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The Morning Record, March 16, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Bleotum at TbompedaeiUa.
bg oearg wnid: Than A. H. BonaMt
At tbe vtUaga elecllen U llsompaoi
lantoA. Cbl. Smith, from BrBrown's
wbleb pnsod n break.
tUU Monday the tollowlag ettoo
J. a Morgan was also nnmtd.
80 KB BBABOBABLB OOBOLU. were eleetod on tbe PppplebJlelcat:
Pr^eat-Rlebaxd MeDeemoU.
Then Hr. Ooedrtob asked for a few
810B8 OB •miATlOB.
aerk-Charlea L.-Reoaett.
-wmaau for tbe eeoond ward delegatee
Iteeiurer RadolpbBeiTnnto get tagatber, eo that
. •KAmF00VTB>TT0BT»SA*Y7»- nntte npon Mr. Uealten. If tboaght SUBXABZBB KDrSB BBIB8 tlAXS Trastoae—Twe Te«T' Lnator 1
Trimble. Uaae J. Qelek. Ckaries i
BB, BVT TSCBBtfL WOV OUT. bwv Plaallg ewgiblag earn MonlBeat; to fiU eaeanelea. Alpboaeo I
tos's wag and be wee eboaea by aetallea oo mtloa of Mr. Ooodrleb. Part of Amy Alreadg Xoeiag Pnmdiee, Edgar OampbeU. Jeba I
Vajor Snlth. 01*7 Olwk BA«kwd
Towarde Seaboard-Ona Paetorieo Trowbridge. •
OtbM OudUUtM Bunwl bf AoAmmar Prank 8.1'ewaU.
■lag Mr. Brown Mr. Oooirteb
Bnnaiag Bight nail B^-Amorlattted that In tba ward oaoeoa Uere
iMd b7 B»raM7-BTW7 !>*»«**• bad beea bot tfre rotes in oppoeltkA esa Pleat At Keg Woet Being Add Bale of all popalarSboet XaeU atVm mMAt-wd Bo VaploMOBt to Mr. Brown and bU ondarsement ae ed to DaUg—Oable Kag ba laid half pries wUl be eastlnoad for tbirty
Proa Spain Direct to Cuba.
days loogar. W. W. Kimball Oo.. *U
tbe cbolee of tbe ercond ward wee
Wnablngtoa. March l&.-A brief anm^
nt tbe caDcna. TbereTerlUTarmarg
of nodealablafacto known to all
fom be deemed bim the proper peieoa
abow whg war la eoaaldered to be lato preaant to Ue oonrenUon.
Wtra^OWrkJnsUce Brown bad n walk-awag for mlaut:
Tbe pmldeBt has been girea a »M.-.
a tenoBlaatloo for joatloe of tbe peaoe.
:^Ctt7 TroMorarIt was tbongbt ante that E. H. Aliya 000.000 amergeacy food.
Sabmarlae mloea 'an^actoally balog .
■'^FOrSekool rMpeetirOoatlBued 6a Page 8.
placed la rrarg harbor eatraaee la tba |
-ANDUoitod SUlea.
I Bor Moaber* Board of Poblle Borko.
preeldaat bai. asked for tbe ImKnuraaedUto pMaage of a bill reorgaoiziag,
tbe pereoaorl of tba nary.
Bo^m peUege Lgoeam Pre^tod bg
Tbe eoooti^ has puretAsad two baV!
• ForJiutiooof tbrPoMO—
an ZnUreaUng and laetrucUesbips and is netively niter aere.
tiee Program.
TbegorertimenttsaeleeilBf an ana• Eraybod; eapwted U>at tho RopobThe meetlag of laat aighVa Buslnem Illary fiesl froa tbe beet merchant erecity eosrontloB In St«laOoiT'» CoU^ Lyeenm wae well attended and eels.
A part of the army U already aorlng
Or*pd Opera Boom Uat nirbi would one of the beet programs was raaderad.
toward tbs ses board and arraagw
raeott Id Use ooiblaaUoa of mea wbo«
Tbe first anmber was a reading bg
tbe ux|i*7ara coaid safely antraat with I'rotmorC. R. Doekeiby.enti'Ued. VThe maaU have been made wiin the raUtbe reapooslbimi of tbs rariojjs offiosa. Barea." wbleb bald tbs atiaatlea ef roads to carry the reet.
The aa*y departmeat ie. drawing
Aod tbs rrport of tbs proosodlaf* wUl
ahow Ibal snob a drslrabls ead a
*®'^-E. O. Ladd read a paper OB ••Parmer plaas far a fil.OOO.OOO coaling aUtka at
ewapllabsd «ltb tbe barnoDy wbleb bort and ^la. and hew tbeg nbenU be Key West.
I Of ooal
brings saeeaas at tbs poUa.
edneated." Hli Idsaa wen eneaUoat la
d at Tampa.
Tbrra was a largo nnabsr of ladles oqUlbing theeoareee of stodg wbleb
.ry Loag baa aaddealy forbidpraaeat aod among tbam waia a great aboald be token np In the diatriet
Mt !■*
aanymrilnattendaDeeto 'srateb tba eebooU and aim enggoetod bow tbeg
Tbe plan Uoptad pf might improre Uemselree la egetor formaUos before caaBoltlag kim. and
lanya It is becanae tbs departmeat Is
. bolding tbe oonTeatmn is Ue opera aUe oooraas of reading.
I afraid aa emergancy eanset bsavoidsd.
boMt maala wUb great taw and tbs
This was followad bg tbe dleeeealas.
Banaar In wbleb last nlgbi's oonvM- -Beeolved. -That It U prefarabla to
tioa was eooduetod Inspires n ooot- livelpUeerrlaibaalnMieblgaB."
danes la tbe aSorU of pnblle man aad
Tbe affirmaUve wan abig kandlad bg
We an nsgotlatiag for an Bagllah
lands ndlgnltynnd elsraUoa of par- Ml. D„f.-i,..u.- b, M,.
pods to a poliUeal gatheriag.wbleb eansot bat raaalt in beoaflt to tbe pablle comb. Tbe BegaUve bg Mr. Somete.
Tba Autriao emperor is alaroMd aad
who eathaatoaUeany argned tbe qoeeto organ—~ The conTontloe was a- repraasnUtlra tloo.'aaalstod.byBr. Porter aad Mlm
lie a geaeral Eoi
gathering nnd tbe dalagalea beaatbod MyrUe Lnogwortby.
batwoeo the United StoUa and
an atmoanl^ pf harmony and nolty
Tbe detete was loMrestiag and~wy
•f pnrpoaa. Tbare wan not a alngle spiritod. aad was, of course, decided^ la 8pma.
Women and ebildrea have been or
dal^te abasnu
Tba dallbarstlona tbe oegaUre by tbe jndgea.
dered from Sandy Hook.
of the delegaua wars ealiranad by
Mra. E. O. Ladd reed a paper eoUUed
The American fleet at Key West U
nnaie from iba^^ys' Band and
-The Ideal nosbaad." wbleb was of
nplrtt of patriotism, wbleb iA.always in meekTotoreet to the ladiee preaent. beleg added to each day.
Spaia Is aegotisUag for the Ugiag of
order in a politleal ^thpring. was Bar deflaiUon of aa IdeiU basbaad la.
a cabls direct to Cuba.
demmstratea when tbe anUre andlsaes I "aa latrllactoal ama Maed to a
we have aver
aang -Ameries.-with tba
laaby marr^''; nlob aai "aa
abowe—Ek> not fail to see the
mat of tba band.
beat, at
Tbe maetlng was prMidad oear by
Mr. Smedley read a blograpbloal
Prank Hamilton, to bU naanl giaeefnl sketch, leaving ont. tbe name, which
United SUtoe BegoUatiBg fer tbe
atyla and plaasaat maanar.
was gnesaad by MIsa Bolcomb aa NaBraaUlaa BatUsablp De Kaio.
bo one expeelod. any oivoattton to tbaalel llawtberne.
London, March iS.-Tbe Uni tod Stotea
Mayor Smith for a raaomlnalloo. anS
Mr. Dlckermaa. a former etadeat. rab aagetlaUBg ban for tbe
ibera wna nans, and when Jndgo Lorin apoaded to d oall for a few appropriate
panbaee of tbe BraslUan battleakip
Robert* RnUbod no aloqneat roelUl of nmarke.
Male, 'formerly tbe Aqaidaboa.
tba life md rapid adeaaeamaat of Mr.
Tbe qoeatloa adoptod for next week
Smith and bin
is; •'Rsaolved. That tba ladlaas re- which baa beea recoaetrnetlng la Eagaa ehief eaecnUve of the city, ba wae eelvad more ernal treatmeat-at tba laad.
named 1^ aoclamatloa amid a et<vm of bands of tbe while mea than the aeIt Is n-amertod ben Uat Ue SpaaIf yon want a bicycle bailt to fit got
^ O'Hlggiaa, which bee beea leave yoor order aad apeelfleaUeaa at
atg Attoracg P. C Ollberi made no
bolldlng bg Ue Armstronga for Chile. Oiy Uop. aad I gnnraatn to eatt gon
extoaded epec^ when be preaeated
In workomeaklp. mntortal and price.
N Tonight.
A. W. Rickard for clerk, beeaoae aoae
wae aeoded, aa Mr. Riekerd oonld net
I'aetor Arlnader .of CadlUae.' wUl
kelp but be nomlaated with a noaol- prcacb Is Ue SwedUb language tbU
moes wave of eaUaalaam wbleb dle- evening in Ue eUool hosse on Beat IHseaMaed bg .Ua Book Beriaw Otob
plagsd that'he was wanted at tbe eld smu street. ^ cordial Uritattoa b
Taetordag Aftoraooa.
eUnd far aaotker ynal', at leneC
pnended to all who nndaraUad Sean- ' Mn. J. A. Moatagne aatortalaed Ue
A Bbarp OMUat was looked for la tba dlnnvlan.
I will give goo 3 coat work in ang
Book Bevirw Clubyntorday aftrrooon
pomlaatiuB for traasuraf, nad none
vrrg pireaaatly. Mra. BaUe read nad oolor. Uc bnt bakiag rnamrl aad varnbb. clean alWthe bearings and irna
Wen dlsappelntod in that regard. A.
reviewed Uat fine, strong beak ef Ue wheels, all for the above priceB. Bmett of tbe SeoMid vrard named
Jamee Lnae Allen. "TbeCbelr lavbl . Call and see samples at
Prank Friedrieh kas sold kb baadMnioom Winnie far ansomleatlon nnd
ble," la an entgrtainlag nmaaer. Mra.
this was qoleklg followed by aa elo- some rowboat to Dr. J. D. Mm
Mdbtagur served an elegant tapper
W. B. lihaekar. anpervber from Ue and Ue aoeial feetnn. which b ebar<3oeot speech by Manly C Dodge, wbe
preaentad ibe name of Ex-Aldmman t'iraTV^ bni aanooneed kb caadl- actorbtle of teborganlxation. waapardaey for
Uobbs. Ex-Coi
lllenlarly acjoynble, ;
vlgoroai speech In behalf ef Victor
ClUieni Onocusee an called for Ue
I’etertyl aad recited the merits of hb 2fad aad oooeentlaa for Ue Sird bf
All of Ue nomlaaUons March.
Spring Suits
Two OeDta.
Four Wonderful Books
only B cents each.
“Titoa. • Oomtbde of the Croas," Rorence M. Kiooleg.
“The Wrertier of the PhiUippi," rannie E. Kewbenr.
“Tbe Dags of Mohunihed,'' Anna May Wilaoo. ■
“A Devotee and a DtiriinAEl” Beoca Middleton Samww»
Tbeae are tba D. C. Cook ••Prise Stortee." aad an aplaadid reading for all pg«r
Bicycles Bflilt to Order.
Enamel Tour Wheel.
^pealUon to Band Oitg for RB.OOO
to Kova Water Works.
Harry Nlebolls wa# elected prealdeat
ef Oharlavolx oa Ue Repobllraa tWtet
by a majorily of Ulny-flve over H. L.
Olddlaga, on Ue »9a-parUma ticket.
Tbe eatire Uepnblkmn ticket was sleet
ed. The proposition to boad for te.ODO
to move watoy works to Lake Mleblgna
beach was carriad by a good maiority.
Kemcrinl Berrieaa.
' Memorial eeitiem will be held at Ue
First M. E. ebnnb andar Ue ansMees
•f Ue W. a T. U.. Snnday aftor^a.
Mareb both.-la memorg oftba lata
Pranced E-WUlard. The pnblb gener
ally lavitod.
a Cobea of Knlknakn. Is la the eltg
on bnflasaa
Rev. J. A Pegs pf Orand BapWa, b
Us gneat of Itev. B. SaUberg tbb wesk.
Will R. Cbldwall hM antoed from
Birmingham. Ala., for a two weski'
William H. Imnwag of Bast Jordan,
Ue W. W. Kimball Oo.
forUntetIg. ieU Ue eiw fw n few
dnyaonbnetoeei srtU MnnawStreeg
8#0 PROMT 8TR£rr.
That IS the smallest picture jframe we make. We
make all kinds of frames, and nuke Uiem as they shookl
be made.
We are showing Ue proper shapes lb tbe new bats, aad qooto
p^lnr and (deealag priom fii.oo to fiJ.oo. Jost awp la nagwag aad look at Uem:
ag.!! Wheel EiwmalBd fur ».5R
QoodLadies’Bubbers............................... 2bo
eiisses Tan Cloth Top Shoes;................... 1 2B
Ladles' Dongola Tan (Good SoUd Shoe)....... 1 60
South Side Shoe Store,
Union Street.
Fish For The Lenten Season!
Lsbntdor Herring,
Bmokbd Herring,
HoUand Herring,
K. X. K. Horwagimn Herring,
OfiUfomiA lyplmftn,
SoMlan Sardinafi.
CpomATty Bio
SmokMl Halfbnt,
BontifiM OodfUh,
Finnan Hsildiiu.
Norway BplOMl SardlnM,
Oort^Fish OsksA
South Side Oreeer,
Qoaiitj And Price Are The Priies We Offw!
What would yon think of • Uwyer who tried to oecore oUoots by
offerioK chances on a bicycle?
Would you want the wn-icoo of a phyricinn who offered to give
coni buds or W>fa pillows to patients who employed him regularly?
We think not. We believe also that when mckneea comes sad
yon have preecriplions io be filled, or need any other aid that tbe
skilled pharmacist can render you want perfect aarrioe at'a fair price
—aod notbiuji else
We can give auch service. We believe droggists that are con.
scientioos about quality are pretty sure to be as careful about price.
F. -W.
Trareree City.
$25.00 Bicycle [
Says it is t^e best wheel
on the market for the moneyThey arc beauties. We have
a few |50 *97 models we will
closeout forDon’t buy
a wheel nntil you have look*
ed onrKover. You will save
money by doing so.
Markham Block.
M. B. M0U.EV. «
wen received wtU applaaae. It was
Clan Cortb baa Ue agency for tbe
expeciad that tbe vote woold be eloacv Ontlng bieyele and b abowlag anmplaa
but after tbe first ballot Wlanto was at Haskell's bookstore.
ont of tbe raoa. and a lively batM eaMbs Bom Wood returned bet algkt
ened between llubbs aad Petortyl. It
from a trip to Chicago, when ab«r.:^bwas eldae, so very eloee UM aalUer
Ited Ue large miUlaergbonada.
relaxed a single effort antil Itaeylast
Mbs Ellen CrMla arrived from '
vote in Ue fourth ballot was east^^e
final ballot sbswMi i for Winnlal ST cage yesterday and baa token bar
far Petortyl and a for ilobba. It was peallioB as trimmer b Mbs Tackaa good fight and showed Ue runniag berrg'e mllllBerg store.
'WUlbm LendoB will not appear In
<iaaliam of aaek candidate. Tbe nomiaatloB was made nnaaiiBous and U«n Ua cototag mlastra) abow as
Tbe report
Mr. Petortyl was called to Ue stage to bg mbtake yeaurday.
make, a apeecb. Ue was aomewbat sbanld have said Dan London.
embarrassed, bnt Uaoked tbe dele
Tbe Boston store wUl add a mililnsrg
gatee kledlyforUeboaor which bad
) a fntl line of alagaat
fallea to bb lot and lavitod them all to effecto. which an belag |
Jim Jobaaon's for-elgara.
New York bj Mr. RoeenUal
•There was no eonUst fer Ue nomina
Tomorrow night tbe annieeraarg of
tion for tebooi Inspector and Pnf. C. Ue blrUday of SU Patrick wUI be obT. drawn went In by ncclamattbn.
served la UeCitg Opera Bonae oadar
• Tnen ptombed to be i
1 Ue aaepicae of St. Praacb Unreb.
rrof tbe
for tbe nCmlnntioB fer n
There wRl beans
board of pnbUe works, bnt a eoqteat a maalcal aod lltorarg e>
was swept aside when Ue choioe of tbe
Don. Jason E. Hamme
eoBeentlon became appareau O. P..
parlntoadeat Of p
Carver was aaated by Jndge Roberto
r to confer wlU Mbs
for one member aad Mr. Career was
Nettle & Urag. c.
chosen in Ue good old wag- Aldennan
fer Orand Traveneooo
Ooodheb aomlaatod A. B. Brown for
UbUsoer Benjamla of L
Ue second member. P.COUbartabo
aamed Tbomaa Moaltoa for Ua aame
plaea. The nomlnatbm wm oapporud, to W bald bare Ub
328 Union 8t., Oomar of 7th.
Fancy Taffeta Lining
We have >nst received a beiintifnl line of fancy
• striped and plain Taffeta Lining of all colors.
JWe'bave also all colors in Oimbric Linings. Do
• not fail to have some o^tnese most stylish linings in
9 all spring dresses.
36 inch Silkoline Linings, Prisniatic effect at___2oc .
36 inch Silkoline Linings, Roman effiect at___12>^c
36 inch silk finish Taffeu Linings** all colors for 16
^anoy colored Cambrics at-----............... 3 l-2c
I 244FiuntSL
Broach Block. :
m-iBFMtsL ncssmii^
Cm. T. Eam iioi ». W. H*ot».
#. W. Hawm, WiMT *»< iu»f«.
k* uU. ;•
Bicjcles EnameM^ Front Sti Cycle Worb
DMrott. UBitb 1A~
From $1.60 up to $2:60
will dBBB It tborpD^ly. traa
tr tba arbaaU.
7^ ■■7 oraaMMolwork
i tba C^trd BUtra and 8pa^
bBklac oaoB Ib elty. Oaly tba aacy baat aa*
yaa my wlab aad aay eolar. ftcat
omL ObII BBd aaa a*«plB Bad* fadfa for yoaraalf. Vbetory priaaBBOd AslBh.
; ltonM.'v«0>a-tllu.laA
Baat work for tba taoBt mway. AU work
PraetioBl Weyela i
M. tVlBBlafor Cft; TraoBarar. M. c| 1 noat take pBaa>B( wxloa cd bdoUmv
PoUawlBf Bra (ba «OoiBl proaatiW. J. dobba Bad B. W. I point iti tba uoTorniijaait’a "»»—«■■ for •
a V. PatartyL
Bi.inUUiiiii tt^uiillty. Ererybody
Iba oaBVBBUra wBBXBUad to ordar
todirldaltad BB totiam:
b7 CbBtrmBB BBS..Bsd FrBBk HbibU
__ ataia to____
the ooontry. dtooe aooba i
atae a disturber and an too
p. c:quebBlnoBB of iha ao<
We bare Waneb talent aa tbe other
bart WBB. la.Uka ■
nation«.lL-4ye »be atto» wntonedly j
and wicbont biltaracaa "bot fta tba
Tba I
Mka of tbe general good of tbe conbtry
maktogUoTWarbl^ wara eboaao Bt tba M. WiBBla. ’•.....................
t. and not a
bnt tootfnllyand akiUfally preTBited
M wara'aa follom:
teen doing h if wa Uow too maob
I...................... .. • .'^sdS peraiatoBOa. COnaaqaiBtly we bare no
BaatlBCB, jU K. Qlbba. fi. J. Polrbam.
tmiownad Ben. la 'eentnr^ wa bsea
D. CoebliB.
rornni ballot.
•aldcBi prodared one—that iA aeldom
PtrmaHoU OiytaHartnajaBif antor bT V. Pebnrtyl-..................... ...................ST
allowcdaoetoFrodace.bimaelt Wecaa
ba.lMM-C A.* HBBBtood. J. C. Mor- tv. J. Hobba..........................................«
■ty today wbst ao oiber nation of flm , ,
(u.rrladrteh. a.r. Vf. lArdla. W. W
Importance in Ue la^l?^_^brti^ j ^
Oa motion of J- A Eorangar Mr.
My-r(bat tbe
DO Anstrian wbn baimda an
••APiariea” araa anar by Ib^ obaroa- P.iartyl iraa doelarod the anAnlm
DSQie f<» bimaaU wbt^ li laailtor all |
>Btooa of tha eoareatton.
tloa aad apactotonu balaf lad by Ur. J.
A. anydor, aoooBpaalad by tbo Soya’
la Doalaation of aebool toapaetur for In Atuaris." by Mark Twain, in HarBaad.
par'a Magariita.
- Prayar waa offarpd by Ear. O. Ooeb- tbe foil tora aad Prof. E T. Drawn
wa« aaaad by acelamaUoa.
Only 16 Oaato.
O. P. Carver waa tbaa named by E
The coBBlttee oe erodeetiala re
Don't go wlUnot a Letur Bos Plata
ported tbe fallowtof aaBod futieAaa Roberta for mambar of tba board of on year hooae when yoo eaa boy Uem
public works: Tka aoatoailoa was for IS eenta. A few sore lefv
aaUUad to aaaU to tbe coaeaatloa:
Gno. W. Rapt.
Tbe report wai accepted aad adopted.’ supported by Mr. Goodrieh. aad tbe
ELLIS, 311 Front St , East.
VW «l«T.
pUaad baieta tba
•mitb'B aoalMtiOB «bb mda bpaaelBWBttOB
P. a Ollbart bbmA far atp Clark
A. W. Uahard. Bod thara bataf ao
-j. tv. MuiikBB. £. vr.
Ih* rwtoAM M
Mril M U*
%tefc.. —M«—« •>«■
Tb* lUp»btteu OMdUUtM.
Al Ua 1
iMt Bl»bt • WlMiM Uckat w»» Boai
Mtad for U* T»rl«M titj oAm* t« b«
jiua m\ Ue eoal«r aprlac ti*eU«s
Blrht'* OMTMttoB. Itk* thBl o
«te EapoklioBU iMt 7M^. WM B eepraB^tBUra ffBtharlac.BBdooaiB whteb
iBBdlBC bBBlaaaa B»d p—
iB ihe eit.T BBttad
as who bBTO tba eeofi•MUtr BBd
ef tba pobae. for tba UaportBst
Mty aCoaa. Tba aoBToatioB wbb ooo^daaootly kBrsaiiloiia Bad Boob bbtMony brinn»k5toryBttbB paUa. Tbera
WBB B BbBip aqatoBt for tbo aomlBBtlM
tm troBBOtar, bnt ao fsBlIay to BBT-tba
J-........ of tbo ticket Mr Wiania baa
tba offleoBlaea Ua city orfBaliaBad laara* babtaid » r*** ”«»*•
jjr. J. BobbBBad Viator Patartyl mada
etoaa raaBadUwBsahber'B rictory
/ mtO tba iBBt ballot B*bb than tbara
araa ataa to apara for iha^rlBaar.
Mr. PBtartyiwUlBBkBBfood traaa
^•c. Bb wbb in that office nader the
'doUoa for collaeUa« tba; toxaa op to
wltbla laaa than a dollar of tba BBOoat
a< tba tax roll, atbieh la ronarkabla.
MU raeord aad rapDtaUoB^a u '
•Mb and raUaklB cltUar
MwliMBa WBB Baa«roa bia-eioetioB i
lonra B«}ortty.
Tba BBBinr «f
•with foe wayor^ a tribute tdability,
wood afUaBBBbia and BB»abla aad eonMliwtioBa'bdBiBUtrBtioB of tbaaBalra
of tbo elty dorlnr tba pMt yean aad
U waa flltlar that the aowlaatloB
AooM ba Bad* by aedaBBtloo. and
arltbtbaaaBtiBaatof c&BfldaBoa froB
orory deleeata to-tba coBTanlloB.
Tbara are faw Bca Bbo ooold eu Uft
' napoaalble poat of city clerk aa wall
•a AIbod W. Rickard, and noae better.
Mr. Rlokerd ba% daBonatrated a
obillty for tbe totrlcate detaUa
of that iBportant office aad hia reaoB
luUon br »d.~.Uo. p.™. «... h.
M appracUted aad aature* a oentlaof the azeallant diaebarffa of tba
^^ptiaa of olark aad qt tba oorraet
^tkoda already aatabllal
a P. Carrar aad TboBaa ifoaltoa
wUI BBka ^eaflaat aoBbera of tke
beard of public worka ftotb aro
of praeUcal Maaa aad they will ba
tel to tba poaitioM to wbl^ they wUl
PratOMor C. T. Orawp te oatoopUy
Bttod for Bcbool toepaetor aad aay
yofaroooa.to bU wall kaowa qaaUfl
oatkMB' ia aaeooaMary to IbMO ool-
. L. Rob
erta. f. HaBllloa. Jakn Powla. W. J.
Packar. E. R. MeOoy. W. B. Thaekar.
3. L Maoro. ft Reae. ft Uarlaad, E L.
BaaaOtt. lioo. Boom, M. C. Dodfo. Oacar
SlBpaoB. O. P. Cbrre'r. C. T. Urawa. A.
P. OaBBiWB. O. C. MoBatt. >'rod Bnat-.
tv. E Joaaa. C M. Parker. 3. A. Loranrar. Baraay APdaraoa. W. B. Bbaer.
J. W. Mllllkoa. U.' CbaUerdpn. B. D.
CbBpball. A. A. McCoy. L. tV. Ttok'
Ooo. JaBBOon.
Saaoad Ward.
-^aratM-ifaotMB Ooodrlch. E W.
flaaUnca. H. C. Bialtk. WtlUaB Aleaaader. A- E Baanatt. Dewitt Tbospaoa. Joaapk Klaaaan. Loola Sledar. ft
& Damw, William Oola, C. E Orel'
tick. 3. E >'elaoo. Piaak Uadak. W. U.
Darrow. C A. Maroor. B. Crato, B.
“llllaa Kooia, E Nicbola.'A. E Borabaebar, Fraak Bartley.
Third Ward.
Dalrta»**-«- C. Dcaproa. C. M. Boora.
J. F.‘ OofdoB. W. A. Kawtoo. A. ft
Cook. J. a. Mootoa, J. T. Baaaab.
JokD'Kelly. C. K. Back. A. E Daaprea.
Oeorta Hayt. Wllllaa Abbott. K. C.
DoBBoad. Prod Boo(bey. 7. H.. MeUo«rk. P. & Ollbort. -lopa A. Perry.
J-rank FWodrieb. E B. Bora, A. W.
Bickerd. O. tV. ISyde. Cblrto ft Vader.
Victor Petortyl. G. B. Ball. W.
Saith, E E UIbba. P. iBbym. A. PeUrtyl.
Foanb Ward.
. Dairratea—WllllaB Loudon. E 3.
PnlyboB. J. A. Mmtoree. Ooo. W.
Lordle. E H,^>ope. U. ft Oaraar. Beaj.
Tblrtoy. Wekaler Bock. Tbomaa 8kaaa.
N. E Oriatt 'E M. Prall, Prank B.
Bltb. P. O. Marrto.
Fifta wardDa'afBtoa—A: W. Jabraua. .
Walla. 3. R. Haalto. E K. aerelaad.
W. .Wataon. D. Oeeblto. Ckaa. Plekoll.
E C. Horaa. ft flyaa. Frank L'mlor,
Ooorra OarrlaoB. Ueorfo A Bteamt.
OoorraBooa, J. Uopktoa. DaVld Wrif^t.
A W. .Blaek. Ueerte^Ackey. W. W.
Than waa ao e^poattloo to tka
aaal^tin to ft M- Browp for joaUea of
p«oa pad hla loar aerriea will be
oeounod with lb« mbc BdeUty to Uf
pooplab totenwta.
Tba aatire ticket la a good opa aad It
arlll raealra tba aopport that tba Bar
Ito of all iba caadIdatB deaeree. wklek
aomlnatioa waa made by acelamatioo.
Mr. Gopdrieb Uaa naatod A. H.
Brown for ibe aaoond Beabar of the
Board ol Peblie Works. Mr. Gilbert
otTboa. Moaltoa.
ibla'aoBiaatleD waSsapportrd by 3.
A. Leraagar of tba Pimt. E M. Beora
of the Third. A. W. JahTana of tba
Pitta. J. A. Moatagha fA. tbe Poartta
aad E. W. ^aatiog* of tba Hoeoad. A
H. BaaaeU named B. C bmilb. aad J.
Morgan'• name waa alao maatloned.
, tbeaa goaUeBoa are to tbe Baoood.
Mr. Goodriek tbaa asked Ue ooBTen
lion Uat U^Seooad'V Allowed Ume
L>r oeasaluUoa. wklek waa graated.
wbaa all tbe oUer aaaaea batog wiUdrawB Mr. Goodiieb morad ibai Ur.
Moaltoa bd d«>lar*d Ua
cboieo of tbe oeneebUoa. wbleb was
J. A. Loranger then placed t>. M.
Brown's aame before Us coareatloa
for JostlM of tha pcaoa.
No oUar name batog preaeatod Ur.
Browa waa named by a
B matioa the coBTeatloa ad>oanad.
H aid comauttaaa.
Tha Ward CoBBiitoaa, JolaUy formlag Ua C^ty Coanittae. are aa followa:
PtrrI ITard—J. A. Lomager. M. E
Dodge. C. A. Ha»mamd.
Scnnil H'ord^-E. tV. Haatlnga. C. E
GrelUck^ Tbomae Moaltoa.
Third Wnnl-Ueorge BoyU C B.
Bom. P. E Gilbert.
Pi.urth ira<<l~E J. PalgboB, Kraak
B. boilU. F. U. Marela.
PI.rth K-ord-E E Bogan. A. W Jobraiia. George Garruoa.
Poroatore' Sapper and Danoa.
The eospanlene ot 1. O. P. will aerea
aa extra fond 10 cent aupprr March 17
for Ua bcopBt of Ue Ladles' Oemetery
Aasoclatioe. Sapper will ba, aerred
from S to « e'elo- k. A daner will fol
low ia tbravcaiog. bin soewatA Tba
proceadt of Ur eatire eraaing to go to
Ue«bo*e toeiriy. ‘
Bicycle Riders.
RamoBbar Uat I do all kiada of
pairing aad anameltog. aad Uat I can
aad do glee you tba baat work of aay
oae to U^eity for the money. Don't
be deceived by what otben toll yoo to
Ua ooBtmry. but com and sea for
1 gnaraatoe alt-my work to be right,
nad U it does not prove eo 1 make It
Stop la ua 8 o'clock every eveatog,
except Sunday, to tbe Caldwell A LoodoB -balldtog. at aarU oad of Cnkm
aKLuau nucB.
Clear Perk per bbl. »
Ocor Pork perlb....
Shortcut Pork..........
Short Cat Pork per Ri
Flour, U E ACo.be
I to ba by
one aama te preaeatod Ue vote fa to V
taken by aeolaanUoa. All balloU to
V feraul anlaaa oUorwiae ordari^ by
a majority vou-of tbo convaatloa.
VTbao ballot U ordered tba tgllarm to pam Urougb Ue alalea. ooUeot
Ua ballots, dapoall them all togaUar
op Ua toUaru’ table, oonat Uam and
report to Ua obalrma of tba eonveaUoQ who afaall canas raauli to V an-
Omad Raplda.March ll-Wkcat. Mo.
SaUrday. Fabruart MU, and coattoo^ every Satn^y^Urre^r^^onW
farUer noUer. Ua Grand RapI
Indiana will run a train leariag
loavtog Mackl1
___ __aty
to Ue
J aftemoau
aftemoau arrtviac
Grand Raplda nbout 10:ts p. a. TV
arrfeal of Uia tralh to Grand Bapidi
wiU V to time for oennoetiaM to ^1eago aad Detroit. Botoming trala
wUl leave Grand Raplda every Sunday
atTriSa. «.,0OBBeBriag8aadayjPebe duly aworu bj W. roary I7U. ruaatog on Ue Unila of
preaent No. S. FV time cards or fnribor tofmatloo apply to O. B. A 1.
Janttea B. M. Brown reqaaetoaB Ue
a to enll at batogto order Boa. Lorto Bobwrta proC E Loonrooo,
bia ottes Uia momtog and amahe aantod tba ndma of Bon. W. W. RaiU
Oenanl Pamanger aad Tlehet Agent.
tar Mayer. Tteu being no eUw ■
^IVliad Bnpide. Mieh.
...... “
11 pain mea’a Nettietoo. Ox Blood. Calf Liacd M 00 Bbea a
r pain BPB'x Ncitlrtoa Patoatod Calf Lnee V.tv Shoe oow..
i pain
nr. pai
H pain ladles Raior Toe Eld Tip Shoeo. $1 M aboe
!4 pain tadiea Cola Toaa, several ktylsa to eloac.
Piogree Kid
tog Beel
Beel Sboee W.OO, new.................. .............
• >‘i.
'king for e
Fi\ee6 3Toyft
111 SS
10 7S
!•! Tkat tbe temporary orra
ba jaada perBaaaot.
Sad. That tallerb be appotoud from Bran per 100............
Baekwbaat Flour .
tke aareral warda aa followa:
\ 1st ward-0. E MoBat.
avTiwo uraa OP TOATnan cm- dialftnd ward—A. H. BanneU.
il will bfor Ob«>lol of «.»xita.
)rd waift-<too. Uoyt
tfatloB Ttaorsday.
Arbaat, old, per bu......................
4tb ward^. II. PralL
Wheat new. per bn....................
Tba NonbaraMieblitabTraaiportoSib ward-W. W. PalretillA
Oats. No 1, per bn. (aew)........
Men Co.'a Dook will be opas to roaoira
.OKDKB or m-airnd.
tralirki for hit bay ptdnu on Tbnreday.
Takiaf oath ft ofiloera of tb« CoaMarch It. Tha atoamer Oraaeeat wUl
ba bare oa that date toatart en rer>^t Tontlea.
Mltoeilasoooa bnatoaM.
tolpa. 8aaa maa aa laat apaaoB.
PraaoDlatloB of aamaa of, and reOar
EH. Povs. Afabifor. oaadldatea in tba followto( order.
' Mayor.
Bear BIb Tonlcbt.
City Clerk.
Toalyhl Her. Horfan Wood. tboTalCity Tdraavror.
■araof Mlehlffae. «tll appear to tba
Belw^ laapoetor. full term.
Two BBOBbon of tba Board of Pablle
«ara. • ABartcaa ante, erackadapd anWorks,
both for fall torw.
eraekod.” nndar tbe anapleoa of tba
One Jaatiea of tba Paaea. fall tom.
Bl^ Bobool lactOT* eonrae.
Your oOBBlttoe weald alao make Cbe
•aa aBord to mtaa .haarlay tbia oloi dirtoa wboaa at
■nde-fer him a high place aaong Ue
valiant Ban of Ue age. An exchange
"(toe of tbe meet powartal and alo4}uoat apoakere to tV poultry. Mr.
Wood aaore than peallard la ti^toda
If bU baarors iV glowing ^oua
wb'lcbVva baeb paid bla by ^oaa.
pnlplinnd laeturo plaaorm. allAivar
Uta brand land, and abonid be again
(Oriait the city. V woold draw one of
tbo largoat, aad Boat totslUgeat
tbtoktog aadlannat ever aaaeBbled -to
tllMclty. It la hoped eneb a Ubb my
Sure to 09&tv\ &\
otve tiws
\\v\t svnrv^, atvA utviioobtedt^ ^
ijouW xDttvt the WVett stijXe.
"Ko mattw xoWt lawiLT
be&ntij, toe c&ti rt\to» laow
Vmmetvee oaxtetii tomel^Vtv^
ed to laou.
"VDe are oenj stroa^ vn TiooeVWes.bcWi ta tdaeV. aad edioirs.
TraToiM atr MaUat.
Below Ua lUtoftheboytog
:ofmbartog and ariltog prices of yesi
esteeJay for groa
arm prodacU to *
4 OOl
1 IS
Uatloa aad order of baatooaa rapwtod
lor ooBBlttea ap^totod by tbe
aereral ward deleiraUoaa. woaM re^^tfslly report aa followa: Wa reooa-
. 1 03
1 9M
Sevemi Other Broken Lines Bt 1-2 Price.
We Are Doing
The Lion s Share o! the
Wheel Business,
And shall endeavor to keep it up until the close
of the bicycle season.
There can he no going below our figures on
high grade goods—then there’s the easy terp^
^ of sale to be taken into consideration.
It’s only naturahthat we should have ^e :
lion’s share, adter alL
To 8lBf to UnoU Svn • 8er«
th« Refrain of Which la
*^Handa Off Spain."
m Very BdMMit Wanhlfa
, Peelawt Wy«a a.a.lpr
Londim. Uanb IL—Tbe Parla ecrre*
^oBdent uf The Tldtei «ara; “Aecurd.
IbC to tbfonnatloB obtained rit.ni cood
•Doreea the Auetrtaa amparor U maklag Knot efforu to iDdooc tbe Eun»
aaaa powen to prraeat to tbe Culled
•tatee ibe dan^ to Europe of tbrtr
carnlB* any fortber ibelr laterferei
tb Cuban alfalra. Emperw William la
warmly aaoondlnc the efforta of EmThe AmerieuB
peror FTascl* i
it la aware of ihla
T%e Vienna Airreapbodeat of Tbe
Tlmca talecrapha an abiiyact of aa artlcte In the St. Peieraburc Novoe
Vfeinya, whlcb he thinks "deserves atmtlon as ctvlnc an accurate account
•t tbe viewa and Iniemiona of at least
tbraa of tba preat poa era." The eerreVObdent says: ."Tbe article aaaerts
are wall aware that In deriaHng war
acalBal Spain they could not' Count op«n tba apprutal of any ot tbe European
powers. All. It alieces. would ayfnpatbise s'titi Kpain: If not actieeiy.
talnty b>‘ (Bley'orical protest amlnat
•bit* I
m m MttrM oC eoMlntrtlon la Fraac*.
TtirMrtvo vwMia arc BtMl «heaib*«
and ruptwred. «ltb tvia arrawa. bad
win be the tint of tbe cr
dleplaremcnl. with l
- to d relop twanty
kncie apeed. Tbue w'bl tbe ship la
about the «!ae of tbe Cha
nurb faaier.. Her ama
Wift of th« Stnktor D)m 8udd«n*
ly on thBYBcht Anita Off
• thoOoaMofOuba.
HiB WiSIBD or EES 001010 EIp.
caliber, for the malA battery ic made up
of alz-lncb runa; but theae «ub*. aa
well a* tbe 4.7-lnch rune, are of what
la knowh aa.Sd callbera lensth. ctvlnc
them an vnutual ranee and powar. TVn
torpedo lube* are three In number. The
CTOlaera carry no armor In (he uidloary
•enae; but (heir marhinery 1* protected
Uy «r Vera
from the (Ire of cun* by ao .airbed
Waahlncton. March> U,-Co!Muroebuteel deck ]i»t hel<f« the water Ilna
state^ bepaWvaryloK In tbirknew from U to L& eral Lee baa nouned the
of the death yeaterday at haciia
Vaahintton. bfareh Ik-dtepreoenla. la Uraode. Cuba, of the wife of Sen
oa board
ttve EUtott. of South Carolina, ealled at
the natT departmeiu yeaterdar to talk tbe yacht Anita.
with the i.ttlrlati re«iwH-(lDC the rl«lh>
Srnaior and WraThuratobwere memInc of the naval mllltlu
Mr* of'a cvncrvalonal party which left
year* mlkiUmen have been to^n» hard
j *0
• fmaJiflratb.n of the Uw that
i' '■"U'd Permit
permll of the appUeatl.j
appUeatlon of at
“ r«rtioa of thefnilliim atJpropria.
le purchi
has been arvomrllal led al last thK.udh
the Ineluakm In the pendiDR naval hill
pf a Bulillable ai
m w clause under ordinary condltlont
would not rn Into effect before July 1
neat. ElliottendeavorlBjt to hate IJie
-section r<> Into effect Immediately upon
the pasiapf of the bill
<UII* Uw rabaa* a Eat af tw*y SeeolaUaa»M»-IUleMl .rjaha Ball.
Mew Tork. Marrh IS.—Father Connol
ly. rhetor of St. Mary'e church In 1‘enh
Ambciy, said Sunday In hie arrmon that
of "lazy revoluI the Cubans were
tionUu" and not worth flfihtinc tor by
the -United States. He also declared
that the destruction of the Maine was
~ •Tbetsfore." continue* The NoVoe
y'Tretaya writer, "it I* hojeduhst Hpaln bollrra and was n«*t the work of tbe
/ srtll not fall into tue irsp laid l y Wa«h- Stwntsb. who were "a t'hrlsiian and
J tneton: for she ha* >u fur i>» arri.eia chlvBlruu* nation." Al ifil* lime, he
aald. ruler* of nation* *hould t.-miwr
their juderoent with Juetlfe. In the absence, of official rrpurta he aaaerted.
mere was owhlny to aatlsfy the de
mands for war wl^ Spain. He con
Will notify (he Waahlncioii s<-vrmment tinued:
.__ .
•f their Opinion that war I* not de"A* a matter of public morals 1 would
ilmble: and It is- to br hoped that
I*re*tdeBt McKinley will realize tbe dlaadeamaae of such aenerai <ri:aiire and by ihl* war talk. I am loyal to my
will not allow hlmaeir to he ecaed lots country, but tt U not Ibe kind of loyal
war by Amertcaa •peculat.ir* *'
ty that. I* In Ti«ue now. M’ben th*
Aoatrla and UeesMBy far Spata.
riahl lime cume* I wll!»tell every man
Tbe Vienna eomspundrol of Tbe to my vonnessUon to Bshi. but In ihta
•tandard declared that Auetrfa arid ca»e war t« umwlled for. Why should
Oarmany aympathlsr with SjAln. (be (be United SUtes free a lot of lasy Cu
former beinc a<iuatrd by family tie* bans who do (iothlns bul bask In the
between the t«-o relrnlnit Juuse*. and
and plot revutullonT Then
tbe Utter try a crvdRe airain*! tbe erne* the offer of aid from Great Brit
United Ptaies. The eorreapondmi adds: am in case Wr flyht Spain. Hark will
“The Chln.-ae question 1* mwh m<«P le Uw'day w hen this ylorlou* <-ountry
pnetlcal for the United Stale* than tbe accepia aid si the hand* of tbe nation
Cuban, tail Amerlc* ha* no naval base that once o|>pre*<ed ua."
In Chinese aaiera.' Why should not
Spain make peace by offerlnff (he VnIt-' 'OOBMtOATif THEM COM* I
ad State* a naval Matlon In the Phnippine* Spain nnuld lose nothing (here
by. On tbe contrary, the Fhlllpplnea
Havana. March IS.—The military
•- would be m.pie a«kured to her than commander uf Santa Clara rr{iori* that
befewe. and the Ameriran* would be
enalded to act from that l«*e In cob- a* the' iBsurtreni Madera rayllo. Alvare*. Nun-i and other* were upon
Junction with Bnyland and Japan."
the point of surrenderina to the Span
iard* near La Ea|«rwnaa. provloce ot
Jtanta CUr*. They were furprlacd by
^aal*b Bdllae Waal* I* Spli th* Seaafr the ln»urften(4, under Itt.l-eeio Ber___aaam.p*.r. ,
mudrx.and a colllsloa ucurn-d. Later,
—Wasblnmon. Marrf I&.—Senator Ua- pn the farm of J.u»o. a fi>ry» of guer
pon yeaterday received tbe chaireore rilla* found the R t-d i»>dl'« of Alnant him by !)>• odib.r of tbe Spanish vare*, Nunes and M. Jm E*r'br»b. *f
-Uluatrated pat»r El Cardo The doed- the Insurycnl army who had evident
ly iTcn killed by the Insuraenta wK;
dtaroveted the r iRt* .tlon Of aurrendwIns to (he B|>sn'a)d« Tbe budle* were
buHe^ at Ta RapAranUla**eelW wr Aaait^ Crat*etw
New York, ilart h IS —Wve dioard of
auzniarv cnil»<T ir*pe<^ra inapcriei
the Ml. Ie>ul* end the New York, of tbe
AmeHcan liR'-. yesterday afiemo.in.
The visit of the St l,oul» was a'rfiorl
one. The*(eatr*hlp was constructed un
der ihesuiierviWiBi of tavsl exi«TU and
all of the otneer* r.rtni»s|iis Ibe board
w*re (amilisr with the plan of tbe ves•acl. The New York was neat vtaHed.
She was cmstru-led when th* «umjAny aallol It* •I'lpa under the British
n*c. The New York was at one lime
III (h* reservfNot the FtrtUsh adm^rallly
atid wa* bum nnder the suprrx l«lon of
Enafiah officer*.
sdtior. the Uarqul* de Alla Villa The
ctaallenKe I* to a (nmlBt at eword'e
point. *nil l> preceded l.y a ataurliolumn
of per.-.i.al atuise In wbkdi Maam la
dewrti-d a* "an lenoble Tankce aenater. eh- ~-.lda like ■ wuman and who
baa mil <he n,;..r i.. nchl
e a own
and who «ouM rahe a ^lap
the face
without re».-„,j, g tv '
The Ameri. an i —ipie «re referred to
V~a people who
tn i.imuAnd whose
Baff la the Almiah \ -t>.llai." Tbe senatSr takes thr- <l..iil-nKc In a Joooae
He *«y» be ei:i h«ve to »ee the
BMtrdula leforv h- *--iae* wh.iher be
Will accept, hpl th»t It siarvely me■ notds with Siianish m<Hie*-., r»r the
CbstlenclbK party to name tb<- weapons,
pa I* done 1^ thta itiaiamc.
MOBwnro bbookd. wbdnbsoat, xabob le. iws.
ftillad-lphle. March IC-Yrslepdar
fnr Ih* flrwi time - landsmen" wrr* enIksU-d fi-r w-r\lrc* ■'! the Untied Statt*
at (hr I.*ac(ie Island aavy yard Any
abl*-l-«!led man «hc answered th*
physliwl rx-qpirrmefil* was admitted.
Tti* reason f'>r this BilP.n, one ..r th*
officer* .■( Ih* whip aald yesienlsy. 1*
b**n neelvfd .trogp
^ rult a* rapidly as
pupsltile NO to «trV os acamcn and eoal
JOBM a. tBi Baroff.
toarbed Cuba at Havana and after
wards went to Matanus and Sarua la
Grande. Mr*. Thursum wa* Ip excellent
braltb when she left (hr rity.
Ur*. Thurwion bef»u hfr mairtaicc
was Mias MaAba Uulaod.' a niece of
Luke U»laDd. of Vermont, prominent
ycur* a*<i In the house of representa
tive*. . Mr. and Mr*. Thurwion cele
brated their sliver weddlnc here last
fall. They hdve aerrral children.
Dead Wotwaw Ha* a Ifvaralmawt.
T« ne^ riA 'ThM LMd «f tb* I
Tb* Mirbtj Bonibara Ballw** Sya- |
lam. trbT«r*lB( the atffht OroM State*
Of tbeBaomlnrSestb, dc«lrea t«> eall
tb* »U«BtloB) ot
of the
____ r. th* '
, the PIwureeaMkee. the
rand tbe Pickle Tr*y*UbC
Publi*. to the ihaDj •dr»*taf*a, the
biBaUful m
—e«*fy, tb* rich *ad fertile
laad *ad <h*-ffiaBj r*kcrU wbkk He
Qo to PlVld* aad e*CBp* tbe manj |
eold aad Mayrcwable d**s of wl*ter. it
and' stop
at ASeCVILLE. -Tbe Laad !'
of tbe SWr
____ to maetamoBfat tbe maaj of.the
beautiaa of aatnr*. 8*e th* (T*nd«*t
•reaerT ta Aaurlea aad Blluaor*RouMi. Amerlca’B oal* Palaoe. tbe
Cbauau of Ueo. W., VaaderUlb Or
tb* tr*r«l*r, wbo is in « boJrT to ff«t
to Florida, eaa po via Cbattaaoon,
paaaiar Look'ut Uount a. aad
u* Battlefleid
which ....
tbe tale of tbe ttrifi
strife bel
aad tbe Gray.
la eonseetion wUb tar t^uaen cc t.-r*ao*wt Bottle, tbe SoMbera Railwey
form* tbe Great Tbro*ri>-Tlr*nk-I.lB«
to lb* South aad Florida^ Elegant
eestlboled traiaa. eamrlbr tkrourb
aleeplny. diateff and chair car*. Tba
Line Par-exeellene* Of tha South.
For maps aad iDforaatioa. apply to
your oaarcat coupon tiekat ayeat or
----Wm. B Tayuik.
We. havo nioo Applea, Onxtgm and l^ona, alao
Dried ApriooU, Peechae. Pmnea,
Dates and
Veeetables, Cabban, Bagas aad Beals.
'PhOD* 187.
213 Front St.
34« Proof 8(rc«t.
BalUmorc Stock Bac*J*ad Thr** ‘^ea a #*ahl
CounU.' 40c per quart
flattbei's Ofslei Depot ub Restaanal.
If You Have Logs to Sell
ComepoDd with the Titiverae City Lumber <!k»mpaoy. r
We have for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber, ^
Maple Flooring, j
Short Maple] Wood"
The Hoard ot Educatloa will aell the
East Slate atreet Mbool property.
BlsUar of lot* sa and nt. block
HaaDkb. Uj A Co.'t 7tb addlUoB. Uveiher
wilb tbe hnUdlar therMa.
' private
aale Tor roo.
aty Clerk.
I.AJST3S meXB. SAT.-^-
Mill M.clU»errot U1 d»cripUo.: i.d.dbi T,o E«.nn«.
Pet Works, CbiTiages and Sa*8. A complete Saw Mill Piant
Chas. Mastic
A. Podrasnih
Art Ml Papn
Hr*. Senator Galllnpcr. who was one
of tbe party which left her* for t'utia.
bul who ahand'Rcd the trip when the
yacht reached t'harlcMon. wa* rrcatly
•hiM'ked at lb* acnuurwVnienl uf th*
death. When Hr*. Galllnycr' left
wton Mr*. Thurston w«> in perOver Two Millloe Rolle carried ta
fed braltb apd. had »>e*t withstood th* etncic. - The ffrraleat selecUoa of Wall
ntonn off Katlems. bi'in* Ih* only one Paper ever ebowa In America.
la* not made sick. She conttd'-d
Come early ta place your ordsr aad
l••'>lr*.<ianlntlcraatran«^e preaenlimepi. «el your Best pick.
.'Inir *be had written her *‘.n. now at
All prize deaiyoa
irvard; certain de*ire* to u- rarrlrd
I In case of accident, and added: I
418 Lake AyBiine,
do r>o| rsiw^'l to return alive" l.lttl*
ihouchi of ,ihe Tv marl.. and Mr*.
Thurston did not explain whether ah*
feared a natural death or w.me acrident
Naval Chiefs.
Sii Rear Admirals Of Thflmerican Nayy.
Bead About them in
rata MB le Have B*ea VaiMWl by a
aarekeef At“>pl*sy.
Havana. Murrh lA-Ccnsul General
I.** received the f.dUiWlnz: lileBram
yeeterdoy sflenusm (torn Wall, r U
ttarker, Unltrd Slates c-neul-at Sairua
III Grande; "The wife <if ftenatcr Thurs
ton died on the-Anita today. Shall *tve
fxery- aurniiuB and wire you from
Ihsa.'' Meaner adtli^-s say that Mrs
Thursl.m dl*.! of aj-i.lexy about t
o-Hnek yeaterday moriitn*. when the
raebt wasir. airhi of |s>ri. TYt* Anita
eft Matansa* Sunday nizht vrilb «» O.e
<i>nirTra*tcnal party cxoeid Itepfraenl*iixe* Mmlih and Uummini
Up Mapua by rail The pas*
Sayua even wore-,
thi*. u.ir^tber with th* rnurh panaaire
cna»t. may have hastened the
end; hut noihlnjr dcfinli* t* known here
aa to th* clrvun.sian..-* of Mr*, ‘niurslim's death nr as to th* Urn* and place
.'( the funeral.
Omaha. Neb.. March IS—Mr*. John
M Thurston-w as Ih* dsOKbler of 0..1
and Mrs. Lulii.-t I'olend. and a nlec*
«>f Luke P P'lland. on* .'f VermonV*
KTvair*t italeam*n senator* and repieM-ntatJv**. Il*r maiden name was
k^artha U r.iland. Mh* was boi-n In
Vermoni a few year* lens than fifty
r*ar* BBo. and removed to this city
w-llh her parent* nearly thirty years
a*o She was married !•> TTtursum,
wh. va* then a slruinrllnE lawyer, on
ChrUiroa* day. UT; Th* rrsull <.f th*
union wa* ■!* children—a IT-year-«pld
•.in. who 1* now a student at Harv-anl
(olteBT. and two rlrls M and i: years
old who ar* ni>w In this citx Three chlldrvn were hurled. Mr*. Thurston l-s'k
a srvat lalercs: in hrr hushaod's publUwetfare and asalsted blm.maleGally In
bis polltlral perferment.
-March IS.—
Jzi'kiwn. i
oLSiale I'owertoB has melv*d a teller
from United Stal** liarker. at Safflia la
Grand*. <'ul>a. enumemtin* th* needs of (hr **veniy->iK appolntmpnia be
of th* pla^'lna Cubans In hi* district. made She Wes' his counsellor as a
In conclufn* hU tetter <i>n*ul Barker lawyer, appearlnn In court even with
*aya:_.i:Mi my humble Judgment eub- him an an assistant In several impor
sisnilal relief can come to (bis people tant .-a***. Mh* was a hrilllam wom
MBASItAAM CBCIaKBa Fl'KVHAaBO. lhr«.u*h peace alone. Stop the
an She was literary. aBd palntpd very
well. Sb* did nut have much time to
devote to ace-ial clrclr*. as she dlrveted
the educallun ..f her children until
Waablaffton. March »&.—A weeica
they were of an ase to enter the hlxta
asdnllitlnrui closed yeelerday wl|h tbe
ha* teen (*ua«d here by an official dia- ochooL She w-as a member of (be 80I by the aavy drt.Arii
T«lch from Havana aaytiiB that the la- cteiy of the Daushier* of the Ameriran
Lobdon of tbe two flnr trulsera bum ;'sur»*nl
"" , le£ler« cavlto
Caylto AUarea
AUnrea and ■Revolution, and was rc-cently elected
aad buildlUB at Blewlok for the irfaxii-1 Num-X hav.- been killed ^by other Inaur- »lre icealdeni of the national body.
tan Bovei.................tMsslbly the officials i i;..„u « nil* the former were on their
DeSsas* Pwad Mir wUlra.
took lAore ple**ttr* la clo*lhB--1ip the way to tender-tbetr eubmlaaioD to Cte
Oelumbua. O.. March lA—The propostbuBinrs* In thie masaer becaua* of the Siwnlarda
tVuk tor the establtahment of a d.-fenaa
kaow'ledce that tbe BpanUh^MU
fund for ihe United Mine Work, rs of
Harvy OiBsi tor
Aad been airiviaB to Mcure tbese \>ry
New York. March Ik—A hurry orde*. America has been lost by a rote of tbe
•bifa. to whom It le aald they wouidjbe
member* of the orranliatlon Sometime
cf much creaier value la ease of irouBl* w a* received at the Brooklyn navy yard xpo a •porlal.<-ommltiee submitted a
than (.1 Ih* United PUtea. Tbe United yesterday from Waehinnioa for a alx- pUn for a defena* fund and ii was then
•Ulee n*B w-iM be boiated ov«r the new In.'h Kun to be neot Immediately to Skn
oblpa witiiin a w-eek. probably, and Juet Fnmcl*.-o.
. . aa *o.in a* the crew can be put aboard
CMUa •! a FtowM* Mil|>baadB*.
' Ibe Amat.>aaB eh* will start for the
Green Bay. Wls, Mprch Ik-taptaln
Ontied Miatra The other veeee) will Ekencaaen. tbe plun^ shipbuilder of al-Secreiary Pearce with the followtot
Mlow.et tbe eariieet poealble. moraeai. this city, died yesterday. aBed M year* rewli; For. 7.«J; acal^ lOJH.
Bmaftpav toaKiatotfcy IWww. )
ne letms of eale are aecreU ThS Captain Deneasen was born In HolAvaJIablilty of the two BrAsmaa ahlpa tanA He built many ot tbe veasels
Mlddleabure. Ky-. March lA-The
& - /Wae flr*l brouBbi to tbe attaatlOB of tbe wfatcb float m tbe preft Ukea. »e iw^ mrr department by Hr. Lalaa. aceat Ured from buBlneas three year* *410. terous that tb* DaHad Buua piveraV—'
«E ikt Maalm-NordenfeMt coBtpaay. Btaee which ume bU eons bare «e*>- meat aeat Past AMdstaat gurffeea Dv.
j. ,
Wertheimer, of tbe United fltatmaiwy.
ducted affalfa
to lake vharre of. tbe pest bourn.
▲Mira tmm ouat xxaswAT t
We are certain sure that this is a chanhe no one
should fail to pass to get a supply of
and Overcoats
KuBHUid «aoo»p. WTOH—PAT. Vajoh la leea.
.t.. .. „„.... c..,_
\ iMdtf In th* BrttWi Common*
Now Hm Ch*rg* of tho
. Promlor** BuNnou.
procT»M. Tba I'Bllad Stataa. he
axplalaad. had’Oekad for vary oonaid*
__________ ____
. dltloh. would ba able to maka »uch
•hcrlBcae. If an arrasKOTnant waa made,
chambarlalD added. It would amount to
a bounty upon au(ar akporta to- the
trnlifd ftiataa__________________
•rtaa Oinatad Oabuad by ttlaw far Ble
Waab-^Hdaaad by
Oaaear *a tba
■■alh at naan fitB in| t~•— »>—.■»•
Aab._^_ <hwe^
^Tcij'Biira^ Out?
w af KaM ta tka 4
WaiM. Mm a bad nee MlaoMa.
Mia Asm E. Altboff. tb« •
Atlaaca. Oa.. March U.—The' dlalac
t«a AiMtalaa. C*L.
It.' At »
i. m. today th* body of th« lata 0««. W.
A r<'DV*ytd UDdar mQII. Ro
room c( the KUntwlI hoial was the
•eeee last nlpht- <>f a aeDsaUunal as-
eoustrr between 'Judtr 4ohn Berry, of tary eecort from the undertaker^ parthe city rourt of Atlanta, and Orth . tors where K had been ainoe hla death
______________ Bletn. the well known newspaper man to the council i-haiblwr of Cniiimerclal
sxWSMlhla line. Uuuufldeot that bardfforu i
pirsent editor of The LookMc hall, there ft lie la state until the fuwill betwownad wUb auoresaand that iIwIq,^ , *^Uy puhlltntlon. Jodp* Ber- neral tomorrow- i.iomlna
ThepaUdays oMoprImBiuriii on acoount of mud-'
tmird at the Kimball and tnarcn* were cboeen from cKy a«*
,dy eCTMta will auon he m thlnu of Uw paA.
dlruver at the same hour. • Ac- ^ county ofllrtsle and m
r»iu.y cordlap
MimAltboff la»bedaoibb»^awmlthy
eordlna to ftlelB
piela Judfe Berry walked ..Chamber
Chamber of Commerceand
Free Hartw
d Urea Up to him unknown and without a leapue.
Loodoit March U.-lt la offlcJally an- I
mounMd that tbe Uarouta of balUbury
rusoi punoB ijr bditoi. |praztAi or on.
^ S .. .
•lAUniMt o» tb* PulOfct of lb* «rt*U
___ titlal'realUcnoo* oC Kaaniaa. a pt*ty
llltlo auburl. OB tba north «)<>• »< U«U«villa There are a sumliar of wealthy peo
ple Itrliic In pwaowa. and. In addlUon to
thlaarToral bualnive houwAof no iiMOO-
word almck him acmaa the forehead
With a bot^ of ralaup, cuttlag .an Udlr
gash and.^'ki>o<klnK Flela out of hla
chair to' the fl»A.
Berry then, Stein
says. &ked him several times In the
taoc. inakinc had wound*, f ;eln drew
hla.^-oIver, hul In pelttnc It out of bta
pocket be unhv »ed the h—rch. Berry
Sickly seised the gun snd pummelled
...It -l.b I. ..Ill ..
*• »“*•
I e«rral.lr roi.wsuoooe, are loca« tW
Chlrapo. March tt.-Amoa foreytbe. Ikan.lW thla, howarer. UwaDeaa.
telra, waa cnatly Uttpued by mdaya,
Hla » lte ia wonted
aence. and la c
. aablaet
swoiaeL council, and a
caw.oI o
. “
- I
----------' 'I
sreaknesw from which he has auSetvd
. «• a
follow la* the atucks of laituenaa su*'"«>•»•># left the hotel W edneawith Ike rMUli that Blr Win '
aftemoi>a. March *. a few h'.urs
pervonwl. with lbe_ result that Blr Will^
re«tatercd there.
““uCn-rry. .i- .•
............... ,
eharmina prsr- had Voade bor a general
w.'.: i...». and ah. rtwlrrd larl-
i«.l. Al.. I
iiiilee asv*
saying. "How do youido.-
•am Broadbeat. tala phyaldan.
noae of bia friend, ha. Be4tt him ‘^t"r.;palon. to\.r.ou. mnlal fuacUoa.
e a complete rest WT^are, WTiea be left he had MM pad
Uut a. .be
1 The military escort waa fumlahed by
* Oeneral I.sbi. of the National Quard.
Tomorrow momiac the funeral mass
| will be held at the cathedral, the bishop
■ of the dloceae .^flclatln*, after which
: tbr body will be conveyed to Rosedale.
there to remain In a vault Ubtll It
can he ronviy-d to^Arllnftcin renwtery.
y Interred.
j B'ashlngton.
iiiailk pialtkui to Ibvakleiit
Ibvskleiit IM.r urKCtiily ;
ding him to aaslst thru out of the)
____ament from which they bad suSered
ao long and cilmd hb. rallwaj lr»cl.. to
ebesoburbof Swsiiaos.
MU* .Alibolt dcrhattanoiga. Tenn.'. March U—The
larmlned that she w'lMiId luuok no oppial- union conferenc* of the railway train
Uun In i^e lualtor of wcurliig aignatuna men In aewalim In this city since Sat
||,p iB ilitun. and cotiM-unently when urday. ad>iumrd Uat night, the viaUon
. . .
being tendered ah elatsirate banquet by
abe was doing ^hc li.tom.isl hlu,^^^^
cbatt.nnrBan. at tbe Houlh.rn boI,ms
r .unVlaa. ,
Altboir .
but wbro b>. neovpfvd_____ ,_____ ___ .
ooncludod that hi. .laughter "had coo
s Uar.-L ll-A,Rua»UB v.l«rlTKl a clever l^-a and |irvii.lwd in lead ..................
bobema Tam Maaa. th* BrllMS TrsAae I'W
her all tbv wiwlstai>re wlihiu hla power
'from P«n Arthur and baa landed a
Mbs ABbull <lid Dot'have tbe plain aatl-1 quantity of bior** and fifty-seven sail'
Vssbington. March Ik—The national
IngtbM she espreted when sbn atartol
who prore^ed to SeouL
headguarlera of tbe Ameriian Federa out At brr borne abe U iIms Idol of beg
tion of lAtK-r in thla city baa Just're-
;whbh refuel to grant an Injunctlnn
i to re.'lrain ) he rapitnl building
IsloB from awarding r«titra<ia for tba
'^pctkwi of the state rsnllol.
Ward. CanoasM.
Had, Has and Bag^e
anything i* »hi*
I r-
'Phone No. 8.
b to M
or PmtL
J g Burkey. Chief Cieek KatiOBal Batel.'
—Watch Repairing.
^ —John Verly.
—Front Street.
g J rruiBvi.
g. CBOlfAN.
n, R. Moon, of Eau Claire. Wla. haa lytii.” hbe did not heed ibo warning and
••cn. nrode tutu tbe oflice agaltut
r-nled I
- diiHl
laaaaaatadnp-m- ^
ing thousand* of chronic
sukide. but failed.
T^.w^-utre*'j«ndent oT'We DHly MaU
aays that the murderer "la reported to
the cvimmlaalon which
be tbe same man whoae
e auppooed body •
Then It vra* Mias AUboff'* turn to bstake charge of the permanent Amerlea*
waa found In tbe Tbatnes bound with
or aurpri
esposltioa at Paris.
pope- 4a*l year,
but who aflervri
JUrquia Mo decl^ that Ja^_ Will.
in i^ oew piojuci 4u whkb
.turned up aervlng at a trooper in the !
I aell no narshlpa that edition* in tne , ^
rmliorkiNl H«e plement Dvauner.
Cape pollri at \ ry1.urg
Orient demabd th* mikadq's IW'rni^'ib^’ciow) UmTi ehev.;
' "Mr. .Joel and Mr.. Strange, hit .man
Vc lUiefm In Mr. '
should, rsiher than dls{^
; availing, geoirslly wseurvcl Uira UworaWe
Strange'* room. AU Ihiw bjU revolvers, cruisers, proror* newones.
1 aodicnoc wlOi Ibua* wbuni*:> • apj-rombed.
a cifcuroatance explained by the auic- I
Poatinaatef tlordon. of Chicago, ba* '
, romparsllvel/sburt lime
meat that the meeting ma nut an or- 1 murned from Wasblnxion after a nay | qotji
p,tiiion wa* tilled with slgnadlnary one. The flyatCahm u said to of two breeka He aaars the Myricr per- ;
tvbeo abe pnaenw-d It to ITvskdeot
have been fired by Ur. Ttkmnge at Von : vice wjll ^ extended over t»»ly, ad» , o,y laur. be rycrivnl her In a courtaou*
Velthelm. w ho had tri^ tJTaelae Mr. j dlUonal aguare miles April L . ,
| aaocm and promised ber that be would
Von ^'eltileim
Many aenatora
eanrfull.v consider tbe maltor. and if U»
Joel *
Weltilelm then!
aenatejra favor an
_____ jt
hla' journmeot
aa aoos as tbe oondltlun* wamntad would ulteed tba
eye and caudng almost Inatam death, mppropriatlon bills are iiasaed. but Ua-i rood.
fiereral shot* were afterwarda fired. «on aad other pro-Cubans Ibalst that!
Mtaa Altboff Is now tbe anry of all tb*
Ther clerical ataff mabed In and Ton ' aomeiblng ahall first be done torr tba yooag wuuhid in Bellev 111.. Uu abv- pays
|«o aUrhtIun i^iba aerlmimkiut rwmarks
was secured after a fierce yebel* over there.
• n*M.-b ber sarw 1a*i ban-------..^ —
---------------Mis- Johii 8. Boyd, whoaiumpted toikbat
struggle. The moUtw
of .v.-------tbe crime
•OR RgNT-Ouod. r
laqulrevN Ovwl
mcm Adatta
|TWto~OA*"u»a WAKT*l)-.C»ll ea oe.*47
Are you discouraged 71
g omiBekie u»tf
•f any one to have atleiiipicvl U> place
for years?
Kill you dgn this Callaodacena.wcwill
tell .von whether '
. tax* t
in a Onu laannet- we can Cure yon or not. If we cannot >
.MtCa. I
•bid th* Privatv oOioe <if ibo cnre yon. we will tell you what relief
■-«o_el-----------bead uf the ennwro
-i.. V. F°l^
sbsotntely free—medicines, anrgical j m-xmi.ocm LrxnxK tor safe ai K par MH
I kbsotntely
I operations, and tbe benefit of all our r XX iwv Apply to Travrae** my
I skill to all who are too poor to pay. ’ Oawi
Oawaaay____________________________ ~
TtHwweieoolyafcwri MlmAlihc^-a Oormetbod*oftreatmentiaallthatU'=:
end ber Uf* at Chicago after having day
been deaerted by her husband, eontln-• 1i««*
PolycBrie'kbofl addUka,”
out <g da»-MkoisH m
bospitai 'Bh* IS SSM to bs
IhibKo aqna
It Hm took HI
ea>: Pemkey
,H.cuwc*-.H-».V..- v-yr'.'rr?
. that
. —. UwcHild
1. daugtemanner
Tw''hTf6«TBE. Atioewef ad ta.. B|
W. amdoatouxtuia*.
. , * „
»«k tvar- Oty .
g, k uMiru.
finid Kipiils t Iidiui 1.1
* Beoebllrsa eaueaa 10 haaaihaw raodi
daiea for Ward amccsla Ward No SwIU be
SeM SI male W|r*M Priaari Sebool bslldloe. TNOOCIg a OOTEIX. AUaewey* aad CMS^
Jj leva at Us. OSeea. Ctiy OperwHaweafflfc.
■. A. B. Srioney. of Detroit, aloe
■rietor of Reed City Sanitcriiui. ii
your town, where 1« will
, Temnin lor oo« day only to giefthe
Apply to Baeoed OHre
tunity to consult bim
; "i** •“
' that eannot
cannot ace
acc Ihim at bis t^nitarium.
i Tbe doctor
baa ao much faith in tbe
! experience be baa had in treating
gife one
week. I wanted u. elicit the truth. I I "»«« end » "•■«
, mlnaUon w itb whkh her aroueud ef.lrtf ;
tuesemed. "Weeas
oaaily get along ;
•of cfiurae. that the wtatemeei 'been received. The Hock wms Inaursd <
teas, ea
FX£X SVBCICitL OPKgATtONS TO awn baesfed cm Feoal eirm. TTsrera* Olf.
without you
We wlll
ntad- to the effect thal warshlfw would forL*S.rno.
will b;.*
bate Hrvet car. In ;
Swansea wbelbcr you want them vw not. 1 dti.WC
povnlMy- be loaned was a* abaurd as
ao tbero'” Then Ml*a Altb^ turned
the rumored allUnce or twjT'
' ccly
* iliUf* Peter Boudreau, SIS
around and starievl out of hU olAc.
and' I rv«cetved exactly the- answer
,rrwreT*e City, bleb f* If
Mr- furaon la t.m clever a
area .«■» -----------------------leplrtt.
dipl.imat to giv-e any answer which
1 lu him fornuUc* treated.
No man
w.-ulit dispel the Idea that an American
." of
led ei
®‘ Steven*
allian.e la on the tapis. a« of coum- It
R'-Int. Wl* . ac-.sdlng to a recent
ua N w e«e of lua
blog the pcllllon out uf
(never will be. . Hr. furson knows 11.
nx iii I* le.ioo.
. : IWh frooi. He* Sy
but ll a-rve* RngUnd'a purp>«>e to let
V... ..
The hank ..f Abbevllk.
... ha*
as- 1
Th.,„ ‘be
h.. imcmuK. unduae In DISEASES aa the iloctor. He gradu-1 drsoi uero.* •>.**< M U AUya IH di
the conllnental nall«na think It Is.tw*alpa-.l, and Max K Land hak---------------------been ap
apulugloa ill-AUhqff
alble in the near future.”
pointed Bsaignee.
I walked out.
'MtllUtCH AT joHAKNnmiSti.
The French chamber of de}>utles haa
pcwwl arTangeiwoia algned | ,n^nd"SramrJ^Tnl'^gu‘^’™
t Washington
The Meamer Alameda .sailed from ; abu bad Iweo warned agaii
L.mdAn, Mareh Ik. — A man named
?L 8. W.. j-eMerdgy fup San ' |n tbere,"said a friend, wbo
Von Velthelm sent Into the office of. Kranriac..'
— ^ having
on bc-ard A40fL«» for ber perwiial welfare. "That
to yen’
year*’ study ia the beat hoapltsl* in,* (*h*»r*e« 08 tf ,
Wolf Joel. Ihe irualec tif Ihe estate of ikT.itsi.Mtr).
terrur. and bo jaHwont do a thing to
at Iwdla* aad lUelpeeeMy.
Cbo be bought few tlM
tbaaeaali value if itaksa bofor* April •
IsV fywk this up at once.
One iO-fool lot. Barlow atreeU Oak
.Investigation show* that men who
../ '-T
u.-D»a. iv. aa
COlOBial e«Hiwat« la the
Ordloaiy I
remember thl* is tbe plant t» Iwrn
fnod eannot anopl.r llbe vital force* j your ordars and get prompt work. CriL.. .
which people wrt*« aelive heaina and
ttaaU PUlt feed tba
LasTS T«»r orders ak oflen er'eall «p
falhir* In an attempt
TTswasCHy, Mlsb
pnip-iacd "WorkenC-l
an organ- . wunU poaalldy have «i » llUl* trouble
IsatioD yet In It* Infancy, but which
iBctly prrfwrvd for the kind
h tbe sbe waa not cyaftl:
A gepsUleaseasru* M wmlSAM eSOdtSatea
great Itntlah labor leader pr.ip.mce to tbut
ks B.-rr.sl h. rr. Sbo
Sbv Imd
imd annw
an. iMl' that
tar Wars oOees la Ward Na I will be held at
DoUDM-d any lamicular
Icular <opi*sd- (irwaae Hall. Caas .irerl. Taesday
eventually evolve Into a universal and ; If abe
Taeaday esealag.
-Ai eVte
cosmopolitan union Of workingmen with ' Uoii abe could cully
,*lly Iwlng
^ng •ber cluquvnoe
the eoTIre Hvlllsed world for li* field. ' and winking ways tt> bear oa tlu- tart
Mann relies eti|>on tbe o-oswratluB of ' luuicbatil that would pmauiur to
American ..rganlaed Ubor, wWrh be re- | b«g request
MUe Allhoa hod fr.<iwntly
*W4BD No t
gsrds as the most intelligent and pro- used tiw same l.■rlbods w ith a nuuiLer of
gresalve outside of l^ngland. to help | brr uSendod admirers with sidcndld suehim ID the pundervua muvcnival he has icraa
Tbofind l.urinem n.sn that Ml«« Altboff
Attorneys at Imw.
Sog-lalWtIc propaganda t* to have no‘i spprowiiRd |«.-*.w*ed s giwclou. dlepuwlr L tiRgiurit.'
pmea Ih Heetagwe Woek. Tisveew Ony. Hick.
tfiace In the pnigramRie of Ihe unlverstl [ tion. and bo readily afflxvd hit John Han•
TH.Ul. mn i.T <»!.
union. The oon#lloD of the laborer is - cock 10 her typewrnteu ducutuvul. A* the
to be bettered through the m^lum of young woii.ais cntbuelaslically axploltlsl a
eCSlSBSg CARD&the Imllot. A universal eight-hour day j number id arguiiu-eu that *bc had figal* lupuhUcaa
1* Ihe first and f.iremoat of the .•blecta ■ Up fur Ibc.nonslon the buslsiw* man aur- ldi.ie.fnr W»»d
for which tne organliaUon will bailie, prlwd bor liy ■ntpHog every one of tbvin
nemlvrahlo> of :;..<«v.<WU. Including and telling ber that tbuM-were Bxaetl
(i 'W/^tST.
..Bi> MOVT.
: ottke. she was all In a IluiUg, and vlalnne
tentlna to Pee^lr^pewetlce.
: of ttfct car* runnina by bor dum« Boated :
idly before her eyv*.
; eapldly
WAMO Me. 4
iring Its,
Tbe Aext uialitbat tbefair pruiuotvr on- , * KepuWiesa eaueim 10 wnaleatc eaadlr three h.iurs yesler.1
nlay the oounimd wa> m grsy iiaind Teiituo of ■ dur. tar Ward em.-r. le Ward Ne 1 viu be
umber of .MIT aia'pcwlllou Mim Allhofl floel.sllnlo WMa.f. W^ ^La^y W
drop hla double
duty as pr'nK- minister and foreign aec.
nelary. There are nc eerlou* aymidnms.
‘ but l.cTd <Sallebur> I* ei|M*rlenclrtg the
Uasliude at d <dber after cBrcis of Influensa.-any atlemri at work reaultlng
In a fehrib- liae of temi'rrsiure
rumor* that r.aTdn Cromer, KrlUah
ngent and consul general In Rgypt. will
succeed him ae forrlgn minister are re
bill* from tbe gene
DavttI Pwt* Ht* tywcHaas,
th.- numluT being ..ne suihorialng the algnal'irv bod ...me ao vs*y aheoum-ludMl
I-oadon. March U—In the house of
cin»trurtli.n of eight ney revenue cut- to waive all arguim-iiU. tbiruby saving
Common* yesterday the larllamentary tera thH exensilng In aggregate coat the eooildersblc |trT*-|uue time,
y of the foreign oKlie. t'urson. sum of tl.cm.OtiO A bill for Ihe'auK-ey ’
‘-Will you pkiam sign ibU petition to
•I lAavItt. snil-Parreplying tn Michael
and e*tlmate of Ihe «»t r.f a Ship canal. Mr. Day for a atrot railway M SwaumaT "
MvBIte. who asked
government of ai>pr»ved width and depth, from the • aha*ald abruptly, so great waa her borry.
. whether Orest BiiUln had ulTeied to lower shore* <rf Lake MU-hlgsn to th* ‘ . "1 Mil sign nuiuig>"'wa* tbaquick
lend men-of-war to the Cnlted Ptatea Walumh river W as tvsesed.
reply of the dewsuidatitof the falberUtid.
'tn the event of a onflUi between the
Th- proceeding* In the house wers “Vm you uicao oiiilng arv.ond my oflice
Vnitfd Plate* and a Kuropean p.-wer. utterly -Aevold of public Interest. The like that? You bad better Iw at home In
aaldtheg<itemnieBb had not made such Time wd» d-v<Jled to Dlalrtct of Oolum- your uiuttv-r'a kltcben. .So. I vUl fvot alga
anoTfer AnsweringaseHe* of-qucsllona
bis bitelB'ess
ilk Vviwtcheo .1*'
which I>avni put with the view of elic
Tbs«ulat.lD Mlm AltboS'B cheek osam
WMIseba CUorwa AWllabed.
iting wyielb^r there have been any ne; ar>d went
llvre wad d loan In exact cungullatloaa for an alliance between nreai
Ann Arbor. Mk*.March li-Ea-Rep- ; trsdietkm to t^-<mu ibe had just Ifft.
BrUnln and the I'niied Plate*, or rewntallv-e Kulwrt M. La Fidletle. ol
pleof '
Whether Orrat Britain had oSerrd to Madleon. Wl*.. delivered an address It.
tnedlste In tbe Cuban rriala Curson Cnlverdty hall before 4 Urge autffPhce Hicn- And thla man had had the tviocrUy
said theae qiMkilons wVre of si h a na--{ nfxtudrnt* and townapeople. LaFnl-|utpj| her hla opinion and. funbvTnxgv.
ture that It was In'-xis-dhnt o reply laile'* *ul-j‘-cl was primao' ele- tlon re- to ulk to bfw In MtuS uiaauer. a tone
to them.
fonti arid he urg-d the abollUon of the : she bad bevwr bosd bvfoiw
Vawke-Jaha Ban Alllase. • Never! '
caucu* and convenU.m.■
After the first abock frooi ber aoddwi
Curson'* reply that IWvUl's quesbad |Ni*«-d away Mias Althoff rem
- tlona Were Inopporiune was received {
Danv ille. III*.. Man-h W.-The «"»deii
With loud crle* of -'Hear." 'Hdar." from
inner l‘“whi^'rw«
lu which aim ••’iroi
-goi l«k”
the i'nlonlat beiuhee. Dsvitl. in an In- ! Rule dry g.*Kl* *t"ie. which was re- „
vinegary Tsutoo almost awept bim
terview onlheauhjef l. ewldt -I p«rt-lh* :<»l>cn-Jed last Wednmday. waa totally ^
MuealloB a* to l*ie ahlt* becauae the i d-etroye^ by fire Nunday
Thl* *lure _
You do »qt hats to algn the petll ... If
•ubject was not proceeded wiih UM I waa burned a abort time before CbriaU j ^ .mapped at him. with all the deter-
Warsbarg bleak.
o....... ....
mmrzssAL mov of laboi.
tbe late Barney Bamatu. the Sooth
African mitllunalre. find ahot bim dead.
The muulvn t entered Ju-I * oflice and
at^manded gS.tW. Being refused, be
snatched a revolver from a dM and
fired: Th.- bullet entered Mr. JfwI'a
forehead und be fell .0 the ground and
John R. Santo,
eanril lisDraict.
Tcaldlr.a In this city. Fi'rsythe
the claimed I
to be an artist, but he waa acting ak a
sewing machine agent when be made
MIsa ~
whom hr married ahoMIy
1Iy anerwarda.
» a mortgage for
‘MTS was
: On March t
; Sled (With (he register of deeds by Mary ,
i Curlier Parsoas-Purayibeon her home- ;
Lord Salisbury's tem|iurary rcllrefnent at the present rrliusl period la
the subject ^ articles In all the morn
ing papers today, espreaaing Kgrei and
concern, but also full confidence In the
abmiy of Arthur J. Balfour to carry on
the work of the foreign offlie.
natter waa much dlacusaad In the tob.
. Bight.
O.I..J.. M.„.
■ <«-"».......iAW;i...,«i..-
Loitp sAusnritT.
tbo ralas oC
p* i forenoim meeting or me Illinois coai
either dead. lalured.
y settled.
some hoapItMi*^
A dlapalch from Oafakqphi WU.. says:
• nlnoah.
Phlladelrhl.. March li.-Tbe -tat.
••Forsyth* flrmt U-t-ame known
She wtmt to biw fsibsr'aofflce.Aat down '
i aupntne curt yesterday slllrtnwl the
kosh last December, when he maiTted;
er Parsons. ^
tyni-wrticr and aoup tireiwted a » b-*rtng on support gB-en Stein a pub- ,
„f the Dauphin county court,
a maiden lady. Mary Currier
AlrsKlord of the treasury and governleader In the bouse of commons,
as n<*-vwaary
the foreign oflice t
| known by all tbescboola. with
! of electricliy. that
all agent* la Paraly*»*,lAia* of Power.!
If Tou WaniTonr Eyes Eiamiaeii
> ekrly. AS *>>y I
Jm 'l f. GuitWt, liik Etrl, tlB Jmkr.
rttbast tb* fcsl
mat sit-forms
Remember, we give a writtew gnArSntre tocnre evety ease of FILES a^
RUPTURE. Also, we T eve a lyi»lHn
botpiUl defHPtment it ««r Saniia*-
lae of Ute Uorb
w beU at tbe H
Ttm Ciiy. HIrbIgi
ea«alecr*wraw8 lor tte umamwiaa at ayb
Oiwbd >a«Ua.
0.uuManra(» o.y.A-OfsiWgaHd*.
unm US Nmnsim li
Bleotum at TbompedaeiUa.
bg oearg wnid: Than A. H. BonaMt
At tbe vtUaga elecllen U llsompaoi
lantoA. Cbl. Smith, from BrBrown's
wbleb pnsod n break.
tUU Monday the tollowlag ettoo
J. a Morgan was also nnmtd.
80 KB BBABOBABLB OOBOLU. were eleetod on tbe PppplebJlelcat:
Pr^eat-Rlebaxd MeDeemoU.
Then Hr. Ooedrtob asked for a few
810B8 OB •miATlOB.
aerk-Charlea L.-Reoaett.
-wmaau for tbe eeoond ward delegatee
Iteeiurer RadolpbBeiTnnto get tagatber, eo that
. •KAmF00VTB>TT0BT»SA*Y7»- nntte npon Mr. Uealten. If tboaght SUBXABZBB KDrSB BBIB8 tlAXS Trastoae—Twe Te«T' Lnator 1
Trimble. Uaae J. Qelek. Ckaries i
BB, BVT TSCBBtfL WOV OUT. bwv Plaallg ewgiblag earn MonlBeat; to fiU eaeanelea. Alpboaeo I
tos's wag and be wee eboaea by aetallea oo mtloa of Mr. Ooodrleb. Part of Amy Alreadg Xoeiag Pnmdiee, Edgar OampbeU. Jeba I
Vajor Snlth. 01*7 Olwk BA«kwd
Towarde Seaboard-Ona Paetorieo Trowbridge. •
OtbM OudUUtM Bunwl bf AoAmmar Prank 8.1'ewaU.
■lag Mr. Brown Mr. Oooirteb
Bnnaiag Bight nail B^-Amorlattted that In tba ward oaoeoa Uere
iMd b7 B»raM7-BTW7 !>*»«**• bad beea bot tfre rotes in oppoeltkA esa Pleat At Keg Woet Being Add Bale of all popalarSboet XaeU atVm mMAt-wd Bo VaploMOBt to Mr. Brown and bU ondarsement ae ed to DaUg—Oable Kag ba laid half pries wUl be eastlnoad for tbirty
Proa Spain Direct to Cuba.
days loogar. W. W. Kimball Oo.. *U
tbe cbolee of tbe ercond ward wee
Wnablngtoa. March l&.-A brief anm^
nt tbe caDcna. TbereTerlUTarmarg
of nodealablafacto known to all
fom be deemed bim the proper peieoa
abow whg war la eoaaldered to be lato preaant to Ue oonrenUon.
Wtra^OWrkJnsUce Brown bad n walk-awag for mlaut:
Tbe pmldeBt has been girea a »M.-.
a tenoBlaatloo for joatloe of tbe peaoe.
:^Ctt7 TroMorarIt was tbongbt ante that E. H. Aliya 000.000 amergeacy food.
Sabmarlae mloea 'an^actoally balog .
■'^FOrSekool rMpeetirOoatlBued 6a Page 8.
placed la rrarg harbor eatraaee la tba |
-ANDUoitod SUlea.
I Bor Moaber* Board of Poblle Borko.
preeldaat bai. asked for tbe ImKnuraaedUto pMaage of a bill reorgaoiziag,
tbe pereoaorl of tba nary.
Bo^m peUege Lgoeam Pre^tod bg
Tbe eoooti^ has puretAsad two baV!
• ForJiutiooof tbrPoMO—
an ZnUreaUng and laetrucUesbips and is netively niter aere.
tiee Program.
TbegorertimenttsaeleeilBf an ana• Eraybod; eapwted U>at tho RopobThe meetlag of laat aighVa Buslnem Illary fiesl froa tbe beet merchant erecity eosrontloB In St«laOoiT'» CoU^ Lyeenm wae well attended and eels.
A part of the army U already aorlng
Or*pd Opera Boom Uat nirbi would one of the beet programs was raaderad.
toward tbs ses board and arraagw
raeott Id Use ooiblaaUoa of mea wbo«
Tbe first anmber was a reading bg
tbe ux|i*7ara coaid safely antraat with I'rotmorC. R. Doekeiby.enti'Ued. VThe maaU have been made wiin the raUtbe reapooslbimi of tbs rariojjs offiosa. Barea." wbleb bald tbs atiaatlea ef roads to carry the reet.
The aa*y departmeat ie. drawing
Aod tbs rrport of tbs proosodlaf* wUl
ahow Ibal snob a drslrabls ead a
*®'^-E. O. Ladd read a paper OB ••Parmer plaas far a fil.OOO.OOO coaling aUtka at
ewapllabsd «ltb tbe barnoDy wbleb bort and ^la. and hew tbeg nbenU be Key West.
I Of ooal
brings saeeaas at tbs poUa.
edneated." Hli Idsaa wen eneaUoat la
d at Tampa.
Tbrra was a largo nnabsr of ladles oqUlbing theeoareee of stodg wbleb
.ry Loag baa aaddealy forbidpraaeat aod among tbam waia a great aboald be token np In the diatriet
Mt !■*
aanymrilnattendaDeeto 'srateb tba eebooU and aim enggoetod bow tbeg
Tbe plan Uoptad pf might improre Uemselree la egetor formaUos before caaBoltlag kim. and
lanya It is becanae tbs departmeat Is
. bolding tbe oonTeatmn is Ue opera aUe oooraas of reading.
I afraid aa emergancy eanset bsavoidsd.
boMt maala wUb great taw and tbs
This was followad bg tbe dleeeealas.
Banaar In wbleb last nlgbi's oonvM- -Beeolved. -That It U prefarabla to
tioa was eooduetod Inspires n ooot- livelpUeerrlaibaalnMieblgaB."
danes la tbe aSorU of pnblle man aad
Tbe affirmaUve wan abig kandlad bg
We an nsgotlatiag for an Bagllah
lands ndlgnltynnd elsraUoa of par- Ml. D„f.-i,..u.- b, M,.
pods to a poliUeal gatheriag.wbleb eansot bat raaalt in beoaflt to tbe pablle comb. Tbe BegaUve bg Mr. Somete.
Tba Autriao emperor is alaroMd aad
who eathaatoaUeany argned tbe qoeeto organ—~ The conTontloe was a- repraasnUtlra tloo.'aaalstod.byBr. Porter aad Mlm
lie a geaeral Eoi
gathering nnd tbe dalagalea beaatbod MyrUe Lnogwortby.
batwoeo the United StoUa and
an atmoanl^ pf harmony and nolty
Tbe detete was loMrestiag and~wy
•f pnrpoaa. Tbare wan not a alngle spiritod. aad was, of course, decided^ la 8pma.
Women and ebildrea have been or
dal^te abasnu
Tba dallbarstlona tbe oegaUre by tbe jndgea.
dered from Sandy Hook.
of the delegaua wars ealiranad by
Mra. E. O. Ladd reed a paper eoUUed
The American fleet at Key West U
nnaie from iba^^ys' Band and
-The Ideal nosbaad." wbleb was of
nplrtt of patriotism, wbleb iA.always in meekTotoreet to the ladiee preaent. beleg added to each day.
Spaia Is aegotisUag for the Ugiag of
order in a politleal ^thpring. was Bar deflaiUon of aa IdeiU basbaad la.
a cabls direct to Cuba.
demmstratea when tbe anUre andlsaes I "aa latrllactoal ama Maed to a
we have aver
aang -Ameries.-with tba
laaby marr^''; nlob aai "aa
abowe—Ek> not fail to see the
mat of tba band.
beat, at
Tbe maetlng was prMidad oear by
Mr. Smedley read a blograpbloal
Prank Hamilton, to bU naanl giaeefnl sketch, leaving ont. tbe name, which
United SUtoe BegoUatiBg fer tbe
atyla and plaasaat maanar.
was gnesaad by MIsa Bolcomb aa NaBraaUlaa BatUsablp De Kaio.
bo one expeelod. any oivoattton to tbaalel llawtberne.
London, March iS.-Tbe Uni tod Stotea
Mayor Smith for a raaomlnalloo. anS
Mr. Dlckermaa. a former etadeat. rab aagetlaUBg ban for tbe
ibera wna nans, and when Jndgo Lorin apoaded to d oall for a few appropriate
panbaee of tbe BraslUan battleakip
Robert* RnUbod no aloqneat roelUl of nmarke.
Male, 'formerly tbe Aqaidaboa.
tba life md rapid adeaaeamaat of Mr.
Tbe qoeatloa adoptod for next week
Smith and bin
is; •'Rsaolved. That tba ladlaas re- which baa beea recoaetrnetlng la Eagaa ehief eaecnUve of the city, ba wae eelvad more ernal treatmeat-at tba laad.
named 1^ aoclamatloa amid a et<vm of bands of tbe while mea than the aeIt Is n-amertod ben Uat Ue SpaaIf yon want a bicycle bailt to fit got
^ O'Hlggiaa, which bee beea leave yoor order aad apeelfleaUeaa at
atg Attoracg P. C Ollberi made no
bolldlng bg Ue Armstronga for Chile. Oiy Uop. aad I gnnraatn to eatt gon
extoaded epec^ when be preaeated
In workomeaklp. mntortal and price.
N Tonight.
A. W. Rickard for clerk, beeaoae aoae
wae aeoded, aa Mr. Riekerd oonld net
I'aetor Arlnader .of CadlUae.' wUl
kelp but be nomlaated with a noaol- prcacb Is Ue SwedUb language tbU
moes wave of eaUaalaam wbleb dle- evening in Ue eUool hosse on Beat IHseaMaed bg .Ua Book Beriaw Otob
plagsd that'he was wanted at tbe eld smu street. ^ cordial Uritattoa b
Taetordag Aftoraooa.
eUnd far aaotker ynal', at leneC
pnended to all who nndaraUad Sean- ' Mn. J. A. Moatagne aatortalaed Ue
A Bbarp OMUat was looked for la tba dlnnvlan.
I will give goo 3 coat work in ang
Book Bevirw Clubyntorday aftrrooon
pomlaatiuB for traasuraf, nad none
vrrg pireaaatly. Mra. BaUe read nad oolor. Uc bnt bakiag rnamrl aad varnbb. clean alWthe bearings and irna
Wen dlsappelntod in that regard. A.
reviewed Uat fine, strong beak ef Ue wheels, all for the above priceB. Bmett of tbe SeoMid vrard named
Jamee Lnae Allen. "TbeCbelr lavbl . Call and see samples at
Prank Friedrieh kas sold kb baadMnioom Winnie far ansomleatlon nnd
ble," la an entgrtainlag nmaaer. Mra.
this was qoleklg followed by aa elo- some rowboat to Dr. J. D. Mm
Mdbtagur served an elegant tapper
W. B. lihaekar. anpervber from Ue and Ue aoeial feetnn. which b ebar<3oeot speech by Manly C Dodge, wbe
preaentad ibe name of Ex-Aldmman t'iraTV^ bni aanooneed kb caadl- actorbtle of teborganlxation. waapardaey for
Uobbs. Ex-Coi
lllenlarly acjoynble, ;
vlgoroai speech In behalf ef Victor
ClUieni Onocusee an called for Ue
I’etertyl aad recited the merits of hb 2fad aad oooeentlaa for Ue Sird bf
All of Ue nomlaaUons March.
Spring Suits
Two OeDta.
Four Wonderful Books
only B cents each.
“Titoa. • Oomtbde of the Croas," Rorence M. Kiooleg.
“The Wrertier of the PhiUippi," rannie E. Kewbenr.
“Tbe Dags of Mohunihed,'' Anna May Wilaoo. ■
“A Devotee and a DtiriinAEl” Beoca Middleton Samww»
Tbeae are tba D. C. Cook ••Prise Stortee." aad an aplaadid reading for all pg«r
Bicycles Bflilt to Order.
Enamel Tour Wheel.
^pealUon to Band Oitg for RB.OOO
to Kova Water Works.
Harry Nlebolls wa# elected prealdeat
ef Oharlavolx oa Ue Repobllraa tWtet
by a majorily of Ulny-flve over H. L.
Olddlaga, on Ue »9a-parUma ticket.
Tbe eatire Uepnblkmn ticket was sleet
ed. The proposition to boad for te.ODO
to move watoy works to Lake Mleblgna
beach was carriad by a good maiority.
Kemcrinl Berrieaa.
' Memorial eeitiem will be held at Ue
First M. E. ebnnb andar Ue ansMees
•f Ue W. a T. U.. Snnday aftor^a.
Mareb both.-la memorg oftba lata
Pranced E-WUlard. The pnblb gener
ally lavitod.
a Cobea of Knlknakn. Is la the eltg
on bnflasaa
Rev. J. A Pegs pf Orand BapWa, b
Us gneat of Itev. B. SaUberg tbb wesk.
Will R. Cbldwall hM antoed from
Birmingham. Ala., for a two weski'
William H. Imnwag of Bast Jordan,
Ue W. W. Kimball Oo.
forUntetIg. ieU Ue eiw fw n few
dnyaonbnetoeei srtU MnnawStreeg
8#0 PROMT 8TR£rr.
That IS the smallest picture jframe we make. We
make all kinds of frames, and nuke Uiem as they shookl
be made.
We are showing Ue proper shapes lb tbe new bats, aad qooto
p^lnr and (deealag priom fii.oo to fiJ.oo. Jost awp la nagwag aad look at Uem:
ag.!! Wheel EiwmalBd fur ».5R
QoodLadies’Bubbers............................... 2bo
eiisses Tan Cloth Top Shoes;................... 1 2B
Ladles' Dongola Tan (Good SoUd Shoe)....... 1 60
South Side Shoe Store,
Union Street.
Fish For The Lenten Season!
Lsbntdor Herring,
Bmokbd Herring,
HoUand Herring,
K. X. K. Horwagimn Herring,
OfiUfomiA lyplmftn,
SoMlan Sardinafi.
CpomATty Bio
SmokMl Halfbnt,
BontifiM OodfUh,
Finnan Hsildiiu.
Norway BplOMl SardlnM,
Oort^Fish OsksA
South Side Oreeer,
Qoaiitj And Price Are The Priies We Offw!
What would yon think of • Uwyer who tried to oecore oUoots by
offerioK chances on a bicycle?
Would you want the wn-icoo of a phyricinn who offered to give
coni buds or W>fa pillows to patients who employed him regularly?
We think not. We believe also that when mckneea comes sad
yon have preecriplions io be filled, or need any other aid that tbe
skilled pharmacist can render you want perfect aarrioe at'a fair price
—aod notbiuji else
We can give auch service. We believe droggists that are con.
scientioos about quality are pretty sure to be as careful about price.
F. -W.
Trareree City.
$25.00 Bicycle [
Says it is t^e best wheel
on the market for the moneyThey arc beauties. We have
a few |50 *97 models we will
closeout forDon’t buy
a wheel nntil you have look*
ed onrKover. You will save
money by doing so.
Markham Block.
M. B. M0U.EV. «
wen received wtU applaaae. It was
Clan Cortb baa Ue agency for tbe
expeciad that tbe vote woold be eloacv Ontlng bieyele and b abowlag anmplaa
but after tbe first ballot Wlanto was at Haskell's bookstore.
ont of tbe raoa. and a lively batM eaMbs Bom Wood returned bet algkt
ened between llubbs aad Petortyl. It
from a trip to Chicago, when ab«r.:^bwas eldae, so very eloee UM aalUer
Ited Ue large miUlaergbonada.
relaxed a single effort antil Itaeylast
Mbs Ellen CrMla arrived from '
vote in Ue fourth ballot was east^^e
final ballot sbswMi i for Winnlal ST cage yesterday and baa token bar
far Petortyl and a for ilobba. It was peallioB as trimmer b Mbs Tackaa good fight and showed Ue runniag berrg'e mllllBerg store.
'WUlbm LendoB will not appear In
<iaaliam of aaek candidate. Tbe nomiaatloB was made nnaaiiBous and U«n Ua cototag mlastra) abow as
Tbe report
Mr. Petortyl was called to Ue stage to bg mbtake yeaurday.
make, a apeecb. Ue was aomewbat sbanld have said Dan London.
embarrassed, bnt Uaoked tbe dele
Tbe Boston store wUl add a mililnsrg
gatee kledlyforUeboaor which bad
) a fntl line of alagaat
fallea to bb lot and lavitod them all to effecto. which an belag |
Jim Jobaaon's for-elgara.
New York bj Mr. RoeenUal
•There was no eonUst fer Ue nomina
Tomorrow night tbe annieeraarg of
tion for tebooi Inspector and Pnf. C. Ue blrUday of SU Patrick wUI be obT. drawn went In by ncclamattbn.
served la UeCitg Opera Bonae oadar
• Tnen ptombed to be i
1 Ue aaepicae of St. Praacb Unreb.
rrof tbe
for tbe nCmlnntioB fer n
There wRl beans
board of pnbUe works, bnt a eoqteat a maalcal aod lltorarg e>
was swept aside when Ue choioe of tbe
Don. Jason E. Hamme
eoBeentlon became appareau O. P..
parlntoadeat Of p
Carver was aaated by Jndge Roberto
r to confer wlU Mbs
for one member aad Mr. Career was
Nettle & Urag. c.
chosen in Ue good old wag- Aldennan
fer Orand Traveneooo
Ooodheb aomlaatod A. B. Brown for
UbUsoer Benjamla of L
Ue second member. P.COUbartabo
aamed Tbomaa Moaltoa for Ua aame
plaea. The nomlnatbm wm oapporud, to W bald bare Ub
328 Union 8t., Oomar of 7th.
Fancy Taffeta Lining
We have >nst received a beiintifnl line of fancy
• striped and plain Taffeta Lining of all colors.
JWe'bave also all colors in Oimbric Linings. Do
• not fail to have some o^tnese most stylish linings in
9 all spring dresses.
36 inch Silkoline Linings, Prisniatic effect at___2oc .
36 inch Silkoline Linings, Roman effiect at___12>^c
36 inch silk finish Taffeu Linings** all colors for 16
^anoy colored Cambrics at-----............... 3 l-2c
I 244FiuntSL
Broach Block. :
m-iBFMtsL ncssmii^
Cm. T. Eam iioi ». W. H*ot».
#. W. Hawm, WiMT *»< iu»f«.
k* uU. ;•
Bicjcles EnameM^ Front Sti Cycle Worb
DMrott. UBitb 1A~
From $1.60 up to $2:60
will dBBB It tborpD^ly. traa
tr tba arbaaU.
7^ ■■7 oraaMMolwork
i tba C^trd BUtra and 8pa^
bBklac oaoB Ib elty. Oaly tba aacy baat aa*
yaa my wlab aad aay eolar. ftcat
omL ObII BBd aaa a*«plB Bad* fadfa for yoaraalf. Vbetory priaaBBOd AslBh.
; ltonM.'v«0>a-tllu.laA
Baat work for tba taoBt mway. AU work
PraetioBl Weyela i
M. tVlBBlafor Cft; TraoBarar. M. c| 1 noat take pBaa>B( wxloa cd bdoUmv
PoUawlBf Bra (ba «OoiBl proaatiW. J. dobba Bad B. W. I point iti tba uoTorniijaait’a "»»—«■■ for •
a V. PatartyL
Bi.inUUiiiii tt^uiillty. Ererybody
Iba oaBVBBUra wBBXBUad to ordar
todirldaltad BB totiam:
b7 CbBtrmBB BBS..Bsd FrBBk HbibU
__ ataia to____
the ooontry. dtooe aooba i
atae a disturber and an too
p. c:quebBlnoBB of iha ao<
We bare Waneb talent aa tbe other
bart WBB. la.Uka ■
nation«.lL-4ye »be atto» wntonedly j
and wicbont biltaracaa "bot fta tba
Tba I
Mka of tbe general good of tbe conbtry
maktogUoTWarbl^ wara eboaao Bt tba M. WiBBla. ’•.....................
t. and not a
bnt tootfnllyand akiUfally preTBited
M wara'aa follom:
teen doing h if wa Uow too maob
I...................... .. • .'^sdS peraiatoBOa. COnaaqaiBtly we bare no
BaatlBCB, jU K. Qlbba. fi. J. Polrbam.
tmiownad Ben. la 'eentnr^ wa bsea
D. CoebliB.
rornni ballot.
•aldcBi prodared one—that iA aeldom
PtrmaHoU OiytaHartnajaBif antor bT V. Pebnrtyl-..................... ...................ST
allowcdaoetoFrodace.bimaelt Wecaa
ba.lMM-C A.* HBBBtood. J. C. Mor- tv. J. Hobba..........................................«
■ty today wbst ao oiber nation of flm , ,
(u.rrladrteh. a.r. Vf. lArdla. W. W
Importance in Ue la^l?^_^brti^ j ^
Oa motion of J- A Eorangar Mr.
My-r(bat tbe
DO Anstrian wbn baimda an
••APiariea” araa anar by Ib^ obaroa- P.iartyl iraa doelarod the anAnlm
DSQie f<» bimaaU wbt^ li laailtor all |
>Btooa of tha eoareatton.
tloa aad apactotonu balaf lad by Ur. J.
A. anydor, aoooBpaalad by tbo Soya’
la Doalaation of aebool toapaetur for In Atuaris." by Mark Twain, in HarBaad.
par'a Magariita.
- Prayar waa offarpd by Ear. O. Ooeb- tbe foil tora aad Prof. E T. Drawn
wa« aaaad by acelamaUoa.
Only 16 Oaato.
O. P. Carver waa tbaa named by E
The coBBlttee oe erodeetiala re
Don't go wlUnot a Letur Bos Plata
ported tbe fallowtof aaBod futieAaa Roberta for mambar of tba board of on year hooae when yoo eaa boy Uem
public works: Tka aoatoailoa was for IS eenta. A few sore lefv
aaUUad to aaaU to tbe coaeaatloa:
Gno. W. Rapt.
Tbe report wai accepted aad adopted.’ supported by Mr. Goodrieh. aad tbe
ELLIS, 311 Front St , East.
VW «l«T.
pUaad baieta tba
•mitb'B aoalMtiOB «bb mda bpaaelBWBttOB
P. a Ollbart bbmA far atp Clark
A. W. Uahard. Bod thara bataf ao
-j. tv. MuiikBB. £. vr.
Ih* rwtoAM M
Mril M U*
%tefc.. —M«—« •>«■
Tb* lUp»btteu OMdUUtM.
Al Ua 1
iMt Bl»bt • WlMiM Uckat w»» Boai
Mtad for U* T»rl«M titj oAm* t« b«
jiua m\ Ue eoal«r aprlac ti*eU«s
Blrht'* OMTMttoB. Itk* thBl o
«te EapoklioBU iMt 7M^. WM B eepraB^tBUra ffBtharlac.BBdooaiB whteb
iBBdlBC bBBlaaaa B»d p—
iB ihe eit.T BBttad
as who bBTO tba eeofi•MUtr BBd
ef tba pobae. for tba UaportBst
Mty aCoaa. Tba aoBToatioB wbb ooo^daaootly kBrsaiiloiia Bad Boob bbtMony brinn»k5toryBttbB paUa. Tbera
WBB B BbBip aqatoBt for tbo aomlBBtlM
tm troBBOtar, bnt ao fsBlIay to BBT-tba
J-........ of tbo ticket Mr Wiania baa
tba offleoBlaea Ua city orfBaliaBad laara* babtaid » r*** ”«»*•
jjr. J. BobbBBad Viator Patartyl mada
etoaa raaBadUwBsahber'B rictory
/ mtO tba iBBt ballot B*bb than tbara
araa ataa to apara for iha^rlBaar.
Mr. PBtartyiwUlBBkBBfood traaa
^•c. Bb wbb in that office nader the
'doUoa for collaeUa« tba; toxaa op to
wltbla laaa than a dollar of tba BBOoat
a< tba tax roll, atbieh la ronarkabla.
MU raeord aad rapDtaUoB^a u '
•Mb and raUaklB cltUar
MwliMBa WBB Baa«roa bia-eioetioB i
lonra B«}ortty.
Tba BBBinr «f
•with foe wayor^ a tribute tdability,
wood afUaBBBbia and BB»abla aad eonMliwtioBa'bdBiBUtrBtioB of tbaaBalra
of tbo elty dorlnr tba pMt yean aad
U waa flltlar that the aowlaatloB
AooM ba Bad* by aedaBBtloo. and
arltbtbaaaBtiBaatof c&BfldaBoa froB
orory deleeata to-tba coBTanlloB.
Tbara are faw Bca Bbo ooold eu Uft
' napoaalble poat of city clerk aa wall
•a AIbod W. Rickard, and noae better.
Mr. Rlokerd ba% daBonatrated a
obillty for tbe totrlcate detaUa
of that iBportant office aad hia reaoB
luUon br »d.~.Uo. p.™. «... h.
M appracUted aad aature* a oentlaof the azeallant diaebarffa of tba
^^ptiaa of olark aad qt tba oorraet
^tkoda already aatabllal
a P. Carrar aad TboBaa ifoaltoa
wUI BBka ^eaflaat aoBbera of tke
beard of public worka ftotb aro
of praeUcal Maaa aad they will ba
tel to tba poaitioM to wbl^ they wUl
PratOMor C. T. Orawp te oatoopUy
Bttod for Bcbool toepaetor aad aay
yofaroooa.to bU wall kaowa qaaUfl
oatkMB' ia aaeooaMary to IbMO ool-
. L. Rob
erta. f. HaBllloa. Jakn Powla. W. J.
Packar. E. R. MeOoy. W. B. Thaekar.
3. L Maoro. ft Reae. ft Uarlaad, E L.
BaaaOtt. lioo. Boom, M. C. Dodfo. Oacar
SlBpaoB. O. P. Cbrre'r. C. T. Urawa. A.
P. OaBBiWB. O. C. MoBatt. >'rod Bnat-.
tv. E Joaaa. C M. Parker. 3. A. Loranrar. Baraay APdaraoa. W. B. Bbaer.
J. W. Mllllkoa. U.' CbaUerdpn. B. D.
CbBpball. A. A. McCoy. L. tV. Ttok'
Ooo. JaBBOon.
Saaoad Ward.
-^aratM-ifaotMB Ooodrlch. E W.
flaaUnca. H. C. Bialtk. WtlUaB Aleaaader. A- E Baanatt. Dewitt Tbospaoa. Joaapk Klaaaan. Loola Sledar. ft
& Damw, William Oola, C. E Orel'
tick. 3. E >'elaoo. Piaak Uadak. W. U.
Darrow. C A. Maroor. B. Crato, B.
“llllaa Kooia, E Nicbola.'A. E Borabaebar, Fraak Bartley.
Third Ward.
Dalrta»**-«- C. Dcaproa. C. M. Boora.
J. F.‘ OofdoB. W. A. Kawtoo. A. ft
Cook. J. a. Mootoa, J. T. Baaaab.
JokD'Kelly. C. K. Back. A. E Daaprea.
Oeorta Hayt. Wllllaa Abbott. K. C.
DoBBoad. Prod Boo(bey. 7. H.. MeUo«rk. P. & Ollbort. -lopa A. Perry.
J-rank FWodrieb. E B. Bora, A. W.
Bickerd. O. tV. ISyde. Cblrto ft Vader.
Victor Petortyl. G. B. Ball. W.
Saith, E E UIbba. P. iBbym. A. PeUrtyl.
Foanb Ward.
. Dairratea—WllllaB Loudon. E 3.
PnlyboB. J. A. Mmtoree. Ooo. W.
Lordle. E H,^>ope. U. ft Oaraar. Beaj.
Tblrtoy. Wekaler Bock. Tbomaa 8kaaa.
N. E Oriatt 'E M. Prall, Prank B.
Bltb. P. O. Marrto.
Fifta wardDa'afBtoa—A: W. Jabraua. .
Walla. 3. R. Haalto. E K. aerelaad.
W. .Wataon. D. Oeeblto. Ckaa. Plekoll.
E C. Horaa. ft flyaa. Frank L'mlor,
Ooorra OarrlaoB. Ueorfo A Bteamt.
OoorraBooa, J. Uopktoa. DaVld Wrif^t.
A W. .Blaek. Ueerte^Ackey. W. W.
Than waa ao e^poattloo to tka
aaal^tin to ft M- Browp for joaUea of
p«oa pad hla loar aerriea will be
oeounod with lb« mbc BdeUty to Uf
pooplab totenwta.
Tba aatire ticket la a good opa aad It
arlll raealra tba aopport that tba Bar
Ito of all iba caadIdatB deaeree. wklek
aomlnatioa waa made by acelamatioo.
Mr. Gopdrieb Uaa naatod A. H.
Brown for ibe aaoond Beabar of the
Board ol Peblie Works. Mr. Gilbert
otTboa. Moaltoa.
ibla'aoBiaatleD waSsapportrd by 3.
A. Leraagar of tba Pimt. E M. Beora
of the Third. A. W. JahTana of tba
Pitta. J. A. Moatagha fA. tbe Poartta
aad E. W. ^aatiog* of tba Hoeoad. A
H. BaaaeU named B. C bmilb. aad J.
Morgan'• name waa alao maatloned.
, tbeaa goaUeBoa are to tbe Baoood.
Mr. Goodriek tbaa asked Ue ooBTen
lion Uat U^Seooad'V Allowed Ume
L>r oeasaluUoa. wklek waa graated.
wbaa all tbe oUer aaaaea batog wiUdrawB Mr. Goodiieb morad ibai Ur.
Moaltoa bd d«>lar*d Ua
cboieo of tbe oeneebUoa. wbleb was
J. A. Loranger then placed t>. M.
Brown's aame before Us coareatloa
for JostlM of tha pcaoa.
No oUar name batog preaeatod Ur.
Browa waa named by a
B matioa the coBTeatloa ad>oanad.
H aid comauttaaa.
Tha Ward CoBBiitoaa, JolaUy formlag Ua C^ty Coanittae. are aa followa:
PtrrI ITard—J. A. Lomager. M. E
Dodge. C. A. Ha»mamd.
Scnnil H'ord^-E. tV. Haatlnga. C. E
GrelUck^ Tbomae Moaltoa.
Third Wnnl-Ueorge BoyU C B.
Bom. P. E Gilbert.
Pi.urth ira<<l~E J. PalgboB, Kraak
B. boilU. F. U. Marela.
PI.rth K-ord-E E Bogan. A. W Jobraiia. George Garruoa.
Poroatore' Sapper and Danoa.
The eospanlene ot 1. O. P. will aerea
aa extra fond 10 cent aupprr March 17
for Ua bcopBt of Ue Ladles' Oemetery
Aasoclatioe. Sapper will ba, aerred
from S to « e'elo- k. A daner will fol
low ia tbravcaiog. bin soewatA Tba
proceadt of Ur eatire eraaing to go to
Ue«bo*e toeiriy. ‘
Bicycle Riders.
RamoBbar Uat I do all kiada of
pairing aad anameltog. aad Uat I can
aad do glee you tba baat work of aay
oae to U^eity for the money. Don't
be deceived by what otben toll yoo to
Ua ooBtmry. but com and sea for
1 gnaraatoe alt-my work to be right,
nad U it does not prove eo 1 make It
Stop la ua 8 o'clock every eveatog,
except Sunday, to tbe Caldwell A LoodoB -balldtog. at aarU oad of Cnkm
aKLuau nucB.
Clear Perk per bbl. »
Ocor Pork perlb....
Shortcut Pork..........
Short Cat Pork per Ri
Flour, U E ACo.be
I to ba by
one aama te preaeatod Ue vote fa to V
taken by aeolaanUoa. All balloU to
V feraul anlaaa oUorwiae ordari^ by
a majority vou-of tbo convaatloa.
VTbao ballot U ordered tba tgllarm to pam Urougb Ue alalea. ooUeot
Ua ballots, dapoall them all togaUar
op Ua toUaru’ table, oonat Uam and
report to Ua obalrma of tba eonveaUoQ who afaall canas raauli to V an-
Omad Raplda.March ll-Wkcat. Mo.
SaUrday. Fabruart MU, and coattoo^ every Satn^y^Urre^r^^onW
farUer noUer. Ua Grand RapI
Indiana will run a train leariag
loavtog Mackl1
___ __aty
to Ue
J aftemoau
aftemoau arrtviac
Grand Raplda nbout 10:ts p. a. TV
arrfeal of Uia tralh to Grand Bapidi
wiU V to time for oennoetiaM to ^1eago aad Detroit. Botoming trala
wUl leave Grand Raplda every Sunday
atTriSa. «.,0OBBeBriag8aadayjPebe duly aworu bj W. roary I7U. ruaatog on Ue Unila of
preaent No. S. FV time cards or fnribor tofmatloo apply to O. B. A 1.
Janttea B. M. Brown reqaaetoaB Ue
a to enll at batogto order Boa. Lorto Bobwrta proC E Loonrooo,
bia ottes Uia momtog and amahe aantod tba ndma of Bon. W. W. RaiU
Oenanl Pamanger aad Tlehet Agent.
tar Mayer. Tteu being no eUw ■
^IVliad Bnpide. Mieh.
...... “
11 pain mea’a Nettietoo. Ox Blood. Calf Liacd M 00 Bbea a
r pain BPB'x Ncitlrtoa Patoatod Calf Lnee V.tv Shoe oow..
i pain
nr. pai
H pain ladles Raior Toe Eld Tip Shoeo. $1 M aboe
!4 pain tadiea Cola Toaa, several ktylsa to eloac.
Piogree Kid
tog Beel
Beel Sboee W.OO, new.................. .............
• >‘i.
'king for e
Fi\ee6 3Toyft
111 SS
10 7S
!•! Tkat tbe temporary orra
ba jaada perBaaaot.
Sad. That tallerb be appotoud from Bran per 100............
Baekwbaat Flour .
tke aareral warda aa followa:
\ 1st ward-0. E MoBat.
avTiwo uraa OP TOATnan cm- dialftnd ward—A. H. BanneU.
il will bfor Ob«>lol of «.»xita.
)rd waift-<too. Uoyt
tfatloB Ttaorsday.
Arbaat, old, per bu......................
4tb ward^. II. PralL
Wheat new. per bn....................
Tba NonbaraMieblitabTraaiportoSib ward-W. W. PalretillA
Oats. No 1, per bn. (aew)........
Men Co.'a Dook will be opas to roaoira
.OKDKB or m-airnd.
tralirki for hit bay ptdnu on Tbnreday.
Takiaf oath ft ofiloera of tb« CoaMarch It. Tha atoamer Oraaeeat wUl
ba bare oa that date toatart en rer>^t Tontlea.
Mltoeilasoooa bnatoaM.
tolpa. 8aaa maa aa laat apaaoB.
PraaoDlatloB of aamaa of, and reOar
EH. Povs. Afabifor. oaadldatea in tba followto( order.
' Mayor.
Bear BIb Tonlcbt.
City Clerk.
Toalyhl Her. Horfan Wood. tboTalCity Tdraavror.
■araof Mlehlffae. «tll appear to tba
Belw^ laapoetor. full term.
Two BBOBbon of tba Board of Pablle
«ara. • ABartcaa ante, erackadapd anWorks,
both for fall torw.
eraekod.” nndar tbe anapleoa of tba
One Jaatiea of tba Paaea. fall tom.
Bl^ Bobool lactOT* eonrae.
Your oOBBlttoe weald alao make Cbe
•aa aBord to mtaa .haarlay tbia oloi dirtoa wboaa at
■nde-fer him a high place aaong Ue
valiant Ban of Ue age. An exchange
"(toe of tbe meet powartal and alo4}uoat apoakere to tV poultry. Mr.
Wood aaore than peallard la ti^toda
If bU baarors iV glowing ^oua
wb'lcbVva baeb paid bla by ^oaa.
pnlplinnd laeturo plaaorm. allAivar
Uta brand land, and abonid be again
(Oriait the city. V woold draw one of
tbo largoat, aad Boat totslUgeat
tbtoktog aadlannat ever aaaeBbled -to
tllMclty. It la hoped eneb a Ubb my
Sure to 09&tv\ &\
otve tiws
\\v\t svnrv^, atvA utviioobtedt^ ^
ijouW xDttvt the WVett stijXe.
"Ko mattw xoWt lawiLT
be&ntij, toe c&ti rt\to» laow
Vmmetvee oaxtetii tomel^Vtv^
ed to laou.
"VDe are oenj stroa^ vn TiooeVWes.bcWi ta tdaeV. aad edioirs.
TraToiM atr MaUat.
Below Ua lUtoftheboytog
:ofmbartog and ariltog prices of yesi
esteeJay for groa
arm prodacU to *
4 OOl
1 IS
Uatloa aad order of baatooaa rapwtod
lor ooBBlttea ap^totod by tbe
aereral ward deleiraUoaa. woaM re^^tfslly report aa followa: Wa reooa-
. 1 03
1 9M
Sevemi Other Broken Lines Bt 1-2 Price.
We Are Doing
The Lion s Share o! the
Wheel Business,
And shall endeavor to keep it up until the close
of the bicycle season.
There can he no going below our figures on
high grade goods—then there’s the easy terp^
^ of sale to be taken into consideration.
It’s only naturahthat we should have ^e :
lion’s share, adter alL
To 8lBf to UnoU Svn • 8er«
th« Refrain of Which la
*^Handa Off Spain."
m Very BdMMit Wanhlfa
, Peelawt Wy«a a.a.lpr
Londim. Uanb IL—Tbe Parla ecrre*
^oBdent uf The Tldtei «ara; “Aecurd.
IbC to tbfonnatloB obtained rit.ni cood
•Doreea the Auetrtaa amparor U maklag Knot efforu to iDdooc tbe Eun»
aaaa powen to prraeat to tbe Culled
•tatee ibe dan^ to Europe of tbrtr
carnlB* any fortber ibelr laterferei
tb Cuban alfalra. Emperw William la
warmly aaoondlnc the efforta of EmThe AmerieuB
peror FTascl* i
it la aware of ihla
T%e Vienna Airreapbodeat of Tbe
Tlmca talecrapha an abiiyact of aa artlcte In the St. Peieraburc Novoe
Vfeinya, whlcb he thinks "deserves atmtlon as ctvlnc an accurate account
•t tbe viewa and Iniemiona of at least
tbraa of tba preat poa era." The eerreVObdent says: ."Tbe article aaaerts
are wall aware that In deriaHng war
acalBal Spain they could not' Count op«n tba apprutal of any ot tbe European
powers. All. It alieces. would ayfnpatbise s'titi Kpain: If not actieeiy.
talnty b>‘ (Bley'orical protest amlnat
•bit* I
m m MttrM oC eoMlntrtlon la Fraac*.
TtirMrtvo vwMia arc BtMl «heaib*«
and ruptwred. «ltb tvia arrawa. bad
win be the tint of tbe cr
dleplaremcnl. with l
- to d relop twanty
kncie apeed. Tbue w'bl tbe ship la
about the «!ae of tbe Cha
nurb faaier.. Her ama
Wift of th« Stnktor D)m 8udd«n*
ly on thBYBcht Anita Off
• thoOoaMofOuba.
HiB WiSIBD or EES 001010 EIp.
caliber, for the malA battery ic made up
of alz-lncb runa; but theae «ub*. aa
well a* tbe 4.7-lnch rune, are of what
la knowh aa.Sd callbera lensth. ctvlnc
them an vnutual ranee and powar. TVn
torpedo lube* are three In number. The
CTOlaera carry no armor In (he uidloary
•enae; but (heir marhinery 1* protected
Uy «r Vera
from the (Ire of cun* by ao .airbed
Waahlncton. March> U,-Co!Muroebuteel deck ]i»t hel<f« the water Ilna
state^ bepaWvaryloK In tbirknew from U to L& eral Lee baa nouned the
of the death yeaterday at haciia
Vaahintton. bfareh Ik-dtepreoenla. la Uraode. Cuba, of the wife of Sen
oa board
ttve EUtott. of South Carolina, ealled at
the natT departmeiu yeaterdar to talk tbe yacht Anita.
with the i.ttlrlati re«iwH-(lDC the rl«lh>
Srnaior and WraThuratobwere memInc of the naval mllltlu
Mr* of'a cvncrvalonal party which left
year* mlkiUmen have been to^n» hard
j *0
• fmaJiflratb.n of the Uw that
i' '■"U'd Permit
permll of the appUeatl.j
appUeatlon of at
“ r«rtioa of thefnilliim atJpropria.
le purchi
has been arvomrllal led al last thK.udh
the Ineluakm In the pendiDR naval hill
pf a Bulillable ai
m w clause under ordinary condltlont
would not rn Into effect before July 1
neat. ElliottendeavorlBjt to hate IJie
-section r<> Into effect Immediately upon
the pasiapf of the bill
<UII* Uw rabaa* a Eat af tw*y SeeolaUaa»M»-IUleMl .rjaha Ball.
Mew Tork. Marrh IS.—Father Connol
ly. rhetor of St. Mary'e church In 1‘enh
Ambciy, said Sunday In hie arrmon that
of "lazy revoluI the Cubans were
tionUu" and not worth flfihtinc tor by
the -United States. He also declared
that the destruction of the Maine was
~ •Tbetsfore." continue* The NoVoe
y'Tretaya writer, "it I* hojeduhst Hpaln bollrra and was n«*t the work of tbe
/ srtll not fall into tue irsp laid l y Wa«h- Stwntsb. who were "a t'hrlsiian and
J tneton: for she ha* >u fur i>» arri.eia chlvBlruu* nation." Al ifil* lime, he
aald. ruler* of nation* *hould t.-miwr
their juderoent with Juetlfe. In the absence, of official rrpurta he aaaerted.
mere was owhlny to aatlsfy the de
mands for war wl^ Spain. He con
Will notify (he Waahlncioii s<-vrmment tinued:
.__ .
•f their Opinion that war I* not de"A* a matter of public morals 1 would
ilmble: and It is- to br hoped that
I*re*tdeBt McKinley will realize tbe dlaadeamaae of such aenerai <ri:aiire and by ihl* war talk. I am loyal to my
will not allow hlmaeir to he ecaed lots country, but tt U not Ibe kind of loyal
war by Amertcaa •peculat.ir* *'
ty that. I* In Ti«ue now. M’ben th*
Aoatrla and UeesMBy far Spata.
riahl lime cume* I wll!»tell every man
Tbe Vienna eomspundrol of Tbe to my vonnessUon to Bshi. but In ihta
•tandard declared that Auetrfa arid ca»e war t« umwlled for. Why should
Oarmany aympathlsr with SjAln. (be (be United SUtes free a lot of lasy Cu
former beinc a<iuatrd by family tie* bans who do (iothlns bul bask In the
between the t«-o relrnlnit Juuse*. and
and plot revutullonT Then
tbe Utter try a crvdRe airain*! tbe erne* the offer of aid from Great Brit
United Ptaies. The eorreapondmi adds: am in case Wr flyht Spain. Hark will
“The Chln.-ae question 1* mwh m<«P le Uw'day w hen this ylorlou* <-ountry
pnetlcal for the United Stale* than tbe accepia aid si the hand* of tbe nation
Cuban, tail Amerlc* ha* no naval base that once o|>pre*<ed ua."
In Chinese aaiera.' Why should not
Spain make peace by offerlnff (he VnIt-' 'OOBMtOATif THEM COM* I
ad State* a naval Matlon In the Phnippine* Spain nnuld lose nothing (here
by. On tbe contrary, the Fhlllpplnea
Havana. March IS.—The military
•- would be m.pie a«kured to her than commander uf Santa Clara rr{iori* that
befewe. and the Ameriran* would be
enalded to act from that l«*e In cob- a* the' iBsurtreni Madera rayllo. Alvare*. Nun-i and other* were upon
Junction with Bnyland and Japan."
the point of surrenderina to the Span
iard* near La Ea|«rwnaa. provloce ot
Jtanta CUr*. They were furprlacd by
^aal*b Bdllae Waal* I* Spli th* Seaafr the ln»urften(4, under Itt.l-eeio Ber___aaam.p*.r. ,
mudrx.and a colllsloa ucurn-d. Later,
—Wasblnmon. Marrf I&.—Senator Ua- pn the farm of J.u»o. a fi>ry» of guer
pon yeaterday received tbe chaireore rilla* found the R t-d i»>dl'« of Alnant him by !)>• odib.r of tbe Spanish vare*, Nunes and M. Jm E*r'br»b. *f
-Uluatrated pat»r El Cardo The doed- the Insurycnl army who had evident
ly iTcn killed by the Insuraenta wK;
dtaroveted the r iRt* .tlon Of aurrendwIns to (he B|>sn'a)d« Tbe budle* were
buHe^ at Ta RapAranUla**eelW wr Aaait^ Crat*etw
New York, ilart h IS —Wve dioard of
auzniarv cnil»<T ir*pe<^ra inapcriei
the Ml. Ie>ul* end the New York, of tbe
AmeHcan liR'-. yesterday afiemo.in.
The visit of the St l,oul» was a'rfiorl
one. The*(eatr*hlp was constructed un
der ihesuiierviWiBi of tavsl exi«TU and
all of the otneer* r.rtni»s|iis Ibe board
w*re (amilisr with the plan of tbe ves•acl. The New York was neat vtaHed.
She was cmstru-led when th* «umjAny aallol It* •I'lpa under the British
n*c. The New York was at one lime
III (h* reservfNot the FtrtUsh adm^rallly
atid wa* bum nnder the suprrx l«lon of
Enafiah officer*.
sdtior. the Uarqul* de Alla Villa The
ctaallenKe I* to a (nmlBt at eword'e
point. *nil l> preceded l.y a ataurliolumn
of per.-.i.al atuise In wbkdi Maam la
dewrti-d a* "an lenoble Tankce aenater. eh- ~-.lda like ■ wuman and who
baa mil <he n,;..r i.. nchl
e a own
and who «ouM rahe a ^lap
the face
without re».-„,j, g tv '
The Ameri. an i —ipie «re referred to
V~a people who
tn i.imuAnd whose
Baff la the Almiah \ -t>.llai." Tbe senatSr takes thr- <l..iil-nKc In a Joooae
He *«y» be ei:i h«ve to »ee the
BMtrdula leforv h- *--iae* wh.iher be
Will accept, hpl th»t It siarvely me■ notds with Siianish m<Hie*-., r»r the
CbstlenclbK party to name tb<- weapons,
pa I* done 1^ thta itiaiamc.
MOBwnro bbookd. wbdnbsoat, xabob le. iws.
ftillad-lphle. March IC-Yrslepdar
fnr Ih* flrwi time - landsmen" wrr* enIksU-d fi-r w-r\lrc* ■'! the Untied Statt*
at (hr I.*ac(ie Island aavy yard Any
abl*-l-«!led man «hc answered th*
physliwl rx-qpirrmefil* was admitted.
Tti* reason f'>r this BilP.n, one ..r th*
officer* .■( Ih* whip aald yesienlsy. 1*
b**n neelvfd .trogp
^ rult a* rapidly as
pupsltile NO to «trV os acamcn and eoal
JOBM a. tBi Baroff.
toarbed Cuba at Havana and after
wards went to Matanus and Sarua la
Grande. Mr*. Thursum wa* Ip excellent
braltb when she left (hr rity.
Ur*. Thurwion bef»u hfr mairtaicc
was Mias MaAba Uulaod.' a niece of
Luke U»laDd. of Vermont, prominent
ycur* a*<i In the house of representa
tive*. . Mr. and Mr*. Thurwion cele
brated their sliver weddlnc here last
fall. They hdve aerrral children.
Dead Wotwaw Ha* a Ifvaralmawt.
T« ne^ riA 'ThM LMd «f tb* I
Tb* Mirbtj Bonibara Ballw** Sya- |
lam. trbT«r*lB( the atffht OroM State*
Of tbeBaomlnrSestb, dc«lrea t«> eall
tb* »U«BtloB) ot
of the
____ r. th* '
, the PIwureeaMkee. the
rand tbe Pickle Tr*y*UbC
Publi*. to the ihaDj •dr»*taf*a, the
biBaUful m
—e«*fy, tb* rich *ad fertile
laad *ad <h*-ffiaBj r*kcrU wbkk He
Qo to PlVld* aad e*CBp* tbe manj |
eold aad Mayrcwable d**s of wl*ter. it
and' stop
at ASeCVILLE. -Tbe Laad !'
of tbe SWr
____ to maetamoBfat tbe maaj of.the
beautiaa of aatnr*. 8*e th* (T*nd«*t
•reaerT ta Aaurlea aad Blluaor*RouMi. Amerlca’B oal* Palaoe. tbe
Cbauau of Ueo. W., VaaderUlb Or
tb* tr*r«l*r, wbo is in « boJrT to ff«t
to Florida, eaa po via Cbattaaoon,
paaaiar Look'ut Uount a. aad
u* Battlefleid
which ....
tbe tale of tbe ttrifi
strife bel
aad tbe Gray.
la eonseetion wUb tar t^uaen cc t.-r*ao*wt Bottle, tbe SoMbera Railwey
form* tbe Great Tbro*ri>-Tlr*nk-I.lB«
to lb* South aad Florida^ Elegant
eestlboled traiaa. eamrlbr tkrourb
aleeplny. diateff and chair car*. Tba
Line Par-exeellene* Of tha South.
For maps aad iDforaatioa. apply to
your oaarcat coupon tiekat ayeat or
----Wm. B Tayuik.
We. havo nioo Applea, Onxtgm and l^ona, alao
Dried ApriooU, Peechae. Pmnea,
Dates and
Veeetables, Cabban, Bagas aad Beals.
'PhOD* 187.
213 Front St.
34« Proof 8(rc«t.
BalUmorc Stock Bac*J*ad Thr** ‘^ea a #*ahl
CounU.' 40c per quart
flattbei's Ofslei Depot ub Restaanal.
If You Have Logs to Sell
ComepoDd with the Titiverae City Lumber <!k»mpaoy. r
We have for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber, ^
Maple Flooring, j
Short Maple] Wood"
The Hoard ot Educatloa will aell the
East Slate atreet Mbool property.
BlsUar of lot* sa and nt. block
HaaDkb. Uj A Co.'t 7tb addlUoB. Uveiher
wilb tbe hnUdlar therMa.
' private
aale Tor roo.
aty Clerk.
I.AJST3S meXB. SAT.-^-
Mill M.clU»errot U1 d»cripUo.: i.d.dbi T,o E«.nn«.
Pet Works, CbiTiages and Sa*8. A complete Saw Mill Piant
Chas. Mastic
A. Podrasnih
Art Ml Papn
Hr*. Senator Galllnpcr. who was one
of tbe party which left her* for t'utia.
bul who ahand'Rcd the trip when the
yacht reached t'harlcMon. wa* rrcatly
•hiM'ked at lb* acnuurwVnienl uf th*
death. When Hr*. Galllnycr' left
wton Mr*. Thurston w«> in perOver Two Millloe Rolle carried ta
fed braltb apd. had »>e*t withstood th* etncic. - The ffrraleat selecUoa of Wall
ntonn off Katlems. bi'in* Ih* only one Paper ever ebowa In America.
la* not made sick. She conttd'-d
Come early ta place your ordsr aad
l••'>lr*.<ianlntlcraatran«^e preaenlimepi. «el your Best pick.
.'Inir *be had written her *‘.n. now at
All prize deaiyoa
irvard; certain de*ire* to u- rarrlrd
I In case of accident, and added: I
418 Lake AyBiine,
do r>o| rsiw^'l to return alive" l.lttl*
ihouchi of ,ihe Tv marl.. and Mr*.
Thurston did not explain whether ah*
feared a natural death or w.me acrident
Naval Chiefs.
Sii Rear Admirals Of Thflmerican Nayy.
Bead About them in
rata MB le Have B*ea VaiMWl by a
aarekeef At“>pl*sy.
Havana. Murrh lA-Ccnsul General
I.** received the f.dUiWlnz: lileBram
yeeterdoy sflenusm (torn Wall, r U
ttarker, Unltrd Slates c-neul-at Sairua
III Grande; "The wife <if ftenatcr Thurs
ton died on the-Anita today. Shall *tve
fxery- aurniiuB and wire you from
Ihsa.'' Meaner adtli^-s say that Mrs
Thursl.m dl*.! of aj-i.lexy about t
o-Hnek yeaterday moriitn*. when the
raebt wasir. airhi of |s>ri. TYt* Anita
eft Matansa* Sunday nizht vrilb «» O.e
<i>nirTra*tcnal party cxoeid Itepfraenl*iixe* Mmlih and Uummini
Up Mapua by rail The pas*
Sayua even wore-,
thi*. u.ir^tber with th* rnurh panaaire
cna»t. may have hastened the
end; hut noihlnjr dcfinli* t* known here
aa to th* clrvun.sian..-* of Mr*, ‘niurslim's death nr as to th* Urn* and place
.'( the funeral.
Omaha. Neb.. March IS—Mr*. John
M Thurston-w as Ih* dsOKbler of 0..1
and Mrs. Lulii.-t I'olend. and a nlec*
«>f Luke P P'lland. on* .'f VermonV*
KTvair*t italeam*n senator* and repieM-ntatJv**. Il*r maiden name was
k^artha U r.iland. Mh* was boi-n In
Vermoni a few year* lens than fifty
r*ar* BBo. and removed to this city
w-llh her parent* nearly thirty years
a*o She was married !•> TTtursum,
wh. va* then a slruinrllnE lawyer, on
ChrUiroa* day. UT; Th* rrsull <.f th*
union wa* ■!* children—a IT-year-«pld
•.in. who 1* now a student at Harv-anl
(olteBT. and two rlrls M and i: years
old who ar* ni>w In this citx Three chlldrvn were hurled. Mr*. Thurston l-s'k
a srvat lalercs: in hrr hushaod's publUwetfare and asalsted blm.maleGally In
bis polltlral perferment.
-March IS.—
Jzi'kiwn. i
oLSiale I'owertoB has melv*d a teller
from United Stal** liarker. at Safflia la
Grand*. <'ul>a. enumemtin* th* needs of (hr **veniy->iK appolntmpnia be
of th* pla^'lna Cubans In hi* district. made She Wes' his counsellor as a
In conclufn* hU tetter <i>n*ul Barker lawyer, appearlnn In court even with
*aya:_.i:Mi my humble Judgment eub- him an an assistant In several impor
sisnilal relief can come to (bis people tant .-a***. Mh* was a hrilllam wom
MBASItAAM CBCIaKBa Fl'KVHAaBO. lhr«.u*h peace alone. Stop the
an She was literary. aBd palntpd very
well. Sb* did nut have much time to
devote to ace-ial clrclr*. as she dlrveted
the educallun ..f her children until
Waablaffton. March »&.—A weeica
they were of an ase to enter the hlxta
asdnllitlnrui closed yeelerday wl|h tbe
ha* teen (*ua«d here by an official dia- ochooL She w-as a member of (be 80I by the aavy drt.Arii
T«lch from Havana aaytiiB that the la- cteiy of the Daushier* of the Ameriran
Lobdon of tbe two flnr trulsera bum ;'sur»*nl
"" , le£ler« cavlto
Caylto AUarea
AUnrea and ■Revolution, and was rc-cently elected
aad buildlUB at Blewlok for the irfaxii-1 Num-X hav.- been killed ^by other Inaur- »lre icealdeni of the national body.
tan Bovei.................tMsslbly the officials i i;..„u « nil* the former were on their
DeSsas* Pwad Mir wUlra.
took lAore ple**ttr* la clo*lhB--1ip the way to tender-tbetr eubmlaaioD to Cte
Oelumbua. O.. March lA—The propostbuBinrs* In thie masaer becaua* of the Siwnlarda
tVuk tor the establtahment of a d.-fenaa
kaow'ledce that tbe BpanUh^MU
fund for ihe United Mine Work, rs of
Harvy OiBsi tor
Aad been airiviaB to Mcure tbese \>ry
New York. March Ik—A hurry orde*. America has been lost by a rote of tbe
•bifa. to whom It le aald they wouidjbe
member* of the orranliatlon Sometime
cf much creaier value la ease of irouBl* w a* received at the Brooklyn navy yard xpo a •porlal.<-ommltiee submitted a
than (.1 Ih* United PUtea. Tbe United yesterday from Waehinnioa for a alx- pUn for a defena* fund and ii was then
•Ulee n*B w-iM be boiated ov«r the new In.'h Kun to be neot Immediately to Skn
oblpa witiiin a w-eek. probably, and Juet Fnmcl*.-o.
. . aa *o.in a* the crew can be put aboard
CMUa •! a FtowM* Mil|>baadB*.
' Ibe Amat.>aaB eh* will start for the
Green Bay. Wls, Mprch Ik-taptaln
Ontied Miatra The other veeee) will Ekencaaen. tbe plun^ shipbuilder of al-Secreiary Pearce with the followtot
Mlow.et tbe eariieet poealble. moraeai. this city, died yesterday. aBed M year* rewli; For. 7.«J; acal^ lOJH.
Bmaftpav toaKiatotfcy IWww. )
ne letms of eale are aecreU ThS Captain Deneasen was born In HolAvaJIablilty of the two BrAsmaa ahlpa tanA He built many ot tbe veasels
Mlddleabure. Ky-. March lA-The
& - /Wae flr*l brouBbi to tbe attaatlOB of tbe wfatcb float m tbe preft Ukea. »e iw^ mrr department by Hr. Lalaa. aceat Ured from buBlneas three year* *410. terous that tb* DaHad Buua piveraV—'
«E ikt Maalm-NordenfeMt coBtpaay. Btaee which ume bU eons bare «e*>- meat aeat Past AMdstaat gurffeea Dv.
j. ,
Wertheimer, of tbe United fltatmaiwy.
ducted affalfa
to lake vharre of. tbe pest bourn.
▲Mira tmm ouat xxaswAT t
We are certain sure that this is a chanhe no one
should fail to pass to get a supply of
and Overcoats
KuBHUid «aoo»p. WTOH—PAT. Vajoh la leea.
.t.. .. „„.... c..,_
\ iMdtf In th* BrttWi Common*
Now Hm Ch*rg* of tho
. Promlor** BuNnou.
procT»M. Tba I'Bllad Stataa. he
axplalaad. had’Oekad for vary oonaid*
__________ ____
. dltloh. would ba able to maka »uch
•hcrlBcae. If an arrasKOTnant waa made,
chambarlalD added. It would amount to
a bounty upon au(ar akporta to- the
trnlifd ftiataa__________________
•rtaa Oinatad Oabuad by ttlaw far Ble
Waab-^Hdaaad by
Oaaear *a tba
■■alh at naan fitB in| t~•— »>—.■»•
Aab._^_ <hwe^
^Tcij'Biira^ Out?
w af KaM ta tka 4
WaiM. Mm a bad nee MlaoMa.
Mia Asm E. Altboff. tb« •
Atlaaca. Oa.. March U.—The' dlalac
t«a AiMtalaa. C*L.
It.' At »
i. m. today th* body of th« lata 0««. W.
A r<'DV*ytd UDdar mQII. Ro
room c( the KUntwlI hoial was the
•eeee last nlpht- <>f a aeDsaUunal as-
eoustrr between 'Judtr 4ohn Berry, of tary eecort from the undertaker^ parthe city rourt of Atlanta, and Orth . tors where K had been ainoe hla death
______________ Bletn. the well known newspaper man to the council i-haiblwr of Cniiimerclal
sxWSMlhla line. Uuuufldeot that bardfforu i
pirsent editor of The LookMc hall, there ft lie la state until the fuwill betwownad wUb auoresaand that iIwIq,^ , *^Uy puhlltntlon. Jodp* Ber- neral tomorrow- i.iomlna
ThepaUdays oMoprImBiuriii on acoount of mud-'
tmird at the Kimball and tnarcn* were cboeen from cKy a«*
,dy eCTMta will auon he m thlnu of Uw paA.
dlruver at the same hour. • Ac- ^ county ofllrtsle and m
r»iu.y cordlap
MimAltboff la»bedaoibb»^awmlthy
eordlna to ftlelB
piela Judfe Berry walked ..Chamber
Chamber of Commerceand
Free Hartw
d Urea Up to him unknown and without a leapue.
Loodoit March U.-lt la offlcJally an- I
mounMd that tbe Uarouta of balUbury
rusoi punoB ijr bditoi. |praztAi or on.
^ S .. .
•lAUniMt o» tb* PulOfct of lb* «rt*U
___ titlal'realUcnoo* oC Kaaniaa. a pt*ty
llltlo auburl. OB tba north «)<>• »< U«U«villa There are a sumliar of wealthy peo
ple Itrliic In pwaowa. and. In addlUon to
thlaarToral bualnive houwAof no iiMOO-
word almck him acmaa the forehead
With a bot^ of ralaup, cuttlag .an Udlr
gash and.^'ki>o<klnK Flela out of hla
chair to' the fl»A.
Berry then, Stein
says. &ked him several times In the
taoc. inakinc had wound*, f ;eln drew
hla.^-oIver, hul In pelttnc It out of bta
pocket be unhv »ed the h—rch. Berry
Sickly seised the gun snd pummelled
...It -l.b I. ..Ill ..
*• »“*•
I e«rral.lr roi.wsuoooe, are loca« tW
Chlrapo. March tt.-Amoa foreytbe. Ikan.lW thla, howarer. UwaDeaa.
telra, waa cnatly Uttpued by mdaya,
Hla » lte ia wonted
aence. and la c
. aablaet
swoiaeL council, and a
caw.oI o
. “
- I
----------' 'I
sreaknesw from which he has auSetvd
. «• a
follow la* the atucks of laituenaa su*'"«>•»•># left the hotel W edneawith Ike rMUli that Blr Win '
aftemoi>a. March *. a few h'.urs
pervonwl. with lbe_ result that Blr Will^
re«tatercd there.
““uCn-rry. .i- .•
............... ,
eharmina prsr- had Voade bor a general
w.'.: i...». and ah. rtwlrrd larl-
i«.l. Al.. I
iiiilee asv*
saying. "How do youido.-
•am Broadbeat. tala phyaldan.
noae of bia friend, ha. Be4tt him ‘^t"r.;palon. to\.r.ou. mnlal fuacUoa.
e a complete rest WT^are, WTiea be left he had MM pad
Uut a. .be
1 The military escort waa fumlahed by
* Oeneral I.sbi. of the National Quard.
Tomorrow momiac the funeral mass
| will be held at the cathedral, the bishop
■ of the dloceae .^flclatln*, after which
: tbr body will be conveyed to Rosedale.
there to remain In a vault Ubtll It
can he ronviy-d to^Arllnftcin renwtery.
y Interred.
j B'ashlngton.
iiiailk pialtkui to Ibvakleiit
Ibvskleiit IM.r urKCtiily ;
ding him to aaslst thru out of the)
____ament from which they bad suSered
ao long and cilmd hb. rallwaj lr»cl.. to
ebesoburbof Swsiiaos.
MU* .Alibolt dcrhattanoiga. Tenn.'. March U—The
larmlned that she w'lMiId luuok no oppial- union conferenc* of the railway train
Uun In i^e lualtor of wcurliig aignatuna men In aewalim In this city since Sat
||,p iB ilitun. and cotiM-unently when urday. ad>iumrd Uat night, the viaUon
. . .
being tendered ah elatsirate banquet by
abe was doing ^hc li.tom.isl hlu,^^^^
cbatt.nnrBan. at tbe Houlh.rn boI,ms
r .unVlaa. ,
Altboir .
but wbro b>. neovpfvd_____ ,_____ ___ .
ooncludod that hi. .laughter "had coo
s Uar.-L ll-A,Rua»UB v.l«rlTKl a clever l^-a and |irvii.lwd in lead ..................
bobema Tam Maaa. th* BrllMS TrsAae I'W
her all tbv wiwlstai>re wlihiu hla power
'from P«n Arthur and baa landed a
Mbs ABbull <lid Dot'have tbe plain aatl-1 quantity of bior** and fifty-seven sail'
Vssbington. March Ik—The national
IngtbM she espreted when sbn atartol
who prore^ed to SeouL
headguarlera of tbe Ameriian Federa out At brr borne abe U iIms Idol of beg
tion of lAtK-r in thla city baa Just're-
;whbh refuel to grant an Injunctlnn
i to re.'lrain ) he rapitnl building
IsloB from awarding r«titra<ia for tba
'^pctkwi of the state rsnllol.
Ward. CanoasM.
Had, Has and Bag^e
anything i* »hi*
I r-
'Phone No. 8.
b to M
or PmtL
J g Burkey. Chief Cieek KatiOBal Batel.'
—Watch Repairing.
^ —John Verly.
—Front Street.
g J rruiBvi.
g. CBOlfAN.
n, R. Moon, of Eau Claire. Wla. haa lytii.” hbe did not heed ibo warning and
••cn. nrode tutu tbe oflice agaltut
r-nled I
- diiHl
laaaaaatadnp-m- ^
ing thousand* of chronic
sukide. but failed.
T^.w^-utre*'j«ndent oT'We DHly MaU
aays that the murderer "la reported to
the cvimmlaalon which
be tbe same man whoae
e auppooed body •
Then It vra* Mias AUboff'* turn to bstake charge of the permanent Amerlea*
waa found In tbe Tbatnes bound with
or aurpri
esposltioa at Paris.
pope- 4a*l year,
but who aflervri
JUrquia Mo decl^ that Ja^_ Will.
in i^ oew piojuci 4u whkb
.turned up aervlng at a trooper in the !
I aell no narshlpa that edition* in tne , ^
rmliorkiNl H«e plement Dvauner.
Cape pollri at \ ry1.urg
Orient demabd th* mikadq's IW'rni^'ib^’ciow) UmTi ehev.;
' "Mr. .Joel and Mr.. Strange, hit .man
Vc lUiefm In Mr. '
should, rsiher than dls{^
; availing, geoirslly wseurvcl Uira UworaWe
Strange'* room. AU Ihiw bjU revolvers, cruisers, proror* newones.
1 aodicnoc wlOi Ibua* wbuni*:> • apj-rombed.
a cifcuroatance explained by the auic- I
Poatinaatef tlordon. of Chicago, ba* '
, romparsllvel/sburt lime
meat that the meeting ma nut an or- 1 murned from Wasblnxion after a nay | qotji
p,tiiion wa* tilled with slgnadlnary one. The flyatCahm u said to of two breeka He aaars the Myricr per- ;
tvbeo abe pnaenw-d It to ITvskdeot
have been fired by Ur. Ttkmnge at Von : vice wjll ^ extended over t»»ly, ad» , o,y laur. be rycrivnl her In a courtaou*
Velthelm. w ho had tri^ tJTaelae Mr. j dlUonal aguare miles April L . ,
| aaocm and promised ber that be would
Von ^'eltileim
Many aenatora
eanrfull.v consider tbe maltor. and if U»
Joel *
Weltilelm then!
aenatejra favor an
_____ jt
hla' journmeot
aa aoos as tbe oondltlun* wamntad would ulteed tba
eye and caudng almost Inatam death, mppropriatlon bills are iiasaed. but Ua-i rood.
fiereral shot* were afterwarda fired. «on aad other pro-Cubans Ibalst that!
Mtaa Altboff Is now tbe anry of all tb*
Ther clerical ataff mabed In and Ton ' aomeiblng ahall first be done torr tba yooag wuuhid in Bellev 111.. Uu abv- pays
|«o aUrhtIun i^iba aerlmimkiut rwmarks
was secured after a fierce yebel* over there.
• n*M.-b ber sarw 1a*i ban-------..^ —
---------------Mis- Johii 8. Boyd, whoaiumpted toikbat
struggle. The moUtw
of .v.-------tbe crime
•OR RgNT-Ouod. r
laqulrevN Ovwl
mcm Adatta
|TWto~OA*"u»a WAKT*l)-.C»ll ea oe.*47
Are you discouraged 71
g omiBekie u»tf
•f any one to have atleiiipicvl U> place
for years?
Kill you dgn this Callaodacena.wcwill
tell .von whether '
. tax* t
in a Onu laannet- we can Cure yon or not. If we cannot >
.MtCa. I
•bid th* Privatv oOioe <if ibo cnre yon. we will tell you what relief
■-«o_el-----------bead uf the ennwro
-i.. V. F°l^
sbsotntely free—medicines, anrgical j m-xmi.ocm LrxnxK tor safe ai K par MH
I kbsotntely
I operations, and tbe benefit of all our r XX iwv Apply to Travrae** my
I skill to all who are too poor to pay. ’ Oawi
Oawaaay____________________________ ~
TtHwweieoolyafcwri MlmAlihc^-a Oormetbod*oftreatmentiaallthatU'=:
end ber Uf* at Chicago after having day
been deaerted by her husband, eontln-• 1i««*
PolycBrie'kbofl addUka,”
out <g da»-MkoisH m
bospitai 'Bh* IS SSM to bs
IhibKo aqna
It Hm took HI
ea>: Pemkey
,H.cuwc*-.H-».V..- v-yr'.'rr?
. that
. —. UwcHild
1. daugtemanner
Tw''hTf6«TBE. Atioewef ad ta.. B|
W. amdoatouxtuia*.
. , * „
»«k tvar- Oty .
g, k uMiru.
finid Kipiils t Iidiui 1.1
* Beoebllrsa eaueaa 10 haaaihaw raodi
daiea for Ward amccsla Ward No SwIU be
SeM SI male W|r*M Priaari Sebool bslldloe. TNOOCIg a OOTEIX. AUaewey* aad CMS^
Jj leva at Us. OSeea. Ctiy OperwHaweafflfc.
■. A. B. Srioney. of Detroit, aloe
■rietor of Reed City Sanitcriiui. ii
your town, where 1« will
, Temnin lor oo« day only to giefthe
Apply to Baeoed OHre
tunity to consult bim
; "i** •“
' that eannot
cannot ace
acc Ihim at bis t^nitarium.
i Tbe doctor
baa ao much faith in tbe
! experience be baa had in treating
gife one
week. I wanted u. elicit the truth. I I "»«« end » "•■«
, mlnaUon w itb whkh her aroueud ef.lrtf ;
tuesemed. "Weeas
oaaily get along ;
•of cfiurae. that the wtatemeei 'been received. The Hock wms Inaursd <
teas, ea
FX£X SVBCICitL OPKgATtONS TO awn baesfed cm Feoal eirm. TTsrera* Olf.
without you
We wlll
ntad- to the effect thal warshlfw would forL*S.rno.
will b;.*
bate Hrvet car. In ;
Swansea wbelbcr you want them vw not. 1 dti.WC
povnlMy- be loaned was a* abaurd as
ao tbero'” Then Ml*a Altb^ turned
the rumored allUnce or twjT'
' ccly
* iliUf* Peter Boudreau, SIS
around and starievl out of hU olAc.
and' I rv«cetved exactly the- answer
,rrwreT*e City, bleb f* If
Mr- furaon la t.m clever a
area .«■» -----------------------leplrtt.
dipl.imat to giv-e any answer which
1 lu him fornuUc* treated.
No man
w.-ulit dispel the Idea that an American
." of
led ei
®‘ Steven*
allian.e la on the tapis. a« of coum- It
R'-Int. Wl* . ac-.sdlng to a recent
ua N w e«e of lua
blog the pcllllon out uf
(never will be. . Hr. furson knows 11.
nx iii I* le.ioo.
. : IWh frooi. He* Sy
but ll a-rve* RngUnd'a purp>«>e to let
V... ..
The hank ..f Abbevllk.
... ha*
as- 1
Th.,„ ‘be
h.. imcmuK. unduae In DISEASES aa the iloctor. He gradu-1 drsoi uero.* •>.**< M U AUya IH di
the conllnental nall«na think It Is.tw*alpa-.l, and Max K Land hak---------------------been ap
apulugloa ill-AUhqff
alble in the near future.”
pointed Bsaignee.
I walked out.
'MtllUtCH AT joHAKNnmiSti.
The French chamber of de}>utles haa
pcwwl arTangeiwoia algned | ,n^nd"SramrJ^Tnl'^gu‘^’™
t Washington
The Meamer Alameda .sailed from ; abu bad Iweo warned agaii
L.mdAn, Mareh Ik. — A man named
?L 8. W.. j-eMerdgy fup San ' |n tbere,"said a friend, wbo
Von Velthelm sent Into the office of. Kranriac..'
— ^ having
on bc-ard A40fL«» for ber perwiial welfare. "That
to yen’
year*’ study ia the beat hoapltsl* in,* (*h*»r*e« 08 tf ,
Wolf Joel. Ihe irualec tif Ihe estate of ikT.itsi.Mtr).
terrur. and bo jaHwont do a thing to
at Iwdla* aad lUelpeeeMy.
Cbo be bought few tlM
tbaaeaali value if itaksa bofor* April •
IsV fywk this up at once.
One iO-fool lot. Barlow atreeU Oak
.Investigation show* that men who
../ '-T
u.-D»a. iv. aa
COlOBial e«Hiwat« la the
Ordloaiy I
remember thl* is tbe plant t» Iwrn
fnod eannot anopl.r llbe vital force* j your ordars and get prompt work. CriL.. .
which people wrt*« aelive heaina and
ttaaU PUlt feed tba
LasTS T«»r orders ak oflen er'eall «p
falhir* In an attempt
TTswasCHy, Mlsb
pnip-iacd "WorkenC-l
an organ- . wunU poaalldy have «i » llUl* trouble
IsatioD yet In It* Infancy, but which
iBctly prrfwrvd for the kind
h tbe sbe waa not cyaftl:
A gepsUleaseasru* M wmlSAM eSOdtSatea
great Itntlah labor leader pr.ip.mce to tbut
ks B.-rr.sl h. rr. Sbo
Sbv Imd
imd annw
an. iMl' that
tar Wars oOees la Ward Na I will be held at
DoUDM-d any lamicular
Icular <opi*sd- (irwaae Hall. Caas .irerl. Taesday
eventually evolve Into a universal and ; If abe
Taeaday esealag.
-Ai eVte
cosmopolitan union Of workingmen with ' Uoii abe could cully
,*lly Iwlng
^ng •ber cluquvnoe
the eoTIre Hvlllsed world for li* field. ' and winking ways tt> bear oa tlu- tart
Mann relies eti|>on tbe o-oswratluB of ' luuicbatil that would pmauiur to
American ..rganlaed Ubor, wWrh be re- | b«g request
MUe Allhoa hod fr.<iwntly
*W4BD No t
gsrds as the most intelligent and pro- used tiw same l.■rlbods w ith a nuuiLer of
gresalve outside of l^ngland. to help | brr uSendod admirers with sidcndld suehim ID the pundervua muvcnival he has icraa
Tbofind l.urinem n.sn that Ml«« Altboff
Attorneys at Imw.
Sog-lalWtIc propaganda t* to have no‘i spprowiiRd |«.-*.w*ed s giwclou. dlepuwlr L tiRgiurit.'
pmea Ih Heetagwe Woek. Tisveew Ony. Hick.
tfiace In the pnigramRie of Ihe unlverstl [ tion. and bo readily afflxvd hit John Han•
TH.Ul. mn i.T <»!.
union. The oon#lloD of the laborer is - cock 10 her typewrnteu ducutuvul. A* the
to be bettered through the m^lum of young woii.ais cntbuelaslically axploltlsl a
eCSlSBSg CARD&the Imllot. A universal eight-hour day j number id arguiiu-eu that *bc had figal* lupuhUcaa
1* Ihe first and f.iremoat of the .•blecta ■ Up fur Ibc.nonslon the buslsiw* man aur- ldi.ie.fnr W»»d
for which tne organliaUon will bailie, prlwd bor liy ■ntpHog every one of tbvin
nemlvrahlo> of :;..<«v.<WU. Including and telling ber that tbuM-were Bxaetl
(i 'W/^tST.
..Bi> MOVT.
: ottke. she was all In a IluiUg, and vlalnne
tentlna to Pee^lr^pewetlce.
: of ttfct car* runnina by bor dum« Boated :
idly before her eyv*.
; eapldly
WAMO Me. 4
iring Its,
Tbe Aext uialitbat tbefair pruiuotvr on- , * KepuWiesa eaueim 10 wnaleatc eaadlr three h.iurs yesler.1
nlay the oounimd wa> m grsy iiaind Teiituo of ■ dur. tar Ward em.-r. le Ward Ne 1 viu be
umber of .MIT aia'pcwlllou Mim Allhofl floel.sllnlo WMa.f. W^ ^La^y W
drop hla double
duty as pr'nK- minister and foreign aec.
nelary. There are nc eerlou* aymidnms.
‘ but l.cTd <Sallebur> I* ei|M*rlenclrtg the
Uasliude at d <dber after cBrcis of Influensa.-any atlemri at work reaultlng
In a fehrib- liae of temi'rrsiure
rumor* that r.aTdn Cromer, KrlUah
ngent and consul general In Rgypt. will
succeed him ae forrlgn minister are re
bill* from tbe gene
DavttI Pwt* Ht* tywcHaas,
th.- numluT being ..ne suihorialng the algnal'irv bod ...me ao vs*y aheoum-ludMl
I-oadon. March U—In the house of
cin»trurtli.n of eight ney revenue cut- to waive all arguim-iiU. tbiruby saving
Common* yesterday the larllamentary tera thH exensilng In aggregate coat the eooildersblc |trT*-|uue time,
y of the foreign oKlie. t'urson. sum of tl.cm.OtiO A bill for Ihe'auK-ey ’
‘-Will you pkiam sign ibU petition to
•I lAavItt. snil-Parreplying tn Michael
and e*tlmate of Ihe «»t r.f a Ship canal. Mr. Day for a atrot railway M SwaumaT "
MvBIte. who asked
government of ai>pr»ved width and depth, from the • aha*ald abruptly, so great waa her borry.
. whether Orest BiiUln had ulTeied to lower shore* <rf Lake MU-hlgsn to th* ‘ . "1 Mil sign nuiuig>"'wa* tbaquick
lend men-of-war to the Cnlted Ptatea Walumh river W as tvsesed.
reply of the dewsuidatitof the falberUtid.
'tn the event of a onflUi between the
Th- proceeding* In the house wers “Vm you uicao oiiilng arv.ond my oflice
Vnitfd Plate* and a Kuropean p.-wer. utterly -Aevold of public Interest. The like that? You bad better Iw at home In
aaldtheg<itemnieBb had not made such Time wd» d-v<Jled to Dlalrtct of Oolum- your uiuttv-r'a kltcben. .So. I vUl fvot alga
anoTfer AnsweringaseHe* of-qucsllona
bis bitelB'ess
ilk Vviwtcheo .1*'
which I>avni put with the view of elic
Tbs«ulat.lD Mlm AltboS'B cheek osam
WMIseba CUorwa AWllabed.
iting wyielb^r there have been any ne; ar>d went
llvre wad d loan In exact cungullatloaa for an alliance between nreai
Ann Arbor. Mk*.March li-Ea-Rep- ; trsdietkm to t^-<mu ibe had just Ifft.
BrUnln and the I'niied Plate*, or rewntallv-e Kulwrt M. La Fidletle. ol
pleof '
Whether Orrat Britain had oSerrd to Madleon. Wl*.. delivered an address It.
tnedlste In tbe Cuban rriala Curson Cnlverdty hall before 4 Urge autffPhce Hicn- And thla man had had the tviocrUy
said theae qiMkilons wVre of si h a na--{ nfxtudrnt* and townapeople. LaFnl-|utpj| her hla opinion and. funbvTnxgv.
ture that It was In'-xis-dhnt o reply laile'* *ul-j‘-cl was primao' ele- tlon re- to ulk to bfw In MtuS uiaauer. a tone
to them.
fonti arid he urg-d the abollUon of the : she bad bevwr bosd bvfoiw
Vawke-Jaha Ban Alllase. • Never! '
caucu* and convenU.m.■
After the first abock frooi ber aoddwi
Curson'* reply that IWvUl's quesbad |Ni*«-d away Mias Althoff rem
- tlona Were Inopporiune was received {
Danv ille. III*.. Man-h W.-The «"»deii
With loud crle* of -'Hear." 'Hdar." from
inner l‘“whi^'rw«
lu which aim ••’iroi
-goi l«k”
the i'nlonlat beiuhee. Dsvitl. in an In- ! Rule dry g.*Kl* *t"ie. which was re- „
vinegary Tsutoo almost awept bim
terview onlheauhjef l. ewldt -I p«rt-lh* :<»l>cn-Jed last Wednmday. waa totally ^
MuealloB a* to l*ie ahlt* becauae the i d-etroye^ by fire Nunday
Thl* *lure _
You do »qt hats to algn the petll ... If
•ubject was not proceeded wiih UM I waa burned a abort time before CbriaU j ^ .mapped at him. with all the deter-
Warsbarg bleak.
o....... ....
mmrzssAL mov of laboi.
tbe late Barney Bamatu. the Sooth
African mitllunalre. find ahot bim dead.
The muulvn t entered Ju-I * oflice and
at^manded gS.tW. Being refused, be
snatched a revolver from a dM and
fired: Th.- bullet entered Mr. JfwI'a
forehead und be fell .0 the ground and
John R. Santo,
eanril lisDraict.
Tcaldlr.a In this city. Fi'rsythe
the claimed I
to be an artist, but he waa acting ak a
sewing machine agent when be made
MIsa ~
whom hr married ahoMIy
1Iy anerwarda.
» a mortgage for
‘MTS was
: On March t
; Sled (With (he register of deeds by Mary ,
i Curlier Parsoas-Purayibeon her home- ;
Lord Salisbury's tem|iurary rcllrefnent at the present rrliusl period la
the subject ^ articles In all the morn
ing papers today, espreaaing Kgrei and
concern, but also full confidence In the
abmiy of Arthur J. Balfour to carry on
the work of the foreign offlie.
natter waa much dlacusaad In the tob.
. Bight.
O.I..J.. M.„.
■ <«-"».......iAW;i...,«i..-
Loitp sAusnritT.
tbo ralas oC
p* i forenoim meeting or me Illinois coai
either dead. lalured.
y settled.
some hoapItMi*^
A dlapalch from Oafakqphi WU.. says:
• nlnoah.
Phlladelrhl.. March li.-Tbe -tat.
••Forsyth* flrmt U-t-ame known
She wtmt to biw fsibsr'aofflce.Aat down '
i aupntne curt yesterday slllrtnwl the
kosh last December, when he maiTted;
er Parsons. ^
tyni-wrticr and aoup tireiwted a » b-*rtng on support gB-en Stein a pub- ,
„f the Dauphin county court,
a maiden lady. Mary Currier
AlrsKlord of the treasury and governleader In the bouse of commons,
as n<*-vwaary
the foreign oflice t
| known by all tbescboola. with
! of electricliy. that
all agent* la Paraly*»*,lAia* of Power.!
If Tou WaniTonr Eyes Eiamiaeii
> ekrly. AS *>>y I
Jm 'l f. GuitWt, liik Etrl, tlB Jmkr.
rttbast tb* fcsl
mat sit-forms
Remember, we give a writtew gnArSntre tocnre evety ease of FILES a^
RUPTURE. Also, we T eve a lyi»lHn
botpiUl defHPtment it ««r Saniia*-
lae of Ute Uorb
w beU at tbe H
Ttm Ciiy. HIrbIgi
ea«alecr*wraw8 lor tte umamwiaa at ayb
Oiwbd >a«Ua.
0.uuManra(» o.y.A-OfsiWgaHd*.
unm US Nmnsim li
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