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The Morning Record, September 17, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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<4««0Dd Tear—Ko 430
Qnntod tt Compel P«r>
mant of BcTasnaTaxen Paekagta
^>M4al1sTn MiiBKIBs Blcan.
Detroit. Kept. ](>.—Frsaer •<>Train Officials.
d«m»Btcd • mBadaiBM to compel
tbeAnwrleenExpreMCo. to pay f.«r
Treatte Vitb Xasolmae Waes tteF
rev«oae*t*mpBp)MMl nn paekBpea for
OSrad to T ke 8U^ liieblcut SoV
Tbe eompony eaaaot
Alera From Boothtm Potato—Bx-Intoe tkerote to meet tliU tas.
Bitter Oomplai&te ol Hospital
Ho More Troope WUl btfSent
1 the oily,
But a OteU War to
poetUon to ApuiB^do by Other PU«
ipino Leaden JUy Lead to Seriooa
pmfMCo of Kto'aodl&jt Biptemeata I
•ad PtoacitoMble Obecaalea.
Trouble lo the Phllippisea.
Spwtol te Tn HoeaniD Saxwn.
WaaklapiOB. Sept. 16 —After reoeirDetroit. Hapt. 16 —‘^>IoBaI U-u6 and, Ohsptaia Xclotyro To Be Tried Tor
Inp diegptebee today from (• loernl Otto
br. Lee. to eharpe of tbe Piapree boa-}
MOBDOiop Hto Brother
t aaaouneod that
pital tnia. which bitmpht 116 eidc aolOfBce'S
' ao faiere troope would be eent
nertel WTeaXoMiea Rboobs.
1ila, the ineurpento baelop e<
plalo biturly of the traatmeal they re
WaebinpinD. Hoplember 16.—The
ceived al0B« tbe eoeUtera portico of aeeretaiy of the nery today ordered a
tk» nmw. where etapldlty, twlencej
martini for Cbaplele McIntyre of
Maniia. Sept. ]A—While the Inanraad inenita prereolod the briopliip of tbe Orepoo. whole acrueed of publicly pants are not likely to ptoe the Amermeay aoldlare that eoald have
den moelnp hU brother (
leana any more tronble. a civil war be
paged in the battle erf Santiapo.
tween tbe Filipino factions acema im
Tbe eceae at the depot this tooraiap
minent. laabrlo Artaeh. who waa ooaWM eery toaohiad. frieode aad reladeraned to death by Apninaldo la May
tlece weepiap aad •walUop. bat held
for treachery, waa reprieved,'and then
back from ^e train by offl >er«. Tweoescaped. U reported to be ieadinp 16.ty-loar wa\ takea to the hoepiUU aad
WUl be Extended Into Chine 000 men apalnat Apalnaldo Arlaehoia
the balanceVat home.
backed by tbe Spaolab priraU.
By BaUroed.
Dr. Lee deecribee tbe manner lo
Tbe maljfltv of tbe rrb^l leaders
which be had to bed *ot the men to bo
I BOW is coufarecce at Halaloa will vote
allowed OB the train at Beauville.
Coneeaalon Oraniad by Ohiacae Oct- for anlonomy coder American protec
made eerotal tripe to tbe bosp.tala at
erameat for a Ball s ay to be Bnitt
tion. AlltbeSpaniardtln tbe nortbBcotovUlc. and only by pareererance
With American Capital.
ero provinces are now priaonera A
oadaloMet bamlUation before tbe repWaahlnpton. Sept ir..—Tbe final con- Jeanlt priest baa been abnt for advtolop
haental offieere wae able to pet what
traeta prantinp tbe eoneeaaloB for an naUv«s to'deaert Araiualdo.
n he did.
Apalnald* denies that arms were
Colonel Load'i experience in peitinp American railroad from Canton to
shipped to blm from Japan. It is be
(ba alek of the Thlrtr-eceond from otb- Hankow. China, have been alpned In
lieved Ue arms were shipped by Ue
It of Lee in thia city by tbe ChAneM mintoter aad
prtoata for Artacbo.
• every parttenlar. and hia aiory of tbe rtpreaeataUvea nf the China D^velnpTbe rebel leaders met at Malalos to-'
. except .np oompany, t.f which ex Senator Cal
today. Tbe Uwo waapayly desolated
at the
ip of the Tbirty-fliat rrc>- vin 8. Brice U tbe head.
Thia pivea tbe American company a and crowded with peasants. Apninaldo
meol, ia a recital of mialiteadlnp etateceremony
ooncomlon for botldinp and oonlrollinr
meata, eontiadictory
a railroad of nearly 600 milea thrtmph from his beadquarterw to Ue ehnreb
where Ue delcpatca were assembled.
WiUtoat a alnple exception the eol- Ue rleheat end moat popalona part of
dtora nay they bare received excellent China, and confirms Ue autement
made by ex-Miniaier Drnby in bi a in and Spanish lanpnapea.
trexlmentcm tbe hcepital traia.
The address was mainly ouapratniaterview UU week that China bad de
cided to grant such a cooeeaaim to Ue tory upon Ue tcrmlnatioa of tbe revoiDtino and Ue complete coeqoesl of
Tbnriow Weed Baroeaand twonUer Fbilipp DC territory Apainnido made
a fi iwery appeal to Ue delepatea ask
HstomB From The Klondike
lop company came from New Y.>rfc and ing Uem to follow toe example ofE.ipWealthy
had a long intsrvlrw wiU Wo Ting land. Ue United Sutes and France, in
Fang. Ue Chineee mlototm-. They left preparing a eonxtJtntloB and promolBat la Vahbed in Chioape for an Al- with Ue contract for building Uia im patlnp Isws that would necure Ue per
portant railroad dniyalpned, so Uat; inanent liberty of Uc Filipinos. The
toped Orime. After an Abaencd of.
Ue company may now begin work as mes-ape excited little enUukla^m be
Three Taaia
cause it was absolutely indeBuitc.
auun as desired.
Ohioapo. Sept. 16.—A. P- B. Crofton
Tbe Chios D.ivelopiup compaoy bad | Tbe assembly immediately entered
^racd from the Klondike rich y*a- been working to eecure 'blao
Irto dlseussiuD of a coortiiatioo.
terday. mebhla wife and baby at the
OfMt Kortbera hotel, and one boor □nderatood that Sbeop Tao Tai <
later waaarreated oy elty dcteetlvea on trying to arrange mature so tbat Ue 1 prominent and infl ieniial natives <
the ebarpe of forpiap a draft on tbe original plan stKiold be carried oat and n Kiceahle. A atr-tup party, lotoxiPint Hatiooal bank for
three Ue AmerlCkO comptny gives ikwtral cated (>y kucerrs, favors orp^ltlon to
over ail conmaloos fjc raiiroad build- any foreign pru’ectorate. The wiser
Crofion to now « prtooner in the (>n- lop in China. Thto waa beea<
uouuscl.trs streonously oppos: aneb a
trai Btatloo. Be to eaid to be an ex
bad c.vnBHencein saieidal policy. Tbe only prreent
pert forper. and P.akerton detecUvee
irlca aad f.-lt eecur* agaiokt tbr at point of agrvrmeut Kcetu« to he a <!e
eonatry nave
have vataiy
ralniy tempt to aeiae Ue urrltory Uat sbi-nid toTuinetlnn lo be free 'orever from
aaroapooui.^. ueI eouatry
aaafohed for him. Tbe at >ry of bto ea- i>e developed.
Spaoikb rale. This cniv raal feeling
capadea, if thto to the man the police
This railroad from Qsnkow to Can will proabbiy prove tli.' eonUoUing
want, abowa him to be a mao ol darinp ton, Mr. Dcnby oaid. would enoorct ai power in determining final action.
lopenaity in the perpetration of crime. lUokow WiU Uc Belgian road from
Five yean apo C.-ufion and a man Uat city to Pekin, where there wi-uld
xamwl Jellett went into the boataeM be connection with Ue great Siberian
of forpiap bank drafia., Jellett went: railroad of Eussia. Iu importaoee
Over tbe OondUioa of Boldlern Beto Winnlpep. Maaltoba, wnen he
could hardly be eetimeud. Iwcans. no
Utreod Prom Onba With Oen.
ped a draft on Ue Bank of Montreal one could predict what rail coaoectlno
lit S&.(W0. Crofton remained In Uhlea- between Cantou and Bt. IVUrebarg
oral Torai. >
wonld raran in Ur way of changing Kiwrial to Tax UocsiM nnkiu.
bank drew P7.60U on Ue Montreal 1b- Ue rooua of travel and Ue carrying
Vigo. Spain. Sepu-«r,f.e 10 —RpanaUtoUoQ. Jeilett was aiTMWd aad trade.
Inrda enrag«-d r-ver Uc couditioo of Uc
aenioocod to a term of five yean iu
retarninp snidlera, attacked •eocrai
the Manitoba peniuntiary. Crofton
Torai's booae wiU stones and elnbs.
Sad to Texas, and was ti.ialty
Near.y all the soldiers landed bur •
in El Faso Uu was bruugai back
j footed ana nearly oakid. (i orral To
T Pinproe Attrrbutea It to Uto
Chioape by detwrUve Tom Howard, aad
tal took refuge on tbe steamer Leon
araa eoDvictod. Ojaoevuot of his be
xdntmoat at Mot Being AI-’
Xill, which was also sttaesed by- the
inpuBdwape.be was asul to Ue PonIriwed to Oo to Porto Kim.
mob and Ur cabin windows smaabed.
Mac reformatory ou ao tof
SpreUl l«>TBBlloasueXsoaBO■
Dclruit. Sept. 16.—Dr. Lee. who
He wont to Alaska aoon after Ue
madeUetnpto M-iauvil'e on Sundsy
forgery maatlonad and luaaud at Dyea.,
WiU one ear for the tick of Ue Thirty- Speoteb Troope are Leavingand Vork
Then fortnae favMod hun and be bepMond ragriaent, has some pretty
of Oommiaslon in Porto Blco la
uaae wealUy. AfUr his nasoee from
harsh Uiaps to say of Ooloael McPnotieaUyBndvd.
the Pontiac Betorm eebuol he had
Uurrin and a few other repimeatal
' ried a rcapoeuble young woaaan. and
lan. Porllo Rieo. Sspt. lA—It
oflicera of Ue Thirty-seoood.
it was throat his affjoUoo for her
Uto morning's
Governor Piogree attrlbotes Colonel
tbat he deddad to return to Chicago.
McUorrin's strange coodnet toward Ue meeUng that Ue two eommisaious had
Be arrant wiU his wife t» mMt him boapltol train to hU dtoappointmee
agreed npon all of Ue aubiUnUal
at Ue (Ireat NorUera hotel w!U tbeii not being allowed to go to Purto Rico polnU Uat were Ue subJeeU of dtoenshebf. By
tloo. Tbe departure of Ue Spanish
WiU bto regiment.
Orvfton's return reached the pellce and
war veatels for Martlnlqae en route for
and DetoeUves McOarUy aad Maek.e
Spain yrelerday was reall.v Ue begin
■e on hand to arreat him.
ning of tbe evacnatinn by Ue SpaalSpadUrds Plred on a Onban Teasel arda
Smallpox Oase Boeovorud.
The departure of Ue troope wHI fol
at MansaniUo.
•paeUl 40 TUS HOMOM Rsomu<
low as aoofl- as It to poesible to gel uanSaaUapo de Cuba, SepL 16.—Inform
Detroit. Sept. 16—Health OSerr
portoforUem. BvetyUiag here to in
oibbaaays Ua amaiipox eoae ia Uto ation reachi^ here today from Maoxanfor Ueir embarkstkm. Tbe
Mty baa rMverod. kni tbe quaranUae Uio Uat Ue'sptalards Uere have vio- troops arc c >ming la from tbe Uland
Ue ooodiUons of the prutoool by
efUo '
towns, but tbe Spantob ontpoato are.
vok^atUl matotaiaed.
aUll being maintained.
ael Fernando, which entered Ue bsrXooru Baa BMlgnad.
wlU suppHee-fw Ue Cnban troope.
ipaeUI u Tbs Merelss auere.
The vesael was fired oa by the fort ov* epertol leTet Messiss Bseena.
WaUiapttm. Sept li
erlookinp Ue bty. Om Cnbsn was
Camp Wikolf. U 1.. Sepa 16 —Haten
Secretary Moore of Ue euu depart killed aad two ali^Uy woanded. Tbe
S. Fingree Jr. atarted aaoUer batch of
ment toodcred bto
Cahans under Oeneral Bum. who were
^eeident atUe caMnet meottap to- eampAg near Ue town, then advanced
day. They ahoald reach Dshrolt Satur
to e pjeitkw where Ue unloading of
day night
Ue Fernando eoald M protected. OraPrivato BoUlngar Dead.
eral Lawtoa to asked to eend ao AmeriAMTsta
goard to Manxanillo, where it to
ite kiadergartea will be
16 —Private John
Tiivsd .y. Sept. MU. at ISO
•MUefW died today of tevar eoa- feared Ue patienoe of Ue Cubans will
L Thoee deairing loforma^•Mad. ia Ooha. Ha to the dghU net ataod many more aboaea by the tioa as to teraa may Inquire of Mra.
Don’t Forget That Room
While etralinp a Bide on a O. B *
1. Tnipbt Train Teaterdsy.'
OpeeisJ to Uh-Mosam Rseean.
TnaMn. MIeb . Sept lo—T«b neldvotlfled men. atealinp a ride on Ue
Urand Kapida and Indiana freight tokilled by Ue train
breaking In two and collldinp.
Tbe delay eaesed a aaaprnsioa
tralBr for several boars hetlitUe damape was aostoiaed.
It,will look mofb nicof if it baa Bome of that new Well
Paper that we have just iveeired. We are aUtl aelluiKinod '
paper ’way down cheap
299 F^nt StreeL
Holley ft
VniveraltyVaouliyOeelareaUe Kerrimaa Imw to OonatfiatiOBal
and WUl Btaafi.
I'"' •>“* “i
r KAMlIkG.
Ann Arbor. Sept. 16.—Tbe law faenlty of Ue Dalveraity
Unlveraii of Miebipan |
>" PICTnRB .*
_ 4
la proven by tbe number of frames weare malEittg-1
wUl have to abide by iu terms and pay
Tbe faculty did
act wtob to aotieipale Ue Supreme
court, bat Ue newa leaked out.
Suted That Spain Don Mot Cure
For Ue PbUlpplnea.
L<mdon. Sept lA—A dispatch to Tbe
Dally Mail from Madrid Mys that a
majority of Ue pollUelaas favor Ue
enUre renneclaUoa of Ue Millippiuea.
hoping that Spain will aecnre lo ex-
At eix 0’elrdt.JeM evening and will remain
cloeed sil day today on accinnt of Hebrew
Open again Moudsy morsteg.
Bsltobto Dry Oooda. Carpet aad CtoUtac How. 'I
vantapea. The retentioo of the tolands.
Uey believe, will be a frnilfnl aonree
Senor Uiron. minister of Ue colonies,
says that Ue poace oommtoalos will
flnisb IU work In a monU. The cortce
will be reconvoked la November to rat
Ify Ue treaty of peace, afUr wbicb
Uere wilt be a total change in tbe gov
eromeoi; but It would be madncaa
talk of a crisis nniil Ua treaty of pea
it ratified.
Tbe Financial Newa aaya that expcriera of arms and ammunition to
Spain are warned Uat U to weU for
them to be carefnl to whom cooaipnrnenu are made oUer Uan tbe governL. The Spanlib coBkOl here has
advertiaed an t.ffer of a cvasiderable
reward for trostwen-Uy information
vonrerniDgshlpmenUof armt to Spulu.
'Awkward oomplleatlons will artoe
if It it discovered Uat a general an
log of Ue Carlisu to going on. which to
by no means an improbability.*
vrrj CrrlrmbV rr,MaBcr oo Waa
BOMIloratbMitlo Uivciir H <Ukr Is r«od c< —
«•»« Thlorso twbourtiat Bbarvklolf lakeo'at
Worts iMhtac op for as toresvini.
See E. W.
Onod for Fruit Rai^Qg.
Oood for Stock Eatoiog.
Good for General Farming.
In large or email paroela. many trmeto befog in g
•iUio abort dtounc* from niUroada
Wm br eolc at low prices for caeb: or, on long Um with «67
m -iiu and rery tow interest.
Address or see
Oa G. B A I B. R.
it France to on Ue
brink of Ue gravest crisis alnce Uc
birU of the third republic.
-Wi eao'tlomjrou-lfyoo are look
>r f or liargaiaa A whole cntBt f. i
pant«. cap lo msicb.
*birt. silk lie. snspenarrs. or belt,
st-^cklrgs, handkerchief, all for 63 7S
At 8 Benda A Co.’s of coarse.
a a Moflatt. 1« Farit auuat. 466-lt
came to
aa old
firet wedt of UJC
Ike “ Y«iko.Spaillo>
U.V ai.o,
1 UHKO-opUllKO w»r,”" When
,saT we have captured another prire by capIMnog the great
lineof SELZ SHOES to “make yonr teet
^ad," we know the prise iaa ualoaUe ooa
because more people wear 8BLZ SHOBi
than any other make. Tbat eodd only be'
^TBTvmrA/H- troe if the aboes were better than any other
80 we captnred thia price tor tba
apectal benefit <d oor.cnstoatcra. Com
and aee tbe prise.
Lortg enough to take a
look at some of the Ben
da stock which we are
dosing out at
A look means a sale.
Hundreds are taking ad
vantage of our great sale
and are shoeing up tbe
whole familj.
todies' Fine Shoes.
Worsborg Block.
Pants Departmenti;
I We Are
I Offering Special Values
on new arziTala of
Mee's Shoes. '
'"“r......... . $|.5D
Popilar Shoe Heese.^
Fall and Winter Pants
baught advaatogeously from a feeead vfo MM.
i 100 pairs Men's All Wool hair-line Pants, #| 5II
actual value liZOO, our price................. .. .
f ISO pairs Men's All Wool Cassil
worth $2.50, our price..
............. .. ■
i 150 pairs of Men's fall and Vinter weight
fancj, Worsted Pante. market valnc $3, * I TU
................................... a 1.10
J Haw gooda of the lateat atylaa airtring daily.
the lowaat pxioaa prarafl barau
r. lUM
BAran. BUwr MXi Ibatcv
J. A. Loraapor. of Hraad Ttorwar:
D. O. F. Waraar. of Boaitr. aad J B
BraomlBatad For tho BtaU QampboU. of I*
ropnaaotaUro ootoslUo for too c«*l
Mr. Footor wao eallod for aad to aa
PittSTM and Burrowa Bn* aanoot iparck toaakod too oooroadoe tor too kOMw doaa kiw oac plwlp>
od kto knl rCorto for too totoraW of
la BathaMtotto »oootottoao-»boMr| Um pooplo aad kto dtotrtok
Mr. Wlekkam roopoedod to oatoa 1Had VAoa to Sparo aad tooOoB-;
aoUo tolto aad to a aoai aporeh codoro*
TwUoa Wao Baaaoaloao to Bpito
odhaartUp too aeOoB of too ooar^i
ofa^MtodHlvolirOea. prowtalBpckto oaraeot mtpfon
of Mr. Footor. Bo wao koarUlp apTbo ;
Baaalo. Araad Trarom aad LaoUaai ptaadrd aad oroatod d porp favorabU
ilet poatordap waa
.too ooaroattoa aad
Torp *aratootoa» patoortor. to aplto too aadloaeo.
Oo aottoa too oaoioeof a Btroap riralrj botwoon Bopraooata- tlonodjoamad.
a?o Pootor of tola Mtp aad F. O. Wtokkam of Fraakfort, tor too aowtoaUoa
itotlra Tkoro kad boas
otroop oppoolttoa apatoot Mr. Faat«
Oiwmm to FabUe Btooel Saaebaa sod
bp oao or two. wkoat toflooaeo. kowHlpk Bctewl FapUa Bp •'
OTor. did aot Btotorialtoa to aa alarw
B. T. F. V.
top d^TM wboa too Toto wot tok^
Tko ToeopUoapiTMUWeeeatap bp
Tko oaaooBUoB wao ooaoplcaooo for
too Mp tooJoriV whiok It para Mr. tko Baptiw Toaap Pw.plo'o SoWolp to
Footor opatoot Mr. WlekbaM, who It a too Mookoro of too pablle oeboMo aad
aad wMl kaowa btol- too pa^« of too Hlpk oekool wm o
aoH us to Uoado ooaa^. Mr. Fow
u Mowod to trp to uko
UP^ roeord la too loW loptaUwro waa
Mdoroad to oaek aa axuat that ka rw owp ooaolMatkauaad too rMoJt
Mivod two-toirdo of too ootoo of too WM a portoet aaoeoao aad a pood tlu
tor ororpbodp. Tho paw* la too kodp
of too okarob won worod kaek tad the
The oootootioB a
udo to look pUoaaat aad boww
for ito oatoa
_____Ptoproo. aad kto proat work to Uko with tobloa. okatra. pUlowa.ocrMoa,
bokaU of too ooldlota of MleUpaa to rapt aad draporloa. Tae froat of the
tko lato war.
......... ^ eharek wm a aoUd duo of prMa. aad
Urpo boqaou of eat llowon oeotpwhare
tooaoBtoaoaraotoatraotodto aao aU addod toolr baaatp to too oeeao.
.bit BOBao to la-oloet klM to too
VortOM BMiea] aolortloM wort roaDfeltod Btatoo ooaato.
darod at dlfforaot Ummo dariap too
Itwooalp^oal Bopablleaa om
oeoalap. Tbpp wero all pood aad adBoa aad tko pood fooltop wklok pro- Ood maoh to tka plaaooi* of too
raUodatW too ao*toaUoa bat.
•loB. Wbm ooloo wort pleea bp MIm
too frteadt of too oppootop aaadl- IroBO Oaaalaphaio. Miw Maado Moodp
totoofKookadowoanltodwork at too Miw Btoel Pope. MIm Stool Ulbbo aad
Mioi Edna Haldooortb. Miao Bolca
Sapler tad MIm Nila BopbM roadorad
bpJ. k. Loraapor, okalrua of toe
ekarwlap Wolla ooloa. A doliphlfa)
bp reqaoot of too
MMl oolo WM piroB bp Mra B. Wll•atuoo ealtod D. 0. F.. Waroor to toe
•hair uaponrilp: W. W. FMnkild
Hr.^Mtef^ VoalMtw.
- 1 ct Boa. W..H.
rwtw MrapTMuutiTo to too otot
l«)itotoro tnm toio distriet to ooiiM«>7 Mltoloetorj. Tke «ot« to tot
Mtof hto work to too tortototoro »t
too tow rorotor,
too opodol
•too. Mr. Footor kM boMi toitofal to
too totoraott of too dtototot ud too
ototo. BokoooIwoToboooootoo aide
of too poopto ood hto oBorto k»TO boos
diroetod to ooearo fair aod oqaa) UxaMooferalL Ho rtpreooato too wlobot
•( kto ooootitooou to too oooatona'
toottor, and ko wiU oako a pood
m* for klMWf aad bio dlwriet
wtolor. Bo will roeoiTo a boartp aoppoct aad kio aajoritp wUl bo a Mr
Wk karo fatood to wacoo dartor toe
paWTOaratloaW II por ooat. to aU.too
aTwaoa of baolaow Tk# avorac*
w^ao paid to aU elooooo of labor to aoi
torfrow P*0 par moato. If wo karr
aMdO,WO of wafo oanoara. toot wo
haoo aa aasaal wafo of •mo.ooo.ooo
Tho laaraaoo to
for too pool poor
Mar W par oonk, aiaoaata to aearly
ttOO.Mie.000 toal too wapo oaneta of
too Daltod SUtoa karo kad beatowod
^oatoaoi larrelp throapk too iaotraMBlaUlp of too wioo lartolatiaa of
too BopaWloaa partp atooe it oamo
lato powar to IW?.
««r toa rwall of too ArkaaBeidaaUp too Ooiaoaatk
earo aot okpoeUap mack
Hb. Oxtslavd would llko to raptoim% Mow iotaep ta too Daltod Statoa
, bat too pooplo of too
•lato aa aot jraralnp ap to too oar
ta Oelorado fra oUear pooplo
laid aaldooatarpaBdtooatioaodaa
MjlV to ooCOo too tnaaolal qatattoa
AIM Xdtacaua of Bpala, tho Baltfoot
Iko trot port of too Wm
ThopropraBwaiBohwpootMra D.
H Oarl«, too oabjoct ot too dap balap
**Spaalak Laapaapo aad LUeataa.”
Tha peopraa wm opeaod with a doUpktfal 00)0 kp Mia Joata Wllhalai
A arp tatoratlap aad laotraoUea pa
pa oa •tpaaiab LlUaUa.-' writtoa
kp Ma Uak. wm road bp Ma Mor-
Oo motloa A ©orlaad. M. Brawa aad
A B. Bopadde ware appolatod a eowlalitoe OB eradaaUals; k. B. Stiaaoa. B
p. iobaaoa aad B4 OanpbaU, ooai
■ilttoooaparmaQaatorpaaiMiiae aad
Older ot booloooo: A 8. Baraott. P. C.
OUbort aad Joaopk Howtu oofflmiUeo
OB laaoliUoaa.
Tko eewBlttoo oa erodoBHilw raporadMaatittodtoooaula too eoafoatloa:
Bonslo—D. O. F. Woraor. Jaook Map,
B. H. Oldo. M. B. Ikoiatoa. A 8. Bar>
aett oabsUtoto for C. F. JoaoA B. B
Bepaoldo. EdOaaipboU oahatitaU for
A L. Nortkrap aad F. A MeQoatp.
Gland TiaTaroo-P. C. OQbart. F. A
Brawa, B A Briakiaan. J. Vartp. 8.&
DMpcaa. O. P. Carrar. W. W. FalnkUd.
L. 8. Walter. A Ooodrlek. A Oarlaad.
G. W. lArdia, A. O. Mo&m. J. L. Waraar. A A Btinooa. J. B. Moaroe eakaUtato for M. L Moaroo. doeooaed.
iw-A F. Oaoio, Jaaxa KUbrido. J. B. Campbell i
G. W. Fnllek. A P. Jobaaoa, Jpha
Cloopb. ^ooopb Hewitt. Mortla Brown.
• ""^t It la too Maoaro
eoaraatioa toat oar anmikoaoraMc aad raaaooablo
la aad otow taloat WM raap la.
•ate at fwa n aaato to UAO pw>
Sto nartoU A 0mm*. Ltd..
om tokitok —i Wm ekwato.
FatowoU toTkoIrPaotota.
Tko weailMro of too Prieado ebaiA
toodcred a rterptloa Tkmdop eeoaiap
to toeir pMtora. Howard aad Matp
Mooca, wboare aboet to laaeo too Mtp.
The affair took plaeo at tho cfcarto
aaddoiioptoo aeaalap a abort propTBla ooaMaUap of aaoie and laeita'
UooowMpleon. Mr. Mooro la bokalt
of Mia. Moore aad klurlf toaakod tko
■boro for Uie oapport aad usp
oe« ot ktadaeoi which had a»do too
pMloro* atop la too dtp ecrp pleaaaai.
Llpbt rafraoboieBU wero aereed aad
toe oeealap prorad to be a varp eaj<^all« oae.
le Bitters; aad after Ukinp two boV
■s I WM entlrelp eared. I now take
ttpleasarela racommendlap them
M. A. Hnrsrtp._____
^8. E Welt aad J. G. Johasoa. drnr
Important boslau will be tiaaaaet'
od tok areaiap at the meaUap of too
1. 0. Q. T. lodpo. AU membcro ara raqaeatod to be to attoadaaea pros
at e o'clock.
Hi paaebw. Craw.
Wo karo fint elam
wklch we will mII
dap at from 7S eanto to 11.00 par
•beL -Thartoll A Goae. Ltd., oorr Saraalh and Daloa otreeta.
( Semt tnotaoBt for lodiro
Geo. R. Winnie
U|i-to-ilaK Paiitn
lid Piper Haiier.
Shop opposite Eagle officA
No Go^rison.
Tka Ualtod Statoa BMCvatoat Soalstp
•f Sartnaw dom aot UU poa whotto^
azpaet to Aa. TSap vsfar to wkat toap
baea AaM aod ara ddaw dallp ta TmamaCatp.
bp ctoan. Wa aia ham pwnaaaaatlp
aad eas bask acsrptolac wa Mp. Tea
daal dkaet with M la aaaa of aoMdoat
or aiakBaaa. Tkma k so muariaafi.
with otoar aaaasaalaa. Look ap amt
atoodlaff toaa aompaia toarn. Battar
takacalapoUep; It doMst aoat aato.
BLaaaabsa A McOofiaiofi. Dkt. Mam..
Braaak cOoa iakmmm Uoto.
«a^c \nm «k|
flf lAtau
aWsk \k Vkak vutoAms
Stems ulAu ttto
ernetf mes a miSik tA&e aa& Uas^
HAAS. ICo mr vA. ft)
XocAust ^cr
AS& unrktk see Vb&s.
We Woiiid
Like to Bail Your Anention
body elM.
•Fhoiie 1ST.
Hon. Tom Jones
Has Been Here.
•oldkeo> BaflbHmps Hade Llpkter.
Seroral of toe oiek ooldiers lo the
eltp bare Iraraed to wotota arerp morelap for toe Mkoea Marp aad Marp
Beltarr. wbu rkit them ararp BMialap
with froah •aitk, and arrrp rkit adds
to dae ooUacOoiis of i8 iwera m
iapto brlptatoa
too leap daps of toe Saatiapo horoea.
Ow TUmqVv CVrtVv
at (8.48.
To the nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we ara
selUn?. We never had any nicer, nor did sny*.
tka parloia dariap too oroaiap
todap at from T4 c
A’.topetoar. ItwMaoMot oacea
aSolr aad mack credit to dae to tor bMbrl. ThartollAti
8er««(h aod UaioB streeta
aaitod offorta of toe atomboro of the
aocietp for too ploMara onj ipod bp
^reip means passible for its
k with pleasore we pabllsk
1 WM a terrible Mfferer froia 1..
Jauadieo for oror oiz Months, and a
irootod bp aoiae of the boot pbp>icds
snd all to M aroU. '
'Booolrad—That wo prooood to aomlMto a eaadldate tor repraoeaUtlra bp
ballot; that wo ballot loforuUp aatU
a majorltp tor aomo oao Gaadidau aha 1
bo obtalaod. aad that oo oaadldato bo
1 apoa bartap raoelrBd a clear ujorltp oa a for
mal ballot.
Tho raport WM aoooptod aad adoplad.
Oa m.^oa. toe chair appolaud iVorlp aad B. B. Oldo, tollaia, aad the
oli<wre of toe eoaraatioa took too eaw
tomoip oath.
. .
The oommlttoo oa roaolatloao raportadMf >liowo:
BoMlrod. IkatwolaoMToatomaoMmblod kerabp affina oar belief la aad
alloplaaoe to too priaelpUa of too Bw
' r 00 aot forth
orm, aad oo abip
oar Ulastrloao Pn
mialoterod bp ot
oaWm. MeElalop. That wo koartUp
a ot oi
done too able
_______ __
___ .
. Plaprao.
both M to bla troataaat of oar aoldlor
bopa aad Us kMdllnp of oorporatlaaa
OaPBlM Boat BaU Tomb Tw Kaeh
to amaad ao that
. tetfaTanatotpHipkBekool.
Mr. y.^
Tka toot baU aoatoat atOadtllM poalowalaU toatt)^ aomlaM ot toaooa
toHap.katwoM too ot
roatloakolaainwtod tooMaUhoaow
toaw wao a TtopoowaUad affair. 1W aWoaad
naalt wm M to o la tow of too
UphaahoollMW of toat pla^lMtit
Ujr work is first' cIbm and prices that aiw in rsacb otall. 1 ab
prepared, mt all tunes to taki> rare of tbe bade. 1 nuke • spectalty m
Brasing. Vnlcaaizing and KDanfliog. A fine liar of wbeob for m1*
and tn refit.
J. G. SLLI8. 311 Front ab^ «a«t.
& 0. Bart of fftswa Map Haro to
Koto a Xiop Ampntatod to Sara
(See Sunday Record.)
H. C Barvoao ol toe too moot promi
BontclUsoBO of Orawa, lo aafferiap
from blood poleoainp. A decapod bone
We are not all settled in
la oao of bU lops hM caasod panprear
to aot la aad bU pbpaidaa belieri. new bnildingyet; vLen ife ^ ]
tost it will be Boeroaarp to ampi
will let yon know; hot we are do
too limb to oaee bio Ufa
ing bosinesa right along jiut tbe
same. I shonld bare closed
doors nntil we were moved and
Oopd SalooU Btrfokoa With Xrfltma- settled, bat it would not have been
ttoB of too Biala.
right, aa there were dozeas of
Ooa of tbo moot oerioas eaaco amonp
people who wanted their bonaes
toe retoraod ooldlers of Oompaap M.
iatkatofaepd Dsloli of Blmwood furnished and wonted it at once.
OM qalto wall wbon he ratarao^ If I bod closed np for two weeks
I raportod tram Montaak P«det,bat lator ooerioas it would have coat them hundreds
isatloa aad order of b
Ution hM doealoped. Ha Is otrlek
of dollars extra. We are giving
tad that too orderof bvdaoM bo m
ow with ia^sutioB of toe brala
some exceptionally big bargains
odds and ends.
1. Oath of oOoofa.
BeUeompUtolppunlptidlB Ibc lower
I. Ptaaeniatloa of aomoi of aaadi- Umba aad tbara to allpht hope of hk
raooraip. _______________ '
-AhMlattoa'' wm too ilUo of a roellalioa ear okarailapip roadoad bp
KkaFraao Falla, who tkowo aaek
abilllp la too otodp of eloeatloa.
MaOartor paa aa UtonaUap aw
•oaW of too oriplB of too SpaaUh
laapaapo aad a dooorlptloo of i|o pooaUarltta Ska alto road a kla|orp of
Oaka. wkiek JoW aow to ot to aaoh iatataWtoaUAaorioaao.
Vkopeapaaolooad wito a roadlap
kp Mra. i. B. Martia. “Tho Martpra ot
Whw^ Tbo otate of Mlahipaa
too HalM.” wUoh WM firoB la too hM boon aMp aod wotl ropraaaat^ la
BiUphtfal wap ak* alwaja roado aad tho Daitod Btotoo Soaota for toa paot
foarpw^^ tko Hob. JbUm C Barpiwwaww Ht ABAXM.
J. c. e:llis
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
Hnose Fornisbing Ktore.
ISO Front ftrart.
M8 Front SUM*
To do basmess with
We place a/ the
disposal of our ruslomers onr large expert*
eace in the fioar trade Correspond with ns
and resnlts wilt be mntnallj beneficial
Our Offerings
Desem Uiisiil iniitioi.
WE HE sHDwiHi! KL£T.rirbrisss ^3
We mahe particuler mention of HEED and HATTAV PUBNITURE. Aside from a floor full of beautUh’ creations in
this material we make prices equally as at'ractlTe.
Whether yon intend to refnrnieh your house this' faU or
: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make yonr
' rooms look rich and handsome we offer you tbe opportunity
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the (oods
in any event.
. *mV
--------Some Good Stories of Factand Fancy Condensed ^
For Busy Readers.
At ioate mm» IS jma sfo Mn. L
L WlMhcU ««• r<**B MB* kn«1rleb*r
rlMby k«rm.
JmS befcrt bte
trif to th« Woat. Tbej wsr* rMin*d. mix)
■Wrt)7 mM tke foUowiat wnlor. Sae
patOMflOB oway, Mjtaf aka wi
Tbay wan opaaaS at a faally fotbartar iaat waak. aad aftar that loag
tod wars foaad to ba la eKoaUaat
dittoa aad arara aarrad.
MaCM Kalaoa of aaar Marquatta. !a
■rlo Mkebiran. aod tUa jaar has aold ss.ooo
^aarta He also kaa as
crop thia jaar, tka yiaU balac SiOOO
B. a. Bol
• at BoarOraad HaTao,
pfaatad thraa bMbaU of oat aaed tUa
apriaraaditeaMBplaaaaraa of aa
aera aad a half aod rtaldadV boahala
Itwoald have foM orar too boakala
bet far a wlodstora aad tba »da
Who can beat It?
AtUfaad Bapida Tberadsy. whQe
Jobe KeaUnr area herTyfar to a fire
wUeh bad brokea net ia the aerelaad
Botal. be fall dead oa tba atreat.
The btrb brl^ acMaa tba BIfls rirar
•air Alfer, haMian tora doira,by the
D.AM railraaV ThiaI bridce was
■hailed by Oaa. Alfar when ibe Detroit
AAtiMBa railroad was pot tbroack
ffoa Alfar to Alpeaa.
It was the
btrbeel bridce la the sUta, beinf aearly 100 fact abere the river. There waa
•early 2.000.000 feet of looiber la the
Last Saturday t. a I^ibby waa ooo▼leted of illecal sale of fimb.
ia tba owaar of a private fiah poad west
of lUatoa. which aftar cettlBC advice
fron Cbaa.S.Baiaphw.(theB etatafaae
wardaa.l be IsBorovad to tbeaxtant of
aeveral hnadred dollara.for the parpoee
of ralslac boat for markeL
■ arreetod hiia
aadbewatejavtctedlBjattiee eoart,
aad hie appeal to the eircait ooart has
Aat with a like feU. However.be will
ro to the eopreve ooart, aad if beatea
tbare be will ba the'father of a bill to
baprenalod tothalertolatura.allowlnc
a pateoa owalac aU the laad aroaad
aad aader the eoarea of a mtream
poad. after atocklac the waUr at hla
a azpeaaa, to do with the fish as he
• fi>.
Serceaat Praak Saadatroa. of Compaay E. Alrty-f^arth Miehicaa.
Inn Moaatala. hat died am the molt
of typhoid lever. He waa sent taoma
, «e farlbock fm» MoaUak Point.bat
was too weak to rally aftn him iUaaaa.
Pr«d J Hanaas, private la Cc
B. Ainy-third Miekifan iafaatry. baa
died at Uw Sactaaw cMeral bMpiUi
from, typhold-paeamoala.
Ba t
heme eiek with bto oompaay aad the
day followlac waa takea to the hoeNearOrtonvHle, White Bara Goilea
WH blaatlBc stBDipa a pien of w
waa throws about five rods bP aa
ptoaloa, aod atrock him ia the fore
head. A ptooe of bto aUaw hat aod a
perUoB of'the wood ware dr
throoch hto akalL DaaplU hto icjiuy
OoUea walked qalte a dtotaaoa to aeeare aid before bMaomlac Bneoaaei
Corporal Oaorya 8'*uley, Co.
Alrty-toanb rmrimaat. to dead at
■aaltSte. Marla. Btaaley tbeocbt he
had folly recovered from bto fever aad
iPa bieyele ride. Upoe bto re«ars he i
t dowa and never reeoraradAt Prae Soli, the 8-year-«dd i
Mr. aad 1
> to dead fron
the rffv& of a torrible bora r>
Wednamday while ptayiof aroaad a
.tec hv pile. Mis elotbea n«rht
fire aad were oonptotaly bareed off
biiB before balp arrived. Aa Uttla
1 ao badly- that plecaa of
flaab fail oH kia.
At OadlUae tbara waa waie aaritaeat oaa day last waek iSLrtmcb tba
a local ^Idorado.
Wbaa the bnrd walk la froot of
Saowbatoro warn takea «p the aaad
foapdtobe rteh ia peaaico, plokato aad aatall ailver pleeea. Aboat two
dollars wars aeearad by the qolek•red byataadera ia a taw noateaU
tram tba deporiu tbat aawUliocIy
Charles L PerriMoa, of Uvoato Oea.
tar, fell aader a traio at Plynoatb aad
Int both of bto 1
At St Lo ito, Mieb., the aoldien' aad
aailors'oBemrapmeat bas broacbtoaa
war betweea the bnriaeam sea aad the
The charcb people opooeed
C of famre of obaooe of all
kioda aad the kaaiaan etea who fearaalead tba czpeaaes of the vaeanp
It will bava to mmkm ap the deftcieacy. Aey say they will eoatribate aotkiac to the aapport of the
eharekea hereafter.
asperimeat ia
the ratoiof of claaeac M aa tolaad la
the river at that plaee. Seed will be
aown la a few days aad it will be
years before the Srmt crop la barveatod
if there eboold be say erop at all. Ola•ear to seat to Caiaa, where a blc
priM to paid for it. the Chibeee bariac
crest faith la the nedleal qaatlUee of
the root ft eelto for aboat fil par
poaad ia this MaaUy.
At Detroit oa Bally Day Mayor May^
bory aucraated tbat the Soaday aehoel
peaaioa for
barial of-Jimmy Sill, oae of the ao'dler
boys tbat died ia Cabs. Aboat 9Zi ia
pebBiem hae beea eeat to the mayor'e
office in rempooae to thia ancceatioa.
OUa PercBsoBof Portland, lost
ooapla ofplfa towiaUy in a peeoltor
way. Ary went into hto orchard and
tippsd over a bee hive, and tbe bees
ewarmed oat and atanc tbe porkers
Deer are mors nnmeroas aroaad their
Bsoal haaoto ia tbe aorthera ooantiem
than known for aeveral years at Ibis
time of tbeyear Aere are many aoorsa
this year, whiea to their favorite food.
Gas Znmermaa, a Tbetford farm
band, waa elaaniac a c«a that he
when it aod denly west off. tbe charffe takinc off
twofioceraaod maaclinc tbe rest of
hUbaad tmdiy.
□ The rnent death of D. D. Sioelair of
Adrian, leavn U. B. Arser of that villace. tbe only . urvlvlac member of the
la Imneinc, that of 1848. Mr. Taraor. althOBCb 77 yeare of affe. tostiU aetivaly
anca^ la hnalaen.
The reoorde abow WUItom Boberta of
Portland, to be over 70 years of ace,
but bto actions CO todiaprove the
Tbe other day be walked tevea
and a half to bit work, aad cut J.lOO
bilto of eon. So says Ue Detroit Free
Preaa The records may be eonuct. but
when oae ficarea ap the nnmbvr of
bilto of eon tb* ebeerfel old ceai'eman
loat eat per miaole for 60 mlaulce per
bopr, 10 boaia per day to c«t him J ib
done, one to iaeliaed to think that
David micbt have aaid ia bto Icimare
what he deelarad be nld la haate that
ten are liars.
I caatlemen aod Senator McMiUaa reaicaed tbelr offlcom aod threw a« down.
Then oar two aenatore at Wamblactoo
Hud s lilttle SstTo st 8t. promptly re-appolntad tham to Uelr
CovenmcBl Joha-'”
le eoarae of hto apamb Otvaraor Piafree made tbto deelaraitoo: "If tbe
Tba Oevenor IbAe Vi
BepabUcaa eenaie and ibe
toMoteto the Senai . Who Be bonma we will hmve. do not pose tbto
WUatod.Bat the Crowd Wat aU Wot bill, referrinc to Ibe eqoal tax, there
will be one man lees ia the B^bllcaa
party, and we will crt a party that
Bt. Lwato. Mich., SepL 16.—Govenor wiU pan it"
Ptacrae aad SeaatM Bnrrowe sat aide
Baaator Barrow. Uenepeke. Be aaid
hy elde oa tbe aame platfcnn-here yeom he had not eome to Ulk potitica
tsrdty aftenoon and both
lldBotwtobtotolkof tbecetbiafa at
apeoebea to the G A. B. '
this Uma, bat aioea the fovenor bad
. Aacoro*-' eeao fil to pereoaally aeseil him and
•or la tbe o
« of bto remarke opened bto roeord, he tboacht it bat fair that
be cboaid defend bimaalf. Be said be
Atoplaymdadealretoreaeat the c«»w- bad voted for tbe iaoome tax ontU U
•ortoramark,bat theerowd waaeomaaUmUy with the coreraor that Uamrwa
rsaald tbat tbe gowpalladoff
er»or bad thraattoad la leave the B«Piacras talked at
if It did pat
laoCt-b oa the praaeai war, eqoal taa- bill, and remarked that be. Ptacrae.
•tfam aad Barrows'poaiUoa. *
would probably dod
It hard
to fled a
-1 aaa thmo to a dtotlacatohed rap- party that woeld aab^li to a dleutor.
raaaaUtiva haro." a^ the
(Criae of "Barrab far Plactae!"] Ae
«*rva talked aboat him la .
PIncree bad mtoropqritt with oar ffatOar thrown down at reaentad him. Oovamor Pinjrrae
UaaiPC ia wyteff to fat oqoaltouioa aad Upped him on the sbooldcr.
«d laaaa. aad lapoke to the pnseldeat
"How about federal appolatoea. Sea•host theae two fodotal ofitoe holdan atorT'
Ata point la hto apaeeh where the
C btek aad forth to defeat that
U aad beat this atato oat of over t3.* erowd ebowed maoh eathaatoam for
We lacked bat two Piacree tbe aaBaUr aaid:
> bad
Bam SBPplMad by thto dirtlacatohcd ■ot SMthar ffovarasr Am ihn Oaltod
Stotea wVi looked after the vioar aol
dtora the way Ooveraor Piafiea baa.'
Tbe orowd ebevrad afala. Aa c*
ernor bad to leave before tba apaara
naklac waa over, aad ba roaa to mw
food-bya to tbaerawA
hlsaaslf tor latarrgpiiac
"Theaeaatir hts failed to explain
bow beoam';t>ci«« thcoe
tors back tbelr Joba atUr they bad ylvoa Uam up aad beatea the atato oet
of over 63.000.000 of taxes
Ae acDatoraUted that Mr. Covell
bed cone to the Beaata aad .worked
acalaat Atklaaoa'a bUl before be rw
eelved hto ^poiatmeat, aad that had
It been othei wtoa tba appotnlmaal
weald nevar have beaa firom him.
coocladed by beerier Ike erowd-a par
don for tbto dtocraeefal fmm». Oovaraor nacree bad him meek at a diaad
vaatace. and tbe aeaator'a face wosld
raddea at every iatomptkmSy
crowd, wbleb waa ail for Piafraa-
ABOinn> THB wobia!
OMoral Meva Voten ot
l^rvad PaUa bae notifiad-tbe Brittob
admiral at Caadto, Island of Orob.
tbat 118 of the riacleaden of tba rePorty-tbree of them «
torood over to tbe admira'. aad it to
CtoeMerwi likely tbat all the lorma of
the nlUmatumwUl he oompltod with
Aocordloc IA reports from Manila to
Madrid ono-ihird vf the priwmera of
Qmwrml AcmiMlde have diod of bad
Oaoeral Miles to U1 of malarial fevar.
Moaat Vaaavlaa to
tbecraadaatvpaetoclesiBee 1878. It to
dne to a vloleat oatbaiat of activity.
Aa oeatral eraUr and a aamber of
■aw moatha are vomltiaf lava aad
aabea Area aaw attoaiM are 11 rwlac
dowa the moaatoto ei^ huraiac the
wooda at the baaa of Moato Soman,
•variy raaehiac tha obforvatoty. daMem 3. M. Balra arrived Iwt even•troyiaca part of the fmatoalar raUlac aad to the foeat of tba family of
roadleadlac thereto and thraatcalac
bar brother. Aoe. T. Bates.
tha barracke of the
Attoney J. W. Witooa of BettMala
A ^tob
I that la
nailed OB bUdaachter. Mra. Will WtaUe treaty of poaee wlU Ue United
ans yestorday.
Tomorrow tbe M. A B. E. na tbalr Suua there ahoald be iaaertod a elaaae
iaat exenrsloB for tbe
-Traeerae City to Mi
V R Roblla. who baa bean elertiiac
la A. V. Priedrieb'a aboa etora, left last
nlcbt tor Charlotte, when beaadbU
father have boocht out a stock of
ehoaa and will co iato baslBeea toCether.
A. J. Mayoard has aoeepied a position
in A. V. Priedrieh'a shoe atore.
a H. Coy of Aldea visited ia the elty
Prank Paiae,aarry Kent aad Aeroa
Uorcan are amoar the boys from here
Ukioc in tbe elreel fair at CadilUa.
H. Moaucue raMraed last alcbt
from Cbioaco
Mra Parraet aad daaebtor Oatberiaa
who have been rieiUac friends aad
relatives in this nity. have rataned |a
Qlea Bavaa.
Jerry Salllvaa waa la town yaaterday
from Cedar.
Mra A. P. Ban, Miw Echo and A. E.
Bart who have ben apaadiac aeveral
Mrs-Charlee BsecmiUer.wbo baa beaa
vtolUac bar parvnu Mr. aad tots J. L.
Stanton of Piftb street, ratonad yaw
Urday to her borne at Cbtoaco.
Arch CtomeroB of Toreb Lake attend
ed tbe Bepabllema ooavenUoa here yet
Him Ads Smith left yestorday to
enter the Stale Normal aehoel at YpailaaU.
MUa Edith Holoomb will take
etadies at tba Suu Norms) tbto fall
Sba went to YpailaaU yesterday.
H. C Cate ct Solon wea here yeaterday.
Mias Lottie Helm ba* reiaraad from
Monroe Centre.
Will Uane aad Oiarlei Corbett rw
tnrend iaat nicht from Cadillac. .
Claude VaDdervoru and Roy Glbbe
bare retnreed from a fiablac trip near
Mayfield. Aey eaptnred a fine ise
of fish and report bavinc a nice tima
E P. Dame of Nortbport waa la town
Oolambae to be taken bank from Ba
to Upala. If say aaeh
madn It woold bn tha fnorU ttmn
tbatthn boaea of Un erwt explorar
have bean traasfnrrod.
AU Bpaatoh war vs
I bava laft
Porto Eiema watora. Ia
pnaen protocol cfaeaatlon plana.
A TliopsaDd To Ooe.
Ary firat-eUms a
makeyoaaaaltor aa orerooal eqnal
in aiyto. fit aaJ trimmlac to ao "Ad
ler'' ready-to-wear carmeot, bat ba
will have to cearce yoa doaUe, or
aeuly doable, for bto morvlem
Why? B e.ow be to bet oo« maa
•owarwMT voM aaoae ot tae feekla
faeillUm for buyiac and manafmetariac arejytor in eotapmrimoa. A«
ah. Bv.r7
advsBtaca Uore'ore. to____ired hyUe
wearer of "Adler" OoUiac.
Ike label>1 U
Uat to attaebe^
Adler" Salt ai
of aattotoeliea. It mesna-"BveryU
rifbt. from Uniac to bauoabola"
Walcli This Column For Baipion I
>e fron tba P.K.O.
Traveran City. Mieh.. Sept. IS. 16M
Daaa Mas CuLMap;-Aa memben
of Ue Praloraal HjiUeOimla bee leave
And Sebool Sapplies of all kinds eno tha OITT
to convey to yoe tbelr aympaUy ia
NEWS CO, PomWeBaildlac.
yoar bereavement and aorrow ter the
deaU of yoar son Mr. Genrca Oalman.
Fiftiv Cfinte Tobaveyouraboeabaireoledor Upsa■dhaatot•'
AocostS. ia»8.
A IXVjr V/OUlrD p.1,^ JOB 8ABLIN.814 ^^tetout.
It to not tor at to andertrke Ue office
of enaaolera. We know Uat we all
most. In each a Ume, look to Ue Good
Patbnr of all. who clreo tbe b1«wU>ca
of nhlldrea. frleada aad aelchbors aad
who Inhtoprovldec
in tbto bereavement you bare Ue rvnyoar son c*re bimaalf
Where W. B. PLETCHBR aarvae |
for bto coaatiy'a a
liar meals tor 86c and I
died nobly. Hepiac Uat yoar Ufa ita Laaebra In Ue w ■la for lie. Open all nlcbt.
precloea memories may ba loac pre
served, we are ever.
PaiUfoUy yoers in P. M. O..
Maa. A. A. McCor.
Mas CfiABLce Bbxkb.
Rxv. A. E. WcLia.
For !obt ScM Books
Guard Chains
Furniture Bargains!
Columbian Restaurant „„
If You Have Logs to Sell
Ae G. B. A 1. freickt boaae to reeeirisc a fresh east of palat.
The last oee dillarexcareloa eo tbe
C. A (Y. M. to Pet jskey will be run tomorraw.
P H. B. er bts leased Ue eari e^pr^
in UeGarmuoe baiMlac. formerly oc
cupied by J. W. 8laUr. aad will ombpy U wiU a fall line of baked roods.
Tlmorce R. Wlaato to impravlac the
appmranee of P. Kyaalka'a groovy
Word baa coma from WeatPlaiuaHa.,
U\tC. B. Btotmaa, one ot Company
H. Airty-tourtb Miebican. baa booo
vary iU aiaea be left Mtohlcu. BootUaorce LaUer will leave for S-jstwae one of Ue first to leave Moa
ford. Canada, Uto moraine ia reap
Uak Point, aad be went direct to hto
to a memace annouaeiaf tba iliaw
borne at Weal Plaiaa
bU moUer.
Rieyclc Girl look, aeeoad boom:
Mr. and Mra. P. T. O Neil will leave
Ue race in Manlatee yestorday.
today for PUat. Mr. O Nell will ramain aboet a week and bto wife aeveral
Oloaloc ofOmeaa.
Ae reeort eaaaoa at Omeaa baa
Mrm Cromwell arrived from New
eleaad. It a^ed wlU a flaa fare
York yeetorday aad
to Old Mtoaloa, where bm^ faUar, well party pivaa at the Leelanau
hotel, which waa aUended by a Urea
J. B. Biberto, to very ill.
ipany aad mraa a happy eloaiac of a
J. Praaer of Empire, to in Ue rity to
observe Ue Babrew New Year holiday. aaecesaful aaaaoa. Tbe reaorta eloand
Mr. aod Mra. James Morcan frill re- praelleally yeaurday.
OpiTMpond with tbe Trat-erpe City Lumber Cotupony.
We. bara tor aale Good,
Sound Hemlock Xuinber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
rsA-MTDB FOR « at.-ri
- MiO Machioeryofalldei
Ret Worka, OdrrUged aad Sbww
for Mile.
luiBSB uD Nraumn
lai I do all kioda of rt
palri^ aad
.mellikc. and that I eat
aad doclve
srk of
one in Ueelty
be deerived by what
oUen toll you t>
bat come and oom fa
MimOhrtotoaa MrDonald, formerly
I CBiwantoe alt my work to be riebt
of Uto city, bat lately of Haciaaw. bae aod if it doea not prove so I make I
cone to New York to care for bar bro
In till 8 O'clock every eveaiac
ther Ataey. ooe of Ue Maniatoe aolexcept Sanday, in Ue Caldwell
dtora who baeame aiek at MeaUak don boUdlac. at aorU end of Oaiot
m to Chleaco Uto moraine. Mrs.
Morcan has apent Ua sammar ip Trav
erse City. Aelr return to beaUned by
a of Mr. Morcaa.
Heatriea Harioa of Grand Bapids, baa arrived io Ue city to take Ua
posiUtw aa irimmar tor Mtoa Aeksberry la her new milUaery store.
Mbs Palmer baa reteraed from Da- What the Beaks aad Uadinc Baalw
trait to take oharce of Ua
Men or Kalamaooo Ulakof Ue
department of tbe Bomton Stora.
Mrs. H. E. mehols ham cose to Ealkaaka for an uunded visited.
Jim Kohoe went to Graad lapl^ eviTmmPri
We. Ike u nOemleBre.
H. Birwihberc of B'k Bapide to in tba
city to spend tbe Hebrew New Ymt
eerrroBtte U« totter merekltomboUdaya.
^ lerer. We e^d^fnnyf ^
IcURu Accident Association. Sayl
■mecvwof ih* 8Cfa
Ae fare to New York to more, bat prtSefjSs.* iweer m 'uritm
we cl*e you a eomplete oa
koy facet to 14) for $3 74.
you cel: Salt of eiotboo,
PrMtorei rirmt Petleul Bmek.
• lyltob; ea
t): cap b
ra or belt: silk tie; aatoek
.• Cwiihtor a«we Smvt^ Baek.
I for 63.71
iroa Uare't only one. plam
____e ia town
A. M. OrmAmsA
_ere sack anspa V to be had—it's at
Ais**“*w"* *'
S Benda A Oo.’m.. V. Prladrtck block.
today at from 7S oasto to 61.00 |
• Tbnrtoll A Gmaa. Ltd., oc
' ~ >km etraata.
o. P. OARVEB. Atomn
OmHePiam-m Shoe Sura
A . £1
.! »« » I
a e'r.OMs
Ladies, elaaa yoar kid
Hiller OloveUaa It to aot a Mqold.
leavaa no Oder aad cube sasd while
Uacto** tone tba band. Poraalaealy
Ever Barned Out*
If eo yoa know
Uw A«b I WButod ia Un.
oooapiBd Tarrltory.
John R. Santo,
Gwn) litinioe.
a. including Two Engiiu.,,
A ooupletA Saw HUl PUat
THjt MO*»nrO JtgOOBDg^TPBDAY, 88PT»ICB»B 17, 1898._______ ''
*.>■ to (totol.ItoAttol
br Ito
- jtaaKltoto>>*A«<w« •>>«> <7>to
tilfcototbMrqiinlitynpon ibatotowwa
■ wU^annntnbJvetodtoapcaUttruis
t ar l«MkMe cf UMit |«rto nre psnbued
1 to rmd tbaa oaiefnllp and tbooptatfolkr
*• BT,»,r.—-*1»
rf CtotaltalUV.-- Mj.”
ImkK tT. W-si.
*'Wbat haa oanicd 700 to ebange
Ohrtatiaiiltj to »trioniphMt »1Wo«i.
Iti Wnmpli to propbMied In tbo Scrip.
•‘doe lillle paiaftraph. wblrti Ao»t
AWtoto In ire TbioD of Daniel tbe
mote kncnriedgc ot 88rioo8 strni'e tban
tiMt r^irawulril Cbe kiiigrtntn ctf God ; 1 wonld bare glrea a bouebolO bfni
dMtpoyed ibe otbcf Itin^oa^ The credUfor. It oafi
book rtf EeTetotieo to * ewtoe of ri«k»» otiea BBiiiaB uatertoli:
.•tolW.d.lat ptonrallKitoradioI ^
vitb Ira.
in detolto abow ■
a totoraO.
oeofl'Jteoatp' «ba q^Utyod material and
^ lalllifnIlWM In eopetonotlcB wbioh ton
to tboM wbo make and u
mtao. tb* grare. ttemwdooi
sanouL'ihuui more
ignotaaoeaDdatipemitKii of the ^
^ iteaotm and tbendore la the people
4-iAo make.and »U them toahown by
tfaalatM eidma whtob oer maoataotor*
«aoC Am
During the Battle
of Santiago.
tool, tariooaltom and
found in the world. It went forth
inering and to conquer, and the day
will oamewbM Ita rictory will be oompieta, wb* “at tbe nameof Jwia erery
knee aball bow • • • and every tongoe
oompUcaUd machinery
the 6«*1 year Jurt
..ended. SetopbOMe. nlegraph inatm.AMBta. typeyrriten, Wcyclea ateam enflta fe«in«e, tailway eoginea.
nfem that Jeana Ohriat to lasd I"
Tbe topical rtforetweaaggeeto the brinmph of Cbrittlanlty orer rariona Ihlnga
In life. It te tbe reooid of Cbriat’a riail
Kmazeth, where He atood ep In tbe
dored that In
' inolMtov jnMhinecT. eleotrioal mnmacbioea printing
tv odeoiittc per-
Him tbia Serlptore waa
(8 and trinmpha of
tbe year of jobilee are tboa typical of
tiM WeaalngBand trinmphaQf.Chrtotian-
'{m olocka. watch a. pto
'.andpCber artidea ot tfaia '
ity. Ibey mggeat that—'
1. Obrtotionity triolbidta over all boman couditiona “Ur hath anointed me
to iwaob the gospel to tbe poor.” The
and American
poor epectolly wore bonedtod In the year
iDTalae to
of jnWle*. They nwuired again tbe Inberitauow of their aneeaton, bat not at
Tbe PAoker* at the BatUe of
Santiago de Onba Were AU
Heroee — Their Heroic Efforte in Oettiofc Ammanltion and Bations to the
Front Saved the liey.
tbe eapenae of tbe ownera They in
nality bad only leaiwl tbem ontil tbe
A miUimi dolian’ wertb a week baa
biw n^- (tom the people of the Dnit*
adanteabytiMpeaide of dtotant natlona aa a pOM^ erideooeot their adoonfideooe
jnbilee year. Tbe toot bare tbe goapel
prMcbiid to tbem. it if offered to and
needed jost as woU by tbe rich. There
to no oaeie feyatem In CbriAianicy. It
Inak* d-jwu
Amerioan wo^an and the American
nrer. From the great manO'
I of England, Gor
and India, wk«a gmerationsef RkilUnl
men Hred. n * bed ami pamed away
Mbre a wboeJ waa taned or a fuotory
MtabUdted la America; from the foreata
.<g Alriw and tbe idande of Ovoaniea,
.toon TnriKy. tram PeHia, from Slam,
from Korea, from Aden, the Aioree,
Anckland, Fiji. Tcmga. Samoa, UadaMcar, Tripoli. German Alrira. Spani^Ooeanica, BrittobAeattalaaia. Do«h
»ito.ttto^ FraoebGntona.P<noRfieee
a*rtf«, Ariatic Bnmia and anintrira of
Ike faunian barriora that
oeiwrate men, and rich and pour an one
tito tide of tbe glolM anAto 1
' and sparsely popatotad peitaof tbecartb
, to a calm ooufldeuce that in inezperi.tDcad band! they will perform and 000-
asange of'tbe decide. From tbe time
that (ypewriten and bloycles came into
tall and apwo. with a giaad. (atrician
air He bas a maguiiicuut besA oowu-
we tbere bas been a demand npon ns
and BOW tbeir exportaHao
ed with white bair. atraugly marked
featores, tbe aspoct of eu ascetic, with
ral ap
it tbto oanfMcnoe to folly jMtifted
.. ky aipectooce tosbown by the steadily
!■ p».4..y demand for oor machinery.
Fur yean we bare exported from fa.
000.000 to »».OOO.OQ(tw«^por------------
« BM lo^ to erery part of I
woM baa in a tingle year taken tbe
TOlM -ct $l,WM.l&8; of hieyclea W.84S,U»: of aewing maebliNB. OB.lSf.
•04; of Bdentiflo and electrical InstruBWDtt. etc., »a.770.8O8, “InteUigent
Bocklcn’e Arnica Solwe.
Tbk But SALVk in tbe world
Ooto. Brnlaea. Soreo, Ulcere,
Rheum. Pe*er Sores, Tetter. Chaj
Bands. Chilblains. Corns.! *
Eruptions, and positively curee Pile
or no pa • required. II is (
Ivepei- - aetiatoction or mi
be replied. ‘Btssusu Leo All was tbe
bepefactor of my family, bat also be-
inquire of H.
den Times; wbUe another enioent free
wise Leo tignifies lion, and tbe virtue
which eeeme to nw tbe most
erand Ripldi ft Indiini K B
■sty trim
tooda aatbority, tbe London Eoonamtot.
aouoanta fer the soooessfnl iuraaiou of
the world'e Bmikeu by the prodacta of
fmirlrBr titilled labor by tbe tact tbat
Htor tba American aynem of protaottCB tbe imats earned by manafactm1 largely
_ ly expended in tbe
of tarilities and tbo imof pfoceasca and applisiwea.
• prctvre t> Parebaee
■kips (a Kaclaak.
■nm Ledger cf Tacoma Kcentiy noted
eight tieamtbe lOBding at that port of eight
otf all to tbe toaoe of tbe lioo '
Then weio three ballotings at bis
iblpi. eOLb
eOLb beexiLg fruu 4.0CV to AOOO
turn dcBd weight. Cummeuting qb Uw
abon. tbe Mew York UrntmEiotol reTbMtitumenuaall BrMsb boilt.
jarltitooWBedandbritisbiDanDeA Bat
«bOt will tbe Jaienma thick of os, we
B smthc wbcaa BMtbods and styleesbe
Bkas to imitate, to fiudjtmtriean bailt
•titosuMolng to tbem inBrUtob tnmps?
4 sot Japan iLink that BritWbytoOBld
c beat 11 we sbuw that we do
g tbem
Jto «BT peete to do oar eerrying?
Man's Mastery Over Nature
Id All Land*.
Pnibsto-prarUec. Booais»<
Ift.MftTSOtllt Oo
H. It.. l-ni»w»HT Peon. UBhwIl »*ims«..>i
•Pboiw IQS. KM. W. _____________
Tito OnORds
new. MenItoW IPard of Peatios
Ofliee Priedriel; bUs-kr. ’pbooe. h
atunllno In isz
?,7K at low.
wieic Bl.wk.______________________
«e»tn Hsall
..»to II S.O
I. *iE!VrSi.“
.. m. Tslsphcoe. 71
HIVnnE-WlU r
IS cs>l« «
Rr.-m b
V7oC»i>-n)^» fell ev-Trost.
f mvrr si Rs-usn iiSrc-
T nvT-tJsnrsv cc
L^tslnlne IT |>»lr orm
raanlrd ti| IvstUls lo Cl
sate «•«
SSSff«8 fiS£S SSS
Plaeevered by a Wor
Aootber great discovery haa been
mde.and that. too. by a lady In this
..ountry. ' U aease fastened iwclotetaea opoB her aad for aever yean ebe
witbatood its aevrrest teals, but bar
I $CS2fiSSfiSSR8ft«S5£
I ~rss»*
uC pen at
Klrbib eUv
tsest biU tai pliUE
posstUt to pnOko.
History and Biography
F'.t’ss'i-Eis.-rir.Lj'ra ,7'
■fTTJUfTBD-N"r»e rtrl m
W J W UIslV'.
In Rarest Form.
m foti osrl Sw
MCnSNrK -When
ilrarttist law I:
:.'f - WewhttOndsiilUs
ol nrU from icctnto
....... "ils ; 1 tilo Oton uUoRUes.
pTiV <f
1. Allyo. Vrl
rnwn op fi>lk>
JJ.W j™
rolemlMsii Rveiauiani
C»OB HabS-Tvro rawm J. .|al|
f sib K Korthaw a bsrdosr
eaaaaaaaaucB.aaa a,
SiSB 8
Wc pw lito amO
plus ilitn III Pu'E
M bin era troO.
"Stmtui's uitinr
luti. Tni
UtentDi cu Mra die.
Ou an tasa* paid befees Optoher li
there will be rUarred one per evwt. penalty for
eolbwltoe aad oa aU (asea pa dne aod after
Ortobrr 1st uoUI KevealH-r fat. MM, the e will
be chsraeC a peaallr oM V
tiro. Al! tssot nwalnli
Iw. rm. wiUberipvurued
*iU be rmrved iolbrCtlrCI
..__4>enlaatkewlsierlai roils.
3^S7K^8Ua.m. Slsepmt aad «miar
cES-iTsis'KsrfStroa. 00T0UWMTir,',.7r:vis.‘!.sS
One tore tor rooBd trip. 8eltOet.ftb
aad moBBad by' Americans, wen anto mb moreOet. 17th. Oaoaxtondte ea^aodbeaMearostklsiratB
____ ________
oMid iadtiug oar carrying, tbeywoold
_________________________ jMad.gort Baras
Oct Slat. Most direct ronta. ekortert
Samikmt oatioot that buy etaifa what
OstrWl s«d OTMd ■44Ue.rtop.a Veriw
aad baOal car (row DstroHea tbto teals.
C B M0BBAT. Agaat.
irMT bare to beve tbeir
Mbtatoid U goiat toGrut Btitoto.
C L. LoegwooD, O. F. A T.
, o. k boeswoen f^rlA^AlitoSSSLBanMs
The compressed essence of
Each sentence an idea
Every page a jewel casket of
richest thought and rarest
language holding the read
er eotranf^
”! A Picture index at the Close. I
go to Gnat tod
to** tbeir
KBigkt UmfiMT OcHliTe nt nttoknif
How Christianity grows
How Buddhism grasps
How Hindooism embraces
How Mohammedanism s n b'
^ A Classic In It’s Literary Style.
Sot ce to Tax Fayerp
lolllbris wr »«ee aeui I
IW. for the purpow of rolleeiUic I
aodctiy leiea aaC aperlsl aaaraaet
(sVhe c«r (or the
. prtoeai
OBee hours (rows
oto II :SUo'<
dork to torloriipto rlorki
How cities have grown
How nations have arisen
How kings and queens, lords
and ladies have lived and
loved governed and' died.
Told With tbe richness of
Religion’s Hold On Humanity.
Heo<1 twvtov » cent Msrap* lor i
of tbe pastsirr sloos. Drop sll tree
fan a wooib «ltb our esrlaalTC
Tsi Kariosal. B*«s CosncBS. JvtI
-.srsira-s. sJ.,“
•=2= = “
How Little Laplanders Live
Farm Life in Norway
Haymaking in Switzerland
Women of the Saltan’s Pal-'
Donkey Drivers in Egypt
Human Horses in Japan
, River Houses in China •
Drosbky Riding io Russia
Palaces. Temples. Mosques,
Shrine.®. Cathedrals, Obel
isks. Monuments, Ruins,
Homes of Great Men, past
and present, and Common
Cottages where
ions live.
So OkiMCO Fer tS OO.
Oommenelag 00 Bepteaaber tbe l*th
Tbe Kcwibern Mleblg*» TnesporteUOB Oo. wUl ewll roead trip ticketa
from TnvarMTHly toChlevgnfnrfS 00.
October I5th.
Tickets on sale at the dock rttea on
tone 30
above data. 'Pboi
K. H. PorK, Agent.
PeenUu People
to {U oir iaods bnnht
lo oD Ooon 0;
Mr. Stoddard's ordst
fD t tbouud tiC6 tros
; Art and Architecture of the World
for O
lleved oe taking tbe firm* «Ute that she
aleptall aig^: aod with two boitlra
bas been abL luiely cured
Rer name
la Mra. Lutber Lnu " Thus wriwe W.
' Bamniek
imaL_ A
. Oo.. ct Shelbv. N. C.
Trial bolUea lo eta.attbedmgatorcaef
~ Walt aad J. G. Jobnaoo. Regu
lar els* sac aad f l. Every b jtUe guei
In M*df Land*.
raare fnm SO- 1.. ttW
I.srr* h®
ovrrflooiss ollbbvppr lllowr-tloo*
deo* iirllrrm. Kelblar like itaeei foi
rolSen ksrvesifur eoef»eilr wofSrr
44, or two awn tbaa were
bto elevation.
The mountain road over the
Alps. The St. Gotthard
Tunnel with 167 Railroad
Bridges. Famous Loop
Road up to Darjeeling in '
the Himalayas and scores
of other wonderful engin
eering feats of the htman
life In All Ifs Phases
•loNioa. At tbe first bo netivud »7
volee. M tbe aocood 86 land at tbe third
wen Ibe pruiocti uf an Illinois eteel
i udmd lot tbe nBOHMBUy and
tim atock Weamer* carrying tbo nils
uadewiUd BS iLe largest end moat
mdenily tqnipprd steal trump suom-
e»«l* lls^hsi
sea Unnawiitof I
W. Cunnlngbata. Agent
«n with sttii ibils ter Japan. Tbe ralto
•(•to be equipped with American ndl-
N. ini.WK.'b«nl«l.O
saeceoTcrsBcins- tiiPToi
V-a Ann Arbor rai!vr,y. WednesHy.
Oetober Sth. iH#e
Tnr >ugh
from Trvveree Citv
L-a** M. 4 N. E
rallrosd depot St 0:3.'a in. Tk-kels to
To’edo and return fi 00; one fare from
poisU on tbe
Ibe Wheeling i
d pniste
pcarenceof tbelignre. Uisfareisl:
I ligbt- Toledo atvd
Lake Erie. H fkiog
fking Valle;
Valley. Oh»o C«ped by a pitiraiuK look, and bis aniiaUo
Ml. Detroit
oil A Dims North
Northern. Cmeto
__ .
lilton & 0 yt-n h
leduand Lima aodI ^OhTo
Ohio Cent'
I and very pleositu;.
iween T»>(
Cboogb leas mellow aod more powerii
anv rr(
tiuu that of Pius UL
Tickets good to return <
“Tin day after hw election be was
wfay be took tba tuuno uf Lao, and
m>a Womsy's oarthvra Isod to ladla'soMta-
Annul Obie Ezranton-
of tfais
Towering Mountains
Sublime Canons
Foaming Cataracts
'Sweeping Rivers
Placid Lakes
Rippiini; Rills.
litli ora 1,000
Then B Al. wilt give tbeir annual
exeurtioB tc Richmond on B picmber
lavery. it bas aboIUbad f-tn. and m Detroit and CbVsg-.
t the civilised world week later. October 4th. Tickets
be sold at tbe rate of ft on in BIcbn
y 0
over oUrtob
and Dctmil. and ffi.O') to • ;irc»t{». n.lldibn under 12 vemra, bsM rate
Ti k‘ glor.
eu will be S0I.I from all sUtiotiN, Mack
ligion. May tbe spirit of tbe Lord reat ipaw City to Big Uvp'.ds. in-’n'lve
npon os and anoint o« to proclaim these good for return ou regular Ualns for
aH parti of the eaitta, and tbe flBurca
ter the past year range far abore tbe
ttooe to perform tbe datim t
Nature, in ail it’s Varied Aspects
KSiS toTr.:::::::::;:
mphs <r
«y tbn
ten daya
For Detroit, choice of two motes will
ible Beadiugs —Pa I
«1: lull. 1-ia: laa it, 1-8: Dan. ii, be given: One vis F & P. M. rs'lr. ad
*l-t6: Mic. iv. 1.8;Malh. xiil. 81-88; from Reed Cilv: the other, v.a D . O H.
* II. railroad from Orand Bip'ds
Chicago tbe route will be tia Vicktharg
and tbe (Irand Trunk system
B«v. ». 11-14; Vi. 1. a.
For lime of trains and further inf'.r
RiBiInn. apply to
R- * 1
- Whan Lee Kilt Beeat twps.
ageaie. ora
At tbe tima of bis intlelUiiou tbe apU. P A T. A
1*C 201
peoranoe of tbe present pope is tbns de
scribed by the Abbe VidisK. bis biogve.Lhsri "The iikw liisliDO of Rome is
Are not only Universal in Scope But Broadly CoinprebeBsin
in Subject Matter, they embrace;
Christ came to beal broken bearta, and
looked npon as UinA Slavu were froud
eor-workabopa are carried to tbe oppo-
RtiTiHA BiTW* or TRAVmmx errr 1
that ate-----------------wwtbe iadireet savior of our artu}.
for If the packers bed beeo unable t >
broken hearted." How many bearta work there would have been no way of
“ *
mnst have bum brakut in Israel by mp- getting SHoplies to tbe front
no roans shat
that a wagon train con
•rations und Ioms of family inboritI
radeand myself had i1
My comrai
•nces? Bot when tbe year of jabilee
waa nsberwl in loved ones were again
inedirlne forr our--------our pwk-iraln
BDited, iuewis were retrieved. Broken
l-ii TWmpa. and I know In four oases
bmrta were healed. Tbit to tbe miation
it absolutely esvrd
of Cbruiiianity, to heal tbe broken
The above letter was wrltt-a to the
beaned. bearta brcAcn by tbe amowe manufactorera of tbto medirlne. me
which come from aeparatiema. adreral- ChsroKVrlalo Med Woe Oo.. Dee Moines
tiaa, mbolatiocs and tbe rcaolta of sin. Iowa. For esle by S E. Vait.
toooraewiog maebinea, akillcd opera. Imp in tbe great European centeia comtba world with oor tqie^pb inftra
.wnta, and tbe natirea Of Africa, India
and Ooaanioa disport tbemwlvee on oar
Uqydea. Oomplicaled insmunoDte fran
Bran per 11
in Jmtis CbiiNt.
8. Cbrtotianity triompbf over eor-
He does btstl tbem today.
1896 Aastal SxButinu via 0. R. A L
«. Obristianity trinuiphi over alav
Ebe capay. "To preach dclivcraiioe
te UelaenA. Septesbn >7ib; Tc
Uth and recovenug of toe aigbt
Sitrtit ia& Cbtoeee Oct itb.
blind.” Tba captivea in prians
tobor highly paid" to tbf ac
Stoddard Lerdures
i: w,'
Salt per
P. B. IlnUer. of pack train h'% 8.
TlUng from SaetligodeCnba. on Jn y
Id. eaya:
eara: "We al
all bad diarrbi
diarrbmi io
form, and when
more or Iras vlolei
I time to area docwe landed we hi
of rash aod ro«h
lor, tor it wae a
sapeight and day t« beep tbe troops
and rations
piled with ammanliioa ani
but thankt to . Cbamto-rlmli
dy. V
Cholera and Diarri aa Bet
nd ke-
Oentral and South America emue ordera
■ tbepmdoct of Amerian workmeu
ad American factnriec Japanem fint oar typewriteti, Cbi
•MS feet and banda give motion and life
mnimtowitfa otbm in dtoiaot parta of
Slot or Well, a Kush
Night and Day.
•ynagogae and read laa. Ixi. 1, and de-
mZ working macfaUnry, aboe mans.
____ ______I_____
Cltai-l>Arf-k p
Shm-tCtji Ptrk..........
‘aIwI <'et i’ork |i«r 1b ■
tlanitr h«Te toininpbed In the pari orw
' Tbat-^dM^ «t UMeneldbare
;«gaMnea to American gooda <d tbto
'.taea neoeiT^ in
Helow to a Itol of ibe bovlng and anillar prieea of ynitUeda; for groeerita.
proTtrintia and farm pr^aeto In Trav-
in eotoi oueof wbiris tbe triompb cd tbe
rell«ou eJ CiUrirt to mentcd.
owoboratoi peopherf: Cliri« and Caifto-
wliloli niut to btodled rad
aStotoiSir»li Itoto ralfclto.
**I cmr nnd to tblnk mncb ot ttMoa
boaoeboU blnto." remarked Senator
anpghem. *‘1 gQMi it'a bocAQae 1 failed
' •
aiUebnllM. .
Bringing all of tbe iUnstra*
tions in alphabetical ar*
rangement within onr im
mediate control.
<4««0Dd Tear—Ko 430
Qnntod tt Compel P«r>
mant of BcTasnaTaxen Paekagta
^>M4al1sTn MiiBKIBs Blcan.
Detroit. Kept. ](>.—Frsaer •<>Train Officials.
d«m»Btcd • mBadaiBM to compel
tbeAnwrleenExpreMCo. to pay f.«r
Treatte Vitb Xasolmae Waes tteF
rev«oae*t*mpBp)MMl nn paekBpea for
OSrad to T ke 8U^ liieblcut SoV
Tbe eompony eaaaot
Alera From Boothtm Potato—Bx-Intoe tkerote to meet tliU tas.
Bitter Oomplai&te ol Hospital
Ho More Troope WUl btfSent
1 the oily,
But a OteU War to
poetUon to ApuiB^do by Other PU«
ipino Leaden JUy Lead to Seriooa
pmfMCo of Kto'aodl&jt Biptemeata I
•ad PtoacitoMble Obecaalea.
Trouble lo the Phllippisea.
Spwtol te Tn HoeaniD Saxwn.
WaaklapiOB. Sept. 16 —After reoeirDetroit. Hapt. 16 —‘^>IoBaI U-u6 and, Ohsptaia Xclotyro To Be Tried Tor
Inp diegptebee today from (• loernl Otto
br. Lee. to eharpe of tbe Piapree boa-}
MOBDOiop Hto Brother
t aaaouneod that
pital tnia. which bitmpht 116 eidc aolOfBce'S
' ao faiere troope would be eent
nertel WTeaXoMiea Rboobs.
1ila, the ineurpento baelop e<
plalo biturly of the traatmeal they re
WaebinpinD. Hoplember 16.—The
ceived al0B« tbe eoeUtera portico of aeeretaiy of the nery today ordered a
tk» nmw. where etapldlty, twlencej
martini for Cbaplele McIntyre of
Maniia. Sept. ]A—While the Inanraad inenita prereolod the briopliip of tbe Orepoo. whole acrueed of publicly pants are not likely to ptoe the Amermeay aoldlare that eoald have
den moelnp hU brother (
leana any more tronble. a civil war be
paged in the battle erf Santiapo.
tween tbe Filipino factions acema im
Tbe eceae at the depot this tooraiap
minent. laabrlo Artaeh. who waa ooaWM eery toaohiad. frieode aad reladeraned to death by Apninaldo la May
tlece weepiap aad •walUop. bat held
for treachery, waa reprieved,'and then
back from ^e train by offl >er«. Tweoescaped. U reported to be ieadinp 16.ty-loar wa\ takea to the hoepiUU aad
WUl be Extended Into Chine 000 men apalnat Apalnaldo Arlaehoia
the balanceVat home.
backed by tbe Spaolab priraU.
By BaUroed.
Dr. Lee deecribee tbe manner lo
Tbe maljfltv of tbe rrb^l leaders
which be had to bed *ot the men to bo
I BOW is coufarecce at Halaloa will vote
allowed OB the train at Beauville.
Coneeaalon Oraniad by Ohiacae Oct- for anlonomy coder American protec
made eerotal tripe to tbe bosp.tala at
erameat for a Ball s ay to be Bnitt
tion. AlltbeSpaniardtln tbe nortbBcotovUlc. and only by pareererance
With American Capital.
ero provinces are now priaonera A
oadaloMet bamlUation before tbe repWaahlnpton. Sept ir..—Tbe final con- Jeanlt priest baa been abnt for advtolop
haental offieere wae able to pet what
traeta prantinp tbe eoneeaaloB for an naUv«s to'deaert Araiualdo.
n he did.
Apalnald* denies that arms were
Colonel Load'i experience in peitinp American railroad from Canton to
shipped to blm from Japan. It is be
(ba alek of the Thlrtr-eceond from otb- Hankow. China, have been alpned In
lieved Ue arms were shipped by Ue
It of Lee in thia city by tbe ChAneM mintoter aad
prtoata for Artacbo.
• every parttenlar. and hia aiory of tbe rtpreaeataUvea nf the China D^velnpTbe rebel leaders met at Malalos to-'
. except .np oompany, t.f which ex Senator Cal
today. Tbe Uwo waapayly desolated
at the
ip of the Tbirty-fliat rrc>- vin 8. Brice U tbe head.
Thia pivea tbe American company a and crowded with peasants. Apninaldo
meol, ia a recital of mialiteadlnp etateceremony
ooncomlon for botldinp and oonlrollinr
meata, eontiadictory
a railroad of nearly 600 milea thrtmph from his beadquarterw to Ue ehnreb
where Ue delcpatca were assembled.
WiUtoat a alnple exception the eol- Ue rleheat end moat popalona part of
dtora nay they bare received excellent China, and confirms Ue autement
made by ex-Miniaier Drnby in bi a in and Spanish lanpnapea.
trexlmentcm tbe hcepital traia.
The address was mainly ouapratniaterview UU week that China bad de
cided to grant such a cooeeaaim to Ue tory upon Ue tcrmlnatioa of tbe revoiDtino and Ue complete coeqoesl of
Tbnriow Weed Baroeaand twonUer Fbilipp DC territory Apainnido made
a fi iwery appeal to Ue delepatea ask
HstomB From The Klondike
lop company came from New Y.>rfc and ing Uem to follow toe example ofE.ipWealthy
had a long intsrvlrw wiU Wo Ting land. Ue United Sutes and France, in
Fang. Ue Chineee mlototm-. They left preparing a eonxtJtntloB and promolBat la Vahbed in Chioape for an Al- with Ue contract for building Uia im patlnp Isws that would necure Ue per
portant railroad dniyalpned, so Uat; inanent liberty of Uc Filipinos. The
toped Orime. After an Abaencd of.
Ue company may now begin work as mes-ape excited little enUukla^m be
Three Taaia
cause it was absolutely indeBuitc.
auun as desired.
Ohioapo. Sept. 16.—A. P- B. Crofton
Tbe Chios D.ivelopiup compaoy bad | Tbe assembly immediately entered
^racd from the Klondike rich y*a- been working to eecure 'blao
Irto dlseussiuD of a coortiiatioo.
terday. mebhla wife and baby at the
OfMt Kortbera hotel, and one boor □nderatood that Sbeop Tao Tai <
later waaarreated oy elty dcteetlvea on trying to arrange mature so tbat Ue 1 prominent and infl ieniial natives <
the ebarpe of forpiap a draft on tbe original plan stKiold be carried oat and n Kiceahle. A atr-tup party, lotoxiPint Hatiooal bank for
three Ue AmerlCkO comptny gives ikwtral cated (>y kucerrs, favors orp^ltlon to
over ail conmaloos fjc raiiroad build- any foreign pru’ectorate. The wiser
Crofion to now « prtooner in the (>n- lop in China. Thto waa beea<
uouuscl.trs streonously oppos: aneb a
trai Btatloo. Be to eaid to be an ex
bad c.vnBHencein saieidal policy. Tbe only prreent
pert forper. and P.akerton detecUvee
irlca aad f.-lt eecur* agaiokt tbr at point of agrvrmeut Kcetu« to he a <!e
eonatry nave
have vataiy
ralniy tempt to aeiae Ue urrltory Uat sbi-nid toTuinetlnn lo be free 'orever from
aaroapooui.^. ueI eouatry
aaafohed for him. Tbe at >ry of bto ea- i>e developed.
Spaoikb rale. This cniv raal feeling
capadea, if thto to the man the police
This railroad from Qsnkow to Can will proabbiy prove tli.' eonUoUing
want, abowa him to be a mao ol darinp ton, Mr. Dcnby oaid. would enoorct ai power in determining final action.
lopenaity in the perpetration of crime. lUokow WiU Uc Belgian road from
Five yean apo C.-ufion and a man Uat city to Pekin, where there wi-uld
xamwl Jellett went into the boataeM be connection with Ue great Siberian
of forpiap bank drafia., Jellett went: railroad of Eussia. Iu importaoee
Over tbe OondUioa of Boldlern Beto Winnlpep. Maaltoba, wnen he
could hardly be eetimeud. Iwcans. no
Utreod Prom Onba With Oen.
ped a draft on Ue Bank of Montreal one could predict what rail coaoectlno
lit S&.(W0. Crofton remained In Uhlea- between Cantou and Bt. IVUrebarg
oral Torai. >
wonld raran in Ur way of changing Kiwrial to Tax UocsiM nnkiu.
bank drew P7.60U on Ue Montreal 1b- Ue rooua of travel and Ue carrying
Vigo. Spain. Sepu-«r,f.e 10 —RpanaUtoUoQ. Jeilett was aiTMWd aad trade.
Inrda enrag«-d r-ver Uc couditioo of Uc
aenioocod to a term of five yean iu
retarninp snidlera, attacked •eocrai
the Manitoba peniuntiary. Crofton
Torai's booae wiU stones and elnbs.
Sad to Texas, and was ti.ialty
Near.y all the soldiers landed bur •
in El Faso Uu was bruugai back
j footed ana nearly oakid. (i orral To
T Pinproe Attrrbutea It to Uto
Chioape by detwrUve Tom Howard, aad
tal took refuge on tbe steamer Leon
araa eoDvictod. Ojaoevuot of his be
xdntmoat at Mot Being AI-’
Xill, which was also sttaesed by- the
inpuBdwape.be was asul to Ue PonIriwed to Oo to Porto Kim.
mob and Ur cabin windows smaabed.
Mac reformatory ou ao tof
SpreUl l«>TBBlloasueXsoaBO■
Dclruit. Sept. 16.—Dr. Lee. who
He wont to Alaska aoon after Ue
madeUetnpto M-iauvil'e on Sundsy
forgery maatlonad and luaaud at Dyea.,
WiU one ear for the tick of Ue Thirty- Speoteb Troope are Leavingand Vork
Then fortnae favMod hun and be bepMond ragriaent, has some pretty
of Oommiaslon in Porto Blco la
uaae wealUy. AfUr his nasoee from
harsh Uiaps to say of Ooloael McPnotieaUyBndvd.
the Pontiac Betorm eebuol he had
Uurrin and a few other repimeatal
' ried a rcapoeuble young woaaan. and
lan. Porllo Rieo. Sspt. lA—It
oflicera of Ue Thirty-seoood.
it was throat his affjoUoo for her
Uto morning's
Governor Piogree attrlbotes Colonel
tbat he deddad to return to Chicago.
McUorrin's strange coodnet toward Ue meeUng that Ue two eommisaious had
Be arrant wiU his wife t» mMt him boapltol train to hU dtoappointmee
agreed npon all of Ue aubiUnUal
at Ue (Ireat NorUera hotel w!U tbeii not being allowed to go to Purto Rico polnU Uat were Ue subJeeU of dtoenshebf. By
tloo. Tbe departure of Ue Spanish
WiU bto regiment.
Orvfton's return reached the pellce and
war veatels for Martlnlqae en route for
and DetoeUves McOarUy aad Maek.e
Spain yrelerday was reall.v Ue begin
■e on hand to arreat him.
ning of tbe evacnatinn by Ue SpaalSpadUrds Plred on a Onban Teasel arda
Smallpox Oase Boeovorud.
The departure of Ue troope wHI fol
at MansaniUo.
•paeUl 40 TUS HOMOM Rsomu<
low as aoofl- as It to poesible to gel uanSaaUapo de Cuba, SepL 16.—Inform
Detroit. Sept. 16—Health OSerr
portoforUem. BvetyUiag here to in
oibbaaays Ua amaiipox eoae ia Uto ation reachi^ here today from Maoxanfor Ueir embarkstkm. Tbe
Mty baa rMverod. kni tbe quaranUae Uio Uat Ue'sptalards Uere have vio- troops arc c >ming la from tbe Uland
Ue ooodiUons of the prutoool by
efUo '
towns, but tbe Spantob ontpoato are.
vok^atUl matotaiaed.
aUll being maintained.
ael Fernando, which entered Ue bsrXooru Baa BMlgnad.
wlU suppHee-fw Ue Cnban troope.
ipaeUI u Tbs Merelss auere.
The vesael was fired oa by the fort ov* epertol leTet Messiss Bseena.
WaUiapttm. Sept li
erlookinp Ue bty. Om Cnbsn was
Camp Wikolf. U 1.. Sepa 16 —Haten
Secretary Moore of Ue euu depart killed aad two ali^Uy woanded. Tbe
S. Fingree Jr. atarted aaoUer batch of
ment toodcred bto
Cahans under Oeneral Bum. who were
^eeident atUe caMnet meottap to- eampAg near Ue town, then advanced
day. They ahoald reach Dshrolt Satur
to e pjeitkw where Ue unloading of
day night
Ue Fernando eoald M protected. OraPrivato BoUlngar Dead.
eral Lawtoa to asked to eend ao AmeriAMTsta
goard to Manxanillo, where it to
ite kiadergartea will be
16 —Private John
Tiivsd .y. Sept. MU. at ISO
•MUefW died today of tevar eoa- feared Ue patienoe of Ue Cubans will
L Thoee deairing loforma^•Mad. ia Ooha. Ha to the dghU net ataod many more aboaea by the tioa as to teraa may Inquire of Mra.
Don’t Forget That Room
While etralinp a Bide on a O. B *
1. Tnipbt Train Teaterdsy.'
OpeeisJ to Uh-Mosam Rseean.
TnaMn. MIeb . Sept lo—T«b neldvotlfled men. atealinp a ride on Ue
Urand Kapida and Indiana freight tokilled by Ue train
breaking In two and collldinp.
Tbe delay eaesed a aaaprnsioa
tralBr for several boars hetlitUe damape was aostoiaed.
It,will look mofb nicof if it baa Bome of that new Well
Paper that we have just iveeired. We are aUtl aelluiKinod '
paper ’way down cheap
299 F^nt StreeL
Holley ft
VniveraltyVaouliyOeelareaUe Kerrimaa Imw to OonatfiatiOBal
and WUl Btaafi.
I'"' •>“* “i
r KAMlIkG.
Ann Arbor. Sept. 16.—Tbe law faenlty of Ue Dalveraity
Unlveraii of Miebipan |
>" PICTnRB .*
_ 4
la proven by tbe number of frames weare malEittg-1
wUl have to abide by iu terms and pay
Tbe faculty did
act wtob to aotieipale Ue Supreme
court, bat Ue newa leaked out.
Suted That Spain Don Mot Cure
For Ue PbUlpplnea.
L<mdon. Sept lA—A dispatch to Tbe
Dally Mail from Madrid Mys that a
majority of Ue pollUelaas favor Ue
enUre renneclaUoa of Ue Millippiuea.
hoping that Spain will aecnre lo ex-
At eix 0’elrdt.JeM evening and will remain
cloeed sil day today on accinnt of Hebrew
Open again Moudsy morsteg.
Bsltobto Dry Oooda. Carpet aad CtoUtac How. 'I
vantapea. The retentioo of the tolands.
Uey believe, will be a frnilfnl aonree
Senor Uiron. minister of Ue colonies,
says that Ue poace oommtoalos will
flnisb IU work In a monU. The cortce
will be reconvoked la November to rat
Ify Ue treaty of peace, afUr wbicb
Uere wilt be a total change in tbe gov
eromeoi; but It would be madncaa
talk of a crisis nniil Ua treaty of pea
it ratified.
Tbe Financial Newa aaya that expcriera of arms and ammunition to
Spain are warned Uat U to weU for
them to be carefnl to whom cooaipnrnenu are made oUer Uan tbe governL. The Spanlib coBkOl here has
advertiaed an t.ffer of a cvasiderable
reward for trostwen-Uy information
vonrerniDgshlpmenUof armt to Spulu.
'Awkward oomplleatlons will artoe
if It it discovered Uat a general an
log of Ue Carlisu to going on. which to
by no means an improbability.*
vrrj CrrlrmbV rr,MaBcr oo Waa
BOMIloratbMitlo Uivciir H <Ukr Is r«od c< —
«•»« Thlorso twbourtiat Bbarvklolf lakeo'at
Worts iMhtac op for as toresvini.
See E. W.
Onod for Fruit Rai^Qg.
Oood for Stock Eatoiog.
Good for General Farming.
In large or email paroela. many trmeto befog in g
•iUio abort dtounc* from niUroada
Wm br eolc at low prices for caeb: or, on long Um with «67
m -iiu and rery tow interest.
Address or see
Oa G. B A I B. R.
it France to on Ue
brink of Ue gravest crisis alnce Uc
birU of the third republic.
-Wi eao'tlomjrou-lfyoo are look
>r f or liargaiaa A whole cntBt f. i
pant«. cap lo msicb.
*birt. silk lie. snspenarrs. or belt,
st-^cklrgs, handkerchief, all for 63 7S
At 8 Benda A Co.’s of coarse.
a a Moflatt. 1« Farit auuat. 466-lt
came to
aa old
firet wedt of UJC
Ike “ Y«iko.Spaillo>
U.V ai.o,
1 UHKO-opUllKO w»r,”" When
,saT we have captured another prire by capIMnog the great
lineof SELZ SHOES to “make yonr teet
^ad," we know the prise iaa ualoaUe ooa
because more people wear 8BLZ SHOBi
than any other make. Tbat eodd only be'
^TBTvmrA/H- troe if the aboes were better than any other
80 we captnred thia price tor tba
apectal benefit <d oor.cnstoatcra. Com
and aee tbe prise.
Lortg enough to take a
look at some of the Ben
da stock which we are
dosing out at
A look means a sale.
Hundreds are taking ad
vantage of our great sale
and are shoeing up tbe
whole familj.
todies' Fine Shoes.
Worsborg Block.
Pants Departmenti;
I We Are
I Offering Special Values
on new arziTala of
Mee's Shoes. '
'"“r......... . $|.5D
Popilar Shoe Heese.^
Fall and Winter Pants
baught advaatogeously from a feeead vfo MM.
i 100 pairs Men's All Wool hair-line Pants, #| 5II
actual value liZOO, our price................. .. .
f ISO pairs Men's All Wool Cassil
worth $2.50, our price..
............. .. ■
i 150 pairs of Men's fall and Vinter weight
fancj, Worsted Pante. market valnc $3, * I TU
................................... a 1.10
J Haw gooda of the lateat atylaa airtring daily.
the lowaat pxioaa prarafl barau
r. lUM
BAran. BUwr MXi Ibatcv
J. A. Loraapor. of Hraad Ttorwar:
D. O. F. Waraar. of Boaitr. aad J B
BraomlBatad For tho BtaU QampboU. of I*
ropnaaotaUro ootoslUo for too c«*l
Mr. Footor wao eallod for aad to aa
PittSTM and Burrowa Bn* aanoot iparck toaakod too oooroadoe tor too kOMw doaa kiw oac plwlp>
od kto knl rCorto for too totoraW of
la BathaMtotto »oootottoao-»boMr| Um pooplo aad kto dtotrtok
Mr. Wlekkam roopoedod to oatoa 1Had VAoa to Sparo aad tooOoB-;
aoUo tolto aad to a aoai aporeh codoro*
TwUoa Wao Baaaoaloao to Bpito
odhaartUp too aeOoB of too ooar^i
ofa^MtodHlvolirOea. prowtalBpckto oaraeot mtpfon
of Mr. Footor. Bo wao koarUlp apTbo ;
Baaalo. Araad Trarom aad LaoUaai ptaadrd aad oroatod d porp favorabU
ilet poatordap waa
.too ooaroattoa aad
Torp *aratootoa» patoortor. to aplto too aadloaeo.
Oo aottoa too oaoioeof a Btroap riralrj botwoon Bopraooata- tlonodjoamad.
a?o Pootor of tola Mtp aad F. O. Wtokkam of Fraakfort, tor too aowtoaUoa
itotlra Tkoro kad boas
otroop oppoolttoa apatoot Mr. Faat«
Oiwmm to FabUe Btooel Saaebaa sod
bp oao or two. wkoat toflooaeo. kowHlpk Bctewl FapUa Bp •'
OTor. did aot Btotorialtoa to aa alarw
B. T. F. V.
top d^TM wboa too Toto wot tok^
Tko ToeopUoapiTMUWeeeatap bp
Tko oaaooBUoB wao ooaoplcaooo for
too Mp tooJoriV whiok It para Mr. tko Baptiw Toaap Pw.plo'o SoWolp to
Footor opatoot Mr. WlekbaM, who It a too Mookoro of too pablle oeboMo aad
aad wMl kaowa btol- too pa^« of too Hlpk oekool wm o
aoH us to Uoado ooaa^. Mr. Fow
u Mowod to trp to uko
UP^ roeord la too loW loptaUwro waa
Mdoroad to oaek aa axuat that ka rw owp ooaolMatkauaad too rMoJt
Mivod two-toirdo of too ootoo of too WM a portoet aaoeoao aad a pood tlu
tor ororpbodp. Tho paw* la too kodp
of too okarob won worod kaek tad the
The oootootioB a
udo to look pUoaaat aad boww
for ito oatoa
_____Ptoproo. aad kto proat work to Uko with tobloa. okatra. pUlowa.ocrMoa,
bokaU of too ooldlota of MleUpaa to rapt aad draporloa. Tae froat of the
tko lato war.
......... ^ eharek wm a aoUd duo of prMa. aad
Urpo boqaou of eat llowon oeotpwhare
tooaoBtoaoaraotoatraotodto aao aU addod toolr baaatp to too oeeao.
.bit BOBao to la-oloet klM to too
VortOM BMiea] aolortloM wort roaDfeltod Btatoo ooaato.
darod at dlfforaot Ummo dariap too
Itwooalp^oal Bopablleaa om
oeoalap. Tbpp wero all pood aad adBoa aad tko pood fooltop wklok pro- Ood maoh to tka plaaooi* of too
raUodatW too ao*toaUoa bat.
•loB. Wbm ooloo wort pleea bp MIm
too frteadt of too oppootop aaadl- IroBO Oaaalaphaio. Miw Maado Moodp
totoofKookadowoanltodwork at too Miw Btoel Pope. MIm Stool Ulbbo aad
Mioi Edna Haldooortb. Miao Bolca
Sapler tad MIm Nila BopbM roadorad
bpJ. k. Loraapor, okalrua of toe
ekarwlap Wolla ooloa. A doliphlfa)
bp reqaoot of too
MMl oolo WM piroB bp Mra B. Wll•atuoo ealtod D. 0. F.. Waroor to toe
•hair uaponrilp: W. W. FMnkild
Hr.^Mtef^ VoalMtw.
- 1 ct Boa. W..H.
rwtw MrapTMuutiTo to too otot
l«)itotoro tnm toio distriet to ooiiM«>7 Mltoloetorj. Tke «ot« to tot
Mtof hto work to too tortototoro »t
too tow rorotor,
too opodol
•too. Mr. Footor kM boMi toitofal to
too totoraott of too dtototot ud too
ototo. BokoooIwoToboooootoo aide
of too poopto ood hto oBorto k»TO boos
diroetod to ooearo fair aod oqaa) UxaMooferalL Ho rtpreooato too wlobot
•( kto ooootitooou to too oooatona'
toottor, and ko wiU oako a pood
m* for klMWf aad bio dlwriet
wtolor. Bo will roeoiTo a boartp aoppoct aad kio aajoritp wUl bo a Mr
Wk karo fatood to wacoo dartor toe
paWTOaratloaW II por ooat. to aU.too
aTwaoa of baolaow Tk# avorac*
w^ao paid to aU elooooo of labor to aoi
torfrow P*0 par moato. If wo karr
aMdO,WO of wafo oanoara. toot wo
haoo aa aasaal wafo of •mo.ooo.ooo
Tho laaraaoo to
for too pool poor
Mar W par oonk, aiaoaata to aearly
ttOO.Mie.000 toal too wapo oaneta of
too Daltod SUtoa karo kad beatowod
^oatoaoi larrelp throapk too iaotraMBlaUlp of too wioo lartolatiaa of
too BopaWloaa partp atooe it oamo
lato powar to IW?.
««r toa rwall of too ArkaaBeidaaUp too Ooiaoaatk
earo aot okpoeUap mack
Hb. Oxtslavd would llko to raptoim% Mow iotaep ta too Daltod Statoa
, bat too pooplo of too
•lato aa aot jraralnp ap to too oar
ta Oelorado fra oUear pooplo
laid aaldooatarpaBdtooatioaodaa
MjlV to ooCOo too tnaaolal qatattoa
AIM Xdtacaua of Bpala, tho Baltfoot
Iko trot port of too Wm
ThopropraBwaiBohwpootMra D.
H Oarl«, too oabjoct ot too dap balap
**Spaalak Laapaapo aad LUeataa.”
Tha peopraa wm opeaod with a doUpktfal 00)0 kp Mia Joata Wllhalai
A arp tatoratlap aad laotraoUea pa
pa oa •tpaaiab LlUaUa.-' writtoa
kp Ma Uak. wm road bp Ma Mor-
Oo motloa A ©orlaad. M. Brawa aad
A B. Bopadde ware appolatod a eowlalitoe OB eradaaUals; k. B. Stiaaoa. B
p. iobaaoa aad B4 OanpbaU, ooai
■ilttoooaparmaQaatorpaaiMiiae aad
Older ot booloooo: A 8. Baraott. P. C.
OUbort aad Joaopk Howtu oofflmiUeo
OB laaoliUoaa.
Tko eewBlttoo oa erodoBHilw raporadMaatittodtoooaula too eoafoatloa:
Bonslo—D. O. F. Woraor. Jaook Map,
B. H. Oldo. M. B. Ikoiatoa. A 8. Bar>
aett oabsUtoto for C. F. JoaoA B. B
Bepaoldo. EdOaaipboU oahatitaU for
A L. Nortkrap aad F. A MeQoatp.
Gland TiaTaroo-P. C. OQbart. F. A
Brawa, B A Briakiaan. J. Vartp. 8.&
DMpcaa. O. P. Carrar. W. W. FalnkUd.
L. 8. Walter. A Ooodrlek. A Oarlaad.
G. W. lArdia, A. O. Mo&m. J. L. Waraar. A A Btinooa. J. B. Moaroe eakaUtato for M. L Moaroo. doeooaed.
iw-A F. Oaoio, Jaaxa KUbrido. J. B. Campbell i
G. W. Fnllek. A P. Jobaaoa, Jpha
Cloopb. ^ooopb Hewitt. Mortla Brown.
• ""^t It la too Maoaro
eoaraatioa toat oar anmikoaoraMc aad raaaooablo
la aad otow taloat WM raap la.
•ate at fwa n aaato to UAO pw>
Sto nartoU A 0mm*. Ltd..
om tokitok —i Wm ekwato.
FatowoU toTkoIrPaotota.
Tko weailMro of too Prieado ebaiA
toodcred a rterptloa Tkmdop eeoaiap
to toeir pMtora. Howard aad Matp
Mooca, wboare aboet to laaeo too Mtp.
The affair took plaeo at tho cfcarto
aaddoiioptoo aeaalap a abort propTBla ooaMaUap of aaoie and laeita'
UooowMpleon. Mr. Mooro la bokalt
of Mia. Moore aad klurlf toaakod tko
■boro for Uie oapport aad usp
oe« ot ktadaeoi which had a»do too
pMloro* atop la too dtp ecrp pleaaaai.
Llpbt rafraoboieBU wero aereed aad
toe oeealap prorad to be a varp eaj<^all« oae.
le Bitters; aad after Ukinp two boV
■s I WM entlrelp eared. I now take
ttpleasarela racommendlap them
M. A. Hnrsrtp._____
^8. E Welt aad J. G. Johasoa. drnr
Important boslau will be tiaaaaet'
od tok areaiap at the meaUap of too
1. 0. Q. T. lodpo. AU membcro ara raqaeatod to be to attoadaaea pros
at e o'clock.
Hi paaebw. Craw.
Wo karo fint elam
wklch we will mII
dap at from 7S eanto to 11.00 par
•beL -Thartoll A Goae. Ltd., oorr Saraalh and Daloa otreeta.
( Semt tnotaoBt for lodiro
Geo. R. Winnie
U|i-to-ilaK Paiitn
lid Piper Haiier.
Shop opposite Eagle officA
No Go^rison.
Tka Ualtod Statoa BMCvatoat Soalstp
•f Sartnaw dom aot UU poa whotto^
azpaet to Aa. TSap vsfar to wkat toap
baea AaM aod ara ddaw dallp ta TmamaCatp.
bp ctoan. Wa aia ham pwnaaaaatlp
aad eas bask acsrptolac wa Mp. Tea
daal dkaet with M la aaaa of aoMdoat
or aiakBaaa. Tkma k so muariaafi.
with otoar aaaasaalaa. Look ap amt
atoodlaff toaa aompaia toarn. Battar
takacalapoUep; It doMst aoat aato.
BLaaaabsa A McOofiaiofi. Dkt. Mam..
Braaak cOoa iakmmm Uoto.
«a^c \nm «k|
flf lAtau
aWsk \k Vkak vutoAms
Stems ulAu ttto
ernetf mes a miSik tA&e aa& Uas^
HAAS. ICo mr vA. ft)
XocAust ^cr
AS& unrktk see Vb&s.
We Woiiid
Like to Bail Your Anention
body elM.
•Fhoiie 1ST.
Hon. Tom Jones
Has Been Here.
•oldkeo> BaflbHmps Hade Llpkter.
Seroral of toe oiek ooldiers lo the
eltp bare Iraraed to wotota arerp morelap for toe Mkoea Marp aad Marp
Beltarr. wbu rkit them ararp BMialap
with froah •aitk, and arrrp rkit adds
to dae ooUacOoiis of i8 iwera m
iapto brlptatoa
too leap daps of toe Saatiapo horoea.
Ow TUmqVv CVrtVv
at (8.48.
To the nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we ara
selUn?. We never had any nicer, nor did sny*.
tka parloia dariap too oroaiap
todap at from T4 c
A’.topetoar. ItwMaoMot oacea
aSolr aad mack credit to dae to tor bMbrl. ThartollAti
8er««(h aod UaioB streeta
aaitod offorta of toe atomboro of the
aocietp for too ploMara onj ipod bp
^reip means passible for its
k with pleasore we pabllsk
1 WM a terrible Mfferer froia 1..
Jauadieo for oror oiz Months, and a
irootod bp aoiae of the boot pbp>icds
snd all to M aroU. '
'Booolrad—That wo prooood to aomlMto a eaadldate tor repraoeaUtlra bp
ballot; that wo ballot loforuUp aatU
a majorltp tor aomo oao Gaadidau aha 1
bo obtalaod. aad that oo oaadldato bo
1 apoa bartap raoelrBd a clear ujorltp oa a for
mal ballot.
Tho raport WM aoooptod aad adoplad.
Oa m.^oa. toe chair appolaud iVorlp aad B. B. Oldo, tollaia, aad the
oli<wre of toe eoaraatioa took too eaw
tomoip oath.
. .
The oommlttoo oa roaolatloao raportadMf >liowo:
BoMlrod. IkatwolaoMToatomaoMmblod kerabp affina oar belief la aad
alloplaaoe to too priaelpUa of too Bw
' r 00 aot forth
orm, aad oo abip
oar Ulastrloao Pn
mialoterod bp ot
oaWm. MeElalop. That wo koartUp
a ot oi
done too able
_______ __
___ .
. Plaprao.
both M to bla troataaat of oar aoldlor
bopa aad Us kMdllnp of oorporatlaaa
OaPBlM Boat BaU Tomb Tw Kaeh
to amaad ao that
. tetfaTanatotpHipkBekool.
Mr. y.^
Tka toot baU aoatoat atOadtllM poalowalaU toatt)^ aomlaM ot toaooa
toHap.katwoM too ot
roatloakolaainwtod tooMaUhoaow
toaw wao a TtopoowaUad affair. 1W aWoaad
naalt wm M to o la tow of too
UphaahoollMW of toat pla^lMtit
Ujr work is first' cIbm and prices that aiw in rsacb otall. 1 ab
prepared, mt all tunes to taki> rare of tbe bade. 1 nuke • spectalty m
Brasing. Vnlcaaizing and KDanfliog. A fine liar of wbeob for m1*
and tn refit.
J. G. SLLI8. 311 Front ab^ «a«t.
& 0. Bart of fftswa Map Haro to
Koto a Xiop Ampntatod to Sara
(See Sunday Record.)
H. C Barvoao ol toe too moot promi
BontclUsoBO of Orawa, lo aafferiap
from blood poleoainp. A decapod bone
We are not all settled in
la oao of bU lops hM caasod panprear
to aot la aad bU pbpaidaa belieri. new bnildingyet; vLen ife ^ ]
tost it will be Boeroaarp to ampi
will let yon know; hot we are do
too limb to oaee bio Ufa
ing bosinesa right along jiut tbe
same. I shonld bare closed
doors nntil we were moved and
Oopd SalooU Btrfokoa With Xrfltma- settled, bat it would not have been
ttoB of too Biala.
right, aa there were dozeas of
Ooa of tbo moot oerioas eaaco amonp
people who wanted their bonaes
toe retoraod ooldlers of Oompaap M.
iatkatofaepd Dsloli of Blmwood furnished and wonted it at once.
OM qalto wall wbon he ratarao^ If I bod closed np for two weeks
I raportod tram Montaak P«det,bat lator ooerioas it would have coat them hundreds
isatloa aad order of b
Ution hM doealoped. Ha Is otrlek
of dollars extra. We are giving
tad that too orderof bvdaoM bo m
ow with ia^sutioB of toe brala
some exceptionally big bargains
odds and ends.
1. Oath of oOoofa.
BeUeompUtolppunlptidlB Ibc lower
I. Ptaaeniatloa of aomoi of aaadi- Umba aad tbara to allpht hope of hk
raooraip. _______________ '
-AhMlattoa'' wm too ilUo of a roellalioa ear okarailapip roadoad bp
KkaFraao Falla, who tkowo aaek
abilllp la too otodp of eloeatloa.
MaOartor paa aa UtonaUap aw
•oaW of too oriplB of too SpaaUh
laapaapo aad a dooorlptloo of i|o pooaUarltta Ska alto road a kla|orp of
Oaka. wkiek JoW aow to ot to aaoh iatataWtoaUAaorioaao.
Vkopeapaaolooad wito a roadlap
kp Mra. i. B. Martia. “Tho Martpra ot
Whw^ Tbo otate of Mlahipaa
too HalM.” wUoh WM firoB la too hM boon aMp aod wotl ropraaaat^ la
BiUphtfal wap ak* alwaja roado aad tho Daitod Btotoo Soaota for toa paot
foarpw^^ tko Hob. JbUm C Barpiwwaww Ht ABAXM.
J. c. e:llis
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
Hnose Fornisbing Ktore.
ISO Front ftrart.
M8 Front SUM*
To do basmess with
We place a/ the
disposal of our ruslomers onr large expert*
eace in the fioar trade Correspond with ns
and resnlts wilt be mntnallj beneficial
Our Offerings
Desem Uiisiil iniitioi.
WE HE sHDwiHi! KL£T.rirbrisss ^3
We mahe particuler mention of HEED and HATTAV PUBNITURE. Aside from a floor full of beautUh’ creations in
this material we make prices equally as at'ractlTe.
Whether yon intend to refnrnieh your house this' faU or
: just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make yonr
' rooms look rich and handsome we offer you tbe opportunity
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the (oods
in any event.
. *mV
--------Some Good Stories of Factand Fancy Condensed ^
For Busy Readers.
At ioate mm» IS jma sfo Mn. L
L WlMhcU ««• r<**B MB* kn«1rleb*r
rlMby k«rm.
JmS befcrt bte
trif to th« Woat. Tbej wsr* rMin*d. mix)
■Wrt)7 mM tke foUowiat wnlor. Sae
patOMflOB oway, Mjtaf aka wi
Tbay wan opaaaS at a faally fotbartar iaat waak. aad aftar that loag
tod wars foaad to ba la eKoaUaat
dittoa aad arara aarrad.
MaCM Kalaoa of aaar Marquatta. !a
■rlo Mkebiran. aod tUa jaar has aold ss.ooo
^aarta He also kaa as
crop thia jaar, tka yiaU balac SiOOO
B. a. Bol
• at BoarOraad HaTao,
pfaatad thraa bMbaU of oat aaed tUa
apriaraaditeaMBplaaaaraa of aa
aera aad a half aod rtaldadV boahala
Itwoald have foM orar too boakala
bet far a wlodstora aad tba »da
Who can beat It?
AtUfaad Bapida Tberadsy. whQe
Jobe KeaUnr area herTyfar to a fire
wUeh bad brokea net ia the aerelaad
Botal. be fall dead oa tba atreat.
The btrb brl^ acMaa tba BIfls rirar
•air Alfer, haMian tora doira,by the
D.AM railraaV ThiaI bridce was
■hailed by Oaa. Alfar when ibe Detroit
AAtiMBa railroad was pot tbroack
ffoa Alfar to Alpeaa.
It was the
btrbeel bridce la the sUta, beinf aearly 100 fact abere the river. There waa
•early 2.000.000 feet of looiber la the
Last Saturday t. a I^ibby waa ooo▼leted of illecal sale of fimb.
ia tba owaar of a private fiah poad west
of lUatoa. which aftar cettlBC advice
fron Cbaa.S.Baiaphw.(theB etatafaae
wardaa.l be IsBorovad to tbeaxtant of
aeveral hnadred dollara.for the parpoee
of ralslac boat for markeL
■ arreetod hiia
aadbewatejavtctedlBjattiee eoart,
aad hie appeal to the eircait ooart has
Aat with a like feU. However.be will
ro to the eopreve ooart, aad if beatea
tbare be will ba the'father of a bill to
baprenalod tothalertolatura.allowlnc
a pateoa owalac aU the laad aroaad
aad aader the eoarea of a mtream
poad. after atocklac the waUr at hla
a azpeaaa, to do with the fish as he
• fi>.
Serceaat Praak Saadatroa. of Compaay E. Alrty-f^arth Miehicaa.
Inn Moaatala. hat died am the molt
of typhoid lever. He waa sent taoma
, «e farlbock fm» MoaUak Point.bat
was too weak to rally aftn him iUaaaa.
Pr«d J Hanaas, private la Cc
B. Ainy-third Miekifan iafaatry. baa
died at Uw Sactaaw cMeral bMpiUi
from, typhold-paeamoala.
Ba t
heme eiek with bto oompaay aad the
day followlac waa takea to the hoeNearOrtonvHle, White Bara Goilea
WH blaatlBc stBDipa a pien of w
waa throws about five rods bP aa
ptoaloa, aod atrock him ia the fore
head. A ptooe of bto aUaw hat aod a
perUoB of'the wood ware dr
throoch hto akalL DaaplU hto icjiuy
OoUea walked qalte a dtotaaoa to aeeare aid before bMaomlac Bneoaaei
Corporal Oaorya 8'*uley, Co.
Alrty-toanb rmrimaat. to dead at
■aaltSte. Marla. Btaaley tbeocbt he
had folly recovered from bto fever aad
iPa bieyele ride. Upoe bto re«ars he i
t dowa and never reeoraradAt Prae Soli, the 8-year-«dd i
Mr. aad 1
> to dead fron
the rffv& of a torrible bora r>
Wednamday while ptayiof aroaad a
.tec hv pile. Mis elotbea n«rht
fire aad were oonptotaly bareed off
biiB before balp arrived. Aa Uttla
1 ao badly- that plecaa of
flaab fail oH kia.
At OadlUae tbara waa waie aaritaeat oaa day last waek iSLrtmcb tba
a local ^Idorado.
Wbaa the bnrd walk la froot of
Saowbatoro warn takea «p the aaad
foapdtobe rteh ia peaaico, plokato aad aatall ailver pleeea. Aboat two
dollars wars aeearad by the qolek•red byataadera ia a taw noateaU
tram tba deporiu tbat aawUliocIy
Charles L PerriMoa, of Uvoato Oea.
tar, fell aader a traio at Plynoatb aad
Int both of bto 1
At St Lo ito, Mieb., the aoldien' aad
aailors'oBemrapmeat bas broacbtoaa
war betweea the bnriaeam sea aad the
The charcb people opooeed
C of famre of obaooe of all
kioda aad the kaaiaan etea who fearaalead tba czpeaaes of the vaeanp
It will bava to mmkm ap the deftcieacy. Aey say they will eoatribate aotkiac to the aapport of the
eharekea hereafter.
asperimeat ia
the ratoiof of claaeac M aa tolaad la
the river at that plaee. Seed will be
aown la a few days aad it will be
years before the Srmt crop la barveatod
if there eboold be say erop at all. Ola•ear to seat to Caiaa, where a blc
priM to paid for it. the Chibeee bariac
crest faith la the nedleal qaatlUee of
the root ft eelto for aboat fil par
poaad ia this MaaUy.
At Detroit oa Bally Day Mayor May^
bory aucraated tbat the Soaday aehoel
peaaioa for
barial of-Jimmy Sill, oae of the ao'dler
boys tbat died ia Cabs. Aboat 9Zi ia
pebBiem hae beea eeat to the mayor'e
office in rempooae to thia ancceatioa.
OUa PercBsoBof Portland, lost
ooapla ofplfa towiaUy in a peeoltor
way. Ary went into hto orchard and
tippsd over a bee hive, and tbe bees
ewarmed oat and atanc tbe porkers
Deer are mors nnmeroas aroaad their
Bsoal haaoto ia tbe aorthera ooantiem
than known for aeveral years at Ibis
time of tbeyear Aere are many aoorsa
this year, whiea to their favorite food.
Gas Znmermaa, a Tbetford farm
band, waa elaaniac a c«a that he
when it aod denly west off. tbe charffe takinc off
twofioceraaod maaclinc tbe rest of
hUbaad tmdiy.
□ The rnent death of D. D. Sioelair of
Adrian, leavn U. B. Arser of that villace. tbe only . urvlvlac member of the
la Imneinc, that of 1848. Mr. Taraor. althOBCb 77 yeare of affe. tostiU aetivaly
anca^ la hnalaen.
The reoorde abow WUItom Boberta of
Portland, to be over 70 years of ace,
but bto actions CO todiaprove the
Tbe other day be walked tevea
and a half to bit work, aad cut J.lOO
bilto of eon. So says Ue Detroit Free
Preaa The records may be eonuct. but
when oae ficarea ap the nnmbvr of
bilto of eon tb* ebeerfel old ceai'eman
loat eat per miaole for 60 mlaulce per
bopr, 10 boaia per day to c«t him J ib
done, one to iaeliaed to think that
David micbt have aaid ia bto Icimare
what he deelarad be nld la haate that
ten are liars.
I caatlemen aod Senator McMiUaa reaicaed tbelr offlcom aod threw a« down.
Then oar two aenatore at Wamblactoo
Hud s lilttle SstTo st 8t. promptly re-appolntad tham to Uelr
CovenmcBl Joha-'”
le eoarae of hto apamb Otvaraor Piafree made tbto deelaraitoo: "If tbe
Tba Oevenor IbAe Vi
BepabUcaa eenaie and ibe
toMoteto the Senai . Who Be bonma we will hmve. do not pose tbto
WUatod.Bat the Crowd Wat aU Wot bill, referrinc to Ibe eqoal tax, there
will be one man lees ia the B^bllcaa
party, and we will crt a party that
Bt. Lwato. Mich., SepL 16.—Govenor wiU pan it"
Ptacrae aad SeaatM Bnrrowe sat aide
Baaator Barrow. Uenepeke. Be aaid
hy elde oa tbe aame platfcnn-here yeom he had not eome to Ulk potitica
tsrdty aftenoon and both
lldBotwtobtotolkof tbecetbiafa at
apeoebea to the G A. B. '
this Uma, bat aioea the fovenor bad
. Aacoro*-' eeao fil to pereoaally aeseil him and
•or la tbe o
« of bto remarke opened bto roeord, he tboacht it bat fair that
be cboaid defend bimaalf. Be said be
Atoplaymdadealretoreaeat the c«»w- bad voted for tbe iaoome tax ontU U
•ortoramark,bat theerowd waaeomaaUmUy with the coreraor that Uamrwa
rsaald tbat tbe gowpalladoff
er»or bad thraattoad la leave the B«Piacras talked at
if It did pat
laoCt-b oa the praaeai war, eqoal taa- bill, and remarked that be. Ptacrae.
•tfam aad Barrows'poaiUoa. *
would probably dod
It hard
to fled a
-1 aaa thmo to a dtotlacatohed rap- party that woeld aab^li to a dleutor.
raaaaUtiva haro." a^ the
(Criae of "Barrab far Plactae!"] Ae
«*rva talked aboat him la .
PIncree bad mtoropqritt with oar ffatOar thrown down at reaentad him. Oovamor Pinjrrae
UaaiPC ia wyteff to fat oqoaltouioa aad Upped him on the sbooldcr.
«d laaaa. aad lapoke to the pnseldeat
"How about federal appolatoea. Sea•host theae two fodotal ofitoe holdan atorT'
Ata point la hto apaeeh where the
C btek aad forth to defeat that
U aad beat this atato oat of over t3.* erowd ebowed maoh eathaatoam for
We lacked bat two Piacree tbe aaBaUr aaid:
> bad
Bam SBPplMad by thto dirtlacatohcd ■ot SMthar ffovarasr Am ihn Oaltod
Stotea wVi looked after the vioar aol
dtora the way Ooveraor Piafiea baa.'
Tbe orowd ebevrad afala. Aa c*
ernor bad to leave before tba apaara
naklac waa over, aad ba roaa to mw
food-bya to tbaerawA
hlsaaslf tor latarrgpiiac
"Theaeaatir hts failed to explain
bow beoam';t>ci«« thcoe
tors back tbelr Joba atUr they bad ylvoa Uam up aad beatea the atato oet
of over 63.000.000 of taxes
Ae acDatoraUted that Mr. Covell
bed cone to the Beaata aad .worked
acalaat Atklaaoa'a bUl before be rw
eelved hto ^poiatmeat, aad that had
It been othei wtoa tba appotnlmaal
weald nevar have beaa firom him.
coocladed by beerier Ike erowd-a par
don for tbto dtocraeefal fmm». Oovaraor nacree bad him meek at a diaad
vaatace. and tbe aeaator'a face wosld
raddea at every iatomptkmSy
crowd, wbleb waa ail for Piafraa-
ABOinn> THB wobia!
OMoral Meva Voten ot
l^rvad PaUa bae notifiad-tbe Brittob
admiral at Caadto, Island of Orob.
tbat 118 of the riacleaden of tba rePorty-tbree of them «
torood over to tbe admira'. aad it to
CtoeMerwi likely tbat all the lorma of
the nlUmatumwUl he oompltod with
Aocordloc IA reports from Manila to
Madrid ono-ihird vf the priwmera of
Qmwrml AcmiMlde have diod of bad
Oaoeral Miles to U1 of malarial fevar.
Moaat Vaaavlaa to
tbecraadaatvpaetoclesiBee 1878. It to
dne to a vloleat oatbaiat of activity.
Aa oeatral eraUr and a aamber of
■aw moatha are vomltiaf lava aad
aabea Area aaw attoaiM are 11 rwlac
dowa the moaatoto ei^ huraiac the
wooda at the baaa of Moato Soman,
•variy raaehiac tha obforvatoty. daMem 3. M. Balra arrived Iwt even•troyiaca part of the fmatoalar raUlac aad to the foeat of tba family of
roadleadlac thereto and thraatcalac
bar brother. Aoe. T. Bates.
tha barracke of the
Attoney J. W. Witooa of BettMala
A ^tob
I that la
nailed OB bUdaachter. Mra. Will WtaUe treaty of poaee wlU Ue United
ans yestorday.
Tomorrow tbe M. A B. E. na tbalr Suua there ahoald be iaaertod a elaaae
iaat exenrsloB for tbe
-Traeerae City to Mi
V R Roblla. who baa bean elertiiac
la A. V. Priedrieb'a aboa etora, left last
nlcbt tor Charlotte, when beaadbU
father have boocht out a stock of
ehoaa and will co iato baslBeea toCether.
A. J. Mayoard has aoeepied a position
in A. V. Priedrieh'a shoe atore.
a H. Coy of Aldea visited ia the elty
Prank Paiae,aarry Kent aad Aeroa
Uorcan are amoar the boys from here
Ukioc in tbe elreel fair at CadilUa.
H. Moaucue raMraed last alcbt
from Cbioaco
Mra Parraet aad daaebtor Oatberiaa
who have been rieiUac friends aad
relatives in this nity. have rataned |a
Qlea Bavaa.
Jerry Salllvaa waa la town yaaterday
from Cedar.
Mra A. P. Ban, Miw Echo and A. E.
Bart who have ben apaadiac aeveral
Mrs-Charlee BsecmiUer.wbo baa beaa
vtolUac bar parvnu Mr. aad tots J. L.
Stanton of Piftb street, ratonad yaw
Urday to her borne at Cbtoaco.
Arch CtomeroB of Toreb Lake attend
ed tbe Bepabllema ooavenUoa here yet
Him Ads Smith left yestorday to
enter the Stale Normal aehoel at YpailaaU.
MUa Edith Holoomb will take
etadies at tba Suu Norms) tbto fall
Sba went to YpailaaU yesterday.
H. C Cate ct Solon wea here yeaterday.
Mias Lottie Helm ba* reiaraad from
Monroe Centre.
Will Uane aad Oiarlei Corbett rw
tnrend iaat nicht from Cadillac. .
Claude VaDdervoru and Roy Glbbe
bare retnreed from a fiablac trip near
Mayfield. Aey eaptnred a fine ise
of fish and report bavinc a nice tima
E P. Dame of Nortbport waa la town
Oolambae to be taken bank from Ba
to Upala. If say aaeh
madn It woold bn tha fnorU ttmn
tbatthn boaea of Un erwt explorar
have bean traasfnrrod.
AU Bpaatoh war vs
I bava laft
Porto Eiema watora. Ia
pnaen protocol cfaeaatlon plana.
A TliopsaDd To Ooe.
Ary firat-eUms a
makeyoaaaaltor aa orerooal eqnal
in aiyto. fit aaJ trimmlac to ao "Ad
ler'' ready-to-wear carmeot, bat ba
will have to cearce yoa doaUe, or
aeuly doable, for bto morvlem
Why? B e.ow be to bet oo« maa
•owarwMT voM aaoae ot tae feekla
faeillUm for buyiac and manafmetariac arejytor in eotapmrimoa. A«
ah. Bv.r7
advsBtaca Uore'ore. to____ired hyUe
wearer of "Adler" OoUiac.
Ike label>1 U
Uat to attaebe^
Adler" Salt ai
of aattotoeliea. It mesna-"BveryU
rifbt. from Uniac to bauoabola"
Walcli This Column For Baipion I
>e fron tba P.K.O.
Traveran City. Mieh.. Sept. IS. 16M
Daaa Mas CuLMap;-Aa memben
of Ue Praloraal HjiUeOimla bee leave
And Sebool Sapplies of all kinds eno tha OITT
to convey to yoe tbelr aympaUy ia
NEWS CO, PomWeBaildlac.
yoar bereavement and aorrow ter the
deaU of yoar son Mr. Genrca Oalman.
Fiftiv Cfinte Tobaveyouraboeabaireoledor Upsa■dhaatot•'
AocostS. ia»8.
A IXVjr V/OUlrD p.1,^ JOB 8ABLIN.814 ^^tetout.
It to not tor at to andertrke Ue office
of enaaolera. We know Uat we all
most. In each a Ume, look to Ue Good
Patbnr of all. who clreo tbe b1«wU>ca
of nhlldrea. frleada aad aelchbors aad
who Inhtoprovldec
in tbto bereavement you bare Ue rvnyoar son c*re bimaalf
Where W. B. PLETCHBR aarvae |
for bto coaatiy'a a
liar meals tor 86c and I
died nobly. Hepiac Uat yoar Ufa ita Laaebra In Ue w ■la for lie. Open all nlcbt.
precloea memories may ba loac pre
served, we are ever.
PaiUfoUy yoers in P. M. O..
Maa. A. A. McCor.
Mas CfiABLce Bbxkb.
Rxv. A. E. WcLia.
For !obt ScM Books
Guard Chains
Furniture Bargains!
Columbian Restaurant „„
If You Have Logs to Sell
Ae G. B. A 1. freickt boaae to reeeirisc a fresh east of palat.
The last oee dillarexcareloa eo tbe
C. A (Y. M. to Pet jskey will be run tomorraw.
P H. B. er bts leased Ue eari e^pr^
in UeGarmuoe baiMlac. formerly oc
cupied by J. W. 8laUr. aad will ombpy U wiU a fall line of baked roods.
Tlmorce R. Wlaato to impravlac the
appmranee of P. Kyaalka'a groovy
Word baa coma from WeatPlaiuaHa.,
U\tC. B. Btotmaa, one ot Company
H. Airty-tourtb Miebican. baa booo
vary iU aiaea be left Mtohlcu. BootUaorce LaUer will leave for S-jstwae one of Ue first to leave Moa
ford. Canada, Uto moraine ia reap
Uak Point, aad be went direct to hto
to a memace annouaeiaf tba iliaw
borne at Weal Plaiaa
bU moUer.
Rieyclc Girl look, aeeoad boom:
Mr. and Mra. P. T. O Neil will leave
Ue race in Manlatee yestorday.
today for PUat. Mr. O Nell will ramain aboet a week and bto wife aeveral
Oloaloc ofOmeaa.
Ae reeort eaaaoa at Omeaa baa
Mrm Cromwell arrived from New
eleaad. It a^ed wlU a flaa fare
York yeetorday aad
to Old Mtoaloa, where bm^ faUar, well party pivaa at the Leelanau
hotel, which waa aUended by a Urea
J. B. Biberto, to very ill.
ipany aad mraa a happy eloaiac of a
J. Praaer of Empire, to in Ue rity to
observe Ue Babrew New Year holiday. aaecesaful aaaaoa. Tbe reaorta eloand
Mr. aod Mra. James Morcan frill re- praelleally yeaurday.
OpiTMpond with tbe Trat-erpe City Lumber Cotupony.
We. bara tor aale Good,
Sound Hemlock Xuinber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
rsA-MTDB FOR « at.-ri
- MiO Machioeryofalldei
Ret Worka, OdrrUged aad Sbww
for Mile.
luiBSB uD Nraumn
lai I do all kioda of rt
palri^ aad
.mellikc. and that I eat
aad doclve
srk of
one in Ueelty
be deerived by what
oUen toll you t>
bat come and oom fa
MimOhrtotoaa MrDonald, formerly
I CBiwantoe alt my work to be riebt
of Uto city, bat lately of Haciaaw. bae aod if it doea not prove so I make I
cone to New York to care for bar bro
In till 8 O'clock every eveaiac
ther Ataey. ooe of Ue Maniatoe aolexcept Sanday, in Ue Caldwell
dtora who baeame aiek at MeaUak don boUdlac. at aorU end of Oaiot
m to Chleaco Uto moraine. Mrs.
Morcan has apent Ua sammar ip Trav
erse City. Aelr return to beaUned by
a of Mr. Morcaa.
Heatriea Harioa of Grand Bapids, baa arrived io Ue city to take Ua
posiUtw aa irimmar tor Mtoa Aeksberry la her new milUaery store.
Mbs Palmer baa reteraed from Da- What the Beaks aad Uadinc Baalw
trait to take oharce of Ua
Men or Kalamaooo Ulakof Ue
department of tbe Bomton Stora.
Mrs. H. E. mehols ham cose to Ealkaaka for an uunded visited.
Jim Kohoe went to Graad lapl^ eviTmmPri
We. Ike u nOemleBre.
H. Birwihberc of B'k Bapide to in tba
city to spend tbe Hebrew New Ymt
eerrroBtte U« totter merekltomboUdaya.
^ lerer. We e^d^fnnyf ^
IcURu Accident Association. Sayl
■mecvwof ih* 8Cfa
Ae fare to New York to more, bat prtSefjSs.* iweer m 'uritm
we cl*e you a eomplete oa
koy facet to 14) for $3 74.
you cel: Salt of eiotboo,
PrMtorei rirmt Petleul Bmek.
• lyltob; ea
t): cap b
ra or belt: silk tie; aatoek
.• Cwiihtor a«we Smvt^ Baek.
I for 63.71
iroa Uare't only one. plam
____e ia town
A. M. OrmAmsA
_ere sack anspa V to be had—it's at
Ais**“*w"* *'
S Benda A Oo.’m.. V. Prladrtck block.
today at from 7S oasto to 61.00 |
• Tbnrtoll A Gmaa. Ltd., oc
' ~ >km etraata.
o. P. OARVEB. Atomn
OmHePiam-m Shoe Sura
A . £1
.! »« » I
a e'r.OMs
Ladies, elaaa yoar kid
Hiller OloveUaa It to aot a Mqold.
leavaa no Oder aad cube sasd while
Uacto** tone tba band. Poraalaealy
Ever Barned Out*
If eo yoa know
Uw A«b I WButod ia Un.
oooapiBd Tarrltory.
John R. Santo,
Gwn) litinioe.
a. including Two Engiiu.,,
A ooupletA Saw HUl PUat
THjt MO*»nrO JtgOOBDg^TPBDAY, 88PT»ICB»B 17, 1898._______ ''
*.>■ to (totol.ItoAttol
br Ito
- jtaaKltoto>>*A«<w« •>>«> <7>to
tilfcototbMrqiinlitynpon ibatotowwa
■ wU^annntnbJvetodtoapcaUttruis
t ar l«MkMe cf UMit |«rto nre psnbued
1 to rmd tbaa oaiefnllp and tbooptatfolkr
*• BT,»,r.—-*1»
rf CtotaltalUV.-- Mj.”
ImkK tT. W-si.
*'Wbat haa oanicd 700 to ebange
Ohrtatiaiiltj to »trioniphMt »1Wo«i.
Iti Wnmpli to propbMied In tbo Scrip.
•‘doe lillle paiaftraph. wblrti Ao»t
AWtoto In ire TbioD of Daniel tbe
mote kncnriedgc ot 88rioo8 strni'e tban
tiMt r^irawulril Cbe kiiigrtntn ctf God ; 1 wonld bare glrea a bouebolO bfni
dMtpoyed ibe otbcf Itin^oa^ The credUfor. It oafi
book rtf EeTetotieo to * ewtoe of ri«k»» otiea BBiiiaB uatertoli:
.•tolW.d.lat ptonrallKitoradioI ^
vitb Ira.
in detolto abow ■
a totoraO.
oeofl'Jteoatp' «ba q^Utyod material and
^ lalllifnIlWM In eopetonotlcB wbioh ton
to tboM wbo make and u
mtao. tb* grare. ttemwdooi
sanouL'ihuui more
ignotaaoeaDdatipemitKii of the ^
^ iteaotm and tbendore la the people
4-iAo make.and »U them toahown by
tfaalatM eidma whtob oer maoataotor*
«aoC Am
During the Battle
of Santiago.
tool, tariooaltom and
found in the world. It went forth
inering and to conquer, and the day
will oamewbM Ita rictory will be oompieta, wb* “at tbe nameof Jwia erery
knee aball bow • • • and every tongoe
oompUcaUd machinery
the 6«*1 year Jurt
..ended. SetopbOMe. nlegraph inatm.AMBta. typeyrriten, Wcyclea ateam enflta fe«in«e, tailway eoginea.
nfem that Jeana Ohriat to lasd I"
Tbe topical rtforetweaaggeeto the brinmph of Cbrittlanlty orer rariona Ihlnga
In life. It te tbe reooid of Cbriat’a riail
Kmazeth, where He atood ep In tbe
dored that In
' inolMtov jnMhinecT. eleotrioal mnmacbioea printing
tv odeoiittc per-
Him tbia Serlptore waa
(8 and trinmpha of
tbe year of jobilee are tboa typical of
tiM WeaalngBand trinmphaQf.Chrtotian-
'{m olocka. watch a. pto
'.andpCber artidea ot tfaia '
ity. Ibey mggeat that—'
1. Obrtotionity triolbidta over all boman couditiona “Ur hath anointed me
to iwaob the gospel to tbe poor.” The
and American
poor epectolly wore bonedtod In the year
iDTalae to
of jnWle*. They nwuired again tbe Inberitauow of their aneeaton, bat not at
Tbe PAoker* at the BatUe of
Santiago de Onba Were AU
Heroee — Their Heroic Efforte in Oettiofc Ammanltion and Bations to the
Front Saved the liey.
tbe eapenae of tbe ownera They in
nality bad only leaiwl tbem ontil tbe
A miUimi dolian’ wertb a week baa
biw n^- (tom the people of the Dnit*
adanteabytiMpeaide of dtotant natlona aa a pOM^ erideooeot their adoonfideooe
jnbilee year. Tbe toot bare tbe goapel
prMcbiid to tbem. it if offered to and
needed jost as woU by tbe rich. There
to no oaeie feyatem In CbriAianicy. It
Inak* d-jwu
Amerioan wo^an and the American
nrer. From the great manO'
I of England, Gor
and India, wk«a gmerationsef RkilUnl
men Hred. n * bed ami pamed away
Mbre a wboeJ waa taned or a fuotory
MtabUdted la America; from the foreata
.<g Alriw and tbe idande of Ovoaniea,
.toon TnriKy. tram PeHia, from Slam,
from Korea, from Aden, the Aioree,
Anckland, Fiji. Tcmga. Samoa, UadaMcar, Tripoli. German Alrira. Spani^Ooeanica, BrittobAeattalaaia. Do«h
»ito.ttto^ FraoebGntona.P<noRfieee
a*rtf«, Ariatic Bnmia and anintrira of
Ike faunian barriora that
oeiwrate men, and rich and pour an one
tito tide of tbe glolM anAto 1
' and sparsely popatotad peitaof tbecartb
, to a calm ooufldeuce that in inezperi.tDcad band! they will perform and 000-
asange of'tbe decide. From tbe time
that (ypewriten and bloycles came into
tall and apwo. with a giaad. (atrician
air He bas a maguiiicuut besA oowu-
we tbere bas been a demand npon ns
and BOW tbeir exportaHao
ed with white bair. atraugly marked
featores, tbe aspoct of eu ascetic, with
ral ap
it tbto oanfMcnoe to folly jMtifted
.. ky aipectooce tosbown by the steadily
!■ p».4..y demand for oor machinery.
Fur yean we bare exported from fa.
000.000 to »».OOO.OQ(tw«^por------------
« BM lo^ to erery part of I
woM baa in a tingle year taken tbe
TOlM -ct $l,WM.l&8; of hieyclea W.84S,U»: of aewing maebliNB. OB.lSf.
•04; of Bdentiflo and electrical InstruBWDtt. etc., »a.770.8O8, “InteUigent
Bocklcn’e Arnica Solwe.
Tbk But SALVk in tbe world
Ooto. Brnlaea. Soreo, Ulcere,
Rheum. Pe*er Sores, Tetter. Chaj
Bands. Chilblains. Corns.! *
Eruptions, and positively curee Pile
or no pa • required. II is (
Ivepei- - aetiatoction or mi
be replied. ‘Btssusu Leo All was tbe
bepefactor of my family, bat also be-
inquire of H.
den Times; wbUe another enioent free
wise Leo tignifies lion, and tbe virtue
which eeeme to nw tbe most
erand Ripldi ft Indiini K B
■sty trim
tooda aatbority, tbe London Eoonamtot.
aouoanta fer the soooessfnl iuraaiou of
the world'e Bmikeu by the prodacta of
fmirlrBr titilled labor by tbe tact tbat
Htor tba American aynem of protaottCB tbe imats earned by manafactm1 largely
_ ly expended in tbe
of tarilities and tbo imof pfoceasca and applisiwea.
• prctvre t> Parebaee
■kips (a Kaclaak.
■nm Ledger cf Tacoma Kcentiy noted
eight tieamtbe lOBding at that port of eight
otf all to tbe toaoe of tbe lioo '
Then weio three ballotings at bis
iblpi. eOLb
eOLb beexiLg fruu 4.0CV to AOOO
turn dcBd weight. Cummeuting qb Uw
abon. tbe Mew York UrntmEiotol reTbMtitumenuaall BrMsb boilt.
jarltitooWBedandbritisbiDanDeA Bat
«bOt will tbe Jaienma thick of os, we
B smthc wbcaa BMtbods and styleesbe
Bkas to imitate, to fiudjtmtriean bailt
•titosuMolng to tbem inBrUtob tnmps?
4 sot Japan iLink that BritWbytoOBld
c beat 11 we sbuw that we do
g tbem
Jto «BT peete to do oar eerrying?
Man's Mastery Over Nature
Id All Land*.
Pnibsto-prarUec. Booais»<
Ift.MftTSOtllt Oo
H. It.. l-ni»w»HT Peon. UBhwIl »*ims«..>i
•Pboiw IQS. KM. W. _____________
Tito OnORds
new. MenItoW IPard of Peatios
Ofliee Priedriel; bUs-kr. ’pbooe. h
atunllno In isz
?,7K at low.
wieic Bl.wk.______________________
«e»tn Hsall
..»to II S.O
I. *iE!VrSi.“
.. m. Tslsphcoe. 71
HIVnnE-WlU r
IS cs>l« «
Rr.-m b
V7oC»i>-n)^» fell ev-Trost.
f mvrr si Rs-usn iiSrc-
T nvT-tJsnrsv cc
L^tslnlne IT |>»lr orm
raanlrd ti| IvstUls lo Cl
sate «•«
SSSff«8 fiS£S SSS
Plaeevered by a Wor
Aootber great discovery haa been
mde.and that. too. by a lady In this
..ountry. ' U aease fastened iwclotetaea opoB her aad for aever yean ebe
witbatood its aevrrest teals, but bar
I $CS2fiSSfiSSR8ft«S5£
I ~rss»*
uC pen at
Klrbib eUv
tsest biU tai pliUE
posstUt to pnOko.
History and Biography
F'.t’ss'i-Eis.-rir.Lj'ra ,7'
■fTTJUfTBD-N"r»e rtrl m
W J W UIslV'.
In Rarest Form.
m foti osrl Sw
MCnSNrK -When
ilrarttist law I:
:.'f - WewhttOndsiilUs
ol nrU from icctnto
....... "ils ; 1 tilo Oton uUoRUes.
pTiV <f
1. Allyo. Vrl
rnwn op fi>lk>
JJ.W j™
rolemlMsii Rveiauiani
C»OB HabS-Tvro rawm J. .|al|
f sib K Korthaw a bsrdosr
eaaaaaaaaucB.aaa a,
SiSB 8
Wc pw lito amO
plus ilitn III Pu'E
M bin era troO.
"Stmtui's uitinr
luti. Tni
UtentDi cu Mra die.
Ou an tasa* paid befees Optoher li
there will be rUarred one per evwt. penalty for
eolbwltoe aad oa aU (asea pa dne aod after
Ortobrr 1st uoUI KevealH-r fat. MM, the e will
be chsraeC a peaallr oM V
tiro. Al! tssot nwalnli
Iw. rm. wiUberipvurued
*iU be rmrved iolbrCtlrCI
..__4>enlaatkewlsierlai roils.
3^S7K^8Ua.m. Slsepmt aad «miar
cES-iTsis'KsrfStroa. 00T0UWMTir,',.7r:vis.‘!.sS
One tore tor rooBd trip. 8eltOet.ftb
aad moBBad by' Americans, wen anto mb moreOet. 17th. Oaoaxtondte ea^aodbeaMearostklsiratB
____ ________
oMid iadtiug oar carrying, tbeywoold
_________________________ jMad.gort Baras
Oct Slat. Most direct ronta. ekortert
Samikmt oatioot that buy etaifa what
OstrWl s«d OTMd ■44Ue.rtop.a Veriw
aad baOal car (row DstroHea tbto teals.
C B M0BBAT. Agaat.
irMT bare to beve tbeir
Mbtatoid U goiat toGrut Btitoto.
C L. LoegwooD, O. F. A T.
, o. k boeswoen f^rlA^AlitoSSSLBanMs
The compressed essence of
Each sentence an idea
Every page a jewel casket of
richest thought and rarest
language holding the read
er eotranf^
”! A Picture index at the Close. I
go to Gnat tod
to** tbeir
KBigkt UmfiMT OcHliTe nt nttoknif
How Christianity grows
How Buddhism grasps
How Hindooism embraces
How Mohammedanism s n b'
^ A Classic In It’s Literary Style.
Sot ce to Tax Fayerp
lolllbris wr »«ee aeui I
IW. for the purpow of rolleeiUic I
aodctiy leiea aaC aperlsl aaaraaet
(sVhe c«r (or the
. prtoeai
OBee hours (rows
oto II :SUo'<
dork to torloriipto rlorki
How cities have grown
How nations have arisen
How kings and queens, lords
and ladies have lived and
loved governed and' died.
Told With tbe richness of
Religion’s Hold On Humanity.
Heo<1 twvtov » cent Msrap* lor i
of tbe pastsirr sloos. Drop sll tree
fan a wooib «ltb our esrlaalTC
Tsi Kariosal. B*«s CosncBS. JvtI
-.srsira-s. sJ.,“
•=2= = “
How Little Laplanders Live
Farm Life in Norway
Haymaking in Switzerland
Women of the Saltan’s Pal-'
Donkey Drivers in Egypt
Human Horses in Japan
, River Houses in China •
Drosbky Riding io Russia
Palaces. Temples. Mosques,
Shrine.®. Cathedrals, Obel
isks. Monuments, Ruins,
Homes of Great Men, past
and present, and Common
Cottages where
ions live.
So OkiMCO Fer tS OO.
Oommenelag 00 Bepteaaber tbe l*th
Tbe Kcwibern Mleblg*» TnesporteUOB Oo. wUl ewll roead trip ticketa
from TnvarMTHly toChlevgnfnrfS 00.
October I5th.
Tickets on sale at the dock rttea on
tone 30
above data. 'Pboi
K. H. PorK, Agent.
PeenUu People
to {U oir iaods bnnht
lo oD Ooon 0;
Mr. Stoddard's ordst
fD t tbouud tiC6 tros
; Art and Architecture of the World
for O
lleved oe taking tbe firm* «Ute that she
aleptall aig^: aod with two boitlra
bas been abL luiely cured
Rer name
la Mra. Lutber Lnu " Thus wriwe W.
' Bamniek
imaL_ A
. Oo.. ct Shelbv. N. C.
Trial bolUea lo eta.attbedmgatorcaef
~ Walt aad J. G. Jobnaoo. Regu
lar els* sac aad f l. Every b jtUe guei
In M*df Land*.
raare fnm SO- 1.. ttW
I.srr* h®
ovrrflooiss ollbbvppr lllowr-tloo*
deo* iirllrrm. Kelblar like itaeei foi
rolSen ksrvesifur eoef»eilr wofSrr
44, or two awn tbaa were
bto elevation.
The mountain road over the
Alps. The St. Gotthard
Tunnel with 167 Railroad
Bridges. Famous Loop
Road up to Darjeeling in '
the Himalayas and scores
of other wonderful engin
eering feats of the htman
life In All Ifs Phases
•loNioa. At tbe first bo netivud »7
volee. M tbe aocood 86 land at tbe third
wen Ibe pruiocti uf an Illinois eteel
i udmd lot tbe nBOHMBUy and
tim atock Weamer* carrying tbo nils
uadewiUd BS iLe largest end moat
mdenily tqnipprd steal trump suom-
e»«l* lls^hsi
sea Unnawiitof I
W. Cunnlngbata. Agent
«n with sttii ibils ter Japan. Tbe ralto
•(•to be equipped with American ndl-
N. ini.WK.'b«nl«l.O
saeceoTcrsBcins- tiiPToi
V-a Ann Arbor rai!vr,y. WednesHy.
Oetober Sth. iH#e
Tnr >ugh
from Trvveree Citv
L-a** M. 4 N. E
rallrosd depot St 0:3.'a in. Tk-kels to
To’edo and return fi 00; one fare from
poisU on tbe
Ibe Wheeling i
d pniste
pcarenceof tbelignre. Uisfareisl:
I ligbt- Toledo atvd
Lake Erie. H fkiog
fking Valle;
Valley. Oh»o C«ped by a pitiraiuK look, and bis aniiaUo
Ml. Detroit
oil A Dims North
Northern. Cmeto
__ .
lilton & 0 yt-n h
leduand Lima aodI ^OhTo
Ohio Cent'
I and very pleositu;.
iween T»>(
Cboogb leas mellow aod more powerii
anv rr(
tiuu that of Pius UL
Tickets good to return <
“Tin day after hw election be was
wfay be took tba tuuno uf Lao, and
m>a Womsy's oarthvra Isod to ladla'soMta-
Annul Obie Ezranton-
of tfais
Towering Mountains
Sublime Canons
Foaming Cataracts
'Sweeping Rivers
Placid Lakes
Rippiini; Rills.
litli ora 1,000
Then B Al. wilt give tbeir annual
exeurtioB tc Richmond on B picmber
lavery. it bas aboIUbad f-tn. and m Detroit and CbVsg-.
t the civilised world week later. October 4th. Tickets
be sold at tbe rate of ft on in BIcbn
y 0
over oUrtob
and Dctmil. and ffi.O') to • ;irc»t{». n.lldibn under 12 vemra, bsM rate
Ti k‘ glor.
eu will be S0I.I from all sUtiotiN, Mack
ligion. May tbe spirit of tbe Lord reat ipaw City to Big Uvp'.ds. in-’n'lve
npon os and anoint o« to proclaim these good for return ou regular Ualns for
aH parti of the eaitta, and tbe flBurca
ter the past year range far abore tbe
ttooe to perform tbe datim t
Nature, in ail it’s Varied Aspects
KSiS toTr.:::::::::;:
mphs <r
«y tbn
ten daya
For Detroit, choice of two motes will
ible Beadiugs —Pa I
«1: lull. 1-ia: laa it, 1-8: Dan. ii, be given: One vis F & P. M. rs'lr. ad
*l-t6: Mic. iv. 1.8;Malh. xiil. 81-88; from Reed Cilv: the other, v.a D . O H.
* II. railroad from Orand Bip'ds
Chicago tbe route will be tia Vicktharg
and tbe (Irand Trunk system
B«v. ». 11-14; Vi. 1. a.
For lime of trains and further inf'.r
RiBiInn. apply to
R- * 1
- Whan Lee Kilt Beeat twps.
ageaie. ora
At tbe tima of bis intlelUiiou tbe apU. P A T. A
1*C 201
peoranoe of tbe present pope is tbns de
scribed by the Abbe VidisK. bis biogve.Lhsri "The iikw liisliDO of Rome is
Are not only Universal in Scope But Broadly CoinprebeBsin
in Subject Matter, they embrace;
Christ came to beal broken bearta, and
looked npon as UinA Slavu were froud
eor-workabopa are carried to tbe oppo-
RtiTiHA BiTW* or TRAVmmx errr 1
that ate-----------------wwtbe iadireet savior of our artu}.
for If the packers bed beeo unable t >
broken hearted." How many bearta work there would have been no way of
“ *
mnst have bum brakut in Israel by mp- getting SHoplies to tbe front
no roans shat
that a wagon train con
•rations und Ioms of family inboritI
radeand myself had i1
My comrai
•nces? Bot when tbe year of jabilee
waa nsberwl in loved ones were again
inedirlne forr our--------our pwk-iraln
BDited, iuewis were retrieved. Broken
l-ii TWmpa. and I know In four oases
bmrta were healed. Tbit to tbe miation
it absolutely esvrd
of Cbruiiianity, to heal tbe broken
The above letter was wrltt-a to the
beaned. bearta brcAcn by tbe amowe manufactorera of tbto medirlne. me
which come from aeparatiema. adreral- ChsroKVrlalo Med Woe Oo.. Dee Moines
tiaa, mbolatiocs and tbe rcaolta of sin. Iowa. For esle by S E. Vait.
toooraewiog maebinea, akillcd opera. Imp in tbe great European centeia comtba world with oor tqie^pb inftra
.wnta, and tbe natirea Of Africa, India
and Ooaanioa disport tbemwlvee on oar
Uqydea. Oomplicaled insmunoDte fran
Bran per 11
in Jmtis CbiiNt.
8. Cbrtotianity triompbf over eor-
He does btstl tbem today.
1896 Aastal SxButinu via 0. R. A L
«. Obristianity trinuiphi over alav
Ebe capay. "To preach dclivcraiioe
te UelaenA. Septesbn >7ib; Tc
Uth and recovenug of toe aigbt
Sitrtit ia& Cbtoeee Oct itb.
blind.” Tba captivea in prians
tobor highly paid" to tbf ac
Stoddard Lerdures
i: w,'
Salt per
P. B. IlnUer. of pack train h'% 8.
TlUng from SaetligodeCnba. on Jn y
Id. eaya:
eara: "We al
all bad diarrbi
diarrbmi io
form, and when
more or Iras vlolei
I time to area docwe landed we hi
of rash aod ro«h
lor, tor it wae a
sapeight and day t« beep tbe troops
and rations
piled with ammanliioa ani
but thankt to . Cbamto-rlmli
dy. V
Cholera and Diarri aa Bet
nd ke-
Oentral and South America emue ordera
■ tbepmdoct of Amerian workmeu
ad American factnriec Japanem fint oar typewriteti, Cbi
•MS feet and banda give motion and life
mnimtowitfa otbm in dtoiaot parta of
Slot or Well, a Kush
Night and Day.
•ynagogae and read laa. Ixi. 1, and de-
mZ working macfaUnry, aboe mans.
____ ______I_____
Cltai-l>Arf-k p
Shm-tCtji Ptrk..........
‘aIwI <'et i’ork |i«r 1b ■
tlanitr h«Te toininpbed In the pari orw
' Tbat-^dM^ «t UMeneldbare
;«gaMnea to American gooda <d tbto
'.taea neoeiT^ in
Helow to a Itol of ibe bovlng and anillar prieea of ynitUeda; for groeerita.
proTtrintia and farm pr^aeto In Trav-
in eotoi oueof wbiris tbe triompb cd tbe
rell«ou eJ CiUrirt to mentcd.
owoboratoi peopherf: Cliri« and Caifto-
wliloli niut to btodled rad
aStotoiSir»li Itoto ralfclto.
**I cmr nnd to tblnk mncb ot ttMoa
boaoeboU blnto." remarked Senator
anpghem. *‘1 gQMi it'a bocAQae 1 failed
' •
aiUebnllM. .
Bringing all of tbe iUnstra*
tions in alphabetical ar*
rangement within onr im
mediate control.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.