The Morning Record, February 20, 1898

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The Morning Record, February 20, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Pi«t T«r-No. 2fi0.

Two Oesti,


Wa^BOton'e BinbdBy Beceptaos.
•h« «ra* dlKkwrad
JMtlee Bro<
The VaibiertoB'e birtbdey reeep*
UoD io be (ieep tomorrow ereBlac bj'
8h« WM Bt Moe mrrMUd oo Ike new
oho/cb. Bt tbe P»rk
VAVT DSPABTICCHT WILL 00»- ehBrre b; 8berlfl Slmpmis Bsd »k«a 00* V&HIBHT PLAB ASH0BBD |
before Jod^ Boberu BBder wboM Jor______ ^_______to be one of the moot
‘ BirOT THE ^lfV»8.TI«ATIO«.
UdicUoa .ehe eame' opea the aew
deUghtfnl ereau'of the aeaaoD. The
Is one of Uie greatest books that has been writtea
»aeerae Bap 1dme 'Wm Boa Pally | ineitotioa U gceei^LaBd cordial. ColVtalM
»IU Kak* »u*t Inof tS. which wa. paid. tofeUer with
Boata to Harbor SprlBga. Patopkey, i oolal dreaa. it b hoped, will be largely in many a day. In. paper binding rt sells at 25c, and in
^alrjr B«c*rdUK XaIb* l>lMBtor—
cneu aaoaotlar to tl 9S. Her pal.
, ia erideBoe. A pUmaing program will
•pBia wiU M'OiTM Mietwify Op- MatUe Wade, moet eUy larjaU to await
cloth at 7Sc We have a new line of other religious books,
,, be girea. and a) tocher a m<
pwtuitr X<*tw Ob, But V&itad trla] la the Cireall ooort apaa a charge
j We are making a specialty of them.
j able aTealng ie aaUd^tod.
a. B. AI. BaUway.
•UtM Vint.
of laroeay
roeoy rrom
from a euwe.
alore. a ce»«
eaae ui
of the ,
character ae that which got itarah 1 Oapt^ B. J. Webb of the Traet
WBBhlBrtoa. Peb.,19—BeciwUry of
tba Bleetio-Tha
Bey Uae ofaMBuetewee ie the elty;
el Hark Pli^ by* I
tbe Nb*7 liOiiff BDd JiBBteUat BMreUry I inlb tmble.
from CaeeopolU yeatorday pra^ag for HUb Hettie V- Bedley..
o( liteU Db7 IstOTiewMl the prwideBt'
today. Mr. Day read a cablegram frMi
I Be autodthat if the hay'wsaopea the
Ocmaal General Lee tranaultUmg the
PiaatlMl Phyaiolegy Xi
tnt of Marrh he would start a boat on
reqncat of the Bpanlab
the Hlgh'l
tha bay 10010. Captain Webb has bean
Cotm that Spaniah offlclaU be permit-,
tod to join onr people in ioreatlgaUBg' PracUenl phyalelogy wa» inirodooed watklag acme time coos a plan to run
bare aad Petoskey
, the eanae of the Maine dlaaator.
• in the High aehoel phyalalogy claaa daily bonU bet<
The natter waa diaeneaod at eonald- .Tburaday. nadsr the dIreeUon of MUajand laiemediate poiata. Inelodiar
A narrstive of the time of Kero, by Henryk
braubt before | Bowera Harbor'. Omana. CharteToia.
arable leogth and the oeBclnaioB wa^ Jicicliag. A cat
raaeked that while this garemmaet, tba ciau aad dlaaectrd. bet. wbaterar ; Harbor Spriaga^ad I’eloakcy.
8ienkiewicz,.the book that everybody is wanting Jnst nov
an-i might nave
lhe neaenw
beneflto eeriveo
yesterday that
bad pracuceiiy
wasI wllltag to alfard the SpaaUh an-1
uiai be
ce wu
Paper oover,Si6c. For sale at r.
/thoriUee all reasonable fadmies far; by the atudenta. that element of the .completed hU plana and that the line
/ uwdoetin*
!tlOg an InveetigaOon. It'-U'atudy did not pleaee Baparintandept | is asaurred. He haa. effected pn* ai*,
1. ralliaad
thought beat that the flnt iaqniry be
eaedlngunUt afterwards. He expressed , by which roend trip tickaU for aorihmade by cur own commissi
The reqeest therefore will he re- hU dispieasare and it U earlain that BO {am polau will iaclode a trip one way
eau will bedlasectod In the High by boat from here ar from Harbor
______ . school, at preecnt at least Mr. Urawn Kprioga. Peioakey or Charlevoix u> thU
The raqneai of the Spanish governReferinfi to
meat for parmUaloa to ezamlae thelshggesUd that there were ntunerons city enronU aocthT Amngemrato are
Maiae reached the aute department i models at the pommaad af the school not vel completod with the C. A W. M.
throogh ihs following measags dstod j which answered the pnrpaees-of the bnt It U expected that aimilar deal
yastorday from ComqI General Lae:
! atady of phjsiolagy. and that the nal- will be made with thaUme.
It U parpeaed to put tLe Colombia
-Sigabae begina tomorrow with dl 1 vmnity anpplied all that U waBi™d V
a Chemist says:
and Cummings on that ronto aad to tun
vara sent him from the I’antad SUtea Uoae wha desire to acqoire a
ir ait the badUa atiU left la tha pracUeal knowledge, aftor they ftpUh a trip each way daily. TbU will be a
vary aoavaaient arraagemeni for tonrwrack aad alaa tha pemooal effeeta of at the High eebool..
libente iU carbonic add gas. These powders will fomUh Ught beead. but tha
UU aad win afford Tmrarae City ab
the oBeera aad men and wbatover else
apportnnity for p
aita be obUinbd. Aftor tkkt U comr pries af Sto par
the reaoru north.
pie tod theSpanUbgovemmeDl would
nra artleUcute
» uai
Price refunded if aot aatUfactory.
Horraonda tha Spaniah CmUar TiaMOltom of the ship and the harbor la
aaya in Haw Tark Barter for
------------Wa have six of the latost atyla IIM
the vieialty joinUy examined.’'
In Boraiag Ban at Blk Baplda. model, aad thayare beaBtim for giS.OO.
The follawiag answer was seat
»t: The
Kew'Tork. Feb. IB.-A SpaaUh
yriday Bight.
Wa will aeli tham to you tnU weak,
govemmaot of the l^ltod 8UUa hai
already began an invealigntioa as to emUer arrived efl Sandy Book last
Friday night abaut t> o'clock the ban |
Don't wait aad dxpect. The six viU f
Maiae dieadtor. avening. bnt cannot be aaen from the af Jacob Kahler of Blk Bapida
throogh the officers of the navy apae- shore on ammant of tha fag. At tba baned to the granad. A qnaaUty af be gone before Wednesday.
iaily appaintad far that pnrpoaa. which navy yard tha tugs Nias aad Narkaato grain aad a m>w were burned with the
are aUll awalUag ordam.
If aarons abosW ask poa just msaltoa tbs
baildlag. which was toiajly dcairoyed.
The police boat Halmt left early and
“ThU government will
afford ovary
Tba lam waa about glSO.
Honee Fumiehjng Store,
iaefllty It eaa to tba SpaniHk authorl- weal osi to the SpanUb veaeel.
ttes la Waablagtaa la whatever lavee- • A o^Aen of police patrol baaU will
I m-is* Front Si. TBAVBBSE CITY.
be throwo aroaad the warship and aha
tigatlon they may aeefft to maki
I Study Clam wUl
erill be gnardad from dynamlterB avaty
their part.
t Hoad^ avanlag with Km Jenminute
“Day. As^taat Berxetary.*’
The apparrat diOhiiifty attending tba
Tha wiU maht 1
sanding down of divers to the Maine U
Bradshaw Monday •
relUved by^tba’sutomenl today Ity the
Work Of a Former TnTana City Boy
y McGough'; leader.
SpnnUh charge d'aflairee that a'comAttnetiag AtunUoa.
who dmira to proean Ue
■ yeor order and a
plato aad hen
The mauy old-Uma friaads of WUl S. souvenir eif St. PraoeU Silver Jubilee
between Captain Sigubae and tha anOoidavorth. formerly of Travarm city. oaa do eo at Ue City BooKatore.
thorium at HarA bad bean rupched
eommunleaea the asattar of divaru and that the
tin Monday night of Trarorm City
^mnUh authoriUm viewed Ua MalesI cullural College, will be, pleased
•a •xtn-territoriai.UatU. a part of
that ouuld. of hU a-cc—a. an Ladga. No. SSi. F- A A. H.. for work.
Dr. C. J. KoeaUad was called'to
,B ability la one CopemUb ymtorday by Ue aerijna UlStates. Ua same as a t oltod Statm leof Ue Utmt eaulognm teoei by Uat sem of Mm S. H. Ooraell of Uat plaea.
gaUoB altoaud U a foreign torrltory.
J wfti give yon S eoat work ia any.
well knawa publUhiag bosaa. The
County ooamlmioner ofacbooU. MUi eolor. Ur bml baking enamel and vyTbe watore of Havana barbw are
spy. ip speaking of a Kettle C. Gray.apeai last week rUiiing aUh. clean all Ue bearinga and '
SpaoUh territory aad sobs confnaloa
B WiU four aeboola, three at Long Lake aad Ue wheals, all fnr Ue above pries.
has teen anused by Ue idea that UU Utaly pnbi
Call |ad^aee'aamplea at
PlanU.*' It U stated that “Ueillnatra- one in Garfleld.
JorUdlcUoa over Ue wntors attoehte
lilsg A Champney, Ue State atreat
also to Ue wreck. It appears, howev- Uoaa, by BoldaworU, aie aaparb.''
Prof. HaldiwMth has also done recent
ar. Uat Ue SpaaUh auUoritim freely ,
and axoeUfmt work which baa won loads of MoOormick reapen. and one
asaenttoUa Maine's bring regarded!
;^igr^t oommendaiioB U lUuatraUng a carload of Uodlng tvriae ymtorday.
as uader tba...............................................
Tb«'Phone Nnmber U 34.
book of poems entiUad. “Tha WaadarBer. A. B. McComb will aaaist la Ue
<UpUin SIgsbee as Ua i
Senates SlAe Oxt30M>.
of Ue United Staton Senor Du Boae lag Sl^r aud BU Songn" Prof. special aerrlcm in Ue Seeoad M. B.
fetid amnred. bowerar. Uat Captain HoldsworU'a friaads bare as elaewhere church every areaiag next week. All
are jnstifisd ia expeetiag moeh from are cordially inrited to these aerricea.
Sigabea will extend agnal faeilitim to
him ia tot fuiare. and are very proud
Tha SosUSida^hakespeare club will
HpanUh diren.. so Uat Ua laapect
to be able u do so.
maet wlU Mm W. Thnriellon Monday
aftomoon at tbe oinal hour, and Mim
I am ftltowiuic a^ few Bicycles
-xxrro otTS 2
Psrn wlU glrs a talk eo Shakespoaro. wbicli I bare lw>Kname]tn!.
A fine Urge steel engmriag of “NaLuuk at thorn in'EL £. Miller's
• aad pompletaaem of Ue inres' Ludingtoa Hot to Fomi^ a Team for
Coreer Union and 7th’'street.
poleoo at Waterloo.'' has been added to Drog Store.
UgaUoa. Captain S|gabaa baa tele­
High School Base Ball Xtoagu*.
Wa had to do It to make room for aew goods, also for oar frisada to
Ue collectioD aiUe High acboul. aad
graphed Uat be baa arraaged wlU Ua
ItUeridentthatUe Ludington High
>e and see tha goods
SpaaUh officUU for Ua proaaeution of aebool will aot be able to eater Ua will be one of Ue adommenu of. Uf
lOving. naoally niea Uiaga,
Ua ioqoiry and Uat Uera will be
and we have been' unfertanate eaoogh______________
uaah a lot of onr old prices.
Blgh aebool league, as tadl- aaecmbly room.
MUa Ida Dailey waa snrprUte'Friday
Coma and see Ua wracks aad pick out wbat yen
sated from tbs following item In Ua
ni^t by a company el friaads at her
Ludingtoa Appeal:
home on Ninji stmeL ^e plei
iuh s
“Travayae City and MaoUtto High
#BS Imandulia
aehooU tere formnlatod a plan to ^ I feaure of Uc occasion
and guitar maalc by
. Hew TorkyNeu
r Prints Fiery gantxb-'^ high aehbol base ball league
Comptoa, Anna Mertos aad Clam But'
ArUelM Calculated o leelto Av
Lndlngton and Oadlllae sohooU. The
tack Or. Spaniah Omiaer.
Lanm Aahton. daughter of Mr. aad
boys of Ue Ludingtoa aebool bare not
Washiagtou. FVI>. i»—TbereUaaerl .oa tbe matter yet, Mm C W. AabtoB, was Ue vicUm of a
lona apprebensioB at Ue nary depart
happy Burprisa at her home on Sltato
I hardly likely Uey will -t
ment -aoBcernlng tba aafety of Ue
J jdn Ue league for tha dogblaj—'*
v rv—,
HpanlA maa-ef-frar Vitcaya. which
Uat there U but UtUe base ball- P®®P>*
preanniand Ue lltUe folks
an^orad ouUldf- the bar at New pYork raasoB .................................... ^
had a jolly Gme.
In the Grand Traverse Eegion>'
laatnlghL Ulefly because a sassatton- timber in Ua school and the past
Tbe Fife L^e MonlUw aaya: “Oa
perience of Ua boya baa tanght U®m
al newspaper In that city baa ^lUhcd
March 1. Chaa. Bagur and Ben Flana aerim of artlclm that are mot only that Ue achame iavolvm taaB$tol dam-WlU begin bnsjn®®* U Travarm
aalmlatod to inflame Ue pamT^r of loss.'
City as bnlebem having pnrehaaed a
.weak ted mallcion* man. bat taas takea
Bowers Harbor FioBsar.
market Uera. oomar of NtnU and Id good obnpe, but we can supply
the trouble to deaeriba rarieut mduMm Ana Hartooa. wife of Chmter Ualoa atfaeia." TUa U Ua maUet your wsuts ter eotue tims to come,
ods by which the tcsmI may be easily Hartaon. and oaa of tba old ploaaara of opamud by ChnlkaU A Co.
Aod are
deatr^ad- la retolUUop for Ue wreck Ua Grand Tmvafua regioa. died at bar
Darling aad Haydep wUI oommanoa
Anxions to
Of ua Malde. WIU flemdUb r eal Ue
Harbor Friday of a aerim of enurtainmsaU In Ua BackLower oat’ stock,
pobUaber has fnmlabad adequate ia--j dropsy, agad 79yaam Tha Hartaon ar. baildlag on Front atreat tomorrow
W« will ^arantee, niider govemaient
atnetion to enable any axeited Caban ,
^ha Gmad Tmrema evenlag. Hypnotism, roedinga
ga aad im- And are offering nome Biisi^sina
bopds, if necessary, any Cape or Jadeet
maay.orank to add another to Ua list'
from New York state *5 yearn
la will be t
laeipal /t- wSich yoo will do wfll to> toke ndada hwTom and no one doobta Uaij^„^d located near Bowem Harbor traction. It U Ue UtoatWn of the vantage ot. A efaoioe stock of
for Ladies, Mis^tf or Cfaiklrbn, aay
^ere are men aapable of oommitting ■
have lived Uem ever since. BeBakery Ooods nlwaya on hand
I oidee ber husband.'whe Is now a? yearn tanmal in Ua same building.
and we would not have you lose
Overcoat for Men, ^ys or Children,
old. deeeaaed laavm six
sight of the fact that the
orgtelnad Monday avanlag In Ua pardanghum Mm C B. Sumaar.
purchased of us within the next week a
lam of U® fUptiaVehnrck. The objaM
oldmi daugbUr whellrm ia aerela
' Charge Against Her Changed-to Fasaving of 60 per cent, on yorir investof the class is to slady Us Mew Tmin- ia the l^est, and that it wilt pny
Ohio, came bare oaa week ago and v
•tit Larceny and She Paid a Flan
with her moUcr when ahe died. Tbe nent aystemaUmilly aad all pemnna la­ yon to
a aack if yon have nerer
tereeled la Bible reeaarch are oordiaUy used it.
. 8amb Ayrm. wbo wds arrmtod aoma foneral wKl be held from Ue Ogd<
«■»* ago. charged vriU haring atolmi burg, charck today at > p. m. Tha iavltod to be prtoenL The flmt bote
articlm ofralnefrem the City Baok- fnnaral v^Ul be In charge of W. B. >U- to be reviewed WlU be htaUaw:
atora, M free again. Ua cam haring
TrsvaruS City.
tea* dAapaate 6f ymtorday. The charge
HMi.Hadl0F ciYm Biactro Chbinat;
•gklMt Alamk waa redacad from lar- BaUa Jat Park Plane. Over lOO kinds
lepboae number lU.
Oor. 7th wtd iTiikm Strohts.
«aag IfM a atora to petit laiM«y and to snit^ varlou patianta.







MarUiam Block.


Baking Powders,



Bedroom Softs.





Diamond J—10c

Or the Traverse Belle»6c.

Bicycles Bniit to Order. |


Enamel loir Wheel.


neischmann s Compressed Teist
local Agent For Famnns Ptilsbnry Floor..

H. £. GIBBS,




Many Different Styles.



CeDHil Btpilm ul Eqiert E

I .


To Tate Adtantage of Our Sale.

Our Goods
Are Moving Off

F. W. JCAlsTB.

A Now Bank Just Started

fill Fif SO Per CeiL Interest On Ttar InTBtnent!






Tax ao&Enro bxoobd.

oUy f«r tU Mle of UekoU for »ho
•eatoUoo of thj fobr ooodo^k* of
••ThoMy«Uc MMroU-'to be ff»« U
nATBRSX CITT. -■ MICmOAM the CUT Open Hooee ob tke SSU A»d
Mtb. TU» wUl be the »oel bnettfol
Md olAbonto apeetAOBlAr {mdoAioB
«nrfieeB 1b aortbent Mlchloa «■«
tas. T. Bath Am J. W. BAxm- iBdlCBtloBI polBt to A fACmi bOOM OB
both eeeolBfB of the perform*ooe.
J. W. Haxiimi."iod BuA(cr. Tbe reheoneU wb UkclDir pleoe even
day aad a fraad prodorvloa U anand
Ifc aod ooe. which noae ^ afford to mite.


Natboo. the Hiadoo aariclaB. eutertaised a la\r riiad aadloBOe iaat ereO'
iBC IB the ttewly flttod llbnry baU. for
Ctn CtacvumA tbe beaett of tbe balldior food of the
Woman’e Club
Tbe ooojnror latrodBced naay oew trleln which were
myatlfylsr aod eery eBtartolBl^.

ter eiOAK Biaaqfactorara who bare
•Imya relied npoa (he rooobllcaa |»rA. U'Voioe of Btk It^ida. waa la the
^ for all Ie«lelaUoo feronbU to tbe city yeitarday aad a r»*et at theVhitprodectioB of.beet eayar le the Velud lar<
Blatoe an deiojr that party aod themMra. H. W. Caaala*ham ia la Oohe•alree aa lajoalice by Ibelr attempU to mUb attcadlnc toe hadalde of her
wraate poblk aeaUment a*alaet the daoirbter. 3fra h. U- CoraeU. who la
Hawailaa aaoexatioB tbrOByb amerdloiu that dleprieea of tonr baeta wUI *' Mra. Kata Uoedapeed. who haa bean
her laother. Mra. J. Baeaar.
he redo'ced la caae aDBeaatloB 'to ae- riaitiBy
_____ , _.
The repablicaaa aa a par-' ratonied home to Uraad Ba'plds yeaban baea Ue true frieods of tbe { verday.
Uoas aad without
Mr*. 1*. Boadraaa wae called to Plfe
beat aac»r l .
Mtolr active aid it would not hava been Lake reaterday morainf <
Jevalopad aa U baa ap^to thia time. the badaide of Mra. Narclaaw
Mobady who rualltaa that the republl- wbo ia not ax'pacted t^iva,
_ _______
c. 8. Carla went to Detiwit yaatorday
«aa party _______
haa throoeb
iu laeialatioa




The Enterprise Grocem

Chlc«o. Few IJ.-The death (if Ftaa.
eee F.. WUlard. which took pllre at New
Turk adew minute* after itildnl(bl ye«. »aee-n^(a. mlTdr B-MaMn abM. U»
terdav rtonln*. wa* not entirely uoexpecled. <tba had been III
and a few dajs aco
•ihiit her (-unUl lpn «a
fee her mxn-err had Aunt ub ft^ il".'
Xbt Votiaf la the
and boOM
elldM archee of the \Vomaa-V.9btnplt..
molntlcm will lean Mbfrom tbe church, and from every ChrU- ,
^ tnane* DemwraU
tiaa home In the *..rld. but the end
___ ___
could no: b* elayed Tbe cauae
It or lead
death wa« la crippe. but Mlae Willard who bare profi
had euffered for year* with pn>found j them have all proved talw
tnaemla Nl« Willard met death calm- Blithe r
ty and peacefully. She waa conacloui “P
to midnikki. and juilT) the end the i «««^ « “>* party ^ power at any ooet.
opeo^ her pyea. tmlled aweeity.p^ryoaed I enn at the ooM o^ pail<aial diabcoor.
Miaa Gordon'a band and |<aewd p'way. I prove* loo ftrooR te^marlctlooe at
Thmuchoul the eveoln*
-veoln* abe
abe ai-emed duty vviib
„.,,k aliuuas
m|n„Ml every
Deoxicm ia
le realire death wa* very - luke at hand eoBimwa. TbeuverwbelmiDA tae|X»derRhr asked the doctor for the eaact aaee of ailrer fauatioiaB la toat patty
{rtilh and he told'ber. •' Tl* well." aid
the auherer. asd utie eloeed her ryea forbida tbe hope that it tau bedtnw-a nr
ebalrntrdu. She wae happy Then »he drlveo from th" auuddrdnf repadiatiini
whiapep-d eome last wlah<-a for the W. tn-fura aaotbW pp-aideaiial vlectiuo.
C. T. r. The fai-e wBIch waa
loved Tbe only Ueinomt in tbe boum> fruta
In life will be perpetuated for all time, New- KcRlaBd voted ftv tbe riwoloihm.
a* letrado TafI la now t<ui'llnc the flu- Miwam. Mcaeilau and Salavr apoke.
tahlnc touchea to a bu*l of MleaWillard. and ibey. wiib Mr. ilansuiaita. vutod
It Will be prea.-nted l<> the Norlhweat- for tbe nwnlntion. and oiber New York
ern onlveiwliy, Fr«i.-.-a K Willard wba Dntnia-nit* wvTf paired in faettr of It,


e te -,~1eee

»mee(e.« hl.f.rv

and-aa a leader idie had atood f-r lon« ; IJPO'Oant*

18 tba Sopar, Grai
CoITm, pet pack.*,................................................................. ............
BUini Po.oiet^.V.V.V.'':''.^"J^


uSlcn. (ilobe.................................... ....................... 6c e»cb
Flour, |yi uck.............................................. ...........................68. 63,78c
Bran, per IQO.............. ........................... ...........................................66c
(iroumi F-nd. p-r 100........ .................. '----- .........................................76c
.......................................................................... $6.60
Onti per bu.hel..................... .....................................................31c '

fO«tl i*C«a*ylViUlUI Altd OR«

Try 0ii25cTei~JtisaWiiiier.

who. W ith Mr .Uff«ry lu
year* In ihe.brijchf Ilv-ht of put.iKity. , »be aeoate, refaaid to declare that payShe wa* hom at Churcbvillr. X. T..' »ew .if bobd( in «».-.ill dollarb would w- OOO Prnnf ftf
;6enovtolati.*<.ftl.( public faith.
« O.
J! rOllt »t.
B»pt SA . Vnu-rai. arrunkcmrfit ar^ trot yet f The RepaUicau
IU pariv in tbe hoaae
ecmnlrt.-d. but the l«<ly *lin» ln.ataic »boo,,
•rlf |,v
by prompt and al.
fnroncda)-JnWlilard,h»i: N-*'Thur*-’
oiianiu«Bi* aetit* tJalyoaemem-,
funeral «erv-fcev will be h-M at Lvana- | ^ ^ R..,«, With Populiat iadwaeI incut from Nurtb Carolina, votid for I
at. Foreatet*. He will be }oiaed Modthe dndxmnrtnK nwoluMcui. wfaU«v all |
I otbera fU»<i faithfal. lu (be eenate the
day >y John Jump, alao a member of
dty aad town in lllin..i* « ho rannM ; Kepobliw dcfecdoo wa$ Jnet what waa
Court Traverae-''
come to rhi.-aco to ati>-i <l the <>’>«-<iuiea i-x|iect«L euiirt-ly fnini niiuios campa,
will hold memortai *er»i<-e* All jif die except <wn«ai><rfruui N'l-w Hampahiru
local untona. MO or WO In number, were j ^
North tIaroliiiA and of
And all tbe
Fumlahod by BeapBcWe* Obnreha
called nrs.n y. .terday by ih» .-m-.-ra ,
^.nalor* wbo i.ui.p.irt«*l McKiaof the Illlnol* W. C. T f. lo honor Ih^.-lr I
recordi«l acaioet
tbe rw«eoea*i-d leader while her Ik«1> I* helnc |
umrly fivn.aiatba
towered tntr. the crave.
Now. a* iifirc beforv. Uu Kfrat body

•aatenplatiny a aup in tbe aaBaxatioa
•1 Bawaii which would be diaadvaaleadia* member*
at that party bt Waablaftoa, where
tba beat iuformaUoa bearit* upon thia
aabjaet U to b* bad. deny tbe aaaerUoa
at the beet aoyar maaufaclarw* that
would be Icjurioue to the
-bMtrafar in^uatry of Mm tlBiUd
Moraiaf aarviee and a
tetea. It la. to eay the leaet. very
pmemfB that men whe have loaked to
Saaday achool and Bible clam at IS.
i4ba rapnbUean party for all eneour:
All are oordiaUy Invltod to Ueae aerafemeat which waa ever raealved la
tbe beeteuffar
xvAvenucAt. CBtnKS. toy BOW eipbet the pabllc to believe
Be*. A: Bolsbvry. Fa«ur.
that Ue party U favoriaf a propealtioB
Saaday aarvleea.
erbiU would be diaadvaatareeuav to
preoehinc. ioiSOa. m.,
that iatereat The -abenrdity of Ua
■ SuBdayaehool. IS.
•Momptiea that aaacxatioa would iaYonnir PaopUb mwUac. « p- «Ifii" tbe BUfar auppiy from Bawaii
Praaehlnv. f p. m.
wOI be eeta wbea It U remembered
All are weleome.
that Haw^iaa aucar haa for.maay
come la tree pader Ue redpreo- ■•*.». 0«*lla.aa«Br.
Ity treatlee.__ _________
Tbe eeriea of aerMna on Ue relation
_______ _____
>toa Tbarad^ of Christiania to Ue pracUeni profee•Vr'ue pb^lory elam U Ue ei»hiaUna and beenpationa of men will be
..kftftl bea notmetwlU popular op- r«ao»^ *(• “•
proval. and it te pruUIvln* to learn ! will be.-Tbe phyaicina nad the aelonoe
Ue pfoeoodlar waa not •aa'ctioaed of madiciae." dervicea beria ^omj^y;
by Ue anperintoadeat. who,op Ue coa-: plaaae be preaeat at the openiaff. f
Muaie W>.
bv Ikra
tba ttiMiAn
«Juaea City^ii
d it. ...................
WhUa Ue praeti-1 *!...<«
Saaday achool at M :M a. m Lraaoa is
«nl knowiadye (^he ffuiaad by Ua dlaMction of Ue bodv of a feliae it uaa-1 »Uii- lo f-ll. “Tba twelve seat lorib
- « : Hava Ue ebildrea commit tba nam
fal. it U not pie
Mch a procaaa befoifi tba yonac stu- af tbe twelve apoatlaa. Yoaar roai
daata of oar Hlfh achool. That ud- claae in last rows of aanta. Baaiai

boocr, rvcti tbougb it oo*i$ tbe
mate* fnnm-rly Republican. Tbe reroed
Nr* York. Feb. I».“l5iadatreel'a»ar»; abtrwa on (bat vide courage (u face luaa
Favorable feature* d'lmlnatv ibe avner. 6r-riak iu defeoNe of brmeet money, and
Bide.-----------------------htwny prefecein* for
------------al biielnea •Ituatlnn a* a whole, and
few <iimmer(-l*1 i-ofidlllon*
preeenl repndiatiim or cowanlly tracUing to it
Ihemeelve* which ran lie re**rd-<l at by every Umaoctat ave ibree On that
rcooH tbe men wbo oare for poblio
honor and want Kond money will hare



jomn. BREZINtS.

248 Front Street.
Phone 157. '

February t.9, 1S9S.

II. Uini of no loralit Rkirt:
I uish you would pleau in­
form your numerous readers
that we hare just received a
full line of Tan and filatk
Hesl riri Kid Shoes for men
and women. They are made
in the very latest styles uith
large yellow eyelet—a beauti­
ful looking shoe.. It is per­
fectly waterproof, non-crackable, and free from any oil or
any foreign siibslance that
the leather. Our selling price of these is
f.I.0.0 and $:l.30. .Vanebelifr^
)our.‘! faithfully,


/•ti Front SI., Traverse City.

Trariicat Shocman.





(Prescriptions) our specialty.
Others carefoily fitt^.
Swift deHver>-.




Club House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat

tbe conree of tbv silver
h'-y toward advan-i-* In i)i
tiapir art»<-le*. and,the a
blnoder. T^-y have ipade it nc Imiger
prKv* In other line* where
a<>( at the moment tvpuftab.e.
PntiBio aceoad in tbe IM of auUlclout feature* 1* (be. coutinuaiue of
irafked activity iu nearly alt bramhe*
ilrm Ibuee vtatet oan be carried
by n party of free silver agd repodialicm. Nor ran Liuday hope, to »oceeed
tbe defeat of Ue
er (WOt. of the pjjt Iron furnace in Kentucky nnlcw
k- rollon aoudi party which be* jnrt elected a araator
<liy,ia in blakt. ThtaituaHon I* one of hopeful e}rencth. from that utaie; our i-an Torpie of InB the virroclh o
diaaa or Mitchell of Wiwtmnu or Roach
of North Dakota hope to recover tm that
irnoe Btati* ia which (be DenMimtic '
cottun. vugar and rice and party WB*'bea((-o in IhW by relatively |
the demaad tor Icon all favor the south­
ern itade «Jtusil-n. «hi<-h I* al*<> l<elng heavy majoriiir^—in Wivennsin by.
h<-!l*-d liv ihe eruaing for<'lgn trade In lOD.OOO. iu Indiana by IT.OMand
(vtlon giKid*.
,----------------------jlifonis for Irde «!• •
RuBine).* failure* continue to de-1 While can «• •tyCal
crease, acgregaiing only n», tor , tbe [ ver. a* be no
« ill 1KH6, has yet 40 I
onaoad alacc In Ua atudy of pbyaiotofy
week, against Z'i la*l w^k. .23 ti
ccrrvpeondlnit w«-k of int. rfC li
■ma be iraiaad at Ue oolleccd by Uoaa atudy.
JoDler Christian Bndaavor at S p. m- tn In IfM and
arha desire to become poasewed of a
bettor knowledfe of Uebaieal pbyaknl j Yonny Pm^le's. Society of Christian
Traverse City Market.
.l Endenvw at s:«s p. m.
: next year, as Mr tiormaii of. Maryltod
HtreeUoa. Theamahatie
eell- i ha* bri-u alitady. Tbem change* would
bj sirari.u.a..i .ira.» I i>: p.
o. P-U.T
raterday for grtwerie*. I j,v,-acltwr'niuyiriiy in the smato foe
win wwt
tb. .pproral .1 U» p.- |"'
»' "'“‘■'•P”*iprudubto in Trav-I
,^8 Utter half of
toOM Of Ue public echoola.
I Aa aoeouat of a via.l to Mt. Vernon. ei*e City;
.Fi^deni McKinley's term, even if in
All are most ooedlally iBvitad.
Wyoming' .Utah apd Montana the mlDeaarvea BDCoarayemeat.
, j
miexiM' rm-itfa.
ver Ub-o aliohidvltict the BMistor*.
(Clear P.irk per
Tbe Foreeier'a ball was eorapietely i noward Meorcase Mary Moorv.
Bnwum thi* is to geouiun Mund
jSburtCut Fork....
Ailed with people last niyht who were i Bible school at W:4S a. m.
Bwuvy uien tbv vital point of the whole
Mnrniag service, 11 a. m:

struggl- they uasnoi rrtase tu cootv-npliant to witpeas Ue e
Ueit ferev* upon legiaUtive ennJunior
givea by Ue <iood Templar*. Tb* piodidatva wbo will vnte tb retire sneh wdgrna %* aaaouaced was esrried out
C. E maeUnf i:«S p. m.
akir*. In eipoaing to view tlini ««rly ,
___ the addreases were inslructive. inEveaing service 7 p. m.
Ue ncard of tbe rnnators wbo bare lo .
tereaUag and iadicatlye of the high ; All are cordially invltod.
be put out. the silvgr men tteve done j
gi*»* of Ue order of Oood Templars.!
muT Urbuiiibt.
I l£^r iiiunidt to prepare tbe way ffor a '
Tha gathering UsUflad to Ur great | ac> J. a. Sn-sdr. pa>u)V.
rary fur sound money ne
! oompli-P- vicrary
intorest token ia the cfloru of tbe | ibwachiag at 10:30 a. m. aad T.p.
I fall After tbe
iwals in ti
lodge ia UU cilv had Ue aneourage-1 Two groat tlkmea la Ue moralag
! senate it will do tbeui no guml
' tend that their reeoIoii>mdiM-s uoi nu«n
.bar* are raealvlng U | Ue subject will be: -Cbcdce.- aad in i
! national dishuncg or lo <{naie vote* cast
I Ur evealng; .'’Tbe TwoRuildefa.*'
Id IHTK. when tbe silver d.JIaf ws*
TV.A t,
1 Glaas»«ll«r»tk:30a.m.
worth no ce«* and many believed free
Died in Ouebac.
of the moramlnase would close Ue narrow gap and
.Mra Harriet Boudreau, moUer of;
rv*|on> it ui par and stop tbe decline. s»
PMer Boudreaa of Ulscil.v. died at her |
j;,o p. m.
eycnav for votes iu Ibbh. when the sUoMl^p-r
home. Lake 8V Jobs. Quebee. on FebEpwdrU League at l:t.t p. m.
| Wbra,.
-----------------------------Tti dollar is worth 60 rents «r lm>.
«ary H aged *:.
Mra Boadrvau
c»dtolly lavltml to Ueae ear-1
wiUfvcst JapanBUil Ruasiaahandooiug
it* nsr as money. Tbey have farced
npoti Uepivipletbe usk<vl Usne wbeUer
ago. and will be rumemtwred by old
j„ Epwiirtb League earvioe al Fir»l ( P..-*toe* p '
________ »,_____________________ .
' #»___ ___ _____ V
or nut suuiorv wbnvuto to pay tbe pub­
lic debt in (lO emit dolUrs or la silver
year* ago.
oeptloD of membrt* Uit evaaiag.
werUnomore Uan ^Oveuts, if it should
Thuiaday eveatng prayer meeting i
Jan* AaUony Dead,
fall so far. ongbi to 'be n-elwted next
dan* AnUouy. mother of Heary An-' 7:30 p. m.
York Irrtmne.
Otaioago Market.
'Thony. proprietor of tbe saw mill at
Ucncrsl liouth.
Chicago, Feb. IV —Wheat—May.
Otawn. died at : o'clock yUtordav
S«tvall..n Amiy.^rtv.^ at 8t. •106:
July. VL'be; 8*Ftcmtmr.
moraing of old age. being TV year* of Lout* yr«i-ida) and a Isrer demonstraTbe Board of Bdaeation will aall U*
aga *ne foaeral will taU^laoe from Uun «as hfld In Music hall.
. 3Htc: Baet Btate street school property, oooUsnl*tln>»-. Mich., mar Agbt^t it*
tbe Orawa ecbool bonae.
at 2 vjtlarr election thi* spring OD (Ifs^flisuk
slsUng of lots 26 and *v. block E. Ban27>ic;
nab. Lay A Co ■* 7th addlUen, togeUer
p. m. under U* direction oITb. L. whrth-r cows rhsM be allowed to'ream July, S4C.
at lane on the streets or aot
Fork-Fahnmry, tlO.Vfi May. «l 1.00 Wiu Ue building Ueiwo*. at privato
sale ior »70a For farther laformaUoa
Al a *peclal mrctlng of ihe Tweatr- Mil.02.
A. W. Ricnkan.
Theatrical Hotaa.
nlnlb Ward Itcupbllcsa dub. Chicago.
BUborato preparatieus are being . It *>-ai rewilved ir,ai Ih* « hole club was
Urand Baplda. F'eb. 18.—Whwt. Me.
.mad* far U* grand mlDKtrel parade aa ready t>< Tr.sri-h on Rpaln at a moTaaa mssaaga nad beautifying eultbe evening of tbe 3iU. when lyav- mcare noll e. It nere*Fsr>.
Kesolulion* have liro,, intinduced lo tore as praeUeed by Mte Hadley at
ane CUy talant will surprise tb* public colWT-** for o i-*pulsr >ul>scripUae' Park Place ehould be tried by every
Uma for the ooilecUon of taaea to
^.^ith U* beat blackface, perfermaaca among young Am. Horn* to boUd a
Mai«b 1st. 16»6.
.aver givan here. The parade will la- moatiment st.Pari' i-. I.jifarette. to b*
AU deliuqaeat taaea at that time will
be retnraed to the Ouaaty Treasurer.
alnde all the oerformer* who will be dedicated al the eni»«ail..n of IMO.
A4 MiUn. Mich.. Ihe Whaley Bros'
$sM mast be paid ah
grayed i. Ue laton faMiloa. includiag ,
made a hh In the
a as Feb. MU. ifto.
sUk baU'which Ue Bamlltoa . rnsnufs.oir-of
Toledo con.
CloUing Co. wUl furaUb for Ue
Frae Oonaultatioa and ddviec will I give
naattor li
» are in ptw | f rm to tnki’ ell tbsi esQ be i>c(,duce>l, be given a llmitod aamber (er a few |:
siOB. Am'
A Menomlm-e oouniy, Mich., farmer days oaly-by Dr. Von Dolake. Ue eele-:
a nightly and a first dam
rlslms to have dhuotered a method of bratad iaveator of Ue Electro Tbero-1
tolnmeat wllAe given. Tbe
eradtcallng-ibe dreaded Canada thistle jwgto Cabinet-Bath. CkU.
will be devoted to U*
It Of tbe by plagllnc a certain oereel In Infected
Bnatiei* U eetablUb a fund for base looaUtle*. but refuse* to divulge the aeuntil adcnilsu have paaaed npon lb
hall for next seaaon. Tiekat* are al­

Papllsof the gradm of tb* CaaOnl
•dtool are Uofanghly eanvamlng Ue

Opposite Steinberg's.

Pickled Pigs Feet,
Deviled Ham^
Potted Ham,


ready telling fast and the rcealt la apie
to ha a flaanelal and artiatle anneem.

^.'.V.V; lik SOo lb 16.S»c«!h

Kero«.nf Oil. per Hloo----i---■.■i--................. .8c

Enterprise our motto.

B. H. ROSE Sl son. =



(0.are Die best weirieg shoes I erer bat."
Ho. 2-“‘«eier hill a beiftf fjitiij sbee-Thei are so easj."
No. S-'Tho; look as well as sheas I ben fail MAO for."
We are showing tbe new spring etylMYou Bbooid see them
Ha PopoUr Sloe Hoar of
l^Tene CS^.



DodncB of all Sorts of People and Odd Bits of Mews From
All Orer The State.

t Just Mow Has
| Navy D
UttI* TJma for Any
--------- ^-------------


wh« will

OB to be the eaplaBatioa bf as esperi-


to find «•!<!. »ad that U H. A

Tbia waa afierwardi

Blaek- "•eat which pr^ueed Are.*
• •

iai. Hut U) ease* abeie the ..nit-ers of




Ooa da; reeeBily he killed

Mllea A. Baaeom. aced Ttt. of DeaBlm. la., aod

OM of kto larre keoa aad la lu

He broa«ht last week,

aboot the eixe of a pea.

Hn. Marf Wearar.


le la HHbb >be bead at tke.

AlBta, afed Tt, were married it iJma

nrd wa. femnd a piece. *f fellow netal

Maine UMBe rVaohJ

lira: WMver waaoBe of the

•Mie«r (he wreak.

the wtal to AUecaB. aod it wae pro- earlleat aetUere of Aldia aod baa been
BOtmead by jewelfyaiea to

be -pore a widow TO jean.

Wa»hln|tton. FvU. 1»--The feature (4
enl wBi
yeeteruB) at i
the laiae number (rf rumvra pf aarllhr

Kaaaoai to a war

reMraa. aad bit bride baa been draw*

Aa the hea waa raiaed «a Mr.

Blaeknan'e farm, he Ik eoafldeat that ioc a peaaioa li veari oa aceoant of, tei>«eny that i«m« to the atientloa of
Ube pfllrtal* aa rmultlnt-aiienOon. and
there U sold there. K BMf be. kow'
, ,
I —tn enry «ase—«<>nirmillcllun. Bo lor*
•ear. that the MoKlaley oroeperitf baa
BUnck the bcaa aad they harr rooe to
prodaeiar £oU iaeUad of effe.

Editor llanalbkl A. Hooklne. of

1^“: ^

;Clalr.ha.brvu*btl^ckfirimWa*hiDf;;^,;|^J^^j lu make
i toB tba aword of Et)^ A^lra. earti d



,hc ...eieM manner of du-

unkaowa | by that reToluUonarybk^ when be de- ,

Praia Intends to dalm a lotal lalerest
In the voT* of the c-okrt of tequirr tbr
na\7 deimrtjnenl aaya that uyidee the
harbor resnlatlons of aar^tvillsed port
the local autborltlea are bound to maka
lua of any erw*
oc-urrlna in iheir Jurisdiction. Irrespee.
Uve of the nsllonamy of Ihe ve-sH or
of sny invreUaat.on by ancHher *ovem.
metil. tu care II Is a crsft owned by a
f. relcn r>"»er. As Ihe ataCter to understood here thl* !• the only rlahl Piston
Cl«‘ni» in the rs-e. ami It to.-im'-rd-d
nltrely fair. Thto sislemvnt -f
■iitlrmed al the yiaxUib

at oat time of all tbeee stories:

Bascie oonatf. for i
falM to appaar la tbesisteez-1 manded the si




not clear,

l2«kfort Patriot.

aaya the | down from one reaeratioa of desVod-1

If the beet ralaert .pnta to a«ilber UU it fell U> Mr.

Aere bad net the enterprise to bundle ; ktas.

.( ^
If I1 U
to ol
of b...
boae ..r
«r kor.
horn and e,..»o..U.,

the trouble todown at the AriicaUaral
Collere. why Ife a differaat




to Uta .aoaaolaliou. however,
aaly twobouaUeeia Michiraa exceed1

*' Hpak I'lfBB was. dariaif the oo's, a


well-known charaeUe la Uli ooantv."

Beaaie in the teat made by Toledo par­
maaf fears be drove lofs oo the Pere

ties ef keeu raiaed here in Iev7.

Hanjaette river aad cut tbein on
Neewoeeoba, Alpena’s oldeml Indian,

tract for Jaatea



has just broucht ia a larr* pack of I family was tlmn livlns near Benoett.




aacnred this winter.


has} hot haaalnce movad aad to aew liring

Thouph past w. ial Fremoat, Mich. Amoaf tbe early■ ef tbe setUera la this
day expel

he is'stra«ht aaa^arrow. aU fart bljrh

aad doeaa't look more than so years
Be has killed kuadreds of boars

itry none had any ojore remackable
than that which befell FIrna.


bad a number of childrea. tbe yonag-

aad welvM lb hto day.

Mt being a girl of three yeare.
Plans forthehace plant «f tba Faitad Alkali Co. la Bay City are being
drawn op.

.The company win aae ea-

giaca with • capacity of Su.uoo berae«

Tba engiaeera utaie that all

the tnachinerj la the city could not be
ran from this oacplaoi.

The wachlae-

'' rf wlU be one ef the beat and Utcet
maka aad Ibe bailding of stone aad




•a the OWsMe at

Feb ’"iS.-Tbe 'o,anleu

» • ^

of hl«h e»|notoves. IT.-fessor
Al$er. of tbe ordr.aii.-e bureau, as U> (be
tsuse of the expl.-shmun the Maine to as
foiloss: -As to the questlxo of the
csiis- of the Malnc'B esplusloa. wa
inlaht J.»|'11-B by deslptn or It might know lliat m. Iorp«lo sU. Ii as to known
happen •’> accld. nl. Ae yd there to no In wiirfaie <an of. Itslf .sue- an exindlrati.ri< of drtoch. pier^fcw my im- ploslun of the chara. ier of I t)al on toitrd
preswJon bss been all al..n*-and 1 raih- the Maine. . We knos <‘f m» instant-ea
where^'Oie rxvtcsk.n of a l.irpedo or
min- under) a ship's UitloBi has expbMled Ihe^magaxlne within
It has
liBVv Uvn aicldcnUI.
simpir ion> a R"«‘ “ole in ihe aide ..r
CsbIsW Hy>a*a<
)■nuoBl. thtoiugh whkh water entered
-At the i-slilBel rDeellBC yesterday tbe
ana In consequence of which the ship
taller ear out dlM Ussed. except as any
budy of men talk about an event of thsl
kind, aod meal of Ibai talk related to tyary. pnxluce eBevis exactly tomllar
Ihe terrible loss .< Ilfr and to expres- tn Ihe effeits Of the explotoua on board
■lona of symlwthy fpr .the suRerets the Maine. When It «»mes to seeking
Too may say absglutely there hai been Ihe cause ..r Ibe exploetonor iheMali
no pie. rei .abloet meeting; that nothing magsrine w. should naturally look, out
has taken fdace In the .-sbinei that tbe for lmiiTO»>able or unusual.causea. 1
publli has ms been Inf.irmed shout
Ihoer against which.we have had
that Ihe Shule polio of this department guard In Ihe past. The
has been I., gl'e the public aU Ibe <'
the bunkers.
of these Is thr-rugh
patches, met the departtiwnt has
>lri|>e have been In danger
Mary "f
more knusledge on the subject of the
times from this caiise.
St various
cause of the disaster. i«r e.en %>l
llong..file, to Ih- flltlngs.
r,.wjfhln th-


day wbfn the litUe girl was playing la
a gravel pU awr the booee, a bear
came along aod carried ber off.
ebme time before the mother mtoecd
her babe, for sbe was aloee'at the time
and busy at work.
the child sbe

L'poa searching for



the bear's

Tks frigbieaed woman lost no

UmeHiaamraoaiagber buabaad. who.
two other



Tbe weapoa i»5T ioubya loo^ tm no ••omlueiou .an beA«n«ed at iia-

ap a packace of their prodatt aad eeadbadly alcked and, curved,
u la thea
U.™ Beasle
»™.l, bounty i.
to .If.l.
at fault.

..f the^-«et


oijl upon the bear'a trail. For two day

A liit'e girl ruabki into the Warae

Ihe depanmeM lhai the Maine was In
danger from submarine mines or lorpdoes to Ullerly wUhout f.iimdaUi.ii. no
such reporl ever haglng Wn rv.-elved
from him or anybody else"
. Uimewlt IB BHsg Mwwie'iae Ih>s4.
■ The secT.ian airo d-nled briefly and
romprehenViv. ly a wild rumor


wauAXi-wu. DO MIT rvrLODK.

-Keally tm i
periiOMt bbllaUa aa one of the aokar: rof*
It was on aibibiuoa li ^he ah-1 reived rime OatnalO Piieabea's Ui«l dls_____ ___________
• >«»nties
Juniwhy wettloral maseniB aadbad beea \.dod.t-t.b‘.d.t,nK aarihiik tv our knowj.:



trArmu.iraoiiBKaBiiiiTUim SV™-

. Thm to <me VMM U> aU«irM

; alFA ea^-ed. ^Tbe Italted Sutca na*T
diven are e»pe«ed lnda> .
-Havana kill nxnitaa «1ih the AmerIran pecW Stare the funeral leretno.
ale* Thuradair the rltf bae removed the
outaard etona of Brief, but the work of
aureoriRS ibe livina aad cartna for Ibe
deed abow Ix^ee are reeuv< rrd pi»ee«to unremlitinKlr. Rverr care is
I above the aurvivcra. There Is slaeere
, Tejrrrt that <lrrumilar<-e*
“ '•"*
! (xiesible lo meet the wlstoee uf frleeds


Uiard tbkt
siitte.1 In.* i-siai
n- on Ihe Maine.
ship slmli^ to I
» Ihe fa. ■ that
agsln -mp
houl’'-a ship has
l.lode. «llb»ut'''a
rv.r or, BM.irding
knoll'e.lce, l«n pp0<luie an expl-ision of
a magaxine within."

phannacy at Bast Jordan one day last
..jsee'k and laformad the proprietor that

earlv ia the morniogof the third day.

hia ahow window was o® fire. - tbe -Wfaea tbs bear Itougbl sight of the meo
blase was extingnUbed witboat dJfii be was OB tbe hank of a stream. Setealty. bat for some time the cans
malacd naknown.
cold aad no fire

rs- i Bag tbe child down on a log he sprang

The day was r«i7 I into the river and swam acroea- Flynn
ir by. bat the 1 came up while tbe hear seas avlll wlth-

s'the window. 1 lo easy range, but refused to allew the
i brig
lU rays atrack'lbe large globular vaa-i men U> shoot bruin. Saeeafew alight
and beeame jacratebes earned by blackberry bushes.
ael holding colored llqsid ai
focused OB a case of m^iciae
which , the girl was ualajared and great was
apparaat’y bacame beated to the point , the rej weiag la the friyaa hoasahold.-


York to guard tbe Vis.wja. He also
stated that I'aptain JMgslsieNConUiiued
lo ha.e the \-ompb-te centAencr of Ihs
detartmeni apd tba! the dlS|«t<-h -f
the Idghi i f the .iisasser isivered eventhing that was abs.iluiely known atenii
It, brief as It-was. il tnlgbt l~- added

The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property is becom•



ing brisk.. I ha-ye

Two or Three Honsss and Lots

Key West. F»a . Fe«> li —As regards
th- Si.iiy tl*l one ..f the crew of the
Main.- siiwasnixllobjc 1 emliilng amoke
awn-Bi-hlng ihe ship Just before the
expl—Ion 111- • lu-resptmdem of t
m-toled I’r.-ss hBB'inlervlewcd tbe

of a numlwr of ielc*tiiu,e fr.m. dtftcrrni ,





leicgraphs ihnt In n;.niiy css-s Id.i.ll- '
• to lm|s«slbt». and lhr..w-s Kf-al
f I .iil./n
BpringflvM. lUs.. Feh. IS.-The ,aenale
doubt oil ih- prsiilrsbilliy r-f removing j-e»t.i.lay.ha<! ibe metr-.i*>man poUce
MtitT (ir- »e:i.r-(.x»!(Tmoi.
thv f-mali.- -if an> of ihe d-ad from bill readuhe ihitd time and .-oiiBrtned
; Ravaaa.
Ihe numlitpiiyt uf William
F»maa as
1 B»M’t.Tw OF Tlir ItORKOK BgtCrKD. a iii.-TiileT'O'’ Ihe slalearbitra-l.ia tsiard.
peAetoenI os >itoe.
M*-mo|V^ -ho'o Isrs In h.«io*r of D. C.
. *‘At the present lime a large and li
' Hagle. lai- fi^siant gli-irney general.
I^ani mining pr..|«riy I
W.te V:.i
.‘-Dmixstod m n-xi week
Twtol lojarwa. it.
niimW -4 nilnerr ai Ik-rner'a bay. This ,
Washington. FeO. l» —The navy de- a.m-tmi.. Til-bouse listened UI a rei.rsyer In »hl.-h «»<>d was
pr..i;;.rt> was leceoiiy ptoied Ip ibe purtnieni has leinplled ihe tullowtng martiblhoi Urvrf X
liy the ci.ur!, bul to summao »ho«ing the total rewult# of atked to ttilw S|«IB off thi face of the
dale the receiver lisa not -ome Into pon- ID.- Maine disaster, from all avallabU- earth. The conference r<;oit. on ths
tn this Instance there to much of?mal infurmallon up to the olosr of revenue Ul! Whs ma-le. l-V
aWnt to try
to he SSI-! In fi.vor of the miners'xcttoji
Hie de|«ritnrut last night: T^I iflUAdjournesi to .ncxi week
ri'adoid, I
and their nelf-ei-nirol. luu it to uf aui-li .
l.nard Maine,
a nature that violence niay be ilm re- j
men «ii
lal men. *»; loial.,
Tbe marvhal has nu means of I
PalaSedaod Fell laff Feet.
>ul mea saved. W; ;
reachlae thai point 'with a tum.-lenl 1
lrona.esbifich. F li lf.--l* ler Asheforce to i-airy out the instructions of i total oR..eis hist. -. w—.
loial ' lund t-:i ISu fv.n la the N-rne mine. He
Ihe court.
Judge. Johnson leaves b> ' =*'•: ‘'.:al oill.era Injuwl. n-me;
■ V...S .v.niliie up ih- la.lders with tba
, this h.«t lo soMlalhli affair amuaUv .
d-ubiful .menl,
aHHW.lrg H. doubtful 1 -her m-n and falnl-1 plunging headTwi'^evks agu-oi n litUe
.l«l.y .e,.,.v.e« Ih.i t., or less I tong dow.,.lh. shaft .;v er hto
e uf men comnvBnd-d Cap..«e lives hav- Wn s^ved. t.ut wbu b ns Ulrsng. i- say. be to bul allgbll)
i> Alkl.:
lain Hallerson. .‘T the
enoi I- l.leMill.d at iT»ent on ai-*<»aJured_______ _
: to dl~h«rge the : natives whu were
s' AtooHatl
wharf Thev
: hcndllnx the fr-Jeht
• ;-grains.
T..* urty-j
Hfty-sev.-n n|.i»‘Bring
BKacked these n.uives and le-al tbeni
-At ill.- >
y-w y..rl
Bs-injuiwd a
i crurlly. In Ihe fare of Ih- deputy luarisolation yesieiilay ibe
fcppearinK asJwaved. 1
The^-aplaln was >-b11grf lu cam*
‘ M'l-I^nc .dn.--i> weie elecleil
Prewl. as havfHc died In
•ra by |A>lng ihem M
lljcHlrted In the tiKal of T I( aidwarlng '
e>-ntos IcrAou
■r work on the whari
llutler'^Buf: idill!. : vice
e presui
presbbTl. 3
hiiviitg loH-n I'wt
dated that Hi- nailv^-s should
- ret S ry
falo Sens o»-T*
f. Hryant
, BuiMtyv RW«»iw*;iy..tT havaka
, Herbert r.
work «r. the vessel.
: Kr—k!v» Tlm*s:
Cuniilwin. Hiu-Alya
"1- "m s-rry to report that
' h-mfr ,t
b«. Iwep burned to the Usa Raw Ag
aim Maarww

and a Number of Well Located

m-an^ of )i,«Dmutto;
•comutton alwa>-B
h.lwuwn c.>mn,ahil.

Ai.. i. _ I

Cov. Bradiy, ef Alaska. S««ma
Be thp Covemer of a i-ot
of Outlawa.
Cslled Stalew X>ep"*7 toaiwhal Skol DmC
Ml Dsly-t .aster nUlag bp wtoh Thugs
mC Prwd>im~ asMl a tosw.atotwl Tim.
Ahrod t uless IIM NattoaV Mrwpg Arm
ts Pal to Wtoh-swU messag Ae* Is
Waablngton. Feb. 1>.--/Ferrctary Bliss
la In rcvelpt of a leiler from iJovenKir
John C. nrady, of Alaska. dis.-ripHve
of the lawless c.ndlllon of affalra at
S^guay and Diea. 't was referred lu
at the talkpdl meeting yesier^y when
Atoslvan affairs
and ails considered suffl.ient JusUfica'

Itun b> the m-mbcr« fur tbe dispatch
........................ Alaskgn Ier- i
rili-ry. 1............................
foli..Ming „
Is _
a ........
.. ..
of —
.\..wv s*,guay by


.....- '■


J.";'.::: r. tzr,:.

Washliicion. Keb. ir.-A press dtomarkable for tnlldnu^ wri.1 this ten
Uaittd Fixlea-d-i.uiv rharsbal baa been
vre ; palth from Havana sa)e:"Al » o'*h« k
bring the crowds s-ioner Hum they
shot dewd ln'di>- i-aige of Ms duly. An­
Th.- letter was
. iCtol I i^ci evening iSi Isxlii-s bad been rtvov•xiwcied
other *<*n uas in l.d ;.i ib- name time
>b 1
i^red froni the wrvclc of the Maine.
at the same plai it-v- oil> the aieaaiI Among th-.*.- t<lcnittie<1 are thuae ef
s have be-n tarr>liig great Itoip. of
ttoes Uitis Wark.
I (!arl(-'n Jcn. ks. I'nynn tUlcliail ur Ihit•paasengera.mgn;
IV of II,se lire samblafv.
' HhlU,i.s. Noble T.^MnO'
thugs and lew d
gaarters uf thi« the^l^i.
, Ser^lmm^to^r-^er the reading 5- 1.1^
lJuhn ?■ or 1-cwto Ul.
IVriureg .JlWt
'They have Ukeo h; 1.,.
•- - sitviaiunaGill
siltiailoSjti the iouraal adopted a tesolutl.m ape J-bbries
BlmguayaBdr)>-ea.«,.i---riohX.l "VS^^
*toed*'^ «“^^'illlam f*.,noUghb>.
Frank RuUo^
«omhln..,t II. cany .tm..- .. I,h a h4l,
i^Jn. the wreck of .he] O.nM i*riie. Il.-iuy t;n«. Charl« F.
lianA The best p-.p:.. at Ih— ,.,a.-w |
The kame resolution was adopt- Just. Itonlel J. Jb-yle. M II lam J. 1^.
an tw*'T'-ss I—aus-- ih y hrv.- no! ^
,h« arnate
i Jne-ph *i.ull>. James T. IwaguA TrumuBlcIpal 'turai of govem.. TIi-i
Mr Fllu h. -Thomaa J^. Hany. Walter
■v»! Sellers. Obarl-s Frsnke.
Friinke. FIsber (Frank
•u.;shal to p.w rlcs. I--.
I or A J.l. Alfred J- Hulland died at ths
» d-pui MthUry hosjdlal yesterday. There reTlra, aud when ibi-y utul-r-akc
«t the San Ambro«lo William
they are orti.rhd out ar lary is by ihiNearly CO.iWO perauns baw died of the
eieirveni. One of this eiaas was biil-.-n.c plague in India. ‘
C. Bober and James W. Allen. slUl
trfed Jr Ihe rni.-d RIni s dlslrli-t curt .
AadTVw ttburb. the wealthiest farmer
'Diccmlwr for the kl.'Ung of United in Whilley county, lad., to dead, aged aenoua condHl»A but better than they
were. Goorgr W. Kobeler. John Hefca Deputv Marabal Watt In Jan- '
tron and Jeremiah Kbsa arc aomewhal
r. ll»;. and was acquilled by the;
r counterfeit MO Mil olf the Btlinirroved. Dr. Maas doss not desijalr of
saving them all.
I fact ibeiH- I
-CaplBln Slgs)>ee' has exiirews.d him-,
Joined hand la haaA and will aurcly .
»uo.n reev
•elf ns graieful fur tbe ulTer of help
from Ihe Prem divers, but prefero tc
-Ui------------------ -----------------|W„ ’ ‘U.* cl.l. rj Htmmeralry, ITusala.
•wkil Hie arrlval of the Unll.-d SUtsa
osoauax. . s
T. P. Mcfulluugh. one of tbe moot navy divers so as to avoid fricUoa.
I rromlneni Vhyslclans In noHhern In- With Ui-uienani rommander W*lnsnid AM at Owes.
- ! dlana. died ai Fort Waype. aged 7A
wrtghi L.lcutepsnt Holman and'Oiief
Governor Ta
BDgioecr Howell Captain. SIgsbee wrent
I naval aad mHItary
OB beard tbe wTeck yesterday morning.
•fltoara can act when requeated by the
cr oMthe aUU board of The big c*t that was a pel of tbs
dnO aathoritiiw.
The CDited SUies
•Malae'a crow was found Thursday on
wraak ao mneb frtghiened that II
aroatly bad. Mt moved from Its
tea far right or tea dapatlca aad
ng place. It la iww on board tba
mr amameni 1 do not aee bow
D. Tbe csoialn'a^ PeggF was
1 perQrm hjt dutUg aa aa ex-


AsssirUfS txtnxsxs


Vacant Resideni^ Lots
in Traverse City that will be sold

At Low Prices

When yoo.vapt to tak^ ■ ride
retnember the l»«rt place to go.
I have a laive oiteii boa. a 5 aeaU
filFigh and

a Oop


it sold NOW.

A-l! vary

Come and ask about

eonifiirtable tor

thenu if you want a home or a good

Sleighing Parties,


Also a lot of the very beet Portland enttara. two aad three aeatgd
I can fit yoa oat with aay kiad
of a tamoot.

FloDMT XdTHry lUau

THos. T. Bates.



WASRiscw Lcrm.
•Facts and Qottip from Our Cor­
Kt»# Wwk. N>. II
. L..... lb* ua^lla) «■
» bmlsrl.l MlaatiM In
MllbC M lb«
riMbcliU 0««M:
WMhlBStoo. Frt> l».-nol»nd n. CMUlt. lor >'r*r« th<- Kucrtni^ul ti>Bnbc-r
•r thr IVirmt Trtbuo*. n<m |Mm om-q•r an'l
TiAiiBH'-r uf ih* Li»u«vin*
«bii h*r* fw m irv
Ob>-B on iTlialr hu.liiMw r-rrtiU>. H*

'! (tiall ala«>'a hivp ■ fondncvt

for Ihe «ocm1 p«.l.lrv«f Ulchftian.
. aomr of chi-m »'>n- vrfT kind
' in mm<> »■>-». Hut I «h«U orvrr U'
ttarr-bukln iMi-aDfr .all of r»> (jusIdci
Intersil* nr* In l>igl»vtllr. and iherr
shall -uy. '3d>- horn* l» In a l■*autlruI
soulhi-m rll>'.‘ and SBiunc a muss
alrtc p~H>le •• Oippral Alr-r -a» l>ul a ahadn* of
bl* formrr wir »hrn hf a(t>
Inrt nirrlltiB ahunly aflrr thr IV- Lun>«
l>xtd.-nt. *|l« j-hyalrtan prrmlUrd bifn
U> *« to_rt>» rxM-utIvr manalon. In nrtri
til naU*ty ,th.-. cir-ral that hr van aalD
InK'fn rlnnirth la a natlsfartor>' man'
The rtlnllBautuhrO .iBvalldaaarrrat
dinroum-rd. For ninr arrkr hr waa
line t;l(h a ifnrtatil fi-vrr ami
lt« ravaarr'-rfr notU-ralilr In hir runk*
rhrrki. atxi hravy ->.S
Th). i. ihr
fourth r.Ttiur lltninr «!. .v Ka* al• nK^ nlm aaay lu il.'-.Unr'rlpht

trodorad by Conrrmaman CorHaa. eC
Ukhlaan If a betlrr blit than thr mraa.
urr ahlih manaird from thr arnatr.
It If uot Uhely. hoarvrr. that any im*
tr.lcratloo bill will br panaed duiiitg tbe
prrarnt miMoa of coiqrreaa.'’
lo aide or trn dayt Jamra McMIllfB
trill br In Detroit and ahm Ibr arnlor
arnai-r lak- r a trip h-mr hr not
«o altorrlht-r for hi* hralih. Tbr roBerraanu-n »hn are m br numlnalad. or
thoar .aho an V b* rrnomlitalrd. win
know t-rtirr ••whrrr thry are at" after
Senator M.-illllaB atn-rrya tbr Arid and
No PHratr *Mlb Tht. b.Mlaa,
Speaker Rrod la drlrnnlnrd tha no
private un^a ahall 14 paarrd bf Ihr
taoua>- of rr|irrseBtat|\-ra If hr ran prr. \
ndri the rulra of the bouse j
every Friday la art aphrt for the ron- j
Sldrratlon «>f private blUa and rvety !
mrmhrr on the floor of tbrehous.- la In- 1
trrratrd in autnr one bllL or may br in :
hair a dnarn Idlla. fur tbr paksaR-i of,
Which con.tUurBtf aiv urf«»
But Speaker Rrrd baa aomr foUowera
Who will consum. time In driiair on
Fridays In order |.. waste the day. and
thereby i-retmi the paasaRr of nMvatr
!U-h Nil usually <-arrlra some
Bppropiiauon. and Pprakrr lieed la determlB.^ to aavr thr treasury from aaaaull of this .-harseterConseQUrntly.
Inasmuch aa there are alwut kiOO prlvale l-llla, each p-wseaslnir more or leas
mrrii. the ap-wker haa determined that
pol one ahall pam If hr ran help tl. do
dbatter whai may be thr .-Ireumaianeea.
Inaemuch aa many represrnlallrcs
wilt Ihalst that Friday ahall he uaed for
private hills alon-' lhs speaker has de­
termined that there shall hr no sesaiont
of thr bhuat un Fridays herrafirr. Ur
Dinalry «ill. • Iberef-r.-. on Thursda;',
Bflrrnnun^movr'.lhal thr Kuusr adynum
over until Satorday or_M.m-U> for the
|iur|s>s« of (rltlnc rid of piivatr blit


Into II."
-------- -- —----------Uaaon' bad scarcely lakeB his seat
of the rarloas drpartrarots of
when WdJrolt addrraard Ibe ttiair, and , ^ •xrojllve braBch of the roverathr wofda ab«l forth like a twmb. U “”■*
Wolcott would Bot excel him
waavvi. ni fmm IhrColoiado ornaior-# , ^
rrfpect. "1 am aorry," be said,
tooftt^ma and manner-^to aay noth- |
*hlle the Ojlorado arnalor la Urr
IRC of Ihr iBlrnaiiy of hla rolce—tbtt
^ lecture about the natT
br w aa U .irins under ensaidrrabir frrl. drparlmrni. hr doei not sl.-i- over aad
Int- Hr had llatrnrd I.. Uaa.<n with 111 «*'•« ‘>»r irearury drparun. nl aomr of
rorH-ralrd reHliHia of emotion,
face," and Ibr Kallrrl.-. appUodrd.,
arowlna rr.ldrr and bia bn.w more and
»» (Maacml
IMaaonl fully
folly ladora.-d
lndors.-d iall that
tike a thunder-rl-nid as thr flll- Lodac had said about the head r
liola srnator prt>-.-..led. Hr spoke with n«.vy. with whom be had s-rv. rapidity, and o. rupU-1 .miy a few houar and whom be kio-w' t
mlnutra of the arnal. a 4lmr. rrfuslRir .of aMllty. of areal bead a:
Asd Hake, a Bruark lolerpr
heart He denied that his remarks con-:
OMI s> on liapolallos os Ikr Booor at to br Intemipi--I and spefkt
divert I
sny reHectloli upon IsmK'a lute- !
tbo Na.y iarpamsest—t oaooaaootly ,1^ sharp;, when Ma*i.n r-URbt t
I artiy or honor or the Inlearlty or honor
. him. Wolcott yp ke ar r-> Iowa:
om.erw Of the nsvy.' Hrfi wlnu i
1- 'bs.xwiui»l»in ->f Ihe ' Of
true be also bad recard fur j
or iron iil'^s. hnwrver
the honor and the lives of the n>mmoa ;
ne U mry »i< at ih(a ti-nr

Cupply the Interesting Portion of
the Entertainment in
the Senate.
mjmi8 luy

opekb o#«i d-AH,


In^ oM

ator.kava thr UUaols siaieaman aonu
d..p,nmems of the (foventmenl "
very hard which Uaaon warmly
Uamn had rsaumrd bit aiaBdlii* p..aireptlrd. Thr yesonitlon offered Thurs. I tloB and lie Interrupted to aay that the
day by Allen of .Nrbtmaka dIrecllnB the : senator from Colorado waaentirely mlaeommlltee on naval afteirs lo make an '•“-B "I made Bo such atatemetil.-he
U.Tr^til'^Li? blf';r,‘“.“n' I “wolcou-"! drc.lBr to hr .Bterrupiri

17c. 4rch"‘ di:/l« 7b!:; If i^a'
imnttillale ' be atrlcken out and j
r Iw left aithln the
Of the CO
• there would lie t
Jcdl(on I
IH»ed I

the r.-sdlullnn- Mason
Ibe word "res4>|ved" and Inserting

the followlni: • By they-naie and house
of represenuttvea ciA.iininB, that a
Jolm committee of Aye. consIsllnR bf

Es-er Boraed Out?
U ao yoB IcBow

o. P. CARTER. AgsBt. .

'p/£^ ilBipMtul to Property Holden!

«i of,. of'h^ mUht wrll havr
WbaWnpun. F-b. 1».-Thrrr
IM-nnllir.1 to pa«5.-»1iloiut enn;senuli.r avn.aU.-n In th<
wblvb ; mrnl had It not hren T»r th > remarkabir
terday over tbe kUtm-disasiM.
Mawm and Woimti r>t all ian.ird up j I'”"™"
with rhrb other ^«d the Colorado sen-


^ „id that aomr people were
lauuf eonfld.'Bce In «nr de|«rpDent and

to ftnde words with which lo ebarmrter.
Ue the-navy department and repeated
hla teyallr to the nav-» and other 4epartmenla.
Allen of Nebraaka said he desired to
aec4he a voic U|>nn Ibe n-s-dultbn. but
be desliwd to reiterate llte suspicions
expressed by Mason that the tnvcstlgatlon by the navy department would not
ba BBIUracloTr to ib« rounlo
to say that I have not In my five ;
expertenre In the senate known c
these. InveetlgaUona to result in any
Hale rose and said; “I deelln* ab.

Tb* rue tl

le Bsteiial c<
_______ ________________________ _________

m r.

smto kercj


. ,
. ^
, S.^Se'ESJirltf
.rkoke fro> so«Bg Iweaiv4wc> >3dlBgaa«-i*j bsWe eospsalew ,


^iHac^ Bds and




' zvtJr'^
"S; ■ "*"■"
”'■•* •'
Culian question
I had hot*^ that thU i
rematuber tbU la tbe place to leB««
Bub]p.i rolghi Wdlaposedof today with- fjonr orders and get prompt work.
debate and I now devllne to lake <
tlJ^facUob gnarantead or BO eh*rgB.
advanlace of the melaneholy ■Ilualinn
Laave yonr ordara at ottea or call Bp
, to eiph-ll myself* T have h-re a dlsBdewee Ameag the I'eapfa.
pec-|v..rj i,j- the nai-y d"|iartrheBt
The reiiortera' BOtei. quoting Uawm. ' from Cai-lalr. ttlgsW.
il shows that
wrre then read as follows: "I also un- there la not In the <Hly of Havana a
JcraiaBdihntth>pe<nileorihlai-oumry tJngle
AU .are In
are fast coining to the conclualop Miat mourning for the dead. The city Is flllcd
the real aliuallon la not only ixtng c®»- ,
«n aimo.pherr ^ piiy.- commtoeraKtrm «BK READ.

'Phone No. 3,

three memUrs of the bouse of rvpmgentaUves and two tiietnl-era of th<- aen‘. l>v appointed to Investigate the dlsTime far Uehsla.
Th. rtrtiatftiTr of Hrnrr M I:.—- for
ler to the ^•ttleshl^ M^DC." .
•■acramme would have b>-en carMl h«mr ln*nrar<1
U Ult-.--!
UaU Bsk* farl • ^hdiwwa
Jawt week, aa It was the week
to Indli-ali Ihr ai llv. U-rIri
Halc euircasni the hope that Masoit, ccaled fh.m the people, but from tbe !
,h«TuMerthe nj‘« the^relJil
ibefop. but for-the fact that K was
•(Tiat-rlsl ramiulRn >lr U-The | mrmhenO of .congreai and aeoatarx mtion wou'd go to the-alcndsr. sod the
Bccmaary that time should l>* given' for would not press bis sobsUtute
trr lhnn I'Mvatr m-rr(ai> !•
dIaaatcT. he said, was even r..w -being | • • • T way that the l-.-ople do lack g,i,etc clos-d
tbr delate on Ibe hankraptey bill.
Uorr- n». f- r hr W a runliarnilal rrotvThe yoverrmenl is not h-meal. lartly thoroughly Investigated by (he exCcu- i cohndencr in rome of the departments
tary. and a i-ian In whnm a lr!.-rid .ar
liecause It Is 1-o.w. It cannot pay Its tiva deiaiftiicnt of the govemmeat and ' ot the govemmenu and they somellmw. ,---------------— ~____ ------------------------------abri-tilrly lily al all
booeei debts w ithout laaulna bonds and that as soon as tangible resulia were ,.,rtiafa. (U. in this deparimenL"
•II rlr.-umrlBiM-r*
l-'lUv.-* In Burreached the facta w..uld lie cummuol- \
Wolcott then conUnued. The senate
man. bimI 1-Viman l—llrvr* in B>-a<- golna Into debt (o heavy money lenders.
.. .....
Maor people rmtharUoTBi by faillBg
If Un hoaesl debts of tbr government cated lu congreaa Hale urged Uaaun , w-ould. he said, tear him out that he did
Two frlrndn of that rallbr* and (hararBior sent oot bj diafrom llUnvls^tob^lhe waroii
were paid It would take at least tIOO.. to withdraw hla aubsiicule. as It would,' „oi misquote the
t-w .an unually ai-romplUb a arrat deal,
erabarrasa tbr
to the extent of a single word
0a«»- 1-. pay the small creditor, peo­ tend
1. -i had lmi-ed.--.aald HaJe. mingle syllable. Hesumlng. he said; "1
ple to whom the governniem owes sums
.(ihe Mesey Ifsewli
of waarlseda—is aura
cnilrc matter might he dia- desire to rvscBt as utterly unfounded
ranglDg front. tlW to tSse.CDO each
eeidesra of kidnev and bladder troabla.
People and papers a
Nearly ever^ cUlmani has a separate posed of today without deliate. Il aeema Up- suggestion that there U a patriotic
Taka Utah Kidoey BaaBsatOBca—they
pressed doubia (oncemlo
un. and upon all Just hills favorable to me that In the clrcumslanoet an-l , cltlfen In the broad conflBes of tUs land
will core yon—they baec eerad thona«r Hsnalor HutTows on
•• ; Who bas not the luliesl confldencelB evrepurta have been made by commlltees
anils nf ntbara- Tag Tr-uiggs or Finic
queail- ii ne.-d have no funher doubts
goTemOf the senate and house of represenia- Idle to Indulge Id del-ate." Hale aaid
SDkUins make I'Uh Kideev Bewaa.
wr .inlMciilto*.
In bis speech before
wllUBg to wlthdrwdepartment
tiTrs.'Bul those bills will not br passed,
the senate rnx.'an. a. In oppoalllnn to
for there Is no money In the treasury iecllons lo the reaoIutioB of Allen, but the B.v> partlcularty. It has been true ,
the Teller res->!’tllOB Brnator Burrows
In. every admlntstntloB since the time - *ph barriMr ssts. la ike Met. vi«sc» ssd wi*M>
with which to lay them.
qald. "If-Oil. fp-e colnarr propuaillpn
ftcnalor Mason of Illinois la making a
Of WaahIngtoB. Tp> pe«ml--ed the Unit-i
" siw^

M be oUm"*JSkd
Should h. crysialllaed Inio law It woald
lMds*l Waal Ts Be laBsmiwatsey.
ftort In secure the passage
■e. be esrs eaiirelT eared btis.
ed-malrabai ncvei?ycl l«ii called uftlTi?kms*?
j arslyte th. uiilfted .arm of
s4e tkeoi to ell esSen-n
aeiilng apart a •ifflcienl.
Maj->n'folio«-ed Hale in a spet-efa re- Oh lo distrust nqe
amount of Ihe mojtey appropriated for plel* with sensational utterances. He branches of Ibis govcrmnei
world." That Is a plain declaration.
th. Aroerlian exhibit In the Parts expo- aatd In-l-cginnlng that he had no dIa- never will whHe the Bag floata
I'-nrresman \nillam Aider Smith of
-i.easa^r an is It de.«D(. in my oplnp.«l(1on to tnflamr a altugilon already
si Mrt SapaKBj^t wy«*i*Tta»a**a
Omni Rapids la a roemiter of Ihe com- ...........................
Ibis country.
He la 1 ^ exciting, but he fell that his su)- Ion. that^n Ihls chamber there should
mlllre on f- re-an aflalrw. and he has innicularly anxious that there ahall ba sihui.- was fully lusiltio-I by the feei- b- Insinuait-lna cast at., ibis crtilcal
sludted li.iertiutloSB) law uBtll he la dally exhIbliliiDs of our naiioBal game lags and desires of ih* |ie.>pie. -i under- { time ihal there la a lack In the minds
vartpltanally well-pnat.-d
If be had
if boae ball by two good tesma' He ' stand." said he. -ihai the nary depart- ' of the people of' tbe United. fRalet of
It tt a 4a' Waltae
l-een I- tetko' of Stale when II was dlaIlao wants' eshlbtlion* given hy our I mint Is fnaktng an InvesilgstloD of the confldence'ln Ihe tisvy of our country.
elofed Ihf! the Fpanlah mlnlaler here
« Mr
r *•
disaster, but 1 a s-' und.-rst.nd that can- Prom the lime of Paul Jones until now
AttorDcya ml L*w.
bad m.ulie.1 this nation by wrillnc
kallt-d m ev ery'war face
(clag buat-mak' gteas has the aulborlty to make an In
ships hat
OSOTWtn Moaiagae Blorh. TraeeesaCUr.HIri
_rhan>e alloslnns coneerolnit presi­
It Is a i--4tgri-sflonal Indent Mr FniHh would have aenr him
TrsilgalloQ that tba'peopie kre demand
naval hatlles are the most gl-uious hlkA Pwpatar Hsllag.
out of the rotintry In deep disaraceand
lon- In the page ol any couniry for the
, First AaaiBlant l->istma*t-r Ocneral Ing. They are Tasi .onimg u- Ihe con
w lthoui w*(ttirTir'lonyer than sufrdown
laal 100 years, and from Ihe earliest
Heath has made a ruling which seems clust-m that mnltria. oon.vrrlng thi.
t.p .ompel bur to take his hated connif
days unlll now ih-rc has never been s
to be Vfry |iepular ihroughnul
the Culnu affair. Inclddlng the IV
out of this rtplial. Mr. ttmith'does not
country, judging fr»ni communlc'ain>ns
ctilldse ibi sdnilnlslrBlIon. bui be b. •
Maine, of which they ought to know, ar- ofAi-ers i-f oor
which arc conauntly being received
Q,ILBItKT A UAT&, AKoetwys.^Wp^y^y;
Itevo. there should have Wn quPk--r
fteperal Heath was f--r a long time a
work mnde «f .till^dlplnmallc Inrtdeni.
they tV-ll the truth. ' rhe captain of Ihls
WashUigton corresiioncieni. and a good want to kni.w the facts and they v
P-tielir MiMilUtn di.ea not believe
lll-fsK-d itaMleshIr «' t'walking his d-ck
one. tcMi Then hi- was part proprietor
that It-' luintu-r larUT will affect the
' at I'o o-rVwk .in the Bight iif the Ulh
DX3 R.A M.
and mouager of the Olmlanatl C-omBepul.H-an rirenirth af the pnlla next
He la a thorough
Masor said he did not desire to raTfovemlier. fillhouch many letters om*
newapaper man. lie saya that there la fleet utwi. the m-ttvea or hunur Af aayhere fern Mlchican eomi-lalnlnc of th.(Mlcagw..
no reason why editors who are ap|»lnl- hod). t.ui he suggewled that tbr ufflcisli
p«.w Iof Ulrhlcan mbl.-iw In
-Hut tbe awful disaster (hat overtook
ed as posimaslere Sh-iuld give pj- lhei
of Ihe navy de|wr(m--nl In making then
n. Ways*
Senatui M.MIIlan was lh<edliorla) w.-rk. He als.. say
"Thi-re ; mvewilgallnn w- uid Ue trying thalr owr his Bhlp.-wlU cunt f-r nothing by coBipra-tiial aulki-r of that tariff In Ihe
SeiiMe and N.-.^loT llum.wt aaalnu-d
a »........
departmeBt asserting , their pi'dltlcai cover -up any l.lsme that might attach ' made here that aa cfflc-r of our onun«
him l..'au*e McMillan believed In It.
to them
-The iniu-rte with os la" «e- try wllh the ..sih and with the flag
•nd he Is the aenalnr from vur aisle,
«r"lr^poltal- attMlloB UidlMSM of e»w wr. Dowaad tkteab
IS as It should be.
Ofowr dared Mawm. wllh great Vehemence, above Mm would
iut. toio.
fisrtlias DUeovers.

Orelspd first deprived |>--s;maslers of
r.nereaaman flam flmtih haa aur* Jheli infat-rent tights hy declaring that pdicy of putting eren-thtng off uBti; : ITesldept. we ran siaad much of dlsTvwias arrlT* I
prlaitl the old oftirlala of the railway ho editor should ronitnue to edil his tomorvow. I-et the Invesilga-lon of this cusrHW tnd^ debate: We can endure
mall sen.'Hla re<enl ape«-h In the paper so long as he held a commlaston dlsaaler to our navy and lo our country niurti of poMlr dlscwsalnn wban there
a* iAw. SpHtal
igeatTAdp •
h-rtisc of f-iHi'seniatlves has atlired or •s postmaster
If Cleveland hart ever be thoroughly mvestlgaied by coagrvs. should he silen?*;-toqt there Is one thing
the p<s.iofBc<' depaalrrtenl.
Facts are vdttod a psi>er. or had known anything and then we shall know that It will be «»<*» counlry can never stand, and lhat
C. a. •CRBAT. Afwat.
rtubbom tWntrs nad fleurea will not lie
, Is to tislen without resentment to an Irtabonl practical newspaper wurA be done right."
aL.liOCgVOOD I p. A-. Orwod RaoHs. Smith showed that the woalrt not hav.' made aueh an unfair
■Inuailon that the olAc-rs of
'P tTT. •
only rnet M
each and orrt-r. .Seespa|~r men an- the great
are not men of honor and Integrity and
isd r-ooT
J me W *0" Mr ertU' aion of the day
nf truth. The ofne-rs aifiolnied to In­ KOiir Bbiek.
They are all slul>*sl.rWalllag-ito)s BeWowtd Ha* BH vestigate will do their duty.
the uee of ea.'b - nr t-r y.-ar
This Is
at T-Me w Itk a agawWrt.
Ta taka asert Saogay. laae W. U»T,
an -utrare and Mr Sirllh
them areTatrlolIcBlly Interested
MltKo’eloekA •.
After Hale had' proiesied'thst tbe
keep the njlltel I ef.-re the puhlU- un­ aflslrs of the g-ivemnicrt. It
to«p.iB~ TslaphuBs.M.
Bvy U-!Mrtm.nt was the pro|M-r de- lA-a at Ofalrwsi la Iks Avy Mas* Caw
til thei. ehpll le- a rad-cal reform In no difference to what rwilltl-sl party
the ayiiim. The c- vernn'ient Is IW-lnR roan bHoncs. so as he runs a giw
i partm.nt to make tbe IniealtgaUun, anJ
aysi--n.< tieallr
ConcTesman (Van newspaper; he II a public Ivn
i lhat noleid} was dela>lng such Invrsll"I do r >1 know whal sluina ihe aenBmllb ha* dl*rov.r.d the fact.
The factor.
I gallon Uas- n w'vni os U> aay that there
tlUnols may Have dragged to
poimasi-'i ckneral nkd the second asI was II-- cslamity so great as a failure nod
-xtireaslon of an opinion that
ststam i.-.inasler r<«ersl have i-aJI.-d
ter-s fsenUore store or
NoaklPgtoP *»The prearliera _
,ur-m the iwrt of ihiwc In p..wer (u ap-, ip.-ee la lack ol confidence In the peron Ihe MiiH-nnii'iidetit ..( the railway .lur <.-mmunlllea who go about dolhg
piMiBlr ih, real alluatlon wbeo U was •>nnel ot our navy, but I know be canynail een.1.'-' ft-r eciion In the matt-r
Waebiogtos Mrvet. I
mor. ,gi.-d than the editors, and some
honojatile or a decenl or a
A‘onyp-i-ir.eti SRiUn now Ttropoaes In of them rolghi learn a few gmsl points go serious as It iiok i*. apd no sorrow so-. ,„i
piofound aiy that bv-r IndiSercULV to |.,irio|Ic clUxen'*’wbo will aUnd up betHV- ih- K.e-o;im-nt liuild or buy ibe In the sanctum of country editors
wv gVARIXrill
I-»tat-.S!S. own tJ-em.. and thus sav- First Assistant Poetmasler Oeneral Ihia situation.- He had no desire to aUr.l j„r>. the counto- and Indorse fo
,y kMel Jas 9
! isken Irwn my
■tP'tu f
n,,. uti. rancra wWrh the
H-sih ts a broad guaged man. a gen­ uV tioubl.. out vC..uid onl) Insist, aa [
I. cbje-icd by )a.IIU.<ans ibai
.. ................................................
be Itad doue Wforv upon Ui.- st.i|.ping has.m.ade
1 do nut uadcrrale the Ira- |'"
ian ..
w'Uh. whom
-iJy. In the PupullsUt direcll-n
,*^nally acquainted, and'he bat
of human tlavery aii.l Inlfumau war- jH.nnnce of this branch of ‘he *lP\-eniBent owncrehlp ol rallhisd*
,iwsy* >iton a model of courtesy and
eland. Uv bad a „„nl. 1 bellcv.dignity and I
If we rail aave ns4iey by owning
•wthonie ri-ad I- |mi-..rtA»ce and In i
-car* an-l ii-tmiads let us own them.
Twetiiy-erveB atalea are tc,-choose allow, as bv cluimvd. that murder was uim-ussUiIib. but whi
• •ougr-ssmaii f!rtimp was Che Uggest ! , lew s-.ivert>oni In the next November tbe |H>ilt y of the bpamsh govcrfimvai in
„(,inion Is a <li
nt and dignified
rTV'*l-B' getter last week
He managed ; ^ -ledlona
Moreover. lh«;re ^1
>_To exekwag*. Agondheavy *
Cuba. He also bad p.i Lome's iruc*-'
-ne In the fa
of tbe gppamng
to R-ath-r aiventeen pension* from tbe .-letied ;
onrresarosn Thirty atai#* •vad and astH-ned Uiat tbe late mlnip- .-afamily that haa fj
•n upon our peoli-iw;-.-: offlir. and he has had five prli-gts1alurr4 which will elefi ter had been defended In the aenale
There are time
r.w speaking and
vat. p-n-l-n bills favorably re|)or|(.d
,I . «.-:il.-rw. This ought to unul he had ctinfeased out of hla own
arc limes for alienee. .and Ibis Is a
ftnm Ih- I ■ ir-mlttee on jienstors. These
f->r -p-n-hlrders.
mouth iiiat
should restrain
bin-i'T^II 11 '4-rcase.l for csimddrratlon
<• .Repuhliraii 'con-j ghat hi­
any expreaalon of an oMnlcin or esiB-ibe l:-usr of rcpreaentATIves.
presalons of our beUef as lo tbe means
:tils plea af autonomy tud been usrf
by which
thU awful dlsaater was
iielrott. the 'expert
BK'ure deUy -n the part of the ad- brought
Met-igniph.-i Ilf be nallopal^ose of
.. nleiratliia lu Inierlvn-me In aBalra ;
-Hr. 1»fe*ldcBl. 1 apeak as once aym(IS recently b^me a
Innf lib Cuba iLBd II was for this reason that pathlalag deeply with tbarlUaeniot that
ha* urprtrt-d B»d^ nigressmen. ^11,1 Xaann said he wanted an ImroedUie unfortunate lalaad now engaged lit this
large audience* with
tvport upidi his rewilullon for Interven- jfriiblc. dcpiorabl* conflict. 1 yiejd 10
Vs ST .1 the l-sl. ml R'lvernmem
nl wlR UoB. In view of De Lsmic B confeatuon nooody fn my dealre to see the com'hl»^--an:ing ami H-iqoencr. He I* bn*
the- brsi
l»p>s ever sent itfcre
there was no,longer excuse for delay, elusion of tbatrtrar. but I do aay If ever
from Ml.h-pt
xS beside* he U a roy
iwall hns B--I yet been anneged. but Autonomy he den-unced aa a sham, a n,rre was a momoBl when we' aboult
•I fniv w.
aniicXstlonlMs here are very busy. fraud and a delusion, and tba Dr Lome ahoUIn from outrageous aad gl-Multous
benalnr Frye of Maine, chairman of -Riere arc In Hawaii T flfo w hite people. Muci only aerved to emphaalxe the mrult to a friendly natloo that lime la
the coinmlUee on ...tiiinerre. aaya: a,t00 Kanaka*, and tl ono ChlRfiv and trracheruus chuarter of the ttpunlard. today. If aver therovwaa a time when
-Then- will be Bo blU passed prtnldlBg JajN The question before congress Is; As for btmarlt h* would not. If ellgUiie.
,heald lend our help to every defor a bridge nvi-r IVtralt liver. Tbe l>o we need this new population In our be willing to aerve on the proposed p,«,Tieat of Ibe government. It abonld
partfe* Inlervatcd cannot g.-i I- gethvr. burtnea*'
committee, as he -aould not want] lo be today. If (bar* was ever a time
1t«l Thu coromlttea will make no faall at tbe table with a Spaniard /ho wheii ' • should retrain from uajual
might hava a ktlleitu under-bisciotbea. ud ig—rant criUdam It la today. Hr.
A-crmble report on any bill which doe*
It la the gen-ral understanding at BBlrsa be btmscif was ironclad.
put meet will, general appni*al aniung
Preside: i, war may cOHia. I tblnfc my•^he Tecord ot (ha Spanish natlOB."
the day may ba BOt tar dlsUnU and
' tbe ralir<«d companlaa- Moreover, wv Varaalllc*. Ind.. IKal the grand jury bas
ghould expert tbe- Ulctalgan aenatur* reported ly Judge New that no bills bad ooaUpued Maaon. "la one of conUnuoua when It oomm w* .will flgbt It alone.
to agree .m some bin befcui
-nd we have
expeVlcaced When that day cornea our count must
*— ................blatory for tte be elentally
grounded In the rtgtn.
mitt-c would favorably cun
come* (here
thing I
Did Jou ever a«r a botiri«»» ferriage?
of tbe case. Many witm-ase* have been dent that
-- • could not ba i„2|iUes IMa people In my opinion as
the ---------Sfanlaid
• very abort time yo
trul either tbey
tFualcd-lB aay capacity and forJhls re*,
nnju«t and outrageous atlAcks
aer<-Tal fay going lo Detroit,
anti Mu.-hen. su|aer1nU-ndent of the free
Lodge followed Wolcott, i
' Arllv. ry eerviev of tbe poelofflce de- lo testify ka lo facta, and it l* asserted jivcru Investigating Ihe bull of tb*
and not -be depending upon those any ImpuUtloB on ilie honor either of
parimrnt ha* **ld. "l am going tepu- that awn the detective w ho U credited
thing Oovenior Mount the
unfriendly powerr We are told, (be navy or the oOelala of the navy
louf hotwelem carriiiK*-# on the atreeli
rtand failed t
be said, that the ttaval board may bu department from tbe aeereurr down,
af PrtroU w rolled matter from the Information
mall Uixi-s and to dri.ver mall to th* dlaclow- tb* ideniay of tbe guilty
able to reach Havana by next Moaday. and then -Mason rose to reply and be-'
totMa" Thai sounds like AraalBeaa.
i •<"». "r ai leaal-dKJ not giv* ayldeBee “Manana.” he , aiclaJmad. -'Manana-, ,an-. •HiwuoUtlon and ganetal gpaam
Speaker Heed aays; “in -my opinlea I o® wWch tb* grand Jury was wUIiBg Iff tamtefjrw: alway* wmorrow. That ia| «iu aM 4rt«y m* drum tb* dMCB^op
m» U^mlgraUoB Ull whkh baa bean Ib- '



—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.


—Front Street.

----Jaa ft. JOMXSON. DrogriBt. ennd Ei;idj t Iidiut t. R


to, llJroaWllr^^rwoeV^







i:;.. :



W. “...SKMS,
O. ii.S








[•^L T>i«» ■!» no 4iar«aw
ollrruiltc rondltioTjA ' Th* vtnl«m
I arc, rxtremrlr cold, tiui «{ih proper oup*
[Wlc* arid rarcfDl *pr«MMinLtl'.n use seaA
.■nffrr. ‘I>>« alnruMipher* I* vcir tfrF.
the. rxiretue -hanRes a______ ____
s,^0i/ently. «w r^n better bear M 4o1 the 1 ____
These flsta. by the
.... wsy,
............... ................ — b> the lark of sup- 'nn-es below xeroal On ie City than sero
mlhs lonit. and their sldth equals Ih-lr plies, apd none should e*> yiyahere in 'here, of i-ourse s*h< n rreoaiwpers am
at lermth. Many claim that the Yukon AUsks who cannot prortsion for a year lOatabllshed wnd teleeraphu- communlaae
can town t-allcd rirc lr-«'i
IM . flats « ere at one ilmc a vast lake muefa or more
tfon with the i.utalde sorid It aRcom>
the edite «.r l»ie «M tlr
II ;Ianrer than any fresh water lake exist- ! Mln'x>k Oreek also bids well for p-po-' pllsbed-aml reeu.xniy ,if malls th-r Ufa
miles from tbr nu,u(h
Is OB the wesl l«nk. ab'-re an ele%alcd tnx t<«lay. To Lne deflrinc to fslloir i tar favor. It Is StO miles belos- Circle in CiKle City anj the vldnliy will not
t. even ni'H. w!ih.sll tbo
table lUid holders tlir river, and It ia and study up-the theory of this seeat | City. This creek Is named'after old j he l»d.
Is somethlDk tbsl fsaef.
lust fc-lttio the YtJh'>n fists. On:le Ctty take 1 would advise a trip to rreaeber [«nan Mlnook. srho oxtrwrted tS.wa from ' crudity.
mavnetit-es m thW
proved to't-r the dtstrlbutln* point Tor creek. Prearber' creek
ten iilrcb a prospect bole • foet bqui e and U I
*-et deep.
the «aat rcTtun of Illn b rreek and wWt
In September Mlnook claims were nell. desire

Without dotttx i-n-oene the metropolis of
tnK for K.&00 each. If Mlnook and o'her .The lahahlietite of Orrie City at tha
the TnkoD. piinrtpaJly becauae It, Is ha
• claims «
iceH. then Itam. .presont time are mostly loyo! Amerls
-lean s.'iil.
pact City will be Ibe ffreat metrepolla i rans. They seem to see a wonderful fa.
Th, •re la no nsiura'. advantaceja'piiU
Of Alaska In Ibcpoar future.
Itute in the Dlrch meek district, nom
tinirthe town |u-' ' ere it la ^y that
Then there U tha Kayukuk river. Bare * here are plenUfuL hut they a
there Is a amtOj
i .,f the river '
out of resi-h of I're rash current, w
mak^ a very nb-e ln~ dins place for
smsU hani-. Pbrs mile bi:rk of Circle
City nothlPR tmi an even ciuntry r
be see.n. yet the cTcstest, Interest I
In the fart U,at IliPh rr^k Is distant
only el*ht miles mToHs a low divide,
and. Ilf course, hi all Ki,ld hunters lllP-h
creek would be fbc’le.liil of Interest for

Scenes In Circle City, the Mecca
of the Gold Seekers,
Tbc lively Al«tkan City ^,ocated FcMuieen Hundred Miles
From Jhe Mouth of the Yukon River—A Pro­
spective Summer Resort—Center of
the Birch Creek Distrift


An Indluo and a half breed lock i
fCapTTtcht. 1M I
• leurdillon* are farorabie tor coM In pay- the first c<dd on I'lrrh errok at a pdint
^e tranaportstleo .•umpanlea are , me and larje <iuanittlrs to be found on now nnzned IVl'kaa Point. NolwithetaiuTm;
.the preni Klondike exciiebanfltiR otit tbeir bannen. Already the «»lm«-si all or any of the mbularles of
nreat,-hxodua has h«Muci. Tiie. suiiply the Yukon. Kature tUth u'hlp lb huhd menl. Ihcre were last scaecui iibnul 1 Ikd
bouaoB are as busy ss Ih^y esn he. All, has lesh<-,l ibe cold and drit'en II back rfin-rs wurkinsV.n Btii h • i-e<-k. The.
Circle City on h bli li cold
ia(lr«ads are Win* delu»^ with peo-j farther snd farther toward the pcile,
I fcunii are RIrch. klustOdon
^le dally, deairlos ne» and fresh In* ffh> that lust si the time aheo the work(which Is Tu miles fruin lownl. Itoulder,
m- liiCinen of 6i
, t•lcen^il•rn. llcadwoty, .Mammoth. I*or-'
omlnj; band and aald. "ntawn and icupl"'. Harrison. Mfller snd K.islm> cold ihemli
importance, for II now costs sImiuI V«
to baec 100 pounds of provisions i-an-led
from Circle Clti to llirrh creek
horse. I wmnder tHat already some one
not Introduced the palinu 111 He
burro Into Alaska. He Is )ust as uMe
'Withstand the cold as horse .ji d.ic.
and bli lone half wnuhl n t.d r lum itlmoat Impervious to llie m —,iaio. He
could also'keep himself In uunVr prov­
ender , a Ithoul »ery much ssslsludcv.
AS an Innovation, une of the well known
merchanlB of Cltvle <^ty had a moose,
that be had taken when a calf, trained
to become a well behaved draft ani­
mal. Tne animal periuiu]td''suiilc a lew
dumeatic operallona. such aa haultnc
wood, elc. U ml*hl alill have
amament to Its kind. Imt il was shot
a newcomer who bad heard of the



M# dlractfsfr—that
Dawaon City and | embrace; but. althoucu my breath la
iBunedlaU vicinity.
I cold. '
>r all
^laa of terrllory. Very inUe of It baa I:
1 properly explored or prospected,
-■yit ^loclsts and• kclenllsts
• 'rnllsts tell us to-l-e on 'Ilrlllsh soil, and the word
tteC according to all known alfbi. the I Klondike tra'reled like an clectrlr abock.


iwi j


.-reek and It about 1» mllas in Irnttb.
To tl.e explorer ll will be of no little
Inlerest. Kittle cold baa been found
on this rreek. but ihlncs of much sreatAN AERIVAL OP COLD HUNT^Bfi AT CptCKE CITY.
er Interest la the atudent.
. In the territory between tit. Hirhdel native Indiana, with the crudrst kind Of leas «if 4 nuisance, as they are horn .
aiid Circle City is A population of ^ rockers, have made fnun HO to 112 per thieves. The mines and miners ara
l.tOO whiles and at least LOOO nsllvee. ' day. On tbe Tanana river, about SO IcMklng forward with much Interest ta
and work for them all. ' miles below Mlaeok, much cold has been the iDlroductlon of the Slberl^ twin*
>Imoat .alwars hapr <s that the
lAeund. and this river offers a latve dls- deer, but they fear trouble, as the Tointed to ti
r-ltrlct it
kon dog'ls a jeaUms.cUnnUh being, and
very I It'all th<
from the Siatee had airle City,
tbe fear It that be wUl fight. kl]l and aat
s food supply j I
good deal-leas Judctnenl thsn ardor.
[dancer of a scArcUy
At Circle City a poatofflee baa been here and scaieely >ny
ilarvstlon.__ I mlture. with timber resources ofVio lit- I Prom the outlook now It would t.
eatabllShed by the United Statea. and - Tu the Amcii^ 1 would say^ Jf^po^' i le account and with mineral resources | that It will sootJ be possible to leave thU
d to any country Id the wortd.
on July 14. tUT. the flrst (.'sited fttatia alble. Hop on the American
t eprlng, c
mall arrived Ihera. ^fore that pmate up Cook'e inlet vhK-h bids fair to l>e0 the Non
tbe mines all summer and leave laborers
enierprlae had roiAroUed tbe malla. come -a large ana a valuable placer
to do what winter wurk can be done and
These parUra would receive frum lUO pround. or Copp-r river, where lute
It Would hardly be fair to leave Cl
r. me luick in the fAll. BTien the abovo
to H.OM for one trip from Juneau to atorlea tell of marveloi^ finds or I' • cle City or Us vicinity wllhout a ft
It posslhle. then some Idea of that great
i'lrcie City. In lUT there waa only one go In by way of Pt. Michael and have words aa to bow deUghtfdl a place It
country snd its immense goldfields wfB
with Amenran mall, while lime In explore UMen tu the tales ,<f is the summer lime. Daylight
be realised, and the word Yukon sun
the Can.-idJan governni'-nl made three. Kalsebur sound. Indians here have ' tlnuuus. and one can read every hour become so Hoaely connected with that
The Indians make the Wm pllou. and scooped up gold with their can.w pad- ; of the II without the aid of artificial ; of gold that Its very mention will cobnearly ail the Yukon rUrv Iwats have , dies, not knowing.’lls worth or value,
light-The mosc|Ulloes and the btark ; Jure op visions of an El Dorado putting
Indian <T Eskimo Kuldes. These gu dea Tins sound lajtbout W mH -s north of
fly aregreat sources of annoyance, but
to abame that of Uhle.
I dlft'-ullr here, l ahoul, only ones w»rUi sp-aklog l
. MtrhnvI. The s
» especially apptr- latedln Ih"


I examination Inolgrt'ra. Engllsb

Enterprising Merchants Will Organize a
Permanent Fair.

For Fifty Years a Landmark of Progress
In Honolulu.

positions and other mechanical and tBdusirtal dlspUya. chiefly on acoottnl ct
its iuc;iti,-n An txpusition building
In the bcait of ttae city would be equally
accessible front all res^ence i
t elevated railroads have t

and history uf the United Hlales.
t year a knowledge of the elements,
s few mlnuies' iralk
of the 1-atln langusge will be added to
these already comprehensive -retiuiraface the Aui
smaller hotela and I
The prosldent of Oahu college Ig Proeasy access of p
e Wa­
fesgor P. A. Hoamer. who was horn at
bash. Pennsylvania usd o
M'Qborn. Maas.. In 18S3. graduated from
(Copyright. U» I
I sssiwlatlon. tells Rw that the plan at
(CopyrlghL lM-1
lt It fruni strangers at the hotel# thal ■
Amherst In IfTk'returnlng In UTf-x for
Chicago. Keh. Ik—The Chicago Com- present under consideration will pul the expmiltloD projectors count on get­
la tbe midst of the Pacific, a
lulu. It a oollrge which f
chemists: courvet (n art and music, the Voatgrsduate work In. history and po- miTvial
nirviat nagnclatlon
nsgnclatlon Is an -organliat'i-n
-orgwnitat'on the rxposiiioa building In the middle of ting thrir chief support. • Next to New
former In charge of Miss Bessie Po-ter.
like tim Merchants' association In New the park.
•srk. It Is ih'D proposed
York. Chicago has a larger floating pop­
formerly Instructor at Uulgrrs rollege.
Y'c.rk gpd^he Business Men's league In a site for tha Pleld Columbian
ulation than any other city In tba
tier in ebarge of Miss Corand the latter
6t. Ixjns. iniendi-d to ^nioic the trade laid out at the north end and a site for United t^taicsi. and Cblcagu'a vlaltaf*
Hyde.of tbe New I'.nglsod
sndjskim'm^rcc of the'city. It Is bend- lan armury at the south end of tbe park. are essentially slghlBecra. When
d for tbe children of
Conservatory of Music: Ittatructlun to
Ing all Us e«»rg1es-iio'/ to an ex|w»l-j The armory la to he erected by the
HonaMoa. It Is a ChrlstUn but not a free band and meebanlcal Urawtng;
lion project 'ksWch. If carried .nut on'state tor the use of all tbe mllitla theerowdnrstrangcrsmadelhemenorsectarian Institution. It Is not fur any Bible studies, and a course of prartlcal
the iln< s pro|H«ed. will give Chicago tha : troc|is in Chicago. This would gtvr a | mcusly profitable. They more than paig
class or any race, but tor all those who buoln'WS Instruction, lu special course
finest pennnnent exposition In .the magnlflccnl'drlll ball.and fine quartees
I for themselves Inthe first year A cy
desiP- a liberal education guMcd by Incluihs i>sycholcgy. history of educa­
country. Nuharriptloni to much of the for tbe militia, but an Objection which
Lclorama In New York was afailure.
Chrlstlan principIrB, and every'effort la tion. schuul goveinment. sHence- of
EOtstoo# of stock Which vUl probably will undoubtedly be raised when the
[ A pecull^rlbctabout theNew Tor*
msAe 10 give to ths atmosphere of-the anihmi'tlc. phonics and ph>slnlngy.'
be Issued ah* assured, .and the enter- . appmprtaUoa Is asked from the legis- | enterprise,
way, waa told to as
ooUege the refinements and attractions That the students may gain a kiemlprise ,mly waits on a projected im- ‘
edgi- of higher music organ rt-. llsls are
Of American bume life.
■pn»vemet»t of llie lake fruitl.
glwn by Profesanr Ingalls, who Is head
Oahu college li
Klfteen years ago the lake front wos
of the S' lenlinr departmrnt and was astttOon o
a dismal dtiitipng gruual. cut up by the ;
sisunt lu ITofcssur Hairls at Amberst.
its pupils tbe gtadi
trar-ks <lt;the lllln>.’>. Centra! railroad. 1
lilies that
•ChOOls. though thetr arc o»l a few m. and who adds to his iithcr atmil
With the di vclopm-nl of prcparatWins
live studenu of miged American
Iltical BcAencv. ln which he tieik second
World's fair the n»<-rsslly for
ropesn parsnlage. Th- range
degrve. A few years ajtent In tvartiing Improt.Rg ll appealed to the luirk cc
tolUM may be catb^red trem t
a gixd• deal
• ■! has V
cnce in the editorial
chuselfs pai<er. In IKW hr areepl.d the An '’rnanicnial wnll shuts
bCcr of the prykldencf ut the tnUaga r-ai1 tracks from view.and iM'tWrcn this
at Honolulu.
wall and MIcKI^n avmue a iMirk has
This cullegs la really two miles
been laid out. Tbe Arr Inetllule'is <'0
of Honolulu. In tbe suburb of Punoho^ Ihls park- and the new library bulhVng
ropleal ' fai'pa It. Two statues have been trecibounded
Vegrtailun BWO lnnutnersb)e blue i>c*As ed-la commanding positions. But the
pf (his region snd on tae other by the park commiasloneis have ,Mt that the
soft panorama o( the I'sHflc. TTie eulwould not Iw compli
tatuiv at Hprlngfleld Is that It will
by John M. Toucey of tbe Kew Tsefe
lege gi'<>undB comprise -dd acrea. ua lake shore was rcelolmed from the tsiU cemisje all the mllilla In our place, Central twilroad. who was one of Its
these grounds are grown orangea pine­ road- and as the railroad cornfanv h-id while the exprrienor oT-Kew
“iKl bar kera The New York cyeloxaLata bad ,
apples. cuduinuts. lifeailfnill. avocado an undoubtrd tllle In tbe gr-oiiid
other ciiica shows that It la. dourSble "Niagara Falls" as a subject, and b*.
peara M-appIrA Unioa. urangea—all '
all that the
In esse ofi riot to have asaembly places fore It Was exhlblted 'on this Side tbs
- .
exteed the abore by for the soldiers widely scattered and water It was seat to Eaglaad. where It
rovertng alt districts likely to be af- drew encjrmoiu crowds, because. Mr.
On tiiess grounds In a large two story
Toncey aa>*s. the petmle of Great Bril*
edifice built of coral Sanford B. Dola,
Tbe Field museum at present occupies alB know the falU of Nnagara better
Um present president of Hawi•all. was
than they know anything else In all
bom. HIB father. Bev. Daniel Dole. A.
a vary beautiful building, bol one III
was tbe Hist prealdeal of tbe coladapted to Diusenm purpoaea. Tbe mu■curn was well endowed by Mr. I'leld.
and there have been reports from Ume
■college alumni. His, father waa a rlpt
time that be purposed adding to' tbe
In other rtUes. with one exception.,exidowmenl k million doUafs or more
. bAdIng on the lake abore.
toned Id hli Ideas and theories of edneatlen. the atmosphere of tbs college la
very well for a Oifie- In Cincinnati an
those early days was perbaja some­
rxpoeltiaa building and music hall c«m.
what too rigidly Puritan, but It-bad.
blned proved a good toveutoent for a
toe. all tbe sturdy flrtnea uf Puntaafew years. Denver and Kansae City
Ian. tbe excwileace of duty and tba
and other weetern title* have bad per­
UO.OOO to gf.OM.MO.
of pUlB Uvmg.
gel tbit mouey 'in large and small aums manent expnbitian tMiUdlngs. But
It is aa lateresiing tact that naarty
' and one of them has proved proflublt
Sroni mervbanta.
torciwauw. manufaciurets

half of the pupils who have becn.tonpublic sptllled ^tUe of (Thlcago. with, rectly except one at f>L Loula.
nseted with this
iW Ha
If the entevprlee boUdinr there—music bait, entertainthe hndrrstaBdlog U
beglBDlug are today clttsens of Ha­
and exposition combined—
is sueccesful tbe sto
waii. many bavtag ebaaged tbetr Atneractnally paid a dividend two yeei* age.
building will then be
IcBB btdBes for rosldeocoa In this tsland
over to the city of Chicago. Architect but laierest la tbe cXpaelUen w*a tbesi
the wane, and In Ibe last ysau- oneparadise. Of tbe grmdoatea of tbe school
D. 6. Burnham of World'a fair faase baa
WbO have become dlsUaculabed In Ibe
estimated that a aatlsfactory bnllding baU of the big building has been chang­
srorld may be Bamed Pnrfeasor J. T.
of wood.' Iron and glass cuold be erected ed into a ctiloeara. where bene abowp
Oullijk. whom Profetaor O. J. '
fur.gSOO.OOe. Tbe'cbaracter of tbe build­ and btrrcle races are held and srbere It
eaiia *ibe profonadeat of living think­
ing will depMd atmoat entirely on tbe la hoped the natloaal poUUeni eeevsDIII inMt
ers on the aubject of cvolullpn:" H.
aixwunt of money rsilsed.
____ k
Prear. v.h^oe dcalgns for baiileahipa reWhen the rolliseum burned last
natved aucb high praise from the sec­ (Ortglnator of Uw
eember. It wws thought that an obetaMe
tstsry of the navy; W. K. HUiehrand of
to Uie expqaKlon project bad been re­
tbe I'nitcd States gcoleglcal suresy: tilling Id beyond tbe railroad tracks. It moved. hut the owner* of the CoHseum,
. Armatro^. who fouadsd ta on till! made ground that It Is pro­ haring the riwindaUcas of tbetr building
- exhlhmoa. ExblWttons «C
Rampton institute and died la IWi posed to erect tbe exposition bnllding. ' and a long leqse of tbe ground on their
Oeoeral DrumuioBd of Raa '
Waabington Porter Is tbe father of bands. sa> fbey are going to tvhulM.
If they carry out tbalr plans, they may
Pread-at Dole. Chief Justice Judd. At.
and hla plan
toraey General Bmllh. Dr. Henry M. u> put the nposlUon building at the Interfsro enmewbat •with tbe rntpoM. and tbe balldlag wiu ba c
lea purpoase.
north end of tbe prapoaed park. John Uon project, tbeugh tbe CoUsetun has
r. A, Megbnot nueRziBNT rawauan eesusoR
T. najite. pRstdeat of tba OewaaMal t^er been a suens* aa a plaee for ax-

t -.-.I..-


At the Torn of the Road.
^ B£LLE X0eE&
VOwtIT'I- B*I. *r the Author.!
*‘Wrll. If ttmt clMpin-t in • rir<*rh bamor. I iirnr *rfn rwo." And
Mui M laucii
4i»iinri)7 tri■Bikbunt A> be U>uk bU Mt Moide Jer17 nn tbe Lox.
Vbe Indirtdnal nddrawd i^d nntbI. bnl tunn'd »
toward the rlendoi (oonumo on bii left
«* be gatben'd np ib< rrtn*., ITh." »pirit«d bcnci nredrd no toncb of U»e whip—
Ifaerdrew (hfewirMgO' rapidly along the
aOent atreeta Am oigbl wai bitttaly
«old. lint the? w«i» blouM
u fire

been beta don*. Johnny, yon'd bare'

Wlththewwyof dwpalrJeny <*«

flUrd yonr pl«w
' n>nn> need thu wblp Oaoe Acre the
^ OB know die • ctyin bard—yon r« .
rpmng'forward, ndHind at a
.................. Ihriak foa> tbroneb ibp^joiid «»cta.
••Vr< n. ■nppnae ibe U." admitted ; ^be
ibelr cUttmug booh waa
Jeity. not eeeing well bow he omUd: „bjcu „t. Jm,y fouud.
••If ytM
dUpote tfaia fact,
.> be kept the a
fool—wbh-h l ew i help it If yon are. I
joliii -you'd n&<Vr>

5?,*™ anmud tb«(D aa iheycw
liiiHi* for jud '
<if' ihiur»—
nntbiii at all—pw a* ibi- nutlcm tak.»
, ,,b
Yoncouldn'ney If that U they re
mad or gUd.


he waa bury p

wnepln eWt aouod joyfnl. 1 wU y.m ;

, ,0^00,

wbai. Jerry. *
• , '
„ •
^ t bat' that wonW inent the danger «if a
Bni Jerry waa »o« Itatenlng. He bad rnuaway. the h.iTK . wigbi atomble and
gt*v,tthingatoe.auuder tban-awattw
^lipp^yroad. and it Wa.
of aiKun^l
anap^ Tbu


tbu _ytnmg jack j
ih,„, ,f,er tbeirjOcri
«»7 ; nigbl'e w«k. K.^ itwaa l«d,
l. aA^ali.

give John all be cwuli
aal err-'t, lookingut ithtTlo me aide new I b,.t ni VT
afit-r. hiniwlf aa^ they >>li<d cnrtw the
tte oUkt, the ndliir of bia mhle («p
ooliWemouia. ftr Jerry truik g<»id ewn^
^ dnwn hiM>> tip oriw bia eara. rtitirely
UU iHwrt waa aoddenly op^fMrd ,bm“they did jolt. T^yOnughmtv---------inian'a
biding bia law in iU impmetrable
with a rttmug,. Irnidadiug-wbat if
tguf rwayttl aod iniupwl inca
Jtdin w.Tf nglu after all? Mippomthen-,
«gaiart Um
John grew teatlre nsdertbejdjttee. waa an' ciiil to inuv and lutrmouy 1^ i

«^ch. addtd to the «ld,_wa. nnbeaf-;
,h<«f twoi> for whom ht-—JtaTT— '
Hot tliia ant «tf’lhlBB rooldnot go cm
• *'•“* fort'Tyr
Tbe hewaa von- panting «
bv not opnly Muu-tiuuixl
ill»l agniuMt Jrrry'a rAtmiuii^
bv aK>nfniUg a pulilir tolo
,. ,
Tluy »*re
rraclnug tbi-«tot*kiiitumid he not nnu-:
^i.. Arool.U'

l.UJfm.- .dd bmio
... .1.., ......i.r.i ..... t
* .
^ til TUm
■ hidd tiw teiii. f.r^ tin- -yonthfar^r •I Bti-uil xtu'ut lev*t u
f<ir the alloiiM yiwr and a tUy? How |
tsmld be fatv the ~ r\aule'inquiring ’
gliUto e—if things w^-nt wrong—or jmIt Ji-hu fnqii Ms-ing the jagjpxl cr




beaded for )h>e kwrinUlng city id tba
dintauoe.^ Jerry (loorbed bia bat In bla naval
fa«hi(«,^t the Ti>)<« bo amt after bu
juaiter^nUk tbe darkueaa waa dclermio'd agaljiat all odda ••Romemlair,
air. tiMt dnir: aurv ii on tbe right hand
aide g<iing lawk. We'll wait for yem at
the inm of the nnd.” Tbmbe tnncbtd
hU boTM-e with tbe whip and the oar- I •
riage rtillid m lothly t<i»wrd.
John nubrtjl bfbr.* tbe wbeela hvd
made a d>«m r«yultiticiua.i
"W'.IL I nerar ae. u the beat cdtbat
for ti uipr,*'he h-gaii. •'I' r'apt yon’ll


jaarvey's end. ifjmlv in.di'fi-Uis' of tbnotifili- iusiik. win Jihn was not mis
taki-u. He |.rvse)ii]y<-uiiiei«ii>r bis isd
lor loid Uigim to nlkiu auadnioui-bing



tell toe. Jerry.- be wa« founin. It waa
tbe biggeat blnfl for ^apXcuy-bmrd 1
all I're BoTto my abont it.*'
J.-trv nuiiutaiii-<a dignifod aileoce.

The swis i u.iiT nwe for an instant tu i
tw: height of eutrwary. bnt wa. araai'

"I am nut g..iug houte.

J..1 .k ..lOLmc ...ta, IlK.,«t.dp—1|
fa Jrny Uk —
' ---------------- --- ‘

A..J ,«l».

1 aball walk

tbiiilor a wkde year aft.r tli.y wire■.. gom i«.nigh toa w.ik. 1 gm.
JiTry siu<«li<u'd
larp It­-ply andt
Buii^ieil. anil tbis'l h-U you is the
II- 1bn. St:
It Ul talking f'T talk''s sake.
pair M Ik-ni all."

vnyiiatnrui ecinwiyy tumgli-il wiib a
•rail of fon.ily pndr. i.iu the ofm

na« hia kind, many’s
anp afure and liri< kUite lUn
fant be was ragin » b>n be tnni
Mnyb^ TuD think bt-'a
:be babe tnilaint. ;
Ycm’rea> IntxTtiiil as the

^ES Special HaW Cloak Sale Now On.


“Uuiii}ili‘''said Jerry; *^00 ilon’t
. know- a thing ais.Dt it. 1 jiuirri^-uHl
far Mtne «K-h lule
Sinst never judgi- ly uniaiilv
ancus; ThuM' twu don't lake ca
pnblii -

Th*-fi great big Mien, yonr alw
.Mwio ifartiogh tfaingw [
ain'tI iinii-b i
P'r’apa yon’re goiu to atop at tbe crtxs- ;
ruode and makeu fool ufytmnaU. fausiik* I

“l>on*l ibiy':" aoeeral John derUtrely. “We tuuk on laud emagh for all
tba cabbies tu biar and g-riu lu tbiirnelTiw. You mark my wirds. Jerry,
tbat^tbia coDiile ihfiile aip't giiin 10
live liigethiT in isaivi and hunnonv fir

•nda|7 0n|M»iaUkayan4o. If yon’d

iM oOkuiTB or

Fine Colored Cambrics

Many Styles to Serect From.
Yard Wide—Absolutely Fast Colors.

Twelve and One-Half Cents a Yard.
in popularity and use
every day,'


If merit, atylc and the lowaom «f price.

Ten Cents For Any Pattern.
OaU For a Paabloa ibem Fim m I

A Pleasing Reception
Four Loop
Hook and Eye.

i.bwo.i,;i..n.lJ.t.UlylAu brj.!

"Ifsa lisvwin night. a‘r. " be Ugau
iu b‘s sl-.w Wf^e. ’-ttud llial.i'oi’ uf .vioiiw
.iatii.'y It f.T tk- mrrioge. If yoii'M>
h-ti i.rvii.ii'g ki ib«cuv. I'll Hcto it iu
the i-i.^i-in "
Mr. Amuld'etamiwil hia fool

j.^rv tigUtinirt h'la aUck rrinpni*r.

•*i>i below- him ,
"Ji-, aj4,T.’’hemid.

ttnp i

tu.-m;«wo pane

Tbeyll aolt yim.

wise to Make ra i-Tylbuig. etvHi hispne
f.^ional rt potatiiai. njs«i tk- w.-iyward
buuioruf Ills viMug tqastir. Hoi then
siaui'ibiug h. 1 to U-itoiie. U.-coaldnir
aulouit.i.t Ibis tiirnal ipnwiiiAiug un
the lart uf hi« subonliiut.. a mere suibli. lad. wh;. knew u<> U-ii-r. .Yra tbVe
waa inly ..vre way to
il- mt him. and
tlMt wwy
y Ibis-gii-at
karli-il felbiw
bis siinAMnst iiH-( irtii
irtiAMii.. WoMdn
iliitli ai.d Ik- wind
itiivHgb tbe
il fi.-nv'i
^ i-iy ihivtigi
while tbe
inqc iiac
ID p Ilf
Id the yiniLg foot

Or two about our CloUiing Stock~to ioterest tbe
jrcntlemen (ani tbe ladies who interest themselv­
es in the gentlemen's welfare.) See our

-r relaxed fur a aiugle mrannt.
Ji-rry lisfewd fig amM- M.tuid fnon tbe
rarnage. Ilia kivm ear tx.nld unmiou

Also, Saits made to maasure, if job 'vast.

Ainst Piiee

$5.00. $0.50.$I0.00,
$12.00, $13.50.
$15.00, $18.00.

Omtoats. Ulstns,$a£, (I Bargain Prices.


hasti'Uid r.iwiini lb>- carnage.
All right. Joliu. " said the niaAer
'Urivi ■«!. Jetty." He ttntig
'rigar tutu the nait. ojsnrt fk* iwrhiiTrigsri
riagi-dor aud sjfaiigda..
John monnlixl stolidly. Jirry t
hiswhiixaml oS iky stnriisl
n»ns1e irt tbe k.rsi-' nugiug bisifa


Tm KstUe or Sorviag Dish.

Price from 60 Cents t-p. Cal! and See Them.

Joi n k'qd oihxice until Uw boom !
lauuusl ap ID fnat.
“I’ll poy that fiver, Jerry, with iny ' .
next month's wogiN"
Then Jerry'reluxvd and laid a band ;
oa Ibe xUgbl sboulder.
“Ub, ki«-t> your luiaiiy. '* bemid kind* '
ly. “I aiu'i fir Uttin rai a auv thing: I
only -bold .ymir t.mgce next time and I
tro< to yui rbetn-rs.'' WithwhiefaA
ar roaud a

“Yon’d b«-

'tor ebaugu yonr mind. sir. Tbewraib- ;

fVlUg. ' lU tu.M qu-rMiu«in ttlA|
lll-ll^ up i. .d—....Mjoulsheieit
uagir i,n;- n»e lo
cuuiifiuy iiisiit.



brisk wi

yaoui UKTV ton st^rt.
stjirt. He gUm’-ii
gUm>d at Jidm.
;ikiV fum-ti.4:MrT«iigfat Iiatelss-ti carv^ rdlu w.ssi ur ullxbe *igu k'gave. Ht
.ill I a nal -.narnl-

, , ,
sir ti-d J.diM.


Jerrv mi-iiuiioi\alde, looking neitber

. John tunsd he tbe lost time, jim as
a ligutv eiueriwd fnau tk- sbaulow and

Uix. ik.qgb -is-l
John's elUiw vas di
Into hi> 'siih\


-w.-ii. iim^pt.dhisnM«-.ivrl^iia
-rlun» yob’d
yon' be guio to walk aa
far as ilini litth drag
e wepaswvla
whih-siisv. sir, " vm-nt

■a locaub ibettitfavl sounds (muj ’
way imr -n ,«hb np
i ^ ^
tbe carriage. .Ji waaa wimiau's dwn-ss- ; Ik ir rows, onlnl
[1» ... Lu.
.1,. I u»
«d weejuug, UiAen by suha wbu-h
'Tbe ifijvil
willl Yuatrattben
twciinld uiirtaki-.
.JiTTT wlui-d and. set bli teeth haul'
borne' Do v.a hr—'-'
Jety’araggidfMagwwa trifle pile. I aaj.ihujsini,il mil tbiagreWMimepaibl. ..y^
V«-*.sir. bm“—beiv j.-eri
J'-ny's pri-rc*.
Be aei bis teeth mud laid bis wtdp
Ufa ^tu p'ui.. ]i was high tiuHs be tbimgl
alive u! <.M arvitude A<sd him in

Snls oaitually••t itidii’i
dldii-i bear
iL M don't never «t tnymU to Um


; STEINBERO'S ■'■“.Sc&l-SiJi’’"'

gbiu to i’i;uvlni« m>-. Ji-rry, limt ik-re'i
a lairiif turilidoves in ibis lairtuge.
InrbaM). "It's tbeiv tky karp A’"«i
long. Hark to that now! What w ould Tb>-w- fine Pillcsduu'i fight fair anyhow. cigars. If yuu're fn-lin a- bit reatlew.
yon coU it "
X Why in fhmidig dun't be light ooi with ■
k’lit have a sxmAe
Botbwesa silent- Each wa» straining j bis fist ami fait Iwr Mraigbt U-tw--" •>— > t

nnluMiUmal fan acnoatbe
Ing backs uf Ow two bonaa Tbcyatanad forward wltb an cBriiy wfaicb It
took sonic BiinnM to anbdM, at tba mid
of wbieb lime be waa abla to apeak


fats-riu cH.i iIk* misMU-.
Jury «u.!<d.

•'Dun't-worry. yonug <«>e! tbe misant;
won't frei i-e and I govoa I Lnuw the :
B^li r betii r than you do. I'ni pun I

Smldenly ibrre waa a bait in Jabn'a
rapid, measnrrd Andi^ The iaiermp
It tk- Idrasl la Ji-rty’s
ti.oi bnbgiil
Ji-rry' kwrt.
!>•■ hsAivl u-bind him.
Ti» tb.- first
A shilling s|tark id light iii Ik- dark
niws t.dil ifae tale. Ntatnrmid
iitnie, daul'irg
• tbe turn- ul a n

Ji-rrrl Can’t yond..
*1 . ufaiuilil nm.
V l, l»-.u the y..nngi*g.
iJrivu .Vni. AmiOd huu.e
i!Ii s) ..ifa .t wk-ti sIm-w
'jdinvtly. I'tu g»iiy to tramp it.
.-k i.lWHi ■ rtkil to hsie her way, __


. .


y catch a baig drawn ugh. but that

Kthel. for all llht usid to have il.i ir
liitl.' i1*«ts
spais jaiiTyrigular.
Hr. Winstrai
nevi-r i-ould kar l«.r‘ any otbag young
-I; -b«-d
-- gi-V
fellow-ti. hub at Mt*s
at jeul.nis ’’ %

to rvMni auyihiug tfaut lis.kitl like uu- wbat's up now. liv'd
pMtim iii-e cu John's jari." Jerry was a mi.t a emr at all tbeiii ]wnu s tbvygo
Very siouih the fau.itydig-' t*i ao.l rbatve fv is utsii.look, auil sbe's
. 'ki.-kiu ag ill the traivs. ^be auk inode
“I kind and Nvn bidU,” asserted of saw-.lusl, I'll Ur. '
Jobii. i|Uit.-williiig Iu be lirgwu .-id.
Jerry v<iiiiain<«l his liia. Jidu'slau”1 was st-aiuliu 101 tlie sidewalk holdiu gwak- sa..w.d oulv t.>.plainly hisalalle
iwini»iA-ul lie fi ll f
It was Lis duty
pin w bro ik-y ci
tu kv.p Ik-<si|iv« 1*11
teriii K. biinself kitid.r. with* bla.k as pUawii.ily a. v,«.ib!e in unW to
aciml .ai his tins-, and tb- tukirtvis site drown ilH-dinvHvl wl.u b '«msiiaiany '
very hiw. ami be aiiavtiml. ruad as tboudtr. 'He sikntV
Jnsl-lik.' iiiir .of tbnii. feJIrra i« tlw
mage.,ami she Tamed aswfaita os chulk
Tbiy both got iuio ibi' cauriage. and be
alauiuxd Ik- diKir. Y<« litwr#.. him.
didii'i y.«'’ Well. 1 d.iu'C call that rtal


He knew John'a Lu-t fmorkwaa a tnerv
rrridcntly I
flgntT of afa.,rcb.
1. Iiairlp
gri'ui dial lutrv loaay.
liu>;iph’“ w.-ntui thi« w.rldly wiia ! <
bia hiwd
-Tve >
yoQih tvtUi a wag of fa

S0.M h.™ «t

111. I ve dr-oi-fnr Mr. tiiTpen- ’»"ay Kirs KtbiJ—tbai's Mrs. .\ruold—

>t gets u

Mon's Dross Shoes,

I'ricet) reduced in Warm Shoes.

ilearvst. dem

ttfttlui S Mi.s Ktk-l'e—Mrs. Amold'a) always diil rail oul. It carries me way j
—tutfaeriev.i .-iiioe, I was a chap your I b“t'k; it nv-ms likeyestenlay '
nixe. ami I',.- dnwe tbe timv r.auig la"
"Yes, jimt like yisierday ami tbe day:
farfori'.'' r>'0ia:I>'d Jobli.
"h's been
•- t-bnn-h

"You vi-olwaysg-.t
yi«rmrs eked,
TTbai Old tou liearMiigbi'r''asked Jer........................................
ty. hiilmu
Htieaih fats si-tirv astseft a

A Womao's Shoe^ the best in the City, for $1.00.

soJitS. $1.15.

Yon eon walk boiiio if yr*

tbongh ixairiliaiory niann-T. “If 1 was He Ians
' I yonr place, ynnng one. " be aaiA i bis 'i-uiuic
1 kitr that I
reakiug a l<aig imms-.
‘I wonld be
with other i»s.- Ttage was a y.vial tiug in this vi,ic»|
inlul akiDt.maddlin
pic's .-.Iiin-rus. I'd like to know wl»l whteli ii.ight hai a h-s a.sivile ;
aiffiTeu'v it iirtild maketovou if Mr. ' Ifaou’hau t*> .'otUbfnl .lMbn. '. If that
nnd Mrs. Atu.dil bad bigb worts etiTv <b« t sioind U>r all th~w.gbl like wk-u
nigbt ul ik-it liviw, wbi.-b tk-y il.m'i. -‘In y w,t\ little swevik-orts i.geibir. I
I like tbut and
rt along aa well as any youug '

TTfay. n

Go One Better
Misses' Shoe worth Sj.75 for «Rc.

of iliatgriiaxitl tbatwen-font.Telnivfj,^was/^di^ta^'tW^ *?**?^‘;
I ain't kivpiuytai;’* There
log thenus'ht^ ondi-r tbe fi»nnan's, in-1
, I ..e |'lioleuisl ml.-ntly l<* wmte anuud wasa twinkle in Jirry'a eye. lie was a
qniillin' Uiw? And-jiray what right
,i„. ..^rriage
Th.-re was no talkrman id lew words >«! bo wnally hit ^
■ ■ ■
be InijuUiiive? P
- - - : iug. only a ajo'Ulnred sob 11
Btiaighi in u ismirureny.
It the l.iiihUilfellow likea kmle.
J.itin louktd at bis immacnlate top )
beside him
boots and was rihui lA that beaiT '
mhuth shut and b> nuke huiimll nn-fiil ]
nsKlWtivn'...•'See Vif^re. Jerry.” be said, n-ttuning ;
when he wwi
it WHS huue "f'jii liu,. I. >..IV .faun, with prvuv villiu
the iharge. "I Ui yoo
bis busiutw* buw tbe yiituig
yoang etaplnAitTe'
e«mplBA.,-A j,.y,
m., j,ad..w ,u either hand.
flvi r tbi;^B»tiT don’t vmui- home this
gi ltiug along—least of all 10 let hU I
night. I ain't gig toumni-hliu. bfft I'la

■ ■
I did
dislame \Uiieb n
that ivrtaiu I Aai't m* im risk.”
... Jiny's
Ji ny's siu>im.ltin-was
siu>i 'e 11;.
••Iktte.'’ oaM Jerry Kilenuilr, nod tkwin-re quarriding jin
“ * pfaiis. ijie kit. u wk
aittiBii<ai iu Johu's vipuim baring
Isprx. K.toll..
, bia ls'-\ tintw and tbin and ahake Ore j biek. rt
■ n wAulc
ivaebid a i lituas thi-re waa nothing fair
able. The murmnr of «iice» euming; hid soundly fur da^ng lo.viaiinro m
ikenwheil bunre. .
it but to w ait rtsatlis.
ftoRi tbe ittieruir of the cwiriagu pr\>.; o|iiniiMi is.ucemiug bis k-ciers.
He t
Theydn i«oo inrefitfriyerili-nee tbe
wokod him caiiVmcre toiqsiWlL
| abonld be wnghi bis plais. and there
-j. rrv. »|i.p the lamucw” The voice
reat of tb<- w ay. It wa* not far to the
••Uatm to tlut now. They’re havin ;«»» *»“ ttaw libe th.-pn-s.«t. Wit jnu. j ^
It stmek him like
tnru of the rued. Whi-u they reacbed
HbpC II can
can tell
tell yon,
yon. that
lhai ain’t
ain’t hilHn
hillin j! *»iv-»'»s a wholr^uti.
tlinwl. rU.lL hut with liu nsaal olssli.
tbig ofajectivv p>int. Jerry biwded bk
Mdrooln. VoueialdnTbidelbepepperJ ry’s tutnre. Anil he argmd that rath a etiis-he dn wn-in. ailtiug ereei'and al
bo^w fin biobe. hut drw rein benwitband Ttnegar in then- "
| betrayal id hit indiguaiiiai wodIi] only
passive as young Mr. Arnold
amue gn at. gatuit iiwea.
lerkud his linger
Unger Iwkward
Isiekward and |: givi; John’s
J.din’s chaili'r
ehailiT a sbar|sT
sharpT edge. A
John Jerked
|p,anid. sUuiiuingtbeuir
“Yyiu'd bssd git down. Joba. and
downward in hit niiod ex)inwsive man- j wiser planw imld be to divert his atteii- j
^,,0. laqiiti.i him. Hu v'tw w. iv
wolk about a bit; it'll
mtr. “So—not if ytm'waa.lo awamp it, »■«
U'f h as pwsil.le during the njoints.*' mid Jerry, with hia profemha-1
,, maiudi-rwf Ikirhaig drive, though how!

ai air Ilf cnmniaiMl. *'^d yon may aa i
relaxingbia bold on Hiei <•> do this eflivtirely was a difMi-nll 1••Unve on.” be mid cnrtJy, "I um
wi'll leiA in attbi-^mage window afid '
Mint Jerryrotned biaTiead toward
bia I prtd.l«u. for angry words in tbe mas- ^
1,.^ ..
tell Mrs .Vmuld.tbal tbe maste{’A^m^
. ICT'S Ilis p votre iwuie to lb.-m d.stinit-1,
a.k.d Jem . hp«i wliom tbe
gone for a i-igar and will bo faaek direct - .
led. and there ■ whieh mrmtl tk ir weiglii!
,..n ,jk, „ rt».li
oold waier.
ly. And louk abarp mltr. Dim' C yon be
u (be atniug.
.. «B«oth , *a*l "Ung aiidnmldtiw b« »tawider.
bnjith. Hekn.w
moimtib.thia bux amain till yon are tbe ;
abavni face whirhcompllid obdietxw .I
. Jubu.WBs iKtemug with greidy infaTlight of that there cigar bobbin alcog 1
Tbe yotmgiT man anPided at'emre; 1
John glaaod furtively at biaanprriI. bat fig the lilt- Ilf him Iteeunld but
tbe road. Kind wbai Ni I yoo. jedin
bnthwai-ohwrtbafhealillheldtohia or. Imt no moviwunt.aJurntd tbe tread nitec aiiotbi-r wi«d.
" .ktid Jerr....................................................
•wn oniniun. for he rmiled siginticantlvt t** Jvrry * ibougbta It was potty
po tty porw
"Driveoa. lsay.''tvpmtid ibeyimng
I ami bog
M'll in sileoiv ',nuisci-r 'iinp'riuu'ly. fiw Ji-rry Ms-und aa be knitted his brows.
- • 1
A grout ftm JiJiu showed bia disBme waa waftid from below. He MdS : ^>tb not itmi the nstnU thrywdtwre ennativ slow- of Winipn-biurirai.
trast ut tbe fohuv. Uil bi- exM-nii'd tba
e------ bia arma ai-omi his aligbi expod* of ' vermtuai to hegmV tbe way. and tliere
IS. cold a 11 '
ordiTs uf his aniwricr t-i tbe very letti-r
mg ou fa
^1*1 and cocked bis bied «o ran- side. ; was Uiul devil of a
and tran.|ssl up and down. iMting uS
vailing fm Jam to sptek. H.-.was a * that uiarfe hi« bled tingle. What was';
tba mid i\ itb bis
IS vriry anus and stumpmian lad m a wnull wav and knew the: be sierriug at k-r Icir anrway?
ul hisMits-rtor. Hi'wassutei

We Always Meet Their Best Prices, and

V. I«u ,u.
isio prmoniw .
, fiii u, see b,m-mild
l«iugvnigrd wiibin
.km i>p nw-arw-as
rtd,.*,«l.i.. Mr.
tarabot and tbe family kamr and dig
Elbel DOW will be that worrited if yun
nity nimpiuiia^ befigt- this flMlgeling
abould take a culd“—
Of a fi»iman> HU young maater’a falgb
TViaaton Arnuld langbrt.' There waa
pUebe^ axciiad voice bvtrayud ntter
no ^Rb in tbe aewnd. It rang handily
• of titno and plaoa. and
oat OB tbe aUest world. Ttm wuboot
« waa BO way to wain bliB
• woed ba nmad awav ^jrwtrtv aad





a Mmaania -a*.*
A good many yea^ ago. a

14«; Front Sinit,

Triveree City, Mick,

A Person Is Judged
By The Paper On Which He Writes.

mannolade wax first isa<odBi.vd into
Kiigloml. ,«imc «d tbe dealer* advictisnl
ft aa “an ixcMmiI sfibatilnte fur bnl-

Be up-to-date and buy the very best, which is always
vwurkingman'awife. i the cheapest in the end. \Ve hare the very latest in'^ne
riTtiM-miait m a abop fs.
».>.ft. 5^
th“i^iv rStatiooery, both in shapm and colors.

a trial tsbebiingbt a'two ponad Jaf. '
Tbe next nigiiiug she entered tbe abop
in a aute id bigb indicuatiiai.
“Yrai old rilluur’sbe exclainifd to
tbe ftocvx. “Wbat did y<a mean by
wiling mi- that atniff? 1 pretty nmely
poUiaied my old man with it. ”.
“Bow vra« tbatr'^adtbe ininocBt
“How vn«e that!



Biy ft

And at tbe prices we are making on them no la<|y can
go without them. Let us show yon some of the cards
that we have just ordered for some of our costomers. Zt
takes bfit a few days to get them, and then yoo wiQ always
be ta style.

were a anbAiinta for boiue"


U mafa naaU akkaawo oobU ta.” Zao Frost

M. B. HOLUT, Manhew.






"?.:.jr..°!: the heko as he was i ■

• I iiiaouaV itt i Uiu;i vi
bt- lu' t««u I {s d^brM ' bv unioe to 'fiai'e !!•«> in
I'tbellrttisbtrufD awlr,Jl»uR Kpw J«- tl«ir own vh-w» ol ttw plan trf wtua. i
- ---------il(bar|;<<l m.ui j'uBib to Li> >.1ib4«i; vcan I tovb with bo- n( ibe Ditnci. aTtsU
- -------•111. <,..ri™lo... I.. •«»«t «l,,d. wUa Hi- r>im*fui(Ied wiib bt» an^ •
lll.nj»l.ll«.«..^- «ASHINOT01< -TMt HUI OBSCURED i

• «d too
tho b'rvncii.
------------------------------ aud aoollinr 1
I Eivl . k o.».l lIlkT l,.r ivJO’.vn.TtE,
Ukk wail laid oi«ju WarlikiKlou iihuiil- ’
__ ___ __
1 toot Kjiar ■-.-VI,j -j..-caa U adau<»4
tpqi>i • hr U«4
1^"- d«m—to !,i-}i'bi. pi-<>iiif to ihrir work. I
a^lvauin Dliind'tbo IXilaWaiv.
lX.ila«an>. >u U*-r {Spsiih-.
lupaiBUnai. *““^ ^ **“ ^'***“ f
=»i. rvJ«^•llvAn^ar,•.M.^•41aB^aJ.l di.- of -bii earlv life tbal b« waa Barer ta
. Pr-1.1. la I taniW. i;;«. <I-D.n.l
LiH'e loropd
_ _ _ _ _ fci dothpwnrkiJ
-.— JaliaUoOaUmdFVrf-eU«a-U»^ Bad HpeIp.mI.k Vie-. [ ^ ..................
. Ilf
“- b.rina'
uvjua a ua^urjue.
Lm( j til*’
lu ^•■.I.:t^lauli. bad a Isnsfr
„ lrjr|,-r bfariiic «i«>ii
«■— .-.-e*-..- . ''•'• Irilet,
-a. -a --------»■
Kaerrt «»
.a .aP-iN f.-ad.- '
1 bur brrn wriitro
*nuy ill III.-U.'bi. liiit r.-Iii--.! p......i},- Japmm Armr.
laraltr aad'Mealallr.
U.'niuW .t :iut h U rv : av,- : .
I «a>t.-W illi \Va»biUK'’*n
»1*U-; .li.nakiiu It tbe l- rro.-b p . re fallnn-s j
by Am'ri.-an r
fCopj-nsbi. fJp, I.y Uv- A«riu.r.i
| i> ''ti'd’ •! fr- :a br.:i::U'i I
.:. but tm y . bar U^n t<4d of him as a laaS. While
l"'......... dc.iadi'»b. andlb.-iiihah Ralnod tb.,
U .Man in j Whu p ‘........ .
it le biKbly ; not a military «rafi-«u«—otwdidboaaJk. /ASHINGTON‘[l“«"»)‘l'‘^*““»f l-Mwweai«Br«iwbile
Fiualiv WaahiMt.iu aGitid X*tnirbindi-.rtaiu-j
ihiy «.>aid > •! luivi-U-iu i eoni^iobi—tbeBrvaJutionwafootoca*
,^^i^/tba aoldier .ira* :
Uk--* fayrtu-t.iBo to I mow. ani «vow •
ly b85. tiT 1h-.ji 1 reeai bad th.-r b. .-u luv sin iicr liaviu: du< tul by
The fnai prublrni
entirt-lr anntb.-r ,
rni-G Waid.iuctiMi
fi„., a„rt „„ .mny wiii. h rluml.l la*
a ttuDob injured txAny •■I'''xp-*- mil’-tnty and poUtiod. ; war to korp an army tn the field, and
7*^ bciuBfrouiWaiih-1..,!*'Ilf «lw»>lU».r. and lire-dir bi. own .Jif«-ij.ui D arrive^l
rxc. r Hire th«i< tb:.-*- dial (.inn uf rlauJir ar moat Ihir Woibinj^ud did. The Uriiidiconld
inittou the
P»'31ih’. Dir uiilH^-ja.wer.if tin-I’.rvo- x,.ap,o-t Jn ,Lo inioimW Itsu. ;
lilo-ly to ht bi'lirVEt). Tb.>s.'rtorioare and did i
t the ctmtiUKital
oian, whiwnoblr
lotion w-nirrod in hitu. TTirtv k«ui ful- while Wa*liiiu:t.iu war ibir»..'itir.!rriuK,t^i^srbiux vxagm-ra- KOI h.ard. with et.-ry cir-niuattour.-aud army, though tb.-y ci.uld me brat tbsir
‘tunmnn. and lotlow’l rtw brilliant'Mrokr at Tmiion with thvlT.iub UotU-rr amnld j.lottod'

lion, ax (norK« detail, bat tiny arv bortiry (^-diP-d.
lung as be « tain the
tv ,.uri.i,..i. drt-w
«ud IWvbre. In th.-».-KTailS hr l • k the ba*- Uv«.<«i wbirb wa» t.. Ktre hi*
__________ _i Washiinttoa wai ni.i<r wory
. of tbr
cxiul.l ge t t.g. ifaer all Ibe flghtimi tho pWni-e ,
chau.t-.. au.l bniii w.-ro aiHilh.r .ni.d Wow.
au ortbudox
*’*’* ibougbl to iiav.- exposed him-: ing xfurK tht-re wbl He w as a natural
of tbe Aturri.-aii
»«‘tl.v'o.tbythofailurv-»ofhi..'..iiibi- bad tro-.-l il.r Irfilliani H.Wirr of^ ibeim-Aniaiiouiif giwdygoiidy, > saif to x-iixpi.-i<4> nr b-mputiun.
1 sold ter. Aaviug inb.Tit«d
pix^lr. Hr wa»'‘“’•‘•I”'-i^vtav r.nd }yratb(».r>n.( niveii him
* aminst
• . - ----------------------------------------------••

!• made
bit from
bix Indian firbtini;
---------..--------„„------ihrfsrntlcmaa lu ’ "®* ""’^"***^'**“Biiiuut of thtiro Tif- u^t oiiiE.rmuhv to bc-tmy the ritadrl

ibr n-utL Thti cnriiiui:. critical oouuubiul fiddiiy I.Tatiru tlK-re is r«a-.
caiun and on '
by tb«-di»jituy of Ihr biBh.«( of tbr li.idron valK-r.

think Ibat hit wifr
bit I
hortH-back. of
Hie tm-tu-a at Tr.-m.«i-na
'It'’» of’iW-warriof- l<«d.*rI
aud undi-rraie his, j.ulonx. J.alouxwives, it ix well known. «0Q», b« tho gewlnnan with Ihr wa- ! Hrincwn, ae w.-ll ai aithr ibaudywine ! was not to U-«b«k«u now that ibelniup!L a T^' sock a I have in all ages U-M oftener jeslnus
tire Bcreaetue takenontof
taken ont of biin
biin bv
by ««i-,
had «nue
«nue f.r
f.r a
a d.e-inv..
d«-jMv.. blow.
blow. Tbei
Tbei r'------- •• ^_T'
taot with tbo rouph aide of
1*' mtii-iKiii. bat in i-orb ra—- ilir
..e u.....iE...a ...i.i.
1 poraiataBe, iDco a t roatupy

•. The llwt:,

« in ib.i-.
■•of the plaioK. be had Iramed be- , fidelity au.l aWlity ... Iii. {n-unhlk The
f«(« ialled to tbr high oammaod to w- ■ "** p »ult ..f the Trmion and Prinp-toa
u- J.-rxeyur
•pact non for aaubood nlour. f.r jiby.. ,^ miui.jiKu
j^upniKu wax to free MX.-«
J.rxcyof the
iivailT Hriiixb. rserpi the udnhrari rum^r,
ionl otrength and roorajw. for Inyaltr
• —idtBvr I'hiladolpbia firm liino.
Braddock.dMnirrd iin.aod
nod ^nranre.
Warhiugain Arttlrd down for tbr win-

Virginia proTinci

alao gave U'xtled
“ “•< “
‘-Jgrvmt I”number
of h.r nimpairiou.
Hr bax U-..J to im-niniid With tradlwith ti.iiiX.-e<i .iv.rladi'U with theories, that

ibt main llriii.l. a«v ww

_ tbeenutb
nnd.-r Cxirnuullii
injrtmi «-u'rUp,’-i-ue to Ihr mulb
oplrrx n.>t totigb

» fl. V 1kl..wi.»n—>M •■•-•I. ..mI^

I I Mil. I.a.rt '




I b.- si!ii|ly


■U-1 psk-nalx, but }:>ug
Mnigglr, \.liep- patri'iuxu. and Iny.iliy
muxt i«-1> n d in tbe HP-.' lup.
and .ii-ti. u.j« -ifflis-ra wrpi lasbirr.-il.
_____ ilnnneMiaud batiii of_______________
drew t li- ntli-.iiraUmi .>f ibr b.-st rlrwcuA
and hu fooud


Nttw-Kiiglaudera as

Sta^, Ibo t .PHI uinatiiaip rang, r; I'ctnam.tbol>i«mrrU(-uiliuio<Tuu'U:p».-ur.
the •tndl'Hix libudr Ulaad me.-hDiin-.

. .

____ _

... '

.““s'S'TejSJSM?: aS’ttSiSSr-rJSSS-



at hir p-uoluiuatiau fur tbr■ pn-xidmry ;
ibo xolftagM|
at wbru first |.p«rnt«df'irklH
of the nrwbcsu uaiic^ Tbi-y apianr so

iirb IIim:ip-iy. aiidafl.-r

I faulile

Buy Cheap,

iKoix .if pi-raotudaud p..Iitu^l Iriendicd
all part irx, Duriug the uimpaigs be
WHS xlaudrrrd aiMi villifirtl as mnrh as
atiuinl auy jiroxidrutial raudidale has
ta-fu in later times. WuUtii al. vryrewa

Wh«n yoa en«,
But when yon do, Uke

b> has been judged ax if be wep- Tinnally ..ur of oor emtemporaries. It has
\xt-u p-p.ut..lly said iu dixpangement
of him tbai be wsh uu Englishman w-b.i
.-Uaiiod III be b.iru iu America. TbrP-

Quality Into Consideration,

.\uR-ri.-aUx that

saw me ligbi liiTe ItlO y.-arx ago. Tbry
ouuld bave bM-u thru little elw) Uiau
griigniphiral .\u>xricnas. WaxiiingioD.
waxuue >4 tb.- g. iinine Americana ot
hi- .lay, «m<- .4 tue uiostadvaucedol hix

A« weU'.as price. This applies especially to Blank Books
and Writing Paper. You bay the right quality at the


hr w. !i .i.AeP.d to lie rali.'-d, UeBP-.
<-nal I.-ii ,1. - V biiii as ujiuiv anaytd !
hiUa HUd b I k-Lx and ix tbi- U-ttrr. la- /
caux.- the litr. r. l. r it. U. i,-» r m-eJ.xl. Wiiijpuiibnlx. nay Kilv.^ kjhui- i
..J ult ■K.eltr-; tiatulal. htt- ;


. I

puisrlasbl.-mix (larii'vi'itly to ; ***
the t.inw muiK be prax i •

Tbe til rs ]<i.-us b;<vn puui.lly ahusid -•
ev.ryi.xU v. u.. <i.. liu.d to admit that .•
Waxhiugi.iu wre- uut a xUn I E| i*-..- J
ladiaii. a ngular rhurcb auDi.lanc aud •
PUOIIIUUUIUK, aM-v.-rrSatibjlariou. Dut {
the lul>-st 'tu\<»tigulbdiB priivr jo>l tbr •
olvgnyx the 'day g
rat.' leiu>rx. pre-10 And
s..ldwb.ia and,
wbili- a Vii-giDm |4.uh-r. wrnl lio
huuuug; N.-\ . nhvb-a, like must t-on
xri.-nii-.cs |B-ra.ius. he P‘i-jsv-tid tbi

‘Rich and Rare
Were The Gems Shellfore.”
sho secur<?tl them at Very Low Prices, because
F. A. EARL tlisplayed a lar>;e lioe of Ek-jjant
troods in all kinds of-----


Wbrn irytug III gft soiur A-rmnti
-WPrtr. "It tbi'-y lu good w-.itkm- u. tbry
may tv Kun>)x-_-ax. Axiuux. .Mri-.-iuiA
Jrwx. M..!i .miuulaux, Cbrisl:

JP. -A-.

(tiwi.Hin pnir.-d ' dt-uuuifnktiiui or aihrixis."
Ktow ii..
CQtujdrte x\ misiitiy with the


■per. eumm.ioly nnder cuuirol. which
BOW and then burst all bounds. He hud
boru, bill triotxved. orerfimu. qfis.« ; tbe grratcM rvll dixt-ij
pp-tty. wiibiiuiaDye]
indrp.-nd< III of tfa.Tulrxof xji lling. per-1 knew hlt^wx be wm.
fectly Well Wed. |x.lib- and^l
I kind. Wln-n
fnnu spoiling by goodot-M. Not
ouly IS. be w-ar wliil.i staying at Lord
raa be oue of the firxt grat AtnerFairfax's xeminu-ntally iutoreet.-d in imuu, bat oue of the MancbeM of
Mary <’ar>-. He bw-ame enauiop-d of •taoeb republicans, despite the cooMary Fbillitwe, aged I'i. a daogbt«T of
It talk of bix l^iug toward i
Fn.-d«nrk I’billipxa, .jur of tbe largest Vch7Jlkuv Hk.nki Bkowxx.
l*nd*d .phi|iri<
pirxof the New ¥ork txil-1 *
hot she d.vliued hix uronoeali.
Do yog read Tke^ Morning Record?

iguuraut of ibrir ufo hixtury as noit*
know Ibat hr thru met w^h tlir intens-i
eA m.-isiaiii-r: tliai he nnly cuois nted [
to sUu.l ugdiu by Abe warun-xt pmoa-1

io- '-«x. \\..ll li/.biuixx .

siiD}«i x .4 •rtb.TN iu ppar.l to tb.i

p-ndy lu stand by every art f<..T tb.i discipHur <4 tb.i urniy.
Wasliibatuo's first emujuign, Ibe
aiegrrtf Ibixtou. was atuudrd w uli all
xuanti.-r'af diflU-uliiEW 11>-)red to civile of Ibr
e uonh W.i.htngi.'U X. lit lMiiii-1 I M ilt to \ ir
*a navy to P.)>r with BiiDxfa sbi|M, to hlorguu
HU -'and bis Virginia rirt.-m.ii to
asti-fy the M4J-at booio eotJUM inraof , AlUiiiy.^
lUtlpr a •V.1-.I to III.
w York ; •“

• ■

bit tddi-r tootin-r Lawi


UN E. M.vtImowd . .IE .•Ir I.IKKI I.O|| ^ J..; rii.'irm,'

buTwh.-i .|vlEj:,.po.«l, ... EI.O lu ilH...uih ...Ehi. Vlmloid tbe
ad au army n
afor'a defrtiire Hot WashIngton knew hix m.-n and knew ,be »hl.-g.-n.-iaU. -The Bmixh .liviJi-d tbei ni.iunialurrr aud tbr lilacicxmith. had
mine of bnahI figbiiug
flgblitiK in tliat bordrrj
'fi" "■'‘dmimilxir by tnor- U»rn driv. n fn-m-the aervi.-r by the in“K
Pbtladelpbia frwii -tbe t b.-xa- j -gratitud.- .if i«aigr.-rx. t.ut Wadiiagtou’e
mitaro. He MTed the haughty Englixb
Cran t«ul iDaxAsn.-. So. ........................
later, the Brit- . bay and d.iwn Lakoi app,:al„nw,Hlwii. t.i bu-l Ir .m thrlr
luplain toward Albany. F,wdelou*al ,*ordx
mordx tor the last «-•>! lokfaretta n
Uh ofBorp. de^red the taged and on- i Cha«“P>
.. BiUtarr rcU-U who dared ataud before
tba timiofd battalion, uf Europe. Wa.hington had xer.rd with llritiBli ofRijrrs
asd ^d learned to eatioiaiv the pruwen
of Brititb truopu. HI. faith in tbe ulti­
mate Diuniph of the rv-brlx wax .praertieal,,OOt xeolinjemal. Hr won the tight
..^^iard work, not by inclC. nor yet by
the faror of tile gotU.
When Virginia
Mieihould do'to maOst Ihaii.ui iu hut
figbt with tbr Bntixfa. Coliuirl Wuxbingtoa mid. "if nei-d b.-. 1 will raw
l.OWJ men, xubsiXt tbeui at |uy imu ex- .
fram- and march tUA. to tile p-Ii.-f of '
Boetuti." He bad iu wiud tbe raoui- ,
taineers aud bnuim of ,tbr Virginia |
borders, wlmui hr km-w uud who kucw !
bitu. ’Wuia Putrirk liuury nttorvd b^ '
fore tbe cuutiuetitai oongrexx tbe burn­
ing appeal rudiog with the worvla. '
"Uire nir libeny or give-iur death."Waxhingt.ui s'.sid oalnily by. dr.-xsrd
inbixuuifumiiif isduu.-l. vritiihiaKnurd
bnekimj .m p-a iy to luarrb ui tbe w.ird.
It waxalxild hand that tbe Virgiiiia 7
eolou.-l pot in tbr Cary of liinkiug s.>tdn-rx
QUI of Uiilitia and luUiDIriiirU. Tbe
troops at (.’amt nUge w.-ro rbii-fiy N.-w
Englanders, who Were rtda-lx aiiaiiiNt all:
autb.iriiy us xiuaekiiig' of Uunly rtilo.
Ur gavr tbetii III iui.1*-r>T:.iid nut lire

tber and

Hn wax noted for Imwlanexs undw 'all
circumxtanceeand anonUpokenxtMn of
aught like ouvrardioe. ludwd he Si-a
no cctupreboisitm of it. '


oia- i?ivO<^:

Id intriotx to arifa. and i
Wa-riiigti.u Ml >vi.ii»-m.rTi»'W«
ligioux t.J.ruiiou. t<inivi!nivur Alurris,
nudNi w____ ibriuvader. With liix .o.-u'army ’
-i'ixini ;.n.m i
-wlio wiiK wtiul wax ba-au iu1 i.iid biN idaiix fbwan.d by a be ke]ii How.i »s«-upiul ar-«iu.! Phila-«iitr»
in -k ^.-w'Y.irk. liiiel. wax uliev.-d by WaKliingt.
'x.biei I iU(-.'-rs n<kiu wb'itu delihia. ii1tboog‘t ho Jiet tb*. batib-.4 ' He bovipt within xiril-ijig ilixtamv, agrre w-lm biiu >u nvrd. llAtb.-inv bis
bedE-|iiii-K ti.l-tt.1 inainwlEx
,\iian-■ llni^ywin.- and tlytTni.ii! \ftrr Kradoallyiu..viugx.uiau-u-.i.»nd p-a.-b- inflooi.v lu iav.»of n-ligiou. > it.-i
while tb' -jiau atiilcr xnis. busy with the xunvutl.-r trf -}iup'»ymx«t .xaratnim
fonasl l>-uii.»i iJir l.].iMv>p-l rburtb uudI k.ld
Nr. - I rooxw-i.-k Jiiad.- a, f'.ltasT,
-repi-ake.' bix iR'li.f, if be i.^<l any. an iu.loUl
grand reUaicgj-..
Hx -s.-iii .irnufd aud fa.'axL.-tl 1 w tin-< uhir atal ti\si,ixn-rv-.l-.< lb.-IkiwI ..f iu-' 4'h.x«p.s«ke.'j
T tbe
ran.Np'irt.d to
, mo
, _Monlgoiii^ to l aoada; a' brilluint iiig with Hr-army lh.-p> nu.lir t.ut x b. By
By w-.ii
tbe army
a^y wu,
\.a, iran.Np.irt.d
to s«iT> t He wax i. :y muto wiiut H
die Turk. aud. with i t< aid .4 tbe, muds of tbvv.-ry b.-xvuiid must .-uligiiimore, but I
tu <tiaa|lrr cxnne t.) bis uid in Ms-uriug tlieSorlx
Ki'-ui li H.s-i
n sbiplxnrdI ro.d men api .•\.-r»»-..ip‘ today, the
,w. tbralli.-l
tbr a
_om.Tyaod iliu wnunrliug «g Am dd. from .itPvt o tuiauunati.tns w-ith tipd xb-n-p. J li -y j very p v.-rt»-.4 a ic-ciari..u.
At tb.- .n.l of MX lui'uttiK. tbrvs. <tf tUem •<». Th.-y w.n. tn.t is til. and tb*- fh-bS
uuiuKp I }1w Uritifli. Budp-.-uli pv-:
Atbeji- a slavrboldir—bo had. it is
el^i MI
wini.-r moiuhsUI ilut. Iri.tu Mi.^'-riti^ ware kwt. Waxbiui"<in
.-m .-1 by mid. kUti xlavcs. moxt«4 whom ruiue to
b« bad an army t>i for
HosiA into campai Valb? Furg-. H.r liatl b.s-u':^<^*'^'''“B xbipx V ■ l.-U. a tri- biiii tbn.ugb faix murriago
wax cllar,(4 tin1
11 xlruck rlrb Widow. Cuxtix-cb.. was i
f tfgi-,-d.
. I .-f straK-cy.
r lJnlix:i
.r ge;d.
]J Ibr vi.lim
vi.iim <4a
<4 a law
lai. .-iai-pin..,. P.
AfUT llontn the piiut'E.I miixiitunee tlmuioi- his jxiwtr, bni k-jg up bix own.i
eur-ny wli.p. hi- w-a* w.-ui. with tbei favor of sluvuy. __ He was ready wbcue I’bilad.-lphiaaud New- Y.irk, both spirit and lUat of bixiiuu
. imat it ever the time wax ripe to ov- bix .aitire
. during
........X tlmt I - " “ - • -.. the
fpnn ‘^'Bfnl {.lauiiiui; lirut be r-onghi hix eu- influutHV agaiust it. Ho may
expuet-d to navul mtaekxiiiuo B'»- trytug tim-i by I0..L
-. f.w
. .. aid
, uut
. have
_ .
loo, the cradle of ils- i.-ls-lliuu Tlie . France. Imfayetu- luui juin.-.!
poxiti.oi f..r.aanic- ibv blow,
bad a high opiuiuu of negruca. tut - he him at
At - *'*>7
oolonii X bad uext to no 11:1 vy. ^t.l
PtailadelpLia. and durim:i (lie winter tbe
Paul: sleAv.ul
s1.iav.u1 Waxbiugtuu'e
gen- wax always a gotsl. kiD4.maaicr. altered u|rm adi'tvunve warlate - treaty .4 alliaute wax sigtji’d.
ins 4u bobluH: c:i to N.-w .T.-rxey and
Of moderate t-duoatimj, be was intel-'
to kc^ tbe h
lou jTuICatly iu the xpnugG.inenil Howe prixktug ull to k.-«-p th.- rnemy lig. ui. .dw-n iug. attentive, geotroox,
long lb's xu
uuul the .-m my aos *ig!i<-l tb.-liriiiKh n.iiiiiiau'd at Phila-. fi*»^'^*">*Board jtPvTvbjgunojieiirra^, chamublc. tUrifiy. lu spileof oeoaximi-'
« dot or .niisiUe help sli..tild ooum-. d.-lphia. iiu.l bi»KU«»xs..r, CliuMu.evac- bidwn-u the HudKiu and tliexemth.' Ife; al loMcebu woa raomastul iu I.UKinnoi. i
Bringing tbe army to New York. Wosb- ua' d tbe <-it>. takitiif tire arii.y
New w-ii.« ul wayx w -thru t.-uf-b cd ii.e Hnd>.m ! M’bcu be ilii-.l. bix pfuiR-rty wa» vulned,!
ington Tieb!l^d nothing wiihont a fight. I Y.ffk. S.-. iug a chauiv lu cripuit. the »“'*
-’'BiryJ-i-d «mtl \ ir4iui4, His' ex.-luMve .4 Lix wU. x aad ih. Motuit;
botut tlH.-xamelimf-m»dd-hUaupngth , Bntixbounbewaroh. Wasliiugitnuda*.
best wnai»vi-r thewjnal of, Veruau exuu-. at $i30.000. Ho woa. ;
f«s tn-Mf^ i-nrpiiiim ts— «>.to mxl .au atuck .at Mwtnuutu aud wax
CrilUb is utuobtsp. had they tavsKlike tbe Virginian of Ills day, ]«rt
defend bntwiable gronud. New York iI'rlllunt vlct.rty by the' b™"Kbt into artion. Olten they had larly social giidvvercnjoyedhufn.i
. .
>ve nod‘ <]OK-l iu grereral cumtiaiiy. he
was Ujiud I.. full to the British. B%t be ^ «vai |i. ry ..f cpuri.-x Lee. who bad rein New York, while Grave
rnw to it that It wax not made a ba.x . «™'‘ Irmu .s|uivity to bix.x.mmaud. "a^tngwn susal ward tmtxido with wax xfuin gay. t-v.-u jovial, w iih
intimates, lie rvlistiid
u.d lively
i-unvcriafor operatiiiDK iu the HwImu rivur val-'
.tbai lattle Waxbiugi.m disnhiv.'d ' ttexThau 4.1Kflj
To compare Waxhingtao with the] tiou, ihovgli takiug liuJu part
«wa He fimglitreomelUaly battlM. t4|BikxNajN.i„ai..i,„,|^,.^,o
great simwali of time* would Ofteo laughed, antcw-ialed joka
. .XTT.
.■ ... i.l«
Ainnislies rather, which raised the j ^ *^*'*'<'011 kud din.<-t his rmm. At the be unjust to him. He hadn't tbe. army very fond of dattriug uud sveii <4 -amajK^ee of hix euldiers and ttf the ooloelal
‘«uie be did uoi give way to banle for great battles. He waged a lung and teor Ih.utriaala. He wax uoi at all cold,
formal, rex. reed, haughty, ax re|aeacutpa^A The rebels could stand befteu fr«*7. altbougb ire lost his t.mperorer tfdioM warfare for nal'
•d. ifaungb not. purbsiix, geuial or wfaoluou ti •“
" redooBts
• tbe oontempubU--eoiKSu,-t of Leo. Lata- ^d although rarely virtorioux be
aererOlCteilothewall. Hewaiapio- .iy easy, whirii was uutxide of hit
umpoperament. He Voa always dl
tbe aliiaiHe with Franw
bahtU.ot pitm
pionecn againtf on <dd ourefaiothixd
in good time to ckKrootbe reroln- rary bantU.of
red* dandy.
So far Waablngtoo bad ohiag to tbe UoBiatA it incronxed tbo dllllcnltlM of
irtMihtitoJdiaewflald. Kolknab- the onmnuader in obteL Without tbe
tbr pilnAiis. Will.,, like iuoxi slay at
homi s. w . t.-full of flgbi. and mnr.- ibun

If You Have Logs to Sell
Corrwspuud with the Truvenie City Lumber CmDpnn^
“U’e have for sale ,Oood,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.



MUI 3Iachineryuf ul) descriptiotu, iDctadiug Two Engines.
fVI Wxrks, CErriEsm nd Saws. A mnplete Sew Mill PIedI
for sale.



213 Front St

: Ruoclred -Three Timee • Week.
Counts. 40c per qonri '

Standnrds, aoepert^tyrt^

Fletdier s Ofslsr Depot aii






I INCREASED EIJ VENUE, i (Tnights of pythias.


----------------J«M.^Uarfr »•» tR» l-atfara.-Baali EajRESULTS OF THE DINGLEV eiLL EH-


For Usr Tnw JnMS*.
tlM>-L>dC> !<«*«•• '
t nMwMoawakcapdhuatllnRKTuddletotorof the fniM)d >uri>'llrtliin lit Trim.
h W. liurtwiji. hat .TCTj: .uiificli-ne»" la tb.'
fatiM MKUM erf th.- .wtlcr In hUatata. and

tirElv satisfactory.

tt«B of Patrian bal <Md PaUntmfalt). attd |
af bnihri'ii am kiwv lu tbIda '
» vl lu
«, Ux>. tl
an <VW Krilow In dan) and la truUi (ha |
hmilH-rinu.i triad tbe' nmrrand nwsod !
— ' ' »o ilim-b aiut {ram lu ntuitDlt ob- ’
m|i. ii lU-vcof (he lAwntUul bilUand valea '
or Ua-"pnuDlaid Jaed- ’ Then «-ii7 Doi
wl niMiit (br aork oMnTliliic tbrbmlin n
tho aheph.
It«111 (m (>rr tbi'tr Boocl to hate tbrm 4>ir
laLr rtf Ihr- Stuapitalllirwor tbf Uulrtun-tial

- I rujoj the reti ■'
nr liiuel 1


t>l«. twsu la Aaaaat'. nalr
bpIrltrfVaia* Vr».

ne tiiM- for a«ak»olng baa atrirad.
-tbafaulKy«t Sir KolRlrt abould (brow off
Inxsrf Itahariijr thni
be-ld Jilrn. bruab
JII.K- rorrollICK
rUlc dk>pU>
to the UoltMl:
.t^Ua ai liNjiaiiaiaUullu Auinwt. lbW< :

Wliat an aiiawnr tfar Romrtuamt rew .a.WobkwRR'l d^d«»a of ihr Utaglty
TLe nwifitu from m‘i«>ia dotioa lor


.i.iTOin..«u *15;-

At the Uat con n-wl.!aot U>» prand
of Teirv> H.uuiwa. aiHTiqirUlad ftwaroa
luod to hr luHl lu buildlop a i*)-tbiao
biiUre lur wklini pSpd urttUrsa

Ity knipr «j'Li^bU^IpbU has an
POO.DOO. TUa,t is onle aU«t
at ri,-tHH..«>0 i
e. r <»»..•
intrai.o fund uf IIU.OWI and
v)< >t>bet« r
Ijrfp fi^ roMcmii dn.
,oe«l ««Klli.|t

The ronimltu* of the aoverolm prand
...... ev.i„... ....rr
mdp. on i’atHan-h* Militant work will ' tin. .under (lir (It’rmati'WilMa
tariff I.
m-rt in Itajtnn. O..00 Kah. IK

i Jatiuary, ISOB.'

It aUnuld be Iniree is

lattUOaaa'Am thm LOa-ar (
B*vT7 mem bar taiUaual lofiHM «aw Ufa
fntoUui lodM TakeatlTatodKalowblefa
tbe Urutbrta an tMilllBK toRetbrr la
■■ «iri(rtn«
......... i« to sat ftow menibrra
>Tali»iimalre Inltlatlona
old wh.m tbryUT.
n>sb( and fou «-lll alwafa
^rry nicrttny ti
*"d •
M'nwaiUlaji. mvaout to can7
»n tbe bu«lm*a of.lbe lud«a
Tbc Kb
erf Honor la atk> a prevra
It doee not atane) klilt. but
kea|0|>H«wlU> the UiiiMatrd a
noapurra . h-t fad to acresiiilwu
patuata U
Thine* nr>‘nx.rlnji ta Tmoin
wIcL l.•I|R'l^f Huitd* kb InlUah^

Money to Loan

Blphu aad la.41.. .f

Improvsd Fanhs

Je^II\^«“of lodu^ul^^»r

todRo luueUorfa

Fire Insurance. -


Otilr ihcsw arbo la-ilete ui tbr exIeteiKia ruind Is tbU o>iiiiittclii« that the n- 11.
r a iupruiu beliiK. C»ra^ andjnaerrar ,
cniitoma onder tbf DnijflfT ;
In ^7 io<«loM pba cb
of tb« unlttTw. rati btiHlIr a»|uln-or ra-j
,_______ :___________
______ ' .wi.n....- .... ........1—
dll yte
laity If Urcr
hKl*.- I'Ul tortb more aflon l« j »«»*■- ^bo Miwks of |^a jmiuHod
main the ni.-n l«-r> It has. (hia the |<(V- dsriSR tbe la«t few ntostbs of Ibr Ufa

E.W. Hastings..
Real Estate

oallara mIt has bn n cuiuRa<f<d that a paat proTb>7 may i tndnr* aMurlaUun In-fiinunl tn curb aUU
plcds.w ibaoi- lor tbe iiurr»a>' of •tlioulatiiiR lIxBOClal
iraubonliriaia a»d frnl<TU-d fiwtunwrif tbe- o.nlrr and ai:i
in ausliiarr i.i
1.1 ila-Rntnel
{]iv |
lo.ljro ofitorK

City Property.


; JohUSOS BlOCk.

’PhOCe 73.

(aaiaite of la« by dropflop ralkhl be roa- i otthe Deuiociatir tariff atn iuid
lerlally loa.
loa. □I'd
□I'd by
by a
a im.ra
im>ra acUro
acUra louawt
louawt tj^patitaiof .h«
the incmacd ru..
rai«s 110 wme

' -

Hem many memlPT. have you Invllod to I




i»iW«atians of

.................................................. ,
bors. but Dul narruw niiiKled In diseossiDR ktatato InOka
Ibi'ir olalius ('ll a|i|ilka|lun.
Tbeu linik at-tbc (oiu) rrceipts of H'V-'

’ Dd Ydi Want Till WnM?

The Jurlnllniiui of .Idaho, teltb but a' t uarx uiidtT tbe 1^ exmdiliuuii luiide
meiiilKTshIji rViIl of 1.&!>*(, has a Imutlful by UepiiUh-BU lepu^lstiiui I
Odd Kellowi'buiiiew^bfdo.oiManpBld. .
The total fexaih* lor JauBary .are i ^
How tunny a|'|.ltoailoiis for iikmbcttblp


('aui'msoftliel'atrlanbMiltUkDtshould diliniK. tbc total rtevyit* were uviiroxiJ«- the m.rd sttruMlve nier<ln« pun's feir nini.Iy tlfH.OuO.O^U. f'
i C®
,^Kswalit S.-<avUiy Howell erf the :
Th.- In«h-r»'ntl. lit dcanv staff erf tbc past ' tne.Ury d.|ur(nirut, who i* lu chartr.' A
noble v-rat'd. .il Chlcai;.. anr-fi;«vlvin* d Uic cusb.m. braurb of tbe po. ru- '
ii^iK'b I'linsuiwircnH-ni
assistliiR tb.- weak Kebcknb hKlgea
leal n-ralts. For tbe gn-af-r pari <if
The Odd Fellows'
low. bomruf
lH.mror Arkai
Arkanaswill janoarv
the daily rvwipu
from cusTotns
Is- l.ssiK^
Kl.trii dl.issi 111 esssb and Udu arrea of-Ianu
iiorb autlFlactiou.
lor ilH-purpow^


'rb"s:i:;-^‘.:l^^.rd -AW-d.he, fa.C

try hoiinrabb- h ay.
ttuD tb.- iurfdlotlOD la InuDd la ifrow and

itlfyiuB I
Altbe last mtsrfjnir.
inesrfjnit of the board of 01 ■
iriff." Mi
r.<-i(tni<if (hr iiunui* On-Iuiiih'
I bomolcv.
IV. diildr.u
trf'u)ii-i'bim»”hil|thisn’undsr ’TVaan
! »«>1 besisi to wime in after ibepr.-wnt
aita Ibis luaLeali.i
I nock iu tbeceniutiy bas Us0 exhausted.

i.tba Ktilyhuof Hot
.Tba uailer la boenulPi all over ibo Unit‘adniataa. Naap lodtfni are laclDC fonued
ip rtwiy atala eJd lod«c« Jtrr tecnimnit
and a wauderruUlleand ■ellTliyarabelnR
^utunn «oeMM and pruapwlty
aai-ni to l>-


ajii.niiiiuaf ly
Jauoary of isnfi. siid.y frw trade


I hftve made arrangements so you can qwdjt and

Hardly Miss What It Cost Yod.
Everybady Knows That the "World” Bicycles Are First Class
tnd Stricllif High Grade, and Ton Cfn Bu|i it for $50.00,
Cash or Payments.

iTbeexperiatiou ibat Hie'rxpeadUurcs
i of tbegurerntucntdoriiiR JaosmiT would
« a deficit >iuacv«iuit of Ibu
be prof
thnn'^J ,
RMth. Wrat
,e00 aud tbr iutemd paynicnts of
r<ir tfx' month of I>
_ . ________,_____
A profanr may la- maelra Mason wbo U ‘ mare than fS.UOd.nOObave _
Wn re^>Hh-a(lona aerv received by tbe supreme
iluus ibe »wml flnurrnad has tbc thlnl alif-d.
The ootlook for the
llnp-r off at the find knuckle ou tbc Hehi
r..rmr.t flaoal
flwwl >>ar
mthr of tbe current
U very
la KlditelodRear Rl LosU Is ccperl
batnl- A prolanc rUbt nnk\^ Is
a a boom and expoou to add U new
stiff, with foot soiurw bat smaller than tbc
rstbb niQiitb
of tbe Dcmncreiic mikft and turned out, may br madi) a Mason
, .
' Mtonbm should not
irtho deformity don i»a prerent bim Bonty ib th.. booee of rej.r. •fotatlvea
from roafurDiing to (hr ruusk A profane caunot rceist tbe teniputlon to iodtilge
nnoof wbuw legs U H!. Incbes sbonur is rommcsi aUmi tin-strikes ID the ool■amrfl quartiT
Ihan tbc other Is eliRlUk to b^ cuB(h's trtl wills of Jt.-w Eupland. They degmsJiin (be M
Mawin. A profane cannot be made a Ms-:^|iaey«rooti.!er the. fart that tbedr►.mwbo«l.rfi bend U rttn.l«iiBauL-ba,p^joaia,,.^
whoo mills is
uuionrr eawu pn-vcoi bIm from oanenii.e .
i caQwd by tbe d< ri lopiurDt of tbs rot
ir (lUi.—Omnd leHlRC of W.-st A'leginla
iiIliiiBli>dDsiryra>ttfa lower wafcos
ir -Uoun. in tbe aaolh. They
Bacb Ha^bf>yibeald tSo Hb Meare—I
what they turm

Then ■we have the ''EAGLE" Models, $76 and $80. They
are not merely "good bicycles for $50,00,’’ hnt they are absolute­
ly the, very be3t_^icycles we can produce in large quantities.
They are the -highest possible grade at the low pHoe of $60.
W« have a full line of cheaper bicycles.
We can suit aiy one's fancy or pocket book on bicycles.
Look over our line before buying.



'a.3'0 which folium
ell be bsau.w.'d
basum.-d e.rn
cm u|un
uis>n as
an erring
arrina I1 tbF “rnin
“rUlD aod- wa.*
may w.-H
Ua.i.-r of Miomwotn
' j protcruve tariff legLliition.”

There slmulil be no di
It is till' di^ of «v<-ry luctulier
tadobiafull sbsr>' toward alnuRlbenlng
and liulldlnir nj^tb* 'nrtler
-Vci iinilhrr
basaraebt fi U-a ih-ad wi-lubi on hUlodpe
urv equal brutjlu wllb tbtMi
who mtefrat
.. ,
t theima-liea
(bn eelfareerf
tbla Ireteriilty. ntu-ml lu .oeeUnpa and laIwr fur lu advaotriuent.—Atxrftor and
SbkldMeninrlal ^
Thnsroiod lodsecrf BkblMn
Gnod Kaplds Fob. lb

Any mnmbcr irf a kid*.-und. r Ok-Juria-'
Bhprvantr.tir.- Mu.pkins .rf Maswbin of iIh. gj
right to tiaJIul <j
dhlste In elUx-r of tbe ihi
' day which caust^ grvai hilariiy ii -‘iiiupkii
There an 67 grand lu^-s and 1H.046 Deniocratio
Deniocfauo cnniii.
>WRip. Mr Himpkios
suUirdiiiate Inlgi-a in UiU'nwoUy.
i laid (hat according to his li
li hrf strikes

allow fandef pro-


Hraud Hoarder lIlrobburRof California'
bas rtoixiMd bis jnalrlnn and accejAnl

Tbe K^d lodge <.l IMli.ol* has assets of ' were more ewrtain to fui:
tb.SlV.MI, bsting gBhxkl (>).67$.t9 dur- (ectioD tbau uud.-r five
ive badu.
lag tbe pnet yw. TIh- grmoU lodge duos ' Denincrats imagined tor a inouirnt that
am 76 eeau per Biembrr.
' k'gw st t>
There aril IS (baud eommandirte* of

Rightly William J
pelb'f last yiwr.


T.«M h

E- .




uvimii n
In I8M ft had $30,000.



n-^$..t..J 7«..«,

12S-132 iFb:ro33.'b S'biree'b.

t wiect master, in the



trade tbe wage earnrn. km w It was

True (rsl. riiity In your onlrr Insures llB aui. Into nim- aiebra nod appulQled a BHelcas for then) tu strike for incrL-ased
a$pawL r,«ai.iu noike your mertlng a ' prlocI|s>l In «»eh nrrh f« tbe vl.ltalluo ' Wages. Under Driuw ratic tariffs Ibr
in(>obu>.li...>s transo tiuD. DuRiU tnw ft' .od culiun-of oouncils.
- werkingtnen were glad tn get a liiile
Uw spirit 1-1 Iriw fraternity.
Toniier flow.Tkonabrrthn-'sinve Is rtDplnynK'nt at aticb «ag>-s astbemiU
very <<>>"»■• ndal.Ieand ahuM. our luu-nod ctwld afford tn irfty, Imt nuder
leleem lor liU m>n>ury, but lo strew roses prolfclioo iDduMrUl cmditintih iU|g..valong bit pathway
of Ilfs and
plock the
the mills were t.jKTBted tin full lime.
«hs Older I
erMS la (be Kays
Ihonni and thls^a^
and the wurkii
B prompily took tbe
d tbe Coaacil Hra.
t wUI blosmiu and



At Ihn Uu. s’CMl rnuncfl of (hr rm
I alia, true aud
lu wages. Ai
(loD'.r IVuiisyUanlalbori'ls'rt of tbe.
, .Tbe MiDiU'Ata grand l.algeof Masons ^ ,.
> toturns and ri'pi.ns
gevr tbe has d.vlamt Uiat all lt>surarMwcuni|«nb>a
, - ”
ni«a«.UfsHpof Ibo order at ai.UUe.wlib ap ratlng under "MaeoBlo " ililia are place only ourter protertion.
tba Uivcss«d fund, of ilie irllaa at $r>i.i,-1 q„ Masunk and-that Mams must not to^ far as has Ikvu J.aned no lb-{i>0'
;niitv luid Uvn r......'ddurli.L-iJ.c survln them Vbis ord.v wUl take effect cratlc staieman hasBeca-wbolly pleaaed
; . xiemh.l y..r rv4icf. $' 1 u
March 1.
with that watcmonl of facta.
Ua; fur fun.-ral ls-m-fllv$tl.tiul, and l.-r
■ General Orusvenor of Ubio. membw
wtbrr pur|ni>«s. tWkifWi. Tbran figures arv
of tbe (x^mtttw on ways and im«D*,
to tb.'. ndH of arsi Iritsw in ifac
bad eonriilcr
Ini'. i»'K ruuhcll. of d.-gnverf I'm- ifc-t lilc ymrs bas Is-vsi iiiartMous, bnt St
lusUlDtul in Indiana dDring


I Men’s Ulsters
and Overcoats.

.i-., .l. »■

pro,™™. Id m»lnl~ ™Ddlli.«.

you >.M-r door auyililug fue luadtann- «*•”-' l« d'eiih*r>d In tlw dcgnwwork than Hk-Dingb-y lanO Iwtatn.e B law
lucitneni' Du ycuetcr talk It up lu those wllb
'•'f'"''. mo.b claborslu para|dn«nalla deutalij b<. gave the ropuliats from tbe
Wbuiu t.m cotiic
!• I«:tig procund and cnmmtlb-... stv be
west emne ralcsl.k- fuels abint Hit-rlkv
. in the price <rf live atock fiiice times im
k (be
the words
worn. *■
-Conm l-rki' be amhl-'i
proved uuder tbe benafiount infiaoiccs
I vall.71 and o'ur tb« biUU^.
‘ ~
I bvislstiun.
The fnitrade abouicrt wciv not pleased with
IMiW (rf tbf
bir. Gtusveuic'a
t'"‘ Slu rl.i.rm-, the 1


U«.igi-D AlU rlsbBs pit iSS^fKi mar j state aod will 1*
c beard
from IdUmimw
fhelront Hint.ibere would stem ko be a future.
go^ work X.,mg merrily OB

l.reaker* In tbe point of
lust gutting [ DUDJ

Tbe Add U a Tbc order J. sU« and the gnwkat lnu._
hard one t» work, but w.oodtTBft will soon am) activity arr noUoeabk.. wbal with anM totba fniul
olala church rUlmtlona, eic.,MDd eonferrlng of dcfnws.


4MBdLs at mure Wu«lij,.-n RkUwaloge than
. alBMM any uiber tuan lo the society.
Rtate lX-|>uty TbomuiD bo. mure comntsBloaed dt-iiullns in MUeLurl than has
Isabowing gruot nsuiu In hu suiio.

icajal Amaanm.
Tbe snprrh j eunnoil at Its rvooot meet'
lag Bppt.liiiou a cummlsaloo to further tx
amine tbe profuaed change o
rate* and Bppn.iiriBhsI $I6.(M
of the eonimiisJon. Tbe com


I'estimonyis ponriuR in diowiog beilitioiis
‘ ’
ler ouuditi
throngbodt ihu nantry. Senator Gdltliro.
Jom made a e|«fcl> in tbe acaatfou FriHE. in wnicb be qnoted from
day. Jan
tbe tnarkn
reports to ahiM ibcreoai-d
prioea fur nearly all tbe staple pnducts
of tbe iarai In Jauaary, IbUK, <iver Hie
prices fur like ariirles in July <rf D-Hd.

I Lot Men’s Sweaters, 55c.

Tbe-aenator also priulal two pagos of |
Tbe Cdugnwtional Record with cliwel


Ueminxi natimraua
ia the mills and tactfiriS^f tbe
coDOtry and improved' condiitous in
mainitarturiDK activities doriug eueb
month tiuof tbeDiogley law waspasstd.


Heavy Lined Mitts, fett Faced, 19c.:

supreme oouocb at ia next meeting
• Tbe good faith of tbc mem& who pays
Tbe Btiyal ARan urn has now nearly
- - .
rncnuiolbe localreeord kw)wrls ' COO.000
imacled by a pn.xlslon that Its
by a drcUlun given by tbe etna board of
reach iMWdquarttn will not invalidate bis ; In la t|ioa-tb.
sx.^___ ,™. 'taxation It.dn-ldes thu tbepenanal
Ibepenanal propI- Aln._. ^...
TbeUwaef the gnat camp fur Mtrhlgaa ' K'ew.'fn 16.^.
3. g.-t that friend to b
gmially Iwld tnat It
provl.l.- furtb.- el.rllnn erf tcfii j.hyslelaju.
X ' " h illy p
mlLd and place hteailpli
llM death tmeflU fold by tbe Cqtbolle
. wbllc- lu 4be stipnaiie Mol they a
>■ Intbeec
sry s haad* at tbe next n
Bensrolent l^glan during tbc year UYT
pulnlud by tbe snprumv medkal esai
MToonalad tu $; p
A iwslHve enemy a moee «o be dcMiad
Jlow moeb. bapfdsr «U1 bs tba aid tn
ffisabuuy toneflu paid during
' ef' '
rlend. that man wbo has tbongbt
- .
trOB* Iaad piulauMd ^$cTwd nom w
ff HWT. I




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