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The Morning Record, January 07, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
directory of the etty inelndlar the rl)la.
rea la the ooaoty. A clrealAr OotllO- j
Jjaaaary latk. .Tbte will be oi
lor ike ylao haa here iaaned aed
The lecUre by Dr,
axj Of eaoraaalDC baa beea conmeocrd. l| lt
It jXAWS OF $190,000 OAUfBD »T I
Frmak Brtalol will be rl»«> •» ««
b' imrpeaea to pohUab a Brat eiaaa, 4»d
.ittk. ^
.. eealalaiar
Dick* MeOlBlay, who will be remem
1/ ^Mittrad IstMMl txOurlM Vbieh that b raloakle beaidaa a Uat of aaAaa. Sicbt XlUloa Feet Bnroed Teeterday-Doeks Alao ©eetroyad-iam- bered aa the eraek eat^er for the
BMolud y*t»lly-WM aavM Vnn The book will be aoapoaed of cfbd
alceiy prloted add wiU barj a
lied FaoUitlea Xade Work of Aar. Boadara In iWS. waalnUe city y«». iMtut OtMtt by a i>o»» iThrxw
ial blDdincofelotb beek aad
idf Other Freperty Tenr DiAcnlt lerday for a abort riait. He b workOaa Bsodrad Twt Wbra tha Ool- board aldea. Tbe ^lee of the dlrect^ny
lar Bear the Boo. '
- -Kill and Oidt noeka Bacaped.
' lUioB Took «»ca.
will be $3. l-he work of rattiar it bat
D. £. Brown, a promlnrat jawejer of
baciaaw. Jan. A—ttytat aaUlleo feet
y «. -Oaa daath haa will be poabed ae rapidly a» poaeibli.
Sayinaw. waa in the elty ycaterday |
ef Inasbar'bersed oa the docka of tba
maltMl troM Ua Wadaaaday »ora>
aoooBWtled by 'Mra. Foater. B. E. I
dariaaw Losber A Ball ooMpany at
» Anoy »app^
lar'a railway aectdcat at Coyanlak.
rgh. hb father,
Crow lalaad. three tnllaa below tbU |
I boadaotorO. J. Joaaaof the 4aa Arbor
came to the city to meet them.
fralykt died laat areolar of kia lajar.At tbe ^eada buaineM meeting
Urn. wbiek at Brat
iaireel. Satorday. Jan. dth. All are
Wedeeeday nIghL Leri T. Pennington ]
Pryxall of the rited. 'Tlcketa lOeeata. Oaptaia and 1000.000 feat and a Urre qomnUty of waaeleeted;BpperiBUndeatof tbe Bible'
Umber waa pUed U the mlU yard
W. A K. B. la aooBoed to kla bad at kb Mia. Ellla. ofBoere ia eharre.
Sebeo! lor tha eaaaliig year. Hewaid
wUeh the flamce did not reach.
boaae aad kla iDjarlea. thoorh set
The mill aad Bait block were eared Moore. Mildred SunUn. Libena Wood,
. looa. wUl kee^ kl* qalat ^or aararal
with diSoutty. The doeke. and one and Winifred Pratt were eppolnted
drill heoae were deatroyed., Aa aearly delegatee to the Quarterly meeUng at
OoDdeotor Joeaa' death waa a reauU
tt,jaa«anbe utimated Uree-qnartara of AUnton. to be held January 14tb. lilh
of loteraal lajarlae. lfbelnr>M^«l(">* Fipe From Alrar to' Fire Bydraai
end i«ih.
the loac wiu U ewrer«4 by I
Foot of Oaae StiueL
tkalUa death
Tbe origia of the fire b unknown,
lataUy. .
Laid HorlaoataUy.
-When the dabooee atmib Ue oBflne
but it i» thought that akateia dropped
the aad of It^aa apUatered to klndliny
I new Btoira, tiS Front
There haa been mere or leea trouble
iMtehea or utarted the Are ia the altp
rrood, and Joaee, tocethec with tha with the aocUoo pipe for Are porpoeea.
to . warm thcmaalrea.
Tbe Are was
atore by whbh he waa aleaplnc. were at the and of Cam atreqL erer alnoc^ It
burning Sercely before an orgeaiaed
hnrlad nearly oae hundred feet beyond, wai pbeed there. The pipe waa pUeed
the atore protectiny him from Instaat ia a aUaUag imeiUon and that kaa attempt to atop it coeid be made A
eaglaaw steemer began throwlBg watdeath. Althonyk badly bumad. he got be«n deemed the eanae of the difficulty
mp and waa about the aoeae of the In AecnrUg good reaolU. Itbargebd. er -at S o'clock. Two .more ateamera
from Bay City arrired at S:4&. Thcee
wreck for aearly aa hour aad It waa | howerer.
kowerer. that tha rcaacm
rceacm that it
It doea
thought that aalde;tumtkaboroaaadl,j,j
^ b beeanae the endiof with tbe CarroUtoa atoamer coaet
A f^ aoraiehea that be bad
‘ ' the pipe U tbe Nrer u not annk Ipw the only araUabb flgbttng force.
Pail, brigadee worked berobally
^t ke gradnally failed after beiag «.ough below the nrfaee. Tbe eiSkeepiw tbe fbmee from eroealng to
taken «o tbe hotel.
the mUl yard aad aiMklag the beildrelay the pipe from the rlreir
inga. The wind was not stroog and
atand pipe U a horbontal pcaiU^.
Mat the brands erar the riser laatead
lower the iatake aad lengthen
of toward tha property in tha rear.
Br. O. C. Voalen Sxperieneed ka Ob
dpipa. Tbe work oa the change
ject Leaaon In tba Fteuee.
for a CbruUnas or New Year's
Ike Bneoan haa reeelred a letter
from Dr. O. C. J^Ilea, formerly of BotWe have a nice lot of
Dr. O. H. Xing FreMated Xni|H»ta of preaeotf
tona Bay. Dr. Joalee b mow U BaaeaFytklM With H» FortralL
them in every etylr and finish.
ada. DaTodoe Bantoa.O^wer CaJKotnb.
Progrean Mug Kada fer Oost^
At the rneoUng of the TrarerM City White Enamel, Antique Mapb,
vheru be waat te look after acme mUAohool Fatty XatertalamttL
Lodge, No. 73. leal alght. »r. C. H.____
__ ______
Elm, Ash, Mahogany and
tag baaiaeMwkteb will take him M
King, who b aooatolMT. for Dall-|jj,„^
.^d loig glass,
The popUa of tha Ceatral achool
mllea farther back Into tbe monetalaa
Be a»tod that for »M in gold, after working amidaoaaly U preparation
on TOynm ot u
Firai Ymt—Vo. 212..
. x.
Have Yon Seen Onr Half-Price Comter? ■
There are gooda on it that will bf jnat what yon are lookia^
for. Don't lorgei wben yoo are in the itore.
You CAU Always get the I<ate
KAgssines and Papers at
Odd Dresser
the epectecalar fairy eetcrtainmebL
■‘The MyatleMIdgeta." tobegiren
theerenlngef February :i. ^hei
.ale on the chernece and ether teatnree
and when ll, b
aelipee aeythUg of the kind erer gW<
la Trareree City. Mlrn Blogbam.,b
preparing the mueleal portion of pm
prcMtam. which promliee to be partleularly ineplriag- Tbe coeluming will
AV0TESB.0A& FS&AT FLAM. be beautiful aad all tbe featuree' v
be aerprblng and norel to tbe Trarai
Aaegaatioa for Aueh a Aebema to Ben- City public^________________
«t Lalasd aad Fidnlty oaOarpXaka
Another pham of the Leelaaan mmnty
railway alWation U a project te leduce Llaea West «f the Kbabaippi bill
the M. A N. K- raHroad company to
Build 4.000 Kilee Thb T<
bnild euHable doeke at l-'oaeb. Prere.
It b calculated that railreede west
meat and Uland for the pnrpoee of
ttraaBlerring freight oetm by tarry be ot the Mbelmlppl lirer will build la
had 4,p0#
tween tboae polnu on Cerpimke, to- the aggregate b*i*'*«*
gaUer op the prodecU of the eeuatiy mllaa of new road thb year. Probably
ruundaboDt. ^Tkb propo^Uen. bow- noae of the extonaione coatemplated
wUI he
crer. b being rrj<}cted. and iheae who
■manedUng Unka aad abort exwnakfna
are nxglag^tha M. * K. E. to esuad
topolauoot new reaped. It mi^t
tbolr line are now rrerklng for tbe line
be called tbe rending out of tha afato ProtemonL from Cedar City.
Tbe nllmaken are fnUy aware
ef thb eltuaUon and aaticipate unp^
mecerd ofXIaBaCeia and Figures for adrance ik looked for early.
Imriag Callfomb. he reeelred In ex
change gIM la Mexican allrer dollara.
Thb aeemede profluble exchange. l|t>t
whan he found that Boar waa 10 cenU
a pound. Va^ 30oeota. bntlcr
and egga en'ccaU a doieo. the docte
dbeoremd that the tree allrer theory
waa not what It waa cracked op to be.
He reporu the mereoiy at « degrem
abere xeru.
Feat Three Taara. ^
The following oompilallon of Mgnree
ehowlng the real ecute iMkfera In
thb obuaty during the paeltUree yean
wlU be of apecbl Inureei. -TSramconl
efAertgagea recorded during thk^mme
period b also glrea. Thaee flguaka are
exeet. aad ara furalahed the Km»i—
byO. C. M«flaU:
Eongtal $S0D00 Worth Timbar.
Boyne City. lUob.. Jan. o-W. H.
While A Co..'have Joet purchased
•M.000 worth of hardwood Unde In
Aatrim cenaty aad wlU manufacture
the tlmbM into lumber in tbelr Uoyoe
aty mUb. Oae-half of thb land wlU
owned by W. H. White A Oo. and
we-half by tbe (^aarin-White Lumber
today and tomorrow
86U You
Several Rood pattente loft—pretty desiRns—good qoaUtiee. If you’ll needs Bnineb Carpet withis tb* '
next six montha, boy it NOW.
Warm Shoes
at Out Prices..
D in tbe state judg
ing by Ua
eeired here.
There ere three important cai
fer the place, namely: J. D. 8.
ef Hart. Frank Watkins of Bopkina
Statkm. and. WlObm Mearu of Boyae'
Pallk. Tbea4 three mea are backed by
.ntreng eodoreemenb In tbelr home
eommnoUim. and It Aoold be difficult
to my which enjoya the adrantage at
Proeei-ntleg AUerney Twaddle
Trereree (Sty had bb breath -ia
away a conple of day» l$o what .farmer wtU bl^ in tab aye came 1^
tbe office end asked for a IloenM to
klUemaa. Tbe attorney trembUngly
nulled Usat hie stock, of
rieeaaea wet. out feat at that time.I. and
- tbe bloed-la-tbe-eye mpn ookad
ao fierce aad de«i>«raU that the alUHncy gat behind tbe store and yeUed for
help. Before help arrired tbe maa
led to the attorney that be <
inmiM. but that a neighbor I
throwing Ua eana Into hU lot f<^r
the past year aad be waa getting Ured
ef it. He didn't want to gel Into priaon. ao ha thought he would get |a
Ueenae to brsto Ue Drighbur. laatead
ba waa, put oeder booda U keep
paeca and the eae-tbror '
Frorlag a Booewa.
The e*p*m«t of opening the (Sly
Ui^ duriar tba af lernoona. b pror
ing a eoooMa. UKmgh eoaroely tUh*
enough baa ela^ to trot It thorough
ly. On Meoday 100 hooka wore bauaf.
Tuesday and WednMday Ts each arf
yesterday not tarn then that nbrnh^When It beoomea thoroughly kno
that tha library bcqten the nnmL
each day will be vndoubtedly lno«e4ed meterbUy.
The lefaat aoa ef Mr and Mro.
Qeerge Fish ef Best Bay. died Wedn
day;«ightof ooavubloBa.
Memhere of the Junior Lyoenm i
Ue near futMU. /-^-—
Tbe EnlghU' ef PyUlaa tnttbtcd
nine eandldatm in Ue rank of-Page
laat night and epjoyed a raUroed
Sianby. Ueinfaetaos of Mr. aad
Mra. Wlnowigakl. of 007 WmI Bay
atreeL died yeMerday. * Tbe fnaerol
wOj ha held to«v <*«« tke Oatholtc
TMterday afu
1 the amploym of the 8bU
Bank and a few frienda at aa oyeter
la tha harbm-shopeC H. L. HiUer.^be oyetati were frtod In rogular
Mew Tp^ nfyU fw Km. IpOw.
The “AriallmdiM’
Gaining in Popularity—:^
S.U Tlftm far
-w. j'^T=rR-A-xrs.
ToniMUer Block.
But there b always room for
Therefore coaae at one* frPBOTQS- We bare a eomplH
Tine ef Picture MooIdlDg* end will fill
all orders promptly, if we hare to work
aU night.
411 South I'DkwSU
They Say:—cx
GOLD is what we waat for aioasT- Still
every gold cpio ’is adnlterated—«pme gold,
some alloy..........Notsowfth
Funeral of Howard XaU.
Summer Cottage for a Judge.
Architect Moore U working on plana
for a pretty and oomfortabla snmmar
eettege for J«dge Corbett It will
form an attraetlre Improvement i
the IT acrea of land reeeatly parch
by Judge Cerbett on Ue Teab
road, north of edgewood.
Prices 60o, 69c, 76c, 98c, $1.26.
LmV MoliUi Ei«Jfed AU Put
I will not ba In a
hurry, however. He ataru for home
batordar aigbV Ue will he gone three
four days, and while le Mlcblgaa
will oonault
in the wetieru part ef the eUW re
garding both the marababbip and the
The funeral of the laU iluper*
Howard Kehl of Suuoni Bay, will be
held Saturday morning and the interit will be at NortbporL Icarlng bb
home at Snttoai Bay at S a. m.
Kehl had S2.00n fraternal life i
He leavok a wife and foer chlldr^.
We'U StiU BMt 7ko BruMds OiOiMt M..
House FunilAhtng Stoto.,
Btampade Ibr the Barth Deoliaed by ISS-liS Front 8L
Waahlngton. Jaa. A—The aBBouDcemMllhatTherquF. rJlddinga bad de- _____
elded eot toacoept.tha Ueited Stetca \KT^ o t*«k
meiukelMlD fer tbe WHtem dbirict- ” ® &TC
Aa Tlewed From a iHManea.
aat a mawUta Mrtal«MmL
~Meer Idea* Feahioa Sheeu fbr Febniaiy an HeruT^l fbr oae.
There's Mothing Lika "Mew Idea” Fatleraa-lOo Any Aqrle.
aty Baettal
Oo Saturday evnnti
_ Ua p^b dt
Mra. J. B. Mariin, la alomtim. wl$
give a recital at Min. Uartta'c naldenoe oa Waahlagtoa street. The ^
Jeet b for better developmOBt of eae^
Fahraey. apabibher ef el«y hy tndiridoal nrlilnbm The eroniag
ee, whoMbMUMi ta la hU- win abe be tha oeMaloa of eod4l
e aa well aa inatroetloa aad eh, haa eeme to Ue aity Iw the
I «t
Haskell’s Bookstore.
demMatrated by Ua surprW'yqn
lodge in behalf of the doctor. '1-be
picture will hereafter adora the caatie
hall df the lodge. .
Flour—Every ounce is Pate, AL^^’^LD,
and takes the shine.
Tbe girl in this peture is not
a waitress in a resUnrant. She
is a child of the monntains^
onr own sublime mountains of
the great west.
How she became an artist’s
model and lost her heart is
graphically told in the Story
which wilt be printed in
Hannah 8c Lay Co.
Dot fanv, Kovelt, Drew Oood* •«
with a Silk Beomant from our BetRun Pile.^
yoa’II have an immensely atyliah dresa at a tiemeodondy low prioa
Buy the LyoosniBg or Ooodyeer Glove BrmBds,
the Beet oE Bsith, At
<rKB MOEHnrq
' yoiMWsnBT wann ncwraan**.
^nuvs&sx CIT7. - MICHIOAJ*
fCS(w.'T. Batd An J. w, BAnn.
J.yi. Bax^u, <«r Md Mnifer.
S=!;X-Sr'. ■. ■. .2
/SLTS^y. ■ . ■ .•
•a at tte r«
Mirk., MM
antUB teatlnown la tbe ttada Fer
rite bc for'deeelriac yon. lotarbaard
Thc looked at ber onrtocaly, tbea.
‘■■Wbat a foollab Ifoeetion to aaki alat my little piece of revcaice Tbe Oe4^ laaay'bai^rede of ^ bate 1 malne dye U a ancm atlU. an yoa may
mam fretting aboot teat My taotber.
(pid yoa tbe old, old atocyr'
___ _ bar face ! who knows nothing, aendayoa her low.
, tn bb. *T orror. peter oan
can beliere it ' In a day nr two 1 afaaU dteply tell
j that tba rngagenmit Udbaolved. ”
I Butil yoD toll n» that aanet.
I Thrw monlba after tbe diapatrb of
Hi* fiioe derkra^
at ber wordx
•Did 1 not
mH yoo laat night that tbb Idler Alan’a manager ceaaed from
' tronhUng. for tbe new arm failed JrreDr. Ottteaa of Mateatn. bI At the! jjopr patableory waa
Betel WblUar ox on of bb raffalarjiMV; be tetorted. lookinrcoldly dow trtevably.
■‘Hang It alir' aaid Hngh to .hie oonteaatbly tlaiia.
■■Well, teen." ebe anawend jaaeiM- fidential aseisunt "■We hate got tbe
Balpb OoaaaWe. who baa beoa la tee
itrly, **naUi yoo do. fell me I will
Ity Bookaterb aetaral waaka, weal to I “ver marry yoa—neterV’
tbe niixiitg that we faiL"
Pateakey yeaterday.
And when bis apeerb fonnd ita «
Tbate wae a Iobr nleace be*wei»
Jly langbed.
Mba Brnsa DaBeTwllI reum to (iiVra. Finally tbe man bicfte iL
to AUn'f rare be aim
led," be aaid to
"Do yon brean wbat yon Bay?" be was Delilah wbo failed,
Haapr today after a week'a rWi trite
himself, "nnt tbe miiing." And thru,
■ ,lrrd lu a low, tnwe toioe.
bar abter, Hra. Wa. Uraal.
'OrUlaly.”ab'rreap{Bded hiahaid.
Cbarlee I'laber, tew dark of Olaa
i-rmined'max "Then, cbanitiiig bre 'bean. bi> jedned bis eisiet« and bb aisArbor, b la tbp city aoeetepaaled by
autier lo one of winninr •wmara: tert^ fi^tnd Mouioi in tbe drawing
bb aoa Rd. who b a BeBber.-of tee
Bat i know yon will teD mx Voa
Maaitea life aariar «?raw.
< r>nld ne?«r. nerer be so ornal aa to rw
. Travarae City Varket ■
.. away and* began pacing | Below b a Ibt of tee buying and eelllawn la
in aa
an nnawidoo.
nndrvided. warmng
Wo further Bopa fbr Durraat, War. j le Jawn
price* of yeaterday lor grooerioe.
darar ofBlaneba lamoat
{ iteion. qnitt nnliLt> hb anal firm ,;;^uk»s and farm prodneu ia Trari-p. Tbe girl followed him and laid | ^ city:
Han tlaentia PtInob. Cal., Jaa. X—| 10 hand on li'ia am.{
aauuk'a rairx.
Uoramor Badd baa balrBcted Warden |
"Toll “*•” she whl«per*d-btawb-bni'new............. *10 M
Bale to pracead with the exeeatioa af' ligly.
^ir. Then she rabod heroelf on tiptoa Clear Pork p«-ff...........................
Tbeedore Durraat toBorrow. ae it ap- j ^^I kiwed bii
loauunt resist." be n
peara tee action oa the final appeal for
•aeteUre deBeney will be adtccae.
t ling into ber ear.
Darraat b breaklar down rapidly |
*■]> (bat aJ]?"abe naked, in arideat
• arprbe. He nodded.
aU hope. Bb aerte b ,r«oe aad
Tin- neil
8»y bare to be carried to tee raDowx *
ipanioasbip and went off
a Military'stroll. As sbe
Rb father baaconteeaed to tee war-'
mil. .ooirf
,b^t Jlf/TSutaope of a Btay
I ton the boaee a yoong wan
almMvuy. "do yoa rrxUy aad traly tera
BlnMT M.
of Lotoad. mm
U tew yettartoy.
Job* Bw«Al« of EUc BapUa. <*m >■
<» bMlaoH.
Mite HAUle-Hiwtieaof BUr BopkU,<U
ttia r>Mt of MIm Ot*M OUteUnd.
O. W. Borbndco. tr%rwiiag ui^Ii
of tbo 0. R. ft L, WM lx tbe olty yoa-
Lamx OoMMtatioxxx Cdx bM anbaiV*
hta report of Ibe faetety Ixapeetteo of
tea ateia to tee corarMor, aad tee oodteoU at tee doexBwat it* blffaly aaUafaotery Is «aany raapeeU.
mr Cox eutea teat tee i
-1b Mioblraa bare abowa erary dlapoeitioa to oompty with tec law iwfwtUat
tea oaployiBeBt of ebtldiea. aad
wbobarebMahiriBrteoaa noder elxteeoyaataof ag« wUl bareafter exiplay older pmoaa. Tba
ateaer baa rcMleed naterlal aid all
•ear tee ataU to tbia
It la
very rratlfyiar to kaow teat MIebiraa
etaada at tee bead of tee atatea 1b tee
a»all oBBtor af cblldrea aaployed la
teolorlaa. TbU la parUy dae to tbe
aloee aemUay al tee Ubor oobb^
tioaa bare beam baoed ter tea bamrlar.
or aad part^ to tbabifb aoral aad iateilactsal ataadard of tee BaaolaeUr-.
Ota la tea atete. Tbate aaaaa to be a
One Gallon
of Good
Table Syrup
946 Front Btxoet,
BroMh Block.
i -.1
Hngb." tee girl a»awrred. ■'! am quite breatbloos with
Hunring. Tiist iin'smie Knid wanted Biivixo aATM or teavxam arv DBAlr
tjonimewitb me. Audi wani't at all
Mire of Alan bbt otaning too."
1 Tbe maa stmd tor a mionie or two_
bi silenre, tbtin glanced.at bb oompau-'
iqu impatiently.
nTall." tite girt pbaded ooaxiorly.
' are to aid tee aatborlUaa la a CTBaade
I cbUdrax-te taka with ber aoft rbeek arainat hb.
'■Aak me anyteiug bat that and 1
Baaae af edacatleo
by rafoaiap eaploye Dttoteeaa-wbe wUl grant it." annweTed ber ioter.
■'That b a Better wbieb nBoema my
aboald ba ia acbaol.
bcoor, and m> not eren for yon can 1*'.—
IT U DOW aaBooaead teat Or. Ja>
..•■Ob," abelnterraptedpettidily. "1,
B. AnyallofUleblcaoe^I ^ offerad am dek of bearing that rant aboot ymir
tba peat of mlnlater te Cblaa. Tbla honor. Too only prombnd roar fetber.
arraacameat baa bara arraed to by aad 1 am rare if be bad ibown ma be
woQld bate lold me. bnt yoa—yoa are
.f%arlB 1‘aca Bryan, wba will be <
a* hard aa adamaut. Ton can"( care for
U Torbay ia plaea of Dr. Anpll.
me properiy. or yoa woold do wbat 1
Bryan arae aased for Blalater
aak yc^—tbe toy firrt tfaing 1 bate
Cblaa bat eTaata bara nada tela aver aabed yqp,'" abe ended pHtbbly.
obaaca daairabla Or. Aarall ia •»Alan Oemaine amiled at tee pretty
laaatty duad f«r tbU tBper
ezbibtlion of cbildiab wrath. Tbea be
faat, bariar baaa nlalater to China la aaid grately, yet firmly:
■'iibnanae. Bldx Toa are eanaing
UMftl. U riaw of tea iBpeadlar aatteoal dUBeaUiaB betwaaa Oblaa aad both yoarwlf and me aeedlem pain by
the powra. tela appototBaat b panic- eoDatantly teMinR me on teb matter.
and for all i eaniial tell yoa. ao
alariy dwdrabU. Dr. Aafeil baa daBaewletoatoU of amnetbing pbaBant
Matrated reoantly a faarlate atUtude Wbat b tbe laat new gow like? " be
WIU Bay yoa
teb aatioa at ataka la Cblaa OMy
aafely ba aatraated to' tee wba diploteat wba b proed W elala Mlchijtaa aa
bb bOBO. ______________•
20 Cents
I ».■•
, Rb whole face ebanged and glowte
iilb trtnmph.
[ "Too little darling, .eon cle*« Httb
darling,"" be eaclaimed. and teen Ipok
Ite in bb anna and kimed taer paw
^tely. Hbe lay quite puaiTe in bie
brace, bar ebrb eyee giewmil^ with trn-
Obioago Varkat.
■ "Mow we can. Barry." be wbisptted.
*|Bat yoo bare not told me yrt, Elnx
Are yoa rara yoo bare gM tea exact
loary. gP.tft: May. *B.».
"It b all written bm. word for
t^d Bxplda. Jan. X—Wbaat, AOc.
word, aa Alan npMWd it to me." ate
He read tbe papm greedily wblte ate i, Lndtea wlU te ixter«at*d in tee rag
haaded to bim. iten placed it in hb I aBraplea al Bugbee and Boxbargb drag
roga ar* a»de from old
ended. pmiltiiK kningly down at bet.
and drew a deep bcaatb"“'rarpeu
of latere. Tbe
by tee
the Waabburne
W ' '
- - Co.
Tbe girl looked at bim. a oorioaf : leliet,
' X new pc
_ l*f I’eioahey. l^a
glance, half meneoe. half malic*, teen. | "Ho that ie all tte secret of
ear other
IBOWDreiling .ber eyee. drooping before bb i maine'e wondivfol purple dyx" — clcanliaecs
of material ._ _______
ardent glance, ate allowod-beraelf to be I aaid. "Well. 1 rather think now that PricM leaa than Chicago ratex The
coaxed, flattered and petted into aaeem- , tte mtmopoJT b desuuyte Wrm’t tte Waabbarnc Croaby Cewate no* flUlag
ingir fnrgi-tful modd.
| old fashioned Ann he actooisted when an order for tte entire now Arlington
"1 woiMlcr why tte lictb wiwh li so ■ iIm t 6u<i tbenieeiT>-s andi-tvold in tte boul at Petoakey. and arc dolag exteneager to'know tbe senvi—« trade anrrt , mark>-i by a dye exat llr like ibrir own."" alre work for ablpBcet abroad._ tic
too?" thoog^ Cbmaine to bimsalf teat And be laughed a rro< I laugli of tri- work 11 Vo. I in erary reepcct. Pacil
tlee fordoing tee laigcat work tn the
B. S. Oampbatl BLao a Word to Bay
ftboat teat TraoMaaoB* Kpi
Boitdb Rxcnab—bacftetteaa Bade eortneity "
_ . bcaidtv w»kuig
did rrrciige,
all to fm- ■
explaaatotj cirenlar
soo Ot
^peraoaawbo bare bad twenty flee
And. so thinking, te dismiamd the tunrs Bat romx Elsie. '• be added,
______ ___________
or BOre yeara of etody and practical raahpvt from hb mind.
- ; b time «e wenmoting. I'llsMyootOi t.—™ t«
-..--...i —o,oxp^aoe b wortey of eomiderattea
eeteoa b orer with, teen blame roarU prlrate bulocaa. llkewb. la pablb qails antnasilr tf be mold here looked took lo Iowa/
iatebdfstanl chamber in anolter pert
A moinb paawd away..hnd F3Ma wm, aei^ jg tte epring for nuMing i
of tl)£>oaw aod iren a little-fnrr ex-/aiill emiing tbe Di-inaioes. still og(- mute fun. Pnop. Bitt-nm.
etledly }ianug tte floor and miirmnring ; wardly esgag<d lo Alan, of wbmn nerDally Earle of tee ete Inal, a^ld for teberwaf;
| ertbeliwi sbe saw eery little.
teal rtiaeoii bare aoae weight and doe
"IwillgPt to know It yet. wtether
.•"Hagh.” EJiie aatd to her lorer «x»
byfairmeaneorfoal it mattnu UtUx . ereiiiug. "doa"! yoo tbiuk"—and then
1 will get u.Aud iben"—
'abr stopped in eoofnsibo.
'■I mast be off to tte works at onee." . ■"Think wbat?” aaid Hngh idly, irttfaling to fab mother , oat looking at ber.
tbmvta twdre feel of etaadpipe aod a Alau said U' Xt morning
That it IS not TCTT nioe or ptoaaaat
IferixoaUl pipe oaa boadred aad tweats and sister*. ■"Tell -K]-ue.>wbM
comes down, (bat 1 am gvnlly
be staying ID Aian'a borne.
laat to tea rirer will rabe te^ aaaie not to be able tn lake ber 10^1 driTC, al ; wten 1 bat
^naatity of water tbe^Be b^bt aad we arrangisl yraterday. bnb eomritfatng ' brartsly.
TotUoseeho >ea<* tl
har (ei
dleteace Ibrenrh a baib
ilaaOax. Buex|s«-Ced h'aslnrned vp. andl ani^bm-.j
"I dmi’ierawbat
^ Slater, I
la otear wordk, no belter eekalu will pelhsl'to auesid.to it. No ere likcAte I refnrted Hugh laaily. "anleaB yoa go
er'e—eb. mother?" te bniib^ ibcck ioyoaranot"x
ba >ad froB a perpeadicBlar ataJlplpe
The girl criunoned
to ter brow.
at tee-eoraer of I-'roat and Caaa a^eeia
Ire Danaine Iscted ftmdiy at J>er
■■OquUd'i we be married uowP’iba
teaa tbroayb tbe one new la nae. laid
w'hiiq>Fred lu sbamisl tonex
ObIx place la tasM ***?» ro* «aa gm AnMUc
aba tiny. Tbe iabc atBoefdieric preeToa are )nst like yoar fniber."’ ate
He looked al ber sharply, tbea replied: Minpfng ate OraeMeawlsB.
Mre maat be orercoBe ia eiteer caae. aaiil irmatU.r "It was aye duty before "Look bert^ KUb." it b test to be
Tbe oBkatbfanory experience bad ia pleasant wKb him. tnt I'll>-t«U tte scraigliifnrwarti, so we mar *■ well end
arerklar tee eariae at tbb point b Jniisix Alan, and maybe yoa"U te tliir f.irtw nt onca '1 ain engagi-d to my
erpU takda by Mr. b. C. Oeeprce la- bb
be dinner timx
coneiu Manun. and
» mar- ,
I'l eay. .tunihrrl. ■' te anawered rb-d next misitb.""
Iblieie. Tbe only trooble b at the
"aalr wail
long silenre. Op
p u tte ,
/rirer cad of tea aoctba pipe, aad teat ebeerily; "oalr
aboold be plaoed aafficbaUy low to be
und. knew te war off.
“ Tte day
merrily, and in a strange,-. meebanieal
at all timee at leaet oae foot aader wore awuy. Elsie declined Enid De- uniuuer Hlaie ccmiilckl lire dobie* which !
water te -arvid bcyoad a doubt Uie mBiue"t nflar te drive her in pbec of ' wrre in a eli
xatterfiM. Then ate
Oaddar of air tero^ tec rrater and Alan and went off for a long walk by oimke;
mo on tbraorta tee eariae aad-boae.
uiuai ii. Kuid
r.oiiii and
aiiu Cieelr louknd eari- ' '""'Hn yoa■ Jool uaed ae at a inol.
onsir after tet at *iie wi
H. D. CAMrar.iJ.
ralked down tte ,_Uog^i?’‘ ^
^ ^
Oi.«Iy aaid
, drive, ate teen Obviy
bxlf dieomHtae langbed—B airange. hnrd Uogh.
Vet Dotrlmestal to Society'•■I
after all
• . Tbe Jnxior LyoeoB fare a pleaaaat
wish Alan bad not Ulrn —not Terr mDcb,"ate repeated p
•BtertoinaeatWedneeday erealnr. Ax in kive wuh her, iXi yoa know.’'low- oe«i.r. and then witbout another w
laotracUre and eBjoyable prafraB rraa CTtng berrotof tq,an awtetiickeawbi*- tdmed ate Irft bim.
,0t«a aad a debate afforded eoaalder"I"m. afraid ste b not tnat- ^Wten Alan Demaine reoebed borne
' able UtereaL Tbe tiueatioa dbeoBed woethy.”
teat -nigfat, bb mother and alxtar* met
' tee newt
rt that
Ibat Eldo had
bad been *
waa,^-Reaolred. That it b detrlneataV
Wten Alan came home teat eeeniog, h|B with
>ed to meet ber asBL
do aocbty for womea to eater baalaeae.' te oeciaed in nproannosly good i^driVt akddiuly rammoned
' -Tbe Jadrca det^ided teat woaea in He Uogted and ehaited and joked aod "frteittgb when sbe_got tte .tetter I'm
POieidtB’lkaow/^'i^^id rasplbaaiaaa rraa aoiftctriaMBlal to aociety leaa-d oiitil bb mother declared that
ciunslr. Her t4o«ier made Doteply. bat
te wui"ley.” After dinner te iyritn
Tba qaeatiax wa* dbcaeaed by. Darid Bltte oot on to tte btracr.
vfehC straight to fab own room, and
F^eaaCkffray. affU-BaUre. moonlight." te decli
there, on tte toitet tabte. lay i^tear
Bay HUUker. Fi
j Veiy fair and sweet the girl kxiked etained notx
! in ber pmty white gown of Boine efalm/■I bare heed a wicked, daoeitfnl
g mutenol,
aud'so ber torcr eri- gill." tte letter ran. "and'now tte
Tbe remainder, of tec program wa* i tuning
Idratly thought, fur te.sudteuly ei
gpmteet poaudmmit 1 hare to bear b
.............................It 1 bard hronght rain
1 Tlltrn Ucorgvtte >
^"*wst ate i
1 *--------.M. t.W 1.M.W
lapanyoa.' Then followed ao explanaVergaa aod Hilda Oeawm.
as xuddeiilr. te tbruA her from
Diag ber esrioaiiy about tte
Xe^uetkB. Kalteabeeg O
I. ate tte note ended with a plea for
and stood faring ber in the mouiiligbL
.teriUen by Edu MeWetey. rte»
Tb-gtrlwasbalf frigbMBedai bismastfbBptell.
;In reply Ahm wrote aafoUowa: "My
'■Wbat b tte matter. AlonT’ ate foiglransaa yon bare toUy ate frealy,
mod 1 oloaetely wiab yoo every hapidBteffr^blcal MMy, Walt Wbittaa*— apked timidly. •
*"Koteing, my i«t,"te replied In hb MOi In tte 'fnterx Too moot not dlatodtoFfeifar.
menaers "<Bly yoa brnked ao be- tnoi ycuealf ebout ‘rainl^ me.' ai
Daelamatite, Beiclar BOl-Bartta
wUtelng 1 teiak 1 fate my aonmx "
the. 'oectet' <?>.which X told yon oon"1 teixk yaadM."ate tMostedoo- omlmttbe porpb dy*b«oaaomal
Thon* 78.
aymyoteitexy'otiMte.lpri^ JohXkBon Block,
"Ate." te.osMiinad
. The demand for Unprored and TTnimproved City Property Is becoinV ing brisk. I bars
Two or Tliree Housebnil Lots
and a Number of Well Located
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Vacant Residence Lets
In Traverse City that will be s(dd
At Low PFices
if sold NOW. Come and ask about
them, if you w&nt.a home or a good .
—Watch Repairing.
—John Veriy!
-Front Street.
Thos. T. Ba. tes.
E.W. Hastings... OYSTERS
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.
213 Front St.
Baltimore 8tei& Received "nrec Time* a MaA
Coanta,. 40e per quart
FleMiM's Ofster DeRtTinll ilestuirut
Money to Loan If You Have Logs to Soli
Cormpond' with
the TraverseCity
Lumber Qompany. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem>
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short M^le Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery,
-ONdescriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
Improred Farms and and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
City Property.
'• i-j
Hum* Owlitret H* Will «Uy in
th« Fight \Jntll Victoriou*
or DofMted.
ilM oa a Haa
CM*. Whlra Haaaa Hm lMa»a-W.
OmIbc lato Ik* nahl M Math BMo
rata In Om> r\mU.
LoMit. JaB.
l;.>e MU1 mao wbo
litva* Spain’* Cau«* ha
had bOQCht tb« VoB dar Ab« anraCa-
Uun of the National l.«i»ue. waa nadoubtadly "too prart.-ua" Brush has
boucbt U>« rluK U appoan now
that ihrrr Is a r^ri of ««otest brlwrcn
a syndluau- et tit. L«>dta mm-and asr
oUior B}-adlu.w facsdvd by John T.
Brush, for th* control of lha *1. I.ouls
Lraruo fraachlae. Uivata U In the UKaouri rllJt all ylftat, and■ * • • him he
has WUUam Brtimidt. of t
Afepahn On*.
V I The oHkw elr<^ are:
' M. DaltrIL f|>Hnr '
deal has been c
SMB wMh CaaaleisB TalSB
WeyUr er IMsjWvB >• Cany
Heal Bebels
r)as Vavcol^ly ret+lved at
Raptlage dr' Cubb Tbe tipanlsh CaBtiiu refused to tender him a bancuel.
and li was ttlased on the sUvet. It Is
K1 lieraldu ilr Madrid, which has vlif
Irmly altacked General Weyli r. It Is
reported thal his Imprcclona regard
Whllrblr^ Ci«l <-ulni«ny, ChU-ago.
I Yfjicn the i-rtni'ltaerktare ronfetvnee «rf
s city Jan :
tn BItnola will And Uiemaetves
fronted by a solid lirganlssllun of oreratora
The operators will hare derided upon
a plan of nctlnn and alll be ready lo
say Just what they will do aad-srbat
they will not do. The isisitlon of tbe
operaloia tn the various Illinois fields
win be made certain st a meeting whl<*
aiU be l)gld tolar, and to which a aubcomrnltlee r-preaentlng the nonhem.
southern and middle Acids will repewt
coniemirp rwiee. There were Itiween
Sixty and cceverty cis-ralor*
mreiiiig. representing reoily Its mines.
Cwan HalUg SbnU to IMIh a Haa Wba
WaylaM lllia.
PanUo called uiwn General SciTuia at
ex-ih-puty sherin. was rtml and killed
yesterday afternoon l.y W. Ray Smith,
a baiim In Judge llunon s court, abd
the Uotel f^orlda to lo' to Induce him
e resjeoj
to Fight HesUlB lagUlBla Um Ftalele Male.
C —A
Ihr "dbcgraceful tiicanlab rule In Cutia"
General Segura Is an intelligent and
hoiMWt flghlrr. and Is wholly dlwgunrd
with Geirersl (■aDdo'a method of esmpalgn.
He- says Pamlu spends mure
gunpowder In greeting autonomy than
In Agbting iniurgenlB. and adds tbai In
his opinion Cuba is lost to Ppain unteiw the government sends General
Pcdsvieja or returns General WeylerBeU.ee Olseteta W..W Wlw.
gathering In all the rtn-el railway c«rapsnlea In tbe state of Illinois, was
formed yealerdsy at the Orest North
ers hotel to Aghl hostile legislation at
BprlngAeld and conserve mutual IbterrelV RepreacnlaUves of nearly thir
ty street railway coenpantes In this city
the state were present to
adopt by-laws and wlecl ofAcera The
The lauer be considers 'cvui of the
preamble of the tvnstllulk>D announces
that the assoi,'|a(IOD Is f.wtned for doeer question, beraure General W’.-yler was
eo-opfratlun and other objeiis oummun relleved-of his Cummand at ihe request
street railway fraternity. C. T. of Washington- Generat Pplsvleja he
in hjgh .esteem, believing that
Yerkee was not present In i«Tson but
Ibis ofAcer could end the war If an exseal represrntatlvee of Us raada
Tbe Cimcerw. elected for a term of one termlnatloai policy st'ere adopted. Gen
alsci believes -war inevitasrlll bay's no caucus, so that tlwre a1ll yesir. are as folfows: President. W. H.
belwc-en ttpaln and the I’nllrd
bs BO teat of strength till ocKt Tuesday. Paiieiwcm. T
-------- • and
'WhUe the Hanna men are still short
•. T. J. Hlnary. tipringfleld; ftiates. and that Ihe pretext for It will
expedlllona The
three ©r more v^tgs ob Ihe current vkwpresiderl, L. Bberwood. Klgtb: exjrgeMs are carrying out tbe orders
dalma of both sldta. yel the "com- ecutlvwconimlltee. tv; H. Patterson, C.
Mbc” U having Its troubles In Asing on K. Mlnary. L. Bberwood. W. U HVrgu- of General Maxima Comes not lo allow
Are to the cane
- .some one wbo can cvtpmand all ibr son. Decslur: R F. Harris. Champaign:
Z>eniocTaUc votes as well aa Gist Of the J. Barker. Peoria, and W. F. Brenan. Aeids wherever pcaslble from one end
aiSMtlng- Republlrana
The afternoon ararioo was of the latand to the other.
cosAnsd to the discussion of mattera
General Panda sailed this morning by
anti-Hanna Republicans
an- perUnent to tbe atrert railway bislnrss.
Bounce poslllvely ibsl under nci tlrrum- Tbe Aral annual convention of the aaacHe wilt probaUy go Aral lo Nuevltaa.
slancec will they vote for a Den-.ocraL
prqvlros of Puerto IMncipe. and frora
They will cominue the deadkwk (ndeAthere by atcamer to GlliaTa. thence pro
Bllely rather than elect a IVmocratlc
ceeding to Rsnilago de Cuba.' The in
senate?. The Press «aa out With a sea-.
Stn-IngOeld Ilia.. JatC
Insurance surgents re«-ently made a slrong sl•atlMial extra edition last n^t anaoundne that the Democratic ^isecut- iuperinteodent Van Cleave yeitetday tsek upon Nueeilas In conxlderabte
'tag attorney bad presented tbe aena- rendered a declsk>B' that it waa In vlo- force, with lcs<s on both sides. It Is betartal aliuatkm to the grand Jury. In UUen of the Uw for an Insurance com llev-^ that this U tbe reason why Gen
referring to this inQuIalllon Tbe Preas pany to print upon the back of Us eral Pando IS going there. Renor Vapolky or U]>ub Ita advertising matter aallo. civil governor of Puerto Prlncl|>e.
any other l
mt If U Is a Jolni policy issued b^
aeewllve and Mrs. Griffltb. of Vnlon
CO ormcJfe eompanlm It can only use
Coanlyi RspreMntgtlve George Sje-I1 Its pollry snd advertising mailer the
awA)- his rattle, He w%B held by
mtyrr and OirU Munter. of anclnnati:
the several com- the Insurgenis.’bui f. riunalely met a
Hob. N. K. tlyaell. of Columbus, and
former servant In 'hli hxuseKold. now
ctbera. against''cenain worker* fur panlc* Icwulng such inillcy.
This affair is pronounrvd as
by tbe
workers snd say thal the mm mho are
ind Rapids. Mlc^. . Jsn. (.—James
K. McBride,
a raem « r f ^ Populist
tbe opiHwIiltm lea. I»en that .d "I*
I'.nwl c-dmm lee and ,
». tam and bc-<l-" during the cent
vircM-r. was arrested
•blgan ^otcullsl
At the- aml-Haniia headquarterw I
;l»rd.v/..n II
were cottAdmUy-claiming a new m<
sloB last night, but refused lo give
mec.f the reember. Senator Burke anJ
several other memlienc got sway
the prekiuire last night by latumlng
to their home©
Followjng close ,iB the rt^rta abc
RecrviatT Gage har .Appointed Einll
- Hra Gyimth taklidt a defi|> Inleresl
Mueller saslstanl ke-per of tb« Wind
tbe vale or lier'hustwnd on tbe wnaii
shlp'coroes a report that Mra tinUer. Folnt tWIai .light sutlun.
"Mer Hanna, brother of the sMutor
tbe wife of It-presektatlve Snldet'. -of
and T6rmer .-onsressfoan fmra Ghjp.
Green counii. is taking an Iniewt
is dangerously HI at Thom**rme. Ga'^
tbe conlcwi. snil Is uBfavoral.le/fi:
Knider attended
C- K. Gunther, the Ohl.rtgo can<{^
pUbllrSn bnuae csUcus last Bsl
mervhanl. was 'An^ t»i and coslS by a
night and voted fc? Iioxwell for
Juallr* for ncUtlon of the chlld-lab.ir
on Mc^ndsy. but tbe O|ct>oaltlon Is cMj
Blantly attew him tu vole kgalnal Hai
In connection with the reports
aleiul RepreaenUilve GrllAth. and esa rxi>oal.
pectslly about ihe preference of Mia.
fSrlfTSlh, ihc-ee are leporls
thal the
Tammany hall haa rwylved tht ariveme
w ives of olher Republican mealier* are to make a sepaiair siaie out of tl.e
teeing rnllstc-d In the roniecn.
lerrtlory enibrwi-sl in Grvnter New
And-jJ^ere are rca>ons that the a1ve< York.
«'r>ome IVe/Tioc-ratlc ine)iisa*s are UTgKx-Ueulenant C.' Rank, ot the Chi
cago police, charged with rxl.wli.m hy
J stand tnit kociarra of "bllB.! Ptrs." waa .•«« vict-il
for'a I-. .n,.,rai
K.m» unJ hU kSB
1^ a Jury.
, datrs ar- r- |...rt.-d l.c
un.bls to a«Mme. P.-mbrfrh. the famous singer
II to America aexl season. Ah'
•Ive riAua for .cSi-h of tnlrty
-Mi-I.rsn manxy.iw m-.- is>;icved t'tUiav
tbe game tioul.l.- i» x.-t all tbe
rrats to soi’li’ri * K •publican for aenIJeutcnant Governor J. II. MacDonald,
*lor. Oovemor Bvs(in.-U anil members
«r tala staff iti-n.iert m- tn.aire lasi of "MIchlKaif died ot appeadk-ltla at
aigta. and an tnc|.Ienl occurred t.. cause Hell- Plain. la.
HcAUmln' TIMon. of Wlaconaln. 1^
*morh ehaerinx f.>r Hums.
bscB appulniM tu|s«rBphlc dreuabtaMELD-UP AHO BRUTALLY BEATEN.
bmii on the coast survey at a aaiary of
> apptdntcd R.
vice preeland.. Jan. l-+:iuah Ford ; Hdl SlcC..rmkk, of »
dent of the tlBBP-Ml*-.e-.,.K. vs^—
for the state o[ H'lnol^.
meager aer-unt of the whlpplBg
death of Dave HuBler.' a negro, by n
■|«rtyfamters at Gllnlon. has tayn
al (•..lumi.ia, F.
Tbe lUiBols state boaid uf bealtb
Its annual meellhg
iv-«lrctsd Dr.
>r Wairrtoo. proMdsnt and
Dr. J. A. Egan, of BprlbgAeid. aecrs-
other artwsu »
A Inigv tres which Pstsr-Pirfreas
cutting duwo near Ashland. WIa,
acrios lus legs, tearing <fne off
crushing the other. He died ^horUy
1. Hla.. __________
ne of tte largest concerns pf
tu kind Id this city, has diswnUsued
Tbr latr George B. LenwD. wbo was
a Washington penrimi lawyer wbo patmnlsed tbe arts, bequeathed his paint
ings and other art- treasures to the
OontoraB art gallery.
wlKiny YOluntary and waa .
by tbs tow ptttm Roeopted bF «
MSMpsttW Job taOtidrtaa.
Dr. Btiiencb. yrofeaaor at tbe DbIsontty ot Tlsaaa. claims bs has dlaeor.
of sxerclalng Influeoee
as to ax the
sax of tbsir offspring-
—ranaid M. Hunt-
Tbatebse Cm, Mica.
ir. JtKUARY 7th, I89S.
Day Only X^b Voatii.
tion Free and Strietly
Oka % a a.« CO-demiethelrM ntloo b< btowM eg the Eye. br. Tbfosl
,; -T=.aasdSisis
hill-. rbr.suc Conch. I'rattre Ibis aaefc).
im,B.R aco. Binken-ies-isrir r*uU tursicl lUcrsl Di«n>to<^ Pilto^ntmal asd exMT-'
B*tii*BiaCBBd blecWiac. Rectal L'feen. rioutv. nuaU.-wblrU are igteo lakto for Keeraos
sad l.uuTraoble.wUeeieU. Renniliee w-euiwaU hstMAd <’•1-' eWnut pals. tBWvrspUts
airdeleolloa traai bn,laMn. sod without Ibr use ef-kafliTr^riir or llgwam. ('owe na( be
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Rsnerioc fr«o) asf w
a nephew of the Jndpa The men quar
n’MORa AMD CAttCRRHosied without acitU. knife, pals or star.
reled «ime time ago over a-amall aum
GATARKH. New bine trestiseai. I nsarytased and cheap.
due from timtih In HuoL and
Ob'lBANTEE To cW ewe, Oto of Ppttosla IHrk Btodarhe.
-he. Files. Tape Worm, and
ytaterdsy aa fimtib:wastwalking aloDg
dlOrall esses ssd to csss* atber pbysiciaa* has*
the strAet Hunt JV*fwd out (sum be
------- please briag Iwo'or U»ree onees of srise
hind a building and opened Are.
,t<r saslyai*.
af>4 tamwwdtetsg seat
Rmilh held up:t* protect himself a ' - Those wbc are BSSbletocaU eas wrile fell parUrnlnme
expr«is.witb tell Itolrertiitoi bo* lo betakes
quart* "hrick" of Tee t^Yam which be •sshby
TVXrw of Drv. R.B.A Oe. was lBeerpornXe<l sreoial ytots wlaee snib s ewpllal of ttaMO.
was earthing, and Hum’* Amt bullet beaes'm takenuKWBewlf ronemplor laoB. Tbtraiw rtopOMlblesad well ksows
was Skipped by 11. Rmiih then drew a
revolver and Is'ih men Aced aa rapidly
rouW. Hunt was hit In the side
few minutes. Sirfltb was
I ir, s f
Ihe left hand snd right leg. He
shot In tl
If to the pullre.
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Lock Box 160.
tn iU Bs the Dsalk s( Ihe V>
Manisle.'. Mich.. Jan 4—ITje
rearend of a Tok-do. Ann .Arbor And KorthVn freight 11^0 lushed down CTiurch
Hll>. east of tta village of Coperaita.
yesierday and dashed Into a Manistee
and Norlheagtera freight engine aUndTng «n the cnveslng taking water. Th-*
engine was complelely wrecked. Onduclt>r Jones Is reported to be dying.
Enyineer Andrew Frilxell and Fireman
Kmiit. of (he Usntsiee and Nonheatern. are at their homes In this city with
more or leas aeHous. tn)uriea.
Man-os Gan la. i-lvdl x<'veyn»r of ftanta
Clara, .reie.rls that (90 reconiemrad.-s
died in that city- during De<-.-n<ber last,
and more than l.foO in November.
He predicts thallah-ul Ihe same numbtr will die during the preoint month
lack •>( r.~Kl. ci.nhing. fueL sheiatid mrilirine. Consul General Ivw
Printers’ Ink Says:
That Mlehlga* Ywm TWIe rase.
Lansing. U^h.. Jan. A-Tbe Michigan,
supreme con has grantetl a rebswrtnF
ceVI.rsied tax tllle case of thrclbul
Mutual Insuran.-e company
Connrt-._ . ...
••«>«. derided two week
weeks W
arsinst ^tbe purehasei et a tax
The e*«cc 'pt-the de. Islon was to
lurr the aeitled p.llcr of the aUle for
thirty years. j»d-nhe hearing . waa
granted by the court upon lU own mo-
“Among the best advertising media are papers that
tipend money liberally on themselv^, fiyst 1n secur*
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course « apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
advertiser, of course, shares."
.._.j.n s rep<*ri. and directing
rum to select dak-gates to Ihf
IndlsrspnlU ronvenllon.
twenty- year* Imj-.wed on ex-f»tate
.Treasurer Bartley, convicted of embexxllng rM.tXW.
•*__________ __
Tba> ttileao *Mas,e «>sw.
SpringA-ld. ills.. Jan 1-The state
b.tar4 of agrk-uHure began Its annual
meeifni V. Teplay. It Is esjimated that
.k. w..ss,< I..S. r; arm in tlfWC by Aeaacin
eld in CW-
BpIAnerW unbwi last ntgbi unanimous
ly vrtjed to strike agalnaf Ihe rvducUoo
Ihjert to the Bppioval Of tbe
Innera' unltm.
National Pplnnera
Lond-n. Jan. E-^teferring to th* re|sol li..m Itri-ire that the.Kalo-t'hou
affair has l*,-n agltled by Germany
The Morning Record
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Every Day.aod on
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-ta*Date
nothing. white the qutoilou uf the safe- i «lH
• SatatORB OVaV.
ty of th.
is .-rulroly ’
Kbe wa« dad tally in ganuehta, with
dn-pped. Th- •loestb.iCliBS be-n ralseJ . tbe rto plitai
ber bat and bboaa 'and
her- as to Her: Drtriug's tight to su. - iMoi-kings.'
iwfl! Air Robert Hart me dlre.-lor of!
,;j„, glannd csrifultT alVMIsd. and
Chlm-o.- lmi-ri»l marmno- vusi..ms). ,
, g„,p
l■-'.•la■rtng■|hIll the management
. urioms MtoUid r-inaln as now .
w as lni.-ry.irle.l to mean should
the han.is ..f an KBgli-hn.eit.”
It »av a dark iiiitbL
gelling a ••|.•a*e ■ on the Kalo-Cbuu
Slowly ddwa the marblo atapg Isto
iuitls>i> and territory, the morning pa7-w edlt.wisls generally i«.int out that 1 th-garden Mole a lithe flgumrf pwtogpi
■the comra’. i is ,.ne In wYil.-h Germany 1 2^0 pouudg.
apt-arcnlly geie evetylUIPK and China
U her hands «be ranied a suall par-
. iause
..f the
w kl.-b
;i- In
Hotel Whiting-
Captain t'ahafcarrl chief of tbe
:uerriUai> who raptured the Insurgent
rgder Villanueva,
soon wrier
•* !“*»•
^ in.-hcatpratMf
. friim tli* hniJi«i sud seirsd thn tnaid«.
1 In ejiHe uf- IhjJ' stnufgleii be bta© her
! info tbe bouist. B plow .d vlcltay III big
Popular lllustfated Features;,
I The itai-er |.ellev.-s-that Kngfand would. •vc«.
I not a.v^epi Hei r' lyrtring as Rlr Robert { ’ Va» it a Mtm parent nithleMlf !»©•
j vqntiiiR bis daugbier's clopeuxat?
TTie Hian-inr.l saj*. eJIioHaily; •:u;nrNn. It*,
- ruilled, tK-eaus- she I
land IIC-.1 t
and ba was prevaurtug bis new «»ok
can claim -xa. tly the aatio- iFlvHggra
as Grnnsny. Tri'.a'ls (be. logical and from jnmpiDK bTrJob.—KewTtgkHoB.
World._________________ ___
unassailable t»slll..ii the Kovefntnrnt
bar taken ui>: und It ts not astonishing
to And 'hat II h.-is made a pmfouad
iRiprvaslon in l-hip'pe as well aa had a
II wl i fAF |e-r annum.'
Mark Bayers Hie VIHii_______
* HIgbwat Th«B •
tSov-rWor Tanner
CTikago. Jan.
iriliriarUce Law wad Ttieotsgy.
Oanbage. ni*. Jan. (.-Judge C JRcolield. ei-Judge cjl thecHreult court In
lARbA MRN LArnB ATIKDICYMKIC^ the old Nlnlh Judicial district ot 1111nola. and aple'IUU Judge In the Minim
Vernon dlstilet. Ota aaxplvd lb* paaa Lai«e tlgase Iw
torsie c;f th- CbrlsUan^-hunh in this
Tbe .Hanna meo lauA at the attemol idty for the ensulcc year. He will alao
lo aemre Indlctmenta against certain conilnne to i.rac-tk e law In this city.
and Ip. L. Fisher, two well
kn..«vi '
farmers and ©lock buyers of Crawfor.!
rtninly, HU., werv held up and r.iblW~l
a short distant* west of thU city Tues
day night by two highwaymen. The>
ta<!ed tu arcurc any money, taut Uwi
their vlcttma iB an unayercirul mander.
In ihrtr haste they ovrrUxAcd «:a
©ft Ford. Ford U a «ock buyer, and
evnally has eona^derably money- on
hIs.|>eraAn. which bis aasaltaals eertainly knew.
nyer*. of this
- t yewerday ebarged
ihe f.poipadk and bav
Mil*. »x
ing tniba are t>amlmUllc and that he
will advise the Ppanlab government to
abandon the lalsnO. Teaterday-AteneriU
dilaiicu. General Parradu and General
4raw, even If delrat should be.-.«ne
selUble; but he rtlll insists that
t. and ll.ey
CTtdeDily have a long struggle auji
•bead of them.
Barhe Betanw SeHl. Psny.
la the
senate yesieiday
abowed Some tendency to co^peiair
Wttb hU Republican colUaguea
P>BWM.iata wanted lo rr|iorl the com' Mtteea but Hurtu stopped It by saying
be would vote wUh Ibe KepuUkana.
Later in tbe day Burke was in confera. and hr aped nursi
!) (he Hanna workera
c( b'u tune «
I Tuesday
Prealdent B.
FOE ATwerao wiras.; ESiJnJ.
a Key- West Fla.. Jan. d-
But Brush ptobably will not *-t hla
haAds on the Browns after all. , Testerday It Was aneounred on the bent of
anthuHty that f ayndlrslr of j^gitnx
busln< ss men of tit. Ixniis has caade all
arranatmenta for buying the Browns
. •ominto. Hanrjt. restnday saM .povtand will pay tM.rW for the Satlnnat
tively that iie would never retire. Hr
League f.mnrhlse. grounds. etr„ whl. i.
aars be a-as nnminaied By the Tcird..
•• il Voo
r b>
will be inrned <
stale convrnilua. lor arnaloi' and mnor sll Inrumbranre.
r Abe frefr
BM retire In favor of any other <ine^
e last night and
■ SteS
V..1. d. r
"The trulb of. the whole matter
U he la defeated tbe reapotnOUItly lor
«late|tardlr« the ^Crree of tbrsulr con-
The Calabntad SpaoUUito. - -
[a serrel meeting held hem yesterdgy.
tneal on tbe porrhaae of the base b
t SocrrlaO' Usy. Kepreseotativ.'
raor and otbeas belnc made the
>llcM . rolled Slatas scaatortsl
Ctalraco. .
gsnlsauon called tht Illinois Coal Op«ratsrs- assonathm was perfected at
. ,
CuiRteJu, of Madrid, Ba-
tcle«ni[4t4 aU «vn- tba cvunlrr that
Columbus, d.. Jau.
In mOy b
■ about, tinTriary. I
TMUon win rnt on those who are now
SO*«I>ei«tiDg altb tbe DrinoiTata. The
■eMtor InaMe that he win never with.
It Costs Money to Do It
: lA^alever
that Kngiand 1
• ■
fighting tltaj^ls'y.f
mer> hantg
... *nd~mder
wiil.ae that of her dwa subjtyta " Toe ;
Ds-ly N.'W'
N.'v- asyc 'fThe real i».!nl for '
l4iil tialUbury lo opnslder
consider U tbe posy^'imlng
tbe rigbt
td^IIiiy of Oei^ny
other pevto erret n UrtCC,wali
urtCL-wali kgstnst
but the Increase.ol^fte Circulation Pinv« that
fWreeBtlng with sntlsfscHon upon
the optalons of New York payers, aymtbs BrHUh policy. Ths
end returned te us In launatloaal inAuence after many days." Ths
Dally Graphic call* the selsurc of KlasChoa -ta feknioua act," and says that
Emperor William "with focredible tartty" has reopensd tbe Chinese question
aad put in Joopas^y the relatlOM ot
QorBWiG wttb ita^ to order to tadoc* the rstebMiffSo oaBcaoti • I
Tbe RECORD Has i Rsir^ Seat ii tbe Bud fiRoi.
AkloffirU.lB»«iMtltatwbsai-------TOtme BMB bolds tbelr baD^t’saivacd
oriovA bat la *9 omss oat oE 100 it's
MtajdFtokMlithsatraai plgjtaf 4tas
Advertisers Profit by It.'-
Of Most of thft Nows Thst Cemos
ics Reform Mod
hrrra iwtiMa to Ml.
(iav* t^puM to Tan |
IWals of Iks
WaaMnriun. Jua.
SecreiarT SberMtan yesterday mi to the senate his
napbinae to the )-rselutiuB sskloa the
heads of d<‘ snni<nla for aunestlons
as.to chaws to Ueb- reapeoUee dopanmvts. £!i<mianrecomin«tidaiheaainof-ltr headsorinireawand the
thief rterk oI ihestate.depaRmest from ]
the nperaiion of the ci.ll aerrtre laa. i
T foand.-' l>e aa>. Ib bla •UlemcM. ]
“tthnn eniarlsK my duties as aecreiair'l
from e>u»
a to Inmras a tart that Si
per y««r. n>4 UK-Jad«* as clerhm
and lK5t admit <if a shadow dtOosbi. My loss
draflsRiMi. U • pointed opt thst Ui« «m* MMrDfd. thr snoiiK/MMvIoCsof >>>7
rWnttaJ idra dr tbr forrsnins .bill Is to lDreoM>M»a«twcnioitttattiadlwtei
take out of tbr ritll sarriM -all rr*.
r^nWd Oulf
-tSirJobn FmoU Dad by bU will do
used hi<
oalifd OaisItT. to Jobu
As a (umScauoo.
Op in the fcioat i
BiborU and Utatco
?ts.; .r
Introduced In the see
rlsrtnp the bonds «f
l«ysble In slUei dolisrs
If an JOB IcTOw
■ ZXTS'U'Su&JN'On.
Ine It only to ( J-rka In WasWastOD and'Toyalty Itoirll
In tau. the tlnks of
or twoeBOrpriflnR exi.J®»n
cartaln lars* dtlf« and tn tbcoe casts of her heart to n»« loll
.L, b... .-m-d;
Twice a wA* 1 wmt to the «U loowa
BsIbs a traurv nf offlca of Sr* yean..
boroe«rfDr:.eit«Ulatilt..trtl btadattBhW.uje a.iai sanisr. i.ujoptui ryca naro
n,,lo5e.aBdasitw-iUrlyU«.««Jh..re nrtor i»»d spot, the a^s^ 8j«s
uyu«: »..,*t.hJuh
tVashinrtoa. Jas. i.-iJrb«
rital of tu n<tum (n»i> the prrtty. red lip.
nnr-bws Moncuha. .
Chariri I’ayr Bnran. t» l>r olhtatn tjl: ^
ehartiilnp Ji—'
cTilBa. wa. i-toacBted lo the acaate u:
exsoiuiTr aroelon yeotcrJay and n-- »,,uUl
r«m>d. , Amonp tbs rt.iainatiuns sent | hou«-bold
th the Bonair' were the foUcwlBc: Neal j
Utchliran. (rnosul at rort |
Dj- fnt
McUillwi. *uf Utchl
OoU: Btandnd
Btandnd Z.
Z. UrodowaU.
UrodowaU. of
of i itnjwp
L. OoU:
a h«>l'____
B pHii« wbieb are reitd by iba U '•
Illinois'noa- tnnaul ai Breslau. OerAtlSo’cl.^k I wa. to Ifara mj b-.inr giberj. loader. I.. U..WO v.nrabonpurt if""
.n..- __________
ltr.nu touirti® t-. aid id the <W«ise. v
sualthilr. (Kt my father', pray n .
iTher uta dincrtbad^as “jawryd
her and pnrod to JatiM. w|m a
"cin* bis
treasurr. CoUeclors of Interns] rrve- be walUnp
nt fnretoel
fnretuel at bef r^mtHc wIb'
nurT J.ihn W. I'siiersob. Third, dietrtfl of l-rttw: John U. Ke^le. Fourth
disiriri « l lows. Ber.loiS sarni. Jons*
than Mrrrtam. at t*hii-aco>
There wa. but o3dlUi.«Uy Id t^w^ haded with ten. tobann. ROupo****
Wtu Nsl t-aWtoh the reatoaa fuuJanef. itsmi wa. sluind * - he* slsW ^ ,hot strinci of hads f« tbe wont- i
'••• •‘‘“I «r««l «»;«
WashlnriotL Jan. 1—The pen^*"*
Fanny. allMlewls(hl .o. .
and rooph l^^nad* BiorewidM te the
tcli'two^ aad
The aet-iei '
Will nol be pt
«>< the latorior
d result In any pood, but would
chief;j furnish the < lalm airer.ls >«lth material
■ clerk II »:.lta and six cbleCs «f bureaus |
aoolberxsld up.u. fhe iiassury. Me
U 'KIW each, serr UDder
irllJ Ibluks thst the experlrnre <f the dr
aert-ii.- law under a prertdeDtlal .ordn
ier^ Iiartroeni when the ll.l. were publlsh.-d
sooie iwemy
years a«o. would
cxlrDdlnp Us nperatiiiDs SO
..... »
n the
brai^. Ulnar nfflters. 3tjr oplBtoo 4x tha) be re|>eatcd Then
old sold:
Xhsae afeea luaitions should be .as-*[ delured with entlclnp clrrulara train
capted mm t he'VJJ eralion, uf the laws .claim apents. who uffrred toarcurethem
trov^mlnp the Civil •semiRr. and I ae an Increase If Uie) would advance
fevommetd should any chsn«*s bf the money to |«y eipejise of wurkin* tip
Clvn sentoe taw; be oootempAled.
Ui* etldence.
WsaM Make aerra ftores Skeaips
Teitor*. MIeer
•These offleers shuuld
rhe t»nlult(^ ■
tVashlnrtfm. Jsn. f—The
. pointed by the president by and '
v«iIXv de.'
the advice and cobmi of theaensn
the s.'Cietary of state should be a
merly. actins for
powered to appoint th.tn
U,n ...
oRluers bear a cIam- (wrsuf.al le ailon
. C08T OF 8ABLE8.
Suits to Order.
nportuit to tapert; fltUoi!
rtf* iD.rrMea t.owp
tweraUj Bsdr Bstortol e
«. .-c -- -. ______ _ .
ClMpoMlifrirtids i
(tpecTOml '
Kor that ntimuai-1 idscsd In Jaart'. hand t»i obecrfnlly.
fib the «e« cf a OW '____ ,------------------ --------- ._as. ...... ..
exManed bf tbe
n tbe eltiieto «f this
a rvond. IhlUnp slUTr dollar.
, noimadr and with Cnpa. nmdemi drtt
u v It
' h reOurtwa..aa< IbWr
Hut Jmnoi n«xl«l a-Utanne So she.bTloM cysotioe Lc sam and feels tba
frwTK-ap. atr^ww isadhip asd recorwludd lolel KanDy into befr.madri>ci-*nBoatb.-wano sUu. <d tbe H.tl.. .wl.
»fae hm^ .UTTvud.T tbe bmitMtid , bsiSe oepastos.
the ttsine afM*n.«n we startttl and «> ,.re-'
-ruto « we uvue au i
BIIT etanoe of herralsiat itohoum
-.hi. small black
- -
- *■
i booa* and hamew.. and a te«p>ie<(» 16 '
\r,f rS'.,..u....
««««« lufflui IL I
••lak of vitoyl.
vitayl. p<,.epow.
(d.aiHiwitb slow', sad and ^
yet noM—
aube4<'» l^der;
powder; a ppeket
ppekH of;
O* to* f.» _a 1ot«It |
rtdinvfiibcbouwaDdlnafewmtDuua .Ainwiiba^oofUsrh amw dHtop tbe '
“Z----------------------- '
htiKinh ““W
*“ rttotw-. Utls otre. a fine sfinf hoc a lit ; “•
J"*'- "hat posto—d nwl cannuttvIL jj„ bj, bwi liTMbt shot enicrinp W ' **T ^ u-mUi* with Warwick wt^
ctoai a Uu.
i»stIsT»Uk ihuskly aU*i fattu. al^ ibe
“J • sinnif a
InUeOPtate.,____ ...n__________-.e :
;.a. s.a-'i r'.a. i^.--------Ar.;s.a. r.s;p.>.
......... »aTm..ai»j
. ,r « !
... U U «• Waiiea i.......... ,aa u»
TbrmlUmnMThe mil. mnw marlTU.
mwrly lo Uiybetdwwhiv
my beels. while i rtfo K
that the aUsa do toot oist
™n«re«s..n<l-whb-h rsswd to.th houwa ] ib>- waht wa> mwrty p.
P> my
my armplto.
anoplto. the lb«. bibvrian trader much BMn tbati a
tbe sei.rrutrj of si.itt- In the oundilfl oi
X-,m hbUiv
LWbiw the
tbe iuxurisni
luxurl.nl pair
pair uf
uf sUk
few peave each on tbe avcTapn.
The drpannunts of the buMitetw. It Is Tellers lUin.* IS to se.njrr-a M.f dei-to.
throuph them utyl.l the m-sl.iant aeoalmost tw.r-thlrds majority when
imiky fire. " suys indomHw aM Ircxi.
retsiie. that he Is enabled .to iranaa^
and abore ihl. uamuUi pIK- of bloc cbAh howerer. be pets dearer and deanr.
vtoosly considered. The rrwolBtlfm was was isxrbed ahat
‘In the belief that saletr Iron llght'«c9 a
Us nSleisI duiba and (t woohl seem
: Ttansk €»e .
referred to the flnam-e cumni'llc-e. and
iUs« U thus asHinTl. by same this »
to be the part of prudrnj>- and dUa nutjorliy «f the iiieml>er* o(thst coiaAcomed supenuttou. but&tbastar shows
cretluo that they should be la aym*
initiee are frirndly to kl vcr.
patbeliL touch with tbe head of the
Chat tho curtom i. tsued uo raason iDhsrtasksMseal Ibe-Wbtte Mswsw
d'-l>anmynl to insure <elto|ieraUon and.
aracb as tbe atuukc arts as a Rood ccdharmony uf at ilmi.**
Washinslon. Jsn. C.—Tbe police olTl- the window, and bow 1 bkimed her truiu , pocS (». lu. St. Bctorshari; no cme ex- dnctoff iae larTTUiii sway the elaotricity
cvpi tho miikUe class or a fnncttocary
■Me Ks« t—Bl.te-al tbe taraiabSBtoe
rers at the White House were yester tbr isbUian nt my bmrt for bar kindnem.
^owty and Mtrlr. He puinu oat that
At la* Jan* rtaumeoowl di*vt>dlBC 1 would wear a sable under C6. in Baris
The BOvretary mncludra witb the day obilcad 10 srrest a crank. Me was
te 1.000 easm of dama«e bj liRtmisf
time was; ^ Lotodoo a real SiUrian aablc rtiin
•tatemeni that be makes no complaliit B' tniddle-aBed Uerman named Jacdi' tbe Isddcr. and la a xwry
chl cbnrdie. and B 6' mills have been
•psinsi tne i>iesent uci-upsnts of these Cltments. who said- h. lived
stnok. while tbe nonber of taourj
otBcea. bu’ h.- thinks thst upon cenera! Tork. For the iiast'three ilsys
ehiinii^ has only bsM .8."
pitnclpha the SecmaiT's-'hanihi
■ ••hsm- should i-hatinted the White House, enamy-nrlnp' toi t^w
ti lo
this wcMtffsl
«ol Urd." "This freedom of action on
. kti^bUD^ that •
Spfsnivd at the window and
the part Of the secretary* of stale which
the pul-xl the bundle alsire our bwda. • U* .
-----------------------------------ahoBlil Jicver have la-*B curtailed." be
aays. “would. 1 twlk ve. promote the mark wi bit hr.'W cod
pabllc interests. It should cenatnly lB- see the pretOdml
hen he was denied;
J \
BoJ Kanoie Mill suod there. swInylnK
atUI Into tho-.e offleers s dewlre to ren
be became bnlalerous.
baokwnnl and fuiwrsrd the hus<‘ buudlr.
der thC’b.-St 'ikStolble SCTV;.* tltolhe doewuarmeU by Ibe ftoaats.
Without hecdini: JabuTs rwriswl eBUrwiy. \ \ Weil pUnoed *i>eioc was worked |
psrtment sod siiiuulsie their blchest
Attarseya at Law.
WasblnxtoD. Jan. (.—The senate
endeavors, to dis.-harxe their offlctal
m a down town Italiao ctxifectiinieT
fon.uls. , «»u« n«ry oo me.
»f tsttawsbouW “ *
duties tn hsrnMiny with Ibe wl^iea of firmed
t Nrhrsrfis. at I*al- knosr of thta! Wh* U beslawM beswak^l
iu«bt wbwtl^
Oiunh H»wi
the sectwUry of slate.'’
bad am good
ermo. Sicily; J*. C.................. .................. .. - ----------wm»d«rti)g
Uco; Wmiam
wmiam K.
-'La. glieUtobil.
glie U to her. Fan.
Fan. Dim-t pla^ur
plague ; eye aBiT~nBc
and*-«c glaae
glam rye
eye «aiD«
San JusB. IVirto Rico;
The letter wriiti-n by <
wiled a alctag the street and Mopped at tbi
..f IlHmda at Zltiau. Oermany; 1 T"or .l.t.v; she's In a harry:
auasrSU Chaoica In the ctrll service i
- .
thepsricir tttliaii'a frait stand. Hr MoC^ over
-rejulsllobs whU-b. If made, w,mid take j] Archibald
Archibald A. Y. una. of Il dlsna. to be ] v.dce Inim tberh*sl bUndsiif
surx eyor of curiums for ludlanapolls. i w Imlimw, whh* Irtonird
when on« between 4h<« and ruOOu appololraeDts
'I «*to» •
1 ..f the (ivtl service rUs.incatlOD
----------- -----I Only bestill nlsHit U, ran
«-kei .
and p'a<e the selection in his hands or
Wants a Tssss Mixed rtour.
Fur a moiiwat We W.R w<TlUitl. .U-hal '
In ihosi' «r 111- pteeid'-nt It Is the xrnWamhlnxlc-n. Jsn. C-fienalor Manon ’
we dot WhiU-wc russl univtolsd j
ctwi undi-rslSDdli.K that whether or not yesterday intrvdurr<l s bill fixing a ape- i two hofte msumsu fell al our fwl. ftJ-1
consp s. ecu upco the suaxmUons of Hal tax upoo the manufseture «f mixed ' lowid Immixiblely Iq rbrMs. quilto. tsUc-;
a dll
the head. A.f the several depaitraenta
flour, manutacvurer* bHox required to
va-'.o—M other
M ——
articles of —*
all kltx
in 4%hrorRilty with the surFeailons. tb«
t*r I)'«. Mixed flour ,Is drfned by { dmrrifdlunr.
itatu.tbe tniit, s
pTvwldcwt-will. make most of thesiide I
‘‘MotlxT. mother, don'toaeof
ehanxes by executive urdi-r. Wilson, of
>m fraihcr Uvl*
to Jam*
I toliHbc itiangw to Mop. The,on« eyed
theucriitituira^de|«rtn>ent imys that tbs
other forHxn Sulwisticct.'
(■art of the
esplaiBt-d that bisBU.weTa had
chief truubb In his degiartment Is with
WSBIS Thst Weal Law RepewW.
enipl -tvs (A.v. red Into the serrtce wlihvi^^...nda bolMrr«»d apalrof firo,.p.d down them
that ho w«,tad
tut examination.
WasMuiHcn, J-n.
6. — Jnbason of
c pillows USX Carry 'em out of the *« «“
North nakou Inirtsluced a bli In the
•nie Italiao became enraged and (old
at door," was the answer,
co.Miluaa. TWO.
hoDse ysaierday to npcalThe Uw which
fi husc burse bar* yuu. JMDIfl'*ABked tbe Mrangrr to ccmie aroosd in tbe ev«ahas
ing and be ccald gel tbeotlnx eye. Tho
. *Mb Hsusn «lee Ttoeto ritol Day After
thrduclDrpuehlDg UpI the blind,
blind. "Toi
paUaic scalins
scallnx and thc-'im|s>Hiiiioa of father^ Humph, that; old gray l^'t ntan exTilstaod be was a Miaugor and
tIsIMays to ctrtl Heretee.
taken by pelkxlr aealers.
worth a buittm to ip.,
,,i be bore to
berry atray
a^V ji *unid
wuold b
tn thg
the evoi
evoing. bat
Wastuninoe. J»B. A—Thf preserlaatnl aaddJe Black Molly fur Jason. U’s | „ be ilbr Italian) tonnd-tbu Tye be
.m 41.^
tluayaf.thc rrlSHep of the members
.;bi.;b „»1.
SX-"”- p™*’
ue-l. I«U«r
•nrtitot hrmt»^w‘^''HIS HIGH PRICED EYE
the (wbirrel i« the nrsolGIlon callinc for
Inrurmatloh as to tbe applhailon of the
CtPll serviiT law lo the various depart*
mepis of the coveriimcni. t'W thrr with
the (ousldeiailui. of the bill esUbKsh*
'tag s bareau (or the iweinii censua.
'■'T>recljlltalcd a civO service debate In
the senate ycsteiday, when It recun*
venrd after the helldays.f'fullom, tbe
author of the nsudullon; Allen of Ne
braska. • •(K'krHl and
fta Ibr debate, whtih foar
Wsshtnylon. Jan. • —Reprcsenlatire
Clark, of lows. ha« ihirudureil a bill
maUnx the gold dollar «he hula ana of
ZIZ,’ ..a
- J-1 ■‘""'t war It lo u, b«.i, .1— tiao
SOB'S ticWowlaad kat."<rud
man cwme
An hour latar anutba
thai cu.vt a Isauiy, laibor; Ju* look
tavk at '
i along,
to make a parcbi
tbekxigth of llsUlb"'
.. prrtetoded
"Well." drawled the doctor, .“that coal11| Bud
aud while
whilu flngcriiig
flngoiiiig areoDd
areotod in the troll
| sndduily espied the wotukrttilgtara t yc. :-----------.
••AnUhlshaktatherVvaltad thowtekod^Tjjeiuaafrmn Italy made a g^ for it. I VV.
bat was tut late, as hiswoald l« cos
“1 dtvlan.” exrUliMtd the dcHt*.
“Wife. wife. Touk bem and site Jasun'
eualiUMl bat.
Bun t U>ey look nice, motbaV’ I
vanretl to third
hrusd baml ova ’ gcr
lor the rye. thiuking be would j.ook6k>ek.
w'hifh ■ jAw ductor potUng
duced hl| amt nd
tfaTuUluk' his bead w*rir^get
mouth anil dou
nirStor- - * Ills ‘“-‘“Ut
It stmllar to tl
lo Ills kne«
Anderson Ir Ibe
i euuldti't Mand tl any Imiga. I tamed 1 • Ha Went » tbe botod iffltb tbe «yc to totp.m. TWl»pheae.n____________________ ____ ;
’’day In cxetulU'e scsslun.
trr^Uced a bill iiTovIdlnx that any In••und and haped aruw
';get tbe $I0U that be was told awaited
pnrtanl measure intr-duced vak a <-.n- furance company drtnx bustpewi In this
rurrent tesulutlOB by Teller declarliiE
siaie.shall pay i t»x t>f : per x^nt. on
all the bonds of the I'nllrd tSlaice. pftnirr<iip premiums mibvied from’persons
tdpat anti Iniere*. payalile In slxleenlife to be
lo-onr atlw d<4lars. and lhai such at us.-.rror smcral siatte iiurpoees
an4*'»tal<l*^v^wnlirciiaitT buiddani worked aixl botiSed the puUoe.—FiUattoB ts no violation of publh- ralth; It ri-rr.''l to tt-.mmlite.- on Twvwtiuf.
hroCTbl home iny father s buns-.
Ibug O
wa* trferTeflr..,..-. Iniroduccd a bill In tbe honae
Tbe old gciitlei
■raa frighlrdied
and I
Like the SMAle. the first thin* that | desti ned
•■nafde the asseastir to gel wanted tn
>> know
bowr be (tome by the
"atrmk the house was a citll w rvlee d«.neya, strxka. bonds, rtc.. In oafrty horau. He was told, to
nafc me. He did
Every one who has aboep know^ fl*
Late, the anbjevt cumlnr vp in the depttfit vaults. The Andrrwon rc'rnur ask t»w and I made a rlean brea* of It.
Hmi in the legtaiailve. ixnntive and bill was Considered, ftrvaral serUons .4um1 1 am Mitv of thta 1 uera lookid at a tick, tbe worst pxwt of this aniiBul. that
daw aritnr luxriii to tbo young tamba
Jadlclal appraprlatloB bi;i f.s- the
, were Had. bat nothing done with them alrl for **vm yeara.
asMnoe of the u.ir.mlsBiitn.
xuV,A(-iun <if tbv t»oa to tbe
The de* I pxwApt to poaipone to next Orufwday.
hen the ei^lh oame round. I b
. bale tn the house is t>nly |>retlmlnar>
“mlnsry .! The eenate revenue commltlee baa de-____ _
■bgihad. 'tliis itxlilisb bitiwu cruature
>0 anr iirograniiar which the cnepilet
-nepiles . Hsred m favor of reuUDing township j
is a 5«»u“l—*' fly c?:-l :i tcry'pvtdy bloodof the 1x55 may agree Upon. The mrjnThe aeiiale aub-ctitnmlliee
itei- : t
1 marrltd Fattny. Jan* baaiM a par* mi scr. A
til tUctu tui a lalub will
. beiw trf the fiousr are divided Into -three on revenue has decided to lakr u^ U
jui'.kly Ku.k ir., little uur dry. Itlsto
ranips on this yyufatlon—lb
Berry hill as a basis upon ^falch I
And here let me take yon lota my son* ts* loiki-.i ;,I.i I nt the Uti<t Of abrnriBg,
d^n a b II to be prc*rnte4 lo U
Odrate. 1 fually tblnk that Fanny bad a
wbtli thcM- liias-vts g > Inr sbelia to tba
* rcyval. and thc*e wbtr deatre (u
deep' mtiU5-v ta ba heart wban sbe belati.hs
It Is limutl uonly wboe tbh
trayrd Janet and me.. Anyhow sbe al*
towal*gkla(^ Ar^vtog.
^Tbilr the talk Is K5>ing cm Id congress
ways doeisn# that I bsve had my revaige uiimsi 0.14,o( ft.nil It—uo its b(«d.
I>en Hulnea. la. J#B (.—The
the at'oial ts.mniliitv of Rr|iUhlli«ns
upunber. BIOS ba faithful b«ort.U has tjlUI<4 lU the skiU. rncklBg UM! Wood.
m io
apts^lniid by a caucus of opponents of hers of 1^ legislature benn
'lt> skin >r lough and it ta pot wkUy
tsileud been a sweet one.—Itondou News.
the iiresenr law has drawn up a bill In Des M'>lnes jeoterday. for tW meetmiitxtwlOi lf» ih..n a blow of a bam*
which makes oweetilng changes In the tag DeUMunday. Last night l(waaan-..
unr./lu amaJl bucks it is but nneta <d a
preseoi system (he meat Impnrtaat of nounced that all the candidates- f5ir
lent of tba iJpwtiigfidd Retbruugb. witb a pair «t
which U the rsiAbtishment of a five- apeaker before the RcpubHcaa caucus lubUcoD, wbo bas been duing Lung ta MimU smsaon to cot (be ticks In two.
year tenure of office for thoee govent* bad srUbdtayrn In favor of J. H- Funk,
la a elUson
Quagur. ‘-Biutty
but wbo« tbe dock U over a otae B
This Insures the
meni employe# who sre brought wt'tb- of Hardin county.
will be ntsMwary to dip ibe tamtaa.—
iB the terms of the bllL The measure election -of Funk by the unenlmous
RepuMIran vote. Tbe last-to srlthdrarv
••Duo't.'oatok you na|ipiag aoek,
verv Hanger,
of Blackhswk. and
Laveiidar. of Calbuua county.
"No. an."
«*8o Owendolyn is not to Barry Cba
tW where the total number of employes
rallaev al Hrwad iupMs.
•oobt after *m"
exceeds twenty-fl5-e- All apt»lntees are
Oraad Rapids. Mich., Jaa. U-Oeorge
"Eo. pocriqan. Ha trtad to taU bar
comraliuloBed for five gears, with the R. Maybew. one of the beta known
that ber alngtag was anmetfaiag that
local shoe . merchanut
filed: a trust
made cue glad to live, and bla proouamortgage -yesterday for astouau of
eiatioe was so bnken that tbe tbou^t
about •«.«*. naming the ItaBlsutar
aball be made tor poUUcal or rrtiglous Trust oompaay as trustees.
be aaid it made eg* glad to tawa, abd
He has Zriaoto'a ItMvitote an«wer->D« pUli
cauBsa arid Id case of removal tbe beea IB buBlneai OB Monroe Street for
tboB ^ nqoeatad him to taT*
gkuses shall bfrAp-Hflbdaad tbe papers
a ganntwenty years and had the ipo#i Ms*
tnade a record of tbe oIBca. ,
l»a Long Islandawbantat beta. AD the
borate stock of ahoas IB the city.
All peraoBs BOW la tbe public aerLang taloidai aiy U doubleTawgs
vlee are to tertnlBSle tbalr aarrtce fin
BoUmb, sMoa, oonstasand aunt
B«l«y->lk) you raooUaol Aai •• 1
Kansas City. M&. Jan. E-T«e#day
ittbe act takes
tajren bava abott a yav aaol
nlghi-s bold-up on tbe Kansas City.
■to Pat *1(1 ■cl.
PUtsburg and Ontf tfiUway appears U
Oteat Dawaa-Wklah kiad o( vkkhy
___IY^ good. 1 aaa yon
have prortB a wind baUL AU the rob* teyaankaibBhaaat
aovkw postal rtarha aad lettara
rters IB ofbeaa kavtag crar tss eafj
-ray.twtoe I reiahke
Epnnxfb'ld. Jan §.-40 the aelAte yeslerday the senatarlnl apportlonmrnt
iroata Vtart-Ika tan kl
directory of the etty inelndlar the rl)la.
rea la the ooaoty. A clrealAr OotllO- j
Jjaaaary latk. .Tbte will be oi
lor ike ylao haa here iaaned aed
The lecUre by Dr,
axj Of eaoraaalDC baa beea conmeocrd. l| lt
It jXAWS OF $190,000 OAUfBD »T I
Frmak Brtalol will be rl»«> •» ««
b' imrpeaea to pohUab a Brat eiaaa, 4»d
.ittk. ^
.. eealalaiar
Dick* MeOlBlay, who will be remem
1/ ^Mittrad IstMMl txOurlM Vbieh that b raloakle beaidaa a Uat of aaAaa. Sicbt XlUloa Feet Bnroed Teeterday-Doeks Alao ©eetroyad-iam- bered aa the eraek eat^er for the
BMolud y*t»lly-WM aavM Vnn The book will be aoapoaed of cfbd
alceiy prloted add wiU barj a
lied FaoUitlea Xade Work of Aar. Boadara In iWS. waalnUe city y«». iMtut OtMtt by a i>o»» iThrxw
ial blDdincofelotb beek aad
idf Other Freperty Tenr DiAcnlt lerday for a abort riait. He b workOaa Bsodrad Twt Wbra tha Ool- board aldea. Tbe ^lee of the dlrect^ny
lar Bear the Boo. '
- -Kill and Oidt noeka Bacaped.
' lUioB Took «»ca.
will be $3. l-he work of rattiar it bat
D. £. Brown, a promlnrat jawejer of
baciaaw. Jan. A—ttytat aaUlleo feet
y «. -Oaa daath haa will be poabed ae rapidly a» poaeibli.
Sayinaw. waa in the elty ycaterday |
ef Inasbar'bersed oa the docka of tba
maltMl troM Ua Wadaaaday »ora>
aoooBWtled by 'Mra. Foater. B. E. I
dariaaw Losber A Ball ooMpany at
» Anoy »app^
lar'a railway aectdcat at Coyanlak.
rgh. hb father,
Crow lalaad. three tnllaa below tbU |
I boadaotorO. J. Joaaaof the 4aa Arbor
came to the city to meet them.
fralykt died laat areolar of kia lajar.At tbe ^eada buaineM meeting
Urn. wbiek at Brat
iaireel. Satorday. Jan. dth. All are
Wedeeeday nIghL Leri T. Pennington ]
Pryxall of the rited. 'Tlcketa lOeeata. Oaptaia and 1000.000 feat and a Urre qomnUty of waaeleeted;BpperiBUndeatof tbe Bible'
Umber waa pUed U the mlU yard
W. A K. B. la aooBoed to kla bad at kb Mia. Ellla. ofBoere ia eharre.
Sebeo! lor tha eaaaliig year. Hewaid
wUeh the flamce did not reach.
boaae aad kla iDjarlea. thoorh set
The mill aad Bait block were eared Moore. Mildred SunUn. Libena Wood,
. looa. wUl kee^ kl* qalat ^or aararal
with diSoutty. The doeke. and one and Winifred Pratt were eppolnted
drill heoae were deatroyed., Aa aearly delegatee to the Quarterly meeUng at
OoDdeotor Joeaa' death waa a reauU
tt,jaa«anbe utimated Uree-qnartara of AUnton. to be held January 14tb. lilh
of loteraal lajarlae. lfbelnr>M^«l(">* Fipe From Alrar to' Fire Bydraai
end i«ih.
the loac wiu U ewrer«4 by I
Foot of Oaae StiueL
tkalUa death
Tbe origia of the fire b unknown,
lataUy. .
Laid HorlaoataUy.
-When the dabooee atmib Ue oBflne
but it i» thought that akateia dropped
the aad of It^aa apUatered to klndliny
I new Btoira, tiS Front
There haa been mere or leea trouble
iMtehea or utarted the Are ia the altp
rrood, and Joaee, tocethec with tha with the aocUoo pipe for Are porpoeea.
to . warm thcmaalrea.
Tbe Are was
atore by whbh he waa aleaplnc. were at the and of Cam atreqL erer alnoc^ It
burning Sercely before an orgeaiaed
hnrlad nearly oae hundred feet beyond, wai pbeed there. The pipe waa pUeed
the atore protectiny him from Instaat ia a aUaUag imeiUon and that kaa attempt to atop it coeid be made A
eaglaaw steemer began throwlBg watdeath. Althonyk badly bumad. he got be«n deemed the eanae of the difficulty
mp and waa about the aoeae of the In AecnrUg good reaolU. Itbargebd. er -at S o'clock. Two .more ateamera
from Bay City arrired at S:4&. Thcee
wreck for aearly aa hour aad It waa | howerer.
kowerer. that tha rcaacm
rceacm that it
It doea
thought that aalde;tumtkaboroaaadl,j,j
^ b beeanae the endiof with tbe CarroUtoa atoamer coaet
A f^ aoraiehea that be bad
‘ ' the pipe U tbe Nrer u not annk Ipw the only araUabb flgbttng force.
Pail, brigadee worked berobally
^t ke gradnally failed after beiag «.ough below the nrfaee. Tbe eiSkeepiw tbe fbmee from eroealng to
taken «o tbe hotel.
the mUl yard aad aiMklag the beildrelay the pipe from the rlreir
inga. The wind was not stroog and
atand pipe U a horbontal pcaiU^.
Mat the brands erar the riser laatead
lower the iatake aad lengthen
of toward tha property in tha rear.
Br. O. C. Voalen Sxperieneed ka Ob
dpipa. Tbe work oa the change
ject Leaaon In tba Fteuee.
for a CbruUnas or New Year's
Ike Bneoan haa reeelred a letter
from Dr. O. C. J^Ilea, formerly of BotWe have a nice lot of
Dr. O. H. Xing FreMated Xni|H»ta of preaeotf
tona Bay. Dr. Joalee b mow U BaaeaFytklM With H» FortralL
them in every etylr and finish.
ada. DaTodoe Bantoa.O^wer CaJKotnb.
Progrean Mug Kada fer Oost^
At the rneoUng of the TrarerM City White Enamel, Antique Mapb,
vheru be waat te look after acme mUAohool Fatty XatertalamttL
Lodge, No. 73. leal alght. »r. C. H.____
__ ______
Elm, Ash, Mahogany and
tag baaiaeMwkteb will take him M
King, who b aooatolMT. for Dall-|jj,„^
.^d loig glass,
The popUa of tha Ceatral achool
mllea farther back Into tbe monetalaa
Be a»tod that for »M in gold, after working amidaoaaly U preparation
on TOynm ot u
Firai Ymt—Vo. 212..
. x.
Have Yon Seen Onr Half-Price Comter? ■
There are gooda on it that will bf jnat what yon are lookia^
for. Don't lorgei wben yoo are in the itore.
You CAU Always get the I<ate
KAgssines and Papers at
Odd Dresser
the epectecalar fairy eetcrtainmebL
■‘The MyatleMIdgeta." tobegiren
theerenlngef February :i. ^hei
.ale on the chernece and ether teatnree
and when ll, b
aelipee aeythUg of the kind erer gW<
la Trareree City. Mlrn Blogbam.,b
preparing the mueleal portion of pm
prcMtam. which promliee to be partleularly ineplriag- Tbe coeluming will
AV0TESB.0A& FS&AT FLAM. be beautiful aad all tbe featuree' v
be aerprblng and norel to tbe Trarai
Aaegaatioa for Aueh a Aebema to Ben- City public^________________
«t Lalasd aad Fidnlty oaOarpXaka
Another pham of the Leelaaan mmnty
railway alWation U a project te leduce Llaea West «f the Kbabaippi bill
the M. A N. K- raHroad company to
Build 4.000 Kilee Thb T<
bnild euHable doeke at l-'oaeb. Prere.
It b calculated that railreede west
meat and Uland for the pnrpoee of
ttraaBlerring freight oetm by tarry be ot the Mbelmlppl lirer will build la
had 4,p0#
tween tboae polnu on Cerpimke, to- the aggregate b*i*'*«*
gaUer op the prodecU of the eeuatiy mllaa of new road thb year. Probably
ruundaboDt. ^Tkb propo^Uen. bow- noae of the extonaione coatemplated
wUI he
crer. b being rrj<}cted. and iheae who
■manedUng Unka aad abort exwnakfna
are nxglag^tha M. * K. E. to esuad
topolauoot new reaped. It mi^t
tbolr line are now rrerklng for tbe line
be called tbe rending out of tha afato ProtemonL from Cedar City.
Tbe nllmaken are fnUy aware
ef thb eltuaUon and aaticipate unp^
mecerd ofXIaBaCeia and Figures for adrance ik looked for early.
Imriag Callfomb. he reeelred In ex
change gIM la Mexican allrer dollara.
Thb aeemede profluble exchange. l|t>t
whan he found that Boar waa 10 cenU
a pound. Va^ 30oeota. bntlcr
and egga en'ccaU a doieo. the docte
dbeoremd that the tree allrer theory
waa not what It waa cracked op to be.
He reporu the mereoiy at « degrem
abere xeru.
Feat Three Taara. ^
The following oompilallon of Mgnree
ehowlng the real ecute iMkfera In
thb obuaty during the paeltUree yean
wlU be of apecbl Inureei. -TSramconl
efAertgagea recorded during thk^mme
period b also glrea. Thaee flguaka are
exeet. aad ara furalahed the Km»i—
byO. C. M«flaU:
Eongtal $S0D00 Worth Timbar.
Boyne City. lUob.. Jan. o-W. H.
While A Co..'have Joet purchased
•M.000 worth of hardwood Unde In
Aatrim cenaty aad wlU manufacture
the tlmbM into lumber in tbelr Uoyoe
aty mUb. Oae-half of thb land wlU
owned by W. H. White A Oo. and
we-half by tbe (^aarin-White Lumber
today and tomorrow
86U You
Several Rood pattente loft—pretty desiRns—good qoaUtiee. If you’ll needs Bnineb Carpet withis tb* '
next six montha, boy it NOW.
Warm Shoes
at Out Prices..
D in tbe state judg
ing by Ua
eeired here.
There ere three important cai
fer the place, namely: J. D. 8.
ef Hart. Frank Watkins of Bopkina
Statkm. and. WlObm Mearu of Boyae'
Pallk. Tbea4 three mea are backed by
.ntreng eodoreemenb In tbelr home
eommnoUim. and It Aoold be difficult
to my which enjoya the adrantage at
Proeei-ntleg AUerney Twaddle
Trereree (Sty had bb breath -ia
away a conple of day» l$o what .farmer wtU bl^ in tab aye came 1^
tbe office end asked for a IloenM to
klUemaa. Tbe attorney trembUngly
nulled Usat hie stock, of
rieeaaea wet. out feat at that time.I. and
- tbe bloed-la-tbe-eye mpn ookad
ao fierce aad de«i>«raU that the alUHncy gat behind tbe store and yeUed for
help. Before help arrired tbe maa
led to the attorney that be <
inmiM. but that a neighbor I
throwing Ua eana Into hU lot f<^r
the past year aad be waa getting Ured
ef it. He didn't want to gel Into priaon. ao ha thought he would get |a
Ueenae to brsto Ue Drighbur. laatead
ba waa, put oeder booda U keep
paeca and the eae-tbror '
Frorlag a Booewa.
The e*p*m«t of opening the (Sly
Ui^ duriar tba af lernoona. b pror
ing a eoooMa. UKmgh eoaroely tUh*
enough baa ela^ to trot It thorough
ly. On Meoday 100 hooka wore bauaf.
Tuesday and WednMday Ts each arf
yesterday not tarn then that nbrnh^When It beoomea thoroughly kno
that tha library bcqten the nnmL
each day will be vndoubtedly lno«e4ed meterbUy.
The lefaat aoa ef Mr and Mro.
Qeerge Fish ef Best Bay. died Wedn
day;«ightof ooavubloBa.
Memhere of the Junior Lyoenm i
Ue near futMU. /-^-—
Tbe EnlghU' ef PyUlaa tnttbtcd
nine eandldatm in Ue rank of-Page
laat night and epjoyed a raUroed
Sianby. Ueinfaetaos of Mr. aad
Mra. Wlnowigakl. of 007 WmI Bay
atreeL died yeMerday. * Tbe fnaerol
wOj ha held to«v <*«« tke Oatholtc
TMterday afu
1 the amploym of the 8bU
Bank and a few frienda at aa oyeter
la tha harbm-shopeC H. L. HiUer.^be oyetati were frtod In rogular
Mew Tp^ nfyU fw Km. IpOw.
The “AriallmdiM’
Gaining in Popularity—:^
S.U Tlftm far
-w. j'^T=rR-A-xrs.
ToniMUer Block.
But there b always room for
Therefore coaae at one* frPBOTQS- We bare a eomplH
Tine ef Picture MooIdlDg* end will fill
all orders promptly, if we hare to work
aU night.
411 South I'DkwSU
They Say:—cx
GOLD is what we waat for aioasT- Still
every gold cpio ’is adnlterated—«pme gold,
some alloy..........Notsowfth
Funeral of Howard XaU.
Summer Cottage for a Judge.
Architect Moore U working on plana
for a pretty and oomfortabla snmmar
eettege for J«dge Corbett It will
form an attraetlre Improvement i
the IT acrea of land reeeatly parch
by Judge Cerbett on Ue Teab
road, north of edgewood.
Prices 60o, 69c, 76c, 98c, $1.26.
LmV MoliUi Ei«Jfed AU Put
I will not ba In a
hurry, however. He ataru for home
batordar aigbV Ue will he gone three
four days, and while le Mlcblgaa
will oonault
in the wetieru part ef the eUW re
garding both the marababbip and the
The funeral of the laU iluper*
Howard Kehl of Suuoni Bay, will be
held Saturday morning and the interit will be at NortbporL Icarlng bb
home at Snttoai Bay at S a. m.
Kehl had S2.00n fraternal life i
He leavok a wife and foer chlldr^.
We'U StiU BMt 7ko BruMds OiOiMt M..
House FunilAhtng Stoto.,
Btampade Ibr the Barth Deoliaed by ISS-liS Front 8L
Waahlngton. Jaa. A—The aBBouDcemMllhatTherquF. rJlddinga bad de- _____
elded eot toacoept.tha Ueited Stetca \KT^ o t*«k
meiukelMlD fer tbe WHtem dbirict- ” ® &TC
Aa Tlewed From a iHManea.
aat a mawUta Mrtal«MmL
~Meer Idea* Feahioa Sheeu fbr Febniaiy an HeruT^l fbr oae.
There's Mothing Lika "Mew Idea” Fatleraa-lOo Any Aqrle.
aty Baettal
Oo Saturday evnnti
_ Ua p^b dt
Mra. J. B. Mariin, la alomtim. wl$
give a recital at Min. Uartta'c naldenoe oa Waahlagtoa street. The ^
Jeet b for better developmOBt of eae^
Fahraey. apabibher ef el«y hy tndiridoal nrlilnbm The eroniag
ee, whoMbMUMi ta la hU- win abe be tha oeMaloa of eod4l
e aa well aa inatroetloa aad eh, haa eeme to Ue aity Iw the
I «t
Haskell’s Bookstore.
demMatrated by Ua surprW'yqn
lodge in behalf of the doctor. '1-be
picture will hereafter adora the caatie
hall df the lodge. .
Flour—Every ounce is Pate, AL^^’^LD,
and takes the shine.
Tbe girl in this peture is not
a waitress in a resUnrant. She
is a child of the monntains^
onr own sublime mountains of
the great west.
How she became an artist’s
model and lost her heart is
graphically told in the Story
which wilt be printed in
Hannah 8c Lay Co.
Dot fanv, Kovelt, Drew Oood* •«
with a Silk Beomant from our BetRun Pile.^
yoa’II have an immensely atyliah dresa at a tiemeodondy low prioa
Buy the LyoosniBg or Ooodyeer Glove BrmBds,
the Beet oE Bsith, At
<rKB MOEHnrq
' yoiMWsnBT wann ncwraan**.
^nuvs&sx CIT7. - MICHIOAJ*
fCS(w.'T. Batd An J. w, BAnn.
J.yi. Bax^u, <«r Md Mnifer.
S=!;X-Sr'. ■. ■. .2
/SLTS^y. ■ . ■ .•
•a at tte r«
Mirk., MM
antUB teatlnown la tbe ttada Fer
rite bc for'deeelriac yon. lotarbaard
Thc looked at ber onrtocaly, tbea.
‘■■Wbat a foollab Ifoeetion to aaki alat my little piece of revcaice Tbe Oe4^ laaay'bai^rede of ^ bate 1 malne dye U a ancm atlU. an yoa may
mam fretting aboot teat My taotber.
(pid yoa tbe old, old atocyr'
___ _ bar face ! who knows nothing, aendayoa her low.
, tn bb. *T orror. peter oan
can beliere it ' In a day nr two 1 afaaU dteply tell
j that tba rngagenmit Udbaolved. ”
I Butil yoD toll n» that aanet.
I Thrw monlba after tbe diapatrb of
Hi* fiioe derkra^
at ber wordx
•Did 1 not
mH yoo laat night that tbb Idler Alan’a manager ceaaed from
' tronhUng. for tbe new arm failed JrreDr. Ottteaa of Mateatn. bI At the! jjopr patableory waa
Betel WblUar ox on of bb raffalarjiMV; be tetorted. lookinrcoldly dow trtevably.
■‘Hang It alir' aaid Hngh to .hie oonteaatbly tlaiia.
■■Well, teen." ebe anawend jaaeiM- fidential aseisunt "■We hate got tbe
Balpb OoaaaWe. who baa beoa la tee
itrly, **naUi yoo do. fell me I will
Ity Bookaterb aetaral waaka, weal to I “ver marry yoa—neterV’
tbe niixiitg that we faiL"
Pateakey yeaterday.
And when bis apeerb fonnd ita «
Tbate wae a Iobr nleace be*wei»
Jly langbed.
Mba Brnsa DaBeTwllI reum to (iiVra. Finally tbe man bicfte iL
to AUn'f rare be aim
led," be aaid to
"Do yon brean wbat yon Bay?" be was Delilah wbo failed,
Haapr today after a week'a rWi trite
himself, "nnt tbe miiing." And thru,
■ ,lrrd lu a low, tnwe toioe.
bar abter, Hra. Wa. Uraal.
'OrUlaly.”ab'rreap{Bded hiahaid.
Cbarlee I'laber, tew dark of Olaa
i-rmined'max "Then, cbanitiiig bre 'bean. bi> jedned bis eisiet« and bb aisArbor, b la tbp city aoeetepaaled by
autier lo one of winninr •wmara: tert^ fi^tnd Mouioi in tbe drawing
bb aoa Rd. who b a BeBber.-of tee
Bat i know yon will teD mx Voa
Maaitea life aariar «?raw.
< r>nld ne?«r. nerer be so ornal aa to rw
. Travarae City Varket ■
.. away and* began pacing | Below b a Ibt of tee buying and eelllawn la
in aa
an nnawidoo.
nndrvided. warmng
Wo further Bopa fbr Durraat, War. j le Jawn
price* of yeaterday lor grooerioe.
darar ofBlaneba lamoat
{ iteion. qnitt nnliLt> hb anal firm ,;;^uk»s and farm prodneu ia Trari-p. Tbe girl followed him and laid | ^ city:
Han tlaentia PtInob. Cal., Jaa. X—| 10 hand on li'ia am.{
aauuk'a rairx.
Uoramor Badd baa balrBcted Warden |
"Toll “*•” she whl«per*d-btawb-bni'new............. *10 M
Bale to pracead with the exeeatioa af' ligly.
^ir. Then she rabod heroelf on tiptoa Clear Pork p«-ff...........................
Tbeedore Durraat toBorrow. ae it ap- j ^^I kiwed bii
loauunt resist." be n
peara tee action oa the final appeal for
•aeteUre deBeney will be adtccae.
t ling into ber ear.
Darraat b breaklar down rapidly |
*■]> (bat aJ]?"abe naked, in arideat
• arprbe. He nodded.
aU hope. Bb aerte b ,r«oe aad
Tin- neil
8»y bare to be carried to tee raDowx *
ipanioasbip and went off
a Military'stroll. As sbe
Rb father baaconteeaed to tee war-'
mil. .ooirf
,b^t Jlf/TSutaope of a Btay
I ton the boaee a yoong wan
almMvuy. "do yoa rrxUy aad traly tera
BlnMT M.
of Lotoad. mm
U tew yettartoy.
Job* Bw«Al« of EUc BapUa. <*m >■
<» bMlaoH.
Mite HAUle-Hiwtieaof BUr BopkU,<U
ttia r>Mt of MIm Ot*M OUteUnd.
O. W. Borbndco. tr%rwiiag ui^Ii
of tbo 0. R. ft L, WM lx tbe olty yoa-
Lamx OoMMtatioxxx Cdx bM anbaiV*
hta report of Ibe faetety Ixapeetteo of
tea ateia to tee corarMor, aad tee oodteoU at tee doexBwat it* blffaly aaUafaotery Is «aany raapeeU.
mr Cox eutea teat tee i
-1b Mioblraa bare abowa erary dlapoeitioa to oompty with tec law iwfwtUat
tea oaployiBeBt of ebtldiea. aad
wbobarebMahiriBrteoaa noder elxteeoyaataof ag« wUl bareafter exiplay older pmoaa. Tba
ateaer baa rcMleed naterlal aid all
•ear tee ataU to tbia
It la
very rratlfyiar to kaow teat MIebiraa
etaada at tee bead of tee atatea 1b tee
a»all oBBtor af cblldrea aaployed la
teolorlaa. TbU la parUy dae to tbe
aloee aemUay al tee Ubor oobb^
tioaa bare beam baoed ter tea bamrlar.
or aad part^ to tbabifb aoral aad iateilactsal ataadard of tee BaaolaeUr-.
Ota la tea atete. Tbate aaaaa to be a
One Gallon
of Good
Table Syrup
946 Front Btxoet,
BroMh Block.
i -.1
Hngb." tee girl a»awrred. ■'! am quite breatbloos with
Hunring. Tiist iin'smie Knid wanted Biivixo aATM or teavxam arv DBAlr
tjonimewitb me. Audi wani't at all
Mire of Alan bbt otaning too."
1 Tbe maa stmd tor a mionie or two_
bi silenre, tbtin glanced.at bb oompau-'
iqu impatiently.
nTall." tite girt pbaded ooaxiorly.
' are to aid tee aatborlUaa la a CTBaade
I cbUdrax-te taka with ber aoft rbeek arainat hb.
'■Aak me anyteiug bat that and 1
Baaae af edacatleo
by rafoaiap eaploye Dttoteeaa-wbe wUl grant it." annweTed ber ioter.
■'That b a Better wbieb nBoema my
aboald ba ia acbaol.
bcoor, and m> not eren for yon can 1*'.—
IT U DOW aaBooaead teat Or. Ja>
..•■Ob," abelnterraptedpettidily. "1,
B. AnyallofUleblcaoe^I ^ offerad am dek of bearing that rant aboot ymir
tba peat of mlnlater te Cblaa. Tbla honor. Too only prombnd roar fetber.
arraacameat baa bara arraed to by aad 1 am rare if be bad ibown ma be
woQld bate lold me. bnt yoa—yoa are
.f%arlB 1‘aca Bryan, wba will be <
a* hard aa adamaut. Ton can"( care for
U Torbay ia plaea of Dr. Anpll.
me properiy. or yoa woold do wbat 1
Bryan arae aased for Blalater
aak yc^—tbe toy firrt tfaing 1 bate
Cblaa bat eTaata bara nada tela aver aabed yqp,'" abe ended pHtbbly.
obaaca daairabla Or. Aarall ia •»Alan Oemaine amiled at tee pretty
laaatty duad f«r tbU tBper
ezbibtlion of cbildiab wrath. Tbea be
faat, bariar baaa nlalater to China la aaid grately, yet firmly:
■'iibnanae. Bldx Toa are eanaing
UMftl. U riaw of tea iBpeadlar aatteoal dUBeaUiaB betwaaa Oblaa aad both yoarwlf and me aeedlem pain by
the powra. tela appototBaat b panic- eoDatantly teMinR me on teb matter.
and for all i eaniial tell yoa. ao
alariy dwdrabU. Dr. Aafeil baa daBaewletoatoU of amnetbing pbaBant
Matrated reoantly a faarlate atUtude Wbat b tbe laat new gow like? " be
WIU Bay yoa
teb aatioa at ataka la Cblaa OMy
aafely ba aatraated to' tee wba diploteat wba b proed W elala Mlchijtaa aa
bb bOBO. ______________•
20 Cents
I ».■•
, Rb whole face ebanged and glowte
iilb trtnmph.
[ "Too little darling, .eon cle*« Httb
darling,"" be eaclaimed. and teen Ipok
Ite in bb anna and kimed taer paw
^tely. Hbe lay quite puaiTe in bie
brace, bar ebrb eyee giewmil^ with trn-
Obioago Varkat.
■ "Mow we can. Barry." be wbisptted.
*|Bat yoo bare not told me yrt, Elnx
Are yoa rara yoo bare gM tea exact
loary. gP.tft: May. *B.».
"It b all written bm. word for
t^d Bxplda. Jan. X—Wbaat, AOc.
word, aa Alan npMWd it to me." ate
He read tbe papm greedily wblte ate i, Lndtea wlU te ixter«at*d in tee rag
haaded to bim. iten placed it in hb I aBraplea al Bugbee and Boxbargb drag
roga ar* a»de from old
ended. pmiltiiK kningly down at bet.
and drew a deep bcaatb"“'rarpeu
of latere. Tbe
by tee
the Waabburne
W ' '
- - Co.
Tbe girl looked at bim. a oorioaf : leliet,
' X new pc
_ l*f I’eioahey. l^a
glance, half meneoe. half malic*, teen. | "Ho that ie all tte secret of
ear other
IBOWDreiling .ber eyee. drooping before bb i maine'e wondivfol purple dyx" — clcanliaecs
of material ._ _______
ardent glance, ate allowod-beraelf to be I aaid. "Well. 1 rather think now that PricM leaa than Chicago ratex The
coaxed, flattered and petted into aaeem- , tte mtmopoJT b desuuyte Wrm’t tte Waabbarnc Croaby Cewate no* flUlag
ingir fnrgi-tful modd.
| old fashioned Ann he actooisted when an order for tte entire now Arlington
"1 woiMlcr why tte lictb wiwh li so ■ iIm t 6u<i tbenieeiT>-s andi-tvold in tte boul at Petoakey. and arc dolag exteneager to'know tbe senvi—« trade anrrt , mark>-i by a dye exat llr like ibrir own."" alre work for ablpBcet abroad._ tic
too?" thoog^ Cbmaine to bimsalf teat And be laughed a rro< I laugli of tri- work 11 Vo. I in erary reepcct. Pacil
tlee fordoing tee laigcat work tn the
B. S. Oampbatl BLao a Word to Bay
ftboat teat TraoMaaoB* Kpi
Boitdb Rxcnab—bacftetteaa Bade eortneity "
_ . bcaidtv w»kuig
did rrrciige,
all to fm- ■
explaaatotj cirenlar
soo Ot
^peraoaawbo bare bad twenty flee
And. so thinking, te dismiamd the tunrs Bat romx Elsie. '• be added,
______ ___________
or BOre yeara of etody and practical raahpvt from hb mind.
- ; b time «e wenmoting. I'llsMyootOi t.—™ t«
-..--...i —o,oxp^aoe b wortey of eomiderattea
eeteoa b orer with, teen blame roarU prlrate bulocaa. llkewb. la pablb qails antnasilr tf be mold here looked took lo Iowa/
iatebdfstanl chamber in anolter pert
A moinb paawd away..hnd F3Ma wm, aei^ jg tte epring for nuMing i
of tl)£>oaw aod iren a little-fnrr ex-/aiill emiing tbe Di-inaioes. still og(- mute fun. Pnop. Bitt-nm.
etledly }ianug tte floor and miirmnring ; wardly esgag<d lo Alan, of wbmn nerDally Earle of tee ete Inal, a^ld for teberwaf;
| ertbeliwi sbe saw eery little.
teal rtiaeoii bare aoae weight and doe
"IwillgPt to know It yet. wtether
.•"Hagh.” EJiie aatd to her lorer «x»
byfairmeaneorfoal it mattnu UtUx . ereiiiug. "doa"! yoo tbiuk"—and then
1 will get u.Aud iben"—
'abr stopped in eoofnsibo.
'■I mast be off to tte works at onee." . ■"Think wbat?” aaid Hngh idly, irttfaling to fab mother , oat looking at ber.
tbmvta twdre feel of etaadpipe aod a Alau said U' Xt morning
That it IS not TCTT nioe or ptoaaaat
IferixoaUl pipe oaa boadred aad tweats and sister*. ■"Tell -K]-ue.>wbM
comes down, (bat 1 am gvnlly
be staying ID Aian'a borne.
laat to tea rirer will rabe te^ aaaie not to be able tn lake ber 10^1 driTC, al ; wten 1 bat
^naatity of water tbe^Be b^bt aad we arrangisl yraterday. bnb eomritfatng ' brartsly.
TotUoseeho >ea<* tl
har (ei
dleteace Ibrenrh a baib
ilaaOax. Buex|s«-Ced h'aslnrned vp. andl ani^bm-.j
"I dmi’ierawbat
^ Slater, I
la otear wordk, no belter eekalu will pelhsl'to auesid.to it. No ere likcAte I refnrted Hugh laaily. "anleaB yoa go
er'e—eb. mother?" te bniib^ ibcck ioyoaranot"x
ba >ad froB a perpeadicBlar ataJlplpe
The girl criunoned
to ter brow.
at tee-eoraer of I-'roat and Caaa a^eeia
Ire Danaine Iscted ftmdiy at J>er
■■OquUd'i we be married uowP’iba
teaa tbroayb tbe one new la nae. laid
w'hiiq>Fred lu sbamisl tonex
ObIx place la tasM ***?» ro* «aa gm AnMUc
aba tiny. Tbe iabc atBoefdieric preeToa are )nst like yoar fniber."’ ate
He looked al ber sharply, tbea replied: Minpfng ate OraeMeawlsB.
Mre maat be orercoBe ia eiteer caae. aaiil irmatU.r "It was aye duty before "Look bert^ KUb." it b test to be
Tbe oBkatbfanory experience bad ia pleasant wKb him. tnt I'll>-t«U tte scraigliifnrwarti, so we mar *■ well end
arerklar tee eariae at tbb point b Jniisix Alan, and maybe yoa"U te tliir f.irtw nt onca '1 ain engagi-d to my
erpU takda by Mr. b. C. Oeeprce la- bb
be dinner timx
coneiu Manun. and
» mar- ,
I'l eay. .tunihrrl. ■' te anawered rb-d next misitb.""
Iblieie. Tbe only trooble b at the
"aalr wail
long silenre. Op
p u tte ,
/rirer cad of tea aoctba pipe, aad teat ebeerily; "oalr
aboold be plaoed aafficbaUy low to be
und. knew te war off.
“ Tte day
merrily, and in a strange,-. meebanieal
at all timee at leaet oae foot aader wore awuy. Elsie declined Enid De- uniuuer Hlaie ccmiilckl lire dobie* which !
water te -arvid bcyoad a doubt Uie mBiue"t nflar te drive her in pbec of ' wrre in a eli
xatterfiM. Then ate
Oaddar of air tero^ tec rrater and Alan and went off for a long walk by oimke;
mo on tbraorta tee eariae aad-boae.
uiuai ii. Kuid
r.oiiii and
aiiu Cieelr louknd eari- ' '""'Hn yoa■ Jool uaed ae at a inol.
onsir after tet at *iie wi
H. D. CAMrar.iJ.
ralked down tte ,_Uog^i?’‘ ^
^ ^
Oi.«Iy aaid
, drive, ate teen Obviy
bxlf dieomHtae langbed—B airange. hnrd Uogh.
Vet Dotrlmestal to Society'•■I
after all
• . Tbe Jnxior LyoeoB fare a pleaaaat
wish Alan bad not Ulrn —not Terr mDcb,"ate repeated p
•BtertoinaeatWedneeday erealnr. Ax in kive wuh her, iXi yoa know.’'low- oe«i.r. and then witbout another w
laotracUre and eBjoyable prafraB rraa CTtng berrotof tq,an awtetiickeawbi*- tdmed ate Irft bim.
,0t«a aad a debate afforded eoaalder"I"m. afraid ste b not tnat- ^Wten Alan Demaine reoebed borne
' able UtereaL Tbe tiueatioa dbeoBed woethy.”
teat -nigfat, bb mother and alxtar* met
' tee newt
rt that
Ibat Eldo had
bad been *
waa,^-Reaolred. That it b detrlneataV
Wten Alan came home teat eeeniog, h|B with
>ed to meet ber asBL
do aocbty for womea to eater baalaeae.' te oeciaed in nproannosly good i^driVt akddiuly rammoned
' -Tbe Jadrca det^ided teat woaea in He Uogted and ehaited and joked aod "frteittgb when sbe_got tte .tetter I'm
POieidtB’lkaow/^'i^^id rasplbaaiaaa rraa aoiftctriaMBlal to aociety leaa-d oiitil bb mother declared that
ciunslr. Her t4o«ier made Doteply. bat
te wui"ley.” After dinner te iyritn
Tba qaeatiax wa* dbcaeaed by. Darid Bltte oot on to tte btracr.
vfehC straight to fab own room, and
F^eaaCkffray. affU-BaUre. moonlight." te decli
there, on tte toitet tabte. lay i^tear
Bay HUUker. Fi
j Veiy fair and sweet the girl kxiked etained notx
! in ber pmty white gown of Boine efalm/■I bare heed a wicked, daoeitfnl
g mutenol,
aud'so ber torcr eri- gill." tte letter ran. "and'now tte
Tbe remainder, of tec program wa* i tuning
Idratly thought, fur te.sudteuly ei
gpmteet poaudmmit 1 hare to bear b
.............................It 1 bard hronght rain
1 Tlltrn Ucorgvtte >
^"*wst ate i
1 *--------.M. t.W 1.M.W
lapanyoa.' Then followed ao explanaVergaa aod Hilda Oeawm.
as xuddeiilr. te tbruA her from
Diag ber esrioaiiy about tte
Xe^uetkB. Kalteabeeg O
I. ate tte note ended with a plea for
and stood faring ber in the mouiiligbL
.teriUen by Edu MeWetey. rte»
Tb-gtrlwasbalf frigbMBedai bismastfbBptell.
;In reply Ahm wrote aafoUowa: "My
'■Wbat b tte matter. AlonT’ ate foiglransaa yon bare toUy ate frealy,
mod 1 oloaetely wiab yoo every hapidBteffr^blcal MMy, Walt Wbittaa*— apked timidly. •
*"Koteing, my i«t,"te replied In hb MOi In tte 'fnterx Too moot not dlatodtoFfeifar.
menaers "<Bly yoa brnked ao be- tnoi ycuealf ebout ‘rainl^ me.' ai
Daelamatite, Beiclar BOl-Bartta
wUtelng 1 teiak 1 fate my aonmx "
the. 'oectet' <?>.which X told yon oon"1 teixk yaadM."ate tMostedoo- omlmttbe porpb dy*b«oaaomal
Thon* 78.
aymyoteitexy'otiMte.lpri^ JohXkBon Block,
"Ate." te.osMiinad
. The demand for Unprored and TTnimproved City Property Is becoinV ing brisk. I bars
Two or Tliree Housebnil Lots
and a Number of Well Located
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Vacant Residence Lets
In Traverse City that will be s(dd
At Low PFices
if sold NOW. Come and ask about
them, if you w&nt.a home or a good .
—Watch Repairing.
—John Veriy!
-Front Street.
Thos. T. Ba. tes.
E.W. Hastings... OYSTERS
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.
213 Front St.
Baltimore 8tei& Received "nrec Time* a MaA
Coanta,. 40e per quart
FleMiM's Ofster DeRtTinll ilestuirut
Money to Loan If You Have Logs to Soli
Cormpond' with
the TraverseCity
Lumber Qompany. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem>
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short M^le Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery,
-ONdescriptions, including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
Improred Farms and and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
City Property.
'• i-j
Hum* Owlitret H* Will «Uy in
th« Fight \Jntll Victoriou*
or DofMted.
ilM oa a Haa
CM*. Whlra Haaaa Hm lMa»a-W.
OmIbc lato Ik* nahl M Math BMo
rata In Om> r\mU.
LoMit. JaB.
l;.>e MU1 mao wbo
litva* Spain’* Cau«* ha
had bOQCht tb« VoB dar Ab« anraCa-
Uun of the National l.«i»ue. waa nadoubtadly "too prart.-ua" Brush has
boucbt U>« rluK U appoan now
that ihrrr Is a r^ri of ««otest brlwrcn
a syndluau- et tit. L«>dta mm-and asr
oUior B}-adlu.w facsdvd by John T.
Brush, for th* control of lha *1. I.ouls
Lraruo fraachlae. Uivata U In the UKaouri rllJt all ylftat, and■ * • • him he
has WUUam Brtimidt. of t
Afepahn On*.
V I The oHkw elr<^ are:
' M. DaltrIL f|>Hnr '
deal has been c
SMB wMh CaaaleisB TalSB
WeyUr er IMsjWvB >• Cany
Heal Bebels
r)as Vavcol^ly ret+lved at
Raptlage dr' Cubb Tbe tipanlsh CaBtiiu refused to tender him a bancuel.
and li was ttlased on the sUvet. It Is
K1 lieraldu ilr Madrid, which has vlif
Irmly altacked General Weyli r. It Is
reported thal his Imprcclona regard
Whllrblr^ Ci«l <-ulni«ny, ChU-ago.
I Yfjicn the i-rtni'ltaerktare ronfetvnee «rf
s city Jan :
tn BItnola will And Uiemaetves
fronted by a solid lirganlssllun of oreratora
The operators will hare derided upon
a plan of nctlnn and alll be ready lo
say Just what they will do aad-srbat
they will not do. The isisitlon of tbe
operaloia tn the various Illinois fields
win be made certain st a meeting whl<*
aiU be l)gld tolar, and to which a aubcomrnltlee r-preaentlng the nonhem.
southern and middle Acids will repewt
coniemirp rwiee. There were Itiween
Sixty and cceverty cis-ralor*
mreiiiig. representing reoily Its mines.
Cwan HalUg SbnU to IMIh a Haa Wba
WaylaM lllia.
PanUo called uiwn General SciTuia at
ex-ih-puty sherin. was rtml and killed
yesterday afternoon l.y W. Ray Smith,
a baiim In Judge llunon s court, abd
the Uotel f^orlda to lo' to Induce him
e resjeoj
to Fight HesUlB lagUlBla Um Ftalele Male.
C —A
Ihr "dbcgraceful tiicanlab rule In Cutia"
General Segura Is an intelligent and
hoiMWt flghlrr. and Is wholly dlwgunrd
with Geirersl (■aDdo'a method of esmpalgn.
He- says Pamlu spends mure
gunpowder In greeting autonomy than
In Agbting iniurgenlB. and adds tbai In
his opinion Cuba is lost to Ppain unteiw the government sends General
Pcdsvieja or returns General WeylerBeU.ee Olseteta W..W Wlw.
gathering In all the rtn-el railway c«rapsnlea In tbe state of Illinois, was
formed yealerdsy at the Orest North
ers hotel to Aghl hostile legislation at
BprlngAeld and conserve mutual IbterrelV RepreacnlaUves of nearly thir
ty street railway coenpantes In this city
the state were present to
adopt by-laws and wlecl ofAcera The
The lauer be considers 'cvui of the
preamble of the tvnstllulk>D announces
that the assoi,'|a(IOD Is f.wtned for doeer question, beraure General W’.-yler was
eo-opfratlun and other objeiis oummun relleved-of his Cummand at ihe request
street railway fraternity. C. T. of Washington- Generat Pplsvleja he
in hjgh .esteem, believing that
Yerkee was not present In i«Tson but
Ibis ofAcer could end the war If an exseal represrntatlvee of Us raada
Tbe Cimcerw. elected for a term of one termlnatloai policy st'ere adopted. Gen
alsci believes -war inevitasrlll bay's no caucus, so that tlwre a1ll yesir. are as folfows: President. W. H.
belwc-en ttpaln and the I’nllrd
bs BO teat of strength till ocKt Tuesday. Paiieiwcm. T
-------- • and
'WhUe the Hanna men are still short
•. T. J. Hlnary. tipringfleld; ftiates. and that Ihe pretext for It will
expedlllona The
three ©r more v^tgs ob Ihe current vkwpresiderl, L. Bberwood. Klgtb: exjrgeMs are carrying out tbe orders
dalma of both sldta. yel the "com- ecutlvwconimlltee. tv; H. Patterson, C.
Mbc” U having Its troubles In Asing on K. Mlnary. L. Bberwood. W. U HVrgu- of General Maxima Comes not lo allow
Are to the cane
- .some one wbo can cvtpmand all ibr son. Decslur: R F. Harris. Champaign:
Z>eniocTaUc votes as well aa Gist Of the J. Barker. Peoria, and W. F. Brenan. Aeids wherever pcaslble from one end
aiSMtlng- Republlrana
The afternoon ararioo was of the latand to the other.
cosAnsd to the discussion of mattera
General Panda sailed this morning by
anti-Hanna Republicans
an- perUnent to tbe atrert railway bislnrss.
Bounce poslllvely ibsl under nci tlrrum- Tbe Aral annual convention of the aaacHe wilt probaUy go Aral lo Nuevltaa.
slancec will they vote for a Den-.ocraL
prqvlros of Puerto IMncipe. and frora
They will cominue the deadkwk (ndeAthere by atcamer to GlliaTa. thence pro
Bllely rather than elect a IVmocratlc
ceeding to Rsnilago de Cuba.' The in
senate?. The Press «aa out With a sea-.
Stn-IngOeld Ilia.. JatC
Insurance surgents re«-ently made a slrong sl•atlMial extra edition last n^t anaoundne that the Democratic ^isecut- iuperinteodent Van Cleave yeitetday tsek upon Nueeilas In conxlderabte
'tag attorney bad presented tbe aena- rendered a declsk>B' that it waa In vlo- force, with lcs<s on both sides. It Is betartal aliuatkm to the grand Jury. In UUen of the Uw for an Insurance com llev-^ that this U tbe reason why Gen
referring to this inQuIalllon Tbe Preas pany to print upon the back of Us eral Pando IS going there. Renor Vapolky or U]>ub Ita advertising matter aallo. civil governor of Puerto Prlncl|>e.
any other l
mt If U Is a Jolni policy issued b^
aeewllve and Mrs. Griffltb. of Vnlon
CO ormcJfe eompanlm It can only use
Coanlyi RspreMntgtlve George Sje-I1 Its pollry snd advertising mailer the
awA)- his rattle, He w%B held by
mtyrr and OirU Munter. of anclnnati:
the several com- the Insurgenis.’bui f. riunalely met a
Hob. N. K. tlyaell. of Columbus, and
former servant In 'hli hxuseKold. now
ctbera. against''cenain worker* fur panlc* Icwulng such inillcy.
This affair is pronounrvd as
by tbe
workers snd say thal the mm mho are
ind Rapids. Mlc^. . Jsn. (.—James
K. McBride,
a raem « r f ^ Populist
tbe opiHwIiltm lea. I»en that .d "I*
I'.nwl c-dmm lee and ,
». tam and bc-<l-" during the cent
vircM-r. was arrested
•blgan ^otcullsl
At the- aml-Haniia headquarterw I
;l»rd.v/..n II
were cottAdmUy-claiming a new m<
sloB last night, but refused lo give
mec.f the reember. Senator Burke anJ
several other memlienc got sway
the prekiuire last night by latumlng
to their home©
Followjng close ,iB the rt^rta abc
RecrviatT Gage har .Appointed Einll
- Hra Gyimth taklidt a defi|> Inleresl
Mueller saslstanl ke-per of tb« Wind
tbe vale or lier'hustwnd on tbe wnaii
shlp'coroes a report that Mra tinUer. Folnt tWIai .light sutlun.
"Mer Hanna, brother of the sMutor
tbe wife of It-presektatlve Snldet'. -of
and T6rmer .-onsressfoan fmra Ghjp.
Green counii. is taking an Iniewt
is dangerously HI at Thom**rme. Ga'^
tbe conlcwi. snil Is uBfavoral.le/fi:
Knider attended
C- K. Gunther, the Ohl.rtgo can<{^
pUbllrSn bnuae csUcus last Bsl
mervhanl. was 'An^ t»i and coslS by a
night and voted fc? Iioxwell for
Juallr* for ncUtlon of the chlld-lab.ir
on Mc^ndsy. but tbe O|ct>oaltlon Is cMj
Blantly attew him tu vole kgalnal Hai
In connection with the reports
aleiul RepreaenUilve GrllAth. and esa rxi>oal.
pectslly about ihe preference of Mia.
fSrlfTSlh, ihc-ee are leporls
thal the
Tammany hall haa rwylved tht ariveme
w ives of olher Republican mealier* are to make a sepaiair siaie out of tl.e
teeing rnllstc-d In the roniecn.
lerrtlory enibrwi-sl in Grvnter New
And-jJ^ere are rca>ons that the a1ve< York.
«'r>ome IVe/Tioc-ratlc ine)iisa*s are UTgKx-Ueulenant C.' Rank, ot the Chi
cago police, charged with rxl.wli.m hy
J stand tnit kociarra of "bllB.! Ptrs." waa .•«« vict-il
for'a I-. .n,.,rai
K.m» unJ hU kSB
1^ a Jury.
, datrs ar- r- |...rt.-d l.c
un.bls to a«Mme. P.-mbrfrh. the famous singer
II to America aexl season. Ah'
•Ive riAua for .cSi-h of tnlrty
-Mi-I.rsn manxy.iw m-.- is>;icved t'tUiav
tbe game tioul.l.- i» x.-t all tbe
rrats to soi’li’ri * K •publican for aenIJeutcnant Governor J. II. MacDonald,
*lor. Oovemor Bvs(in.-U anil members
«r tala staff iti-n.iert m- tn.aire lasi of "MIchlKaif died ot appeadk-ltla at
aigta. and an tnc|.Ienl occurred t.. cause Hell- Plain. la.
HcAUmln' TIMon. of Wlaconaln. 1^
*morh ehaerinx f.>r Hums.
bscB appulniM tu|s«rBphlc dreuabtaMELD-UP AHO BRUTALLY BEATEN.
bmii on the coast survey at a aaiary of
> apptdntcd R.
vice preeland.. Jan. l-+:iuah Ford ; Hdl SlcC..rmkk, of »
dent of the tlBBP-Ml*-.e-.,.K. vs^—
for the state o[ H'lnol^.
meager aer-unt of the whlpplBg
death of Dave HuBler.' a negro, by n
■|«rtyfamters at Gllnlon. has tayn
al (•..lumi.ia, F.
Tbe lUiBols state boaid uf bealtb
Its annual meellhg
iv-«lrctsd Dr.
>r Wairrtoo. proMdsnt and
Dr. J. A. Egan, of BprlbgAeid. aecrs-
other artwsu »
A Inigv tres which Pstsr-Pirfreas
cutting duwo near Ashland. WIa,
acrios lus legs, tearing <fne off
crushing the other. He died ^horUy
1. Hla.. __________
ne of tte largest concerns pf
tu kind Id this city, has diswnUsued
Tbr latr George B. LenwD. wbo was
a Washington penrimi lawyer wbo patmnlsed tbe arts, bequeathed his paint
ings and other art- treasures to the
OontoraB art gallery.
wlKiny YOluntary and waa .
by tbs tow ptttm Roeopted bF «
MSMpsttW Job taOtidrtaa.
Dr. Btiiencb. yrofeaaor at tbe DbIsontty ot Tlsaaa. claims bs has dlaeor.
of sxerclalng Influeoee
as to ax the
sax of tbsir offspring-
—ranaid M. Hunt-
Tbatebse Cm, Mica.
ir. JtKUARY 7th, I89S.
Day Only X^b Voatii.
tion Free and Strietly
Oka % a a.« CO-demiethelrM ntloo b< btowM eg the Eye. br. Tbfosl
,; -T=.aasdSisis
hill-. rbr.suc Conch. I'rattre Ibis aaefc).
im,B.R aco. Binken-ies-isrir r*uU tursicl lUcrsl Di«n>to<^ Pilto^ntmal asd exMT-'
B*tii*BiaCBBd blecWiac. Rectal L'feen. rioutv. nuaU.-wblrU are igteo lakto for Keeraos
sad l.uuTraoble.wUeeieU. Renniliee w-euiwaU hstMAd <’•1-' eWnut pals. tBWvrspUts
airdeleolloa traai bn,laMn. sod without Ibr use ef-kafliTr^riir or llgwam. ('owe na( be
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Rsnerioc fr«o) asf w
a nephew of the Jndpa The men quar
n’MORa AMD CAttCRRHosied without acitU. knife, pals or star.
reled «ime time ago over a-amall aum
GATARKH. New bine trestiseai. I nsarytased and cheap.
due from timtih In HuoL and
Ob'lBANTEE To cW ewe, Oto of Ppttosla IHrk Btodarhe.
-he. Files. Tape Worm, and
ytaterdsy aa fimtib:wastwalking aloDg
dlOrall esses ssd to csss* atber pbysiciaa* has*
the strAet Hunt JV*fwd out (sum be
------- please briag Iwo'or U»ree onees of srise
hind a building and opened Are.
,t<r saslyai*.
af>4 tamwwdtetsg seat
Rmilh held up:t* protect himself a ' - Those wbc are BSSbletocaU eas wrile fell parUrnlnme
expr«is.witb tell Itolrertiitoi bo* lo betakes
quart* "hrick" of Tee t^Yam which be •sshby
TVXrw of Drv. R.B.A Oe. was lBeerpornXe<l sreoial ytots wlaee snib s ewpllal of ttaMO.
was earthing, and Hum’* Amt bullet beaes'm takenuKWBewlf ronemplor laoB. Tbtraiw rtopOMlblesad well ksows
was Skipped by 11. Rmiih then drew a
revolver and Is'ih men Aced aa rapidly
rouW. Hunt was hit In the side
few minutes. Sirfltb was
I ir, s f
Ihe left hand snd right leg. He
shot In tl
If to the pullre.
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Lock Box 160.
tn iU Bs the Dsalk s( Ihe V>
Manisle.'. Mich.. Jan 4—ITje
rearend of a Tok-do. Ann .Arbor And KorthVn freight 11^0 lushed down CTiurch
Hll>. east of tta village of Coperaita.
yesierday and dashed Into a Manistee
and Norlheagtera freight engine aUndTng «n the cnveslng taking water. Th-*
engine was complelely wrecked. Onduclt>r Jones Is reported to be dying.
Enyineer Andrew Frilxell and Fireman
Kmiit. of (he Usntsiee and Nonheatern. are at their homes In this city with
more or leas aeHous. tn)uriea.
Man-os Gan la. i-lvdl x<'veyn»r of ftanta
Clara, .reie.rls that (90 reconiemrad.-s
died in that city- during De<-.-n<ber last,
and more than l.foO in November.
He predicts thallah-ul Ihe same numbtr will die during the preoint month
lack •>( r.~Kl. ci.nhing. fueL sheiatid mrilirine. Consul General Ivw
Printers’ Ink Says:
That Mlehlga* Ywm TWIe rase.
Lansing. U^h.. Jan. A-Tbe Michigan,
supreme con has grantetl a rebswrtnF
ceVI.rsied tax tllle case of thrclbul
Mutual Insuran.-e company
Connrt-._ . ...
••«>«. derided two week
weeks W
arsinst ^tbe purehasei et a tax
The e*«cc 'pt-the de. Islon was to
lurr the aeitled p.llcr of the aUle for
thirty years. j»d-nhe hearing . waa
granted by the court upon lU own mo-
“Among the best advertising media are papers that
tipend money liberally on themselv^, fiyst 1n secur*
ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course « apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
advertiser, of course, shares."
.._.j.n s rep<*ri. and directing
rum to select dak-gates to Ihf
IndlsrspnlU ronvenllon.
twenty- year* Imj-.wed on ex-f»tate
.Treasurer Bartley, convicted of embexxllng rM.tXW.
•*__________ __
Tba> ttileao *Mas,e «>sw.
SpringA-ld. ills.. Jan 1-The state
b.tar4 of agrk-uHure began Its annual
meeifni V. Teplay. It Is esjimated that
.k. w..ss,< I..S. r; arm in tlfWC by Aeaacin
eld in CW-
BpIAnerW unbwi last ntgbi unanimous
ly vrtjed to strike agalnaf Ihe rvducUoo
Ihjert to the Bppioval Of tbe
Innera' unltm.
National Pplnnera
Lond-n. Jan. E-^teferring to th* re|sol li..m Itri-ire that the.Kalo-t'hou
affair has l*,-n agltled by Germany
The Morning Record
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Every Day.aod on
Sundays sets before its Readers Up-ta*Date
nothing. white the qutoilou uf the safe- i «lH
• SatatORB OVaV.
ty of th.
is .-rulroly ’
Kbe wa« dad tally in ganuehta, with
dn-pped. Th- •loestb.iCliBS be-n ralseJ . tbe rto plitai
ber bat and bboaa 'and
her- as to Her: Drtriug's tight to su. - iMoi-kings.'
iwfl! Air Robert Hart me dlre.-lor of!
,;j„, glannd csrifultT alVMIsd. and
Chlm-o.- lmi-ri»l marmno- vusi..ms). ,
, g„,p
l■-'.•la■rtng■|hIll the management
. urioms MtoUid r-inaln as now .
w as lni.-ry.irle.l to mean should
the han.is ..f an KBgli-hn.eit.”
It »av a dark iiiitbL
gelling a ••|.•a*e ■ on the Kalo-Cbuu
Slowly ddwa the marblo atapg Isto
iuitls>i> and territory, the morning pa7-w edlt.wisls generally i«.int out that 1 th-garden Mole a lithe flgumrf pwtogpi
■the comra’. i is ,.ne In wYil.-h Germany 1 2^0 pouudg.
apt-arcnlly geie evetylUIPK and China
U her hands «be ranied a suall par-
. iause
..f the
w kl.-b
;i- In
Hotel Whiting-
Captain t'ahafcarrl chief of tbe
:uerriUai> who raptured the Insurgent
rgder Villanueva,
soon wrier
•* !“*»•
^ in.-hcatpratMf
. friim tli* hniJi«i sud seirsd thn tnaid«.
1 In ejiHe uf- IhjJ' stnufgleii be bta© her
! info tbe bouist. B plow .d vlcltay III big
Popular lllustfated Features;,
I The itai-er |.ellev.-s-that Kngfand would. •vc«.
I not a.v^epi Hei r' lyrtring as Rlr Robert { ’ Va» it a Mtm parent nithleMlf !»©•
j vqntiiiR bis daugbier's clopeuxat?
TTie Hian-inr.l saj*. eJIioHaily; •:u;nrNn. It*,
- ruilled, tK-eaus- she I
land IIC-.1 t
and ba was prevaurtug bis new «»ok
can claim -xa. tly the aatio- iFlvHggra
as Grnnsny. Tri'.a'ls (be. logical and from jnmpiDK bTrJob.—KewTtgkHoB.
World._________________ ___
unassailable t»slll..ii the Kovefntnrnt
bar taken ui>: und It ts not astonishing
to And 'hat II h.-is made a pmfouad
iRiprvaslon in l-hip'pe as well aa had a
II wl i fAF |e-r annum.'
Mark Bayers Hie VIHii_______
* HIgbwat Th«B •
tSov-rWor Tanner
CTikago. Jan.
iriliriarUce Law wad Ttieotsgy.
Oanbage. ni*. Jan. (.-Judge C JRcolield. ei-Judge cjl thecHreult court In
lARbA MRN LArnB ATIKDICYMKIC^ the old Nlnlh Judicial district ot 1111nola. and aple'IUU Judge In the Minim
Vernon dlstilet. Ota aaxplvd lb* paaa Lai«e tlgase Iw
torsie c;f th- CbrlsUan^-hunh in this
Tbe .Hanna meo lauA at the attemol idty for the ensulcc year. He will alao
lo aemre Indlctmenta against certain conilnne to i.rac-tk e law In this city.
and Ip. L. Fisher, two well
kn..«vi '
farmers and ©lock buyers of Crawfor.!
rtninly, HU., werv held up and r.iblW~l
a short distant* west of thU city Tues
day night by two highwaymen. The>
ta<!ed tu arcurc any money, taut Uwi
their vlcttma iB an unayercirul mander.
In ihrtr haste they ovrrUxAcd «:a
©ft Ford. Ford U a «ock buyer, and
evnally has eona^derably money- on
hIs.|>eraAn. which bis aasaltaals eertainly knew.
nyer*. of this
- t yewerday ebarged
ihe f.poipadk and bav
Mil*. »x
ing tniba are t>amlmUllc and that he
will advise the Ppanlab government to
abandon the lalsnO. Teaterday-AteneriU
dilaiicu. General Parradu and General
4raw, even If delrat should be.-.«ne
selUble; but he rtlll insists that
t. and ll.ey
CTtdeDily have a long struggle auji
•bead of them.
Barhe Betanw SeHl. Psny.
la the
senate yesieiday
abowed Some tendency to co^peiair
Wttb hU Republican colUaguea
P>BWM.iata wanted lo rr|iorl the com' Mtteea but Hurtu stopped It by saying
be would vote wUh Ibe KepuUkana.
Later in tbe day Burke was in confera. and hr aped nursi
!) (he Hanna workera
c( b'u tune «
I Tuesday
Prealdent B.
FOE ATwerao wiras.; ESiJnJ.
a Key- West Fla.. Jan. d-
But Brush ptobably will not *-t hla
haAds on the Browns after all. , Testerday It Was aneounred on the bent of
anthuHty that f ayndlrslr of j^gitnx
busln< ss men of tit. Ixniis has caade all
arranatmenta for buying the Browns
. •ominto. Hanrjt. restnday saM .povtand will pay tM.rW for the Satlnnat
tively that iie would never retire. Hr
League f.mnrhlse. grounds. etr„ whl. i.
aars be a-as nnminaied By the Tcird..
•• il Voo
r b>
will be inrned <
stale convrnilua. lor arnaloi' and mnor sll Inrumbranre.
r Abe frefr
BM retire In favor of any other <ine^
e last night and
■ SteS
V..1. d. r
"The trulb of. the whole matter
U he la defeated tbe reapotnOUItly lor
«late|tardlr« the ^Crree of tbrsulr con-
The Calabntad SpaoUUito. - -
[a serrel meeting held hem yesterdgy.
tneal on tbe porrhaae of the base b
t SocrrlaO' Usy. Kepreseotativ.'
raor and otbeas belnc made the
>llcM . rolled Slatas scaatortsl
Ctalraco. .
gsnlsauon called tht Illinois Coal Op«ratsrs- assonathm was perfected at
. ,
CuiRteJu, of Madrid, Ba-
tcle«ni[4t4 aU «vn- tba cvunlrr that
Columbus, d.. Jau.
In mOy b
■ about, tinTriary. I
TMUon win rnt on those who are now
SO*«I>ei«tiDg altb tbe DrinoiTata. The
■eMtor InaMe that he win never with.
It Costs Money to Do It
: lA^alever
that Kngiand 1
• ■
fighting tltaj^ls'y.f
mer> hantg
... *nd~mder
wiil.ae that of her dwa subjtyta " Toe ;
Ds-ly N.'W'
N.'v- asyc 'fThe real i».!nl for '
l4iil tialUbury lo opnslder
consider U tbe posy^'imlng
tbe rigbt
td^IIiiy of Oei^ny
other pevto erret n UrtCC,wali
urtCL-wali kgstnst
but the Increase.ol^fte Circulation Pinv« that
fWreeBtlng with sntlsfscHon upon
the optalons of New York payers, aymtbs BrHUh policy. Ths
end returned te us In launatloaal inAuence after many days." Ths
Dally Graphic call* the selsurc of KlasChoa -ta feknioua act," and says that
Emperor William "with focredible tartty" has reopensd tbe Chinese question
aad put in Joopas^y the relatlOM ot
QorBWiG wttb ita^ to order to tadoc* the rstebMiffSo oaBcaoti • I
Tbe RECORD Has i Rsir^ Seat ii tbe Bud fiRoi.
AkloffirU.lB»«iMtltatwbsai-------TOtme BMB bolds tbelr baD^t’saivacd
oriovA bat la *9 omss oat oE 100 it's
MtajdFtokMlithsatraai plgjtaf 4tas
Advertisers Profit by It.'-
Of Most of thft Nows Thst Cemos
ics Reform Mod
hrrra iwtiMa to Ml.
(iav* t^puM to Tan |
IWals of Iks
WaaMnriun. Jua.
SecreiarT SberMtan yesterday mi to the senate his
napbinae to the )-rselutiuB sskloa the
heads of d<‘ snni<nla for aunestlons
as.to chaws to Ueb- reapeoUee dopanmvts. £!i<mianrecomin«tidaiheaainof-ltr headsorinireawand the
thief rterk oI ihestate.depaRmest from ]
the nperaiion of the ci.ll aerrtre laa. i
T foand.-' l>e aa>. Ib bla •UlemcM. ]
“tthnn eniarlsK my duties as aecreiair'l
from e>u»
a to Inmras a tart that Si
per y««r. n>4 UK-Jad«* as clerhm
and lK5t admit <if a shadow dtOosbi. My loss
draflsRiMi. U • pointed opt thst Ui« «m* MMrDfd. thr snoiiK/MMvIoCsof >>>7
rWnttaJ idra dr tbr forrsnins .bill Is to lDreoM>M»a«twcnioitttattiadlwtei
take out of tbr ritll sarriM -all rr*.
r^nWd Oulf
-tSirJobn FmoU Dad by bU will do
used hi<
oalifd OaisItT. to Jobu
As a (umScauoo.
Op in the fcioat i
BiborU and Utatco
?ts.; .r
Introduced In the see
rlsrtnp the bonds «f
l«ysble In slUei dolisrs
If an JOB IcTOw
■ ZXTS'U'Su&JN'On.
Ine It only to ( J-rka In WasWastOD and'Toyalty Itoirll
In tau. the tlnks of
or twoeBOrpriflnR exi.J®»n
cartaln lars* dtlf« and tn tbcoe casts of her heart to n»« loll
.L, b... .-m-d;
Twice a wA* 1 wmt to the «U loowa
BsIbs a traurv nf offlca of Sr* yean..
boroe«rfDr:.eit«Ulatilt..trtl btadattBhW.uje a.iai sanisr. i.ujoptui ryca naro
n,,lo5e.aBdasitw-iUrlyU«.««Jh..re nrtor i»»d spot, the a^s^ 8j«s
uyu«: »..,*t.hJuh
tVashinrtoa. Jas. i.-iJrb«
rital of tu n<tum (n»i> the prrtty. red lip.
nnr-bws Moncuha. .
Chariri I’ayr Bnran. t» l>r olhtatn tjl: ^
ehartiilnp Ji—'
cTilBa. wa. i-toacBted lo the acaate u:
exsoiuiTr aroelon yeotcrJay and n-- »,,uUl
r«m>d. , Amonp tbs rt.iainatiuns sent | hou«-bold
th the Bonair' were the foUcwlBc: Neal j
Utchliran. (rnosul at rort |
Dj- fnt
McUillwi. *uf Utchl
OoU: Btandnd
Btandnd Z.
Z. UrodowaU.
UrodowaU. of
of i itnjwp
L. OoU:
a h«>l'____
B pHii« wbieb are reitd by iba U '•
Illinois'noa- tnnaul ai Breslau. OerAtlSo’cl.^k I wa. to Ifara mj b-.inr giberj. loader. I.. U..WO v.nrabonpurt if""
.n..- __________
ltr.nu touirti® t-. aid id the <W«ise. v
sualthilr. (Kt my father', pray n .
iTher uta dincrtbad^as “jawryd
her and pnrod to JatiM. w|m a
"cin* bis
treasurr. CoUeclors of Interns] rrve- be walUnp
nt fnretoel
fnretuel at bef r^mtHc wIb'
nurT J.ihn W. I'siiersob. Third, dietrtfl of l-rttw: John U. Ke^le. Fourth
disiriri « l lows. Ber.loiS sarni. Jons*
than Mrrrtam. at t*hii-aco>
There wa. but o3dlUi.«Uy Id t^w^ haded with ten. tobann. ROupo****
Wtu Nsl t-aWtoh the reatoaa fuuJanef. itsmi wa. sluind * - he* slsW ^ ,hot strinci of hads f« tbe wont- i
'••• •‘‘“I «r««l «»;«
WashlnriotL Jan. 1—The pen^*"*
Fanny. allMlewls(hl .o. .
and rooph l^^nad* BiorewidM te the
tcli'two^ aad
The aet-iei '
Will nol be pt
«>< the latorior
d result In any pood, but would
chief;j furnish the < lalm airer.ls >«lth material
■ clerk II »:.lta and six cbleCs «f bureaus |
aoolberxsld up.u. fhe iiassury. Me
U 'KIW each, serr UDder
irllJ Ibluks thst the experlrnre <f the dr
aert-ii.- law under a prertdeDtlal .ordn
ier^ Iiartroeni when the ll.l. were publlsh.-d
sooie iwemy
years a«o. would
cxlrDdlnp Us nperatiiiDs SO
..... »
n the
brai^. Ulnar nfflters. 3tjr oplBtoo 4x tha) be re|>eatcd Then
old sold:
Xhsae afeea luaitions should be .as-*[ delured with entlclnp clrrulara train
capted mm t he'VJJ eralion, uf the laws .claim apents. who uffrred toarcurethem
trov^mlnp the Civil •semiRr. and I ae an Increase If Uie) would advance
fevommetd should any chsn«*s bf the money to |«y eipejise of wurkin* tip
Clvn sentoe taw; be oootempAled.
Ui* etldence.
WsaM Make aerra ftores Skeaips
Teitor*. MIeer
•These offleers shuuld
rhe t»nlult(^ ■
tVashlnrtfm. Jsn. f—The
. pointed by the president by and '
v«iIXv de.'
the advice and cobmi of theaensn
the s.'Cietary of state should be a
merly. actins for
powered to appoint th.tn
U,n ...
oRluers bear a cIam- (wrsuf.al le ailon
. C08T OF 8ABLE8.
Suits to Order.
nportuit to tapert; fltUoi!
rtf* iD.rrMea t.owp
tweraUj Bsdr Bstortol e
«. .-c -- -. ______ _ .
ClMpoMlifrirtids i
(tpecTOml '
Kor that ntimuai-1 idscsd In Jaart'. hand t»i obecrfnlly.
fib the «e« cf a OW '____ ,------------------ --------- ._as. ...... ..
exManed bf tbe
n tbe eltiieto «f this
a rvond. IhlUnp slUTr dollar.
, noimadr and with Cnpa. nmdemi drtt
u v It
' h reOurtwa..aa< IbWr
Hut Jmnoi n«xl«l a-Utanne So she.bTloM cysotioe Lc sam and feels tba
frwTK-ap. atr^ww isadhip asd recorwludd lolel KanDy into befr.madri>ci-*nBoatb.-wano sUu. <d tbe H.tl.. .wl.
»fae hm^ .UTTvud.T tbe bmitMtid , bsiSe oepastos.
the ttsine afM*n.«n we startttl and «> ,.re-'
-ruto « we uvue au i
BIIT etanoe of herralsiat itohoum
-.hi. small black
- -
- *■
i booa* and hamew.. and a te«p>ie<(» 16 '
\r,f rS'.,..u....
««««« lufflui IL I
••lak of vitoyl.
vitayl. p<,.epow.
(d.aiHiwitb slow', sad and ^
yet noM—
aube4<'» l^der;
powder; a ppeket
ppekH of;
O* to* f.» _a 1ot«It |
rtdinvfiibcbouwaDdlnafewmtDuua .Ainwiiba^oofUsrh amw dHtop tbe '
“Z----------------------- '
htiKinh ““W
*“ rttotw-. Utls otre. a fine sfinf hoc a lit ; “•
J"*'- "hat posto—d nwl cannuttvIL jj„ bj, bwi liTMbt shot enicrinp W ' **T ^ u-mUi* with Warwick wt^
ctoai a Uu.
i»stIsT»Uk ihuskly aU*i fattu. al^ ibe
“J • sinnif a
InUeOPtate.,____ ...n__________-.e :
;.a. s.a-'i r'.a. i^.--------Ar.;s.a. r.s;p.>.
......... »aTm..ai»j
. ,r « !
... U U «• Waiiea i.......... ,aa u»
TbrmlUmnMThe mil. mnw marlTU.
mwrly lo Uiybetdwwhiv
my beels. while i rtfo K
that the aUsa do toot oist
™n«re«s..n<l-whb-h rsswd to.th houwa ] ib>- waht wa> mwrty p.
P> my
my armplto.
anoplto. the lb«. bibvrian trader much BMn tbati a
tbe sei.rrutrj of si.itt- In the oundilfl oi
X-,m hbUiv
LWbiw the
tbe iuxurisni
luxurl.nl pair
pair uf
uf sUk
few peave each on tbe avcTapn.
The drpannunts of the buMitetw. It Is Tellers lUin.* IS to se.njrr-a M.f dei-to.
throuph them utyl.l the m-sl.iant aeoalmost tw.r-thlrds majority when
imiky fire. " suys indomHw aM Ircxi.
retsiie. that he Is enabled .to iranaa^
and abore ihl. uamuUi pIK- of bloc cbAh howerer. be pets dearer and deanr.
vtoosly considered. The rrwolBtlfm was was isxrbed ahat
‘In the belief that saletr Iron llght'«c9 a
Us nSleisI duiba and (t woohl seem
: Ttansk €»e .
referred to the flnam-e cumni'llc-e. and
iUs« U thus asHinTl. by same this »
to be the part of prudrnj>- and dUa nutjorliy «f the iiieml>er* o(thst coiaAcomed supenuttou. but&tbastar shows
cretluo that they should be la aym*
initiee are frirndly to kl vcr.
patbeliL touch with tbe head of the
Chat tho curtom i. tsued uo raason iDhsrtasksMseal Ibe-Wbtte Mswsw
d'-l>anmynl to insure <elto|ieraUon and.
aracb as tbe atuukc arts as a Rood ccdharmony uf at ilmi.**
Washinslon. Jsn. C.—Tbe police olTl- the window, and bow 1 bkimed her truiu , pocS (». lu. St. Bctorshari; no cme ex- dnctoff iae larTTUiii sway the elaotricity
cvpi tho miikUe class or a fnncttocary
■Me Ks« t—Bl.te-al tbe taraiabSBtoe
rers at the White House were yester tbr isbUian nt my bmrt for bar kindnem.
^owty and Mtrlr. He puinu oat that
At la* Jan* rtaumeoowl di*vt>dlBC 1 would wear a sable under C6. in Baris
The BOvretary mncludra witb the day obilcad 10 srrest a crank. Me was
te 1.000 easm of dama«e bj liRtmisf
time was; ^ Lotodoo a real SiUrian aablc rtiin
•tatemeni that be makes no complaliit B' tniddle-aBed Uerman named Jacdi' tbe Isddcr. and la a xwry
chl cbnrdie. and B 6' mills have been
•psinsi tne i>iesent uci-upsnts of these Cltments. who said- h. lived
stnok. while tbe nonber of taourj
otBcea. bu’ h.- thinks thst upon cenera! Tork. For the iiast'three ilsys
ehiinii^ has only bsM .8."
pitnclpha the SecmaiT's-'hanihi
■ ••hsm- should i-hatinted the White House, enamy-nrlnp' toi t^w
ti lo
this wcMtffsl
«ol Urd." "This freedom of action on
. kti^bUD^ that •
Spfsnivd at the window and
the part Of the secretary* of stale which
the pul-xl the bundle alsire our bwda. • U* .
-----------------------------------ahoBlil Jicver have la-*B curtailed." be
aays. “would. 1 twlk ve. promote the mark wi bit hr.'W cod
pabllc interests. It should cenatnly lB- see the pretOdml
hen he was denied;
J \
BoJ Kanoie Mill suod there. swInylnK
atUI Into tho-.e offleers s dewlre to ren
be became bnlalerous.
baokwnnl and fuiwrsrd the hus<‘ buudlr.
der thC’b.-St 'ikStolble SCTV;.* tltolhe doewuarmeU by Ibe ftoaats.
Without hecdini: JabuTs rwriswl eBUrwiy. \ \ Weil pUnoed *i>eioc was worked |
psrtment sod siiiuulsie their blchest
Attarseya at Law.
WasblnxtoD. Jan. (.—The senate
endeavors, to dis.-harxe their offlctal
m a down town Italiao ctxifectiinieT
fon.uls. , «»u« n«ry oo me.
»f tsttawsbouW “ *
duties tn hsrnMiny with Ibe wl^iea of firmed
t Nrhrsrfis. at I*al- knosr of thta! Wh* U beslawM beswak^l
iu«bt wbwtl^
Oiunh H»wi
the sectwUry of slate.'’
bad am good
ermo. Sicily; J*. C.................. .................. .. - ----------wm»d«rti)g
Uco; Wmiam
wmiam K.
-'La. glieUtobil.
glie U to her. Fan.
Fan. Dim-t pla^ur
plague ; eye aBiT~nBc
and*-«c glaae
glam rye
eye «aiD«
San JusB. IVirto Rico;
The letter wriiti-n by <
wiled a alctag the street and Mopped at tbi
..f IlHmda at Zltiau. Oermany; 1 T"or .l.t.v; she's In a harry:
auasrSU Chaoica In the ctrll service i
- .
thepsricir tttliaii'a frait stand. Hr MoC^ over
-rejulsllobs whU-b. If made, w,mid take j] Archibald
Archibald A. Y. una. of Il dlsna. to be ] v.dce Inim tberh*sl bUndsiif
surx eyor of curiums for ludlanapolls. i w Imlimw, whh* Irtonird
when on« between 4h<« and ruOOu appololraeDts
'I «*to» •
1 ..f the (ivtl service rUs.incatlOD
----------- -----I Only bestill nlsHit U, ran
«-kei .
and p'a<e the selection in his hands or
Wants a Tssss Mixed rtour.
Fur a moiiwat We W.R w<TlUitl. .U-hal '
In ihosi' «r 111- pteeid'-nt It Is the xrnWamhlnxlc-n. Jsn. C-fienalor Manon ’
we dot WhiU-wc russl univtolsd j
ctwi undi-rslSDdli.K that whether or not yesterday intrvdurr<l s bill fixing a ape- i two hofte msumsu fell al our fwl. ftJ-1
consp s. ecu upco the suaxmUons of Hal tax upoo the manufseture «f mixed ' lowid Immixiblely Iq rbrMs. quilto. tsUc-;
a dll
the head. A.f the several depaitraenta
flour, manutacvurer* bHox required to
va-'.o—M other
M ——
articles of —*
all kltx
in 4%hrorRilty with the surFeailons. tb«
t*r I)'«. Mixed flour ,Is drfned by { dmrrifdlunr.
itatu.tbe tniit, s
pTvwldcwt-will. make most of thesiide I
‘‘MotlxT. mother, don'toaeof
ehanxes by executive urdi-r. Wilson, of
>m fraihcr Uvl*
to Jam*
I toliHbc itiangw to Mop. The,on« eyed
theucriitituira^de|«rtn>ent imys that tbs
other forHxn Sulwisticct.'
(■art of the
esplaiBt-d that bisBU.weTa had
chief truubb In his degiartment Is with
WSBIS Thst Weal Law RepewW.
enipl -tvs (A.v. red Into the serrtce wlihvi^^...nda bolMrr«»d apalrof firo,.p.d down them
that ho w«,tad
tut examination.
WasMuiHcn, J-n.
6. — Jnbason of
c pillows USX Carry 'em out of the *« «“
North nakou Inirtsluced a bli In the
•nie Italiao became enraged and (old
at door," was the answer,
co.Miluaa. TWO.
hoDse ysaierday to npcalThe Uw which
fi husc burse bar* yuu. JMDIfl'*ABked tbe Mrangrr to ccmie aroosd in tbe ev«ahas
ing and be ccald gel tbeotlnx eye. Tho
. *Mb Hsusn «lee Ttoeto ritol Day After
thrduclDrpuehlDg UpI the blind,
blind. "Toi
paUaic scalins
scallnx and thc-'im|s>Hiiiioa of father^ Humph, that; old gray l^'t ntan exTilstaod be was a Miaugor and
tIsIMays to ctrtl Heretee.
taken by pelkxlr aealers.
worth a buittm to ip.,
,,i be bore to
berry atray
a^V ji *unid
wuold b
tn thg
the evoi
evoing. bat
Wastuninoe. J»B. A—Thf preserlaatnl aaddJe Black Molly fur Jason. U’s | „ be ilbr Italian) tonnd-tbu Tye be
.m 41.^
tluayaf.thc rrlSHep of the members
.;bi.;b „»1.
SX-"”- p™*’
ue-l. I«U«r
•nrtitot hrmt»^w‘^''HIS HIGH PRICED EYE
the (wbirrel i« the nrsolGIlon callinc for
Inrurmatloh as to tbe applhailon of the
CtPll serviiT law lo the various depart*
mepis of the coveriimcni. t'W thrr with
the (ousldeiailui. of the bill esUbKsh*
'tag s bareau (or the iweinii censua.
'■'T>recljlltalcd a civO service debate In
the senate ycsteiday, when It recun*
venrd after the helldays.f'fullom, tbe
author of the nsudullon; Allen of Ne
braska. • •(K'krHl and
fta Ibr debate, whtih foar
Wsshtnylon. Jan. • —Reprcsenlatire
Clark, of lows. ha« ihirudureil a bill
maUnx the gold dollar «he hula ana of
ZIZ,’ ..a
- J-1 ■‘""'t war It lo u, b«.i, .1— tiao
SOB'S ticWowlaad kat."<rud
man cwme
An hour latar anutba
thai cu.vt a Isauiy, laibor; Ju* look
tavk at '
i along,
to make a parcbi
tbekxigth of llsUlb"'
.. prrtetoded
"Well." drawled the doctor, .“that coal11| Bud
aud while
whilu flngcriiig
flngoiiiig areoDd
areotod in the troll
| sndduily espied the wotukrttilgtara t yc. :-----------.
••AnUhlshaktatherVvaltad thowtekod^Tjjeiuaafrmn Italy made a g^ for it. I VV.
bat was tut late, as hiswoald l« cos
“1 dtvlan.” exrUliMtd the dcHt*.
“Wife. wife. Touk bem and site Jasun'
eualiUMl bat.
Bun t U>ey look nice, motbaV’ I
vanretl to third
hrusd baml ova ’ gcr
lor the rye. thiuking be would j.ook6k>ek.
w'hifh ■ jAw ductor potUng
duced hl| amt nd
tfaTuUluk' his bead w*rir^get
mouth anil dou
nirStor- - * Ills ‘“-‘“Ut
It stmllar to tl
lo Ills kne«
Anderson Ir Ibe
i euuldti't Mand tl any Imiga. I tamed 1 • Ha Went » tbe botod iffltb tbe «yc to totp.m. TWl»pheae.n____________________ ____ ;
’’day In cxetulU'e scsslun.
trr^Uced a bill iiTovIdlnx that any In••und and haped aruw
';get tbe $I0U that be was told awaited
pnrtanl measure intr-duced vak a <-.n- furance company drtnx bustpewi In this
rurrent tesulutlOB by Teller declarliiE
siaie.shall pay i t»x t>f : per x^nt. on
all the bonds of the I'nllrd tSlaice. pftnirr<iip premiums mibvied from’persons
tdpat anti Iniere*. payalile In slxleenlife to be
lo-onr atlw d<4lars. and lhai such at us.-.rror smcral siatte iiurpoees
an4*'»tal<l*^v^wnlirciiaitT buiddani worked aixl botiSed the puUoe.—FiUattoB ts no violation of publh- ralth; It ri-rr.''l to tt-.mmlite.- on Twvwtiuf.
hroCTbl home iny father s buns-.
Ibug O
wa* trferTeflr..,..-. Iniroduccd a bill In tbe honae
Tbe old gciitlei
■raa frighlrdied
and I
Like the SMAle. the first thin* that | desti ned
•■nafde the asseastir to gel wanted tn
>> know
bowr be (tome by the
"atrmk the house was a citll w rvlee d«.neya, strxka. bonds, rtc.. In oafrty horau. He was told, to
nafc me. He did
Every one who has aboep know^ fl*
Late, the anbjevt cumlnr vp in the depttfit vaults. The Andrrwon rc'rnur ask t»w and I made a rlean brea* of It.
Hmi in the legtaiailve. ixnntive and bill was Considered, ftrvaral serUons .4um1 1 am Mitv of thta 1 uera lookid at a tick, tbe worst pxwt of this aniiBul. that
daw aritnr luxriii to tbo young tamba
Jadlclal appraprlatloB bi;i f.s- the
, were Had. bat nothing done with them alrl for **vm yeara.
asMnoe of the u.ir.mlsBiitn.
xuV,A(-iun <if tbv t»oa to tbe
The de* I pxwApt to poaipone to next Orufwday.
hen the ei^lh oame round. I b
. bale tn the house is t>nly |>retlmlnar>
“mlnsry .! The eenate revenue commltlee baa de-____ _
■bgihad. 'tliis itxlilisb bitiwu cruature
>0 anr iirograniiar which the cnepilet
-nepiles . Hsred m favor of reuUDing township j
is a 5«»u“l—*' fly c?:-l :i tcry'pvtdy bloodof the 1x55 may agree Upon. The mrjnThe aeiiale aub-ctitnmlliee
itei- : t
1 marrltd Fattny. Jan* baaiM a par* mi scr. A
til tUctu tui a lalub will
. beiw trf the fiousr are divided Into -three on revenue has decided to lakr u^ U
jui'.kly Ku.k ir., little uur dry. Itlsto
ranips on this yyufatlon—lb
Berry hill as a basis upon ^falch I
And here let me take yon lota my son* ts* loiki-.i ;,I.i I nt the Uti<t Of abrnriBg,
d^n a b II to be prc*rnte4 lo U
Odrate. 1 fually tblnk that Fanny bad a
wbtli thcM- liias-vts g > Inr sbelia to tba
* rcyval. and thc*e wbtr deatre (u
deep' mtiU5-v ta ba heart wban sbe belati.hs
It Is limutl uonly wboe tbh
trayrd Janet and me.. Anyhow sbe al*
towal*gkla(^ Ar^vtog.
^Tbilr the talk Is K5>ing cm Id congress
ways doeisn# that I bsve had my revaige uiimsi 0.14,o( ft.nil It—uo its b(«d.
I>en Hulnea. la. J#B (.—The
the at'oial ts.mniliitv of Rr|iUhlli«ns
upunber. BIOS ba faithful b«ort.U has tjlUI<4 lU the skiU. rncklBg UM! Wood.
m io
apts^lniid by a caucus of opponents of hers of 1^ legislature benn
'lt> skin >r lough and it ta pot wkUy
tsileud been a sweet one.—Itondou News.
the iiresenr law has drawn up a bill In Des M'>lnes jeoterday. for tW meetmiitxtwlOi lf» ih..n a blow of a bam*
which makes oweetilng changes In the tag DeUMunday. Last night l(waaan-..
unr./lu amaJl bucks it is but nneta <d a
preseoi system (he meat Impnrtaat of nounced that all the candidates- f5ir
lent of tba iJpwtiigfidd Retbruugb. witb a pair «t
which U the rsiAbtishment of a five- apeaker before the RcpubHcaa caucus lubUcoD, wbo bas been duing Lung ta MimU smsaon to cot (be ticks In two.
year tenure of office for thoee govent* bad srUbdtayrn In favor of J. H- Funk,
la a elUson
Quagur. ‘-Biutty
but wbo« tbe dock U over a otae B
This Insures the
meni employe# who sre brought wt'tb- of Hardin county.
will be ntsMwary to dip ibe tamtaa.—
iB the terms of the bllL The measure election -of Funk by the unenlmous
RepuMIran vote. Tbe last-to srlthdrarv
••Duo't.'oatok you na|ipiag aoek,
verv Hanger,
of Blackhswk. and
Laveiidar. of Calbuua county.
"No. an."
«*8o Owendolyn is not to Barry Cba
tW where the total number of employes
rallaev al Hrwad iupMs.
•oobt after *m"
exceeds twenty-fl5-e- All apt»lntees are
Oraad Rapids. Mich., Jaa. U-Oeorge
"Eo. pocriqan. Ha trtad to taU bar
comraliuloBed for five gears, with the R. Maybew. one of the beta known
that ber alngtag was anmetfaiag that
local shoe . merchanut
filed: a trust
made cue glad to live, and bla proouamortgage -yesterday for astouau of
eiatioe was so bnken that tbe tbou^t
about •«.«*. naming the ItaBlsutar
aball be made tor poUUcal or rrtiglous Trust oompaay as trustees.
be aaid it made eg* glad to tawa, abd
He has Zriaoto'a ItMvitote an«wer->D« pUli
cauBsa arid Id case of removal tbe beea IB buBlneai OB Monroe Street for
tboB ^ nqoeatad him to taT*
gkuses shall bfrAp-Hflbdaad tbe papers
a ganntwenty years and had the ipo#i Ms*
tnade a record of tbe oIBca. ,
l»a Long Islandawbantat beta. AD the
borate stock of ahoas IB the city.
All peraoBs BOW la tbe public aerLang taloidai aiy U doubleTawgs
vlee are to tertnlBSle tbalr aarrtce fin
BoUmb, sMoa, oonstasand aunt
B«l«y->lk) you raooUaol Aai •• 1
Kansas City. M&. Jan. E-T«e#day
ittbe act takes
tajren bava abott a yav aaol
nlghi-s bold-up on tbe Kansas City.
■to Pat *1(1 ■cl.
PUtsburg and Ontf tfiUway appears U
Oteat Dawaa-Wklah kiad o( vkkhy
___IY^ good. 1 aaa yon
have prortB a wind baUL AU the rob* teyaankaibBhaaat
aovkw postal rtarha aad lettara
rters IB ofbeaa kavtag crar tss eafj
-ray.twtoe I reiahke
Epnnxfb'ld. Jan §.-40 the aelAte yeslerday the senatarlnl apportlonmrnt
iroata Vtart-Ika tan kl
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