The Morning Record, June 02, 1898

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The Morning Record, June 02, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


c.. .

«m»d Tew-No SK


ovcnoxrr. ^


Commodore Schley To Demolish All Obstruc­
tions to Entrance of the Harbor
o/santlago de Cuba.


iNviDiiie (imr rudt
T~op. .t O...


We Make and Hang
3 All Widths of Curtains..,

YcsUrdkjr the eoart kooM eommltM*
of J. A.
John Polel-

B0,000 Kor. | rJ"

‘ ‘ "V

of ibe plana and apeeificaI tioM offered b; Baab. Bowotaa
I of Uraad Baplda, and after saklnr.
WMkiartoa. J
»•—iieeretar? *1-joartain reeUioea made a formal aooept-'
fCT In a letter t
onjritai. aaya that [aaoeof the plana, belnf mUaBed that
:artnc for the
lS.000arS0.000troo^»lU r> loCnbe
itf a aol of apeeileaUaai wfaieh
at o«ea an4 be (oUoired toon ai poealproaiao a beUdinf that ^>wUl
bl« b; &0.000 more.
etedit to theooant; and eonae within
the preacrlbed Afnrea.
Waahlnftoo. Jane I.—It UaMaonneed
4 notice
here tretn the moat tmatwoFth; aooree bida npoa the ooeitnieilhn of the
the inraaien of Coba will befffn ai a
buUdinr. la printed In another coincnn
aa the Ualted SUtea armj to road/ to ' •* ‘*‘* &> and eaUnaiea moat be

Kany Spaniards ^own to Have Been Killed... ........
drilled I
in the Battle, but Official Report
.p.. u,.
i McCiiilrj ao deeidaa.
Not Yet Received
This will not interfere.bowerer, with


And we cstty
the wide goods in stock so thst ;<« win aei
hsve to wait for ths gxKls to be ordered. Jbeo we hare n
of those cheap enrtaias that we are aelling at tea ceata the a
Come eariy and avoid the rush.


220 Front Street

EoUey ft

Do You Think.

u I.«. . d,*! i

Of bnyini- .

,k«l thi, ,e,r-Let oi .hov ,oo nM.

aendinff troops to Perto Riee.

marioan Oommandar’a Ptupose Is to Destroy Oerrers’s
Fleet or Force • Sorrender end a Dash May be Made
Into Santiego Bay—There ere now Thirteen Ships off <
That Fort Prepared to Bogage Spaniah Squadron—A
Battle May be Fought Any Hoar.



I • U Mom/ <
»d arenoe in ;
aboeta Uacae aad Leyden In ' Ue preeeaee of ismediate rrlati'
dalffwi in a Little Target
Died tn Pemvood.
Wm. Van Wagdner. who has lived In '
Ke* Wmi. Ju e 1.—The nnslllary :
yeara. died al bi» home in
latter replied and inmedlaiel/
arrired here Uto i Fenweo
Fenweod yesterday momlag ef heart
^target for all Ue Amerieaa abipa. | s^ning from Ue Cn hen
I Irogble, altera leag lUaew. Prrrenil
The Spaatob ahlp retired behind
°‘<>- The faneial will be
She reports that SI,M<la/ when
held tom-irrow.
hMdlaad aad was net Mea ogalh.
aboatabelfamlle wcet of Uatensas
The iowa. Mssaachoastts. Texas aad UghUonee. abe aigbtod a Spantah
■cbooi ceaebere or poplli leaTlag for
New Orleaas kept np lerriSc poondleg btoekhouae eo Ue toore. Taking np toe somsier *acatioa ahonld seenre
Marc Uaw'a toaj Bzprem for Uve
against Hem. Socapa and Puta (iorda
a poaitioB abool alx hnndred yards off transfer ef heggage. Lssve orden
forte fer two hoaia, Ue enormona pre>
3 5H-5t
ebere Ue Uncaa ftred two abeu et the City Book Store or 'pbei
toctUca doing' treaanadoo* dnningn. hooee. aad
Uieagb Ue
The Boaenr/ nt Socapa and Mem wae
bnlldiag which was wreeked.
bettered nlaoet Uto dnet. Bpeatoh erDaring toe Bring the Leyden came
Uilerym. nml infantry-mneen V-1
Ing to toe neighboring bUU. The nax.It to not known If any
lUery ertoaer which Joined 6ehley-i killed.
Beet josl before toe batOe was bit by
ebella front Ue forte aad to tboaght to

al VO T«» lloa»nre Rereuv
June 1.-4 cable dUpat4sh
\^ New York.
hwm Oape Battlen. Baiti. aa/a the
Amartoan Beet wfaieh withdrew frea
in trast ef Ue Santiaro fort* after the
bmbnrdment /enterda/. has renppanred betiwe the port and another
bomberdmanv with poaalbl/ a daah In­
to the barber b/ Sehlc/t aqaadron to
-The adrieee alete that Ue Ortotobel
•Onloa dU aol aaeUln aerioni damage
U TWterda/'a batUe. Jlaa/ SpaaUrda
wwe btUed aad wonaddd. bawevm-.
When Ue 4«erican Seat appeared
off toe harbor for the aeennd time UU
toonlac there were IS Utp* la liae. b.
Tb. Sp-lbb
-The* laeladed Ue Brpokl/n. Iowa. warahip. tred proJeeUlea o*ar Ue hills
Ti-----— Texaa. New Orleena.
toward Uc flaev bat ,Ue abeUs fell Uto
Marblehead. NaebTiUe. St. Panl. SeorThai Us nnober ef Sps^toh killed
ptoa. Waap. Bagla, aad two lorpede
aad woDBded is enomon* to andoabtod,
tor Ue abells repeatedly bit Ue batterWbU.lbr.b. j™

bb.lo.»h.ta U- bbrt-

......... „ u


farther rietoriea which Ue oonrage
Madrid. Jane l.-A apeelal qebU dU
and high marit of oor aallan gi*e
patched from Bavaea say* Ue Ameriueon to hope for."
caa aqaadroB attacked fertlfteaMeas at
The aensie Uea nnaataoasly -aotad
• eairaaee to Ue harbor of Santlaga de
wlU mtlafactton Ue brillUat rletory
Cuba. The Cristobal Colon eloeed the of toe Spaatob fleet."
mMtb of Ua port aad aapported by Ue
Are of Ue foru repolaed Ue nttnek
onnaUg damage to Ue enemy.
1 by OaptaU Signbee With
New York. Jooe 1-Tbe New York
Troops aad Osai Aboard-ftiehWorld ceblee say that while the con­
verted yacht tvsap was doUg scoot! SpKUJ wTn Moasiss RacAia..,
4nt/ ooulde of Sanilago harbor Wed-1 New.York. Jene 1—A apeelal to toe
Bseday aigbt the topmaets of tvarshlpa ; Jonmal from Eer West says Ua SpaaooaldbeseenjBatUaide Morro CaaUe I Uh troop snip Alfenao .Mil wlU trwipa
Under tuU speed the Wasp eatered ' and coal on beard, was capUred Uootbe harbor to wiUU two milso. o{ Uc ; day off Ctope Mays by Ue auxiliary
«lty wharf. It has bees proved Uat cruiser St. Paal, U command of Cbptaln
' the topmaau seen belonged to Uree Sigsbee The St. Paul fired 17 abote
Spaatoh entoera- Thewatahipedid aot belore Ue troop Uip snrrandered aad
: eeraral of Uem took affect.




* •
cortaina. dnperieB or oarpeta, to r*.
furnish the hooee. come here for them.
Prioee that will Mre yon money.


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothinft Hooee.

V- ™?v!!! Wheel Enameled For S2.50


Detreit. Jane l.-Wm. B. Bates took ' ADOlDDF
kls oaU of eflUe as Vaited States ■
shal before Judge Swan today,
was accompanied by Marshal WUaay. |
Hr. Bates at once male public his new ,
appoiotineato: Chief depoty. Oeotge , 200 pairs
Money: ofiloe depoty. Cash B. Taylor:'
eenrt balliSa Joba Mood*. Oee. AllUg.
and H. Ilarsnelakey. The entoide depntiee MarUal Baus says. wUl oot be
appointed. If stall, before Jaly ISU.
as he wishes to 'oek over the groond
firet. Meanwhile Henry Hayden of |
Jncknon. Jacob DernaU. Pert Baron!
and W. I. Abels ef Lanalng are reap-'
Worth $1.26.

B. Big Bargain.

Mpecia) Vo Tai MoavisQ Rsevan.

Cbmp Eaum. Jone'^.—Land CommUaioaer French to here, to offer to Ue
gorerecr from Preaqoo Isle end Hontmoreney copntiee a company eempeaed
of yeoag Uermans and Poles, hardy
woodsmen and farmers from Btomnrek.
Moltka. Poeea. Krakaw. and ether
townships. This regioe to sol rapreaented U any ragimenl uader Ue Sral


m Our Bemowml Sato to Bhovinjff tmt goods with a rashTs
While the mah Usta we win make a

1A •^Rnnnii Hall Tn Mnthnrs T

Ladies Tan 5

3 cbild'n suit department.


Sale price

125 pa^ ladies fine Oxfords,
point^ toee, reqtilar $2.00
Bhoee, eale price $1 25.

I Reeolar Slanehter ii Prices as h Wen.


3 Chil
$ Childs $1.00 dll
I Child* $2.00
»00 e
Clay Wenre suit, neoood cut price.............. $1.18 i
Lot of odd! and ends, will close out some for 60e OB the i
J dollar,\ and other* for lees. Cull evly.
'^-ing to leave the city. Fjxtur^ abow cases und e ' '

Friedrich Stock. *

low Price Sloe House.


and Sundries.
I have juet arrived from Chicago with a new lot of Bicycles and
New and sMond hand.
The cheapest place to get a good
Bicydee from $15.00 to $25.00.
Cpll and eee the bargains.
New Wheels and Tandems to
rent, St

118 Uiioi St, Uepair Works.

^..E. GIBBS.
' Ocd. Peterman aad bis en
Schoeaer Lady Jane Grey Tottodersd
are highly pleased that they
eff Ospe Flattery.
mere witbonlUednUy that wonUha
•tolsIvoTutooBmna Sscens.
Mooed by rearuiUBg the rwlMat. Vletorta.-Tha Sehooa^ U4f Jene
to foil war etreogU here. Tbeealwel
my fonadered M mOee west of Ospe Are mUe in Ue largest fnetory la the
world, bwatod In Oiieago, Braneh
aayn he bspas to iMTa Qanv Eatae Flattacy. Snnday. May SSad. Only H
store No tiS fVsotel..TrB*«MCtty.
K. E STBCNQ. saugcr.'


Pieces cM Orgies


Spring Jackets

Spcoisl loTSe MoT»le« RerorC

Weehlngton, Jane I.-The Pree;
todny eent Ue following mMs,
Onttgraee oontnlnlng Admiral Dewey's
reply to Ue Congressleosl imlo
ef thnaks: -I desire to express to the
i deimrtmest, nnd to reqoest that it wiU
New Y'ork. Jane 1.—An EreaUg
be transmitted to tbs presldest nnd to
Joqrssl specUl from Cspe HnlUen nya:
. sincere thanks ter
-"^The torpedo host Porter nrri*ed et Thlrty-FoarU Kicbigen Tolnstoere
entpeid Ume."
wtU Probably Leave Today.
Mole 6k Nicbelns nt 1 o'eloek UU
Ctomp Eeton. Island Lsks. MiU..
morning with dUpetohee far Wanhlnr
ton. She Uft immedUtoly, but bnfere
•sBM Zneert the •ermea
Tblrty-fonrU Begiment.
going to tss Ue following story of the
VelMisto Infantry, bns received nn
bombnrdment of Sntisg*
tnined: 'The Americnn sqasdrou. nnge 1.—The ssnnto rsfased to itocrt the Oermnn emendtoaat
MStod by Ue lerpwle bont Porter. Ue inatmetlng him to remsre
nnxUlniT eratoer 6t Psnl nnd Ue pro- mnadtoDsns Lorlng.^^enrr WsUlsg.
mse. The erder es regard* UeMue. In the war i
toetod onueer New Orieemv. eppranehed
se niM trmaaportoUen to Ue, bill, by e *oU ef 27 to 3«.
the astonnee el Ue hsrbor nt 12:30
Ue hsrbor wna eenn tome ne Uat eT Ue sUer rwUcuu
that have gone.
Oerrern's wnrships.

’"The Nsw Orienns wne deUebed
nnd Bttomed nhend of Ue lows. Texnt
Md Nswsrbneetto. Os* nt Ue forte
mitor* fire end the New Orleena repH. «d. the ether sblpBariw»*«bebntUry
•( Pnnto Oerdn within the bnrbcw.
' wsMwatoof the SgsnWi sUiy The

From 60c up.


Saattogo. It to eertaig that Oanime- net Uooghl any 4mer
« killed
Am Schley
or wooaded.
Of the loru and bnturlee gnnrding Us
bnriMr. WIU bow nacb aaoesM Ue neooaata of Ue-Spaatob and otbere
fail to agne.
The BeaaU of Spain Notes With SetThe object of toe attack, it seenu. |
UfaeUoo toe BriUtaat Victoiy of
waa to dedtroy all that prereatod |
tot Spaatoh FleeC
fiekley's eaitanoe Uto the fcarbor'tof‘»-*““T«
Jane i.—In the senate today
meet Cerrera. It to not u be aap*
latter wenid long remain </nlet Connt Ceae Valencie asked if the newt
repnUe nt Santiago
^orhils batterUs were destroyed. 'cHte
fleeto are Uhely to come togeUer *eJT- ..^oflleUL The HUIster of Marian.
aSnastieely. nd- Germaa* and Poise OSbred from
aOM. if indeed Uey bare not done as
Isle and Koalmoreaey.
ding -toe news U a food angary for



We have dividei them into three lots at the follow­
ing; reduced prices:
Lot No. 1 i$ composed mostly of Misses’ Jack­
ets. made of al! wool coverts and broadcloths, mostly
silk lined, price on them reduced to $3.93.
Lot No 2 consists of ladies’ fine broadcloth
lined Jackets, choice of any $4.50.
Lot No* 3—All of our best jackets, without re­
serve, for less than the price of material Choice of
any for $4.9a
At this sale we also offer a redaction of 20 per
cent, on all of our better capes from $4.50 up.

The Boston Store.
Front Streot


TBB MOBirurO SBOOXD, THVB80AT, Jtnni A. tS86.




■» »7 BAwT^Tir. W. BAXmA W. HAXxn. Bdltor mA



lemumfDifi cuss


handaome silk shield of red.
whIU and blue rested ea ao eaeal
draped ia baatlng of Ue aaUoeal
oolera. while over all a large eagle
pola^ with eut-epraad winga. Ue
emblem of aatidbal liberty. At Ue
loft, drapod la Ue olaaa oolora. royal
sCsetlte will be future eperatlons
. aad gold, waa a large forplo
tt the army and aavy against PorU
WiU Ue flgnrcs "W painted
XleaaBd Havana. With ths bpanlah
upon it la gold. Tha boxes and logos
flsatdbpoaedof Ue satire atreagth of
wiU red. while and
ths American fleet wUl be available at blue haatlag and lacaadeeoent lamps
- Moai wheraaa, while Corvera la ea. of Ua same eelora outlined the prbatswiihid bahtad tha hills of tha harbor eemium areh. . Al Ue front of Ue
the moat powerful ablpe «f oar aavy plaUorm were placed mauy beaatifnl
aaat be on hand to watch a ehanoe U floral memaatoea. presented to memniak hli vresali whea oppertoalty ef- baia of the slam by Uelr Irieada.
At Ua right ef Ue frost row ef eaau
.ta deatraetUvo lllUe torpedo erafjt rcnaled by the elaaa was as empty
a^lah ^ka expected t* be ao effeeUve chair. eUborately draped in patriotic
ijjaMtUi* big Arnsrl^B WUlmhlpa eolota. placed there la meaiory of Ue
have not yet- proM their ueefuli
prttldeaiof Ue cilia, Amll Kcrllager.
Tbsre la so doubt, howavar. that thaaa who. asa mambar of Ua Uaanah RIfliae
hoats are vety formidable It they eaa has voluataerod for Ue war and la at
ABMIi the enemy aaleep at nighL The laUad Uka wiU hU eempaay. ready
PdfsnrT made from'the aetraaae af tha and waiting to be erderad to tha fpitet.
The logos aad aide aeau in UAbalterhor of Santiago Monday night U
naA the battleahlp Tezaa and
eony were seeupled by the High acWsl
Xtoohlya waa toUyd by Ue vigilaaeeef
fifty members ttropg. which
thSOflieaniB eemmand. The tord'ede gave a dlflicuU aad musleal snmber Is
boats ware foroed to retreat uader
a flnUbed maaaer duriag Ue evealag.
the careful aad Uor. tswiflefuailladeof ihotandahWl: ai
ItisUkalylhatfatBrsattemps of Uls ougb drillglven Uvm by Mias Blagham.
Uelr iaatmcMr is maaic.
fcM wiU be as eflectoally frustrated.
a pretty ploUre
BaaaAfw if Bebley deatreya Ut as Ue eurtaia rose. Theyoaag Isdiaa
ipaaMh fleet at Bantlago Ue govera- of Ue clam were all attired ia daiaty
MBt oeDaor may looaeu op -ioag white costume* wiU dark red flowsrs.
aagagta U overtures of p
and the efflset was
ftaai flpaU; if her "boaor” shall Uea
6upt. C. T- Grawa asaonnoed as Us
Ban basa anfHcieaUy aatiafled.
flret uembsr of Ue program a piano
iaolo by Miss Jeasphlne Vader. which
was given in a brilliant laaaBsr.
An Invocatioa by
J. C. Carman
OMtUiy of Douglas Broward DiflfoUswad. atur which "lulla" waa de­
With Hm Bathar-U-law. /
■i-; /tisaglaaB
Brower waa brought belore lightfully raaderod by Ue Hlgta achsol
-It .fj-M-Verl.
Vorly yealerday for a haarlW^ eker a aadM^ Ue dlrecUaa of Miss
; , Be plsad
Plead not
noi guilty to Urn charge ^ -^gham.
Ia bar mlaUtory MiarBdlU Thomas
V flamaltaadbatury.
Brower owsa a farm la Cbladonla gracofully weleomed Ue audlaaoe
aad voiced
wUeh beraaudtoaBoUer party aad
am iavltatioB of bia moUer-ia-law left Ue aeDtimeoU ef Ue class as aha pledBM two ehlldrea to live wiU hU wife's gsd Uslr loyal support W all that U
parsau, his wife alee sUyiag Uero.
•aaflay aight Brewar went lo sae bte
In bb eraUon Btopben D. Bardie
oblUraD. aeoordiag to bia story- when traced the growU ef Ue American
BM father-in-law. George Otay. told aavy, ooneludleg wiU a giowiag and
kirn U leare Ue houae and aaver come patriotic VibnU to the heron who are
Back again. Browar mid he would npboldiag our oouniiy's boaer today
«aka bia children Wtu him and U> tUa upea Ua seas of Ue eaat and Ue #ast.
Bis laUar-ln-law, who IS
eg ymn oia.
K, i
PTorsBoe A. Shunk gavs
•BJoeted. Br—.,—.1
Brewer west u,
to .b.
the bedroom
u.. ...
fm Bis aldael child, aad Ua eld maa b jeet.,"LlttleUtnga mould Ue ckaracaau to have corns at him wiU an axe.
Brpwrr warned him away, beaayi. aad i
Mtarard to tbs kitchen afur the cbltd'ij
«vas UctubJeelof am
sB*m where, he declarea. he met
i,t„^tlng erutloo by Mite Ivy SeU
•mad WiU a bnuber krlfa Brewer,
mn he let drive wiU hm fist. knocVleg,
the foau.UUm stoae. of
flbe old man down, and look Ue kaife
•my from him and handed it to Mra
Mbs Lottie and Ckarlia Helm de^
Bnwer who stood by. Ue let the old lighted Ue andieaee wiU a bright
gmtlemsB up and taklsg bit ehlldrea
dolln and galtar duel, M which
aad wife went to Uraad fUpIda where they were obliged U> reapond wiU aa
Bs waa later ameted npoa the above encore.
■Bsrgr. aad brought here by Uader- ' la bb eration. "The troa Age,"
Msrifl Aehtoa. The old man'i j%w wia U Talrlby proved the import
wue brokea Browrr'e trial was aet poeltipe Iren bolds, those nstiona a
-floe' Friday^____________ _
advanced in inielllgeeee. belag Uoae
whare tbs BpanUh Oeat has takes
latage, Is evidepea that Commo(^
ed to take the
^Babley is
^tlatlTOI Iand fafoe Carrera to dght
aaisb or snrraader.


•Xinipri-r by XpworU Xmague Turn-1 imnonaat mea lo which it b puL
day XvMilDg
] lo a scholarly addrme Mlse Opal
d lo Uo mtbfaetloB
AkMt one bundM EpworU Leaga-)
I Ue value of claaalcal
M* aad Uelr frieads Taesday ereoing .
, farewell reoeptioa to’“ue ^
•nanhaeuolUeacbeob who are mem-'
Ben of the League In Ue parlors
IB* Pint M. E. church

The program was coaelnded
enjoyable teag.-Uood Night, "by


M B-M-Tl li^" AllI'"rJd!ni i


J5LU8, 811 Front 6t., Bart.



I SmoVeVess


I '?o\)ote
5s naVat iBe use \o irVoe ow
Wsvatss baTqavus to \\ve baVVs
■\D\itn, 'aoM
as qooA a
stooVtaq at \ae toVV ^or \0c we
waat to toe tt. tDe Aoa't beVtm tt can he ^oaaA;


w. A. Newton
Avwtoo rrtomed
JTburvew yreterdaj

tzr *"“■


Gd. bugler of Company M. who b
This evealag SB equally varied and
»me on a abort fwleogh.
iaterestlBg program will be glvea by I
Mr*. Charles Limpriet and children
•maining members of Ue elaaa.
returned from Uelr visit in Ue Upper
cMHadiag wlU the preaeautlen ef
Penlntula Tueeday. They wer* aeeomwUl epend tbe anmmer in Uie city.
Mr*. S D. Cotton aad Miss Cottoa
of Milwaukee; arrived In Ue city yterday and left for Omens where
will help Hr*. Sheen la ooudvA-xug the
OldgstttorskaaaOood TiAa at Xlk
Hotel Leelanen. this Bamnvr
Xaplda-Kest U This City
■sat Taar
A party of flftoea iaft sa the traia
yeetorday meralag to atumd Uaaaaual
meoUag of Ut Old tettleiWatociatioe
TbU waa added to al Bates. Willlamaburg and Aagell ao Ua* the Car waa
On0 6oUd W««k,
well filled. A defective oeopllng deCommencing'
Ulaed Ue train a half hour ai Willlamabcrg. There was eneUer delay
at Aagell so that it waa after tan
e-clock when It arrived at Elk Bapida.
The meeUng was called le erder by
Ueprasidsnt, J.J. McUughUn at U


The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at

City Opera House

Hardware. 146 Front Bt.

Monday, Jnne 6.

jSenter Payton's
Big Comedy Co. Art

The miactee of Ue last meeting were
tbeo read by Ue secretary. C. U. £ai
Lowcl Sours, tha treasurer.Uen gave
Ue ttoaacial reperv which by »ubsv
quenl action waa ordered prlated.
As opportnell.v was given for new
members to Jala. reeuUing ia an sddi
Uoa of eight to Ue membertaip.
makieg Ue preeeat number abeet
A big lAUtfliing bLuw complvlPj
buadt«d and tea.
'in every detail.
‘i| High elABfl Kineint' and dancioe!
uly decided to fe
epeeiallie* at ,evi-ry I>erfonn*Doe.'
accoQBt ef j Monday
fonday night they will present j
lU faeilitiea and ceniral location.
Engfieb melo-dmius, in five,
Tiie electioB of ofllcera resulted ss I
President—Jaa. U. Moaroe of Trav-

of self driense lao be practiced with the feet as well as
with the arms and hands—not by kicking, oh, no—btrt by
having them correctly shod. Right shoes make healthy
feet and the doctors tell us that healthy feet are the-fist,
requisites for healthy bodies.
Without healthy bodies yon
are defenceless.

We Offer ypu

Selz Shoes

“The BM Flag”

... , .
aa. J. MelABghlla. I
An Vim county: C. S LlBklelwr,.BeBale: G. H. Greeu. Charlevoix: Jaa. R
Gnuteu. Qraad Travarae: W. 11. Beck**.
Pric«< 10. 20
2 and ;tOc.
Ladiee free Monday night only.!
Ralkaika: L.-H. GagP. Laelauau.
Eatea. if accotiipanied by one paid 30c:
ary—Jaa. J. MeSrate will be on sale at the us­
Laugblia. Kls Rapids.
ual place Saturday morning.
Treasurer—Lewal Soar*.
'nange of play nightly.
During tbe nooa hour tables ware
■prsad wilb s variety of food which
Uoae in eltendanee bad brought in
baakeu. Tea and oaffee were aarved
aad ail snjijyed a aoeiel dtnaer while
tha Elk Kspidsband gave several places
ef flee music.
Aturdlnnerrealaleoeaee* ware givaa i
by J. J. McLaughlin. B. S Noble, Ame* I
Woofl, J. K. GnatOB, Perry Uaaaah '
and Mr*. A D. McRae.
A paper eoBUialngaom* of Uemriy
ineideola was read by S. E Wall hUWrian for Graad Tr«*er*e Couoty.
Thar* waa * large atuodaace aad
M meeGog waa a decided aaeeeea.
Tboae who were preaeat from this
city were: Hou. Parry Uanuab and
daugbur Mr*. Keeney. 6 E. Walt. A.
aa and wUe. J. K. Gaaton. J. M.
DM. L. H. Oag^ Mr* W. W. BmlU
•bUr, Mr*. Hatch. B. V. Hendrick*.
J. H. Moaroe. wile aad daegbter. Mrs.
Simpaoa aad daughter aad B. L.

u the best, aU aoUd. rlxbtly
built footwear, for the least
See our new styles, jtist in.


Once More
I Washington

^ Has invaded tbe land in ^e ibterest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of those who intend getting




Chwpeet &od meet feltabl* place to get yonr bicycle repsired and
t in
ninniag order. Have bad several )’eBra experie&ce and
ov bow it ahonld be done. Satiafaction gnanrhieed. I am selliax
:vcle anndriee at abont cost- New and aecond hand wheels for bbLb^
J to rent. Please give us a trial.

Mr*. Jack LiUeyof bultona Bay is
in tbs city.
G. W. Hastings rstnrDed from Camp
Batoa last sight.
J. O. Jenson and-W. D. C. Germaine
ent to Chicago yesterday where they
will purchase horaee.
Mlaa Clara Fowls ef Qraad Bapida
came «p to attend Ue funeral of her
cesaln. Mbe Grace {looker.
Florence SmiU of Cbvlavoix paaaed
,Urough the city yeaUraa.vuB her way
I from IJetroit where she spent Ue

Most poople have a little patience.
aoQie people have a lot. If you get Geo.
X Winnie to hang your paper, you
I plainly
"Theala ef h
won't need any. for hi eome* whea be
agree* to. doeaa't waste Ue paper, and
A ..AT.,,
<>“"<“ *-“» BV
charges no more Uaa oUer*.
a Uat ef
tagef MemnOray, Alien. LangworUy
Oppodte Bagle Offlo«.
^ Menman. «ve
, I'paU_ and her Ignorami
* VC
vrai pimsing____
•lh-“— Toaau were glvea by Rev.'
XX. Bready. Mr. Scott, Him Box- the Uaitea butaa. Oae of Ue prohlenu that U axclUng Ue iaterml of all
Bwgh. Mn. O. A. dohnaon aad Hlea
minm. -B. D. Jobasea amvwl ae elvllimd nations inUtaae elaaing day*
•lacmamUr. The program eloaed wlU of U* nlneteeaU eentury waa. ably
tmehed spaa by Orton A. SmIU aa ha
aoln hr h>'- VVbltspoke ef UaChiaeMsilaatioB. argi*g
that Cbirn be kept from Ue aalflaS
'•U4ta at MalBbarc'a Or
>r*B« Opera Bama.
grasp of powerful MUaB*.



MIm BabW G- Gray abowad poetie
snOXTB OB BBIOBT aaweUaBdacoU(Mtai7 gnlna In bar'
claM poem, which waa oharmSaglT
rendaredand waa reeaieod with approeUUeeapplanae.
IHapU;^ tc <Jhmiat»md JwoM
What aball we do with the Isdlaaar
Adwuir* U t)M Oity Opm Kqom
a the cubjeet al Walton L. Orayb
Vight pf O
oraUoc. Mr. Otv >• * low ®*
BUM with OrMt IsXMWt Md Xd. crafty red mea ol blatorle fame, aad
J«y«d by • lATf* AudiMo*.
hla anggeatida that they wocld be a
woriiy foe for Ue Spaalapl. to try
TnTene CU; aeb<»U tor ISM. whleb their weapoai upon, met with amiliac
«er« ftiupleioMly •p«B«d by lb* BuM^ approral.
MlN Bibel M. Oreeaougb gare a
d»li*«red by E«t. W.
E. Wright ftt the Pr«k^uri*D church tbaughtfol Ulk upon "The Value of
Boaday night, wer. »ii8oeMf»lly onn- Bdocatloo"ahowliig the prodt at well
tl>u«d iMt Bight Bl th« City Oper* | M pl«M»re to b. 4#ri'lead from educaHbIU which was erowded to
ntaoct i tloo Ib enrj n»a*Uoe kaowa to cirileBpaeity.
A» h»» beou proTloucly ! Ued a^.
Bollood the gjBdoatiBg •lercUca will
• n>e habit •( readiag m oae of the
laocnp; tw# alrbia. each member of m»tbmieaclaiofall bablu If righUj
I the large clam appearlDg on the pro-' dirwitod: wa* •Wilfully touched npoo
gram- The eliM anmbera twenty- by Cherieo M. WalBh, who at th« •ame
I Dlae and la»t aight Ulrtoca took part | time poiated out the danger of iadeaearied and iat«re»liiig program. 1 criminate or oareleaa reading and urgI la this diThe enure via- appeared on the ed greater th
pUtform, where chain bad been arAn iDbpiriag call to freedom of |
raagad in neml^ireular rows. The
givsaby Mias
stage setUagB were simple, but ua^ Tbe
_ LueilefTNaal labor oiatloe la which
nsuaUy strlklag aad rich.
'tbi^r w“teh' ‘ Ibe tiulitr^ U j rt* declared the game of life to be like
pasalag dare tbs keynote to the decer-1 tke old game in which all w*. ruled by
atioaa. At the right, facing the aodi-j
■ysMcal Stmou who
.n«U,e plaao ^ placed, and at the •Thuah. up" er a.i, a. aulted1 bU owu

* 'r~-

IA Ne® Carpet Or a Floor CoYeringl

OB’ .A-isT-sr K^rasrr)



We mention the fact that we offer the aest, have the
largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better.satUfaction than Is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.

Teacher of Violin.


A contralto eolo "larafal” wm doUghttally glTSB by Mbs Josala WD- at meiBbwr• war*,« u tSl rrani w.

itoBi^at Mooro, THirngDAT, Jimj g, I89s


Detail of Attack on Spanish Forts at San­
tiago by Commodore Sohlny.


•CBunr 90 WAIT Mh


We Are Not
Having a Special Sale

Ik*UM«M«Waaaathat«A»aai • C«kiMt UBUerS M«maHu
WiMilnctcm. June l.-The' atfDiaeaat
•UlciMBt vas made by a oablott oAoer
after tb« regular Tuertay matUac ef
the eablBct that no newt bad been re­
ceived eiace Monday mominc from
Commodore Schley directly, and that
now It waa believed noiblnv would be
heard for la-o or three days-at lean.
This is taken to mean that Schk-y prob­
ably VIII await the arrival of tr\>opa be­
fore undertaklnc any active move oa
■aatlaco. It was plalaly anildpated In
•Dine qiuneri that he might, through
the poetaeMlon of some Informallun that
.would lend to neulrallte the »npiifth
of the eneiry'e position, make a bold at­
tempt to enter th<- harbor of Santiago
aiiij destroy or vainure the Spanish
With the aasisiance of a
tingle regiment i>f regular I hllvdStates
-t'oop*. which II Is l--lie\.-cl IB ev..n now

Bat at tbe tame time with at large a ttoek at wt oari7 it It impottihle
not to accumulate odd euiu—eisea get broken when It la too late to dupUcatt tbe pattern from the wholea&ler—We have at tbepreaent time perhapt forty or fifty eniu where only One or two elaet of a kind remain—
On Urete we can eave you money-lf yon do not find a fit there, onr reg­
ular etook will be lure to contain Inducements you cannot reaitt—We
are making a record this year on our popular priced summer luite, both
for style, fit and exceptional assortment and values.



tn confldenl that the ttcvi can reduce


Two Spanish Torpedo Boats Made Bold Dash



B«rths ■ WaUr* ana Lavi T.
Pwialblttoo Unlua Tartarday.

at American Battleship.

•Three Forte Silenced by the Guns of Schley’e
Squadron In Tenible Oanonading
New York.'^une i., 1:30 p. m.. [SikcialI—WashingI pon advices received by the Associated Press direct froirt
' Cape Haitien confirms the report of the engagement of
American ami Spanish fleets. The fire of the American guns
I was directed'principally against the forts and the harbor
Tbe forts of Morro Castle, .La Zocatha andTunta Gorda
stiRefed especially. The town is situated near the end of the
bay and escaped damage.
Commodore Schley directed his smaller boats to stand
t In close and concentrate their fire while the big battleships
I etood off and -managed to drop rtvany projectiles into the forts
1 themeelves. The Spanish gunners returned the fire bravely,
biit the shots had little effect.
It is possible that the Spanish ships got into action, but it

A barer Jbm waddioff toak plaea at
THE rnriSER nRooin.TN.
the form ..1 ih.- efilrantv io Bnmlaw
harbor and wiake untvnablo the poal* |
lion of Ibr SMnleh squadron wlthlB.
i)f rounu- IMS plan Is baaed upon'tha 1


theory Ihal r. rvera a 111 not attempt !0

Wn,rs aad

TMrmov.n,em’‘^f™il.'hUy U
unqnv.tlon.hly In pur.uan.-e of ,he
preaklent'a ik>IIo io a.-nd a ,helping
hand t*. the starving r.-c-onc-ntrados.
The Spsrdrii
tdroh n igth I* kept
within Santiago harinir unlll the end
ef the war without avnslbly ardangerInc an Amerioan life, and l-erause of lU
dlttanee and isi latlon from Havana
Santiago hat little to attract a mlllian*
attack. Bui lylrg In the very midst of
the Insurgent lecilon of the Island ihc
trtwn would alTord a splendid base for
the dlstrihutlon of ioppllvt'lo the fainlllea of the Iraurrente and to the reconceBtradna who ailll drag out a mlaerBble eBlstenee In the Interior.
For the time IM-Ing It Is fell that the
real Bel8 of a.ilon Is removed from
Wathincton and Is centered with the
troop! now advancing under orders
from here and wlih our ahipa. The

yntarday at tbamldraoe of Mn.
WaUra. 1A12 Sonlh CbIob
, ,
“otharol th. brida.
Tha prtaelpala wera Mias Bartka U.

Levi T. PaBBlB^Wa.

7 whi«* «'ted tb« l«p|
conpl* wa. wb. patted b, Eav.
I Daward Maare, paator dt ika Priaadt
j church, 1b tha preaaBca af only the l»^edlaU ralatlvaa af Ua oaBlracUaf


CorruBpund with the Trareree City Lumber Company.
We have for Bale Good.

Sound. Hemlock Lumber.
•Maple Flooring,
Short ^^aple Wood.

Tha hrida's r#wi was of a dalaty i
wbtu fabric which was
with tha

la hanaoa.v '

£,.ajsnDS B-OB HAT.-Hl

satUnn of baaaUfal fiaral.


which rn«ed

tha parlan

a awaat frafraaaa

thiwafh the hoasa.
UpoB the aoBclucioB of the earaasoay

Hill Machinery of all deacriptioaB, iaclading Two Engfnee,
Bet Worka, Carriages aod Sawtk A complete Saw Mill Plant
(or sale. '

waddiai disaar was aarrad. aad Ua
oarrUfa faaat waa a happy taanfur-1
atioB to tha yeaia of bapplBeta which


are anre tw attend the hrlde and rrooai.
A plMSant hone haa been prepared
OB Elmwood hTanae
married pair wUl

carried Into actual effert. A leading
naval ofllclal pointed lo his desk which
waa Hear of papers and documents, and
remarked that all the preparatory deUlla were non well along,
far as Ihe aulhorlllea here
cerned they had only
eaecullon of the preparntlotia her-loft^
matured. To a certain rglen'. ihe rnllL
tary and naval operaltoca will l« dl.
reeled from tTaahlngion, but Ihe com­
manders. mllitao- and naval, have been
given wide latitude. _

If You Have Logs to Sell

friends In

and tha aawly


reealve their

home of their owa.

both are highly eataamad io Traeeraa
City aad viciaity aad tha eoBgratulaUoDt they racalva wUl be many aad
Tha brida has baea an amplnya ia
tha office of tha Urand Traeerse Uerald
flea j-eara aad Mr.


I'anningUn ia In

ebargaof the alrcnlatlng departnant
of the Dally Bagla.
Funeral ofOraea Kbokhr.

Asparagrus, Lettuce. Badlsbes, Bhubarb
Fresh Dvery Day.

ia not mentioned in the report.
Bs*eunk.« T<nim wnt. •
The funeral karelcaa of Oraoa V.
The bombardment was witnessed by thousands of pdoplc |
on ..
■Phoiiii 157.
S48 Front Stroet.
in the city, who, seeing that the shells did not reach that. tui landing of ii.s Fi,.rida rxptdiuoB 1 rr*'«>e»e*
...........sMet yaaUrday
haa raum-d much Joy In ruUn cu-clca . moraluf ssam very aad and aoleoB.
^ace came out and took positions on high ground.
here. The Cubans any tliilr armies n-lll ; Mils Booker vaa daarly loved hy a
now make fumni-d m...vm.-nia
The • lar^ circle of frieodaof her own afe
Until the official dispatches are received, there is no tell- FInHda i.robaMy earned morv sutmllea | ^d o»rly ahnadradof her ylri friends
liiibuslcrlnc eapvdlllons put
were present amonf many otheia. Rev.
I ing what the Spanish loss amounted to. There is great ex-.lj' all
^ ^thejh.,-i-fi
here at nlshl. May
J. A. Brvady officiated and spoke with
citement in Santiago. The Spanish residents, notwithstand“"'•■"'ivii
deepfeellBF. Apprapriale tenfe were
east of Havana
May » •
IK by Mlaa Alaia Deepraa, Mra CMking the repeated boasts of the naval authorities, fear that the
arcomplislx d
e' memlwrs .
. Pen
Perrin Whim a and Dr. U. A. Heluelllnv
e euppilea 1
I Americans will soon be in possession of the city.
And we are not obliged to aril meat at war pricea. We have a
provldln* ...........
ibem-h“*7- The fnnerai waa 1
ashore others »ere prnv..........
When the bombardment began many men in .the city eelvr* with fruit. auKar andd r.lher prodp—'- I U. '•
L. Carter. The pall bearers. Hv_.. car load of tbe beet weatern corn-fed atock and can furniab yoQ tbs
ucis of th- landlna plac-, a lar*e aiovk I will Robbies. Ed. EtartAk. Ed. Boae. J. twat Chicago beef killed at home.
I whose sympathies have been with tpt insurgents started for
I the insurgent lines to offer theirX«rvices.
of Havana ihla * as done, aod wHhvcry
were all yonnr men who had
aiiempt at evvrery.
beea friends nf Mia Uaohar for a leac
uny shells from the American guns which went over little
The reb. l5 l.r-o am.rqt., with a band.‘lnn,a.
M*ro3 C
Castle landed in the Esi^U^oinl battery and Santa KO Int.. the inl-rior. Thr Si-aniardaseen. I The bonae a sued with bvanUfu)
to have had t...| Ihe Icasl euspk-K.n of I Sowart tba flftt Of---------------------------------Catalina fon.
w-hat vaa lakihR plate.
| aiBOBK tbeo) briar handeone aetpieoea
It is probable that Schley was forced to bombard the Couriera Iroir Chitw yeaierday broujrht I from the W. R. C ead Bebekah ledfehlehly encouniKlnB tv-poria fr-'*" <!en-| 4
ibe 0. 0. dnb. a
w. soall boas-. Sec kwaUoc. 5th u
fortifications to protect Rimself.
ch,-, r..,.
4t arr-5 Ihr— wli-s seuta aaS vast (row lar ctlr. It
special cablegram from Port Antonio; Jamacia to th^ equlp|>ed than M-r hvforv In the mailer Urand Rapids, and a larfa aaehor and
iMi. waU -sMrad. yenac ee-5d1. TblsIsahorralDloroBlrlljea
I>f clothlnc and ihry are In eacvller.t ■ ent flowera from tke basket factory,
I World says that the first engagement between the two fieets aplrtla. I-hte ihounaod men. It U a-M-d. j ^ feature waa
arm I wUe wrat. all ImproTaa, aUl be toU In os
eaer«in4e4loaan. UoklbM
HeekeFa bicycle to
occupy trrrlinry aUmK ihe northern
. Otarr t4act«)BStaa<Saalrablr or BMcao.
non ern
devoted, wkicb
was fought .ibout midnight Sunday. Two torpedo boats coast near Minavl. Th- Spanish ir<o<|>t
with flowers aad ooeopled
have withdrawn to Sanllaso. Holquln
made desperate efforts to destroy the American ships, but ^^rwCManmu.
al aarclaaiui ; * prominent place on tbs ptataa. The
r« Stock Boeelved Tfaroa Tlmea a ffoak
i atiendanre was very lar^'tbe Kebeh*
were sto|.p.-.l in the nick of time owing to the vigilenceof the
SOc pop <|uart *
lablsdrv atlendlnr In a bady. while
.. StandanU, 30c pep quarf
men under C.ii.tuin I’hiilijis of the Texas. The torpedo
Amtisam-nt Motaa.
, „,„bera of the O. A. R-. W. R.
&lid Meats.
boats cleared ihe harbor and were creeping along in the Thepopuiar«eM«rHayt*B'ebircom.i^,y,rtj,^y(,o,j,„joja
edy company will appear at the City 1
shadow of Morni Liastle and the mountains at the entrance Opera Kona* BBC solid week, oammen-;
' -----------------------------------TbelAetXarthlf Tributae.
of the harbor and hud travelled two miles to the westward elar M**<i*7- Jok* *'■ kod It (a cotn-J
maadod lo aouaement lovem as oae of'
.j.. W. Brawaa of
Miaola Halotaad Dead.
when the officer of the lexas sighted them through his the beet nampanlna that baa been aeea
was held yaaterday
Mr. aad Mra. Andrew HaleUad ef
aUbeCoBr«*atlo*»l oburub.
night glasses. Two search lights of the Te.vas were turned la ibie city at popular prleca Thia or- j
BottOBS Bay. are mourning Ue 1<w of
raalaaUon 1. replete with np to^lau 1 ^ attended by a large wi.ber of the
Ueic. fourteen yean old daughler,
bn them the next instant. I hc ihrn who had been sleeping BOvelUea. and ba. appeared In all ttie!^,^
gfinoie, who died Tueeday. of eoaat loaded guns were awakem-u anti at work. The flashing of prinripal eltloa Ihroughoot tbe wcatem ;
eumptloo. Tbe funeral will he held
Remember Uat I do all kinds of re- euue and standa alone a. one of the
The Lad1e^■ I.lbrary
the lights told the Spainards they were discovered and they leadinr rep-rtolre companies of Aniertoday from Ue Norwegiaa ebareh of nalriog aad cDsmellBg, aad that I rea
of whlcb Mrs. Brewne
Uat plaoe. Tba famity lived la Ula and do give yon U« beet work of aay
The pnoea for this
made a quick rush with all speed towards the Hrooklyn and
a former member gave a large aad
one la Ue city tor tbe money.
will be lu. 10. and So o
• be deceived ty wbet otban tell yoa to
beautiful elneter mt cream and pink
i Texas, Before their-bows had swung around the crews of tree Moaday nlrbi. if aoo
; Ua ooatrery. but come aad aaa tot
rosea, Ue aeaoeiaUea Sowar, and
I ,the |x5rt batteries were pumping shells at tl»em.
were many other remvmbraaova
I guarentoe all my work to be r^M,
frieada la Ihta city and her eon
.and^^f it does Dot provoao t Bake M
The rapid firing guns were used, and the din of the guns
Henry Peteraon came over from Bast
Stop In UE e o'clock everv evaate
Jordan on hU wheal yealarday between ,
I joftHe Texas alarmed the whole fleet. The machine guns
W. 0 t. A. Saturday Mtarkd
Saaday, ia Uc Ckldwefl A team. and 4 pm. Hewaatovor rrlXxourainn from Mt. Plaaaaat.
[don baUding. at norU and ef DaU*
of the Brooklyn were at work a few seconds after the Texas The following ladlea are aaaed
day last.
J. A.'Montagna reVoraed last night
cootrlhote Saturday. Jnni
I Etarted. The other ships were lying further off shore.
M. C. from Ckdlllae where he completed ar-.
Meedamea M
J. Kovi
Chap B. Bureham of Big Ba^ has
r M Frail. A. Paydea. a E. rangemealB for the riait of tha Maooalaved k> this cUy aad srUl eogage in
A call to general quarters sounded on each of them.
It isi tlrlati,
FeteraoB. V IViertyl. C M. I*arker. J. beM to tbU city on June tSrd. All the the haalaeaa of elaetropUUsg la geld
the belief that all <91 Cevera's fleet was coming out' in a des­ W. Parker. Chai. Paige. T. Pisinom, Maoeabem expact to come and they and aUw, aO Utads aad deaenpUams.
Agnes Smith, Margaret Smith. Jaante will hrlng their dagroa tea*
perate effort to escape,
The work te have heea givea by
w. w. SoUb. U. Soule, a. E. Bteward,- OndlUac band. An eicuraloa te haiag
Search lights were played on the waters by all t^^ ships. B. M. Sietenn, Rate Siapeoa. Atleii •rraiiged for to rnn from Mi. ^leaMl Travanaaty Lodge. Mo. 73. K. of P..
Uto avoalBg. wiU be pcatpoaed on ac­
I The Texas and Brooklyn poured such ferocious showers of Smith. T. 0. BhIUoa. M. A SUlca, to thh city OB that day aad It le ax- count af Ueoommaaoaaeaat asarciam.
J. Reaale. B Banaom. B. Tklriby. peetod that knadrade from aU altmg
•mall sbells at the torpedo boats that the latter were forced TImbUn. tir. Tbempeaa, D. B. Tltaa. Ue Use wUl lake advMtogo of Ue rw Owea McBIew of HarriagioS. and
C. 8. Vader. Sr../'. E. Vaodyka. A. Ve- dnoad rates.
Miw BUe) BaUa of tkb olty. ware
f to turn about and seek safety in the harbor.
tWba. Charles mibairn. Chariaa W«f«l.
married yeetarday moniiig by Rev. W.
E-T-OppaloM^ BarlmrOroak. wlU
. The damage sustained is unknown. JCo attempt to pursue 4. W. Zlmmeraiaa.
K. Wright at Ua bocne m State straat.
Irat-cUn Bfge. EvergUlair
erect a ae* boaae UJe eammar. W. A.
I them was made.
B. a Orittaof Ue OnUwatef Or- oadaaat. Rates as teaaonabU atapy
Tke Womea'eOaaaetery ImprovBMat Deaa ta Us afehlioetSret-elate Wa la Ue alty. Oteo.giS
reU mad get oar priem.
The Spkoiards did not dischai^e their torpedoes though Aamlaikm win meet ia tha lAdte'
Oe to Aickla Orla&fa-korkar ^
UbraiT roMaa tUa aiUrsoAwt tiSO.
Ltitey got, within 500 yards of the Texas Tbe utmost vigil«ar
iooemial work. Two ehedn Ue stete. Be loft OsMwater aarerei
E fui.« — «nys ac« wlU » Unte sma
LjUipp was maintained all eight by the American fleet,


We Ho not
belong to the combination

Bingham Bros., Fraot Street.

Hastings' Real Estate Agancji.
213 Front St.

Fletcher's Ofster Depti aed RetlaernL

Gicvcie Riders.


Horse Hotel.

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