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The Morning Record, November 12, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
’ Seoond Tear—No 476
era of prosperity
Sncsooragln^/^porta From
The Commercial A«enciea.
. Xxport* Daring Fast Weak B«ve
n Bnormont—Wheat Sbipmesta
SueadBimllarFeriodofLoat Tear
So Prwb Troable Srported ia tbo
OblaraBonarmaeter Willtaua Victim
Of the DuMoe.
Bnc« V«r Tfotcrdax.
Heroic Work Of a Life Sav
•prvtiU U) Tai M*uui« Rkoana.
HtTana. Ko*. 11.-Col. W. A. Witins Crew. ^
‘ ilant. r. 8. A., chief quartermoater,
Colnmbio. Soatb CaroliBa. Nor: 11.—
died today of yellow feeer.
Uol«t orcvolled ber« today. Tronbla
between negracB and wbltM it thoogbl Seamen of tbe X<ena Seitoon Beoeued ’
for tome lime, being one of
’ tbe flcat Amerioana that ocoompanled
to be ended.
Hear St. Jooepb—Tbe Vcooel Driven
tbeeroenation commiuioo to be taken
Wilmington. K. C., Koe. U.—A new
By a Oole to Deetraetien and tbe down. Two of bit taalttanu now bare
baa been formed
eigorooa meotoret lUTe reatored
Ken Were Taken From the Big- tbe yellow ferer. He cangbt tbe fever
order in tbe eity.^
I in mncb tbewame amnner tbtt Colooel
giog ol tbe Ship.
Waring did.
TbitmomiDg tix nrgroet wbo wet
Benton Harbor. Nor. It.—Tbe perilchiBf UM
IcbOMd tn
. aud liave a pictuje frame*! for aome of your frienda now.
It will make the fineal prcaent, and then you will have it all
done when you waut it later on.
Holley & Connable,
and good crope marlta an---------------- --
Sec them—try one on—those Men's English Covert
Top Coats were .selling at j^.75.
Value is ^12.00.
.V,» r.o.M,.,™. So.. H—
One of the best
Men’s Fine Overcoats
tel off
„« Cal
C, itiand,
U.l.na, which
wblcb eslablitbes
„UblUh» be-!
lifg taving ^ yond doebl Vhat tbe U the InfonU Ma-1
crew here. arrangem'Dit were intde'^ Terete
; for a tpedal train. A life taring rrew,
fp^Hed Oi n derebeach etrt and morlar were dtapntcbe.1 ,j,.j
wrwckemrlaim tbe right
OnBlt, Dl.pose of t..
of.So,rrok. A fo.~ of
TO.y r.oor, ,h., U,. i
«po,» .r. ..cdl., lk». .f i
oalot of wool hero letteriallyiDcreoted.
• I«l«> "1«“» nll» “>'“k ">!
,ii« ot Miohi,...;
extra session expected.
Are some strictlytiilor made coate. of very fine quality Kersey,
in colors black, blue and brown, leifiiUr, Rtout, aud extra sizsa,
poru increoted i:learingb.milwty «a'
ingt. priL-fk and other
l-:PmritOn Kutt be Ouckly Ktde for ‘ *-bia, lay 4lK. frrl from hborr. Owing lo ij^belvrec I two reefk. o
ing bneinett derelopuient.
Oorernment of Porto Bico and Fro-, the fn-r.-o cmiditi m of itie t-rew it was bottom.
H.tofi.uoo. I. P.rl, W.ll
Not b. loiorrupwd-
of ““k*. »'■!
Wf hnuly tedieve vou cannot e<{ual tin* fjualHy of i:nodn or
file fitandsnl of style of
i,'armcate for l*.t* than f 15X0 to
^I'j.aO at other Bto
f'omi- arnl look at them, at
"-'.l«Uo.oi j
: AV..l.i.»too. No.. tl.-l.f«f.h ..v '^Kf ;S'St .’.^*.1 “h I'o
*b-ro«.f!l boon o.lr. —ion of lh..;x;.|.oo, f.uJin,lon; J,.ho.llM.n. Lud
;o.„ 0,00— lo dipo^of to.
IVb..>..o, fooU...-!..
**0147 Bookstore.**
220 Front Street
I j
b. .».«bl-f; 7-
Keliahle Dry G^uds, Carpet
and Clutliing House.
Pari*. Nor. 11-Koowing one* pre-i“*''_7'
‘ aptt'n Ntoivon. »Vnl«y*U'r; |
ii.rcrtigate the
J^e regular wtt,on will
Jaoj,., K.y. cock. I.mlingu^n,
li..ad,ng to the dewriioe of thetbij
diet BO niptura. bnt protected peace
three m^ntht
long, ,nciu,.,og
inclod,ng me
the uhnai;
usnal 1 The Ncilsoa waa
wot ra
r» u«lued- at
at W
.uiu» i.ma.
if the
lh» cour«
TO. d, .b.ioo of Bo.fo oo ,u,„„„.;Cbrt-l»«-«^.tloo..odlb.r. oill b. ; sb. l.fl f.odlo,b.o on Wrfo»J.; »lU. j
warrantA hy ithe condltiout
i Youll
Be Interested^
b*ry.aBcb ; I.ainber
Kenton Harbor. <
ily aeeifted to threaten
peace offered by the lioited SUbten b«a
e., Jbdbdbe
‘ 1 «*
Cbdoulnl goremmeol in ; When off St. Jo»«ph »he broke her' .
KiM the nroaident of the SpanUh
rUdder. which hindered ib.- captain in
K,oa. the pro*.dent of the Span eh ,nj .
^oremmeni in Cuba. I n anemnt
atumpt u>
to be«fh
bench her
her for
for tbe
tbe anfetT
anfety |,......................
-o,......,-.!.,,. recommend* the
_ _ . .
*^ . ..
Seduced PilcM
■ which will doubllw* requ'r*? • 1!^ ; of the creW* liree.
abaodoomeet of the
For furniture UDholstering and rc
leal of time. It ia nleo intended tol Fowler, one of the life aarere. reach-] airing. M 0. Barnes, furniture doc
There are indications that Prim
later Senate U nawilUng lo remirt to P'“*’
-'.ieoreffcia canal bitl tbrongb | ^ the wreck eariy Ihi* inoraiog by a | tor, cor. Union and Slate street.
laterbagaataU new.llmg to r«ort to ,i ^br regular acasion. in orter that thel b^^rdous«p«mre of hi. life, hum-!
this extreme fenree. bot he will prob
Iconeoaaion granted to the Marllimcjber from the wreck waa osed to tnak^
ably be campe^cd to adopt Senor Hon- .
taro Eio*- poiie^
Canal company may ^ lared by com-j bonfire* which lighted She scene
There ere fVenoent exchaag«
jd,y. The crew wo* compelled to bang
message. b.^tw^Ji^-Paris and Madrid.
The incrwac of tbe army and ^reral i to the rufging fur a'erco hoars, affd
andthenexlae«ic.nofihecom»is.ioa. , P'*"“’''*^'‘'^"^‘‘’““
; for iwenty-fonr boor* wore exposed
lo.«0 .f .obi., Ol«fo b.o,,rb,..-m
..«.Uoo, .06 the, 1.0, ...,,0 ...d
d^oobod -l.h
In our new display of Jewelry, Haviland ChinawBMt
Silk UmbreUas, Stringed Musical InatrnmentB, BBd
Strings for all Instruments. Complete lines and
everything new. A personal inepeetion is sure to
please you.
,«,b.bl7 bo ....poood 00,11 Moodov.:*'"”"'*''”''”''^'”','o«o boi U. bo poooOod
It wottld. therefore, be pr-maiure to,'
--------------------------^aererely lo keep nim diire.
moke any fotecoal, os the atinaUon may
To Oppose Imperialii
aieVially modified ^tore that'
The next meeting, howerer.
iiiaUn. Mass.. Nor. 11.- -Thelleform
will be declsire. tor the ncgb^liuos Cinb is Uki
aaures loop- i One Victim of Blbrtn Washed Ashore
will either k* dropped or apeedily fin-’ poae imperiallfui.
. isbed on the linea of the Ameri
at Port Hnron.
Port Huron, Nor. 11—Tbe dead body
of James Tremr of Buffalo, mate of in«tow barge Holland, was wuhed aabore
beretoday. Tbe UolUnd and Keed.
two of the three reasela which
broke aw^ from
the ateamer
Curtis on E>oke Borou, arrlred here
this morning In good condition, tbe
Washington. Nor. 11.—“One of tbe
■BostloiporUnt results ot the elec-j Mias Florence Warner, one of the other batge, thePeawt. being
tion.-’aald Postmosler-tieneral «imiih. I teachers In the Central school, whocapuin of the
I aollnnd aaya that Trenr
li> ..r;#.Lo;n,r
{ boa been the
pricking «/
of lk«
tbe —'
populist woa taken aick eome time ago,
the night.
and free ailrer babble in the west, aa taken to her home in Ypeilonti a day
aatride a plonk. Tbe
two ago by her mother and brother. 1
ahown by tbe iwsniu in Nebraska. Ranenlmnee
asa. tb6 Dakotas. WaabiQirtoa. Cali She auffrred no iH effreu from u,e |
fornia and other state* weal of the
M'ppl at tbe time when tbe aoacd
The Mirblgnti Telephone compsny
UemocraU in the «nai went bare placed tbe following new teleof Wool Exchange.
8t»eial loTes UnsmSD fCsoaeu.
New York. Nor. ll.—Plans (or the
jreorganixation of Urn wool exchange
BnbbU Being Pricked la the Wmt-•I.are being developed.
The New Shoe
for Women:
d,.o^Uld lb..Ub»rf KK1U.BD BT FAldUHO WALL.
- dm,.,. I),l—.rc.
„d,. :
ana. Went Virginia, Wlscuosin, Colifor-1 ^lock
Kedieol Department Univaiaity ofi
Bin. and North Dakota, making the
TennaosM Burned Teaiarday.
Iraprcremeataare belog modela and
repubUeme raemb»bip lit. or a clear
•peeUI to Tss IIOlUXB* KstoBa
a'«ut tbe mill of tbe Traverse CUt,
■tajority. ^
Nor. II.-Tbe mediLumber Company. A new up-ebute for
_ logs from the river t4> tbe dal department of the I'aireraity of
aaw.«ndi7|^in''trih7boo'mI^rmoM Tenneebee was burned today. Fireman
Page waa--killed by *■’".........................fiUliag walls and
Be PoUed to Beport
the change, being made.
^ ------------two were Injured.
Jury Daty.
Prank Cook baa parchasad the prop
Spwlolteta* MoeeaiB eecoeo
erty. 4» Nartb Elmwood arenae. of
hU father, la adding a new eontb wing
; New York. Nor. 11.—A warrant
iaaaed today for tba arreat of Aadnw and cellar, aad geoerally r«m>deUng
Koa Imat and Three Fatally InCarnegie, for failing to report for jury it tor bU own occupancy.
Parker Fennlagtoa. tbe president of
. Jured ia a Oae*-ia.,
tbeC E.Sociely.ajt,tbe Friends ebareb. apMUl teilw Heuus Kscobd.
Bubbed <ff S9e,0O0.
ennrtained tbe abclety at bU borne.
Bayoane, N. J.. Nor. 11.—One
013 Wodsworih^eireet, lost evening.
waa baried aliw and three fatelly In
KirkriUe, Mo .Nor. II-TbeeaVlnga
bcarlet ferer boa aa^e ila appeor- jured in a cara-in of the eea wall today.
Boafc here was robbed today of gdd.ooo
ntm amoag tbe childrea at Drawn, nela boads^ gold and greeubocka.
c ,et:titiiig the cloeiag of tiM school by j
Baled by on Infant.
tbeteaeber, Ulas Minnie Habbell, of]
Amaging for a Battlemeat.
this city.
4pMbkliaTes MooBOw kaceaii.
Derby, Ooan., Nov. 11.—George HpnrMlm Amy Kingdon. who isatte.nlVArden. UI . Nor. H.—Tbe leaden in
geon. aged 3 yearn, shot and killed hU
fite atrike and tbe mine owners ore lag the High ac>--ol. here, received a
four weeka old brother today, firing at
«0Bfwriog regarding terms ot aetUe- leeaage ye*-—rtsv annkme-iltig tbe hia head.
aatb of a.,r br<>tuer in K itaii Ou Petltioa to ba Seat HoOM.
gyiililst to Tbe MoBiiae Bfa'usu
Paeblu. Nor. 11.—Colorado eoIoBteers at Manila hare peUtioaad to be
KOtanad owing to bad food.
The <-oti'-Fst> platfo'-m a>-o.,nd the
A W M n.-p-H aud tbe ws Kk t-'siiiug
to it fruui Ccioa u> Uass streeU are be
ta r ranldly poshed to completion and
W .Ibea grstif>:ng imp o.ctn>-<j:
6S dax 0«at*,85e Bew Tiw giraa away
This evening from n to U:3b we
will gire a beautUal 2.^ bow tie
wHb every fit.OO pureboae ororer.
8. Rmida A Gn., 1S4 Froatetrert
make—Every pair warrant
ed—Hundred* wear them—
Yen get them of THE OLD
The New Shoe
for Women.
bock to tba Cbicngo platform demoo-, phonea: No. 101. A. E. Bingham, meat
WiUiamaburg L. O. T. M. Will be
j market: 1-^t. Pangborn Hotel:
Hen Tueoday.
the Ber. ioseph Bsner. at tbe mair
RepubUcM control of the aai
The hire of the W O. T. M. o( WUaaaured- after March «, for tbe fiint Jence:J<Mi,y;hartea{leeBel.reeideaee. Hamsburg
bare arranged to visit J.
time einee
and by a mojirity w
A nice new clock has been placed in
Amanda Hire, No. 71. next Tuesday,
large «a to make it extremly iraprobaland tbe local hire ore uTr,du..„,
urged to turn
bi.=fiub.i„ cb.,,.d
detuocratie landslide in U><>0.
WithI has a fioe oak-cose .and la called the and a good dinner. All L. (>. T. M
rlaitors from eles where are alaoiurited
the Oregon vacancy filled the republi' - Kundy Time Rw^rder."
to be preieent and help lo make the
cans hare la the ^preaehi senate
Dr. King bOa decided not lo go lo time a happy one.
New Toes!
latest Styles!
Heavy Soles!
Calf Unehi
No Bbw* ha* t'vcT lieeii deaiifued that Iiok uu‘t with ancli
uuivere&J favor iu both Eur
ope and Amerira as the
$2.60, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00i $4.60, $5.00 and $6.00.
Kxtn’tte of aljrle. the aonHof fashion and the perfection
of rouiforl.
W»- hav*- sepiirtnl the exoUwfvo aevuej- for Boroeis
«h»<‘H in Traverse City.
Call and ace them.
? Long Before Election
Leaders of Low Prices.
It big variety in Dndarwear,
irmgh underwear la a omall seetion of our mummilb etteb'librneiii to fil
fill any of theae ordinary tieed
atorea. It would make ma erdiaory obeer
of baadle* that isauee from our *tore No troable to find what yo«
wont here. We bare underwear ranging from 15c to»l.4U per ganaont.
Popular Shoe House.
i Tbe men’, uwHrgdrment we Kill .t...................................l*o
■ Tbe „d?.r„dei.;rnT;:rfi
I Sell Goal
6«r fl.«» uoed
And deliver order* ^
Likewise Wood.
In the En Bull fin IbHilt
Men’s all wool ui^itei^Bhute or drawers, wiioV Be^’ per
..... ..........................................
U u el.«»„?uc. LW,
----------------flMmel shirt (a job) ao drawers
-Ilk kir.dn.' .lU'Wte
--T’teSSSTSJlTT... -
pnn.ni. Tb
Tonn re^h^folly,
Y'iuU'au.; *04 Abet ViulS?;
B.H.AI<LTB Agent
Preidrki. Block.
-s- .s-i —1
. ;
~r’ "
tool. r. Ba«« Am J. W. HAntBi.
1, W. HAvm.’Bdilor ud IUa*cer.
With SepobUcAB«onuv) la Uie L'aH•d 8UtM Maaw aad kouM th« fdaiatottatloa will W aabanpend ia lU
la adjasUac tbe. compUi
wUeh kave ariaen Ihrooih Uie war
witk Spain. Tka new territory addod
kriara with it added reapoBkIbilities
aad it U aspeclally flttlaf that the
•dttiaUtratioB whieh ooadBcted the
war to rlorioos rictorya^oald hare the
akaptar of the oourae already lnan(ar.
atad. Already reporu of renewed aetirity ia the freat markeu of mannfactarea and the iaereaaed faaak clearlan<
M ahewn in oar diapatchre iaat airbt.
•kow eonfidcaoe. la the fatnre and.
■asm Set
Body of Oooi^ Oolmon Ar.
rived Home Yesterday.
by that wbleb a
derstanding tbe n
nearest earthly friend, i
maanl WUl Taka riaoe Monday band, tbe wise sod
father o:
From 8t Fraaeia Ohnrck, With Fun
Hesolved. That we exprns to ic
Military Hoaota. Osaar Anapioea
Company M.
HOf eymmtky and
The C. i W. M. train airirlaf here at
1!:30 yeaterday bore the body of tbe
late Oeorye H. Caiman, who died near
Santiago, Cnba,.while aerring hU coun
try aa a member of Company M.Thirtyfourth MiehitaD volunteer Intaatry.
The remaine were caused to be
burned from 0^ grave in Cuba by F. O.
Banaea. formerly ooaaected witl
MouMAollKcuaii. and who went to Cu
ba with the ftrat expedition.afterwards
beoomiag altnched to tbe geaerul boapilal of the Fifth Army Corpa at Saa.
tlago. Tbe body of George Caiman waa
abipped north on tbe transport Pana
ma, whlch.arriTea i.. New York Tues
U the best cigar in tbs
lbs o
market for
k worokcan.io Mrs fl. 1/ Cbrbeii
imily OST bearti
.abiding lo
the ni
___ child____
Resolved, l-'urtber. lhattbeWomans'
Clob deeply feel tbe loss to our aute.
iadicial diklrict and city of one whose
efTort was in behalf of what ik best for
tbe brotberbood of rnsn; and in tbe
de«tb of Jodge Corbett our community
suffert tbe loss of a noble example to
bukbandk and fatbersi and>very citi
zen will moura with tbe loved ones
now suffering in a home deprived of
itk founder and protector, and every
heart will Borrow for a people deprived
of a high mlBded.wise and conecivntious
counsellor and judge.
Resolved. That a copy of these rcaolutions* be sent to Mrs B. L. Oerbett,
sad that they be placed upon onr
A copy waa forvrarded to Mrs. Cor
bett at the close of tbe meeting accom
panied by a bonquet of eamationa, the
club flower.
Five Cents.
Most popular cigar in Northern Michigan.
Every dealer aslls it. hUde by
A. W. dAHRAUS, Tonnelier RIock.
Did You Know We Had^=
Canned SbrimpP
Canned Bacon?
Canned Succotash?
Canned Huckleberries?
Canned Oysters?
Canned Cherries?
Hospitality of Kiaa Crater.
Ls4t evening the Isdiet and gentlemen of the Famous were delightfully
eateruined by Mias Josephine Crater
at her borne at a six o'clock dinner.
Tbe table decorations and favors were
ebaysantbamums and eamationa. ft
waa a plesMOt social event and thor
oughly enjiyai by tha gneaU and
Mr. and Mrs Caiman and a body of
aoUiera of Compao>- U met the remains
at the trula and a a<)aad of hla former
commdea bore the body of their dead
friend to the rooms of UndvUkerAnM. L. Wilson, n well known barber
dereen. where they were -prepared for
ValnnblcBAMsBpintod Asray.
bnrial. They were abipped from Cuba of Grand Rapids, arrived lest night lo
When Mr. Travis and bis son arows
in a metallic casket, which waa encloe- take a positloa in the shop of O. E.
arly yeaterday morning to take a ride
ia n plain pine box. Yeaterday a fine
into tbe country, it was found that tbe
casket was aelected and the metallic
t>r. C. .W. Gardner of Bellalre. was in
robes and a blanket had been spirited
tbe city yeaterday visiting friends and
away during the night. One of tbe
li. ~1.». .1 Umd. «h ch
^ dcp«,.». dto««a U...
an beirloom in tba family
L. A. Pratt went to Ann Arbor
and greatly prised for that reason. No
. owing 1
under any <
tiaoe of them has bem found.
Daniel Hake is doing businem with
oireumatasoes anrronnding tha death
It ia aignificant that the OemoeraUc
of the soldier and the length of time
losaaa are mainly in the West, and that
Bobbed tbs Usars.
Mra .D. O. Chadwick and Mra J. B.
since he died.
tbelr, sucemaea chiefly gained throngh
of wL
Within the obter incloonre was the Wbesler of Sherman, arrived in the
Yo~i imoea, in*^e East. Tbe coaheadboard which marked the grave of nivy last aveniag to visit at tks borne subject, is nsrratsd by kt^^ folio
. dnaioB U plain. Tha. people have
the dead soldier at bantiago and there of Mrs. E. W. Unbbell. 130 Ckaaatreet. -I vras Id s most dreadful conditiion.;
learned by the oonne of tbe adm
Mrs. Lily Viskocbilof CharlevoU U My skin was slmost yellow, eyes
were also a namber of cartridges taken
tration daring the past two years that
tongue coated, pais continai
rallVin I
his owh belt and deposited in tbe vislUng Mias Minnie Uubbell, 13U Cuss en.
back and
and aides, no appeGte•oaad money brings proaperily with iL
grave wiUy^ body. These will be street.
growing weakei
er day by di
•nund money and proUcUon have bMn
Will Bowen and B. U. Alley are ea- physicians
kept as memcatoea of tbe sad fata of
icians bad given me up. Fortutriad daring that time and the faat iajoying a hunting trip this week in tbe aatcly. a friend advised trying 'Elec
tbe dead hera
flrmmtag proaperity aftbe naUon dlmsta
tric Bitlers.''sBd tr my great joy and
In tbe window of the nadenaker'a vicinity of Oruwn.
! first bottle made a decided
tha aantiinatti of the peopla The free
CoDdnetor Higgins of tbe M. A N. E.
store ia a large plclnre of the deceased,
It. 1 contloaed their
•Utsx iMU ka# recetTed a asrere blow
with flowers and draped railroad, is among the wild game of tbe
tkiatall. Adone which preaenUdiffiwith the Ameriena flag. During yea- Cpper Peninsnla tfaU week.
ealUea for 1l«e campaign of IMS for tbe
Capt. J. V. Mclntuah took bU family
terday many friends called at the rooms
No one sboafd fail to try them. Os
to look at the casket, even tbougfa the for a visit to tbe Upper Peaiasala yes- 50 ceaU per bottle at S E. Wait's a:
tsrdsy. in tbe vicinity of Calomet.
face of their friend could not be
J. G. Jobnsoa's Drag Stores.
Mrs. WaiUr Wilson of Sonlta Milton
Arrangements have been made for
Ladiea. clean your kid gloves with
the fnneral to take place from bt. U in tbe city wiU her piecea. Mimes
Chin Wonk 70,000 Boahels Bnoe Boea Francte ebarck Monday momisg at 10:- Myrtle Wood and /.ella WIIkid. stop Miller Glovehue. It U not a liquid,
leaves no odor and eau be need while
' HeltTered at Snttooa Bay and Fioa
30 o'aoek. The burial will take place ping with Mri. Tompkins. 33t North
with fuU mUilary bopors under the Madlaon street, on kerway toCopemisb
Bchoeneta Hava bleared.
The fifth achooner to leave Sattons
Bay this week left yesterday afiomoon that every member of tbe company here who bas been an invalid for some
wrying SS.OOO buabeU of poutoea. wUl be able to attend and those living
Mrs. Ed iturk of 5fT3 North .Sprnee
Tuesday 307 wagooa were nnioaded at oauide lbs city ba«ebeea seat for to
street, wbo has been <{uite sich for
that place. Aeventy thousand bushels do honor to their cemrade.
F. U. Baaoeo. wbo attended to the some lime, is convulescent.
have bees marketed at Uat point this
Mrs C. M. Duntley, after spending
week. The prevailing price U 30 cents. ebipment of the body has been relrased
fromidnly in Cuba bcd telegraphed his some time with ber daughter. Mrs. A. I
brother ycsteidsv from New York, F, Cameron, has returned to her home j How nYxim
A nice Tiltini;
stating that bs would leave there at
in Plymouth.
1 S rew Offii-e Chair or
TraverMOiiy Will BaceivesB Sven o'clock the same day. Be will maa<
Mrs. B. K. Hrinkhsm returned to I
an effurt to be here in time for the fan- Old Miseion tbdsy after spending a
Two Thousand lAoUarai.
week with relatives in the city.
erul of Private Culman.
Tbe followittg U the semi-annual ap
Dr. Mooe went over to Lake Ann
portionment of Pripiary iichool money
yesterday afternoon to examine about. „
. ,
' lor Grand Traverae county, which is
40 caudidatea for admiasion to the I For
* I'ubbie of yonre fora
one dollar for sack child of school age.
Lalik Ana Teat K. O. T. M.
j C'brifitmaB present. Ue vonjd en-:
being tha largeat ever apportioned in
jjOT it. ami now is a good time to;
' tkeataie:
Toaterday at the Womsn'a
boy while the aiwortment is good '
WboWao. Ko taOla^Koottag.
- eeiMraa cled.-dui Am'i
Ihe lodge of Swedish 1
We hare a iiae line in wood seat,'
Tbore was a good aUendauee at tbe America will give a coffee aoeial at
cobtiler seat, upholstered leather i
t 313 Woman's Clnb lyeaterday afternoon their hsil. tbe East sute street aebool
BUlr.. .......160
* 160
eager to bear the reporu of house, this evenlBg at 8 o'clts-k. A and saddle scat in solid *jak-nill!
■sat Bay..........
lU the delegates to the titau Federatloti nies piogram bss been arranged in ad Rnisbel — Values from tS.OO np.
' Fife Lake....'.
3ii of Woman's Clubs bald at MaaUtee dition to refresbmenis.
You don't Dt*«d the cash—small,
n't and enjoy the program.
The t.a<eai Brl.l.a Bslllesbtp.
Oraen Imke....
The meeting was opened by the vieeEatb (nttlesbip that is iannebed
I praaideat, Mrs. Carter.
Bcriua to xnrjaiHs li«-r predeceasun in of- :
j Mrs. Uamadsll. the leader lor the fviitive and ik-fensive equipment Tbe ''
tes I day. called first upon Mrv P. J. Curtis. (> .iiBifa. tbe laiest to leave tbe storka
Boose Furalsblng Store.
>MU;wbo reviewed Wednesdsy's papers of wbiii fitted with her full armauieut
New Store. 126 Front Street
^[the federatloB meeting which were will Iv able to projects shot at tbe rate
____ ' full of BBggestions that might be folbl.-aek a tuar\-cl iu ber dsv, and the !
SO.StU I lowed with profit by opr club. ,
Fint.-elaaa goods.
Phone 167.
Allow Us
To Suggest
T^t you get less coal or wood
For Winter
and boy oome of our
Storm Sash.
The Ea[I^Sirll
Gets ihe Worm.-
Arm Chair
w Tbnrsdsy. wbicb sbe 4
Iplesaing maaner. Tbe reports were
JiOOal Talent WUl FarUeipate In the
received with mnek interest by all
present. The regular subject, “Span
The armnaT meeting of the Northern ish I.itcratore,'' was also filled with
Michigan dcboolmaBUra' Club w^l be spMial interest.
Meld at Cadillac Friday and Haturday,
Mrs. fUmsdell read tbs paper upon
Bovember 25 and 36.
Tbe following Spanish Literature which showed
Travarve City people wiU take pan in much research and care in Its prepara
the excellent prograri' to be given tion.
daring tbe meeUng:
Mrs. Bamsden referred to the poem
Oupk C. T. OrawB. in kU addtem at of Cyd. writlea during the twelfth
iweaident of tbe-cluk.
itury, one of the most interesting
C B. Born, principal of tbe High Of the early produ
pehtel and chairman of the meeting.
torical poem, recounting the advenMyron A Cobb. Macber of science in tares of Cyd, an eariy hero, wbo is
tke Bigb ackool.
Mias Nettie C. Otay, county ackool
Alfonso X. known ns Alfonso tbe
Wine, was a bettor post than sovereign.
Bis eyes were on the eky while the
world moved on unheoded about him.
Tbe golden age of
is placed in the lattor half of the
I's msdicines the sale has been very fifteenth century and firal half of the
large, more capee ly
. of the
Oougb . loth, daring the reign of laabeila.
'ransedy. In two yean 1 bave sold ; that tune they had a library of G.OuO
Bore of Ibis particular remedy than of
«U other makes for tbe yrerious five voiumca, wbleb waa oonaldered
yoara. As to its efficacy. I have bean
'informed by scores of persons of tbe
After the discovery of America the
good reaulls they have received from it intereau of tbe people were toward
•nd know iu vafne from the use of it
' in my own honoehold. It is ao pleas adventnreand In conaeqaenee litoraant to take that we have to place the Mre anffered.
Mottle beyond the reach of tbe childDon Onixole is Ue Sbakevpeare of
' B- J t-csKTt.isvBT.
Spanish iitoratnre. Bis works contain
Fbr sale by 8. E Wait. Draggiat
the beat thought of ihe Spanish mind.
^•nft T^lcney et Eaos
There was maeh of an exceodlngly
and nave many dollars daring the instructive eharactor in tha pro
jmr by having yonr fnrnitnre re gram.
paired by M. C. Barnea, tbe funiiTbe late bereavement of the prasldenL^IPS; B. L. Corbett. eaUed for
»48 Front Street
White Bread
Sweet Bread
Excellent Bread
Light Bread
Pure Bread
Best Bread
From “BEST” Flour.
Hannah & Lay Co.
***************** ****»»***»*****»»»****i8
quite vuffieicut' ^
lo arooutit lot tbe demurulieation tif the ^
Egypbau gunnm,. but sbe is antiquated ^
in cumpanHju wiib Sbe UuJiutb. wbose ^
oilBdel ia to all lutents and pnrposes ^
inipeuetrable aixi wbuse bc-aviust pro- i ^
jer-ri Ic* aie 850 puoods in Weight —Hc^ ! ^
alar betenotL .
to t-eeM-l* la aa*«ia.
Hereafter the vrnmi-u of Kusaa mom
do witbont carm-is. The Rumian minisof public Inotraction bar tiwned a do-
Shown this aeaaoo—offered at prices that dwarf isto
Ineigviflcanee oil other coat oolee-$10.00.
Elegant, man-tailored coats, Jn thej finest imoorted Kerseys—in Black, S
t^^nnds of pubiin. 0 Royal Blue, Tan and Castor. ^Made^ with the new 4-button Cutaway Fronts, new 5
1____ I.,,-;..____ .
the otiruet. i
The Haiidsoinest Ladies’ Coat
a an examnle of “natw-; i4v mat
ipttk famine
Tt.._4. Ci......,.,.
it. i__ .
^ five rows tailor stitching around collars, down fronts and around bottoms of A
A coats. Lined with heavy-Taffeta Silk* in dew ombre strips.
The Beat Plaster.
Tliis is only one of the many. We can furnish them to you at any price. A
“ garment for as little money as we will. A
AA ^^'ather yon want to buy or not, come and look our line over,
I® Cloakings—Plain and rough effects. Buying rather late this season, A
a; A as we did. gives us the newest, up-to-date novelties, and at the same time enabled A
■ A ns to make some very advantageous purchases from manufacturers who were A
• overloaded with goods. That is the reason for these nnnsnally low prices.
Take the time—visit onr Dry Goods Department and let Mias Hooker show A
e dn 0«Dtt 95c fiev TUt gtm away ^
This eveniug from 8 lo U:30 we
will give a brautiful 35c bow tic
with every $1 00 porchaae or over.
p any case it will post yon up.
8 Benda A Co . 134 Front street
We would rather name special low prices to you. personallj, than to spread *
them in the paper. Make a note of this—it will pay yon.
The place-----^
never will, imitaW
tRK Mo&jnira
&xv\eT6sV. R
Mrs. Me rle L. Abbott. hsTinc beea
ftttoroey of 0»emsw coanljr. tbe sopreme oonrt will be
•t OBoe ssked to
os her ellfibllitr.
Attornej UeBer*('Mspi>sra tefosea U>
de this previoi^ to election, seyinc U
wss s csss tor t)ie eoartk However,
in s lecture before the Isw stsdenU »
eonple of weeks sro. Ueeh Hotebins, of
. tbs Uw depertweBt of the »BiT»rsity.
is SBid to hsTC flstly sUted tbst Mrs.
Abbott wss clmrlT Inelicibls.
The stesmer DstjrXs supposed to hsee
fenndered on Lske Mlchicsn on the
sfioTBooB of Tussdsy. Ojtober ss. Ob
tbst sfteroooQ Mrs. Snith, wife of
OsptsiD Christopher SoUth. who
Msndedtfae bast, wss eittlsr in tbe
side room of her boose st Hort UnroB.
She Bsys she csn distinctly
Sbont 3 o'clock la the afternoon of
hesrinr the front door open end some
one wslk into tbe hsU. tbroorb tbe
house snd into tbe kitchen. She ssys
. that the yoai«aoB of tbecspUin wslks
s frest deal like his father snd sbe
snpposed that he had come boM from
' eebool and bad entered the boose. Sbe
beard the footsteps enter tbe kitchen
and then she heard someone pass
. thronfb the diCerent rooms,
tbroofh tbe ball slamminr the door
behind them. 8he went to tbe front
door and found it locaed.
When .her
son name home from school sbe asked
him why it was that he relumed home
dnrinf aetaool bonts. Ue replied that
he had bMn at school all the afternoon
and had not entered tbe house. Mrs.
. Smith belicrea that tbe Doty founder
ed soon after she beard the foouieps
in the boose.
bmookd, batubsat. November is. ibbs.
rramme and eaW and sleepa all in one
toeruhtp, at tbe rUk of beinp partUl.
When be rotee be oomee to Portland.by
Ip l-lskt aad rawer.
. a
sort of unwritten law. Time was
\Wfc AOqAA. «
,TbeoerewltbwbtrhtmalUtrea»taf f
when the fellow who lived on tbe Peck
VJJ «V’& ww\ VU. .
^ lumod to account for sup-, f
place didn’t know whether he eonld
-i-_i-n. -L
Pljinff eleotrlo liRht ai^ power is well t
vote at all. keeaoee neither township
inMslIsiioti which bei * *
claimed him. hut of late years the mat
been eotnpieted hi a kaDitaTinro in tbe i
ter has been sdjosted in s sstisfaetpry
beerv>f tbe Sullivan cnnnty
cnnntT imnuniaius .
way—Portland Review.
fflish. Spaa Ub and Dutch, ooverinr where a savii.R
foel w<mM
wonli natnrally i
.< be -.4
> , »\
>ur centuries.
ot etreptinnsble di I'lrabllity
Harry Rowe, Company D, Thlrty- four
Mere Alexrfbder died in St Louis brook which flows tbrimsh tbe property i '
fonrlb Mlcbican, paaeed- thronrb the
Santiaro eampal^ unharmed. He last w'edoesday at the remarkable afe :the headwater* of ebe Dels-1 f
; ware river. It bar a fall of 70 feel
went to work'lbreedsysa^asa brake- of 113 yean.
e«aie. bat it is at I'eet an exceed
on the Duluth. South Shore A
At a reH*ioos meetins In IKsasas josl.v email rtfAiin in order to net tbe
Atlantic railroad and was run over aod City. Mrs. Jennie Welker expressed a ' wnti-r Moram it was iinviffaTV to bnild
dence to die and bad hardly finished ; a dam 950 ffci aertnw and Vu’toec biftb. 1
• 7hi* made s liarin of utwriv a mile In
- Near Jackson. Ed Crlppen of the when she sank to the floor dead
»™hlpot»prt«Arl,„.. h„.ur„d: J.p„ . „p.„.d p, p„k,w,
s skunk farm and already baa 35 of tbe „d ...» bp.Upp Mo.p .U »..l ....
little anirasls He expecU to contrib
on tbe Kite The raiim>nam coniiKti of ; \
ute lar^ly to tbe supply of "Ala»ka
Tbe outbreak of yellow fever in da-' ■>* lerif.' frame bnildinKa built on va- [ J
aable" next season,
vans is causinc rreat anxiety at^g ri«”« bill* and indodud in a radins of «
balfamile Not only are all tbewbuild-1 i
a. B. Slurtevsnt of
I &etvera.l
» ......
i Better than Ever ?
iplete dealmcl
ling. In the complete
of what b kaowo as tbe Antlocb mill
The origin of the fire U a mystery.
The sparrow bonniy U getting to be
anehaaerious drain upon the taxpay
er* of this sUMthat the repeal of the
law U being seriously considered.
Since the fire two weeks ago our
Undertaking Rooms have been
nicely repaired, and with the nicest
stock of goods in .Northern Michi
gan. we are in better shape than
ever to do everything required of
up-to-date Funeral Directors.
respectively, traveled on fool all , bonr long Imroiug erm. and tbe tourim f
the way from Whitehall,Ureeneeoenty.: eoming suddenly cn tbie distant moon- | A
teipi n-iok
n.wilr oonlii
mnl.4 imagine himself
h«in>t.lf in
In a
s II f
lll.,loCb;llieothe, O.
i taw
---------- IP Ep™.. Pp. cppKd . ppprp ,p, ,p„. p, ppj ,„pp
advance in prices in ]
lu Ull j otbm reqoiriDR light and power to in-1'
the markeu of tbe world.
Testigate any water power—no
power—no matter f
Joaepb Pennell, a Berrloa county
The tleamer Arnold recenUy airlved i •>ow ndpnuentirm.-in
fanner living near btmreMvine,
St^ensvllle, —
Such an tuitailatinn ..
as that □
brought filly-two aaeks of, c__un..—
trying to fix a bar* dWT *»«« wdo* | o.U, which had been mccnmulating at
T for tiR lf in t^ saving of
which had come o« the rollera. when a
juehaei-, Alaska for a year
Epppys,...,, ^
ei<-e<rle Cabbeav Caller*.
While a great nomber of
of kentacky, ia passing away peaceJopGrlm^., . 500-po.pJ -P~'»>pp Ri„,
y.. „„p,p
,p. 4,,. ,pj ,p. queut CXI
< have been made In
wPoPpp rellyl Iptp Adnpp. dp« pp.
„ e.p,e,„|., sp, ...ippipp ,p|.p plant growing under tbe mflotaiM of
electrical nys. there it no doobt that
Correspond with the TrsTerse City Lumber Coupeny.
pose na a deuctive. bat still be bst> noin America. Fraoce and Rossia a good
earthed a robbery pnxr.le that has been
We hflve for sale Uooa
deal of iDvcsugatioD baa been made of
vexing the Adrian police for some
Montreal is in s nice quandary', owing tbe effects of electricity oo plant onltime. He eat down on a radiator in a
to the refnsal of the sanitary inspector tore, vrbicb bar maimallyeurirbed tbe
hotel and it prompDy caved in. A
to remove tbe city’s garbage. Hun general knowledge of tbe subjeoL Oth
plumber bad to be called to repair the
dreds of barrels of refnse are sunding er ronntries are nowFiskiDg op tbit
damage, and be found a pocketbook
in the streeU and lanes poisoning the •tody, which now bid* fan to be placed
ooBiaining tlOO that bad been stolen
oo a tburonsbJy scientific as well as
D. B. McIntyre is parchaaiac Isr^e and accreted during the Maccabee ec air.
piaHical bsKia Frofessnr Lemitrom of
A Belgian syndicate, under the presi tbe University of ilebingfors ts engaged
quantities of potatoes at Boon, Manton campmeot.
dency of King Leopold of Bsiglum. has . . . attempt to deirrmina tbe influ
and Summit City. In speakintr of the
Detroit merchants cannot induce
price for winter be ststee tbst condi conthem Michigan trader* to come to cSered to lease the FhUipplnes, under ence of atmospheric electricity on plant
r.ArTDB B-OH SAT.-B1bpanish sovereignty, paying'Bpain a llfo. Frofeeeor Hailey of Cuiuell nnitions render it rery nnceruin. Last
them. BO they are going to the traders.
venity is adriring with Profeesor Lemlarge rent.
pear CallforaU furnished Texa^ and
On Nov. 28 a special train load of mer•trom in tbii investigation, which is
all descriptions, ioclodiog Two Enginfl*
Oelorado potatoes were anid in
chanu will travel throub tbe couth- ' Under a pouring rain, the Thirty- imdentood to have
Boston market Idaho. Wyominf Md em part of the state, vuiling tbe small fifth Michigan left Camp Meade Thurs tbeobrervatioo that to nonbern regions
Ret Works, Carriages and SawA A complete Saw Mill Plant
Colorado bate of late largely .ini
for aale.
towns and bo iming DetrolL Proapect- day morning for Augusta. Ha. The vegetaiion it very rapid, and this rapid
ity may be detemnnud by atmospberio
their yearly output which le very «f.
ive enstomer* will be given the glad striking of camp aider the disagree eleenririty. to which it Is contended tbs
feetive on prices farther east. With
band and other refreshments, and a able circumstances was trying to the anrora borealis is doe. In England, too.
all these existing conditinns the dealEverybody got chilled and
good Urns right st their homes. It b ntmosL
Dr. E M. Cook cf the Clift.m labora
e» are uaablk to foretell what will be
tbougbt that the trip will beat a carni wet to the bones.but nobody grumbled, tory bat offered to give bis services m
the condilionrlaf the markelslxty days
and the regiment bad tbe sstlsfsctlen 'making a number of oheervaiions from
val all hollow.
hence.—Cadillac Clobe.
ip grounds cleaned a bigb tower near Hririul Tbe land
- E. r.
n™.o. .t I
‘f' ^
around, consisting of 9o acres, is unAt Houghton. Mich.,
I "P
-PPPPcnltivaied and is well ritoatud for tbe
early Thursday morning in the aeveptb of kwifoUore. fn comp»nr with two i AErienltothl ...oru .... mneb
..... de.. ,
. .inorithint. Tbe oropotilevel. C shaft of Alantic mine.
Fortu- Of hiamenhewaabeidingiheeplnone lighted over the remarkable
„„,,,sphpric electricity
nately all mlnsrs were waraed in
“• ^’«'“*“y !andl.psssitiuiocertaiBtrialMrdens,
of Uie fields.
He wss heaid to utter a
eon and escaped safely, averting anott- ’
pUnts shall be grown. For
i-ry and Been to throw op his bands Theimporuol this dlstlaciive Ameri-1 jn
er such holocaust as ooei 30 lives in the
of fitting the
and fall to the ground.
He never
Oscoloa mine three years ago. AH spoke aftefward. Singularly, be died j for H«*7,wer* »61.sir. tons, an Increase 1 lightning rod of ibelowerwith a single
ahafts have been held as nearly air aTdid bis three brothers, from heart of 50 per cent, over tbe orevious year, poinu H
be shod with a crown of
tight as possible and the fire will be
.r, ; PjlP«
* ,h.. 1.4IC.U.. th.l th.
smothered if possible. Tbe Sumpmlll
has elgaed down fiom lack of rock and
tor bun... (~to.
iT w™
SOU men are idle nntiJ the fire is«xOn. plots of gnmnd. w here Uiry will end tn
winter will be greatly curtailed un ac
Bleelrle <las l.lchler.
Mrs'. STid fM-rtl, Evin.
; earth plates
count of the demand fur labor and tbe
tIto.lN. tosrb. !«r: l*rth.. oDf. «'ar.*I.S:brnk<. OT
A novelty lu ;:aK tigimug isanelro;
In an arUcle concerning his exm|riI
price that It commands. Wages in
trie rod. which Nerves as a licbier. obTlckvt. pood rvlorolr^Ciniiig h*l*UPTol»vs-1 Jfl
eace as Commimtoaer of Heosiooh woods are soaring skvward and
per ! viating all dutigi-r of tin- luc-ldrol to tbe i
«e«»*ns ■ !• V«s4e de S'renr*.
which recently appeared in ^e <5i
„™,k i. lb. ..to, .rito, ud to»
to.toi.to .tol u.|,r. Ib. llBbtor ' E«w"- tb. "rmr ,. lb. prto. ol lb.
Rapids Frees, H. Clay Evans gives the
following p-R:uliar incident: -We C«» I!u,,.o..bto.dwto.b...tod.tod
north and
,b...|. b.bdi, ..d
i tbe top
aome strange reqoreUaDdeoiuesuange
j ^,',;j,"(;;^"i,Vwv.wbT<ihT»‘'i^iiri to
letters, but tbe strangest 1 ever bad first calenlation. one half on this
count, and small jobbers will in many j ^
hei„’n. ,t „eeds to be reBecause forp-rr is a pmpf of patriotDR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
called to niy aUenllon was from a mao
instance* be unable to "make both i
t„,„.ries c*n ta obunied ism. ami ibi-riutcr of civiliutiou mnst
at Cadillac. He was 72 year* old and
ends meet” next spring for the same) whan nn-ded. aud it is only iieceemry not be disiuriHd.
was a little childish.
He bad been
to drop tbe old one imt and slip a new I BOcause be is there, and those who
c to tbe national
drawing a peni^n for a long time for
A/Bo lu The premnireof
if a dug on .-.
g ***
eevere woon^ and it was a very deontRide of the bandls complete* the cit- , PWamme. ev. t remain,
ouil and caniR-s L-nrrrut to pass through
I«rdonable for jnsllce
nerving c*tdr But be managed to ac------------J
niistskes are not
enmnlate a little mA>ney and be tent
nierriy ovf-noghl».
a draft for fil,000 to me Mying that Pup'U cf Misa Josephine Vader’a Kn i tbe lighter, besting if to s ebervy red.
* which iDsUuily Ignites gas from tbe I
lb«e can he ™>e cry which
he wanted to return his pensioo and
c OJaae Oave Fleasant Program.
mnstorerwhi'lm all other sbonU. “Lung
I wdiiiai7 or VVelsliscb bnruer
be GBtoff the peoNioB list. I wrote to
live Fiance!”
Last eveaing tbe pupils of ' Miss
■*l nsaetlr reetals.
the probate jodge of 4hat county say
fnt tbe sake of the natinnal
e lor oliOelEir po^
Joaepbine Vsder's music class, and
down,- mid defetiis-. black nmy be jes
iCBily aeanmed
ing that tbe man ought to be looked .losepnine v aoer s music ci^. auu
tbeir pareoU. enjoyed a^l^lfol remaosger. *'pUy tbenatioual to be white and while If<g tbe mme
ciul at the home of Robert Caldwell.
; caose.black.
! caose.
At Etcanaba, ss Andrew Beck, an Tbe rooms mere prettily trimmed with j .-All rigbdt." replied tbe men who i Beranse ail colors and all reawfes are
employe oo the C .t N. W ore doct*. flowers sad tbefnliowiag program wo* j was nc-iiiig 'as Ireder of the orcbocin tbe saute wben ihi- truvilur is uitforled
was picking ore from s pocket door be very charmingly given:
i for the evening.
and lb.- Iniuinou* city {• flooded with
veas strucai by a tump aod knocked In
mvtttTt ^OT
to the chute, tbeo.-e conveyed into the
hntchway ot ibe boat that was being
....................................bind the en-iifs of au BKiiated and per i
loaded and buried with tbe ore.
Luiia Hale.
| spiring musiciau who asked him in
nurvived only a few minutes after
Fairy Dance.................................. C. Bobm'
being vesened. He was a reaident Of
Lon McManqa
Walu.............................. Oaa Ds lAasaide
Tom Peloskey. the only Indian in
the regiment, grandson ot tbe ooce fa V.,«, ..Atoto^ ‘ '‘“sito. Ctoto.. I
mous chief Petoekey. is a soldier in
. Jennie lAondon.
Captain McCabe's oompany.
Butterflies HfiU.................................. Coote
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood
Cheap Rates
to Chicago
Sirs. Petosket and Charlenii. x
Round Trip $3. |
aortln ■Idiiiu'TiuiiaulIn C.
, rcr'”'"'
S . ”
I KlocVta
£ KlvUaus.
Wlien non bate
others' prices on
Furiure J.W.MilIikeD|
Beverai Ridgevrey farmers have lost
cows during the last few days with
milch fever. There was one case of
Thomas J. Kremer of Coloma. v^
shot in the eye by a small boy armed
with a toy gun. ^naing a painful
Fiore Clemont.
Oanzonelta.......... ................... Hollaender
Song. "Sleep Little Baby of Mine”
;HicIiigaD Accident Association.
lAonise Galkina
(a) Serenade A flat Msj................ Pierce
Wm 0- the Wisp...Jongmann
, Hattie Bready.
Mra U. A. Russell of Lansiag.
Akagonalse "Ballet Old” .... . Massenet
threatened to commit suicide, left
Manraret London.
home and has not been eeen since.
Album Leaf -OweetTbuiighta.” Oeibel
F.ore Caldwell.
mber 40.000 in tht
d witbit
as Aoclc
ily expense of adding furoi^e^is hardly anything,
A. B.
M. |i. rrui- f, F- w. Anxnv,
M. D.. Ri'<ldi nl l*byAKiin. vilh ncsiallisR ph)"
Alrlmtii And »ure-T««. ABd ptotAMioool eonro.
Tbvl«pNrt Satiiunaro in tlx- »oHd: o i-l** l»
IbA |•«>rsDd mlddlArlAAL Arvyou aM* aoddls*
oouiAA-vd> Uri.-tivoM aMS's u^mtalfSa by
mslt brod lor quFHloa li>t, prien osO Jowils
and I can afford to. and do
prliK-lplNa. Sw<M)* s Isrvr a>ml»-r«hlp is
tbl-.'liT «' btoTNiitovrbtoSTkl*. la^.UtrK'f ob
U M. Mats*.
rrroMrDI VI
g( .Oavtus.
V. T. Basksu
Bnoklan^a Am ton Halve.
a pfaysicis t are ahowing tbedr
Th* Bn»t 8A1.V* in the world for
patriotism by treating sick soldiers Cute. Brniaea, Sorea, Uleere, Salt
free of charge.
Rbenm. Fever Soree, Tetter, Chapped
Banda. Chilblains. Corns, and aU Skin
Wheal around Ridgeway is begio____ poaitlvely cares Pllsa,'
Biag to show tbe effect of tbe depreda- orno parrequJ
r required. It is guaranteed!
* - satisfaction or money!
to give perfect
/ tionsoftbe Hessiaa fly.
Andrew Kudd, who reaidm oa the
Peck place, along tbe river road. U al
most a man wlUonl a ebaniiT. Tbe
Mr. Gatirntn—Do yon enjoy a mil.
town line passe* through his bmi«e and Tbe Pfinttnr* Soetsr.
Miss l^keddaf .
U M. C. Barnes, comer of Union and' MisaLakeside-Ton bet 1 da Petber
be eaU ia one township and sleepa in
|a an a«oUm)pei.>-PriDoet« Ttgcc.
• anothet. Sometimes be varies Uw pro- Slate atrect.
don’t fail to get miae
before you buy.
I still continue to keep the
>t Xatlansl Bank.
f asriagoJUak.
A. M. drvABX.
Msrcir ot Kol.
AutarW. asm
BawMat oM><*d»Ksisaa*noCs
Mas vbizu-aB.
Tailor Ofxl Oral's rumMilBg.
sell cheap
largest stock of undertaking
goods in Kortbem Michigan.
384 South Union SL
Oysters! Oysters!
Oysters. Buodarfls or Selects, go to
-W. SN30BC*S,
Uw« Ac«nts Wanied in TTboeo«vii*d Territory.
fiB dm OwU SBC Bow n« givu away
Thte evening from 8 m B:M wv
will give* breoUfot *5c bow tl*
witb ovprv $1.00 pnreh**e er enr.
S. BmdsAOo.. »• Front street.
/ at OardMihiimwM tto
««pot is aU ttot fair Amaamt.
r atck and lattioe and trellia tba
T headed blocm* rioted in a betrUMUit <jt pink and «'hite, mmm and
■M. fnmiiBg a plnriaw eanopir above
i aerereljr tiinmied rawbaxhea that
d Qke fiigatniv Ix^qaew on elUter
Me of tbe windiustlethi
Bat Enid Fiif W «
8be fteok her blood bead. "I dgn'l
qniteksow. I mon think."
Dirk lasdear fixed hia dark <7*0 IneeoUr on her for a monent, m be
thonsht be erdnld read bee my eonl
‘‘Deamtt, is there aaf coe “‘wt
aboot JOB
yi ;
wto w tmatinirth.T—who wUl give yoo
a letter If I write r,utS
•fltunn Kamsdale, my maid, in bcoIona me. Seaid tomolhnn^
YraearaeOt^ Market.
slow U a lilt of tbe buying wad eeUprieea of yeetarday for grooerlea,
provUmMd farmprodtMte in Trav^
arae City:
Oysters! Oysters!
Raowation ii
dear Pork per bbi. sew............
•11 I
„ore a ne<*aaUy ae the world adranim dear Pork per Q>........................
11 00
We live faater. we do more I0 a aborter Short Out Pork............................
,p,oe of time than oor foH-fathen ever Short Cot Pork per M................
did. and in ao lirinft anddoin* we wear Plonr, U L. ACo. beat.......... .
Rye Floor. H. L. A Oo, Bdet...
biavily ou oer nx-utal aud pbyiiiaal aye- Meal. B.L. A Co. Beau............
A moment Uter Enid’e white gown ,en,a. Tbi. ermrtant weer and ttar de- Feed. H. L. AOo. Beau............
All Slack recclvea bf eicprs** direct tcoa
a flatterinK
the Uwneand
inda time* nf rtmtingfarn
ra«w homeward.
God realised that man woald tH«d Text I CodfisI .■er ft............
xpeodt. Bor thi- cltpr aanimer sky above J Min Pit*
l-'itx K»iy's
U<iy majority waa being amid theJelxTioo* dotiee (f'life. He Lard per lb..................
f.r good, enrt cloa* orswro.
aU. Tall and sleudor, she atnod like a »lelntul in a iroly wimii-arial fashnigbt in which the mind and Butter per lb Daira..
■tmne among tbe zeaea, with tiie folds Itm. k^om early snvniDg tbe abuw* and
Creamery Bulter.fc..
Cbeeee per lb ............
nrhernioslin fra k falling straightly . cntertaiiiiiK-nta in tlte park had been pat-.
Oataperbn (old)....'.
«b(M bra. and
fair fm-e amnbw wd ' ronia-d I7 crowds <rf frirada and ten- ^
l„r , day of w .wshtp.
Woehlodbeae^h Os-wide brun of 1^ . anta Tbe nuddny .linner. arcompamid o,.-*-dar* it le Is-ing alm-vtuniversal- Com per bn., old.......
«a^ih^. Sbe wasavray ti'-ttygtrl by *p,^vh.* and iwi-araifationa. was a w oMi.-.do.Uh..t more lime even than' Salt per bbl...
—d whonM have Uyi a very happy one. hogi- encowL In the af«»noQn the ira- r tti« et.nl-i
Bran per 100...
b^^iiiHWs oughr to be tbe natural ■ raixw aboat tbe------- ------------------- ---•■tion.
^,pp Miolidays and half holidsy* are Buckwheat..
aeon of beamy Mid wealtli.
I paitrare with the light frocka of the , ^ A, Ihii purpose, and wh.-revor aUTUIO BATM or TItATKBBK CtTT OEAl/I pairing and enameling
n«e oval of her faiv. that abottld have ••county." who came to witoera a hi-|
,ni«-iul Boasatisof the vear are
and do give you the bi
Wheal, old. per ha......................
«0 one in the city for'ihi
Tl« mdl. nu-rf
— mmuou Iwl bno a.«AA.d by lio bor- i
-----------new, per bn....................
« be deceived by what others tell yon V
- 1. per bn. (new)
tt«.th.T mub
to .uinwM. rom.'of tb. d*y.
th. .ni.u t.ri.y i. mbjTOt.A i. 0.*“, No.
tbe eontmry, bat come and see fo.
mdln.1. U» pri».
It ».k.. lb,-b.Dfl. ».»k! =""■■
hiddrai by tbe white, lowtgyd lide charming, and all the enupaur were bitb«-T ue«l to bj «ix-UBibeu*l • it' “y*-“"k;----I guarantee all my work to be right
. IB to 17'
•aeithra sorrow ra iiidiflrrwice. vrhile cjrlo mad. whi-nammor ran rotmd llmi makwthekmxw frahle and tboj m-odi
and if it does DoVpfove ao I make i'
ttc fall throaicd Inrd* aang on and the a papra cba». with the beam ifnl Mim to bo «mllnmd. One of the bjfwav.;
. Stop in till k o'clock every evening
By roans gwiuig like pcrfnmed oenien , Fit* Kby as bare, would wind up the
axoept Sunday, in the Oaldwell A Lou
| afternoon's proceedingit . Tbe idea wag cbriidiiui most n»ii»o Uiuandactaodon building, at north end of Uniw
BemarkabU Baacae.
Bow ennid-she beed or care for
■ ■birds
■ ll tooeived with delighUrCid Enid miglit cordingly.
Ar fiowrae. when bra whole heart ww have had 500 boumls ...
* ...of. 50 to (. The nwolt of this rest and recreation
Mrs. Hiebaer^urUio. Plainfield. HI.,
•w^ IB tbe dim lihniTTiif theold man- ebaa'I
kt had die so willed; ttHh
With pret- vein iv-ujcreased ability to labor. Tboi makwlbe sutemeni that she caught
* lKThadd.osowillnii:
olsitinacy. she pewisiod
pcnusiul hratolf
bcnelf in • wr*hair»^ra*
_ B'hehind bra. when'her brain aohed ty oUtinacy.
which settled on her lungs; she
fin the effrat to gnewi at tbe words and ebcKwiitg the park, and with infinite
^f tbe blind, to nustrni i was tresled for a month by her family
gr«o>i-e* that were pasKitig there among laste shared the bonra* among her. ,i,„
,i,„ ricaf. to make the lame
the c
t,. t^.wmng family pratraiis and the (n.-nds ami teminla alike. Bntntthe n,„ti leap a* tlie hart and the tongm-of ^
»“» •‘opelcas victim of » —a'.aii 1»wkrawi*.fraat Hial moment last niupirait she-X'-niind her sex's pre- t(.„ dniub |« sing •••-'-■
.........— sonlpUonand that
3)-*k Und^rv was telling his lovra and rotWive and cni. naimd a oiprice. hhe
provide, oo place fra nrai-anon. . King
s New
New IUiacovery forOoi
Waribora Hloet.
Traverse CItr. MU>
5,-p.- to LrdHmi.v.«. f!,.
would have . <x.mi.;An...n hare, a mam Allwrakaml no plev n..t niily make, rh,looVhla
g.v. u her fur mi uuele
and ijwt h.r.hn.e. imsht not be invi..i- j„rk a doll U.v, but wcaken-and sb.irt- found bers.ltbvocflied from the
•Bd a gnardiaiL bnid s f.md heart mid.<is she w.oild .Imw tin- name of the',ho life vvork of many a man and d>»e .sheoomlnued its use and after
Mra w liat h' T loTraw-.inlU say. bow haul |,uiv that was to U- from among tbe vr,„„„a
. taking sis bottles, found herself sound
fce»oafdpl.ad.bowhaji.I«n.iehewould h'.und. that wore.
and juipra
In Clirisfiuii r.«ivati-ia’’thrac rfnrald •"«* "' I- "O"
Ever Burned Out
loot. l>ui—bra nneV:-' V(ould lie relax,
and a hat w.w iinCBiiily in d.-niand-he oothiiiu uu.i'hriMian
IZeraeati.m AB®’’’'**!' ever was.
msmhi he pniuit Inmwlf to l« mtw«l.
•‘What fr.-:.k. Ilmd Ua^ to !.■ sure!" times an-timed leiiiWation Reliraed
^WlB^Nas.«.r Awih.theeffnnto «iU Lady
to hra bed
fr,.m active work, we n.av feel so..... mMra..ai*e the farog Bcfto- i-mJ gr>w l.,v. and p-ntiemen aht. dn.p,j^ the
^ i.ra.xi of m.uwl nbligation
buiiU _
|-r and twmWcd Lkeawuui ttosed told.xlpa|>.r.inthel«irjp.lh.ld.
riaii.lv not the ca>e
"ItwilJ 1.. Errmst.c's huyinrasto should neverd-'at a time of nra.-atipn .“TT ~
O. P. CARVER. Agencm-'rtg llic I
HrarlM for^Nie>- ek .ne,,,." proui-d 1... l-.rd-hip. ,rh„,
could not do in tin. mnui.-uls'
Woti.x.i b*T Iri'in r
c.: ht-:. siijfi, .•■Wl,i. ; .d tbela.b ix Uu,t;-"h.-weut rf the most lab.riom Boric fra Chnst, ' fc-Terybody who takes Tiie Moumvo
•. »hes..w Ln lov.-r sjK.i.ing
.N« BNih.ud..l y.A.1 ^,.wh.■.i iwsl aKor
../. ...-.u,
►iK.qid brp.wtut,m.^ to d-t good he
A. I'!.
^;uid^u«heilm..^rtj;.t.•^vuk.- of the
(Wi. ....
additional four cents per wo. k. mak
:her,;i.d in welcome, ran- £c«ua-.A and
• Inc «m the w.dl-nrh it.Samana. did n.rt
ing only 14 cehti, per week for the j
of W il-.u mlw iiul.<l», prTbapa.
„pp^„oi,v, sinful
beet paper in aortbem Michigan and
t- ; ,yt.n« smiles. Th-jja AitiW n« a»tl h.'had sevvniL I) or me. how woman aU.iit the wai.w of wcnml HR
the best metropolitan paper in tbe
a .. rAcstpnd hra. and shrvgn-w while Eiud dt.w enrdo rUiagx. m. Ut stunt
state. Teleeboup H3.
•»i»T go»ttf<» ime ghuKx.at Dick s-l.-'x as white as a glawL Shu U look a (.ppirinniti.wtn rpaka word Inr Chriet
-........... — ---------IgndaJT-8 .W.W told bra be-had failed.
fright wsii;:ht. *
* ^
' Lvt a* do it a* Hedid iL
i Set th# Fumitfitt Bcctor.
' Darlittg. at CnA 1 liop.;\^ for •«».
And. ind.-d. asMissFitxRoyplnngrd
labh-ltoadiug*.—E*. **xi. i;;*»riii.! „ ^ Bsrnes. i^cp.-r* and doe* uoW*h
iBo; s
____said Di'-k whrm Enid had regain- her hand into tlw hat and drew
1! ymu. xvl. ll-H; Pa Iv.
stering at reduced priaes. Cor. I'nloD
•d wnoe digi-K' of wlf comtvl and the WT-p of papT she tunnxl d-alhlr pale.
110: Iw. xh »«-Sl
•3; and State street*.4T4lf
lorrax had v.-,j«i.rp«l from among the ISanvly glunring at ii. ube said in a ja'. vi id. Job si. IS. l«: .M;ith
Jamng flare qf the LriUiam flnw. r gar"haar Clay.”
to. 2k; John iv l-KH II Tim. t, 16-tA
••Lxuw riayl WIki IX h‘? mod evetr
- -_ . ,
a tlwfri»\l!v*luidc!Wiicd ihewood.
6$ d« Genu 25c Bnr Tits Gives away
**y<»r tuicle hTaiti me without uit*-r- one. And then a inighiy laugh n»s?
Thl* evening fr.,tn * to Si;3U
vnpti'in and even smih'd omy <* twice, fnmi lliv merry crowtL and lieu Ijikl's ,
will gives baaotiful »c bow lie
Itold him of• my prrsippct*,
propects, how the white lip* smili-il B*theawkward ligurt;,
wit h ev -ry 51 iMl purchase or over
OsckMi* Jet...
11'arty juiid off ll
S Bends .1: Co . lit Front Mrt-el. iCMrfLske. ...
BearCreek..- .
«ad )>iTw 1 should be iilil" to livi'thiTS tolhefnmt.
eoven-d Iht iK.alth.
» It 4 K
toawiilira.v. ar. 1 n-fi md him to Tape"What n hand lie wnn’i gr* to lodge
gR Arthur Sn’hvan i* said to be Ihs
n niriJr-nkins that he might txrify gutex." lauglaxl t v«.ry toi' as the lag .;f'Roewan
■7 Aiigement a* to. It'iw well iliefuniis loni )ia|iur was alung arao** ttao iau «
Row Ttiat Electiol Is Gver
Famous Baltimore Coiiots,
Selects anil Stanilarils.
Fntcho’c ColimUu Bstunit.
Bicycle Riders.
John R. Santo,
General Insurance.
"And be aaid”__ mnrmntvd Enid; :
Bfling hra f-. r wusiasl WV.W to Dir k's
fcandwjme Iws'.
"He said—ignhiirg. That w-.t* tbs
WrawiBriof it. Knid. If be Iiail only
Mvaievsl axgament*. I miglii hutv d<-.
t, if be hod given all rqiiiiion
might harechaJiarji'rJ II. Bat )>e gave
ne UP loophole f<7iq*sx li. Hennloc^rri
1 amai) .irawra in hi* bnrean—you
lethat has rarvcsl gublin*'
Is all over it—aud polled out from
a sliesf trf
round tiu-angle of tb'-iname. with her
<niuj»Bnion hMs-'wobl.iitig affra lira.
Reginald deKoven'anewopera, "The
And in that time imnr-.l* were after Thr-e DragiHuir," will bs produced in
bra. Buid the cheras r«f tl.e «-rvm-d and New Yrak in .laiiuAry.
i-uudry minor mishiiiw. At the Wgs
"Two Kind* of "’omeu” is the tit!©
g-ate* Uivw-l Errington. in spite of tlio'of Mr Bsrri.r* new play, which was
white pa{*'r going both ways, tnnusl written, by the way. before ‘‘Tbe Littoiheh-ft.
sharp t<>
the h-ft.
tie Minister,
"Mi* Kit* Roy won't try Blnibell. jjf. TV. M. Wilkincon will
hill, i kz»w." h<-raih-d to tbow-behind
farrical eoror
him. wbo wrae all gwu>f.ira*pio along gtrungerlna SirsDge Flaee." by Wil
tlw flat Clewly mad. For some five mgr and Vinceat.
mile* tbe p*pra trark v I clear, then
Jacob Liu will produt
Jirhcom.siy«faortl.v called‘'The Clnb^i
Cs n BKown
ewlAl stwmioo u.
O. b»w np4i
'sn.ieoinrast.ciiiB*. snrroDtAt
4 oatw.ai
prsrtlee. Boooxei
PIler'A Bwliei .
SberasB'B HUl.
tw»c Abb............
OeSsrRBB ........
Bsleb * CrOBslBg..
. ,niv * wilhelm tni
Jj ;,<u, T.raueCiilveraUr i- M. wiihr
i M. D. Cm.* -Hr ~
— -'
10 i» sa
10 SI e 1*
>0 rh s I*
•ic»| •***
•10 44 •4 V
10 W{ SM
ooiMO aom.
] 'PUitMB loa. iM.
I. L»._..
... k„. i.»rer,; G-';;,,'; ;™r»
Grud Ripids i ladiiu R. R
torptiug my inv-s.'oo-ai your birthday * w*-n-fnond «hu( niglit. and the oecind bis wife is on cliorch affair* ontil sbi ' F”” •\^,i,;.k1Tiie*'“-n
tmll mat week, dnriiv which Tic inn-nda |iai* r irai k pr**vid far riiunor than tlie juu-rtains her mimsiti at supper.
i s'—t si * r*-a-ooB».>
le^ uuiwine.
n^wmnra ywtrcngagum.ail to young firsl
Ar-wiru* mom
A woman likes a man to reniemher ;
A CTIVK wiLirn
AWRKKEf.er -vt
Pr Ma*st HsW^
ss iHBrlal UiAtorlsn lo ibv v
nr iiauk ssie wrUteti iB .
Mf-w benolf fnan Dick's wwircling; a chair lay a orantryman'* mmick and a
-uj. a . .
■wiuiMMfacodhiui in tbenarrowpath- carroty wig TBcold lady was wiping
A* people gtowolrter they begin to
Ihracyw .She had langh.'dtumiahe had throw all tbe cinibe* they lake ofl at
"Dirit Ltodsar. whs*. «5x monthsago. | cri«L FwwanUy she left the two yoong ^ night acroas their beds to keep their feet : iB Bon • Bob*. 1b Ihr AaertcsB
ppyrm my bi-art and my love, I gave, people alone.
lib* bail
‘HowwfH you mamgWr’aaidthe! Wben aome peoplegossip. Ibeyregard
a fra- all
time, and wrt to take them | ••”
■Is Brlmlul of oil'
1, smorkbingibe ru^ bair of her tbrir indignaiitm at the wickedness gompaniim
I lag cm in tbe world ai a sort of reform
wrhtmi i m-vra knew, who-was dead be-------A-------tote 1 lived. Ou my birthday I wiU. il^ "And *-------‘—~
how brave yna have been, •’••■dar-,•
AddtT*^>. T Bsrber.Bee-r.tHDesrtar^,
be. h»Tc thinJenbumt and go out - Jing! Bat was it not Incky 1 tbooght of | Ton can pick np a boy's i
into ihe wrald to cani mv liw-libood , pat*v^»i«
Clevely road while evray and find InetaDtiy wl* rv b« is stndytDg.
cH-of my firpbation is past. 1 nue wa* bn«y ui the park?"
•Every pagv be haspasred over is fall to
>w, (as I have aaid bHorv, 1 ; £nid bloKhi-d.
1 say now,
And wasn't it wicked of me not to marks and diri.^Acobiaoa Uluto
u but vou—if you will
wrill man-v
hnve n-adont the real namooo the papt-r
M*ve UH5 Dick.
Her voice, which bad mug ant m IdrewF' She gave Dick the cmmpled
A Bare B'gn of Oroap^
toawdy, qtiiverrd and ionke. and obe sli^
I Bow that would
pni oat two trembling hands i« hra levBnarsenma la a child that Is subject tpOR aAIeB-BsaMSBd lolcniae
croup Is a
anre Indleayo^a of^tliea^
to Vkd czT)it to bis heart like a tired, have npori «
the disease,
d his name is
A. ______ ___ __________________him
as she ha
tbe distant icnr to
ren after I
g tiinliedthtonghlh<-qui.«wooda'l«i th.-Apecianic.nac —Exchange.
I. it will p
“‘Imust go." siglKsl thi'girl "One!
------------ -ark. Man? i
MIR W*k tif this HI.', ami Ihcn-lhen ;
Telst-r. FslU.r.1 F-ltowe,.
children alwi
1 toallJv-fret-T Ah. don't 1««A at that, | Priuiv Dimitri Klulkoy. a RbmUd
1 «~»n what 1 say- 1 sluU ha nolikman. ha* followed the advice of .l^ra much trouble and worry. It can ^^APU^WOtm Isr u
I Count TolitofaDd divided fai* esUlef always be drpeaded upon
Btody to leave this plaoe
iib.iA Biy
wlK-re will jm ' anioug the peaasiil*. reserving bat eevM pleasant to take
TraTcrsr Clt»L*i
Wait, Droggiat.
■ fra his own cnliivatihn.
•to WhntwtU
employ the -
*£RSP. SSr=£Rias SS
s ssaaswaa
, JW. iirM is-. 0.r
-j know__1 know: the ropy of mysrho wa* too warm aud vra* getting
■ fartIhton.”
*Vl»»'awUL" rated EuhI, "made be-; cm**. ''Slir 'ilsTari it agumfarflH'
w.,- nnowol-i Jarre Hading has left Part* fra a long !pH*8
tore 1 w«iInm."
But "fartbernn" the:« ».•luue* from Hwr «f Belginui. Holland. aN.ww..v. U uu-. a MllU.w. WqbA lrnvw>( itr^ 5l2,JfSi5^
r MorFSTT. tt-trset* '^B^V
of_.Titi«._ Ejai
■e^ih’II^-l^toC.'nmrES^ith W brJ^^'had^
Uw.d.m, ^nmark. tiranumy Rn^ i
lulj and
...a Torkey
T.rk..j |
m«ilden..!ie,»XAageI*b.*.ldmMi" baffled.
An«r... Bonm.n.s. Italy
«v*,«d«. I'™
E—7. M
"Oh. drm'i riTxat ii; dm'i wivit!"' “If
"If Enid tried tbe hill at all. it most
Loriuwr Buddard is rewriting tbe ;
n^np^^HD ofHeelB Buniho
version of "Be«i<lr the Bonuie ;x- A MiMikwi Rh-k. Roar*. I to U a m.. l
^miW the girl jMiiting bit Juuidetnrer have Ie>-u
Ic-n to shake off that lout." aaid tramalic
-olkilv. tnniiuiflmck
Brier Bosh."
bsr<-un. a* Ih'iugh In ehnl ODi hated Li< ii'-1-olkilv,
intniug liack
nnsb." aud it will Iw
lie taken
iaken on j «.»---------------------------gfllfiX-MtiiB X
Bnleomh. • ,__________
-------_Kl. ■•IV, ,Ik»o„A.„—U,l,Umr!
■■B.iho. dld,h, i»p.-c„m.™iU. ,b. r..rf-.„h J. H. S..Ad.„ I. •« !
^■magr wa* fii-dfrg nir-froia the be- mad.
cried Liidy May Savillc^
bile rule.
aTubv'. -m rrwBd tevsiu tor butbIb*. «i
I my father.
ptl-but Er-. Tbev are wnmcling already in Lon i*
that if his only and , riinrt.m was In too bad a Irariior to an- j„„
,.h. original of "The Tetma- i------ —^----------------------------------- "
be a daugfltee ; SW1-T l»w Trt a* be pi'dalod up lo Gar- p,nt." J-H-s Ncih.-rsole’s new play. D. |
^ sis mid. on her twenty •fln'i birthday. ^ denhyj
forc'd sonie s (J^ie claim* that it is in many re- I =—"5^
Bl Oavkaws Juartloa. isk*
m) to the only son of lim dear- . chtx-ni
. rtrht .etissirr St jBBVtIoB tsNo. I.
, .
ipects identical with "FrovencaleA" ;0*hou»e
aV frowd. Lrad l5mngtou'r Oh. it was "iiure* have w6ul
written hr imusclf.
, i.ei-bti. *ceWsAi>inrwB*u-t.
TkteOBsipserrAaBrvM tkc pHvilsgeef ehui
•ttkeUBsetstowirslBs^si Usir wlsssnr
- •
-But when- ate they*" demanded'
------------------m rau'-i- tiling
to do.
••« .'ji hr still, lilt darling, to ratlain Loni Hnnsion.
• w.OoimtOHAll.A«nC *ti>v
that if at ll»- din-nf y.jur jniipirity ; "lau't ilieyokolsmashednp’" tittravd
lAoDi'i EtTitigionwrav alive and uiiuiur- one (air dame
bM. and nia sljiiiJld nfm#- lo hisvime i
■•Wh«-i«'sLnid hiding?" cried lAdy
Mi* wib'k you xliould bedi-pririxl of yuor ; Ilniu-tou "rira bikr' .«« ua«,» ih.,*■”*1'
i S. njiuty pmple become Xlly in tiy. |
K and ifbiiald rest.'
•eJra Ove
' Ing to be fenny.
; p.riD« i..r thi* Bisire
*** '*
tomw •n»cm-«hani"fui paragraph* were 1
“Follow tbe track down Blnebell
Aftera case is lost a client does as rnoKKN-r-Sirti’men Ueu*e witb lur^
•n toj-answer, V'lOr nw h-ih-ii Uiwed bill"
»nch talking a* his utioruey.
eiEEsse ee
Me hum th.- mom, only sarvostirally ■
But nrilla-r IgHrra*. yokel nor Hcyrle*
h.iw well posted | =^-Tirr--------- , _____ * ~ •,1:*
wiK,k ™.
S Sn« £e£«
„ JBIEIgBi'EllTfilBg¥~gSS8B
.,2 ■ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaea
;j»ffBg$ssi«stsK9i;8 8S«as
|, i-g—w-n—•inaawn g-nnn
Uwal brssrb Irais arrlvca si lOkB s i
Trslb srrtv«s trow BM-bwaed. Pi. Warns.
OBtran.Orabd BsWds.rags ■.
Trsla lesTlBC ftavBrsr (Uw
slwper from ••rand Bapids isOlsnosatl.
Trslb tosrlBvTiavevsrOilJ st tS p. m. bs*
psrler ear to Oraad RsplAB.
•• ^
’ Seoond Tear—No 476
era of prosperity
Sncsooragln^/^porta From
The Commercial A«enciea.
. Xxport* Daring Fast Weak B«ve
n Bnormont—Wheat Sbipmesta
SueadBimllarFeriodofLoat Tear
So Prwb Troable Srported ia tbo
OblaraBonarmaeter Willtaua Victim
Of the DuMoe.
Bnc« V«r Tfotcrdax.
Heroic Work Of a Life Sav
•prvtiU U) Tai M*uui« Rkoana.
HtTana. Ko*. 11.-Col. W. A. Witins Crew. ^
‘ ilant. r. 8. A., chief quartermoater,
Colnmbio. Soatb CaroliBa. Nor: 11.—
died today of yellow feeer.
Uol«t orcvolled ber« today. Tronbla
between negracB and wbltM it thoogbl Seamen of tbe X<ena Seitoon Beoeued ’
for tome lime, being one of
’ tbe flcat Amerioana that ocoompanled
to be ended.
Hear St. Jooepb—Tbe Vcooel Driven
tbeeroenation commiuioo to be taken
Wilmington. K. C., Koe. U.—A new
By a Oole to Deetraetien and tbe down. Two of bit taalttanu now bare
baa been formed
eigorooa meotoret lUTe reatored
Ken Were Taken From the Big- tbe yellow ferer. He cangbt tbe fever
order in tbe eity.^
I in mncb tbewame amnner tbtt Colooel
giog ol tbe Ship.
Waring did.
TbitmomiDg tix nrgroet wbo wet
Benton Harbor. Nor. It.—Tbe perilchiBf UM
IcbOMd tn
. aud liave a pictuje frame*! for aome of your frienda now.
It will make the fineal prcaent, and then you will have it all
done when you waut it later on.
Holley & Connable,
and good crope marlta an---------------- --
Sec them—try one on—those Men's English Covert
Top Coats were .selling at j^.75.
Value is ^12.00.
.V,» r.o.M,.,™. So.. H—
One of the best
Men’s Fine Overcoats
tel off
„« Cal
C, itiand,
U.l.na, which
wblcb eslablitbes
„UblUh» be-!
lifg taving ^ yond doebl Vhat tbe U the InfonU Ma-1
crew here. arrangem'Dit were intde'^ Terete
; for a tpedal train. A life taring rrew,
fp^Hed Oi n derebeach etrt and morlar were dtapntcbe.1 ,j,.j
wrwckemrlaim tbe right
OnBlt, Dl.pose of t..
of.So,rrok. A fo.~ of
TO.y r.oor, ,h., U,. i
«po,» .r. ..cdl., lk». .f i
oalot of wool hero letteriallyiDcreoted.
• I«l«> "1«“» nll» “>'“k ">!
,ii« ot Miohi,...;
extra session expected.
Are some strictlytiilor made coate. of very fine quality Kersey,
in colors black, blue and brown, leifiiUr, Rtout, aud extra sizsa,
poru increoted i:learingb.milwty «a'
ingt. priL-fk and other
l-:PmritOn Kutt be Ouckly Ktde for ‘ *-bia, lay 4lK. frrl from hborr. Owing lo ij^belvrec I two reefk. o
ing bneinett derelopuient.
Oorernment of Porto Bico and Fro-, the fn-r.-o cmiditi m of itie t-rew it was bottom.
H.tofi.uoo. I. P.rl, W.ll
Not b. loiorrupwd-
of ““k*. »'■!
Wf hnuly tedieve vou cannot e<{ual tin* fjualHy of i:nodn or
file fitandsnl of style of
i,'armcate for l*.t* than f 15X0 to
^I'j.aO at other Bto
f'omi- arnl look at them, at
"-'.l«Uo.oi j
: AV..l.i.»too. No.. tl.-l.f«f.h ..v '^Kf ;S'St .’.^*.1 “h I'o
*b-ro«.f!l boon o.lr. —ion of lh..;x;.|.oo, f.uJin,lon; J,.ho.llM.n. Lud
;o.„ 0,00— lo dipo^of to.
IVb..>..o, fooU...-!..
**0147 Bookstore.**
220 Front Street
I j
b. .».«bl-f; 7-
Keliahle Dry G^uds, Carpet
and Clutliing House.
Pari*. Nor. 11-Koowing one* pre-i“*''_7'
‘ aptt'n Ntoivon. »Vnl«y*U'r; |
ii.rcrtigate the
J^e regular wtt,on will
Jaoj,., K.y. cock. I.mlingu^n,
li..ad,ng to the dewriioe of thetbij
diet BO niptura. bnt protected peace
three m^ntht
long, ,nciu,.,og
inclod,ng me
the uhnai;
usnal 1 The Ncilsoa waa
wot ra
r» u«lued- at
at W
.uiu» i.ma.
if the
lh» cour«
TO. d, .b.ioo of Bo.fo oo ,u,„„„.;Cbrt-l»«-«^.tloo..odlb.r. oill b. ; sb. l.fl f.odlo,b.o on Wrfo»J.; »lU. j
warrantA hy ithe condltiout
i Youll
Be Interested^
b*ry.aBcb ; I.ainber
Kenton Harbor. <
ily aeeifted to threaten
peace offered by the lioited SUbten b«a
e., Jbdbdbe
‘ 1 «*
Cbdoulnl goremmeol in ; When off St. Jo»«ph »he broke her' .
KiM the nroaident of the SpanUh
rUdder. which hindered ib.- captain in
K,oa. the pro*.dent of the Span eh ,nj .
^oremmeni in Cuba. I n anemnt
atumpt u>
to be«fh
bench her
her for
for tbe
tbe anfetT
anfety |,......................
-o,......,-.!.,,. recommend* the
_ _ . .
*^ . ..
Seduced PilcM
■ which will doubllw* requ'r*? • 1!^ ; of the creW* liree.
abaodoomeet of the
For furniture UDholstering and rc
leal of time. It ia nleo intended tol Fowler, one of the life aarere. reach-] airing. M 0. Barnes, furniture doc
There are indications that Prim
later Senate U nawilUng lo remirt to P'“*’
-'.ieoreffcia canal bitl tbrongb | ^ the wreck eariy Ihi* inoraiog by a | tor, cor. Union and Slate street.
laterbagaataU new.llmg to r«ort to ,i ^br regular acasion. in orter that thel b^^rdous«p«mre of hi. life, hum-!
this extreme fenree. bot he will prob
Iconeoaaion granted to the Marllimcjber from the wreck waa osed to tnak^
ably be campe^cd to adopt Senor Hon- .
taro Eio*- poiie^
Canal company may ^ lared by com-j bonfire* which lighted She scene
There ere fVenoent exchaag«
jd,y. The crew wo* compelled to bang
message. b.^tw^Ji^-Paris and Madrid.
The incrwac of tbe army and ^reral i to the rufging fur a'erco hoars, affd
andthenexlae«ic.nofihecom»is.ioa. , P'*"“’''*^'‘'^"^‘‘’““
; for iwenty-fonr boor* wore exposed
lo.«0 .f .obi., Ol«fo b.o,,rb,..-m
..«.Uoo, .06 the, 1.0, ...,,0 ...d
d^oobod -l.h
In our new display of Jewelry, Haviland ChinawBMt
Silk UmbreUas, Stringed Musical InatrnmentB, BBd
Strings for all Instruments. Complete lines and
everything new. A personal inepeetion is sure to
please you.
,«,b.bl7 bo ....poood 00,11 Moodov.:*'"”"'*''”''”''^'”','o«o boi U. bo poooOod
It wottld. therefore, be pr-maiure to,'
--------------------------^aererely lo keep nim diire.
moke any fotecoal, os the atinaUon may
To Oppose Imperialii
aieVially modified ^tore that'
The next meeting, howerer.
iiiaUn. Mass.. Nor. 11.- -Thelleform
will be declsire. tor the ncgb^liuos Cinb is Uki
aaures loop- i One Victim of Blbrtn Washed Ashore
will either k* dropped or apeedily fin-’ poae imperiallfui.
. isbed on the linea of the Ameri
at Port Hnron.
Port Huron, Nor. 11—Tbe dead body
of James Tremr of Buffalo, mate of in«tow barge Holland, was wuhed aabore
beretoday. Tbe UolUnd and Keed.
two of the three reasela which
broke aw^ from
the ateamer
Curtis on E>oke Borou, arrlred here
this morning In good condition, tbe
Washington. Nor. 11.—“One of tbe
■BostloiporUnt results ot the elec-j Mias Florence Warner, one of the other batge, thePeawt. being
tion.-’aald Postmosler-tieneral «imiih. I teachers In the Central school, whocapuin of the
I aollnnd aaya that Trenr
li> ..r;#.Lo;n,r
{ boa been the
pricking «/
of lk«
tbe —'
populist woa taken aick eome time ago,
the night.
and free ailrer babble in the west, aa taken to her home in Ypeilonti a day
aatride a plonk. Tbe
two ago by her mother and brother. 1
ahown by tbe iwsniu in Nebraska. Ranenlmnee
asa. tb6 Dakotas. WaabiQirtoa. Cali She auffrred no iH effreu from u,e |
fornia and other state* weal of the
M'ppl at tbe time when tbe aoacd
The Mirblgnti Telephone compsny
UemocraU in the «nai went bare placed tbe following new teleof Wool Exchange.
8t»eial loTes UnsmSD fCsoaeu.
New York. Nor. ll.—Plans (or the
jreorganixation of Urn wool exchange
BnbbU Being Pricked la the Wmt-•I.are being developed.
The New Shoe
for Women:
d,.o^Uld lb..Ub»rf KK1U.BD BT FAldUHO WALL.
- dm,.,. I),l—.rc.
„d,. :
ana. Went Virginia, Wlscuosin, Colifor-1 ^lock
Kedieol Department Univaiaity ofi
Bin. and North Dakota, making the
TennaosM Burned Teaiarday.
Iraprcremeataare belog modela and
repubUeme raemb»bip lit. or a clear
•peeUI to Tss IIOlUXB* KstoBa
a'«ut tbe mill of tbe Traverse CUt,
■tajority. ^
Nor. II.-Tbe mediLumber Company. A new up-ebute for
_ logs from the river t4> tbe dal department of the I'aireraity of
aaw.«ndi7|^in''trih7boo'mI^rmoM Tenneebee was burned today. Fireman
Page waa--killed by *■’".........................fiUliag walls and
Be PoUed to Beport
the change, being made.
^ ------------two were Injured.
Jury Daty.
Prank Cook baa parchasad the prop
Spwlolteta* MoeeaiB eecoeo
erty. 4» Nartb Elmwood arenae. of
hU father, la adding a new eontb wing
; New York. Nor. 11.—A warrant
iaaaed today for tba arreat of Aadnw and cellar, aad geoerally r«m>deUng
Koa Imat and Three Fatally InCarnegie, for failing to report for jury it tor bU own occupancy.
Parker Fennlagtoa. tbe president of
. Jured ia a Oae*-ia.,
tbeC E.Sociely.ajt,tbe Friends ebareb. apMUl teilw Heuus Kscobd.
Bubbed <ff S9e,0O0.
ennrtained tbe abclety at bU borne.
Bayoane, N. J.. Nor. 11.—One
013 Wodsworih^eireet, lost evening.
waa baried aliw and three fatelly In
KirkriUe, Mo .Nor. II-TbeeaVlnga
bcarlet ferer boa aa^e ila appeor- jured in a cara-in of the eea wall today.
Boafc here was robbed today of gdd.ooo
ntm amoag tbe childrea at Drawn, nela boads^ gold and greeubocka.
c ,et:titiiig the cloeiag of tiM school by j
Baled by on Infant.
tbeteaeber, Ulas Minnie Habbell, of]
Amaging for a Battlemeat.
this city.
4pMbkliaTes MooBOw kaceaii.
Derby, Ooan., Nov. 11.—George HpnrMlm Amy Kingdon. who isatte.nlVArden. UI . Nor. H.—Tbe leaden in
geon. aged 3 yearn, shot and killed hU
fite atrike and tbe mine owners ore lag the High ac>--ol. here, received a
four weeka old brother today, firing at
«0Bfwriog regarding terms ot aetUe- leeaage ye*-—rtsv annkme-iltig tbe hia head.
aatb of a.,r br<>tuer in K itaii Ou Petltioa to ba Seat HoOM.
gyiililst to Tbe MoBiiae Bfa'usu
Paeblu. Nor. 11.—Colorado eoIoBteers at Manila hare peUtioaad to be
KOtanad owing to bad food.
The <-oti'-Fst> platfo'-m a>-o.,nd the
A W M n.-p-H aud tbe ws Kk t-'siiiug
to it fruui Ccioa u> Uass streeU are be
ta r ranldly poshed to completion and
W .Ibea grstif>:ng imp o.ctn>-<j:
6S dax 0«at*,85e Bew Tiw giraa away
This evening from n to U:3b we
will gire a beautUal 2.^ bow tie
wHb every fit.OO pureboae ororer.
8. Rmida A Gn., 1S4 Froatetrert
make—Every pair warrant
ed—Hundred* wear them—
Yen get them of THE OLD
The New Shoe
for Women.
bock to tba Cbicngo platform demoo-, phonea: No. 101. A. E. Bingham, meat
WiUiamaburg L. O. T. M. Will be
j market: 1-^t. Pangborn Hotel:
Hen Tueoday.
the Ber. ioseph Bsner. at tbe mair
RepubUcM control of the aai
The hire of the W O. T. M. o( WUaaaured- after March «, for tbe fiint Jence:J<Mi,y;hartea{leeBel.reeideaee. Hamsburg
bare arranged to visit J.
time einee
and by a mojirity w
A nice new clock has been placed in
Amanda Hire, No. 71. next Tuesday,
large «a to make it extremly iraprobaland tbe local hire ore uTr,du..„,
urged to turn
bi.=fiub.i„ cb.,,.d
detuocratie landslide in U><>0.
WithI has a fioe oak-cose .and la called the and a good dinner. All L. (>. T. M
rlaitors from eles where are alaoiurited
the Oregon vacancy filled the republi' - Kundy Time Rw^rder."
to be preieent and help lo make the
cans hare la the ^preaehi senate
Dr. King bOa decided not lo go lo time a happy one.
New Toes!
latest Styles!
Heavy Soles!
Calf Unehi
No Bbw* ha* t'vcT lieeii deaiifued that Iiok uu‘t with ancli
uuivere&J favor iu both Eur
ope and Amerira as the
$2.60, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00i $4.60, $5.00 and $6.00.
Kxtn’tte of aljrle. the aonHof fashion and the perfection
of rouiforl.
W»- hav*- sepiirtnl the exoUwfvo aevuej- for Boroeis
«h»<‘H in Traverse City.
Call and ace them.
? Long Before Election
Leaders of Low Prices.
It big variety in Dndarwear,
irmgh underwear la a omall seetion of our mummilb etteb'librneiii to fil
fill any of theae ordinary tieed
atorea. It would make ma erdiaory obeer
of baadle* that isauee from our *tore No troable to find what yo«
wont here. We bare underwear ranging from 15c to»l.4U per ganaont.
Popular Shoe House.
i Tbe men’, uwHrgdrment we Kill .t...................................l*o
■ Tbe „d?.r„dei.;rnT;:rfi
I Sell Goal
6«r fl.«» uoed
And deliver order* ^
Likewise Wood.
In the En Bull fin IbHilt
Men’s all wool ui^itei^Bhute or drawers, wiioV Be^’ per
..... ..........................................
U u el.«»„?uc. LW,
----------------flMmel shirt (a job) ao drawers
-Ilk kir.dn.' .lU'Wte
--T’teSSSTSJlTT... -
pnn.ni. Tb
Tonn re^h^folly,
Y'iuU'au.; *04 Abet ViulS?;
B.H.AI<LTB Agent
Preidrki. Block.
-s- .s-i —1
. ;
~r’ "
tool. r. Ba«« Am J. W. HAntBi.
1, W. HAvm.’Bdilor ud IUa*cer.
With SepobUcAB«onuv) la Uie L'aH•d 8UtM Maaw aad kouM th« fdaiatottatloa will W aabanpend ia lU
la adjasUac tbe. compUi
wUeh kave ariaen Ihrooih Uie war
witk Spain. Tka new territory addod
kriara with it added reapoBkIbilities
aad it U aspeclally flttlaf that the
•dttiaUtratioB whieh ooadBcted the
war to rlorioos rictorya^oald hare the
akaptar of the oourae already lnan(ar.
atad. Already reporu of renewed aetirity ia the freat markeu of mannfactarea and the iaereaaed faaak clearlan<
M ahewn in oar diapatchre iaat airbt.
•kow eonfidcaoe. la the fatnre and.
■asm Set
Body of Oooi^ Oolmon Ar.
rived Home Yesterday.
by that wbleb a
derstanding tbe n
nearest earthly friend, i
maanl WUl Taka riaoe Monday band, tbe wise sod
father o:
From 8t Fraaeia Ohnrck, With Fun
Hesolved. That we exprns to ic
Military Hoaota. Osaar Anapioea
Company M.
HOf eymmtky and
The C. i W. M. train airirlaf here at
1!:30 yeaterday bore the body of tbe
late Oeorye H. Caiman, who died near
Santiago, Cnba,.while aerring hU coun
try aa a member of Company M.Thirtyfourth MiehitaD volunteer Intaatry.
The remaine were caused to be
burned from 0^ grave in Cuba by F. O.
Banaea. formerly ooaaected witl
MouMAollKcuaii. and who went to Cu
ba with the ftrat expedition.afterwards
beoomiag altnched to tbe geaerul boapilal of the Fifth Army Corpa at Saa.
tlago. Tbe body of George Caiman waa
abipped north on tbe transport Pana
ma, whlch.arriTea i.. New York Tues
U the best cigar in tbs
lbs o
market for
k worokcan.io Mrs fl. 1/ Cbrbeii
imily OST bearti
.abiding lo
the ni
___ child____
Resolved, l-'urtber. lhattbeWomans'
Clob deeply feel tbe loss to our aute.
iadicial diklrict and city of one whose
efTort was in behalf of what ik best for
tbe brotberbood of rnsn; and in tbe
de«tb of Jodge Corbett our community
suffert tbe loss of a noble example to
bukbandk and fatbersi and>very citi
zen will moura with tbe loved ones
now suffering in a home deprived of
itk founder and protector, and every
heart will Borrow for a people deprived
of a high mlBded.wise and conecivntious
counsellor and judge.
Resolved. That a copy of these rcaolutions* be sent to Mrs B. L. Oerbett,
sad that they be placed upon onr
A copy waa forvrarded to Mrs. Cor
bett at the close of tbe meeting accom
panied by a bonquet of eamationa, the
club flower.
Five Cents.
Most popular cigar in Northern Michigan.
Every dealer aslls it. hUde by
A. W. dAHRAUS, Tonnelier RIock.
Did You Know We Had^=
Canned SbrimpP
Canned Bacon?
Canned Succotash?
Canned Huckleberries?
Canned Oysters?
Canned Cherries?
Hospitality of Kiaa Crater.
Ls4t evening the Isdiet and gentlemen of the Famous were delightfully
eateruined by Mias Josephine Crater
at her borne at a six o'clock dinner.
Tbe table decorations and favors were
ebaysantbamums and eamationa. ft
waa a plesMOt social event and thor
oughly enjiyai by tha gneaU and
Mr. and Mrs Caiman and a body of
aoUiera of Compao>- U met the remains
at the trula and a a<)aad of hla former
commdea bore the body of their dead
friend to the rooms of UndvUkerAnM. L. Wilson, n well known barber
dereen. where they were -prepared for
ValnnblcBAMsBpintod Asray.
bnrial. They were abipped from Cuba of Grand Rapids, arrived lest night lo
When Mr. Travis and bis son arows
in a metallic casket, which waa encloe- take a positloa in the shop of O. E.
arly yeaterday morning to take a ride
ia n plain pine box. Yeaterday a fine
into tbe country, it was found that tbe
casket was aelected and the metallic
t>r. C. .W. Gardner of Bellalre. was in
robes and a blanket had been spirited
tbe city yeaterday visiting friends and
away during the night. One of tbe
li. ~1.». .1 Umd. «h ch
^ dcp«,.». dto««a U...
an beirloom in tba family
L. A. Pratt went to Ann Arbor
and greatly prised for that reason. No
. owing 1
under any <
tiaoe of them has bem found.
Daniel Hake is doing businem with
oireumatasoes anrronnding tha death
It ia aignificant that the OemoeraUc
of the soldier and the length of time
losaaa are mainly in the West, and that
Bobbed tbs Usars.
Mra .D. O. Chadwick and Mra J. B.
since he died.
tbelr, sucemaea chiefly gained throngh
of wL
Within the obter incloonre was the Wbesler of Sherman, arrived in the
Yo~i imoea, in*^e East. Tbe coaheadboard which marked the grave of nivy last aveniag to visit at tks borne subject, is nsrratsd by kt^^ folio
. dnaioB U plain. Tha. people have
the dead soldier at bantiago and there of Mrs. E. W. Unbbell. 130 Ckaaatreet. -I vras Id s most dreadful conditiion.;
learned by the oonne of tbe adm
Mrs. Lily Viskocbilof CharlevoU U My skin was slmost yellow, eyes
were also a namber of cartridges taken
tration daring the past two years that
tongue coated, pais continai
rallVin I
his owh belt and deposited in tbe vislUng Mias Minnie Uubbell, 13U Cuss en.
back and
and aides, no appeGte•oaad money brings proaperily with iL
grave wiUy^ body. These will be street.
growing weakei
er day by di
•nund money and proUcUon have bMn
Will Bowen and B. U. Alley are ea- physicians
kept as memcatoea of tbe sad fata of
icians bad given me up. Fortutriad daring that time and the faat iajoying a hunting trip this week in tbe aatcly. a friend advised trying 'Elec
tbe dead hera
flrmmtag proaperity aftbe naUon dlmsta
tric Bitlers.''sBd tr my great joy and
In tbe window of the nadenaker'a vicinity of Oruwn.
! first bottle made a decided
tha aantiinatti of the peopla The free
CoDdnetor Higgins of tbe M. A N. E.
store ia a large plclnre of the deceased,
It. 1 contloaed their
•Utsx iMU ka# recetTed a asrere blow
with flowers and draped railroad, is among the wild game of tbe
tkiatall. Adone which preaenUdiffiwith the Ameriena flag. During yea- Cpper Peninsnla tfaU week.
ealUea for 1l«e campaign of IMS for tbe
Capt. J. V. Mclntuah took bU family
terday many friends called at the rooms
No one sboafd fail to try them. Os
to look at the casket, even tbougfa the for a visit to tbe Upper Peaiasala yes- 50 ceaU per bottle at S E. Wait's a:
tsrdsy. in tbe vicinity of Calomet.
face of their friend could not be
J. G. Jobnsoa's Drag Stores.
Mrs. WaiUr Wilson of Sonlta Milton
Arrangements have been made for
Ladiea. clean your kid gloves with
the fnneral to take place from bt. U in tbe city wiU her piecea. Mimes
Chin Wonk 70,000 Boahels Bnoe Boea Francte ebarck Monday momisg at 10:- Myrtle Wood and /.ella WIIkid. stop Miller Glovehue. It U not a liquid,
leaves no odor and eau be need while
' HeltTered at Snttooa Bay and Fioa
30 o'aoek. The burial will take place ping with Mri. Tompkins. 33t North
with fuU mUilary bopors under the Madlaon street, on kerway toCopemisb
Bchoeneta Hava bleared.
The fifth achooner to leave Sattons
Bay this week left yesterday afiomoon that every member of tbe company here who bas been an invalid for some
wrying SS.OOO buabeU of poutoea. wUl be able to attend and those living
Mrs. Ed iturk of 5fT3 North .Sprnee
Tuesday 307 wagooa were nnioaded at oauide lbs city ba«ebeea seat for to
street, wbo has been <{uite sich for
that place. Aeventy thousand bushels do honor to their cemrade.
F. U. Baaoeo. wbo attended to the some lime, is convulescent.
have bees marketed at Uat point this
Mrs C. M. Duntley, after spending
week. The prevailing price U 30 cents. ebipment of the body has been relrased
fromidnly in Cuba bcd telegraphed his some time with ber daughter. Mrs. A. I
brother ycsteidsv from New York, F, Cameron, has returned to her home j How nYxim
A nice Tiltini;
stating that bs would leave there at
in Plymouth.
1 S rew Offii-e Chair or
TraverMOiiy Will BaceivesB Sven o'clock the same day. Be will maa<
Mrs. B. K. Hrinkhsm returned to I
an effurt to be here in time for the fan- Old Miseion tbdsy after spending a
Two Thousand lAoUarai.
week with relatives in the city.
erul of Private Culman.
Tbe followittg U the semi-annual ap
Dr. Mooe went over to Lake Ann
portionment of Pripiary iichool money
yesterday afternoon to examine about. „
. ,
' lor Grand Traverae county, which is
40 caudidatea for admiasion to the I For
* I'ubbie of yonre fora
one dollar for sack child of school age.
Lalik Ana Teat K. O. T. M.
j C'brifitmaB present. Ue vonjd en-:
being tha largeat ever apportioned in
jjOT it. ami now is a good time to;
' tkeataie:
Toaterday at the Womsn'a
boy while the aiwortment is good '
WboWao. Ko taOla^Koottag.
- eeiMraa cled.-dui Am'i
Ihe lodge of Swedish 1
We hare a iiae line in wood seat,'
Tbore was a good aUendauee at tbe America will give a coffee aoeial at
cobtiler seat, upholstered leather i
t 313 Woman's Clnb lyeaterday afternoon their hsil. tbe East sute street aebool
BUlr.. .......160
* 160
eager to bear the reporu of house, this evenlBg at 8 o'clts-k. A and saddle scat in solid *jak-nill!
■sat Bay..........
lU the delegates to the titau Federatloti nies piogram bss been arranged in ad Rnisbel — Values from tS.OO np.
' Fife Lake....'.
3ii of Woman's Clubs bald at MaaUtee dition to refresbmenis.
You don't Dt*«d the cash—small,
n't and enjoy the program.
The t.a<eai Brl.l.a Bslllesbtp.
Oraen Imke....
The meeting was opened by the vieeEatb (nttlesbip that is iannebed
I praaideat, Mrs. Carter.
Bcriua to xnrjaiHs li«-r predeceasun in of- :
j Mrs. Uamadsll. the leader lor the fviitive and ik-fensive equipment Tbe ''
tes I day. called first upon Mrv P. J. Curtis. (> .iiBifa. tbe laiest to leave tbe storka
Boose Furalsblng Store.
>MU;wbo reviewed Wednesdsy's papers of wbiii fitted with her full armauieut
New Store. 126 Front Street
^[the federatloB meeting which were will Iv able to projects shot at tbe rate
____ ' full of BBggestions that might be folbl.-aek a tuar\-cl iu ber dsv, and the !
SO.StU I lowed with profit by opr club. ,
Fint.-elaaa goods.
Phone 167.
Allow Us
To Suggest
T^t you get less coal or wood
For Winter
and boy oome of our
Storm Sash.
The Ea[I^Sirll
Gets ihe Worm.-
Arm Chair
w Tbnrsdsy. wbicb sbe 4
Iplesaing maaner. Tbe reports were
JiOOal Talent WUl FarUeipate In the
received with mnek interest by all
present. The regular subject, “Span
The armnaT meeting of the Northern ish I.itcratore,'' was also filled with
Michigan dcboolmaBUra' Club w^l be spMial interest.
Meld at Cadillac Friday and Haturday,
Mrs. fUmsdell read tbs paper upon
Bovember 25 and 36.
Tbe following Spanish Literature which showed
Travarve City people wiU take pan in much research and care in Its prepara
the excellent prograri' to be given tion.
daring tbe meeUng:
Mrs. Bamsden referred to the poem
Oupk C. T. OrawB. in kU addtem at of Cyd. writlea during the twelfth
iweaident of tbe-cluk.
itury, one of the most interesting
C B. Born, principal of tbe High Of the early produ
pehtel and chairman of the meeting.
torical poem, recounting the advenMyron A Cobb. Macber of science in tares of Cyd, an eariy hero, wbo is
tke Bigb ackool.
Mias Nettie C. Otay, county ackool
Alfonso X. known ns Alfonso tbe
Wine, was a bettor post than sovereign.
Bis eyes were on the eky while the
world moved on unheoded about him.
Tbe golden age of
is placed in the lattor half of the
I's msdicines the sale has been very fifteenth century and firal half of the
large, more capee ly
. of the
Oougb . loth, daring the reign of laabeila.
'ransedy. In two yean 1 bave sold ; that tune they had a library of G.OuO
Bore of Ibis particular remedy than of
«U other makes for tbe yrerious five voiumca, wbleb waa oonaldered
yoara. As to its efficacy. I have bean
'informed by scores of persons of tbe
After the discovery of America the
good reaulls they have received from it intereau of tbe people were toward
•nd know iu vafne from the use of it
' in my own honoehold. It is ao pleas adventnreand In conaeqaenee litoraant to take that we have to place the Mre anffered.
Mottle beyond the reach of tbe childDon Onixole is Ue Sbakevpeare of
' B- J t-csKTt.isvBT.
Spanish iitoratnre. Bis works contain
Fbr sale by 8. E Wait. Draggiat
the beat thought of ihe Spanish mind.
^•nft T^lcney et Eaos
There was maeh of an exceodlngly
and nave many dollars daring the instructive eharactor in tha pro
jmr by having yonr fnrnitnre re gram.
paired by M. C. Barnea, tbe funiiTbe late bereavement of the prasldenL^IPS; B. L. Corbett. eaUed for
»48 Front Street
White Bread
Sweet Bread
Excellent Bread
Light Bread
Pure Bread
Best Bread
From “BEST” Flour.
Hannah & Lay Co.
***************** ****»»***»*****»»»****i8
quite vuffieicut' ^
lo arooutit lot tbe demurulieation tif the ^
Egypbau gunnm,. but sbe is antiquated ^
in cumpanHju wiib Sbe UuJiutb. wbose ^
oilBdel ia to all lutents and pnrposes ^
inipeuetrable aixi wbuse bc-aviust pro- i ^
jer-ri Ic* aie 850 puoods in Weight —Hc^ ! ^
alar betenotL .
to t-eeM-l* la aa*«ia.
Hereafter the vrnmi-u of Kusaa mom
do witbont carm-is. The Rumian minisof public Inotraction bar tiwned a do-
Shown this aeaaoo—offered at prices that dwarf isto
Ineigviflcanee oil other coat oolee-$10.00.
Elegant, man-tailored coats, Jn thej finest imoorted Kerseys—in Black, S
t^^nnds of pubiin. 0 Royal Blue, Tan and Castor. ^Made^ with the new 4-button Cutaway Fronts, new 5
1____ I.,,-;..____ .
the otiruet. i
The Haiidsoinest Ladies’ Coat
a an examnle of “natw-; i4v mat
ipttk famine
Tt.._4. Ci......,.,.
it. i__ .
^ five rows tailor stitching around collars, down fronts and around bottoms of A
A coats. Lined with heavy-Taffeta Silk* in dew ombre strips.
The Beat Plaster.
Tliis is only one of the many. We can furnish them to you at any price. A
“ garment for as little money as we will. A
AA ^^'ather yon want to buy or not, come and look our line over,
I® Cloakings—Plain and rough effects. Buying rather late this season, A
a; A as we did. gives us the newest, up-to-date novelties, and at the same time enabled A
■ A ns to make some very advantageous purchases from manufacturers who were A
• overloaded with goods. That is the reason for these nnnsnally low prices.
Take the time—visit onr Dry Goods Department and let Mias Hooker show A
e dn 0«Dtt 95c fiev TUt gtm away ^
This eveniug from 8 lo U:30 we
will give a brautiful 35c bow tic
with every $1 00 porchaae or over.
p any case it will post yon up.
8 Benda A Co . 134 Front street
We would rather name special low prices to you. personallj, than to spread *
them in the paper. Make a note of this—it will pay yon.
The place-----^
never will, imitaW
tRK Mo&jnira
&xv\eT6sV. R
Mrs. Me rle L. Abbott. hsTinc beea
ftttoroey of 0»emsw coanljr. tbe sopreme oonrt will be
•t OBoe ssked to
os her ellfibllitr.
Attornej UeBer*('Mspi>sra tefosea U>
de this previoi^ to election, seyinc U
wss s csss tor t)ie eoartk However,
in s lecture before the Isw stsdenU »
eonple of weeks sro. Ueeh Hotebins, of
. tbs Uw depertweBt of the »BiT»rsity.
is SBid to hsTC flstly sUted tbst Mrs.
Abbott wss clmrlT Inelicibls.
The stesmer DstjrXs supposed to hsee
fenndered on Lske Mlchicsn on the
sfioTBooB of Tussdsy. Ojtober ss. Ob
tbst sfteroooQ Mrs. Snith, wife of
OsptsiD Christopher SoUth. who
Msndedtfae bast, wss eittlsr in tbe
side room of her boose st Hort UnroB.
She Bsys she csn distinctly
Sbont 3 o'clock la the afternoon of
hesrinr the front door open end some
one wslk into tbe hsU. tbroorb tbe
house snd into tbe kitchen. She ssys
. that the yoai«aoB of tbecspUin wslks
s frest deal like his father snd sbe
snpposed that he had come boM from
' eebool and bad entered the boose. Sbe
beard the footsteps enter tbe kitchen
and then she heard someone pass
. thronfb the diCerent rooms,
tbroofh tbe ball slamminr the door
behind them. 8he went to tbe front
door and found it locaed.
When .her
son name home from school sbe asked
him why it was that he relumed home
dnrinf aetaool bonts. Ue replied that
he had bMn at school all the afternoon
and had not entered tbe house. Mrs.
. Smith belicrea that tbe Doty founder
ed soon after she beard the foouieps
in the boose.
bmookd, batubsat. November is. ibbs.
rramme and eaW and sleepa all in one
toeruhtp, at tbe rUk of beinp partUl.
When be rotee be oomee to Portland.by
Ip l-lskt aad rawer.
. a
sort of unwritten law. Time was
\Wfc AOqAA. «
,TbeoerewltbwbtrhtmalUtrea»taf f
when the fellow who lived on tbe Peck
VJJ «V’& ww\ VU. .
^ lumod to account for sup-, f
place didn’t know whether he eonld
-i-_i-n. -L
Pljinff eleotrlo liRht ai^ power is well t
vote at all. keeaoee neither township
inMslIsiioti which bei * *
claimed him. hut of late years the mat
been eotnpieted hi a kaDitaTinro in tbe i
ter has been sdjosted in s sstisfaetpry
beerv>f tbe Sullivan cnnnty
cnnntT imnuniaius .
way—Portland Review.
fflish. Spaa Ub and Dutch, ooverinr where a savii.R
foel w<mM
wonli natnrally i
.< be -.4
> , »\
>ur centuries.
ot etreptinnsble di I'lrabllity
Harry Rowe, Company D, Thlrty- four
Mere Alexrfbder died in St Louis brook which flows tbrimsh tbe property i '
fonrlb Mlcbican, paaeed- thronrb the
Santiaro eampal^ unharmed. He last w'edoesday at the remarkable afe :the headwater* of ebe Dels-1 f
; ware river. It bar a fall of 70 feel
went to work'lbreedsysa^asa brake- of 113 yean.
e«aie. bat it is at I'eet an exceed
on the Duluth. South Shore A
At a reH*ioos meetins In IKsasas josl.v email rtfAiin in order to net tbe
Atlantic railroad and was run over aod City. Mrs. Jennie Welker expressed a ' wnti-r Moram it was iinviffaTV to bnild
dence to die and bad hardly finished ; a dam 950 ffci aertnw and Vu’toec biftb. 1
• 7hi* made s liarin of utwriv a mile In
- Near Jackson. Ed Crlppen of the when she sank to the floor dead
»™hlpot»prt«Arl,„.. h„.ur„d: J.p„ . „p.„.d p, p„k,w,
s skunk farm and already baa 35 of tbe „d ...» bp.Upp Mo.p .U »..l ....
little anirasls He expecU to contrib
on tbe Kite The raiim>nam coniiKti of ; \
ute lar^ly to tbe supply of "Ala»ka
Tbe outbreak of yellow fever in da-' ■>* lerif.' frame bnildinKa built on va- [ J
aable" next season,
vans is causinc rreat anxiety at^g ri«”« bill* and indodud in a radins of «
balfamile Not only are all tbewbuild-1 i
a. B. Slurtevsnt of
I &etvera.l
» ......
i Better than Ever ?
iplete dealmcl
ling. In the complete
of what b kaowo as tbe Antlocb mill
The origin of the fire U a mystery.
The sparrow bonniy U getting to be
anehaaerious drain upon the taxpay
er* of this sUMthat the repeal of the
law U being seriously considered.
Since the fire two weeks ago our
Undertaking Rooms have been
nicely repaired, and with the nicest
stock of goods in .Northern Michi
gan. we are in better shape than
ever to do everything required of
up-to-date Funeral Directors.
respectively, traveled on fool all , bonr long Imroiug erm. and tbe tourim f
the way from Whitehall,Ureeneeoenty.: eoming suddenly cn tbie distant moon- | A
teipi n-iok
n.wilr oonlii
mnl.4 imagine himself
h«in>t.lf in
In a
s II f
lll.,loCb;llieothe, O.
i taw
---------- IP Ep™.. Pp. cppKd . ppprp ,p, ,p„. p, ppj ,„pp
advance in prices in ]
lu Ull j otbm reqoiriDR light and power to in-1'
the markeu of tbe world.
Testigate any water power—no
power—no matter f
Joaepb Pennell, a Berrloa county
The tleamer Arnold recenUy airlved i •>ow ndpnuentirm.-in
fanner living near btmreMvine,
St^ensvllle, —
Such an tuitailatinn ..
as that □
brought filly-two aaeks of, c__un..—
trying to fix a bar* dWT *»«« wdo* | o.U, which had been mccnmulating at
T for tiR lf in t^ saving of
which had come o« the rollera. when a
juehaei-, Alaska for a year
Epppys,...,, ^
ei<-e<rle Cabbeav Caller*.
While a great nomber of
of kentacky, ia passing away peaceJopGrlm^., . 500-po.pJ -P~'»>pp Ri„,
y.. „„p,p
,p. 4,,. ,pj ,p. queut CXI
< have been made In
wPoPpp rellyl Iptp Adnpp. dp« pp.
„ e.p,e,„|., sp, ...ippipp ,p|.p plant growing under tbe mflotaiM of
electrical nys. there it no doobt that
Correspond with the TrsTerse City Lumber Coupeny.
pose na a deuctive. bat still be bst> noin America. Fraoce and Rossia a good
earthed a robbery pnxr.le that has been
We hflve for sale Uooa
deal of iDvcsugatioD baa been made of
vexing the Adrian police for some
Montreal is in s nice quandary', owing tbe effects of electricity oo plant onltime. He eat down on a radiator in a
to the refnsal of the sanitary inspector tore, vrbicb bar maimallyeurirbed tbe
hotel and it prompDy caved in. A
to remove tbe city’s garbage. Hun general knowledge of tbe subjeoL Oth
plumber bad to be called to repair the
dreds of barrels of refnse are sunding er ronntries are nowFiskiDg op tbit
damage, and be found a pocketbook
in the streeU and lanes poisoning the •tody, which now bid* fan to be placed
ooBiaining tlOO that bad been stolen
oo a tburonsbJy scientific as well as
D. B. McIntyre is parchaaiac Isr^e and accreted during the Maccabee ec air.
piaHical bsKia Frofessnr Lemitrom of
A Belgian syndicate, under the presi tbe University of ilebingfors ts engaged
quantities of potatoes at Boon, Manton campmeot.
dency of King Leopold of Bsiglum. has . . . attempt to deirrmina tbe influ
and Summit City. In speakintr of the
Detroit merchants cannot induce
price for winter be ststee tbst condi conthem Michigan trader* to come to cSered to lease the FhUipplnes, under ence of atmospheric electricity on plant
r.ArTDB B-OH SAT.-B1bpanish sovereignty, paying'Bpain a llfo. Frofeeeor Hailey of Cuiuell nnitions render it rery nnceruin. Last
them. BO they are going to the traders.
venity is adriring with Profeesor Lemlarge rent.
pear CallforaU furnished Texa^ and
On Nov. 28 a special train load of mer•trom in tbii investigation, which is
all descriptions, ioclodiog Two Enginfl*
Oelorado potatoes were anid in
chanu will travel throub tbe couth- ' Under a pouring rain, the Thirty- imdentood to have
Boston market Idaho. Wyominf Md em part of the state, vuiling tbe small fifth Michigan left Camp Meade Thurs tbeobrervatioo that to nonbern regions
Ret Works, Carriages and SawA A complete Saw Mill Plant
Colorado bate of late largely .ini
for aale.
towns and bo iming DetrolL Proapect- day morning for Augusta. Ha. The vegetaiion it very rapid, and this rapid
ity may be detemnnud by atmospberio
their yearly output which le very «f.
ive enstomer* will be given the glad striking of camp aider the disagree eleenririty. to which it Is contended tbs
feetive on prices farther east. With
band and other refreshments, and a able circumstances was trying to the anrora borealis is doe. In England, too.
all these existing conditinns the dealEverybody got chilled and
good Urns right st their homes. It b ntmosL
Dr. E M. Cook cf the Clift.m labora
e» are uaablk to foretell what will be
tbougbt that the trip will beat a carni wet to the bones.but nobody grumbled, tory bat offered to give bis services m
the condilionrlaf the markelslxty days
and the regiment bad tbe sstlsfsctlen 'making a number of oheervaiions from
val all hollow.
hence.—Cadillac Clobe.
ip grounds cleaned a bigb tower near Hririul Tbe land
- E. r.
n™.o. .t I
‘f' ^
around, consisting of 9o acres, is unAt Houghton. Mich.,
I "P
-PPPPcnltivaied and is well ritoatud for tbe
early Thursday morning in the aeveptb of kwifoUore. fn comp»nr with two i AErienltothl ...oru .... mneb
..... de.. ,
. .inorithint. Tbe oropotilevel. C shaft of Alantic mine.
Fortu- Of hiamenhewaabeidingiheeplnone lighted over the remarkable
„„,,,sphpric electricity
nately all mlnsrs were waraed in
“• ^’«'“*“y !andl.psssitiuiocertaiBtrialMrdens,
of Uie fields.
He wss heaid to utter a
eon and escaped safely, averting anott- ’
pUnts shall be grown. For
i-ry and Been to throw op his bands Theimporuol this dlstlaciive Ameri-1 jn
er such holocaust as ooei 30 lives in the
of fitting the
and fall to the ground.
He never
Oscoloa mine three years ago. AH spoke aftefward. Singularly, be died j for H«*7,wer* »61.sir. tons, an Increase 1 lightning rod of ibelowerwith a single
ahafts have been held as nearly air aTdid bis three brothers, from heart of 50 per cent, over tbe orevious year, poinu H
be shod with a crown of
tight as possible and the fire will be
.r, ; PjlP«
* ,h.. 1.4IC.U.. th.l th.
smothered if possible. Tbe Sumpmlll
has elgaed down fiom lack of rock and
tor bun... (~to.
iT w™
SOU men are idle nntiJ the fire is«xOn. plots of gnmnd. w here Uiry will end tn
winter will be greatly curtailed un ac
Bleelrle <las l.lchler.
Mrs'. STid fM-rtl, Evin.
; earth plates
count of the demand fur labor and tbe
tIto.lN. tosrb. !«r: l*rth.. oDf. «'ar.*I.S:brnk<. OT
A novelty lu ;:aK tigimug isanelro;
In an arUcle concerning his exm|riI
price that It commands. Wages in
trie rod. which Nerves as a licbier. obTlckvt. pood rvlorolr^Ciniiig h*l*UPTol»vs-1 Jfl
eace as Commimtoaer of Heosiooh woods are soaring skvward and
per ! viating all dutigi-r of tin- luc-ldrol to tbe i
«e«»*ns ■ !• V«s4e de S'renr*.
which recently appeared in ^e <5i
„™,k i. lb. ..to, .rito, ud to»
to.toi.to .tol u.|,r. Ib. llBbtor ' E«w"- tb. "rmr ,. lb. prto. ol lb.
Rapids Frees, H. Clay Evans gives the
following p-R:uliar incident: -We C«» I!u,,.o..bto.dwto.b...tod.tod
north and
,b...|. b.bdi, ..d
i tbe top
aome strange reqoreUaDdeoiuesuange
j ^,',;j,"(;;^"i,Vwv.wbT<ihT»‘'i^iiri to
letters, but tbe strangest 1 ever bad first calenlation. one half on this
count, and small jobbers will in many j ^
hei„’n. ,t „eeds to be reBecause forp-rr is a pmpf of patriotDR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
called to niy aUenllon was from a mao
instance* be unable to "make both i
t„,„.ries c*n ta obunied ism. ami ibi-riutcr of civiliutiou mnst
at Cadillac. He was 72 year* old and
ends meet” next spring for the same) whan nn-ded. aud it is only iieceemry not be disiuriHd.
was a little childish.
He bad been
to drop tbe old one imt and slip a new I BOcause be is there, and those who
c to tbe national
drawing a peni^n for a long time for
A/Bo lu The premnireof
if a dug on .-.
g ***
eevere woon^ and it was a very deontRide of the bandls complete* the cit- , PWamme. ev. t remain,
ouil and caniR-s L-nrrrut to pass through
I«rdonable for jnsllce
nerving c*tdr But be managed to ac------------J
niistskes are not
enmnlate a little mA>ney and be tent
nierriy ovf-noghl».
a draft for fil,000 to me Mying that Pup'U cf Misa Josephine Vader’a Kn i tbe lighter, besting if to s ebervy red.
* which iDsUuily Ignites gas from tbe I
lb«e can he ™>e cry which
he wanted to return his pensioo and
c OJaae Oave Fleasant Program.
mnstorerwhi'lm all other sbonU. “Lung
I wdiiiai7 or VVelsliscb bnruer
be GBtoff the peoNioB list. I wrote to
live Fiance!”
Last eveaing tbe pupils of ' Miss
■*l nsaetlr reetals.
the probate jodge of 4hat county say
fnt tbe sake of the natinnal
e lor oliOelEir po^
Joaepbine Vsder's music class, and
down,- mid defetiis-. black nmy be jes
iCBily aeanmed
ing that tbe man ought to be looked .losepnine v aoer s music ci^. auu
tbeir pareoU. enjoyed a^l^lfol remaosger. *'pUy tbenatioual to be white and while If<g tbe mme
ciul at the home of Robert Caldwell.
; caose.black.
! caose.
At Etcanaba, ss Andrew Beck, an Tbe rooms mere prettily trimmed with j .-All rigbdt." replied tbe men who i Beranse ail colors and all reawfes are
employe oo the C .t N. W ore doct*. flowers sad tbefnliowiag program wo* j was nc-iiiig 'as Ireder of the orcbocin tbe saute wben ihi- truvilur is uitforled
was picking ore from s pocket door be very charmingly given:
i for the evening.
and lb.- Iniuinou* city {• flooded with
veas strucai by a tump aod knocked In
mvtttTt ^OT
to the chute, tbeo.-e conveyed into the
hntchway ot ibe boat that was being
....................................bind the en-iifs of au BKiiated and per i
loaded and buried with tbe ore.
Luiia Hale.
| spiring musiciau who asked him in
nurvived only a few minutes after
Fairy Dance.................................. C. Bobm'
being vesened. He was a reaident Of
Lon McManqa
Walu.............................. Oaa Ds lAasaide
Tom Peloskey. the only Indian in
the regiment, grandson ot tbe ooce fa V.,«, ..Atoto^ ‘ '‘“sito. Ctoto.. I
mous chief Petoekey. is a soldier in
. Jennie lAondon.
Captain McCabe's oompany.
Butterflies HfiU.................................. Coote
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood
Cheap Rates
to Chicago
Sirs. Petosket and Charlenii. x
Round Trip $3. |
aortln ■Idiiiu'TiuiiaulIn C.
, rcr'”'"'
S . ”
I KlocVta
£ KlvUaus.
Wlien non bate
others' prices on
Furiure J.W.MilIikeD|
Beverai Ridgevrey farmers have lost
cows during the last few days with
milch fever. There was one case of
Thomas J. Kremer of Coloma. v^
shot in the eye by a small boy armed
with a toy gun. ^naing a painful
Fiore Clemont.
Oanzonelta.......... ................... Hollaender
Song. "Sleep Little Baby of Mine”
;HicIiigaD Accident Association.
lAonise Galkina
(a) Serenade A flat Msj................ Pierce
Wm 0- the Wisp...Jongmann
, Hattie Bready.
Mra U. A. Russell of Lansiag.
Akagonalse "Ballet Old” .... . Massenet
threatened to commit suicide, left
Manraret London.
home and has not been eeen since.
Album Leaf -OweetTbuiighta.” Oeibel
F.ore Caldwell.
mber 40.000 in tht
d witbit
as Aoclc
ily expense of adding furoi^e^is hardly anything,
A. B.
M. |i. rrui- f, F- w. Anxnv,
M. D.. Ri'<ldi nl l*byAKiin. vilh ncsiallisR ph)"
Alrlmtii And »ure-T««. ABd ptotAMioool eonro.
Tbvl«pNrt Satiiunaro in tlx- »oHd: o i-l** l»
IbA |•«>rsDd mlddlArlAAL Arvyou aM* aoddls*
oouiAA-vd> Uri.-tivoM aMS's u^mtalfSa by
mslt brod lor quFHloa li>t, prien osO Jowils
and I can afford to. and do
prliK-lplNa. Sw<M)* s Isrvr a>ml»-r«hlp is
tbl-.'liT «' btoTNiitovrbtoSTkl*. la^.UtrK'f ob
U M. Mats*.
rrroMrDI VI
g( .Oavtus.
V. T. Basksu
Bnoklan^a Am ton Halve.
a pfaysicis t are ahowing tbedr
Th* Bn»t 8A1.V* in the world for
patriotism by treating sick soldiers Cute. Brniaea, Sorea, Uleere, Salt
free of charge.
Rbenm. Fever Soree, Tetter, Chapped
Banda. Chilblains. Corns, and aU Skin
Wheal around Ridgeway is begio____ poaitlvely cares Pllsa,'
Biag to show tbe effect of tbe depreda- orno parrequJ
r required. It is guaranteed!
* - satisfaction or money!
to give perfect
/ tionsoftbe Hessiaa fly.
Andrew Kudd, who reaidm oa the
Peck place, along tbe river road. U al
most a man wlUonl a ebaniiT. Tbe
Mr. Gatirntn—Do yon enjoy a mil.
town line passe* through his bmi«e and Tbe Pfinttnr* Soetsr.
Miss l^keddaf .
U M. C. Barnes, comer of Union and' MisaLakeside-Ton bet 1 da Petber
be eaU ia one township and sleepa in
|a an a«oUm)pei.>-PriDoet« Ttgcc.
• anothet. Sometimes be varies Uw pro- Slate atrect.
don’t fail to get miae
before you buy.
I still continue to keep the
>t Xatlansl Bank.
f asriagoJUak.
A. M. drvABX.
Msrcir ot Kol.
AutarW. asm
BawMat oM><*d»Ksisaa*noCs
Mas vbizu-aB.
Tailor Ofxl Oral's rumMilBg.
sell cheap
largest stock of undertaking
goods in Kortbem Michigan.
384 South Union SL
Oysters! Oysters!
Oysters. Buodarfls or Selects, go to
-W. SN30BC*S,
Uw« Ac«nts Wanied in TTboeo«vii*d Territory.
fiB dm OwU SBC Bow n« givu away
Thte evening from 8 m B:M wv
will give* breoUfot *5c bow tl*
witb ovprv $1.00 pnreh**e er enr.
S. BmdsAOo.. »• Front street.
/ at OardMihiimwM tto
««pot is aU ttot fair Amaamt.
r atck and lattioe and trellia tba
T headed blocm* rioted in a betrUMUit <jt pink and «'hite, mmm and
■M. fnmiiBg a plnriaw eanopir above
i aerereljr tiinmied rawbaxhea that
d Qke fiigatniv Ix^qaew on elUter
Me of tbe windiustlethi
Bat Enid Fiif W «
8be fteok her blood bead. "I dgn'l
qniteksow. I mon think."
Dirk lasdear fixed hia dark <7*0 IneeoUr on her for a monent, m be
thonsht be erdnld read bee my eonl
‘‘Deamtt, is there aaf coe “‘wt
aboot JOB
yi ;
wto w tmatinirth.T—who wUl give yoo
a letter If I write r,utS
•fltunn Kamsdale, my maid, in bcoIona me. Seaid tomolhnn^
YraearaeOt^ Market.
slow U a lilt of tbe buying wad eeUprieea of yeetarday for grooerlea,
provUmMd farmprodtMte in Trav^
arae City:
Oysters! Oysters!
Raowation ii
dear Pork per bbi. sew............
•11 I
„ore a ne<*aaUy ae the world adranim dear Pork per Q>........................
11 00
We live faater. we do more I0 a aborter Short Out Pork............................
,p,oe of time than oor foH-fathen ever Short Cot Pork per M................
did. and in ao lirinft anddoin* we wear Plonr, U L. ACo. beat.......... .
Rye Floor. H. L. A Oo, Bdet...
biavily ou oer nx-utal aud pbyiiiaal aye- Meal. B.L. A Co. Beau............
A moment Uter Enid’e white gown ,en,a. Tbi. ermrtant weer and ttar de- Feed. H. L. AOo. Beau............
All Slack recclvea bf eicprs** direct tcoa
a flatterinK
the Uwneand
inda time* nf rtmtingfarn
ra«w homeward.
God realised that man woald tH«d Text I CodfisI .■er ft............
xpeodt. Bor thi- cltpr aanimer sky above J Min Pit*
l-'itx K»iy's
U<iy majority waa being amid theJelxTioo* dotiee (f'life. He Lard per lb..................
f.r good, enrt cloa* orswro.
aU. Tall and sleudor, she atnod like a »lelntul in a iroly wimii-arial fashnigbt in which the mind and Butter per lb Daira..
■tmne among tbe zeaea, with tiie folds Itm. k^om early snvniDg tbe abuw* and
Creamery Bulter.fc..
Cbeeee per lb ............
nrhernioslin fra k falling straightly . cntertaiiiiiK-nta in tlte park had been pat-.
Oataperbn (old)....'.
«b(M bra. and
fair fm-e amnbw wd ' ronia-d I7 crowds <rf frirada and ten- ^
l„r , day of w .wshtp.
Woehlodbeae^h Os-wide brun of 1^ . anta Tbe nuddny .linner. arcompamid o,.-*-dar* it le Is-ing alm-vtuniversal- Com per bn., old.......
«a^ih^. Sbe wasavray ti'-ttygtrl by *p,^vh.* and iwi-araifationa. was a w oMi.-.do.Uh..t more lime even than' Salt per bbl...
—d whonM have Uyi a very happy one. hogi- encowL In the af«»noQn the ira- r tti« et.nl-i
Bran per 100...
b^^iiiHWs oughr to be tbe natural ■ raixw aboat tbe------- ------------------- ---•■tion.
^,pp Miolidays and half holidsy* are Buckwheat..
aeon of beamy Mid wealtli.
I paitrare with the light frocka of the , ^ A, Ihii purpose, and wh.-revor aUTUIO BATM or TItATKBBK CtTT OEAl/I pairing and enameling
n«e oval of her faiv. that abottld have ••county." who came to witoera a hi-|
,ni«-iul Boasatisof the vear are
and do give you the bi
Wheal, old. per ha......................
«0 one in the city for'ihi
Tl« mdl. nu-rf
— mmuou Iwl bno a.«AA.d by lio bor- i
-----------new, per bn....................
« be deceived by what others tell yon V
- 1. per bn. (new)
tt«.th.T mub
to .uinwM. rom.'of tb. d*y.
th. .ni.u t.ri.y i. mbjTOt.A i. 0.*“, No.
tbe eontmry, bat come and see fo.
mdln.1. U» pri».
It ».k.. lb,-b.Dfl. ».»k! =""■■
hiddrai by tbe white, lowtgyd lide charming, and all the enupaur were bitb«-T ue«l to bj «ix-UBibeu*l • it' “y*-“"k;----I guarantee all my work to be right
. IB to 17'
•aeithra sorrow ra iiidiflrrwice. vrhile cjrlo mad. whi-nammor ran rotmd llmi makwthekmxw frahle and tboj m-odi
and if it does DoVpfove ao I make i'
ttc fall throaicd Inrd* aang on and the a papra cba». with the beam ifnl Mim to bo «mllnmd. One of the bjfwav.;
. Stop in till k o'clock every evening
By roans gwiuig like pcrfnmed oenien , Fit* Kby as bare, would wind up the
axoept Sunday, in the Oaldwell A Lou
| afternoon's proceedingit . Tbe idea wag cbriidiiui most n»ii»o Uiuandactaodon building, at north end of Uniw
BemarkabU Baacae.
Bow ennid-she beed or care for
■ ■birds
■ ll tooeived with delighUrCid Enid miglit cordingly.
Ar fiowrae. when bra whole heart ww have had 500 boumls ...
* ...of. 50 to (. The nwolt of this rest and recreation
Mrs. Hiebaer^urUio. Plainfield. HI.,
•w^ IB tbe dim lihniTTiif theold man- ebaa'I
kt had die so willed; ttHh
With pret- vein iv-ujcreased ability to labor. Tboi makwlbe sutemeni that she caught
* lKThadd.osowillnii:
olsitinacy. she pewisiod
pcnusiul hratolf
bcnelf in • wr*hair»^ra*
_ B'hehind bra. when'her brain aohed ty oUtinacy.
which settled on her lungs; she
fin the effrat to gnewi at tbe words and ebcKwiitg the park, and with infinite
^f tbe blind, to nustrni i was tresled for a month by her family
gr«o>i-e* that were pasKitig there among laste shared the bonra* among her. ,i,„
,i,„ ricaf. to make the lame
the c
t,. t^.wmng family pratraiis and the (n.-nds ami teminla alike. Bntntthe n,„ti leap a* tlie hart and the tongm-of ^
»“» •‘opelcas victim of » —a'.aii 1»wkrawi*.fraat Hial moment last niupirait she-X'-niind her sex's pre- t(.„ dniub |« sing •••-'-■
.........— sonlpUonand that
3)-*k Und^rv was telling his lovra and rotWive and cni. naimd a oiprice. hhe
provide, oo place fra nrai-anon. . King
s New
New IUiacovery forOoi
Waribora Hloet.
Traverse CItr. MU>
5,-p.- to LrdHmi.v.«. f!,.
would have . <x.mi.;An...n hare, a mam Allwrakaml no plev n..t niily make, rh,looVhla
g.v. u her fur mi uuele
and ijwt h.r.hn.e. imsht not be invi..i- j„rk a doll U.v, but wcaken-and sb.irt- found bers.ltbvocflied from the
•Bd a gnardiaiL bnid s f.md heart mid.<is she w.oild .Imw tin- name of the',ho life vvork of many a man and d>»e .sheoomlnued its use and after
Mra w liat h' T loTraw-.inlU say. bow haul |,uiv that was to U- from among tbe vr,„„„a
. taking sis bottles, found herself sound
fce»oafdpl.ad.bowhaji.I«n.iehewould h'.und. that wore.
and juipra
In Clirisfiuii r.«ivati-ia’’thrac rfnrald •"«* "' I- "O"
Ever Burned Out
loot. l>ui—bra nneV:-' V(ould lie relax,
and a hat w.w iinCBiiily in d.-niand-he oothiiiu uu.i'hriMian
IZeraeati.m AB®’’’'**!' ever was.
msmhi he pniuit Inmwlf to l« mtw«l.
•‘What fr.-:.k. Ilmd Ua^ to !.■ sure!" times an-timed leiiiWation Reliraed
^WlB^Nas.«.r Awih.theeffnnto «iU Lady
to hra bed
fr,.m active work, we n.av feel so..... mMra..ai*e the farog Bcfto- i-mJ gr>w l.,v. and p-ntiemen aht. dn.p,j^ the
^ i.ra.xi of m.uwl nbligation
buiiU _
|-r and twmWcd Lkeawuui ttosed told.xlpa|>.r.inthel«irjp.lh.ld.
riaii.lv not the ca>e
"ItwilJ 1.. Errmst.c's huyinrasto should neverd-'at a time of nra.-atipn .“TT ~
O. P. CARVER. Agencm-'rtg llic I
HrarlM for^Nie>- ek .ne,,,." proui-d 1... l-.rd-hip. ,rh„,
could not do in tin. mnui.-uls'
Woti.x.i b*T Iri'in r
c.: ht-:. siijfi, .•■Wl,i. ; .d tbela.b ix Uu,t;-"h.-weut rf the most lab.riom Boric fra Chnst, ' fc-Terybody who takes Tiie Moumvo
•. »hes..w Ln lov.-r sjK.i.ing
.N« BNih.ud..l y.A.1 ^,.wh.■.i iwsl aKor
../. ...-.u,
►iK.qid brp.wtut,m.^ to d-t good he
A. I'!.
^;uid^u«heilm..^rtj;.t.•^vuk.- of the
(Wi. ....
additional four cents per wo. k. mak
:her,;i.d in welcome, ran- £c«ua-.A and
• Inc «m the w.dl-nrh it.Samana. did n.rt
ing only 14 cehti, per week for the j
of W il-.u mlw iiul.<l», prTbapa.
„pp^„oi,v, sinful
beet paper in aortbem Michigan and
t- ; ,yt.n« smiles. Th-jja AitiW n« a»tl h.'had sevvniL I) or me. how woman aU.iit the wai.w of wcnml HR
the best metropolitan paper in tbe
a .. rAcstpnd hra. and shrvgn-w while Eiud dt.w enrdo rUiagx. m. Ut stunt
state. Teleeboup H3.
•»i»T go»ttf<» ime ghuKx.at Dick s-l.-'x as white as a glawL Shu U look a (.ppirinniti.wtn rpaka word Inr Chriet
-........... — ---------IgndaJT-8 .W.W told bra be-had failed.
fright wsii;:ht. *
* ^
' Lvt a* do it a* Hedid iL
i Set th# Fumitfitt Bcctor.
' Darlittg. at CnA 1 liop.;\^ for •«».
And. ind.-d. asMissFitxRoyplnngrd
labh-ltoadiug*.—E*. **xi. i;;*»riii.! „ ^ Bsrnes. i^cp.-r* and doe* uoW*h
iBo; s
____said Di'-k whrm Enid had regain- her hand into tlw hat and drew
1! ymu. xvl. ll-H; Pa Iv.
stering at reduced priaes. Cor. I'nloD
•d wnoe digi-K' of wlf comtvl and the WT-p of papT she tunnxl d-alhlr pale.
110: Iw. xh »«-Sl
•3; and State street*.4T4lf
lorrax had v.-,j«i.rp«l from among the ISanvly glunring at ii. ube said in a ja'. vi id. Job si. IS. l«: .M;ith
Jamng flare qf the LriUiam flnw. r gar"haar Clay.”
to. 2k; John iv l-KH II Tim. t, 16-tA
••Lxuw riayl WIki IX h‘? mod evetr
- -_ . ,
a tlwfri»\l!v*luidc!Wiicd ihewood.
6$ d« Genu 25c Bnr Tits Gives away
**y<»r tuicle hTaiti me without uit*-r- one. And then a inighiy laugh n»s?
Thl* evening fr.,tn * to Si;3U
vnpti'in and even smih'd omy <* twice, fnmi lliv merry crowtL and lieu Ijikl's ,
will gives baaotiful »c bow lie
Itold him of• my prrsippct*,
propects, how the white lip* smili-il B*theawkward ligurt;,
wit h ev -ry 51 iMl purchase or over
OsckMi* Jet...
11'arty juiid off ll
S Bends .1: Co . lit Front Mrt-el. iCMrfLske. ...
BearCreek..- .
«ad )>iTw 1 should be iilil" to livi'thiTS tolhefnmt.
eoven-d Iht iK.alth.
» It 4 K
toawiilira.v. ar. 1 n-fi md him to Tape"What n hand lie wnn’i gr* to lodge
gR Arthur Sn’hvan i* said to be Ihs
n niriJr-nkins that he might txrify gutex." lauglaxl t v«.ry toi' as the lag .;f'Roewan
■7 Aiigement a* to. It'iw well iliefuniis loni )ia|iur was alung arao** ttao iau «
Row Ttiat Electiol Is Gver
Famous Baltimore Coiiots,
Selects anil Stanilarils.
Fntcho’c ColimUu Bstunit.
Bicycle Riders.
John R. Santo,
General Insurance.
"And be aaid”__ mnrmntvd Enid; :
Bfling hra f-. r wusiasl WV.W to Dir k's
fcandwjme Iws'.
"He said—ignhiirg. That w-.t* tbs
WrawiBriof it. Knid. If be Iiail only
Mvaievsl axgament*. I miglii hutv d<-.
t, if be hod given all rqiiiiion
might harechaJiarji'rJ II. Bat )>e gave
ne UP loophole f<7iq*sx li. Hennloc^rri
1 amai) .irawra in hi* bnrean—you
lethat has rarvcsl gublin*'
Is all over it—aud polled out from
a sliesf trf
round tiu-angle of tb'-iname. with her
<niuj»Bnion hMs-'wobl.iitig affra lira.
Reginald deKoven'anewopera, "The
And in that time imnr-.l* were after Thr-e DragiHuir," will bs produced in
bra. Buid the cheras r«f tl.e «-rvm-d and New Yrak in .laiiuAry.
i-uudry minor mishiiiw. At the Wgs
"Two Kind* of "’omeu” is the tit!©
g-ate* Uivw-l Errington. in spite of tlio'of Mr Bsrri.r* new play, which was
white pa{*'r going both ways, tnnusl written, by the way. before ‘‘Tbe Littoiheh-ft.
sharp t<>
the h-ft.
tie Minister,
"Mi* Kit* Roy won't try Blnibell. jjf. TV. M. Wilkincon will
hill, i kz»w." h<-raih-d to tbow-behind
farrical eoror
him. wbo wrae all gwu>f.ira*pio along gtrungerlna SirsDge Flaee." by Wil
tlw flat Clewly mad. For some five mgr and Vinceat.
mile* tbe p*pra trark v I clear, then
Jacob Liu will produt
Jirhcom.siy«faortl.v called‘'The Clnb^i
Cs n BKown
ewlAl stwmioo u.
O. b»w np4i
'sn.ieoinrast.ciiiB*. snrroDtAt
4 oatw.ai
prsrtlee. Boooxei
PIler'A Bwliei .
SberasB'B HUl.
tw»c Abb............
OeSsrRBB ........
Bsleb * CrOBslBg..
. ,niv * wilhelm tni
Jj ;,<u, T.raueCiilveraUr i- M. wiihr
i M. D. Cm.* -Hr ~
— -'
10 i» sa
10 SI e 1*
>0 rh s I*
•ic»| •***
•10 44 •4 V
10 W{ SM
ooiMO aom.
] 'PUitMB loa. iM.
I. L»._..
... k„. i.»rer,; G-';;,,'; ;™r»
Grud Ripids i ladiiu R. R
torptiug my inv-s.'oo-ai your birthday * w*-n-fnond «hu( niglit. and the oecind bis wife is on cliorch affair* ontil sbi ' F”” •\^,i,;.k1Tiie*'“-n
tmll mat week, dnriiv which Tic inn-nda |iai* r irai k pr**vid far riiunor than tlie juu-rtains her mimsiti at supper.
i s'—t si * r*-a-ooB».>
le^ uuiwine.
n^wmnra ywtrcngagum.ail to young firsl
Ar-wiru* mom
A woman likes a man to reniemher ;
A CTIVK wiLirn
AWRKKEf.er -vt
Pr Ma*st HsW^
ss iHBrlal UiAtorlsn lo ibv v
nr iiauk ssie wrUteti iB .
Mf-w benolf fnan Dick's wwircling; a chair lay a orantryman'* mmick and a
-uj. a . .
■wiuiMMfacodhiui in tbenarrowpath- carroty wig TBcold lady was wiping
A* people gtowolrter they begin to
Ihracyw .She had langh.'dtumiahe had throw all tbe cinibe* they lake ofl at
"Dirit Ltodsar. whs*. «5x monthsago. | cri«L FwwanUy she left the two yoong ^ night acroas their beds to keep their feet : iB Bon • Bob*. 1b Ihr AaertcsB
ppyrm my bi-art and my love, I gave, people alone.
lib* bail
‘HowwfH you mamgWr’aaidthe! Wben aome peoplegossip. Ibeyregard
a fra- all
time, and wrt to take them | ••”
■Is Brlmlul of oil'
1, smorkbingibe ru^ bair of her tbrir indignaiitm at the wickedness gompaniim
I lag cm in tbe world ai a sort of reform
wrhtmi i m-vra knew, who-was dead be-------A-------tote 1 lived. Ou my birthday I wiU. il^ "And *-------‘—~
how brave yna have been, •’••■dar-,•
AddtT*^>. T Bsrber.Bee-r.tHDesrtar^,
be. h»Tc thinJenbumt and go out - Jing! Bat was it not Incky 1 tbooght of | Ton can pick np a boy's i
into ihe wrald to cani mv liw-libood , pat*v^»i«
Clevely road while evray and find InetaDtiy wl* rv b« is stndytDg.
cH-of my firpbation is past. 1 nue wa* bn«y ui the park?"
•Every pagv be haspasred over is fall to
>w, (as I have aaid bHorv, 1 ; £nid bloKhi-d.
1 say now,
And wasn't it wicked of me not to marks and diri.^Acobiaoa Uluto
u but vou—if you will
wrill man-v
hnve n-adont the real namooo the papt-r
M*ve UH5 Dick.
Her voice, which bad mug ant m IdrewF' She gave Dick the cmmpled
A Bare B'gn of Oroap^
toawdy, qtiiverrd and ionke. and obe sli^
I Bow that would
pni oat two trembling hands i« hra levBnarsenma la a child that Is subject tpOR aAIeB-BsaMSBd lolcniae
croup Is a
anre Indleayo^a of^tliea^
to Vkd czT)it to bis heart like a tired, have npori «
the disease,
d his name is
A. ______ ___ __________________him
as she ha
tbe distant icnr to
ren after I
g tiinliedthtonghlh<-qui.«wooda'l«i th.-Apecianic.nac —Exchange.
I. it will p
“‘Imust go." siglKsl thi'girl "One!
------------ -ark. Man? i
MIR W*k tif this HI.', ami Ihcn-lhen ;
Telst-r. FslU.r.1 F-ltowe,.
children alwi
1 toallJv-fret-T Ah. don't 1««A at that, | Priuiv Dimitri Klulkoy. a RbmUd
1 «~»n what 1 say- 1 sluU ha nolikman. ha* followed the advice of .l^ra much trouble and worry. It can ^^APU^WOtm Isr u
I Count TolitofaDd divided fai* esUlef always be drpeaded upon
Btody to leave this plaoe
iib.iA Biy
wlK-re will jm ' anioug the peaasiil*. reserving bat eevM pleasant to take
TraTcrsr Clt»L*i
Wait, Droggiat.
■ fra his own cnliivatihn.
•to WhntwtU
employ the -
*£RSP. SSr=£Rias SS
s ssaaswaa
, JW. iirM is-. 0.r
-j know__1 know: the ropy of mysrho wa* too warm aud vra* getting
■ fartIhton.”
*Vl»»'awUL" rated EuhI, "made be-; cm**. ''Slir 'ilsTari it agumfarflH'
w.,- nnowol-i Jarre Hading has left Part* fra a long !pH*8
tore 1 w«iInm."
But "fartbernn" the:« ».•luue* from Hwr «f Belginui. Holland. aN.ww..v. U uu-. a MllU.w. WqbA lrnvw>( itr^ 5l2,JfSi5^
r MorFSTT. tt-trset* '^B^V
of_.Titi«._ Ejai
■e^ih’II^-l^toC.'nmrES^ith W brJ^^'had^
Uw.d.m, ^nmark. tiranumy Rn^ i
lulj and
...a Torkey
T.rk..j |
m«ilden..!ie,»XAageI*b.*.ldmMi" baffled.
An«r... Bonm.n.s. Italy
«v*,«d«. I'™
E—7. M
"Oh. drm'i riTxat ii; dm'i wivit!"' “If
"If Enid tried tbe hill at all. it most
Loriuwr Buddard is rewriting tbe ;
n^np^^HD ofHeelB Buniho
version of "Be«i<lr the Bonuie ;x- A MiMikwi Rh-k. Roar*. I to U a m.. l
^miW the girl jMiiting bit Juuidetnrer have Ie>-u
Ic-n to shake off that lout." aaid tramalic
-olkilv. tnniiuiflmck
Brier Bosh."
bsr<-un. a* Ih'iugh In ehnl ODi hated Li< ii'-1-olkilv,
intniug liack
nnsb." aud it will Iw
lie taken
iaken on j «.»---------------------------gfllfiX-MtiiB X
Bnleomh. • ,__________
-------_Kl. ■•IV, ,Ik»o„A.„—U,l,Umr!
■■B.iho. dld,h, i»p.-c„m.™iU. ,b. r..rf-.„h J. H. S..Ad.„ I. •« !
^■magr wa* fii-dfrg nir-froia the be- mad.
cried Liidy May Savillc^
bile rule.
aTubv'. -m rrwBd tevsiu tor butbIb*. «i
I my father.
ptl-but Er-. Tbev are wnmcling already in Lon i*
that if his only and , riinrt.m was In too bad a Irariior to an- j„„
,.h. original of "The Tetma- i------ —^----------------------------------- "
be a daugfltee ; SW1-T l»w Trt a* be pi'dalod up lo Gar- p,nt." J-H-s Ncih.-rsole’s new play. D. |
^ sis mid. on her twenty •fln'i birthday. ^ denhyj
forc'd sonie s (J^ie claim* that it is in many re- I =—"5^
Bl Oavkaws Juartloa. isk*
m) to the only son of lim dear- . chtx-ni
. rtrht .etissirr St jBBVtIoB tsNo. I.
, .
ipects identical with "FrovencaleA" ;0*hou»e
aV frowd. Lrad l5mngtou'r Oh. it was "iiure* have w6ul
written hr imusclf.
, i.ei-bti. *ceWsAi>inrwB*u-t.
TkteOBsipserrAaBrvM tkc pHvilsgeef ehui
•ttkeUBsetstowirslBs^si Usir wlsssnr
- •
-But when- ate they*" demanded'
------------------m rau'-i- tiling
to do.
••« .'ji hr still, lilt darling, to ratlain Loni Hnnsion.
• w.OoimtOHAll.A«nC *ti>v
that if at ll»- din-nf y.jur jniipirity ; "lau't ilieyokolsmashednp’" tittravd
lAoDi'i EtTitigionwrav alive and uiiuiur- one (air dame
bM. and nia sljiiiJld nfm#- lo hisvime i
■•Wh«-i«'sLnid hiding?" cried lAdy
Mi* wib'k you xliould bedi-pririxl of yuor ; Ilniu-tou "rira bikr' .«« ua«,» ih.,*■”*1'
i S. njiuty pmple become Xlly in tiy. |
K and ifbiiald rest.'
•eJra Ove
' Ing to be fenny.
; p.riD« i..r thi* Bisire
*** '*
tomw •n»cm-«hani"fui paragraph* were 1
“Follow tbe track down Blnebell
Aftera case is lost a client does as rnoKKN-r-Sirti’men Ueu*e witb lur^
•n toj-answer, V'lOr nw h-ih-ii Uiwed bill"
»nch talking a* his utioruey.
eiEEsse ee
Me hum th.- mom, only sarvostirally ■
But nrilla-r IgHrra*. yokel nor Hcyrle*
h.iw well posted | =^-Tirr--------- , _____ * ~ •,1:*
wiK,k ™.
S Sn« £e£«
„ JBIEIgBi'EllTfilBg¥~gSS8B
.,2 ■ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaea
;j»ffBg$ssi«stsK9i;8 8S«as
|, i-g—w-n—•inaawn g-nnn
Uwal brssrb Irais arrlvca si lOkB s i
Trslb srrtv«s trow BM-bwaed. Pi. Warns.
OBtran.Orabd BsWds.rags ■.
Trsla lesTlBC ftavBrsr (Uw
slwper from ••rand Bapids isOlsnosatl.
Trslb tosrlBvTiavevsrOilJ st tS p. m. bs*
psrler ear to Oraad RsplAB.
•• ^
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