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The Morning Record, March 06, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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nnfr^««-Ko. tes
SenMtloiul Beport Sant Oat Prom WMbin^ton Taatarday
Whio)L Indteataa Prompt Action.
Oraad BapIdA Marek s.—Itlw Piw ^
d to* toUawlar
'Cklearo, Mareb » ~Tb* Joenal willlirinttaiiaUateditioB tok after
naUy wiU aeirt weto podOrdy take
toe UlUal etep toward* ntUar a
cheek apon toe boaUIitlee la Ceba.
The atateaeat u priated aa eoetiac
traa owe high la aatoerity. WedaeeAay to toe day act for toe pteeidenfe
a^tlea. on IberedayAt toe UtceV
“That OengrcM will aotoorice U, aad
to etatod by the JoaraaTs Waehingtoa
withoat debate, to ooadderad eertaia.
,t toe adaalatetra
Now we ksbw why preparation* for
ke tboToagblyoegaicaatof toe tact that
war' weat forward afUr it wa* kaewn
to* Mala* laeideat eoald aot be traood
bat that toe ptWdeat aad bto eabiaet
to Spaatob treaebery.crlUaat be detenod by any feared the
yon keep posted with Uie great vorld at laigey Bead the
"Ii—, W.
Bletntobee reau»*ed by aa
eUrg aad baroleea setbod. Ml«
. $100,000,000.
Weabiagtoa. Match a.-U h laaraed
a eaeelleai aaiboHty that to* adalaEda to aU pepolar Ebaet Xoaie at
tetraUoB i* aecoaatlac a war loaa la half Brie* will be eoDl
New York, toe aBoaat being varloaaly dey* toager.
■toted at troa fioo.ooo.ooo to fWO.OOO.- Float etreet.
•Erery war preeaatioa baa been
The laat aaanaitloa la belag barrietftoablpeaadforUfleaUona.toe or
der* for toe mobOiaatioa of toe Natloa-'
al Oaard are drawa up aad aigaed,
ready at oae Blante'e to'be plaoed ap98 toe wirea The BOMat eeogreae
«rine arsed laterreatibo war will
begia, for that will be a daelaratloa of
Are You Satisfied
With the Present Knowledge,
t k After
Piwidwt to Btod Xmmc* to OoBfTMi This W««k Vbl^ WOl (kU Vor
• Willi tptoB ud U rrMtio«U7 a pMlmte of
War-OfttriaM Said to Hava XtoaUr Saeidad.
toga, aboard of whieli wer* to* dril [
aad BUUa(7 aatoeriU** *ad dlff*i
*oetoU«* wbkb bad be*B wa'tov <«r iTh* OoeefBor to laid to Bar* Ttoed
Bat* for fecial Beaaiea.
toe wanbip'* airtoal.'' The doeki <
crowded by elgfaUoen.. reoketo t
la a dUpatob from D.-troit ycatorday
eeat ap aad flag* and other deeoratiOM aftenraoa. it wae eUtcd npoa reliable
dUpUywl oa eetaolt. pabUe balld
«ew Beoort Being Laid Out by Boa.
•- A WalkeroB tbePeaioenU, With
Oae mie Froatage oa toe Bay.
The property ot Ben. & 8. Walker,!
oa toe FeBiasnla, U one of toe BO*t
eaarailng epou la tbb wkole Oraad
Trarene regiou. There to a Bile aad
a baU froDtaga oa the Webt Bay. 1C
lUeefroB Tfareme City, reec’ied by
oae of toe Boat beacUfol drim orer
•ome of .the beet read* ia toe eonaty.
Mr. Walker to keving one niUr of
tkto frontage platted lato a >.u iiui,rr r^
aort. The lou w<ll be I00ki:.u feet aad
looeted apea tkree aateral terraeca rtolag, ooe above toe other, reoedlag
froB toe abore. Every lot will front
the bay. Tke eaUra plat to
eovered by e aateral growth of UBber,
aad roadk aad aveaaee have been laid
oat te toe beet advaataga The beach
to flae for bathiag aad
The aaBe given toe new reeert to “Bey
Terrace." Nalare be* doe* bar part
weU aad toe Bcomui predicU for tbto
new'reeort'a grant enepiii, A doek
wUl'beaaeeoBliy and aa doobt wHl
be betIL Bey Terrece will.toee
be oa toe direct reate of tke Ttoveree
a^. Petoekey aad Meokiaae line of
■teaBora aa weU e* tkt Bey llae. The
proapeet* are encrllent tor a epoedy
aad Urge sle of lou:'
G. B. ThoBto* of Alden, the well
aowa dvil engloeer. ha* flnitoed a
.tof to* property.
Mareb 7th,
Jnst received in Picture Mouldings—New stjIcB—
Remember we lead in fine work—Bring yonr pictnres to
be framed;
Markham RIoct
Rcfering to
Baking Powders,
a Chemist says;
••AIub to a*ed by
baeane* ft tobtoarboaate
toe eheapaet
rhleb (»
08 aoeoant
aoeoBDt of Ite
li acid reaeUea. will itnniin**ri
of aoda —*
Annual linen
W earoee thooU a*k im Jaei n
jWhite Goods
Wilhelm Bros.
IBicycles Bnilt to Order.
Enimel lour Wheel.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
m. B. HOCLCV. MiSiSSfl
grw* iaat DeoeBber.
After aaaoaaeiag the aUagdi Utea- Xekaa Bo Soeret of toe B^et That
to» of toe preaideat aad tha'tfse af
toBapldlyPieparaetloa decided apoa. The Jenraal**
lag far .^va. Xoi
•peeialaay*: “Beferatoeaaa rtoee on
mdatteg <
e aaothcr SatacOoarae.
toe WMtera
day Boraiag toe tret oaaaoa eboUa a
A eeBi-ofioWeeblagtoa. Mareb
war with Spaia will have beea flred. if lal declaratloa of toe poeeibUity ef war
with Spain ha* been made by a Besahererieto. Atthetii
Such e
appaUlag htatory of Bpeatoh atrodty la
deaeration wa* sad* by Sferelary
Oaba a* ofioWly eoUeeted.
Long of toe aevy deparlBeat. who
and •tteeted by oOeen ef toe govern- eald for pnblkatioa:
BMt will be Utd before the ABerioaa
It tooBly fair to*ay that while the
We predict tbet all good boaaeAB AVTOOBAPH QVXLT
United Staue to not aeeklng wer, aad
to hoping to avert war. the goi
keepera wil! anpply tocIF araate
“With it there wtU probebly be a
meeaage froB toe preeidMt. aoleonly
fnr the eoBlag year daring tbto
for eaything that Bey.happen."
etatiag the feilnre of bto attcBpU to
Oa Taeaday .evening a disa aocial
Seeretery Loag'eat
etep toe Cobin war hy parifle Bkaan; Bade idly er wj|beat ntetbed or pnr- will be gives in toe Metbodtoi eborck
New and anractlve good* at
There are tweqneetieaa at ie- at Ogdeaabargb aad the aotograph
toe refoeal of Spain to eeU tke toianA
ene, or eaoa will be. between Spain and
«blch ha* recently beea Bade
and toe atter and abaelota fnttUty of
the I'aitod SUtea.
''Ui be aactloned off Tke ladlra have
sttoaoBy a* adBiatotored la teba by
Wm Spain proBpUy aad properly prepared e flee prograa and refreeh'
Spaia. Be will refer mngr— te the toeet her reapenalblllty for to* daatrne- Beat* will be eerred. The preoeed*
r bring perpe U
m <H
of we
toe (aaioe,
Maine, m
in caw
eaae the verdict vrill be for the beaeflt of the ehnreh
• ' • Bvlted^ Arraagrfloe* reapoaritrated. aad ha wUl declare it to toe Of oarec^of Inqalry fl
briag Bade by Baay Travbm^o^her? WillSpi
Ipria aooept oar
dnty ef oar.nation'toeUp tbto
ion for toe parpe
parpooe of reator- eroe Qty people to attend, for which
rror dof toe i
there wiU be aapU provlrioa in toe
lagorder taO
by peaoe, if poMlkto; by feroe, if aeeae- ter to aagoOnUoa, er wUl abe go te way of eenveraaeae.
Jbe etateBeat piadr by flecratary
“Tbo preeldaat can etriko flret aad
Long wa* latended to be heard ia
Ifyoowanta bierciv
V bcilt
to flt yo*
eeod toe eoeariar reportt aad hi* Bee0 BtaUeaee to be Bnilt Tbto •ave yoor* ojii.
_ IBcatkB* at
Madrid, aad it will doabtle** be pob-1
ly *h>'i>. aed I gnaraatee to anil yon
aega to coagreas later, bat it to net Itobed In all ton leading 8pa«tob newa-’
wurkmanafeip, aaterial
' .1 a
and price.
ooBridered.Ukely that he wUl p^oeeed paper*. U to toe an*wer of the United
State* to the aiatemrnt that Spaia rha* Fred F. Bongbry os South Union |
la that wey.
eueet. ]u*t oa toe brink of Fernwood I
“Be will aot taelode the dd«trMioB jD*t bought twecrctoenbailt for i
hill.'where there to a Bagnifleant view I
1 by toe Arm
>f toe Malaa He will not refai^ It.
overlooking the city and eniroundiagf
It to eoasider
Bto whele cBorto'wUl be to *how t^l.all SpanUh atoteamaa ahoald realiu that eonetry. Fbe atyle to to be colonial
too world that toe condltioa of to* if tory have any toonght of golag. to reaetoansee. dteigaed by W. A. Dean.
( will give ynn 3 uOnt work in any
Th* fleat atory witl'be flaiabed in eak,'color, tor bv^t bahiDirvnaRirl aad vaF
people epbo the tolaad of Coba warprepared to meet a aatioa that to the aecond
raate biB in proceediag.
will be heated by eteaB end have opea
toorooghly ready for war.
Call aad ere aasplre a
“Sign* of war are aeea oa every
ploBblBg, and wUl he eoapletod about
hood, Tbewreskingapparatn. bring
toe flret of Apgnattowed to Havana we* inlermpted at
Bpaia Rea Booi^t Bewrai Powerfal
«it atill rrBala*.
iioTBbonad. The
Old Ktorioa Xaocabaee Frepuriog te
lioodoa. March S.-F«rtoer iaqmiriea
derrick dmlgaed to ratoe toe ennkea lado oa toe'eabj«t eeafirm toe report
BoUd a Bew BaU.
balk be* never left Boetoa. A
The Old MMoa Maceabee* aad L. p.
cabled yeaterdey of the aele of the two
have been eaberking la larva BBBbete erntoara whieb the AnBatroag* have T. N.Are aeon to have a boae of their
o^ aad iBBber to already bring getbnlldlag her* for Bratll. to Spoil
traoi Havana, aad preparation* a*
tM oat for a coBBOdiOBa and aolteble
- plele aa poaaible have beea Bade for too
t toe Cbilton I
war that to expected to follow, for. be baa beea negoiletlng with
beM decided upon. Ototge HeddralTO TfikS Adf8Bt8g6 Of Olf Sllfi.
offrrte to give them a let white
ft haowB. flpalB wa* appriaed of tbto ptlvo of toe Spanlah govaraBeaV far
Bay be aeorpted.
•to ego. toe aale of toe battleebip O'SIggiaa,
beUi by toe AfBatroag* for (%Ue aad
aad la replv UtioBted that ehe i
^ Ba* Baatew Party.
it to believed toe deal baa been praotaetotV fccM nay 8
UtU* Eflte Oeeha to a bright ymmg
tlcally eoB|deted whereby toto epleaaiaCnba; that abe a
Mtoa who to taaralag Baay naefni In good shape, bat we can enpply
did ararebip peoMd into Sprinb
toiaga la Mtoe Ctompto kindergmnea yoor wants u>r Mmc time to eome.
prepared to reetore poeee on toe Iriand rioa.
It tokaowato* Cklliaa icpreeeata- clam In tke Bcmid^ e^oe V>hfrr-1 and are
er deal eamBartly with any power dtotlve Bane a deflalto offer to Spel^ re- Ycatorday wa* htfr eeveato birthday
petiag her privilege. .
ivereary aad eke gave a irily party
Anxloufl to
ceatly. bat tb* price w*e ooastdered
'Then eaae a propoeal troB Me- too blgk, aad SpaU Bad* a eonntor of to flftoan of ter J< '
Lower our stock.
Binley lavolring (be paicbhto of Caba
It to DOW aadarstoed they have toe terne of kerparenta oa Weteter
atrerl The UtUe folk* ted a happy And are offering
by toe insnrgeala. the United State*
„ eome
Th* ebipt wkieh SpaiahiB ceenred ia time from torea«atU aiz o'eloek. and which yoB will
ill do well
to tnh« a^.
gaarantaeiag the beads Tbto, ee well
France are two bearily arwored ooaat brnidc* tbe.ettjoyBent of ga^ ali
vantage of. A choice stock of
aa every other pceoefol effort Bade by
defeadera which Braxil ordered foraerBak^ Goods always on ban^
toto admietoteatiiB. baa beea received vtoe on the Biw Plette. wbieb have plaeeS'wteretoey woalddo to* moot
and we wonld not have you loee
by toe Spaatob with aa laaaltil« re- been beUding at toe La Seyar worka good.
Many appropriate gift* <
sight of the fact that the
at Bavre.
left arith ^Be. aad her Mead* were
tort.each given a daialy hag of
“Bvery hope aad every daace, of
•PABIWR O&VtSBA ABBIYBD. cake* whan they weat teaa.
ebeeklDg the Cuban war by paae^
ia tke beri, and that it will pay
yon to try a hack if you have never
neaa* be* been exbaantoA There wQl Oreetod Wilh.SatouriaBB at BavaOan TbotBMd Ton* of Xoa
naed it
aa TaeUrday.
te a* ultiBatna. Thm wUl be ao
Oeri Patktoa te* -c
toe toe ftr to* a^tari. i.ooo: toaa
eagottouona. Our oonra* tee b«M
aer AlairaaV Oqaeadn arrived toto woe takaa from Oodar lake aad to •!
mapped end the flaal tottekae wore pat______
itag troB Spain aad rMcTred
toe flaeet gaality, bring rigblate
when aeperial aaeril^ h^rty
from ferry boata aa^ ■ lateee tolte. rimr aad pare.
Oer. 7th and Union StntU.
Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle..6c.
. w. J.A^T9^T3rS,
■'‘i^usarg wvm:
liAbrador Herring,
Smoked Herring,.
HoUftnd Herring,
K. K K. KorwegiAn Herring.
Whltefleh, •
Calilbrnis Salmon,
Baaelan Sardines,
Cromarty Bloatera,
Smoked Hallbnt.
Boneleee Oodflah,
nnnan Haddlea,
Korwey Spleed Sardine*,
Gorton Flab Cake*.
Boutb Bide Otm.
Wbat voold you think of a lavyer who tried taeecore dieots by
offering chances on a bicyckT
Would rou W.UI th, •micetcir, ph,,icUn who olonjlogir*
coui hod. or wifu pillow, to p.ti,nl, who raploy^i him rognloriT?
We think not. We beliwe also that when sicknes comes aad
toe hare prebcriptioi to be filled, or need any other aid that the
skilled pharmacist can render yea want perfect eerrice at a ^ price
—*~id nothing elae
We can give aaob aeiTiee. We beUeve dmggista that are coo.
«aa.liou, .hout quulity meprrtl, mim to b, « orefol .boot poem
IP. ~W. EZ-AJSra,
Tiur.tw. CSIj.
3W Union St, Oornor of 7th.
and Ribbons.
AU qoftUtieB, widths ead piioes.
244 Front 8t
Broach Block.
ns MOBsnra bxoobd.
•Ik* PMpte% KnkM.'
ahMMUU mmi
■arkM «* rmt Mrwt t* PbMt B«^
MIOBtOAir Md dAM 8«m«Ak. boU •< KmfiTt.
Tke MTk«t will kMAfMr ba kw>w>
M ''Tb* PMfle'a Mafkal" sad th» mw
boU food »«•
ttB*. T. E*tW AJID t. W. Ha—mi. b—1— wilt bl at—d l« •— tlM <dd' ** l***^
^ IM -------- - —I
in uohtniha
Bicycles Snaieled tt Fnnt St Cycle forks
5“3SSi?“— _ IS
^ .Ml Ik. MM.
baliK dbo*. —d tb« eoe-
I^m $1.60 up to $2 50
Urn print taeter ia6t-
e; iiui”'--
tba iwt^i^
ui ~i.
btm ^IttortSTMt tiriMj td temt of
«. W. Bann. Bdltor wd Mi—c«r- M—da
•npbad tran Oaie to tiaie. by proper
LoMltmA Iwd ■ nod
Rood UiM
UIM otto
ot k bn.'
dmoke-eahea^e the n^^^for dtaatioM la ble appaiataa Ltfhtniaf
abeeaotnc(on.bi—eiaiM)wataine*.«|a- •—orally it dlr^ lato dre aaia
Satonlar BiRbu. aad U—a wa* rlawee, Tba drat clae
dw^i ■ore to be wimetblDc aoliif oo n«, this, efaarply dedoed, lu
thm. altboocbDoawioBeWooblehadr*- iiMwbieb may hare crifflao^
Mn. Ril«t 8w—n hM ROM «e Mu- eolied op lo data
Inf— far 1 taw w—W viilL
M. C Water. — lUora^ &t M—aa------- ,___,jDtot.*oinealli«ed aharp
A la (be
traetke oo the pwt of tbow lowaid Uad*• often o< .^an ioteoa* reddiib
W. L. n—eb e( Boat J—daa ar— la «Ua who wwe acemml of oomafoff tb# tiaga and atnetiiMabl— or rlolet
taws }ra*laida7 lad ataipad M . Park w—eootnetcd for (artber opUnmoiiD- Enaland and Amerba 1(4$ apokcu <
lifhnilag." b« {nperly U le
a at (Ac tauAe* at Tiaiaia* OMr, PlAoa.
DDt>oT.iiBiHiU-U*lk7.wbobMiMl>olDioic tanned-aboet Ili^tniag." The third
Led Paaalaft— w—t to M—tea ooairaOU for bUetlOK a roadbed oot of the
jaatarday t* bdd a tanperaBoa mttf' ^*4 rnrk on’tbf' rideof old Sn*ar Loaf. _
It ap—ka wall tor tba dm b—ia —
O’Maller. who hMl the upper Nnouon.
Wbleb tb*
They will aot coni yon any morePnt. C. B. Bo— dallrerad hb'latarare dooriabiaf. that the paaRiblllUea'af (dUaf laelore.-Maaeiaaodthe North for bliD Uooovnn dental the charfe eed r**“jT * ■
thgn tbe cheap mnd* sp article. W»
aoaptal the'deolal «rhb noine bUobr reOeo- fourth farm of
aerie— troabla with Spaia ha— not atUon. OD O llalley-* fNTaooal charaoler.
____ __
Pole," at Lake Aaa 1’ iday alfbL •
pair of shoe* trt irII
daetad the aitaatlon la the la—t. Tb*
Ura. M. M. Keltb breretonied fix— aataeedeata and nneral oharacteHeBea enrface of OBRain elosda. whiob diee
to be — rtpreiented, and if apy.of
. nsuel "r<Hi4" wub aweyefter
>od« r*p*rt that while
------ _i few niinniee, —iy to be
Kalaaiaaoo. where .^h* waa eaUed oa
tbe pnrtoT aecbinnelrwl renewed again after a abort int-raL
aloeha are ladaeaerd by ranom of
ooat you on* ombC^
aecooat of tb* Ulaeaa of her father.
tocxlerrumale tbeoUucat tboflmKohd The
The fifth
flfth^-n. of
of ligbining
U that playthe Tolen* of bnalaraa la napreeadeotto 6x them up: ' Prmak H. Park* weat t* Gr—d Bap^
tag betwe— th* $artb
' and tba olood et
ad aad ^^oaea *K—f aad pceaeata
are 12c,
tb,rrr|iin«iorwlrt«l.fortbeT-emlntb «b-•*»4 «I»*f«iBUig abortarol-BO
todieatlo— at o—tlaaad aubillty aad
attand the waidinc of
eowardswben U mine to a sure eooogb in actire emptioo. Still anotharfera
iPo, 29c. 32c. 41c. Bwt grad* Bo*tOD
The arport
a peaeeable eoooRb of ligbta^ diecbarRe Is (be aurocal
or-Gondyear make.
the p—t math hu b—a <
<^G. Tamer r*tam*d ya*t*rd*y from
If tbeyeboBid
* ‘BiMtlMf Of tb* pard— board. H*
r thing ^p- totb*
Ht*.Ttoraar who
»tba EcooRD'a pe- waa acoampaaidd
10 had
Kunell e dire for ble u
■itioo that tba Dioflay tariff of t» baa be—'ViaitUr in O^aao.
Misi Pearl Tackabcrry
a—te a boehel on poutoae haa beea a
Ceok early tn tbe ereoli
direct bancdt to tba fannen of the reatarday ft—i Ctolcnfo, wbar* ah* o^cieek be was preny druuk and ugly.
Tbe U>.rs Rol btm rwrted on O'Uaney
Orand T—T^r— rafion. but triea to atodlad tb* epriag BlUinaty *tyl«a
dodge the lea— by tb* arfaiMBt that Mto* Cr—la wUl be bare *ert weak to: and (*gid btai OD udtil bh wa* rodbeaded.
Bo ki-pt OD gettlna miiddiT aod dmoeer.
ih* Ohio farner* dertred no benedt be- taka bar old poaHio* an trimmar.
tbn-NU-Dlng fab enctiiy wjib all kinda of
136 Front Street.
X^aotl-oal ah.fxwi sa.-r-.
—e of a abort erop wbleb foreed
auildm dcalbf If ll were rs-er hb gund
luck to run tbreuward tnioacomar where
tbam to boy. 4f tb* Ohio ttrmtr or
be would hare (u >o>nd ani L^hV JuM
anyatber fanner baa no potatoaa to
at ibb JoiMiure tbr ilwr opruod and to
. aalL tb—. —tnrally, he aaa dari— -no
welkid O'UellFy.caicblou UoDoran-r bit
Airaet baaefit from the Uriff — pota- Be*. 3. A. Braktr. panar.
Wunb. Tbe buys won- pretty tadly frtghl
II theo otauer
PraaeklBf at 10;3(Tb. b. and 7 p.
aod Uu^ it orer.
Claaa Baetinf at e:30 a. at.
Bow da Senator Taller and'hia fraaSunday a^oot atolo—of tb* m
ad—r aaaoeiat— wbo bar* be— dey no aUrnlhiD lohls drunken tea.
it the boad* of tba Caltad Incaarrioa.
uptoibebarandmlled tor bb
Jaulor InaRue at 3:$0 p. b.
Mahall be deelared'payahle la aUpoliwn. ibrwel of the crowd yuawdhiB.
Epworth L—Rae at S:45 p. m.
and Um drink* Urenn to go down in a
. J-Ufy tbeaaalr-la tb* llfbt of
ka^jaet id Berain(.aani—^ -Tba
$he fact that tte Maaima Roraram—t.
Cbriaiiaa'e Work Kewarded," and in aewMed utblird t t Kurwll, wbo kept 1
whoa* daaad^ matbod* they prof*—
the *T*nlar= ••Eternity.'’ Thl* wiU be WBlrhfol rye oo Ibr ertimU aod stood done
ll ot -the ber by tbe bnip. ru tlust
daaoBoeb adBlra. Ja J-t ananfiaf ^ clUaaxoftb*
be oooki donee the ll^t lo eaee of (rouble
Badleae PoBlakBeat.'' Ut O'Malley lumcd cuddenly,
Thnraday crenng ptayar B—ling at fhciriK Donuren. end U—D la a maetof.
aggrataUog Uianner:
UowaruyiHi. MIrtbvr ItoDoranr"
SntartalBed by Karfarat Landan.
-Rad lock t
Bm- CberiM T. aioBl. Bww.
•'What tb* derll do j
Mtaa Marrarat U
March 11 uul lU
a few of her fii—da at her boB* aei ttamr Bonidnee Aw nad WuUsloe str««
Beat E^btb atreet I—t ar—lag.
MoraingaerrieeandaermoB atSoeW
I. followed by Uie h
M* paa* a rary pleaaant er—Ibr.
Sunday *^1 aad BibU elaa* at ».
Be—lag arrrlea —d aertnoa at 7.
.._4tolrlby w— th* lackya— la dediaf
the Boat of the bidden pcanuta aeai
AU are oordlalJy iaritad to tkaae eartarad arouijd th* rooB aad raealrad a Tie**
HiDded III
Baltimor* Stock Baerired Tbrar Tim- a Weak.
AliDwt before lbe.Ar*t ebo* eoUDded
lerely allrer aovrealr.
Count*. 40c per quart
Sniiike KuwlI hod pot out the light, and
km. D. CerkUe. PMtw.
(here was agenml Ncraiubbof dudodw
bannoa at 10:30 a. m. on, -A whit* baiaois 10 grt uu’ ot the line iif fire. Tbe
___ Mrata
■*gu.u(« PMca.
• routmetor* kept on flrtiiDg near Pork per bbl.
Jabs Barry yaRterday'bBlehad fct Ufa.213 Front St
Uiitll taefa bad 11 1 uS the Use rouodn In : Clear Pork per B>...
Muaic by tka Qua— City Quartat.
tone la fOOtomoiflneioefroB Oadar
AfliT a deed aik-ncB of abuul fit* ' Short Cot Pork____
Sunday ecboal at 11:50 a k. L—
Lake for the warabona«of the ‘narerae
Pork pel
A Maw Train
-Jaaua—d thetSabbatk.” Mart lI:H>-3a. pTuof undwUM-ooumrraod rein (be UtO|
Oty Flab Ca.
jr. H L..................................
Tkto U a rary iapvtant leaaou.
A« NMD a« Uonovan bad fired hi*
Eye Flour. U L. A Go. B-t....
The (tomaU— Club i—t wkb Mr*.
Junior Chriatiau Eadearar a—iaty at abitberaabwloDt of tlIbrabantrtogetbist___
L A Co.
A. J. Bradehawand Mra. L..C. Deabvrw. Ho waa »
ity^dmnk^ but I Feed. B. L. A Co. B«*L
S p. b:
mend Friday erenlaf altba boat* of
Young Peopled Sorter af.CbrisUaB
Mr*. DrMoond.
n dead failur—I
is 1ft
l(t They
Ttoey do not,
la- tag- syery Saturday th^ft^~ aaUI
Ml Why ll
ai^5!4s p. a. ,
r Lradrillii.
* exmi— tba i
, tb* -aa in-; farther noMee. the Orand BapM*
Th* eloeniiou pupils of Mra J. B.
Sunday er—lag goepel aerrlee at 7
,, gcuuity. tbe —me stratag—a. the oom- i Indian wiU ruaa train I—ring'MacUMarti* gar* a plearaat redtal at her
i new City Id the aflrraaoa arriring at
« last nighawbieb wee rajoyed ■Oraet
another with a hearty .-HolyoilDtal FIrekbi
GrandI IEapM* about 10:45 p m. Th*
le they do In worldly lingi; r
Bher of ibrUod fnesta
< aiplhal
lattheeloeaof arery aarriee, Ir.T. ai>d arrry Ian oo* ol
40 they wool'
Th* Portia Qub will meet with Mra. jpnrtieularly the atnnger who may he biartr”
W are many
who hare as amgaat:
L. A. Dean at« p B. Monday. Each
way with tban. although they may 1**.^
aaCBbar 1* reqaeated t* giro a qaota' •
In lb»
lirtdgeaerdHlheArk*..’ bar* a patrmiiAing
$i— troB the play. Mia Bpebanu Ber. a. a. Bar. PaMor.
They aU to a , ruary STtb.
on the
- ■"7**a rirrr. ao that It waa jaat breaking day
:»»o. ruunlug
» -___ _______
eorr duai.of the worid in a niastXT which
Kn. 5. For time card* or fmlaad^
Tkar* will,be aarrieea today, is tie wtM-n he polled up 1
In LtadTilb
for^uW apply to O. B. A 1.
Mra J. B. Martin iwtnmed yaeterday Eaal State atraat aebool bouae, at lfi:30 tonuhe
O'tUlley abouMl -rrral llmet, until
IB where ahe gare a. m. in.Kngllabaadat 7J0 p.
ilDNlly Bt> upper wleitow w— rghad aiMl a
C L. Lockwood.
a aoeceekfal estertalnaeat for the b—• Norwegian.
btuhy heed stock out uT It.
ll Pbaaeager and Ticket Ag—t.
"Hello. O Mallcyr' cried tb* sbSrtR.
Grand Baptd*. Mlsh.
ati of the Baptiat obureh at that place
ELLIS, 311 Front St, East.
Ask For Onr Custom Made Shoes
Made Esp^ially To Our Order.
Spring Flowers
Spring Ribbons
lat^t Sbles and Npiddes is liDinei;Beautiful Display
Friday and Saturday,
Reteber's Ofster Depot ut Restaimt
: :as.rJ
Bible aehooi at «:C5 a. b.
MaioolB Wjnnle 1* preparing aereral
Parentt eoaea—d bring your ^IP
oar lead* of potato** for the BnSalo
market, which wQlI he ehlpoed
thU Area for Oad'a ward will be a lamp
yoor faetandnllght unto your
weA. There wUl b* aearly t.OOO heehal* and bis eon UaloolB will go with
Heraing aerTlee. 11 a. b.
-Come let ■» woruhlp the Lard la
Y—Urday Ma—far Barry of tbc talephoB* ezBhaoge. talkod with Boatoa aplrilaod la truth.”
Juawr )SBde*ror 3 p. b.
orrr the long diataaoa Una rta ChiV—ay People-a Sodet.v of ChriaUan
cafo. The Jipe wwke parfrctly that
Eadearor at 5:45 p. a.
dlaUBoe, wMeb la about ISOO mile*.
Brealng aerrlee 7 p. m.
A large party at yonaf pmpla —•
meeting Wedneaday
Joyed a elelgbrld* to Loof Lake Ual at 7 p at.
wr—ing. where a mlealonary Beeling /All are eordlaUy ierlted to thaa* earwbeld. followed hy a taffy pull aad
good aoelal time.
-On .Woaday nlgbl the ml—trel abow, Brr.nSabbrrr. Putor. '
i—ently giren In Mie City Opera *80—*
■tlen^m k
for the beorfit of tbr Huetlere,
•Sunday aebpol, I*.
repeated at tbe atyluin for
'or tl^
mentoftbapatieuts. "[rmb^twoLtli
o be at Ifa
Ail are weleoBe.
troupe are
t*urh*B Acadray at r, p. a. *har|h to
A oordlal InritaU— ia egt—dad to
take «—rejaae** for the aaytain.
30' ataad at bringing (bam in—Dr. Tal-
Tbe Board of Bda—tkw will aell tb*
Baat MUU atreet acbeol property, eon- *
aiatihg of Itta 7« aad ». block E. Han
.that 1—ts me all bolU-r. Hay.
nah. lay A Oa ** Ttb addltka. tog—her .
"KM- MeOy K-wcki O— Kertry.
| WiU tbebuUdlp--*-----hurt him much, do yon ibluk!’’
Y- P^^!***
Hot STwlnca. Arh-. Match A—*'Rt<r —le for proo. jdug
•Hurt ’tul" escUlnud.O'Malley IndIg*
,mi<k>n middleweight pugll
Doea It bon a luao lo bare fit*
Chicago. Ma?ch 5.—Wh—t—March. MeCoy, chami<k>n
' .w'orld. met and defeated Nl
bbllids In.bla heart, do you tfalnk V
tl.oiH: May, $I059(:' July. WK I of (be-w‘orld.
citr qtrk.
Burl-y: of Callffiml*. Hi
-•'I reckon It do. Mr O'Mtllty. Now.
T. 87»*c: December, «7
what do yoo want
wnpt me to dot"
k yeaterday. The Call.—
«Vc: May. 30S.«h
^-1 wantyoiTiak* ine'to jaU for killing
Den’tgo wiUoota Latter B—Plat*
round. Be war 'dead eaaT' I
"Now. I'll mil
on yoor hou— wh— y— cm' buy the—
A few mer* ie(t.
you jurt
dee* 40 alot> t
sell Vo
G*o. W. Baft.
'ou'It Ui.d IkiBoian tbete. Begot tAttk
all tbe-aame.
here abiiut two liui
ago wad gave
>g yon Jupt go around
firand Rapida. March 5—Wh—L «c.
among rouraelvoa wbleb
AM Facial Blamtoh— rrtnorad hy an
of yoo 1« deed, nod I'll i
effeetle* and bqrale- method. Mland arms the other one
Uadlgy at I'ark n*M I* tntraducing,
Xlaetrioal »a^ w—k
’! di— aea Ml— Hadley at Park Plso*.
found Don..«wn What I
‘Tf known up th
that tbe Twr> -uji-o aftr
M—d« and finally bacaii .
fact nootwowrm tu dUpute
Comiuerclal Tribune ,
ewBtlB* Oat" AtagHw.
dren Irani all -thowe "aouatlng out” jlaM(wt uf tbnu are abaolutely B—Byet 1
Tb—(rioai Mow*.
The Courtenay Morgan coapany
tateUlg'lbta .
I an old. oil
Moraing aarriee. 10:30 a. n
rdaard a aacceaaful wegk't aagagrmeat
. . last wrak _______from lioataa,
and ahe played gamra with a granddaoRhGoepel aarrloe. 7 p. a.
lor frum lUikuiA abd aDoUar from atiueYouag p—pie's aerrlee. 5:45 p. m.
Wbwre lo thu rautli and a bcQ: of WaaUng.
Bible aeboalk erery Saaday at etanreh tOB ebtWrcD >Ach player uhU ber turn
w^blcb « I filled with 1
laagbter-proToklBg altuatlooa
Tbe at 11:45 a. a.. Oak Park Chapel 3 p. m.
hooae waa filled oompletely. Ia the
Witneaalag and pruyer aarrioa —
logtan IllUe folk <m-. and ll waa known
afternoonAbout 500 eblldr— enjoyad j Tharaday c*eninga at 7:30 a’eloek.
to *U tbe ehlldrL'n thera Nobody bad
theeuaedy, “Wanlrd. a Wife" The . A warm weleome for r—■
karortl it. hut ei<-ryb>Kly knew It. I wimAsr ^b—e it origlnabal and what It iticaot
—Bi*ay hare glrea a a*riea-''»f goad |
aaemtb urrHODiar.
tbaflral plare.—Waablngton Post
in.euta for the low prieea Bf’.IL AR—ieh.Pa«or.
% Claaa Beettagat 10 m m.
Praachl^ at 10:30 a. a.
It for a drawfug of a
Sttaday aebool at U m..
•rtbal—t p
t-JO p. m.
tbe pria* r • awarded to Mr*. Chaa.
Epworth League at 3:46 p m. ■
ko bald tbe laeky numbar.
Thnraday Rtiwltfg a—ri- at rm
and make yon a price on
yon are aura ttf getting
lalte R—ited for Tour Hoki.
Onr ent price sale la on raUatiile and wall known make
of skoea only. They raqnira
no rooommand.
fI cu nn to JM feM IS to 80 ^ Mit. a mtf Aw tt td( fit flit, lUt. SUt, UN. tl.Sj| tut, UM m H.M
Th»01dB«UaUa8bo«mAiL Whom Othsrs Follow. 118 ftMA Sk. WnntoBfg Blk.
1 its HOT YEI Know.
mJi. *« th*«oan bu r«t bw« Mr
tMtImMr VUA «ro«ia MsbU It u ^
that eoset bad baas neeirad frees a
that Uw Main* vm
brae and influential elemeat ta Caa>
Wa«n s» froBVCXUniat caubci I am ib«
ada. Adloamed to Monday,
I meat aiataltfta bulb in the world. Bo*
' for* tb« oomln*
oonlnr IUaa-bm
bm aeBKOBB «J»
idinrartvilese ms ast oat
4N»int Board of Inquiry Hae Net «rer it-mar Borarc aurb ovidcoc*. and In a Cbm Similar to That in |j> the aecuap as follows: Thst Canada
or lJl.Barl> of Fiople >sil QiU Bite of Hnn FRan |
poBalMr.Bbd the -----------blnetnr up waa Iblei
ahaU nmaent to apd allow the enur tree
Which Cev. Mount, of in*
tional. It will tern from tbe dlven
<d d«ty of all ralnets' ouUls aad a adpHorror's CauM.
AH Orar The 8tata
tbe eetnal coaditloa of the ahlp after
diana,Was Boatan.
ply of provisions and riothln*. ihs •
tbe exploa’oB. as It has already leenied
whole not eaceedlnc In quantity IJSS
Crom the survivors must of the detaib
____ __
____ rttuen of Ue Dnitad
for each
of Uc ships eono:tlon before Ue e*- BIHER’S DEATH TO ES AVEIOH States
proposlna to eonse In mlirtnr
lies pr^mslDa
lUrk BorwtU »BF tojra eiaUa I tba>tka« a aaipbar ofyaan.
lAe*. thoronehtv
.. n.......
British i-olumblB or the Norlhsest
owMf^ of XbaoUaatTloltai la UU aatUad tbare ia iSOW ba waa IWiac witk
' Te.rUory: that Canada ehall remove all
eart of ibaoomttT. asya Ua AIpeM Us aaooad «rUa aad a family of Ulr- vaua Sa I -|-r-| Cp la the Wbmm ate P”’ tbeorellral te«lmenr and then irTa*eei*ai.*« u ta# i
, unequal muiriiona
** mm*s w
...... .. _
. ... .... ____ . reach a eerd
' .1
Ilcenits t
1 cltlxene of tbe
FM-aloaoUaMMold waotW
la Ua aacllar
This sutement can be taken aa more
bwW bwofaMdlfbaa Vaaa haar daya Bock waa a Bareal^
w.»rthy uf rvlUnee than that of the
operate In Brllfsta Columbia ur the
iof »B Ua waUa of bis clear atora. sad aiar a waforibx carryiaf WO poaada
Maine oOlrer whq said the other day he
• Own. Cesaaiy. and <
Northwe«t Territory.
believed tbe court «ai_l.ound gb erlaf loar orer fo^ mllsd oa bia baek.
Also that flsblnx vessela of tbe United
dtnee alieady beard f^flnd~the cauae
Blairs havltts authority under tbe lawa
tboaek be bad to break bU own jatb
of the rxplorton exlfrnal. .i. voPTra TkI. Mareb &—It s
of the United Btaies to touch aad itade
tbraaffb deop anew. Upon bU arrisal
Tstlsm IB also at tVisner with the
" “*011X1011, March t-Tb.?
at My
ce porta, phee o? lOacea. la
opinion of many «thT^^^na^al afllrwre rveterday,psld more stteoUon
ba aat tba barrel down aad daaead' a
• u— gf
llraly Jif. Ua ofieo earriad a criat .to Ury Look and Admiral BIcard that tbe here, especially thoBs ofTbe younitvr case uf tbe butchery of PostoissUr Ba•rivllece of enterinfsacb
plai or fdaces for Ue
mill at loaia, 00 mUea away.
court of Joqalry U unabb to Ax even of raoft of the Maine survivors that than any other aubject. aad It t
of purchasinx bait and aU b
tie dair for tbe eonclualon thvir ship a-as Intentionally blown up ddrd to Increase tbexoveminenl reward BupplieB and notnta In the mma b
Osorpw Avb and Patrick Barry of of Its tnyeetlrsUoe Into the
and under Ue home rrrubllont as
for the voplorc of the mlBcreanu who
Saalt 8u Maris'kad a frlrktfal caper- the Maine, Rharin* the yeneral anamay exist thetefn appllrable to trwfllnx
did th^d>-ed to tl.huo ID each a
• to Take as
c informaltoD. on this point
leaos with tbs Ute blissaiJ. Tftey
the case was presented by I'ost- veefelB of the most favored notions and
Ks*y TuSml* AI
Imnc yesterday, ai tbe Inmaster Ueneral Uory. Md tbe action ■>t tranr-shlpplnx their cuicb to bo
started from Oetoor
• tbs ice to '
Madrid. March i.^rommeni!nx oa the taken by Ue eablneC iRtbe offeiinx of . transported In bond tbrouxh aald Ils>
iUe.aUtanl ket th.U.
»«*t • teleSTSin
Tbsssa1oD.‘ :s : iHmaistanl
bat their
Admiral BIcaid askinc him w hen It ruiiior* of PtvaJdvnt McKinley's proJ<-ct rewards Tor the appn-hensluD and cun- minion wlthrat payment of duties In
the same manner aa other merrfaandte
slelfb esapbt la a larpe crack aad they
, to purHisse cubs. Ei Nad;nsl. In i.uar.
^ viclion of tbe ffiillly perwuns Is said to desuned for the United SUtes mair te
decided to leave tbe alsirb aad ride
' Uclv under tbe enpHun 'The Best Bolube ibe must enefxvUc sver axreed upon thus lransp>ysed.
,hloo of the Cuban Frub>m. " exclaims;
boms on horseback. They teat tbeir
by My admlBlslraiiun In a mmllar ease.
Waahinxton. March L—Two more apI
bearinffs and trandered about till they
It Is probable chat the pustofflee de pmpri«tl-in bills were sent to tbe pre*. {.nnvxatiun uf Cula r« the UnIteABiaics partment
Prof. BobbaM baa a aaw aebema for foaad a small llybUouse. into wbl.-h
w in 'detail other Inspectors to Ident y.«terUsy-the pension bill and
b) acreefnrn\ with diioin. un cond<llun
glTlac ebildroa la remote paru of tbe they crawled. Avb's lers aad' arms
thuss now on the field in ferretlnx the cnnsular and diplomatic, both of
that tbe I'nilcd auies redeem Us from aas.Bi
aoaaty, oeU^ol adrutarea, aaya tbe wars ao badly frosen that be mild
the Iniular debt. Isvoricx us durinx a out the ratfrdervrs. and the Urye which went throuch their Anal staxe te
Msmomtaea Herald.
In aome eases scarcely mevs aad be carried wood to
eertpltt pen«d by a tariff von ess on and amount of reward offered. It Is tbouxbt. the house. It was private bill day. Tbs
win Induce private detectives to work fnnsl .ifcponant'action token waa ao
XUXiunle*. ondcr a powerful authority on
tb^ are tram three to slfbl ebUdreo 131# small stove iasids by bb taeU. A
Ue case.
quleseore In an nxreemsnt to make tbe
a respi-cied flax, the lives and prop
^ a aaiebborbaoa who are denied small bat of oataiaal, mUd raw. saved
, blU .approprlallnx about I1.2WMI for
erty of fipaolards nrl^enl of t'utmr Be
It IS said that Attorney Oenerai yrar rblma approved by the court of
/sebobllar beeaoae there era hot eaoarb tbs pair from stArrlap. Par six days
hold a eniutpin of tlw p-'>i>>m which
(^Ims under tbs provlslona of the Bow.
/ »a warraat tba boUdlnr of a aehool and alrbta Uey aaffered Us panes of
would win popular syrnimthy, pmeurin.; Gtixxs holds to the opli
the bett termination of any foreseen or fedirul xoverumeDl wui have Jurlsdlc- man act a spertol order for next F«.
boaaa aad tbe blrlaff of a teacher. In tbs damned, and Barry wm about U
Uon over the murderetw when captured | day. TM rblms curried by the bill
present beari-liu.nAX* of the nailun."
aaeb eatee bia plaaliito artaafe to eon- set flrs to Us'baUdlacfor a bmoon.
they are flrat taken by the state I nre for sVqrex and aup|>I|es aelaed dur*
El NnclonsI arxues that •Amerlfan' unless
aulburlUes. Baker. It Is said.' was m , Inx the war in the ooutbera stetss. Only
rey tboae ebltdran to tbe aeareatachool wbea' balw cams
InUrvcDUon already exUlB In lie BUtv ir officer
BoU mssi wmw;
of the yuvernment In the dla- two prfvaic bills was passed ycstsrdj^.
baaaeaadUiDsriTctha “yonay ld«m«’- takes to ‘I’keaaaloa. to feeble that
voKT JtryxaBos. par tuarunaa
Amertcan WfrshlpB ha»-e vtmveyed lo
ebarce of his duty Md tbe attack on I At the nlxht session thirty-two p
a ebaaee to obtain aa adooaUon. Tbe neiUer could apeak, aad Avb dbd-TSs wu probable that the report uf the Uc pBeiacoB.>urmerly Bialn's en-mlea" him wosslmllar tOMSUack on adepu- bills and nine reUef bills were t
court would be mede and bte last ntxht It says: "Arlnerica wili.vi'minve to toe- U- marshal or other uffirtoL Posti
plan ia workinr all riphtand U prorinc n«l4ay.
smonx them wwe one te pension Jos.
^ ^
the followtax reply was -received from tor the rebelUon: Md If f-'iialB doe* not General Osiy expreusce the dciennlna- B. Itawllns, a sou of Oenerai John A.
Um ezpeaaire than tbe bnildinp of
Key West; '-Have talked wlU tbe And means lu suppress the Ineur ecllon tion to do everytbiax In bis power to Rswllna, at the rate of MO per month.
ebsM ac'.ool boildlaga aad amployinp
Uwb Martin of Fowler, kss in kb prusldent of the court of Inquiry and .the parlftc tnicrtneddlinxs of the United nscmoln the IdenUty of tb* xullty par Ur Itew-lins suffers from epilepay sad
a cibmp taacber ia tboae apanoly aci- posstasioa a steelyard and pair of firs pxree with' him Uat It Is uot yet pos State* will snun beeum* armed Inter- ties. iB response to inquiries be amde U Incapable of sMntnx a Uvetlbood.
TCDtion. In which event it win be worth
tonpa whbb cams over in Us May' sible to fix a date for the flndlnx: as ao while to recdllatc a* to the l-cBt reesns puUlv the foUowInc statement In. re- Adjourned to Monday.
flower. Mr. Martin aays Ue ataelyaixb much depends upon the proxress of tbs to protect tbe lives ud property of resi- xsrd to tbe case. "The dv|«nment ta
In pevsefsion of a preliminary report
Cbariee BlatAmap of Mllaa, tbranph wars In irraatAeumnd for tbe weUrblof divers and wreckers aad the tesulls dsnta in Cubs who are loysi to Spain.
-nailleal autonomy ur Independence from Its repreuenteUvea In rexard to
wboae bamo niaa tbe Moaitm aad inf baWea. and be baa beard bb par- they obtain. Every effort la belnk made
this sad troxedy. from w'blcb a few
to advance tbe Inquiry. The court re
Waabtenaw county line, aad who TOtaa aaU say Uai atno^ Ucse who turns to Havana by the Manxruve tbb will tnensce Bpa:n. sacrIBie tbe lives details may be flven. Tbe s> Idow of the
WaahlnxtodT March L-Tbe ctvO eerand property of Wysl Cui
r has-been iPter- rlcv commlsoalon bos prepared fpr eabU WaabtaDaw baoaaae bte -waablap b were ‘wstebad wiU Uem wars Ua svenlnx. barlrdt abuut Anlahed tbe 1nii debt smountinx
r story In brief is atxmt mlaslon to conyrees *ome Information
daaa aa tba Waabiaaaw alde.of tba Ut« prssldaai and Noab Webster, VMUcaiJon at Key West. Blcurd.*'
ns folh-sa:
RMck. Osl Ite. Bpeelal etortos.
hoaae. b ontdoao by Mr. Beadley of tbeae rblies were exhibited at Us midas tu the effect of tbe ecsetmeet tato
.dmlral Sicard's mrtaaxe li rexarded
irairfleld. aecordlar to a tmaawaeeona- wintar fair at tea Franebco. Mr. Mar
*^cy W'rre awakened wome time Ir. law- of the Evans bill now pendlax In
j»rlB that
tbr eerly mominx by the xmell of Bn the house. This bin remove* from Ue
ty paper. The lattcr’a bonae baiinalad tin also has ao old raxor wlU a bbtory the court has as yet ubulned poslUvt | care-before everythli
upeteilun of the law.oil poriciona bow
iatwoautaa.' twoconate and Urea daUnr bate befora IMS. and * «lote or concluslw Ihformailon besrlnx npon elxniy. ohuse SRuenw Mother tan ai>J smoke. Md upon rislnx foirad that In Ibe cloaslfled service below the tM*
Jbr h.use was-In flxmeo. Baker attbs
tpwaabipa. He aaU in <me town, mya that baa been ia Ue family ainca 177S,
and shove the n.m«Twde. bexldaa «mtoken to mean that upon the testimony autonomy wfU i.rwduUe anarchy In fUed ti ^led to extlnxulsh tbe fire, but tooo Ittnx Its appllcsucn In other reepecto.
prayan to anoUer. and in a Ulrd aad sUn keeps food tlma
diBravir.-d that this would 1w lmi«>s*lor dlocoverles of the divert will depend colony and lead to the ext^lnaUon of Mc.
Hr then told bis wife that he would Aecordinx to the commission there os*
the flndlnx. the examination of the o«l- everytbl'ox Spanish and the ruination xe -u>
ikr door and call for help. As now US poalofllre* In tbe claaalfled
*«ata. TWe atate line paoscs Urouffb
Dnrinf tbe put WMk many of onr oers and crew of the ship havlnx been I of the Bpanbh exchequer *•
oora as be opened the d.mr (he firtax »ervl<v. with H.ooo employea. CM of
with IS.flOh emplOyea, w^ld be
AM bndraom. Mm. Uetele; alae^ U cllUens have been made palnfolly Insufllrlenl to enable the «urt
BUSiaZSS HAS A SOSSATS ETTH bexM and a storm nf bullets siruek the w-bW-h,
form an Ides os b what lint
' Ohio, while Mr. Beadl^, b; a narrow awara of Ue fact Uat tbs homes which
door and bouse. Mrs. Baker nld that wlihdraxrn If the 'bill were passed. Tbe
her bt>m>«Bd then fell un hi* knees and numbtv of custom houses tbe ferce In
ma^ik, uoru* la Hlebifit*.
Uey Imsriocd Uey owned fras of all wreck itself. While the tricemm was
prayed for protedlon. The heat and which 1* n. w Has(tlfled would be rvincumbrances arc claimed on ux tlUcs naturally sotnew-hat of a disappoinidunsl
ICC to C.
smoke b-esme ao unbearable at lenxtb
ment In Icavlnx the termination of the
The eterph yrs cf the fonnwrinx-namefl
When Ue Marlette Leader paid ('red by sharks at Lateiny. aays Ue Cadilbe Inquiry ox much In doubt as ever, it was say*: .Neoriy ell slkna p<4nl to an un- that they could no lancer remain In tbe
bureaus of the executive departments
BMtm Ue penny for the item fur- DstpocrAt. Even Ue sheriff who b welcomed as pracUi-ally settlnx at rest precedniied volume uf business belry house 'On aysln appearinr St fbe doti'r would he withdrawn fram tbe service
they were xreeted with another volley
■Ubed when bia boy «raa bonr>e snppoaed to be u securely boused m the reports ss-tn U-- MUlU of the In- done ur arranxlnx for at the prewpt of
under the nperatiuBS of Evms' bill: The
time. The axxreBsIve strenxthof prices,
made Ue lamafk Ukt be eras (olnff to anybody, U liable to be turned out of ; vestlxailun up tv dale
steam ln*|e-ctlon service, the ptarlne
recnrd-brraklnx bank rlearinex. and
THAT wrvLsat ta m-ew a bmitk h.widtal wrxlce. the Ilxhihnuse estab
msttors Apintens TS Be Qwtot.
Rut it ont U doable for Ue boy utO housa and boma for Ue eame party ^
continued larfe exports, particularly uf
the llfe-narinx Mwvice. all tbe
be was tl-yearn old. letUaff It donWe has a tax UUe OB Ue Wexford oouaiy' u,e rinse of Pin,t huum yesterday that hr lowrr-prlced cerrsl*. a vrry heavy LetsTolk AtoMsiHtto.wr the Wemher jse assay ..lilies,
the revenue rotter servlee
Awy Other Old Thla#.
every year. A panell and a piece of Jail, and Urcatena to tom all Ue; no word had come from Key West «r volum.- of huBfn.'SB In Iron and steel
and In oddlllon several position* ctass___ _____
"The first,one of the family to be Ifled hy Prevldrnt Arthur when tbe
papm- dlaelneed Ue tafft that Fred bad dickeyriilrds loose onleeeillW U paid Havana save the brief <Jlai«tchiB <>f the 'and kindred tines, and xeneralty
lavtury n-porl* a* to Ue volume and (killed was-tt^ babylnit* mxtfaer's Anns, twesem law- wVet into effe- t. The total
made a mab atatement aad Uat it eras
sprinx trade ei leadlnx distributive cea-I« bullet strlklns » In the *lde Mrs number of employes new In tbe class
ffoinytooeat Lim a preti; imany to several of our praacbera are liable to
test externally !
"''v am. nx the vUIble f.ature* of ‘ n,k. r raw the wound and told her hu*. ified -hrvlre )t K4.i«»-U44t of whom
become aome other peraop's hired
department yesterday. Tbrre . this trade .h-velopment. N-arly all -f
keep bis word. One cent doubled each
would he taken out by the operaUon of
Ue-aame fellow hatify a tax j «’*■ x
year for twenty-one yean will resalt
the Evans hill* Of those rematnlax B..
the pra|K»
UUe Boat little onm of tio.m ie.. Aa title on tbeir places of worabip.
Dry TortUROA but the uffleisl* did not «»*• •'* provision*. Be*iB-mer ply Iran, ! f**'
' blldren were struck
Ue Leader bad a ffood. reliable withesllate -to droUre that only normal riipper. raw tv.tton and tin. The fnriher 1 •*>
bullets si this time, nr Just as
Brawee tWhtol to Mwsfd I. Baker.
esiaped from the bulldlhx- Mra.
MM to Uc payment of Ue debt aad
Frask Oraen is ^xparimenUBy on a movement* were x«'lnx on 8u It waa sdven.v In pit Iran tbl* week would 1
8prlnirfleld.llla.. March S.-The broaae
nfflrlslly that the troops at
I® Indicate that the immense cur- ,
had the younxer xtrl* with het
alon Ue bariatn. it will try and aae to twe-siory jbnipa.
terdra, 1mya Ue Charlotte unknown
It lake were beinx revlewril Md H "m pr.du.tlon It at yet wllh<-m vlsIUe | »>»vn they xot out. and they ran unlH tablet Inscril-ed to the memory of Ed
HUat^ nominirmAU. ia nte beaten ^puWtmn.
wanu lomlae poUtnm | wa.s said (hat
that If
(his were no ■llT^ld
li <«uld effect un
on value*.
values, 4 thy scera exheussed and fell down. The ward 1- Baker, late consol of the Unit
oatef bisjnatdoeab.v blsla«ryer.
> - of- bis potato busbw Ibe oothlrx
oothiPX more than tbe usual period- ; —
The .prieJ'-f'copiwr showed an ad- | older xlri* »'y I into a yiy lorinx field ed Riatra at Buemo Ayrra. by bis
friend* In tbe ArxenTIne ItepubHc. bos
WhUE Ue lAi^ yrew fat between. Be leal instwcllons required by the reffula- ten.e .rf nfkrly 1 .-ent per |.ound dur^ sound* fram the Mclnltj at (bell (arrived In this city frt.m'New York. It
(lotu. As for the reported urdc-rs to in- [ Ink Febrterj few decreasra In price
Lewis Bote.aplopperof Bemna. now aajv "Tomaut plants prafted npoa po- Speeilnn officers at Bethlehem to he ' are noted, suxar
Jirar heinx
nr,nx loe
- AwelUhy. lAle.nt nlxht all found |wa* letuirht by the stramer MerHmae.
(b« nu«t lm|HWOf Ladlnyiun. is aald to be lU yean tetJ stalks JostahoTu Ue ffround have ready for
steady 1I "ttelier •'
at ‘be
the pou*house of
of some
onme of
of 1 (heir ! The tablet will he set In etone and
start If was said• (bat
' tMt. while the ll*T
li*> -BT
-er stepK-*
' a quite
up-m the late consur* xrave Jo
old. Be was born oa board a ahip po- buM proven to de better Um on UairtPaPtaln McNutt and Ueuleram Bcnnei i Md unc.Jianxed number* j.irk. coffee, ^'lorrd frirads. The mother and .
, ubout Oak fUdxc rvmriery/
dwy for |
iBff from France to America. At Uc ewa roots, while the potatoes uader-1
, eeveraJ years post are not to be' dls- ' raw cotton has had an encouraxlnx ef- ‘*'r »rvcs and bushes near the house,
•re of twelre yean be was ato>«a' by aeaU were aalmpairad. If aet aetunlly tort^d and have no orden such os are , feet upon southern trade.
Trade is 1
re.-oxnlxe any one.
I-nndon. Marrfl^^^The Fcklp
iBdlans it Bemua and remained wlU batter.” Try it aext eeeeon.
reported from Bethlehem. .
• i Isrxer than usual at the central west. :
Raker :s rv|*-rted t.i be.a omalL
TWe rwrt SI Itry Ts(ftacws.
' parllculaMy In dn' Xood*. xroceries, | ffw" woman, about IS year* of o^. She xpundent of The Time* *ay* the AndoThe fort at Dry T.iriuea* Is known as b<K>ts and shoe*, hardware. Iiimlw r and ! “• • *un*hot wcRjnd In thrxleft forr- German loan of £^C.«0Cr.eW has been
. .
FortJefferwm li Is a three-story brick axrl.uttgrsl Iroplrmrnts. gprtnx trade *™
‘“‘he. an-frar.«red. Roaa, ratified by imperial decree.
ttnictuc. with casrroatr*. the «-a1ls ifi-oP-"vtl “P «e«‘he hflMhw vsi. ! thr oli^t dauxhier. sxrd ,h.,ut Wyesra . ABB&BTl^T^TSLBGEAXB.
beinx four fert Ihire ln.hr* thtte. The! Ro.ln.-** fallurra In Ihr r„Ued :
xmrrlson quarter* arv lo.st. d In these .'Rtatr* f-T the we -k number SK. axslnsi ; ‘Je bone Steve (he left elbow. Cora,
Evan Lewi* has cLalleoxed Tooaout
isemat.e the oM plan teinx to pisra
f"r live bustries* days last week. JK‘he next xlrl. wa* »hot In the rtxht hMd
(hr Turkish wrestler.
___ end wrist. A won. about II years
1 the artillery In the upper storie* and >• ‘be corrtwp.tr.dlnx week
Lyman J. Gar* bos told his realdenee
KusTitem 1 *«r. ha* one serious Wound la the alido- at Chh'kcn.ihr cuDftdrrBllon brtnx BS0.■the tnfantrv helnw. The old defenaec 210 In JS>« and
B To NRyai PlfiawtaTB And AysteriooB DiBappearaxslnst
and armiber wound In the rixht
! of tWrty-Iwo Md forty-two failure*
if IMT. AS I fucrarm. teth bone* bcInx broken arid
>uioe8.of Serenl Waxebipe.
badly shalicred. His ccmdlliOB I* serlof m and SM ponndt Theee four feet In ‘USB and U in tUi.
r uf the WOloM'a s
three Inch walls Md old alyle xun*
TteoXhl The* TmM
younx'Plrls. complrttnx the fsm- cirty of jiurway.
Mtn Jo*e. Coxte RIfa. InflprinxflHd. III*.. March B.—A
lly. esraped unhurt.
Tban^o, borrifyinxdlrasterwbleblof <*tnber U. Waep wa. sptee. by :S¥^^nd^uT«Tn!a"„'arapra:a(tonal Incident c«vun-ed at th>- .1n odd that th* dicatra ihsi war bciwevn UusU Bioa
••11 I* ncMlc
eauoed tbe loos el Ue I. 8. bauleabipjtbe Swedish barque Adonis. 8leee | bly out ..f practi>/al «crtl.v h> the HtloRf fer. telstlnx cnxioeer* and flre
-................ -. ...Xefhcr with all x,K.d !
>-'«'“axUA is unavoidable.
Mslae, and Ue dcaU of dofi AmertcM > tbea her fate has been tee of Us isye-' quarantine
s te which Fort Jsfferwnn
which arc n.iw teinx held dn ,c|tltcn* cf the .-..uptry In wha'cv-'er sec«»iw.bav* teen token at ««M Dle«r^
I In rrarnt yrsr*. •
aallorm. call* to mind several inateneea, terte of
^Oucao: she baa nevar been ****
this city. Three of the applicants for , u.m they nxv rraitb-. fully appreciate
- *'■ I'rfmotv the candidacy of U. A
riinrale* attempted to
corny nint'HS* to hivana.
•normlt; of ibe crlmr which has 1 Grant for the fnlled Rtaira w——
whene aaval rea^U haw myatariooal.v ' ae«B or beard of.
e beard nf examiner*
It is estimated that the output of ova
dtaappeared leavinx no trace of bow.
There have been many nd ditastera
: Inx sum* of nmney In the envel..|« m I unoffendlnx man and hi* t
i from the Goxriilr rwnxv next sumotor
when or where the; were loei.
In Ua aavy. but ef Uoae bare
; will
fram l.Oe.ote tu z.TOorow tuns,
which (he m-dentlsls uf the ai>plK-ant* axalmd the x”vi'mni>-nt os r
ne triffale 1' Ihanryrnu-.
not a trace of Ue mlaslqy craft or crews
were Incinwed. The rKatnlner* reoinied by tbe postma*ier and 1 1
j Tbeve iu'l a ookion tetweeii Fiorenee.
And aboot 3-JO offieer* Md men. aanad j bava
bran knowa.' Skip Md craw
the ln.ull by .altlnx ih* *eveniy-twc. th*( the pnotoflice depsrtn-enL In co-V ^ Ala.', and Paducah. Ky.. on the «—"■■■
river, o dial once of MB
te • erobe airainat Ue l'r.-ncb la Ue
ime back: Ueli; fate baa neter'
on the lixhib.'use lender U«Dxrove. u ! foMhe conduct of Ihb tlirve. The nsmes will do everylhldx In Its prwsr to s|- miiek
Wait indite in UOO. btae
be» knoi
believed by the test lofucmed here ' "f
would-be briten were kept se- prebend and rant let ihe men who cum- i J. P. Robertson, a pioneer raMdentaC
' faeea tita or beard of ainra leavii^
!• tlu buior, o. cr
nm, .u .
milted tbU terrible uutiax*. Both of ; Aobtebula O.. Is dead. He wakhaj oao
the deiMriment* mentioned are a«nx time ItubrrtO.inxersoU'e Sunday ateool
heart breakloy aecldeata peeullarl; | iq ,be Cuban rapltsl within ten days. |
■•uday Wtii Be the
----------- -•" their power to tp* *"'1 tea. hcr.
Those who fabve read ■■ Tbe Antmt liable to •Tboae who«• down to UeMnly three of the six days the court I FrMkfori. Ky... March »-ln accord
raiinx of the hriefc maufaeof Ue Brtekfaet Table " may re^inin obipe*'are recorded.
|*as-here, were devoted to the work of
turvrs of Milwaukee It was decided to
It is aad tor Uoae' who have loved Uvestlxstlon The inacllrily of Thar*- 1 the Emmett cenienntal was .-.-lebrated
ber Ue paUos la Ue lihea deacfiptiyh,
advance (be price of brick frosa tkS to
Ik. «—Utod ...A ijf1 i
•‘“l yeelerday Is stJll UDL-xplalned. '1 here by flrtnx 100 xans.^ William Over- I MOBnTCAD LAras roR ALASKA.
«(tbe weary sralURy pad watchiaE for net to
la Ue twtolte and ^ wreck
„n<, waa.aa*l*itnx\t*eoaI Keeper
M.M iwr i.cee.
• Ueretoraef Ue •• Wanp.”
B naval aflktra
W tbe ill fated line ef baUle abip : R«ar Admiral Sicsrd was aw-aiimx in- i Blxon In tb* firinx of cannon, was fatalApproprioitowtykFowW.
hat axreed on Uc Duatefle bill ter Ue
The Waap. a ae'w corvette, or sloop Malar, mow at tba bottom of Havana! structiooe from Wsshliixtoa. Tb- ste- fly Injured by th<- premature exploelen I ,
of war. mooaUar I» beav; ffnns and harbor Jbot it isksowsbow. and when 1 •>“'**- “ ** xencrany understood, devel- of the rannun. and Armorer Dixon was : WasUnxton. Marab C —After a dehats relief of Ue vIiKies Md survivors «*
..<1 _1
' ' ‘•P^-d P" eridenc- by which ift- court ' badly hurt. Overlnn't arras were each
Bailed Irun ForUaonU. N. H., udM MO
wnere laey oiea.
definitely determine th* rause of blow n off. hi* vyte bllndedjmd hi* body yesterday aftvmoon passed the UII exAn eoirrtalnmvct heldintbe WoMorf.
' eonmsud of Gapl JobaeoB Blaktlay.
l-etu look ovar tbe llsf^ tboae vbo tb* explosion.
I frtxhily mMXI«d. Dtxon^ one hand lendlnx the homextrad laws and pruvld- AsToris betrt. New Tork. last nixM
“ • ■In clue*
iva] oflHer
(ouch with th* blown off.
on Ma.v 1st. IH1«. She fonifbt Md took la .veara lony past have died for Ue
ixix fur risht-of-way for railroads la Ue .made KJM for Ue wldosrs aod orMtaaa
the Maine dlraster.
tbe HriUte.brif of war Beindeer is Ue Colors, no ose knows bow. no o
distriet of Alotea. qpmparatircly tittle
ap,cdent: --With cue exception the «1t- / Chicaxo. March B.—Luetyvet has been dlscBssipa of xeneraJ laterest was eraTb( Odessa crerrapondenl of Ue LonHrltlA Cbuioel. ud afterward pul kaosrs when, no «m knows wbera.
»v«*es who teetlflM here were
the task oelecied for him durinx aied by Uo bill. Section IS. providlnt donAJolIy MsU says tbe Roaoian xov'iou>^‘ brient. from wbenee abe railed
la October 17M. Ue United States Stirvh
ort The erldehce. ibouxb (n mom told
Is orderinx lorxe quMtRtaa at
his Imprisonment. It Is (be Intention for oertsln bondinx conevesiuna to Cmcases taktnc ionxer to t'll, can be of the Joliet penitentiary officlaU to sda'in lieu of prUHexra to be extended Xtins at Ue xoverament factorica.
inAurnfet. rio.Ue flrat of Septeaber. aloop of sear flarateck.
op In tbe words of M enlisted
An omn of Ue Grand Army of Us
_Ml4.abefoaxi.tUeBritiebbrtfBAvoB. command of Captein Younff, eaOad m summed
oaosaxe for see In tbe bix by tbe Dominion xuveramcBt to Uls
ho. when Judxe Advocate Martx manatai-ture
has appeared 1n Uma. Pern,
prison, and Luetxvrt will be xlvrn evoatry. however. Induced a pretty UveIS ftitta. and CbsU)Hm. 11 ffnu: Ue a cralae. Several prfsee wera takaa
;nrw ataint tbe exentitled Ue PernvlaB Outpooi. and pnbAm eniTcndered Md sank wlU raaat 1^ BMt borne, ene waa
was re-taken b; pkwloa replied: -Sir. 1 was Mewed up- chatxe of tbe work. Tbe infonnaUnii ly debate, os u brought into (be con llsbed by Abraham Lincoln poaL
pleases l.u.tcert.
troversy. Ue oM flsfaerlec question on
Uo' BritUb Uip of Ue line Intrepid. 11 w“ ravfrd Md i m here.- The* was
«d ber errw. The Wa*p made a
In tbe Hedley-RJcbarte
Ue New EnxlMd cua*t. which has been
•ffbt WlU Ue CaatiUiu ustil Urae rt m*. The .atelllde.se br«ffbt b, j
pendlnx between tbe Tnlted Btates Md
braa learned,
London. March B.—A dispeuefa to The
* Tertbct irndlax Bditor .
oehir nil oonjioy np. abe-atrate tet this prixe ia tbq last ever known ef Ue I h,.werer. It is tbl*: alUouxb Ue mem- Dolly Mall fraa fienx Kona aays Ue Grvm BrlUIn ter a huadrefl years. Th*
autement tos made on Ue floor of Ue - Bedley- of Bunber Hcn. not xntlty:
h&r euvas for a stern ebara and «a- ■aratefa. She and all on bontd sewt|bafn of tbe eeurt iray here UMr te- rebri riilefr tbere bare received a let- senate (hot ib*r« was every reason to , Amonx tt*
«d* by tba
capad -lx Ue darki^ Twwlff days down.* mid in penn have broaffbt no' »v>dual UeaM«e they mv by no nw^ ter from Manila soUritlnx thrir eeppCrt balirre Uat by Ue pasoan of tbe bOI senaie yesterday
that of K. L. De*.
prep^ ee s bo^ te rtnlir-a decMve
Ue,fi*hw1« qucatloa conU be aetttad , a*y. »f Indiana.
la*w Ifre eaptarad a tearebMUnaa. Ue newsof tbe lorn abip.
be sapcrvuiax Uf
•wrdlrt. Tbe officer already <uoted
AttMta..aaarUeAxoi«a. Oa Ue Mb
patroM aad eustoaiara baoa tbrowa
aaar a Ml
*ioUa. Tha
oibar da; BU Ginjaaoa ptaraOad oa
Mark to take the old aflatr aad hara
it Imt in rood eoaditlc^
' Mark took tba Iddla aad,wUle aa^papartar it. dlaooTara^ tu’ tmrea
‘•ITt!” eafrarad oa tba
Bb oeold not lad tba name of the
aaaker. but bo is poalUee that tba iaBtnuaant ia tba prodoet af aome iaatou
maker. The etoliB came lato hU' poaaemiob by the rlM of a reUtlea loap
yean aro aad baa aerer bean aaad
Tj,™ ~.i5^.........—......... -
How Ho Mado
Hatton*#, tw *« wront ■nd
Widow ComfortaWa.
Wli--. irr
. wilhout ularT, the Grand
tapida atataaman dbjactad
ground that tbe places ware created for
rich persona, aod poor men muid not
accept such, place*
Tba cHtalrman of
tbe commiuea on apfiroprtatlons repllad
tbal Ihe.iHicas.were merely omamantal
and would do the guvernmrnt good
without c'cMIng anything.
Congrea©n Smith Mid:
th-n like the peacerk feather of U
Hung Oiang. Thr> should therefore be
called -peac-nck fralhcT
And that name will stick to ihnae claa
w. wholasoma u war. That would put
the maaullne won^an la the back- |
r. War!
gmund. wh
where tl|ry ought
Tsrlllty ^
will imbue
which they now seem to ba, In dang^;
d by '
of l<«lng. A nation can go to seed
banimlng too gaiitla.**
“I have oo regard and llitle
for ihe wonan who
the wife of Senator Gear. *T bare lived
my buabsnd In' poverty.
trouble In a«cres..an* Ir.graat achieve. '
ment, and I have always been aatladed .
wlih my lot. I do not aaa w-hy a faith-1
ful wife or rffectlonate raolhar should
wanl lo vote. Tba advanced clvIHutloO j
of IM« ermntry has given to wcOnan all
daiiniaw J salute ibou geaerolu Mea
whb consecrated their Uvea w
fatherland. I wUhrd you to meat bate,
u* contlaue to look to God. wbo
willed tbe unlty^of Italy In Order that
tbe fatherland jolgbi be great and
lyeabsee tb© Piigli yd Cswwa yH*4.
Ring Humbert mnerudad as fallow-a;'
“Aa at Iba daw p of our rasurracUun
mu,,*, ..f cKtiaoa wara welded Ir.gafh** tu »*rurv the countrr'a freedom, ao
today iha>- are united and mutually aid.
ipg .me anmbcr. Th.- Indtasoluble un|on of my, house otltai tba denies of
the people, leased on concord of Ideas
excm|>|l-'g the richt m vne.- I taiiiis:
tbaT w-man should ba satisfied In tbte.
In no other rlvlllsed nation | .
many rlghta
. . . . . . . . . . . , ._ .
were grweted with proMoged cbeemig
and shouu of "l,oag lice tbe king." The
Fla w eeks ago General Miles, cpm-I scene t s most UnpoBlag. The grew!
tba ralDlatara, leading
clareJ that our aenen «t rtefersea are 'authorlUaa. diplomats aod mlllUG' offlInadenuata. and fhni. therafora. this : errs ware praaani. Tbe S|>aach was da.
couhlry la.no* prepare
' lUarad from the throne, and was In fcaral Milas wa« (sTklng at that time
of tbe
more as a -dlplcmal than as a aoldler. and deputies.
Our *eacoaat def.-nr*s ar* not aa com
All Inly Waa lllai©U©M4.
plete a* they mlebt Ice, but they are In
HI* nialaaly mat with the moat en
©urn condition that an enemy w'ould be thusiastic greetings from tbe people
•ure-to racaira a w arm racapticn
whit* on his wav from the Qulrlnal to
the ' caplicd through the troup-ltnad
IUia©rwt>r«enUar.Uy Mt©Mt.
AS a matter of fact. General Mflaa | etreata The king on returning to the
lire ‘congFeM to In- ,
time, knowing ' P^pla In the atrealA In tbe balconie*
tlont. while
publlsbrd. be <ynd ob the b»uaa top*. Fatricette eorlathat hla word* would
' ». bearing banners and headed by
daflred lo deceive r*........... .............................................
light read ] han^* of mualc. awemblad on the idaxa
Spain in this country
ntry who might
niy have to grcH-l him. After hi* malasty aotarad
splmdid gun* located ai
pnrtant saaoast tmlrls,
•gene but seemingly futlla efforts to aa*
cure a sperlal api>r»|>Tialion for the Impoiiple. Slinllar demunairstlona
provpmant of the river at St, Jeaepb. mined,
t#At any hostile veasel whith
place »hr*
throughout Italy. Alt tbe
lire Is dUaiory. and incUnad might .
forts and enter a harbor i
to ba refractory.
D up from beneath the. bvl"'ll‘«'
rv't" ll'a' Ifl*
could be blow n
Hrewavle PaUipg Baaltk
water- It ts prscilcally Impoalhle that ' lumlnated las-l ntgbl. In Rome tbe pubOvll ly-rvb^e ronimisslunar Mark any foreign wafship could caiMure our 1*^ monum. nt* and tbe furum were 11.Ivmlnaled and Ih^wcene was bmutlfuL.
Brewer Is aald lo ba In falUng health. metropolis.
inder th»
held.a brilliant reHe WB> not a wHI man wherr the prealScacoa*! defci-------------- -------------...
-. .
dant gave him lha appointment, but It rectinn of the gen.-raV c mmandlng
t.cpM.cn at the capltoI
-tdlng Ihe
tf supposed that this climate will prove army and nnder the direction of the
K**iM-r nr me < uiPtote loak.
to be hanePclal t# him '
atrevlary of ihe navy we have
> of , Reals, la a ■ehelH— Is the TalWy »f cto
rokmel Andrew T
Mcllc-ynolds of j bar'of tnonllora ami other
maglna for
Grand Itaplds need not Imagine
an | nr which make mighty g-cd a'ljuncta ,
he win get a iceimlnn of »IM
r-aal forlincailona.' G'd Adm'rsi [
■ . ----------------mngrraa,
and It
ll I-_____ .. . ■
spondeni o
ia doubtful If he win get tkat amount
Klu-Klang Allege* tliAi the vieeroys of
from any congress
The money In the tor b. would be willing toilg^it a doaea
- ; Na-:-KIn and mncl Hu-Kuang have ©ntreasury is not In exrea of l6* govern
1- tt
Mile. .-ni..ieg IB Ihe armr In^
with the governor
ment needs, wnd great economy is being
mIi**.. where, he had «f-Hunan tp dlrevt the affatis of th*
prsrtktd by the cnniinm>e^ -<n apppi^ri- im in
been a rbrtc In a dry good, store. H*
adjoining -terrilortaa
1 IVshop settled a very haa Iceen In Ihe army ever sUire and •'•<1
was pr.cmn.ed thr-ugh all grad*, until triumMraie propose, to gmem tbl.
ugly ficKi «<heTt he t
Irrespective .of any-orders from
It of Sam 3. Walt to be post 'he rearh-d the imj-.rlanl p...iilon he
who will b. allow ed -master at failin*'- The nfflrljls of thy'
posii.ltire di pai tm-nt who handled th# .dv.r:,g.w of a*^ m iliary -ed.uc.Uon xl v.‘l^
lb !« affairs.
paicers In the case- soy that It was oaf Weal l•..lnl the grsduatea of tba
tbe MillMill- ‘‘ Fslly
«“>'*• Splltllng
'•f'‘t‘H' China Into two aeparata
Bdmin>*trstl»ns. Thl* relcellioo la do*
of the blllereat persunal Agbta evcr'tary academy
.................... -..................—
all cencede
»'• ‘'‘■'“s *ll"w‘ng tba Taag-tae UkiL
made for an office.
feanjed the art of w n' In a tuBsi.1 prar.
a perquisite of the
Renator McMillan has been very busy I k,*| mann-rand is a perfevtTy <apal
mandarioa. to be used as a guarsmee
rermlly w llh the Plalrirt of Fcilumbla; commander.
of the Anglo-GeriTiaB loan, which would
api*roi>riaibin WH. which i* prepared byj
j*ar«t Aaiie©-1* nght.
says that although «n
1 past the age <if
ce hart at Art
t>ini maasutv. and lb* *.-nlor senator
y,,rs and ten, he would)
M.rch 5.-The Con.tanUoop*e
from Michigan has given ll hi* peracmgivc-n command of the monl- ■ „,n-eaxwin*lent <if The fflaudard ««y—
at ailcnflon.
tor l^.^luh, and b* *>iy> th-il be would Admiral gkrydloff. wbo l» on hi* way lo
Uepcad ( P.a the o.BirB.aw.
*,vs a* good an are. om of himself In
command ..f the Russian
The prraenl and the future of the na- war w«h Hpaln -- he did during the
beauty dej.-nrt ute*;. the chalrmap of,
the remiB.Iijee on the District of Co- and'-ilverites n
.n I, mn the long In,Not a
iumhia. becnti«e he . most understand srtl-n of the administration:
Ihehallonal' iirltal and
grawdrur of the rlly.
. .-,m»11erailon
t the cuiMB
.rongriaaman Fam Smith I* faceelng |.> the hou*e
r reprewentatlvea. One
a service |■cn^■lon bill and working for runereasraan from Michigan
rr, I*
->;,.jnel^y la resfKmsIble for. the loss
ita par«ag* Th* rofigrea. b**w*ver,
economical, and ipaamuch ar auch b
B ‘bin .--f-Uj,./Maine and for the loa of tbv
y for iiu«a-«fr
llusw-df our aallore Fome
Pome man high in
Id cold
cni^ many
iTBny million*
mlllloBf annually
y .yea^ Ihe Mil I* m't Ilkriy lo be- authorily 1* r.-*i-.nslb1c liefore God tor
rem* * '«« during the present aealem., that dtsasic
•1 hBV* never dnubti-d that the af-i w ith Fiain, aa w* ought to have
fklra In Col.a would reouli In war with j our ship would naver have been sunken
Fpaln" BA'-s CongTeaaman Fpauldlng ! by a hidden min*. I cannot afford to
"The relatlona l-elween Ihe govern-Knam* Ihe min. hut there la such a man
nave 1 In our country »hc Is r*«ponDh1e for
. the calamity and atrocity."
RcpoBsIbiliiy' toBiewhere.
-years. The 1> Lome (nrident ai
tan while here. It was reported at the
,hat be U under instruct!mm
,j,e tami to embark PrtiK-e George
ot Greece and
1 ■KICITTia.
leelor, wbo b la a hair}' to got
in Florida, eaa go ala Cbattaaoera,
paalag Loobent
Loobcat Mooataia.
the anaay Battlo-flaida. .wfaleb
ileofthentrUebetwwalbo Blao
the Ule
and tbe Graf,
A -Crula coaaoetioa
Bouta. tbe Houtbora Ballsraj_____________________Tbro«gb-*IVaBl
. tbe Great Tbro«gb-*IVaBk-UBe
to tbe Koptb aad Florida. Elctrant
eeatlboled trains, carrying through
) chair
COM. The
dlnipg and
of tbe South.
ttending physician* uy the gaa• a nghllng chance for hb life.
n, Carl P. Ro*ecr*ns. and fil*
HIB ton.
family are at hb bedside, and
daughter. Mrs. Tool*, aod aa-Govamor
Toole, of Montana, are wlibln convcnlani reach.
llilueb Board nuuk* Ike sao* Mm U
Oeawiagle Favor.
t ormpoa t
_ It
Wg. H. Tavuya
A«t Oan'T. Pao. Ageut,
,t I do aU UnAa s4 rwpabiag and eoaaallag. aad that I eaa
and do give yon tbe beat srork ef aaj
oae ia Uc city for tbe oonay.
ooBtrajy. but coOM and aM far
' '
I goarwatce all my work ic be right,
mod it it doa'aot proee ao I maka iA
0t^ in till 8 o'clock erery eeeolag,
•gewfA Saaday. ia tbe Caldwail a Leadoa MkUag, at aortb aod af
wlavilla. Kcatncky.
•*atanUy #pmial.-
TW saw trait of tba Orabd BapUa
A iBdiaoaB’ymaalngararr Maturda
from MackiaawCIty toG'ao^Bapidi
finds farar wlib Coamercial Travelars
lag a dsv'e titnai It arriaea at Graad
third annual report to the governor for Baptda a't 10:.'.iip o . in'tlme few eoathe yaai; ending March 1. Iktt It aa>a: saeUoas to Chicago aad Detroit. This
•The work of this department durtng train Iraaa Travnrae City at 5:0S p.' m.
tba last year shows alaarly that aibllra- every Saturday.
C. L. Locgwoop.
Lockwoop. ■
tlon Is growing In popular'tavor,ln tbta
State as a means for tbw adjoa^neat
<t different:** belwaan employers and
ihtlr egiployca. " Tbe board failed to
great, coal etiike of last year
tba Bcopwbf
the slGkc was nabacaiu^U
llonal. and this fact randarad all atUmpU at local arbitration or arbltrato head tba waralag aant ©ni by diaUon not having in contemplation the
akis—favertobaaa©—dall dragrlag pals
ly unavalllni
ll faallng of waariaeto—la aare
The boardracommeiMbaaveralamendcTideBea of kidaev and bladdar troabU.
menta to the law, the most Important
being one which will extend Ita jurl*- Take Utah Kidney Bcaasateaca they
will care yoo—they have etnwd tboa©
dlctlon to cmaaa In which aaveraJ em
anda of oUtars
Tag Tt aincu or Pane
ployers bare a <*
tbalr amptoyaA lha amployea ntmibarlng ADKLrau make i;tab;^idae.r
Muv pcw,i. le.ecr a—>C ,, fuiu,
caiC^ Barecky'^iIISi^'ti'trafwS^^^
persona, and' another auibortsiiig tbe
bosrd to Invoke the aid »f a court ot
record lo compel the aiiandane* of wltne*>e* or tba production of bo^e and
—Wateb Repairing.
—John Verls’.
—Front Street.
eiud lifiit t bnUiu LI
Jas. G.'joggsog. Dmggwb'
Dctpolt. March A—Manager McVlltle,
of the Detroit Dry Dork company, aald
last night: "We afaall soon build a dry
dock In the vicinity of Detroit of gufllClenl *lsa to arcommcMatc tbe larrast
hip* on the lakes,
elded whether to locale It abreast t
city or at Wj-andotte."
be deoidrRl by wbai othan tall yoa to
Springfield. 111a.. March L—The etata
board of arbitration ba* aubmlttad Us
Dry Ctark Tklts DwIH ■« Dill gg
Tneor— Clcy, Mlib.
Bicycle Riders.
ebtted the geaaral 'yeotarday and parformed la part iba'lut rttea of tbe
Rotnaa Catholic cburcta. Oencrsl RowcraM aot regaining coaaclouaaew H
wga thought beat
John R. Santo,
. Gemal lisBiiice.
capa tba May
obid aadd
leya of wiater.
aad •top at &MBEVILLR. ‘The Uad
taSVy. " TB£HWITZB^(.ANO of Warebatg Block.
of Uia
SBICA. wbnrn beaaaa aad aarth
1 to aaent aaiOB(*t tfac maay of tk«
itlM ot aatare. Sna Uo yraadeat
I aod
AUoneya at Law.
>DealB Malarwe Sleek. TtsrsegOty.Mlel
1 ST T ai' EaDu
8. V.“
Kk aerewBUM O*. Wsek.
Witb Uie baildUig of tba teatoo* maebine used at Johna Hopkins tmivenity
for ^hg iioM cn glna for tba use of
apactroBFopa and ilmiUr appantua
•PhtoeettaiOt. I~
Tba maciiina ia oaosidend tbe beat is
it ba* been able to rulf iSO.OUO lii
a piae© ot glaa oae ioeb long- ~
auitial part of it is a narvel
Bring tool
•itvw wbirb iDOTM tbe txtgraving
tool a
a jGiaM*riatiamiiretud.
minute diataore every time the laasW U I
a oo
qty Opera
ficion tba maoblec waa really 11/ laes at law.
noiabto it waa decided to put tbe laria >
logeth^Aod make a trial experinieui to I W .
- ■
ll wr>Dld work.
irly Mtiafac____ ...
unflEB uD lesmumi x i
t)ie.^apbfBe wm» to
takat |
tury oae ipe-^atmine
oe laaoD
norfATT tba
apart. fini»).ed mcriy aud pal together i O. F-Uat. and Carer*
again. Wbeo the teri wa» n.ade, it was [••‘e
Tb'aiva]>iu the
charge of tba work derided that it
wtmld ba a risky matter to uttempt to
' it was
oily lougb nata. mnoa rt workeo
rUyasiitboBldda Ukwmtakeo
r?in^o^£;Fi4a.D«*eti ©ba
c. k. arBRAT, Aaeat
O.P.A.. Oread KaJa
near Blrmley arl
tis .ef'i'ij'-i'g
y .
put l<CI
loosly t
to land bin In Crete.
to oppose such an attempt with every
ouml Skryc
C. who' wHl.o
RUKslaa aqi
aquadrun in Cretan waters, a
aere yaierday and had an i
«.m, umg George, to whom
handed a letter fftur
------ r--------- .
»___ _
Aapaa SSabaa DiwaaS
London. March L—A dlapatrk to Tbe
Dally Mall from TIen-TMn, China, aays:
"Jai-an baa addreaaed a aete to Ruasla
demanding an ImmedlaU and explldt
Maine dtH<t*r rimidy tended #>
m both
alfy th*-fe<-Hngi of the people of
h* chai
chairinaq^ Ihe
“I nm assured by the
>n approprtstlcns,"
bouse commlilee ..n
llan. "thsl hV will
nys Benstnr MrMlUan,
idment to tbb aunnot ©ppoee mf smendm
dry civil hill making an api.rtipriaSon
of noo.WS for Ihe conairtK ti.m of i
iIgtaUtouae t-nder for use on tbe
lakes. Tbe honae chairman I* Mr. Cannon of IlUnolt. and be kn..wa thr noeda
of the like ser' tce- Hence. 1 believe
ibat thi* apprttpriaitoii win be made."
Orngreasman Fnever baa been outspoken In his fervid rriticism of the idmlnlstrsUon for d. lay Ing nggrraalce ncn CulMB sffsire. He hsa been all
.......... r hoping Ihst ih* Cuban plank in :
.u'orm w-ould be carthe i:n ubllcan piatXo
good faith.
faith. He k. one of the
Tied r.ui'ln good
{*nblie. to
the oaay adraataco, t!K
ll aeaaory, iba rich aad fmilc
laad and U« aaay nnoMa whkA U«
a ta Cbiaa,LaO #j Haa. |
.—Rome waa f«n of
Bone. March
liallora rantmlar
Jt ha* imubi* anoutrh of lia own.“
Tbr pu*{an 1* a vAy tnlarratloc aitd , tba Jublldc of tba llallaa
waalbla a
Nh* waa aaao at hat > T>* national mlara wara aaarywbara'
blr racovar. i.ui oona ot Uian aald no hotfi. and aha aid:
i: "I ramr hara loat-l and wbao KJna Honbart. alimdad br a
Is print, ttencial
itencial Aigar will ntaka a land
trod the naatlnc of the
lha tMugtatet
tMuctatera- of, brilllan aalla. iod£ to lha lariew
graat record aa-aacratory of war ,1a Uta iba A marl can Kavolutloa. aa I ai
AOD troop* In tba Ban Marco eeptonad*
n>lrai.tcd hartllltlao with the cbertar rnanbar ot tba HMr Tork chap*
Uta tdaudiia of tba people war^A.Ortfertraaebarou* pcopi* of .8|«ln.
tar. I am always bo*}- writing, moatly
ou* aad continued. King Mumbert
By lha way. ihats Ka oiefy of Osb- versa. But occaalottally for tba itew*.
made a spMcb to the nmatbre, deputies
•ral Aigar that ba« nrvar baen pub> papare I wrtta on lU-a (oplci of current
Ushad. In IM ha «iaa in hla Afllce ib buinan Intarart. I am opi«nad to the and Riayora la tbe caipltol. la the couiee
of wbicb ba eald: "From tba eaiiitnlt of
Detroit w'hcn ex-t'aatmarler Geaeral tnbvrmant of than*
Uila bill, conrecreted by Immortal glwY.
Prank linticn cama in and told bln wbo have bean la *
ti here. Womei
that thr Wabilngu.n puot waa for uta. have all lha rtghia they raqulrf. I i
Diy first thought aaeanda.to my mag>
Mr. Hatton wann-d to borrow from nppoaad to the ag'rraoalva nplrlt of mod.
_____ ___ ..
liDous ancaalor.^'VIctor __
' General Alger m.ooo with which to cm w.rtnen and d-pl.w* thHr
! father of hla country;, for hU bboie
mprta with man. fjorne
i„ the
^led for thi* condlUofk. ^
la raauacitated Italy lad u* to
aral Aigar l(uinad him tba
- ana i Know oi nothing which would be. _
. .
£T#r Burned Out?
If aa yoB know
O. P. CARVSB. Aftmt
>• when anina'of bla Ww
triaoda balirved that ha eould not poial-
position to^ha
belt of Oregon, who came here with a
commission from thagcvcmor.bntwilh©Ut having haen alactad by lha legblature. was a masterful effort, and friends
of the sannu r say thsl It was tba ablest
conslllullomil argument 4hal ha hag
ecer dellvried In hb long publk career.
Cnagrassmab William Aldan Smith
baa coln.d a pbreaa which Is llkaly to
last. Wlian tba sundry civil approprb-
Thn Mlffaty BooUtom BaUway Bya— *—afala»Uq.nlcht Omai SUtM
of Uta Boonliv
SoaU. dealrca
Uo atuatloa of tba Hoalth aooVa
mu*f borrow lu
ton bought tbe p«p*r (with ■
and In IKM. whan hr suddenly
raddanly died. Mr.
Hatton owned WklOV
wto-lb of
Of stock,
IV Htwib
la the^par. wbjib was worth.Kao.teo <
Genseal.. Aigar «wma bar. t.. help the
vidW •aiilr bar. busin-sp sic>unt*. Hr
DO.MW and I'hrt* Mngn. of Pittsburg gave t’.fid. making a t.-tsl of glk- [
•W. and ihl» amount raised the holdtna I
«r lha w idow tr tiab.Dfe. n Ihal aha was
Used for Uta In <mnAu^i»t»lr clrrumGewaral Aigar has d..nr many
kind deeds of that charec-tar
«o norida Tin ‘Tlw Land ad tlM
dalmMl It. N'u tnattrr who wroia.it, the
WartliwloB.. March
A.—MlcblWa Unraaia beautlfiil; •
aocmhar of the caWntl. Ganarai Ruaarll ' iMlMth. aod thr world laoirti* witb n>u.
.w «». b...™..«! -.li
•rata. HI* rrfwmy haa b**n alow
aind (nilno*. Th*r* *a* a tltm- In Jan-
n-« • flaw
«W0MT^-f wnrwmaM-iwaw<.» J""" a. Joyor wn.tr
- M« w*n Ac«l» mO in Cm* af WarwUh t*r of .^.ettvvrray. l!ut whm Un Wll____
eiB wm» brnt i»o*niiy ah* told ihr writ"**?-'"“*.*'?**■■'* '*?r.*-*TTr - ■' «r tbat h*r ■uUionhli. »u> new qac«ran a^m* w uppsM
Uonrd untllHolonrl Ji>>r* n« th* porm
tmg «t Cf**« I. (b. •raoM-WaUaher pobllrhad wort., and than
rhrMu.. Bawarar. Mr
at Roma.
forth t
m. lomniAMB xs sTixa
■nlotf Airni1.-«r «ni^«sU
~ Cui}>.
Th» MntlOMT.t «r ifa« pcopl*
•a ckprMwa In tiu-aa leuetn. *»«tD« to
high ofBclalBl
Tnwnscnd. <Waah.. March A—A
mnslI 1b* responal^ty itytlng,
some where. It cannot
upon wr;
men from Bay City,
people, for they hare again and agdln
building an
begged their leaders and
gpj,oonev here In which they expect to
men logo forward.
Th* party will preaBut people go alow y In Wdahlil^ ^
ynalnly -------------beeauae we live so *..* New
_ .
Arctic ocean
betwa J Cape
«'gin to rwBpiri tbs ' OO^fTloW waynwO-Ciaiaiiat aa
The avurage abavtr 1
know* I
exa.t ct:-uu.t.u. tuTfi^ld^T*gi5d ^
•bars and at otbwa. wV.n apcamutly ' ■* ir tired in urwos awiiM.. bat wacwy to
all tbe ct.:.Uiti.u. an tbe . oma ba :
Mt BeuiLatABBW.
ip U' I. < ri ly pulling bU for oat
AUaaamaa.Uk. D*©**
of slu.|s>wi.Lot.i much effort <m tbe -mvagB >ld B-Rgm.-gg ro« >
bait be uvsitvB lu reuiuva He ©oestflts XJ. a •. w. a yUk*o> vui sell ka
bun V'l Dvipta luT uaklng a raaor cut tarbsli price rff Si*
OBOatbly —wbK-b
-wuivD uniaiiy
nrnally aooud
aoDuu iiae|__^~^
-------------waste Tra-eeaeCUJlaohot tbeatnbbcrafactremaUu .
that aotocum. a a bumemads abave is a |
comparative ptcBaure, wbile i
otbess {
alt spFcaaob-i'
aa tbe borruiw uf Uie inqsItUion.
A Mcajraa
rMaebunsia rccogDiae this twakipew ' ^
at material'BubMahcea
Aa eagiiiear
a Taaask Ma©eee Omfar.
taOre Vas
wbo taed to ba pomp inepeotar fdr a : "owTsT
aaotiao of tbeCbtcago and Kuribwait- l^oAigio grnsg-Mia r—T a
Tor# and are ao reared by money InHope. A wbalM-known «n railroad anurea me that mauy a i X giMuieef ik* Dsieenutr BeapWak Ass
a. gone
wUlreM.oodW.CAUa far awsalag. Si
floencea. Several of our blgpat ran- ; „ -gB-oae Jensen" wfU accompany tbe Bonny Di«bt wb^ be baa
down I ai
W, *1111*00^
-road men have recently been here, beg- i p^rty. Jensen saja all tbe riveia etnp- tbe track «n bis IhUa or to lufpeoi a ;*
glng aenatsTs and repreaentatires to
Arctic ocean nonh of
bai bees :
avoid war. They dO-Bot think of the
art rtrit °^\aa
M gsM
^ ©ral Wood O
h.mor of their country. Bor of their
flag, but they think of the mlDIOM of
dollars which they may make or lose.
Merwbo bad be in lU right ylaoe. Knowing nothing
“Tea,ddr." aald t#e p
Fenstnr Morgan of Alabama, a breve
___ _ _jtcb with tbe elMtodo,be____,____________
ex-confcderele"aoldler. says: "Nothing putowd Into a breggtiig
has pot all tbe. parts bn<A
would so unite our common cOUWn'aa ; Otber pronrater. "we brake gtadtid on tbe as be found them, turned 00 ateam and
Utof tbo moDth, and br*i>el^a(.tba
r«.re»rntat!vea whom Ppeaker Reed war with Spain. I would like .0 —.
to Us tnrpriM!. relief and obakrin tbs
r streel.BMrs<
baa found it dlfllcuU to rrelAn on this the northere and so|rihern men iw^
snap worked as waU aa be ooald wtoh.
lag under one flng. with bands playlns
■ avbfect.
Banner.The aenator* qnd
bare been recrivlng Mtara from every
.. .
New 6toru of tlie
Famous (raft
How ProfB45or flacCord, Once
a Draftsman Under Erics
son, Chanoed tfie Plans
of Hie Queer Lit.
tfe Ironclad.
l<-opyn«m. i»j
■Wben Senator Chandler of be#
.Bampehlre recently preaentrf a mem^
rial from tbe late Admiral Worden In
the United BUtea senate, he briefly re.-
*• ^ *•*?«*
*>T aoiarta* atsosM
MtlWMtoiy til*). v> tb« iciMti (O *ro«iM tb« lD4in*tlon «*4 d».
jditb Mid the■ DnjrllOt, «ad wan eol.
not. «u«
*u« «»f the eminent iBVMHor.
____ , at
_ nnliied I| fthe rneel bad not ret been pMd tor
Ke the venel lUeU.
therefore.fg'nr ta'the’. ...
The Monitor, for obetoun rennonn. bed aioQ of Ceptnln Ericaooe; who uJd In
bw built with *» much *Krecy *■ poo. truth. -The Monitor la mine." Hero
nlhle. and thia <a few of the pnrUculara {alao in an InaUiice toward which we
barlnr leaked out) aerred
p ' Imay not revert with aatlataeUon.
d to whet pub.
Bo ecatrarr <conditlona foe aoceptio* the Honltc
the deattn of tbc Monitor
or to every,
every- poaed by a yrvat Kovemment on a it
tblnv that waa anppoaed to0 be "abtp"Bhlp- deatner
deatdner are. fortunately. urfparaJleied
ahape" and ao overweijrhted appeared In our hlatory. At a ftrure allowln* but
tbc vedaei that many expected itf B#e litUe over the coat of oonacrucuon the
her alIdJnc dow^ber waya a^ to the (ovemioent agreed to accept the ahlp
bottom of tbe Eaat river. The final "pto'
prove imprecnahle under
preparatlona were puabed with atmoat the i
enemy aith^..w^Kent
Tl*or once tbe encineo bad been re-Itanxe." in abort. ............. .
Sir Julian Pauncefote on
His Dionitu.
tbs dtpiorutle drclM erel-hears of n. Tlw
fare of lout
li 11« mcede. to t^ g
Kan* {young man la racalled suddenly- b.» fels
il of the ndgtabora There la
Dla. igoveramenL He goee asay. His friendB '
trict rsgtibUloa which pmbiblu the : may
hangtag of one s wash la view of the i Uons
street The aalborfHes quSeUy inti- j partment
mated to the ehaacellor that the display
m otbar dues than Waahlagtcn
ought to be abated. The chancellor re- I “dlplamatlr pritilege" la nof so potcat.
plied by taanglag out a tesb awortmeat j TlTien the Turkish consul at Boston was
of underwear.
{accused of awln.lllng two then out 0< ta»
That waa la the day whes ao one who ‘ better part of tbeir fortune hs wa* »
::s'r«X”srKS^'^'“i'NtiDENTs ni Washington.
tnal trip waa bectm.
sun Ertcaaon accepted. T lore tUa
Judrtnx by the newcpaper reporta of country. I lore its laws and Iti peopl*
this trial. It waa a hopeleoa failure. The and I would rive my life for It Just an
captain was called an "Incapable aoon aa not." aald he on that occasion,
schemer." ant hewaW severely reproved
In tbe matter of nuluble armament
for wasting the.ronntry'a reoonrcea An £r1cmon waa made to confonn to hln
article- kIvIdc the details of the trial oritrinal plana. He had intended
led to
trip and headed "Rricaaon'a Follr** ap-*'mount
It sadl
peared in a newspaper.
Meanwhile It must t adftflited that available 11-lncb aruna wer
Snow on the Sideuafics of the
British Emhas'su and Whu
It Was Not-^!«no«ed.
of Foreign rtinstejs.
- —.................chance of 18 i>ounda o; powder.
' •*"*’"'• proved out of adlost- were dliwharwed durin* tbe flxhl.
ment and the ateerlnr Rlear required Aealnat the shell* the armor of the MertCopyrtfhi.
exce*«lve power, ao that between the rtmac wa* joat abbut proof. Ericason.
Wa»htneton. Maitrh t—The affectatwo the vesael waa nueriy uhmanajcc. fore*»elnjt this poaelblllty. had iworlded «•“ «f * superior virtue by the British
able anil had to be to*-ed back to its . wroucht iron solid abut to be Bred with autboritlea over the case of two yonnc
slartin* point.
I a xreater rharxe of poWder, bnl not a wmehea of the American embassy who
Then an Incident look place which ' solid shot wds used duHns the enwaae- claimed "dlplomatlr prirllexeB" when
.w------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------"«“•
._ . i tor
I of , arrested
for ^Wulatlnc an ordinance ._
ce Which
the «ren*)ment thoujth this »
,a l^ndon suburb baa created mild
- •
Waahlnitlon. These
|iealt.-d to the Amerl
protection from ^rrwervUon. Mr.
apiilled to the forelxn oSIce. and
ped. But the authoritl.w expressed a
mlH surprise that the culprits
taken the
heir irtin
o dlplomaUc qu.
luesilon was Involved, and they
Were clem ,
tbe wnutut.
The rcsldeniB
<• Nineteenth street. In
pinity' of I>upunl
cirHr. are conalderinc
It ihe
adriaablllly of bavinx chU
opinion of the forelxn offleeTruroed and
sendinx a copy of It to Sir Johan
i’auncefote. The nmish embassador
ought, to -know what hla government
thUika of a man who sblrka hla duties
as a resident by plqpdlnx diplomatic
privllegea Poasibly £nxll*h aenclment
would make Kir Julian see tbe neceaslty fw cleaning the raow from the sidewalk on the Nineteenth street front uf
the emltanay.
There Is a local regulation la Waahtagton requiring all owners <1 Improved
property to keep the
a '
te aldewaik*
1 tbe property clean and free from
The Brttlah
” was recognised aa llv-
Interference^of l
ibaasy, and a few days ago
received and eoter- released If the TurUab minister bad
representauvm of all the "ver- backed up the demand. Bui the ‘Tnrke
*nd “bund*" la Washlflgtoa. to- Ub minister refused to Interfere, and
v». s.ak™aoni.
the consul Was liken back to Bostoo,
walk on Nineteemb sueel clean, and the other Oerman aristocrats.
trted and committed. At another tlaaw
tbe persona who do use Nineteenth
Crowing fowls and other nulaanesa —c attache
.k.— ^c of
v. a
. European
legation was
r oalS I Inventor t
ellhsr the officers or the crew of the street, which U a faabloDabie thorough..- ~have been kept by tbe dlplomau la | the
amsted In New ^ork for InssIUng *
Monitor. That the Indgment of Erica- fare, must wade through snow
V^ashtngton. and their aelghbon have | woman
trees. Hla atlomer
r Admiral Worden
n young MarOord-brought the draw- non aXaiRM that of certain government deep when passing' Sir Julian’s
k."' -Ji'V.;—.I
alway* been without recourse. But {raised the question of privilege, but •
offlcUU was correct waa Priced
t the admiral had dr- wherein *
youi _
Increased charge of powder.
way of setting the collie* remited.
... 1.....
• kkkvk
“Had the government been able to ow n anua sboea or
know ^bow
* desire for pereonal beneflt.
fumlah heavier guna" aald Professor them.
tachM. Mnertallr thoM nom some ,.f Ihs to raise Cain whenever they please, b .
Besldee menuonlng t£e duel ae one of p/are/
The dt«rirrauth<iritle. once aaked Sir lltta re^l» are^e d^wTa^n.^ they cannot l>e compelled lo pay thetr
MsdCord. "or had II. official, been vriUirmnsi events In the history
Afte. tonBlderallon'MacCord waa or- Ing to sanction the heavier ebargeu. Julian pollcrty lo clrar away the snow,
............ of
-- i .......
• war. Senator Chandler also fdered to draw new plan*. Having done there U lllile doubi that the Merrtmac. ,He did not comply w ith the request and , ,ees on the busing of Ibelr government bllla A great many tiadesmen bci*
accounu with )-oung attaches tS
spoke of the influence that the meeting , so. he appeared before Ericsson
lu.l.-ad of w ithdrawlng from th. con- nothing can be done about the mailer.
hare a
rirnTTb^ hSTe II. have
legations which will ne^'e^ he paid. ▲
tbc two ironclads bad exerted on the I der to have them examined. B
teal, would have been quickly sent to
Vrhtn the late Senator Van Wyck I
^ ,hrir
florist on Fourteenth street adopted »
keep company with her vlcUma."
lived In tbe house on M.amWtnaelt. ^t, .
plan te collect a bill against on*
So certalii w a* Ericason that the avenue and Eighteenth street w hied he '
break wlnd^’ They of these
men. The foreigner had bees
ptoee to thoshbuHl of Iron for purposes ; well. then, go ahead." be directed, and rrtean. provided were sumHeni for the ow ned, one of the legations wn. near hrr.h
w?nd^ ant paying court
to a rich American girt.
“ **f^*ro.
• , B,, enrrvct proved the duplicate draw- purpose that he wa. ne'ver able to re. ■ by'. A member of the legation owned .
He sent her flowers regularly and was
There la probably no atory tliat has | mg that on comparison l«.th tracings
•“ Uw lonnd^tbem up art^e them to assiduous In his devoUon to her. Uw
been oriener retold than tbe building of might have been made from the same P'*“urethrough ihe nl^t. Jibe aenator cmp„uce station. 'With silk bats tnted florist from whi>m he ordered the flew*the Monitor. But tfaata
were minor original plan. Exactly what tbe trou
After the Monitor had proved her plaint
.. Ihstrict aulhonii.-* it
dlahevelrd beads they
walied until Ihe hill amounted t*
mishaps. Incidence^ that have never ble <aa with the engines has never >-alue a. a flghter there yet remained ~No
law q-oi.d reach^ Sll^d a^h'^hM';:;i■-;;:;Xnt‘T;^^^
a large s
and then started to collset
been mentioned, and wlthoui which tbe been dliicoverrd: perhaps an error on
the hi] Important question
««^bro. Tte i
sirirtLnt In charge. Me- know. It. He e
It to the yoimg man. He
story Itself la not complete. For ex the part of a chief engineer, who worlhlneas. Ericason aat down and , dog ctmtliiued to bowl aad
r neigh. I,
all that hi* place la worth sent )t to tbe legation. He sent It te
ample. though It U generally known throughout the building of the Monitor planned another monitor. Under the bora to use profane language ................ ...... ,,,
finger on one of them. Bo he the minister. When all else had failed
that aa early trial trip of the Moaltor caueed considerable delay' owing to In. . care or an escort
the latest represynta. ope risked an Intematloaal war by
lib them.
he sent the trill to the young lady vhe
proved a failure, the exact cause* of comikctehcy. and who may have found live
five of th*
the new type of battleship wan" poisoning th* dog.
gentlemen, go tMme pe«ceathla failure ha%a been bat ImperfectIHMISlIl
l»le to'
o' remedy
. ., ■-...........r rritl____
Ihout Ml »o sea. Not very long after the
It wa* a rhancellnr at the Oerman le- | y/i.’it’s pretty laie, and had received the flpwara, with a not*
of expIsnatloQ. Her father paid tb*
I) touched upon, while the scenfs that
knowledge reaching higher quar- , dengrtute of the pair both passed galloc -...... .
you’ve had -a good time. 'Suiippose yog hlU and probably ordered the young
took place alongside the uapalnted
-ilhout any apple. | through the trial of a atom of unusual coniem(>t for
man <.ut of his house-* raiber dlaa^
bUk'k hull have been left almost wboUy
l.y orter 'of Ertcaain. ;»‘<'»«>ee. 'When the vesselB roiurned , hangirui hi. clothing in the fronrVard
If they
trou* conclusion to his apecuIatioiL
the engines my■Bte^tousi}^ became elB- Ibe.monllor was towing her disabisd .on drying day. The legation building , tnt
--------- -------------• — ROUCER.
"•> • —.....1.kck..
di'’ nnlsllj troop out to the
■ net another • 1 which they were driven to the sta!tter Qi
‘here remained atlll the dcfect1\-e
If they are ugly there I* nothing
of this subject than F
C. W. ! rudder. S-imch..w , It la not know n from
MacCurd, w ho was at the time a draft*. i
duartcr.' Eri<-Sfu>n heard a rumor
int to tear up the car iracka
It the ConUnentaJ Iron works asd i that
Vlltic of the naval
who in later gear* became one of th* ,________
| anthomi.s
_ .. put the vessel In drywho has
arrest them. Of a numlaer of.certain trees, knd b*a
Bair of Ericsi
- . _
iriesaon’s chosen friends.
Tbs i dbek so as to m a new rudder. On
■‘for* he c-uls tt
U be must make hla aa^
was one ol the builder* of tbs > bearing (Ms news ahe captain's brow
port Ihe matter to his superiors: they krow'n t . the gods of the wooda
tamous naval
■ ' war machine.____
....................... “ derkened. The blood ruahed to hla fhe*.
esn cwtl 1! to the attention of the state
Indulge la this cleaatr
dlrsctlr on bis statemenu that this
1 with the full volume of hi* pswgra
department, and the secrelary of slate habit every day._He muat abstain e«
tide la founded.
virtee he sw ore a mighty oath.
esn intimate to the minister or embaa- the Clh. the Gtb^e >th. the 14th. tb*
Befoi% the vessel wa* launched CapGinJlay
Uin Erlmaoa wa* a frequent and al- shall n..t be done!" And in thoi
Mb spirits must be sub- the day* of
V apd filull moon, c
most dally visitor to the yard* of tbe perhaj* lay tbe aalvatiun of the Union.
kTi'esdky kii
In every :emv,
Iweek, ir
on the day o<
Conllnenlal Iron worka After the,-Pul in n new rudder: They'd waale
rine otherrecourse th<r state depart- Ihe constellation coderr wwhich he waS
launching bad taken place, however. ‘ a m..nlh dol^ that. I’ll have her tn
legation attach* iK-m, on the day jif the «week and oa
he vl.lied the ship but neldom. ffhe working order In three days." In Irws
make* himself offensive to Ihe local au- tbe d^ of the month which comapond
engine, havlor been put Into tbe Mon- than Ihe time siwlflcd Ihe alteratluns
Ihorttlca If Ms sins are serious the with Okisc of hit birth, at an ecilp*^
Uor while the vessel wa* on the stocks ha1I been utede. end from that llnw OB
secretary of state, throughour embaa* at (he Timjunctlon of tbe planela at
there nmalned'lltlle that required the the Vtouiel was In^rfecl worklng-orMd”! br yninister. notifies his home guv. the equinoxes and other unluckF .
dealgncr'a )«rwnal atientior.. and he, der. Within a iwmih the liaitle |a
'emmenl that his preaenre'bere Is not ei<M-hs. and also on tbe anhlverwaiy cC
therefore satisfied himself with the re- Hampton Roads had been won and, con.
desired. That results In hts Instant re- tbe death of hla father or motlter.
port* made by the i
No government will, keep an un-. Any one who cleana bis teetB wttll
gtneera alwui the behavior of the en- times, l>el<.nged to ancient hlatory.
welcome representative at the -capltnl hi* Ut of stick on any < '
gla«n wblle under steam. These engine*
Considering how precious was each
I of another, nation. The whole affair la nteotloaed days wlQ havee ball
were what ba>- -in. e been termed the hour. It may be well understood why
so quietly that no one outside ponlon.
“Monitor type." buc contrary to a gen-T a proi«*lUon to delay the completion
Ninel'eentfa street. N atre^ and Cob- ■ rt-mi,
nectlcui atenue. TbS embassy buDdlag
A Brahman and Hik Tecdi. t
C oai>i/M^ ■
•Fct%&e c>.rAU»e.i..
Not «a ^aulet Ary wore, aet a braid of gold fbtj bore .wfaea at tea or oo the riiore. For their wealdi of brawn and brain, wnaU didr gainj
But dte nation dropa ^ tear, and dae nadoo girea a cheer far tfap tara mho knew no fear, for die able aramm *1^ ao ^ Maiiiet
mi»figq Moo«>, suFPAT. MAaoa e. \x».
tonUbcd. IliKNigk UM BMfflftttoi rt |
«Dod, At. I OMU 4o 1
hiM •lloiraiwB, t»» BiUUa U»rf la do | nae^ool that the bcd’i k
amU u tbey JortJed ud lonbod
MMr^^^U>»bkfoc.. Baboasbt
Aad «ltb ttat li* vmlked bwTily;
d«rk-and d«n>)7 r«t«d
« «bap btdMCDd. it U trw. nd for • twaj.
ttooUt«two dwalt la luxury, ilaopla*
Tbe kaW ateod n ^ Mwawt i ••ocimo
«id BUHam. *'l?a*U
opaa a »«al iaatti*« wHb a otaan Aeet|with his UgaotryWida *»d »hlMl«d
•Bd foldia* hU OTcrooat fwapUlow. ,AtfaUy. , .
| And benocA aarntg tba gitodlu*
Botetea^tminetOBa tad.
“Well.** bo AHd, "what dojoo jw>-1 ^^^3^ iJjppiair op «rei7 pl«*«7 ooal
The ClrovniataDOteWM (*>«*:
‘ paw to do aboni it. BiUian? my, let ■ which laYOD tbo road aad padiiaR it
BUUam had hem doVB at Oral* both go to a hotel aod getnppor. TbM 1b,q fair uUter pookeu with tralDod
alacrity. Hiibrotbcreodeavored to imi
thwaltoaMlDg hU father. UDd bio broth ------- a nop tbe night there.
Billiam lookud at him w>th a kind of tate him, but he waa nnaocniicnued and
er (of the Ooe Hnadred and Tteth,
hlnmay'and got bnl few pieooa^
huaan) Inaletod upon retnnuag to
tbooe anialL
Edlobamb with bi|u.
however, for the wagot
rou'll bare to maab It. nlDd you,*' the new ooUie'*
changed, and tbe little Vorka&hw'wm iwed ilka a maelatTam U-tween tbe
■id BUliam. wanlog bisL
•Tm a aoldiar.” miA hlo brother need bioking to twice or tbrioe during high walU and tbe Ull bonaea. The
go., and...........
TU call bnaw lonod that it needed 'mneb qnl<kjbo a „
■touUy. ••and I goew yoor boleoaa’t tbe night B.A;
bo wono tbao «»« pla^ Tra put up round fer yqn in tbe mccning on my ncM to aeito tbe |*V7 and bog it. ovadliege. ”
ing meanwhile tbe aneceoding cona,
wuy to oolla
“Omt t.BI
which came on at a pace whtc^wua al“All right.’* mid Amaas. ’‘Mind.
1‘to wwned you. Dou’C grumble when Od Diy word. I're'beard ol allanrieof nioai a Lriak trot.
Innatioe. but I'm banged i( I erer beard
Pitnentlya huge dbal carter, atanding
you get there.”
Bo at tbeir Jcmrney'a end Billiam of anybody bef«« guue dotty on ben«ly up on hU wagon, ckngbt eight uf tbe
- . >1... A
MAWM. ««.! in.
i... doge. *'
from the.
opeo^ tbo door of tbe garret and inAnd tbw'athe bull with the bad ride of the r««d. He acntanwdyniiarile
Tited bU brother to atop in. A eurioua
tear <«i bi« }aw. I1 murt
mm-t i«>e
iM that
that tbo after him. which took effeot jntt be
damp amell uiiH them ou the tfa
tween hia abooldcrbladea.
“Tbat'aall riKbt”.mld Billiam in- at itrhi-* ere Icwpinr and gw- him ■>
”Oetooto‘ihat.yc------ ^^aknlkcr. ye!”
aaauringly. ‘‘I waabod out the whole w aiLr.” ccutiunxl LiUiani meditai
blooming abop with chlorate of lime
, be ikonted.
'Of nil tho foola!" cfiedtlie captain.
CaiXainOrmithwaitoof tbeOneHnn» Bight liefore I came away. '
‘ Well, oomti oti. Billiam. I'll be your |
^^(3 Tenth hoaiara aprnug toward
beallfay no end. if it doea atiuk a bli
■bb.''Mid hU brother then
the cap- ktrsa-r tonight and ate that yon get a 1 3,3, wmiiUnt to lake him bv tbe throat, i
tain, “but it oeitalnly tloea ameU like neat thing in atTaitjackew right away.”but the watchful Billiam bad bU broth-:
And the bniiar atrodeonwith the air „ promptly bv tbe arm.
a ntan.wbo riotmuiui'e to ate a dn,-1 -^ind what you are abnat.”bo mid:
•• Well. Ill bare tbo Are lighted, and
rtand in tborv. and we’ll mon
we’ll hare eoma anpper befor.' the peo pcr.:teventnrethronghtothebltterend.‘'|
'Ibeycaiue in lime to the tamer ■ f .(oU«t nalbpcirfourdaya.”
ple begin to oome,” Mid Billiam calm
ry rtreefand again mounted 1
-u)ik ab. Iter in a ctllar
ly. ••yon’llUepickiDKiheaeoldrBRBfor
the enxy ttaira. ^Tbc
"Tic fire bad dbd
both of them (rimed to
that IBBD haiDe to coonilt dm about a Unt and laving ont the faanOagen "
nlies (. iptain Ormlibwaite
Amatu produced a hideout
arpoTaticn from bU wife, and be bnsugbt
went to tbe coal hi [ it waa empty.
<Hit of it* aide pocket and pat it
Mfonily Bible outod the fUwiMbopto a raaber of bacon and egga wUeb
‘•Hello, BilUam.", be old. “how do
Then be elid oO the Uonratep and
Abow me the date* <d faU marriage aad- Uam fried in the pan. along with alioed
„„ bia poritioi on a liitle mound
potatoea and hotter. The bonar, being yon liroiKwe to koep na warm all irtgbtl
birth of hU ^ildm. I gate him
Hat aomebody taksn ont your oonlt 00 ^ bard trodden eorth-aud engine ath.
ttilag when he went awdy
hal” becried. "Ye are a aoto'
would BOt need to take the Bible back
BUliam threw up Lit band* again ' 43^
Gilmmou ealrters!”
with tbe Ame palh^ little gcrinre U ] Every Bachman <» tbe wagona leaped
It ia aoch a jolly flaror.
qnlte onlqne,” be mid with enthnai^ up at tbo word oa if be had been rtnng.
"1 don’t kpow what y*n’ll Ustnk rfi
tbe rain of cool ooba which foil
•And tbo«V»ple ootaide?” Mid tbe aani. "Bf«nii aa If it were waaooed
mid. “Imt^ «ben... I I abonlBilHamwaaattooiihinganddeod^QiEjDbmjv-aaaMcaithinganddeadwith anchovy or wme French
• notyet
irian. in fact.
w«ji away 1 gave all I bod to the jy_ but br long pracrioo be evaded every
rotmd tbe warda with quite Pmririan.
nmatrem next door."
one of tbA. leulxigaeme ilip poat him
’‘Tea.” Billiam anrwrred oimply,
“Well,” arid thecaplaln. "goaDd *»''I and catching ,1
‘that ia the red herring 1 bad in tbe
tbe mnight 01
' and irrestatibly.
Imat week. With na ctaniog in «> if abe can give yon any back. ” But at ;^ )y at ever be ^
had duoe"Uie
dune the boll when he
Vlthoot another word be led tbe
atian BUliam'a pala cheek kept wicket on tbe green playing fleldi.
wuy to the door of the next room. It ^rk. 1 hadn’t time to clean him ont
captain found Hilliam.
■eoned to lb«' doctor fuller than ever.
“loan't quite do that, "be mid.
Tbe onttr raam wna filling .up all tbit
>w a very awollon and bniky BUliam,
______beride him.
. ( fact rnanmr. and half a time, and tbe yelping, whinling “■* 1 think 1 AU get anme. Yon wah a
minute, and I'U mn down and aee.”
Yon go and flU np at tbe bode <d tbe
AoMi men alotudied after him. Very mewing grew louder thaneren tbe
monnd where I waa gdying^em." be
deftly Billiam laid out a row of amaU Ingof tberooksio tbe old tma abore
IfatOB there.’
arid. "Tbere'aqnitelhalf
^□ing inatrumtsita npen the table. Ormicbwaite
And w cbedienUy the hi
“Jaiantorat Tarantanl” cried tbe and baggy aboot the ekirta. He opened 1
With'mlTe, lint and bandagea oitunged
bnwr cbeerfclly. ”Thm out ter kdbnel UandelKiwed ihehoatarhowingWiiooi- ^jb » grim delight in bia heart to
behind him.
ly be bad aewvd two large pocketa <rf: jbiak
the fit bia C. O. would bare
think of tbe
Then be took animal after animal In- para4e.” knd tor two bonra he
r ewongb with bU Unt and Btroeg canvaa to each ride.
if howmldonlybaveaecnhim. Pmarnttobiiband, act4t nptxi tbe Ubl«. poaaid
, ly bo bad filled np. and, leaving tbe
bia fiugera lightly to and ^ over Ua
woftboccaU avenue for the quiet <<
|>»»d and ear* a time or two. UatcBed to
tbebonae. Billiam and bfabruiher alnnk
Ibe owner'a rolnble explonodatu wlthwaaatutking a eigareue,'and Billiam
^dem’t ntnally boy them." anawervd j
king n ■ ■ '
lllim limply. “1 pick them.”
, g„aned tbo ai.taiu. Ipiking at hia
leal lecture. Hit deft fingoe anipped
"Pick them and Beal them." mid
"Tothlukwbatyou bare led an
•wav the matted hair from a negUcted
iiaa. Captain Ormitfawrite. ”V<iayoung^-•
,be queen Imo. yon hlrnorf
and f<tu.Ting tare. Be cleoutd the
gar. w^ wooid tbe governor my if be 1
p,j3ovra bird. BlUi^ml "
Woond uitderiy, tbe dog aficn inatloo- and will die in tbe workbonaa.”
Then the captain yawned a little, knew.
“Empiv the cuaU biTc." oomnanded
tl\nlvtnming toanap'Vet all the '
BiUlam looked up a litt e wearily ai Billiam. anil hi* bwilnr-p<«ired mil bia
-'■il'a loo late fur tbe tbealw.” be laid,
■dily. impartially and aympathetical- “eren if you knew wboe caie waa,. iftbeaobject bad anddenly grown too, bt«rd intoalarge comimrtment boiU
^ 1 beaide the window. How Billiam oonld
to the animal and bit maMcr till tbe which 1 don'f telieee. I'm denoed tired. large for diaennaoo.
Letnagoto.bed."‘‘I ahnn’t be nry long, he mid. ^ have carried no great a lari waa a pnaBiUiam looked about him donbtfnlly weut on batKolng the ulator abont hw
btft ccrtainlv there onnld not have
and then anddenly threw np bia banda -----riim•yoniif
a bundndw.-lgbt of coal
“In f.ir jaiiuy. in_f«» po«md.”aid n. y,eanvaspnekeual.aie. He baBcnwith a geotnn- of deoiwir.
lo^g Dr MaefarUne becahie ■
"1 f<rgut. old chap; on my life aird
. to fill a put with waiiT. and >u a lit
i be waited while
tie while bo bad nahallcnv taUi full of
« waa diepooed uf with tlie un bnn<n. 1 qniie forgot. I lemmy bed to
Petirr Wilkin*, tbe water call*
r.iUiam pointed to an old ov^t
wucr. Thla he aei out in the nrhad-pawmd bia topay bU nut. bat he wbicb hnug npon a oaU behind tba nt» lahiiri aacreea niado of a gmyahort
ready in bia thonghf be canid gMltont again before
tbe lint
^11 becudniovr
band, jnid ai if he bod
iige t«v If---------------------*-----------infirmary and waiting fur
at the old infirmaty
o work off hit batch.
Liaicr to
,1 the end of half an boor b« hod no
1 ruma bock.”
Wh« be come back to take hi* turn
« of Billiam‘rwant of
in f..* it." mid tbe hnantf. ;
tmih. . fn*h pot foil of water
qnaliflratiuna. fie aaked him to come
t, my uigbt out. Come ««,” ho
^ uid the
room waa bright
(d. pulling at tbe coot, which Uinal-:
^ _
Tbe linoar bad attended to
euivl P
yon a hundred timet, do-tor. Init 1 have
Kcne private can* in tbe back roran 10 Ikrodgb tbe dimly light^ alrect, uudtr
atteoti tn yet. and tix-n 1 mnat ivnd up gloomy archwaya, put great black
of tbe lapels and-BtiftiDg at it.
1 which BUliam nsnally eampixl. There
i-chaHni yaw-niuK betwetai lofty booaiv
my atnfl for lomtaTuw. •’
Ob.” arid Billiam. “Uiat’B tmly the w w
ta >» now. and on cuy chair
After ap-bile there oune to riot Bil Mill they arrived at tbe dwelling of )Vil
•liam a miiiikter or two familiar with kin*.‘‘the water oularman,”u Billiat dogs. Bometima I wrap the worat oua , of wickerworit.
“I'U toa yc*
tbe aria, young
gronit npinll. Butil'aall right, old chap.”
the diatrict, tbe yonhg reeideut miaainn- aid. It van a room upon tbe gromri
bv added hastily, “1 rivraya dUinler; it!
««d the captain.
ary from the etoih-ut*' ball, a »iray law- fiocr with a nmken area in fni
■rid BiUiam promptly.
yw-'aeterk or two—and the enperiuiend.
«nt K police. Thi-y all came to cavil,
••Headi it la,”
I*,” critd tbe bos
b^r vritb
greasy staire without meeting a sonl. ! "Heads
bniotie and all thiy ivmaiix'd to bold
! When tbey arrivod at the foot, Biliiai ■ome relief.
one to ibecouBtry.''
bandagea and be ha^ with tbe raae“Fcrbatai be bu pawned yonr bed. turned sb^rp to tbe left, and tbe bosar ' ."Olad of that," quoth cheerful BilUno.
DO,” aid tbs bnaor bititriy.
On one ncnaidca the mlniKter cd St.
in which wire DO gu Iriup*. At the , «»>nnako quite a dec of thing out of
Billiam was hurt at tbe snggeetion
Margarei’i vflired Billiam'the UM-nf a
IS a
a gnj|ff
gn^ cool
col station,
station, mgs aud nvercuals. And. larides. tJivpgentleman. ■■ be aid. lend of the lane was
"Wilkins iss a g<
r lu bU • bun-h. but Billiam aid.
.• aucks of—1
coal, black inn <iu the ttoor makes yon *0 jolly glad
'and it -wu only last weric be rent j full of wwgtins a^d
y .Uy
for c
’•Somlay U uiy
c u|> in the manjiug."
F<jg Biliiam was a ! bis .sikve terrin- fiur me to dortiir np d j and riiiaing. diml]
1 abauld la- glad.
tIn-T lumeu
lamed m
in aw.
and w-jn
alept u.v
tlie ..vvp
i«iiJ.-matiiiid riwavi aoKwired even a have all right ?<c bint when he Qimo tall gateposts. The lati-st delivery ]
ICcri^L w». b,,tb. i.»fcorJ
... Uie of Udies' Roe Sloes
in Irioe and Bntton, Veeting Tope. . Same in
Mtaaee'. in Heel and SprioK Heel. Sixra in
Heel for ladiea wbo wear amall aiscB—1, If
and 2. Tan or Black.................
Oent’a Fine and Beavr AVork Shoe®.
Style, Wear and Price Qnaranteed.
Meat Oomplete Uae-
-New.lot of Embroideries received here
within the past few days. The styles are
very pretty, and the prices are }’OUr way.
ASSORTMENT «>j"0"eti.c”'w»tock,
)usi received. The de
signs are beautifal, and the prices will please yoa.
For wnich we ai^eole agents—and
__________ the“Fo’iir I*oop Hooks and
'rHTrJ GS Eyes/* We can recommend them
as tbe BEST.
Will be more popular than ever, this season,
and see our stocks—Get our prices.
The oarMer ypu do it tlio better. We
mean about your selecting Spring Carpets. Our
new stock of these goods have been comiug in the
past three dkjs, and more -irtll arrive this week. We
contracted with the mills 'way last summer (before
the great advance in cost of carpet yams) for this
spring’s supply, and in consequence can sell at old
prices. Ingrains at 25c, 30c, Zlyic and 45c. Best
All Wool Ingrams, 49c and 59c. Patterns are
handsome. Colorings rich.'
See Our Aten’s Suits
At $5,00. t7.50, »8,S0, $10.00, and up. Also, wo can
furnish you fine suits, made strictly to )’our measnre,
at $12 50 and up.
c Dry Cooda. Carpet and
Ciotblng Houaa.
125 Pairs
of Ladies' Hno Shoos
Way Below Coat of
blacklo* the 'ooal tbey worked j awake and eager for ulk.
Into the earth?"
{ ers bad dime the mme.
line, for at i.be
the first gnm and blackjaa
“.Wiiy do you keef. en at this kind of
pull slid out aiiont six
Aud Billiam cnnld neve* find ont why
•nm «wl carter* kept np a brisk in- I
sili-nt. nncanui', nnattacbed
tbe miuiMor went nway so suddenly or
terebange of c
Why be sho^k his head ever afterward
(Tti BB co.v-nsi-aii)_____
'"llutt'anansc.’'said BUliam. “Let'a
A thev met in the
■osed bis wiud that iii. Ungtim ct tit. climb u;i • t< 1 i>e niihuga"
JCaigaret's had taken him foran infidel
fskd a dangivk/ns snbvmsrnf tbe ayatem
. cf religMn u by taw fwUbUAed. Tat Wlnniv-be <v uldl.sik into ibeMOpiof
WtUtbis. ‘‘Uw-rv is my bed atanding
^ doe tlrni- Billiam’s i>M of garretl' arriusi tbe wall, and -the mattrea be
become kmovu u the "taiue dogs' kome” side it. Yon rvv. s-.sd obtJVilkln* ia"
all righl. 1* it a first rale bed. Bettcr
•nd grew Um'ius ibruagbunt tbe
Sold in the principal cities during the
Uke a hsk ai it. f.r it is all yoajrUl
Unda. dttp streets, wlndibg —------ reeof it Cbistiigbi."
month of February.
oduron* chssw. with their AvaVpannta-;
tion of bov* and does.
■ ri®™
*« "• 7®
‘ Ooo Vadlfi," Henryk Sienkiowicr.
’^’*m let thil
tbit Iona,
long, lanky
lank; X,p i ingwi'intent there l.u-? I'll hw) to takye
rglar loan
•lone.” oied one brawny bnrgla.--------•
. 1
“Hugh Wynne.” 8t Weir Mitchell. '
other, “or I'll amaib yoor dirty taoa ! A p
portly poUceman vraa etandlng.be“The Choir InviBlble,” Jainen Lend Allen.
like a tbttcn turnip! K.nv. mind mai bindt:
* ilb mnrb tn^iei,
fa<v. Dilliam tnmed bimsrif abont
Don’t yon know tba dog iuissi;*iary
“6tory of en Untold Idive," Paul Ldeatcr Ford. J
Ki-ery 3»Iloeman befriimdi-d Billiam. - qnivtly.
“Captain CourAgeom” Rndjvrd EipHni?.
Ibi-"gnwicr number c< the polietv ! . "J‘»hi
It it to Petiw Wil
■s urdmary cUunta He could often g« me my bed.
“The ChrigrtUn,” HiGl Caine.
- , «iklW ,.»» .b* Pl~~~ or . klni
kir., .»d W. Aa t, l.rtrf.” ^
put tkr
1« 0» Uleb tblloo. i "I,rbi
oC _ o-iri a» pdiormui.
iwj we
wB MT«
all. cave
have iota
lott ui
of them,
w*™,. and Uen 1
do,, .bid. bmdj-lf.'b"d.»
U ibU yra
Aa nnri
have sacm
tbea eii,
* of the verv-newrei hooka that are jaai from the pnhllahere.
mud ' bidr* be added, tsbmbing nikl
nsiUvida Bilrranremenu with them, ao that we iwceive all thrir late nab, Itam and looking eritically
ally at tbe ubk BOOB os off the preoBM. Na XrombXt to show yon all th«e
Urn and which defwrted obedknUy if
MW books withont having to bare them ordered for yon.
a It n that ft glow
wnwiUingly whan be bode tbem ntnrn
ed with a kind of radiance not its
to^rir own ptae« In penoa
“It looks a gold bed coench."
r year Billiam rendlad nod
aa be climbed duvm.
pnctiisd, never a pegny tbe ririwr, but
“Uon yon not got It for ^ 3<^T‘
men andm** loving niribAr*^ ^
The Six Most Popuiar Books |
ao r™t SMet.
It a holust. ruawer- j
p4.00 1'
p3.60 ;
Reduced to
Oome while we have yonr
TM hfilu ShH Biqa
Tea KstUs aT-BorTtng Diah.
Price from 60 Centsnjp. Calland See Them-
U« Front Stmet,
yrov™, Cit,,lUch.
THB xoxxnrtf bsoobd, suKSA'r, kaboh s. im.
s»vW«« o- ri«
red ot tba aaotwr
to Iba Daw worhl. U ta auKatatad tbal cda
at Iba boUdlDKi tor tba
• pot
pan-AisarlcaB asjollkm ahait ba a rrprodDOUoa of 8ek>■DOD f tauif.tr
ir alia m-ImiM It oo tba
rtM MM7 T«»^
tte MdT* and oc
________j theofdwUMr.
tbeordar U Ur. A.
^ B. talhe*
abow tba
mt UaeolB. Nah.' U< U a oatl «• ot Wama rooma Id whiob II
mmv, lUa.. ani araa boro la IWtt. Mr. prlealaaa ralica abd i^rv > <rpU wbteh bava
tklbo* ia a UwTar br imfaaatoa
bean aecuuujUMd
(ba anler dorinc tba
'tbaatwnarlD XHaaikaot O...
ibe M
PadOe railroad. Ula aatlrltr io tba Modmm WaadoNB daiaa back to 18W, »bas ba
tba,^unl(7 haw wrltlaD reevnraa-
Editor—Jlin.1 n
1 that tfld
atoBe balldlBg ^ tba onaarowto to M> ba
tom down.
Tba Prlniar^Tep. 'Tbay baEtn
Editor—Wan, }sat alip aroond and
^aUaad^iii tba waa Wa saat
( to flU np with thia
wa^—Maw ToA Waak^.
Iba Want at Btadaoii Mar Ba ■
A Rty^ Fanay.
Tba SlacMol 1
•Irrtric floor wnMitBc mcbioa,
yoB pay ao aiKb a
to albinad to do tba trorb «? aor
Boon lfa(»oagbt7 ib
tina. or at a aaritig <rf 76 par cant oror
Tba Mid GeorBai-<:]eraiana Flain Oaaitf.
:hlDe to '
fl tor tiae Id goaani*
“An aattooaipint towl' gaapad tba
I aa ba raad tba baDdliee.
Mi lt, (hr wpoUl* of the 1
and in fact any place wh^
“GraatbeaTena. to itpDaaibla^taoalpauDihrm ball of the tootlneot. Praaidccl' there are larfe expanaea of floor
Brlnkrrof (>R'axpia>ltlun iDaoaaeRiant bat Tba inreiitar statiw that the niacbitia Ing IS still pcevalent in this ooontryfV
m anda a nuniiiamllnu kieatlao lor tba baa been in aotoal (erriea, atuoog other —Mew York Junmal,
plaeea. fbr two yean io tb« llickox
bwn wvural to tuppituMOl tba auO aetta bBildinG. Ciereland. doing ibo w<dk of
oo Cayuga ^and
- Tbt rrjion of flrand Fatiretory Fo*
Bbowxho lyul naii.ijar D( Hoyal Arcb
Mu>.n. in .^rwVarklobe MLIM. a uct
I gala ul SUV otor hwt report
! J«maa Ilradlry U now araod tmnef-of
)ft* in Mlrblgan and J 8) Coooear
At The Boston Store
^ T^Oritfipatorg of Loipf Pmeg nre at the tront agnin with prieoa io_every departmeutat the loweat
(rood tbhiK when they aee it Come and do likewiae. Don't be deceived by imiUt^ Oar buyer ia in
New Xurk now, and onrioada of-new gooda aredaiiy arriving. The way we'are Slaagfaterlns PrleeB cm
the remainder of oar winter stock ia aatoanduig. We just give ytm a few prifteg, cannot enamerate bargaing tbrontfh want of npace.
Rgvo yon 8«H*n' the new **&o«welle*’ SatP Wg sre the sole agents. Every hst goarantoed.
Lstert in style. El^mnce and finish uosorpssssd. This departmenl is 6ompleto.
tba ooiuuiltue and natD tbaatuwaMaaonlr iKiuw.
~ Tba aubncrlptlOD* for tba Old Uaaniw'
Boina aod leOnuarr of Kaotucky now
aiooBOt to IM.OaAM ,
8igt Laka City rauelral Irom.tba Manok fniarDity a flna library aa a Cbriab
Traa a dttoiBM to tte bead aa^nd m
wof tba I
Gents. Furnishkigs.
bt that Mina and bM bean re-alactad at
Tbara are Uebaptafaof Knyal Arrb
eon* ID KabnMka.wItbaiotalinaiubertUp
Tba total numbar of banafli eeatlOeatai
WTtRCB doring IWT wae W.HM aod the
nnnibar ti new eampa organlxtd oeer 80tt
Mat tneNaae in nieoiberditp In KW7 waa
Tba' Medan VoodgiaB aniand tlM year
UK with aU ctoti
In full I
ba wall aod properly evofemd. Not uDiy tbto one bDilding alooe.
I.7U is tba fa
1 aDTpIna of U46.1
ImKrt vov'ecibaod with piaeUloD tbr ae< I Tba inacbina to opented by as
aretwtbk wblob adrnlua man loUw
lU MW prlT.
priT- I mo
which IDEWl
reoaiTea lu en
Ire to axoel { tfaroogb a tamp cord wbicb may be at■t loclaty In iba hlaloryof ti
i^[ta«bad to any eooriaiiani
our ebargoi aod toctnte In euDferrlDg tba I •
at the topttf tba
______ ____ __ ..
An .11 wool PUid Snit (not .hodd,) M.00 r.ln«,,
(Thiidren's Knee Pants ^t.............. ;....78o-ap
Xen** and boy's Ovareoata go now balow
xnanofaetarera coat
In oar Drees Goods Dspsrtifient onr Sanmant
3ala is cresttoe a havoc. Ask to ase them.
Some fall skirt lengths, elegut fabrics, st al
most tbo price of cottons..
j^snte for the fsmoae Gold Modal Black Draaa
Gooda. ./The very latest Corns early and get
tbe cboios.
Men's Union Cloth Suit, valae bt$E50___$2.98
Boy's 3 piece SaiL black, (twilled) op to 18 yean
old, daring sale. $8.86.
All wool Kereey Pents, well made................$1.18
A good bleached Table Linen........................... 880
Psttem Table (Tloths, from............80c to $8.76
Lawrence L L Cotton (10 yd limit)............8 l-9o
Lonedble nod FWniUf tbe Loom....,..........6 l-8o
Good U»l.»adri»i Shirt......... ...................B7o
GocdL.oujiri.d Shirt.................................. 3»c
M.O-. J.™., 0..r.litrt............ ................SOo
Uen’g-gxtm heavy wool mixed SiKiter.............48o
Men’a Heavy Underwenr......... ....................... 16o
And other bargBiDs too namerone to mention.
to capture tbe pmpowxl KcDturky V, Idowe , ^
bixlOrpbai.i'boma Tbe city oouncll hat;
againet toa noor ey
toted *0.000 and tba Ibnal court ft.oou j epHog pnaaiira. and are geared wUb
We are prepai^ to abow tbe larfDSt al
Mel-artoDa lodgr. AlKghany, 1. □.* rfl the
ao aa to rarcdTe at aliMt 400
the moa»,|«-pm.u. In IVnorylraDla. Jt! ratolntioot per miotitD. Tbe wbaela
wa are eldaing oot oa bargala Ubiaa. and all go at 06c. 81 98 and 8I.4S A lot of Flagrwa A Katitb aod M. D. Walla A
bMBPVimItbuuwDd«iu]lar>nilnUTeetaD(l wbioh tba machine nilto are robi
robber va.
Co. Rboaa for 81 T». worth 8^00 and 84.00. Coma and
tbe flnrat arrworwd ahoe room in Nortbem Miebigan, and look
iMfOtly purrbawtl ruixe fur tbe degnw tirad, and tbe whole apptralui can ba orar oar aiork. Wa tobe pleasurw to abow yoa throogb. You will be o
•e aulelly Id Use.
ilaS at an expcDM of urar tMO.
very aaxlly poibtd aluog tbe floor
Yonra Reapeetfally,
, .
wbat like a town mower. It to fooud
and Uh? arv dropped liy tbe n» that tbe action of ilH> braxhea in rtitatn If paid. It to erldaDca of tba aalue of menibrr*
our inAunoaa that Deed* Da.argnnx.Dt to
Tbe flxfoibor that to fully
that tbe operator lias nwlle lUlto mor«
'tio^e IM cxnlkaeb—North Uakou WorkhUKwy of Ilialorderran-ly to do than to gnldeil. Water li ibrowu
with ibrrum-nl h
-----,--------- --------- to a broad rtatu
tbe floor and Ibe eerDbUng raaohine
gDldedo,eritbytbao|«.ror.mxi the
> for a -yoar.
Tbecatl lathcrv-rurv a wubetaniUI toil.
Konlal to t}>e Impn-rrd roDdl'loD of tba
Im" 1*^ PinLarton wlir.5«rV^a tbemacbiuearepmtected bTkiocrplasborder brought about Ljdkhe ckaOgn.
I,------ — h... h.pii. ------ ------------—...
Uanla A rfaeoffat to locatird
Tbe grand lodge of Ontario nymrta
of IlUDui. l»- ‘*“**^*’
mathliie, and the moior to
Tb* gralMl ancaiLii
proapraixiayaBr. Flretbouieadnewiianx
#_ii------‘ - fn»f».
l-y Tbaapparatni
fneta. Tbe a]
Il4jve» In a rtAlUrtlun < cxtwnww'ai.U ho. fully
bare been added to tbe rulla*
aniliito frame
aliout 800 ptmoda.
loaimcled lu
IbraoaUnunlal wn.x,n. of tbcamerrlgD da about 80 Itnliee »|oarv. Tbe bntobfa
bnubta I
grand- ‘
practically j
Rlnn- tbe new fdao
bean adopted ux'n of bight
Kai ant] legai pruriwnon. aou lo
* , ^.nttvndng I
tba iMdkal
dn-lo* yiHn the igdrr a. iM-rer ba-1 Tbeflr.t nt-ugnliiMii of gratxleDninp- nuMia of a sprocket ebaiu leading from
the motor to tbe axle on which the
ClillilfM's Underwear Eim-S to 3Sc. Remnaets of Rlbboes at Tour Owo Prices.
grbon Madaatr !• Xa« a ablBlos Tlttw^
Chip* nwa tba WarhAbap.
*' OoB'l be loo uodaK wbro a death iem
to paid Io your town. Lot the lueal papan
enaka a new« Item of It; lofomi the world
wbat we are doing. Tbon "Diko bay
WbUe the bud afaloM." Ktoy lodge ought
Fop Two Weeks Only!
Beginning Monday Morning, March 7th, and
lasting two weeke, we offer all
.dn..—J.UJ .
-------------------KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.
u,.lr.mib.t..l. bT.»«id.pra.h.|
1. I ""'.'r,■ -h-rt '““-‘“I hi
2'T. . . ..
_ i«»».10. ..n'in.1
Calltarata-PlavM Ttpa.
Oiand Cl.aD(»Ilar W. II. Gram of Callforala b(» h.mxT Idiw* en tlx- euti>cBt that
Mboa Uiigbl tguflt by He aew Ibe oewi
«fa state (Wganlxcr, hot dera Dot think
•xtra expCDH-abould be iDcurrrd. Kuauggoata bkBDial mw-tltigcof tha grand body
nuar Ibsl the graod trtbuoal bae ciiargv of
all (udklal nutlaia end that Ibe luoDiy
tbueaaved be uard to aupfxirt axtatocrganlxer.—Kulghto'bwurdand IU-Inx<
Aru-o lodge. Knlgbl* ff I'ylhlae. of
MuiitriMiua. bare 8d.uuu worth of (mraIdHTi.alia fur utvn-1 work. They bava!
' It the howt uuUli Id Iowa. MUuhull of Ckn-laDd IS
Obla hruiet . .uiilfunu rank
I ii'oiil
, Cl’S;
over gouo to lu rt<.lit in Uo.k.
oOTTarted into a bu>i machine If
. ao dtativd. Io place .of Ibe xcmt-bing
-bm^e* B^dpopvr
poper b1
blocks or blocks nf
Bteue may be tiivd. and tbox tbe mawas a Dohla k«p laken by Q^.
ebtoa maybe oiilixtd to drum down
rd u-Dl
II it taai mutith (hat Uuded It
wood fliNirit, the decks, td veknela ox mue ve*y top
tnj rnuiiil
•aio tiliug.
lVnn«Tlranla vIiiia- II
ixiuiirtel Hint tihtu had Im-ii'dl ■tuiNTl and
Over CO per wait of wood may be coutbe old Kcyhtuuo wax aMXJod oD\tbo 1IU TDRed intolKiuid. Tbe rtrouB«»l hyk
dranllc pmciore would nut s<|0>eca unnThe Plrk.
pirk. funeral nnd aorldrnt benrflt
'• Ihn
| p(g exml of. matoture from
fund* of ibi gnait cui.p. aPufutln-lYJwp.
but bV Dottiug tbr aabiejuatwial
.rate rrtxn (be auprt-m. U-..I ekk. fuD.-ral;
I returl ~~
and “
■nd B(Tld. m Ir-n. lit lands ami atv aor. >
-nHdrnnrtlybyibelaw.of ilH,rr.purtUa
cUarvoal by m«»u> of bi«t. Ibe
gaaea and amuke. to the extent of folly
Hf.,.rU k.,-|a ta lo aulra am undrr (br
**» “>r
of tbe Wood.
juriMlkUuD «1 n great .amp a l>eii rt>|.<.n- <»ay to ooDttoueed luto .pyrullgpi-oui
I leg ibrad'imxLon 111 a pun-ly ~rul iiieoi- acid, (rum wbicb arv ulrUiiH^ wcxid
] brr to tbe b<]|i. K K K abouid turward aloubol. acetate of llmv aud wood tara.
Iwlibihe iv|..n of sdmhaioo andeima A cunl of wood wt ighiug 4.bUU poDiiile
a great u-odcnc} to
,, ,
itgnaoaa a»nd aud 7W) pouoda of charahip of the ludgv hj g.miig tbe star at
Tbrrw i« guing to tw wmie lltely aprlov goal. Tliv pyr\iligu»>u« aciil (rum one
rJLiontu.4bn .uJi.hg. ■* ^ ‘**' “ I tag mnon, tl» Mg umu fn.m now on.
llaral A^aaaa,.
CTudo Wood alrobol, »00
wi-H. — - ■
- ..
.^'poQudaofatx^^lale nf lime aud about 86
Vbttt we lake lo.o (..iMndwalioa M
of Wr, braid.-. 85 boibcto of
naaupremeufllrrr. of ibrd.aldrn Croaa , fart that a alrlct luedltwl axan.lnat;
are Fea^ndao i. (Jay. Lrwutoii, Mr . ft-j
R. A.. It w*!!.. rS...«o..
. . . .
prame nimmapdar. Wmian. K ' ««i"V. , m expwjt that oor d«th raio will out ex- n.uirali»d wuh lime tba wixal alcohol
^oxTllto, Tcnm. aupretuc ki»iwr
or 18 |«r l.tM> nxaabais fur thr, to dttoillid off. tbe lime taoldiug the
<mla. dubD IJ hwatp. b*.h«. b
75 yearn
>a«iio acid ui enlutiun- Afl<» tbe aepa•^-**°.r'_^******‘'**'*feg-.
The pcohlMD of tba R. A-»i dmply to^tohn <ff tb. wood xpirit Abe nmaining
■ .
. Aieduraiclbeiuhiuberxtd’uDdrnnaDaibul'liansdubiiileddowDiapaBfloaaagBr.ThaafdwtopaatSI yKraofaBeandbaaX th.-y are not togciimacthlng lor nothing. ' tSlch to dried and be-umaa tbe aoeuia
phiDted Ita banoOT Is 81 aulm aud th^ but that thry arv u> g»-t tbedr laaontxa al of lima iu oaminatra. Aoetataof lime ia
aapiul of tbe DBiton.
f„ niakiug'acrUo acid.—Mining
Tbe order l«
It ta broad lo ihut u' toldJo' tba la
a wf Dreae auka.
turmUTully. which noconlyy applkw to lie «]a.an in tbe Unto w|
own uMcu.lwra. but t« tbawbuk human :• ThrgTand.mmcUotMkblgMiiueo«.t: Au-Engltob fbrmi«
rtdwtly aBfamily It baa g rllual cd Ibrtvdugi
- Deirou Aiml iw.
. •J.’r**'' ■ aamplr of a allk draw that waa
' .If-llde lUMtlnga warkly .W
as'- »
-- , autaumed lu him by a lady. He fottud
Kaigbta •
1 i*fr mil of ulk. aud aa much . tin wax
OMo Vallry l-alge at Stoigto r
lUd Mam
found iu it aa that prumut in poor tin
laoy coauiuf-oM arv frcvlj >»bda of tba txvuBw.if-ju m.nibcretliv paaiali
Freiii July I to (ten. 81 4
iiou.-d cbaiiglug of the work.
w< A baw
ritual uuw. with anotber naw^na Is proa- werutbUiatrd lDlb.--ird«.
pnh n.ay b. buslnawi for Ibe prtBler nod
tookblnder. hut to expenrivafortbe Otbaa Kemurky. 4(Ih; Tvo.
kit; Mlamurl,^
uw ailk dreaeca wore by
OoavCTy lDip..naot point In tba saw
' the ladies ip BogenL rtieat and Bond
wes-k ta that .web tram to altowad to dewaeka tto aanaaatoB of
London, taktai togetber, wobld
Wa|BptU(n>Dfl.itf nioremeblB boaaadlag
) 8W loSW t^Mwt a Owstoh tig wina of vary
to to aobatpUoi. of Iba rttuai
weeklyLodge'Ka. A 898.
toMbara (er ana fatbuau tg r^ulaM tba N. C., clalma tbe
not stand men toss I
It to 10 yaanuid and hw ga*ar'^tagn
member by daaiA
From Begnlar Marked Prices.
. This Bale includes men’s and boys’ Suits, child
ren’s Butts, men’s and boyu’ Overcoats and Ulsters,
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties and other fiirtdshings. A bona fide offer which will command early
attention from all customers. We want both money
and room for our new spring stock. - It’s our pleasure
to take this way of getting them.
Our Red Ticket Sale
Offers still greater inducements. These tickets
are placed on all goods of which we have no full line
sizes. These go at very much greater discoimt than
20 per cent. Many of them offered at about 50 per
cent of their value. It’s the most generous offer of
the season.
--li. .--i-i'b...
THB MOHirnra-BBOOBP. amroaT, MaaoH e, laaa.
wiin Uie worm.
fwi b« (old me Dotliuiir. tboogb '^
(he &m ba cbov«d
«E • mother Md imi
I ruuiiKB *e- : .
’“It wai acMB • luaUer <d'niBii
wa« to be a ^
port that Bao'a new boy----*“■ brniiit bimaelf
took «
my primary
rimar edocatian. He ' A
. _ deligfau-d
, lb mj
tuT lack of knnwl- V.
edneandmyeudl na list (if aimpl«J)Oc«- V
Uou, for it aUoKed him tiiat be
iC Do Yn Want Tti Wg^
I duirc''W
TW* <<> <«••>•■
Vta mr AbII >■■ t>r
rraca jav hM
Aad auur ahall tim (xnr Ixrnrar,
•r ■» 7««
ha** >*• t*rl at the tan.
Thm 7o« amiM] akM aad thtak «f Ika «a«.
iqMk uUwU^ amr.
ImBtloB wd than
-line the aaar | «crd* ivakrti .air » ttoocin
a proaaeotlBet
of tlM IMiBDt
Mriyaod it MlU
oe. Tba dm I Or*
u>tfT'> luan i(w I
iDoe a
i^ark brreatv ew «aed apoo
a looomoloooao- I Ot rb.-rM . brute'. Uo«h
tire waa tbe ob)aet of a UwaDlt by a ' wiUte
^^‘uHJ^tkJr’iructe wwd
ITW y.ar bi» b»» - '—
tlra waa pat to aui^lki tba OUDden
« ATI«^ thr tap«Np«- ut yi«r*
ymr* .afl
ai^ Amboy, the gtBeala of the fWtyl- ___ _ . lar fruiti yue «u-b WItrr I
iM 1.11 wbna tb. tet utotte
raala ivatQB. rie& ptaa wood wai naed
for foot, and tbaopaaBDokoatadi Tamil- Dwrllnlr. unoml. (-rfrlaiM oom.
b- iDviar. dniiml dawCien and MOa
ad apaiba like a mlblaCvre Toleaiia,
Td bibtr ami tu iM>U«r.
and to «T. yuanKlna fm Aa UtMr pam'
fbat amca arlfra n«TC( mU iiiTwi ai* mil
I . , .
pooaaded to daalgb a qm^axTaatar. Bo
applied aa InTertod ooee at ibe top
pipe for tbe pampeof tbe.
aada an OBicide eadiig that fonuad a
saoeOB for bolding*tbe qsrka He did
It tue to a cornrrof (br n
not think tbe dertoe wae worth patent- ' behind (be paluu doting one xd tbe
llig. fant it beeame tbe model on which
f„bioi.aUe fnnetion. of tbe aea
^1 aoccraafiri ai^Mtacka for wood •
a«.nia a faTorite eiloatiou
Fire or ail ream aftet Urippa' emokeM to nae a abark came along.
took aetoaof
«of tbe dcrice and mcnred a
patent opoo iL He bad itoleu pinperty
• kmping. abd lie made DO claim
Ibe life of ibe pemit waa ntnrly
upind. Bj
ilm. bo
aiemanee would be blnuted aa to tbe
I h»v« made arrangaments ao yon eaa ovn it and
Bardly Miss What It Cost Yon.
ling upon VV
B catdlnal M
? that I wonld be rich.
ne . into
into tW mvtrt
it my comnland all ,
te (d gold.
me forme logoeaet I
to oolleice, I
le old
place to tbe niomiuint
ba^k to tbe
f I coBld do anyibing for tbe '
girl wbo bad been hind u> me No act W
of diioe
bine erer pleaard him more, and /m
when 1 left bin it wm with oplunited ^
credit antboriird by one of tbe grealeet V
banking inaiitoikma of tbe woR. I did M
not find (be girl, bat learned (bat abe , ^
bad £r«i'been employrd and ibeuiHlopt- ^
cd t7 a widow w boae bnabatid bad falien ' V?
in tbe war. 1 left money with a lawyer, A
telling bini (« bod tbe girl*uml bare ber
edoc.t>-d. A year later tfaia money waa ^
retimM-d to me With notice that lie ecmld V
do noihing for me. 1 wrote for forlber M
infdmiation, bat eoold get no reidj.
••Bef.re my benefactor di.d be tWd ^
me of tbe rieb gold find be bad worked V*
I wiiboot abariug' bia arcrel erilb any: ^
«muu«-d. wilb power eppanxit in
r»-tr look, u«'v. men! and ii-atore. eiood
with band. cr.wKd behind him before
tbe mai
i ble mine'of wealtl
,,You know Him Alden." aa bei citr and wiii me tbe iiile of abouauca.l
kl«8. H, .!« tol^ ... 1»» . Ik-.bI™,
; _ .
. ,
woman bad wrecked Aia life and axL.-d. ,
Eyerybody .Knots That the “World” Bicycles Are First Class
lad Strictlii High Grade, and You Cm bijf It ill SSO.OO.
Oaah or IPaymanta.
Then we have the “kAGLE'’ Uodels. Nos. 76 and 80. TTiey
are not merely "good bicycles for $50.00," but they are absolute
ly the very best bicycles that can he produced in large quan- ,
titles. They are the highest possible grade at the low price of
$60. We have a full line of cheaper bicycles.
We can suit any one's fancy or pocket book on bicycles. 2
Look over our line before buying.
X28-132 Fron-t S-fcTOet.
IMlc monuiaiu girl nutil 1 knew wbal
Abe Camden and Amboy fur tbe ocdlcc- . *
bad become of her and wbetber it waa
tlon of royally on bi* patent. Tbe mit - "And yon are tbe genfle mentor wbo witbiumypowFt,to belpber. Yon hate
warned me agaiiiat tbe rin of flancry?'' no idea b^'man and boe. thrown toxraa tried, and tbe rrideoee of tboee ' w
' “If 1 bare paid aa nodeeiTr^ cvm•m tdnld bniM a
tdiunit. It ia to aoriciy in anraming ' maure npnii a foondation no .lender.
An ediWng illnatrmtioo of ^ tbe Uiat U lia. mtamed to yonr atandatd.“>
••Ithinklwidrt.Und. And yoo bare
poor man-ta tbe imtnnl victim of pntoDt; -Von
tucomirible. but Til accei
’ no tri
Vun rv tucorTigiblc,
neoept I found
.....................“None that I eoold follow. Aftm
the. Tcmii-t and carry ont tbe
tbtxigfat I'
that fight when tbe .—ikera trifd to dobad in bringing yon bem “
Sbe made no ■newer, save to withdraw etroy tbe marbtoeiy at tbe mine, my
Comvpoad witb the Traverse City ZitunberCompsoy.
bet pTee from bis and gather in 4bc wonndt threw me into a fever, and
. foldi. uf ber drvm. u make mom for tbroogb all tbe delirium 1 talked in tbe i When in need of anything to tkk
We bare for ante Good,
dialect of my boyhik-i with tbe litOe' ,
] bim to eii down.
"1 want lo tell yon wimctbing of my maid 1 bad never «a-n but on«. That; »“• renmmW tbia u tbe place to leave
life and then juk yonr adrlce. 1 am nut abowa yoo tbe bold the bad- npen me, yonr ordara and get prompt work.
batlalactios gnaraatced or no charge
! aaraming ibai the Mary baa any ipecial and even yi-t I have an idtnl that mnat
I intertat for you. bot I have a eelBab dc- citber ic abattmd or coofinnpd twfore Leave yonr orders at oj&ee or call up'
I eire for yonr opinion alur 1 have told 1 can be cvinieut. Now for your adview
Sboold 1 raaiTT .before 1 have area tbia
I iL-V
*Bnt dem't yon know, aa a
» gcnnral
gcnnrml glrlV
trntb- that, with tbe average womaA,.'
"^'ot with my approval, Mr, Trevor,
the man wbo u rich, famona and ben- | Go to the end of yonr fooliab dt«am. or
ligbrbannt yon
ored glonfitw bit amoredenu. no mauer ' <1 tub
T.J^'trPS PXDH SAX.BIt antler ”
wbal they mv be?"
. might
“If yon were.lbr average woman, 1 j “Itbad bdtvd for a differait answer |
would neve ‘
*tromyon." Andbitqrea uOdtbeolA
Mill UachiDeryof all descriptions, iodnding Two Eof^ea.
nity Wbei
Bet Works, Ckirriagea sod Saws.
A complete Saw UUl PUat
onioixkL aMOKKaracK.
“Bnt .I'm yoor friend and can give.
alcM. 1 was a Imle. ill fed. mllow,
•windlcn la abown by tbe expeneno* ragged and half dremed boy to tbrCnm- DO btlier. This ia(nr walla "
.for isle.
jot a bright Mgineer wbo bought a farm beriaod monntatoa 1 did not know that
Witbia a
monlbTrevorreceived a'
wUb bia aavinga and retired to enjoy there waa tneb a thing aa a railroad.' a letter ia a yellow, blotted cuveJupc. :
feled. into store with tlule expeaaa.
•tbe peavfnl*..........................
rl only said: “1 reckon yon
be beragbt ebaap.
nnotberr trainman
bat done, to bit end- culture or' anyibing differvnt from tbe
dme. I'm back 1
«e foot lot. go^aoil. *1^1*
' lean regret Tbia engineer waa of an Initiga from wbieb I ' again, an 1 bee be^ yon una wae gsrelllBg. aUaatod'oa Hi
seniont tnm. and be bad no aoober eo- longed lowape. . dy father bad U-en rkb.”
[ Sold oa caar torma. only 1
npw ib^ tuila of farm operat^ ^
del. nding an ilUeit aiill, and •
Trp»« riinddeted. Hie romanee bad
than be ifegau to deviee mecbanKal aids Mther Jnai teemed to go with tbe diedacrnel dcatk Bnt graiitnde waa
that woold lighten tbe drudgery of bia BionoUio flrfwvis hirb I bad gatbend bis strong point' 'fielucianUy be weutr
labor. Hit mowing maobine waa tart I
,jjj they (waavd to blikim that *'beu at length be rode to tbe front of
provided with an aitocbment which
tbe winter 1 waa kept ‘be old eabiu there
protract^ the
tbe cntlera. ^
^ kicks and bmiare
irtiisre by*!
be a ' iiDw.v
iiDM'.v dress,
dteaa. ^r
ber back to bun.
bun. wbilo
Mwmmrif win w> ■> iwrv Haas I •
improved Oku. waa applied to fau
,i,„ had me at tbeir mle Kti- ! abe threw lood to tbe noisy cbirkeM. DR. dPlnNET Hcnal MiiMiAT after-1«
ertng I Jn« a* he readied bet aide abe turned
•«* Eveaiag. .Mar«a -rinh
to 'lottos’ water gud gaibertog
itb, “Well, yon nne did kim baiA;. ,
ndnoad tbe number of bands formerly
“in tbe spring 1 went avray: made
neMted to operate tbe apparatoa^ Tbeoa np a little bundle and rtole off to tbe
and nnmerDua other im$roTam«nmwere night. Till tbe evening of tbe nest day evnabed tbe “monniato daisy' againm,
designed and mude
1 bnrried oeer tbe red clay nada and ! bk breaat And tbe prcmiae of tbe ba-:
■nllby. Oueof tbebaugeraiaabuut tbe paths, terrw^ brtog nngbt and taken j »Tbood was made good.—Dacrmt krm
Better than any package coffee on the-market.
Dr. A. B. Spinney, of Detroit. ak<
■mitby waa bony taking notes of (be to- back crowding i»t every other ibongbt j Pttm.
pco^etor of Heed City S^tariud. it
Also just received a new supply of that 20c Synip.
veotlana. By tbe.i^J oi a note ebaverof
r town, where I e will ' i
tbe dUtricL one uf tbu»e barplea that
inUvi. and at bud I went ;
-emiln for^e day only to give tbe
afflict eviay rural comninnity, watching
« little cabin where a girl
The hotel* ate BrosUy grpqped wttb- MciTAn^ opportunity to consult him
liDw they can turn a diahmimt penny. ^ niy own . ewaa'keeriD'bonw-toa toaaqnareor iwoot uneanotber. ftocb tb^'cannot ace bimat hU Saniurium.
‘Phone t»7.
2W Fpoat Street.
tbia banger on mcrecded .to w*nriag ,
uide. bbe pat^ one
cue reeks lo attract gn.vta
gti.vta by high ' ‘l^dodnr baa ao much faiiit in the j •
ig titles. Fiyexomple. i
Can- experience vb^bas had in treating
jwenu (« the Vk-^gtnrer'e tovmUmib ,
bead oeer Ibe wall id ber
All tol.T»*i in rile latenu waa aflef :,,a^jo,i,ive abwle to «»dnct an exam- »eu are hotelboteU wbiefi
wbir£ ttauiit
ffauht the
(be aigi;Ds of chronic dtanaea that he will give one >
ward »uld fur a soedjriie iuac»Qi|auy I
'Wlioi*you nun. htref* 'Wbar’a The Kortnuate biar, Tlw ti»>l<ien l“rofita mowith'a treatment and medicine
.LSO rasK srac.iCAL-OPF.a *tio« to | •
engaged in (be mauntacture of Bgrionl--Whar's vuu'mar*' 'W'bar ' (an nnusuullv frank ronfemicai for a
* S/^9»SS^9a^39'a/S^/S'S^9S^S9A»B»»M9»»9S®
Had, Bnsiind Baggage If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
’Phone No. S.
16 Ounces
of Roasted Coffee
for 10 cents.
i New Departurei '
every patient willataretotbetr friends
I bad, but (be traveler ,wbo - • the reanlta obtained byy hi* treatment. I
rii aWp will XU forma of chronic dii........... and ..
la tuuued away,'
treated, No maa ia tbU
"'iiiis.would have
ided evpelint »Di- iqiraug odt, t idd luF to tokti ber bedroom, are amall. thin walled bexve State hat had aueff extended
I ronnd i aulicit urdera for placv. and wbile 1'
in tbe cramped to whmb yon may bear tbe breaibing
alltbat.lremld of yuur next ueigbbor or be kept awake
;|LaiUTS abr briiogbt
■ order, bnt be noted aumc of tbu paieni- eat Bud a p^T of food to carry-''
ball tbe Digbt by tbe wuiv. t-ntion of
ago from Cb-eeUnd. ;
*)d devleei which Ae cugiuter fanner
p<‘aiile at tbe olbrv end of tbe hall. dr.
IS yean in general prae- i
wa.naingBbd carti.-d tbe information have tor-par'ten any one wbo mi
worm still, be almwt rllflcd by the
ifter that Icctnred a* Profesaor |
borne. A lew day* idterward tbe farm, j
recapture me. abe pointed
rail I
and Phy.iolot^T in Detr
, er received n.rtice that be was infring- (br iirartwt way to
, ; tog indnlgid
ical College ...
w *1
-tog tbe patrol, controlled by
ntendent of
with me and ea>u
said a«
a. we palled. ‘1
lyoaraj waa3 veara Snjicrtnte'ndent
• tbe agrl- • wav witb
• ,! lamm^ay
cnlntral uicbme making oimc«. and r.^'knu yon on. 'ill bev ter kim tac^
----------------------------------------------------. ,
, . _
hack ]I Tto-tea
talcobe furnish emplcymeni---------Alma_ and Ypailanti
a hill for royalty waa sent to. He paid
^ marry „,p
; m ainp-ia te ventnloqniata or eloco- , Th.t expenence. combined with many |
bc.t biMpitaU
study —
ia “•*
tl *“•*
no Btuuliuu and nrtid nnhallowed Un• in
aufartelliu tolkawe
tolkawe nnabaven't'
nnabaven't tinniaia v?f>o are bitvd, by tbe propn- ' yeara*
the country, and e
wtom tbiTromeaa'anffito.' |
her. ofc
Sul V<;0
wbo tailvd to ukc (>nt pateuia He went ,eiigagid."
langbed bu briUtont Uauner
to a Uwyer. brtwibiog defianow and
^ we ttnd yocr mownuin
waa prepared to prove that tbe devioee
nrerfwerehuowDtovwition. Tbclaw^; -I wish leo'nld tell you. Thetortknew belter about t^ilBcnltiee
a.ntwiuone dl the event, of‘my life.
lory proed to a cam off
,j,^. rtvetneaa
the kind. Where the pal
n,u.by lh.v(.g«,wnto.lrb«
the p.dole from whom 1 aprang
•etiiible advice waa given to pay tbe breaum
tbmr ignorance and >ck of
« of tbeir
but tbe
hole girl (if ^bolicm.bnt
thehttlewirliiftoebol>at atraetto break
y» bad
“ wihu
low ttuuip b" alway*
I faith lnl)ffal *1
my luisuory Yon know
'plirity or to tbe toffuiie barmetoea Ihak ^
,ex|*rienre in tbe far
prfv^ country lifr- Tbe day bfo-r tbe
| bad been ibPTV eix nxmiba
Uwyer bad given him advice to rettle loond (be ^old man known a* Hrnuit
viUi tbe rogsee bo war at tbe ofltoeef
bia old maat* mechanic, asking It* d ^
of tbe tnoaniaui gurgea
Job. He to running an engine a^n ^ brought
tbe aid
It the
ibal camnl bmi to hto
tranquil .v..a
that :^„^,:‘;T«:;ed
lOtive Engtoeertog.
^d. He (vlt toward
s« 1 did toward tbe tgnuiaui liiUe
air Ite. a.
i'.*,uemi«. 1 bad bwngood
wlaeacre toUa tbe world that U m him witboni any aetltob motive, and
......................a weU could
be dog to -*—*■
a depth (rf 46
r ws* well
■' Ibuu he
anxnilm tbe ...
air ..
at tbe
bottom w<^
uouuc«d that--1---------------was bto boy
Jim Tbto
—--------------- be ae -----------—.
--------ai quickailvef.—Amerioas Mm *rae my'prottetiuu. for. dcj-iiv (be fact
jtbal be wa» a tcclnav, B-u wu< known
U» ..J«oj..U..h..b 1«
Bf ing nearly time to plant, we beg to say
we have a full assortment of SEED^TA^ :
kind lhal grow.
variety of cake* mud preaefvva which f^r yearn? Are yon diremuragedTj
arere-rvedwitb vacb enp
cop of dvlwioM. Calland aeena.we will tell you whether t fc, 11 nnii 111 nil 11 111
freafaly made lea
.xmliar core you,w«vriU tcU yonwfaat relief!
buoae _______________
of culerti
to China to tbe dog and cat meal rea-| we can give yoo.
lanrauL This dor. nut mean Uiat bonae-■ ••'Renteber. one mootb vrm_ be ,
bedd pie. are tb.r* br^t «aS^lSTS^
bnt ibai Tabby and Fide are reTvrt ^
^*D!#aU nfflffl D«1M
«> «»w^^
metlmdaof trealmentUaUthifl. >•
KlPh 911(1 K9r9
l« «*»»'
there auwa
are raibcr known
by all tbeacboola, with tbe aid : 2
other food,
r^onve. e.p.viaUy
e.$avia^ if tbe cat or deg
electricity, that moat wonderfnl of
chance to be blabk. and tberrfore more all agents in Paraiyaia. Leas of I^»wer.; j
Dutrltioua. aoxvdiag lopcpnlarnutkaL Rfaeumatiam. and all diaeasea of tbe J
->LippincoU'. Hagaatoa
joervpna ay.ttm- Go aarly. »• mj , ■
IWere The Gems She Wore.”
------ —
Cnatnre* asam Aaaa.
I OiMase*nrwdbr srev.nwaTWtoare '
L. B. Boetick af San Saba. Tex..'
captured Oemfal Santa Anna 61 year*
■go. tonow m btorerenty-eigbtb year. »■“
Ueweni loTvxaa it) 1KS8 and oetttod
iBt »»M< of ear aaaiiartea ea
Atwrin county to KdSfi be enbMfd
pual la iM Ualue ntatretbe T«x*« army and tbe foDowtog y«
aember. vre
■ Remember,
w give a written fuat^
Vrined Gcatral Honrtoo'eaimy After a antee to cure every case of PILES and
ittle. to <
otbw RUPTURE. Alan, vre t- ive a lying4a
Ating ever tbe hospital department It onr Saniiar*
young men. be
itry abont eight mil
milee.frcm oan.p tom. ' Bend for. Joorna'.
when beaaw a Mextoan Manding in (be ’
............................................ —'
tbe wtoad pndm* tff a too « ramfepm
..... «ltt.
And she secured th«m at Very Low Prioe.t. because'
F. A. EARL displayed a’large Hoe of Elegant
Goods in all kinds of——
took Ovar the Laigrei aeoek^p '
nnfr^««-Ko. tes
SenMtloiul Beport Sant Oat Prom WMbin^ton Taatarday
Whio)L Indteataa Prompt Action.
Oraad BapIdA Marek s.—Itlw Piw ^
d to* toUawlar
'Cklearo, Mareb » ~Tb* Joenal willlirinttaiiaUateditioB tok after
naUy wiU aeirt weto podOrdy take
toe UlUal etep toward* ntUar a
cheek apon toe boaUIitlee la Ceba.
The atateaeat u priated aa eoetiac
traa owe high la aatoerity. WedaeeAay to toe day act for toe pteeidenfe
a^tlea. on IberedayAt toe UtceV
“That OengrcM will aotoorice U, aad
to etatod by the JoaraaTs Waehingtoa
withoat debate, to ooadderad eertaia.
,t toe adaalatetra
Now we ksbw why preparation* for
ke tboToagblyoegaicaatof toe tact that
war' weat forward afUr it wa* kaewn
to* Mala* laeideat eoald aot be traood
bat that toe ptWdeat aad bto eabiaet
to Spaatob treaebery.crlUaat be detenod by any feared the
yon keep posted with Uie great vorld at laigey Bead the
"Ii—, W.
Bletntobee reau»*ed by aa
eUrg aad baroleea setbod. Ml«
. $100,000,000.
Weabiagtoa. Match a.-U h laaraed
a eaeelleai aaiboHty that to* adalaEda to aU pepolar Ebaet Xoaie at
tetraUoB i* aecoaatlac a war loaa la half Brie* will be eoDl
New York, toe aBoaat being varloaaly dey* toager.
■toted at troa fioo.ooo.ooo to fWO.OOO.- Float etreet.
•Erery war preeaatioa baa been
The laat aaanaitloa la belag barrietftoablpeaadforUfleaUona.toe or
der* for toe mobOiaatioa of toe Natloa-'
al Oaard are drawa up aad aigaed,
ready at oae Blante'e to'be plaoed ap98 toe wirea The BOMat eeogreae
«rine arsed laterreatibo war will
begia, for that will be a daelaratloa of
Are You Satisfied
With the Present Knowledge,
t k After
Piwidwt to Btod Xmmc* to OoBfTMi This W««k Vbl^ WOl (kU Vor
• Willi tptoB ud U rrMtio«U7 a pMlmte of
War-OfttriaM Said to Hava XtoaUr Saeidad.
toga, aboard of whieli wer* to* dril [
aad BUUa(7 aatoeriU** *ad dlff*i
*oetoU«* wbkb bad be*B wa'tov <«r iTh* OoeefBor to laid to Bar* Ttoed
Bat* for fecial Beaaiea.
toe wanbip'* airtoal.'' The doeki <
crowded by elgfaUoen.. reoketo t
la a dUpatob from D.-troit ycatorday
eeat ap aad flag* and other deeoratiOM aftenraoa. it wae eUtcd npoa reliable
dUpUywl oa eetaolt. pabUe balld
«ew Beoort Being Laid Out by Boa.
•- A WalkeroB tbePeaioenU, With
Oae mie Froatage oa toe Bay.
The property ot Ben. & 8. Walker,!
oa toe FeBiasnla, U one of toe BO*t
eaarailng epou la tbb wkole Oraad
Trarene regiou. There to a Bile aad
a baU froDtaga oa the Webt Bay. 1C
lUeefroB Tfareme City, reec’ied by
oae of toe Boat beacUfol drim orer
•ome of .the beet read* ia toe eonaty.
Mr. Walker to keving one niUr of
tkto frontage platted lato a >.u iiui,rr r^
aort. The lou w<ll be I00ki:.u feet aad
looeted apea tkree aateral terraeca rtolag, ooe above toe other, reoedlag
froB toe abore. Every lot will front
the bay. Tke eaUra plat to
eovered by e aateral growth of UBber,
aad roadk aad aveaaee have been laid
oat te toe beet advaataga The beach
to flae for bathiag aad
The aaBe given toe new reeert to “Bey
Terrace." Nalare be* doe* bar part
weU aad toe Bcomui predicU for tbto
new'reeort'a grant enepiii, A doek
wUl'beaaeeoBliy and aa doobt wHl
be betIL Bey Terrece will.toee
be oa toe direct reate of tke Ttoveree
a^. Petoekey aad Meokiaae line of
■teaBora aa weU e* tkt Bey llae. The
proapeet* are encrllent tor a epoedy
aad Urge sle of lou:'
G. B. ThoBto* of Alden, the well
aowa dvil engloeer. ha* flnitoed a
.tof to* property.
Mareb 7th,
Jnst received in Picture Mouldings—New stjIcB—
Remember we lead in fine work—Bring yonr pictnres to
be framed;
Markham RIoct
Rcfering to
Baking Powders,
a Chemist says;
••AIub to a*ed by
baeane* ft tobtoarboaate
toe eheapaet
rhleb (»
08 aoeoant
aoeoBDt of Ite
li acid reaeUea. will itnniin**ri
of aoda —*
Annual linen
W earoee thooU a*k im Jaei n
jWhite Goods
Wilhelm Bros.
IBicycles Bnilt to Order.
Enimel lour Wheel.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
m. B. HOCLCV. MiSiSSfl
grw* iaat DeoeBber.
After aaaoaaeiag the aUagdi Utea- Xekaa Bo Soeret of toe B^et That
to» of toe preaideat aad tha'tfse af
toBapldlyPieparaetloa decided apoa. The Jenraal**
lag far .^va. Xoi
•peeialaay*: “Beferatoeaaa rtoee on
mdatteg <
e aaothcr SatacOoarae.
toe WMtera
day Boraiag toe tret oaaaoa eboUa a
A eeBi-ofioWeeblagtoa. Mareb
war with Spaia will have beea flred. if lal declaratloa of toe poeeibUity ef war
with Spain ha* been made by a Besahererieto. Atthetii
Such e
appaUlag htatory of Bpeatoh atrodty la
deaeration wa* sad* by Sferelary
Oaba a* ofioWly eoUeeted.
Long of toe aevy deparlBeat. who
and •tteeted by oOeen ef toe govern- eald for pnblkatioa:
BMt will be Utd before the ABerioaa
It tooBly fair to*ay that while the
We predict tbet all good boaaeAB AVTOOBAPH QVXLT
United Staue to not aeeklng wer, aad
to hoping to avert war. the goi
keepera wil! anpply tocIF araate
“With it there wtU probebly be a
meeaage froB toe preeidMt. aoleonly
fnr the eoBlag year daring tbto
for eaything that Bey.happen."
etatiag the feilnre of bto attcBpU to
Oa Taeaday .evening a disa aocial
Seeretery Loag'eat
etep toe Cobin war hy parifle Bkaan; Bade idly er wj|beat ntetbed or pnr- will be gives in toe Metbodtoi eborck
New and anractlve good* at
There are tweqneetieaa at ie- at Ogdeaabargb aad the aotograph
toe refoeal of Spain to eeU tke toianA
ene, or eaoa will be. between Spain and
«blch ha* recently beea Bade
and toe atter and abaelota fnttUty of
the I'aitod SUtea.
''Ui be aactloned off Tke ladlra have
sttoaoBy a* adBiatotored la teba by
Wm Spain proBpUy aad properly prepared e flee prograa and refreeh'
Spaia. Be will refer mngr— te the toeet her reapenalblllty for to* daatrne- Beat* will be eerred. The preoeed*
r bring perpe U
m <H
of we
toe (aaioe,
Maine, m
in caw
eaae the verdict vrill be for the beaeflt of the ehnreh
• ' • Bvlted^ Arraagrfloe* reapoaritrated. aad ha wUl declare it to toe Of oarec^of Inqalry fl
briag Bade by Baay Travbm^o^her? WillSpi
Ipria aooept oar
dnty ef oar.nation'toeUp tbto
ion for toe parpe
parpooe of reator- eroe Qty people to attend, for which
rror dof toe i
there wiU be aapU provlrioa in toe
lagorder taO
by peaoe, if poMlkto; by feroe, if aeeae- ter to aagoOnUoa, er wUl abe go te way of eenveraaeae.
Jbe etateBeat piadr by flecratary
“Tbo preeldaat can etriko flret aad
Long wa* latended to be heard ia
Ifyoowanta bierciv
V bcilt
to flt yo*
eeod toe eoeariar reportt aad hi* Bee0 BtaUeaee to be Bnilt Tbto •ave yoor* ojii.
_ IBcatkB* at
Madrid, aad it will doabtle** be pob-1
ly *h>'i>. aed I gnaraatee to anil yon
aega to coagreas later, bat it to net Itobed In all ton leading 8pa«tob newa-’
wurkmanafeip, aaterial
' .1 a
and price.
ooBridered.Ukely that he wUl p^oeeed paper*. U to toe an*wer of the United
State* to the aiatemrnt that Spaia rha* Fred F. Bongbry os South Union |
la that wey.
eueet. ]u*t oa toe brink of Fernwood I
“Be will aot taelode the dd«trMioB jD*t bought twecrctoenbailt for i
hill.'where there to a Bagnifleant view I
1 by toe Arm
>f toe Malaa He will not refai^ It.
overlooking the city and eniroundiagf
It to eoasider
Bto whele cBorto'wUl be to *how t^l.all SpanUh atoteamaa ahoald realiu that eonetry. Fbe atyle to to be colonial
too world that toe condltioa of to* if tory have any toonght of golag. to reaetoansee. dteigaed by W. A. Dean.
( will give ynn 3 uOnt work in any
Th* fleat atory witl'be flaiabed in eak,'color, tor bv^t bahiDirvnaRirl aad vaF
people epbo the tolaad of Coba warprepared to meet a aatioa that to the aecond
raate biB in proceediag.
will be heated by eteaB end have opea
toorooghly ready for war.
Call aad ere aasplre a
“Sign* of war are aeea oa every
ploBblBg, and wUl he eoapletod about
hood, Tbewreskingapparatn. bring
toe flret of Apgnattowed to Havana we* inlermpted at
Bpaia Rea Booi^t Bewrai Powerfal
«it atill rrBala*.
iioTBbonad. The
Old Ktorioa Xaocabaee Frepuriog te
lioodoa. March S.-F«rtoer iaqmiriea
derrick dmlgaed to ratoe toe ennkea lado oa toe'eabj«t eeafirm toe report
BoUd a Bew BaU.
balk be* never left Boetoa. A
The Old MMoa Maceabee* aad L. p.
cabled yeaterdey of the aele of the two
have been eaberking la larva BBBbete erntoara whieb the AnBatroag* have T. N.Are aeon to have a boae of their
o^ aad iBBber to already bring getbnlldlag her* for Bratll. to Spoil
traoi Havana, aad preparation* a*
tM oat for a coBBOdiOBa and aolteble
- plele aa poaaible have beea Bade for too
t toe Cbilton I
war that to expected to follow, for. be baa beea negoiletlng with
beM decided upon. Ototge HeddralTO TfikS Adf8Bt8g6 Of Olf Sllfi.
offrrte to give them a let white
ft haowB. flpalB wa* appriaed of tbto ptlvo of toe Spanlah govaraBeaV far
Bay be aeorpted.
•to ego. toe aale of toe battleebip O'SIggiaa,
beUi by toe AfBatroag* for (%Ue aad
aad la replv UtioBted that ehe i
^ Ba* Baatew Party.
it to believed toe deal baa been praotaetotV fccM nay 8
UtU* Eflte Oeeha to a bright ymmg
tlcally eoB|deted whereby toto epleaaiaCnba; that abe a
Mtoa who to taaralag Baay naefni In good shape, bat we can enpply
did ararebip peoMd into Sprinb
toiaga la Mtoe Ctompto kindergmnea yoor wants u>r Mmc time to eome.
prepared to reetore poeee on toe Iriand rioa.
It tokaowato* Cklliaa icpreeeata- clam In tke Bcmid^ e^oe V>hfrr-1 and are
er deal eamBartly with any power dtotlve Bane a deflalto offer to Spel^ re- Ycatorday wa* htfr eeveato birthday
petiag her privilege. .
ivereary aad eke gave a irily party
Anxloufl to
ceatly. bat tb* price w*e ooastdered
'Then eaae a propoeal troB Me- too blgk, aad SpaU Bad* a eonntor of to flftoan of ter J< '
Lower our stock.
Binley lavolring (be paicbhto of Caba
It to DOW aadarstoed they have toe terne of kerparenta oa Weteter
atrerl The UtUe folk* ted a happy And are offering
by toe insnrgeala. the United State*
„ eome
Th* ebipt wkieh SpaiahiB ceenred ia time from torea«atU aiz o'eloek. and which yoB will
ill do well
to tnh« a^.
gaarantaeiag the beads Tbto, ee well
France are two bearily arwored ooaat brnidc* tbe.ettjoyBent of ga^ ali
vantage of. A choice stock of
aa every other pceoefol effort Bade by
defeadera which Braxil ordered foraerBak^ Goods always on ban^
toto admietoteatiiB. baa beea received vtoe on the Biw Plette. wbieb have plaeeS'wteretoey woalddo to* moot
and we wonld not have you loee
by toe Spaatob with aa laaaltil« re- been beUding at toe La Seyar worka good.
Many appropriate gift* <
sight of the fact that the
at Bavre.
left arith ^Be. aad her Mead* were
tort.each given a daialy hag of
“Bvery hope aad every daace, of
•PABIWR O&VtSBA ABBIYBD. cake* whan they weat teaa.
ebeeklDg the Cuban war by paae^
ia tke beri, and that it will pay
yon to try a hack if you have never
neaa* be* been exbaantoA There wQl Oreetod Wilh.SatouriaBB at BavaOan TbotBMd Ton* of Xoa
naed it
aa TaeUrday.
te a* ultiBatna. Thm wUl be ao
Oeri Patktoa te* -c
toe toe ftr to* a^tari. i.ooo: toaa
eagottouona. Our oonra* tee b«M
aer AlairaaV Oqaeadn arrived toto woe takaa from Oodar lake aad to •!
mapped end the flaal tottekae wore pat______
itag troB Spain aad rMcTred
toe flaeet gaality, bring rigblate
when aeperial aaeril^ h^rty
from ferry boata aa^ ■ lateee tolte. rimr aad pare.
Oer. 7th and Union StntU.
Diamond J.—10c
Or the Traverse Belle..6c.
. w. J.A^T9^T3rS,
■'‘i^usarg wvm:
liAbrador Herring,
Smoked Herring,.
HoUftnd Herring,
K. K K. KorwegiAn Herring.
Whltefleh, •
Calilbrnis Salmon,
Baaelan Sardines,
Cromarty Bloatera,
Smoked Hallbnt.
Boneleee Oodflah,
nnnan Haddlea,
Korwey Spleed Sardine*,
Gorton Flab Cake*.
Boutb Bide Otm.
Wbat voold you think of a lavyer who tried taeecore dieots by
offering chances on a bicyckT
Would rou W.UI th, •micetcir, ph,,icUn who olonjlogir*
coui hod. or wifu pillow, to p.ti,nl, who raploy^i him rognloriT?
We think not. We beliwe also that when sicknes comes aad
toe hare prebcriptioi to be filled, or need any other aid that the
skilled pharmacist can render yea want perfect eerrice at a ^ price
—*~id nothing elae
We can give aaob aeiTiee. We beUeve dmggista that are coo.
«aa.liou, .hout quulity meprrtl, mim to b, « orefol .boot poem
IP. ~W. EZ-AJSra,
Tiur.tw. CSIj.
3W Union St, Oornor of 7th.
and Ribbons.
AU qoftUtieB, widths ead piioes.
244 Front 8t
Broach Block.
ns MOBsnra bxoobd.
•Ik* PMpte% KnkM.'
ahMMUU mmi
■arkM «* rmt Mrwt t* PbMt B«^
MIOBtOAir Md dAM 8«m«Ak. boU •< KmfiTt.
Tke MTk«t will kMAfMr ba kw>w>
M ''Tb* PMfle'a Mafkal" sad th» mw
boU food »«•
ttB*. T. E*tW AJID t. W. Ha—mi. b—1— wilt bl at—d l« •— tlM <dd' ** l***^
^ IM -------- - —I
in uohtniha
Bicycles Snaieled tt Fnnt St Cycle forks
5“3SSi?“— _ IS
^ .Ml Ik. MM.
baliK dbo*. —d tb« eoe-
I^m $1.60 up to $2 50
Urn print taeter ia6t-
e; iiui”'--
tba iwt^i^
ui ~i.
btm ^IttortSTMt tiriMj td temt of
«. W. Bann. Bdltor wd Mi—c«r- M—da
•npbad tran Oaie to tiaie. by proper
LoMltmA Iwd ■ nod
Rood UiM
UIM otto
ot k bn.'
dmoke-eahea^e the n^^^for dtaatioM la ble appaiataa Ltfhtniaf
abeeaotnc(on.bi—eiaiM)wataine*.«|a- •—orally it dlr^ lato dre aaia
Satonlar BiRbu. aad U—a wa* rlawee, Tba drat clae
dw^i ■ore to be wimetblDc aoliif oo n«, this, efaarply dedoed, lu
thm. altboocbDoawioBeWooblehadr*- iiMwbieb may hare crifflao^
Mn. Ril«t 8w—n hM ROM «e Mu- eolied op lo data
Inf— far 1 taw w—W viilL
M. C Water. — lUora^ &t M—aa------- ,___,jDtot.*oinealli«ed aharp
A la (be
traetke oo the pwt of tbow lowaid Uad*• often o< .^an ioteoa* reddiib
W. L. n—eb e( Boat J—daa ar— la «Ua who wwe acemml of oomafoff tb# tiaga and atnetiiMabl— or rlolet
taws }ra*laida7 lad ataipad M . Park w—eootnetcd for (artber opUnmoiiD- Enaland and Amerba 1(4$ apokcu <
lifhnilag." b« {nperly U le
a at (Ac tauAe* at Tiaiaia* OMr, PlAoa.
DDt>oT.iiBiHiU-U*lk7.wbobMiMl>olDioic tanned-aboet Ili^tniag." The third
Led Paaalaft— w—t to M—tea ooairaOU for bUetlOK a roadbed oot of the
jaatarday t* bdd a tanperaBoa mttf' ^*4 rnrk on’tbf' rideof old Sn*ar Loaf. _
It ap—ka wall tor tba dm b—ia —
O’Maller. who hMl the upper Nnouon.
Wbleb tb*
They will aot coni yon any morePnt. C. B. Bo— dallrerad hb'latarare dooriabiaf. that the paaRiblllUea'af (dUaf laelore.-Maaeiaaodthe North for bliD Uooovnn dental the charfe eed r**“jT * ■
thgn tbe cheap mnd* sp article. W»
aoaptal the'deolal «rhb noine bUobr reOeo- fourth farm of
aerie— troabla with Spaia ha— not atUon. OD O llalley-* fNTaooal charaoler.
____ __
Pole," at Lake Aaa 1’ iday alfbL •
pair of shoe* trt irII
daetad the aitaatlon la the la—t. Tb*
Ura. M. M. Keltb breretonied fix— aataeedeata and nneral oharacteHeBea enrface of OBRain elosda. whiob diee
to be — rtpreiented, and if apy.of
. nsuel "r<Hi4" wub aweyefter
>od« r*p*rt that while
------ _i few niinniee, —iy to be
Kalaaiaaoo. where .^h* waa eaUed oa
tbe pnrtoT aecbinnelrwl renewed again after a abort int-raL
aloeha are ladaeaerd by ranom of
ooat you on* ombC^
aecooat of tb* Ulaeaa of her father.
tocxlerrumale tbeoUucat tboflmKohd The
The fifth
flfth^-n. of
of ligbining
U that playthe Tolen* of bnalaraa la napreeadeotto 6x them up: ' Prmak H. Park* weat t* Gr—d Bap^
tag betwe— th* $artb
' and tba olood et
ad aad ^^oaea *K—f aad pceaeata
are 12c,
tb,rrr|iin«iorwlrt«l.fortbeT-emlntb «b-•*»4 «I»*f«iBUig abortarol-BO
todieatlo— at o—tlaaad aubillty aad
attand the waidinc of
eowardswben U mine to a sure eooogb in actire emptioo. Still anotharfera
iPo, 29c. 32c. 41c. Bwt grad* Bo*tOD
The arport
a peaeeable eoooRb of ligbta^ diecbarRe Is (be aurocal
or-Gondyear make.
the p—t math hu b—a <
<^G. Tamer r*tam*d ya*t*rd*y from
If tbeyeboBid
* ‘BiMtlMf Of tb* pard— board. H*
r thing ^p- totb*
Ht*.Ttoraar who
»tba EcooRD'a pe- waa acoampaaidd
10 had
Kunell e dire for ble u
■itioo that tba Dioflay tariff of t» baa be—'ViaitUr in O^aao.
Misi Pearl Tackabcrry
a—te a boehel on poutoae haa beea a
Ceok early tn tbe ereoli
direct bancdt to tba fannen of the reatarday ft—i Ctolcnfo, wbar* ah* o^cieek be was preny druuk and ugly.
Tbe U>.rs Rol btm rwrted on O'Uaney
Orand T—T^r— rafion. but triea to atodlad tb* epriag BlUinaty *tyl«a
dodge the lea— by tb* arfaiMBt that Mto* Cr—la wUl be bare *ert weak to: and (*gid btai OD udtil bh wa* rodbeaded.
Bo ki-pt OD gettlna miiddiT aod dmoeer.
ih* Ohio farner* dertred no benedt be- taka bar old poaHio* an trimmar.
tbn-NU-Dlng fab enctiiy wjib all kinda of
136 Front Street.
X^aotl-oal ah.fxwi sa.-r-.
—e of a abort erop wbleb foreed
auildm dcalbf If ll were rs-er hb gund
luck to run tbreuward tnioacomar where
tbam to boy. 4f tb* Ohio ttrmtr or
be would hare (u >o>nd ani L^hV JuM
anyatber fanner baa no potatoaa to
at ibb JoiMiure tbr ilwr opruod and to
. aalL tb—. —tnrally, he aaa dari— -no
welkid O'UellFy.caicblou UoDoran-r bit
Airaet baaefit from the Uriff — pota- Be*. 3. A. Braktr. panar.
Wunb. Tbe buys won- pretty tadly frtghl
II theo otauer
PraaeklBf at 10;3(Tb. b. and 7 p.
aod Uu^ it orer.
Claaa Baetinf at e:30 a. at.
Bow da Senator Taller and'hia fraaSunday a^oot atolo—of tb* m
ad—r aaaoeiat— wbo bar* be— dey no aUrnlhiD lohls drunken tea.
it the boad* of tba Caltad Incaarrioa.
uptoibebarandmlled tor bb
Jaulor InaRue at 3:$0 p. b.
Mahall be deelared'payahle la aUpoliwn. ibrwel of the crowd yuawdhiB.
Epworth L—Rae at S:45 p. m.
and Um drink* Urenn to go down in a
. J-Ufy tbeaaalr-la tb* llfbt of
ka^jaet id Berain(.aani—^ -Tba
$he fact that tte Maaima Roraram—t.
Cbriaiiaa'e Work Kewarded," and in aewMed utblird t t Kurwll, wbo kept 1
whoa* daaad^ matbod* they prof*—
the *T*nlar= ••Eternity.'’ Thl* wiU be WBlrhfol rye oo Ibr ertimU aod stood done
ll ot -the ber by tbe bnip. ru tlust
daaoBoeb adBlra. Ja J-t ananfiaf ^ clUaaxoftb*
be oooki donee the ll^t lo eaee of (rouble
Badleae PoBlakBeat.'' Ut O'Malley lumcd cuddenly,
Thnraday crenng ptayar B—ling at fhciriK Donuren. end U—D la a maetof.
aggrataUog Uianner:
UowaruyiHi. MIrtbvr ItoDoranr"
SntartalBed by Karfarat Landan.
-Rad lock t
Bm- CberiM T. aioBl. Bww.
•'What tb* derll do j
Mtaa Marrarat U
March 11 uul lU
a few of her fii—da at her boB* aei ttamr Bonidnee Aw nad WuUsloe str««
Beat E^btb atreet I—t ar—lag.
MoraingaerrieeandaermoB atSoeW
I. followed by Uie h
M* paa* a rary pleaaant er—Ibr.
Sunday *^1 aad BibU elaa* at ».
Be—lag arrrlea —d aertnoa at 7.
.._4tolrlby w— th* lackya— la dediaf
the Boat of the bidden pcanuta aeai
AU are oordlalJy iaritad to tkaae eartarad arouijd th* rooB aad raealrad a Tie**
HiDded III
Baltimor* Stock Baerired Tbrar Tim- a Weak.
AliDwt before lbe.Ar*t ebo* eoUDded
lerely allrer aovrealr.
Count*. 40c per quart
Sniiike KuwlI hod pot out the light, and
km. D. CerkUe. PMtw.
(here was agenml Ncraiubbof dudodw
bannoa at 10:30 a. m. on, -A whit* baiaois 10 grt uu’ ot the line iif fire. Tbe
___ Mrata
■*gu.u(« PMca.
• routmetor* kept on flrtiiDg near Pork per bbl.
Jabs Barry yaRterday'bBlehad fct Ufa.213 Front St
Uiitll taefa bad 11 1 uS the Use rouodn In : Clear Pork per B>...
Muaic by tka Qua— City Quartat.
tone la fOOtomoiflneioefroB Oadar
AfliT a deed aik-ncB of abuul fit* ' Short Cot Pork____
Sunday ecboal at 11:50 a k. L—
Lake for the warabona«of the ‘narerae
Pork pel
A Maw Train
-Jaaua—d thetSabbatk.” Mart lI:H>-3a. pTuof undwUM-ooumrraod rein (be UtO|
Oty Flab Ca.
jr. H L..................................
Tkto U a rary iapvtant leaaou.
A« NMD a« Uonovan bad fired hi*
Eye Flour. U L. A Go. B-t....
The (tomaU— Club i—t wkb Mr*.
Junior Chriatiau Eadearar a—iaty at abitberaabwloDt of tlIbrabantrtogetbist___
L A Co.
A. J. Bradehawand Mra. L..C. Deabvrw. Ho waa »
ity^dmnk^ but I Feed. B. L. A Co. B«*L
S p. b:
mend Friday erenlaf altba boat* of
Young Peopled Sorter af.CbrisUaB
Mr*. DrMoond.
n dead failur—I
is 1ft
l(t They
Ttoey do not,
la- tag- syery Saturday th^ft^~ aaUI
Ml Why ll
ai^5!4s p. a. ,
r Lradrillii.
* exmi— tba i
, tb* -aa in-; farther noMee. the Orand BapM*
Th* eloeniiou pupils of Mra J. B.
Sunday er—lag goepel aerrlee at 7
,, gcuuity. tbe —me stratag—a. the oom- i Indian wiU ruaa train I—ring'MacUMarti* gar* a plearaat redtal at her
i new City Id the aflrraaoa arriring at
« last nighawbieb wee rajoyed ■Oraet
another with a hearty .-HolyoilDtal FIrekbi
GrandI IEapM* about 10:45 p m. Th*
le they do In worldly lingi; r
Bher of ibrUod fnesta
< aiplhal
lattheeloeaof arery aarriee, Ir.T. ai>d arrry Ian oo* ol
40 they wool'
Th* Portia Qub will meet with Mra. jpnrtieularly the atnnger who may he biartr”
W are many
who hare as amgaat:
L. A. Dean at« p B. Monday. Each
way with tban. although they may 1**.^
aaCBbar 1* reqaeated t* giro a qaota' •
In lb»
lirtdgeaerdHlheArk*..’ bar* a patrmiiAing
$i— troB the play. Mia Bpebanu Ber. a. a. Bar. PaMor.
They aU to a , ruary STtb.
on the
- ■"7**a rirrr. ao that It waa jaat breaking day
:»»o. ruunlug
» -___ _______
eorr duai.of the worid in a niastXT which
Kn. 5. For time card* or fmlaad^
Tkar* will,be aarrieea today, is tie wtM-n he polled up 1
In LtadTilb
for^uW apply to O. B. A 1.
Mra J. B. Martin iwtnmed yaeterday Eaal State atraat aebool bouae, at lfi:30 tonuhe
O'tUlley abouMl -rrral llmet, until
IB where ahe gare a. m. in.Kngllabaadat 7J0 p.
ilDNlly Bt> upper wleitow w— rghad aiMl a
C L. Lockwood.
a aoeceekfal estertalnaeat for the b—• Norwegian.
btuhy heed stock out uT It.
ll Pbaaeager and Ticket Ag—t.
"Hello. O Mallcyr' cried tb* sbSrtR.
Grand Baptd*. Mlsh.
ati of the Baptiat obureh at that place
ELLIS, 311 Front St, East.
Ask For Onr Custom Made Shoes
Made Esp^ially To Our Order.
Spring Flowers
Spring Ribbons
lat^t Sbles and Npiddes is liDinei;Beautiful Display
Friday and Saturday,
Reteber's Ofster Depot ut Restaimt
: :as.rJ
Bible aehooi at «:C5 a. b.
MaioolB Wjnnle 1* preparing aereral
Parentt eoaea—d bring your ^IP
oar lead* of potato** for the BnSalo
market, which wQlI he ehlpoed
thU Area for Oad'a ward will be a lamp
yoor faetandnllght unto your
weA. There wUl b* aearly t.OOO heehal* and bis eon UaloolB will go with
Heraing aerTlee. 11 a. b.
-Come let ■» woruhlp the Lard la
Y—Urday Ma—far Barry of tbc talephoB* ezBhaoge. talkod with Boatoa aplrilaod la truth.”
Juawr )SBde*ror 3 p. b.
orrr the long diataaoa Una rta ChiV—ay People-a Sodet.v of ChriaUan
cafo. The Jipe wwke parfrctly that
Eadearor at 5:45 p. a.
dlaUBoe, wMeb la about ISOO mile*.
Brealng aerrlee 7 p. m.
A large party at yonaf pmpla —•
meeting Wedneaday
Joyed a elelgbrld* to Loof Lake Ual at 7 p at.
wr—ing. where a mlealonary Beeling /All are eordlaUy ierlted to thaa* earwbeld. followed hy a taffy pull aad
good aoelal time.
-On .Woaday nlgbl the ml—trel abow, Brr.nSabbrrr. Putor. '
i—ently giren In Mie City Opera *80—*
■tlen^m k
for the beorfit of tbr Huetlere,
•Sunday aebpol, I*.
repeated at tbe atyluin for
'or tl^
mentoftbapatieuts. "[rmb^twoLtli
o be at Ifa
Ail are weleoBe.
troupe are
t*urh*B Acadray at r, p. a. *har|h to
A oordlal InritaU— ia egt—dad to
take «—rejaae** for the aaytain.
30' ataad at bringing (bam in—Dr. Tal-
Tbe Board of Bda—tkw will aell tb*
Baat MUU atreet acbeol property, eon- *
aiatihg of Itta 7« aad ». block E. Han
.that 1—ts me all bolU-r. Hay.
nah. lay A Oa ** Ttb addltka. tog—her .
"KM- MeOy K-wcki O— Kertry.
| WiU tbebuUdlp--*-----hurt him much, do yon ibluk!’’
Y- P^^!***
Hot STwlnca. Arh-. Match A—*'Rt<r —le for proo. jdug
•Hurt ’tul" escUlnud.O'Malley IndIg*
,mi<k>n middleweight pugll
Doea It bon a luao lo bare fit*
Chicago. Ma?ch 5.—Wh—t—March. MeCoy, chami<k>n
' .w'orld. met and defeated Nl
bbllids In.bla heart, do you tfalnk V
tl.oiH: May, $I059(:' July. WK I of (be-w‘orld.
citr qtrk.
Burl-y: of Callffiml*. Hi
-•'I reckon It do. Mr O'Mtllty. Now.
T. 87»*c: December, «7
what do yoo want
wnpt me to dot"
k yeaterday. The Call.—
«Vc: May. 30S.«h
^-1 wantyoiTiak* ine'to jaU for killing
Den’tgo wiUoota Latter B—Plat*
round. Be war 'dead eaaT' I
"Now. I'll mil
on yoor hou— wh— y— cm' buy the—
A few mer* ie(t.
you jurt
dee* 40 alot> t
sell Vo
G*o. W. Baft.
'ou'It Ui.d IkiBoian tbete. Begot tAttk
all tbe-aame.
here abiiut two liui
ago wad gave
>g yon Jupt go around
firand Rapida. March 5—Wh—L «c.
among rouraelvoa wbleb
AM Facial Blamtoh— rrtnorad hy an
of yoo 1« deed, nod I'll i
effeetle* and bqrale- method. Mland arms the other one
Uadlgy at I'ark n*M I* tntraducing,
Xlaetrioal »a^ w—k
’! di— aea Ml— Hadley at Park Plso*.
found Don..«wn What I
‘Tf known up th
that tbe Twr> -uji-o aftr
M—d« and finally bacaii .
fact nootwowrm tu dUpute
Comiuerclal Tribune ,
ewBtlB* Oat" AtagHw.
dren Irani all -thowe "aouatlng out” jlaM(wt uf tbnu are abaolutely B—Byet 1
Tb—(rioai Mow*.
The Courtenay Morgan coapany
tateUlg'lbta .
I an old. oil
Moraing aarriee. 10:30 a. n
rdaard a aacceaaful wegk't aagagrmeat
. . last wrak _______from lioataa,
and ahe played gamra with a granddaoRhGoepel aarrloe. 7 p. a.
lor frum lUikuiA abd aDoUar from atiueYouag p—pie's aerrlee. 5:45 p. m.
Wbwre lo thu rautli and a bcQ: of WaaUng.
Bible aeboalk erery Saaday at etanreh tOB ebtWrcD >Ach player uhU ber turn
w^blcb « I filled with 1
laagbter-proToklBg altuatlooa
Tbe at 11:45 a. a.. Oak Park Chapel 3 p. m.
hooae waa filled oompletely. Ia the
Witneaalag and pruyer aarrioa —
logtan IllUe folk <m-. and ll waa known
afternoonAbout 500 eblldr— enjoyad j Tharaday c*eninga at 7:30 a’eloek.
to *U tbe ehlldrL'n thera Nobody bad
theeuaedy, “Wanlrd. a Wife" The . A warm weleome for r—■
karortl it. hut ei<-ryb>Kly knew It. I wimAsr ^b—e it origlnabal and what It iticaot
—Bi*ay hare glrea a a*riea-''»f goad |
aaemtb urrHODiar.
tbaflral plare.—Waablngton Post
in.euta for the low prieea Bf’.IL AR—ieh.Pa«or.
% Claaa Beettagat 10 m m.
Praachl^ at 10:30 a. a.
It for a drawfug of a
Sttaday aebool at U m..
•rtbal—t p
t-JO p. m.
tbe pria* r • awarded to Mr*. Chaa.
Epworth League at 3:46 p m. ■
ko bald tbe laeky numbar.
Thnraday Rtiwltfg a—ri- at rm
and make yon a price on
yon are aura ttf getting
lalte R—ited for Tour Hoki.
Onr ent price sale la on raUatiile and wall known make
of skoea only. They raqnira
no rooommand.
fI cu nn to JM feM IS to 80 ^ Mit. a mtf Aw tt td( fit flit, lUt. SUt, UN. tl.Sj| tut, UM m H.M
Th»01dB«UaUa8bo«mAiL Whom Othsrs Follow. 118 ftMA Sk. WnntoBfg Blk.
1 its HOT YEI Know.
mJi. *« th*«oan bu r«t bw« Mr
tMtImMr VUA «ro«ia MsbU It u ^
that eoset bad baas neeirad frees a
that Uw Main* vm
brae and influential elemeat ta Caa>
Wa«n s» froBVCXUniat caubci I am ib«
ada. Adloamed to Monday,
I meat aiataltfta bulb in the world. Bo*
' for* tb« oomln*
oonlnr IUaa-bm
bm aeBKOBB «J»
idinrartvilese ms ast oat
4N»int Board of Inquiry Hae Net «rer it-mar Borarc aurb ovidcoc*. and In a Cbm Similar to That in |j> the aecuap as follows: Thst Canada
or lJl.Barl> of Fiople >sil QiU Bite of Hnn FRan |
poBalMr.Bbd the -----------blnetnr up waa Iblei
ahaU nmaent to apd allow the enur tree
Which Cev. Mount, of in*
tional. It will tern from tbe dlven
<d d«ty of all ralnets' ouUls aad a adpHorror's CauM.
AH Orar The 8tata
tbe eetnal coaditloa of the ahlp after
diana,Was Boatan.
ply of provisions and riothln*. ihs •
tbe exploa’oB. as It has already leenied
whole not eaceedlnc In quantity IJSS
Crom the survivors must of the detaib
____ __
____ rttuen of Ue Dnitad
for each
of Uc ships eono:tlon before Ue e*- BIHER’S DEATH TO ES AVEIOH States
proposlna to eonse In mlirtnr
lies pr^mslDa
lUrk BorwtU »BF tojra eiaUa I tba>tka« a aaipbar ofyaan.
lAe*. thoronehtv
.. n.......
British i-olumblB or the Norlhsest
owMf^ of XbaoUaatTloltai la UU aatUad tbare ia iSOW ba waa IWiac witk
' Te.rUory: that Canada ehall remove all
eart of ibaoomttT. asya Ua AIpeM Us aaooad «rUa aad a family of Ulr- vaua Sa I -|-r-| Cp la the Wbmm ate P”’ tbeorellral te«lmenr and then irTa*eei*ai.*« u ta# i
, unequal muiriiona
** mm*s w
...... .. _
. ... .... ____ . reach a eerd
' .1
Ilcenits t
1 cltlxene of tbe
FM-aloaoUaMMold waotW
la Ua aacllar
This sutement can be taken aa more
bwW bwofaMdlfbaa Vaaa haar daya Bock waa a Bareal^
w.»rthy uf rvlUnee than that of the
operate In Brllfsta Columbia ur the
iof »B Ua waUa of bis clear atora. sad aiar a waforibx carryiaf WO poaada
Maine oOlrer whq said the other day he
• Own. Cesaaiy. and <
Northwe«t Territory.
believed tbe court «ai_l.ound gb erlaf loar orer fo^ mllsd oa bia baek.
Also that flsblnx vessela of tbe United
dtnee alieady beard f^flnd~the cauae
Blairs havltts authority under tbe lawa
tboaek be bad to break bU own jatb
of the rxplorton exlfrnal. .i. voPTra TkI. Mareb &—It s
of the United Btaies to touch aad itade
tbraaffb deop anew. Upon bU arrisal
Tstlsm IB also at tVisner with the
" “*011X1011, March t-Tb.?
at My
ce porta, phee o? lOacea. la
opinion of many «thT^^^na^al afllrwre rveterday,psld more stteoUon
ba aat tba barrel down aad daaead' a
• u— gf
llraly Jif. Ua ofieo earriad a criat .to Ury Look and Admiral BIcard that tbe here, especially thoBs ofTbe younitvr case uf tbe butchery of PostoissUr Ba•rivllece of enterinfsacb
plai or fdaces for Ue
mill at loaia, 00 mUea away.
court of Joqalry U unabb to Ax even of raoft of the Maine survivors that than any other aubject. aad It t
of purchasinx bait and aU b
tie dair for tbe eonclualon thvir ship a-as Intentionally blown up ddrd to Increase tbexoveminenl reward BupplieB and notnta In the mma b
Osorpw Avb and Patrick Barry of of Its tnyeetlrsUoe Into the
and under Ue home rrrubllont as
for the voplorc of the mlBcreanu who
Saalt 8u Maris'kad a frlrktfal caper- the Maine, Rharin* the yeneral anamay exist thetefn appllrable to trwfllnx
did th^d>-ed to tl.huo ID each a
• to Take as
c informaltoD. on this point
leaos with tbs Ute blissaiJ. Tftey
the case was presented by I'ost- veefelB of the most favored notions and
Ks*y TuSml* AI
Imnc yesterday, ai tbe Inmaster Ueneral Uory. Md tbe action ■>t tranr-shlpplnx their cuicb to bo
started from Oetoor
• tbs ice to '
Madrid. March i.^rommeni!nx oa the taken by Ue eablneC iRtbe offeiinx of . transported In bond tbrouxh aald Ils>
iUe.aUtanl ket th.U.
»«*t • teleSTSin
Tbsssa1oD.‘ :s : iHmaistanl
bat their
Admiral BIcaid askinc him w hen It ruiiior* of PtvaJdvnt McKinley's proJ<-ct rewards Tor the appn-hensluD and cun- minion wlthrat payment of duties In
the same manner aa other merrfaandte
slelfb esapbt la a larpe crack aad they
, to purHisse cubs. Ei Nad;nsl. In i.uar.
^ viclion of tbe ffiillly perwuns Is said to desuned for the United SUtes mair te
decided to leave tbe alsirb aad ride
' Uclv under tbe enpHun 'The Best Bolube ibe must enefxvUc sver axreed upon thus lransp>ysed.
,hloo of the Cuban Frub>m. " exclaims;
boms on horseback. They teat tbeir
by My admlBlslraiiun In a mmllar ease.
Waahinxton. March L—Two more apI
bearinffs and trandered about till they
It Is probable chat the pustofflee de pmpri«tl-in bills were sent to tbe pre*. {.nnvxatiun uf Cula r« the UnIteABiaics partment
Prof. BobbaM baa a aaw aebema for foaad a small llybUouse. into wbl.-h
w in 'detail other Inspectors to Ident y.«terUsy-the pension bill and
b) acreefnrn\ with diioin. un cond<llun
glTlac ebildroa la remote paru of tbe they crawled. Avb's lers aad' arms
thuss now on the field in ferretlnx the cnnsular and diplomatic, both of
that tbe I'nilcd auies redeem Us from aas.Bi
aoaaty, oeU^ol adrutarea, aaya tbe wars ao badly frosen that be mild
the Iniular debt. Isvoricx us durinx a out the ratfrdervrs. and the Urye which went throuch their Anal staxe te
Msmomtaea Herald.
In aome eases scarcely mevs aad be carried wood to
eertpltt pen«d by a tariff von ess on and amount of reward offered. It Is tbouxbt. the house. It was private bill day. Tbs
win Induce private detectives to work fnnsl .ifcponant'action token waa ao
XUXiunle*. ondcr a powerful authority on
tb^ are tram three to slfbl ebUdreo 131# small stove iasids by bb taeU. A
Ue case.
quleseore In an nxreemsnt to make tbe
a respi-cied flax, the lives and prop
^ a aaiebborbaoa who are denied small bat of oataiaal, mUd raw. saved
, blU .approprlallnx about I1.2WMI for
erty of fipaolards nrl^enl of t'utmr Be
It IS said that Attorney Oenerai yrar rblma approved by the court of
/sebobllar beeaoae there era hot eaoarb tbs pair from stArrlap. Par six days
hold a eniutpin of tlw p-'>i>>m which
(^Ims under tbs provlslona of the Bow.
/ »a warraat tba boUdlnr of a aehool and alrbta Uey aaffered Us panes of
would win popular syrnimthy, pmeurin.; Gtixxs holds to the opli
the bett termination of any foreseen or fedirul xoverumeDl wui have Jurlsdlc- man act a spertol order for next F«.
boaaa aad tbe blrlaff of a teacher. In tbs damned, and Barry wm about U
Uon over the murderetw when captured | day. TM rblms curried by the bill
present beari-liu.nAX* of the nailun."
aaeb eatee bia plaaliito artaafe to eon- set flrs to Us'baUdlacfor a bmoon.
they are flrat taken by the state I nre for sVqrex and aup|>I|es aelaed dur*
El NnclonsI arxues that •Amerlfan' unless
aulburlUes. Baker. It Is said.' was m , Inx the war in the ooutbera stetss. Only
rey tboae ebltdran to tbe aeareatachool wbea' balw cams
InUrvcDUon already exUlB In lie BUtv ir officer
BoU mssi wmw;
of the yuvernment In the dla- two prfvaic bills was passed ycstsrdj^.
baaaeaadUiDsriTctha “yonay ld«m«’- takes to ‘I’keaaaloa. to feeble that
voKT JtryxaBos. par tuarunaa
Amertcan WfrshlpB ha»-e vtmveyed lo
ebarce of his duty Md tbe attack on I At the nlxht session thirty-two p
a ebaaee to obtain aa adooaUon. Tbe neiUer could apeak, aad Avb dbd-TSs wu probable that the report uf the Uc pBeiacoB.>urmerly Bialn's en-mlea" him wosslmllar tOMSUack on adepu- bills and nine reUef bills were t
court would be mede and bte last ntxht It says: "Arlnerica wili.vi'minve to toe- U- marshal or other uffirtoL Posti
plan ia workinr all riphtand U prorinc n«l4ay.
smonx them wwe one te pension Jos.
^ ^
the followtax reply was -received from tor the rebelUon: Md If f-'iialB doe* not General Osiy expreusce the dciennlna- B. Itawllns, a sou of Oenerai John A.
Um ezpeaaire than tbe bnildinp of
Key West; '-Have talked wlU tbe And means lu suppress the Ineur ecllon tion to do everytbiax In bis power to Rswllna, at the rate of MO per month.
ebsM ac'.ool boildlaga aad amployinp
Uwb Martin of Fowler, kss in kb prusldent of the court of Inquiry and .the parlftc tnicrtneddlinxs of the United nscmoln the IdenUty of tb* xullty par Ur Itew-lins suffers from epilepay sad
a cibmp taacber ia tboae apanoly aci- posstasioa a steelyard and pair of firs pxree with' him Uat It Is uot yet pos State* will snun beeum* armed Inter- ties. iB response to inquiries be amde U Incapable of sMntnx a Uvetlbood.
TCDtion. In which event it win be worth
tonpa whbb cams over in Us May' sible to fix a date for the flndlnx: as ao while to recdllatc a* to the l-cBt reesns puUlv the foUowInc statement In. re- Adjourned to Monday.
flower. Mr. Martin aays Ue ataelyaixb much depends upon the proxress of tbs to protect tbe lives ud property of resi- xsrd to tbe case. "The dv|«nment ta
In pevsefsion of a preliminary report
Cbariee BlatAmap of Mllaa, tbranph wars In irraatAeumnd for tbe weUrblof divers and wreckers aad the tesulls dsnta in Cubs who are loysi to Spain.
-nailleal autonomy ur Independence from Its repreuenteUvea In rexard to
wboae bamo niaa tbe Moaitm aad inf baWea. and be baa beard bb par- they obtain. Every effort la belnk made
this sad troxedy. from w'blcb a few
to advance tbe Inquiry. The court re
Waabtenaw county line, aad who TOtaa aaU say Uai atno^ Ucse who turns to Havana by the Manxruve tbb will tnensce Bpa:n. sacrIBie tbe lives details may be flven. Tbe s> Idow of the
WaahlnxtodT March L-Tbe ctvO eerand property of Wysl Cui
r has-been iPter- rlcv commlsoalon bos prepared fpr eabU WaabtaDaw baoaaae bte -waablap b were ‘wstebad wiU Uem wars Ua svenlnx. barlrdt abuut Anlahed tbe 1nii debt smountinx
r story In brief is atxmt mlaslon to conyrees *ome Information
daaa aa tba Waabiaaaw alde.of tba Ut« prssldaai and Noab Webster, VMUcaiJon at Key West. Blcurd.*'
ns folh-sa:
RMck. Osl Ite. Bpeelal etortos.
hoaae. b ontdoao by Mr. Beadley of tbeae rblies were exhibited at Us midas tu the effect of tbe ecsetmeet tato
.dmlral Sicard's mrtaaxe li rexarded
irairfleld. aecordlar to a tmaawaeeona- wintar fair at tea Franebco. Mr. Mar
*^cy W'rre awakened wome time Ir. law- of the Evans bill now pendlax In
j»rlB that
tbr eerly mominx by the xmell of Bn the house. This bin remove* from Ue
ty paper. The lattcr’a bonae baiinalad tin also has ao old raxor wlU a bbtory the court has as yet ubulned poslUvt | care-before everythli
upeteilun of the law.oil poriciona bow
iatwoautaa.' twoconate and Urea daUnr bate befora IMS. and * «lote or concluslw Ihformailon besrlnx npon elxniy. ohuse SRuenw Mother tan ai>J smoke. Md upon rislnx foirad that In Ibe cloaslfled service below the tM*
Jbr h.use was-In flxmeo. Baker attbs
tpwaabipa. He aaU in <me town, mya that baa been ia Ue family ainca 177S,
and shove the n.m«Twde. bexldaa «mtoken to mean that upon the testimony autonomy wfU i.rwduUe anarchy In fUed ti ^led to extlnxulsh tbe fire, but tooo Ittnx Its appllcsucn In other reepecto.
prayan to anoUer. and in a Ulrd aad sUn keeps food tlma
diBravir.-d that this would 1w lmi«>s*lor dlocoverles of the divert will depend colony and lead to the ext^lnaUon of Mc.
Hr then told bis wife that he would Aecordinx to the commission there os*
the flndlnx. the examination of the o«l- everytbl'ox Spanish and the ruination xe -u>
ikr door and call for help. As now US poalofllre* In tbe claaalfled
*«ata. TWe atate line paoscs Urouffb
Dnrinf tbe put WMk many of onr oers and crew of the ship havlnx been I of the Bpanbh exchequer *•
oora as be opened the d.mr (he firtax »ervl<v. with H.ooo employea. CM of
with IS.flOh emplOyea, w^ld be
AM bndraom. Mm. Uetele; alae^ U cllUens have been made palnfolly Insufllrlenl to enable the «urt
BUSiaZSS HAS A SOSSATS ETTH bexM and a storm nf bullets siruek the w-bW-h,
form an Ides os b what lint
' Ohio, while Mr. Beadl^, b; a narrow awara of Ue fact Uat tbs homes which
door and bouse. Mrs. Baker nld that wlihdraxrn If the 'bill were passed. Tbe
her bt>m>«Bd then fell un hi* knees and numbtv of custom houses tbe ferce In
ma^ik, uoru* la Hlebifit*.
Uey Imsriocd Uey owned fras of all wreck itself. While the tricemm was
prayed for protedlon. The heat and which 1* n. w Has(tlfled would be rvincumbrances arc claimed on ux tlUcs naturally sotnew-hat of a disappoinidunsl
ICC to C.
smoke b-esme ao unbearable at lenxtb
ment In Icavlnx the termination of the
The eterph yrs cf the fonnwrinx-namefl
When Ue Marlette Leader paid ('red by sharks at Lateiny. aays Ue Cadilbe Inquiry ox much In doubt as ever, it was say*: .Neoriy ell slkna p<4nl to an un- that they could no lancer remain In tbe
bureaus of the executive departments
BMtm Ue penny for the item fur- DstpocrAt. Even Ue sheriff who b welcomed as pracUi-ally settlnx at rest precedniied volume uf business belry house 'On aysln appearinr St fbe doti'r would he withdrawn fram tbe service
they were xreeted with another volley
■Ubed when bia boy «raa bonr>e snppoaed to be u securely boused m the reports ss-tn U-- MUlU of the In- done ur arranxlnx for at the prewpt of
under the nperatiuBS of Evms' bill: The
time. The axxreBsIve strenxthof prices,
made Ue lamafk Ukt be eras (olnff to anybody, U liable to be turned out of ; vestlxailun up tv dale
steam ln*|e-ctlon service, the ptarlne
recnrd-brraklnx bank rlearinex. and
THAT wrvLsat ta m-ew a bmitk h.widtal wrxlce. the Ilxhihnuse estab
msttors Apintens TS Be Qwtot.
Rut it ont U doable for Ue boy utO housa and boma for Ue eame party ^
continued larfe exports, particularly uf
the llfe-narinx Mwvice. all tbe
be was tl-yearn old. letUaff It donWe has a tax UUe OB Ue Wexford oouaiy' u,e rinse of Pin,t huum yesterday that hr lowrr-prlced cerrsl*. a vrry heavy LetsTolk AtoMsiHtto.wr the Wemher jse assay ..lilies,
the revenue rotter servlee
Awy Other Old Thla#.
every year. A panell and a piece of Jail, and Urcatena to tom all Ue; no word had come from Key West «r volum.- of huBfn.'SB In Iron and steel
and In oddlllon several position* ctass___ _____
"The first,one of the family to be Ifled hy Prevldrnt Arthur when tbe
papm- dlaelneed Ue tafft that Fred bad dickeyriilrds loose onleeeillW U paid Havana save the brief <Jlai«tchiB <>f the 'and kindred tines, and xeneralty
lavtury n-porl* a* to Ue volume and (killed was-tt^ babylnit* mxtfaer's Anns, twesem law- wVet into effe- t. The total
made a mab atatement aad Uat it eras
sprinx trade ei leadlnx distributive cea-I« bullet strlklns » In the *lde Mrs number of employes new In tbe class
ffoinytooeat Lim a preti; imany to several of our praacbera are liable to
test externally !
"''v am. nx the vUIble f.ature* of ‘ n,k. r raw the wound and told her hu*. ified -hrvlre )t K4.i«»-U44t of whom
become aome other peraop's hired
department yesterday. Tbrre . this trade .h-velopment. N-arly all -f
keep bis word. One cent doubled each
would he taken out by the operaUon of
Ue-aame fellow hatify a tax j «’*■ x
year for twenty-one yean will resalt
the Evans hill* Of those rematnlax B..
the pra|K»
UUe Boat little onm of tio.m ie.. Aa title on tbeir places of worabip.
Dry TortUROA but the uffleisl* did not «»*• •'* provision*. Be*iB-mer ply Iran, ! f**'
' blldren were struck
Ue Leader bad a ffood. reliable withesllate -to droUre that only normal riipper. raw tv.tton and tin. The fnriher 1 •*>
bullets si this time, nr Just as
Brawee tWhtol to Mwsfd I. Baker.
esiaped from the bulldlhx- Mra.
MM to Uc payment of Ue debt aad
Frask Oraen is ^xparimenUBy on a movement* were x«'lnx on 8u It waa sdven.v In pit Iran tbl* week would 1
8prlnirfleld.llla.. March S.-The broaae
nfflrlslly that the troops at
I® Indicate that the immense cur- ,
had the younxer xtrl* with het
alon Ue bariatn. it will try and aae to twe-siory jbnipa.
terdra, 1mya Ue Charlotte unknown
It lake were beinx revlewril Md H "m pr.du.tlon It at yet wllh<-m vlsIUe | »>»vn they xot out. and they ran unlH tablet Inscril-ed to the memory of Ed
HUat^ nominirmAU. ia nte beaten ^puWtmn.
wanu lomlae poUtnm | wa.s said (hat
that If
(his were no ■llT^ld
li <«uld effect un
on value*.
values, 4 thy scera exheussed and fell down. The ward 1- Baker, late consol of the Unit
oatef bisjnatdoeab.v blsla«ryer.
> - of- bis potato busbw Ibe oothlrx
oothiPX more than tbe usual period- ; —
The .prieJ'-f'copiwr showed an ad- | older xlri* »'y I into a yiy lorinx field ed Riatra at Buemo Ayrra. by bis
friend* In tbe ArxenTIne ItepubHc. bos
WhUE Ue lAi^ yrew fat between. Be leal instwcllons required by the reffula- ten.e .rf nfkrly 1 .-ent per |.ound dur^ sound* fram the Mclnltj at (bell (arrived In this city frt.m'New York. It
(lotu. As for the reported urdc-rs to in- [ Ink Febrterj few decreasra In price
Lewis Bote.aplopperof Bemna. now aajv "Tomaut plants prafted npoa po- Speeilnn officers at Bethlehem to he ' are noted, suxar
Jirar heinx
nr,nx loe
- AwelUhy. lAle.nt nlxht all found |wa* letuirht by the stramer MerHmae.
(b« nu«t lm|HWOf Ladlnyiun. is aald to be lU yean tetJ stalks JostahoTu Ue ffround have ready for
steady 1I "ttelier •'
at ‘be
the pou*house of
of some
onme of
of 1 (heir ! The tablet will he set In etone and
start If was said• (bat
' tMt. while the ll*T
li*> -BT
-er stepK-*
' a quite
up-m the late consur* xrave Jo
old. Be was born oa board a ahip po- buM proven to de better Um on UairtPaPtaln McNutt and Ueuleram Bcnnei i Md unc.Jianxed number* j.irk. coffee, ^'lorrd frirads. The mother and .
, ubout Oak fUdxc rvmriery/
dwy for |
iBff from France to America. At Uc ewa roots, while the potatoes uader-1
, eeveraJ years post are not to be' dls- ' raw cotton has had an encouraxlnx ef- ‘*'r »rvcs and bushes near the house,
•re of twelre yean be was ato>«a' by aeaU were aalmpairad. If aet aetunlly tort^d and have no orden such os are , feet upon southern trade.
Trade is 1
re.-oxnlxe any one.
I-nndon. Marrfl^^^The Fcklp
iBdlans it Bemua and remained wlU batter.” Try it aext eeeeon.
reported from Bethlehem. .
• i Isrxer than usual at the central west. :
Raker :s rv|*-rted t.i be.a omalL
TWe rwrt SI Itry Ts(ftacws.
' parllculaMy In dn' Xood*. xroceries, | ffw" woman, about IS year* of o^. She xpundent of The Time* *ay* the AndoThe fort at Dry T.iriuea* Is known as b<K>ts and shoe*, hardware. Iiimlw r and ! “• • *un*hot wcRjnd In thrxleft forr- German loan of £^C.«0Cr.eW has been
. .
FortJefferwm li Is a three-story brick axrl.uttgrsl Iroplrmrnts. gprtnx trade *™
‘“‘he. an-frar.«red. Roaa, ratified by imperial decree.
ttnictuc. with casrroatr*. the «-a1ls ifi-oP-"vtl “P «e«‘he hflMhw vsi. ! thr oli^t dauxhier. sxrd ,h.,ut Wyesra . ABB&BTl^T^TSLBGEAXB.
beinx four fert Ihire ln.hr* thtte. The! Ro.ln.-** fallurra In Ihr r„Ued :
xmrrlson quarter* arv lo.st. d In these .'Rtatr* f-T the we -k number SK. axslnsi ; ‘Je bone Steve (he left elbow. Cora,
Evan Lewi* has cLalleoxed Tooaout
isemat.e the oM plan teinx to pisra
f"r live bustries* days last week. JK‘he next xlrl. wa* »hot In the rtxht hMd
(hr Turkish wrestler.
___ end wrist. A won. about II years
1 the artillery In the upper storie* and >• ‘be corrtwp.tr.dlnx week
Lyman J. Gar* bos told his realdenee
KusTitem 1 *«r. ha* one serious Wound la the alido- at Chh'kcn.ihr cuDftdrrBllon brtnx BS0.■the tnfantrv helnw. The old defenaec 210 In JS>« and
B To NRyai PlfiawtaTB And AysteriooB DiBappearaxslnst
and armiber wound In the rixht
! of tWrty-Iwo Md forty-two failure*
if IMT. AS I fucrarm. teth bone* bcInx broken arid
>uioe8.of Serenl Waxebipe.
badly shalicred. His ccmdlliOB I* serlof m and SM ponndt Theee four feet In ‘USB and U in tUi.
r uf the WOloM'a s
three Inch walls Md old alyle xun*
TteoXhl The* TmM
younx'Plrls. complrttnx the fsm- cirty of jiurway.
Mtn Jo*e. Coxte RIfa. InflprinxflHd. III*.. March B.—A
lly. esraped unhurt.
Tban^o, borrifyinxdlrasterwbleblof <*tnber U. Waep wa. sptee. by :S¥^^nd^uT«Tn!a"„'arapra:a(tonal Incident c«vun-ed at th>- .1n odd that th* dicatra ihsi war bciwevn UusU Bioa
••11 I* ncMlc
eauoed tbe loos el Ue I. 8. bauleabipjtbe Swedish barque Adonis. 8leee | bly out ..f practi>/al «crtl.v h> the HtloRf fer. telstlnx cnxioeer* and flre
-................ -. ...Xefhcr with all x,K.d !
>-'«'“axUA is unavoidable.
Mslae, and Ue dcaU of dofi AmertcM > tbea her fate has been tee of Us isye-' quarantine
s te which Fort Jsfferwnn
which arc n.iw teinx held dn ,c|tltcn* cf the .-..uptry In wha'cv-'er sec«»iw.bav* teen token at ««M Dle«r^
I In rrarnt yrsr*. •
aallorm. call* to mind several inateneea, terte of
^Oucao: she baa nevar been ****
this city. Three of the applicants for , u.m they nxv rraitb-. fully appreciate
- *'■ I'rfmotv the candidacy of U. A
riinrale* attempted to
corny nint'HS* to hivana.
•normlt; of ibe crlmr which has 1 Grant for the fnlled Rtaira w——
whene aaval rea^U haw myatariooal.v ' ae«B or beard of.
e beard nf examiner*
It is estimated that the output of ova
dtaappeared leavinx no trace of bow.
There have been many nd ditastera
: Inx sum* of nmney In the envel..|« m I unoffendlnx man and hi* t
i from the Goxriilr rwnxv next sumotor
when or where the; were loei.
In Ua aavy. but ef Uoae bare
; will
fram l.Oe.ote tu z.TOorow tuns,
which (he m-dentlsls uf the ai>plK-ant* axalmd the x”vi'mni>-nt os r
ne triffale 1' Ihanryrnu-.
not a trace of Ue mlaslqy craft or crews
were Incinwed. The rKatnlner* reoinied by tbe postma*ier and 1 1
j Tbeve iu'l a ookion tetweeii Fiorenee.
And aboot 3-JO offieer* Md men. aanad j bava
bran knowa.' Skip Md craw
the ln.ull by .altlnx ih* *eveniy-twc. th*( the pnotoflice depsrtn-enL In co-V ^ Ala.', and Paducah. Ky.. on the «—"■■■
river, o dial once of MB
te • erobe airainat Ue l'r.-ncb la Ue
ime back: Ueli; fate baa neter'
on the lixhib.'use lender U«Dxrove. u ! foMhe conduct of Ihb tlirve. The nsmes will do everylhldx In Its prwsr to s|- miiek
Wait indite in UOO. btae
be» knoi
believed by the test lofucmed here ' "f
would-be briten were kept se- prebend and rant let ihe men who cum- i J. P. Robertson, a pioneer raMdentaC
' faeea tita or beard of ainra leavii^
!• tlu buior, o. cr
nm, .u .
milted tbU terrible uutiax*. Both of ; Aobtebula O.. Is dead. He wakhaj oao
the deiMriment* mentioned are a«nx time ItubrrtO.inxersoU'e Sunday ateool
heart breakloy aecldeata peeullarl; | iq ,be Cuban rapltsl within ten days. |
■•uday Wtii Be the
----------- -•" their power to tp* *"'1 tea. hcr.
Those who fabve read ■■ Tbe Antmt liable to •Tboae who«• down to UeMnly three of the six days the court I FrMkfori. Ky... March »-ln accord
raiinx of the hriefc maufaeof Ue Brtekfaet Table " may re^inin obipe*'are recorded.
|*as-here, were devoted to the work of
turvrs of Milwaukee It was decided to
It is aad tor Uoae' who have loved Uvestlxstlon The inacllrily of Thar*- 1 the Emmett cenienntal was .-.-lebrated
ber Ue paUos la Ue lihea deacfiptiyh,
advance (be price of brick frosa tkS to
Ik. «—Utod ...A ijf1 i
•‘“l yeelerday Is stJll UDL-xplalned. '1 here by flrtnx 100 xans.^ William Over- I MOBnTCAD LAras roR ALASKA.
«(tbe weary sralURy pad watchiaE for net to
la Ue twtolte and ^ wreck
„n<, waa.aa*l*itnx\t*eoaI Keeper
M.M iwr i.cee.
• Ueretoraef Ue •• Wanp.”
B naval aflktra
W tbe ill fated line ef baUle abip : R«ar Admiral Sicsrd was aw-aiimx in- i Blxon In tb* firinx of cannon, was fatalApproprioitowtykFowW.
hat axreed on Uc Duatefle bill ter Ue
The Waap. a ae'w corvette, or sloop Malar, mow at tba bottom of Havana! structiooe from Wsshliixtoa. Tb- ste- fly Injured by th<- premature exploelen I ,
of war. mooaUar I» beav; ffnns and harbor Jbot it isksowsbow. and when 1 •>“'**- “ ** xencrany understood, devel- of the rannun. and Armorer Dixon was : WasUnxton. Marab C —After a dehats relief of Ue vIiKies Md survivors «*
..<1 _1
' ' ‘•P^-d P" eridenc- by which ift- court ' badly hurt. Overlnn't arras were each
Bailed Irun ForUaonU. N. H., udM MO
wnere laey oiea.
definitely determine th* rause of blow n off. hi* vyte bllndedjmd hi* body yesterday aftvmoon passed the UII exAn eoirrtalnmvct heldintbe WoMorf.
' eonmsud of Gapl JobaeoB Blaktlay.
l-etu look ovar tbe llsf^ tboae vbo tb* explosion.
I frtxhily mMXI«d. Dtxon^ one hand lendlnx the homextrad laws and pruvld- AsToris betrt. New Tork. last nixM
“ • ■In clue*
iva] oflHer
(ouch with th* blown off.
on Ma.v 1st. IH1«. She fonifbt Md took la .veara lony past have died for Ue
ixix fur risht-of-way for railroads la Ue .made KJM for Ue wldosrs aod orMtaaa
the Maine dlraster.
tbe HriUte.brif of war Beindeer is Ue Colors, no ose knows bow. no o
distriet of Alotea. qpmparatircly tittle
ap,cdent: --With cue exception the «1t- / Chicaxo. March B.—Luetyvet has been dlscBssipa of xeneraJ laterest was eraTb( Odessa crerrapondenl of Ue LonHrltlA Cbuioel. ud afterward pul kaosrs when, no «m knows wbera.
»v«*es who teetlflM here were
the task oelecied for him durinx aied by Uo bill. Section IS. providlnt donAJolIy MsU says tbe Roaoian xov'iou>^‘ brient. from wbenee abe railed
la October 17M. Ue United States Stirvh
ort The erldehce. ibouxb (n mom told
Is orderinx lorxe quMtRtaa at
his Imprisonment. It Is (be Intention for oertsln bondinx conevesiuna to Cmcases taktnc ionxer to t'll, can be of the Joliet penitentiary officlaU to sda'in lieu of prUHexra to be extended Xtins at Ue xoverament factorica.
inAurnfet. rio.Ue flrat of Septeaber. aloop of sear flarateck.
op In tbe words of M enlisted
An omn of Ue Grand Army of Us
_Ml4.abefoaxi.tUeBritiebbrtfBAvoB. command of Captein Younff, eaOad m summed
oaosaxe for see In tbe bix by tbe Dominion xuveramcBt to Uls
ho. when Judxe Advocate Martx manatai-ture
has appeared 1n Uma. Pern,
prison, and Luetxvrt will be xlvrn evoatry. however. Induced a pretty UveIS ftitta. and CbsU)Hm. 11 ffnu: Ue a cralae. Several prfsee wera takaa
;nrw ataint tbe exentitled Ue PernvlaB Outpooi. and pnbAm eniTcndered Md sank wlU raaat 1^ BMt borne, ene waa
was re-taken b; pkwloa replied: -Sir. 1 was Mewed up- chatxe of tbe work. Tbe infonnaUnii ly debate, os u brought into (be con llsbed by Abraham Lincoln poaL
pleases l.u.tcert.
troversy. Ue oM flsfaerlec question on
Uo' BritUb Uip of Ue line Intrepid. 11 w“ ravfrd Md i m here.- The* was
«d ber errw. The Wa*p made a
In tbe Hedley-RJcbarte
Ue New EnxlMd cua*t. which has been
•ffbt WlU Ue CaatiUiu ustil Urae rt m*. The .atelllde.se br«ffbt b, j
pendlnx between tbe Tnlted Btates Md
braa learned,
London. March B.—A dispeuefa to The
* Tertbct irndlax Bditor .
oehir nil oonjioy np. abe-atrate tet this prixe ia tbq last ever known ef Ue I h,.werer. It is tbl*: alUouxb Ue mem- Dolly Mall fraa fienx Kona aays Ue Grvm BrlUIn ter a huadrefl years. Th*
autement tos made on Ue floor of Ue - Bedley- of Bunber Hcn. not xntlty:
h&r euvas for a stern ebara and «a- ■aratefa. She and all on bontd sewt|bafn of tbe eeurt iray here UMr te- rebri riilefr tbere bare received a let- senate (hot ib*r« was every reason to , Amonx tt*
«d* by tba
capad -lx Ue darki^ Twwlff days down.* mid in penn have broaffbt no' »v>dual UeaM«e they mv by no nw^ ter from Manila soUritlnx thrir eeppCrt balirre Uat by Ue pasoan of tbe bOI senaie yesterday
that of K. L. De*.
prep^ ee s bo^ te rtnlir-a decMve
Ue,fi*hw1« qucatloa conU be aetttad , a*y. »f Indiana.
la*w Ifre eaptarad a tearebMUnaa. Ue newsof tbe lorn abip.
be sapcrvuiax Uf
•wrdlrt. Tbe officer already <uoted
AttMta..aaarUeAxoi«a. Oa Ue Mb
patroM aad eustoaiara baoa tbrowa
aaar a Ml
*ioUa. Tha
oibar da; BU Ginjaaoa ptaraOad oa
Mark to take the old aflatr aad hara
it Imt in rood eoaditlc^
' Mark took tba Iddla aad,wUle aa^papartar it. dlaooTara^ tu’ tmrea
‘•ITt!” eafrarad oa tba
Bb oeold not lad tba name of the
aaaker. but bo is poalUee that tba iaBtnuaant ia tba prodoet af aome iaatou
maker. The etoliB came lato hU' poaaemiob by the rlM of a reUtlea loap
yean aro aad baa aerer bean aaad
Tj,™ ~.i5^.........—......... -
How Ho Mado
Hatton*#, tw *« wront ■nd
Widow ComfortaWa.
Wli--. irr
. wilhout ularT, the Grand
tapida atataaman dbjactad
ground that tbe places ware created for
rich persona, aod poor men muid not
accept such, place*
Tba cHtalrman of
tbe commiuea on apfiroprtatlons repllad
tbal Ihe.iHicas.were merely omamantal
and would do the guvernmrnt good
without c'cMIng anything.
Congrea©n Smith Mid:
th-n like the peacerk feather of U
Hung Oiang. Thr> should therefore be
called -peac-nck fralhcT
And that name will stick to ihnae claa
w. wholasoma u war. That would put
the maaullne won^an la the back- |
r. War!
gmund. wh
where tl|ry ought
Tsrlllty ^
will imbue
which they now seem to ba, In dang^;
d by '
of l<«lng. A nation can go to seed
banimlng too gaiitla.**
“I have oo regard and llitle
for ihe wonan who
the wife of Senator Gear. *T bare lived
my buabsnd In' poverty.
trouble In a«cres..an* Ir.graat achieve. '
ment, and I have always been aatladed .
wlih my lot. I do not aaa w-hy a faith-1
ful wife or rffectlonate raolhar should
wanl lo vote. Tba advanced clvIHutloO j
of IM« ermntry has given to wcOnan all
daiiniaw J salute ibou geaerolu Mea
whb consecrated their Uvea w
fatherland. I wUhrd you to meat bate,
u* contlaue to look to God. wbo
willed tbe unlty^of Italy In Order that
tbe fatherland jolgbi be great and
lyeabsee tb© Piigli yd Cswwa yH*4.
Ring Humbert mnerudad as fallow-a;'
“Aa at Iba daw p of our rasurracUun
mu,,*, ..f cKtiaoa wara welded Ir.gafh** tu »*rurv the countrr'a freedom, ao
today iha>- are united and mutually aid.
ipg .me anmbcr. Th.- Indtasoluble un|on of my, house otltai tba denies of
the people, leased on concord of Ideas
excm|>|l-'g the richt m vne.- I taiiiis:
tbaT w-man should ba satisfied In tbte.
In no other rlvlllsed nation | .
many rlghta
. . . . . . . . . . . , ._ .
were grweted with proMoged cbeemig
and shouu of "l,oag lice tbe king." The
Fla w eeks ago General Miles, cpm-I scene t s most UnpoBlag. The grew!
tba ralDlatara, leading
clareJ that our aenen «t rtefersea are 'authorlUaa. diplomats aod mlllUG' offlInadenuata. and fhni. therafora. this : errs ware praaani. Tbe S|>aach was da.
couhlry la.no* prepare
' lUarad from the throne, and was In fcaral Milas wa« (sTklng at that time
of tbe
more as a -dlplcmal than as a aoldler. and deputies.
Our *eacoaat def.-nr*s ar* not aa com
All Inly Waa lllai©U©M4.
plete a* they mlebt Ice, but they are In
HI* nialaaly mat with the moat en
©urn condition that an enemy w'ould be thusiastic greetings from tbe people
•ure-to racaira a w arm racapticn
whit* on his wav from the Qulrlnal to
the ' caplicd through the troup-ltnad
IUia©rwt>r«enUar.Uy Mt©Mt.
AS a matter of fact. General Mflaa | etreata The king on returning to the
lire ‘congFeM to In- ,
time, knowing ' P^pla In the atrealA In tbe balconie*
tlont. while
publlsbrd. be <ynd ob the b»uaa top*. Fatricette eorlathat hla word* would
' ». bearing banners and headed by
daflred lo deceive r*........... .............................................
light read ] han^* of mualc. awemblad on the idaxa
Spain in this country
ntry who might
niy have to grcH-l him. After hi* malasty aotarad
splmdid gun* located ai
pnrtant saaoast tmlrls,
•gene but seemingly futlla efforts to aa*
cure a sperlal api>r»|>Tialion for the Impoiiple. Slinllar demunairstlona
provpmant of the river at St, Jeaepb. mined,
t#At any hostile veasel whith
place »hr*
throughout Italy. Alt tbe
lire Is dUaiory. and incUnad might .
forts and enter a harbor i
to ba refractory.
D up from beneath the. bvl"'ll‘«'
rv't" ll'a' Ifl*
could be blow n
Hrewavle PaUipg Baaltk
water- It ts prscilcally Impoalhle that ' lumlnated las-l ntgbl. In Rome tbe pubOvll ly-rvb^e ronimisslunar Mark any foreign wafship could caiMure our 1*^ monum. nt* and tbe furum were 11.Ivmlnaled and Ih^wcene was bmutlfuL.
Brewer Is aald lo ba In falUng health. metropolis.
inder th»
held.a brilliant reHe WB> not a wHI man wherr the prealScacoa*! defci-------------- -------------...
-. .
dant gave him lha appointment, but It rectinn of the gen.-raV c mmandlng
t.cpM.cn at the capltoI
-tdlng Ihe
tf supposed that this climate will prove army and nnder the direction of the
K**iM-r nr me < uiPtote loak.
to be hanePclal t# him '
atrevlary of ihe navy we have
> of , Reals, la a ■ehelH— Is the TalWy »f cto
rokmel Andrew T
Mcllc-ynolds of j bar'of tnonllora ami other
maglna for
Grand Itaplds need not Imagine
an | nr which make mighty g-cd a'ljuncta ,
he win get a iceimlnn of »IM
r-aal forlincailona.' G'd Adm'rsi [
■ . ----------------mngrraa,
and It
ll I-_____ .. . ■
spondeni o
ia doubtful If he win get tkat amount
Klu-Klang Allege* tliAi the vieeroys of
from any congress
The money In the tor b. would be willing toilg^it a doaea
- ; Na-:-KIn and mncl Hu-Kuang have ©ntreasury is not In exrea of l6* govern
1- tt
Mile. .-ni..ieg IB Ihe armr In^
with the governor
ment needs, wnd great economy is being
mIi**.. where, he had «f-Hunan tp dlrevt the affatis of th*
prsrtktd by the cnniinm>e^ -<n apppi^ri- im in
been a rbrtc In a dry good, store. H*
adjoining -terrilortaa
1 IVshop settled a very haa Iceen In Ihe army ever sUire and •'•<1
was pr.cmn.ed thr-ugh all grad*, until triumMraie propose, to gmem tbl.
ugly ficKi «<heTt he t
Irrespective .of any-orders from
It of Sam 3. Walt to be post 'he rearh-d the imj-.rlanl p...iilon he
who will b. allow ed -master at failin*'- The nfflrljls of thy'
posii.ltire di pai tm-nt who handled th# .dv.r:,g.w of a*^ m iliary -ed.uc.Uon xl v.‘l^
lb !« affairs.
paicers In the case- soy that It was oaf Weal l•..lnl the grsduatea of tba
tbe MillMill- ‘‘ Fslly
«“>'*• Splltllng
'•f'‘t‘H' China Into two aeparata
Bdmin>*trstl»ns. Thl* relcellioo la do*
of the blllereat persunal Agbta evcr'tary academy
.................... -..................—
all cencede
»'• ‘'‘■'“s *ll"w‘ng tba Taag-tae UkiL
made for an office.
feanjed the art of w n' In a tuBsi.1 prar.
a perquisite of the
Renator McMillan has been very busy I k,*| mann-rand is a perfevtTy <apal
mandarioa. to be used as a guarsmee
rermlly w llh the Plalrirt of Fcilumbla; commander.
of the Anglo-GeriTiaB loan, which would
api*roi>riaibin WH. which i* prepared byj
j*ar«t Aaiie©-1* nght.
says that although «n
1 past the age <if
ce hart at Art
t>ini maasutv. and lb* *.-nlor senator
y,,rs and ten, he would)
M.rch 5.-The Con.tanUoop*e
from Michigan has given ll hi* peracmgivc-n command of the monl- ■ „,n-eaxwin*lent <if The fflaudard ««y—
at ailcnflon.
tor l^.^luh, and b* *>iy> th-il be would Admiral gkrydloff. wbo l» on hi* way lo
Uepcad ( P.a the o.BirB.aw.
*,vs a* good an are. om of himself In
command ..f the Russian
The prraenl and the future of the na- war w«h Hpaln -- he did during the
beauty dej.-nrt ute*;. the chalrmap of,
the remiB.Iijee on the District of Co- and'-ilverites n
.n I, mn the long In,Not a
iumhia. becnti«e he . most understand srtl-n of the administration:
Ihehallonal' iirltal and
grawdrur of the rlly.
. .-,m»11erailon
t the cuiMB
.rongriaaman Fam Smith I* faceelng |.> the hou*e
r reprewentatlvea. One
a service |■cn^■lon bill and working for runereasraan from Michigan
rr, I*
->;,.jnel^y la resfKmsIble for. the loss
ita par«ag* Th* rofigrea. b**w*ver,
economical, and ipaamuch ar auch b
B ‘bin .--f-Uj,./Maine and for the loa of tbv
y for iiu«a-«fr
llusw-df our aallore Fome
Pome man high in
Id cold
cni^ many
iTBny million*
mlllloBf annually
y .yea^ Ihe Mil I* m't Ilkriy lo be- authorily 1* r.-*i-.nslb1c liefore God tor
rem* * '«« during the present aealem., that dtsasic
•1 hBV* never dnubti-d that the af-i w ith Fiain, aa w* ought to have
fklra In Col.a would reouli In war with j our ship would naver have been sunken
Fpaln" BA'-s CongTeaaman Fpauldlng ! by a hidden min*. I cannot afford to
"The relatlona l-elween Ihe govern-Knam* Ihe min. hut there la such a man
nave 1 In our country »hc Is r*«ponDh1e for
. the calamity and atrocity."
RcpoBsIbiliiy' toBiewhere.
-years. The 1> Lome (nrident ai
tan while here. It was reported at the
,hat be U under instruct!mm
,j,e tami to embark PrtiK-e George
ot Greece and
1 ■KICITTia.
leelor, wbo b la a hair}' to got
in Florida, eaa go ala Cbattaaoera,
paalag Loobent
Loobcat Mooataia.
the anaay Battlo-flaida. .wfaleb
ileofthentrUebetwwalbo Blao
the Ule
and tbe Graf,
A -Crula coaaoetioa
Bouta. tbe Houtbora Ballsraj_____________________Tbro«gb-*IVaBl
. tbe Great Tbro«gb-*IVaBk-UBe
to tbe Koptb aad Florida. Elctrant
eeatlboled trains, carrying through
) chair
COM. The
dlnipg and
of tbe South.
ttending physician* uy the gaa• a nghllng chance for hb life.
n, Carl P. Ro*ecr*ns. and fil*
HIB ton.
family are at hb bedside, and
daughter. Mrs. Tool*, aod aa-Govamor
Toole, of Montana, are wlibln convcnlani reach.
llilueb Board nuuk* Ike sao* Mm U
Oeawiagle Favor.
t ormpoa t
_ It
Wg. H. Tavuya
A«t Oan'T. Pao. Ageut,
,t I do aU UnAa s4 rwpabiag and eoaaallag. aad that I eaa
and do give yon tbe beat srork ef aaj
oae ia Uc city for tbe oonay.
ooBtrajy. but coOM and aM far
' '
I goarwatce all my work ic be right,
mod it it doa'aot proee ao I maka iA
0t^ in till 8 o'clock erery eeeolag,
•gewfA Saaday. ia tbe Caldwail a Leadoa MkUag, at aortb aod af
wlavilla. Kcatncky.
•*atanUy #pmial.-
TW saw trait of tba Orabd BapUa
A iBdiaoaB’ymaalngararr Maturda
from MackiaawCIty toG'ao^Bapidi
finds farar wlib Coamercial Travelars
lag a dsv'e titnai It arriaea at Graad
third annual report to the governor for Baptda a't 10:.'.iip o . in'tlme few eoathe yaai; ending March 1. Iktt It aa>a: saeUoas to Chicago aad Detroit. This
•The work of this department durtng train Iraaa Travnrae City at 5:0S p.' m.
tba last year shows alaarly that aibllra- every Saturday.
C. L. Locgwoop.
Lockwoop. ■
tlon Is growing In popular'tavor,ln tbta
State as a means for tbw adjoa^neat
<t different:** belwaan employers and
ihtlr egiployca. " Tbe board failed to
great, coal etiike of last year
tba Bcopwbf
the slGkc was nabacaiu^U
llonal. and this fact randarad all atUmpU at local arbitration or arbltrato head tba waralag aant ©ni by diaUon not having in contemplation the
akis—favertobaaa©—dall dragrlag pals
ly unavalllni
ll faallng of waariaeto—la aare
The boardracommeiMbaaveralamendcTideBea of kidaev and bladdar troabU.
menta to the law, the most Important
being one which will extend Ita jurl*- Take Utah Kidney Bcaasateaca they
will care yoo—they have etnwd tboa©
dlctlon to cmaaa In which aaveraJ em
anda of oUtars
Tag Tt aincu or Pane
ployers bare a <*
tbalr amptoyaA lha amployea ntmibarlng ADKLrau make i;tab;^idae.r
Muv pcw,i. le.ecr a—>C ,, fuiu,
caiC^ Barecky'^iIISi^'ti'trafwS^^^
persona, and' another auibortsiiig tbe
bosrd to Invoke the aid »f a court ot
record lo compel the aiiandane* of wltne*>e* or tba production of bo^e and
—Wateb Repairing.
—John Verls’.
—Front Street.
eiud lifiit t bnUiu LI
Jas. G.'joggsog. Dmggwb'
Dctpolt. March A—Manager McVlltle,
of the Detroit Dry Dork company, aald
last night: "We afaall soon build a dry
dock In the vicinity of Detroit of gufllClenl *lsa to arcommcMatc tbe larrast
hip* on the lakes,
elded whether to locale It abreast t
city or at Wj-andotte."
be deoidrRl by wbai othan tall yoa to
Springfield. 111a.. March L—The etata
board of arbitration ba* aubmlttad Us
Dry Ctark Tklts DwIH ■« Dill gg
Tneor— Clcy, Mlib.
Bicycle Riders.
ebtted the geaaral 'yeotarday and parformed la part iba'lut rttea of tbe
Rotnaa Catholic cburcta. Oencrsl RowcraM aot regaining coaaclouaaew H
wga thought beat
John R. Santo,
. Gemal lisBiiice.
capa tba May
obid aadd
leya of wiater.
aad •top at &MBEVILLR. ‘The Uad
taSVy. " TB£HWITZB^(.ANO of Warebatg Block.
of Uia
SBICA. wbnrn beaaaa aad aarth
1 to aaent aaiOB(*t tfac maay of tk«
itlM ot aatare. Sna Uo yraadeat
I aod
AUoneya at Law.
>DealB Malarwe Sleek. TtsrsegOty.Mlel
1 ST T ai' EaDu
8. V.“
Kk aerewBUM O*. Wsek.
Witb Uie baildUig of tba teatoo* maebine used at Johna Hopkins tmivenity
for ^hg iioM cn glna for tba use of
apactroBFopa and ilmiUr appantua
•PhtoeettaiOt. I~
Tba maciiina ia oaosidend tbe beat is
it ba* been able to rulf iSO.OUO lii
a piae© ot glaa oae ioeb long- ~
auitial part of it is a narvel
Bring tool
•itvw wbirb iDOTM tbe txtgraving
tool a
a jGiaM*riatiamiiretud.
minute diataore every time the laasW U I
a oo
qty Opera
ficion tba maoblec waa really 11/ laes at law.
noiabto it waa decided to put tbe laria >
logeth^Aod make a trial experinieui to I W .
- ■
ll wr>Dld work.
irly Mtiafac____ ...
unflEB uD lesmumi x i
t)ie.^apbfBe wm» to
takat |
tury oae ipe-^atmine
oe laaoD
norfATT tba
apart. fini»).ed mcriy aud pal together i O. F-Uat. and Carer*
again. Wbeo the teri wa» n.ade, it was [••‘e
Tb'aiva]>iu the
charge of tba work derided that it
wtmld ba a risky matter to uttempt to
' it was
oily lougb nata. mnoa rt workeo
rUyasiitboBldda Ukwmtakeo
r?in^o^£;Fi4a.D«*eti ©ba
c. k. arBRAT, Aaeat
O.P.A.. Oread KaJa
near Blrmley arl
tis .ef'i'ij'-i'g
y .
put l<CI
loosly t
to land bin In Crete.
to oppose such an attempt with every
ouml Skryc
C. who' wHl.o
RUKslaa aqi
aquadrun in Cretan waters, a
aere yaierday and had an i
«.m, umg George, to whom
handed a letter fftur
------ r--------- .
»___ _
Aapaa SSabaa DiwaaS
London. March L—A dlapatrk to Tbe
Dally Mall from TIen-TMn, China, aays:
"Jai-an baa addreaaed a aete to Ruasla
demanding an ImmedlaU and explldt
Maine dtH<t*r rimidy tended #>
m both
alfy th*-fe<-Hngi of the people of
h* chai
chairinaq^ Ihe
“I nm assured by the
>n approprtstlcns,"
bouse commlilee ..n
llan. "thsl hV will
nys Benstnr MrMlUan,
idment to tbb aunnot ©ppoee mf smendm
dry civil hill making an api.rtipriaSon
of noo.WS for Ihe conairtK ti.m of i
iIgtaUtouae t-nder for use on tbe
lakes. Tbe honae chairman I* Mr. Cannon of IlUnolt. and be kn..wa thr noeda
of the like ser' tce- Hence. 1 believe
ibat thi* apprttpriaitoii win be made."
Orngreasman Fnever baa been outspoken In his fervid rriticism of the idmlnlstrsUon for d. lay Ing nggrraalce ncn CulMB sffsire. He hsa been all
.......... r hoping Ihst ih* Cuban plank in :
.u'orm w-ould be carthe i:n ubllcan piatXo
good faith.
faith. He k. one of the
Tied r.ui'ln good
{*nblie. to
the oaay adraataco, t!K
ll aeaaory, iba rich aad fmilc
laad and U« aaay nnoMa whkA U«
a ta Cbiaa,LaO #j Haa. |
.—Rome waa f«n of
Bone. March
liallora rantmlar
Jt ha* imubi* anoutrh of lia own.“
Tbr pu*{an 1* a vAy tnlarratloc aitd , tba Jublldc of tba llallaa
waalbla a
Nh* waa aaao at hat > T>* national mlara wara aaarywbara'
blr racovar. i.ui oona ot Uian aald no hotfi. and aha aid:
i: "I ramr hara loat-l and wbao KJna Honbart. alimdad br a
Is print, ttencial
itencial Aigar will ntaka a land
trod the naatlnc of the
lha tMugtatet
tMuctatera- of, brilllan aalla. iod£ to lha lariew
graat record aa-aacratory of war ,1a Uta iba A marl can Kavolutloa. aa I ai
AOD troop* In tba Ban Marco eeptonad*
n>lrai.tcd hartllltlao with the cbertar rnanbar ot tba HMr Tork chap*
Uta tdaudiia of tba people war^A.Ortfertraaebarou* pcopi* of .8|«ln.
tar. I am always bo*}- writing, moatly
ou* aad continued. King Mumbert
By lha way. ihats Ka oiefy of Osb- versa. But occaalottally for tba itew*.
made a spMcb to the nmatbre, deputies
•ral Aigar that ba« nrvar baen pub> papare I wrtta on lU-a (oplci of current
Ushad. In IM ha «iaa in hla Afllce ib buinan Intarart. I am opi«nad to the and Riayora la tbe caipltol. la the couiee
of wbicb ba eald: "From tba eaiiitnlt of
Detroit w'hcn ex-t'aatmarler Geaeral tnbvrmant of than*
Uila bill, conrecreted by Immortal glwY.
Prank linticn cama in and told bln wbo have bean la *
ti here. Womei
that thr Wabilngu.n puot waa for uta. have all lha rtghia they raqulrf. I i
Diy first thought aaeanda.to my mag>
Mr. Hatton wann-d to borrow from nppoaad to the ag'rraoalva nplrlt of mod.
_____ ___ ..
liDous ancaalor.^'VIctor __
' General Alger m.ooo with which to cm w.rtnen and d-pl.w* thHr
! father of hla country;, for hU bboie
mprta with man. fjorne
i„ the
^led for thi* condlUofk. ^
la raauacitated Italy lad u* to
aral Aigar l(uinad him tba
- ana i Know oi nothing which would be. _
. .
£T#r Burned Out?
If aa yoB know
O. P. CARVSB. Aftmt
>• when anina'of bla Ww
triaoda balirved that ha eould not poial-
position to^ha
belt of Oregon, who came here with a
commission from thagcvcmor.bntwilh©Ut having haen alactad by lha legblature. was a masterful effort, and friends
of the sannu r say thsl It was tba ablest
conslllullomil argument 4hal ha hag
ecer dellvried In hb long publk career.
Cnagrassmab William Aldan Smith
baa coln.d a pbreaa which Is llkaly to
last. Wlian tba sundry civil approprb-
Thn Mlffaty BooUtom BaUway Bya— *—afala»Uq.nlcht Omai SUtM
of Uta Boonliv
SoaU. dealrca
Uo atuatloa of tba Hoalth aooVa
mu*f borrow lu
ton bought tbe p«p*r (with ■
and In IKM. whan hr suddenly
raddanly died. Mr.
Hatton owned WklOV
wto-lb of
Of stock,
IV Htwib
la the^par. wbjib was worth.Kao.teo <
Genseal.. Aigar «wma bar. t.. help the
vidW •aiilr bar. busin-sp sic>unt*. Hr
DO.MW and I'hrt* Mngn. of Pittsburg gave t’.fid. making a t.-tsl of glk- [
•W. and ihl» amount raised the holdtna I
«r lha w idow tr tiab.Dfe. n Ihal aha was
Used for Uta In <mnAu^i»t»lr clrrumGewaral Aigar has d..nr many
kind deeds of that charec-tar
«o norida Tin ‘Tlw Land ad tlM
dalmMl It. N'u tnattrr who wroia.it, the
WartliwloB.. March
A.—MlcblWa Unraaia beautlfiil; •
aocmhar of the caWntl. Ganarai Ruaarll ' iMlMth. aod thr world laoirti* witb n>u.
.w «». b...™..«! -.li
•rata. HI* rrfwmy haa b**n alow
aind (nilno*. Th*r* *a* a tltm- In Jan-
n-« • flaw
«W0MT^-f wnrwmaM-iwaw<.» J""" a. Joyor wn.tr
- M« w*n Ac«l» mO in Cm* af WarwUh t*r of .^.ettvvrray. l!ut whm Un Wll____
eiB wm» brnt i»o*niiy ah* told ihr writ"**?-'"“*.*'?**■■'* '*?r.*-*TTr - ■' «r tbat h*r ■uUionhli. »u> new qac«ran a^m* w uppsM
Uonrd untllHolonrl Ji>>r* n« th* porm
tmg «t Cf**« I. (b. •raoM-WaUaher pobllrhad wort., and than
rhrMu.. Bawarar. Mr
at Roma.
forth t
m. lomniAMB xs sTixa
■nlotf Airni1.-«r «ni^«sU
~ Cui}>.
Th» MntlOMT.t «r ifa« pcopl*
•a ckprMwa In tiu-aa leuetn. *»«tD« to
high ofBclalBl
Tnwnscnd. <Waah.. March A—A
mnslI 1b* responal^ty itytlng,
some where. It cannot
upon wr;
men from Bay City,
people, for they hare again and agdln
building an
begged their leaders and
gpj,oonev here In which they expect to
men logo forward.
Th* party will preaBut people go alow y In Wdahlil^ ^
ynalnly -------------beeauae we live so *..* New
_ .
Arctic ocean
betwa J Cape
«'gin to rwBpiri tbs ' OO^fTloW waynwO-Ciaiaiiat aa
The avurage abavtr 1
know* I
exa.t ct:-uu.t.u. tuTfi^ld^T*gi5d ^
•bars and at otbwa. wV.n apcamutly ' ■* ir tired in urwos awiiM.. bat wacwy to
all tbe ct.:.Uiti.u. an tbe . oma ba :
Mt BeuiLatABBW.
ip U' I. < ri ly pulling bU for oat
AUaaamaa.Uk. D*©**
of slu.|s>wi.Lot.i much effort <m tbe -mvagB >ld B-Rgm.-gg ro« >
bait be uvsitvB lu reuiuva He ©oestflts XJ. a •. w. a yUk*o> vui sell ka
bun V'l Dvipta luT uaklng a raaor cut tarbsli price rff Si*
OBOatbly —wbK-b
-wuivD uniaiiy
nrnally aooud
aoDuu iiae|__^~^
-------------waste Tra-eeaeCUJlaohot tbeatnbbcrafactremaUu .
that aotocum. a a bumemads abave is a |
comparative ptcBaure, wbile i
otbess {
alt spFcaaob-i'
aa tbe borruiw uf Uie inqsItUion.
A Mcajraa
rMaebunsia rccogDiae this twakipew ' ^
at material'BubMahcea
Aa eagiiiear
a Taaask Ma©eee Omfar.
taOre Vas
wbo taed to ba pomp inepeotar fdr a : "owTsT
aaotiao of tbeCbtcago and Kuribwait- l^oAigio grnsg-Mia r—T a
Tor# and are ao reared by money InHope. A wbalM-known «n railroad anurea me that mauy a i X giMuieef ik* Dsieenutr BeapWak Ass
a. gone
wUlreM.oodW.CAUa far awsalag. Si
floencea. Several of our blgpat ran- ; „ -gB-oae Jensen" wfU accompany tbe Bonny Di«bt wb^ be baa
down I ai
W, *1111*00^
-road men have recently been here, beg- i p^rty. Jensen saja all tbe riveia etnp- tbe track «n bis IhUa or to lufpeoi a ;*
glng aenatsTs and repreaentatires to
Arctic ocean nonh of
bai bees :
avoid war. They dO-Bot think of the
art rtrit °^\aa
M gsM
^ ©ral Wood O
h.mor of their country. Bor of their
flag, but they think of the mlDIOM of
dollars which they may make or lose.
Merwbo bad be in lU right ylaoe. Knowing nothing
“Tea,ddr." aald t#e p
Fenstnr Morgan of Alabama, a breve
___ _ _jtcb with tbe elMtodo,be____,____________
ex-confcderele"aoldler. says: "Nothing putowd Into a breggtiig
has pot all tbe. parts bn<A
would so unite our common cOUWn'aa ; Otber pronrater. "we brake gtadtid on tbe as be found them, turned 00 ateam and
Utof tbo moDth, and br*i>el^a(.tba
r«.re»rntat!vea whom Ppeaker Reed war with Spain. I would like .0 —.
to Us tnrpriM!. relief and obakrin tbs
r streel.BMrs<
baa found it dlfllcuU to rrelAn on this the northere and so|rihern men iw^
snap worked as waU aa be ooald wtoh.
lag under one flng. with bands playlns
■ avbfect.
Banner.The aenator* qnd
bare been recrivlng Mtara from every
.. .
New 6toru of tlie
Famous (raft
How ProfB45or flacCord, Once
a Draftsman Under Erics
son, Chanoed tfie Plans
of Hie Queer Lit.
tfe Ironclad.
l<-opyn«m. i»j
■Wben Senator Chandler of be#
.Bampehlre recently preaentrf a mem^
rial from tbe late Admiral Worden In
the United BUtea senate, he briefly re.-
*• ^ *•*?«*
*>T aoiarta* atsosM
MtlWMtoiy til*). v> tb« iciMti (O *ro«iM tb« lD4in*tlon «*4 d».
jditb Mid the■ DnjrllOt, «ad wan eol.
not. «u«
*u« «»f the eminent iBVMHor.
____ , at
_ nnliied I| fthe rneel bad not ret been pMd tor
Ke the venel lUeU.
therefore.fg'nr ta'the’. ...
The Monitor, for obetoun rennonn. bed aioQ of Ceptnln Ericaooe; who uJd In
bw built with *» much *Krecy *■ poo. truth. -The Monitor la mine." Hero
nlhle. and thia <a few of the pnrUculara {alao in an InaUiice toward which we
barlnr leaked out) aerred
p ' Imay not revert with aatlataeUon.
d to whet pub.
Bo ecatrarr <conditlona foe aoceptio* the Honltc
the deattn of tbc Monitor
or to every,
every- poaed by a yrvat Kovemment on a it
tblnv that waa anppoaed to0 be "abtp"Bhlp- deatner
deatdner are. fortunately. urfparaJleied
ahape" and ao overweijrhted appeared In our hlatory. At a ftrure allowln* but
tbc vedaei that many expected itf B#e litUe over the coat of oonacrucuon the
her alIdJnc dow^ber waya a^ to the (ovemioent agreed to accept the ahlp
bottom of tbe Eaat river. The final "pto'
prove imprecnahle under
preparatlona were puabed with atmoat the i
enemy aith^..w^Kent
Tl*or once tbe encineo bad been re-Itanxe." in abort. ............. .
Sir Julian Pauncefote on
His Dionitu.
tbs dtpiorutle drclM erel-hears of n. Tlw
fare of lout
li 11« mcede. to t^ g
Kan* {young man la racalled suddenly- b.» fels
il of the ndgtabora There la
Dla. igoveramenL He goee asay. His friendB '
trict rsgtibUloa which pmbiblu the : may
hangtag of one s wash la view of the i Uons
street The aalborfHes quSeUy inti- j partment
mated to the ehaacellor that the display
m otbar dues than Waahlagtcn
ought to be abated. The chancellor re- I “dlplamatlr pritilege" la nof so potcat.
plied by taanglag out a tesb awortmeat j TlTien the Turkish consul at Boston was
of underwear.
{accused of awln.lllng two then out 0< ta»
That waa la the day whes ao one who ‘ better part of tbeir fortune hs wa* »
::s'r«X”srKS^'^'“i'NtiDENTs ni Washington.
tnal trip waa bectm.
sun Ertcaaon accepted. T lore tUa
Judrtnx by the newcpaper reporta of country. I lore its laws and Iti peopl*
this trial. It waa a hopeleoa failure. The and I would rive my life for It Just an
captain was called an "Incapable aoon aa not." aald he on that occasion,
schemer." ant hewaW severely reproved
In tbe matter of nuluble armament
for wasting the.ronntry'a reoonrcea An £r1cmon waa made to confonn to hln
article- kIvIdc the details of the trial oritrinal plana. He had intended
led to
trip and headed "Rricaaon'a Follr** ap-*'mount
It sadl
peared in a newspaper.
Meanwhile It must t adftflited that available 11-lncb aruna wer
Snow on the Sideuafics of the
British Emhas'su and Whu
It Was Not-^!«no«ed.
of Foreign rtinstejs.
- —.................chance of 18 i>ounda o; powder.
' •*"*’"'• proved out of adlost- were dliwharwed durin* tbe flxhl.
ment and the ateerlnr Rlear required Aealnat the shell* the armor of the MertCopyrtfhi.
exce*«lve power, ao that between the rtmac wa* joat abbut proof. Ericason.
Wa»htneton. Maitrh t—The affectatwo the vesael waa nueriy uhmanajcc. fore*»elnjt this poaelblllty. had iworlded «•“ «f * superior virtue by the British
able anil had to be to*-ed back to its . wroucht iron solid abut to be Bred with autboritlea over the case of two yonnc
slartin* point.
I a xreater rharxe of poWder, bnl not a wmehea of the American embassy who
Then an Incident look place which ' solid shot wds used duHns the enwaae- claimed "dlplomatlr prirllexeB" when
.w------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------"«“•
._ . i tor
I of , arrested
for ^Wulatlnc an ordinance ._
ce Which
the «ren*)ment thoujth this »
,a l^ndon suburb baa created mild
- •
Waahlnitlon. These
|iealt.-d to the Amerl
protection from ^rrwervUon. Mr.
apiilled to the forelxn oSIce. and
ped. But the authoritl.w expressed a
mlH surprise that the culprits
taken the
heir irtin
o dlplomaUc qu.
luesilon was Involved, and they
Were clem ,
tbe wnutut.
The rcsldeniB
<• Nineteenth street. In
pinity' of I>upunl
cirHr. are conalderinc
It ihe
adriaablllly of bavinx chU
opinion of the forelxn offleeTruroed and
sendinx a copy of It to Sir Johan
i’auncefote. The nmish embassador
ought, to -know what hla government
thUika of a man who sblrka hla duties
as a resident by plqpdlnx diplomatic
privllegea Poasibly £nxll*h aenclment
would make Kir Julian see tbe neceaslty fw cleaning the raow from the sidewalk on the Nineteenth street front uf
the emltanay.
There Is a local regulation la Waahtagton requiring all owners <1 Improved
property to keep the
a '
te aldewaik*
1 tbe property clean and free from
The Brttlah
” was recognised aa llv-
Interference^of l
ibaasy, and a few days ago
received and eoter- released If the TurUab minister bad
representauvm of all the "ver- backed up the demand. Bui the ‘Tnrke
*nd “bund*" la Washlflgtoa. to- Ub minister refused to Interfere, and
v». s.ak™aoni.
the consul Was liken back to Bostoo,
walk on Nineteemb sueel clean, and the other Oerman aristocrats.
trted and committed. At another tlaaw
tbe persona who do use Nineteenth
Crowing fowls and other nulaanesa —c attache
.k.— ^c of
v. a
. European
legation was
r oalS I Inventor t
ellhsr the officers or the crew of the street, which U a faabloDabie thorough..- ~have been kept by tbe dlplomau la | the
amsted In New ^ork for InssIUng *
Monitor. That the Indgment of Erica- fare, must wade through snow
V^ashtngton. and their aelghbon have | woman
trees. Hla atlomer
r Admiral Worden
n young MarOord-brought the draw- non aXaiRM that of certain government deep when passing' Sir Julian’s
k."' -Ji'V.;—.I
alway* been without recourse. But {raised the question of privilege, but •
offlcUU was correct waa Priced
t the admiral had dr- wherein *
youi _
Increased charge of powder.
way of setting the collie* remited.
... 1.....
• kkkvk
“Had the government been able to ow n anua sboea or
know ^bow
* desire for pereonal beneflt.
fumlah heavier guna" aald Professor them.
tachM. Mnertallr thoM nom some ,.f Ihs to raise Cain whenever they please, b .
Besldee menuonlng t£e duel ae one of p/are/
The dt«rirrauth<iritle. once aaked Sir lltta re^l» are^e d^wTa^n.^ they cannot l>e compelled lo pay thetr
MsdCord. "or had II. official, been vriUirmnsi events In the history
Afte. tonBlderallon'MacCord waa or- Ing to sanction the heavier ebargeu. Julian pollcrty lo clrar away the snow,
............ of
-- i .......
• war. Senator Chandler also fdered to draw new plan*. Having done there U lllile doubi that the Merrtmac. ,He did not comply w ith the request and , ,ees on the busing of Ibelr government bllla A great many tiadesmen bci*
accounu with )-oung attaches tS
spoke of the influence that the meeting , so. he appeared before Ericsson
lu.l.-ad of w ithdrawlng from th. con- nothing can be done about the mailer.
hare a
rirnTTb^ hSTe II. have
legations which will ne^'e^ he paid. ▲
tbc two ironclads bad exerted on the I der to have them examined. B
teal, would have been quickly sent to
Vrhtn the late Senator Van Wyck I
^ ,hrir
florist on Fourteenth street adopted »
keep company with her vlcUma."
lived In tbe house on M.amWtnaelt. ^t, .
plan te collect a bill against on*
So certalii w a* Ericason that the avenue and Eighteenth street w hied he '
break wlnd^’ They of these
men. The foreigner had bees
ptoee to thoshbuHl of Iron for purposes ; well. then, go ahead." be directed, and rrtean. provided were sumHeni for the ow ned, one of the legations wn. near hrr.h
w?nd^ ant paying court
to a rich American girt.
“ **f^*ro.
• , B,, enrrvct proved the duplicate draw- purpose that he wa. ne'ver able to re. ■ by'. A member of the legation owned .
He sent her flowers regularly and was
There la probably no atory tliat has | mg that on comparison l«.th tracings
•“ Uw lonnd^tbem up art^e them to assiduous In his devoUon to her. Uw
been oriener retold than tbe building of might have been made from the same P'*“urethrough ihe nl^t. Jibe aenator cmp„uce station. 'With silk bats tnted florist from whi>m he ordered the flew*the Monitor. But tfaata
were minor original plan. Exactly what tbe trou
After the Monitor had proved her plaint
.. Ihstrict aulhonii.-* it
dlahevelrd beads they
walied until Ihe hill amounted t*
mishaps. Incidence^ that have never ble <aa with the engines has never >-alue a. a flghter there yet remained ~No
law q-oi.d reach^ Sll^d a^h'^hM';:;i■-;;:;Xnt‘T;^^^
a large s
and then started to collset
been mentioned, and wlthoui which tbe been dliicoverrd: perhaps an error on
the hi] Important question
««^bro. Tte i
sirirtLnt In charge. Me- know. It. He e
It to the yoimg man. He
story Itself la not complete. For ex the part of a chief engineer, who worlhlneas. Ericason aat down and , dog ctmtliiued to bowl aad
r neigh. I,
all that hi* place la worth sent )t to tbe legation. He sent It te
ample. though It U generally known throughout the building of the Monitor planned another monitor. Under the bora to use profane language ................ ...... ,,,
finger on one of them. Bo he the minister. When all else had failed
that aa early trial trip of the Moaltor caueed considerable delay' owing to In. . care or an escort
the latest represynta. ope risked an Intematloaal war by
lib them.
he sent the trill to the young lady vhe
proved a failure, the exact cause* of comikctehcy. and who may have found live
five of th*
the new type of battleship wan" poisoning th* dog.
gentlemen, go tMme pe«ceathla failure ha%a been bat ImperfectIHMISlIl
l»le to'
o' remedy
. ., ■-...........r rritl____
Ihout Ml »o sea. Not very long after the
It wa* a rhancellnr at the Oerman le- | y/i.’it’s pretty laie, and had received the flpwara, with a not*
of expIsnatloQ. Her father paid tb*
I) touched upon, while the scenfs that
knowledge reaching higher quar- , dengrtute of the pair both passed galloc -...... .
you’ve had -a good time. 'Suiippose yog hlU and probably ordered the young
took place alongside the uapalnted
-ilhout any apple. | through the trial of a atom of unusual coniem(>t for
man <.ut of his house-* raiber dlaa^
bUk'k hull have been left almost wboUy
l.y orter 'of Ertcaain. ;»‘<'»«>ee. 'When the vesselB roiurned , hangirui hi. clothing in the fronrVard
If they
trou* conclusion to his apecuIatioiL
the engines my■Bte^tousi}^ became elB- Ibe.monllor was towing her disabisd .on drying day. The legation building , tnt
--------- -------------• — ROUCER.
"•> • —.....1.kck..
di'’ nnlsllj troop out to the
■ net another • 1 which they were driven to the sta!tter Qi
‘here remained atlll the dcfect1\-e
If they are ugly there I* nothing
of this subject than F
C. W. ! rudder. S-imch..w , It la not know n from
MacCurd, w ho was at the time a draft*. i
duartcr.' Eri<-Sfu>n heard a rumor
int to tear up the car iracka
It the ConUnentaJ Iron works asd i that
Vlltic of the naval
who in later gear* became one of th* ,________
| anthomi.s
_ .. put the vessel In drywho has
arrest them. Of a numlaer of.certain trees, knd b*a
Bair of Ericsi
- . _
iriesaon’s chosen friends.
Tbs i dbek so as to m a new rudder. On
■‘for* he c-uls tt
U be must make hla aa^
was one ol the builder* of tbs > bearing (Ms news ahe captain's brow
port Ihe matter to his superiors: they krow'n t . the gods of the wooda
tamous naval
■ ' war machine.____
....................... “ derkened. The blood ruahed to hla fhe*.
esn cwtl 1! to the attention of the state
Indulge la this cleaatr
dlrsctlr on bis statemenu that this
1 with the full volume of hi* pswgra
department, and the secrelary of slate habit every day._He muat abstain e«
tide la founded.
virtee he sw ore a mighty oath.
esn intimate to the minister or embaa- the Clh. the Gtb^e >th. the 14th. tb*
Befoi% the vessel wa* launched CapGinJlay
Uin Erlmaoa wa* a frequent and al- shall n..t be done!" And in thoi
Mb spirits must be sub- the day* of
V apd filull moon, c
most dally visitor to the yard* of tbe perhaj* lay tbe aalvatiun of the Union.
kTi'esdky kii
In every :emv,
Iweek, ir
on the day o<
Conllnenlal Iron worka After the,-Pul in n new rudder: They'd waale
rine otherrecourse th<r state depart- Ihe constellation coderr wwhich he waS
launching bad taken place, however. ‘ a m..nlh dol^ that. I’ll have her tn
legation attach* iK-m, on the day jif the «week and oa
he vl.lied the ship but neldom. ffhe working order In three days." In Irws
make* himself offensive to Ihe local au- tbe d^ of the month which comapond
engine, havlor been put Into tbe Mon- than Ihe time siwlflcd Ihe alteratluns
Ihorttlca If Ms sins are serious the with Okisc of hit birth, at an ecilp*^
Uor while the vessel wa* on the stocks ha1I been utede. end from that llnw OB
secretary of state, throughour embaa* at (he Timjunctlon of tbe planela at
there nmalned'lltlle that required the the Vtouiel was In^rfecl worklng-orMd”! br yninister. notifies his home guv. the equinoxes and other unluckF .
dealgncr'a )«rwnal atientior.. and he, der. Within a iwmih the liaitle |a
'emmenl that his preaenre'bere Is not ei<M-hs. and also on tbe anhlverwaiy cC
therefore satisfied himself with the re- Hampton Roads had been won and, con.
desired. That results In hts Instant re- tbe death of hla father or motlter.
port* made by the i
No government will, keep an un-. Any one who cleana bis teetB wttll
gtneera alwui the behavior of the en- times, l>el<.nged to ancient hlatory.
welcome representative at the -capltnl hi* Ut of stick on any < '
gla«n wblle under steam. These engine*
Considering how precious was each
I of another, nation. The whole affair la nteotloaed days wlQ havee ball
were what ba>- -in. e been termed the hour. It may be well understood why
so quietly that no one outside ponlon.
“Monitor type." buc contrary to a gen-T a proi«*lUon to delay the completion
Ninel'eentfa street. N atre^ and Cob- ■ rt-mi,
nectlcui atenue. TbS embassy buDdlag
A Brahman and Hik Tecdi. t
C oai>i/M^ ■
•Fct%&e c>.rAU»e.i..
Not «a ^aulet Ary wore, aet a braid of gold fbtj bore .wfaea at tea or oo the riiore. For their wealdi of brawn and brain, wnaU didr gainj
But dte nation dropa ^ tear, and dae nadoo girea a cheer far tfap tara mho knew no fear, for die able aramm *1^ ao ^ Maiiiet
mi»figq Moo«>, suFPAT. MAaoa e. \x».
tonUbcd. IliKNigk UM BMfflftttoi rt |
«Dod, At. I OMU 4o 1
hiM •lloiraiwB, t»» BiUUa U»rf la do | nae^ool that the bcd’i k
amU u tbey JortJed ud lonbod
MMr^^^U>»bkfoc.. Baboasbt
Aad «ltb ttat li* vmlked bwTily;
d«rk-and d«n>)7 r«t«d
« «bap btdMCDd. it U trw. nd for • twaj.
ttooUt«two dwalt la luxury, ilaopla*
Tbe kaW ateod n ^ Mwawt i ••ocimo
«id BUHam. *'l?a*U
opaa a »«al iaatti*« wHb a otaan Aeet|with his UgaotryWida *»d »hlMl«d
•Bd foldia* hU OTcrooat fwapUlow. ,AtfaUy. , .
| And benocA aarntg tba gitodlu*
Botetea^tminetOBa tad.
“Well.** bo AHd, "what dojoo jw>-1 ^^^3^ iJjppiair op «rei7 pl«*«7 ooal
The ClrovniataDOteWM (*>«*:
‘ paw to do aboni it. BiUian? my, let ■ which laYOD tbo road aad padiiaR it
BUUam had hem doVB at Oral* both go to a hotel aod getnppor. TbM 1b,q fair uUter pookeu with tralDod
alacrity. Hiibrotbcreodeavored to imi
thwaltoaMlDg hU father. UDd bio broth ------- a nop tbe night there.
Billiam lookud at him w>th a kind of tate him, but he waa nnaocniicnued and
er (of the Ooe Hnadred and Tteth,
hlnmay'and got bnl few pieooa^
huaan) Inaletod upon retnnuag to
tbooe anialL
Edlobamb with bi|u.
however, for the wagot
rou'll bare to maab It. nlDd you,*' the new ooUie'*
changed, and tbe little Vorka&hw'wm iwed ilka a maelatTam U-tween tbe
■id BUliam. wanlog bisL
•Tm a aoldiar.” miA hlo brother need bioking to twice or tbrioe during high walU and tbe Ull bonaea. The
go., and...........
TU call bnaw lonod that it needed 'mneb qnl<kjbo a „
■touUy. ••and I goew yoor boleoaa’t tbe night B.A;
bo wono tbao «»« pla^ Tra put up round fer yqn in tbe mccning on my ncM to aeito tbe |*V7 and bog it. ovadliege. ”
ing meanwhile tbe aneceoding cona,
wuy to oolla
“Omt t.BI
which came on at a pace whtc^wua al“All right.’* mid Amaas. ’‘Mind.
1‘to wwned you. Dou’C grumble when Od Diy word. I're'beard ol allanrieof nioai a Lriak trot.
Innatioe. but I'm banged i( I erer beard
Pitnentlya huge dbal carter, atanding
you get there.”
Bo at tbeir Jcmrney'a end Billiam of anybody bef«« guue dotty on ben«ly up on hU wagon, ckngbt eight uf tbe
- . >1... A
MAWM. ««.! in.
i... doge. *'
from the.
opeo^ tbo door of tbe garret and inAnd tbw'athe bull with the bad ride of the r««d. He acntanwdyniiarile
Tited bU brother to atop in. A eurioua
tear <«i bi« }aw. I1 murt
mm-t i«>e
iM that
that tbo after him. which took effeot jntt be
damp amell uiiH them ou the tfa
tween hia abooldcrbladea.
“Tbat'aall riKbt”.mld Billiam in- at itrhi-* ere Icwpinr and gw- him ■>
”Oetooto‘ihat.yc------ ^^aknlkcr. ye!”
aaauringly. ‘‘I waabod out the whole w aiLr.” ccutiunxl LiUiani meditai
blooming abop with chlorate of lime
, be ikonted.
'Of nil tho foola!" cfiedtlie captain.
CaiXainOrmithwaitoof tbeOneHnn» Bight liefore I came away. '
‘ Well, oomti oti. Billiam. I'll be your |
^^(3 Tenth hoaiara aprnug toward
beallfay no end. if it doea atiuk a bli
■bb.''Mid hU brother then
the cap- ktrsa-r tonight and ate that yon get a 1 3,3, wmiiUnt to lake him bv tbe throat, i
tain, “but it oeitalnly tloea ameU like neat thing in atTaitjackew right away.”but the watchful Billiam bad bU broth-:
And the bniiar atrodeonwith the air „ promptly bv tbe arm.
a ntan.wbo riotmuiui'e to ate a dn,-1 -^ind what you are abnat.”bo mid:
•• Well. Ill bare tbo Are lighted, and
rtand in tborv. and we’ll mon
we’ll hare eoma anpper befor.' the peo pcr.:teventnrethronghtothebltterend.‘'|
'Ibeycaiue in lime to the tamer ■ f .(oU«t nalbpcirfourdaya.”
ple begin to oome,” Mid Billiam calm
ry rtreefand again mounted 1
-u)ik ab. Iter in a ctllar
ly. ••yon’llUepickiDKiheaeoldrBRBfor
the enxy ttaira. ^Tbc
"Tic fire bad dbd
both of them (rimed to
that IBBD haiDe to coonilt dm about a Unt and laving ont the faanOagen "
nlies (. iptain Ormlibwaite
Amatu produced a hideout
arpoTaticn from bU wife, and be bnsugbt
went to tbe coal hi [ it waa empty.
<Hit of it* aide pocket and pat it
Mfonily Bible outod the fUwiMbopto a raaber of bacon and egga wUeb
‘•Hello, BilUam.", be old. “how do
Then be elid oO the Uonratep and
Abow me the date* <d faU marriage aad- Uam fried in the pan. along with alioed
„„ bia poritioi on a liitle mound
potatoea and hotter. The bonar, being yon liroiKwe to koep na warm all irtgbtl
birth of hU ^ildm. I gate him
Hat aomebody taksn ont your oonlt 00 ^ bard trodden eorth-aud engine ath.
ttilag when he went awdy
hal” becried. "Ye are a aoto'
would BOt need to take the Bible back
BUliam threw up Lit band* again ' 43^
Gilmmou ealrters!”
with tbe Ame palh^ little gcrinre U ] Every Bachman <» tbe wagona leaped
It ia aoch a jolly flaror.
qnlte onlqne,” be mid with enthnai^ up at tbo word oa if be had been rtnng.
"1 don’t kpow what y*n’ll Ustnk rfi
tbe rain of cool ooba which foil
•And tbo«V»ple ootaide?” Mid tbe aani. "Bf«nii aa If it were waaooed
mid. “Imt^ «ben... I I abonlBilHamwaaattooiihinganddeod^QiEjDbmjv-aaaMcaithinganddeadwith anchovy or wme French
• notyet
irian. in fact.
w«ji away 1 gave all I bod to the jy_ but br long pracrioo be evaded every
rotmd tbe warda with quite Pmririan.
nmatrem next door."
one of tbA. leulxigaeme ilip poat him
’‘Tea.” Billiam anrwrred oimply,
“Well,” arid thecaplaln. "goaDd *»''I and catching ,1
‘that ia the red herring 1 bad in tbe
tbe mnight 01
' and irrestatibly.
Imat week. With na ctaniog in «> if abe can give yon any back. ” But at ;^ )y at ever be ^
had duoe"Uie
dune the boll when he
Vlthoot another word be led tbe
atian BUliam'a pala cheek kept wicket on tbe green playing fleldi.
wuy to the door of the next room. It ^rk. 1 hadn’t time to clean him ont
captain found Hilliam.
■eoned to lb«' doctor fuller than ever.
“loan't quite do that, "be mid.
Tbe onttr raam wna filling .up all tbit
>w a very awollon and bniky BUliam,
______beride him.
. ( fact rnanmr. and half a time, and tbe yelping, whinling “■* 1 think 1 AU get anme. Yon wah a
minute, and I'U mn down and aee.”
Yon go and flU np at tbe bode <d tbe
AoMi men alotudied after him. Very mewing grew louder thaneren tbe
monnd where I waa gdying^em." be
deftly Billiam laid out a row of amaU Ingof tberooksio tbe old tma abore
IfatOB there.’
arid. "Tbere'aqnitelhalf
^□ing inatrumtsita npen the table. Ormicbwaite
And w cbedienUy the hi
“Jaiantorat Tarantanl” cried tbe and baggy aboot the ekirta. He opened 1
With'mlTe, lint and bandagea oitunged
bnwr cbeerfclly. ”Thm out ter kdbnel UandelKiwed ihehoatarhowingWiiooi- ^jb » grim delight in bia heart to
behind him.
ly be bad aewvd two large pocketa <rf: jbiak
the fit bia C. O. would bare
think of tbe
Then be took animal after animal In- para4e.” knd tor two bonra he
r ewongb with bU Unt and Btroeg canvaa to each ride.
if howmldonlybaveaecnhim. Pmarnttobiiband, act4t nptxi tbe Ubl«. poaaid
, ly bo bad filled np. and, leaving tbe
bia fiugera lightly to and ^ over Ua
woftboccaU avenue for the quiet <<
|>»»d and ear* a time or two. UatcBed to
tbebonae. Billiam and bfabruiher alnnk
Ibe owner'a rolnble explonodatu wlthwaaatutking a eigareue,'and Billiam
^dem’t ntnally boy them." anawervd j
king n ■ ■ '
lllim limply. “1 pick them.”
, g„aned tbo ai.taiu. Ipiking at hia
leal lecture. Hit deft fingoe anipped
"Pick them and Beal them." mid
"Tothlukwbatyou bare led an
•wav the matted hair from a negUcted
iiaa. Captain Ormitfawrite. ”V<iayoung^-•
,be queen Imo. yon hlrnorf
and f<tu.Ting tare. Be cleoutd the
gar. w^ wooid tbe governor my if be 1
p,j3ovra bird. BlUi^ml "
Woond uitderiy, tbe dog aficn inatloo- and will die in tbe workbonaa.”
Then the captain yawned a little, knew.
“Empiv the cuaU biTc." oomnanded
tl\nlvtnming toanap'Vet all the '
BiUlam looked up a litt e wearily ai Billiam. anil hi* bwilnr-p<«ired mil bia
-'■il'a loo late fur tbe tbealw.” be laid,
■dily. impartially and aympathetical- “eren if you knew wboe caie waa,. iftbeaobject bad anddenly grown too, bt«rd intoalarge comimrtment boiU
^ 1 beaide the window. How Billiam oonld
to the animal and bit maMcr till tbe which 1 don'f telieee. I'm denoed tired. large for diaennaoo.
Letnagoto.bed."‘‘I ahnn’t be nry long, he mid. ^ have carried no great a lari waa a pnaBiUiam looked about him donbtfnlly weut on batKolng the ulator abont hw
btft ccrtainlv there onnld not have
and then anddenly threw np bia banda -----riim•yoniif
a bundndw.-lgbt of coal
“In f.ir jaiiuy. in_f«» po«md.”aid n. y,eanvaspnekeual.aie. He baBcnwith a geotnn- of deoiwir.
lo^g Dr MaefarUne becahie ■
"1 f<rgut. old chap; on my life aird
. to fill a put with waiiT. and >u a lit
i be waited while
tie while bo bad nahallcnv taUi full of
« waa diepooed uf with tlie un bnn<n. 1 qniie forgot. I lemmy bed to
Petirr Wilkin*, tbe water call*
r.iUiam pointed to an old ov^t
wucr. Thla he aei out in the nrhad-pawmd bia topay bU nut. bat he wbicb hnug npon a oaU behind tba nt» lahiiri aacreea niado of a gmyahort
ready in bia thonghf be canid gMltont again before
tbe lint
^11 becudniovr
band, jnid ai if he bod
iige t«v If---------------------*-----------infirmary and waiting fur
at the old infirmaty
o work off hit batch.
Liaicr to
,1 the end of half an boor b« hod no
1 ruma bock.”
Wh« be come back to take hi* turn
« of Billiam‘rwant of
in f..* it." mid tbe hnantf. ;
tmih. . fn*h pot foil of water
qnaliflratiuna. fie aaked him to come
t, my uigbt out. Come ««,” ho
^ uid the
room waa bright
(d. pulling at tbe coot, which Uinal-:
^ _
Tbe linoar bad attended to
euivl P
yon a hundred timet, do-tor. Init 1 have
Kcne private can* in tbe back roran 10 Ikrodgb tbe dimly light^ alrect, uudtr
atteoti tn yet. and tix-n 1 mnat ivnd up gloomy archwaya, put great black
of tbe lapels and-BtiftiDg at it.
1 which BUliam nsnally eampixl. There
i-chaHni yaw-niuK betwetai lofty booaiv
my atnfl for lomtaTuw. •’
Ob.” arid Billiam. “Uiat’B tmly the w w
ta >» now. and on cuy chair
After ap-bile there oune to riot Bil Mill they arrived at tbe dwelling of )Vil
•liam a miiiikter or two familiar with kin*.‘‘the water oularman,”u Billiat dogs. Bometima I wrap the worat oua , of wickerworit.
“I'U toa yc*
tbe aria, young
gronit npinll. Butil'aall right, old chap.”
the diatrict, tbe yonhg reeideut miaainn- aid. It van a room upon tbe gromri
bv added hastily, “1 rivraya dUinler; it!
««d the captain.
ary from the etoih-ut*' ball, a »iray law- fiocr with a nmken area in fni
■rid BiUiam promptly.
yw-'aeterk or two—and the enperiuiend.
«nt K police. Thi-y all came to cavil,
••Headi it la,”
I*,” critd tbe bos
b^r vritb
greasy staire without meeting a sonl. ! "Heads
bniotie and all thiy ivmaiix'd to bold
! When tbey arrivod at the foot, Biliiai ■ome relief.
one to ibecouBtry.''
bandagea and be ha^ with tbe raae“Fcrbatai be bu pawned yonr bed. turned sb^rp to tbe left, and tbe bosar ' ."Olad of that," quoth cheerful BilUno.
DO,” aid tbs bnaor bititriy.
On one ncnaidca the mlniKter cd St.
in which wire DO gu Iriup*. At the , «»>nnako quite a dec of thing out of
Billiam was hurt at tbe snggeetion
Margarei’i vflired Billiam'the UM-nf a
IS a
a gnj|ff
gn^ cool
col station,
station, mgs aud nvercuals. And. larides. tJivpgentleman. ■■ be aid. lend of the lane was
"Wilkins iss a g<
r lu bU • bun-h. but Billiam aid.
.• aucks of—1
coal, black inn <iu the ttoor makes yon *0 jolly glad
'and it -wu only last weric be rent j full of wwgtins a^d
y .Uy
for c
’•Somlay U uiy
c u|> in the manjiug."
F<jg Biliiam was a ! bis .sikve terrin- fiur me to dortiir np d j and riiiaing. diml]
1 abauld la- glad.
tIn-T lumeu
lamed m
in aw.
and w-jn
alept u.v
tlie ..vvp
i«iiJ.-matiiiid riwavi aoKwired even a have all right ?<c bint when he Qimo tall gateposts. The lati-st delivery ]
ICcri^L w». b,,tb. i.»fcorJ
... Uie of Udies' Roe Sloes
in Irioe and Bntton, Veeting Tope. . Same in
Mtaaee'. in Heel and SprioK Heel. Sixra in
Heel for ladiea wbo wear amall aiscB—1, If
and 2. Tan or Black.................
Oent’a Fine and Beavr AVork Shoe®.
Style, Wear and Price Qnaranteed.
Meat Oomplete Uae-
-New.lot of Embroideries received here
within the past few days. The styles are
very pretty, and the prices are }’OUr way.
ASSORTMENT «>j"0"eti.c”'w»tock,
)usi received. The de
signs are beautifal, and the prices will please yoa.
For wnich we ai^eole agents—and
__________ the“Fo’iir I*oop Hooks and
'rHTrJ GS Eyes/* We can recommend them
as tbe BEST.
Will be more popular than ever, this season,
and see our stocks—Get our prices.
The oarMer ypu do it tlio better. We
mean about your selecting Spring Carpets. Our
new stock of these goods have been comiug in the
past three dkjs, and more -irtll arrive this week. We
contracted with the mills 'way last summer (before
the great advance in cost of carpet yams) for this
spring’s supply, and in consequence can sell at old
prices. Ingrains at 25c, 30c, Zlyic and 45c. Best
All Wool Ingrams, 49c and 59c. Patterns are
handsome. Colorings rich.'
See Our Aten’s Suits
At $5,00. t7.50, »8,S0, $10.00, and up. Also, wo can
furnish you fine suits, made strictly to )’our measnre,
at $12 50 and up.
c Dry Cooda. Carpet and
Ciotblng Houaa.
125 Pairs
of Ladies' Hno Shoos
Way Below Coat of
blacklo* the 'ooal tbey worked j awake and eager for ulk.
Into the earth?"
{ ers bad dime the mme.
line, for at i.be
the first gnm and blackjaa
“.Wiiy do you keef. en at this kind of
pull slid out aiiont six
Aud Billiam cnnld neve* find ont why
•nm «wl carter* kept np a brisk in- I
sili-nt. nncanui', nnattacbed
tbe miuiMor went nway so suddenly or
terebange of c
Why be sho^k his head ever afterward
(Tti BB co.v-nsi-aii)_____
'"llutt'anansc.’'said BUliam. “Let'a
A thev met in the
■osed bis wiud that iii. Ungtim ct tit. climb u;i • t< 1 i>e niihuga"
JCaigaret's had taken him foran infidel
fskd a dangivk/ns snbvmsrnf tbe ayatem
. cf religMn u by taw fwUbUAed. Tat Wlnniv-be <v uldl.sik into ibeMOpiof
WtUtbis. ‘‘Uw-rv is my bed atanding
^ doe tlrni- Billiam’s i>M of garretl' arriusi tbe wall, and -the mattrea be
become kmovu u the "taiue dogs' kome” side it. Yon rvv. s-.sd obtJVilkln* ia"
all righl. 1* it a first rale bed. Bettcr
•nd grew Um'ius ibruagbunt tbe
Sold in the principal cities during the
Uke a hsk ai it. f.r it is all yoajrUl
Unda. dttp streets, wlndibg —------ reeof it Cbistiigbi."
month of February.
oduron* chssw. with their AvaVpannta-;
tion of bov* and does.
■ ri®™
*« "• 7®
‘ Ooo Vadlfi," Henryk Sienkiowicr.
’^’*m let thil
tbit Iona,
long, lanky
lank; X,p i ingwi'intent there l.u-? I'll hw) to takye
rglar loan
•lone.” oied one brawny bnrgla.--------•
. 1
“Hugh Wynne.” 8t Weir Mitchell. '
other, “or I'll amaib yoor dirty taoa ! A p
portly poUceman vraa etandlng.be“The Choir InviBlble,” Jainen Lend Allen.
like a tbttcn turnip! K.nv. mind mai bindt:
* ilb mnrb tn^iei,
fa<v. Dilliam tnmed bimsrif abont
Don’t yon know tba dog iuissi;*iary
“6tory of en Untold Idive," Paul Ldeatcr Ford. J
Ki-ery 3»Iloeman befriimdi-d Billiam. - qnivtly.
“Captain CourAgeom” Rndjvrd EipHni?.
Ibi-"gnwicr number c< the polietv ! . "J‘»hi
It it to Petiw Wil
■s urdmary cUunta He could often g« me my bed.
“The ChrigrtUn,” HiGl Caine.
- , «iklW ,.»» .b* Pl~~~ or . klni
kir., .»d W. Aa t, l.rtrf.” ^
put tkr
1« 0» Uleb tblloo. i "I,rbi
oC _ o-iri a» pdiormui.
iwj we
wB MT«
all. cave
have iota
lott ui
of them,
w*™,. and Uen 1
do,, .bid. bmdj-lf.'b"d.»
U ibU yra
Aa nnri
have sacm
tbea eii,
* of the verv-newrei hooka that are jaai from the pnhllahere.
mud ' bidr* be added, tsbmbing nikl
nsiUvida Bilrranremenu with them, ao that we iwceive all thrir late nab, Itam and looking eritically
ally at tbe ubk BOOB os off the preoBM. Na XrombXt to show yon all th«e
Urn and which defwrted obedknUy if
MW books withont having to bare them ordered for yon.
a It n that ft glow
wnwiUingly whan be bode tbem ntnrn
ed with a kind of radiance not its
to^rir own ptae« In penoa
“It looks a gold bed coench."
r year Billiam rendlad nod
aa be climbed duvm.
pnctiisd, never a pegny tbe ririwr, but
“Uon yon not got It for ^ 3<^T‘
men andm** loving niribAr*^ ^
The Six Most Popuiar Books |
ao r™t SMet.
It a holust. ruawer- j
p4.00 1'
p3.60 ;
Reduced to
Oome while we have yonr
TM hfilu ShH Biqa
Tea KstUs aT-BorTtng Diah.
Price from 60 Centsnjp. Calland See Them-
U« Front Stmet,
yrov™, Cit,,lUch.
THB xoxxnrtf bsoobd, suKSA'r, kaboh s. im.
s»vW«« o- ri«
red ot tba aaotwr
to Iba Daw worhl. U ta auKatatad tbal cda
at Iba boUdlDKi tor tba
• pot
pan-AisarlcaB asjollkm ahait ba a rrprodDOUoa of 8ek>■DOD f tauif.tr
ir alia m-ImiM It oo tba
rtM MM7 T«»^
tte MdT* and oc
________j theofdwUMr.
tbeordar U Ur. A.
^ B. talhe*
abow tba
mt UaeolB. Nah.' U< U a oatl «• ot Wama rooma Id whiob II
mmv, lUa.. ani araa boro la IWtt. Mr. prlealaaa ralica abd i^rv > <rpU wbteh bava
tklbo* ia a UwTar br imfaaatoa
bean aecuuujUMd
(ba anler dorinc tba
'tbaatwnarlD XHaaikaot O...
ibe M
PadOe railroad. Ula aatlrltr io tba Modmm WaadoNB daiaa back to 18W, »bas ba
tba,^unl(7 haw wrltlaD reevnraa-
Editor—Jlin.1 n
1 that tfld
atoBe balldlBg ^ tba onaarowto to M> ba
tom down.
Tba Prlniar^Tep. 'Tbay baEtn
Editor—Wan, }sat alip aroond and
^aUaad^iii tba waa Wa saat
( to flU np with thia
wa^—Maw ToA Waak^.
Iba Want at Btadaoii Mar Ba ■
A Rty^ Fanay.
Tba SlacMol 1
•Irrtric floor wnMitBc mcbioa,
yoB pay ao aiKb a
to albinad to do tba trorb «? aor
Boon lfa(»oagbt7 ib
tina. or at a aaritig <rf 76 par cant oror
Tba Mid GeorBai-<:]eraiana Flain Oaaitf.
:hlDe to '
fl tor tiae Id goaani*
“An aattooaipint towl' gaapad tba
I aa ba raad tba baDdliee.
Mi lt, (hr wpoUl* of the 1
and in fact any place wh^
“GraatbeaTena. to itpDaaibla^taoalpauDihrm ball of the tootlneot. Praaidccl' there are larfe expanaea of floor
Brlnkrrof (>R'axpia>ltlun iDaoaaeRiant bat Tba inreiitar statiw that the niacbitia Ing IS still pcevalent in this ooontryfV
m anda a nuniiiamllnu kieatlao lor tba baa been in aotoal (erriea, atuoog other —Mew York Junmal,
plaeea. fbr two yean io tb« llickox
bwn wvural to tuppituMOl tba auO aetta bBildinG. Ciereland. doing ibo w<dk of
oo Cayuga ^and
- Tbt rrjion of flrand Fatiretory Fo*
Bbowxho lyul naii.ijar D( Hoyal Arcb
Mu>.n. in .^rwVarklobe MLIM. a uct
I gala ul SUV otor hwt report
! J«maa Ilradlry U now araod tmnef-of
)ft* in Mlrblgan and J 8) Coooear
At The Boston Store
^ T^Oritfipatorg of Loipf Pmeg nre at the tront agnin with prieoa io_every departmeutat the loweat
(rood tbhiK when they aee it Come and do likewiae. Don't be deceived by imiUt^ Oar buyer ia in
New Xurk now, and onrioada of-new gooda aredaiiy arriving. The way we'are Slaagfaterlns PrleeB cm
the remainder of oar winter stock ia aatoanduig. We just give ytm a few prifteg, cannot enamerate bargaing tbrontfh want of npace.
Rgvo yon 8«H*n' the new **&o«welle*’ SatP Wg sre the sole agents. Every hst goarantoed.
Lstert in style. El^mnce and finish uosorpssssd. This departmenl is 6ompleto.
tba ooiuuiltue and natD tbaatuwaMaaonlr iKiuw.
~ Tba aubncrlptlOD* for tba Old Uaaniw'
Boina aod leOnuarr of Kaotucky now
aiooBOt to IM.OaAM ,
8igt Laka City rauelral Irom.tba Manok fniarDity a flna library aa a Cbriab
Traa a dttoiBM to tte bead aa^nd m
wof tba I
Gents. Furnishkigs.
bt that Mina and bM bean re-alactad at
Tbara are Uebaptafaof Knyal Arrb
eon* ID KabnMka.wItbaiotalinaiubertUp
Tba total numbar of banafli eeatlOeatai
WTtRCB doring IWT wae W.HM aod the
nnnibar ti new eampa organlxtd oeer 80tt
Mat tneNaae in nieoiberditp In KW7 waa
Tba' Medan VoodgiaB aniand tlM year
UK with aU ctoti
In full I
ba wall aod properly evofemd. Not uDiy tbto one bDilding alooe.
I.7U is tba fa
1 aDTpIna of U46.1
ImKrt vov'ecibaod with piaeUloD tbr ae< I Tba inacbina to opented by as
aretwtbk wblob adrnlua man loUw
lU MW prlT.
priT- I mo
which IDEWl
reoaiTea lu en
Ire to axoel { tfaroogb a tamp cord wbicb may be at■t loclaty In iba hlaloryof ti
i^[ta«bad to any eooriaiiani
our ebargoi aod toctnte In euDferrlDg tba I •
at the topttf tba
______ ____ __ ..
An .11 wool PUid Snit (not .hodd,) M.00 r.ln«,,
(Thiidren's Knee Pants ^t.............. ;....78o-ap
Xen** and boy's Ovareoata go now balow
xnanofaetarera coat
In oar Drees Goods Dspsrtifient onr Sanmant
3ala is cresttoe a havoc. Ask to ase them.
Some fall skirt lengths, elegut fabrics, st al
most tbo price of cottons..
j^snte for the fsmoae Gold Modal Black Draaa
Gooda. ./The very latest Corns early and get
tbe cboios.
Men's Union Cloth Suit, valae bt$E50___$2.98
Boy's 3 piece SaiL black, (twilled) op to 18 yean
old, daring sale. $8.86.
All wool Kereey Pents, well made................$1.18
A good bleached Table Linen........................... 880
Psttem Table (Tloths, from............80c to $8.76
Lawrence L L Cotton (10 yd limit)............8 l-9o
Lonedble nod FWniUf tbe Loom....,..........6 l-8o
Good U»l.»adri»i Shirt......... ...................B7o
GocdL.oujiri.d Shirt.................................. 3»c
M.O-. J.™., 0..r.litrt............ ................SOo
Uen’g-gxtm heavy wool mixed SiKiter.............48o
Men’a Heavy Underwenr......... ....................... 16o
And other bargBiDs too namerone to mention.
to capture tbe pmpowxl KcDturky V, Idowe , ^
bixlOrpbai.i'boma Tbe city oouncll hat;
againet toa noor ey
toted *0.000 and tba Ibnal court ft.oou j epHog pnaaiira. and are geared wUb
We are prepai^ to abow tbe larfDSt al
Mel-artoDa lodgr. AlKghany, 1. □.* rfl the
ao aa to rarcdTe at aliMt 400
the moa»,|«-pm.u. In IVnorylraDla. Jt! ratolntioot per miotitD. Tbe wbaela
wa are eldaing oot oa bargala Ubiaa. and all go at 06c. 81 98 and 8I.4S A lot of Flagrwa A Katitb aod M. D. Walla A
bMBPVimItbuuwDd«iu]lar>nilnUTeetaD(l wbioh tba machine nilto are robi
robber va.
Co. Rboaa for 81 T». worth 8^00 and 84.00. Coma and
tbe flnrat arrworwd ahoe room in Nortbem Miebigan, and look
iMfOtly purrbawtl ruixe fur tbe degnw tirad, and tbe whole apptralui can ba orar oar aiork. Wa tobe pleasurw to abow yoa throogb. You will be o
•e aulelly Id Use.
ilaS at an expcDM of urar tMO.
very aaxlly poibtd aluog tbe floor
Yonra Reapeetfally,
, .
wbat like a town mower. It to fooud
and Uh? arv dropped liy tbe n» that tbe action of ilH> braxhea in rtitatn If paid. It to erldaDca of tba aalue of menibrr*
our inAunoaa that Deed* Da.argnnx.Dt to
Tbe flxfoibor that to fully
that tbe operator lias nwlle lUlto mor«
'tio^e IM cxnlkaeb—North Uakou WorkhUKwy of Ilialorderran-ly to do than to gnldeil. Water li ibrowu
with ibrrum-nl h
-----,--------- --------- to a broad rtatu
tbe floor and Ibe eerDbUng raaohine
gDldedo,eritbytbao|«.ror.mxi the
> for a -yoar.
Tbecatl lathcrv-rurv a wubetaniUI toil.
Konlal to t}>e Impn-rrd roDdl'loD of tba
Im" 1*^ PinLarton wlir.5«rV^a tbemacbiuearepmtected bTkiocrplasborder brought about Ljdkhe ckaOgn.
I,------ — h... h.pii. ------ ------------—...
Uanla A rfaeoffat to locatird
Tbe grand lodge of Ontario nymrta
of IlUDui. l»- ‘*“**^*’
mathliie, and the moior to
Tb* gralMl ancaiLii
proapraixiayaBr. Flretbouieadnewiianx
#_ii------‘ - fn»f».
l-y Tbaapparatni
fneta. Tbe a]
Il4jve» In a rtAlUrtlun < cxtwnww'ai.U ho. fully
bare been added to tbe rulla*
aniliito frame
aliout 800 ptmoda.
loaimcled lu
IbraoaUnunlal wn.x,n. of tbcamerrlgD da about 80 Itnliee »|oarv. Tbe bntobfa
bnubta I
grand- ‘
practically j
Rlnn- tbe new fdao
bean adopted ux'n of bight
Kai ant] legai pruriwnon. aou lo
* , ^.nttvndng I
tba iMdkal
dn-lo* yiHn the igdrr a. iM-rer ba-1 Tbeflr.t nt-ugnliiMii of gratxleDninp- nuMia of a sprocket ebaiu leading from
the motor to tbe axle on which the
ClillilfM's Underwear Eim-S to 3Sc. Remnaets of Rlbboes at Tour Owo Prices.
grbon Madaatr !• Xa« a ablBlos Tlttw^
Chip* nwa tba WarhAbap.
*' OoB'l be loo uodaK wbro a death iem
to paid Io your town. Lot the lueal papan
enaka a new« Item of It; lofomi the world
wbat we are doing. Tbon "Diko bay
WbUe the bud afaloM." Ktoy lodge ought
Fop Two Weeks Only!
Beginning Monday Morning, March 7th, and
lasting two weeke, we offer all
.dn..—J.UJ .
-------------------KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.
u,.lr.mib.t..l. bT.»«id.pra.h.|
1. I ""'.'r,■ -h-rt '““-‘“I hi
2'T. . . ..
_ i«»».10. ..n'in.1
Calltarata-PlavM Ttpa.
Oiand Cl.aD(»Ilar W. II. Gram of Callforala b(» h.mxT Idiw* en tlx- euti>cBt that
Mboa Uiigbl tguflt by He aew Ibe oewi
«fa state (Wganlxcr, hot dera Dot think
•xtra expCDH-abould be iDcurrrd. Kuauggoata bkBDial mw-tltigcof tha grand body
nuar Ibsl the graod trtbuoal bae ciiargv of
all (udklal nutlaia end that Ibe luoDiy
tbueaaved be uard to aupfxirt axtatocrganlxer.—Kulghto'bwurdand IU-Inx<
Aru-o lodge. Knlgbl* ff I'ylhlae. of
MuiitriMiua. bare 8d.uuu worth of (mraIdHTi.alia fur utvn-1 work. They bava!
' It the howt uuUli Id Iowa. MUuhull of Ckn-laDd IS
Obla hruiet . .uiilfunu rank
I ii'oiil
, Cl’S;
over gouo to lu rt<.lit in Uo.k.
oOTTarted into a bu>i machine If
. ao dtativd. Io place .of Ibe xcmt-bing
-bm^e* B^dpopvr
poper b1
blocks or blocks nf
Bteue may be tiivd. and tbox tbe mawas a Dohla k«p laken by Q^.
ebtoa maybe oiilixtd to drum down
rd u-Dl
II it taai mutith (hat Uuded It
wood fliNirit, the decks, td veknela ox mue ve*y top
tnj rnuiiil
•aio tiliug.
lVnn«Tlranla vIiiia- II
ixiuiirtel Hint tihtu had Im-ii'dl ■tuiNTl and
Over CO per wait of wood may be coutbe old Kcyhtuuo wax aMXJod oD\tbo 1IU TDRed intolKiuid. Tbe rtrouB«»l hyk
dranllc pmciore would nut s<|0>eca unnThe Plrk.
pirk. funeral nnd aorldrnt benrflt
'• Ihn
| p(g exml of. matoture from
fund* of ibi gnait cui.p. aPufutln-lYJwp.
but bV Dottiug tbr aabiejuatwial
.rate rrtxn (be auprt-m. U-..I ekk. fuD.-ral;
I returl ~~
and “
■nd B(Tld. m Ir-n. lit lands ami atv aor. >
-nHdrnnrtlybyibelaw.of ilH,rr.purtUa
cUarvoal by m«»u> of bi«t. Ibe
gaaea and amuke. to the extent of folly
Hf.,.rU k.,-|a ta lo aulra am undrr (br
**» “>r
of tbe Wood.
juriMlkUuD «1 n great .amp a l>eii rt>|.<.n- <»ay to ooDttoueed luto .pyrullgpi-oui
I leg ibrad'imxLon 111 a pun-ly ~rul iiieoi- acid, (rum wbicb arv ulrUiiH^ wcxid
] brr to tbe b<]|i. K K K abouid turward aloubol. acetate of llmv aud wood tara.
Iwlibihe iv|..n of sdmhaioo andeima A cunl of wood wt ighiug 4.bUU poDiiile
a great u-odcnc} to
,, ,
itgnaoaa a»nd aud 7W) pouoda of charahip of the ludgv hj g.miig tbe star at
Tbrrw i« guing to tw wmie lltely aprlov goal. Tliv pyr\iligu»>u« aciil (rum one
rJLiontu.4bn .uJi.hg. ■* ^ ‘**' “ I tag mnon, tl» Mg umu fn.m now on.
llaral A^aaaa,.
CTudo Wood alrobol, »00
wi-H. — - ■
- ..
.^'poQudaofatx^^lale nf lime aud about 86
Vbttt we lake lo.o (..iMndwalioa M
of Wr, braid.-. 85 boibcto of
naaupremeufllrrr. of ibrd.aldrn Croaa , fart that a alrlct luedltwl axan.lnat;
are Fea^ndao i. (Jay. Lrwutoii, Mr . ft-j
R. A.. It w*!!.. rS...«o..
. . . .
prame nimmapdar. Wmian. K ' ««i"V. , m expwjt that oor d«th raio will out ex- n.uirali»d wuh lime tba wixal alcohol
^oxTllto, Tcnm. aupretuc ki»iwr
or 18 |«r l.tM> nxaabais fur thr, to dttoillid off. tbe lime taoldiug the
<mla. dubD IJ hwatp. b*.h«. b
75 yearn
>a«iio acid ui enlutiun- Afl<» tbe aepa•^-**°.r'_^******‘'**'*feg-.
The pcohlMD of tba R. A-»i dmply to^tohn <ff tb. wood xpirit Abe nmaining
■ .
. Aieduraiclbeiuhiuberxtd’uDdrnnaDaibul'liansdubiiileddowDiapaBfloaaagBr.ThaafdwtopaatSI yKraofaBeandbaaX th.-y are not togciimacthlng lor nothing. ' tSlch to dried and be-umaa tbe aoeuia
phiDted Ita banoOT Is 81 aulm aud th^ but that thry arv u> g»-t tbedr laaontxa al of lima iu oaminatra. Aoetataof lime ia
aapiul of tbe DBiton.
f„ niakiug'acrUo acid.—Mining
Tbe order l«
It ta broad lo ihut u' toldJo' tba la
a wf Dreae auka.
turmUTully. which noconlyy applkw to lie «]a.an in tbe Unto w|
own uMcu.lwra. but t« tbawbuk human :• ThrgTand.mmcUotMkblgMiiueo«.t: Au-Engltob fbrmi«
rtdwtly aBfamily It baa g rllual cd Ibrtvdugi
- Deirou Aiml iw.
. •J.’r**'' ■ aamplr of a allk draw that waa
' .If-llde lUMtlnga warkly .W
as'- »
-- , autaumed lu him by a lady. He fottud
Kaigbta •
1 i*fr mil of ulk. aud aa much . tin wax
OMo Vallry l-alge at Stoigto r
lUd Mam
found iu it aa that prumut in poor tin
laoy coauiuf-oM arv frcvlj >»bda of tba txvuBw.if-ju m.nibcretliv paaiali
Freiii July I to (ten. 81 4
iiou.-d cbaiiglug of the work.
w< A baw
ritual uuw. with anotber naw^na Is proa- werutbUiatrd lDlb.--ird«.
pnh n.ay b. buslnawi for Ibe prtBler nod
tookblnder. hut to expenrivafortbe Otbaa Kemurky. 4(Ih; Tvo.
kit; Mlamurl,^
uw ailk dreaeca wore by
OoavCTy lDip..naot point In tba saw
' the ladies ip BogenL rtieat and Bond
wes-k ta that .web tram to altowad to dewaeka tto aanaaatoB of
London, taktai togetber, wobld
Wa|BptU(n>Dfl.itf nioremeblB boaaadlag
) 8W loSW t^Mwt a Owstoh tig wina of vary
to to aobatpUoi. of Iba rttuai
weeklyLodge'Ka. A 898.
toMbara (er ana fatbuau tg r^ulaM tba N. C., clalma tbe
not stand men toss I
It to 10 yaanuid and hw ga*ar'^tagn
member by daaiA
From Begnlar Marked Prices.
. This Bale includes men’s and boys’ Suits, child
ren’s Butts, men’s and boyu’ Overcoats and Ulsters,
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties and other fiirtdshings. A bona fide offer which will command early
attention from all customers. We want both money
and room for our new spring stock. - It’s our pleasure
to take this way of getting them.
Our Red Ticket Sale
Offers still greater inducements. These tickets
are placed on all goods of which we have no full line
sizes. These go at very much greater discoimt than
20 per cent. Many of them offered at about 50 per
cent of their value. It’s the most generous offer of
the season.
--li. .--i-i'b...
THB MOHirnra-BBOOBP. amroaT, MaaoH e, laaa.
wiin Uie worm.
fwi b« (old me Dotliuiir. tboogb '^
(he &m ba cbov«d
«E • mother Md imi
I ruuiiKB *e- : .
’“It wai acMB • luaUer <d'niBii
wa« to be a ^
port that Bao'a new boy----*“■ brniiit bimaelf
took «
my primary
rimar edocatian. He ' A
. _ deligfau-d
, lb mj
tuT lack of knnwl- V.
edneandmyeudl na list (if aimpl«J)Oc«- V
Uou, for it aUoKed him tiiat be
iC Do Yn Want Tti Wg^
I duirc''W
TW* <<> <«••>•■
Vta mr AbII >■■ t>r
rraca jav hM
Aad auur ahall tim (xnr Ixrnrar,
•r ■» 7««
ha** >*• t*rl at the tan.
Thm 7o« amiM] akM aad thtak «f Ika «a«.
iqMk uUwU^ amr.
ImBtloB wd than
-line the aaar | «crd* ivakrti .air » ttoocin
a proaaeotlBet
of tlM IMiBDt
Mriyaod it MlU
oe. Tba dm I Or*
u>tfT'> luan i(w I
iDoe a
i^ark brreatv ew «aed apoo
a looomoloooao- I Ot rb.-rM . brute'. Uo«h
tire waa tbe ob)aet of a UwaDlt by a ' wiUte
^^‘uHJ^tkJr’iructe wwd
ITW y.ar bi» b»» - '—
tlra waa pat to aui^lki tba OUDden
« ATI«^ thr tap«Np«- ut yi«r*
ymr* .afl
ai^ Amboy, the gtBeala of the fWtyl- ___ _ . lar fruiti yue «u-b WItrr I
iM 1.11 wbna tb. tet utotte
raala ivatQB. rie& ptaa wood wai naed
for foot, and tbaopaaBDokoatadi Tamil- Dwrllnlr. unoml. (-rfrlaiM oom.
b- iDviar. dniiml dawCien and MOa
ad apaiba like a mlblaCvre Toleaiia,
Td bibtr ami tu iM>U«r.
and to «T. yuanKlna fm Aa UtMr pam'
fbat amca arlfra n«TC( mU iiiTwi ai* mil
I . , .
pooaaded to daalgb a qm^axTaatar. Bo
applied aa InTertod ooee at ibe top
pipe for tbe pampeof tbe.
aada an OBicide eadiig that fonuad a
saoeOB for bolding*tbe qsrka He did
It tue to a cornrrof (br n
not think tbe dertoe wae worth patent- ' behind (be paluu doting one xd tbe
llig. fant it beeame tbe model on which
f„bioi.aUe fnnetion. of tbe aea
^1 aoccraafiri ai^Mtacka for wood •
a«.nia a faTorite eiloatiou
Fire or ail ream aftet Urippa' emokeM to nae a abark came along.
took aetoaof
«of tbe dcrice and mcnred a
patent opoo iL He bad itoleu pinperty
• kmping. abd lie made DO claim
Ibe life of ibe pemit waa ntnrly
upind. Bj
ilm. bo
aiemanee would be blnuted aa to tbe
I h»v« made arrangaments ao yon eaa ovn it and
Bardly Miss What It Cost Yon.
ling upon VV
B catdlnal M
? that I wonld be rich.
ne . into
into tW mvtrt
it my comnland all ,
te (d gold.
me forme logoeaet I
to oolleice, I
le old
place to tbe niomiuint
ba^k to tbe
f I coBld do anyibing for tbe '
girl wbo bad been hind u> me No act W
of diioe
bine erer pleaard him more, and /m
when 1 left bin it wm with oplunited ^
credit antboriird by one of tbe grealeet V
banking inaiitoikma of tbe woR. I did M
not find (be girl, bat learned (bat abe , ^
bad £r«i'been employrd and ibeuiHlopt- ^
cd t7 a widow w boae bnabatid bad falien ' V?
in tbe war. 1 left money with a lawyer, A
telling bini (« bod tbe girl*uml bare ber
edoc.t>-d. A year later tfaia money waa ^
retimM-d to me With notice that lie ecmld V
do noihing for me. 1 wrote for forlber M
infdmiation, bat eoold get no reidj.
••Bef.re my benefactor di.d be tWd ^
me of tbe rieb gold find be bad worked V*
I wiiboot abariug' bia arcrel erilb any: ^
«muu«-d. wilb power eppanxit in
r»-tr look, u«'v. men! and ii-atore. eiood
with band. cr.wKd behind him before
tbe mai
i ble mine'of wealtl
,,You know Him Alden." aa bei citr and wiii me tbe iiile of abouauca.l
kl«8. H, .!« tol^ ... 1»» . Ik-.bI™,
; _ .
. ,
woman bad wrecked Aia life and axL.-d. ,
Eyerybody .Knots That the “World” Bicycles Are First Class
lad Strictlii High Grade, and You Cm bijf It ill SSO.OO.
Oaah or IPaymanta.
Then we have the “kAGLE'’ Uodels. Nos. 76 and 80. TTiey
are not merely "good bicycles for $50.00," but they are absolute
ly the very best bicycles that can he produced in large quan- ,
titles. They are the highest possible grade at the low price of
$60. We have a full line of cheaper bicycles.
We can suit any one's fancy or pocket book on bicycles. 2
Look over our line before buying.
X28-132 Fron-t S-fcTOet.
IMlc monuiaiu girl nutil 1 knew wbal
Abe Camden and Amboy fur tbe ocdlcc- . *
bad become of her and wbetber it waa
tlon of royally on bi* patent. Tbe mit - "And yon are tbe genfle mentor wbo witbiumypowFt,to belpber. Yon hate
warned me agaiiiat tbe rin of flancry?'' no idea b^'man and boe. thrown toxraa tried, and tbe rrideoee of tboee ' w
' “If 1 bare paid aa nodeeiTr^ cvm•m tdnld bniM a
tdiunit. It ia to aoriciy in anraming ' maure npnii a foondation no .lender.
An ediWng illnatrmtioo of ^ tbe Uiat U lia. mtamed to yonr atandatd.“>
••Ithinklwidrt.Und. And yoo bare
poor man-ta tbe imtnnl victim of pntoDt; -Von
tucomirible. but Til accei
’ no tri
Vun rv tucorTigiblc,
neoept I found
.....................“None that I eoold follow. Aftm
the. Tcmii-t and carry ont tbe
tbtxigfat I'
that fight when tbe .—ikera trifd to dobad in bringing yon bem “
Sbe made no ■newer, save to withdraw etroy tbe marbtoeiy at tbe mine, my
Comvpoad witb the Traverse City ZitunberCompsoy.
bet pTee from bis and gather in 4bc wonndt threw me into a fever, and
. foldi. uf ber drvm. u make mom for tbroogb all tbe delirium 1 talked in tbe i When in need of anything to tkk
We bare for ante Good,
dialect of my boyhik-i with tbe litOe' ,
] bim to eii down.
"1 want lo tell yon wimctbing of my maid 1 bad never «a-n but on«. That; »“• renmmW tbia u tbe place to leave
life and then juk yonr adrlce. 1 am nut abowa yoo tbe bold the bad- npen me, yonr ordara and get prompt work.
batlalactios gnaraatced or no charge
! aaraming ibai the Mary baa any ipecial and even yi-t I have an idtnl that mnat
I intertat for you. bot I have a eelBab dc- citber ic abattmd or coofinnpd twfore Leave yonr orders at oj&ee or call up'
I eire for yonr opinion alur 1 have told 1 can be cvinieut. Now for your adview
Sboold 1 raaiTT .before 1 have area tbia
I iL-V
*Bnt dem't yon know, aa a
» gcnnral
gcnnrml glrlV
trntb- that, with tbe average womaA,.'
"^'ot with my approval, Mr, Trevor,
the man wbo u rich, famona and ben- | Go to the end of yonr fooliab dt«am. or
ligbrbannt yon
ored glonfitw bit amoredenu. no mauer ' <1 tub
T.J^'trPS PXDH SAX.BIt antler ”
wbal they mv be?"
. might
“If yon were.lbr average woman, 1 j “Itbad bdtvd for a differait answer |
would neve ‘
*tromyon." Andbitqrea uOdtbeolA
Mill UachiDeryof all descriptions, iodnding Two Eof^ea.
nity Wbei
Bet Works, Ckirriagea sod Saws.
A complete Saw UUl PUat
onioixkL aMOKKaracK.
“Bnt .I'm yoor friend and can give.
alcM. 1 was a Imle. ill fed. mllow,
•windlcn la abown by tbe expeneno* ragged and half dremed boy to tbrCnm- DO btlier. This ia(nr walla "
.for isle.
jot a bright Mgineer wbo bought a farm beriaod monntatoa 1 did not know that
Witbia a
monlbTrevorreceived a'
wUb bia aavinga and retired to enjoy there waa tneb a thing aa a railroad.' a letter ia a yellow, blotted cuveJupc. :
feled. into store with tlule expeaaa.
•tbe peavfnl*..........................
rl only said: “1 reckon yon
be beragbt ebaap.
nnotberr trainman
bat done, to bit end- culture or' anyibing differvnt from tbe
dme. I'm back 1
«e foot lot. go^aoil. *1^1*
' lean regret Tbia engineer waa of an Initiga from wbieb I ' again, an 1 bee be^ yon una wae gsrelllBg. aUaatod'oa Hi
seniont tnm. and be bad no aoober eo- longed lowape. . dy father bad U-en rkb.”
[ Sold oa caar torma. only 1
npw ib^ tuila of farm operat^ ^
del. nding an ilUeit aiill, and •
Trp»« riinddeted. Hie romanee bad
than be ifegau to deviee mecbanKal aids Mther Jnai teemed to go with tbe diedacrnel dcatk Bnt graiitnde waa
that woold lighten tbe drudgery of bia BionoUio flrfwvis hirb I bad gatbend bis strong point' 'fielucianUy be weutr
labor. Hit mowing maobine waa tart I
,jjj they (waavd to blikim that *'beu at length be rode to tbe front of
provided with an aitocbment which
tbe winter 1 waa kept ‘be old eabiu there
protract^ the
tbe cntlera. ^
^ kicks and bmiare
irtiisre by*!
be a ' iiDw.v
iiDM'.v dress,
dteaa. ^r
ber back to bun.
bun. wbilo
Mwmmrif win w> ■> iwrv Haas I •
improved Oku. waa applied to fau
,i,„ had me at tbeir mle Kti- ! abe threw lood to tbe noisy cbirkeM. DR. dPlnNET Hcnal MiiMiAT after-1«
ertng I Jn« a* he readied bet aide abe turned
•«* Eveaiag. .Mar«a -rinh
to 'lottos’ water gud gaibertog
itb, “Well, yon nne did kim baiA;. ,
ndnoad tbe number of bands formerly
“in tbe spring 1 went avray: made
neMted to operate tbe apparatoa^ Tbeoa np a little bundle and rtole off to tbe
and nnmerDua other im$roTam«nmwere night. Till tbe evening of tbe nest day evnabed tbe “monniato daisy' againm,
designed and mude
1 bnrried oeer tbe red clay nada and ! bk breaat And tbe prcmiae of tbe ba-:
■nllby. Oueof tbebaugeraiaabuut tbe paths, terrw^ brtog nngbt and taken j »Tbood was made good.—Dacrmt krm
Better than any package coffee on the-market.
Dr. A. B. Spinney, of Detroit. ak<
■mitby waa bony taking notes of (be to- back crowding i»t every other ibongbt j Pttm.
pco^etor of Heed City S^tariud. it
Also just received a new supply of that 20c Synip.
veotlana. By tbe.i^J oi a note ebaverof
r town, where I e will ' i
tbe dUtricL one uf tbu»e barplea that
inUvi. and at bud I went ;
-emiln for^e day only to give tbe
afflict eviay rural comninnity, watching
« little cabin where a girl
The hotel* ate BrosUy grpqped wttb- MciTAn^ opportunity to consult him
liDw they can turn a diahmimt penny. ^ niy own . ewaa'keeriD'bonw-toa toaaqnareor iwoot uneanotber. ftocb tb^'cannot ace bimat hU Saniurium.
‘Phone t»7.
2W Fpoat Street.
tbia banger on mcrecded .to w*nriag ,
uide. bbe pat^ one
cue reeks lo attract gn.vta
gti.vta by high ' ‘l^dodnr baa ao much faiiit in the j •
ig titles. Fiyexomple. i
Can- experience vb^bas had in treating
jwenu (« the Vk-^gtnrer'e tovmUmib ,
bead oeer Ibe wall id ber
All tol.T»*i in rile latenu waa aflef :,,a^jo,i,ive abwle to «»dnct an exam- »eu are hotelboteU wbiefi
wbir£ ttauiit
ffauht the
(be aigi;Ds of chronic dtanaea that he will give one >
ward »uld fur a soedjriie iuac»Qi|auy I
'Wlioi*you nun. htref* 'Wbar’a The Kortnuate biar, Tlw ti»>l<ien l“rofita mowith'a treatment and medicine
.LSO rasK srac.iCAL-OPF.a *tio« to | •
engaged in (be mauntacture of Bgrionl--Whar's vuu'mar*' 'W'bar ' (an nnusuullv frank ronfemicai for a
* S/^9»SS^9a^39'a/S^/S'S^9S^S9A»B»»M9»»9S®
Had, Bnsiind Baggage If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
’Phone No. S.
16 Ounces
of Roasted Coffee
for 10 cents.
i New Departurei '
every patient willataretotbetr friends
I bad, but (be traveler ,wbo - • the reanlta obtained byy hi* treatment. I
rii aWp will XU forma of chronic dii........... and ..
la tuuued away,'
treated, No maa ia tbU
"'iiiis.would have
ided evpelint »Di- iqiraug odt, t idd luF to tokti ber bedroom, are amall. thin walled bexve State hat had aueff extended
I ronnd i aulicit urdera for placv. and wbile 1'
in tbe cramped to whmb yon may bear tbe breaibing
alltbat.lremld of yuur next ueigbbor or be kept awake
;|LaiUTS abr briiogbt
■ order, bnt be noted aumc of tbu paieni- eat Bud a p^T of food to carry-''
ball tbe Digbt by tbe wuiv. t-ntion of
ago from Cb-eeUnd. ;
*)d devleei which Ae cugiuter fanner
p<‘aiile at tbe olbrv end of tbe hall. dr.
IS yean in general prae- i
wa.naingBbd carti.-d tbe information have tor-par'ten any one wbo mi
worm still, be almwt rllflcd by the
ifter that Icctnred a* Profesaor |
borne. A lew day* idterward tbe farm, j
recapture me. abe pointed
rail I
and Phy.iolot^T in Detr
, er received n.rtice that be was infring- (br iirartwt way to
, ; tog indnlgid
ical College ...
w *1
-tog tbe patrol, controlled by
ntendent of
with me and ea>u
said a«
a. we palled. ‘1
lyoaraj waa3 veara Snjicrtnte'ndent
• tbe agrl- • wav witb
• ,! lamm^ay
cnlntral uicbme making oimc«. and r.^'knu yon on. 'ill bev ter kim tac^
----------------------------------------------------. ,
, . _
hack ]I Tto-tea
talcobe furnish emplcymeni---------Alma_ and Ypailanti
a hill for royalty waa sent to. He paid
^ marry „,p
; m ainp-ia te ventnloqniata or eloco- , Th.t expenence. combined with many |
bc.t biMpitaU
study —
ia “•*
tl *“•*
no Btuuliuu and nrtid nnhallowed Un• in
aufartelliu tolkawe
tolkawe nnabaven't'
nnabaven't tinniaia v?f>o are bitvd, by tbe propn- ' yeara*
the country, and e
wtom tbiTromeaa'anffito.' |
her. ofc
Sul V<;0
wbo tailvd to ukc (>nt pateuia He went ,eiigagid."
langbed bu briUtont Uauner
to a Uwyer. brtwibiog defianow and
^ we ttnd yocr mownuin
waa prepared to prove that tbe devioee
nrerfwerehuowDtovwition. Tbclaw^; -I wish leo'nld tell you. Thetortknew belter about t^ilBcnltiee
a.ntwiuone dl the event, of‘my life.
lory proed to a cam off
,j,^. rtvetneaa
the kind. Where the pal
n,u.by lh.v(.g«,wnto.lrb«
the p.dole from whom 1 aprang
•etiiible advice waa given to pay tbe breaum
tbmr ignorance and >ck of
« of tbeir
but tbe
hole girl (if ^bolicm.bnt
thehttlewirliiftoebol>at atraetto break
y» bad
“ wihu
low ttuuip b" alway*
I faith lnl)ffal *1
my luisuory Yon know
'plirity or to tbe toffuiie barmetoea Ihak ^
,ex|*rienre in tbe far
prfv^ country lifr- Tbe day bfo-r tbe
| bad been ibPTV eix nxmiba
Uwyer bad given him advice to rettle loond (be ^old man known a* Hrnuit
viUi tbe rogsee bo war at tbe ofltoeef
bia old maat* mechanic, asking It* d ^
of tbe tnoaniaui gurgea
Job. He to running an engine a^n ^ brought
tbe aid
It the
ibal camnl bmi to hto
tranquil .v..a
that :^„^,:‘;T«:;ed
lOtive Engtoeertog.
^d. He (vlt toward
s« 1 did toward tbe tgnuiaui liiUe
air Ite. a.
i'.*,uemi«. 1 bad bwngood
wlaeacre toUa tbe world that U m him witboni any aetltob motive, and
......................a weU could
be dog to -*—*■
a depth (rf 46
r ws* well
■' Ibuu he
anxnilm tbe ...
air ..
at tbe
bottom w<^
uouuc«d that--1---------------was bto boy
Jim Tbto
—--------------- be ae -----------—.
--------ai quickailvef.—Amerioas Mm *rae my'prottetiuu. for. dcj-iiv (be fact
jtbal be wa» a tcclnav, B-u wu< known
U» ..J«oj..U..h..b 1«
Bf ing nearly time to plant, we beg to say
we have a full assortment of SEED^TA^ :
kind lhal grow.
variety of cake* mud preaefvva which f^r yearn? Are yon diremuragedTj
arere-rvedwitb vacb enp
cop of dvlwioM. Calland aeena.we will tell you whether t fc, 11 nnii 111 nil 11 111
freafaly made lea
.xmliar core you,w«vriU tcU yonwfaat relief!
buoae _______________
of culerti
to China to tbe dog and cat meal rea-| we can give yoo.
lanrauL This dor. nut mean Uiat bonae-■ ••'Renteber. one mootb vrm_ be ,
bedd pie. are tb.r* br^t «aS^lSTS^
bnt ibai Tabby and Fide are reTvrt ^
^*D!#aU nfflffl D«1M
«> «»w^^
metlmdaof trealmentUaUthifl. >•
KlPh 911(1 K9r9
l« «*»»'
there auwa
are raibcr known
by all tbeacboola, with tbe aid : 2
other food,
r^onve. e.p.viaUy
e.$avia^ if tbe cat or deg
electricity, that moat wonderfnl of
chance to be blabk. and tberrfore more all agents in Paraiyaia. Leas of I^»wer.; j
Dutrltioua. aoxvdiag lopcpnlarnutkaL Rfaeumatiam. and all diaeasea of tbe J
->LippincoU'. Hagaatoa
joervpna ay.ttm- Go aarly. »• mj , ■
IWere The Gems She Wore.”
------ —
Cnatnre* asam Aaaa.
I OiMase*nrwdbr srev.nwaTWtoare '
L. B. Boetick af San Saba. Tex..'
captured Oemfal Santa Anna 61 year*
■go. tonow m btorerenty-eigbtb year. »■“
Ueweni loTvxaa it) 1KS8 and oetttod
iBt »»M< of ear aaaiiartea ea
Atwrin county to KdSfi be enbMfd
pual la iM Ualue ntatretbe T«x*« army and tbe foDowtog y«
aember. vre
■ Remember,
w give a written fuat^
Vrined Gcatral Honrtoo'eaimy After a antee to cure every case of PILES and
ittle. to <
otbw RUPTURE. Alan, vre t- ive a lying4a
Ating ever tbe hospital department It onr Saniiar*
young men. be
itry abont eight mil
milee.frcm oan.p tom. ' Bend for. Joorna'.
when beaaw a Mextoan Manding in (be ’
............................................ —'
tbe wtoad pndm* tff a too « ramfepm
..... «ltt.
And she secured th«m at Very Low Prioe.t. because'
F. A. EARL displayed a’large Hoe of Elegant
Goods in all kinds of——
took Ovar the Laigrei aeoek^p '
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