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The Morning Record, October 13, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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’•sr 1,060
TreabI* U 1
I to PrMUoBlly
Ha^nlllceDt Tribute to One
Owparate Battle on Acconnt St. PbbI. Oct 1*.—A W»1k*rr «pMtol
of Kiohi«aa*a Son's.
to Um OUpBfch
tbkt the Beer
of Imported Hoffroea.
IiUod tndtoB* wlU eurreBder. It oaly
reiDAlae (or term ot peaee to be 4r- lABe:Bg Preseated e BrilHeat SoeB#
aaw« BbooubIm U Wbleb >1T«-------iBtO
OB the OooeeioB of the VaveUtog of
H..«d U..U w„. tori*,...- ~r.'‘
Fine Kid Finish
Bmperor ead Bmptaae of Bermaay o»'
Thetr Vay to Paleattoa
Berlin. Oct. 1*.-Tbe emperor and |
emprm of Germany and their enlto
atartod tola raoraiag on their Journey
to toe holy land. They will go to Con-:
etantinonle ead toenee to Paloetiae. j
There were 110 tmaka in toe baggage '
oar. many of them of Immem
enormona box. ie charge of a high
fuBctionary, eontaina ralnable gifte
and diamond decoratione. ealaed at
4.000.0CO Btarka. (or officiale in toe;
Writing Paper in bnik at 7c a quire, and 8c a package
for tbe envelopes to match. '
Holley & Gonnable,
tbe Stotae of the Pbrnose •erersor.
Bloqoeat Addrev by Bx-SeBetor
220 Front Street
“City Bookatora."
leto—Towb of Virdeo, Dl.. to O^i^t
for the boeUle Meep reJohn PettOD.
PoBie—Troop* Ordered to the Seeae. | taroed et t o'clock tble mornlBS. They
reecbed Ue eemp et 9 o’clock et aifbt
•mtol leTai Heune Raooee.
end earned eehore floor, beeoa.^eager,
LeMlog, Oct It.—Todey wee the
Vlrden. III.. Oct. 1I--8to ntoere rice, tobeeeo ead ceaned goode.
irrcetest io Leoelor'e hietory ot e qoerwere killed ead eiffbt wonaded dartof
They a»et e large ooinber of Isdieaa
* centory. Ex-Oo»er»or Bltir’i
tke riot. The flret m»B killed wee enpi bock to tbe wood*. Sende were ahekeB , eutoe wee noTeiled to tbe preeeBce of
poeed to have beeo ebot from tbe
eHeroaad .eBd the betUe wee tolked so.ooo people- There wepe weny die.
Mn inl^
"’f Rct in 3 ncw Stock of Picture Mouldings—
tower. J. P. Byeter. meoecer of tbe
tingcUhed pereonegrs preecnt. Includ
Cltoiex etorc bundloge, wee emoe; tbe
OUr StOck IS always gOOd and WC tum OUt WOrk that Bfi
ing General Sbefter, Bz-U. S. Senator. died ynterdey morning at her borne j
killed. ACbiceso detecUre wee eleo
to Elmwood townebip. from rheuew- j first olass in every quality and Price,
John Petton. Jr., wne the orator.
TbegoretB of tbe city incloded all turn of toe heert. Another death on
Tueedey wee that of Ony Wileon. a |
Troopa Ordered OoL
One X.‘quor VioUtion Oaae nod Three the iiring rz-goeernore. Bara one; moet
•pedal to Tee MoBKnie Bboob»,
of toe other former atate officiale., siz-year-old eon of Edward
Men Charged With Larceny to
ecoree of leglelatore and ez legielatora *“» ®*ylypboid feeer.
Springfield. Oct. It.—Got. Tenner
be Benlenoed Today.
and hundrede of the aged *eterao»|
-------------------------bee joet reeeieed e telephone meoege
from ebrriS DeTeaport of Meeoopin
„1 U.I. cl„, k.d
connty that the fight between the mUf
It u "SflBLnce D.. " .nd one
ore ead tboee gaerdingieetill going on.
i .v"'- •‘I- “«»■
-J r. c...
liquor violation and three ebargee of
in large oumben. Hone oftbe present j field.
The goeernmeet ordered Cepl. CAig,
larceny will be dltposed of. Tbe of
in oommend of Battery B eod the Sone
generation ever saw the city eo g^ly,i _ . .J-------------------------fender in tbdfiret cnee is Tivd Wurz
Ttoth-Wltbout pUtea. Dr. Sawver.
of Veterene compeineeet Pena to pro
burg, and toe otoert are Albert White, ^
H. L A Co ’s block.
is tbe number of styles we show in
Th* parade was reviewed by G »ver-.
ceed to Vlrden.
an old offender and ez-convict, who
nor Pingree, General SbafUr. Depart- •---------------------------------------------------------pleaded guilty Tseedey to the theft of
ToTlfte BntOe WeePonghu
meet Commander Patrick of tbe G. Aa watch, and Oeorgo Brooke nnd Oe•peete) to Tei Moeane Reseao.
B. and dUtingeished guests. Im
Vlrden, OekVS-*—The nrrivel of the enr Howard, the Fife Lake
mediately thsreafter tbe exercises at
{■ported negtte froa tbe aoath et victed Toewlay of etealjM a team of the statue commenced.
e of this season's manufactnre—all are of dunbla aud' )
18:S0 todey wee ^owed by a det^ereto horaea raloed at SISO tr^m two Indiana
General l
. acting forth*
» well-weariDK cloths (even the cheape«t)-and every garment at
battle Fire bnndred ehoto were e*commission In the absence of Secretary
f the price oflFered yon, means a saving of twanty-five to fifty per '
cbenged between toe etrikere ead
Alger, presentod the statue in a short
f cent.^f what you’d pay at other-stores.
other -stores.
eherifl Derenport ead hto depuUoe end
speech cnlogUing Governor Blslr.
We’re perfectly sincere in the above t_______________ ___
toe reilroed police.
TraTeiaa OiW Team WiU Play to*
prove tbe truth of what we aay, invite yon to call aad aeatfaa When toe Chicago A Alton treto
in bebeU of the staU aad spoke of |
Xarlat** Bleven on That Day
bevtog tbe negroee errieed U wee met
Our nbildreo's eboe« bavd
Blair ins like stialD.
ChildIren’s Reefers are for ages 4 to U years—Pricee are
to to* Xmtter'a Homa Town.
by felly isoo armed mlnere who were
Mr. Pattoe'e address was as aloqi
$1.26 to $7.80.
Travere* City'* foot ball eleven vrill
lined npon each aide of the track be
Ivery time we sell a pair a
tweee toe tolegreph office eed toe mine go to ManUtoe Friday, aad enfriend u made.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
Virden Coal—
Co. The gage toe team of that city in ngame
w —----------------Our shoes always wear well
and Clothing House.
vain etopped immediately to front of I la Uie afternoon. Deepiu the euoagtb
toe eaet gatee of toe atockade and toe [ of the Manittee boya tbe playere from
shoes are
: increasing—
trouble began.
| here predict victory. Saturday mom'
.Then too,.
A dozen eboU were fired from toe; ing toe Eeoubo will uU toe etory. The President MoBinley’s AddrM Teetor-
Not Every Day;:
“'iMarHiani Block.
{ forty-six,
to be exact-xim.
Children’s Reefer Jackets.
•tocknde and at tbe white men and | |u,e.np of the Traverse City team Is aa
toe wUdeel tomor* are afloet. oae be-]follow*: H. Johneoa, left end; W.
tog that SO miners have been kllled.
| Grar, left tackle; Bokoa left guard:
Tbe town is In tl>a greauet ezcile-1 iformy, cenUr; Davia right guard: J.
meat. Th* men are securing what; Hlicken. right'tackle; TmmhnU, right
arms they can get bold of. expecting to end; J. Jobnaon, quarterback: Perrin,
nee them for their own proteetloo
left half; G. Raff. CapUto and right
toe trouble spreads. Women and chil- half; Wilhejm. (nil back.
drra are fleeing to their home* aud
karrieadlng toemselve* behind tbe I
Aoora. Tbe wlvee of toe dead miners, |
ieaeaaod >60 for Callhowever, decline to go to their bomesl
nndarealmost mad with grief and an-1
tog Mrs. XlenknW Bad Ham.e.
ger. The marshal has telegraphed tbe I In the-caee of Uargarel Klenkner
chief of police at Springfield. Ill-, to i against Benry Drevec. in toe Circuit
send a special train with doctors Tke ; c‘<ort yesterday, after a nearly all-day
grenteat indignation is felt here against urisl. the Jury brought in a verdict that
Mine Operator Lukens. who it U said D evos was guilty of slander and asto he reaponsiblc fsr the tragedy.
s.Mcd damages to toe amount ot fiSO
Train B-ddled With BuUeU.
Special w W«
Springfield. Oct.
A train riddled
with bulleti, ha* j«t pulled, into the
C A A. depot from Viden with one de
puty dead. He was riding on toe front
car with a wincbeeier and the miners
fired on him. Be discharged hie winChester aad -wu shot almoal to pleees.
Engineer Bert Eyger, of Bloomington, who was drawing toe train
Shot in toe arm. He gave way to En
gineer Anderson, who bronght the train
stn miles minute with the engine full
of bullet holes.
Wheat on to* Bias.
Cbleago. Oct.
takings and a decided rally at Liver
pool caused a sharp opturn in wheat at
> toe opening. The Liverpool advance
equaled taro cents n bushel and todar’s
market waa to# biggeel in a mo
Prtoee eagged a llUt*. bat toe tone re
mained strong and the volum* of speculation waa very large. Tbe cloaiug
On* Th tunnd U at fiantiago.
Spwisl u Ttx UossiM Bscosn.
Waabington. Oct.
1*.—A dUpatoh
from General Wood, commanding at
Santiago, says that toes* are dot fever
case* out of l.l-to sick, in hi* command.
Hallowe’en by Jnnier Workers.
Hallovte’en U but a few week* off,
and the order of Junior Worker*, of
Grace church, have prepared an alaboTSU program on that evening to tbs
bfieemeat of tbe church. Pranks and
tricks appropriate to tbe ocearioa. as:
well as soluble' exercises will be the
featotw. _________________
Teuto Grade Btoool Debate.
At toe High School building this af
ternoon. toe boys of the Tenth Grade
wlUukeapracUcalleesooto political
. debating. The topic will be "Civil
Gavemment’’, and it vrill be debated by
four memberu of tbe grade, two on a
rely to* Bcpubllean and toe Democratic imuea.
Vfv Luto Oenster,
Kelson A Bplchlger.new luneb countw and fittoon cent meals, tos Bonto
Union Street-
dny in Omaha Was Xeceived
With Orest Batbustosm
Sprclsl'to Tuz Vouiiiv Raceas.
Umaha, Oct. iS.-President McKin
ley's speeeh hero todey ellcted great entbuslasm. Ue was silent about terri
torial expansion. When tos preeldentj
arrived lest night, two hnedred thou*■When we sell good childsod citizens of the IraDS-Mlssoori re
n*h’s sh<v>s at a low price we
gion welcomed him to the peace Jubilee.
make friends for onrselvea
Thp ehthnslesm of the greeting wae
and our sboee.
worthy of the great West and th* PreeWe are haring an immense
ident of toe republic. President Mctrade on uur lines of 6bilil*
rofonndly impresiwi with
ren's school shoes.
’ .
e of tbe demonstration.
Be said aa mneh in words and more in
actions, for be made no effort to con
ceal his pleasure. From toe time toe
special bearieg the distinguished guest
into tbe city until the President enterKleokner. Miss Emma Klenkner, toe led hi* quarten for repose an hour thter !
Xo shoddy. A look means
defendant’s two eons aad a number of! he received a oontinnal ovation. HU'
a sale.
German farmer* aad laboraru. some of roote waa tbrougb an ocean of human
whom oonld neither speak nor onder- face* and thv vast throng stretched out
stand English and for whom aa inter into toe side streets ae far as the eye
preter was employed. The ease waa could eca __________________
dnll, much of the evidence consisting
of laugaag* alleged to have been need
toward tbe plaintiff and which Is not Many Talmadge aad Kiaa Bomana
fit to be prinV'l in any paper.
Pope Wodded in fit. Francis Ohureb.
The jury which tried toe ease and re
One of toe prettiest marrisge*. and
turned toe verdict was at follows:
toe most solemn, took place ysetorday
Charles Moultoa. Fred F. Stearna. T. J.
morning at ei^ht o'clock in St Francis
earns*. Benry Courtad*. George 8.
church. The prlseiples were Hairy
Godard. Jamm Lamson, Augustus BarTalraadgs and Miss Romans Pope,both
rult. Michael Gberiug. George Payn.
of Travemc City. The ceremony
Frank Dolph. Martin BUioU, A. E.
performed by Rev Fr. Bauer and waa
fellowed by solemn high msh*. Tbe
Mr*. Klenkner was repreeeaUd by
bridesmaid waa Mtm Katie Novotny and
Gilbert A Oates and Drsve* was de
toegrxmmiman Hicbeal Tebe.
fended by Pratt A Deris.
altar vraz bsautifolly decorated with
The first ateps were uken U the
potted plaDts.cnl flower* and ferns and |
css* of Frank E. Brown, aa adminis
the ocoseioD was one of a joyous nature
trator versus George McCray, a kill to
at well as a selemD ceremony.
cancel s deed in Circuit court last areatbe words which made them man and
iug. afUr the conclasion of the Klenkwife toe bridal party went to the fnner Vial, and while court waa await
tsre home of the bride and groom,
ing a reply from the Jury. Tbe aeUoB
West Eighth street, where an elabo- '
Uken wai. the flliog of a motion by
rate wedding brealfaat was spread to
Attorney PaUhio. on behalf of Frank
toe relatives and guests of the happy
E. Brown, for security for coeU. Tbe
motion was granted by Judge Corbett eospl*. The marriage gift* w
aad by motual couceat of Patchin A msrou and bennUfal and toe ooeaalon
was OB* of bappinsM and good choer.
CroUer aad Pratt A Davis, oounsol for
The happy couple will be warmlv cm- The oroirded condition forces
toe two aides. 1:30 aezt Saturday aft
me to sell s large quantity of
gratnlstod by Many good friends who
ernoon was set for the trial.
goods at
will wish them contlnhod happlnem
This morning when Circuit court
and prosperity.
convene*, the case of George Payn, et
al, vs Howard E. Gidlry. etal, may be
Afternoon Wito Chamiaads.
called for trial. Pratt A Davb, eonsTo make room for new goods. Ton
A delightful program for to* Friday
ael for plaintiff are ready to proceed
should Uke advantage of tbe
afternoon mssting of tos Worn
and if C. G. Turner, counsel for oomconfasion.
Club h*s been prepared by the enterplatnant return* In Ume. tbe case wUI
lainmsnt division, io charge of Mr. C.
begin tol* morning at 8 o’clock. Par
J. Kneslaud. The life and works of
ticular Intorcst attache* to the eaae
Chaminads. tos great Freaebeompsaer.
226 Front StrMt.
from tot fact tost the complainant.
will be under diaenasloa. A pretty
George Payn, ha* been on toe juries
custom will be toe response by mem
trying criminal cases eve. since toe
bers to roll of musical quotations. Vo
October term of'toe Cirenit court be cal and instrumenUl selecUons wUl
also be given.
—Hard or eoft.
HEAT---- -
Tbs world lores to gst hold of tos -haadle sod of a bargain,
toto earaiug money: it U saving mousy: it U S3 for SI. Th*
to* throttls of
ipsndlog II to make S*. Attached to stove or furnass Mpa,
:ke* toe beat uanally vvptod
waatsd up Itoe chimney and pasMS It armtad ton
Coau but iittla
tl etc, 7tc, it.oo,
iliSc, etc, etc, 7SC. 18c.,
We handle Uie
Bannor Wrappors!
popular Shoe House.
In One!
Manufeefured by the Fabian Manutactoriag
Co. Every garment a perfect fit. MadeofX^N.
ped Bock, Flannel DeLain, in all cokers and all
sizes. Prices 86c, 99c, $1.25 and $1.49.
We recommend and guarentee these garments to be first class, or
your money Lack.
Also a large Une of ready-made skirts, in black brocade, drefifi
oods and uoveltiM, price from 99e np to $4-98.
Come^and-SM them.
Remember the place.
cT'l-l h! TP A TT?. ”
I Style’s The Thing I
Fancy and
Staple Groceries.^
Greatly Redaceil Prices
This atason hM the stamp
of good tailoring at priess
Evniag Stood
dree*, (or bo*in«iA or for work purpoMz. we confidently beUeve we can
euppli/pour wants to pour completo
Of Boaiaem College will open at toe
Grange hall Monday evening, Ocl
—All for bnntag.
31. 18»8. Those dealring to taki
spelling, arithmetic, pamanshi; Al*o to* Always Beady Fire Eindlan
book-keeptlng, Bhortband.^or uy s
Style is not always Indicated by a
faaey livery or flashy elotoea There la
much danger fram overdreeaiog. There
Is a happy mean that ladioatos taato
aad breedlDg which aUmps the true
woman. Our 1st* arrivals in dross tabrics are btanlie*. their qnUt elegaao*
being ali that could be desired.
within tsachof aU:even<mf
Sfi 98 all wool are sntm mads
bsttor, fit nicer than S7.M
saim shown elMwhere.
SAM men’sall wool snito binr
the most critical laspoeUoa.
A visit to our estabUshmsnt
WUl eonviac* toe most skeptl-
Fboht Street.
TBM Moumra bboobd. tkubsdat, ootobbb is. isse.
Qalntoa. alao of the ragalar Mrriee. m
exccaUra efiear. la my eaae. anyeray,
it ia laapaaaibla for ma to eat tolatod
baeL aad that forms tba prindpal part
T«ATBa8B orrr. - miohioam
of oqr diet. Taday It waa rariad with
praaes asd rloa. TW oneka-^tbreo— '
YwtMda7 noralar'a mhUmi of tha are men aagaged to tbe aoatb aa la-,
-My work is 6rM cluw Mid priaw tbot ore io reoeb of oil. I UD
'VaOA T. Batv JIXD 3. W.^HAxm. Bob<U7 Sehool Harsal wm opraed ■naa anraea. Their oaly elaim to
prepored .1 >11 tinm lo t>kr r>rr of tbe tr.de. I to.le > qwculty ip
with aeotbar of ihsM h«lofol. iaaplr- their Wlag Immaaa is the faet that
Br.rine, \ ulcomnif .od Kiaioeliop. A fine U„e „f ,beJtafOTl.l»
J. W. fUmsa, Bdiior aad Mua«er. tSf MTTIOM, ted tbte Ub« hj B«t. D. they lack all knowledge of tbe
Icoeblia. As iatercatiar book eariaw, art of cooking, and are dernid of
J- C. EIXIS, 311 Front itreol, eeS.
from arblab all raoalvad proll
erery iaaUnet neoeiiary to make them
riTOB ^ Mia. E L. Eallacrgaatlaman. It Is evident to me that
Ba?. J. C Camas (ava tba aaaosd at they were principally aagaged “before \
Ua aarlea of Nomal B bla
tbe war” in adding to tbe weight of
wbleb ara proelar ao balpfal. Aaother freight trains, aad appropristiogvalnlad bp J. W. able space in empty box cars (that is,;
Millikeo. oloaad tba moralar aeaalon.
toe space is tnora raluable.) The cry '
Tba afteraoon maaiiar waa opasad “come and gel it!” (tbe army way of.
ariib a aaaa 30 of aasp lad by J. C. Cor- ealliagas to meals) used to be eery,
bnt Isnol atpreeant, at least.
»< »> tke FPe«fato m Tn^nM CiVt BUB. A rary lotaraatlBC Blbla raadIsp la which naarlp eearp ona took
Tbe medical department Is all O. E.
TCo>DoA____ .......
part, waa rivea bp J. T. Baadla. The plenty of medicines and good atUatioo. {
aaVjacl was, “What it a Cnrittian ?”
This is a large baUdiag, probably 400
S«M ADobl..............
------ bOc
Aaotbar of the aariat of lacUirM m
faet sqaare, with tea wards of 3i bade,
Mr. and Mra. -Benj«min Kempler left
tfiore -VDwV.................. ....... Ibt
flees by Prof. C. T. Grawa, oa the sob- a welt equipped dlapaaaary and klub- yestarday moroiog tor a visit of tbme
Jret. ■ IcoaflnatioB and its Traiaiaf." aa ao4>good qnarter»for the men.
weaks at Ml. Pleasant and Brmaa
Prufaaaor Urawn apoka of the aiaaelsf
We hare been here two weeks now.
J. W James, chief train dispatcher
of tba word “iaafia^tlos'' aad lu in- Tbe gorernment is potting to new of the Plant syitcm, Cbarleatoa, 8. C..
poruat bearisf oo the laiad. The modem bath rooms and Uratorles and wbo baa been in tbe city tbe laat faw
Uirea aaaa of liaafisMloo ai
taking great pains with tbe eanitory daysagnetlof Mim Raibleen B. Vlack.
ify, to create aad to project tbe faleft yesterday morJTag- Be will etop
The wards am full
Ibe pabaats am iMUy from tbe Im- at Cbijago, Rocheater and
d New York
Aa Intarealtof Ulkonprlisary math- mnae regimeau. wbo by tbe way are City, then go to Cbarleatoa and
odawaafieea by Mlae Nlaa Paya. alao the worst looking lot of boboes I erar hU osnal dntles October 81.
br Mlaa Edith Hard, both of whom are iw, aad colored rolnateera.
W. B. Fletcher haa goae to Grand
■AZKN a PiiraBEE of Wam«.
workers la tbe prlsury departmcet of
I expect to getto tba etatee vary eooo. Rapids to look after tbe completion cf
tba Baptist ehareh of tbit dty.
mem Motea.
ORRIK W. aOBINHOK of Beachlon.
amjnstooBraJeeeanl from my third tbe fomisblngs of tbe Colombian Boioaa eonid not be bettered in nay way.
Tbe Bee&iaf Ooaoart.
attack of tbU preaiclona malaria. U
Thoee wbo .am not aitendiag lhaaa ,
A crowded bodae atUodad tba ooa. has left me as wesk as a kittea: ills 'Ihie anvelllng of the Aa.llo «>*lr '
^er andlior-Graeralperformaacea am mlsslag a draaatto
lOBumeat at Lanslbg. aitmeied Boa. 1
B0400K O. DIX oC BarriOTi.
cert la the CoafrofaGaoal ehareh. bard work to write area, I am not la Peny Uaanah to tbe eapl'-alciiyyea-j “Anothar crowded hoaaa
greeted treat.”
Tbit waa la eharfi of Mita Mabel tbe ward but in qnartera bow and ont^ ^oSk^K^lT*OKkN|i>l Cbippeva
Tbiaeompany will appear io Stoto- “
en lerrslo- '
Gt»ou tusi
iris, afthlerirv
ofthlsri’y. 1.
isenlerisloWhite, of tba School of Maaie, asd sldeofweakQassamallrigbt. Wears:
Mar Slatr TfvuuMr—
brrg’a next week,
uBoaai A. trruLof ciinwB.
. of Elk evening, when M. B. Streeter's four
mach credit it doe bar for the aaceeM >o.
BOt euowen
allowed in- or ont wltboat a
by Mm. acteomedy “The Crnsua Taker” waa
Pmqac tale.
and they are mlasWe piecm of paper. I Della T. Dsris, who is reaewlng
larSapnrlBVpdect of PabUr laMraritoaThe firat aomber on tbe profimm, a
ant aeqoi
only two-isre locked i
Mr A. C. Tbomaa. of MaryarlUe.
° ***
tbe play was a aoccesi from start to
piaaodaet by Miaaea May obd Jetu p. m. Tbe windows am stroogly bar- rlalt at be
Par Bmtdi oAto falretoiiT obon tcne)—
Ifloiah. Mr Streeter to tbe role of tke Tex., baa fonnfi a more vaiiab'e dis
kLi B. bottom of Warae.
Stroof. was floaty fiean and cloae atwe am bound tc keep out of
Trtephone Rebates la Order.
j Census Uker was very. very. very, very covery than baa yet been made to tbslentloB abowed bow nach the maaie of miacblef.
Nowthstihe fll2 reeidenee rate for
Miss Bryan as Hsmle Waaton Klondlke. For yeara be enflered aaMariloabrr IkaM Board of IducaUoo (abo: tba lltUe firls waa eajoyad.
Wei', exense further wriUng as f am
Ulepbone service fr..m tbe Micbigan.wss ezeeptioaatly good. Hiss HomA baaa aola by Fred fiualor waa floebnabed.’'
r. JOBMiOK of Waabronav.
Telepboar^mpanyamtovogue. MSB- mm at Polly Sulpe was all Uagh aod paaied by bemorrbaget; and wi
Py Meabar Stale Board of BdaratioD (lent ly flea*.
Yonra as erer.
lately cored by Dr. King's New Dis«laii»'^
Tba cUtaa poalaf by Shea Martin
F. O. BaMkek.
*** r A. PLATT of Ooaeaoe.
have paid for tbe preaent quarter at tbe pievaoU oa from elating tba ezcellenM ery for ConaomptlM. Coughs and Colda.
-at eoe ef tba prattlaat asd meat aiv
former rata, that they are entitled to a of each and every mem<wr of this elev-' He declaree that gold It of little valosCUN0REB810NAL.
tlatla tblnfs Imaftaable- Tbe little
mbave V> tbe new n
•Baprraeatatlre teOeagnaa. lltb E
Wa have an haaitaoey to to oompariw>o with this marvrisw
flrl. beaalifally dreeaed la wbUt, poeWILUAB a MX81CK of Ao\niB.
Julius Stslo berg hashed some special Look Om ^Y(nrs't~
, aaylag that Bryan's Comedians is one enre; weald bare it. even if it coat#
ad to rapioaant tba earloaa aiootlosa
photobal tUe llgbu placed la Ue rralk
t traveling tq- busdrefi dollars a bottle.
Stocks of Far Collarettes—every of the fioeet c
aoft plaao aecompaaleat by Miaa
- aebit tbraalaod longai_____
PBi Blair Seaaior—
to front of his two large displey win
•tom's line of ijem—aad don't fni
'orget i>ay. Profeeeor Saaadera
JAHS8 W.HlLUKBX.otUraadTrarerae Wblu added to tba effec
is«ortmeat we ehow. Fmm what oaaae to be proud of bis orgaaiseiloB ' Ei'ag's
dows. Tbaaa am plates that
Mr. Wblta and Mr. Baoter aasr a
apeciaUy made to hU order for tbe purRSPRESENTATrVE.
t.“tn IbaCroaaofCbriat 1 flory.
poee aad are a flat Uiag. Tice A JaA piUo
daat-ooaof Chapia’t waltz*.
of Oned Tr
eobe of New York are tbe maadfaoreaderad by Miaa Loalaa
invited to call, whether yon dealr- to
Fletcher's new Colombian bote) will
purchase or no>. Nn trouble to abow 1
Aa exquisitely beanllfnl riolia solo
good tbiogs S-eiib-ir'«
aa readared by MisaBlaneba Baraum. it opened to tbe public next week.
**°sml£iMTA. xfwroK.
~ •
who shews talaat of a most exeeptloaal Tbe first gnesu will be Bryan‘e e< me
kind, and althongb so yosag, may ba dians, a oompaoy of alxtoca who are ta Have
called one of the beat riolia players in appear in Steinberg's. Grand Opera
You seen our
tbe city. An exceedingly eathnsisatic Hone arery night next wet k. except
Welneaday. when Colonel Cupetood
encore called forth a
ParOrcBlt Coon Cunoilaolooerwill appear to the Bigh acbool lec are
chanatag aa tbe Aral aolo.
A delightful reelution. entitled course
Mr. Butterfidd aed daughter.. Mrs.
“Paleatiae” was girea by Mlse Cana
^‘wilSuAB E. BOOK
O'Neal, fallowed by a psotomine of tbe Wynegau of Cbsrioi'e. are risiUng an
other daughter of Mr. Kutteifleld. Mrs.
hymn. “Nearer My God to Thoe."
A Tocal solo. “The Better Land,'' A. W. Pbilipe of North Elmwood a'veT>X legal adrice girea tbe board of
Bue. Mr. Butterfield is pssl nia.etyMpersiaois laat nlgbt by Attoroeyt was rendered by Mrs. A. U. Holliday, iwo years of age and is still as hale
Dodge and Pratt wilt be prodnctli-e of to which tbe eloaesL attention waa aad hearty as a young man of fifty.
■Moh good aad the earaettaeae with
Tbe completion of tbe tower on the
“Tbe Last Hope” was beautifully
wbieb tbe eoart boaie oontrover^
played by Miss Josephine Vader, as Presbyterian ebureh Uamattcr of only
Might Just AS well barn it as pay more nfeukalBg cOBtiaered girea promlte that
a abort time now, men were at work on
fMsady Buy be fouod and tbe work <
It is a beau'j. Y''>i do not have to
sy for floor thao
Altogether the concert was an oa- the atrncture yesierdry.
flka Btw building be allowed to prohave
B. B. Pope, agent at tbe stmmboat
•eed without much more dlScolty. quallied success and ereryone was de
do>-k. Is having many itq.iriea re. ard- way. It ia alwars ready to extend—
The respoatlbilUy hat been shifted lighted with it.
ny JitUe child, i years oH cao extend '
tog the paeaage by the N'orihrm MiehiDvm tbs sbouldert of tbe baildiog
. And It cos's ao mire than any nice !
gSD Transportation Cu's boau to t'bi•namittee to tbe board and wbaterer
cage for the big peace jubilee to Uke
mMf bate been tbe tborteosings of
We bevee fine line of extensioniWoonmlttee all tbe troeble teeme to Bnt SuppIlM for the Sic-k at Saatiago. place next week. The rate for tbe
^blea—over 40 d ffereat alylea-4rom
round trip, including meala and berib
Though Abaadnat, Myaterloosly
Mara bees caused primarily because of
91.65 up. toe will nave yon money on
win ba but r. The jubilee will take
tbt lack of legal adrlae which abonld
Tbe foliowiog letter from SanUsgo r^aee on tbe 18th and IKth.
kBta beaa girea the board by tbe
Mr. Greer, who wae at work on Car
as receired yesterday from F. U. BaatfOBSty aitorney at tbe onUet.
oea, formerly eonnacted with tbe
aaveraly lajured by a fall of about uevIf ProaecuiiBg Attorney Tweddle Bkoobd:
s feet yesterday morning.
tpps acting eaiircly for tbe iaUreaU of
General Hoeplul. Santiaga de Cuba.
Tbe annual meeUng of tbe Order of
tiM taxpayers ana is behalf of the
baaday, Bept. 7f., ituts
Boasty. It eeems slogular that bis pe
Dbar Whj.:—The Ubiett you so kind tbe Eastern Star wU! be held in Grand
tition for a writ of maadamas to com- ly aeatjjst arrired yesterday. 1 bare Rapids. The delegates frrm tbiad'y
- Hold OD there a muiute!
pal the eeuDty clerk to issue an order Wan attached to the abore hoapiul aro Mm. Levi Soule aed Mra S. C Oea<0r tbe payment of tbe claims ef Coe* since Aogust 1st. on which date I ar- pres, wbo went to Grand Baplda yes
Do you want to buy any
flraetor Gibson, sbould hare been - rired back at Ssatlago after a abort terday.
Ez-Sopervisor B. J. Taylor of Baat
Etawn bp at a meetiug of himself, the . Inp to New York with M7 of sick and
Boatraetor aad architact. aa declared Iwoundad. 1 hare seen cootlderable Ray. is bsppy over tbe arrival of a
by bia pAPtner, Gaorge U. Cross.
i hard work since 1 bare been a member young BOB, wbo came yesterday.
•uter Sdwol Vem«t
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
To Burn!”
J.W. SLATER, flOQse Fnniisber.
j of the boepital corps but 1 think the
Mb O. O. STr-Auty. the WashlngU
trip to New York on tbe UlivetU waa
County Appoiatmenta
nl.b.U,.l..U,. Co.™.,
Aside from tbe bested dlacom
^oamal. which U now
were 17 boepiul men toclndingetewarda
meeUng of tbe board of sni
EOvar Damoeracy. writes hU paper tbbt
and kitchen detail aboard which left 10 vlaots yeeterday Uia following appo!
flRa Demoemts bare no ebaaca of orof ns u> care for the entire number day menu were made;
gantotog tbe next Bouse. But UU
and night, bestdea doing other work,
Superiatendeat of tbe Poor, A.
ikOBld lead no Bepnblican tooremleep
both necessary aad naaecesaary, 16 Polver of Parafltaa townahip; Coan^
htowall on eleetloa day.
hours beiag the srerage number of Seb-ol Examiner, J. L. Gibbs; Board
WST don't tbe Demoemts o«w orer hours spent at some sort of work for of C lanty Ganvaaaera, A. S Pray. M.
Ik* aaoceaafal lataq of tbe war they tka time spent on that aalneky ship, C. b*b^rd. F. L. DnelL
'glalm they forced upon the Repeb- with a Major durgaoa of tbe United
Itoans? Did they wish the lAeulw to Mtstes Army in cummsndwbo has not Tesaraaot’admd
tbe respect of man of bis own imnk or
tobi-lieve thst tbe best men's snlta
say other eoramitsioned officer or en
at Trj) Ikq.i.ARB in town km st this
•lore uatll .vou have called aad lookIt U preaomed that at tbs proper listed man in tbe aerricc. I bare since
over the new fall styles we offer
ttea it will be abowo that Mr Bsnna beiag on tbe islsod serred in all three
at tbe above prlre. Then, if our,
ams to aome manner responsible for tbe dirlsiOB hotplula.
is not at />iuH. yon will
We am bow quartered In the old
••apenaloB of tbe Arena, the Frea SUagree with u» io saying that our Itoe
U the beet ia the city.
Spanisb millury botaital oatheoetStxiitbxbo a.
akirta of Saatiago We get an
al oewepaper fr>m tbe sUles; tbe lat
by ns to aae our Immmte lina
Ladies, clean your■ kid
est I have seen is Sepiemuer
gloves with <
aloakk, not simply bet-auv- we cxr
Thereareto my oeruto hnowlsdge ?**"*’■^
a liquid. |
toveiiyopyonr waais ia tbit II
bni becAusa we hare rrerv reison
------- .. piles of supplies seat hem for tbe sick i
^‘^"h.'^haid “Sbr^lto <
through oar Slick will and ibelr atteodanu bnt ike Lord only j only by James G. Johnson, the dm
j toxurim we gel is some cheap jam <
jelly eed sneb etufl. 'i
commissary by in^i
From Chicago, with the la'.«et styles
Tbe officers directly io commaafi here
.and Ideat in Pall and Winter Miliio- are
_ all right, aad do the best they oan.
Wfy- The ladlM are cordially invlud . ... ,1
Major Ib'binwun
RobiDMia formerly
to oome and aee tbe stvies. MIm ' ‘
Minnie Koenig. Oor. Oak and Bay
o^lke lOth L'altsd Htatm fnAtmeu, West Side. 460.fl.
faairj U cfalef tnrgeon with Lieuv
SbTtfBn ntuwd
Well, look at thls:-
As goed ao arm chair os there is io the :
6 moil seal chairs for ool| $1.75.
city for $100~0or price is ooly
6 0000 soot chairs for ooly $3.50.
A wooil seat rocker for ooly 50c.
A high hack, sclib oak, cue sou rocker, I lice hod with camd headboard, $1.40.
for ooly 85c.
A cheap, piaii hod far ooly $U5.
When you are in and looking around for bargains, don't forget to look
through our couch room. We have a large and fine assortment of couches. The
cheapest is a spring-edge couch, fully g;uaranteed for two years, for only $3.50:
You can surely save money by buying your furniture of us.
Our house
furnishing departmcnt.far excels anything shown in Xoithern Michigan.
The place—
Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
aod Paper Haneer.
Shop opposite Eagle office.
Because Not Properly Executed by Board of
Superrisors, Instead of by Committee
board oely
priaiat the intenatanf tba eonsty.
Boat ba Mditad by tba
aii otbar olatou are dia-
poaed of by iba>.
latbte oaaaao
to be
ooDatdrrad aad allowed if jeat.
Opinion of K. 0 Bofice.
atatOBast •TOM n»U the claim haa been paaaed
reata aolrly apoo the board,
^ the hoard, the proper body to fint
bar which called for
consider ic
omaideration and ba eonld not in jm-
tbe noet carefal
Wbea asked aa to tbe daoser of tbe
tine to blnaeU or the board offer aa
natter of tbe natter polnA iato the oplaiaa off-baad. Be wonid be enry
United SUtea District oonrt, Mr. Pratt I «lad to aealat U exincatlof tbe oonnty
to wl
SaperrlBon Strosgrllng With a Serioos Problem—Opinions
GHven by Prstt ft Ilsvis sad Mauly C. Dodge
Indicate That Entire Ooort Boose Pro
ceeding Haa Been IllegaL
It be very pnarded is
Tba eonoty eonrt bonaa
aatanylr-, Pratt A Davla appeared to answer aucb
and examine carefoUy Into the clalmi
for extnia and if It waa deemed that
they are joat some disposition ahosld
to five
Mr. Pratt auted that la i
i arbleh will pus iato tba hUtory of tba) ^ raqaaat of tba eosalttaa appointeoaa^aaoaaof tbaawaat eiolaat aad
ad for that parpoaa ba badpatbUopin-
upteasant. aad oaa la wbleb tba proa- ion is writinf. and as it had
aeoiiar altoraay of
the oonnty felt bsan aabmltlad to
tba board
«aUad apoD to express blnaalf In laa-
fsaee more forcible than refined.
not yat
The opinioai la aa fi
Twaddia aadaaTorad to To The He
BoaH of boperri
Hrasd TraTerse. Michicao:
filinr a peUtlon ^or a writ of nan-1
YoarCominitteo harinf oallad opoa
danna to compel Coaoty Clark Newton |
q^eatinp our opinion as to the
le 1le*
to iaaaa as order for tba anoont of tba Caliljr of tbe ooatraci heretofore Bade
nlbin of Contapotor Gibson for~tbe ex-1I between Grand
ireree Vonnty and
traa for labor aad nateHal on tbe new Jordee B
vat eleerly for Ik.
We SlSt 8 lo Yonr
mrt bonee. wah
Ue ka.1
dxplain to tba board that hU acOon in
lateresU of
iba tazpayern,
and the
o tbe makinp o
First. A rcM
n to a role of tba People.
Second. If upon tbe rote of Ue Peopie tbe reaoi
aoiuUoD if carried.
Third. T
There mut be a reaolutlon
of toe Board of Buperriaore Inritinp
bids on plans and Specif ieations already
lied and all bids must be naoe
with reference to sneb plana an
and apccifieaUona inclodinp material, <
that ail bidden sbell stand upon <qui
> prerent the
tractor takinp
matur into tbe
United States Diatriet court.
and ct,D*idrrable eol'pbteament aa to an aitomry in whom they bad implicit
tbe lllefalily of tbe proiwediacs of tbe confidence, one whose ezpericnee aad
In toucblsp up- ability fitted him for so important a
board in Ibe premises.
a aitanded
boiloiop a« eoald be cuD'trucUd wUh-
of pattLof to hU laffal knowledge.
that alf
It may be
tbe extra expense
may bave bran aecesaary bat It
w by
Pnfssentor Tweddle,
in other words, it was inplied
that if Tweddle bad riren the natter
ence SLd ability could
Inr to nearly r.uoo abontd have bees
tbe atteatioB such an important mat-
ployed Ly tbe connty.
incurred so anon.
tor demanded rauc^of
He went on to state
ibe diAmity
that in kia opinioa onder the present
conditions tbe contract eonld not be
M a defense of hU coarse and dedsmi
la rmpbaUc terms that Tweddle
bad ^u-fied
opp irtnoitr ofcax
contract was reached Twsdd.e wdnt to , parrmento st th:s time snd should yonr
Oraad Rapids, aod when be returned Honorablr B aiy desire to have me do
k. l»d U, «.Plr«t wiu. blip ud did “■
■ “""I
""I 'i» JOd
Mt discuss it or show It to his partner.
ssy fnriber in coontctloe
In tonehlng npon tbe miUer of the with this upiuiou. mat tbe coniraci
itteo tu B
by yiur Buildlos
petitisB fw a writ of msadamus, M'.
Coinmittee auO approved of bv me as lo
Cross stated that U was drawn up last
iu general teruu. aliboug
Bunday at aaeeret meeting of Tweddle. recollection o! tba prSseocrS io said
cjotract of any pruv.sioiis mulbonziuK
I tbe Arcbitecu <o sudu ac>.-oauU or to
Mr Cross was —_____ _____ his re i to “»‘fv that* certify ibvir opioioo s>
Mr. cross was earaeat and bta re i
ceruio tbiugs having
:b I •
with tkem
i^-n done in a satisfactory munoFr
He eoociuded with tbedeclaration tbs-. I As IQ tny opinion, no such
there was "something rot'An in Den could be deleg
authority to Uic Arcbitecu aid if the
the proper time comes be will show contrscu for ibe build<ng was in louci
where tbe roUenni-k, exists.
way* legal, such psria and
aod p.irt
These discussions did not. tend to re thereof ssto axuine togiea tba A
seeu UDlimiteO powvr. would noi lie
duce the interest of tbe coutrorersv
VBiid aod binding sn-l could not affect
Md addiUonsI Interest was excited ed toe right of you- Uuoorai le Body
when the board adj lurned to meet iu 00 wbst the law
r- qj-res yon to uo in
and fixing U.e
I, upona
•eening session to listen to tbs legal nil
W^nloB or Pratt A Davis in resp-mse to \ *
mark” andnssured tbe board that when
the request of the special eommitiei-. ;
the board in tbe court house matter.
npon the silnstino
one in wbicb every citiun of tbe coun
ty is deeply intc.-ested and tbat it is
When tbe board met in tbe eonnclli importaul that toe trouble sbou'd U
the evening
there were
bridged over; alao that
Mi chain enongb to accommodate tbe . sbonld be devised to complete tbe court
orowd of specteVgn preaeot.
bonse without trouble and tbat it waa
the visltera were many promineot tex-
for tbe best inier*»u of the Uzpaycis
payen who
given this eontro-
tbat the oonrt bouse ahenld be finisbru
tbonghtful dellbsn-
as quickly M possible, and that future
seny calm aad
It any
to witness a
monkey aad parrot exhibition like that
. of tbs morning session they were mis-’
The object of the session waa
to Usten to legal
proceedings ihoiilu be oonilscted with
The matter of th i contract vritb the
builder waa referred to and diacuaaeu.
upon the: Mr. Pratt stated that the eontract. was
matter aad tbe superrlson showed an ' brongbt to hit firm by tbe building {
•aroe«tdiapositi,>n to give the prnh'em - c-imioittee fur tbe purpose of gsioing
the oonsiderntioD wfaicb the siwsiiun
Uietr opia.uu upuu .u g«ac
aad not as to whether
r tbe
the committee
.Whatever the personal
themtmberaof tbe board
bad the legal right to execute It.
Arebitset Oaanoi Audit Claims.
Tbe matter wasdlscuateOinteUigent-
•rldeat desire to proceed carefully aod
ly aod at letgtb.mary of tbesupiivU-
meriU of the silnation
Fun! Fun! Fani l
■ and tbe board adj >nnfrd.
PricM-10. 20 and SOe.
Beau WUI be placed on Mle at 1
enforced by the contractor, iberefore
for the best intereaU of all eoaeemed.
Wbal tbe basks snc Usdin« Bnslnest.'
lid be wise to adjust matters no
that the work eonld iro on and
And be
Manor kalansM
tbat if the arcblMci hoaesUy Intondid
licliigaii Accident Asscciitico.
:U buildlnr in acoordauce wito
KsIsMssoo. Mich.. Joar A l<«.
To Tbs Pi suci
Wc.tSs u»amil|n>*e, bvrobr cvnllj (bat ihsi
w* srr pocausbUr scu<>»iBlr4 vlib tb« oar,-rr
saCdIrreiorsot ib* fiUcbtfnn Accident As ,
In discussing tbe necneity for tbe eeelalloa of ibk^^r^aad hoov iben to be '
bU planafor the p lee named he sbonld
will-ing logoon and eompleto it,
0ns Msasos fJr Bztras.
The mailer inrolrrd In the inquiry
re-. madr br y<>ur Comm'ltee are uf senoua
sever consulted him in relation te tb» I orrasing my views u-fore tbe Buard
eaurt house contmci. On the contrary, ' end •'bich wnu.d he much m.ire at
Lota of apeciaiUes by «:
After some more discasalon a vote
thanks waa tendered to both attorneys'!
competent peraon deleratedor appoint-
naitaloD to addreaa tUe board In reply |
mber in
Diamond Mystery."
As Advertiaed,
our line of Plngr«
For womeo,
$3.00. ^
Our complete Fall and Winter Linelis in.. ’
Call and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Shoeman.
118 Front Street.
Wurebnrg Block
tbe prosecutor 1
MSaed Ulkiog when Crosa aaked perfie tbe remarks of Tweddle.
marks esrried
aucb sen in tbe oonoiy whoae experi
peara aatoundlDir that extru amonot-
occupied Territory.
Monday, Oct IT. i
the matter abonld be one wbon ibe
tbat regard, hot wbo failed to do so soperviaors could trnst Implicitly, and
and eeerytblnp waa supposed to be all be believed tbat there were sevenU
Live Agents Wanted in Dn-
Tlie attorney wbo was employed In
who prunised to adeiae tbe board in
extras Chairman Brown stated that In ' brtleri^i^l oiuT? oal to tS« Irtter aor ebllsiJ ^
Thera wA a frae azpreeaioa of the
tioas Uivr Bar liwur W« woo’d fonber sar |
tbe Fxcavsiioss it was found tbntnt v-a,
tbat antai
froai wbal
wr kaov of Ibr oirtbod. aad ,
opinioa tbaV^e alUatlon isdicatod
tba depth the plana called for unsafe BBoersaof t______ ____ ______ ________
tlon WF brllerv II
lhai !• Judlrkooa
li tobr
ibatMr. TweddlawaBactiaffln behalf
ground were found, BaaaxFd aod conduciFd oo awlM boalee
of tbe eonuaetor father than of the
liFlDFlplFa. Avnoc a Isrxe BFBbrrablp
which necessitoUd a large amipontof IblaFlir vr hs.FOFFFrbasrdaFuBplsIolnf un- .
people of tbe eoasty. And Supereleor
extra labor and atone. The matter fslrtrFUBrstor fsUer* toBM sh locUlasu
Wilhelm belired that the board ebonid
dlsens'^d along this line for some
X Oatss.
Mce ateps to employ othe> lepal aid for footlac to bid os tbe same bnUdlav f<
Pn-aldaol nrml N
'then tbe petition fi:ad by ProneE-f. 0*T-mtbaooouty.
cuter Tweddle wnsrefeired to and aevV. T. Basass.
' Twaddle wns inoenaed most then be roted on and I order to'
CsabiFr SOBF asTliixa Bssk.
eral things not complimcptary to tbe
at thane sanr«atloat and |
its acceptance most ba
arried by
prosecutor were said. Mr. Pratt stated
anandeiaib of the
•npreoi himaeK lo a atyla moi
y a like rote aotbor- tbat tbe beard ought to put on record
pkatlc than eluant.
itad to siffD and
tbe fact that Tweddia was not aslbor
Bank terma were nsed in bin remarks carry into effect tbe bid aa aoeeptod.
A. P
issd to begin tbe suit in behalf of the
wbea he refbired to tbe action of bU
Fifth. Witbont tbs aceeptonce of
OoUDty. and It would be well for tbe
Csa. «sjsc*astbe
partner, Oea H. Croaa, in appearinff
Tallor aod (Mt'
I's rerelabini
clerk and cbalrmao to enter into a coa- board to know whether Tweddle is
before the board with an opinion tbat!
^ ^
Wbol'aolF BteUoocta.
S rote of tbe Board, it U rrprvsenUng tbe county or tbe con
ata pom.
the eontract between the oonnty and : dear tbat
lefal contract eonld
tbe coatractor was illepnl. Be daelar- nada so in this cau. If tbe records of
Ta,,*. P. IILCa
County Attomsy Heeded.
Bre r a Hi
Hblatosade Puk Co.
•d that erery atop in the proeedinpa ! V.-nr Honorable t^y do not show
Then the matter as t> whether the
iaeiiOD and no socb action i
waa made with the knowle^e
and ad
gt ana
no Irpal and btndiof •
cosDtf sbonld employ ati attomry to
Mr. Cross aad be
ata loss to could bare baeu entered into.
defend tbe eonnty clerk in >tbis suit
1 why Croas nowr adranced
admneed '
It ts usual
nsoal and competent 1for tbe
was Uken up. and It was conceded
differeal rlewa Tbe diaeosaion
that io this cau someone aboald lebaatod and fUlad with sharp iorectir*.
to it tbe peneral superriaion of tbe exIn the BMStime Hr. Crosa became , eentioD of tbe contract and the general
warm under tbe tirade of bia partner i on rslifbt of the coi.KU-ucilun of the
be made of them and tbe work allowed oa ibe potsible reason for tbe apparent work, and that he be giren the neces
to proeead.
The interests of cerry nefflnct of the board in aneh an impor sary urns to atady the aitnatlon'abd
citizen are Ideoiical. and he belleero tant matter Chairman Brown stated advise the eoasty as to the beat way
it Wu the psrpoae of the board that tbe lepsl points were to hsve been out of tbe trouble.
at tba meeliar of tba board of aaparaaonilBC
But one
Be aaid that in enae tbe be WM snre of. that the esUre pro
wosld damaod sach axtru aa are rep- matter went Into that eonrt the con ceeding bad been illefnl, and that tba
raaantad In tbia eaaa.
Aa tbe natter tractor wonid be adrised to pc back to eoomet was abaolntoly void.
OpMtacXaaUarweuiac •slbebeMUtulfieea .
atanda tbe board ahoold receire an tba board of anperriaora. There waa thought the only way to atraightan It ,
itenized sutameet fronthe committaa nneb more dircassioo alonf thtwe linra o«l was for tba county to
tact woBld draw a aat of plana wbleb
meat waa the oocaaioa of a wild teeoe ' qaeattoaa ab tba board aartoed deairoaa
aiaora yaai<irday
; Comedians: :r
fron tbe dilemma bat he realized tbat
■cd that it did not sum cem on that aevre, and need aot .fear
the United btatea court, tbon^b Twed-
poasible to bin that a ornpetant areb-
His Action In Filing Petition for Writ of XandsmuB Not Appreciated by Board.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House,
Mr. Dodffc aaid that tbia was a miv
acid that tbe board need haea no eonHealaod
clerk to pay Contractor 'DIbaoa nearly
aboold oome before tb«
reapoDaiblUty of
qooatioaa Manly C. Dodca win inritwi.
Mr. Penu staled Uat-te had no fear u cl*« bln opinkn apea tbn aitn»-!
that Jsdre OorbeU woald direct the
adopt tbe bast method to straighten oot
qutklioas npon important
tbe diaunlty with tbe beat resulu pos-
Mbls under tbs clrcamsuaces.
a question, that be oould find no law
25c for a blue mix satin face, good value for
the money.
35c-gray ribbed, very good.
50c buys some extra good goods-Many styles
to select froipr-^
A special bargain in Camels Hair,c55c.
65c to 75c-Handsome designs for everybody.
Another special, $1.00, Plush back-See them.
Combination Suits trom SI.50 to $5~-See them. Be
The Celebrated Jaros-Hygienic well known to
Wear Jaros Hy
our trade.
gienic Underwear.
'JVod^A said.
Sold by us for years.
You n)Ay caicb col4 S
Jtsof HysrieDieS
I UnderwffATtbut you'll)
fh&v« to try to —it?
lAbsork's moisturCtC
*ai)4 proofs tf)c sHtnj
[ssainst cIin)Atici
cbRns«5—ooo irri-J
Mr. Pratt steted. in answer to
no fiery ntteranca sbinl eorrnp-1 wnicn wonid permit tbe bonrd to deJrUoa, but tbare vras a realization that: gate tbe signing of a ountract to s cornbad
mads aad, miitee.
The law
Ibav oun-
tbere seemed a nnited purpose to
tracto for pnbliee irnprovemente
tlfy them by the aid of tbe bmt legal
be executed by ^ oonnty cli
oasnael tbe conatj afforda
chairman of the'I board of snpt
Is iwspoase to the tsvitetloa of
btxrd B B Pratt, of the law
Be also declared that no claim-, fur 'X-
firm of Iras pould ba anJited by eltncr 'tti
THMOsaora UB09U vtnmDAT. omoBES is, iws.
hae eat M* *fth moped alfalfa thla een•em. and each of the «ve eropa kaa baaa
equal to fair yiald of eloter.
At Kalamaaon, Biebard Paar, agad
2 Vtttm 9t Xatvmt Fra JOX
St. a marriad maa, worked aad wae
rm oi KiAUu.
I quite well Mimday. He die^ Tuesday
morning from a eauee nnkaowa.
Tkere are a nnmbar of eaaaa of dipk•MiOf eholm It prermtont wowM theria at Grand Haven, aad eareleeaBsekvood ud wemt io be
aaaa oe Mie part of tbe faaUlica of
«tt»oti«e.tbea mr before In thst pert tbcas afflicted with the dPeeee M re«t Uteeute. John Welle, e p<
ealtiag in lu epreadiagoMuiderably.
«nt feraw. bet loet over «S00 worth
WUliam Divine of Oambrla myateri«t bog:* from (hit dreaded, diteMe.
while efLieateneat OoTemer Jobo onsly mlsaing stnoe last Priday, has
' Sttonc bat loot between on* and two written home from Buffalo, asadiag
money which be eaye be eball need no
hnodred from fait Urfeetoek term.
longer at bs shall ba dead by tbe time
TBbt fortheominff report of the Cbieafo
the letter is iveeived. It is feared that
& Went Midticna mU<my wUt tbow
Divine baa become insane and that be
that the Aorott bnaiBca* of the com
intends to tnkehU life by jamping over
pany wet the larreat of toy Anmut
Niagara Falls. Mr. Divine was In good
ofiueereraldectdeaofcxiatanoe. and
baaltb and In good financial oooditioa.
eaae within 9t,000 of brealciog the roeBisoppearauee waa as nsasi oa the
ofd for any Bonlh.
onlng of hU dUsppMrance.
'The Detroit Tribune naT* Fred MolAt Imley City in tbe Sebaal inquest
harry, aged 14 yean, who olaimt l^r«rae City m hit home, wae tent to that aroenicai poison was discovered in the
place tome time ago by the poor oom- womao'e stomach and her husband baa
mltaion. The Tnrene City anthori- been arrested for murder.
I intitnEwssnniits.
tim aent the poor fellow beck and he la
now being oared for by the local anthoritlea of Detroit.
Beaeral Mr I Mutao of Vniveiaal
'hoeording to ^e
’ of the stage of water on Lake SeperGold quarts yielding gl.ooo to the ton
ior, prepared by J. H. Darling, of the
felted dtatet Gegioeer Corpa of Da- baa been dlaeovered at Skagusy. re
lutr. U wet belter during Srptamber ports claim.
tbaa it h«» >e'n brfnrr in the month
Policeman Axil I.' Mikkelsen of Chi
of lieplrmW I'r the le»-t twraty-alx cago. abol himself and was found dead
yoan. Daring that mouth tbit year it
the grave i-f bU wife in Mount
wae .10 of a foot higher than it waa Olive cemetery. Mikkelsen was dressed
during the preceedlng month, and .31 in full nniforra. Hb wife died five
of a fool higher than in 8ept*mber months ago and be hae visited her
latt year. Ue ttage of water for grave dally.
September ^ year wat .13 of a
Tbe Eldredge geological eurvey par
foot higher thu the average depicra- ty. which baa relumed from tbe Cook
her itage for twenly-al* yearn.
laleteoentry. iadeelar*d to have otoTheOrand Bapide haeket works eovered a new mountain In Alaska
have purrbaeed the plant of the Baby whoae height b given aa 90,000 feet
Me'ehOo aadwl al ry,]ihelr work*, tbe highest In North America.
making it tbv largest banket factory ip
Countem Adeline Behlmmelmann of
Copmhagen. Denmark. socompaDled by
At Tawas City, Mrs Joaaph Yaa, at hertw* aoas and aeven
tempted to end her life by drowning. hae arrived In Cleveland oa the private
:dbe jumped Into tbe bay from one of yacht Data. The oounteea la doing
tbe docks but was rescuod. When she
was gotten out, Mra. Van beggad plt- eisaUy among tboae of her own natloawmaly to be thrown lata tbe water ality. aad expaeta to encircle the earth
ngaia as she wae Ured of earth and La har travels
wanted to die. She waa despondent
Alax Keitb. a young farmer, at Monover illness.
tieello. Ry.. called on hb aweetbeart.
Isase Bl'swortb sent up from Clinton Mba Lon Dick, and found a rival ulkwpunty in Decembsr. 18S7, made a clev Ing to ber. Angry words passed aad
er eaeape Tacedey morning from the Eeltb attempted to sb*ot the ether
atote’e prison.
cut a hole in a aiz.- lan. Mias Dick iatorferad. when Reitb
inen atone ceiling, to a cell in the west tamed bb rvvelver an ber and shot her
wing. ThenJp cat a hole Ibrongh the through the right breaet, laflieling a
roof aad let himself down by a rope mortol wouad. He then fled.
anade of bedding; and uiring a ladder
Loub Rempaer, United States posUl
ellmbed over the outer wall and eaeap- agent at Santiago, reports that tbe
ed. Be has nerved three terms before
stlon of Snaabb treope at
thU for burglary and borse atealing..
Cienfnegoa b being actively pasbod.
PhilKp Mitchell, aged SO. a well abont l.SM men being brought there
known ci'leen of Iron Mountein. went weekly from tfce ports between Msnbanting w:<.k a party In tbe woods sanllloand CienfuegoB. on tbe soelb
Saturday. Be took a trail Sunday morn-1
ing aad left the party la aewvh of I On tbe west coast of Africa loo aativc
game. Kothleg has beed seen of him I chiefs have been arrested aad are
g parties with dogs ire awaiting trial at Freetown for the
soonrlnr tbe woods. Tbe country b murder of American and other mbeionvery rough and wUd and It b feared ATbeat Kwell in May laat. A number
that ba b loet. Be baa hnutod for 19 of the ebieb implbatod have already
years in thb section without a mb- bean eonvlctod.
Tramp* made a dastardly attempt
Charles Paget of St Joaepb, who was ti
taUlIy injured by falling from an apple train at A.r Line junction, went of
tree.'wa* 74 years old. He wae buried Toledo. Uhlo. Three heevy Umbers.
oa Tuesday ander the anspicee of the 3'> feet long end 1(> inches cqnare. were
the maeoDB. of which he hae been a bid on tbe tiacks of tbe high tresUemember for *0 years.
wher* the Michigan Central croaers
PhlUlp Htaadlbk disappeared from the Lake Skora. Tbe engioear of the
Brighton abont tbree years ago and it freight whieh came along abont lo
was thought he had gone to Aostralla, o’clock aaw tbe obetmetione but wna
bat It appear* that ba was waylaid la nnabieto stop bb train unUl hb enMaw York city and robbad.
He hae gins had ersahed Into the timbers.
baaa ill and b the victim of a aeriae of The englae did not leave the traek.
The pilot-house was wrecked.
The Lansing Miabterial Uolon hat
Foreign goveruntenb arc eeeking inadopted rwolnUonalndoralag the car. formatioD in regard to tbe gunpraeftw bell and the common oounell will Uea of tbe Amcrioaa eallora. They de
bo asked to euaet an ordinance provid sire to adopt the eyetom in their navies
ing for ringing the bell at S'oclohk In ae-soeh good rcaults were obtaiaed
tbe eveeing. after which boor no child- from them la the Spaubh war. France
ran will be permitted on tbe sitmIs.
stset applicant for a drill book,
by ike navy department, but
Mrs. Horace A. Soule, a Cllntoe
oounty pioneer, b dead, aged <17. She tbe roiuvst will be granted only on
had rerided on the farm where sbe died oondlticu that the French government
certain informstlon which
fiof forty-twa years.
Beatriec Smith, an Owomo litUc one. the American naval attache at Paris
met with a peculiar accident on Mon hss fruil'.sixi'yendesvorcd to obtain for
•eversl wroks.
day. A brick wae blown oft tbe ebimAt ManssnlUo, Cuba. Col. Bay, tbe
wyofa house near which she was
etanding. andntmek ber oa the beml. American oomaiander, paid a final
iafileUng what may prove a fatal in- vbit to tbe Spaabb commasder, Cgl.
Ihrron, Sunday aftomoon, and wished
... Robert Miller, a young man of BaUle the Spaniards bon voyage. TheAmarean troope then marched to the pnbllc
Oreak, tt mystoriously miming.
square, kobted Uie store and stripes
WUlbm Newberry., the wild man
and proceeded to the custom booee.
who torrarltsd North Lansing eitbens.
where e similar ceremony wna per
was aent to lonb for one year.
formed. Oar eoldiei* then repaired to
Indian'lake eottogen. near Dowa- the poatofBce and bobtod the American
giae. were terrorised by an enormous eneign there.
aeaserpent. Parliaeareontgnnnlagfor
CoL Freeman, of the Fifth regnlare,
the monster.
Mejvr Starr, of the inspector general's
Potter's cby bns been foand In large
aad MaJ. Carr, tbe oommbqaanUlies near Boyne City and they’ alonera sent to Inspect Brracoa and
want a factory to ntilise it.
Sagua de Tasamo, have returned to
Pbld varieties of blackbcrrimand redI Santiago de Cuba aad report dreadful
raspberries are pleotlfnl around Alp- destlMUon in tba nortben. towna
ena. Tbb b (he second crop aad the) There b abeolnto neeeealty of immedlwarm weather and rains are rcaponsi-- ato relief. Men. vr^en and eblldren
are starving and-^ed. Oen. Wood
MeBaia can M*«-t of s rit'.isa who, will send M?j >r Starr end Lieutonaot
Ur<-oU.. hb aide wlUi 500,000 raUoaa,
Maa bmn a n»Ucat nearly two
and baenever rialtod the poetofflM or,cloU.ing aad cloth atoffs to OaU. at
received any maU throagh It.
, Baraeoa, Sagas, Oibam and Batne. No
BamUlon Welker, an Iwb farsaar, larmad men nee to be rallevad. Oan.
Wood kaa baaed Uatraelloes that bm
inttoaa abaU be givea out to woman
r women.*’be
•ad children only. Tbe men. It b BBid. “«n 'Bow to Make Yoorsalf Alfound, will not srork as long as they tneotlvetoaUan.* "
she incan get tree food.
gstfed. Milnkiog it was abont time Ur
tanve a little sport with him.
Xdet of LMters.
“After, ofoonrK."hen9Uedpresnpt*
Ponovloelatbv lluar
>y. “Mo woman evt* loaea tbe knock
tS* Trsrarsv Otly
Pon_______ bbtbrBlMler,
'letivra ootil after she marries."
wOTk cbSIoc Ori ISth. iDrsUlBf ter
•tsas-Ad'vnIare Oct~
IMh.Um Mo doubt he war, as sbe mtid, ^a
t>3«. lolb A.
BrsCIr. B^ortev
mean old thing."—CfaicagoPoeL
rVBtAC. HrlrsS.
Ocndlsc. Mbit
aorrr. Aliev
Mmr. Mra. O. J.
WlrhoIvsB KsiT
KoWsMB. LasrB
BBrsBnl. Oosr
Brews. Bebert
Boots. A. ACft.
BrowB. D. Kick
CrBBor. L J.
CtmudBlI. HoWBrS
DelBvv. Emvrr
rrstik. DolMe tt>
Nwitb. Lottie
rrM^Bo. M. A
Oldros. r. M.
Mura. W. B
JvBOOBi Prirr
Us. Pwe W.
■uora. Whore
' Onyerw-Mim Leftover would be all
right it ber bead waan'tfllled withfoolito Ideaa.
Quisser—Wbst are they?
Guyer—Sbe saw a three ringed oinns
loe.—New York Journal.
Buoklanb Aniea Salve.
_ruiaee. aoree, uiet-.. ___
Bhe im, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped
L a <d>.. CbUblains. Coma, and all Kkln
Eu uptions, and poaitively cares Pilea,
or no par required. It Is goarontoed
:artect satisfaction <
Bsub.,lBn M.
M LOUDOK. DvBtlvt. O *'ce* IB b^kfal
M BROWN, IMmtt] BB« Uo(
Q.ILi aBT A ^TW. AtMrrvyv.^H^I^ B»10, Mvfm»vv**B4
- Hnl. ilhviBi.
evPHodrleii bkxAa. 'PbooB, t
t. AlUSVSVr BBd —-------B.Cilr Open. BoavvBIk,
et Lav. BpaelB]
-Why did you leave tbe eea•‘S'c'iiJiK.i., I w„. u,™ for«
atxl change, and the hotel waiters got TT—;
all the change, and tbe landlord got the O. i
rest, ao 1 came homel—Up to Date.
TravereeOity Market.
Below b a Ibt of Uie buying and eeU
Uig prlcea of yeatotday for groeeriea
provision* and farm produeu in Trav
erne City:
tear Pork
lear Perk
Short Cut Pork.
Short Cut Pork per ft.........
Floor. B L. A Co. beet..............
to*p.Bi. TBl9hce«.71.
Ibc Delrarattr Baspllel. Ass
Boilra. Cell Bi RwoBO oSra.
QAUtatrOMAN VAjrrKD-AB rap
D ai«l <-B|«t4r drr rnxia laAr ■elrani
ml Appir <B pvrmor br l«tw Jnllt
POR S4LE-Xlrbt-raBr.ol<I
Salt pert
Bran per
BOTIKe RATBe or TBATWWB errr oral-
fSSSi;;:;; ii
wrr*BAVtc»bBB4iBoo»Tt<>>MD<» fens
W esrf I-Iir pn>t«-nr. No wsUIbv for non*;
Sfuv toes >• BmT|iira. I'odNTwood A I'lnor
VJ'f'TRtV-f Boi'-'ipot. Biy proBii«ra.a ier«»
£i black cow. Ooor»«-.B«ocorv Ip applylne
to Mn- WrirbI, cor. Ittb ea4 TolOB airm-ie
F of «Udc»cnt.ll.itn. ccSiplcicS n?r^lBqulrcof Truuoco J. C LewM Xaelv. Sllrbla.
Mlrh. Wt-SUI.
1£ [CJOl-Ut'ITOB* WANTRD~WlM or Oralle
' m»DroroBrramt>lciewt«ofjBrrai^ Booki
-ikc boUdar*
^b o-t bao toar hooki
eraded for little one* to prown up folks. BocI
book cbaraiine,>l>>llrbirBl.capUratlDd. Pricoi
raarr fona tor to S&to
Larpr books, eoci
orcrflnwlae wltbbappr lttn>traUona Treaira.
Free FUla.
dnoNitrllrra. NoiLIdk llko thea. Four moatbt
rcldeo borrraifor eorremlr worker*. (MU
rrelebi paid.
BIrarrI cviB-laaloa.
ago. and get a free
OaiBt with aaapU* of all four hooka free.
box of Ur. Kl^'b New Life PillH.
Kenci lw*lre*reol atoap* for par>oc part oolr
you of their merlu. of lbepo*lBir*alnee. Orap oil traab abd clear
man a Boe'b with oar eicloalTe lurealles.
.y iu at^-tioD and are Tbi Natio«al B<k>k I'oik IB*. Jrri
These pilb are eai<y
tulerly effecliv
effeetivc in the cure of
ConKUpalion and Sick Headache.
For T^R AAUC—A acsall. Ir
Duar well lornird.
Malaria and Livi-r tronblra they have £ for aale on BMitblr
aenu. Mra. W.F.
____ np-tf
'hey a
•ee fro
Oct. », win
bolldlat let
every deleterious subsUnce snd
Ibreorarrof Klpbib sad Bair*
purely Ter"'able. They do not weaken ra
aldrwalk la front o< lot. Flrat con
perbu.:....::.......... ;soto«
ny their u... .a. but by giving tone to tbe
atomach and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Begulsr site Stc. per bos. S»DKW4LK
Noid ' - .1.0. Johnson, snd S.& Wait
W. Palrbin. dSt-tf.
From Chicago, with the latest stylM
and ideas ie Fall and Winter Millisery. The ladles are cordblly invitod
to eome aad see the styles. HU*
reutwB OtaU A Week.
xrrarnirLeB'wrCo 4a-U
C aluabrra. Trai
TNBCRANCE-Wbrn yon waBl Sra or III
A auranec. remrmlicrtkat I aa In tbe
pea* Rrral Kn-hanrr Aaaarabre. Anei
of New York.Tbunnrla Fire. Penlnaiil* k.-..
al. rraaklorl PInte U'***. Mlrh.. Nutnal PJaU
aioaa. Aetna Ufeef Coan. aad ulbrr oapaBlB*. R. B. AlljB. Prledncb Block.
^ I^KINl^^II^B^tor^aala.
Everybody who Ukee Tbr Moi
Brcioro esu have the Grand B
>k msking only li cent* per
for the
best paper in niwlbrn
ligan and
metropoIttAn paper
>r In the
suto. 1 ‘.lephoder'
T OPT-OaFVOBIatrarlBsiBrdaF wraalos. a
0. la Ivm ToUet LeUeu
Cun Ate procured of Mia. C. B. Bector
at 144 Lake Avenue.
449 Mt
Setn^t and Baton. t&OO.
^ Cnnnlngbam. Agt.
rcoiieee CssU A Week.
Everybeiay who takes Tam Morruo
BxtPRD can have tbe Grand Baplda
Herald delivered to ihemRleo fer an
Its per week, mak
ing-only 14 eenb per week for tbe
bestp^ier la aortbem Mlehigma and
thc'beeimctropoliua paper in the
Grand Rapids Herald 1
The Record is the best and
most popular daily paper north
of Grand Rapids, covering the
Grand Traverse Region thor
oughly with first-class local and
general news service.
The Grand Rapids Herald
The World
with the unexcelled news serv
ice of the Associated Press.
Both papers delivered in
Traverse City for only 14 cents
a week.
Send your subscription to
the Record ofllce or by ’phone
This is the best combination
hews service in Michigan.
Two first class papers for
little more than the price of one.
rourtMhOcBUA WeO.
Everybody who lakes Thk Muubimi
BKonsn cas have Ue Grand Bapids
Herald delivered to them abo tor aa
additiosa! four cents per week, msking only 14 cents per week fer tbe
best paper in northern Michigan snd
the bent metropollton paper In tbe
state. TelepboneSL
The Morning Record
Bats Jut retnnsd
: will pay for : :
and ;
O. I. >W. SpBCtB) BMOttOB U. <
•OMVCvBBclBV. eilFraotBl
> 14 Cents
a Week..
IwUlbcIn my oOcc antll Nomaber 1st.
im*. for tbr porpoav of coUectltw tbr acbool
sad city utia* aad apoctal aaacaaw.nis Ir.led
la tbe eliy for tbe prearst Ascal year.
OBrahonrafraa* o'clock to 11:30 o'clock a.
B.aoAfroBi I o'clock to 4 o clock p. m . and oa
Tncaday. and Prfd^ otislac* of each work
*^a BUOctober lal. IMS.
tkrre wUl brekaignd oar per coat, prnally for
coIIcctloB aad oa all nasr* paldoa aad after
OelabmatUBtUKeeraibrrfat.UH.tbere wUl
be chareod a poaalty ol two per cent tor rolleo.
tton. All tasao rmalelaK uapaid KoTrabrr
IBL, W. wlU fac retaned lo the City Clerk lor
--------------------------- itbo wiBMr lai roUa.
The best paper in the State
"The best paper
in Northern Michigan
Will supply you with the news
of the world a whole week for
14 Cents.
Ueaa alMrt «U do«.-f* «
fiaU datatr
r KUty
KUtr Biny.
•na.*. whin yoor Ti
••liat taBa.w.
Tbi-yni BinkF
Biaki- yoo
yon It
think ’H* wtalJT d
dDit mirly nhlrrr Jnnt to wr
Rnw rtow ami llcht at tbi-y •
Tbi y orarp and
Cownw that hiow,**
••Tbarrry prrtthwt
8i.:d Bally. ■■ar\. till' ijauaita dear,
Iilinh and wink.
Thrlr mtli- facw.
Tbry isally arrai all
Ai d when In di.h
•laad Par SaBad ■aaar-.FrBlt* mt
tha War la Ba Praaarrad - Oaaia.
arata Hava Rathlas kat Praa Slirrr.
' Tbm bM D«Tpr been a time KLnet tbe
ww (or tbe praierraticBi of tbe tToion
: wlMsi tbe BepoblicsD party bad more
leaaoo to be faeartily onited on national
taoea tbaa It ii today. Tbe country baa
. Jut paaMd tbroogb a war oodeitakeD
tron notivea of tbe bigbedt honor and
jatriotisa aadoarned to a aoooeMfnl
oooduaioiL In an unfreoedentedly abort
•pace of time abd rmall aacrifieeof Ufa
Tbe aatioo ia today more oordially barnooiooa and united than erer before
and that. too. in aupport of a policy
which, if not diatinctiTely RepobUoan.
''•eealTei tbe approral of a Uiger propor-
*wlU ooddmaot"
------------j P. HopUtm Bmitb, tbe anglDeer.
I aiau ,of adeiioe. traveler, artirt and
[ nnveliat. and wbat ned, ii viaiting la
Willlaai A. Eddy, tbe kite flier, re
cently bad a narrow earape front being
, it wouldn’t go. I told him ir^ww litrte i
Jim loved to teU a aioty.
He bad
A C. OarTj tbe new bead of tbe
health, i. al»o
pretid«« of the Army and Navy Med, [. ^^namtirm
He n. Tt-r expected ench Inck ua
Wileon falling Into a ritcnnuctandal evldenre trap, and be let bim go to priran
witltoot a qnulm. But biaeonecieuee or
apirit, whatever you like to call it,
couldn’t Btaud the attain, and be fell
bark on morphine, both to quiet bis
nervm and funiiKh an exniae for tbe
euicide he contemplated. He had tried
in a amall way to ahine to Wibon'a
family by wndiiig thi-ii), twonymouiUy,
„f ib,- doemu.-ut !«• lk>qncath.d a
to . cH when ho ouild :
be ia the original of that naniu
that be hi really Her. Dr. Cbarlea MoLean and a graduate pbyciclan.
In Daniel Sbaw of Kingtbuiy, wbo
Ii bS yeaiv old and louki but 00. the
people of Indiana claim to bare tbe
oldert J. P. in tbe United biatea.
Sir Womyta Reid, wbo baa just been
elected profident of tbe Euglltb lt»4ilute of Jonmalirta, waa formwly editor
of Ibe Leeda Meruary and later of Tbe
Mr. Stead aayi that the newa wbiob
mart cheered Oledctooe iu bis iaat lUneaa ww tbe report that bia granddae^ter. a bright girl of 20. bad decldad to become a minnocary.
Dr. John S. Griffin, who died in Loa
11 a veteran
of tbe first
phyeiciana to
t<> come to tbe Pacific coa
Ucan administration
nffainof tbeg
er of the Iowa, was in charge
tbe nation baa*
tamed by ~v
the ^ year. Hi.
and tbcwMiuture
the .iMmluro waspropcriy
waapnipcrly wituew-I
witiie*-1 oi
of «ue
tbe trao»p
traukpert Benefit in tbe Red
.iid one of the clerks. ! river npedilio
ilion and received tbe faigbdeclamtioo of[ tbe people in favor of a 1 oip<‘ aail rtuok bii feet on the table. Hia ^
^ually g^ in all part, of ! three h Ih.w .morning paper mm fol- ;
t».k to Ui.-oflice without any i e« praiw in AdmiraJ Porter’s dia«be world, and tbe country bai entered ' lowt’d hi. example^ amid t^ curia ^orrddov and wrote niy storv- after 1 > patebea
smoko tbi.
ig tbe story Jim told i,ud pjvcu
given the city
ciiv cdiu.r
edin.r an outline ot!
of: Tbo
The Very Rev. Father Lefebvre.
Lefebnu. tbe
inui w
«poD a new career of progreai and prq^ lOfI smuav
■ tftem:
,__ , ,,
' wbnt I bad. Hi' just jumped out of his I .operior of the Chapter of Ohlate Faparity. More men are now employed in
"One mcraing abemt 16 jjn ago; chairwith diligbi and did a d.n.l k- tber. in Monttwl. baa Ixm pti at tbe
tbe Indnatriee of tbe oonntry at remnBichard
iIk ^,ni,.nii>oe.
it... oouuiry
Mtatlva. living wages than at any time
non* Calvin, a vrrywe^tfcy
I Tbo l«iys thought he had sudd,
sndib i.ly
iily gone ' and will make bia beadquartecs in Low.
in tbe la« deoade, and tbe (armm dar lumber
ctmoem, waa found dead in hia ; mad. but be gave
. .
i ell. Maw.
gttvo th«*m
them no Mtiffactiou,
ing tbe lart year bare received larger ofBoe. Be
eetumi for tbelr produce tuan ever ba- beforo be .ranted to look over the books '
1-ie.Mu.t Vu.
wbo wu
dore aioce hard time, set in with tbe for things wen not going quite to bis
nooeHioD of thevDemocratio party to
power IB lbB9. It\i tio exat
- ' ' inu^atien
blood atmned loaves. T^hmdh«ibeeii
iu a story like that g7k?tlfl
two yrara
ISOS and tbe policy wbiob waa tbetAput
In operation.
With tbe binary of tbe last year .dll
■fresh In tbe memories of tbe people
«bere U no oocaalao for the Republican
party to reverse or modify iti porition
«n tbe main lawe of tbe campaign of
«wo years ago->.tbe currency queaticn.
Its poiicy'ou that qoertiao hai been
▼Indieatad. while that of iu l« to I free
proved a dciiuion and a sham by «xpericnoe.
Unda Eepnblioan Iwderabip tbe caMon bu enured upon a nca era. Not
pledges of Ibe party made
agq bat tbe war with bpain, practlv
iy ludorsed by a ouited party and con-'
5.do. W.y ,.I..OT ol
natioo todav i:
mu nanll. ot, .tt. I.u, roir by tbo r.
man and had been out <1 work a Icng , ^
(rirnd of hii. The man wbo had ' It !■ not generally known that tbe
time. He had never been in any kind of ,
jodgrrnnm was alao .tun. i late Liratenant William Tiffany of tbe
trouble with tbe police, but Iw bad a j
pn^toraU- my .tatexumt. and i rough rldera was a membw of tbe firm
diaracter for ahiftle8«^es^
ahlftle8«^es^ and it ww
,^riHb.ii hr Calvii
' '
in were ivvured i of' flotisU
cm Filth avenue, near T'
no secret that be and JabnMoo had bad
the ronfemion could | ty-eighth street, in New VorkcUy. ««itjne words a few day* before over a ^ Wcntifiivi" Foitunaiclv everything j ducting wbat i. known
loan he bad begged. He had Um beard ^ «»oothlv. and U-forc 1<o’clock, with | ary.”
to Kiy that a man wl»
beapa of ,j,p rnn^rreure of the judp-. tbe gov- i Charles Spink.of Newport. Ky., who
mrney and would not help his nlatlvea
d,«ded on rrleaidng the iirisonm, i. euppowxl to have beeu accidentally
might better be dead. A gl<w ww (priuo as a drubletriuson forhi* prtmipl
found in the office that was Idmtified
„irrm tbe .
as his. and. to make tbe chain M ctr- , „dBvnjd,i,jr ^rTOIlg done Wilson was to ' pieces of projxrty in Newport,and ww
I «tJ»"rtantial evidence complete be ha«l'
| one of tbo wiwUhisat citirra. ofDortbT“W»«““‘>’’*^"*l’>>l*‘*«-/«T“«*^,uwiere««7d<dav.
tbe murder wasoornmmeA
j .-Then heant forMm Wilam andher ,
-------------------------“Hislawyrti admitted
; two little girls. «.e tameall in a trrm-!
had gmie to the office, but dmied any^
rfUerr had |
------------’ ■ *.................. *
n her an ftikiiligof what was going J John Coudem. Ibe widely known ChiAnd the n leat*—^say. Ix'ys"—
• oago turfman, ha* gone tuully blind.
Tbe boy* refilled j
Roosevelt’s borw* «»t tbe govem1 ill tbe cloud of I Beot about fC5 per Load, and tbe firrt
ed the next ^ni^mt ] 40O brought from f* to #71.
the li'Urt that fliw tbe rre*I €if the n
Previnoa to bis recent rare with Joa
i .
Tl.li drf,„». ib ibo opb..
-IM,H.Twho>.a**nprrwfi toU-barfined :
B. Orutiy bad not apto human misery were hicldeu in Ibe
mont larapKllyappnmchiuK unanimity
„„k one
I Over #2.000 «00 paaaert through Iba
CO Ibis point
juTTman. bowet-cr.-_____ts..i«
wasalitlledonbiful 1one of tlie'L'OXKat tbe *.•«>« race meclingi
«e an to be tbe main iwnea..
maiislanphter in the ,
_a}d ■•ibcifri-Btirtdf ilw vrar ” '
and Aiiacouda. Midi.
witboDt mymR '^bat have
ocratio oppotienta to oppose to them? bo
for they have offered uolbiug bnt a re.
Iteration of tboir 16 to 1 free silver
tbecoiea. with an
" and a
..d (or tbe “apoila" as shown by tbe
•ttempu to orgaoiE* a corrupAni (and
by ati>ei*ments upon candidates for of.
too. for which tbe latter are expected
y robbing tbe
people. In tbe (aw of ni b iMues wbat
tonest. iutclligcni andpn _ saive voter
can hesitate in bii eboiw?—Chicago
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery stable,
B. J. MOEGAN, Prop.
by a
handed and couldn't apare me. Con
found theae city editorsl The good na
ture ia all blue penciled out of them.'’
"You're alwaya grumbling. Jim. *'
you don’t like tbe little ioeonvcniei
other, beaidea reoeiriDg the a
of nowkpaper work, why don’t
you get
of tbe better claaa of all other partiei
into anmrthiug elae? It TbeadTwtageaof union and harmony ' Avdre loget m the police bea^ and ym j
In tbe party conncilt were forcibly ih i ought to taltt all that goea with U
. V------- I
tn tbe pietne. and it ww tUa: That
while be bad not tbe courage to expoae
bia rtllainy, be waa wUling to leave it
to Provltkaiee. If there waa auch a
thing, be aaid. tbe matter woold all
out even in the t;»f
iuipoMibililieiL Tbett followedI Ibe nm(uKOQ. Be had been playing a erouked
gtuae with Juhuatin ior ypotm .but at
hut the aouior partner bad become ana*
,. « •
tbe b.xd» bunmdf. Rmn unddiagraec
.•nrfrouted Calvin, and in a paroxym
( {. ar he ha.1 taken «m*- of tbi'k.ili fire
, i 1 <1. cuvpiiig l. biinl the nufortu
nplil bie Ili ad opeu with a
He lived next door and bad no
ty in gi-tliug to bii bouee anno-
Just arrived this week, a flue lot ot horSM. '
Variety enough to suit alL
Oae pair brown msres. 6 yean, old, weight 3,100, bloeky built,
finest team for draft in ooanty.
A pair of brown geldioga, 5 years old, weight 2,700, nice flonail
bnilt with beads well np.
One^rowQ gelding, <5 yeaia old, weight l,a00; a nice chunk far
all porpoaea.
One pair bay geldings, weight 2,700, a little ran^ bat good nmod ;
A cbestoat mire, weight 1,350, bloeky built, 7 years old. A good
One bay mare, 6 years old, weight 1,500, nngy bnilt, a good draft
One bay gelding, 5 years old, weight 1,400, a little rangy; a good ,
horse for all bnaineaH.
One gray geld uc. 6 years old, weight 1,200; a good farm horse.
One bloeky built bay mare, 6 yean old, weight 1,350; a fine ona^
for drive or wark.
One black mare, 7 years old, weight 1,400, a good work maiOf
bloeky builL rather alow.
One bay gelding, 5 years old, bloeky built, weight 1,100; an s»celleni driver fa?one of his bmid. A good lot of driven^ always mi
C3n.ea.:p SToi^ses. ;
One bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1,400, baa spring
in one .
hind leg when yon start her in morning. Price, 176.
One bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1,450. rangy built, baa a sligb
blemish, nothing to hurt for work. Price, $S5.
One small bay horse, good to work or drive, blemiabed, bot not t
hurt for use. Price, *35.
One bloeky built brown pony, weight 900, aged, good for woftl«
Slow. Price, *20.
One good gray gelding, far work, price tfS.
One bay mare, bloeky bnilt, aged bnt a good work mare. Priei
Pilty head always on hand to select from.
Will give time with good security. Will take
any kind of stock in exchange, also wood.
Kindly give me-a call whether yon want to buy or not
Beat Livery aud Feed Stable in town.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the T^verae City Lumber Ooupnay.
We h*ve for sole Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
to say. he n pH.-d that |
a ga.^ rrUrtiMad.
i aocond.
' be bail b.l’d bia story thrnupb bi* lawr sale. Ter
yers;, iLat ho still tdberid^io it, and
rcligicm* tvtt immy i* that of the i ind.. where rmliaua.
was purthat. If there
> 3«n*'
shove its
of a hUl tribe near Darieeling. chased, the price paid for the Ixiree
truthfnlncw wt,uld U- proved ft me day.
indifc|14>76. This year be hat woo 86.S75.
Bim Macbioeiyof sUdescripti
iclnding Two Engines,.
He went to prison and waa forgotten.
A phott^rraph of a gitrap of
Kelly a
to the lime Directum Kellj
Set Works, Carriages and Saws. . A complete Saw Mill Plant
• TteU yon, Uiy*. that can- bodiortd culUr priesu baajualUcntroi *^***bo^'
takea ill he bad won over fill.OoO and
me more than a little hit. 1 uev. r at ,
for sole.
wae entered in otber valuable rtakea
any time believed \filaoii was guilty, enotuums siac, isiiutcd in die
tor which be had beau nnable to start.
ougo«the..videiKvwaA 1 hod atv- eons
^ muuiKT. ,-------, by —
the ...........
Tbe obertoni pacing mare Manreua.
art; chiefly bright rvd
-----il talk*
- with hjm. and he .never
. wavJ artista. The colors
*have*Ftt^ ly i Sda*,. by Noimout, that was injured
cred in lit* Wtiry, no mamv bow 1 tried ^ yellow. The fi
to trip him up. I spent meat of my gi,Bped now's, cvia aud ears, and many , in tbe free for all at tbe Mandificld
leiimretimefollowingimaginaryclewa whrrthiiig* are done to make them aa
in racing
IWbnno ____ .
uo uae. and 1 gave it Up after a
liking a* jsiasiLlf.
engaged in ' The three •tarters in tbe 1:27 tmt at I'
few moutha.
PIrmly EsiabllahaS.
JohnTbe principal lessoti <.f the heavy da.
ibo anno eorpaaste anything
citne In import' for tbe flucal year of elcm's lirtiicr, died Knddtul.v, aud, ;
<<nnie opera stage. The fierce hill Deming. Batilrax it owned by Jiibn R.
1808 is that we have dually couquirod though obituarie«wcTcrathcr «.ut of my ;
T 1 was
waa still
win doing
ooing criminal,
cnmuuu, Ii :
Dar3,»liug are very mm
much im- Beggr. and ManaaniHo is owned by
tbo heune market. Tbe ptwiit latiff, as line, for
right of the rvprv- Allyn ThomM.
« wbola is no bighur tlian the tariff of ask.d for tbe tuwigimient on aerount of
of their gisls decked Cut in
At tbe leccot raoea of tbe Oelden
1800, bnt American iiidnrtry is more my previona intepest in the firm. 1 bad ;
Gate Park Driving aasDcistion. 8an
firmly ostabliabed and better un:aiii»rd. a iiary idea that Calvin bad kniiwn
Oi;c musk indicate that ita wearer Francisco, a itarter named Lazy Char
•sdai a ocoseqnence fureiKo oom|M-ti- nion'iif tlioaffairtiiaiibehadpivUnd*'d. 1
hilcbed to an old bigh wheel sulky,
alon If last ^eeUvo.—Trontou Uasetta
huDU and 1 was not a bit eurpriacd to
of the tribctaucu and lii'l|« to led bi* field of eight to tbe bead of tbe
____.fnimono of liic »rvant girls j
Anothix deity carw home atretefa in every beat.
[that a small bottle hail been found iu '
,.(c. Tbe warStill on top. Befit oigara for tbe money on the market
Robert Goelet, Jr., New York, be
A Pcilaw Pcellaa.
-Union made, too.
Mia. KnmekRfc—Whv didn’t Tou bava i
'*'** “"**• *
i rior wbo bopo* to do gi.d work kitli came dinsatislicil with tbe manner in
^h-m- >veap.«,s mart liberaUy which bis b<irsec bad been ridden lu tbe
i*how.'dtbed.et..rupiiigieat*hBie. f(V pr,,,,itiBto tlie pri-^tei
running races at the Tauntoa (Maas.)
into Johnny.
bad pit. n a m mfimte for b<-ar1 fail- , t^h, hillm. n huvea pailienlarly great,
u,eeting. and tbe milliatiaire mountMr. Ppmeket—1 found that b« rids* '
ivlj.g If
- tV*
• » •—
If il iiiiltti
d• to
Tonnelier Block.
j.ar, wbui. it'd ly id unu and piloted bim to victcry the Sold by all dealer^.
tbe same make of wheel that 1 da^Up Calvin'* friends. n» n I wanPd a plc■
their iiriesis, they go (
other day.—Uaraeman.
tun . bot tbe deuce a i>i« tuiv waa to ".1 and Uidiilce. ...
in warlil
Larger Store-Double Stockbad. Finally an old fri. nd .rf Calvin's
klvin a iI ^
J, tiautv to all er._____ Tbe city
.told mo there waa a large
— tbo 'I, n-arb-liof. UloB io 'bo .......................
tan- rrayoi
otarou of
bilK "
Elegant New Lineslumberman in the b,le,.n»m
loclgeniom taboro I
, „„ido„blo 0.1,ot «. . Mil
Don't forttet to keep as «y« on tbe
thc7 nut. ClTin huil
l..„ OHO
<ui. of tho 1] „on
,^0, by
f. Briiiib
,.l ta.„
rS.id. Dta in lodi.
man wbo fiattera yon.
„.,„ d D,o
Don't forget that an booert
never baa to procUim tbe tact.
ratod tbo bdfb--;itb lb., foror... fol. I
IncraoMd dUpIav Fine Watches. Fine line Silk Umbrellas. '
Don't think booerty would be such a
m vopio ,D ib.t p.1.
MiJly .3 lb, o. b,.„ ,o].-,.d
Stringed Knalt^ laatromenta. Strings for all inatroments. Havi*
tjcolar body. The z u who told
<1. the
th.. Anglo-Indian
a„c-)n.tii<nfiii army.—ban
Fruu- valuable trait if it wam’t ab marce.
Don’t forget that life ia full <ff land (^ina Ware. Everything new.
Take a look tbroogb onr elegant new qnartero.
checks and many of them areforgeiiea
have tbe portrait. 1 did not want, of i
Dcm't think it’s wbat a man baa that
counc, to bother with tbe frame, so 1
uiwocded to take out the back. While I- Guwie—Rcally, mamma. I don t make* bim eootonted-lt’a wbat be
Itaitai for ,™ta
"I'-l' “» >
M-Ersa' » doen't wank
Don’t mention y«u misery baoaaae
of ita eo calledability to oomtart tbe
Cbimmy—Let’s book aome <tf dat
mlaoiy tff othera
Swipes—Wot (er?
Don’t think beeanae a tat looks the
Cbimmy—Why, we can make a flag- Rhjco. I found a folded parSmcntlike ,
picture of inaocanoe that it’s wlseAo
•bip an be commodores too.—New York
Itavn it alone with tbe taiiary.—Gbioago Newa
ta Apsle ■naae.
pocket darned quick.
There Are Olhenk .
iVbrB 111" rvd ts on the applo
•JuRt imagrae, hr7^ bow my heart
Aa< aetaes All lie Waata.
Toast—1 see Hobson aaya tbe Infanta
And th' apple s on the tr«f«.
beat until 1 got to my room. 1 wasn't
Btndcnt—Fellowa tbe aberiff (
VlTien Myrtlll* will, h.-r baaket
married tfaeu. 1 locked the doer and got Maris Tereoi oaumd him many a rieep- to my rooms today. He aeema to ut
nine* J aiuf-y jrlince *i m«.
leaa night
out mv prrriona p<4>er. yit waa a oomOtanccinmrshmmndxiic.
All the }o»'. or all lh« aeasous
a child.
CrluKinbeak-Well, be'a not the
Ripen In a roar give,
binatiou will aid colWico, and the
AU—How aol
only man in tbe world who baa beta
When IlK red te ou ta* appM
tnttodneticn was tbe strangest part of
Btudent—Be wants evarything h*
And (be apple's on the tree. kept awake by an infanta.-Youken
~N«ir Tork Hsra.'A
Diamond J-10 Cts.
ir'- Traverse Belle~5 Cts.
Jewelry, Silverware!
Fhou 167.
*48 Froitt Stmt
J^/at ofOak'woodJi.'ddM
Real Estate
. VThe most charming suburb of Traverse City,
which lies upon the east side of the town, and
most of the lots now offered east of Bose street
are covered with a beautiful natural growth of
Oak and Pine trees, on nearly every lot, and only
one and two blocks from the Oak Park New
Brick School Bviilding—not ten minutes walk
to the factories.
There are no lots in the city now offered for
sale as desirable as these for a home.
...112 LOTS...
I have secured the sale ot the balance
of the addition of
S' -
60 ft. front—some of them will be sold as low as
+ $75.00
With a small cash payment, balance weekly or
These should be looked up at once to se
cure your pick of the best.
Good fine residence, very desirable, south
side of Washington street.
Small residence^ good location, north side of
Washington street.
Also a good list of other very desirable resi
dences, well located, that you can buy right—One
at $650, on which a good team of horses would
be taken as part payment.
I have, or can find you just what you want
for BUSINESS or a BESIDENGE, for an Invest
ment or a Home—Or if you must rent, usually
one or two plaoes to choose from, but
Look Ovor Oak Hoights at Ooco.
’Phone 73, Johnson Block.
4., .
S ii i:i
WHthlan «r • Vlpda
1 hM an lota
I Bb«i Biu’t That ebe ae't «o be, tnt ii Ibe |
wnn..|] jn the world today. I .
u»... h.i-i mU d... irai’I k«~ « Dirt toi»dl o«t
Their aafteal Blonhar amr' •«> T*". aw dear, oorer Wal aldi a bod chap—not like Wine
lea Will AAem Were Trade.
Tortar* SeaA Thaia lala ■ Preaar,
ml M«^rrla>ea*—Tear al PaaUhaicaU
Thai BTaLe Talto mt Ulee.
The UoRb. wbirh H nnw «o cltMlj
AMOi-iAiod wjtb good homor aud kiodJr
feeliUK. oriti.tiatl; imiiliMt auctaiog of
tbeMTt. IteipTcwsdalmMtbereTerae.
a tbe crow ol mampborerefeUco
Once may yoor byi
OlhD to Ibe pleei
Tbe h.in>i«-*t »t«f» ..
aay nothin abont Dick.
Heiem iaeinre-ed tbe main bone and.
___ . _ alike
“I rft« wonder if
al frS^er.
in Great
. ! drea I dirn't dwre ter know, blamed Britain
. ..
the United Sutee. liiey
die idiot that X wual It woold aarve me
i. ...
right nr\ er to faww or eve
Torfc Trlbnoe.
, panaioD of onr foreign inFuiuK-roe lira uv
tie Hilly ag in!
“1 citen wonder if thar
’twonid be named fer it* granddad!
•■No, 1 never go to'Yoric. It’a ... .
do to g< t toBaacrille. 1 her been w
“J<M( Butaans bat an •
writea Mbit B. Mallett of
the famoot yoaog pianlet. Id Tbe L*diw’Bcmim JoanaJ. “While be waa in
be did not
for bit own nee. He bronghi only tbe
wore! for the orcheetn.
During the
tale wri« aligl.U
:liUy. and for a week be
did ni t tdoch tbe pisoa At tbe end of
t in concert and
e orcbeetra a t
DR. SHMET K'Siffl^SrrsJlr
L am.-
Bocb it itt natore atillaRinfigweaget
ed Staten ba* acuotupasied tbe reatonand barbentni peoplea. and tit oneapeut- doiir. inirni on Csiiig a broken hanieea.
«d mauifcaiatiom are ocoamoually
He did not hear my fo««tcp or et-o me ,j,at ole black bow. that 'l can^
rtntil 1 wan clioe npoo him. “Uood abont. and 1 do nay tliat if ji wan'
pnetnite mieny i
marning, nticle." I aaid. 1 knew Low And;
bntiDeaa. Tbe writhing of a victioi n
friendly he waa to every atrangcr and of
an«wmng me or
locattd Dick
derer j«L The inSieting of a gbaally aridng aiinoyhvt qnestiiaia abont me.
wonnd aa aotae r«w wretch rone the
««<;k ffr him to trr
tiy to
It) tiud
bud him in «ch
Bicb —^nobody
but a aTroe
free trader
gantlet tnakea them yell With glee.. The
*" I Prom Yorkr'
^ ''Va.
jli....... Wiatm.'w
mnA valnableont“Vea. air; jnrt thia merning. At a plaiv a« New\<rk.”
_ ,
thing! that eboek or berrify or diqraat
mean the
'U ran tell yon tdl ubrnt Dick Plum- j
the nuwnftiotnrrt modncti
tbe civiliicd raali are abont
t froiname ne«fa..—leavetheatationgoingbucltr’ met. niv le,* I r d. “Diek Plnmmcr
age’a pomt of view.
“•Bont 4 thia afteroonn. I wni jirt
<6^ little
With.tbe eaoeption. therefore, of ; tryin to fii np thia ole harntw. w’a to
7 VT diera with norm ending demand for onr
rongb ptaclicaljokea. which may port- ««t the loelock train. Ifajirtabont
/'«.>«««**“ »«P
great anrplna ol brea.latnfli mid with
Wywrinkle bH atolld fwtnret with a i played ont. ’Lowed'fwoaldlartaa long na^ irf grandpa.
■ the reaanntble emaintr of the adoption
nmieutary grin, the barbarian baa no 1 a* me an tbe ole lady did, bnt acern*
Dwle »-n roee m qnieklj aa hia^ff- ^ *.p„Hcy that will^ytore to Amerimppreciatin of driUaed bninor. He I like if* jiat fallin all to pieeee all at med old li«* would i^ow andgaa^t ^
«f aopremacy
mn'teee where tbe fun cornea in if no-i once Yon nee. atrtinger,” and a glad
^which it TOjoyed prii
government eoao
fc focdiably fell into tbe
■ i« hurt.
I| amile lit up hia bearded, wnnkled face.
..'irv .^ _______
........, . i,,^„
I,, ,,,.Mm.-_
MMi- our
TbiiwaitmriotialylUnttrartnollongl •'.v^aei-. Milly’a eamia bt^e today.
wi>»t. «»«iger. you know Miuy-,
"mjriue reciprocity.•'
(o when a roncidenble
ouncidenble number of j| Miuy-tnat
Hilly—that a my
mr da^-beon
darter—be«i g,«
gtae “T.
i t» i-k.«t
o...h ~..ra, ... .n.
e.,tw. i*.
Cbinamou went to a New York theater I uigb on nine yeaiu She wua onr only
Not atranger. fctbcr. bnt Dick Pina,
, .mreuder of tbe vaat Ameri____________ _
izrk.« I oViI,l
’rent Ar-«cHld. nil
all itpeverharf.
Andy. He’a uiw.
can -borne market to foreign invasiac.
Hte American pen of thd andienoe
there waa ever a time when Ibe trend
"V.*, and I'm not so bud a httaluA of America abuuld be away from the
laughed, the delegation from Chinatown Andy'* a pood boy. sir; a good boy aa
wt'witb facee\^]alv1y blank, bnt tbe you eror »vd, and moet anybody’ll tell -Jn*t a«k Hilly. Tb.i
supreme folly of such a surrender, that
need not mind that
It any hintt of brutality, tragedy yon tbe autne.
time is tbe pre*eu|. Tbe Britirii and
“Y<«. abc wrote me'a e*rd. 1 got-lt Hilly. B. unie, Bii bard and
or tear* appeared on tbe etage their
American tree'mdera are ebaaing rshiDiar MiUyl Hy little wife eanie
'heavy fealnrea lighted end were wreatb- here in my blouse pocket Ha'« jnat
«d in emilea It wa* e alrange thing to wildf.rjoy. An. stranger, ywooghtter from tbe eniumw lamai-by tbe gate, tbe
uritneaa. bnt U waa all in perfect keep see tbe good ibiufte she's got cooked, j Xittle ou<« by bnr ride, iiud, with a glad FITTED TO RULE THE SEA.
ing with1 tto
^e crnel
cruel iua
iuSinoU td their Ha's a wenderfol good i-cok. There' ny. fell i® *>«» father’* aiM The old
ain't a women in Uw country round man iK-ld her and wa* rilcnt Tears
Even tbe
fterwledge that he is bin- that ran beat her. tbc'a te-en trapesing , came in hi* eyea, and I turned away,
Tbe greai oriumph*
self to be the neat victim doeenot spoil round fixing up good things ever rinee I while Bennie aaid:
“1* that grandpa? Then what they recent war have led t
iron peotbe fnu of e crnel qwotacle fer a bar Andvbro'l thi* e-jd. Yi-s. if lUlft a I
km with
barian tborongbbred. Here ia ap in- migbiy heavy load from thi* ole heart cry'n for? Mamma rned while we wa* pie to regard onr Ame
if Hilly cv.mc* today, and ifll make me waitln. Ithpnghtwe’d
bcBor and admiratico
Before tbe gloatanoe;
riont victory at Manila tbe American
Annmberof Siamese wbo had beea ten yeaiByounger. These ba* been nine wegotben-.’’
of the most miarable long year* ole I The kitchen doer then ^
people had regi
IT navy as an unUncle Ben «imm. ever put through ' the chiekra* that picked about it flew
^ in all diivction*, and a U nL white
tary eiecntioo. A platoan of aoldien
wux this
of IhlSabonld bare taogbt them ali
WM drawn np with loaded mnakeU. be
I bener. Today they know better. Tbey
fore whom tbe doomed men were led
oat in aquada of five or alx to be abot,
I know that, inaa for man. our navy baa
’ no enpericr. perhaps no eqnal. Tbia is
while tboee who were waiting ttaeir old barnem down rarefuUy. “Dirk]
! only in line with American traditions.
turn atood by. nnder guard. Jooking oo. PItmuuer. be n* t often toeaneonl brie
In view at tbe (act that Ameriouna
When the first volley waa fired, tbe in the sommi-r fur a visit, ever rinee he
when wo took ^v.pping storira during the interval.
TletimA tnra by tbe storm of bullets,
leaped into tbe air with violent otmtor- Andy tor
tioDB and fell dead And this to tbe
poor wretebea who were about to go in. Hewrnn’tabadehapmn 1 didn’t Blanche K. Bruce wa* menrioirt. ' i^d^^t^n^^ ot Ki^
f ‘ tbippiS Wbentheyhaveprotectedevto roe him an Andy together. Bnt when
, errTtb^
sUpplng unproUcted and
that they were fairly coonriaed with be growed np an begin to lain to be a ki-eper nt Ite-Kbbitt. I w a* in there one
and^h^usoiTr^ “a
»«nw and. having bi*>e
iwde policy bat followed—via
Such la the bom or of aavagte, and liim. Heu*'l to tell'Lout rnttiupwmlo
-- Itpavemetbeem-pa. rorvod. walked oni without saying any•Dcb d0Dbtle« were tlie beginninga of
■ I Sr.r;£SSi
may seem, there are many
barbarone origin in tbe fon of tbe uinet
ighly civiliied. We no Jongdr laugh
i. it ia true.
t really tragic
tor othiT and tnore humane emoiiona
• excited.
lanoe to see a ridicnlona
e isgreatlyipoL
•d and atinoyud1 witbnot being aeriooaly
injured—tbe remnant of the savage
break* loose in ue. anil we langfa till Iba
tears come.
) we amnaed wben we
W’by else
D sprawl
see a well drexsed man thrown
ing in tbe mnd or deluged with dirtj
water from an upper window or driver
Dp a tree bya crossdog or an ugly bulll
Wby else do we so keenly enjoy tbe
agony of a man wbo baa avcidentally
ponnded bia finger nail, instead of Ibo
taek be was driving into ibe carpel, or
langb at tbe unfortocale wbo blindly
, which flips
icel Instances
It be mull
liipliied without limit
that obildren often
langb at tbings which do not amuse
adnlts. but. on tbe contreiy. aback end
pain tbi-ni. Tbal is bccanxe the cbild’a
finer aeokibilitie* are aa yi-t imperfectly
dwelni^'d H:- i* still near the savage
ataie There i* a very prevalent
tneni Co the contrary, bat ibis la tbe
In proportion aa meu UTanne truly
eivilixcd, however, tbiir sense of humor
benutues refined, and they rcM.lt at any
Is worthy
1 remark that tbe geutlen aiiicng os
re (reqnvntly
(reonvntlv amn*cd uC a pict.ire
uict.ire or a
Kakleaae Oblige.
“Tbrugson, do you like green tanle
"What do yon eat it for?"
“Well, one ba* to pot np with a
s if taie*! pari
Mon in society requires it”—Chicago
. Tribune.
CemnUte Deaueadri
olaimed.thH oynloal panom “I never
anw Ml oomplete a ape
“Poliiicul V.
“Na lie goi u.Ut from Ibo Klondike
juriin time in
where our bast-hall
...b >. .■■■bib..--»„bib,b. 8-,.
1 Isiroiiig.
right over to Egypt to___
______ _
“Say. a fellow with eoeb an insatUUe desire for fighting at ibai ought to
grt married sod eettle down, "-CleTeland Ptein Dealer.
Eriattc Sbopriri—Birds very aby.
BUD *t tbey. pRkiBi?
B a
PerkiBs—Ya« ear. tbey do
tbey don’t know yer 'wor.-
'Imlars where lie studiedplav ball.-—
a man’* aim. Ugh.
’gh. ideli men! In our
day it wa* very difrvn.nt.
vriy diffireut.
“Wail, one day I wn* out in the
RmckebouKO Mhai]>'c>u my *iekli-—an 1
WBU'I in a vtiygocd humor either. I
mind—when Dirk canic <ut tbur an
told mo be vvanicd to nniny my Milly.
I mind, sir, 1 g« «i riltd 1 wua fairly
Uriue n-y-<elf, (nr I'd Kit tny hiart on
her mairyiii Andy, fi r Ardy tvnx good
'huff f.r any g'lLLV.ch.Vi t h^ uSi-a.
Andy WOttluu'
Why. Hr,
ith tmr ole
lim }put an <vux an w«k vitl
black bow> the * ba'J V moat all timel
«n^^t^.^id Uvnm* rd«
“ar kl^iiTSi^
Hint way trw rinee MillV* gone. Tre
iLkin tl Inr uu v. uu-hiu Andv
■•Lutthat n.erniuwbeii Dki came
Mill, I told vrn 1 wnz on a ‘hich
bo*.’Ba(dd Putsen tfh.iekley u»eil ter
I wouldn't give in amim h. he
•lellin me thaf h.*' Iwed mTii'v an
IV. r madeaiTv
difi. n iHv; I wanted Ik r to marry Andy,
bnilhey weutov.rto KoNTilleauwua
Tied that aflenicui.
, .
Tou wm t draw ^rolor line here. u,e
oeonle tbe
the (act
(act that
that Americaos
Amerieane mav
the people
Not on that man. sir. 1 ilon-'t.’ wa*
then ply. ’I U-e had a pnfty grad
qpinio of him riwv a little thing that f“'red.-em •.! «ud will «ee to
coogrev* gives protection to
hapueiHil Nu>u uftiT l.e tir*t came
ih hi* rout at Un-capiiol American shipping by means of a sys
cue Out. VIran ei.id viw brought to tam of disonminatiiig dn'ias
him. He r- ud it and id once went out
tv llie wuiting rtocL 1 hero be met the
Tl;e Dinglcy law wa* nut framed
v. liii owi.t ii h'm when be wa*
aluve. V^ith hervva*hei
Both with a view to (urninbing etiongh rev
J .hwt. -11 ____
wire in leu*. M e .l-ud
proi« rty dnriug the war and wa* stem- the cinn nif its pavnuge a war which
lately pctiuil***. The n^o om-e htv will cost directly in the neigbborbnod
tlK-m.ly ma^kbe kniw in of *300.000.000. Tbe law hasrim^far
Wa*bii:gtou. She
to him. m»i»pl.*bed all It w« exptert to acBtu.e li*n nrd to her woiy. Ho got hi* o^plish and m.«* Up to the begin
_ .....I
and .......a
went cottuiewiib U
Hi* —>
eai niTig
ning of
of tbe war there was an inneaiw
riage. drawn by a handsooie pair cH in reoeipU fur each month ol it
buys, Wa** waiting
waiinig there. He
railed the ti<m. wd it is not draUtW that iu w
rarriage. assimeu lla-niotherand dangh ord will be
ter to i-ntiT it with as much defetttun tbe return to normal oom
a* he <v nld prrtbly hove shown th.ni
war.-Piarimrg C.
mibei.lil pteuiatiou days, elort lb. Gartta
d tbe coitehman to drive to
Obvl.as Datles.
tbemuHi .
-e been
cab “tei followed. The three rnttrid the
twaratT to(t**1^<r. and b.ifon' Brnee ed^ the goveromeut Md enable tow
«in a do
came oni h.- ha«i plnr.d in the b^m* of
tbe woman behadoun-ealled *'mis*as i meatio market, r
.iuSB>.__iQi kIiv came
le np
np '™ “PI <'iuini. nl to n g.xri elerk*hip in ] They have no right to re*t dbAtent with
ttiaL but are in dniy bound
nui.l, •Pa, yon ain’t mad.
1. air ’
power which the governuient baa civet
cuV m.ith.r *be Lurt o
ij-ciyin, (<T
am- knew 1 wo. Id net a in ni
. ity'md in
II Jo^il.
Jonl. fer
f I bcr. "was the naaon why tbe barkwpi-r | tbam to ^veJop tbe
wntinaurril;. i;t(^ t.-mpr. f.Ttlmt didn’t draw th. «xil< r Ih.e at Blanche j flnsnoe of the Lulled states. Th"» fliey
.U v*
. .
n__ __ -..at._______—
. rau
do liV
ty riHii
rising to tbt it opportuultie.
marniu old Dd*>u
eonimcree is
ati.|]xd n;y hue Luitleit par ---------•
' n.d the negation bat the fnlfillmait of
the lack of the lot—I ji*t p’iuted t.ilhe mgton
la.proteeuve system..—Ne
New York Trtb
dfcr an told her '—hia vouv again '
F»v .tall
.vend and np vv.nt the dnvketvd
Wife (to t Munfry vditorj—Aren't you
” .1^.—"riie
t evt r <c^ f-ii,,- _.n
:bt John?
Dollar Haatrro.
Country Kdilr.r—N'nt very, my dear.
All Enroue baa taken a low view of
Mbsmlxr came 1^ tbe ii,e w.tigTi*«ui
brlUgerebi |.ba*
tbe w
D guilt
.m* *•#..
— i*ofBce ibi* ofaruonii and mopped tbe «| Btete*..partly Ueeenro wo keep small
military and naval foroes, bnt mainly
mind. I am DM grandfatlnT to any of floor wiibmv.
Wile (aiuioualyi-neaveoi, John. I
we are very much given to
Tboswa*hbcckler at tbemiliUry
- . left
. . Jb* ..illymya: ’Pa. boio hoJmn't*i.-iphupapBrtool-Melropolimu. _________________ IclabstillentertaioaferiiUKSorcontemi
dear, let me ki*« ............
... i.r»4l.y. PleanB.
plea-oe do!* An ri>e luAidaopitifnlly lu
j tor tbe bird tbal dut a not wear sneb
her mu—lean so it uiiw; 1 couldn’t
“I vMUHler wuy Ki.ks weal* glamea; gaudy plumdge a* hi*. If iDthedvil
then-but 1 shut Uie dex-r and l.fi the Ikncw Ui-d.e,.rt i.tx-d them.”
war we abowed a pU-mifnl lack of millbouro. I went over Ihiir 'neatb that
"TlM-y «ay it i* Lucaaiai bo la aucb a . Ury acleuoo, are at Icari abowed an
«a**afr»a hedge an thnw myrolf on the •>n*pi-lulls L ggar"
j abundenoe of courage, a generalwtllground an tbo’t of \;bat I'd dime, but!
‘•Vi hy. wuathesthM goktodowitb'inguerito fight, a tenacity tbal laated
rouldn’t help it T !«• very devil of a ilf
' *
. till one aide wee craihed and till tbe
temper wnx in me, an be would crtqi
••noeairt I lleveLii own eyes.”— other had accompliabed it* purpooea.
New Voik Truth.
i and a cheerful willingness on tbe part
c It ut times.
"Pool tlmt 1 wual Wliy can't n man
■------------------------. of the people iioib nortb and auutb wbo
vwbenhe'* aedn a d<7rn f.xil? An
| were not fighting lo mpport the nien
WHIy wvt rieb a gr, i’ rjrl-xi. li e g.. d
"Ho* in the wtrJ J." inquired the wbo were. In spite of all Ihii. tbe aoNow think* I. who llenmb yer older phyricinn of bis yontbful partorr, compliabed Enropean genUemen wboee
•'did yon happen to leave that patient i burdenI of gold
-— laoe
. .. is almoet greater
witbooi first giving lit r a prraiTiptioD?” than tbey can bear andwboapend tbeir
' fiigg.d <nt that yon can't do it yerseH?
••I know it wa* DTirrofeseionai, buL too oopion* leisure in playing tbe
Milly wm a good girl, sir—she wux try as 1 wonIA I found it impomihle to! ••kriegspiel" bad settled it in tbrir
1(4- nrv, I tho't 1 was recall tbe LaUn for bunesot tea."—De- minds that we are too moeb gifto to
into that boBae agtin an troit Free Preea.
to go U
iting to o-t-*
■nntingl It is I
mother, fer thar'* >nt many m.
an. J. U. Bull, wife of tbe j
« l» («♦ a* gc^ a wife a* 1 bev. I
that'* rimrw tshewusportyasapoadi.'
as dolls
and bia
erwandthe breedare of drflar
war Hilly’i age.
(for wbiofa beautiful esfnorian X think
Milly wffiting around, fer it seesoed 1
> Mm Stnart Mill)
was young eg’in. ftr she was Jnri like
Tbe first balv gets its pbocograpb aortal osoba sod military permoa. Abd
.mother, gentk-b petleot, en when
I Biotber oone in J oonld aee whet HiUy Taken every tfarre mcotba ^ otb« yet tbu AMMrtcau abroad is boonaed of
bableean lucky to gel tbeiis takae core bring Bolrue wltb bis thirty—Upwould be in year* to ectna
^ ■ By my beia^
tbia when be U to play aa at any other
_____ ___________________________
log. are co the point of going to »»>• iJlSSjrgSii^^&i
tbwter and calling oB tbe ooDcert. Hof- S5?l2rSr<;;^ilH53utlSfiaStt
inMn rnrtie^ all onl of breath and 1
with hande rod and etiff with colA He
plnu»»tbeai loio botwatei to t.ke«t
»be buHbwib. then wt« »«» W* erenlng
•* “p epeed. jninpa into a ^"“**
"" *'
»• “
9^^ T,vtw chiet« Oct XI X8'
Preetdiot Me Ktnley.Samptdn.!)- hley
and Biibson wilt ba there—Tbe N' rtbera Michigan Trantperiatlon ,Co. wi'l
•ell round inp tiekele to Chicago (or
mral* and berth included-rgood to
return ^t JStb. Hteamer Petotkvy
E. a. Pope. AgL
on u i'aie
liij'driow e'niitC
jaa^SiMwhSSrt tgs
JSSsraa «
rnrtsa Cssto A Week.
Everybody who takee The Messixr. CeMUai.«o li«* Oer tnassi oplBlaa riaiM
Bnooui can bare the Orand Rapids fi^ragaraa-Saatst <*nc«i niafaiwt rirtlW
Urrald deUverrd to them alao (or an
additional (onreanuprrweek. mak
r th»
D and
Telephone tt.
raed Rapid*
Brrald deilveied to ibrm aleo (or an
addklonal1 (our cenu
eenu prr wa* k. i
leg only 14 ornte
oente per week for tbe
beat paper
«r in nonbrra
nonbrr Micbigan and
tbe best metropoliian paper in the
lepbo** 23
ulUTu UD ionmumi l a
John R. Santo,
General Inseraice.
Oysters! Oysters!
Ha. t
Sr/iii-,.::::.: -
' r is
OBsaaroa...............Arr “i®
bearOroek............. “
naalatarCriwauig.. ••
SIli'ES:.-::::::: -
Famous BalDuiore Coiints,
Selects anti Standards.
A11 «tork rec«l'r4 hy rsprr*^ d
n-m-nbrr n*l-brr-« Oysi'r Boa** l« lie
ocil>'beadquorieri ( r v-od. fln.1 elaw oialer*.
FMcte's Cotembiu BesUmit
Krssa,ii-.:::. loMrlovkas......
Vfcc'rrta'e SHlil.."'
Lakr Aae............
....... ::
Batch'* CrOMlaf.. “
OfwUkkTlU........... Trarerer Olij. ... A»*
ooura noun.
ETcr Burned On'
If ao you know
tbe value of
O. P. CARVER. Ace*
Bicycle Riders.
Bemamber tha^l dual] kind* of r<
pairing and enamirilDg. and that I ea
40d dogive^yirilbebntwork of an.
>ne in Ust city fur the money. Dos'
he deeejivMi by wbat others tell yon v
tha'l contrary, bnt come and eee fryrtraelf.
^((uarantee all my work to be ^bi
It doce not prove ao
btop in tin « o’rioek every avening
eicxpt Siindav. in tbe Caldwell A I«ii
don bnlldinri' “t “o^tb end of OdIo<
H LEDERLE Grand Rtiilds t Indiiii K.;
Specialist in Diseases af tie Eye
EDBEB fiiSfitI el
, S&9-S SSg£8S s:i 8«
' will br laTT*T*rroClVT^profraHsoaUr.
trawOoi.eteieta. Willbrfoaad
At The Oottage Home.
ae«=«BScss8«ii 83 LSMa
M Caiaract. CrwM
laarlTM the Brel I
•wleroor lli> doe
*11 r rauiof dbraaroartbeereare treated be
t>r. TVtrre. *lao error* or nifrarlloacorr«rt«4
tod glaeses farali ' *
sfifisfi s«8b«8 fifUBen
■ flgiieiieiMtiii
fi«k8ll38MI9||«fi8 .
S- *BE!ITX>-A. <fe CO., tila.© Bi3-si©etJ Clotliiez?© ±3X *t3a.© Ox-b;y--
As aaaal, ottr store wes Jammed with customers, yet oot a eingle one was
Iisr T'TTTn ~r> A IR.Tr
About the high quality, low prices—also their
Which they were sure toj get (light or no light,) at tte New Stom. Below we give a partial list of ‘true values" which sm to be had at 8. Bends A
Co’s, only—High quality and bottom prices considered.
You will fiad it jaateaeaay aod Jnat
as aat‘afaei.iry to boy roods throefb
the nails in itau store as If you were
here la pr wop. We make the eeiaetloB-ebop } lat as eenaonleal. aad if
aaytblnr I oot aatlataetory we retnra
the Boary wltkout a whiotper. No
red tape ap'in here.
wo press and repair Cfr*)
Some clothiers think we are run'
ning a fanny establishment:
ClolhlDg bought of us
dotlling*» For Men.
Because we are not selling for
•‘less f^n cost.'”
Because oar salesmen have posi
tive instructions to sell at the same
price to all and tell the truth.
Because you can get your mon
ey back, if you so desire.
Because wi run a good clothing
r/lhiDKdewliuble la Sa
Top Coau. Orarcaau, etc. Aa/ perwoa who come*
her* exg>(«tlDr W
me ordteary r«adj"made
■wek of eloiblor w»> be asreeablj earpriaed wbea
we meet them with coatom-aade eioalleaoe
B-ad7*to-wSar eleraaoe wiihnul the worriee aad
“dUlar'' trtala of the cuatom abop. Tbeae arc
. the adraataffea to which we iavlte yoar pat*
roBaffa with the moat poaaible tawiar to yoa.
Men’s Suits
Ib Warateda, CaeTioU. Seotebea, Seiree. etc., alD—plaia aaad alik faced to
i double brcaatad—plaia
W-... ----------------•-a'eaboldloffatber.
store, and hope, by your help, to be
We have made our bow but a
short time ago and are climbing the
rounds of the ladder fast.
NIG^"'s‘^gT8. faa<9 trinned. SOe
DKDBRt^AR—Man's Nataml Wool.
-Men’s fii
Wool. Id natural .color, tan and blaa,
CNDERWEAR-Mea’aflae fnllfashlonad, laa aad natural color great
DNdIbWE^R—Amerlcaa fall fashioaad—Bias foods reduced from fiS.SO
$7.60, $10, $12, $16, $18.
t. the brat iu tbr r'ty lor $3.00
We carry sll theCS Afeasy Styles
la Fall Derbies, iaeludiar the Dun
lap. Knox. Ynuman. Mdler aad the
Youngsbapai (cnrrao lycopied)$3.50
OurSS.OO Derby in black.brosm.
and Freacb brown. jStc., is a World
See our new etytra at fil.oo. 1.30,
and II 73. la ail tbe Fashionable
Tbe Utaet in men's
Cnisli out Felpra l eft
50c aad $1.0^
Boys'. 1
Cape. Tama
Trunks. TrnfeUDff Bsfu, Talescope Bare, etc.
Do not buy a Reefer for yohr boy
before you see oor fine line—ege4 to
16-Blue. Black. Green. Brown.Alxwith. Storm or Sailor collar triswitb Braid etc. $7 50 op to 96.00.
We sell tbe h«arlo>f Colton Sock
in Miebifso-we get them made to
order—lOc. We also bare a fall Uae
of fancy striuea. aiistorea In ‘
Silk or Wool at 5. 10.
|0. 15. 25. 85. 50c.
If yoB would hare your boy well dreaeed
brine him to ua We can fit him with well-made
aphtoyiste Chablaf that can't be excelled ia etyie
d finish and sere
We hare el^st “afle and D0CBC.BBRBASTBD SUITS in Bloeand Btack-DlafOBalaBd
Fanry Cberiotr.
I. Worsted. Tw,«da. .Uaasimerea, aad N.ltoos for boys 14 to lb years at
$4, $b, $7.60, $10.
Also Bee aaeortmeat of Nobby SaiU for the 3-yearold toddler, tbe i4-yemr-uld echool boy aad all ar«
between. Our line of Veetoe Suits> is
1 cooetaotly
iuereasinf-all tsates
cau be s)
stylsu aud pricea
Oor Oonblo-Broastod Two Piece Soils
$1.60, $2, $2.60, $3.60, $6, $6..
-- - - -----^
I Ooliars-Linen. \
Top Coats
Oaretylei ia tbe«e ppooda are etnctly up-toaaybody who wcara a too coat waata 'em ao.
tys iasUt
arc tha kisd that faatidioaa dreaaera always
rstie aad
myiar Excellleot qual:hues of Domestic
__ ^_____ ______ Cloths.
______ _____
,, kurda—all
ahades—make up wlib double aiitchlaf aad strap
—fforkmaaabip first claaa. yet a
Clothing... ForBoi-s.
PBGBI.B'iS SHIRTS—Naw patterns ia
Madras, separate Cuffs to nateb. 50c.
MADRAS <4B1RT8. separate caffs to
$7.60, $10. $155. $16. $18.
can enter our stock but the very
best—If you want the beet come to na.
tbeee prices;
8o much
for suits, now for
..-.Hats For Men..
None better
—Latest tavjivm.
Knee Pants
The kind that's sewed riprht.............................. l»a n«
Freuy psttorss all wool PaaU........................soe. ?5c
12 for 25c. i “FITZ”™
Price Sl.OO.
store oaly.
Our Umbrellas...
4n Sew Forts,
Ken and boy’s.
f Worts Ibr aohool ChUdiwB.
Boys' Box CoaU and Msekintoshra
Is complete. We sell all kirds ana
eo'ors St from 91.’.0. 12. S3 50. 94. 95
Oil Clothing..
'Psrrau of sebosl ebtldrm aiv Trrr orwo SI s !••• te
know b»v la keep tbrIreblidrvDOiit of Biwlef Is tbe
handle too. Look
like $2.00
foods. I«U ol Umbi. .
We have the beitar
at SO
and the beat UsbraUaaat froB 93 00
Union made
Pants & Overalls
Mrn'« sad bor'> clotbox Bold br u«.
85c and $1.00.
Duck Goats..
Hare you seen our All Wool
^ant at $2 00. Good Woricinf Pants
Black and brown.
Boney can buy.
lined, doubl
• dock.
. mads of best
Gloves & Mitts..
tbiof I
from tbe cheap 35c Mule Skin to the
flarat ollk lined Freacb Kid. For
R. R. Ben we bswe Osnntleta at 50.-.
« Ibaa you could boy^
elsewhere- Oreralls—bla<^
e. brown, white.
______ __
White GoafS Apre'ns.
Batcher's and Waller’s Aprons at
<3e. White Dock CoaU at 75c . $I 00.
White Vests. Pearl Bultoas. 73c. and
91.00. Fancy Vestt In Silk from 93
op. French Lawn Ilea at 10. IS aad
25c oer dozen.
Lcgglon for Men aad Boye in
Caawas, Leather. Jetuey, etc
M tbe Uweerrlu "Xsains. I <rsnl iMMn-tbiuc u> Su.’*
rblldraa. ssS for tksi aslter U«lr Boiarra ud
d He Ualen mat bratbers. irbatber tber be m
B. In bnalaewi. or vbetber tSer hr lad W aaS
>f ieUbH OT
the pUa nat^jja
w apead tbeir spare
r UMauSetbelTpl
I pUp laainietira and pn^tahte.
era ta tbe war to do II: Vrlle an sdrrnUeBeal for P.
da eCoMbecloUncra aod •ea'a fanilabera. Tbe7
rlbre«pfli.wload.wnUiixeaaleal. nawetp. IIOOEI H
Berrbaedtae for Ibe b~l aad woat or<s1sal ad: BOO la
mercbaadlae for tbe b-aiaedatoal bnwonma ad: aad
B4XI la werrbaedla- lor tbe aaaltaal and raleb’eai ad.
Xai-b ad cslerad In Iheeoalesi lanat weailoe ibr Hoes
bata. Alladaaaa'b-walfadtotbe SdeenU a« Drpansrolof K. BeadaS Co..Tr»ewrae Ctlp.ssd aaat be la
Noeember lot
Tbrprtae wlsalny adeertUawariU wUl be pnbUabed ta
tbe daUr papers. Ceteecrrooc Up. tbe roan« sad old
Ight Sblrts-8Oo-7Sc-Sl.O0.
Vbf our abirta are aapetior. prade tor srada aad
prloefor price, sill be rail; denouatralad at tbe eeunter.
nie proof of tbe abln U la Ua taeniBsaud Ute sillekLac.
We H»e faller laeh weasere: ore »l»e rows of atiirblaw.
wbkb aJl weana ealue: weftra aapleaxtb deeer retgulred: we xiire apceialeoBeeaieBees for Bra r-r bearjr wHsbl
. orlooereaeb. Ia fact our aUrta are praelleaUr equJto
CBBioia made xooda.
easy price8 for
Uasy SiiHspenders I
K>. 16.
16, 26, 36, 6O0
A. \’. Friedrich Block.
T. J, Host’s Old Store.
184 Front Street
Traverse City. Michigan
’•sr 1,060
TreabI* U 1
I to PrMUoBlly
Ha^nlllceDt Tribute to One
Owparate Battle on Acconnt St. PbbI. Oct 1*.—A W»1k*rr «pMtol
of Kiohi«aa*a Son's.
to Um OUpBfch
tbkt the Beer
of Imported Hoffroea.
IiUod tndtoB* wlU eurreBder. It oaly
reiDAlae (or term ot peaee to be 4r- lABe:Bg Preseated e BrilHeat SoeB#
aaw« BbooubIm U Wbleb >1T«-------iBtO
OB the OooeeioB of the VaveUtog of
H..«d U..U w„. tori*,...- ~r.'‘
Fine Kid Finish
Bmperor ead Bmptaae of Bermaay o»'
Thetr Vay to Paleattoa
Berlin. Oct. 1*.-Tbe emperor and |
emprm of Germany and their enlto
atartod tola raoraiag on their Journey
to toe holy land. They will go to Con-:
etantinonle ead toenee to Paloetiae. j
There were 110 tmaka in toe baggage '
oar. many of them of Immem
enormona box. ie charge of a high
fuBctionary, eontaina ralnable gifte
and diamond decoratione. ealaed at
4.000.0CO Btarka. (or officiale in toe;
Writing Paper in bnik at 7c a quire, and 8c a package
for tbe envelopes to match. '
Holley & Gonnable,
tbe Stotae of the Pbrnose •erersor.
Bloqoeat Addrev by Bx-SeBetor
220 Front Street
“City Bookatora."
leto—Towb of Virdeo, Dl.. to O^i^t
for the boeUle Meep reJohn PettOD.
PoBie—Troop* Ordered to the Seeae. | taroed et t o'clock tble mornlBS. They
reecbed Ue eemp et 9 o’clock et aifbt
•mtol leTai Heune Raooee.
end earned eehore floor, beeoa.^eager,
LeMlog, Oct It.—Todey wee the
Vlrden. III.. Oct. 1I--8to ntoere rice, tobeeeo ead ceaned goode.
irrcetest io Leoelor'e hietory ot e qoerwere killed ead eiffbt wonaded dartof
They a»et e large ooinber of Isdieaa
* centory. Ex-Oo»er»or Bltir’i
tke riot. The flret m»B killed wee enpi bock to tbe wood*. Sende were ahekeB , eutoe wee noTeiled to tbe preeeBce of
poeed to have beeo ebot from tbe
eHeroaad .eBd the betUe wee tolked so.ooo people- There wepe weny die.
Mn inl^
"’f Rct in 3 ncw Stock of Picture Mouldings—
tower. J. P. Byeter. meoecer of tbe
tingcUhed pereonegrs preecnt. Includ
Cltoiex etorc bundloge, wee emoe; tbe
OUr StOck IS always gOOd and WC tum OUt WOrk that Bfi
ing General Sbefter, Bz-U. S. Senator. died ynterdey morning at her borne j
killed. ACbiceso detecUre wee eleo
to Elmwood townebip. from rheuew- j first olass in every quality and Price,
John Petton. Jr., wne the orator.
TbegoretB of tbe city incloded all turn of toe heert. Another death on
Tueedey wee that of Ony Wileon. a |
Troopa Ordered OoL
One X.‘quor VioUtion Oaae nod Three the iiring rz-goeernore. Bara one; moet
•pedal to Tee MoBKnie Bboob»,
of toe other former atate officiale., siz-year-old eon of Edward
Men Charged With Larceny to
ecoree of leglelatore and ez legielatora *“» ®*ylypboid feeer.
Springfield. Oct. It.—Got. Tenner
be Benlenoed Today.
and hundrede of the aged *eterao»|
-------------------------bee joet reeeieed e telephone meoege
from ebrriS DeTeaport of Meeoopin
„1 U.I. cl„, k.d
connty that the fight between the mUf
It u "SflBLnce D.. " .nd one
ore ead tboee gaerdingieetill going on.
i .v"'- •‘I- “«»■
-J r. c...
liquor violation and three ebargee of
in large oumben. Hone oftbe present j field.
The goeernmeet ordered Cepl. CAig,
larceny will be dltposed of. Tbe of
in oommend of Battery B eod the Sone
generation ever saw the city eo g^ly,i _ . .J-------------------------fender in tbdfiret cnee is Tivd Wurz
Ttoth-Wltbout pUtea. Dr. Sawver.
of Veterene compeineeet Pena to pro
burg, and toe otoert are Albert White, ^
H. L A Co ’s block.
is tbe number of styles we show in
Th* parade was reviewed by G »ver-.
ceed to Vlrden.
an old offender and ez-convict, who
nor Pingree, General SbafUr. Depart- •---------------------------------------------------------pleaded guilty Tseedey to the theft of
ToTlfte BntOe WeePonghu
meet Commander Patrick of tbe G. Aa watch, and Oeorgo Brooke nnd Oe•peete) to Tei Moeane Reseao.
B. and dUtingeished guests. Im
Vlrden, OekVS-*—The nrrivel of the enr Howard, the Fife Lake
mediately thsreafter tbe exercises at
{■ported negtte froa tbe aoath et victed Toewlay of etealjM a team of the statue commenced.
e of this season's manufactnre—all are of dunbla aud' )
18:S0 todey wee ^owed by a det^ereto horaea raloed at SISO tr^m two Indiana
General l
. acting forth*
» well-weariDK cloths (even the cheape«t)-and every garment at
battle Fire bnndred ehoto were e*commission In the absence of Secretary
f the price oflFered yon, means a saving of twanty-five to fifty per '
cbenged between toe etrikere ead
Alger, presentod the statue in a short
f cent.^f what you’d pay at other-stores.
other -stores.
eherifl Derenport ead hto depuUoe end
speech cnlogUing Governor Blslr.
We’re perfectly sincere in the above t_______________ ___
toe reilroed police.
TraTeiaa OiW Team WiU Play to*
prove tbe truth of what we aay, invite yon to call aad aeatfaa When toe Chicago A Alton treto
in bebeU of the staU aad spoke of |
Xarlat** Bleven on That Day
bevtog tbe negroee errieed U wee met
Our nbildreo's eboe« bavd
Blair ins like stialD.
ChildIren’s Reefers are for ages 4 to U years—Pricee are
to to* Xmtter'a Homa Town.
by felly isoo armed mlnere who were
Mr. Pattoe'e address was as aloqi
$1.26 to $7.80.
Travere* City'* foot ball eleven vrill
lined npon each aide of the track be
Ivery time we sell a pair a
tweee toe tolegreph office eed toe mine go to ManUtoe Friday, aad enfriend u made.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
Virden Coal—
Co. The gage toe team of that city in ngame
w —----------------Our shoes always wear well
and Clothing House.
vain etopped immediately to front of I la Uie afternoon. Deepiu the euoagtb
toe eaet gatee of toe atockade and toe [ of the Manittee boya tbe playere from
shoes are
: increasing—
trouble began.
| here predict victory. Saturday mom'
.Then too,.
A dozen eboU were fired from toe; ing toe Eeoubo will uU toe etory. The President MoBinley’s AddrM Teetor-
Not Every Day;:
“'iMarHiani Block.
{ forty-six,
to be exact-xim.
Children’s Reefer Jackets.
•tocknde and at tbe white men and | |u,e.np of the Traverse City team Is aa
toe wUdeel tomor* are afloet. oae be-]follow*: H. Johneoa, left end; W.
tog that SO miners have been kllled.
| Grar, left tackle; Bokoa left guard:
Tbe town is In tl>a greauet ezcile-1 iformy, cenUr; Davia right guard: J.
meat. Th* men are securing what; Hlicken. right'tackle; TmmhnU, right
arms they can get bold of. expecting to end; J. Jobnaon, quarterback: Perrin,
nee them for their own proteetloo
left half; G. Raff. CapUto and right
toe trouble spreads. Women and chil- half; Wilhejm. (nil back.
drra are fleeing to their home* aud
karrieadlng toemselve* behind tbe I
Aoora. Tbe wlvee of toe dead miners, |
ieaeaaod >60 for Callhowever, decline to go to their bomesl
nndarealmost mad with grief and an-1
tog Mrs. XlenknW Bad Ham.e.
ger. The marshal has telegraphed tbe I In the-caee of Uargarel Klenkner
chief of police at Springfield. Ill-, to i against Benry Drevec. in toe Circuit
send a special train with doctors Tke ; c‘<ort yesterday, after a nearly all-day
grenteat indignation is felt here against urisl. the Jury brought in a verdict that
Mine Operator Lukens. who it U said D evos was guilty of slander and asto he reaponsiblc fsr the tragedy.
s.Mcd damages to toe amount ot fiSO
Train B-ddled With BuUeU.
Special w W«
Springfield. Oct.
A train riddled
with bulleti, ha* j«t pulled, into the
C A A. depot from Viden with one de
puty dead. He was riding on toe front
car with a wincbeeier and the miners
fired on him. Be discharged hie winChester aad -wu shot almoal to pleees.
Engineer Bert Eyger, of Bloomington, who was drawing toe train
Shot in toe arm. He gave way to En
gineer Anderson, who bronght the train
stn miles minute with the engine full
of bullet holes.
Wheat on to* Bias.
Cbleago. Oct.
takings and a decided rally at Liver
pool caused a sharp opturn in wheat at
> toe opening. The Liverpool advance
equaled taro cents n bushel and todar’s
market waa to# biggeel in a mo
Prtoee eagged a llUt*. bat toe tone re
mained strong and the volum* of speculation waa very large. Tbe cloaiug
On* Th tunnd U at fiantiago.
Spwisl u Ttx UossiM Bscosn.
Waabington. Oct.
1*.—A dUpatoh
from General Wood, commanding at
Santiago, says that toes* are dot fever
case* out of l.l-to sick, in hi* command.
Hallowe’en by Jnnier Workers.
Hallovte’en U but a few week* off,
and the order of Junior Worker*, of
Grace church, have prepared an alaboTSU program on that evening to tbs
bfieemeat of tbe church. Pranks and
tricks appropriate to tbe ocearioa. as:
well as soluble' exercises will be the
featotw. _________________
Teuto Grade Btoool Debate.
At toe High School building this af
ternoon. toe boys of the Tenth Grade
wlUukeapracUcalleesooto political
. debating. The topic will be "Civil
Gavemment’’, and it vrill be debated by
four memberu of tbe grade, two on a
rely to* Bcpubllean and toe Democratic imuea.
Vfv Luto Oenster,
Kelson A Bplchlger.new luneb countw and fittoon cent meals, tos Bonto
Union Street-
dny in Omaha Was Xeceived
With Orest Batbustosm
Sprclsl'to Tuz Vouiiiv Raceas.
Umaha, Oct. iS.-President McKin
ley's speeeh hero todey ellcted great entbuslasm. Ue was silent about terri
torial expansion. When tos preeldentj
arrived lest night, two hnedred thou*■When we sell good childsod citizens of the IraDS-Mlssoori re
n*h’s sh<v>s at a low price we
gion welcomed him to the peace Jubilee.
make friends for onrselvea
Thp ehthnslesm of the greeting wae
and our sboee.
worthy of the great West and th* PreeWe are haring an immense
ident of toe republic. President Mctrade on uur lines of 6bilil*
rofonndly impresiwi with
ren's school shoes.
’ .
e of tbe demonstration.
Be said aa mneh in words and more in
actions, for be made no effort to con
ceal his pleasure. From toe time toe
special bearieg the distinguished guest
into tbe city until the President enterKleokner. Miss Emma Klenkner, toe led hi* quarten for repose an hour thter !
Xo shoddy. A look means
defendant’s two eons aad a number of! he received a oontinnal ovation. HU'
a sale.
German farmer* aad laboraru. some of roote waa tbrougb an ocean of human
whom oonld neither speak nor onder- face* and thv vast throng stretched out
stand English and for whom aa inter into toe side streets ae far as the eye
preter was employed. The ease waa could eca __________________
dnll, much of the evidence consisting
of laugaag* alleged to have been need
toward tbe plaintiff and which Is not Many Talmadge aad Kiaa Bomana
fit to be prinV'l in any paper.
Pope Wodded in fit. Francis Ohureb.
The jury which tried toe ease and re
One of toe prettiest marrisge*. and
turned toe verdict was at follows:
toe most solemn, took place ysetorday
Charles Moultoa. Fred F. Stearna. T. J.
morning at ei^ht o'clock in St Francis
earns*. Benry Courtad*. George 8.
church. The prlseiples were Hairy
Godard. Jamm Lamson, Augustus BarTalraadgs and Miss Romans Pope,both
rult. Michael Gberiug. George Payn.
of Travemc City. The ceremony
Frank Dolph. Martin BUioU, A. E.
performed by Rev Fr. Bauer and waa
fellowed by solemn high msh*. Tbe
Mr*. Klenkner was repreeeaUd by
bridesmaid waa Mtm Katie Novotny and
Gilbert A Oates and Drsve* was de
toegrxmmiman Hicbeal Tebe.
fended by Pratt A Deris.
altar vraz bsautifolly decorated with
The first ateps were uken U the
potted plaDts.cnl flower* and ferns and |
css* of Frank E. Brown, aa adminis
the ocoseioD was one of a joyous nature
trator versus George McCray, a kill to
at well as a selemD ceremony.
cancel s deed in Circuit court last areatbe words which made them man and
iug. afUr the conclasion of the Klenkwife toe bridal party went to the fnner Vial, and while court waa await
tsre home of the bride and groom,
ing a reply from the Jury. Tbe aeUoB
West Eighth street, where an elabo- '
Uken wai. the flliog of a motion by
rate wedding brealfaat was spread to
Attorney PaUhio. on behalf of Frank
toe relatives and guests of the happy
E. Brown, for security for coeU. Tbe
motion was granted by Judge Corbett eospl*. The marriage gift* w
aad by motual couceat of Patchin A msrou and bennUfal and toe ooeaalon
was OB* of bappinsM and good choer.
CroUer aad Pratt A Davis, oounsol for
The happy couple will be warmlv cm- The oroirded condition forces
toe two aides. 1:30 aezt Saturday aft
me to sell s large quantity of
gratnlstod by Many good friends who
ernoon was set for the trial.
goods at
will wish them contlnhod happlnem
This morning when Circuit court
and prosperity.
convene*, the case of George Payn, et
al, vs Howard E. Gidlry. etal, may be
Afternoon Wito Chamiaads.
called for trial. Pratt A Davb, eonsTo make room for new goods. Ton
A delightful program for to* Friday
ael for plaintiff are ready to proceed
should Uke advantage of tbe
afternoon mssting of tos Worn
and if C. G. Turner, counsel for oomconfasion.
Club h*s been prepared by the enterplatnant return* In Ume. tbe case wUI
lainmsnt division, io charge of Mr. C.
begin tol* morning at 8 o’clock. Par
J. Kneslaud. The life and works of
ticular Intorcst attache* to the eaae
Chaminads. tos great Freaebeompsaer.
226 Front StrMt.
from tot fact tost the complainant.
will be under diaenasloa. A pretty
George Payn, ha* been on toe juries
custom will be toe response by mem
trying criminal cases eve. since toe
bers to roll of musical quotations. Vo
October term of'toe Cirenit court be cal and instrumenUl selecUons wUl
also be given.
—Hard or eoft.
HEAT---- -
Tbs world lores to gst hold of tos -haadle sod of a bargain,
toto earaiug money: it U saving mousy: it U S3 for SI. Th*
to* throttls of
ipsndlog II to make S*. Attached to stove or furnass Mpa,
:ke* toe beat uanally vvptod
waatsd up Itoe chimney and pasMS It armtad ton
Coau but iittla
tl etc, 7tc, it.oo,
iliSc, etc, etc, 7SC. 18c.,
We handle Uie
Bannor Wrappors!
popular Shoe House.
In One!
Manufeefured by the Fabian Manutactoriag
Co. Every garment a perfect fit. MadeofX^N.
ped Bock, Flannel DeLain, in all cokers and all
sizes. Prices 86c, 99c, $1.25 and $1.49.
We recommend and guarentee these garments to be first class, or
your money Lack.
Also a large Une of ready-made skirts, in black brocade, drefifi
oods and uoveltiM, price from 99e np to $4-98.
Come^and-SM them.
Remember the place.
cT'l-l h! TP A TT?. ”
I Style’s The Thing I
Fancy and
Staple Groceries.^
Greatly Redaceil Prices
This atason hM the stamp
of good tailoring at priess
Evniag Stood
dree*, (or bo*in«iA or for work purpoMz. we confidently beUeve we can
euppli/pour wants to pour completo
Of Boaiaem College will open at toe
Grange hall Monday evening, Ocl
—All for bnntag.
31. 18»8. Those dealring to taki
spelling, arithmetic, pamanshi; Al*o to* Always Beady Fire Eindlan
book-keeptlng, Bhortband.^or uy s
Style is not always Indicated by a
faaey livery or flashy elotoea There la
much danger fram overdreeaiog. There
Is a happy mean that ladioatos taato
aad breedlDg which aUmps the true
woman. Our 1st* arrivals in dross tabrics are btanlie*. their qnUt elegaao*
being ali that could be desired.
within tsachof aU:even<mf
Sfi 98 all wool are sntm mads
bsttor, fit nicer than S7.M
saim shown elMwhere.
SAM men’sall wool snito binr
the most critical laspoeUoa.
A visit to our estabUshmsnt
WUl eonviac* toe most skeptl-
Fboht Street.
TBM Moumra bboobd. tkubsdat, ootobbb is. isse.
Qalntoa. alao of the ragalar Mrriee. m
exccaUra efiear. la my eaae. anyeray,
it ia laapaaaibla for ma to eat tolatod
baeL aad that forms tba prindpal part
T«ATBa8B orrr. - miohioam
of oqr diet. Taday It waa rariad with
praaes asd rloa. TW oneka-^tbreo— '
YwtMda7 noralar'a mhUmi of tha are men aagaged to tbe aoatb aa la-,
-My work is 6rM cluw Mid priaw tbot ore io reoeb of oil. I UD
'VaOA T. Batv JIXD 3. W.^HAxm. Bob<U7 Sehool Harsal wm opraed ■naa anraea. Their oaly elaim to
prepored .1 >11 tinm lo t>kr r>rr of tbe tr.de. I to.le > qwculty ip
with aeotbar of ihsM h«lofol. iaaplr- their Wlag Immaaa is the faet that
Br.rine, \ ulcomnif .od Kiaioeliop. A fine U„e „f ,beJtafOTl.l»
J. W. fUmsa, Bdiior aad Mua«er. tSf MTTIOM, ted tbte Ub« hj B«t. D. they lack all knowledge of tbe
Icoeblia. As iatercatiar book eariaw, art of cooking, and are dernid of
J- C. EIXIS, 311 Front itreol, eeS.
from arblab all raoalvad proll
erery iaaUnet neoeiiary to make them
riTOB ^ Mia. E L. Eallacrgaatlaman. It Is evident to me that
Ba?. J. C Camas (ava tba aaaosd at they were principally aagaged “before \
Ua aarlea of Nomal B bla
tbe war” in adding to tbe weight of
wbleb ara proelar ao balpfal. Aaother freight trains, aad appropristiogvalnlad bp J. W. able space in empty box cars (that is,;
Millikeo. oloaad tba moralar aeaalon.
toe space is tnora raluable.) The cry '
Tba afteraoon maaiiar waa opasad “come and gel it!” (tbe army way of.
ariib a aaaa 30 of aasp lad by J. C. Cor- ealliagas to meals) used to be eery,
bnt Isnol atpreeant, at least.
»< »> tke FPe«fato m Tn^nM CiVt BUB. A rary lotaraatlBC Blbla raadIsp la which naarlp eearp ona took
Tbe medical department Is all O. E.
TCo>DoA____ .......
part, waa rivea bp J. T. Baadla. The plenty of medicines and good atUatioo. {
aaVjacl was, “What it a Cnrittian ?”
This is a large baUdiag, probably 400
S«M ADobl..............
------ bOc
Aaotbar of the aariat of lacUirM m
faet sqaare, with tea wards of 3i bade,
Mr. and Mra. -Benj«min Kempler left
tfiore -VDwV.................. ....... Ibt
flees by Prof. C. T. Grawa, oa the sob- a welt equipped dlapaaaary and klub- yestarday moroiog tor a visit of tbme
Jret. ■ IcoaflnatioB and its Traiaiaf." aa ao4>good qnarter»for the men.
weaks at Ml. Pleasant and Brmaa
Prufaaaor Urawn apoka of the aiaaelsf
We hare been here two weeks now.
J. W James, chief train dispatcher
of tba word “iaafia^tlos'' aad lu in- Tbe gorernment is potting to new of the Plant syitcm, Cbarleatoa, 8. C..
poruat bearisf oo the laiad. The modem bath rooms and Uratorles and wbo baa been in tbe city tbe laat faw
Uirea aaaa of liaafisMloo ai
taking great pains with tbe eanitory daysagnetlof Mim Raibleen B. Vlack.
ify, to create aad to project tbe faleft yesterday morJTag- Be will etop
The wards am full
Ibe pabaats am iMUy from tbe Im- at Cbijago, Rocheater and
d New York
Aa Intarealtof Ulkonprlisary math- mnae regimeau. wbo by tbe way are City, then go to Cbarleatoa and
odawaafieea by Mlae Nlaa Paya. alao the worst looking lot of boboes I erar hU osnal dntles October 81.
br Mlaa Edith Hard, both of whom are iw, aad colored rolnateera.
W. B. Fletcher haa goae to Grand
■AZKN a PiiraBEE of Wam«.
workers la tbe prlsury departmcet of
I expect to getto tba etatee vary eooo. Rapids to look after tbe completion cf
tba Baptist ehareh of tbit dty.
mem Motea.
ORRIK W. aOBINHOK of Beachlon.
amjnstooBraJeeeanl from my third tbe fomisblngs of tbe Colombian Boioaa eonid not be bettered in nay way.
Tbe Bee&iaf Ooaoart.
attack of tbU preaiclona malaria. U
Thoee wbo .am not aitendiag lhaaa ,
A crowded bodae atUodad tba ooa. has left me as wesk as a kittea: ills 'Ihie anvelllng of the Aa.llo «>*lr '
^er andlior-Graeralperformaacea am mlsslag a draaatto
lOBumeat at Lanslbg. aitmeied Boa. 1
B0400K O. DIX oC BarriOTi.
cert la the CoafrofaGaoal ehareh. bard work to write area, I am not la Peny Uaanah to tbe eapl'-alciiyyea-j “Anothar crowded hoaaa
greeted treat.”
Tbit waa la eharfi of Mita Mabel tbe ward but in qnartera bow and ont^ ^oSk^K^lT*OKkN|i>l Cbippeva
Tbiaeompany will appear io Stoto- “
en lerrslo- '
Gt»ou tusi
iris, afthlerirv
ofthlsri’y. 1.
isenlerisloWhite, of tba School of Maaie, asd sldeofweakQassamallrigbt. Wears:
Mar Slatr TfvuuMr—
brrg’a next week,
uBoaai A. trruLof ciinwB.
. of Elk evening, when M. B. Streeter's four
mach credit it doe bar for the aaceeM >o.
BOt euowen
allowed in- or ont wltboat a
by Mm. acteomedy “The Crnsua Taker” waa
Pmqac tale.
and they are mlasWe piecm of paper. I Della T. Dsris, who is reaewlng
larSapnrlBVpdect of PabUr laMraritoaThe firat aomber on tbe profimm, a
ant aeqoi
only two-isre locked i
Mr A. C. Tbomaa. of MaryarlUe.
° ***
tbe play was a aoccesi from start to
piaaodaet by Miaaea May obd Jetu p. m. Tbe windows am stroogly bar- rlalt at be
Par Bmtdi oAto falretoiiT obon tcne)—
Ifloiah. Mr Streeter to tbe role of tke Tex., baa fonnfi a more vaiiab'e dis
kLi B. bottom of Warae.
Stroof. was floaty fiean and cloae atwe am bound tc keep out of
Trtephone Rebates la Order.
j Census Uker was very. very. very, very covery than baa yet been made to tbslentloB abowed bow nach the maaie of miacblef.
Nowthstihe fll2 reeidenee rate for
Miss Bryan as Hsmle Waaton Klondlke. For yeara be enflered aaMariloabrr IkaM Board of IducaUoo (abo: tba lltUe firls waa eajoyad.
Wei', exense further wriUng as f am
Ulepbone service fr..m tbe Micbigan.wss ezeeptioaatly good. Hiss HomA baaa aola by Fred fiualor waa floebnabed.’'
r. JOBMiOK of Waabronav.
Telepboar^mpanyamtovogue. MSB- mm at Polly Sulpe was all Uagh aod paaied by bemorrbaget; and wi
Py Meabar Stale Board of BdaratioD (lent ly flea*.
Yonra as erer.
lately cored by Dr. King's New Dis«laii»'^
Tba cUtaa poalaf by Shea Martin
F. O. BaMkek.
*** r A. PLATT of Ooaeaoe.
have paid for tbe preaent quarter at tbe pievaoU oa from elating tba ezcellenM ery for ConaomptlM. Coughs and Colda.
-at eoe ef tba prattlaat asd meat aiv
former rata, that they are entitled to a of each and every mem<wr of this elev-' He declaree that gold It of little valosCUN0REB810NAL.
tlatla tblnfs Imaftaable- Tbe little
mbave V> tbe new n
•Baprraeatatlre teOeagnaa. lltb E
Wa have an haaitaoey to to oompariw>o with this marvrisw
flrl. beaalifally dreeaed la wbUt, poeWILUAB a MX81CK of Ao\niB.
Julius Stslo berg hashed some special Look Om ^Y(nrs't~
, aaylag that Bryan's Comedians is one enre; weald bare it. even if it coat#
ad to rapioaant tba earloaa aiootlosa
photobal tUe llgbu placed la Ue rralk
t traveling tq- busdrefi dollars a bottle.
Stocks of Far Collarettes—every of the fioeet c
aoft plaao aecompaaleat by Miaa
- aebit tbraalaod longai_____
PBi Blair Seaaior—
to front of his two large displey win
•tom's line of ijem—aad don't fni
'orget i>ay. Profeeeor Saaadera
JAHS8 W.HlLUKBX.otUraadTrarerae Wblu added to tba effec
is«ortmeat we ehow. Fmm what oaaae to be proud of bis orgaaiseiloB ' Ei'ag's
dows. Tbaaa am plates that
Mr. Wblta and Mr. Baoter aasr a
apeciaUy made to hU order for tbe purRSPRESENTATrVE.
t.“tn IbaCroaaofCbriat 1 flory.
poee aad are a flat Uiag. Tice A JaA piUo
daat-ooaof Chapia’t waltz*.
of Oned Tr
eobe of New York are tbe maadfaoreaderad by Miaa Loalaa
invited to call, whether yon dealr- to
Fletcher's new Colombian bote) will
purchase or no>. Nn trouble to abow 1
Aa exquisitely beanllfnl riolia solo
good tbiogs S-eiib-ir'«
aa readared by MisaBlaneba Baraum. it opened to tbe public next week.
**°sml£iMTA. xfwroK.
~ •
who shews talaat of a most exeeptloaal Tbe first gnesu will be Bryan‘e e< me
kind, and althongb so yosag, may ba dians, a oompaoy of alxtoca who are ta Have
called one of the beat riolia players in appear in Steinberg's. Grand Opera
You seen our
tbe city. An exceedingly eathnsisatic Hone arery night next wet k. except
Welneaday. when Colonel Cupetood
encore called forth a
ParOrcBlt Coon Cunoilaolooerwill appear to the Bigh acbool lec are
chanatag aa tbe Aral aolo.
A delightful reelution. entitled course
Mr. Butterfidd aed daughter.. Mrs.
“Paleatiae” was girea by Mlse Cana
^‘wilSuAB E. BOOK
O'Neal, fallowed by a psotomine of tbe Wynegau of Cbsrioi'e. are risiUng an
other daughter of Mr. Kutteifleld. Mrs.
hymn. “Nearer My God to Thoe."
A Tocal solo. “The Better Land,'' A. W. Pbilipe of North Elmwood a'veT>X legal adrice girea tbe board of
Bue. Mr. Butterfield is pssl nia.etyMpersiaois laat nlgbt by Attoroeyt was rendered by Mrs. A. U. Holliday, iwo years of age and is still as hale
Dodge and Pratt wilt be prodnctli-e of to which tbe eloaesL attention waa aad hearty as a young man of fifty.
■Moh good aad the earaettaeae with
Tbe completion of tbe tower on the
“Tbe Last Hope” was beautifully
wbieb tbe eoart boaie oontrover^
played by Miss Josephine Vader, as Presbyterian ebureh Uamattcr of only
Might Just AS well barn it as pay more nfeukalBg cOBtiaered girea promlte that
a abort time now, men were at work on
fMsady Buy be fouod and tbe work <
It is a beau'j. Y''>i do not have to
sy for floor thao
Altogether the concert was an oa- the atrncture yesierdry.
flka Btw building be allowed to prohave
B. B. Pope, agent at tbe stmmboat
•eed without much more dlScolty. quallied success and ereryone was de
do>-k. Is having many itq.iriea re. ard- way. It ia alwars ready to extend—
The respoatlbilUy hat been shifted lighted with it.
ny JitUe child, i years oH cao extend '
tog the paeaage by the N'orihrm MiehiDvm tbs sbouldert of tbe baildiog
. And It cos's ao mire than any nice !
gSD Transportation Cu's boau to t'bi•namittee to tbe board and wbaterer
cage for the big peace jubilee to Uke
mMf bate been tbe tborteosings of
We bevee fine line of extensioniWoonmlttee all tbe troeble teeme to Bnt SuppIlM for the Sic-k at Saatiago. place next week. The rate for tbe
^blea—over 40 d ffereat alylea-4rom
round trip, including meala and berib
Though Abaadnat, Myaterloosly
Mara bees caused primarily because of
91.65 up. toe will nave yon money on
win ba but r. The jubilee will take
tbt lack of legal adrlae which abonld
Tbe foliowiog letter from SanUsgo r^aee on tbe 18th and IKth.
kBta beaa girea the board by tbe
Mr. Greer, who wae at work on Car
as receired yesterday from F. U. BaatfOBSty aitorney at tbe onUet.
oea, formerly eonnacted with tbe
aaveraly lajured by a fall of about uevIf ProaecuiiBg Attorney Tweddle Bkoobd:
s feet yesterday morning.
tpps acting eaiircly for tbe iaUreaU of
General Hoeplul. Santiaga de Cuba.
Tbe annual meeUng of tbe Order of
tiM taxpayers ana is behalf of the
baaday, Bept. 7f., ituts
Boasty. It eeems slogular that bis pe
Dbar Whj.:—The Ubiett you so kind tbe Eastern Star wU! be held in Grand
tition for a writ of maadamas to com- ly aeatjjst arrired yesterday. 1 bare Rapids. The delegates frrm tbiad'y
- Hold OD there a muiute!
pal the eeuDty clerk to issue an order Wan attached to the abore hoapiul aro Mm. Levi Soule aed Mra S. C Oea<0r tbe payment of tbe claims ef Coe* since Aogust 1st. on which date I ar- pres, wbo went to Grand Baplda yes
Do you want to buy any
flraetor Gibson, sbould hare been - rired back at Ssatlago after a abort terday.
Ez-Sopervisor B. J. Taylor of Baat
Etawn bp at a meetiug of himself, the . Inp to New York with M7 of sick and
Boatraetor aad architact. aa declared Iwoundad. 1 hare seen cootlderable Ray. is bsppy over tbe arrival of a
by bia pAPtner, Gaorge U. Cross.
i hard work since 1 bare been a member young BOB, wbo came yesterday.
•uter Sdwol Vem«t
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
To Burn!”
J.W. SLATER, flOQse Fnniisber.
j of the boepital corps but 1 think the
Mb O. O. STr-Auty. the WashlngU
trip to New York on tbe UlivetU waa
County Appoiatmenta
nl.b.U,.l..U,. Co.™.,
Aside from tbe bested dlacom
^oamal. which U now
were 17 boepiul men toclndingetewarda
meeUng of tbe board of sni
EOvar Damoeracy. writes hU paper tbbt
and kitchen detail aboard which left 10 vlaots yeeterday Uia following appo!
flRa Demoemts bare no ebaaca of orof ns u> care for the entire number day menu were made;
gantotog tbe next Bouse. But UU
and night, bestdea doing other work,
Superiatendeat of tbe Poor, A.
ikOBld lead no Bepnblican tooremleep
both necessary aad naaecesaary, 16 Polver of Parafltaa townahip; Coan^
htowall on eleetloa day.
hours beiag the srerage number of Seb-ol Examiner, J. L. Gibbs; Board
WST don't tbe Demoemts o«w orer hours spent at some sort of work for of C lanty Ganvaaaera, A. S Pray. M.
Ik* aaoceaafal lataq of tbe war they tka time spent on that aalneky ship, C. b*b^rd. F. L. DnelL
'glalm they forced upon the Repeb- with a Major durgaoa of tbe United
Itoans? Did they wish the lAeulw to Mtstes Army in cummsndwbo has not Tesaraaot’admd
tbe respect of man of bis own imnk or
tobi-lieve thst tbe best men's snlta
say other eoramitsioned officer or en
at Trj) Ikq.i.ARB in town km st this
•lore uatll .vou have called aad lookIt U preaomed that at tbs proper listed man in tbe aerricc. I bare since
over the new fall styles we offer
ttea it will be abowo that Mr Bsnna beiag on tbe islsod serred in all three
at tbe above prlre. Then, if our,
ams to aome manner responsible for tbe dirlsiOB hotplula.
is not at />iuH. yon will
We am bow quartered In the old
••apenaloB of tbe Arena, the Frea SUagree with u» io saying that our Itoe
U the beet ia the city.
Spanisb millury botaital oatheoetStxiitbxbo a.
akirta of Saatiago We get an
al oewepaper fr>m tbe sUles; tbe lat
by ns to aae our Immmte lina
Ladies, clean your■ kid
est I have seen is Sepiemuer
gloves with <
aloakk, not simply bet-auv- we cxr
Thereareto my oeruto hnowlsdge ?**"*’■^
a liquid. |
toveiiyopyonr waais ia tbit II
bni becAusa we hare rrerv reison
------- .. piles of supplies seat hem for tbe sick i
^‘^"h.'^haid “Sbr^lto <
through oar Slick will and ibelr atteodanu bnt ike Lord only j only by James G. Johnson, the dm
j toxurim we gel is some cheap jam <
jelly eed sneb etufl. 'i
commissary by in^i
From Chicago, with the la'.«et styles
Tbe officers directly io commaafi here
.and Ideat in Pall and Winter Miliio- are
_ all right, aad do the best they oan.
Wfy- The ladlM are cordially invlud . ... ,1
Major Ib'binwun
RobiDMia formerly
to oome and aee tbe stvies. MIm ' ‘
Minnie Koenig. Oor. Oak and Bay
o^lke lOth L'altsd Htatm fnAtmeu, West Side. 460.fl.
faairj U cfalef tnrgeon with Lieuv
SbTtfBn ntuwd
Well, look at thls:-
As goed ao arm chair os there is io the :
6 moil seal chairs for ool| $1.75.
city for $100~0or price is ooly
6 0000 soot chairs for ooly $3.50.
A wooil seat rocker for ooly 50c.
A high hack, sclib oak, cue sou rocker, I lice hod with camd headboard, $1.40.
for ooly 85c.
A cheap, piaii hod far ooly $U5.
When you are in and looking around for bargains, don't forget to look
through our couch room. We have a large and fine assortment of couches. The
cheapest is a spring-edge couch, fully g;uaranteed for two years, for only $3.50:
You can surely save money by buying your furniture of us.
Our house
furnishing departmcnt.far excels anything shown in Xoithern Michigan.
The place—
Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
aod Paper Haneer.
Shop opposite Eagle office.
Because Not Properly Executed by Board of
Superrisors, Instead of by Committee
board oely
priaiat the intenatanf tba eonsty.
Boat ba Mditad by tba
aii otbar olatou are dia-
poaed of by iba>.
latbte oaaaao
to be
ooDatdrrad aad allowed if jeat.
Opinion of K. 0 Bofice.
atatOBast •TOM n»U the claim haa been paaaed
reata aolrly apoo the board,
^ the hoard, the proper body to fint
bar which called for
consider ic
omaideration and ba eonld not in jm-
tbe noet carefal
Wbea asked aa to tbe daoser of tbe
tine to blnaeU or the board offer aa
natter of tbe natter polnA iato the oplaiaa off-baad. Be wonid be enry
United SUtea District oonrt, Mr. Pratt I «lad to aealat U exincatlof tbe oonnty
to wl
SaperrlBon Strosgrllng With a Serioos Problem—Opinions
GHven by Prstt ft Ilsvis sad Mauly C. Dodge
Indicate That Entire Ooort Boose Pro
ceeding Haa Been IllegaL
It be very pnarded is
Tba eonoty eonrt bonaa
aatanylr-, Pratt A Davla appeared to answer aucb
and examine carefoUy Into the clalmi
for extnia and if It waa deemed that
they are joat some disposition ahosld
to five
Mr. Pratt auted that la i
i arbleh will pus iato tba hUtory of tba) ^ raqaaat of tba eosalttaa appointeoaa^aaoaaof tbaawaat eiolaat aad
ad for that parpoaa ba badpatbUopin-
upteasant. aad oaa la wbleb tba proa- ion is writinf. and as it had
aeoiiar altoraay of
the oonnty felt bsan aabmltlad to
tba board
«aUad apoD to express blnaalf In laa-
fsaee more forcible than refined.
not yat
The opinioai la aa fi
Twaddia aadaaTorad to To The He
BoaH of boperri
Hrasd TraTerse. Michicao:
filinr a peUtlon ^or a writ of nan-1
YoarCominitteo harinf oallad opoa
danna to compel Coaoty Clark Newton |
q^eatinp our opinion as to the
le 1le*
to iaaaa as order for tba anoont of tba Caliljr of tbe ooatraci heretofore Bade
nlbin of Contapotor Gibson for~tbe ex-1I between Grand
ireree Vonnty and
traa for labor aad nateHal on tbe new Jordee B
vat eleerly for Ik.
We SlSt 8 lo Yonr
mrt bonee. wah
Ue ka.1
dxplain to tba board that hU acOon in
lateresU of
iba tazpayern,
and the
o tbe makinp o
First. A rcM
n to a role of tba People.
Second. If upon tbe rote of Ue Peopie tbe reaoi
aoiuUoD if carried.
Third. T
There mut be a reaolutlon
of toe Board of Buperriaore Inritinp
bids on plans and Specif ieations already
lied and all bids must be naoe
with reference to sneb plana an
and apccifieaUona inclodinp material, <
that ail bidden sbell stand upon <qui
> prerent the
tractor takinp
matur into tbe
United States Diatriet court.
and ct,D*idrrable eol'pbteament aa to an aitomry in whom they bad implicit
tbe lllefalily of tbe proiwediacs of tbe confidence, one whose ezpericnee aad
In toucblsp up- ability fitted him for so important a
board in Ibe premises.
a aitanded
boiloiop a« eoald be cuD'trucUd wUh-
of pattLof to hU laffal knowledge.
that alf
It may be
tbe extra expense
may bave bran aecesaary bat It
w by
Pnfssentor Tweddle,
in other words, it was inplied
that if Tweddle bad riren the natter
ence SLd ability could
Inr to nearly r.uoo abontd have bees
tbe atteatioB such an important mat-
ployed Ly tbe connty.
incurred so anon.
tor demanded rauc^of
He went on to state
ibe diAmity
that in kia opinioa onder the present
conditions tbe contract eonld not be
M a defense of hU coarse and dedsmi
la rmpbaUc terms that Tweddle
bad ^u-fied
opp irtnoitr ofcax
contract was reached Twsdd.e wdnt to , parrmento st th:s time snd should yonr
Oraad Rapids, aod when be returned Honorablr B aiy desire to have me do
k. l»d U, «.Plr«t wiu. blip ud did “■
■ “""I
""I 'i» JOd
Mt discuss it or show It to his partner.
ssy fnriber in coontctloe
In tonehlng npon tbe miUer of the with this upiuiou. mat tbe coniraci
itteo tu B
by yiur Buildlos
petitisB fw a writ of msadamus, M'.
Coinmittee auO approved of bv me as lo
Cross stated that U was drawn up last
iu general teruu. aliboug
Bunday at aaeeret meeting of Tweddle. recollection o! tba prSseocrS io said
cjotract of any pruv.sioiis mulbonziuK
I tbe Arcbitecu <o sudu ac>.-oauU or to
Mr Cross was —_____ _____ his re i to “»‘fv that* certify ibvir opioioo s>
Mr. cross was earaeat and bta re i
ceruio tbiugs having
:b I •
with tkem
i^-n done in a satisfactory munoFr
He eoociuded with tbedeclaration tbs-. I As IQ tny opinion, no such
there was "something rot'An in Den could be deleg
authority to Uic Arcbitecu aid if the
the proper time comes be will show contrscu for ibe build<ng was in louci
where tbe roUenni-k, exists.
way* legal, such psria and
aod p.irt
These discussions did not. tend to re thereof ssto axuine togiea tba A
seeu UDlimiteO powvr. would noi lie
duce the interest of tbe coutrorersv
VBiid aod binding sn-l could not affect
Md addiUonsI Interest was excited ed toe right of you- Uuoorai le Body
when the board adj lurned to meet iu 00 wbst the law
r- qj-res yon to uo in
and fixing U.e
I, upona
•eening session to listen to tbs legal nil
W^nloB or Pratt A Davis in resp-mse to \ *
mark” andnssured tbe board that when
the request of the special eommitiei-. ;
the board in tbe court house matter.
npon the silnstino
one in wbicb every citiun of tbe coun
ty is deeply intc.-ested and tbat it is
When tbe board met in tbe eonnclli importaul that toe trouble sbou'd U
the evening
there were
bridged over; alao that
Mi chain enongb to accommodate tbe . sbonld be devised to complete tbe court
orowd of specteVgn preaeot.
bonse without trouble and tbat it waa
the visltera were many promineot tex-
for tbe best inier*»u of the Uzpaycis
payen who
given this eontro-
tbat the oonrt bouse ahenld be finisbru
tbonghtful dellbsn-
as quickly M possible, and that future
seny calm aad
It any
to witness a
monkey aad parrot exhibition like that
. of tbs morning session they were mis-’
The object of the session waa
to Usten to legal
proceedings ihoiilu be oonilscted with
The matter of th i contract vritb the
builder waa referred to and diacuaaeu.
upon the: Mr. Pratt stated that the eontract. was
matter aad tbe superrlson showed an ' brongbt to hit firm by tbe building {
•aroe«tdiapositi,>n to give the prnh'em - c-imioittee fur tbe purpose of gsioing
the oonsiderntioD wfaicb the siwsiiun
Uietr opia.uu upuu .u g«ac
aad not as to whether
r tbe
the committee
.Whatever the personal
themtmberaof tbe board
bad the legal right to execute It.
Arebitset Oaanoi Audit Claims.
Tbe matter wasdlscuateOinteUigent-
•rldeat desire to proceed carefully aod
ly aod at letgtb.mary of tbesupiivU-
meriU of the silnation
Fun! Fun! Fani l
■ and tbe board adj >nnfrd.
PricM-10. 20 and SOe.
Beau WUI be placed on Mle at 1
enforced by the contractor, iberefore
for the best intereaU of all eoaeemed.
Wbal tbe basks snc Usdin« Bnslnest.'
lid be wise to adjust matters no
that the work eonld iro on and
And be
Manor kalansM
tbat if the arcblMci hoaesUy Intondid
licliigaii Accident Asscciitico.
:U buildlnr in acoordauce wito
KsIsMssoo. Mich.. Joar A l<«.
To Tbs Pi suci
Wc.tSs u»amil|n>*e, bvrobr cvnllj (bat ihsi
w* srr pocausbUr scu<>»iBlr4 vlib tb« oar,-rr
saCdIrreiorsot ib* fiUcbtfnn Accident As ,
In discussing tbe necneity for tbe eeelalloa of ibk^^r^aad hoov iben to be '
bU planafor the p lee named he sbonld
will-ing logoon and eompleto it,
0ns Msasos fJr Bztras.
The mailer inrolrrd In the inquiry
re-. madr br y<>ur Comm'ltee are uf senoua
sever consulted him in relation te tb» I orrasing my views u-fore tbe Buard
eaurt house contmci. On the contrary, ' end •'bich wnu.d he much m.ire at
Lota of apeciaiUes by «:
After some more discasalon a vote
thanks waa tendered to both attorneys'!
competent peraon deleratedor appoint-
naitaloD to addreaa tUe board In reply |
mber in
Diamond Mystery."
As Advertiaed,
our line of Plngr«
For womeo,
$3.00. ^
Our complete Fall and Winter Linelis in.. ’
Call and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Shoeman.
118 Front Street.
Wurebnrg Block
tbe prosecutor 1
MSaed Ulkiog when Crosa aaked perfie tbe remarks of Tweddle.
marks esrried
aucb sen in tbe oonoiy whoae experi
peara aatoundlDir that extru amonot-
occupied Territory.
Monday, Oct IT. i
the matter abonld be one wbon ibe
tbat regard, hot wbo failed to do so soperviaors could trnst Implicitly, and
and eeerytblnp waa supposed to be all be believed tbat there were sevenU
Live Agents Wanted in Dn-
Tlie attorney wbo was employed In
who prunised to adeiae tbe board in
extras Chairman Brown stated that In ' brtleri^i^l oiuT? oal to tS« Irtter aor ebllsiJ ^
Thera wA a frae azpreeaioa of the
tioas Uivr Bar liwur W« woo’d fonber sar |
tbe Fxcavsiioss it was found tbntnt v-a,
tbat antai
froai wbal
wr kaov of Ibr oirtbod. aad ,
opinioa tbaV^e alUatlon isdicatod
tba depth the plana called for unsafe BBoersaof t______ ____ ______ ________
tlon WF brllerv II
lhai !• Judlrkooa
li tobr
ibatMr. TweddlawaBactiaffln behalf
ground were found, BaaaxFd aod conduciFd oo awlM boalee
of tbe eonuaetor father than of the
liFlDFlplFa. Avnoc a Isrxe BFBbrrablp
which necessitoUd a large amipontof IblaFlir vr hs.FOFFFrbasrdaFuBplsIolnf un- .
people of tbe eoasty. And Supereleor
extra labor and atone. The matter fslrtrFUBrstor fsUer* toBM sh locUlasu
Wilhelm belired that the board ebonid
dlsens'^d along this line for some
X Oatss.
Mce ateps to employ othe> lepal aid for footlac to bid os tbe same bnUdlav f<
Pn-aldaol nrml N
'then tbe petition fi:ad by ProneE-f. 0*T-mtbaooouty.
cuter Tweddle wnsrefeired to and aevV. T. Basass.
' Twaddle wns inoenaed most then be roted on and I order to'
CsabiFr SOBF asTliixa Bssk.
eral things not complimcptary to tbe
at thane sanr«atloat and |
its acceptance most ba
arried by
prosecutor were said. Mr. Pratt stated
anandeiaib of the
•npreoi himaeK lo a atyla moi
y a like rote aotbor- tbat tbe beard ought to put on record
pkatlc than eluant.
itad to siffD and
tbe fact that Tweddia was not aslbor
Bank terma were nsed in bin remarks carry into effect tbe bid aa aoeeptod.
A. P
issd to begin tbe suit in behalf of the
wbea he refbired to tbe action of bU
Fifth. Witbont tbs aceeptonce of
OoUDty. and It would be well for tbe
Csa. «sjsc*astbe
partner, Oea H. Croaa, in appearinff
Tallor aod (Mt'
I's rerelabini
clerk and cbalrmao to enter into a coa- board to know whether Tweddle is
before the board with an opinion tbat!
^ ^
Wbol'aolF BteUoocta.
S rote of tbe Board, it U rrprvsenUng tbe county or tbe con
ata pom.
the eontract between the oonnty and : dear tbat
lefal contract eonld
tbe coatractor was illepnl. Be daelar- nada so in this cau. If tbe records of
Ta,,*. P. IILCa
County Attomsy Heeded.
Bre r a Hi
Hblatosade Puk Co.
•d that erery atop in the proeedinpa ! V.-nr Honorable t^y do not show
Then the matter as t> whether the
iaeiiOD and no socb action i
waa made with the knowle^e
and ad
gt ana
no Irpal and btndiof •
cosDtf sbonld employ ati attomry to
Mr. Cross aad be
ata loss to could bare baeu entered into.
defend tbe eonnty clerk in >tbis suit
1 why Croas nowr adranced
admneed '
It ts usual
nsoal and competent 1for tbe
was Uken up. and It was conceded
differeal rlewa Tbe diaeosaion
that io this cau someone aboald lebaatod and fUlad with sharp iorectir*.
to it tbe peneral superriaion of tbe exIn the BMStime Hr. Crosa became , eentioD of tbe contract and the general
warm under tbe tirade of bia partner i on rslifbt of the coi.KU-ucilun of the
be made of them and tbe work allowed oa ibe potsible reason for tbe apparent work, and that he be giren the neces
to proeead.
The interests of cerry nefflnct of the board in aneh an impor sary urns to atady the aitnatlon'abd
citizen are Ideoiical. and he belleero tant matter Chairman Brown stated advise the eoasty as to the beat way
it Wu the psrpoae of the board that tbe lepsl points were to hsve been out of tbe trouble.
at tba meeliar of tba board of aaparaaonilBC
But one
Be aaid that in enae tbe be WM snre of. that the esUre pro
wosld damaod sach axtru aa are rep- matter went Into that eonrt the con ceeding bad been illefnl, and that tba
raaantad In tbia eaaa.
Aa tbe natter tractor wonid be adrised to pc back to eoomet was abaolntoly void.
OpMtacXaaUarweuiac •slbebeMUtulfieea .
atanda tbe board ahoold receire an tba board of anperriaora. There waa thought the only way to atraightan It ,
itenized sutameet fronthe committaa nneb more dircassioo alonf thtwe linra o«l was for tba county to
tact woBld draw a aat of plana wbleb
meat waa the oocaaioa of a wild teeoe ' qaeattoaa ab tba board aartoed deairoaa
aiaora yaai<irday
; Comedians: :r
fron tbe dilemma bat he realized tbat
■cd that it did not sum cem on that aevre, and need aot .fear
the United btatea court, tbon^b Twed-
poasible to bin that a ornpetant areb-
His Action In Filing Petition for Writ of XandsmuB Not Appreciated by Board.
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House,
Mr. Dodffc aaid that tbia was a miv
acid that tbe board need haea no eonHealaod
clerk to pay Contractor 'DIbaoa nearly
aboold oome before tb«
reapoDaiblUty of
qooatioaa Manly C. Dodca win inritwi.
Mr. Penu staled Uat-te had no fear u cl*« bln opinkn apea tbn aitn»-!
that Jsdre OorbeU woald direct the
adopt tbe bast method to straighten oot
qutklioas npon important
tbe diaunlty with tbe beat resulu pos-
Mbls under tbs clrcamsuaces.
a question, that be oould find no law
25c for a blue mix satin face, good value for
the money.
35c-gray ribbed, very good.
50c buys some extra good goods-Many styles
to select froipr-^
A special bargain in Camels Hair,c55c.
65c to 75c-Handsome designs for everybody.
Another special, $1.00, Plush back-See them.
Combination Suits trom SI.50 to $5~-See them. Be
The Celebrated Jaros-Hygienic well known to
Wear Jaros Hy
our trade.
gienic Underwear.
'JVod^A said.
Sold by us for years.
You n)Ay caicb col4 S
Jtsof HysrieDieS
I UnderwffATtbut you'll)
fh&v« to try to —it?
lAbsork's moisturCtC
*ai)4 proofs tf)c sHtnj
[ssainst cIin)Atici
cbRns«5—ooo irri-J
Mr. Pratt steted. in answer to
no fiery ntteranca sbinl eorrnp-1 wnicn wonid permit tbe bonrd to deJrUoa, but tbare vras a realization that: gate tbe signing of a ountract to s cornbad
mads aad, miitee.
The law
Ibav oun-
tbere seemed a nnited purpose to
tracto for pnbliee irnprovemente
tlfy them by the aid of tbe bmt legal
be executed by ^ oonnty cli
oasnael tbe conatj afforda
chairman of the'I board of snpt
Is iwspoase to the tsvitetloa of
btxrd B B Pratt, of the law
Be also declared that no claim-, fur 'X-
firm of Iras pould ba anJited by eltncr 'tti
THMOsaora UB09U vtnmDAT. omoBES is, iws.
hae eat M* *fth moped alfalfa thla een•em. and each of the «ve eropa kaa baaa
equal to fair yiald of eloter.
At Kalamaaon, Biebard Paar, agad
2 Vtttm 9t Xatvmt Fra JOX
St. a marriad maa, worked aad wae
rm oi KiAUu.
I quite well Mimday. He die^ Tuesday
morning from a eauee nnkaowa.
Tkere are a nnmbar of eaaaa of dipk•MiOf eholm It prermtont wowM theria at Grand Haven, aad eareleeaBsekvood ud wemt io be
aaaa oe Mie part of tbe faaUlica of
«tt»oti«e.tbea mr before In thst pert tbcas afflicted with the dPeeee M re«t Uteeute. John Welle, e p<
ealtiag in lu epreadiagoMuiderably.
«nt feraw. bet loet over «S00 worth
WUliam Divine of Oambrla myateri«t bog:* from (hit dreaded, diteMe.
while efLieateneat OoTemer Jobo onsly mlsaing stnoe last Priday, has
' Sttonc bat loot between on* and two written home from Buffalo, asadiag
money which be eaye be eball need no
hnodred from fait Urfeetoek term.
longer at bs shall ba dead by tbe time
TBbt fortheominff report of the Cbieafo
the letter is iveeived. It is feared that
& Went Midticna mU<my wUt tbow
Divine baa become insane and that be
that the Aorott bnaiBca* of the com
intends to tnkehU life by jamping over
pany wet the larreat of toy Anmut
Niagara Falls. Mr. Divine was In good
ofiueereraldectdeaofcxiatanoe. and
baaltb and In good financial oooditioa.
eaae within 9t,000 of brealciog the roeBisoppearauee waa as nsasi oa the
ofd for any Bonlh.
onlng of hU dUsppMrance.
'The Detroit Tribune naT* Fred MolAt Imley City in tbe Sebaal inquest
harry, aged 14 yean, who olaimt l^r«rae City m hit home, wae tent to that aroenicai poison was discovered in the
place tome time ago by the poor oom- womao'e stomach and her husband baa
mltaion. The Tnrene City anthori- been arrested for murder.
I intitnEwssnniits.
tim aent the poor fellow beck and he la
now being oared for by the local anthoritlea of Detroit.
Beaeral Mr I Mutao of Vniveiaal
'hoeording to ^e
’ of the stage of water on Lake SeperGold quarts yielding gl.ooo to the ton
ior, prepared by J. H. Darling, of the
felted dtatet Gegioeer Corpa of Da- baa been dlaeovered at Skagusy. re
lutr. U wet belter during Srptamber ports claim.
tbaa it h«» >e'n brfnrr in the month
Policeman Axil I.' Mikkelsen of Chi
of lieplrmW I'r the le»-t twraty-alx cago. abol himself and was found dead
yoan. Daring that mouth tbit year it
the grave i-f bU wife in Mount
wae .10 of a foot higher than it waa Olive cemetery. Mikkelsen was dressed
during the preceedlng month, and .31 in full nniforra. Hb wife died five
of a fool higher than in 8ept*mber months ago and be hae visited her
latt year. Ue ttage of water for grave dally.
September ^ year wat .13 of a
Tbe Eldredge geological eurvey par
foot higher thu the average depicra- ty. which baa relumed from tbe Cook
her itage for twenly-al* yearn.
laleteoentry. iadeelar*d to have otoTheOrand Bapide haeket works eovered a new mountain In Alaska
have purrbaeed the plant of the Baby whoae height b given aa 90,000 feet
Me'ehOo aadwl al ry,]ihelr work*, tbe highest In North America.
making it tbv largest banket factory ip
Countem Adeline Behlmmelmann of
Copmhagen. Denmark. socompaDled by
At Tawas City, Mrs Joaaph Yaa, at hertw* aoas and aeven
tempted to end her life by drowning. hae arrived In Cleveland oa the private
:dbe jumped Into tbe bay from one of yacht Data. The oounteea la doing
tbe docks but was rescuod. When she
was gotten out, Mra. Van beggad plt- eisaUy among tboae of her own natloawmaly to be thrown lata tbe water ality. aad expaeta to encircle the earth
ngaia as she wae Ured of earth and La har travels
wanted to die. She waa despondent
Alax Keitb. a young farmer, at Monover illness.
tieello. Ry.. called on hb aweetbeart.
Isase Bl'swortb sent up from Clinton Mba Lon Dick, and found a rival ulkwpunty in Decembsr. 18S7, made a clev Ing to ber. Angry words passed aad
er eaeape Tacedey morning from the Eeltb attempted to sb*ot the ether
atote’e prison.
cut a hole in a aiz.- lan. Mias Dick iatorferad. when Reitb
inen atone ceiling, to a cell in the west tamed bb rvvelver an ber and shot her
wing. ThenJp cat a hole Ibrongh the through the right breaet, laflieling a
roof aad let himself down by a rope mortol wouad. He then fled.
anade of bedding; and uiring a ladder
Loub Rempaer, United States posUl
ellmbed over the outer wall and eaeap- agent at Santiago, reports that tbe
ed. Be has nerved three terms before
stlon of Snaabb treope at
thU for burglary and borse atealing..
Cienfnegoa b being actively pasbod.
PhilKp Mitchell, aged SO. a well abont l.SM men being brought there
known ci'leen of Iron Mountein. went weekly from tfce ports between Msnbanting w:<.k a party In tbe woods sanllloand CienfuegoB. on tbe soelb
Saturday. Be took a trail Sunday morn-1
ing aad left the party la aewvh of I On tbe west coast of Africa loo aativc
game. Kothleg has beed seen of him I chiefs have been arrested aad are
g parties with dogs ire awaiting trial at Freetown for the
soonrlnr tbe woods. Tbe country b murder of American and other mbeionvery rough and wUd and It b feared ATbeat Kwell in May laat. A number
that ba b loet. Be baa hnutod for 19 of the ebieb implbatod have already
years in thb section without a mb- bean eonvlctod.
Tramp* made a dastardly attempt
Charles Paget of St Joaepb, who was ti
taUlIy injured by falling from an apple train at A.r Line junction, went of
tree.'wa* 74 years old. He wae buried Toledo. Uhlo. Three heevy Umbers.
oa Tuesday ander the anspicee of the 3'> feet long end 1(> inches cqnare. were
the maeoDB. of which he hae been a bid on tbe tiacks of tbe high tresUemember for *0 years.
wher* the Michigan Central croaers
PhlUlp Htaadlbk disappeared from the Lake Skora. Tbe engioear of the
Brighton abont tbree years ago and it freight whieh came along abont lo
was thought he had gone to Aostralla, o’clock aaw tbe obetmetione but wna
bat It appear* that ba was waylaid la nnabieto stop bb train unUl hb enMaw York city and robbad.
He hae gins had ersahed Into the timbers.
baaa ill and b the victim of a aeriae of The englae did not leave the traek.
The pilot-house was wrecked.
The Lansing Miabterial Uolon hat
Foreign goveruntenb arc eeeking inadopted rwolnUonalndoralag the car. formatioD in regard to tbe gunpraeftw bell and the common oounell will Uea of tbe Amcrioaa eallora. They de
bo asked to euaet an ordinance provid sire to adopt the eyetom in their navies
ing for ringing the bell at S'oclohk In ae-soeh good rcaults were obtaiaed
tbe eveeing. after which boor no child- from them la the Spaubh war. France
ran will be permitted on tbe sitmIs.
stset applicant for a drill book,
by ike navy department, but
Mrs. Horace A. Soule, a Cllntoe
oounty pioneer, b dead, aged <17. She tbe roiuvst will be granted only on
had rerided on the farm where sbe died oondlticu that the French government
certain informstlon which
fiof forty-twa years.
Beatriec Smith, an Owomo litUc one. the American naval attache at Paris
met with a peculiar accident on Mon hss fruil'.sixi'yendesvorcd to obtain for
•eversl wroks.
day. A brick wae blown oft tbe ebimAt ManssnlUo, Cuba. Col. Bay, tbe
wyofa house near which she was
etanding. andntmek ber oa the beml. American oomaiander, paid a final
iafileUng what may prove a fatal in- vbit to tbe Spaabb commasder, Cgl.
Ihrron, Sunday aftomoon, and wished
... Robert Miller, a young man of BaUle the Spaniards bon voyage. TheAmarean troope then marched to the pnbllc
Oreak, tt mystoriously miming.
square, kobted Uie store and stripes
WUlbm Newberry., the wild man
and proceeded to the custom booee.
who torrarltsd North Lansing eitbens.
where e similar ceremony wna per
was aent to lonb for one year.
formed. Oar eoldiei* then repaired to
Indian'lake eottogen. near Dowa- the poatofBce and bobtod the American
giae. were terrorised by an enormous eneign there.
aeaserpent. Parliaeareontgnnnlagfor
CoL Freeman, of the Fifth regnlare,
the monster.
Mejvr Starr, of the inspector general's
Potter's cby bns been foand In large
aad MaJ. Carr, tbe oommbqaanUlies near Boyne City and they’ alonera sent to Inspect Brracoa and
want a factory to ntilise it.
Sagua de Tasamo, have returned to
Pbld varieties of blackbcrrimand redI Santiago de Cuba aad report dreadful
raspberries are pleotlfnl around Alp- destlMUon in tba nortben. towna
ena. Tbb b (he second crop aad the) There b abeolnto neeeealty of immedlwarm weather and rains are rcaponsi-- ato relief. Men. vr^en and eblldren
are starving and-^ed. Oen. Wood
MeBaia can M*«-t of s rit'.isa who, will send M?j >r Starr end Lieutonaot
Ur<-oU.. hb aide wlUi 500,000 raUoaa,
Maa bmn a n»Ucat nearly two
and baenever rialtod the poetofflM or,cloU.ing aad cloth atoffs to OaU. at
received any maU throagh It.
, Baraeoa, Sagas, Oibam and Batne. No
BamUlon Welker, an Iwb farsaar, larmad men nee to be rallevad. Oan.
Wood kaa baaed Uatraelloes that bm
inttoaa abaU be givea out to woman
r women.*’be
•ad children only. Tbe men. It b BBid. “«n 'Bow to Make Yoorsalf Alfound, will not srork as long as they tneotlvetoaUan.* "
she incan get tree food.
gstfed. Milnkiog it was abont time Ur
tanve a little sport with him.
Xdet of LMters.
“After, ofoonrK."hen9Uedpresnpt*
Ponovloelatbv lluar
>y. “Mo woman evt* loaea tbe knock
tS* Trsrarsv Otly
Pon_______ bbtbrBlMler,
'letivra ootil after she marries."
wOTk cbSIoc Ori ISth. iDrsUlBf ter
•tsas-Ad'vnIare Oct~
IMh.Um Mo doubt he war, as sbe mtid, ^a
t>3«. lolb A.
BrsCIr. B^ortev
mean old thing."—CfaicagoPoeL
rVBtAC. HrlrsS.
Ocndlsc. Mbit
aorrr. Aliev
Mmr. Mra. O. J.
WlrhoIvsB KsiT
KoWsMB. LasrB
BBrsBnl. Oosr
Brews. Bebert
Boots. A. ACft.
BrowB. D. Kick
CrBBor. L J.
CtmudBlI. HoWBrS
DelBvv. Emvrr
rrstik. DolMe tt>
Nwitb. Lottie
rrM^Bo. M. A
Oldros. r. M.
Mura. W. B
JvBOOBi Prirr
Us. Pwe W.
■uora. Whore
' Onyerw-Mim Leftover would be all
right it ber bead waan'tfllled withfoolito Ideaa.
Quisser—Wbst are they?
Guyer—Sbe saw a three ringed oinns
loe.—New York Journal.
Buoklanb Aniea Salve.
_ruiaee. aoree, uiet-.. ___
Bhe im, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped
L a <d>.. CbUblains. Coma, and all Kkln
Eu uptions, and poaitively cares Pilea,
or no par required. It Is goarontoed
:artect satisfaction <
Bsub.,lBn M.
M LOUDOK. DvBtlvt. O *'ce* IB b^kfal
M BROWN, IMmtt] BB« Uo(
Q.ILi aBT A ^TW. AtMrrvyv.^H^I^ B»10, Mvfm»vv**B4
- Hnl. ilhviBi.
evPHodrleii bkxAa. 'PbooB, t
t. AlUSVSVr BBd —-------B.Cilr Open. BoavvBIk,
et Lav. BpaelB]
-Why did you leave tbe eea•‘S'c'iiJiK.i., I w„. u,™ for«
atxl change, and the hotel waiters got TT—;
all the change, and tbe landlord got the O. i
rest, ao 1 came homel—Up to Date.
TravereeOity Market.
Below b a Ibt of Uie buying and eeU
Uig prlcea of yeatotday for groeeriea
provision* and farm produeu in Trav
erne City:
tear Pork
lear Perk
Short Cut Pork.
Short Cut Pork per ft.........
Floor. B L. A Co. beet..............
to*p.Bi. TBl9hce«.71.
Ibc Delrarattr Baspllel. Ass
Boilra. Cell Bi RwoBO oSra.
QAUtatrOMAN VAjrrKD-AB rap
D ai«l <-B|«t4r drr rnxia laAr ■elrani
ml Appir <B pvrmor br l«tw Jnllt
POR S4LE-Xlrbt-raBr.ol<I
Salt pert
Bran per
BOTIKe RATBe or TBATWWB errr oral-
fSSSi;;:;; ii
wrr*BAVtc»bBB4iBoo»Tt<>>MD<» fens
W esrf I-Iir pn>t«-nr. No wsUIbv for non*;
Sfuv toes >• BmT|iira. I'odNTwood A I'lnor
VJ'f'TRtV-f Boi'-'ipot. Biy proBii«ra.a ier«»
£i black cow. Ooor»«-.B«ocorv Ip applylne
to Mn- WrirbI, cor. Ittb ea4 TolOB airm-ie
F of «Udc»cnt.ll.itn. ccSiplcicS n?r^lBqulrcof Truuoco J. C LewM Xaelv. Sllrbla.
Mlrh. Wt-SUI.
1£ [CJOl-Ut'ITOB* WANTRD~WlM or Oralle
' m»DroroBrramt>lciewt«ofjBrrai^ Booki
-ikc boUdar*
^b o-t bao toar hooki
eraded for little one* to prown up folks. BocI
book cbaraiine,>l>>llrbirBl.capUratlDd. Pricoi
raarr fona tor to S&to
Larpr books, eoci
orcrflnwlae wltbbappr lttn>traUona Treaira.
Free FUla.
dnoNitrllrra. NoiLIdk llko thea. Four moatbt
rcldeo borrraifor eorremlr worker*. (MU
rrelebi paid.
BIrarrI cviB-laaloa.
ago. and get a free
OaiBt with aaapU* of all four hooka free.
box of Ur. Kl^'b New Life PillH.
Kenci lw*lre*reol atoap* for par>oc part oolr
you of their merlu. of lbepo*lBir*alnee. Orap oil traab abd clear
man a Boe'b with oar eicloalTe lurealles.
.y iu at^-tioD and are Tbi Natio«al B<k>k I'oik IB*. Jrri
These pilb are eai<y
tulerly effecliv
effeetivc in the cure of
ConKUpalion and Sick Headache.
For T^R AAUC—A acsall. Ir
Duar well lornird.
Malaria and Livi-r tronblra they have £ for aale on BMitblr
aenu. Mra. W.F.
____ np-tf
'hey a
•ee fro
Oct. », win
bolldlat let
every deleterious subsUnce snd
Ibreorarrof Klpbib sad Bair*
purely Ter"'able. They do not weaken ra
aldrwalk la front o< lot. Flrat con
perbu.:....::.......... ;soto«
ny their u... .a. but by giving tone to tbe
atomach and bowels greatly invigorate
the system. Begulsr site Stc. per bos. S»DKW4LK
Noid ' - .1.0. Johnson, snd S.& Wait
W. Palrbin. dSt-tf.
From Chicago, with the latest stylM
and ideas ie Fall and Winter Millisery. The ladles are cordblly invitod
to eome aad see the styles. HU*
reutwB OtaU A Week.
xrrarnirLeB'wrCo 4a-U
C aluabrra. Trai
TNBCRANCE-Wbrn yon waBl Sra or III
A auranec. remrmlicrtkat I aa In tbe
pea* Rrral Kn-hanrr Aaaarabre. Anei
of New York.Tbunnrla Fire. Penlnaiil* k.-..
al. rraaklorl PInte U'***. Mlrh.. Nutnal PJaU
aioaa. Aetna Ufeef Coan. aad ulbrr oapaBlB*. R. B. AlljB. Prledncb Block.
^ I^KINl^^II^B^tor^aala.
Everybody who Ukee Tbr Moi
Brcioro esu have the Grand B
>k msking only li cent* per
for the
best paper in niwlbrn
ligan and
metropoIttAn paper
>r In the
suto. 1 ‘.lephoder'
T OPT-OaFVOBIatrarlBsiBrdaF wraalos. a
0. la Ivm ToUet LeUeu
Cun Ate procured of Mia. C. B. Bector
at 144 Lake Avenue.
449 Mt
Setn^t and Baton. t&OO.
^ Cnnnlngbam. Agt.
rcoiieee CssU A Week.
Everybeiay who takes Tam Morruo
BxtPRD can have tbe Grand Baplda
Herald delivered to ihemRleo fer an
Its per week, mak
ing-only 14 eenb per week for tbe
bestp^ier la aortbem Mlehigma and
thc'beeimctropoliua paper in the
Grand Rapids Herald 1
The Record is the best and
most popular daily paper north
of Grand Rapids, covering the
Grand Traverse Region thor
oughly with first-class local and
general news service.
The Grand Rapids Herald
The World
with the unexcelled news serv
ice of the Associated Press.
Both papers delivered in
Traverse City for only 14 cents
a week.
Send your subscription to
the Record ofllce or by ’phone
This is the best combination
hews service in Michigan.
Two first class papers for
little more than the price of one.
rourtMhOcBUA WeO.
Everybody who lakes Thk Muubimi
BKonsn cas have Ue Grand Bapids
Herald delivered to them abo tor aa
additiosa! four cents per week, msking only 14 cents per week fer tbe
best paper in northern Michigan snd
the bent metropollton paper In tbe
state. TelepboneSL
The Morning Record
Bats Jut retnnsd
: will pay for : :
and ;
O. I. >W. SpBCtB) BMOttOB U. <
•OMVCvBBclBV. eilFraotBl
> 14 Cents
a Week..
IwUlbcIn my oOcc antll Nomaber 1st.
im*. for tbr porpoav of coUectltw tbr acbool
sad city utia* aad apoctal aaacaaw.nis Ir.led
la tbe eliy for tbe prearst Ascal year.
OBrahonrafraa* o'clock to 11:30 o'clock a.
B.aoAfroBi I o'clock to 4 o clock p. m . and oa
Tncaday. and Prfd^ otislac* of each work
*^a BUOctober lal. IMS.
tkrre wUl brekaignd oar per coat, prnally for
coIIcctloB aad oa all nasr* paldoa aad after
OelabmatUBtUKeeraibrrfat.UH.tbere wUl
be chareod a poaalty ol two per cent tor rolleo.
tton. All tasao rmalelaK uapaid KoTrabrr
IBL, W. wlU fac retaned lo the City Clerk lor
--------------------------- itbo wiBMr lai roUa.
The best paper in the State
"The best paper
in Northern Michigan
Will supply you with the news
of the world a whole week for
14 Cents.
Ueaa alMrt «U do«.-f* «
fiaU datatr
r KUty
KUtr Biny.
•na.*. whin yoor Ti
••liat taBa.w.
Tbi-yni BinkF
Biaki- yoo
yon It
think ’H* wtalJT d
dDit mirly nhlrrr Jnnt to wr
Rnw rtow ami llcht at tbi-y •
Tbi y orarp and
Cownw that hiow,**
••Tbarrry prrtthwt
8i.:d Bally. ■■ar\. till' ijauaita dear,
Iilinh and wink.
Thrlr mtli- facw.
Tbry isally arrai all
Ai d when In di.h
•laad Par SaBad ■aaar-.FrBlt* mt
tha War la Ba Praaarrad - Oaaia.
arata Hava Rathlas kat Praa Slirrr.
' Tbm bM D«Tpr been a time KLnet tbe
ww (or tbe praierraticBi of tbe tToion
: wlMsi tbe BepoblicsD party bad more
leaaoo to be faeartily onited on national
taoea tbaa It ii today. Tbe country baa
. Jut paaMd tbroogb a war oodeitakeD
tron notivea of tbe bigbedt honor and
jatriotisa aadoarned to a aoooeMfnl
oooduaioiL In an unfreoedentedly abort
•pace of time abd rmall aacrifieeof Ufa
Tbe aatioo ia today more oordially barnooiooa and united than erer before
and that. too. in aupport of a policy
which, if not diatinctiTely RepobUoan.
''•eealTei tbe approral of a Uiger propor-
*wlU ooddmaot"
------------j P. HopUtm Bmitb, tbe anglDeer.
I aiau ,of adeiioe. traveler, artirt and
[ nnveliat. and wbat ned, ii viaiting la
Willlaai A. Eddy, tbe kite flier, re
cently bad a narrow earape front being
, it wouldn’t go. I told him ir^ww litrte i
Jim loved to teU a aioty.
He bad
A C. OarTj tbe new bead of tbe
health, i. al»o
pretid«« of the Army and Navy Med, [. ^^namtirm
He n. Tt-r expected ench Inck ua
Wileon falling Into a ritcnnuctandal evldenre trap, and be let bim go to priran
witltoot a qnulm. But biaeonecieuee or
apirit, whatever you like to call it,
couldn’t Btaud the attain, and be fell
bark on morphine, both to quiet bis
nervm and funiiKh an exniae for tbe
euicide he contemplated. He had tried
in a amall way to ahine to Wibon'a
family by wndiiig thi-ii), twonymouiUy,
„f ib,- doemu.-ut !«• lk>qncath.d a
to . cH when ho ouild :
be ia the original of that naniu
that be hi really Her. Dr. Cbarlea MoLean and a graduate pbyciclan.
In Daniel Sbaw of Kingtbuiy, wbo
Ii bS yeaiv old and louki but 00. the
people of Indiana claim to bare tbe
oldert J. P. in tbe United biatea.
Sir Womyta Reid, wbo baa just been
elected profident of tbe Euglltb lt»4ilute of Jonmalirta, waa formwly editor
of Ibe Leeda Meruary and later of Tbe
Mr. Stead aayi that the newa wbiob
mart cheered Oledctooe iu bis iaat lUneaa ww tbe report that bia granddae^ter. a bright girl of 20. bad decldad to become a minnocary.
Dr. John S. Griffin, who died in Loa
11 a veteran
of tbe first
phyeiciana to
t<> come to tbe Pacific coa
Ucan administration
nffainof tbeg
er of the Iowa, was in charge
tbe nation baa*
tamed by ~v
the ^ year. Hi.
and tbcwMiuture
the .iMmluro waspropcriy
waapnipcrly wituew-I
witiie*-1 oi
of «ue
tbe trao»p
traukpert Benefit in tbe Red
.iid one of the clerks. ! river npedilio
ilion and received tbe faigbdeclamtioo of[ tbe people in favor of a 1 oip<‘ aail rtuok bii feet on the table. Hia ^
^ually g^ in all part, of ! three h Ih.w .morning paper mm fol- ;
t».k to Ui.-oflice without any i e« praiw in AdmiraJ Porter’s dia«be world, and tbe country bai entered ' lowt’d hi. example^ amid t^ curia ^orrddov and wrote niy storv- after 1 > patebea
smoko tbi.
ig tbe story Jim told i,ud pjvcu
given the city
ciiv cdiu.r
edin.r an outline ot!
of: Tbo
The Very Rev. Father Lefebvre.
Lefebnu. tbe
inui w
«poD a new career of progreai and prq^ lOfI smuav
■ tftem:
,__ , ,,
' wbnt I bad. Hi' just jumped out of his I .operior of the Chapter of Ohlate Faparity. More men are now employed in
"One mcraing abemt 16 jjn ago; chairwith diligbi and did a d.n.l k- tber. in Monttwl. baa Ixm pti at tbe
tbe Indnatriee of tbe oonntry at remnBichard
iIk ^,ni,.nii>oe.
it... oouuiry
Mtatlva. living wages than at any time
non* Calvin, a vrrywe^tfcy
I Tbo l«iys thought he had sudd,
sndib i.ly
iily gone ' and will make bia beadquartecs in Low.
in tbe la« deoade, and tbe (armm dar lumber
ctmoem, waa found dead in hia ; mad. but be gave
. .
i ell. Maw.
gttvo th«*m
them no Mtiffactiou,
ing tbe lart year bare received larger ofBoe. Be
eetumi for tbelr produce tuan ever ba- beforo be .ranted to look over the books '
1-ie.Mu.t Vu.
wbo wu
dore aioce hard time, set in with tbe for things wen not going quite to bis
nooeHioD of thevDemocratio party to
power IB lbB9. It\i tio exat
- ' ' inu^atien
blood atmned loaves. T^hmdh«ibeeii
iu a story like that g7k?tlfl
two yrara
ISOS and tbe policy wbiob waa tbetAput
In operation.
With tbe binary of tbe last year .dll
■fresh In tbe memories of tbe people
«bere U no oocaalao for the Republican
party to reverse or modify iti porition
«n tbe main lawe of tbe campaign of
«wo years ago->.tbe currency queaticn.
Its poiicy'ou that qoertiao hai been
▼Indieatad. while that of iu l« to I free
proved a dciiuion and a sham by «xpericnoe.
Unda Eepnblioan Iwderabip tbe caMon bu enured upon a nca era. Not
pledges of Ibe party made
agq bat tbe war with bpain, practlv
iy ludorsed by a ouited party and con-'
5.do. W.y ,.I..OT ol
natioo todav i:
mu nanll. ot, .tt. I.u, roir by tbo r.
man and had been out <1 work a Icng , ^
(rirnd of hii. The man wbo had ' It !■ not generally known that tbe
time. He had never been in any kind of ,
jodgrrnnm was alao .tun. i late Liratenant William Tiffany of tbe
trouble with tbe police, but Iw bad a j
pn^toraU- my .tatexumt. and i rough rldera was a membw of tbe firm
diaracter for ahiftle8«^es^
ahlftle8«^es^ and it ww
,^riHb.ii hr Calvii
' '
in were ivvured i of' flotisU
cm Filth avenue, near T'
no secret that be and JabnMoo had bad
the ronfemion could | ty-eighth street, in New VorkcUy. ««itjne words a few day* before over a ^ Wcntifiivi" Foitunaiclv everything j ducting wbat i. known
loan he bad begged. He had Um beard ^ «»oothlv. and U-forc 1<o’clock, with | ary.”
to Kiy that a man wl»
beapa of ,j,p rnn^rreure of the judp-. tbe gov- i Charles Spink.of Newport. Ky., who
mrney and would not help his nlatlvea
d,«ded on rrleaidng the iirisonm, i. euppowxl to have beeu accidentally
might better be dead. A gl<w ww (priuo as a drubletriuson forhi* prtmipl
found in the office that was Idmtified
„irrm tbe .
as his. and. to make tbe chain M ctr- , „dBvnjd,i,jr ^rTOIlg done Wilson was to ' pieces of projxrty in Newport,and ww
I «tJ»"rtantial evidence complete be ha«l'
| one of tbo wiwUhisat citirra. ofDortbT“W»«““‘>’’*^"*l’>>l*‘*«-/«T“«*^,uwiere««7d<dav.
tbe murder wasoornmmeA
j .-Then heant forMm Wilam andher ,
-------------------------“Hislawyrti admitted
; two little girls. «.e tameall in a trrm-!
had gmie to the office, but dmied any^
rfUerr had |
------------’ ■ *.................. *
n her an ftikiiligof what was going J John Coudem. Ibe widely known ChiAnd the n leat*—^say. Ix'ys"—
• oago turfman, ha* gone tuully blind.
Tbe boy* refilled j
Roosevelt’s borw* «»t tbe govem1 ill tbe cloud of I Beot about fC5 per Load, and tbe firrt
ed the next ^ni^mt ] 40O brought from f* to #71.
the li'Urt that fliw tbe rre*I €if the n
Previnoa to bis recent rare with Joa
i .
Tl.li drf,„». ib ibo opb..
-IM,H.Twho>.a**nprrwfi toU-barfined :
B. Orutiy bad not apto human misery were hicldeu in Ibe
mont larapKllyappnmchiuK unanimity
„„k one
I Over #2.000 «00 paaaert through Iba
CO Ibis point
juTTman. bowet-cr.-_____ts..i«
wasalitlledonbiful 1one of tlie'L'OXKat tbe *.•«>« race meclingi
«e an to be tbe main iwnea..
maiislanphter in the ,
_a}d ■•ibcifri-Btirtdf ilw vrar ” '
and Aiiacouda. Midi.
witboDt mymR '^bat have
ocratio oppotienta to oppose to them? bo
for they have offered uolbiug bnt a re.
Iteration of tboir 16 to 1 free silver
tbecoiea. with an
" and a
..d (or tbe “apoila" as shown by tbe
•ttempu to orgaoiE* a corrupAni (and
by ati>ei*ments upon candidates for of.
too. for which tbe latter are expected
y robbing tbe
people. In tbe (aw of ni b iMues wbat
tonest. iutclligcni andpn _ saive voter
can hesitate in bii eboiw?—Chicago
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery stable,
B. J. MOEGAN, Prop.
by a
handed and couldn't apare me. Con
found theae city editorsl The good na
ture ia all blue penciled out of them.'’
"You're alwaya grumbling. Jim. *'
you don’t like tbe little ioeonvcniei
other, beaidea reoeiriDg the a
of nowkpaper work, why don’t
you get
of tbe better claaa of all other partiei
into anmrthiug elae? It TbeadTwtageaof union and harmony ' Avdre loget m the police bea^ and ym j
In tbe party conncilt were forcibly ih i ought to taltt all that goea with U
. V------- I
tn tbe pietne. and it ww tUa: That
while be bad not tbe courage to expoae
bia rtllainy, be waa wUling to leave it
to Provltkaiee. If there waa auch a
thing, be aaid. tbe matter woold all
out even in the t;»f
iuipoMibililieiL Tbett followedI Ibe nm(uKOQ. Be had been playing a erouked
gtuae with Juhuatin ior ypotm .but at
hut the aouior partner bad become ana*
,. « •
tbe b.xd» bunmdf. Rmn unddiagraec
.•nrfrouted Calvin, and in a paroxym
( {. ar he ha.1 taken «m*- of tbi'k.ili fire
, i 1 <1. cuvpiiig l. biinl the nufortu
nplil bie Ili ad opeu with a
He lived next door and bad no
ty in gi-tliug to bii bouee anno-
Just arrived this week, a flue lot ot horSM. '
Variety enough to suit alL
Oae pair brown msres. 6 yean, old, weight 3,100, bloeky built,
finest team for draft in ooanty.
A pair of brown geldioga, 5 years old, weight 2,700, nice flonail
bnilt with beads well np.
One^rowQ gelding, <5 yeaia old, weight l,a00; a nice chunk far
all porpoaea.
One pair bay geldings, weight 2,700, a little ran^ bat good nmod ;
A cbestoat mire, weight 1,350, bloeky built, 7 years old. A good
One bay mare, 6 years old, weight 1,500, nngy bnilt, a good draft
One bay gelding, 5 years old, weight 1,400, a little rangy; a good ,
horse for all bnaineaH.
One gray geld uc. 6 years old, weight 1,200; a good farm horse.
One bloeky built bay mare, 6 yean old, weight 1,350; a fine ona^
for drive or wark.
One black mare, 7 years old, weight 1,400, a good work maiOf
bloeky builL rather alow.
One bay gelding, 5 years old, bloeky built, weight 1,100; an s»celleni driver fa?one of his bmid. A good lot of driven^ always mi
C3n.ea.:p SToi^ses. ;
One bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1,400, baa spring
in one .
hind leg when yon start her in morning. Price, 176.
One bay mare, 7 years old, weight 1,450. rangy built, baa a sligb
blemish, nothing to hurt for work. Price, $S5.
One small bay horse, good to work or drive, blemiabed, bot not t
hurt for use. Price, *35.
One bloeky built brown pony, weight 900, aged, good for woftl«
Slow. Price, *20.
One good gray gelding, far work, price tfS.
One bay mare, bloeky bnilt, aged bnt a good work mare. Priei
Pilty head always on hand to select from.
Will give time with good security. Will take
any kind of stock in exchange, also wood.
Kindly give me-a call whether yon want to buy or not
Beat Livery aud Feed Stable in town.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the T^verae City Lumber Ooupnay.
We h*ve for sole Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
to say. he n pH.-d that |
a ga.^ rrUrtiMad.
i aocond.
' be bail b.l’d bia story thrnupb bi* lawr sale. Ter
yers;, iLat ho still tdberid^io it, and
rcligicm* tvtt immy i* that of the i ind.. where rmliaua.
was purthat. If there
> 3«n*'
shove its
of a hUl tribe near Darieeling. chased, the price paid for the Ixiree
truthfnlncw wt,uld U- proved ft me day.
indifc|14>76. This year be hat woo 86.S75.
Bim Macbioeiyof sUdescripti
iclnding Two Engines,.
He went to prison and waa forgotten.
A phott^rraph of a gitrap of
Kelly a
to the lime Directum Kellj
Set Works, Carriages and Saws. . A complete Saw Mill Plant
• TteU yon, Uiy*. that can- bodiortd culUr priesu baajualUcntroi *^***bo^'
takea ill he bad won over fill.OoO and
me more than a little hit. 1 uev. r at ,
for sole.
wae entered in otber valuable rtakea
any time believed \filaoii was guilty, enotuums siac, isiiutcd in die
tor which be had beau nnable to start.
ougo«the..videiKvwaA 1 hod atv- eons
^ muuiKT. ,-------, by —
the ...........
Tbe obertoni pacing mare Manreua.
art; chiefly bright rvd
-----il talk*
- with hjm. and he .never
. wavJ artista. The colors
*have*Ftt^ ly i Sda*,. by Noimout, that was injured
cred in lit* Wtiry, no mamv bow 1 tried ^ yellow. The fi
to trip him up. I spent meat of my gi,Bped now's, cvia aud ears, and many , in tbe free for all at tbe Mandificld
leiimretimefollowingimaginaryclewa whrrthiiig* are done to make them aa
in racing
IWbnno ____ .
uo uae. and 1 gave it Up after a
liking a* jsiasiLlf.
engaged in ' The three •tarters in tbe 1:27 tmt at I'
few moutha.
PIrmly EsiabllahaS.
JohnTbe principal lessoti <.f the heavy da.
ibo anno eorpaaste anything
citne In import' for tbe flucal year of elcm's lirtiicr, died Knddtul.v, aud, ;
<<nnie opera stage. The fierce hill Deming. Batilrax it owned by Jiibn R.
1808 is that we have dually couquirod though obituarie«wcTcrathcr «.ut of my ;
T 1 was
waa still
win doing
ooing criminal,
cnmuuu, Ii :
Dar3,»liug are very mm
much im- Beggr. and ManaaniHo is owned by
tbo heune market. Tbe ptwiit latiff, as line, for
right of the rvprv- Allyn ThomM.
« wbola is no bighur tlian the tariff of ask.d for tbe tuwigimient on aerount of
of their gisls decked Cut in
At tbe leccot raoea of tbe Oelden
1800, bnt American iiidnrtry is more my previona intepest in the firm. 1 bad ;
Gate Park Driving aasDcistion. 8an
firmly ostabliabed and better un:aiii»rd. a iiary idea that Calvin bad kniiwn
Oi;c musk indicate that ita wearer Francisco, a itarter named Lazy Char
•sdai a ocoseqnence fureiKo oom|M-ti- nion'iif tlioaffairtiiaiibehadpivUnd*'d. 1
hilcbed to an old bigh wheel sulky,
alon If last ^eeUvo.—Trontou Uasetta
huDU and 1 was not a bit eurpriacd to
of the tribctaucu and lii'l|« to led bi* field of eight to tbe bead of tbe
____.fnimono of liic »rvant girls j
Anothix deity carw home atretefa in every beat.
[that a small bottle hail been found iu '
,.(c. Tbe warStill on top. Befit oigara for tbe money on the market
Robert Goelet, Jr., New York, be
A Pcilaw Pcellaa.
-Union made, too.
Mia. KnmekRfc—Whv didn’t Tou bava i
'*'** “"**• *
i rior wbo bopo* to do gi.d work kitli came dinsatislicil with tbe manner in
^h-m- >veap.«,s mart liberaUy which bis b<irsec bad been ridden lu tbe
i*how.'dtbed.et..rupiiigieat*hBie. f(V pr,,,,itiBto tlie pri-^tei
running races at the Tauntoa (Maas.)
into Johnny.
bad pit. n a m mfimte for b<-ar1 fail- , t^h, hillm. n huvea pailienlarly great,
u,eeting. and tbe milliatiaire mountMr. Ppmeket—1 found that b« rids* '
ivlj.g If
- tV*
• » •—
If il iiiiltti
d• to
Tonnelier Block.
j.ar, wbui. it'd ly id unu and piloted bim to victcry the Sold by all dealer^.
tbe same make of wheel that 1 da^Up Calvin'* friends. n» n I wanPd a plc■
their iiriesis, they go (
other day.—Uaraeman.
tun . bot tbe deuce a i>i« tuiv waa to ".1 and Uidiilce. ...
in warlil
Larger Store-Double Stockbad. Finally an old fri. nd .rf Calvin's
klvin a iI ^
J, tiautv to all er._____ Tbe city
.told mo there waa a large
— tbo 'I, n-arb-liof. UloB io 'bo .......................
tan- rrayoi
otarou of
bilK "
Elegant New Lineslumberman in the b,le,.n»m
loclgeniom taboro I
, „„ido„blo 0.1,ot «. . Mil
Don't forttet to keep as «y« on tbe
thc7 nut. ClTin huil
l..„ OHO
<ui. of tho 1] „on
,^0, by
f. Briiiib
,.l ta.„
rS.id. Dta in lodi.
man wbo fiattera yon.
„.,„ d D,o
Don't forget that an booert
never baa to procUim tbe tact.
ratod tbo bdfb--;itb lb., foror... fol. I
IncraoMd dUpIav Fine Watches. Fine line Silk Umbrellas. '
Don't think booerty would be such a
m vopio ,D ib.t p.1.
MiJly .3 lb, o. b,.„ ,o].-,.d
Stringed Knalt^ laatromenta. Strings for all inatroments. Havi*
tjcolar body. The z u who told
<1. the
th.. Anglo-Indian
a„c-)n.tii<nfiii army.—ban
Fruu- valuable trait if it wam’t ab marce.
Don’t forget that life ia full <ff land (^ina Ware. Everything new.
Take a look tbroogb onr elegant new qnartero.
checks and many of them areforgeiiea
have tbe portrait. 1 did not want, of i
Dcm't think it’s wbat a man baa that
counc, to bother with tbe frame, so 1
uiwocded to take out the back. While I- Guwie—Rcally, mamma. I don t make* bim eootonted-lt’a wbat be
Itaitai for ,™ta
"I'-l' “» >
M-Ersa' » doen't wank
Don’t mention y«u misery baoaaae
of ita eo calledability to oomtart tbe
Cbimmy—Let’s book aome <tf dat
mlaoiy tff othera
Swipes—Wot (er?
Don’t think beeanae a tat looks the
Cbimmy—Why, we can make a flag- Rhjco. I found a folded parSmcntlike ,
picture of inaocanoe that it’s wlseAo
•bip an be commodores too.—New York
Itavn it alone with tbe taiiary.—Gbioago Newa
ta Apsle ■naae.
pocket darned quick.
There Are Olhenk .
iVbrB 111" rvd ts on the applo
•JuRt imagrae, hr7^ bow my heart
Aa< aetaes All lie Waata.
Toast—1 see Hobson aaya tbe Infanta
And th' apple s on the tr«f«.
beat until 1 got to my room. 1 wasn't
Btndcnt—Fellowa tbe aberiff (
VlTien Myrtlll* will, h.-r baaket
married tfaeu. 1 locked the doer and got Maris Tereoi oaumd him many a rieep- to my rooms today. He aeema to ut
nine* J aiuf-y jrlince *i m«.
leaa night
out mv prrriona p<4>er. yit waa a oomOtanccinmrshmmndxiic.
All the }o»'. or all lh« aeasous
a child.
CrluKinbeak-Well, be'a not the
Ripen In a roar give,
binatiou will aid colWico, and the
AU—How aol
only man in tbe world who baa beta
When IlK red te ou ta* appM
tnttodneticn was tbe strangest part of
Btudent—Be wants evarything h*
And (be apple's on the tree. kept awake by an infanta.-Youken
~N«ir Tork Hsra.'A
Diamond J-10 Cts.
ir'- Traverse Belle~5 Cts.
Jewelry, Silverware!
Fhou 167.
*48 Froitt Stmt
J^/at ofOak'woodJi.'ddM
Real Estate
. VThe most charming suburb of Traverse City,
which lies upon the east side of the town, and
most of the lots now offered east of Bose street
are covered with a beautiful natural growth of
Oak and Pine trees, on nearly every lot, and only
one and two blocks from the Oak Park New
Brick School Bviilding—not ten minutes walk
to the factories.
There are no lots in the city now offered for
sale as desirable as these for a home.
...112 LOTS...
I have secured the sale ot the balance
of the addition of
S' -
60 ft. front—some of them will be sold as low as
+ $75.00
With a small cash payment, balance weekly or
These should be looked up at once to se
cure your pick of the best.
Good fine residence, very desirable, south
side of Washington street.
Small residence^ good location, north side of
Washington street.
Also a good list of other very desirable resi
dences, well located, that you can buy right—One
at $650, on which a good team of horses would
be taken as part payment.
I have, or can find you just what you want
for BUSINESS or a BESIDENGE, for an Invest
ment or a Home—Or if you must rent, usually
one or two plaoes to choose from, but
Look Ovor Oak Hoights at Ooco.
’Phone 73, Johnson Block.
4., .
S ii i:i
WHthlan «r • Vlpda
1 hM an lota
I Bb«i Biu’t That ebe ae't «o be, tnt ii Ibe |
wnn..|] jn the world today. I .
u»... h.i-i mU d... irai’I k«~ « Dirt toi»dl o«t
Their aafteal Blonhar amr' •«> T*". aw dear, oorer Wal aldi a bod chap—not like Wine
lea Will AAem Were Trade.
Tortar* SeaA Thaia lala ■ Preaar,
ml M«^rrla>ea*—Tear al PaaUhaicaU
Thai BTaLe Talto mt Ulee.
The UoRb. wbirh H nnw «o cltMlj
AMOi-iAiod wjtb good homor aud kiodJr
feeliUK. oriti.tiatl; imiiliMt auctaiog of
tbeMTt. IteipTcwsdalmMtbereTerae.
a tbe crow ol mampborerefeUco
Once may yoor byi
OlhD to Ibe pleei
Tbe h.in>i«-*t »t«f» ..
aay nothin abont Dick.
Heiem iaeinre-ed tbe main bone and.
___ . _ alike
“I rft« wonder if
al frS^er.
in Great
. ! drea I dirn't dwre ter know, blamed Britain
. ..
the United Sutee. liiey
die idiot that X wual It woold aarve me
i. ...
right nr\ er to faww or eve
Torfc Trlbnoe.
, panaioD of onr foreign inFuiuK-roe lira uv
tie Hilly ag in!
“1 citen wonder if thar
’twonid be named fer it* granddad!
•■No, 1 never go to'Yoric. It’a ... .
do to g< t toBaacrille. 1 her been w
“J<M( Butaans bat an •
writea Mbit B. Mallett of
the famoot yoaog pianlet. Id Tbe L*diw’Bcmim JoanaJ. “While be waa in
be did not
for bit own nee. He bronghi only tbe
wore! for the orcheetn.
During the
tale wri« aligl.U
:liUy. and for a week be
did ni t tdoch tbe pisoa At tbe end of
t in concert and
e orcbeetra a t
DR. SHMET K'Siffl^SrrsJlr
L am.-
Bocb it itt natore atillaRinfigweaget
ed Staten ba* acuotupasied tbe reatonand barbentni peoplea. and tit oneapeut- doiir. inirni on Csiiig a broken hanieea.
«d mauifcaiatiom are ocoamoually
He did not hear my fo««tcp or et-o me ,j,at ole black bow. that 'l can^
rtntil 1 wan clioe npoo him. “Uood abont. and 1 do nay tliat if ji wan'
pnetnite mieny i
marning, nticle." I aaid. 1 knew Low And;
bntiDeaa. Tbe writhing of a victioi n
friendly he waa to every atrangcr and of
an«wmng me or
locattd Dick
derer j«L The inSieting of a gbaally aridng aiinoyhvt qnestiiaia abont me.
wonnd aa aotae r«w wretch rone the
««<;k ffr him to trr
tiy to
It) tiud
bud him in «ch
Bicb —^nobody
but a aTroe
free trader
gantlet tnakea them yell With glee.. The
*" I Prom Yorkr'
^ ''Va.
jli....... Wiatm.'w
mnA valnableont“Vea. air; jnrt thia merning. At a plaiv a« New\<rk.”
_ ,
thing! that eboek or berrify or diqraat
mean the
'U ran tell yon tdl ubrnt Dick Plum- j
the nuwnftiotnrrt modncti
tbe civiliicd raali are abont
t froiname ne«fa..—leavetheatationgoingbucltr’ met. niv le,* I r d. “Diek Plnmmcr
age’a pomt of view.
“•Bont 4 thia afteroonn. I wni jirt
<6^ little
With.tbe eaoeption. therefore, of ; tryin to fii np thia ole harntw. w’a to
7 VT diera with norm ending demand for onr
rongb ptaclicaljokea. which may port- ««t the loelock train. Ifajirtabont
/'«.>«««**“ »«P
great anrplna ol brea.latnfli mid with
Wywrinkle bH atolld fwtnret with a i played ont. ’Lowed'fwoaldlartaa long na^ irf grandpa.
■ the reaanntble emaintr of the adoption
nmieutary grin, the barbarian baa no 1 a* me an tbe ole lady did, bnt acern*
Dwle »-n roee m qnieklj aa hia^ff- ^ *.p„Hcy that will^ytore to Amerimppreciatin of driUaed bninor. He I like if* jiat fallin all to pieeee all at med old li«* would i^ow andgaa^t ^
«f aopremacy
mn'teee where tbe fun cornea in if no-i once Yon nee. atrtinger,” and a glad
^which it TOjoyed prii
government eoao
fc focdiably fell into tbe
■ i« hurt.
I| amile lit up hia bearded, wnnkled face.
..'irv .^ _______
........, . i,,^„
I,, ,,,.Mm.-_
MMi- our
TbiiwaitmriotialylUnttrartnollongl •'.v^aei-. Milly’a eamia bt^e today.
wi>»t. «»«iger. you know Miuy-,
"mjriue reciprocity.•'
(o when a roncidenble
ouncidenble number of j| Miuy-tnat
Hilly—that a my
mr da^-beon
darter—be«i g,«
gtae “T.
i t» i-k.«t
o...h ~..ra, ... .n.
e.,tw. i*.
Cbinamou went to a New York theater I uigb on nine yeaiu She wua onr only
Not atranger. fctbcr. bnt Dick Pina,
, .mreuder of tbe vaat Ameri____________ _
izrk.« I oViI,l
’rent Ar-«cHld. nil
all itpeverharf.
Andy. He’a uiw.
can -borne market to foreign invasiac.
Hte American pen of thd andienoe
there waa ever a time when Ibe trend
"V.*, and I'm not so bud a httaluA of America abuuld be away from the
laughed, the delegation from Chinatown Andy'* a pood boy. sir; a good boy aa
wt'witb facee\^]alv1y blank, bnt tbe you eror »vd, and moet anybody’ll tell -Jn*t a«k Hilly. Tb.i
supreme folly of such a surrender, that
need not mind that
It any hintt of brutality, tragedy yon tbe autne.
time is tbe pre*eu|. Tbe Britirii and
“Y<«. abc wrote me'a e*rd. 1 got-lt Hilly. B. unie, Bii bard and
or tear* appeared on tbe etage their
American tree'mdera are ebaaing rshiDiar MiUyl Hy little wife eanie
'heavy fealnrea lighted end were wreatb- here in my blouse pocket Ha'« jnat
«d in emilea It wa* e alrange thing to wildf.rjoy. An. stranger, ywooghtter from tbe eniumw lamai-by tbe gate, tbe
uritneaa. bnt U waa all in perfect keep see tbe good ibiufte she's got cooked, j Xittle ou<« by bnr ride, iiud, with a glad FITTED TO RULE THE SEA.
ing with1 tto
^e crnel
cruel iua
iuSinoU td their Ha's a wenderfol good i-cok. There' ny. fell i® *>«» father’* aiM The old
ain't a women in Uw country round man iK-ld her and wa* rilcnt Tears
Even tbe
fterwledge that he is bin- that ran beat her. tbc'a te-en trapesing , came in hi* eyea, and I turned away,
Tbe greai oriumph*
self to be the neat victim doeenot spoil round fixing up good things ever rinee I while Bennie aaid:
“1* that grandpa? Then what they recent war have led t
iron peotbe fnu of e crnel qwotacle fer a bar Andvbro'l thi* e-jd. Yi-s. if lUlft a I
km with
barian tborongbbred. Here ia ap in- migbiy heavy load from thi* ole heart cry'n for? Mamma rned while we wa* pie to regard onr Ame
if Hilly cv.mc* today, and ifll make me waitln. Ithpnghtwe’d
bcBor and admiratico
Before tbe gloatanoe;
riont victory at Manila tbe American
Annmberof Siamese wbo had beea ten yeaiByounger. These ba* been nine wegotben-.’’
of the most miarable long year* ole I The kitchen doer then ^
people had regi
IT navy as an unUncle Ben «imm. ever put through ' the chiekra* that picked about it flew
^ in all diivction*, and a U nL white
tary eiecntioo. A platoan of aoldien
wux this
of IhlSabonld bare taogbt them ali
WM drawn np with loaded mnakeU. be
I bener. Today they know better. Tbey
fore whom tbe doomed men were led
oat in aquada of five or alx to be abot,
I know that, inaa for man. our navy baa
’ no enpericr. perhaps no eqnal. Tbia is
while tboee who were waiting ttaeir old barnem down rarefuUy. “Dirk]
! only in line with American traditions.
turn atood by. nnder guard. Jooking oo. PItmuuer. be n* t often toeaneonl brie
In view at tbe (act that Ameriouna
When the first volley waa fired, tbe in the sommi-r fur a visit, ever rinee he
when wo took ^v.pping storira during the interval.
TletimA tnra by tbe storm of bullets,
leaped into tbe air with violent otmtor- Andy tor
tioDB and fell dead And this to tbe
poor wretebea who were about to go in. Hewrnn’tabadehapmn 1 didn’t Blanche K. Bruce wa* menrioirt. ' i^d^^t^n^^ ot Ki^
f ‘ tbippiS Wbentheyhaveprotectedevto roe him an Andy together. Bnt when
, errTtb^
sUpplng unproUcted and
that they were fairly coonriaed with be growed np an begin to lain to be a ki-eper nt Ite-Kbbitt. I w a* in there one
and^h^usoiTr^ “a
»«nw and. having bi*>e
iwde policy bat followed—via
Such la the bom or of aavagte, and liim. Heu*'l to tell'Lout rnttiupwmlo
-- Itpavemetbeem-pa. rorvod. walked oni without saying any•Dcb d0Dbtle« were tlie beginninga of
■ I Sr.r;£SSi
may seem, there are many
barbarone origin in tbe fon of tbe uinet
ighly civiliied. We no Jongdr laugh
i. it ia true.
t really tragic
tor othiT and tnore humane emoiiona
• excited.
lanoe to see a ridicnlona
e isgreatlyipoL
•d and atinoyud1 witbnot being aeriooaly
injured—tbe remnant of the savage
break* loose in ue. anil we langfa till Iba
tears come.
) we amnaed wben we
W’by else
D sprawl
see a well drexsed man thrown
ing in tbe mnd or deluged with dirtj
water from an upper window or driver
Dp a tree bya crossdog or an ugly bulll
Wby else do we so keenly enjoy tbe
agony of a man wbo baa avcidentally
ponnded bia finger nail, instead of Ibo
taek be was driving into ibe carpel, or
langb at tbe unfortocale wbo blindly
, which flips
icel Instances
It be mull
liipliied without limit
that obildren often
langb at tbings which do not amuse
adnlts. but. on tbe contreiy. aback end
pain tbi-ni. Tbal is bccanxe the cbild’a
finer aeokibilitie* are aa yi-t imperfectly
dwelni^'d H:- i* still near the savage
ataie There i* a very prevalent
tneni Co the contrary, bat ibis la tbe
In proportion aa meu UTanne truly
eivilixcd, however, tbiir sense of humor
benutues refined, and they rcM.lt at any
Is worthy
1 remark that tbe geutlen aiiicng os
re (reqnvntly
(reonvntlv amn*cd uC a pict.ire
uict.ire or a
Kakleaae Oblige.
“Tbrugson, do you like green tanle
"What do yon eat it for?"
“Well, one ba* to pot np with a
s if taie*! pari
Mon in society requires it”—Chicago
. Tribune.
CemnUte Deaueadri
olaimed.thH oynloal panom “I never
anw Ml oomplete a ape
“Poliiicul V.
“Na lie goi u.Ut from Ibo Klondike
juriin time in
where our bast-hall
...b >. .■■■bib..--»„bib,b. 8-,.
1 Isiroiiig.
right over to Egypt to___
______ _
“Say. a fellow with eoeb an insatUUe desire for fighting at ibai ought to
grt married sod eettle down, "-CleTeland Ptein Dealer.
Eriattc Sbopriri—Birds very aby.
BUD *t tbey. pRkiBi?
B a
PerkiBs—Ya« ear. tbey do
tbey don’t know yer 'wor.-
'Imlars where lie studiedplav ball.-—
a man’* aim. Ugh.
’gh. ideli men! In our
day it wa* very difrvn.nt.
vriy diffireut.
“Wail, one day I wn* out in the
RmckebouKO Mhai]>'c>u my *iekli-—an 1
WBU'I in a vtiygocd humor either. I
mind—when Dirk canic <ut tbur an
told mo be vvanicd to nniny my Milly.
I mind, sir, 1 g« «i riltd 1 wua fairly
Uriue n-y-<elf, (nr I'd Kit tny hiart on
her mairyiii Andy, fi r Ardy tvnx good
'huff f.r any g'lLLV.ch.Vi t h^ uSi-a.
Andy WOttluu'
Why. Hr,
ith tmr ole
lim }put an <vux an w«k vitl
black bow> the * ba'J V moat all timel
«n^^t^.^id Uvnm* rd«
“ar kl^iiTSi^
Hint way trw rinee MillV* gone. Tre
iLkin tl Inr uu v. uu-hiu Andv
■•Lutthat n.erniuwbeii Dki came
Mill, I told vrn 1 wnz on a ‘hich
bo*.’Ba(dd Putsen tfh.iekley u»eil ter
I wouldn't give in amim h. he
•lellin me thaf h.*' Iwed mTii'v an
IV. r madeaiTv
difi. n iHv; I wanted Ik r to marry Andy,
bnilhey weutov.rto KoNTilleauwua
Tied that aflenicui.
, .
Tou wm t draw ^rolor line here. u,e
oeonle tbe
the (act
(act that
that Americaos
Amerieane mav
the people
Not on that man. sir. 1 ilon-'t.’ wa*
then ply. ’I U-e had a pnfty grad
qpinio of him riwv a little thing that f“'red.-em •.! «ud will «ee to
coogrev* gives protection to
hapueiHil Nu>u uftiT l.e tir*t came
ih hi* rout at Un-capiiol American shipping by means of a sys
cue Out. VIran ei.id viw brought to tam of disonminatiiig dn'ias
him. He r- ud it and id once went out
tv llie wuiting rtocL 1 hero be met the
Tl;e Dinglcy law wa* nut framed
v. liii owi.t ii h'm when be wa*
aluve. V^ith hervva*hei
Both with a view to (urninbing etiongh rev
J .hwt. -11 ____
wire in leu*. M e .l-ud
proi« rty dnriug the war and wa* stem- the cinn nif its pavnuge a war which
lately pctiuil***. The n^o om-e htv will cost directly in the neigbborbnod
tlK-m.ly ma^kbe kniw in of *300.000.000. Tbe law hasrim^far
Wa*bii:gtou. She
to him. m»i»pl.*bed all It w« exptert to acBtu.e li*n nrd to her woiy. Ho got hi* o^plish and m.«* Up to the begin
_ .....I
and .......a
went cottuiewiib U
Hi* —>
eai niTig
ning of
of tbe war there was an inneaiw
riage. drawn by a handsooie pair cH in reoeipU fur each month ol it
buys, Wa** waiting
waiinig there. He
railed the ti<m. wd it is not draUtW that iu w
rarriage. assimeu lla-niotherand dangh ord will be
ter to i-ntiT it with as much defetttun tbe return to normal oom
a* he <v nld prrtbly hove shown th.ni
war.-Piarimrg C.
mibei.lil pteuiatiou days, elort lb. Gartta
d tbe coitehman to drive to
Obvl.as Datles.
tbemuHi .
-e been
cab “tei followed. The three rnttrid the
twaratT to(t**1^<r. and b.ifon' Brnee ed^ the goveromeut Md enable tow
«in a do
came oni h.- ha«i plnr.d in the b^m* of
tbe woman behadoun-ealled *'mis*as i meatio market, r
.iuSB>.__iQi kIiv came
le np
np '™ “PI <'iuini. nl to n g.xri elerk*hip in ] They have no right to re*t dbAtent with
ttiaL but are in dniy bound
nui.l, •Pa, yon ain’t mad.
1. air ’
power which the governuient baa civet
cuV m.ith.r *be Lurt o
ij-ciyin, (<T
am- knew 1 wo. Id net a in ni
. ity'md in
II Jo^il.
Jonl. fer
f I bcr. "was the naaon why tbe barkwpi-r | tbam to ^veJop tbe
wntinaurril;. i;t(^ t.-mpr. f.Ttlmt didn’t draw th. «xil< r Ih.e at Blanche j flnsnoe of the Lulled states. Th"» fliey
.U v*
. .
n__ __ -..at._______—
. rau
do liV
ty riHii
rising to tbt it opportuultie.
marniu old Dd*>u
eonimcree is
ati.|]xd n;y hue Luitleit par ---------•
' n.d the negation bat the fnlfillmait of
the lack of the lot—I ji*t p’iuted t.ilhe mgton
la.proteeuve system..—Ne
New York Trtb
dfcr an told her '—hia vouv again '
F»v .tall
.vend and np vv.nt the dnvketvd
Wife (to t Munfry vditorj—Aren't you
” .1^.—"riie
t evt r <c^ f-ii,,- _.n
:bt John?
Dollar Haatrro.
Country Kdilr.r—N'nt very, my dear.
All Enroue baa taken a low view of
Mbsmlxr came 1^ tbe ii,e w.tigTi*«ui
brlUgerebi |.ba*
tbe w
D guilt
.m* *•#..
— i*ofBce ibi* ofaruonii and mopped tbe «| Btete*..partly Ueeenro wo keep small
military and naval foroes, bnt mainly
mind. I am DM grandfatlnT to any of floor wiibmv.
Wile (aiuioualyi-neaveoi, John. I
we are very much given to
Tboswa*hbcckler at tbemiliUry
- . left
. . Jb* ..illymya: ’Pa. boio hoJmn't*i.-iphupapBrtool-Melropolimu. _________________ IclabstillentertaioaferiiUKSorcontemi
dear, let me ki*« ............
... i.r»4l.y. PleanB.
plea-oe do!* An ri>e luAidaopitifnlly lu
j tor tbe bird tbal dut a not wear sneb
her mu—lean so it uiiw; 1 couldn’t
“I vMUHler wuy Ki.ks weal* glamea; gaudy plumdge a* hi*. If iDthedvil
then-but 1 shut Uie dex-r and l.fi the Ikncw Ui-d.e,.rt i.tx-d them.”
war we abowed a pU-mifnl lack of millbouro. I went over Ihiir 'neatb that
"TlM-y «ay it i* Lucaaiai bo la aucb a . Ury acleuoo, are at Icari abowed an
«a**afr»a hedge an thnw myrolf on the •>n*pi-lulls L ggar"
j abundenoe of courage, a generalwtllground an tbo’t of \;bat I'd dime, but!
‘•Vi hy. wuathesthM goktodowitb'inguerito fight, a tenacity tbal laated
rouldn’t help it T !«• very devil of a ilf
' *
. till one aide wee craihed and till tbe
temper wnx in me, an be would crtqi
••noeairt I lleveLii own eyes.”— other had accompliabed it* purpooea.
New Voik Truth.
i and a cheerful willingness on tbe part
c It ut times.
"Pool tlmt 1 wual Wliy can't n man
■------------------------. of the people iioib nortb and auutb wbo
vwbenhe'* aedn a d<7rn f.xil? An
| were not fighting lo mpport the nien
WHIy wvt rieb a gr, i’ rjrl-xi. li e g.. d
"Ho* in the wtrJ J." inquired the wbo were. In spite of all Ihii. tbe aoNow think* I. who llenmb yer older phyricinn of bis yontbful partorr, compliabed Enropean genUemen wboee
•'did yon happen to leave that patient i burdenI of gold
-— laoe
. .. is almoet greater
witbooi first giving lit r a prraiTiptioD?” than tbey can bear andwboapend tbeir
' fiigg.d <nt that yon can't do it yerseH?
••I know it wa* DTirrofeseionai, buL too oopion* leisure in playing tbe
Milly wm a good girl, sir—she wux try as 1 wonIA I found it impomihle to! ••kriegspiel" bad settled it in tbrir
1(4- nrv, I tho't 1 was recall tbe LaUn for bunesot tea."—De- minds that we are too moeb gifto to
into that boBae agtin an troit Free Preea.
to go U
iting to o-t-*
■nntingl It is I
mother, fer thar'* >nt many m.
an. J. U. Bull, wife of tbe j
« l» («♦ a* gc^ a wife a* 1 bev. I
that'* rimrw tshewusportyasapoadi.'
as dolls
and bia
erwandthe breedare of drflar
war Hilly’i age.
(for wbiofa beautiful esfnorian X think
Milly wffiting around, fer it seesoed 1
> Mm Stnart Mill)
was young eg’in. ftr she was Jnri like
Tbe first balv gets its pbocograpb aortal osoba sod military permoa. Abd
.mother, gentk-b petleot, en when
I Biotber oone in J oonld aee whet HiUy Taken every tfarre mcotba ^ otb« yet tbu AMMrtcau abroad is boonaed of
bableean lucky to gel tbeiis takae core bring Bolrue wltb bis thirty—Upwould be in year* to ectna
^ ■ By my beia^
tbia when be U to play aa at any other
_____ ___________________________
log. are co the point of going to »»>• iJlSSjrgSii^^&i
tbwter and calling oB tbe ooDcert. Hof- S5?l2rSr<;;^ilH53utlSfiaStt
inMn rnrtie^ all onl of breath and 1
with hande rod and etiff with colA He
plnu»»tbeai loio botwatei to t.ke«t
»be buHbwib. then wt« »«» W* erenlng
•* “p epeed. jninpa into a ^"“**
"" *'
»• “
9^^ T,vtw chiet« Oct XI X8'
Preetdiot Me Ktnley.Samptdn.!)- hley
and Biibson wilt ba there—Tbe N' rtbera Michigan Trantperiatlon ,Co. wi'l
•ell round inp tiekele to Chicago (or
mral* and berth included-rgood to
return ^t JStb. Hteamer Petotkvy
E. a. Pope. AgL
on u i'aie
liij'driow e'niitC
jaa^SiMwhSSrt tgs
JSSsraa «
rnrtsa Cssto A Week.
Everybody who takee The Messixr. CeMUai.«o li«* Oer tnassi oplBlaa riaiM
Bnooui can bare the Orand Rapids fi^ragaraa-Saatst <*nc«i niafaiwt rirtlW
Urrald deUverrd to them alao (or an
additional (onreanuprrweek. mak
r th»
D and
Telephone tt.
raed Rapid*
Brrald deilveied to ibrm aleo (or an
addklonal1 (our cenu
eenu prr wa* k. i
leg only 14 ornte
oente per week for tbe
beat paper
«r in nonbrra
nonbrr Micbigan and
tbe best metropoliian paper in the
lepbo** 23
ulUTu UD ionmumi l a
John R. Santo,
General Inseraice.
Oysters! Oysters!
Ha. t
Sr/iii-,.::::.: -
' r is
OBsaaroa...............Arr “i®
bearOroek............. “
naalatarCriwauig.. ••
SIli'ES:.-::::::: -
Famous BalDuiore Coiints,
Selects anti Standards.
A11 «tork rec«l'r4 hy rsprr*^ d
n-m-nbrr n*l-brr-« Oysi'r Boa** l« lie
ocil>'beadquorieri ( r v-od. fln.1 elaw oialer*.
FMcte's Cotembiu BesUmit
Krssa,ii-.:::. loMrlovkas......
Vfcc'rrta'e SHlil.."'
Lakr Aae............
....... ::
Batch'* CrOMlaf.. “
OfwUkkTlU........... Trarerer Olij. ... A»*
ooura noun.
ETcr Burned On'
If ao you know
tbe value of
O. P. CARVER. Ace*
Bicycle Riders.
Bemamber tha^l dual] kind* of r<
pairing and enamirilDg. and that I ea
40d dogive^yirilbebntwork of an.
>ne in Ust city fur the money. Dos'
he deeejivMi by wbat others tell yon v
tha'l contrary, bnt come and eee fryrtraelf.
^((uarantee all my work to be ^bi
It doce not prove ao
btop in tin « o’rioek every avening
eicxpt Siindav. in tbe Caldwell A I«ii
don bnlldinri' “t “o^tb end of OdIo<
H LEDERLE Grand Rtiilds t Indiiii K.;
Specialist in Diseases af tie Eye
EDBEB fiiSfitI el
, S&9-S SSg£8S s:i 8«
' will br laTT*T*rroClVT^profraHsoaUr.
trawOoi.eteieta. Willbrfoaad
At The Oottage Home.
ae«=«BScss8«ii 83 LSMa
M Caiaract. CrwM
laarlTM the Brel I
•wleroor lli> doe
*11 r rauiof dbraaroartbeereare treated be
t>r. TVtrre. *lao error* or nifrarlloacorr«rt«4
tod glaeses farali ' *
sfifisfi s«8b«8 fifUBen
■ flgiieiieiMtiii
fi«k8ll38MI9||«fi8 .
S- *BE!ITX>-A. <fe CO., tila.© Bi3-si©etJ Clotliiez?© ±3X *t3a.© Ox-b;y--
As aaaal, ottr store wes Jammed with customers, yet oot a eingle one was
Iisr T'TTTn ~r> A IR.Tr
About the high quality, low prices—also their
Which they were sure toj get (light or no light,) at tte New Stom. Below we give a partial list of ‘true values" which sm to be had at 8. Bends A
Co’s, only—High quality and bottom prices considered.
You will fiad it jaateaeaay aod Jnat
as aat‘afaei.iry to boy roods throefb
the nails in itau store as If you were
here la pr wop. We make the eeiaetloB-ebop } lat as eenaonleal. aad if
aaytblnr I oot aatlataetory we retnra
the Boary wltkout a whiotper. No
red tape ap'in here.
wo press and repair Cfr*)
Some clothiers think we are run'
ning a fanny establishment:
ClolhlDg bought of us
dotlling*» For Men.
Because we are not selling for
•‘less f^n cost.'”
Because oar salesmen have posi
tive instructions to sell at the same
price to all and tell the truth.
Because you can get your mon
ey back, if you so desire.
Because wi run a good clothing
r/lhiDKdewliuble la Sa
Top Coau. Orarcaau, etc. Aa/ perwoa who come*
her* exg>(«tlDr W
me ordteary r«adj"made
■wek of eloiblor w»> be asreeablj earpriaed wbea
we meet them with coatom-aade eioalleaoe
B-ad7*to-wSar eleraaoe wiihnul the worriee aad
“dUlar'' trtala of the cuatom abop. Tbeae arc
. the adraataffea to which we iavlte yoar pat*
roBaffa with the moat poaaible tawiar to yoa.
Men’s Suits
Ib Warateda, CaeTioU. Seotebea, Seiree. etc., alD—plaia aaad alik faced to
i double brcaatad—plaia
W-... ----------------•-a'eaboldloffatber.
store, and hope, by your help, to be
We have made our bow but a
short time ago and are climbing the
rounds of the ladder fast.
NIG^"'s‘^gT8. faa<9 trinned. SOe
DKDBRt^AR—Man's Nataml Wool.
-Men’s fii
Wool. Id natural .color, tan and blaa,
CNDERWEAR-Mea’aflae fnllfashlonad, laa aad natural color great
DNdIbWE^R—Amerlcaa fall fashioaad—Bias foods reduced from fiS.SO
$7.60, $10, $12, $16, $18.
t. the brat iu tbr r'ty lor $3.00
We carry sll theCS Afeasy Styles
la Fall Derbies, iaeludiar the Dun
lap. Knox. Ynuman. Mdler aad the
Youngsbapai (cnrrao lycopied)$3.50
OurSS.OO Derby in black.brosm.
and Freacb brown. jStc., is a World
See our new etytra at fil.oo. 1.30,
and II 73. la ail tbe Fashionable
Tbe Utaet in men's
Cnisli out Felpra l eft
50c aad $1.0^
Boys'. 1
Cape. Tama
Trunks. TrnfeUDff Bsfu, Talescope Bare, etc.
Do not buy a Reefer for yohr boy
before you see oor fine line—ege4 to
16-Blue. Black. Green. Brown.Alxwith. Storm or Sailor collar triswitb Braid etc. $7 50 op to 96.00.
We sell tbe h«arlo>f Colton Sock
in Miebifso-we get them made to
order—lOc. We also bare a fall Uae
of fancy striuea. aiistorea In ‘
Silk or Wool at 5. 10.
|0. 15. 25. 85. 50c.
If yoB would hare your boy well dreaeed
brine him to ua We can fit him with well-made
aphtoyiste Chablaf that can't be excelled ia etyie
d finish and sere
We hare el^st “afle and D0CBC.BBRBASTBD SUITS in Bloeand Btack-DlafOBalaBd
Fanry Cberiotr.
I. Worsted. Tw,«da. .Uaasimerea, aad N.ltoos for boys 14 to lb years at
$4, $b, $7.60, $10.
Also Bee aaeortmeat of Nobby SaiU for the 3-yearold toddler, tbe i4-yemr-uld echool boy aad all ar«
between. Our line of Veetoe Suits> is
1 cooetaotly
iuereasinf-all tsates
cau be s)
stylsu aud pricea
Oor Oonblo-Broastod Two Piece Soils
$1.60, $2, $2.60, $3.60, $6, $6..
-- - - -----^
I Ooliars-Linen. \
Top Coats
Oaretylei ia tbe«e ppooda are etnctly up-toaaybody who wcara a too coat waata 'em ao.
tys iasUt
arc tha kisd that faatidioaa dreaaera always
rstie aad
myiar Excellleot qual:hues of Domestic
__ ^_____ ______ Cloths.
______ _____
,, kurda—all
ahades—make up wlib double aiitchlaf aad strap
—fforkmaaabip first claaa. yet a
Clothing... ForBoi-s.
PBGBI.B'iS SHIRTS—Naw patterns ia
Madras, separate Cuffs to nateb. 50c.
MADRAS <4B1RT8. separate caffs to
$7.60, $10. $155. $16. $18.
can enter our stock but the very
best—If you want the beet come to na.
tbeee prices;
8o much
for suits, now for
..-.Hats For Men..
None better
—Latest tavjivm.
Knee Pants
The kind that's sewed riprht.............................. l»a n«
Freuy psttorss all wool PaaU........................soe. ?5c
12 for 25c. i “FITZ”™
Price Sl.OO.
store oaly.
Our Umbrellas...
4n Sew Forts,
Ken and boy’s.
f Worts Ibr aohool ChUdiwB.
Boys' Box CoaU and Msekintoshra
Is complete. We sell all kirds ana
eo'ors St from 91.’.0. 12. S3 50. 94. 95
Oil Clothing..
'Psrrau of sebosl ebtldrm aiv Trrr orwo SI s !••• te
know b»v la keep tbrIreblidrvDOiit of Biwlef Is tbe
handle too. Look
like $2.00
foods. I«U ol Umbi. .
We have the beitar
at SO
and the beat UsbraUaaat froB 93 00
Union made
Pants & Overalls
Mrn'« sad bor'> clotbox Bold br u«.
85c and $1.00.
Duck Goats..
Hare you seen our All Wool
^ant at $2 00. Good Woricinf Pants
Black and brown.
Boney can buy.
lined, doubl
• dock.
. mads of best
Gloves & Mitts..
tbiof I
from tbe cheap 35c Mule Skin to the
flarat ollk lined Freacb Kid. For
R. R. Ben we bswe Osnntleta at 50.-.
« Ibaa you could boy^
elsewhere- Oreralls—bla<^
e. brown, white.
______ __
White GoafS Apre'ns.
Batcher's and Waller’s Aprons at
<3e. White Dock CoaU at 75c . $I 00.
White Vests. Pearl Bultoas. 73c. and
91.00. Fancy Vestt In Silk from 93
op. French Lawn Ilea at 10. IS aad
25c oer dozen.
Lcgglon for Men aad Boye in
Caawas, Leather. Jetuey, etc
M tbe Uweerrlu "Xsains. I <rsnl iMMn-tbiuc u> Su.’*
rblldraa. ssS for tksi aslter U«lr Boiarra ud
d He Ualen mat bratbers. irbatber tber be m
B. In bnalaewi. or vbetber tSer hr lad W aaS
>f ieUbH OT
the pUa nat^jja
w apead tbeir spare
r UMauSetbelTpl
I pUp laainietira and pn^tahte.
era ta tbe war to do II: Vrlle an sdrrnUeBeal for P.
da eCoMbecloUncra aod •ea'a fanilabera. Tbe7
rlbre«pfli.wload.wnUiixeaaleal. nawetp. IIOOEI H
Berrbaedtae for Ibe b~l aad woat or<s1sal ad: BOO la
mercbaadlae for tbe b-aiaedatoal bnwonma ad: aad
B4XI la werrbaedla- lor tbe aaaltaal and raleb’eai ad.
Xai-b ad cslerad In Iheeoalesi lanat weailoe ibr Hoes
bata. Alladaaaa'b-walfadtotbe SdeenU a« Drpansrolof K. BeadaS Co..Tr»ewrae Ctlp.ssd aaat be la
Noeember lot
Tbrprtae wlsalny adeertUawariU wUl be pnbUabed ta
tbe daUr papers. Ceteecrrooc Up. tbe roan« sad old
Ight Sblrts-8Oo-7Sc-Sl.O0.
Vbf our abirta are aapetior. prade tor srada aad
prloefor price, sill be rail; denouatralad at tbe eeunter.
nie proof of tbe abln U la Ua taeniBsaud Ute sillekLac.
We H»e faller laeh weasere: ore »l»e rows of atiirblaw.
wbkb aJl weana ealue: weftra aapleaxtb deeer retgulred: we xiire apceialeoBeeaieBees for Bra r-r bearjr wHsbl
. orlooereaeb. Ia fact our aUrta are praelleaUr equJto
CBBioia made xooda.
easy price8 for
Uasy SiiHspenders I
K>. 16.
16, 26, 36, 6O0
A. \’. Friedrich Block.
T. J, Host’s Old Store.
184 Front Street
Traverse City. Michigan
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