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The Morning Record, February 13, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Pint T«*r—No. Ui.
exile the, falriea. ' Jaet U the
Biek ttf time nthala reealrea a
Tlait Irom Priaea Obdltlooaaad mjr
e the ovre. «rlba the head
ef Tltuia. ud peace aed happUem
reipa Mpraom.
eoeaee are made eharminp
mud eDlMTOwelef the letelti to
by the tatrodeclloa of falriea, mldpeie.
Preeldut XoX^ej «7 the Xtearehera. lltUe eafiers from the pood
partinff OfleUt la Wm X«Uem to eb^ Pkutoa. ud woaderfel horaeU,
Books, dosr books.
AdTsrstty. prosperity, st home,
Abrosd, heslth. sickness-srood or ill report.
The same flrm'fHeads; the ssme refreehmeBts rieh,
'Aod sooroe of consolstiOB.
Obteape Karkot.
Norrate market u ereout of Ua>
joolB'a birthday.
Uraad Baptda, Peb. IX.—Wheat. f‘»£.
, wm Vet De-
Waehlwtoo; Feh. ll.-Tbe polky ot
l Ua Da
Lome iaeldeat ou be eUUd briefly
Md defleiuly. ead ee eathorlty aot
«pea to qoattlM. at tolloWB:
'* The ereeldeat te ewaiUaf • loll r*port from lita(«t«>r Woodford. At far
the pereooal allaaloaa of the laU
lUter to the
. tbe iaeldeat b «
No demand baa beea made, or
will be made, acoordlopte preeeat lateatioM for dbaecwal of the*, thoopb
abenld It be made It will be reparded
aa a pracefol ut.
“Bat the ’infercBce la the letter
which briapa la the <iaretloB ef Spala'a
pood faith oo the yaeaiioBa of reciprocllT aad laferwUally of atwaomy for
Coha. if Botdbaroved roluatarlT. b
likely to become the aobjeet of farther
aUo oorreepoadence. thonph
to thb, M hae beu stated heretofore,
the pruideat will await Miabter Wood
ford'* tallar ad^bu before aaytblap^ b
:Thb futore of the ex-miabter'e
letter b eatlrely dbaaeoebted from the
1 Mpect which runlted la bb
reUiameaV It b ooafldeatly expected
by thb poverameat 'that Spain will
t^e u early opportoaity to dbarow
•UtemeaU of lu UU repreuataUve u tar a* they Uad to commit
Spaia to a policy which leavu har
p^ faith open to uriou donbC
"It ta felt mutdaelrable that thb
re no denbt u to Spala'a
real porpoeea ud (eellao <»> Uteu
I* or are likely to
_,Meoeme each la the im
to Pleoae ud Oae Died Prom the - March let. Ii»h.
Xlae Pnday Mipht.
A new lot of the very latest books jost rscfired Yeti'-wiUjStsI
nsfty that will plesse yoa. Always gUd to show them. No trosUs
be paid M at all.
aooa u Feb. XOth, 1PM.
Iroewood. Feh. I!.—Peter Biaxca,
The cbareeea had aeloe are
DellaquBl taxpayeia will plaaaa
pleaelap. ud the marebee are the moat Katueel Nalmo ud Michael Hadia five thb matter Immedbte atteatioa.
MxLCOtJt WixaiK.
latrieaie aed bcaeUfal ever attempted were killed at the Newport mlae lact
X4«-Peb. 37
City Truearer.'
aipht by aa exploelu ef piut pewThe wtertalameat eill
Ail pepaler sheet maue for the next
oaiene ud will be om of the erute of - der.
powthe wleter.
dci cheat at the »pd of a drift oa tha
aiatb level to prepare two chanree far
a blaat They had Jut reached the
Peha Sharkey, Whe Bu Beea Heroicheett when tha eaploeioa oeeorred.
Hearty Thirty-Kee Turn. Died
1b thoapfat one ef Ue baa adjuted a
$9.50 COUCNES FOR $0.50.
I»p Ui ll...Ucko(p«.a.r..dU»i u
d u.w„k,....“~old ......r Id tb. ...do. ol Jokd,
Shdrk.v, -h. dldd l-Tld.; dt
hdlddl.d*d.ju.. dil«,t. ol
Idildr., 0«»d~d wd. 75
d«. j
ud bu beea ^ proBiaeal fl^qiy
thb loulity for nearly
year*. He
WM well known in Travetee City aad
lure* to monra hb loee a wife ud fire
chlldru.- The fooeral will lake place
at tea o’clock thb mcwalnp tram !H.
Frucb ehoreh.
I ofBoUaraaBdBulbto be
Babject te Bipid Xu
M. B. HOLLEY, Mawasadf:^^-^
iBear in Mind
That our Hoe of Novels. Periodicals aod
Magazines is up-to-date.
We always try to have every*
thing that is new.
Refering to
Baking Powders,
A Wai
Seereiary Vu4erllpbud>«r«ird to re-'{
qnlreloeai laepectere bt ho b ud tbr r !
a Chemist saj's;
{aaabtaaU. and local lupectora of boll-1
Bow e Democrat ud S
ere and their aasbluu to paa* a cirU'
ebanped Plaeu u Putaiaster.
eervloe esamiaatioo le teat their fitness
«M ef alam bakinp pewC. E. Weltaperbubeea appolated to bold tha pulUoB they now oocapy.
I WM u eUff aad etralpht i
r at Hopklu SuUea. Allepu Thti order, however, dou not apply to
Onr pore Crum Tartar Baklap Powder b sold at Ue low price ef t$c per
the muaere were fori _
uonty. vice Thomu GiUipu. removed. theu who were admitted te the eerviu I itsre of today,
ly, Ol
wseix are cxof wotcB
which there
ca pound packxpr. No need to nu alam mlxtaru when the par* artieb cu h*
The unooBumeat of the ebaape -' throaph eompetiUve examtuUeu
qiibila umplee ia oaf aaperb atock. had at that price. . Price refanded U aot satbfacuey.
all tk* virtues. wiUont any of
Uepkla* StaUM b la Ue aature of a der the elvU
omberaomo, aapalnly b-atares ofll Jake that pleaam wutera throaph apecbl techalcal eiamlaatleu
bl tiaue • We are maklsh a
Mlehipaa mipbUly. Thomu Olllipu OBder aecUoa 44is ef U* Bevbed Butaad C. X Wolllaper are partaerc la a otaa Tbe aamber of
ley we have ever offered
within Ub erder U alxty-ciphL
drop store atHopkias. Olllipu b a
red-hot democrat ud Wolfloper u ar- la hb letter to the civil eervloe oomdutrepnbllcaa. It b said that for the mbaien. Mr. Vuderlipuya:
" The deperUaeat reoaub Ub ac
iut twelre yure they have alUmated
• *hoeM ask yon Jam e
in the puteSlea. which b kept la their tion by you commbeloa u a precaaHouse Fnrnlsliiiig Store,
•tors, the tiUeof putmuter paulop tioa in U* iaterut of commerce ud
from oae te the ether u Ue admiab- tbe travelbp pobllc. The datiu ef
tratioB ebuped. Thb time it b OUli- peraoBs holdlap such positioM are very
pu'a torn to be fired aad Wolfiaper'e impertut. u Ue ebject of Ueir laber*
b U prevent if poeeible aoeideale
which mipfal involve Ue leu of hamu
The putoffiee b aUIl la Ue o
life ud of valoable property. The pab,A- "W. J-A.S'R.jATrS,
i^fit yen
Ib hu a ripht U know Uat peraoae
Good Thinp for Beal I Buber.
Toxsnxaixex- Bloob.
Beaton Bubor. Feb. li.-Tha R. O. wbe examine boiler* ud iupeci Ue my ahop. aad I paarutoe to •oil yoa
lUllyud pky I mWmaa.hlp.^aUrial ud price
Patera Lnmber and Sbiaple Ce. ef Baa- hnUa ef
toe Uubor bepiai boiineea here next Ically eempatul in every wny jlo p*rUoaday. The eempuy b eompeeed ef form Uou dntie*. Perua* auy have |
faiUfuUy u eapiaura. boiler- j
MubUe lamhermea ud Uey have eecared a waterpoatepeof S.KMfoeLwiU makbre. aauUra. muter ebipboilden
thirty acres of xroand., A peaeral lam- ud'pilPta, and etiU not have Ue reqnibar yard baaioeu will be transacted. stte teehateal kaowledps noecaeary to
I will pive yon 3 eeet work ia any
Thbplaet will be qniu aa aeqabition oompr^ad the builere aad holla of color, the hut taakiap enamel aad
modem eoutmeUen. A* Ue peneral
Corrupond with the Traverse City Lmnber Company.
to Ulii city ud apecbl ’
---------abb cltu all Ue buriop* aad
eCerod tope\ them to locate hero, poblic hu Ue rlphl to Ue uenraaee
We have lor a^e Good,
of Ue department that theu mu are
a. W. Cbrey of Maabiee, hu bun
hero Ue put week makiap tke final
importul doUu. the head of Ue de
arraapemeaU for Ue epaaiap ef Ue
partment hlaaeelf mast have ibnt nuartl Cycle
plUL , __________________
aaee from utosl teckaloal tub of fitDloB V'e!
XaiJory Bnrprtsed.
>, ud koowinp puitively that Ue
era referred to are oompeteai belombu of Marjory aarkb lilUe
1 her yuurdei after- yoad donbt to perform Ueir dnUu."
JIS. 6.10HNS9R. Drugeist.
Bicycles M to Order. |
Ohekero AJeepe Vathoo, a Xatlvc of
iBdU, will btertaia ia Thb City.
Traveme (Sty
have an opoorUwi^ to witama the machlaatloBi of
a real Hindoo aecromaoeer, who cornea
here with the repaUlloa of baviap
beea Ue chief of Ue Japplera at
Chiaapo in Ue SlreeU of Cairo at Ue
World'a Fair. Cbokero Aleepe NaUoo
b a Mtlveof ladb, ud while epwkiap
Ue Eapibh laapaape with ebanniap freedom aUll poueuee Ue characterbUcs 'of hb race. Be b W
praduu af a aehool of eorpery
la Parbudba perua of varied aecomplbhmeau. Ue chief of which b
hb ekill la Ue art ef lepardemaln ud
NaUeo b a pleaaut
puUarau ud cuaot refrain from Utrodaeinp tome of hb feaU la the
-■blMkart’‘lahbaaBoebtion wiU hb
aeqaalaUBeea He wUl be here uveral dayt aad to latrednoe himulf will
prueat a parlor eBtertaiameat at Park aooa. it belap her eiphU birthday.
Place Moaday evealap.
Theu preuat were -Mildred Jacob*.
Vielet Bumbauph. Tea* Heary.' Clara
Waraburp. Edi^ Monroe. Aaiu Menroe. Olady* Kiap. Edu La Pranyard.
Oamu were played, after whba reSa Vewly Airaaped Ubrary BalL
treebmeau were urved. Ail had
part of the .tato wu Ue Ll.cel. Club *^'‘“8
'The membeia ef the Ladlu’ Library dellphtfcl Ume.
nacUon lut eveainp at Ue Mertoa
AaeaebUcD will plve a receaUoo TaoePbe^ were provided for XM
day evealap. Feb. St, in Ueir newly
Dr. -Holloa ef Urud Rapid*, b vbit- pouU ud Uem were over JIS crowded
fitted ap ball. Only members and Ueir
into Ue diaiap room ud over 100 were
familbe will be invited, and Ue ladlu lap k^lfe. Dr. Marie Hortoa.
tamed away. The prut m*h
Mr*. Oeorpe Harakatl of Petoekey.
are makiap preparation* for a. charmlap eveainp af buplUlUy. Tbe hall ia tbecltv vuitiap bar danphter, Mra. un*ed by Ue aanoeecemcBt Uet SeeMaua of llliaoU,' woald be beta,
bu bees carpeted ud fombned and Doff McDoneld.
Mb* Myrtle Cox. an employe of the but he could not altond beuou of lUmaku sue of Ue
Ceapreumsa Wm. Alden 8mltk
for beldinp' eoebi pa tberinp* to bo aaj-lom. bu pone-to her home at Wlawu
Ue touimutor, and
found to tbe city
Mr. and Mia. A. K. Donpberty of Elk
Coapraumen MeCeU ef
BfSBB OF OXACB AMD BtA/PTT. Rapid*, are pouU of Ue-4amlly of Butoa: MeCleaty of MUaawta. and
Pierson of North OsroHna.
Mayor W. W. SmIU.
To Be Freeuted Wbu t^ Fairy
Mb* Aun Beyt of Barker Creek, b
"XyaUc ■idpota” b'Oi
ependlap a w^ek at Ue bom* ef
Harry Kent hu talnn Ue pultion u
The mut ebborate and
and' be^fnl Fleuy Blakedly '
bookkuper in Ue EnUrpriu tiroenry.
fairy pUy ever-eiaped b aerUpra of UWB.
Hob. O. O Covell ud Pmaeeatlnp
Newton b Ue happy pauemar
Miehipu wUl be "Tbe Myotic
Mystic MlUfine Barlish preyboud. Joel loete.” amipatbaCeraival of Nstlou, Attorney J. J. Tweddb drove over j*ewhich wQl be plv*a by the boye ud terd*y from Lelaad. where they attud- eeivnd from a-friead
A boy-bsby b Ue lalut welcome
pirb of the Owtral tcbool Vaildlap *d Clre^iourt.
Jay Maauich. who b
arrival at Ue home of Mr. aod Mra. In good ahape, but* we can aapply
Feb. X» aad XO ia Ue City Uper* hall:
It b UUelermofa caauu in two U* Cadllbe DemoeraL wu uUed hem* JUn Keu* on But Front atiaoL
ywr wacta for aoma time to come.
Tb* Portia elnb will nuet Monday
aatS,'Ud will be buntifoliy etaped. yuterday OB aooooat of .the ilbeu of
d are
aftomoon. at X o'clock, wiU Mra.‘'Tr
qpeeial neeaery {» Ue -pnrpow beiap hb mother.
Anxioufi to
bronpht tram New Torkl la addition
Lower onr stock.
Tb* Order of Maiaal PratoeUoB will
the loap Ibt ef apecbl char- iuve for Now Yofk tomorrow to par.aetem Uere wlD be .* coetomed chase a stock of sprinp cloUlnf and met nt U* horn* of B. Brbufi. m And are offering-aome Bargsiaa \
Eut NinU etreoL Monday emninp, which yon will do well to tol , ..
ef a hondred ebUdrea. dry pood*.
................. to take ad4bm
' aad tor week* Ue eoap^ have
vantage oL A choice atock of
hem atndied nnder Ue chaipe ef taraed yuterday from Orud Rapid*,
ly to meet Dr. Cbmpbell. Bakety Goods alwaya on han^
MW Blapbam. Tbe ebboraU coe- where Uey attoadad the mootlnp of the orpulur.
and we wonid not have yon loae
• tomu wtli be proenrd^ in New Vork. Ue Myi
Edwnrd. the infut too ef Mr. and sight of the fart that tbe
Frank SmiU ud B 8. Hnil retorned Mrs. Nichelu Knelper,
aad a lady fropi Uat city- b expected
here la a few daye to bepls driUiap ia yuterday from Grand Ba^ where
spinal dbuae. Mra.
they have spent the wwk attaadiap Kneipor wu Mb* Loob* LuUer. The
the muy cbarmlap march**.
gb* ouUta huabripht and vlva- tbe mcetiap* ef jDpWitt Cllntoa Ooa- fueral wUl tak* place Ub afternoon is tile bast, and that it will pay
yon to tiy a aack if yon bava never
rion* ploL The *ub* b bid in Ue •btory aad Ue'MyeUo Shriao.
at two o'clock.
need it.
Isle *<^Fl*wera. aad TlUab and her . J. W. Travb 'will luve tomerrew
The ^eken pb supper t* he pivu
hevy of feirlu aad bntterftlu bdre- momiap on a trip.eodu. He will rbit
" 4ua Ue fiiat eoene wiU nserry eonpe Asheville. N. C.. BrbtoL Tean.. ud WiU be worthy of Uv pabttuafe of nU
and marebca.
rptle, Ue fripbtfni uvaml dtiu U Kentanky. Oearpia. Ue (rtaade of the WSmaab Cbautety
Ofre. wlU hbbudef mbUlof mak- ud Vlrplnla. He wUV ha pone al^t
bepla at fear o'clo^.
Oor. 7th Asd Union Btroots.
US plots to capuro the ble aad a month.
Only $2.50 to
Eoamel Tour Wheel.
Mail Different Strles.
Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle—5c.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
' Short Maple Wood,
i-ajsrx>s B-OH sat.w.
eryof ail de«
Set Works, Carriages and Saws,
lor aale.
g Two Eogineo,
A complete Saw Mill Plant
tedw ud Eqart EumI*.
To Take Adianiage of Our Sale.
OUr Goods
Are Moving Off
Corner Union and 7th Street.
to do it to tanks room for new pood*. alMte-oar friend* to
eoiae aad see Us pond*.
~ ere balwa.
ud V
OowibiAtm the wradks a^'^k oat whi^t
lie Uey
F. W.
[Extension Of Sale! j
1 Rio CaorifiM tn Dari'oM Wiettir Ce-wb
A Big Sacrifice to Redsee Wiater StocL
-Wo OCCwx- Wot Wbla
% dozen Ladies Combination Bnita, worth 75c for..............39c
15 dozen Ladies Combination Wool Suita, worth $1.50, for 78c
10 dot fine all bool Ladiea Combination Soita, worth 8^ 8ldS8
10 dozMiasea half wool Combiaation Snita, worth 75c___88e
Ladies^e all wool Worsted Tights, worth «i00, for.: .$1.88
A lot of CStildren's Vssto and'Pants go at..................;.6c each
A lot of Miaeee all wool Underwear np to 34 inch in
85c A piece.
Smaller sitee of Mme go at........................................18c B piece
Txmwerse City.
g-T»AWR BlLQfne-
sn> jjrTTHgro wsoae.
A19IAMBA. Heto^
TSatxbbx crrt. ■
trtead of Oieeir And the oAnentaeAe
eerroe maatioa of
fm». T. Batm abv f. W. BAxm.
i. W. BAihn.* ^'luTud Mu«(«r.
tiprtnrffeld. IIU..
toek of
Borml eeBAC ot Aome peo^ wAfk exceed*
fArorAbU BAtoro.
iBclr well llIuxtrAtcd ia W»*'«>(r yteMleA PooffT* A^^ortU fATo A i^eABlac. terder when Jane* Meacel waa henned
pereoBAUoB of the porv bat there wee by the Aberlff for aa fnul a crtaie aa a
ntUe for her to do.
The other cbATAC-
tere weip rood lor All they bAd to do
with wbleb ho AoqmlUod Umeelf d»-
whole. &e
Joliae Chemr
StmoiT, mVUAXY 18.199B.
man raa well be rulllr Of. ^'hen b*
«AJ> c>o* ttie A.-Alloltl be dlrplayt-d
Den%-er. Feb. U.-Th« a(aU board of
arblirallao rendered Ua dAclAiob Uat!
nicht on tbe qoeatloBA In dlnpote be
tween the minere and operalora of tbe
Bortbera Colorado dlitrlci. The board
fooad la faVor of the etrlUair minem ta
every paftIctiUJ."
we are Selling
When we think of tbe incalculable
depth of our
or Kather'i lovo toiu. that
net only eery A«eep-
heaven. But the-nnut r*rperkaile aen* , *0 “*
ctanea ao far
tence waa «hi»: "I <1.. tioi fciiow-ihat 11 eboTt of tbU iuudi‘1* How patient la
have ever door anythli
hlny wr*{^.'
i «
He ottikT
pruv-oratiou! How ever mind-1
Perbape be dldn'I. Bui. thl» what he ' fnl of OUT wanta! How kindly.doca Hal
did. On the momli
' check oor willfulnem aud Irad oa in the •'
Here ie Another food aotioe of .the murdered Utile
way evi-rlaating I Soroly Hi« merry en-;
RobeoA UeAtre oempoBy ia the lUaiA- Biontba. a dr^hter of Mary Briacoe.hla durvth forever ? Yet how poor a retuni ’
nilalreev. The bead of tbe molber of
do we make U> Him. bow far do we tall
tbe .babe a-aa eruahed with tbe aame
‘■etetordAy Airbt Another food endl*
halrbel that waa uwd to brain the 111- abort <d manifvatUMf » like aelf denyinK
eaee wltaoeeAd eome
comedy work
une.* and the unfonunatr woman love to nebm. Day by day we have '
dcalb for a«-v. Daw prurfa that He that keepeth ua
bv the Bobeoa ThcAlre Co. The, pUy | lInrereO hetweet* Ilf.Ilf*- and
WAA -Oalv A WomABb HoATt." A etory
momhA b.-f..rr.i.r recovered. Mary ahall aeiibw alnmbot oor ale^—,
of l.rep«AlonAodiaUirae which ol-!
loncer with
wayn amnrea tbe piece a rood welcome. dared
that hr traa not tbe
Him Madfe Bertraad won new laurela father <-f tbe, ba)>e. Md It 1* aup|>*aed
*’Tbe path 4» (tod leada tbran^ the '
and prored a favorite.
W. T. SobaM that thla an itb-naed hie Irwlouvy that
he determined to cimmli a double mur- bcanauf mrti.," jaa fcaiuulalhatAay ba '
waa matterfnl ia hie iaurpratatloa of
nurd to aittnmt fix Ih.- <liaaeti<m of the j
hU role of Jerry, the tramp, and Ike
activittev of tha c-Jivu-h. Pri-'
KDpport waa fairly pood thronrhouL
-------i tnarily tbe obyect "f chun-h life ia to
The heuae waa crowded oe Soiiday BwiMwfwllM-ihe^>Kl..ftAet*r*Mtive, find (iud. Blid tha i-hon-b hua nought'
at i-itAbarx.
‘ | Uim iu the htuvnis utNivi-, to inyatlciKui.
eveAlnr. vrhea the paatcral drama.
Uhle. bat one wbleb will roBAln
pleAAABt mamory to TnOArae City the-
MBt Qf ArrlciiUare
thml ae
■ml o>}«ctlOB «xUta V> a« ABSantioii
t «f the
of BawaH from Ue
b«et«ar»r rroyror.
Etad At the prcA-
^(Mt tlm#. wilb Ike frea importutiAO ot
nsAr (roB HAWAii. beet-«nrAr fvw-^
•n flid A fAir profit ia their crop, bat
M the BAwAliAa •nfAi^lAater U
a ob«-
Enoch Arden: waa preaented for the
erop mAB. ills onlj AtioeAtloo of a Abort firai time here, and'traa wall recalvod.
. time when we will exbAust the fertilitjr Tbe specialty work by membaraof tbe
of Ua loU for thiA crop Abd Usea. hATiof
to bn; fer^ilieerA, be will be eaiirely
MiiAble to compete with the AmerlcoB
beet^Bfir tAnaer.
The oec>«Ui7 be-
company, la very rood."
Tk# above
will _beria
ly and
Fancy Dairy Butter
19 c
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per Dozen.
Enterprise, Grocery,
• Opposite Steinberg's, Thone 146.
it baa
.................................... but unt God.
diralad yaMrrday by Ifar opinion of | Hut altmu tliia rudianiveied faith of
Juder Jowepfa .Bufflncton, who handed I jesna. otnmrrd and obeinirtud With tha
' ,
dpan an opinion tojtha Vi.n der Abe | eBtaucIing iliooRhU of the ofcuioriBa.
lialMwa <a>rpua iAae.WlIt honor aua- the ehuirh ia now atttfflblixiK with e\-er
tained the piklllon of the aii.meys wtid j flnntd-.and nuxe ranfidoit Men toward
Grand on Moaday evaniay. at -pap^
Cuunta.,«Oc per quart
Standard 30c per quart
Solid Meata.
UereA. bowerer, tbmt the AOfAr crop of
BawaH will be ffrmduAlly dleplAced b;
of tr^leeJ fealtA. coffee,
etc., fortbe cultare of wbleb HawaU
offere epleadid opportnalUee. Aod ia
the prodaetiM of which Ue eutee of
F^mlahed by B,
n«v.J. a. Breedr. pamOT.
Tea eaerfetie Japabcaa mAaefActaron WABt the prodncte of oor miaee Apd
A earro recenUy abipped trogi MobUe
for Yokohama coaalAted of Blrmlnr*
ham pif Iron and 2.000 balea of cotton.
PraMrvation of Beauty.
Fletcher's Oyster Depet aeil RestaeragL
213 Front St.
I,~h h.
r.n:»-,n UIV-.
! ii-pe-™ ,7-.“
The Wants of JUen
AM.,. I”-;"
SoBday nervleen Keb. 11. IMi«.
Pianchlnr In the moraiar at 10:30
telephone, and Glover
tbe money to l>liiabum today.
Von der Abe waa aeatrd bewlde bla
founael while Jintoe Bufflnxton wa»
re-adlng M» d*-<-lvl..n. and leaned forward
lonaly. aa ihourh he wanted protec
required by bn- to the treatment of her
paiiaau. Yeaterday and the day
•Claaa maeUnr at »:.10 a. m. .
fore thla taleoud expert to the ireatti
Sunday achool. 13 m.
.eat of diaeaaa baa bad
Ua aad
JnDior Laarae at >:30 p. mta makiag friendk not oaly by reaaoa
Bpworth Laarne at L:ti p. m.
of her Buperitmakiabothy reaaon of
her pleaiMt addreaa Md namerooL^eClaaa meetlnf at tha cloaa of the
eomptUbmeaU. Among othqy. UiIdM.
evenlar nervioe.
a Hadley la prepared
epared togivceltotAe,
to giva
cnniB^n ecinntx
TarfcMh. Knaama. Turko-Bua
:uaalM and
ServioeaU K. a T. M. hall. ItsFtont
pertomed hatha Md to a<
Martow'* Herni-mary U»eo J
Facial blemiahcA. toaboei. at IO:SOa. m.
- BelMlwxc U a w V..rA ButimM.
„Brta m 1 frecklea vMlah Mdcr
Snbjeet—"Troe faBUnr."
New York. Feb. 17^I.evl I’ Morton'e
.....................almeut of Mlaa Hadley
TeaUaumial moetlnr FViday at 7:30 aeven-»iory nBli-e bulldinx, with front Md Abe will find frienda among many
p. m.
on Naaaau aod Ann aireeta. and womea and ehlldreo to Traverwa City
All are i^rdially Invited.
know-p aa the Naaaau-t'hambera bulld- wko have baen anbjoct to the anporInn. waa completely devtruyed by fire MCM which mar'BMtotol heaotv.
and ia tbe evealnff at 7.
aroa caBAli arc alceady reoeiviBr dl-
I}- ddlvered him up to the aheriff of AlleRbenytcouBty. Von der, Ahe apent Ihc :.
oixht In the private ofBi-e of Kherin i
rlR8T MBTBuniaT.
tbo UnloB OA^not eompeUv
Are Many and Difficult
To Attain .
Tlie Wise Wan Seals ita Bast Mewspafer.
Artittlc HiBtorioBl hoaemiir.
Under the dlreetion of Fr. Joe. Bnper
Md Fr. B. C. IUaa. a beaaUfal eoavo*
air of the Silver Jabilee of St.
ehBreh. haa been iecned.
The boek- U
blrhly * calendared
paper, and iUaeVAted thoorbMt wiU
Ane bAlhtone pietaretef the ekareb.
Achool hnUdinr. convent. "Tbe'Bella.*'
the oririaalebarcb. tbe realdenee of
the paaior. eome of the nwet prominent
memMre and
teondate of the ebareh ia thla rerios.
tarether with BAmproua other
iratioBA. to more correctly eahaoee the
enloe of the work.
Tbe eoavealr la
AUed with valoable iDfomtAtioa eon•emlar the hlatory of the chareb and
will prave of moeb valae to tbe memhnie and'Wtbera at well.
in. aa
The leavea
atlmctivc eover
with the iaaeriptlen dene la raid ud
tiad with heavy colored allk cord. Thla
in owe of-the Bncaiplecoaortypoirraphy
over uecoted la
lA from the preea of the Grand
taai nicht.
The 1lrem.p had a hard
battle and .f*iT three huum there wma
Tuuaref Ftonca.
every rr*«pe<-l of a xreat contlacratlon.
Tbea. Latriellc. the practical nebnlldTbe rk-ri>>
DeelT' t-*>m|«ny oit-uilrd
rr aad toear of ergMa Md piaaoA. will
both the NmMtau and Ann atreet at'erea
male quartet.
be beraallMXtwaak.
Mr. Latrema
Sanday a^aol at cleaeof the morn* and the baaeineni of the bulldinx, where U the BuceMBor of R Ralhato. to well
thr tire originated, waa or<ui*led by the
known here, aad eemea with hia atraoir
inf aerviee.
Herald t'yrie fompany. From (he Naamav be left
JoaiorC. E 3 p:m.
aalu-Chambera tbe Bre apn-od to the
freed. 418
Y. P. S. C. B S:43p. m.
f»ur-et»n' liulMInc adjolnlnx and the
clothlnx alore uf Madum Bnw.. on the
Special Mlaaionary pr^ram
‘ P
ground flotr, waa quk-kjy In namea. Tbe
m. In charge of the genUemea.
loan here aleo will b« prartlfally ‘vomAoonHal invitation la extended ^to plete
•ral firemen were badly cut by flythece eervieaA
■aa and debria. but none aeiinpaly'
injured. The biOa at preaen’i la eatllMJI’ed
Bt llto Otai. the larevr. abate .if whi. h
srser Boardoioe Arv aad WAidsleloe Mrwt
will le bom.- by the Uo.rton 1nler.-aia.
allhniiah II la Mated that tbe> were well
Holy communion k:4D e m.
Whan to need «f anything in thb
Mbretog aerviee and aermon at 10:30
- Uwa Maw Bobbed at f^bwaw.
liarremajnber thla to -(ha |4a«e to leave
n*v.» CMbila. AAMr.
Preoehinf at 10:S<) a. m.
d Votee
Heuae laat nirbt waa
moeh larrer than tbe alyht before aod
Jallna Caaar warranted the increaaad
e.f While thepiecew
UtUe opportaalty fhr the mnmbara of
ike anpport. aaide Crtun iba three chief
ebaraciera. to appear to rood advau<tare-
Saaday achool Md Bible clam at 12.
Evenlar aerviee Md eenaoa at 7.
Bvt. M B Bruark. Pavler.
Claai: meeUor at 10 a. m.
Praaebtog at H>:30 a. m.
rhli-au’,,. Keb 17
R. H. S|K-ncer. an
ez-ln«auier of hn> t-.uniy, who realdee
In Alcona, la., la at the I'elmer Houae
aiiffei'inc from nerv,<uv dementia, thr
reault ••f a m>-aterlo(ia n.bbery He vra*
vl.-tlmlred tv.-dneaday nicht to the ex
tent of 2400. and the buw of the money
baa' turned hia mind teii'.txiaElly and
perhapa |.m, uienlly. _ •_
"Pemoaal Work.*'
Sunday achool at 12 m.
Epworth lAgue at
oa (be Baeard roreaeCly.
Plllvbtirx. Feb. It—After eatimalinc
1th xreat aevursnee of a<-<'Urmry that
p. to.
Oaapal aerviee at 7 p. m.
there, were iwenty-acvrn peiwnna atlll
Hegtoutog ibla eveulag apacial meet- miceinx of ihnae in the mdlua of danI X<T at the bic fire here. It turn* out that
lagk will be held to tbe Sacead M. E|«era
Theiatoreat ia the piww oea-
mlatake w.mewhere.
about Hr. Spencer aa Caaaloa.'
Mr. Macomber aa Brutua, and Mr. Beadially toviied toaitead tbeac aervioea. j h.d n.,.w-,ijrfe« day. before the Hr*
.11., I.
Then of tli»«e record -d aa mlMlnx yea•jterday MU-hael frll.-am and Jame*
Tnveme City XnrlMt.
\ Bevrriy are found to be allvi-. that
Below ia a Uat of the bnyiag Md aell-j iak*-v eleven lew
lew. •■t'the mlwln*
qaAllficatioaa rcadar them fittinr cona -'
■lar aa Marc Aatony.
were ia
the haada
v^faoae penoonlitiaa
iniShakeapeare'a bcoi traredy.
*n>e nadition of Caaaiua
reqairet a
fr^ that of SbyToek. bvt Mr. Spencer
-Won fully equal to the tranaiy^oa aad
portrayal ^of
I*awraace Uarrat
eriUclaed in bla renditioa of ibia part.
Md to cay that Mr. Spencet-fa^bove
mueb. but thla la one of tha moafldifficall ot all the charmcUn la Shakeapeare'a.worka and even though aome of
hia IndividuAl maAneriama might not
OMAt preeiaely with the ideaa of tbe
Ing pricea• o>
of yeatortay ivm
for ~gr«*rfe».!
hnwev.-r. -ar*- Mill
unacMil farm pr^ucto in Trav-1 e.>unird
.1 the tire de|.«rtrtien1
nl l» aure
more pe-i*].
were kill.-<1 thap have lw-*.ii found, ilot.
axuJKO itum.
that. h<- l>,-U*‘vee that no eatlmate
Clear Fork per W. new....
kill- d xi far made will r. aeh Ita A< tMl when all-le kn'‘WB
It ie dan10*75;
V work reniNVlnc the debria. for
are US tanka of. explnolv-e am, midila In the rvlna. and If it ahould go
*’iorr there would be aueiber horror.
--- •*: t ^ , Jjil.-r.—<'i
4j||.-r.—<’i e more lv>d>- ha«heenreeor.
erefl from Ih
lira ll waa (hot of Wm.
■naleiM, a milkman.
Hia body
lly tnulllaled but eaally rectixnlaed l.y hb etothlnx. The ll«t of mla»inx la rapidly awellliin.
:l>va«oa Plloa.
....................................... -■
ntndent of Sbakeapearc or accord with
Tbe great vitatiiy of dragon fliee ia
the atyle of otbera who attempt tbe
•bown by MolAhcbtaud, wha tuvlng
xtrude at a large aMobeoa at rw oo a
~ po^ it may be promptly etated that
Mr. Speaoar kandlea It with aa earaeat*
T TBArntan cm;
Mm which enUtlea him to credit for
la tbe qnarrel aeene vrith
Bratoe la the intenaity of the nature,
and pcrraonality of Onaalua brought out
• and to thin theaoBtlment of the Uaca
SX «r'i.r'X;!"
FototoM per.ba.!! !.'!,!
. 48toU.
twig, (be head waa au(Xi to ^ble
down, while the real nf the inaeot flow
awny to ail ■oii'lirided mauiMT" fora
oouasderable diatuuiw. Upon picking up
tbe bead be noiicvd that tbe Inaect had
faaan eating a Sj at the lime. ‘*.Tbe
mandiblca wmUuoed Working naif noth,
tog bad bapivued, and tbe mnaticand
are well tolerpretod by Mr. -Speaeer..
Ia tbU aceae. too. waa tba ability ofMr.
Maoomber taxed, yet Uat gentle
waa pleaMag. foreefnl and worthy of
rraat eommendaUon.
Mr. Macomber'a
Tbe Board of Bdocation vrlll aell (be
Beat btatc at^ aehnol property, eooFrank Ben- alatlng of loU 28 Md 29. block K. Hmthe nah. I.ay A Ca.'a 7th addiUos. togatber
mMt Inteaae ntUnUon and the life Md with the bulUlng thereon, at privnta
•alefergroo. For farther totonBnUoB
Are arith which he deltvarnd
eolee, ennnclntiea and figure aeemed
to ^ tbe part admirably.
BprlKnnl mlDofa cm be anpplied
with fond and air by a uewly patented
KOMlait cyatem conaiaaDg of aaericBof
plpea. to be laid ihrangb the mtoe
toiilta, with bcaneb' pipea numtog
■connd each aecdon to be uaad if tbe
main pipe aboold be-vQ^ed by a tmvn
to. fiexible ooDvr^ara faeiqg nm thraogb
the pipee to <mrn the food.'
X«a.z*seeti F±aaa.o 2tffa33.Ta.£ao*box*3r
SAttofActioB guarMteod or n« cbArge.
Leave your ordera At cfloe or ctoll up
'Phone No. 8.
E.W. Hastings....
Kimball i
Real Estate
Monsy to Losn |
Improved Farms aadlj
City Property.
JohnAon Block.
'Phone 73.
Steinberg's Grand Opera Honse
Oo« Solid Week.
Monday, February 14,
Theatre Co.
“Tbe four piano and orunn faetoriee of tbe W. W. KimImII Coni|iauj. Ohicaffo, have for years been cenceded to be
nmeb iarut-r than any o9ber cstAblisbmpnt of tbe kind in tbe ^
world. The capacity of tbe plant bn* 1j»^u further incre*^ \
by tbe addition of a fifth factory, and is now greater than any f
two like inntitntioQB in extotence.”—Tbe Tia»8.Hei!aJ4^ '
“Tbe lare^t pinno and organ &ctoriee in the world.**-r-Tbe
Cbicago Recoid.
'*Tbe output of the Rimball faetoriee ia grMter tiian that
of any^o factories in the world.”—The Xadieator, Chicago. '
“Aa large again aa any other factories in the woiid.”—Tbe
Chicago ('b
Musical Merchandise,
SmaU Instruments,
«:^zceUent Variety.'
man Bare * portrayal of Brotna tbqi
\ of The Press.
year erdera^Bd^et prompt work.
fmfeiu ot the grfi cbaractera latroAaoad
flack, Bos and Baggage I Opinions
.Iqoibr League at 3:30 p. at.
•fared and admirably given, there waa
.Is the Correct Medinm.
ancoxh urrfKiDiHT.
Tbe aodienee which filled Stelnberv'a
Muate by
Baadny aervioea:
All ere cordially tovited totbeae aar-
Travarae Herald.
: c
Baterrod Seats, 80e.
Gdueral Admioa
pBBiedbyn peceem bcOdSJr
-oto'ved ttoket.
Aji fJiB iBfJtBt. pnptilav
Cell da aa wane there la • ebaaoe ter • abetoe--
235 Front,Street,
N. £. STRONG, Manager.
of BlIilBtIr band.
Ilph*<»n*n. .
fort. For the piwnl h« sskHJ to w
Bxrusre fr>
dtacusf’nieftpBBUli •SBlre.
Tho Iftsiloc wHI f»m«ln at thr prerent
hXBtlun un UsaaMihuA'-tlB arenu*. as
there '■ •
years' Iraae, of tbs
^ I lyremlses.
aU Sots of People a&d Odd Bits of News Ftom e
All Over The State.'
Iriehman in ParliaiTtent New De*
mand v* “Independent”
Tba Roll}- lodepMdant aayi ibat'Mre | ran.
It sa.tv
«f Its •xekM*aa apOaka of a conUaniM *'
t -r^
I we bsee UUI7 t
Waahlasirei. Wl. 11—Copaldrratlan !
whs wsa ■'aariosal.v ill wlt^ rrare that the ktste hold all the pise Wren
a autc foraatr}- park, ___
and at of the Indian aprn-prlatlon bill waa re- |
doshUof rsoorerv.” The IsdapaBdanl lands aa
SSpa ftiriber; -Wa treiit thto sew dla-''asoe
wiU Sot profs oastafloaa:
rq>L^\ l> -lib plUTiiL. Tk.' i
U.d U -orOil-. .. I.
I- II ™. I
hseesodoahlbBlUiaaeriossMd the elalned tor farm purpoaaa it wlU coat i«nt aniendmerit to thr bill aas that of. |
an immeDoe outlsv of isoapj before {fered b> Fettiaree ablih. If Bnaily en- ^
■frsre ia is ai»hu"
crops c«B be raised. nrbercM it baa p^ '
Walter Dic^ of Chariotta dtp. ared
»», drelded to }oln Or. Metcaira Klos- i *■**
dike i»rty of Detroit. He psrchaaed.'
fathars pfojxeed acUon, and the
boniM.lred i
prodnoi them apain. It plant- E lands thr reitlere have Wn obliged to
P‘"' and properly oaiod for | pay the' purehare pri.-r imld to thr lanlj<'Umr4 I
lioaa of dollars to the «tat«. and If then
t Ifot KiiriDKB. e. Ii : for *e ,
rifht be would go any way.
sf .'VsaKAchuBeltB :
ivi and cTantioa . o the AUte of Kan.
Fnfi I
So ope ! tio» ‘n** replanlinreach year »« as t«
„fr the
nlFbl last week Dick slept In a anow-1 "winthio the foreai. th* .Ute would
bank all nirhl and the next momln*
r«el»a a la^ annual reee-
IBit up feeling as ohSpoeraod spry ae a ;“»e<®riu forest Und which would re•prime lamb.
r “•
ira.^ j.e, ,.r the
He will go.
1 i'*'’* ^e taxpayer* of many burdens." AxnruUur*! oih «e and^f the. Kanraa
, Plate V..—...I
Nurn.^ —(.-.wther*-..:
echo >tr tb«Te*>n. and for a
puhlt.- park
BatUa Creek hai I unique soeletyl
Charles'l«onBC>. of Palmyra .lownrut tc the Ii
Th.- IVttti
ealled the "Blaca Club." All membeea Wp. ought to be on the New-Ybrk dian' ipproprlatloti bill M aa Intlow
•That all w-itlrr*. under
> foot datectire force.
. meet drees in blMk from head
Iswv of ihr-l'nltnl Plates, upon thvpuhone
neohjeetof th^lub ia to ko«p iu
mbeiB troiD apsading thai'r'inoDey In not oomplalu to the police, neither did passacr. ..r
ha throw out hinia that this, that or or
varltha other man might tell if .he would. oua Indian .tribes, who have or who
hen mast he at borne by 10 o'clock
He ran amall pleecs'of win into the
for each offei
The club is pompoaed of marfied men eoba of so ean. and next meming
pay a forfeit of SI
entered In x*»^ falih for ibe pei
quired by existing law. ahall be. •
to a patefll for the land so entered upon
the peymenl lo the ln*al land officer* of
tbe usualandcusloBiarTfees.and mother
or furbter rhatge of any kind whaUo-
at:<onn4 IX of ^em is the sianager bf a
Brery woman la dolag her................................
bedt to get her buabasi to join Uia
aatl-stay-ont-late club.
Mia. tVashingtoe Weal of Novi, owai
tler to enIKIe
land •■o.errd by hIs entry: provided,
thal the right tp mtnmute any such en
try and payfor iwld lands. In the option
of any lUrh settler and In the time and
at the jitires no* fixed by existing iawa
shall remain In full foire and effect."
a little chipofdark, "boggy" mahog
A North Branch young lady accidnet- any taken from Napoleon's coffin by as
allyawaUewcda braaahuitoD.and tte officer on tha vetoei which removed the
BefareU—LeiO Cttwiar I
London. Feb
IX. — In the bouse of
eimroona jraaterday John Brdmood. the
FamrllUc Jaader. moved an aruendmeot
to the addrraa la reply to the speech
from the throne at the u]-enlOi; of the
parIUm.ni. It waa to the tAect that
. -wiaie the houre rr-Kards wjlh sallWac-.
r of the noBhiTii brnnrh o
j lew barrens lyoiild hr worth many tnll-
rwHed that he woold try a aiioose in
r HI* f^rty Falla W
'■I ""
.“.TSil" Sr„S'rJ; “rt |
18 ON A
>\.-nHnvbi.lh Ireland, ibe
I - In nowise meet
t Irihb parUament.'
'Kedmond said that, the executive had
declare*} (hat tl.e relrbratlvn of
(bat IrvUnd bated Kngbind There bad
Ist n times. l(<-*ltnond rontinued. ..yvhen
England could have changed that feeltog. and^he believed It possible that it
mtgbl yet lie changed. Redmond then
pruveeUejJ^t.i crlliciae the changed Liberal attitude since Ihe retirement of
Uladsiune. and asked fur an exprifsaion
of opinion from tbe Liberal leadtn
Harr*»rt gepli—W Wramsaa,
nr wiuiain Vernuu
Harvourt. the
Lll>eral leader, replied, emphasising the
oai-nike Hblvb tbe Liberals had made
for huroe rule, which was hIS belkf.
and wbicfa he had relteraird in all bli
apecebes. liui the speaker pulDled out
that (he vuprvinacy of, the Imperial
parliament was a material feature of
filadstene's bill anil was aceepted by
(be Nailuoailst leaders. The present
amendment; Sir Wimam j>v>im«d
John Dillon, chairmsb uf tbe Irlab
.Parliamentary parfy. said he wonM-auppun the amendra
ted tbe departure of the adherents from
that towa. But tha fair vietim'a re eonvenir was a frihnd of Mia. West's
iSolliy of
f the Ule ?
markable aelf-poaaemion and kaewlParnell 'l^llun warned the Lllterals that
Irish vote unless
edge of the piacaiorial art oasno h^pily
a TWe .. Kmwall ** they Would
headed ihelr pnigrammc.
to her reacM. She tied a buttoo^holetsar
Iwterpeers the MUt.
Waablngton. Feb 12.—A number of
tsaatriagaadaeon fished ont the me- Eaplda. bad a tragic experieaea with
.Oral lurd of tbe tresauTT
the bliuard. She left Hagiaaw. where membei* of the senate nmiinlllee on
tollie trespaeecr.
the had been on a visit Monday mora-' foreigti Maticoi favorable (u (he Ha said Ihe IcM-al gpveriunem bill.was not
lag. for boM. cairyiag with her her waiian annexation tresly held an Inlor- Intended as a step t*imard b<me rule or
^BbigetsaaaPnmya. a-fre
peal meeting In PenatorJ~r>e'K i-omnJtas a compromise, but rested solely on
8_;_monih*^»ld twin Iwya. The Detroit,
t«« rvram yesterday for the. purpose of
etadent of Ann Arbor, it a giaduaie of
nieHts. to confer upon Ireland
Grand Rapids A Weatom train, on- eontiderlnx' -he'future enurwe to be pur
Doibeshs eoUivp. one of tbe uWestl^™^
the same lu.nl uperllea aa enjoyed by
became sued with reference to the treaty. Tbe England and Scotland Balf..ur added:
eehocOsin J^pan. He was given an.—
stalled la the storm and was ont in it Bieetlng resulted fPnni Teller'! suggvs- • I flrmly
Irmly believe thai a.a>ner Or later
oellent poeiiicm ieUmUyUuTitbi hank,
the peoples of (he iwu Islands will bv as
nil that night- Abont 4 o'clock Mon
the targeet in Japan, and wrote many
cluAei) united aa thuoe uf any uatlou in
day morning one of the twins died
articles on flaaai^etc.; which led to
(he wiirld.*' This remark *wU-d forth
wbtTe on board the train, netwiihofdl- Irish < rte* of Never." to which Balfour
bis being oSeredapoaitionon the Kokn
etandi^ the efforu of tbe trainmen, rent legislallun.
The Iri^ mecnler* neither
Myn. a daily paper printed at Tekio.
There was. a thorough dlx-uaslon of desire nor hope that
I l-ih h*iH- abd
who went to the mother's aaaiatanee
(he Bliualioti. Ibe result of abk-b waa a
rnmya waa sent to HaiHii during the
and waded tbroogh tbe enow drifta to decision to firt.l an early method-uf de dealte lu Frv.m wtudy of history I am
recent ditturbaneeaaa a correapoadeat.
convinced U.at the scheme for a sub
procure nourishment at farmers' hov- termining the strength of the annexs- ordinate parllameni .ta not worbablv"
When hh work there had been earnaes for the lUUs onre. Tbe child haf '
emOment Acivrdmgly Davis
pletad be tnrood his eyes towird the
' make an effort to g-l the treaty
y^up in
Then am d the lauehter and cheer* of
aever t«eB la robnat health, aad died ;
wreh with the
United btatta and
1 «B roots
the f.onserv*liv<e Italfour cummenteti
reaoit of hernia Tbs-Wain I ^iiJin'nng
the si-Whrs
spstor Ann Arbor where he
-------ui»D the unpataiahle poslilon * of tbe
then attempt to secure
Lilerwie ' It. the face of the
will revnil ,ll>e v-otin* pressui-V' which he sdiled. "with or
strength 0
<e----- >t.-i afternoon
w iio.'ui ,'urTi. 4ne
thr Ulwra^
L-joerm^ imill hace
jI Tnetoay
that Mr*. Evaru and 1*K-ale the
K wnsld'-rvvi
tidaa when be ret arm to Japae. and
swaU^y'', The aniendipept was ermtreiacbed home with, tba dead child.
eootidara the law eoune here a very
usIlv^Tjctcd by :ti to Si vot.-* John
I by Ibe MAtw
Redm.ind tben'mev-d-ar Bm-n*lmenl la
good preparation.
fav*-r .pf a re*..iAT3?raiU-n *if Ihe cases
1 An upper penin-ula paper lelU a I
Waahingt -n, F. b, 1/.-The s* n,
of.Ihe Irish tailit c-.vl pr.s ■lo-r*. Admiral
atoiy of two bonret ueu in that see- ; trrOay
tviufireu d
iktvsford. amid
of custonu at l.-rd I'harks
U-rn. as follows:
Rtleen yfara ago;
f- K*'**amendment. wil>e.p.lt: o. l
L.. «
er of a bonod. "Feuy." aad * eat, 1
. - ~ > i>-tP»it:
Smith, of x«rtn
North |'oe.... -ui-i- **-* in- ••meiiuiiiem.
•Tousa." "Tooae " iaaglant.and tioa “ “
Krup.hak, now of Reaaemdf.
mini.t. r and consul general i Ih-isht he q.-. Ur-*1 h- det.'-ated the
purehsaed a l-wilway
rallwsy ticket from
dynemliaril*. Timothy tiealy.sui>|s>rttihaly. *ui>|s>rtAVMireB
**T ' porchaaed
lieorgt ,
ijb,.H«- Kthan A. Hlleb*»«k
■tHMk. of MisMts- d>-nsmlianl*.
tbe oeslea at K. pound*. Tbe d<v nod
Beetle, thr depot agent at Bmbarram..
W.- H. log the em-ndment. i-smiramed the dlfferenre. l-iw-n ih.- aititUile of the
cat have always been faet
wiscoiwu: in'payi’Bg for it be gave!
were raiaed togatber and diar off of 1 „
o^,. .
; revenue Thirt.pvnth dtatript of liiinoi.; F.ngllsh I.-war.! the Fret;iJ«man Dreyfus
anil Ibvlr- suilude t..w^rd the Irish
Up. p-p.. pP—. Pn-i«,.UT th. l-o
H .™.p1
V. ■■
I-.lll1.-al pr1ii.'.ii-r* Th” I*. «- r- Je.-t».d
^.ip thought at the lime that be bad 'Castle New S.-uih Wales.
tbe amen Iment b) lil t*' iO' vol-s
i* Ip...
Me K,p.pppb.V ;
togelber. but ootbing waa thought of
reived a letter^fronj Mr. Beetle as ;
Washmetoh. Feb. I2.-The h-use comthe matter until tha olbar day. when '
*>.. I —,t.
. .K——fcLi
loogVme ago you gave mv mttle- ..n otilliiiry aflalrs has r-|..rt.d
Mrs. Luod.v ssw the cst perchto «l—|
buying a mUWay X-witMi: «»." < m t-. 'Pwu.re Major
(be HsMia *r H
Whan, to lu. rai.l: and imy In the
sntire tamily went into fiu of hyateria remains from bt. Helena to Kranea.
' over the calamity, aaya the Dasette. of The oflleer who econrod the greueoae
The demand for Improved and ITnimproved City Psoperty is .becom
ing brisk. I have
Two or Three Houses anil Lots
and a Number of Well Located
pav con* of t'
l“'rl f
exiiqerai.-B 'M»>'r Wham *pf 1
i-harxe <m uhli-h he wa» 'vurt-mi
^.U, .h.
puto V
, p.„
- .
.1 tvwi MPas a oaae auajC WTOng
The BiU
npon hlm.
Botb official^ at the ®«r- der aad both d.ned off of h.s carcass.
I therefore an- I
T.ie state de.
Mrimeni ha- twm s.lyt..-d thr*.ugh the
. v|»-rien.-.vi i.v the
master at Itavans Tmit-*>lay and t
ask ftenrrai
anp| r* port.
t wfn (M- taken In tbe;aplDi Is whlih t>
J made: ••therwl*'^ the matter will UMaephv Has Nalkloc ta Say.
drvpped imd (he rtplatlipiis between the
Washington. Kel>. 12—Fenalor Murpalate deparimeut anil (hr Spanlsb'lwga' phy.of New V*irk./|e*''4eap. lodlaun the
: tlon
wtll run
sm*»itHly *>nie
nip.nI'Ai-ll.m taken by the New T-pfk kgis'A_
. ,
I through the medium .pf SenitTTyu Bose,
War Specials Will Have to P6*» the ltr*t ae,reisr>. ami now
Pliarge , turv iereurlng hkn f. r Ms .vole on the
T.-lkr llnanvinl lewPiitl-n
aaas Their Souls in Patianea
id-atta.ie*. Ir .an be-aid for th-pr^e.. ,
------- -------------'
y { not diapp.S'-d to i-uraue Dr Lon.eIn any_______ _
'\ Ipere-.na; rj.lr:!. aii.l with this spirit ln>' SETS SEE. IS THIS H CUBA!
irinriET OOBTINUES TO BE OAI* ) the bea t ..l th- admlnlstratlus th-' ^
.e. ...
end of the Wtalr tm» Iw ..Id I.. have
I been rea.-Ikd.
As the repreaentatlv'e ,
l■ •^•at•ray.
of bpam. Pemo Don Juan Du IP«k :
' anceburv. K> . Feb If.-At F,wmNp ls>n.e-> at e-___ _
■* noon yesterday- at tbe
slate j taplw. Ibis cp.unly-. y-Werday Contlablea
called at
a !• rTcmner
I‘ deimrtmFut U.-..4
and pn-aetited le
is m
w eOiMe
rlling *I.
Crv.pper «l
anpj TbaiAci attempted
' ‘ iPt^.-ation uf thr Kpanlsb government I real as old lady named On.* e, who was
'.that the resignation of Acr.ir Enrtqu-' at her h.mie with eeveral grown im
' Dupuy ds latnw had l-een actpcpied. anp] i daughter*. R> fore the uffl. er* realls^
(hai Kenor Du Boar, waa avlborised t.> I it one ..f the girU n-w at them Uke in
Washington. Feb. It - The personal ropiveetu bbi government aa charge ! esrar>d tlgirwi. A-ilh a long knife, dantoeldenl growing 4>ut of ibe pub:Uau,.n
D« luume will leave wltblh thr next
; gereusly -wounding U.lh
I asathvr
I Ume the old Isdy 1
daughter drew revolver*, and t
aeltled. This ha. been br.ught .t-.ut dev-o.d of anvVm.ul or puhllc.-hara.l-r:
. by the short cablegram acst by Mjpiaier The day of hla de»*rture from WashWoodford from Madrid, 1s which be Ingtos has nnt tores fixed, bat tt will be
gtglaa that tbe mfuiater toad -resigned early wxt week.- Beoor de Ixune r. Md hi* reatgssilon bad bren accepted ceKe<l . rigiresenmilre of the Ayaobefore be (W.Mtdford) preacnled the r-- clat.-d Pivss at tbe l-galion yeoterday
guest of the rtfllvd Stale* that he be :
A‘l «U.ut were-ev Id-nrea of
; Th.- l«lUe raged f«r a few moment*.
{ and after the smoke cleared ..Id Mrs.
I Uraw-o wsa fousd dead and shot
' pleCea shd both 'daughters woiKU
| Ttiuoe who SBrvivcd are
w*. wiu s.we.
-of Benor liupuy de Lsme's letter
Sanoi CanalVJas may u- regarded
recalled The .'mH.I. b^fre. ss .tier- , L'TTr'in^'ihereSaroffl^^T tt I
r Woodford gas-e
0 learning.tl , de.aU._ of tbe _hap- ;
diplxmatlr corps.
I evening 10 (I
------------- -J
Mhdtld Thuraday. and are|wa. amly nf i^'^te near Valen.na,
waiting for tVuodturd's promised full ; 8|wln. *h|eh h- had been looking over 1
f<»rvlgn mlnisler. and (tenor
were peeareporto But unle*. thi* should coslaln m asllcl|«ll.ps of wn rctuntlng to It. '
esl. "
Seetof tJullon.
by toews................................................................................................ "Till* will he hsv last'
I will aeiper men us thr subjoct. aaid that Seher*. Is no dlsi>oalllos
' you as mlslsier of Span
. in." aaJd ba Tor
ir Dspuy de Lome's auccreaor, would
:hc governtneni to pratxmcl (beI 1 are
an about
to turn over lo Mr. TtJ Bose
>r this unpleasant Iscldanl. and all tbe afialre of the legatloB." He d»of tbe Amocialed Piyw learaa that SecUaed to say a word abost tba «?aiii»
nor de Lome's autxkmcr will be Batier
if a damasd for as apology will las letter.
Lpoat. Polo Bmab*. atm »( Ties Afi>
mlrml Ptdo. who fotoieriy repreaaptsA
Spain lu the I'nlied; Slate*
vu».'>. A]
ColllTTbUS. rt , F* V 1:.—The <
pitblu-jin I^tigue*^-
heM In this . It} yesli-rady
Itvr si.pnnl-yi In the blstoryof the league,
.IS^Sur Alies-a Ibwwly-.
Wawbingt. 11. F-h. I2
• • •
, closa ypuyan expreaa order for »S0 "
The LodlQgtoB Appeal U level-head- i Mr. Kaupftbak relumed »15. aaying: -1
Vacant Residence Lots
F.iniker an.lKushneTI elemeni was d-mInsni
In the --.inveiulon shd >-arr1*-d
Th- reaolathns wer.- arnen.led si> as tpp Indorae
llajtna. lull th- Hanna men w-«r.- diagronil-d ireause Kushnell and F..t*ker
oirdtall) Indoise every
in Traverse City that will be sold
d.'|uirintent of
of <>nr be|p.«ed. kvel-head-d
.•f‘-1.-nt env'-rttor .'en-ral Aaal* Bush«p'r' T4k Mi-Kinlev ar«l Hanna adher.-nls wer.- als.- . p|«-ed l*. arwptber
rteolution that
the Msa>iu
t'utw reanlunons, .lnir.du.-ed la tb*
Dniled State* knat-. k.plnx that'they
“w ilt he prumptty approved by ih« cviinmlltee on foreign analrs. paraed hy tb*«
renale. aad enerreiliany carb-AInto ef
fect bv oiir h.moM-d presid-m."
An-ther' resolution.,, approved
"eneegetl.- efT.-rts .tf Ih- alt. rney gen
eral and state a-nile" to destroy“hUTtrul tmsis'* and ato^ for legtsla.
lion thal would drwtruy ibera
At Low Priees
Na toaday Ueyete RaHa^
Louis.’ Feb. It—Att-r three day*
of hard work th<- national aaaembly of
ii sold NOW.
question of local option In the matter
of FutHlay raring was again defeated.
An amer.dmetkt providing that atate di
visions b- granted the right to determine for (h»maelve* whether or not
Fundar blr-ele rares should be peemll
ted was IntipdtK-ed and defeated by but
Barry . UBl. PVb lX.-J..ha 8. Kuahler.
I wealthy
nwrehant aad
i hurvh member, cenfeased In a card
puldiabed In tbe lo-al paper that be has
been evading tbe tax .'v.llectur fur tee
Mr. Konbler f«M over t« Oollactor 'Wife*
>Lia.W. wUA be ctaimo covers taxaa
aad Iniorem Car
Come aod ask about
them, if you want a home or Ck good
Th-os.^e Bartesi
Abd caIcpIaUu •cbooL ETrn ta
io Loncentrate
:A7id Perpetuate
A Great Fortune.
Aaior eetatra .tta parp
s mlllht bs
F. HudM
TIu Romantic Story of Van nemtaeUvr. holding..
Jceneralty known aa
"Harry.r wa. In the Inauranre boalJohn Jacob Aster BOM.
and hr I. a i>ri of the ml*hty Mfh.
Wniiam Artor. Hr Intrnlrwrd reprefu>nutlvr«> of Ihr Khlarlander. llorW.
and His Millions.
IdiaiFrnard and other wealthy real e.*
tale oanera. and It was such a plennnl
^Sirraiion that th<>>’ aiinilflrd their
n llUnimeM to take poUele* io the propcvd enterprlae. rnnaequently the A.yProperty Is
lor In.uranee company It an rxtttinc
' to Be Con
Thu* far these eommen-la] radearort
^•lor imat. hutrich real eetatc
•rietor. of-NMr Tork illy will re.
In a combination i#-m»nryed H»t-rIbat cannul be equaled etseubrre
day of traats. There have
i. Hamn-len n-hb. one of the tru«iees
•f corablnaMon. of capital t« eobceo. . of the Khinelander -state—n hh h ha* a
ilr iortain line* of mercantile aHlvU < fifth lnleri*h-4» to *>e pi^ldrm of the
....................... ............. ...............*ut*ervl- tire Insurance ei-rltm
Sion that cnini~-tltlr>n mlphi I
, and the market_lcr|-t i
there ari’ear* a new «
-nsifatloa* that will aturd
thHr interest* and. while aavlntr them ,
e*i>i-n*r. add t
1 J«hn-Jnr.»l-'* iBv.wtnieni* In iwi-r
-untie* a r made by him In the •«..Ion of ti
ir parl-r« riT.the Farm.
holder* In the h-ery
Which they-lhethaelve* Invest. It I* a ful presldetit of that ln»tltutl..n *ee»
ttniqur condition. Init probably a very -a.hat em.rmuu* amount* -if aoummupmpfr one-from the staadpolnl of the ' lated weal
family, with Ilf varied connectieiM.^
atitiRta the fiiwi to adopt the new plan
0f e>incen|raiillon. It will *be remembered that nearly'
yeai a*ce-ln
wriy' 110 year*
tib A*tor il)
t* way lu Ha
present pi'allinn. that of the rreatewl
landed prupiirtor «n two eontuicnta. He
bnuKhI a lot in the Ibiwery. then known
a* n-iHeir lane, near Rllsabeth strset,
Kew Tork. and from lime to time addedto hli real esute b<ddlnK* until SI
ywdr* aner his Initial purchase he was
that he can buy and pay for s-Jdlilnnal
property w-irth a million d.dlarw every
month ’ and silll have eneuph left to
meet his current exiiense* I* the com
mon repn.r. But all hit buslnes* is
least possible attention The Aslnra
may realise the. poskiMllly of there he.
Ins a people's revolt some day aasln*ltbe .tbonnrwdlilnk of bouses and landa
and the richest would be the first tic*
Jf*n Jacob Astor, It) was bom In
_ .
___ __________ —
fvrijr rvuUi hr
iarpirrd vltb. no<
make tl&M w'hllr you BiAk-but $*.***." 'ilm any otbrr (bpRibrr pr the'(aiully. lions u( tbr
trvttufnr at>4.
Tha man abouk hi. haad ta do^.: boi. b-c«iBUi« aomajia«AaUa. hr »aa ahov. an. wUh iba Wra that tbr
i Tb» «a-.t *—tfon of tb» A.tor
twt Aator-. iwadK-tloo mma tw The | flarwl un at< rtt^anl mate. BW H«- of Ne« Y.ah «a« a. loei JUM. ae th-- ♦. uoa-..r;:-1!»
!»,► JlMdV road
“lly II
ra« Fottrieemh «u«M. 1b
of the ran
. on Fmh aviDu-. rtocth u* TTilrty.
. vartiaxe bu| iBvfiriiiioy
-;*md *ir>-»'t- U •<'nn*is for the iDMfi
Ike^d. an inbrriled j.A-ullartty of hi*
rt of well built .lone and brick re»dr-enlant*. allhiHish th«y are prd^
ms from higher molltes than econ- lp>
. md It I* said by tbaae w-h- re- Tblrty-fourth *tr<-ct*. on,l»ih side* a€
nwrahel- him that be paaaed tbe.omw fifth avenue, on Thirty-fifth and ThWStreet* a* If be TeU sure of luadw hla t>-sixth wtreels east •>! Fifth -aveeiw.
life In tke attempt.
: and on tWr west side of Hadlwip a«^
A stranaer. notinc thu ttmldlly. tn-■ nue. betheFO Tblrty-fu'udh anrTThir^
quirrd his Bsme and. hHiic l»M. ob-' sixth streets Jt ct>n(*lns mos.
4o*e aim
be most -b* a china -Astor. JP* bous.-s atthtn a mdlus «f
,t a bW* «
fearful of betas dam7 two. In this seetivn afe the Astor
ased. .
.alon and lt>e Hotel Waldort.
From the assei»>r‘B tooka In the tax | The Kden farm'pn.j-Tty
rty Wtendsdla*.
deiwrtmenl U is learned that the Jidin onally from the comer
r o
of Pbrty-thlrd
Jacob-Asl.ir es^le |fiy* taxc* do prop, itr-et and Bnwdway to the tiPsr at.
erty from HI fTmil street Io Poriy- nriieih strwet. M lonlatBa Uw
elshth street In which almost every. S'Te ciamtncnt bouse,
ihor-urhfare Is repiysent.-d. valued at
Th-re ar-f also b.l»..
(7.«tWfM. and In tbe annexed dl.trtci fr-.m Rixhiv-nlhlh street in Oraa Ifan.
.reels valued at eei-eral more mmi.st*. dr-d and Tenth *t»e-t. and s larxfi
lie lie- William Ward-*rr Astor estate amt-unl of FOl-urlNini>roie-n> In Harlem
Ill.TTI.m. But tbe list and In Westchesiwr Voutity. the theory'
1se all the realty bold- (.of th. Astorw »>cinx that the city *!■
ffr'-a In t^t.drrectlun.
U n nll.a roraan>e of yreat jtebes, iBcr>'a*.na from the sum of t?i W*>J0S that
the ..rir'qsl Ast-il- le|t at hi* death la
»:«soor>.«i*u. the estiniated >«tBt ■
-usln* now iB-lm.
ahoDld b
-iSed I
:<-heratl>>n* have succeeded th*
founder <d, th- h<-u«e. but dutlnq a1mo<
the enure peH-.*! ih- atm- set 9/ m«a
bave'l*—ti emi4*>yed t« wai'-b over Ins
Interest* ..f*the estate. There are two
divisions In the •dfice* devoted to tbla
pur)*-se and one oirtsMe. Philip Kissam was one of the trustee* av well M
th- manaaer of the estate of the prta«B«
John Jsmtf. Aator. a* be wa* for thoaa
of h'» father and rrandfather. Ahfi»r
Ilsrr’ctt. who wa* an lnve*ior In real
estate for tiuih branches of the bouaSk'
wa* Mtid to be the best anthorlly M
NVwxT^Trv and fcuburtuiD wal eSiala'
Another faithful employee aa* Johh
Dowoey. the builder. hJmaelf a tpiUloB.
alrr. who erected all ihHr house* ahi
made all tbe repatra durlnx a period o(
W year*. It should b* retneraber-dk'
bow ever, -that diKiul dW-thlrd of Job*
Jacob Ast-r's estate la In tbe fnnn of
bonds, rnr-rtcRxe* and other securiile*
It la «H1 kno^n that » Indivlduau
and eslsie* own nearly H per CMI ct
the real estate on kUnhatlaa Island an4
that part <rf Wsstebrater county k'nowa
before ItH as tbe annexed dlstrlok
About 1(0 ntbers owa M fer cent. Bat
It Is with lh» first named, wbc are canBe<-ted by snelal bonds Sad rapItaUsU*
Interests, that John Jacob Aator wt9
Ondjil* Insursbcc patron* The M ytta>
•sUte* are SB follow*;
No owe has yet | July 17.' f
atlBon to take that proud place fp>
—the Aators. Md Che anftdtlon. It Cher- I Baltfmnre. aleut the same time that • that made the first John Jaeo
tihed liy any on«. 1* quite hu|>el-*s.'
the tsiHllards. the farTHW* tobace»»t»lst*.J esUte ventures^ pr«>fltable.
Hl* presell Mle• deacendants. tWIIHam U'aldorf
ano John Jaob ,''^M<^,ered
hlro»elf rather aU.ve t.............
-.-.f..., -.-h
u, ____ _ »
ean“>f the I oon.ooo,.
t.,r the reason that his butidinjr*. besides tract* that have Dot
»ofreaie*tate1nNew York city, and , f„bFr In -'the old country - wa*' a [ beep built wts.n and their Ursa rural
d is sura- I butcher and therefore a' w ealthier man ; esUte* of park and Uke.
ch L to provide nj|ny men with larfe ihap rmost of his ncishlwTw His .-on.; But It la not for *<> many decades
Ion w ith various-enterprises In the that the Aator name ha* Wn "an opr«
. In -the Uudatsi Hay company's tesame ' rv-eryw here to the duor* of so.
land* and In Orepon are too well known ' dety. The Uodh-ldlns aristocrar
r recBpItuIatlon. His knnwledxe of - colonial days and the year* Just
e hub-her's trade. douMles* acquired ; lowlnx the Revolution waa fan ;
' siraltlai'ed and excluslvethan the a
of akin* and furs. He
e U-st and was
too prout
e bundle hotje U|*.t
.n his tiai
s a furrier who had been
ruder he could not be surpassed younc, whose wife helped
* the cioaest kind of
w&rk .of CUTIBK the pelta and whose
. mist all hi* life, amasalns a fortune brother was a vulnr buujier. was '
even while he and hla family were llv- barred out as kmc as passible, but he
InS In such -bumble quarters that tha was too rich a man. Hla service* to the
Wirtank. and could fre- j Inn
branches own
seen fonowlnx ibe physician | bran
Stuke* eslelc
Fumls* <-*lste__
Ra-WA-etf eetste .
kixtihew tVTU* ..
O. wnus Jaaies..
Total so holders................. ...e..;.JStt.«SM '
ThetV are other t'w-uple of great wakilB
—the Ayer*. Pearsons.ClaAlns.ftcboItaa*
and Greens, worth from ’ 6.08D.ON t»
Both tM.nqo.«o»-rcsldJne In' New Totk. b«t
of their Investment* are prlnHpally .
I »n ti
In the d««;lj3r> bands be was ex-land the Astor name does not therefore tent, patrons <
r docile, but even In bi* fortieth ' occur on the taxbooks. bnt the occu- . company. The letals glvea ahoy* !•
-- unable lu do more than cf.m- ■'pants
pant. of the houses will tell the Inquirer!
prehend some of the simple leeaons con. 1 that the Astoiw
; lainrd In a child's primer. Although
There Is tbe Bernier farm property In
i r«md (if the book, he rebelird 'when the ; tbe Tenth and Seventeenth ward* along
' pnuc-rw of memory wen- overtaski-(L I Avennr A from Flral street (o'Seventfa
HI* father.
I’lded .liberally fur the i Street. Jl ta oei^pled for Ibe most i«rt
"unfortumiie son.", by tenement* built by thelmaee*. whose
called in the ]}'lll. The l>n<ir j le««e) '
«lled '*U>ul
Ulut » yearw
year? ago
ago without llexc cd renewal.
havliiE regarned hi* Intelleet. Wtllism
The-oM Clinton farm propmy
Hackhouse Astor Inherited the bulk of formerly In Creenalch’vlllaBe.
, A)eoriginal furtuDc. Hc-bad three aons I'lid* from Little West Twelft
Jubn Jacob illll. William and Henry, 10 FIReeBth street and from
: named for bl* butcher uncle. Henry
marHed againsi the wMhes (»f hi* farhlly. and, though etill living up the Hiid.
•on «n comiiarattrr- wrallh. was cut off
with a rcUltVely small slice of the fam
ily millions and Is never taken Into aocount when the Astor family Is conalderr<l./>;i»n hla death WltlTain Astor davised ills property Is
the retvignl:
leader of tbe family, and wb-n hr dl
a few yeors
r* ago. he two* much the rlcher Astor. as WilUam. though hla fur.
Im-rvaaed greatly dxiHng hit life,
gave much less attention tu boalncas
than bis (slder Usolher.
Ptmng the civil war Jtrim Jacob (lin
served for a time on the
Vnlled Slates govern
hi* by Tight. He died
be termed a valuable paper;
generous to he quratloned.
-mtain Waldorf, c
_____ _ jnc son. wmii
Ibe fifteenth dsy of Julv next!?! fr^ved himself or hit
his n
family Into the m Lsmdtm. Wtlllam Astor died In 1»1.
citrles of the blue blooded rolerlea Be- : jmv
i\1ng one aon. lb* present John-Jacob
Ian. six iwr tent stock of tbe UnlWdJ >ld«* he was tbe friend of Washington ' O. and two- daug^item. on* of w bom.
ring. who. In "Astoria ' tells the sto. formerly Mrs. Goieman Drayton. Irnow
Slataa. and pay bln or order al tbe mte
. of John Jacob's farreachlng arheme. Un. Haig uf Ltmdon.
of Ptts-Oreene Halleck and of Joseph
f'nlonel John Jacob Aster, the foorth
Thl* William Astor wa* educated in.
I’biladelf^la. the 4th January. ITU
Q. Cocgswsii. When men of the learn
of the name, with tbe praisewonhy Ib,
Oukmalaed by Hr. Coruipton.
ing and BblUty all these three pneseeelenllc.n of dereloplng Tblrty-foonta
street as a baalaeaa thorouxiifare and
It 1* tiellrTfid that Ifr. Astor sUmsd ed were highly consIdeeeA In social drrulsmx II to a Urher plane than Twen- thia paper wbn In business on ^hw- rlea Then. too. hi* csUbllshment of
cled tbe
t1 Astor Court nui 'street, c
the'Anter library at the euBxesUon of
•thud streM. «recied
iTlIdUM. U* desired naturally to hav* ^ It Is> very
ver: evldeot, however, that be these gentlemen and tbe erection of the
seBemlly termed "fint cisas dida not confine
blifiself to'the par^iaa* A«or Bouse when Kew Tork w^ m
' /i.inta” and wltboot dlfllcutly or dc- of xnvem etit slock <tbou«h h* dou- dire need of a fint dam bo(el hdped
liv aeoared a
Th*• fifirst flour was bled hi* r ney on some scrip be look in. Us favor.
, / e'l— laliy adapted for
ou*i-, quring tne lierolutlbn). for abortly aftThere are certain ^d records that def«. but as
jange I er this he besuh invesilnr larcely In eribe mn*t amualiiglr the constemai',-..iJXhl of tnovlB* th* tdsa-ot havlBjt a ' New Tork real eeiate. aod *0 cooUnned ion of tbe "Ins" when they learned
l-ank of his dWB-lmm«dUlely Impreas-d nil the day of hi* deaU» Be wa* not that the parvenu. John Jacob Astor
vi.m. and the aeqacnce was the.^ior; only a buyer, but a aeUer. asd once. must be allowed to enter Into their ao-'
l>ank. .as the bifi lettered ittXB tSTorm* when.iie was a young man. he explain- dal dellghta but » yean Uter tbe fam
t:>w Vassersby.
od 10 ann BcqualnUDce tbe p
ily pf tha scorned Turner was regarded
>n w hk h be acted.
as the real "elect." Today they'bave
that he might bar* other eepreHe had soft a parcel dt real estate on adopted the tactic* of ' '
*•• •! .(rtctenantaCromaoineot the larger
t -i>.iailuDs down town, but the vlcln.
with critical Inspectloa those who
; It) "I Wall. Broad and Bearer etreeta,
attempt 10 become memben of dieir sowill! Us aimoapherv of finance. Is es>
dal drcle.
pA-.miiy suited to cqpitalista. and they
"In three y*nrs.*’.-1»e aald to A«or,
; C( uid rx-i sec superior Inducements *0 ~th»e lots w-lli seU for JU.OOO. and I
Iri up town. But tbe colonel, as rail- ahall make H.ftoO net."
*t.id pib(>id<mt. Inveplor. hotel proprie
"Te*. I know." was the reply, "and
tor. . under, banker, military attach*, it was because 1 knew tbe lou would Tbe Utter was w«D educated had untU
yacb (10X11 and literary worker, is a rise that 1 ottered them to you. Prop, hUtwenUelh year gave great piumine of
ti.an of Ideas, and the tbooght fiaabed erty that Is bound to rise win always
a dlstlngulsIrf^lMan. His Inti(«n^ him that an Inauraaoc
aaU. but with lhe;p».0M you paid m#
—•-'•-■led, aad be forwaa a aecea '
act at lenrt to th* 1 have bought other propmy furtte
« alphabet. He
„ ..v,.'7lr™2=
tte table
entirely exeluMv* of pw.
soaal property and only indicate the .
aanonat of real estate bobIdinc* la Kew..'
Tork dty. The Oerry ostal- has but a
minor part of lu property represented,
aa It la collediveiy esUmated at tH.080.0W. Th* Gcwlet eetate U fully twie*
as much at given, as it haa real eutnta
holdings elsewhere, and D. O. KIUs ban
u«kay valuable pt^enies in San Wwtmn
The Ol3»t UniT«ity.
The oMeet unlrerslty In the wortCIi
at Peklag. It la called the School fm
the Sons of (he Empire. Its asUquMI^
>f stone cotnmns. CO la B
her. eostnln* the names of M.N* gmda*
A odrkt* Indaatry haa qininff ap tn
fifakiajuoe the decline of dlk oalttaa
ELECTRIC 6COW5 USED TO FACIU- tberotn tbeprodtmtioo of whatitkn^
TAM* /'ntiexoiif'Tir.N
aa aiikwdnn Rat lor flehlnu Unea. The
. ClDclODattH iodito, So. AM. oTPaaiurlTA TE CONSTRUCTION.
^ aclbarj leavea. aa xiaiial
vaoU. vbidi traa In-Utoted Jaa. flS. ItnH.
la in 16 yean of eiMnnor has aojoredao
tn ailk cnltm b« beftna It bepint to
exocpUoaallr |»<«|WMu«afw. StanJnc
apln>-tbat ia. lu Ua; and June—U la >
wtUi bot IT menilxn. It non hae on In
ika «4i*h j Rilled
Inineraioti in vtnenar. The;?
mU SOI DaTDva. thr avima* a» of t»
I anbatanen wbloh wo^ faaee farmed the I
uu-niU-r» U lnK bul U" ar> Thr innat---------{ rooauu sa then dtat4 oot IRoni iu body IS
■r mt th> Or4mt la W»- ed fnoda atf sow tla.uuu, Ibe laal tlx
i in the (arm of a thlcl ailkni thmad, i S
itba aloM abovtofta train (< •l.ooi.
A Woman's Shoe, the best in the Cit>-. for $1.00.
In the bnlWinBtrf»iK^«Tnt"Warwa-1
j, tiwued with cbetnloalanod
Ybeae tbnwla are
thb infdMnl fUli^ K Uiat U may ter. Hai*., where eJecIruwUy dnr«|^,^^
M* «r Uir m..t ln»lrd ir
Misses’ Shoe worth,$1.75 jor «5c. Men's Dress Sho«,
np in btindlea of 100, and the
forlbe meba eum tbe inlurenof wblrtx. wh-a aouwt delirer the materiala totheworkia Mb-uurt and U c-o
KkdaU oMairecotuoitotbehadin. will al»(>f>|iey. men. electric UshU anpply the ne^-j
•rdtan of Ibr orckr. Ur ha* aUendcd
peaeanu t»T«l with then
Prices reduced in Warm Shoes.
the Bh-k and death iMM-flu wUbuut any •ary illaniiDatinB, Heetrki TtMtilathm ; ^1...^ the abmm of the UpditemuMui
MovMry inroad* upon the capital
fana Aake work poieiible and dlwyto ! „ f„ „ Fmneo. The beat qoaUty of
_______ ____________ Mr. KJmt. Brrrfd
aid lartcely in rapid oosatntracai. “'thread i« RniDd. the flat form
Grand Serretary Perklwor MaaBcho- ptuiipa aU
being in- •
•MytanMooluniaiidorortit LouU.Umk Ktn ha* laeuvd the iiroatediiiya of - the That city
itr baa * larne aewnr, IH lre-t ' (eriur and doe to nobealtbiMto intbo •
' aad
..^Wtloo. .He «M alao flat pand lodite (nr imG In a bandnmely
wide and 18 ftet biftb. in which botb
primed and <arrfully *dll«d tamphkt of atonn wata and aewaRf are carried worm. The chief Beat of thU indoNUy ! •
i* Murcia.________
away, hot ai It i* Wmlile to aeparate
iratK the In- tba 4WO in ord« In treat tbe aewape
■e 1»
ihrvn otrr the .pn>|RMlltoD
M cUttiiwllyaonalleraefrer 6 feet wida
I build a ItiKtiaai unoplr at Indiana!
k Wbleb Brwbe ttp th* .
i The impuUOId Fqlka'boreeai MatUnn
j ia III U' oomplitnl nt a coat of IW.iiucr
a write tbe 'Aiiswen'
' The fnand ludtn- - also decided to erect a
a'(or tbii paper?” asked'
] rlaprlendachuullinlMlUBforihfiUnlhan*'
tbe stTangi-r w ith-the des^dcnl onon>
; botuo, to coat Ss.&ua An apprapriaiiun
ttoumee a* be loaned acroaa the desk
|U tlT.iUu for the taaiotenanoe of the
and h(«vwl a ryu tinged aigh tbrongb
bopw wai made.
Um' alinuspbcre.
For the Six time fur many yrara mean•‘Vi s. vir. What can 1 do foy yon*”
! aidAt" biu. Uvii naond InopicwWion to.
yon ■tiimxr a little question of
: Grand KiWBry Junto U. Klcbubun of
I IVniikylvania.
“(iiviMuetbo (artk and I’ll try.”
S Then- un- n<«rty ae many Reirkabi In
I New llniii|»hin. as .auliitfdluato ludae
; “Here yon are: Wlieu I was a baby,
! mi-mtien. —lUdM^B. ll,U»i subuidlny niotber. a widow, narried the
broUiiT of ■ ay father'a. first wife. He
La'd ymr there woa expended In Miawas my puclo, of ounrse. bat tbat made
aonrl tS.Tsri fur ilw nilrf i.i i-atrlarcba
him my J-thPT. didn’tltr’
Member* of lodsaebould uke palMto
“Yoor Btipfutber, you mean.” ■ ,
be piMkd on Ihe law* amt naaituaof tbe
••Yea Will, mother girt a dirotce
ortliT A «i.^ poeiid ttiid Fellow taade■aV'"'
nniJAinx J. ku-se.
frotU'-iny'nnole-fatbi-T. and tbea she
■wniliBniIrT of Ft IasuI* camp and pn- almhie pmduct in aby k>dKu.
matTicd tM oldent, sen of ay father'd
Itotoany hrotbiT know of a brotber’a
Mred tbe tansiltuiion (or It Tlu' eufln.1 wifdf He wii tqy half brother,
*|Mto* eomnuinde*- ho* .tveognlred . Mr. widow or orphan (bat wv can maka fai^ipy
wan t he. and aloo my eiepfaUier,
Kiene’* abllliy by an»>nili.R bUu attor- by vme act of kindiieMf
lor tbo order in Mtseuuri
No mattfr bow bntutlful tba ritn£. all
-iigrTMirsrjvCT noAT.
‘j “It look* aa If be wak"
of the *i>k«did effect* th.w an> intooded
to Iniprteei opem tbe twjididate arc loet if I. WOB IiBilt i.m* ib« U.B.r o... [ "11»1 ■«•'>« WAV'-. ”J l/.l»
thi- oRieora fail to bare a r>od delltccy of uiiUciug the biuiom ami tm «di' of it
i “•
Itnsto It did.”
for the walU. A i ciRerdam is coostrnct
" Men’e Black Clay Worsted tialu.
"That's what I thought Well, you
—Neat natteros. _____ -.
—All wool—pure wonted—htary
Twa CO !*■ boill.
Iben-Ilef comnilticeof ahidReebouid
ible tbeollHTwall
arm hmes with same gooda
my niicle-ratber bad a daughter bebeouuiimU pf Dolhinir but autlre-and and in order |o iluhver the materisU lo
OfiSr^Ung. hack style o..y.
Extra good Ilalnn. trimmiage.
tbe werkmm elrririi' scows were riggod
«M dnrinfi Oetobto.
iuQ*e la llieir ailentiou to ihl* work
np which work to pi'rfsetiou. About half"ai«er. too. a u't ehe?”
N'e call was made tn Praniylranl
daok. or Double-breasted styles.
I>elrlarrbe who ere to tbe CalKomU midway l<rtvvmi itm end* of Ibe iiew
tosimrm In the sick and fuiiecal benuflt
to>im-.q( IbeniudiioarenotoidMn'dtopay eewer a Mnall wharf baa 1
way 1 pot It up Nert
,noi enty a eonaiderable aariag
onl to it! thing was ay mother got a dlrtwee from
ed and tbe tualorial* are
One RWit mistake Ibe Jifw Hampahlre
over what Ton'd pay at other
made is | my Ivuthcr-fatber. and he—my half
atoms, bot tkey'm actually
u5y leave the borne de- hyau
, yon know-married my half
the t<
top of <_______
wen are lighted by incandi-soeut! aiMir. That made ^ a kind of atei^
1. >W,1A. Clmdbl. .1.™ - AM.
A. M. Potter
Electric Light company.
le W■orerKUr
mlM-rs In the s
Vaveriy. la., was ehc^ M tbe i««lslatare R.j»Lsh«
The double trolley sTsicm is a^. lbe{ "Well nerer
and JTV In tbe n
We show C-. ..
^ the eiale. at ibc laM tocctlon by a rote
wire* being bung from innlati'd brack-1 Wy half'
Ihatpnu him above a party representa
Wca*ea of matertala.
eU ID tbe orvb in such a way that a, no* <»7 <
ts atnrtly
Mre. He Is tbe yoUDfitot repitorntaUve
boVwe can't flgget married.
n he run on mcb.
cerrelected to Ibe lufririjUure infowA rilr
if we
. e cam
a without being aireMleiraproted
it a o
MTUS I «**
KnlRbi Poucr ha* lieai known a* a MarLodge-A Tn
kftidaf thingamy. Wedon't
anfase bustirr. and he ran be counted upon
8T feet long and 6 feet wide. e«di of the , «d for
__ hulls
hare our tire puncturod into at
Ma VlKlUnt guaid of fraternal InCernu
U. Caswell. Calitorala,' amall
10 inches wide.
l%lowa in bis new iswlikm.
irfhly till'd on symbolic Ma- the middle
the deck i* a amall pad- ] »e get to acorcJring «i.tbe matriaanial
>oaUeii higher
bodiM die wheel, boxed in to ptcrent splash- Undiaa. What I wait you to tell me U
,a severe dig In the rita W'ittm be toys Inganddrwi'n.Jbrough tbeintermeili- What iamy relationship lomybretber.
"We wknowlpilg.'
ary of aprocket whiels and * chain by
Mclp my rtejifalbera. my half alaan electric iuoior.. At tbe stem arc a tors, my moth.r, my half brother, my
rodder and «aj«ruller of ordinary form, atepaotber and mytolf. and tf I can
UMl kiippon of.
Call in vbgn yon’iv d(9n} town and
Are beiug shown
l*thi'lodge. Wlihiwi iIk- lodge to a basts so rtiat one man can aanipulaio both. ) »arry her witboot—why. whafs the
errs i* eaUed t>> tbe fact i
look at tbetn—ifll pleaae oa. and you,1, toa iTeo'a Clothing
Mesonry. Kuyal Arch Mason- Th«re are six of them boatk and they matteT?”
Miinplys ronlinusliuii uhI Wobora- bare TtotdiJy handled 11000 bricks. fiO ' Tbv“Anfwer*tnCorTtopoBdents edntadb.lo-meaMire, if yon want.
; 1/1 • I.—. .M..I
lion ui'tbv'bhrwk) iiiUihcdogrevwandean- barreU of oment and lOo barrels of | Itor h*d becv«.e nnconsciona — San
paaded by a|wn>tlon of
I. tben-fart'i
iben-fart'. la
lie nui.ld«ak<d
«xui.ld«a»d os ounddr
oundttr of mild daily. From these quentitius it it i FTaRcitoO EanniitHT.
hr n-stond n> im-niliiT*
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
■lu In >liort.
.lioK. wlisl we ni.kiii
iii.kiii to
111 my
N>y and
U> Ibi' bslge ana ' tbem.
log a wrilU'ii B| I'll' SI lull 'ui
ident tbat this original appliration of
tegular iiHWiing stlik t«_U. thic n. ai«l lau 1.' no Masonry
Drytac T*«e<abi«a.
and Cidthini* House.
'lui-m of Urn otoem-'
. I wllhi'Ut
wUhi'Ut ihi'
ibi'h*Igi'h*lgi'. TI
h'IcodIv is Ibe rnw rlectnciiT isaii impstant laclo^in tbe
li'algo V The |«yii
mg of regeialdes in a manner
AI tbe Onaiicial repirti'r cUto not n- material lound: otber laslktocan ^abonrte enaoaical ooustruciion of tbit work. ainiilarto the way fmil it dried is n
> Ht-sidi's Ii;:bring. vititlisting tbetbe uieiiilier. Th>' imivision
;qliai industry recently delU giwml jurbdl.lloi^Ouit |rh«tTirily isnAud to 1>""'P
' oritjrai 8. article T, suboniii:.Meiodge(v>ii. , Tbire nrv ..
ir Have fakiW etop* «/a4ab- < fvtdol^. A siierial scow is nsed tor Una i
*traiita Clara county. Cal.
mtUiUoti. must be tuicti; oumplinl wllh : h»er homes or
.. carrots
and uniiins seem to
/;porpoto. It is litii d wiip a nioinr.Tbeo<«
^^upnsiie Hepoeur.
; lub llicui.
.>e~ tthc'gUpleprixlurt
w> otmt
Tbe groiiq lodge of Sew Ywk bos ex,; j i,
„ntip (he Isginuing trf ihe ktat aiido-niriliigal putupand mirths form
-cA. y The lmgati,« Age say*. I
ptmkd B Urge Slim of mutny lu ttmigth-1 ae^.rnt<Tnth evulury that
wfao ' ui-civcirr
current froip the trolley
troll wiriw.
mtng andrecniillgg tbeorih-r.ai.d MJiiy ,.^,.,1, uu,„,rmtlve Ma.»il« bcgaDUiuntte I Xbe whole nlau has beeij deeised oul Ilf
- Treated /with enlphnr i
and *»
to T'^toin
lodrnthrougb ibistotecanshowti.v Uielrr,.i^„R ,|.e 1 re>%o«m>. and were distln-, ^„^rthaud luachin.-s Bud is Terviu.-x- fo««»ev*» W omiseplic “•>
lapn.vnd .conditions whto thU dUbume , ri.i.IhsI frvH.. the rv«olar working Masons .
v, nbelUa. of !
fnsb >ol.w. and then dried in
ti, ihcilem.ii.lmniou iJ • BrCATn»L'
mm,* rinll.™ —Kl.e-rrinst *bi.
fP^er^iirt* C or 7 ppondt
laidges. llkeallAitt)eHn*iltuUotis.shuuld I Anbefrafuiuei, sclub. Sow York «1^. i
;of fn-sb potatoes, S of camrta and ao of
bamn on aktrlct Unanrlal plan. One u( ,
jm, ;-f adliniATiiill-tieglvra In honor ^;oniuusto make a pound of diit^ prodtbe most common cttusw tbat M up to
H. K Mr Arthur MeAnbiic of Troy. 1
Pboiiweapbiag Colon,
! net Tbero is a good demand for dried
Toa Kettle or Serring
IS of the bruibrn la u laxity tn
*Tond omniimniler
" gTL—
. wf hi.lglit* Templar* .. Professor Lippmantif Paris haxgiees ,Tvgi tallies, eopecially
' the mining
of Si-w York, tiy The twldetit ofllocn^uf
I iiiii-rikiiuK licinre lffure tbe Photo-jni^onB where fresh rog«aoi« mnnoi
U toere it a laigi-number of ditaflfx-ted ) tbe grand fxmiuiatiilery.
■phicsoL-iety in Loudunun tbeprooMi iheolitaiDed, and they eenn to bepreor iufccwarui luemlNrs in your lodge. I»* ,
nmnu'iix-ot to the late Alexaitilur O I *1“*'
najibing III,yects in natnral ool-Iferred to tbe canned prudnet. Tbe exno oppuriuntty, )ou abo an- anxlou* to Dalf «-k. fuui.d. r off tlx- Mtooiilc
Ha-onlc Home
lares that be bas aolved U» : periment eo far bat provad snecaKfnL
make the liMige grow, lo liting them to a <,f Virginia
rveeijlly unvi iled in Hvd,diletu of dinctly fltiug rolara with a i
, pT>>h
Mllzali<.n III }b« ltni«»^Bc» u<_gJ-*UnK «o lywood niix'U'ry.
to Kichniimi
work and Ute iMueaktty of eddtug t ^ , Thi-rv are
a. Ja A-n.na >•.■HnelU of Hots! I riutil" eXlxi'Ure. .AfliJ ths aeatlUve |
Too Jlsea »tmg.
146 Front StreeL
Traveree Oily. Mich.
ll*r l,l4ie or film has been ran-; Gl-ttony ha. it. rtotima hardly lem
deted graitilvks and tnimMareut it is nnnii rims than oibcr Tices. To overeat
- ^
f' liilUalniat evify
n tliB digestive organ* t6
Tlie Tyler nfllrtii* Its knowlodge of j.briitighl iudi conlact
mguUr UNx-tmg. JaI eaih lodge try
,: men,ls r* of tlx- Imteriiity who are not ,
• fromhebii
. . . l.udwit
. .
„.frnry..|f‘>r them to piTfortntheirdotie* properi (alliugslide
Deb-terlonO^Dcts are created.
re is 111
Ihi-y BIT ibo-M'who glvoanddv a tre>erv,iir. the plate Is-iiig iskcn imt .410 hi-alth is finally deeimyi-d. No man
, DoihiuKf,rrtb*Mak.«.lr himx or iissiato. , t.vdcvtaopm. iit. which is mauaitod In cbii overeat and live nut bitexpertancy.
Hlabil.v. irwEonKii'iian'iii
l’bofon*i.llaH..ii n
n«xouUiat c!x-i.rtliuary uiy. Tb« result is a n**a- It ls,as importaut to inquire into the
Tlx; Kerf»il'*.v gives xii.i
xii.v .iipiurt
uixm wbiih a* the pTixT-Ni i.f dry- babfts'of e tuau pruptieed for insuranoe
Mato a Cai»blo Mao Tor Coap Clerk. iluiix*
the hiskiiig »
111 this rvsiiect.Bs in drinking kh-ukili
It sJjSirL '
jii.iuiahliuixlM ai
| themselves iu this manner. _A promi.
No camp
h». • tn.«. nwponslt.le 1
y 1|, br^X^n?«^rn'^T^"pi'i^m
Ilx- Ila.m. Vi.tv. qriginslly
.......... ....................
correm.-.New bent joilge nae.1 to «y «cb m«t dig
^itlnii to till Umi. h«.,*hr l.s»Ulcrk
hlMiuillr. slid iliiy m-i. r Lava tmimned ; dev. I 'pineut Lu
{Ibeir graves with lh< ir leeUi—and it >s
—r-j;;----J so Uu tbo Ollier band, then* nrv ibom
eat ;tou little. .All extremes are
rrbem art.m.«.nCnlght.Tem,d.r..n Admiral Makorof t<t The Kuoriunnavy wliD
evils that exjieri.uce Milmld govern.—
Popular SoieuoB,Newa
t„ l Ni-n /ininipl PacMc loibt* of Masona
late Thai ),,ur«aiii|, ha*
POSSIBLE PRICESthe di-lloqix-n'l list, do not rv.elci't hi).,11. I with tlx* u/'-i-Laiu'e »t thi-i-rari <m UiuuXIacteMly 1a Ckloto
Isnil. is Ii,4.,>iaii»rig thrvvekijdrtin u( a* of Imakiiig through ice from II to even
d<vii-«vl i...-ii.txr wlxi was kilhU M tbo
tmix* tim-k 1 be «x)wni«ttU have
In Hang-Ctamr-Foo. iba «a|dta! at
b-'iss..' Mi.itiiui. .'JIxily
.■'Ixiiy bay, soma
ounia yoat*
Jeat* | pri.ifil so saiislac|ory that the govem- (%ehkiang. and. in Hankow, on the upand Iben •« u> It thsl Iv doio
_ _
__ ^
^ ^meut has givyu ortlrrs (or tbe iuiDedi-jper Yoog.tK. Uiinest- syi'dicstea have
Tb« duties of the g-ix-ml'
anqulre bU jirexxiior at the
I **«’^«*““* “
«'l«-«ric lighting
hurieiiovs'er uacb. amuxl with Iboee j
oeccading lo a Ixmdon ismti'mmurh of thr. ittbe that be bai
pltni>, by nicani uf.....................
afBc*- to itoi'k I/.UW1I
:pucted | pmry. Even -in Cbang-Siia. the capi^
Ikx]> ii«t only
Neva, but 1 of the pevnnee Hnnan. which isaoled
Duriiig the uionib of Oruber,
ri (fax vannds Mnecovite purrs open to for ite Wtter (Mling against foreigner^
A«iKJ new tu-mls-rs witv added; la IVto^
i-xitu to 1*0feer. l«WT..«.l>«» new uiemUrs weread<>|itils I'ilwr. •trviUR. uavigaliuu tlfhiugbont tbe winter. .The alectririty work* have almdy been put
ad. In Nov.-inlar. 1"V6. H.SOUuoWlnrmi-kKiucntly to tbe mayuriiy id UusstaV p«ru and naval in opentiun fur the iigluing of priTala
hetawiyi- ad'/pn-d: November. ISPT.abow*
ixcii to rt«d lu araeuali are tcH-hpnnd Coring luuro than bouiwa-^Electrical Hpview.
Bbat C.tui new luiuubi-rB w.i« added to
It 1* worth Um four monilit of tbe year.
It Is w«wtb U>e
The Modem Woodmen of Aiperica bave! study iil the Uvi<l of iv
'ProfMoor Brown, at a recent meeting
--haen Bainltted to the *UU-of Pcimsylrsuia
SoraetHing new all the fime. There were 4217 oerr
AcmrdiBg to a wriier in Los Xont^lie ■of the Abdktand insHinte. New Zealand,
And the orgsiiisi'rs are ik>w at «ork In
Beuiedes. tilack «««* are U(n
gave Uie^mmUs <J tome experimtstf in \>ook8 printed in 1897. covering every field of hterature.
that stato. This was Uio last of tlx-tovva
..I ...
a suito*. to be tqunixl
u> Ik1 he
beat InenlatioD. Tbe materials tried,
meiit tmrrau.
acunia Tbe ooloriug mutter of their were eborpuai and pumioe. Each was Never has there been so many'booklets published, w'tiUca.
Tbe Modem Woodmea of America are
eggsbeUa is-ricb in iron. Tbe rrinilung nasi in tbrta sixea, 'which wen aiqiroxWe are adding them
binatiun of taanin and irto is suitt^ iniatoly a quarter of on inch, a elx- by religions writers, as at present.
«nlt ill black eMA Acourding to teonth of an inch and powder Tbe es to onr stocJrjttst as fast as they are printetL The diff^-.
•ayal Astoaosa.
I the.Hyihuin liuti^ of llowarvl Uooglt^
tbe sanii- authority, bright red eggs cape of b«rt was least with the ocanesC
• The arpUcathms in (ha order for No- *»»•* .ui,r,u.ej l.aon-ll<ir.
eat series range in price from 10c to ^>c. Jnst the thing
MBoU^r aete MS.
, v Tbi, Invtwtiix-iiu evpiusmlinR (hr *ur- ibay be obtaiUExi'lrvitn fowls by-(e«ding grade of pnmiro and grenteto with the
them with lobster rhi'lle ipresnmably powdered cbatxwaL Charooal is non for a little remembrance, at birthday time, or Mine anniShould you la|w now you artll bavo
bat to : Nu* *fiiixi# of the cixiuwtixiit tank ore
liable than tbe pnmioe to absorb mcd«>vury fvxixx-i. aad boiled).—l*epDlar aoioice Netga
do<iu«xi urst da
pay a LlghtT Bate, and if you vrlab o
ore, and also to absorb organle snb- versary.'or so^e gathering.
IwMcctioD tn Ibe future It Will eost yon
tbeoe txdd by an)
; staaoea. so that immi« U geoenUy to
We are making a gr^t specialty of these at present.
An Englirimiai) bas just ocmpictod a
I—Amvican Maobinlst
Beporta of tbe supenne tTuaauito ibow
a balance tn thegoDcial (undof EIAOSATA
}oomey of 1.600 mllM on s motor car
See new goods.
and In tbe W. and U a fund. -»M8.«*-0t.
throng England and Sootlond. Hewai
five weeks traTehng and need 114 galTbhynluuu you beoonr unprotoeted. If
Billiard l4ut ef seel ai* tn oaa to
MB bare the |«<q«r retard for yoor fami iMt fepurt was TAOSS.
kmi of oil. which mode hit travallng gwsdci They am. of oomoe. mode botTbe
ly. you mato beoomc anxiou as to (fastr
oast him ltertbiogs(t>a eaawamUs. In,. nX U»ta»*«kl *
(atom, and this wUl aafli 7«« far asM a( (nmlsbed tree to ereiy family ta wblek
2i0 Fioit SbmL.
X. a HOLLET, lUug^' tbs mme as that «fl tbs iyety balla
nambenafUtotodtoBaiar.4 Dao^
We Always Meet Their Stot Friesa and
Go One Better
There are
many reasons
why we should have your clothing trade.
We handle large quantities; buy for spot
cash, direct from mills 'and manufactur
ers; prices paid are the very lowest ’tis
possible to secure.
We wish fou would just consider the followine
descriptions and talues:
Value $7.50.
Take them at $5.00.
The Price. U.S0 Each.
A'ew and Nobby Lines
of Men’s Pants
Price from 60 Cents Up. Ca)I^d See Them.
•PHONE 167
'.rr: v:l
^ i'
■ sr... .i,.... .B
TSm MOBHnrO KBOOBD, gUyPAYv>yB>TrABT 18, 1888.
Tbe oirildre* of Btaleo am boro, Ure
■lowljr. ••0» YTong .
bM ht_„.
tad dercDop nnda glare diaadranngea.
•'Andif tbe blactonlth hadn’t oon- bot utdre. er*« in Besion. it tbe jaatturned Umm be troald bare ben mt of atepnotben. and natore dampenntee ibe children of Mosiao fereomeat
Iraatof tbe dindrantaire* with which
ebo acoorpee them. 1 do not know bow
forT' Isaifkd tbeWadenl
a child can better atart tb<' bSp moniin|pi
oiansh to cundans Uu'
hi* litUe life than by linKing with
"Be {JTotaibly tried to wy
iianie wu UuMcient and dbd
hit father, bu motber and all tbe otber
tempt. .'Dy’ing autumenU ate eery tm- peoide «d bl* boiDMiMd n M»p of «taomain ki-r« «rttb xs-hlt-b to luck a man
Bp." answcftd tbo Joktice inarely.
*'iUd'> Bocia ia titai WiUiaw Want- wbeu tb<' Bcaiem *i
tbe Mexican wiuduM: paiiL>—cm awk
Jndge Cbambrnreitardcd hiaoeplieer ward CuKlinb trankbilion uf tbo flr*t
«9?, O' *«ei»OEff»
quasioalty and miltd at tbe boy’a'on- line < f one <rf tbe brat auuse that a Uufront. Ittookmnuui-wbodu^to&oo rioaity.
(C«wMw*fl»/niia toe* fitiaibty »t‘
ioan baby leanaa:
bus uidinll bin. WUt? OfmoiwlM
"1 tbink ii’aaboBt Ume to tti^ Ui;
biaaen *t
And iinw tbe fnsrtb sieblwaa at
“ Jl; Wsa tb«to-uil »f«t mw»y. He ]in>bablj don't yon?" boaiid.
Prom (be 1
* band, and tbe nun m> and torf.dnit
MB’* to
«Bu bac-b )isj mil dRif^wd
anaciee. to tbe ojnii air. tu Rfutlar aad
too, *|BC.
aBMOmloed habit* «Ad a free life, ku iiahdiel—porbapi be wu Mind.
tbuamaV AaaU Talk. .
*Touid binadf *c»d<Titwt. ai in a Po-bapa be menu t« (bnntea-ald man
Borei. bot be didu't eveu have tba
dream, bow mocb ionK< r be ronld poe-1 E
When I atked my tbm little folim
■tblfendwu. Tb<-evi»inRH«iDcdwifJcsii>ptka)toilutbat:*
***‘>5’ ''‘■W cbooto conld
.. wfiold
___ Tbe
___ ; “Hads'l .you TtirthcniKbl <dui'iKb>
f.Tpr dirk.«
into nijtbt.
lbc.y have bm one. Titmuiy abuutud
-• • txei>
- 11____<
mono wu« foil, atid ix^tM tbe*
| b<va? tiL>«dc
'je in tbv fatv. 1>—n yuo
Fdosbet -SHtcC NotM on th. IntoinnUonal I,aw>n.,
i ^
gi.bor j
light, iTiDpiiip «iD( new abadovt into a . alll Couldn t vnu itiiauii JO a nc-iglibur
r aokfd I
luorltlo alitBot If-s- luttiiuciat lutio. It wac tlx- kind RMningnpaUiut lliat iim«.l(>*rltlc'
a lit-'' Attii»rti
<>r nipbi wbvn p-ojJe *lc-c>}> nueaeily , do burinnai «r an old bill with the- old «wg> will
and Ica^Kcmt of tbeirwiudem-K bft«<n und ' tnenl He novor jaid hi* cb-ln* til] be ramatiwiM n
tnarrol at /the wtaito brilliauc-y tb$t nl-! hkd to. U<ok! 1 mu nx- a iic-iglilxn- goiicxuve Icli. Hewaya a^t Mrauge and lairyllke. even I iug «> tbe bare jurt a*
nia Sciculilic A<bc rienuj
ill, and liuni* t^wic to.
to emmnn'minda..
| prviacui:
Thc-y have l».ili wct
Ja lk«’i
Ikin’i y„n
yon ; from
f«"“ La>
Ua NMufi
-»uri ihrm
ihnx- dlilc-reni
dlili-nuit *ty
ily ibeTOimi^wfBtn to ctanco op
ircl eac____
h other;'
vaub and rtpr.'sM>t tbeojjpiiiiou
bc<ar them bluckgnui
bluckj _____
. _ di*Hroal
do«-s, then aidv-way*. ibc« to ix'- bewr
ic cilbcr, clandiDK U- , that if lb» c'tmlui-«ioii
tlir dcc.iiiial j
in an t-ver widiaiiuK
wWiaiiuK circle.
ciroie. Tbi?'
Thi?' won't
won’t pay.' luy*
lay. the
And slid secured them at Very Low Price.'<. becauKC
boor ba* net givep a cxmiVlcic auliilica) I ^
Bllv hftppcmod. The fore him 'Wni^lni
........... Then
ImtxiruiK gatrt
gatrtiun thcreaaan'j Tbeu fatood op" few tbe applt _
F. A. EARL displayed -a larjjc line of Elegant
tbe old man enrcftxl
at biw. And*
.\»d « Kb I of
^ tbir. luitxsruiK
in tbe very ! praikod It few being Mminno. for being
that—wbat doi-e bi«
Goods in all kinds of—
Tc-ariltat it baa had of ta- |
tbv iiBU-bcn tleorgc' William* dropinxL
idiiillful that every child could have
Bore*, now. be never uotin-a it. but
. tbe aptdcxi it wanud. And t^i 1
...u L
Jeera again. Dnu’t you aec.it all? 1 rain. Of tbi tlim-.attcwrulnedorencb free-< ^,«.d it fee bcwuly. i>rangM«ui«’
BKIO'I. C b?'- erica the nc-lgbbor. Ktit* erf tbe time anf a okw taw Wr all „„ xcIlpM'. bat von «m aliuo*C make
■muring hi* aU‘bb<r by tbe ibnwL 'M^- (tbe tmiepiKca now hi nee.
,, ,
. rainbow
.....oow with
wit re.w a of
1C,avoid ail abrnpt traoaitian ,
»ji ,1,,
be ^ didn't luniui uiorJc-r. bBT~{^ut
don't laake gpy odd*, it'a all Ibc iwnic iB (be baliK* of roBlinc of tbe pbblw Lji ib* ahi«li»of
now. . The two mi« clone. ‘Yonwoi'i
blutiib applea and purplicb applw and
tbeu?' nya tbe ueighbetr.
brown Ode*, and ao many Mwe-et -kinda
Bcoarmonr j
••How do 1 know tbst George didn’t
and *o many auor kinds, aance applea.
kill aid man Borea? Bevauae 1 did it
and pie applea. kud dumpling applcac.
and rcoatiug an>b-*. and apiilea fur littlepoc-kelB. Ob. bowldldpraiaeapplea!
In the eober idlencc. tint followed the
Then 1 fnind Uie trei.-.—tbe tree that |
I jndgc'a laat wordaa ^afUc waa beard
brnu* tile boiDUfnl n»y an>le blcaoacn*. J
; at the- dexir. and a tall, lean man walktbe bird*' tree, tbe rebipa'cr>«—morel
‘cd in bearing an arnifnl of bvK It waa
binl*' ue«i* in tbe c*>ty apple tree than j' tbe old man fauiiliarly known a* Bill,
in any otber tree.
the kei per erf tbe-ir buel'a camp, a gniet,
Aiul .1 piaiw<d atrbarda mco* and
wbitc hatred, barmlve* fc-llciw. Sejme
•bow everybody loved to walk is
thought him a little "tuoebed." bot «vthem, mid cbildrm loved to play in j
>TT one re*|wcted him. He waa Jnat a
them, and bow pnitueraf loved tu paint'
' an air cf
picture* of tbeiu, auu I mid U wa* frtoto;,
eaaY mar.
fi,. (Prescriptitms) our specialty.
latent etrregtb and anfferiug aboai bim
our beautiful AtMericoB oTx-banUqn^'i^ ap^m^
wbiade of a locomodTe impinged that gave him a dignity erf hia own.
Qrders carefully fitted.
BpcB bit brain. It re-echoed and re- iKUiieibing in tbe aigniticant way the
rerbwated nptil tbe bammenug on jndgw lookjd at hi* ncrvant altm-ud
• tbonaand anrili conld not have, the aitrnlion of the rreL
bnug Ibera Over?" "Ntt”
§n'ift delivery.
drowned the noiae. .Tbe -blackcmitb
"bat tbe Fnritaue did."—Liiibi
looked argond to ace bow tbe rt«t of tbe tbatkillcclHnruL" Tbe yonug qgITei
Enterprise our motto.
y were affected by tbe din. mid aa be jumped np a* ibe old man left then'
Jwayatbmbttthere waa aomc-ibiug
^^fesife cat of hia pocket and wbi*)*Trng gne<T about ^in.Tbe bydrenlic en! Tbe art of batb.» n lolmbly well il-1
'"'to txro or tbreo otbera. Therenpoii Wcr-,. gineer abonk bl* bead mgely at tbia IniI lo*Ualed by tbvexvUmatiimcrfaFreucb >
^ Beadle BuiMiiu;.
tbely feigned alw-p, bnt he *aw thc-in , pnWve cxmclmdia
I crilie before an ibigli.b artirt'a tonva*::
nartUAUXiiio THr
tbreugb clcabd l("da aa dirtiacily al »*- ! Ui an lutente way
! ••C'ertnupcrbv! C'twtmafniflgoe! C"i«t
fere. On tiptoe they adranegd—'did! "Gc-ci
tbete >< guile a
method to be
be ]treity woll!" —LoodoB Bouaidiuld
they? Did tbc-y not? Why. he ciralrl net! Jndge- t'h-uil. rktxmldis’t be|p»bew- emploVixL anil that cfann'MN
aa *hown Worda.
be miatakc-u. laiey advanced npcm him. ! Uig iii liiixluix-tbc'gralttkauiiutbatara- in Fig*, i and s. in pmvidiug watrhea j
tiving tbe pre»>-Dt i--------------------------- -------------- ----------------Tbe mum. wbiclMBUacxiOnutably bad txm(eiir
(xm(eiir Uxl* wLc«i bci baa Mi(x>M.ful]y; with two face*, oor giving
L-... 11 and tbe otbfC .
' ___________ ____ (Fig.
returned to ita place, abone full upon evdlTecl u c liuux.
Be pi’iAxx'fii cl with tin midoe lw*te: ' iFig. 8) tbe dmitual timw In tbia way ,
(bear mnrduRKia foue*.
**(.>1 cxiiirM'fl:i ucw jury ibai waa tni-' a penno wli'i came* a watch that give*
Wben they bad tiptuixd within
pie of yaixl*............................
yard* of bimi Wcrtbc ly juiii|itd ' pam bxl ac*,uK:,.l ilie mIiI Lit»rge • bocli the divKiona erf ibe time will vetr
to bt« fret,
(be ebairucaivkl
cbairueaivkl to WiUiafi;* wiihiaK Iciviiig their *< aiii. eatlly gel u»ecl tu reading Hit twridUl*.
I. graapiug tbe
It tcic.k xix miu !<■ bold ibe bla^'k*)iiiih: Tbc're i* but a aiiigle Rtcing of
kiln, and aloud at Uiy.
•'Coni'- on!" bu yc-Ui-d. ••Voa can’t that uigbt U forv b- wa* put in aMrait- nirh regnired. it U-iiig imjireMbte
BmrdiT ma 1 am loo Mruag f<r thab" jacket and I'd^-cl m a (Kuidid c* 11. Hi* move ibc dec inial band* wiili.(int
Snariiug. and Miowlug hi* teeth in i «»fv**i«n'-baftxl nd tlie Bure-eiij>tirj- uig lb« W zageidmal ou. * alau.
bia.nighimare. ht'bnmdl.b«l hi* wtap i and tbe gnnid jury btorgut in a tree
Tbo feme bond* aianiiig fre
____ __ __ M
- ...
k. ..—
lu. mC#.!., .1...
j Fig *4 I
on at imaginary
at .1.
the- t..1.1J..1I
halloc-uia-' bUl agaiuM C..n.
bw. ...
to Il** ...I
tiioi of miirdiT. Tbu hlivinug iurvmi-u shtnld rc-rover bis *.KKiy. if ever.
- two revoloii'iua r.f tbu dial in-84 bouro,
rtxd. It wa*amurd.TV. "In *ix mcaiib* William wnttbedy.
. wbiln tbe diviiual hour band (Fig.
• rpraog tc> their foot.
w-m* a model )ial{'’ul. gniet and tru*t-' make* cue tvvolutiou a day of teudccithattbad
bad bmugbi tin- inil
Ddii>-iHleiK l>]
and hi* iwm- wan tu be oiu>id- mal bunr*.
o Uii*pKiul>)c-cxci........ ... Mc-«a*
...___ fciriby
ib to
Ju onliT to avoid too greetaeomplipcinriug iiDt
---------life tbut
----------------auutbi-r------mur- Fred
Frrf in ibc-ui-ii
iln-ni-»r ><|aiiiH
igamg terai, Whilefau
d'T uiiglit not be eoiumilted. Ibi* tiiue■ wa*
w-a* iiToiv-uiiwicI
iiroivunwid Nuu c-U'iugb abogi mat* raiiou in ibe evdinary waic-bm tbe >ec.ncid.r ibn clcKik <if tin-law. ckimcl-cMly Ur* irf tl:- pivariii nnimcHit bvbad for- ood band iafortbc--------------------- ---- '
tbe dcHtnal dial, but lu the dtcimai
,;killi-d.iiuruii—licit .ticxirgi.'—who then? g' Jic-tiwuvcduu-iy everyihing about liTa
• Botatiug <iu tbi- awfal prebleu. what lilv (dxxxding bi» cxaifeioiau. Kven tbe
woud'-r till- etaiwart BJiud bcxaim- exm-: very eh-mcvit* 'rf hi* trade bad been liiM ed liy kl. de Bey-Failbade the decimal •
fumd? And notv ibi* climax erf atvociiy j to bi» uniid and luinda He ixnild now aixiuud band, ba*-beenrctahixd
bad coiDt.—Ml tbe UaekioiiUli ibimgbt— no miitx- *b<>e a borae. than be could girew tbu
ute-bundrediboniond:l| ;
and liny V. ere trying lo'munli r tb«, write a uun-l. He bad even forgotten of aday.
Burn w iii'iii tiic-v txmld out Uom- inbi; bl* name, hi* iicigbbnr* and tbe-villuge watch lb
aubaaiaeiou. Thi* dimivery.
wa* a new
man. jtpet
dimiveiy. made in :^ be lixxxl
litxxl la.
ia. He
tbe dclu»i'«i 'of •lix-pTetouii*, wa* *o I if he had bexn l.wuagam in that agflt t TOI
rtal to Wc-rth'-ly iliatfbe li.uTor of it i luma pew witIcT\.cu lap'l Ic-laBii
led biaabemti
itiim. L .. -------- .
them bad tuoCbcd him. bantbe dull«*t! yon cuu't hung
that the obstinate ■ menila-r bl* triaux
clf Ibc'lu pcrci-ittxi
pfTRclicted faiinRulf artackxd by ! f<«<«d. It i*■ a gLi.l
niLi bad. twlie
Rich and Rare
i Were The Geras She Wore.”
F. \A..
. ss:
But' not everyone knows how to go about
: it. Every purchaser, from us, of an Overcoat
or XJlster during the past two weeks has saved
from fifty cents to five doUars on same Not
^ only this, he has secured a coat that was cheap
niiidied <
lierHme i<tf‘bemm.yb.H^.au,tiower,.b.tuuBu^ a^^
krll 1. C..,1.
lie wan I uU .-nnugb. I ll: him m.ri, o.li.i* tern t.d bin, *l.ut. up
Original pncc, and has now as before,
^ the name of a reliable firm back of it should it
^ prove unsatisfactory
No time like the present mid-winter month
to buy such a garment. Two months of solid
■winter before you, and you can buy cheap en^ ough at this time to make you a good invest^ ment for nejit year. •.
Look your shabby old coats over, then
come in and ask us about what to do in the
itaiig all iniiixviii ii.aii, and voa cxui't - ed/bitii out. At tlud liui'- u rui............
bang tbe man vb'did it. for I'll wagi-r-cidcait otvam-d nearHartfurd. Atiifllgu
pcaiunAagaiiiiOiiolbar* Ik llj»-riTCi’lI " irftare way and a fre ight tnin went;
By tbi* lime Williuiii W'irtbi'lv wu>; ibrnugb A trump wa* liri'^t to the*
frothing at tbe mouth. Lliiraucrfd ic> | bncgiital t'-rriUy bun. Wlmi bo waa |
tbe iqut, ncriiuotrf the jury, a* yet. bad j told tliui li" cx.uld w>i }***il,ly livej
vnnturvd.to toll ani.xumx, <]'*wn ftart*] < more riu.ii a duy eg mi. Im miK
tomim what might f'dlew. a.xi^b a* Metbodi.-t miuiMcv and made nccaifra;/'
be feared to baand the riiitou* in>vi^7 aluu. Amcaig' irtBi-r Ibiigr* be Miidhe,,
Tbrw impereeptibly vheul'lcrod «^b killed a man in a bare in Hixaclth-ld
ijol^k an evening Ilf tbe ptv
Had ‘ bad rrepl intc. a pile erf bay to alix^p fori
glaaceaof n
(heir enricadty cuUkpired tu *.ud tb- tbe uigbL The foruK'r came frit and,
blackmiUb inanue? Tbey km-w ti„w had'a diaoolaiou iu Ibe bam wiib aouieitbat Ibur *8 boars' iiupiidiiun ha'I Uidv
who had oume in with btm. Tlii*
gone too far and tbey began to dtj-ad' mau bad a bstebet in hi* butid.*whinb
tbe naiaeaiuciKxw.
be 'Jiad stuck iuto tb« bend irf aoiall.
_^Atid.now WiHiam Woilbvly tucx-d Tbeir ixmvi-rNinun wa* entirely frieodt$v.Ci jutyiueu. He bugan An aiiMft-r ly. und tiny 4i<«ik hand* in {Lirtiug.
jwiagiunry gocAHUix and aigomeat with , tbe man foigtttiug lui butuhci. Scane-.«vrt« mre^ and UBassailable Ingiu. } buw ur other tbe-fareier bappiajed to I mkxica* bot nr wrtXTo BOFAitrim.
.'' Bia eyiB glared at ibem and tbrangb ; ktiuk
a pitebfurk istu tbe liiBU by acci-. abouttbeir
(bum. He woi quieUv now. but bi* { dem unci the tramp jt^pea from bis ' tbeopfritoal or tbe physical father d
body, tremhliug. gave evidrniv cf an i coucxulmenl. Tbu funmir ordered biio , tbe bonsebnld stacts Ibe mbrniug hymn
J. and
a icdicr. Iarac7 man aud laugbid bis: wife. 'U«e grown cfaiiarvn. the half ,
.craved aoriiliuice they amid Bat'liavu rmc-liud fig- the hatciii-i. This . was sod last but not cv«b in Mexico
least t
had it. cx(K(A by calling o« ctf tbe ■Mtcdicd frean bis bund and buried in [ tbe aerranu catcb the sweetly worded <
bis btaiu. -Tbe tramp wim bad eurered - bat nmply mclodied mng. and ostbotbo town at dusk tmolM-rvcxl. nnoked ; yood tbe'eabina, tbe adobe bot or (be |
tbe newer*
hewer* of MosMesI richly
carved palace me
r imagination? Do you
tbely ocai-1 loan wood, tbe drawer* of Mexican wagglHWrei Oewge bad tbu rxiwaga to bit
tbe ooUa- ’’tv, tbe uodeta of Mexkaa grains and.
with that batebet but a tt«a?
joinin (be BMcniag
"It irfM happen'that a MB eenBa Bift have ■jeakad iqi treat behlBtl
1tnl*B ^ son ot man be 1a and you ttmn\ erimo in aellrinm. Bot if be Mexican notes ring tbe treble
ksnr U. Burea wa* bit full from tbe hadn't vonieMed.'’ cwotiuoed tbe judge tbe bahy Mexican vmpe.—
feet.Bot wbetbw
3 '
LESS i)j;.\GEa IS
t:>OK THROUO»« Wl^fe EYC6 with
tb« ni7M«iaei
Stnight 'M ui Mm>w and M fli^ w*
ntWF (ron Ibe litUr iwJMniv. Tte tky •iCW DEVICE.FOR LOCATtNO THE Dh {
WM autlit u>d okat. and tba wbok
puBcirMu of tbrraaabudniEgfdeaailb «(k»r danr tUn ta lUr.
try WM fa*t diaappMTlnii-before we
tboroBgblr rraUBMl U>at oor Tenluv j n* Es»h—ii tiWaiad u
__y h*rr iKrt n»-d ■ (■u)’ tmrit.
pore, iudRitiB by'cmr aetpmi-lw, which ! -May Make Ae»astir ■
Xk*r rym, •tnv ftnt i kaew tboa «alL
clictEn) vrith.tbr rrEtilnrity of a clot^aa j
it naiked tlm utklice all.
At dawn onr aerial uavipainr was
BcleBtlfie navii»tlou boi nnw hero
Sbs#»U aS^ko at lb» fa>-«rt
______ (g^eotiiin Aat a well
Bneaswaa Mimn) brrailtJng'
aaffly aBrhorwl witbin ibe mk ia> orouKbt, ao
nauiird abiplias lew b«1 <!auBl>ra aside
cl<*wi-. Olid tFe wer*t wrapped in
ODkaun brforo.
fruui fire eud
eurt Il.WKy
llnnbeu nneka our K nt>. Ntd was aoni ^’ <ruui
iwkv wraib-y. The fi« U
Aiibo«i*h Iba In. tk»t lm«bt w |«la.
eitoriutt, imuesc.iedand nuie rTedas 1 «ill doiir.r<w hottbe p.Til of a foR
TW Iw l«i niKb oa lor. thr Bsm, *
by the £pei«.
miklartbrrkukii>a.tB Tb. kM,
of BalikDorr.
». ■aBB but 1.11*
- .
tlieabip is al
eJasare lo fiwtt my ey«ii on wy ireasore. j Wltbont ti.i« it
VraksyiiiU._____ __________
iulo other
Tbr nMafoR. 1 harp fuoad iB tbsa.
I rinsed my < yea and sorat was lost to
Bat that Uol IJrto thrr. dear, who wrbaeht
con»iousoea«nmil tbefuniiliartiTi'Mmrv ontft ill ftfipy wqaUna Tbe juiot most
* Two<a>lritP tuoar-rgaal nitaO.
ibeanruraoy wilb wbicb
of dupiT lijM ou my sltouider awakcii.a
With bleaaaas betutvldew* tbooabl.
VtthUMtBr-wbxb DowunUiBBflad.
me to~U:cwiU koouBTOiru ao^diUR bis nnaiiksl <ur locates tbe eaact direo- '
tiun from wbx'h the snoads on ntbar |
sbi)w prwv«). and ibis, as'uuist propis
Jack. comt> quick!"
There was an eamanneos in the tewea know, is an uu.vrtain uM-tbod. With
I bad Bt'vrr eri beard, wbicb tooufiht Mr. Torre's devi.s- tbe eiact diitwtioo I
(o my reoolleetiou Marie's 'parting edaonnds <aa be ascertained m a eery <
eboi^ Ulna, and danger oan be easHy
. I atrad on ibe latrieed roof «t the words:
biekety gr^ja- arbor, pariialljr
"lAezbapi 1 may mod yoii. Wbo oan BTOidod.
iog ayarlf by tbe iipn of toy fingna as
shaped aoimd
I elnmi'u} tbe wrouil stoey window aiU.
^Cwie InaiM-d os fur^ul as was . _ 1 most go to bar, and wo began luakiag ^sHieal plane
side nf Ibis plaiBe. tbe otber «"ke on- side
ylbteBt Wilb stifHy and Miod her band prri*raUona for <wr departure.
Onr most valnublc belongiiigA wttb ride. IwiniK id ili«-ao<mstic sbadinr. re-; W
//cwMonnirl.v on sty abonldar. Althoo^
oelve* liltlf or nn iuiprewion. and liylmk
myloveftauie maiden was intenee, 1 j food and--------------------- —....
rfne ear
ear «il.t
ml* heari
hears >7'
«onid not for a mommit Target the on- ! nty. were i.urk.riwiibib the sbip'slock. »•'«"' "f ‘be tab.-,I ^r
oertaimv of mv footbojd. neiibw could 1 i-r^ *«d our>nfs aiorvd within tbe in- ' ‘b- »ooud. It folb.WA therefor*, that
Hor*« Uiut the ebt-piug room wlDduw ;
Aiid..ri-wwsnTtptTiribedwunD-;*h''ti tb» o|. rnUtf bears tbe sounds
df my awwiheart's father w^ direbtlr hitcbi-d the anrbor chain from the sta- ' equally »>«h I'oUi iwm Ibe plaus inust
bennib mr.
I pic in tbr wall of rock und rtarird.
| be pdotlng in the . »acl direction from
••Kcvcrr.behadadid, wb-n I offer-.At midnight w-r wt^u boTeniig orw : »buditbe sound iwoivw^*. Tbcpilotcan
•dinvs.lf tobimasa !«*«,.. liv* s.>ii- Man.'* .borne. W* droi.prd downward ; turn tbe mstrnniflit it will, and tlie
in-law. *'Ntv.r! K« dauglii.Txjf nuu.- wnt‘l 1 '^•“Id Adillio- tb.‘ boose and 1
>»» Irtwt-'d him *b«m-# tbe diraeBball many a p>uujil.‘« inv. uuw.”
! grup- arlaT. ’ Wttb a iiw fanrrird'Vards
Dnriug the many stuli-n iiiOTriews ' to >'*vl I spn^K lightly to tbe roof,
IV was open, aud the n.-tt
which bad > followed tbr adv.-tee dcciTb-wiudow
tbr i<
• -die. iustaut Biv swmbeart was li-aning
«nl ibe sitoaiion fmm ail |s>inu, and ward, wilb twr band on my slmolder
r with the dame rvsnlta. At laid we iu the old familiarmauner, pouring brr.|
bad dcridi-d to arpareic for a m-omw woi« into mv ears. .
"Jusi think of it. Jock. J>apa i* de- '
. that 1 might ^ m. r-folly>d«Tute my
time to lid- aoloriuii of the iwLI-n by tcrnffucil that 1 aball many Cousin
evolving from my mcutal workshop
apmc praiiH-al ereatiop which would paniTT. The guests are all invited for
the wt: -ling loniomnr and tbe liocnse
li^g to ini- both fame and forttm*.
- Marie was a modcru woman in erci7 isiin I..- library table. What can we
xvFpcct.. tilic bad bmj caught m the do?'.'
Of course tfapru was bnt one thing to :
{SyrtaoIogK-af wave that was sweeping
■round tb* world and was familiar with da and that wo aid without cL-iay. j
•U tbe 'oropliiea and 'clogi.-e tbat>c^ Marie stole quietly down into tbe libra- |
lyr and seenmi ttbe licenoe. Bowsimule .
led tbe movemenu
, \Tb«*o you want u taka ■ ride
fairly pruff■dept in mind reading and fairly
pruff- a matter to erase nno name and aubsti-,
rememlMT thereat .place to
tote auotbor. Aud wfaile sbe was about
cdrai in tbe later mimoe of lel
I have a la^ oppe baa. a o beat'
"'Waieh for uieMgea. dear
ear Jack,” it. with ber usual foreibought sbe coniled tbe bride's cake. Tbit, with |
■be wfaispMvd.aa she gave my obonlder
alei^bvEnd A top hna. AH very
■ gentle |iat and drew bcraelf within
comfortable Tor
tbewtudow. ''You^will la-ar from me
diten. fVrbap* 1 may mud yon. Wb<v to Tod.
Tiia KfinioKs
Tbe sbfp1 octiM down like a huge '
tma tell?"
At this point tbe brittle frame be- bird on ib« grape arbor. Mono gavo a : tim in-wbicb the pilano
the diiectiou in whicb tbe
_MHiili my fet cracked ominoualy. and little ehritk as we stepped on board,
. Witboot funber farewell* 1 clambctud cadsuig Ttd. for iis iustaul to lose Con danger lie*. He can then lake aueb iratrol of Ibe lever. Tfaei* waa a erasb of oaations a* ore ncceawy.
is now iu use on venel* i
Ted Briiw
way U-neatb out combined weight.
rf tin <i™i. JUI..& .ud PUnt. Old.;
Upward like a rocket we Dominioo and <aher linesof coast boats. !,
BTH-lf over tbe many rapt ri'meaU aud
l.wu feet or tnera. As we «■ tbe Aiqcrioaa tranaetlantic lioes and , loAtT cuUers. .two and Ibree aeated
iteuliotis ••
liiad• essa^. aud wben be
tnrued the searcbligbt ou tbi-wreck we I also on veam-l). of ibe Uuittri Slates isleieba.
tieard my story Jpg
taiterH) heartily into
saw,« figorwclod
my plan*, which, if prrfccied,
I. would
______ 1...-____________.________ ms^___ t
r aud travel. robe gaxiug et na and
tbseopbooc. tbi instrument ba» given o£ a tumoQt.
UiH- mouth later Tonud na in tbe bling wilb rage, called: .
universal aatiriactiun oa all of these
"Marie, couk.- down beit!”
haaittd tbe Kucky mountaiua andfer
veawla Tbe cotumittp* of affloer* at
"ALjar papa. ”->-Cbk-ago Tribune.
Irom- tbe Is-aten trail of
tbe United Smtes warriiip Indians, yrbo
u or adeeninrvr.
Plonear I*iu«r7 Man.
tested tbe enpbaoe, reported es follows:
Our pack auituals wire already bevVerioos whistl-s aud bells
(Inuiiig to abow signs of coriiqise, so m.ucte bad been tbe faligneaof tbe moon- .waa suing bri uei^ibor, WilliamSmitb, eraily aud aocurately located with this
for damages occasiooM by Ibe defend .insttumeut wfaile steaming at a speed
bain Journey.
Bealiakig tbe imprudence (d -fartbfW ant's canlesouesa iu allowing bis don- varying fro-vi & to II knqts per boar,
tbe instrument being ihablpnlau
is stable and ti
■dvauer skyward, wewen-abosi to tuiti k«7 to HKApe from bis
back and peek
wbiuu bad bad DO fravioua aiparieooa
• milder atmosjibiTe, vrben 1 felt a geowith it. •
^ ireeriare ou my abonlder. Involnui ^^McOany stenari i
"Tberwnlta tend to show that tha
to give evidence
e '
in support of bis
tarily 1 turned, t-Apeetiug to me my
• bnude me, only m find bim dose, and wben be bad flniriied tbe law. '—----------- will prove erf gmt value (a
aooomplisbiag that for which itisdely. polliug with all bia
Tbe ei^irinivuu made ludioate
ceeded-to cram egain^ him.
that alfl that BU obmrver. with bni little taao*
Wbicb ; lice in tbe nae of .the eopbmie. can lo■rinop. Biul again 1 f<lt tbepnvsiite
mi my sh<-uliii r. ibis tioic luorv tutciUy you S|rak waacauaed* aokJy’by tiinilli'a ' ea»>«y nearly tbe diructipu (rf 'snend.'
I Upon first trial <ine will isTbapa be in
*li»ii brfi.rt-, slid a vnin—1 oiuld swear doiikiy?''
••.siriinlf. sor.*.'
( doubt a* to wbeibcr.i* not be faas arit was Mniii '•—simiidiff in my ear:
*...1., ••
"Ob. tudivil; and wbi-re did yoo flm 1 rivvd at the propiT angle sbowiuK Ibe
_______ -__ It lii-r parting
riitigworda flash- BP* tliia au;rual wbicb yim declare has localton of tbe sound, but with reputed
ed upou liiy miud, ami aUnosi umvAi- been the suura- uf aomiwb mi^ien”. ; tests it will tie sbnwo tbot Ibe iustra"I saw bill tied up in detedant's I mem poinu fair
aocurately. "-PhU- anuosly 1 turuvd in^ tbu direettvu iudi■Oiaidi "
. ;adelpfaiai‘r>«s.
and wbcie did you ncAt oee j
Vliai could 1 do? Oimgilaiui were al^ n-udy made, Hboiiid I yield, Ihtw could
my irimisni, tob<>
. I espUin to T«d iu a aatiriacury mau•r hi* cbtince bud
On- iit ibe latest tbings lu snrgwy i*
iH't ‘bis raddeo change in our move
I iu iiL- bi M luanucr iw> mri tb<- question. ^ Ibe preciice ^
«>f embalming
enibalming an
ai ujnied'
bu<l.tcnly.'witlKmt waitliug for Us*: "Mob did yoo know it wab tbe aame | lunb as a sui^tote-foc ampui
uf d to biiu Idoiifc. Vr"
i it rlaim.d by Dr. Becldsof Faria llmt
dn-a.ii-<l explaUBlinn. I sbiwl
a.* l.eprade to my oaildle. li-aving
Laving biui
bin. I -*44riiw
-*^iw did 1 know?" waa the derisive ■ mqob more U»mio is tberoby saved.
to tniiiiw.'aa 1 was quite fun-'liv would. :'xrlutuation. "If 1 aaw
w ycx tied up in a
As J drew n.wr tbe monDtatv a ug-sibuLL- dou't yes *uppu«
pwe I'd know ye j
sag scam, wbicb rearlied fruu. the sum-' wbeu yes got Iraaa ?"
a well: TlMplainiiB was esouted from Tor-. . A* long a* you and 1 arnlocdring
' defined cb it. bruodmiing at tbe liaae. tber cvidiacc.-^pan- Mumcult.
npun rcligiun as a serica at |S*c*p(s
leaviug au t^jcniug a few ft«t wide.
wbicb wc leel we ought to obey tbe
OHTrastod Tar
, tlmlugfa wbicb 1 iccklRMily plnngrd
mure sbnll wu feel • reiuotanoe to have
^Iboul a tbdhgbt of rba^danger i It ia pertaiqa not
Kit gcricrally know, lanytbiug
migbt await me.
Vi i> iu Brookivi . that ?Ws of re- ; brought i- __________
- iL aMcl.v bitif a dooen stepa brought;»].viable
apia-arauci' may travel on tbe , »thcr a Imicl light aoro» ov path; wo
me out iiiu> au open spore. ^
i.icarsui that rity when tb^bave 1^11 llgliiagaiutf it. As long m that is
lu agt« a{!«ui- somefvriklenbti
lutoiej-.' A woman who has ls« bet i tbe cbm you have not eutered into tbe
ujibiBval bail part:,
, ^
».• at bcjiue'nr a man who boa ^nt , ,,dtil
Christ, you have not under
pink, bikI thuougfa all iiie oo^tlooi
ling in stoc^ If > nood tbe pow-r of an IndlaaolnbU life
yea#* tbal lu«l
ad .fullowed
Ibe aa«on of drdiuarily well dreasrd, has only to tell ; vfbHi we look at what col tuligiaD U,
trod and v,-auv iiod gradually worn tb-ccaiducuir tbe
0 of affair*. ; we
h abonJd be a Uvlngtblug. 1 see
and crunibL'<l tb- sides of Ibe gorge un
boarding a oar, to gi4 carried to any it in Christ, my Master. All tbst He
til then- wa* fcniiid as open (irenUr 'dcaind
utnd paint.
does is Simply ibeocuoame of wi»t His
Space •cvinil ft-,'1 ill diauK'tcraud
Tbe coudnetor give* ili« penuilcas veiy naturv 1*. Tbe life is within Him
poasMiger an eovehipt addiribed to tbe and!
cfliee of tbe ocaupany, in wblrii to for Joy to do tin- Father's will He appUee
till progtrw
ward later tbe lacking niykel. This ia HinseU fur tbe woU bring of Bu^i '
.were the usual seasons of experimitit done as a matter of enutae, and only
The very virtue of
CfarUl lay in
but tbyoogh it all tbe great creulure
that Hi) ofiured
gn-a-, nmil it urorlylilled the little cirtbe iovo uj it. the wiUiugnem
«Oar space.
■cne time, wbirfa 1* apparent piotrf that And tbhi is wbat religion ought to be—
A long. Blender, bedlow body^ flttud the pesstmgm wbo thns get trusud for a Joy. It ought to be onr uatnr*: it
vp with a motor and oomft^ble oeau' ibetr fares nte tbe eovolupta git
ought to be our -freedom, a delight to
.« huge pair of ontsrpread canvas winga few tbe pupow lorwbiob tbey are in tuL If we mj. "Ub. mme day 1 ahell
and a fMi sbuprd rudder, aliiigcibcr un tended.—Kew Turk Son.
turn over a new leaf, 1 will bring my
like any otbiv aerial sailer ibdi bad yet
lile into harmony with tbe Deenlogue,
modu its appcarauoe. And during all
and bt«io lo aot in tbo way in wbloh
. tbe time occupied in tbertaistrnctiuDof
"You women.” said be in the peon■ay I ongbt to act, mow I bad bee® so
liarly exaspcraiiog way a man, has of eoidlng to tbu pruoapts of tbe Tea Oomten encouraged and advised when ap- ■eying tbuar two words, "Yon women ___________”aa img aa t-_.___ __
pareut foilnre coulrunted me by the boy bargain -tblnga because tbey are spirit exiKs we look tbroogb dim glaao:
- voice that had led e to tbe spot efacap"
we do uoi OM- tbe real rignificwiioe
tbst it really anm. cl os if Marie
"We do fiot.”oaid abe. "We buy faith and religioa. Religion ia a Ufe,
teUy ideutillcd wub ibe
■ erf my
wadertokiug a* mvself.
”AU aboard!" abouiedTedwwotook
aeatt mbI opoaed tbe valvea that
Mwtili lUBA Twviffc
Is what you will see very often on our
odd Dressers and Commodes.
We Have Them it) Nearly All Styles and Finish!
Intique, I6tli Ceituq, Mtlio|aiiji and Whin Enamel,
long, Square or Shaped Glass,
And they are so cheap you will wonder how we got them, but
I will tell you. We bought all that one factory had on band.
The agent was selling to different dealers ak he went along,
we made him an offer on the lot and got them.
11. W. Slater’s House FomisliiDg Store
IT own
For tbe Idtdlee to know a
Sleighing Parties,
Oood Shoe when they see it
-We> have no trooble to sell oar New Ladiee Shoes at
$2.60, beevone they are good ones. Tbe Geaaine Yici Kid—
the Newiwt Spring Style. They never fail to wear welL
Alfred V. Friedrich.
Tfafi Popular Shoo House of Trawarse City.
The Great Bankrupt Sale
Do your purchasing now, while you can
buy goods for 50c on the dollar. Goo^s are
going fast, and you must come while there.
is something for you to purchase. Don’t
delay your visit to our store until tomor
row or the next day, for then just what
yo^ wanted to select may possibly have
been sold.
i:.:.-A-x.*:,:,- '-!
Pint T«*r—No. Ui.
exile the, falriea. ' Jaet U the
Biek ttf time nthala reealrea a
Tlait Irom Priaea Obdltlooaaad mjr
e the ovre. «rlba the head
ef Tltuia. ud peace aed happUem
reipa Mpraom.
eoeaee are made eharminp
mud eDlMTOwelef the letelti to
by the tatrodeclloa of falriea, mldpeie.
Preeldut XoX^ej «7 the Xtearehera. lltUe eafiers from the pood
partinff OfleUt la Wm X«Uem to eb^ Pkutoa. ud woaderfel horaeU,
Books, dosr books.
AdTsrstty. prosperity, st home,
Abrosd, heslth. sickness-srood or ill report.
The same flrm'fHeads; the ssme refreehmeBts rieh,
'Aod sooroe of consolstiOB.
Obteape Karkot.
Norrate market u ereout of Ua>
joolB'a birthday.
Uraad Baptda, Peb. IX.—Wheat. f‘»£.
, wm Vet De-
Waehlwtoo; Feh. ll.-Tbe polky ot
l Ua Da
Lome iaeldeat ou be eUUd briefly
Md defleiuly. ead ee eathorlty aot
«pea to qoattlM. at tolloWB:
'* The ereeldeat te ewaiUaf • loll r*port from lita(«t«>r Woodford. At far
the pereooal allaaloaa of the laU
lUter to the
. tbe iaeldeat b «
No demand baa beea made, or
will be made, acoordlopte preeeat lateatioM for dbaecwal of the*, thoopb
abenld It be made It will be reparded
aa a pracefol ut.
“Bat the ’infercBce la the letter
which briapa la the <iaretloB ef Spala'a
pood faith oo the yaeaiioBa of reciprocllT aad laferwUally of atwaomy for
Coha. if Botdbaroved roluatarlT. b
likely to become the aobjeet of farther
aUo oorreepoadence. thonph
to thb, M hae beu stated heretofore,
the pruideat will await Miabter Wood
ford'* tallar ad^bu before aaytblap^ b
:Thb futore of the ex-miabter'e
letter b eatlrely dbaaeoebted from the
1 Mpect which runlted la bb
reUiameaV It b ooafldeatly expected
by thb poverameat 'that Spain will
t^e u early opportoaity to dbarow
•UtemeaU of lu UU repreuataUve u tar a* they Uad to commit
Spaia to a policy which leavu har
p^ faith open to uriou donbC
"It ta felt mutdaelrable that thb
re no denbt u to Spala'a
real porpoeea ud (eellao <»> Uteu
I* or are likely to
_,Meoeme each la the im
to Pleoae ud Oae Died Prom the - March let. Ii»h.
Xlae Pnday Mipht.
A new lot of the very latest books jost rscfired Yeti'-wiUjStsI
nsfty that will plesse yoa. Always gUd to show them. No trosUs
be paid M at all.
aooa u Feb. XOth, 1PM.
Iroewood. Feh. I!.—Peter Biaxca,
The cbareeea had aeloe are
DellaquBl taxpayeia will plaaaa
pleaelap. ud the marebee are the moat Katueel Nalmo ud Michael Hadia five thb matter Immedbte atteatioa.
MxLCOtJt WixaiK.
latrieaie aed bcaeUfal ever attempted were killed at the Newport mlae lact
X4«-Peb. 37
City Truearer.'
aipht by aa exploelu ef piut pewThe wtertalameat eill
Ail pepaler sheet maue for the next
oaiene ud will be om of the erute of - der.
powthe wleter.
dci cheat at the »pd of a drift oa tha
aiatb level to prepare two chanree far
a blaat They had Jut reached the
Peha Sharkey, Whe Bu Beea Heroicheett when tha eaploeioa oeeorred.
Hearty Thirty-Kee Turn. Died
1b thoapfat one ef Ue baa adjuted a
$9.50 COUCNES FOR $0.50.
I»p Ui ll...Ucko(p«.a.r..dU»i u
d u.w„k,....“~old ......r Id tb. ...do. ol Jokd,
Shdrk.v, -h. dldd l-Tld.; dt
hdlddl.d*d.ju.. dil«,t. ol
Idildr., 0«»d~d wd. 75
d«. j
ud bu beea ^ proBiaeal fl^qiy
thb loulity for nearly
year*. He
WM well known in Travetee City aad
lure* to monra hb loee a wife ud fire
chlldru.- The fooeral will lake place
at tea o’clock thb mcwalnp tram !H.
Frucb ehoreh.
I ofBoUaraaBdBulbto be
Babject te Bipid Xu
M. B. HOLLEY, Mawasadf:^^-^
iBear in Mind
That our Hoe of Novels. Periodicals aod
Magazines is up-to-date.
We always try to have every*
thing that is new.
Refering to
Baking Powders,
A Wai
Seereiary Vu4erllpbud>«r«ird to re-'{
qnlreloeai laepectere bt ho b ud tbr r !
a Chemist saj's;
{aaabtaaU. and local lupectora of boll-1
Bow e Democrat ud S
ere and their aasbluu to paa* a cirU'
ebanped Plaeu u Putaiaster.
eervloe esamiaatioo le teat their fitness
«M ef alam bakinp pewC. E. Weltaperbubeea appolated to bold tha pulUoB they now oocapy.
I WM u eUff aad etralpht i
r at Hopklu SuUea. Allepu Thti order, however, dou not apply to
Onr pore Crum Tartar Baklap Powder b sold at Ue low price ef t$c per
the muaere were fori _
uonty. vice Thomu GiUipu. removed. theu who were admitted te the eerviu I itsre of today,
ly, Ol
wseix are cxof wotcB
which there
ca pound packxpr. No need to nu alam mlxtaru when the par* artieb cu h*
The unooBumeat of the ebaape -' throaph eompetiUve examtuUeu
qiibila umplee ia oaf aaperb atock. had at that price. . Price refanded U aot satbfacuey.
all tk* virtues. wiUont any of
Uepkla* StaUM b la Ue aature of a der the elvU
omberaomo, aapalnly b-atares ofll Jake that pleaam wutera throaph apecbl techalcal eiamlaatleu
bl tiaue • We are maklsh a
Mlehipaa mipbUly. Thomu Olllipu OBder aecUoa 44is ef U* Bevbed Butaad C. X Wolllaper are partaerc la a otaa Tbe aamber of
ley we have ever offered
within Ub erder U alxty-ciphL
drop store atHopkias. Olllipu b a
red-hot democrat ud Wolfloper u ar- la hb letter to the civil eervloe oomdutrepnbllcaa. It b said that for the mbaien. Mr. Vuderlipuya:
" The deperUaeat reoaub Ub ac
iut twelre yure they have alUmated
• *hoeM ask yon Jam e
in the puteSlea. which b kept la their tion by you commbeloa u a precaaHouse Fnrnlsliiiig Store,
•tors, the tiUeof putmuter paulop tioa in U* iaterut of commerce ud
from oae te the ether u Ue admiab- tbe travelbp pobllc. The datiu ef
tratioB ebuped. Thb time it b OUli- peraoBs holdlap such positioM are very
pu'a torn to be fired aad Wolfiaper'e impertut. u Ue ebject of Ueir laber*
b U prevent if poeeible aoeideale
which mipfal involve Ue leu of hamu
The putoffiee b aUIl la Ue o
life ud of valoable property. The pab,A- "W. J-A.S'R.jATrS,
i^fit yen
Ib hu a ripht U know Uat peraoae
Good Thinp for Beal I Buber.
Toxsnxaixex- Bloob.
Beaton Bubor. Feb. li.-Tha R. O. wbe examine boiler* ud iupeci Ue my ahop. aad I paarutoe to •oil yoa
lUllyud pky I mWmaa.hlp.^aUrial ud price
Patera Lnmber and Sbiaple Ce. ef Baa- hnUa ef
toe Uubor bepiai boiineea here next Ically eempatul in every wny jlo p*rUoaday. The eempuy b eompeeed ef form Uou dntie*. Perua* auy have |
faiUfuUy u eapiaura. boiler- j
MubUe lamhermea ud Uey have eecared a waterpoatepeof S.KMfoeLwiU makbre. aauUra. muter ebipboilden
thirty acres of xroand., A peaeral lam- ud'pilPta, and etiU not have Ue reqnibar yard baaioeu will be transacted. stte teehateal kaowledps noecaeary to
I will pive yon 3 eeet work ia any
Thbplaet will be qniu aa aeqabition oompr^ad the builere aad holla of color, the hut taakiap enamel aad
modem eoutmeUen. A* Ue peneral
Corrupond with the Traverse City Lmnber Company.
to Ulii city ud apecbl ’
---------abb cltu all Ue buriop* aad
eCerod tope\ them to locate hero, poblic hu Ue rlphl to Ue uenraaee
We have lor a^e Good,
of Ue department that theu mu are
a. W. Cbrey of Maabiee, hu bun
hero Ue put week makiap tke final
importul doUu. the head of Ue de
arraapemeaU for Ue epaaiap ef Ue
partment hlaaeelf mast have ibnt nuartl Cycle
plUL , __________________
aaee from utosl teckaloal tub of fitDloB V'e!
XaiJory Bnrprtsed.
>, ud koowinp puitively that Ue
era referred to are oompeteai belombu of Marjory aarkb lilUe
1 her yuurdei after- yoad donbt to perform Ueir dnUu."
JIS. 6.10HNS9R. Drugeist.
Bicycles M to Order. |
Ohekero AJeepe Vathoo, a Xatlvc of
iBdU, will btertaia ia Thb City.
Traveme (Sty
have an opoorUwi^ to witama the machlaatloBi of
a real Hindoo aecromaoeer, who cornea
here with the repaUlloa of baviap
beea Ue chief of Ue Japplera at
Chiaapo in Ue SlreeU of Cairo at Ue
World'a Fair. Cbokero Aleepe NaUoo
b a Mtlveof ladb, ud while epwkiap
Ue Eapibh laapaape with ebanniap freedom aUll poueuee Ue characterbUcs 'of hb race. Be b W
praduu af a aehool of eorpery
la Parbudba perua of varied aecomplbhmeau. Ue chief of which b
hb ekill la Ue art ef lepardemaln ud
NaUeo b a pleaaut
puUarau ud cuaot refrain from Utrodaeinp tome of hb feaU la the
-■blMkart’‘lahbaaBoebtion wiU hb
aeqaalaUBeea He wUl be here uveral dayt aad to latrednoe himulf will
prueat a parlor eBtertaiameat at Park aooa. it belap her eiphU birthday.
Place Moaday evealap.
Theu preuat were -Mildred Jacob*.
Vielet Bumbauph. Tea* Heary.' Clara
Waraburp. Edi^ Monroe. Aaiu Menroe. Olady* Kiap. Edu La Pranyard.
Oamu were played, after whba reSa Vewly Airaaped Ubrary BalL
treebmeau were urved. Ail had
part of the .tato wu Ue Ll.cel. Club *^'‘“8
'The membeia ef the Ladlu’ Library dellphtfcl Ume.
nacUon lut eveainp at Ue Mertoa
AaeaebUcD will plve a receaUoo TaoePbe^ were provided for XM
day evealap. Feb. St, in Ueir newly
Dr. -Holloa ef Urud Rapid*, b vbit- pouU ud Uem were over JIS crowded
fitted ap ball. Only members and Ueir
into Ue diaiap room ud over 100 were
familbe will be invited, and Ue ladlu lap k^lfe. Dr. Marie Hortoa.
tamed away. The prut m*h
Mr*. Oeorpe Harakatl of Petoekey.
are makiap preparation* for a. charmlap eveainp af buplUlUy. Tbe hall ia tbecltv vuitiap bar danphter, Mra. un*ed by Ue aanoeecemcBt Uet SeeMaua of llliaoU,' woald be beta,
bu bees carpeted ud fombned and Doff McDoneld.
Mb* Myrtle Cox. an employe of the but he could not altond beuou of lUmaku sue of Ue
Ceapreumsa Wm. Alden 8mltk
for beldinp' eoebi pa tberinp* to bo aaj-lom. bu pone-to her home at Wlawu
Ue touimutor, and
found to tbe city
Mr. and Mia. A. K. Donpberty of Elk
Coapraumen MeCeU ef
BfSBB OF OXACB AMD BtA/PTT. Rapid*, are pouU of Ue-4amlly of Butoa: MeCleaty of MUaawta. and
Pierson of North OsroHna.
Mayor W. W. SmIU.
To Be Freeuted Wbu t^ Fairy
Mb* Aun Beyt of Barker Creek, b
"XyaUc ■idpota” b'Oi
ependlap a w^ek at Ue bom* ef
Harry Kent hu talnn Ue pultion u
The mut ebborate and
and' be^fnl Fleuy Blakedly '
bookkuper in Ue EnUrpriu tiroenry.
fairy pUy ever-eiaped b aerUpra of UWB.
Hob. O. O Covell ud Pmaeeatlnp
Newton b Ue happy pauemar
Miehipu wUl be "Tbe Myotic
Mystic MlUfine Barlish preyboud. Joel loete.” amipatbaCeraival of Nstlou, Attorney J. J. Tweddb drove over j*ewhich wQl be plv*a by the boye ud terd*y from Lelaad. where they attud- eeivnd from a-friead
A boy-bsby b Ue lalut welcome
pirb of the Owtral tcbool Vaildlap *d Clre^iourt.
Jay Maauich. who b
arrival at Ue home of Mr. aod Mra. In good ahape, but* we can aapply
Feb. X» aad XO ia Ue City Uper* hall:
It b UUelermofa caauu in two U* Cadllbe DemoeraL wu uUed hem* JUn Keu* on But Front atiaoL
ywr wacta for aoma time to come.
Tb* Portia elnb will nuet Monday
aatS,'Ud will be buntifoliy etaped. yuterday OB aooooat of .the ilbeu of
d are
aftomoon. at X o'clock, wiU Mra.‘'Tr
qpeeial neeaery {» Ue -pnrpow beiap hb mother.
Anxioufi to
bronpht tram New Torkl la addition
Lower onr stock.
Tb* Order of Maiaal PratoeUoB will
the loap Ibt ef apecbl char- iuve for Now Yofk tomorrow to par.aetem Uere wlD be .* coetomed chase a stock of sprinp cloUlnf and met nt U* horn* of B. Brbufi. m And are offering-aome Bargsiaa \
Eut NinU etreoL Monday emninp, which yon will do well to tol , ..
ef a hondred ebUdrea. dry pood*.
................. to take ad4bm
' aad tor week* Ue eoap^ have
vantage oL A choice atock of
hem atndied nnder Ue chaipe ef taraed yuterday from Orud Rapid*,
ly to meet Dr. Cbmpbell. Bakety Goods alwaya on han^
MW Blapbam. Tbe ebboraU coe- where Uey attoadad the mootlnp of the orpulur.
and we wonid not have yon loae
• tomu wtli be proenrd^ in New Vork. Ue Myi
Edwnrd. the infut too ef Mr. and sight of the fart that tbe
Frank SmiU ud B 8. Hnil retorned Mrs. Nichelu Knelper,
aad a lady fropi Uat city- b expected
here la a few daye to bepls driUiap ia yuterday from Grand Ba^ where
spinal dbuae. Mra.
they have spent the wwk attaadiap Kneipor wu Mb* Loob* LuUer. The
the muy cbarmlap march**.
gb* ouUta huabripht and vlva- tbe mcetiap* ef jDpWitt Cllntoa Ooa- fueral wUl tak* place Ub afternoon is tile bast, and that it will pay
yon to tiy a aack if yon bava never
rion* ploL The *ub* b bid in Ue •btory aad Ue'MyeUo Shriao.
at two o'clock.
need it.
Isle *<^Fl*wera. aad TlUab and her . J. W. Travb 'will luve tomerrew
The ^eken pb supper t* he pivu
hevy of feirlu aad bntterftlu bdre- momiap on a trip.eodu. He will rbit
" 4ua Ue fiiat eoene wiU nserry eonpe Asheville. N. C.. BrbtoL Tean.. ud WiU be worthy of Uv pabttuafe of nU
and marebca.
rptle, Ue fripbtfni uvaml dtiu U Kentanky. Oearpia. Ue (rtaade of the WSmaab Cbautety
Ofre. wlU hbbudef mbUlof mak- ud Vlrplnla. He wUV ha pone al^t
bepla at fear o'clo^.
Oor. 7th Asd Union Btroots.
US plots to capuro the ble aad a month.
Only $2.50 to
Eoamel Tour Wheel.
Mail Different Strles.
Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle—5c.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
' Short Maple Wood,
i-ajsrx>s B-OH sat.w.
eryof ail de«
Set Works, Carriages and Saws,
lor aale.
g Two Eogineo,
A complete Saw Mill Plant
tedw ud Eqart EumI*.
To Take Adianiage of Our Sale.
OUr Goods
Are Moving Off
Corner Union and 7th Street.
to do it to tanks room for new pood*. alMte-oar friend* to
eoiae aad see Us pond*.
~ ere balwa.
ud V
OowibiAtm the wradks a^'^k oat whi^t
lie Uey
F. W.
[Extension Of Sale! j
1 Rio CaorifiM tn Dari'oM Wiettir Ce-wb
A Big Sacrifice to Redsee Wiater StocL
-Wo OCCwx- Wot Wbla
% dozen Ladies Combination Bnita, worth 75c for..............39c
15 dozen Ladies Combination Wool Suita, worth $1.50, for 78c
10 dot fine all bool Ladiea Combination Soita, worth 8^ 8ldS8
10 dozMiasea half wool Combiaation Snita, worth 75c___88e
Ladies^e all wool Worsted Tights, worth «i00, for.: .$1.88
A lot of CStildren's Vssto and'Pants go at..................;.6c each
A lot of Miaeee all wool Underwear np to 34 inch in
85c A piece.
Smaller sitee of Mme go at........................................18c B piece
Txmwerse City.
g-T»AWR BlLQfne-
sn> jjrTTHgro wsoae.
A19IAMBA. Heto^
TSatxbbx crrt. ■
trtead of Oieeir And the oAnentaeAe
eerroe maatioa of
fm». T. Batm abv f. W. BAxm.
i. W. BAihn.* ^'luTud Mu«(«r.
tiprtnrffeld. IIU..
toek of
Borml eeBAC ot Aome peo^ wAfk exceed*
fArorAbU BAtoro.
iBclr well llIuxtrAtcd ia W»*'«>(r yteMleA PooffT* A^^ortU fATo A i^eABlac. terder when Jane* Meacel waa henned
pereoBAUoB of the porv bat there wee by the Aberlff for aa fnul a crtaie aa a
ntUe for her to do.
The other cbATAC-
tere weip rood lor All they bAd to do
with wbleb ho AoqmlUod Umeelf d»-
whole. &e
Joliae Chemr
StmoiT, mVUAXY 18.199B.
man raa well be rulllr Of. ^'hen b*
«AJ> c>o* ttie A.-Alloltl be dlrplayt-d
Den%-er. Feb. U.-Th« a(aU board of
arblirallao rendered Ua dAclAiob Uat!
nicht on tbe qoeatloBA In dlnpote be
tween the minere and operalora of tbe
Bortbera Colorado dlitrlci. The board
fooad la faVor of the etrlUair minem ta
every paftIctiUJ."
we are Selling
When we think of tbe incalculable
depth of our
or Kather'i lovo toiu. that
net only eery A«eep-
heaven. But the-nnut r*rperkaile aen* , *0 “*
ctanea ao far
tence waa «hi»: "I <1.. tioi fciiow-ihat 11 eboTt of tbU iuudi‘1* How patient la
have ever door anythli
hlny wr*{^.'
i «
He ottikT
pruv-oratiou! How ever mind-1
Perbape be dldn'I. Bui. thl» what he ' fnl of OUT wanta! How kindly.doca Hal
did. On the momli
' check oor willfulnem aud Irad oa in the •'
Here ie Another food aotioe of .the murdered Utile
way evi-rlaating I Soroly Hi« merry en-;
RobeoA UeAtre oempoBy ia the lUaiA- Biontba. a dr^hter of Mary Briacoe.hla durvth forever ? Yet how poor a retuni ’
nilalreev. The bead of tbe molber of
do we make U> Him. bow far do we tall
tbe .babe a-aa eruahed with tbe aame
‘■etetordAy Airbt Another food endl*
halrbel that waa uwd to brain the 111- abort <d manifvatUMf » like aelf denyinK
eaee wltaoeeAd eome
comedy work
une.* and the unfonunatr woman love to nebm. Day by day we have '
dcalb for a«-v. Daw prurfa that He that keepeth ua
bv the Bobeoa ThcAlre Co. The, pUy | lInrereO hetweet* Ilf.Ilf*- and
WAA -Oalv A WomABb HoATt." A etory
momhA b.-f..rr.i.r recovered. Mary ahall aeiibw alnmbot oor ale^—,
of l.rep«AlonAodiaUirae which ol-!
loncer with
wayn amnrea tbe piece a rood welcome. dared
that hr traa not tbe
Him Madfe Bertraad won new laurela father <-f tbe, ba)>e. Md It 1* aup|>*aed
*’Tbe path 4» (tod leada tbran^ the '
and prored a favorite.
W. T. SobaM that thla an itb-naed hie Irwlouvy that
he determined to cimmli a double mur- bcanauf mrti.," jaa fcaiuulalhatAay ba '
waa matterfnl ia hie iaurpratatloa of
nurd to aittnmt fix Ih.- <liaaeti<m of the j
hU role of Jerry, the tramp, and Ike
activittev of tha c-Jivu-h. Pri-'
KDpport waa fairly pood thronrhouL
-------i tnarily tbe obyect "f chun-h life ia to
The heuae waa crowded oe Soiiday BwiMwfwllM-ihe^>Kl..ftAet*r*Mtive, find (iud. Blid tha i-hon-b hua nought'
at i-itAbarx.
‘ | Uim iu the htuvnis utNivi-, to inyatlciKui.
eveAlnr. vrhea the paatcral drama.
Uhle. bat one wbleb will roBAln
pleAAABt mamory to TnOArae City the-
MBt Qf ArrlciiUare
thml ae
■ml o>}«ctlOB «xUta V> a« ABSantioii
t «f the
of BawaH from Ue
b«et«ar»r rroyror.
Etad At the prcA-
^(Mt tlm#. wilb Ike frea importutiAO ot
nsAr (roB HAWAii. beet-«nrAr fvw-^
•n flid A fAir profit ia their crop, bat
M the BAwAliAa •nfAi^lAater U
a ob«-
Enoch Arden: waa preaented for the
erop mAB. ills onlj AtioeAtloo of a Abort firai time here, and'traa wall recalvod.
. time when we will exbAust the fertilitjr Tbe specialty work by membaraof tbe
of Ua loU for thiA crop Abd Usea. hATiof
to bn; fer^ilieerA, be will be eaiirely
MiiAble to compete with the AmerlcoB
beet^Bfir tAnaer.
The oec>«Ui7 be-
company, la very rood."
Tk# above
will _beria
ly and
Fancy Dairy Butter
19 c
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per Dozen.
Enterprise, Grocery,
• Opposite Steinberg's, Thone 146.
it baa
.................................... but unt God.
diralad yaMrrday by Ifar opinion of | Hut altmu tliia rudianiveied faith of
Juder Jowepfa .Bufflncton, who handed I jesna. otnmrrd and obeinirtud With tha
' ,
dpan an opinion tojtha Vi.n der Abe | eBtaucIing iliooRhU of the ofcuioriBa.
lialMwa <a>rpua iAae.WlIt honor aua- the ehuirh ia now atttfflblixiK with e\-er
tained the piklllon of the aii.meys wtid j flnntd-.and nuxe ranfidoit Men toward
Grand on Moaday evaniay. at -pap^
Cuunta.,«Oc per quart
Standard 30c per quart
Solid Meata.
UereA. bowerer, tbmt the AOfAr crop of
BawaH will be ffrmduAlly dleplAced b;
of tr^leeJ fealtA. coffee,
etc., fortbe cultare of wbleb HawaU
offere epleadid opportnalUee. Aod ia
the prodaetiM of which Ue eutee of
F^mlahed by B,
n«v.J. a. Breedr. pamOT.
Tea eaerfetie Japabcaa mAaefActaron WABt the prodncte of oor miaee Apd
A earro recenUy abipped trogi MobUe
for Yokohama coaalAted of Blrmlnr*
ham pif Iron and 2.000 balea of cotton.
PraMrvation of Beauty.
Fletcher's Oyster Depet aeil RestaeragL
213 Front St.
I,~h h.
r.n:»-,n UIV-.
! ii-pe-™ ,7-.“
The Wants of JUen
AM.,. I”-;"
SoBday nervleen Keb. 11. IMi«.
Pianchlnr In the moraiar at 10:30
telephone, and Glover
tbe money to l>liiabum today.
Von der Abe waa aeatrd bewlde bla
founael while Jintoe Bufflnxton wa»
re-adlng M» d*-<-lvl..n. and leaned forward
lonaly. aa ihourh he wanted protec
required by bn- to the treatment of her
paiiaau. Yeaterday and the day
•Claaa maeUnr at »:.10 a. m. .
fore thla taleoud expert to the ireatti
Sunday achool. 13 m.
.eat of diaeaaa baa bad
Ua aad
JnDior Laarae at >:30 p. mta makiag friendk not oaly by reaaoa
Bpworth Laarne at L:ti p. m.
of her Buperitmakiabothy reaaon of
her pleaiMt addreaa Md namerooL^eClaaa meetlnf at tha cloaa of the
eomptUbmeaU. Among othqy. UiIdM.
evenlar nervioe.
a Hadley la prepared
epared togivceltotAe,
to giva
cnniB^n ecinntx
TarfcMh. Knaama. Turko-Bua
:uaalM and
ServioeaU K. a T. M. hall. ItsFtont
pertomed hatha Md to a<
Martow'* Herni-mary U»eo J
Facial blemiahcA. toaboei. at IO:SOa. m.
- BelMlwxc U a w V..rA ButimM.
„Brta m 1 frecklea vMlah Mdcr
Snbjeet—"Troe faBUnr."
New York. Feb. 17^I.evl I’ Morton'e
.....................almeut of Mlaa Hadley
TeaUaumial moetlnr FViday at 7:30 aeven-»iory nBli-e bulldinx, with front Md Abe will find frienda among many
p. m.
on Naaaau aod Ann aireeta. and womea and ehlldreo to Traverwa City
All are i^rdially Invited.
know-p aa the Naaaau-t'hambera bulld- wko have baen anbjoct to the anporInn. waa completely devtruyed by fire MCM which mar'BMtotol heaotv.
and ia tbe evealnff at 7.
aroa caBAli arc alceady reoeiviBr dl-
I}- ddlvered him up to the aheriff of AlleRbenytcouBty. Von der, Ahe apent Ihc :.
oixht In the private ofBi-e of Kherin i
rlR8T MBTBuniaT.
tbo UnloB OA^not eompeUv
Are Many and Difficult
To Attain .
Tlie Wise Wan Seals ita Bast Mewspafer.
Artittlc HiBtorioBl hoaemiir.
Under the dlreetion of Fr. Joe. Bnper
Md Fr. B. C. IUaa. a beaaUfal eoavo*
air of the Silver Jabilee of St.
ehBreh. haa been iecned.
The boek- U
blrhly * calendared
paper, and iUaeVAted thoorbMt wiU
Ane bAlhtone pietaretef the ekareb.
Achool hnUdinr. convent. "Tbe'Bella.*'
the oririaalebarcb. tbe realdenee of
the paaior. eome of the nwet prominent
memMre and
teondate of the ebareh ia thla rerios.
tarether with BAmproua other
iratioBA. to more correctly eahaoee the
enloe of the work.
Tbe eoavealr la
AUed with valoable iDfomtAtioa eon•emlar the hlatory of the chareb and
will prave of moeb valae to tbe memhnie and'Wtbera at well.
in. aa
The leavea
atlmctivc eover
with the iaaeriptlen dene la raid ud
tiad with heavy colored allk cord. Thla
in owe of-the Bncaiplecoaortypoirraphy
over uecoted la
lA from the preea of the Grand
taai nicht.
The 1lrem.p had a hard
battle and .f*iT three huum there wma
Tuuaref Ftonca.
every rr*«pe<-l of a xreat contlacratlon.
Tbea. Latriellc. the practical nebnlldTbe rk-ri>>
DeelT' t-*>m|«ny oit-uilrd
rr aad toear of ergMa Md piaaoA. will
both the NmMtau and Ann atreet at'erea
male quartet.
be beraallMXtwaak.
Mr. Latrema
Sanday a^aol at cleaeof the morn* and the baaeineni of the bulldinx, where U the BuceMBor of R Ralhato. to well
thr tire originated, waa or<ui*led by the
known here, aad eemea with hia atraoir
inf aerviee.
Herald t'yrie fompany. From (he Naamav be left
JoaiorC. E 3 p:m.
aalu-Chambera tbe Bre apn-od to the
freed. 418
Y. P. S. C. B S:43p. m.
f»ur-et»n' liulMInc adjolnlnx and the
clothlnx alore uf Madum Bnw.. on the
Special Mlaaionary pr^ram
‘ P
ground flotr, waa quk-kjy In namea. Tbe
m. In charge of the genUemea.
loan here aleo will b« prartlfally ‘vomAoonHal invitation la extended ^to plete
•ral firemen were badly cut by flythece eervieaA
■aa and debria. but none aeiinpaly'
injured. The biOa at preaen’i la eatllMJI’ed
Bt llto Otai. the larevr. abate .if whi. h
srser Boardoioe Arv aad WAidsleloe Mrwt
will le bom.- by the Uo.rton 1nler.-aia.
allhniiah II la Mated that tbe> were well
Holy communion k:4D e m.
Whan to need «f anything in thb
Mbretog aerviee and aermon at 10:30
- Uwa Maw Bobbed at f^bwaw.
liarremajnber thla to -(ha |4a«e to leave
n*v.» CMbila. AAMr.
Preoehinf at 10:S<) a. m.
d Votee
Heuae laat nirbt waa
moeh larrer than tbe alyht before aod
Jallna Caaar warranted the increaaad
e.f While thepiecew
UtUe opportaalty fhr the mnmbara of
ike anpport. aaide Crtun iba three chief
ebaraciera. to appear to rood advau<tare-
Saaday achool Md Bible clam at 12.
Evenlar aerviee Md eenaoa at 7.
Bvt. M B Bruark. Pavler.
Claai: meeUor at 10 a. m.
Praaebtog at H>:30 a. m.
rhli-au’,,. Keb 17
R. H. S|K-ncer. an
ez-ln«auier of hn> t-.uniy, who realdee
In Alcona, la., la at the I'elmer Houae
aiiffei'inc from nerv,<uv dementia, thr
reault ••f a m>-aterlo(ia n.bbery He vra*
vl.-tlmlred tv.-dneaday nicht to the ex
tent of 2400. and the buw of the money
baa' turned hia mind teii'.txiaElly and
perhapa |.m, uienlly. _ •_
"Pemoaal Work.*'
Sunday achool at 12 m.
Epworth lAgue at
oa (be Baeard roreaeCly.
Plllvbtirx. Feb. It—After eatimalinc
1th xreat aevursnee of a<-<'Urmry that
p. to.
Oaapal aerviee at 7 p. m.
there, were iwenty-acvrn peiwnna atlll
Hegtoutog ibla eveulag apacial meet- miceinx of ihnae in the mdlua of danI X<T at the bic fire here. It turn* out that
lagk will be held to tbe Sacead M. E|«era
Theiatoreat ia the piww oea-
mlatake w.mewhere.
about Hr. Spencer aa Caaaloa.'
Mr. Macomber aa Brutua, and Mr. Beadially toviied toaitead tbeac aervioea. j h.d n.,.w-,ijrfe« day. before the Hr*
.11., I.
Then of tli»«e record -d aa mlMlnx yea•jterday MU-hael frll.-am and Jame*
Tnveme City XnrlMt.
\ Bevrriy are found to be allvi-. that
Below ia a Uat of the bnyiag Md aell-j iak*-v eleven lew
lew. •■t'the mlwln*
qaAllficatioaa rcadar them fittinr cona -'
■lar aa Marc Aatony.
were ia
the haada
v^faoae penoonlitiaa
iniShakeapeare'a bcoi traredy.
*n>e nadition of Caaaiua
reqairet a
fr^ that of SbyToek. bvt Mr. Spencer
-Won fully equal to the tranaiy^oa aad
portrayal ^of
I*awraace Uarrat
eriUclaed in bla renditioa of ibia part.
Md to cay that Mr. Spencet-fa^bove
mueb. but thla la one of tha moafldifficall ot all the charmcUn la Shakeapeare'a.worka and even though aome of
hia IndividuAl maAneriama might not
OMAt preeiaely with the ideaa of tbe
Ing pricea• o>
of yeatortay ivm
for ~gr«*rfe».!
hnwev.-r. -ar*- Mill
unacMil farm pr^ucto in Trav-1 e.>unird
.1 the tire de|.«rtrtien1
nl l» aure
more pe-i*].
were kill.-<1 thap have lw-*.ii found, ilot.
axuJKO itum.
that. h<- l>,-U*‘vee that no eatlmate
Clear Fork per W. new....
kill- d xi far made will r. aeh Ita A< tMl when all-le kn'‘WB
It ie dan10*75;
V work reniNVlnc the debria. for
are US tanka of. explnolv-e am, midila In the rvlna. and If it ahould go
*’iorr there would be aueiber horror.
--- •*: t ^ , Jjil.-r.—<'i
4j||.-r.—<’i e more lv>d>- ha«heenreeor.
erefl from Ih
lira ll waa (hot of Wm.
■naleiM, a milkman.
Hia body
lly tnulllaled but eaally rectixnlaed l.y hb etothlnx. The ll«t of mla»inx la rapidly awellliin.
:l>va«oa Plloa.
....................................... -■
ntndent of Sbakeapearc or accord with
Tbe great vitatiiy of dragon fliee ia
the atyle of otbera who attempt tbe
•bown by MolAhcbtaud, wha tuvlng
xtrude at a large aMobeoa at rw oo a
~ po^ it may be promptly etated that
Mr. Speaoar kandlea It with aa earaeat*
T TBArntan cm;
Mm which enUtlea him to credit for
la tbe qnarrel aeene vrith
Bratoe la the intenaity of the nature,
and pcrraonality of Onaalua brought out
• and to thin theaoBtlment of the Uaca
SX «r'i.r'X;!"
FototoM per.ba.!! !.'!,!
. 48toU.
twig, (be head waa au(Xi to ^ble
down, while the real nf the inaeot flow
awny to ail ■oii'lirided mauiMT" fora
oouasderable diatuuiw. Upon picking up
tbe bead be noiicvd that tbe Inaect had
faaan eating a Sj at the lime. ‘*.Tbe
mandiblca wmUuoed Working naif noth,
tog bad bapivued, and tbe mnaticand
are well tolerpretod by Mr. -Speaeer..
Ia tbU aceae. too. waa tba ability ofMr.
Maoomber taxed, yet Uat gentle
waa pleaMag. foreefnl and worthy of
rraat eommendaUon.
Mr. Macomber'a
Tbe Board of Bdocation vrlll aell (be
Beat btatc at^ aehnol property, eooFrank Ben- alatlng of loU 28 Md 29. block K. Hmthe nah. I.ay A Ca.'a 7th addiUos. togatber
mMt Inteaae ntUnUon and the life Md with the bulUlng thereon, at privnta
•alefergroo. For farther totonBnUoB
Are arith which he deltvarnd
eolee, ennnclntiea and figure aeemed
to ^ tbe part admirably.
BprlKnnl mlDofa cm be anpplied
with fond and air by a uewly patented
KOMlait cyatem conaiaaDg of aaericBof
plpea. to be laid ihrangb the mtoe
toiilta, with bcaneb' pipea numtog
■connd each aecdon to be uaad if tbe
main pipe aboold be-vQ^ed by a tmvn
to. fiexible ooDvr^ara faeiqg nm thraogb
the pipee to <mrn the food.'
X«a.z*seeti F±aaa.o 2tffa33.Ta.£ao*box*3r
SAttofActioB guarMteod or n« cbArge.
Leave your ordera At cfloe or ctoll up
'Phone No. 8.
E.W. Hastings....
Kimball i
Real Estate
Monsy to Losn |
Improved Farms aadlj
City Property.
JohnAon Block.
'Phone 73.
Steinberg's Grand Opera Honse
Oo« Solid Week.
Monday, February 14,
Theatre Co.
“Tbe four piano and orunn faetoriee of tbe W. W. KimImII Coni|iauj. Ohicaffo, have for years been cenceded to be
nmeb iarut-r than any o9ber cstAblisbmpnt of tbe kind in tbe ^
world. The capacity of tbe plant bn* 1j»^u further incre*^ \
by tbe addition of a fifth factory, and is now greater than any f
two like inntitntioQB in extotence.”—Tbe Tia»8.Hei!aJ4^ '
“Tbe lare^t pinno and organ &ctoriee in the world.**-r-Tbe
Cbicago Recoid.
'*Tbe output of the Rimball faetoriee ia grMter tiian that
of any^o factories in the world.”—The Xadieator, Chicago. '
“Aa large again aa any other factories in the woiid.”—Tbe
Chicago ('b
Musical Merchandise,
SmaU Instruments,
«:^zceUent Variety.'
man Bare * portrayal of Brotna tbqi
\ of The Press.
year erdera^Bd^et prompt work.
fmfeiu ot the grfi cbaractera latroAaoad
flack, Bos and Baggage I Opinions
.Iqoibr League at 3:30 p. at.
•fared and admirably given, there waa
.Is the Correct Medinm.
ancoxh urrfKiDiHT.
Tbe aodienee which filled Stelnberv'a
Muate by
Baadny aervioea:
All ere cordially tovited totbeae aar-
Travarae Herald.
: c
Baterrod Seats, 80e.
Gdueral Admioa
pBBiedbyn peceem bcOdSJr
-oto'ved ttoket.
Aji fJiB iBfJtBt. pnptilav
Cell da aa wane there la • ebaaoe ter • abetoe--
235 Front,Street,
N. £. STRONG, Manager.
of BlIilBtIr band.
Ilph*<»n*n. .
fort. For the piwnl h« sskHJ to w
Bxrusre fr>
dtacusf’nieftpBBUli •SBlre.
Tho Iftsiloc wHI f»m«ln at thr prerent
hXBtlun un UsaaMihuA'-tlB arenu*. as
there '■ •
years' Iraae, of tbs
^ I lyremlses.
aU Sots of People a&d Odd Bits of News Ftom e
All Over The State.'
Iriehman in ParliaiTtent New De*
mand v* “Independent”
Tba Roll}- lodepMdant aayi ibat'Mre | ran.
It sa.tv
«f Its •xekM*aa apOaka of a conUaniM *'
t -r^
I we bsee UUI7 t
Waahlasirei. Wl. 11—Copaldrratlan !
whs wsa ■'aariosal.v ill wlt^ rrare that the ktste hold all the pise Wren
a autc foraatr}- park, ___
and at of the Indian aprn-prlatlon bill waa re- |
doshUof rsoorerv.” The IsdapaBdanl lands aa
SSpa ftiriber; -Wa treiit thto sew dla-''asoe
wiU Sot profs oastafloaa:
rq>L^\ l> -lib plUTiiL. Tk.' i
U.d U -orOil-. .. I.
I- II ™. I
hseesodoahlbBlUiaaeriossMd the elalned tor farm purpoaaa it wlU coat i«nt aniendmerit to thr bill aas that of. |
an immeDoe outlsv of isoapj before {fered b> Fettiaree ablih. If Bnaily en- ^
■frsre ia is ai»hu"
crops c«B be raised. nrbercM it baa p^ '
Walter Dic^ of Chariotta dtp. ared
»», drelded to }oln Or. Metcaira Klos- i *■**
dike i»rty of Detroit. He psrchaaed.'
fathars pfojxeed acUon, and the
boniM.lred i
prodnoi them apain. It plant- E lands thr reitlere have Wn obliged to
P‘"' and properly oaiod for | pay the' purehare pri.-r imld to thr lanlj<'Umr4 I
lioaa of dollars to the «tat«. and If then
t Ifot KiiriDKB. e. Ii : for *e ,
rifht be would go any way.
sf .'VsaKAchuBeltB :
ivi and cTantioa . o the AUte of Kan.
Fnfi I
So ope ! tio» ‘n** replanlinreach year »« as t«
„fr the
nlFbl last week Dick slept In a anow-1 "winthio the foreai. th* .Ute would
bank all nirhl and the next momln*
r«el»a a la^ annual reee-
IBit up feeling as ohSpoeraod spry ae a ;“»e<®riu forest Und which would re•prime lamb.
r “•
ira.^ j.e, ,.r the
He will go.
1 i'*'’* ^e taxpayer* of many burdens." AxnruUur*! oih «e and^f the. Kanraa
, Plate V..—...I
Nurn.^ —(.-.wther*-..:
echo >tr tb«Te*>n. and for a
puhlt.- park
BatUa Creek hai I unique soeletyl
Charles'l«onBC>. of Palmyra .lownrut tc the Ii
Th.- IVttti
ealled the "Blaca Club." All membeea Wp. ought to be on the New-Ybrk dian' ipproprlatloti bill M aa Intlow
•That all w-itlrr*. under
> foot datectire force.
. meet drees in blMk from head
Iswv of ihr-l'nltnl Plates, upon thvpuhone
neohjeetof th^lub ia to ko«p iu
mbeiB troiD apsading thai'r'inoDey In not oomplalu to the police, neither did passacr. ..r
ha throw out hinia that this, that or or
varltha other man might tell if .he would. oua Indian .tribes, who have or who
hen mast he at borne by 10 o'clock
He ran amall pleecs'of win into the
for each offei
The club is pompoaed of marfied men eoba of so ean. and next meming
pay a forfeit of SI
entered In x*»^ falih for ibe pei
quired by existing law. ahall be. •
to a patefll for the land so entered upon
the peymenl lo the ln*al land officer* of
tbe usualandcusloBiarTfees.and mother
or furbter rhatge of any kind whaUo-
at:<onn4 IX of ^em is the sianager bf a
Brery woman la dolag her................................
bedt to get her buabasi to join Uia
aatl-stay-ont-late club.
Mia. tVashingtoe Weal of Novi, owai
tler to enIKIe
land •■o.errd by hIs entry: provided,
thal the right tp mtnmute any such en
try and payfor iwld lands. In the option
of any lUrh settler and In the time and
at the jitires no* fixed by existing iawa
shall remain In full foire and effect."
a little chipofdark, "boggy" mahog
A North Branch young lady accidnet- any taken from Napoleon's coffin by as
allyawaUewcda braaahuitoD.and tte officer on tha vetoei which removed the
BefareU—LeiO Cttwiar I
London. Feb
IX. — In the bouse of
eimroona jraaterday John Brdmood. the
FamrllUc Jaader. moved an aruendmeot
to the addrraa la reply to the speech
from the throne at the u]-enlOi; of the
parIUm.ni. It waa to the tAect that
. -wiaie the houre rr-Kards wjlh sallWac-.
r of the noBhiTii brnnrh o
j lew barrens lyoiild hr worth many tnll-
rwHed that he woold try a aiioose in
r HI* f^rty Falla W
'■I ""
.“.TSil" Sr„S'rJ; “rt |
18 ON A
>\.-nHnvbi.lh Ireland, ibe
I - In nowise meet
t Irihb parUament.'
'Kedmond said that, the executive had
declare*} (hat tl.e relrbratlvn of
(bat IrvUnd bated Kngbind There bad
Ist n times. l(<-*ltnond rontinued. ..yvhen
England could have changed that feeltog. and^he believed It possible that it
mtgbl yet lie changed. Redmond then
pruveeUejJ^t.i crlliciae the changed Liberal attitude since Ihe retirement of
Uladsiune. and asked fur an exprifsaion
of opinion from tbe Liberal leadtn
Harr*»rt gepli—W Wramsaa,
nr wiuiain Vernuu
Harvourt. the
Lll>eral leader, replied, emphasising the
oai-nike Hblvb tbe Liberals had made
for huroe rule, which was hIS belkf.
and wbicfa he had relteraird in all bli
apecebes. liui the speaker pulDled out
that (he vuprvinacy of, the Imperial
parliament was a material feature of
filadstene's bill anil was aceepted by
(be Nailuoailst leaders. The present
amendment; Sir Wimam j>v>im«d
John Dillon, chairmsb uf tbe Irlab
.Parliamentary parfy. said he wonM-auppun the amendra
ted tbe departure of the adherents from
that towa. But tha fair vietim'a re eonvenir was a frihnd of Mia. West's
iSolliy of
f the Ule ?
markable aelf-poaaemion and kaewlParnell 'l^llun warned the Lllterals that
Irish vote unless
edge of the piacaiorial art oasno h^pily
a TWe .. Kmwall ** they Would
headed ihelr pnigrammc.
to her reacM. She tied a buttoo^holetsar
Iwterpeers the MUt.
Waablngton. Feb 12.—A number of
tsaatriagaadaeon fished ont the me- Eaplda. bad a tragic experieaea with
.Oral lurd of tbe tresauTT
the bliuard. She left Hagiaaw. where membei* of the senate nmiinlllee on
tollie trespaeecr.
the had been on a visit Monday mora-' foreigti Maticoi favorable (u (he Ha said Ihe IcM-al gpveriunem bill.was not
lag. for boM. cairyiag with her her waiian annexation tresly held an Inlor- Intended as a step t*imard b<me rule or
^BbigetsaaaPnmya. a-fre
peal meeting In PenatorJ~r>e'K i-omnJtas a compromise, but rested solely on
8_;_monih*^»ld twin Iwya. The Detroit,
t«« rvram yesterday for the. purpose of
etadent of Ann Arbor, it a giaduaie of
nieHts. to confer upon Ireland
Grand Rapids A Weatom train, on- eontiderlnx' -he'future enurwe to be pur
Doibeshs eoUivp. one of tbe uWestl^™^
the same lu.nl uperllea aa enjoyed by
became sued with reference to the treaty. Tbe England and Scotland Balf..ur added:
eehocOsin J^pan. He was given an.—
stalled la the storm and was ont in it Bieetlng resulted fPnni Teller'! suggvs- • I flrmly
Irmly believe thai a.a>ner Or later
oellent poeiiicm ieUmUyUuTitbi hank,
the peoples of (he iwu Islands will bv as
nil that night- Abont 4 o'clock Mon
the targeet in Japan, and wrote many
cluAei) united aa thuoe uf any uatlou in
day morning one of the twins died
articles on flaaai^etc.; which led to
(he wiirld.*' This remark *wU-d forth
wbtTe on board the train, netwiihofdl- Irish < rte* of Never." to which Balfour
bis being oSeredapoaitionon the Kokn
etandi^ the efforu of tbe trainmen, rent legislallun.
The Iri^ mecnler* neither
Myn. a daily paper printed at Tekio.
There was. a thorough dlx-uaslon of desire nor hope that
I l-ih h*iH- abd
who went to the mother's aaaiatanee
(he Bliualioti. Ibe result of abk-b waa a
rnmya waa sent to HaiHii during the
and waded tbroogh tbe enow drifta to decision to firt.l an early method-uf de dealte lu Frv.m wtudy of history I am
recent ditturbaneeaaa a correapoadeat.
convinced U.at the scheme for a sub
procure nourishment at farmers' hov- termining the strength of the annexs- ordinate parllameni .ta not worbablv"
When hh work there had been earnaes for the lUUs onre. Tbe child haf '
emOment Acivrdmgly Davis
pletad be tnrood his eyes towird the
' make an effort to g-l the treaty
y^up in
Then am d the lauehter and cheer* of
aever t«eB la robnat health, aad died ;
wreh with the
United btatta and
1 «B roots
the f.onserv*liv<e Italfour cummenteti
reaoit of hernia Tbs-Wain I ^iiJin'nng
the si-Whrs
spstor Ann Arbor where he
-------ui»D the unpataiahle poslilon * of tbe
then attempt to secure
Lilerwie ' It. the face of the
will revnil ,ll>e v-otin* pressui-V' which he sdiled. "with or
strength 0
<e----- >t.-i afternoon
w iio.'ui ,'urTi. 4ne
thr Ulwra^
L-joerm^ imill hace
jI Tnetoay
that Mr*. Evaru and 1*K-ale the
K wnsld'-rvvi
tidaa when be ret arm to Japae. and
swaU^y'', The aniendipept was ermtreiacbed home with, tba dead child.
eootidara the law eoune here a very
usIlv^Tjctcd by :ti to Si vot.-* John
I by Ibe MAtw
Redm.ind tben'mev-d-ar Bm-n*lmenl la
good preparation.
fav*-r .pf a re*..iAT3?raiU-n *if Ihe cases
1 An upper penin-ula paper lelU a I
Waahingt -n, F. b, 1/.-The s* n,
of.Ihe Irish tailit c-.vl pr.s ■lo-r*. Admiral
atoiy of two bonret ueu in that see- ; trrOay
tviufireu d
iktvsford. amid
of custonu at l.-rd I'harks
U-rn. as follows:
Rtleen yfara ago;
f- K*'**amendment. wil>e.p.lt: o. l
L.. «
er of a bonod. "Feuy." aad * eat, 1
. - ~ > i>-tP»it:
Smith, of x«rtn
North |'oe.... -ui-i- **-* in- ••meiiuiiiem.
•Tousa." "Tooae " iaaglant.and tioa “ “
Krup.hak, now of Reaaemdf.
mini.t. r and consul general i Ih-isht he q.-. Ur-*1 h- det.'-ated the
purehsaed a l-wilway
rallwsy ticket from
dynemliaril*. Timothy tiealy.sui>|s>rttihaly. *ui>|s>rtAVMireB
**T ' porchaaed
lieorgt ,
ijb,.H«- Kthan A. Hlleb*»«k
■tHMk. of MisMts- d>-nsmlianl*.
tbe oeslea at K. pound*. Tbe d<v nod
Beetle, thr depot agent at Bmbarram..
W.- H. log the em-ndment. i-smiramed the dlfferenre. l-iw-n ih.- aititUile of the
cat have always been faet
wiscoiwu: in'payi’Bg for it be gave!
were raiaed togatber and diar off of 1 „
o^,. .
; revenue Thirt.pvnth dtatript of liiinoi.; F.ngllsh I.-war.! the Fret;iJ«man Dreyfus
anil Ibvlr- suilude t..w^rd the Irish
Up. p-p.. pP—. Pn-i«,.UT th. l-o
H .™.p1
V. ■■
I-.lll1.-al pr1ii.'.ii-r* Th” I*. «- r- Je.-t».d
^.ip thought at the lime that be bad 'Castle New S.-uih Wales.
tbe amen Iment b) lil t*' iO' vol-s
i* Ip...
Me K,p.pppb.V ;
togelber. but ootbing waa thought of
reived a letter^fronj Mr. Beetle as ;
Washmetoh. Feb. I2.-The h-use comthe matter until tha olbar day. when '
*>.. I —,t.
. .K——fcLi
loogVme ago you gave mv mttle- ..n otilliiiry aflalrs has r-|..rt.d
Mrs. Luod.v ssw the cst perchto «l—|
buying a mUWay X-witMi: «»." < m t-. 'Pwu.re Major
(be HsMia *r H
Whan, to lu. rai.l: and imy In the
sntire tamily went into fiu of hyateria remains from bt. Helena to Kranea.
' over the calamity, aaya the Dasette. of The oflleer who econrod the greueoae
The demand for Improved and ITnimproved City Psoperty is .becom
ing brisk. I have
Two or Three Houses anil Lots
and a Number of Well Located
pav con* of t'
l“'rl f
exiiqerai.-B 'M»>'r Wham *pf 1
i-harxe <m uhli-h he wa» 'vurt-mi
^.U, .h.
puto V
, p.„
- .
.1 tvwi MPas a oaae auajC WTOng
The BiU
npon hlm.
Botb official^ at the ®«r- der aad both d.ned off of h.s carcass.
I therefore an- I
T.ie state de.
Mrimeni ha- twm s.lyt..-d thr*.ugh the
. v|»-rien.-.vi i.v the
master at Itavans Tmit-*>lay and t
ask ftenrrai
anp| r* port.
t wfn (M- taken In tbe;aplDi Is whlih t>
J made: ••therwl*'^ the matter will UMaephv Has Nalkloc ta Say.
drvpped imd (he rtplatlipiis between the
Washington. Kel>. 12—Fenalor Murpalate deparimeut anil (hr Spanlsb'lwga' phy.of New V*irk./|e*''4eap. lodlaun the
: tlon
wtll run
sm*»itHly *>nie
nip.nI'Ai-ll.m taken by the New T-pfk kgis'A_
. ,
I through the medium .pf SenitTTyu Bose,
War Specials Will Have to P6*» the ltr*t ae,reisr>. ami now
Pliarge , turv iereurlng hkn f. r Ms .vole on the
T.-lkr llnanvinl lewPiitl-n
aaas Their Souls in Patianea
id-atta.ie*. Ir .an be-aid for th-pr^e.. ,
------- -------------'
y { not diapp.S'-d to i-uraue Dr Lon.eIn any_______ _
'\ Ipere-.na; rj.lr:!. aii.l with this spirit ln>' SETS SEE. IS THIS H CUBA!
irinriET OOBTINUES TO BE OAI* ) the bea t ..l th- admlnlstratlus th-' ^
.e. ...
end of the Wtalr tm» Iw ..Id I.. have
I been rea.-Ikd.
As the repreaentatlv'e ,
l■ •^•at•ray.
of bpam. Pemo Don Juan Du IP«k :
' anceburv. K> . Feb If.-At F,wmNp ls>n.e-> at e-___ _
■* noon yesterday- at tbe
slate j taplw. Ibis cp.unly-. y-Werday Contlablea
called at
a !• rTcmner
I‘ deimrtmFut U.-..4
and pn-aetited le
is m
w eOiMe
rlling *I.
Crv.pper «l
anpj TbaiAci attempted
' ‘ iPt^.-ation uf thr Kpanlsb government I real as old lady named On.* e, who was
'.that the resignation of Acr.ir Enrtqu-' at her h.mie with eeveral grown im
' Dupuy ds latnw had l-een actpcpied. anp] i daughter*. R> fore the uffl. er* realls^
(hai Kenor Du Boar, waa avlborised t.> I it one ..f the girU n-w at them Uke in
Washington. Feb. It - The personal ropiveetu bbi government aa charge ! esrar>d tlgirwi. A-ilh a long knife, dantoeldenl growing 4>ut of ibe pub:Uau,.n
D« luume will leave wltblh thr next
; gereusly -wounding U.lh
I asathvr
I Ume the old Isdy 1
daughter drew revolver*, and t
aeltled. This ha. been br.ught .t-.ut dev-o.d of anvVm.ul or puhllc.-hara.l-r:
. by the short cablegram acst by Mjpiaier The day of hla de»*rture from WashWoodford from Madrid, 1s which be Ingtos has nnt tores fixed, bat tt will be
gtglaa that tbe mfuiater toad -resigned early wxt week.- Beoor de Ixune r. Md hi* reatgssilon bad bren accepted ceKe<l . rigiresenmilre of the Ayaobefore be (W.Mtdford) preacnled the r-- clat.-d Pivss at tbe l-galion yeoterday
guest of the rtfllvd Stale* that he be :
A‘l «U.ut were-ev Id-nrea of
; Th.- l«lUe raged f«r a few moment*.
{ and after the smoke cleared ..Id Mrs.
I Uraw-o wsa fousd dead and shot
' pleCea shd both 'daughters woiKU
| Ttiuoe who SBrvivcd are
w*. wiu s.we.
-of Benor liupuy de Lsme's letter
Sanoi CanalVJas may u- regarded
recalled The .'mH.I. b^fre. ss .tier- , L'TTr'in^'ihereSaroffl^^T tt I
r Woodford gas-e
0 learning.tl , de.aU._ of tbe _hap- ;
diplxmatlr corps.
I evening 10 (I
------------- -J
Mhdtld Thuraday. and are|wa. amly nf i^'^te near Valen.na,
waiting for tVuodturd's promised full ; 8|wln. *h|eh h- had been looking over 1
f<»rvlgn mlnisler. and (tenor
were peeareporto But unle*. thi* should coslaln m asllcl|«ll.ps of wn rctuntlng to It. '
esl. "
Seetof tJullon.
by toews................................................................................................ "Till* will he hsv last'
I will aeiper men us thr subjoct. aaid that Seher*. Is no dlsi>oalllos
' you as mlslsier of Span
. in." aaJd ba Tor
ir Dspuy de Lome's auccreaor, would
:hc governtneni to pratxmcl (beI 1 are
an about
to turn over lo Mr. TtJ Bose
>r this unpleasant Iscldanl. and all tbe afialre of the legatloB." He d»of tbe Amocialed Piyw learaa that SecUaed to say a word abost tba «?aiii»
nor de Lome's autxkmcr will be Batier
if a damasd for as apology will las letter.
Lpoat. Polo Bmab*. atm »( Ties Afi>
mlrml Ptdo. who fotoieriy repreaaptsA
Spain lu the I'nlied; Slate*
vu».'>. A]
ColllTTbUS. rt , F* V 1:.—The <
pitblu-jin I^tigue*^-
heM In this . It} yesli-rady
Itvr si.pnnl-yi In the blstoryof the league,
.IS^Sur Alies-a Ibwwly-.
Wawbingt. 11. F-h. I2
• • •
, closa ypuyan expreaa order for »S0 "
The LodlQgtoB Appeal U level-head- i Mr. Kaupftbak relumed »15. aaying: -1
Vacant Residence Lots
F.iniker an.lKushneTI elemeni was d-mInsni
In the --.inveiulon shd >-arr1*-d
Th- reaolathns wer.- arnen.led si> as tpp Indorae
llajtna. lull th- Hanna men w-«r.- diagronil-d ireause Kushnell and F..t*ker
oirdtall) Indoise every
in Traverse City that will be sold
d.'|uirintent of
of <>nr be|p.«ed. kvel-head-d
.•f‘-1.-nt env'-rttor .'en-ral Aaal* Bush«p'r' T4k Mi-Kinlev ar«l Hanna adher.-nls wer.- als.- . p|«-ed l*. arwptber
rteolution that
the Msa>iu
t'utw reanlunons, .lnir.du.-ed la tb*
Dniled State* knat-. k.plnx that'they
“w ilt he prumptty approved by ih« cviinmlltee on foreign analrs. paraed hy tb*«
renale. aad enerreiliany carb-AInto ef
fect bv oiir h.moM-d presid-m."
An-ther' resolution.,, approved
"eneegetl.- efT.-rts .tf Ih- alt. rney gen
eral and state a-nile" to destroy“hUTtrul tmsis'* and ato^ for legtsla.
lion thal would drwtruy ibera
At Low Priees
Na toaday Ueyete RaHa^
Louis.’ Feb. It—Att-r three day*
of hard work th<- national aaaembly of
ii sold NOW.
question of local option In the matter
of FutHlay raring was again defeated.
An amer.dmetkt providing that atate di
visions b- granted the right to determine for (h»maelve* whether or not
Fundar blr-ele rares should be peemll
ted was IntipdtK-ed and defeated by but
Barry . UBl. PVb lX.-J..ha 8. Kuahler.
I wealthy
nwrehant aad
i hurvh member, cenfeased In a card
puldiabed In tbe lo-al paper that be has
been evading tbe tax .'v.llectur fur tee
Mr. Konbler f«M over t« Oollactor 'Wife*
>Lia.W. wUA be ctaimo covers taxaa
aad Iniorem Car
Come aod ask about
them, if you want a home or Ck good
Th-os.^e Bartesi
Abd caIcpIaUu •cbooL ETrn ta
io Loncentrate
:A7id Perpetuate
A Great Fortune.
Aaior eetatra .tta parp
s mlllht bs
F. HudM
TIu Romantic Story of Van nemtaeUvr. holding..
Jceneralty known aa
"Harry.r wa. In the Inauranre boalJohn Jacob Aster BOM.
and hr I. a i>ri of the ml*hty Mfh.
Wniiam Artor. Hr Intrnlrwrd reprefu>nutlvr«> of Ihr Khlarlander. llorW.
and His Millions.
IdiaiFrnard and other wealthy real e.*
tale oanera. and It was such a plennnl
^Sirraiion that th<>>’ aiinilflrd their
n llUnimeM to take poUele* io the propcvd enterprlae. rnnaequently the A.yProperty Is
lor In.uranee company It an rxtttinc
' to Be Con
Thu* far these eommen-la] radearort
^•lor imat. hutrich real eetatc
•rietor. of-NMr Tork illy will re.
In a combination i#-m»nryed H»t-rIbat cannul be equaled etseubrre
day of traats. There have
i. Hamn-len n-hb. one of the tru«iees
•f corablnaMon. of capital t« eobceo. . of the Khinelander -state—n hh h ha* a
ilr iortain line* of mercantile aHlvU < fifth lnleri*h-4» to *>e pi^ldrm of the
....................... ............. ...............*ut*ervl- tire Insurance ei-rltm
Sion that cnini~-tltlr>n mlphi I
, and the market_lcr|-t i
there ari’ear* a new «
-nsifatloa* that will aturd
thHr interest* and. while aavlntr them ,
e*i>i-n*r. add t
1 J«hn-Jnr.»l-'* iBv.wtnieni* In iwi-r
-untie* a r made by him In the •«..Ion of ti
ir parl-r« riT.the Farm.
holder* In the h-ery
Which they-lhethaelve* Invest. It I* a ful presldetit of that ln»tltutl..n *ee»
ttniqur condition. Init probably a very -a.hat em.rmuu* amount* -if aoummupmpfr one-from the staadpolnl of the ' lated weal
family, with Ilf varied connectieiM.^
atitiRta the fiiwi to adopt the new plan
0f e>incen|raiillon. It will *be remembered that nearly'
yeai a*ce-ln
wriy' 110 year*
tib A*tor il)
t* way lu Ha
present pi'allinn. that of the rreatewl
landed prupiirtor «n two eontuicnta. He
bnuKhI a lot in the Ibiwery. then known
a* n-iHeir lane, near Rllsabeth strset,
Kew Tork. and from lime to time addedto hli real esute b<ddlnK* until SI
ywdr* aner his Initial purchase he was
that he can buy and pay for s-Jdlilnnal
property w-irth a million d.dlarw every
month ’ and silll have eneuph left to
meet his current exiiense* I* the com
mon repn.r. But all hit buslnes* is
least possible attention The Aslnra
may realise the. poskiMllly of there he.
Ins a people's revolt some day aasln*ltbe .tbonnrwdlilnk of bouses and landa
and the richest would be the first tic*
Jf*n Jacob Astor, It) was bom In
_ .
___ __________ —
fvrijr rvuUi hr
iarpirrd vltb. no<
make tl&M w'hllr you BiAk-but $*.***." 'ilm any otbrr (bpRibrr pr the'(aiully. lions u( tbr
trvttufnr at>4.
Tha man abouk hi. haad ta do^.: boi. b-c«iBUi« aomajia«AaUa. hr »aa ahov. an. wUh iba Wra that tbr
i Tb» «a-.t *—tfon of tb» A.tor
twt Aator-. iwadK-tloo mma tw The | flarwl un at< rtt^anl mate. BW H«- of Ne« Y.ah «a« a. loei JUM. ae th-- ♦. uoa-..r;:-1!»
!»,► JlMdV road
“lly II
ra« Fottrieemh «u«M. 1b
of the ran
. on Fmh aviDu-. rtocth u* TTilrty.
. vartiaxe bu| iBvfiriiiioy
-;*md *ir>-»'t- U •<'nn*is for the iDMfi
Ike^d. an inbrriled j.A-ullartty of hi*
rt of well built .lone and brick re»dr-enlant*. allhiHish th«y are prd^
ms from higher molltes than econ- lp>
. md It I* said by tbaae w-h- re- Tblrty-fourth *tr<-ct*. on,l»ih side* a€
nwrahel- him that be paaaed tbe.omw fifth avenue, on Thirty-fifth and ThWStreet* a* If be TeU sure of luadw hla t>-sixth wtreels east •>! Fifth -aveeiw.
life In tke attempt.
: and on tWr west side of Hadlwip a«^
A stranaer. notinc thu ttmldlly. tn-■ nue. betheFO Tblrty-fu'udh anrTThir^
quirrd his Bsme and. hHiic l»M. ob-' sixth streets Jt ct>n(*lns mos.
4o*e aim
be most -b* a china -Astor. JP* bous.-s atthtn a mdlus «f
,t a bW* «
fearful of betas dam7 two. In this seetivn afe the Astor
ased. .
.alon and lt>e Hotel Waldort.
From the assei»>r‘B tooka In the tax | The Kden farm'pn.j-Tty
rty Wtendsdla*.
deiwrtmenl U is learned that the Jidin onally from the comer
r o
of Pbrty-thlrd
Jacob-Asl.ir es^le |fiy* taxc* do prop, itr-et and Bnwdway to the tiPsr at.
erty from HI fTmil street Io Poriy- nriieih strwet. M lonlatBa Uw
elshth street In which almost every. S'Te ciamtncnt bouse,
ihor-urhfare Is repiysent.-d. valued at
Th-re ar-f also b.l»..
(7.«tWfM. and In tbe annexed dl.trtci fr-.m Rixhiv-nlhlh street in Oraa Ifan.
.reels valued at eei-eral more mmi.st*. dr-d and Tenth *t»e-t. and s larxfi
lie lie- William Ward-*rr Astor estate amt-unl of FOl-urlNini>roie-n> In Harlem
Ill.TTI.m. But tbe list and In Westchesiwr Voutity. the theory'
1se all the realty bold- (.of th. Astorw »>cinx that the city *!■
ffr'-a In t^t.drrectlun.
U n nll.a roraan>e of yreat jtebes, iBcr>'a*.na from the sum of t?i W*>J0S that
the ..rir'qsl Ast-il- le|t at hi* death la
»:«soor>.«i*u. the estiniated >«tBt ■
-usln* now iB-lm.
ahoDld b
-iSed I
:<-heratl>>n* have succeeded th*
founder <d, th- h<-u«e. but dutlnq a1mo<
the enure peH-.*! ih- atm- set 9/ m«a
bave'l*—ti emi4*>yed t« wai'-b over Ins
Interest* ..f*the estate. There are two
divisions In the •dfice* devoted to tbla
pur)*-se and one oirtsMe. Philip Kissam was one of the trustee* av well M
th- manaaer of the estate of the prta«B«
John Jsmtf. Aator. a* be wa* for thoaa
of h'» father and rrandfather. Ahfi»r
Ilsrr’ctt. who wa* an lnve*ior In real
estate for tiuih branches of the bouaSk'
wa* Mtid to be the best anthorlly M
NVwxT^Trv and fcuburtuiD wal eSiala'
Another faithful employee aa* Johh
Dowoey. the builder. hJmaelf a tpiUloB.
alrr. who erected all ihHr house* ahi
made all tbe repatra durlnx a period o(
W year*. It should b* retneraber-dk'
bow ever, -that diKiul dW-thlrd of Job*
Jacob Ast-r's estate la In tbe fnnn of
bonds, rnr-rtcRxe* and other securiile*
It la «H1 kno^n that » Indivlduau
and eslsie* own nearly H per CMI ct
the real estate on kUnhatlaa Island an4
that part <rf Wsstebrater county k'nowa
before ItH as tbe annexed dlstrlok
About 1(0 ntbers owa M fer cent. Bat
It Is with lh» first named, wbc are canBe<-ted by snelal bonds Sad rapItaUsU*
Interests, that John Jacob Aator wt9
Ondjil* Insursbcc patron* The M ytta>
•sUte* are SB follow*;
No owe has yet | July 17.' f
atlBon to take that proud place fp>
—the Aators. Md Che anftdtlon. It Cher- I Baltfmnre. aleut the same time that • that made the first John Jaeo
tihed liy any on«. 1* quite hu|>el-*s.'
the tsiHllards. the farTHW* tobace»»t»lst*.J esUte ventures^ pr«>fltable.
Hl* presell Mle• deacendants. tWIIHam U'aldorf
ano John Jaob ,''^M<^,ered
hlro»elf rather aU.ve t.............
-.-.f..., -.-h
u, ____ _ »
ean“>f the I oon.ooo,.
t.,r the reason that his butidinjr*. besides tract* that have Dot
»ofreaie*tate1nNew York city, and , f„bFr In -'the old country - wa*' a [ beep built wts.n and their Ursa rural
d is sura- I butcher and therefore a' w ealthier man ; esUte* of park and Uke.
ch L to provide nj|ny men with larfe ihap rmost of his ncishlwTw His .-on.; But It la not for *<> many decades
Ion w ith various-enterprises In the that the Aator name ha* Wn "an opr«
. In -the Uudatsi Hay company's tesame ' rv-eryw here to the duor* of so.
land* and In Orepon are too well known ' dety. The Uodh-ldlns aristocrar
r recBpItuIatlon. His knnwledxe of - colonial days and the year* Just
e hub-her's trade. douMles* acquired ; lowlnx the Revolution waa fan ;
' siraltlai'ed and excluslvethan the a
of akin* and furs. He
e U-st and was
too prout
e bundle hotje U|*.t
.n his tiai
s a furrier who had been
ruder he could not be surpassed younc, whose wife helped
* the cioaest kind of
w&rk .of CUTIBK the pelta and whose
. mist all hi* life, amasalns a fortune brother was a vulnr buujier. was '
even while he and hla family were llv- barred out as kmc as passible, but he
InS In such -bumble quarters that tha was too rich a man. Hla service* to the
Wirtank. and could fre- j Inn
branches own
seen fonowlnx ibe physician | bran
Stuke* eslelc
Fumls* <-*lste__
Ra-WA-etf eetste .
kixtihew tVTU* ..
O. wnus Jaaies..
Total so holders................. ...e..;.JStt.«SM '
ThetV are other t'w-uple of great wakilB
—the Ayer*. Pearsons.ClaAlns.ftcboItaa*
and Greens, worth from ’ 6.08D.ON t»
Both tM.nqo.«o»-rcsldJne In' New Totk. b«t
of their Investment* are prlnHpally .
I »n ti
In the d««;lj3r> bands be was ex-land the Astor name does not therefore tent, patrons <
r docile, but even In bi* fortieth ' occur on the taxbooks. bnt the occu- . company. The letals glvea ahoy* !•
-- unable lu do more than cf.m- ■'pants
pant. of the houses will tell the Inquirer!
prehend some of the simple leeaons con. 1 that the Astoiw
; lainrd In a child's primer. Although
There Is tbe Bernier farm property In
i r«md (if the book, he rebelird 'when the ; tbe Tenth and Seventeenth ward* along
' pnuc-rw of memory wen- overtaski-(L I Avennr A from Flral street (o'Seventfa
HI* father.
I’lded .liberally fur the i Street. Jl ta oei^pled for Ibe most i«rt
"unfortumiie son.", by tenement* built by thelmaee*. whose
called in the ]}'lll. The l>n<ir j le««e) '
«lled '*U>ul
Ulut » yearw
year? ago
ago without llexc cd renewal.
havliiE regarned hi* Intelleet. Wtllism
The-oM Clinton farm propmy
Hackhouse Astor Inherited the bulk of formerly In Creenalch’vlllaBe.
, A)eoriginal furtuDc. Hc-bad three aons I'lid* from Little West Twelft
Jubn Jacob illll. William and Henry, 10 FIReeBth street and from
: named for bl* butcher uncle. Henry
marHed againsi the wMhes (»f hi* farhlly. and, though etill living up the Hiid.
•on «n comiiarattrr- wrallh. was cut off
with a rcUltVely small slice of the fam
ily millions and Is never taken Into aocount when the Astor family Is conalderr<l./>;i»n hla death WltlTain Astor davised ills property Is
the retvignl:
leader of tbe family, and wb-n hr dl
a few yeors
r* ago. he two* much the rlcher Astor. as WilUam. though hla fur.
Im-rvaaed greatly dxiHng hit life,
gave much less attention tu boalncas
than bis (slder Usolher.
Ptmng the civil war Jtrim Jacob (lin
served for a time on the
Vnlled Slates govern
hi* by Tight. He died
be termed a valuable paper;
generous to he quratloned.
-mtain Waldorf, c
_____ _ jnc son. wmii
Ibe fifteenth dsy of Julv next!?! fr^ved himself or hit
his n
family Into the m Lsmdtm. Wtlllam Astor died In 1»1.
citrles of the blue blooded rolerlea Be- : jmv
i\1ng one aon. lb* present John-Jacob
Ian. six iwr tent stock of tbe UnlWdJ >ld«* he was tbe friend of Washington ' O. and two- daug^item. on* of w bom.
ring. who. In "Astoria ' tells the sto. formerly Mrs. Goieman Drayton. Irnow
Slataa. and pay bln or order al tbe mte
. of John Jacob's farreachlng arheme. Un. Haig uf Ltmdon.
of Ptts-Oreene Halleck and of Joseph
f'nlonel John Jacob Aster, the foorth
Thl* William Astor wa* educated in.
I’biladelf^la. the 4th January. ITU
Q. Cocgswsii. When men of the learn
of the name, with tbe praisewonhy Ib,
Oukmalaed by Hr. Coruipton.
ing and BblUty all these three pneseeelenllc.n of dereloplng Tblrty-foonta
street as a baalaeaa thorouxiifare and
It 1* tiellrTfid that Ifr. Astor sUmsd ed were highly consIdeeeA In social drrulsmx II to a Urher plane than Twen- thia paper wbn In business on ^hw- rlea Then. too. hi* csUbllshment of
cled tbe
t1 Astor Court nui 'street, c
the'Anter library at the euBxesUon of
•thud streM. «recied
iTlIdUM. U* desired naturally to hav* ^ It Is> very
ver: evldeot, however, that be these gentlemen and tbe erection of the
seBemlly termed "fint cisas dida not confine
blifiself to'the par^iaa* A«or Bouse when Kew Tork w^ m
' /i.inta” and wltboot dlfllcutly or dc- of xnvem etit slock <tbou«h h* dou- dire need of a fint dam bo(el hdped
liv aeoared a
Th*• fifirst flour was bled hi* r ney on some scrip be look in. Us favor.
, / e'l— laliy adapted for
ou*i-, quring tne lierolutlbn). for abortly aftThere are certain ^d records that def«. but as
jange I er this he besuh invesilnr larcely In eribe mn*t amualiiglr the constemai',-..iJXhl of tnovlB* th* tdsa-ot havlBjt a ' New Tork real eeiate. aod *0 cooUnned ion of tbe "Ins" when they learned
l-ank of his dWB-lmm«dUlely Impreas-d nil the day of hi* deaU» Be wa* not that the parvenu. John Jacob Astor
vi.m. and the aeqacnce was the.^ior; only a buyer, but a aeUer. asd once. must be allowed to enter Into their ao-'
l>ank. .as the bifi lettered ittXB tSTorm* when.iie was a young man. he explain- dal dellghta but » yean Uter tbe fam
t:>w Vassersby.
od 10 ann BcqualnUDce tbe p
ily pf tha scorned Turner was regarded
>n w hk h be acted.
as the real "elect." Today they'bave
that he might bar* other eepreHe had soft a parcel dt real estate on adopted the tactic* of ' '
*•• •! .(rtctenantaCromaoineot the larger
t -i>.iailuDs down town, but the vlcln.
with critical Inspectloa those who
; It) "I Wall. Broad and Bearer etreeta,
attempt 10 become memben of dieir sowill! Us aimoapherv of finance. Is es>
dal drcle.
pA-.miiy suited to cqpitalista. and they
"In three y*nrs.*’.-1»e aald to A«or,
; C( uid rx-i sec superior Inducements *0 ~th»e lots w-lli seU for JU.OOO. and I
Iri up town. But tbe colonel, as rail- ahall make H.ftoO net."
*t.id pib(>id<mt. Inveplor. hotel proprie
"Te*. I know." was the reply, "and
tor. . under, banker, military attach*, it was because 1 knew tbe lou would Tbe Utter was w«D educated had untU
yacb (10X11 and literary worker, is a rise that 1 ottered them to you. Prop, hUtwenUelh year gave great piumine of
ti.an of Ideas, and the tbooght fiaabed erty that Is bound to rise win always
a dlstlngulsIrf^lMan. His Inti(«n^ him that an Inauraaoc
aaU. but with lhe;p».0M you paid m#
—•-'•-■led, aad be forwaa a aecea '
act at lenrt to th* 1 have bought other propmy furtte
« alphabet. He
„ ..v,.'7lr™2=
tte table
entirely exeluMv* of pw.
soaal property and only indicate the .
aanonat of real estate bobIdinc* la Kew..'
Tork dty. The Oerry ostal- has but a
minor part of lu property represented,
aa It la collediveiy esUmated at tH.080.0W. Th* Gcwlet eetate U fully twie*
as much at given, as it haa real eutnta
holdings elsewhere, and D. O. KIUs ban
u«kay valuable pt^enies in San Wwtmn
The Ol3»t UniT«ity.
The oMeet unlrerslty In the wortCIi
at Peklag. It la called the School fm
the Sons of (he Empire. Its asUquMI^
>f stone cotnmns. CO la B
her. eostnln* the names of M.N* gmda*
A odrkt* Indaatry haa qininff ap tn
fifakiajuoe the decline of dlk oalttaa
ELECTRIC 6COW5 USED TO FACIU- tberotn tbeprodtmtioo of whatitkn^
TAM* /'ntiexoiif'Tir.N
aa aiikwdnn Rat lor flehlnu Unea. The
. ClDclODattH iodito, So. AM. oTPaaiurlTA TE CONSTRUCTION.
^ aclbarj leavea. aa xiaiial
vaoU. vbidi traa In-Utoted Jaa. flS. ItnH.
la in 16 yean of eiMnnor has aojoredao
tn ailk cnltm b« beftna It bepint to
exocpUoaallr |»<«|WMu«afw. StanJnc
apln>-tbat ia. lu Ua; and June—U la >
wtUi bot IT menilxn. It non hae on In
ika «4i*h j Rilled
Inineraioti in vtnenar. The;?
mU SOI DaTDva. thr avima* a» of t»
I anbatanen wbloh wo^ faaee farmed the I
uu-niU-r» U lnK bul U" ar> Thr innat---------{ rooauu sa then dtat4 oot IRoni iu body IS
■r mt th> Or4mt la W»- ed fnoda atf sow tla.uuu, Ibe laal tlx
i in the (arm of a thlcl ailkni thmad, i S
itba aloM abovtofta train (< •l.ooi.
A Woman's Shoe, the best in the Cit>-. for $1.00.
In the bnlWinBtrf»iK^«Tnt"Warwa-1
j, tiwued with cbetnloalanod
Ybeae tbnwla are
thb infdMnl fUli^ K Uiat U may ter. Hai*., where eJecIruwUy dnr«|^,^^
M* «r Uir m..t ln»lrd ir
Misses’ Shoe worth,$1.75 jor «5c. Men's Dress Sho«,
np in btindlea of 100, and the
forlbe meba eum tbe inlurenof wblrtx. wh-a aouwt delirer the materiala totheworkia Mb-uurt and U c-o
KkdaU oMairecotuoitotbehadin. will al»(>f>|iey. men. electric UshU anpply the ne^-j
•rdtan of Ibr orckr. Ur ha* aUendcd
peaeanu t»T«l with then
Prices reduced in Warm Shoes.
the Bh-k and death iMM-flu wUbuut any •ary illaniiDatinB, Heetrki TtMtilathm ; ^1...^ the abmm of the UpditemuMui
MovMry inroad* upon the capital
fana Aake work poieiible and dlwyto ! „ f„ „ Fmneo. The beat qoaUty of
_______ ____________ Mr. KJmt. Brrrfd
aid lartcely in rapid oosatntracai. “'thread i« RniDd. the flat form
Grand Serretary Perklwor MaaBcho- ptuiipa aU
being in- •
•MytanMooluniaiidorortit LouU.Umk Ktn ha* laeuvd the iiroatediiiya of - the That city
itr baa * larne aewnr, IH lre-t ' (eriur and doe to nobealtbiMto intbo •
' aad
..^Wtloo. .He «M alao flat pand lodite (nr imG In a bandnmely
wide and 18 ftet biftb. in which botb
primed and <arrfully *dll«d tamphkt of atonn wata and aewaRf are carried worm. The chief Beat of thU indoNUy ! •
i* Murcia.________
away, hot ai It i* Wmlile to aeparate
iratK the In- tba 4WO in ord« In treat tbe aewape
■e 1»
ihrvn otrr the .pn>|RMlltoD
M cUttiiwllyaonalleraefrer 6 feet wida
I build a ItiKtiaai unoplr at Indiana!
k Wbleb Brwbe ttp th* .
i The impuUOId Fqlka'boreeai MatUnn
j ia III U' oomplitnl nt a coat of IW.iiucr
a write tbe 'Aiiswen'
' The fnand ludtn- - also decided to erect a
a'(or tbii paper?” asked'
] rlaprlendachuullinlMlUBforihfiUnlhan*'
tbe stTangi-r w ith-the des^dcnl onon>
; botuo, to coat Ss.&ua An apprapriaiiun
ttoumee a* be loaned acroaa the desk
|U tlT.iUu for the taaiotenanoe of the
and h(«vwl a ryu tinged aigh tbrongb
bopw wai made.
Um' alinuspbcre.
For the Six time fur many yrara mean•‘Vi s. vir. What can 1 do foy yon*”
! aidAt" biu. Uvii naond InopicwWion to.
yon ■tiimxr a little question of
: Grand KiWBry Junto U. Klcbubun of
I IVniikylvania.
“(iiviMuetbo (artk and I’ll try.”
S Then- un- n<«rty ae many Reirkabi In
I New llniii|»hin. as .auliitfdluato ludae
; “Here yon are: Wlieu I was a baby,
! mi-mtien. —lUdM^B. ll,U»i subuidlny niotber. a widow, narried the
broUiiT of ■ ay father'a. first wife. He
La'd ymr there woa expended In Miawas my puclo, of ounrse. bat tbat made
aonrl tS.Tsri fur ilw nilrf i.i i-atrlarcba
him my J-thPT. didn’tltr’
Member* of lodsaebould uke palMto
“Yoor Btipfutber, you mean.” ■ ,
be piMkd on Ihe law* amt naaituaof tbe
••Yea Will, mother girt a dirotce
ortliT A «i.^ poeiid ttiid Fellow taade■aV'"'
nniJAinx J. ku-se.
frotU'-iny'nnole-fatbi-T. and tbea she
■wniliBniIrT of Ft IasuI* camp and pn- almhie pmduct in aby k>dKu.
matTicd tM oldent, sen of ay father'd
Itotoany hrotbiT know of a brotber’a
Mred tbe tansiltuiion (or It Tlu' eufln.1 wifdf He wii tqy half brother,
*|Mto* eomnuinde*- ho* .tveognlred . Mr. widow or orphan (bat wv can maka fai^ipy
wan t he. and aloo my eiepfaUier,
Kiene’* abllliy by an»>nili.R bUu attor- by vme act of kindiieMf
lor tbo order in Mtseuuri
No mattfr bow bntutlful tba ritn£. all
-iigrTMirsrjvCT noAT.
‘j “It look* aa If be wak"
of the *i>k«did effect* th.w an> intooded
to Iniprteei opem tbe twjididate arc loet if I. WOB IiBilt i.m* ib« U.B.r o... [ "11»1 ■«•'>« WAV'-. ”J l/.l»
thi- oRieora fail to bare a r>od delltccy of uiiUciug the biuiom ami tm «di' of it
i “•
Itnsto It did.”
for the walU. A i ciRerdam is coostrnct
" Men’e Black Clay Worsted tialu.
"That's what I thought Well, you
—Neat natteros. _____ -.
—All wool—pure wonted—htary
Twa CO !*■ boill.
Iben-Ilef comnilticeof ahidReebouid
ible tbeollHTwall
arm hmes with same gooda
my niicle-ratber bad a daughter bebeouuiimU pf Dolhinir but autlre-and and in order |o iluhver the materisU lo
OfiSr^Ung. hack style o..y.
Extra good Ilalnn. trimmiage.
tbe werkmm elrririi' scows were riggod
«M dnrinfi Oetobto.
iuQ*e la llieir ailentiou to ihl* work
np which work to pi'rfsetiou. About half"ai«er. too. a u't ehe?”
N'e call was made tn Praniylranl
daok. or Double-breasted styles.
I>elrlarrbe who ere to tbe CalKomU midway l<rtvvmi itm end* of Ibe iiew
tosimrm In the sick and fuiiecal benuflt
to>im-.q( IbeniudiioarenotoidMn'dtopay eewer a Mnall wharf baa 1
way 1 pot It up Nert
,noi enty a eonaiderable aariag
onl to it! thing was ay mother got a dlrtwee from
ed and tbe tualorial* are
One RWit mistake Ibe Jifw Hampahlre
over what Ton'd pay at other
made is | my Ivuthcr-fatber. and he—my half
atoms, bot tkey'm actually
u5y leave the borne de- hyau
, yon know-married my half
the t<
top of <_______
wen are lighted by incandi-soeut! aiMir. That made ^ a kind of atei^
1. >W,1A. Clmdbl. .1.™ - AM.
A. M. Potter
Electric Light company.
le W■orerKUr
mlM-rs In the s
Vaveriy. la., was ehc^ M tbe i««lslatare R.j»Lsh«
The double trolley sTsicm is a^. lbe{ "Well nerer
and JTV In tbe n
We show C-. ..
^ the eiale. at ibc laM tocctlon by a rote
wire* being bung from innlati'd brack-1 Wy half'
Ihatpnu him above a party representa
Wca*ea of matertala.
eU ID tbe orvb in such a way that a, no* <»7 <
ts atnrtly
Mre. He Is tbe yoUDfitot repitorntaUve
boVwe can't flgget married.
n he run on mcb.
cerrelected to Ibe lufririjUure infowA rilr
if we
. e cam
a without being aireMleiraproted
it a o
MTUS I «**
KnlRbi Poucr ha* lieai known a* a MarLodge-A Tn
kftidaf thingamy. Wedon't
anfase bustirr. and he ran be counted upon
8T feet long and 6 feet wide. e«di of the , «d for
__ hulls
hare our tire puncturod into at
Ma VlKlUnt guaid of fraternal InCernu
U. Caswell. Calitorala,' amall
10 inches wide.
l%lowa in bis new iswlikm.
irfhly till'd on symbolic Ma- the middle
the deck i* a amall pad- ] »e get to acorcJring «i.tbe matriaanial
>oaUeii higher
bodiM die wheel, boxed in to ptcrent splash- Undiaa. What I wait you to tell me U
,a severe dig In the rita W'ittm be toys Inganddrwi'n.Jbrough tbeintermeili- What iamy relationship lomybretber.
"We wknowlpilg.'
ary of aprocket whiels and * chain by
Mclp my rtejifalbera. my half alaan electric iuoior.. At tbe stem arc a tors, my moth.r, my half brother, my
rodder and «aj«ruller of ordinary form, atepaotber and mytolf. and tf I can
UMl kiippon of.
Call in vbgn yon’iv d(9n} town and
Are beiug shown
l*thi'lodge. Wlihiwi iIk- lodge to a basts so rtiat one man can aanipulaio both. ) »arry her witboot—why. whafs the
errs i* eaUed t>> tbe fact i
look at tbetn—ifll pleaae oa. and you,1, toa iTeo'a Clothing
Mesonry. Kuyal Arch Mason- Th«re are six of them boatk and they matteT?”
Miinplys ronlinusliuii uhI Wobora- bare TtotdiJy handled 11000 bricks. fiO ' Tbv“Anfwer*tnCorTtopoBdents edntadb.lo-meaMire, if yon want.
; 1/1 • I.—. .M..I
lion ui'tbv'bhrwk) iiiUihcdogrevwandean- barreU of oment and lOo barrels of | Itor h*d becv«.e nnconsciona — San
paaded by a|wn>tlon of
I. tben-fart'i
iben-fart'. la
lie nui.ld«ak<d
«xui.ld«a»d os ounddr
oundttr of mild daily. From these quentitius it it i FTaRcitoO EanniitHT.
hr n-stond n> im-niliiT*
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
■lu In >liort.
.lioK. wlisl we ni.kiii
iii.kiii to
111 my
N>y and
U> Ibi' bslge ana ' tbem.
log a wrilU'ii B| I'll' SI lull 'ui
ident tbat this original appliration of
tegular iiHWiing stlik t«_U. thic n. ai«l lau 1.' no Masonry
Drytac T*«e<abi«a.
and Cidthini* House.
'lui-m of Urn otoem-'
. I wllhi'Ut
wUhi'Ut ihi'
ibi'h*Igi'h*lgi'. TI
h'IcodIv is Ibe rnw rlectnciiT isaii impstant laclo^in tbe
li'algo V The |«yii
mg of regeialdes in a manner
AI tbe Onaiicial repirti'r cUto not n- material lound: otber laslktocan ^abonrte enaoaical ooustruciion of tbit work. ainiilarto the way fmil it dried is n
> Ht-sidi's Ii;:bring. vititlisting tbetbe uieiiilier. Th>' imivision
;qliai industry recently delU giwml jurbdl.lloi^Ouit |rh«tTirily isnAud to 1>""'P
' oritjrai 8. article T, suboniii:.Meiodge(v>ii. , Tbire nrv ..
ir Have fakiW etop* «/a4ab- < fvtdol^. A siierial scow is nsed tor Una i
*traiita Clara county. Cal.
mtUiUoti. must be tuicti; oumplinl wllh : h»er homes or
.. carrots
and uniiins seem to
/;porpoto. It is litii d wiip a nioinr.Tbeo<«
^^upnsiie Hepoeur.
; lub llicui.
.>e~ tthc'gUpleprixlurt
w> otmt
Tbe groiiq lodge of Sew Ywk bos ex,; j i,
„ntip (he Isginuing trf ihe ktat aiido-niriliigal putupand mirths form
-cA. y The lmgati,« Age say*. I
ptmkd B Urge Slim of mutny lu ttmigth-1 ae^.rnt<Tnth evulury that
wfao ' ui-civcirr
current froip the trolley
troll wiriw.
mtng andrecniillgg tbeorih-r.ai.d MJiiy ,.^,.,1, uu,„,rmtlve Ma.»il« bcgaDUiuntte I Xbe whole nlau has beeij deeised oul Ilf
- Treated /with enlphnr i
and *»
to T'^toin
lodrnthrougb ibistotecanshowti.v Uielrr,.i^„R ,|.e 1 re>%o«m>. and were distln-, ^„^rthaud luachin.-s Bud is Terviu.-x- fo««»ev*» W omiseplic “•>
lapn.vnd .conditions whto thU dUbume , ri.i.IhsI frvH.. the rv«olar working Masons .
v, nbelUa. of !
fnsb >ol.w. and then dried in
ti, ihcilem.ii.lmniou iJ • BrCATn»L'
mm,* rinll.™ —Kl.e-rrinst *bi.
fP^er^iirt* C or 7 ppondt
laidges. llkeallAitt)eHn*iltuUotis.shuuld I Anbefrafuiuei, sclub. Sow York «1^. i
;of fn-sb potatoes, S of camrta and ao of
bamn on aktrlct Unanrlal plan. One u( ,
jm, ;-f adliniATiiill-tieglvra In honor ^;oniuusto make a pound of diit^ prodtbe most common cttusw tbat M up to
H. K Mr Arthur MeAnbiic of Troy. 1
Pboiiweapbiag Colon,
! net Tbero is a good demand for dried
Toa Kettle or Serring
IS of the bruibrn la u laxity tn
*Tond omniimniler
" gTL—
. wf hi.lglit* Templar* .. Professor Lippmantif Paris haxgiees ,Tvgi tallies, eopecially
' the mining
of Si-w York, tiy The twldetit ofllocn^uf
I iiiii-rikiiuK licinre lffure tbe Photo-jni^onB where fresh rog«aoi« mnnoi
U toere it a laigi-number of ditaflfx-ted ) tbe grand fxmiuiatiilery.
■phicsoL-iety in Loudunun tbeprooMi iheolitaiDed, and they eenn to bepreor iufccwarui luemlNrs in your lodge. I»* ,
nmnu'iix-ot to the late Alexaitilur O I *1“*'
najibing III,yects in natnral ool-Iferred to tbe canned prudnet. Tbe exno oppuriuntty, )ou abo an- anxlou* to Dalf «-k. fuui.d. r off tlx- Mtooiilc
Ha-onlc Home
lares that be bas aolved U» : periment eo far bat provad snecaKfnL
make the liMige grow, lo liting them to a <,f Virginia
rveeijlly unvi iled in Hvd,diletu of dinctly fltiug rolara with a i
, pT>>h
Mllzali<.n III }b« ltni«»^Bc» u<_gJ-*UnK «o lywood niix'U'ry.
to Kichniimi
work and Ute iMueaktty of eddtug t ^ , Thi-rv are
a. Ja A-n.na >•.■HnelU of Hots! I riutil" eXlxi'Ure. .AfliJ ths aeatlUve |
Too Jlsea »tmg.
146 Front StreeL
Traveree Oily. Mich.
ll*r l,l4ie or film has been ran-; Gl-ttony ha. it. rtotima hardly lem
deted graitilvks and tnimMareut it is nnnii rims than oibcr Tices. To overeat
- ^
f' liilUalniat evify
n tliB digestive organ* t6
Tlie Tyler nfllrtii* Its knowlodge of j.briitighl iudi conlact
mguUr UNx-tmg. JaI eaih lodge try
,: men,ls r* of tlx- Imteriiity who are not ,
• fromhebii
. . . l.udwit
. .
„.frnry..|f‘>r them to piTfortntheirdotie* properi (alliugslide
Deb-terlonO^Dcts are created.
re is 111
Ihi-y BIT ibo-M'who glvoanddv a tre>erv,iir. the plate Is-iiig iskcn imt .410 hi-alth is finally deeimyi-d. No man
, DoihiuKf,rrtb*Mak.«.lr himx or iissiato. , t.vdcvtaopm. iit. which is mauaitod In cbii overeat and live nut bitexpertancy.
Hlabil.v. irwEonKii'iian'iii
l’bofon*i.llaH..ii n
n«xouUiat c!x-i.rtliuary uiy. Tb« result is a n**a- It ls,as importaut to inquire into the
Tlx; Kerf»il'*.v gives xii.i
xii.v .iipiurt
uixm wbiih a* the pTixT-Ni i.f dry- babfts'of e tuau pruptieed for insuranoe
Mato a Cai»blo Mao Tor Coap Clerk. iluiix*
the hiskiiig »
111 this rvsiiect.Bs in drinking kh-ukili
It sJjSirL '
jii.iuiahliuixlM ai
| themselves iu this manner. _A promi.
No camp
h». • tn.«. nwponslt.le 1
y 1|, br^X^n?«^rn'^T^"pi'i^m
Ilx- Ila.m. Vi.tv. qriginslly
.......... ....................
correm.-.New bent joilge nae.1 to «y «cb m«t dig
^itlnii to till Umi. h«.,*hr l.s»Ulcrk
hlMiuillr. slid iliiy m-i. r Lava tmimned ; dev. I 'pineut Lu
{Ibeir graves with lh< ir leeUi—and it >s
—r-j;;----J so Uu tbo Ollier band, then* nrv ibom
eat ;tou little. .All extremes are
rrbem art.m.«.nCnlght.Tem,d.r..n Admiral Makorof t<t The Kuoriunnavy wliD
evils that exjieri.uce Milmld govern.—
Popular SoieuoB,Newa
t„ l Ni-n /ininipl PacMc loibt* of Masona
late Thai ),,ur«aiii|, ha*
POSSIBLE PRICESthe di-lloqix-n'l list, do not rv.elci't hi).,11. I with tlx* u/'-i-Laiu'e »t thi-i-rari <m UiuuXIacteMly 1a Ckloto
Isnil. is Ii,4.,>iaii»rig thrvvekijdrtin u( a* of Imakiiig through ice from II to even
d<vii-«vl i...-ii.txr wlxi was kilhU M tbo
tmix* tim-k 1 be «x)wni«ttU have
In Hang-Ctamr-Foo. iba «a|dta! at
b-'iss..' Mi.itiiui. .'JIxily
.■'Ixiiy bay, soma
ounia yoat*
Jeat* | pri.ifil so saiislac|ory that the govem- (%ehkiang. and. in Hankow, on the upand Iben •« u> It thsl Iv doio
_ _
__ ^
^ ^meut has givyu ortlrrs (or tbe iuiDedi-jper Yoog.tK. Uiinest- syi'dicstea have
Tb« duties of the g-ix-ml'
anqulre bU jirexxiior at the
I **«’^«*““* “
«'l«-«ric lighting
hurieiiovs'er uacb. amuxl with Iboee j
oeccading lo a Ixmdon ismti'mmurh of thr. ittbe that be bai
pltni>, by nicani uf.....................
afBc*- to itoi'k I/.UW1I
:pucted | pmry. Even -in Cbang-Siia. the capi^
Ikx]> ii«t only
Neva, but 1 of the pevnnee Hnnan. which isaoled
Duriiig the uionib of Oruber,
ri (fax vannds Mnecovite purrs open to for ite Wtter (Mling against foreigner^
A«iKJ new tu-mls-rs witv added; la IVto^
i-xitu to 1*0feer. l«WT..«.l>«» new uiemUrs weread<>|itils I'ilwr. •trviUR. uavigaliuu tlfhiugbont tbe winter. .The alectririty work* have almdy been put
ad. In Nov.-inlar. 1"V6. H.SOUuoWlnrmi-kKiucntly to tbe mayuriiy id UusstaV p«ru and naval in opentiun fur the iigluing of priTala
hetawiyi- ad'/pn-d: November. ISPT.abow*
ixcii to rt«d lu araeuali are tcH-hpnnd Coring luuro than bouiwa-^Electrical Hpview.
Bbat C.tui new luiuubi-rB w.i« added to
It 1* worth Um four monilit of tbe year.
It Is w«wtb U>e
The Modem Woodmen of Aiperica bave! study iil the Uvi<l of iv
'ProfMoor Brown, at a recent meeting
--haen Bainltted to the *UU-of Pcimsylrsuia
SoraetHing new all the fime. There were 4217 oerr
AcmrdiBg to a wriier in Los Xont^lie ■of the Abdktand insHinte. New Zealand,
And the orgsiiisi'rs are ik>w at «ork In
Beuiedes. tilack «««* are U(n
gave Uie^mmUs <J tome experimtstf in \>ook8 printed in 1897. covering every field of hterature.
that stato. This was Uio last of tlx-tovva
..I ...
a suito*. to be tqunixl
u> Ik1 he
beat InenlatioD. Tbe materials tried,
meiit tmrrau.
acunia Tbe ooloriug mutter of their were eborpuai and pumioe. Each was Never has there been so many'booklets published, w'tiUca.
Tbe Modem Woodmea of America are
eggsbeUa is-ricb in iron. Tbe rrinilung nasi in tbrta sixea, 'which wen aiqiroxWe are adding them
binatiun of taanin and irto is suitt^ iniatoly a quarter of on inch, a elx- by religions writers, as at present.
«nlt ill black eMA Acourding to teonth of an inch and powder Tbe es to onr stocJrjttst as fast as they are printetL The diff^-.
•ayal Astoaosa.
I the.Hyihuin liuti^ of llowarvl Uooglt^
tbe sanii- authority, bright red eggs cape of b«rt was least with the ocanesC
• The arpUcathms in (ha order for No- *»»•* .ui,r,u.ej l.aon-ll<ir.
eat series range in price from 10c to ^>c. Jnst the thing
MBoU^r aete MS.
, v Tbi, Invtwtiix-iiu evpiusmlinR (hr *ur- ibay be obtaiUExi'lrvitn fowls by-(e«ding grade of pnmiro and grenteto with the
them with lobster rhi'lle ipresnmably powdered cbatxwaL Charooal is non for a little remembrance, at birthday time, or Mine anniShould you la|w now you artll bavo
bat to : Nu* *fiiixi# of the cixiuwtixiit tank ore
liable than tbe pnmioe to absorb mcd«>vury fvxixx-i. aad boiled).—l*epDlar aoioice Netga
do<iu«xi urst da
pay a LlghtT Bate, and if you vrlab o
ore, and also to absorb organle snb- versary.'or so^e gathering.
IwMcctioD tn Ibe future It Will eost yon
tbeoe txdd by an)
; staaoea. so that immi« U geoenUy to
We are making a gr^t specialty of these at present.
An Englirimiai) bas just ocmpictod a
I—Amvican Maobinlst
Beporta of tbe supenne tTuaauito ibow
a balance tn thegoDcial (undof EIAOSATA
}oomey of 1.600 mllM on s motor car
See new goods.
and In tbe W. and U a fund. -»M8.«*-0t.
throng England and Sootlond. Hewai
five weeks traTehng and need 114 galTbhynluuu you beoonr unprotoeted. If
Billiard l4ut ef seel ai* tn oaa to
MB bare the |«<q«r retard for yoor fami iMt fepurt was TAOSS.
kmi of oil. which mode hit travallng gwsdci They am. of oomoe. mode botTbe
ly. you mato beoomc anxiou as to (fastr
oast him ltertbiogs(t>a eaawamUs. In,. nX U»ta»*«kl *
(atom, and this wUl aafli 7«« far asM a( (nmlsbed tree to ereiy family ta wblek
2i0 Fioit SbmL.
X. a HOLLET, lUug^' tbs mme as that «fl tbs iyety balla
nambenafUtotodtoBaiar.4 Dao^
We Always Meet Their Stot Friesa and
Go One Better
There are
many reasons
why we should have your clothing trade.
We handle large quantities; buy for spot
cash, direct from mills 'and manufactur
ers; prices paid are the very lowest ’tis
possible to secure.
We wish fou would just consider the followine
descriptions and talues:
Value $7.50.
Take them at $5.00.
The Price. U.S0 Each.
A'ew and Nobby Lines
of Men’s Pants
Price from 60 Cents Up. Ca)I^d See Them.
•PHONE 167
'.rr: v:l
^ i'
■ sr... .i,.... .B
TSm MOBHnrO KBOOBD, gUyPAYv>yB>TrABT 18, 1888.
Tbe oirildre* of Btaleo am boro, Ure
■lowljr. ••0» YTong .
bM ht_„.
tad dercDop nnda glare diaadranngea.
•'Andif tbe blactonlth hadn’t oon- bot utdre. er*« in Besion. it tbe jaatturned Umm be troald bare ben mt of atepnotben. and natore dampenntee ibe children of Mosiao fereomeat
Iraatof tbe dindrantaire* with which
ebo acoorpee them. 1 do not know bow
forT' Isaifkd tbeWadenl
a child can better atart tb<' bSp moniin|pi
oiansh to cundans Uu'
hi* litUe life than by linKing with
"Be {JTotaibly tried to wy
iianie wu UuMcient and dbd
hit father, bu motber and all tbe otber
tempt. .'Dy’ing autumenU ate eery tm- peoide «d bl* boiDMiMd n M»p of «taomain ki-r« «rttb xs-hlt-b to luck a man
Bp." answcftd tbo Joktice inarely.
*'iUd'> Bocia ia titai WiUiaw Want- wbeu tb<' Bcaiem *i
tbe Mexican wiuduM: paiiL>—cm awk
Jndge Cbambrnreitardcd hiaoeplieer ward CuKlinb trankbilion uf tbo flr*t
«9?, O' *«ei»OEff»
quasioalty and miltd at tbe boy’a'on- line < f one <rf tbe brat auuse that a Uufront. Ittookmnuui-wbodu^to&oo rioaity.
(C«wMw*fl»/niia toe* fitiaibty »t‘
ioan baby leanaa:
bus uidinll bin. WUt? OfmoiwlM
"1 tbink ii’aaboBt Ume to tti^ Ui;
biaaen *t
And iinw tbe fnsrtb sieblwaa at
“ Jl; Wsa tb«to-uil »f«t mw»y. He ]in>bablj don't yon?" boaiid.
Prom (be 1
* band, and tbe nun m> and torf.dnit
MB’* to
«Bu bac-b )isj mil dRif^wd
anaciee. to tbe ojnii air. tu Rfutlar aad
too, *|BC.
aBMOmloed habit* «Ad a free life, ku iiahdiel—porbapi be wu Mind.
tbuamaV AaaU Talk. .
*Touid binadf *c»d<Titwt. ai in a Po-bapa be menu t« (bnntea-ald man
Borei. bot be didu't eveu have tba
dream, bow mocb ionK< r be ronld poe-1 E
When I atked my tbm little folim
■tblfendwu. Tb<-evi»inRH«iDcdwifJcsii>ptka)toilutbat:*
***‘>5’ ''‘■W cbooto conld
.. wfiold
___ Tbe
___ ; “Hads'l .you TtirthcniKbl <dui'iKb>
f.Tpr dirk.«
into nijtbt.
lbc.y have bm one. Titmuiy abuutud
-• • txei>
- 11____<
mono wu« foil, atid ix^tM tbe*
| b<va? tiL>«dc
'je in tbv fatv. 1>—n yuo
Fdosbet -SHtcC NotM on th. IntoinnUonal I,aw>n.,
i ^
gi.bor j
light, iTiDpiiip «iD( new abadovt into a . alll Couldn t vnu itiiauii JO a nc-iglibur
r aokfd I
luorltlo alitBot If-s- luttiiuciat lutio. It wac tlx- kind RMningnpaUiut lliat iim«.l(>*rltlc'
a lit-'' Attii»rti
<>r nipbi wbvn p-ojJe *lc-c>}> nueaeily , do burinnai «r an old bill with the- old «wg> will
and Ica^Kcmt of tbeirwiudem-K bft«<n und ' tnenl He novor jaid hi* cb-ln* til] be ramatiwiM n
tnarrol at /the wtaito brilliauc-y tb$t nl-! hkd to. U<ok! 1 mu nx- a iic-iglilxn- goiicxuve Icli. Hewaya a^t Mrauge and lairyllke. even I iug «> tbe bare jurt a*
nia Sciculilic A<bc rienuj
ill, and liuni* t^wic to.
to emmnn'minda..
| prviacui:
Thc-y have l».ili wct
Ja lk«’i
Ikin’i y„n
yon ; from
f«"“ La>
Ua NMufi
-»uri ihrm
ihnx- dlilc-reni
dlili-nuit *ty
ily ibeTOimi^wfBtn to ctanco op
ircl eac____
h other;'
vaub and rtpr.'sM>t tbeojjpiiiiou
bc<ar them bluckgnui
bluckj _____
. _ di*Hroal
do«-s, then aidv-way*. ibc« to ix'- bewr
ic cilbcr, clandiDK U- , that if lb» c'tmlui-«ioii
tlir dcc.iiiial j
in an t-ver widiaiiuK
wWiaiiuK circle.
ciroie. Tbi?'
Thi?' won't
won’t pay.' luy*
lay. the
And slid secured them at Very Low Price.'<. becauKC
boor ba* net givep a cxmiVlcic auliilica) I ^
Bllv hftppcmod. The fore him 'Wni^lni
........... Then
ImtxiruiK gatrt
gatrtiun thcreaaan'j Tbeu fatood op" few tbe applt _
F. A. EARL displayed -a larjjc line of Elegant
tbe old man enrcftxl
at biw. And*
.\»d « Kb I of
^ tbir. luitxsruiK
in tbe very ! praikod It few being Mminno. for being
that—wbat doi-e bi«
Goods in all kinds of—
Tc-ariltat it baa had of ta- |
tbv iiBU-bcn tleorgc' William* dropinxL
idiiillful that every child could have
Bore*, now. be never uotin-a it. but
. tbe aptdcxi it wanud. And t^i 1
...u L
Jeera again. Dnu’t you aec.it all? 1 rain. Of tbi tlim-.attcwrulnedorencb free-< ^,«.d it fee bcwuly. i>rangM«ui«’
BKIO'I. C b?'- erica the nc-lgbbor. Ktit* erf tbe time anf a okw taw Wr all „„ xcIlpM'. bat von «m aliuo*C make
■muring hi* aU‘bb<r by tbe ibnwL 'M^- (tbe tmiepiKca now hi nee.
,, ,
. rainbow
.....oow with
wit re.w a of
1C,avoid ail abrnpt traoaitian ,
»ji ,1,,
be ^ didn't luniui uiorJc-r. bBT~{^ut
don't laake gpy odd*, it'a all Ibc iwnic iB (be baliK* of roBlinc of tbe pbblw Lji ib* ahi«li»of
now. . The two mi« clone. ‘Yonwoi'i
blutiib applea and purplicb applw and
tbeu?' nya tbe ueighbetr.
brown Ode*, and ao many Mwe-et -kinda
Bcoarmonr j
••How do 1 know tbst George didn’t
and *o many auor kinds, aance applea.
kill aid man Borea? Bevauae 1 did it
and pie applea. kud dumpling applcac.
and rcoatiug an>b-*. and apiilea fur littlepoc-kelB. Ob. bowldldpraiaeapplea!
In the eober idlencc. tint followed the
Then 1 fnind Uie trei.-.—tbe tree that |
I jndgc'a laat wordaa ^afUc waa beard
brnu* tile boiDUfnl n»y an>le blcaoacn*. J
; at the- dexir. and a tall, lean man walktbe bird*' tree, tbe rebipa'cr>«—morel
‘cd in bearing an arnifnl of bvK It waa
binl*' ue«i* in tbe c*>ty apple tree than j' tbe old man fauiiliarly known a* Bill,
in any otber tree.
the kei per erf tbe-ir buel'a camp, a gniet,
Aiul .1 piaiw<d atrbarda mco* and
wbitc hatred, barmlve* fc-llciw. Sejme
•bow everybody loved to walk is
thought him a little "tuoebed." bot «vthem, mid cbildrm loved to play in j
>TT one re*|wcted him. He waa Jnat a
them, and bow pnitueraf loved tu paint'
' an air cf
picture* of tbeiu, auu I mid U wa* frtoto;,
eaaY mar.
fi,. (Prescriptitms) our specialty.
latent etrregtb and anfferiug aboai bim
our beautiful AtMericoB oTx-banUqn^'i^ ap^m^
wbiade of a locomodTe impinged that gave him a dignity erf hia own.
Qrders carefully fitted.
BpcB bit brain. It re-echoed and re- iKUiieibing in tbe aigniticant way the
rerbwated nptil tbe bammenug on jndgw lookjd at hi* ncrvant altm-ud
• tbonaand anrili conld not have, the aitrnlion of the rreL
bnug Ibera Over?" "Ntt”
§n'ift delivery.
drowned the noiae. .Tbe -blackcmitb
"bat tbe Fnritaue did."—Liiibi
looked argond to ace bow tbe rt«t of tbe tbatkillcclHnruL" Tbe yonug qgITei
Enterprise our motto.
y were affected by tbe din. mid aa be jumped np a* ibe old man left then'
Jwayatbmbttthere waa aomc-ibiug
^^fesife cat of hia pocket and wbi*)*Trng gne<T about ^in.Tbe bydrenlic en! Tbe art of batb.» n lolmbly well il-1
'"'to txro or tbreo otbera. Therenpoii Wcr-,. gineer abonk bl* bead mgely at tbia IniI lo*Ualed by tbvexvUmatiimcrfaFreucb >
^ Beadle BuiMiiu;.
tbely feigned alw-p, bnt he *aw thc-in , pnWve cxmclmdia
I crilie before an ibigli.b artirt'a tonva*::
nartUAUXiiio THr
tbreugb clcabd l("da aa dirtiacily al »*- ! Ui an lutente way
! ••C'ertnupcrbv! C'twtmafniflgoe! C"i«t
fere. On tiptoe they adranegd—'did! "Gc-ci
tbete >< guile a
method to be
be ]treity woll!" —LoodoB Bouaidiuld
they? Did tbc-y not? Why. he ciralrl net! Jndge- t'h-uil. rktxmldis’t be|p»bew- emploVixL anil that cfann'MN
aa *hown Worda.
be miatakc-u. laiey advanced npcm him. ! Uig iii liiixluix-tbc'gralttkauiiutbatara- in Fig*, i and s. in pmvidiug watrhea j
tiving tbe pre»>-Dt i--------------------------- -------------- ----------------Tbe mum. wbiclMBUacxiOnutably bad txm(eiir
(xm(eiir Uxl* wLc«i bci baa Mi(x>M.ful]y; with two face*, oor giving
L-... 11 and tbe otbfC .
' ___________ ____ (Fig.
returned to ita place, abone full upon evdlTecl u c liuux.
Be pi’iAxx'fii cl with tin midoe lw*te: ' iFig. 8) tbe dmitual timw In tbia way ,
(bear mnrduRKia foue*.
**(.>1 cxiiirM'fl:i ucw jury ibai waa tni-' a penno wli'i came* a watch that give*
Wben they bad tiptuixd within
pie of yaixl*............................
yard* of bimi Wcrtbc ly juiii|itd ' pam bxl ac*,uK:,.l ilie mIiI Lit»rge • bocli the divKiona erf ibe time will vetr
to bt« fret,
(be ebairucaivkl
cbairueaivkl to WiUiafi;* wiihiaK Iciviiig their *< aiii. eatlly gel u»ecl tu reading Hit twridUl*.
I. graapiug tbe
It tcic.k xix miu !<■ bold ibe bla^'k*)iiiih: Tbc're i* but a aiiigle Rtcing of
kiln, and aloud at Uiy.
•'Coni'- on!" bu yc-Ui-d. ••Voa can’t that uigbt U forv b- wa* put in aMrait- nirh regnired. it U-iiig imjireMbte
BmrdiT ma 1 am loo Mruag f<r thab" jacket and I'd^-cl m a (Kuidid c* 11. Hi* move ibc dec inial band* wiili.(int
Snariiug. and Miowlug hi* teeth in i «»fv**i«n'-baftxl nd tlie Bure-eiij>tirj- uig lb« W zageidmal ou. * alau.
bia.nighimare. ht'bnmdl.b«l hi* wtap i and tbe gnnid jury btorgut in a tree
Tbo feme bond* aianiiig fre
____ __ __ M
- ...
k. ..—
lu. mC#.!., .1...
j Fig *4 I
on at imaginary
at .1.
the- t..1.1J..1I
halloc-uia-' bUl agaiuM C..n.
bw. ...
to Il** ...I
tiioi of miirdiT. Tbu hlivinug iurvmi-u shtnld rc-rover bis *.KKiy. if ever.
- two revoloii'iua r.f tbu dial in-84 bouro,
rtxd. It wa*amurd.TV. "In *ix mcaiib* William wnttbedy.
. wbiln tbe diviiual hour band (Fig.
• rpraog tc> their foot.
w-m* a model )ial{'’ul. gniet and tru*t-' make* cue tvvolutiou a day of teudccithattbad
bad bmugbi tin- inil
Ddii>-iHleiK l>]
and hi* iwm- wan tu be oiu>id- mal bunr*.
o Uii*pKiul>)c-cxci........ ... Mc-«a*
...___ fciriby
ib to
Ju onliT to avoid too greetaeomplipcinriug iiDt
---------life tbut
----------------auutbi-r------mur- Fred
Frrf in ibc-ui-ii
iln-ni-»r ><|aiiiH
igamg terai, Whilefau
d'T uiiglit not be eoiumilted. Ibi* tiiue■ wa*
w-a* iiToiv-uiiwicI
iiroivunwid Nuu c-U'iugb abogi mat* raiiou in ibe evdinary waic-bm tbe >ec.ncid.r ibn clcKik <if tin-law. ckimcl-cMly Ur* irf tl:- pivariii nnimcHit bvbad for- ood band iafortbc--------------------- ---- '
tbe dcHtnal dial, but lu the dtcimai
,;killi-d.iiuruii—licit .ticxirgi.'—who then? g' Jic-tiwuvcduu-iy everyihing about liTa
• Botatiug <iu tbi- awfal prebleu. what lilv (dxxxding bi» cxaifeioiau. Kven tbe
woud'-r till- etaiwart BJiud bcxaim- exm-: very eh-mcvit* 'rf hi* trade bad been liiM ed liy kl. de Bey-Failbade the decimal •
fumd? And notv ibi* climax erf atvociiy j to bi» uniid and luinda He ixnild now aixiuud band, ba*-beenrctahixd
bad coiDt.—Ml tbe UaekioiiUli ibimgbt— no miitx- *b<>e a borae. than be could girew tbu
ute-bundrediboniond:l| ;
and liny V. ere trying lo'munli r tb«, write a uun-l. He bad even forgotten of aday.
Burn w iii'iii tiic-v txmld out Uom- inbi; bl* name, hi* iicigbbnr* and tbe-villuge watch lb
aubaaiaeiou. Thi* dimivery.
wa* a new
man. jtpet
dimiveiy. made in :^ be lixxxl
litxxl la.
ia. He
tbe dclu»i'«i 'of •lix-pTetouii*, wa* *o I if he had bexn l.wuagam in that agflt t TOI
rtal to Wc-rth'-ly iliatfbe li.uTor of it i luma pew witIcT\.cu lap'l Ic-laBii
led biaabemti
itiim. L .. -------- .
them bad tuoCbcd him. bantbe dull«*t! yon cuu't hung
that the obstinate ■ menila-r bl* triaux
clf Ibc'lu pcrci-ittxi
pfTRclicted faiinRulf artackxd by ! f<«<«d. It i*■ a gLi.l
niLi bad. twlie
Rich and Rare
i Were The Geras She Wore.”
F. \A..
. ss:
But' not everyone knows how to go about
: it. Every purchaser, from us, of an Overcoat
or XJlster during the past two weeks has saved
from fifty cents to five doUars on same Not
^ only this, he has secured a coat that was cheap
niiidied <
lierHme i<tf‘bemm.yb.H^.au,tiower,.b.tuuBu^ a^^
krll 1. C..,1.
lie wan I uU .-nnugb. I ll: him m.ri, o.li.i* tern t.d bin, *l.ut. up
Original pncc, and has now as before,
^ the name of a reliable firm back of it should it
^ prove unsatisfactory
No time like the present mid-winter month
to buy such a garment. Two months of solid
■winter before you, and you can buy cheap en^ ough at this time to make you a good invest^ ment for nejit year. •.
Look your shabby old coats over, then
come in and ask us about what to do in the
itaiig all iniiixviii ii.aii, and voa cxui't - ed/bitii out. At tlud liui'- u rui............
bang tbe man vb'did it. for I'll wagi-r-cidcait otvam-d nearHartfurd. Atiifllgu
pcaiunAagaiiiiOiiolbar* Ik llj»-riTCi’lI " irftare way and a fre ight tnin went;
By tbi* lime Williuiii W'irtbi'lv wu>; ibrnugb A trump wa* liri'^t to the*
frothing at tbe mouth. Lliiraucrfd ic> | bncgiital t'-rriUy bun. Wlmi bo waa |
tbe iqut, ncriiuotrf the jury, a* yet. bad j told tliui li" cx.uld w>i }***il,ly livej
vnnturvd.to toll ani.xumx, <]'*wn ftart*] < more riu.ii a duy eg mi. Im miK
tomim what might f'dlew. a.xi^b a* Metbodi.-t miuiMcv and made nccaifra;/'
be feared to baand the riiitou* in>vi^7 aluu. Amcaig' irtBi-r Ibiigr* be Miidhe,,
Tbrw impereeptibly vheul'lcrod «^b killed a man in a bare in Hixaclth-ld
ijol^k an evening Ilf tbe ptv
Had ‘ bad rrepl intc. a pile erf bay to alix^p fori
glaaceaof n
(heir enricadty cuUkpired tu *.ud tb- tbe uigbL The foruK'r came frit and,
blackmiUb inanue? Tbey km-w ti„w had'a diaoolaiou iu Ibe bam wiib aouieitbat Ibur *8 boars' iiupiidiiun ha'I Uidv
who had oume in with btm. Tlii*
gone too far and tbey began to dtj-ad' mau bad a bstebet in hi* butid.*whinb
tbe naiaeaiuciKxw.
be 'Jiad stuck iuto tb« bend irf aoiall.
_^Atid.now WiHiam Woilbvly tucx-d Tbeir ixmvi-rNinun wa* entirely frieodt$v.Ci jutyiueu. He bugan An aiiMft-r ly. und tiny 4i<«ik hand* in {Lirtiug.
jwiagiunry gocAHUix and aigomeat with , tbe man foigtttiug lui butuhci. Scane-.«vrt« mre^ and UBassailable Ingiu. } buw ur other tbe-fareier bappiajed to I mkxica* bot nr wrtXTo BOFAitrim.
.'' Bia eyiB glared at ibem and tbrangb ; ktiuk
a pitebfurk istu tbe liiBU by acci-. abouttbeir
(bum. He woi quieUv now. but bi* { dem unci the tramp jt^pea from bis ' tbeopfritoal or tbe physical father d
body, tremhliug. gave evidrniv cf an i coucxulmenl. Tbu funmir ordered biio , tbe bonsebnld stacts Ibe mbrniug hymn
J. and
a icdicr. Iarac7 man aud laugbid bis: wife. 'U«e grown cfaiiarvn. the half ,
.craved aoriiliuice they amid Bat'liavu rmc-liud fig- the hatciii-i. This . was sod last but not cv«b in Mexico
least t
had it. cx(K(A by calling o« ctf tbe ■Mtcdicd frean bis bund and buried in [ tbe aerranu catcb the sweetly worded <
bis btaiu. -Tbe tramp wim bad eurered - bat nmply mclodied mng. and ostbotbo town at dusk tmolM-rvcxl. nnoked ; yood tbe'eabina, tbe adobe bot or (be |
tbe newer*
hewer* of MosMesI richly
carved palace me
r imagination? Do you
tbely ocai-1 loan wood, tbe drawer* of Mexican wagglHWrei Oewge bad tbu rxiwaga to bit
tbe ooUa- ’’tv, tbe uodeta of Mexkaa grains and.
with that batebet but a tt«a?
joinin (be BMcniag
"It irfM happen'that a MB eenBa Bift have ■jeakad iqi treat behlBtl
1tnl*B ^ son ot man be 1a and you ttmn\ erimo in aellrinm. Bot if be Mexican notes ring tbe treble
ksnr U. Burea wa* bit full from tbe hadn't vonieMed.'’ cwotiuoed tbe judge tbe bahy Mexican vmpe.—
feet.Bot wbetbw
3 '
LESS i)j;.\GEa IS
t:>OK THROUO»« Wl^fe EYC6 with
tb« ni7M«iaei
Stnight 'M ui Mm>w and M fli^ w*
ntWF (ron Ibe litUr iwJMniv. Tte tky •iCW DEVICE.FOR LOCATtNO THE Dh {
WM autlit u>d okat. and tba wbok
puBcirMu of tbrraaabudniEgfdeaailb «(k»r danr tUn ta lUr.
try WM fa*t diaappMTlnii-before we
tboroBgblr rraUBMl U>at oor Tenluv j n* Es»h—ii tiWaiad u
__y h*rr iKrt n»-d ■ (■u)’ tmrit.
pore, iudRitiB by'cmr aetpmi-lw, which ! -May Make Ae»astir ■
Xk*r rym, •tnv ftnt i kaew tboa «alL
clictEn) vrith.tbr rrEtilnrity of a clot^aa j
it naiked tlm utklice all.
At dawn onr aerial uavipainr was
BcleBtlfie navii»tlou boi nnw hero
Sbs#»U aS^ko at lb» fa>-«rt
______ (g^eotiiin Aat a well
Bneaswaa Mimn) brrailtJng'
aaffly aBrhorwl witbin ibe mk ia> orouKbt, ao
nauiird abiplias lew b«1 <!auBl>ra aside
cl<*wi-. Olid tFe wer*t wrapped in
ODkaun brforo.
fruui fire eud
eurt Il.WKy
llnnbeu nneka our K nt>. Ntd was aoni ^’ <ruui
iwkv wraib-y. The fi« U
Aiibo«i*h Iba In. tk»t lm«bt w |«la.
eitoriutt, imuesc.iedand nuie rTedas 1 «ill doiir.r<w hottbe p.Til of a foR
TW Iw l«i niKb oa lor. thr Bsm, *
by the £pei«.
miklartbrrkukii>a.tB Tb. kM,
of BalikDorr.
». ■aBB but 1.11*
- .
tlieabip is al
eJasare lo fiwtt my ey«ii on wy ireasore. j Wltbont ti.i« it
VraksyiiiU._____ __________
iulo other
Tbr nMafoR. 1 harp fuoad iB tbsa.
I rinsed my < yea and sorat was lost to
Bat that Uol IJrto thrr. dear, who wrbaeht
con»iousoea«nmil tbefuniiliartiTi'Mmrv ontft ill ftfipy wqaUna Tbe juiot most
* Two<a>lritP tuoar-rgaal nitaO.
ibeanruraoy wilb wbicb
of dupiT lijM ou my sltouider awakcii.a
With bleaaaas betutvldew* tbooabl.
VtthUMtBr-wbxb DowunUiBBflad.
me to~U:cwiU koouBTOiru ao^diUR bis nnaiiksl <ur locates tbe eaact direo- '
tiun from wbx'h the snoads on ntbar |
sbi)w prwv«). and ibis, as'uuist propis
Jack. comt> quick!"
There was an eamanneos in the tewea know, is an uu.vrtain uM-tbod. With
I bad Bt'vrr eri beard, wbicb tooufiht Mr. Torre's devi.s- tbe eiact diitwtioo I
(o my reoolleetiou Marie's 'parting edaonnds <aa be ascertained m a eery <
eboi^ Ulna, and danger oan be easHy
. I atrad on ibe latrieed roof «t the words:
biekety gr^ja- arbor, pariialljr
"lAezbapi 1 may mod yoii. Wbo oan BTOidod.
iog ayarlf by tbe iipn of toy fingna as
shaped aoimd
I elnmi'u} tbe wrouil stoey window aiU.
^Cwie InaiM-d os fur^ul as was . _ 1 most go to bar, and wo began luakiag ^sHieal plane
side nf Ibis plaiBe. tbe otber «"ke on- side
ylbteBt Wilb stifHy and Miod her band prri*raUona for <wr departure.
Onr most valnublc belongiiigA wttb ride. IwiniK id ili«-ao<mstic sbadinr. re-; W
//cwMonnirl.v on sty abonldar. Althoo^
oelve* liltlf or nn iuiprewion. and liylmk
myloveftauie maiden was intenee, 1 j food and--------------------- —....
rfne ear
ear «il.t
ml* heari
hears >7'
«onid not for a mommit Target the on- ! nty. were i.urk.riwiibib the sbip'slock. »•'«"' "f ‘be tab.-,I ^r
oertaimv of mv footbojd. neiibw could 1 i-r^ *«d our>nfs aiorvd within tbe in- ' ‘b- »ooud. It folb.WA therefor*, that
Hor*« Uiut the ebt-piug room wlDduw ;
Aiid..ri-wwsnTtptTiribedwunD-;*h''ti tb» o|. rnUtf bears tbe sounds
df my awwiheart's father w^ direbtlr hitcbi-d the anrbor chain from the sta- ' equally »>«h I'oUi iwm Ibe plaus inust
bennib mr.
I pic in tbr wall of rock und rtarird.
| be pdotlng in the . »acl direction from
••Kcvcrr.behadadid, wb-n I offer-.At midnight w-r wt^u boTeniig orw : »buditbe sound iwoivw^*. Tbcpilotcan
•dinvs.lf tobimasa !«*«,.. liv* s.>ii- Man.'* .borne. W* droi.prd downward ; turn tbe mstrnniflit it will, and tlie
in-law. *'Ntv.r! K« dauglii.Txjf nuu.- wnt‘l 1 '^•“Id Adillio- tb.‘ boose and 1
>»» Irtwt-'d him *b«m-# tbe diraeBball many a p>uujil.‘« inv. uuw.”
! grup- arlaT. ’ Wttb a iiw fanrrird'Vards
Dnriug the many stuli-n iiiOTriews ' to >'*vl I spn^K lightly to tbe roof,
IV was open, aud the n.-tt
which bad > followed tbr adv.-tee dcciTb-wiudow
tbr i<
• -die. iustaut Biv swmbeart was li-aning
«nl ibe sitoaiion fmm ail |s>inu, and ward, wilb twr band on my slmolder
r with the dame rvsnlta. At laid we iu the old familiarmauner, pouring brr.|
bad dcridi-d to arpareic for a m-omw woi« into mv ears. .
"Jusi think of it. Jock. J>apa i* de- '
. that 1 might ^ m. r-folly>d«Tute my
time to lid- aoloriuii of the iwLI-n by tcrnffucil that 1 aball many Cousin
evolving from my mcutal workshop
apmc praiiH-al ereatiop which would paniTT. The guests are all invited for
the wt: -ling loniomnr and tbe liocnse
li^g to ini- both fame and forttm*.
- Marie was a modcru woman in erci7 isiin I..- library table. What can we
xvFpcct.. tilic bad bmj caught m the do?'.'
Of course tfapru was bnt one thing to :
{SyrtaoIogK-af wave that was sweeping
■round tb* world and was familiar with da and that wo aid without cL-iay. j
•U tbe 'oropliiea and 'clogi.-e tbat>c^ Marie stole quietly down into tbe libra- |
lyr and seenmi ttbe licenoe. Bowsimule .
led tbe movemenu
, \Tb«*o you want u taka ■ ride
fairly pruff■dept in mind reading and fairly
pruff- a matter to erase nno name and aubsti-,
rememlMT thereat .place to
tote auotbor. Aud wfaile sbe was about
cdrai in tbe later mimoe of lel
I have a la^ oppe baa. a o beat'
"'Waieh for uieMgea. dear
ear Jack,” it. with ber usual foreibought sbe coniled tbe bride's cake. Tbit, with |
■be wfaispMvd.aa she gave my obonlder
alei^bvEnd A top hna. AH very
■ gentle |iat and drew bcraelf within
comfortable Tor
tbewtudow. ''You^will la-ar from me
diten. fVrbap* 1 may mud yon. Wb<v to Tod.
Tiia KfinioKs
Tbe sbfp1 octiM down like a huge '
tma tell?"
At this point tbe brittle frame be- bird on ib« grape arbor. Mono gavo a : tim in-wbicb the pilano
the diiectiou in whicb tbe
_MHiili my fet cracked ominoualy. and little ehritk as we stepped on board,
. Witboot funber farewell* 1 clambctud cadsuig Ttd. for iis iustaul to lose Con danger lie*. He can then lake aueb iratrol of Ibe lever. Tfaei* waa a erasb of oaations a* ore ncceawy.
is now iu use on venel* i
Ted Briiw
way U-neatb out combined weight.
rf tin <i™i. JUI..& .ud PUnt. Old.;
Upward like a rocket we Dominioo and <aher linesof coast boats. !,
BTH-lf over tbe many rapt ri'meaU aud
l.wu feet or tnera. As we «■ tbe Aiqcrioaa tranaetlantic lioes and , loAtT cuUers. .two and Ibree aeated
iteuliotis ••
liiad• essa^. aud wben be
tnrued the searcbligbt ou tbi-wreck we I also on veam-l). of ibe Uuittri Slates isleieba.
tieard my story Jpg
taiterH) heartily into
saw,« figorwclod
my plan*, which, if prrfccied,
I. would
______ 1...-____________.________ ms^___ t
r aud travel. robe gaxiug et na and
tbseopbooc. tbi instrument ba» given o£ a tumoQt.
UiH- mouth later Tonud na in tbe bling wilb rage, called: .
universal aatiriactiun oa all of these
"Marie, couk.- down beit!”
haaittd tbe Kucky mountaiua andfer
veawla Tbe cotumittp* of affloer* at
"ALjar papa. ”->-Cbk-ago Tribune.
Irom- tbe Is-aten trail of
tbe United Smtes warriiip Indians, yrbo
u or adeeninrvr.
Plonear I*iu«r7 Man.
tested tbe enpbaoe, reported es follows:
Our pack auituals wire already bevVerioos whistl-s aud bells
(Inuiiig to abow signs of coriiqise, so m.ucte bad been tbe faligneaof tbe moon- .waa suing bri uei^ibor, WilliamSmitb, eraily aud aocurately located with this
for damages occasiooM by Ibe defend .insttumeut wfaile steaming at a speed
bain Journey.
Bealiakig tbe imprudence (d -fartbfW ant's canlesouesa iu allowing bis don- varying fro-vi & to II knqts per boar,
tbe instrument being ihablpnlau
is stable and ti
■dvauer skyward, wewen-abosi to tuiti k«7 to HKApe from bis
back and peek
wbiuu bad bad DO fravioua aiparieooa
• milder atmosjibiTe, vrben 1 felt a geowith it. •
^ ireeriare ou my abonlder. Involnui ^^McOany stenari i
"Tberwnlta tend to show that tha
to give evidence
e '
in support of bis
tarily 1 turned, t-Apeetiug to me my
• bnude me, only m find bim dose, and wben be bad flniriied tbe law. '—----------- will prove erf gmt value (a
aooomplisbiag that for which itisdely. polliug with all bia
Tbe ei^irinivuu made ludioate
ceeded-to cram egain^ him.
that alfl that BU obmrver. with bni little taao*
Wbicb ; lice in tbe nae of .the eopbmie. can lo■rinop. Biul again 1 f<lt tbepnvsiite
mi my sh<-uliii r. ibis tioic luorv tutciUy you S|rak waacauaed* aokJy’by tiinilli'a ' ea»>«y nearly tbe diructipu (rf 'snend.'
I Upon first trial <ine will isTbapa be in
*li»ii brfi.rt-, slid a vnin—1 oiuld swear doiikiy?''
••.siriinlf. sor.*.'
( doubt a* to wbeibcr.i* not be faas arit was Mniii '•—simiidiff in my ear:
*...1., ••
"Ob. tudivil; and wbi-re did yoo flm 1 rivvd at the propiT angle sbowiuK Ibe
_______ -__ It lii-r parting
riitigworda flash- BP* tliia au;rual wbicb yim declare has localton of tbe sound, but with reputed
ed upou liiy miud, ami aUnosi umvAi- been the suura- uf aomiwb mi^ien”. ; tests it will tie sbnwo tbot Ibe iustra"I saw bill tied up in detedant's I mem poinu fair
aocurately. "-PhU- anuosly 1 turuvd in^ tbu direettvu iudi■Oiaidi "
. ;adelpfaiai‘r>«s.
and wbcie did you ncAt oee j
Vliai could 1 do? Oimgilaiui were al^ n-udy made, Hboiiid I yield, Ihtw could
my irimisni, tob<>
. I espUin to T«d iu a aatiriacury mau•r hi* cbtince bud
On- iit ibe latest tbings lu snrgwy i*
iH't ‘bis raddeo change in our move
I iu iiL- bi M luanucr iw> mri tb<- question. ^ Ibe preciice ^
«>f embalming
enibalming an
ai ujnied'
bu<l.tcnly.'witlKmt waitliug for Us*: "Mob did yoo know it wab tbe aame | lunb as a sui^tote-foc ampui
uf d to biiu Idoiifc. Vr"
i it rlaim.d by Dr. Becldsof Faria llmt
dn-a.ii-<l explaUBlinn. I sbiwl
a.* l.eprade to my oaildle. li-aving
Laving biui
bin. I -*44riiw
-*^iw did 1 know?" waa the derisive ■ mqob more U»mio is tberoby saved.
to tniiiiw.'aa 1 was quite fun-'liv would. :'xrlutuation. "If 1 aaw
w ycx tied up in a
As J drew n.wr tbe monDtatv a ug-sibuLL- dou't yes *uppu«
pwe I'd know ye j
sag scam, wbicb rearlied fruu. the sum-' wbeu yes got Iraaa ?"
a well: TlMplainiiB was esouted from Tor-. . A* long a* you and 1 arnlocdring
' defined cb it. bruodmiing at tbe liaae. tber cvidiacc.-^pan- Mumcult.
npun rcligiun as a serica at |S*c*p(s
leaviug au t^jcniug a few ft«t wide.
wbicb wc leel we ought to obey tbe
OHTrastod Tar
, tlmlugfa wbicb 1 iccklRMily plnngrd
mure sbnll wu feel • reiuotanoe to have
^Iboul a tbdhgbt of rba^danger i It ia pertaiqa not
Kit gcricrally know, lanytbiug
migbt await me.
Vi i> iu Brookivi . that ?Ws of re- ; brought i- __________
- iL aMcl.v bitif a dooen stepa brought;»].viable
apia-arauci' may travel on tbe , »thcr a Imicl light aoro» ov path; wo
me out iiiu> au open spore. ^
i.icarsui that rity when tb^bave 1^11 llgliiagaiutf it. As long m that is
lu agt« a{!«ui- somefvriklenbti
lutoiej-.' A woman who has ls« bet i tbe cbm you have not eutered into tbe
ujibiBval bail part:,
, ^
».• at bcjiue'nr a man who boa ^nt , ,,dtil
Christ, you have not under
pink, bikI thuougfa all iiie oo^tlooi
ling in stoc^ If > nood tbe pow-r of an IndlaaolnbU life
yea#* tbal lu«l
ad .fullowed
Ibe aa«on of drdiuarily well dreasrd, has only to tell ; vfbHi we look at what col tuligiaD U,
trod and v,-auv iiod gradually worn tb-ccaiducuir tbe
0 of affair*. ; we
h abonJd be a Uvlngtblug. 1 see
and crunibL'<l tb- sides of Ibe gorge un
boarding a oar, to gi4 carried to any it in Christ, my Master. All tbst He
til then- wa* fcniiid as open (irenUr 'dcaind
utnd paint.
does is Simply ibeocuoame of wi»t His
Space •cvinil ft-,'1 ill diauK'tcraud
Tbe coudnetor give* ili« penuilcas veiy naturv 1*. Tbe life is within Him
poasMiger an eovehipt addiribed to tbe and!
cfliee of tbe ocaupany, in wblrii to for Joy to do tin- Father's will He appUee
till progtrw
ward later tbe lacking niykel. This ia HinseU fur tbe woU bring of Bu^i '
.were the usual seasons of experimitit done as a matter of enutae, and only
The very virtue of
CfarUl lay in
but tbyoogh it all tbe great creulure
that Hi) ofiured
gn-a-, nmil it urorlylilled the little cirtbe iovo uj it. the wiUiugnem
«Oar space.
■cne time, wbirfa 1* apparent piotrf that And tbhi is wbat religion ought to be—
A long. Blender, bedlow body^ flttud the pesstmgm wbo thns get trusud for a Joy. It ought to be onr uatnr*: it
vp with a motor and oomft^ble oeau' ibetr fares nte tbe eovolupta git
ought to be our -freedom, a delight to
.« huge pair of ontsrpread canvas winga few tbe pupow lorwbiob tbey are in tuL If we mj. "Ub. mme day 1 ahell
and a fMi sbuprd rudder, aliiigcibcr un tended.—Kew Turk Son.
turn over a new leaf, 1 will bring my
like any otbiv aerial sailer ibdi bad yet
lile into harmony with tbe Deenlogue,
modu its appcarauoe. And during all
and bt«io lo aot in tbo way in wbloh
. tbe time occupied in tbertaistrnctiuDof
"You women.” said be in the peon■ay I ongbt to act, mow I bad bee® so
liarly exaspcraiiog way a man, has of eoidlng to tbu pruoapts of tbe Tea Oomten encouraged and advised when ap- ■eying tbuar two words, "Yon women ___________”aa img aa t-_.___ __
pareut foilnre coulrunted me by the boy bargain -tblnga because tbey are spirit exiKs we look tbroogb dim glaao:
- voice that had led e to tbe spot efacap"
we do uoi OM- tbe real rignificwiioe
tbst it really anm. cl os if Marie
"We do fiot.”oaid abe. "We buy faith and religioa. Religion ia a Ufe,
teUy ideutillcd wub ibe
■ erf my
wadertokiug a* mvself.
”AU aboard!" abouiedTedwwotook
aeatt mbI opoaed tbe valvea that
Mwtili lUBA Twviffc
Is what you will see very often on our
odd Dressers and Commodes.
We Have Them it) Nearly All Styles and Finish!
Intique, I6tli Ceituq, Mtlio|aiiji and Whin Enamel,
long, Square or Shaped Glass,
And they are so cheap you will wonder how we got them, but
I will tell you. We bought all that one factory had on band.
The agent was selling to different dealers ak he went along,
we made him an offer on the lot and got them.
11. W. Slater’s House FomisliiDg Store
IT own
For tbe Idtdlee to know a
Sleighing Parties,
Oood Shoe when they see it
-We> have no trooble to sell oar New Ladiee Shoes at
$2.60, beevone they are good ones. Tbe Geaaine Yici Kid—
the Newiwt Spring Style. They never fail to wear welL
Alfred V. Friedrich.
Tfafi Popular Shoo House of Trawarse City.
The Great Bankrupt Sale
Do your purchasing now, while you can
buy goods for 50c on the dollar. Goo^s are
going fast, and you must come while there.
is something for you to purchase. Don’t
delay your visit to our store until tomor
row or the next day, for then just what
yo^ wanted to select may possibly have
been sold.
i:.:.-A-x.*:,:,- '-!
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