The Morning Record, January 30, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 30, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


jWWtCHAS, »Ans

or vn enr.


Pint Tmt—No. m

nan ssKvion u PAMBnaa.
XiMM7 «rtb« Chunk Or«*Umtnu
IKodul of BM«t7 a
—Tba Calx Btoaa BaoM of Wor•hlp lO'Vonbm Wdtimo;
Todaj taarha aa oxaeb la the hMorx
of tka PrMhxtariaa c^areh «f Tiuvotm
fCliX. Joalthroaxoanafothk «ooU
'/ tk. onalaa '
- witt'M
ohartor MBhan.
Oa thte SabWth
aorrten will ha h^ for th« flrat Una
te thair pensaoeBt cbuiok
BaadaoMO atooa odlhoa on tba «
of Waaklactoo aad Paric atraeta.
1%e frowtk of tba ebureb aaeshar•blp baa baaa wat r»Cfxlar<
•bank baa proaperad fiaaaelallx at
treU at aplrltaallx- Baalialar tba adtbair
oharekpiopeiiy. a lot, about M foot
wMa aad extaadlar abeot SOO feet back
to tba rltar bank,
p. C. Leach orer two yean aco. Uat
^ it waa daeidad that tbd tiaaa bad
ooae to beelB the araetloo of a ebareb,
and oa SaptoBber It.
tba liat
dtooa waa UIA Tba work bat boea
d with aoeh rapidity that la Jaat
four aod a ^If bodUm from that day
tba baUdlnr'la in abapa to aaa. and aU
oarrieoB wUl ba kdd tbefe aftar tbia■aina undone, bat tbit wUl be
ao oooo aa tba waatber parBiU la tba
^rlny. The buUdiar aa It now ataada
B only about half tbealaathat it wlU
aoma day be. when the rrowXh -of tba
laaBberabip makea taa anlargOMt
ry. but it baa baaa built witk


I kara baaa fortanaU in
bariar for tkair naatar ao aWa and daaotod a BlntotaraatbaBo*. Wilay R. A Taar oaAva bxtvatzov xs
Wrifbt. HU eareeat and aaoeaalnr
nvACBD xa pajjrea.
afforta bare baea a Wfc factor ia tka
rapid't*owUi of tba ebareb. Startlnr OrWa Pandiof in AMoan tllkin
tbraa yaara' ayo with only flfty mbXt -ti Tkeocbt In ParU That Oor>
bare the Hat IBO now Ineraaaad to leo.
■any to Boakinf aa Opportunity
ind U atm rowiaff. All bare
bold with a will ia every part of tka
on tba BltiMdian.
ehank work, and the fatora of tba
bettor . Loodoa. Jan. n.10.—White tba altatklBfa *>>•■
aiioa la tba far b
atoproy and Ibora la every ladication of an a
Oaion of MUa
aaHoy the powara. the Mtaatloo ta
and daMb ^aat Ttarday.
Fraade, la tbe opinion af woU latorBed
noted aaelal event oo the paruooa. Uuyravarwiaaeeeand. ia the
Weet Side tkU
praerat eadteWU elate of tbe natloa
day afternoon aad laat evenlar- Tba
fba abnky ecndltkkof tbe Biaatry,
ooeaaioa waa the npiriace of MUa
' U Ukaly to oecar at any


wan Baa KAaaiAoa.

The oaramony waa pertcvBad at
a of Frank Sladak ia tba

■aUoi^ of the ]
Franee. poioUay out that the eouatry
•hould not play into tbe baada of OoBrown oflleiated. Aftor the earenbey aaay. The PeUt Journal mya; ‘-We
the rneata Bt dobu to ia auopUoaa hava oertaln praoU that Oermany for*weddinr faaat which waa fcdlowed by
aad U
a rrand danea in wbleb acorn of Bakiny her arranyeoauata m
frianda of^be bappy couple partici­
to be in tbe riyht aod to
pated. The featlviiiee eeatlnaed late Kuee BB of eraaUny trooUa.'
la the evenlny aad the hi^y ooupU
Tba relatiena between France aad
Orent Britela are alao driftloy toward
oa. Many frieada will wUb them
orUU. Tba Kiyer aeyotiatioaa In
a loox and happy Barried Ufp.
ParU kava not reached aa
aod there arenoetynaof tbMr doiny
Meanwhile everytblay U tendiny
xaoxAv BAia kb i>idvt.
to take tbe'qaeatloeeotofthe bande
PeUr Bondreau Puiled to Bad^vor of tbe diploaata. plaeiay it la tbe
Xla DaashUfa Jaekat.
baada ot tbe eoldierm.
Tba well iaformed Maacbteta i
Pater Boodraan raturaad ynterday
oao froia Battona Bay, where be watt dlan tnanria: -If Lord tUlUbary
• toaen
I France
la qaeet of the ladUa whom he uaa. without the loM of •
pected ef baviac fllebed a jacket balooflar to'oneofkU dautktera froB
•puUop of
tba' aty Beataarant Thuraday nlykt. Boeb loeirer defer tbe
Already tbe
Ha toand tbe Indiaa bat not tbe jack,
at. Tbe red rretleBua declarnd ba Britiak traepa ooeapy part of tbe Boryu
tbe yarBeat aad permitted eoantry. aad wbUe'tbe ' '
a U eaakiay Use ia ParU tba
to aaaBioa bU ptw
to eatUfy Uaaelf. It U oeedlen to rival otaiaaaata la Africa are drawlay
oonuay that there waa no traee of tbe
Btltatea tba real danyar of tbe altoBUainc jacket.


Prod Flneh
by Dr. Holliday
Ba baa bapa aaffarinc for aoBO Ub«
and plourley. TaatorFor koopiaytbebwtutoekof
day Dr. Holliday
oopted.and w*
we make our raputathm
yood. aa U abeUa by tbe booha weaML
• gt)^ more wall-read Maple tbaa aay other
of ItaMaetetbO
teytheeawfaoate tepoaTtioa te knowl and we help to make tbom «u
from one pervo. Mr. Pinch U dolny
weU and wm raeover i^ldly.


the reputation


“d ***h«fc
TlM aty Book Store wanta a family
of poppy Aoya end ooo of kinoM ot
> near atoao. US Frant
atraeL .»0ft-tf

yije? you are reaify tb






last Oie Xiii at That Price While They Last


Martham BloeL

Do you think you will have a
list of wants for Mon^lay morning ?

1* aaUque oak. elm. aak, maple
or Maboyaayf If ao we eaa give yea
tbe flneat badraem eatte made, which
we araoSeriay’tbU weak at low prleea
for tboae who are eMDomlcally laelia.
They are tbe jbest valae for tbe
money we bnve over aold. aad will fit
raoB neaUy, while they are aa
aaafal and oomfartable aa the bo«i

that may be made to your IL.
ea^y. with yooda that are riyht
at prioM that arc,right. If yoa abould happen to
to V
be eat of Baking P
----------3Sc per pound paekayc: or if >oa have ten tiekett briny'tboB
yet a quarter pound purtuya frau.

. .

<Taa. GF. Jo1ixlsou_

Your .
Bo3’s, we

2 Oor shoes stand bard knocks bet- |
S ter than most aod cost jon less f
• to b^n with. Try a pair.

nn ^floc ■ ia oeeupiad by
, 36zM feet In
alie. Tba eoUiac U klrb aad alopinr.
to ooofoTB with^e abapa of the roof.
The Popular Mioe Hoe
Oatbaeaatareilroclaaa rooma. Ifxlt
Bimse FurniBhins Store,
fact each, whUh can be thrown opaa,
of Travarao City.
inereaainc the acatlay capacity of the
okurcb. Tba lar^ atain eatraaoe U
oo tkaaentbaabteomer. aad ihare U
alao a double atairwuy at the north •eotye Sela«eter BuBbra^
Ofioen Obeuaa.Xoat Vi^t Ibr BnVaar BUybta
eaat oonier iaadinf to tba i
aulay fUx Kontba.
room aad to the prayer ineeUiiA rooiaa
r. while workUy la
•t tbe
below. TbewoodwsrkUofoak. hand- I one of Kelley A Oovdll'a
Good Temptaru taet alybt. tbe followaonely ftaUbed. Tbe waUa aad oeU- Sllykta. Friday, waa badly cut
lac are pUatered and deeorated la lafi elbow with an ax. accidentally by lay ofieera were eboeea for the a
lay six Boniha:
elaborate daaSena. ia flat Itellaa Bo- a aua be
worklay with,
W Hontb ExedM AU Put Buiiiiia,.
All DexUn Sell
Pact Cbtat TempUr-L D. Hobbe.
naUnaoe the baekjrroaad. belay tea. to Traverne «ty laat alybt aad Dr.
your PBOtOS. We have u
Chief Tamptar-W. W. Oobta.
aad pale ahadee of pray.
Martio drteaed the *ound. He wiU
line «f Plet*i%- Moaldtaya and will fill
Vice Tamptar-Elatet Brawn.
Tbe baaemeal U oecopiod by a larye bare a aUfl arm for aomc Ume. Tbe
Secretary-Hohart LewU.
_____ ITxM feet, wbleb will be
mao U a etranyer who bad only beau
AieL Saeretary—Mabel Brawn.
for praya moeUayaadC B'yatbar- here troa Kew York etate aboat 'ten
I^a. Sacretarr—Warren Moure.
iayu two amaller elam rooma. ttall daym.
Lodge DepuW-M. B. B<mey.
feet each, and a larye furuaee room.
,11 80.U1 U,lM 8U
The chnrefa U taatefnlly carpeted,
and eomfortably aeated, and U Uybted
wm. Xnapect
by are lainpa. A featare which adda
FeaMbU BHea.
Marsbal-Lae Ciu
mack to the attraetivenea of the
Deputy Maiihal-May BoyatM.
aadlenoe room U the Bemorial winTbe park oobb
Chaptaia-Bd. Keith.
4owa of oolorad ylaaa. la eoaventional of the city
Uat alyht aad dUdtelyaa. There are five amall wiadowa j eomed the atetter of poeaible fntore' Gaard-Ooo. Edgar.
and a large triple window. Oa teUeta | parks la tbe city. Varioaa sltea
sbowiug a
pf clouded white yiam are iaaeribed | dUcamed and it waa decided to make
which 1 baTrfU.Etun
t naaca of tboae la wbeae aaiaery
« of each leeaUoe that pre. Look at them in E. E. Miller's
tbe wiadowt have beea yirea. They leote advauuya for
TravwM Bay Hive. No. 7i. L. 0. T.
are WUlUm Ernatos Bedpatb. CUrrie aod report tbe reealt of theii-' Inveati- t.. wUI BoetMoeday nlyhL
Dayton WrlybL Beyaelds Moreton yatioaa ^ter.
ttamaal Aadoreoa U oodaed to hU
iaatia..CU)TU'J. Steward. Ida M.
bed with a very aevere aiekaeaa
Oamet, K^toa Wriybt, Grace Ethel
C H. Ely U in BeUafao
Tbe MUa« Maed Compton and Clare
TbOBpaoa. Pearl Starr. Mtu. Jeanaette
: aumber of yoaat court of F<»*atetB and U kavlay gnat
A. Goffar. Leroy Alria Craly aad Mrs.
friend* by yiviny them a alclyb
LetItU W. BUekbom.
aboDl town aad tbe country yeelorday
Tbe O. & CU wUl Beet at tbe
I MUe Fioranee Jaekaea TWtay
Thrpuyb the klnda a of meabera of afteraoea. The ypuny Udiea aad'yMcomposlny the party w«: •vealay.
« tbe toUowiay
Maud Coi^tou. CUra Botner. PreJ
Tbe Soatb Side Shiheapere olnb wfll
Rulaar. F^i Miller, Zea WellanA meet with M^ M. H Oal« on Unkm.
eoaiof >4.too. Ia eonatmetioa'a eords Delta MarUaek. Stella Berry. iMr^ atreet Monday afternoon.
of stooe have bean uaed.. YiU all Aabtoa, CharlU Aahtoe, BroMdaa^iTka date of tbe
boalder atoae. and bte baen eadlrnd ty. Irene Bdrryi WlUIe Berry, CUAit babeldattberealdneaofC. L. Whit­
faaUly freia the bay ahere. tb^b WUUny. Oeorye Whitiay, NetUe Weea^ ney. baa ben cbaayod from Wedaae■
^ M I, I. C.U ..______
of it U field atone. Ia addition to bary.Btbel Boater.-Lee Oaiaan. Un- day to Tbeaday evenlay.
that, there were used TO.OOO brick, ra CUvia, Mayyie Caiman. Bath CulMUa Aeteie London U ca»tivaM«M a
40.000 ablaylea. 175 barreU of lime. «S Baa. Ayaea Marckie. Bell Dana. Ma- ftourUktay orange tree in tbe amee ef
barrala oemeot. lo.uoo Utb aad so.fioo Bale Daan. DaUy SkadA. MlUie Zayar.
Biver Blaetrie Uyht A
feet of lumber.
Braadnw Wnate $0^00.
Power Co. Tbe tree kaa aevoal weU
Tboee who have been eayayed la the
Eli Brandaw of TboinpuoaviUe. kaa
1 had
beyaa aait ayalnat the Farrand A
•dlftoe are Hm Broe.. all
Votey Oryaa Co. ef Cbknyo. for damn- tion of tbe Traverte Oty Lodge. No. In good ab^a. hut we enn sap|d]r
^ atone, brick and plaster: P. E. Wal­
yea for. aQeyed -taJae li
t*S, r. A A. M.. Monday niynt at T:». yonr wants for soos time to eomei.
ker, wood-work; B. H. Wood. palnUar
elalminy it U atated that Bran- A fern attendanea Udeaired aa there
Bort Hall, deeoraiiay: J. B. Greiliek
and fire will beimpo
daw foraerly worked fitr the
Oo.. dooea and window anak: heatlay,
but left their employ to accept a bet­
AnxioMS to
■' Hanaab A Lpy Ooi electricity^.Jloard.
ter peelUon etaewhere. It U altayed tbeOtaeultoourtonaebarye ef bniyman Hirer Eleetrte Liybt A Power Co.
Lower our stock.
'rtte) uentiny U dune by u Mnak^n that tbe oryaa people brought u ebarye laay fov yean ago. baa
which caaaod hU a
Bapraantatve Poater to iatereeda for And are offering some BArgBiss
- fine> and tbe meaMrlnl srindowa Were ayalnat
and eonfinaont ia jaU for nlnu wuuka, him forapnrdoo. Ba '
50a will
well to take ndBade In Milwaukee. Tbe .
t ibe
tbe 'aeeuaod finally defoatiny tbe eom- to Jackaon for aixyann.
BOau ut proent auBber tW. but thU
vantage oL A chcaoe stock of
iyintbatrialoftbaenaa. C. G.Tureaa be iaereaaed to tbraa hundred
Tbe flyun r^waaenUny Oovorao- Bakery. Goods ^ways on band,
U kU ettorney.
Plnyrea, wbiek baa bean
the need ariaea.
and we would not hare jm, lone
Te Botan Bore to Liva
la tbe dtoptay window of ITrank FriedTba arehiteeta are lliin. C. M.
sight of theyfact that the
Hall <^4 F. B- Walkar, who with H.
F. E. Haynea. who waa employed in rieh'a &oe atore, aad wbleb foe
B. Steward. D. C.Tbaapaen aad Dr. the store ef J. W. MilUkM for two on# ef tbe crew of Fraakb yacht dar­
, B. B. Garner fora tbe bafldiny eoa- ysara, bat who left here three ytara: ing bU maUe taatustamer. new adorw
ago to go to Jackaon. faaa returned beta tbe deak of Ibo yq«efahr~at iBteiny. is the best, and that it win pay
The ebureb U the firet atane buBd- to live. Mr. Haj-nee baa aocepted * po- Tba figure waa tb^yUt of Frank.
you to try a sack if you have nsYer
lay uver erected in Truverae
uad aitton in tbe dry yooda departBont of
uaed it.
BoM Fur 9»00 in Oaub. ^
ihu rmnit U a aucceat la evoiy partlea- Mr. MUltkenUateta. and wm begin faU
Iv. Tba atoae worka op vwy hand- datice at ouee. BU family srill oome
Yataaiday aftaitaoan BanjaBta 1
is the {dace. and> tria^will satisfy yon. \
■dMly and tbe eburch u aa
haru in tba ^riny. Many frianda will Howard of tbia eily sold forla^'nM of
ba pieaaed to boar that Mr. Haynes land to John MeOm of
1 BM.Jha pMkthnayaaia. etaM tba to teratnra bo* ta ^y:
townublpfierfiHin osta
V •
Ooa^ ^ Ad UaloB StMBtB.


We are


Gaining in Popularity-

Still Very Busy


Thm br





Oives Perfect Batis&ction.

Hair Differeet Styles.

Gani Bwlnr ul Boat Baua.

Don’t ^


ToTateUtaBtapof OirSal;.



Our Goods
Are Moving Off

SeaAXes' SAtvetv








- .

TK» Mouniro

bujpay, jamuamy

ao laee.

MalUrb ifejdMl
aateadfepAkefaar wad aetoohL. Wd
kM m* to

«BB MOBjmra
Mn. Wm


iWtokatotoafoarAf Baad A BeNalberBlw
t»j^TX&8x orrr. - moKioAjr
t«. Mn. fi. D. JbAUh of BdlairA. lyk •• DniTAftol AtUa of tka World.”
- at fis tocA. and
etABD TSAVKBSX BKEAU),. who fm tkeeafor
bn oetomwed totke obarah tola am3. 3. Bakkall. tIkM
iaa. Bat. 3. O. Neator of Inetonaa
«m. «. Emm ad J. ». Badbl . MUchaU. gmmml pmbmcv dA Marika of tke ward baildlpia.
OBDly «m aait*! toe paetor.
frdrbK AfABl of tka M. A N. E. ware
The Tmkan'Bendinc CtreU k jaat
. i. W. HAnn. BAlior uxi Mamc«. la tke city pMtarday and took diAner
the Atody of HiaadaUk
8ar«le« U K. a T. M. hall. lU Ftont
Bart Onrott. who hM worked tor
maat, a» iMo a. k.
wiU neat taka ap “Btonya «* IdaenAnaa A Oale
Urn. kae fOM bom




to LndiMttM far a tkact ttm BawUl
ratara aaon to to on toe road adUat
toe a*w pateat drill laraatod byli


latorsatlea rMTardlar tke wwk la
to# local Hlfb ecbrol and tke ward
ecbocda kalwaye of Intereak not only
letoa popda and patronaet tke ackoola
but to all tke taxpayera aad pobl
reaerally. From tka rvporta of Bjipe
wt Orawn tka Bacou kaa taken
aotoa Itorca whkb wUl ahow what h
balatdoee In tke Hltbeokool and toe
nsmber Of claaaee pamnlncmb atady.
Other iteoa of epaeial' Inteitot ate
tleea and the infortoaUon wUl akow
that our echoele are not <»ly anperiorin tka Battor of eaarm of atody
bat toe
TAry flaiterlnf.




Of •pedal Koattoo.
A eo«pany of twenty J
•aea a ptcaanat eorpriae par^ rriday
•Tular At tke lAAldeaee of Mr. ud
Mia. Fled C. Jooea. lit SeeeaU etraot.
iB koaor 6f the latiM'a elctar. Mloe
Addle BwAln. of.JAckaaB. Dalaty rcfraehseotA were aerted and m
utU A late boor.
Friday afteraaoB after lodfe
Amada Hiee ladleetATe a parly In
hoao; of tkdr orcaaM. Mia. Bank,
•ad preaenUd bar with an emblaiB of

The non waMaat aaltlon tkla year ap

___ __


Srr; *-..

paat. nunberlag onlr 2



Jrilng. Tils-. Jan. tt.-Tka
■ block la tbe cUy ta a maa
re originated U the rear of

low la 9M.0M. CUy Piper aad Joha
NichoU wete so aererelr hurt by a tail­
ing wall that Slehola aln die.

Oraad Beplda. Jan M.-Wbmt. 91a.


Tka hymi
n of toe aerrioa: }«to
»a.i« U tkom kaarlBy.
Maale by the Qaeaa City paartet.
Snnday Acbooi after the Bomtac
M.M rim. Aid toe ekUdraa wlto toe laaAon.


deaUrlr wbeaccora and flour. Md p
oeptlble eoofldeBCA la nearlr
braoeheA cC trade ae rccaida the o>
look for aprlac baataeaa
Another Urnrabic feature of the week
k tbe allgtat but dlstlact Improvemeat
Is the cotton gooda rituallon. la wblcb aemg BATasorT
apM^tive activltr li awakening. Pig
Iron Is leflecttag the eSeclof the present IThmt. old.ptoba....
unprecedented production Md a fur­
ther weakening In prices Is recoedad.
Prlrt a of meat staplg prodocu are blgber OB the week; aotlcraUe InstMCW
are tboar of wheat, wbicb la put tke
dollar nark again at near of the wcaiem marketa. Boaliiew fallnrea tor the

This Is Boy’s and Cluldren’s Week ■1

rwoo at lO:so a. B. on “to toe
Oiarob Prnotknir tbaaeeond to
aarlAA oa Tka PmeHoal Aapaeta of


panto ae airmdr rwnltlag. The Uat
week of toe meatb rioaw wlto lacreasto
Sab}e^“Jeaaa TkMhlac Mam to actfhlr U BMy Unm a number of
price ad^-BBcea. beartly iacreaeto bask
TeaMtoonlal meettoff Friday atT:M claartag* ae comparto with one rear
aco at nearlr all tbe dtlea. asMber caaridecahle dr«)-ta tbr-anatoer ef faSurw

Take tke aep
Tke only line ti
*roB6t.Fai’ ‘*'
oaaca a WXIPAl.
BwCtty. a
Indli^M i*ar. and in
-------------1- yirittf ekoiee of 9 roam
Ooraer Baardmaa aeeaae aad Waak- look at tken: Bail Md overUnd tU
Ba)y aotonanloa at 9:49 a: m.
Moralat atorioe aad aarmoa at 10;SO. ereft and trail to Lake TaalU <twaaty
i): rail. oeoM Md riren te Wraa'Soaday aohool Md BlUa elaea at 19.
Oleaoca, LakeTaallB, Foci SalBraaiar torrie# aid a^rBCa at 7.
- •
i; nOl Md
A AordUl walobme to tom AArrioao.
E^'^Sltka. rto ;
Copper rfrer. Oeohk UUt. aad Yakoo
B«>.a. BnMr. aancr.
river a^ta Loweet ratee, oolek Une.
«atl0;MaB. Md Toariet alerpera daUy. >or mapa,
7 p. B. Moealny nbiaet: “A Good ratea aad UformaUoo aak
C. K. Mt-aBAT.
SoldlB’.” Bvenlny eabjeei: ”Tke Low
AycatO. B. A 1. Bailway.
of toe 8ool.” Claw maettoc at9:M a.
a U.
TraverAA City. Miok.
B. Banday ackool at tt m. Jaalor'
Leacaeati:Wand BfArortoZnacao »t
9:49 p. B.
Thaiaday—Prayer neettoc at 7 p. m.
AU are ooMUlly Urited.
«la tke Btot State
Atreet ec^ool booee. Sekday. Jm. ».
at lOAO a. B. U BogUab aad at 7:So p.
B.ip NorvWtoa

Td Popoliet CoBTMtioB recABUy
bald la 8L Uai. TehaaeBtly
acAiBAt foTtbar fneiaB wltk di
' TbelAAdAreAttrSbetodAUtkeeaBlBAloB
aad lAAA of AlrABftk dariBir the paet
iwo rAATA to tke ABtOBfUBf AUiAMe
Dtmd Into with tke daBooratA. Tke CoantAd twtoA by tranafAT..
)Mdan detdared akaelBtBty aiWaM
aay farther eoabiaaCou of tke
Haw eootpIkatloaA are ariAinc in
_^A»*pB and it U BOW, HDrent tkat
t of Ike
fowarda an
dUAa^a boar'African tacrttocy;. an
DWnd into batwjm Pvabm and Bar
^ad. aoro niaora of war wtU be beard
^UneUy aroond^ worlA


ABBBkerot tkaalomto ara toUy

t puuifi SEUDi lens i
whkk hM
' J4md Beeh A Btrmrlj mAricad fMtar* ol
y«bA kUtoiT of tba Disrler 1a« Atm
' rmiflnr Tke
Moelpta war*.
Ja mad aoatVvA,; ikmot
■ipte^AT. sakOOO.000; Oetokar. ai
•I4,; NoambAT, «U,000.000 U
VMoe Baaben: DeooMber. IM.000.000
- 1b reud naaben. ud Jabbatj pmibM to be BAAriy or quite «n.000.«00.
^IkOA the MW lAW a AlTABdy brlBciac
* Ib A IMABBe AlOOAt. if BOt q«ltA, OqBBl
u ike AVAfBfA AXpABditBrEBOf tb# »Mammat, wbtob Beldo* na a’
•M6.000.000 per ABBiia. And iB A
■ may CBAAB drop aa«a(b1 atlltaa below
tkki. Thera Ia erery reeaoo Jo expect
Iftat tken wUl be A Mafartobie ABiplai
}B VMnary Md a Utcer oaa 1b Itoeek.
aad tkAt the" year wUt -tbow a bAodBAAM bAlABoe to t^Afrcdlt «f tke

ttonal Betowam.” by QnUk.

__ - '

New York. Jm.
Faeorabie coodlUou la tka trade eltaatSen eoeUauc to far ontweigh tboae
or M oppoAlu ebsraeur;
wwther threngboot a Utm aeetloo uf
tke oOABtry tUa week chicked . tke
Bovameat of nerebeiidto U tbe mabut a perreptibic Inrreaac la

li Bin Dim Il|t Me Oinwili Witt lirj lii Mn.

8rip tkam to pmarra tteU «anrtor-

•ABAral avAtare..
ThanaBbArofalUlatalatbA dlffAr.
eat baildlata la ITSt. ao that when toe
rapart waa Bade Jaaanry • toara i
Snaday eveainr foApri asAetlar at :
H papUa la aaom Maoa than tom P.B. TbUbahelpfoImeUnr.
kara kaaa aSanker of addittoaa to tka
Do net wait U be iolrodeOAd. hot
aarollBcnt. ^iat tke boUdikc* •
at tkeoloaa
of Avary meetiag.
Offertery eaUedan cm be bad at tke
Tba per eeak of tordiaeto baaed
tke anBbarbelMtlBr la 19-100 of <
Take one with yon for 189S.
Prayormeetiar toplca for next Tbnraday will to "Oar Hearaaly Fatoerk
care for nal" BendUga for tke topic
.................................. ” are; Paa- tS;i-«. Ooofldeam la .God:
Pm 94:1-11. twUmoay of
Pm 34;U-99. The Lord delivareto; Paa.
At;9-ie. A apfe kaaper. l^ke.
Uedk care for amall tktoga: Pkll. «; i-9.
I. hlik «»Ur —A to U.. ttotoiT oI Wltoontcare.
PUaea oomltaad piiacru tkeaeraf-

Kothera of TraTerae City: I*’a to your boys’ interest, its to your
pocket books' interest, and to your own interest to investigate and
examine this Oreat Sale of

Yolith’s, Boy’s and Gt)ildren’s Overcoats, Suits i Ulsters

raiaam' cacTBcaL
■enW neon sad Karr Kaare. Paaian.
Bible aebooL 9:49.
Moralng aerrim II a. to. Sekjeet,
OSBiA of. Bitea fbr t^altad •tataa Aa>
-Tbe Holy l^ilrit.” Bibto rmdiag at
Bor Plate PlanV
^WaabiBCton. Jaa. 99.—OflarB af
tnior Badmeor, < p. b.
•ItM for the ATBor plate (daot patie
iloa Badmeor lanitiiig at Fraaby■m for a BOBlna) eaa bare com to tke
toriaa eknicb. 4 p. a.
D«7 departBeat from MaakefoB,
EeABlar aer^ioe. 7 p; b. .
■SoagavrioeaStoeapaator. A oordial ioelU'ioB U Aztwided to all wbo
benni^. ai Wtotkrop Barkor A Dock
wUl to BAAt aad wotokip with m
mapaay. CUeaco: 8kefflo|A Taaa: _
Waake«aa. lU.; DatrolU Mlak.; Faorla. j Botany
BCT. t. Carwac. Paater.
flL; Marqnetta, Mkk.. and Anakloa.;
SareiusB today aa followa;
Ain. Moralngaerrioe. 10:10a. B.
It J«W take
Uospel aerrim 7 p. m.
all tbm Wda aad aa am h they are Book-keeplaf..
Young pe^Iek eerriea. S:4S p. m.
•ciancad they will be aent W omBible achoeU aeny Sontoy at ebnreb
Firmt Vear Intln ..
fftm by Saeretary l«nt fv Mie Inat 11:49 a. b:. Dale Park Cbapel 3 p. B.
tormUon of toe body in cae^ it deWitawaln^ Md prVer iBilit oa
•bM to embark toe torerBBenUn the
Tbariday eeeaUgt aC*S«o’«lock.
Cboma, quartet and aolo alnglDg Sun­
Firet YtorOtoma..
day eraniag.
TEX epAinsH ri.BR
A warB walcoBc for you.
avAaeiiJcai. CHiracB.
' .
parationa to Sail tor
Tke Uboratory feea eolleeted aaoest Br>. a. aalBbery. Pauor. *
Snnday aerriom
Ckrtoaceaa. Spdn. Jan. 99.—The to ns.' At'toe lari meettaA of toe
•nV^daw armotad eralaar VUoaya 1e beard of edaoaUan ItwaawM decided
atafilM for Ameriea. The raat of ike to nee tkeae few exsloalcaly *er Ub­
f^anUh aqoadron iapreparlnr to eail oratory anppUen_______




Arraetod la Xiaialey.
Depnty eberlff Hobeoa'of OopeBlto.
. I-----throatk towa yeaterday on Ua
wmj to Rincaley. wkara ho arrhatod as
.iaearance nan uBed B. A. Cklbooa oa
.• obarte of Janplnr a board bfll. It
atatod that than were tear eliailar
llaalatoe for Oalkoaa.

Tke new ctodlee taken up tkla aemcater are elementary alcebn. trifoaematry. Atoertean Uatery. rbeterie.
botoay. phyalolesy. book-keaplar and
eommercUl law.

Thefe are alao two apeeial rariew
oiaaaea ia'arttomotle. om for toe peaiora Md one for tboae below toe mior cUm wbo wUh to refreeb toelr
"aiiada in tola atody. laOraauaar tkorc
It baa bees deeldad. ewfat to toe U a apeeial rerirW'tlaaa for tha aealora,
aanber of catertAlomenU to be tirea Md alao a eUai^r Fenaral reriew.
la tob. near tntore. to ]
Soma exeellrsL aMHIom kara jaet
fancy drea* darty to be rl*«n by toe
yoBBC Udiea. till eome Urn after Feb- keen Bade to tke Blfb acboe) library
raery 3:od. Fortker noUee will be aa toe rranlt af tke Blfb Seboel Leetara Md Moeie conne tola capaea.
Aaoar toe booka ordered arc; ” I'mai
Mlltoa to Ttosyeoa.- IS eoUmea; -8^Mra. Herbert W. O’Connor U riritUf •ekpof Modara Htatory.’- is voimea;
Critoda U BalUlre.
Mta. J. r. Keanay of CkteMfo. ae- aad Onytok '’Tke Worid aad Man.”
wm to toedWldneNay Vtontoon. BaaidA tkeae. fear cataAf Band A Me-.




Priees fill Be Cot lay Belof The Cost Of Prodoction.
! sassj lISSiLfSSSirii.'JtlS; ””

■ 's


dpakla’ bmaud. aU ^


am«d. and aa darkBCM cmm d the
Mdlea dliVAiBAd.


1 lot C^Ud’a aelta. 99e^ Tlwy are aet Worik My
. .
will BckUoa It.
1 lot CbUd'a gray deakta bmatod wool aalta. age 4
to 10. rcgnlar priceSX.90. tok aalc.............
1 lot OtUd'a rtofer calta
goods, regular 94.(
tS lot CbUd'a anita. bre
.to elm at.......................................................................



These prices good until Xarch 1st. After tsking Jnventory wa
find many broken lots, hence this terrible out in prices. Oome and
avail yourself oi this great Bargain Sale.

Friedrich Block.

386 Pairs
Fine Shoes.

Popular Clothier, 6atter and'Fumlsher.


, ■'sasi$4.00
Pingree & Smith. A. E.
Nettl«t^n and Wi L. Doug­
las make.
'Itiisr ■
Inspect them.

The Old Seliable Bhoeman,

. Every
Pair Going

12 98
Traverse City. Klcb-


’nn.y^ mn.. mu^


me were eeveial other arDeodmeab
qoeeUon wa> pat da (be TrDer
redbluuoti as It wpi lotroduced. ^ad

DoiBSB Of aU SoTta of People asd Odd BUa of News From '
AU Qrar' The^tato.

tieJoator 4ye»w hM dMAM tlttt the MattT firi
MkHftlwWv«>tf»ttaattMdtT rlrl.
Md U to mU emnl of Tn*me atj>«



wtanof tbc i^iar dead or allva
^ baitie of
■ wae foafht
•ear tke writer^ fana aad Mre. Dowaiat bu emral balleto aad other ralloe
of that batUa. whtoh were picked ap
bp h« lather. Hra. Dowdier to prood
of the fact that aha to a d
a patriot of the rervlsttoi

mCTPEIEPi If You H^ve Logs to Sell
tt. c«»*,

aon. O)ondter. Chllloa. Oark. aap. |
Cockrell. Daniel. Oray. Rarrta Balt-1
feld. Joaee of Aikaiaaa. Kenney. Bple.'
bUUa MItebell. Iloaer.
Borxan, Bar^y. Faeco, PeRtrrew.
Petuis. Prttrttard. ' Bawlbw, Roach.

Aghmst S ©OK COhl WIJIUI
fOT O Yosr.


THE HUE oohebewb

. Warren. WUU
aad Wolcott-if.
shedse by the WcahiS <
Neye-AldHch. Aiilaon. Baker. Barrowa CaSery. Cullom. Devto. FUrbanka Poraker. OalUarer. Clear. Bale.
Banna. Ranebteurh. Hawley. Boar.
Lodse. BcBrIdc. McMttlan. Maaoe. MorlOwap BtehaidMa of Hegaaaee,
Chlcacp. Jen- M.-Tbe foUowtaf
Nelaea. Pearoea Perklaa nan
^ >rileroe la claireoyaota.
tbe ooBlrect betweea U
aik or eeraa peere efo eU crowe to Ooaectkeit. Platt of New Tofk.Qoay.
i^t raooDtlpl while he wae awt^,
compeilUve coal field* a.4 iNc
Sewell Thnraton. Wemacioa. Wetvioea
ooald be Maa la the aeoralar flpiar
UalM Mtw. Worker* of Amertra. It
It tbe rotlac were bavins been eisaad yeeterday:
The pain tl
SIM ia ■
Panlkthe dliwctioe of the rirer. Tbeee blrde
"The totlowlns asreemeot mafie and
eal^ a epirltaaltot. who told her
aer irlih Blklne: (Jormen wllb-Prye;
a^bor wae the thief. Next dap ehe have iacreaeed aatoiaUp or bp oateid< fooee of Ne\ada with Pt^or. Wallhell eaiefed Into la JoUit 1
are betweaa with Pjionner. Ttie (IrBl-nanied would veOtloD la iht* aiy. Jan. M, IXIX. by
Mdaoed the oeirb>or to aeeoaipaap ber
and betweea tbe operator* and miners
to the clairvopaaL The ebarre wae two aad tour baAred of the Unto. la each ra»e here voted for the reeoluof lUlnola. lodUfiB, UUo. end western
Next Booralar Btebadeoa Tbep Dp over thasUp ia the noroiar Uofi ae It wae Introduced.
Pennaylvanle. known as Tbe Plttsb^
« Their CUIet A
foaad sil» oa bto dooeciep. The re-jaad ratara to their roeetiar plaoe
thin vein dletnci. wHnessrth:
Waphlnrtiin. Jan. d.—The t
i lau la
anlalar bit toiaal or wlthia e week.; eeMwbere to the aortb'
"Plret.—That an equal price for inla-t
ins Bcreened lump vual eball bcrcafler
BvthodIM rburfh wmth
afc* vuetelncd by tttat corporation dur- form aAase'Walr In all ot (be dlstrlctr
- The Ueeeath Dap i
Poor Dllee oortheaet of UoUp to axe- Inx tbr war. a/lrr cmountrrlnx aa <>b- above namr^rxceptlas the state of Uahipped tro« Battle Creek to Cape I
coal district of Indlaiu
r the birbwap. •tlnatc nilbuMcr which had elaved off a IliKrta. the
«BKh. Sooth Alritt. elrbteea earloade (
called the “deeil'e bole.” It to 40x10 voir on two pn vlou* private bill daya to pay U cenu per (oa over that of
wa* piloted (d ill paauce In the taouae HocUAx Valley, western Peansytvsal*
of baOdior eoppllee for the erecUoa of
rode ia aize aad TOO feet deep, with ye^erday by rouper of Texae. who wax
to their eapharlea eV that
and Indiana bituminous district, ao'l
aldae ao eteep U eaaoot be cultivated. In charxe of the neaaure. Tbe friend* of thst tbe priceorptekrun-ot-mlneeoalln
Tbe work wae dooe at Battle
It to eaid ledlau oaee aaed it to eoe- the meaeure proved themeelvee In aa Uockins Valley and western Penasyl<toaek aader the Bnperrtoion of W. C.
majority, end the o
Hae their eaemlea.
Skeletone have overwR-lmlnx
vanla shall be detsrmlued by the actual
poelilon reluctenlly yielded. The vo
Btotoiu who to the arehlUet for all tho
beaa foead in It.
Oh tbe bill was ISS to CT. An .veoli
boOdiar of that deaomtaaUon.^ Tbe
ihrousb such erven as is bereiaaftcr
•ee-don wee belA the flret of th« •»
tottoUlarBaa been oonpleted at BatUe
vIoB. devoted to pentoon lexleleUea. Tbe provljled:libeliis uaderstaodsndasreod
Oraak aad wSlbeall readp to erect
J. E. Scott, of Lalt Uke Cl^. UUb. entire <alendar of iweotr-nlne bill* wa* that setwened or rua-ot-mlDt coal may
(Oeared before the boor of "
wbea' tbe Material reacbee Cape Town. to'eafmfed la
be mined and payrf for on tbe above
ladiaa% which bae for lU porpoee the arrived.
barl* at the upuon of the operator*.
-virdins to msrket
ctffaaUatloB af a eoloap Of coaveru to
9m OMrUl WrlecM «• Dm
Darias theto
the operstor* of lodlsna bltumlnuu*
Waehlnxton. Jan. 3.—There
«aaU were klU-d wear Bldlaad »d eatabltoh a eetUemeal ia oac ot the
talk emoac member* In both house* of shall also have like upturn e( minlnc
ehlpped V» New York. Tbe ^,ieoUted eeanUee In
a resolution of welcome to President rvin-of-mlne or *cre«-B cosU
dea reeeaUp
reoeaUp eoafiKOied a Mlcblran, wbeaee
same wardaa
Dole and aa invitation to vtelt tbem la
— That the screen hereBy/'’
balA at the depot ahipped to a New
•rnlon, a* wa* done wbea Klox Kalakaua wa* here This wa* xenerally adopted fur the state of (^blo,
TerkSm. A bird dos cane aloof aad
aawnted to la eoavereailon by member* Penuayli
■ylvania and the bituminous dupoialed *' at tbe box oatil the fane Latter Dmp Saiate. ^r. Scott taps the of b..ih ride*. BUI Minuter Hstcb hesr.
of In^na shall be uniform In
wardea'e atteatloe wae attracted.
• feet wide by !■ feet Ions,
las of U quletly slsntfled to them tbsl
bellerera la the Uonaoa reltfloB.
PrvaldcBt Dole whneblsblyappncIstlBX built of Aat or Akroti-shkyed bar of
less than Sth* of one loch surfan
hai retoeed to dlvalfe the exact loea- every amssestloa ot murirmr would
Bedtca Harbor to ia the tkroee of a
with II* laches between bare, free from
tioa of tbe eeUleateat. bat to aetaally
ohatrvctlona and that »uch scrvcntnx*
tedlp war aad raxan Oovtoh la the eafafMl la the work ot naklaf beahatl test upon a sufAct.;.! number of
«fr id a maaaer that to poeitivelp
bearlns* to hold tbe bare la proper po^inteiliit Two s-oeal barber* are tbe
ury MelkleJohB, who vMUed Secretary sitloa.
«kU4 eonbataau. aad tbelr eoatantloa' A couple of weeka afo two tamen. Atovr yvstnday oilUw matter of ortclal
•Third.—That the bl«-k coal district
of IndUns may otorUnue the uk of the
4 ow trade. 919 barber ofleie a bowl'
aa Bafltobcaaa aad a Preeebnaa.
• dolns nlevlj.’* He bad- not seen tbe dUmond Kieen of present else and
of eeaporaeifar to every caen»er. oa Mala atreet. tape the Chebopfan eecretery for about ten day*, and wae
pattern with the pririlese of run-of. a paaebiaf bef New*, aad etarted tradlaf honei. TIm asreebly enrprtovd to And him looklas
ros), the mlBiat Price of which
w«4L TTie secretary
wblek bto patrcM eaa poach .while
of the Preach- rick men. however, end the wry aatare shall be determined by (he actual
mre-nlnss. and that Ihe Mate of UUwaHtBf ciU be ealto <«ext.'’ The other
> d bto boree (
of his troublf^-srip and malaria—pre­
be absolutely upon a rue-ofbwberaPwabaekwheatcakM or fia” npUed tbe Pm
-She'* all clude the probahUlty of a rapid conlee system and shall be paid for «a
fcrbMraadhae a rtrlaf of coarter.< ^
, .he ao look my riod.' valeaence.
that twsU.
tha^btocatoo—neaaaeewkU. walPi^, KafuL-m.aid he did aot
laf for their tara. Theeoetomer.
I ^o-tioof aboot the eaiioal'. looka eo
Tm CeMsaT** •ft.aod r>«aA*-ElsW'
oajoyiaf Itlnnenarlp.
I loaf ae It wae aeoaA A trade
KansAs City. Jajf
John F. KeU'
Moadap the twe faraien net
Fourth.—That aa advance of 1* eeat*
lira B. W. Dowalaf of HoUp, haa a afaia aad Ue Bafltohmaa took tbe nedy. A l.icomotlve vnslnver who bas per ton af X.WO pound* for pich-mlaed
diary kept bp her fraadtather. who Preaebnaa to taak. "Seb here.
coal shall take effect la tbe
rr>bberies at Ulue OuL was'pirkrd up
laaeaptala-ia the AMricaa amp Mouadrel. poo told ne that becee wae West Ftfeenib atreet last nlghi In an western PfonntvAala. Hockmg Valley,
aad Indl.jw Mumlnou* dirirtcu oa
revololieaary war. Ibe eonad: wbp. It toaablladaa a bat.
uatvnxclous .w.ndltlon. Me ha'
April Iv^JkSX. and that nrai» creek.
book to replete reniatoeeacca of that | Tbe Pieacbmaa replied: "I tole pea ihrouu from a atuinUlng home,
period. IttalUofhardeblpaadaolfer-lehe'eanrlfhV boteU'eao look rery motion was CAUied at the poll>'
„ Id*., and the faftumlnouA.Alstrlct of In.
dUna shall pay focents per (on run*
laf. aad epeake of a reward of S**01 foed. New. wbat you make oot of
»ar^dle^i^ by a filer <Sti beird. Of-mlne coal from an after same datu.
wkM the BrlUehere offered for the det?"
nae rqulirpvd fur en rxiM-dlU<« baaed upon to c nu per ton. acreenM
_______________________________ ----------:----------------------------------------------- ==== 1 ‘bat could not bavv meant pvarv for hto coal In Ohio, wcslera Pennsylvaala aad
■j-rellovr men. In oar of Kraordy e pocktiidlana bityiminous district, tbe
■ lilack domlou n
i-ociinue tn force uaill (he exibout hi* Ctothe* were the several
on both sides "f ihw ihambea. but
pirutnn of this contract
OB the subriliute oAered by Lodge that pieces of a dl.jointed sbotfun
•Fifth.—Thai on and after April L
the most decided break occurred. On
Inn sditlon I
(be eisbt-bour work day wltbelsht
the BcpubUcan .idc AlUaoo and Bur- 1 revolver and a liberal supply of
t.-uUBl*llng of elk days perow* did not answer to their names on j ridse* ahd shotgun toleH*.
w;rek. ahail be In effect in all of the
dlatrli 1* rrpresenied,and uniform wage*
1 directly against It. Obua ' ered at the hospital he refused to tall for day lalur In the Aelds-named. and
Mfidfi «t Nfiw York by Pm*
...w Anal
.0... .-asase
of the resolution so*ie forther than lo aay that he started m that Internal dIfferviMw* In any of tbe
i, the
I Repobllcwn* she Aipported McKinley 1 a hunting trip. A second man who «a state* on dlrirtct*. both as 10 price* or
Idfint McKiRlfiy.
land the tti l-iyuU pUtfonn In !«*«. like ! riding irtth Kennedy rode away al-i condition*. *h*ll be referred lo tbe
I raner. fhandler. fUrk of Wiomlng, | rapid gall after Kennedy's horse fell
state* or dlslrtrt* affei led for adjust-'
••8l*lh.-Tbal tbe same ratsUve price*
cott voted for the resolution bMause. as WbvW FamUy IWwad IVcrihlss *■ «h# aad.'-ondlUon* between mactalac and
Worroii announced, they did not belirve
tyerrtw lAUlOTWla.
plik raining that have existed la the
•ppsr ■•**• Will Mot Kt«i nomas* tha the rrsolultnn ivimmlited those whosuplyw Ansvlet.
Jan. 9.—E. Ad<ilph. dlffrrsBl sUies shall be coallnucd dur­
Pastry af th. Tww Mrial Maaeyii aad ported It to Ac free and unlimited
^ returned from ing the’ll^e .if thl* o.Biract.
' Olvm M Majarily AgalM CoM VaywH-at as* of alUen
|1 Manlmoib
__ 0>._k.
. —...n
nn <hf>
•.■Aeventh - That present price* for
a small
* by (he Uepick and machine mlolngaud all clasae*
I Southern PaclAc road Afty miles
aOHE or THE MOkinCAKT Vt»TI= , west of Vuma. reutrls that L. 6. Pul- of day lal»r nball be maintained Co the
(xrmpeiuive ttalsw and dlstricU untU
! With tbe Nam , ^ ,1m —PI----- nam. asent of the Norton Drake'eorotwud Aywaad Xbt.
,pany. found a Whole faroUy perUhlac April 1- 1»«.
"F.lshlh. - That Ih* Tnlied Mine
WashJnston. Jan. ».-Anvr a debate. I The Amt amei.djnent was that of Sel- ; «•“ ‘I**
organlxailon, a party to this
aalmated at au
all lime* and mcaslonallr |I^
m* «<iarln*
ALciarin. that
.hai "It'U
• 11 1. the
ihe duly
dutv of
con»Uied of Workers'
*he «•«*'
Wimam Jtrttc of PrescpiL A. T.. aad nmttaci. d.~-s hereby further agree
waioiwuioiHi, which occupledfUie steal- ) sovemmrnt of the I’nlled State*. undeV his.lto'e cblldien. the oldest U yaara of afford all possible, protectloa 10 t
sr pan of Ihu ,wsek. the amle ' ' jriUstlng laws to
n.the parity In ape and the youngest t year*.
trade and to (he other pants* hereto
evening, by the dedslie veu of 4T to XL j value of its gold
I silver maiiey. *n
Joy.e bad tried u> drive overland against any unfair competition re<
passed the Teller concurrent reabloufeh. ^ ,1,,, ,hr
Ing from a failure to maintain <
. dollar of
metal «h*ll for all from Prescott to t'hlno, Cal. HI* hi
The nwolutlod uf practical le-alfirma-1 monetary purpose* slway* be equal Ig died *1 Oil* Bend and the f^Hy tried
dseert. Their ptti-i
Nlnth.-That. tbl* contr*ct ahail reUoB of iliht or Funley Matibewa ^1^1*:. J value to ih.- dollar of the other raetal-S--------------------- the
• In lull forte and effect from April
and Is a. Ivllowa. That all IheiatoAi of 1 The vote K. taWe ws* as follow*: Yeaali vWsr.s-SSve out and- when
foui^• •
». to April 1. isw. and that our
tbe CnUed ttiate*. Issued or authWi** ! _Ajlcn. Bscon.' Bat.w. Berry. lluiW. '
»vre on
,2?' next annual interwair convention shall
onvene In the city of Pittsburg on the
Bird Tuesday In January. mS. '
Tbe alguaiurv* to the luresulag


»Mik rotllM- rM4> a Dlreiee.
ad mate* nntalning il2^ grain* each
Aiewart. TriPr.
Chi.ago. Jan. to.—Attorney Frank

rilver, Jind that
Turpk. —
Vest. —
Whits I Howkrd Collier.was granted a divorce
fo Its coinage BUch allver vuln* aa a le.
: from'hli'wife. Fannie G. Colller.f'hy,
SBl^teiktor In payment of a.ld-bond*.
Kays—Aldrich. Allison. Baker. Bor-1
Freeman yesienlay rooming -.q
principal and Interest. >s m l in violaOaffery. Clark. Cullom. Davla ■ ,bc grtmnd of cruelty and dpsenloo:
ttaa ol th* puUlc faith n..r In drroga- FalAranks. Foraker. Gaillnger. Gear. ] There will be n-. gppeal from the declsttm of tbe rtgtaU of the public cred- nray. Kale. Hanna. Uanabrough. Haw . |
the only question now rnnalnt*r.“
. |..y. Hoar. Ltndaay. laslge. McBride, 1 |ng
be aettled I* that of the dlspoalWaaM Hal BvM PMg* la TaeUy.
i KcMHleB. UajKD. Morrill, Nelson, pen- ‘
of tbe three children. Mr*. Collier
All effort* 10 amend the re*-.luii..n rose. Perkin*. PUttj:f Conecllcut, Pliit
neither allm..ny nay allowsoee
spvre voted derwk by. majortllte ranging • of New Fork. Pritchard. Quay. Hvwell. f„
lawyers and may !«•* the ebUtrmn I to to. Lodge * gold stsodaid Thurston, Warrsa. Welllngloa. B-*t. ; jrea In the end. substitute being defeated by thr Utier „ore and Wllaoo^.
■_____ _____________
The vole on the Lo.|ge
xhe I»dge ammdmeni made tbe I
m-k.'".am.i.1mentwa**ye*.S«:B*yA»X. But the .^..gre l-sue mi paymenl In gold or JIf I I-a f'rorae. Rla.. Jan. ».--The Jury In
mUd St of (be amendmsnts-froro a *11-. equivalent" of all national oWIgallon.; ! the case of Ihe slate *X»ln»t B F. Perver standtwlDt-that declarliig It the ' wolcotf on 4hat account asked for a4-gu*on. In the cli««t^^rt aiaag^
dul) uf the govemmeat to maintain the ! roil-cal! and « resulted: Tea*—Aid- after being-out tei^ot^ Tt^ra aaacfiarli} of all Its foraia of roon^. was ;ritt, lutker. Oatterr. Cullom. Darin. I Ooa brought *
defeaivd by a
e of «X t
| pa»rd b7l^

OomiipoDil with the Ti.Teree.OHy Ltfmhet Oomi«.y.
Wfe have Cor «Ue OotSd,

Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring, \
Short Maple Wood.


we are Selling

Fancy Dairy Butter

Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 18c per Dozen.

Enterprise Grocery,
Oppo«it« SUinlyar^, 'Phone 146.

Brains I
Educated Brains I
I« what the world wAnto todfiy. A brain i* mot edocatedby enuxuning it full of fficti. The hrmim mtut be ejrareiB.
•d by r^xUmr mod ssrstemmtic work, and this !• what the

Does for Its ctixdentB. Give* them food for thought mud
tMohee them how to di^t it. Our Btadenta and UioM who
iploy them wilito^ly teatuy to the worh done here.
Tsatebki CiTT, Micb., Sbpt. lo. l8»7.
Dbab Sir:—i feel very gnttefnl to you nod yonr iaiUtation for
the work you are* doing.
Mine Lunie Paria is in) my office, haring been stodying stenogmphy and ty^writing mi your institotion. Her work is most ex>
oellant for one who bas jngtoome hom. school. Aocoracy is t^e «th»g
element in all ateat^raphy and typewriting. I hare yet to find any
dictation that haa,not been properly tranacribed.
Such Btadeots sent out bom your institution will soon make a
strong impreesion on the public mind, as to the merits of yonr work.
Very truly your*,

Tbutbrse CiTt, Micb., Sept. 10,1897.
Dear Sib:—I am glad to note the prosperity of yonr achool, and
aiao tbe rank it is taking among inetitotionB uf ita kind throoghont
thentate. Yonr ability as a teacher, ^ wide experience aa a man of
: linirimat. insure to yonr pupils a thorough training. Any young maa
wfKpan deeirii^a practical education could do no better than at*

Oaragbty. £. T. Bent: Indiana
lBou»>, Walter S. Bugle: Indiana (block).
C. B. Nlblok: Pittsburg Ithle
dlalricO. J- C. Dysatt. F. M. 0*tk>me.
For Ihe rntnera-IUlUula. J- M. Hunter.
W. D. Hyaa; Indiana tbllufiUm.u*). W.
<1. Knight. J. H Kennedy; Indiana !tend.'yoarachodL
(blockl. J. R- Evane; Ohio. W.
Sincerely yonra,
Farm*. T. L Lewla: Pittsburg (thin
vein). Palrtrk Dolan. E. McKay: West
VnrgInlA. Berry Stephenson Also by
the member* of the national executive
iuard of the V. »V W. of A * ' —
Cher. John FAhy. Hrnp

pmmWf* buHne*. a# a mwier plum^
without nra- aecuring a Uoenae «a roouirsd be the state lAWi
a deputy collector at Saglaaw.
Cblcsgo7 Jaa. 9.—Tk* meetlag at tbe parting'shot a* a government oiBclaL
NaUoaal Firemen-* ■ aasocUllon wmi- be Indicts rongreaa. Jvll at
concluded yesterday with the eiaetjoa and th* guventment.______
of the fallowing offlc^: PresIdeaL T.
piwaueat was choaea from e^ f"-



Tbatebse Citt, HioHm Svt. 24.1897.
From experienoej find that Mr. Dockeray isAUe to-gire hia stu.
.. rimed Mine Worker* of America dento the benefit of an actual experience in bnainesa.
John MllchriU vlo* prtrideaL Vallel
He is piictxcal and thoiongb in all his woik. I hare accomplishMlreWorkers to America. W.C.Pearee.
Mine ed much more at bis acdtool than I- ever did, in the aame time at any
Workers of America.
other achooL 'I am more than aatiafied with what-I bare aooompliah -

id in tbe p*st yegu oixder kin L
; Platt of New
York, pewell. WeUInglon and WeUnorr
-Nays—Allen. Bacon. Bate. Berry.
Cannon. Carter. Chandler. Chilton.
CUrk. Clay. Cockrell, Daniel. Grafo
Harria Reltfeid. Joaea of
Arknasas. Kenney. Kyle. Lindsay. HcBaerr. McLaurln. UalkirT. Mantle. MarUa. KlUa aotobell. Maaty. Mnrgaa.
Ifi tha arsolng th* contast vga con- Murphy. Nelson. Faseo. ^tkUw. Peuigm. Pattua. Pritchard.'Quay. Raw»nA. Roac^ Bboup. Rmlth. Stewart. TelX TIUmsa. -Turasr. TMral*.
Whan tha votlqg btgaa K eriM erl-

asnatur* the opportnoity to
S(Mok ui»n Ihe subject under dlscusgfoa. The galleries were crowded
throughout tbe daj. aad sever*] of tbe
inalreri mid the duacuaaloo wa* but
fh* prwllmlnar} alignment of the great


daMrip Two Enginefi,
----- .----------„------ —dlading
Ret Woriw, OfiTTifigts And Saws. A emplete Saw Hill PUat
(or sale.

Chicago. Jan. to.-Tbs Ina Bar :
cUUoB at amfeUaebareyeaterdaFTOted
to hdraDM (ht Jtfoa 9t n


Any infomuition glh^ giveix by



Cor^rMsman Ceritn 8«eum th«
Moat ^luiona.
■E HAS lADE tl» m'LR HiPPT.

«*fktr paprtSi mor» elo»»!r U>*n U w
totMry. tor thex •«
»• b* weU
poMod oe t&e oUlu* of tbc »rBotott*l
flCbt. wUeli la vro<•^BC verx arBrin.


»UJor 0«Ber»l Nelooo A. «U»». oeolof
niB>ur cntoral oonimandinc'tfhF «rtny
of tb« fniiod
bOfora lb* bouor comtniiiM A> opprothat tommitto.

Pofhapi H« Can Tall tlM TrUi
inwardnoM of That Ohio

ou«bt! ■

■ —


n. *4^

— •—


Ever Bonad Ontt

Attoraafg at Uw.
npUod thu-thU wu'all »onMoa»-tto(
b« bad alraadr oMunO tour votn at
as avcrax* of kU« «uh. asd aootter
for MM.
Bon* tboa aald hr would,
Mr* Tt.M» tUM at that Urn* aod I1.7M
the seat day. upon amva: at Columbna.
CalBpbrU aald to Bojreo: “What do
u araal Otis to do If r
I aeeepledr' Boyce replied that b»
would want him to write a letter to the
preaidefit to the effert that he would
vote for Hanna. Boyce than wrote a
telegram, directed to PresMeaf McKlnley. and resdUig; Tor ibc best Inter>r Ohio
0 a
and______Republican party
vote tor M. A. Hanna
for senator 'for tbe abort and . long
terms ' This trlegratti Campbell waa
to BDlUBit to <u a and If the latter ac­
cepted the proi'. sitlee he was tb sign
It and the teleacram to be returned to
Boyce, who was to forward It to the
prvsldeni. Campiiell careled tbe tele­
gram away with him and abowed It to
Jared.-Bllaa. who volunteered to copy
the telegram and sign OtU pame to u.
which waa done.
At the next meeting tbe ulegram. or
tather a copy of It. was Mtown to Boyce
and be was loM that Oils had flaally
eensented and that there waa
gram.' Campbell aald to Boyce: "Tou




O.P. OARVXa. A«Mrt.

mim wimsaB AisHEiiD, J,"”.
t Wsatbor dT Tba^ toaM* the OW*|
Irpikllf Vmmttn wMh the CrebM-!

I stMIshMsa ;f~* ODOuah nur fortlAcatlons r00Ut*>
or rtiiHiai , ---------------j < to supply such mins as ai* ooa Id poai>
dlarruil a Ttr» McA Mml.
I tlpa. Hr said thai.ths big riflsd canAIg-r»itlar,rgaW,*U«.
ronrr-» Moar.x F<Wt WashWashlorton.





. a total «r n» praaloBs lor hla sonaut
asms: thna distanciag rvsn Cengrsss'
nao ftatn Bmlth. drbo is ao indsfatigatit aurfcar In that tauss. Thus <11
aouls ars mads fiappy. and all of ^Ir
rejolpsd: bat
that is not ali «-f it. Thsr* ar« up'
•r f.uM old Boidisra In Dstrott who
.Bprlylnc for praaioas: aad alt of thorn
' ar* mad as hometa hsoauae Ibclr psa>
aions ar* not alloa-od. Tbs *on|^msB In sarlouB Dortbom stato* ar*
Andtng put. to thslr regret, that tbto
penaloD-gottlng Is dke a two-edged
•srard. rutting beib ways.
Charles Moore, who recentip went to
Detroit OB bualnesa for Bcaaior MehltlUn. has been at hla desk again this
week id the room of the onumlttee onthe District of Oolumbla: and there, as
the cudfldeiillBl political aod bualhesa
*e<r*ury of Senator McMillan, be baa
transacted a great deal of buaineaa. al­
ways having time, however, to receive
Michigan visitor*, and-alwav* taking
time and some trouble to uri>mniodaie
tbr newivatherer*. He I* a prrtly good
nsKspaiwr man himself


r'forelgn power, could steatn
' ty guna aaeend the Po
jid with shot and abell
destroy the capitnl building In which
there baa been recebtly ao much bloodcbiraty talk of war with Spain on ac­
count of Cube.
General Mile*. In response to Inquir­
ies by members of the ct.mtnitiee. aald
that, while he as heartily sympathiser
with the auRerlng Cn>»M •»
la this eoutnry. he also aympathlae*
with the pedple of Ibis republic too
much 10 lead them Into a war which
jr great tollbring great Buffering '
because of
maaaes. He aald
1*1 defenaea.
eondllloB of our
, Prmlthan1 for any other
deni McKinley has pursued a,50na«rva.
oourue. for wblcb he has been un­

Columbua. O. Jan. O.-The two aur
wltpeaaeo In Ihe alleged aenatorlal
bribery lovreugailoo were eiamtited by

They are Reprereniatlvr J. C

Otlr. of Hamlltyn covaty, who claims to
b»ve bMB offered a bribe to you for
Senator Banna, and Thomas C. Camphell, attomey. «bo acted aa the legal
repreneatatlve of G»»a. There was noth­
ing in tbe tesUmoBy of either wllneaa
t<- even tndlcale that Senator Hanna.
Major Dirk or Major Ratbboae bad any

whom it la claimed the alleged negoUa. I counted o
Camffb#ll aald
tinni were cundweteA. In fart. Attorney!
CampbelL who had come all Ihe way j
Iready gol IhWO.
from New York to teallfj. took occa- I and
..... ^la makes
the fi.TM." CampbeU
Hob to say he did not believe Hi
•• {houghi the I1.0M
IntPTvated In or knew Boyce. More- jay fee." Boyce replied that be coaW
over. Bo>ce himself had derlar..d to
^,ve more at that time, aa be
Campbell that he did noi know Hanna.
^nt let it coat him more »>>... gj,.
and that If hla personal wishes' were m ^ jp,, jib,,. euh.,ugh otu waa l<
consulled he w..uld prefer P. a«e him j
Hanna was Hect
. rd.
When Otis girsi Hear* wtiuree. *
Campbell then dnoaBded a receipt,
camplwit predueed a roll . f bills In which Boyce did not care to give, aldenomlnatlons of tlw and <bi. aggre- though a receipt was Arnlly written for
gating U.TSO. whh-h he claimed Hoyre [ Ihe tl.7» already paid, and tbe gddl.
had paid him during the negoUatlons: |-tlonal I1.7M that *taa to be f«ld or
Campbell said tlmt If B..yce returned to reaching Columbua Tbe plan was that
HamllUui county he would be glad to ; Camplwll and Boy.* and Otla were treiufn the money; otherwise he would ■ meet tbe next moniint at > oVloek and
- • pushing a salt for dam- --------- 10 Columbua Bo><e did noi abo*

against a Columbua paper. Bepr*.
i arnutlve this testified that he bad met requeat. produced the tl.TH
, Henry Harrison Boyce In Clnciniisti. claimed Boyce ted paid to him.

duly criticised.
party MIIHms iar CMt Pafcasss,
The general commanding our army
urifaer stated tha
ready been expended .
eountryi but that there must
BUKepwisIlMt* HwlBasl.
yet lie expended tM.OOO.tW or more In
It Is .^nefaily agn-ed dtnung Oorer- order to make our country secure from
aor Fingree's enemlrw here that tbs danger of attack He aald that, count­
niciloD on ibc Boor or tbs bouse of rep- ing the Canadian. Mexican aad Gulf
reaenUlive* ^iwnen
Congressmen bunndarle* of this repiibllc. at well ar
BruckVr and bishop did llngree'nu the Atlantic and PaclOc coast boundar.
. lutrTB. and that most likely It did him lea. we hav* nearly IO.OW mile* Of
Mine gbOd. It demonstrated that big boundary to defend, and that Is equlvareputatUnr is natlitnal. not conllited by lenr to more than one-tblrd of the dls...... .............Unee around the
linOI the bonndao' lines and sea
Sire attracting attention.
of vur eouatry are
By the way, Congremmaa BhlHier
Ion for actual hosllll- llrai on (he evening of Jan. 1 last.
baa publicly declared that he U for free placed li
-About 11 6viok OB the morning of that
foolish, becaure dan
attver mlnage at the ratto of sixteen to tie*. It «
one. That is-the war the Democratic geroua for thia country to run any risk day (Friday* he received a long dlaniloB from any n
. tanre telephone memagr from
band wagon la labeled, and Brurker la of wi
Great Boutberif hotel In Colum­
OB that wagon, as one of the star
McKinley In hla annual message stated bus, who said be was General Boyce:
•engera. being now a member of
from New York
that be would take no action in (Mban that be had

Congnasman tV’llllam Alden Borttb
nys: "1 am not In favor of war at tills
tline. The committee cm foreign affairs,
of wfakA I am a member, doee not favor
war at this time. All of
s in Cuba
we ought nw therefore to
pared iku> b
•hich wodtd email
auffertng upon
people. 8ympulhy. like chanty, begtnt at home.
y With twha.
The congri-sgpia ii from Grand Rapids
la as thotrcugbly l n sympachy
guffering Cubans
tongreas. and as ready for warlike op­
erations tn their bepalf; bul he la wise
enough to know ihai the opi>nrlune
Ume ba* not come, iipeaker Reed depeaded mainly upon the Mtchlgae roan
to aid hlQ) recently la his eRorls
aupprcai the wairing factions In :
house of lepTvsentatlvre.. many
bom desired lOnllnt with »j>ain at al’


PtorpMt Hergso-llad Mowey S* Bay
Txre' ire aeis;s >rere* and Parpsii
ghwtas TbM by Two hi ii i niiaew

mgtoB. and Ftort Foots at* as hanalsts


President McKinley has made more
perwiins' appointment* thin any pi*«<'
dgni has made for s»ine time
Maat surprised the .ountry. and par­
ticularly the Icwa senators, by appolatInt a per*onal /rleed in loss u> be <jl. recier of ihc roin: He ha* made three
petsonal Bpi •iiilmenu in- MUbigan
I^lrerhe spiwiDied Dr. Angell minister
to Turkvyi ■'.•t he ap|>6loied James H.
Scone, to be apprala-r: and now Mark
Brewer la <lvil seivice eommisaJ
The Iasi named gentleman la in ofnee


r gore Mreealr laM. Calsa Masag.

ImporUiit to Pnpotj Bolderil* ^



6rut SipMi t Iidliu LI TsIephnaaTl.




, W

y-tgoodbackkoHr Istbt 0|------on. 4 roo* boy* tor work os ftp sad rat

j^OiT-qresnU^ emnla^CT




prot* to te i uTi

eral Algrr
weak, and nut rrepundlog to medics’ :
treatmrnl a* hi* f*,mlly M boped he
would When h. am bc^n to «nva.
lew*. They apprehend thm-tewlll be a
long Urn* before be resaIn* hl^oatural

Among the rramlnem ^loiWtto the
rapitui building during (b* paH *eek
were Judge Jay A. Hubbell. ex-8t*te
Fenalor F..x of Mayvllle. who Is
ing after some tx^iomre# In hi* coonly: ;
T*i Rannry of Ijinolng. who went to '
New York wUh hi* wife, who tea gone
Oh a trip to the Medltemaean sea; A
0.'Bfm< nt Qf Lansing. « ho la going ou
a tour of Europe, and Judge Crosby Of
Harbor Bpiiogs. who camt here to Bght
tbe copflrmalton of Deuel aa poauna*-


• rtfl
the creditor

be prepaid to protect themaelvea
yen '«» negrv** of Lonoke county
kill about-twaDry-nv* et tbeac lawlasa
white men." said be. "the outragM
agalnai the negroes will stop " A .white
man of Lonoke recenUy shot and In­
stantly killed a negro aad was prompt­
ly scqultled by a Justice bt tbe pesos.

Thd C8l8bnt8& SpbeUUiU,


*%J5fpra^^«>^teMd*, PswHt aaA
5^ rertreareUtea-aareidOpa.
mom WOOD 0.>.A-.0resdgialla

Chicago —
West Michigan.

Tbateb8E Crrr, BtifS.

FRIDAT, FEBRUm till. 1838.
One Dnr Only Bn^ Xontb.

Ooii8BltBOo& Bud EmilinBtlon Free and Strictly

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

DRS. B. S. (& CO.



If Yt>q Do. Try The Want Department

1 anoAlgea*.
B BATSB. QreatJPeai

unnm in nmiuini li

Hotel Whiting

Lock Box 160.

U. tere.


.Money to 1-oan

Klnl. y. but that he would take no part
furthering the raimretlunCif the
Dn.has.aoo aerelethsUaltastloBU
at tb, Ks». 1^, Three*
;“J„" ,reify of annexailon ^e,dt,-..
„neiilMied vtaltor ha* done pr»ct*Hy aa ' Subjecu and wh*n naked
^ ,nn„unced he would do
L'poifbi* in New York be lived Boyce aaM Ml.
arrival In Washington he was escorted VSn>i-n During th«' conversation Boyc*
railroad dept^t
ept^t to apartnwni*
apartntenis said be hnd a strong and loving
-log regard
Very soon
presideut. Otla Onally left
Of the rolled .
and Campbell thro asked Hoyc*

Iv what
whmi be
ti> hanteA
a>nl«a. Boyc
Rnere nnallv
of Haw aii. Tbe
ws* boih ‘ said
aald hr had come to help Haw
brief aod formal. Afterward* President election. Campbell mid to him: "I
White House to pay you md eom-- from the preHdenl."
Whirl ..................................................
rreq>e<ta to tb* prsaldeni ot
United Fiatew, ,
........ ................
- - ...
exchange of (ormallUre «C this for hi* rt.t* aad admiiied \hat that
pure. Tape
ha* he
been cuatomary for muy the proposition he ted
laracler baa
I attract—
b ,
years, and ordinarily wot.-----------------............... .......... .......................
little alienUon. Tbe iHw*pnprrs are i Buyee OU* would
not IMcn to the *‘'arV« will aieererelBl anretteH dtBeeh eeare ssS ■« ttm
toi^^^fSasgtS&iag Me ireatwret will M«a«« *»■» **««
dally fiUad with thi goings and c. alngi I prupualUun.
of PreHdsni Dolt,
__ _________already ted 74 rote# wi'tboat
knows the oecnaion
Urosle t4- Lane. . Campbell repljed
great coneequerree* which are t
*Tten you are doing this .oat of the
from hi* presence lo Washlngtuu.
goodnres ot your heart, a* 74 voles are
A leading member ot tbe aeaatr e
enough to cint a senator In OhloT'
mittee on (ortlgn relations. In tbe
Boyce replthd ye*, but that he wanted
re eorrespofrdent o( to show what be oould do.' and bealdes
ther* mlcht be a dilA and be wanted
thl* paper “There
PrsHdent Dole aad to gat the vote* of OU* and Dcosu and
Boyce further said that b*
Id order that they, Lane.

fact that _
. the coaCract for fumiahint tha gorsmment printing cSloe with a iatge
amount of auppUes for tb» conMng
year. The senator's loflueacc was axerted to a good eSecL
Just before hla conOmmUon to be as­
McKenna-highly complimented M. a
Burch of Grand Rapids by selecting
a spaclal sttomey tor th* may act In ftartnony when thousana of
men over, and would give him 4L..........., mile* apart. There ta no cable between
Booth ithta country and'Hooolula. If lb* pend- M«. Campbell repUdd that he bad no
treaty abenld not be rwOBed. objecuon to getiing tl.dN. but be did
Dakota^ lor tevtng taken upwards of log
not think he coi^.ace^^^ propOsi.
4l.OH.OM worth of tiabsr Crom pubUe President Dole U Ukeiy to taka some ac­
rreervatlona. tn viplaOcn of Uar. The tion which win warrant tbe comman­
plnalD R<T<P polled .but a lann «B'
mining company ba* eavlOTad the bast der of one «d our naval ecsselg is runri TSiope and cfucted out what be atid
Pbtainabtt legal talaat. and naare bat a nlng up tb* star* aad auipea In Pearl
.» I waa n.on> and passed it over find aald
good lawyer could tees baea galectsd to harbor, to protect our Inteiesta That i
-Here U «1.00B- - Campbell replied: “No.
would sstU* tb* saattsr- Under tha
repr-artit tb*
ttere is only >MM.“ Boyce apologised
The dallr mail from MlMdgaa Is «a- McKInler
- ratloa
tand tended over OM more. Oatnpbell
gerly received by ear senator* and tup.
than pul
poAst. Later be
They ar* rsading the





" HoUenb-ck. or
Major Bsthisme.

,, ; that llnyre did fwt pnwlalni that be
all ;
^ ^

Cample-ll'a testimony wa* largely a



r^-sisr tsa -


Me* .1 bankruptcy
.connecUon -with ttw
ITreble-t ll-te-rna-rei. '
. | Better.
President Dole M Ibr Republic of BaCaMPBEU.W BTORT IK DktAn.
rali«»o>e tc Washington last week aod
|smfi>m>ed a rol»**biii of great national


ti^ssi' rgaa-ir-saviy as-

,-bWt CMreu*o(That BoUlwtck.


I debtor as well a*


Wallas |....

■A.sit.ijr'rgs.s' 'h.T'




HHadlsg'tmu»a%* easr terau le r^l psw

UtHc Rock. Arte Jan. M.—Trouble
between the blacksvaod tbe whites to
t-onoke county la apprehended wblcb
affairs which would not meet with tha * and wished
when once started may oatiival anyapproval of tbe 'whole dvlllaed world
| buslaesa. Otla told him
d In tbe sooth
ClnclBBatl he could see i thing of tbe k
moat perstsient fighting ' would come
r Lonoke aevtbe bouse of represeata- j him. Betwe
negroa* bave'iswn klUsd by whllM
the Gibson Hougc and
tlvm. who waht tn engage
aad otbars bare been drtvea away. Nowar with Rpato. have recently been in- room. No. IS*
Ucea bessing date of Jan. tl have bean
formed at the w»r department, aad at
Ucked on the door Af nearly every
WaHtlnglon realdencea. by Gen­
He mat |V>yor..and the latter aald to
VeeSnahOs. tO-tf
eral Miles, .that If wc ateuld have war him that thou^ be was a Hranger td negro of the town of 'l^moke. and on
with any country before adequate pro- Oil* be wished to see him Oh very lih•. o
. every
. negro
vtahio la made for our coast defeases. portanl bualneas; that be reprreented try.
be waien. humiliated and J. Rierpont M<*gan. of New York: that ty to leave Loredee wlUUa thirty days
poaHbly partllioord. as the great em­ Monran had great latereet* In Ohio and never come back, ihrwaienlng to LawberO*. StMl
pire of China warn, after g.rfng unpre- wbKh he desired to have l<«>ked after, kill iboae who rentaln. The noucea are : A Good raaii ter tma* ,i
ired imn a war wlpi Japan. We and that be was also a frleod of C. C not signed, but are adorned with akuU
might and the Spaniards to be aome- Shane, of .Sew York. During the o«b- and cress bonus. NbUces bare also been
posted OB the doom of negro *cbp»l
thing like the Japanese, of whoj^ a I relation
iiotiai mail** ass
house* warning the teacher* to close
J. g OrwtUckCo. Ha-4f
ipaper parwgrapher aald: "They i<,uched upon
.mly forty million peonle. bul they Hanna'* rhanve*.
. laU I
the negroes have avowed
fight like sixty."
think them *•>*]. Uoy<«
ikreCa. I
Trwrerre CSty Lktsl
their puri«>s» of remaining in tbeir
borne* and defending them witb the
n.ui.ii w
.. ------ --1 ituiowing njgn. cnaiw »*» to ns'r an
cost of (heir lives If nrerasarv. One
the pending bankrul.i. y bill will be^ • lorervirw with President MrKIr.ley;
fore the house for contidersUon.. This
nreHdem and Shane wvre
'advised the colored men of I
tnessure U called the "Henderson bill." loirrreled In

for the reason that II ba# been forma- pp<.i,||> ,h,
Uted In the committee oo Judiciary, of
did nut ear* who waa Heeled.
which committee Colonel
— -B
After felling Oil* a 'number of other
All bills of imllonal B,orte» after the name fashion they aepIrrportance are given the tmme of the ,r*i.d ulih the understanding that anehalrman of the commlltee In which
mretlrg would be held the folloalliey orlglnale. Beexuse of ibelr chklr- lag afternoon. Katurday. at : o'clock.
raanshtpa of the committee on wsy* and
mexna tbe Uiift Wllx were named die
Then II wa* that Otis decided that be
Morrison bill, the Mill* btU, the Mc­
needed a lawyer and went to see Camp­
Kinley bllL and Ihe DIngley bill. Jte
A meeting took tdacr tbe next
HetidenH-n bankruptry bill U a meas­
afternoon at the GIbaon H«u*e.. The
ure In which an of the people of the
conversation wa* largely along the
twrlhweirt are parllculsrly lnler**led.
same line as at the pr*<*dlng tneellng.
The fortheming number of a m. nihly
Finally Royre and rampWII were In­
t |i*|s-is that t>|wsker Reed
troduced and moot «f the busints* afi-t
thai w-a* tranaacied between them..RenPot
t iwrmit
the passage of a river and
alor Oameld ertire-rxaralned the wlibatlen spptuptlalPin bill. The speaker
r signature of l
nesa Otis admitted ttel he had made
’ tuid y.iur*ci.rtesp<mdeni loda> Ih
thl* pai»r In Itel *ken h fulunel Henbad sulhorlxed no aurh report.
BO special <-fidvavor tn Bnd nui ahu
derrc'ti I* ch*rpci. Tlx.-<l a* "a comptet*
Royce waa H<- had Aot been Introduced
•ays: •! have suggested that the hill btrinity «f the polltlrlnn. statesman, and
inade as ainall as posatPle. but 1 have
Ourlng the
r.ol intimated a.iy dlip-eiiloo to ptwefii
JearriiUlon of the Tows
iple were
It* psersEC-''
tV-ltlM. sod fret.
TOtla said that n-rthing
Kearly every,day during

prulesta fiom every secllon of the a
ashinsl (r>'e iielKl distribution Alt •
th-*e d'Kunnma have been Bled wli
the proiwi rommbteea.
Cmvufuglnx n-itorta are dally give
cohternlug Ihe condition of General A

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.


Retarns are Quick Becanac Everybody Reads the RetM>rd.

lIBSWclscka m.



oas Abraham Uaeoln: tbess abaO bs
btrt one Qrorer Clevrtaad."
W<A>»ra-» ratbsh as 1 sald^rii ahoot.
Inc docks and HtIbe oa tke aalarr he
savad while la the White Boiaa Tbom.
as r. Bayard, wbo waa his saeretarr of
state, la leadlnr a paacatBL wholly rs.
tiled life IB Wllmltiatoa. M,.
' '
told me tbs other day that be s .
of poUUea.- Whitney, sectetary of the
naTf. wbo spent a fortune entertain.
Iny in the fljwt aeveland admlautrmUoB. to busy spendtBy another
'■coualrr estatss-* and other Enj
tads and in maklna money oot of street
railway rraocblssa. He backed Tarnmany Hall with his money ta tbe last
campolKo. tboush be bad not the oourarc to support the Tammany ttdwt
with bis vote. Whitney to oat of publie
life as far as a monsy maker with a big
tortnne can be when his money maUnc
to allied with poUtlcs and tranctaltes.
FalrebUd, who was pseretarr of the
•oasary. baa became a fssbie Mupwvtnp. wbo shifts kls alleslance w|tb
I the
politick! rowliw ar« tn'lns to but the want of pubUe attentloa. the
that bs
btd an ogcupaUoD for Senator HIU, absence of applaose. hurts the man wbo
and propcA that this enUneat Detae- has been In public
-Jlc service
«>«t ahaU te reiunw^ to Ua bouae of
K should be said that bS
u ooe of tbe justice to
rspraaantatlvta. since at pcwta
r with tbe promptnem
.uentlon aftsr did :
annate has baen cloaed a«alsat him.
msrhsd tbs
' ' u O. Car. buf-^en be
and. to make tbe next concreai sUU
Usle totciy.
more notable, they propose that WIU
Oariand. tbs aitomey yenetal. bas
Ham J. Biran'ahould stand a«aiB for
). where once be «
« of tbe tbi
became an ubscore Washlnytoo actor.
his old district. Mr. Brrao has put a
ney. Dlcklaaon, tbe posfnmsler teller,
arc tbe men wbo
al. kepi himself afloat pollUcally
SI4CUOUS In Wasbtncton when be was tbrouyti the assistsnee of Hr. Cleve­
there before?
land from tm to 1R>7. but today be to
Grover deveUnd. chief amons tbem. abnost without pulltlpal standloy In tbe
a candidate for U fauntinr ducks with Jersey farmers state of Michlyan. runs y«i
I for preal. and dandllnc little Richard In hla' arms. asaate for a term, but be to prai tlciny
. near lost nr And. by tbe way. t must tell you a law now and to balf foryotten already.
admirable part of hU tat story aboot Rickard sad why he was Kndlcnit. secretary of war. raiyhi bare
noi called Ororer. Pour years a«o. cone Into a hole In the yround somedlvlduallly threusb fear of saylnc
4olBK aometblns that would Injure bis when Richard was only a bops, soma wbsru tor an that Is aver beard of him.
abancoa. Hr. Brjan to looUnr forward

Famous Politicians
In Private Life.

Bttsd was that be was not to open Me
mouth durtay the rampalm. Bs
ls(d not ta ynd be broke (be p
inly sntvUi Braokly*. Bnt tbs enlraar.
I dlaarr cbaracter of that pcTfntminrs
lean be appreciated oaly by^ oay irbo
knows bow yarnlloas Hr. Plewcr ordl! narlly to.
Hs Bveo aa a (arm to Haasaebaaetts ; t sat In tbe tobby sf Uto Wladaor boaad sapertotanda ths (arm work la par.'tel. New Tort, «vie alybt with '
1 wbo knew Ooveranr I
r w«n. Hr.Tbs forma and tbs small towns, as PWwrr joined as and b^n
well as tbe etttos. are weU popatotsd i about certain Incldefits to piiUtleaJ htowltk "baa bssas‘'-.airt ones cansplcn.ltofy. My fiiead Hstensd and et»efci.s

David R MU Among His Law Books,
John J, IngaUs* as. a Reporter,
\ Morrison, Bry^ Qeveland


hto hands t keep broker t nd Hurphy
___ __ _
bis dlmln.
HblnK authority In tbe Democrallc par­
ty. and the place to make that tlshi to
not tn WashliuRon. where he would be
only one of a My delecatlen of K<
Torh conyrrasmen. but In New Tcrit.
One other dlstlar—---------

reatloa of UK
................ ................
tbe ball with .tbe tacos of dasl! Dsasae
(Tht* the local cemmittse bad tocIndsP
a portrait of Alton G. Tknrwtoa. tha
noble -Oid Roman.- who had boom
Clevetond-s runolMf mats foar yaatp
bt^ore. home one to the oOce of on*
»f tbe proas ssatwisftons dootorad wb««
•w a Usi of tbe dMwailoas that
Thurman was nut dead. A -dlto<W
arooe. Bocae of tbe beat ti
IbsK be was dead. A man inuT^Mlt
aroind to the ruceas of amne of tbe dsto
eyatkms to seille tbe dlspeU. He (wwl4 «
to eetUe Saslly tbe fact that Mr. Ihaiw
man a as t-rry macb ahve.
Four years after Alton Tbarman bap
been a candidate for tbe etoe priaUih
nr be aas dead to most of the pseplp
of the railed Blatra
Bo may Bin be If tl
of th'e Democracy of Oafl
sute ef New T.-Of*.

otto to poUUral life who bare disappear,
sd frmn the publir eye as completely
as tbouyh they had never been heard*

.A WoodoU Wo*

tLk*toms5Tdnallr o«*o?^U^hM
le tvtnarkabto task to now m |
been a very tame, aplnterewtlay flyare. i
Tou have net feryottsa bow Hayes and !
^s -cblekra farm- were objects of some 'When j|r. Itower -,-t away, bs aaM
me: - For bSaveas sake don't qnets
D tb« American people years
what newer said: He had no rlyht t«
slBoe bis death. Arthur was a ybeat
depth by tbs f^nh.
of yreaineos In ibe abort tube fttot f
elapaed between, tbe Hose of HU derm
At pressat tbe depth of •.»# foot t
and his death; and hto friends said
been ruaebrd. aad do obstractlpn t
died of a broEen heart becauae intvHor under Clevoland
met wbick (
of bto fvUremenl from public life
Grant and Btotoe were two men wbo
eould retire from aeUO public life and
sun ktsp jbeir bold on tbe intsreat and
- iloos of U e people. They bad no
when be left bto seal ta tbe I'nlicd
States senate? He became a yreM law.
but aa a poUttral ouaatity ^ was
■ by mro. R*bere to WllM. Kvarts. ones secretary of stole
and senator from New York, one of
tbe braJnieii mea that ever sal to con.
He-spends bis Urae between bto
city home In New York aad bis fsrm to broken to health, tbouyh
mentoUy unchanyed But ao one to­
day asks hto optolons of public onesThey ceased to be of incereot
I as be left tbe-senstc. AbraM
R Hewitt, another dlkUayntohed New
Yorker, narses his dyspepsia and

•dmlttsd tie thi ......................
•anU)'. He said on tbe day he aw»«4
(or admission thare that he was yolny
Waterloo, Ills_
a tbe pract Ire of law. Some
> I aslM Colonel Morrison
Urby be did not return to conyreas. He
answered that be would be utlliny to
aerre In the bouse aysln It he could be
elected for a loayer term than two
years, but the two year term be bad to
devote alternately to work In ^he bouse
and campalynlny lb hla district, so be
had no lime for any other ocf'Upetlon.
U Colonel Morrtson determines not to
[I settle very
naturally Into the Ufe c
for be has-always kept Its assodatMto
alive and visited It at least once a year.
Btm It to hard for anj- man who has
bsen so arllve in pnbllc life to drop Into
tks comparative eUynatlon of law prac­
tise In a counirr town. That to the rea­
son so many old men hold on to public

> (be papers. I
to an torwnslderabto factor la local
national affairs.
I F. .Flower to not wbotly a
iber. because Roswell P. Flow,
of (he few ricb men who ara

lllfi pd/ll
one asked Mrw Cleveland U she wqptd
r from offlceholdiny. It Is
call her iSiut son Qiwm-.
saly ths loa of accustomed acttoltles
".Vo." she replWd. -There was but
that Is trylny to u spirit siiU vlyorons. one Osorys -WashlaytoB. there was but

Wonders of the Heavens as Seen From the
Big Lowell Observatory Near the
Town of R^afL


y« tots rstlre
nor Is to hto ~^Tti^~invB.~^ ip
Jobn W. Hahie. and oauMs Oto to#
cearts In Pt. Loals be to novsr baard A
Farcbse west thme la not so mnep pte
micai dead wood, because Che luiMUr
to youfiy. but down to Hsatoa M a ma»
named Ross wbo was once a sec
of tbe roiled fltates and whs t
Ms political career by veUay ay
tbe Impearfameat of Andy Jakaosh.
last Umr I heard of blm bawas.o
Inc type In s oswapaper oAce. aM
worW would vhavc foecotieo bto'e
ence eaUrSly if the remlntorant nrwne ■
paper correspondent did noi Oao to MM
a yood sabj^ for a 1
cilne of human yreatness
Tbe beat illusiraUon tl
Bder my noClec sbowlm

Flower bad ths-Jvn or tblaklny himelf a prestdenttol candidate In IQI and
be boour of belay elected yovernor at
It’ll York, and that is quiie enonyh to
Msea his purse auinys at aay time
Van Wyck<s sitont campalya for may.
s a day to toistoess
Of of New York was not neariy so in. | fairs- You seMom
an sse hto ahme ta
terrstiny as Flower's dumb ranram for newspapers. He has
yoveiw. Van Wyck wanted to keep public life comptotoly.ior a '
Still. Flower wsatsd t<> lalk. But tbe Hr. Prmnels will be beard of
condlilua oe which 1
IS aoml. IsI too
b ymmy and too acUrs a t

above the toad: In this cooneethm an
Interraltoy pasaibUttr Is preaeaisd by
Flaystaff obsrrvera. not. howerer.
i sdenUflc hypotbeato, bul rather as
a fancy that has seme loylc behind It—
namely, that Han to laryely and anff

tlnn oflilnary stars. Hts Invcwtlyatlons.
which hsvc been mainly In (he souibcm
relemtol hMnispherv. Kavt embraced
ovvr U.M» siars. Of the l.jss platted by
blm as (louldr stars over tM are of
personal dlscoverr. Handreda of ihese
binary starp-.(n^ pr.lnu to the beat
COB to (be unaided eye—tahve been found
to circle one aboot the other and bolh
about a common center, and Profe^iif
Bee-bas sprm lony aiytats sod days
calcutoiiny ibe orMts and rvtotfve a
UOBS of many of them- cunous bsavenly
orbs, in this Interesttoy work i
becomlay ronnecied with the Lowell observainry be has been yreatiy aided by
D suspended, but win be ro- tbe totltude of his station at Ftoystaff.
1 1W7. when the ptonet wlB for It Is the farthest south of all the
ne tots favorable posklon.
BKwt Important astroaomlcal stations of
IB tbe summer of UM that tbe tbe wor«. those few below tbe eqa
belay mainly sqbippsd for pbetoyraphlc
Thas It has bapprted tbai bto

Bee bu told tbe world leoded far Into tbe blue depths, with rs.
twtokls. but the world {suits as important to science as aay
why tbe
BOW has Us eyes focassd on tbe hlyb ever secured. The Martian canals of
altitudes of'Bortbsra Artooas. Why? Sahtsjiarvm. dlscot'ered to ITT. ware PM
Because there to locatsd the Lowell ob- only demonstrated by the Lowell'ob.
aervatoQ-. and It was tbrouyb s H inch servaiory at Flaystaff to itM. but wore
Alv-an Clark
that Prafessor T.J. J. measured and (belt duplicallon estab-,
Tel Holden of th?--Uck obace. the aairoaoroer in diar«e. dosed, llshed
observed spd recorded the etberle vl. servat.iri- bad rtdlbuied the claim of
bratlons that lasplred tbs w^d re tbelr exlst'-nco. Professor Duuytoaa, at
Bowned auUivr of "Twlahla TWrlBkle. Areauipa. l-era. to ittt was the nnit
Uttlv Star," to slay bis swssUj^toby. server to find tbe canals In the dsrfc^i-'^
ed portion of Mafa The work of Hsp-.
Tbe teiesc'.pe to now moaatsd
tton exploration was continued at Ptoc*.
AurayUt of a pine ylrt hlU.
Tomorrow or next da>- tbs tons tiiay staff under exceptionally favoratie coobs somswbere else, fur Flaystaff Is not ditlons. Tbe inowcap at the iitaoet's
Its psrmanrnt suUon. The LowsU ob* south pole a-as observed as It yrdw
toryer. then remained at a certain
ssrvatory has no lUed residence,
ests at
day It nets
r,«« feet in an atmosphere clearer a
parar tbaa any a
rt.the I
pole south
soul wart.
Tbe LoweU observers believe that
width pt tbe MarttoB canals (about
miles), their rvcutority aad tbe <
doubted searcliy at amtoture to tbs
_____ FTom Peruvian mountain tops
win rstorn la a year or so to Anxoaa.
tboogb piwbably ant to Flaystaff. A
potot (arUtpr soatb alU boubuets U
cboasa. wbeiv the wind movement 1s
- less tbaa apoa tbe hilltop amuoy tbe
plots aad wbstv tbs wlatir skies sre
less cold aad mors asrapc. li to an
Itinerant observatorr. bat this fact bas
-ylven It advaatoys la maay ways su­
perior to tbeae. of tbs resutor astro­
nomical statloas.
lu esiabltohmeat la UM was due to
tbe reneroslty .'aad astroiMmlc*l tastss
of Perdvitl Lowell, a yraadsoa of tbe
founder u( Harvard lastjtiite aad «
yraduate of Harvard ooUsyu Of tbe
class oNtt. WKh ample fortaae at hto
eeramand. bt secured an exesUeat class
sd U laches aperture, and wltb the as•totaa.e of A. E. Douytom. a youay mospherv of tbe ptoM a* naetent
from Ibe T7a»s4^ty~ar Cbleaco, oearehln a amony tbs Mara-tbroadh A>
Harvard asironomer aad former as- proof it>at the panals are pot Bltod tjfltb
deyress ftem tbe soatb poto—
waler. .The tbsory of---------- - -------- tie boadm. with tl
has ylven blm a jtold bUboru aknnaf
to also viewed by the ssarcbera with pUiosopby and
unexplored by asticoecnora wbo seek
disfavor. They believe tbe Miftws c< tbs Unlveiatty «
001 the hswu aad orWM of twlD twlaMon to be very flat, tbs oppaiM pro- ;flhlp to tbs Boy___ _____ ___________ _ fcleiw
jscUoBs foond opoa Its sartaes ^v. otXaytoad. Bto special stadr aad tbs
To Dr. Bss abd PrefMscf Dsoyiaas b»lay bsen shown la be merely shadows branch of ostrcmoaiy ta whicb bs bad iooffs tbs honor of answstlac the h»s warllka ptoast ro- (mm elotid msaots bai«tBy many mitos ' flHsInsd wMs ostobrtty w t>s if'i ■r as tn (bs oaaas of aur

a....,. V1.^2c .. .


•e wbeo tbe full d«tb M
any- two raltos from Us#
pan of the eanb on which tbs yra#yrowa Tlw Bkaft of tbe Red JarhsC
mine to MQbtyaa to said i be thra*
miles to leaytR bm. that ta
by no meabs iyfers t
shaft, but I o eor which. aftentoaktsH
>aad. branebes off to hsrt.

-iwjnklea.- and tbe akyUyht I
s aa apenorv at U lae^m. srftli
Flacsuff snil bavr blstortcal Impor- [a focal leflytfa of n feet and <
unce tbrouyb
comity ayes as the about 1 to panada. The Meaeupe <w
rouyb the comitay
which the conundnun -of an- ; of steel aad Its toon ptor of tbe r
in (bns.
The power of tbe ty>wrtl tHrsesps ta«
eyepiece of tbe telrwope sod x>a(altoc rladss
Ibe tabs at s brtybt star, oae sees a rude.
lumlooiis field
f a backyround. But ■ inches •
Id for
IS to aastsady and torscator of tbe a
patches. These are evidences of irrey-'
atorltku to the densHr. of tbe air proSea ShdiB That ExpiMfe.
dorwd by motion or by ebaayes to tJw
•eoiiieratuTe Aad these ribratorr moA coMfibutor to Tbe NatSoaal Dr^
iloas of the stmospbere cause a dto- ytot deuetibee tbe curlOBe pbeooaieM
turbanre of ibe Ilybt waves. Tbe atr to. Of explostve sew shells. He says: Walk,
unlike tbe watef, eapalde of
lay alony tbe beach on MobOe bay. a
iKit II mor he rippled by the broess; yuuoy woman. relative o' •
Id much tbe.same manner. And ibis' pi.ked up a handful
. abelto.
etbeftr rlppllay raases a breakaye laty | left by (be Ude. and am^ tl
them sey.
miuiy pleees• cOf tbe reflection scat by { ersi abells of a small m&bc
larffest of wrfalcb was pmbaMy
piecs belny a separate aad tolaute Imsye of the object at which the Meseope to trained. It to for this reasoa
them *nif her pocket and forthat tbssurvapactouitouatttpwothat
shcot them oatll several daps
is all bat tmpoa. ; afterward, when an aapicasaot odor la
her wartrobs attracted her atlsadsB ta
The ton (be leas the werae for tbe • them.
whiB there are Mptays | f« taktay them out of her poekot
yalrs (bat Hpple the etheric fluid or I seme fen on tbe floor, and to rwcoverBtolter. tor then tbe aamber of twin- lay them sbe ptoesd ber foot on oM.
Ues yalbered aad focused to yreatiy | Tbe ad was followed by an ixplatort.

to aoUcad quite sharp, and load iMtyk ts bo
beard all over the Boor oa srblrb bar
tbelr laryer
whereas Ibe liny liybt p»lM of a
eaoUy deflected '■ w
The shells were thea benaybt ts tbs
has not bsen limited to aay tpeclal writer, wbo oa examlaadon foond tbs
■toes of beavoaly research. Tbe obosr. awaitk of each flrmly clooed by a msmTBtioa of btoary stars baa. however, brase of yrswter or lens Tblrkinsa
bsen attendsd with yreat labor, caused ; formed by tbe drylay of tbs
rttofly by tbs aeceesJty for aa exceed- i slime. This had probahlr ecenrrsd
Jay nicety and acruracy of adjustment soon aftsr tWDoval
of the Immense lube, as cart member lot ibe beoch.And. tl
ef tbe I
It Into forta
had quite .fllM Its Intemsl
Throoyh (tic coldest of aiybta wttb- space. On exerttoy a urtie pnssgre by
ut a fire—for artlfleial srarmib woald Mocks or wood QoUs s toad exptosim
disturb (he -sselny^ qaallties of the
was pmdaesd. tbe feaymsaw of tbs
ben(-I>r^<Bee and Ur. Ciffiban. ■beU bstay thrown Mvsral tost, flabhto assUtaaL toy side by side, swathed aeqasBtly. oa trytay tbs aspsetmsnt.
to aveidtoU and Navajo btoaketa oat of a dean sbeOs only two (ajtod
watetainc for *'slyMa*' wfalsh were im. tOdkplods._________________
mediately lacerdsd. •w-e ylaas that aceompOBtos tbto perA New Solder.
IS of cambrtdyrpp,rl.
Praneto Wo^ard of Boyar Greet. Fa.
Alvas Clark *
Haas., and wsi
t tost ptoc* df wprk bas pateated a aoldsr arhleb raqatm do
-to opWiNtortne bo*, can
by the fa-----------------------------■ old teosmattor b*tors bto death. This ylaas took as -bs bsatsd by Ia toatab' or caMIs and
tototr. tto. eopTW aad
ptoea.ef aa It ta# Ism thro#k whtoh
_ of aU Ida#. Tbs BtKtSTS ook-'
tbs wtrt of tbs Btstovatory bad bssa
of se parts of toad sad On aad m
old telescope
tbe Am yaar.
T. sombtesd to Uqal«
to BOW at Flower ot
atory at tbs
aad allowrt to kkcdea.
DBlvmalty af PaMfly


>, , .rTM.DiWn;il,

*» a«Bs^»» wBo
iD AMte. Twple hiid «sproMl
T~«*T whm ht &ile* to "W^.
b r*i” vltt old ^ Bon» The
Ipe^ Ul«t>d<r oo«ld'Ul faeoak
ahthmity ae (jmt ae hieowBro«toenL But th«e w a loo* riap hrtww*
•nrlinem and mjdv. and dw <fld Wtbdhn oborch*omw««»ow*o«5»®»
tbe IjiitliehiiMo.
••G«Me! Vhy. eeeryho^y 'taowa
berideotbe dyinjM«*ni?*kkleoaily
bar.- wandered in hie mind. The pro-

Mtad «M Williame Aoald betuh^•(hlr tak«i U) the bam.
•'I doB’thee why 1 ahodW *a 'What
bare 1 pH to do with it?" pleaded lha
onfortonate man.
Ihe Are nmed |»le;aod aadpad e^
tbw nmraaaly. Ttet IndeBnabla toalnot which ia the gift
dtoartIree apd whkb indalTaly potota oat

uwrt»« w»» Wllliame L_
pie and bembltng. npcm the i
— Tha gw>d w
___^^t^danbta. btit hi* Chfletiaotty
thif. bat ooanmon mom «d ocanmoB (ixlnde him io cxpteaa them to the
au’« hue
When WiUiMia wa* brought into the
*£2dSS gomiped qnlAly. hnt
hit*. Barae' tttwj woe tn
motedaiowly. It waa 8 neat rntnnin*. urrmi- of the dead man. by all the
_____ h-. “thtnk th*t the whole to oppreboKl the mordmo.
rert«nind law* of otocomria^l^
By this time there wu • throog cd at after Inaktari. when the imptnnirtn dmoe ta nopeieaeiy incnminaimi iu>
te* leUo at SaghA buand theae the df«- ItiTTtoet lor the aeeond time In the aelf before a qatadim bad brmi aaknL
Wian, esd the mops we set rid of the leaff mren
Bami mriuitm.' The nndertatar w«
tay in thji ooBBtiT the bettor for if; SOB ostboitodrely ordored into the rinwdy in impariooa puaatoricn. while
"Idldntdoltr becriid. "Wbyam
Be tilled dii* dudr fanok e«>iiiM the nrd. Un. Bnnii' rieter. who wm their the ptmlaea rewmWed a
; I brooghi here* I am umooctu. Briar*
vine board* end drew clond* twookb i boneebold
boueboio drwlge.
aranK«. had
i«“ io
•“ the------God. 1 am iiujocrtrt.
hie hriw wood to oboetM the | while ongW op • kikhr® Unp nod
"No one ha* qaeatiooed that yet.
tnmit .TWBtnmL
MOidDned tfao heTfOTed wamaD into the
mid the rmatable rather coolly. "We
frcot i»rl<». a> beB.ttod an ritiwdina,/ It wa» a party of lotff, made op of
aaee proof that Mr. Barn* mw yon tal­
4™-.. *Intbe%
4- , — ^hile the _
/liydnmlic enjrineer. a oapCais in l_ ry
ly a hole while befw hi* death, and
y aary <■ • fnrloogh, a (tradnate of Bar- nahlc had Iwpawled'.an impromptn if be who wielded it had demraraled the we want yon to explain the cuonm' /' yard 'going to atndy law in the tall, »«er-e jwr oi*id«tin« of the mlnieltow*« •• Tbi* abrewd random dxa,
and an onde of the yoong man. Jndge tor. the doctor wnd Jhe attrekeeper.
"It twn’t be him." aaid the mlniaW. trod beoaiue of the pnaoner * pertorbaChambww one td the jneticee of the an- rb*B. tmnl.llnit. the good dtooon led with the *n»y dinvgatd of grammar that
prior oOBrt of Oonnecticmt. The judge thr— RWitleniea into the bam where i-omeafrom litiug among tmrdnoaU^
waa*be patriarch of the qnanei. tha the
me dntl
bad be
- V. ^1 -Wewaut no mletakwi bore." aaW paridHonem "11 ^^ dl *=»'»• ‘** <*
awner of the camp and eanitht more
ono-table dowlv, with the air of a have mflfaway. He'* in my orchard now
trimming tree* He’* been there at w«k
■' BrttbanaUtrftbererttdtbemmW-'

a treading ((»>'edge
of i
th««la*ttbivad»ya" He lookadabmit
dpiwaiid •
him with bniign trimuph.
. *He HkA off hU gUiBM. and ae he
‘•Tb*n P wUl go and gt* him." began
Wiped them be MOtiniaed hie ne|diew
•God forbWV anawered the miniatrr
derontly. But the pbyeiiian. wlro wa» the dcacim coBiOaUe.
The bydmlic engineer apofce qnlrk- growing gray in the nairow <x«aptipB \ “Ko.".»iUtbeiniolalBrwitb genii*
, ly and (ystAmaBcBtly. like the pomping of beitdag rhildren into the world and; Jmnew:
flnnne*i»: "IwingeL It i* a terrible
blot<Bi*ro*u’»(*aiart*»eTen to eon;
cf one of hie own mMun.
the aged ool t< iL'ina|)ec*.«i the body
•‘•1 mywlf think the jntrman ia the , eagerly. It waa hie ttnt notable pan neet him with aerime like tbia Moom
anoet ootragod'free man 1 know of. aKTUtu oppwttmity. Indeed thereewag
the uuitMtMM,
erlminal ••
ii raoeiriuR
to "X‘'liS^i^^-tobe .boat
eiflue i«
ible room lor
for rwo
two ineoneBa*
thforieB>a« »o
bo4^. Borne had met hi* deato. He the <«ly petwo in thr town nD«\lrttirhed
lOcea gameooek the potr jnry^ u ,
oxnriraye in front of the idalU bTtbetuMl oanralaiuo. Hewaaaatridrprired of wboleamnc air. ol deoeot
between the Wart mkn, deliberate af acthn and cool
tood.of eimcito^nlwayeof eleepimaw and the tmipty hky wagon, cdape«nh. acouiraat to hi* fnaay.wrge.
ril a Tordict I* agreed, npnn. 1 woold [
|mI^ with three clear He wa*. morttiter. a fiaethlnker. the
like to know what aort of eerdicta ^ ,
any one of which ooght to bate only .me iu the bmad ralley. and idigblly ftwrtd a* unch. a* planrible ratltmalla going to gite whoae wtale lon^^ 1
inrtant death.
Of lifeU changed and who iiooerced i
terti ahauh*<" arid iat* are apt to be by ignwant heljever*.
Uv wa* » dimlpb- of Bmeraon. the pbiloaoiifaie dread of the oonunanity. It
Cbe minii
miniider tioniwaaagreatanerr*. Will—
wm- whiapetvd that even1 tne
fd MTIU.
livit lie
He (.Muuuraoua.
atammered like a s
daztd nut <«»■ nmrd* with the only.
iner m»« ■*
tenced to a terrible doom.
I^a captain
obeerted with ^
the nncon* ,
a»e dortorerwong •»,
an i^n^vinmrw
imaginary ■pectable man in town who belonged
"1—a—M me go—twill go.!* He
inumarion ri
at the oonauble. and then, DO ehorrh. No one ever knew the *«
toaoo^ an — >—• •
Matted a. if to force hi.
■vhirii the aeaman riwaye fall* when in t
onicklT. be pointed oat a tw- of the forge WmwptM^t"^™'®praamiee at the landlobber.
acrom the fmbead ri the mMHaaa lact. No one ever knew him t the barrier of atoidy men. He wa*
igni in
in m
a teaa.
- 1 loae hi*
^ tenit*r.
tenitnr. X»0
No one ever knew
'"•** '| ~.—rhi
■ Where were yon Mat night faatween
him to be otherwiae than wrapnlotwly
•^driwene*. The young man atarted to .
^ ^
not htmcai. HewldumgomiiMri. Bedellght- 8 and nr’
ad iu dry, iuuUectsri dispnte* amt in
gatriughUoppementaangry. Hiafavtw- AU wmhadleAtaiaeyaA Bewaaina
it* toidca of argomeilt were tbe’fattlity atnporof fenr. HI* fata had enungUd
of religicn* and the exclnalou of panper him. Hi* month had dropped open.
"Do yon jwo^im thi. hatriret?” the
adhiawelldige^ eapunwea, if not |
,„d amaewd a. a »«ro- mnlgranu. He war known tn look upon
------------ 4.4_ -U_.
---------Ua^t^ opto^po. _
i name, gave the agluring ctmunaictiom Gwwge William* with diriavor braaiw!
................ wh
raa hot an American bom citiam. It ,
“The Jtuy aydem. be mid Jndi^. 1
alwava in>-e«te the chief
"There ia yet no
ly. "lamiriwrinatlan a* prartiwd In i ^nmnior with an tm.^ilahle dignity, . _ William Wortbely’a habit aetvr u gymau toau*
1 STl««t. it n*d to d.. *o before the let any one anapHt that bt; was pjimiMd : proof agatoM him.’
i> an mmsmi.
is CannaDrient paemd an act of legi^
Tlwtf for arr»ntiiig the nmnto of the informaiion that other* were eagw
gnreaoUirithe joiy^awT.^^ t
Tall, rienmber offioen of the oo^ m>d gw ^ K
forwKd. a yi llo* debatable cnatum of intrtmi«lhg teller*
Do yoa take Ibe Record?
the jury room to hi. bone a* I ^y^fatMt the blm-k open door, at rtcjriea jnat hrfo" ti» !>«“>*
■elf. To
pat a Joryman, like a achool- I . .for the
.T® moment,
....... . riuuteued of a
. rva^ied. Thi. arlf pomearion gave him
to patajaryame.
boy. on honor i* to get the beat r^ta
^ acioln'd Mir*wld>n««. tbe nTntafiou irf being a good llaMnar.
I have known of tot one caw where a
. .
. .. i It ^ gave him a i*ri advantage In a
jwy penned "P
' £,„ut n-ivn-nce.
Weather t.»P-n aaivt-rmrisn of wbirii he w** not alow
than it worid have d^ had it b~
iu«,i,„,ively bef.r* the to make iwe with native adroitsem.
Tbvrriotv whrti, on the murtiing after
frt*. Bnt iu thiican- joMi.'ewaawrvwi .
vi.di-m l«-reare.i.eut.
in a blind, hapbaiaid way at a lerrtblB .
,uiuj,„.r luaiio a <l. linit<-motbai the mnrdt*. thv villagv guwlp atoiip.'d
ly o-------------own circuit *'■ ,, ... ................................
cagmly la fort. the door ri liis *hop the
-1 my
lb hay

did lujt Vvm ralw hi* eyva
----------------- —•» -a- •" j4—' —- —- • •
wimuui * 'lew.
e d»l: ■
a rimilar
rimilar caw
caw might
might not
not happen
happen again
again the w. ,.uu> , Uanl
. _
: from the aboe be was Atting with expert
in the oeuiniy."
i . jue .-.en cih-itd wuliUiati-iu* ci care.
iUin had now aet in. It wa* chilly ‘
uii.'bi havetnuit."Tboraa* Bam*”— began the goml^
halting hr tb»i expected inquiry.
en Aiat May ereiing, mid the Are «ri ..
- "t c4 the n.ur4i. r..o*
the tale to come tempted th« «nm«mT ' « theeUul.4
tne m_ui c .444 , ....................
, » _
, ...-T...•WrilV mid Wortbely diyly, wiUBnt Mr^-. lusnn. l«.l N. w laiuhiui.

• • .in
gratify hi* twi^biw'a e
«, draw ^4,4.---------i a
: 3„v„.
e:oli.;:y wot. In-d tm^ .«.•
m. t:!„.
aniind'tfa.. chimney ^/r a leaf fr>.m the ,
j,,. .<■
to imia.4 ......................
Indge-apoDdcTowrolnmeaif caperumw i
«i,.rth.n U«. .i it .oer l..t..........
■•Harrti’iy..o btwrdr
that coTtTed 85 year* of Aghttog at t^’ £, -T,,„^p.,,.f,.„ ha„.het«creai»a»d"What:"
barmndraliDgan tbebttK-hwa* aatolo|

...nrdmd laM night
seed no further illoatratiuD to hold at- , ^„,,,.^,J^l),.iroutLebl«let.«tchgne» they aoapec* (ieorge WtUlam..
meiiila ml gniBhair on the bladeniatcJ
amitiou than hui own/gt«tUDee!nniiiim. I «d tbai .if lb.-victim. Mi «iar.
. -the
- - 4-ii1- Here'* the miuirter bringing him down
r^^tale ujanipbrawd. little
lo.ik* igniwt
»caie«t enough.
camstaiRv. 'u
«d me
llir «Tiim.-nim-werv
I cam*taiw<->
wa.-, a.jilai
eantlncity by
dropped the bor**>
by one
one of it*_ andiuw* and 1,,
I a* tlie ,*r„
liani B.«r.
0<ur. Ou
Uue oifuld aluiuM
will not
preciwly in the ^ ^
not b^ven
be git
b»if tori from faia Itwtber apron and
^MBtary and convermtional form of it. j
..u. 4.4 _it'wide diur. By tliit time
.^_jrioW- «verv <ma ■ to have divined the
“S^SlTonenf tbemoM pirinr- ,
.The body niuiMer'* ii^nu. Leak* of inquiry
caqne. one of the oldmi and cme ri the.
'\V “
■ml ol
of averwtai
averhSiai wire
wm' caavny
ca»v by togir
eager aun
ini fi'
■ veliert village* Inronnecticnt Itonncuriuoa farman open tba onhafqiy la-

Frtiflllini WWl,
1898 ts

Valentine Day.






Nice New
Dress Shoes,
Jast placed on sale.
New Spring Styles.

Onr Dew ksU coat you
u more tbao Md one*. .


The Popular Shoe Houae of Trareme Ci^.


U caaiw than rettlag rid of it,

Your grip en Good Baalto U
rtndlto alrw by the nae of oar
Antl-wto raia. whirii prevaat
aadden ebUla. and enahia yen to


; ^mrnnmmimnmnnnwwtmmnmwTO


l“AII Things Come ^ ^
To Him Who Waits”


miglto. A double row of dm. 1>1“»'’<1
M King Charlm- time guard, inch av*.
nne. The town reeiiiid* ime of old Had•ley. farntw* for it* atatdy rttrel*. it*
«ri(«ial bonito and nndiatiirt«d tieme.
On the 86th of May.
BnndRrid* awiise
awoke <>o»
.mt <u
of «u«
an ini«-n*ibi1iiy
bad lasted for <iviT800yinra \V>iatpdlIricx cTope. wur. luarrhigi-. debt t» inberiumvroald not aooompli^hadnow

, ““wife.
will --k
»4i yiM a
> fe'
tvw !
, ........ .......1

we gii III
The II i;ii-ti'r Mik tbi-wldirW* arm
%iih lend' nui*! abd hd >mt. iubi the
kin-ben. Mr*, buru. tinu rt-htorAri the
lacu quieily.
"It wu-alemt So'cliirk^tialanhirir
ago; 'rill-glanced ut lb.- nn*iu land
clock “nicimii* wiiit ntiiuUmt fc. to do
aonierhi.m-wamr loi-V up a* u*fiq^ I:
tbongbt I bi-ard a cry. and beiupjUB^
*^t *1 ?cl-rk at nlBhl. orV^I* •> «Fv I rau out.' J found him wbirqAe
IMjlelairt, Mr*. Bum*, ibi- wlfeto the Unow. His«‘Tiuw«vi.i*m.andlh.*l
richest, the imial trsblied and the ^mwi him mydhrtincily *\Villiania' Hetiied
feared mail In thi* am ieni isnumutiity. to aptok'further, but he jsiKaod away
ckctriAud fair next dixr neiglilaw* by a wiibiiui aaoihirwurtl TTiat wwa all. I
cry of "Murdetr’ Then ItondAdd*. Aid not nee « hear a trace ri any liviMhargic a*aatone hitchingpoM. awoke ingaoul.”.
to new and awful itoponribiUtiea.
"Let ua aee," raid the dwayman.
The people of the town were all In with what he omridered to be judic ial
Ibrir bed*, and Mrs Burn* would have anaviiv. "t«i.> is Ibeie you ccamect
been had ahe not aicppcd out to the with toe name uf Williams?"
hani. 100 vard* or to lack ri the bouar.
“Only Uiurgo.” answered the widow
to lock for h<T hmOBUid. H« had token emiilv The ck-u exchanged grave'
.4' bia lanihm and.had gone ont there glatinw. "Thoma* didn’t g« on wi-ll
alsaie about an hnur before to do some with folfcil. you know. I remember be
■imr^ ehote*, aud bis wife, actnatod rane to words with George Uilliami
poaribly by aomc aubtla inAoence like beeanae be put potatoe* into a damp
that with which detected rrifile la able place in ibeoelUr That was in March,
■to draw a crowd out of the boweliri and Grtirge Irit on the apot.mying that
the toitk, felt anxiou* alsiut him for be never wonld worit for «* again. 1
•' —-vpM. flnt time in her life. When abe ahoaldn’t thuik that wa* euaugb”—
{^nnd Hr. Bama dead in faU own bhxri.
"Anv one else by that name out of
' I ran to the front gate ami uttered toe biwn?"- inteiTnpttd the carai-tahh:
the hladCBtoa of the nnlighced
ta her memorable cry.
shOiig ner
her acan
bead aiiCT
after wimv
usik BtfauJAeld* no little time to deUla-rate Ibcjpgbi. Then the dracoi’a
trime wifi- came in and oarried b*r trieud
nw#;.' to lb*
ibe conacionmew
oonanunnitM- >a
of a mniu
of Rich high deMve. but at Ui*a grr.n|. awuv to tlic‘ riioqkcii and dewilatiji l»oni«.
r Iri'dlog rititoJis Fto(>d ri*st the winEvi«ylK*lv til HriodfivW* ane»
w a the anxton.« light ri their .way- Oeirgi- Willwms. II- wa* u hirnihiiid
iiunx Thaw good p«n>>‘’
ulh.luid drifUd into the town a year
Di pcrpleiod about what t» «V. a* or Iw4i Ix-fiiri:. wbi-u lln- ctiij* were
• wbi4 cal with a litter of black trowa hi-avv. iK him tln-n-wa* Utilcknosvu.
^rooenntd to the miniater.that cxis-pt that be wa* a good wuriier, but
'Luka Batortt. who had forgot- •nrlv fcw biarigbt*. Ha waaevidoitly
f- fact bimaelf. waa town cou'ria- •n w..(;HA.4iMi and he wa* a* bard to
iA ttet. aa.€be tola repreaMitotiw ' deal with aa moat of tba lower clam of


Is an old proverb, but it wUI not work at


Bankrupt Sale

borer.. The blackinnlUi looked at the
- - -------- *y, »nd took
> pipe ont of bl> mouth
"Don’t be too oodamre.” he arid
ylv, "If»Biimnu*boriD«w.’’b*cqonnned Inodly an a* to be ovetogard toy
aewral Igber*. "to aemae a inan ri
The minlater looked up at the apaakv
with a gratiAed nod. “Amewto that,"
be mH wdemnly. T)» two' paamd by.
Oto«rafoll'iwfd.*t»ei^ing. The black­
smith ga»-d aftiT toem-intently, imiil
ttory turned into Bunts' yard. Tin 11 he
bnitTiver III ibo gray'* off hind fcioi, aa
if ii'itIliuK unusual had happened. Bni
thrt-vtowl. Hi* pipe wa* okt.
Snispieioua. nilirtik, frigb^«K-d. dcAant, George WUiriih* Itoto'd from one ■
• • th- othM.
toe niiniMcr. with ■ :
t. uah--j4^rfhiapered1 word t
trind into the Mvwhee
rmv of
vrod toet
itabfaj. ton dciewr and toe iftoreheepeg. The teacher of the jown aendemy had-been added thMrao^^ the

You cannot afford to miss this Great Bankrupt Sale where goods
for 60c oh the Dollar f ThU'sale Has attracted more attention than one
would evej imagine: From the moment the door* were open, giving people
the advantage of baying goods almost at their own price, Uie store has been ^
literally packed with bargain hunters, and from the manner in which the ^
goods are going it is evident there 'are bargains to be found. Wc still have
a gt>od assortment of all goods, and as they are going fast, ijjvHe yon all to ^
come early and have your choice of a complete stock.




tow, it WM U* duty to Ma If


TBS ItOSHtSO ssdosi^ MUSCAT. 7AVUAST SO, 1886.

a af t>M hr th« fl

life IK
the doM
of-1* atoa luarlow to -the IMI aaanel

3m4< ttoA. O. C. T. Uli>i«MitHl
Is'Mtvlac t»a tte MiM srwMl monlw fcr
SwwiifiitlT. r<» Ja^ H. MoKklr
# AO«rb*BrCStr. «bo wm f»«lMted to
fcfg imnml ttowM
M ttwsmdMke at twtot wartnti. ia
Ib-totkfBl and iJIrlwt aOto

toathi* of frasd lad(a. Oiaod lodceBdopud the foUuwtnf amendMant: “U
aBVtadca«hair«oUaet(Nai A'Mwpwdea
mambea Che dtm to Dooparneat «t
wMeb he hae bm
luolt )iid«a
•hall lair to the Kntod lodge |1 to aeeh
TW'edcMa eo csllectrd If nut taerteaely
aeeaUMd for 10 Ibe grand iodca-' Tbie
alaaw erodU gt*a tuanr ether grand
lodfce (Mr booeet duM and epotl the
triAe or m»m» )odg<ia. Tb« lodge'paid
due* Ob oQlj 81 i»embere.--TiheUrBo^.
rott l^oiih.ledge hw affAad to tha
gtaod lodgeof^hsaeaplototMOaeRaaf
tend end •b.utn In baUdlng msterttej and
CMb If tbr Uanmle benne br looaUd at
Fort Vwth.


lot tend and flu.oooor HMKIO

d In the

land*, thrp found alt ebanfed. Wbeer
bad bean tba gnat tlreg than wa» bat
CM anall rirer.. Tteat tenerw tbaOanqr.
What bad bMB tbe (reat H*w la non
two rlnn. Oneraavll Ow toteoa.
* Whale Mho Wlpaa Oefi teg • Pteadfaa that ii (0 tha mtu The other la to the
wate; that ran oaU tbe Oolonda All
tba tend batwaaa tbaae two rlvara waa
^ran to nr people by the Giant Spirit
to a hnti^ emud.Oalrmon Ooc.
tbe Indian bad b
A Woman's Shoe, the best in the City, for $lfpoi
Bia aa tb« beat boi
in ibe San Bar*
lijisses’ Shoe worth $1.75 for 66c. Men's Dress Shoes,
nagd bottoma fat
o daja wa had
Tlwh ia a fmr of d^th wbto te
bam In ponalt et big game.
solid. $1.16. Prices reduced in Warm Shoes.
faithVttna a cratnnlooa aenaatto of
It waa after tha atemd d^ of
but that we ennpid on tba banka of a tba neam. bat thar« la a tear whiob
■mall creak to tha waat of Btnkle'a to- qnaks oat <d oaaadenaa, oot of a diamtialBCticxi
rj. The Indiu boaiad bitnaeU with tba
coffee, wbila 1 tat idlr br and tbon^t oonformitr to tbecharaccer of UOd and
oear tba iooidanta of tba dej.
^ the deainiptiotu of Hit word aa to what
I bad Man told mj canp^on waa a beavoi thaU be. Bat this it not all
Oamochna and that babadBon knovl- The aou wilt aliina'ui the deepaai gran
adgnof tbabiitor^ hUpaoplethu and ahiniuier uo tha varaiabed cuffin.
urBtiPberof bit tribe now living. He It ii uoa (ho nwnlt <d poetip or roBalance of ear WioUr Stocka of CLOAKS
ap^ at pood EaglUfa at a wbila Ban. niaore. not an invontto of that BBange CLOSING
« Leu Thafi XaDiifactiiren' Pzlcee.
bnt hit irntmce* were gmenUIr abort abilitjr we have in talf dreaptlon in
wliiob the with niahta in to becume
Opme and aee the Talooe.
1 mid. ‘' tba banting It rirf parent to the ihonght,.b«U the ihfalUhla
Chriat Riaaelt Lore ia
good in theta bottcmawbmroocQoaidw tortmi air
b<iw tog the coantrr bat bem aattled." itroMgar than death.—Preabj to tan.

We Always Meet Their Beet Prices, and

ttPEAT at>miT.

Go One Better


Tba grand lodge ef lUinoli dadded that
U tret unwtee u> ado(* anHonn waji
of U(e
The rcTcrt of I'.rand Serratar, W«*» |
Cp er Dmn ttraem
of Trim teama: Pate iBmer. on rolte
.L .
life and obaraoter Mod either op».K«; Matter Umunii.
"Wat tbt»**ood iKmtfcig ban wbu
erafu. l.bll: muacd appivtiiloa. lift:; r«i Were a boy'
tor'" I aderd.
^Iward-erdOPBward. Bat a ain^ act <*
iBd In Miedlecto. hTW; dst^ ^ •'Much."
_____ •• he...
naqy not indk
■ ■
.Td •• lai.
Ibave hmrd."
wW 1. "that tore ______ y 6 a life a. a whoJa.
Xezt October the grand ladge of Ml«- il a legend ahiraig poor pao|de that long make a mint oat of to good qaalirtea
aouri will take atilun on the following agu. before \be white Dan mine into tt bad mea; poa can make a devil oat
urd nSditloD to the conteilutlon t«- thU ooonerp, there wae one gemt rirer <ff to bod qnalitice of good m«gL Bma
iaUng to pliptkal dlaquallllratlODa: “Plo- in ihlt land, that il was a migbtp adipeed Jacob aj flrA bat hia Tirtnea
gOvaiu, and that ita ronna waa throQgh vrere aendenta.’ incidente. witboat rtuta,
Dcanttroad at to ranikr hop one In'and they withered before to hot teaaa
aUglblato the prlvllagmof llaMmtp vtew the b(d of wbat ie now to Cteiwp."
■'ll ia aa " aaid the Indian.
of lif& Jacob oaotome £mn at teat.
«aa br tha aid of arilOctel appHanom eon*
••And 1 bare brnid,'* 1 oootinoed.
adlMloa. That ha foam to tba neoaararp OBreraonlca.' ’
lPh«iaK,nble and pa nacnklng teamplr
The vMe to tutpend for noopartont of ‘•that wbm tbe white man dig* bia nara and v
D which ba la bald doea or other ct|Ute mute be by ballot, de­ wellt be aotiNHimea flnda limfaa of grmt bimaAL '
treea and piecra of pottery and bowi and
to facro of Isael. a griace with
cided the grand lodge of llltnote
\^St. Lepte lodge It onaof tfaabuThe grand lodge of Arkanmi lefiurd to amrara and flinu tbai were ntad tog God. b it TUp will or np vrfO ba'dooe^
agrtedeeaof Ultote
•tnntd a bylaw wberaby dura an tharged yean ago by poor people." e
Are we tiring to pleaae Cbm* or to
>bm tdtpended fur nonpayment of
••It il *0. -'mid tbe Indian.
^ir anewer to tbia
'kKoant Oliva Secortty and Putnam
tedgaa Cf bt. Lnnia bate cooaUidtted and
"Wbat ia tbe legmd that poor people
Ito cantAt—
Will teMoaCottb be known at becuritr. Xa
Bandtp School Timea.
bare?" 1 iM|nired.
4i. ft btgini with to nrambera.
crira will have to hnk after their laurala
"Uy father told me. and the great
A lodge wet InitJlutnl le Baffalo a St. Bernard, at San Ulegu. acv propeuing chief. Mockwilimm. told my father." I —
abto aim I ago with iw ohanwateiabm. to oimtrat to to grand irupfay at to Oi- mid tba Iwlian. "that it iiao. Then |
eantelcaoctevc at HlKabarg.
Sted tenlit Che reword to 1W7.
waa one riew. It waa tbe iteney. My {
Aalheraultof eamoke talk bald bp
people, the Carnsebnaa, Ured to tbe |
IKparto lodge id Lrnn, 8e ■ppllcallaat wen
eoM. Tbe Lepana. tbe Tawakaniea and
toaletd at the following meteteg. nine
to Bipea lived to to ww. Tbe We■Mwerc known lo tte in tbehandiof
noea lived to Ibe narth. My people bunt­
■awl II who were ooavokUhlr okoant
ed bat the game. The Kipaa were powerloL They made war m the Lq»ut
• him te greater effort.
and drove tbcB far to to wral. They
t' knights of PYTHIAS.
«ole to mttle and htoea of my people
Whan la ne^ at anything in tbia
Tbare wea 'a grmt battle, in whloh line remcBber tbia >a to plaoa to leave
be may tie reedy to give up to
many of my people ware kilted. Tba
aaplratiai It ia to atuern te^
Ripaa drove to Gatanchnaa tar to to ptar order* aad get prompt work.
SattefacUon guaraatead or BO cAarga.
d tha merabaa In a heated dtecut raynf h^ Into tale m>uL
ohocftelte eate. Tbepatote to young agonwa of Leave yon ordera at ofBee or mil up
Pfa- to Cteranchoa* and killed to boy*.
•p^ a good word when pmi
Soon tbe CeraucbiiM bad to bide away
wtedgeandnndel- tonify.
Tto rtote grand who prraldetb In il to aquaw* tot were left. Alltoconn------ C taken Op Mr one
ten. How can any lodge touB rulcth with bwuor. bat, an ofBoei tryeff rayiMiptewM beldlip to Bipea
Tbe Carantdiaa* bad to flee (b to la•nbra In the ordw to betend* Uytoaaa. Still tbe.Bipea par,
The il
doleraled at each and c'erp oonveulioo. give tbe
9'. to lodge* tot did not oiry •Dad n>v people Tbe Caranebna* w«we
TbracwlU beagradual falling uff.of the to tew rviiUjQg (o It i iin haii rf
bat few; to Ri|«< were many.
Btinnannr nnd tfatei tba udlccn aak tba receipt* end new ritual*.
eaum It- la plmrant to tbink that toob
In llH- loteltiit^o' Hetakeb Iralgra to
. Tbe Tate not (be erne In the greeter nambra of dome y ruulumd U|*te >11 qu*Illlnl wolutnira and tbe We<-oea late all ibetr'
lodgea. — E'ruvldmce Journal.
uwmiirrv brforr to lodge b Inxliuted. cattle, and tbvir voour i«jitaw» were
Tbe-Oblectpf tbe order uf the Knigbta and tlM7 become tbevhener nx-mbm
2|(7^FroDt Street,
tokni by Ute Bipiuniunl ubue but to
af Kburaatan U to eulllvate the toclal dile
It would Ur Illegal rur a lodge to adept Hipa* were in all U>i> boontry,
Utaeer vrei et MeleOep * Ate • CeeB
at Ulo and te eocteaw b' brli« Pyihtent ahytew rouipMJliig metote-ra te pv '
"The Greet Spirit wa* aiiitry with
in adVamw.
to Kipo*. but Ibe Kipe* thuupbt toy
Pythtenlaiu torbra loyallp to the govThen- are live ludgra In La* Angela*, were more powt-rfcl-ton; to Great
wemriil and flag uuilrr which we lire.
dll iliriving nnd fine|.«v>i
Spirit. Tbe Grvat Spirii eeaUa
Theitemlialou Into a lodge uf the order
tMdlVJIow^il|. l.-n tel»r uf lore, an
haa been the lumlUR point in the llraa of nneudltig. t*-r»lr(eui etruKuleuKalnte vIof.
No. RMd5 For BuioMi.
manpyoung men. They have bavo tbown an IniaruaH'i.t to eld (te- a>|ilralioo of to mort eend back the eqoaA’
(hat It not all of Ufotto wa lew in to •oul fora iMlItirenO nubl.rllfe
teolen uiid taoet make vrar m> more ou
d nub for purata.IoD uf wucldly gooda.
UeUer a quorum <if U|Tlgbt men who my peojite nr on tbe Tawak*irin* or tbe
love tbe <i*drr than hail, c-ruwited with
nniucil. and they d'w ided U> mitke witr
(bora wImiw muil\i> an iwlfii
Tbe Iiulili- gmod and weratarp may te­ on tbe Great Spirit. Wbru ihip went
am.-a tuning •anl tw'wraa meetlbK* vd a to tell tbemeaaniger iluii to-y defied
tbe <itv>*t Spirit andcbillnigfd bim to
lrai>0> M Rea. gitmd leprramuilre 1 battle, tbe mcNMiger bed dimppmied.
trem I'l'nii.yBaullk. it now to eeoior! Ttiey
warcbed to wuiod*
■y «
m<.inlirr.uf tlwt ttei^lioo.
■tarcbcillUbe grmt rivvr. they wan-faHl |
tefun- to uuU>- icr»n<ldretelraa ballot. tbe prui
lirie and liiey wan bed to- aky.
-t find ton
but they oonid
CBlin-t t>te lor to«
Be left DO traiL
Wh«*o yon wuit to take a ride
•Then toy bad murh fear tot they
uuhlrrvd •• ben c
la wm> luiMb
bad duua wrung, and aome rbief* wanU remember tbe best place, to go.
tor'krrua }ii.rago. Taking toebuve
ud to make peatsi^fitta to Grmt Mpirit
______ >1*10? i-HliiuatUig
-Hliiuatbig to
I hire a laige open bos! a 6^seat
aoIU. to ouiluuk Aea uevvr l■•ulo enewur- !
b.icl talk to bmvtei* upeuetl. ibe rain sleigh and a top bns. All 'Very
fell, the aky wmed all afire, the tfaim- (loinfurtable for
Newly Vflectek nqumandera alwukl pote I
der roared, anti the (ite*« appeared,
IbaniwUraon iwrltementery tew.
l-lan under which to or- it, a flame of ligbiiilng. Tbe Bii*ui fell
All uncBiioti ewani luenu wnion nave
Iprovlda. tot all meruhrra.^ npou to earth aud U-j*{.vl to tirrnl
brao pehl In advanee at to •■xiulwi 't I nk,n _ . „]i„|.... i....—
.. .
mmy. Bnt it aai too late
dmtb will be paid to to bteMsSetec, U ' a^^u durln,
Tbe rain poured don mud the lightning
addition to Ibe braeflu.
'I boc vrf
■ public. lUMaltetloiM a to order at to - month '1 he <dder the ■«* Uht poorm to darbed. Ibe grooiid abtv.k and tbe ibonderiratod. lioon all torarihwaocovday la N.-W Jerwy.
rUk and to

In uara U( (•‘nnaaeiit and tetel dteateH-'
Tbe .tfiter U on the ii
tirTennra- ered with wattf. Tbe Uiiu* ran to to].^v»<>ue'tontb of tofarawf ara. ih<- n-jlal.llliy aiul
of tbe tro *. htill tbe water dim-. . Then to
to tv-Hiii.-ntu annually, and tbrrvUarvltef tnrunuiw-U-inx apparviil to ail who taka wiuci'W down Uh- tnvK. ami tnoup of
trmn iIk.-f lurUMV awnetotita.
to- iroubten.. iiivrattgaic.
S the Kl|»ii were kiU»l nr drowffed. Th<
Also a lot of the very liest Portvi-aietarueebigb«r and higher, and to
land cutters, taro and tbree s^ted
I auprenn dlruiora iteclcd liy tbe imlor.
•led maupdoT*. There
Bleigb*. ,
here. All waa water.
I can fit yoEout with any .kind
“» h«W.
■ reqnl
"Tfaeu to Gi
Spirit anlled. for
aula objnv u.-lqg to inrj.- .,ui ju>tice both
liter owo ratra from to table tbe Kijaa w;ere ui> inure. They wetv ofaturnont.
mfiA-nlrboU lu torouailiutlou.
gi«e. .Ml bud died iu to water*. A
With Jau. I (Tbartra BIrklo tagaa bl* merreogtr I’guie lo -my ptople. wbu were
deneu <«■ tbe irlaiidr by tbe great aea.
or more b* dUldo. U-lwrru hi. fellow
auil told them ili>- Great Spirit bad«ni
aaauullteuiM.-n and iakra only hi. tore. .
- Plonmr Ltrefy- Man.
a fiend to paui*b the Hiiaui aod tot
**«v»vyihlng Inuarciiy luokt'bloa a*
tom new munibenarao-noL-riu-il. Tteal
Tbe Bayuiaker*. a aide
dq<n« for fun
al old change of me que>tiun kre|a and good fellawabip. I*
■t tbe country.
■ al'enu.ylvanla
Gnnt Cbtet of Hraord* Thotna* K. DonIF YOU CALL UP iiallo.DOC nin'imt wltb to lauIUpUclty
cf d< tali* of 111* buiy official
, alrrt to follow ibeh
le trail wbich glv«B bopa
: of tbennpture of
>ay.lut<[ Thi re|*>n of to gnwt chief of record*
uf ^I'hra.ka if* VU.7 gratify lug. to watoku, and to uraltir te
|>uiu brlt of the gtml ouuotei »boW'i.g
llMi i* waa SUad and «bai to varlsma
trtlaw in thte reatevaUoa woe In gupd
cundltlon Unanrtelly god *B)cgtng t>
^growth lliai I* ratlUacuiry to all. >1vc
bw bn-c fomicd U> ' buiiJroil
fv«l i»J«;
AT THE LOWEST li.iurual vUU* te to vartuu* . first of thi* grogi eun.
a«hi.-.H(.-n.» It ia loBndial (oharaa ,
parade autl »u|,i.r Incolintmlonwltbeorfa :
«o4era Wrateraara
vteHau- ii r.v< .-7 .vuiimnndtTT la Maine ; Dvccnilxr rv-pnru tbow to adopBoa of
Maw Hun-i-hi,!.. iia«-<-hu*te(L Bbitte •»« T.ow new lucmbera.
Bvery camp cler* .thoald neelva that*iterry. Na IM. OMT bte tamp >l.all tn>t be 4b tbe deUnatwot
cmuDiu.terry, .So. 18s, a* St. ^ul, Itet fur Ibbb.
tmlu In gi.iiig to^'blMdegmoa
Maay eaupa have ammdad tbteJ
tteltiiMire Stock itovlrad Thrat Timea a ffaek
• date. i»«r tou will bampanded and are balding weekly mratlnp
Counta. 40c per ^lUtrt
wriH-ry audrSeeW..



Hacli, 60S and Baggage


Clieas Casli

ng Uh * Fttq-iM Stek Cnoml


Sleighing Parties,

\A/^- • ■ •

Spring Styles
---- IX----

Fine Colored Cambrics,
. OrgandiwV
White Goods,
Linens, Etc.

on all good kinds of Dry €k>odg, Dn^ieriet,
)3nrp^ Clothing nsd FomiffUng Ooods.


'Phone No. 3.







I'eg.-^KDttle or SorvlDg DiAfa.

Price from 60 Cents Up. Callanii See Them.

I4fi Front StreeL ”

Traverse City, Uich.

A Few of Them Left
ThoM prrtt. Solid XioW .QB.dropl«.8ilrer Pl.te


Got One Before They are All Gone.

F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
Mniaon Bloct






possible prices.


toflng ItM, Ihr JutrlLe ywr td Hah*

• 213 Front St.

FItnibn's Ofsler Dtpt ai4 RuMriil


If you want to know of any partloalnr utiele thgt lus
nppeaMd ip any of the magaydnaa during the pMt yoar, or
nny puticulnr anbjeot, or If yon hnve to write a paper, or
diacosa some new inTention we oan ten ypn where you can
gel the desired information. We do 'not claim to be •^slk.
ing encyddpoediaa,” bnt we have the mesns at hand to asalst you. We are here to benefit oar customers. There are
many questiens that are being dlacuaaed by the Woman’s
Club, ths Shakespeare Cl^ba* and other Literary Olnba, that.
poasibly you are not fanUMar with. We m^^te able to
help you.

S20 Front Sheet.

M. B. EOLLST, Xanacer.



TBOTECTION PfilCES. revenuesarewcreasinq.
Mas Thc

tariff increaiko thi

■ m4 n«w« avin^


MICRO MOM.EM tU LOuW^ BOTHiBfMW. WkkA *•«»MUbM »vq BMdfX Bt. La MidakkA
•• 7»tTBU«j e Tvitmm. . .
nml pk^
wut* WBalomvMs ■ to*<
tk* itrtiiM

wiMBt sad nnat oetbudtondwatliM
rar a Clak
pledge in eoutiat tbe Ditiglejr tuiff
nie 8an knowi m wdl m »aj tt
TU «tlj alb idBce ibr
Tbe neitro problnu in Lonieiaoa baa
ef tk« MW uriff bai puKd. ud tS« tbe o<tber BMUanta of tbe pisgleF U« mddenly aaann.ed an aapeet-'wbfcb U
al in iu atiangn
vladog isicM cd tbe jrmr afftad
deqtiate togur- pntpoar of Louisiana h> deal with tbe
IT bare
iadicaUce cf ita laflseiMe open tbe sort
■becaiur ibeWilM negro rotara dn tbe way a bieb Minnaof tommoriitiee tbne tv. It rwMlni
Cbe feet thst eobeeqaeotlF eU tbeao- Uw enahied tbe laportef* to "beat tbe dppi derind wren or right years ago,
Taaoe io prtoee bee best in fanu prodand wbidi Soutb Carolina adopted subAM* and in woolen good* mannlattsted
wqocntly. Both these ate tee bare an
antfei|>lai7 Modta 6im which to dmw edo^boal QosnficwUou for tbe anfforsevessl montba wiiboot paying tbe
alike, and wblcb. tbenfon, doao not
p*ceet. fieau bare allgbllr deolioed
—is eU 1.8 p>r cent—bet daliraDd
conflict with tJic federal ocmuiic law.
18.8 per tbe oountry time and again that tbe
Anilloaoia frr tbe suffrage in order to
«MBt iii.fbe
, eugimwite.
Tbert iM* aUo lay oiforoed in tbe aenau by agenu and obuilin Ibis privilege arc raquired by
toola of private intereMa would hare law in Mtaal«ip|.i aud bovtb OaroUna
becna allgbt
alight adrsDce is tbe
pneiuly tbe effeot which it baa bad.
food prodneu. tbe cImb '
to read aad nnderstnnd any iwotion of
Among Bcpublicana there hna bean tbe BUte oonstftuUmi to tbe mtufactitm
no dimpixilouii^t
tnivt <irer
tbe worldDgt of of eerttU offloiala dll or a majority cd
tbe Oingley law. Ko one waa fool rbom are white. By tbe
.« per east In tbe clotblag eUwA d
sgn to suppose tnat impornrs wpiua lotbeee ofltcUli t>e
le “mi
cUse of 1.9 pet cent appeals in tbe ag­ enough
gregate asd in Ibe Mala obut. toolnd- pay Dlng%-ratea as Iqng as it might
all but a small tnolag ooal and oU. a ^Ise of ^7 per be pomiUe to Wraps them. We all tiaoflf tbeoegrowolmsof each sUta,
knew that every
oaot, while In i
aa of oonna. It was Inicndrd to do.
« bill
while it baa redooed tbe number cd
isolading ioniber aad other building peamge cf tbe new rerenne
aaateriaU, paista asd dnga a mall ad- heavy anticipatoy imports under tbe rUleTOtere cinly aligblly.
Wilson law. We all expecud, when
ranoeofd peroeat'ln tbe«ggregat«
tbueaioeadre ImporU ran np inlemU- metro dtmlmuT<v inrtoUcm, wbicb
1I«H on mUUona that Oingley Uw in- Louisiana waa erperted to adopt this
a 1.9 .per oent during poru would to diaisiabed'cntil tbe year, ia now fonnd to to nnavaiUUe for
crowded warebonsee U«an to be emp­ that state. !l baaaolred ibe Degm pcMtied. Tbe warebonae atooka are faeoam- lem imMimimippi and Kuotb OaroUna,
in price,
ing ezbansted now. Importm are ooB' bnt tbe Lonlaiaoa Drmncrata have jmt
s food 1
pclled to bring in more goodi or go ont dUoovend that if Um-v allow Ibr negro
of their fondgnbu~
problem to to solved in ibeir stale tbe
imiog tbair foreign porebanA Stair will go Bepublloui.
ole beii^taliKS into aoroont. «-<iald bare and tbe tide of dutiable importa U
Protection, aentiiuvtit. cbiefly on aolMiS4ie.ft8 1oKoreiDbrr and tdSaST ■teadUy rising. That la all that is neo- oonnt of tbe' sugar grerwing luduatry,
in December an adrauce cd glt.Sd, or eaaary to increaae tba rerenoef;
baa always been strong in Uinlalaiia.
Tbe present tariff ii tbe rery thing (o Under nannal vuuditloni it would
■well tbe goremment'a iooome, becsoe thaiiifn
ii to
to aa BvimbHiaui auto.
increased rustomt doUea bare asraited :
wwt Whig
«be prodoet# of ail the a
tig in
in d>e daya of that
•nd aioa^and oil welU, lumber, build­ tmly tbe
*“'* I»«T- *«
lid nsnaUy be
to &]
r if tbe wbiievotawete ptsmltted to
ing matcrialA peluiii. cbemicaU nnd tbiaresumptloo baa begun. Tbegorera
drugs, would bare Ned S37S.94 in No- ment'a inoome ii incrtnslng and wiU divide on eonnomic lines Tbe bogy of
mber oentinoe to iocnam. All that we need
to do now ia to take cure that tbere
It la BtrlctlF true that In spite of tbe Miall tonouxouaalretnonaeoaf expcndldecline In oottpn and entne mean tbe
Cbeck reofclsi
■ aad let racy. If this pnmure is ram
valMof fam prdaetsbai advanced 8.4
' jtv oent doting the last few mcmiba. tbe Dingley Uw alone. That U tbeway tbe local Oeanoetaiio homes now begin
srbile tbe onat of all products-of ntann to roetore tbe government's solvency.— In see it would be removed if tbe oeHew
. facturs and minkig baa, on tbe whole,
Wtte distranebiatd by tbe Mlmtadeclined 1.6 piT cent.
sln>l plan or any other legal deviee—
------------to almost aa robuMly
' It it not implied that tbe adraore in
biU iu I
Bryan may A
food products baa been mainli^ due to
Ming tbe pi
tbe Uriff, but it has indiapuubly oee is tbe peril wbb
enrred under tbe operation of a tariff Deeds of a single county fair exbibitioa. Louisians Demomta. LikeMiMadppi
wbicb,, us
ita qpjuieuu
qppoiiesu atiiige,
allege, maw
man piiuiplan- but when be shall oome to cuab ia tot aad South CaroUaa, LobiaiaDa has taewa
der Ibe^igrir-nlitrral cUm for ibe brnefll tbe bomewird journey be will to
bUeka than wbiiea. yet Louistana On_s .u. —nufactoriug \nnd' mining to realise that be baa overlooked eonw ocrals dare not aboliab tbe negro. They
' thing.
need blm aa a club to keep tbe rebelliou elentent of tbeir party in line. If
1r all tbe gain wilbin tbe last two
iBontba has-Pm in 'tbe agrirolttitmt.they efface bim, they catd Demomtie
in tbeir state. It ia an ca­
Aa tw|»ravM»al Vour Mae Wbs WUI At- are obeaper
ll ia ioU of diSwar* Uuva a Deltaa ta Mb re shit.
than tbej* were two wnotba ago, oorre"Qncer things bappm at fnarrala" onltiee which wonld pusule eva Machcputtds with tbe reieolu abown in Ko- said a clergyman recently wbo has offl- UvellL Ko Bucb condition of tbingi
rnnlier, covering tbe first throe maniba clatwl at uauy,
ptfllticikna be­
lauy, "audrr
"and I remember <ne
nndir the opcrsliou of tbe-nrw tariff.
oooasion wbicb impremed me gnnily fore in any country in tbe world from
Food iirodocia. etceiiting tueaU. bad
.tbe dayad UvloiDrasnadown totbewe
of Arthur Pne Uortnan. Tbe Louisiana
Democrata are forced to be batter than
■dvanred a little owing to tbe ooet of I |k> nrcnliar cdi
wool M its ptpducu. while other prod- ' u,,.


» A«a !• lAa Mala

ellned. as bad articltTrf the metal mtrf
■ *“ “«
A bare advanocd in tbe uggregata 11.1 per cent, while
tbe com of all prodneU of tbe clothing.
•—tall-and miacellanMms cUsaes faui
.bon, 0.S p-r

I to have a-widcrapplioauan than
oarTaior waa urged1 tore
, i was popularly anppowd.- Dchpile tba
: itoiy.
MoiT. and on -the
tbe {wumtae
prumim tt ^t n
: dictum <g a cclatnted Ki
' '
would to meoHacied he oondnord:
are aitoatlaB*, after
in wbicb
a funeral at tbe bouie of one
tbe golden rule in poUric* ia t>
| of
partriiiooerK. and 1
aoririiMd wben 1 rvceivnl'alii

•need by tbe^eelinelnmortoiberman-j lag iii.Bor
.1 deatbl
1. tt. —
imxira, diriiu, U» l.«
Booib. ,




Is what you will see very often on our
odd Dressers and Commodes.

We Have Them in Nearly All Styles and Finish ]
iniqoe, IStli Cutar;. gahogiiiii aii Wkiti Eiimel.
Lng, Squrt or Shaped Glass,
And they are so cheap you will wonder how we got them, but
I will tell yoii. We bought all that one foetpry had on hanA
The agent waa selling to different dealers ha he went along,
we made him an offer on the lot and got them.

J. W. Slater’s House Fiimisliing Store
128-132 S'3?oai‘b Stg^e-fc-

E.W.Hastiiigt,.. Carnation
Real Estate *».
Money to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
Johuos Block.




Fire Insurance.

For any roughness of the skin. \
. -1
26 cents.






| ?
. . ,■
>i *



d:,i~d?^ s

Overcoats and Ulsters

pb«l.,^ .b,cbt.T. d«i,brf .b.TeT.


r -.

• coni I.IWIT, wJllK' roM«er goods *n , hUme and eTnm. h ibr.i_
ISO as was.vX..
■—p», ui*7b.v. d,...ibbi...

my office and
moed 1.9 a
ition to tbe family.
UwdaboM only 0.1 per cenb Tin
'1 nnd not go into that part d the
.1 ^erewt lower: pet^cma. oopper'
Mt come to wbai 1 ooosidek
.bbd .mpl.,„.rej..,b..|,j^ K,UU u,,

,4beir ooenunptiao. has tocm effected
tbaaamu rime with •

his old motber a


m fnan her aeat with

.. .b.cirrisr::


Pln^. ib bU« wntk.

.Mbv. Mb*


T, .



^ V

TW. b KM a ■hedgy Oswauy. .
That •tatetnent of Mr. Cnrtls Gnild,
7t.. sttbeannnalisMtiBg of tbe Kathmal AMOciation of Wool MannfacturU in October, ||{06, lo notfaing in
1687, abedi new Ugbt on Abe
q—tiuii wbetber "tariff reform'
whnthnn •‘t.nlir

enSnnn*' nr

proUoCion meant better elotbing tor tba
Ammfomi pnpU-BoMi JotmmL




kuown bO him, but bn alwaysfoirnd ill The prescut congrew le under a pledge
I —«
,________ , ‘"•d^imorerodicalM eflecrivemoaa1 don't Lp^e's
g-iiug to uetd it now, and maybe be will,
know that motber put it there,
“««hant in tbe United
but aomabow I abaU feel battar if be ’
*’“7 »a«»Uotn»r aod every
jworkman wbo'erprata an inenum of
' "And 1 felt that the wenan who bad 1
‘•7 l*** *««*<<» «*
loved mneb aod forgiven ftinb i^d
in ftootb America should urge
pTMclKd a aermts of IcagtroMN and
TvOeaa that pledge without
mercy before wbidb I with my pUti-1
othaott nrndea mnat noaU dumb."—ChisM)
Currency Mann can wall, bat
A—'s deUy in tbe ebaotSMat of an ef­
fective meuKunfor tbe revival of Amwicao abippiog moaua ibrlom of than.
' I <ff dollars to tbe
Mr. George W. Smalley's pleating aa- .cata of tbe United Btatm.—Btob^
■nranoe to rile London TioM that Biyau.
Um ii gainUg ground ia Ameria la toooivAd bj "Tbe Tbunderer” with an
eageroeaa wbicb atrikingly reeaUa ita
old tinM axnltttioni over Ccwleda
Kot aoutber qoearion n
Tiotoriaa.—Boatem JouzoaL
ootmtiy oompay' ia taportanoe with
^qnwiatt of oarnney reform. Tbe
Bepoblioan party will a^ or^ ao
bet on to av^ to the way in wbi^ U dmU
ward tbe batUefielda of U98i and I960
with tbe Bdn. Maroaa Alcnao
tbe bcAd of tbe oolnma.—Sew Toek
"Jfoaeybliur^^^^rtokaaay BMdlclnt
CrMk Ba tottolteuYiuto,
"Wby^Tranmoriooi reported te tbe r.i«wing
"6be oomn’t want to bK rid of It
two week! of 1B87 in tbe pig iron mar­
sro It Id Bhria.*'-''
ket show tbe Urgem volomo in tbe bia^ beeanae aba gut it in Bhria.*'—New
tory of tbe iroh troda



In fact since our inventory we have laid
E out many especially good bargains for'^e
^ benefit Of our customers-r-It will pay you to
^ see what we are doing on

Keisgy Pants, SweatejG,
OversMits, Duck Coats, Soy, Etc.







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