The Morning Record, January 04, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 04, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




VaTOn Arbttmtion On H. S. OnBp>
haU * Sane’ Ptont-bc^ Xnttor
Mmed VnUl the Watt lOetiac« of VlTo .^pouted
By Xayor Smltt-Olty phnxceo VUl
BaOlven Work.
There wee qoite nn nadumoe In the
•nnneil ehemberUat niifht. ntttncted
by the potelMUty of
.Ortinc U the onemh
•itkm. Bat they
The matter reeU Joet where It etarted
and no aeUoa townrde the
' a new Are exUnroleher hae yet bean

leoWiar far. *nwr»pert of tbe ooa-'
at appointed te report npon tea|
rln*. The Bu>orfty of the <
eoetUUnc at Utror Sntiih. At<
OnrriMa, Fire Chief Rcule nod Citj
Clark aiokerd. reported that (bey had
determined to'hdbere u'lhe
d in their preeleoa repart, which
of the •ChamploB'' enrlne of
the report
were lettere from the Are departmenb Of eemral dUee reUtiar the
merite of the ••Champion" and leferrlnc
parUenlarly te the reported UabUUy of
the eUpplny over et the eeld. Each
latter elated that there wat no detrlit of that kind to the machine. Alnan HaeUmantol proteeted te the
1 «f the lettere
« of the oi
had been aaked to fortiUh alntilar refcrencee aod no departmenU nelay
the ether enflnee had been eoUoIted to ennd iboei
■teted ihat theee letun were eelicIted after the Aret report
and it waa net In joeUm te other bid­
den to reoelre them. Mayor Smith
lolrodacUon of the
otated that 'the
me far the
the InreatifaUoae of
•*Chainbl-dld aot think

. bat tbdr preoenee did oat
I te aeoeldnte the moremenU of
»cU nay la nrrirlnc at a dadoton. In <Mt there are Indleatloae that
the whote thlnr wU^U threufh and
that no ehemieal engine will be boafhv
at preaenu It may he that farther ac­
tion on the water
; wUl eaparaede the porchaae of a new
. BowevcT that may he. there were almllarly treated.
Alderman Garrboa eaferly watched
b already a mominent etarted to dfala
' take ap tee prohleB of a fotare water hie chance to peUn * word and then
Ared n briUiaat Ai^y of ciraterknl
happly and Alderman Goodrbh
He nnnokneed with
eharncterUUc Soarieh that
I at the oommlltee had reoommended the eery
The aiaX p
meetlnc r a one from the Oonfrefa- beet machine that eonld be bonAht
Prmbyterlan nd Baptlet for Travene City, and there waa no
akardim for an are Uffht at the comer ether view to be token of the propoei•< Park and WaahinrtoB etmeta. The tiOB.
matter wae referred te the cemmHtee }eet to the Utten becanee he tho^t
all neeeeeary taformation abonld be re•a UdhU^.
eelred ebont anytbinA the city mi^l
Q. B.'Boa«hey petitioned the eoudl tiee. Aldermen JabraneiuAed that the
te nllow him te weeta ehed oo hb letun be Uelnded in the report aod
pcembes eoner et Oaae and State eUted that thay were proenred for the
ntreeb. the bnildiar te he eorered purpoaa of ehowiaA Ue ataaeaee of a
with Iron abeetinA. The petition waa reported defect in the epparatoe roereferred to the cpmslttee oa An and lemmea'ded by Ue eommfuee. Tha rewater with power W act.
‘ port waa Aaelly rAleed and Sled teThe fUetpropoeitiaa brooAhtforward Aether wiU the lettere.


leyed a aleigbride lad nlAfat to the
home of Mr. Farmdee on Ue Fenlnada.

PoaDdmaater Allan SmiU made eomOrPOOTtOV COBTBOXA LBQUI plaint before JedAe Bobeiia yeeterday
,«rnlnd Mn. Annie WlUlnma and
Olda tor keeplnA dose wiUbat havfnA
Ue raqnblu Ueenae.
Oraoa Obarch Serrleaa.
d by ▲ntt-Banaa
Serrlem in Grace choreb wi
corned Sanday and Uen waa a larre
XBB--Soaae of Wild Bm
OetoBboa-Oatvin S. Btioe BetaA
Bnnbed te Senator by Podombte- dneted In Ue momlaA by Bbhep tiillbpb, whe waa aoabted by Bev. A. B.
Bffbra Betnc Hade te Bet BepubWella and Bev. C. T. Stent, the new
Uoann Badt Into Una.
racter. The eeneon in Ue momUA
Odambna.O.Jan.1.—TbcCUlolcAb->weedeUveredbythebbbopandU Ue
latare eoneened at 10 o'doek today.
liBA by Bev. Swat BcAolar
Owinp te the
leea will he eemdoeted h«Acafter every
nenal Inuteat waa taken In the erpanAt Ue eloee of Ue eervlee
iaation of both hooaea The enocneen next Sanday morninA a BahhaU acbool
Setnrday nlpht wore not oo
naanl WiU be erAaaUed.
linoi between repohUeooi and democrab owlBf to eome of Ue repabllcan
' a faaloh with
the democ mtlc memben for the defeat atreet. <0»-tf
of Senator Hanna.
The eenateatenda eiphteea demomab
ihe latter in- What's the natter with
clndlnp Senntor Volpht. whe wae elect­
ed on the fuiion ticket from Ctneinneti. and who did aot attend cither
eanena With party liaca drawn In the
late Lientenanl Ooremnr Jonee. repablicna. woold here had the Ue toM
loenetandhehaabeeneenaldared oppeeed to Hanna.
The hoeee etende aUty-twe r^nhUennaand f
r foxloabu from
lor n Chrietmss or-New Year’s
In the hotme Ue wUdeat aeeoaa were present? , We have n nice lot of
itseaeed darlnA Ue Ant boor of the them in vvery style and finish.

A Nice
Odd Dresser

Uelr eeeu. After the name of Boxwell wax preeenied aa Ue rcAalar repabUean rmadldate for epeaker. Ue

Mean, wae preeented by Bepr.
and aoeanded by two
pobUcana. Tke demoeraU did net par­
tlelpate in Ue npeaktnA- Aa Ue ballot
Uere wen lend cbeen ea
when Ue roU eaU approached Ue eloee,
and Mnoon aecnred the
jority. then waa a lonA demonauatioa
Uat deUyed Ue official
af the rote.
lotardlaA Are department ft
The Ant bellot reutted:' Maaon M,
adreneed from Ex-Fire
BoxweU U. na tma bees claimed alaee
Chbf Deaprea. whe engAieud an idea
Satardey niAht by Haann’a eppoaento.
which wae receired with fneor. Ue
The oemhiae Uea completed Ue oristrodiiaed the plan of remeeinA tha
ladden and all other Implemenb need Berly Diaeavery Pnreoted a Bad Aanlxnllon of the hooM. Mr. Mi
wpa declared elected amid Are*t
en a book and bdAer Unek from the
Tin fi-flie BioibaU Xoale Stare.
eliemaat and eacorted te Ue epeaherb
preaent appnratea. pat hall bearlnA
Aboot 11 o'cloU Snaday niAht a
axlea npon it and make of It a oombiwaa dbeoT^ in Ue W. W.
nation boee waAon and ehemieal en- j
lasic etire oa gront atreet,
Aiae by addinA either a V) pallon tank byAUeSteinbetA.: He rocaed up Prof.
eoU ef Ue orraaixallon of Ue leAlaUor^o teAfalloa taaln Thb amaAc- J. W. am. whe
above Ue etere. tore afalx revived Ue mmon Uat the
ment he atated would mre Ue exkey aed while
aa men will now oomhlae wlU Ue
peaditsn of a laiAe amonht pf Cliff waa drwlBA. entered and wlU
ley and girt the city an entSt
of Jacob StelnberA ex^eneat nneda. tiBAoUhed Ue Are. It had falned oonarfUnntit heinA aeeenmry to pMeore Biderable headway around Ue enaloA' toaUer than hove Mayor McEi
another team to draw the extra a^par- aader one of Ue dUpUy windows, hat Governor UuUnell elected for the Ioba
and ehart terms aa alivar repobileana.
atea One hose eoold draw it aaJ boiDA dUeovered early ne Arew^
ieare oae with which to draw Ue book ife waa deoe- The hlaxe orlAlnated 'lltoetatedUatUeBsanamea will
vm anoUer pt«Aram
and Udder track. 7kU arramj
from a box near Ue window, which which laelndea Ua vtoitiaA of deloAahe arAoed woald alao mve Ue
waa Ailed with aewdoal and it to prob­
City ef prorid Ida mere room, ee woold able Uat a llAbted dAsr ateb had been Uoaa from aame of Ue esantiea to hold
' enAiae b par- Utwb then and emoaldend dome iodiAnatioa meeUnA* at Ue capital
ehaaed. The nropoaiUem met wiU ta- time, hreaklnf wot into e blase eeveial proieet aAalnat Ue action ef Ue npnbUeaa members in votinA sAalnal
rtr. Alderman OarrbonmoTed-to re- boon afterwards.
their party
eelveaad Ale it. hot Alderman MonpropoalBA to revnma Ue actioa of Ue
teAoe offered aa amandmeat that It ha
Uct repnbltoaa eUte eenveatioB Uat
BAFTI8T CHXTBOH AjnrUAIreienod te Ue oemmittea oe Are and
a for aenator.
water wlU InatracUoaa 4o i
in UlaA erueade baa i
tee plan and report at tee aext itAnUr Ofteen Sleeted and OUer BBSteeae
Aiapbic protasu te the
meetlBA. Alderman Jahrana and Oarmbere who voted wlU Ue dei
rboo wwe Ue only enea toUba In -the
The annocl meetinA ef Ue Firet
neraUve and Alderman
amendment prevailed.



Pint Year—No. 809.



White .£nxxnel, Antiqae Maple,
Antiqoe Elm, Asit-Mah'^nay and
Birch in square and long hIam,
patent dost-proof drawers, and we
are selling them at prices that will
surprise yon.

MonteAne’e Bapltot chorch wat held laat alrbt end
the foUewinAwffioera elpeted:
Clerk-yE O. Ladd.
City Attorney Gtlbert aent in n
Tieaanrw—C. A. BoAbee.
<)a(ot that Ue laxca emtueil on the
Tbuetem, Uree yeara—E. Boeaer. Orawn and Frankfort BAdb Improved
penooal property of Lee Selomoe be
Plaom of Worahip.
mnurn Grant.
remitted, hecaaee aa Mr. Solomon
Chortoter-Mn. J. B. Santa.
Bev. B. M EeUorr retarned yeeterno kteady bnalnee* ben Uere
...------,,day fram F^kforl. when on Snaday
neUlBA that oocid be l^ally aaea
Uah«n-W. a. Bradley. E. Wilhelm. '
be dedicated the enlarged and
It waa saArealed that aa be waa dolBA
reAtted M. E cbonb. Tbt im|wovebaataee* here at iatervala Uere onAbl
Olkepaator wiU name a *Aii^“*ryl^„^<5o,4,,5oo „d*5io.Ue
to be a lioenae to eorer bb oaee. After
of Ava
te eatinly’clear tide, waa
a tec nquactof the city
The chorch haa had under
rmtoed dortng Ua eerrlea by voInntaiT
altemey i nA^<«d.
tioa for eome time the pan
Bev. Gee. Jnekaon. Ue'
The eommlttee en weyi and mean# piano, and laat night It wna deeded to
precore a aoitabl# Inatrnmei
reported In favor of the acAfeitie
Foormeoter WUbalm. that the
tegs here lest fall, hsa eharge of the
rerival aerrioee aad to meatiilA wiU
aided by Ue dty be employe
work by the atreet coxombAa order went Ute effect Batetday
deaer. While Ue committee did not
The ne* M. E ehnreh at Grawn wae
like to favor panper labor in Ue ^>y, en the norUMW and eonihem divtoiana dedkmted by Bev. J. W. MlUer Sunday,
1 that Uere of Ua C. A W. M. railroed between Pe- aad Ue SlU neeeneary te pay off Ue
BiAbt be Odd Jeha to be done Uat
balance ef the eetin expeaae of S600
woald not deprive other workmen of Ue aeven
man rntoed at Uto eervlee, learing the
Threogh an i
church entofdebt, aad Ue
forUefntBreareve^fsToraMe. .
sponae te na invttn
earnoioaer Kelley ■teted.tbat he eonld pot
{may Ue ezpraea meaaengwa wiU here­
Bseh men at week cattiag toe
eling anew, but did net want te be after ttke can of Ue hagfaga aa well
The faetorr and raw mUl ef William
called npon te ran alter Uem very
Beltaer wQl start Jannaiy lOU.
mneh. bot U Uey eeold be bad readUy
The ragBlar maetlng of Ue betera
be oeald nae Uem aa eoggeeted by Ue
Star chapter wiU he hdd Uto evealBCeenomlttoe. The report waa aoeepted
Archie OvisU Is preparing te move
Kew Tearin day waa made knpjder U
aad recommendationa adi^ted.
bto barber sbep frem the old Herald
Ue home cd Arthur Derine, beeaute of
n.iiM wen allowed to flte. amount bnlldlng. Csas streeV te Ue room for­ thrlrrival of a hahFdfirl.
cf S1.44S.U. and Ue dty treararnr re- merly oeeupled by Adams' tailor shep,
Fred Knec^d bat been
part^ n halnnee ea hand ef $444:.«0. adi<ri^nA Dr. Kaeelaad’a oSoa. Bar­ dsputy Btate rame and Ask warden end
In ndd'^~ to Uto Ue heard of pehlic ney Aaderwm to preparing to eecapy ie^vedbto
Ue entire bnlldlng vacated by Ue bar­
works retorted expenditaret nggreber ahop. for hto Implement diiplny.
A lam pvty of yoa^


Picture FramesAre in style nil the year ronnd. We bare soiae new thii^ ta
and Oorer Paper
that are the newest in the
.... surkefe.
Stop in and we will M happy to ehdw tiiein to yon.

sso niONTBTiierr.

'",1m. b. holuey, makassb.


is called to c»r Uoeof Water Color, Cray<m,PaaBepnrtottt,
Met aad Drawing Pepen, Water Color BoaM and Raw
Silk Papera
All colors and styles.
The Inest ever
shown in tbs city.

Haskell’s Bookstore,

W,’I1 Kll yon tbt very beet 7bo
BntweU carpet, io choice petlenu ud oolorioge, baU a doieii
rtyl, to «.Uet from, for the her.


s-i-pHeeot............... .......



To seU them before inventory-tbst’s the reseon.
&ttor come early.

St-einberg’s S^TeS'.S&atoa

Warm Shoes
at Out Prices..

Prices 60c, 69c, 76c, 98c, $1.26.

House Ftunlshlac Store,
tte-m Fnotst.


Gaining in Popularity-—^
We, are
Still Very Busy
your J>HOTOS. We have a eomplrte
line ef Picture Moaldlags aod will All
all ordera promptly, if we kave to work
aH night.


Last Month ^celled All Past Bnidnen.

AU Dralete Sell Them for

Hanufiacturod by

ToimaUW Slbok.

amito U,lM at

Free Storage
for Bicycles.

Unquestionably So..

Totkow wSolraT* tkclr vbacla «nik m* I
tv-vnemrllBt ar rvpain tmtag tea tIbmt
wUl eka^ ewMer tor eery eed-aiafaiv.



That The success of the Flour is best judged by
the testimony given, and by that judgment we are
willing to sUnd. It is the “BEST.”

Hannah & Lay Co.

In PhotO'

icals necessarj 1

That A Flour is know* 6y the results it produces.


-When yon nuke up
your pst, of wants

let ns quote pric^

James G. Johnson,
125 Front S:>treet.

---- -----------------:
Ladies’ Ready Made
Dress Skirt
Cambric Lined n f"1
Velvet Boimd # k
Covered Seams f ,|iP
Good for Mfmey 1 U


Buy the Lyooming or OhoodTasr Olove Brands,
the Bast on Earth, at




lySnL FMlowl^ U a UM •rieoaiTMt with
now bucn and tha bumWi a{! pMy. Mr. Mo&mc^ utwoo too wo- THAT 8E8EHPTORV QEIUdiUt AOAIN.
aidarm^ cf Uo prwr«t work* If tbay; ■aUsroto UtoClili
to Bo
Bis trtu sM Us It UsIcBly.
«KLTXB8E omr.
Berlin. Jaa. A—It U aoDoaoced that
wofth. Afier.aoBe <
Aah Baellmaslal sovad an aBWBd-' China baa yieldrd lo the demand of
mapt that tha aeaunlUee on fire and Barew Herktas. the Cermso
dor at Pekin, tor the dlsmlwml of the
water aoafar with Mr. Itodfa apoa the
k T. Batw axi> 3. W. BAsm.
eoauaandaat of the Chlaeae garrison
Btaktor and fiad eat what bU cbarres >at Tsso-Chow, pMx-lBcv <if Bhaa.rung.
3. W. Baxbu.. Editor ud Uasa«ar.
«o^d be for makiar the p
bersBM- of the asr of Utresienlos
isnsusgp to the itanncn tnlssloasrlsa
TbU prevailed.
there. Tea Chinese goverameat has
1 by Alder- tetefraplre^-o dUrohMal of the coinAnoiher i


We E^ftend'
Hearty Thanks


•0 Bl tb* Pa

'Tnhoowot JaaAa O'DonnaU U Is
prnrwi at rrsdoal laflsUoo ud the
asM'gatlc editor sd6 as-eoacraaiPaB te
is the rshersatoriU noe early asd U>
aUy Be baa asDoosced hU isteatioa
of jjntUsf foHh a few aflorta In^Oraad
Bapid*. hot It U aald that Plsfree U
suosfw there thas e*er. Mr. O'DasseU win sat be abaahed hf the pope
larltyof the r«aersor. bowarar. asd
wm boldly aster Ue esasy'a CMStry
asd wiU sol spare bi» ei(ona because
the fforeraor aaeaw to hare tbe beat

8wdal of ftwediah'Xodce.
Tba8wedlah8oniot Amerigabeld a
Jolly aoeialSatBrdayBirkt at. the
daace of John Hendriekson OB Bnat
I'roBt Btreei. Tbare were ^5 present
and everyone had a «ood Uma Tba
■emlm af the Bwedhh lodge proved

It in the river, where­
by ^e now of water from the erowiags
oftbeereek 08 Wadsworth aad OivUton streets oeeld bo tsaitUtod. Mne*.
Cototalasloaer Kelly eapla<s*d that
Us log boom of the Traveree 0il3'
Lojnber Oa. aoalh ^ l^ront slreat
brijdn eaused the river to remain high
and Interfered with the freedom of tke
TroalUke. Mich.. Jan-*.-A large flowing of the water from the lUiag
wW^k pine tree was reoeatly cat near da|iag Ue wiater. aa Ue slash ioe
• • ‘ ' *" ----- Goodrich sagthis Tillage, which made 11 ifrfoot Ion
et in I ret
n.iinc «.«ool«u nwtai l~i
u>. oomi™cU«. rf »
r ont^by.raeawof plaekiag. aad ia Ue diaaad the larsost tree
catoloa Uere was relereaoe to Ue Sevia the npperp«
ea^ atrcat uaproreiaaBt. ebieh IBdn^ Mr. (ieodricb to relate Ue btoOtbIb Slsvator fbr Kaaton.
Morris Kent of KalsBisBOO. a latge toijy of Us UlrisioB street improre^pper ef grala and farm prodace. BcInL ta Ue diseassioa Ue mala twne
a graia elevator aad cold wap loat sight of and a molkw to adrUl erect
st«an' warebonae la Maatoa. U< }•
erork oa Ue baOding to begin early
Ue tpring.

-The rhineee |
erameni has lelesrapbed a dismiwisi of
the eoiBtnajulant.

Aenudinir lo a diapstrb flaturda/
Banm HeyklnK. In mskins hie demand
tor thr dlsniliaial of the commandant,
larieted that a of the telecnun -of
dlsmlwml should be told before him by
I o'cloi-k I

A Few of Them Left

ave«t<on» br WeakoeM •


Mr. and Mm. M. BooenUal who leenrible motion yet made. Be did not | ip the'iww list adopted by.thc At^rhave been apendiag Ua holiday week ■ believe in Irtiing Ue cb»ieai engiae I Fan Glam evtopany prtem nrv mum

BlJpiijiiii widiilTl «TAloo mncia
^ 'xBi'sSrOOO 8HU U 8ton^

vUlag* of Kiageley showa mp

avrilto Ua total ute of pMaioea «F to

Tboee pretty Solid Kickel Quadruple Silver Plato

.Janer-Nllle. tVla. Jan. A-Praaeee E.
WJItord, president of the National W.
C. T. 1’., fainted last rJshI at the close
of her teeiure .m “A White JJfe f.,r
TWP:-. which abe deItv.Ted_ln,the Congrrcallonal ehun h. A ph>alelan waa
BuminoBed. but It a-sa snme time be­
fore she rc-eJnered aufflrirntly to he
removed lu the home of her coostn.
Wlltonl Knblnaoc. TBe (Aarcb waa
pack'd to the di-ta. and huodreda were ]
turned, away. Tke cumber waa cna-|
sequenlly exee-dlrxlF'elirfie. and It waa4notleeshle that Mw«. Willard -was nia|p.


xalurned to Petoakey yeeterday.
: elderation of Ue water works pfajeet.
AUm Kasle Walker peaeed tkrecgk ; Alderman Moatogne euted Uat be did ;
-tke city ymleiday oa her way ffwm Old I a« desire to efier any aaggeatlea that'
M^ieo to Cblcaga, where’ abe will! *onld retard proper aetien oa that tm-1
enter Ue Cook Ctmaty.Tralnlag School'portast^ttor. but befor. Mr. Dodge |
lor aumee.
Wm eogHfid be UoughtUe eommUtoe
Frank and TrUlle Bilsby. M. W. j oo fire and water Uoald flmt aBoerUla
Wright. C. O. Sproal. Wright Oamblej^betthechargea were to be. Qe.aaaad AOey Tbotnae went to Charlevoix ,if«>«Uod Uat Dodge A Cevell aaked
yartePTday to reenme work oa LJadaey
a day for- UeIr serrieca. aad ha
- Uottghl Uat wonld be enUrely too'
TbeNtleae of Ue holiday vacatloa Buck am) aa u
sain--* aa oxodas of college etndeata considered Ust Ue city attorney waa
from Ue dty yeeterday. Ralph Basf fully -capable of doing Ue work rrMage, and Byrea BoUeworU went ta qaired wiUont sack expenaive seaisUe AgrlealUial college et Leasing; toace. Mr. tioodrieb basteaod to aaSpragae Pratt, Perry aad F'raek Bolda- sare Ue eonaeil Uat be was not ta
Kyaelka. Oscar Chase. favcrotaayBUadsy atan. boeaase he
nadToay Krmpa to Ana Arbor, to v*.! had eeea caougb of Uat kled of talent
« Ueir stndiesiB Ue aaivemUy.
j but be would be willing to let Ue mat----------------------- —
1 ter lay over for aaoUer meeting. Be
Xotartained at 'WUab
' Uea referred to the-water works propL—w*
. ..»W! “'•P”
I. -M. U. -Tta.
ly Uat Lo was opposed
Wf friends laat night at a jileaeant
wUat party in his rooms in l£e'Beadle to Ukiag water from East Ray. bathe
wanted It andersteod that be was oot
opposed to Uat plan, but he was opPMAT0M8 AX Knr08UT.
poaed to Ue baildiag of a fitO.OOO rtoervoir. Ue arged Uat


grant then
I v'rinrii t
evealns (Aptarda)-) before,
reply to t»e deindnd. wbereu|>on he
Ureotened tu leave Pekin.

WUTSVKS say be the aaedi
—Ka Ua-lB*M !• Ukel>. iFhlnctxn. JsB.
The prev
ebcskal fire axU&rslahar or tU diffe<tiDx at»»nc aensb/n I* that
wot aptnioBncardiBctbe starBttir IrslslallMn will be attempted dur(Continued /rum let poire.)
Ua of variow otachlsaa oossidered,
The faet that
Use It so BiaUke about the wisdom
Aecordlng to Ue acUen ef Ue eoan- ooi^rto will tint r»-^nm>-Be until
of the oosaeil la makiaif aaothar owre
Wt^niiriay '»1li iirnia'. y be tnki*n l>v
tewarda the aolsUon of the water cU at its last BeeUng tha Mayor ap­ thwatoeatees iw Rwen tM^SoUlog Will
Oava. but had kept up for Oita talk to
pointed Aldermen Deaaimd. Urriliek
arorks probleaL
unill the!ag woric
and Montacae-UBerve as a park com- Tli*( ceheral unce atandine U. bnwevei. the peepfe id Janesville. smoBK whom
her rlribnod a-aa apeak At ttae bone
ll.nt -the work <•! Ih' iteaainn will beCiD or ber onualn tt waa said that she naa
—Opos another pofe it-printed the mlttoe:
aabatasoe of tba rap^ of At mmeU- of Ue aetia« bet referred to bis torronr In I -s' earmw: afie: this aeek. AmoiiK reallng esaHjN______________
the Tuea'.Sona aMih will ensase early
ft win prore of con- peeltlon of faverlog a meiaber from aueollnu la that of Uswallan
eaiiniBa aaTm to every ooa IsUreat^ eack ward. Be Uwefere meved that tioji. •Pi- ptaci mT the auppnri-ta
le White
l.nrdto he anoexmiton Is to take the quesiloo up in
;looed itatarday for tba first
Is the fstsre fiaaadal peUey of the
rief-ativn ».-aMi>n on m resolution of time upon Ue Xea Tear day for many
eoMtty. Itiswort^ofatadyaadhaa added to Ue eommitte. mplring a
btr from each ward. The aeoiloa pre­ ratlliratl.UL and lo delate the treaty Prealdent Hobart and atemebrv of Ue
Stilled to <
many thisca in it at
tor a -few davs In eXK-utlve aeaal»n
vailed aiui Ue eonualttee will eoMtot purauint! this fomw lone enoueti i'> rablnH omitted their recepuoaa. as a
of five auaberv
Ws have . a park
Alderms Moatagae bare maved Uat
- ^kh is a step is tba rlfht dlrecUoa.
they find they have the necesaarv
farUer action on Ue chemical engine
.Ihlrrto I.) eei-ure rsuneatloa'they
^ while inch a w
will pieea on to the enA hot If they
ahta ac^eUtioB a park or two 'weald matter be deferred aetll Ue nest reg- fiiwyivfr thcroaelvis to be deflcirDt In
nlar masUng. This gave Aldhrinas
OUoafo ICarfeat.
an t^iptotouny to state that policy and ta|n . the aaestioa of anCtaieacp. Jaa. s —Wkeat-^aaaaivd
be Uvwed Ue p
ne^tlim on MonEsu's reeoluUoo to that
engiae and he daabed to impress Us
C A. Barker of Ckjeafb, ia la the
0er«4-^»^, Miic:' May. S9M«:
ofUe BBpreteeted portions of kfflrmaUve vote* can be aei'Ored and
that a reeolBtlon of Ul* character ran
ed Ue dty Uat wkUe bU lecality in be Ipajwed If a vote ran l« reacbed Tbe Jaly.
Oat^SMary. »c: Mm. UMQIHc.
tha aecoMd ward was amply
pr^nl indimtions are that the treaty
Pork—Janaary.; May. •».».
wiU light, fire protectlan asd oUer
riaak Priedrteh waa la (hdUlae yea
Bafdda, Jaa. I.—Wheat, dec.
bs had not relaxed bU
The boaae will pnOably devote an Ito
eSorta in behalf of Ue eatbe «d^.
time this week to delate on (he drli
Mtw, Lacy
waat to Jadcaon tavRwd a chemical engine and a good service
Votios to Tax Papara.
law. and tlie talk win probably
1 to t^J ran over Into next wi.ek also, althoagb
1 will be in'my office oa week dava
Mr.aadMn. I’wryofGUawortk. are partlenlas
ud woeldI set fa- Bo .one believe* the civil eervlcr Bppfx>- from Uto date anti] FVbraaiy 1st. lan.
priation will tw defeated.
akltiatr la tke city.
to raoeire fitatoaad Coasty taxes aad
vor paying mere Uaa a good machine
deliaqaeat city taxsa for Ua pees sat
Mamie Cnlmaa retaraed ycatarday to waa worU. He declared Uat thare;
r. On dtnte aad Ceoaty taxea
the eehool for the Hisd at LasalB^.
was a good deal of fiat in Ue prieaa of
■— left#, a pentrUl Peel miller of Petodtey. wea ia moat of the macUnea on Ue market
tel of a Cl
tba eity ycatarday oa hit way baek to
will be ebargad.
and ke coaildere^that money coakl be i by that Arm.
Ann Arbor.
The Fall Ulvor. Jlass.. mule spinners
saved by proper care.
haVr i.itvd lfi a<-oe|.t the wage rtduc.’amw LoadoB rettrsed to Abb ArAldermaa Jahrase coold not refrain thm. and there will he n» atrike.
( the bollfrom expressing hto eaUefsctioa at Ue
Firv at Saginaw, Mlvh.. destroyed . OSes boore. « a'clock to 11:M oMoa
^ vBcaUoB with bit parenta
statement of Aldermaa Goodrich, be- tbf Warrvn Aveynie Pcewbylertan a- m and 1 o'oJo^ to 4 o'clock p. m.
offica la room s. Herald Baildiag.
hlrt. Cbaa. Lavaos retomed to t'raBkcal^ be had feared that Ue represen­ ch|jrrh. lews. IfO.OOil. Insuran.v. »*.»■).
.Dated Dee. 1.1»»7.
fort MoBday after a waek't visit with
William Foley haa Iwen oonricHd at
tative from Ue second ward woold not l.[ie-rtv.
Mauvilx WnixiK.
Mo .
the murder of hU
bar sister. Mrs. Sarah 3. HDlar.
City TraMBtar.
show great energy in working for aa mother and olatwr. Stid'aenleared to bo
Mtas LUliaa MeUee of Kalkaaka, wbp
Itto-^Tbar.. dau. Taaa.. tf.
impeovemhat for Ue fifU ward.
hebired Feb. lA
baa becD vis-tiBr her elatar. Mrs. O. K.
Uille Elseohut. IT yeara of agv. died
Mr. Oowirich broached aaoUcf aab-. „
Mamw. retarsed boBie yesterday.
St Milwaukee of alcofoUe poiaoning.
Itoara to daaea oaw aad enjoy ytrar.pent the night gwing front
Mitt Jaaie Titw retsmad to Flist Ject of Inurcet wbem be saggMtod |
ealvea Do net wait aatil Ua daaedag
•lance to anothi-r.
actioe on Ue water worka probe
iU!Uaa blanto yoarjaatarday to reeaina bar dotiaa aa
emwn William O'Mera. of Otllem. Be stated Uat Uat matter had
taaeber iB the sehoal for the deaf
csko. 1* dting at Merry faoapUal tiom maebfuB. Pnor. t
After a week's visit with Mr. and ba<ialong^tanaitwaaB*wtlaK to aTractured akull. given him. it to beMrs. l^oadoB. Mr. and Mrs. Fraak M. resorrect It and proceed to wme acHow uAed. by aoiDC Chicago thug.
>. B. Coiik. the oldest vdllor and
Oardaer retaraed yesUrday to Ormad for a fatare eapply. The Uerafsrs
nier la MUhlxan. cnlebtaird bln lard
moved Uat Manley C. Dod^ Ue atNiles. Italatdsy. Cook
laied vomey,
torney, be
employed u.
to nm»i
auiii r.i«y
City At- r' .7^'n-pubUc^n
Mtoa Idafcarnett. who aouemMaied
oe empioyen
la l»tr
■ta bv
by Us W
WaUbnrae Crasby Co.
mat Carr to Dundee fur ^ l^aja, j toraey UlUmrt.lB a Uorongh exami^- >
I'.^mkey, by a
oms aaperior
.. MJ
ly other
oUer ki
The ntmoat
Isst might.....
after a fartW-^t
Um of Ue water franchise of 8. 'D.
*b. ts-l k
'I *■-->
..., f..r^-r
former residents
resl(lents of Uenewre.
ia DetraiL
/ [Ctompbell A- boas', to Ue ead that Ua- Wi*.. by ihe death of a ratotire In tng- eleasllaess of mstorisl to attained.
IMeas lem Uaa Chicago rates. The
MlM Evelyn Mdigaa left yester^y eonaeil may be informed as to tba legafi
tor Us WaUiagtoa Park Seminary. letAlus Ueraof; generaUy. aad I»rti<m-i
a, order’far Ue iatlre
after speadiiic Ue holiday vacaUea ^ larly In reference lo Ue clause «lat-1
w.v* hfU
! hotel at Peloskey.
wlU ber paraata.
; iar»o as arMttation to detormiae Ue ' »f , £, p*r .-er
in every raepect
Mr. aad Mm. Jacob Steinberg of SL ' ralue of tneir water works plant.
j l*r J. W. Hsmtlion. ogol T4. died tiea for doing Ue laigaet wrerk in the
Ipaoe. returned yesterday after a visit I This propoaiUoa met with lastaal | ^'“rday at Coltimi.
Called States. Tbtov rage are bean
''ihc l>Mrt knuwe s<
Uea. Cali aad see Ue samples, and get
«( eevcral days wiU Ueir parvaia. Hr.
a ronaln of «J<.vvrniir Hamllloo. of llli- an.explaaatoiy clrcoler.
and Mia. JaliusSUiaberf
; declared Uat this waa the most


To onr coatomern for tbd libera] holiday patrcmage
accorded na, nod nuare them that we aball oonliaue to keep a
ftdl stock of the beat qoality of Orocerias and PrOTialona.
Prompt Delivory. Prices Always Bight.

Get One Before They are All Gone.

. F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
Mnneon Block.


Printers’ Ink Says:
"Among the best advertising media are papers that
, spend money liberally on themselves, first in secur'ing popular features; and second, in advertising these
features. Such a course is apt to result in a steady
increase of circulation, in the benefit of which the
advertiser, of course, shares."


Tile Morning ReconI
Provides Fresh General and Foreign News,
a Complete Local History Every Day.and on
dundaj's sets before its Readers Up-to-Date

Popular Miiatratail Featpaa,
It Costs Money to Do It
but the Increase of jhc Circulation Proves that

(rb* av-*rag* price of alJver tor ibe
Ukcc tn.m-t.a ead^ r>ec. « waa WASStt.
lutklnst te.KsS for Oct. 1 imst which
Is seld that Ue
grill roum -if the Hrtncvluti IBB will
bervkrivr be permancnll y rUimd. 'fhe
grill room Is where (be f>eer Is gold that
to vese* the l*t*ebyuriana
[h'Ire at Cairo. Uto.. Haterday de•truyed. the fiurupean h'»»el. City .VaUbntl Rank buildlag. Mobile nod Ohl->
rallnuwl office buUdiDg aad W'uod A
Baniyti'a whuliealr grorvry. Uuea,
A sicaiflcant fact'^lW7~ta ibe Calt•d Put** warn IfasL Uere srere US lyneb.
Inge, of which btfi thirtg-iwo were for
rape or attempted rape. In IW there
were bat UL 'Twenty of last .years
Ignchlngs were in'the aorU.
Tltorirne. >llcli_ Jan. A-sEll Cooley,
about U year* old. waa niB over by a
Michigan eeniml train. In apUe of I
Ue 'urt that both b-gs and fats right
arm wer* rut off and that bd was not
dieeorervd for an hour or more after
being hurt, he was ronsrioua tw'o hours
afierward. and then expired.
Ualkos WIfw the Iron HedoL
:Oagt«*LO..Jaa. a.—Helkea aad Orimm
shot ber* Baturday fur the east iron
tUdel and tlUe'of riuffiptoa wing Uot
eTAmevtca: Betiaa «*et by a aeorv of
to to to. The Bowffittswe were 1«« Ure
VtoMto. a*'* .t*»PS- Mgartartee.

—Watch Repairing.

The BEOffiD His I'Kaemd Seat ii the Bail fifii.

—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Advertisers Profit by It.

E.W.Hastig^. OYSTERS
Real Estate *»„
Fire Insurance.

213 Front SL !

Baltimore Stock Beetovad Tbnt Timea a t^eSk
CoaoU. 48c per qoart
Stxndanla, aOeperi^^^^^

Fletdier't Orster Depefari HKmrUL

Mmy n Lsan If You Have Logs to Sell Sis*

’riuh. TS.

Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale* Mill Ma^mery, of all
descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Carriage*
and &W8, A omiplete Saw MiHJPlant for tald-


TBfe jMOBIlIXO BTOOS^.-rmUDAT, jAKrtrAiT 4, 18S8'



stand wot itell be adequate »tbe luitsHtte rf.
tHiueBauBtarsoteathAtoouId'beUned tORmoy cwtiflcatw and all silew dot- eidon of ionr and r
all tbe unpaid uotas d redd Ifiadc oMihi* pUn. then all otbre «nri. 5^ ^.d direr bnlllfat held aflulaat otrt- for any utbv ;«rp»vU. Tbe reervtary of tbe trtaaury standing.
tief. etea Boreren>eot boudo. would be- I waottinr trrenry oetea
1««>. anduU

/ '
W PencBif who haring breu teoAonwe
Abstract of Report of the Mooe*
of lire taoik.,hare Creuifamd
lot^lbir for the eecurity of three BoM ; tbe Urtw «nd exrbonge of »oob coini oBd
tuy C-***"*"1—***"
loOcnauplUbthereinepurpare tbM tbe abefundt depnetted wltb tbe innaory bnllkio in tbe diviiiasi of issne and re- tbeir aiun-*. or anv fJ tb^ to otbers.
and tbe (roreeda in guU of or rrgia><Tvd tbe 9ti»fsr tboauf, ^lbde^t of boad* ii intruded to Moom-; (or the Uquidatiai of oMiCBnl butk
■ to go through
pli^—uunely. to gnud agaliin lore 1 Mtm. aU arcoouureliiiug to tbebud- snob eales dtsTl be placed 10 tbeaeonwrt in 60 days before tbe
lEW BAIXHQ -Btem psqfosei).
o of «pt«ie w tbJougb tbe miefonoBe or b
wof tbiediviMooabail be leapt estire- «d tbe gold 'treere in tbe dlvlsioa ot U tbe suHrennou id pa)-UM'iit by tbe tfpn^
loent or aajr deraumnoot of our ucoe- nwt af rinple h«tk»—«id tbut rere I ly ,p»n oad dixtiUrr freni tbore of tb« reeand
a.^ oeils
reils on------------00 tbe rtaiun^, ^
iball be liable to a.1
<ai7 eyettan. If var ehoold oome. tbe tiitbnlderof ^ hank noceibenerdotue-Jgjr^driBrttneutAnf tbe trtMiiy, and.
Id. Tbe gold cerd
held re aubacribe.i fre bytbesn; an{|
ValDe to the oountry of the •bility to certaUtlng tBe etandiup of any bank'^jbe
relating n- ti.o uational emifiretes khail wbeoerer prremav' they brld
■liar<e at the time d
tbbe braid rbe indirect h
i>f ireyorect. aaring tbeir
The object!ai that 1* MBnedmee inade | banln sbull he oepreate and apart freoi and paid or rvewived in tba treasury l»
pMh ®f
with UM OM.
deinwiatvd currency. Inflated tbkMbc laigR bonl^ is the preat oitlre ; bU other aoi-<mi)ts.
retired and ti»c telrenrd.
oonrm agalnre tboar by wbom «efa
TiM Wk«U Mm* 1b DBtBlI.
prices and tbiMUfial detmnliaatitia would not. inne rnkus becanoo of an , v. A rewr^e shall be eftabliabed in
17. No United Statre note artreaaurr tererre wtsre then aMaoUy held. Solcag
^be nfnrt of the uaMOnT eoniBto- would be ao gnat that tbe burden tif
uMigattnu d tbi' trenk tball reird liability for otbre banka, 1 tfaUdividtn by the rrunffer to it by the note of IHM of a denomioatiao of flO
hicB. ontainUia tbe plBB of ooireucy paylag off now our drenand oblijt»tiou» is sbowB by otaUKies to be gruundlena | iM^uret of tbe Unihd States (rw tbe sfaall bereaftiT be tamed, and ulver cer- ____ ___________
, . « ‘
• __tbe ____
Tbe year of largret bunk failures wua. M,cral funds of tbe treeeury of an ttfiaatreahallbnvatb'rbelreredorpaid atnckbnlderiballexMmd to butnot
.•Menu pcopaMd^ i(. toe«dm vltb ■ would be re notbiug in rotupariwn.
a® *______ t
II »
We bare a l<tar vnltune nf paper and IdM. hot had all tbe banks of tbeooau ______
. „..a in com ana i-uuiou . ooi miy ui iieu»iuiiiaii<>u«I u>
of «>.-«-i0i
f 1,
oeed iu tb* whole __________
an amount
equal to
/ tnDdlKBHlinnf tbe
aad k
/- of v»lBabIeBBU«UM«dd other bifanka- ailrerlucitcnlaiios asaowtingtntbOd. try then irened notre up to SO per fist ■ etjoal p, go- {«« rent of the aggregate ! and $0 againM ulver dulUre held by or' |b(, ptr of bu -t v-k.
7th. ObT. ell nering for lu value on tbe of tbrir capital tbe ainoom of tbeir as-; aaouflt of Loth the United Sta
sa.vU the mid 1
tten. bu been amt out bj- Ui«> esaoatire
credit of tbe governmeut. Ita* only the wlocmsi to make good the aan-naioed i god u<«sury

of tbe
I lii M. .I
•. .1
__ _________________ ■
bulli<m <w]u-‘ of the diver. That credit d^Beiiscias of tb»t year up to Om- time : „( jojy
ihM. outstandiD
of tbe dirtsKB of issue and redemption
iiupured byreaaurerf payand,
«(». Fonovi^ ue ifao nk»iii polnti «f
oi a whole. Tbe gf tbe romptrolli-r’at re|6irt of IS»6 | further sum in gold equal to 6 pre cent shall no d.-maud pay in g»M cOia all mfnts ma&i to redeem reud nmas an . tbe kiKBcoeo'
the pUu in dcutil
j paper of UeUnited States omild ajit be wionld have been-only a amull frartioa ■
tbe-aggneuite ausmipt of (he coinage United Sijire notaa and twaanty notes bnvin provided, tbe comptnillre id Uin
TW ttBBdBm.
! ditb<«}<>red and. itlTeilver upheld. U-«t of 1 percent. Had 80 per o>«l of the ! <,(gUm d(kur>. Thu n»nr\-e shall Ire pneented for payment and a« paid can- CBTTeuc)' abidl oiakean amereouentiipcm
aerioua nril of our (nreent! nenereary. then-fore, that tbe govern' capital of all national bank* Ixiai iaeu>d
as a«<m«nna fnud and ur-d aalMy nel I'l- Aito' up 10 the uiiiount d 6V<. all tbs bauks m reopretion to tbeir
000 cOi). .kfl.'-r llisl niU' -hall ba>
DOti-K ibi'o natsiaoding saffleiflot to
iking . gxcfasngi'lor sneb uotoa and for silver been paid and canu led h<-shall tlu-u . ,gg^g .,^4 fund <®(Uul to S pre emt d
cf our mnoetaiy standard.
*0^ 'Such
1I ------------------------------IM» tbe a
-M-------— I
ilw and suli«imary and minor coioa
fnnu (iu>. to lime Gwevl -.uch . furth'-r mtd nutaaoduignatett
Tba «*.-ariiig haute of indlvidiial i B------------,..............................
aut hank luay deposit any lawful
!«• «hirh t« '
where ihv gov. TU; hk,,ke aimnally would have been an j
10. u ,UaU br.lbe duty .if theaeree- ainoBhts of notes k> paid as -hall (spial
fix tbe
' _ i metit b»» Oil detiimd’ debt '•quiao'Uug . sniGnui »o in»ignificreat that it neid out, smt® of the triasorr tn uiaintain tbe hot not exissnl tliiaincrcnM-ig natii.1 uKmey with ihv treasurer of tbe United
the v.due of laboraudprepiity. , ^
bi-ld by banks | titok.s iiil.i uooonat. Taking tboonnu- iV,jd reserve lu tbe dlri^if^l ..f irene atid bank note- issmkl fiobsequeut tu .the t-iatreiiartbi' retinmumt of any cd i«
nmM.1. reunet ^ %n, ebanca ■ ^,e nannu'swnck of gold i« capable of ; uir banks as a whole., it is found that on redemriiou at such sum us sfikll sergre takingvfl.®-! of tin-itfiiposedart.4.'
notes .» r-tura in own notes fre »-'•
itn.Mii makiug
niakitis miiwbief.
.m.—.... mof
. i»ttuertiou »U
w.m..u .1.* '
_ _ .....mi.-a *«
ci ..rui atm.
m ..
V .
« •
thtomndard witb<*t
miwhief, } Immmm
eumc jdegnxthrengh.tba
I OiV .6 ._
, *i,p r^Jiala
10 if at the (t(d .d fiver,an iM-xt . oelluH.^wh.-reopait the
_Tbe teandard thus flied j» now gold. ; jg(,, „( iutcr at charged for loana Uut | gg8l.<>g0.o0uof natioual bank capiuL , gf all'autre and auiw u.uian. m'-sruiv-. after the ia!;ing eff-vl of th- psoptised , ahaUrfwUhe rt^aynnait to ant^
^if******^ of Uviliantipu.
i our goremiuvut bat no anch rcsouroe. ' Shoobl theyisane notre up to bO ^ and -the pros-rvatlou of-jioblw eonfl- , art any United Suscs u<Ves or irrewury , of whatew^stun mA.rU-ihenaimp
aovemment. If It "er^ tbe people tts great sold nwwe is an open mine : cent t»f that capital they would have MW...-.
dsin^ —....
and .M.
ire this
pnrpCM he -------------xhall 1 notes shall be .alstaodine. a
portiiiu of said tank's
veU. aooepte this fact and reereds it in free to all who bring ite notes. And as tisi.OOO.OOO of drt.-*. and thcr
’^'d . (jQu, tinu- to litbv. as ueadud. transfer exceeding •an-fifib of stub natstandiiiB I the gi
1 on anxmnt of said
the cnfire miwirtary syateni of tbe «mn- he *1.«3«.00aooo of rreoorcea againit from tbe g.-ueral food of the treasury
amount shall fie iv.iiied aa<' csuin-h <11 notre
As an immediate means toward tbto try bangs upere that «sie reserre the sit- lb«»H uotes. not aonnliiig stockbolden' tbe divviim of issue and redemp
cadi .vear ihenwfter. and at the end .-f j Ap, porti.m of tbe guaraote* fund
ostd wa recimuiend that it alaill be pro tuttioo is one of onoertainty and hacard liability
any sorpins revreine not irtberwise
teo y«« afire the pasmge of the j.n>- inay I.- invwt«l in United btatea bonds
I fir tbesxn-snorceeoftbeoonntrT banka ptopnated.
and iu additfou ilireKo be ‘ pired ^-1 the Uuiuil Slates notes and I {gt^e ^igcrcticmuf tbu aecrelary of tb»
tie insuSciitit scrurity for this amount al^l t« aottxmMd''to isMie and eelkT-treasurT notes Iln-u uumandiug eltall ^ trereurr
he payable ii> gold . xn-pt when otbtff- tfaree is no advant^v which can pos- of notes, th.-j Will be insuflk-iunl only , -whenever
for «U debts. '
■ * ' Judgment ifti-re- jorese t«> l-o tegal - :>Hrr
’ ..........................
wloe exprvwily provid-il. By the wioe oibly ts- claimed for paper moftcy in tbe ISvaose tbi-rewould tbeu be soeb a ooo-; ^ry for that |mrp«e tiutdsnf
tbe Unii- public and );rivai«, <-xu>9t fre don to ! (g pBtagnpb X4. aa-wcll as'U
and conrageons artinu of •Ics-cxecolive form
of guTonuutnis
goTBRuhent uuio.
note* «.cr
over nuj
any >'uiotb- dliioo ««f Imsioeos paralyiUs that gorenirm «1
iiiate*4>raring iiitervel o« exceeding tbe'Upihil .-sucre
j aorruing from inveatmeot of any pare
t tbe goTonmeal bos npbeld that
form of pepre money equally good (qaat. tnuniciiaU and railway bonds g
,«af, running «0 yean, but
90. Tbe eerrrtary nf tbe trea*ury : of the gnaiutee food, aball be held in
atendard hy paying its obligations in •xcept tbe rering of intetret
so mnob j would be ralpelea*. and alio few if any ' definable in gi.-ld ooln. atobe optiesj of may, in bis diw-rHim. tracifer from tbe dinsioa of imoe and redeenptiaB iu
gold, but until such payment is required of tbe putdlc debt as Is repraMited by banka, in tbe reerrve cmesreould r»- the United btatea, after one year, and
surplus tt-v.-nuc in (be gcoersl Ireamty gdd coin or in United Matos bemds in
by law and tbe dore thus elowd tn all the note*. But tbUanppuaed eonDomyU main solvent. Tbe -occomDbeor
this tbe pniceids of all -ueb mire aball be totlwdivi-ionof U-t»e and reiierapiinq ti,* diravrion of tbe secrctaty of ibn
gueteloa as to tbe nirsming of tbe word -mOTB apparmt than real. Indeed when dimstre is ni improbable that ita tom- !
iutg n,e divieou of 1a»ue and re­ any Utm..I siuire tedr* or triweary jrwisnnr and ilun U- a fund mppte"ooin" in tbe obligatlausof the goviTU- we outsider all the facta soi-h uotes are siileraUoD maybe dismisaed. in sums ! dmpiinn fre the
. ..................
notre »hir)i on *uibIrsu-fer oould then ] mmiaryondlnadditiontotbeKuamatee
Btot we teiall not hare an eteatilished an extremely-ooetlyfrem of tucoey.
quarters frer iif expnaw-d tbat tbere f
To iirovide fur auy temporary j lawfully bo can<vle<l undiv tbe (inn-i-1
|o (« Dsrd only in case mid guar'"Hold standard in tbe toll sense of., tbooe
In order to ctrete tbe gold rmerre re- j would bo en nndaeexpansiaannder this 1 dcflrtenry
ucT'w bicb may ____
at any
time exist 1 aioosof -.tbe .prupxscd ac t if Ifaey ban | anteefeud shall ever becuoieinsnlBctest
qulred fre resumpUon in I b76. bonds •
There is no danger of thia The in tbe flml departmnat of the ti
been n-deemed «u prew-ntati«m. and 1 to redrem any tuok n
were sulJ to ihv
itofft'VOOb.OOO. iffstem of red.-iuprtcm-uotonly
the of the United Mates (be evcretaryof tbe wbrei •" Iraiisferred tbe san>e shall be undre. and it ehall not be.takeo into teoAt tbe present time the guvernment During iKM-e 1X69.816.400 more were. ImnJn. but
>hs trereury in Washingtrttoiury sJ
(U.a’l be aotbrein^l at his du rano-lwl The BCtaviaryof the treamtT, ronut in ectitnatiug (be amount <4 aaing- trresury
hni no fund for tbe payiuent of its do- •old to proteot tbe reme rvserrr. Tbe ,
and at tbe
IV otf iiQcatev d indebled- in his dlrereiion. wh«-nevrr ibere. rosy
: rmi<» to
reswry to r^lcoiA oald
naoDd obligatioos except tbe gsDeiml sinatiem w^ tfasn ooinpUcated by a def­
lie United states notes or treamiTnotes
behreoe in tb® treasary appltoable alike icit to the reveune. and it may be aaid ^--------- that which could be effected from one to five yrers after tbeir date.
is the general ttvamry which -ore not
to tbe pnynicut of all dues. Our rev-e- that tbe neoesslty td the later aales w«enoBotoil*medatailwill bef00D<r(p, tbe Uswer. of tlw deonmiUBtiona of arailable#i surplusri-voioe. aud wbit-b
nees are tmeertaio In amount, and oar aroae partly front tbat oanae. Not to Wpon invertigatioa to ha anialL Dan-. |6U re niuliiples ibctwif, with intorert np«u tranofre totbedivisiew «if iwnie
80. Tbe tnvssnt aysiem of iiaHniBl
•apoadirares are larga aifd growing'and enter upon tbat quretirei cldaely. it is iv-.».-®®®t>®..~-®duaanot take Ibe form .,1 a tale uck to rxi-eed .i-per--miqm pre and redeuipiiob could then lawfully be
hai.i( note cnlttnpiiaa aboold be ountiaUj^ toysty. It is tbreefore tmoer- dear that wKbiulreM to pnyua9S6T.- of tbe lame of
noteB. _bai of tbe I gonuni. and to rell and dispme of tbe -canreled undo- the provisiems of the ned. with a ocmsnmtly i '
tntn wbetbar we aball have at any (ar- 000,000 of ludebtedneas incurred chiefly, extewsicai nf cn-dUA Very f. bdmw- 1 *g„„. (« lawful incmey dt the trenmry aqi. may exchange snob notre with tbe
tienlar time an adoqnau> fund .for tbe if unc wholly, h. (imreqnanc* of tbe exist- «rs taka'ibeir loans lu tbe form of tank ' u^nnreut aud at the rabti
divieion of inme and tedempUon f,r and with power tnstferrvd r I the ectopMdcanprloo of the demand ubiumtiems eeeeof ch- goveranu ot notes andflioo.
Tbe bauk Dote it only one frem owl di-sigtiatn!-iepreltoritaof tbe Unil­ gold ooin: and sDcfa notes afanll three- tndlre uf thecurrvucy. withtbeai _
witMbut recourse to borrowipg. Borrow­ 000,000 ot reurve lying idle in the ia which he to whom etndlt is'glvtm ad Sum and
pcwtufUcM as b< npoe be canceled.
-I at such piwteJfBon
al of tba SHcrmry <4 tbe trtaanryr to
ing is an iocffeccual cetDWue, becaoiw treasury, cfae reving in interest by the vfUl UM tbat credit. He (su tun U ! mav
nay reiiKt.
wtect. And oocb
such reititio
rertifliwtea aball
81. (Id substance.) VtMed rigbu not
andar tbe bw as it stands the notre United Sutewmgre is a atnall gain com- squally well fre mart purpexM if tbe i baw the Uke prinleges .md ei
to be aflertciL
at pny re all of tbe sobmatories d tbe
wbl^ bare been paid marl be returaed- pamd with the uucoding butdeo pf-pro­ knn u placed to tbe crsdlt of bit ae-, prtmdei^uAheact
' '
II —oAvuncoarergM.
Uuited Stales as be may deterraiBe.
to ebenlBtfan. end ao cuy he used over viding fre tbeir rednnptiim. W« bare amnt hy the batik making tbe loan to | fnndtux d tbe uatiuoal debt, approved
>8. ITie total ismea of any lullnoal
81. (In aDbsaBoe.1 N-aea to be rr•od over todraw out tbe bomiwed gold. already redeemed them in gold nearly bim. urbyaonte otbre bank re by a |«i-, Joij
bnafc aball uoi exceed tbe nmount >4 its oeived by all —yi—t banks and for
Tbe Irene
twice over>-964&.6ttl.0i^-mnee 1670. tjatepenam.;
i>, Wbenevre money la to bebre- paid up aud unimpaired capiul. exclu- governmeot du«a except duties on im*
tbe executive dc|Brtxueut, and wbetber and they are all ontssanding yet.
IlM. existing inx of 1 pre oent pre a»-1 roarf on tbeerfSttof tbe United States siveot »> ranch thereof a* la inveeted in porta
It will be rreortod to <r not will depsnd
Worse than tbia. hnwevre. is tbe in­ sum cm cimlaiitm is n-pealed. In lU ’ (pg sKreurv of tbe treasury aball he twU estate. All such notes ohall be of
ft. NatkBal fiaaki shall bold twjury wbirb remits from tbe element of place taxadou of enpiuL surplus aud | aotborunl. mstead of Issoing tbe tuoal uniform deeigu and quality and shall
rve« in lawful laeoey against eheirdef tbe oIBoia]i at tbe brad of tbat de­ uncmainty wbiob Is ioscparable frein undivided proflta is provided The is- , foems of eugreved tsB-A., upon meiving be nude a first lim upon all tbe
sdis <4 Bot leas than Si pre omt aafl
partment- kforo sQUuua still is tbe fact
■le <d enreaUung notcB is only «m lawful miHM-v-of the United Sucre in
16 per (iBt fre tb* reeptviive claaeea as
that it is in tbe power of ib« eseoatlre the lere -reial
f^ iu which a bank exptrsmB ito de- . aotus of nut leu than |6(iiD anv single
BOW provided ty law. at least onedeimrtmait as tbe law now stands to oeived. Itmay go long UDDmlced. likel iand ItabUity. The other tprm. de- i paymeoL to cause a reored rt all suck
fourth <4 w hicb reecrve shall be in com
dertde whether the gorerament notre friction in mauhinery or malaria in tbe pa>)U la under tbe dwoliqiixM-Gt of , paymentei > Iv nude I bonki.lo be
brld in (tin vaults «4 tbe -bank
rfiaU be paid in gold re in dKar.
air. hut V bas its effict
»«l«rn lacking operanona d vastly ; k^.p, tur tiute purport, ik Washingte^
:-n. Up to an amoent equal to s:- Nretbre tlie 3 p>T cent redemption fimd
and sbonldtepnt totbis audtoaioos and and wbun it reaches an acuta luanifos- „
aud the one which a„4 th«.-Bri« from time to tin^ 10 (wy per rent d the rapllal stock <4 tbe bonk DOT the 6 per cent guervih-e fund rtiall
tat><m. such a« we have fXp.-n«ici-d j ih cities aud hishly organixed cimmer- *o ,hoset>«iM.-red on sneb book® iu 1 the whole (if if. ca)dt6l lielng UUlm hecminted as part .4 ib<- rreerve re­
within (h«-.Art five yiwrs. the lourooca-1 (£3] conimuuitic* ii iuurtns>il. li>th-tev f-rert hot w-n-diug 8 ]P-r
t«r an- paired) Um- iirtre i—u,-d hr it aball u-v quired. So luuik shall (vuBt re ityort
of tbe demand'nbligatiiios and dirretiug Bom-d is Isy.ttid %(iDpnutionrire. !h»:. ihe (-oontry banks i»ned gum in gold win on the au.-nut with exce-4'lbe valoeof Uuited Mates bnud>. any«4 its own DOttw as a |asrt(4 iuctab
in tbe law that soch paj^m<-ui shall be
Tter sorer CBTsrecr.
Uiou tX piTtnC (4 all n<4re u-: «t,teb tbiy shall wVrrallv sLuid nwUl- to be-Axi-d as beiviuafter ivuridsd. dr re cadi aiwrie ou baud.
in gold at tbe demand of tbe bolder.
pniited with thrtrRaaurer <4 theUnited
k.'l. Permit tbe organiratioo of naA paper currency i»iued by tbe gorStates. TbeaddiDmr.l ttrtssaatb otxrel tiniial banks with a iw|iiial ato-.-i; o<
fg^metrt and cicculaiiiig'yrer after
ma.v tie Urtied witbout further depo.i< 9X6.000 til platvs (4 4.0(>o pupulatirei ra
wlthoni-redempiioii ntnnaiM the people
(4 boudsl

' X
iu false nolioos coaceraing m>si--y. It
1^ iV-r pent, and Uhicigo and St. Loni* ; tl-j pay to ilios.- w regirten-d the prin-.
Beginning five ytnn aftretbepaMge . St Provisipn abould heaide wbreeuse.
) those who do u-i( ktuk at i
t|ig.-iher ^nh/one-half frf I pre n-nt cijial^pni onglnallv rtaposii.d in gold of tbs propreicd art I be aioonui of bonds .by l-rancb tanks may be eetaUi^id
,f 91.
"government sump.I,
,o b, , ver doluy 1. e46S.; IS.ThX. Tbisisan ^utjilna gjihundividsd prnflU and cap- j oui„ ^ U>e date of maturity .4 s^b ip- leqvired (t> la-depiniteil before iamlng with tbe naixeutof the creuptndter of
show' tbe profits aud property of irrtbed loana tfniial le arrangreneats
the rtimticy and aptrpval uf tbe eecreregraded as . ^ire to pay money and «-wMiw-^|tuWl ty to have at the Miste
tanks, and then are ocrtaiuly more le- - ghall tv made at rtwh and ererv mreiev
«ary uf the BwimitT.
• to
tbe virtue of luiu-v in I
diter.-po.-..-.v betwo.-., tbt-ir U-gal and
ijitimah- objecu of laxatlou iban the ,
pcviiflice tu the United Maire ten- \ of capital h. r. in pnrCided fw. and
Kre the parpoap<4 Biertiog tbe
and of ito-lf. nut! it i» *o ewsym cn-aio actual volues. liut witii fnniKTodDBgr iki-tx- usinanoQts which hanks may be
inog aoeb payuMU into thy irea<Uauk may a
TXpeoaas (4 tbr
in cviaievtiim
it tbar-vlrttu times gr-JW bard the l*U of ihctn diAXRiilnnivi and tbeir parity, cull'd upon by tbeir curtomres to isna ury^ <« like trems as welt x> fat ibe
withdraw any l«md* d-qrai
-ith tbe nanueal hank svatem a tax of
fcr more is prefectlruBfiznil Threvoan aasuri-d by the >-x«d)Bngyof gold fnrthetu 4> serve chiet^ tt>e rouTi-uiMice<4 tlio—i ttnoidi-r. ou proper ulMmUca(iaa.-af any

of I ]>re«-iztper aunnm Up...
bo no doubt tiiai tbe abrarattuu of JndgcusiiRnre-. This tax makre as nqultald' UiBTiptiau <si Ibe bonks in Washingtert

tbe amooga
Btaitob tbe mmieVqoertiuD by ao many
of tim espensnof tits or of auy 1-urt tbereof not Ires than 960.
texattbeiwieof xper.-cnii.Taonum.ii4 its repital. .airplta and nodmdad
d ouf jWiple tn rwv-nt ycBf> has been at this time of tba jifoblyai wbich they
Kc inurrtt •IcaM sf«-m» cf i,-paid
payst.le m.-ailbly. npm tbe amount of :
idiaUtaimpo-.|upi».wcU tauk.
lar^vdne t>> tbe tuis«ducatiu iuBnIren
•Bow pf the greenback eerreury ^ i «'«(»*«• i'' .-r *3 aud all other no,
ETAU.i(.ct uKi;vr\>i,LaAki>uBu- do<«ij below- #.'-0. N<> cbuige <4 any‘-ccat aud uot ID vx(»-»<4 hu pra cent of
dwt a rtirrevicy also lack, the tra- I *1®' •'« ■
is- made fw
kind Khail is-made by any avpariaireit | iu repiiAl. uud a ux i«r-tbe mw ot 6
Dortant oualitr of antoraaiio aAlirtahil-I »I1
tilvcr .dollars m a way wbCc^
Thefiiiting gold standard shall w ofla-re of the government for an.v (wr c-ut pre annoin. p-vanle moutbly.
nil benefit.^
bei ' ^
1 *'11 frive tbe c.nntty ilmfnll
h! LfS'enU of
the fc^xpior upta the amount of iwuotcs putsmnd4 b) For fixed saUrtea for taak a
A iwpcr cuniicy created by
1 oc«, lorctorem ^
‘hp Uwful mooev or ! mg tn ,-ioeas edieO per <wit^4 iuuapi
it fiw8 iu volume by tba law of it»
i i|« tbe
the trresury
treasury anv
• ■ mtmteu-nre.

locxoAirt uf
vgrainsof gold u) the tmiirier c4 tiwcnpuons oh the | tal
to To-provide fre rotartem of exammtract
in rrepoM tp thoee varying ounditiinas
: gjdd a' now represented by the one
ja TbediM-aouof iaiueaod nil«mp«‘fnl mrgiey with ibe treaMirrr .4-the
i.ti For public rvporta. tegnlarre spewhich are bound to occur in tba affaire
Tb« chirt did.-iv^r* (4 litepTOi
tenth part (4 tbe eagk. All obligaMoos qoh .py.ii
dumand at Wasbtqgte-u United
«ttatcs ftr tbe rvtiivuienl of
claj, at Ibe call of tbe amiptrcllre ot
koni iht-existing s\ stem (4 bauk
paymeut of money aliall be per- and »i .ocb --ubireasurlre of tbe United of its uotCk ami ctoiy reicb dep,
Mori! impnraiit than tbia is tbv fart is that if gradually doesaway
away wub
tbe f^-d. u conformity to tlie standard ; Sutre u. the •rr.-ia»4-of the trea.qrr
(e> To make it penal fre any beak
that »furb a cummey jmts upon tbe gov-. requiri-meui that th-TC siiall
kiiall Iv
a de- atewrtid. but this ptto isinn aball Dot 1 may Inna time to Utoe designate—
out-Taadlng i>..te* to that extent, sod ,to loan m.mi V re grant anv gratuity to
rrum-ni a hurdim l«i4bc
posit uf bund, with the g<»«ruuient at b^ deeUH-d to affect the invMUt legal
<„ ftiy out gold i-oin for gidd cretifl ibetaxate'vc provided fre shall cease aa an exrauiure of that bank and peoal.for
<4^h-Vsnijt ,4 all ihe fliiam-ut ihstitn- a Cioiditita lor'lte iki-uanc« tbrnof. As
tek»d.-r qnaUty <4 tbe wiver coinage^ catia.
(4 Ibe first • f tb(f following tuootta on j
tl(gi!i of the c-jtitry. Jf Ua govemineat..............
,__ the
notes ...
to tv a....................
first liai npou
United Brateaortd
(hi Pay^mt gnldoun inn
Eii.tUw I
abould fail to n-drvm lU notes, all bank j all tbi- reeour re of tb. hAUks. inc-lnd risKy having the qtaliry of legal Mo- d Uttlltd 5;ulc* ii-it«a ur truasnry notes •Oshq'^‘1 aiuouut c4 iu uotc*.
86. Tbe seiTetaty ,4 ibe treasuf*! may aocepi f»cvtst,«s witblu ime yjmr.
Sdteo. bahk.di'p>.>iu. initufamv- IcMan I uig the siockiitldefx' liaUJitiee
■lr|r All rtxligatiaos (4 tbe UoUed States Of IhliO.
subrtauco.r Existing baaka
'and debt* unci u-a of ever)-kind not | change is Bt«-a*ray U-caore of
ft* the. paywent of uumey now exiicnug
tci rayout ailvre.dnllm for stiver
new law withiB'
^ledfically ;pyni t(! m geld would be : aarciiyof Uhik-d Matevtiuiids. aud the or b'-rcaficr entered into ehnlL uni.-iw certifUau-e of any denomteatiiw.
iag a rxtf of mtinvsi i-sueeding 8 per «oe yvar to be wuoud up.
payable tn the depnviated pa|M!T or in ; atMnjX to robrtUutentberUmrii would
•rwire txprc'd)-.^tvvided. U-di-em-d(di I<aoc silver renifleates uf dcooni- cent ax (qaaliaed upou tbe rate of inter99. 1 in aubstaiKie.) Slate tanka stay' .
allvtr. Evrey lansjug incident, .shere- ' lead to many evils Tb<- rbaage is wireheld to la- iktyabU- la gold coin of Isation* d 91- 92 and 96 in axebauga «rt cf 8 per rest per anunm. and smdi
wbirti taii-es uu appre-hirtidca. | beoaDM! it p-mhtei tbv issuauci- <4 uuu-s
United Mates, as defiiwd ui the for aflrre dollars aud fdr nilver oertifi- valnatiai ui fixed by tbe aecretBiy on > ootB* iu oitd prnnardifiQi ibeteCw.
however slight, (4 a p-n^biiit)-. t{OW-j in the way aud at the time when and
dard ufiiiVkaid.
eaiea in dencmiteariigii above 96.
this baait aball be tbe valoatioo at [
la «a/oi
aver remote, .that tbe g.rivrtmiwn may fur the purjkwe for which they wonW be
tin sabsiAace.) -Uidd coinage as
which tbe braids will taereceivable apon ,I Tbe rirellroran at FoMdam. tbe
beunablearumrtllingiiiuuintaingnld Immed, nudre natural coiidnioU' if no ixiw
deposit' Bongs payable at the opiiim
of 'r try brese of the Orerhan Imperial
paymenl<4iUo&li*aniuu.rt-n(t. a niTv-I law- pn-Tiiittd. iSocb a irestreu wduM
l8 Koafl- r dollars sh^I be fafttafter
(f 1 I*ay out Silver dollar* in exebODge tbe goveniment shall be receivable» at I| fly.
gy. is
, huge
tags vaulOlka
vanltUke plare. tbt
tbe toof
OP* trstoCg through the wb-.!- l>uMnrsi | mon- p.rt«tly than any other give the oofned.
for gold Clin. United btatei
•yauiu cdtiw CtaUtty. r-oviTeiga gov-: conat^* a circuUdi^ cut-ilium. It would
4. -^andfl. (In
OtdnaK* I trtaBury uoloa
as drtenniaad'by the sereotary ,4 th.-j
^ wii. g„ thickly inanuneat oobboI bp compeU.d to pay lu 1 nad'aT and qotfkl>1wlJu« itself from
(g).Payout United Soda BOtee or titartiiy. If any baods shall he tamed 1 cramdl with all inaaMr of -tall., the
debts. It irtjrt them only wbrti tt will* i Maam to arato&.to mei t Ibe wants d
tnatsuryutaua bot aotgert to muuiiiiata bwtafter paraU* at a dsto nanial and ; goknairt tatiw varied aud mow tailao to dt^and the existuB^i of ,dtml,t in ' tbe ta'iiiem d ibe counny reqairlng
9, Tb«» ehall be created a aet»rate j ^SInra'to*e«^a^fre eSd
bearing m(.Test at 8 p-r cent »r taw. ; (teat xbe roarngivoia singulra impublic rated aa to tbe (.vaitmauiKw tank uutre for iucoavtsiireittranjartiob dirMfla'in Ibe tnmmry dtpaikmana to! {h| Bar out and
and redetiu 'eutaiidi^
govenimeni tA .ju.v. i< , tiie ^will,oToor UiidiT tbe linirnt STitciatbeiVDblem : be known as (be dlrisica of tine aud I gad mtew isans as provided by nxirtiug ***^*^—*‘( premioo npoo entering lu UuotanfaB*
i.. Tbs cmptroller of the currency . ^ (ha, xiag, childwo have used it as a
detuutd obh^noos te mwy xatiitec pre„gted to a lank whvn ite riiMomers red-mptlon. tmrfre th^toRv^ad as-1 Uwa
rttall from lime i.. time, as calM f‘». phiywom and We decorated « to .mit
»cry to the bolder* thereof ts a rtiduut { tall far curruicy U'«ot tbe aaKJu»v.ul sixiauc-utanztr
d____ _
II (ii
btatew nows la ak—;
------------ —;
rv Staten.
drag on bosteest tmterfriBa
, tu own aartita but Its abUliy and desrae -wko teiall be appoliAed by tbe luosiitapi! chraige fre onrreocy cretiflaawa.
Tbe extetenoe of a 1^ mtatandiug i to make an invedtratat to eoBwihteg by^ with ibo ad^ce and omeeotcdi. it United Btatea notesreto
Hen the UtOe ^UdrcB of the royiS
Mit payable on demand is also a amirre ^ qniu- a{rtR firan iu knmal teuiiNM
ootea oooa redeemed taaU not fa
M>e payinvm to the treasunif of the
d Wtaknn* to thp -goverameot^i^ it* ; bank, in ,ntlre tbat it may ># in a portb To tbia division than ba oonmit-! om again axtaptfrerOd .
gold coin (4 6 pre
Intenutxiua] reluiions Modcni warfiiriprenid<-a man w'jo wmhes to ted all functimis d tbe treasury depart-' there aball he an aocuuDlati
te'eoexjioniDVe that it is almortgamurn
pBjpcrty or employ later with tbe j m^i
*0 tbe isrtie ^ re-1 Botes in tbe divisioB c4 isaue and r
iutoaooma matter V money as mrei A mtirei
mti<n j tools tii<irt coavenlfpt ii‘ the time fre d^nption of uoh-a or cretiflca'tea ud to
the doorr (4 tba gnas
deuptioo which canncH tbeo be taboel- man garaotiw fnnd fiv tbe prompt pay- thrown opes, and tbe cbUdren lead the
d by the
bu puriAiw. Notiw
as tenein tb| ozchauge of ooitia aud this divisiaa
defaulted aa- way iuto a starUing flood (4 Ugbt. Tbe
- of war re disbcsire wonld be greatly iruvtded catiuot fail to be tafe betause. shilJ have tbe cufiody uf Lbo guarantee ed Qodre tbe pruvisiou <4 tbe art, in m<«t (4 tbe DOte-K (4 any d<^ul
1 bg a Urge demand deM taiug tated apen all tbe rewiofeae of all a^jwdomptioM funds of tbe tUtJomd wbich caoe tbe ewawuty of tbe trtaeaty tional tuuk. Upon tbe failure of tay naBy cbandelUre mnniiBe tbe abidl
•ball have audinritT. if iubli Jadgneat tank to redeem its Botm tbey aball he vrallstbat wfintfUace rays of bri
urfaMi it mart piovide tor at ouok
the banks imiug them, they are baaed
and Asjl eondoet all the opera'Omt artflirifgial frees is giveo to tUa- upen'Uw whole besUMwaor tbe uootehy. ticu af redeeming nadueal -boBk Botes that (jo'ni'te is oeoeamiy fre tbe pubUo paid Crru tbe aid gnaraohee fund, and
fatbwitfa prooeediiifB shall he taken to
gMliltire Ijy tbv fact that it wonld and (hat busiure. U tbe thing wliiab as preacribad by law. and to tUsdl- weUara to invest tbe saioe
eoUect tran'ifae teteea d tba bank aad
attfwly pDrtdbU fre tbU uttoo-M gtvaeUfe andvalna to aU aouaritU^ vlteoBtteial] be nfpOgftd all gold oetn
U<4 (band
fresn tbeBtexAboldtes thmf. If neoeaMgiMia war in tM untopt tetoatfoBsfnnd. aart bemdato bebald in^Mk •Bty. a aura aufllriect to repay teuaid
All tbe aembei* of.tbe BrttMi Taya] '
^ai^paitcf ibeattaattattfaefaBTMoauf iamsid rategpgkmoBbjH guriik^ <—d tfce aaanat tbaead thirt. ftmlly have a gnat faooy fre (kartgalag
K*t6te_artb« teteka ever ao iMflk U
aball bav«4m bM te ndatai-tald >weliy aad as a tula dedgii aO M
*■ tba
oT actesy in (be ratada toSaaosaM to be ample socwltyfre
asd also nob faxtbsr aam m ^eoMti Ibey give to eaoh dbm.
cf tbe people without • m
•imle pBjnMiTt* esd • te»t to fnrtbw
t»iw'of aoranment BOM. There la bcT
doubt tb»t if out (rorenmeut irve re­
lieved of iu exiAtine draikod obll«ntiooa
UDd our cnirtuicj- e^iOetB put in erurking


-re, - -i ijra-rx-t


; gisrs



U, JL l-iA




of MO lo Cotumbu* lo boeia Huna.
Th» ntMUtia w»Jt atlrndod by Auditor
Iowa. Probatr Judwr Goodwin. Pworeutcr dtcfrord.Oouaty Cbalman Beard.
Bberiir 8he«u and otbrra of «<]ual
promtBiiKa. Alntoat all the promliwm
ptitdlcaD« of t^ eity and'couoiy arf
In II and (be excltetneot and indlcna*
UoD la tatenae.

So Much 8e Th&ttho Look«r>On
Sty* Thore U a Good Proa*
pact of TuHnilanea.




only I1.S6.
from Rrui

CoiumbtiA O.. Jan. 1—There atr tn>
Olcattnna here of wrtoua trouble, at

* to Sav^rnah. walkln* i
about 100 miles, belnc
afraid to Uke
r of (he trains, as he
waa well known.
Mabry said his office bad been,short
for some time, add that knowlns be
was -alioDt to lie dlaenvered (his larxe
attonni of morey was‘ too preai a
ImptaUoD t>ir him. ao be took It and
skipped. })e will be (ak.-n to Brvtm-

with Bb WIbai


tOoo Wbow pealh Wa« I
mt lUaef. I. M
iNew Tork. Jan. I.—Si* members of
one tamUy acre klll^ by Ram« and


■»»*“ 1“ » fiT that occurred In the
carry It njomlnir In J.rsey City. The dead are;
ns favor Alduliih Belch. «2 yean old. tthe father:
the “plan rather than ihe eirciloo of a Hmina Belch, it yeSTs. mptber; TVIle
aiiver Republican senator.
Helch. SS yeara:.lda lleleh. U years:

laASt of diaordi-r. at the atate bonae to­
day. Since the eaucuaa^ of Saturday
Blcbt both the Hanna men and the oppoaltlnn are tlalmlnp enoivb votes (or
the omnlaatioB
the bouae. Ho tmMe U feaisd In the aeoau chamber, ad
Jt is believed that Seaalnr Burfce. OBe
of tbe Republicane, aili moaln away

Osmpaay TUat BaHT BoMsd WOl Waat
ProlMeiaa of Iu BIsMa
San Braaciscu. Jan. 1—The American

,-«sd th'tu permit the Democtab to elect
Vt« offlcen In that body. At the Be-

IU* ihat If reported to hare been
hauled down by the Mexlran maftned

publlean house eaurss Saturday nlsbt


«“"• •“<> *>^n «"*'»• ^ ‘>»e sold Orm. j
urrata lo Tote a Kb the RepuUlcaasi
for t>ie election of Bnc aa wnaJor. aa I
an independent irold standard man. in
the event that Hanna could not b.1 I.
alerted. If All ibe-Ri-pubUcAB memt
who attended -the rectilar caucoi







Aitorneya at Law.
twSUek. narmr CIV. Kleb.

If an cm



«Mflaqs»l»r Ihe Hem F>thl Belsq Made

asylun. tsi Oallipolls) for epileptic*, to
Which position Judgr Saab hod l>een
Mi-oloted tiyiOovemor HushneU. The
lettrv Is'kald^to be. very caustre. but
Judge Nash will not give It E>ut for
piiblkailun nil after It has been re­
ceived by tbe gvvemur. On being asked
(or the rvasun* for hi* action Judge
Nash asld; -T5n Friday, I
- by a roosi r
Ittu^.eTl K-Jd that t
execiltk- 'O-E-tetl'i-e-1-1 the re,.^et
Tiaign did a thing to aatin'hitr
as a canilidgte. In Justice to my asso.
dates on that qommlttee,
tl^ ^om a
e. than
more loyal se-1 Eiftnen tu
fuvl ticket
u a parv
and to a great
s to myseifVX.s
lOt do oiherwl
oiherw Ac
the cbalrinan. I oowld not
than resent Ibe Insult.
"Again. If Governor Rushnell reall*
belluves (hat 1 was disloyal to him a
cbslrman he must be very uneasy as
trf wbeiher 1 will properly perform my
dude* ai> an officer. } derirE-d to rellev. . his mind <if Uili worry. 1 am also dl>guapE(l Mllh the cv-ndurl of Guvemne
Before the E^ilomm pubUspEOChEm. hr pretended<^l he dE<slred
Mr. Hanna'e
return (B the United
State* seoaK'. Nlncc tbat tmie he has
' eonsortvd with thi- enetme* of the RepuUll -Eii isirty to dE'fvst tbe wUl of the
I kKik -ui-on this a* a squan
. ease .Ef Eibialnlng vote* by (alM preten**-*" Judge Nash, as chalfWan of
tm. Slate commltu--. la Ukmg an active
Interest In ibe elEwtioii of'Hanna. and
-daims that the laat sute convention
^ Toledo namejl llarwia for senator as
well ns nominated bnshucll for guvamor.
A» the laat ataU eonesnOoD lo Toledo
Oovemor Bushnell wanted Charies L.
Ktmx selorted as chairman of Ue Mate
oxemqve commluoe. a poslUou whleb
Kuril ^d
campaigns It M clainted that (he head
of the ataxe llckel by precedent hag
g]wv> named tbe atate campaign
eli.Mrman. In IfoC Secretary of State
Charles Kaney beaded tbe state ticket

then of EurU over Uic proteEii of Rln.
»ey. When the iMt stats ponvenOr-

Kum tbr chairman and secured the
•icctlon of Hash for chairman. ThatTs
the cause of the present fight against
Bsna. It hoalBvolved all tbe old SghU
of (ormer years, but tbsse flgbu never
iMdoded a eombtue with the DemocraU
tIU the prM -- ------------

Spriwflsld. 0..'jgm A-R^bUcam
Tbs hSMW trf Oovemor SaakpaU fasM




began rusb•aler volume their aUrm
ito consiematiun. and the
ad) (or the laddenu They
level but could gel no higher,
Mdlrg place
the mlaslng wife. Schofield haa uevu.
(he time came (or tbe shift »
Uileriwted to following up clue* of the gd to Ihi
the surface and It did not appirar.
rumor ai>read that all the men had
drowneEl. A relief force volunknowledge of her wbereabouta.
• go to tbe rescue, l>u( It was
Impoaalble to give aM and
.. vEa* done taol* than lo aacerUdn tbat there was undoubtedly a flood
In tbe lower workings.
.with 400
p4*sE-d: naturally an bppe waa ab^strivU on
led and (be famlll re of the mitter*
uidiy momirx during the thick weathdEsmalr, and the news was
sblErtly aflE-rward aank.
all tbe men bad per.
k to the fvs--------------------- -~— I Wrf in the mine. Finally a relief pare
T„- o7l,Z:tT
still working but without, hope.
ty s
eCI rpnehed
the place where the miner* h^
in of ti
tl e crei<. ibirty-ids mee
eo and the
rescued them,
lan-led cm Beal Isl
ipm'J.. !
•The- fEOor fellow# were In a bad Mate
and: ail
cxhauatlon. bating had no food durnkeg
time '
Arkaaw* f> U with th* Fink
ll'g al.
Ark-, Jan. A-Ao-aged ^d eome of them were ao weak that
negrp E-*s lyr.iied liy a mob of white they could hardly move. AH were peecUlr-eer r.crr ShE .Tltl. In CleVklSOd cued. however, and bmugkt to.tbe surgounty. f-r *.og eieallng. When dlaeov- Uoe amid lumultuon* rajefleing* among
eied the b..i> ..r the negto waa lying follow miners and the families of the
acruas the ,.e*<l -cercaaa of a bog he rescued men. Food and liquor were
bad stolen. Pinned to the dead tnaa'r given them cauUoualy. aad they have
dothlBg waa a ehrd readlugi *'Tou w(U been roelored to their xisoal atiength
never tHi who told-you w ateal thia with tbe ckcepUon of a few who were
bog.’' The hEEg »a» of the • Arkabma mwe prostrated than tbe neat.
prunounce# untrue the statement that
be had notified friend* of Adolph Auet- 1
hlcdgo aausagej men made



Oor tekmalM etni ta 'Bvldsam

ThhIUs'ry H^a a MmsL
Plainfield. Wla.. Jan. A-Paul Englen.
a farmer living gig miles east of here,
BspubUcans of the city and couniy a
into the bouae with hU gun, apd whe
ha sat down laid tbe weapon across hls

Is Trw»»rs<<;ity.


abuhey Waase a



KartasM at tbe H

A YOl*}m Max wWhs pure to work tor kls
A boatd^sod attend sebonl Bagalr* BaalBEwe oiu^ tCB S
IlkL WANTED-:-For geami bosi
«. Apply at MS f


-T— rv Vu«.G»a. E.>IE-|P— —HE...


SL'iS' iT'S'SiJS^ViSKSj'il.'SS'S::

Chicago ~E
West Michigan.

Went Fuperior. Wla.. Jan. A—Twelve I pja* by tbe'Trsownpt. tpplyiorrsakFrisSthousand men. three tliy* moremaB ,riefc.Wwe*uier. IH-if.
at thi* time, last year.
ployed In the lumberli : districta of [
northern Wlevonaln. t
demand far exceeds
conaequrBC* of which there has prac­
tically been a doubling of wages. Tbe
scale of pay at i>rrsent run# from
to tn per mooih. besides board,
cording to ibe Iffu- of work pertormed.
Last year the wnie ranged friim »*
W), while hundred* received only th
b.ard for tbeir labor and were glad
get «lv-en tbak


AmE-s. la . Jsn. S.-Ui*. Jsme# MUlee
.y weri- fatal
god her ts-muntha-old ■«■•>faist
ly burned S.xturdaJ- T*^' liaby died *
few hour* later and tbs' mother
llvA The (athei and husband lighted
the Are With Keronetre and the flatne#
mught the cluthing of the mother and



' ;rhfi Cfilebratfid BpBdklliU.

Hotel Whiting
Tbavzbse Cm, Mich.

^ •

FRIDAY. JANUMY 7th. 1898.
One Oaf OfOp *»oh Konth.

OoBBUltatton asd BxamliLBtion Free end StrioUy
OonfldentieL «

at Bsb ^>w.

Vallejo. CaL. Ja*^l?iTboBaj Shar­
key has tmued a,...............—

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old MeV

Bbarhcy elalma that be won tbe fight
with nu fairly, and that Jim OorbeU
bad the aaslaunee of the poUc* when
he had Corbett beaten la qtelr fight Is
Ban Pyanclaco.
-E-Ej------ WXe.— ^


to4p.m. Tslepbosw.Tt

rpo BKNT-<»oi*» houae aaS bsfw oa Wash..............................................
aged •«. a highly respected and wealthy
cittsen of this p1s.-r. ws* found desd In
bed Salurdey. hi* hvsd
head having
le blunt instrumem
crushed In with some
^irst r
Is 'of xobbers. who ransacked ‘ partle*. rrul
the b^di
valuable#. Dosrtng lived lOHi-KoeUip
tbe bousil ft
Di^riug. who committed #ul.
clde aboutldue year ago wl
when a abort- j Jvm
hi* acc^uhts ^was dlsrovvred.
Id addition to tbe wound* recetv<-d
hit ffl'v- Doering’* brad w
severed from the l-dy with a butcher
knife, which Uy near tbe bed covered
with b!o.w|*

rvmargal.Ie. Five-sixth's of Pliad Drives Iheaa ftwiB Tbetr Work—
tar ea
g^ar Day* WUbswt
r#n be safely lalveled
the slstements
aty of MexlM. Jsn. A—Various regUE-sworlv The
’The British and R.uaslan
foreign-olBevs are as dumb aa oystET*.
have been In drculatloa regarding
and the German stream of conflicting
disaster at the mine of San
______ -zL..__
________ _1-officlnl
d« Garcia at Guanajuato. At.flmt ;
pees# shows that they do not know
reported that thirty-five mlhera :
over there on whk-h
foul they are
drowned In the lowef work- ’
stan^lug. Prance 1* amisrently in th-.
the mine. Authentic but brief ]
dark, while the rolLado has dissolved In^ of
have Ju*t bE-vD received wi
the jajwnew diet in ordur that opln-.
the number, as stated.
loM should not be expressed.
I the lower level* when they:
that tbe water was beginning

Chicago. Jan. A — In the U*ltad
sute* therveordof emhexsllng. fotgerTi
defanlttng and bank wtvcklng for UF7
thosTs an increase, being HU4AG84 as
compared with fo.tfo.tSl In UMaad «0.
4*A3« in ItK. ’There were U1 cases
out of which nineteen person# atole
over fU.fM each, twenty-two
***k and fivs ov^SCO.m asch.

lopt^ut to PropertT Holienl

I. ‘iXaasKi?if-.2Tu,'u'<::S“.

New York. Jan. I.—Mayor Van Wyck

took |K>ssession of hiB office Saturday
lo tbe presene* of a large crowd. Floral

iwx(>r-back”Tailety and worth about lA

Suits to Order." ”
Fine Merchant Tailoriflf.

E“'•os.i«'i'JS;5rSS,-iSsra Gniid bpidi S iDdiiu E. I

Jumped ihniugb the blinding smultr and
Itmes down Ihe stalrraae and out Into
th^ open air. Several engine companies
refpouded prtmiplly l<i the alarm, and
ten minute* later the Are waa out. Then
a tiger In yellow aad
becaa the aesrvh of the house The rays
resting In a be-d of rose*, was <ine of (h- fr^ the Bremen's lanterns dME-Iosed
most not'twable dewratlona At 10 mln- three charred bodies agalnar .the t
atsf 10 U o'clock VaoWy-ck entered tbr at the foot of the stairs. They were
He was greeted by Mayor* tbose of Adolph Reich Ithe father, who
Strung. GleasEiB and Wursier. The bad rushed bark (mo tbe houae to aave
four men chatted suine ume and the bM loved onw). hi# daughter Tillie and
Mg crowd of offl.'e-hoMers aM ex-officc
Gnsuv. The father had fallen
holders made a clrgle around them
daughter and his son was In
’They were burned almost
About one minute' before
Mayor Firung made a biief apeE- li of
about SOO'word*. chl<-fly cungratulatuiy
'to tbe new mayor.
• house the
But Van Wyck probably has the r«^ord for bi+vity In a n-ply of this sort
Said be; ’Th* p»»iile liave chosen me
with arm# entwined.
Forto be mayor.. I receivi-d the office Trom,|
4>r the limbs had l>een enltrely
them and to them I w^lll answer." Then .
>sy aad the tacos were, horafter a great shaldne of bands the cereirted. The mother wa» found
money wiu completed the administra­
tion of Mayor l^mg
tbe pint. ______ ___
She updoubtedly died from suf-

Cniumbur. -V. Jan. 3.~Ju4ge George
t. chairman of tbe RepuUlcan sUW


' skull and eruas-booea In Mocsl.

tbe walijecl. but Is not dlsturtaed------^
' i»i»e.».e »( -«*
was dead, *e
aa the dispatch w.
thenews. T$f Uw.pcrmlU an Amert-by ■‘“A'**InWt^ ,tbe Beutrr company from Hambnir
be saw ihe
smoke and ------------.
can tillxen lo.lSrate upon any gusm. ' ball -----------------------------1 In Sunday momwas only i
Wand such as Olppertun solely for the lower ball. His taiher w as there, ing's newspapers
the purpose of taking off the *u«no, and (hey rnansxM to get out of the
Frtedrtrhsivthe. Jan. I—Prince Blwlie affirmatively shown thai
o'lrtil clothes.
but It n
iMrck's condition I* In no way worse.
part of the territory
ralhwr Kaskw> Hark u Bis DwMa.
He took bis midday hath aa usual yes­
■ther nation at tbr Ume of I.hwVoung Reich ran d<iwn the street and terday. New Tear's day he passed In
tlon. and Mexlcos mie tii aiptwrton U *«ve the alarm.
When he returned the company' of Count Herl^rt BlaconsWered good hi re.
f'thcr *as nowhere to be even, but marrk. the Count and Countess Will­
iam Blsroan k.the Countess Von Amlm
aad Count and Countess Von Rentxau.
retire until l:fo yerierday

,r CEmimiUee. yesterday sent a
letter to Oovemor Bushnel' resigning
kits tHialiloii ss a trusti-e of tbr Ohio



O. £^:L*S.iSSS:.’'.US!’'.,T£

orrsis. At (ha aail-Hanna bouse, cau­
cus tkc ,ri.n:lnees were Mason, antiHerns* Republkan,’for sprak<-r. Grtf*
llftha of I'nloQ. siwaker pro tern. (He
U clslnied by the Hanna men). The
anti-Hanna Republicans were given
Ihe clerk and the DvmocraU the sericeapt-at-artns. Tbe mlnor'places ar«
equally divided.

Ever Bamed Out?

Is new prr pared to (flee the etUsrws at ihts
eliy tbs bewr«t of saek rsdortloos. sad tkaW
ebolor frea asMos twsatrdwv leadlac and ro-

,h,, date he oommltted
robbery , and below that he drew a

from (he house with bad hums
ncr-vni uu ukAu,
neck: fare and handa but he la
- OnloDWrOTl. Tstepbune in.
B't setlously Injured.
1 wftks uvlnaSThlle They M*w< DMrifc WwiArX.
Adolph Bclch s bonx- was at 317 Ger> dlsturlrd Saturavenue, near tbe Hudson (oun- j New Year’s day
uiy.or Stale Charles Kinney, a ; will ask dx
dis- :day afternoon by 1 rriKtp that ITtnee
Ptron* Hanna man. will preside In ihw | their H»hta
; ^
k real estate agent and'.
ly elscis a speaker. I
Wasblnxioti, Jan. I, - All that b>, |rtct
,iioUse (111
tha- Udy
, Ijti9g_ln a p^as^t hou^ j^ph.uciij made^by
iVrulIntts there have tanw" at the Mexican leaailon
' ! J^fli
In antiritetion of hIs
three stories. It Is bvllvved (hat Ihe News and s
Ing tbe pulling down of any flag
].i.nd£n P\17 B-1"*been threats made. Kinney is said
.; (lie brok
healer In i
f newsboys. rreatM S
Tiave selerteil a forve of temporUritlsh bad tIKm |.*«sen'enl?
Utsenienl. and worked IU way up lo tbe
the general pub- i /ih]Iii G TCRNO
*' ary serteanis-at-arma and n> be ready
flow, w here Ihe sleeping
a|U^- .........
posnenalon of Ibe island, and that
: turd
s — exrttemem lnVvwsp.|-r ! O Utw^AMlU^ Bk>(h.Tnvsrm«v.
(or any rmersetu-y. The combine of
a view to asserting the poverelirnt.v of * »«»• "f Ihe
r'rcUs until a denial waq received by
X>rmovmta and anli-llanra KeputAlrMvxkc over It a warship was sent ,
w ■ the lleuler T-!»«ram etrtnpaBy.
' ans claim that It wlll'elwt Harry C.
there to maintain her claim. Tbe dc- l.tamily-retlrwd. the evnning having been U
bm-ever. went to.bed BatMason, of Clevelard. so anti-Hanna
Siepubliiwa. siwaker. and seat him. -If partmeot of state has nothing at allOB:«l«‘ In entertaining New tear’s call- 1
Hepresentatlve Mason stwaild receive
Ltiie’ requisite votes there win be no
'"Uouble about him quallfyinc and takInc bU seat, but there U appr<-bwlon
of disorder p^vkids to the halla belns
taken, and possibly dniins the ballotInp and the rountlnp of (he vote, The
eptaaitloD claims that it will have the
(orty-aeven llemocratle .votes In the'
house stdid. ami nluS Repobllcan rotes,
or one more than enouah to elect the
Mason tirkvt.
Of Css-se Tbss-s Are BrAoey Charses.
There are tbiwe Democtatle
r of p-sed to TusluD, or rather to
Votirx for Republicans for speaker and
ether offices, tvtth tbe result depend­
ing on Oie change of one tote either
' Tray thes«’ three DemocraU and the
^epul^lcane who did not enter tbe
caucus are undergoing strong
There have bewr
e charge#
of It are
of brthen. but no
The Democratic




depsftmenivery Uadlybomed ,
a bumlajt Boor and ww

II -o sol—1 .i»v. n

»l. WlA.

Vesterday moinlns Mabry was found
tnnf In a pool pf blood on the floor,
his cloihiDp aoaked a
fane red with blood.
sciotw and, was at itlret thought'to b» |w ■paai* K BOBTOK,
If. D.. Pknleias and
dead. He bad opened an artery In his JxL Son
baeloeaied Is Trwrsane air.
ptwapUr u all day ei
EW aVkl
wrist wltlTa penknife, but will recover. . aad
aad will
will atiesd
Before he b^ame too weak to ro
Mabry smeared his open hand with

i^ere injurM. (Mtd It may be that anoiber memtrer of the lll-faied family
wjlll. die.
He la (he lS<year-<dd son;

at CUppeiion Island H one (hat was
there' were ten a1>aenteea. and Alexantaken from 4bU cUy by Paul K. Hendrr'BoxsreU received oely pfiy-two
Totes for the notliiiiatlun. mbile it re­
quires fllly-flvc vole# for election If all
the ntember* are tireoeot. ruder tbr
_ ,/ after
pyanilacans — Joseph
ten balinu
are taken....
candidaie twerlvin* the hishest number ' Moore and CTiarles A. Johnson-by di­
et Votes Is dticiared elec ted, even If It rectktn of Ibe company that baa fur
Is then not a uviJciHly o\er aU.
1 aewral years been marketlny ' the

i pbAi.


w_____ ...___ A.
Pltub&rp, iaa. < —Un. Sarah He.
Oowaa was shot and killed at her home
o.. _..v E-.
i.« 1
In Hanklh. Pa., near heir , and her hu*.
Savannah. Ga;. Jan. l-P H. Mabrr.
Anthony Mc-Gowan. one of tbe
ayem of the Booihom Expie« company
residents ..f the terwn. Is In
at Brunswick. Oa.. who embeoled more
chanced with her murder.. Ho
than tU.SK from tbe axency there last j «ne Van prrwnt w hen (he woman was
Wedneaday and ewaped. w aa captured ; shot and the mollve for the deed Is »ot
Saturday at about f<iur miles out of known. He dentee vuilt.
Bavann^ Mabry was searehed and I
|l».«76.7l was found on him. Tbe,, —.

money wan taken chajpe of by
r. ^taiB.
Mabry aald be had s

Out«f a Family of Eigiht But Two
Are Spared by tha Do*

voiinng Flamaa.

oM> I Otfre clow frienda of ex-Penalor liricc |
Kogat^Uw Orttaery Talk Oatec Oa. j last niAht staned tk« r«I>on that ovar- '

Bat Xa 'npe^ia. CAanpa-Kallbar Party i
Bat Both Aea :
a VMaey Whoa tba Tote b
‘'Takea-Haaas Maa BoMcaa aa OMw'
/ Urea Hte by BaebaoU.




sSfoaeke. FUm. Tape T



lAnslng. Mich., Jan. A—Tb< Ineroaae
tn the eamlaga of the UUneapolla. EL
Paul and Banlt Bte. Marie railroad la
It tepoita aan
of tTEME aa against
_ e
*aponding month of
for the
lOA Th# pareenuge of focraass batat

DRS. B. S; & CO.

Look Box leo.



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