w re I'.itluyueae style K* xrow musty In Ihe j-:ast Africa In possession of Bnxlatitf
coiistruclcd and has l*een bsiklnx w-iib archives of the ofliclal In chsrxe. One crest, r facilities will l*e afforded her t«
lonsinx e>«s on the plaec f>ir a loiix month afierward an army of Kaffirs . cs.mplete her. one xreat project In th«
lime, au lU possession w .luld xive h- r a d-striiyed a t’.irtuxuese settlement and dark cnnllnenl—the falln*
xreat deal more slrenxih and the Hny Is-ijan to ■nuke
make thlnxs
thlnxs look
look squally
squally Town
Town 1..
1 t'alro. There Is little
would also make a very desirable naval along the frontier. I’ortuxuese troops feared fr<>m either the or tM
station. One of the rorda runs to Jo- were sent after them, and while'they other powers who hold possessions IB
hannesburx. and the othera as descflbi-d 1 were In motion another band of Kaffirs , the southern fiarl of Africa. Bnglaod
descended on another settlement, com- ' already holds most of the territory and
mlUed a aumlier of depredations and , Is mistress ..f the situation, both IB
drove away all the cattle Jn the sur- , the south and along the east coast. Th«
roundinx country. In each cane the only matter now to be settled Is that
marauders went back ' beyond Ihe . between Enxland and France in the Su«
boundary Into Zambexla. and the For- 1 dad country, where the troops under
tuyuese troops had to xlve up the chase. • the command of Sir Herbert KIlcbeBer
as Ihey could not xo Into British terri- have won many victories and extermilory without xetlinx Into trouble of a , naled tbr dervishes. The Frencb forcex
have occupied Pashoda. and when thlX
trouble Is settled, as It Is believed It
win Iw without any serious clash, tha
way from Cape Town to Cairo will ha
Kesr Metb«a of I aehlaa

inc« 1
u to make H no-Asan f."
of her navy to i*awn their »hins In or
der to avert starvation.
Some few ycJirs ax» while two ..f thi
Tcsaels were In the hnrb..r -f T k. Iia
BIB. JApaa. the otneers >-h
ffUBS and most of the iimiwaoili'.Tt to
*et funds with which t<* buy
themselves and their crews. Kven 'hr
furniture was taken fr«m the •iffi.'.rs'
quarters and disposed of. \fhlle t: me
of the officers were at the fnlt-d uh
at Tokobaipa they dined from Ihd funds
fr-im three bureaus and three dizen
hammocks sold to a dealer In s.-rondband mateiiaL Everylhinx "n tbe vesaelF that could l>e r*-moved w.-.s dis­
posed of and Ihe officers were • lil'ceil to |
leave one oT them behind In /.nler to !
sure - u -uch fuel and supplies to xell
ue other tl. the home cnanlry,
The nii\y. however. Is but a small
part of ih. trouble of PortugaL ao Arj
r Cnari'-ial condition Is concerned. 1
has become
n. y by the s
AfricBB pos«esi.iMis Ibere is no doubt,
that they will la- turned over to hhix-I
land, who has the lirvt *'> air on them. !
TYiere are several r.-ah..n« why Knxland *trill take the Prril.jry ofl her liatidK
England has .claims against Portucal
for large
Then agai
the two c«
ta cede the lh*luxoa lia>
England when the shall U-'Me K. si^- and'AmeHcnns there, and
It up, but there is also an axr.s-meni l.y Knylar..! to have, full control The two , Chlm »e, so li la difficult lo tei! w.......
which Germany must. SHncib.a the DuPh republics are walbst In ulmosl the .M-inyclian leaves off and the Fortransfer of the terrUory. H is m.w b.-- comp!. l-Iy by Anglo-Saxon peoples and tuxu-*.. I.cxins. At Gta,
tieved that Emperor William Would not posaesslons. On the west aide Is a'tTrl-; of Hindustan, they have
bealute to give England the property tory formerly known as the Klianaa the Tamils of that terrltnn' who are
and posse«k.n of the railroad to Pre- country, which serur«t.,a them from ihe as black as n-croes, unlll there It a
torla. as be i.1h«s« no gr.-Bt r.-llance in tSemian colonl.-s and the African west perfert changlnc of Portuguese color
tha representaUons of the Transvaal ciasi. On the south Is Cape Colony, and 1 ranging from bi.jnl to black On the
government in the matter and he has on the southeast and cast NaUl and ^ Amazon they mixed with the Indians
leaned that I>r. Leyds and the sute Fwazlland, which wer- taken by Eng-| In the same manner, and at ^ielagoa
machine behind him at Pretoria have land about five years ago. On the north-| Bay with the various African types
interpoaed every possible nl.starle to , west and north Is Zamlczlo. also known which are to be found about Dclagoa
the Improvement of transportation fa-; as Rh^>desiB, and to the north*ast la Bay. which Is! by the way. a deiu of
eUltles. England also hai a treaty with Delax.ia Hay. TheM two republkw are the Zamberl.
Po^al reapectlng the tranalt of Kooda: like Dutch oaaes in nriiishterriiory.andi The highest type of native in that elsewhere, to Fort Salisbury. The 1st- I the time the Portuguese protest arrived
in bond tetween the British South Af-|lnjhe event of trouble England could i section is the The ....owX *" *■
great drawback ao fsr aa] at Cape Town two more forays on a
rlean company’s poasesslops and the , cut off all supplies from outside. In the i Is the SwaxI v
1 transcoDlinental ro»d Is larger scale took place and struck conTransvaal, whereby aU articles landed 1 event of war they could not be re-en- intelligent. Is
concerned, It was not coDslrucu 1 to ! ateraatlon to the Portuguese heart A
to I^lagoa Bay are sent Into the Tran^ forced, and ifnecessary a tariff could be | proper. There are four or five types
comply with ibe tgulsllon gauge, and courteous letter was sent to Cedi
smwj In sealed care, and thence over the 1 enacted that would kill aH
are nonbelligerent consequently th« trains tbsl wl|. be Rhodes by Ihe offldals of Delagoa Bay
railroad from lu-Iagoa Bay, which ; In either case they would be under the and even timid In character. Many of
their former posilion and
runs west by norih i<> the tennlJ_____ complete control of the British parlia­ the Portuguese marry the tribeswomen used on It cannot be eent over the ether
Fort Ballsbury, w hen- there Is n junc- ment. As It Is now tbelr Isolation would or the half castei In the district, while roads., This, howexer. will be of little
_ --------- ----- iDge
Uon with the main line from Cape (end to strengthen the Anglo-Saxon ele­ there Is a large number who live to­ consequence when England gets cot trol
Town. The road has been surveyed as ment within their borders, and in the gether without the formality of a mar­ and Is la a fair way lo complete her as It might seem, the forays stopped
a* they bad begun. Mr
far north as UjUl, where Livingstone course of two generations It Is safe to riage oTemony. The result of this con­
died. It was to ihU road that Sir Hen- say would make them English speaking dition has been the evolution of very ‘England's statesmen have prived Rhodes of course denied having any.
oatbreak of tha
ben Kilcben-.T referred wh>-D he tele- countries, and that Is what England is mixed breeds. Men as black as negroes
she has shown It In the peraanof aavage freebootera. y« many of them
^(4>ed to Cecil Rhodes after the fall playing for.
claim ti; be Portuguese. The Africans C^ll Rhodes. The Portuguese'
had worked on his various enierprlao.
• la eh<
of 'Jindannao “Bten are you coming
The ffovernment at Delagoa Bay Is who have the slightest degree of pfc. '
there was acme
oarnominally military and civil combined, tuxuesr blood reseat aa an Insult any
connection between the two events
Delagoa Bay U hot swamra- and f.-ver bnt Peally military only. The officials reference to their color or being called
There were other thing! of a similar
ridden- Baok of It are hills, where the ' *ho govern the plsce consist mostly of aoychliig but Portuguese.
thing, and very often the work was nature which had tbelr origin ouulde
mcrc^nts “0 muitw and civil offl- former army officers, the only objsSi
The natives are aklUful fishermen, stopped because the people could not of the camps of Ibe natives, but It
cer. live Md where the mam barracks m life of many of whom seems lo be to sad the fish market of Delagoa Bay la get tbelr mnney. They were compelled could never be positively proved who
are located. It has b«* a Portuguese steal from the government Since For- proverbial for the excellence of fta food to apply to usurers, who were worxing were the instigators.
rtttlemeot lor nearly 900 years, but 111- : tugai procilcally went Into bankruptcy supply. There are many herds of cattle with the officials and who would bu.v up
The natives, as a rule, are large 'and
tie has been done to develop It
they have run lUngs with a high hind and an abundance of cheap beef and
Two } ears w <^1 Rhodes obtained They draw their incomes from the cos- veal, though on accouat of the heat of them enormous rates. The offlcJtla who powerfully built and make a striking
to the Portugneae troop#, who
a concession from Portugal whereby the ■ toms and are said to play many fantM- the climate aad the rankaeta of the bad charge of the road did ifaelr neat contrast
small. It is Indeed s comical
Biz-Igation of the Zambezi river was tic tricks which enrich them at the ex- vegeuiion the beef is lean, tough and to pocket as much of the spoils as tbey sightvery
to see one of the troopera try to
declared open to English ships. This pease of the homo troasoer. Among
oould. and they did not care who teas atop a <couple of huaky natives who are
haa glen him a great advaauge. for be ' some of those reported to have been
the loser.
doing I
now has dlraet caiwunicatlon between ; w orked at Delagoa Bay are the followOn the other hand. Ceefl Rhodea hi »d
EambMia and En^d. By the same ‘ lag; lavolctng a cargo of Anarlcnn
who)* anniea of KaOra and paid them


Italian rifle, which Is but .2M inch la
diameter, proved very efficient in atop*
ping i«wer at the battle of Adowah.
Nevertheless, at whorl ranges, the verj"
high x-ciociiy of Ibe bullet gives rise ta
a powerful explosive effect.
Major MIchrllnl one day fired one Ot
these guns into water at ao angle of
about *i degrees. A dead llah almost
Immediately rose (o the surface. On ex«
amlnation no wound was dlscoverabla
in the body, the death being due entires
ly lo the hydraulic shock arising from
the impact of the bullet with the wattP.
This view was amply confirmed by fuiw '
ther experiminta, and many flab werg
killed by the blow of the bullet on the
water exactly as If by an explosion of a
dynamite shell. The effects of the hy«
draullr shocks seemed lo be sufficient to
kill all fish within i feet to 1 feet • todw
es of the point of impacL
Very Frwneb.
With the French sense of fltneaa a
bullfight was got up recently for the
benefit of the Bourgogne sufferers at
Toulon. Four thousand people crowded
round the bull ring, and after waltfna
for an hour and a halt were Informed
that the managers of the entertainment
bad disappeared with the entranoo
money and that the buUflghtert would
not fight until they were paid. Tha
apectaton thereupon began to tear
down the woodwork of the bulldhtg and
set It on Are. and there was a panic la =
which women and children warn t
Plod aadMfoot


jDantH«t at tbr Utne of «hi« narratir®.
I bad vnjor-i my fm-dotu for a>n day*
a Jnac; bat. thouRh the penod bade
•fclr to Urp fon-wjT-dB my uinnotT. I
aprtm-d Jo haT«> difN-u already a twplroBOiui. b;irk Bf v.-,.k U1.<-II .li,-.-svniug

iMd exiMad—thw dw bad «t«r kapwai
ma—that waa paM tot^vatica.
“Tbej-live at Brlgbtoii." Dick ooo-f
tlnoed. ••■0 that we are not too iai;'
away to Tiaii tbom. You ninrt comol
dowu amuf day with »«. 1 »-ant to lo‘



8UHDAY. OOTOBBB 30. 1898

iMtnH'ti*. J
Tba renomiiwtion t.r awtanwiloB of
^.a-p Sut« nni.-na.-w «{

are timea when it wwoanwiae | airai-tiou. tia« plviu udi n»enuxi ap I

iTomo rrow, Monday, October 31, |

to lie

• pro'ul »o tu**nort of JUi ttnrt twia
-j «), ,u
doli-Ut-d. •'I said wa^wliiH. lint- in: ■ sm li aa not onl> ;• ' •>
^ „.v«.w<u it;- oxti«-b upon i-.ill
ui. dal.iii, of

Will Ba Special Couch Day.

Wbcu 1 found Diok-s Iciu* awaiting mo j
| OtonM bf able to rely ta,the vl.i^wa. tlii-ougi.ouj Ali.iiigim. bin I la.' '
bt my lodgings:*
i (.vi-ui of bis auur dor toDd>.T>iig a nore alH> kiaa-o bin.' «u <-uvla'jli- reinUnUot
tmi. Arrired tart
____ w « j>lpe-tonli!hl U po«lbl.
drtd tblUkV U. i.-tl you..
WlU Mb-rv It. I'n ■■nsaoed. Tcami.

iiintatiou.. Tbun 1 lunifd tbc: In oil.« < Mp-a-b. aa is eirUl. ji.a-d
1| couvrwaium into mil.r.diaii.i. !a bud in! ibt'»«■ d" «>f l-rj^l.b-iH Untl-AT. ot

Tbe news bt told mcwat rhe pitas-'

a littlt wbilt. wuntwhat to tbt> disgust, I nl'fitby of IlilinuB. wbu wrote |
I: Sui'i. lliuiiuiou.l: "I know a«iii<'th.n(
of my fri<'Od,-whobad miu-b to
of lilt >ioik of Blau- .-.uperiui.-iideija
and f««j U-i;
. «hat >.

Siteot pos-ihlt. for 1 also, to toll flrt
^nth. bad h-urued in tnyitn days’ frt«-............. ...............................^ ...........


vhit) m

iom hiiw «ii.-iiviBble ar.' Iht hlsTtk-s of j
dr*„>i„. »s..Mi»iai<-W..1.^ 1 *"'*■ I"**-!: |K.Tt -in .-.I In Iht oniimr'
ttie more biu-hi'lnr. I rtmuiniti fnv for j fur -thi- liS'x-siu niattn
IT four Mhbiu a
jin-HOnt, bni 1 tHwiMli' li-ss boptd to
r }'M1 are fn-c lbt.1 »fb-ni<Aui and! fkUilliar nill. lita lilsivr; tlirougi.oni
fellow bia examplf btflore tb>- year was
N- U> niM'i a. end t!o witb tw to iba : Uii- lew >i urs nlilH. bavt InUfi ttnnl
Vunrs very ttoij-'.
{fain-t lit. a iiiotlirrU-Mi.cuanir.v lad be
Odo tan do a gond deal in ren days—
FKAsrre brrraau. ?
slsnai of tbt |Hiet-veniij:
iBdoodl had faUrn bopolrstly iu love
a a mlaneblt. ftfCKy day. and I piu. k wliU-b
jiluctl him lu hb
■ I of tri I aud reep
toi.« than tbal nnniUT << liooni. But j half fi and tliv wiiald i
klUMl.v. Kh
wiirktm: and
I ftU i
In siiuiuier
JIand should bare retognisd anil Itanilorm tb« wberettlilia'
Madge looked « OD I
ad to fre-iiireoatt my fillings in so slKirt
abmg il


• time, and so 1 bad not S]»In*ii. All
the samr. 1 knew that it would be a
emsbiug disappointmeut to nit if abe
had not acrom].liA.d it. Htr btaut
•t Brigbuni.
l. slie
sill- (uirt
lold nit. aud abf>
freli knew my frienda, tbi- MryntUa.
For Hand—I maid find no words to
ggpbwH htr. I imt -my baud iutotbe
breast potkel of my coat and dn-w ml
• pbo gni|*. It was not a v. iy good
iiki-ui <: tbt hair wa« bot dre.A*.<l in tbe

Mil ^
- „o ,mpn«. u, u„>.

V,,'-,.i ‘..A

And we will sjiv»' 3'ou tlie bigget-t Iwii^Hiiis in i-ouel
beanl of.

Yi 0 all know our iiritea are way down low.

Moudav only.
Our 86 50 coofli for

irilly pw

aud uplinlat. :m1 ^ooda that you ever '

Well, we will cut

bi;j alice off them for

fli.nO ^oeh for $4.60, $7.j5 coneb for $fi.<X>. $1050 couch for

Oa'fioV.ii.-ii tor Slim *i2.5li ...nih tor 110 7.1, SK.f.O mu.l. tor SliSO. 121 SO ™ucl. lor
Ws i.i
dei;t II
mils-lule and Ulcldgiin
•J Sin 76. S2H.;,0 . ooeb lor S20."r.. 1113.00 l™il.or
•b for $27.60.
We have a nice line of imitation
.,. ...
—» out bis alea
cuiiuial ......
Colli ji-s.
he .ekad
patlcir tuite for $10.50, $2H,iitJ suite for $24 75, $75 00
$10,50 vp. Our {25.011. <;
liBibcr fn
der Tm^urV-.C’nll"e.i«”v7taW
. ?5o.
. ,0<' and so i n,I. right
ihr« ng
aaIiU uu Astksioual P 'ln uf uwciiiiiK
y* buite for
Afier giaduailng with: buuure fniu,
Hemi mbi r llie day. Wiiiiflay.
1m r HI —and don’t stay
the .Vuruuliiiial tkilloge. Ua- bw-auic I
y ou account uf tbe money,


from her, but
niischielier aspect was one ofr mtlHT
vons MjJoynicni.
It would Imve biw
timely enough if she had lield jit store
for me some rery delightful suprisa
lihe even refemsl to a maticr which 1
had hoped for a month past bad A-MC^ied sneli no eaiuAi.i aud etlieieni ifuebei
her obtaTvaiiiai.
i that he wiis in a r< « >A-ars glvi-p

•1 did not think that Ton would dre!
Ub iiaiitre I
seend to liieft,
“1 would.
e gitbe moK) ebunning that ever tayTimd jou bare
to the tniud of iugtuimis woman. But
We were cutmiig the theater arsbs;
a,adjng of the
•dll ibe, piotnre bad enongfa of btr to
., and the i
be for me tbe most beantilol )hiug in
llllill.rill IM-lll-S Alf II
tbe world, aave tailr her sweet self. 1
er SpreeU; iudn<d Iwasnot*)
Then r<illuwe<l wliiil Mae pirba|i*
little augrr.* Her clumsiness was ob- the gn-aiol Mit|irlM- of bts hie In hihad stolen it hbewas
the Lnttrells. with whnn 1 sjient my viouslv intentional. f<» I was well; « ► I.-. ii..n liy Su|ii. I’.uten
‘’-1’“'? SuiK-rlntcndeni of IHb
biliday at Bandybar. and Matige L.nt- aware thatsbein nowise*uffe«dfrom
, ^
I lie liisinii-tinu. Hi-re .-igalD Ids A'niTK.i
bell was a gn‘at friend of mint. She
had detected or ferteeon my devotion to
Maud. I think, even before it revealed ioourrewM.
„ auiawIiU cmkIua-i of tb
llaelf to me. At any me, I knew abe
1 you take tbe InsUf^ml?" said mi'iiue work and Urge otbiv
vonid be discreet, and, tniming to btr
and I moved obndienllv to tbe s|s-iideuee a» left 8upl. lAaitA-nglll a
glemcncy, I had stolen the precioos pho­ last vacant one.
to tbe lady whoso UUity lAi devote miK-b of bis iline l>
1 was just iM ixiunl n.iik among leocherK antograph oat of ber album npm tbemom* faiv was turned from
li^ when 1 left Sandybar.
taking my seat wbA-u sbe turned and I ta-hiiul oUleers. MeaBwbUe tbe bar.
'»<irklng dejiuty found Hue to couipll1 bad Boco finished tbe meal which looked up at me. She bad tbe grace I(n,'»<irklt
liandr Hltle toIuux- <l
•toed ready for me and from which I blush, fm Kwas Marfd‘cteK*ron. but!l‘“‘''> I
had been kept I7 Dick'a note and by tbe there was no tremor in her voice wum.
' . w,
i SA'faoel otUcen anmtotioQS resulting from its prrasaL d,, nritr • nom^t l.ior,
Then I found my hat and stick and my
"Howao .rondrS-a., «ld pallMr.'

TTcy largtrt pipe and set oDt acrom and IU tb<' sam« words I answered biv. i |,i„ atleimoii touanl die iM-tiermeiii o
London to feck's rtema Tbe place was
Pn'M-utlysbe leaned a little uearet | Hi,. mral m-ImmiU and has lasued aev
In daikmas
nntenanted when 1 en- and spikA'tome inberscrfi. [Bvttyvoiae: athI |iubli<ai)uue s|»-<-lall.v
tered.'bat I knew that he would npt
have notbiug to sayr'ahe said. Wuetil. TIu-reAls I State Manual a
fail me and struck a niatcUtodiamvex
'You may talk, yon know."
U be bad left a note to rell me when be
1 turned to ber with a look of desper­
and used. MxirM .if le'
would return. •‘Back at 8,” it read. ation. Whv could not sbe leave DM'lo. ijjeri.v Miugbi
A .‘Aiiiim.'iiihiii; Ibeiu
"Hoanwbils. ttaere's baccy and a new
-1 h«i
«dd. -I,
mu-t A-ougrutolatc you—or UicS. at any |
„f |•uUlle,^nstl1tetl.ltI “ S
b was DOW npm tbe stroke of 7, ao 1 ***''•’'
l-am.-I nn .niili..niv ss Stale SiiiN-itit.'ii
lit tbe lamp found ttcevenwin and
d pre"(Ml." sue answered smilingl.v, ••you '
Skinn.-r. i.f New Ymk. •.rtii-» /"
pared to siiend an hour plci uutly. Tbe may reingn.tnhile me alim. DiUot fear; , ilii-'ii as fi.llous: *The«.' puli l•■at:l>'1
fashiou which had bocmic fajiiiliar
ne. and Iliac fashirai, cf a stuvi.v,


A;' AH'i

„i.« .hoA. I





I ecatise 3’on can have them uu t-uiall fiaj nienl^ just the tame aa ceab.

I J. W.- Slater’s Hobse FniDisliiEg Store |

Children’s Day


Mondai, Oct. 31, will be

y.m 1

time passed must buppily. At last
I laid
Midi-tbe borA aud filled my pip& 1
walkid ucroHs tbi- nxmi to tate a ^ill
from tlie luaiitelsbelf and in a mament
feuiid iuys<-If gaziug at tbi' pboiogruph
it Maud UauKTon—tbe girt i hired, tbe


inic of elaborately beaten

uoke, and Isyot
aporCTail of Dick's fiauta-e.'

.e like
jer’s nut of that fi^e—and took my
•opy of ber pbtHograph from my picket
I laid it n}nn tbe lalde iu Hh- full light
cf tbe lamp It bad not all ber tieauty;
her lovflincas was half of eviTchangiug
MpniwioD, aud so inust needs escape
- Che camera. But still tbe piettm- gave
Che lie to all tbe overwhelming evidence
Which had cmsbedmyfaith in biT. For
S moment 1 was omteut He might ae-



He bM the eoiira
dons aud h:is ns-.-!

"He told you he
M engaged
to me?
Why. b,'. eh»«nl to Sny. ay «««. |

ers. • vp.vksi'ii: 'ds Is-lh-f that schuul
bO'' agent*
.welimc* .-xenlHi-undiii
Inflitence lu »tn* nutrer of iext-l«M»ks
not hesitate to akseri hb eon

Dt bad louft to wait,”
a be out f(g awhile. ”
••Kol long," 1 answered. *'Aud now,
I nqipoAP, I must cAingnitnlate you?"

Andbemdes —
s<-|iija>I oilner*. teacher*, cud oilM-t>
A new life enterod into me. Tbe old'
ihi-Ajuestinm- uLh-li rein
hope lived agaia Vet i was reaiviDced. • ffuni them, ami not rely u|mhi pulera and l*K>k lobhytais fA>r their tn
*’He feowed me y

Dick Isagbed. ‘‘Do you onlysnppoaef
X am tbe luckiest bi-ggar in the world.
Bnt, DIWIT mind, you will sre ber some

Sbe locked at me a moment Slowly
tbe bcwildmumt faded from ber face,

day. aud tbvu ytm will spA-ak diffireutly.
Ton will envy me, madly, fur in­

and it MTiwR-d
was mightily
"Did be tell you my name?" abe

feed— Bat We’ll wait until you have
■ct her. Only 1 promise you yon may
r-cafely venture your congratulationa
Bere is ber nbotograpb, by the lye, a
Wrelcia^Iy bJooe, Ut Mill not aU imlike."
He mo^ to tbe mantel and banded
Me btr picture, inclosed in tbal ahomfeable frame of bis. I torA it Irum him,
•nd for a minute and mure gaaud bard

Only a praitiral and progrcsidTi
man wbo Is keenly alive to all the ed
nmltonnl tniervAi* «f the Siuie. an-l
who devotes ills entire time tn oltii-ial
duties, could hare areitiniilh
Il iliiiiiig :i iirst lertii; and when to
this reeoTil U addeil the fact iiiai
"He showed me ynnr Hkmess mnd Riipt Unuii iiid U a man of iiDsuith-d
told IDA- ATirawire nigagcd to bim. 1 reputatjuD ai'd a pairioiic. siiiin-b Itc
• ii>-- --I -iiyinK ihjdon’t re-iui-tiil«'r I Is- loid uie ynnr name.
Bni iIjati' V us nit D<M*d. { donut forget the pco(>le will In Novembi-r idle D|j a
i>w tbeir approval o
■oi iiuiv."
Idg niajoiitv to tbow
M-ud eh-ekind. *nw>re ia no Mher *be Stale (ouvenUun# rhoh
M_ud ih...kicd. There u DO other
api«^-:ati..n of hU .111. iem ad

for.? »!. s-j.l .

-Cyeloa.- I-avl*." iV gr.wi I’op'allM
s-iut- i. A.... I ilodgc Lsttrell a al-'
of Tevaa. predii-ts ilmi the lieru
bom ih<- d-'y-l \,.jAtu Icani Buudybar. I (KTsi* In tissi will iioraiti.nic Heuei
Dick watchid roe in riienre. evidoit-. 1 tiinoi-hi”—
and pifrhngb I<ee for prAiM.h-Bi aii<l

i.r.-lr it .wa« a liltle carious tol'Ice-prreid.-oi.
This proi|j<-;lnn will
lyounviucad of m.vadmiratioa. Hi reali­
ty I was wondering wbetber it wofid slAwl til.-p: otci .B'lbrof a lady voo bad. fell. If fi-t ""
reasou for

tarn of her iiiartngraph.
‘■■You are Incky, ’’ 1 answered slowly.
**6be i.s very beautiful."
••Aye,” he said eontentedly. "hot
you dmj’t kiicov Imw beautiful! That
abi'io-gniph i« H lil» j.”
Hi put it ba-k npon the mantclsticU
'*Bd ~1 - till a iris'. Tliiai be Wivti-lil'd
JiinA>« if ID an faNT chair.
"Yuu iwi. mUBi know one anotbiT—
ladcrel -Ih- is alroadr eager for yunr oc1 wu* stre-Ied. 1 Ihnughi, aptln^ all
that be-coo hi ti-U ntc. bui npon this I
£ well nigh Ir-tzayrel inrsi'lf. Hadsbi- adBiittid tiiot biT fanry for Dll'—I knew
ibat she did come near loving mo—.
fead. I could bare tsirue my Iraniim
fond niii^t have for,^
u ^ •boold deny that it

...M,.y. «,y

that Mr. Ft r-.'u-w'U


cngugiil. and


waw bi r
ModgA-'nolbuiu. i
1 was Etnccrel with th*- mild™


aud with Uu- s-iiMe of my gre-at rtupiility. I tuc-w fbut hiT Ayi-K wiivupiiii ni*.
aud 1 AviHlld bare- givi* worlila Wt 1>wiiU luT for a n* r.ii'ut only, away fron
tbit-grer.i noail tf lAApli-.
"1 bunwAl it." I wuil. "a montb aga
You will gjvT nil- oniyour own?"
BIm' anwwend ti'Hbiug. and al that
mmmvt tbe rariaiu mm'.
WvU TOtAHM.-E»-baiigp.

But I wof

—Xm. Holjuwai
wife. She Bofluug a»d aaWB wood.
feiitfa—Don dhe l-rii« it in?—Kew
York Sunday XonniaL

1 A

Lot 2-Children’s Reefer Jackets, several styles, value $2.00 to $2.50.
Lot 3—Children’s Reefer Jackets, very nobby, ttlne and green color- 0IQAings) real value $3.00 to $3 25, choice..........y............................................... wIiOv ;
Lot 4—Children’s Reefer Jackets, faanclsome garments, worth f3'50, Al> Q Q 2

S III Flaer Beeh’rs. nines $1.50 to $10.00, at $4.90. $5.60 $0.19.



Of good cloths, desirable styles and at very :

Special Prices.

Svarybody come end investigate the.OBEAT BAKOAINS offered for tomorrow
in the above goods, at--------





Keliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Clothing House.


••V.ulMtv... SAC. Uh- be

tqnn her face.
‘■IV is all true,” 1 kept whispering to
Byaclf. “She has betrayed me. ”

be-bettcr to ti ll him that we had mcL
Pnikutlybe bnke silctayt. "Well,’'
Idiug lint bis baud far the- r*be said, boldiu

Here are the prices (for Monday only.)

L Lot 5—Children’s Reefer Jackets, five styles, worth $4.50 to $5.00, AA QQ E
.............'......... ............................................... VfeiVV =
Lot 6—Children's Reefer Jackets, beauties, worth from $5.60 to $6.(X)
OA choice....................................................................... .................. !.................................. dT.uS =


•be conld uui U-rray me.
And yet yon have known him only a
There was a sudden sound of tooWep« totuight?"
OB tbe stairs, a baud npon tbe door,
She looked at me with a aon of pm-

Children’s Cloaks in northern Michigan is at

IllB brBalcSI UlOCK this store and priced way be ow the regu =

Lot 1 ■^Children's Reefer Jackets, a mixed lot. values S.150 to $2.00, ^ I

',r '


lar valucst. To reduce this ijrtat htock and do it (juickly we will put even lower 2
prices on the entire stock (every efirment new. stylish and of durable material) 2
which makes the greatest money-saving sale ever attempted in this city.


,h.t U- ..iAh, bnn,! "“i'™,"

For a momept de^ite allevi>|
intenupteAk "You
’'You only saw him a
I intenuptFAk
aeiKv, I ueii.'v
believed that abe was still true fnrtuight ngeS Vhy. His a full mouth
«o tbi- ucspiAen fact betwn-n na, that ainoe he told me ym were engaged.

Dick i-uten-d.


I fh«.nght w> at least, but U scentrel aS)
^ prai-ll.-;.. rliatinc!'. ;
if 1 bad lujorcd bir. and now a gn-ater, ,i,i„ ,hai gupi. Hammond hn. din- •
indignation than my own arost' iu her. I hU iTergy; .nnl oil hla imir« at«i;ii i‘
"It is not true," she aaiiL “Tl'hBt do stale bear fniii. «miu or hn.'. Id 1*. I
you mean? 1 saw him latly a fcrtiiighl' fill suggesilon- for MKiiiig e» IU.
ago.wbraI retarui-d from Mandvlmr. i
Hl» umisi ns-eni puhil.i-sii.iii, • l .-»
andl diMincilvivimmhi-r telling him;
I.eEiAliiiion--i-'aeis nti.l Klgiuvs
that A.J lh.t I h»l «n r« U»r..l'>
ti.nH, rurM.lil.,, n ■!

MDiit )'.imsi'lf mastATof ber lore; might
if it pleaMd him, believe that no man MoIk, Hi
fespntAxl with bun the kiof^tan of her',

CTO as 1 thrust back ber jdiatagraph
into my pocket tbe door opened and


'•luirttloiD Slid do in-nit bi<
'Murr. J..m-lv welir 1 leboi'd.
] «re-lil to .vour lU-jiartiuent. V.uir S. -.;
Ya-*.” she cAUifiiioed. "and particn.'P-f'e
Hay Kaert-ise:. i, il,
of tlw- ktlld
that j-iin im- bis k-piA'-iul friend. |
hrA..ig1iT out."
le w ife Avbe
i-n the hns-.
It I* so tin lilt the
Ills tour of IfisjieetloB thrmish I'tf
bawl's fniisl is nice. Bnt why di.ln't
I fi-reol (Hirls <if tliA' elate Iasi n .n*.ynn i' ll Wm yon knew the Luttrells— n as another ••AinHlielll for plnciiia hiin
: Sd If In tolli-li with th- •le.-de of e i.-b
at her. iucrcdulons of bn ' ,-rs in remiiiy .INiHi-is;
s f
reirnil.A siniual i
r eeulil I loll him?" 1 said indignantly. ‘•Yiio bad denied Bci|t>uiuiwcc, tin.-!}- Ilhi'inilisl »rlleuj> .nr
witbm . and. since ym bud foi


■7r’u,'i: .ri;

miMb of a Repnt.M.A.n


SoBW of tb* MflAlrid pai-eia «ay that
“Spain will A**rA-iid her rishit- In the i
tTi1UpP'"eA A'C' the rreatAMO en rev " i
Tliey ner1<—1 i** "»v. h/iAA-ev..r »»l,-ther|
lha people " hotii S|vi1n tint *elA«M loi
do riiA- di rei-.d!ig Int-ad to*wim overk
nr rev to n-oi-r rtie trip on a raft.— ,
rbwetand JoAndAAr.
The gun* taken from Cervem’* •«nkrn ahtp* aiv Kitd to Iw- v>nrth tMlf •
o.nitnn <S>l1an> They nilThi tic worth
ten tlnii-* that in a rertminar,- if they
had Yankee spirnera behlttil them.
Tbe TVrenrrBtN are eontlnnully talktee of their wonderfiil filendehip for
tbe reo]iIe. Btit Onverenr Plagrre ae--ntore in (bli Hm during «a«
lb» otbar feUm orer «d


Cheap Rates
to Chicago


J„5 Peidskev and Charlemli.

himself is not more popular than

Round Trip $3.

Air Tight

Ka-»Ia. eiiil Benb E>ir*
eb.JA-: l-Til-e.oi— waf.ri S
-riunilnc Ourui mUareotaea- n ol ll«

Mkm IkUe^' Tnnoiulln Ca

B- H WPli. Agent.
Phone 3f*

John R. Santo,
Gegeral Insiraace.

I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up. Save fuel and money
by buying one of

W- J-. 2E3IOBBS,

TmvarM City, Mtoi 146 Frout Street.


Plat of Ouh-woorfJid^

Real Estate „
I have secured the sale ot the balance
of the addition of

The most charming suburb of Traverse City,
which lies upon the east side of the town, and
most of the lots now offered east of Rose street
are covOTed with a beautiful natural growth of
Oak^nd Pine trees, on nearly every lot, and only
one and two blocks from the Oak Park New
Brick School Building—not ten minutes walk
to the factories.
There are no lots in the city now offered for
sale as desirable as these for a home.

...112 LOTS...
60 ft. front—some of them will be sold as low as


With a small cash payment, balance weekly or
These should be looked up at once to se­
cure your pick of the best.
Good fine residence, very desirable, south
side of Washington street.
Small residence, good location, north side of
Washington street.
Also a good list of other very desirable resi­
dences, well located, that you can buy right—One
at $660, on which a good team of horses would
be taken as part payment.
I have, or can find you just what you want
for BUSINESS or a RESIDENCE, for an Invest^ ment or a Home---Or if you must rent, usually
one or two places to choose fi-om, but

Look Over Oak Heights at Ooco.

’Phone 73, Johnson Blocks









i . 5o
s .A

•* 1








. t















2 .

? .






Aberdeen. Scotland
Mansfield, Ohio.

Barre, Vt.
Carrara, Italy

As manufacturers of Granite Monuments,
Mausoleums and all work for cemeteries, E. M,
Wolff & Co are in position to give you the very
best Material, Workmanship and Promptest Ship­
ments, and at prices that cannot be duplicated by
Smaller Firms.
Before buying a memorial for your cemetery
lot investigate the responsibility and standing of
B. M. Wolff & Co., and see the many monuments
erected throughout the State of Michigan.

OT7TSrepresent some of the smaller woik erected by us throughout Michigan. For reproduction of larger
work'inquire of Riley Sweers, Traverse City, who represents E. M. Wolff & Co. throughout the State
of Michigan.

Ten Years

Our Italian

E M. Wolff* Go.
were engaged In the manufac­
ture, wholesaling and import­
ing American and Foreign
Granite and Marble for the de­
tail gfttnite and marble trade
throughout the United States
and Canada, know the de­
mands for all parts of the U.
S. aud Canada, and are sup­
plied with

Is the product of
our studios in Italy, where we
employ none but the finest
and most experienced sculp­
tors. We make a specialty of
life-size busts, modeling them
from photographs and repro­
ducing in Italian Statuary
Marble. The.cost is surpris­
ingly low.

Designs Suitable (or >
Any and All Demands.

If you wish a tac simile Of
a depgrted one you shouldbuy
a lifb-size Bust, true to life.

We employ as our representatives none but ex­
perienced men who are capable of giving you valua­
ble ideas and pointing the way properly and to your

We are Manufacturers,
Not Middle Men!
We can do better by you than any small dealer
who peddles your orders around. Buy your Ceme­
tery Work from the Manufacturer and you will be
better satisfied.

Write for Our New Catalogue of Designs.


Sent Free on Application.

Representing E. M. Wolff"* Co.




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