The Morning Record, May 13, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, May 13, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text







Sz-Klaiatar rat* baadoetlsc Oom^ OOBAM OOABT OITT BOMAmDU
p**dmaa with apasish spla*
BT AHZfliiqsar skips.
1m VattaSMaMa.
apaeUI W Taj KoaaiBs aacoaa.
Sharp Bacacamaat Kapartad as laat.
Inc Bliht Beate-Boar AmsrtiiM
WaaUactw. Utf U.-A«ba«ad*r
Tssaals fired oe ths Towa aad Ooaaky sraa taalrandad la tb# stata departBldatabls Baaaca Xteas-Xo XtetsU•aat tau Moralac to aaUty tba British
ad Aeooiuit of the BattU Tat Bararervasai that the Spaaish mlabtor
mia St Maatnsl. ms eraditad with
Mew Yark, Hay It.—It la raported
the MS of the British wiis, oanytsc
da a oaasplfaey afalBat the Asarleaa that the boBtardnaat af CMtaayaa
I by aa athy fear ABBteaa e
'aentrallty law. la three hacaot bp**- teapt te eaptera the tewa witt Anarlahaaii.dellvarad to the srar depart- leaaa wee twice r^laed. There ate
■sat today was feaod atsple aridaDoe alte earne raporta that the S^t leeted
*( Palo-e eoaaaetio* iHth the Spaalah tight kmre with aaay killed oa bath
C8ip«. Varde Sqaadron Admlttad by Spanish Admlrsl to bs spy Dawslar. who aololdad thU »ora- aUea.
at XsrtiAiqas — Anothar Float Hasdad for the Kaw lof. Palo U eoodacUac aa Imaaaee Cieafaeyoa Is oa ths sootham coast
^ Ceba aad Ue fateway te Harau
Baglsnd Coast d^DOordlng to Information From Sall- oorTespoBdeae* with aeahaia of a spy froB the uoU. The Marblebcai and
syeUDlethe I'alted Slates, throttfh
two terpado koaU are kaewn te be la
abla Sonreas.
Spaaisb oossals la Canada.
PartMpriue. Bslti, Map IS. UM.—apMlat hj the SsMciaParthar daUIle of Iheaaaaolt oe Claathis
le WBiakip* arrirad bafora liM
fufaaa aaya that Ue font AaoricM eea^sralnr before sasrtae. The haUleshjp les dead the tret ehet which toek.
sals apaaed Are eiBnltanaonaly.
4lMstoaM aSaot. The haiUi
The laadiaf force left the ahlpe la a
tiBoat iBBwilauly radooad te a
etaaa .yeebt The Spaeleb troops
I wptBMd hy the aasUlaiT eraleer
hMf«f rates. Ths Spaalsh sieaaar I
back, bat the eeooad at■ of.the pofalattea aad feraio
Tale, teaerly ths Cl^ of Parte. Th
tainpt wkleb waa oiade was nasaocnsfiianV •aorht retofa la the teterior.
Uoadoa. Mey lS.-[8pecial)-TheBrsslac News today pshUeheaa dleprteh
Anaiaty fait Orar Baparta af fraaTkeflfbUBf lasted eifbthonia. Tbs
^yisf that a eahlo aeaeace has bom rooMead there froB Part Sa Prlsoa.
aaoe Spanah Srafl Off Haw Bar Spaaish elala that the AaariteiB bed
HsytL haaoaBClBC thst alae ABOriOM waraUps are baBhardiaf Saa Jaaa, aad
a heavy lass.
-that ths fortlSesUoas of thst plaoa are tapldly erasbU^ aadar ths ftra of the
ABsriean fleet
Maw Yark. May it.—A diapateb te
er« the Wc battleahipe ladiaaa •reelel uTaa
ehlps eofarad la thd beab
K cotes
the Mew York do^raai fraa Pert Aa
r. Detect aad Marbtehead, the
'iowa, the eraleare New Yark. h
Waahisfte*. May is.—The p

New Lot of Cheap Wall Paper
Will be here Wedoesday.

Sampson Has Struck Forto Bico a Terriflo
Blow and Left it Defenseless.



Inhabitants Fled PanicStricken Into Interior
—Yale Captured Spanish Steamer.l


-..d Cp. V. O.. PUlippi.-.

Loadoo.MeyU.-lSpeeiall-Tke Madrid tserreepeaa'eBt of the Dally Mill
By askt Tu^y the departneat
talafrapbiDH late Uli ereolar aaye that Adalral Bermajo Uw^ tealrkt adaiithepaa te eabaik the last treops lor
tad that the' SpaaUh Cape Verde fleet la at Port Oe Prasee. aa the weet oaaet of
Martlaiqae. of the Preach Waat ladlaa
. a eanferaac* of the preeidoat,
Spanish Wa^ipa Hasdad for Haw England.
Saereterisa Alfcr aad Loaf and UeuerPeriaBOBib. b'. H.,Mey if —ISpadal ]-Baar AdBlral Otrpaatar. oomieasd- al Mile*. U* aBBouBeaBeat that Spaia
•St af the nary yard hate, has raosired a dispatch traa Bear AdaM Brbea of
>Mseada flsat ts Ue PbiUpplaa*
New York, ialaralnc hi* that the rear advlral had lafora>attea wbioh U aeadiscredited, bet It was decided
aiderad aoonrate. that BpasUb ahipa ate headlay toward the Maw ^Issd in aoeh aa araat te eelss the Caaarlae for a caallaf elation, and a baae
froB wbicb operatleaa Bfalaet ^In s
la eoaat could be eendaeted.
Jostbefere Ue boar of cloeinf Ue
aery departaseat word reaebed tie
prealdent aad Sacreury Deaf, wba
rVerrlflc Engsgsment 6ff Csrdsnss, In Which FlPS Bpsts waa wlU him. that a fleet of Spenisb
torpedo beau waa elfhted off tbe New
Amsrlcsn Tgjssmsn Fell in a Ksin
Bofload coast The praeldeat beoaB*
of Shit and ShriL
much escltod and seat for becretary
Alfer and held s loaf ceeterenco. The
straUfy hoard .yrasi immediately notiflwl that Uo eteamship Menanlie bad
aifhted two farelfn tornado boete off
Torpedo ^ost Winslow Dissblsd In the Oomhst—Ensign Word also reacked Admiral Brbea
Bsglsy, Who Bsoiqisd Death In the Maine Dlsthat a Btraofe wanhip was eraUiaf off
Sandy Book late last aifhv When
eater. One of the Fallen.
alfaaled by U* patrol Teasels Moore
and lUymoad, the straafo craft sped
Sboro Batteriaa Attackol by
B Onae aad Btfna) Station Taken—Xafor U* open sea. The incidaat eauaes
eurfeata Bterasd tba Town from tbo Boar but ware Bepalsed aad HtaTj
aaxlaty. as Admiral Erben's fleet is aet
' Ideas Bsportsd—Sallaat Work of e«r..rtd-^« Ssansn and Heroic Osah af
la eoaditioa to detaad the oeast
ths Kadson U Hasoas tha Winalow—Oatdanaa was Sat aa flra.
Key Wrat, May It.—|8paelal)—The first ABerteaa blood has baanahadi
the blowlBf op of ibe Maine by the Spaniards In Qaeana haibor.
Cbrdcsas kas bean bamberdad aad Ua forUfleatletw were deatroyed ya
day by the warshipe wbicb a
led the eteoBer Oaaeie te Oaba with her
-Imd af Cubsa arBs and obb Bitiaa.
The WllBlafioB. Hacbiss. i
. Bodtea aad Wlai
dhrdanae. eet fire to it. captured Ue elfnal aleUoa. and
k the apanleb funboat Idopoz. but waa uaable to eecnpy the tewa.
Oaa of the afieera wbn was killed aa Ue tViaslew was Eaelfa Baflay. Tba
Cnbaat triad te aa-oparau with the ABcricaas but failed.
When Ue Hadaqa came op to Ue roTerameat daek tbia Bomiaf the bodice
«f fire Ben wore lylaf *a her ef ur <leck
Th* Ben[.were BnMfa Barley, .lohe Vsrhorlt. oiler: Joalab Tuanelt, eabU
t; J. V. Meeks,
flremsa aad 3. Oaalsl. fircBao. all ef Ue U. 8. terpade boat
Wiaelow. Tka bodice were eevarad wlib Ue stars aad slripsa.
In Ue teb^ of Ua Badeen was Cbpt. Jnba B Baraardoo of Ua WUelow
who was ellfhUy woaaded.
The fatally woaaded are J. Pstteraen. flicBaa: allfbUy wonadad, B. B.
€os, fanaart' Bate! D. McBam, qoarterBaeter: F. Gray. /

lank a Oanboat and Bilanead OoMt
fertlfloatloae—Only One Kore
Spaalah Warahip in PklUppU*
Wauta-Vo Amarioans Killed.

WaUiaften. May lI.-Ao naoSelai
oablcfTM wss raeeiTcd bare UUmtbiBf from Boif Kev f Iviaf an abooaat
of a flere* haul* at Ua Pbillppiaee he­
rn Ue n. 8. fueboM Ceaoard aad a
bpanteb faaboat off lUUa.
The Spuiab fuabsat waa asakted by
Ue laad farUfleetiaaa.
Tba Cmeord flaally aaak 'the
beat and rndaoad Ue hattMtea
.Sank a Bpaniah Oonboat.
Iksm U bat oae oUsr SpaaUh war­
Say ffeet. May IS.—LSpadalJ—The captain of th* Uadma M oeafldont that
ship U Ue PhlUppAaes. It U baU*f*d
«t taaat one Spaalah funboat ia Ua Oardaaaa aafanBeat yesterday was bomte be at Mlndaaao aad Ua Boete* U
. . ad ap. as well as Ue larfs barraeka oa abara. Tba laet look he kad wiU flaaaafter her.
■nShowsd e bif flra rafiaf.
It eacBS aleo that Ue Maehiae Jalaod la th* aafafesMat. raBalnlaf oateld*
two hoara- A*o ABCrteoae wan k
Aba bar wlU U* Wilmlaftea.
AdBitai Dte*w a *b^iaf hU s
Btefy addlttoaal derekHnneat add* te Us boM* and «Mipfa of U* Bodo Ue letter.
«m aad Ua fine wark U* did.

I Use Nett Idea Patteros-Noia In lattei-IOc leji Style.

The Fourth Lot
Fine Colored Cambrics

s aad *** UteD. at


RelisUe Dry Goods, Caipet ^
and Clothing House.

« Wheel Enameled For S2.5II

Announcement 4
to the Public.

Note that the weather Is
getting warmer. Ton will be
thinking about getting your
Mew Tane.

We have decided to make a change in onr lo^^tion and have chosen Grand Rapids as onr future
? home. We have already leased a building. Will
occupy sameby August 15. 1^98. In order to avoid
We are showing eomS very
expenses of packing and freighting, we have conpretty deeignt sod lasts in
eluded to close out our mammoth stock of


? Everything will sold regardless of cost See large'J
9 bills for prices and further particulars.

O?, CT: HOST- i


BelMg UJH CombiMliea

The Poiwlar. Shoe House.

BeBCBber I baTC e full liae of BUyela Snadrlte end Bapalra- I atae bar*
.jdeaty of workmen te dc yoar work
pn>aptly. I fuaraalee all work te he
tbe beat aad Ue lowest in price. ~1
boild wheeU te order, they are beat
Ua. Gall aad aae them.

Eunelios aid Deceraliia
ie the Latest Styles.
Bio^ of-all Uada. tlrta vnlaaaUad.
■adeh* Seed ae saw. Theealynp-todate chop In the elty. AU work rmr.
aatred teflve eatUfaetie* or no eharye.
WhsaUteSAmteiSiaytemte- BAqolea aad Tiilmi to mat at Ul Oatea
atraal. aaar Vrant.




Icn's. Btfi'ud Children's ClotUdl
and Gent's FamiSi^ Goads it i Grat Suiiliee.

High Grade
but Not High Priced.




Hatkhan BlocL


Maw Yark. May l«.-[8pa^]-d telafram <mB a Kay V
Key West, Hay it.—W«cd remhee
•saSTBeUarapartthatUeSpanUb fnabtat Anteal* I,*p*a waa aaak la thd
her* rapertiaf the eaficaBeatof CUpjbrAaaaBbattta. TbeLapaswaafonatelyaaoldUfatUaSpanlUTinab-Attain SMpsw'efleatsrlUa perttea of
teatfellneandaMMatedaslaflaraa. Tha LlHtea.aaoU*r assaU Bpsabh faaUe caps Verde aqwdma. the iaUer
Uty paate a BoBeat aad hare a
Aaat waa ahaaftewid after wlaf up bar awBaaltlBi.
enstelnlac awwhl^defmt. The rw lalk ahMt KlBbaU Plaaoa
Tnriac Bain of Shot ud Shell,
port U doDbted as tkeam of th* essat
tauu wHTlk. Th.wu.lan>.u, Beta ww% Oeel eel *eaU have mUte hte* txtm St


HoUsy ± OoBBSbl*

WiiHiQw Curtains-

s‘ af CaptolD
Maou, u aU^pd
reef the lunrfeate.



Factory made, io Felt or Cloth, Cheap. Meatve
taken and sh^s made to^order and hung. All widths ia
band made goods, at


Gspa Varda Squadron Loestad.

This is our fifth stock tht^

830 Front Street


mPBltpra Puritaa aad Terror and the U



TBATEBO cm. MICH. fBIDAT, MAT 18, 1898.

feeood T«u—Ko 82!



Grand MilliDeryOpeDiDg
Friday and Saturday, May 13-J4.

• aa—. —^1—«


* m—I wMoa *ai*

Sate te Uaaa. oar taaqd opreiap flay*. PrUay
teterSay. Saitehle
aearealre wiU be rewreiii darteff th* irnHea y* SarejaW weMete

The Boston Store,

'TBM xoiomra ssoobs, twidat,

ic&t ia



A W. Bavds. Wiltot Md KftMfW.
R •


Cheapast aod moat reiublo plboe to get four bicTcU repaired and
pat ia go^ manliig order. Bare hid aereral yean ezperlaBce and
know how it ahoold be done. Batufactioo gnarAOteed. I am eeUiuB
bi<^e onndiiM at about coot. New and oecond hand wheela for ooW
and to rent. Pleooe give tu a trial.
SLUB. 811 Fnmt «t, SAAt.

i ?:=;i?v=r.. • • ■-


‘ WM tkaiAialnl SMipMa bad at laat
kMbaidadSaaJoaa^Porto Kieo. V
•OTMaf tkceoMbattrm Bcacn. bat
' todkattoaa polateJte a r«*t vletory
tor «be AsuieaB iqaadroa. la tbc
MaatlM. raporta o< aafaral otbar aafaraatesta. alt laportaat. wara flaahad
•aar tka ariraaT altecatbar da»oaatfattair that tba war to baiaf ftarealj frmmmtU by tba Anariaaaa AtUePbitOM o4AdBiial Dawayto flaet
Aid aobtoi wark aad aaak a «»aatok
■iBf aaaat tapUaet^iomp. —• •
■ ud ftt Ch^
M atmMtbar. Uto beiar
/ MtriCe. aaUa froaa Dawy*! aieUnj. Ntf.
BMJ aiaea Ue opeatac of boaUlitiaa
Tbto katUa waa a tarribla aaaaoatar la
WUebahotaadabaUdM aarfal azaeaMaa aa baU aldaa aod la wbiek brara
ABartoana fail. Sra belar klUad.
ara tba flnt Asaricaa llraa laat alaaa
•ha war ba«aa aad tba barial at tba
• Ant baniM to tall alsea tba Maiaa dto•atar, took placa at Kaj Waat laat airkt
tta laat at tboaa bob btiaf opee m
mon TlTldlp tba harrora at war. aad
f»pr—. u with tba fact that kasdrada
■an nut taU ara tba Maiaa dtoaatar
iaaiiiiail aad Caha aioda ti^

•pMd tn m tba SputobbaMBwUAwanlpANThttbo doen. Itoa .Artec
bacaa at b
Tvda. A faw ateatea tetar tba Wtealow
and opeaod An. la aa teataat tba aatln aMhatlaa ^ tba Spaalab baala aad
Uad battoriea was tfraatad apea bar. Fraa aU aid^ abat aad ttbatl
poarad apaa tba llttla torpada boat.
Itoo WQalacloa aad Bate* atU kopt ap Iko Ara< bat aoald aot tara adda
tha Itertbia atom of An paartec apaa tba torpado boat. Tboonwo^Wto•low Moar talUrod. At 1:39 a aoUd abat enabod teto tba baU of^ WI|idow
aadkaaoMoat b«hollar, (ika rolladaad drittad balplatalp. A^pvht trir'af An
aapb arose from tba Spaatob rubaats aad baUariat aad afate
tba balpleaa boat. Tba mwboat Hadna raa aloafaida the Wia-

Cycle Works.

BrAshiB A Speolaltjr.


ftM. V.

EIUS,3II Frail St,fisL






”Bva^es\ Carpd SVoeV
Vw\kA AaU tA 'W.UktlftAA ^ A v>o&WL.W\
MkA «A &0 W W1I9VI. •kA«brteVt

alow aad tried to throw a Iteo to tbo laparillad crow.
At the Wteelow lap roUte( balploalp. the Spaalardi nafe mw eloaor aad
rtt’U wan azplodad all aboat bar. Tba Uodaoa attaaptad the dlfiealt teak of
Catttec aaar etooacb to ttraw a Uaa to the Wteslow'a enw daplta the tarrlbla ia tanr of tba addltioa at Uto Uaa.
Anaboetbor. Pteallp. artar twaatp ateatee the Bodaoa thnw a Uaa.. «asl»a Mr. Ppbaa fanrod Ua
daaaad It bast aot to tecar tba added
Baclap aad tte aaa wan ttaadtetc te a rreap oa the dedi of Ue Wtealow.
•zpaaaa Uto paar. Mr. Boaada eoteA Um wse tbnwB. At the «ae teaUat s sbell borst la Us nrp aidal at
eidad wtU bto riawa. Than
the craap at aaa aboard tba Wioaiai
aldanbla dtocoMlaa. bot Aaallp Uto
At J:W tha Badaoa aaaaced to irat aaalber Uaa to tba Wiaalow. bat Uan aatter wm laid aaar «aUl Ue aast
wan oalp three a«a left Uaa to aaka It last. It wm Aaallp aeeoied sad Ue raralar Baatiap.
Proaidaat BalU appoiatad tba folWtealow WM towed to Padraa tolaad, where aba wm aaebored. The Badeoa t
aaat ot the aarleaalp waeadad off. Three who wan takaa aboard lowiaf atasdlar eoBaiUeea for tbo
eaaalap paar:
tba naboat Hackiaa. died abarUp atUrwanl.
BebooU aad Tbaeban—D Coeblte,
Beadde thn Koine Heroeo.
' j oaa. a. staana. o. c. MoSatt.
n.—Ppaelali—The toMral of Ua foor •altan killed oa Ue |
nd Meaae—C. Ppba^ T. Fried-

Tnces art
'^\'a tmvoT\Aa\.

QaaVtUes are
’^^'a mofTA \.mB0TlA»\.
^wa 6Aa snX\ ^ on

aa& M^on VVa


“Sure etvouqVv Vrade.”



>0t\\ AAM VA
ricUaa te Ue Kep Weet eeaetarp. The bedp ef Eaaira Bacltp. who oalp eecapaddaaUoaUeMaiaeUdlebp Ua tret affeeUn Spaatob shot, bu baai
aBbalBod. Ordan troB bto taaUp an awaited.
New York. Map
[Apaciall—A Bonao dl^leh npa that the Spaatob
admit aifbt Baa woao^ad at OardoMa. The wanhoem and qaaps wen
) Ume wiU Ue
dtba MWB at Ue ■
aa An bp the tesarfaato wto

Ppboa. Geo p
E. Bopt
TeztBoeka. Apparatae aad Ceonee
afStndp—O. C. Mofiatt, J A. Moore. C.
haperiateadeat Grawa aUed that be
be anUerized to proearc 1.000 eeplee of
Ue coeran of iledp tor aezt pear aad
bo WM authorized te fcl what wm ’ reqainA
d bto eoagratalatiow to the a
Tha aaperiateBdeat also hrmrbt Us
sutler of dlploBM baton tbe beard
aad quoted as cetiiaate which he had
•nat Beltrloas ■errlee Anadap Birht reeelred from oae pabltoher. which wm
•eo for 100 Ueep akla dtpleaM aad (33
te HoaoreftheSaldiem.
ter tbe eaBO aamher is ere parebseat.
A rnat relirtoae urriee la beaor ef
tba BaaaU BiSu to I
tor to be held at Cltp Open Bouae oa
eaet oalp about half Ue 6rst price
New Tark. Map 1S..-A di^teh
Buadap erealar aazL All Ue pMtere
Ue Joaraal trom Waabteftoa Mpt Ue of the dtp an reqaeeted to Beet a> tbe qooted. ProfeMor Grawa wm aalborTsmntAT a was waariaf a aalterBi
toUowtejt tderrmmwaamaindbrUa Coarnratlaaal cbarcb at 9 o'clock,
at tba Btaaab Kifln w^a aaaa aa tba
abarp. Uto Borater. to arraare far Ua
•liiila in a atata at latoxiaatiaa. It to aarydepartBeatUtoattanooa: -Hoaf
Konc', Mar IJ.—To Ue aeerctarp et BeetterftaUfriar Uatit
OharlM La Bot Has CSeared Three
Ct^ ana ba^ oae who
Uenarp: Tken to little ebaaca la Ue
«at of the dtp. Tba
AerM for That Fuipoaa.
aitaatioB oteea tbe Uot talecnm. I aa
•ba aaaapaar wtll aet tolarata aaeb
Charles Le Bot hM }uit fiaiUed deaR
- •aadart amaaf the raeraiu and 4aj tiuofarTtec to traaeparti. Ua etaal
•fplarihree acne of ctodod
vha an railtpot tbaa loweriag the broach loadla* rlAaa raoonnd fron
“ Eazt-Be.r for e ball
Mandaid at the oivaaizailOB will ba •aakaa Spaatob Baa ot war. also Ua
Ipark. Mr. UBolUlak. Gnad Tra.Mriakaa trom the loUa aad aal aUawad atorah troa Ua ataaaal te «p paaaoh
Ue place lor farmiar M well m
Paaitdn Be-Xarogod bp Board ef'”
•a g» with tba aoBpaay. It to the pa
aad Mbt bp FxpreM
sioB. Aa OMiataiaiac a strict block­
^aM of tba ofieera Mtake frow ban
aad eoauBittoM Ap- I ,«trrdap to hU Detroit Meade ae eam•anpaap of poaur naa. aoi oalp pbpa- ade. Add Ua Arras to Ue list of dopoiated—Cltp WiU be OSared Bast pte producU urea seed poutoo each
laaltp p^rci. bat Bes who ban too stropad TeaeU ”
half pouada.
Slraod: -Dbwxt.”
■aeta raapaet for
Then WM aepMialBeetiar ef Ue “T*'?
rorkot^ per■ maar to dtaenca
board of edunUulMt a«ht u orraa I
formed aad wlUoet bleteah.
■aa who will allow bia appetite tor
izc aad coMider mt<
Uqaor to rat tb« better of bia eaaaot
i .
■aka a rood toldtoo'. aad adoe bot Dowatec.tba Apaaisk 9pr. VU Mot epedal iBpartaoee. Tba ototr ■
bare abeeat were E. B. Pope. os<
EU EUto Held ia Haalotre to Await
gaodaoldlataBboaldto from Tneeraa
Wait to Ba OSelaUp Diopeaad 1
Ue new Bomhere aod l>. Coehlla.
As OOeer Proas Ben.
Bat Boar BteteslL
Tbe etoBBiUee ea
CadorUeriff Aehtoo west w MeatoS|»rUIV.TWM«nl>« EerofOrrooada reGommeaded that Ua Emi
r-**^*! afteraooo wiU a warraat
WmafclBBtoa. Map H.-Oaorfa Dowa- State etnet eeaool propartp be affend
Ua amet ot Eh Bllto. who to ae•aar Oraak Partp Botomad :
iDir. tka Spaatok opp w^ wm amatad for Mle toUecitp.Mlt bM alnMl,
Vlfbt Attar Banarkable baona
ban MToial dapa a^ saleidad tkto duaoaetrated iu aeatalaaaa tor
Hilto WM takea by Ue' HaatoUe
oaMO aad alactioaa Tbto ec
Tba laziest alafla catch of treat Banter kp kaarter blBaelt 'te
j UaritiM aad Sheriff Siapeoa directed
adopted hp Ue ooBBittoe
•aar fanofht to Trararae CI9
Uaa U bold him.
barraeka whm ba wm coaAaad.
dtewa ban Int alrht bp tba Baar
Tbe particBlm of Ua soielda an
OmoK partp. aaaipooad of Dkk CanpUtot STsater Alder aa Ltordie dtoball. Fnd Bacbul. Teap Nontap aad Bade pablie. WiU a aUk kaadkarered u An a
h Ue hap ead :
Bw. WllbalB. Tbap ban baas at" ablaf ba baar hteiaalt troB a bar aerasa plaiats eanfalip aad Bade farUar i
rnta wteboBM of J. B. MeGourb.;
lUratioBS. Thep Ibenfen daeidad The Ojp WM forUMUtp dtoewrend ia |
BaarOaak aenral dtp* aad aojopad lhatopotueaell. Tba aaoae was prw
•ba bwt ot sport. Tbap eaafbt ao
pand WiU Ua akUI et a prafealosal
acsspt Ue. propaaiUos at
■aap treat that tbap did aet ban Ubm
Dowatef wm charred Ue Swedlab kroUero
to eoQBt tbaa. bet a le^b oatlinata
te it for S700. AIOO to he paid
ftaera tba catch at abaat i«0 paasda
Ue balasee iu oae pear. Tha
na fieh an a pood anrafa else aad Pole, Ue Ea-Spaatoh Btetotar. at ToWM adopted.
■aap bf thaa larpa. Tha larpar aaae roaU. Iba aridaBoe arateat bUa
Tbe eoBBittee also roooc
•ookaApdariaptbalaettawdapa Bathat
iaalun now eBploped at Ue
aUaa tba l«h for the Beateroei frleede
ecbool hoUdiaffa be re-eararad. Barof tka fiabaraaa a aomber of ftaa
rep Cnrtla of UeCeatral baildiar te
•poelaeat wan brearbt haae alin
re tu per bobU aad to eaplop
Md saw loTB a rdoable addlUoa to
•be’othar troot la Krad Beebe s ac- StoaMT Bopkte BlokMco Booapod all Ue eztnbelpaeeded. Hr. KalU
for Ue BeardBaaereaeCbulldlBK. at
Froai tpoaUh Torpedo Boat
Mlarpof Ott peraoaU. hto Mrrioaa
AQor Beiar Plrad Upoa.
AMXX, VKKLIVOBB BOVOBBD. Hpeelal w Tu Moaauie RacoaiL
U laclude Ue can of Ue proposed adBalifaa. Map 13.—Captaia BruaMa dltioo ie tbe bulldlar Mr. Beam for
PrlMo bp Arriealtoral
OU Park batldiac at »36 per
of' Ue Germaa eteaBer Sopbla BiekOallar* for Bapan ol laoUtaU.
:h. Mr. Toapkiaa far Ue Ela^ AmU Nerliarar. wbo will rradaaia Ben. reporU that wkile eroaalar the wood urease bpildlar at »4S per moaU.
WOB Us Btrh hebool Uto pear, to Ue New Foaadtaad baaht Ue was Uaead bto daliaa to iaelads Ue odre of Ue
' iortooau Wloaer df the Arrieoltanl bp a Ipnaiu wankip wklok wm ntp primarp bulldlar »a Ue aaae let. Tka
AoUerapri»|torUebeetnport.ot Ue epeedp aad Sred Urea UoUe at tbe
ivawra' laaUtate held te Uto dtp lut
c crowded eoadiUoB of Ue Boardtell. Mr. Narlterer noeine Ue Arst Rlckaen. She wM aa 1* kaot boat.
areaea ecbool baildiar neecseiCtoptate
prtea. wbiek to aa boaar. aa ausp Tbe weather wm hasp.
utae bouidenble udditkwal reoB uad
brt^t pooar awa ia nnral porUeas Braiuea eap* Ue Sbaaiard wee a tor­
eoBBittee reeaBBoaded boUdlar
pedo boat wiU Urea fnaads aad rtrj aa uddiUea. two •tories te belrbt. M a
Tbe piin to tree rooa raat at Ua aallow iatbewaUr. Tbe Blek,M pre- A4. Jour tootot 3t X S3 feet CMb. The
lore for mpoar. Ube aeoeptod.Mp
iBiUee sUlad that Uto addltioa
oesded to New Yorit.
■ '
Mmo wlUte Urae poan.
would eaablc aa ezUasiaa ef Ue dtoDetnit. Map U.—AeUritp arooad te triet of Uut Mbeol. Uaa nliorter Ue
BiAw BnttawT
baUdter uad leneater
A. J. Bndabaw baa dertoadV-OMt


The Finest Line V
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at

Hardware. 146 Front St


In the
«e Always coine out
stTODg with tbe kind «<
foot-wear suited to the
wetoea of tbe season.
Rnbbeis, Rabba Boots,
Oveisboes, bigfa or low,
and tbe Shoes oniriiidi
to fit them. Good,



solid, substantial leather bottoms and
tops. Made so strong they give inoce
wear than you’d expect, and made so
right they “make your feet glad."
That’s tbe way with the SelZ Sboes,
made by tbe largest ounnfactaien d
shoes in the world.




I Once More
I Washington




# :


^ Has invaded the land in the Interest of humanity, and once :
more In the Interest of those who intend getting



and arttoUe battaa wUeb hM alrad^p
ifra^ teU r«a< pr^alari^. JJfo
fiattn abowa tbo Haaoab BiSica BaraUar. te Ua osaUr. while abon to a
eiow of the d^. aad below a aUrmtoh
aooni Amad Ua pieUn an Ua
worda. ‘Ta behalf at HoBaaitp aad
tbe NaUmto BoDer.” Tbe b«Uoa to
. >|ipio|0'tote aad tbe soatlaMat it npraaute U aaa whtob will ba fallp ^prt
Alatad te Tianrw atp.

hM oabddad ateoe Piama kaadtei.

h Bzet Ue up^v

Tbap WIU Bee Them OtT
At Ua eoanaUea et Tnnne Otp
Lodra. Na 71. Ealrbu at FptUaa. teat
alrbt It wee daddad to Un oat te a
bodp to eeosrt Ue ^aab BiSea to tbe
traia wbea Uepre^nordentoBoea.
Bort'Johaaea. terwwip ■Iwoma ia Heap wBben of Ua eompaap. teeladW. W. HlUarb rreeoip. kae porUuod ter Ctopute MelaioU, an aumbero ol
•ho oaateottoiiwy otan oa UateaaVaet Ue lodra. AU Boabon an leqaMted
Ot poeor* Aab. So took pnwirtnn to awet at te eaetle ball ef tbe lodra
'tea oitentotoenanMda po

r riebt, eat
to, uod ----- -antes eUen.


.OF A~Nt-V- ^nilSTlD

We mention*the fact that we offer the oeet, have the :
^ largest etock to select fk'om, sell cheaper and give better eat- :
^ isfaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let hs convince you.

Vetp tew people called tedap. aad
thoao BooUp Uroorb esrlaatip.



TH» MOMmrO ABOOBP. njDAY,MAX 18. 1896.


ora oooo aradwH mATRXT.'
ebascad to MobOs. This will UMtods
the mat and Statb redsisnta. U to t------- Clhira Despe FraHeUlw Oaaawtoel
aMyCtaaetaUw Marh.


sand c
aiea Id all formed tbe parade,
probably tbe Urvest body of tw
had ever paraded thmujth f
el iaiDoia.'al least TO.KOO peiI'ple
pl 111
e hualnesa
aireele. and
wllb bunting, ilutvrnur and Mrs. Tasner and Adlutam General Reeac re­
newed tbe in-nps as ihey passed the
executive mansir n
l.ast nlirht the lj ys of tbe Sixth reffiment w>r. al' t'nlied Slates suldirra.
Cnmpanlcs F. C. K and H. making op
iTiP First battallen of the Sixth, were
mustered into service yesterday Ct«npanles L. <;. B and F. tnakins the Sec­
ond luKialM.n. were mustered nest, and
then companies A. M. D and K. fnaklnx
up Tbe Third batiall-<n and oimiilrllnx
the regiment, un.i In.
A|1 the com­
panies of the Sixth are full and have
men who l,a\e passed physical exsmInallon to spare. Orders have be.-n seni
for large juanllles of knives, h.rks.
cooking utensils. :.W pairs of regular
anpy shoes, and I.;"* rubb.-r bUnketa.
All these will be furnished from Chl-

M«fr to AiriM te tbeCaptof* «r tb«

fr-|- Tilrr------M.n-m %o LMdtk.

VmmTM will Occarr lUallaa^ »»
•vWMT Caaml .r Ifcr lOa^-to^la
•• iMd Ttmp.
Ur mm
Om Praoclfro. May It—ne Bulletin

"Tbe pTMldent



0«Bam«7 Memtu of the reaular
•nap, to ibe command of the volunteera
fMdl the FacIBc cpaat.

Be Patriotic!

Key West. Fla.. May 11-The Uoto
**Cto tba «ve of the departur* of tbs
Third aad Ptflb reflmenu they w« ads ot Cuba coBlIaoes eSsctlva. .
■Im a craad oration yesterday by tbe toore battery at tbe foot tf tb* UU ■
dtlseb# of 8prtn«fleld. as they wwe Baeta Clara, aaar Haraaa. bbs re
marched through eeveral of tbe pria*
^tedly opeacd fire oa tbe tabboal
elpal etreete oof the I'lty In UK after. palrolllaf Ibe laaer ttne of tbe blocb
tbe entire force
Bde. This battery Bred two toelto at tb

Om Expedition to Start for Cuba.
Anethw for tho Philip,
phw Mwfdo;

General MerrlU

«nll imak ha brtcadlar seneral and wlU
toad the laraalon of tbe infantry upon

A full line of Red, White and Blue effects in Ties.
Latest thing'out.
Extra sales on Bicycle Clothing, Belts, Caps,
Sweaters, etc.

Hamilton Clothing Co.

___________ One burst within jwei
■ards of tbe lllll* vessel snd Ibe other
ost as iKar. but neither did sny j
ras atmost
The'same batiVy Bred on the Teeumseh' Monday and Vi tbe Vlrksburg Sunine shell. W bleb burst l«o yards abort,
a fraimieot

b for Bs*. A i. Ktdrsd.
Tbtoeeealag. Hay It. a recapiioa wUl

Zf yoQ ar» Koiag to make gard«a do not ZbU to bm our
complBto stock of Flower, Garden and Field.

be riven Ber. A. J. Eldred, a man wbo
for more than fifty years baa rives bis

shells snd thr damare
tobu^ ' toter of the rwpal t« make «
has been repaired without
aUtc what
hat it is
ts today
veVJ *
ship off her etatlon. The marksmaneru of our civil war has been rs<|ues-' S


tod to apeak ob bit pioneer expsrieness | S
in tbe ministry,'nnd nias to rclau some I *
retnintoeoaoes as chaplain in the anay.! •

In pBckage or bulk.

He baa passed bis seventythird birth- i {
>1 carry heavy enough runs

day aad it is tbs purpess of bis friends *


to snrprtoe him with some snbstoatial •
space of time and wsnls to, srrwng.wlth the stale to furnish Us own euulpmsnl. the gwemmenl to r lmliurse thiPtalc later. Ad]ulsnl General Irish aav
that under any such an arrnngemenl

the Phlllpplnea.
He baa

»o.h tl-e,ln*
nr .r,e low.
Rush Uncoln. commander of .he loss
camp. IS sure of an arro ntment e.
brigadier general
fiensu.r ..ear wir.i.
Genrral Uyers
.................. .................
on that Unr..ln's name wi:i
exi batch of appointments.
Milwaukee. May lS-l-r..ied Ptste*


•latmed foreroor eeneral of the Phillpplnea. aad as soon as poasilile will «tobllsb his poslUon as such al the capi­
tal at Uafafla.
Lobdob. May i:.-Sreclat
_ ..n Madrid say It to ..mclally declared |
tiat the goverumrnt of Spain haa no in- j
of allowing Rear Admiral Dewor to rest upon bis laurels.


•M men of the reserves of the Bpanlsh
army have beea ordered to rejoin the
onion and U is added that a formidable
agpedlUon Is being organised fur dlt-


M.y ' 12. - The


Light IS

248 Frost Street.


A tew membora bavs

natyet peM lhair duca

Tbefisare re-

qnaatod to band tbe monay al ihelr



preaMent. br.



office, or to Htw. Gllltopie. escr
tbe matkel Saturday

Affiuastotnt Hotse.
Pertor J. Wkltc'a Faost. wbteb srUl

able eommeat in tbe lnrT«r eiUee. Tbe
Grand Rapids Preta. May 6th. baa ttU


_____ _

programme has been d-noii
I for
•nme du^s.
Thlsks II Will He s l-lrwlr.
1»rsiiui-i!y b,-ard l»-vareioil> y
tag' ID i-ianr fur on ajtwuun ji.,.n Hawuna In connevllon with the rruular
army m,-vcnieni by land, th-deg rather of a preparatory r
-—1H>I roiiiNiltlliig the department in an>way lo a final adaption of (his plan. It
bos been reir s->v<rd that Ihe fleet
aafeiy n is-l l'•:"« mWe at the esi
east of the .Sper.l h fonltlratluDS at the
eoirsr.r,’ •>' ilie l,i rt-or. In that poolU-n
It would l,e exi->M-d to attack by only
one'.alien-at th' «d of thv line. The
cu d enfilade thu battery
Ed rleriroT It In ohorl order. The attack would be fol owed d-wn the line of
ahore, inkit.g .,ii. Itaitcry at a lime.
and thur -, 'lu-:i.g ir> a mlnlmuyn tbe
. hips while bringing
a ternbl- l•on•■^mrnuon of Are uiJon
batteries In turn. One naval officer who
was CJnsulK-d upon the subject guaraateeol that lh< Act could knock out
all Of the foniflcaiions onr after an•toefr within JWO houfs
It would look
Urn knocking down a row of brickx."
«ald be.
BtoDw to Equip Uto Mew.
Bprihgtleld. His. May U.-Gorenor
fhaner has notified tbe war de'parttotat at WashUigtoo that two regiBtoets of lafshtry will be equipped and
ready to move Tburaday. Nottiica•laa of transpcrutlon arrsiigcmenu
Baa not beau received. Governor Tonmar naye bts
and tbe governswt can mava them at any Ume it aees
ffit after toaL Tlte rendesvoogAor tba

Ims ,ous<-d Miss Gould to be
deiug-.l with letters from men anxious
to enilsi In (he regiment.


I Want ^
Lbs Michigan


beoomln* very cerelnss with bU Eng-1
|iafa:-not only does Ee jumble bis words ;
togeiber in every conceivable arquenee, i
but be mskes a gesture tosupply a noun |
or verb and raltlesc*

.r-; rsri,_._.
ipcific (

His ceaception of the laearaate fiead to

enough, however; l

- b*f.r.
before 1.
to ,1c,Dr.
pleiore S.U.
Satan . b.,l-,.(.Md
' Toung Ban of pleasant voles aad dim-

more like i

lam irilUngto pa^

W.lolos„.l ... ptOll. Oo. b>* «ilj
o upno ear 1
I car ride i





uu' CMeago Market Pnees.

lovemaklng stotos gj


n church o
be to socceediog.

He sueeesdi to the! Socas hslf tbe pbra^w ibal are miemd.

p.i.1 .1 a™.,.,

-ber. i
I iw.——

W ..pU..,!..
— remedy to ofioe.—hew

bpvn Opisuw as “twttliag.*
Do school cbildruD of tbe prcsehl day
bold in lews swreioo Ibe "telltole'’ or
‘-Ultletale" tbao did tboM wbu a qnarto-u braaed tbe master a .
rod raibvr tbso u-Il- Tbe quesUon is
tnggvkted br tbe report of a test made
in Ibe scbools of I'lioa by Hopaiotend-1

tod East Front 'street^TmTenpe
City, Mich.

Bicycle Riders.


A,,.,...j.I _____ _

decorations of American flags and


cannon beantifully and effectively ar­

I»rwrj . Hear .Adaitrwl Now.
Nelson J. Wyceff. Frank M. Fuller.
Washington Ma> l:.- The senate yee~ --------- -•
these; I Carl V. Moody. Robert M. belsfm and
Georg-- lu-«es to be a rear admiral 1 James C. Waodwerth fieo youhf
(nommslloo sent
yesterday). W. V. trem Summit City ara here aad have
Lucas, D U r.-gisi.-r of the land office
Ike eaamlpaUoD for maabtriag
at Cht iberlaln. y D. / c Auld and
W. V. AAeiwon.
Ibeiwon, of Montana ;u lie cum- into ibe military compasy forming
misaloncrw to examine
vd cioastty
tands within
U af all toe 8n*demnilr land gram limits of the Norltaday ehbooli in this city are reqaeatod
em ractfle Kallsoad eempany.
to meet in the parloiaof toe CoagreWashington. May 12.—The session of
the convention of state rotlroad coramtostonera was devoted prioMpally to
toe leading of reports of the various


erideatly quite bis own and he eer- iJde. It tbe Kew Yurket at times tries |
, p„{„, ^ght to it. lldoes to get an idiW out «u tbe leweal possible [

The eer_____ ! music light relrewhmenu
served, touches the popular fancy, •rte per
E. E Hibbard sblpped IH cars of po- trutbfully portoay, life a. It
send to ttan Fnmrlsco. GovD-eOy replied that they are ready : tatoct eaat, two of wbiuh ar« eeoiign- —a la the South before aad aftor tbe
ed to b'ewport News
Tbe potoUwa
( '
It BotUag Troops.

areforl-torlKroa. for whom Hibbard
’ Sew Turk. May 12.—Miss Helen Gould
O. >. Bicycle Club Bos.
to buyer here.
positively derif’-s that a regiment Is beTbe C- E Bicycle Club will meet cl
Tbe boatoB stare todtoplaylag au arg t-gls,-d unoe.; h-r |>air< naKe lu go to
Tul*. The I.ulilirstlon of s noi|.-e to ttotic patrioUc window, with tasteful T toaiebt at tbe home of lb# eeeretary,
; to the e,
. rtoimenl

Fletcher's Ofster Derct lit Bestairu.

U.. J

Ban Krun. laci.. Yvaierdsy's news Is
Tbp* ka. Kan.. May 12. — 0-,vemor I
Tbe members of the Tenth graiie ' camp meeting Bhouten aad half febfiebuy S-Jl»ianttal .M.I.-n,- of s very ; Iw-d) jvsl.-rOay r.t-lvvd a telegram 'gave a very pleasant party in Monto-idred eoUured volow.
Tbe music la

.......................... .
e to Cubs, while ih- riulippin'

40c per qoart
St«Dd*nla, 30c per quart

We bare been told by a ke

F.„.' s

‘ne fourth raeital of the pnp<>*
ataeeUoa of s
Two War rwhes Kwx hod Owl.
Mobile, Ala.. May i:.-A wyeclsl sen> ' Mtoa Jooefs Wilbelm will be given tbtoj Wbite't eompany U coaociaatleus aad \
out fmm Mobile telimg that Sergeant evening at ber home on raioa street.
paiasUking to a pleasing degree. Mtoa (
Crowley had been shot and kill-,I l-y a
Olga Verne as Marguerite baa a pretty ,
Dr. J. K. Elms aod Dr. C. H. King
member of the Mnel'-.nih
eeaceptioB of ber role aad ber reading j
trying lo arrest f-r drunk, are prepaf'BE to go to the Pacific coast
I who b
made out of whole ctoUi. oa a proepeetiug tour wilb a perma- te-al all times latemgeat and Impresrennesi
A dispatrii
There was n.< shooting.
A fins faes and figure lend to .
aent location in view.
from Mobile telling of an altenipt
er accompltobmeots.
jniiacn t'
lo reaponse to a racent invitation the
a stream running
Ihe regulars here oembertof tbe city' cooncil and city
•„ wholly without
ny foundation In
officials bad a groop pbotograpb token
^tact. .NoibiRg of II
yesterday by Pbolognpfaer Uarwise.


Stock Baeelved'^ree Timm a Wtoh

be seea at Steiaberg's Grand ea Satur­

in bimsclf. Hades aad its future eoa-,
amended In l.nh tiageneies lose all terrora wbea presiphrawOogy and rates as to make it j sided over by so amiable a devil. In
prsrtKally a new bill
There are few mecbaaical detail Mr. White has cdp| paragraphs that have not re.-elved so«
led closelv after both tbe Morrisoa and
! „„.nilon. The rhar.g-. yet to be mad-


213 Front St.


day airbt. May tlst. to reeeivlag iaver-

m^, 01.P. ta, I.

The blU ^hardly will

Hastings’ Real Estate Apacy.

M foot toe. saall bowor. flav locaUas. MS ttrsM, imm be bawgbt tor WU.
u foot loi. good dwelllag. Pvrwwood. to doww aad M per maaia watU yaU tm.
................................................... ayf wvet traw too city. Laad good, srall wawmd. yoato soThis Is ■ bargwta for ooly
dy eiJM.
booaUtaaosptareardiTtdtowoslv ZoabIMa
earlieal cenveBleuee to Mrs. W. T 'ap. ot^ pUeeo Jos, as durable or aratr so.
Calklna. fiDaaelsl saeretory. Miw. C. J. I
vtooa itmaowj

porwtioc lax of u!ie-q>»rtsr—«f 1 per
cent., a provision for ihr^lnagftof the
Seigniorage, and thr lasua'bce oi list.-

IMBt for the purchase of S.OOO.OMrallons 1
‘'•Ts '
Imi-nance and will
U an ear-TW-si of the scale ,in whlcn before tomorrow. The Second. Setenlh degi »,th the admlnimrsUve features
U an -arrle.t of the scale on.whlcn
mfeuiry will leave to- 1 ,nd In some rases wuh ihe grommailis.
Br.para.1oos mv making for inva, on oJ>^y, ,„d and Twelfth In-U-^siruction of seS.en es.
Bpatn-s territory. Of this vast quan^y f,p,ry will prolaWy Dot get off before
----------- -------------------- -rth Is to go to the PhlllpplDto by ' Saturday.
Ittabop Perry
Kan Frantlsn.. sr.d Ibe bajjsnce ' Oruers have U-en Issued from CoriHi ; Dubui
uquv, la. May It-Rev William
Cuba. Per some reason ibal waJ-^t headquari-rs mai-rlally lightening the'Btephei
fitocoverabie there appeared to be
*be iniwntn men for the coming
... st«p.exy. ...
sod u
is m
tomporarv check In the pVacitcal work-'T*'*'*'****®
'■* *be ordei
- ranks glv to be relieved criiicai roojiuoB
tog out of the plans of the war de|«rtf ibe knaiMUok. i.-ni. bisnk-t. ..vertoeni for this Cuban movement. After
underBTerythlng bad been made ready for the
parwiyxed He wHUive, bill
____ _________
-ear, s<tap and towels, which are to Iw
departure Tuesday night, General
inTslli. HIS

0 yesterday carried Is wagons, iw<> of which will be

• Washington Modsy dIrccUy
Tamps. The drttotmeni has mac
great many ctongva In Ihs original
progranimi- forsihe concentration'
troope and many bodies of volunteers originally slated
• Of
toe great concentration ca.____
camps _____
Cs.uhd ch-maelres suddenly uudrr orders
toprtx-el dlre<l to southern points, so
that soo6 voluptevrs from tbe east and
Blddlr M-.i bbill t,e moving swlfily to
Florida and ilie golf, w htle from the for


bed.T without regard toeburebreUUon-1

Democmtic amendments.
It was
1 made evident that Jones would
with the Democrats oe all iheir
amendments, and as his vote turned
I Ihe seal.' agalnei thr Republicans they
Owly Three BegiWM’wU t,rft
; did not enter Into a struggle to prevent
Park tor Ibe Coast.
this cunsunimsUon. Tbe voleto'slrike
Chickamsugs .National Park. May 1!
the bond feature stodd « to S at
Jones of Arkansas. While,
-The order, yvsierday received at the
bexdquanrrs of General Brooke s pi»vlstunal army did tmt have the rush
Pla«i of
festuns: "hen'ce
hence only
only three regimente of I

toe ratbrr gloomy prosper!
—..V ..............................
—• Brat mlliury
egpedlllon was ptesenied,
'slxiy-four |»ondi. and this wi:i take off
TnicTT**“—"r “rwiriTid
i bl* wboulders ahou; sevenleen pounds.
Later on, bowever. tbe obstacle, what- bio lug him f rty-seven i~unds to be
, canird on the msich Into Oulia.


refroshmsato will bs

last night ni.tined the war depgi
that be had mustered In the Thir
ment. Wlsonsln vulunteers, snd that
be how- awiilis urderw. Ii l« d.iuMful
If the Third will move for Tamps tMay
expected, as tranrpurtation has
u provided by the war department.

toorement oh Cuba I. now Wr'v | cav.ln-left during the day. The orders,
launched and yesierdsy • news dcvel- bo,.ev..r, are thai all troops mudl go to
•ped s com-erted efforl all alone Ih* u,, cussl by ibe tatter part of the week
Use te Iregib aggreesive operations on a ^ rumor prevailed that these troyps
big scale.
r the ejectment of the Upan- were to be s^m through to Key Wen,
and government from the but this was denied al Ihe beadquar“Pearl of ihe AnUlles." An order given Icrs of General Urvoke. who auled that.
yesterday «fi.-moon by Ifw war depart- I »>»ey would go to Tampa. The Flrsl and


token of kindly

Washington. May i:—With the «- skip b esrdlally invited.
eeplIoROt a few Bdministrative features
the war revenue bill Is ready for report
Votlcoto W.O. I. AKsmban.
*0 the SehSIe ThlS fepon prObStly Wjll
,hough CoiUldersUon
The ttotordny Harkat of Ua W. C. I.
„7Vlll no. be begun bsTore A. to, be held at M. B. Baakeli's bonk
, y,.ne.n>. With the asslsiance of Jonas
awro from t to s p. m. datnrdny promNwada the Democrats had
toes to be as suecsaafuJ ai dnrtBg proof the «

MIm Oslla Ovlatt. for a abort
foiowed by a buolneaa ami oocial meetlug.

All laembcrm ara raqnee


fbucld tesrify agalbst auotber.
be deceived tywbbt others toll yon to
ril.v b
_ or •touling" was notI toe contrary,
contrary' but'mome and we' f^
esot in tUe p-wt. bet oolv IS per cent yoi
t>ot«d the dlsOnctlon. so
1 gitotantoe all my^ork to be ri^t.
ac-eplert as the “d '» “
not prare ao I .make ih
toaresuJl may U -u.vk«v- T “".T , right.
the "tattlw." I rixhu
Tbe uo-sfitm asked was w briber U ww I
boys bold more robust views (judged in |
the remerabraoce of old school days) 00 I
■ fraPDi r
tbe mailer torn do the girla Of lba{
H. L.CUC.nt_t.
S.hSt wbo answered toe qoeMloo 404 ^
boys, or SS per cunt, and 1176 girlf, or i
Traearae Oity Aarkac
owl. ooDtiderad U rigbi to tell i
Below to a list of toe baying aad aelK^
;e of both -n«a^8 , to>< prieea of yesterday for CTtcerfsa. ,
it os wrong.—New York Feet.

band prompUy at tba
wwtnvy ml the Liasasr Faisw,

Bat. A. J. Bldred will deliver toe
Memorial day addrem at-Petoakey.


left yastorday

PtoadH Wte Aokshir&w.
Pork—May, fili.W; July. BU.IO.
LoulsrlUe, May U.-Ptoudlt won toe
Orand Bapida. May lt.-Wh«A $!■».
Clarke stakes by four lengths ts a g^>
i. BLU.
' top; Lieber Karl, tacond. Ttmc, l:tdM-


Tbe organ of tbe Uerman Isatbor
tratlA Der Lsdermarki. regreu that last
duly observed as tbe "jntbe modem pocket lealber |
purse." Tba older folk smoDg os will |Bye^


Bockfoid. 111., where be will take a

RtoltloB. .
Game Warden O. W. EIbby of Bel-! elooad at each end. with an opening oo
. ovided with two metal
lain, wa* la toe city WadBcaday cm
gatioaal eburcb tots avealar to make
I rtaga Tbe oeat and bandy portaboaincto.
agamenta for too Sonday achaol
inaie was tba invaatlaa of a Uarman
David Twaddle left ysotswday lor
kblnder’s appraatloa in ABimiea.
Y.. when ha wUl tty
rl Hens by name, and bis noral parta
to raerait his heattah.« tnto tba maiket in tba year
A. K. Blagham ban ratnraod trasa

Ohioagu KailtoL
ik •( a Levfw. '
Cbleago. May it,—Wheat—May. fil-dS
UtUs Rock, Ark,, May It-The Ar-kansas river «t IJttle Rock has reached July, fii OHh: Septoabsr. 90Kc; De«mJ
n.» feet- The record Is » feet. A levee ber. Mite.
Com—Mayi-'idc; July. MS«: 8epbroke oo the Arkansas river yetoerday
at Ltnwood and caused damage esti­ tasibar. 2T>sa
Oato-May, SlMe; July. B7He; (tapmated at more than tW.Wt.

Chioago. where be parckaaad a carload
of stock for his market.
B. Clark Hubbard aad wife
waat to Elk Baptds y«torday where would probably bare baooma a vary rich
man. Siooa tons data tba partamoBiinla
toey will argaalsaa maaleal eeavaaboa BDdargone a wrias of evolotloM in
fora, material aod oomplataaem. bat
W«. A.
toa yonag Ueua. Boaordingto Oar Lads„ toapopalar Oarmtn aewa- aarkt, proridad toe genn oat o( whlob
papar el Oiaad Bapida. is in toa oitj all oar modem poofcM ponta ban bnon


B. L *0

tHa xoaaiaa aaooai). >»iDATr,m.T i», uy

mil's wwur

bOMd n«c Oaal Clean.
Sited««u Mar U-—Tbc VUsaa epmJ«H>DdRit ot Tb* »Mlr Tbl«*ra*fc 0».

<Cabtn«t Oamanda a Mattec ofiwibua u«
Om HufKlrad MilUbll DoU

Ur«M« Starter.





tbooniM pmons wer» VTMIcd. fW
1 klllH ana r.OOO wouna«l. In od* 1d•UBM twmtr Mudenia wir* klll»a at
j lb« main ttatimi of «h» \TcloV rallwar




t»o, hurrylB* up. unfortunatrljr flrod
M Ult flrfim-n »1io wtn toin« U> ai»r-^------ TW ^abi VUl gi»«■»■«» *>• penr tbe rlotm-wlU) a boaa. Many ot
W^ai-Oal»a«c*-0»fcar WarM—tbc flpnncn
J, ^ c.rt«. HIlT-li QtrM the Bepabname. May U.-A acit.l-offlelal note
_____ _ oalaa Over, aad Juit Imca aaacru that "tranqulinty
preralU tbrourhoul the kJnadcmi."
Rotoc. Uay
will probably
rMOT AWat tfcr PUlUvIdayc before one la able fully
_______lie -the rnvlty of the rtota a
The Dally Chronirle aaya^ the nanber of killed and wounAed. The
“Id tbc eorlea a aperial war budeet of two auppreaaed paprra, tbe Radical
oounds w.a
wsi oeman
demanded wllb
a Secolo ,and
^ the Hepubl:
gyndlate has been formed In Madrid
wWeh win borrow l.OM.WD peaus lo
buy grain at Msrselllea and Antwrni, as
an Oieproclnces but OM have refused to
aead more grain to Madrid.
Madrid. May U--ln the chamber last
alghl Ragasla replied to Balmeroe's atUck«n the present regime, mortlng
that the state of anarchy which eglated
In Spain during tbe ahort-Ilved Repub­
lican regime
under SalmSi
•pain the laughing
laugblny slock
clak of the world
The premier
rr defended the policy of the
If In
"doing Its utmost to
. ...te.i. .k..
avtdfl war while the Taokeea
Maying a foul game." He repeated his
appeal for union, adding that whoever
sowed discord was not a patriot. He
•oncluded. Ms speech by devlarins thal
Ihe government
war a I'ouiranre.
aills fhuwed by <b
Ixmdon. May lI.-Tl r Madrid r

Pb*iEiS.^ J*" *bi^. *1 r. Oaimaroo.
Mm, J. F. TiMa. Bohool OtMrlet M*.

WM. M.KSw.T.Snbnf.^

‘•Bo»CM TM bSoH all U>a« booktf*'
aaketl a 70ong man. aallin( upon
OUlia, OaoiMV. B«o«. W. J. Mo*dr.
“1 oBD’t aeon to Had wpm A. P. H>aUnaaUfl. BcTU Martv
Mmnge for erta thc4am11tig roagaalara *’ D|fk Ms ZoBDk. Oaarcflla Bretkara,_Wn"Ub, that Ubrary ti ootr nr 'am lliaw Craekar. SoiBa
; U Broarn. Tftaa bloeor. U. <«. Balea. FWaraar. W. H. Hooker. W.
“Mab? JatttbU: WhayaadTiaad|S.^^“
____________ HalUa E Ooaaloek. D. O.
no to lodDlga
iodalge la u
an twaaional
oocMiociaJ dgat i
P- Kyaalka, William H
aeceral ymn ago. 1 bad baa nadiac |
Bobertti Martla Wnt. Kaboot a roang tallow wbo booebt bootei a. Malaoa. M. C OAaH. iaha OamoU.
T. A. with moBar that otbaa wmld bavc.Uaacga Ji----------

meaurca >erc paaaad by tbe aapM
mterday. The oaty owe of gaa^ ^
lefect waa tbe oo-alled •Imwiwne" WU
paaaed by the bouae of rcprcarnitattra
The poalolbec appiwTrlaUcn
amzrrlac appreprlatJoaa which* agrrecate
inre than m.«DC.Wi>. wu paaed with*
at importaat amendment. Tbc rcaatwtla tor I
cbanirtnii Ibe date of the b .
tbe trrma of the prealdat. etc., trewi
Ihe tih of Match 16 the ith of May waa
The bouw waa In aeaafon aly flftr
iplnuta the sHy adjouramat being
| Ae to M unrent mewled of Impor­
tance before tbe h

Erer Barncd Out?
U wyonloto*

T-IMWTT l-LA Tq-n-Hl
O- P. CA&TH&. Agat

John R. Santo,
Gueial lisuranct.

bnriMd la elgm, aad 1 thoagbtl waM Oaty.

Tvaara Ctty, Mtab

^^IPrta.' oT’Ko^iJSrVilUaD. Lara-

da't quite


_ ba. Palwa aad Oohlmaa. Ntt'oaja
_________ 1 laeesimaat
laceataaat unm^y.
Ooaipaar. "•
«. r.
PII yMierday
CroMar. T H, A. Tra»M. Jobs Draa.
rille A PliteC. A, Crawford Bsta^ D. 0
j tu,i',:",VNe. Tork-Brooklyn A New

tbe o

Dr. If^ns,

tba |wlM o( a e cMt oigar prey
,t Clereland and Cine
1 aahAUyCA. WilllaB
Chiefly reaponalble for ihe rlou tberc. •ad as tbe moiry aoctimr’-*
• roo aaa"| Himhaa. J. T. Sauaball,
At Omaha—Kansas
Tbe latter Journal baa been In the habit 'MjBgbt hooka—the r*«y hooka;
giving Its abscPibWs
Toudou-imran io say ^al yon.! ler. H, R 4thr*“ «• “
Christmas gifts
rMlnnea,.o1l. 16. a. MtlwauheeboolnooatDo mora tbaa tfaatl Wb;
the latter ftiacrtbed la the
(bare ate dollaw' worth of Itooa."
Ullanese dialect wlih the motto "DalU
"Yaa 1 know
ow Ihete
Ihera ara i
1 bad M«
r^, ga. Booaar. M. |
at Trooeo" (Strike at the Trunk)
of my appreatweahip »l white, UMrge Lowrle. Mary L. Maag. I
regularhubacrlbcre were larT'-l) priesia
Bpringfleld. Ills. Msy U-Thr fortieth
wtau) you adrised me 'to be B‘j„Bca B. Bagletoa. U. T. Ball, L«wla|
------- --------------------------inual ....................
convention of the Illtiw'ls Stale
1 pat by tbemoaey. which, at 6 Beohr. Amelia L Arpold. AalAosy . ssewHatUai oi'med here.
emta a day. aiuouated
a year. , Twtav. Heory Urowa, Fioraaoe An-j Sunday Pchwl s-enHi
■*“»as» *sass»o is—.
l*resbytertan ^
9.60 to sly years 1 keep Ihoasi Iboay, J»dw»a Oameroo
Jaeob (^- Meetings sre h-ld In
deleaves are!
he (beniBoleea as a teeall of ray well. J J Siaggs. Hanaak Drake. John ! church. Eight hundred
................ ... B-E-iscot.
. Jacohs. of Chicago, pro-I
Uray. MartbaJll
I sided over ihr first seaMon. A pisiform
Washington. Usy
May 111
The a. nate yea, “S'
.hta ««k. Iralag 4. Ulplry, Mary Cl
• "
meeting «as led by W r. Pearce, of
,prda> dlwiiseedI without
Vrmik -------------------- ---A Isnie roitir.h.JtVin t .s tsken <
I'ltallsad Air
, known as I' e railway arliiiraPeek. George Dialey. W.
wua* *e au
rpalalesB extra
'Dampalgn. Charles 0
n bill—designed to adjust difterenoea
r held at IttgM. I
detnorlal servpes s
AntidoUr. lor
H S UuU. Mar.v V
may arise between rstlrodad o|B*
! without pal^ mU- Utaat and «^
BurgM. Henry Youkar. 4amea Bodge.
rials and their einployea . A number of
<•- satMlaeufrVeaaraUas yet waad ter
---------------------------------A. Estep, B 4. Morgan. E 7. Coulter.
ta. AJpUM Oosd Kighi.
MilH. Maggie Oarllale. ChloagD
City News Oo.
AniBglbe lofty nioDDUins a&d ela-lA West Micblgaa Baileray Coiapaay.
rated vallers of iswitaeihuid tbe Alpine' Uraad Baplds A ladlass Rsllroad Cornagainst his will in carry out any canhorn bat another use beddea that ,d:
a^ r"
tract for peiaonal labor or sem ire.
aoondlDs tbe fartamed -Rant d«i
Tate Roi
After refnamg by a
..................... *
It heretofore made by
Vaefaea•' or cow soog. and this it of a{
awt --- .___




B. J. Morgan,


the latter will lend to encourage block-

buTwerenonriwacurred In and

r^?r,^m; w« ^ed


other im-

portant busln a waa transacted.
Balta alone voting against
walndrr of the session was devoted to s
Inn i
iba MaU «HA
centlnustlon of Tuesda>--s oratorical
Chicago. May dl.-Following are the
records at base ball made h>' Deagae
clubs yeeierday; At Clnrinnatl—St
Cincinnati i: at Hlitaborg-The chief feature waa a crashing l^uli
1. ----------------Dlttsburg 4:• at Waablngkeply by silvela, leader of the dlaaldenl EouUvUle ..
ConservaUves. (e Salmeron * oraUon. ton-rhllacl....... .....................
lphla 7. Waal
Waahlaglon K.
■Iveta calmly and with perfect par- Oeveland—Cluiago S, Cleveland
t,/Boston S: at New,
• I many pole- Bo«on-i*ai'
sned darts 1 ...............................'f allusions to Tork-Rain.
Salmcron'a former p-.llttcal
Western League:
t IVirolt—Cocareer, producing Bpplauae and hilarity, sas City ». Omaha
fUlvela detiared
r<-iared cmfldently
that the mmhus -B. “
Detroit »: at Milwaukee—
snarthy had nothing to fear from Re- ladlaaapulls A Milwaukee B: at Mlaibllrans under a leader who divided aeapolla—St. Paul 10. Mlaneapolla 2.
slesd of urlllng his Ml.merw
Id Che bes-iI thing Palmeron c
sake himself forgotten. Even
Karat MlllUa Not Wamtod Now.
the Carllsts. who had been coquetting
Chicago. May U—Any ho|-es mam•
‘-d 811- bers of dbe naval mlllila may hata had
with the Rei
tost In regarding Ihe poaslbiniy af twlng called
them 1
immediately Into s.llve eervice were
the same sense."_________
dashed sway yesterday by a letter to
General 4ohn McNulU. president of tb'
I nstsfeim Hold to aolKbury , and Illluola Reserve aes.K-lstlor The eMM|«
. as an offiiial
WUM ihrBriU.b . r.-—... —r——
• ■London. May i:-The Martrid^.reSTe- .
^^.(..■.,<1 of S Rpriln naoer skvs It IS Ingion. snmnmring that


X.- ....

acs that OB May 3 the 0. rn|an ambtsaador to Great Britain. C.Hml Hatsreldi-Wlldcnburg. Inforan-rt I>*4.^Usbury that in case'of a change tfi^tbe
yhUIpplaes Germany would be "conipMled to put hem If |n p.>saes^on of
______ .1 guarantees with the view
malntalr.lnp German Interewls." Count
Hat*IO'J'-"'Udehburg. According to the
correspondenl. pointed outwU-rd 8sUsbury that Oermuny had to take lom
Account the possibility tharGreai BrU-



Atloraeya at Law.
WbAi the san has set la the vaUay ,hlth^^e ^ocU deddad should be
and the suowy ssmalu
of -----------------tbe moon-,^id aad horae by aaMial aaaeaameot.
with golden
for tha coBairaetiaa of a laMa Mwer ia
walllagtoa atraot. from Waablagto*
street to Eighth street, la Sewer Waitabla spot u
rly ahd Jeodly thnmgb ._ trict Na Three (31 of the City ot ^vDoancea elmrly
« eras City, said aewar district hel^
Mibrosgbai. •k^ traapet.
U houaded OB the aorth by Ihs^
tetbe Lord Uod.” Aeauqo as tb» soDBd
tweea WashlagtoB street aad Webster
bratd by Urn
JAm.Atlor*eys. BpoeUlMstreet; oa tha east by Railroad avenue;
ToaueseaeUee. ■nmslaa*
they issM Iram cbeir hula uks tbeir ^
AIpiueboruBandrepeattheaamewanU. rq,
This fraquently iasu a qaarter of aa
hour, and tbe call reaooudstiom all tbe raennlcd plattkareof, la now oa file In
moonuuis and rocky cliffs aruuod. my office lor pnbUc laspcctloa. M^adl
NoUm -PboaraiflaiOl. m______________ ___ ______
WboD ilicnoe again telgna the benU U also hereby giveo tW ^


On M. * V. B. &. B.
All baggage, bos aad hadi woik
for said road aboold be left with
__ Office 239 8Ute rtreet. tele­
phone 3. All orden left widi ow
will receive prompt attaatia&.

Ben kneel andpeay with uneoeered “f
boada Me«.iimo it ^a heeoma quim j


“t^ Mgbt • MUA cMlslb. S;rA l:30 p m. of ^that
blgbest begdamaa ihroogh bis born.
,mei,maaU at
Tha words resound from ail tbe mouD- wbVeb
„hich time aad
and place opportunity
opportaalty swill
laina tbe borni of tbe herdsmen and begivaa all peraoaa iatorcaied to he
the diffa and tbe moDUiaiDourstben re­
Dated thU 6tb day of May A. D. ltdfe
tire to their dwelllnga—Piiuuurg Dia316-121



*"'■ aty^'k


■aw Benw V© Obtaago
through oar


. system
aad Ue
the Uraad
U™nd RapU
I ana Railway, via Vrekaborg.
Traiaa will arrive at and'depart
Dearborn Mtlon. Chicago,
lion U on Polk etreet, bet
U only Ihi-. . .
aark atraeU.
aonUof tha .fratoffice. and Bear-the

ptraporMiooU ni. Oowgaw *»d Rlmwiq
pprlngflcKl. HI' Mny 12 —A Plate
Register sfHcJsl fro n CarUnMl> aays a
n-pnn is ro-.-lvFi!
,^t..ul thritien
o the effect t
1 inmate of the
his <laughi-r sen men
CC. hsd
hHd shot

killed himself. The report could not he
pi.w i*ristew.






May IStb.
a will be eatabllsh





.. atOAspda


ing this atat________
. ______
.teblsim. Topeka A daolo Fe. Wabash j tecorf odire-_____________________ ^^
Ixinlsvllle- and I
transfer will, therefore, be i
• paaBvngars to or trwm ihe
above mewttuaed lines,
iimportailt atations c


,t JlanlU.
n artequal'a clc«e yesterday.
y would do likewise. '
■ were elected f-r the ensuing year
• suj.p«isUlon I
tend hue inter Ions as Ipcorreet and. ac* cordmr tF. th • correspondent In ques-


r Manila bad



aging «..Ddl
ThUTlMM-La.! Vrar.
May i:.-Rvt»orts
from Top (•.•rrv»i-irdents ail nt-er the
aiale t.-<-. l>ed at the lllin-Is depart-



■ decid.-.!
l.'lVIillsros, V
Ma-lnd. May 12—An ofltrial dlspatco ,ras nominated for congress from tne
from .Havana
The enemy's, sixteenth dutrtcl.
aquadr.-n lia- dirai-eared. Five warNi-rveglan steamer. Brattqburt.
•hipe have gi'm'raeiuard.'^
brought to Key West by tbe Mangrove

. Th« greauat
Mrs Ton
The cuitipmeBt osed in providing this |... i.nok pubiuM. n» .... twa; »" •oin rleheri eolofw- Ba>
that mother
sorvico will coaaUt of new
; eeatibnled day coaches. Pull
IBS fur a mo____
Mr. *■.—Ab, dear oaa. droami al­
ways go by coeoarit*.
' twelve-section drawing room slevplag
Mra V.—Aud I also dtwimed tbal
■earn. It la hvllevod that the ebaractsr ^ iw. iv »«iv»rtai»s stee^
Bid I cxinldn't ba«a a new drsiaY.—U'm, fnuuy.
,j. Isn't 1,.
it. bow



sK—Pick Mi Up. t

■. A M. S. H. H Bummar Xxcuralons

;; n\‘i7^;sr


OOtilO liOMH.

, iikeral pairnoage bv the travel-


I a eoadanaed ached-


ANTgU-tieoerwl b<«.e-ork. bsri
.oead; ,~.ltloo. Or A. H HyflWay.

Traverao City to Maniateo oa ^aday.
r.tsnd RaiiMs t
7 in u. I'C- a 11 ».r u
aday ' tt (Its:
prolonged drought
toil-, a. atwr. * *

throughout Calir..nila the ..utlook f"' i
,he wheat CT-r !• a decidedly giuOltiy |
ad trip
. .. I
Gen'l Paaa'r aad Ticket Agent.
The rralaer (Tiarleston has been
aoy dUtAB
derril to sail ImnWUtely wUb-------- .ppUca fur Admiral
“I* “““
and relief
B«T F.
General I'asaenger AgaaL 1
Ostr%I H e. eanren. wm .eci
Ppaln la said tn have aegotlaied a B. W. Ci XSlst.Kaii. Ageut
I the 8e«on<l M E ckarckToenday c r«»- . . oufesUre.t~»«f-.roAa^.w^^^^^
loan of IMi.OUO.WK) |csetas. A well-knuwn
©nmocrat ling. May iTth .Subjeci, ' Ypntk. YraGrand Bkpid
lianking hui

has been rele.^.


stent ,.t sen. ulture ui.d- r (kite of May
u< 1> njore en.vuracmg s> re. crop than-In itSfvGwe e»i-. f«lve dr>.iighl
s fu . ded—
delircrwl for Hs
1 4S3 366 acres In th- norilierti division the rcaPue.
Of the state 1-uti' 4t p.-r ccent, waa de-'
A mad bulldcB ran Into a saloon at
itroyed. In central
Ullnuls B jev c. nt Oii. ago and tw-fur. It <v.uld be cornered
iral Ultno
was d-stroy.Kl.
had bitten the aalu- nkeeper and two ui
In ihe tuulhvrn dlvlelnn
n of Ithe Slate bis .-ustomera.
<it'i>cd- f*! the entire
a large three-stmy stone buHdlnc •
nute 10 per <--nl was winter killed or itallardiale. Mass., used at a wi>-i1 store
desir.>> .-d. 1 2:t KBO acres remaining for h<.ui.e. was burned.
Loss, moatly In
harvest Tht May condllJcn of the <r<^ wool, nearly 3300.606.
Is very falrT.' Ing »4 jer cent, of a sea- . xhc engagement of Mrs. Pauline AuaotiAl-le avitage in northern Illinois br^y, dsughler of Chief Justice Fuller,
•nd 4) per cent, tn both central and
Jessup Iilnlr. a wt-11-known soriety
BBUthern Illinola No Injury by InmcU „an of Washlng^n. Is aniiuuneed.
•f any kind is reporleA______
i - Wllllaoi C. Hokk. wholesale dealer la
Krirtal arUM Draper Case.
1 blcyvlc pupplles. BuSslo. S. X.. has,
Kririalafth. Draper tM
aralgnmenl. Lfablllilra, It la
.J vine. IUa.. May 12.-The atAte jn»d»^
ha. rested
reaved Us
it. case
raae In
In the
the Draper
Draper trial Wl«vefiv^ual If not exceed hi. —
«nd the defenae began Ibe Introducing **»
died at Ardmore.. I,
nf evidence
- «.<11 he the same self-drteoae. as at the T- from tbe effects of stab wounds in-


. wit, sloDOir besssesf
wfwi of Ibe water werl
Worh*. SIS if

ooiMO eoota.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Oom^MMMi with the Traveroe «ty Liunber Company.
We bkve for etle Good,

I ,, the result of a firs that dsntroyed the

AQsUn. Tex.. May IL-After a lengthy sre«orta estAbllahment of McCtelden
•abate yesterday the Texas Bankerff groa., PhlUdelphIa
™UUon in aenalon In .this clly In- i
Sor^ the Gage pUn for currency re- '
hlMorj- prevltraa of
-*tetai. T. W. Black, a prominent banker j, ^ow tHlnola have been i
I Mlver Democrat, made a strong
goriety. of CMonlal D
Chicago Historical society.
Chicago-----It In opposlUoB.
The Pennsylvania RallroadeompanyU
remm-al of IW Fifty-

.................... -—convened here yt^ JJ,of land lAp bscn ob|talBsd.


V.A.-Krr>« S>03a BAT.m.
Mill Meehioeryof all deami itifna, isclodiiig Tve Eaftioee.
Bet Worka, Oarriigee and Seva, A complete Bew HiU Piaat
for gide.


iUwtdrarr.te rploa airsel- lia- law


Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flporing,
Shoct Mapl® Wood.

Baaksts Indsiw* the Osgt PUa.

uusm uoMimisniii.1


rgO-Cook (arias ra
U LoBber Co •ff-tf

aadiaaaUs te a



tti:— i


THE Oman.
^ h. is Ua Tranma Ctty effiea. urtih



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