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The Morning Record, August 27, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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mw I ^ V- > > ■ ■ p '.?•■■
Scooad Tew—Ko 41S
CUeafo Wants Blm for Pres>
ident in 1904.
Colonel Booeerolt Booked for
Greet Honora
C^mwdT of Seoch Bidm eut*4
tiMUaut OwRT* Brown statinr that
M BM of Go^Mny T. TUrtytbM
MtAiCbB. had arrtnd at Mntaak
Ptdat oe th* Harrard. Gapb Joaoph
Walah and othar* of tha ao^aay
oBth*SanUaco.a Boah alo*nr but
Adjataat Baiwey of thia eity atoti arrind with ha aoB|^y.
dataehBaat of th* TUrtytoarth
Miehifan is oo the Baajiaeo.
Ter noTWM eT Vew Tetk V«xl
' to TeUev—Tropeeod to Orceaiw
• CMm an Oror
Sroad Piaaaai Kad* It* Api.
Oa tha Karrard, Bn Bont* Troa
eantfaco. and On* Diad.
CUoifO, AtMTHt »6.-.<%lMCO )*M apMial to Tu Kesnn naceaB.
W teoMferlW
Kaw York, Aacut *«■—Th* aamrd,
eweBoooordt. AonsWotmmproml- whl^ left Saatlar* Aar«*t SUV w>
^ elty rind at Oamp Wykoff thU Boraing,
mtftttheCeion Leeoe elok yooter* brtarlBff Oaaaral ChaCaa and auff aad
4ey eed orfuUod “Tko E«ao«f«li 1W>4
Ban of U* Tbirty-tblrd Ulehlgaa.
daV”. TtM^onMnofthe BorwBe&t
tharla Bade lu appeanaea oa tha
an Bt« •( tU •(nichllorward. Soorb
go. Clyde Brewfo. Co. A. ThirtyBiderotylft.
third Ktehigaa, died of th* dtoaaaa,
. It wu tbo MU* of thOM proMBt
aad wu bnriad at aaa. nme othar
u<a e club akoold b* fornd “lor
han tha -*■------ t
Bnty effort
th*pnr|MMefmakiBrefreeti*c i* BcBade to iaolata eaaea n*n an
pobUcM poUUn tb* IndeeMdeBt,
trtwe otheratW awo OB board.
•omreCMW m4 patrioUe s^U •bawe
via tbo politeel ud BlUtary
If U th* lauatioa of the ortfUatora
«f the mw alab to Bah* it a
thaoauwy. Ihay ballan that the
^aro of KlCaaay will be alaetad goir. Agnlaaldo, Ohlaf of th* Xaaargeata
BtiU ■aiatalae Hto Tnrpau of •opornor of Haw York thB Call aad that
poctlag Vaitod Statoe Aatbuttyhe will b* tha lagUal BapabUean bobIMaw York. Aagut M.—A eopyrigkt
apodal trOB MaaUa to the Jonraal
uya: “Than hu baea a aeriou daak
atOavit* batwaea tha Uaitad Sutu
hOehifaa Boldun Arrirad at Oaap aoUlan and tha iunrgeat*. whldi andWykoff ia Tltiabla
adinarioVrunlUnginthekiUiBg of
oa* aoldier aad tha aarlou worn
of aaeUer.
Moatat^ PoinV Angut M-—Thar* la
••Oeorg* HadaoB. a Beaber d
• aad Bl* hm for far off MIehicaa. a
Dtob battery, got Ufo e dtopnte with
woafnl Btory for th* wire* aad Bother*
eaaUnahopkupar. Fearing trouble
la th* good old Wolaariu atata.
ha flred hU ranlw In tha eir to attha im» of thl* raa-Uaaad paafo
tnettheatteatioBOf MBe of hie fdAad in tha «raten of Fort Pood bpy
tow aoldier*. A great crowd of uUn*.
tha Bhattarad raauiaBt of MiehlgaBh
taa to th* aeaa* of th* dtotarbi
gallaatragiaaDtWhatoagkt aad aafaad at oooc bagaa firing their nvdver*,
tarod la the traach** at Butiago. an
kUUng Bndaon and urioedy womad' ffghtlag 10 regain foat health and tha
ing Corporal WUliaa Andmoa of th*
•aifor Of Bianbood thay thnw away.
nme battery, wbo had harried to the
They aaaa. tha Miehlgae boy*, oo
aaatotanee of Bndaon.
thra* trauporto: 180 oa tha alow aad
“A datachmen^of the Foarth unity
m^pt iMaa. leo oa th* Badger, and
wu ulled ont aad it dtopenad the FU«*0 on th* Ynle. 'Only th* boy* on th*
Ipiaoe, whe eoatlaaad to fin their re
fftai two trauporto han mb* aah
Tdver* u th)
tted, but' witbont
M OO th* Yale th* Ben wUl not b* ont
doiag aay mdn daBoge.
«f qnnraaUna until toBorrow. Than
“Oa the ease night aoma addiera
to aa paasiU* roea aot alnady pnwbo wan doing guard daty ww a large
par^ af udveeatrippiag tha wrack of
nan an so oota for the tiek, aad
B'gnnbut which wu lying U Oavita
a aeardly of nnraea Tor aoae meo*
bay. A but with aa armed foru pat
th* army anthorittoa ban sot bean
off from thaabor*. Tha aeldlar* haUad
able to propan tor tba hoina ooBlng'of
tha udna. who failed to auwer. ead
tbalr atriekea *oldiara.So tha man miiat tha aoldier* fired a valley. kUling raa
nmain pent n* on the crowded eteaB< and vronadiag another.
Wipe looking witk hnagry and fenr
“Oeaeral Agniaaldo prompUy denied
strtoun eyee at tke green dad kiUe of aay eonneedoa between the nadvu
Wd Meoiaak.
is tbeu affaln nad hit army.
ItwuwaU for wiree aad Bothan
that they did not eae Ue landing of
their belond. It i* well they cannot
'•M thea now. U to better to raateaher thein u they went away. Bnn
oadetnrdymenYbay wan. the-flower
of the piu dad paaiunlv Aa nigged
a body of mea u anr marched forth to
war to th^tau of “The girl I left be-
Thlrty-Fourth MiohigAn to bo
Mootorod Ottt.
Will Fint Got oPurloogh of
Tropeolttoa to Tnpara Tor a Oraad
mn for Uat day aeeaial proi
epukar* to addrau apnblie gathariag.
It to probable Uat then vrUI b* a
meatiag of laadiag boaiaaB men to
tha enggaettou aad U formalate plaaa, appoiat eoBBlttaaa. ete.,
to make tb* aateaeary arraagaaeato.
Thto oeeuioa eaa he utda a grand Job-
iluandpabUegnatiagaadtha whole
aadlag eoaatry wlU b* glad to
to Tnvacu OiW aad Jola la do
PabU*]>*BOBatiatlon la Boaor af
ing honor u th* hnv* aoldlan
OoBpaay H Whaa tb* Boys Batua:
hu alu baea fltUagly eaggaated Uat
Bariaau Mm WIU Taka HoM of
rdigiou aarrtoa U bald on a
Saaday afur th* beya arrive. . AU
It will be goad aewa to the peopU of thau Uisg* will b* oonaiderad aad
Tnvena Oty aad vidalty. and ladaad Uan to aoreaaoB why then ahoald
for the whole atata of lUehlgaa, to aat be oa* of Ua gnAdut eelebraUoaa
I from nIiaUe anthority that the aver gives ia Uto elty.
Tbirtr-fourUi ragimeav Uiehtgaa volIt to^oite probablaUatU* Mmpaay
nntaen. are tooa to ba muterad ont of will arriv* at Gamp Wykoff la a few
eerrice. togaiher with the Thirty-third daya. if Uey kava aU alnady naiAad
regiment. Tb* official aUtomea
Uare. They wUI be kept at Ua dathto regard to given below, ooming di teatiea. camp naUl than to no forUar
rect from Secretary of War Algar daagar froB lafaetlou dtoaaaa. Thto
tbroogb Governor Pingne:
will probably oeaeaB* from two to
Detroiv Ang. $*.—Moastao Baeo
Un* weaka. wblck to bom too 1^ a
I would be obliged it yoe wiU pab- tim* to airaage for a Wg deBoaetnUah tba following telegram in yoer Uea. Bowaver, It wUl b* bat a abort
r u it will b* of grut tntamt to tlma baton the Ubc of U* ntnra of
th* friend* of oar Michigan aoldlan:
Ua boya eaa ba ataied. to witbia a very
B. 6. PucBSs.
tow days. Wbaaaver it ahall ba. ia
Urea waUs, men or laaa, ao time
“Gamp WikoS. Kootank PoLaV M. Y. ahoald be loot ia pr^ariag for tbair
Aagut SA—Oonraor Piagtoa, Datrdt,
Miohigan: Th* Thirtythlnl and Iklr^•fonrth Hickigaa ngimasta wUl be 0ARX.UXB WIX.L TOT ATTXVD.
aant hoB* u aaoa u they an eat of
th* dateaUea eanp aad earn aafoly b*
Bovad. They will ba gina alxty day*'
fnrlongh and at tb* axpiratioa of that
dB* aBOBblad aad anatarad ont.
They aaa probably be aeumbled w
they wen enltoted, to un the extra
Hammocks From I.-3 To 1-4 Off.
Will Aacaaia Away Troa «k* Saaeloa
AU the late Magaziaet and Periodicala, alao a large .
assortment of Paper Covered Books.
Just Part
of the Price
Is whAt yoall pay now if yon WA&t a
arrival of UaTnvancCity nprmintaUve*. Tbto amonat to takea from
Ua taaifof Sl.ooo gina Ue oempaay
u a teliaf fnad by Mr. Banub befon
th* bsya 18ft for Ue fronV aad my
“AdBlial Deway hu baufemd bto Uttla of which hu been need.
flag to the erniaar BaldBon, th*
Many oUerelUu of Mlehlgaa have
Olympia uiUng for Bang Kong t* b* orgaaUad nUef aoeieUu for Ue comm from their mpoeUve. lecaliUea.
docked and eiaaaed. The Baleigh left
bat it uB ba uid of Tnverw City that
tor the ume port oa Wedneedey."
The Berald uye (hat Ueaeral Agnl- a generou fnnd wu plaeed to Ue eradaalda declam that he to akxiou to it ef.Ue company befon Uey left for
enpport the aethoritj of the United Ue front and now that it to needed U
A CTCIIIOEDP’C RcUehle Dry Goods, Carpet
A 0 I LinDCnb O
es. Ittohtoduln now that the to ready to he devoted to Ue pnrpoau
iuargentarmybe disbanded aad re- whlU wUI do Ue mut good. And if
tara to the prariacu.
tbe Si.OOO fend to not enoagfa plenty
Be ooBplalu of e lack of konwty
will be forUeomIng to ehow to
‘That to What Seentary Alger Bays
aad BlUtary talent ip Uie nbel leadera Ueaeldien from Travene City and viof Oaap Wykoff
aad uya be hu bo>1b aray, bnt only ^ity that Uelr sacriSeu an appmel•peclal IcTni Uouia* BaooMi.
aa naraly rabbla.
nud to Uelr fnU valu by Uelr friend*
Waabiagtoa. dngut 3«.—A tetograa
The geaenl teemed dtopirlted. Be
from Seentary Algor at Caap Wykoff,
thto oMBcetion it to probable that
Maeiank Polnv wu raealnd at the added that he truU the United SUtee
Mblaet Beeting today. Seentary Alger wOltarma free aad Uberal govera- wiUlB a few week* at the mut Ue
etated that he fonad eatotiag eeadi- Beat nad aoye that tba Ameriuu can boya WiU oome hme. aad la Uat evmt
•mat on hie eoaperatioa.
ing reeapUim ahall bo gives them.
tkaa at the camp fairly eattotaetery.
and Clothing Honse.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agancji.
Good for Fruit Raialag.
Good for Stock Ratoisg.
Good for Oenenl Farming.
la large or email paruU.
parula. a
nu ■y.traetabaiagfogu
wlUic akort dUUoee from mil
Will be told at low prtcu tor cub; or. oa long ttme i
On O. R A I R. R.
j A SWrlling Annonncemenl!
Extension Table
Which I Am Belling. It is
good thing.
Onr Btoek of thau good* (all Uto aaaaoa'a atyU) go at gruUy e«t priau
-MetoSSTS. Valnu an 81.15 to S4.M, Rettar au Uam, at
Tratene Gitj Sebool ol Me!
Something New!
EoUay * OonnsUs
of U* Oort**.
>wtol w Tn Moanso kuou.
Madrid. Aagut 3A — Tha Carltoto
aad RapnbUeaa aaBbari of Ue Corte*
have decided aot to attaad Ue forUoemiag aaBlon aad Uey wUl Imv^ a
maaUuto to tbe ooantry explaining
naaou far Uair abaeeaoa.
R. A. ALOca.
Seentary of War.
on thin iatorBation the matter of
Bprcial te Tu Kocnis aacou
vlaiUng tb* eompaay at MoaUnk Point
Madrid, Aagut re —ThcOauttauya
Ue out of Ue war to Spain from JaaUeu £. W. BuUng* and Connty
nry to Jana Srd wu SIT.SOB.tSU |
Clerk Newton arranged to go. and aa
effoi^ wu made to ladoee Bon. Perry
Heanah to aeeompaay tkem.
Baauk stated tUt aothiag would give
him gruter pleuan thu to mut
RNmlOuitl, MleBiet
Cor. troel Ud Cm* Ou.
bnve Baauk Riflea ia oamp apoa
Naitcca.Cr*m(crd. Mia* Alle*T Itob
their ntara from the battle fleldii of
MIsaMitml P White, Mi*a JomIi
X. WIlb-lB.
Cnba, but he did aot feel eqnal. pby»toally, to th* Jaareey.
Bowavar, Mr. Mawtoa aaj Mr. Baatlaga eompUied their arraagem '
and WiU luv* tbto merniag. Tuterday Ue matter of Beading to the boya
OaII in ABd see the new
ig to nlleve their anplm
I wu dtocueed and fiully at
tha aaggutton of Mr. Banaah Ue urn
of gSM wu plaeed in Ue hnad* of Mr.
BuUng* to ba davoted to aau to b*
decided apoa by U* aompany apea Ua
290 Front Street
I have also in coonection
with my undertaking busi
ness a full line of
' Fine Furniture.
~ All clothed in uniform of one price, marchtiig
down upon tbe enemy, high prices, and planting tbe
flag of equality and fair treatment to alL Onr cloth
ing now reigns supreme through this region.
For Friday and Saturday,
August 26 and 27,
We offer choice of ten lots of light weights and light
medinm men's colored suits at $6.50. This sale
embraces fine cassimere and' serges, strictly all wool
goods and nicely made—many lots are being retailed
elsewhere at $10 and $12. Do not neglect this mon
ey Baring opportunity and gire us a call before the
selection is broken.
Glau Block.
TrsTwse City, Mich.
324 Union StroeV
. hladBa"
- Shot Per •Cooning' Xeloaa.
Saaetol to Tn Moenaa Bk»bi>.
Oxford, Mleh., Angut M-CUrk
Xa*t Addtttoa to tbe Peaee BoBBto.
Wiga^, a farmer living aonth at ben,
ehot aad eertouly wouded Charley
Bpeel^ l» Tbi Moaiise Bsoen.
mcboto,who,ittoaUeged. wu “coonWaabingtea. Angut *6.—Secretary
Day, npoa luvlng tke ubinet meet
ing thto afternoon, nnnennoed that
WhiuUw Bold hu been eeleeled u a
. Sceae Tbi
1 ■whlgaa Sd. peau oomatoaioner. Tba
po foru mad* np. being, Seentary «f
dlan An BtiU at Baa.
Stau Day. Senator C K. DavtoletMlaPort Bnron, Aagut S8.—A tdagraa aeaota, Saaatar WilUaa Fry* of M^e,:
WM reoaivad han thia Baralag froB and WUMaw ^ of filew York.
an made for a gnad daznoutntiM
tbeir b*nor wh*n Uey arrive. It to
Mted Uat after Ue beya have
been received by UMr relaUvea. a day
be Mt apart for a graad oelehratloa.
Inelnding a peblle reeepUon ta U*
afternomaad a Wg dtoplay In Ue
evening, enmUUtig of a parade, in
wki)A UeG.-A R. and Ue ceemt eociaUuvrUl be Invited to participate,
finwarks and other elemeato to demaa■tnto tbe appraetoUeo of the eerlvee*
tor Uelr eonatry which tke eoldtora
have performed. Ittoahwprapeaadu
Summep Shoe Snaps!
r, ^
74 pMin -Pingree" $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00 Ladies* Shosa
At $1.99
69 pairs “Pingree” $4.00, $6.00 andv$6.00 Kan’s Shoss
At $299
60 pairs •‘Pingree’* $390 Ladies Enlists at............$1.98
llSypairs -Fingree” $8XX> and $960 Ladiss’ Oxfords
at $1.48.
90 pairs Ladles $1 60 and $1.76 Oxfords a.......... $1.00
72 pairs*Mlsse8'$1.00and$14» Oxfords at........... 76o
Children’s and Mlssne’ Oalf Shoea at.......... .......... 60e
lilt aiif other broket Uets teloced it price.
ZHbraiaJs: !E^iecix*icIb.
» OAd. Re1 i alDle gb.oexQ.cbP..
tjk0|0Mrt»& BBOOBb.
-j; c. CLLis
toeftdWai Kerk
Btepeeed to Bead • Bte to rfeeeeh'
t««( TpeneaUere eiaittoff Mr. Deaesen'e eooele
00OB9 Clarft Newtoe hee |
Xtae Zeleu Oetee.
4>r.Md«to.BoeMakofBoi*M« Bu eeattothaBeoBoh Blfteo et Ceap
oroBiar aad Wykoff ere oroperlp deJlrered If eeat
k T. Baiw a>d J. W. Baob. ber wiivod to the oi«r
eretbeffOMtiof Dr. eod Mf«. J. B. whUe ee eed Mr. HeeUefB ere there.
m. Habw, *aiw» tad lUMfer
Bertie of Weehtortoe enet.
Jfti ie eecfeetod tbet ell who deilre to
urn fc«i. fci-U*- ol W.Uttr
}y end send them to the store
of Prank
Ptiedrioh tots mornlnr before ton
e'eloek, where L. K. Olbbs will renlee
treBhorpeteataMr.ehd Bn. Bobeit
them ead eee tbet they ere pecked <n
CbiiUoef Byron.
e box end sent by ezprew. It la nrred
that the peekeree be se smell eed cornB to her home et Mealetoe after
pact u possible end that only little
o>Vi e Ttoit with Mho flotyace Jaekeoa of
neoeultlu bo aent. u tbe tnnde token
Birfath street.
end Mewtod wiU |
JeteOetteread wife et Bale 1000
yo atony way towarde fltttoy tbe boys
to this dty.
ont. There ere many litUe "IhlnyB
Dadateharlil F. D. Mnrrto end ternUy are onjoyfar a Tidt from Mre. Bew from bome" which the boye wUl .appruieUandthiucanbaeent u anr
Uasof Mt. Pleaaeat.
J. W. Bletof hM retemed from Cbl- ymted.
tmJlTSft0K OITT.
Dealer in Bicyciesi Bicycle Sundries
My vork is first cinu aad prie«s U»t are in reaek ot all. lam.
praparad at ail timu to take cate of tbe trade. I make a apecialty ia
Bradng, Valcnnixing and Enameling. A fine line of wbeela for aala
and to rent.
3.0. ELLIS, 311 Front street, east.
. £
If You Have Logs to Sell
eeco wbere ho b
Mr. end Mre. Alfred Oempwe 1
rreetly sorprlsed Thnradey OTonlny
ea the erriml of Hr. end Mre. J. B.
Ptdey of Toledo.
S. A. Word of Detrdt. reaeml ereat
for the Prwrtdenl 8eeto«e Life of Now
York Is in the d^ for a day or two.
Mre. toerd 1s with her hnsbead ead
they ere both belay warmly weloomed
by eld Ume IrUade, as thU was Uelr
Tom Sbormea hee ruomed hie deUee
to the etore of the SemUton aethtof
Oompaay after e pleasant Teoatlea end
Correspond with the Trsverae
Lumber OempsnY.
We bare for eale Good,
Oovnty S. E AseoetoUon Oaoaia. -j j
FolIowlnraretbeeffleefB eloeted U!
the eonreaUon af the Grand Trareru
Connty dondsy School Asmxiation held
A merrlere lieenee hu been iueed etKinyelry:
Prrridant—C. H. Brtu.
for Tony Dooeth. merohent of Hen.
Ytoe Pruldent—E O. LedA
aeb. formerly of tbU dty. eod Anne
Troeenrer-C J. Olttoyer. of Monroo
Eddie Wheder whe went from here
to Grand Rapids to play third bees.
Btetbtical Sec.-Mra C. J. Ebnor.
pUyed oely pert of eos feme. When
Normal Soperiatendent of the Goanthe Grand Rapids teem left Toledo tbe
tr-i. e. Carmna.
other dey. Wbeeler remained eod Is
Home Depanmeat Secretary—J E
pts^ny wtU that teem, heviny
been eold to Toledo by Maseror
A. T. Honto toft tost erenlny for
A. J. Bredebew hu laeaed Us photo- Ann Arbor, where be will prepare to
yrepb rsllery to 8. A. Deter of Grand runme kb medical stadlu to the nnlRepide, wbo will soon take charre of rerelty.
inlh'eTblt to
- - •
After a
&a Ortppe Oara.
tke nonhem part of the etato Mr.
There is no nee snfferlny from
Bmdshaw expeett to rlslt Ohleare. dreedfol maisdy. if you will only get
Yoo are hartoy
after which ha will retom u this elty.
nil throoyh Toor body, yosr llrcr it .
Fire Petoskey boys of Co. C. Thirty of order, fasre no npprate. no life or
retoraed to Island Lake
I'bition. hare a bad eold. to fact are
mpletely osed ap. Electric Bittersi
yesterday after a three days’ ferl-oyb.
the ooly remedy that will yire yon
They wsre In this dty for a few mtoprompt and sore relief. They net di
ntee and said their reyiment woo'd be reetiyon your Ltrer, Stomach and Rl
Meh ChmpbeU has mtaraed from
Cberiseoto. whore he eeeempeeled
Ptonh FriedHeh oe hie yutot.
r. O. Bemmeanaad E E. MeOoy rethe hlf Knirble
of Pythtos oacampmeet at
LiWlo Bemto Moyu of Moakefoo
anrired yutorday foe a uonik's elait
wiU her yiandparoata. Mr. aad Mra
C C Mau of iTest nyUh stoMk
Mks Lanra Parlato hu retomad
from B memth'a eUit at Northport.
Dte^ to core or price refnaditoytoo Poaad of
B. Wood of North Codar strut, while ed. For uie et
the 6. E A I. is enjoylay a two wooks’ ridiny on ihealdewalk nur MIU rruk. E Walt and J. G. Johaon. Only Me
^ '
thrown from hb wheel oB toe
ofthetoat raemlta trutle iarriny him np pretty bad. hat
fiouB 7«« Bf*
ownert «f Mplui. '"otof*Labym.
Parb Oroan—The pore atafl. No
’ M w«U M tbe oween •{ the mUIi wd of Company M,is home from Thoroefh- netserioesly.
ebuB ednltemtlona. ts eeau a ponnd
faro Gap. Va.. ea a thlrty-daye' fnrThe dameye done the eidewalk on et Welt's Dmy Store.
eaUthif for tome qeeeUoss of pehUo lonyh. Be le rlslttoy Ue brother Wadsworth etrut by the waeboot b
to be aetUad. The eieetim of Freak on Best Ninth street.
^»Ue7r tobe,
being repaired by A. W. Walk
Mim Rodyan has yene to Potoek^
«to here eo*
for e few daye’ddt with frienda dhe
•d tkei pnrpoee. hoaod BoahubeeatheyBastofMra.C.E Trarit bean completed at tbe ruldenu of L
rood erodit end
M. Bennett of Fifth etrut.
l^re toraed the feoee of ell thooe who of Bast Mtotk sUMk
Torch Lake, Mich . Ang. **• '98A atone fonedsUon b briey pleeed
Dr. J. D. Monson
BkAKRSLXK A McCouncK. Dbtriet
eren weltinc. toward the fotare. The
nnder Victor Petertyl's carrieye work*
tnagers. Trareru Uty. Mich.—1 heeo
ud ui.
on State etrut.
___: ' u
«Ib« hoard
. -en a member of toe Colled 8tal
ygato pahtoy hto bnslnem. while capiMite Gertmdc Biyyiae is enterUto.
C. E. Bock hu a floe aew So-foot lieoerolenl ^lety of Seginsw for
tol ie ererywhere earUBy the but peenurly slxyeara,nndhs*e alwe.ee fund
toy Miss Mae Benedict of Vermont- uUioy canoe on toe bay.
An out aide nine defuted a nmk-ap
Florence Millar hu retnmed
Asubax LdYOou eaid. '-That eomo
nine from tbe soeth aide yuterdsy
by me
nay be rich, ebowa that others may be- from CharUrolx, where the rUted afternoon In a hot bau ball coniui. deot end a'
.. hot t
pome rich." There nerer wee a time to friends.
Mrs A. B. McDoneid nnd sons Doo- The yame wu a cloie ue eoUl tbe United 8U
toe history of the Dnltod Slates when aid and Robert hare returned to their end of the eerenth inning, bat from
0t May arennu are belay opened tor
that Ume until tbe ead of the game ways sued reedy to help yon when
home In Kalamasoo after a few weeks'
yoa come here.'
toe aoqnlriny of wealth by raneoa et
plenty of errors were made..
Beepectfally Yonra.
rbit with the family ef A. L. Baebant
toe Mlaryed-todnstrlal touruta eraryWx J. McLiCHLXX.
Oa Tbaredey oTening Benda A Oo.
of Fifth etrul.
Mrs. L. E Gib'hs retomed tost eren preunted each of toe Crescent hand
Tn Atlanta GonsUtoUoa. the lead- toy from a two days' rislt at MayAslA ths conurt wu flebhed the boys were DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
ft- McKonxis of ths uylnm, <
Otw MeVemara'* Shoe Bure.
toy Bowepaper oryaa of tbe Bryan
Ineited into the etore and asked to ta
|>emoemcy. U forced to admit that a eaUod to ThompsoorUle snddealy yes- their oholu from toe atock of floe
ware of proapertty ie abont to atiike toHsy by ths sortou illneu of
toe ooantry. The OeaeUwtloa alee eouto, who b not oxpoetod to lire.
A measaye from Ooeemor Pinyree
May Pearl of Washtoyton etrool, who
jnatixu that the Democratic party b
for soreral aoetbs hu held a poelUon yutorday aanoonced that tbe forlonyh
Mdly bf need of a new eet of iienea.
u stmuyrmpher to a lawyer's offlee to of Arthor Suit, Compaay M. Thlnyfoorth.Mlchiyan.
had bou oxtonded
Tn natlea’a rooently aeqairod eni- Ann Arbor, retomed home yutorday
thirty daya from AnyUt Vi.
tom koneeearo addlny mnUrlally to on a short rauUoa.
On aecouet of toe cold wulker lut
toe romnne. Thla is another ennee for
•errtoe efBeered Sony.
ereBlnythe Boye’ hand did not yiec
yarrow for thooe who haVo beca makTbe urrieu et Qfsee ehnrch Sunday
.ikbotoalr exenreioo on toe bey u pro- -pain
Ito e epulelty of edtidem.
need UtMt and i -----------------------ttlybt will be e proyrem of eacredeony.
rieuly annoaoeed. luiead they yaee •tl«B nt eeed tor aiakii «g utmrtleWeaarufoUowe:
a ine open air conurt In front of Perk
Prof. V. H. Stetrou.oryaabk
Ptou hoieL A toryo crowd enjoyed
yea. Ollbtt aad a
(to^ ••The 'ib'w^^ suei
toe mub.
toM to the npper
The BxcoROb to reulpt of uerral
Mrs. Lake B. Smith wUl lure thb
bnlieu picked np on toe hbtorle batUePrayere.
uoratoy for her heme to Grand Baplde.
fteid of Boll Rno. also a trayment of
Bha arrired to Ibb elty yutorday from Gloria Patri.......................
ehall from Thormyhfare Gap. Va. eent
by LIrak H. I. Rn^pot Compaay M.
W. D. Tamer aad family are antorFlretLeaeoB.
3<to Michlyao Volunteers.
latoiny Frank Bayele an^ wife of Yptoentl.
Tbe Rrr. W E Oostiry. of StockMbe Merton Pren hu retomed from
bridr '-k. while attending u bU
rhite.Celle ObUyato
pum: ' delba at EHeowood. that
# month's meaUoa at Byron aad Fopsute. - n-. attacked by cholera morbns
Be U'
By ebaaU 1 happened to get
Mia Lney Sladaa of Dundee, Mick..
r J. V. Eoboru hold c: e oottie nt Chamherllo's Colic.
1 her danyhur, Mra Chna Solo, Mr. Wnlto, Cho
Cholera eod Dial •■OU aemeoj,
—-*- ana i
toiok It wu the means of wrieg my
Mr. and danyhter-to-tow, Mra .Jamu
'Fear Not Ye. O laraolP life. It reilered OM at onoe." For
«Qlett ef Elmwood aunno. to Trae“ )borta
sale be S. E Walk
«ne City for a rslam viMt of a fow
MbsCkawf«4. Violin
Saf Tbnrsday alyhk
■boet Vneie ni RsU Priu, alu
Worthy bun
Mra A. C. W<
e*ery piece of toe latest popnler mneb.
Dnot, ''JoeM, toeeeryThoiwhtof Thu' tv. W. Bimball Co.. ZtS Front etruk
a ooremt wuks' eblt at 8k lye««*
....................................................... Mareton N. E Bieong. manager.
il^toaw and wlU spend some Ume to
«bb dty before retamtoy to her hone
, ‘'Ineltoa Thtoe Bar." HIme
•t Ealnmazoo.
r. Snyder.Cboir Aeeempsnlm
d of Mra
/. BDUiler. Mra M. O. Eeu, G.
•ealbls end wife and Mra M. E
The nhore program wUl be usbtod
- Ptotohoratoppedererin tob elty for < by Profeuor lUruoyh’s Orchutra.
• low boors rut from their joeraey. <Tbe oleriny witlyototo toe uyan
from Omena
hb moMy's worth to good booutwork
P. B. Mitchell aad the Mbau M. E
if he omployc
ExenttiSh Ilekstt benyhi aad uld u
•md J. O. Mltebell retnmed yutorday City None Stand, P. O- Bldy. dl»-if
Geo. B. Winnie,
I lotoelrbomeatCl - '
UpAo^te painter and paper hanyar.
Bapabilean Stote OonTention.
fmf ooeoral wuks at Omena
Good Words.
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wbbifc".
Min Machinery of aU daeoriptiona. incloding Two Enginea,
Set Worka, Carriages and Sawn. A complete Saw HiU Plant
A few minutes spent ta eating our
Wheat Goods
be beneficial to both yonr health and.
pocket book. A large line on hand.
848 Front StTMt.
Watch This Column For Bargains I
Fifty Cents
I But Front etrook
FETTEBLY. 6lt Moaru atnek Wut Side.
Store. ISt Froa^treek________________________
S ceDls-Smeke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents
But Flee Cut Ciyer Made. THE OtLBBBT CIGAR 00.
Guard Gbains
Haie Toe Tried The KimlmU?
end tut lu oneUiy of tone.
W. W. KIMBA LL CO.: N. E BTR05G. «
Furniture Bargains
^ ““ ’•
HOMAS. eomer Stota aad Dnton ota.
Columbian Restaurant
Lonehu in the world for Ito.
Open nil oighk
Our Offerings
Deserve Unusual Ittunrion.
To Him That Hath
ShaU Be Given
'he State Ooarentioa of too BapobChulu n. Coy of Aldea traasuted
,01 of Miohlgen b hereby caltod to
bwlnou In toe elty yutorday.
Liybt Goard Armory. In
tt at toe Liyi
Mra A. M. Foxaed Mra (%utor B.
Detroit, on Wednesday, toe
oily of Detr<
SrpUmber.ldB't.at a ti«
Idiy of SepUmoer.jB»'.sm
Btoedale of Grand Raplda wart renominal
a. m.. for the perpoe* of nomlnatlay
gbiereJ et Perk Ph
. undldatei for aUte ofBers; aod for ths
Ber. W. 8. Hnrlbnrt ef Northport,
of ulrctiDyn
mu reybwred at tbe Hotel WbUtoy
muni CoumlUM
CoumlU ^ two uw
ben ihcruf from weh
, yutorday.
lUofT Mch
B. OUmsB of Oodar wee here yastarAayoab
tiny of Mre. J. M.
AlharuUWiaf Art I
Watte a^ Mbau AbWe B. Xaleon,
. O. lAV’iiaui'a.ffkuifium.
Miss Doyle
and Moderu Luce Making
exclusive with ue, that
__________________for beauty have not been fgualleA
We make particular mention of BEED and BATTfiJf FUENITUEE. Aside from a fioor full of beautiful creationa ta
_ this materlalvve make prices equally as attractive.
Whether you intend to retumlah your bouse this faU or
^ just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
^ to do so at a very Uttle coat. We want you to see the goods
ta any event.
tripboma. Qaaaral Sbaflar
zmum Aiear wnm.
itod Oaaara) Toral am bto
I Life Agent Wanted'
yaUaat dafeaae of tba city, aad aapraa- ToaadSTManoaaofX
Kaataak Petit aod Took Xau
aod tho with U»t tao «o»U apos IkU
Wbrraare tbe D
ton Xato Bto Ova Baade.
arrival ia Ssala raeolve tbo uaatmat
flod an imae oir which to go into tba
tkat bb broTMT doMraad.
Moataak Point, K. T., Amy. to -See- ooogzeariQnal and leylilatlre oampalynt
In aU tbe naooenptod territory to Midw
Ooaoral Sbkttar Xmrm 6aaUa(« la rato^ of War Alyar to ahaklay thlays
ChrS.Ar“iiwS£i^ Igaa. Meet pepiSar plaa aeeldaat aafl
la rood order. AmtUm aaUority
aWc beaeflt taaaraaea oa tba marbab
bMB Mtablbbod la tbo iHportaat
9t. aad ladattr^ to ra^vlar!**"**■
«“ >" • "“'“'“•ibHns.M. .o“polm»iaiprtS"»WU
Cabaae la tbo iaUrior are aador araa, impartoat cbmnyae la camp before ba the Dtonoerata ere in tba noooaitivtobla
bat ri*a (be AncrleaaB ao troablopositioB of not being able to "view with
ntorm"—TbeOhnnicle donbta wbetb»
Wba#^i rialted the tbe tree silver oansv will be agalb tekea
rdH>« •« U
no property of Martla L. Bsroot of wuud to iriok M tko mIpom ud
eeapltol ymterday be was iaformed np in view of tbe splendid flnanofaJ
aai of iBSormar* 70a 1 ' '
as soon aa free
Otaad ftapida whoM affalia are ia tba aad ebarre to tbe f
Prealdest Asha Oaaatal Berr n for a
««r* bboal 700 patiuto. Be Mirer was defeated io 1864. Tbso as
M aeribaade of the IlioblfaB Tnut Oo.. will boeama praaldenb
aaVtfd far tba asset aamber. but Celt - to tbe other favorite Boarbnn altena- SMiortlekiMaovt ald oom m rvenSarly os
bo ooM aador fopoeloaara. SoptoBbor A
Owia« tbe r
tiel FVirwood waaanaWe to ylre it to ttve:
It 6*.—MhJ'-lJrnItlaelBdoo Sooot'a betel, ralaod at TUnt aereral baraa were atraek by
rbaaaereury ordand tbat a
$M6.eoa. Ba oatBO to Mieblfaa la 1»4» Urbtalacaadbaroed. ntewtadpUy- eral Waalay Marritt baa bear a ked by aaa >- •aWen laataatly. aad Bow it
UAX. Never closed its doom ataiyhl
aadbaUtnUUat Qalapy aaA Omad ed a pocallar praak OB tbe Labor day tbe prcaldent to forward a- root as to*e*.uat ett there were 1.405 patlaata.
with aa nspaid claim oa iM hooka oa
wbieb it had reorived proofs, aad to.
Baptda, aad at oeoo bad a Bimaf BOB- baaaerBtraapaeraaa'tbe etraet. eet- poatlMoaltotof reoomm«-n> .ti<wtt f'-r or oonble -he nnmber aiatad by the canoe of tbe magni
sores men and women from 18 to «
opera•ptfy. At oae Ubo bo wa« rated at tlap oat tba eeater. learlnr a aarrow
eblef •'I’-y. oB la ebaryr,
of aya
froei SSM.oeo te AM0.4M. bat aaforto- edca.
■ .oaeral Alycr -foand men lylay on CioD* of tbe Dingley tow. They eansot
fall tiack on tbeir old claim that a proTbe rrqoeet to almiiar to tba; u.^de of
Bate lanoteMBta dnriaf the peat ten
BepabUeao* at Coldieater on WediM floor in tbe boepitaU. althonyb toctive tariff to a ‘Obiaese wall' that
yean hare alauMt loft bl« poaoUoaa. aaeday Doatlaated Prank A. Lyon for Oeneral Sbaftar after tba aeUrr n<"l- tbeii are carloads of cots at the raUway
‘sbnts ns ont of tbe market of tbe
Bo to nearly olcbty year* of apa
■teU eenator. Ooraraor Plncrre
station, a mile and a half iway. It world.' beoanm onr sales of goods to
Bdwy a Bold, aoeretaiy of tbo Stete oBpbatleaUy aadoread. and Lyon
was explained that thehoeplUlaathor- foreign oonotrios doriag tbe past year
tieeeoald not yot them ont becai
bccB far aheadofi‘
of all prerions rec
BortienUaral s\«ty. otaua tint tbo InatraeUd to rote for Barrown. All of
EALsxszoo. aaonoAV
ords, sad tbe batonoa of trade in favtr
they had no means of
apple crop in
wblldMlebv PiBfree'a reform Idaat were alea fararand yet within plain siykt m
thirty of the nailed States is more than rieioa
wiU ba the boavioat in any otate eaat
Tbe party
or forty empty ■
Parry Snyder, a tanaer livlaff i
ny In line
of tbe Boeky Boaotalaa. Alroady there
I XlacMa to Oppoae Matab- waltlay to be loaded with wood for tbo
ia a briak deaaad for tbe early rarl Eaton Bapide, bae «
ed In advanoe too
iiabad BaetrtctloBa la Tbalr
reyimental kitchaaa Oeneral Alyer
etioa, wbiek brlnf froB tOeeaU to 50 acawit City Manbal F. 11. Stump for
It woold be gratifying to And that
aantan aid-do-osmp wlihotdento
oeata per baabeL Tae crop of poara $6,000 dame^ for allied fatoe Imwand cotnawB sense was for emoe to
will be foil aad of ezeeUeat ijaality. prtoonmaai On Satarday laat Slemp
Laaalay, Anyast M —Depaty Oama flscaw Iboee wsyoas aad eeeare a do- prevail in Oemneniie ooonseto and tbat
Plama aad peaehee «U be picked la arreBtad Snyder oa aebarfe of dmnk- Wardea Brasrater, wbo was here oa tail of men ee that tboos eoto eonld be free trade and free silver were to be rel
egated to tbe limbo of oblivkm by tbe
•aaaadlodpad bim U jaU. wbete ottetol bokiacm. aayi tbat tbe Baber- In poeiUoB before nlybtfa^
Afternoon ajid Svening.
emooratio platform msbers of 1808,
More than S« men were wlibont Demooratio
it oac half boar, wbee
ralal to ptUnr tt
of Beaver tolaad arc}>« tba oaly
It we think Tbe Chrtmicle entertains
aea of copper fram the alxtb level eontb Mayor Wbltaay ordered bin rel<
wbo propose to lynorc tbe Uws blankets, altbonyh tbsre are bales of s far too flsi
« of tbe wla
of No. « abaft on tbe Osceola loda Bear At bto baannc Wedaeaday, City at- ralaUra to tbe eloeed aesMs tbto year. them ia tbs ^nartermsstor’a storebi
drxD and IntelligGooe of tbe adversary.
Hoa^toai atoo eenaiderable miai aad tantay C. 0. Markham
If all reperta are trae. Be mya tbe Geawal Alym started aaotber officer
Alttady the Democrats of 10 stateswith anihority to seise wuyoM wber- Arimnsas, OMrgia, lUinuii, Indiana,
w aad BOW tbe damaye aail baa bean
barrel o^par from other portloaa ef
tra to
Mo. S ebaft. Ibe larfeet maas yet foand
Iowa. Kansae, Maine, Michigan. V«eaoaaead that at tba aaaaal meetlny of
ta eneonaterad thto week aod to ea-. city to with Beyder, aereral promlaeat tbo Micbiyaa Commercial Ftobarmaa'a tbe mea tbat were aeeeeaary to briar moBt and Wlwonxln—bare indoraed
timatad to wrtyh falty two teaa Ttaejelttoaae elalaUay tot waa aot laat DeteoH laat maatb. a tbe blaakets to tbs boepitel, and add
free rilver pUnks. smd
ed, slyalfleantly. *'t waat to eee them
atoowiny on tba ooayJomerate vein ro- toxtoatod.
aaerat aeaaioD was held at wblcb a
tbe greater part of tbe remaining stalsa
Piof.O. L. LyoaotG
alatian was adopted pladyiay aU mam- here before 1 leave
will aodoaUedly follow this exunpla
baa baaa alactad profeaMr of arauiy bwa of tba amoeiattoa to iyaora Ibto
Tbe Oerman Latberan ehareb
•till in London.
Mortbrille to atUI locked ap oa aoooent aad aloeaUoB for Alblea oellaya. Ba law.
London, Aayast 55.—Tbo report eeMARINE SUPREMACY.
waaysbetoat a lom bled yoeterdsy that Oolonel Jobn Bay,
of a row wbiek baa aaaamed larya por- to a yradaato of tbe De Pbaw aairarpartloaa. Tbetraataaa raeeaUy triad alty; also doctor of pbUoeophy from a to ka<
Calted States Ambassador, bad yoae
to dapeaa Bar. Paal Balakart.
lotbe.flOBtioaat, was erroaoons
the British
A aad andiay to a family qaarral «e- tbe law baa atrandy beea before the Bay to sUll In London.
claims bto salary to (a armara, aad tbat
dominate tbe seas to shown by jbe fact
oorad Wedaeaday niybt at tba farm aapreoM aoert aad held to be valid.
tbat tbe British tonnage to lfi.*118.B80,
ad aao
it of Mia. Metooar. who boaaa of Cbarlea Bcaadlet near Oayara. Tbay oaaBoi, tharefora. laake a leyal
whUetbatcif tbe world to 54,561,250.
aaye bopaabed bar aalde aad atraek Mieta. Ctoarlaa O'Dell aad wife bare fybt, and Warden Osborn prepaam
Great Britain has 864 wooden ste
worked tbe farm two yaara. ■anadlet deveto all the available fnads and
vemris of a tonnage tff S5.S54;
powerofbtooBaatoaaeiof to it tbat
Ia tba raeaat etarm at Coloma Uybt- aUylay with them. Wedaeaday
In mSIxxiiiZITfavccedtbeOpecn. DatUd HtateeSIS. and toonam 14I.8S8.
ainc atraek the aoraar poat ia Cyroa lay O-DaU came borne draak and yot tba Uw a enforaad.
then cstatiliihed in tbe flnK mHo of the Great Britain has 8.4M Iras steam ves
sels. tonnage 8.256,608; tbe United
H. Lawto* fsM la Corert towaablp.
wiib a special niiiuslaa fir tbe brttar Stab* 208 vcascU tonnage 894,097.
- apUtUay ia piaeaa aad daairoylay erary Bo toaa4 a betcber kalfa aad at be
part for a dtotaaea af twenty rode each was aboat to aae It. Baaadtot shot him TO VTt ..tXM SPABI8B BOLDlBXa aecumiuodatiuii of its admiaistratioo, Ureal Britain has 8.826 steel steam- .
srcbiv-<ii ai.d tvlikomla Tbto hotel is ships, tonnage 7.808.149; tbe United
way aad proatfaUny tbe hot aad twtot- dead with
Onbaa Xtopaty Offeie SnyycdUona ef dinauil in ib'-Roe Nioitoe. Tbe bnild- btaies 281. tonougo 418,780. Great
ad wlrea apon tbe yroDad.
diet to la ebarya of tbe aberlS.
ing wa> rt-Tiezdly di-rienated nodo^ttaa Britain's steamers of all kinds nnmtxr
The World's Best Trained
A Very Valgae Oharaeter.
It toaaUmatad tbat the Micbiyaa po
Oeorye Wayaer,alias Oeorge Wbitasme of "Ma»w*ia.''vheoee tbe tern 7,702. tanoagn lt.U-8.189; tbe Uaited
Animal Ezhibitlott.
Mew York. Aaynst >€.—Tbe Madrid
tato crop of tbe preaeataaaaon will be ary.tbe alley^ bank robber ia eaawdy
"Fillcs do Mukuid" iB<l"de mam- Btaws ;»0 veorals, tonnage l.Kff.TeS.
It of tbe Herald says tbat ■tu") snhv'|a>-ntly B<» only to tbe fe Of sailing vessel* Great Britain has
aboat $0,000,000 baabeto.
at tbe Central autioa at Cbicaye, rea Ooban depaty baa a plaa which may male cburioteri and impun, bot the fe 3.441. tonnage 2.497,128; tbe United i
Tba trial of Baary Hoalor ia Bellaire fasm to yo to Bicblaad. Micb.. to be be well worthy of
male-dsunrs tlHraiKclreu. It ao happen States 2.870 vosspIs; tonnage 1,272,916.
for tba mardar of Bcaonl Mimre laat tried OB tbe ebarye of robbiay
In I8-J9 Aniericob tfaip* carried 98
Wasbiaytoa. Be said:
ed that tb* kinr rntgiiS to psy bis anohlfall, baa beyaa. It traaapirea U tbe Bicblaad bank. wUbont tcqni
lect* aod wi.rlcuao. la rwdn- to satisfy per cent of Anurican Impoits and 84 j
‘■Tbe United States to about
toeUmoay tbat Boator sraa jealooa of parera. Sheriff Saow of
il>eChera!t-rd>- Unnillonamoc-iv- par oont of exports; in 1601, OOper cent '
aoanter diffieelUca In tovpoainy Its dc,
tbe former and 72.1 per oent of tbe :
d to bto wlfa
ed tbe idi-a of Kiriue balls in tbe opera
minionln Cuba. Tbe iMoryente
byHoore. He aarred a JaU aaataik a 1 »*>■ »<>»<»
»«• BtobUad wlihoai ia arms ayaiaat the bpaaiarda aad do faonso, fur wbirb idea Jw received aa Utter: in 1894. 18.7 per cent of imports
wiir Be PonaA
for aaaaalUny Moore, and aftmwaid*.
Wayaer empkatieally deelia- not aeeopt tbo armistice or submit ab- aniinsl peoHuo of 6.000 franca. He teas and k6 percentof exporta Now only
A Wsllington ChioMO trndw hnostB
paid, bm tlic king's debtors were tme J5 per cent of imponx and 6 per cent of
riiot kirn.
\ ad. aad a^d be woald try to yet oat by
ajlately to tba American rei
exprats are carriod in Ameriran steam ' ns William Joe Uett, fonnerly a
for, alibimcfa riav li-ttcrs pat*wr
“• man DavtoofSayiaaw waaia to
■ They wish, above all. tbe Spaatob granted Mim.-wbrn- utamt tbebcyl
Mbcyinniny Ttawir. Onr carrying trade flonrtobed new interpreter, failed sosne H»te |
ba president of the Ueited Slates aad
In Antrim coaaty trees are fairly aoldiere to leave Caba, aad wiU prob
in tb«- early days of tbe n-pablio. when Here -ia an extract from
bto "
boomed himself In many peculiar weys. loaded down witb p-aebca. plnms, and ably eoniloae uaderareu. eauainy tbe
it was
protected I- •"—
Of tbeoansea of tonkraptey,” whiob, Eto motbar baa taken him borne. Bto aariy apples. Tba pouto crop to loirictimagaiostforvignveqwJa It langnlrii- written in red ink. eorered foar msm :
keep a mueb larger army boa soniTigu* doxoeadGd to bis grave.
One day. sbtirtly after bto death. ed andcrtbepolicyt^
last act before Aar arrival was to give iny well, snd corn presenu s Aaa ap- of oeeapatioB than tbe; anticipated
offotdscap. After
detailing bis tradii«
d'Antenivai, tbe tbeu lientamot of po Md freo tradejBjhipa Clearly.'tbor^ ' expwitmcea tim Obleotial wriira:
•rdera to have everybody yet all they ' peatanea.
"Tbe bast tbiny tbe Americans eoald lios, was talking to Lonis* ne{diw, fosti. tbosItpStimj snggM& tbe
-- n my trooblea eotUeos to o
policy '
> would bo to form local yaarillas an- Pbilippv d'Urirena the regenh "Moo- of diaczjmiaatlug dntiea as a
<ff can't get my mottey to pay. I aa balpdoy team. It take* W days u> come dcr the commsnd of .imerican officerv. teigDeor." he said, '•thtire ore people —■—•—loa's merchant marina
lew. Dnrtng toss (taree yean over 8$
Tbeae oeald be formed of Spaoiab sol wbo go abogt yclliog chat bto
------------- 1 myr bbnxtoeto
____ Dnriiiy .
r as far aa New dier* a^ Caban volaateere, all climate of blean^ memory was a bankropt and
last two mouths not a one let _ _
---------2 VorhClty.
_ ^• P™»7 <* ‘Ick. fish never can Uve to
aroof. Vod. lastaad of dtoarmiay tbr a thief. I'll have them arrested and
t ralats la tbv I
hare them flung into eome deep nnderT\ Beorga
aenrus Stayy*
at*M« Writoa
WHO Tbat
That Be
Vs *
1I WOntd
I”**" •*
1 a dry pood witbontwat». EngineeaB'l
wmtd advise all to stay away from Utter, atillxa them in tbto way.
I more along withont wril sapply ti
"Tbe Daited Stetea at a small enat groond dnogenn." "Yon dou'C know
. £
rHaa Baeeral Taluatola'
V-l*®" •*
aa avorythliiy
In bisit
wbat yon are teJking aboat." was tbe
I to ovardooe. I will tall yon all aboat laid ntUit* a force eqaal to 60.000
answer. "rnoMi (implemoM be paid, PI, »d.,,k
^ ^ it wbea I yet back. 1 will aand, yon a i-tn Tbe Uaited State* eoald also and thtmtheyilceasetobellow." "Bnt nniveraally credited vrith tbo ______
ihe onp no rrillled water—bow toe giva
Amna^* I BByyet
If 1 can yet St cxprcaaedT Tbto ask Spain to aound the dmlree of tbe bow. moUheigiM-arr' "Let's (rive tbe of nniform oonrietiy. tact and disoretion.
Tbe followiny from Oeorye Stayya to | u the drat Umc I have beea to salt Caban army la tbe matter, aad ia this bnlU thst were projected by BaaiUon."
bto motbar, Mrs. Joba J. dtagya. will | ^tar alaca 1 want in. Bverytblny way tba Amerleaa yoverameot would So raid, so dumi. and tbe pooplo danced
prove of considerable Intorest;
j looks stranya here, aa whan I went U fladlU to form tbe yerm of her to pay Lnnis XlV s debts, as. soeording be frit tbat itwas propcrcbotbesbonld
Bsaato Ftecr
to Shad well pr->ple drank to fill Lhartos answer end at ib« same time knowing
Dyes. Alaska. Aoynst II. itthere was noibiny bot oa# loy cablo; colonial army.
ITs coffers:
Dsab Moraxn-I have Just arrived |
there are 75 aaldtora and n
"Spain eonld not pat any diffinlUea
«on which be huw ongbt not to be fianona floor. ManntaetorenareexnriThe k-.W« DM Mibfal tsh)*cts «*
from Dawson via tbe Upper Yakoa ; jood aixed city,
la tbe way. bo-mase bar army Is ia
la ■. ma--\eh »rr Ool dnll.
menting to tbU directiuo and |^m
river. My partner and I bad qnlte a
Addrcm all lettera to Dawson City, Cnba to defend Spaaisb Interests."
Fvdnak i- ihov wir lujiliy
Tbe New Y otu 6mi, a jemr^ wbirb
a meal that will keep asC^
had msliv bu fnSkH fiUL
hard trip out. bnt we are all rlybt We Xonk West Tarriloiy.
is rarely given to praiae, says of him:
flour and make a umch more
—London Satnntoy Beriew.
have one partner in Cbioayo driny bus- ]
Gaonox Staoo*.
A Dtotiset Novelty.
iawsforna. We are In a MlS.OOO deal |
t—..d onnoo, noaoo.no moion
now. It ws have yood lock ws wlU
Cbestcrfleld's idea of exoellcnce was
pony sbow, of which ao mneh baa been
paU out all r^bt with a nice lltUe
swciPiially saperficial, for bis praise of Cogclbcr tbe sort of American to which
(fla banana has develoord its musl “v
auks. I have bean traveUay aronnd n |
Tbouaaad XUUaa FUamaa Aa- written and said, is a distinct novelty
tWm.riran hrm lake, kindly, with! s-aloe.. an srSrie ri fS. mwfS \
in the amnument line. Tbe exbibi- pie is always conpied with tbe assertion good
yrMtdeal for tbe last year. LastManA
ta Xmiyrato.
wisbvs for political snnccas and
t'en oooslsu of over one hundred
a year was tbe last time I wrote. I
of their rutire inutility if
“ "“cb to bs pMcd MlKsenpt eagerly
perb dogs and pontos wbo are said
nted by grace, ezb-rnal polisb and an wished thst then, were mere meti ^ iri^uamiV^en^ Poto
bf tbe bandaoBNt ever seen, tbedoya agreo-jble tniinifesutiaa. He omits all srasod of these happy pervonal ebaiaoI aoclety and tbe rovemmeat ef Vane
to, pnbllo ohioe. We toonid
65 In onmber, being enow white, ooosiderstiuti of tbeir intrinsic worth terirtios
re worth s small fortnne. All of and abeolote dignity; tbeir valoe to tbe have fewer oo
occordl:------ --•
' -*
tlie animals have been educated to a individoal. acrardlng to him. is wholly | of officisl garmi-iociCE^ of slipshod and £
I ayrlcaitnrtoto to VaaesaeU In Urea
at Dawson and io Alaska. I bars a
degree of InteUiyeace that is wonderto a sooiai Tormr
other, of arrogpot
Tbs Vapasaalan
arrogpnt Ixxito^tSanTtow^
boorihboora aad tost-I' ^
f nl. and they never fall to give tbe best
In one of bis earlier ietten to Philip leoce on tbo pan uf sonic otDciaU clod fae would not reT"UTdrer towvrel"
The combination will Stanbopp he writes: "Wbataa advan wito. little briclantbority.-Baltimore S’tCi ibTtoS
«r in tbto city nnder a thorongblj tage has a gracefnl speaker with gen bun (Dan.).
quite as good.—Now (Cleans Picayro
: On m pro,^.., 1, Al-k. I b... ...
■"' 1””“'
>■““■ waterproof tent, oa Eleventh itreet, teel moti'iuK. a handsome flgnm, over
WbT W« iBipcnt t
Monday. Angnst 29. afternoon and even one wbo ebatl speak foil as tpocb good
Benda A Oo. arc Appreeia* iva ^
..M U»l I dU.... W.11 ,i.b. I n™.-Ui b. ing. Frafessor Gentry's sbow to both teste, hot who is destitnte at there <vcome the property of tbe coioalsts.
men-liandiic daring 'the past ”year”are 1
drs'rc to express through tbs
o ba out last fall, bat this minlay
popntor ia taste and prices of admis nauients. In tmxtocos bow prevalentare
tbe giacsa bow dcuimental to the want
■ to a terror. There to a lot of
sion. they being only—children
of tbeoit If yon abonld cot acquire
ttall tba time. It kept me PABTIBO OP TWO OBNEEALt.
ila,adnlUSS cento.
manbera.,all the rest will be of little
of onr new store. T
' busy lookiar after my iatere**#. ao it
one to yon. By maoneri I mean engag m8ndfroi:id..io.sticconsau:eru. Aw-to tfcrongi of vtoltot* evideaeed sveb apBbafter Bade Farewell to Torsi aad
eru Impooaibla for ms to leave.
ing, uuanaaung, sbimng uiannora a trom tbe luflci iii-e of blglRtr tariff ex- preciauon of our eflorM to please that
•ailed for Boma.
; I eappoee tbe papere have been faU
we are prompted to voice onr grati
TbankfnI words vrritten bv Mrs. Ada
Saatlayo de Cabs. Aayast t« —Oea- B. Hart, ef Sroton, 8. D. "Was token resistible addresa a xoperi* graoefnl- ports to catting down tbe
tude through the public prosa In ahewaf the Dawnoa cold Adda. Wdl. tbe
tog to thto peblie ntanner onr apprcci«» «>y neretoallyonsayand,da” He would importstiona tbe larger
dlyyiaira will aapport eiybt or tea eral Sbaftar formally reUnqatobod the with a bad cold which
atiu of tbe interest token by tbe pub
have manners overtoy todJrldnality and tbe borne market by '
Ub>—>d. ... tb.™ ... Irem ibirtp u !
»' !*• d«P~V.mt« Suill..
mtnmpUoa. Fbar doctora goea so far oa to declare that a soldier fsotnrers bas nndonbtedly bsda great lic im onr efforts, we dtsira to aunre
ton, Uinuud wb. w.bt I. .bbH”
<:■'» “
Inwooo lut gave me np, saying I eonld live bui
that we have corns to Tre
but a
deal to do with tbe decline In Importa
•prt.p, oo yon ooo lm.*in. bow .hl.p. ^ —..>.1 m. bMidw) U>. oloomor M.«. short Ume. I gave myself op to t
aty to remain and bem to show
r. a aynio witbont good breed- This fart ia evidenced by tbe '
byonrbnsieeM methods t£st we i
» ...rd... 1. .11 kind, ol b..!.... i 1“ 'Ml
~«.bn. .1 bl. .ul. ~ Savior, determined ifI f cenld not at
share of tbo trade of fcreign msrkeu wookyof
tbe liberal pstrwage that
now, will b.;. In, .1 tb.w Iroon ,.l“P~li t« »U »r tta HolUd •tetos
which bA been SPcnred by donestle ku beea seeorded os and which bids
The Best Remedy for nnx.
manufaotnren. Usnolly it to maintain
Asatb tbto Winter OB the trail, aa tbay thto morainy.
was advised to yet Dr. Kii ,
Oenaral Torsi aad bto staff callad
Mr. John Mathias, a well known ed by tree trade ionmals that small wQl ri^ys be' b^quu^ Im the
kavaaU eooayfa aaoney to ret ont. M<
for Consomption, Cooghs sod
an nnwbotothey will have to walk oat tbto winter apon Ganaral Sbaftar tbto aftaraoon to Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all •took dealer of Pnlaskl. Ky- aays:
' -ttlea. It baa
“After snfferiog fororer a week with
aad they don't know bow to prapnre
______ Jd I am saved 1 aad am now a flux, and my physician
having failed to pornry. tbe Phitofleipbto Beoord. bu the latest stylet of nrektlas, bats, snHs
tbaakad Oenaral Sbaftar for tba
for tbs cold weather.
relieve me I wm advised to try dlsoovered. in tbe explanation abore Md eyrrythbg dealred by the nobby
well and healthy woma
1 aspect to elan back aboat tbe first
CbamberUo's Colle,
aod 1Diar cited, that it may be one of tbe mart
Ule. Cbetora aad
.___ _________
anteay, ^Uvetlteplrem.
one nave tBepicaenreeT
of fia^amber for Oawsoa. 1 will ba aanaader. aad for tbe
size 50e rhoea Bemedy,
I to all the dpantoh I ^
Onarantend or prioe refunded. etaUag^tba^h^ ri M^bottle cored
hai^ probably tbto vrUtar with a
tMB eonld dsaira—PittAorg Prea.
A. V. »M«lrtd. Iks'" * ^
K Some Odd Bits of Fact and Fancy From
All Over the State.
ntMilMcIttM Ullekliunal mi
blatanhlrFH Ti JitL
iMrat, ncHKu iCODERT ismum.
Monday, Aug. 29,
IitaiorlliGtut FmSMPina
*“■ “'
‘ **'
oo. kiw... „.dp, r
ten A. ora-
Erer BoniDd Ontf
If ao yon knew
Nm twNhtr wlw. ow#ol or »tnmiblm
hmi Uwa M >«■»
kBTatMbtci^wttb ‘Oad’sbaNcttitoldoilwUk th7 atfht. te then l« no
TOk aer terioe nor
V knowledge
kaowledgo nor wl»
viaBtilL X Chnk ww> deoldedtr • wwlUi]' |
wbitbcr thon foot"
«« «r th* OalM ■
MtanpUdnauwiU) pride the renlU cd
ttMir tndiag with other Awontriee dori^theUidanlr^- TbfttwuaTW
€d cuMqBBled Ameriow oxpactn Ibe
«A, to e»,»«j,«»i.o»oi
•1.S8I.811.MB. ^exceeding
tboae of 1887, which enr*180,00
^jod *U proTiou yeon in the Teloe
efiuoxportt. Of thia huge gmis • nry
ttgepraponiao ITto be oradlted to
femdatoff Athu tom oonring wbeoA
wfaato floor, oom. oomaeol, onto, ontSMl. rye nod barley, the expam of
T’'i:-h oomtDoditiea renebed a total
-vl *1S4.70<I.0C0 io the fUcal year
«l»l.0W),841 in
■ 1
_ a Uat Of tba kayfag and •ril
ing Brtoto of yaatorday lor groeartoa,
pnv&ona and farm ^Mta in Trtv
•■ "
.uMther ootuidetable element in the
liMirnaw waa oonttibatod by peoriBona,
■ndccwUob gtoeral name are oon»i«hended
riieoM, fa
■which4J7.oaLooO worth
ported lari year than In the yearbeftne.
.thna the toul Talae d the expom waa
awoUenbyfoodatQSaof allkiiida $160,000.000 .Bbore tbe limit of 18M-7.
noogh there waa an inereaae of about
« par cent in theqaantityof raw oottoB
axportod. there wax pmotioaUy no in■maaa in tfaeealoe. Hie total expanaiao
«f *180.000.000 in tbe raloe of tbe exporta U tber^oeo made np by foodriofla
and maBufaoRired artieleiC the focintw
havlog iBcnaaKl by •lM.000,000, tbe
latt^VVbootmOOO.^. •
■ Vbia great increaee In the retoma'
Iran foodataSs ia doe to oondUiona
with whidi we are qnlte familtax.
Idke Oanada. tbe United Siatoa waa
'Wenatadimdrantage in this rrapect,
the yield being abort ererywbere tore
fa Kortb America. This abortage. ex
aggerated by t^ Leitor '‘deal” and tbe
war foare, canaed prices to monnt np
> T^eaa high prioea. mnltiplied by tbe
faunenae onantitT of wheat ahippad
famn tbe United Itatea. make tbe total
meetpts tn wbeal roiy large. With
AaMe of erery kind tbe prooeeds under
this btod abet np to nnparallelad
am. Thna the tome oondiaona of doAtand and like condittona of oopply that
fxite Ottada'a tealtxationa froan ita
faodetnffi exported lari year tbe greatari in He history, also bototed tbe rdnine of tbe United States fann prodnoe
aoid atmad far abore aU previona reo-
whewaa allghUyoatbeaba^atde : Tfaleabartatianef tbewiwmaB Rgd8&' 8o one ewBlng. finding him In hlageria to aa what we arp to do with onr
' '* might and a reaaon why we are to do it.
1. Whatweareudowithaomiigbt.
'‘Whataoers tl? hand findethtodo."
We are to doVbat Ilea toonrbaodA
mar- gtolBy InqolPed CU^
we bare the oqiportnnity and tbe
••BeeaweyoonrewJl iNRy and happy.
Too are lonely aod want Kiolety. Moooa ability to d& ••Whatooever” to bcAh
can enior life wlthont onmpanloBriitp. In limitadand oomprebmdre. It llmito na
and opportsalttea. Tha
abort, you need a wile.”
got along alltboe yearkWlthoiU impo^bto may ba poealMe to Uod. bat
and I gneei 1 faan flntoh the aame Ood doee not expect ImpoaBbUidea of
xaw Bot He doee expect na to do what
'^Seeanae yon bare bean a fool all them
yeaM to m teaannwhj yooriio^o*- wo bare the oppeatonity to do. To
dream of great impoMbUitito will not
told Glaih. “Had 1 token a axonae na for neglecting or refoaing to
wife 8U yeare ago, I abeold bare been hap dotbepcaalbtodDCieaaf life. “Wbataopier today. Bnt who wqnid marry an old ercr” iaatoooc(B]webaiaiTe. ItlnolodM
trilow Uketnenowl'tbe dntiea of 'tbe acboolroom, the boniA
“Manf antoe glriwoold Jomp at the tbo boaiiitoi worid, tbe weak of Ood’a
ktogdemand tbe work of dereloping the
qdritnal life of tbe man.
I. Why we are to do tbe work of Ufh
wtthoormighi. Bccanaelheretonoopeoarttog .
eoe. and. taking It on the whole, pmrtnnity to do it in the graro. Thtoia
the day of onr opporttmlty. Tbe night
I might pay «< duarty In edvanto.”
Gould lmpaUrncJ.T. -on to oomliig wbon no maq can work. If
"WoU ' Xl
tbe whole, U the mth wax known, 1 think tbe work of life i» douriai all. it moat
you ere atrifio too lezy to Ura”
bedononow. Tbia to a md and malan■■il'hy. I'm ell n-ady for a haigaln. cboly reaetri for doing tbo wort of life
Show me eoroe of theee nloe gtrto yoo oeem
and tcT doing It weU. Chriat ip Joto
to think are to plooty."
••If you plnMUvMi myreiDlly yon i Ir, 8*. giruaamnchlofUcr tcaaon. “liy
will tareanopportuDltyofmtwUng many {meat," He mya,"toto dotbowiUof
bSn. 1 wUl iDtradiK* yon i» tuy alxter ; Him that rent ^ apd to finish His
forooa ShewlHlniroduDeyootootbt--A Work.'^ It la So^'wiUlbst we
do tbe wort of life with onr might In
evening to Saiai we are aadxdng in tbe work
with yon."
of God. Obrirtlani find another motive
“^'U faegladtoeeeyoii."
They parted, and Clart'a thkk heed far doing the wort cf life with their
wax fuU of MW Idtos. At « o^eloek tbe might in tbe tore at Christ net eo moch
next night be stoxd betoee blx mtiror tiy- (brir love for Chriri as Cbrixt's love for
tmt neriitle after necktie and earefnlly ttoen. “Tbe love of Chriri cenetrainoth
pertlng what temalMd of bU hdr. At
myt Panl. and tbe love of Chriat
W be was fully eqnlpped and etarted.
abooldaooanatjmlonsastomaltoitimOn bli orrifal be lonnd none bnt tbe poaalbtofarnatodo anything elae than
family rreeeot, and. bxlng Inlradoeed to
ml^t wito all tbe power and
the ladha. pawed apltoiBntevenUig. He
watched every movement of tbe younger esexgy of oor bring to perform tbe
lady and Mwe leaving bad eonoluded to wexk and dntiea of life in oU its lelattons.
emk oofnrttatofor a wife twovidlngtbo
-Ibepmuaded btoi webareloglve. Sooctos canned be
adhleved under any other banns than
“with onr might*’ God expectaand
deataDdaonrbeat OanwetafnaetogiTe
•^<Ssr;n. ............
toeall mac again.
Be went borne from bis aaeond vWt
fapptee than from tbe flrit, for. In addltloo to bix Increaeing admUmUon for tbe
lady, be frit axsofed, by ber evideot exer^
tiona to entertain him, that bU ferilogs
o. P. OAKTHB. Agm
is "
Ar. Harbor Bpringi..
iElii =
Tbe lay They Settle!
Dear Sin:—I reerivad May tbroagk year diatriet manager. W. E. Bardy.
a check of 880 oo. la fall aeUleBantef
my aerident claim:
Tbaaking yon for the falrasd peotopf
manns to which yon have aoUlod with
BM. I ramato a membs of yonr atom
Gkobok Bxxnxrn,
itOl Vine street
Mantotaa. lUelL
Bicycle Riders.
me City..
Bemembs that I do all kinds of fw
pairing and anamellnr. and that 1 oan
and do give von tho beat wort of mat
Bneklaa’a Amua flalee.
in tbe rity tor the money.
Tmx Bmt SxtTX to tbe world f« ^ deceived by what ©them tel
Onta. Bmiaea. Borto. Ulcers, Salt
contrary, bnt oome and
Bbenm. Paver Sovoa, Ttotor. Chapped
Banda. ChUblalna. Coma, and all Htdn
^ 'igwMtoe aU my work to b
and U It doee not prove io J i
Going north daUy exeept Snaday.
-Ogive pwfaet eatlsfaetlon or mt^,
to tUl 8©•clock every evan»>.,^
■fandod. PrieeUeonleperbo^ Per ueept Bnnday. to tbeCkldwoU A Lon>
at north md of Onfaa
sale hr J- G. Johnson
XtoUy ■oraing HxenfOtou
•‘Onban Boaoa." Thelma" and all,
M lawat parfnmal at Walt's Drag
Trawarae Oiiy.
Take atoamer at «:40 a. m. fs Kert ■ Store..
iwanta where yam wt.l eoaaeet ^th
Mmer Cresoeot »tortoi«
roe City at 10:4S a. m. This wiU give
yon a peasant ride of 14 mUw on the
Uy and ean be made every momtog. ■T.
■a'— arsborg Rtoek.
'-•-a longer ride tbe boat will
you will oonn«
Ing toTraven
John R. Santo,
Genral ItsiniM.
(Sty. take tbe eteamar CrMt eva^
------------- ,-00 fw ^^mwaata
where yon will eoaneet witn ataamer
retnmtog to Travema City at 4:00 p.
Tvaveiea City. Hleh
' finif Bipiil«lidliu I. K
888881 8888 Bit
aaaaaa aaxa eea
SS8?«f S88fi 888
....... .
Bible Heading! ^Uent vi. 5; Zech.
ir, 6; Math, xxv, 14-80; Uhexili. 84:
Jrimix, 4; X, 87. 88; ICor. lx. 88-87:
TbeG. B.AI. will I
X. 81: XT. 88: Epb. Ut 14-81; rt 10; into Travetee City as follows; ^
Got i, 8-11; Ul. 17; I Pot Iv, T-Us
Ber. 11. 10.
Tbe veal teat of men ai>a natiana
ly to Mr. Gould's e
tog tbeJadlMaa bixwlfcaDd rixtsmsriy oomca in qniet dayn. If tboi they are
aod partly Clark'a eontnslan to oonfroot- failhfnl, they am fit to eoddeo alarms
Bot when we come to i
tog twa wunMD at on-e, be ^ mlxtakeo mid trying atimia. If afts the exritotbe oonditimti to tbe two oountriee dit (me for tbu otbs and fallen to lovowUh
meat bae died out tbe aridiera are at **1^*0^, Indalba and Pemna. ttdito. Tbo United Stateatooreaaed its ex^_____
tbe ebipe pat otl their tatports of maanfactupea by *80.000,0001 ^ ^
perfectly tonooetit w ■»» ,.
. I mil on pmnefoJ etraoda np
to the year and bronght np its foreign! „rrar. atfore to mrte msttota plcamnt to j
of tto- me—if
C. L. LoexwoOP, O
Sa60El.l«AKXUUB WAKTSmiw nads
this _
bead loanI ainonnt;
amonnt; behalf of bs riper-to
riricr-to Mw. Shenottoed ,nnddown tbe higbwaya of tbe ma—U
■i Mite j tlM we as a people
Ttban tliat paid to Ha forrign ; oncestwlstbai'bc ad
^ —rf, e^moditlai. ^Sat ■ GouM; but. kttoirtag him to bo a anroo- oajeelvM to tbe natioo's bigbeot good,
Bndneaft Batoa on O. B. A X
it mm to a Up those Uvea of brave men and tbeae bro_____ __ ita>hon«»iU.otb, tootos..prta. Cinrinnatl. one cent per ®Ua ^
leptember Sd. good to retnm October
JT ■ N»rit. Ono«witng be found Mrs. Gould
£8:8SS88SSaS8fiS 8
h tbe exattment, if
imported Uito it. :
|QioroM<tbat‘'ArtbttrBnd .
ri tbe
Toronto, Ontario, one fare fw round
At tbe ____________tb^ wen doing I stats'-b^ gone tonmke a call, botwould I ^
8888 8 BBBSBIltg
c follow after vic- trip. Sell Augnat S4tb. »th. and 87th.
mr^aing bnataem fa the fc*- j mxin retora. Harrix
aaaa a easaeaxsa
eign markem
manafacrarera at tbe { row at tbrir alxKoop. tlowrab^b^ itory. tb® onr trtnmpb wlU be of Uttle
889!: 8 8888*8888
ontog all hU oour-' avail eltber to onreelves or oCbera.
United Staten were attmxUng to an nn- be thought, so.
—g« 8 ►=••=•-••-•
r is to peace that men prepare far
Omdd Baplda. Tax Nxnoxxp BooK^Cescus. Jomsiu Dtrt..
A«U nnle.. It Uvea to qniet day. a.
_Bxniaxtdaa.SL Saamae aatUdagt;^
BrHyone kM beard
’ to domestic todnstry by tbe high do-'
of duty that by the witnemof tbe bcoor
.tiea of tbe Dingley aob
that we pay tbe dead faeflu tbe battle
xmnrts last rear Was M ^ble tbe to-' plcMurc to wrieoaM ytnT bore, nod you ^ beocmes tbe role of borne and mart, of
WUUam'a Patoakey Orsam, pure
S^e fTto im^i wbmaa to tui otOoT Ufv .b«*s
to tfa aritory .
fmtt jolcm. eold sparkling a^ watm.
clean apoona and glasam. This mixc„d,
of a—
o. L. Looanroon'cKipf^^ToraaS naotia.
ton ewUtetoa wipe cream
2S£b‘s.ss‘fijrfS?'r*^ 31
to foodstnffawe onn make as go^ a
Thank yon. -mid Clark. "Ifmltbat
abowing. acre toacre, aaoornrigbbors. a riogh) life lx an unbappy one. and it mA
we are far from making reUtively as too late I joopam to sma>d."
Tlxm you think of marryl
good a abowing to tbe manDfaetnring
lodnatrien Tbe difference U dne to tbe 1 eongratuUtc you. May 1 mk who I
differeocc lo UHSk. In tbe United betbehoDocvaladyr
••That (iependx upon ym. Ibavenever
States there it a tariff which foetera met witfa <«e wbo to>pft«d me with such
told defendx borne Indnatry. enabling miootu. sD(di loro, m yotinoU. AUlbave
to grtnr np to export proptntiona. 8nri» jj— at your fwt.
- L WIU you be
be;my wUei”
a tariff, always beneficial, becomee in .
puixed and wlpud tU- psxpImtMa
timee of prosi^ty a tremendoua feroe. j from htx foruboad Mn. Gould, uttot(y
U oor own tariff had not been dixman- amtoonded. m«ng to bs foiA. exriaim-
aopplemented -by grmt returns from tbe
workahona—iTorontoMaU aod Bmpire.
——! “w'hatUtben>tot*rf"aakedbe.*mli
, altsnody from blx wife to Clark.
Everwybeiv in all .pnbKc plaocA in! -i-he malts!" rvjilM tbe
onr mills, fartoriea and railmnd otfioeo,.
. -Yt-ikiK m writ ml do. Yo
___ _ haw token fright
there wes(x lohc aoenaiuty in tbe'oon- j
1 don't undorwaixl what."
fld(!n(« that good times arc «i their j
xliwr! Why. that U my wifel”
way. In coov<-rsnti<w with our leading I
. ir wUe!" acseamod Clark. "Why
mannf-ctcnrx Ibe Jnarual is ______
Unrettia not modern. It iaaa ancient
Soldier*' Eonnlon.
aa tbo eTv>ei mind. Gaiual nimat can
not bi removed by rcattog framework.
Weeannot reto from worry tUl we are
cleonaed from oonialicy. Too many an
too laxy now to need any exhartodon to
imtfaom work, even under tbe planaible gntse of devoting wskiug time to
blp. We may pray too Uttle, we the A. A BAgt.
may wtrry too mart, but we can hard
c:»u at as Waal Ba'calk air»
ly work too mart Dr. Adam Clarke
Per 8al*-Hooaehold go^ ^Mio.
mid that tbe old tfovab about having
too manyirerta In tne fire waa an abom Frank Totnllnaon. SM Bast
Ito Have all in it—riiovel,
tonga and poker.—Christian Standard.
8» take ofiMi anoSar. isas ■. l»t,
,___________ esiaie^rioa!* m.
p. MEN
baaJte. nadm
tekaeor-----r tbederiine?
8a my same papva and so my amne
proartcra wbo happen to aee toe dark
ColBiaMas Rastasraat.
ride of tbiuga in tbeir c _I .parishto.
Car Ward Mo.
FOJ..VE-.Lou la Travarar
The qtxBetb* WW ^ anxwerrd both
BtXa'clork, to ala
wnya. In some large ritiiw it may be on
5«. P
tbe decline; in otber* ou tbe incrMuc.
Innome aectioux of onr UrgecitiM it is
to note that 'bey-are tniilding upon tiie
oootili nre 'ii ti.c rvtom of iro^Krity. 1 low. You muKt base dooUved Tonrmit
the gospel Isnot
it ix baxc^ vpcai tbe x.-ulcuntilI tif
of the i{ That
xhnt lx my wUe.
wife, Thlx lx my rixtor."
prantoA in truth and in c
tariff, (be enr-rexa of tb- American ar- j pointing to tbv Mbet lady
declinea: ‘
micx in. tlri> wur tbe g<njd cro^ tbe tbo raoB
Poor Karris wax KrtKk dnmb. Jle
prurperit.v of tbe |,-n\«rumeut in itx rwwoe, ibr tohii. >• iff trade in onr favor seised bU bat. made a low bow and annl- It were oent direct from God H grem
bUatod xpaeo between tbo Gages oikd his
and the Miiaikai le lisoe with which own "baebrior'x hall." wbere to a xbort
C. UCiOKli ICX.,
OUT iiioduuw-. loTi Md by n i»otaetlve time bv wax amM before a fire built of
tar^C. are pod.H:;; ort iotonll tbe mar- j lancy ueckOew^h<* bags. Lghi gloves
keu (if tin-world. Tbeuew emof prea-1 and cthor auprrfluous artiutos of ao old
perity is (XTtaijily clow at -band. UM bacboloes toilet.
every one gt-i rendy tor its onniing —
that time there is no eooo'jnt,'but Mrs.
sneh eases, hut as nothing
Lewiatou yMv. l-’JuuniuL
Oouid was bte Him love, aod wltbont gave reU-.
a physician and
dOBbt riK-was Us last.—Kmllr Keatiug it woB nader bis enre for a week
ebiM bad been sick for
Ho wander tbe Demoenta are not
abont ten days and waa having abont
MTing anything nhoot protoctian and
of toe bowele
tbe wool indoetry. We cannot aee bow
-Did Him Pitoksr eaU ta every twelve boon, aad we
ttaix generation can be AgniD deceived
vineed that nnicm it aOon ok .
by Democratic tariff bookoerx. Let tbe
IW it would not live. Chamtortnto'a
fannert remember tbe tariff
Colic. Cholera and Diarrbot
Bed wito.tbonil
noticed n changv for tor
tady Onioc
Otort-^b. ym. rir; deUgbted with tryiU
(tier; by
by!iu eantlpned ase a complete
them. I beard bsr any they didn't look bettor;
ire waa btongbi abont and it b 'pnetw Wt like ber.—Boatoo Tmaacri:a.
fectiy hmitov -C. U Boons. StnmpTbePopocmtic
who have I
tows.GUmerCo..W. Vo. For sola by
bowlibg about tbe tuoncy power forctog
Tbe aBowaooe ri tbe lord nmyor of A E. Walt, dmggiet
_ BUMCyet
tbeimoBUceof watri'VJds ate a littie
alow with their pmixe of the ndmlnia- London, op to the maytjralty of Sir Sidtntitm fw witbnboldittg tbom aame Dty Waterlow in 1878, w«a *40,000 an•■The l>rng*iat” 9 cant egiar, fi----bunds from toe mooey power and plao- nnaUy, bitt f( waa increased fin'. Irtt .niekie smoko in town 8 B. Wrifa
a ttl
!b.i}00. at vhKdi aom
ing tbmn In the bands of tbe p«g>U.— year to *Sb,<
KansnaOlty JonantL
Oti>r; 10 par
DO lOD WAIT Jw.ir. ■as
mw I ^ V- > > ■ ■ p '.?•■■
Scooad Tew—Ko 41S
CUeafo Wants Blm for Pres>
ident in 1904.
Colonel Booeerolt Booked for
Greet Honora
C^mwdT of Seoch Bidm eut*4
tiMUaut OwRT* Brown statinr that
M BM of Go^Mny T. TUrtytbM
MtAiCbB. had arrtnd at Mntaak
Ptdat oe th* Harrard. Gapb Joaoph
Walah and othar* of tha ao^aay
oBth*SanUaco.a Boah alo*nr but
Adjataat Baiwey of thia eity atoti arrind with ha aoB|^y.
dataehBaat of th* TUrtytoarth
Miehifan is oo the Baajiaeo.
Ter noTWM eT Vew Tetk V«xl
' to TeUev—Tropeeod to Orceaiw
• CMm an Oror
Sroad Piaaaai Kad* It* Api.
Oa tha Karrard, Bn Bont* Troa
eantfaco. and On* Diad.
CUoifO, AtMTHt »6.-.<%lMCO )*M apMial to Tu Kesnn naceaB.
W teoMferlW
Kaw York, Aacut *«■—Th* aamrd,
eweBoooordt. AonsWotmmproml- whl^ left Saatlar* Aar«*t SUV w>
^ elty rind at Oamp Wykoff thU Boraing,
mtftttheCeion Leeoe elok yooter* brtarlBff Oaaaral ChaCaa and auff aad
4ey eed orfuUod “Tko E«ao«f«li 1W>4
Ban of U* Tbirty-tblrd Ulehlgaa.
daV”. TtM^onMnofthe BorwBe&t
tharla Bade lu appeanaea oa tha
an Bt« •( tU •(nichllorward. Soorb
go. Clyde Brewfo. Co. A. ThirtyBiderotylft.
third Ktehigaa, died of th* dtoaaaa,
. It wu tbo MU* of thOM proMBt
aad wu bnriad at aaa. nme othar
u<a e club akoold b* fornd “lor
han tha -*■------ t
Bnty effort
th*pnr|MMefmakiBrefreeti*c i* BcBade to iaolata eaaea n*n an
pobUcM poUUn tb* IndeeMdeBt,
trtwe otheratW awo OB board.
•omreCMW m4 patrioUe s^U •bawe
via tbo politeel ud BlUtary
If U th* lauatioa of the ortfUatora
«f the mw alab to Bah* it a
thaoauwy. Ihay ballan that the
^aro of KlCaaay will be alaetad goir. Agnlaaldo, Ohlaf of th* Xaaargeata
BtiU ■aiatalae Hto Tnrpau of •opornor of Haw York thB Call aad that
poctlag Vaitod Statoe Aatbuttyhe will b* tha lagUal BapabUean bobIMaw York. Aagut M.—A eopyrigkt
apodal trOB MaaUa to the Jonraal
uya: “Than hu baea a aeriou daak
atOavit* batwaea tha Uaitad Sutu
hOehifaa Boldun Arrirad at Oaap aoUlan and tha iunrgeat*. whldi andWykoff ia Tltiabla
adinarioVrunlUnginthekiUiBg of
oa* aoldier aad tha aarlou worn
of aaeUer.
Moatat^ PoinV Angut M-—Thar* la
••Oeorg* HadaoB. a Beaber d
• aad Bl* hm for far off MIehicaa. a
Dtob battery, got Ufo e dtopnte with
woafnl Btory for th* wire* aad Bother*
eaaUnahopkupar. Fearing trouble
la th* good old Wolaariu atata.
ha flred hU ranlw In tha eir to attha im» of thl* raa-Uaaad paafo
tnettheatteatioBOf MBe of hie fdAad in tha «raten of Fort Pood bpy
tow aoldier*. A great crowd of uUn*.
tha Bhattarad raauiaBt of MiehlgaBh
taa to th* aeaa* of th* dtotarbi
gallaatragiaaDtWhatoagkt aad aafaad at oooc bagaa firing their nvdver*,
tarod la the traach** at Butiago. an
kUUng Bndaon and urioedy womad' ffghtlag 10 regain foat health and tha
ing Corporal WUliaa Andmoa of th*
•aifor Of Bianbood thay thnw away.
nme battery, wbo had harried to the
They aaaa. tha Miehlgae boy*, oo
aaatotanee of Bndaon.
thra* trauporto: 180 oa tha alow aad
“A datachmen^of the Foarth unity
m^pt iMaa. leo oa th* Badger, and
wu ulled ont aad it dtopenad the FU«*0 on th* Ynle. 'Only th* boy* on th*
Ipiaoe, whe eoatlaaad to fin their re
fftai two trauporto han mb* aah
Tdver* u th)
tted, but' witbont
M OO th* Yale th* Ben wUl not b* ont
doiag aay mdn daBoge.
«f qnnraaUna until toBorrow. Than
“Oa the ease night aoma addiera
to aa paasiU* roea aot alnady pnwbo wan doing guard daty ww a large
par^ af udveeatrippiag tha wrack of
nan an so oota for the tiek, aad
B'gnnbut which wu lying U Oavita
a aeardly of nnraea Tor aoae meo*
bay. A but with aa armed foru pat
th* army anthorittoa ban sot bean
off from thaabor*. Tha aeldlar* haUad
able to propan tor tba hoina ooBlng'of
tha udna. who failed to auwer. ead
tbalr atriekea *oldiara.So tha man miiat tha aoldier* fired a valley. kUling raa
nmain pent n* on the crowded eteaB< and vronadiag another.
Wipe looking witk hnagry and fenr
“Oeaeral Agniaaldo prompUy denied
strtoun eyee at tke green dad kiUe of aay eonneedoa between the nadvu
Wd Meoiaak.
is tbeu affaln nad hit army.
ItwuwaU for wiree aad Bothan
that they did not eae Ue landing of
their belond. It i* well they cannot
'•M thea now. U to better to raateaher thein u they went away. Bnn
oadetnrdymenYbay wan. the-flower
of the piu dad paaiunlv Aa nigged
a body of mea u anr marched forth to
war to th^tau of “The girl I left be-
Thlrty-Fourth MiohigAn to bo
Mootorod Ottt.
Will Fint Got oPurloogh of
Tropeolttoa to Tnpara Tor a Oraad
mn for Uat day aeeaial proi
epukar* to addrau apnblie gathariag.
It to probable Uat then vrUI b* a
meatiag of laadiag boaiaaB men to
tha enggaettou aad U formalate plaaa, appoiat eoBBlttaaa. ete.,
to make tb* aateaeary arraagaaeato.
Thto oeeuioa eaa he utda a grand Job-
iluandpabUegnatiagaadtha whole
aadlag eoaatry wlU b* glad to
to Tnvacu OiW aad Jola la do
PabU*]>*BOBatiatlon la Boaor af
ing honor u th* hnv* aoldlan
OoBpaay H Whaa tb* Boys Batua:
hu alu baea fltUagly eaggaated Uat
Bariaau Mm WIU Taka HoM of
rdigiou aarrtoa U bald on a
Saaday afur th* beya arrive. . AU
It will be goad aewa to the peopU of thau Uisg* will b* oonaiderad aad
Tnvena Oty aad vidalty. and ladaad Uan to aoreaaoB why then ahoald
for the whole atata of lUehlgaa, to aat be oa* of Ua gnAdut eelebraUoaa
I from nIiaUe anthority that the aver gives ia Uto elty.
Tbirtr-fourUi ragimeav Uiehtgaa volIt to^oite probablaUatU* Mmpaay
nntaen. are tooa to ba muterad ont of will arriv* at Gamp Wykoff la a few
eerrice. togaiher with the Thirty-third daya. if Uey kava aU alnady naiAad
regiment. Tb* official aUtomea
Uare. They wUI be kept at Ua dathto regard to given below, ooming di teatiea. camp naUl than to no forUar
rect from Secretary of War Algar daagar froB lafaetlou dtoaaaa. Thto
tbroogb Governor Pingne:
will probably oeaeaB* from two to
Detroiv Ang. $*.—Moastao Baeo
Un* weaka. wblck to bom too 1^ a
I would be obliged it yoe wiU pab- tim* to airaage for a Wg deBoaetnUah tba following telegram in yoer Uea. Bowaver, It wUl b* bat a abort
r u it will b* of grut tntamt to tlma baton the Ubc of U* ntnra of
th* friend* of oar Michigan aoldlan:
Ua boya eaa ba ataied. to witbia a very
B. 6. PucBSs.
tow days. Wbaaaver it ahall ba. ia
Urea waUs, men or laaa, ao time
“Gamp WikoS. Kootank PoLaV M. Y. ahoald be loot ia pr^ariag for tbair
Aagut SA—Oonraor Piagtoa, Datrdt,
Miohigan: Th* Thirtythlnl and Iklr^•fonrth Hickigaa ngimasta wUl be 0ARX.UXB WIX.L TOT ATTXVD.
aant hoB* u aaoa u they an eat of
th* dateaUea eanp aad earn aafoly b*
Bovad. They will ba gina alxty day*'
fnrlongh and at tb* axpiratioa of that
dB* aBOBblad aad anatarad ont.
They aaa probably be aeumbled w
they wen enltoted, to un the extra
Hammocks From I.-3 To 1-4 Off.
Will Aacaaia Away Troa «k* Saaeloa
AU the late Magaziaet and Periodicala, alao a large .
assortment of Paper Covered Books.
Just Part
of the Price
Is whAt yoall pay now if yon WA&t a
arrival of UaTnvancCity nprmintaUve*. Tbto amonat to takea from
Ua taaifof Sl.ooo gina Ue oempaay
u a teliaf fnad by Mr. Banub befon
th* bsya 18ft for Ue fronV aad my
“AdBlial Deway hu baufemd bto Uttla of which hu been need.
flag to the erniaar BaldBon, th*
Many oUerelUu of Mlehlgaa have
Olympia uiUng for Bang Kong t* b* orgaaUad nUef aoeieUu for Ue comm from their mpoeUve. lecaliUea.
docked and eiaaaed. The Baleigh left
bat it uB ba uid of Tnverw City that
tor the ume port oa Wedneedey."
The Berald uye (hat Ueaeral Agnl- a generou fnnd wu plaeed to Ue eradaalda declam that he to akxiou to it ef.Ue company befon Uey left for
enpport the aethoritj of the United Ue front and now that it to needed U
A CTCIIIOEDP’C RcUehle Dry Goods, Carpet
A 0 I LinDCnb O
es. Ittohtoduln now that the to ready to he devoted to Ue pnrpoau
iuargentarmybe disbanded aad re- whlU wUI do Ue mut good. And if
tara to the prariacu.
tbe Si.OOO fend to not enoagfa plenty
Be ooBplalu of e lack of konwty
will be forUeomIng to ehow to
‘That to What Seentary Alger Bays
aad BlUtary talent ip Uie nbel leadera Ueaeldien from Travene City and viof Oaap Wykoff
aad uya be hu bo>1b aray, bnt only ^ity that Uelr sacriSeu an appmel•peclal IcTni Uouia* BaooMi.
aa naraly rabbla.
nud to Uelr fnU valu by Uelr friend*
Waabiagtoa. dngut 3«.—A tetograa
The geaenl teemed dtopirlted. Be
from Seentary Algor at Caap Wykoff,
thto oMBcetion it to probable that
Maeiank Polnv wu raealnd at the added that he truU the United SUtee
Mblaet Beeting today. Seentary Alger wOltarma free aad Uberal govera- wiUlB a few week* at the mut Ue
etated that he fonad eatotiag eeadi- Beat nad aoye that tba Ameriuu can boya WiU oome hme. aad la Uat evmt
•mat on hie eoaperatioa.
ing reeapUim ahall bo gives them.
tkaa at the camp fairly eattotaetery.
and Clothing Honse.
Hastings’ Real Estate Agancji.
Good for Fruit Raialag.
Good for Stock Ratoisg.
Good for Oenenl Farming.
la large or email paruU.
parula. a
nu ■y.traetabaiagfogu
wlUic akort dUUoee from mil
Will be told at low prtcu tor cub; or. oa long ttme i
On O. R A I R. R.
j A SWrlling Annonncemenl!
Extension Table
Which I Am Belling. It is
good thing.
Onr Btoek of thau good* (all Uto aaaaoa'a atyU) go at gruUy e«t priau
-MetoSSTS. Valnu an 81.15 to S4.M, Rettar au Uam, at
Tratene Gitj Sebool ol Me!
Something New!
EoUay * OonnsUs
of U* Oort**.
>wtol w Tn Moanso kuou.
Madrid. Aagut 3A — Tha Carltoto
aad RapnbUeaa aaBbari of Ue Corte*
have decided aot to attaad Ue forUoemiag aaBlon aad Uey wUl Imv^ a
maaUuto to tbe ooantry explaining
naaou far Uair abaeeaoa.
R. A. ALOca.
Seentary of War.
on thin iatorBation the matter of
Bprcial te Tu Kocnis aacou
vlaiUng tb* eompaay at MoaUnk Point
Madrid, Aagut re —ThcOauttauya
Ue out of Ue war to Spain from JaaUeu £. W. BuUng* and Connty
nry to Jana Srd wu SIT.SOB.tSU |
Clerk Newton arranged to go. and aa
effoi^ wu made to ladoee Bon. Perry
Heanah to aeeompaay tkem.
Baauk stated tUt aothiag would give
him gruter pleuan thu to mut
RNmlOuitl, MleBiet
Cor. troel Ud Cm* Ou.
bnve Baauk Riflea ia oamp apoa
Naitcca.Cr*m(crd. Mia* Alle*T Itob
their ntara from the battle fleldii of
MIsaMitml P White, Mi*a JomIi
X. WIlb-lB.
Cnba, but he did aot feel eqnal. pby»toally, to th* Jaareey.
Bowavar, Mr. Mawtoa aaj Mr. Baatlaga eompUied their arraagem '
and WiU luv* tbto merniag. Tuterday Ue matter of Beading to the boya
OaII in ABd see the new
ig to nlleve their anplm
I wu dtocueed and fiully at
tha aaggutton of Mr. Banaah Ue urn
of gSM wu plaeed in Ue hnad* of Mr.
BuUng* to ba davoted to aau to b*
decided apoa by U* aompany apea Ua
290 Front Street
I have also in coonection
with my undertaking busi
ness a full line of
' Fine Furniture.
~ All clothed in uniform of one price, marchtiig
down upon tbe enemy, high prices, and planting tbe
flag of equality and fair treatment to alL Onr cloth
ing now reigns supreme through this region.
For Friday and Saturday,
August 26 and 27,
We offer choice of ten lots of light weights and light
medinm men's colored suits at $6.50. This sale
embraces fine cassimere and' serges, strictly all wool
goods and nicely made—many lots are being retailed
elsewhere at $10 and $12. Do not neglect this mon
ey Baring opportunity and gire us a call before the
selection is broken.
Glau Block.
TrsTwse City, Mich.
324 Union StroeV
. hladBa"
- Shot Per •Cooning' Xeloaa.
Saaetol to Tn Moenaa Bk»bi>.
Oxford, Mleh., Angut M-CUrk
Xa*t Addtttoa to tbe Peaee BoBBto.
Wiga^, a farmer living aonth at ben,
ehot aad eertouly wouded Charley
Bpeel^ l» Tbi Moaiise Bsoen.
mcboto,who,ittoaUeged. wu “coonWaabingtea. Angut *6.—Secretary
Day, npoa luvlng tke ubinet meet
ing thto afternoon, nnnennoed that
WhiuUw Bold hu been eeleeled u a
. Sceae Tbi
1 ■whlgaa Sd. peau oomatoaioner. Tba
po foru mad* np. being, Seentary «f
dlan An BtiU at Baa.
Stau Day. Senator C K. DavtoletMlaPort Bnron, Aagut S8.—A tdagraa aeaota, Saaatar WilUaa Fry* of M^e,:
WM reoaivad han thia Baralag froB and WUMaw ^ of filew York.
an made for a gnad daznoutntiM
tbeir b*nor wh*n Uey arrive. It to
Mted Uat after Ue beya have
been received by UMr relaUvea. a day
be Mt apart for a graad oelehratloa.
Inelnding a peblle reeepUon ta U*
afternomaad a Wg dtoplay In Ue
evening, enmUUtig of a parade, in
wki)A UeG.-A R. and Ue ceemt eociaUuvrUl be Invited to participate,
finwarks and other elemeato to demaa■tnto tbe appraetoUeo of the eerlvee*
tor Uelr eonatry which tke eoldtora
have performed. Ittoahwprapeaadu
Summep Shoe Snaps!
r, ^
74 pMin -Pingree" $3.00, $3.60 and $4.00 Ladies* Shosa
At $1.99
69 pairs “Pingree” $4.00, $6.00 andv$6.00 Kan’s Shoss
At $299
60 pairs •‘Pingree’* $390 Ladies Enlists at............$1.98
llSypairs -Fingree” $8XX> and $960 Ladiss’ Oxfords
at $1.48.
90 pairs Ladles $1 60 and $1.76 Oxfords a.......... $1.00
72 pairs*Mlsse8'$1.00and$14» Oxfords at........... 76o
Children’s and Mlssne’ Oalf Shoea at.......... .......... 60e
lilt aiif other broket Uets teloced it price.
ZHbraiaJs: !E^iecix*icIb.
» OAd. Re1 i alDle gb.oexQ.cbP..
tjk0|0Mrt»& BBOOBb.
-j; c. CLLis
toeftdWai Kerk
Btepeeed to Bead • Bte to rfeeeeh'
t««( TpeneaUere eiaittoff Mr. Deaesen'e eooele
00OB9 Clarft Newtoe hee |
Xtae Zeleu Oetee.
4>r.Md«to.BoeMakofBoi*M« Bu eeattothaBeoBoh Blfteo et Ceap
oroBiar aad Wykoff ere oroperlp deJlrered If eeat
k T. Baiw a>d J. W. Baob. ber wiivod to the oi«r
eretbeffOMtiof Dr. eod Mf«. J. B. whUe ee eed Mr. HeeUefB ere there.
m. Habw, *aiw» tad lUMfer
Bertie of Weehtortoe enet.
Jfti ie eecfeetod tbet ell who deilre to
urn fc«i. fci-U*- ol W.Uttr
}y end send them to the store
of Prank
Ptiedrioh tots mornlnr before ton
e'eloek, where L. K. Olbbs will renlee
treBhorpeteataMr.ehd Bn. Bobeit
them ead eee tbet they ere pecked <n
CbiiUoef Byron.
e box end sent by ezprew. It la nrred
that the peekeree be se smell eed cornB to her home et Mealetoe after
pact u possible end that only little
o>Vi e Ttoit with Mho flotyace Jaekeoa of
neoeultlu bo aent. u tbe tnnde token
Birfath street.
end Mewtod wiU |
JeteOetteread wife et Bale 1000
yo atony way towarde fltttoy tbe boys
to this dty.
ont. There ere many litUe "IhlnyB
Dadateharlil F. D. Mnrrto end ternUy are onjoyfar a Tidt from Mre. Bew from bome" which the boye wUl .appruieUandthiucanbaeent u anr
Uasof Mt. Pleaaeat.
J. W. Bletof hM retemed from Cbl- ymted.
tmJlTSft0K OITT.
Dealer in Bicyciesi Bicycle Sundries
My vork is first cinu aad prie«s U»t are in reaek ot all. lam.
praparad at ail timu to take cate of tbe trade. I make a apecialty ia
Bradng, Valcnnixing and Enameling. A fine line of wbeela for aala
and to rent.
3.0. ELLIS, 311 Front street, east.
. £
If You Have Logs to Sell
eeco wbere ho b
Mr. end Mre. Alfred Oempwe 1
rreetly sorprlsed Thnradey OTonlny
ea the erriml of Hr. end Mre. J. B.
Ptdey of Toledo.
S. A. Word of Detrdt. reaeml ereat
for the Prwrtdenl 8eeto«e Life of Now
York Is in the d^ for a day or two.
Mre. toerd 1s with her hnsbead ead
they ere both belay warmly weloomed
by eld Ume IrUade, as thU was Uelr
Tom Sbormea hee ruomed hie deUee
to the etore of the SemUton aethtof
Oompaay after e pleasant Teoatlea end
Correspond with the Trsverae
Lumber OempsnY.
We bare for eale Good,
Oovnty S. E AseoetoUon Oaoaia. -j j
FolIowlnraretbeeffleefB eloeted U!
the eonreaUon af the Grand Trareru
Connty dondsy School Asmxiation held
A merrlere lieenee hu been iueed etKinyelry:
Prrridant—C. H. Brtu.
for Tony Dooeth. merohent of Hen.
Ytoe Pruldent—E O. LedA
aeb. formerly of tbU dty. eod Anne
Troeenrer-C J. Olttoyer. of Monroo
Eddie Wheder whe went from here
to Grand Rapids to play third bees.
Btetbtical Sec.-Mra C. J. Ebnor.
pUyed oely pert of eos feme. When
Normal Soperiatendent of the Goanthe Grand Rapids teem left Toledo tbe
tr-i. e. Carmna.
other dey. Wbeeler remained eod Is
Home Depanmeat Secretary—J E
pts^ny wtU that teem, heviny
been eold to Toledo by Maseror
A. T. Honto toft tost erenlny for
A. J. Bredebew hu laeaed Us photo- Ann Arbor, where be will prepare to
yrepb rsllery to 8. A. Deter of Grand runme kb medical stadlu to the nnlRepide, wbo will soon take charre of rerelty.
inlh'eTblt to
- - •
After a
&a Ortppe Oara.
tke nonhem part of the etato Mr.
There is no nee snfferlny from
Bmdshaw expeett to rlslt Ohleare. dreedfol maisdy. if you will only get
Yoo are hartoy
after which ha will retom u this elty.
nil throoyh Toor body, yosr llrcr it .
Fire Petoskey boys of Co. C. Thirty of order, fasre no npprate. no life or
retoraed to Island Lake
I'bition. hare a bad eold. to fact are
mpletely osed ap. Electric Bittersi
yesterday after a three days’ ferl-oyb.
the ooly remedy that will yire yon
They wsre In this dty for a few mtoprompt and sore relief. They net di
ntee and said their reyiment woo'd be reetiyon your Ltrer, Stomach and Rl
Meh ChmpbeU has mtaraed from
Cberiseoto. whore he eeeempeeled
Ptonh FriedHeh oe hie yutot.
r. O. Bemmeanaad E E. MeOoy rethe hlf Knirble
of Pythtos oacampmeet at
LiWlo Bemto Moyu of Moakefoo
anrired yutorday foe a uonik's elait
wiU her yiandparoata. Mr. aad Mra
C C Mau of iTest nyUh stoMk
Mks Lanra Parlato hu retomad
from B memth'a eUit at Northport.
Dte^ to core or price refnaditoytoo Poaad of
B. Wood of North Codar strut, while ed. For uie et
the 6. E A I. is enjoylay a two wooks’ ridiny on ihealdewalk nur MIU rruk. E Walt and J. G. Johaon. Only Me
^ '
thrown from hb wheel oB toe
ofthetoat raemlta trutle iarriny him np pretty bad. hat
fiouB 7«« Bf*
ownert «f Mplui. '"otof*Labym.
Parb Oroan—The pore atafl. No
’ M w«U M tbe oween •{ the mUIi wd of Company M,is home from Thoroefh- netserioesly.
ebuB ednltemtlona. ts eeau a ponnd
faro Gap. Va.. ea a thlrty-daye' fnrThe dameye done the eidewalk on et Welt's Dmy Store.
eaUthif for tome qeeeUoss of pehUo lonyh. Be le rlslttoy Ue brother Wadsworth etrut by the waeboot b
to be aetUad. The eieetim of Freak on Best Ninth street.
^»Ue7r tobe,
being repaired by A. W. Walk
Mim Rodyan has yene to Potoek^
«to here eo*
for e few daye’ddt with frienda dhe
•d tkei pnrpoee. hoaod BoahubeeatheyBastofMra.C.E Trarit bean completed at tbe ruldenu of L
rood erodit end
M. Bennett of Fifth etrut.
l^re toraed the feoee of ell thooe who of Bast Mtotk sUMk
Torch Lake, Mich . Ang. **• '98A atone fonedsUon b briey pleeed
Dr. J. D. Monson
BkAKRSLXK A McCouncK. Dbtriet
eren weltinc. toward the fotare. The
nnder Victor Petertyl's carrieye work*
tnagers. Trareru Uty. Mich.—1 heeo
ud ui.
on State etrut.
___: ' u
«Ib« hoard
. -en a member of toe Colled 8tal
ygato pahtoy hto bnslnem. while capiMite Gertmdc Biyyiae is enterUto.
C. E. Bock hu a floe aew So-foot lieoerolenl ^lety of Seginsw for
tol ie ererywhere earUBy the but peenurly slxyeara,nndhs*e alwe.ee fund
toy Miss Mae Benedict of Vermont- uUioy canoe on toe bay.
An out aide nine defuted a nmk-ap
Florence Millar hu retnmed
Asubax LdYOou eaid. '-That eomo
nine from tbe soeth aide yuterdsy
by me
nay be rich, ebowa that others may be- from CharUrolx, where the rUted afternoon In a hot bau ball coniui. deot end a'
.. hot t
pome rich." There nerer wee a time to friends.
Mrs A. B. McDoneid nnd sons Doo- The yame wu a cloie ue eoUl tbe United 8U
toe history of the Dnltod Slates when aid and Robert hare returned to their end of the eerenth inning, bat from
0t May arennu are belay opened tor
that Ume until tbe ead of the game ways sued reedy to help yon when
home In Kalamasoo after a few weeks'
yoa come here.'
toe aoqnlriny of wealth by raneoa et
plenty of errors were made..
Beepectfally Yonra.
rbit with the family ef A. L. Baebant
toe Mlaryed-todnstrlal touruta eraryWx J. McLiCHLXX.
Oa Tbaredey oTening Benda A Oo.
of Fifth etrul.
Mrs. L. E Gib'hs retomed tost eren preunted each of toe Crescent hand
Tn Atlanta GonsUtoUoa. the lead- toy from a two days' rislt at MayAslA ths conurt wu flebhed the boys were DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
ft- McKonxis of ths uylnm, <
Otw MeVemara'* Shoe Bure.
toy Bowepaper oryaa of tbe Bryan
Ineited into the etore and asked to ta
|>emoemcy. U forced to admit that a eaUod to ThompsoorUle snddealy yes- their oholu from toe atock of floe
ware of proapertty ie abont to atiike toHsy by ths sortou illneu of
toe ooantry. The OeaeUwtloa alee eouto, who b not oxpoetod to lire.
A measaye from Ooeemor Pinyree
May Pearl of Washtoyton etrool, who
jnatixu that the Democratic party b
for soreral aoetbs hu held a poelUon yutorday aanoonced that tbe forlonyh
Mdly bf need of a new eet of iienea.
u stmuyrmpher to a lawyer's offlee to of Arthor Suit, Compaay M. Thlnyfoorth.Mlchiyan.
had bou oxtonded
Tn natlea’a rooently aeqairod eni- Ann Arbor, retomed home yutorday
thirty daya from AnyUt Vi.
tom koneeearo addlny mnUrlally to on a short rauUoa.
On aecouet of toe cold wulker lut
toe romnne. Thla is another ennee for
•errtoe efBeered Sony.
ereBlnythe Boye’ hand did not yiec
yarrow for thooe who haVo beca makTbe urrieu et Qfsee ehnrch Sunday
.ikbotoalr exenreioo on toe bey u pro- -pain
Ito e epulelty of edtidem.
need UtMt and i -----------------------ttlybt will be e proyrem of eacredeony.
rieuly annoaoeed. luiead they yaee •tl«B nt eeed tor aiakii «g utmrtleWeaarufoUowe:
a ine open air conurt In front of Perk
Prof. V. H. Stetrou.oryaabk
Ptou hoieL A toryo crowd enjoyed
yea. Ollbtt aad a
(to^ ••The 'ib'w^^ suei
toe mub.
toM to the npper
The BxcoROb to reulpt of uerral
Mrs. Lake B. Smith wUl lure thb
bnlieu picked np on toe hbtorle batUePrayere.
uoratoy for her heme to Grand Baplde.
fteid of Boll Rno. also a trayment of
Bha arrired to Ibb elty yutorday from Gloria Patri.......................
ehall from Thormyhfare Gap. Va. eent
by LIrak H. I. Rn^pot Compaay M.
W. D. Tamer aad family are antorFlretLeaeoB.
3<to Michlyao Volunteers.
latoiny Frank Bayele an^ wife of Yptoentl.
Tbe Rrr. W E Oostiry. of StockMbe Merton Pren hu retomed from
bridr '-k. while attending u bU
rhite.Celle ObUyato
pum: ' delba at EHeowood. that
# month's meaUoa at Byron aad Fopsute. - n-. attacked by cholera morbns
Be U'
By ebaaU 1 happened to get
Mia Lney Sladaa of Dundee, Mick..
r J. V. Eoboru hold c: e oottie nt Chamherllo's Colic.
1 her danyhur, Mra Chna Solo, Mr. Wnlto, Cho
Cholera eod Dial •■OU aemeoj,
—-*- ana i
toiok It wu the means of wrieg my
Mr. and danyhter-to-tow, Mra .Jamu
'Fear Not Ye. O laraolP life. It reilered OM at onoe." For
«Qlett ef Elmwood aunno. to Trae“ )borta
sale be S. E Walk
«ne City for a rslam viMt of a fow
MbsCkawf«4. Violin
Saf Tbnrsday alyhk
■boet Vneie ni RsU Priu, alu
Worthy bun
Mra A. C. W<
e*ery piece of toe latest popnler mneb.
Dnot, ''JoeM, toeeeryThoiwhtof Thu' tv. W. Bimball Co.. ZtS Front etruk
a ooremt wuks' eblt at 8k lye««*
....................................................... Mareton N. E Bieong. manager.
il^toaw and wlU spend some Ume to
«bb dty before retamtoy to her hone
, ‘'Ineltoa Thtoe Bar." HIme
•t Ealnmazoo.
r. Snyder.Cboir Aeeempsnlm
d of Mra
/. BDUiler. Mra M. O. Eeu, G.
•ealbls end wife and Mra M. E
The nhore program wUl be usbtod
- Ptotohoratoppedererin tob elty for < by Profeuor lUruoyh’s Orchutra.
• low boors rut from their joeraey. <Tbe oleriny witlyototo toe uyan
from Omena
hb moMy's worth to good booutwork
P. B. Mitchell aad the Mbau M. E
if he omployc
ExenttiSh Ilekstt benyhi aad uld u
•md J. O. Mltebell retnmed yutorday City None Stand, P. O- Bldy. dl»-if
Geo. B. Winnie,
I lotoelrbomeatCl - '
UpAo^te painter and paper hanyar.
Bapabilean Stote OonTention.
fmf ooeoral wuks at Omena
Good Words.
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wbbifc".
Min Machinery of aU daeoriptiona. incloding Two Enginea,
Set Worka, Carriages and Sawn. A complete Saw HiU Plant
A few minutes spent ta eating our
Wheat Goods
be beneficial to both yonr health and.
pocket book. A large line on hand.
848 Front StTMt.
Watch This Column For Bargains I
Fifty Cents
I But Front etrook
FETTEBLY. 6lt Moaru atnek Wut Side.
Store. ISt Froa^treek________________________
S ceDls-Smeke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents
But Flee Cut Ciyer Made. THE OtLBBBT CIGAR 00.
Guard Gbains
Haie Toe Tried The KimlmU?
end tut lu oneUiy of tone.
W. W. KIMBA LL CO.: N. E BTR05G. «
Furniture Bargains
^ ““ ’•
HOMAS. eomer Stota aad Dnton ota.
Columbian Restaurant
Lonehu in the world for Ito.
Open nil oighk
Our Offerings
Deserve Unusual Ittunrion.
To Him That Hath
ShaU Be Given
'he State Ooarentioa of too BapobChulu n. Coy of Aldea traasuted
,01 of Miohlgen b hereby caltod to
bwlnou In toe elty yutorday.
Liybt Goard Armory. In
tt at toe Liyi
Mra A. M. Foxaed Mra (%utor B.
Detroit, on Wednesday, toe
oily of Detr<
SrpUmber.ldB't.at a ti«
Idiy of SepUmoer.jB»'.sm
Btoedale of Grand Raplda wart renominal
a. m.. for the perpoe* of nomlnatlay
gbiereJ et Perk Ph
. undldatei for aUte ofBers; aod for ths
Ber. W. 8. Hnrlbnrt ef Northport,
of ulrctiDyn
mu reybwred at tbe Hotel WbUtoy
muni CoumlUM
CoumlU ^ two uw
ben ihcruf from weh
, yutorday.
lUofT Mch
B. OUmsB of Oodar wee here yastarAayoab
tiny of Mre. J. M.
AlharuUWiaf Art I
Watte a^ Mbau AbWe B. Xaleon,
. O. lAV’iiaui'a.ffkuifium.
Miss Doyle
and Moderu Luce Making
exclusive with ue, that
__________________for beauty have not been fgualleA
We make particular mention of BEED and BATTfiJf FUENITUEE. Aside from a fioor full of beautiful creationa ta
_ this materlalvve make prices equally as attractive.
Whether you intend to retumlah your bouse this faU or
^ just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
^ rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
^ to do so at a very Uttle coat. We want you to see the goods
ta any event.
tripboma. Qaaaral Sbaflar
zmum Aiear wnm.
itod Oaaara) Toral am bto
I Life Agent Wanted'
yaUaat dafeaae of tba city, aad aapraa- ToaadSTManoaaofX
Kaataak Petit aod Took Xau
aod tho with U»t tao «o»U apos IkU
Wbrraare tbe D
ton Xato Bto Ova Baade.
arrival ia Ssala raeolve tbo uaatmat
flod an imae oir which to go into tba
tkat bb broTMT doMraad.
Moataak Point, K. T., Amy. to -See- ooogzeariQnal and leylilatlre oampalynt
In aU tbe naooenptod territory to Midw
Ooaoral Sbkttar Xmrm 6aaUa(« la rato^ of War Alyar to ahaklay thlays
ChrS.Ar“iiwS£i^ Igaa. Meet pepiSar plaa aeeldaat aafl
la rood order. AmtUm aaUority
aWc beaeflt taaaraaea oa tba marbab
bMB Mtablbbod la tbo iHportaat
9t. aad ladattr^ to ra^vlar!**"**■
«“ >" • "“'“'“•ibHns.M. .o“polm»iaiprtS"»WU
Cabaae la tbo iaUrior are aador araa, impartoat cbmnyae la camp before ba the Dtonoerata ere in tba noooaitivtobla
bat ri*a (be AncrleaaB ao troablopositioB of not being able to "view with
ntorm"—TbeOhnnicle donbta wbetb»
Wba#^i rialted the tbe tree silver oansv will be agalb tekea
rdH>« •« U
no property of Martla L. Bsroot of wuud to iriok M tko mIpom ud
eeapltol ymterday be was iaformed np in view of tbe splendid flnanofaJ
aai of iBSormar* 70a 1 ' '
as soon aa free
Otaad ftapida whoM affalia are ia tba aad ebarre to tbe f
Prealdest Asha Oaaatal Berr n for a
««r* bboal 700 patiuto. Be Mirer was defeated io 1864. Tbso as
M aeribaade of the IlioblfaB Tnut Oo.. will boeama praaldenb
aaVtfd far tba asset aamber. but Celt - to tbe other favorite Boarbnn altena- SMiortlekiMaovt ald oom m rvenSarly os
bo ooM aador fopoeloaara. SoptoBbor A
Owia« tbe r
tiel FVirwood waaanaWe to ylre it to ttve:
It 6*.—MhJ'-lJrnItlaelBdoo Sooot'a betel, ralaod at TUnt aereral baraa were atraek by
rbaaaereury ordand tbat a
$M6.eoa. Ba oatBO to Mieblfaa la 1»4» Urbtalacaadbaroed. ntewtadpUy- eral Waalay Marritt baa bear a ked by aaa >- •aWen laataatly. aad Bow it
UAX. Never closed its doom ataiyhl
aadbaUtnUUat Qalapy aaA Omad ed a pocallar praak OB tbe Labor day tbe prcaldent to forward a- root as to*e*.uat ett there were 1.405 patlaata.
with aa nspaid claim oa iM hooka oa
wbieb it had reorived proofs, aad to.
Baptda, aad at oeoo bad a Bimaf BOB- baaaerBtraapaeraaa'tbe etraet. eet- poatlMoaltotof reoomm«-n> .ti<wtt f'-r or oonble -he nnmber aiatad by the canoe of tbe magni
sores men and women from 18 to «
opera•ptfy. At oae Ubo bo wa« rated at tlap oat tba eeater. learlnr a aarrow
eblef •'I’-y. oB la ebaryr,
of aya
froei SSM.oeo te AM0.4M. bat aaforto- edca.
■ .oaeral Alycr -foand men lylay on CioD* of tbe Dingley tow. They eansot
fall tiack on tbeir old claim that a proTbe rrqoeet to almiiar to tba; u.^de of
Bate lanoteMBta dnriaf the peat ten
BepabUeao* at Coldieater on WediM floor in tbe boepitaU. althonyb toctive tariff to a ‘Obiaese wall' that
yean hare alauMt loft bl« poaoUoaa. aaeday Doatlaated Prank A. Lyon for Oeneral Sbaftar after tba aeUrr n<"l- tbeii are carloads of cots at the raUway
‘sbnts ns ont of tbe market of tbe
Bo to nearly olcbty year* of apa
■teU eenator. Ooraraor Plncrre
station, a mile and a half iway. It world.' beoanm onr sales of goods to
Bdwy a Bold, aoeretaiy of tbo Stete oBpbatleaUy aadoread. and Lyon
was explained that thehoeplUlaathor- foreign oonotrios doriag tbe past year
tieeeoald not yot them ont becai
bccB far aheadofi‘
of all prerions rec
BortienUaral s\«ty. otaua tint tbo InatraeUd to rote for Barrown. All of
EALsxszoo. aaonoAV
ords, sad tbe batonoa of trade in favtr
they had no means of
apple crop in
wblldMlebv PiBfree'a reform Idaat were alea fararand yet within plain siykt m
thirty of the nailed States is more than rieioa
wiU ba the boavioat in any otate eaat
Tbe party
or forty empty ■
Parry Snyder, a tanaer livlaff i
ny In line
of tbe Boeky Boaotalaa. Alroady there
I XlacMa to Oppoae Matab- waltlay to be loaded with wood for tbo
ia a briak deaaad for tbe early rarl Eaton Bapide, bae «
ed In advanoe too
iiabad BaetrtctloBa la Tbalr
reyimental kitchaaa Oeneral Alyer
etioa, wbiek brlnf froB tOeeaU to 50 acawit City Manbal F. 11. Stump for
It woold be gratifying to And that
aantan aid-do-osmp wlihotdento
oeata per baabeL Tae crop of poara $6,000 dame^ for allied fatoe Imwand cotnawB sense was for emoe to
will be foil aad of ezeeUeat ijaality. prtoonmaai On Satarday laat Slemp
Laaalay, Anyast M —Depaty Oama flscaw Iboee wsyoas aad eeeare a do- prevail in Oemneniie ooonseto and tbat
Plama aad peaehee «U be picked la arreBtad Snyder oa aebarfe of dmnk- Wardea Brasrater, wbo was here oa tail of men ee that tboos eoto eonld be free trade and free silver were to be rel
egated to tbe limbo of oblivkm by tbe
•aaaadlodpad bim U jaU. wbete ottetol bokiacm. aayi tbat tbe Baber- In poeiUoB before nlybtfa^
Afternoon ajid Svening.
emooratio platform msbers of 1808,
More than S« men were wlibont Demooratio
it oac half boar, wbee
ralal to ptUnr tt
of Beaver tolaad arc}>« tba oaly
It we think Tbe Chrtmicle entertains
aea of copper fram the alxtb level eontb Mayor Wbltaay ordered bin rel<
wbo propose to lynorc tbe Uws blankets, altbonyh tbsre are bales of s far too flsi
« of tbe wla
of No. « abaft on tbe Osceola loda Bear At bto baannc Wedaeaday, City at- ralaUra to tbe eloeed aesMs tbto year. them ia tbs ^nartermsstor’a storebi
drxD and IntelligGooe of tbe adversary.
Hoa^toai atoo eenaiderable miai aad tantay C. 0. Markham
If all reperta are trae. Be mya tbe Geawal Alym started aaotber officer
Alttady the Democrats of 10 stateswith anihority to seise wuyoM wber- Arimnsas, OMrgia, lUinuii, Indiana,
w aad BOW tbe damaye aail baa bean
barrel o^par from other portloaa ef
tra to
Mo. S ebaft. Ibe larfeet maas yet foand
Iowa. Kansae, Maine, Michigan. V«eaoaaead that at tba aaaaal meetlny of
ta eneonaterad thto week aod to ea-. city to with Beyder, aereral promlaeat tbo Micbiyaa Commercial Ftobarmaa'a tbe mea tbat were aeeeeaary to briar moBt and Wlwonxln—bare indoraed
timatad to wrtyh falty two teaa Ttaejelttoaae elalaUay tot waa aot laat DeteoH laat maatb. a tbe blaakets to tbs boepitel, and add
free rilver pUnks. smd
ed, slyalfleantly. *'t waat to eee them
atoowiny on tba ooayJomerate vein ro- toxtoatod.
aaerat aeaaioD was held at wblcb a
tbe greater part of tbe remaining stalsa
Piof.O. L. LyoaotG
alatian was adopted pladyiay aU mam- here before 1 leave
will aodoaUedly follow this exunpla
baa baaa alactad profeaMr of arauiy bwa of tba amoeiattoa to iyaora Ibto
Tbe Oerman Latberan ehareb
•till in London.
Mortbrille to atUI locked ap oa aoooent aad aloeaUoB for Alblea oellaya. Ba law.
London, Aayast 55.—Tbo report eeMARINE SUPREMACY.
waaysbetoat a lom bled yoeterdsy that Oolonel Jobn Bay,
of a row wbiek baa aaaamed larya por- to a yradaato of tbe De Pbaw aairarpartloaa. Tbetraataaa raeeaUy triad alty; also doctor of pbUoeophy from a to ka<
Calted States Ambassador, bad yoae
to dapeaa Bar. Paal Balakart.
lotbe.flOBtioaat, was erroaoons
the British
A aad andiay to a family qaarral «e- tbe law baa atrandy beea before the Bay to sUll In London.
claims bto salary to (a armara, aad tbat
dominate tbe seas to shown by jbe fact
oorad Wedaeaday niybt at tba farm aapreoM aoert aad held to be valid.
tbat tbe British tonnage to lfi.*118.B80,
ad aao
it of Mia. Metooar. who boaaa of Cbarlea Bcaadlet near Oayara. Tbay oaaBoi, tharefora. laake a leyal
whUetbatcif tbe world to 54,561,250.
aaye bopaabed bar aalde aad atraek Mieta. Ctoarlaa O'Dell aad wife bare fybt, and Warden Osborn prepaam
Great Britain has 864 wooden ste
worked tbe farm two yaara. ■anadlet deveto all the available fnads and
vemris of a tonnage tff S5.S54;
powerofbtooBaatoaaeiof to it tbat
Ia tba raeaat etarm at Coloma Uybt- aUylay with them. Wedaeaday
In mSIxxiiiZITfavccedtbeOpecn. DatUd HtateeSIS. and toonam 14I.8S8.
ainc atraek the aoraar poat ia Cyroa lay O-DaU came borne draak and yot tba Uw a enforaad.
then cstatiliihed in tbe flnK mHo of the Great Britain has 8.4M Iras steam ves
sels. tonnage 8.256,608; tbe United
H. Lawto* fsM la Corert towaablp.
wiib a special niiiuslaa fir tbe brttar Stab* 208 vcascU tonnage 894,097.
- apUtUay ia piaeaa aad daairoylay erary Bo toaa4 a betcber kalfa aad at be
part for a dtotaaea af twenty rode each was aboat to aae It. Baaadtot shot him TO VTt ..tXM SPABI8B BOLDlBXa aecumiuodatiuii of its admiaistratioo, Ureal Britain has 8.826 steel steam- .
srcbiv-<ii ai.d tvlikomla Tbto hotel is ships, tonnage 7.808.149; tbe United
way aad proatfaUny tbe hot aad twtot- dead with
Onbaa Xtopaty Offeie SnyycdUona ef dinauil in ib'-Roe Nioitoe. Tbe bnild- btaies 281. tonougo 418,780. Great
ad wlrea apon tbe yroDad.
diet to la ebarya of tbe aberlS.
ing wa> rt-Tiezdly di-rienated nodo^ttaa Britain's steamers of all kinds nnmtxr
The World's Best Trained
A Very Valgae Oharaeter.
It toaaUmatad tbat the Micbiyaa po
Oeorye Wayaer,alias Oeorge Wbitasme of "Ma»w*ia.''vheoee tbe tern 7,702. tanoagn lt.U-8.189; tbe Uaited
Animal Ezhibitlott.
Mew York. Aaynst >€.—Tbe Madrid
tato crop of tbe preaeataaaaon will be ary.tbe alley^ bank robber ia eaawdy
"Fillcs do Mukuid" iB<l"de mam- Btaws ;»0 veorals, tonnage l.Kff.TeS.
It of tbe Herald says tbat ■tu") snhv'|a>-ntly B<» only to tbe fe Of sailing vessel* Great Britain has
aboat $0,000,000 baabeto.
at tbe Central autioa at Cbicaye, rea Ooban depaty baa a plaa which may male cburioteri and impun, bot the fe 3.441. tonnage 2.497,128; tbe United i
Tba trial of Baary Hoalor ia Bellaire fasm to yo to Bicblaad. Micb.. to be be well worthy of
male-dsunrs tlHraiKclreu. It ao happen States 2.870 vosspIs; tonnage 1,272,916.
for tba mardar of Bcaonl Mimre laat tried OB tbe ebarye of robbiay
In I8-J9 Aniericob tfaip* carried 98
Wasbiaytoa. Be said:
ed that tb* kinr rntgiiS to psy bis anohlfall, baa beyaa. It traaapirea U tbe Bicblaad bank. wUbont tcqni
lect* aod wi.rlcuao. la rwdn- to satisfy per cent of Anurican Impoits and 84 j
‘■Tbe United States to about
toeUmoay tbat Boator sraa jealooa of parera. Sheriff Saow of
il>eChera!t-rd>- Unnillonamoc-iv- par oont of exports; in 1601, OOper cent '
aoanter diffieelUca In tovpoainy Its dc,
tbe former and 72.1 per oent of tbe :
d to bto wlfa
ed tbe idi-a of Kiriue balls in tbe opera
minionln Cuba. Tbe iMoryente
byHoore. He aarred a JaU aaataik a 1 »*>■ »<>»<»
»«• BtobUad wlihoai ia arms ayaiaat the bpaaiarda aad do faonso, fur wbirb idea Jw received aa Utter: in 1894. 18.7 per cent of imports
wiir Be PonaA
for aaaaalUny Moore, and aftmwaid*.
Wayaer empkatieally deelia- not aeeopt tbo armistice or submit ab- aniinsl peoHuo of 6.000 franca. He teas and k6 percentof exporta Now only
A Wsllington ChioMO trndw hnostB
paid, bm tlic king's debtors were tme J5 per cent of imponx and 6 per cent of
riiot kirn.
\ ad. aad a^d be woald try to yet oat by
ajlately to tba American rei
exprats are carriod in Ameriran steam ' ns William Joe Uett, fonnerly a
for, alibimcfa riav li-ttcrs pat*wr
“• man DavtoofSayiaaw waaia to
■ They wish, above all. tbe Spaatob granted Mim.-wbrn- utamt tbebcyl
Mbcyinniny Ttawir. Onr carrying trade flonrtobed new interpreter, failed sosne H»te |
ba president of the Ueited Slates aad
In Antrim coaaty trees are fairly aoldiere to leave Caba, aad wiU prob
in tb«- early days of tbe n-pablio. when Here -ia an extract from
bto "
boomed himself In many peculiar weys. loaded down witb p-aebca. plnms, and ably eoniloae uaderareu. eauainy tbe
it was
protected I- •"—
Of tbeoansea of tonkraptey,” whiob, Eto motbar baa taken him borne. Bto aariy apples. Tba pouto crop to loirictimagaiostforvignveqwJa It langnlrii- written in red ink. eorered foar msm :
keep a mueb larger army boa soniTigu* doxoeadGd to bis grave.
One day. sbtirtly after bto death. ed andcrtbepolicyt^
last act before Aar arrival was to give iny well, snd corn presenu s Aaa ap- of oeeapatioB than tbe; anticipated
offotdscap. After
detailing bis tradii«
d'Antenivai, tbe tbeu lientamot of po Md freo tradejBjhipa Clearly.'tbor^ ' expwitmcea tim Obleotial wriira:
•rdera to have everybody yet all they ' peatanea.
"Tbe bast tbiny tbe Americans eoald lios, was talking to Lonis* ne{diw, fosti. tbosItpStimj snggM& tbe
-- n my trooblea eotUeos to o
policy '
> would bo to form local yaarillas an- Pbilippv d'Urirena the regenh "Moo- of diaczjmiaatlug dntiea as a
<ff can't get my mottey to pay. I aa balpdoy team. It take* W days u> come dcr the commsnd of .imerican officerv. teigDeor." he said, '•thtire ore people —■—•—loa's merchant marina
lew. Dnrtng toss (taree yean over 8$
Tbeae oeald be formed of Spaoiab sol wbo go abogt yclliog chat bto
------------- 1 myr bbnxtoeto
____ Dnriiiy .
r as far aa New dier* a^ Caban volaateere, all climate of blean^ memory was a bankropt and
last two mouths not a one let _ _
---------2 VorhClty.
_ ^• P™»7 <* ‘Ick. fish never can Uve to
aroof. Vod. lastaad of dtoarmiay tbr a thief. I'll have them arrested and
t ralats la tbv I
hare them flung into eome deep nnderT\ Beorga
aenrus Stayy*
at*M« Writoa
WHO Tbat
That Be
Vs *
1I WOntd
I”**" •*
1 a dry pood witbontwat». EngineeaB'l
wmtd advise all to stay away from Utter, atillxa them in tbto way.
I more along withont wril sapply ti
"Tbe Daited Stetea at a small enat groond dnogenn." "Yon dou'C know
. £
rHaa Baeeral Taluatola'
V-l*®" •*
aa avorythliiy
In bisit
wbat yon are teJking aboat." was tbe
I to ovardooe. I will tall yon all aboat laid ntUit* a force eqaal to 60.000
answer. "rnoMi (implemoM be paid, PI, »d.,,k
^ ^ it wbea I yet back. 1 will aand, yon a i-tn Tbe Uaited State* eoald also and thtmtheyilceasetobellow." "Bnt nniveraally credited vrith tbo ______
ihe onp no rrillled water—bow toe giva
Amna^* I BByyet
If 1 can yet St cxprcaaedT Tbto ask Spain to aound the dmlree of tbe bow. moUheigiM-arr' "Let's (rive tbe of nniform oonrietiy. tact and disoretion.
Tbe followiny from Oeorye Stayya to | u the drat Umc I have beea to salt Caban army la tbe matter, aad ia this bnlU thst were projected by BaaiUon."
bto motbar, Mrs. Joba J. dtagya. will | ^tar alaca 1 want in. Bverytblny way tba Amerleaa yoverameot would So raid, so dumi. and tbe pooplo danced
prove of considerable Intorest;
j looks stranya here, aa whan I went U fladlU to form tbe yerm of her to pay Lnnis XlV s debts, as. soeording be frit tbat itwas propcrcbotbesbonld
Bsaato Ftecr
to Shad well pr->ple drank to fill Lhartos answer end at ib« same time knowing
Dyes. Alaska. Aoynst II. itthere was noibiny bot oa# loy cablo; colonial army.
ITs coffers:
Dsab Moraxn-I have Just arrived |
there are 75 aaldtora and n
"Spain eonld not pat any diffinlUea
«on which be huw ongbt not to be fianona floor. ManntaetorenareexnriThe k-.W« DM Mibfal tsh)*cts «*
from Dawson via tbe Upper Yakoa ; jood aixed city,
la tbe way. bo-mase bar army Is ia
la ■. ma--\eh »rr Ool dnll.
menting to tbU directiuo and |^m
river. My partner and I bad qnlte a
Addrcm all lettera to Dawson City, Cnba to defend Spaaisb Interests."
Fvdnak i- ihov wir lujiliy
Tbe New Y otu 6mi, a jemr^ wbirb
a meal that will keep asC^
had msliv bu fnSkH fiUL
hard trip out. bnt we are all rlybt We Xonk West Tarriloiy.
is rarely given to praiae, says of him:
flour and make a umch more
—London Satnntoy Beriew.
have one partner in Cbioayo driny bus- ]
Gaonox Staoo*.
A Dtotiset Novelty.
iawsforna. We are In a MlS.OOO deal |
t—..d onnoo, noaoo.no moion
now. It ws have yood lock ws wlU
Cbestcrfleld's idea of exoellcnce was
pony sbow, of which ao mneh baa been
paU out all r^bt with a nice lltUe
swciPiially saperficial, for bis praise of Cogclbcr tbe sort of American to which
(fla banana has develoord its musl “v
auks. I have bean traveUay aronnd n |
Tbouaaad XUUaa FUamaa Aa- written and said, is a distinct novelty
tWm.riran hrm lake, kindly, with! s-aloe.. an srSrie ri fS. mwfS \
in the amnument line. Tbe exbibi- pie is always conpied with tbe assertion good
yrMtdeal for tbe last year. LastManA
ta Xmiyrato.
wisbvs for political snnccas and
t'en oooslsu of over one hundred
a year was tbe last time I wrote. I
of their rutire inutility if
“ "“cb to bs pMcd MlKsenpt eagerly
perb dogs and pontos wbo are said
nted by grace, ezb-rnal polisb and an wished thst then, were mere meti ^ iri^uamiV^en^ Poto
bf tbe bandaoBNt ever seen, tbedoya agreo-jble tniinifesutiaa. He omits all srasod of these happy pervonal ebaiaoI aoclety and tbe rovemmeat ef Vane
to, pnbllo ohioe. We toonid
65 In onmber, being enow white, ooosiderstiuti of tbeir intrinsic worth terirtios
re worth s small fortnne. All of and abeolote dignity; tbeir valoe to tbe have fewer oo
occordl:------ --•
' -*
tlie animals have been educated to a individoal. acrardlng to him. is wholly | of officisl garmi-iociCE^ of slipshod and £
I ayrlcaitnrtoto to VaaesaeU In Urea
at Dawson and io Alaska. I bars a
degree of InteUiyeace that is wonderto a sooiai Tormr
other, of arrogpot
Tbs Vapasaalan
arrogpnt Ixxito^tSanTtow^
boorihboora aad tost-I' ^
f nl. and they never fall to give tbe best
In one of bis earlier ietten to Philip leoce on tbo pan uf sonic otDciaU clod fae would not reT"UTdrer towvrel"
The combination will Stanbopp he writes: "Wbataa advan wito. little briclantbority.-Baltimore S’tCi ibTtoS
«r in tbto city nnder a thorongblj tage has a gracefnl speaker with gen bun (Dan.).
quite as good.—Now (Cleans Picayro
: On m pro,^.., 1, Al-k. I b... ...
■"' 1””“'
>■““■ waterproof tent, oa Eleventh itreet, teel moti'iuK. a handsome flgnm, over
WbT W« iBipcnt t
Monday. Angnst 29. afternoon and even one wbo ebatl speak foil as tpocb good
Benda A Oo. arc Appreeia* iva ^
..M U»l I dU.... W.11 ,i.b. I n™.-Ui b. ing. Frafessor Gentry's sbow to both teste, hot who is destitnte at there <vcome the property of tbe coioalsts.
men-liandiic daring 'the past ”year”are 1
drs'rc to express through tbs
o ba out last fall, bat this minlay
popntor ia taste and prices of admis nauients. In tmxtocos bow prevalentare
tbe giacsa bow dcuimental to the want
■ to a terror. There to a lot of
sion. they being only—children
of tbeoit If yon abonld cot acquire
ttall tba time. It kept me PABTIBO OP TWO OBNEEALt.
ila,adnlUSS cento.
manbera.,all the rest will be of little
of onr new store. T
' busy lookiar after my iatere**#. ao it
one to yon. By maoneri I mean engag m8ndfroi:id..io.sticconsau:eru. Aw-to tfcrongi of vtoltot* evideaeed sveb apBbafter Bade Farewell to Torsi aad
eru Impooaibla for ms to leave.
ing, uuanaaung, sbimng uiannora a trom tbe luflci iii-e of blglRtr tariff ex- preciauon of our eflorM to please that
•ailed for Boma.
; I eappoee tbe papere have been faU
we are prompted to voice onr grati
TbankfnI words vrritten bv Mrs. Ada
Saatlayo de Cabs. Aayast t« —Oea- B. Hart, ef Sroton, 8. D. "Was token resistible addresa a xoperi* graoefnl- ports to catting down tbe
tude through the public prosa In ahewaf the Dawnoa cold Adda. Wdl. tbe
tog to thto peblie ntanner onr apprcci«» «>y neretoallyonsayand,da” He would importstiona tbe larger
dlyyiaira will aapport eiybt or tea eral Sbaftar formally reUnqatobod the with a bad cold which
atiu of tbe interest token by tbe pub
have manners overtoy todJrldnality and tbe borne market by '
Ub>—>d. ... tb.™ ... Irem ibirtp u !
»' !*• d«P~V.mt« Suill..
mtnmpUoa. Fbar doctora goea so far oa to declare that a soldier fsotnrers bas nndonbtedly bsda great lic im onr efforts, we dtsira to aunre
ton, Uinuud wb. w.bt I. .bbH”
<:■'» “
Inwooo lut gave me np, saying I eonld live bui
that we have corns to Tre
but a
deal to do with tbe decline In Importa
•prt.p, oo yon ooo lm.*in. bow .hl.p. ^ —..>.1 m. bMidw) U>. oloomor M.«. short Ume. I gave myself op to t
aty to remain and bem to show
r. a aynio witbont good breed- This fart ia evidenced by tbe '
byonrbnsieeM methods t£st we i
» ...rd... 1. .11 kind, ol b..!.... i 1“ 'Ml
~«.bn. .1 bl. .ul. ~ Savior, determined ifI f cenld not at
share of tbo trade of fcreign msrkeu wookyof
tbe liberal pstrwage that
now, will b.;. In, .1 tb.w Iroon ,.l“P~li t« »U »r tta HolUd •tetos
which bA been SPcnred by donestle ku beea seeorded os and which bids
The Best Remedy for nnx.
manufaotnren. Usnolly it to maintain
Asatb tbto Winter OB the trail, aa tbay thto morainy.
was advised to yet Dr. Kii ,
Oenaral Torsi aad bto staff callad
Mr. John Mathias, a well known ed by tree trade ionmals that small wQl ri^ys be' b^quu^ Im the
kavaaU eooayfa aaoney to ret ont. M<
for Consomption, Cooghs sod
an nnwbotothey will have to walk oat tbto winter apon Ganaral Sbaftar tbto aftaraoon to Colds. 1 gave it a trial, took in all •took dealer of Pnlaskl. Ky- aays:
' -ttlea. It baa
“After snfferiog fororer a week with
aad they don't know bow to prapnre
______ Jd I am saved 1 aad am now a flux, and my physician
having failed to pornry. tbe Phitofleipbto Beoord. bu the latest stylet of nrektlas, bats, snHs
tbaakad Oenaral Sbaftar for tba
for tbs cold weather.
relieve me I wm advised to try dlsoovered. in tbe explanation abore Md eyrrythbg dealred by the nobby
well and healthy woma
1 aspect to elan back aboat tbe first
CbamberUo's Colle,
aod 1Diar cited, that it may be one of tbe mart
Ule. Cbetora aad
.___ _________
anteay, ^Uvetlteplrem.
one nave tBepicaenreeT
of fia^amber for Oawsoa. 1 will ba aanaader. aad for tbe
size 50e rhoea Bemedy,
I to all the dpantoh I ^
Onarantend or prioe refunded. etaUag^tba^h^ ri M^bottle cored
hai^ probably tbto vrUtar with a
tMB eonld dsaira—PittAorg Prea.
A. V. »M«lrtd. Iks'" * ^
K Some Odd Bits of Fact and Fancy From
All Over the State.
ntMilMcIttM Ullekliunal mi
blatanhlrFH Ti JitL
iMrat, ncHKu iCODERT ismum.
Monday, Aug. 29,
IitaiorlliGtut FmSMPina
*“■ “'
‘ **'
oo. kiw... „.dp, r
ten A. ora-
Erer BoniDd Ontf
If ao yon knew
Nm twNhtr wlw. ow#ol or »tnmiblm
hmi Uwa M >«■»
kBTatMbtci^wttb ‘Oad’sbaNcttitoldoilwUk th7 atfht. te then l« no
TOk aer terioe nor
V knowledge
kaowledgo nor wl»
viaBtilL X Chnk ww> deoldedtr • wwlUi]' |
wbitbcr thon foot"
«« «r th* OalM ■
MtanpUdnauwiU) pride the renlU cd
ttMir tndiag with other Awontriee dori^theUidanlr^- TbfttwuaTW
€d cuMqBBled Ameriow oxpactn Ibe
«A, to e»,»«j,«»i.o»oi
•1.S8I.811.MB. ^exceeding
tboae of 1887, which enr*180,00
^jod *U proTiou yeon in the Teloe
efiuoxportt. Of thia huge gmis • nry
ttgepraponiao ITto be oradlted to
femdatoff Athu tom oonring wbeoA
wfaato floor, oom. oomaeol, onto, ontSMl. rye nod barley, the expam of
T’'i:-h oomtDoditiea renebed a total
-vl *1S4.70<I.0C0 io the fUcal year
«l»l.0W),841 in
■ 1
_ a Uat Of tba kayfag and •ril
ing Brtoto of yaatorday lor groeartoa,
pnv&ona and farm ^Mta in Trtv
•■ "
.uMther ootuidetable element in the
liMirnaw waa oonttibatod by peoriBona,
■ndccwUob gtoeral name are oon»i«hended
riieoM, fa
■which4J7.oaLooO worth
ported lari year than In the yearbeftne.
.thna the toul Talae d the expom waa
awoUenbyfoodatQSaof allkiiida $160,000.000 .Bbore tbe limit of 18M-7.
noogh there waa an inereaae of about
« par cent in theqaantityof raw oottoB
axportod. there wax pmotioaUy no in■maaa in tfaeealoe. Hie total expanaiao
«f *180.000.000 in tbe raloe of tbe exporta U tber^oeo made np by foodriofla
and maBufaoRired artieleiC the focintw
havlog iBcnaaKl by •lM.000,000, tbe
latt^VVbootmOOO.^. •
■ Vbia great increaee In the retoma'
Iran foodataSs ia doe to oondUiona
with whidi we are qnlte familtax.
Idke Oanada. tbe United Siatoa waa
'Wenatadimdrantage in this rrapect,
the yield being abort ererywbere tore
fa Kortb America. This abortage. ex
aggerated by t^ Leitor '‘deal” and tbe
war foare, canaed prices to monnt np
> T^eaa high prioea. mnltiplied by tbe
faunenae onantitT of wheat ahippad
famn tbe United Itatea. make tbe total
meetpts tn wbeal roiy large. With
AaMe of erery kind tbe prooeeds under
this btod abet np to nnparallelad
am. Thna the tome oondiaona of doAtand and like condittona of oopply that
fxite Ottada'a tealtxationa froan ita
faodetnffi exported lari year tbe greatari in He history, also bototed tbe rdnine of tbe United States fann prodnoe
aoid atmad far abore aU previona reo-
whewaa allghUyoatbeaba^atde : Tfaleabartatianef tbewiwmaB Rgd8&' 8o one ewBlng. finding him In hlageria to aa what we arp to do with onr
' '* might and a reaaon why we are to do it.
1. Whatweareudowithaomiigbt.
'‘Whataoers tl? hand findethtodo."
We are to doVbat Ilea toonrbaodA
mar- gtolBy InqolPed CU^
we bare the oqiportnnity and tbe
••BeeaweyoonrewJl iNRy and happy.
Too are lonely aod want Kiolety. Moooa ability to d& ••Whatooever” to bcAh
can enior life wlthont onmpanloBriitp. In limitadand oomprebmdre. It llmito na
and opportsalttea. Tha
abort, you need a wile.”
got along alltboe yearkWlthoiU impo^bto may ba poealMe to Uod. bat
and I gneei 1 faan flntoh the aame Ood doee not expect ImpoaBbUidea of
xaw Bot He doee expect na to do what
'^Seeanae yon bare bean a fool all them
yeaM to m teaannwhj yooriio^o*- wo bare the oppeatonity to do. To
dream of great impoMbUitito will not
told Glaih. “Had 1 token a axonae na for neglecting or refoaing to
wife 8U yeare ago, I abeold bare been hap dotbepcaalbtodDCieaaf life. “Wbataopier today. Bnt who wqnid marry an old ercr” iaatoooc(B]webaiaiTe. ItlnolodM
trilow Uketnenowl'tbe dntiea of 'tbe acboolroom, the boniA
“Manf antoe glriwoold Jomp at the tbo boaiiitoi worid, tbe weak of Ood’a
ktogdemand tbe work of dereloping the
qdritnal life of tbe man.
I. Why we are to do tbe work of Ufh
wtthoormighi. Bccanaelheretonoopeoarttog .
eoe. and. taking It on the whole, pmrtnnity to do it in the graro. Thtoia
the day of onr opporttmlty. Tbe night
I might pay «< duarty In edvanto.”
Gould lmpaUrncJ.T. -on to oomliig wbon no maq can work. If
"WoU ' Xl
tbe whole, U the mth wax known, 1 think tbe work of life i» douriai all. it moat
you ere atrifio too lezy to Ura”
bedononow. Tbia to a md and malan■■il'hy. I'm ell n-ady for a haigaln. cboly reaetri for doing tbo wort of life
Show me eoroe of theee nloe gtrto yoo oeem
and tcT doing It weU. Chriat ip Joto
to think are to plooty."
••If you plnMUvMi myreiDlly yon i Ir, 8*. giruaamnchlofUcr tcaaon. “liy
will tareanopportuDltyofmtwUng many {meat," He mya,"toto dotbowiUof
bSn. 1 wUl iDtradiK* yon i» tuy alxter ; Him that rent ^ apd to finish His
forooa ShewlHlniroduDeyootootbt--A Work.'^ It la So^'wiUlbst we
do tbe wort of life with onr might In
evening to Saiai we are aadxdng in tbe work
with yon."
of God. Obrirtlani find another motive
“^'U faegladtoeeeyoii."
They parted, and Clart'a thkk heed far doing the wort cf life with their
wax fuU of MW Idtos. At « o^eloek tbe might in tbe tore at Christ net eo moch
next night be stoxd betoee blx mtiror tiy- (brir love for Chriri as Cbrixt's love for
tmt neriitle after necktie and earefnlly ttoen. “Tbe love of Chriri cenetrainoth
pertlng what temalMd of bU hdr. At
myt Panl. and tbe love of Chriat
W be was fully eqnlpped and etarted.
abooldaooanatjmlonsastomaltoitimOn bli orrifal be lonnd none bnt tbe poaalbtofarnatodo anything elae than
family rreeeot, and. bxlng Inlradoeed to
ml^t wito all tbe power and
the ladha. pawed apltoiBntevenUig. He
watched every movement of tbe younger esexgy of oor bring to perform tbe
lady and Mwe leaving bad eonoluded to wexk and dntiea of life in oU its lelattons.
emk oofnrttatofor a wife twovidlngtbo
-Ibepmuaded btoi webareloglve. Sooctos canned be
adhleved under any other banns than
“with onr might*’ God expectaand
deataDdaonrbeat OanwetafnaetogiTe
•^<Ssr;n. ............
toeall mac again.
Be went borne from bis aaeond vWt
fapptee than from tbe flrit, for. In addltloo to bix Increaeing admUmUon for tbe
lady, be frit axsofed, by ber evideot exer^
tiona to entertain him, that bU ferilogs
o. P. OAKTHB. Agm
is "
Ar. Harbor Bpringi..
iElii =
Tbe lay They Settle!
Dear Sin:—I reerivad May tbroagk year diatriet manager. W. E. Bardy.
a check of 880 oo. la fall aeUleBantef
my aerident claim:
Tbaaking yon for the falrasd peotopf
manns to which yon have aoUlod with
BM. I ramato a membs of yonr atom
Gkobok Bxxnxrn,
itOl Vine street
Mantotaa. lUelL
Bicycle Riders.
me City..
Bemembs that I do all kinds of fw
pairing and anamellnr. and that 1 oan
and do give von tho beat wort of mat
Bneklaa’a Amua flalee.
in tbe rity tor the money.
Tmx Bmt SxtTX to tbe world f« ^ deceived by what ©them tel
Onta. Bmiaea. Borto. Ulcers, Salt
contrary, bnt oome and
Bbenm. Paver Sovoa, Ttotor. Chapped
Banda. ChUblalna. Coma, and all Htdn
^ 'igwMtoe aU my work to b
and U It doee not prove io J i
Going north daUy exeept Snaday.
-Ogive pwfaet eatlsfaetlon or mt^,
to tUl 8©•clock every evan»>.,^
■fandod. PrieeUeonleperbo^ Per ueept Bnnday. to tbeCkldwoU A Lon>
at north md of Onfaa
sale hr J- G. Johnson
XtoUy ■oraing HxenfOtou
•‘Onban Boaoa." Thelma" and all,
M lawat parfnmal at Walt's Drag
Trawarae Oiiy.
Take atoamer at «:40 a. m. fs Kert ■ Store..
iwanta where yam wt.l eoaaeet ^th
Mmer Cresoeot »tortoi«
roe City at 10:4S a. m. This wiU give
yon a peasant ride of 14 mUw on the
Uy and ean be made every momtog. ■T.
■a'— arsborg Rtoek.
'-•-a longer ride tbe boat will
you will oonn«
Ing toTraven
John R. Santo,
Genral ItsiniM.
(Sty. take tbe eteamar CrMt eva^
------------- ,-00 fw ^^mwaata
where yon will eoaneet witn ataamer
retnmtog to Travema City at 4:00 p.
Tvaveiea City. Hleh
' finif Bipiil«lidliu I. K
888881 8888 Bit
aaaaaa aaxa eea
SS8?«f S88fi 888
....... .
Bible Heading! ^Uent vi. 5; Zech.
ir, 6; Math, xxv, 14-80; Uhexili. 84:
Jrimix, 4; X, 87. 88; ICor. lx. 88-87:
TbeG. B.AI. will I
X. 81: XT. 88: Epb. Ut 14-81; rt 10; into Travetee City as follows; ^
Got i, 8-11; Ul. 17; I Pot Iv, T-Us
Ber. 11. 10.
Tbe veal teat of men ai>a natiana
ly to Mr. Gould's e
tog tbeJadlMaa bixwlfcaDd rixtsmsriy oomca in qniet dayn. If tboi they are
aod partly Clark'a eontnslan to oonfroot- failhfnl, they am fit to eoddeo alarms
Bot when we come to i
tog twa wunMD at on-e, be ^ mlxtakeo mid trying atimia. If afts the exritotbe oonditimti to tbe two oountriee dit (me for tbu otbs and fallen to lovowUh
meat bae died out tbe aridiera are at **1^*0^, Indalba and Pemna. ttdito. Tbo United Stateatooreaaed its ex^_____
tbe ebipe pat otl their tatports of maanfactupea by *80.000,0001 ^ ^
perfectly tonooetit w ■»» ,.
. I mil on pmnefoJ etraoda np
to the year and bronght np its foreign! „rrar. atfore to mrte msttota plcamnt to j
of tto- me—if
C. L. LoexwoOP, O
Sa60El.l«AKXUUB WAKTSmiw nads
this _
bead loanI ainonnt;
amonnt; behalf of bs riper-to
riricr-to Mw. Shenottoed ,nnddown tbe higbwaya of tbe ma—U
■i Mite j tlM we as a people
Ttban tliat paid to Ha forrign ; oncestwlstbai'bc ad
^ —rf, e^moditlai. ^Sat ■ GouM; but. kttoirtag him to bo a anroo- oajeelvM to tbe natioo's bigbeot good,
Bndneaft Batoa on O. B. A X
it mm to a Up those Uvea of brave men and tbeae bro_____ __ ita>hon«»iU.otb, tootos..prta. Cinrinnatl. one cent per ®Ua ^
leptember Sd. good to retnm October
JT ■ N»rit. Ono«witng be found Mrs. Gould
£8:8SS88SSaS8fiS 8
h tbe exattment, if
imported Uito it. :
|QioroM<tbat‘'ArtbttrBnd .
ri tbe
Toronto, Ontario, one fare fw round
At tbe ____________tb^ wen doing I stats'-b^ gone tonmke a call, botwould I ^
8888 8 BBBSBIltg
c follow after vic- trip. Sell Augnat S4tb. »th. and 87th.
mr^aing bnataem fa the fc*- j mxin retora. Harrix
aaaa a easaeaxsa
eign markem
manafacrarera at tbe { row at tbrir alxKoop. tlowrab^b^ itory. tb® onr trtnmpb wlU be of Uttle
889!: 8 8888*8888
ontog all hU oour-' avail eltber to onreelves or oCbera.
United Staten were attmxUng to an nn- be thought, so.
—g« 8 ►=••=•-••-•
r is to peace that men prepare far
Omdd Baplda. Tax Nxnoxxp BooK^Cescus. Jomsiu Dtrt..
A«U nnle.. It Uvea to qniet day. a.
_Bxniaxtdaa.SL Saamae aatUdagt;^
BrHyone kM beard
’ to domestic todnstry by tbe high do-'
of duty that by the witnemof tbe bcoor
.tiea of tbe Dingley aob
that we pay tbe dead faeflu tbe battle
xmnrts last rear Was M ^ble tbe to-' plcMurc to wrieoaM ytnT bore, nod you ^ beocmes tbe role of borne and mart, of
WUUam'a Patoakey Orsam, pure
S^e fTto im^i wbmaa to tui otOoT Ufv .b«*s
to tfa aritory .
fmtt jolcm. eold sparkling a^ watm.
clean apoona and glasam. This mixc„d,
of a—
o. L. Looanroon'cKipf^^ToraaS naotia.
ton ewUtetoa wipe cream
2S£b‘s.ss‘fijrfS?'r*^ 31
to foodstnffawe onn make as go^ a
Thank yon. -mid Clark. "Ifmltbat
abowing. acre toacre, aaoornrigbbors. a riogh) life lx an unbappy one. and it mA
we are far from making reUtively as too late I joopam to sma>d."
Tlxm you think of marryl
good a abowing to tbe manDfaetnring
lodnatrien Tbe difference U dne to tbe 1 eongratuUtc you. May 1 mk who I
differeocc lo UHSk. In tbe United betbehoDocvaladyr
••That (iependx upon ym. Ibavenever
States there it a tariff which foetera met witfa <«e wbo to>pft«d me with such
told defendx borne Indnatry. enabling miootu. sD(di loro, m yotinoU. AUlbave
to grtnr np to export proptntiona. 8nri» jj— at your fwt.
- L WIU you be
be;my wUei”
a tariff, always beneficial, becomee in .
puixed and wlpud tU- psxpImtMa
timee of prosi^ty a tremendoua feroe. j from htx foruboad Mn. Gould, uttot(y
U oor own tariff had not been dixman- amtoonded. m«ng to bs foiA. exriaim-
aopplemented -by grmt returns from tbe
workahona—iTorontoMaU aod Bmpire.
——! “w'hatUtben>tot*rf"aakedbe.*mli
, altsnody from blx wife to Clark.
Everwybeiv in all .pnbKc plaocA in! -i-he malts!" rvjilM tbe
onr mills, fartoriea and railmnd otfioeo,.
. -Yt-ikiK m writ ml do. Yo
___ _ haw token fright
there wes(x lohc aoenaiuty in tbe'oon- j
1 don't undorwaixl what."
fld(!n(« that good times arc «i their j
xliwr! Why. that U my wifel”
way. In coov<-rsnti<w with our leading I
. ir wUe!" acseamod Clark. "Why
mannf-ctcnrx Ibe Jnarual is ______
Unrettia not modern. It iaaa ancient
Soldier*' Eonnlon.
aa tbo eTv>ei mind. Gaiual nimat can
not bi removed by rcattog framework.
Weeannot reto from worry tUl we are
cleonaed from oonialicy. Too many an
too laxy now to need any exhartodon to
imtfaom work, even under tbe planaible gntse of devoting wskiug time to
blp. We may pray too Uttle, we the A. A BAgt.
may wtrry too mart, but we can hard
c:»u at as Waal Ba'calk air»
ly work too mart Dr. Adam Clarke
Per 8al*-Hooaehold go^ ^Mio.
mid that tbe old tfovab about having
too manyirerta In tne fire waa an abom Frank Totnllnaon. SM Bast
Ito Have all in it—riiovel,
tonga and poker.—Christian Standard.
8» take ofiMi anoSar. isas ■. l»t,
,___________ esiaie^rioa!* m.
p. MEN
baaJte. nadm
tekaeor-----r tbederiine?
8a my same papva and so my amne
proartcra wbo happen to aee toe dark
ColBiaMas Rastasraat.
ride of tbiuga in tbeir c _I .parishto.
Car Ward Mo.
FOJ..VE-.Lou la Travarar
The qtxBetb* WW ^ anxwerrd both
BtXa'clork, to ala
wnya. In some large ritiiw it may be on
5«. P
tbe decline; in otber* ou tbe incrMuc.
Innome aectioux of onr UrgecitiM it is
to note that 'bey-are tniilding upon tiie
oootili nre 'ii ti.c rvtom of iro^Krity. 1 low. You muKt base dooUved Tonrmit
the gospel Isnot
it ix baxc^ vpcai tbe x.-ulcuntilI tif
of the i{ That
xhnt lx my wUe.
wife, Thlx lx my rixtor."
prantoA in truth and in c
tariff, (be enr-rexa of tb- American ar- j pointing to tbv Mbet lady
declinea: ‘
micx in. tlri> wur tbe g<njd cro^ tbe tbo raoB
Poor Karris wax KrtKk dnmb. Jle
prurperit.v of tbe |,-n\«rumeut in itx rwwoe, ibr tohii. >• iff trade in onr favor seised bU bat. made a low bow and annl- It were oent direct from God H grem
bUatod xpaeo between tbo Gages oikd his
and the Miiaikai le lisoe with which own "baebrior'x hall." wbere to a xbort
C. UCiOKli ICX.,
OUT iiioduuw-. loTi Md by n i»otaetlve time bv wax amM before a fire built of
tar^C. are pod.H:;; ort iotonll tbe mar- j lancy ueckOew^h<* bags. Lghi gloves
keu (if tin-world. Tbeuew emof prea-1 and cthor auprrfluous artiutos of ao old
perity is (XTtaijily clow at -band. UM bacboloes toilet.
every one gt-i rendy tor its onniing —
that time there is no eooo'jnt,'but Mrs.
sneh eases, hut as nothing
Lewiatou yMv. l-’JuuniuL
Oouid was bte Him love, aod wltbont gave reU-.
a physician and
dOBbt riK-was Us last.—Kmllr Keatiug it woB nader bis enre for a week
ebiM bad been sick for
Ho wander tbe Demoenta are not
abont ten days and waa having abont
MTing anything nhoot protoctian and
of toe bowele
tbe wool indoetry. We cannot aee bow
-Did Him Pitoksr eaU ta every twelve boon, aad we
ttaix generation can be AgniD deceived
vineed that nnicm it aOon ok .
by Democratic tariff bookoerx. Let tbe
IW it would not live. Chamtortnto'a
fannert remember tbe tariff
Colic. Cholera and Diarrbot
Bed wito.tbonil
noticed n changv for tor
tady Onioc
Otort-^b. ym. rir; deUgbted with tryiU
(tier; by
by!iu eantlpned ase a complete
them. I beard bsr any they didn't look bettor;
ire waa btongbi abont and it b 'pnetw Wt like ber.—Boatoo Tmaacri:a.
fectiy hmitov -C. U Boons. StnmpTbePopocmtic
who have I
tows.GUmerCo..W. Vo. For sola by
bowlibg about tbe tuoncy power forctog
Tbe aBowaooe ri tbe lord nmyor of A E. Walt, dmggiet
_ BUMCyet
tbeimoBUceof watri'VJds ate a littie
alow with their pmixe of the ndmlnia- London, op to the maytjralty of Sir Sidtntitm fw witbnboldittg tbom aame Dty Waterlow in 1878, w«a *40,000 an•■The l>rng*iat” 9 cant egiar, fi----bunds from toe mooey power and plao- nnaUy, bitt f( waa increased fin'. Irtt .niekie smoko in town 8 B. Wrifa
a ttl
!b.i}00. at vhKdi aom
ing tbmn In the bands of tbe p«g>U.— year to *Sb,<
KansnaOlty JonantL
Oti>r; 10 par
DO lOD WAIT Jw.ir. ■as
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