The Morning Record, June 08, 1898

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The Morning Record, June 08, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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or TSB oxrr.

Details of Teirific Bombardment of Fortifica­
tions at Entrance to Santiago Bay
by American Fleet.


Awful Havoc Wrought by Sampson’s Battle­
ships Leaves Spanish Batteries
Nothing but Relics.
Splendid Marksmanship Displayed Under DifBcolties—En>
.Sagement Lasted Three Honrs with Terrible Effect Upon
the Enemy's Works, bat Not a Single Spanish Shot
Stmck an American Ship-No iQjory Whaterer to Men
of the Squadron-Fierce Battle Beported Between Unit­
ed States Soldiers Supported by Insurgents and the
Spanish Infantry—Heavy Spanish Losses.
Wuhinrun. June 7.—ISpAclAL)—SU donbu u to ib« aeverity of the

VavLy 90.000 Bafolsn WiU SaU
Today Trom Tam|« and Baach
Thalr SaatLnaUaa Boaday.
Spwtal to Tac Uoanao BuoaB.
Maw York, Jaae 7.—A WaahLarton
apacial aaya that at tha cabinet naetIny today Secralaty Alrar aanoaBcad a

Fonnation of American Fleet.

Kew York. Jnee 7.—A JeckeonvlUe
special says Uat Ue Caban Irmaig
have placed in Qen. MQM’fanndeei
piste plan of Ue deetraetion of Ue
Spaniah aoldleta in Santiago deCaba.

TvoCea^ ,

We Sell Wall Paper!
....We Haag Coitalns!


Mew an Blemont in tha DiampUon ef
the Dynarty of Spain.
ae 7.—ForUer reporla
Spain indieau an alarming eondiUon of affairs. A campaign of peace
bSs started wiU Ue popolace and Ue
eoldieia have Joined.
The regency to tottering and parlia­
ment to divided. Bven now Ue mlntotry dees not harmoniu. The govern­
ment does not know whether te ten
to Ue riykt or left with International
The fervign war to tbraatSpaatah Btaanar with Oaah Aboard aniag Ue dtoaaterof each side.
Oanaet Bon the Blockade aad
Baade Coal.
Started for Manila Teaterday.
Bfweml laTn Moumu SKnan.
BpM-Ul IS Tbs Mosaiw Bsrvse.
San Pranctoeo. Jaae 7.—The monitor
Maw York, Jane 7.—A apaelal fiw»
ffaahliistaa aaya; “The aute depart­ Moaterey aad the Brntes started for
ment haa received a cablryvam Manila at 1;90 Uto aftenoon.


So you will be sure to remember that the best made
Curtains are to be had at



First Shot By “Fighting Bob."

Waablngten. Jnne7.—Aftera lat of
Snddenly the Iowa Bred a 19-inch ahell. which atrack the baae of the Batrella
^Very and tore np the worka. InetanUy the firinr becaa from both Bear Ad­ eanflleting nmors of naval engagelie. Ue landing of troops and aneh
miral Sampeon and Oommodere BchTcya colamna. and a torrent ef ahella from
matters at Ue navy department, there
' the American thlpa fell apon Ue Spanlah worka.
The Spaniard rapTled promptly, bat thair arUUery work waa of a very poor amo at Ue eioae of the day one bit af
ewa embodied ia a report from Adqnali^ and moat of their ihoU went iniide.
Smoke eetOed aroand the ahipc renderiaf aeenrate^mlaff dlMcalt and there alral Dewey of impwtant enooeeeee
by Ue Inanrgente at Manila.
wna ne maneavertny ef the fleet pomibla. the a1
matiena and flriny ■toadily. The aqaadrona w •e to eioee In ahorb that it waa The officials have been mere aaxiona
cared to betny as to Admiral
diffienlt tor the Amerieaa yeanere to reach the baUeriee on the hlU topa Bat
Dewey's conditloa.
Mow Ue report received gees te show
Morro OssUe Wss Spared.
Preytena to the bombardment ordera were Uaued to prevent trlny an Marro Uat hto plaaa are working eat admlrahly:
Uat be haa sneoeeded in plaeisy
na the American admiral had been informed that Uentenaat HobMB
and tha ether prtooaeft from the Merrimae ware oeaflaad there, laaplteol tbto vpen Ue Inaargsnta Ue bnrden of eondaetlny military operations ayalnat the
howevm. eeveral ettny a
t. while he hlmaelf to lying in
Commedota Sohley'a line moved cloaer ia, flrlay at oberter raaye. The
Idlenem awaiting Ue arrival
Bwmklyn aad Tonne ennaed wild havoc nmony the Spnntoh ahore bntteriea.
thi»"»- While the larger abipa wore eagagi^ the heavy bat- of troops and that be has sueceeded le
the eermptioD of Ue inanrterim the Sawanee and Ylnea doeed with the emalUn-ahore battery------them, raining rapid Are ahota apoa it and quickly placiag the battery eat of yent leaders by Ue^panUb, whiek
appeared at oas time te be Ureateaed.
the flghU
The Brooklyn eloeed ii to 800 yarde aad there the deetroetloa eaaeed by her
guni and thoee af theWblehead and Tama waa really awfuL In a few minI frem Skaynay Vow Being
atea the wood work of the Batella fort waa burning. The battery waa allanoed.
FBshed IBrouyh.
Bring na more darlny the enyngameak
epwUl to Tea Somme Uscosn.
Crashing Thunder of Cannon.
Tacema, Jane 7.—The steamakipe
■ Eaatward the Mew York aad Mew Orleane aileaood the Oaye battery la
qalek order; then e'nelled tte earthworka located higher np. Later practice Alki aod Bnmboldt bring news that
wae pel e« accurate, owioy to the elevation of the gana. Many ahella, how- the oenstmetion work on Ue railtead
«vnr. landed, and the Spanish gannera retired abortly afterward. 'At » e'cl^ aerooeUe White Pam from Skagnay
(he Bring ceeeed. the wambips tnmlny a point te enable the aee of their p^ has beca commenced. Tke railway of^elals bare hired alt avaiUble msa aad
heeadsldea. The firing ibea became loag reverberatiay cmehee of thander. a^d
bought ap every horse ia sight.
■bells raked the SpantoirbaUarlee with terrible effeotFire broke out la OeteUea fort aad alleaeed the Spaniah gnna. The firing
<il Ue fleet eonUnaod naiU 10 o'clock, when the Spaniah flra oteaed entlraly
Xmmeaee Orewd la Detroit nnd Oveat
and Bear Admiral Sampaea hoisted Ue “cease firing” aignal.
aad Fraternal Duplay,
After Ue fleet had retired Ue Spaniah reteraed to seme oUm guns and
•pcclsl u Tai Uommxu Kaoosti.
large ahell, however, fell eioee te Ue Oollier JneDetroit, Jaae 7.—There ia a great
tiee. Thronghoni Ue engagement no American Uip was Ut aad no Amerteans crowd ef Maccabees hem today. There
were Inlnred.
are twelve bands In Ue proesmiim(heir flriay wae euellent.

Spsnish Cruiser Beported Sunk.

The weather was boiling bnt Ue falUfat kept la Una The city to beantifolly deoerated for Ue oeeaaiea. Onba
and American flays minyle toyaUar ia
Ue trimmlnys.
lebey Won Drtroit Defby.
SpMlal le Tas Seanas Sacoaa.
Detroit. Jane?.—Ubey wan Ue De­
troit Amhy today- Bight handiadpaaple were present. Meet was tha fa­
vorite, 18 te 7; Mebob eeoanA



and Sendries.
1 hare ju8t arrived from Chica­
go with a uew lot of Bicycles and
New and second hand.
The cheapest plioe to get a good
Bicycles from $16.00 to $25.00.
Call and see the bargains.
Kew Wheels and Tandems to
rent, at

118 Goioo St, Repair Works.


Madrid. Jane 7.—iSpeclal]—The fellowiny efiiclal dtopetch to received from
We are again nedy, wlU s larye
Havana' “Oalonel Aldea, eommandiag Ue Spaniah coinmn, haa had tame sharp
Pteot BtiU at Oadin.
ateek of lee. to deUvw the mme to any
flghtlny wlU a body of rsbela, sapeortiay Ue laadlag of an Amerieaa fores apfclal to Tbs Msearac Kseean.
pen of Ue city.
>T Saatiage. Two Amerieaa warships protected Ue landing party. 1
New York. Jane 7.—Special diapa
Maple Uoek weed else for aele.
«t Ue operation
« to lomU papers from Ctodto state Uat
•f Santiago, laatiny from 8 to 1:3Q o'clock Monday mommy, area Intaadod te
Atotiaet Use attention al Ue Spaniards aad enable Ue laaMiny sriUont molee- Ue ^paatohi reserve eqaadna M still


Of silk, plain and fancj, made in plain, ruffled
and-combination styles. Prices particularly at*
tractiTe, $1.25 and up.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.




HoUey & Oonaabto'

Paste This
In Your

from Ceaaal
Dent at
that a Spaaiah vaMel carryiaf $00.000 to Blaaco U eadeavoriay to reach Block. Call aad aee for yonreetf. H9-9t
Craa. Mexico. It la believed the
M been compelled to ran for
coal after vainly andeavorfnr to ran
the bloekaca The navy department
and atcMaed U flfarins <m aeadlah a miner to mf
tha Marble' tare thte deairabla prlxe.
The aeoond
aad Orafoa

CapeHriUan. Jaae 7.—ISpadal)—The American troops are reported to
have landed east of Aguaderca. near Ue railroad to Saatiage, Ue landing
^ed bv a force of Ineargenla. wiU whom a coalition waa made, and who
attacked Ue Spanish batterieewhUeUe fleet ontaMe bombarded Ue fertifleaMid earthwerka. lAter Uere waa fightiag wlU Ue Spaniah force on
The Americans were victerlona.
The Spanish army losses, accordlay to official reports were: One eoldter
one chief and four petty offieera and twenty-one so
The Spaniah navy loaaes reported are; Oae chief officer and fire aallora
UUed, one officer and twelve sailors wounded.
It'to raperud that theflret-ciamanaeeadSpantoh eratoer latento Marta
Tereoa wna aank hy tbs firs ef the American fleet.

230 Front Street


Um. the Maw York laadlnt, with tha Maw Orleasa, Taakaa. lawa
foUowlaff, termed eaatward. Tha VUen aad Snwaaaa warm far oat on the left
Bor Additiannl BoppUea for Belief of
ftaak, watchiBff the riffemaa on then. The Dolphin and QOrtar did aimilar
Admiral Dewey.
datj on tha risbt flank.
Waabinstoa, Jime 7.—Db^aietiny
Tha Une headed by the Mew York atteckad the nawaarthworka near Mam
newB from ManUa haa oanaed the praeOseMa. The Brooklyn eolamn took np n atetlon oppoaita the Batrnlln nnd Cnt- ideat to give harry ordera raffardiny
■Muu battariaa nnd the new anrthworka nlonff the ahore.
relief exoedlUoti bound for the
Tha SpnnUh battariaa remained aUenb It U doabtfal whether the 6paa- Phllippinaa. It to tbooght that more
latda were able to determine the ehnraeter ef the mevement. owlnf to n denee troopa will yet away from San Franleff nnd henry rain.
:tooe today to ye te Dewey'a eeetotanee,

Madrid’s Beport Of It


telapraai fron Oaaarml 8haf ter at Taapo. autiaf that tha troopa at tJtat
plaaa are balas pat on tianaporU aad
>14 all be ambai-kad b/ toalykt or
ata(. Tka telesras fnrthar atatad that the vaMels would aall
for Haatlago tomorrow or Thaiadar.
aad would arrive Seaday. Between
18.000 and 90,000 raralara have eabarked.

»t Sutler* reaterdAjr ara diapelled by the foUowLRff rn^le Moout
jut rMtfved hue by the AMoeiated Prwa. via EiacitM;
na Americaii flaet thla noraiBC «a(*rad tka SpaaUh betUrlM defendins
the harbor of Saatiafo. aad aftar thisa houra' beMbardstant allaaoed oaarty
sL tha farta. deaUoyad tha aarthworka aad roadarad Eatralla aod Uayo, aaoth
« aad tha twa srinoLpal tortiSeaUoaa. aaalaaa.
The Seet foraad a doable ooLbbb, aia inllea off Morro Oaatle.
alowly. 1,000 yarda off ahore. tha Broohlya leadlnf. toUawad by
letta, and tnmed waatward.
haad, tha Taxat aad the



B«oood Tear—No 34S



ONLY $30

Putnam Bicycle,
just received.

119 Front Street.

riavara, R<
Elegant new line






Popular ClotliioG House, of Trorerse City.

Oar groat removal sale is a money saver for the
^ pabUc and a clothing movpr for oa. .

Oar $8 96 aalta are winners—they eell elsewhere
% at $10.00.
Oar $7.39, $7A8, $a98, $9A8 and $10.60 are atnna ners. To eee one la to bay two.

Remember the plaoe.


T. J. H0vST.

? 124 Front Street

213 Front St.

Friedrich Block.

Beltimon Stock Beoelved Three Timm a Wash
onoU. 40c per quart
Standards, 30c per quart
%Ud Meam.

Fleielier's Gystor Bepot aod Rostaorut

A Few of tlio
Many Good Things Available


Boston Store.
60 dozen children’s Fast Black Seamless Ribbed
Hose, 5c. As good as any 10c hose on the market
35 dozen men’s Fast Black Sateen Shirts, full
regular make, double bands and yoke, 36 inches long,
covert seams, pearl bnttons, all for 39c. Consider*
ed good valoe at 50c.

The Boston Store,



n. mruATs tbotti •vppu.

ProQ>Mtof«BBah«o VottkmXleb-

TAAvnsK onr,

i«H thi.

Op«&$ Jua 16.
ipMUom are ao«r aaarlr eaaideta fortbeopeniarof Ne-*h‘t»-wuU
reaort for the leiaop. Dr. Fiaak Mer­
ritt of ChariotU. oaeol taeaeeoeiatloa,
A W. Ha——, BdlMr sad UMaiftt.
arrived la the dtj Tdeterday aftmoea
aad weat over oa the heat. He wUl
retan home ia a few daya after hU
Coloae) Smith, the popular laadlard.
will arriTo from Jackeoa ia time to
»pea the hotel ea the date meaUoaed.
Ueaeral Maaatfer Ueald of the C. d;
W. M., paeaed threarh the cUy a few
day* afo aad i» bow at Lladiay Park
tea at CharleToix. preparlaf for the
opeaiaf of Ue hig reaort hotel for the
eeeaoa. Mr. Heald cUlea that the reBort kairiaea* of aorthen Micblgaa thU
year will be aapreoedoBted. The
It of the hotel aad the rdUroad
ly are flooded with
lily from p- ^tle whohare ae'
beeo id thk eeetiof> before, but who
hare speat aneetne,» at the aeaaide reeerte. Thewarwiih Spaia b drirlac
i—orure from the eeaelda to the lalaad
reeorte aad the attraciioae of northern
Hiohigan wUl allare thooaaade duriag


Tkk RacoaD prlau thb morsiaf a
fi^hle telegraphic report of-the tarriMe bomfaardmeat of the forta at the
eatiaaoe to the harbor of Saetiage oa
Mrmday. ^Thb wae aaother oi
taliity for a dbplay of the power of
the great gaaa need oa the Amerieaa
waiBblpe. alM a teet #f the ekiUfal
Baaip^UoB of them by the gBaaerm.
The ewfal herec wreught by the acowacy af the aim ef the Amerleaae
aad the deeiracUre ageaclee ef
death deallag machiaee U aaother leeeoa la aaral warfare aad a demoaetiaMaa U Buropeaa powera of Ue reaonreee at Ue Uaited SUtee aad of Ue
gaaiac of her amanfactaren aad iaeaateru. The aetenaiaatiom eriaead
ty Admiral Sampaea proroe that It U
Mb purpoae to utterly nla all ef Ue
defeaeee of Ue harbor aad alUmately
flereo Ue SpaaUh admiral to earrender.
It U BOt Ukely that the Spaalard will
do Ub. It U mare likely Uat he will
alak hb Ulpe raUer Uaa allow them
to etreagthea Ue Amerieaa aary. Oae
ad Ue two alteraatirca, bewerer, a
be ebeeea, aad Uat before leag.
danBAsra for aldermanic boaeta ia
Tbareree City muet asercbe a deteraalaatiOB u beeoate martyre U Ue petltioa habit, ttliea oae elemeai
tax payera pCUUoae Ue oooaeil for a
eenain improremeal or ebaage Uer«
it almoat alwaya aaoUer elemeat wlU
a peUoD agaiaei Ue propoaiUoa—aad
the ooaacll mutt aetbfy everybody of
aoarae, that b what they are elected


____ ______

lit the cattle herding problem Ue
alty eonaeU U ooafreated by a perplex­
ing dilemma wlU two well developed
boraa. One of Ueee mast be graaped,
aad wlU no aocenala grip, by Ue
Banictpal law-makera, and ia alUer
aaae there b trouble aheed.

Set Alderinaa Ooedrieh Declarea Be
Wae Bbcbarged WlUeat Pormal
Vetloe ttwB Street Oommltteo
Traveree City. Juae 7, im.
£piTt>R Mubxuck RxuoaD—la thb
aMrniag'e acooaat of Ue Coeaell preaeedlaga you eey. -O. W. Urdle wea
^poletea on the Oemmlttee oa Streeu,
aad Walka in plaoe of E. Oaodrieb, reatgabd.- Thb b aa error, which I
mat you will cheerfally correct aad
eay "removed wiUout formal notice
or oanae.'' aa 1 have aerved aoUvely
aa Uat oommittee np U ^ o'clock yoetorday. when 1 drove to Kd. Orellick'a
toarronge farrepairo ef Ue eidewalk
on Ue eonU tide of hU ealoon bnlldlag. earner of Union anc Suu etrtseu.
Mayor Smith well kaowa Uat my
preference waa to remain la tervioe on
that oommittee and proffered me Ue
ahalraianiblp Uereof, but 1 eald 1 pre­
ferred the retention of Mr. Parker ae
ahairataa. aad I would cheerfally work
ia eay oUeV plaoe on that committee.
Mr. Lordb b e good man for Ue
plaoe aad 1 trait will render good aeraice oa that oommittee. and while 1 am
■rilling to be relieved from Ue active
tMrii of that eemmittee. where I have
ae leag aerved. 1 eimply wiU Uin^
Bailed by Uelr right aamea.
E OooPRica.
I member of Street and
aidawalk Cob
Fine Balabow Tronb
The largeat miabow treat eaagkt in
thb eeeUea UU year waa laaded after
a gamey fight by tleary ToaBoIier.
M aflaely markedapecimen, tSH laekea
la leagU and weVha four poaada.
the catch waa an^rr ef
weight. They were taken from Ue
Beardataa river above Ue Electric
Ughl Co.’e dam yeatarday.

The Volaateeraef America wUt give
'atea-eeataapper at their armory oa
State atreet Friday evaalng comm
lag at H o'clock, aad ia eonaectlen a
aba program will be given, wlU aMbtaaeetrom eeme of Ue okarehea.

Good Thing for Toyoo.
A.-L. Jovoerolaraed yeatarday from
Charlevoix, where he completed arraagemeaU to aapply Ltadeay Park
laa wiU temperaaoe bevermgee for the
aeaeea. Mr. Joyce waa awarded Ua
exelnalve privilege ie eompetiUea wiU
irel large irau of Detroit aad oUi
dtiea. Tke hneinoea of Ue Wg reaort
hatol will make a Urge (nereeM U bb
botUlag baetaraa here.
AdeUa Ware* Bound O—r.
Mra. AdolU Waree waa boaad ov.
Ue Clreall ©ourl by Jaellee Brewa yeeiarday ia Ue earn of tSOO ball. Mr*.
Wareab charged vrlU appropriatiag a
horae and baggy.

The gaaollae Unaeh Pox of KorUport b at Ue doU tor aappliea.
There will be am exeanloo on Ue
eteamer Oolombla Ub eveaUg U SettoaeBay.
Jamca O. JcUaMi b barlag kb atore
wladowi neatly lettered ia gtrid by
George E Winnie.
There wUl be e regalar meeUag ef
Treverae City Commaadery, No. 41.
Eaighu Templar. UU eveaiag.
Loria Newberry, who left hire akont
Uree yean ago to locate U Lee Aagelea. Cklifoiala. baa reiureed to auy.
There will be aa ice cream aeelal la
the West Side Chapel Ub eveaiag. nader Ue aaapieea of the Snaday aehooL
The foaadatioB aad Iron pillara have
eea placed uoder the Baanab A Lay
0. bear milt aad Ue improvement b
now ready for Ue water wheeb. which
will arriva aext weeE
C. M. Parker. tV. J. Hobha end 8. L.
Ilw are at Carp Lake looking after Ue
eemplation of Ue rammer elab hoBM
Of Ue Oeuhedral elab.
memben of Military Oompaay
No. S are urged to attend the meetlag
ia Ue Broeeb block Ub evening. There
willbeapeeUl bnaUem to be eoaaid•ed.
All ladle# Intereated le the work of
Grace church are reqnaated to meet
WlU Ue Grace Church Guild at Ue
home of Miw Lee. eoreer KUU aad
Union atreeta, Ub afteraooa at S:»0.


0. J. Zbnti't OUm OasKfat Piab uid
Kr. Kmtv Oo®k*d Tb«m.
i^bW. rf C. J. EtaMT^ Suda/
ootwloo U ray«aterda7M oaa o{ the joUleet
•atlnga Uey have had Ub
About Itteea of Ue boya aurted oat I
early la Ue morning after Irooi and ^
were to report at C. E Marray'e home
at alx o'clock ia the eveaiag. where
Mr. Mnmy prombed to prepare Uem
a fleh enp^te of their Irophlee.
When Ue time arrived all Ue boya
had retoraed from Uelr expediiiont
mad aooB after nearly jau troat were
cooking ever a huge boa fire. The
rapper waa nerved in a big camp teal.
Beaidee Mr. Murrey and Mr. Ebaerand
bU clam, Rev. DemaeCoeblin aad J. W.
Millikea were prceeav After sapper,
while all were gaUered aroaad Ue
fire, nearly two houre were apeat in
Ibtenlag te the older memben while
I PeeeibtlUy
Uey reUted Uelr experiencea while ■ere b a I
SerioBS Ooneideratiea.
after Ue epeckled beautieA.
Mra. Ebaerand.Mra. .Marray ambted
The followiag eommaaicatii
ia Ue preparaUoa of the pbcetorial ceived by Ue Rmxikii offers a geldea
feutaad la oUedwbe making It pleae- opportenity for some Urifty giri wha
aat for Ue boya.
has matrlmoaial aaplrmUonk:
1‘MCoCk p o Box S.
Uke Co miCh.
a geoD wife Wanted. It b a Porn
Monday a w Her Birthday and She gari, oae Oaa do boaae Work, aga fi
IB to :t. my oCEpaabea tv faradag
hoping to heare froai Ub anae
A namber of Ue friends ef little
rite to Box 9.
Praaeea McFce gave her a plcaaant
■orprlee Monday eveaiag at her home
OB Ualon etreet la honor of her birth­
Ohlldrea'a Day Maxt Boaday.
day aaolvenary. Mbs Praaeee took
Chlldrea'a Day wlU be observed
tea with Marion SaBOball and when
abb returned ahe wm completely anr- day. Aa iaUreatiag aed appropt
priaed to find her home invaded by no pregram will be givaa at Ue time of
many of her frieada. After garni
Ue regalar moraing aerriee by
maaie were enjoyed. Beiieioaa re
membara of Ue Saaday acbooL
menu were eerved. Thoae present
were; LeanParueh, EmmaPMedricb,
Have yon tried Tatmaa’a
Head Cemptoa, Mabel McMlehaei;-Bb
■ aad bon-boax? Be
Smith. Martoa SaoUall. Mabel Dee Jiekeataad largcetatock of can-r u
pm, Mabel Aadenon, Pearl Thacker,- Uecity.
Nola Latmaa, Jaliaa Ileen,
I. Willie aad Ueary Aaden
Guaaa of Ue
The eld eteamar Qaeea of Ue Lakea.
wBlefPb fcere heiag-fitted oat by Capleia Jobaeoa, b aet oaly an object of
latereat ea aconuat of Up early aau
tloaa oennected wiU tke craft, bat of
earioeity. aa ahe b Ue only aide-wheelea ia UU locality for yfan and b
in marked oontiaat to the eteamera of
s modern eoaetraciion. Captain
JohaaoD will ran Ue boat from CharlevoU to Barbor Sprlaga Ub aeaaoa in

City Opera House
One Solid Week,

Monday, June 6.
Senter Payton's
Big Comedy Co.

ElUS, 311 Front St. East.
Cycle Works.

Brasiiig a Spedalty.
Cheapest and moat reliable place to get yonr bicycle repaired aftd,
put in good mnniog order. Hare bad aereral yeara experience and
know bow it abonld be done. Satisfaction guarabteed. I am pelling
bicTcle Bundries at aboot cost. New and second hand wheels for aale_. _
and to rent. Please give ns a trial.
ELUS. 811 Front dt. East.

6vl\ “Swes
5s ttve bas\tve88 ttte
4eV&v\metv\—"Sive tve\» c\\em\ca.\ eaavue
\»vV\ beV'p matenaVV^.

6vA "Dress SoiAs
58 OUT W6vtve88 ’vasV tvovB, atvJi
t\ve Vf’vc® tot ere yvaVttv^ V8 exWtv5viv8\v\tv5 ttve stock.
^\no 8V6cta.Vb8TaeVtv8"\9—Sftc.


to cloee out Urge stock of

Eversrthing most be sold at some price. Pattern Hata,
Walking Hats, Sailors, Hibbone and stylish trimmed effects.
Moet move on account of erection of a new building at tbfw

Pearl Tackaberry,

Adjoining Friedrich Block.

It Up-

Ed. Laatner U prond ef a fine celt
which arrived Sunday morniag. Thu
b an oflepriag ef Ue famoua Medeoia#,
A big laaKhing abow complete
wbifh died here laateummer and which
iu i-vi-ry detail.
owned by Corneiiut Burke of CadHigh class siDuiog and dan<-ing
Ulac. Mr. Lautaer and •ever#) frieada
spwialties at everj- performance.
amoDg Ue horae (accien met Monday
Bight aad indulged ia ebrUtening ceremoaiaa in which the colt waa aaated
••Swift Madoalus."

aee if it paj-s to buy shoddy
shoes. Figtlre the discom*
fort, the wet feet, the coughs
and colds, the doctors’ bills,
the lack of neat appearance, and then ask yourself
if you wouldn’t have been
wiser had yon bought

The 4-act comedy dmm«:
Odd Fellow's Slectioa.
At a meetieg of Grand Traverae
Lodge, No. :uu. 1. O. O. F., ibe follow­
ing oflleere were elected:
N. O.—C. O. Turner.
V. U.—A. E Fox.Prices 10, 20 and :iOc.
'rreea.-Jaa. B. Monroe.
Ladies fiTH! Monday night onlv,
RepreeeaUUvee to graad lodge-Chaa
if acconiitenied by one paid 30c
A. Edgeoomb aad Jeaepk liooo.
Aramtee-M. B. GriffiU aad Thom­ ticket
Scats will lie on sale at the nsas Eeefa ________________ _
nal plaoe Saturday DKiraing.
Change of play nightly.
Flcaioet East Bay.




The acholan of Mba SdiU Glhbi'
maa ef Maabtee. b ia the clam aad a few of their frieada. ea joyT. P. fl
picalc et East Ray yesterday. Bad
Tony Dmeth of Baaaxh b ia Ua It not rained they might have enjoyed !
laelveenaUlUteriaUe afternoon.
J. W. Patehea returned laet
However. Uy all eejoy’ed Ue ontlag I ^
■om Detroit.
Jamoa B. Shrigley aad wife retariud.
yeatarday from Chicago.
Ktkelind Gelchel retnraed from laterlochea yeaterday.
Emory Moedy retorned yeaterday
from Milwaukee and Chicago.
MyrUa Laagworthy retarsed from
Ealkaaka yeaterday.
Hr. aad Mra. W. E Preach came For yoar moaayt Tbat'a what yoa gvt i
when yon employ Geo. R. Wiaaia—{
ever from East Jordan yeaterday.
Mr. aad Mra. J. M. PeUieoa ef Maa­ your moaey'a worU la good honest
btee. are gneaU at Ehrk Place.
Minnie Uemaa. a acheet teacher of
Opposite Eagle Office.
Ealkaaka, b in Ue city vUlUag her
breUer Oarar.
A. W. Welb ef Ue WcUa-Hlgman
haaket factory, arrived from St. JoMph
CbpL H. J. Webb of Ue Traveree
Bay llae. left yMterday for Graad Bepida aad CbaaopolU.
A. .Mitchell, geaerat paaceager
ageai of the M. A N. E , b in Ue city
and u regbtered at Park I'iaoa.
MbaM Margaret and Jexaie London at Htcleb^'a (Urr. ST u>
ai Fraal M.
will go to Grand Rapid! Ub morniag
tor a vblt wiU Uelr abler. Mn. Card­
C A. Uaekua. member of Ue board
Orrr UcKanian'v BboStot*
of trukteee of Ue aaylnm. arrived laat
Bight to attend a meeting of Ue hoard
MbM* Ella and Herd* Alte Stelaberg.
who have heaa enjoying an extended
vblt et Maabtee aad Cadillac, retnraed
home laal eveaiag.
Sheriff SlmpeoB went to Charlevoix
.Jf aSailntra.».....
(or abaohiu pMsyeaterday to obtain evidaaoa la Ua
of WlUiam Sager, who b aoeaeed
Of atealiag a bicycle.

Want Work £

Teacher of Violin.


in the first place. They wouldn’t have
cost any more; they would have worn
longer and you’d have had glad feet and
a light heart Our new line of Selx Shoes
if the best ever—^They are for yoa.



How Fitzsimmons!
Hit Corbett
In the solar plexus has always been a deep mystery to his ?
admirers. How we sell


y- At such low prices is a mystery to the admirers of a good ar- ^
tide. The unexpected will happen sometimes, and we will
DR. HIGGtNS, DENTIST Sn give everyone a chance to secure a beautiful floor covering
at a low price if you come quick.

«c I %




■rrca nr tms cakbakza camm.


B. D. Uarcar. ■urcaon.
la.. Jm>* 7.-AdJ«Uat
Oweral Bjeia >e«tert»y reeflTaO a
Baoeral ordrr from AdJutanrOennm)



ranaa and Srnor dn Boac. «bo a
ducuna Utrir BpanWi nperatlon
Montreal, bava auweet^ed li
four rwrlmmu would r«*lre ^Ir , bn.f raaplta Irom .apulaioB through
ItutrucUona trom the goremment. Thta the denial by Carranaa of the
put an end to noTeroor Shaw’a plan
of certain tealure* of the litter at­
tributed to him. The Qrltlah antnurltl.^«
the Bnint>er t
acted OB the aaaumpU.iO that the trans­
new call as provided I
lation of the Carranaa letter was rurrwt, and that Ihua there waa no douU
tMlMtUf ta* Tmj ttT Ikf a
that the ttpanlsb omclal* «i-r« utmg
Canada aa a base for hoatlle acllun
e. A., who wae loc-atvd at Camp Tan­
Maa af an ImaoRaot AraaJ OMre
apalnat the Uniied SUiea. Bui aince a
ner a* ijuartennaeter for the povemuuvatiun Is ralacd aa to the accjeaer of

tt—itiiiiiailiT <i«-arral Orartnent. hae n-celved order* from Ibe war
the translation, no atep la likely to l>e
wHh W«r%-K»(M *f (k>
; departit;. ol to n-tum to Vlncennea. Ind.
', Ueutenant Davie left here j .wterda)-.
the translnUun la (
bllahed aa corHe baa c

F«et Plain^ Stated That Hat
Clvan the Stetea Mora or v
Lata Worry Raoantly.

Waahlngton. June 7.-ln anse-er to
nmerou. InQUlrle* on the «.ble. t H I.


•Aciany anneunred that the povem»nt «>d not the PUte. win pay .11 volnteer troops f-r the time betn-een the
dates of enllsimeni and muFter.


tinn af lUr ariUa'l ..f tlm lu-nialn tanm

naatar rteneral KiAnton. of the army. ^ Uona.
tkela very proud of the work areompllabed by hla conw of (aymaaiera



Oraa«rmea Attach a peoeeaalea of Bom*
Holm—Troop* called Oot.

been the desire of the covemment tu
pny practically all these men before

Belfast. June T,—DurinR the telebmlions of |he anniversary of June C.

they left for the West Indian Invasion.

IBSd. wh.ji aev.n cvlllans were shot on

A dlspntch roccived by the paymaster
■eneral from Paymaster .Olenn at
Tampa anld tbar the paymeni* due the

Bhank hill road by the conaiabutarr.
the Nationalist
t.teeaRlon while returning l.iet night

aen practically had been completed
uv'» >
•ad that the whole force of paymaaten. aand orancemen ht.............................. ............. araUable for the work would now iii^uarked and overpowered the
Mobile ■*><• chaaed them back Into tbe Brow
AuUDIed ccnMable* were severely In­
jured and one had hla h'g broken.
Secreury Alger sent to congrras ye*The po’Ice relnf-nwmenta which ar­
terday a propoMd bill for the better or- rived were cumpelled to Ihrenlen the
Canlaacioa of the nuartermaater gener- crowd with their rcvclver* before they
Al'a office In the army, its depots of aup- were able to rescue their comrades from
pllea. etc The sudden collectiun of the
the fury of the mob. which tore up the
force of wolunleera and the Increase of street for missile*. The troops were
then called out. hut the mob cheered
them and sang “Rule Ilrttannla." The
Ice. and tbe bill give* officer* found beat
dlsltirluinres then ceaaid. though the
iiuallfled for difficult and Important duexeltemenl continued. The feeling of
Uca a tempirary Increase In rank and the Orangemen against the police Is
pay. A slmlllar bUl was enacted during
Very hitler.
Many civilians were In­
the civil war. .There are twenty-five ad­
jured. A ocore of arrests were made.
ditional awiKtaat Quartermasier* to
funk aa captains naked for aa being nec>
Msary to assign as asslstanta tu tbe
pilncipa] depots of supplies In the de- ---------- --. —
- ..............,
panment her<
lake charge of made necewary by the w ar w ith Spain
irtW depita at vari- i and thr sending of the war revenue bill
•on points to be eaubllshed.


**'* “‘^ "®

tered the men went on inoemmrnl ra-1

Vhlrh has been on duty nt Tampa since
the amy has been masslnsthere. It has

authomiea have been

^***^’*r**^* caw*, hut the «ii>uli.ton of a
a ^noua n.auer tha^

the reRlment* were mus-


The British

Most complete line Bicycle Suits in the city—prices $3.60 to
$9.00-men’s and boy's sizes. Fine line Golf Hose 26c per
pair. Sweaters—all styles—all colors. New line Belts—full
line Caps—Negligee Shirts for comfort—Canvas and Cloth
Hats—cool—durable—comfortable. Half the pleasure of
bicycling is in being comfortably dressed. Century rune
are not made m starched shirts and dress suits.

The Carranaa


ralM a

H^estHn of verwilty w hi. b can be‘.rcai
ly Mettled by the pruductiun of U
original letter.


AmnMinint Koten.
A Strong snsical comedy eompany

jmr .iN noB
_____thr n.cKr.

will be one of the attractions in Trav-

■paalth Torpedo llaat PrebsMy Oa« Away {«ne City on *.he eveninf of Maccabec i
—oaaiiacw Barbor llteokod.

I Day. June SSrd.

VaDagor Si

Key tVert. Fla.. June 7.—An auztllary haa about concluded arraBTcmcj
cru aer of the mited Pialea fleet which
Santiago de Cuba at 1 o'clnck i
Saturday morning ra
(erday afternoon for c
Sha bad been
In Santla
rs since Wednesday
with the other ships
ly |>ajt of that tlB»
“>e *ou*dron
and **'*'
saw- "“‘hin
nothing Jn tbe nature uf a


company for an «ep«e»«at nt

Steloberf'** Urand Opera Houaa on Urn
nbore date.




plenainf perfonnnnee
! Friend" by the SesUr Payton Coinedr

mile from Bhore, what was thought to Between the curtains a aarica ef enterSiBntsh torpedo boat was sighted, tainlng apceialUcs kept tbe audience
headed for Ibe cruiser. Three or four amused.
Tonight tbe ‘-Gold King"
ships immediately opened a heavy Are
Trill be preaented.
U]>uD her. and when the smoke cleared
away tbe tontedo l>uAt had dlsapi>eared.
Wedding at Old
having apparently put back Into the
a and Nla Luella Gbar
Apart from the sinking of tbe MemIng of Old Miaaion. were married Sun­
ma< In the chsnDel uf Santiago de Cuba
by Lleutposm Hobson and bis gallanl day evantog at tbe heme ef tbe bride's this tornedo attack was j father. Michael Ghering. by Bev. Mr.
the -----------------only oci-urrcr.ce
coming ^
. „w.e
the ,
Qoly immediate
knowledge of the olBiers of ^e
n>e latter say the sunken oilier ef- Irelatltree of tbe contracting parties
locksthcchannrl rapt.Ovledo



I am at the European Horse Barn, Ferris'
Old Stand, with another lot of fine horses.
Call and see them and be convinced.


tbe $ianlsb officer who went out to tbe Iusefnl preoeets were received.
' American Heel from Saniingo to obtain j-_-_ connle bnve a boat ef friends
clothing, cte.. Hobs..n and bi. crew

remained on board the New York for
deflclenry three houra. and •■(fuaively congratu­
measure csrrtea arrroprlatlnns nggre- lated the American officera on the galgnttng tl7.7IS.000. These apprupiiatlons lai'try of the crew of the Mcrrlmac.
XiM PraK’g Pansy Party
are in addition to the srT<ounts to be
Contrsvy of-ffstilsli ~
Mias Msriem Pratt entcrUinsd a few
rarrled later by the |H-nemI deflclenry
CUckamnoga Park. Oa.. June T.—Tbe
of her girl friends st a passy party
FesHaet Alabama Bea Prugsss TbaV It
•ffieera at Camp Thomas have been
After the revenue bill was sent tocenMonday aftamoon, ia bonor of her
khaU He Biped Oat.
greatly annoyed by tbe misleading awl ference the »►**!.-n of the house was
Mobile. Ala- June 7. —M. P. Inge, twenlietb birthday. Mnale.. readings
Vtterly (alar reports being aeni out from devoted to routine business, chiefly nnand fortune-telllBg helped thil tins to
this point by special corrrsiKmdt iita
wsiienslon of the rule*, a number trustee of the old city debt of Mobile,
and a former rrsldect of Greensboro. past sway quickly and pleasantly, lee
taueblng the heallhruliti-aa of tbe men. of bills Iwing paaaed.
Ala., has Bssoilaled with himself. John
Out of the U.oou men now In the army
Kddl. NaatTT.
L.. Kapler. pubUsh'T of Ibr M"i lie Regis­
her* there are now a half d'laen serl.ius
New Tork. June 7.—George Dlron.
ter. and U. B*. Taylor, sudilur uf the
RhMp BaU F»m Vortbport.
I. and tbe
: hardy colored boxer, gained m w
Mobile and Ohio railroad, in an effort
getUng the regular nlluwanna of evm-j «med di-clalun over F-ddl- Sontry. «f i
Captain B. J. Webb of tbs TTWVorae
Uod of food, nod In abundance. Tl,e^ otlcago. In itbe arena of the l^nox
) the home of tbe hcr. lc Kicbmund Hob- Bay line bus nrrwaged to mss* the
- getting Uvlmunk-o .meala. I Athletic ciu^ here last night. They
Nortbport and
, *T-hrougb huai.rshle misfortune
. soldiers’ diet to be bad. Thr
*rraversa City 76 erkts, for tbe Msecsd himself I
. Hot«- n was foiced Ilrai to sell a pur of
mlssary in t harge of the department of
j her homestead i.n’perty and then to bee ccltbrwtina. June SJrd.
•• gnbattleno- in ChaUammga has ul*'* parstlvely frrsh when the twcntlrth
mnngag.' the r.>l. and ha* not been
'been anu. ycd by the false sttlcmenta i
a,,.1,,on t,, ^efs ars Hors.
able !.• red.-em it despite the fact that
« sent abroad that the department haa ^ree Cha-ley While while not giving
her son faithfully s. nt hts mother all
Farmcra ars already beginning to
ujtable to secure storage sufficimt ^*^*1 sallsfactloit. was a Just one.
al-uve the coat of actual
cT^for the euprlie* and that is the n-us..n |
eoas'der the grsaabopper problem, aa
maintenance of himself aa a cadet SlSie
the men are "not being P'opeily ted.'
istale ArhHrwtor* Sa Art.
large numben of them are beoomiag
There are new already In deis.t here j
Srwlrgfleld. IDs.. June 7.-The state U-Ing In the senlce.
- I rtitlre In the Alabama Bear n. pnb- manlfeeu
ver l.oun.ooc raili-ns and ample r<M>m ‘ board of svMtraticn will hear aixu..

tor 6.OM.OO0 more has been pruvldnl if i meals of th^ iiperwlors and striking Ush'-d In Gn-c. iislsiro. tb*l thl* murtBefesad B Ubnat l‘n |i«atsg
There la not tbe sllghl<-st | miner* nf th.> P.'urth district on Frl- gage Is advert aeJ h r fo'eelnsure sale. 1
Few womun ooiiudc of royallira evw
ground, therefore, for reas.nable c..i:> I daj-.
Presld-nt H-nter and B’llllam which will take p ace on the lath of this |
plaint ani<-ng the troop* here. If their Scalffe. an ex-prerldent.
will piewent month. Thus this hmvi- boy's mother'a I “pupped ti>o qncniuu" to a luan. and
asd quunrrmaalers kouw the argument* for the mlnere.. Wood home Is to i« taken fmm her. no doubt [ pefi„r» oulv tun- baa bad tbe experttbelr business and attend l» It Cat'U'U . will defend the <>p.-ratura
&XeckweU. chief of the ordnance depart- ,
Cteea BU Blaalag* In Ibe Poor.
^.Btent. retelled notice vest- rday that the |
Paris. June 7.—lUron de Rotbaeblld. the thanks of congri-as. i..g,-lher with .
Columbia arsenal would be able by the
ictnry In
a sword or a medal, but these will not!
fbi- stut; in bis "i^rsoDnl Meiuotr
' tatter
T of
Of tbe
the prvsint week to
‘ *ui
- :
tmy a mortgage, and 1 prup.ise to ap- of Btujuuin JowoU,” moaturof Bal-1
PI, .J,™ «. .f e,.lp„.„,. p.- ...IP !
S*ircll. ai Liingechamp*. Sunday, ha* .____
peal to tbe p«-<>ple of this appreciative liol. Oxford.
and be now expects to have
and buy,
Tbo maater's personality w
fully equlpi«d within a very short time.
poor of Paris.
' Active work I* now- in progress la evoInto a hospital. Colonel Senn.
Charge of the w-urk. says the hoaidul
will have a rapacity of SOO men whan
A tmrilon of tbe building
will !» ready by the latter pnn of lbs
week fnr the rtt-cptlon of patient*.
General order* wvre Issued yesterday
to all the r> glments in camp to pn>ceed
at once tu recruit their cumjianlPa to
tbe fuU vtrengib nf IOC mvn. Tr-e deUtlS
were made out in a number of rvglment* yesi-rday and th- w. rk of reeruitlng will b- g n at on
The aham ■


Shall be In the name

>“3 hu a.«,

s match
Tiled Ly Dr. Jiiwvct

lugs to oar ruuntry.*'

I She rvcvivi-d fran bim
nd when leaving |

driwned it
Crosse, Wla.
The bouse of t

loetia.. Won......................
<____ _____ .— ..__________ •______I woolil tentnre to ask a very Ktvst taKell-Tt from eust»s5y on the charge >
hesiuicd. The
u» sl,-aling the now fan letter fn.m I
Tbe queen regent of S|tain has m-. Ueut. nant Cariwnga. In.medlately aft- ;
Keiurfs lawyer tm.k step* to
yo® tnanyiu. j” at last aba
ft^med Senor Sagasta that ahe dots nut I
drslre a iicrsecullon of &nur ErolHo take . ut autl for i::..h('0 J.dntly
ernlly agali^si Benor* Du ItosTand Carranu fur false arr>-st. A capias will be
Chicago iy the Maplewood W. C. T. U.. asked for to pri vcnt them from Icsv
Unveht* at MUwaukM and FoweU tbe country.

Ferris' Old Stand.

If You Have Hogs to Sell
Oom«poDd with tbe TnTene City Lomber Company.
We bflTe for sale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
LAjcnas B-oit SAjjti.
Mill MacbioprFof «1I deecriptioDSpiDcIoding Two EtUfineg,
Ret Works, Carriage and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.


The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at

-___ _
uryao Appo>Bie<i*«wwt.


James Filxgvrald tell froro a togging S;««ln,U,..,ruW™oI
— Bigelow's road at Washburn.
Wla. Four >ara ran over him. killing »en>en from
him inaiaeily.
Ilundted* .1 iihynltlaiiB from all parts
of lo<' c untry h-vr n;rived In Denver , BriUta Xow Jsispoa HI. tor NaUIng Bealtcn I the Afnerlcajl Medleal aaso-I
d*r t'alw t-otorw

L—f™ I„
for volunteers

that on the
Wisconsin will have tu furnlab only the

SOO men rt-quired to fill tbe Wlaounain
rcglmentj up to the standard of UK
man for each company. TThe etnte aent
regiments of twelve coinpanies

to ..,1
. -----------to
u, ,olnB
to 1,
.ml ;
would you piTforta tbe surricey" Si»^!
bad U*n n-fuaed, poor girl, without
bsTiiig retjposod.

I C.P. Bun.™. Ju«. r-TK

pay tbe ptvacber wbo married sal

Senur JImIurs. the lender of the Rvulutliinary cxpedjllun which recently;
tanded In Fanto Domingo from Haytl.
eighty-four men each to the front, whUa
on hla arrival there fium Monte Criail.'
Cao'. nsl. v:„.
Domingo, was arrested by me
•Ibcr states, among wblch was PennWelch were pol- British BUthoiittoa for a vlolallnn of the
■ylvatila. amt rrgtnwnu of only eight
hy eating hern-................................
navigation laws In flying a Clyde line
Should these stales be r
lock, and 4
Fanlta. the
BUlred to fill their regiments up i
which the expedition sailed, had been
iWe companlro of IW men
there i
would be l.ut httle of ibr 71.000 men lor'
'ilsss.i Iron Works Bold by the Clyd* Lne oompany six
Wisconsin to supply . *,ept those medk t.T«> hand*, re- months before.
................- „ .
Chris Roberts.. Uw pllol of tbe exahut-dowD <>r five wef-k*' durwllun.
| peditton. made a compUlei ontbe abpve
l-*ke,.\n, ft.. June 7. —The '
The C-bicaKo c.f Ld»l,,.r hat1 grounds.The Americanconsul also
•oted Senor Jimlnea alliglng that
Thirty-fouitb Ml. l.waii volunteer In- adopted a
lu P.n v.' li* admiratantry toft yeau rday u.r Dunn Lorlng.'
tor th, daring and patriotic w. .k the exi>edlUon waa illegal Inasmuch as
Va, where the i.-gtm.nt will encamp ®f Ueutenant -Hotwon and his iiiu* the FanlU's paper*-were oateniJbly for
service in Cuban a atars.
adjacent to Camp Alger. The command band.
ta composed chiefly . f men fi.-mi ILe '
A mob at rUrksvI'Je, Mo., hanged two
northern peninsula, who are hardy and negroes because one of tb.-m was suptThl* l* the fourth
and posed to have shot dead ih- cltymarCoal Bearer*' laitke as iUlwaakaa.
taat regiroeni suppUid by Michigan uu- shal snd the other was In tbe emeule
Mllw-auk.-. June T.-About S» coal
dar tbe first call.
; semew hore.
b.-acri-s employed along tbe ducks In
eprlngflelJ. Ilia.. June 7.—Colonel J R
A Baltimore and Ohio passenger train
Milwaukee struck yesterday for an ad­
Cnlver. of the Fifth tlUnols Infantry. east-ls.URd was wrecked st Cairo. B’.
vance of } cent per ton for unloading
baa replied to Major Blufotd Wllaon'a Va. Englnm-r Hannawar waa killed coal. As a result, twelve boau laden
Ulegram offering roo men aa recruit* to and the fireman (name not given) mor- with coal are tied up with the prospect
flll up the companies of the Fifth. The Ully wouqped.
of remaining so fnr several days
-be men. but says
Xear the railroad track st EUwood.
ahaikey aad Bwklla to FlgkV
an of them must be temperate.
it. a young
young man was found uneonodoua
tAucoIn. Neb.. June 7.—Gov. Holcomb j srith hla aknll crushed, dying torn bnura

Hardware. 146 Front SC


V\ ii|;b:o t.l n X. of Best Bend, Win.. ; American steamer Far Inaw. of the Clyd.
charv '
l"’und......... rifti in
In the rtrcuit
circBlt court
i-,.-,. where
«.hcr.. It
i> was
w*. learned
ic.rT,»i that

Nea York. June 7. —Aniclm bava
been atgned by Tom Sharkey and Gui
Bublln to fight ■



* i^

o.b, o.„ |:


IB by Odd FrllowB.
WuKkXAS, Our beloved brotbrr. Ora
Pierce, a wartby and respected mew
beraf tbU lodge, departed this life a
baturday. May SMh. lapi
Wbrress, Grand Ttaretae Lodge. No.
MO. ba* lost a valuable measber. a trua
Odd Fellow, and Ute fa*Uy of anld deceased a leving bnsband aad falber,
therefore be it
Grand Trarcrae
Lodge. No. 300. bereby mourns tbs
rraal loaa u> tbe lodge, and the aoeUty
•f a true friend and brother: aad fur­
ther be it
Beeolved, That we hereby express
•ur heartfelt sympathy wlU the fam­
ily nf anld deceaaw) In tbU supreme
trial and aeparatioa: and further be it
Reeolved, Tbat a page of our Beoord
be act aside for a tranaeript of tbeoa
rsMlattana. and teat the lodge ehartar
be draped in hU honor aad memory fer


. and one 1___________
said deoeaaed.
Jau H. Moxaos.
A. B. Baowx.




5:‘,::;Thrre:.rrvr'tb:'r'^^:i * drikkir., foun^«. p^n,^ m
Tlaion of the Third erps. rommanded
by General Oram, was .ailed off becanse of the alwcnc* of General Rrerk- i
torldge. and Instead ther.- were only 1
regimental and hrigad' dnlli.

Indiana Horseman.

Asparagus, Lettuce. Radishes, Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
Thone 167-

946 Front Street


Therefore some of my stock of Jewelry
must be sold at

Look over my line of Watches, Clocks, Sil­
verware, Fine Novelties in Jewelry.





Hi* Act m Stndins Word That
th* H*ro*« on th* M«r*
rinue Wor* 8«f*.


■ tbeJtewste th* 1






Sandy, off Santlaso de Cuba, via Klu**ton. Jamaica. June 7.—{Copyrlrti. l»8.
)ir Associated Pteas-l-LleatenantlUcfaBwod P. Hobson and the seven heroes
vbo aided him to block the harbor of
Bantlaco ** Cuta «iih the hulk of the
collier Mcrrlinac have escaped alih
their Uvea aud i
Two of the men are sUchUj- in­
jured. one In the cheek and one In the
Both win recover tn a short time.

The ness of the safety of the men on
the Uerrimac was broucht to tbe ilasShtp New Tork Friday afternoon by a
Branlsb tui;b<at flylne a flac of truce.
She came out by order of Admiral Cereera. who was represented by Captain
y Oviedo, his chief of staff.
The Spanish admiral was so strut
the wonilcrful daring shown by Lieu­
tenant Hobson and his men that In g< nf the bravery
toeroan he sent his chief of staff t
tbe American fln-t knoa that the
were safe and well treated as prise
‘of war.
rralsce far Cervera's
Cert-era's gallant recognlium of the
courage of bis encsnles ev<ik<<d mu<4> favdmbl* comment In the American fleet.

d tbe men of the blockadIng squadron when It became known
that Hobson and bis man were alive
at tbe bottom of Santiago harbor, as ev­
ery man In the fleet bad concluded they
H be. When the tug was seen coma flag of truce *
t her. Ldei
was In command and when be met th*
tug Ovsdlo informed Lieqtenant Stan­
ton of the safety of Ueucenant Bohaon
and his men, and as the Vixen ranged
«p alongside the New Tork and tbe
good news was staouied through the
e the officers and men on the
Kew Tork went wild.
What Orlede Told aawpmu.
OapUln Crijlcdo was conducted to AdBlra! SarapeoD, and after aulutm had
been exchanged, be aaM: "Admiral Oer.
Vera, tbe commander of the Spanish
fleet. Is most profoundly Impressed with
the briUlant courage shown by tbe men
wbo sunk the steamer Uertimac In our
barbor. end in admiration cd their
courage he has dlracted me to say to
their countrymen that they are altre,
and with the exception of two of the
men who are slightly hurt they are nnInjured. They are now prlninera of
war and are being well eared for and
will le treated with every oottsidera- tlon." Admiral Sampson expreawd hts
thanks for the kindness aad generoHty
«t Admiral Cervrra and invited Captain
Oviedo to his ealiln. where they talked
for some time alone.
BatttcKeplKlnaghtoaHerru.rse Im.
Ul heak tt bere Uesirwd.
Later they adjourned to tbe quarter
fleck, where they chatted p'.eaaanUy.
Admiral Sampaon improved the oppor­
tunity to ebow off tbe ahips of tbe
American fleet In sucfrsshm tbe Texas.
Oregon. Marblehead and luwa steamed
close by the flagship in response to
a Signal from the admiral, aad Captain
Ovlido was given an opportunity to
Judge what ebanoe he and hU fellows
of the Cape Verde fleet would have for
their lives If ever they came sailing out
of the harbor of Santiago de Cuba, in
discussing the Merrlmac Capt Oviedo,
as well as the Amertaws. was sur­
prised that any of the men aboard tbe
boat had es<ai.ed
He said that ail the
Spaatsh l<altrrk« had been turned upon
the Merrimar and that abe was literally
Dddled again and again. The Spaniards
thought that she mnst go to the b>ttotn,
hut she kept straight on her course.
guMed by the cool heads and steady
hands of the American tars Ufsm ber
"LP-ntenant Hniwoo blew up his ship
blimietf.” said Ca|.taln Oviedo, "aad I
hr destroyed It when
rcachrd the place In the channel he
considi red desirable. She could n -t have
tastnJ much lunger an}' way. for we

Hobson and his men awiim aahore In a
ateady'flre and were captured. Admiral
Workers and. In-li-ed, all of us copsfdc'r
the ait n( Lieut-naol Hobson and hU
crew one of the bravest In the hlstury
•Wl naval warfare."
Afl.T being aboard the flagship nsarly
1a-.> huurs Captain Oviedo took formal
leave of Adml al Bami aon. evary honor
bclBg accorded him as h- left the ehlp
A launch containing clothing aad sop:
piles for the American prisoner* waa
sent to the tug and Captain Oviedo
premised that they should i>e delivered
to them. Th* escs^- of tbe men on th*
llerrimac li considered nothing ahurt of
miraculous unless th* firing of the
Bpanisrds wss wuree even than usual
—and that It practically ou of the
It Is expected there will be a gensral
engagement within a ehort time be­
tween the fleet and the Bpanish batter,
te*. thaugh no offlrial slatrmenl to that
effect has been made. If flic bombardment comes off it wiu happen within a
aamparatlveiy few hours.
Oaaaat He nilrd by a Waraaa.


C)i»r«ter. Jr., of Ctaiev^ kUM himaHf
brrr rvMerdar »ith » pMoL tbc result
of.dMpslr. be b*rtn« been in s loot
Ctilcsro, Jme C—The Los Anreln
sololde U the Utect of s series of dark
f^-enU tn the Cbarulry family.
besd of the household. Charles U.
Cbamley. Sr., erks for a low time a
IcadlDc iumbermaa of Chleseo. Until

Hadlson. Wls., June

was in readlnfas for tbe cpeelng of the!

• Hts. L B. Bbattuck. Mrs.
tloo of tbe ad- i

iy-T3.______r«k« i OePtrude Blackwen and Mm. Alice

Which begun at 10 a. n^lth tbe
ing of the peocerslon frrm the North-

A*SJ^in‘de?‘rf^“vil“.'*' iTm
Lmesdn. and Urs Kvelyn

, ^

belt promised to give tl
for heavy-weight honor* a chance l
prove hU worth.'
MBtowta MfwOrldley.

nell and staff, of Ohio, the i.fflrers of tb* I
hlilw-aukee Carnival Bswxiatiun and the !
other dlsttngnlsbed vlsHors. Claudrr's ,
band. of UUwaukee, and the AHou;
band of Oshkosh. As tbe pr


Now York. June T.-Ths Prem ssyw: OftV *
Fttsslmmons has promised to meet
"KM" McCoy In the ring in a tottle for ,
the champloxahlp of tbe world- Mutual i
friends !.rought the pugilists logeth-r i
in the Hotel Bartholdi Bueday »**ht;
and there the man who defeated Cor- j

Ever Biimed Ontf
»ke valua of


Erie. l a.. June I.-Huf family of Cap- ;
Ess* M. LmIs Mattaa Mattee.
tain C. V. Urldky, rvsjdittg here, was ;
Bpringheld. Ills., June 7.—The sUts npUBed hunday by tbe navy depart- j
board of railroad and w arebouse com- ment of the deaita of the busiand and
has indeBnltely
postponed \father tn Jaiuu. as a result of the I
tbe bearing of th- llaat St l.onls dep--t battle at Manila. Mrs. Orldley was '

Bicycle Aiders.

I ber of PresbyU-Han Socletli I. Includlnc
;'pairinirand«na»ellBff.*ixl-tbatl cu
I tbe national ontanlsalkn In aid o(
. and do ifiee vou tbe beat work of anj
Presbyterian collrfea
l.e was about
e Id tbe city for tbe money.
(0 years of ace and had a family con............................
with peals and blasu.................................
bj what othera tell you to
. be dt
slatinc of three sona. a dauchirr an<t to uahri- In th* celebration.
I and that It wcui.l Iw ci-mid-Hvl by Dec.
itraiy. bat come and aea for
bis wife, who was the striitn»iher of
Never was the city so gnlly dad for ; Ji. igrt The dr;ol proper w in ros'. I7B0.y.V.PaichiB.
W.y.CFswor nuraaH.
the children, and was also tbe niece of ary event. At each of the four comm , goo, and with tis.ks. etc.. *MU.OCO.
I (ntaranlcc all mjr srork to be right,
tbe first Hra Chamley. A year aco the of the capttol park large arches
aad U it does not prove so I make it
Chamley'a were llvir* at their summer erected In the slreeta the upper
_ _
AttOTBcys at L*<
Washlnslon, June ,-J
M. Guffey
home at Olencoe. twenty miles north tJ.«sofwhlch.*U'.Jportedb) pler*ofma-l
Stop in un So'clock every evealac,
sonry. are profusely covered wUh bunt- ] has been made the repres-ntative ft the OBees la Kootagne Sleek. Tiwre
of Cblcaffo, when It was audCeoly an­

. 'aaerpt Sunday, in theCaldweli AXoathe national
nounced that Chamley, senior, was a Ing and decked with flags, and on each state of IVnrs>itanU
,don bonding, at north sod of Caioa
, Democratic committee to succeed Hon.
defaulter for amounts ncyrecatlncnvar- «e
are u..
oil paintings V.
of men famems ,u
ly liM.wa The actd lumberman was ccnsln's early history. Ab-ve each aj^h 1 William F. Harritv- Harrity and Gufarrested and put In tbe custody of an floats the stars and strliws from tbe ' fey w-re noUfled nf the change bj Pens chairIpal alor Jones, of Arksnsaa. wbo Is
officer pendlnc an adjustment. H« peak of a tall flagpole. Th* principal
if the c»‘mml«tee.
mysteriously eluded his captor a few arch Is at th> east corner of the lark,
days later, and since that time nothing at the bead of King street, leading from
Ni l*owa at B
ea to Probete practice,
tbe Northwestern station.
This is a
has bmi heard from him.
i. June T.-The Washingnlle Co. Blwk.
His wife disappeared shortly after her triple arch, tbe street car* running
husband. The rhlldren suucht employ­ through the central portion.
bread to S <ent*.
Tbe ofliclal exert Ues openltir the celtment aad Bcatlerrd. J. D. Chamley. the
fa;: In the price
eldest son. ttimmlUed sulilde In Mil- , bratinn '
MAWKu.m. is*______ ______________________
! that some r.f th.?i
r by shouting armor}' at 5 P- m.. when
bakers In the a»s-*-'atlnn fa'ttd to keep
Beld win welcome the vtsltore on bi ilf
the t-cent ugreemeiit Is the dual cause'
of the stall. and Mayor tVhelpn on I eof the drop.
half of the city. Reei-nees are expect­
Plratw Bulcbeted W lllraat Mrtry—tWea- ed from visiting executives. In theevenPiraVelaaa Riga RvetTthiag
Ing the memorial address
Bcrilit. June
J. ••.■.Idschmldt.
ty-Bre HmmU (>r tbe .--aaaB.
- and neat. Bates as reaaonab^^ as any
bratloD win be given by J. V. guarles. rbU«d ptates ctisul gMieral her*, has !____
Malaga. Spain. June A—DetalU have
of Milwaukee, at the armory.
tu f,,r three weeks and his condl- TTT _.. , .'Ek. AKoraey at Law. :
been received here as to the punishment
aiuaiioo to tax ti'lea.
tioreswa the tHawMd.
a_^rluOS tum.
^ •
rceenU)- Inflicted ui>on Riff pirate* hr
t.uu.w „
cwuu.e,««. - |
Chicago. June T.-Re«.rts at haw ball !
T-h kWlr U.e.'ia kWir UaiMs.
Sbereflan trooia
at All
small Islandf.-rtressand prison s-ttleI by I,eagu« clul* yesterday were a* fol- ;
Tampa. Fla. June A—Uy an act of
ment belonging lo Spain tn tbe Medlier- lews: At Boston—Cleveland 6. Iloetnn S. heroism Saturday Lieutenant Parker,
coast of Morocco, near i (second game) Cleveland :. Boston V: who u in cukrge o( the old club house sralcBloek._________
I at New York—Cincinnati 1C. New York on Lafayette stree t near the bridge.
Gape Morroko.
.. V,___ __________ ,K
___ ,-i.b J. k...____ ______ J *
It appears that the Boeoy and Kabyle | 1: at Brooklyn-Chlcago U. Brooklyn 1: , which Is being used by
tribe* were assembled to pay a flee of I at Baltimore—«. LouU «. Baltimore S: | as a storehouse, and Thomas Hcfiee.
Ca.wa when suddenly, at the eouad of a ‘ at Washington—Luulsvme t. Washing- , a veteran of the civil war. prevented TpaaniKO KUBSS-MIm Batall* B
what might have been a calamity. ± sraduai* of toe Calren — ”—
iipet. the troop* attacked them and
The« two men picked up a box of Arbor, will tresoad to ealls
slaughtered many. Twenty-live heads Philadelphia 7.
Wentern l.eague: At Bt. Paul—Indian, ammunltloB which tn some mysterious
were collected In a basket for presentaapnils A St. Paul 10: at HI
manner caught Are and headless of the
tlob to tbe suiua.
carried It lo the river some
ed In a basket for praoiatioa to th*
MI8CELLAMRUUB WAMT8aty—Columbus J. Kansas City U; at distance away and threw It la tbe rtrer.
a^tan of Meroeee.
Ora. King*Maris fee Mis PaeA
w a Harder.




Horse Hotel.


mib(a I fliUmaj,

O. iiiSSfS

’*aSil*'i IS

B. J. Morgan,



On^Jt * W.B. H.&.


McPherson. Kan.. June A—John Wettangale. a fanner living near Roxburr. HcFberson county, shot his wtf*
to death aad committed suicide. Wettanssle went to Oennany in the fall «f
inc. and when be returned a tew days
ago be found his wife eurrrtng la arm
a baby but a few weeks olA This Saet
Is swppoaed to he tbe cause of tbs
_____________________ ^


Pnsass with a «bx laspraed an Taaaad
Adalteraled Ftear.
Washington, June A—The war revanna measure was passed by tbe esnai*

Instances were the attempts suocessfuL

Ties Cp tSAOnAUa la Prapsety.

The most cotaUe amendment made to

Elmira. N. T.. June A—A. WsotM *
Co., bankera at Painted Post. N. T-

the meaeure was that pAdng a duty af
10 cent* a pound
tbe United States Tbe amendment
created no debate, and wa* adupled by
a vote o( H to 31.
One amendment
proride* for a tax graduated accordlag

at North Tonawanda. N. Y.: ManUtlquA Mich.: OiUwa. Ont. and Governeur. controlled by A Weston may be
Involved, tying up from two to
million dollars' worth of property.
■iiwuwarauommustra rum Assigns
Milwaukee. June A—^e Knil! and
Volger oompaay. has made an anlgnmem to Herman Segnitx. Tbe assignee
filed a bond of (So.veo. signed by tbs
National Surety cempany. Tbe firm baa

MHwaokee. June A—A Journal wedal
from Qrantsburg. Wlx., aays the dam of
the Hlckervun
Hilling company, on
Wood river, bri-k.- e=aturday. causing a
great flood. Ike water Is the highest
In thirty yean.

Hon. EHJab A Huisc died la bis botne
at Cantoiw Uase.. yesterday afternoon,
aged ST yeOa
Within the next two months about
MO.OOO.ChO In gold will be shipped tram
Dawwon City lo San Franriseo.
Tom Carrnlll, of Sen Franriseo. at

pound hammer

Tbe Pittsburg dlstrivt t:
era have derided t* strike for the r
decided Upon at th* Chicago eonvaatloa.
Tbe entire plant of the Coffin Box
and Lumber company at Irringtna.
tvia. was destroyed by Are. Lora *9,The race for the grand prig de Paris
was run at Long <%amp* yeet^atUAysud
was won by Baron de HulhacUld'a L*
Rot Bolen.
and Robert Hulchlnsoii.
mUl pood at Elroy.
Wta. Saturday.
The refwree declared the’ Everkardtflelglcr light at the Greater New York
............tic riuh. Kew York, Raiurday,
dras In the Twentieth round
Henry Trutter. ^f Clear Lake, and
......................................... .rk. of lUverton. lUa,
wen- drowned while bathing In the Sangamun river at Bprlngfleld, tils.
The report nf the condition Of the Illi­
nois national luuiks under the call of

Prufessur Btoeeek. of th* Grelfswald
<04rmany) untveralty. aaya he expects
aSuropeea eoalldon against fhe United
Btates to W an oulcome of the preaent
Ike wrastlliir-contest for the champttaiMJp between Cbarie* Wlttmer. of
Clnrinnatl, and Yoosoet. the "Terribl*
Turk." at ClnclanaU. was stopped by

aome wild roou which thsy polled from
tbs ground and ffisd sriihln two hours
Two members of th* Lyceum ctuh at
Madrid made a wager of tlAWO aa to
the whereabouts of Admiral fkreera's
squadron, one bettlag that It is la Cathe 01

SprIsgflelA lUa.. June 7.—Hnc* the
death of Profeasor 8. H. ingUi. stau
Bdendt td the deceased hav,-endeavored
to secura tbe office for the remainder
at the snexpired term for Mra ingUa
Beeretary of Btate James A. Ros* baa
looked op the law and finds that Mra
Inglia cannot bold tbe ofbea. as tbs
istltotlon saysqiedBeaUy that tl
Hot ba flllad other than by a mal* psr-

Pprlngaeld. Ilia.. June ;.-At the conTsntlun of the woman's Kepubllcaa
state convention
7.—ETcrythlng' dldatta for trustesa of the


SMlboTlMtO*' '

KWill^ but That Hshena HeU Her es
Her Couw Vatu H* 1«a* BesSy.


tUw riM* im m Vr*U*KMwa
VMllr-Tli* HMM4 tatoU^

rmnwisisi *a Hast Hscay.

wnooxsDi ruTT team old.


Hew Han llayeM la Trrablo.

ICggr BOOg LOOT, c

TriOaaALB—A C.O. Ooaa brm -C" earsrC

giasara* Oltp Karkat.

> stamp tax upon bandies of newspapers | gbort Cut Pork......................................
1* 00
■ wholly or partly printed which weigh I uhort Cut Pork per !b......................
less than lOO pounds. A ux of 4 cents I piour. U L. A Co. beet................
i a barrel was placed on “adulterated'' I Eve Flour H L. A Co Beat...
...a a
. stamp......................
4. Co. Beet........................................
!!•«„flour, and
tax of 1...............................jj
err ticket entlillng the hoMsr to a seat Feed. U. L. A Co. Beet.................
Ir a palaiv car or berth tn a sleeping
oar, the rnmpany selling the seat vr
berth being required to affix tbe stamp. lard per®)................................................
On the passage of tbe measure every
Republican voted in tbe afllrmailv*. By
parties the vote In favor of the measuie
was a* follows: Republicans 9; Dem»crsl*. 7; Populist 1:'Silver RepuhHran.
1—tutaL 41
Against the bill the vote
was; Democrat*. 9: Populists. 7. and
Silver Republican, 1—total, 9. The „
Detnocrau who voted for the MU were: | p
Caffery. G.-rman.
Uedsay. HcEnery,
BOTiae mans or TRatrggag cm usai.Mitchell. Murphy and Turple: tbe Pup.
ulltt. Kyle, and the Sliver Republican.
Wheat, old, per bu....
Wheat, new. per ba...
Gaea Bb Ufb fee Aaotherk.
Oats. No. I. OST bit. (tU
LIlK-olb. Ilia., June (,-^harlea Wood- tOorn, per bu........................
ruff, head gardener at the Illinois atat> i Bve. per bn...... ..................
asylum for r<^-l>le-rolnded children, lost Buckwheat...........................
hts life In order to save that of
under his charge. A class nf fifteen or
raenty buy* who bad been working
under him were taken by him to Bait
creek near by to enjoy a swim. One of
them. Oscar Olaoff. got beyond bis dept >
and was about to drown. Woodruff
rcaeued him. but the struggling boy
Bummer Rzearsloaa.
straagled blm In his struggles is es-

• *H
e &o

OstabA June A—The first w*<A of the
expoalUun closed with a surprlalngly
large atlendance. The directors scarce­
ly expected the atteodanortokaepabove
the paying haals exrept on exiraurdlnary oecaslons. but It la doing more
than that. Tbe ground* are crowded

firud Sipldi d lidiiu 1.1

YV -frarerorOUyLBmbsrCo.
r of hU promotion, to whltdi li
isloa it was mainly due.

Below ia a list of the burlBg and aeU
ing nrteea of yeeierday for groeeriea,
’wioBa and farm prodoeU in '^V'
!. not: eras City:
auLLCTe nuca.
open to general use. and which are not j
otkerwue taxed by the Via
I Clear Ptwk per bbl. new................
The senate decided not to place x I Clear Pork per 1b................................

Michigan won the triangular field.
Saturday on Marshall flelA scoring 70
points; Ckleago setxmd. with 41. and
llllnola third, with U. The universities
withdrew from tbe regular orgaalaatJcm
because of the action In declaring Mayhury. of Wisecnsln, an amateur.

All baggage, boa and back work
-: for aaid road aboald be left with
f!r^ I me. Office 239 State atieei, tab. phone 3. All orders left with ma
.ill recMve pro»,4 .Itotioo.

MUa-auker. June C.—Brigadier Gen­
eral Charles King left Saturday night WTrAUCTTO-A roa.(M
W hMtorwwrii Is a fa
for Ban Francisco, where he will report y.aaod.M>aiztowrMt
General Merritt. Tbe parting of
General King from Governor Bcofleld
a pathetic acene. They met by

Traverse City to Mi
May srad,
eriMT ot^er Bniiday
therraftor. Tralas leave Travers* City
Round trip fare.............................
any dUunce.
Ticketa good only oa
day of aale and not tranaferable.
P. A. UlTC'iiglA
Oeiieral Paasenger Ageat.
H. W. Cf.vgtxeHAM. Agent.

1 boom aad tot ea Bam
riU take bnrwr aad ll«*l

V70K sat
JT Prom

belong to the combiiiation


ltoa> *»ar be area at toe rrrideaev Of W. W
r.arriirSlrrctor Tbe balldlns mam b* roatpiewd before Aarun >Kb. Ike right to re}*m
aay or all bida to teaerrrd.

' Mtoh* *

Trae- ^ LosZl braac* trala a

A few good mra. Apply

^X^^'Ssa'ijEr'|S: lUBm in leifnunu 1.1


Trawrw city
Clir property
propmy IS
I csrhanrr. or wlU


B. am Waabtortoa (A. Traret.* Cuy


To lak* eflaet Baadtor, Jnse m. HH,

y aad Oxu

. .


nelndlat batileo oa m a aad toad.

Hastings’ Real Estate Ageacy.



libro IB the ballB of Congreas «e g^iaot
_____________ aany In rtehameoto
colored mai-. Blggwn book.
laweai prtee: oalyll.T
oubarriber rrevlTro graod tlOO
Dnaaiid emwaiuu.; harrmt I..
tar* Cf^H: fretobt


wbo stale toe braai
wem of toe water <
Works. «» tt


a of the aartlre
. from toe eaglae la toed
rka Tramae Oiy Iroa


Oaekama Jsi........ "
Oaohama.............. An
Oaokema Jm........Loe
Cbwt Lak* ............ •*
BaarCrBek-..............HaaloMoOraaatog.. "
kUptoOroea^r;:.. “

iBtoriocboa........... **
ritorkawttm........ **
Lake Asm.............. ••
OedarBaa............. ••

Stato'i'bramiag'- "
OtaniekviUe......... ••
Tra«afsa OHy....... Are


li 1
*uen •*.

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ObooV Ctork. astU tbe ITto day of Joaa
lo-elaeka.m.for all labor aad mator —'tor
aa toe Im award 1^
m toraM by bA. Bewmaa* Bask. <
iiaeia, wkleh Biaas aad ■parlflr«ilnr* are —
wito W.A.Ilrwtam.Oanv*^****'^**'**
y.Mleb. MamambaoBatodaad caden '



- rmaooaaisl'--------'—■*——*-------- --D toe li
to by to.

Beading. Pa.. June 7.—A committee of
Reading pastors yesterday swore out
for the arrest of tbe player*
UtoM lot. smalt bMM. ha* IsraUea, lU suosA eaa be toeghi lor am.
of the Reading and Hanford base baO
ae tom let. m>oi OwolUag. Psrswood. Ha tows end RO pw mooib snUl pMd tor.
clubs for playing a game here Sunday.
44 aerm Uiw* mllM aootk sad wM from lbs eUy. (and good, writ wolmsit, yeoeg o
The warranu were servod on the Read­ ebard. Xkl* I* • borgnla tor only lUH.
ing m*A but tbe Hartford players had
laft the city tor Newark.
M Jssi as derirahto or suss sm


a arbool soow at Order Plans aad sp^8^

And we are not obliged to aell meat at war prioea. We bare a
car load of tbe best wegtom eom-fed atoob aod can fnmisb yon tbe
beat Chicago beef killed at home.

Bingham Bros., Front StraL


oatoea aztnrra I


We do not



•rll part «r wUJ trad- for ta.|>rorwd
S M. erowu. tn rrvol »tn

John R. Santo,
General Insarence.
Wnrxbnrg Sioefc.

>Tamu*o.ta aflorn Pvb.9.UH

% »' tl t

I at tbe



With Xul, the yewder.


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