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The Morning Record, March 31, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
teiTOl SENT.
aksnrLKT has voso rosiKAx.
1*.” WM i««l7 Mprodaoad aad fli
^ Mlw LeoaaSprovl. toltowad bf •
vo«aI Mlo bj Min Eu* Bcbaelder.
A eoaie dcclnutioa eaUU«<i.
Oanui:'- «M wMl fi«u bjr Min Vnto
•.•Tb« Pirn 8do»WXU. OOKB TODAT.
•d hr Min PnaeU
Min LoUl* Holm wtortolaod «:1U>
Tmm to b« MbpnUMM or Onba for
o fluo Ml* wbleb wm bwrtilj hf8>oo,oooooo
»nt Oraml rUadcd.
«fomw to Mo XA»c«r WUHoc to P«7
Ehot ABoostte Bpota—Ib«bi«mu
« OB ^orelga 1
•M«d hr PrwMmt that AHtwMoB
wm Dome to a Head io aPev Oaja
—Perhapa Today-Tho^t Uawlao
To Bntry the Admlolakt^ar^ar.
Eoy Banaaforda Eaoapa.
Yealarday aflemooo Ko; Uaoaa
had a aairow oaeape front Mrleae fniojory on Snath L'nloa atroet in Pera*
wood. Ha waa banlinir a load of lam
bar with a teaia of apirttod eolU aod
Whoa the Um atopprd they benma
Mghteaad a^ aUrted to rani .'Boy
rraapad tba hha aod ,waa drarged aome
dMaaoe. Mbao be let go to avoid being
dnhad a^Mt a tel^raph pola Be
faU ud^ the feet of the barmn and
taan and wagm paaaed omr bin. bat
fortaaataly wllboat iajory. A ebliU4os with tbe telegraph pole oa^orTod
and the pole waa broken In two.
«ee.*- MinVm
Garter ood Min Miale Dnpmannud
Wuhtogtea. Mareh 90.—It i
an- the aSrmative aod epoko elaqaeatlj ct
WaabiDgtoo. March 10 -IW'a^ata
thoritlvely aaiMaecd today by a oaoa-1 the great habit of Urdioow aad of how {,
I no foreign reUUooa fallod
K> Me direct front the pmident noeh raloe panetoality ia In the Itte-of i v» reaeh an agreement thia forenoon
Eale of aU popuUr Sboet Bntic at
•ad who te In eloee eboMenee with n botinen man.
> on any of tbe .Cohan reMintioaa be- half prlue will be eoatlnned for tbii
hiat. that- tba nltimatoin of tbU gov ' The neniiVe waa wall haadl^ by {foro ^t.
daya longer. W. W. Kimt
. 29$
.....__ _
araneat baa beeoaaot ho dpaio aad { Min CUUta Oanbarand Min MaUiej Tba nwr^
-mi.o ^ tnmmee wl.r. Front at reel.
that an anawarUeapeetad tomorrow.! Lyoa. Min Aana OrUtt and Min^nw tbe h—..ten to<i»v aM.ored tbe
Tbe preeideat aleo eaid thU to Sena-' Btbellod ti.tehel took part ia tbe V«)-1 other ornif-e ike Cuban aituaUpo
tortBaana, Barrowa-Spoooer. Aldriclv* I
dlacMioa. Tbe dec-lalun of tbe woaM come u> a head in a very^ew
.AUboa aod Woleott.
'debaU waa given by the aoclety tn|daya and. that conpwn would be' lo-•
Be told them be bad demanded that favor of tbe negative
formed at ooce. The oUnnl limit
I of. Mlta Norton gave the criUc'a roporl placed npon tbe time when the matter :
Epaia raoogntu the t
tha Caban Bepnblle. aoeepi Ganeml | nnd after no imprompto apeecb by tbe . will be antlrd in one ara.v or another
Oonea offer of t200.000.000 for tbe free- vloe pmident tbe meeting ndjonrned.! wu auird t > tv one week: othare
don of tbetotand.and evacuate Cobo'
----- -----_ _ ^_T“______j thought it m.Mrbi b-within Anay vU ht
One Place In Town To
Save Money By Buying Wall Paper
4« A doabla roll
bo A doablo roll
6o A dooble roU
8o A doable roll
lOo A doable roU
M. is. HOLLAV. Maiwefn
OompAre qoAlity
with piioe before you bay
SPAIN’S LAST CARDhr—u,-------- -
( 'TKSXr'THE-faun loop HOOKS MW EfES
Ifodoetbetu wbo know bo* |
------------I be unwiw in view of tin- n g tiaiioaal
\ Ther etap boekad-Me puUlng looaa-Ho gaoptag-Laavos the auimea
bard tbe ( «ied Ittiereeu of Europe \ WUX BE PITTED AT F0V& nowon br prrcipitate
*>)' «"
S'"”-! “«1>B to do ao.
thia tlma
It waa eald
grrM need.
Hlt^ Oo. (nerrlaoil, Ohio,
.Id a brief armtotioe!
not take e?tlon
rry 'Or admlnl-ad
wiU be aMOngod U Spain aooapi
what baa
mlllmatom. to get .her troope
imeron llule forte. |
la^tromUe r-----------Tbe dUUoeUhe feature of the
laLadlaa'Shlrt WalataaewaBdlaplagEBAA
. ...... -towalti
pveugeelerlBge.nahagbeta. grtoaamunotal^
.diM.oaQ.<ieo. '
! Oban the p^Reliahle Dry Goods^ Carpet
Kew York. March 90.-Svnor Palma
''and Clothing House.
ity of the oommittee waa lo favor of
bae reeeivod a loiter from Oaaaral Maxino' Oomre In which the general aaya; Ona of Them he Proclaim As Ar. vlgorooa actioa aa toon oa It la evident
! diplomatic reeoareita have been exmlatioa to Allow
“Here we are all of ua teeldod lo raa
Aftangamaai, Tbran^ Oood Qfl. bauated.
tba riaka and bArdahipa of war without
It ia stated
oaa af T^ Opostiy-Tha Other,
lomontforaay kind of
baa Mked the
Spain to Do Baf Beat to BaUSva
oogreaa not to act for sixty boura. I
. “Let thoru not be tba aligbtaat doubt
DeaUtatioa on lalasd aad Permit
<, Another a^temeot U to tbe effect i
Amaag our trioada abroad nt to our din-1 Vnltad Sutaa to Aaaiat.
that the Sagakta ministrv
McaiUoo to fniai onr duty unltl
I jourSed and thia <-)n«ea a delay in geP
I^l7iail^!^a^ t?'cull"*~i*rr*lih’^! MadHd, March 90.—A eablnet ooun.'Usg advioea from Madrid,
g eevtatetr. each as
frionda abroad to.be aura of that and «U ^ held thia afteraoOD to eonabler
■ «o'believe what wd have we haVe alrea-, the American propoaala: another wUI
4j proved during three yenra—that we ; >M held tomorrow at noon nrmided Prol P. B. Bathaway ot Tltnt WIU
vlU saw ytalA**
Itootore os AiMka. April Pcb.
r by tbe queen regent, and at 4 p.
At'a maaUsg of the CuhM Junto toProtcMor C T. Orawo hM learned
...................... ..........^dlaewMd aad no-j*»IU be n Bnal
gatioABubeaaqald: ••ThU to an old. «***«iboa between UsUad Stotoa that Bev. Morgan Wood will be onablo
to keep bto engagemsat to lecture here
^n revived. Two years ago, we were Mlntoter Womiford. Saaor SagMto,
io the High tcbool lecture cuune until
wUllng and aaxIoMto eettle la tbto pramler, Senor Unllon. fOToign minlata ia May. Be baa toerefore decided |
Mtor. aad Senor Moret.' mlstoUr not to wait and baa aeenred an eogage-1
' **I am la n peaitioa to aay. with
meat with PiW. F. E. Haibaway of;
nutbority. that wirila thaOubasa would for oelosiea The propMlUon wbkb
Flint, wbo will nppMr hero Satorday i
40* Union Stiapt
Sonth Sldo Slioo Storo.
.. Bot oonaant to the payment of B900.- Spain will aaiwar eoveru two polott
evonlag, AprU »to. la hto IntarMtiag
ASSAM tor Isdepaadaaee they are wlU only, it to a* foliowe: Spain to proleetore oa AiMka Profeoaor Hatha
isg aad able to pay baU thatanm." claim immadUto armtotioe la Cuba to way to eo eloquent ajieaker aad bM
Uat sstil Oetober dortog wbieh inter ■peat a year in Ala^ stodylag the
and eonval tbe Caiud Statca will bm ita good tMtuntry. lie
with titd inaonraata to make a dltioat. He has given tbe lector* la
^Btotad PiesMaat BeBalay Taetor*
twaniy different elllM daring the pMt
tompomiy pMga permanent: asd
day to Xiebigns DalagatiOB
year nad in aaeb^aeo toe laotoiu la
oad. Spale lo do her best towards re-1
We lxAT« nioe Apples, Oranges and Lemons, also
d ot greet iatoreat nad value
Waablagtas. March 90.-Tba Mieki- lieviag anffertog.asd aiarvallos m tbe aad toe lacinror aa aUqoi
Dried Aptioou, PeaChea, Fronsa, Piga, Datas and
gnu RepabHean mambara met at tto lalasd with America to ba allowed to
Whlta Booaa UM moralag. At U;M
' toe praoldant gavaCbem as andlaace' amtoUs toe work.
to tba Ubney and bagas a rsaalsg WaoblfagtoB. March 90.—The propoeoereraaUoe. to wWhh all IMnad nntll altkm eeat lo Spaia, m Ilmws bare, to Afrivad Bora TMUrday io Prapnra
U o'clock. Mr. Corlim 'asd William
Per Bor 800000*0 Worb
Aldan Smith
tba chief apokm
Tbe ice bM cleared from Uttie Trnv- tvaeri blcjcl' r«sa<^ aad Valldar. aa mr A
3«e Frost Street.
boatUiUm in Caba. rotors of tba r^
to daMnring bow tbe
rM buy aad yeatorday the ateamer •bat^. aad •r’nrtr-waBd wo kesaaOla cuar- £|
All Jalsed In aaaurlsg too {
OolombU eatared tola port la oamsaad aawrthai Ivao raalU 0a].< li. lui-twr-iTToa> to fo«ar aad
ami«ir aurha | Sara
.tontmeebdolay would ba at
I of .Cuba. Tbe laM j of Cepiala Young, to prepare lor her ■ iba
tiaai raulivad abl.p l-i <b' <-ll} I awlvlldtory. and any aolntioa of toe Cuban featore wU! be aeenred prbbably on en :*«**on‘a work. The boat la to enUraly Isc baivral o>ar
Iv •Sk'b will ..uB-b.- Ubus'd, aad I nirUr (hp pat>»- In rail Mifl ladlflcally which did sot give alMolato
todemnity baato. It ha« been made i
P~»l«Jrd w}tb elea- aprriibr a.-Lnanablr "d iIwwp wbarla. U»1
Iravp ronr
wlib aoevva 10 pipprtaipai
indepeodesea would sot raoMra tba npMb’ .vnor ^ppo.a; Ipstp ii wlib mr aad 1
pfobntioo of oosgraaaman or tbe pao(savaaipr U will W rrualrr.! rl> bi
loM than tba oIom of the war and in-, ^ Cumminge will go oa ibr route ha1 do all kiaria
% ulraaif
rnof toelalaad wiU aoftim
, tweaa here uud CbarlvTqix. Prtaakvy,
Harbor Sprlno. Bay View. WrqneUm.
at nsrwhere. and for toe
a great bartialUp it wm to Mt quiet ia an adequate avttiament.
ring, and Harbor Print.
toe houav while the Democrata «
c in aod see mmplwk
- beve bMn mode with tbe O. B. ft I.
.allowedito Kbout for Coba libra with------------- .. .
wlireby tickeu on the mlliued nru
B. Sr. C3-XB133,
put limit. The preaidaot mid be fav
psstob Stoemvre nt Mew Orleeae
good *a» w.y on toe bay route. This
us anion Su.aaMri
4ged a foil and free dtocnaslon U tba
•rive Orflare to Sril for Borne
j wUl be ba 1
. bosae. Wheo tlie meeting wm over
Mew Orlenoe. March *0.—Tbe Span- { both to rcoortoi
tba pTMi'leDt requested tba dalagaMos tob elmmen bviv. the' Berugovra. U j ^ple who will
will have a *
to bear with him.
Phone Ho. 84.
Orunde. Unllego end otbhra. have r»-1 toe
••It wUI not be long,- he eMwmed to
oeived WlegrnpUe order* to Ukvioa
ball a dosea qnratioai as to when ha
Bru Duttos's Blrtodey Sorpriee.
,emnll enrgova end ihil el the enrlieat
would net.
p-dltow day, The otoomers atop at
Mra. OnttODOf Weet Ninth eu«vl met
Tba Michigan men aay they will atUI
ned Forto Bloo oa Ibrir wey tp relhar nnexpectedly iMt night n large
Attosd (ha boUar's confvreoRe tonight,
number of her Mende wbo celled to
but Svidaagy they will j>ln iu uo move- Spain, aod tbe r
meke many with her. toe ocoaetoo beiv
mast to foree toe prMidenl'a haod Jiwl lra«e plenty of
yet. oUbosrt'tltoy told him tbay had
riitbdeye. Nuato^d gemm were t
jM hope ba woMd aecore Cuban indeward vuyig^
feetorMof the evebieg. Tbe gueei
of toe Hoi
Fcrnm. of whleb ehe to. en booored
tVe cannot promiK yop a complete atock of shoee
member, peueentod her durieg toe
PlesMUt Pregnm nnd Dobote By Another Vtoet Bm atnrtod
ievening.e Urgu, bnndaome jardiniere
•e tbei to different
Spots. .
to chooae from. Sioce the opening of tkia great tel
.Junior Lyeeom TMtordny.
nin tokenof tbrir Mtoam nad mn i*-< fromtvbit everyoM etoa baa. and wu
W^iagtes. Mnrcb 90.—Tbe snvy membrasMof toeday.
A fair aixed nodiepoe getberud lo tbe
have the^. Tbe hodlso are i
ling out talc of shoes only, onr auea are -brolcen up
dspartsinl bet rverived n dlspetoh
The window* of tneinJberg'a etora azu In different eolorn and tber* ni
boylBg tbetewenl SpesMb wnrabipe
after school asd itotooed to ns lot^
other improvnmento that ma
bnt among those remaining arc bargains, for .anyone
a|ain elagutly doemrated with
beve left Oertoagenn. Spels?'Thrir
tag progrum by the Junior Lyovun
Gall la aad look I
qatoiie laatensd'bMatifoUy.arrai
Mntol tbenhMnMof toenrue. dwtineUoB la usknown as yet.
needing a pair of ahoes. They go at any ppce re
articlca df ladtoa' wearing npparri aad ovor aad you will paj that they are the
Urat too meeting was pTmUed^ver
ooBEs DVmoftir.
tpeelmen* of deem gooda, atop Sami Hoe of Baby OamagM yoa evor
gardless of cost. We need the room. . •
by tbe vloe president. Letosd Tri^p..^
MW. aod toe price to no higher tonp on
drat wea e piano duet by Mlvato ElsgrMb Bdl Bade n Special Otdor Is eruaw a dtoptay worthy ot mootion.
tboMoommononrrtofM yon have aeon
ErerV pair warranted.
. BebetMd.Mlaniv Brown, followed M
for yearn. .
# jpieeriog /vclemeiion. ••Moustels
r. March 90.-Senator BufbM
MasBmvnii.'-.by'Mlia Uonn Bortem
will eetura to hto omv the eeaeter hev-' A alee let of fiuah vegetoblm at mv
luenbouev. WIU ho gl*d to bava enlf'♦•IbeYoMmluVellvy-wMtbe eub- lerb/euoeoli
ere and ordare foe yyntohliOjtod Ay)Ml of e very ietereatiag es4 taetroo. dednttely tbooi
ttae ameg writue by tevU JMMisg. foat. .Tba beuM made the FingvM bill
Winiam CuUea B-yMt'oetoiy. ••Sal- a epaelri order foe Tburaday morning.
\ The New
1898 Spring Styles
Pnoanl biiD U bi Uit “MDO.
4h FBincnoi"
Gendron. >
Signal^ etc..
HM' Wheel Enameled For S2.5B
Try a Pair Of Oor ScjiBol Shoes
Good solid leather counters, soles and up
pers—that to the kind that wears.'
Wielm Bros.
Bicycle Repairing!
- Vegetables, Cabbage, fiagas'iid Beets.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
You have'
the prettiest
in town.
Nearly Gone.
THE fair:
Brosoh Block.
THB VtfMfUrO mwoto. THUHBPAT« MAB^H Sl^ lt».
F&R ONLY S2.50
•tmt*.kaa'k*M- «lo**d aad Mr. Sal-;
krt«lip*wartif to»owkl*«oek to
totoa. ai^to«taato» k yayaMaUr^rto. »k«r« k* femirty toald*d
Tbe weatdleplajr wiadowof tk* Ba^
IB teclBAW—1400 XMTBATnsxomr. • michiom
too Store tki* Mralac prtototab kaaaUtpl attractloa nfltotlv* of ^t*r
•I^w, MvcB KL-Aa MmI d«7 aWd the B*w koBoet* tkat lb* oeeaitoB
mil olrut it thoroQtrbiT, true the wbeek, ffire any colorj»nt»^*r*^«EiirD
,r*T»aU. TV wladow I* arttoUcUy
itai voi^ yoo triab. enamel ur -rmraiab yoor rime for atere prio*.
VkfM A«r* TMtorAsy.
trtiBBH<d with )ae« and d*U««ta fabrica
Oall1 and aw aunpir
; • • . 9wU t: Bat^
rt» «lty
Bar**** :
abo BaiJ
we aleo
MaUd Wheals to Order, do it chea»r and trite betwith clccaet •■P'^ bi»aeu at tV ••*-;>. W. BAnn,: Uitor «■« Mimiy. Aousd M AUi*eU«« • Amm M U* t*A ttal l•ataf•*.
ter meteriAl pud. irork than any abop in tbe city. Here bad aetnal
mmi ^k\U
Plot OtawB wU! l*aee for Aao Ar
yeera* etperieore eod gnarautee aatUactioo.
B«wr«kw« WM Uw
of kovltel- bor today to attoad tba »«*tli« of tV
Pkeee triTe OB a trial
JBLU8.811 Front Bt, Bast
tty la aTldMea BwldMow. tb« d«wa Mloblfaa Seboolntotan' Clab. a ctaiato^ •«««. aad ma %h« «»•*»• tu ooof*r«noa. aad tV Mtoklcaa;
•k«w«d Ow Undtwork o* Ik* d*coi»- Aeadamy if VIeooa. Tba.profta* tori
tor. Tke •‘whUa eap*” wHh tk* «»- •Mb U alabarat* aad «n*d »1U lator*mtloa flat wd rad ribboa kadr*A
1 ItMomlac tiaia* aad • rickt
royal wolooea* **ck del«c»UM roMirod. with rrarloe of B*c* *ad *»*r
tar b ■paclally praparod *oarAU dalaniM w*r* **oort*d *o tke ^;::re«u.uu» 1. to sotobi-t.
a to D.jio.toto.1—a.\ni«T>?-ltr.
•< «t Ik* >urti«ii M TnvMW 0H7,
Firat Coaf«0%^ «>"««*•
Job. Lo~«to w«» to\Fto.;tltot Jake SlB aadblacompoBy k*pt a
they rt«i*Mred ud roeoirad UMr a*V.
Ileaeeabakiar tkeir aidea
•tCBiaeal aad » baad of Jutor* *e(ed
~ to
M aimwfbr boj* ao-*kow Uwa to
wlpb Uaebur lakt ceealar »• Sto'aIWay.
prodaetlMof tV
; berr'* Graad. la tV• p
tk*lr pUec* of ttopplacJ. B. sUeer of IVnoaa. to tV f»e*t
>]>gQU Vaok mneh Mtcr
‘Ikora bad, been pIbM* arraac«d Ur
fare* ooawdy. “My Motber-ia-Uw.‘
•OOaalddeloiraUobadOOO *awrtai*«t of B-T. 8 ^Vry.
jUptOriieu aty TM
owe. wWxVi «i^V\ «o u>
wt& maVt
Vf.lllaiB Vltaar baa r*tareed from a. TV
tr*F. JUrtUjot^
Up to aia* •••dock eaory d«l<«aUk*ll week** bo<
toon ^etieatc^VwtwUor.
.. j- B. martiB
^ aoiboe are folly carrk-d
k*M M0l(O*d.
ywterday loc«re a recital to ^ Ep•ot Tbalfhl • RiptVWlBlilc" win
Tbc city laUwoy »«ry ktodly f»** to
wA b« oeta
igou •
tk« rwseptioa ooaaltu* looo tfek*u
MVOaaUyweaadWIlbor CUae ofI V fl«cc. It to Blated iVt tb*. COto\ikb A \odk
ottT rtetk. Ms cUu.
paaylaeapeelaliyadaDtod to Uto bV
«hlcb rrare BMd ky ih* coaaillo* I#
VICIOE pbt«»tvu
CkarleroU, are »•**»* of Mr. aad Mia
tkeli- tr*T*Ula( back ud torih to M«t
tarieal play whiek made Joe JeSeraoa
r. H. White.
won an& UmaMs. Vnees
tamoM aad wbleb ka* bad a fraator
Md*i*r*i**____Kath Smith, daasbter of W. A.
• aV lowrrr Ufa tkak say •tber
>Acn Bou4 ol PtthUe WortiA Tk* ilatbodtol people »ad Uj* ^ Bmiih of Cbarletola. to apeVla* e
tbc w*. -VLomv &00&A a»& 'KUKAsgs.
.rortk Lmtm kladly ope>*d tkclr
, pUyoalV*B>erlcao*U»a
ohonk W it
bobotUaUy dm- work ie iV dty. tV r»e*» ®f “>*•
«k4 0^ tlrtks.
Uawktaaad Mr*. B. D. Wood of WebXmdlw* Maos Kata at Mn. T. M.
lAVto*'*. MS-lf
Ik* *l*e«rkal dMoratloaa la tk* aler slract.
• tV 8e**t
where k* ka* b*ea taklas^ a I —
•rer kaowa.'
la a eoU^ of -dtoiaA B* StCiOlierg’S GfUd OpeTl flODU
At tv eiooiaf torrieaa both tV
wUI work ia tb* haak.t taewry d*na»
O ■
OoectoCbMoaal aad Mtokodlat ehaiobto
tkb.Mjamcr aade'rtaro to coU«Kc la
• paekad, ai^y beiar aaabta to
tV fall.
A im* Sltoky reiaiaed from CherV
It of Dr. Vyatoa at DeN tk* Ba(l* baa alwa>*
Jxir iyockla*all wtater
___ _
tkat party p^Klta *koi^ trolt. oa “Bto* Mleolea*;" Dr. Mei^
kar* •• part- For tkl*T~oo. wkUc Vail of <%toco. «e “Foreira Ml* „ J* aew Lladeay Park laa. Be rrlil
vwntoy to Barber Spriafa.
wa k*Tc Botkiar «• **7 af^Mt tk*
la tV M. M Vareb: Kto
a pro&tabU altoJoB«a of K*w York, oa ••Berne MV
•MTola,^ faeor tba electioa of tb* atoea” sad Dear. Bradley of Graad attoa to tV aciai
ConwpoDd with fl» Trm«« ^
attoaa* ttekot. aad. laalt «a***. wbare
tv oaalifleatioa* of tV eaodidat** ar*
' Wa hare far ada Good,
t aad tyeetal
•qad tv totor akoald gie* theJWtoe
McMieer<«tw pridea hiniMlf npem
«i*a to tV eaadidau oa tV dtlMa* tVt Vfc
.be daetiry of bto Cnfliik. to polM*lkA»Y ItyoB tv tVaaaeof a eaa- qtMBt applacM wa* rlrca a* tk* toUto« a»8>-Mi«t«r tV otlceT, If it tVl 1
dWat* apoa •ItSer tIeVt wb— yo» V ptiilif wcio mad*. Beldem Vr« eaek woald not yoB to make tV diitme»iurat
not oeoridM flt tor tV plao* V la aa«- ra*t aadtoace* kc*a
abeointc. nay 1 to yoe praeattbe bumtaatod to AU dost rou for him.
TV toUewiaircoi
TV tmtiMau of the Earle la pollV
to ai« to -well kaewa tVt it le aot aec- poiatV;
Plaaaea-T. G. ladenoa. Vaa B«- me inform (f tke qnick {alb by wbi<gi
Mary tor It to dtonk* tta bitter aatar
rea; Mr. M. Batch. Detroit: MV ImayeOBiphcanai
aVemtoVjtkWeertirliic of Bepob
Oallrry of tV Katii
Bayaea. Laaala(.
Me Up
Beadattoma-W. H. Streoc. Detrdt;
fa)r«raidtotkafmUam*aoa tt*CiV IT. B. HoUey. Trawto aty: H. C
Trarto. Kalamaioo: Edith So^. Mna-
tma xoBHora bboobd. mUIOURSIISESSIdR.
All This Week.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Comedy Co.
3§f|§5rif Mr. Jake Simon
laM*' ttoVk tVre to BO dto|
tael tVt tV *lty aad ward ttekeu, with
M* or two poeaible exoepUoa*. are
aadaapof Dadioerata. aamad by
Mato, aad are therefor* pcMtleally
DaoMeraUe tteVta. If tV polltlU
Mdltioea la Tratore* City were rowaned It eoaid V eafely eoeaied tVt
«V Bafle woald V tern eac*r to aUmtoat* party poUtiea torn maaldiml afTV Bsookd atoo baltorce tVt the
Vat maa Voeld V ekiiea to 811 tm-pvtaat poaiUoaelBika loeal yoraraMat. TkeVpobUeaaeiWe-totoatbMi
Md*VdeaaM«’~«C»«^.Vy *»-.
aanumeataad roHaWaaaA eomsetoat mea were Voaen ae ckadldatea.
awUl VJimU&cdla
• ThantoratV
■ ticket, aad la
aatlBf tk* ft.—
Aelaf to Wy wUl rote rlfbt.
kf^: Vatoa rerria. Sariaao;. iMtoa
SaeVt. Moarea; W. A. Priaea. Alpea*.
TV moat ooMpiewMU kadr* to tkat
of Detroit for tV
ties la ito Ob aU aidea. aad at aU
tlmea to beard .“Detroit. W. Tbea
aloac with tkto to tV frteadly. apirttod
BtrU* Vtweaa Graad BapM* aad Alp»aa to tke
Dvriaff tV year tkar* w*r« elfhtywca aew aoeieUaeeddV to tka.Vt
U tV BtoU. There ar* aew I.4ST Eadeator aoetotiet U Mkkiraa. with a
af aVat to.000. Dot of
Uto aamber 400 are Jaalor aad etfkL Doriaf tv year
try to drop sUtyIkra* eoeiettoB from tV koaV Oaiy
three aeetoUee withdrew to )oto d*-
•BcmReBT WUaoaWleto* tV
Mat akraV to American cera «aa V
IpMiy widcaad.UHe mya It to aarMaiaC VwllltV EoroptoB* kaaw
•Vat tkto freatataple aad V« tVy
taMt m ewsidertBf it aaiukl* only
lor auek.feaA .They ka*w aotkiaf
Mi Iaad oa* tootfamtme
Atok*e wbleb eaa V p
W aa AmMicaa cook, aad ao tof to
Ib*y arc Jcfl alcM tVy wUl a*tor
laam. 8**r*lary. WUaoe Vpee to VaVW tk*ai.SHe ka* reqareted com
lo aUow him a aafideat apppoprt
lattoabe aa cztoaalto exhibit of
•ad lia.piodaeU at tV kreat Parfa ex^Uoe, .where ah Baiope wUl ai
Wa aad totkeredemoaotiatciaa
..,.1, PT..UC.1 »»J.
ton. U
•he baklac of mntBaa. tV rala* of
AmerleaB.;oora a* an article *f tebl*
AtoL Mr.-'WUeoB aey* ^ a mietaV
Ve beea med* la Ue pad la VtamptiBf to ladace tV pooreet ctaeim. wm
11m OB only oaeartldowf ^ to eab4 atitat* ooraj m«al to wheat m rye
■ Bakr. Thej>re aaable to Vm mere
Mwa oaeaUplearUelaeatbelrUUae.
aV eoTB of Itaelf dee* aot pomem
S^toc* \8oar. Be looV to tta iatroBaathn raiVr aatosf *
aUe to
•Kmd mmeUaaUtoelBflcdtot.
■ aadlUlowoMt.
mkar of tV Tramrae
dbyCkarV E.
ir A Sop oa tV Soetk Side, ap-
■ *l-‘I7l^"/l>r'w^
-to?*. «w O
wUI rteM»**r: -Ad>*nM Itorrk tl. MB."
tw. * l«
Tiaeaiae Otty Markeb
Below to a Itot of IV Vylsf aad aeUi|r prleaa at ycoterday to
prorUioas aad farm
BXLLue i-Bica.
FIom.B L-AC.
Rya Floor. H. U A Co. Boat...
MU. B. U A Oo
Feed. B. U A Oo
Creamery Ba<
Vm per ba (edd).........
Cora per bo., old------Utprr bbl ..
Brao per tOO.......
Pototoe*. per V...
aiTTixe aataaoTT
Traverse Belle,
Popular Prices,
and for Ten Cents, the—
10, 20. 30c.
Diamond J.
Made by A. W. UAHRAUS,
«rb«at. oM.
Wheal, aew. .
Vta. No I. pm
Cora, per ba...
Tom fbaae imelmd a ear load of
k***ea trom Chleafa ymtorday. Mrs. Fraak Bardlek of Oadar, died
Taeaday aifkt of ooaeamptloa.
Fraak Park* wUI rid* a aew AdUke
aad Ralph HaaUU a SterUaf racer tkto
Ckicaro, March la-Wkeal-May.
-Icly. MWe;
N. E. StroBf'e realdcaoe eaa now V -Htc; Diwembor. 7e»»e.
Cora-Mareb. tSHe; May. tSUc.
reached by bplepbope Na 14A three Jaly. io>.4e>«c: Vptemher. sigf^kcrlafa.
aaM-MaKk.>4ko: May, r&c; Jaly,
^POrk—MarU, V M; May, V 4ft. .
Graad V|Mda.MarU »e-WVat. Sec.
Oa*Ms at tV Whtttaf
TV Dra. B. A A Oo.' PkyaleiaBs af
V Americas MViU aad BarflU latlta* wUl eobUsBe their mcatkly rt»la to TraTcri* Oty aad *aa V ermaltrd at tV Wkltlaf BoUl Friday.
April let. toS. from » a m. to S p. m.
TktotofMsd aewB totV maay ao-UlViaonrab- '—•-—
—- —
hMalwaya beea tV cam at eaek rtoit.
to tv towaaklp
of Tramrm Bay Btm. Sa Tl.^ O. T.
M.. ar* arfcstly rrq—ted to ^Mt la
Moatafa* lUU tktoafwraooa ak^Wa
•’dock sharp.
TV lamker laepettlfM aOiaa at
■ - • , U* weU I
ApeaM VIV HaaditSMAMUlfkaa
kieak. V lAarga a< ft P. Parto.
mraimysto* a< K. W. Betketo.
VaonVel WMlfaRVam^FnaS
phyMriaaetoUlaadfot tV opttkm
.. these ...
Utatkm wUl
mayV tV meaa* cof brlngUf yoa
Au aad kap^aem.
Has his ideas about a good
cigar, but all smokers agrro
that the best for Five Cents is tbe—
‘Rip Vanwinkle.” EVERY SMOKER
Itoked atCraawall, Vt<
aadTenk Laka
Obaa R. Oeatoa kae had kto fr*eaVaae eoaaaetod wiU tV olty by tolapkwaamberiaa
-The aaaU atecUoa of Tramraa Otty
Lodfe, Ka SM. B. P. O. BUm. wlU taV
place hMiichl. A hOi
Opaaty AfaBt John McDoaUd aad
John PaldpVrof Amaa w*r* la tV
ei^ yeetordayioamakoataaaw road
macklae paiakamM *f
E. Boafkey
KiJI Machinafy of all d
Pet Works, CMmages and Sawi.
for sale.
CaaiMo. t
lullr .*r
t tey M
Friday wUlk
tVWomaa’aaBb.^neproCTam wUl
V U VaryeofMra. J. B. .MeOocfk.
Mra. A. t>. Baekaat aad MV Sprafoa
TV water aapply-vreelioa wUX aot V
dtoenmedUUUeapacial miiMaf. Tkto.
VlBf U* day to tv paymaax at vaeal dam tV Anaaeial aceretary will
V at Uc elBk roem* at s o'elack to r*eatmtVmmA
SouiVi Hemlock Lumber,
Meiple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
a A good thing to have, especiaUy when It a w^ filled. But ^
you can tiuy:ao much for your money In
at thto store that you don’t need on*.
Our values In thle line are 80 gx>pd that purchasers once
enatomeraalwv*- We are Showing correct spring sj^lea 5 ;
; in shoes.
———___ _____________________________ _
'tHS IfOHXIXOMOOBD. TgPXSDAT. XaSCH 81. 189*________
TRIUMPH flf RDSSiA. amwmrmtmimitiwmijmiiiiffimwiwffia
^ Call and see the line represented by Geo. Miller p
^ I
Ot FraBee. toth materiai anfi mtlinenlal. Aavor bt> avoidance uf stm.
One maierial teosen la tbal Prance la
prerariog f-'r tto internatJonal exposl«4en the aofira tide nr tnvcl
^o. will Ummlop iMt m'cmw* tloa
•111 to turned tnivard the Prento capi
tal. If ts saio that *-ar at *uch n-Um*
wonJd b* »*i:iouF.y ,>.eji»dlelal to thto
ffreal imJecL
Another material inirrMt aOecUaa
Prance to that'her rtUom* own manr
BAimni ABE liED or BEur. Bpanish secur'Ues. so lhai any decHn*
[ rrsnlUng
war would tall largely MS ASTEUB AVD TA-UEI-VlI |
«a Ftenrh ropluUaU. tVhlle these
Woae *a atmiim tk. r»w.
em.. *.
to avert boatlUtlea. }-ei the)- are not. of '
Ottcraacd Mm T« Bt
eoorae.mch at coold be advanred aa.
the artual ♦round* for a tender ot gm>d 1
oAce*. SiKb a fitpve would be prom*
toed anlelr on beniiraeotal groimda—
namelr. «n the frlendahlp of Prance tor
both partke engaged id thto contro*
U«dun. March M.—The pabUcalloB
army and navy dettartmeeta eon*
Ontte to obow many evideoi- * of aeUTl* of a cirnUar for th* foreign miotauea
ty. bat there la not that extreme en* of Ruaala by the Rnaalana UTerttosest,
pamtlun evident last week. gtrlag details of the
of-Pun Anbur and Th*Ueo'
■WmbinMon. lUn« •B.-Ccn»r«; ud
Speoliil measnres- Tall men, stout men, fat men. stub and
twist, lean men, all get fitted.
______ ‘“'T
't»' «»«r Md •« the rt^..,tar orden Russian
«B lb*. SjaiUah «liu«Uus.
congress I do*. *.f ofllre boure the seeretan sc* ’
,vMfM Lfdia Bondrren of tbl*.-itT and #
Ming «-falch began«U .Uiac
•Uln SlgsW
8lg*W tt
to iheWbIrt‘he ceaslon b> Cbma for Hka AgPesBenccalof St l^sce* hare A
•----- —r—•
take. form compknled CapUIn
r years if ilui
After Che president's conseryatlee and j House and presented him
openod drees making paH.m* at rw ’
dent.* Lung san that no deirnnlnatloo I
•“'*flc mernag^ on the Maine repoi
WaahlDgtoB atrrot. one door etot of-#
ha* l»*»n reached thu* far as to Cap- ! »»U«a>- line. The clrniiar deeUrea the Baptist chnreb, .whore they wHi Ve;A
•uboutted -Monday found upen ei
aaslcnment. But
sa |! i~ii»
poru t(l;l
be o| eu
eD w
to me
the vomiBeree
vommerce' ana
and plewaod to meet the IstUesAfJrAerme | f
resolutions urebaatoe a 1 tain RIgsbee'a next swiKoineni.
i>u< ss
m.i ue
rscoealtlo^ th. one .f tije high offirials of the nsry ahlps of the world apd say* the cession at*. batttfaeUon gw«^^i^.
the commander -n of high blrturlcal >-SlnetoRosalsao4
tedepen^ce of Cul4. armed Intorxeo--,,..
^tio* sad other decialve and war-ltke ] abont anything be *
whu bare at heart the tone*
Maps_kg>itot Spats, and In ooofeiencea { A hoard to considering
. . _ what
— shoold
— I]
,.eav and tbr development'of
ItepubllcaBS bsTliig for their to done with the wreck of the Maine, good r Ullona among aatiuns.- •
the ovemuing
of . the At tol It aee^ po^ble to save Some j .The S«L Petersburg corTvspondeot of
U necesaan'.
BMOgii action. On the door. In the guns and lorreta . But thu to* I
rente, amounting alminl to contempt,
tbos-o here for any possible British
desk rooms, in the lobbiee and la the about ataedoned and the board i
to expected to -report to S«
protest* against, the Busso-Odnese
tocitdors. there was HlUe etoe diacosoed gimng
cthahhio cecialist
tary Long In i '
t. The Novo \'rcyma declares:
than the Cubi
and. (be final steps aha
win never go beyond n pro*
Mrtto disaster. ' Every aenator and bte that what i
Wiibir was lumlgbed with a copy of
to gone tc.rvver and it s1H be worse for
the tssuaooy and every person who KBOOTlATIOKaCOIKQ OX AT MADRID her If she fstis to com* to a timely
«C«M procure a coi-y read It. Every
acnesieni with Russia, rmnee and
';190nx>nt Street. J
------ P of senators In the cloak room Vvaetoa 1* TMy OreaLM tto dpMtoh Germany.*'
Ospitsi AppsanX-r*.*.
Madrid. March «o.—ne>i.nd the fact
War,!Ik* prepsratluu continue bets.
d tbc«^
(tot a'few iwllcemen and a couple of Coosiderable Importance to ntuebed to
■saw Likely totoak Lease tooa.
HalUmor* Stock 1
dvfl guard* stand outside the Ameri
tX the bouse aide U was apparent can iegaUon there to absolutely no sign n naecb of Lord Belboume. under-oeeCount*. dOc per quart
for the colonies, in this city, in
tM the Sepubllcaii majorliy could bo In Madrid of the tension to!w<-en Siuln retary
StADflMrda. 30c per
which, although to dttavoas ■
lAcer to oomrolled by wtot is knows
to the coBservalive elemroc led by nnd Amerlcn. So lar' a* th* general
kya wy to ^ tow m
. U to beile<-ed he «
•213 Front St.'
/the spanker. -Groups of members In a public to concerned the matter Is IhUe goremmeni's
vIvb . Lord Betboume da- rmCity.
State of excitement were ta be seen on diseuwed. even the press -Being gener*
a peaceful srltletaenl. cured that there was no more bumlllafflben listening eagerly while i
Mlnlwer Woodford presented lion for En&Und In falling lo ex.lude
RnssU from Manchuru than there
of the
trsiimoDr wi
were ** pracUmr*
e Maine trstlmonr
would l>e for IJussia l* faOlog to egpteserfted I
twad. Menben'of the oommltt'ee
elude EngUnd Worn Khai-toum. "We
tevigii affairs grouped together and iDterepta of hi
sbeutd rtvelve from any power car
alscumid plans and possible future pro- an Immediate
Ctodlnga. It was genemlly scknowl*A contlrmstlmi and reassert Ion o
edged that a oertoBs condition had the confcrt-n<-e held i
ailpea; that a crisis wa» soon st hand. yoMerday aflemoon. at wbich Senor rights we now^ enjt.y. and any goveraIt srns the opinion .of some of the con- Bagnsta the premier: 8en«r Gnlloa. the foent should make ibe tnfncigcment of
■a that In a day or two foreign minister; Senor Moret. Ibe inln- those right a casus bdlL
Pelley of ihs "Opew rtoe*e i.im*.
the teeUng would SBbsIde
_ . _and membera toter for fbe celunlrs. and General
WOOM not be so agitated.
Woodford were present, and at which It
*Xngland has Jost nothing In China
bad been hoped a dectolon would be wblih ought to have been kept.
Ksat Tver Days WID ■* Mementops.
ICoch depends upoB the next fewdaya reached.
------ AT^—
"Both governments are absointrty
1ha| eongreos will not long remain tnaettre U some decided action to not agreed as to the drslrwblllty of a aettle* pensatloas. and are in a pualtlen to
obtain nrore If we require them.'*
taktojrir the hdmlnlBtraUoB to cerUln. mem." aald a dig
The Time*, commenting editortally
It IS also true ttoi tto talk of au ppdndent of the Assoctoled Pre*. "but
amisUee eaaspd a great deal of lU the tenrion to so great between the two Lord ftelboume’s speech, says; “me
teeUng. The honse proceeded to do that It would only take a little farther language of Lord
The eulaitd to dispel the dangerous Illusion
h—tnw eriUioat dotbreak.yeeterday or strain to split the hawser."
expreseed by the newspapers that Orvwt
Vttheut dramatic Incident, but «v such
: qMet can to promised today, when the
column of the reji -I of the Amer Britain win not go to a grewter length
navtf fain to being considered. The day ican court of Inquiry. General Wood than rn.lesu," The Dally New* ai
dONd with a prospect itot tto com- ford's conference with the Fpanisb miB- ' ll if a *rn«u* rebuff, and makes
toicre w-B* of an honr’s duration, and
'Tbr hue
after lire I’nlted fttaice minister with hownvr.l
•poaslbly tofotw the end of the week.
drew. ^e conference adjoumsd lo i dearly it wa* not worih England's
O'clock tomorrow afterwoon. I'nlted while tn.gi. war to prevent Rumta'i
Biaies Minister Woodford eeetnsd Bitlon. tt-hal We have to do to lo see
pleased with the rr*i:I( and every Indl- that BrUtoh righto and Interesu are
not Impi-rlled."
eatfon p»lms to a s iildmeni.
t Interview after
............- -.................AssoHated
0 what to hie duty. andAd- Pretwfhatl'nlied Put-s Vlnlnrr Wood- •hradr Take, by BrUM. Tn
prise—Ma Hwad^diave
TSTM criUetom—whl^ It Is asserted to ford asserted thst he de^r. dwn that neCairo. March So—Fhendr on the Kile
aalM» due to nflsinformsUon as to th> cwalOn to exprvsa the desires of hi* gov.
has faUen Into the hai^-of the Angle.
MtnaUon or ignorance of the presidmt's eminent on the subjeri of the altualinn
lroop«. who attacked theplace
piirpoM will not to prrmiiiedtoawerve In Cuba end rtf the r»ecentrad<w. BenorWe are again before the people of Traverse City.and vicinity with a brand new spring
Hdded that the confereo.v ds- ftaiurday . captured the town with all
him In the least degree from the eourwe
he has planned. Tba^ptweidenc some ....... - -^-c" of these point*, and that be Its r«rn of great ralur^-aad freed stock of Merchandise. Embracing Clothing, Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, a big stock of
days ago made a peremptory demand hsd prcrr.]se<1 lo study General Wood- no slave* The dervishes lost m men
ford’s prupoaltlons and lo submit them while the Anglo-Egyptlans lost none. Carpets, and Millinery.
We take thkopportunlty, our ppening week, to thank all of our
n regent and then tq a cub- ShendT wss taken by surprise. 'The
to bosumiee In Cuba, lo release thecuoeantrados and to permit them to reivm loot council.
gunNwl* w-lth a battalion of Egyptian* patrons for their liberal patronage and with the assurance that our mute^ interests will be
on board ascended the Nile from Ue
to Uwlr botneo and resume their several
•ecupatIuBs uMcotested. Thto etatomouth of the Aibatw river and arrived as beneficial as heretofore, we start in on the seventh season of our existence in this locality
•eot Is made by nnqaesuonable author*
htoet of WkW* U le IVnwII LakS Ms- at Xheody by dawn on Saturday. Th* full of determinatioiT to outdo all of our former efforts.
yasA* «e MwIM Wsrtotp..
gnnbnatf ehelled the forts, and then
tty. and slncp that demand was. com*
gIBnkwted to Spain the president has
battalion was landed and snacked
A movement
Mnwguke*. Mar^
Our purchases this spring have been more extensive and elaborate, treating' every
aot taken a step hsekw-ard nor allowed was Storied yeeterday trending toward .
town.. The aitark wa* made by
himself to be perwusded into modifying the abrogating that pan of the irwaty ' "ank-movement. and the -lervlsh garrl- branch to its minutest derail untM now we claim for our departments completeness unparal- It In the lesst particulaf.
of im totwern the fnl.ed Btole. and
led in thj^ vicinity. Rich or poor, we can satis^- you all.
Bpaln'r ftssi reply to thto demand. It
for twenty mllea
to known, to now receiving the eemeat Great Britain which stand* In the
The cspinre of Bhendy was s brilllaai
the t'nlud Butes building
buildtog »,
manceuver. as ihe main body of the
oonslderwtlon of the Spanish authori* of
of. Ihe
ihe great
gresl lake*.
_____ dervishes, who- advanced against th*
ties at Madrid, and their final reply Stops
hare slteady bven token looking Angto-nryptlan forces fropi peendy. I*
may be reasonably expected within the to action
by congress annulling now- cut oft from Its l>ase and II* leser**
next few days. Rbculd tbeM
.. .
treaty. The Milwaukee Journal depot to diwtriiyed. The dervishes who
Will represent i variety of styles, strictly up to date, of medium and high grade
to rcK-cted there to the highest author* the
an editorial luiniing 'out
liy for Slating that the pres.deni would print*
against the Angb-Egypllan
the advantages Co be gained by sueb a advanced
goods. Nothing but a living profit is our motto in this department as well as in all otheis.
pot hcHt^ a momenl.a* to bto curse. change
of policy; the abrogation would "mrtrj are suffering wevertly from lack of
riy (ay the whole leave tlmBda and this country on an food, and are sutotstlng en palm outA
We have devoted the best part of our second floor,^to Millinery, and llh^n't spared any
record l« farc congrenst and to guided^ equal footing.
The deatrticllon of (hel* euppUcs at
Its Insirucuon* As a prvllmlnary
a-III compel them li. gtwe bat pains or expense to beautify it and make it cosy and inviting. The stock arid styles are the
The treaty, the editorial eayw. Ues ftbendy
. toward |~-«re It nas been pro|««e
tle. for wbich the Angio-Egyptlan
SpAln-lhoush till* last propoattlon has one of I'ncle Baru's band* In case o
pedltlnn ha* been oagerly wall
Opr pattern hats which we wilTdispose of at about wholeUle cost of ma
not taken th.- sh.|.- of a demand as yet naval war with any other p->wer. In
liew-A of a croriilrc dofest of the .
with a Jonmal. reporter _ Tisbe* Is expected here hourly.
« l«»i-thst thv spenlsl. roremment
terial, are the nobbiest ever shown in this locality. . They are select Parisian models, repro
ship‘itJtder uf thto cHtymsd*
wrilb*ww lu ir.....|e. from the tojand
and that the Cubans b.- given 4h^ in
duced with fixquisite taste by our artistic trimmer. Miss Jennie E, Paliper. We invite yon
Chlcago. March M —Ku rhargea bar*
dependence on ■ basis of InfieninUy that sources of the gr*«t Vkee. noting what
It factor they would to In cue ei as yet l>e>-n served upon Colonel Mar ail to visit, with us on our opening days whether you buy or not.
would to reimrded s* just m amount by
It I* underotoed that the dlfferrat
the United Ftaies and-oti
other najjons of chamber* of commerce at all cities ot cus Kavafiach. Feventb Infantry. I. N.
0» In arreet hy o*der. of Ooremor Tan
the toorid. and fair t
the gresl Mk** will do all In thrir pow- ner for parading im St. Pairick'a day.
and It to hetirved that Ihe cotonel wRl
The raaneh iff an arn-.toiiee ha* not *r to. farther the movemenL
to restored to hla command. The 71st
bsen agreed lo by either this counry or
Fine wool Henriettas, silk mixtures. Irish Poplins. Illuminated Govnert^ Fancy Mohairs,
of war nrovidM that the chargto
Spain, though there to no doubt that
be served within eight days -aftor
Spain soggested an armisii.e. What
Satin 6alliel. A beautiful line of fancy w6olen novelties. A full line of novelties in
the arrest or the elBcer be released,
tortns of peace will to acceptable t.. th.D
spepresMenl cannot\ba slated, but li 1s assilks. A complete line of all kinds of new linings. A choice selection of imported Organ*
at kwW reeked the Rsttsf '0*1 sf
aerted that no f^oposiiinn w-ili be ^q.
Ravana. March » —Tbo. relief train
Kidered that doe* not Involve the praccarrying suppUet to toams la Kakana dies. Ginghams, half silk Mousseline DeSoic. A big variety of new Shirt Waists. Indies
(leal if not actual independence of the
tjrovlsce. which left th* rity yMterdsy
Cnbans. Under these clivumstances the
wool and silk capes, wool and silk skirts. ladies*.misses' aiidchUdreiis jackets.noyekic*
moTOlnr wa* wrecked twenty-one'mDsi
mentora of the adirinletrwilon think It
onlslde of Havana. No one was hnrt
i'-an uffictola at Correo. Hexloo- or even bra,mAh- Pour freight ear* left in ladies jeweled belts, pocket-books, fancy silk muslins, embroider^ chiffons, embroider^
krrested Joaqaln Martl.k Spaniard ftwn the UBdC-sDd one was mat turned In a silk muslin neok scarfs, ladies' misses', and children’s fancy hose, high ak fanc^ ribbons. A
Havana, and two ooooinplleea. The
o more loyal American, or
Mexioan troops captured a couitor of
large stock of Ingrain carpets, vervet Moquetts and Tapestry Brussds; A large and fine
' who will beeltat* less than he w]
Maru with iviirr* giving full data of
hour for action -ha* ^ved.
(he Intended raid. The crossing was
stock of men’s, women’s and children's high art foot wear.
DMASCK WOOLD LOCK TO MKD^TE. to have been made at Carrtoo on the'
OkrfcqlTto. Tenb.. Iterch Ik-nw
btosklag out of hostiluiaa totawm
Our usual force of clerks will be pleased to wait upon you whether you buy or not.
»s Mh* SpeeM R..B.M mr Mslac «ppmiU Spam nnd tto Unltod Butea Rob- tohrihe exploalaBs ocenrTea at tb* Syoa, to the OsmUy Tight.
tory waa the object of the expodHlon.
Washington. March M-Tbers la UtU* Mexican troope are now hunting par4onbt ihst the FTsnd govsrement I* tic* ImpUcated. S<Nne 4W m^
tsady to tender Us good aOess as ready to croa*. armed and mounted.
I^’^iat’alry to now patroUng th*
SMdtotor between (he United States
wad SnslB If any inUmaUan is conreyed
OVA w— A.. ^ ■
Sr Ms dianiry ttaai sneh oSos* would
Ss aceeptable. Without g«ch Intlma.
«HS ft t* doubUnl wbethsr rraaee wiO Uto CUckering. of New Tot*, has la-
April 1st and 2ztd. |
. 11
Fletcher'S firster Depot iri Res^W
Grand Spring Opening
Friday and Murday, April 1 and 2.
■ a Sx>©oia.X-tiy-
Our Millinery Department
Xni GomIs ei Djsilaif Ruili toTake t»a|.
dlenttaff a 4*Mm
Music iiAftemoos aid ETeiiifi.Dnli Days.
The Boston Store,
i|OMmig jt»oo«n. MOTHPitT, tftBim at.M*.
Cwrfwno* of Bopublicon Mont.
b«r« Who Aro for ftodiccl
Action in Cuba.
OF TLinwiTP pBEgB>£8.
ttaaaUlcaaa Aiim4. TMt raivaaa
9^ U m««pa Aattoa by
«kM WIU Hate Cate aa la.
„ l "mnLE uMir AonmiiT
«<l«rUMBt tiM meat Important Orrtf. '
Dal*riu>B H AM AiMf.
opiMBt oT ttar Aar «B( tka atuMtiBe*-i
----------J. March ae.-T»>e Ml<*l»aB »«it Otat tka Ttwmy-Bha f^toaat ar '
Aaltcatloe net rcaterOay atK-rBoOfr tat UtCaatTT rtow ; atauonaA In Hoatana
of iha commit
oa fon^
foralca ’ ' *eiild^
iranaftnod *5.
to Dry Tortn»aa
*he room jaf
tre oa
affair* aad naariimouBly deelAM to <aQ in the ObU of Mexico. Tbi* rac
upon PreaMeai McKmtry UO* momlitx i compoaed ntlrely . t colored
aad nrxe
nr«e uik
-..*j bin the
la a body and
iioie*- ' »•*» hare hern torated la the
ally and ad\-lMWili> .or iprompt and
Their auy la .
WamoL-e^rtion on the CuVnn quraUoa. , »'
The delecaUoa wlil aay that in aakinx I ■
for Interventtoa It repreevnta the over- “
»h .iQlny oaaUmeat of fh* people’ of
SkOM mnM OMr«Mi.M anMai Aim
K»pa«aa •« i»t<
March »-Tha
mm hMmrt iiwi mwia m>h
Ut« »« *=■«»« ••*» yeaterday nwinaiw
derailed and completely wrecked three
mile, rial of ihle otr. 'li cairlid
nadley. O.. Madb «.'-At «:ja o'clock
laat afrhi two riHr»-«ly^rlBe macaalaea cootaielny abouTT^ qitarta belonatna to the Bradford Olyreriae oompany. exploded with tetrlOe (nre* at
the factory ahnnt flve colleo Mat of the
dty. The eh.--k r-- Ml all
ocer thl.
tot all demon.. Uopklrn of lllla<4a. a
nemher ct the -waya and meaaa com-
»I«oe. pevaiiled. 4ny of Mlaaourl waa
mcretary. The meetlnt aae called to
take aieta to ae<urr Immediate InterrenUon In aeme form and the reecrmlUon or Chan mdepoodeae*. The meet• Jat waa railed *1lh a view "to aeemn•Uahlnt th. tmqualined ramocai of the
fttaalah troope from Cuba, and the
Beompt armed Jateryentlen la the aftklra of (he lalana. The word way quleu,
ly paaed around, but maay w ho are
antbdUaaticalh- in favor of interwnilen
tolled ef nollflcatlon. ib....Kh the num
ber* preaent would be euffl-lcntls larte
by conwiiidaiion w ith the . r«-i>’o. railc
torce. to carry »ul ibe pmr;raromc.
, Muaioene* rhe pretMeal la.. It..,..
- Hopkitif. a. chairman, bii fly Mated
' toe ebjfcte of Ibe meviia* Ji.. mdu-aled
Alt dlMppoInlment that ih- i-r ..deaf
■leewie carried ho ouillBe ■ ( UeftdUe
reaponalve iH.llry toward' Fraln. and
told he did not hoUeve further deUy
'Should be lirofked.
thnuabt the admUiiPtraiion mltht ha«e
nnoiher day or ............... thin wMchjc
•ad falUnt to do »o tbaiconyr-ra.bould
take Die matter iniq it. own handt
dependenlly and at
Hr favored
aciloB I.Hlklnt to fu
but made BO apectflr fURceet 'ei.
toe method
of He aecnmt li.hmtm.
..., ... ......neeoia,
anolherenember of the ways and meenli
epnunltlee, said thl. countO' ahouh! not
atop abort of aeourlng the abaohiie laAependenee of Cuba. There w ere a num
ber of apeecbea li. the same vela.
AeMaa PeterreW ratll Thu AilerwrM.
Marsh nf lliinol.. chairman of tbe
committee on niilitla, made a v|*,.roua
speech In Which he dencum-.--l Spain a.
the proven culpable perty to the bl..wIncupoftheMaine. Herald he wou d i at
SB end to Bpanlsh rule inSie by Imroedl.
•te latervetillon and a formal recognltion rf Cuban Independence >usi aa
-earty as eongn-s. evuM art. His refer-,
•nree to Rparlsh i-.M.-les a. to reenn*
cenirad.w and other t.ba*
were warmly applaurled. After aoipe
vigor, us apeecheaj. n'.-nclato'v of Fpain
1 It war decided to def.-r action until I
o'clo.-!; this ariemoon
whom a ovmber
John R. Santo/
Geoeral losuraflce.
Waahlngf*®. March 30.—Interest in
toe Cubar. altuatlon-lh- liitereat might
almost be, formed exiUcmeni. au latvooe was lt-re«ched a -climax la tbe
proceeding* of the oeaate yaterday.
Aa OB prevtoua days «T dlstuaslon of
tbo Cuban queallOD tbous
pie iltwkto to the CBpltol.
Of w lu>ra comparatively could gain jul
irlSBloo to tbe gallertea Within 0ve
miBiMW after the senate convened
Ua of Kebiwska iatro<1ucrd a resoluth-n
reoagBlglDK the independence
Cuhaa repubib
a. rcaoluUcn i
Viab d««Ming war against ibc klngForaker then IBlroduced a resolution
declaiing for auch IntrrventU® In the
Cuban war aa would bring ai>out the
lndc|iendea<-<' CT the Culana Followlag
this came a resolution by Fry* of Mates
demundlns that Cub* be made free.
The iesqluti..n* followed one another
ftc rapidly a* almost lo-^tun the audiiorw, bulb sers^or* and spectstori.
iThe galleries were In a comm-tlon and
tbe te-.>pl* were pn-pao-d for anytblitgThls was the K.ndltlon when the vice
pn-e.ilihl re-ognlx>d Mason of Illinois
fur bu anno-tiled speech on tbe.predl-dent'a messac* transmitting to congrew thr flndlnga of the Maine court
♦f Inquiry.
Maaof. read his spseeb from manupeript. tfUl It was deli\-cred with all
toevigor and flreuf wbJ'b he Is capable.
The inienalty iif the feeliog of thoae te
le giUerles wax etideaced by ikcsiorm
at applauae which was eUcJted by tala
declaration that hr was for war. Thy
apeoch way
full of dceundatloa of
Bnalo and Spaniards
After Mason's
apet-ch the senaie passed sevroly-fuar
privale penB'on bllla and fniUw-cd this
order with euiogtes on the tale Senator
Earle..'of EuuUi Carolina nne of the
moe.i remarkable of phlrf was proSoonced
Tillman. W
ftnlltlcal oppimeni of OoBeffey-brle.
The hooae quielly ronsidereiftplivale
Wlls. dM-oUrt* most of the dajj to tbe
cofisidcratiun of the bm to parhertain
toalras for sIotss and gupplias fur.
toshed to tbe I'nlnn Iq'*loyal cltlaen*
ht too south daring the war. There'
VOA a butei conieat over a olalm Cor
«fi;4W hr to* hstm of tbe sridow ef
<0«iC: Rohert X. Lee. Bbe tebarired thf
• -laa trpfta MraFltabivli^her aimt who.
^votm Ctty, Mito
of aoythlBg Ita thto
ir toU » tbe plaoe to laitra
' Btli* Win Net Bs >a^e;w
yoor order* and get prompt work.
Aitixcill* Miske ('tab KMn>y Beam.
(kiiMactioB gBarasteeo or bo ebatg*.
iBiy nerk of Bk-kBsa : Lease .vuur ordev* at ofica or call np
•uffrreO furyi
faoek. Sidney.
■y. and Undd«^-<
la the K tib (Tart, la (he PrlBBiy Bekoal - WAf4 Rhodes. HI.®lnnigton. Ch
«"- >»w
X-aaalng. Haroh 10.—Governor Plo"I»»»■
gre« llaa relun^cd to stay b)- tbe legli^ _
AUI K a-. woKEIin.
I*toy diei Mrs CaroUne Dunbar. Hornlature nnill the Uxht over hla taxation
cuy.orato j ^err. Ills.. -------acto-todyTlB
------------iBIemany Inbin la flniah'-d. He says hr wlH aunil
, Jared, may di»; Mm. J. p. Adams. fUwa• ic-fum
by thr measKge aubmlticd last week
iih. a«
j 1^^. Waih^. .^rushed and brulaed.
Bloetlea VoUow
■ ■aroteib-afionll
: Mlae «njVla
aad will not recommend the re|wal of
itmpaign at
the Michigan Central charter, ailhough
many are umlng him t.l do su. The
bruised: Mr*. Man f-Vnruson. IIT.wtn’TBiaotea UtU* Uvor Twraora A eery
pincree bin. he aaya. dispnsee of the
ion. face aad head cut by glass, may
Bwall pill Tarn tour Urar. A true Inxattre.
taxation feature of that charter, and fuanb da- of A|Vll. A D MW fnr the porv-M lose
eye:. Mrs. A. K. White. Normal.
Of eleellas the aeteral CKy aod Wart oObvra
this 1* all that needs altentlon at this
»**ia eierlum will be ooodueted la aerort-' TMlly
time. The numlwr of bfllr Is la> reaalDX
Dcussion of ib^
eharter^ aplna
every- day. One pmvidra foj a eornmlt- aoeewua lie prtrisloae of the eiiT
Ina. breast croshed i rdiilon alara?^ J.W.Patehra.
Oae large tot. Odrfoot front, on Wab
sadtheeeo-ral eleeUaa law. of■ «*'
•» ; ing;
slnn m Invesilcaie tbe whole subject
»1 Rev. F. K Jonew. Danverw. Ills.,
•ter street.' I
Walliagtob aB4
of taxalb.n and report to the aait sew
•Ullfvurt.oo WUl he hel
tbe CotlaB-iag •>H>a crushed, severely Injured; Prank
»ogbt for SIM I
plaei'i in aa.d ctly.
slOB cif the lectslalure.
,.!**• ^•‘■•dtUtg, BIccrolngK-n. compien-lxl ‘
nrm Waid.-lB lbe Uoai
(SO* .« t;... traveler, coBcuaaiun of aplpe. seHoualv. |;
A hill providire that the state board
«ee.lallaaiitgoeBb>ek.TrBrtfw*Ott.Rleb.| OAe M-fool lot. Borlow aUevt. 0»k
of -nunUaallon shall annually fix the
valuation of an railroad, exprwea. Ule'AXOVO the ORCAT UlOBWAT
bird Vert, la the
ke SIBwdeh MMlwg; e
grarh and telephone property, waa la. i'nlnnnn.1 HiUietw
nr.sissss vAiu/s
trodued. The-r c.rpgrmilon* are to be
gaanb Wart, la tl r
laved dircr-t on s-ich valuation at the- VnlaoMrecl '
To WlotUr Via
Luid of toe|o ■
rat- of ihree.fnurlhs of 1 per oeol. Thf [ yy«a Wart, lathe Prtwary whaol hwlUlag
,0. Law
afswtal st^ioa te eollarUem
I! exempts
exen-pt* an
all roads operating
to I yC* p.«n*
and to!
election will he opened la 1
TBe Mighty SuaUtern Eailway Sya
be built nrrth'uf the forty-fourth degise ' each want jm tlw rla.-c
avurqitig the aight Gr«v Sutca
of latitude, tbe object being te encourSooth, dealres
age thl. development of the Bonhern
— li. ~' J*** i'**".*^ J
neaiui-eeekrr. the
------' A» aBeh e arllM ti
Laad-*Mfc«r. toe I'leasureeeevker. —,
,Profltrt*eker and the Fickle TtavwJteg
:PnbUc. to the ntany adraatogsw. the
CsaUTtire. Llvse rseUablr —4
[ bvauUfBlaeenory. lbs rich Md fertile
Ow Cliy Treaeurrt
Rmb*-Falsi rtaagB
I Iitod and the oiBay roanru which He
Oae (tehnnl laspeeur. rail terw.
Two wraW* of ta* Posrt of PuM:
e, laloog Its itees.
Vlroqua. Wla., March M.-A aUck of
Go to Florida and escape the maav
dynanyte exploded at the rrsldence of
OiwJg.ilce of lie Pi^are. full (eTs.
OoJd anddlaagre-abledsys of winter.
Mrs D. T. Ewers, at Kesdstown.
'Fbone No. 3.
—Watch Repairiiig.
la each wart of the »«y
n h.-rv. yesterday.' <
c aesopsewiaarfarose year.
prol«bl>- fatal Injurte* to Mra. Ewer*
Csc AUerwaB foe two year*
and her iw<
Ow iBsyweior of Btenioe (or
One UlewbeT of tea Boart
e: gdaeaiuw foe
.rt of
Iwv «ealw
the sl.-ve h
OaeCoo.talile (erode year
to be thawed
NMIee I- al-« beeel.T -i.«a that lb.
s„ March So.-A bkndcer tloB to a-t»r< Ibe sy.uwB et fn-e ten ...
Nonhwastem fi>ad tan off the Sr-iriOe.1 b} Aei Nual-r lO of tbe PobU.____
lisy. for twele tbe i.nbllr >**001* of Uw V'l -'
yesienlay and took a fearful cl
• 111 W •unwiiirt to tke aguaUfl-d eleciurW in ^
Id the ice. sixty feet below,
illlam Schuslir and Cu« Anderson,
The «-e« of ib^ Uallm «l1t be a. (olio,
who were on the lar and went down
with II. were killed. The <au*e of the
F»f free ten b-cks a- proeldeC b, An Nua
accident ta said to be a piece of Umber
bee litotu-ePabUe Aetaof M« No'
a-bivb was no the traco.
hand tm. {•ID day of Karch r
.taoaW Bi,ai
►rk «l tbe riiy MTrae wCny. Graed
•eCoaaiy. Ulrhlgaa
MKCIC&. wltsre beae-a and larth OlaaoPoaaimUgrttlytuaA_________________
to meet amongst the many of the
beaotiea of nature. See the grandaal
In America and Bilti
e-^roj^t Atuo^attow. ;
America a odlv Palaee.
oT Um. W. VanderblU.
ween the' Blur '
. to4p.is. Talo|Aums,n-
for Bale efeesp. or win
SBlIeBfrwi* rallFoad; to mnrm wril isprOTed.
\Xr*IfTBD-ArprTBUres la ear wlUlsei
EUR PALg--r>n> baggy m4
X* oea : • 111 be onU cbrtp Cbarttakobma.
eorder Plae aad Utk atrwela.
aad rraoSUa oltsou.
416 Lftke Avenue,
PraakBawilm. ttedi
Th.- president hat
Kalecr. vf Illtnols. t
sallan. Usx.
ViTONgY TO LOAslwe bare on Acy^l
Xto berv Booey u> lasn «a iBSenrrt etly aoi
(arsB peoprjsy. V-aprwQad O I'mitr, AlloebeT*,TrBevraeClty. Ktcb.
Apply ta Trasona
I':xperunrnu are being mad* In Nlearaguajn shipping evaporatrd haaanaa
Tbe slesmahlp Ft Paul aallteg for
Euruie tclay . look out IIO.OM ouncos ef
t rJ:
^ ^1. am rvBied to Nr
Chas, Mastic.
The demand for ' wsr rlUts " atrungtbened Bt Ngw Vork yesterday.
Charles H.. Cranp. Ibe FUtedelphla
’ G"SS‘^
Remember that I do all binds of roOBiripgand eoamsllBg. Bod that 1 can
asd do give you the best work ef ao
Five roll* free- with oeBry K.M ordor. oae la the e ty for the mooej.
The paper Is ail new dwil^ Etlo* be dreoired by what ether* tall yon t
per roll 8 oenu and up.
• be eoBirary. hot come and ae* To
1 steo baee benotitul ro««i
from S to n ceBia per fool
look at (®mp]es and loave os
lAfauUoB guarutoed-
Srt^EipIdi i Mmi B. I
*“* Gray.
In onoiiection-witb the O
Aast Gen-1 IW Agent.
lo. Il«
tin F'rtrtb Aenoe.
lysojavilla. Rentuel^
Oaraboo. Wla.. March SO.—Ex-Teunty
Treasurer Walter Stone has been asked
lake, up a dlfterence of over U.CUI In
acfouBls with Fauk county.
trouble came ab5djl..'lt is alleged,
thivugh careless ^kkeeplnc.
—Front Street.
to Florida, can go ria Cba______
pasting f.®ok'at Mimntois. and ae
tbe B»ur Hattie 6eidt. which
1000 Rolls
Wall Paper Given
Bicycle Riders.
Hauxy. (or the murder of Mat McKinla>- July t. ISO. Is still in progress.
Testimony of almost even' one w ho ha*
been on tbe stand his been coatradlned by aotne other witoesa.
wiBSthe Great Thr.>ugb-Tninb-I>te<S •
> the iknilh aud P oHdn. Elegant
•estlbolsd trains, carrying tocDu '
elecpln.e, dinteg and chair ears. 1
Line Har-exeeneoce of the Sonto.
For maps qnd infi>-mstlo«, ppp^V
I your nearest ^pon (ickei agent ,or
He W-Tcortlr- ft.*** Wortk.
-s W rt Oihern Im
O. P. CARVER. Agwto
'"lUiaab Itleeraa
i paawaa killed
H Bos and BiM
ored to negotiate a fusion ’
v-r Republicans It was li .
arrive at satlsfaclurt terms, and the
silver convenuoa will ncmlnaie a sep
arate ticket.
The following i< ere among t*'«we who
participated in the denference Hcfklna.
Mann. Warner. White. Beevef
knap. Manib and Lortmer. of Illinnjs:
Tawnsy of MlBneawa; Rpauldlag. Will
iam Aldrn Smith. Saran^ w’. Smith.
U oo you know
Beardatna’a. Ills.. Uareb
from the Itunnu -river. whWh U on a
rear. I* llendlny oyer the leroe pro■rer eacaped unhurt Nom
uigbt, l.pt it 1> iHlteted aeveral will tecUnff the thousand, of arres of fine
, U wa» a narrow twasw from one fannlag land in the Coal creek dralnajfe
BHMtrMtoB Motioa.
Thr breaking of the levee
thk meet horrtble rata.trophies or district.
March s;.-n.ni
apeidiRK down the yrad. I would cause great loaa.
-----------------------------Of To<beqnaUll<.d Elfeeara of Ito Olu
H urtborg talook,
hew Turk has introduced a hiu maUw ; eoedity. MlrhlaMi
te iJIUe Klrhapoo .Hver. <
npw^awoUen b» flood.
It unlawful tor any pern.® or peraon.. i
i. brreby i
®d. the lendir was;
-railed J*o feet from a bildye. Tte re
rorporatloB of aaM.-lailoo tcyrinl. pub- '' epy will br ta e~Mo.
lla^ pholiHCrapb or n produce by any I rla-eea* Maturday. .._
va. that the tender. !>. ryage cai
three c-avht^. after .Irerrna
procea* whatever, ao aa to make public, c cl^wji la taw
Many piH.'ple gather tb«r»a by fai'.iBg
- -( rectaiertaa aero I the bride.- rolled
any Informatloc xivtnjt the power of
t0be.--tTbr waruiBt;
>Bg seat out bydlei^. wSiTi.
neat on be other i
the Bun«. or the .tnnicth of any fomc
The r
caned kldueyt -caatto mngue—iwruhftl
flcatlon. of (he Vnliod state., ■nie bill
hurled he
111 dragging pain
naoiee nmximom lenallle. of ten year*'
—general frctUig of
le ?b^ £1^ Wart. fHCTcrij u. P.tt aaU lag. Many were pujiied
Imprlaonmeni or tiJ.OOU fine, or both.
eeeeed •<r-et
evltaen-o of kldoev aodlyladdcr
trouMe -I
It! Ike Third War
BuiMiag. toe. hiviry one slmcat was
Take Ituh Kidney Ueaa-. at oaor—thrv ;
rnrr of t'ab.B ai.
bare cured iKni
IB tt>r PoBr-b W,
Tbe prcssTl IntSmlnn Is to pnw
Speaker Reed evidence that a laig«
Jortty favor* the «ep ard the c
Ever Borned OUT
I. March *e.-The r^oit fai
the home ayalnat farther delay of
le culminated yea.
terday Iq a
«c of JiepubUcaa
art inao
WthapoatUve. radical cotirae. Aboutlfty repreacmalhee atlendad. repreeeni-
MItMa'ciaaka m.
MUi Lorairt,
. „
BulUlBgStsaa •wwatarleasoa baariaeBt Alrt
bnir Into, rorurr lOlk and Caw Mreela. I«(ael
front by 1*1 fm deep. AII le Uw beAtrt of lb*
OaaasBs Jot.-..
Tb« Cdletnttad 8p»ciallltt,
i-cno nlnto-'s
The DelT'.ll. TVjtcdo and Ullwaukev
rbltrcad has pasiH-d into the hands of
Calvin ,B. Br.ecZola ibe famous French Bovellst. has
screed (q deliver a series of Jeclnrcs te
the I'nlud Ktaivs.
Hotel Whiting
Uarnult Broulus. member of congrass
fjpmVLan> . Ha.'la seriously
IH at/lhe
'the Ihome of hUda,
daughter te Mount
itjrfpn. h
N. YABtOB Feidt. the (amo
died 'suddenly at New
Buds Teat te IK
Sergeant Tyh
Impeachment proteedlngi have b*eo
Itutituied against the members of th*
Omaha board of Cre and poUte^auaterhmera. who are charged with nflBgJJ!>*
board aa-s political machine.
The gtvmior of WiacouBiB hns tafeuto
B proclarnBUoB appointing a toaie^eoramlasino
.. aga ndptoed. wnartegat. Thecium
#M iBaany aWckoi oat. hat toe hoHM , lam the <
•OCR TMsto bafan tot wn waa natoad. I«
FRIMr. IPRIL 1st, 1238.
yioa ngyr -ww b®f ® By^aw* ^ f^t j
’TTTAKTgP-Ta'eseliaBg^eganAbeaeyvork J
W . hurt* r .r a good gwaUa ArlTUix ban
iB^ln-ofC C Maea.iliedrwyBaa. tA-U
On* Day Only Rato Kosth.
OfibBultRUou wd BxRmiUBCiDn Ffm and Strictly
f ..*n r
ooiao aoma.
If Tou WnlloarE|K EumlHil
By SB opUdsB of exgierisnoe. sad
OB* wh^tei^^l* year
nl ito «ge. ksr. Ttoewi saA Urns*.
I ir. GuiUetT^^tkiiifeto.
rffsnw.., »>-
. whoae' gadddB
diaappearance from Fort Monroe a few
I ago causcdaaanaatluB. Is at fi atb.
port. F. C.. apraigntly suffering from
the effects of a apr«e.
bora, loqulre el Or® W
An elrctr^ car mn lotn a wagoh
Cblcago, and WUIlam Musa* tock »
bn.Kn sod he may die.
. Two more bodies, those of Frvd Roble;n and Hattie La.idsun. were taken
froni llie ruins of the Ayer building Bt
gtojf <ij
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
s bem
d wHtout aekk. kalle, pain tw amr. Rewaeltoa*.
», Pllea, Tap* Vom. ato •
Amval iCBsmo
• aobmeof aitoe
beaseymtoto aoeeaueea tf yea aaipley tatm. Tl
DRS-jB* S. & CO.
Look Box 160.
i WeUuassad J
titaall aianlng 4ak*A*
a Ibe bwlaeo.. Geo. X NctslUa oaBs^eUltebli
--"•'-“-..••Jnof tb»*TB tsAsrUlertlee
Ohtoaco A Emta XitfUcaa Btol- <
road Oampaay.
teiTOl SENT.
aksnrLKT has voso rosiKAx.
1*.” WM i««l7 Mprodaoad aad fli
^ Mlw LeoaaSprovl. toltowad bf •
vo«aI Mlo bj Min Eu* Bcbaelder.
A eoaie dcclnutioa eaUU«<i.
Oanui:'- «M wMl fi«u bjr Min Vnto
•.•Tb« Pirn 8do»WXU. OOKB TODAT.
•d hr Min PnaeU
Min LoUl* Holm wtortolaod «:1U>
Tmm to b« MbpnUMM or Onba for
o fluo Ml* wbleb wm bwrtilj hf8>oo,oooooo
»nt Oraml rUadcd.
«fomw to Mo XA»c«r WUHoc to P«7
Ehot ABoostte Bpota—Ib«bi«mu
« OB ^orelga 1
•M«d hr PrwMmt that AHtwMoB
wm Dome to a Head io aPev Oaja
—Perhapa Today-Tho^t Uawlao
To Bntry the Admlolakt^ar^ar.
Eoy Banaaforda Eaoapa.
Yealarday aflemooo Ko; Uaoaa
had a aairow oaeape front Mrleae fniojory on Snath L'nloa atroet in Pera*
wood. Ha waa banlinir a load of lam
bar with a teaia of apirttod eolU aod
Whoa the Um atopprd they benma
Mghteaad a^ aUrted to rani .'Boy
rraapad tba hha aod ,waa drarged aome
dMaaoe. Mbao be let go to avoid being
dnhad a^Mt a tel^raph pola Be
faU ud^ the feet of the barmn and
taan and wagm paaaed omr bin. bat
fortaaataly wllboat iajory. A ebliU4os with tbe telegraph pole oa^orTod
and the pole waa broken In two.
«ee.*- MinVm
Garter ood Min Miale Dnpmannud
Wuhtogtea. Mareh 90.—It i
an- the aSrmative aod epoko elaqaeatlj ct
WaabiDgtoo. March 10 -IW'a^ata
thoritlvely aaiMaecd today by a oaoa-1 the great habit of Urdioow aad of how {,
I no foreign reUUooa fallod
K> Me direct front the pmident noeh raloe panetoality ia In the Itte-of i v» reaeh an agreement thia forenoon
Eale of aU popuUr Sboet Bntic at
•ad who te In eloee eboMenee with n botinen man.
> on any of tbe .Cohan reMintioaa be- half prlue will be eoatlnned for tbii
hiat. that- tba nltimatoin of tbU gov ' The neniiVe waa wall haadl^ by {foro ^t.
daya longer. W. W. Kimt
. 29$
.....__ _
araneat baa beeoaaot ho dpaio aad { Min CUUta Oanbarand Min MaUiej Tba nwr^
-mi.o ^ tnmmee wl.r. Front at reel.
that an anawarUeapeetad tomorrow.! Lyoa. Min Aana OrUtt and Min^nw tbe h—..ten to<i»v aM.ored tbe
Tbe preeideat aleo eaid thU to Sena-' Btbellod ti.tehel took part ia tbe V«)-1 other ornif-e ike Cuban aituaUpo
tortBaana, Barrowa-Spoooer. Aldriclv* I
dlacMioa. Tbe dec-lalun of tbe woaM come u> a head in a very^ew
.AUboa aod Woleott.
'debaU waa given by the aoclety tn|daya and. that conpwn would be' lo-•
Be told them be bad demanded that favor of tbe negative
formed at ooce. The oUnnl limit
I of. Mlta Norton gave the criUc'a roporl placed npon tbe time when the matter :
Epaia raoogntu the t
tha Caban Bepnblle. aoeepi Ganeml | nnd after no imprompto apeecb by tbe . will be antlrd in one ara.v or another
Oonea offer of t200.000.000 for tbe free- vloe pmident tbe meeting ndjonrned.! wu auird t > tv one week: othare
don of tbetotand.and evacuate Cobo'
----- -----_ _ ^_T“______j thought it m.Mrbi b-within Anay vU ht
One Place In Town To
Save Money By Buying Wall Paper
4« A doabla roll
bo A doablo roll
6o A dooble roU
8o A doable roll
lOo A doable roU
M. is. HOLLAV. Maiwefn
OompAre qoAlity
with piioe before you bay
SPAIN’S LAST CARDhr—u,-------- -
( 'TKSXr'THE-faun loop HOOKS MW EfES
Ifodoetbetu wbo know bo* |
------------I be unwiw in view of tin- n g tiaiioaal
\ Ther etap boekad-Me puUlng looaa-Ho gaoptag-Laavos the auimea
bard tbe ( «ied Ittiereeu of Europe \ WUX BE PITTED AT F0V& nowon br prrcipitate
*>)' «"
S'"”-! “«1>B to do ao.
thia tlma
It waa eald
grrM need.
Hlt^ Oo. (nerrlaoil, Ohio,
.Id a brief armtotioe!
not take e?tlon
rry 'Or admlnl-ad
wiU be aMOngod U Spain aooapi
what baa
mlllmatom. to get .her troope
imeron llule forte. |
la^tromUe r-----------Tbe dUUoeUhe feature of the
laLadlaa'Shlrt WalataaewaBdlaplagEBAA
. ...... -towalti
pveugeelerlBge.nahagbeta. grtoaamunotal^
.diM.oaQ.<ieo. '
! Oban the p^Reliahle Dry Goods^ Carpet
Kew York. March 90.-Svnor Palma
''and Clothing House.
ity of the oommittee waa lo favor of
bae reeeivod a loiter from Oaaaral Maxino' Oomre In which the general aaya; Ona of Them he Proclaim As Ar. vlgorooa actioa aa toon oa It la evident
! diplomatic reeoareita have been exmlatioa to Allow
“Here we are all of ua teeldod lo raa
Aftangamaai, Tbran^ Oood Qfl. bauated.
tba riaka and bArdahipa of war without
It ia stated
oaa af T^ Opostiy-Tha Other,
lomontforaay kind of
baa Mked the
Spain to Do Baf Beat to BaUSva
oogreaa not to act for sixty boura. I
. “Let thoru not be tba aligbtaat doubt
DeaUtatioa on lalasd aad Permit
<, Another a^temeot U to tbe effect i
Amaag our trioada abroad nt to our din-1 Vnltad Sutaa to Aaaiat.
that the Sagakta ministrv
McaiUoo to fniai onr duty unltl
I jourSed and thia <-)n«ea a delay in geP
I^l7iail^!^a^ t?'cull"*~i*rr*lih’^! MadHd, March 90.—A eablnet ooun.'Usg advioea from Madrid,
g eevtatetr. each as
frionda abroad to.be aura of that and «U ^ held thia afteraoOD to eonabler
■ «o'believe what wd have we haVe alrea-, the American propoaala: another wUI
4j proved during three yenra—that we ; >M held tomorrow at noon nrmided Prol P. B. Bathaway ot Tltnt WIU
vlU saw ytalA**
Itootore os AiMka. April Pcb.
r by tbe queen regent, and at 4 p.
At'a maaUsg of the CuhM Junto toProtcMor C T. Orawo hM learned
...................... ..........^dlaewMd aad no-j*»IU be n Bnal
gatioABubeaaqald: ••ThU to an old. «***«iboa between UsUad Stotoa that Bev. Morgan Wood will be onablo
to keep bto engagemsat to lecture here
^n revived. Two years ago, we were Mlntoter Womiford. Saaor SagMto,
io the High tcbool lecture cuune until
wUllng and aaxIoMto eettle la tbto pramler, Senor Unllon. fOToign minlata ia May. Be baa toerefore decided |
Mtor. aad Senor Moret.' mlstoUr not to wait and baa aeenred an eogage-1
' **I am la n peaitioa to aay. with
meat with PiW. F. E. Haibaway of;
nutbority. that wirila thaOubasa would for oelosiea The propMlUon wbkb
Flint, wbo will nppMr hero Satorday i
40* Union Stiapt
Sonth Sldo Slioo Storo.
.. Bot oonaant to the payment of B900.- Spain will aaiwar eoveru two polott
evonlag, AprU »to. la hto IntarMtiag
ASSAM tor Isdepaadaaee they are wlU only, it to a* foliowe: Spain to proleetore oa AiMka Profeoaor Hatha
isg aad able to pay baU thatanm." claim immadUto armtotioe la Cuba to way to eo eloquent ajieaker aad bM
Uat sstil Oetober dortog wbieh inter ■peat a year in Ala^ stodylag the
and eonval tbe Caiud Statca will bm ita good tMtuntry. lie
with titd inaonraata to make a dltioat. He has given tbe lector* la
^Btotad PiesMaat BeBalay Taetor*
twaniy different elllM daring the pMt
tompomiy pMga permanent: asd
day to Xiebigns DalagatiOB
year nad in aaeb^aeo toe laotoiu la
oad. Spale lo do her best towards re-1
We lxAT« nioe Apples, Oranges and Lemons, also
d ot greet iatoreat nad value
Waablagtas. March 90.-Tba Mieki- lieviag anffertog.asd aiarvallos m tbe aad toe lacinror aa aUqoi
Dried Aptioou, PeaChea, Fronsa, Piga, Datas and
gnu RepabHean mambara met at tto lalasd with America to ba allowed to
Whlta Booaa UM moralag. At U;M
' toe praoldant gavaCbem as andlaace' amtoUs toe work.
to tba Ubney and bagas a rsaalsg WaoblfagtoB. March 90.—The propoeoereraaUoe. to wWhh all IMnad nntll altkm eeat lo Spaia, m Ilmws bare, to Afrivad Bora TMUrday io Prapnra
U o'clock. Mr. Corlim 'asd William
Per Bor 800000*0 Worb
Aldan Smith
tba chief apokm
Tbe ice bM cleared from Uttie Trnv- tvaeri blcjcl' r«sa<^ aad Valldar. aa mr A
3«e Frost Street.
boatUiUm in Caba. rotors of tba r^
to daMnring bow tbe
rM buy aad yeatorday the ateamer •bat^. aad •r’nrtr-waBd wo kesaaOla cuar- £|
All Jalsed In aaaurlsg too {
OolombU eatared tola port la oamsaad aawrthai Ivao raalU 0a].< li. lui-twr-iTToa> to fo«ar aad
ami«ir aurha | Sara
.tontmeebdolay would ba at
I of .Cuba. Tbe laM j of Cepiala Young, to prepare lor her ■ iba
tiaai raulivad abl.p l-i <b' <-ll} I awlvlldtory. and any aolntioa of toe Cuban featore wU! be aeenred prbbably on en :*«**on‘a work. The boat la to enUraly Isc baivral o>ar
Iv •Sk'b will ..uB-b.- Ubus'd, aad I nirUr (hp pat>»- In rail Mifl ladlflcally which did sot give alMolato
todemnity baato. It ha« been made i
P~»l«Jrd w}tb elea- aprriibr a.-Lnanablr "d iIwwp wbarla. U»1
Iravp ronr
wlib aoevva 10 pipprtaipai
indepeodesea would sot raoMra tba npMb’ .vnor ^ppo.a; Ipstp ii wlib mr aad 1
pfobntioo of oosgraaaman or tbe pao(savaaipr U will W rrualrr.! rl> bi
loM than tba oIom of the war and in-, ^ Cumminge will go oa ibr route ha1 do all kiaria
% ulraaif
rnof toelalaad wiU aoftim
, tweaa here uud CbarlvTqix. Prtaakvy,
Harbor Sprlno. Bay View. WrqneUm.
at nsrwhere. and for toe
a great bartialUp it wm to Mt quiet ia an adequate avttiament.
ring, and Harbor Print.
toe houav while the Democrata «
c in aod see mmplwk
- beve bMn mode with tbe O. B. ft I.
.allowedito Kbout for Coba libra with------------- .. .
wlireby tickeu on the mlliued nru
B. Sr. C3-XB133,
put limit. The preaidaot mid be fav
psstob Stoemvre nt Mew Orleeae
good *a» w.y on toe bay route. This
us anion Su.aaMri
4ged a foil and free dtocnaslon U tba
•rive Orflare to Sril for Borne
j wUl be ba 1
. bosae. Wheo tlie meeting wm over
Mew Orlenoe. March *0.—Tbe Span- { both to rcoortoi
tba pTMi'leDt requested tba dalagaMos tob elmmen bviv. the' Berugovra. U j ^ple who will
will have a *
to bear with him.
Phone Ho. 84.
Orunde. Unllego end otbhra. have r»-1 toe
••It wUI not be long,- he eMwmed to
oeived WlegrnpUe order* to Ukvioa
ball a dosea qnratioai as to when ha
Bru Duttos's Blrtodey Sorpriee.
,emnll enrgova end ihil el the enrlieat
would net.
p-dltow day, The otoomers atop at
Mra. OnttODOf Weet Ninth eu«vl met
Tba Michigan men aay they will atUI
ned Forto Bloo oa Ibrir wey tp relhar nnexpectedly iMt night n large
Attosd (ha boUar's confvreoRe tonight,
number of her Mende wbo celled to
but Svidaagy they will j>ln iu uo move- Spain, aod tbe r
meke many with her. toe ocoaetoo beiv
mast to foree toe prMidenl'a haod Jiwl lra«e plenty of
yet. oUbosrt'tltoy told him tbay had
riitbdeye. Nuato^d gemm were t
jM hope ba woMd aecore Cuban indeward vuyig^
feetorMof the evebieg. Tbe gueei
of toe Hoi
Fcrnm. of whleb ehe to. en booored
tVe cannot promiK yop a complete atock of shoee
member, peueentod her durieg toe
PlesMUt Pregnm nnd Dobote By Another Vtoet Bm atnrtod
ievening.e Urgu, bnndaome jardiniere
•e tbei to different
Spots. .
to chooae from. Sioce the opening of tkia great tel
.Junior Lyeeom TMtordny.
nin tokenof tbrir Mtoam nad mn i*-< fromtvbit everyoM etoa baa. and wu
W^iagtes. Mnrcb 90.—Tbe snvy membrasMof toeday.
A fair aixed nodiepoe getberud lo tbe
have the^. Tbe hodlso are i
ling out talc of shoes only, onr auea are -brolcen up
dspartsinl bet rverived n dlspetoh
The window* of tneinJberg'a etora azu In different eolorn and tber* ni
boylBg tbetewenl SpesMb wnrabipe
after school asd itotooed to ns lot^
other improvnmento that ma
bnt among those remaining arc bargains, for .anyone
a|ain elagutly doemrated with
beve left Oertoagenn. Spels?'Thrir
tag progrum by the Junior Lyovun
Gall la aad look I
qatoiie laatensd'bMatifoUy.arrai
Mntol tbenhMnMof toenrue. dwtineUoB la usknown as yet.
needing a pair of ahoes. They go at any ppce re
articlca df ladtoa' wearing npparri aad ovor aad you will paj that they are the
Urat too meeting was pTmUed^ver
ooBEs DVmoftir.
tpeelmen* of deem gooda, atop Sami Hoe of Baby OamagM yoa evor
gardless of cost. We need the room. . •
by tbe vloe president. Letosd Tri^p..^
MW. aod toe price to no higher tonp on
drat wea e piano duet by Mlvato ElsgrMb Bdl Bade n Special Otdor Is eruaw a dtoptay worthy ot mootion.
tboMoommononrrtofM yon have aeon
ErerV pair warranted.
. BebetMd.Mlaniv Brown, followed M
for yearn. .
# jpieeriog /vclemeiion. ••Moustels
r. March 90.-Senator BufbM
MasBmvnii.'-.by'Mlia Uonn Bortem
will eetura to hto omv the eeaeter hev-' A alee let of fiuah vegetoblm at mv
luenbouev. WIU ho gl*d to bava enlf'♦•IbeYoMmluVellvy-wMtbe eub- lerb/euoeoli
ere and ordare foe yyntohliOjtod Ay)Ml of e very ietereatiag es4 taetroo. dednttely tbooi
ttae ameg writue by tevU JMMisg. foat. .Tba beuM made the FingvM bill
Winiam CuUea B-yMt'oetoiy. ••Sal- a epaelri order foe Tburaday morning.
\ The New
1898 Spring Styles
Pnoanl biiD U bi Uit “MDO.
4h FBincnoi"
Gendron. >
Signal^ etc..
HM' Wheel Enameled For S2.5B
Try a Pair Of Oor ScjiBol Shoes
Good solid leather counters, soles and up
pers—that to the kind that wears.'
Wielm Bros.
Bicycle Repairing!
- Vegetables, Cabbage, fiagas'iid Beets.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
You have'
the prettiest
in town.
Nearly Gone.
THE fair:
Brosoh Block.
THB VtfMfUrO mwoto. THUHBPAT« MAB^H Sl^ lt».
F&R ONLY S2.50
•tmt*.kaa'k*M- «lo**d aad Mr. Sal-;
krt«lip*wartif to»owkl*«oek to
totoa. ai^to«taato» k yayaMaUr^rto. »k«r« k* femirty toald*d
Tbe weatdleplajr wiadowof tk* Ba^
IB teclBAW—1400 XMTBATnsxomr. • michiom
too Store tki* Mralac prtototab kaaaUtpl attractloa nfltotlv* of ^t*r
•I^w, MvcB KL-Aa MmI d«7 aWd the B*w koBoet* tkat lb* oeeaitoB
mil olrut it thoroQtrbiT, true the wbeek, ffire any colorj»nt»^*r*^«EiirD
,r*T»aU. TV wladow I* arttoUcUy
itai voi^ yoo triab. enamel ur -rmraiab yoor rime for atere prio*.
VkfM A«r* TMtorAsy.
trtiBBH<d with )ae« and d*U««ta fabrica
Oall1 and aw aunpir
; • • . 9wU t: Bat^
rt» «lty
Bar**** :
abo BaiJ
we aleo
MaUd Wheals to Order, do it chea»r and trite betwith clccaet •■P'^ bi»aeu at tV ••*-;>. W. BAnn,: Uitor «■« Mimiy. Aousd M AUi*eU«« • Amm M U* t*A ttal l•ataf•*.
ter meteriAl pud. irork than any abop in tbe city. Here bad aetnal
mmi ^k\U
Plot OtawB wU! l*aee for Aao Ar
yeera* etperieore eod gnarautee aatUactioo.
B«wr«kw« WM Uw
of kovltel- bor today to attoad tba »«*tli« of tV
Pkeee triTe OB a trial
JBLU8.811 Front Bt, Bast
tty la aTldMea BwldMow. tb« d«wa Mloblfaa Seboolntotan' Clab. a ctaiato^ •«««. aad ma %h« «»•*»• tu ooof*r«noa. aad tV Mtoklcaa;
•k«w«d Ow Undtwork o* Ik* d*coi»- Aeadamy if VIeooa. Tba.profta* tori
tor. Tke •‘whUa eap*” wHh tk* «»- •Mb U alabarat* aad «n*d »1U lator*mtloa flat wd rad ribboa kadr*A
1 ItMomlac tiaia* aad • rickt
royal wolooea* **ck del«c»UM roMirod. with rrarloe of B*c* *ad *»*r
tar b ■paclally praparod *oarAU dalaniM w*r* **oort*d *o tke ^;::re«u.uu» 1. to sotobi-t.
a to D.jio.toto.1—a.\ni«T>?-ltr.
•< «t Ik* >urti«ii M TnvMW 0H7,
Firat Coaf«0%^ «>"««*•
Job. Lo~«to w«» to\Fto.;tltot Jake SlB aadblacompoBy k*pt a
they rt«i*Mred ud roeoirad UMr a*V.
Ileaeeabakiar tkeir aidea
•tCBiaeal aad » baad of Jutor* *e(ed
~ to
M aimwfbr boj* ao-*kow Uwa to
wlpb Uaebur lakt ceealar »• Sto'aIWay.
prodaetlMof tV
; berr'* Graad. la tV• p
tk*lr pUec* of ttopplacJ. B. sUeer of IVnoaa. to tV f»e*t
>]>gQU Vaok mneh Mtcr
‘Ikora bad, been pIbM* arraac«d Ur
fare* ooawdy. “My Motber-ia-Uw.‘
•OOaalddeloiraUobadOOO *awrtai*«t of B-T. 8 ^Vry.
jUptOriieu aty TM
owe. wWxVi «i^V\ «o u>
wt& maVt
Vf.lllaiB Vltaar baa r*tareed from a. TV
tr*F. JUrtUjot^
Up to aia* •••dock eaory d«l<«aUk*ll week** bo<
toon ^etieatc^VwtwUor.
.. j- B. martiB
^ aoiboe are folly carrk-d
k*M M0l(O*d.
ywterday loc«re a recital to ^ Ep•ot Tbalfhl • RiptVWlBlilc" win
Tbc city laUwoy »«ry ktodly f»** to
wA b« oeta
igou •
tk« rwseptioa ooaaltu* looo tfek*u
MVOaaUyweaadWIlbor CUae ofI V fl«cc. It to Blated iVt tb*. COto\ikb A \odk
ottT rtetk. Ms cUu.
paaylaeapeelaliyadaDtod to Uto bV
«hlcb rrare BMd ky ih* coaaillo* I#
VICIOE pbt«»tvu
CkarleroU, are »•**»* of Mr. aad Mia
tkeli- tr*T*Ula( back ud torih to M«t
tarieal play whiek made Joe JeSeraoa
r. H. White.
won an& UmaMs. Vnees
tamoM aad wbleb ka* bad a fraator
Md*i*r*i**____Kath Smith, daasbter of W. A.
• aV lowrrr Ufa tkak say •tber
>Acn Bou4 ol PtthUe WortiA Tk* ilatbodtol people »ad Uj* ^ Bmiih of Cbarletola. to apeVla* e
tbc w*. -VLomv &00&A a»& 'KUKAsgs.
.rortk Lmtm kladly ope>*d tkclr
, pUyoalV*B>erlcao*U»a
ohonk W it
bobotUaUy dm- work ie iV dty. tV r»e*» ®f “>*•
«k4 0^ tlrtks.
Uawktaaad Mr*. B. D. Wood of WebXmdlw* Maos Kata at Mn. T. M.
lAVto*'*. MS-lf
Ik* *l*e«rkal dMoratloaa la tk* aler slract.
• tV 8e**t
where k* ka* b*ea taklas^ a I —
•rer kaowa.'
la a eoU^ of -dtoiaA B* StCiOlierg’S GfUd OpeTl flODU
At tv eiooiaf torrieaa both tV
wUI work ia tb* haak.t taewry d*na»
O ■
OoectoCbMoaal aad Mtokodlat ehaiobto
tkb.Mjamcr aade'rtaro to coU«Kc la
• paekad, ai^y beiar aaabta to
tV fall.
A im* Sltoky reiaiaed from CherV
It of Dr. Vyatoa at DeN tk* Ba(l* baa alwa>*
Jxir iyockla*all wtater
___ _
tkat party p^Klta *koi^ trolt. oa “Bto* Mleolea*;" Dr. Mei^
kar* •• part- For tkl*T~oo. wkUc Vail of <%toco. «e “Foreira Ml* „ J* aew Lladeay Park laa. Be rrlil
vwntoy to Barber Spriafa.
wa k*Tc Botkiar «• **7 af^Mt tk*
la tV M. M Vareb: Kto
a pro&tabU altoJoB«a of K*w York, oa ••Berne MV
•MTola,^ faeor tba electioa of tb* atoea” sad Dear. Bradley of Graad attoa to tV aciai
ConwpoDd with fl» Trm«« ^
attoaa* ttekot. aad. laalt «a***. wbare
tv oaalifleatioa* of tV eaodidat** ar*
' Wa hare far ada Good,
t aad tyeetal
•qad tv totor akoald gie* theJWtoe
McMieer<«tw pridea hiniMlf npem
«i*a to tV eaadidau oa tV dtlMa* tVt Vfc
.be daetiry of bto Cnfliik. to polM*lkA»Y ItyoB tv tVaaaeof a eaa- qtMBt applacM wa* rlrca a* tk* toUto« a»8>-Mi«t«r tV otlceT, If it tVl 1
dWat* apoa •ItSer tIeVt wb— yo» V ptiilif wcio mad*. Beldem Vr« eaek woald not yoB to make tV diitme»iurat
not oeoridM flt tor tV plao* V la aa«- ra*t aadtoace* kc*a
abeointc. nay 1 to yoe praeattbe bumtaatod to AU dost rou for him.
TV toUewiaircoi
TV tmtiMau of the Earle la pollV
to ai« to -well kaewa tVt it le aot aec- poiatV;
Plaaaea-T. G. ladenoa. Vaa B«- me inform (f tke qnick {alb by wbi<gi
Mary tor It to dtonk* tta bitter aatar
rea; Mr. M. Batch. Detroit: MV ImayeOBiphcanai
aVemtoVjtkWeertirliic of Bepob
Oallrry of tV Katii
Bayaea. Laaala(.
Me Up
Beadattoma-W. H. Streoc. Detrdt;
fa)r«raidtotkafmUam*aoa tt*CiV IT. B. HoUey. Trawto aty: H. C
Trarto. Kalamaioo: Edith So^. Mna-
tma xoBHora bboobd. mUIOURSIISESSIdR.
All This Week.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Comedy Co.
3§f|§5rif Mr. Jake Simon
laM*' ttoVk tVre to BO dto|
tael tVt tV *lty aad ward ttekeu, with
M* or two poeaible exoepUoa*. are
aadaapof Dadioerata. aamad by
Mato, aad are therefor* pcMtleally
DaoMeraUe tteVta. If tV polltlU
Mdltioea la Tratore* City were rowaned It eoaid V eafely eoeaied tVt
«V Bafle woald V tern eac*r to aUmtoat* party poUtiea torn maaldiml afTV Bsookd atoo baltorce tVt the
Vat maa Voeld V ekiiea to 811 tm-pvtaat poaiUoaelBika loeal yoraraMat. TkeVpobUeaaeiWe-totoatbMi
Md*VdeaaM«’~«C»«^.Vy *»-.
aanumeataad roHaWaaaA eomsetoat mea were Voaen ae ckadldatea.
awUl VJimU&cdla
• ThantoratV
■ ticket, aad la
aatlBf tk* ft.—
Aelaf to Wy wUl rote rlfbt.
kf^: Vatoa rerria. Sariaao;. iMtoa
SaeVt. Moarea; W. A. Priaea. Alpea*.
TV moat ooMpiewMU kadr* to tkat
of Detroit for tV
ties la ito Ob aU aidea. aad at aU
tlmea to beard .“Detroit. W. Tbea
aloac with tkto to tV frteadly. apirttod
BtrU* Vtweaa Graad BapM* aad Alp»aa to tke
Dvriaff tV year tkar* w*r« elfhtywca aew aoeieUaeeddV to tka.Vt
U tV BtoU. There ar* aew I.4ST Eadeator aoetotiet U Mkkiraa. with a
af aVat to.000. Dot of
Uto aamber 400 are Jaalor aad etfkL Doriaf tv year
try to drop sUtyIkra* eoeiettoB from tV koaV Oaiy
three aeetoUee withdrew to )oto d*-
•BcmReBT WUaoaWleto* tV
Mat akraV to American cera «aa V
IpMiy widcaad.UHe mya It to aarMaiaC VwllltV EoroptoB* kaaw
•Vat tkto freatataple aad V« tVy
taMt m ewsidertBf it aaiukl* only
lor auek.feaA .They ka*w aotkiaf
Mi Iaad oa* tootfamtme
Atok*e wbleb eaa V p
W aa AmMicaa cook, aad ao tof to
Ib*y arc Jcfl alcM tVy wUl a*tor
laam. 8**r*lary. WUaoe Vpee to VaVW tk*ai.SHe ka* reqareted com
lo aUow him a aafideat apppoprt
lattoabe aa cztoaalto exhibit of
•ad lia.piodaeU at tV kreat Parfa ex^Uoe, .where ah Baiope wUl ai
Wa aad totkeredemoaotiatciaa
..,.1, PT..UC.1 »»J.
ton. U
•he baklac of mntBaa. tV rala* of
AmerleaB.;oora a* an article *f tebl*
AtoL Mr.-'WUeoB aey* ^ a mietaV
Ve beea med* la Ue pad la VtamptiBf to ladace tV pooreet ctaeim. wm
11m OB only oaeartldowf ^ to eab4 atitat* ooraj m«al to wheat m rye
■ Bakr. Thej>re aaable to Vm mere
Mwa oaeaUplearUelaeatbelrUUae.
aV eoTB of Itaelf dee* aot pomem
S^toc* \8oar. Be looV to tta iatroBaathn raiVr aatosf *
aUe to
•Kmd mmeUaaUtoelBflcdtot.
■ aadlUlowoMt.
mkar of tV Tramrae
dbyCkarV E.
ir A Sop oa tV Soetk Side, ap-
■ *l-‘I7l^"/l>r'w^
-to?*. «w O
wUI rteM»**r: -Ad>*nM Itorrk tl. MB."
tw. * l«
Tiaeaiae Otty Markeb
Below to a Itot of IV Vylsf aad aeUi|r prleaa at ycoterday to
prorUioas aad farm
BXLLue i-Bica.
FIom.B L-AC.
Rya Floor. H. U A Co. Boat...
MU. B. U A Oo
Feed. B. U A Oo
Creamery Ba<
Vm per ba (edd).........
Cora per bo., old------Utprr bbl ..
Brao per tOO.......
Pototoe*. per V...
aiTTixe aataaoTT
Traverse Belle,
Popular Prices,
and for Ten Cents, the—
10, 20. 30c.
Diamond J.
Made by A. W. UAHRAUS,
«rb«at. oM.
Wheal, aew. .
Vta. No I. pm
Cora, per ba...
Tom fbaae imelmd a ear load of
k***ea trom Chleafa ymtorday. Mrs. Fraak Bardlek of Oadar, died
Taeaday aifkt of ooaeamptloa.
Fraak Park* wUI rid* a aew AdUke
aad Ralph HaaUU a SterUaf racer tkto
Ckicaro, March la-Wkeal-May.
-Icly. MWe;
N. E. StroBf'e realdcaoe eaa now V -Htc; Diwembor. 7e»»e.
Cora-Mareb. tSHe; May. tSUc.
reached by bplepbope Na 14A three Jaly. io>.4e>«c: Vptemher. sigf^kcrlafa.
aaM-MaKk.>4ko: May, r&c; Jaly,
^POrk—MarU, V M; May, V 4ft. .
Graad V|Mda.MarU »e-WVat. Sec.
Oa*Ms at tV Whtttaf
TV Dra. B. A A Oo.' PkyaleiaBs af
V Americas MViU aad BarflU latlta* wUl eobUsBe their mcatkly rt»la to TraTcri* Oty aad *aa V ermaltrd at tV Wkltlaf BoUl Friday.
April let. toS. from » a m. to S p. m.
TktotofMsd aewB totV maay ao-UlViaonrab- '—•-—
—- —
hMalwaya beea tV cam at eaek rtoit.
to tv towaaklp
of Tramrm Bay Btm. Sa Tl.^ O. T.
M.. ar* arfcstly rrq—ted to ^Mt la
Moatafa* lUU tktoafwraooa ak^Wa
•’dock sharp.
TV lamker laepettlfM aOiaa at
■ - • , U* weU I
ApeaM VIV HaaditSMAMUlfkaa
kieak. V lAarga a< ft P. Parto.
mraimysto* a< K. W. Betketo.
VaonVel WMlfaRVam^FnaS
phyMriaaetoUlaadfot tV opttkm
.. these ...
Utatkm wUl
mayV tV meaa* cof brlngUf yoa
Au aad kap^aem.
Has his ideas about a good
cigar, but all smokers agrro
that the best for Five Cents is tbe—
‘Rip Vanwinkle.” EVERY SMOKER
Itoked atCraawall, Vt<
aadTenk Laka
Obaa R. Oeatoa kae had kto fr*eaVaae eoaaaetod wiU tV olty by tolapkwaamberiaa
-The aaaU atecUoa of Tramraa Otty
Lodfe, Ka SM. B. P. O. BUm. wlU taV
place hMiichl. A hOi
Opaaty AfaBt John McDoaUd aad
John PaldpVrof Amaa w*r* la tV
ei^ yeetordayioamakoataaaw road
macklae paiakamM *f
E. Boafkey
KiJI Machinafy of all d
Pet Works, CMmages and Sawi.
for sale.
CaaiMo. t
lullr .*r
t tey M
Friday wUlk
tVWomaa’aaBb.^neproCTam wUl
V U VaryeofMra. J. B. .MeOocfk.
Mra. A. t>. Baekaat aad MV Sprafoa
TV water aapply-vreelioa wUX aot V
dtoenmedUUUeapacial miiMaf. Tkto.
VlBf U* day to tv paymaax at vaeal dam tV Anaaeial aceretary will
V at Uc elBk roem* at s o'elack to r*eatmtVmmA
SouiVi Hemlock Lumber,
Meiple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
a A good thing to have, especiaUy when It a w^ filled. But ^
you can tiuy:ao much for your money In
at thto store that you don’t need on*.
Our values In thle line are 80 gx>pd that purchasers once
enatomeraalwv*- We are Showing correct spring sj^lea 5 ;
; in shoes.
———___ _____________________________ _
'tHS IfOHXIXOMOOBD. TgPXSDAT. XaSCH 81. 189*________
TRIUMPH flf RDSSiA. amwmrmtmimitiwmijmiiiiffimwiwffia
^ Call and see the line represented by Geo. Miller p
^ I
Ot FraBee. toth materiai anfi mtlinenlal. Aavor bt> avoidance uf stm.
One maierial teosen la tbal Prance la
prerariog f-'r tto internatJonal exposl«4en the aofira tide nr tnvcl
^o. will Ummlop iMt m'cmw* tloa
•111 to turned tnivard the Prento capi
tal. If ts saio that *-ar at *uch n-Um*
wonJd b* »*i:iouF.y ,>.eji»dlelal to thto
ffreal imJecL
Another material inirrMt aOecUaa
Prance to that'her rtUom* own manr
BAimni ABE liED or BEur. Bpanish secur'Ues. so lhai any decHn*
[ rrsnlUng
war would tall largely MS ASTEUB AVD TA-UEI-VlI |
«a Ftenrh ropluUaU. tVhlle these
Woae *a atmiim tk. r»w.
em.. *.
to avert boatlUtlea. }-ei the)- are not. of '
Ottcraacd Mm T« Bt
eoorae.mch at coold be advanred aa.
the artual ♦round* for a tender ot gm>d 1
oAce*. SiKb a fitpve would be prom*
toed anlelr on beniiraeotal groimda—
namelr. «n the frlendahlp of Prance tor
both partke engaged id thto contro*
U«dun. March M.—The pabUcalloB
army and navy dettartmeeta eon*
Ontte to obow many evideoi- * of aeUTl* of a cirnUar for th* foreign miotauea
ty. bat there la not that extreme en* of Ruaala by the Rnaalana UTerttosest,
pamtlun evident last week. gtrlag details of the
of-Pun Anbur and Th*Ueo'
■WmbinMon. lUn« •B.-Ccn»r«; ud
Speoliil measnres- Tall men, stout men, fat men. stub and
twist, lean men, all get fitted.
______ ‘“'T
't»' «»«r Md •« the rt^..,tar orden Russian
«B lb*. SjaiUah «liu«Uus.
congress I do*. *.f ofllre boure the seeretan sc* ’
,vMfM Lfdia Bondrren of tbl*.-itT and #
Ming «-falch began«U .Uiac
•Uln SlgsW
8lg*W tt
to iheWbIrt‘he ceaslon b> Cbma for Hka AgPesBenccalof St l^sce* hare A
•----- —r—•
take. form compknled CapUIn
r years if ilui
After Che president's conseryatlee and j House and presented him
openod drees making paH.m* at rw ’
dent.* Lung san that no deirnnlnatloo I
•“'*flc mernag^ on the Maine repoi
WaahlDgtoB atrrot. one door etot of-#
ha* l»*»n reached thu* far as to Cap- ! »»U«a>- line. The clrniiar deeUrea the Baptist chnreb, .whore they wHi Ve;A
•uboutted -Monday found upen ei
aaslcnment. But
sa |! i~ii»
poru t(l;l
be o| eu
eD w
to me
the vomiBeree
vommerce' ana
and plewaod to meet the IstUesAfJrAerme | f
resolutions urebaatoe a 1 tain RIgsbee'a next swiKoineni.
i>u< ss
m.i ue
rscoealtlo^ th. one .f tije high offirials of the nsry ahlps of the world apd say* the cession at*. batttfaeUon gw«^^i^.
the commander -n of high blrturlcal >-SlnetoRosalsao4
tedepen^ce of Cul4. armed Intorxeo--,,..
^tio* sad other decialve and war-ltke ] abont anything be *
whu bare at heart the tone*
Maps_kg>itot Spats, and In ooofeiencea { A hoard to considering
. . _ what
— shoold
— I]
,.eav and tbr development'of
ItepubllcaBS bsTliig for their to done with the wreck of the Maine, good r Ullona among aatiuns.- •
the ovemuing
of . the At tol It aee^ po^ble to save Some j .The S«L Petersburg corTvspondeot of
U necesaan'.
BMOgii action. On the door. In the guns and lorreta . But thu to* I
rente, amounting alminl to contempt,
tbos-o here for any possible British
desk rooms, in the lobbiee and la the about ataedoned and the board i
to expected to -report to S«
protest* against, the Busso-Odnese
tocitdors. there was HlUe etoe diacosoed gimng
cthahhio cecialist
tary Long In i '
t. The Novo \'rcyma declares:
than the Cubi
and. (be final steps aha
win never go beyond n pro*
Mrtto disaster. ' Every aenator and bte that what i
Wiibir was lumlgbed with a copy of
to gone tc.rvver and it s1H be worse for
the tssuaooy and every person who KBOOTlATIOKaCOIKQ OX AT MADRID her If she fstis to com* to a timely
«C«M procure a coi-y read It. Every
acnesieni with Russia, rmnee and
';190nx>nt Street. J
------ P of senators In the cloak room Vvaetoa 1* TMy OreaLM tto dpMtoh Germany.*'
Ospitsi AppsanX-r*.*.
Madrid. March «o.—ne>i.nd the fact
War,!Ik* prepsratluu continue bets.
d tbc«^
(tot a'few iwllcemen and a couple of Coosiderable Importance to ntuebed to
■saw Likely totoak Lease tooa.
HalUmor* Stock 1
dvfl guard* stand outside the Ameri
tX the bouse aide U was apparent can iegaUon there to absolutely no sign n naecb of Lord Belboume. under-oeeCount*. dOc per quart
for the colonies, in this city, in
tM the Sepubllcaii majorliy could bo In Madrid of the tension to!w<-en Siuln retary
StADflMrda. 30c per
which, although to dttavoas ■
lAcer to oomrolled by wtot is knows
to the coBservalive elemroc led by nnd Amerlcn. So lar' a* th* general
kya wy to ^ tow m
. U to beile<-ed he «
•213 Front St.'
/the spanker. -Groups of members In a public to concerned the matter Is IhUe goremmeni's
vIvb . Lord Betboume da- rmCity.
State of excitement were ta be seen on diseuwed. even the press -Being gener*
a peaceful srltletaenl. cured that there was no more bumlllafflben listening eagerly while i
Mlnlwer Woodford presented lion for En&Und In falling lo ex.lude
RnssU from Manchuru than there
of the
trsiimoDr wi
were ** pracUmr*
e Maine trstlmonr
would l>e for IJussia l* faOlog to egpteserfted I
twad. Menben'of the oommltt'ee
elude EngUnd Worn Khai-toum. "We
tevigii affairs grouped together and iDterepta of hi
sbeutd rtvelve from any power car
alscumid plans and possible future pro- an Immediate
Ctodlnga. It was genemlly scknowl*A contlrmstlmi and reassert Ion o
edged that a oertoBs condition had the confcrt-n<-e held i
ailpea; that a crisis wa» soon st hand. yoMerday aflemoon. at wbich Senor rights we now^ enjt.y. and any goveraIt srns the opinion .of some of the con- Bagnsta the premier: 8en«r Gnlloa. the foent should make ibe tnfncigcment of
■a that In a day or two foreign minister; Senor Moret. Ibe inln- those right a casus bdlL
Pelley of ihs "Opew rtoe*e i.im*.
the teeUng would SBbsIde
_ . _and membera toter for fbe celunlrs. and General
WOOM not be so agitated.
Woodford were present, and at which It
*Xngland has Jost nothing In China
bad been hoped a dectolon would be wblih ought to have been kept.
Ksat Tver Days WID ■* Mementops.
ICoch depends upoB the next fewdaya reached.
------ AT^—
"Both governments are absointrty
1ha| eongreos will not long remain tnaettre U some decided action to not agreed as to the drslrwblllty of a aettle* pensatloas. and are in a pualtlen to
obtain nrore If we require them.'*
taktojrir the hdmlnlBtraUoB to cerUln. mem." aald a dig
The Time*, commenting editortally
It IS also true ttoi tto talk of au ppdndent of the Assoctoled Pre*. "but
amisUee eaaspd a great deal of lU the tenrion to so great between the two Lord ftelboume’s speech, says; “me
teeUng. The honse proceeded to do that It would only take a little farther language of Lord
The eulaitd to dispel the dangerous Illusion
h—tnw eriUioat dotbreak.yeeterday or strain to split the hawser."
expreseed by the newspapers that Orvwt
Vttheut dramatic Incident, but «v such
: qMet can to promised today, when the
column of the reji -I of the Amer Britain win not go to a grewter length
navtf fain to being considered. The day ican court of Inquiry. General Wood than rn.lesu," The Dally New* ai
dONd with a prospect itot tto com- ford's conference with the Fpanisb miB- ' ll if a *rn«u* rebuff, and makes
toicre w-B* of an honr’s duration, and
'Tbr hue
after lire I’nlted fttaice minister with hownvr.l
•poaslbly tofotw the end of the week.
drew. ^e conference adjoumsd lo i dearly it wa* not worih England's
O'clock tomorrow afterwoon. I'nlted while tn.gi. war to prevent Rumta'i
Biaies Minister Woodford eeetnsd Bitlon. tt-hal We have to do to lo see
pleased with the rr*i:I( and every Indl- that BrUtoh righto and Interesu are
not Impi-rlled."
eatfon p»lms to a s iildmeni.
t Interview after
............- -.................AssoHated
0 what to hie duty. andAd- Pretwfhatl'nlied Put-s Vlnlnrr Wood- •hradr Take, by BrUM. Tn
prise—Ma Hwad^diave
TSTM criUetom—whl^ It Is asserted to ford asserted thst he de^r. dwn that neCairo. March So—Fhendr on the Kile
aalM» due to nflsinformsUon as to th> cwalOn to exprvsa the desires of hi* gov.
has faUen Into the hai^-of the Angle.
MtnaUon or ignorance of the presidmt's eminent on the subjeri of the altualinn
lroop«. who attacked theplace
piirpoM will not to prrmiiiedtoawerve In Cuba end rtf the r»ecentrad<w. BenorWe are again before the people of Traverse City.and vicinity with a brand new spring
Hdded that the confereo.v ds- ftaiurday . captured the town with all
him In the least degree from the eourwe
he has planned. Tba^ptweidenc some ....... - -^-c" of these point*, and that be Its r«rn of great ralur^-aad freed stock of Merchandise. Embracing Clothing, Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, a big stock of
days ago made a peremptory demand hsd prcrr.]se<1 lo study General Wood- no slave* The dervishes lost m men
ford’s prupoaltlons and lo submit them while the Anglo-Egyptlans lost none. Carpets, and Millinery.
We take thkopportunlty, our ppening week, to thank all of our
n regent and then tq a cub- ShendT wss taken by surprise. 'The
to bosumiee In Cuba, lo release thecuoeantrados and to permit them to reivm loot council.
gunNwl* w-lth a battalion of Egyptian* patrons for their liberal patronage and with the assurance that our mute^ interests will be
on board ascended the Nile from Ue
to Uwlr botneo and resume their several
•ecupatIuBs uMcotested. Thto etatomouth of the Aibatw river and arrived as beneficial as heretofore, we start in on the seventh season of our existence in this locality
•eot Is made by nnqaesuonable author*
htoet of WkW* U le IVnwII LakS Ms- at Xheody by dawn on Saturday. Th* full of determinatioiT to outdo all of our former efforts.
yasA* «e MwIM Wsrtotp..
gnnbnatf ehelled the forts, and then
tty. and slncp that demand was. com*
gIBnkwted to Spain the president has
battalion was landed and snacked
A movement
Mnwguke*. Mar^
Our purchases this spring have been more extensive and elaborate, treating' every
aot taken a step hsekw-ard nor allowed was Storied yeeterday trending toward .
town.. The aitark wa* made by
himself to be perwusded into modifying the abrogating that pan of the irwaty ' "ank-movement. and the -lervlsh garrl- branch to its minutest derail untM now we claim for our departments completeness unparal- It In the lesst particulaf.
of im totwern the fnl.ed Btole. and
led in thj^ vicinity. Rich or poor, we can satis^- you all.
Bpaln'r ftssi reply to thto demand. It
for twenty mllea
to known, to now receiving the eemeat Great Britain which stand* In the
The cspinre of Bhendy was s brilllaai
the t'nlud Butes building
buildtog »,
manceuver. as ihe main body of the
oonslderwtlon of the Spanish authori* of
of. Ihe
ihe great
gresl lake*.
_____ dervishes, who- advanced against th*
ties at Madrid, and their final reply Stops
hare slteady bven token looking Angto-nryptlan forces fropi peendy. I*
may be reasonably expected within the to action
by congress annulling now- cut oft from Its l>ase and II* leser**
next few days. Rbculd tbeM
.. .
treaty. The Milwaukee Journal depot to diwtriiyed. The dervishes who
Will represent i variety of styles, strictly up to date, of medium and high grade
to rcK-cted there to the highest author* the
an editorial luiniing 'out
liy for Slating that the pres.deni would print*
against the Angb-Egypllan
the advantages Co be gained by sueb a advanced
goods. Nothing but a living profit is our motto in this department as well as in all otheis.
pot hcHt^ a momenl.a* to bto curse. change
of policy; the abrogation would "mrtrj are suffering wevertly from lack of
riy (ay the whole leave tlmBda and this country on an food, and are sutotstlng en palm outA
We have devoted the best part of our second floor,^to Millinery, and llh^n't spared any
record l« farc congrenst and to guided^ equal footing.
The deatrticllon of (hel* euppUcs at
Its Insirucuon* As a prvllmlnary
a-III compel them li. gtwe bat pains or expense to beautify it and make it cosy and inviting. The stock arid styles are the
The treaty, the editorial eayw. Ues ftbendy
. toward |~-«re It nas been pro|««e
tle. for wbich the Angio-Egyptlan
SpAln-lhoush till* last propoattlon has one of I'ncle Baru's band* In case o
pedltlnn ha* been oagerly wall
Opr pattern hats which we wilTdispose of at about wholeUle cost of ma
not taken th.- sh.|.- of a demand as yet naval war with any other p->wer. In
liew-A of a croriilrc dofest of the .
with a Jonmal. reporter _ Tisbe* Is expected here hourly.
« l«»i-thst thv spenlsl. roremment
terial, are the nobbiest ever shown in this locality. . They are select Parisian models, repro
ship‘itJtder uf thto cHtymsd*
wrilb*ww lu ir.....|e. from the tojand
and that the Cubans b.- given 4h^ in
duced with fixquisite taste by our artistic trimmer. Miss Jennie E, Paliper. We invite yon
Chlcago. March M —Ku rhargea bar*
dependence on ■ basis of InfieninUy that sources of the gr*«t Vkee. noting what
It factor they would to In cue ei as yet l>e>-n served upon Colonel Mar ail to visit, with us on our opening days whether you buy or not.
would to reimrded s* just m amount by
It I* underotoed that the dlfferrat
the United Ftaies and-oti
other najjons of chamber* of commerce at all cities ot cus Kavafiach. Feventb Infantry. I. N.
0» In arreet hy o*der. of Ooremor Tan
the toorid. and fair t
the gresl Mk** will do all In thrir pow- ner for parading im St. Pairick'a day.
and It to hetirved that Ihe cotonel wRl
The raaneh iff an arn-.toiiee ha* not *r to. farther the movemenL
to restored to hla command. The 71st
bsen agreed lo by either this counry or
Fine wool Henriettas, silk mixtures. Irish Poplins. Illuminated Govnert^ Fancy Mohairs,
of war nrovidM that the chargto
Spain, though there to no doubt that
be served within eight days -aftor
Spain soggested an armisii.e. What
Satin 6alliel. A beautiful line of fancy w6olen novelties. A full line of novelties in
the arrest or the elBcer be released,
tortns of peace will to acceptable t.. th.D
spepresMenl cannot\ba slated, but li 1s assilks. A complete line of all kinds of new linings. A choice selection of imported Organ*
at kwW reeked the Rsttsf '0*1 sf
aerted that no f^oposiiinn w-ili be ^q.
Ravana. March » —Tbo. relief train
Kidered that doe* not Involve the praccarrying suppUet to toams la Kakana dies. Ginghams, half silk Mousseline DeSoic. A big variety of new Shirt Waists. Indies
(leal if not actual independence of the
tjrovlsce. which left th* rity yMterdsy
Cnbans. Under these clivumstances the
wool and silk capes, wool and silk skirts. ladies*.misses' aiidchUdreiis jackets.noyekic*
moTOlnr wa* wrecked twenty-one'mDsi
mentora of the adirinletrwilon think It
onlslde of Havana. No one was hnrt
i'-an uffictola at Correo. Hexloo- or even bra,mAh- Pour freight ear* left in ladies jeweled belts, pocket-books, fancy silk muslins, embroider^ chiffons, embroider^
krrested Joaqaln Martl.k Spaniard ftwn the UBdC-sDd one was mat turned In a silk muslin neok scarfs, ladies' misses', and children’s fancy hose, high ak fanc^ ribbons. A
Havana, and two ooooinplleea. The
o more loyal American, or
Mexioan troops captured a couitor of
large stock of Ingrain carpets, vervet Moquetts and Tapestry Brussds; A large and fine
' who will beeltat* less than he w]
Maru with iviirr* giving full data of
hour for action -ha* ^ved.
(he Intended raid. The crossing was
stock of men’s, women’s and children's high art foot wear.
DMASCK WOOLD LOCK TO MKD^TE. to have been made at Carrtoo on the'
OkrfcqlTto. Tenb.. Iterch Ik-nw
btosklag out of hostiluiaa totawm
Our usual force of clerks will be pleased to wait upon you whether you buy or not.
»s Mh* SpeeM R..B.M mr Mslac «ppmiU Spam nnd tto Unltod Butea Rob- tohrihe exploalaBs ocenrTea at tb* Syoa, to the OsmUy Tight.
tory waa the object of the expodHlon.
Washington. March M-Tbers la UtU* Mexican troope are now hunting par4onbt ihst the FTsnd govsrement I* tic* ImpUcated. S<Nne 4W m^
tsady to tender Us good aOess as ready to croa*. armed and mounted.
I^’^iat’alry to now patroUng th*
SMdtotor between (he United States
wad SnslB If any inUmaUan is conreyed
OVA w— A.. ^ ■
Sr Ms dianiry ttaai sneh oSos* would
Ss aceeptable. Without g«ch Intlma.
«HS ft t* doubUnl wbethsr rraaee wiO Uto CUckering. of New Tot*, has la-
April 1st and 2ztd. |
. 11
Fletcher'S firster Depot iri Res^W
Grand Spring Opening
Friday and Murday, April 1 and 2.
■ a Sx>©oia.X-tiy-
Our Millinery Department
Xni GomIs ei Djsilaif Ruili toTake t»a|.
dlenttaff a 4*Mm
Music iiAftemoos aid ETeiiifi.Dnli Days.
The Boston Store,
i|OMmig jt»oo«n. MOTHPitT, tftBim at.M*.
Cwrfwno* of Bopublicon Mont.
b«r« Who Aro for ftodiccl
Action in Cuba.
OF TLinwiTP pBEgB>£8.
ttaaaUlcaaa Aiim4. TMt raivaaa
9^ U m««pa Aattoa by
«kM WIU Hate Cate aa la.
„ l "mnLE uMir AonmiiT
«<l«rUMBt tiM meat Important Orrtf. '
Dal*riu>B H AM AiMf.
opiMBt oT ttar Aar «B( tka atuMtiBe*-i
----------J. March ae.-T»>e Ml<*l»aB »«it Otat tka Ttwmy-Bha f^toaat ar '
Aaltcatloe net rcaterOay atK-rBoOfr tat UtCaatTT rtow ; atauonaA In Hoatana
of iha commit
oa fon^
foralca ’ ' *eiild^
iranaftnod *5.
to Dry Tortn»aa
*he room jaf
tre oa
affair* aad naariimouBly deelAM to <aQ in the ObU of Mexico. Tbi* rac
upon PreaMeai McKmtry UO* momlitx i compoaed ntlrely . t colored
aad nrxe
nr«e uik
-..*j bin the
la a body and
iioie*- ' »•*» hare hern torated la the
ally and ad\-lMWili> .or iprompt and
Their auy la .
WamoL-e^rtion on the CuVnn quraUoa. , »'
The delecaUoa wlil aay that in aakinx I ■
for Interventtoa It repreevnta the over- “
»h .iQlny oaaUmeat of fh* people’ of
SkOM mnM OMr«Mi.M anMai Aim
K»pa«aa •« i»t<
March »-Tha
mm hMmrt iiwi mwia m>h
Ut« »« *=■«»« ••*» yeaterday nwinaiw
derailed and completely wrecked three
mile, rial of ihle otr. 'li cairlid
nadley. O.. Madb «.'-At «:ja o'clock
laat afrhi two riHr»-«ly^rlBe macaalaea cootaielny abouTT^ qitarta belonatna to the Bradford Olyreriae oompany. exploded with tetrlOe (nre* at
the factory ahnnt flve colleo Mat of the
dty. The eh.--k r-- Ml all
ocer thl.
tot all demon.. Uopklrn of lllla<4a. a
nemher ct the -waya and meaaa com-
»I«oe. pevaiiled. 4ny of Mlaaourl waa
mcretary. The meetlnt aae called to
take aieta to ae<urr Immediate InterrenUon In aeme form and the reecrmlUon or Chan mdepoodeae*. The meet• Jat waa railed *1lh a view "to aeemn•Uahlnt th. tmqualined ramocai of the
fttaalah troope from Cuba, and the
Beompt armed Jateryentlen la the aftklra of (he lalana. The word way quleu,
ly paaed around, but maay w ho are
antbdUaaticalh- in favor of interwnilen
tolled ef nollflcatlon. ib....Kh the num
ber* preaent would be euffl-lcntls larte
by conwiiidaiion w ith the . r«-i>’o. railc
torce. to carry »ul ibe pmr;raromc.
, Muaioene* rhe pretMeal la.. It..,..
- Hopkitif. a. chairman, bii fly Mated
' toe ebjfcte of Ibe meviia* Ji.. mdu-aled
Alt dlMppoInlment that ih- i-r ..deaf
■leewie carried ho ouillBe ■ ( UeftdUe
reaponalve iH.llry toward' Fraln. and
told he did not hoUeve further deUy
'Should be lirofked.
thnuabt the admUiiPtraiion mltht ha«e
nnoiher day or ............... thin wMchjc
•ad falUnt to do »o tbaiconyr-ra.bould
take Die matter iniq it. own handt
dependenlly and at
Hr favored
aciloB I.Hlklnt to fu
but made BO apectflr fURceet 'ei.
toe method
of He aecnmt li.hmtm.
..., ... ......neeoia,
anolherenember of the ways and meenli
epnunltlee, said thl. countO' ahouh! not
atop abort of aeourlng the abaohiie laAependenee of Cuba. There w ere a num
ber of apeecbea li. the same vela.
AeMaa PeterreW ratll Thu AilerwrM.
Marsh nf lliinol.. chairman of tbe
committee on niilitla, made a v|*,.roua
speech In Which he dencum-.--l Spain a.
the proven culpable perty to the bl..wIncupoftheMaine. Herald he wou d i at
SB end to Bpanlsh rule inSie by Imroedl.
•te latervetillon and a formal recognltion rf Cuban Independence >usi aa
-earty as eongn-s. evuM art. His refer-,
•nree to Rparlsh i-.M.-les a. to reenn*
cenirad.w and other t.ba*
were warmly applaurled. After aoipe
vigor, us apeecheaj. n'.-nclato'v of Fpain
1 It war decided to def.-r action until I
o'clo.-!; this ariemoon
whom a ovmber
John R. Santo/
Geoeral losuraflce.
Waahlngf*®. March 30.—Interest in
toe Cubar. altuatlon-lh- liitereat might
almost be, formed exiUcmeni. au latvooe was lt-re«ched a -climax la tbe
proceeding* of the oeaate yaterday.
Aa OB prevtoua days «T dlstuaslon of
tbo Cuban queallOD tbous
pie iltwkto to the CBpltol.
Of w lu>ra comparatively could gain jul
irlSBloo to tbe gallertea Within 0ve
miBiMW after the senate convened
Ua of Kebiwska iatro<1ucrd a resoluth-n
reoagBlglDK the independence
Cuhaa repubib
a. rcaoluUcn i
Viab d««Ming war against ibc klngForaker then IBlroduced a resolution
declaiing for auch IntrrventU® In the
Cuban war aa would bring ai>out the
lndc|iendea<-<' CT the Culana Followlag
this came a resolution by Fry* of Mates
demundlns that Cub* be made free.
The iesqluti..n* followed one another
ftc rapidly a* almost lo-^tun the audiiorw, bulb sers^or* and spectstori.
iThe galleries were In a comm-tlon and
tbe te-.>pl* were pn-pao-d for anytblitgThls was the K.ndltlon when the vice
pn-e.ilihl re-ognlx>d Mason of Illinois
fur bu anno-tiled speech on tbe.predl-dent'a messac* transmitting to congrew thr flndlnga of the Maine court
♦f Inquiry.
Maaof. read his spseeb from manupeript. tfUl It was deli\-cred with all
toevigor and flreuf wbJ'b he Is capable.
The inienalty iif the feeliog of thoae te
le giUerles wax etideaced by ikcsiorm
at applauae which was eUcJted by tala
declaration that hr was for war. Thy
apeoch way
full of dceundatloa of
Bnalo and Spaniards
After Mason's
apet-ch the senaie passed sevroly-fuar
privale penB'on bllla and fniUw-cd this
order with euiogtes on the tale Senator
Earle..'of EuuUi Carolina nne of the
moe.i remarkable of phlrf was proSoonced
Tillman. W
ftnlltlcal oppimeni of OoBeffey-brle.
The hooae quielly ronsidereiftplivale
Wlls. dM-oUrt* most of the dajj to tbe
cofisidcratiun of the bm to parhertain
toalras for sIotss and gupplias fur.
toshed to tbe I'nlnn Iq'*loyal cltlaen*
ht too south daring the war. There'
VOA a butei conieat over a olalm Cor
«fi;4W hr to* hstm of tbe sridow ef
<0«iC: Rohert X. Lee. Bbe tebarired thf
• -laa trpfta MraFltabivli^her aimt who.
^votm Ctty, Mito
of aoythlBg Ita thto
ir toU » tbe plaoe to laitra
' Btli* Win Net Bs >a^e;w
yoor order* and get prompt work.
Aitixcill* Miske ('tab KMn>y Beam.
(kiiMactioB gBarasteeo or bo ebatg*.
iBiy nerk of Bk-kBsa : Lease .vuur ordev* at ofica or call np
•uffrreO furyi
faoek. Sidney.
■y. and Undd«^-<
la the K tib (Tart, la (he PrlBBiy Bekoal - WAf4 Rhodes. HI.®lnnigton. Ch
«"- >»w
X-aaalng. Haroh 10.—Governor Plo"I»»»■
gre« llaa relun^cd to stay b)- tbe legli^ _
AUI K a-. woKEIin.
I*toy diei Mrs CaroUne Dunbar. Hornlature nnill the Uxht over hla taxation
cuy.orato j ^err. Ills.. -------acto-todyTlB
------------iBIemany Inbin la flniah'-d. He says hr wlH aunil
, Jared, may di»; Mm. J. p. Adams. fUwa• ic-fum
by thr measKge aubmlticd last week
iih. a«
j 1^^. Waih^. .^rushed and brulaed.
Bloetlea VoUow
■ ■aroteib-afionll
: Mlae «njVla
aad will not recommend the re|wal of
itmpaign at
the Michigan Central charter, ailhough
many are umlng him t.l do su. The
bruised: Mr*. Man f-Vnruson. IIT.wtn’TBiaotea UtU* Uvor Twraora A eery
pincree bin. he aaya. dispnsee of the
ion. face aad head cut by glass, may
Bwall pill Tarn tour Urar. A true Inxattre.
taxation feature of that charter, and fuanb da- of A|Vll. A D MW fnr the porv-M lose
eye:. Mrs. A. K. White. Normal.
Of eleellas the aeteral CKy aod Wart oObvra
this 1* all that needs altentlon at this
»**ia eierlum will be ooodueted la aerort-' TMlly
time. The numlwr of bfllr Is la> reaalDX
Dcussion of ib^
eharter^ aplna
every- day. One pmvidra foj a eornmlt- aoeewua lie prtrisloae of the eiiT
Ina. breast croshed i rdiilon alara?^ J.W.Patehra.
Oae large tot. Odrfoot front, on Wab
sadtheeeo-ral eleeUaa law. of■ «*'
•» ; ing;
slnn m Invesilcaie tbe whole subject
»1 Rev. F. K Jonew. Danverw. Ills.,
•ter street.' I
Walliagtob aB4
of taxalb.n and report to the aait sew
•Ullfvurt.oo WUl he hel
tbe CotlaB-iag •>H>a crushed, severely Injured; Prank
»ogbt for SIM I
plaei'i in aa.d ctly.
slOB cif the lectslalure.
,.!**• ^•‘■•dtUtg, BIccrolngK-n. compien-lxl ‘
nrm Waid.-lB lbe Uoai
(SO* .« t;... traveler, coBcuaaiun of aplpe. seHoualv. |;
A hill providire that the state board
«ee.lallaaiitgoeBb>ek.TrBrtfw*Ott.Rleb.| OAe M-fool lot. Borlow aUevt. 0»k
of -nunUaallon shall annually fix the
valuation of an railroad, exprwea. Ule'AXOVO the ORCAT UlOBWAT
bird Vert, la the
ke SIBwdeh MMlwg; e
grarh and telephone property, waa la. i'nlnnnn.1 HiUietw
nr.sissss vAiu/s
trodued. The-r c.rpgrmilon* are to be
gaanb Wart, la tl r
laved dircr-t on s-ich valuation at the- VnlaoMrecl '
To WlotUr Via
Luid of toe|o ■
rat- of ihree.fnurlhs of 1 per oeol. Thf [ yy«a Wart, lathe Prtwary whaol hwlUlag
,0. Law
afswtal st^ioa te eollarUem
I! exempts
exen-pt* an
all roads operating
to I yC* p.«n*
and to!
election will he opened la 1
TBe Mighty SuaUtern Eailway Sya
be built nrrth'uf the forty-fourth degise ' each want jm tlw rla.-c
avurqitig the aight Gr«v Sutca
of latitude, tbe object being te encourSooth, dealres
age thl. development of the Bonhern
— li. ~' J*** i'**".*^ J
neaiui-eeekrr. the
------' A» aBeh e arllM ti
Laad-*Mfc«r. toe I'leasureeeevker. —,
,Profltrt*eker and the Fickle TtavwJteg
:PnbUc. to the ntany adraatogsw. the
CsaUTtire. Llvse rseUablr —4
[ bvauUfBlaeenory. lbs rich Md fertile
Ow Cliy Treaeurrt
Rmb*-Falsi rtaagB
I Iitod and the oiBay roanru which He
Oae (tehnnl laspeeur. rail terw.
Two wraW* of ta* Posrt of PuM:
e, laloog Its itees.
Vlroqua. Wla., March M.-A aUck of
Go to Florida and escape the maav
dynanyte exploded at the rrsldence of
OiwJg.ilce of lie Pi^are. full (eTs.
OoJd anddlaagre-abledsys of winter.
Mrs D. T. Ewers, at Kesdstown.
'Fbone No. 3.
—Watch Repairiiig.
la each wart of the »«y
n h.-rv. yesterday.' <
c aesopsewiaarfarose year.
prol«bl>- fatal Injurte* to Mra. Ewer*
Csc AUerwaB foe two year*
and her iw<
Ow iBsyweior of Btenioe (or
One UlewbeT of tea Boart
e: gdaeaiuw foe
.rt of
Iwv «ealw
the sl.-ve h
OaeCoo.talile (erode year
to be thawed
NMIee I- al-« beeel.T -i.«a that lb.
s„ March So.-A bkndcer tloB to a-t»r< Ibe sy.uwB et fn-e ten ...
Nonhwastem fi>ad tan off the Sr-iriOe.1 b} Aei Nual-r lO of tbe PobU.____
lisy. for twele tbe i.nbllr >**001* of Uw V'l -'
yesienlay and took a fearful cl
• 111 W •unwiiirt to tke aguaUfl-d eleciurW in ^
Id the ice. sixty feet below,
illlam Schuslir and Cu« Anderson,
The «-e« of ib^ Uallm «l1t be a. (olio,
who were on the lar and went down
with II. were killed. The <au*e of the
F»f free ten b-cks a- proeldeC b, An Nua
accident ta said to be a piece of Umber
bee litotu-ePabUe Aetaof M« No'
a-bivb was no the traco.
hand tm. {•ID day of Karch r
.taoaW Bi,ai
►rk «l tbe riiy MTrae wCny. Graed
•eCoaaiy. Ulrhlgaa
MKCIC&. wltsre beae-a and larth OlaaoPoaaimUgrttlytuaA_________________
to meet amongst the many of the
beaotiea of nature. See the grandaal
In America and Bilti
e-^roj^t Atuo^attow. ;
America a odlv Palaee.
oT Um. W. VanderblU.
ween the' Blur '
. to4p.is. Talo|Aums,n-
for Bale efeesp. or win
SBlIeBfrwi* rallFoad; to mnrm wril isprOTed.
\Xr*IfTBD-ArprTBUres la ear wlUlsei
EUR PALg--r>n> baggy m4
X* oea : • 111 be onU cbrtp Cbarttakobma.
eorder Plae aad Utk atrwela.
aad rraoSUa oltsou.
416 Lftke Avenue,
PraakBawilm. ttedi
Th.- president hat
Kalecr. vf Illtnols. t
sallan. Usx.
ViTONgY TO LOAslwe bare on Acy^l
Xto berv Booey u> lasn «a iBSenrrt etly aoi
(arsB peoprjsy. V-aprwQad O I'mitr, AlloebeT*,TrBevraeClty. Ktcb.
Apply ta Trasona
I':xperunrnu are being mad* In Nlearaguajn shipping evaporatrd haaanaa
Tbe slesmahlp Ft Paul aallteg for
Euruie tclay . look out IIO.OM ouncos ef
t rJ:
^ ^1. am rvBied to Nr
Chas, Mastic.
The demand for ' wsr rlUts " atrungtbened Bt Ngw Vork yesterday.
Charles H.. Cranp. Ibe FUtedelphla
’ G"SS‘^
Remember that I do all binds of roOBiripgand eoamsllBg. Bod that 1 can
asd do give you the best work ef ao
Five roll* free- with oeBry K.M ordor. oae la the e ty for the mooej.
The paper Is ail new dwil^ Etlo* be dreoired by what ether* tall yon t
per roll 8 oenu and up.
• be eoBirary. hot come and ae* To
1 steo baee benotitul ro««i
from S to n ceBia per fool
look at (®mp]es and loave os
lAfauUoB guarutoed-
Srt^EipIdi i Mmi B. I
*“* Gray.
In onoiiection-witb the O
Aast Gen-1 IW Agent.
lo. Il«
tin F'rtrtb Aenoe.
lysojavilla. Rentuel^
Oaraboo. Wla.. March SO.—Ex-Teunty
Treasurer Walter Stone has been asked
lake, up a dlfterence of over U.CUI In
acfouBls with Fauk county.
trouble came ab5djl..'lt is alleged,
thivugh careless ^kkeeplnc.
—Front Street.
to Florida, can go ria Cba______
pasting f.®ok'at Mimntois. and ae
tbe B»ur Hattie 6eidt. which
1000 Rolls
Wall Paper Given
Bicycle Riders.
Hauxy. (or the murder of Mat McKinla>- July t. ISO. Is still in progress.
Testimony of almost even' one w ho ha*
been on tbe stand his been coatradlned by aotne other witoesa.
wiBSthe Great Thr.>ugb-Tninb-I>te<S •
> the iknilh aud P oHdn. Elegant
•estlbolsd trains, carrying tocDu '
elecpln.e, dinteg and chair ears. 1
Line Har-exeeneoce of the Sonto.
For maps qnd infi>-mstlo«, ppp^V
I your nearest ^pon (ickei agent ,or
He W-Tcortlr- ft.*** Wortk.
-s W rt Oihern Im
O. P. CARVER. Agwto
'"lUiaab Itleeraa
i paawaa killed
H Bos and BiM
ored to negotiate a fusion ’
v-r Republicans It was li .
arrive at satlsfaclurt terms, and the
silver convenuoa will ncmlnaie a sep
arate ticket.
The following i< ere among t*'«we who
participated in the denference Hcfklna.
Mann. Warner. White. Beevef
knap. Manib and Lortmer. of Illinnjs:
Tawnsy of MlBneawa; Rpauldlag. Will
iam Aldrn Smith. Saran^ w’. Smith.
U oo you know
Beardatna’a. Ills.. Uareb
from the Itunnu -river. whWh U on a
rear. I* llendlny oyer the leroe pro■rer eacaped unhurt Nom
uigbt, l.pt it 1> iHlteted aeveral will tecUnff the thousand, of arres of fine
, U wa» a narrow twasw from one fannlag land in the Coal creek dralnajfe
BHMtrMtoB Motioa.
Thr breaking of the levee
thk meet horrtble rata.trophies or district.
March s;.-n.ni
apeidiRK down the yrad. I would cause great loaa.
-----------------------------Of To<beqnaUll<.d Elfeeara of Ito Olu
H urtborg talook,
hew Turk has introduced a hiu maUw ; eoedity. MlrhlaMi
te iJIUe Klrhapoo .Hver. <
npw^awoUen b» flood.
It unlawful tor any pern.® or peraon.. i
i. brreby i
®d. the lendir was;
-railed J*o feet from a bildye. Tte re
rorporatloB of aaM.-lailoo tcyrinl. pub- '' epy will br ta e~Mo.
lla^ pholiHCrapb or n produce by any I rla-eea* Maturday. .._
va. that the tender. !>. ryage cai
three c-avht^. after .Irerrna
procea* whatever, ao aa to make public, c cl^wji la taw
Many piH.'ple gather tb«r»a by fai'.iBg
- -( rectaiertaa aero I the bride.- rolled
any Informatloc xivtnjt the power of
t0be.--tTbr waruiBt;
>Bg seat out bydlei^. wSiTi.
neat on be other i
the Bun«. or the .tnnicth of any fomc
The r
caned kldueyt -caatto mngue—iwruhftl
flcatlon. of (he Vnliod state., ■nie bill
hurled he
111 dragging pain
naoiee nmximom lenallle. of ten year*'
—general frctUig of
le ?b^ £1^ Wart. fHCTcrij u. P.tt aaU lag. Many were pujiied
Imprlaonmeni or tiJ.OOU fine, or both.
eeeeed •<r-et
evltaen-o of kldoev aodlyladdcr
trouMe -I
It! Ike Third War
BuiMiag. toe. hiviry one slmcat was
Take Ituh Kidney Ueaa-. at oaor—thrv ;
rnrr of t'ab.B ai.
bare cured iKni
IB tt>r PoBr-b W,
Tbe prcssTl IntSmlnn Is to pnw
Speaker Reed evidence that a laig«
Jortty favor* the «ep ard the c
Ever Borned OUT
I. March *e.-The r^oit fai
the home ayalnat farther delay of
le culminated yea.
terday Iq a
«c of JiepubUcaa
art inao
WthapoatUve. radical cotirae. Aboutlfty repreacmalhee atlendad. repreeeni-
MItMa'ciaaka m.
MUi Lorairt,
. „
BulUlBgStsaa •wwatarleasoa baariaeBt Alrt
bnir Into, rorurr lOlk and Caw Mreela. I«(ael
front by 1*1 fm deep. AII le Uw beAtrt of lb*
OaaasBs Jot.-..
Tb« Cdletnttad 8p»ciallltt,
i-cno nlnto-'s
The DelT'.ll. TVjtcdo and Ullwaukev
rbltrcad has pasiH-d into the hands of
Calvin ,B. Br.ecZola ibe famous French Bovellst. has
screed (q deliver a series of Jeclnrcs te
the I'nlud Ktaivs.
Hotel Whiting
Uarnult Broulus. member of congrass
fjpmVLan> . Ha.'la seriously
IH at/lhe
'the Ihome of hUda,
daughter te Mount
itjrfpn. h
N. YABtOB Feidt. the (amo
died 'suddenly at New
Buds Teat te IK
Sergeant Tyh
Impeachment proteedlngi have b*eo
Itutituied against the members of th*
Omaha board of Cre and poUte^auaterhmera. who are charged with nflBgJJ!>*
board aa-s political machine.
The gtvmior of WiacouBiB hns tafeuto
B proclarnBUoB appointing a toaie^eoramlasino
.. aga ndptoed. wnartegat. Thecium
#M iBaany aWckoi oat. hat toe hoHM , lam the <
•OCR TMsto bafan tot wn waa natoad. I«
FRIMr. IPRIL 1st, 1238.
yioa ngyr -ww b®f ® By^aw* ^ f^t j
’TTTAKTgP-Ta'eseliaBg^eganAbeaeyvork J
W . hurt* r .r a good gwaUa ArlTUix ban
iB^ln-ofC C Maea.iliedrwyBaa. tA-U
On* Day Only Rato Kosth.
OfibBultRUou wd BxRmiUBCiDn Ffm and Strictly
f ..*n r
ooiao aoma.
If Tou WnlloarE|K EumlHil
By SB opUdsB of exgierisnoe. sad
OB* wh^tei^^l* year
nl ito «ge. ksr. Ttoewi saA Urns*.
I ir. GuiUetT^^tkiiifeto.
rffsnw.., »>-
. whoae' gadddB
diaappearance from Fort Monroe a few
I ago causcdaaanaatluB. Is at fi atb.
port. F. C.. apraigntly suffering from
the effects of a apr«e.
bora, loqulre el Or® W
An elrctr^ car mn lotn a wagoh
Cblcago, and WUIlam Musa* tock »
bn.Kn sod he may die.
. Two more bodies, those of Frvd Roble;n and Hattie La.idsun. were taken
froni llie ruins of the Ayer building Bt
gtojf <ij
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
s bem
d wHtout aekk. kalle, pain tw amr. Rewaeltoa*.
», Pllea, Tap* Vom. ato •
Amval iCBsmo
• aobmeof aitoe
beaseymtoto aoeeaueea tf yea aaipley tatm. Tl
DRS-jB* S. & CO.
Look Box 160.
i WeUuassad J
titaall aianlng 4ak*A*
a Ibe bwlaeo.. Geo. X NctslUa oaBs^eUltebli
--"•'-“-..••Jnof tb»*TB tsAsrUlertlee
Ohtoaco A Emta XitfUcaa Btol- <
road Oampaay.
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