The Morning Record, September 24, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 24, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





nmmo&TEOii ooBidBoio*
to Vnr OaapMai Sat Oaly 'Omi

But to th« OtttaB muuiry


WMklwtw. Oipt. tt-Tbe prai.
daai toU Ttoiten toiif tk»t tke mm«Bl«ad OMm Xulcta OpM Xwm- BtoMoB to la«Milc»to tko iMfart of Bil^t lodlM ■dMeMi'4- Ut Maay
^ W«t MM. ■ora An aMOMbnd is ^. Vapln
I tiM OpHtek
• wm b*
Xk*> ^tod. Md wMdd ooutot of aiM ■
Waa-Tiet'Ma ■arrtUy Bnraad am*
b«a. M tnt MMwaood. B« h
;YuthwM«r irui Jfot b* **i»■ntUatad-tmaU CAasM of Baaoli>
«ke t«Ua
•MbpTbii 0«vara»Mt
•Up. bot M for M woooMd tka mm*
Mtooloo to M fellow*: OmotoI QruWMkli«tc«. a^»U ■» -A T«rx F»- tUU M. Dodt*. SmmU John M. WU*
optorr ■—f g( iMtnctlm ku •M. Ooloool JoMM A. Soxtoo. OoloMl BnwMrUU, Pa- Sapt. U.—Tka tMTlbMs MstW th« 0«bu alUta^ «M- ■mb V. BowbU. BfrOororMr Wo^ fle a^UMaa by fln danp U tba DmMtalM. •»« bp tb*B Md« tk* bwU bnry. CfaaflM Daaby. aad tkOMM pin mie^ to prorlap tba moat tarrihU
ISm BBtkorlilM at Wiakliftek *U1 Bot
Make pabUe tko tarn* of ika aoU. bsl day.
Uo gMoral tOBor to that tka OalUd
StatM wlU aot ba aattokod witk fmrtlwr
4alay U tka oracaaUoB of OaW
Tka tVMaot tba protoMi oati«< <«
For PriTHte B. A. IPiokiBHOii
tkalMM^dkttooTaeaaiwB of CabaoBd
Btp Moat be relia^Oompsny 1C.
^oUktoU Ika kaMrlaaa •
«a haea baea fefernad Ikat tka aeara- ■a Waa •ina a Aaldiarto Bartol aad
This OoMMnalW Tatd a ViOist
Tribnta to Bla Manary.



■«Bana MUfi


to Baad Xema

tut muT ▼•(••feMb. VaakiBCtM. bwl. il.-OaMr*l MOM
tatobppfertkarndaetloB aftka eal*
BBtaararmp. Oaacna MUm wtmid boI
atata tka anet BBMber at traopa ta be
■MtoirtU Mt, bat it to Uarmad that tka
plBM eall ter tka Atoaatoaal of Bat Um
tkaa 40,000 MOB.
Tkatartkar radnoltoa aftka
tOM anajr wiU rlee tka
tka MBok daalrad ebaoM to wmA aat
■ that an a htoidnBM to pvtaM
Hifk B*MJ affidaJa ara
•U iB fever of tka radaatioB. Tbaj
>t tka acMp to cntafe aaly viUtaf
^aBd ta baacaod
oftkaAiaartoaa aeldlar. aa^t
MUad Bpaa to do xarrtooa aad eavp
d8^ tkan-wQI ba aa aora eoMplaiata.
.Ibaamyof-oeeapatfee ofCabawlU
tt ta tka tolaad matn Kowakn-- Onaral If Um Mya that ba dan
■at eaMidar It aafa ta aaad tka Maa aatfl that tiiaa. Tka war dapartMaat to
AatarMiaad that there akaU be ao aayloMotUfa.

BBnacta •taal Oo. WlU Batablfafe a
float Which WiU Weal tka
Krapp Ona Vaetory.
. Sept, as.—Plan ara
■ow balBff prepared by tka Oaraarie
etaal aoMpaay tor a faa fecadry to ri­
val that of Kropp. taa Oaraiaa paa
beUdar. ThapUatwOlba loeatad at
B------- erithis half a Mila af the
BoMMtaadarMorMilto, aad wUl
ploy orar A«n sea.
IB Bouuoa
to prerRoriair to ro into the abipbuild*
^ bMiaaM. A railroad to atrika tide
r at Kewport Kaw* or Karfolk.
Va.. toaowaadarway,
Tka pareal of load far tka plaata
oootUM tkirty-itoa aeraa aad Mat «SaOOOO.
Throe Uan of raUnad r«a
tbroofh It The Oaioa rallnad eoaaeeto all tba ^to af tka Oaraepto
Steal ccMpaay. 'Iha Oaraarie plaato
at Baakla. Braddoek. DaqMaae aad
HMBMtead are aow oaBaeetad by tka
feaioea Hot UeUl ronte af tka Oar*epie StMl eompaay. Thto
saapled witk tkeir owa
akort m llae to Uke Erie, baa aaablad
tM Oaraarie eonpaay to dletota tanH
«the eompaay hMeoataed
ito bnalsaM aatirely to
toaaiar lanatarial- Now it
ito owa prodtothabealaaMof

A TriboU to tha.Ifeath of Uia Oaa^taroftboBabeUlaa.
•Mtol to ibe Kemw Bmdm.
AUaata.Oa..Sapt. « —The fmaeral
trala beariap tka remalaa of Mtoa Wiaala Daeto, daerktor of tka laballlen.
reached ban toolrhiaad wm lae^eed
witk preal aeatioa aloac tka aatlra
roata. Sara bafer plaoad at bait Mbat
•oldian of XaaaM May TofeTopaka. Ren . Sept. M.—Tba Twbm
tialb Kaaaaa ngia^U mow ototimoi
atifaaPraaetoeoaadaooBta etart ter
Maaila. will hare a ebaaeeta vote far
state bffieen bed eoarreMmaa. bnt the
fditof plan to likely to be an ahlpboBd and near Ue middia of tba PaaiAcoeaaa. Haemtarrof dtota Hnah to
prmmriar tba■ baUoU.
wkleb wOl
.. w.
mt to Ootoaal Pnaatoa at Saa Fbactoeo today.
Witk tka baltoto in poatnaton of Col«aalPa«alM tka aeidian May eata
wherafMtkWtMT^***^**^ day.

la aplta of tka wMlkar yntorday
ytarMoa TraToraa City toraad ant aa
itapaya laM raopaetfel tritoaU
tatbe auiMory af Privata Blraa A.
oftkoaoldiMi of OaMpaay M, Tbirty-toartk meklfaa val■Btaan. who diad Tnaaday of typkaU
feear. Tka
t tka life aM.daBkk of tka
teltad tka ay
yaadlka anwharwka
d tka laataad ritn wm aittlar
tiibnfetaabraeaaaldtoraad a feltk*
fel aoo aad bratkar.
■aWMiaUtonat wtth fmU mUI*
tary baoara; beaen doe a aoldiar wka
toys dewabto life ta tka dafaaaaaf kto
ooBBtry. ABd tkBt kto naretOM wara
at tkalr fall ealaa
avtdaaaad by tbs tapnaalve i
wkieh attaadad hto bnrial aad tba
rraat throan who loskad

on raeerd. Eipkt badUa ban already
baaa takaa eat aad many
mtelap. Lato thto afteraaaa AT af tha
maa nUraad ta tha aity
hatlop aornpad by aoather aatni
two milM away. Tba dead ara aareeopiasabU, balnp baraad aad mntUat*
ad. A haaUly
d at tba aolrasea to tha
Tba badtoa wara rwaand to aa

Tllla, where aa laqant wlU ba bald.
Tba aaploaioa to mid ta han baaa
camaad by tha looeaslap ot a Urpa
block of ooal. which apaoad a pocket af
paa. ThaaatraaM where tha axplaniOB oeearndto located abaets mito
aad a half fram the pit moetb.
Tba miaa to aa old aaa aad pratty
waU worked oet. Tka maa were opaa
Umpa. amah aa an aaad U aU tka MaaaagahaU mlasa.
Old Mlsara eay than to aot oaa
ahasM la a haadrad of flailiv tba BtoaiapMM aUn.




Madrid, flapt. ll.-(Uptato Ai
Mtoietar of martoa. west ta tha rUIwByatBltoByaatardaytoMellUa dma
ta mmt Admiral Oornra.
Tbsenstlap batwaoB Um Bad the
mtoietar ot martoa wm wUkant toei*
t Tkaaawa of tka adaiirUk aapactad BiTlval had nyraad, aad palUa
aad people, to abont aqaal aamhern.
wan praaat at tba atattoB. Tka poybUm dtopUyad aa ancllamaat at tha
aipkt of Admirsl Oarran, tkoaph Ua
preaeaM of tka peliea ia anak Urpa
■ban waa aridca^k that Ua parcramast aattoipalad a damoBatratioa.
Tha marked ooolnaM of Admiral Car*
■n aad Ua afltora toward tba miato-


WaM Bstind tha Mma of «nr phawMMBBl WaU Paper AUa a
dayaloapar. PaapU
uapood Utopaadwawmpm

290 fVoot StiMt

The quality of Picture Framing we do
her of orders we are taking.



Wfe. FiBBtoia Bryaa BaiHfepa far
■aMartop Ont af Xto Bi
LtotP Bolflr ofOhliui SuROUBd. WaaUaptaa.
Bryaa wm at Ua
•d by Kuemleo.
day. Ba made a pin for Ua maatar*
lap OBt of kto rapt
I OB Vast toTUM Mm may ratara bona aad ranma bnsli
p*B OiaadaQa oa the
M Mabrmaka kaa fnrntokad TOO i


the nwa»


Marnan BlocL

Children’s Cloak Show

■MMal «e Th Uaansa Bamaa.
BnaoM Ayra. BapL IS —Ab Bpra*
ua Waa aipaai yMtarday ban
a as tba
by which Uab
MoU to aabmlttad toarWtnttoa.
Ifapotiatiaaa an piufiamtap to ra
card U Ua bonndary aa Ua aorU. aad
aa ChUI Imtoto UbI Uto alas ba arWtralad. whUa ArpaatsBU daeltoM to
MbMlt Ua whole boBadary to arbMn*
tka. Ua dv«er t> »ei y»i pamai.

Honpy A OobbaMa'


RelUble Dry GoiMiB,

•ad Clothing Bo



Ooad ferFrnlt BalMap.
Oead for Stack Kaiatof.
flood tor OcMBl Faratop.
Ib Urpa BT 4MbU pBnaU. MBpy b

Ob (LB -AIB.B.


feiM te tka UM tton.
Tha OMkat wm Mrared witk bMntl*
fnl floral ofliariap aad baakad abant It
at tka altar wan MTstal plaoM of tan
raiiUM of flawem. wbOa tka l»ek af
tka pnlpK WM dnpad witk tka aotUaal colara.
Aar. Wripht prMtfead aa aSMtUf
aermoa aad paid a glowimtaUmto to
the ■•■aiy of tha dapartadharMwkos
M tha aiala anppMt af bia
oUer.atolars aad brother. Bto words
filled with ecsitort asd aeaaoUUoaaad tha Borrawlar family wan
to realiaa, that while they ware
eallad npaa to bear a heaty Um tbalr
rrtef wMOharadbya pratefal peopU
aad the aympathy of tha
with them.
Tha beyo who marched aide by mda
with him at tka eaU to arms, bora him
u tha prava, and as hto body waa low•red lata tka earth, after a flttiap aaInta. aad after the Uai Mft. betolaar
Botea af “taps” had died away.
aomradMraaliaed man felly tha rain#
of that friendaUp aad lore wkieh
maka all aoldlan kin.
•a'a aadartokiap rooma dawa
tlaloa airaat. throaph Froat and Park,
to tha Oaaprapatiomal ehnrah, whara
by Hot.

liavatkBt the Ufa af the ampara of
Cklaa to ia daapar.
It to added that tha d<
daaira to plan niaoa Kaapk praad•oaoBtha tbrooa.
Tka amparar raallra the atraapth of
tha aoBaplmcy apaUat Um aad has
nd tba pnards at tba paUm





I that LI
y U PakU •:
Baap ChMp wUl ba reUatalad ia affin
aad that tba M^«Rir’a nfaras will ha
lorily aemtharcd. Tha Enpltoh
foraeeaa UeraM in BamUa Uflo


their Utoreato.
There ta lltUe dMbt that the nfarm
adieu lad ta the depoMUoa ot the amTha dewaper amprsM waa
•aatmt ta let tha amparar aloaa n
leap aa ba waa maraly a
whaa ha iaUtotad ar aanctloaad a poli­
cy that waa oppaaed to her riewa aha
him lo abdleato
ramoia an to eironUltoa,
ema of which
ara alarmlap- Oaa re­
port has it that the dowapar empran
to aetaatad by the
baffle Marqnto Ito. tha Japaaen atataaman, who. It waa aadarato-id, etolted
Pakto far tba ^rpoaa of arraaplap ao
odlaaMn and dafoaMn aUtoaoa
twaaa (%iaa aad Jmb- WhM tba
wha admintotored that aiUrttnal
fart which daprirn daaU of ito aUap. emparor neaind Marqnto Ito to
diaaca on Tnaaday Uat ba ahawad Um
- The poll baarcfa ware Orric Mi
Irriap Caok. P. JohaaoB, CkarlM Car* praat baaar, and axprenad tha hope
paater, Braea Sekoflald and Oaarpa that ha woald pin ahrloa rape ‘
Dapo. The prooaaaioa thraepb tka
AaoUer report mya that eiolaat
•tmto waa lad by Ua Beye* band.
nnifel mnaU pan aa added )oaea oeearred betweac tha dowapar
•mpreeB aad Ua emperor la
to tha aoeaaloa. Tha
hort of Compaay M followed aad Me- Taanp-ll-Tamea. The amptem to baPtaenoo Pnt praeadad tha haana. Tka lland ta be praaUy Incaaaad by KaaMa'a paaatirity and by tha dapndatioB
W. &. C. rods U tha
of U Haap ChBPy. and to aow awirttop
and aiuadad la a body,
>U wtU all bar miphA
White. Bobbi. HsIdm and ■nator raaOOAX. «XAB BAT OITT.
drrad aaTeral appropriate
1 by Mtoa Alma Daapm at
'Parmen Ban Baadad Tapatbar to
• of pw>|da
had laekad tkalr laat e|
tha feM af
aty. BapA tS.—FamMra to
the dead aoldiar tba
aenU tewiwUp ban baUUd tobona to tha eamatcry aad laid to rat paUar for the p«ryoM at |
with the aolama aad impraain
for aaai. A teat baU to hatop anak an
In af fall mUitary kcocn.
Oiarge tatter's farm, sad to asM of a
nla balnp atraek a aampaay wlU ba
Tn»T worn. eowaUM.
■nyor efOraikd BapUa ta Oo Apalaat aad atok a abaft if what tkay flad arlU
Bto— a—u>.
warraat tkaaxp
Tha feraan ban mfaaad to laaM
Oread Sa^ Mich., Sept. SA-Tha
tkalr pr^arty to ooal opanton.
raoentie oaonetloa of the Fifth
district baa m;
Oearpa A Parry,
rry. Mayor of thto ally. maadad ta Ua pawan that totanta*
Party waa obm- Uoaai aottoa ba talMB apatoM a«ar*
iaaiad after WUUam F. MeSsipbt had ektota.
daeUard to ' '

By thto aaMiaatkm both
Wa ban tknwa sway the key—M
anfraMthtoeityIka OetarBMaat of HayU bn Aaapad Ito MlBd alBM tba raeaat Wnt ladtoa barrlcaaa, aad paralto tba.UUtad
•MtntaaatBbUaba aipaal atatfea ot;
■au 8t BUbofan.

Patrelt Oan Aa BBUnaUstU WaL
eema to Tbti ty ■aeeaA
arMtal ta Tei Hanan Bae*aa.
DettUt. 8apv SA—DeMlta tha rM
Beta Ba nan MMwSta »t_
■dUeatraett to- «MtBMlMaUMwta>Malv.
•Mini ThIaeaaMbaacMatata
day piriap a flad waleotac to DatrUtk
rataratop troapa of tba Thirty aaeond
Mieblpan. Nani i mai im and Cabas
•aaa marebad to Ua preeamloa

Him OMBti» dk^.


the Idod we
•ell, will be
found in more comer* of the world than ever before. Th*?
^ \
feet of thonsaad* of thecoaqnerii^heroe*
were Bbod with 8BLZ SHOES, isd wherever they here been introduced theM
^loefl bere oouquered their way by tt*^
•heer force of nperior matt. We
.you’ll wear no othcra after you hare tried
■ IMOrcd SELT and wc’dliketobBveyo«‘'
•ee ^ sew one* just arriTed.

This Man
Is-On The Run
—tie’s jost like a
great many others—in a
hurry to get here to se­
cure some of those

Half Price
Baade A Ook. abMaloek nhUk
wa beapht at 40 to aOt ob Ut dol-

Grand Fall Openini

Out Efforts ire Beiiig Groneii Vitb SdccssSi^
Eron eariy nraning a mginp erotrd hm been htTiding oir 4
differobt departneati. Then was to e^irmcUni of adamatioB.,
deUeht on their eotmtenancea. The new pad ptyliah fab*
diaplayed eraryvbanbre admind by all.

reaort for Tiaiton. Tha aoMty patfaca^
hate an a peenfi^charm to the ladioa Wa oondBoa oar.


iuTlfatton to tha i^ofl to eaU in oar Hiifin«y
HilfiiMty IW
partmeat and accept a little tokeu of oor eataem in tha ah^e ‘
of a aooTenir ^ tray.* We^a^mada apaciAllow
In aU of our

MonloektopthadaoratUa Oolam-

ttoim of aiphA Ur- Ibaak Bay.
■ atpht
wm catir to Ue
wiahMof Ua hMrry Mtll MUpbt
arary mentop. W. H. FUteber.

AM T. FrifiiiiGli,



TmonTBT«JMT. ''


THI Moumro SSOOSD. SATP«DAYt 8»PTMIB»» »4> t8>S.


. amhiao Oa n •urn* «f

Bftfta BftU.
Tte fair of the Laalanaa Ooealy Acrianllsral Sociatj wUl taka pinna »t
Mapla Citr naxt waak. nnd lOu nil
LBM>n.~liUtor »a llukf*. prarloaapaan tte axhIbUioa wUl aV
tract Urfa aamban tiaa Twram
atj. IttaantdtbnttteteirtUa paar
ba ahead of laatrwr In ***7 r*~
Se will ta.
A baU pama to halBff looked
toward to witk aoaaManhla laU
and la order to naka It more lataraab
iar the teatnaaa man at Mapla Otj
ten naked tte Ebooed w print tte


■.-«. BMW 4» 3. W. Bmbb

•Tka bBBlaaaa man of Maplaatp karabj ekallanfa tha bealneaa aea of Ttarana atp ta piftp ft fftata of hftw bftU at
toth at a p. CO.
Ttet batnf tha laat dap at tte LaalaaM ooutp fair.
“BcamM Mb op Maplb Ott-*’

moTB smosTB

Ibra Abottt Th«M Bsma.
VW tewl Dmoenti mn mdMvw
r-'lW to Min FoUttMl eMitel Ml o( tke
Vmte-axtnUtar MdmoMriollB tb«
I'jiwrtrMtiMOftho O0«Bk7 OOBIt hooM,
r ant ten boUlfiMortod »••tempVlan’'
itelr Attem, tkw ntlrinr
Thk Mj aU te ««7 woU M ft (i«Bd
tek it ift ft UtUa
m. Tten ftteiM te no yoU-

teoM ftte tten it i
BftftMftrmtft In tteir pUkfam
teU ftWftrttoM and eteifft* whisk th«y
iMftWtftftypftrtadirith (ftotn
Tte cnwteft far tte pcniUon tnlns
•m Ttet kte oonUnetor kn mdorod
• WU for ftftrtftin axun Inkor nnd B»t««to «e, Tkftt b«
. rftftftlTod ft pnymftftt of jS.OOO. Ttet
teft tftOftitte ftftolhar paynMi of «s.‘it iftftiriwi uteifti .. .........................
it •tooe pajmMt WM applied opoa
ti kUl iftr ftsUM, beeftftM tte
btiteftlor ftftw fit tft fire kteulf «redit oa
'ItekUlforUetratifteoOpftU. When
. Jb ttUai tm tte aUafte kaUftoe
Cterh Howtaa rafaaed to draw
ibSWter for tte anoant kaenaae t
■Hill dU not aUow tha elali
;ttft tenia aiT«Maipat forth U ttet Ue
.ftoe is ooeatrmd hj tha ooatraetor to
. 'tV)7 span tte biU far axtna. in'alftftd of epon tte oddtract. The
■toea nf tkla eoatantioa it aatlralp
Bat trofti tka ta«t
(MOO waa paid befon Ua extra elaiau
am oantraet^aad abant tkraa waaka
tliP Wl! far axtTM waa praMnted.
> Bad wten tte other pftrMt of %i,iOO
it waa paid epon a oarUfiaate
^^raai tb« hrakitact Uftt It waa far work
tte oratnct. Thanfar* tha
Mdo for poUtkal««ae t proTo frelt
. Baa. In all Mtaadra pehlla improra'^Mnta ttera «ra ftlwaipi axtr«a which


»n*S BOOUtX. VABtX.1
BahMl mr» BatorOainad Their Birl t
Manda Obarmlnctp.


ft Taw Dap* Ape.
Mia AftftftBath SlriiteaftUae
tp, who want to Chloaco ftarenl aoattaa
ftfft, to rapartod atoalnc. Md no alee
•a to her wteranboaU haa teen dk
HteBtrickarwantteCklenco to attand aebaol. her expiaaa ta ha datrapad bp abrathar. at that dtp. Lntar
tte hrotter wUatad in the army. Ulliaf bia deter to leak ant to karaalf
antU hto ratara.
The plrt aacerad a posiUoa aa waltma In tte dlniac non of tte Alpha
Saroato elah, whieb aha left eereral
timaa bat alwapa ratnmed. BaceaUp
aka left to vUt friaada at Hpda ltok.
and alnM than haa not baan heard of.
tha hadp of a paaar womaa waa faond
In tha lane and a report waa drealatad
U tha etfaet that MtoaStriekar waa Ua
nafartenata Tiatim. Thia report
bowcTrr, prarea falaa bp maabac
Ua Sami* alnb.
Tba panato of tte aatoalat efri. who
Un abbot aix milaa want of Uia d^,
ten bean aotiiad of tte oeesmaea.
and it waa thanrht ttet parhnpa aba
■ifbt ten eoma tema.

A daUdktfal partr waa fir**
araainf in Montao* tell bp a eonpaap:
of nahoalbapatoUdrclrttrlanda.
Tha hall waa anda ta look plaoaaat
ad boaalika bp aeraaaa, rofa. and
aaap ebaira. Dnpariea of red. whita
and hlaa baatlaf. anr^hara added
(naUp to tte planaaat affect
Tba flrto aU looked briptat and pratto U thdr daintp wh|ta c«^ n*^
red ttelr appradaUoa of Ua bopa'
cood manp joUp famaa were
pUpad and tha anniaf waa one of Ua
kaaaeat anjopmant Bamnl pnaata
fnralahed dallfhtfnl made to Uarrant
plaaaonat the oUen.
Mtoa Sanraaaa and Min Warner
klndtp acted aa cteparoeea and wen
ropaUp eatertalned. A dalatp tapper
of ceSaa, aandwlchn and aaka waa
aemd darlap Ua analaff.
Bnrpaae anal hone attar a daUchtfel time, and wiablof that Ua
ten woald aatartala ac*!* coon.
Tha foUawlBC to a liat of Uewa praaeat:
BUal Qlbba. Belle Dana, pUn TalffboB). Bertha Herlap, 7aaia Ilomap.
' Ante Sector, Bthd Tope. Babp Walfel.
Pnaen Btrriac. Oairia Bari, Blanaba
inn. Vida Beaaar, Bn Bailer, Jaw
- Laara Aahton. Delia Martiaak. ArUar Waite. CUad Tanpklna.
ArUar Bari, Balph Boaeaa, Baroaap
Bapnolda, Alnoad Bailer. Banp Dae. WIU VoclMC"!. Arnold Cook,
Herbert Bapnond. Xna Bapnaad, Barhart Moatacaa Pane Maaa, Oaptno
Lardia, WUlla Foote, Fred dinan, PUo
Fortach. and Bano Colbp.

Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
Mp work is first cinn and prices that are in reach of nil. I am
propnred at all timos to take rsre of tbe trade. I make a apedaltp in
Bnung, Vnlcaniziiig and Eoainelinfr. A. fine Utte of wheels for nle
and to rent.
J. 0. ELIiIB, 311 Firmt street, east.


Sebool of Xosie BadtoL
Tha propnn for Uto a^noon'a
eitol at tte aehool of mnaic to aa folUwa:
PtakOplli...................................... LUhaer
Mtaaia Votrabn.
Caarap btodj No. t
740Jatto Stroap.
The Mnldao and tte Battorflp,
Gneo Morpan.
Alfred wnhaln.
WiU o' tte Wtop..........................Jnapnaa
Soap* of Ua Ontan.......................... BUIoi
Bert MHler.
OarUad of Boaaa Walts..........Stnnbbop
Mabel WUbalas.
Soap Wftboat Warda. No. «. U.

Ethel OIbba.

How to Look OeoA
Berynat Gaorra Tarbock, oae of Ua
Good looks are reallp non than akht
UoBipanp M bopa wbo kaa baaa wp
aieh. waa able to be ap and draaaad deep, depeodiap eatlrelp on a heatUip
oooditloo of all Ue dtol orpnas. R
pntardap for the fltaVUne dnee he ra- Ue liTor be taaetiee. poo hare a bUion
look; if poor atomacb be diaordered.
teeeadptpeplielook: ifpoorkldTha fananl of tte Uto Jahn FowU.
aepa be affoetod. po« hare a ptaehed
8r. wUl ha bald Iron Ua Pint Method- look. Saeore pood haalU. aad poo
tot ebarch at iO a'elaek Uto noralnp. will aonlp bare pood looka. “81001110
inatoad of from Ue hooea aa Webater Blttera" Ua pood AlteraGreaad Tonic.
Acta dlnaUp oa Ue aunaeh, Urar and
alnat aa fomarlp asBotiaoad.
kidaepe. Purifln tte blood, enrea pimDr. J. W. Qaantlau. wbo kaa baan plea, hlotchea and bolto. aad pirca a
nrp aiek wlU rkaanatton. waa able to rood eoaplexlon. Brarp betUe r*«raatoed.
Sold at Ue Drop Stora of A
baoat pntardap far Ua Brat tine.
A Walt and J. O. Johnaoa. so cento
Unlan praraatad on aoeaaat of Ul- par botUe.
healU. ka expacta to po to DaUtdt
Moadap to anur coUepa apala.
Min Jalia Backer, haokkaapar U Ua
•aetiaa Toramna HbCM nnd • Malpar
hardware departmaat of Ue Mareaatlla
Wera Silled Thnredap.
A terrible neddent oeenrrad Thara- OanpMph atoe. to erjopiap araeatian.
CaU io
Aina Daaprea to takUp her place.
dap nlpht on the G. B. A 1. nPrted be­
And see tbetween g-»v««v« and Saath Boardataa.
Saarp SuU'a BirUdapMika Here*. * aeetion toMnan. and a
Yeaterdap waa Ue foarU birUdap
hdper wera dririac » htedcar. whea
Uep ware atroek bp a froifht asrioa. anaireraarp of little Uearp Hall. aM
BoU man ware killed and Ua bodln of Mr. aad Mra. W. C. Hall. la honor
later tnkaa
^tk Poardnaa where of tbe ereat aUtaan of bUlitUefrleads
we ere selling
e inriied to aaatot bin la doUp
thap Hnd,
aaiwbU hvaor to (be ooaaaioa. The
pnesia broapht manp pnltp plfte
biU will aarra for a leap tine U>
MnCkvln P. Chrrar left an Ua *:50 briap plranat nanortoaef Ua arasL
train Uat alrbt for SaatUa. to JoU bar Mra. Ball waaantotod U aatertolaiap
haaband. who raoaatlp retarnrd tron Ue little folka bp Mia. H. D. Aller.
It’s a besoty—large ai*e, double
a cold banUac tour in AUate. Thep Mn. F. D. Cartto. and Mn. W. D. C.
top, dost proof drawers, patent
wiU Ttolt friaada of Mn. 0»mr U Uat OarnaUa._________________
«| UoaaiaeUaaacharratte tnpraraplaea. Pnd Cartto. who waa Ua pnrtcastera, fine finish, 16x40 bevel
T|Wat to placed la Uto laatanca Bapab- aarafOamr on Ua axpaditlen. I
Maw BoaU Bide Btora.
ItoM and Oanoerato alike ai* iatorplate glass—In fact it is a bandwlad and Ua paapla who pap tte taxn
■Aa to Ua Boatoe Sura, tel Utolp sf
mmi eat dapaad npao tte Danoeratt
some mite.
Ua apper penlaanU, haa ntarned ban
IP aaa that Uair iBtatnn an aabKUaaaa wat'earprlaad bp hto wife aad and to pnpariap to apaa a aaw atore.
ekiUrea, who rataraad froto ^rand ■a baa laaaad Ua baUdlap m Ua
BapUto. altar apandiaf tte aanaar aoaUweat wn*r ©1 Calot ate SixU
then whiU Ua Uaatenaal wa* at Ua CUeeU. aa^ wUl earrp a fall lUa of
; Ttok epadlcnto Uat triad toetonm- front. Tba fanllp wan laritad to the alotklar. drp pooda. boott and ^loaa.
Moose Furnisher.
: -awt Baaniarp Gar*'> P>»a ta naka kOMof hhak Friadrtoh when Uap ate. Be to now haTinp new flxtarea
- Aa war loan a paptter an*. It to awnltad Mr. Klaann
plaote U Ua baUdUp aad Ua aton
Manca how Mr. Clarelaad and kto
Mtoa AdaBaairahaantareadfrana wUl be opened to a Uort lime.
* M trienoa konr about a boad inna.
ialt wlU raUUna at Baat
M. Pberlla aad daafhtcr
lorata wan eanf-i to omit aU nfanaea to Ua Chieaffo on bin pcaterdap fran Blacham.
Prank Daaa. of Slifkta. waa U tte
: niaifnrw at Uair raoant eaanatioa.
‘ A«P trlU donbtlen denta all Uair dtp pa.
W. W. FairchUd and Cbariea Oor'-^MteSadlac faalt wlUUacondact
naina rataraad Uat aipht from Baat
Jtedaa. whan Uap toak ta Ua rmtm.

Aoconoixo to Ue rlawa of Ue Utah
Bobart Z. Walton of Co. M. eana
' 'Dnaoenu Ua porarameat oomnlitod poatordap from Fife Imka to attend Ua
* aawioaaoffaan bp brinpUp Ua war feaeral of Printo Dickaacon.
Shop opposite Eagle ofiBce.
*«ab aa enrlp aamiaatioB. ^ '
Min Mtanla Oldlap wbo baa
^ li faalv-indiap ranalap wild.
eialUap Irloade ta tte dtp ntnrnad
paatoroap to bar bona at Bm^dn.
! . Bad Baport* of 0. S. Znckap.
Joha Loraapar baa poaa to Sapinaw
^Weed aonn Uroapb Ua teaAapaln aa biutaan trip. Ha Will atoorldt at
' ihpran Uat Cllawa E. Lateap haa Grand Baplde aad Detroit bafon roMa wroap. It to aUepad ttet be baa
hate land iron hto wito aad boata Mt%. Aaa Bala to entortaiatap her brohp tte wllnof anoUar wanaa. aad it Uar. Mr. Seat at GnaariUa.
toaUoatotod Uat pa.hllap haa baaa
C. T. Onwn to la Cadillac i
Petaakvp, Mich. Sept, to I8»A
lor tte prepran of Ua Nenmbaratoatt of bia
« A McCobmick. DUtrlet <
> Of Ua
I—I wtoh to ex- I
tap of Ue KorUara Mlchipaa Behaol
1 that Laekep
Maatera- Clob.
Proaocattap Attoraep J. J. Twaddle
•htet two pean apo and narrled Mtoa
ofmvUlehaabaad. t. H. GUman. 1 i
fi.-e OorbU, daaphtor of Dr. K. F. tnnaactod bnainen at Fife Lake paa- am eonvlBoed Uat poor most rocdirot
OarWn. fomarip of Uto dtp.
Sbariff Slmnoa Me ta Pi
boU Ua apeaU aad eompaap.
Tbto Waa a XJttU Blaaa*.
terdap on lepal baataoaa.
Verptrolp yoara,
• Sboatalphto'etoek yntorday mornMn. A Bnaa, Undladp of Omeaa
Altibc OfUtAP.
inp «n waa dtoconnd aadar J. H. Mc- Ina. ntamad paotordap to bor boan
aonph’a hap and pnia wanbomaa. A ta Grand Bapida afwr apeadtap a waak
bUaa waa foaad-'aearlp in Ua taUlaetWJ
nntorof UabnUdlap aadar Ue floor.
MiuGartrada TMer bn ntnrnad
Orar McNamM’s Bbo* Btero
Itwaatooaaxttapuiahod. Ttedamape tron a rtoit wlU hn paraau at Mae'Rtomw leo.
Eer. S I*. Sallopp retarnad U*t
nipkt front tte aonUarn pnrt of tte
'S^Mmd exporUnoa of Uto kind for
Bar. J. ^rry. of Qnmi B^f,
jir. MoOoaph.


3 ^'wtt tern mv4 YnuX &oo4a, me4Vam au4 U?>A m\ot» \s
mskes ttu imounX A4t4sakXs.


usT( v>e4 Wt^iIas.

We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seat
For Any of them when it <
I to etillBg fTti'i^lsAWe’ve got About—well, am
suit everybody. * Prioee reABOUAhle.


- M8 Front Street

j There
I Are Others
For $14.50. ' I

$22.00 3edroom Suite.

Who make flour as good as the ’’BEST,"

but the year around nothing beats it Our
first consideration is quality. That this
is the best policy is proved by the fact'
that eyery year we have been able to show
a healthy increase in our sales.




Hew Store 120 Front Street.

Geo. R. Winnie
U|)-to.fiK Painter
and Paper Hangar.

Prompt Payment



B Our Offerings


I -N Furniture

A Cbaracuristic.



pmldtap o^ ta Uo
ebarch, was' tba pacat of Bev. 8 Saltberp yeetordap. Be bac loft far Ki
wbw« hewUI dedkau aaswebarek.


E«. 3. O »™Vr. ol
ad Be*. A Balsberp protordap.

We make particular mention of EBBD and KATTAN FtTKHITTJBE. Aside from a floor full of beautifdl creations Iji
; this material we make prices equally as at'ractive.
Wkether you Intend to refnmieli your house this fall or
:'ju8t contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
: to do so at a very Uttle cost. We want you to see the goods
in any event.




Al.| JS^p-iSUtSSlRASSS.,’?
' --------- -—..


tg< JiUMfJUro JaOQgP.pATTOPAT. SlPTBlCBEk 9< 1898

««»«««»»»« ««««««» «««««»«

baa doabto the aaabar. Dartay
Satortatoad WhMt Btab.
sepsrtsd than has bass an ia-, Tha ladlaa'Whist cNb wars dcli^tt toanya to rayard to
• toealtoya. TheatoadMd by Mra O P. Garrrr at the Osrror trait
kM bMB rftM to OMk M OXlMt M tO Cara on tha pealaeato. Oae of tha
n^oiro u owofo of » jmx"» «ratk
rbial tuKwra of the hoetoa aad a
. to prapmttM for tko towkii fMtof trait helped maka ap a piaaetoy the eleratod etaad- antafi

Some Good Stories of Fact and Fane; Condsnaed ♦
For Bpay Readers.

•r4, U to Mfo to astlMoto tbo asmW
k7 tot

etaadard of l«T« at throe tleeea aa tarye
1997 at tweBty-flre yaara before.

Frof. Editor. HtCtoTMto. for two tot otbw dtj witu he oppeorod to
lalfone, hartor loot prrirrd
ym »t tot htU of tot womb's dt-

a Ssnsation

Alice Btoyaa'a Party.
Mbe Altoe Soyan of Wsahtoytoa
etrert, eelebrated her fifth birthday

fortnentottot Afiiesltarol ooUtrt. troBi Caba with the Chtboyfaa t
toBdoatoffloco ooltofo. tot woBBst
The poplU of 1
dtportMBt of OoratU Bolvtnitjr.
UktB tot eootfoet to bay a school
Ttot ttoto B|drt«Bltoto htft parehMod library, which they propoet Aolac by
inm tot nttort ol Otortty tot «dd leryliw a coBtribBUoa of a aiektla
Loattoyhotpltol hoiUtor tt Loattoir pitot frow all totir frieada
Md WUI tBtobltoh B MdiBB't hOM
OeoiTt MeKatr of Adriaa, <
mai tdoeoUtoBi tootltattoo.
OBsly tojared In a peeatiar
Mn. avBh LoWy of rrottoU while ThBTBday. Be woe aaeUUay to laytoy
otoUtoy fritsdi Bt Ob(ob. 5. T. wot ont a tower district, asd carried a aaestorewBtrotoo wb(ob Bod kUltd on her of Wirt stake ptoe to hU pocket.
Be fell toto a ditoh aad oae of tot plat
oa drivea into his left loop.
At Poottoe. MBOita Soydtr was ob
Thandoy ooartetod of
The ssachiaery to the beet snyar
AtnOlB teoto by pUelBy o Ut Berate factory at Bay City haa bees tatted
tot P. O. A H. tnoh. He wot dlt- with a>oet satisfactory reealta The isohBirtdby tot eoBipBoy. BodUtoBl- eUtaUoB wiU be started ap Oct I with
Itfod toot he did U oot of
snpplies Id siybt to last for fear
So dBMCt woe done, however, tot About *0.000 bairels of safar will be
Ut belBf eleeply kaoeked o« toe track. teraed oat dortoy the operatloa of the
Aportyaf dodt baatare of Morenel plant toe Bret
toeat oat haattof the other aiebt,
At PoBUae two UtUt tote playtoy
•oeae belar tot rame they wtrtttek- wild wttt osade a wlywaot to a bars oa
lay. After trotepiaA for eetcral boar* piled up ttrawBDd bailt a Are fora wai
wltooat reealta they epitd a white daact. The ham waa totally deatroy
•eoa. aa aaiatal whito it vary raro.
They floaily taajrbt It aad foaad it ' At YpailaaU, toe t-yaar^ld so* of
.toaa Boat. They dida't bother to take Pref. DX>oye of tosSUteNeraaal school
the rcBaiae bojoe
aarrowly eaeaped death by i
yallowa. that dieeaet ao dreaded poieoatoy. The chUd feuad a botUe of
hy pieeh yrewera, it oa the iaereate to the dray aad beferc anyeae ooald toOovort towethlo, Vea Baroa eoaoty. terfere had awallowed tha ooni
riftht ta toe heart qf tot peaeh district, Prooipt aad t1|
aoeardiac to toe yl^owe oomBieeloaer broayht bin areaad.
af that towaehlp.
Probably tha yreataet
Aay oat oot of work taa obtala It. etaMpa tear placed oa a daod af a traaeaadtr toe proper eoadltioae, at too far of property to the appor peniDaala
toaia pritoo. aa the waidaa Is Aodtoc wasoathe aherire deed to toe foreclerara proeeadtoye of toe Belt
. It dUBtolt to earry oot tot Wi
hhirtCo.'eeootioet. The tosata pop- pteperty thb week. The aberiff had
atattoa it 4S1. the iowMt to years. te pane ea pl»6 ia etampe aader toe
reTcaae tow.-.OBUMyoo HeralA
Slaea Jaly 1 oely 4t prteooore hart
The Haaoock Copper Jooraal eays
haea reoelTad. ayatoet 6t dartoy toe
that the ecarcity of lahortay
tM period last year.
all over toe
Bar. B. M. Coray of Bcllaira,-----.
htrmek to toe eye whUe cutUay brwsh, I
thoseh satsnf. •«'«bed all ODC
oae day tob
tote weak for a
•baal two weeks aye. and tooayh
fartoy Back pato did not tor a Uae couple of Bea to do aoase aatia work,
oowaidar the injury aarioaa It yrew
For seraral yean ao May tameis
wwae, kowever, aad a coosaltatloa of
Aoeteta Unde to tha deetotoa that toe karayoasia for toe raletay ofetaall
I fntta to eoutowntera Mtohiyaa that
oya taaet be rataovod.
utze of toe crop each yrar haa been
Mra. Chnrlee OoraweU of Wexfordr la

JoMi as wa expeatod. anr a

tot work of oririaal toveeticatloB.
bappy tiwa. MoBy
pretty yifte were left ae sseaenbn of
The profMloaal stadeaU la the tohtols
toe eocaeioa.
of tow. aiodlctoeaadtoeoloyy laereaead dartay toe aaiae period. Darihythe
period eeSeatl
itlAea and teoboleal
la view of toe eoattoaally toeraaetoy
desaad ter hlyker edocatioa. eays toe
eUWsaat,toe laereoae of the proteeMlcb. Jane Aim.
aioaal edoeat|aa. aad eepccUlly the ■rar
rapid yrewto of that elate of etudeau
that Mke axpMt atndlea to paat-yradael >be ■
Aootdara As'
aU work, it to toe klyheat deyrea re- SrM cUm f Ibis iCJi'btSfwIr*
A larya portioa o^ ohe re> beliew <rUI ran jQlu^br
port it deroled to etatlatice
» of
tbe net^aadl
: »T kbe*
UoB to toe t'ailad Slatea Doriny toe
year than ware aratotalaad ia Alaska
* —bre«bl^ Ib
alybteea day aabools with l,*l» papUa

IcMgio Accident Associition.


wa bam jrat received eonldn’t do
Wc knew that every iady with so eye for a bcautifsl shoe would yet
excited over iL We never anw anytbiay Kka tham. Ladles, yon navtr
did. and we are saUsfled yon navnr «rUl saa anytolny near Uke them at
the earns priesa. Dra't buy om dollar's worth of Udiev shorn until yon
see wbat we sell from ll.oo to ps.oo. (toll and be oonviaecd.


13-y Froot Street.

tsir trminest ei

In Boaor of Mtoe Soatyoaery.
Laat erenlay a charwiny recoptioa
as yirea on Elaweod areaus by Mbs
Ada Moatyeaery to honor of her ebtor, Mbe Mary Moatyonery. who haa
oome here froa Boehater. N. Y.. for a
rblL Thera was a larye eoapaay
prasnt aad tha eraatoy was dsliyh^
tally paaseA Social fatorcs were es
joyed aad appeUslay refrahaaata

B. B. Olnb JoUlfloatlon.
toat aiyht the Three Qoartar B. B.
slab had one of their eharacterieUe )olUficattoaa to honor of
who will Itors to day for CUsayo ea
theeteaaer Petoakey to visit frieads.


Pn>l4*Iil.nrM KattoMl
X. C. DAtr<ii.
V. T Bskksb.
I'BSbIrr B<
Jss Mobbos.

He Has Surprised Them All!


His Patrols Ealliasiastic la Thait Praise.

Tre—Bfr o> Oala
TBlIorseS ■icait
U btilnalv SlstlOB
Bsa POiX.
Taot P. Oiassnu.
Brr'r-aarr kbIi

IdYP Amenta Wanted in Un>
ooenpled Territory.

Mbs Bsssis Loadoo eaterutoed about
twenty of her lady friseds last «
iay at hsr plaaaaat home oa Bast
Bi^to street, The evealay wm detiyhtfelly sprat ia yanrs. nusie aad
reciuttoas. Liybt refreshmsaU


A WstST er awraucc ||



M. Poacbe. the r
It of the
Prtaob Aetronomlcal society, has toSi
1 low a profitable tyara. The problen -rrnted a way of alteriay the psesent to- n fBBt levainivf dUB bimbSBd SsrsbaBM betoy a bell off fraoi a o
Of bow to redaoe tbb smaU trait area cUnation at the earth's szu
A Praakfort fruit yrowor boasU of has caused mueb tbonyht s
ecliptic. What hi-n-uate to do it for is
ho<B* b» will Ihi job »b»l b- CBS UVB« r<>« for
one buDdrod
an very clear. Perhapa bowover, he a*
, but ae I
ibv SsBitsrtsni. « k-r? j-« aa matv* ibr bra oS
doM't waat a do it aad merely pats trraainti at tb* toBiai jaM* el sar wBaansa ta
•aUl .Ike subject of suyar beeb
Tbw«UaBepldewic<ffbleye)s Steal- breoyht ap Xew that a biy factory
toy at OadiUae aad prodaoi ones who
r« of beet sayar b to It b worthy cd the sttaotloo of
wbh to Bare their srbeeU take tuein be erected at Bentoa Harbor neat year,
it it tbouyht that maayaaaU yrowei
AU that has to be done, as deeerlbed
Uadea Jeffera of AaUoeh. Wexford will plow ap their fra-t lands aad ro by laveation. Is to dip sa enoraioaa cirRe mist rrturn. fo* tbsre are mauy wsmoy for him. They all nay. OoeooBBty, left hoM two years aye wbso to for the rabiay of suyar beeta. which cotor ditch, ay. to Africa or Sooth
□UonV-Tle *
^ suffertoy hnnaaity. By ^^sdat reqnnst he'will retnrn.
Blllssa yeon old,«nd bb pareats bars win probably aet tons aore thae Aaierica (it* center must br oa the
wot fenowa of hb whereabouts until fraita—Dstroit Free Press.
Frnib water will do if yoo ran p«<
enoogh of it. bat as the ndios of tbs rorSG XC> W>(lDU>rTllhablti.BnlUe«tBISa
■edict aa early wtotar ditch U to be a frw handred miles that
it hardly likely, ilsriuy got yoor ditch
•oBOial Sows Sotos of VsIomI
Cbptato Nteol indlow, srho ooa. foil of sea water, aothtoy lemstot bat
He leada BO otosra eaa follow.. Bow Is toK? Brad b-twesa tbe IlnM.
aaaded toe aooltor Thnor dariay toe to Mke it race round sad rooad to tbs las- Hiikj • ni.B Ki
BoeseecU's rsoyh ridsra wfU yioo a
the rartb-s ub WiU
i P*tolras; What j
what blisa. Wbat eosifoet and what a earc- ee is
ia tola.
------ ^
B-_S2W5- 1
Your heart Is dii
beyia to pnsat toward different (inarten
liasaasd. yoor tieto are rotten. bui
ieeraasaant to New Terk. the proceeds
eel aad erdared to coaaaad the battle of the braveus from those it iadiratra
' It when yon ye to Dr BlanluMr. for thi
to be yirea to sbk ooldiera.
ahlp MaaaacbaMtta Oapt^a Blyyia- at pneeuL The amount of devbtion
leU yoer neighbor that he vrill sat
Mra BriyhV Itotoy at Pertlasd. tod.,
j fro* pnto and when yoor veetb aebra you' will wiiA far him ayato.
who ooBBaDded the KaaacbB. will depend OB the indiM <d toe ditch,
I bran hero for two weeks, lony saongb fra yoo to find oot that aU be rays is
seas se badly staay by nyriads of Md- Mtta has baas proaetod to too yrade the amount of water it holds, the speed
ah his patraassay. Doctor, corns b^k. won't yon. pleaae. I know a
dsn ad bees that sba My dta troa ber
at which toe latter tuortm and 4be tims
friend or two. who wIllbeUcTe oae when I tell them yoo are toe man wao
daring which the moura b kept ap.
T. O. Cberryaan hae been a
twseBBjT'.o. ^
*“‘“'**“«^rveaDopsio. Won't you oome hack and let them gala the benefila of year
Wemayraionst to M. Fooebe that
Mra Jeffersoe Baris U
pralee you. I know they arill. Thtokl
, pootBaeter at North Maaitou bland,
rhen a sofficient sphere of Freocb to- •MSSU? i;^bb ..B
BBC bsa „
Vou bars tima Dr. Blankner .^1 he back to^ Trareras «ty
orer the death of her dsoyhter, Xta > rlee Stella J. Boardaaa.
flneaoe has be«i aecared In Africa fas SSRkySFniViverafV i
. •‘<’‘>'*•1 morntoy. at the Whitieg Haiel. at alae. By rejiurat only. Yon
• of too battle of
wltboot poto. aad when heleaveB blspallight have a tTonefa dog and then fay
...... witl
- ask. B.c
;, roBi
are yoo
yoQ eomiey
comtoy back
hack srsto? No, he will answer. T^ia islhe
Tha aUeapt on ibe part of Jsyna to ■ ManiU oa the river at Plttabuty. Oapt. | its na get all the loe melt.d round each 0atn«iiB«.p.»i.drMi«.9BMti«tU.
bars dUeaaed teeth
- «*taadher aulhorliy over the savsye Gaerye J. WUIIaM and Oapw Charles !'<**«
pnito. k’rcnoh exploren
Wibaa to tha toterior of Formosa has MlUer «------e•—
iaataatly killed
by the ex- I ooald then discover tbeoi. where*-----JSTO:’"‘1'
oaasedanMhar rabellioa to toe Jalaad., plosion ofa hiy bomb that
a iotend'
BrmemberTou uk* dochlorofoni.De either or <
polliDg.. BO
uo twUtiay.-l
twlstiay.Vs you hate tbora who you call thuya. Hot *5 teeth am
W. W. Stepbeas. a farmer aver i ed to blow up a HpanUh ship.
reatcevri. Ptsaneconld then rumaln as
SB easc.«rRbe.
>cn you ar« tbrimyb yru aay tb*t wa* simply
Batoa, lad., thraabed k.«!0 busfaeU of j
--------------------------Icmg as sb* wisfaod tbo only natioD
y say/wbo
say/who don't
don know.. Dr. 11 aakner ia a qnsek. But all his patroaa
ahaat off atoety-flve acaev aa averaye^
AdTaneeto ValtodStaUa bare reoched tbo celi-ltrstMl points on
a»k. Doctor,
IT, when
you oominy back? B« wi>l be here from SepL Mth to
.jtoU of forty 0 e butoals per a
Oct 111. Al
At the Whit ny HoUl.
" il. Don't miss
the chai
t of toa I
tbe oartb'* Bortace. As tbe diggtog cf
e how bad yon bare heart disease, makes ao differaaoa .
r of edoratlon has baen.snb:j^^
'^‘11 be very expensive we
Tha War I
idy teeth yo
wbat you have suffered
.that toe remalai of Briyadsr Oaaeral
t tbe opportunity t [>r. Blaakaer. firat and
Maaksll. who died saddcaalr at Golum- shows satisfactory reenlu for tos work
BwO.. shaU batourred to toa NaUon- of toe year eadiay June *0. IIM.
"One eauae of eonyratulation on the
«1 Oamatory at Arllayton.
Maj. Oea. WkaeUr will faara oom- part ef those who held the doctrine
There are few mee more wide awake
MBd of toa eavalry which is to form a that popuUr aduealloB ia toesafeynard aad eaterpHsing tbsD S. E Watt and
•f aar Amariraa lnaUtatloaa."aays tha
port of the army of ooeapatlon of Cnha
rapart. "la the ooaUaued preeperity of
Md Porto Bico.
a their
toa etomantary acbeola Tha increaae'
Ibor year-old Edward Pratnky dlad
dnrtoytha year te»6»7 aaonated to
sin MvaUloBi to New York City, after •5T..Mp.,U.OT.r ,t. ....ta..
Kieg's New Dlsc>TrrT for (k»B0i
Mnyaaratehad aad bitten by a mad The total carolled to elementary Uon. Coughs and Colds,
wonderful remedv that'is
echaola amounted to 1C 4SS.4IB pupUa
‘ ■
all orar toe oou-_,
At Prabestol. Wsaa., a 400-ponad
kuy hurtliuy cui
It absolotely
Adding to it tboae to eoUeyea. unlverfc«iy7 bear aaJdaaly appeared to toa
m Asthma. Broachitis. Roai______
eitiaa, high achools. and academies, toe
aad all sffectioo* of the Throat. Cheat
mw lot of a tarmeg aad, taking a calf toul number reached ir..sss.ogs.*'
and Lunya. Cbll at above drug stores
'batween iu front leys it maruhedaway
The total amount of sekooltoy re
-......................... s. lOcu .or'a
l^nraly to the woods near by. walking
for 9u............iod
eeste aadll.wi.

eelved per indleldnal on ao avenge for
; toe whole United Sutes st the rata of toed to cure or price refunded.
An ItoUan-BaylUh symlicaie baa se-' «:hool attandance for' lW Is nirly
enrad tbe fiinV ooacessloa sver yraated j fi,e yearn of 900 days cuh. aad raacbes
by tbe CbtoMOovernmebt toa foreign q«tu . .. yean la a few of ths state*
a right to opes ibst am most Imrish to their expsadioroiiAKO BariDB,
The beet aseortment, Urgeet variety,
Md work minen and operaw nilways ' tarns ler edaration. A little men than
neateet pattern* in
mtiraly free from <%toa^ contrel.
J one-fifth of toe eatin
The eenountton nt Cuba by the 8pan- i tended ecbeol at
«tiM during the
dih troope wQl eonsame much longer! year
Mm than wna at first expected, ewiag [ A eUll yreaur aoeaslm for oonyrata
tottefoot that toe Am<
are te! iatloa. it ia stated, is to#
AXxn. y. ». oo-prOvare on our table*.
finhaebarye of tha i
stadeato to eolleyss aad aalTnraiUaa.
: Be sure and give u* a call before joa make your final selection -It pays to do so. £
ooetroUed by the Spanish
s has gone on ptandy for
twaaty-fien years aad to IfM oaly tM
Wasblnyton. Onffoai. is mfmi pssnenttotosmUUMwardaarMtod to
wrfto snow, aad drifts to ptonsa vn
aaSylaesM taralsM.
•ndtoatfianp. tram aUof which tbe^bad risen to l.tie in tbe mUUoa, belay

wru'.”»fc i*”'' “ “



One Wed Onlj ud No Moit-Septenber !6tli te Octibo lit.
Dr. Bukfiff ud Bi EBlMt Mil 9aB WiU If tot.


■■ S ™ — 2.-irssa: Xr-."




iraern. I


It Takes
I But Little Talk



Specialist in Diseases of the Eye

At The Cottage Home.


ITIie Only Enlire Hew Slock In The



I $7.50, $9,10 $12 Hen's Snits and Overcoats I
S. BENDA & CO. Fashionable Outfitters I
... ..................................... .


IEliOT,mp BHjLTm


IMttytewd yMfOato tfaawodd. la
la boU Ue
3iMo41tboknd b«lactc>u>tte
parfaaalfBl aad ba^ato wartd h too
Zb« vtU kBPWB DMdib KtaBtM Mi •ad • tfiaUigaam par aon—omr altar- wall aad wtdalT kaowa to ra^atoa aajr
In th* City.
Mm*. Tka
tenotor ftrfMcr U Owr h» giTM
Bn. 'B. a. A Oa. PkpaleUM anka a apatbeotMtlcBei •amntiatMl «tUi»ttj, aad it aaMwata to abom ball a a
elalto of Neraoaa, Blood. likbi. Mnia
tlen of «fae w1imI‘* poww • nnot tborand Fataala Diaaaaaa aad tbelr aaoeaaa
dock ODd ouofBl aUMtion for »
of yaan abd baa oairlad oa a aanber of
____________________ ao watl haowB to
cfwatBff aad ftoldlan ia ^ tpia- awa aidedaxpaaimentaand taata is tUa
ma^Too aar you a
tka eitixaea of TnTaTaa City aad otbar
dttn of MlebipaD and adiotolnp atatoa
and ai
Wbatd yoadothal ikat thab-ancUoa la eaaUaoaUy *
»—A WorU HaL« Ooor oonsmolotri mom
craadar. Tbe affllcWd of tbla eoM

S«Mta> OMBUIt aniT I>*3r

,.tMiU In lb. B.TW b«plt.ln fort,.,Wj “



EtcC himisd OaM


John R. Santo,
Gueril lisiruR.
TBBurara citr. M


awriiut wlnjpk
baapluU. Tha«.b«- ai oaaaa
boaplUlaia *-------- ............................................

.- -----.
paraau kave diad ainea 6«pt. I. 4tS' ibIU aoaordtng to the wind had bran
tnm ferara of aariona tcUda. Twaaty- ablTad and tbeo draft with tha ocnlwnd«tb.(r<-i.Uo»lCT»-b.T.b~. *nMa,
lb. wln» Tb. »^1
•flieUlly rcporud. Baporta
of a„aJOhl.tonl».

iona tkaaa moathly rUlU
TraTaTaaOtyaaotkarTaar. A aorflal
ioTitattoa la axtoitdad to al> to daU
«haa at tbalr printo rooaaa at tba
I Wkitiar Ootal. tetarday and Hnnday.
Itiaa WaUwood—po yon belie«
Seat. S4Ui aad SStk. (torn 9 a. s to 8
». la. Two daya oaly- Oonanltatk
| y£,, fiadlaoK—Oh, yaa AUnt niaa fi*a aad atriotty oaaidaatial
I (Ijbm out of ton Cbsa'a a diaotea la U.

Bicycle Riders,
rmember that ! de all kinds of rw
pairing and enaraeUag, aad that I 'eaa
•ad do give ron tbe beat work of aw
one in the dty tor the money. Wt
be deeeived by vrfaat otheiu tell yon to
tbe oontrary, hat oone aad ••• te
I guarantee all ray werk to b» ngbi,
and ft itdOMBOtpraeeao I make U

im Amsal
via 0. B. A L
to Hakiwed, Seftwikw 97U; Ts

itiona bad
that Amaricasa. Britiak aad Froneh
real reralta. Their phya
nbjocto han bon attaekad.
Tha iBWaara to tka aaiakraof aaara . _ tbtr b.ld ib.1 lb. rfr«t npnn lb
exdoalTdy deppuded opms tba
mill eadoalTdy
of few alBCO laatBaaday, whoa
tola Browa. mator of tka A»arioaa preaaDzo of the wind wb«n it atrack tin

Via Ana Arbor nllway, Wadaaaday.
lOitobra Stk. 1998. Throoyh eoacao
SaMt akA aiotfe Oet «Uk
I from Tranrae Oity. Loave M. A K. B.
I rafiroad dapol at 9:tJ a. m, Ttekaia to
on Septeaber
in tilt 8 o’cloek every avealng
„a-„,um IS on; o
except Sonday, in tbe Oaldwell A Lowi Toledo aad polnu oa the Wheollnp A 87U. aad to Detroit aad Chleago oae
latar, October 4th. TickeU will
don bonding, at aortk aad af OdM
Brie, Bockiap Vatley. Ohio C«a- waek
acid at the rate of gS 00 to Btcbmend
Bucklank Arnica Salta.
I Ual. Datroit A Lina Kortbero. CladO'
d Datroll, and 86.0010 Chicago. OhilTn Bbst SaLTK in tba world tor
diwB under IS yean, half raia. Tickand eu win be eeld from all autlona. Mack­ Cats, Bruiaea. Sorea, (Jloera. Salt
____ ___________ _______ _________ _ ___
and inaw City to Big Raplda, Ineloai
laive. Rheum. Fever Soree, Tetter. Xlhapped
Banda. i;nuDiauis,
ChUblaina, «JorsB.
Ooraa. ant>
and e^i
aU osu>
danto. aad a nambw triad to loan yoa-j ba**“‘
1 that tbe *"rootioi on ,
good for retnni oa regular train#I for uanoa.
positively cures PUea.
Urday on tka Maaeotto, taliiag for the 1<
For fletroit. choice of two rentee will or no par required. It la gnaraatoed
Taranato give carfecl sati
binitu bimnind lb. nff.nt bn nrtiflolbl i.,.!.. .f H. IV. Cnnnibrbbib, Aywv be r<vea: One via F A P. M. railrcad rufnndad. Price U
•gala w eyes the eraer
regalatioaa adopted by tha
frera Rrad City; the other, vis D..C
, , . —ulu vub»»i>-»'f eren—viud had npssesoesrlUeoT
A M. rallread (roaliraad Bapida
noridtf!ratate antkodtira prerented
^jOunait taodela al diffiTpnc apeeda,
ThTM chntt A dty.
go the ronu will be via Viek
mora than Ifty peraona learinc| and tkeaa exporiinrnw bore onl tbe oar*
k ayateni.
Ealght Ttmplar Oaelara at rittabur
line of tnina and further tofor
One fate for roaad trip. Sell Oet. Stk
, aito^^ O. R. A I. tiekel
to istb retnrn Oet. 17th. Can eatoad to
tiat. Hoatdircet ronte, akartort
C. L. liOCltirooD,
an Moek iraravad by e
aredownwith Tartona kindaof ferar.lj^^jy j 1-8 titoaaa* mooh power aa
0. P. A T. A.
C. E MinnuT.. Ageat.
r Ptolcber'a Oyewr E
Hosa of it yellow fanr.
one with ionr. In mvararing the perA T. A.
Feren han attoakad tk« troopa in oentage of tbe power of the wind alrlkTbZM fifStf • dk7*
oUerdepartaaata of tka array ia Mat* ing tba wlngx wbiob wat abaortaed or
aatoa aad Ptoar dal Rio.
thia, at Brat algiit, aonewhat atartliag
Tha largtot aarabar af rletiraa af any Ognre of 148.T per oent.
diatiaet elkaa ara AmwieMaadRurllah
Tbla nnlocAed for reanlt waa owing
wc m._______________ _
to tbe abore
a.m atoet Jsly All
Tba Araarioan paaee eoraraiaaloaerB Ira tide of tha wind paadng betwean
tba winga That tka.wlnp abonld not
■ IEM8 lEBI Ml
aiereportod to ba i»gooA baaltb. la
asa&us »nAe aaa
Thf 08l8bnt8d SptolAlifte,
ba plane, but hato a b«t or a eoncan
are all tha raaraban of tkatr raaneatiTe
»SRe«8 98a£ I8S
toapa. waa an old aatabllibed tralam,
n—» = » n--a sn* .
• tab. Bona of whora
to tka eity ^ ^
^ ^ ,ringa baa in realwnx. n at
...I pw«M Ity aoob isfinwiea npon tbe tnetton
whiob ta man eapKdally eanaad by tka
la it.
Tha opiniooa of pbyaitdaaa aa to tba wind, whlek }nat pamaa tba adgra at
thawing. Inuiraniihg toapa
wladoa of brlagl^ a largo force of
of tba wind poww ntiUtod it
A aerlean troopa ban ara aotdirldaA •eonanUy alao tafara into aoconnt tba
S8 S 8 f S«e9B8
m e
. W
e, a-awnTbe introdnetion of a large force o( aa- wind paaaing betarean tba winga. and
Tbatbbsb Cm, Mica.
MB tor tba aaxt oaontt inatrad of 148.7 per oant tbefigorewaa
wonid nadonbUdly raaolt in a krary • 1 percent. Tl
ained. Tbe meet Importont prae-


Oysters! Oysters

Famois lahimore CoiDts,
Selects eel Staiietis.



" /4

„.¥S"SS2uVJ5^ Grul RipUi 8 iuliiu LI


<1 Hotel Whiting


W. —SJS£S2.“

S3 -*’ S2\ M»!

Saturday and Sunday,
Sept 24 and 86. *9a

different bnoefara of i
dnetry. A lady gndoata of a nninraity electrical encinyiriag oontaa ia
bolding a poeitlou c^touie ruapuntibil.
. Ity with an importaot electric^ firm
in Piitabnrg. Aiu>tbif inatauce of tbe
Inuibraa oapaciiyof wanirn in tbia di­
rection U timt of a anntbern lady who
la an electrical engiueer and oootraotor
and aeema to be <jolta on a par with tbe
avacaga enginatr of ibe male pnena*
hioo. A girl of SO yean la anperinteodIng a proaperooi electric railway in
Ohio, and in Kew York alata there ia
a famalewtrii« oontraotor who doea
tbe grrater part of tbe tmiioeaB in
wbiob ebe la engaged oonjointiy with
her bnaband. Tbe nperintendent of a
New Jeraey eleotrio oar line wbiob baa
Tcntored to pnt on he caodneMre* alaff
a Bomber of yonng wourai raya that
they are JnM aa actlre and effeotire aa
^ tbe men in collecting farea and obaerr*
bg acbndole time. Tbe rcvontly elect­
ed pretideot of an electric railway in
Ban Pnnoiaoo baa np to tbe time of bar
•lection incCioed aa a phyaioia&. She
baa now giren np berpraocioe to derote
berralf entirely to tbe mazragement ‘
tbe railroad and inddcnul dntii
Wbeti at college, ab« took a adentllio
•onrati, and electricity baa •lwaya'l>e(n
one of ber bobbiea. It ia pmlicted that

OonanltAtlon and ExAminnUon Fr*e and Btriottp
porpam conatracted an origlDal regnlator, called tbe kratoatata by mcana
of wbicb a windmill ran very well be
nacd forwwking adyuauo.—Gnginoerlag-______________

iKTXD-atrt for aeborel bouae -


OB rm p-eltiraD cured br s see sul sersc tsiltac

i%l<L w.
laea a
Orad" pe:n.Ii-DUj variia from an alloet colorlcra, highly mobilo Honid to
- tsBi fl e«iflg«fir
aa»a a aa.aaeea«w
green, brown or almuet black oil. aa
a»9b 8 88888888a
Tlaoona aa treacle. Ite compgaition eai^ew
rriTEUklh "
—S- fi
riea according to tb« atrata from which
. abaaloMraeM gnarataad
•oflerlaa trow any wc
it ia obtain^, bnt it ia mainly comleqalre of
. Haw awtoda
TTHORN AKD CANCKBS cnrwC wlihoat adrla. koifr. |ialB
poaad of hydnwbana. togetbra with
<;aT*ailB. S«w hc«« irwalmmi UaaarpaMd and rbeav.
OU4BANTEE To eorr crary ceat of Dnoaoaia. Utek Saadaeba. PUaa, tWpa Worm, aad
raaall tpianlitlea of bodira containing
oatygen. pitmgen, ■alpbor and in aome **'!arwa will utYw apaclal auaeiioe w difieuh eaeta aad to caam other phyaddaua har*
t*t uwaat wtU ptaeaa trlaa two or ihraa oenoea at arlnr
oaraa trraea of areeniA pboapbtnt, fMMtoaeiw
eto. Tba American oil oonaiata mainly ^ naarttho are nsabla to call eaa wrlta tall pertfeularwar thalr oaa« asd hsva aadldac aaai
of tbetotivated faydroearboua belonging
to tbe methane or paraffin gronp, bnt
O t,.bOaKWOOOO.E.a*.A..ana4Bai
tbgt of Buaia, which ia ohtained.^fr^
gauogicaiiy nevw atrata, ia {oincipally
Ik wrali
oompoatd of n inbera of the n
•l. C. T.
group wbiob, while iaomoric with tbe
olefinra and *«ry eitoilar in propertira
I medlelM esra.
Te lakeaeraiasa4ay. lUM ra, ivr.
B«v «f Dr. 1- 4
to tba paraffina belong to tbe beaene
Drt fanorr. FmC'
gronp and are therefore entirely differ'
ooofo Hom.
I chemical < Dipoaltion. It late

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

color berw rau light and dark tbe pwoentage of tbe two ti-su* ia very nuirjp,
tbongh not ((Oitu. the name, there being
In tiiia intermediate oateg«iry both
Imwn and banel eyea neither pan
light nor gennine black. Titv penentage of tbeae among men ii found to be
48.1 and aniuaig women 46.1. Tbe pw*
oortage of dark nr black eyeaR,80.7 p
cent amoog wgmwi. while among m>
it ia 1A8 that ia of the wbole anm-

Hcanearakee—Yon certainly
don’t expect anybody to take thia bonaaf
Why. tbe fioan all inn down bilL
Agetii (a amart man)—It waa bnllt
in tbat way on .pnrpoae, mnm. to keep
peace in the family. Ureaceai invooDon




Lock Box 160.

) paopertioi
I Boralan I
tribetahla.—Pbarmaoeatical Poet.

r toto aad keaU reI. 314 East FVont atraeL

During the Battle
of Santiago.
Furniture Bargains tom
Sick or Well, a Bush
Night and Day.
Th. Packer, at the Battle of
Anvitfagn de Cubs Were A.11
Heroee — Their Heroic BfforU in GettiBf; Ammnnition end BetionB to the
Front Saved tbe l>ay.
P. E. liotier. of pack train No. I.'
writing from BanUago daCnba. on July'
Std, haya; *‘Wa all bad diarrkuia in
■Kiraer laaa violent form, and wbea
wa laaded wa bad no time to *«e a doc­
tor. tor it waa a eaae of roah and rnak
Eat tkanW to Cbaaberlain'a Colie.
Obolera ^ Oiarrtma Rwaedy,
ware abirto kaap at work and
that at ene critical time this raedlriue
waa the indirect savior of oar army,
tor if tha paeheta had bran onahia to
work there would havu been ne vray of
ig Buppllea to tbe front There
no roaoa that a wagon train could
My comrade

taaillyt What do yon meant
Agut—It'a all right pxnm; noibing
like ia Wtaenever yonr bnakaod dtope
biaooUar bnUcB, tbey'U nU down to
tbat wall and be'Ilalwaya know wbara , ChambralaU Madielaa On., D«i 1
M ted ’MB.—JgMtdoB TU*Bila
iowa. Fbr aale by S. B. Walt.


Watch This Column For Bargains!
For Yonr Scbool Bools

of light or dark eyra,
eating data are pnblikbed in the Phila­
delphia Timoe. from which it apprari
ai-t, taking tbe avi-rage of Eoropo and
America. 44.6 ia the percentage of mi-n
having light eyei. incioding bine and
Bray, and tbe prxportiuu of girla and
-women having aoch tyea it by tbe tame
nampntatian 84.2 per cent
In niher
WCBiie. bine rye* are decidedly ranxamong women than aiuoug men. Knt
It nppean that, tbuogb men have light




A CRimi TIME Fifty Cents



a a a.a OO daratetasUansBUMilo Otaemm ot the Bj*. Bar. Thmet and Leafs.
- •—

W‘n^7£sr£''. 0 raiw fgr caUdrea.


I PlM* 04Md. Btck . ■•ilMl Flaw



> Mfor ear rowirWw.«.a(3BTeeU>Book.
^ Ike boliday*. BKh set bw tour
rwded farUlUe oaei to rraww of fwtka.
r fi^tSf VbSjO Lknr* boobk, racb
!b>« Inr wltbtaapoT lUnei
•rllrn. KuiblDf llkr ib<

Columbian Restaurant

Sjtai wl'^Mp^et 5l*yMT tol

If You Have Logs to Sell

nrad twelve t era. Mawrw (or peyley W

KaTuix.t Boux Ccbi-kUi, Jcrunu

Oomspood with the TrhT«tM City Lomber Ooupany.
We haira for asle Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W'ood.


eate. TrwverraOtlyD

Votioa to Tax Payraa.

heuiefreato-eloeb %

ICili Machitteryofalldai
Set Works, CBiriagea and Saws.

iB, incioding Two Engrinea,
A complete Saw UiU Plant


releek a.

- ^^-eloek wSo-elorb.
I eeUertlra sad ee aU
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