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The Morning Record, November 27, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
the morning ,
S«»nd Tear-^o 483
RECORD. ’tri,o4o
Steamer St. Lawrence Went;
Jfoor. Borribly
YpsiUoti. No*. Si'i.—tonUUoofvwui
BImt np • B.fe ud Stole Money
Wieconeln Sui
, , __
of the National bank i
wu blows open by ourplam early to[•ionof.boil«-*rbiie|»»iD|r *rood on
. fatlypfMf.rti loday. Moore was The Moat Formidable Fifthting Ma-j**»T- Cash to the amoanl of 82.fion and
to B^capeie Ye«l
mwd arfikl
.t Ia wire fenre-a bondred > chine of the Ksry—Far Superior to “®'*‘
Sr.s.wware misweff.
iped — IFourteen
Which Wu
Tu teesiped
Hen .BeMini
sn^'by Idle 8.e<
P«r.nee-8he Will be the Frida of. Next VVedn.-sday e*enUig the ConOne Ferial^-Veeael Carried 64,- internal injnriea It is thoushl'lbe eiplosion was the reenlt of allowinrlbe ^ American Maer.
; (rrc«ational Baoday echool will yr
OOO Buahele of Com.
boiler to ruat,
Francisco. No*. 2fi.—Today
'‘hair annual birthday party. A Bne
PraaMon. Mich.. No*. 20—The
the *fnion
ttlVI. ...M.
Iron work* Muv.uc.
another preat
"IH hepi*en
- - andamonp
—™ —------- those
eteamer Su Lawrenee of Marine City,
: msrine Bphtlnp msch.ne .was added to
----went aanore at Point Hctaey
.the large fleet of PaciU.: dar »ea»e!f.talent of the lilemry and
o'clock this morniof. The crew, nomIt waa the hatUeship Wucbnaln. AllIn ihe city.
berinpSfteen. soupbt t*cape in the
will be irl*en in the
............... r . .eocial
awamp.'d tbe boat and the men were
the plungh fr^m different poinU bf'
•" *>»« pnrlora.
left etmpirUnR In the water. The life .
ap*ing crew wea at work in the mean- Already KeferrinK to Poeelbllltiee Un-1
When completed the battleship WU- \ Snnn^or J;
time and after heroic efforta succeeded ,
Treaty—Waett a Hreonsin will dare tosund up before thefrom Lansing.
▲shore at Point Betsey.
j proUbiy f.uiiy ir jur«i by tbe e.pic;
Launched Teelt^rdi
The Largest-Stock
Of Holiday Goods.
. Kver
Ever unpacked at one. time win Iw placed on sale
irimr tbile cominy: week. We want you to see them
even if you don’t purchase now.
. .
Crest Wave ware in every condevable shape.
The newest in Toilet Sets.
Medallions from VOc to $18,0i\
The latest in Photo Albums.
A ereat stock of framed pictures, and Fift books
■•till you can’t rest.”
No troub! lo show goods.
CW=«ot<.Pr«lo..O.>,-l>b ■
I. P'.ibl'O
U.U lb. : O..iro"-.11 h... b.
p.„,rb. bbd .D.U-H.lMt
«f rTLi hoshel* Of corn
Both caivo lostrueUona to the .SpanUh peace com-] tocy o*ej the Vt i«oon»in than the Ma- Miss Doyle's eibibit,at Miaa I’carl
larefutly insuhed
Effort. ^
‘*>rgraohed last night,ria Teresa bad with the Oregon. The] Tackaberry'a thi* week. 4Hltf.
• secretary of the two
,---------wer made by j
. will at once be made to geitbe airandlipanlsh o
dtbiseftec. the i;nion Iron w.irkaof San Kraneiaco, Hear it Talk,
•d *eaael into deep water and i
I that aueb instructions bad not th. romoan* that made the tllympl*. jInto Uia W
Ue*ed it can be done if tbe '
enffietently moderates.
bn IK. battle of Manila, but ____________ [____________ ^_____
model and
Spain refuse the Amerioan offer, baa tbe Oregon is of tbe
To look up new things in
tha Wiaconsln is of the design of Ik'.hi.;
been formulated.
! All tUe ships of all nationa will be The hDilding of baitlMhlpa has
But Mary Hime la
fled and permitted to engage In oomn
made each rapid strides in rooent yeai
Bocks a Second i*orcc From
that tbe Wiseonaln will be e*en
arv lb* br.0 slid eweac
Her Husband.,'
stronger Sghter lhao the onfloisbad
(hirsan of r>*».
Tbe coarse of troe lore' does not | interdict of coast trade in foreign bot- Ken'ncky. although tb^ Nentneky
ty is ! pm«er-aany Key*] Ei.
W. are reeaMng new leu for the fall demand. Soma
•ometimes always run smooth, as has ’ wms. and may possibly extend to Cuba of a model'only ooe year-older
nil, Aries
very pretty, inexpensive paokages.
baen evidenced in the case of Mary and ; and Forto Eieo. The advantage to tbe tbe new battleabip.
^rge Hime. LaatMayMarywas UnitedSutesinthePhiUppioeacoaslNa*al oflirera declare that she will
franted a divorce from Oeorge by the. log trade lies in the fact that Amari- be able tocopawitb an entire fleet af
iCircolt court and they remained eepar-! can goods ooly have one ocean to cross theUlympia's. or e*en the Brooklyn's
•ten several months. They conld not; while tbe goods of other nations must ilasa, and. It necessary could pat up
wndnrc the aenaratioo. however, and , cross two.
| very stiff battle againsta aqnadroa of
Anally made it all np and were united’ If tbe I'dited Sutes. It is pointed .eroDd-cIaat battleships of lbs Texas
^ain lo tbe holy bonds of maUimony out. has no right to hold colonial pos-• and Maine type.
last tVednesday eveniog. just in time a^ons. then th" United flutes' title would have ei{ual chances for victory
lor a joyful Tbankagiviog dinner. Tae ^ to Alaska is vitiated and void. Eegard-' with the BtrongcslsbipEngland
«eremony was performed by oaaiice IngtbcdlscuaaioDofanopeDdoorpol-■ I of the great powers could send against
Curtis; who la reputed to be an expert ■ icy in.......................
• I'biiippinea. «lhc American ' h-r.
ml matrimonial know. Bnt there aeem-j peace
omiseiomrs u^enUod that i The tViaeooiin'* main bal'ery wil
«d to have been some bitch in tfaU in-;itd<
mean free trade, or even low.j consist of four is-inch breech-loading
!. for tlie Tl ■
■ ,t was i dotie*. but that the I’hilippioes. what-1 guns. In her seunodary battery there
the epd of the renewed happintwa of [ ever the Uriff rate*, will be open to j will be fonrleen C inch rapid firing
tbeconple. Whethar it was because j all trade on equal terras.
Iguos. seventeen Opmudera and six
dnatioeCartikkad ibst We proverbial I The Philippineisisode will baexpect-1 i pounder rapid Are guns. At one rtl>
akin and faiX^ to weld the bonds ; ed to yield sufiicicnl revenue to meet I charge she will be able to belch forth
aufliiienlJy atrbog, or whether there | tbe espense* of its o^ adrainislrailoD. three tons of ateel projeclllea. which
was eome other reason, le a matter .of. and a large schedule fffduOable goods would' tear to piece* the strongest of
Whatever tbe trouble.' may be eeubilebed. or only a few may battleabipa. The big 13 inch guns can
Mary ia disBstlsfied and U again long-; be Uxed.
throw half ton projectiles at a velocity
London, Nov. 2<i -fl;
Ing to be free; and to this end she baa
o/2.1'»ufeet per second, and tbe fourfroM Madrid say that the president of teen r> inch guns can each throw loo ,
begun proceedings for another dii
tbe Spanish peace commission hss in* pound lamps of steel at a velocity of i
formed tbe government that the Amer 3.nbn feel per second. And they can :
icans demand the ceasioo of tbe Solu throw tbam so fast. loo. that before i
Mixed Up in a Bnnawsy, But Fortnn. archipelago.
one projectile etHkea iU mark another
aMl j Was Entirely Uoinjur A
Further advices from Madrid said proj-elUe from the same gun will be
Yesterday afternoon a team-beiong- that the flpaoUb cabinet has decided on the way.
The men and engines on the Wiscoo
ing to L. P. floadegan. of flattons Bay. to instruct iw commissioners, after tbe
• participated ia a amash-np which will peace treaty is signed, lo treat for a ein will be protected from the big guns
•ntall coosiderabla expense up>o tbe revision of the treaties of commerce of the enemy by ton* of armor. The
armoratthe water line will'be ie>,
owner, and which , came very near in exUliPg before tbe war.
inches thick, and that of tbe torrels
flicting severe injuria upon Utile Howl
will be IT and is Anebea. Tbe
ard Vader, the four-year-old eota of'
armor above the water belt will be SS
• Mr. and Mrs. C 8. Vader. Jr. inebea thick. Tbe turreU will
The team brought a load of ho^ to
d and Beady for Bue- operated by electricity, as will the
a meat market on U'nion street near
le in Two Weeks—Hew X>cpot
ammuDitioD holats.
Ooe man
Ninth, and the owner .left the horses
Built at Sherman-e Mill. .
manage each of tbe tnrreu.
nnfalUbed and went into tbe markeL
While be was absent tbg team became
Tbe branch of the M. A N. E. raUfrighteD«d'an«i ran away. They dash • road to Honor is rapidly nearing oom*d through L'nloo street at a frightfulI plelioo and tbe last rail will be laid
rate of speed anil turned into PJeventb | in about two weeks.. The work on the Force Fr t
Boeion Xmnded In
street. Tory croaaed tbe street twice last bridge will be completed by the
Obina to Guard United
io their mad rash and finally turned {tulddlc of this weekrand in about two
Staten Xiegaiion.
4nlo, Bohemia slrrel. where the borsi s | wtwks tbe first train will be run. A aepWaRbingtoo. Nov. TO.-The fnited
became prparated and one of them i crate train will beruo regularly on this
dashed into the back yard of Mr. Va-1 bnnch connecting with tbe main lios. fltates navy has landed marities in
der's property.
' A new elatiuo has b-eu built at flber- China. A dispatch wav received at the
ivy department today stating thal
In the meantime Howard and little i man's mill and a permanent agent
e captain of the Boston baa landed s
Constance Hoyt were on the walk An j be located there. ThU will be ao im.
We will place on sale our entire stock of ladies Capes and Jackets, nothioe
arine guard at Ti^Ttin. Tbe die
Eleventh street. Dear Bohemie: lhe!p,rt*ot addition lo tbe system
reserved, in three dist4nc*l divided lots al the followin»r prices:
patch was Uken immediately to the
llUle girl drswing the boy ttp his sled..!
'.' develop a large amount of business,
White Bonae' by Acting flecrctery Al
They saw the bocs<-e coming and
Funeral Of Dr. B. H. Monroe
Secretary Bay was called iatocoob.lM.U-..l,.l,.>-n. .1 lb. .b,.l.
Lot l-AH of oorall wool Kersey
lUation. with the reenlt ofalla.ving
«l.-o,I.bd 1..^ dl„bU, Ob
balfand all satin lined. alM>*li ..
the first feeling of apprehension, it
.p«o...pj«l b) »!,. bo;. Iblllbp bpob
„ ,,,,,,
ary and B .nrlr Cap«. 29 and 3'i .nrhea Im■ g beautifulitna that the marines landed, not beiy trimmed with braid*, satin and fora.
,b..blr,oIb,.«o.,\(.Mob .
.,11b. b.ia „ ,b.
•Ah of our ladies'
sarvelouB price of
as to bold him fast,
fineat tnaieriaU.
rimmioga, io black new Woe. ''x'orda and
guard for tbe t'nitwl Sutee legaUon at
eooiigb be
he wa.
was not injure
injury in
In tne
rraey Jackets all satin Hoed
.and atylish. our regular price op to $14 M)
n foilar.
In rushing from side to eide the wa^n|„j
been a resident of Urand Trav- Fekin.
ridleoluaa price for Monday's SQ '}fCt
-»d.,oli.b.do.,.l«,1y. Tb.-ipMosloftbistime be
Fifwea Oai
on slipped from the vebiaiaon tbe walk had lived near the village of llrawn,
There will b* a regular meeting nf
•p ronte but the hogs •
Do nol underestimate this exceptional cloak sale of this season. Buv now
bnt for two years be resided at Oviatt.
as you wiil not buy as cheap in the spring.
and alto for two or three years In Uuebeea Chmp No iUi. Modem tVoodThis Is one of the i
of Ameriim, Monday night in
Trnverve City. For avermi years past
Remember this is a one day sale au(t cannot be continued indefinitely.
Aolu of pot observing the Tegulationt the doctor bad not ban able to attend Honugne haiL Thera will be fifteen
vcblch rtqolre teams lo be fastened.
tohii practice, and life bad been mere caodidatee to initiate and all membera
urged to be present.
ly a patient waiting for tbe real that,
Good Job For Barry,
•Detroit, N jv. 2fi.^li U elated that) has now come lo him. _
Prof. 0- H Hera im Preaident.
“It "“‘■till'd of prices, as
Governor Fingree has decided to ap-{
MooneKlIlelatSt. Ignaee.
Tbe gathering of tbe Northern Mich
point Jai * V. Barry, the Moving!
igan Teaeben'AaaoclaUon at Cadillac
. rate secreUrv. I
Bath, who will be deputy aeereU'ry of,
•»» Wiled at tbe St. Ja'mea of the aasociatiOD. Frof. C. H. Born of
thia city was elected preaident for tbe
' lumber camp It waa the flnt mi
eoming year.
laeen berrabonu in manyFfibra.
Tbe remains of tbe late Dr. Monroe^
200 Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
This is the Season
James G. Johnson.
Mondaii inorniiig, at 8 o’clocUsliarp.
Unmatciialilo Cloak largains!
$4.98, $7.90 and $9.76.
Monday’s Special On Ribbons.
Monday afternoon aod pri^-eed
Svangelical ebnreb Where the l
The price of milk will be raised Dec.
Remember the dance at Prof. Sil
it, lih>s,
l«*s, to 6 cents per quart by the ver's academy, Furestera hall, next
___ .. flacb- Tnesday night. All ara welcome
dealers; George
tieben. Uoblc_K_roa. M. Rtlmer, A.
and havee a good time. Bill, g
U. E. EHIa. ...............
R. Frouty. _.
A. tlemen 23 cents, ladies free.
U liaroee, C J. flluyter. Joe Jacques.' lesaons given afternoon and e
Wm. Grant.
49H-21* t
No -waitiDg-wo have secured extra help to meet the rasb.
Front Street
»fcVKMBcrr4’. -
CHL T. Batcs axv 3. W. BAsna.
lBlO'*ioeer« refkrd *nd ** the time Bp-
X.m« Morg« Died in Ohleago TMtarday Morning.
world h*d been met. *Bd ■ucceM »«•
Minred mod there reaeined of life
OneoftheKenWiJoHi*Ba«Olo.el7 omly » few yewe^iB which toeojcif
Baking Powder
The Haskell Bookstore Stock.
Apply Immediately.
11. C. D.W IS,
eteeOity-K.mher of the HBOheh,
Blade from pure
ALeyOo 81i»ee the Comply Wm
cherUhed. Hutlaea *nd eent.oeam cf tartar.
Formed. KeM^y F.^y Yo*r« Ago.
jment »re enep^ w> he*e little is
J.mee MorgBP died io Chieego yr-icoamoo. bet thorn four, who hB»e
liddle Bge and
Verdey moroiog »t 7:3o o'cloch. eged wgone on troa yoolh
rears, with n» break
yeeee. Mr. Morion h«d been in fBil-tlhen
iogheolth for eeeeml aonthe. beert^
AioDB. with no differeauee of opinion In
trouble being tbe primary <r
•See. m Fiwn etnei
t hl*j«hec->Ddudl of their business sffslrs,
Morgan's family <
d..sh'nT, M~. D-. Fro,blnr -l.b .. ..pi—..t ...non,, ol h.r.b
three tuolhers. Dr. ' or unkind words, with an eecr growing
Id s> tbe Pa
'‘■“’^•Iham There
Hteb.. a*M
-jctasrlef Moigsn of (Cblesgo. Thomas, trust and conddence and regard, surely
Morgan who Uses in North Carelins.Un this case It may be permitted for
BKSgTABV Al.OEli is ^paring his William Morgan of l*asadena. Callf.T ] those, who remain to yield for n moH..Ss*lsp hts returned fro
•unal report which will be made pnb- nia andasisier. Mrs. Uyof Phtladel-i ment to a manly-----Winter as well an anniiner boii> Cbryslsl Kalis, whsre he
."<t monre
Uc neat sreck In it be nrgea that' the phi's. w(fe of the brother of A. Tracy for
the one‘ o» their nnmbrr who has ^
^f,,r his property there,
--------------daye are kodak daya.
•tahdlog army be loereai«d to loO.OOO
gone on a liAte before Jp Ae great un-,
■an. and in.riew of the fact that tboae
K Ktsuerr is 0 j >ngir -on
Morgan was bom in London.
who enlUted for the war did so only
Mr. Morgan. In hit freqoenl vlslu to
..rtlscDel da-noe.1 with Cham
m n^dav-is m w-nter a< w.ii
wrll s%s summer eomasnioa. Tbe increased intereet in
England, ano came to Chicago in the
tor that purpose, be ad«lses that natberlalo'-Psii. lialtu and b-mod
Ui i flasb-llgh' phoi ■granhy hto made it i >.
middle of the forties. He at once in Traverse City, in a bnsiness and social the atei;l.-1 ps.ls i« .lipr'toA Hue nwortment of Kodsks and Camwas of the latest styles and dsalgna
lemofCnba, Porto Blcoand the Philipmade
many friends
who p]%ttor. \Vh. n lr..nbl. d^ltli a pain ot
vested bit means jn real esute which srav.
un baud ■
pinea be enlUted into the army, to add
ds bt
to tbe forcoi for gareteonson those
wbde-sou1ed. generoos. his benevo-; n ,
Voo arecnain
great city enerKarhrdupon it.
Wands. ThlssnggeatioD will nndoubt„.mag never was engaged perac
lich it sff-rHv
Psin lla'm i>«dly maet Vitb faeor for -aeeeral reas- in active busin.-ssallbonghlorao many 1 ing way be bad done a vast ni
enre for rheiimatii-nj.
oos. One. because the natires are veara a member of the great 6rm of i good in the world, and many hearU
For sale *■>- K. K. Wail, druggist^
hotter lonnred to the climate than our
I here snd elsewhere will be saddened
«WB aoldlerm. Aaolher. it will be a
at tbe loss of a friend.
good way to employ men who hnee^for
1. These words are written by one wbo
a long Ume been engaged as aoldiers.
; had known Mr. Morgan for tbirty-Bve
and who could not nt once eog^.. in
jisra. and wbo never knew him other
atber cnlllngs. These nnder^eflleieDt
than a-, tbe kind friend, the good eitiAmerican ofBeers would, make good
see. the Christian gentlemen he ever
- addillons to onr forces in thegarrisons.
: vas at all times and nil pli
IVoidm. aerriM in tbe I'nited Stales
army would iMt sooner sc^ustom them
to the discipiinNnd usages of AmeriBUBBCRIPTlONe.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Are Kodak Days
A Tug of War.
Fumishadby thaBaepectiveOhumbas
The most aeosible thing for Spsla Ui
4* now woald be tocompiy nlonce with
the American' demands, aaaam.
fineefvl an atUtnde as poaaiWe. and
took pleaaant.
AH Competitors
outclassed by Selz.
Her. Cbs>- T- Btoul. BerU.r.
Comer. Wasblngum street and Boardman avenue.
.Holy communion nt U:4V n. m.
Mornlog service and sermon at IC:30
There will be a special oommnnlcabondav aehool at i:;00 m.
Evening service and sermon i
ItoB-of Traversa City tx>dge No. 22: F.
Tbe sermon in tbe morning
A A. M. today at 1:00 p. m. lor tbe pur
In the series on piactlcal topics. Sub
pose of attending tbe
ject; -Wbat U the use of goiog
Bfothsr James Garland.
We have s' « •>' •',m- r-w k -v-r'I
,Chnn-b.'’ All wbo arc not in the babil snd we will -*H -hem o you forOl -W.
Friday night a baby-boy
^ of going are cepeclslly inv.ted.
Tbev arc i-heapSat 82
Borne of Mr. and Mra. Charles HaUOnly a lea lelt.
Hannah. Uy <k Co. Bis time was prin-1
Berg, this making the fourth son.
Of bis fast in- ;
" «slsberrr. Ps-».r.
Bervy Anderson went to Grawo yea- cipally given to tbe o
'tonlay afternoon and returned on .the , cr;».rngreale.ut« IntermU in Chic.-[ Church on comer of Ninth and Wmisrooks
tote train with tbe remains of the late!go. He always took a lively intereat
Hnit-n Ki.rulsbing
Furnishing ’i'orc.
i in tbe
welfare of tbe
firm with which
Dr.Monroe. '
----------------------------------and He* Store B(t'’qgutm lor Cbr'sCsu Goods.
Snnday—Praachiag at loisoa.
)Kag A C^mpney have just received ^I bis name has been an long
every catl thus made' T:«" p. ra.
a Hne Imperial windmiU for Frank , b^
opoD his time, but the active cam of ] Sunday school at 11:30 a. m.
jtoolek of Mapletinthe great bnsiness have always devolvPreaching*at 7 p- m.
FraukSnarnoD. of Aapid City, and ,aduponMr. Hannah and Mr. Lay.
Her. B. N.^laapple, of Petoskey.
Md Mms Alice Avery. ^ Acme, are
h„„^a. Tmcy will preach ia^ Ev,
suiting at the home _ .
,nd Jamc
J.me. -norgsu
Morgan jorujcu
fo^ •
a psri-1
Snoday the STto.
i\ i.rtT ana
s u.
.....1. I
Tb. i MU..»k pr.r«r
. T:3U p.
Will Hoberta has taken a poaiUon Inj
„ai,* ,i the com er of; m. All are welcome«be office of his father Judge 1/orin !
Canal streets, Chicago, i
rnwr mkthopiut. '
BobertA. Mils Loolse Sector who ]
hy the cargo. This:
j. a. Brvsur. p«uw.'
tormerly befd the position
nnisalfafy lh« smhitioo of the | SBoday-Preachlngal 10:S0a n
•^ted n similar position in O. C. Hof- young men%od in 1 .iHr Bannab. id 1 7:ou p. „.
toSfaabetracl office-.
company with William M rrgsn. who
Class meeting ntk:3u a m.
William Watson and family have soon became n m-mber of the firm,
Sunday aehool at close of morning
to Grand Tmverse nnd bought services.
served to thU city from Mayfield.
Junior League at 3;»> and Epworth
Mr nod Mrs. M. C, Barnes, of W«t1tlie mUIiog InieresWof Mr H.animao,
»totb atreet, are rejoicing over theV-[who bad pnl npasmsli mill herein League at Puts p. m-Tbe Desire for
Morning Sabjeet;
gjval of a nvw baby girl.
Fora few years Mr. Hannak and Mr. a Better Country ”
TBe reserved seat plat for the next
I^y ailernated-in the management of
Evening Bobjeet. “The Amorican Cameras—a doi:1*U- U-ns. 4x5
•nmbsr of the High school lecture
the two ends of the hnsinrss. but soon Saloon."
lifted here permanently
Tboraday-tleneral Pmyer meeting
Cbiea- at T:30 p. m.
f.ir *4 00.
! cordially invited to these
The victoriCFUs team In a tug of war depends ipon d« strength of
Its men and their powers of endurance.
The victorious -SELZ SHOES have Just
these qualities, and many more.
ni^ quaU^. Lew price. HandMfM
appearance. Orcat endurance. What more do
you want In a shoe>
ns Front Street.
PlitE, Piper, amials;
•ppsarin Steinbergs »'«
^cily grew frjm s hamlet to a village.
fromavUlagetoacity. and tbe name
The door aaleaoftickeU for the lec-;^j Hannah. Iait 4 Oo. wasincorporatad
tow of Bev. Thomas DLion
i joto The HsnoahMi Lav Co . with the
tog«70 Mr. Dixon made suchafav..r-,^^^^^j,l^b^„,„^,„
Hannah &
•bU impreaslon hem that
MercautiSe Co. and the banking
’, Bank.becsme a tower of strength. Tbe
busioess idteeesle today tnclnde
-• only llirwe iue.ii.i.unu
upon U e life
vir'iud IViroii
reinmtd from
In Mels, Elcaks and Wraps,!
dircct frcm the most famous and reliable scurces, we have in J
,,j______ ___________ _a
rvM______________________________________ ________-
our complete and exclusive stock. They poesess every rrquis- »
J Jtg of elegan-0, fit, finish and style that the woman of fashion J
^ seeks in drees. ^
th--vonvufehaif s houd e.iyea ssg.
II'caouot suit youp faucy and youF puTfie no one in tbe m
thst had p’uvel successful ls» b -yon.i pa„v. isnh for iu promp-o.fcs sod the ^
Orsni Bsp'-Usnl M'lrk gin
w. C. Nelson, of I..eiand. U la thes alncerCnlTectlo^^lh-lween mm. cannot!
jfO bsnd ip band But In the ess.- be-
. ..... - -
Hm. Perry Hannah nndbisdsughier fore ns mast then be lbs
i w,ea n
Mn. Oeo Gardner, left last night for the role. Aa these young men went 1 y,* g
_Dhiesgo. where they ertll attend thejne. from youth to mWd-e age. and:only
fnneral of the laU Jamet Morgan.
then down on the other Aide of U»e bill | gtet.
------- Lo*yge.
where ib-y baV. Gsorge WeSman e«mr over fi
yesrs wont be there -came to be the p, . „
lUpids yrsu-rday.
Jsm -sG .lohnsop has relumed from
a trip •*''
Mra. Johnson,
while away
Bilev B veers
We haven't said much about capacity^ '^here are plenty of larger mills, but
none of them make any better flour than
our “BEST.”
We are selling all we can make.
N‘. l-'.t.liis
Wurzburg Block.
ReT'.J.V.C'snsli, Psi.tSr.
10:30 a- m., punliowotshfp—I’reach-j
Ing by J)4vid E Oarman, on "The Chief! Beaiilo 111(1.
Hiesinn of Christian Work."
11:43 Bible Bcbool.
tA% Yeung People's meeviog.
^ .K ...- .
T»x> p. m. A Suoday school conccr.|^
nndrr the auspices of the Anti-PSsloon | jt*.
drai atteud tbe funeral of tbv
“ the ex'ensivefi inring mill located here.
cordially invited to these aer- i ^
James (isrland this .-afternoon 1 • rPark Plac-houl and large landed in-1 ,1,....
O'clock, at the family residence
ptyhi» street, meeting first at the en-|commer.-e building and other ioteresU
A Sure Sign of Croup.
^ne Kouv^.
I in Chicago.
Hnarseoms In a cbild that u> sni j^cl ^
iodh-aiion of the ap- j r*'
Oapuin McIntosh reqnirw thst all' In all this great hnsioes* Jamas Mor- 10 uruup IS s suref luu
proacm of tbe disease. If Chamberlain's I jfe
memberv of Company M who were sent !gan had a pert added to hU large Isnd- Cough B.-raedy is gir •n as soon as the i »
forlougb,'send their fur- ed and other inieresto in Chicago child bvA-omes boarve . or even nfler the 1
Among these is tbe ground npon which
ipy-cough baa appeared, it will pre-' ^
lMgl» ^
Chicago Beach H Jtel is built, and for j veol the aitack. Many mothers wboj^
Being musMred out.
' have croupy children always keep this!*
which a largo losae bold rental U
remedy at hand and fiods that il 1saves;^
much trouble and worry.
them ro,
It la out given to many men tbgo alwavs b» depended open and it isiw?
Charles Helm rntpeeU to g;
For sale by -S. E
along side by side tbrungb n longlife
•amiso c-llege in Jannary,
~ - Mr. sod Mrs Fred'Bechtel returned1 ,soelosely identified in their lusiDcaa
lolereste SS bsve been Perry Hannah.
Thts is a Good Oempany.
itot night from Chicago.
J.L-EymerolOrand Bapldsistpend- ,A. Teaey I.«y, Jamea Morgan and Wit-: ^ „ H^boocii. Deleoil. Manager Plvw- i ^
lism Morgan. For nearly hBlfaeeo-i n-x l.if>-InruraDce Compaay of HarV>'
tog a few days in this cily
A. Knsn came op last n'ght from 1
o..- Tb.-.I.-1,
Msnihtee for a visit nrer Suoday with. u..,.,.™........
relatives in th!»e-ty.
'been tbe nligosi harmony, toe fullest „ «. Marshall, a draft for Iw., thotts- ^
M-a William Beitner and daughter twasiandcmfideoce in tbe jndgm-ut'd„n.-,s. i„ iuTt "Ay®ept"li S»^y «
^ “ • •«a • m
oldeat aecreUry in tbe etate.
At THtrolt. OB Tba
Margar.t Willit. aired J9, wa.Jntt pat
ting tbe torkry in the oTen when abo
fell on the hot nioTe.aad wbeirmenod.
wui fonnd to be dead.
Heart diaeaM
U kuppoaed to bate been the eaaae.
•'«>«'«»« ^eCoring the laat year ST.9I5 deatbe
While OTorkioc le tbe wood* C. P. khiptoeDi of tbU tleed fi>h »nd Ui« eooHowe of Codillu-, WM •truck b; • f»II- trateud rood* •rill be ffireD oat to Uie were recorded in the aUtc of Michi
in; UidI> aud •u»l»ioed h Inctarc of pour of tUc cit; aud cnmiaal auuoo gan.
A PorUand yoong mao gaily attired
^luoieoeed aicaiiiat Ue ahippera.
l>r,do. ..Jcb .h, Ed-ll.l«»lt(or ki. .oidl« ™ Th..k»
Dr. C. P. Niblaek. of Itbiea. bo!d>' Xbat .put
gir.Dg day. bat when be arrirrd at tbe
the record at a rat catcher. He caapht ward* Uaitafaeturiog
homeof hiapremikrd br!de/foui il afae
St rodeoU in ooe day. all the trap boroed laetiweek.appear* to be an
eonld hold.
, fortuaaie one for Indnairiee. .Ttreoiy- bad prceed fallbleae. and partied an
0^ KlvcVv^aw.
S\\oT\,'5Tes\v”Keo)sS\oT\cs j
Long- and COMFORT
War ;
ago«.e Uarruoo i Harnng- “Iher man tbe day before.
Itiimtiedhted that lU.OOO cordk of 'o>“-r
bemed. a new ouildiog | Little Artbor Celea*. who waa ron
hemloek bark were abipped from Lodorer by a atreet car at Detroit ab ut
a a.-ecleo Md one year later
ing daring the
(WO week! ago. baa died of bia icA little boy olWilUamatoo haa been .Itxj.ler exploded, hilling H u
taken U, the A^icBltOtal.college. and J«er. ago a atm.lar .OkUtutlon p.
a ne«ll« located Ib one of hU kneea by
««“Uy burned and owned by
Free Poia. .
tk.X.r.j., U i. -.rt,lnr ,v—^
Send ruUr addn-sk to K. (L liucklen
Md «n b,
b.t«- H rccb» “““
Bro«.b.nl. A Co.. Chicago, and pet a free sample
hU bode
tlrtottred by ftre. box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
il will cMUTinoe you of their mentk.
. ^
The iMlwarda factory la to be rebuilt trial
...esc pills are easy in action and ar.‘
ol ™llP„.UAk„p«lu..T7k.cb.p»r.lK.lTkparticularly effeiUre in the core of
Constipation and Sick llettfiache. ror
.Ab,.«l^ Th.«l., bljbt. Th,i_^
..Cl. b._i__ .1 T
thi.i* have
Under- ;
War. ;
Can’t shrink
Absorbs moistnre |
I Jaros Hysienlc Underweari
AU weights •
All grades
All prices
„c,pA,pi..b. r..
jaide in me nelghboehj^.
lelelerious aubstenoe aud
At Oxford, Mre. George Dalgiab and i
k. Moretu.a.e .^orllaod U proid
vegetable. Thev do not weallUen I
and her 7 year-old daughter. droTe
__ _______________
fact that he haa>e
aecra............ .......by giving tone to the ’
J bM.1>
ka k.bfiw*
the railroad
track mmtA
•“<> >ibe
home L
lodge of maaona. ' stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
At ^reacott. Pete Wademan, the fam008 113-year-old Indian, wbobaa imried A
two wives, recently marriedj a Polish lanied Emma Jane S^eatep-
5 &6TvcTa\ XcxBS
&Vtaxt6db 'Srom
heartily congratulated by tbeir many t
Blanche, tbe l3-year-o1d danghterof
In bU annual report Secretary Irang | from New Vork receuUy. went a few
Mr. and Mra George Eckman of Ionia.
dlad Thnraday after two houre of terri- will recommend the conalruciion of i ya ago to vtalt the famoua Vao Anda
hie agony. Her mother left her alone three new b.tUc-abipa.
(mine, own.-d ctiifly by her huaband.
In the bouae. while ahe went for a pall: The farmera of Decatur county. Ind ., »>“»»•*<
*»>'• "P the coa»t on
ofwater. Her clolbea caught fire from : are already complaining that the aca-iTexa-A isiaod. Two nlgl.ta after her
Jaian fly la in tbeir wheat and doing
drehintd she hmJ
T-orenretetteUreaef the M-orman’great damdge.
mountain of gold. The
organlxaL fro. Salt Lake City, with ^ Aletter rece.eed at Watervine. «...
beadqnartera at Six lAkea. are making from ArcHc.Bxptorer Peary aiatcs ibsl
her mind tbe following day. Mr. Treaij
a houne to house eanvaaa In Montcalip probably no mcMga will be received
laughed at what be termed an idle 1
county for converu to their faith.
him for aeeeral yeara. Tbe Hope
One of Sareoaville'a young men
that he Boatly .consented to aearcb f >r,
thought bU bat neeoed a new hand Peary expreosea feara that the Wind the mountain. They aiarted out left
and couldn't think of any 'otbea^ place ward may be delayed by tbe ice o'.oking Sunuay and foond a mountain which
■but tbe mllliner-a. where be could aend
waa fairly aeaiued win free gold. Pr.»It for a new one. When it came hack
curing Bsmplrs of the ore they return
it waa bedecked with featbera
ed UTVan Aoda camp. Tbe next day
flowers and now the young man'a best J ziae article. He adio be waa too busy, Treat sent out MendcnhalL the <
girl U wearing il. and he has bought a j Rear Admiral Joaeph^' Miller, who expert.
-- prouQunced It the
fe biirg>kl
new one for himself.
• haiated tbe Aui-ncau fl'.g over Hawaii discovery ol the province. Tbe ore
Bbrt Kercber, a young hunter of ! August IS Iasi, waa placed oo tbe rc- when assayed here, yesterday went gS'i
Wfaite. Ui:l*daieCo..isminusag3Ubilli tired list last Tuesday, after aDenriicg a ton. Thousands of tons are in sight.
whole mounlain of
and doesn't know where to look for it. forly-aeven years in active aervu-v. Of 11 n fa^l. tkare is
although br^aa an idea that a chip- thid aooat twenty years have beenjit.
tnunk is usii^t for a bed or baa stored Paaoedaiaea.
j Thccaaeof Merritt (i-ae. a colored
it away t > buy hia spring outfit. KerAt its own expense tbe Columbial inmate of the KiugbampioD. N. Y
Cher bad it when he want hooting re- ,mHerald will erect on 100
loo milraof
mile# of state
ante hospital,
is aUracUng the atcently and doean't know, whether be wagon road leading into Golnmoia sign j unlion of__ medical fraternity
nsedltforagnnwadora paper Hght. t
I throughout the slate, and aeveral doeShiawasaee farmers are going into,
rt* WAr Depsrtment there seems Uirs frpm New York CUy haee.Gled
the abeep industry more extensively
bean imprrssidn that not nearly si. to sec him. Rose is an uneducated;
every year and are Bskiog money at i
droops will be needed in Cuba as «•'lured' man. who was b**rn in the,
it in Venice township a canvase has ;
j„ .jf^neral order some s>uth and came to Hmghampwu from
been RiSle cf the farmen. who expect time ago.
Net* York, lie could nut rrad or
to CBiyy flocks over tbe winter sad it
k senlrd
Hetty Green ksid to be the nebest. 'write. »nd uritbtnrtic
was found that tbe tn«.nabip will inks
------- -- Ameiica. who has been li,. book to him. it-eom.ng menuily '
arcof just I3.7»U The sheep in Vensound,
he w»s committed to the hos
ing spurt from her bushnud for v.m'lh.
those imported
» n-poruA u. «... W. W.1. Pl“l- Vh-r., .If. . .bor.
Cheapest and best XTnderwear made—Cheapest not be
cause It cos's less money than any other, but because it
is the best, and the bsst is always the cheapest
Call at the store—get'a sample of them and ask to
have its merits explained to you.
Briefly, Its merits are: .
ibsorption of all moisture iron the boily.
Impenetrability to winds.
Eicellent wearing qualities.
Sold only k y os--------
»how> Dr. Miser’s
face sf’ei' cured ol
ever bv Mirer’s
Horse Auction Sale!
V bu. ™ .o»b.b »I bl. Ab"l"P.a •
months I'l.r-uu farad will errlTe from { ■riob. Iii...ib Ii™
Ui«« ■
thetc.suntey. Tbe amount of money . r..■»!.» W.ll
.p„ul.b.r bbb *'■'
that will be retiuired to te«l ihta largo ...kbb.b.. ■Sp.bdU.nl.-Ufbb.
I'll «l»' .b.-fb
■umber srlll be«l3.)xu.
lid gn forward to IIKU and back
Albert Ham, a farmer of West Drea^
Au old lady from ttxford 'who. with don. He.. Iiaa an apple tree in bia. or ward to IKl. From this he progressed
the solving of tbe moot complex
her huaband. bad spent the winter in chard which measuresfret 10 Inches I
California, 'was asked by me of her circumference. I fo jt froni Ibegroond. pr-blrma and haa finally reached a
point where be can re«’ite historical
neighbors it she beard an earthquake and at the height of six feet th^l
' ‘events, giving their date* correctly.
while iu Califurnia. "Yea. 1 beard brenuhrs iuto fonr limbs almo
one." she answered, "and rather en large. The tree is over a centu'y old
Th- Famous flcbubrrt Oise Club q; ^
joyed IL for it was tbe flret thing that
b ,V
bnd haa borne tw^ll each year f ,r the
The next number In Ihr
school i
happened since John and i have been ;
rainrse will .be given next Sat ,
.marrud that h.d.d notth.uk 1
‘ urdey evening in Steinberg's Grand
to blame for.
bushels of good apples.
be tbe faiu-'Us
Ihe altesction
** • •
f lb ’ I hbown to have been to use as far beck (,f the finest voices on the stage these '
moroiTr iriippioK*d^n*belweeo the “**
have davs of high mtialcal attainmenta Thr I
Lhne-h .1 first it was
i oevD 8 tt>wn it'Btitution. Uiannwtbe aggn-galiop coDsisU nf Harver L Kss“”***’’* .
til' ! pmoertv of the Waltham Savipgfc Bank. sett, firel tenor: tfiaok T. .lohnadn
?‘‘:L b
rfw"';,7?X'’'i“ eibdw.Jbbd fb... ...bib. Mb„,
s K .A
K theboiilr
Have you lieard
of the
Saturday, Dec. 3,
Low Prices
which prevail at the
and will show ypu the best lot of Choice Farm
.Mares. Drirers and HeavyJJraft Horses that
'tan be found in Traverse City, at Geo. Moir's_
Bam. opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse'
City. Michigan.
PsIHCB BHkSry? ‘
tocommsaceat^dO p. i. sharp.
h. bbblf H. ™ Tb
Islopea. using water as a moUvu power, i^eo and viuliDtsI: C. Edmund Nett.
had lived th«re over M) years. fvvi|U«otnvmocratic candidate for’
TUcated.aod as it is pro-, r^er and imnereonator and Ks>-h«rly being
1 liably tbe oldeM builitlDg of lU kind in top Taylor, soerano and piants'.
eonnty surveyor.
tbe L'niteu Hlataa tbe Maaa^i busetta i will be aeen tbet the company consixTs!
Wv an- fietliup; UinK-i-rit-s
Paaiora of Coopersvlile Wave irlven Hlaturical Society is considering thej„f a combination of fine voices and '
ptyt-ee and you i-BIl profit
notice that they will eoi bold fuoer«la adviaibltliy of securing
Ute or chattfll mort^&^a £t 8 per ceot. isterast, or
bio„ of ^ stringed plmmenls. ^ I'*'‘'r„*‘and
«• “»•
oo Sunday noleaa ordered by the health theaocient steneture
officer. , ^
Many points in In south and ^annth-1 during the history of the organiation t
‘ **'
A little Olivet girl wrote a letter loj_____
- -..-Virginia report having expen-; they have taken auk among the '>>7'3gQf[ gf Qo|d MedSl FiOUrfOr S5C '
Governor I'ingree thanking him forlj^ced nearthqubke shook about 3:30 beat mnsual dubs in the oonntry.
Tbaukhgiving day aud wiibhing bin a o'clock Friday afternuon.
From Hew Zeland,
very pleasant Thanksgiving,
i tbe de-1
Leonard Wood,
Every Horse -will be warranted as representsd when,
ccivsd a very cordlai reply.
b„ -b. b«i
sold and satisfaction ^aaraot«ed, and wilt be sold to th*
The <:. .t W M. depot platft
official report U> the war deparimect. •
jj,e agency of fiiamherOBO. GANE
-- ------....... again yesterday of which the following is an extract:sir's'mvci.cir--* the sale has Veu very
highest bidder, and 'will’be tried on the day of Sale.
for. "L’liiuu 811(1 Till Si.
J^orniiig ' There were about , forty In "I havesd.l ratincB all along the sea large, more especially of l*e Cough
I don't bkvs to quote you pnees on horses as oth^'r deal
. Jotv piir. Thi- indsl of them will be re- ......bibb ,».•« Ibblb. lb,- a..,«
ers do. but^me to this atictiun and buy them at yo'ir own
ahip(>--'i t<> lo^r Miebigsn. having terior. using every .•ffort to
.V lor the rH'ri..n* fivel,
1 ft
• price/TTwill scH horses,©very day at the sam«» baru on 30
been kii>d by hnntere from tost pert rations about in sucli a manner as tu i veara. As t<> ite , flirAiy. i bare b<«n
of th.’ biatr Several of the hunks will enable tbe people desiring to return to . inform- d by n.-i rf• of pe
pers- ua .(rf th" IJVStfirS ' uVSlRrS' 3^8^ two years'time-^terms to suit yourself Come and
svelpe n-arl.t I'si pood<ls-—Henominee tbeir farms I* the iiiieriqr
^ U> do *»> I
ill "J*''**'
yo„„eif betor. b»yiug.i..wh.r..
■; TERMS OF SAlE ":::rsroU;r“
5 per cent, off for Cash
Palace Bakery,
h-Q Genrge .1 N*g'ar*ca«> "‘•“in <<*'* wbi e wetting the dc- ‘,nriV’Tk“teat‘lr't
pis-’r Hi«j
I**'" first crop sianfago, houir tvyor-d the ’s-h of the'-hUd-;
of •'re.-o .ri u’li'M-d up his tsvo deve’:
eamp.igh hnying ^^.ultry
71* barrels^ ‘ town of its
.ts size atena
•long tea
tbe. AmaHran,
American J
Tflere wen- t7.«3ii poudde.’ for which lava ••oa-Al a-vnio of Fortress M->nror.he paid Sii.r.o'.Ma.'
ML.st.rs h.
D-po'y Gime tA>nlen WilHa bu
a xndU'rfWi pound*-of So. 8 piekerel
srbicb had bV.e placed, at the denote
la Bay City f.ir shipment in Boston
Md New York. The law prohibits the
b-vD a murder is the vay sisee our oecnparcy.”
Mrs. Harry Treat, wife, of Manager
Treat, ol the Van Anda Mining eom'
Ever Burned Out
if ao yon know
tbe value of
O. P. CA*V*B. AgMi
~u...n b.iit-H.r
Famous BalliinOrB Counts,
SPECIAL ATTENTIQN to Liverymen and those who
waut Livsry Horsefi and Oood Drivers: . I will have a few
: that wiHpl»ase you
csime and buy them at your own
Selects anil Standanls., Wood and all kinds of Stock
All Ml^rt. trrribri; t>> Vfnr«« vUt.M (row
IteiBrBbrrnrlrbrr-sOTStvrBcraBr U Ur
oelr kraUqssrtrr. fcr toot, fltw ela» ors»«tv-
taken in exchange.
«nil it'a price* have
Cl^crl; it & e muleke not to come
to n* for joer
Wilson Bros.’
Fnrnlshings-Tlie best
in the world.
S. Benda i Go's. Grand Xmas Displaj of Kigh Grade Gentlemen's Furnislting Goods.
We Sell—
Had vou a chance to make jour selection from a real metropolitan display.. A line pf the latest, most fasnionable
HEr Ul\E Neckwear, Mufflers, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Suspenders, Silk Veste, Umbrellas,
R..i„irina. Jackets. Slumber Robes, Fancy Shirts, etc. There is nothinK in the Fnmishinj; line which cannot
be found here at prices astontsldnsly reas.mable. quality considered. Before you make your selection from ordinary stocks come to us and see what the'Teal tfaiog" looks like.
nnilliniinn rnn ■ inWo Bverr ladv purchasing Ol.ou or more iqour Gent's Furnishing department will receive a f.yc-similie o:
oOUVtNInO rUR LAUIto the late war, filled with fine perfume. It's the most m.vel souwemr and you should not fad to get ode,
Oner 200 palterns nf SiU Hand
kerchiefs with the newest fancy
.A.. V. Farletlaricslx Bloofsc
pnucTpItts of jesUB Blniio'cau siiive tbeto
■ -WAS IT IlOliOTHY? i'l
ilbi..i:. i..- im:'ha.r
<ind lakt-s
Uiy. Klviiig way tun bmrty i>oa> of langh
A. J. PETEETYL, Proprietor.
I de^tire'to ftnnouDoe lo tuy old {ri^Ddb. and th« pobltc in
t-d apuo to rvudttr eutoCanairthe tbinRw i d>-aib. At wnib a time it is rwlw wiie to have employed practical and experienced mechanics to do the work
•tMmt'do ToT'ti^r'"'*
-I’rawU. tf ydu can!" cried Dorothy
>>« ">■ ■“ “
isfy ever)- cualomer in whatever class of work he may bare
I shall do sU kinds of repair work. repaintinR and varnishing,
! - ^
«. nst>U«l.Oe< ■***J^^*“ [ Also generai blacksmilbing and forging.
J . Ri,H-h.
i l wish lo call Ibe special attention of horse owners to the fact
BROWN, Atsofaey
; O. Law. eprcialth
riTai*^ '^’‘^““•'tUat I have reUined in my employ "Binj” Abbott, the well known
' au.lc.nTer»nrU.g. til Tfo
Tai>ir Far the Week ftewlwalas Mar.
BT-s-aii.n>ewl hj llev. a. H. Uwgta. 1
T..T..t - “Orea. r-f-nF- tL.ir tu-ed our
. j„hn 11. It-is
«u.Urna!i«uU km-:
i psran.v eundny.)
The tnpuml reference ir tbe story of
Obrisl'scluau-.iug uf tbe temple. By tbe
divine anlli'iri|* iuv<oit<-d iu Him He
duu. fnav iSitb-ww of
tb..w «bo
w«o buJuugil . .loo ..I .bio,™ Ib.U.U
Work itiilhe city willlte called fur and delivered. If yon want
B>Mn) nf PrOsioB KxssiiDtg* 1
, hl.vk* 'ninss. hcasr
sad of '■ yoiir htirse shod, yonr buggy or wwgon repairetl, repainted, top fixed
; W,
Sacriti'V is a necesieiry cnndilinn of
eternal felicity. In (buuldN«ry« legend
Allfadtt did not obtainadrink from ibe
spring of Munir, which was i. pulwl to
be tbe fountain of vrisdntu. niilil be left
bis eVQ in ]>l>-dge. If a inau wciulil be a
AHiristian, llnru nre uiway> some things
that must go. We are saved fmin.
me old imture
nature camiul
with, our
oiir MUs.
be inipurfed into iMradish.—New York
DIviae Train.
Diniie trnib. like diviue Inve. is tA
...................... .............................................. -hangotbe
current of bis thoughts
“lIurliuK. bo«
th.-iiiisni o'.ius up }vtr“ Shu asknl
liD‘. If l swalliiMid Ik" wn.' the weak
teits^i'-eply.—Wast.Tli Mtvllral Kevlew.
cusliioiiB put in. just tele,.hone Ko. IW.
; •Kl i
ai"u*‘ Spoeiai'
W. V.
,,. m„ffaiT
;Lf. hlwsi.aad t’-ra
wmir Hl.vB
Ing prieea
prorWoBi 1
•"« City:
, reveal Hior. ll hi tbr.u. as Hr do,* not | •« la its tiimoA deptba where it U un„_,«,KToii«NT-r,
.^‘.rarriUnA.oph .s;t m-| o„,(.,ho world. It-is when tbry arebe
by the slighlett rlppla—
rraved of all oDtward coomiBiion and Episcopal Eeoofder.
---------- lor His mke are made to bear tribola-1
Eggk. per doseo...........
;. «.Vb..l, Sflo™
K,p ,P<.-.y...P-rV............
For ye,
ny uf nperatlt
atiaDe^claeka ■-
fresB nvl.lt-^vprlnc Brerh R*«<vi. (er tbr
r rvzl *1 .ter*. Dr*'rsbl* b.-stloo. Call al
. —
^.IK KALK -FIBS y...ioc eeerral a.irno-*
Wrlsbi t,m« Inqulr* *f .1
Labr. Maj SUVRI.
«k»i»a ..............Lvei..........
•resiR H.tl-E-niR , -si4*o.-*prop*ny.lo.w. :o5iki£r'J«.
•kaaa Jet.........
.. .Ure
Lre —
r lel
-- frel- . o«si.
- -, ‘•••mlortal.l* h.ui-- lo- okief Lake .......... P
*p|.ly.oNr.vJ.J lUkrr
4>U 1*^40 LatT........... "
- p»l^................... •■
The Traverae City UaatncM College _
ba*ae< iired a thorough teaebre of
te’egrapbv ard any one deelring to
•tody this *nbi»ci ie reqoreted to
callat (irange Bell for fortfaer in
We will h.ve evestne
C. U. Dk'kkbay.
leriDd KtGiiit < mimai K. E
m iS=
r Bus...............
.. IS to IT
^viRm i.g^ii.,*s,t «ior* BoS ar<*-n
r B. Crs.l.shvlll*
I will .ll-pow
■task Bi Breasuoi>b1*pr<*v.Bi '
on Ipnc terms Vh*r busia
•lu-iiitOB- Walleron-llira,.:
“ff TrBvvrBB O
B seoctOeil
laaaaa ae.aaa<aa* aa
iSSF.S* bS£SSS8%S gf
la.'-*--" -ge.rvti.Kg;; oa
• to • k • ™
Ul cvaa**«<.a.«*aaaa*aaaa
;««fiS = SS«ir>£83SSeSSgfi£C8
. SO to «s
It i* .be one
day that Hod k.pt for Himrelf. Tbe
who ttk» it for ptcasurv
plc^re or onman wbo
oen-Msary boinupsi robe (H>d. There is
, better olmervance of the 8eb
Endravorer* sboold
B he suffered t
Hi nil
pealed by bemorrbagev: and was abeoInlely cured bv Dr. KiDg’s New Di*covery |orQon,„„pUon.ooogh»
for ConauinpUon. Cough* and
sod Colds,
((]« declares that gold Is of little value
in comparison with this mareelooa
onre: would have iu even if it cost a
indred dollars a bottle.
s:&8 £ Sss £g««
I Mt-Ka
Here 1* a w ork for Christian-j
H ihpnld^ch tbe wurld'tbqLUie,
iisfiggsexffsasifssg Uflts
in faver of a Chrivtiaa. AmeTican
TSTeTTs b IB a s b~b'b
___ml braara trala arvlvm gt ledga-m.
asked yuu to
I “«■ "lisi
"Yre reMIy."
fuMIy." *ald PauHDSl*Bpprv.
Paulina Pepprv. her There
t* great social anre-ifi throoBbout , rtoreaof Si E. Walt and J O Jobeson.
. '
... . .
1. *nan*r**,a ilMwir VIV . —
__ and
. _ a tl-OO.
itRe so cu.
GaarblcotulDg fs'iu all snillug and dimples, tbe world today, It manifai* Itaelf in
“And I'm *0 glad: Busause—ibcru can't tbe deed* of an.
aate^ to cure or price refunded.
be any barm In owning tl now. Doj^y. muoant of eocialirttc literature aud in
drar—Idhl Ukefaliu ever a,, tiiucbf “x.
various aocietiesuLd orgonizaUinia look' ,
•He’a a very nlou old .iimii—IL^!f5
medp j,,-toward
eocial nfoiia.
nfmia. It adrocatea
adrocatee , Susiv
Dwieiaff PlT^to*«rd Bocial
middle eg,d p-ntli inan,’' raid Itoroth^^,
thins from anarchy to comDonner aud Latbaros will give
lteMl7' cried PnuUna. '
•Oh. that's all sotlto
The Sablulb is being constantly en-1
--------------------croacbed n|..ai. Pliasure aud bosimwe '
|^tv usurping tbe nns-t sacTod righisof
(^ly day I have for ^
Mr A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,
• valuable diepiearorfl,” say* the advocate of a coo-,Tex., ha* found
Tto i day that we have no. got
Vtord is *p..ken. tbc-unwle iBvlwd."
Slowly Ihu btuHn- g|
form re-.
.imiihg *p~:ta
:tetl finger, thru
clr* and unlifi
mmgb tbe but-,
kltcben, while
Buckien-eArntoa Salve.
, bwpUuDs, ana poeltively enrea PUea,
or no par required. It Is Twarasteed
-Boat.|f**p1tia or offlrr
Lard per Bi........................
Butter per B> Dairy..
Creamery Bu Iter. #1..
i„vv|,„xk,t,. Kvvry time it (i' :.ls m'lt Corn'per bn . o1d...
•etaUal Ihive tlim*.)
iu.pii-<.ii. vontrary to law. it not only Potatoes, per k
“W-w veil, my d.wr." nuM.ved Mr
lir.fi.ks tin- law ii-'lf bjot U’ai in s a cill- ;
Bnttmilall. hol.lliig llghily t» ilKiariii* of
sen .if th,f .snmlir^i^isT.gard and
hi* ctuilr
tramiile ntol. r f.K.t ibo luW of the land. ,
off fr
. Tave braughta mrreage from ibt,: Evry ••u.l.u.vor sb.mld la4artay.-d 1
«het world, Ilrii.vll.1." *..l.tnlily ottered ' all. ntbly agninsi tb- aalcui ami should ,
old. per bu..
tfae|m-aem» •'You want toiimrry i.gnlnV be an euraert n.lvocat.- ..f trtUJRrjinre wheat, new. per bn.
••N not If you ..lij.y-i V> It. my d,-ar.‘ . yei,.rm
How Iu.-k, piMtiuii* are to l« %)au. No 1. per be. (
faluivd the sbgkiug widower. •'l-Iq-1 Q,»uif. ateil nio>t bo il.'ii'rmined by each . Com. per bn..................
that I*’’—
I cue for liiioH-lf in a.'fs.rdaufH wilb his Bye. ner bu.......................
Ha Other Kefawe.
I think when we bare read eonugb'
Too will never find rest except ia
td tbe bistocT of Ciod’s d.aling* with Ord. ‘Tl.erv is no refuge bot in Him.
Uis people to understand that this is Pb. wbat rest and composore there ai*
i».*dA' *mDl
Urr*. B. C. It,
agLLiNA raica.
fU miTri 'the way of Him—that if He ever is ab-; If H'«"’ I» » more than sleep, mm*
from Hin poi.ple. it is not in their, than calm, mote Oian qoiet; deeper
limeof direct n,ed. aud If ever He doee;thad tbe dradeiillnem of (be noieeleH
wr-VaIu»hl* KoWitsot P.v.lilaa rliarm.
rb* fl'-.lrv » HI Iv rrvmrvtcU by
y t*..mr
t*s*lsr .a.
lull.,-ml..,i.uiv.d.u ggJX'i-i-■
Codfisfa p
“» '""“'•Itodl.M.*!
i. 1 niti*.
warn He ■■ -AbM^.'
I TV. »l.«. i. tl,.
. .I
and niiNtl vuicv
“li n.-dlur Ifc n.vli.V 1 oountrj'.
It UaMs thousand* of Uv**;
(It wiu*lwar*e<i. I'lHl.i IliittoiiiDill re it rain* niulniuduM of li.mi.'*: it is a
•'Peace. I «y!‘
<lIeph*lliah’eold way
of patting him ilonn. wiilMiut a luotihuls,
for argument) “and IbUcii
Vou arv nb-;
sulvtd from ytiur proiiilw lo coninwt no.
eimind marriage
Yquare a fiw ap.-ni |
Traverse City, Michigan
Tbe extent of Ctiriarsatpuemeutmay j
Traverse Oity Market.
I shall be pleased to see >on and
show you around.
Bear iu mind the
the pla
plaee-'lhe new brick factory, at north end of
lign of Tfs'ersc" City Wagon Works.
He* Id Hamihii
Cto It B.B..
meb out in saving infltieuoe tn the nu- , s.i.ry''Vr"ra«sLio7*Er
told millians that uever beard of Him 1 c.'..Ct*rel»ed.o«i..
• Short Cut Pork.....................
I gu« s I II rahe it up and go to ‘ diciont acli.
:ec«-iormnecdsotIT help. Short Cut Pork per *i...
• Tcm^
Bntaabe rrje.-wlihasorl of rbeuriatle . . . . . . . . cTosade is being made
™ _ plemr.
_ _ _ _ H _L._ *
_ _Co._ Beet..
_ _
tUSoess from bis chair the d.njrlc^lng ^ against the Kilonu uud iulcmpprance to- Bye Flour. H. L. S'Co, BmL..
trots the taiiUrry ertwked rllglitly. a sl.tw,
A political party, l.gions o£ sod-' Meal. H. L. X Co Heat...
heavy fuD'vl'd.
on lb* tiuor, and,
Christian cburcbi-s. a rcltpiooi' Teed. 11. L. * Co. Beet...
-I';'pr,,. ...a
and look over the new plant whether
^ i Union slrs^t briilge. with tl
ollfn,.m.lj d,«o.n».a o.l.ti»,
tbla. what with fliw and dust and fw.r |*bui«
have Drought order out of
chaos. We are living lu
in an age of
' ebans.
And (hrti Nr. Bottonhsllfell tntoedou forms aud reTwmrrs, and while we ranoraivMvte—liu tw.-r could tv quit.’«T- uot hope to iirnTtaft oor«-lv,->i in every
tain wbi'*—fram wlilrh Ir- was arouad brdiby .d pret.tidMl rufonners. yet there
by tbe ohl kit.*,;,I . lock strik ng 12
imporum reforms
•Midnight I It am t ,.v..ll.l.-r fCHed .; t.idav that d.i drUHind our m.»l t-arnwt
Hr. U.i<ot
A.I.. M.U Oru
II.V 1v*-i.nu.uvv ■ «n;i.v.
.- •p™yert=l cxuiaiderelton and j-
You are inviu*d to call
you want any work dona or not.
asaSavlont if tbe.v accept the offer of
mercy cxtaiided.—Bee. Paul C. Oarnick.
We will call lor it,
oprr.HouivBih. idu the work jjroniptly and deliver it just as ordeivd.
G.d—infiuilis eleru«l. Mch.ngtable. I
iudrslrnrcibli^ as it was tu tbe begin- ' Arbur. wiiirrsaotiO loralis tor asrwior! Bi
niug, is now and ever Kbsll be. world i * Sthsiiwi
K.,., Dr. Ob.tlM Uuth
b... HUI.
.ple -I fbrisi iu the 01.1 Trswm.-ut, we
have msuy ulbers to give
ib.irtty uud (be iiis|iiru(iou to try to do
antui (biiig in rorre.niliB tbe atiDSM of
*jpielv. Ibe cboixh 01 tli<> slate. Ood
fnHioeOtlf. b..th iu sacred aud aec-
Woof 1.
m7s/.vfi.hs CAfWs.
Bibfc Keadiiigs.—Ex. a*, b-11; 1 ^ilbkrt a tiATEX.Aitoi ^/■.■■apeeiaiir ’a»‘d practical horse sboer, with the old firm, who knows how-to
r. RoowsSaac:
universal sstisfartion to all.
Be will be pleased lo,
Kittga iv. 11 U; a Kings x. W.-Sh;
ivtii. I-.-,;*xiii. l-h;lV xxxtit. U;
fl.B'.'?:!------•T^ii»~HOLLi»tv 4 WTLHCLM A H.Hni-1 swi hid old frtends at the new stand.
Km. unll. c«-!i; 1-.. i, I is;
be my motto, and
; Oaf. VI, I. 2; JTiil. tv, 8. #.
M:p., Unitwsiti Ps
•phuOMia. IM. IIK
--------------I should bring me a share of tbe public patronage.
............................................................ ,
“Past II o clock." said rode Huttonball, looking up at the uiwk over the rf ms
I. ..., » I.U.
and .0,
the -li.d
blo.lo. Ok. .11 pivwswd. .»!
e chlmiwT Ol to w-t a
edge. Just nuuh
nlgUt as
b a nlgln
lb dlrd four• y<
yeart ago.snd—
ahltrr d..w«
down .
with B sIlBlk cold •hUrr
hUapinaleoluioti. “if It ain’t Ihe Mih of ‘
Koven.Uir-the idonilrail anniv.-reary of j
tbe and event I*<«r ll.i.hsy- (..Iding hli
—Lutheran Oltaerver,
“ aTiS refoVmscatt bebemt advanced
by »dv«,mnR ChriKt
Lot os mtve in
tbe face of tl.w grtwt n<*d« more «rne«ly to get Uinst into n>«i. Cbrirt in
tbe hearts and
lives .H
of .toen
□u ...«
H,ru will
W... ~‘*f
iiv. hablwlb, aueiaJ aud po*
all temp
litical yroldcus.
t'hrlsalaa Saeriarr.
ily adjnnn rt.
iBsoIUsb; DulwliefiDB. lo iwraplaiu and
*■ Hoitoral rctonu mods our belt.,
luartiiur—vi^^-wicked to find fuult with
There is a clumorou* <ry today apiinst | Ciml. There are mudiciued which, Uiken
duluiDi b' rT iti potitiie.
Howdsui Uid | with wisdom and ju tnoderaliuB. bafBe
Harlvi«iu are arrav.'d asaitiHl ni. ty und i diaraso and restore hiwl
,»l «jrt of a woman wa> your Aunt
- I«lih You know I never saw her.
‘^ "
ii.d befora 1 came lofloi-inB u. live ’’
To B« Borol '
k imi,'. fat woman, with stwctarlea
“lo London Ibi? oalL/a a
e aabop.
a brown fon-ni|.,-who alwa.va wore
o 0ngliatii and talknl through her
BCMO. 1 furgol. though—she bad a luoD•'Andnndevator’sallfC, i»n't it?"
Mnwltyuf arai'i. with a frill two iin-bea .
Wide all amund It and a cnlomi] bow of
n elevator ,
•nnO' onlnted rlWioti ywTvbed on the very ■
kDI>—a guy of a
only tit fur a aoara-
row. but H« will iinpoy both if thereby
no, pr,p.r«l
husme.. „ „y
..o..mry bnek
.. Uuching
iic«rrom<rarn-li)iii>u. I'iiiymnd {Mirloi- j psw mod Borrow, «b wb pltwiw to dk> faclorj- Ht ihe coriUT of Btatf and Union Btreeta, ml tbe foot of the
Panllna iVnper brake off toMsy
n e.«.iia
To ..m. ,I,o.. u, wh.i God bridge.
I uurpoK! doing all kind, of w.goh, bnggy. .ml .high work
•Nothing, Bolbinr only
«i f™ mm-f «o limU
baud In bmU. Tta n.jn , o,«nrtdiuulouslbal Id tbli «e of the world Wl'O Will Uot reader
m .U b„nei,™.
1 k.vogu,>nU..l.h..i„pmvndn..ehi..,y..nd
pnm iwinlsitinn
ff.r a man of ordfmwy
InMIlcvnoe. roola lluitcnball is «mieF•UtJomi.'’
“How*" quertod Womahjr.
“Oh. b*
winding slwnut In tbs «OD.
drnlb In
dlw, bellsTes tbrtv win 1-a drath
faanllT If ■
chaticstA.i howl undsr tbs
window. mn\ would sonm-r out off hf~
t hsnd fiV br«ln haying or go on
Bf *
* Ftteay’ ’
• .7 0f
“ bcntactngly’bsgBB Itantby.
T inkf’’
“Katatai: Uk> }*Bullna Peprer." wild
-AikI I'aullna ruall.v llkea Ur.
Buttnniiall. and she n•'>wis a honie. iMor
__________ _____ ______ -............-ina. li
oerotlnly tv a inarch. IF—
■ “tf ti wn.n’l for ti«' de|iart»d waint iB
rauff ra1nre«l tiblions.*' .will Frank., with
allonuf hlaJ.'tieit-lint
tonhall'B |v.;uliarliitoiiBit<m when stKasklog of lii.di !.nrt.kl wile.
“J'ov 1‘aiiliiia' ’said Onrotby
“And J...r Lncl.. nytu.l.ball-«busd
Frmbh'Vorrnll. •fiioBIhowbolo.dariing.
It looks likeabanl case."
Traverse City Wape Works!
tir B
Wbt-n Ibe fstburbutd cif (jfxj
. Xis'ion-tba.'his dT “d «‘»e brotlmrbood of man. as MDRbt
•And b<he really so suptrstniou* about i
' lioar me'" said Punqby
^making the nroiolse that that uBrenson-i ■mofn’f"
ablevlrBKoofawifecxaoledlroiuhiiuV’ 1
'“f murse tbe dnar fvUnw must bare
' Bild Frank bten a.Ur|i and drcaaiiog. Utouth—don t
i you think en' " .
vomui. -1,5i-~ i-«.«.iirbrtw- i
Have you seen the quilted‘‘Rug
by" Muffler?
dance In Foreeter a hail, on the wet
lug oI Hec- r
traw Pvtoahar. MBefctaa*.
Ola«lssBU.ChleBgo.OraBeBapt2B, IMDp ■.
,js:,srri^?s^'"■ *—
flank—For **)* by
^^PLB WO^f^aaiarTrBTme Oliy.
Trala IvaviBg narerae a» m ii-i*. m
faa»parlar ear to Prato lUpida
Trala teavtag Tvavataa CTty at ll;IBaA.haa
Blreper tntoOi^ B***^*** Claela-aU.
^ T^itort-yyy—toOK.to
Utaod. The leopard has aoi changed . ampllffcatlon of certain statetnaaM Ii
Wa aptus. and all hlsioo’ show* that the his ..mi In’ rs|«rt
Spanish official. Mh.e.ied m the murals
The g ncrel -mid that hi*---------- rt.of Madrid, la a (nan of duplicity. It baa dsiion < f » force ..( in .ng o^noes Iroa
already ls-. ii charg.Ki ihui lllaii.'o Is pi%- (he Stale* snd <s» native* »-as to proimrlng p. stir the .Iisaffo.-ted element ' rl.le foi itu- cniinsenrle. of lavaMoP
Into re:.J;tiince to Am rican rule. This and prutrs.-ie-l ■ nm|.aignlng In Cub*
l>artlcul*r nieih.iil .,f double dealing is during the heai -1. rainy an-l sickly Mamil new to Siuiolsh rule In Cuba. The son. While that crisis l« now riiffll
ten years' lnsiirTe.'(.np was .'iidcl by the dang-r s.'Bson will tegln again !•
l.rlliery of the insurg-ni leader*.
K months, he said, snd If the preiegl
Bl«nl,sh govemni-nt long f-d the plans *rr- carried <ojt we may then bo
wretches who ts-ifayed Oielr cause at ma nl-.|n1rg In triff>lc«l cuuntriea tbo
inaugurat.Ml by the desperate and l#w- the public crlb-tbe while they in-rtend-- largest c.i..n al army comjiuaed of boiM
le*s elements'which only an army can cd among natives to be plotting for a troops "f any aaiton In the world. Th*
<l« II' n-newal of the fight for lllierty. With ,/orce. gmilng ready to garrlBon CoM
The mliliarr is-cupatlon of Cuba gold at bimmand (he shrewd ex-offlclaU • number* almut M.M8 men.
by the mited States army ha* bul qf Kpain will have little difficulty In. LHseaee lurka to Cuba at oO UnMi
one pr.-ce.leni In the history <ff (he
counir>'- In (he Mexb-an war the AinerIciMi for.-cs-.acui.li-il the enemy's terri
of clothes, without any shelter what- tory after host IlUva eeaiu-d. pending the
e\er and during a very stormy iHOiod.' di |il-m-nl Ilf |•oa(■r In Mexico proper
ie Views of Generals flifes and Sfiafter
Motfie Best fletW of Safe; -'Ouardino.Our Trooos. ^
tCopyrttht IW. bjr O. U Kllm.-r.J
■WJiit A •Initir «nn) -<wp» «f ihrw
•diTtitoru capturwl 11 may tv<jul« thtre
oorpa of ii^ven divlalona lo hcild, ai«erdlnc lo the aar d^rtmtnt order*
proniulRBtcd for the' *;arn»uiilng of
Cut>a. Wbrn Aohed about (he prubiible
dimoullira l».b* facrd by the Iriajp*
whlt'h alii earri.on the taUtnd until
quiet !■ rratnrod. Om-'ral 8haf(<-r aald:
"GarrlnoDlnE Culat by uorlherii aoidlora win not be daniteioua. -of rourae
«venr men is likely to suffer from • limatlc f«\rr. whh-h. by (he »uy. Is not
like the deadly c^§sn-e. The latter.! 1
iH-lleVe. Is, peculiar lt> the Isliiinus of
Panama. In •wfnirr ihlbu is dry. th.
temperature Is fliie, and tl ii-«.
treeses. Santiago de t'ul« Is ii"i.
rious fur lu> lark of saaitalluii. It i
the foulest plaut' 1 eter ran. but li.t
'ctaI Wood In k'lm-asure has r1>-nni<l
out. ACroi-dlnj; to Cnlonol Warliis, Itu
vana la as bad as Santloxu was. In th
main the American ftin-rtson xvill -ii
camp outside of the towns. Thu tru>p|i
cuuld live very comfortably lii t.-m
■ even In Hlnu-r. and 1 bclievv the i.rup
sllbm Is to pul them In tb«ri
The atIuD which-w-m l.e supplied
them is suitable for u inter
so good f<ir summer. Should the troops
remain In Cuba until the lioi .season
next year the ration may'b>- ''hanited.
It Is flxed'by laa. but <'oiii:r-«s may
arnry It according to the seasons or the
peculiar (londltlons of the climate a-hrre
the IrMps are serving. The president
has the power to order the ration
to do BO
e ration
isBued at present to garrison tnmps
dOntpHae* a pound of fresh vegetkjiles
. every day. and this may l>e W per cent
potatoes and Ji> per csnl onions or vaClH.li.
reaching Santiago the middle of Au
gust, with good camps, good wabr and
ilbundance of (entage. would not hay>
been la-serluu< danger.
• It should Ih- remembered that all
Tnlliiary exiH-illtlnns which have koiiIniu Ihc tropic* In'summer have hH a
bitter esp.Ti.-iicc In Ihe m.iHer of slcknerji: The suffering* of the Ungllsh
troops at Haiana In 17$: and the ca>
en.ird-d cnni|« If very Important. The
imivei-sal experienee the wiwld over for
all time has b.-en that-where great bod
ies of tn.op* are .-rowded loyether in
cUnmte typhoid fever alwavs apl>ear*. They
but e bad
y in the
ha.l II w ill g.-l It.
"The r.Kulay army should l>e increas
ed, and, m iny opinion, it will la- In
creased ihls winter In order i.. In- preluiipd f..r gurris..nlng our new |so*sessluii*. The <-oiinlr>' will (hen nut l.e
de|>endent uisin colunie.-rs. .As to vol
unteer r(T'<.rs !c.-igi.lnc If ru-nl to the
Irupir*.. It :s opilunul with the govern
ment wh.’lher they a.-cept the resigna
tion* or rol. I believe the volunteer
olTlccn. will stay with ih'-ir mmmunds
wh.-rever ihcy may be urdere-1 to go."
The war department oriMy ref-rred to
Colonel Waring-a report of the sanllary condlUoB of lla.ans and his death.
foil .«• ng so a,.on after his dlscouiaglng
rep.tt, have thruwn the pciple of all
the cnies i«i the Island Into a panic
fr. m which they will be stow to recover,
V.gorou* measures and ea--n force may
• - nereasary to compel the MUBens to
■dM-y Ih"
h- laws of h.-alth. and I:If an cpIdemic of y.il.iw
ydliiw fever ntid
mid -.f
-if isniiilliiox.
d in Havana and al i;.lara,
■ k add-d to
with the aid of American tn>ops.
When Sanilagi was surrendered,
rresMenl AfeKInley-lssued a imctamailon which forms u ccul* of lowiructlons
fur Ihc army-.ciiiiimandcr* and acr\'.-s
as a MU of r'KliK l»r the .-itlxi-iis of ib*
territory under American sway. The
.pns-lanistlon o|—ns with the following,
sweeping statement:
'The Beat effect ..f the military oc upallon of the enemy's tertH.uy Is the
severance of the former ia>lltl<-al rela
tions ..f the Inhabllants and the eslal.Ilshment of a new p.illiical is.wer. Un
der this chang.-i] cundithm llie innabltants. BO long os th-y |K,-rf..riii their du
ties. are entllb-d to se<urity In iheir
fiersons and proia-rty and In all ibelr
private rigbu and relations. It Is my
desire that the Inhabitants of Culm
should be made a.'qunlo(ed with (he
pur|x>se of the I'nlled States to dis
charge to the fullest extent Us obliga
tion* In this regard.
••It will iheref.>rc be the duly of the
commander of the army of occupation
to announ.e und proclaim in the mo*t
public manner Ihat we come not to
nuike war uie.n the InhablUnts of Cuba
nor u|a>n any parly or faction among
It will keep good
The accumulated filth «f centurle* bafl
been dei-.sa--l in th* soli snd harborffi
One canffet ply a pair of oar* in Havana
harbor without lningtng to tbe surfaod
the germs of disease. If soldiers not
Immune to these condllions go there,
they must suffer, thir garri*on troopg
Into contact with all Ibf
people, since they sre to act In a mcage
ur* as a police and coosUliulary forcei.
Great concentration of troops may not
genera] think* b*.
anticipate local dl*«
lurbance*. When asked If be could out*
line any original nr extraordinary meas*
Ore* to safeguard the Ameiican eoldlerg
against disaaler like (bat so narrowly
escaped st Santiago, he said that be
knew of none Iwy.nd the meihuds that
will be suggested to every enligbtsaed
person from the very nature of tbe
thrust Into the f^ will
' When tbs duihy <>r iladcn was oce»«
pled by l-ru*»iBn tr-s.p. afier the U»e
IMS. ihe <>m<-rrs' were
warned against plavliie at .Badeh*
lladen. Kite summer evening King
(then Prlncer Wi,helm strolled into th*
gambling rooms and nolkwd an officer
In cltllian's clothes sitting at play. H*
bad won twice on the red and wag
about to pick up his money when he
cauiffit Bight of the pnnee watching
him. Teftot stricken, be aat qulel. wM
daring lo reach out for bis winningB.
The red turned up a third and then •
fouith tlwie. A* the maximum waif
i kly reorhf-d the prince touched tilt
shoulder and said g^ntlyi
Take up four muney and go. lest eog
of your chief* flnds you here.**
Of t ourse the soldier goi ool Imag*
Two days Uter there was a review’s
during which iTInce Wilhelm slgbte4
the culprit and sent for him,
"I.li-Ulenahl be seld, "after pM
went away the red turned up foW
times more. I prevented you from wins
nlng four times ihe maximum, which
would certainly have stoked. “
will draw on me for that
gamble again.*
----- jid German gen*
eral who lived lo see his last victory eg
Sedan have stated as follows: "It wag
the kindnem of the leewMi that curc4
me of gambling. For me ll was
than a year's iRipriaonraent."
tnanlpuUung insurreettons' agali
Am--rlcan control whenever revenge
pollilcMl advantage can be gained by it.
The talk sel for H»elf by thl* country
I tbe quelling of disorder In Cul«.
In the mailer of pulling down or.suppresBlng political ui>rlalng* either active
or Incipient, the army ^ummandei
the iNiwers of a dii (aior and may
8«t to Santiago In cxc«s of the need* i.camiw In Minnesota and lien In Arlto--j Second and S.-venlh corps
persons who are dangeroua to the'
or Uie army there was p.-rfortly whole- ' ns. ooo fc i al-.ve the *. .. Sin.-e ihere ; troops to the chief strategic
employment and In their peace of th* Island.
some after It reached the north at the -will h- no danger of an attack
lack ujion the j Cuba and establish gairl
I ainler j personal
., ,
rights. All pei ■ : in a practical way the military' occuend «T many weeks.
Ainerl.-ah ir-e>|n>. thr
quarter*. The stations
• Ha- ■ sons who, elther’by •live
will put to tbe supreme test the
"Ai to the trouble to be encountered .-essity for crowding them i.wethec
Martel. Nuevllos and itlsaU.n. co-uperate with the UnllH prufesslona of tbe Cubans (hat their de
from the people in Cuba. I feel certain large camp*.
•mp« '' I would' favor putting ; Cardenas on the north____ _
Slates In its efforta to give effect to thl* sires are purely patriotic and that they
that- the Spaniards will not make
In lemporao' wooden barru.-ka ;-^uegrai on the south coast, will .posts a beneficent punxise will receive the re relR-lIrd in order to secure civil liberty
I. >oiume.r*. wnos* Pinar del Hlo. Puerto Principe.
Prlncl] «. Sant
ward of Its auppun and protection. Our and domestic quiet. These they
SVC l»en severely ■ Clara, Hanctl Bsplritua gi>d other
occupation should be as free fi«m se have by co-operation with a power am
.en thlng to gain hy It. Of , crllkl.wd, I believe that they haw U-c-i j Wor to^S- Th«i P
tavrail ^n verity as poaalble."
ply able to secure those blessings.
country that has been at long enough la service to hav.- l.-arned ' '
t uperallo
Plnce the procUmaUon
Another lest of Iras algnlflcan
war for a number of yean. ________
everal upr
the prorinee of Santiago under the world, but of vital momem In view
element ssringt up. Such an element
. Xsw Way la Kill Masqnltaae.
............. .............
........ — -• I<«eneral Shafter's rule the govertimeDI
of America s destiny. U the quesuoe of
exisli In Cuba and win be dlaprwed .10
tack, landings for fliihustera or plaf-*s ! has demanded the evacuallon of tb« health In the tropics
Ics for men of northThe Mexican Central Hallway oe*h«'
make aome dlsturbancwB. bol It can be the varipus rampa *
of refuge for patriot armies. Pour ->f i whole Island by tbe Spaniards and as era habit There U
J Bb
nb fi
frost In Cuba to
cowrollcd with the greatest ease.
divisions ordered to Cuba will I a result tbe army will garrison the kill
kin the fever. anir*n
anir«n epidemic may
‘Naturally the Cubans themselves are
"Smallpox makes headway In Cuba
chief center* of popuUtlon egpressl rage all wlMoer—The army under L* win be of Ineetimable value. To sboW
autpl. Ir.us toward ever)' one on account
---------- once U gets a hold, because the Cubai
property and personal Clerque, wMch Napoleon sent to Santo bow earnest they are lo fh* mAtter
-f the
- which thwy have been i Bo not vaccinate. All of our soldiers, teries will be included In the force U
e manner
and religious r|ghu of the people until lAinuqj^o. sqncred throughout the whole they have created e new office—that of
trasled by the Spaniard*. It I* dlfBeuIl ' whether regular* or Tolumeera,
garrison Havana. The Havana garri a new ^w er Is c
iwrtod dqd fas reduced by disease from
son will not be quartered In the perma
10.0M-t« A-mrre handful. A similar ex- folio was awarded'to Captain George a
...... —s may be deemt
nent building* of the city, but will gc
snpreme powers are per1(l||pe befell the army under Laveaux Sperry, suiwrlnteodent of tolegrapte toe
Vaccination it compulsoi
into camp at Mariano, eight mile# dis rlaltned for the occupying belllgevenU. a a previous expedition to Halil.
the company.
i -dn-ihe army, and It can be made i
tant upon a puteau SO# feel above the 8(111. local and municipal Uwt arc con
The army now on the way to Cub*
^ Ula^, Cut,an* and othsia. heartily j among the people of Cuba. It
Experlmenu in different parts of the
level of the Sea. This alte was selected
dMlre thl* to l,i. the eventual rosull.
| ural that Intense excitement resulted by tbe military board sent to Cuba by tinued In force unlesi necessity cim- has much is lu favor—the- season, past Vnited Btalvs, and In Kew Jeracy ia
pels the mllllary governor to set them
ee and little prospect of hard particular, have demoostraied the tact
i apprehend that tbv» Is veo' mils from the condition of the Fifth corps at the war department for the pnrpoe*
orpregpeci •' any more fighting • D nlng.
the extenBlaatlon of tbs noaqaitg
Cuba, : Santiago, but our expertenee
locating the garrisons. Tbe board r»
Tb* troops Which (be govei
nl Is to not a parallel to alarm the counlrr omraendi that only a small garrlBon b* der. The police and consUbulary. tbe long period wlU dcmuuitraCe whether
be accomplished.
Judge* and other official* arc
S there win number iOTOM
. met and
h exchange. In dlsctuslng tbe mat*
al present. At least 7i per cent of the retained In the city of Havana proper
, or more,
"SclentlUe Invesiigatloa hag
for fear of Infection Ih ease Che soldiers people allowed
•If call-.i upon ,0
nake hi
the fact ihsi a few grains ot
the malarial fever, from which (hey re
e quartered In the old bulldlngi^ The usual occupations.
Cuba at thl* lim* of the year, 1 would covered very slwly. before the attack
dread demon which annually blast* the
sgauate of potash will dsstray ag
In elating that he would not expect fair Pearl of the Antilles and never yet
to- to get It u|H.n high grodnd, with the of yellow fevertind other complaints admInlatralloD has decided to have new
mosquitoea la a large areffi
and clean quarters for th# soldiers while trouble from the Bpanish element Ocn- spared man nor woman, black nor
qulio swamp. At I osnu an aerg
campa as far as posathle from the came
le un towwn^he end of July, and in Cuba
erat Phafier intended to reslrlrt hli white, 1.
mosqulloei can be klUsd off for •
aderllnc. Perhaps for
towna I would not have the camps really
pul my commaad In tbe
At Marlann the camp win be divided wordi to the Rpanlsb citlBen* having all a not
large, and l .—•--- -' w-hoi
space of 10 dayo. and as the breeding
time Is bul two months 4 osnts will Ins
Heed, and bel
property Interests at stake la Cuba. eon of the veraeUl* man behind l
wiy a Urge th* time tbe generals united in ssklng The water supply wlU he taken from Tbe
sure protegtloD for .tbs entirw yssw. Thl*
gpanlah soldiery, however, form a
tick list can be avoldml,
for [ that H be removed wna
waa the 50 days of
-if the Hatans aqueduct. A new- dock Is dletlBrt
wTni« Whal I
places II within tbs poenibimy of a
dement without the patri
UO* winter.
b“l I campaign V"-n <»>'•, had nothing bul
lag built to fscmule the quirk land- otic apirll of the civilian* whose forstate.
• certainly a city, to eiutn«
mer we eannoi tell. The natter of' meat, braej’and coffee, without change
I of iroup*. Tallons and equipags.
tuaw arc bound up la the fate of the
rid Itself ^
THtf MuBlflirO E800M>»8^WDAT. BrOVBMB»B 87, 1OT8.
b ' onl* chance wiA for atrtnebndy to
11. and 1 knew life waa at aweot »<» **»• |
jinera aa it waa
-iDfiinciiTclr wa bepan flrat talking
Bt<Mb eery nleauiil te Iba eat.
lU-u.' rol^ r. tf ber.;t
Ot one Ufr, ithlch Mdiar tahot,
InXltiillaB-* Bis
«lie <:»** WerkB That
Ar. Do-B wiifc «.
to become • Ko^el aaitieiniciM. orat
•11 arenii aD
>■ tbe ambition
tt a*ory yonnfi artiit. fot memberehip
fa Cb« academy meani mot-b more (ban
Iba mere iiRtat io pot the Utten R A
be nmld.
;'Tl.eu we had to decide who abonid
Jta amt 1 a(.pjio*Bit, of oonrfe, that we
woold driiw Jula. bnt one (rf the men
apuke ll|> ui><-X|aa'li-llly:
aouie frienda who had been abowiugbim
•■■wiiiuvr giew.’ ho aaid. '(loean’l
the town. sSoiueUxly bad •■UKBeated a want inaiart fi.r eoine boor*. The acont
little game of <lraw aa an apiifopriau' aB»> jii-i lifter daybh ak »a the l»iat lime.
_____ ie ll"•«llBtl■
i.Tiif' Pidlliugthi«*iug
wind np of Ibe niglit'a dlreraiou.
after onc'i name and to exhibit pietom
'■No. I don't pUy poker any more."
IB tbe floe palleTieeai Borlinitftn'HoBM
atid a biff wi«icriii-r wtiu came into an
Id tbe firet place, au academician la an
tbODt tbe way llie' man wbo aboatd go
abonlil jiianeuyer to beet adrantage be
fore raiaiiig the qmetioo wlio abould be
I tbe man. It took only a few minotre,
i tboosh, for theacoot U> gire bit adriee,
! which «-a« for o'H- to nilo not. jraTlng
la w'bMi'li«nilk. r..'hi<'f
i*« waa in keep
to the ea-itwHid and ri:le a« bard aa he
dannl lowa--d tbe Imliaiia.
I abiitply fiir the weakcat point in their
linMowurd hia rislit. Hi- rliooiil tbi-u
make a dii»h and ride ashanlaapoeailile
Qi.nl If wax -Jtl orer. fitiug aa often at
Aa<l tbi'o ■n|i|K».- (hat Ufa U aat>.
AMort<i> ii
Think (BoiSrrly li.
mth Dina to OB
op town clnbbooae tbe utbtrnisid with
»qtiiw by tipbt and not merely by
•OOrtefT. and. fortber. -be ia. entitled,
iboiild be eeer come on hard tlmea.
• aobetasiial iieneion of betwe.n £S6«
•Bd £4U0 a year. U be diet l»v)|K bie
widow nopmvided for. tbe academy al-
••Why. how ia llialJ” eaclaimed one
of bia frienda.
Iowa bar a liberal ■nm for her waiale-
u and tbe aaaociaUa' wld-
wiio poki i': VkV ranplay frei-n-..-.il. and ]
ihrei- gami-H will aaiile it. Ibe winner (
"Yoo need loirtay a tlifl
You baaen'l awom off.
droppMig oui each liine."
‘•Till- propoHiiinn cangbt in<\ Yon
know 1 n«d- 10 pride tnyaelf on my
_______ i
an tnwy reawna apart 5”"
tberv Ik no excitement in Ibe game foi |
BDd glory ^hy tbe
*enlptm^ ;
«bite« abonid wlah •<> ^e«
That’s the way we aim to make it pay you to buy your Dry
Goods and Clothing HERE-at this store--for wo know
purchases will not be satisfactory without.
We’re Having a Special Sale on Cloaks
Tlie u
btiiai. playing on a
^6.4 and
on thi. gioond
Ladies’ Jackets.
ThethrilUng awry tberoof mna - ' • ■•Y.,n would think tbe detail, cf n
wt^Te h^Aif n^^
^ pa.mi l-k- that would fix them^lrea in
lo gel on. «
year.'^when they find j
'‘It wa. a doiwn yean igb. wh® 1 the memory ho that I wwld be able to
fenng year' i..-. ^—• -....................
.. .
with tbe nwal allow-jblly^'rcry hand I beldairfeTery
(wdy bnyer. andwre talked abunt in i
luadi'. wimldn't yont Well, 1 ,
■ Ilf frtwbiira* and ignorance of fron•odety. be lakea the firrl dep toward •,
111 fact. 1 can't tell
Hme down on tbe liet of candid
wai rertainly braata.
Child’s Jacket^.
All new. tWa arauin'a maimfactnre. at prieca
$1.19 for........... $1.76 to $9.00 walne*
lem Ibab pauat in Pebroary.
$l 79 for............$3.00 to $3.26 value*
$2.29 for............$8-60 to $3.76 value*
1 roam^
u tlie first man to lose all >
$2.99 for........... $4.60 to $6.00 value*
I aionnd the cannery raflmr for the bettei
$3.69 for........... $6.60 to $6.00 value*
$439 for............$6.60 to $7.60 value*
$539 for........... $800 to $8 60 value*
■to $18 00.
ooenra among
Wbeo aI vacancy
............ -.....
blue fooleeap paper ate
(tether with a reqoect that
yahaliyuood at tbeacademyoot
toward one of the principal villag^
(be rwldtina iwere partionlarly ,
•oadnoted in a aingular and eiimewbat
—a method which took the place abont
*0 year. Bgoof the rongbasd readyiya-
You Can’t Do Better
„ .woPtbii.g like that. I
..-The „rg,fr«*.oot. betweenthre^of ^
0^ waa a onmpanUi»ely abort cam
-1 bad been out hontidg for ■ w«k
minute* for
with., couple of teliow. I b.fi met m the aoofft logalber ii
lu all the cbipA but.
^ ^ theiowiw. when we got tbe new. ; sbiirt aa it w as. I managi-dto get myscl
j^m a eiraui
eirauger whocame into uurcamp
,i«., , jmjp, tbiingh I
.III ful
For your own interest, than to get our prices and aee the
goods we offer in every department ot this store.
"* of the tliiuiKlil Ilf tbe valni
^mined w b
hep we questioned him—not _,^,,ioB whicli, I ba.e noticed, alway.
loo clon.-ly, for inqui
luisitiveusHi i. at a
w itb my play.
. ociatea are large ohstjuui
bat caan^ __
dinroout ou mr
bowtil ltd gamer began,
••Wla-u the tl
: •»***«?ally-mat be w«. wont itithe govern- ^,07. I pulhd maw-lf togith.r with
^.bentemtematega^^J^^ mei.t empln, and waann hi. way « ynn
Both aimd
BMdi acoree out with a pencil “»«•«*
g| tbe artist lor whom be vt*^ «>
•otaaudhati<Utb^I«mmarkrf to
Iba eectotery. Tbeae sboriogi <>Qt are
known as 'ecruteW' at Ibe acadi
Bad tbe weretary. after
Uiis cumpaiiy.
„ „,l m I er.T ha.i bei n l- fo
.. -TUere's likely to be aome pretty
-fbe man 1 played I
he said wlieu
aaked a ;, aguiust, ibui.u.ewas
^- we
...---------toistiuiswas a
a young
young Knglish,1..,.
-r... is •h..>.wt h.-tiIs are not ^
.............................. ................... >.i..i.i. !
tmill « hmu 1 bad gf*wo to edem highly [
on the warpatb now liny will * « • io'fb7‘i»,..rt titns I bad known him.
day .........................
or two. and
Ml-ws Will
will do a
d you MI.'WS
j.* |,o„e oev, hrur.1 ibia
Reliable Oq Goods, Carpet and CMing House. TraieiseCiq.
ibe pap
■ •“’-“"■y amart trick If you torn b« k.;....................., .luryTaid I 'hT.V
have bwsn given to aacb
••Tgrnmg back, however, didn’t aw'^
,ha, bo
kill.-d by th^ diao*
very atirariivo to me when ihi-n-wag ao
,1,*, be waa on a hoiiiiuk<i.p but i
Tbecleotiooia tbenadvancedanc^ much exciieiiivut aboad. I promptirxg.
uever lieard of hi. last game of
«age Ti« Iffvridenl, whte by vin^
marked tha. I thought 1 would go-^n
ftia office, occupies the-obair. dir.-wM witb the • .mi and off. r my swrviom to ^
BBb (a Beltev.
O leday BUly. tbal'a tuy brother, be
a playin by a
tk« tbe name, .if all tbiiee t^idate* the captain lu cummaiid. 1 told yon I
-w. h.d each SOfi beana. and half a wd hammy D-i
Vbo have
,l!““ ,**7k w« |m>tiy brash al tbe time, and I ^ doxen hwids were dealt before either of mndh.il.-. BU'l Biily be mid
“acratehea' ihall bo inscribed in chalk
kuawlodge «if military affaire. By
, ,
Ttejionmv deal'
"N.iw, naiuiuy. le s play
id lie
lie down
apou tbe hlackboa^ while those »
waalliml tlw captain wonld be
three deu.vw and made it 60 U> i barnyard. V-.u l« tbe |ng and
ril be a boll and belli
beca give® have ofnrtber ebaraaf ‘
meAU.%^hV.Tr<^we;wL He d«-w"one!Uke everything.”
baiug elected.
I and BSMJciaM* tbeai
Tbe 801
I wboee
) again for the «
are on tbe board. Tbe two leadtog men in this oooirat are now selecled
tor a final tallot, tbe winner in which
witii him.
■■l-iio(K-<-d tbal
a little ruriciusl;
la- evirteiMly
i Better than Ever
........................ -
cardmidl.1 itliewiibontloukiDgBiil.1
*io they gui .h.wn 00 tbeir bimdi a^
knees, and liaiuiny be got in the mnd Y
*‘lll^Tw^bi'diTm^ig. <>f .•onrae. and 1
and w..ll.-red, while Billy bellered like ‘ #
thought It wusncii hi«
am w.ff.-glad than 1 am of almort anycaiu teudi-rfiv-i. and he only grunted. ,
^ almcwi nae- enm out muddy—y<in never w-e 1
My twooumpauj^were as freah wl j
*1 made the worat muddy liiiie Irller-and he laid
Bnt #
and w e told Hie aemt we would gc
r «w made. 1 liked the man yon be the pig. and let me belief.
tf be had iiootjeciion.
well, at 1 mid, and «me impnleclhat Billy “>•». "1
The oeademidans are eloctrfi In p^
'••li'iafrec couniry. and • —
I and can't Tore dinner, and it'll be iimo nuu iw .
tomly.be ..me manner, extvp.,bat tta ^ ,„v.-l wb.-n vtr yon like.’be
yon to beller wbeu yer mother ceM yer . *
clom. "—Scrap B<iok.
tba ontUdera.
All mia syvam oi
,f,erwgrd» i-h-ur*.
•'•Bratches” wd -hl^rkboard. ’ a^a
befom dawn and bad *"1!/.
before, andl
BUnbroof and 1
"Now V
“^"uTid te g^ b^ A
J elrdra ^Te
ry rare^ atle
•eenrs. and in this caae the president.
«.iuht.al.s«c.-. lbeac»d.-n.icianwbo
tog vote. Wbe. Mr, K.nes.
featUe painter, wai elected, b* tied in
, final
ballot witb
Mr. Ju’-kaoo. tbe
BTObitefcl. ami to Mr. Oaldhriin iwbnin
—- •
Tbe amuriatw have no voice in
todbliOD id % pTWiideol. tbe P®'^ ®*
noting ratting »-mirsly with tbe MBadpmimana
Sir Johns Millais tbe late
^amp lhal night. There were arill acmie
^ when, as we were
t.ill, ttiesooutsuddenly
lcap.-d from hi. bone and called
““'“'r ■:'rSJUl
muiiii ........... •• -- - - •
..i all lt«-
scalist unlew
btlpcanu-. for thi-re was uc
kucw lau.luia.it
JUKI out o{ range
4800 orkgOO a y«r i. providto for tbe
r ruids.
firtv Alreadr.
sliook. iboogh. aj.|.arently.a
ofth rur.l ..v.-r as h.’
d np I
npb may all Huba.
BOlde effort. Tbe hour ««l trioni
the blanket Th.-y
a:fil I swear 1 aaw l»> far diaUul. Ml in the sight of
o <;o(l ■
• lie UK>k«-d at m
n-U you be waa a
tibgrel iu ills eyes
d to loru uiy band
man. .Then I nianag.-d
ovi-r. I had .Irawii the oihcr eight."
The W.-Sieruer sioinavl. Be Urained
aud ilu'U •tai.l
bring another bottle and
4^—, —
Tbew devili
,he right enot."
H is here already—Presbyterian Jour- ■
,.tld h."drink. M ..id:
Cheap Rates
to Chicago
"V.hi don’t wonder, do vou. that I
»«“ “
— ... b.«o» - b.! «.ub Sirs. Petosker and Charlewii
m - —---------------------------------to tbebands.if the irnrtivisfiis’snoi fall
tor short of ttmOOO. On. of tbi. mou•ytbe *ho..U on which kOOorSOOrto-
will .boot, MHd uu bidiui will IWV.I '■’T.njT’tu.n, i.ti'1 tuorb more to It. At
ts-iug shut if be cnii get fan man
ilmt i-ilw end of it as I think
Wec.u’t fight our wa.v cut IHu, Tb^'glJ-hmaL sb*^^^
xberc’s loo many of'rm. Andwecau’l „.„b us all and raluaway. Wewatohed
etsy here any iMger than we can live
uutil be f. lE and hemnst l.avogone
tod painter, and acolguirsare mad. yiij,
«t«i mIK-s U. ihc vh.1
■ hjtbem.
loloa I'h.tru a only .me thiuKthall *«-.
Upou itu: academy alao falls tbe ex-;
MBav of ihf -auunal Uu>qa*d, which
. -
Round Trip S3.
dualb wTib’i^
Mm-CJre.uB-1 l.t ar that termb Jnn-
laekul him what H was. and gpn„y bad ma.iv in Sheffield. Koglaod. «•*•«** Wl» I UOAIAAOlte
brt-in' he la kill'd.
Mrs Brown—Tea. and 1 d.in't blame
ter one mite. He’a a wousler. W. old
tli8 0tw*ramayataoilaob«iK».
•• We all ImAed at one aootbet in at-
a boiJeu A nomUt to EnglUh
bate been naing tbia armor «ooa
•on believe it. he acioallg used (me to
ter golf riicka for a p&ief lb. oib«
--------- iugl-Borton Trmmwript.
len« tiTi^sal while. My b'®?** *■“
rotd at iMPirt's of Tiding ooi aiofe init
tiuii i-ck to OtniilA. but I rcaliaed that
tfaedayato Iba yon tail rieU.Eiiq«i«t
If we -all riOe oot.
>n.n MM *
siroi.g i uongh to
Shoes and Rubber Goods
South Side.
404 Union Streei
‘ Be Interested,
be B.iid :
Tests anti <->-4ts which art wartuut.
•••II OUO man ran make h.s V»J.
lo sevore ll.-ti, immoo.lyfroiii d.ath BVllA^Jr'ot'i'hb^^-IJc'.'ii'th
«mtb-j«t ter eunugh St. tbal the i.oj«
g^diuary css.--to attemins
u|n« at
at assaautolhe ftmigwdl rc^-h Ibe empany.
TM armor is of ..
Ibe cuptaiu will wnil a « srehlug party,
.t. prt
priw-* sod >Hinul*.
tA i itn
H-'otl furqursiioslibt.
It all dfia udsoii bow far iba ma:i §*« ^
„„ j„comi.r.
ten' is g.’tug to gut a divorce trow her
We wi*h to reduce our stock immediately a* low a*
possible for removal In order to dp this we ebaU offer our
entire line of
E. B. POPE. Aront.
, Phone S«.
SoM is-rbai* kduu’uc iAUU. beaidoa any
A Beate.
Removal Sale!
! At such a reduction aa to move them quick. This is a rar«
chance to prepare for winter at a email cost.
Money saved is money earned.
■ppt^ed and s
’"“4,^““"^ without waiw.
fuliv ihree nuirs. A gwal mol.y Indians
•Bd don..h«r
doo....«r TO
"1 Hiked him if
.f tbe
the captafnwMldnT
capt.fn WMldli 1
^ wJ
rmintt triu, KtS'
given. Util/e is beard-of tbwe cbariilM
„ ».,n-h for him. and b« aaid tb*. ,
• .
,j,p oompuny Ttckstii intod r*
fay tjie puMic. hot they are very ^sldi.--^^j^
j,e waa ctauiug.
•eabk and the declining years .d man^ 1
^ «irt. -and
His t
•BBibet of minor obarg«v •»- ***■ axaiatoe, thi- payjm-nt to the st-K’i ilug and
tenging ioinn.itlsw al the spiiug
hlbilinn.—I'oaratm's Wtvkly.
; TRLElTIOXTi \0 4-3,
^,.|„,„.d.,„,b.ik„.,w..honBbnooue w-ird’hu., ...d ... wvc two xyUabloa
I naoally could —Isondon Aoswr-
shut me np all tbe «xma
Piuaily be midi
,hi, „y,
iiiiiug ins Diiu vaiu lie (MWMisj
——--------------m broke incouB- ,
«!, "but in the «xnct.v in which I ani
^ „ mrenatometi K. move we prononnw that ■
Bverage from i.-J0.«(}0 to MS.WO.-wnd
og up
L, .be Judge
Ooriug hi. wimming
tbe wtmf "oanihad OQoaaiua to
:-ric g.« me one look, in Which 1
tbe ai->ut said tbal four mfiicoold rraii a
"nt.urcriiititm of what 1
of out r;fl:-s.
.. .. .
"Tin- S'
ild see mat ne wat
time hut w-e
any ct n^ and wc
ibmknig at bard
tty hu-y
tea been very revere indt«l.
, be aiiSibiug to suggest, or al
,The post is w. II worth a atmggle. for
'ling that 1 could
M catriea with
--— it .dtolantiid
. rer-----------iiiius v»,
• o make a dash aud
■ ,1 and arusuo
tiou. l«-»ide» gnat aoeial
,ur,.ogb. .
„ auvihiug
_ in
_ reply when
Airtiuciibu. Tbolsce Hir FrancuCHkn'-..Sobiaiy said
■ ...... ..
and tbe aoont gave
to the iniJn-stof wbieba aalar} of aome * ted,
disgust that made mu angry
„ .po, ,0 mvd. n.^. ami 1 aboved oiely in *hicn I am .ooostouied lomove , ^
“4"^^ p,), ,^iibunt look- we pronounce Uie word ’broom,’ and M i a
aave a i?llalile.'’
-'He had MCiT^Indiana. and. to oot 11
to«sideiTt. warn elected by the onani
Bons vdlB of tbe iiu-ml'ete. a fact wAiicb
■net biive ticeiJ exltvtm-ly gratifying to
oiburoothat great arlist Uo« uUBiiue i.l,
■aiuui the fight lor the pgnudenlafaip
Tbe academy ti immetisoly wealthy.
flodi. and ►muchow 1 frit ibut be bad case made nm daring an .tgnm«t of
j sh-mld have drawn the word "brougham.
l,nt I didn’t. 1
"Excoae i«y iuteTropting yon. Mr.
1“„ Brief." ..id the Jodge. ’ bnt in the tee
Since the fire two weeks ego our
Dudertaking Kooms bare been
nicely repaired, and with the nicest
stock of goods in Northern Michi
gan. we are in better shape tban
ever to do- everything required of
up-to-date Funeral Directors,
___ ASA'S
,KWsiDt AdSi!
In our new display of Jewelry, Havilaad Chinaware.
Bilk Umbrellas, Stringed Musical Instruments, and
Strings for all instruments. Complete lines an^
everything new. A personal inapecdon Is sure to
please you.
fcio bi»fc. (npprd the
tnm bl« pIpF, wnk tiMk In bU elurfr and,
«Bt rmdlDK
n hsivl, Mt
«lir- llw. It
«*l.r «hr
llcklBR fit t
' el.»k and Ibe
' e Onp of tba llnOn- limke t
■■ of IUw'booae. but ibranicb i
- saleww blow In*, j
whItUlnit In U» prtn* tiid*n. |ilu.._
ibo w Induw*. mundn* cttvarllr
In cn-.I.w asdcbii
■ ■ niwy. At Im.wt-aU n*i
hufTTinit foot luui idrd akin* tho pw**iDcnt. StradllT pw t mait tbe tramp of • '
. _________
A* ?..n* while he wat then Ihtanln*.
drcanitnu. At laet be anwe and. pullln*
aiide the bflDd. looked out. HlRhir dark
It waa. tbe pane* atreaked and rain aplat♦.Tirf, tbe ll*bt« tilumd adown the etroct,
the tren brjrond tbe budno eUndliiK out
•raont and black aEatuet a iowerlt.* ik*.
Swlabl came the tain: whl.h! «hrlvked
tba wind. Oh. a maud nU-ht. ihou*bt
Pater, and turned.away, lint elrep WM
n him. and hiM l>ook wa* flnl«b«d.
and tbe tire atUIhlaud. Invulumarlly ba
«ros«d Ihe room, turmd low the Ump
Ait. too. bsT* bivO lb* droAbMi
Thr; follow tbo imclr'* off I.
«bv Mr.’ .wifr M'llb I..1J •
On tiM a<M whrrr brarr mm InlL
kin* OB an an*tne, the driew
«f wbicb waM John Mor*an. lie bad beeD
muir jmn In the oompany’a aerrkie and
bora an exoelleot rbararo-r fnr ateadlBM,
trhrn the Iwllle boom i> aiktit
And III-' c--huinB tlrnieli-r dua,
tb.T taaei.' tu tbej-uin red aoddaa
«Uli the Uoud .* •aerifiv.
teeinrd -ui l« alwar. la the aulka
I auppoae. of a aurly
(tartidiinu mumhi* be biitdlr mswetwd
luldn-Miyllnhhii.Bi i seemed
luorv surly than UMial. Wh. n he head
*uan! *j,e ua tbe al*nal and tlorm>n
luriMid Ihe handle, we moved sloaly and•
au<adll>' out of the Ptatluo. When we *ot
well out iototbeouuiitry. Murimo turned
, to me and said
Id ebonly, "Unrauinl!"
The flic that Srate ahwe Iken
r. ti.erked will: ■ miuma sqpu
PlMltr el a ro-nt
Aud tbe rUird h.a<1 di.naa
nat oore fte.niMB'- n Iruptlaa
K K-w rarlli'.
-at 1 wTTi.-. to ibr ftcM «■! ralor
Blind loaa'M tmoKirtal cTo«.
And m, Xlff fidlow'the l.oiie
d h..^ the drumi-al •rati.
31 a liu full.
—Hariu-r’a I
, waatod, as tb.-n.- was q
jiush In ib«
1. Hnwever.
onlyau uoderlln* and
: muei <ilay rtaM.nnhU' urrlers. So I eiuked
'as bidden and then eurtuuely waich.d to
ine If the en*lnc drherwould turn on full
. tpnd. He did noUiln* uf the sort, but Mat
.with fall bark to the tmllRraiHl la-ganto
, talk tome ijulte afTably. Amnii* other
••Tbore'e u.’i aw uf yonr «Byio* a Iblnica b<- said be was quite tirtxl of
*Bd.seatluKhlmwIf tetare hi. little par- word-'- otelalmed the woman of the perrviual ir»w-Jln*. and that b.- meant
lor orxan. l««an tunldlhK the '
look mil fur a wife with a little iiiuti^aild
• she had opvuud the
never eel foot on an engine again. Wo
struck a few lil*. ooleain cbprdA
mlnilekrtl tbe wind upon the treble and
ootaidtt “I know yun."
and by that time we were due at illinton,
•eboed tbe tuo.nl t rhli
baas, wandered Id],
anUy br menwt ebi
prwayou might think,
opi-mu* chords of
the awtwt old tune of ' Abide
ma-.tn-"I rwoRoia.-.! y.m aa aooo as I ■■
yon Ynu caaV—
••ynn're the man wbo sold me
a big Jui
et which .-vi-rv li........... ......
So wo liad pU iity of time tu talk,
Alioutaii hum afb-r leaving PaddingII the mid-
I expnaculaml
with him, and polnlerl
•wange harmony.alih It. and at auund of
"**• * wanted to tell yon. na am. ool that we wi-ra going at a high rate of
speed and would nut neid mom <oaI b>^
Cl the winds tell and the rain ooaaed lu ,
patter, time Mood still, the world bung ! - "It woaldD i wash anythin*. The fore BllnUin. but this____
I to excite
Mlent. tbe past Oasbed In, and then aat longer
r yon owvl
mwd it
thn dirtier tbe clotbsw *»”■
him terribly
terribly’ "Sbovd
"Sbovel It In r be roared,
r. looking cut acrosa. the ywuw. and ' got, yoo
yoo cooldo-t
cooido-t tell
sell me
me auTtbing
auytbing wHkanoalh. -rni going
and It waaa Sabbath ',
If you was tu pay me for takiug it
mnlngln^iuS?untl.uooftlwlu^a*o.* ’ ^^^^'"^",'^}7^"^
ToraUafyblm I look np asbovelful and
1 navbod tho Orubox.
«n tbe hillside all Is dim
By tbs organ ever have tbeebano^to duitagaiD.
Dwindles burn dimly.
7%e ehaaoal <»o l«H y«n that. Ill aell that washing
"Yun oluiiisy f.sil!" be oalM oat.
ir of fading______
fading oolon._ ,1 luMbine Iwck lo you f.
for 60 cenla It "Here, give Itio me’" and, enaicblng the
Wlnd<m Is a lung blur
Iheublct Iwnralbonly alaixUbrd stRwk. 'duran
What you've :«bovt-l out of my hands, be crainmed on
Thnmkb the open dairwoy and tbe diaI wouldu't coneb It wilh aglauch ouel ache could get
Mood pai^ sldrllgbu.talU . bas.v after- i ,eo ,,K,t j„|,^
yon can ulk milll
lieglnnlng to gia alarmed, and
1 UU au, gouu.
, >»‘‘lng.iut .ivur tlw Well known country
,h-man who hadB>al yourney many a
plnetopa behind thcgallkgL
wbo had time |s.i.,f„_awthatwewere much neafwlndowoommUilfrinteMlwlllghl.
im but Unlest twilight Uka I ^
h r^'flUs^r
at that
nd pulpit
and kHoI.eu roof is blax lut » her.- IbU trou hour
and be Blovepipe runs up tbrougb it! Tbafal
In a few mluuuw our speed Ineitsisad
tween them. bimiiFlf but a gluiM lu wblta, What 1 stoppod to"—
, anormoasly.aod loalculaied we weniravIhe fkgura of the nwlor. a tall, snowy hals
"Good laud! Why didn't yon say M? ellngatthe rau-of 70 milm an Ixiur. I
•d figure, speaking out wisdom and eulara What did yun WBlit in stand tbera talk
«fo>wht It wa. time to remonstrate, and.
•o tbs dusky shadai Mcaliurol sparsely ; in„
tbe bnnse is bormug opr
to Mow I notiori that the In
^ong^ pewa Softly,
............., j
dkaUir showed full speed. I called bis a»Uly. bU Totavoomes throi^h the glrain- |
"h ran.
i hmti.m to the f^ and begged him
tog ■ Far up are Uie l*.w«l'’llgu«-/J.“toe !
s|svd. or we sieVuld
nidalmswoiuen; liyibe font Is Ihegnarl.d
—Cbioago TribuDS.
Bllmon wUboul
Uboi being able to sw^
------------------- -----------I
"Ha. hs!" h.- criol In raply. "Stopl
pew are cJiUdm In while: ben-arewom
The starve la shaVe.aeaee's Time.
I'm m-vw going to sbip again! 1 told yon
ao In poke bonnets and ahawls.
Jobu Gburtiiu Oulliue, the distio- Tdjuakj^bcr irarel. What do you want to
handful of men travllv sbouldvns:
•Kh guirbud (WiBTirt aud
l^oarlerly Review- 2°P
on. old weneb. get oulud t^oarleriy
^ded, clad U, ooarahu of iw.-ed; in the ]
. Tbenbebursnmoahld-ouspealoflaugh
-u ,o
A raid swlAnif Bbralute terror brake
*6aa&it In, am. Tloy, tbe (elka mleha
Tbe two stood on nnplauted «renud—
*B odd atrip abnat a hendrad yards wide.
•‘•"•on eilber aide the raokt _
»R) tad the line, seemlnaly afmld to aaorosrb one lodi beyond their mark. »
"Oh, Sim. you never tneon fer oa to mn
awnpl Why. tw-iuld kill maw an AodI
Suann an Aunt Kllra?-*081.31 Tiny
IVonldn-l kill 'em. ’ be retinnded
"Tblnk of nie. danftlln on a strltr* n<*h
.« to tWM year a tvndy
It a a ».-.ndrr It
aln I killed me. thnt'awhatl Iberealo t
iKioiherway buT let os J.wt t.>*otwInni
the i'rraehi r. an when w.-'re man an wife
both our
kirk all Ihey're
to. Tberr's no use lii waltln. neither. It
' ''1‘a'll never for*lvr your maw, nor she
him. A’oa (in me'.i a-trenib1ln herr on tbs
ra*«rd e<lgp
e<l*p ofd|.4lvi-ry
of diuki
t I'll you I won't stand
a gntal while
ire There, there, 'l iny
1 ain't romnIn to la- (Tusi, but rf you vc got women
folks tu ieavo Tveg..! men folks There’s
tbe nlwiinutisi old man you
know it
It’s yeKt him to
see a pretty lltile d.ittcr right witbln
marh an him to rqfuso her beoauae It’e
Ic’e a comfort to fa-1 ef yuu'j
ryln Intowmh an obstlnale
fanibly. you're
K-tInate fambly.
AH the
■ime, I hole to l.-avi|fia an I nclc Sim. an
old John, thra's lien our hliv^l man an fed
bogs with US smee before 1 was l«.ni.
“But I'm a-guln to l.-ave ‘eiu. Tiny, na
you an im--|l start off Into tho World an
find a |ila<« fer nuraelves Ibun the .Saulsburys ib.f. left ran flglft li out with tbs
T.ylon tbri’s b-ft.an welcnme Sayyou'U
eome. Illlie girl. Bay you'll ooiiM-r •
Tiny lo.>ked opal Sim then with the
lookawuiuaa glvea a man only once In
iw Ufe iiid thit’when abo' bira^lTlow
with It...............................................alowlyweUed
and Umn the ^
into hor lym.*
"Uh. Stm.*' she oooeenuid. "but well
.....V ..rbld 'em gopdby!"
replied. MralgbtetilBg bltneelftobUO feet li. ••Tmallar the wedHardly had tbe two parted-lndeed the
abaklng taiarte of Ihe corn yet betrayed
theormoelm neih (.scb bad taken-wben
an old man Mapped grimly Into the char
I mrip. the stubbly iawid on bis set. aqnara
| Jaw ebowtng a sandy gray In tbe sua
A arant aklrKd calico dress and a sUl
{ eunbonnet. with a long pointed n.ilne and
; an obstinate rbln appearing wlihii
u they spied (a
ry and the wld
"Bern!" herald gruffly
"M-ra-m!" she said at the aame moiBcnt. with a little screech in her voice.
never tboagbt"—
b tbe beat ei*ar Is the market for
Five Cents.
Most popular d*ar in h'ortbera Mlcbl*aA.
Beery dealer aell^lt.
Made by
A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Block.
What you wanted »nd w6’ve got them;
Stock Fieh. Halibut and Whiteflsh at
reasonable prices. Bemember we kee^
Hams and Bacon.
Phone 167.___________
248 Front Street
If You Have I^ogs to Sell
Correspond with tbe Tnverw City Lomber Coxupwiy.
We have for aale lioM
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short M,aple W'ood
Hill Machinery of ill d
Set Worka. Carriages and Sava,
for Bale.
A complete Saw Mill Plant
you—but I do s piclon. now.
ihmii yrre long cnougb to aee
foek tbe sky oiid iwe tbi- dusk.
! RaI in f»tiD.
ts-tvHvm my Isiy an your
whatsgiiln on Is-cwivm
yhe voice dies away, and out oMhe huab ! Kke gcui-ral
n with In
I give yon my w.utl. Mis' Taylor. I
aome full ai.d nngliig
nnglnf tiie rail of the or ! (bealcra fur l)nll luicl bear bait!
never drun ptof It be^ire. an I stumbled
^ andJ tli<- vli-ar
dear Tisli
inb-ri.irwas tasiiimied after Ibe manuer ;
»»'' '<ai« and bounds, that threaten
on It today. "
The old bymnltls:lbeoldl
It of my Unv
of au iuu vard. The pit was scorcbal I
th« line «f everv
Hark! ''Abide with lur. 'ihi-y go; "fast by Ibe sun, wink- t}ie wtorr wera pt-.-1
onleas I'd follered hor a-purpuei' so on-n
Therawai nodoul* the man was ra
tolls theeventidu; Ihe darkm-ss deepens;
lu I'd Iw'n wonderin IhU long lima
lect.-d by a thatch^l peathonw.
How nwr wwius
Zgml, with me ahldt ’
lade oneeffort wbat lock her so often lb Ihixdlraetlon."
hoBVen and the puin.' of cial: How far aceuery was .applied by ilic imaglna
reai h Ibe luuidli- liy whh-h the stoain U the wunmn balf soUlml
Awqy tbe world and oil Its p.hut what was turned off. but the madman was to-sharp ,
'Mis' Tarlor. ... ...
„ r»Ka«ra lo
tu turmoil nnd rvMiloii
.!bange and | licking in Mciiery
iiade upiu umse for me. ".Soyou don't!''be shouted He upbuldln a principle nigh on to M yrar
one, U>e^yiiuil> k hb | aud boslle. things U-ii
kept very live- braugbe his shov. l down with alrcmen- ] now. an 1 d.m't know but what we've
groiulseAnd Uuwor. the BDclent In herleoi | |y
Tim luoal uunier- <*»"•' blow on Ihi rail at ii y sld>v just i shout wore it out Still ef ihnra haln'Umi
and fa-tdeoesa: "Change and dn-ay in all!
I among tbeandieuou were roist- ■“‘’tl'"'
l« wasptaln I c-uW do ' a rag left of tbe old fiag I'm hound to
around 1 see
U. tm u w ho rhongest not'' j
Would etraugem be of ; ^i^p tbe flagataff. an I a'pora yno-nitbs
—ah, Ibe pathos of the voices, the yram j
In Ihf
Ihf Sioge
ami in other parts were ; “f unVei out to the country
^•to^^tbom '-' nhlde with me'
Tims was
I htdn'l changed auoe!" abe ratorned
running s
Tltgruwii; il>u«ri.-Tgluw Ugona I
We wi.ra not lunrr than [
Darker B grows
The orguu swelU aud »»'««« •U‘1
SUmiln f
Rlimoii JniKtlon.aiMl II,
-Bntbi-ln so w. n pirasrd with Sim f.-r
foils, the voices leap and fall, chiar as a; eMing to kn-w. always bad a free pasv
|!h» whcile train '
ahead as he ■•h-aiic. spile i.f the
ball riiigsout afnAhyuiing trebk'.BQBiing
ng ji Tbe play li
laMed '
silly >1,1
tie w
vi ne-knl.
ne-keil. and probably
s ou au are
parrnuonlsdh sidtw. alsoacvln with juv
oat and up. Miundliig like t
vensong vd j age. aud. c
would f*s-s|ie unlnjbriv) own c.rrswhataoiwl.et an •■nsIblegIH
jiiise aud the .
a bird In ihe woods
when.spring bos o
koods when
you've raised, an Idee neriirs tn me by
emellk wfairb a
e performBark!
havA uu a.-lght.' slligi
in gll sIh'CC of the « boh- thing
no 111 '; BUtu. ooe wa*. \
nrkin voice ofyoolh.
In a M-lf itsiwctlD manner
M|p' ‘Hkylor.
I Blit s-irry wheo "
k h.-rv is death
. sting*" U crlra !
-................. .----------II
still bold
bold your
your laii.ml
iwi.ml from
from the
th.< govg
"Wbem, grave. by vlv-iorr*". llrar
; “"-'r
‘b P"?
guard was waving a nxl flag
Somolblng ! ernn eiit, eiubrac ln this here strip of
mpcMous voice «l vouihl
■=-------------!-----------------must Iv dour, aud by n.e. or wu sh.iuld I land* ho inqiilml
Uarkig It grows
The vulcav! etop. Tbs'
The theeial.
all Im inev luibly lo«l
I ma>l<- up my |
Tlio slat Ivnnnci nodded violently,
Ohaduvts hmvr. kmvl. are, Mill
A figurs
Tbe axis, eg qhoHul. dr. r of Ibe lodi
1 turvud lu Morgan with asimie I
'And rulh-r'o go Co law about U you
film P. lU-cl.an.vl
uMllis lu rat« an jjiigle can c-lal.u lo I* the ■■i.Mt-r
. niy fane, and I sa«I "t >hl.lsiy. you're , will rotus-bt I-have It a sorter oeatni
TIds Is fi 1)10- IUMV-. l>ot It I otrlpaslongnsy-ii llvrV
.d deer 10.2"''
favi I mxigh LuiK hi-re!'' ami I
Again the l■unfl■-tl giiaied
t Woboro.
Im l.yihrart.1 and hd him to |
'Wrll. I sUil hold iv-.v intent, loo. clearU tbe tub- tli/.hleoft
eiloif ,^11
I sh'uffliug. a moving of .h-d...
sh.wJows '*>* *»P‘'
' Idmg tilt
OBd Ibvrv are the old familiar raws
-. ! abeddmg
tb. ir
ir horns
horus or"i
or "lu the velvid,
tRvU. .v.ming up U-f« than us. and siw | « hl.b «.ur g..v.-rnmi-cl has made
Out from the poith ramo tb,-worship. ■ tbe axis
|ieTlr.-liuu. bulb of «d..r will |«.us tV.-must g., tasur, hut lot's: n.-ver g-> Ui. k .if my pn,mlse. nutb.-r. !
aberland. stovip-ot’ ata. tbeir fpras aitill K.h-mn with ibu i-vsre , aud BUllera. The large hetd of this sp^
Ht>i vvlio la
lii-r Unu furwonl | alsiut Itwvin It In tbeiml.-ral
1c while'
«U),.U ssv *'
And at itmes from
1 keep my clil
rd uol of irory
irorv a
and ■''d h«‘k
X-w. whe
Blgbt.' im-y my ami p-.
the ixiy
I.SW niai.luc sliTped oiKsIdoB tbe ' ouunsv of naiui
g.,Jd in the snu.
The slur.
of drums swept poet
John, the terry man. big 'i
id leanvsl lorwarvl Pi look (-r the | world It lie profs-r to supiavK-__ Ihe ^Id '
*bt-rt" Terry, ihu gurtlem-r. k-uii ai>.
luiagk air train. wHu I gave hlie a sud { maids buin otberwlso pruvldi-d fer. a* I'ts
-.1— .i.-.. ..s..- audmuxilrs of JW grnM'ish
blllig; Ibi-ra Ihnlis. tlir sldi.silmm'
.1 d-hi-Ml tn a hm]i-u the side always hraru—to sup|s-se ttaet yon'd bare
t> white and tbei••
and IsnsMl: iIht.. nrr Hu-i-hlliln-n. laughnskillist un the sjsd
With a yvuir farm here In loway to your aoie
en far away ie the s
luf I s| rang Uck lo theeiiglm | Imuc*'
while ,
tho youth who
luff the strain
ft vtns not r. j
It woaM.'l.Mn Taylor iwplM won-'
ran ship
blnl In sprlngtkue
Ah, a I
ti;u! .i-t)l t.s. S.MXI. We wvWBAVell III sight dtriiigl.vsieeruif Its oouroa
that' .Xotnowduvw bi-look at theidue: see Ihirovlei-i alnue
uf Itlo.i.Mi .luiiciinn btfurel Imd thelralo j
'My farm hein eknily good
They breeil ci
lops or the sky. not a th-iiglil Ims h>- uuw suiitly. soim tim.- |.r.»liu iug Iwolaa
pr-i:.rly iiiiuer is.nirtd
I puilid up at : live hind. 1 shoi
at denth .,r the grave
TIi.re lu- gw-s fitJ
u- pIntPgm
plntl-gm all rlgbi. nnd Ihixi
Ihim 1 (atnb
(atiilet^ ! feronru cin|
in the Cwi'lveiuuuth.—Bpec'luitir.
Whi-I. I ram,. I.., J was lying ..n a t».iirh j
Child I hiive In Ibe w.trld, an IL^ov^ opo" us heart
I die vealtiTig ns.iiiaiid He ti;.|-eclorwas
-l-eciorwHS '
ly Sliii
parwuoB »ei ured lot laakiBc exleorilua sway.
Then. 1» I undorstand It. l'' Silent and sullen, il
Now he Is at the slutf,-. splaltras!
' —-™'
standing over I,H . vv.lh his m telwok In th.-w- two tarnis tv.uld be atiaclx-d as
tog au-UQg the stoiira. kb-old.-ni
ooouceruod. ' bl- liaud. j i* js.n-.l l.i tukedon u my state
wings lu this here strrpuf lOu yards wide
boat, iuii idi^be ihwaris. s| ri
And leaiw tbe terrible dsalb.
s, "ai. 1 grow iiieiil W'l...i I suiu-d wos. thut the m:gine au ai>o autvs long
Xi-w, white tortu tWp
With flery
an tbe |.ler.« llta bvHt hi»k am:
older 1 ruthiv weli-ti
-UI Tbev blot driver bad gone mad and that, to save tbe yuukg Ihitigx an- sioalki their vraddtn
Proot each e
In they go Olio and all. J>-hn si
imuleu-Jy aud oo
l«“**<'|n'rs. I had kiiui-k-sl Crip, tbt-r.. might U-a log raisin on thi*
•tiller, loot Ihe old .-are.
braotyln the Watsi.'tTrBnh.s«l .aiMl youth | Hiow bow ouMOhsta
hev were
( sp-.t,
ul Ihev
were, aud
and ............ the engine -ust In I..
tin..- g.-t
m g.-t
lie haulln with ila> help of
but send herwirairtt
train under wxitrol Ufore nim.lng Inu-! 1>H.
y hinvl man, John
I -eftance bav V
tbe slalKUi. This "•»
was •’•■rraborausi
curroborauvl by
gnnday lea. with lam and cute, and tbs i
d **"■
An me to furnish two welw ri rintb of
trod) a root of aliita
tonipligbt shining on tbe happy-fu.«..
car^ will be sopplauled hr olbers aud gi,»rd and arveral pa^igvrs.and the cara my own ao Busan an Kllia'i splnnto. aa
■ heavier ball
PeU-r raised bis eyiw. laughed wifUy.l**” •" fouipleli ly give way lo them ' was lovmghl U-foiT^ solicitors of tbs tlH-quills an a set of pewter dtsbes!" said
knriiud out tbe lamp, thou nM.-aiHlsunedj Tbos i au> ouustoutly n-iniuded that , comiMiiy. 1 gave my evldi-nce ai the lo
Mrs Taylor, rising to tbe FOtbutdasm dua
for Ix3l. and a* ho went. stumUIng-in tbe! our oarv* really don't aiiioout to inueli. qmsiaml liivsid no mure of the tuatkr tbe sulqoct.
•Bfrtke your ftax!'' Ihe rebel enra
4srk up the stuira, th^wlnds were moan- except as We iumgiue ihem great, and , 0"«‘l «no di.y tbi. |<a»seiigir su|s-rlmend
-But raoni's Ihe word, tuoiul Let'on
In his srragiifii old pUntailoo atrabk
togagnlnand t^raln b-wtinguntlwsky:; I expect to .ee Hje day wIk-d 1 aball rn‘haudi-d m.-lo wivurelgna andalellct run away an welcviuR-ao wbi-n ib'-y coma
*T<ewrr' our gidluni Morris replies.
light, and tlnw was golt^ agatn and 1b* ; giy«
scanty ns.iu to Ibeu. aud ool
h:o .lalk.n mastw
hoiiirwc'll give'em a wnddln party on
.... dlrwouirs tbelrowo farm.'
Hi-torbed hytheui at aU. —S'uw :
rv'drui the
gra.-a. sud bekept muniUlug snilly.
uom-u my randoci. aixl I bupu that
It was Indeed at) odd elopement, aad.
foritbogoldiii days!'—Temple Magaxlna
■voder* will agrue wiib Iheui. and. In In tbe bundle fasu-Dvd to her sad^lleharn.
Then Ilk* a krnkeo hug* and block
sideniHon of my having saved a traln- Tiny later found a whjla ibawl that had
Bhs crushed our rlW In her Iron grasp.
fill uf |«vi;
wlll acquit me of murder
- Ixw jnriher'*
Tbe iloetar's PapuoSm
By a i
erul type investDown went ilx- fiiinberhind all a wrack. Allwoekofblglies-^tio—llJ^jpwde. riavfwid
and liring In a vi«dlri»r
With a sucf len idiud.ler of daatb
Iiray of Bnkiug, ride,—X',.» V.M-k Sews
Krnire yraes ago n IjanquU was ti-ndsnd | od hr I
AtxI Ihe r.nnon's breath
Ocnernla Hnsike ami Crook In <x eof our! origlsHv a ^r<rtch
workniao. the hliud
treo mat murnltig
Baiisfb. Dey 4: Oo. Bock.
For her dylns gasp
western <0Ira
On tills ow-ssion all the [ people i f Cbiua
now langbl lo read ;
British OMeers- Avilpe
The bridal collide wtw gone the week
^Bwkert. i«id trilHiic to the lightli.g ,jti*1 > m„|
H-.v had plaumsl. Bixl oil their r>-iurna
K.'M morn, as ilic sun ros* over Ihe twy.
-n» .V.,
ItllW ot Ib.-u- gv-ulleiM-n. e.(.vially with !
aim finvted our flag si Ihe nut Ulmast
n»-tiiiis sighi iix't iiKir vn-w—for. duridthiMliispHoirf the fact thal ibure Uisl the wearing of -mutU'' tw UritUb
tbv^ Indian .a-.:|mlgns
.Ximx.g t
are-Um diatiuM. sonuds ill iho Ghiuesi- DtUa-rs when ^iff rimy U a eusioiu that
^■fcvr* vvaean .wueunvl friend uf mli
DnnL how beautiful was thy dart
n » if by et
nt. niiukrourivd
language. By a ris-ciil adaptaliuu of tame in Udwivn t'.iHi and leli). owing tu
wbo ali,.r ri-log
Inlora.cvl ik-ncn
Kvi-ry wan «r ibi- air
11 It* chim
Ur.«d was on tlie
this svstnoi tbe blind are u-w actaally “le kv-llsn Irrltaii-xi that iben posM-sHm
Br.S-U-,.„,M-p.,-k ,m,, be 111! huitlh
Was a w nisper of prnyor
tewrehand bnitiluy iti the |s-t.and friend*
Or a diree for the dead
Kngland, at the In
too -sm.uld haw, in-nu)M>l,r.-d xll the I
rrowtied to wricuue them bome.—Kx
4lan.:.i,.i,-.iB„ UiuKhr.
'I linv-ktllehatufi_______________________;
brave hearts that west dawn la
a lew ImiMiri, ,B >„ if. he •ta'xl with
Rrarmber that I dnall Iriods
p*In *<iun 111 tbe Kurnpeau
gallenra the standing army n< aa UMlmti.m
Mixed aytaplwm*.
tbe duel ii renii'ved from the pan
T<> are at peers In Ihe troubled atrw . pairing and mamcHcg. and ibat 1 «aa
nuL.v.i Wellington. Ih<-ii
*^ITwn “ ux'
ts were w<RKlr*.
land do give you tbe tseat work od au
Rb. brave land, wi'h h--ar<* Hke tlM
"Titot traineu normglvvw me tbe btbw *
and sliloaiy by (main nf ao air pump
Imll. tu k.i).
'one In the rity for tbe mcbey.
TbvXtag. tlial Is rral IB twain,
flhall Iw one agiiln
.. 'Shenorird me thraiiL-b a dangeroo*
eu.-nslv. |>
I anicie wfaiob i
. tae CMitrary. B
fwer. .lod 1 eiin t tell wlx-toer I'm only
dlus'l.v! that allonxvn. sl-ou! I wear plait
«lans. ,lWs "liraughi down
Itrirolt 1-tca
---------rlotlixswlii-ti nut on .mtv. a a tram lha' yrainful ordraply tn k
ter prabiiblya iiumlav-uf tlxn.
I gaaraatee all aiy work to be rkAi,
King i* tbe
•eutoftille* iL j tin <■ uuwnni ilm eusivxii litas grexs-n ami
wmtM-tvd that tbe dw^ors't
! and if it doea aot prove no I make H
or Its <s]i
foond ia wary ben<envil Inn, an esiBhUshi-d
... ot
.. ...
d role
fcanwu lau
srrvhv. ontll uuwadays to fee an ufUeor in
Stop la Mil a e'eloek evary avoatog
Iking as Ma SpMdd ailt MBMk PlUsVl
untlunu wheo imt on duty Is aliutax a
a we've bad
pb-to framrs. ataasped liaeni. Bat- ;except Baadv- >b tbe Caldwell A Low
The mvlng to an omerr's
don WIdiag. at aortb oad of DOM*
aoh and egg again! 1
Rata avoid « boow wbetrin a g
’ I pocket, for unffxMua
ly-w II. Avne’la Sha* 1
pig IS parniitiad to roam at wiU.
Allow Us
To Suggest
ul™ -i ... Si
That you
coail or wood
For Winter
.and buy aome of our
Storm Sash.
;:.tLrr.rr'';.:'rs;r.> ■!-
Td V"
John R. Santo,
. General Insurance.
1 Bicvcie Riders.
Taekabarq’a toia waak. m a
nere is eetliine quite as Dice
toMsIia Moon as a
White Enameled Bed,
Commode and Chair.
'Ifoai ibn lai' one dt tbo
tha' 1 kiiowri uv vcnz MUlab liar>. He
woaailin' p-iiiuiaii, likn bia mair an
paw wliui 1 kiinvvnd. uu bo wua haai.v. 1
Ni'iio nviba iknM-lla evali aaw thu i
ln*ni« n» a niti-hooito 'n'pt
Uar'j-. uu it niDK' hur» bn u puiiy bubd
Kish a« I kin oniiorp|afi'''h<wt
On tbow! Bight! -vrhnn the thcatrw | jj,,.
I-1 ha'
>'Hiiuh Qur-;
Aud the like find do favor wiib dip I. got h«iy
TOrT llirariitbiv nat-r ui>|a‘|aua nr jrau'
- dkxBiKl arv dt^odful
And <b» OdUI «ba brt^Lb
»<»eb«d I
krld uu iM-r tiaiidi with ■ |l^‘ttyBe*tu^p«^
dlofruft. UrcryililMK tln»^l <lld looknd
____ __________________
have Ihoiic two lavple full
bad planned ilila party fur the enlo por
poae of hartriR tfami ninrt. but
Ur*. Bud- lingi’T.in Curio Kruboii'a Oim Jit]i!a«>; gov'iiuh
—......... — ..............
ion wan a.wl»e woman
outil the lart vTuU'fol gn«»t iiai gouo. j apeak
Some nv them B.'wuiM»
ZTS! L,”i b. I.,
••ma.hyir." llrt.-u i bavo aaid nuuipin inh him, an thuh
.. ...................
bm„-ttnM.o.bb. l,.rt ,
I w.„. ,..l a„tr-,
„I bi. p«,pl. bbd bi. ».f I"*, bbl »bbi
»a«b,j™ibb^ ,
toeUtorialD him. Umian. liorauK he Ua joQlb—qurirlT told oldtulcM of hot puK,„Wb
11, 1. by bo ■».»..
b,«i .y^biibW^ b.y.b
k„., H. u b.„Ub.mb yruo. >»,«« ,
„„ „bi,b
•“ Wulub
Hury wuz Iba
a bnUit
-rb.i, .b. . Bbbrf.a >b«y|" •» ]
“«w... r.~»n. ™"‘'" “-^i"
•r.Z;b“bSb“>“S i ■
woniat. in dm,«lr a. ab. left U«
UUIan rcumed her preparatlona (or
wbat promlmd to l» a
■HaiBl-mui. witty. Inwreatlng 1W1.B.
<•“* *
know. " the thought
Inulltbe yeara of bia nro inNrw I
York I do not thiuk Curie »eBh«i liu* know—hot Mietah Bur y didn hava, (
*v7rVni«'-r^Vrired liiui^l'f to'hiii en’Twau’t
j, „w. tone i.f af- , V’“*
«li«cornly know
....I .blb,ir.ilob 1.1
i„ bi.
Li. rol™ ' WiaUbUar'y
iboii.m .bb
U*' !’ abol tho gov-nuh. Wen
You will be surprised at the effect of a room furnished
with them. We have furnished 10 rooms with the white enameled suitee in the last two weeks, and there is not one of
them that would exchange them for any price. We haven ^
nice line. Call in and see them.
J.W. Slater, House Furnisher I
New Store headquarters for Christmas goods.
120 Front Street.
' a jKi'
Ki nU'D war hmn» If a mh c.rtr an elan
Thn puv'tiub didn’t have
be ba* fiaurr if yno ark.-d biiu for bia Jnirage. j
iv it. It wuadca them
n 1 ath
K. ul.-u'a rmtauraut wak «1* i
ollid down bi-r chi«k.
deserted the otbi...........
" abv Mhl a. ah., ha«tly bruibed It
lutP iitiur WIH-U 1 dropiK-d infnru hukrd
■' go toll luu pi-m-i
n IMT white' bimsatid a boltlvofhir ’ ■madofry."
A pretty plrturr !h« >
Biftub liiir'ytuD ’ have mailofais roDgrniruiii tub go in. h> H fust, but dn. tbrn
•fullya young
.nirvi a eory
'null hi'ueud duwii wod (nm tbo
on and
,u,ldrhl|» lor
dw dwuriulod to Iba drawingroom. So'begun
uu tu spn-ui
,|i.g tba
Ir-gCiu Mietub Uur y's psbdoo guvrhi-ra band In
Yl«m. aliiqilng
Wbnt kiu
knotof llw paliit.Timrt hlinwlf jumping
gittiii HI (bnwayvT biH'bnllit,
nu- h,- hibclgoi uptli" blgt
•IcBeobi iiitbe ! »ba’ri-itli. it. Jdisiali Uat’y didn’t go = in. in a
tiny Ion-Mil. uiid. bcvllna sligbtly
I mb noiipoiuoiTy.”
. Iln-T w,-r.- away, 'hr riiarp bow kl^
i-<\ notwiport t«
twoama of bim, Uncle Ben-;
Yrr. aob.” iind tba order went into j
• the
• -bon ri
ping through
kiirbi-n. Curia Bcnlxiii
Benhoii r
rptuming ai'
I, you know. \ tba kilrbi-n.
"Xbcm BoiKMiiPta ia
:ur iiioa- ‘ aravi aa he bad givaa bii dinciiuot foe
Ten'aen Inein a mighty i
bar' Pi you. 1 l■■llpre. , 1 did not Un-cooking.
olngivl In Oh-and. Yet
' yon wero frtpBdk.”.*be aiald.
tht-n uQiPD tbn city, atthf”
on. onb.
! _yri—MunotiiiHw I alnioal think ebwdoM
“I Inpca (bo i«)a ko
I amhapid^iomy your nunt is atrirnd
“Yp«. 011^"
• J
New Yi»tk carp. Ob. U only t wvn't kurh a wtviebad
CharlvB £. Trevatiian
• iidne," h<-said aalhey moved Bcrow the
inuper, I vow I'd try my luck—got out of
I .il away (tom the drawing roami wb«e
“Ko; KoiibCarcdina.”
j Joaiual.
iny inikrry anyhow
. bar aniii awalbvl her.
• "Nn’thCa Jiua! Wo* yob mooiinaay ,
Currie Andptwm'k quick gISDiw noted
Daa MbM He the MipeHaV.
And Uia paragon? LllUan bad lorgotm
loiiienuiry alwininlan,
alwirartlnn, ai
and sbeturetd
^ folk* down tiiab by tbo jiame nv Bod- 1
bU moiiienbiry
■ I
to -hide
II wa.* wiD little
Ide a .11
iha vonna mu I W'll*"
■‘You bava chanrrd.
power iiev.T diea The king uevnr dira.;
I would liave told livrald «>meily at ber {
”I hmto't Hint pleuDIw. Caela.Beiiaald. goring long ntid
I and ugaiuid tiie powiihiliiy of ibe preei- Xblngtrbebadk. i-n It Onlvuiifortanste■-Yoa have grown fruiuacblld toawou-i ben. Uu yon know anyUxtr in Uaro- i dent dying we have made an elalmratr
busy wilb the ebei-t and
-ImiHred." she rvplh'd. I
••Ve. anh
(.Murt 1 Irnnw wime fnlks
n of a
Cerald Th.
‘ I what <
,.wos Cu'lina I
“Yrs.alUiougb (on unn has Iwen klndw
to me tlMR t dank VI hope. She ha. hnen
mem.lb.-re it time enough fur king. J^d'.Tha"ih;u!ib elno,-r.ly in h’.H-wlUi
fclod to me tumgV- "hu addni. ((ending, Ibu ll'ix
and pr.-Kidoi>Wto sleep. U. heoff gnar.1:
hew.iiild iHrta.kherto
aver hu uoiupunlu^
' viu. yiii, know, uu Ibn Buztab. tv-iu
w-berw. in the rapid lui-v.-metiU n! „„,rr7 him .imply iM-auw ah.-JumI a good
fJheiurm-d Bii.l I—kedfrom ihewlndow; my l.dk.. uv c'»-. I nius'know »bB ,
....u ,h«
anips uud tbn (r<x)ueut. sudden vieiwi-' fortune of lu-r own. and be.
r Which tl.^ -P..I The lK«i-e was Bmiw. 11k. VuIi wr. thn Uumw.-IU rum ' “’P"
No luun-tbiui
I waiitiu
tub lir (liongbi
himBelf is not more popular than
Air Tight
I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up. Save fuel and money
by buying one of
146 Front Street.
..... ..
dcedin k-vp away from h-r. but could not
alway. rvfuw-ih--kindly Inv1iall..n»«f old
Sir.- Anden«ii. her oiiiit. and tmrald had
ti,A.R.XD W
oayarfd aCeln ct.-rnlii <
ai.InnIiig up tie- river i
p„,tV wn. Imnliig li
^i„„ with quiv- un.lli
m b.-r lielutud hu.bai
i»<> ,„i Hi-i.i w.^ till y nai bully giMob know tbo Hail
■.■Blie. , bau;..
, , , ,be i» .1-,duty •111
.d b,mra „„i
i.u. „f
..t II,.
fauiilm.l.-1-umn’ h-.-tug.-thuh
24. U.U.. ariwwtbe mvvvwiiy for tb. ,
iB.hep.ri’. manner toward
mon.7 yvi. <irraWI
.1 V. Inke it
I dartvl mil a.k ‘ Knb w-nrv. IWfol iiic-e folka ia tbn wati'hofli- .T. who 1. in charge of tb. b,,„
forit. allhuugh mi,- Ibiwi-r m--re or hw«: Boiiw. IN; only kiodab hasty."
deck.utid veati-d while a
all IlM I
They were ti.wv rapidly appeiweblng the
tieraW laughed.
woulil iiMwn iioiblii* to you.
*pll covered Hving."l
•• In- re],Hod.
Uh eeu k..ew.- hkrte tletTW cgptuin'• |xiwer fot tlw cotiilnpl <il thw
mcni chad, with no kn„wl-lgt- of the'
-y,.... ■ iph.
yah know*, ba^ taiH ^
„„ on tl.vk orp.riaiu« to tblbl,-k .hruldiary cut the attveiiii to
■It . raibtr a g<.4 thing for me 70a
world you were wt «..ii I., t-n^r. whllql
Ith Th<-wind wa» frv*b- puckcitvl >uiir |oUle and ooodcwieDdoii to
bad nothlng-nelti,.
the hrwtn. and the little manage loy affair, for it«. That eolllwy
Our tlvi-. wen- apart
nil It. 1
- • ■
that night. Inn 1 d
clear U without tack , ^be'
y. ,.
ejtiruvMUiit claim—tHriliUlU,-«l.
, mg, ' mid lit-rald a- ibi-yneanvltlie i.ilnk
'hiy »pin laA. iM-itlier of Oicfii apeak-.
_____ we .L. nr».„»ll.fl
AliaMit iK cm clerk «. ill. Ill tbrni-, me water wa. la >riT ih-cfi right lip lu the
, and Ihl. kiiiH- wliboul a jibe
-la, y.,„ ihiMk
>iild ew
llllan an.werwl
I|- -v '
V rti mn. anh Ih-v wna '
Tbi-tliuu in charge there, tmnk,
ami thiy ►’ I.).vl tlTWllhoUltollrh.
lug hrrttoin....Ihnogl. Oh- long boom eu«robes
• tltd In dlotnwa
tled againn pr>>->vin/l.nigh.
n .r-1ngly entinutd
••Oh, wliM liiM'ly n-iwer.-' ryted farrlo.
when they bad rounded (ba pltCCS.
rrachtngover Iub«hiii i-ITorl KigTWpa Uetid
them limil.-U. ttot tnere an-twot.il
„f d.-ail whit.- .vidngu which
Uv co'm- »ht-y Ui
lerald hauled In the abeet a llll
doty at the Mine lime-fhe deck offlpvr
,h.. wauv
A gcineblhi. ^l7 («1U burruvlly. and
bn« vuli know liuw il_
and the ci.giiir ..fljPM. the directive and,
mj.. A«ier-,n
' '
‘ nj;m. hi-git« in.ult>d by w
the ini.tivc l.invk. The onll)'. of reaull, o,.„,|rt .bnn->v
A. iIh7i«w«I
' gllllM-ldll
A flower fell (rttii, lier Imir llei-toopH] h* .i. •< gut tub bglit Tha'.tbu wuy tbu
g: iudepi'iKli-utiud
auadenly n.ill.vxi (but 1
; d'-maud* that iht.
' inle and hand pi. k.-d i< up
B-.iiwcll., Tiny hud m> niu.-h itmilih'
wind wonlrt take ilHriii
hut lor me at Iraet It waa the tuqk-1
: Oneamat he (he .oik ..
-Kivp It •.l..•wht.|cr.d,tl(ovingaway ,j,„,1,,,. d.-. kiinhih g«
lie Ihivw hi. behu ut-. hut h-*t of atv Wc nU
. bolbeODit who bB«cl.atg.-of Ibe.lirect- right aWJc
Be t.«k On- ll..».-r Hinl w-ih ll her .|,u liuLil uv il'an wlnti tun- uv ‘i
Th.- hicig
fcaml. a. If In liuit ............... h.- had divined
«,me|.klv. i.mhin woa . iva f.«n-. a« (bat which i. ibn mure ea- : 1““
inrjilvov.v and wrti-k the girl full on
w beu Bled. Heela i,
to tm- Mf.-iy and guverumenl of
havlbff Invea-,
Bobe TaiUlBrS>-a7‘ou. tlmi-. lmMlii.ln t.mmihat «>d **m ly ruoii. w. Tbey allI «y It.
liack llll
•111 <if the l.iat
tlgavvl the .lue.Uor, of at what hour In 1 Wm Bay Kobd.
»«ul.W."lf l...nhl haveluni a flower'mu-’ I*- '.v-i.l l--twwu llm 'mediate'
>r to the utb.-r man. (kiI bocao*.mlyart. trm.i the elraU
^^e ro.nn.MruKd am.ll Mrt. wake j
Smn yhur hair. » v happliHw would hava Ineii*. an reiattwa. But they
with (ii-rulil ,h,„,V;S
The w.gk 111 huta.lngl« g.,
...i. ,b. ,h,r-« Sndi
been vmipMc
.Vow luy hapr-—
e 'f..Ik.,
liioioent.anda. til. I4g will caiii.-fla|>|>lng ,
tilH armi ...
1 have her? hi- wblfiatred
ji, ,.p,.n .
, Ihe (uuihl.vl widte b.wp ami liei.l ovty i..y
l.oH paM 8 ll Is near
, iMmde From horso andooUlo
hides at from
$5 toJ$14.
„n w™.,d ™
We .Iso line aed reiwir
pmpo--d. Gerald, ifit hadn't i«.n for that
at vcrv reasonable
If -you'want a good robe
it «vin p.j you to .ee o»r.
Foote &GoddiDgtoD,
r gthers' prices oc
they rrirg.1 Ib. ir Irgitimutc n-veugo.
and they woolii pr. rrurt lo fold the Ucrmall to ihcit Ur.-uvt. a* tiwy ioug aiur.
beer. If by the prelanae
,andth.- eliln, of Ihe hilUii lirgli
lie length of time iK-fon-that of (be
toe. ,
FtnaM.v. the h-iiiM- .|-arruw and tba
•«y dHrlIng'- cried
toiulli ..WUPT the la.1 Plwv im the lirt.
■Carrie, .i.-nk Vi n..Hut .he
Th‘>A>ivesilgaTi.iii hi,, nlvigiylug ruined
Ibe lark’, npiiinn.ui fur early rlalng
Thai iiitirh <vl.-hran.l Mrd Uqnlteaalug.
. hendkerrhlcf. and. ,p,rt. a. Ii dwa o.n rlw> until hmg after
aldv. iKWan l-thlng y,., ,.h.,re,K-i„, Unn.-u and a number of
with iheo...t wat .-r, inuri.iurw niriU have ta-u up and abonk
|„vkcn expnwlunaof t*
tavclllag Jhe Past.
Mlnnw afte^ lutnoV pa*erd. and Mill
wm. i lUu W i .-<qiK hot they ,
a vml.ble hogy-^ compoaitt
le maw of tbeoitneb,
the oameb,
„ ,„i .
Ti.... Lk.I ihu aame monater. with the
mo’OV j
of a hawk, tbeclaw.of a ti^r.
I tbe manner of a clelwytuaD and tbv
] canning of as opa Tbia tembo orea‘ 'Tnuii'l h iig aftali tbo I
••I wbb now." abrivkod tbe angry
. ..
ypaiig wife. **1 wi.b sow, (ieogge
iind u. give ii up imd wbuokrtcj. v.m ba.1 married Luce Joi
______________________________________ ______
iaatead uf-niel Tuat'a wbat I with I"
With a wan lIRle ainlle
^T^iwdlwd wbal had happenabe limkcvl up. i
,4. where .dirwa
^ and enn.-e-.mk .ly abe w.ialdn’l have me and yOB
never hnlleve I
intohG probctlngamie wualdl"-^biaago Tdbane.
n honah
annf. ooti.ml-d
"OiH-nv 'cia.' H" do me
Killed with eiiM.ltoii
I BV ilihin » iv tiieoucr lu while.
ahakUdy, who. >lkvl livnigiily u|.iu l»v
-..Jn j.-u anyw hah UDW.
,ve l«-ti Vilkli.g JO him..
-Why V...
all Ihervcnuig.' ciplalnivl hiTBimt
.....r ol.--"Janiea your twragonf ei.-Jaiiii.d 3JI- nwuy.eii.
— .
■an livaKtuolahnirni
'•i.w, .UU; pa«m way. Thah linvah
-Jaint*. • Mt» llti.lwm rnxwh-0, Indlg- woz agf ai ujtuLab nv thn B<iliMcllA
•ant at Uhi faiidharit.
an i.-i Labif oy wMiieh' I .poke abo uiu’
damutWy. "he I. u. la-my hu.tond ••
Aod Mra Hudwin'alwaya declartdabe.
le the match-Ju«-phlim Mulladeyln
IBovton. Koet.
1 V
pfw*- All article 111 liaciuillaw'" MagaWM* fUllth-d "Krcu.-h uud Uiigiiah"
-Tmplaiuii t.f till- ir.-uiium*i;
*,. ................. .
.•xjin-.-a'd litalbins o(
tJie nukuuwu ivinntry acn.tf ile- chanuol
itWtie.aii»id-..iKl|KThap*wlihallRle'a Img mark, an (tolli aideii fpA
ia(gge«u«.-ihHi r^nthrtdgf prvKtuowl bavry. Tim' wu* tbo (.-Binniu, an it
hamucet^^wben be U robbing (he •
^ «• h»n»^x when be u robUtng (he
the martyw, while tlvf'wd Immed them, went on uii uu onlil lhah w an t many
end wit mrtAit l«; «ald ihai l^nl^d^ uv Urn Boiiwcll* li-f in ww’Toh’wm. I
ka. .rbon*h.vl
pueu. while
,bought yuh tiiighl bare met aoma B»
S'^H£H‘‘/bir;3! "C'^bSx'iS''^ri‘7
h.pp.«, wb«. 1.. U rolUJ.; lb. ;b« •■»»" --r,
rrlnothCTof’^^lly'lk" »'*" Bon'-fll"-
eadiente focoal1 foRiaoe." waa glveai by
le tiJide anotlMr etrtiggle.
always loved yon." beaaldatmu know that
Uul 1 can't Mk
to iiianr
itrle'e 111
ro wreathed lu i
loved from om qiwrtgr o< tbe world to
j kDotber am eatimaud a* Ini ..
llttl*,gBnual morUlitytU £ar^ by M.OM
‘-Uanl ask you. tbraK'ebe Inqultsd.
“It Imri uaual, you know"
(tumid atemn.ur.vt aomethlng lo tbe
effect that be oc.qld m live on bia wlfa,
■ You'ma foolleh (> r.-'Oarrto Uugbed
. -opoee iDduie form.
And yon oao'l refum a lady, can yoo»"^
It waa* ya*r Utee.
Again a briUlant
don't fail to get miae
before you buy.
My expense of adding fur
niture is hardly anything,
and I can afford to, and do
I sell cheap.
' I stin continue to keep tbe
largest stock of nnder^king
goods in Northern Michigan.
324 SoQtb Union St
Aboreall. tbiaabamelem hybrid U alert.; long time making up your njlD'il, Gerald,’ ; whieb^ wa. .brdiaeoveget. (* •coaOBt
If tbe auu tievta aata os bia empire, bia, ebe aald
: of lu hot cliuiale.
Oerald'a head waa In a whirl hetwaen ,
•^.'.UTnX:rw Arnold erabanrw;
>«■ Cadna.
tbo affaiaha r Btellin
exceplluii.. hut J*t»ell-'y was t
ov Bcinidicla
■ > iinlveniliy
iinlvoTHliy for
(or airing
atrmg hi.
hi. aUHt*t-_
bocn thu
'in. but iliob tuna' haw
teal (.pl.vloD., and (be Jannbln l^ndorbadl
frtab occamon fur roia and outrage. Tc
to leave Trloily for firing a gnii acrum tbe 1 tpnug nv 'en: up idihu middlecoantir*
loiia iDgenutty no limit ii act.
qaadrangle et Ibe windowauf hi. oiqnelle j whab (hi'ycuiuc fnm<'‘^^cai>c wait time bi* impii
lie of
■'............a'l'ufy;!^ B,-Bedlcl liad a fnu'ral, two ron' Be ia oapabllynamiie aod of betrayio
facture of d;
TSkt. a mateOT of (act. m'wrly every
Sww B.-nr«!ici.«.mc luh tbu
WB. al ,
plot that Frauce may ttembi
lab ^(rt
ptwt worthy
worlby uf tin- hame
haii.e whoJ w»
I Tba'a luigl.tt diibeatieniD tub afam'
. Oirtvmilly at all wae-for a time al
i. pow'ful lot tbe aafuty of her eaar.
—a n»eiDl»r of one or another «.f Ii.
ainoe a halfpenny print,
fault 'r two.
teen on tbe Claiu. (.'baoivr • oonneellon
beadlioe, asDuuDced Ibe murder of tbe
arllh Clara (hU 'rtoleie Hall") louet. w* Beuedicta knp’ giiHu mn' an tun' plenty. •ultaD, *ad. declared tbe Pariaias Jonrthey- got lob 'iootin Hberiffa
tmr. be oun.Igned to Ibeqraglon Of ro
till by — Iiy
-V-----naU, tbe faiarbood waa plainly iuvasted
T-.H.- but Milton Whs undoutdcally at anjodgwiuiothab*. ThentboBonwiilli ^
jlaad. that monsmr pezaouiflerd,
Chrlel g and hi. loulborry tree U etlll tbe
tbe deliberate iniesl to ebak# ibr
I with t(M
.ebjns of ettention In that .haroiing llt«e
nma’ be 'buui awet-leaiii.’'
Tbe aame Oal
lb. 1.0 Spb»«t-K
Coming To Stay!
Drsi TlnmpsBa aaii Baomcanea
Are grteinaiaa in optiea, and aoUelt tba
patronage of tbe pn bl le of Travena OHy
and vicinity, aa they Intasd to anaba
tbto city their future homa.
Weak tad isflamad gjM ssd fit8«l«UA
Ud( treeud frw rf ebug*. fr«B 0 U U A
a. at tbalr MldaM. 130 Ow tt
Look at ihr eIrffMt Ktabell plsM
*a»d onmiia. email loatmmenta. guiByce examined and teatad.
Ura. vlolina. mandoliiie etc. T»ka
Webaea aoade a atndy of gtammand
note of tbe popular abect aaualc go eaa giea aatiafaetlon In atylA <t and
ing «t hnlf prloe.
S«»nd Tear-^o 483
RECORD. ’tri,o4o
Steamer St. Lawrence Went;
Jfoor. Borribly
YpsiUoti. No*. Si'i.—tonUUoofvwui
BImt np • B.fe ud Stole Money
Wieconeln Sui
, , __
of the National bank i
wu blows open by ourplam early to[•ionof.boil«-*rbiie|»»iD|r *rood on
. fatlypfMf.rti loday. Moore was The Moat Formidable Fifthting Ma-j**»T- Cash to the amoanl of 82.fion and
to B^capeie Ye«l
mwd arfikl
.t Ia wire fenre-a bondred > chine of the Ksry—Far Superior to “®'*‘
Sr.s.wware misweff.
iped — IFourteen
Which Wu
Tu teesiped
Hen .BeMini
sn^'by Idle 8.e<
P«r.nee-8he Will be the Frida of. Next VVedn.-sday e*enUig the ConOne Ferial^-Veeael Carried 64,- internal injnriea It is thoushl'lbe eiplosion was the reenlt of allowinrlbe ^ American Maer.
; (rrc«ational Baoday echool will yr
OOO Buahele of Com.
boiler to ruat,
Francisco. No*. 2fi.—Today
'‘hair annual birthday party. A Bne
PraaMon. Mich.. No*. 20—The
the *fnion
ttlVI. ...M.
Iron work* Muv.uc.
another preat
"IH hepi*en
- - andamonp
—™ —------- those
eteamer Su Lawrenee of Marine City,
: msrine Bphtlnp msch.ne .was added to
----went aanore at Point Hctaey
.the large fleet of PaciU.: dar »ea»e!f.talent of the lilemry and
o'clock this morniof. The crew, nomIt waa the hatUeship Wucbnaln. AllIn ihe city.
berinpSfteen. soupbt t*cape in the
will be irl*en in the
............... r . .eocial
awamp.'d tbe boat and the men were
the plungh fr^m different poinU bf'
•" *>»« pnrlora.
left etmpirUnR In the water. The life .
ap*ing crew wea at work in the mean- Already KeferrinK to Poeelbllltiee Un-1
When completed the battleship WU- \ Snnn^or J;
time and after heroic efforta succeeded ,
Treaty—Waett a Hreonsin will dare tosund up before thefrom Lansing.
▲shore at Point Betsey.
j proUbiy f.uiiy ir jur«i by tbe e.pic;
Launched Teelt^rdi
The Largest-Stock
Of Holiday Goods.
. Kver
Ever unpacked at one. time win Iw placed on sale
irimr tbile cominy: week. We want you to see them
even if you don’t purchase now.
. .
Crest Wave ware in every condevable shape.
The newest in Toilet Sets.
Medallions from VOc to $18,0i\
The latest in Photo Albums.
A ereat stock of framed pictures, and Fift books
■•till you can’t rest.”
No troub! lo show goods.
CW=«ot<.Pr«lo..O.>,-l>b ■
I. P'.ibl'O
U.U lb. : O..iro"-.11 h... b.
p.„,rb. bbd .D.U-H.lMt
«f rTLi hoshel* Of corn
Both caivo lostrueUona to the .SpanUh peace com-] tocy o*ej the Vt i«oon»in than the Ma- Miss Doyle's eibibit,at Miaa I’carl
larefutly insuhed
Effort. ^
‘*>rgraohed last night,ria Teresa bad with the Oregon. The] Tackaberry'a thi* week. 4Hltf.
• secretary of the two
,---------wer made by j
. will at once be made to geitbe airandlipanlsh o
dtbiseftec. the i;nion Iron w.irkaof San Kraneiaco, Hear it Talk,
•d *eaael into deep water and i
I that aueb instructions bad not th. romoan* that made the tllympl*. jInto Uia W
Ue*ed it can be done if tbe '
enffietently moderates.
bn IK. battle of Manila, but ____________ [____________ ^_____
model and
Spain refuse the Amerioan offer, baa tbe Oregon is of tbe
To look up new things in
tha Wiaconsln is of the design of Ik'.hi.;
been formulated.
! All tUe ships of all nationa will be The hDilding of baitlMhlpa has
But Mary Hime la
fled and permitted to engage In oomn
made each rapid strides in rooent yeai
Bocks a Second i*orcc From
that tbe Wiseonaln will be e*en
arv lb* br.0 slid eweac
Her Husband.,'
stronger Sghter lhao the onfloisbad
(hirsan of r>*».
Tbe coarse of troe lore' does not | interdict of coast trade in foreign bot- Ken'ncky. although tb^ Nentneky
ty is ! pm«er-aany Key*] Ei.
W. are reeaMng new leu for the fall demand. Soma
•ometimes always run smooth, as has ’ wms. and may possibly extend to Cuba of a model'only ooe year-older
nil, Aries
very pretty, inexpensive paokages.
baen evidenced in the case of Mary and ; and Forto Eieo. The advantage to tbe tbe new battleabip.
^rge Hime. LaatMayMarywas UnitedSutesinthePhiUppioeacoaslNa*al oflirera declare that she will
franted a divorce from Oeorge by the. log trade lies in the fact that Amari- be able tocopawitb an entire fleet af
iCircolt court and they remained eepar-! can goods ooly have one ocean to cross theUlympia's. or e*en the Brooklyn's
•ten several months. They conld not; while tbe goods of other nations must ilasa, and. It necessary could pat up
wndnrc the aenaratioo. however, and , cross two.
| very stiff battle againsta aqnadroa of
Anally made it all np and were united’ If tbe I'dited Sutes. It is pointed .eroDd-cIaat battleships of lbs Texas
^ain lo tbe holy bonds of maUimony out. has no right to hold colonial pos-• and Maine type.
last tVednesday eveniog. just in time a^ons. then th" United flutes' title would have ei{ual chances for victory
lor a joyful Tbankagiviog dinner. Tae ^ to Alaska is vitiated and void. Eegard-' with the BtrongcslsbipEngland
«eremony was performed by oaaiice IngtbcdlscuaaioDofanopeDdoorpol-■ I of the great powers could send against
Curtis; who la reputed to be an expert ■ icy in.......................
• I'biiippinea. «lhc American ' h-r.
ml matrimonial know. Bnt there aeem-j peace
omiseiomrs u^enUod that i The tViaeooiin'* main bal'ery wil
«d to have been some bitch in tfaU in-;itd<
mean free trade, or even low.j consist of four is-inch breech-loading
!. for tlie Tl ■
■ ,t was i dotie*. but that the I’hilippioes. what-1 guns. In her seunodary battery there
the epd of the renewed happintwa of [ ever the Uriff rate*, will be open to j will be fonrleen C inch rapid firing
tbeconple. Whethar it was because j all trade on equal terras.
Iguos. seventeen Opmudera and six
dnatioeCartikkad ibst We proverbial I The Philippineisisode will baexpect-1 i pounder rapid Are guns. At one rtl>
akin and faiX^ to weld the bonds ; ed to yield sufiicicnl revenue to meet I charge she will be able to belch forth
aufliiienlJy atrbog, or whether there | tbe espense* of its o^ adrainislrailoD. three tons of ateel projeclllea. which
was eome other reason, le a matter .of. and a large schedule fffduOable goods would' tear to piece* the strongest of
Whatever tbe trouble.' may be eeubilebed. or only a few may battleabipa. The big 13 inch guns can
Mary ia disBstlsfied and U again long-; be Uxed.
throw half ton projectiles at a velocity
London, Nov. 2<i -fl;
Ing to be free; and to this end she baa
o/2.1'»ufeet per second, and tbe fourfroM Madrid say that the president of teen r> inch guns can each throw loo ,
begun proceedings for another dii
tbe Spanish peace commission hss in* pound lamps of steel at a velocity of i
formed tbe government that the Amer 3.nbn feel per second. And they can :
icans demand the ceasioo of tbe Solu throw tbam so fast. loo. that before i
Mixed Up in a Bnnawsy, But Fortnn. archipelago.
one projectile etHkea iU mark another
aMl j Was Entirely Uoinjur A
Further advices from Madrid said proj-elUe from the same gun will be
Yesterday afternoon a team-beiong- that the flpaoUb cabinet has decided on the way.
The men and engines on the Wiscoo
ing to L. P. floadegan. of flattons Bay. to instruct iw commissioners, after tbe
• participated ia a amash-np which will peace treaty is signed, lo treat for a ein will be protected from the big guns
•ntall coosiderabla expense up>o tbe revision of the treaties of commerce of the enemy by ton* of armor. The
armoratthe water line will'be ie>,
owner, and which , came very near in exUliPg before tbe war.
inches thick, and that of tbe torrels
flicting severe injuria upon Utile Howl
will be IT and is Anebea. Tbe
ard Vader, the four-year-old eota of'
armor above the water belt will be SS
• Mr. and Mrs. C 8. Vader. Jr. inebea thick. Tbe turreU will
The team brought a load of ho^ to
d and Beady for Bue- operated by electricity, as will the
a meat market on U'nion street near
le in Two Weeks—Hew X>cpot
ammuDitioD holats.
Ooe man
Ninth, and the owner .left the horses
Built at Sherman-e Mill. .
manage each of tbe tnrreu.
nnfalUbed and went into tbe markeL
While be was absent tbg team became
Tbe branch of the M. A N. E. raUfrighteD«d'an«i ran away. They dash • road to Honor is rapidly nearing oom*d through L'nloo street at a frightfulI plelioo and tbe last rail will be laid
rate of speed anil turned into PJeventb | in about two weeks.. The work on the Force Fr t
Boeion Xmnded In
street. Tory croaaed tbe street twice last bridge will be completed by the
Obina to Guard United
io their mad rash and finally turned {tulddlc of this weekrand in about two
Staten Xiegaiion.
4nlo, Bohemia slrrel. where the borsi s | wtwks tbe first train will be run. A aepWaRbingtoo. Nov. TO.-The fnited
became prparated and one of them i crate train will beruo regularly on this
dashed into the back yard of Mr. Va-1 bnnch connecting with tbe main lios. fltates navy has landed marities in
der's property.
' A new elatiuo has b-eu built at flber- China. A dispatch wav received at the
ivy department today stating thal
In the meantime Howard and little i man's mill and a permanent agent
e captain of the Boston baa landed s
Constance Hoyt were on the walk An j be located there. ThU will be ao im.
We will place on sale our entire stock of ladies Capes and Jackets, nothioe
arine guard at Ti^Ttin. Tbe die
Eleventh street. Dear Bohemie: lhe!p,rt*ot addition lo tbe system
reserved, in three dist4nc*l divided lots al the followin»r prices:
patch was Uken immediately to the
llUle girl drswing the boy ttp his sled..!
'.' develop a large amount of business,
White Bonae' by Acting flecrctery Al
They saw the bocs<-e coming and
Funeral Of Dr. B. H. Monroe
Secretary Bay was called iatocoob.lM.U-..l,.l,.>-n. .1 lb. .b,.l.
Lot l-AH of oorall wool Kersey
lUation. with the reenlt ofalla.ving
«l.-o,I.bd 1..^ dl„bU, Ob
balfand all satin lined. alM>*li ..
the first feeling of apprehension, it
.p«o...pj«l b) »!,. bo;. Iblllbp bpob
„ ,,,,,,
ary and B .nrlr Cap«. 29 and 3'i .nrhea Im■ g beautifulitna that the marines landed, not beiy trimmed with braid*, satin and fora.
,b..blr,oIb,.«o.,\(.Mob .
.,11b. b.ia „ ,b.
•Ah of our ladies'
sarvelouB price of
as to bold him fast,
fineat tnaieriaU.
rimmioga, io black new Woe. ''x'orda and
guard for tbe t'nitwl Sutee legaUon at
eooiigb be
he wa.
was not injure
injury in
In tne
rraey Jackets all satin Hoed
.and atylish. our regular price op to $14 M)
n foilar.
In rushing from side to eide the wa^n|„j
been a resident of Urand Trav- Fekin.
ridleoluaa price for Monday's SQ '}fCt
-»d.,oli.b.do.,.l«,1y. Tb.-ipMosloftbistime be
Fifwea Oai
on slipped from the vebiaiaon tbe walk had lived near the village of llrawn,
There will b* a regular meeting nf
•p ronte but the hogs •
Do nol underestimate this exceptional cloak sale of this season. Buv now
bnt for two years be resided at Oviatt.
as you wiil not buy as cheap in the spring.
and alto for two or three years In Uuebeea Chmp No iUi. Modem tVoodThis Is one of the i
of Ameriim, Monday night in
Trnverve City. For avermi years past
Remember this is a one day sale au(t cannot be continued indefinitely.
Aolu of pot observing the Tegulationt the doctor bad not ban able to attend Honugne haiL Thera will be fifteen
vcblch rtqolre teams lo be fastened.
tohii practice, and life bad been mere caodidatee to initiate and all membera
urged to be present.
ly a patient waiting for tbe real that,
Good Job For Barry,
•Detroit, N jv. 2fi.^li U elated that) has now come lo him. _
Prof. 0- H Hera im Preaident.
“It "“‘■till'd of prices, as
Governor Fingree has decided to ap-{
MooneKlIlelatSt. Ignaee.
Tbe gathering of tbe Northern Mich
point Jai * V. Barry, the Moving!
igan Teaeben'AaaoclaUon at Cadillac
. rate secreUrv. I
Bath, who will be deputy aeereU'ry of,
•»» Wiled at tbe St. Ja'mea of the aasociatiOD. Frof. C. H. Born of
thia city was elected preaident for tbe
' lumber camp It waa the flnt mi
eoming year.
laeen berrabonu in manyFfibra.
Tbe remains of tbe late Dr. Monroe^
200 Front St.
“City Bookstore.”
This is the Season
James G. Johnson.
Mondaii inorniiig, at 8 o’clocUsliarp.
Unmatciialilo Cloak largains!
$4.98, $7.90 and $9.76.
Monday’s Special On Ribbons.
Monday afternoon aod pri^-eed
Svangelical ebnreb Where the l
The price of milk will be raised Dec.
Remember the dance at Prof. Sil
it, lih>s,
l«*s, to 6 cents per quart by the ver's academy, Furestera hall, next
___ .. flacb- Tnesday night. All ara welcome
dealers; George
tieben. Uoblc_K_roa. M. Rtlmer, A.
and havee a good time. Bill, g
U. E. EHIa. ...............
R. Frouty. _.
A. tlemen 23 cents, ladies free.
U liaroee, C J. flluyter. Joe Jacques.' lesaons given afternoon and e
Wm. Grant.
49H-21* t
No -waitiDg-wo have secured extra help to meet the rasb.
Front Street
»fcVKMBcrr4’. -
CHL T. Batcs axv 3. W. BAsna.
lBlO'*ioeer« refkrd *nd ** the time Bp-
X.m« Morg« Died in Ohleago TMtarday Morning.
world h*d been met. *Bd ■ucceM »«•
Minred mod there reaeined of life
OneoftheKenWiJoHi*Ba«Olo.el7 omly » few yewe^iB which toeojcif
Baking Powder
The Haskell Bookstore Stock.
Apply Immediately.
11. C. D.W IS,
eteeOity-K.mher of the HBOheh,
Blade from pure
ALeyOo 81i»ee the Comply Wm
cherUhed. Hutlaea *nd eent.oeam cf tartar.
Formed. KeM^y F.^y Yo*r« Ago.
jment »re enep^ w> he*e little is
J.mee MorgBP died io Chieego yr-icoamoo. bet thorn four, who hB»e
liddle Bge and
Verdey moroiog »t 7:3o o'cloch. eged wgone on troa yoolh
rears, with n» break
yeeee. Mr. Morion h«d been in fBil-tlhen
iogheolth for eeeeml aonthe. beert^
AioDB. with no differeauee of opinion In
trouble being tbe primary <r
•See. m Fiwn etnei
t hl*j«hec->Ddudl of their business sffslrs,
Morgan's family <
d..sh'nT, M~. D-. Fro,blnr -l.b .. ..pi—..t ...non,, ol h.r.b
three tuolhers. Dr. ' or unkind words, with an eecr growing
Id s> tbe Pa
'‘■“’^•Iham There
Hteb.. a*M
-jctasrlef Moigsn of (Cblesgo. Thomas, trust and conddence and regard, surely
Morgan who Uses in North Carelins.Un this case It may be permitted for
BKSgTABV Al.OEli is ^paring his William Morgan of l*asadena. Callf.T ] those, who remain to yield for n moH..Ss*lsp hts returned fro
•unal report which will be made pnb- nia andasisier. Mrs. Uyof Phtladel-i ment to a manly-----Winter as well an anniiner boii> Cbryslsl Kalis, whsre he
."<t monre
Uc neat sreck In it be nrgea that' the phi's. w(fe of the brother of A. Tracy for
the one‘ o» their nnmbrr who has ^
^f,,r his property there,
--------------daye are kodak daya.
•tahdlog army be loereai«d to loO.OOO
gone on a liAte before Jp Ae great un-,
■an. and in.riew of the fact that tboae
K Ktsuerr is 0 j >ngir -on
Morgan was bom in London.
who enlUted for the war did so only
Mr. Morgan. In hit freqoenl vlslu to
..rtlscDel da-noe.1 with Cham
m n^dav-is m w-nter a< w.ii
wrll s%s summer eomasnioa. Tbe increased intereet in
England, ano came to Chicago in the
tor that purpose, be ad«lses that natberlalo'-Psii. lialtu and b-mod
Ui i flasb-llgh' phoi ■granhy hto made it i >.
middle of the forties. He at once in Traverse City, in a bnsiness and social the atei;l.-1 ps.ls i« .lipr'toA Hue nwortment of Kodsks and Camwas of the latest styles and dsalgna
lemofCnba, Porto Blcoand the Philipmade
many friends
who p]%ttor. \Vh. n lr..nbl. d^ltli a pain ot
vested bit means jn real esute which srav.
un baud ■
pinea be enlUted into the army, to add
ds bt
to tbe forcoi for gareteonson those
wbde-sou1ed. generoos. his benevo-; n ,
Voo arecnain
great city enerKarhrdupon it.
Wands. ThlssnggeatioD will nndoubt„.mag never was engaged perac
lich it sff-rHv
Psin lla'm i>«dly maet Vitb faeor for -aeeeral reas- in active busin.-ssallbonghlorao many 1 ing way be bad done a vast ni
enre for rheiimatii-nj.
oos. One. because the natires are veara a member of the great 6rm of i good in the world, and many hearU
For sale *■>- K. K. Wail, druggist^
hotter lonnred to the climate than our
I here snd elsewhere will be saddened
«WB aoldlerm. Aaolher. it will be a
at tbe loss of a friend.
good way to employ men who hnee^for
1. These words are written by one wbo
a long Ume been engaged as aoldiers.
; had known Mr. Morgan for tbirty-Bve
and who could not nt once eog^.. in
jisra. and wbo never knew him other
atber cnlllngs. These nnder^eflleieDt
than a-, tbe kind friend, the good eitiAmerican ofBeers would, make good
see. the Christian gentlemen he ever
- addillons to onr forces in thegarrisons.
: vas at all times and nil pli
IVoidm. aerriM in tbe I'nited Stales
army would iMt sooner sc^ustom them
to the discipiinNnd usages of AmeriBUBBCRIPTlONe.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Are Kodak Days
A Tug of War.
Fumishadby thaBaepectiveOhumbas
The most aeosible thing for Spsla Ui
4* now woald be tocompiy nlonce with
the American' demands, aaaam.
fineefvl an atUtnde as poaaiWe. and
took pleaaant.
AH Competitors
outclassed by Selz.
Her. Cbs>- T- Btoul. BerU.r.
Comer. Wasblngum street and Boardman avenue.
.Holy communion nt U:4V n. m.
Mornlog service and sermon at IC:30
There will be a special oommnnlcabondav aehool at i:;00 m.
Evening service and sermon i
ItoB-of Traversa City tx>dge No. 22: F.
Tbe sermon in tbe morning
A A. M. today at 1:00 p. m. lor tbe pur
In the series on piactlcal topics. Sub
pose of attending tbe
ject; -Wbat U the use of goiog
Bfothsr James Garland.
We have s' « •>' •',m- r-w k -v-r'I
,Chnn-b.'’ All wbo arc not in the babil snd we will -*H -hem o you forOl -W.
Friday night a baby-boy
^ of going are cepeclslly inv.ted.
Tbev arc i-heapSat 82
Borne of Mr. and Mra. Charles HaUOnly a lea lelt.
Hannah. Uy <k Co. Bis time was prin-1
Berg, this making the fourth son.
Of bis fast in- ;
" «slsberrr. Ps-».r.
Bervy Anderson went to Grawo yea- cipally given to tbe o
'tonlay afternoon and returned on .the , cr;».rngreale.ut« IntermU in Chic.-[ Church on comer of Ninth and Wmisrooks
tote train with tbe remains of the late!go. He always took a lively intereat
Hnit-n Ki.rulsbing
Furnishing ’i'orc.
i in tbe
welfare of tbe
firm with which
Dr.Monroe. '
----------------------------------and He* Store B(t'’qgutm lor Cbr'sCsu Goods.
Snnday—Praachiag at loisoa.
)Kag A C^mpney have just received ^I bis name has been an long
every catl thus made' T:«" p. ra.
a Hne Imperial windmiU for Frank , b^
opoD his time, but the active cam of ] Sunday school at 11:30 a. m.
jtoolek of Mapletinthe great bnsiness have always devolvPreaching*at 7 p- m.
FraukSnarnoD. of Aapid City, and ,aduponMr. Hannah and Mr. Lay.
Her. B. N.^laapple, of Petoskey.
Md Mms Alice Avery. ^ Acme, are
h„„^a. Tmcy will preach ia^ Ev,
suiting at the home _ .
,nd Jamc
J.me. -norgsu
Morgan jorujcu
fo^ •
a psri-1
Snoday the STto.
i\ i.rtT ana
s u.
.....1. I
Tb. i MU..»k pr.r«r
. T:3U p.
Will Hoberta has taken a poaiUon Inj
„ai,* ,i the com er of; m. All are welcome«be office of his father Judge 1/orin !
Canal streets, Chicago, i
rnwr mkthopiut. '
BobertA. Mils Loolse Sector who ]
hy the cargo. This:
j. a. Brvsur. p«uw.'
tormerly befd the position
nnisalfafy lh« smhitioo of the | SBoday-Preachlngal 10:S0a n
•^ted n similar position in O. C. Hof- young men%od in 1 .iHr Bannab. id 1 7:ou p. „.
toSfaabetracl office-.
company with William M rrgsn. who
Class meeting ntk:3u a m.
William Watson and family have soon became n m-mber of the firm,
Sunday aehool at close of morning
to Grand Tmverse nnd bought services.
served to thU city from Mayfield.
Junior League at 3;»> and Epworth
Mr nod Mrs. M. C, Barnes, of W«t1tlie mUIiog InieresWof Mr H.animao,
»totb atreet, are rejoicing over theV-[who bad pnl npasmsli mill herein League at Puts p. m-Tbe Desire for
Morning Sabjeet;
gjval of a nvw baby girl.
Fora few years Mr. Hannak and Mr. a Better Country ”
TBe reserved seat plat for the next
I^y ailernated-in the management of
Evening Bobjeet. “The Amorican Cameras—a doi:1*U- U-ns. 4x5
•nmbsr of the High school lecture
the two ends of the hnsinrss. but soon Saloon."
lifted here permanently
Tboraday-tleneral Pmyer meeting
Cbiea- at T:30 p. m.
f.ir *4 00.
! cordially invited to these
The victoriCFUs team In a tug of war depends ipon d« strength of
Its men and their powers of endurance.
The victorious -SELZ SHOES have Just
these qualities, and many more.
ni^ quaU^. Lew price. HandMfM
appearance. Orcat endurance. What more do
you want In a shoe>
ns Front Street.
PlitE, Piper, amials;
•ppsarin Steinbergs »'«
^cily grew frjm s hamlet to a village.
fromavUlagetoacity. and tbe name
The door aaleaoftickeU for the lec-;^j Hannah. Iait 4 Oo. wasincorporatad
tow of Bev. Thomas DLion
i joto The HsnoahMi Lav Co . with the
tog«70 Mr. Dixon made suchafav..r-,^^^^^j,l^b^„,„^,„
Hannah &
•bU impreaslon hem that
MercautiSe Co. and the banking
’, Bank.becsme a tower of strength. Tbe
busioess idteeesle today tnclnde
-• only llirwe iue.ii.i.unu
upon U e life
vir'iud IViroii
reinmtd from
In Mels, Elcaks and Wraps,!
dircct frcm the most famous and reliable scurces, we have in J
,,j______ ___________ _a
rvM______________________________________ ________-
our complete and exclusive stock. They poesess every rrquis- »
J Jtg of elegan-0, fit, finish and style that the woman of fashion J
^ seeks in drees. ^
th--vonvufehaif s houd e.iyea ssg.
II'caouot suit youp faucy and youF puTfie no one in tbe m
thst had p’uvel successful ls» b -yon.i pa„v. isnh for iu promp-o.fcs sod the ^
Orsni Bsp'-Usnl M'lrk gin
w. C. Nelson, of I..eiand. U la thes alncerCnlTectlo^^lh-lween mm. cannot!
jfO bsnd ip band But In the ess.- be-
. ..... - -
Hm. Perry Hannah nndbisdsughier fore ns mast then be lbs
i w,ea n
Mn. Oeo Gardner, left last night for the role. Aa these young men went 1 y,* g
_Dhiesgo. where they ertll attend thejne. from youth to mWd-e age. and:only
fnneral of the laU Jamet Morgan.
then down on the other Aide of U»e bill | gtet.
------- Lo*yge.
where ib-y baV. Gsorge WeSman e«mr over fi
yesrs wont be there -came to be the p, . „
lUpids yrsu-rday.
Jsm -sG .lohnsop has relumed from
a trip •*''
Mra. Johnson,
while away
Bilev B veers
We haven't said much about capacity^ '^here are plenty of larger mills, but
none of them make any better flour than
our “BEST.”
We are selling all we can make.
N‘. l-'.t.liis
Wurzburg Block.
ReT'.J.V.C'snsli, Psi.tSr.
10:30 a- m., punliowotshfp—I’reach-j
Ing by J)4vid E Oarman, on "The Chief! Beaiilo 111(1.
Hiesinn of Christian Work."
11:43 Bible Bcbool.
tA% Yeung People's meeviog.
^ .K ...- .
T»x> p. m. A Suoday school conccr.|^
nndrr the auspices of the Anti-PSsloon | jt*.
drai atteud tbe funeral of tbv
“ the ex'ensivefi inring mill located here.
cordially invited to these aer- i ^
James (isrland this .-afternoon 1 • rPark Plac-houl and large landed in-1 ,1,....
O'clock, at the family residence
ptyhi» street, meeting first at the en-|commer.-e building and other ioteresU
A Sure Sign of Croup.
^ne Kouv^.
I in Chicago.
Hnarseoms In a cbild that u> sni j^cl ^
iodh-aiion of the ap- j r*'
Oapuin McIntosh reqnirw thst all' In all this great hnsioes* Jamas Mor- 10 uruup IS s suref luu
proacm of tbe disease. If Chamberlain's I jfe
memberv of Company M who were sent !gan had a pert added to hU large Isnd- Cough B.-raedy is gir •n as soon as the i »
forlougb,'send their fur- ed and other inieresto in Chicago child bvA-omes boarve . or even nfler the 1
Among these is tbe ground npon which
ipy-cough baa appeared, it will pre-' ^
lMgl» ^
Chicago Beach H Jtel is built, and for j veol the aitack. Many mothers wboj^
Being musMred out.
' have croupy children always keep this!*
which a largo losae bold rental U
remedy at hand and fiods that il 1saves;^
much trouble and worry.
them ro,
It la out given to many men tbgo alwavs b» depended open and it isiw?
Charles Helm rntpeeU to g;
For sale by -S. E
along side by side tbrungb n longlife
•amiso c-llege in Jannary,
~ - Mr. sod Mrs Fred'Bechtel returned1 ,soelosely identified in their lusiDcaa
lolereste SS bsve been Perry Hannah.
Thts is a Good Oempany.
itot night from Chicago.
J.L-EymerolOrand Bapldsistpend- ,A. Teaey I.«y, Jamea Morgan and Wit-: ^ „ H^boocii. Deleoil. Manager Plvw- i ^
lism Morgan. For nearly hBlfaeeo-i n-x l.if>-InruraDce Compaay of HarV>'
tog a few days in this cily
A. Knsn came op last n'ght from 1
o..- Tb.-.I.-1,
Msnihtee for a visit nrer Suoday with. u..,.,.™........
relatives in th!»e-ty.
'been tbe nligosi harmony, toe fullest „ «. Marshall, a draft for Iw., thotts- ^
M-a William Beitner and daughter twasiandcmfideoce in tbe jndgm-ut'd„n.-,s. i„ iuTt "Ay®ept"li S»^y «
^ “ • •«a • m
oldeat aecreUry in tbe etate.
At THtrolt. OB Tba
Margar.t Willit. aired J9, wa.Jntt pat
ting tbe torkry in the oTen when abo
fell on the hot nioTe.aad wbeirmenod.
wui fonnd to be dead.
Heart diaeaM
U kuppoaed to bate been the eaaae.
•'«>«'«»« ^eCoring the laat year ST.9I5 deatbe
While OTorkioc le tbe wood* C. P. khiptoeDi of tbU tleed fi>h »nd Ui« eooHowe of Codillu-, WM •truck b; • f»II- trateud rood* •rill be ffireD oat to Uie were recorded in the aUtc of Michi
in; UidI> aud •u»l»ioed h Inctarc of pour of tUc cit; aud cnmiaal auuoo gan.
A PorUand yoong mao gaily attired
^luoieoeed aicaiiiat Ue ahippera.
l>r,do. ..Jcb .h, Ed-ll.l«»lt(or ki. .oidl« ™ Th..k»
Dr. C. P. Niblaek. of Itbiea. bo!d>' Xbat .put
gir.Dg day. bat when be arrirrd at tbe
the record at a rat catcher. He caapht ward* Uaitafaeturiog
homeof hiapremikrd br!de/foui il afae
St rodeoU in ooe day. all the trap boroed laetiweek.appear* to be an
eonld hold.
, fortuaaie one for Indnairiee. .Ttreoiy- bad prceed fallbleae. and partied an
0^ KlvcVv^aw.
S\\oT\,'5Tes\v”Keo)sS\oT\cs j
Long- and COMFORT
War ;
ago«.e Uarruoo i Harnng- “Iher man tbe day before.
Itiimtiedhted that lU.OOO cordk of 'o>“-r
bemed. a new ouildiog | Little Artbor Celea*. who waa ron
hemloek bark were abipped from Lodorer by a atreet car at Detroit ab ut
a a.-ecleo Md one year later
ing daring the
(WO week! ago. baa died of bia icA little boy olWilUamatoo haa been .Itxj.ler exploded, hilling H u
taken U, the A^icBltOtal.college. and J«er. ago a atm.lar .OkUtutlon p.
a ne«ll« located Ib one of hU kneea by
««“Uy burned and owned by
Free Poia. .
tk.X.r.j., U i. -.rt,lnr ,v—^
Send ruUr addn-sk to K. (L liucklen
Md «n b,
b.t«- H rccb» “““
Bro«.b.nl. A Co.. Chicago, and pet a free sample
hU bode
tlrtottred by ftre. box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
il will cMUTinoe you of their mentk.
. ^
The iMlwarda factory la to be rebuilt trial
...esc pills are easy in action and ar.‘
ol ™llP„.UAk„p«lu..T7k.cb.p»r.lK.lTkparticularly effeiUre in the core of
Constipation and Sick llettfiache. ror
.Ab,.«l^ Th.«l., bljbt. Th,i_^
..Cl. b._i__ .1 T
thi.i* have
Under- ;
War. ;
Can’t shrink
Absorbs moistnre |
I Jaros Hysienlc Underweari
AU weights •
All grades
All prices
„c,pA,pi..b. r..
jaide in me nelghboehj^.
lelelerious aubstenoe aud
At Oxford, Mre. George Dalgiab and i
k. Moretu.a.e .^orllaod U proid
vegetable. Thev do not weallUen I
and her 7 year-old daughter. droTe
__ _______________
fact that he haa>e
aecra............ .......by giving tone to the ’
J bM.1>
ka k.bfiw*
the railroad
track mmtA
•“<> >ibe
home L
lodge of maaona. ' stomach and bowels greatly invigorate
At ^reacott. Pete Wademan, the fam008 113-year-old Indian, wbobaa imried A
two wives, recently marriedj a Polish lanied Emma Jane S^eatep-
5 &6TvcTa\ XcxBS
&Vtaxt6db 'Srom
heartily congratulated by tbeir many t
Blanche, tbe l3-year-o1d danghterof
In bU annual report Secretary Irang | from New Vork receuUy. went a few
Mr. and Mra George Eckman of Ionia.
dlad Thnraday after two houre of terri- will recommend the conalruciion of i ya ago to vtalt the famoua Vao Anda
hie agony. Her mother left her alone three new b.tUc-abipa.
(mine, own.-d ctiifly by her huaband.
In the bouae. while ahe went for a pall: The farmera of Decatur county. Ind ., »>“»»•*<
*»>'• "P the coa»t on
ofwater. Her clolbea caught fire from : are already complaining that the aca-iTexa-A isiaod. Two nlgl.ta after her
Jaian fly la in tbeir wheat and doing
drehintd she hmJ
T-orenretetteUreaef the M-orman’great damdge.
mountain of gold. The
organlxaL fro. Salt Lake City, with ^ Aletter rece.eed at Watervine. «...
beadqnartera at Six lAkea. are making from ArcHc.Bxptorer Peary aiatcs ibsl
her mind tbe following day. Mr. Treaij
a houne to house eanvaaa In Montcalip probably no mcMga will be received
laughed at what be termed an idle 1
county for converu to their faith.
him for aeeeral yeara. Tbe Hope
One of Sareoaville'a young men
that he Boatly .consented to aearcb f >r,
thought bU bat neeoed a new hand Peary expreosea feara that the Wind the mountain. They aiarted out left
and couldn't think of any 'otbea^ place ward may be delayed by tbe ice o'.oking Sunuay and foond a mountain which
■but tbe mllliner-a. where be could aend
waa fairly aeaiued win free gold. Pr.»It for a new one. When it came hack
curing Bsmplrs of the ore they return
it waa bedecked with featbera
ed UTVan Aoda camp. Tbe next day
flowers and now the young man'a best J ziae article. He adio be waa too busy, Treat sent out MendcnhalL the <
girl U wearing il. and he has bought a j Rear Admiral Joaeph^' Miller, who expert.
-- prouQunced It the
fe biirg>kl
new one for himself.
• haiated tbe Aui-ncau fl'.g over Hawaii discovery ol the province. Tbe ore
Bbrt Kercber, a young hunter of ! August IS Iasi, waa placed oo tbe rc- when assayed here, yesterday went gS'i
Wfaite. Ui:l*daieCo..isminusag3Ubilli tired list last Tuesday, after aDenriicg a ton. Thousands of tons are in sight.
whole mounlain of
and doesn't know where to look for it. forly-aeven years in active aervu-v. Of 11 n fa^l. tkare is
although br^aa an idea that a chip- thid aooat twenty years have beenjit.
tnunk is usii^t for a bed or baa stored Paaoedaiaea.
j Thccaaeof Merritt (i-ae. a colored
it away t > buy hia spring outfit. KerAt its own expense tbe Columbial inmate of the KiugbampioD. N. Y
Cher bad it when he want hooting re- ,mHerald will erect on 100
loo milraof
mile# of state
ante hospital,
is aUracUng the atcently and doean't know, whether be wagon road leading into Golnmoia sign j unlion of__ medical fraternity
nsedltforagnnwadora paper Hght. t
I throughout the slate, and aeveral doeShiawasaee farmers are going into,
rt* WAr Depsrtment there seems Uirs frpm New York CUy haee.Gled
the abeep industry more extensively
bean imprrssidn that not nearly si. to sec him. Rose is an uneducated;
every year and are Bskiog money at i
droops will be needed in Cuba as «•'lured' man. who was b**rn in the,
it in Venice township a canvase has ;
j„ .jf^neral order some s>uth and came to Hmghampwu from
been RiSle cf the farmen. who expect time ago.
Net* York, lie could nut rrad or
to CBiyy flocks over tbe winter sad it
k senlrd
Hetty Green ksid to be the nebest. 'write. »nd uritbtnrtic
was found that tbe tn«.nabip will inks
------- -- Ameiica. who has been li,. book to him. it-eom.ng menuily '
arcof just I3.7»U The sheep in Vensound,
he w»s committed to the hos
ing spurt from her bushnud for v.m'lh.
those imported
» n-poruA u. «... W. W.1. Pl“l- Vh-r., .If. . .bor.
Cheapest and best XTnderwear made—Cheapest not be
cause It cos's less money than any other, but because it
is the best, and the bsst is always the cheapest
Call at the store—get'a sample of them and ask to
have its merits explained to you.
Briefly, Its merits are: .
ibsorption of all moisture iron the boily.
Impenetrability to winds.
Eicellent wearing qualities.
Sold only k y os--------
»how> Dr. Miser’s
face sf’ei' cured ol
ever bv Mirer’s
Horse Auction Sale!
V bu. ™ .o»b.b »I bl. Ab"l"P.a •
months I'l.r-uu farad will errlTe from { ■riob. Iii...ib Ii™
Ui«« ■
thetc.suntey. Tbe amount of money . r..■»!.» W.ll
.p„ul.b.r bbb *'■'
that will be retiuired to te«l ihta largo ...kbb.b.. ■Sp.bdU.nl.-Ufbb.
I'll «l»' .b.-fb
■umber srlll be«l3.)xu.
lid gn forward to IIKU and back
Albert Ham, a farmer of West Drea^
Au old lady from ttxford 'who. with don. He.. Iiaa an apple tree in bia. or ward to IKl. From this he progressed
the solving of tbe moot complex
her huaband. bad spent the winter in chard which measuresfret 10 Inches I
California, 'was asked by me of her circumference. I fo jt froni Ibegroond. pr-blrma and haa finally reached a
point where be can re«’ite historical
neighbors it she beard an earthquake and at the height of six feet th^l
' ‘events, giving their date* correctly.
while iu Califurnia. "Yea. 1 beard brenuhrs iuto fonr limbs almo
one." she answered, "and rather en large. The tree is over a centu'y old
Th- Famous flcbubrrt Oise Club q; ^
joyed IL for it was tbe flret thing that
b ,V
bnd haa borne tw^ll each year f ,r the
The next number In Ihr
school i
happened since John and i have been ;
rainrse will .be given next Sat ,
.marrud that h.d.d notth.uk 1
‘ urdey evening in Steinberg's Grand
to blame for.
bushels of good apples.
be tbe faiu-'Us
Ihe altesction
** • •
f lb ’ I hbown to have been to use as far beck (,f the finest voices on the stage these '
moroiTr iriippioK*d^n*belweeo the “**
have davs of high mtialcal attainmenta Thr I
Lhne-h .1 first it was
i oevD 8 tt>wn it'Btitution. Uiannwtbe aggn-galiop coDsisU nf Harver L Kss“”***’’* .
til' ! pmoertv of the Waltham Savipgfc Bank. sett, firel tenor: tfiaok T. .lohnadn
?‘‘:L b
rfw"';,7?X'’'i“ eibdw.Jbbd fb... ...bib. Mb„,
s K .A
K theboiilr
Have you lieard
of the
Saturday, Dec. 3,
Low Prices
which prevail at the
and will show ypu the best lot of Choice Farm
.Mares. Drirers and HeavyJJraft Horses that
'tan be found in Traverse City, at Geo. Moir's_
Bam. opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse'
City. Michigan.
PsIHCB BHkSry? ‘
tocommsaceat^dO p. i. sharp.
h. bbblf H. ™ Tb
Islopea. using water as a moUvu power, i^eo and viuliDtsI: C. Edmund Nett.
had lived th«re over M) years. fvvi|U«otnvmocratic candidate for’
TUcated.aod as it is pro-, r^er and imnereonator and Ks>-h«rly being
1 liably tbe oldeM builitlDg of lU kind in top Taylor, soerano and piants'.
eonnty surveyor.
tbe L'niteu Hlataa tbe Maaa^i busetta i will be aeen tbet the company consixTs!
Wv an- fietliup; UinK-i-rit-s
Paaiora of Coopersvlile Wave irlven Hlaturical Society is considering thej„f a combination of fine voices and '
ptyt-ee and you i-BIl profit
notice that they will eoi bold fuoer«la adviaibltliy of securing
Ute or chattfll mort^&^a £t 8 per ceot. isterast, or
bio„ of ^ stringed plmmenls. ^ I'*'‘'r„*‘and
«• “»•
oo Sunday noleaa ordered by the health theaocient steneture
officer. , ^
Many points in In south and ^annth-1 during the history of the organiation t
‘ **'
A little Olivet girl wrote a letter loj_____
- -..-Virginia report having expen-; they have taken auk among the '>>7'3gQf[ gf Qo|d MedSl FiOUrfOr S5C '
Governor I'ingree thanking him forlj^ced nearthqubke shook about 3:30 beat mnsual dubs in the oonntry.
Tbaukhgiving day aud wiibhing bin a o'clock Friday afternuon.
From Hew Zeland,
very pleasant Thanksgiving,
i tbe de-1
Leonard Wood,
Every Horse -will be warranted as representsd when,
ccivsd a very cordlai reply.
b„ -b. b«i
sold and satisfaction ^aaraot«ed, and wilt be sold to th*
The <:. .t W M. depot platft
official report U> the war deparimect. •
jj,e agency of fiiamherOBO. GANE
-- ------....... again yesterday of which the following is an extract:sir's'mvci.cir--* the sale has Veu very
highest bidder, and 'will’be tried on the day of Sale.
for. "L’liiuu 811(1 Till Si.
J^orniiig ' There were about , forty In "I havesd.l ratincB all along the sea large, more especially of l*e Cough
I don't bkvs to quote you pnees on horses as oth^'r deal
. Jotv piir. Thi- indsl of them will be re- ......bibb ,».•« Ibblb. lb,- a..,«
ers do. but^me to this atictiun and buy them at yo'ir own
ahip(>--'i t<> lo^r Miebigsn. having terior. using every .•ffort to
.V lor the rH'ri..n* fivel,
1 ft
• price/TTwill scH horses,©very day at the sam«» baru on 30
been kii>d by hnntere from tost pert rations about in sucli a manner as tu i veara. As t<> ite , flirAiy. i bare b<«n
of th.’ biatr Several of the hunks will enable tbe people desiring to return to . inform- d by n.-i rf• of pe
pers- ua .(rf th" IJVStfirS ' uVSlRrS' 3^8^ two years'time-^terms to suit yourself Come and
svelpe n-arl.t I'si pood<ls-—Henominee tbeir farms I* the iiiieriqr
^ U> do *»> I
ill "J*''**'
yo„„eif betor. b»yiug.i..wh.r..
■; TERMS OF SAlE ":::rsroU;r“
5 per cent, off for Cash
Palace Bakery,
h-Q Genrge .1 N*g'ar*ca«> "‘•“in <<*'* wbi e wetting the dc- ‘,nriV’Tk“teat‘lr't
pis-’r Hi«j
I**'" first crop sianfago, houir tvyor-d the ’s-h of the'-hUd-;
of •'re.-o .ri u’li'M-d up his tsvo deve’:
eamp.igh hnying ^^.ultry
71* barrels^ ‘ town of its
.ts size atena
•long tea
tbe. AmaHran,
American J
Tflere wen- t7.«3ii poudde.’ for which lava ••oa-Al a-vnio of Fortress M->nror.he paid Sii.r.o'.Ma.'
ML.st.rs h.
D-po'y Gime tA>nlen WilHa bu
a xndU'rfWi pound*-of So. 8 piekerel
srbicb had bV.e placed, at the denote
la Bay City f.ir shipment in Boston
Md New York. The law prohibits the
b-vD a murder is the vay sisee our oecnparcy.”
Mrs. Harry Treat, wife, of Manager
Treat, ol the Van Anda Mining eom'
Ever Burned Out
if ao yon know
tbe value of
O. P. CA*V*B. AgMi
~u...n b.iit-H.r
Famous BalliinOrB Counts,
SPECIAL ATTENTIQN to Liverymen and those who
waut Livsry Horsefi and Oood Drivers: . I will have a few
: that wiHpl»ase you
csime and buy them at your own
Selects anil Standanls., Wood and all kinds of Stock
All Ml^rt. trrribri; t>> Vfnr«« vUt.M (row
IteiBrBbrrnrlrbrr-sOTStvrBcraBr U Ur
oelr kraUqssrtrr. fcr toot, fltw ela» ors»«tv-
taken in exchange.
«nil it'a price* have
Cl^crl; it & e muleke not to come
to n* for joer
Wilson Bros.’
Fnrnlshings-Tlie best
in the world.
S. Benda i Go's. Grand Xmas Displaj of Kigh Grade Gentlemen's Furnislting Goods.
We Sell—
Had vou a chance to make jour selection from a real metropolitan display.. A line pf the latest, most fasnionable
HEr Ul\E Neckwear, Mufflers, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Suspenders, Silk Veste, Umbrellas,
R..i„irina. Jackets. Slumber Robes, Fancy Shirts, etc. There is nothinK in the Fnmishinj; line which cannot
be found here at prices astontsldnsly reas.mable. quality considered. Before you make your selection from ordinary stocks come to us and see what the'Teal tfaiog" looks like.
nnilliniinn rnn ■ inWo Bverr ladv purchasing Ol.ou or more iqour Gent's Furnishing department will receive a f.yc-similie o:
oOUVtNInO rUR LAUIto the late war, filled with fine perfume. It's the most m.vel souwemr and you should not fad to get ode,
Oner 200 palterns nf SiU Hand
kerchiefs with the newest fancy
.A.. V. Farletlaricslx Bloofsc
pnucTpItts of jesUB Blniio'cau siiive tbeto
■ -WAS IT IlOliOTHY? i'l
ilbi..i:. i..- im:'ha.r
<ind lakt-s
Uiy. Klviiig way tun bmrty i>oa> of langh
A. J. PETEETYL, Proprietor.
I de^tire'to ftnnouDoe lo tuy old {ri^Ddb. and th« pobltc in
t-d apuo to rvudttr eutoCanairthe tbinRw i d>-aib. At wnib a time it is rwlw wiie to have employed practical and experienced mechanics to do the work
•tMmt'do ToT'ti^r'"'*
-I’rawU. tf ydu can!" cried Dorothy
>>« ">■ ■“ “
isfy ever)- cualomer in whatever class of work he may bare
I shall do sU kinds of repair work. repaintinR and varnishing,
! - ^
«. nst>U«l.Oe< ■***J^^*“ [ Also generai blacksmilbing and forging.
J . Ri,H-h.
i l wish lo call Ibe special attention of horse owners to the fact
BROWN, Atsofaey
; O. Law. eprcialth
riTai*^ '^’‘^““•'tUat I have reUined in my employ "Binj” Abbott, the well known
' au.lc.nTer»nrU.g. til Tfo
Tai>ir Far the Week ftewlwalas Mar.
BT-s-aii.n>ewl hj llev. a. H. Uwgta. 1
T..T..t - “Orea. r-f-nF- tL.ir tu-ed our
. j„hn 11. It-is
«u.Urna!i«uU km-:
i psran.v eundny.)
The tnpuml reference ir tbe story of
Obrisl'scluau-.iug uf tbe temple. By tbe
divine anlli'iri|* iuv<oit<-d iu Him He
duu. fnav iSitb-ww of
tb..w «bo
w«o buJuugil . .loo ..I .bio,™ Ib.U.U
Work itiilhe city willlte called fur and delivered. If yon want
B>Mn) nf PrOsioB KxssiiDtg* 1
, hl.vk* 'ninss. hcasr
sad of '■ yoiir htirse shod, yonr buggy or wwgon repairetl, repainted, top fixed
; W,
Sacriti'V is a necesieiry cnndilinn of
eternal felicity. In (buuldN«ry« legend
Allfadtt did not obtainadrink from ibe
spring of Munir, which was i. pulwl to
be tbe fountain of vrisdntu. niilil be left
bis eVQ in ]>l>-dge. If a inau wciulil be a
AHiristian, llnru nre uiway> some things
that must go. We are saved fmin.
me old imture
nature camiul
with, our
oiir MUs.
be inipurfed into iMradish.—New York
DIviae Train.
Diniie trnib. like diviue Inve. is tA
...................... .............................................. -hangotbe
current of bis thoughts
“lIurliuK. bo«
th.-iiiisni o'.ius up }vtr“ Shu asknl
liD‘. If l swalliiMid Ik" wn.' the weak
teits^i'-eply.—Wast.Tli Mtvllral Kevlew.
cusliioiiB put in. just tele,.hone Ko. IW.
; •Kl i
ai"u*‘ Spoeiai'
W. V.
,,. m„ffaiT
;Lf. hlwsi.aad t’-ra
wmir Hl.vB
Ing prieea
prorWoBi 1
•"« City:
, reveal Hior. ll hi tbr.u. as Hr do,* not | •« la its tiimoA deptba where it U un„_,«,KToii«NT-r,
.^‘.rarriUnA.oph .s;t m-| o„,(.,ho world. It-is when tbry arebe
by the slighlett rlppla—
rraved of all oDtward coomiBiion and Episcopal Eeoofder.
---------- lor His mke are made to bear tribola-1
Eggk. per doseo...........
;. «.Vb..l, Sflo™
K,p ,P<.-.y...P-rV............
For ye,
ny uf nperatlt
atiaDe^claeka ■-
fresB nvl.lt-^vprlnc Brerh R*«<vi. (er tbr
r rvzl *1 .ter*. Dr*'rsbl* b.-stloo. Call al
. —
^.IK KALK -FIBS y...ioc eeerral a.irno-*
Wrlsbi t,m« Inqulr* *f .1
Labr. Maj SUVRI.
«k»i»a ..............Lvei..........
•resiR H.tl-E-niR , -si4*o.-*prop*ny.lo.w. :o5iki£r'J«.
•kaaa Jet.........
.. .Ure
Lre —
r lel
-- frel- . o«si.
- -, ‘•••mlortal.l* h.ui-- lo- okief Lake .......... P
*p|.ly.oNr.vJ.J lUkrr
4>U 1*^40 LatT........... "
- p»l^................... •■
The Traverae City UaatncM College _
ba*ae< iired a thorough teaebre of
te’egrapbv ard any one deelring to
•tody this *nbi»ci ie reqoreted to
callat (irange Bell for fortfaer in
We will h.ve evestne
C. U. Dk'kkbay.
leriDd KtGiiit < mimai K. E
m iS=
r Bus...............
.. IS to IT
^viRm i.g^ii.,*s,t «ior* BoS ar<*-n
r B. Crs.l.shvlll*
I will .ll-pow
■task Bi Breasuoi>b1*pr<*v.Bi '
on Ipnc terms Vh*r busia
•lu-iiitOB- Walleron-llira,.:
“ff TrBvvrBB O
B seoctOeil
laaaaa ae.aaa<aa* aa
iSSF.S* bS£SSS8%S gf
la.'-*--" -ge.rvti.Kg;; oa
• to • k • ™
Ul cvaa**«<.a.«*aaaa*aaaa
;««fiS = SS«ir>£83SSeSSgfi£C8
. SO to «s
It i* .be one
day that Hod k.pt for Himrelf. Tbe
who ttk» it for ptcasurv
plc^re or onman wbo
oen-Msary boinupsi robe (H>d. There is
, better olmervance of the 8eb
Endravorer* sboold
B he suffered t
Hi nil
pealed by bemorrbagev: and was abeoInlely cured bv Dr. KiDg’s New Di*covery |orQon,„„pUon.ooogh»
for ConauinpUon. Cough* and
sod Colds,
((]« declares that gold Is of little value
in comparison with this mareelooa
onre: would have iu even if it cost a
indred dollars a bottle.
s:&8 £ Sss £g««
I Mt-Ka
Here 1* a w ork for Christian-j
H ihpnld^ch tbe wurld'tbqLUie,
iisfiggsexffsasifssg Uflts
in faver of a Chrivtiaa. AmeTican
TSTeTTs b IB a s b~b'b
___ml braara trala arvlvm gt ledga-m.
asked yuu to
I “«■ "lisi
"Yre reMIy."
fuMIy." *ald PauHDSl*Bpprv.
Paulina Pepprv. her There
t* great social anre-ifi throoBbout , rtoreaof Si E. Walt and J O Jobeson.
. '
... . .
1. *nan*r**,a ilMwir VIV . —
__ and
. _ a tl-OO.
itRe so cu.
GaarblcotulDg fs'iu all snillug and dimples, tbe world today, It manifai* Itaelf in
“And I'm *0 glad: Busause—ibcru can't tbe deed* of an.
aate^ to cure or price refunded.
be any barm In owning tl now. Doj^y. muoant of eocialirttc literature aud in
drar—Idhl Ukefaliu ever a,, tiiucbf “x.
various aocietiesuLd orgonizaUinia look' ,
•He’a a very nlou old .iimii—IL^!f5
medp j,,-toward
eocial nfoiia.
nfmia. It adrocatea
adrocatee , Susiv
Dwieiaff PlT^to*«rd Bocial
middle eg,d p-ntli inan,’' raid Itoroth^^,
thins from anarchy to comDonner aud Latbaros will give
lteMl7' cried PnuUna. '
•Oh. that's all sotlto
The Sablulb is being constantly en-1
--------------------croacbed n|..ai. Pliasure aud bosimwe '
|^tv usurping tbe nns-t sacTod righisof
(^ly day I have for ^
Mr A. C. Thomas, of Marysville,
• valuable diepiearorfl,” say* the advocate of a coo-,Tex., ha* found
Tto i day that we have no. got
Vtord is *p..ken. tbc-unwle iBvlwd."
Slowly Ihu btuHn- g|
form re-.
.imiihg *p~:ta
:tetl finger, thru
clr* and unlifi
mmgb tbe but-,
kltcben, while
Buckien-eArntoa Salve.
, bwpUuDs, ana poeltively enrea PUea,
or no par required. It Is Twarasteed
-Boat.|f**p1tia or offlrr
Lard per Bi........................
Butter per B> Dairy..
Creamery Bu Iter. #1..
i„vv|,„xk,t,. Kvvry time it (i' :.ls m'lt Corn'per bn . o1d...
•etaUal Ihive tlim*.)
iu.pii-<.ii. vontrary to law. it not only Potatoes, per k
“W-w veil, my d.wr." nuM.ved Mr
lir.fi.ks tin- law ii-'lf bjot U’ai in s a cill- ;
Bnttmilall. hol.lliig llghily t» ilKiariii* of
sen .if th,f .snmlir^i^isT.gard and
hi* ctuilr
tramiile ntol. r f.K.t ibo luW of the land. ,
off fr
. Tave braughta mrreage from ibt,: Evry ••u.l.u.vor sb.mld la4artay.-d 1
«het world, Ilrii.vll.1." *..l.tnlily ottered ' all. ntbly agninsi tb- aalcui ami should ,
old. per bu..
tfae|m-aem» •'You want toiimrry i.gnlnV be an euraert n.lvocat.- ..f trtUJRrjinre wheat, new. per bn.
••N not If you ..lij.y-i V> It. my d,-ar.‘ . yei,.rm
How Iu.-k, piMtiuii* are to l« %)au. No 1. per be. (
faluivd the sbgkiug widower. •'l-Iq-1 Q,»uif. ateil nio>t bo il.'ii'rmined by each . Com. per bn..................
that I*’’—
I cue for liiioH-lf in a.'fs.rdaufH wilb his Bye. ner bu.......................
Ha Other Kefawe.
I think when we bare read eonugb'
Too will never find rest except ia
td tbe bistocT of Ciod’s d.aling* with Ord. ‘Tl.erv is no refuge bot in Him.
Uis people to understand that this is Pb. wbat rest and composore there ai*
i».*dA' *mDl
Urr*. B. C. It,
agLLiNA raica.
fU miTri 'the way of Him—that if He ever is ab-; If H'«"’ I» » more than sleep, mm*
from Hin poi.ple. it is not in their, than calm, mote Oian qoiet; deeper
limeof direct n,ed. aud If ever He doee;thad tbe dradeiillnem of (be noieeleH
wr-VaIu»hl* KoWitsot P.v.lilaa rliarm.
rb* fl'-.lrv » HI Iv rrvmrvtcU by
y t*..mr
t*s*lsr .a.
lull.,-ml..,i.uiv.d.u ggJX'i-i-■
Codfisfa p
“» '""“'•Itodl.M.*!
i. 1 niti*.
warn He ■■ -AbM^.'
I TV. »l.«. i. tl,.
. .I
and niiNtl vuicv
“li n.-dlur Ifc n.vli.V 1 oountrj'.
It UaMs thousand* of Uv**;
(It wiu*lwar*e<i. I'lHl.i IliittoiiiDill re it rain* niulniuduM of li.mi.'*: it is a
•'Peace. I «y!‘
<lIeph*lliah’eold way
of patting him ilonn. wiilMiut a luotihuls,
for argument) “and IbUcii
Vou arv nb-;
sulvtd from ytiur proiiilw lo coninwt no.
eimind marriage
Yquare a fiw ap.-ni |
Traverse City, Michigan
Tbe extent of Ctiriarsatpuemeutmay j
Traverse Oity Market.
I shall be pleased to see >on and
show you around.
Bear iu mind the
the pla
plaee-'lhe new brick factory, at north end of
lign of Tfs'ersc" City Wagon Works.
He* Id Hamihii
Cto It B.B..
meb out in saving infltieuoe tn the nu- , s.i.ry''Vr"ra«sLio7*Er
told millians that uever beard of Him 1 c.'..Ct*rel»ed.o«i..
• Short Cut Pork.....................
I gu« s I II rahe it up and go to ‘ diciont acli.
:ec«-iormnecdsotIT help. Short Cut Pork per *i...
• Tcm^
Bntaabe rrje.-wlihasorl of rbeuriatle . . . . . . . . cTosade is being made
™ _ plemr.
_ _ _ _ H _L._ *
_ _Co._ Beet..
_ _
tUSoess from bis chair the d.njrlc^lng ^ against the Kilonu uud iulcmpprance to- Bye Flour. H. L. S'Co, BmL..
trots the taiiUrry ertwked rllglitly. a sl.tw,
A political party, l.gions o£ sod-' Meal. H. L. X Co Heat...
heavy fuD'vl'd.
on lb* tiuor, and,
Christian cburcbi-s. a rcltpiooi' Teed. 11. L. * Co. Beet...
-I';'pr,,. ...a
and look over the new plant whether
^ i Union slrs^t briilge. with tl
ollfn,.m.lj d,«o.n».a o.l.ti»,
tbla. what with fliw and dust and fw.r |*bui«
have Drought order out of
chaos. We are living lu
in an age of
' ebans.
And (hrti Nr. Bottonhsllfell tntoedou forms aud reTwmrrs, and while we ranoraivMvte—liu tw.-r could tv quit.’«T- uot hope to iirnTtaft oor«-lv,->i in every
tain wbi'*—fram wlilrh Ir- was arouad brdiby .d pret.tidMl rufonners. yet there
by tbe ohl kit.*,;,I . lock strik ng 12
imporum reforms
•Midnight I It am t ,.v..ll.l.-r fCHed .; t.idav that d.i drUHind our m.»l t-arnwt
Hr. U.i<ot
A.I.. M.U Oru
II.V 1v*-i.nu.uvv ■ «n;i.v.
.- •p™yert=l cxuiaiderelton and j-
You are inviu*d to call
you want any work dona or not.
asaSavlont if tbe.v accept the offer of
mercy cxtaiided.—Bee. Paul C. Oarnick.
We will call lor it,
oprr.HouivBih. idu the work jjroniptly and deliver it just as ordeivd.
G.d—infiuilis eleru«l. Mch.ngtable. I
iudrslrnrcibli^ as it was tu tbe begin- ' Arbur. wiiirrsaotiO loralis tor asrwior! Bi
niug, is now and ever Kbsll be. world i * Sthsiiwi
K.,., Dr. Ob.tlM Uuth
b... HUI.
.ple -I fbrisi iu the 01.1 Trswm.-ut, we
have msuy ulbers to give
ib.irtty uud (be iiis|iiru(iou to try to do
antui (biiig in rorre.niliB tbe atiDSM of
*jpielv. Ibe cboixh 01 tli<> slate. Ood
fnHioeOtlf. b..th iu sacred aud aec-
Woof 1.
m7s/.vfi.hs CAfWs.
Bibfc Keadiiigs.—Ex. a*, b-11; 1 ^ilbkrt a tiATEX.Aitoi ^/■.■■apeeiaiir ’a»‘d practical horse sboer, with the old firm, who knows how-to
r. RoowsSaac:
universal sstisfartion to all.
Be will be pleased lo,
Kittga iv. 11 U; a Kings x. W.-Sh;
ivtii. I-.-,;*xiii. l-h;lV xxxtit. U;
fl.B'.'?:!------•T^ii»~HOLLi»tv 4 WTLHCLM A H.Hni-1 swi hid old frtends at the new stand.
Km. unll. c«-!i; 1-.. i, I is;
be my motto, and
; Oaf. VI, I. 2; JTiil. tv, 8. #.
M:p., Unitwsiti Ps
•phuOMia. IM. IIK
--------------I should bring me a share of tbe public patronage.
............................................................ ,
“Past II o clock." said rode Huttonball, looking up at the uiwk over the rf ms
I. ..., » I.U.
and .0,
the -li.d
blo.lo. Ok. .11 pivwswd. .»!
e chlmiwT Ol to w-t a
edge. Just nuuh
nlgUt as
b a nlgln
lb dlrd four• y<
yeart ago.snd—
ahltrr d..w«
down .
with B sIlBlk cold •hUrr
hUapinaleoluioti. “if It ain’t Ihe Mih of ‘
Koven.Uir-the idonilrail anniv.-reary of j
tbe and event I*<«r ll.i.hsy- (..Iding hli
—Lutheran Oltaerver,
“ aTiS refoVmscatt bebemt advanced
by »dv«,mnR ChriKt
Lot os mtve in
tbe face of tl.w grtwt n<*d« more «rne«ly to get Uinst into n>«i. Cbrirt in
tbe hearts and
lives .H
of .toen
□u ...«
H,ru will
W... ~‘*f
iiv. hablwlb, aueiaJ aud po*
all temp
litical yroldcus.
t'hrlsalaa Saeriarr.
ily adjnnn rt.
iBsoIUsb; DulwliefiDB. lo iwraplaiu and
*■ Hoitoral rctonu mods our belt.,
luartiiur—vi^^-wicked to find fuult with
There is a clumorou* <ry today apiinst | Ciml. There are mudiciued which, Uiken
duluiDi b' rT iti potitiie.
Howdsui Uid | with wisdom and ju tnoderaliuB. bafBe
Harlvi«iu are arrav.'d asaitiHl ni. ty und i diaraso and restore hiwl
,»l «jrt of a woman wa> your Aunt
- I«lih You know I never saw her.
‘^ "
ii.d befora 1 came lofloi-inB u. live ’’
To B« Borol '
k imi,'. fat woman, with stwctarlea
“lo London Ibi? oalL/a a
e aabop.
a brown fon-ni|.,-who alwa.va wore
o 0ngliatii and talknl through her
BCMO. 1 furgol. though—she bad a luoD•'Andnndevator’sallfC, i»n't it?"
Mnwltyuf arai'i. with a frill two iin-bea .
Wide all amund It and a cnlomi] bow of
n elevator ,
•nnO' onlnted rlWioti ywTvbed on the very ■
kDI>—a guy of a
only tit fur a aoara-
row. but H« will iinpoy both if thereby
no, pr,p.r«l
husme.. „ „y
..o..mry bnek
.. Uuching
iic«rrom<rarn-li)iii>u. I'iiiymnd {Mirloi- j psw mod Borrow, «b wb pltwiw to dk> faclorj- Ht ihe coriUT of Btatf and Union Btreeta, ml tbe foot of the
Panllna iVnper brake off toMsy
n e.«.iia
To ..m. ,I,o.. u, wh.i God bridge.
I uurpoK! doing all kind, of w.goh, bnggy. .ml .high work
•Nothing, Bolbinr only
«i f™ mm-f «o limU
baud In bmU. Tta n.jn , o,«nrtdiuulouslbal Id tbli «e of the world Wl'O Will Uot reader
m .U b„nei,™.
1 k.vogu,>nU..l.h..i„pmvndn..ehi..,y..nd
pnm iwinlsitinn
ff.r a man of ordfmwy
InMIlcvnoe. roola lluitcnball is «mieF•UtJomi.'’
“How*" quertod Womahjr.
“Oh. b*
winding slwnut In tbs «OD.
drnlb In
dlw, bellsTes tbrtv win 1-a drath
faanllT If ■
chaticstA.i howl undsr tbs
window. mn\ would sonm-r out off hf~
t hsnd fiV br«ln haying or go on
Bf *
* Ftteay’ ’
• .7 0f
“ bcntactngly’bsgBB Itantby.
T inkf’’
“Katatai: Uk> }*Bullna Peprer." wild
-AikI I'aullna ruall.v llkea Ur.
Buttnniiall. and she n•'>wis a honie. iMor
__________ _____ ______ -............-ina. li
oerotlnly tv a inarch. IF—
■ “tf ti wn.n’l for ti«' de|iart»d waint iB
rauff ra1nre«l tiblions.*' .will Frank., with
allonuf hlaJ.'tieit-lint
tonhall'B |v.;uliarliitoiiBit<m when stKasklog of lii.di !.nrt.kl wile.
“J'ov 1‘aiiliiia' ’said Onrotby
“And J...r Lncl.. nytu.l.ball-«busd
Frmbh'Vorrnll. •fiioBIhowbolo.dariing.
It looks likeabanl case."
Traverse City Wape Works!
tir B
Wbt-n Ibe fstburbutd cif (jfxj
. Xis'ion-tba.'his dT “d «‘»e brotlmrbood of man. as MDRbt
•And b<he really so suptrstniou* about i
' lioar me'" said Punqby
^making the nroiolse that that uBrenson-i ■mofn’f"
ablevlrBKoofawifecxaoledlroiuhiiuV’ 1
'“f murse tbe dnar fvUnw must bare
' Bild Frank bten a.Ur|i and drcaaiiog. Utouth—don t
i you think en' " .
vomui. -1,5i-~ i-«.«.iirbrtw- i
Have you seen the quilted‘‘Rug
by" Muffler?
dance In Foreeter a hail, on the wet
lug oI Hec- r
traw Pvtoahar. MBefctaa*.
Ola«lssBU.ChleBgo.OraBeBapt2B, IMDp ■.
,js:,srri^?s^'"■ *—
flank—For **)* by
^^PLB WO^f^aaiarTrBTme Oliy.
Trala IvaviBg narerae a» m ii-i*. m
faa»parlar ear to Prato lUpida
Trala teavtag Tvavataa CTty at ll;IBaA.haa
Blreper tntoOi^ B***^*** Claela-aU.
^ T^itort-yyy—toOK.to
Utaod. The leopard has aoi changed . ampllffcatlon of certain statetnaaM Ii
Wa aptus. and all hlsioo’ show* that the his ..mi In’ rs|«rt
Spanish official. Mh.e.ied m the murals
The g ncrel -mid that hi*---------- rt.of Madrid, la a (nan of duplicity. It baa dsiion < f » force ..( in .ng o^noes Iroa
already ls-. ii charg.Ki ihui lllaii.'o Is pi%- (he Stale* snd <s» native* »-as to proimrlng p. stir the .Iisaffo.-ted element ' rl.le foi itu- cniinsenrle. of lavaMoP
Into re:.J;tiince to Am rican rule. This and prutrs.-ie-l ■ nm|.aignlng In Cub*
l>artlcul*r nieih.iil .,f double dealing is during the heai -1. rainy an-l sickly Mamil new to Siuiolsh rule In Cuba. The son. While that crisis l« now riiffll
ten years' lnsiirTe.'(.np was .'iidcl by the dang-r s.'Bson will tegln again !•
l.rlliery of the insurg-ni leader*.
K months, he said, snd If the preiegl
Bl«nl,sh govemni-nt long f-d the plans *rr- carried <ojt we may then bo
wretches who ts-ifayed Oielr cause at ma nl-.|n1rg In triff>lc«l cuuntriea tbo
inaugurat.Ml by the desperate and l#w- the public crlb-tbe while they in-rtend-- largest c.i..n al army comjiuaed of boiM
le*s elements'which only an army can cd among natives to be plotting for a troops "f any aaiton In the world. Th*
<l« II' n-newal of the fight for lllierty. With ,/orce. gmilng ready to garrlBon CoM
The mliliarr is-cupatlon of Cuba gold at bimmand (he shrewd ex-offlclaU • number* almut M.M8 men.
by the mited States army ha* bul qf Kpain will have little difficulty In. LHseaee lurka to Cuba at oO UnMi
one pr.-ce.leni In the history <ff (he
counir>'- In (he Mexb-an war the AinerIciMi for.-cs-.acui.li-il the enemy's terri
of clothes, without any shelter what- tory after host IlUva eeaiu-d. pending the
e\er and during a very stormy iHOiod.' di |il-m-nl Ilf |•oa(■r In Mexico proper
ie Views of Generals flifes and Sfiafter
Motfie Best fletW of Safe; -'Ouardino.Our Trooos. ^
tCopyrttht IW. bjr O. U Kllm.-r.J
■WJiit A •Initir «nn) -<wp» «f ihrw
•diTtitoru capturwl 11 may tv<jul« thtre
oorpa of ii^ven divlalona lo hcild, ai«erdlnc lo the aar d^rtmtnt order*
proniulRBtcd for the' *;arn»uiilng of
Cut>a. Wbrn Aohed about (he prubiible
dimoullira l».b* facrd by the Iriajp*
whlt'h alii earri.on the taUtnd until
quiet !■ rratnrod. Om-'ral 8haf(<-r aald:
"GarrlnoDlnE Culat by uorlherii aoidlora win not be daniteioua. -of rourae
«venr men is likely to suffer from • limatlc f«\rr. whh-h. by (he »uy. Is not
like the deadly c^§sn-e. The latter.! 1
iH-lleVe. Is, peculiar lt> the Isliiinus of
Panama. In •wfnirr ihlbu is dry. th.
temperature Is fliie, and tl ii-«.
treeses. Santiago de t'ul« Is ii"i.
rious fur lu> lark of saaitalluii. It i
the foulest plaut' 1 eter ran. but li.t
'ctaI Wood In k'lm-asure has r1>-nni<l
out. ACroi-dlnj; to Cnlonol Warliis, Itu
vana la as bad as Santloxu was. In th
main the American ftin-rtson xvill -ii
camp outside of the towns. Thu tru>p|i
cuuld live very comfortably lii t.-m
■ even In Hlnu-r. and 1 bclievv the i.rup
sllbm Is to pul them In tb«ri
The atIuD which-w-m l.e supplied
them is suitable for u inter
so good f<ir summer. Should the troops
remain In Cuba until the lioi .season
next year the ration may'b>- ''hanited.
It Is flxed'by laa. but <'oiii:r-«s may
arnry It according to the seasons or the
peculiar (londltlons of the climate a-hrre
the IrMps are serving. The president
has the power to order the ration
to do BO
e ration
isBued at present to garrison tnmps
dOntpHae* a pound of fresh vegetkjiles
. every day. and this may l>e W per cent
potatoes and Ji> per csnl onions or vaClH.li.
reaching Santiago the middle of Au
gust, with good camps, good wabr and
ilbundance of (entage. would not hay>
been la-serluu< danger.
• It should Ih- remembered that all
Tnlliiary exiH-illtlnns which have koiiIniu Ihc tropic* In'summer have hH a
bitter esp.Ti.-iicc In Ihe m.iHer of slcknerji: The suffering* of the Ungllsh
troops at Haiana In 17$: and the ca>
en.ird-d cnni|« If very Important. The
imivei-sal experienee the wiwld over for
all time has b.-en that-where great bod
ies of tn.op* are .-rowded loyether in
cUnmte typhoid fever alwavs apl>ear*. They
but e bad
y in the
ha.l II w ill g.-l It.
"The r.Kulay army should l>e increas
ed, and, m iny opinion, it will la- In
creased ihls winter In order i.. In- preluiipd f..r gurris..nlng our new |so*sessluii*. The <-oiinlr>' will (hen nut l.e
de|>endent uisin colunie.-rs. .As to vol
unteer r(T'<.rs !c.-igi.lnc If ru-nl to the
Irupir*.. It :s opilunul with the govern
ment wh.’lher they a.-cept the resigna
tion* or rol. I believe the volunteer
olTlccn. will stay with ih'-ir mmmunds
wh.-rever ihcy may be urdere-1 to go."
The war department oriMy ref-rred to
Colonel Waring-a report of the sanllary condlUoB of lla.ans and his death.
foil .«• ng so a,.on after his dlscouiaglng
rep.tt, have thruwn the pciple of all
the cnies i«i the Island Into a panic
fr. m which they will be stow to recover,
V.gorou* measures and ea--n force may
• - nereasary to compel the MUBens to
■dM-y Ih"
h- laws of h.-alth. and I:If an cpIdemic of y.il.iw
ydliiw fever ntid
mid -.f
-if isniiilliiox.
d in Havana and al i;.lara,
■ k add-d to
with the aid of American tn>ops.
When Sanilagi was surrendered,
rresMenl AfeKInley-lssued a imctamailon which forms u ccul* of lowiructlons
fur Ihc army-.ciiiiimandcr* and acr\'.-s
as a MU of r'KliK l»r the .-itlxi-iis of ib*
territory under American sway. The
.pns-lanistlon o|—ns with the following,
sweeping statement:
'The Beat effect ..f the military oc upallon of the enemy's tertH.uy Is the
severance of the former ia>lltl<-al rela
tions ..f the Inhabllants and the eslal.Ilshment of a new p.illiical is.wer. Un
der this chang.-i] cundithm llie innabltants. BO long os th-y |K,-rf..riii their du
ties. are entllb-d to se<urity In iheir
fiersons and proia-rty and In all ibelr
private rigbu and relations. It Is my
desire that the Inhabitants of Culm
should be made a.'qunlo(ed with (he
pur|x>se of the I'nlled States to dis
charge to the fullest extent Us obliga
tion* In this regard.
••It will iheref.>rc be the duly of the
commander of the army of occupation
to announ.e und proclaim in the mo*t
public manner Ihat we come not to
nuike war uie.n the InhablUnts of Cuba
nor u|a>n any parly or faction among
It will keep good
The accumulated filth «f centurle* bafl
been dei-.sa--l in th* soli snd harborffi
One canffet ply a pair of oar* in Havana
harbor without lningtng to tbe surfaod
the germs of disease. If soldiers not
Immune to these condllions go there,
they must suffer, thir garri*on troopg
Into contact with all Ibf
people, since they sre to act In a mcage
ur* as a police and coosUliulary forcei.
Great concentration of troops may not
genera] think* b*.
anticipate local dl*«
lurbance*. When asked If be could out*
line any original nr extraordinary meas*
Ore* to safeguard the Ameiican eoldlerg
against disaaler like (bat so narrowly
escaped st Santiago, he said that be
knew of none Iwy.nd the meihuds that
will be suggested to every enligbtsaed
person from the very nature of tbe
thrust Into the f^ will
' When tbs duihy <>r iladcn was oce»«
pled by l-ru*»iBn tr-s.p. afier the U»e
IMS. ihe <>m<-rrs' were
warned against plavliie at .Badeh*
lladen. Kite summer evening King
(then Prlncer Wi,helm strolled into th*
gambling rooms and nolkwd an officer
In cltllian's clothes sitting at play. H*
bad won twice on the red and wag
about to pick up his money when he
cauiffit Bight of the pnnee watching
him. Teftot stricken, be aat qulel. wM
daring lo reach out for bis winningB.
The red turned up a third and then •
fouith tlwie. A* the maximum waif
i kly reorhf-d the prince touched tilt
shoulder and said g^ntlyi
Take up four muney and go. lest eog
of your chief* flnds you here.**
Of t ourse the soldier goi ool Imag*
Two days Uter there was a review’s
during which iTInce Wilhelm slgbte4
the culprit and sent for him,
"I.li-Ulenahl be seld, "after pM
went away the red turned up foW
times more. I prevented you from wins
nlng four times ihe maximum, which
would certainly have stoked. “
will draw on me for that
gamble again.*
----- jid German gen*
eral who lived lo see his last victory eg
Sedan have stated as follows: "It wag
the kindnem of the leewMi that curc4
me of gambling. For me ll was
than a year's iRipriaonraent."
tnanlpuUung insurreettons' agali
Am--rlcan control whenever revenge
pollilcMl advantage can be gained by it.
The talk sel for H»elf by thl* country
I tbe quelling of disorder In Cul«.
In the mailer of pulling down or.suppresBlng political ui>rlalng* either active
or Incipient, the army ^ummandei
the iNiwers of a dii (aior and may
8«t to Santiago In cxc«s of the need* i.camiw In Minnesota and lien In Arlto--j Second and S.-venlh corps
persons who are dangeroua to the'
or Uie army there was p.-rfortly whole- ' ns. ooo fc i al-.ve the *. .. Sin.-e ihere ; troops to the chief strategic
employment and In their peace of th* Island.
some after It reached the north at the -will h- no danger of an attack
lack ujion the j Cuba and establish gairl
I ainler j personal
., ,
rights. All pei ■ : in a practical way the military' occuend «T many weeks.
Ainerl.-ah ir-e>|n>. thr
quarter*. The stations
• Ha- ■ sons who, elther’by •live
will put to tbe supreme test the
"Ai to the trouble to be encountered .-essity for crowding them i.wethec
Martel. Nuevllos and itlsaU.n. co-uperate with the UnllH prufesslona of tbe Cubans (hat their de
from the people in Cuba. I feel certain large camp*.
•mp« '' I would' favor putting ; Cardenas on the north____ _
Slates In its efforta to give effect to thl* sires are purely patriotic and that they
that- the Spaniards will not make
In lemporao' wooden barru.-ka ;-^uegrai on the south coast, will .posts a beneficent punxise will receive the re relR-lIrd in order to secure civil liberty
I. >oiume.r*. wnos* Pinar del Hlo. Puerto Principe.
Prlncl] «. Sant
ward of Its auppun and protection. Our and domestic quiet. These they
SVC l»en severely ■ Clara, Hanctl Bsplritua gi>d other
occupation should be as free fi«m se have by co-operation with a power am
.en thlng to gain hy It. Of , crllkl.wd, I believe that they haw U-c-i j Wor to^S- Th«i P
tavrail ^n verity as poaalble."
ply able to secure those blessings.
country that has been at long enough la service to hav.- l.-arned ' '
t uperallo
Plnce the procUmaUon
Another lest of Iras algnlflcan
war for a number of yean. ________
everal upr
the prorinee of Santiago under the world, but of vital momem In view
element ssringt up. Such an element
. Xsw Way la Kill Masqnltaae.
............. .............
........ — -• I<«eneral Shafter's rule the govertimeDI
of America s destiny. U the quesuoe of
exisli In Cuba and win be dlaprwed .10
tack, landings for fliihustera or plaf-*s ! has demanded the evacuallon of tb« health In the tropics
Ics for men of northThe Mexican Central Hallway oe*h«'
make aome dlsturbancwB. bol It can be the varipus rampa *
of refuge for patriot armies. Pour ->f i whole Island by tbe Spaniards and as era habit There U
J Bb
nb fi
frost In Cuba to
cowrollcd with the greatest ease.
divisions ordered to Cuba will I a result tbe army will garrison the kill
kin the fever. anir*n
anir«n epidemic may
‘Naturally the Cubans themselves are
"Smallpox makes headway In Cuba
chief center* of popuUtlon egpressl rage all wlMoer—The army under L* win be of Ineetimable value. To sboW
autpl. Ir.us toward ever)' one on account
---------- once U gets a hold, because the Cubai
property and personal Clerque, wMch Napoleon sent to Santo bow earnest they are lo fh* mAtter
-f the
- which thwy have been i Bo not vaccinate. All of our soldiers, teries will be included In the force U
e manner
and religious r|ghu of the people until lAinuqj^o. sqncred throughout the whole they have created e new office—that of
trasled by the Spaniard*. It I* dlfBeuIl ' whether regular* or Tolumeera,
garrison Havana. The Havana garri a new ^w er Is c
iwrtod dqd fas reduced by disease from
son will not be quartered In the perma
10.0M-t« A-mrre handful. A similar ex- folio was awarded'to Captain George a
...... —s may be deemt
nent building* of the city, but will gc
snpreme powers are per1(l||pe befell the army under Laveaux Sperry, suiwrlnteodent of tolegrapte toe
Vaccination it compulsoi
into camp at Mariano, eight mile# dis rlaltned for the occupying belllgevenU. a a previous expedition to Halil.
the company.
i -dn-ihe army, and It can be made i
tant upon a puteau SO# feel above the 8(111. local and municipal Uwt arc con
The army now on the way to Cub*
^ Ula^, Cut,an* and othsia. heartily j among the people of Cuba. It
Experlmenu in different parts of the
level of the Sea. This alte was selected
dMlre thl* to l,i. the eventual rosull.
| ural that Intense excitement resulted by tbe military board sent to Cuba by tinued In force unlesi necessity cim- has much is lu favor—the- season, past Vnited Btalvs, and In Kew Jeracy ia
pels the mllllary governor to set them
ee and little prospect of hard particular, have demoostraied the tact
i apprehend that tbv» Is veo' mils from the condition of the Fifth corps at the war department for the pnrpoe*
orpregpeci •' any more fighting • D nlng.
the extenBlaatlon of tbs noaqaitg
Cuba, : Santiago, but our expertenee
locating the garrisons. Tbe board r»
Tb* troops Which (be govei
nl Is to not a parallel to alarm the counlrr omraendi that only a small garrlBon b* der. The police and consUbulary. tbe long period wlU dcmuuitraCe whether
be accomplished.
Judge* and other official* arc
S there win number iOTOM
. met and
h exchange. In dlsctuslng tbe mat*
al present. At least 7i per cent of the retained In the city of Havana proper
, or more,
"SclentlUe Invesiigatloa hag
for fear of Infection Ih ease Che soldiers people allowed
•If call-.i upon ,0
nake hi
the fact ihsi a few grains ot
the malarial fever, from which (hey re
e quartered In the old bulldlngi^ The usual occupations.
Cuba at thl* lim* of the year, 1 would covered very slwly. before the attack
dread demon which annually blast* the
sgauate of potash will dsstray ag
In elating that he would not expect fair Pearl of the Antilles and never yet
to- to get It u|H.n high grodnd, with the of yellow fevertind other complaints admInlatralloD has decided to have new
mosquitoea la a large areffi
and clean quarters for th# soldiers while trouble from the Bpanish element Ocn- spared man nor woman, black nor
qulio swamp. At I osnu an aerg
campa as far as posathle from the came
le un towwn^he end of July, and in Cuba
erat Phafier intended to reslrlrt hli white, 1.
mosqulloei can be klUsd off for •
aderllnc. Perhaps for
towna I would not have the camps really
pul my commaad In tbe
At Marlann the camp win be divided wordi to the Rpanlsb citlBen* having all a not
large, and l .—•--- -' w-hoi
space of 10 dayo. and as the breeding
time Is bul two months 4 osnts will Ins
Heed, and bel
property Interests at stake la Cuba. eon of the veraeUl* man behind l
wiy a Urge th* time tbe generals united in ssklng The water supply wlU he taken from Tbe
sure protegtloD for .tbs entirw yssw. Thl*
gpanlah soldiery, however, form a
tick list can be avoldml,
for [ that H be removed wna
waa the 50 days of
-if the Hatans aqueduct. A new- dock Is dletlBrt
wTni« Whal I
places II within tbs poenibimy of a
dement without the patri
UO* winter.
b“l I campaign V"-n <»>'•, had nothing bul
lag built to fscmule the quirk land- otic apirll of the civilian* whose forstate.
• certainly a city, to eiutn«
mer we eannoi tell. The natter of' meat, braej’and coffee, without change
I of iroup*. Tallons and equipags.
tuaw arc bound up la the fate of the
rid Itself ^
THtf MuBlflirO E800M>»8^WDAT. BrOVBMB»B 87, 1OT8.
b ' onl* chance wiA for atrtnebndy to
11. and 1 knew life waa at aweot »<» **»• |
jinera aa it waa
-iDfiinciiTclr wa bepan flrat talking
Bt<Mb eery nleauiil te Iba eat.
lU-u.' rol^ r. tf ber.;t
Ot one Ufr, ithlch Mdiar tahot,
InXltiillaB-* Bis
«lie <:»** WerkB That
Ar. Do-B wiifc «.
to become • Ko^el aaitieiniciM. orat
•11 arenii aD
>■ tbe ambition
tt a*ory yonnfi artiit. fot memberehip
fa Cb« academy meani mot-b more (ban
Iba mere iiRtat io pot the Utten R A
be nmld.
;'Tl.eu we had to decide who abonid
Jta amt 1 a(.pjio*Bit, of oonrfe, that we
woold driiw Jula. bnt one (rf the men
apuke ll|> ui><-X|aa'li-llly:
aouie frienda who had been abowiugbim
•■■wiiiuvr giew.’ ho aaid. '(loean’l
the town. sSoiueUxly bad •■UKBeated a want inaiart fi.r eoine boor*. The acont
little game of <lraw aa an apiifopriau' aB»> jii-i lifter daybh ak »a the l»iat lime.
_____ ie ll"•«llBtl■
i.Tiif' Pidlliugthi«*iug
wind np of Ibe niglit'a dlreraiou.
after onc'i name and to exhibit pietom
'■No. I don't pUy poker any more."
IB tbe floe palleTieeai Borlinitftn'HoBM
atid a biff wi«icriii-r wtiu came into an
Id tbe firet place, au academician la an
tbODt tbe way llie' man wbo aboatd go
abonlil jiianeuyer to beet adrantage be
fore raiaiiig the qmetioo wlio abould be
I tbe man. It took only a few minotre,
i tboosh, for theacoot U> gire bit adriee,
! which «-a« for o'H- to nilo not. jraTlng
la w'bMi'li«nilk. r..'hi<'f
i*« waa in keep
to the ea-itwHid and ri:le a« bard aa he
dannl lowa--d tbe Imliaiia.
I abiitply fiir the weakcat point in their
linMowurd hia rislit. Hi- rliooiil tbi-u
make a dii»h and ride ashanlaapoeailile
Qi.nl If wax -Jtl orer. fitiug aa often at
Aa<l tbi'o ■n|i|K».- (hat Ufa U aat>.
AMort<i> ii
Think (BoiSrrly li.
mth Dina to OB
op town clnbbooae tbe utbtrnisid with
»qtiiw by tipbt and not merely by
•OOrtefT. and. fortber. -be ia. entitled,
iboiild be eeer come on hard tlmea.
• aobetasiial iieneion of betwe.n £S6«
•Bd £4U0 a year. U be diet l»v)|K bie
widow nopmvided for. tbe academy al-
••Why. how ia llialJ” eaclaimed one
of bia frienda.
Iowa bar a liberal ■nm for her waiale-
u and tbe aaaociaUa' wld-
wiio poki i': VkV ranplay frei-n-..-.il. and ]
ihrei- gami-H will aaiile it. Ibe winner (
"Yoo need loirtay a tlifl
You baaen'l awom off.
droppMig oui each liine."
‘•Till- propoHiiinn cangbt in<\ Yon
know 1 n«d- 10 pride tnyaelf on my
_______ i
an tnwy reawna apart 5”"
tberv Ik no excitement in Ibe game foi |
BDd glory ^hy tbe
*enlptm^ ;
«bite« abonid wlah •<> ^e«
That’s the way we aim to make it pay you to buy your Dry
Goods and Clothing HERE-at this store--for wo know
purchases will not be satisfactory without.
We’re Having a Special Sale on Cloaks
Tlie u
btiiai. playing on a
^6.4 and
on thi. gioond
Ladies’ Jackets.
ThethrilUng awry tberoof mna - ' • ■•Y.,n would think tbe detail, cf n
wt^Te h^Aif n^^
^ pa.mi l-k- that would fix them^lrea in
lo gel on. «
year.'^when they find j
'‘It wa. a doiwn yean igb. wh® 1 the memory ho that I wwld be able to
fenng year' i..-. ^—• -....................
.. .
with tbe nwal allow-jblly^'rcry hand I beldairfeTery
(wdy bnyer. andwre talked abunt in i
luadi'. wimldn't yont Well, 1 ,
■ Ilf frtwbiira* and ignorance of fron•odety. be lakea the firrl dep toward •,
111 fact. 1 can't tell
Hme down on tbe liet of candid
wai rertainly braata.
Child’s Jacket^.
All new. tWa arauin'a maimfactnre. at prieca
$1.19 for........... $1.76 to $9.00 walne*
lem Ibab pauat in Pebroary.
$l 79 for............$3.00 to $3.26 value*
$2.29 for............$8-60 to $3.76 value*
1 roam^
u tlie first man to lose all >
$2.99 for........... $4.60 to $6.00 value*
I aionnd the cannery raflmr for the bettei
$3.69 for........... $6.60 to $6.00 value*
$439 for............$6.60 to $7.60 value*
$539 for........... $800 to $8 60 value*
■to $18 00.
ooenra among
Wbeo aI vacancy
............ -.....
blue fooleeap paper ate
(tether with a reqoect that
yahaliyuood at tbeacademyoot
toward one of the principal villag^
(be rwldtina iwere partionlarly ,
•oadnoted in a aingular and eiimewbat
—a method which took the place abont
*0 year. Bgoof the rongbasd readyiya-
You Can’t Do Better
„ .woPtbii.g like that. I
..-The „rg,fr«*.oot. betweenthre^of ^
0^ waa a onmpanUi»ely abort cam
-1 bad been out hontidg for ■ w«k
minute* for
with., couple of teliow. I b.fi met m the aoofft logalber ii
lu all the cbipA but.
^ ^ theiowiw. when we got tbe new. ; sbiirt aa it w as. I managi-dto get myscl
j^m a eiraui
eirauger whocame into uurcamp
,i«., , jmjp, tbiingh I
.III ful
For your own interest, than to get our prices and aee the
goods we offer in every department ot this store.
"* of the tliiuiKlil Ilf tbe valni
^mined w b
hep we questioned him—not _,^,,ioB whicli, I ba.e noticed, alway.
loo clon.-ly, for inqui
luisitiveusHi i. at a
w itb my play.
. ociatea are large ohstjuui
bat caan^ __
dinroout ou mr
bowtil ltd gamer began,
••Wla-u the tl
: •»***«?ally-mat be w«. wont itithe govern- ^,07. I pulhd maw-lf togith.r with
^.bentemtematega^^J^^ mei.t empln, and waann hi. way « ynn
Both aimd
BMdi acoree out with a pencil “»«•«*
g| tbe artist lor whom be vt*^ «>
•otaaudhati<Utb^I«mmarkrf to
Iba eectotery. Tbeae sboriogi <>Qt are
known as 'ecruteW' at Ibe acadi
Bad tbe weretary. after
Uiis cumpaiiy.
„ „,l m I er.T ha.i bei n l- fo
.. -TUere's likely to be aome pretty
-fbe man 1 played I
he said wlieu
aaked a ;, aguiust, ibui.u.ewas
^- we
...---------toistiuiswas a
a young
young Knglish,1..,.
-r... is •h..>.wt h.-tiIs are not ^
.............................. ................... >.i..i.i. !
tmill « hmu 1 bad gf*wo to edem highly [
on the warpatb now liny will * « • io'fb7‘i»,..rt titns I bad known him.
day .........................
or two. and
Ml-ws Will
will do a
d you MI.'WS
j.* |,o„e oev, hrur.1 ibia
Reliable Oq Goods, Carpet and CMing House. TraieiseCiq.
ibe pap
■ •“’-“"■y amart trick If you torn b« k.;....................., .luryTaid I 'hT.V
have bwsn given to aacb
••Tgrnmg back, however, didn’t aw'^
,ha, bo
kill.-d by th^ diao*
very atirariivo to me when ihi-n-wag ao
,1,*, be waa on a hoiiiiuk<i.p but i
Tbecleotiooia tbenadvancedanc^ much exciieiiivut aboad. I promptirxg.
uever lieard of hi. last game of
«age Ti« Iffvridenl, whte by vin^
marked tha. I thought 1 would go-^n
ftia office, occupies the-obair. dir.-wM witb the • .mi and off. r my swrviom to ^
BBb (a Beltev.
O leday BUly. tbal'a tuy brother, be
a playin by a
tk« tbe name, .if all tbiiee t^idate* the captain lu cummaiid. 1 told yon I
-w. h.d each SOfi beana. and half a wd hammy D-i
Vbo have
,l!““ ,**7k w« |m>tiy brash al tbe time, and I ^ doxen hwids were dealt before either of mndh.il.-. BU'l Biily be mid
“acratehea' ihall bo inscribed in chalk
kuawlodge «if military affaire. By
, ,
Ttejionmv deal'
"N.iw, naiuiuy. le s play
id lie
lie down
apou tbe hlackboa^ while those »
waalliml tlw captain wonld be
three deu.vw and made it 60 U> i barnyard. V-.u l« tbe |ng and
ril be a boll and belli
beca give® have ofnrtber ebaraaf ‘
meAU.%^hV.Tr<^we;wL He d«-w"one!Uke everything.”
baiug elected.
I and BSMJciaM* tbeai
Tbe 801
I wboee
) again for the «
are on tbe board. Tbe two leadtog men in this oooirat are now selecled
tor a final tallot, tbe winner in which
witii him.
■■l-iio(K-<-d tbal
a little ruriciusl;
la- evirteiMly
i Better than Ever
........................ -
cardmidl.1 itliewiibontloukiDgBiil.1
*io they gui .h.wn 00 tbeir bimdi a^
knees, and liaiuiny be got in the mnd Y
*‘lll^Tw^bi'diTm^ig. <>f .•onrae. and 1
and w..ll.-red, while Billy bellered like ‘ #
thought It wusncii hi«
am w.ff.-glad than 1 am of almort anycaiu teudi-rfiv-i. and he only grunted. ,
^ almcwi nae- enm out muddy—y<in never w-e 1
My twooumpauj^were as freah wl j
*1 made the worat muddy liiiie Irller-and he laid
Bnt #
and w e told Hie aemt we would gc
r «w made. 1 liked the man yon be the pig. and let me belief.
tf be had iiootjeciion.
well, at 1 mid, and «me impnleclhat Billy “>•». "1
The oeademidans are eloctrfi In p^
'••li'iafrec couniry. and • —
I and can't Tore dinner, and it'll be iimo nuu iw .
tomly.be ..me manner, extvp.,bat tta ^ ,„v.-l wb.-n vtr yon like.’be
yon to beller wbeu yer mother ceM yer . *
clom. "—Scrap B<iok.
tba ontUdera.
All mia syvam oi
,f,erwgrd» i-h-ur*.
•'•Bratches” wd -hl^rkboard. ’ a^a
befom dawn and bad *"1!/.
before, andl
BUnbroof and 1
"Now V
“^"uTid te g^ b^ A
J elrdra ^Te
ry rare^ atle
•eenrs. and in this caae the president.
«.iuht.al.s«c.-. lbeac»d.-n.icianwbo
tog vote. Wbe. Mr, K.nes.
featUe painter, wai elected, b* tied in
, final
ballot witb
Mr. Ju’-kaoo. tbe
BTObitefcl. ami to Mr. Oaldhriin iwbnin
—- •
Tbe amuriatw have no voice in
todbliOD id % pTWiideol. tbe P®'^ ®*
noting ratting »-mirsly with tbe MBadpmimana
Sir Johns Millais tbe late
^amp lhal night. There were arill acmie
^ when, as we were
t.ill, ttiesooutsuddenly
lcap.-d from hi. bone and called
““'“'r ■:'rSJUl
muiiii ........... •• -- - - •
..i all lt«-
scalist unlew
btlpcanu-. for thi-re was uc
kucw lau.luia.it
JUKI out o{ range
4800 orkgOO a y«r i. providto for tbe
r ruids.
firtv Alreadr.
sliook. iboogh. aj.|.arently.a
ofth rur.l ..v.-r as h.’
d np I
npb may all Huba.
BOlde effort. Tbe hour ««l trioni
the blanket Th.-y
a:fil I swear 1 aaw l»> far diaUul. Ml in the sight of
o <;o(l ■
• lie UK>k«-d at m
n-U you be waa a
tibgrel iu ills eyes
d to loru uiy band
man. .Then I nianag.-d
ovi-r. I had .Irawii the oihcr eight."
The W.-Sieruer sioinavl. Be Urained
aud ilu'U •tai.l
bring another bottle and
4^—, —
Tbew devili
,he right enot."
H is here already—Presbyterian Jour- ■
,.tld h."drink. M ..id:
Cheap Rates
to Chicago
"V.hi don’t wonder, do vou. that I
»«“ “
— ... b.«o» - b.! «.ub Sirs. Petosker and Charlewii
m - —---------------------------------to tbebands.if the irnrtivisfiis’snoi fall
tor short of ttmOOO. On. of tbi. mou•ytbe *ho..U on which kOOorSOOrto-
will .boot, MHd uu bidiui will IWV.I '■’T.njT’tu.n, i.ti'1 tuorb more to It. At
ts-iug shut if be cnii get fan man
ilmt i-ilw end of it as I think
Wec.u’t fight our wa.v cut IHu, Tb^'glJ-hmaL sb*^^^
xberc’s loo many of'rm. Andwecau’l „.„b us all and raluaway. Wewatohed
etsy here any iMger than we can live
uutil be f. lE and hemnst l.avogone
tod painter, and acolguirsare mad. yiij,
«t«i mIK-s U. ihc vh.1
■ hjtbem.
loloa I'h.tru a only .me thiuKthall *«-.
Upou itu: academy alao falls tbe ex-;
MBav of ihf -auunal Uu>qa*d, which
. -
Round Trip S3.
dualb wTib’i^
Mm-CJre.uB-1 l.t ar that termb Jnn-
laekul him what H was. and gpn„y bad ma.iv in Sheffield. Koglaod. «•*•«** Wl» I UOAIAAOlte
brt-in' he la kill'd.
Mrs Brown—Tea. and 1 d.in't blame
ter one mite. He’a a wousler. W. old
tli8 0tw*ramayataoilaob«iK».
•• We all ImAed at one aootbet in at-
a boiJeu A nomUt to EnglUh
bate been naing tbia armor «ooa
•on believe it. he acioallg used (me to
ter golf riicka for a p&ief lb. oib«
--------- iugl-Borton Trmmwript.
len« tiTi^sal while. My b'®?** *■“
rotd at iMPirt's of Tiding ooi aiofe init
tiuii i-ck to OtniilA. but I rcaliaed that
tfaedayato Iba yon tail rieU.Eiiq«i«t
If we -all riOe oot.
>n.n MM *
siroi.g i uongh to
Shoes and Rubber Goods
South Side.
404 Union Streei
‘ Be Interested,
be B.iid :
Tests anti <->-4ts which art wartuut.
•••II OUO man ran make h.s V»J.
lo sevore ll.-ti, immoo.lyfroiii d.ath BVllA^Jr'ot'i'hb^^-IJc'.'ii'th
«mtb-j«t ter eunugh St. tbal the i.oj«
g^diuary css.--to attemins
u|n« at
at assaautolhe ftmigwdl rc^-h Ibe empany.
TM armor is of ..
Ibe cuptaiu will wnil a « srehlug party,
.t. prt
priw-* sod >Hinul*.
tA i itn
H-'otl furqursiioslibt.
It all dfia udsoii bow far iba ma:i §*« ^
„„ j„comi.r.
ten' is g.’tug to gut a divorce trow her
We wi*h to reduce our stock immediately a* low a*
possible for removal In order to dp this we ebaU offer our
entire line of
E. B. POPE. Aront.
, Phone S«.
SoM is-rbai* kduu’uc iAUU. beaidoa any
A Beate.
Removal Sale!
! At such a reduction aa to move them quick. This is a rar«
chance to prepare for winter at a email cost.
Money saved is money earned.
■ppt^ed and s
’"“4,^““"^ without waiw.
fuliv ihree nuirs. A gwal mol.y Indians
•Bd don..h«r
doo....«r TO
"1 Hiked him if
.f tbe
the captafnwMldnT
capt.fn WMldli 1
^ wJ
rmintt triu, KtS'
given. Util/e is beard-of tbwe cbariilM
„ ».,n-h for him. and b« aaid tb*. ,
• .
,j,p oompuny Ttckstii intod r*
fay tjie puMic. hot they are very ^sldi.--^^j^
j,e waa ctauiug.
•eabk and the declining years .d man^ 1
^ «irt. -and
His t
•BBibet of minor obarg«v •»- ***■ axaiatoe, thi- payjm-nt to the st-K’i ilug and
tenging ioinn.itlsw al the spiiug
hlbilinn.—I'oaratm's Wtvkly.
; TRLElTIOXTi \0 4-3,
^,.|„,„.d.,„,b.ik„.,w..honBbnooue w-ird’hu., ...d ... wvc two xyUabloa
I naoally could —Isondon Aoswr-
shut me np all tbe «xma
Piuaily be midi
,hi, „y,
iiiiiug ins Diiu vaiu lie (MWMisj
——--------------m broke incouB- ,
«!, "but in the «xnct.v in which I ani
^ „ mrenatometi K. move we prononnw that ■
Bverage from i.-J0.«(}0 to MS.WO.-wnd
og up
L, .be Judge
Ooriug hi. wimming
tbe wtmf "oanihad OQoaaiua to
:-ric g.« me one look, in Which 1
tbe ai->ut said tbal four mfiicoold rraii a
"nt.urcriiititm of what 1
of out r;fl:-s.
.. .. .
"Tin- S'
ild see mat ne wat
time hut w-e
any ct n^ and wc
ibmknig at bard
tty hu-y
tea been very revere indt«l.
, be aiiSibiug to suggest, or al
,The post is w. II worth a atmggle. for
'ling that 1 could
M catriea with
--— it .dtolantiid
. rer-----------iiiius v»,
• o make a dash aud
■ ,1 and arusuo
tiou. l«-»ide» gnat aoeial
,ur,.ogb. .
„ auvihiug
_ in
_ reply when
Airtiuciibu. Tbolsce Hir FrancuCHkn'-..Sobiaiy said
■ ...... ..
and tbe aoont gave
to the iniJn-stof wbieba aalar} of aome * ted,
disgust that made mu angry
„ .po, ,0 mvd. n.^. ami 1 aboved oiely in *hicn I am .ooostouied lomove , ^
“4"^^ p,), ,^iibunt look- we pronounce Uie word ’broom,’ and M i a
aave a i?llalile.'’
-'He had MCiT^Indiana. and. to oot 11
to«sideiTt. warn elected by the onani
Bons vdlB of tbe iiu-ml'ete. a fact wAiicb
■net biive ticeiJ exltvtm-ly gratifying to
oiburoothat great arlist Uo« uUBiiue i.l,
■aiuui the fight lor the pgnudenlafaip
Tbe academy ti immetisoly wealthy.
flodi. and ►muchow 1 frit ibut be bad case made nm daring an .tgnm«t of
j sh-mld have drawn the word "brougham.
l,nt I didn’t. 1
"Excoae i«y iuteTropting yon. Mr.
1“„ Brief." ..id the Jodge. ’ bnt in the tee
Since the fire two weeks ego our
Dudertaking Kooms bare been
nicely repaired, and with the nicest
stock of goods in Northern Michi
gan. we are in better shape tban
ever to do- everything required of
up-to-date Funeral Directors,
___ ASA'S
,KWsiDt AdSi!
In our new display of Jewelry, Havilaad Chinaware.
Bilk Umbrellas, Stringed Musical Instruments, and
Strings for all instruments. Complete lines an^
everything new. A personal inapecdon Is sure to
please you.
fcio bi»fc. (npprd the
tnm bl« pIpF, wnk tiMk In bU elurfr and,
«Bt rmdlDK
n hsivl, Mt
«lir- llw. It
«*l.r «hr
llcklBR fit t
' el.»k and Ibe
' e Onp of tba llnOn- limke t
■■ of IUw'booae. but ibranicb i
- saleww blow In*, j
whItUlnit In U» prtn* tiid*n. |ilu.._
ibo w Induw*. mundn* cttvarllr
In cn-.I.w asdcbii
■ ■ niwy. At Im.wt-aU n*i
hufTTinit foot luui idrd akin* tho pw**iDcnt. StradllT pw t mait tbe tramp of • '
. _________
A* ?..n* while he wat then Ihtanln*.
drcanitnu. At laet be anwe and. pullln*
aiide the bflDd. looked out. HlRhir dark
It waa. tbe pane* atreaked and rain aplat♦.Tirf, tbe ll*bt« tilumd adown the etroct,
the tren brjrond tbe budno eUndliiK out
•raont and black aEatuet a iowerlt.* ik*.
Swlabl came the tain: whl.h! «hrlvked
tba wind. Oh. a maud nU-ht. ihou*bt
Pater, and turned.away, lint elrep WM
n him. and hiM l>ook wa* flnl«b«d.
and tbe tire atUIhlaud. Invulumarlly ba
«ros«d Ihe room, turmd low the Ump
Ait. too. bsT* bivO lb* droAbMi
Thr; follow tbo imclr'* off I.
«bv Mr.’ .wifr M'llb I..1J •
On tiM a<M whrrr brarr mm InlL
kin* OB an an*tne, the driew
«f wbicb waM John Mor*an. lie bad beeD
muir jmn In the oompany’a aerrkie and
bora an exoelleot rbararo-r fnr ateadlBM,
trhrn the Iwllle boom i> aiktit
And III-' c--huinB tlrnieli-r dua,
tb.T taaei.' tu tbej-uin red aoddaa
«Uli the Uoud .* •aerifiv.
teeinrd -ui l« alwar. la the aulka
I auppoae. of a aurly
(tartidiinu mumhi* be biitdlr mswetwd
luldn-Miyllnhhii.Bi i seemed
luorv surly than UMial. Wh. n he head
*uan! *j,e ua tbe al*nal and tlorm>n
luriMid Ihe handle, we moved sloaly and•
au<adll>' out of the Ptatluo. When we *ot
well out iototbeouuiitry. Murimo turned
, to me and said
Id ebonly, "Unrauinl!"
The flic that Srate ahwe Iken
r. ti.erked will: ■ miuma sqpu
PlMltr el a ro-nt
Aud tbe rUird h.a<1 di.naa
nat oore fte.niMB'- n Iruptlaa
K K-w rarlli'.
-at 1 wTTi.-. to ibr ftcM «■! ralor
Blind loaa'M tmoKirtal cTo«.
And m, Xlff fidlow'the l.oiie
d h..^ the drumi-al •rati.
31 a liu full.
—Hariu-r’a I
, waatod, as tb.-n.- was q
jiush In ib«
1. Hnwever.
onlyau uoderlln* and
: muei <ilay rtaM.nnhU' urrlers. So I eiuked
'as bidden and then eurtuuely waich.d to
ine If the en*lnc drherwould turn on full
. tpnd. He did noUiln* uf the sort, but Mat
.with fall bark to the tmllRraiHl la-ganto
, talk tome ijulte afTably. Amnii* other
••Tbore'e u.’i aw uf yonr «Byio* a Iblnica b<- said be was quite tirtxl of
*Bd.seatluKhlmwIf tetare hi. little par- word-'- otelalmed the woman of the perrviual ir»w-Jln*. and that b.- meant
lor orxan. l««an tunldlhK the '
look mil fur a wife with a little iiiuti^aild
• she had opvuud the
never eel foot on an engine again. Wo
struck a few lil*. ooleain cbprdA
mlnilekrtl tbe wind upon the treble and
ootaidtt “I know yun."
and by that time we were due at illinton,
•eboed tbe tuo.nl t rhli
baas, wandered Id],
anUy br menwt ebi
prwayou might think,
opi-mu* chords of
the awtwt old tune of ' Abide
ma-.tn-"I rwoRoia.-.! y.m aa aooo as I ■■
yon Ynu caaV—
••ynn're the man wbo sold me
a big Jui
et which .-vi-rv li........... ......
So wo liad pU iity of time tu talk,
Alioutaii hum afb-r leaving PaddingII the mid-
I expnaculaml
with him, and polnlerl
•wange harmony.alih It. and at auund of
"**• * wanted to tell yon. na am. ool that we wi-ra going at a high rate of
speed and would nut neid mom <oaI b>^
Cl the winds tell and the rain ooaaed lu ,
patter, time Mood still, the world bung ! - "It woaldD i wash anythin*. The fore BllnUin. but this____
I to excite
Mlent. tbe past Oasbed In, and then aat longer
r yon owvl
mwd it
thn dirtier tbe clotbsw *»”■
him terribly
terribly’ "Sbovd
"Sbovel It In r be roared,
r. looking cut acrosa. the ywuw. and ' got, yoo
yoo cooldo-t
cooido-t tell
sell me
me auTtbing
auytbing wHkanoalh. -rni going
and It waaa Sabbath ',
If you was tu pay me for takiug it
mnlngln^iuS?untl.uooftlwlu^a*o.* ’ ^^^^'"^",'^}7^"^
ToraUafyblm I look np asbovelful and
1 navbod tho Orubox.
«n tbe hillside all Is dim
By tbs organ ever have tbeebano^to duitagaiD.
Dwindles burn dimly.
7%e ehaaoal <»o l«H y«n that. Ill aell that washing
"Yun oluiiisy f.sil!" be oalM oat.
ir of fading______
fading oolon._ ,1 luMbine Iwck lo you f.
for 60 cenla It "Here, give Itio me’" and, enaicblng the
Wlnd<m Is a lung blur
Iheublct Iwnralbonly alaixUbrd stRwk. 'duran
What you've :«bovt-l out of my hands, be crainmed on
Thnmkb the open dairwoy and tbe diaI wouldu't coneb It wilh aglauch ouel ache could get
Mood pai^ sldrllgbu.talU . bas.v after- i ,eo ,,K,t j„|,^
yon can ulk milll
lieglnnlng to gia alarmed, and
1 UU au, gouu.
, >»‘‘lng.iut .ivur tlw Well known country
,h-man who hadB>al yourney many a
plnetopa behind thcgallkgL
wbo had time |s.i.,f„_awthatwewere much neafwlndowoommUilfrinteMlwlllghl.
im but Unlest twilight Uka I ^
h r^'flUs^r
at that
nd pulpit
and kHoI.eu roof is blax lut » her.- IbU trou hour
and be Blovepipe runs up tbrougb it! Tbafal
In a few mluuuw our speed Ineitsisad
tween them. bimiiFlf but a gluiM lu wblta, What 1 stoppod to"—
, anormoasly.aod loalculaied we weniravIhe fkgura of the nwlor. a tall, snowy hals
"Good laud! Why didn't yon say M? ellngatthe rau-of 70 milm an Ixiur. I
•d figure, speaking out wisdom and eulara What did yun WBlit in stand tbera talk
«fo>wht It wa. time to remonstrate, and.
•o tbs dusky shadai Mcaliurol sparsely ; in„
tbe bnnse is bormug opr
to Mow I notiori that the In
^ong^ pewa Softly,
............., j
dkaUir showed full speed. I called bis a»Uly. bU Totavoomes throi^h the glrain- |
"h ran.
i hmti.m to the f^ and begged him
tog ■ Far up are Uie l*.w«l'’llgu«-/J.“toe !
s|svd. or we sieVuld
nidalmswoiuen; liyibe font Is Ihegnarl.d
—Cbioago TribuDS.
Bllmon wUboul
Uboi being able to sw^
------------------- -----------I
"Ha. hs!" h.- criol In raply. "Stopl
pew are cJiUdm In while: ben-arewom
The starve la shaVe.aeaee's Time.
I'm m-vw going to sbip again! 1 told yon
ao In poke bonnets and ahawls.
Jobu Gburtiiu Oulliue, the distio- Tdjuakj^bcr irarel. What do you want to
handful of men travllv sbouldvns:
•Kh guirbud (WiBTirt aud
l^oarlerly Review- 2°P
on. old weneb. get oulud t^oarleriy
^ded, clad U, ooarahu of iw.-ed; in the ]
. Tbenbebursnmoahld-ouspealoflaugh
-u ,o
A raid swlAnif Bbralute terror brake
*6aa&it In, am. Tloy, tbe (elka mleha
Tbe two stood on nnplauted «renud—
*B odd atrip abnat a hendrad yards wide.
•‘•"•on eilber aide the raokt _
»R) tad the line, seemlnaly afmld to aaorosrb one lodi beyond their mark. »
"Oh, Sim. you never tneon fer oa to mn
awnpl Why. tw-iuld kill maw an AodI
Suann an Aunt Kllra?-*081.31 Tiny
IVonldn-l kill 'em. ’ be retinnded
"Tblnk of nie. danftlln on a strltr* n<*h
.« to tWM year a tvndy
It a a ».-.ndrr It
aln I killed me. thnt'awhatl Iberealo t
iKioiherway buT let os J.wt t.>*otwInni
the i'rraehi r. an when w.-'re man an wife
both our
kirk all Ihey're
to. Tberr's no use lii waltln. neither. It
' ''1‘a'll never for*lvr your maw, nor she
him. A’oa (in me'.i a-trenib1ln herr on tbs
ra*«rd e<lgp
e<l*p ofd|.4lvi-ry
of diuki
t I'll you I won't stand
a gntal while
ire There, there, 'l iny
1 ain't romnIn to la- (Tusi, but rf you vc got women
folks tu ieavo Tveg..! men folks There’s
tbe nlwiinutisi old man you
know it
It’s yeKt him to
see a pretty lltile d.ittcr right witbln
marh an him to rqfuso her beoauae It’e
Ic’e a comfort to fa-1 ef yuu'j
ryln Intowmh an obstlnale
fanibly. you're
K-tInate fambly.
AH the
■ime, I hole to l.-avi|fia an I nclc Sim. an
old John, thra's lien our hliv^l man an fed
bogs with US smee before 1 was l«.ni.
“But I'm a-guln to l.-ave ‘eiu. Tiny, na
you an im--|l start off Into tho World an
find a |ila<« fer nuraelves Ibun the .Saulsburys ib.f. left ran flglft li out with tbs
T.ylon tbri’s b-ft.an welcnme Sayyou'U
eome. Illlie girl. Bay you'll ooiiM-r •
Tiny lo.>ked opal Sim then with the
lookawuiuaa glvea a man only once In
iw Ufe iiid thit’when abo' bira^lTlow
with It...............................................alowlyweUed
and Umn the ^
into hor lym.*
"Uh. Stm.*' she oooeenuid. "but well
.....V ..rbld 'em gopdby!"
replied. MralgbtetilBg bltneelftobUO feet li. ••Tmallar the wedHardly had tbe two parted-lndeed the
abaklng taiarte of Ihe corn yet betrayed
theormoelm neih (.scb bad taken-wben
an old man Mapped grimly Into the char
I mrip. the stubbly iawid on bis set. aqnara
| Jaw ebowtng a sandy gray In tbe sua
A arant aklrKd calico dress and a sUl
{ eunbonnet. with a long pointed n.ilne and
; an obstinate rbln appearing wlihii
u they spied (a
ry and the wld
"Bern!" herald gruffly
"M-ra-m!" she said at the aame moiBcnt. with a little screech in her voice.
never tboagbt"—
b tbe beat ei*ar Is the market for
Five Cents.
Most popular d*ar in h'ortbera Mlcbl*aA.
Beery dealer aell^lt.
Made by
A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Block.
What you wanted »nd w6’ve got them;
Stock Fieh. Halibut and Whiteflsh at
reasonable prices. Bemember we kee^
Hams and Bacon.
Phone 167.___________
248 Front Street
If You Have I^ogs to Sell
Correspond with tbe Tnverw City Lomber Coxupwiy.
We have for aale lioM
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short M,aple W'ood
Hill Machinery of ill d
Set Worka. Carriages and Sava,
for Bale.
A complete Saw Mill Plant
you—but I do s piclon. now.
ihmii yrre long cnougb to aee
foek tbe sky oiid iwe tbi- dusk.
! RaI in f»tiD.
ts-tvHvm my Isiy an your
whatsgiiln on Is-cwivm
yhe voice dies away, and out oMhe huab ! Kke gcui-ral
n with In
I give yon my w.utl. Mis' Taylor. I
aome full ai.d nngliig
nnglnf tiie rail of the or ! (bealcra fur l)nll luicl bear bait!
never drun ptof It be^ire. an I stumbled
^ andJ tli<- vli-ar
dear Tisli
inb-ri.irwas tasiiimied after Ibe manuer ;
»»'' '<ai« and bounds, that threaten
on It today. "
The old bymnltls:lbeoldl
It of my Unv
of au iuu vard. The pit was scorcbal I
th« line «f everv
Hark! ''Abide with lur. 'ihi-y go; "fast by Ibe sun, wink- t}ie wtorr wera pt-.-1
onleas I'd follered hor a-purpuei' so on-n
Therawai nodoul* the man was ra
tolls theeventidu; Ihe darkm-ss deepens;
lu I'd Iw'n wonderin IhU long lima
lect.-d by a thatch^l peathonw.
How nwr wwius
Zgml, with me ahldt ’
lade oneeffort wbat lock her so often lb Ihixdlraetlon."
hoBVen and the puin.' of cial: How far aceuery was .applied by ilic imaglna
reai h Ibe luuidli- liy whh-h the stoain U the wunmn balf soUlml
Awqy tbe world and oil Its p.hut what was turned off. but the madman was to-sharp ,
'Mis' Tarlor. ... ...
„ r»Ka«ra lo
tu turmoil nnd rvMiloii
.!bange and | licking in Mciiery
iiade upiu umse for me. ".Soyou don't!''be shouted He upbuldln a principle nigh on to M yrar
one, U>e^yiiuil> k hb | aud boslle. things U-ii
kept very live- braugbe his shov. l down with alrcmen- ] now. an 1 d.m't know but what we've
groiulseAnd Uuwor. the BDclent In herleoi | |y
Tim luoal uunier- <*»"•' blow on Ihi rail at ii y sld>v just i shout wore it out Still ef ihnra haln'Umi
and fa-tdeoesa: "Change and dn-ay in all!
I among tbeandieuou were roist- ■“‘’tl'"'
l« wasptaln I c-uW do ' a rag left of tbe old fiag I'm hound to
around 1 see
U. tm u w ho rhongest not'' j
Would etraugem be of ; ^i^p tbe flagataff. an I a'pora yno-nitbs
—ah, Ibe pathos of the voices, the yram j
In Ihf
Ihf Sioge
ami in other parts were ; “f unVei out to the country
^•to^^tbom '-' nhlde with me'
Tims was
I htdn'l changed auoe!" abe ratorned
running s
Tltgruwii; il>u«ri.-Tgluw Ugona I
We wi.ra not lunrr than [
Darker B grows
The orguu swelU aud »»'««« •U‘1
SUmiln f
Rlimoii JniKtlon.aiMl II,
-Bntbi-ln so w. n pirasrd with Sim f.-r
foils, the voices leap and fall, chiar as a; eMing to kn-w. always bad a free pasv
|!h» whcile train '
ahead as he ■•h-aiic. spile i.f the
ball riiigsout afnAhyuiing trebk'.BQBiing
ng ji Tbe play li
laMed '
silly >1,1
tie w
vi ne-knl.
ne-keil. and probably
s ou au are
parrnuonlsdh sidtw. alsoacvln with juv
oat and up. Miundliig like t
vensong vd j age. aud. c
would f*s-s|ie unlnjbriv) own c.rrswhataoiwl.et an •■nsIblegIH
jiiise aud the .
a bird In ihe woods
when.spring bos o
koods when
you've raised, an Idee neriirs tn me by
emellk wfairb a
e performBark!
havA uu a.-lght.' slligi
in gll sIh'CC of the « boh- thing
no 111 '; BUtu. ooe wa*. \
nrkin voice ofyoolh.
In a M-lf itsiwctlD manner
M|p' ‘Hkylor.
I Blit s-irry wheo "
k h.-rv is death
. sting*" U crlra !
-................. .----------II
still bold
bold your
your laii.ml
iwi.ml from
from the
th.< govg
"Wbem, grave. by vlv-iorr*". llrar
; “"-'r
‘b P"?
guard was waving a nxl flag
Somolblng ! ernn eiit, eiubrac ln this here strip of
mpcMous voice «l vouihl
■=-------------!-----------------must Iv dour, aud by n.e. or wu sh.iuld I land* ho inqiilml
Uarkig It grows
The vulcav! etop. Tbs'
The theeial.
all Im inev luibly lo«l
I ma>l<- up my |
Tlio slat Ivnnnci nodded violently,
Ohaduvts hmvr. kmvl. are, Mill
A figurs
Tbe axis, eg qhoHul. dr. r of Ibe lodi
1 turvud lu Morgan with asimie I
'And rulh-r'o go Co law about U you
film P. lU-cl.an.vl
uMllis lu rat« an jjiigle can c-lal.u lo I* the ■■i.Mt-r
. niy fane, and I sa«I "t >hl.lsiy. you're , will rotus-bt I-have It a sorter oeatni
TIds Is fi 1)10- IUMV-. l>ot It I otrlpaslongnsy-ii llvrV
.d deer 10.2"''
favi I mxigh LuiK hi-re!'' ami I
Again the l■unfl■-tl giiaied
t Woboro.
Im l.yihrart.1 and hd him to |
'Wrll. I sUil hold iv-.v intent, loo. clearU tbe tub- tli/.hleoft
eiloif ,^11
I sh'uffliug. a moving of .h-d...
sh.wJows '*>* *»P‘'
' Idmg tilt
OBd Ibvrv are the old familiar raws
-. ! abeddmg
tb. ir
ir horns
horus or"i
or "lu the velvid,
tRvU. .v.ming up U-f« than us. and siw | « hl.b «.ur g..v.-rnmi-cl has made
Out from the poith ramo tb,-worship. ■ tbe axis
|ieTlr.-liuu. bulb of «d..r will |«.us tV.-must g., tasur, hut lot's: n.-ver g-> Ui. k .if my pn,mlse. nutb.-r. !
aberland. stovip-ot’ ata. tbeir fpras aitill K.h-mn with ibu i-vsre , aud BUllera. The large hetd of this sp^
Ht>i vvlio la
lii-r Unu furwonl | alsiut Itwvin It In tbeiml.-ral
1c while'
«U),.U ssv *'
And at itmes from
1 keep my clil
rd uol of irory
irorv a
and ■''d h«‘k
X-w. whe
Blgbt.' im-y my ami p-.
the ixiy
I.SW niai.luc sliTped oiKsIdoB tbe ' ouunsv of naiui
g.,Jd in the snu.
The slur.
of drums swept poet
John, the terry man. big 'i
id leanvsl lorwarvl Pi look (-r the | world It lie profs-r to supiavK-__ Ihe ^Id '
*bt-rt" Terry, ihu gurtlem-r. k-uii ai>.
luiagk air train. wHu I gave hlie a sud { maids buin otberwlso pruvldi-d fer. a* I'ts
-.1— .i.-.. ..s..- audmuxilrs of JW grnM'ish
blllig; Ibi-ra Ihnlis. tlir sldi.silmm'
.1 d-hi-Ml tn a hm]i-u the side always hraru—to sup|s-se ttaet yon'd bare
t> white and tbei••
and IsnsMl: iIht.. nrr Hu-i-hlliln-n. laughnskillist un the sjsd
With a yvuir farm here In loway to your aoie
en far away ie the s
luf I s| rang Uck lo theeiiglm | Imuc*'
while ,
tho youth who
luff the strain
ft vtns not r. j
It woaM.'l.Mn Taylor iwplM won-'
ran ship
blnl In sprlngtkue
Ah, a I
ti;u! .i-t)l t.s. S.MXI. We wvWBAVell III sight dtriiigl.vsieeruif Its oouroa
that' .Xotnowduvw bi-look at theidue: see Ihirovlei-i alnue
uf Itlo.i.Mi .luiiciinn btfurel Imd thelralo j
'My farm hein eknily good
They breeil ci
lops or the sky. not a th-iiglil Ims h>- uuw suiitly. soim tim.- |.r.»liu iug Iwolaa
pr-i:.rly iiiiuer is.nirtd
I puilid up at : live hind. 1 shoi
at denth .,r the grave
TIi.re lu- gw-s fitJ
u- pIntPgm
plntl-gm all rlgbi. nnd Ihixi
Ihim 1 (atnb
(atiilet^ ! feronru cin|
in the Cwi'lveiuuuth.—Bpec'luitir.
Whi-I. I ram,. I.., J was lying ..n a t».iirh j
Child I hiive In Ibe w.trld, an IL^ov^ opo" us heart
I die vealtiTig ns.iiiaiid He ti;.|-eclorwas
-l-eciorwHS '
ly Sliii
parwuoB »ei ured lot laakiBc exleorilua sway.
Then. 1» I undorstand It. l'' Silent and sullen, il
Now he Is at the slutf,-. splaltras!
' —-™'
standing over I,H . vv.lh his m telwok In th.-w- two tarnis tv.uld be atiaclx-d as
tog au-UQg the stoiira. kb-old.-ni
ooouceruod. ' bl- liaud. j i* js.n-.l l.i tukedon u my state
wings lu this here strrpuf lOu yards wide
boat, iuii idi^be ihwaris. s| ri
And leaiw tbe terrible dsalb.
s, "ai. 1 grow iiieiil W'l...i I suiu-d wos. thut the m:gine au ai>o autvs long
Xi-w, white tortu tWp
With flery
an tbe |.ler.« llta bvHt hi»k am:
older 1 ruthiv weli-ti
-UI Tbev blot driver bad gone mad and that, to save tbe yuukg Ihitigx an- sioalki their vraddtn
Proot each e
In they go Olio and all. J>-hn si
imuleu-Jy aud oo
l«“**<'|n'rs. I had kiiui-k-sl Crip, tbt-r.. might U-a log raisin on thi*
•tiller, loot Ihe old .-are.
braotyln the Watsi.'tTrBnh.s«l .aiMl youth | Hiow bow ouMOhsta
hev were
( sp-.t,
ul Ihev
were, aud
and ............ the engine -ust In I..
tin..- g.-t
m g.-t
lie haulln with ila> help of
but send herwirairtt
train under wxitrol Ufore nim.lng Inu-! 1>H.
y hinvl man, John
I -eftance bav V
tbe slalKUi. This "•»
was •’•■rraborausi
curroborauvl by
gnnday lea. with lam and cute, and tbs i
d **"■
An me to furnish two welw ri rintb of
trod) a root of aliita
tonipligbt shining on tbe happy-fu.«..
car^ will be sopplauled hr olbers aud gi,»rd and arveral pa^igvrs.and the cara my own ao Busan an Kllia'i splnnto. aa
■ heavier ball
PeU-r raised bis eyiw. laughed wifUy.l**” •" fouipleli ly give way lo them ' was lovmghl U-foiT^ solicitors of tbs tlH-quills an a set of pewter dtsbes!" said
knriiud out tbe lamp, thou nM.-aiHlsunedj Tbos i au> ouustoutly n-iniuded that , comiMiiy. 1 gave my evldi-nce ai the lo
Mrs Taylor, rising to tbe FOtbutdasm dua
for Ix3l. and a* ho went. stumUIng-in tbe! our oarv* really don't aiiioout to inueli. qmsiaml liivsid no mure of the tuatkr tbe sulqoct.
•Bfrtke your ftax!'' Ihe rebel enra
4srk up the stuira, th^wlnds were moan- except as We iumgiue ihem great, and , 0"«‘l «no di.y tbi. |<a»seiigir su|s-rlmend
-But raoni's Ihe word, tuoiul Let'on
In his srragiifii old pUntailoo atrabk
togagnlnand t^raln b-wtinguntlwsky:; I expect to .ee Hje day wIk-d 1 aball rn‘haudi-d m.-lo wivurelgna andalellct run away an welcviuR-ao wbi-n ib'-y coma
*T<ewrr' our gidluni Morris replies.
light, and tlnw was golt^ agatn and 1b* ; giy«
scanty ns.iu to Ibeu. aud ool
h:o .lalk.n mastw
hoiiirwc'll give'em a wnddln party on
.... dlrwouirs tbelrowo farm.'
Hi-torbed hytheui at aU. —S'uw :
rv'drui the
gra.-a. sud bekept muniUlug snilly.
uom-u my randoci. aixl I bupu that
It was Indeed at) odd elopement, aad.
foritbogoldiii days!'—Temple Magaxlna
■voder* will agrue wiib Iheui. and. In In tbe bundle fasu-Dvd to her sad^lleharn.
Then Ilk* a krnkeo hug* and block
sideniHon of my having saved a traln- Tiny later found a whjla ibawl that had
Bhs crushed our rlW In her Iron grasp.
fill uf |«vi;
wlll acquit me of murder
- Ixw jnriher'*
Tbe iloetar's PapuoSm
By a i
erul type investDown went ilx- fiiinberhind all a wrack. Allwoekofblglies-^tio—llJ^jpwde. riavfwid
and liring In a vi«dlri»r
With a sucf len idiud.ler of daatb
Iiray of Bnkiug, ride,—X',.» V.M-k Sews
Krnire yraes ago n IjanquU was ti-ndsnd | od hr I
AtxI Ihe r.nnon's breath
Ocnernla Hnsike ami Crook In <x eof our! origlsHv a ^r<rtch
workniao. the hliud
treo mat murnltig
Baiisfb. Dey 4: Oo. Bock.
For her dylns gasp
western <0Ira
On tills ow-ssion all the [ people i f Cbiua
now langbl lo read ;
British OMeers- Avilpe
The bridal collide wtw gone the week
^Bwkert. i«id trilHiic to the lightli.g ,jti*1 > m„|
H-.v had plaumsl. Bixl oil their r>-iurna
K.'M morn, as ilic sun ros* over Ihe twy.
-n» .V.,
ItllW ot Ib.-u- gv-ulleiM-n. e.(.vially with !
aim finvted our flag si Ihe nut Ulmast
n»-tiiiis sighi iix't iiKir vn-w—for. duridthiMliispHoirf the fact thal ibure Uisl the wearing of -mutU'' tw UritUb
tbv^ Indian .a-.:|mlgns
.Ximx.g t
are-Um diatiuM. sonuds ill iho Ghiuesi- DtUa-rs when ^iff rimy U a eusioiu that
^■fcvr* vvaean .wueunvl friend uf mli
DnnL how beautiful was thy dart
n » if by et
nt. niiukrourivd
language. By a ris-ciil adaptaliuu of tame in Udwivn t'.iHi and leli). owing tu
wbo ali,.r ri-log
Inlora.cvl ik-ncn
Kvi-ry wan «r ibi- air
11 It* chim
Ur.«d was on tlie
this svstnoi tbe blind are u-w actaally “le kv-llsn Irrltaii-xi that iben posM-sHm
Br.S-U-,.„,M-p.,-k ,m,, be 111! huitlh
Was a w nisper of prnyor
tewrehand bnitiluy iti the |s-t.and friend*
Or a diree for the dead
Kngland, at the In
too -sm.uld haw, in-nu)M>l,r.-d xll the I
rrowtied to wricuue them bome.—Kx
4lan.:.i,.i,-.iB„ UiuKhr.
'I linv-ktllehatufi_______________________;
brave hearts that west dawn la
a lew ImiMiri, ,B >„ if. he •ta'xl with
Rrarmber that I dnall Iriods
p*In *<iun 111 tbe Kurnpeau
gallenra the standing army n< aa UMlmti.m
Mixed aytaplwm*.
tbe duel ii renii'ved from the pan
T<> are at peers In Ihe troubled atrw . pairing and mamcHcg. and ibat 1 «aa
nuL.v.i Wellington. Ih<-ii
*^ITwn “ ux'
ts were w<RKlr*.
land do give you tbe tseat work od au
Rb. brave land, wi'h h--ar<* Hke tlM
"Titot traineu normglvvw me tbe btbw *
and sliloaiy by (main nf ao air pump
Imll. tu k.i).
'one In the rity for tbe mcbey.
TbvXtag. tlial Is rral IB twain,
flhall Iw one agiiln
.. 'Shenorird me thraiiL-b a dangeroo*
eu.-nslv. |>
I anicie wfaiob i
. tae CMitrary. B
fwer. .lod 1 eiin t tell wlx-toer I'm only
dlus'l.v! that allonxvn. sl-ou! I wear plait
«lans. ,lWs "liraughi down
Itrirolt 1-tca
---------rlotlixswlii-ti nut on .mtv. a a tram lha' yrainful ordraply tn k
ter prabiiblya iiumlav-uf tlxn.
I gaaraatee all aiy work to be rkAi,
King i* tbe
•eutoftille* iL j tin <■ uuwnni ilm eusivxii litas grexs-n ami
wmtM-tvd that tbe dw^ors't
! and if it doea aot prove no I make H
or Its <s]i
foond ia wary ben<envil Inn, an esiBhUshi-d
... ot
.. ...
d role
fcanwu lau
srrvhv. ontll uuwadays to fee an ufUeor in
Stop la Mil a e'eloek evary avoatog
Iking as Ma SpMdd ailt MBMk PlUsVl
untlunu wheo imt on duty Is aliutax a
a we've bad
pb-to framrs. ataasped liaeni. Bat- ;except Baadv- >b tbe Caldwell A Low
The mvlng to an omerr's
don WIdiag. at aortb oad of DOM*
aoh and egg again! 1
Rata avoid « boow wbetrin a g
’ I pocket, for unffxMua
ly-w II. Avne’la Sha* 1
pig IS parniitiad to roam at wiU.
Allow Us
To Suggest
ul™ -i ... Si
That you
coail or wood
For Winter
.and buy aome of our
Storm Sash.
;:.tLrr.rr'';.:'rs;r.> ■!-
Td V"
John R. Santo,
. General Insurance.
1 Bicvcie Riders.
Taekabarq’a toia waak. m a
nere is eetliine quite as Dice
toMsIia Moon as a
White Enameled Bed,
Commode and Chair.
'Ifoai ibn lai' one dt tbo
tha' 1 kiiowri uv vcnz MUlab liar>. He
woaailin' p-iiiuiaii, likn bia mair an
paw wliui 1 kiinvvnd. uu bo wua haai.v. 1
Ni'iio nviba iknM-lla evali aaw thu i
ln*ni« n» a niti-hooito 'n'pt
Uar'j-. uu it niDK' hur» bn u puiiy bubd
Kish a« I kin oniiorp|afi'''h<wt
On tbow! Bight! -vrhnn the thcatrw | jj,,.
I-1 ha'
>'Hiiuh Qur-;
Aud the like find do favor wiib dip I. got h«iy
TOrT llirariitbiv nat-r ui>|a‘|aua nr jrau'
- dkxBiKl arv dt^odful
And <b» OdUI «ba brt^Lb
»<»eb«d I
krld uu iM-r tiaiidi with ■ |l^‘ttyBe*tu^p«^
dlofruft. UrcryililMK tln»^l <lld looknd
____ __________________
have Ihoiic two lavple full
bad planned ilila party fur the enlo por
poae of hartriR tfami ninrt. but
Ur*. Bud- lingi’T.in Curio Kruboii'a Oim Jit]i!a«>; gov'iiuh
—......... — ..............
ion wan a.wl»e woman
outil the lart vTuU'fol gn«»t iiai gouo. j apeak
Some nv them B.'wuiM»
ZTS! L,”i b. I.,
••ma.hyir." llrt.-u i bavo aaid nuuipin inh him, an thuh
.. ...................
bm„-ttnM.o.bb. l,.rt ,
I w.„. ,..l a„tr-,
„I bi. p«,pl. bbd bi. ».f I"*, bbl »bbi
»a«b,j™ibb^ ,
toeUtorialD him. Umian. liorauK he Ua joQlb—qurirlT told oldtulcM of hot puK,„Wb
11, 1. by bo ■».»..
b,«i .y^biibW^ b.y.b
k„., H. u b.„Ub.mb yruo. >»,«« ,
„„ „bi,b
•“ Wulub
Hury wuz Iba
a bnUit
-rb.i, .b. . Bbbrf.a >b«y|" •» ]
“«w... r.~»n. ™"‘'" “-^i"
•r.Z;b“bSb“>“S i ■
woniat. in dm,«lr a. ab. left U«
UUIan rcumed her preparatlona (or
wbat promlmd to l» a
■HaiBl-mui. witty. Inwreatlng 1W1.B.
<•“* *
know. " the thought
Inulltbe yeara of bia nro inNrw I
York I do not thiuk Curie »eBh«i liu* know—hot Mietah Bur y didn hava, (
*v7rVni«'-r^Vrired liiui^l'f to'hiii en’Twau’t
j, „w. tone i.f af- , V’“*
«li«cornly know
....I .blb,ir.ilob 1.1
i„ bi.
Li. rol™ ' WiaUbUar'y
iboii.m .bb
U*' !’ abol tho gov-nuh. Wen
You will be surprised at the effect of a room furnished
with them. We have furnished 10 rooms with the white enameled suitee in the last two weeks, and there is not one of
them that would exchange them for any price. We haven ^
nice line. Call in and see them.
J.W. Slater, House Furnisher I
New Store headquarters for Christmas goods.
120 Front Street.
' a jKi'
Ki nU'D war hmn» If a mh c.rtr an elan
Thn puv'tiub didn’t have
be ba* fiaurr if yno ark.-d biiu for bia Jnirage. j
iv it. It wuadca them
n 1 ath
K. ul.-u'a rmtauraut wak «1* i
ollid down bi-r chi«k.
deserted the otbi...........
" abv Mhl a. ah., ha«tly bruibed It
lutP iitiur WIH-U 1 dropiK-d infnru hukrd
■' go toll luu pi-m-i
n IMT white' bimsatid a boltlvofhir ’ ■madofry."
A pretty plrturr !h« >
Biftub liiir'ytuD ’ have mailofais roDgrniruiii tub go in. h> H fust, but dn. tbrn
•fullya young
.nirvi a eory
'null hi'ueud duwii wod (nm tbo
on and
,u,ldrhl|» lor
dw dwuriulod to Iba drawingroom. So'begun
uu tu spn-ui
,|i.g tba
Ir-gCiu Mietub Uur y's psbdoo guvrhi-ra band In
Yl«m. aliiqilng
Wbnt kiu
knotof llw paliit.Timrt hlinwlf jumping
gittiii HI (bnwayvT biH'bnllit,
nu- h,- hibclgoi uptli" blgt
•IcBeobi iiitbe ! »ba’ri-itli. it. Jdisiali Uat’y didn’t go = in. in a
tiny Ion-Mil. uiid. bcvllna sligbtly
I mb noiipoiuoiTy.”
. Iln-T w,-r.- away, 'hr riiarp bow kl^
i-<\ notwiport t«
twoama of bim, Uncle Ben-;
Yrr. aob.” iind tba order went into j
• the
• -bon ri
ping through
kiirbi-n. Curia Bcnlxiii
Benhoii r
rptuming ai'
I, you know. \ tba kilrbi-n.
"Xbcm BoiKMiiPta ia
:ur iiioa- ‘ aravi aa he bad givaa bii dinciiuot foe
Ten'aen Inein a mighty i
bar' Pi you. 1 l■■llpre. , 1 did not Un-cooking.
olngivl In Oh-and. Yet
' yon wero frtpBdk.”.*be aiald.
tht-n uQiPD tbn city, atthf”
on. onb.
! _yri—MunotiiiHw I alnioal think ebwdoM
“I Inpca (bo i«)a ko
I amhapid^iomy your nunt is atrirnd
“Yp«. 011^"
• J
New Yi»tk carp. Ob. U only t wvn't kurh a wtviebad
CharlvB £. Trevatiian
• iidne," h<-said aalhey moved Bcrow the
inuper, I vow I'd try my luck—got out of
I .il away (tom the drawing roami wb«e
“Ko; KoiibCarcdina.”
j Joaiual.
iny inikrry anyhow
. bar aniii awalbvl her.
• "Nn’thCa Jiua! Wo* yob mooiinaay ,
Currie Andptwm'k quick gISDiw noted
Daa MbM He the MipeHaV.
And Uia paragon? LllUan bad lorgotm
loiiienuiry alwininlan,
alwirartlnn, ai
and sbeturetd
^ folk* down tiiab by tbo jiame nv Bod- 1
bU moiiienbiry
■ I
to -hide
II wa.* wiD little
Ide a .11
iha vonna mu I W'll*"
■‘You bava chanrrd.
power iiev.T diea The king uevnr dira.;
I would liave told livrald «>meily at ber {
”I hmto't Hint pleuDIw. Caela.Beiiaald. goring long ntid
I and ugaiuid tiie powiihiliiy of ibe preei- Xblngtrbebadk. i-n It Onlvuiifortanste■-Yoa have grown fruiuacblld toawou-i ben. Uu yon know anyUxtr in Uaro- i dent dying we have made an elalmratr
busy wilb the ebei-t and
-ImiHred." she rvplh'd. I
••Ve. anh
(.Murt 1 Irnnw wime fnlks
n of a
Cerald Th.
‘ I what <
,.wos Cu'lina I
“Yrs.alUiougb (on unn has Iwen klndw
to me tlMR t dank VI hope. She ha. hnen
mem.lb.-re it time enough fur king. J^d'.Tha"ih;u!ib elno,-r.ly in h’.H-wlUi
fclod to me tumgV- "hu addni. ((ending, Ibu ll'ix
and pr.-Kidoi>Wto sleep. U. heoff gnar.1:
hew.iiild iHrta.kherto
aver hu uoiupunlu^
' viu. yiii, know, uu Ibn Buztab. tv-iu
w-berw. in the rapid lui-v.-metiU n! „„,rr7 him .imply iM-auw ah.-JumI a good
fJheiurm-d Bii.l I—kedfrom ihewlndow; my l.dk.. uv c'»-. I nius'know »bB ,
....u ,h«
anips uud tbn (r<x)ueut. sudden vieiwi-' fortune of lu-r own. and be.
r Which tl.^ -P..I The lK«i-e was Bmiw. 11k. VuIi wr. thn Uumw.-IU rum ' “’P"
No luun-tbiui
I waiitiu
tub lir (liongbi
himBelf is not more popular than
Air Tight
I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up. Save fuel and money
by buying one of
146 Front Street.
..... ..
dcedin k-vp away from h-r. but could not
alway. rvfuw-ih--kindly Inv1iall..n»«f old
Sir.- Anden«ii. her oiiiit. and tmrald had
ti,A.R.XD W
oayarfd aCeln ct.-rnlii <
ai.InnIiig up tie- river i
p„,tV wn. Imnliig li
^i„„ with quiv- un.lli
m b.-r lielutud hu.bai
i»<> ,„i Hi-i.i w.^ till y nai bully giMob know tbo Hail
■.■Blie. , bau;..
, , , ,be i» .1-,duty •111
.d b,mra „„i
i.u. „f
..t II,.
fauiilm.l.-1-umn’ h-.-tug.-thuh
24. U.U.. ariwwtbe mvvvwiiy for tb. ,
iB.hep.ri’. manner toward
mon.7 yvi. <irraWI
.1 V. Inke it
I dartvl mil a.k ‘ Knb w-nrv. IWfol iiic-e folka ia tbn wati'hofli- .T. who 1. in charge of tb. b,,„
forit. allhuugh mi,- Ibiwi-r m--re or hw«: Boiiw. IN; only kiodab hasty."
deck.utid veati-d while a
all IlM I
They were ti.wv rapidly appeiweblng the
tieraW laughed.
woulil iiMwn iioiblii* to you.
*pll covered Hving."l
•• In- re],Hod.
Uh eeu k..ew.- hkrte tletTW cgptuin'• |xiwer fot tlw cotiilnpl <il thw
mcni chad, with no kn„wl-lgt- of the'
-y,.... ■ iph.
yah know*, ba^ taiH ^
„„ on tl.vk orp.riaiu« to tblbl,-k .hruldiary cut the attveiiii to
■It . raibtr a g<.4 thing for me 70a
world you were wt «..ii I., t-n^r. whllql
Ith Th<-wind wa» frv*b- puckcitvl >uiir |oUle and ooodcwieDdoii to
bad nothlng-nelti,.
the hrwtn. and the little manage loy affair, for it«. That eolllwy
Our tlvi-. wen- apart
nil It. 1
- • ■
that night. Inn 1 d
clear U without tack , ^be'
y. ,.
ejtiruvMUiit claim—tHriliUlU,-«l.
, mg, ' mid lit-rald a- ibi-yneanvltlie i.ilnk
'hiy »pin laA. iM-itlier of Oicfii apeak-.
_____ we .L. nr».„»ll.fl
AliaMit iK cm clerk «. ill. Ill tbrni-, me water wa. la >riT ih-cfi right lip lu the
, and Ihl. kiiiH- wliboul a jibe
-la, y.,„ ihiMk
>iild ew
llllan an.werwl
I|- -v '
V rti mn. anh Ih-v wna '
Tbi-tliuu in charge there, tmnk,
ami thiy ►’ I.).vl tlTWllhoUltollrh.
lug hrrttoin....Ihnogl. Oh- long boom eu«robes
• tltd In dlotnwa
tled againn pr>>->vin/l.nigh.
n .r-1ngly entinutd
••Oh, wliM liiM'ly n-iwer.-' ryted farrlo.
when they bad rounded (ba pltCCS.
rrachtngover Iub«hiii i-ITorl KigTWpa Uetid
them limil.-U. ttot tnere an-twot.il
„f d.-ail whit.- .vidngu which
Uv co'm- »ht-y Ui
lerald hauled In the abeet a llll
doty at the Mine lime-fhe deck offlpvr
,h.. wauv
A gcineblhi. ^l7 («1U burruvlly. and
bn« vuli know liuw il_
and the ci.giiir ..fljPM. the directive and,
mj.. A«ier-,n
' '
‘ nj;m. hi-git« in.ult>d by w
the ini.tivc l.invk. The onll)'. of reaull, o,.„,|rt .bnn->v
A. iIh7i«w«I
' gllllM-ldll
A flower fell (rttii, lier Imir llei-toopH] h* .i. •< gut tub bglit Tha'.tbu wuy tbu
g: iudepi'iKli-utiud
auadenly n.ill.vxi (but 1
; d'-maud* that iht.
' inle and hand pi. k.-d i< up
B-.iiwcll., Tiny hud m> niu.-h itmilih'
wind wonlrt take ilHriii
hut lor me at Iraet It waa the tuqk-1
: Oneamat he (he .oik ..
-Kivp It •.l..•wht.|cr.d,tl(ovingaway ,j,„,1,,,. d.-. kiinhih g«
lie Ihivw hi. behu ut-. hut h-*t of atv Wc nU
. bolbeODit who bB«cl.atg.-of Ibe.lirect- right aWJc
Be t.«k On- ll..».-r Hinl w-ih ll her .|,u liuLil uv il'an wlnti tun- uv ‘i
Th.- hicig
fcaml. a. If In liuit ............... h.- had divined
«,me|.klv. i.mhin woa . iva f.«n-. a« (bat which i. ibn mure ea- : 1““
inrjilvov.v and wrti-k the girl full on
w beu Bled. Heela i,
to tm- Mf.-iy and guverumenl of
havlbff Invea-,
Bobe TaiUlBrS>-a7‘ou. tlmi-. lmMlii.ln t.mmihat «>d **m ly ruoii. w. Tbey allI «y It.
liack llll
•111 <if the l.iat
tlgavvl the .lue.Uor, of at what hour In 1 Wm Bay Kobd.
»«ul.W."lf l...nhl haveluni a flower'mu-’ I*- '.v-i.l l--twwu llm 'mediate'
>r to the utb.-r man. (kiI bocao*.mlyart. trm.i the elraU
^^e ro.nn.MruKd am.ll Mrt. wake j
Smn yhur hair. » v happliHw would hava Ineii*. an reiattwa. But they
with (ii-rulil ,h,„,V;S
The w.gk 111 huta.lngl« g.,
...i. ,b. ,h,r-« Sndi
been vmipMc
.Vow luy hapr-—
e 'f..Ik.,
liioioent.anda. til. I4g will caiii.-fla|>|>lng ,
tilH armi ...
1 have her? hi- wblfiatred
ji, ,.p,.n .
, Ihe (uuihl.vl widte b.wp ami liei.l ovty i..y
l.oH paM 8 ll Is near
, iMmde From horso andooUlo
hides at from
$5 toJ$14.
„n w™.,d ™
We .Iso line aed reiwir
pmpo--d. Gerald, ifit hadn't i«.n for that
at vcrv reasonable
If -you'want a good robe
it «vin p.j you to .ee o»r.
Foote &GoddiDgtoD,
r gthers' prices oc
they rrirg.1 Ib. ir Irgitimutc n-veugo.
and they woolii pr. rrurt lo fold the Ucrmall to ihcit Ur.-uvt. a* tiwy ioug aiur.
beer. If by the prelanae
,andth.- eliln, of Ihe hilUii lirgli
lie length of time iK-fon-that of (be
toe. ,
FtnaM.v. the h-iiiM- .|-arruw and tba
•«y dHrlIng'- cried
toiulli ..WUPT the la.1 Plwv im the lirt.
■Carrie, .i.-nk Vi n..Hut .he
Th‘>A>ivesilgaTi.iii hi,, nlvigiylug ruined
Ibe lark’, npiiinn.ui fur early rlalng
Thai iiitirh <vl.-hran.l Mrd Uqnlteaalug.
. hendkerrhlcf. and. ,p,rt. a. Ii dwa o.n rlw> until hmg after
aldv. iKWan l-thlng y,., ,.h.,re,K-i„, Unn.-u and a number of
with iheo...t wat .-r, inuri.iurw niriU have ta-u up and abonk
|„vkcn expnwlunaof t*
tavclllag Jhe Past.
Mlnnw afte^ lutnoV pa*erd. and Mill
wm. i lUu W i .-<qiK hot they ,
a vml.ble hogy-^ compoaitt
le maw of tbeoitneb,
the oameb,
„ ,„i .
Ti.... Lk.I ihu aame monater. with the
mo’OV j
of a hawk, tbeclaw.of a ti^r.
I tbe manner of a clelwytuaD and tbv
] canning of as opa Tbia tembo orea‘ 'Tnuii'l h iig aftali tbo I
••I wbb now." abrivkod tbe angry
. ..
ypaiig wife. **1 wi.b sow, (ieogge
iind u. give ii up imd wbuokrtcj. v.m ba.1 married Luce Joi
______________________________________ ______
iaatead uf-niel Tuat'a wbat I with I"
With a wan lIRle ainlle
^T^iwdlwd wbal had happenabe limkcvl up. i
,4. where .dirwa
^ and enn.-e-.mk .ly abe w.ialdn’l have me and yOB
never hnlleve I
intohG probctlngamie wualdl"-^biaago Tdbane.
n honah
annf. ooti.ml-d
"OiH-nv 'cia.' H" do me
Killed with eiiM.ltoii
I BV ilihin » iv tiieoucr lu while.
ahakUdy, who. >lkvl livnigiily u|.iu l»v
-..Jn j.-u anyw hah UDW.
,ve l«-ti Vilkli.g JO him..
-Why V...
all Ihervcnuig.' ciplalnivl hiTBimt
.....r ol.--"Janiea your twragonf ei.-Jaiiii.d 3JI- nwuy.eii.
— .
■an livaKtuolahnirni
'•i.w, .UU; pa«m way. Thah linvah
-Jaint*. • Mt» llti.lwm rnxwh-0, Indlg- woz agf ai ujtuLab nv thn B<iliMcllA
•ant at Uhi faiidharit.
an i.-i Labif oy wMiieh' I .poke abo uiu’
damutWy. "he I. u. la-my hu.tond ••
Aod Mra Hudwin'alwaya declartdabe.
le the match-Ju«-phlim Mulladeyln
IBovton. Koet.
1 V
pfw*- All article 111 liaciuillaw'" MagaWM* fUllth-d "Krcu.-h uud Uiigiiah"
-Tmplaiuii t.f till- ir.-uiium*i;
*,. ................. .
.•xjin-.-a'd litalbins o(
tJie nukuuwu ivinntry acn.tf ile- chanuol
itWtie.aii»id-..iKl|KThap*wlihallRle'a Img mark, an (tolli aideii fpA
ia(gge«u«.-ihHi r^nthrtdgf prvKtuowl bavry. Tim' wu* tbo (.-Binniu, an it
hamucet^^wben be U robbing (he •
^ «• h»n»^x when be u robUtng (he
the martyw, while tlvf'wd Immed them, went on uii uu onlil lhah w an t many
end wit mrtAit l«; «ald ihai l^nl^d^ uv Urn Boiiwcll* li-f in ww’Toh’wm. I
ka. .rbon*h.vl
pueu. while
,bought yuh tiiighl bare met aoma B»
S'^H£H‘‘/bir;3! "C'^bSx'iS''^ri‘7
h.pp.«, wb«. 1.. U rolUJ.; lb. ;b« •■»»" --r,
rrlnothCTof’^^lly'lk" »'*" Bon'-fll"-
eadiente focoal1 foRiaoe." waa glveai by
le tiJide anotlMr etrtiggle.
always loved yon." beaaldatmu know that
Uul 1 can't Mk
to iiianr
itrle'e 111
ro wreathed lu i
loved from om qiwrtgr o< tbe world to
j kDotber am eatimaud a* Ini ..
llttl*,gBnual morUlitytU £ar^ by M.OM
‘-Uanl ask you. tbraK'ebe Inqultsd.
“It Imri uaual, you know"
(tumid atemn.ur.vt aomethlng lo tbe
effect that be oc.qld m live on bia wlfa,
■ You'ma foolleh (> r.-'Oarrto Uugbed
. -opoee iDduie form.
And yon oao'l refum a lady, can yoo»"^
It waa* ya*r Utee.
Again a briUlant
don't fail to get miae
before you buy.
My expense of adding fur
niture is hardly anything,
and I can afford to, and do
I sell cheap.
' I stin continue to keep tbe
largest stock of nnder^king
goods in Northern Michigan.
324 SoQtb Union St
Aboreall. tbiaabamelem hybrid U alert.; long time making up your njlD'il, Gerald,’ ; whieb^ wa. .brdiaeoveget. (* •coaOBt
If tbe auu tievta aata os bia empire, bia, ebe aald
: of lu hot cliuiale.
Oerald'a head waa In a whirl hetwaen ,
•^.'.UTnX:rw Arnold erabanrw;
>«■ Cadna.
tbo affaiaha r Btellin
exceplluii.. hut J*t»ell-'y was t
ov Bcinidicla
■ > iinlveniliy
iinlvoTHliy for
(or airing
atrmg hi.
hi. aUHt*t-_
bocn thu
'in. but iliob tuna' haw
teal (.pl.vloD., and (be Jannbln l^ndorbadl
frtab occamon fur roia and outrage. Tc
to leave Trloily for firing a gnii acrum tbe 1 tpnug nv 'en: up idihu middlecoantir*
loiia iDgenutty no limit ii act.
qaadrangle et Ibe windowauf hi. oiqnelle j whab (hi'ycuiuc fnm<'‘^^cai>c wait time bi* impii
lie of
■'............a'l'ufy;!^ B,-Bedlcl liad a fnu'ral, two ron' Be ia oapabllynamiie aod of betrayio
facture of d;
TSkt. a mateOT of (act. m'wrly every
Sww B.-nr«!ici.«.mc luh tbu
WB. al ,
plot that Frauce may ttembi
lab ^(rt
ptwt worthy
worlby uf tin- hame
haii.e whoJ w»
I Tba'a luigl.tt diibeatieniD tub afam'
. Oirtvmilly at all wae-for a time al
i. pow'ful lot tbe aafuty of her eaar.
—a n»eiDl»r of one or another «.f Ii.
ainoe a halfpenny print,
fault 'r two.
teen on tbe Claiu. (.'baoivr • oonneellon
beadlioe, asDuuDced Ibe murder of tbe
arllh Clara (hU 'rtoleie Hall") louet. w* Beuedicta knp’ giiHu mn' an tun' plenty. •ultaD, *ad. declared tbe Pariaias Jonrthey- got lob 'iootin Hberiffa
tmr. be oun.Igned to Ibeqraglon Of ro
till by — Iiy
-V-----naU, tbe faiarbood waa plainly iuvasted
T-.H.- but Milton Whs undoutdcally at anjodgwiuiothab*. ThentboBonwiilli ^
jlaad. that monsmr pezaouiflerd,
Chrlel g and hi. loulborry tree U etlll tbe
tbe deliberate iniesl to ebak# ibr
I with t(M
.ebjns of ettention In that .haroiing llt«e
nma’ be 'buui awet-leaiii.’'
Tbe aame Oal
lb. 1.0 Spb»«t-K
Coming To Stay!
Drsi TlnmpsBa aaii Baomcanea
Are grteinaiaa in optiea, and aoUelt tba
patronage of tbe pn bl le of Travena OHy
and vicinity, aa they Intasd to anaba
tbto city their future homa.
Weak tad isflamad gjM ssd fit8«l«UA
Ud( treeud frw rf ebug*. fr«B 0 U U A
a. at tbalr MldaM. 130 Ow tt
Look at ihr eIrffMt Ktabell plsM
*a»d onmiia. email loatmmenta. guiByce examined and teatad.
Ura. vlolina. mandoliiie etc. T»ka
Webaea aoade a atndy of gtammand
note of tbe popular abect aaualc go eaa giea aatiafaetlon In atylA <t and
ing «t hnlf prloe.
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