The Morning Record, January 25, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 25, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




omciAi. FATsm


Two Oesti.

R«t Year—Ko. 227.





cooot7 ra. Wmiaa L- Banadlnf
W. E Robaon of Oppei
PenlnaaU Towaahlp. Thlt laacaB
whIeh'thaasparlsUndaBa of the poor
tbe city yaaterday.
Walur N. Kelly retomad yenterday
irOMT WTjnawp XVOWV HSU aakad tha coort to eoapal Williaa U. LB UPOE1B IBtXPPHBSSBD BEOITBXBBT XB ELAYAHA
Hauadiof to. oroeide aopp^rt fur,hi a
from a bnaUeea trip to Grand Baplda On Ue bnetaelllnirboUa Tboae that have aold bmt In ta of Ua laigwt i
and OetroiL
father. Eraeat W. HanadlaFThe
for Ue moeU of Jannary are: "Uoo Vadto," Baary Sieokieiriee; "The <
’ irialble." Jamea UnmAItoa;
Uue Alton; "Thi'Chriittoa,"The Cbrtottoa.*- Half
Ball Caine:
"Hugh Wyniie.’'.A -____
R. B. Cook haa retonad from Haa lovialble.moada BICMskad Vitb Ib»w OrtlU u4 aMry af euh aide la the oeaa haa baea WtoUe Ho l>aflalte Hawn of StartUnr
T«to." Uear^MerrtmM; "t^ae^^of Hie^Be^=^^
to BMelmd At Waahfbg kegoB to paab hto nnraery baalneaa. WJer iUUAalh^-In
TnAc DaUyad—SxtMsiT* Waab- jiriatad ta the BacaaTaoeatlr J»dfa
ton, BntUedhip Maine to Ordered to He haa been anending a monU at hto market, jaat aa aoon aa Uey are pnbitohed.
Carbatt aatered aa
«at af Baak of B'
to pa7 Wtba auperlntaiidaBU
Onba-WbftaiKudrM BaUs for tha >
X.OK* ofTrararaaOltjr Utmtmr Oo. of the poor the aaa af t» «r«ahl7 far
'pryToruigaa.'', I >«• L«y Brown rtoited her botoe
OMad AwajUe aoppart of the father.
fear mllea out of Ue city Satarday and
Jaekaoarllle. Fla.. Jan. M.—A dto-l
The aftomw>a aeaalon wan taken np
,f The aeeare blixxaH which eteack tha
ilnmedbomeymurday. The team had
' Oraad TTmeerae reffioa laat Satarda^ in tha haarlDf at the dlroreo eaaa af patch raoelred from tbe commander of! a great deal of tnnhle and It raqnlred
the naval aution fntoD 'Conaal General!
Btrhl ramtoda the “oldeat tahaWtaat’- Fannie M. Trowbly ra. Jooeph Trontthree hoora U mahe Ue dtounoe.
Lae aaya the city to nafe, bnt there to
•f the freat atora af itarah. lesi, ta- bl7.Jr. Thii'la a eaae which to eonW. C.NelBooor Lelaod and David
aappreiiid ekeiument In the American
Bimari7 known aa ••lha Wf aaow." teated and it will probabl7 eonaona
i Sleber of Sottona Ba.v, drova iMo Ue:
Tbe rolnoteera bare been
From thai atora parioda of Uaa wan Ue rreater portion of toda7city laM eveclng. They IobdcI thi ‘
called upon to prouct^e colony.
maaBarad aaay Tcan and In the eoonroad* Id very bad ehape and bad'eonVj Ua a«nl to atiU a»pl07ad byitha —- of M.
- J. Friedman aa. E. OUJa getUag tbroagfa
Key Weel. Fla^, Jan. 54.-Tbe Wbiu
l^*rt, for $i«.4K
Sqaadroo aalto for Dry Tortogaa today.
Branding in Ua Knric tine, at W,
While the atorm af Satarday n^l |
__ ___
W. Kimball'a new aiore. Zti Front
oloae. nor the anew
Waablnjrtoa. Man. •«.—Tbe eity to etreet. SOh-U
allodad to.
heavy aa Ue atorm1 aHod^
Tramped 1 full of rumor* mneing In UnporUnee


Any kind—style—size- shape—oolor—and
the best made in tbe city.

aevefo enough wd t^ womt
y^Toagh X>rtfta Prom Mapleton.
; from Ue autemenl Uat, Ue White
known to Uto local.iysiB«Ue ‘•‘d;
«f P«,in*dla town-'

- E*rly rtoera yeaurday mom-1 feCparviaor Brown of Penlnania town

tog were aurprtoed
___ i
■ which Ue aa^ w- . drlftM to Ue let Circuit court yeaurd^ moralng
aa. - It ia laid
. bulldinga.
buildiug*. and
aad :UaUfy
:teaUfy In Ue Uanadlag-------------Uanadtogcaee. Oo _
•treeuaad about Ue
Uat no dtoUou who -ere w, unfortunate a. U be ; oount of Ue etorm he ataried bnnd.y
kaa been reeeivrd from
nWead after midnight baurday -Ighl «1*bl
[Lre b
bnt that the morement to rather
- wUl have reaaoB U remember Ue la- on lime. The toade were aa badly
is the line of Ue reaumptioa of the
amity of the bowling bltoaard. Theldrittod Uat he found it
free Intoroourae of onr naval vemela in
-now'waa piled to drlTw from Uree to brt«d hto team Urougb, eo ha left hto Cuban waui* Ue aame a* prevailed
Srht faet^p on tha ^orU aide of j rig at Mapleton and floandered all the
prior to Ueir wlUdrawal on account
f^tatreet and owner* of atorea had I w*J K. Traver«o City on fool, arriving
of bMtimiw.
irouhla to claartog aWay Ue drifta. It j here to good time to attend ooort. Thto
■wnalmpooilble for Ue city «.ow plow.‘to a feat whlehmany a younger man
tomakimueh headway «. Ue walka-woold heeltate at trying. Mr. Brow.
»• loager youag aad Ue miow. of Ptoro. Gala Oauead Havoc and Wi
and to aome .lace.
plaeea oath,
ont to Ue aUeeU long before Ue-walka
Eoae Twenty Poet.
but Uto tramp through deep enow, a!
Kere cleared.
Niagara Falla. Jan. S4.—Niagam
dtotaac* of nearly.twelve mllea, i

\jheti you are ready to


nil wool Casaioigre Saits, clioice pstUms, Freoch
. {seed to sboaldprs, good liaioKt pip«d trimmed, snd
fine fitting. Tbn Ulae is $7.60. bnt here they go at
the ridicalously low fipore of $6jM. We re nearly all
sizea, but Come Early If you want to take edTAiL
tft^e of firfo offer.

8 Our shoes stand bard knocks bet*
S ter than most and cost you less

The raUwada. however, while badly
btoeked in aome loealitca were net ao
vailed for tweety four boura.
' MIy drifted na to oeoaaton any matortal delay in traftl: yeatorday. The
Id aotique oak. elm. aab. maple
M. * N. E,wadoBly forty mtoatoa late
or Mahogany? If no we can give yon
Mtol dookaaod aivdi aed carried off
from the eouU aad Ue U. B. A 1.- aad
Party Klaaad OmuMcuona aad AfUr boato. boat bonae*. lumber and large Ue ftaeat bedroem auila made, wbicb
C A W. M. aaffered very little delay,
we are offering Uia week at lew pricM
Hiding a Long Time PWad TbamquanUtiea of pulp wood.
aneapt on Ue Elk Bapidt branch of Ue
for ihnee who are cuunomleally toellaaelvM Back at ®mwn.
Tbe aoene looking on Ue ra^da aad
CAW. M. ThW oa^ue of Ue Elk
They aru thr twat value for Ue[S YOUr
Baplda train which Veavea here Sunday
On’Satai^y afternoon n party of two alao OB Uefailawaa wild. Bath to-j^
have ever aold, and will fit • Krtve
night to bring back t(e regular train ladiw and taro gentlpmen drove to land. Luaa toland aad part of Ue up a room neatly, while Uey aro aa 8 *^3Sr
to Ue moraing. atarted out aa uaual
- party. I'hree Stotera were mbmergod and aoa- uaefnl and comfortable m
to attoad
» dene to eta'.e
Sunday night but waa atalliHl to ahuge'^.},py-,.l^^rtod for home about
peoaive eeta.
aaow drift nw Acme and bad ^
; o'clnek Sunday morning.
T}ie greateat damage waa done Ue
Uera all nlghL On thia a^uat Ue eiuiag Ue foexm of the terrific atorm
gorge, where ■pqtlou of Ue gorge
regular morntog iroin from Elk Raplda They drove eame diataaee before Uey
^ were uuderimlned. BoaU and
did not get to during Ue toronemn. noUeed tbe eenrity of tbe billiard.
HooM Funxkhing Store,
docka on Ue low^ river .were awept
The engine went Ujwigh all right yro- Tbe whirling anew uad gale blinded
j iSfi-IsiiFront'sL TRAVERSE CITY.
tarday morning, bownver. arllhout ao- Uem .aad it
Tdaawanda creek
Uey were going, ao tbe team
cldeaL Thto waa Ue only delay rewaaparmittod to maka Itaown -ay.
and f.nmd Ue water do.
Ue eoeupanu auppaatog Ue honea Erie canal uatil it -qrerflewed. c
The fury "of Ue etorm played hai
Imst Hontb Excelled All
w'onld keep on to Traverae City. Tbe eonaiderable damage.
wlU Ue wirtoK of Ue are atreet Ughto team waa evidently aa much bewlldarof Ue Boardmtoi Elver F.leetrie Light ed as Ue eecupauta of Ue aleich aa-Ue
n.. itattor found later toUelrdto^omfitnre.
Uop ..
•< C.“
u... Urr.
fcHy Or. Hartto Uaabto to Bet to lUpleI for Ksxmffictnred
But there to alwaya
Waahittgton. atreet waa blown down____
aero tract Jnat Utoaide of <irawn wiUa
more. Therefore eome at qaee
and a wire
On Snaday Dr. J. B. Martin waa your PHOTOS. We have a eomplew
road running all the way around IL
Uoogh Ue break could aot be looatod.
The team strangely enough, kept ealled by tolephene to go to Mapleton. line of Fictore Mouldlnga aad will fill |
Oonaeonently Ue atoaeta wmn dark for
tramping Uronb Ue deep anew for a Be etartod to bto entler wiU a donble
Ua rematodar of Uat nlghL Snaday toag'tlme and it appe^ Uat Ue; toam. bnt when but a abort dtoUaee aU nlghL
night and laat nlghL Laat night Ue forty waieaclraedeoeeralUmee unUl'iram Ue city the cnller broke doara
damage waa lacatod'and toaigbt it to
u. ir»'i
Ta I SouU Unloa SL
expected Uat 'all Ue UghU wUi be . I.™. b.w — .irt»a
tb., -rr. I H. tb.. ,,bc.,ai
Uemen alighted to — wl,.„
^. pblr
, .t llrt> bo.
burning again.
aL Inquiry revealed Ue fact Uat Uey Melgha and atarted again.
no deep
Doring Ue beavteetof Uegale. whichreturned to Urown. whea Uey the Broach farm Ue aaow
blQwed from Ue norU..Ue hay ''»{„ppo*cd Uat Uey were somewhere UatitwanimpomJbleto get Urengh.
laabed to a fnry. and while Uere to.
Traeene .City. The rituation The bobaleigki were broken aad Ue
, herneaeae enffered timilar damage.
DoUIng aheolntoly certain abont what j
irred. it tonaid'by maay UaleUd*|y^^^;^
SnnTbe doctor was foreed to give It np
ititkia. f
al ware .vAiek Uto .bore. Whatever j
when Uey
and tried It again ynrurday wlU better To tboa. wbo kwTV tHrlr «I
iriai tkv ai.ter,
might have been Ue oaum.. Ue river-


Kickers? !



___ ,

to begin with. Try a pair. •

Tlte Populnr Shoe Boune
of TmvcmeClty.

Gaining in Popularity-


We are

Still Yery Busy

All Denier* SeU Them for

Pnet 6i

5 CEisrn?s


Tonneliar Block.


Free Storage
for Bicycles,




wan rained far above Ue nnual high- \
water mark aad at Ue boom of Ue
Z>t. Brietol On "Brnina
Trav^ City Lumber Co. Ue ru.hlag
Dr, Frank BrtoiOl gave a large audi­ Oolr piece ID laws ek—e fvm raa grt Ar
water wan feroed agatoal Ue baak ia To be Organtoed Thto Hrantog by
ence nn inuilectual treat laat night in ntrtplDr »«a omaw.otatiM.
Praf- Hujtnugh.
of Parker Broa:' nfaee ntere
Ue City Opera Boum.
Tboae who
large porUon of Ue baqk ear_____ k—.
Ue Doaap-1
riail away, aad wlU It a quantity of \ orcbeatra ai^ itriag quartet Uto eeannenranoe of Ur. Brtotot December OU
tbe company'* logL Yaeton^ morn-jj^ luclndi^
were fully repaid [for Ue waiUng. by j----------------iug Manager Ludgalemadeek^^ort ^H.,.,
f,Ho aad fat
Ue axoellenee mi Ud lecture. Tbe eub-. ^ I | n
• te turn the water toward UetowU | ^^j^e deeirou. of Jelniug
-------- are
wa*"Bfaluk."lBlbe *trict aen*e V_/wr«
aide of the river, by rigging anchor to*U.tUeac«l.«yate.ghV.cleckP;=^^^,^ Dr. Ilrtotol to eloqoeuL
boom on Ue tonU aide, but Ue Oaa- Uto evening.
hto delivery T. emooU and hto style PR|OES
tbe *lr«am eeemed to have
magncfJc. The chief element in hto
changed .kkmewhil and Ue efforte to
Ait moriBg oar gtxxia, fml wp
U*me wn* U* appliroUon of brain*.
preeent further damage eeemed to be
The'V. W.C.T- L-. wUl meet Uto
„».„*eiual force la all line* of have lots o( gon^ left which ve
almott fruiiire* thuugb tbe force wa* evening in Ua offiec of Pratt A Uavi*.;
calling !w
wish to clone out beCom taking in.
not ae great a. U bad been. A epaee
A regulnr meetiag of Tinverae City proved Ue efficacy ef intclleeUal force
.•t lenat forty feet in lengUand twen­
Toiee. and wv hav^ nome apecial
ia Ue llvw efUe great men of Ue
ty feat deep wa. waUed ouL taking Lodge, O. M. P.. will be held Uto evenworld. WaUingtoa. GraaL Garfield, bnrgaus to offer.
wiU It a tree which grew upon Ua ing.
The Shakeapeare Study Ciaaa will
bank and getting very aear aa
eldUrie ll^tpola. A large .pace no- m««t WlU -Mra. Bosburgh Uto Cvm- peore aad umrea of eUera, men, of leP
warrior* and ganluMa
4m the .urface of Ue ground wa.
ragnlar meeting of Ue Borne of hiatory. Ue argued Uat it wn* bet­
waahed out no Uat too c1um> pi;pximiiy
ter to be born in poverty aad to bare a
to U. hank might raenlt in damage to
bead lined wiU'brain* than toJ>e bora
t^OTfona apeeuiera Mr. Ludgate neat There wiU be IneuUatian nf officara.
of aUk lined artotocracy wiU a pnroe Us- for O. Frankie yeateitiay to oome here ' Rlnald<fFaUar. for a long toma in
ed wiUgolA The greatert man In hto- Pto
te devtoe io»e mean* to protect -Ue tbedrtig baMnMBin Uto elty. to pre­
tery to deeeribed a* men who bad apru og Gallon can Apnlea.........................»oe
Imak by piling, field atoae or other paring to epan a drag aiore In interfrom humble pnrnnta^ euironnding. Pop Cora..................iSepedfcJOebni
.mean*, and it toprobahle that Uareriocben.
anggeetivaof wantand Ueahaetteeof
will be noiorUer damage to that] At Prof. B. HUv^'dancing academy
Doataentoetto take taomaaenaked
Ua necemitlea. let alone Ue comfort*
; tonight attenUsn will be given etrletly ef extoUnoe. Dr. Brtotoin lecture w
Wbho Ue NorUport and Bingham! to the walu and two-atop nnd aa In- puoetnated wiU I
fermill bop wUl follow eiam exarntoee. and flightt of hrilllant ornl07 which
Street Commtoaioner KoUy had a held htoattiaoee wittnha^ttoteaae
A fint elans stack ef
foroe of eeventeen man at work clear­ intareeL Thto wa* one e< Ue moat
ing .BOW from Ue atreato and fafn^- MBgnglng and profitable of all U«L.Ieofor Ue road, to U bitrfien.
ing paU. yceterday, aad Uey per­ taruiof prevknm'ilign School moan**
On band, and ardera filled to n«lt Ue
formed a good deal ef affeetlrc work.
pttRhaaor. (All aad eee as.
eirCBit Court Xkeoidea In Paver Af
A Pieroe. fermerly ef Ue Baterprtoc



Gold Medal Flour.

Hrnan W. Hanadlag.
Tentarday fereaoon Ue attention of
Jndge Corbett in Ua Cirenli eeort wne
qnte np by Ue can* of the mperinMtatoef thepeorerf Otsad^feae

groeery. baa opened a neat aad attract!
T. O. Sbllaon haa rentad hi* new
Ire little groeery .tore in Ue bnliding
wwtof Ue eure ot MeUlfon A 4U. eten on Onion ntreoL-id an agnnA at
on Front ArneL Ho
boetnem UeOraatteMaraneuroCn. mi 8aglyMterday.


& 6ME,

Oor. 7th «od U^oB StrMta.

Hare excited coniideniUe interent the put two dayn.
That ia eubn^ing. bnt the interegt in out 8c Dnu PUids
keeps incienang. Toa'U find the walk* cleared and we invite
you to examine three and other waab fabrics, borne partiealarijr good for children's wear.

-Bvy the IipoominKtor Ooodpwr
the Beet on Earth, at



r *j:


.r’ ;.'



■OA T. Batv AMO 3. W. BAJOoa.'

mw tm» old WOMB Vfhx a eliranitta
aad anotbar oaa watekad bar ebaaec to
W iboloan of it fora wMSor two.'
Bot lataadlar I aboald tea bar. bat I
Tbe aarrlea waa eoadaetad Id a
way Tory Uka aay ebureb. but tba aiacIb( of tba byanaiea la tba Boat peealiar tbiar aboat lb
from wfaow wo real oar
plaea. (a white a>aa) ia narriad to a
^ra aatlre wosaa.i. wbocaDBotapeak

J. «. Hajixu. Editor and IUmcw.

I or 1


TrBTooeOtty XorlMt.
Bolow la a Uot of tbe bayiaf aad aaU-

If You Have Logs to Sell

MW Golla Glnhi la rdOR XojOm
KlfiiMlIW to tbr qtrltw. f^Wy lar.oaHa arae City:
dull cluriDK the nituDW BoatbaraDyWay,
and MW ObcalM tbtatka that iba baoka of
tbeVukuoaUi foniab Bore cKlteBrot
(buDihcb^ atWaablniumrark. Althf Utu mt, for brr drieutorr la
o«. abr baa alrtady UcUD




*“• «»»»• ber
, mmH_____________
iik luodlaua. ourwtkrca and jewrlen.
a ootbilur I
“ «*w I* lnlu»a>«d that tbr aaow
j baa uielmt od ('bllkal laaw aba will daat tba’part, ^hbr alii be aeaoinsmolad by bar
I tbatebee of ■ hu». MW Dame Ulavtoa.
• • •
. ■
Om CkacpltToa
VUDnu»T. ^
isrlOaf wItB tbelr aoowj ooeer-. ato la «im»t. you ^noa-. and
I of dowrrv ete. Only tba i lirina'faark i tem Buuir BUpitei*—that i
bare breaktaat. the woB-j wbsi ilirr r.^U rtioultutaold.
sold, lao t Hr"
irry tbelr owe luocb. There; "V h;. GoMir, b»w you3 du CUUU.
|u w " aa)d
m bold iaa loaf buiidiBjr Lbmiiutla<r, aOdc. mblU'>alml
U' balml iwtrlrlan
______ -- ................
- bet larger, la
tba i bull
bul> .rf
<if tbr add arhoflt
irb«d. ->Yuu niuat riruae
BaUee laaruava. «i*iar a hiatory «f I Uoiair." aheVouUnord. (ortiinK lotbrre- •rriKO jurm or TkA'vuo: cm out.
-arywor* la tbapaats^beodred I purtiv -•.'ihrlaeotBthuriJiatlc."
1 could oot underaUD^aay of ' -'.Vov. luawmaw.’' mouin^ the ramBai-h loooth Ahow a Wttor Kni« to
tbr corfo
corioaa Inpquueeo! the iQaodlkr, "you know I
courae. bet
took ia the
>n-Ul coodllioQi aad u iscnue H.of
lobnxiineal^ Bilcwr. aod snib
tfaion LAat lotereated lae. 1 waa I
, „ Oaia.No. l.perbo. <b.
is Ut •xlrnt pf trade. The Dud Coib'
'"Jjcoro. prrbo^..
wbo by the; iKU.h^oiwnTriflaiMltthUtbliw.auaaoU!,^^;^
r "
• MTClal Atrracjr ri»e» tbr
liar ctibalW Uam«. .Vritbmd wUwiuit y«u »«uld I
Iaa M. 1>
i ibU lime u s» per cent.
mod aat with Ihi-t d.cITO'th. -11 - .a..««l .d . — .o—..
greater tban a year affo. aad
Itlr En|rliab:b" ua an-Amrrli-aii «»«»• •'*d * •“* I Butler 2^ B. '
aun «i-wm»«-a.ia-r..»ltiKlMullke,’ ;
‘«BB per eeot. tarfer ihao ia li*V<-[ oad that aiade___
e Borr
"An jvi*out afnlil li>^ liiu>armiKh ;
While a few todnatrlee are lanior, j Tboac feaiaiea bad
* BaDOfaciuriar rrorraUy ia belsr aUai-' ratbar niee lookinr. Aft« aereloe wr BilGiiilM-aiupr" aafcKl tlu- rr{nnrr, louk,IHB Bdminrply at Mw tluldlr'a drHoatrly
Oblcafn Market
>1.-d -Ob -Obih -0,0 -.rkrnob
rbi- led (•wlune al»U Mmdrr whit.- banda.
Cbieaiw. ian S4 -|frbrat-V3{
"Ob, nu. aho ntiUid. "for 1 i
baiaff eBployed aod wairea are on. the u»e Ujblhouar waa aiM taw It and Ue
>m. sfc-; cata. ea^r:
riaa. A conliBMee of tke*e condl- atona with a copper plate 1b it that

s=Sitrr. ■. ■. .2


......... - •?

U- b

-0 —0 ...» - —o. j
Ib'.'SlS I .o- —I., b-ii- 1 .... - lo-ob.
which waa under tbe Enf- AikI kb<- lin>ughl feetb a ■llrtr luuutttrd
aUe papeBj.
TbAbc are maBj <
niral. and the ple^f waa ' air
wil>< n hu-b abi' daily itranuea at
lint Venua" beeeuac they r •..n ihi- Iwdk fetx*. "IWheelU
aUll ithat tbe enUoek for the fotine ia nneer- rrre there U> Bark tbe tranall of Ve- i ' Arry a UmuiKuI lllllr allvrr mouiiird pla­
na. 1‘ belleae at well aa to eetablUh s »ul. wbW-h mil l.arig fn-m ber cbaudalw
taio. The calaBUy bojriera. kowerer.
I aaw a larrr pile of Hut I «■.. larp.T and atmoger than Uallla
fail to Beation tbe fact that tbe bnei- ——
nearlbe llfhUi.—.
UfhUooae —------aad on In-,|,eo™io»ite
Bwe faUnree ia
were 1.TS7 lew ■quirior aa to what they were for. 1 waa h
e; tblT’la toy walking
told that it ia called
a "Marie" and
had ’ >
.tbandnriarlSMaadtbattbeafrrarate.---------------------------------.! rn''iiinie. I lnt>-iMl It fur tbr walk acn««
OU.O o. .b.
rt.OOO.OOO leae than da the prerlooe ,
eotniof ia and waa to be need aa

CJorroApoDd witb the Tnver>e City Lumber Company. ,
We bare for sale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
-Maple Flooring,
Short iClaple Wood.


t .tt!

Mill Machinery of all deacriptionB,inr!titl:iig Two g«rgtp«t,
Pet Worka. Carriagw iod Saw*. A oompl. i- Saw Mill Plant
for dale.


(IraBd BapiAa. Jaa. it;—Wheat ate.

R J. .MORG.tN,

Hack, Bus and. Baggage

Wbea io need af a^tbiog Id tbie;
line reunber tUa ie tbe place to leare'
It la ialereetiafr to lietea U tbe arranot. bnt tbe pile
yooronlenaad gel prompt work.
MBB^of Uoa. W. J. Bryan about giw- nato tbie day. Tbeae "Mariaa" are <il u llii a nlblK-ii l«m . I aball carry a d»ie
daUefactipo guaiaateod or ao charge.
.i>).>nd rllk Iwg ID wbkb •• U1 tw my niaaiaf'tke people of ibii eeuttry a flaaa- built for dlSereat wl and •tlriT backid trobn*. at Leave your orderi at afiee or call up
dal ayaUB preeuBably looklaf toward bumlpc the clotbce of a dead peraoa, well a> B Swv.ikr |nifi. bwauw i do not bepmitioo: aoaeaea'
Id ia high
the equal nee of bjtb (old aad allrer.
at ' tbe dead. etc. On oar
rwauf I
'-them to haar hie (lowlar aeeonnu of way hack
walk- nPh I • link- ti
- tbe beach
tbe eyaUB la uae la Meaioa.' aader lag with tbe wbite mao. I bare epoken ihry an-gi.lng tofbr Kkmdike.
"Thu. gown.'^'mid. throwing
ttlre wife, bii
who 1 hi tbe natlre
wboaeoper«ylOB^ other eoia but ail- of before
Iwrkl ut aoha
w te Utrodnoed troae one yev'a had walki
liberty sill. In
ter iDspiitt
II.. '
walking with
with 1another woman, baifVain
to aaoiber.
wuew iwre.ooswH
friend of bitOe. HaniW Twiaqs.l;
at borne or oo tbe >
plutatioa Uiewonld have ber ehoe.
rath-pritt, and fluffy, dmt
on. bat an oocnaion of lb» kind whare you Ihmk?
"Arid tfaU plahl 1 bad wade to matrb a
9bo1 ▼. Piaeb ef Oran^ Rapida rUed
a pair of gulf laurkiiigs In
Obattai Morteax*.
jem. jnsl to ebow her perfi^ lo«i-of
• iWI I plrk>-d
pic- • up at a bargBln. I-I door wcei •( MeLaUaa A Ask > Caatwimw j
eac»." She looked too eomi-1 L^u
erand Rapida Jaa. :i4.—I%nl V.
I is niyiBlnlnc «wuuw.
iogalong.and tbev all walk:
““ sham
tn match. 1 shall wiwr
Iteeb. tbe Caad etreat dni(ffin. filed a mUe - •beo-loed."
beo-loed-" On onr r
littu wss.t
**• rrwlseriict• mortore tbia fereeooe. (Iren to borne
____ _
................. Oeorre O. Brine for ti.Ono. eorerinx where.............
where the hlll.wae
‘“f I -Eorfwxt wluterl Jull hare this wM«
Now Beady For B«
*»«»di'k*h oo-funw Irlmutcd around
hM etock of draga. fureltura aad tUlive prineeas wb. ebrelberUKie 1 boTiuiii with whip- ralrfilr-alL
fur.. Tbe (real
tm.rm. At tbe aaa* Uae be filed % of a nrigkbonng lalaad.tfac only i*l
will be eotcnal with gold friwgltig. and
Meet morigace. gieen to tbe Micblgna ep governed now
w i:io tbe Soelb S
tbi-tv will Is.' ipiM epaulets k> milcfa.
Trnet ooBpany for the bcaefll of eredluv. a tailor made iHren at>d b rral warm
y to
look at. drtwa.
kb. king. Of.roulwl
« lidull have silk aklru
itora la geaeraJ. Tba trnut nortgage priaocM waaocdlaary
ed In a white Mother Hubbard, hair
la<« lingerie Io
to match
m^h al
all tbiwedrewM.
la aabject to the chattel nortgage aad
' - ' cn
bauwill nuii-htlM
aggregatee nearly g^oou.
win be hduraabapa
I baadkerebief tied i >and ber neck, a which Is niiat lux
..Idir b'rrailv
,,i.n*"axk,^ Mrs-Clf,
“.\Dd now krlnw show you my alpra
tiM IdBlaa Vadar Wmea Mane
aad they make them all .
said Miid Goldie. "Mr. Twosisu
. -r
] f^e
“e^e fr*>“ eugar eaoe aad ;
nie-from SwlUcrland. 1
Thiaga of Hiatoncal laUrvaU
from arrowroot, either beiog^^iuBnyUaritisstbilkai'
From a Btraage land.
made very fine and are eepeaiTve. eelluwas a bmutlftd slick, to whieb wae
.high aaSl& or gSO. I will try , ,i„j a bow and vixniperv uf Vak Um.
Miee Capitala Vader kae rw*Ived
when I come! ,„j had au ItunlHoke inI tbe
‘ botkim fur I
latter from ber liatar Luuile. wbo ii' ] bast
— 1 eliiU to'. **•! rough imioniaio work.


Tbone Ho. 3.



FiUUatr ruqut ’SUgi Gnwle|

EiHf. Bastings..



Tbe demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property is becom­
ing brisk. I have

Estate *

Fire Insurance.


MS ,

Money to Loan Two or Throe Hood and lots

of Papeete oe a very pretty'.Uu* xirggl.w mpolalscly. "llu Isaprrroad much of it raanlBg aloag the | (,rt g.wnciuan and baaswh a loteof a I
beaeh. Tke tomb ia bnlitoe a point of, uustaoH-. He hs>ks just like tbuw-tenoca
land eateadlag oot InU tbe water qoiu i y„u nv in ourn, and has'a perfectly lu»x- t., .
n »■ nH t«„ ,, ., „ __ j
%IiiUedUtaaoe. of coral, ehapedeome-: ly Kk.mllk7<u>tuine 1-apa aays be draw I lZHprOT6a FETIUS aiKX
thing like a pyramid but having a roof nm i.K,k „Ty etreng. but be is a |a»f«el .
fliHr Prrtn«rfV
Inatead of going quite to a peiak On dear, aud l«*b (Uafli.. and I Insisted oo
the I9p Ik a large red ora and In front, him. i*apa Uy^nDg bhu a aalary to wait
’Phono 78.
TbbiU has never been a cannibal isl­ above t|ie deer a big letUr "P*- fur umiJ next spelug tu guide us uVic. lit JoliaBon Block.
and in Ue same seese tbe Maniaeaaa PoBafn/Dame af tbe royal family, and I mv» be faa> been U«er Chllkat pam Iwicr.
•ad aoBe ofber of the South bens, even below that a badge-shaped eoBethiag , i„,i i.oitber Hob wiys he pme gut Bearw
ia lu earllesi history. Oolj ai'Ueir re- Jnst back of tba tomb is tba "Marie” ■ to Kluodike tbaa to mix cvhl drloks In a
Ugieus or ceruin escnficial feasts did or pile of elooe* where the royal scala luuiitajii isn i thgi jiist like ■ huyr"
Obey here "long pig. ' It Is very inter-, clothes of the deceaeed ttueea were’ -\M.aUnM. yoiigoliig to do about snpaauag to read -SooU Seas." by Stevea-1 buried. Sbe baa beoo dead about SS ; pl W asked (be n imrVT.

«f IWiiti. one of the boatb Sea lalaada. i
Tbe letter is dated 1
i|UI prove Interesting nal only to the
Crteade of Louise bat Bsay otberv
Vbllowlag are some extracu frota tbe




City Property.

if ’ ——

it Bay be ia
often pointed out U a
i K'diu; to <mrry tbeiu. Ur calls it '|>srklng'
aat of the
Marqutwas be telle
; itK-ui. Hewill have (lur t«jx<« wlU our
ofiOne Cbptaia
B AHart, ll«
blti aad 1 am wellae..
well acquainted wUb him
'■ “h”* J
for we du our "baaking"
aking" with
wiU tbe firm
Dutels aud
be is manager of. in Ue wr^ap of
Ue Gilbert Islands, tbe gnatlrtean. Mr.
WighUesD. is aa old aad valO«d_friend
valOM friend
: 1^,
^ i
"'7' -v’.—...i.•,
a., uiCut niw-m.-u.U-ts of tbe l->m-.Vou.clqbgai
..I si-c.,-,d

^^:U.i.,t.....r Ua«iitTtotl..(>ly"wen in San bVanciaco aad be
e|. rsrly ,la dr mawnls!
ponds with her Uuuideof Usse jitUe
^pnK?"a-udtlH. Ulags Ue acxraunt is very latcresUag, ’ fo dr surtag »v sn. dr nwK. ra
, ".\o.
liMinxl." . i llid iIh'U-.-iui
tutllul ai
hot of coutae more su to aie. being ae- j ^ dmino
J, praciKWl girl. |"1 shall do tW rntwlf
^naiiiieu wiw auias
ui Us
uis charactars
viiarwocrs le»bmt.i.
/ i,,
^ { ai» »u>' ( I . the Uwt (baling dlU couks In
lwantI>ec.:toapl^<^l^"Venas!^,4,;;„,^m,, „Ux*issn«nio
Point" to attend UebundredU annidr* Ay. .
iw op rariy u ds nswuial
|UDtu|iul lUalLsi |«u«. and cook k>Uter
I .V<xiU<rg in (hr chafing diU and make
« pest week, for they
be serrlees ever eiaoe
and Ucy bad begun Ue SU. I1 vienl u
Ue naUve cbnndi-. tbe Sunday piwcedlag, and a strange lot it was that I
Uem ware ia Ueir bare

> dr sT

tale wid lOmty uu
dr flrrplemfist I

' I cbox.lsuTbi-ii we shall bate bun^s
t fur Uosrrt. and i aiu goiigi to urgaulse a
«Simbi.g dish tl|il>l -■1 all eui

rtw op early la dr mawnla!
Ds way ter du. ay broddrr.u lsrslrants'.giB

a li(i«! tor I'lsnnlng. "
"1 supi»-*- you hate msen reooing np
on Aln.leainl tulnlngr mkltbc hrpurter.
"t>li, >.», n pUcdMlmGoWlr.
■ud 1 hstc n-Ad a Uwt
called "ns
of theG
G.iklcu Girl.' bui we couldn't fiuda
UiiiK M itIt al«u> KJ.sKtIka WM'ttl
ui a* l<aronl lots from Ue tn
lag ssurhw wr^pt« Irv a
aaoicd Bret
Hsn*. We aie notr nwdiog a Im* called
•Tbe €ol(J giKotam. by Coin Murphy.
We expiet Ui gA luu uf fofortnBtloB out «g
it. Atisr that we ere going So read ‘OoU
Elsie. AndWr batwauhtertbed for Tbs
Bernur of (inld. a tui
a mau^tainul iKocley.
-- Doo-i yuo think Daflle aad I WIU be a
:iondlks' ' aekea t
gtri^ni^ berflaggs UM^bccrip-

TW Mke drererl trad bUtffkamll roUiByea
awkward la them Uat Uey would
Have looked betur aad felt so had Uey Tw
bmrt s-bMMie Wr a bslMntsll
baea without. Uae girl about 1^ yesga
had a pretty pair of cleU top buttoned
abaea oa and wiv aueatioa was called
Ml them by Ue vlgoroui bmUing Uey
•aderwent from time U Ume. for myThe 18B8 Bicycle fi
aaaoifia] beaefii as 1 soon Bade np mv
r pa Ua
m&L Tbe cMld-e feet looked strange

--_Mr._____ ________________ ___
*0 Be at first eight aad 1 wondered
I wrong. She had tbea on dealer, sold a'-UH model SaUrday, V)
price for
r foot. baU batunbd on Ue JcM laggard. Be uys the prieS
•" range
- 'fro >S}0 op U »T5 «a
•V*- wUl
sade np my mind
be says-of eaorae
I u ber were aa iai^llon. There 1
______old lor ia* tbaa
fiU, Mot Uey will be a wheel Uat eaa- £!^easTh.r folmSwfl^elaDdbrtluaat
be reeoBBeaded ordapended«pon. eres «nd c.mplejbmi and 'Untight Ur
______ ..IS eoau bad oaly a pareu In !
-Uere will be Bo wheel aiade ck- wonld —KsiiSss City Star.
lien of nanu. TMe wnatan asoeUy ap>d U «^U ••Mottwr Hnbb^" '
rs. He twill sell
e Flyer for

FVom wbereTat (ta tba UMn
Itioaed off lor the :
Mtbafiewwbtu '

To BblppMa On Ue at * M. S.
Ui>drmtand."saU Us man wlU Ua
Tous look, "Uat Ue fuber of Uat boy
JemmeaeiBg Momday. iea. 24, tbe
Local Freight on Ue M. A N. E. will wbo tat bis vota Uivugb’ aa aMMt ob

and a Number of WeU Located

is'GOOD !

Wbnn yoo want to take a ride;
remember.tbe Ircrt place to go.
1 have a brge open bna. a-S neat
eleigb and b lop bur. All erp*
comfortabla ior

Vacant Residence Lots
in Traverse City tiiat will be sold

Sleighing Parties,
iT^ lasouui um.
Alao a lot of tbe very beat .Port,
land cQtUra, two and Uiiee aeated
I «an fit yoo out with any kind
of a tmout.

At Low Priees



FioiiMr Uray Wm.

if sold NOW.
them. If you

Obihe Shd ask about
a home or a good

—Watch Repairiiig.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.



THs MUBHiira &eoo^ tubsday.

: UDISIlllWfflllc
Or B4il«y Hu th« But of th* Ar*
fumant About That Vote
on Cuban Rocegnition. ^

mm 8ns IB EQUALLY toerrm
4|iM n OmM km Batv

that Id lb» aain at th<>M VxindD lhw«
bad bem a "MeiT'or tM.OM.tOO with the
>mnlvai>cr of tb« rsccutlve. Tbc a«o*
atur -drnounrt^ it as a rtuiRi« that o»
ad'^uatr InvrsllcalloD of tbt •atfsl”
b<d over bean made by conrrosa ")leKtolrr/' aald the senator, "toold not
bav* «o(ten annusb votes to make a
derent abowlnc If be had not been announred as a blmetaUlAt. Indeed. It
vrai ilahned (taruonhout the west that
UtKlBley aas a beuer blmetaUlst than
lliran heeause. li was further
he had the only method by shlcl
metaJlImn could be accompiutaed.'*

Washington. Jao; St.-Senat/>r Cullom
Baiiirday Introduced a new bill for the
amendment of the IntarvUle o-mroerce
lair. ' The bill Is Intended to cover the
defeM of the rr^wetii law as Indicated
WaahlDctoK. Jan. t«.'-Tbe aenaatlonal by tfie courts. It elves the InlerslalC
aftaode at.the Hnee of the Cubad delate c<nnineree ii>nim1ssius authority to, pro*
any mliroad cojupay or other
«B Thursday, when Speaker Reed and hil*U
........ —.............
BaUf$-. the I>ein<Kr»llc teadet. In par* I eontmt* carrier from •hanrtnK more for
tlaihentary lunsusite questioned each I
® ............
veracity, the one char,ln» •»“
“ n'l^TlTe" tiS
- ^ r K wT. •*
,hi-,., are unr.-te.mal.:.
faith, had Ua .sequel In the hotisc ,
,ranr,H.«atl.m I- . h
•J Saturday On s ou. sllon of psfsenal , ialne.1 al less ihim the Imwrj! rat.a nn
privttesv Bsik-y s>'t . the floor, and In-, ih.-..iT.-n».-is nindr by a flii
of «.<W and o

Aecuution of Wrfs
der Is Taksn by Adolph '
L. Luotgort.


(vpr lbs judee'a remarka and noted bis
exreiitlOB. This quarrel was caused by
Hannon lnslstln*4upcm uking tba In*
dlctment and asklni: Luetrert to deny
each count therein. The Jud«e declared
.this was iMt necessao', l«t Hannon
worked in about evi-ry question be bad
Bsfilhaa Daabar a

Ciiw-InnaU. Jan.- 24.—At the resump:
Ion Raiurday by the l.srUIatlve cum.nitlee of the lovisllgatlim Into ibe al*
a W Um mma Wbea
bribery In the aenat.TShlp case
the US-ties Is KM by AUomey Kss—aa ' Hotelman Dunbar c..ntlnued fats lestl>«y.-psl. .r the Bsary H. KM MU- |
present.^ ibe m>|«ld lele-

Kbone bills of IViyi-e. aboalny when
IV-vcv. Bliss. Allen O. Myers. Jr. and
c.thers In rinclimail vnlled up Dick.
Chlcaico. Jan. 24.--KIU my wife? KPrtS. Allen <K Myers, Pr..
.Ve.ver Id aJI the-* nineteen years MxJ other* tn Columbus Dunbar «im
ke threau
to ont-ersattlunt taklnit pts.-e
of her married life did
cn I tseiweiB his hotel in Cimlonatl and the
of Tl..lenoe a«ainst h(
I'senalwlal ,imnaiters In iviumbus.
ae^ Luulae. einrf 1 tiurrt^ down tba

i«rk stairs of my bouse
the nisht . .. -Jouse. te-ilfled that hr overheard
•if May 1. Kill ray wife?
noyce iBlklns f" «*«lunibus. and ar*
.t.lolpll DdUis DuilC'lt a;,
ranced lo hn,» Iv.y.-e us^*khe' t<-l.r-hor.e
twelve m.-n u-|w. ar.- to pas* on bis KuUl In the private <
the tuv-ond llisit,
eni-yrapher. and
or .nnoivncs and yepud-sted the charye I wtilie Miss Jacuhs.
wife murder, which th. i^iplr <jf li- Mniseir listened at The teleph'-ne dnwiitine nf.t'-.tmri Is also lmiK>sf-d ferarhanya
Mlas Jaaitw l.M.k note* Heloar.l
aoof rit-s l.y .any unauthuiissd .lev lee. ’ 'IpoM thiouib Bltlr mvo.. o... —^ aneaea »« to -the mat..
The .arr1.-rs thTOJsebrtS as well am thelrj «- red asalnst hikn.
He ehouled Ui* ^
’ <,.mld take Jlu *

r.S, r .v:.

of perjury.
. t„ ,he cornices Jf the Jury tt.,m and the re|-.rl of these tn
Bara Ka »w« fra— tien. 1—e.
' 'iPP sya’ the *arsnf thejurors when t'olumDus In bis fatluT and. to Hunt
-tVashtust-n. Jan. :4.-So tar as could ^
duestlon of bfe or demh Was under ; ' ThoMs H. Miller, detective, lestlrt.d
be .earned, the admlnlstraUon had
> O'b»>der*tlon. T}ies< word, wer, sMd that be wss called lot., the vsibsi.n
advices from Havana yesterday. Both.*'"’' f«Mt hours of narmilve of tbs HouM. lo li.t-n l-c-i
which IVi;
aiale and. navy depaiiments ofd; "I have <>. here!- Will hold him
finned that holhtnc bad t>een ht-a/d
I nlirht. O. said wliher Droste mw t*ane
frera iSeneml and looked upon the
lark of news m* a pood sUrn. Ipqulry
also failed to ).-vesl any hsals for
iwnsatli>t)|il h-p.<ris that warahipa bad
railed for Havana

Amoiiy ttw vis|tors 1

..^_______ __________________
i-irfs-ing Hama, tesilfled that he ad' lighted at the begrtng of tlw defendant ; 'l«-d tuia l.. gt\<- l-.-ycv (he fulleai opi on Jfae witness stand. Before going on .
stand l*u-igvn met Vln., and ;
Bliss —il.I he took Otla to .Colonel
Interview served lo aniourage the : Campbell a r.«-n. Id the Kmery
the effw lthat thebusinem men's
Vin.eyit was careful t.. tell ' Bliss secured o n«.m p(mr tbai of B ye
cotrventloD whbh will Iw held In
that hig former clu-nt|be should not forget • M the Olbson. and the).ierks reje.rted
K end Wednesday s
thkl D« limit lobM be plaivd on the ; «» htm ail the alleged <v nversatlons^.jf
tlm< be might lake Id answering ques- ! nhy.v- with Columhiis.
He kept xht*
Ilona Appreclaung the tdunt nsture of > Columbus i-nd advised amMiad H..llenIhe w itness' disposition the advice was ; Wk and oH^era shadowed. He aim got
-^owenwed by tbe Hewate.
given not lo juntp over the table of the I DU» lo visit Iioy<e*'s i
•WashIngior.. Jan. 24 -The senate Eat
imsccutlod and qombat with Inspeviur heanl
urday Cnnflmied the follnwtng nomlna' hail.-k.or his ^SKs-lates ■should De- ■ 3 p. i
tlrns: fteneral .James I^ngstreet. '
nevn beiome too tasinuadng. Luetgv-n. : Camphells oltli^ that the latter got
commissioner «.f railways. To be vvn- ! , unlike othw
wilut—sea. was n..t re- [ ff'.in Boyr.. ' At another m.-etmg he
sul»-<). Durranie. of Illinois, at fata- '; atiicied from relating conversaltons Isa'd «."» was speurel an1 a receipt oh.
ala: H. M Hunt! of llllcnla. al Antigua. ' with hla wife prlo^ to her dlsapiwaran.v .talned.. Bliss mid 'he had auth.-tily l..
and the voncesslim la Jifcety to prove | sign Diu- name Ic Ihe trvHpi, and did
an, with a i-ondiilnn Included therein
Washington. Jan. 24.—The president of Incalculable vAUie to bis <Aae.
ImposWaM Maiu-r lor (lie ItpfeBMv,
| that Oils, In onsidrcatloti f..r Hid
haa'nomlriaied John W.'Grtgga. <if New
Lvtetgert'B lestlinuBvTifrve In ihemln»*» to vote for Hanna.
Jers«y. to be Bit«m*-y getwral-

Waidilncton. Jan N —Brivate advires
j.whlch rv.ii-h hetv from Indianapolis are
Boy, i w r,t:i4-T
Yoked the printed record of the ayree*
m«Qt tv sustain hia ctiarye that the
, nBreemeht had been viulaled. He was
met by Hitt, chairman of the B-retitn'
alTaira committee: Henderson of Iowa,
one of the flohr'lead-ra <rf (he majurtiy.
and atso by the speaker with the aryument that no atiscmeni. such as al*
laced, even If made, which they denh-d.
could have waived the culea of the
'SotM and Dial any ayrrement for .a
vole on a nu.ilon T)<awssarlly assumed
that the maiic.^would l*e m order under
the rales. Whilr the lanyuaye used wan
atrong .then, was nu display of icm|«r
and no •acueimm was ..casmned. aiplauded by the rwpectlv
Bow k ta* IMewd vr Hm K'twacr
Bailey said an eiaminntlor. v( the
tDcurd showed that there waa an agree­
ment ihar there ahould be a yea- and

Bapmgs Pane Mlrh-.(aa Mass to LM the
. WntoH Pli Twrtgk.
Chkagu, Jan.'34.—"In the mandamus
procet-dlDgs which t have personally
brought against the railroads of Michi­
gan tu cdknpel them to regard the law

deUII all his niuvementa a^ obaervaUons f ..................... .-nlng ..r May I
up li' the II r he reporf-vl the dlsupIs Wife to tile i«.lh-e and
pearauce of
ird for luformallon con-


Bw«et PlcUw, lOe per dosen.
Sweet Mixed Pickles, SOc per qOArt^
Soar Pickles, 7c per dozen.


213 Front St.-

Baltimore Stock I
Stnbdni^s, S
Solid Menta.

FIstcher's Ojster Depol and RestaHani.
we axe Selling

Fancy Dairy -Butter
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per Dozen.



OppoRite Steinberg'A, ’Phone 146.

| BIght-Hns e liar's Bark Aatoptod tor tl
. neldaarFlea Matos,
: Chicago, Jan 24.-Elght h-uta

ler June I. inv. .This Impurnay vote on the mollon lo retvinimll. which stipulates that a 2-*eni-a-mlle gasp nf his collapsed bustneu and the
B wife. tant provision was made Saturday aft*
ao explicit and dIsilDcl that he felt It rale be charged for passenger irwvel I way he broke the mat
eme'in at the Joint convention of eoaJ
hit duD' to call it to (he altenlun of the hope to bring the railroads to time." Re loid-«r her despair
mlncTS and mine owners. The action afrouniry.
He then read at length the
of want and huniUlailon, the scene
■aid Governor PiUgree.' of Michigan.- at
_ rfecis Ih'- welfare of 4UU.#M organlted
colloquy which took place between
the last su| they l.e.k together, her
the Palmer House. Tlie
which is
I .-oal miner, tbt reduced hours ot la
WllUams of Mlsslaslppl, Ullt and others
annoumvment .iliat she would
jow before the court Is the most Im­
, bor giving.nMairlunlly f«
for work ID f.oQO
aa to the i lusTug'of the Cuban debate.
[> witness {the dluater. hla final
thing before the
people of there
men.\ -^is
This r.nlon
pariing wiih herj bis .•ccut«tlon In the 'imor,. Wen-i
anion was the prtnWhen be nnished l.y quoting HiU's laat
Michigan at the present time. As gov- rtn'^5 that tiltiit and the following
.-"dM tm.s.rt.m . product
remarks: "And II Is underat<M>d, Mr.
; emur of the stale, I propose to see that
lialDidu;^ rhceilng
Chairman. Uial at 4 o'clock tomorrow
.................. slow-neiis to realtas that ah?
I thV discrimloailua against the poorer
tors ant^iln.-iie,
there shall d- but <
had actually g.'rie away f.-r gv»>d. the
j classes In favor bf the wealthy
As to the quesHqg_of an Increase ot
rrprva. h.-s UhknVae hekp.d on him for
vote, that on a motl
the D-mocrats broke
not SIT,ploying d‘i>'-tlves, his ....uneel pay iha.i was def.:wied by a n ajoilty
require sha*
“Tltat was precleely my statement."
w Ith Attorney cIo-mIH. h and th.- .-l.iaing
nunliy It was n..i finally Ul.l-away. A
CMtlnued Ualley. "I do not dealr* to
.of his factory hy ri-reman.^
"In the matter .»f granllnc frahchlsei
Impute anoilves other than buDorable
for str<-»-l ralircsile. there is an oppor­ OM: PI*Af'K V ■nKBr. Hr; bI^ITATEO - heW l.. r..rmulste a ba..|s ».>• whlih they
onea to any one. for I am alow lorharge
tunity for v-..unc»ls to be v.f great scr*
falsehtmd ..I unfair dealing, bst I do
vf<v to the les.ple. ! do not favor comaflrm that there haa l»en rllher a«..wl>b4U. Mir*|.
understandlna or a mls-»Utemenl.
tVhen he vvas laek.d to <i.|s. Dlrf- tbs :.vemlon.
that the
A—ewd—•M's le'reUeWs Ks—rfatisa.
th'Se Institutions, tnit the |>eople. ! fa* 1
supper wivne he.rvfuee.1 jul. <■ l.sdu
Two amendmenia wen offered to the vor making ihe fare'as low as posalbie. i,„„nl,e.he was f.-mdtult. HarmonlDKIAO<HOU'TO
aenal' Saturday to the Teller resolu­ to allow theV'lnpany a fair profit, and :
,n,| he niuet tell for ^e g.«id of busdoa Tlotos (itses Kw,
tion, one l.y NHsun of Minnesota, de* ,1,,. Ih |«| 1,
curing l( K. le the duty ;if the goveHil,..n.l.>n. Jar.. 34 —The Timev says edtneni under exJsUng laws to maintain
Ibe ImuF
face and j imrially Oils mornliqt; "We are glad to
the i-rlly In value of tu gold and sli­
ver money, and Ihe otherhy Spooner of
With thlf ifarn from varloua trusiwculhy and
Wlaonein. sulwtUutlng for the TVUer
single ezvvptlof^'
iof^ no vrniiis jvx.uld de. I mutually iDdeiemtoel sources that the
reaoluttnn the deeUrallon that. II Is the
that it [ »f <3emuiny's Inientbm to oivn
a XMjito
flnamul piiicy of the’l'nited Hutes to CUyaavl hatton Me
was- one of amjisenieoi at ibe charge i Klap-Chou |n the world's ct-nimeree are
•r lUlwsk.
maintain ih.- existing gold standard Un­
If this decision Is malD*
Chh ag-i. Jan. 34.—President Dole and against him. It^H utierlyj ImpoasJhle I well f..und.d
til an iht. msilonal agreement with thmake him tdite Ihe trial periuusly. i talned./* wll piohabty Iweomc
-tesdlDK c ..It .-ri-Uil nstlons of thowor^-l I«ily wSre/rnei at the Sortuweslein Kvseyihlng seemed, to sink, him on , «
hu-v ond fl.KirishIng ent^pol
•• ..-Inagf Of silver shall be Station ydg^erday morning by a com­
the conili side and to pr>dui e a pleas- t of Ihe worl.l » irtide—a northern Hongmebrd. Thc^ was ho del<ate upon mittee fiuni.the I'nh.n leeagtie ciab.
ant and amused smile. W.hep the court |
either amendment nw.lh being T-rop.sed beaded by the .....v-...*.
following: Mayor'and
"The wisdom of the drcl^un cannot
had adjourned l.uelgen 'atf1i|~-d d..wn '
after Stewart of N.vad^had addressed
judge and Mrs. OroH- m his moulii
Uth slrvtched , be <Vmhted
<Vmhted. It will lend
lend lo Impmv
the Deiiate for an hour. The ae.«idon «»» i
and he broke out Inib a i unn.-ci-srAi II y strained relations
from ear '
'r. —
devoted to the .g.nslderallon of bill, on '
>1. and Genera. Brooke and staff and [ jmo'.l'i.Hit
laugh. When asked. "Are , tw.-en Kngland and Germany. It is to
the calendar snd shorily after 3 o’clock
.Mrs.'^ Al 1 o'<?i.>ck thle afternoon ' j,.u
you I...I
,,„i ■oondf' his, "Yviu- !"• h.rf.ed ihiit nth«M- nation, will r..llovv
went iDto ezevD-lve sesslnb..
at Kinsley's a ns-.t.ilon and tUDcbo.n
must be sick." I
i Germativ's exnmple and the far eastern
l.uelgert. Hssvjmlng thni hj- has lesil* ! Ruestl. n may tbeseby lie greatly slmWill be given tn the' Hawaiian presi­
The aetiale apenl two hours In ea- dent's honor.
hd tniihfully,' has ex|.lB(ne-1 away PHAv'd."
ecutlve s-wslo,! discussing the nomipji*
t«aguc club wihTK gayly e,cry
ins IJkely ■<• btos AaMher kII«wtlon of D.-necsI l»ngstreet to be com* decorated with plants and lloaere. and the a al- had us^ In th. maVe-np of lU
Berim, Jnn.
34 -From Inf.-r.nation
tulssl-n-T of railroads, which
the American and Hawaiian llaga fwt cirvumetantial i-vidence-- Iniidrnn that I
ich.d the foreign ofllce It
tlnii lul.l come .iver from Fi
the large re.vpt^..n that wiir.ts^ glvei^ aHtrierl damaglUt. were tregied as ihf
the'German nilMiluneau«e
the oi.jprtlon made
Pr..sld«nt Irole tmnj 2 to I o'clisk Thtl-iiafty t.a'.pc'nlngs of q rttleen whos.-' b'”* appears 11
China are Ig^xunlhg
Vest, When the nomination v
Hawaiian flag will float over the cigb< pniie ihoughi jwas su
of "idespread, and or»- l••adlng to new
up Kaj....!:.v V. si |o.,k the floor
______ Two
I Bouse.
ihouaknd invitations have
He isld ion--the
ronit.iicaiUins iH-'twee'n the iw>. govemtold' i.r 1
, -....................
the reiepthm.
j his d-.meatlc Hie and told'
Tbe lT<.trBtant?.Bs well as the
ing il-si U.i.gstnM t had acl« with
sbowlng how rHiablr some special-' cunllnually
hlmj fi
:pub!h-mip;.uj-in D-.u*sls-.a after the|,„,„.,,^,^ ^re the r.dlowing, from k ' aTviehe-I condlib.i. of his Hranclol af* l(»man ,'ath"llcs haw- h<q-n aiiscked.
- That *a. coffeirs -bJ.<llon g^.
„ p,-,,..
„ Keia.rts rwiv-d H the 14,-rlln KvanJusun. .^iioii f. r the:r stand being
,q d-.-i‘sa the general subject i ws wlf. 's bo^as a s«W making ei- g-llcal Mls<i»nary nocJHy ehnw'that a
that (be Itvpul.' party of Louisiana uf •nexaiP.i. he added; -There is one ; perlmenl. with isprtll ullow; and hog crUlcBl aiate .if affairs ixKs. Murder­
M that time was v-. iv ciirrupt. aa they thing 1 do wi-h tn say. and that U thra u-nes Instead f.f an attcniipi 10 hide ous atlncks have he, n radr upon-three
Halloed, and Longwre. i's action there- -thefe 1* s.«..loteU' no t..ondatlao lor a crime. This itoGniony dij not differ of its siallons.
witb-aheuved a want »f jti.igment. Dan-'
these «: sts.ut Hawaii being men- 1 materially with iha: given by Chari,*
Nertows Btoliag el Algisrw.
leFa objevtlon was that i--ngstr.-el had
seed 1:' -Saran."
. at the first irlgl. _

ParlA Jan. 24.—It Is reported from
crttlcissd Gemra! Ili>i*-it K. Lev In a
____ —■_____ »
The standing quarrel bets e*Mi Judge Algiers that serinue rioting and pillag­
book «i«« the
Th.- RepuWl-'

j Ga'ry and Atinmey Harmon w-aa more ing took liiioe at Huetspha. a auburti of
n called tirts eon of ..I.Jr. tlnn waving
ColumbuA O.. Jan. :4.-t^ughi on a pagiant than ever. It gU ,6** out of the City. Aalurday night. Ten Jewish
trestle with Ih.e alternate of leaping
that Harmon has to llakeevery- shcipe were looted and.a numlier of po­
the aurglDg water* sixty feel iMiun
thing dow-n In lung band.j
licemen Injured. Troops were aumbeing killed by a fast approaching Ir
quenre of having ho money t
mooed. but order was nut restorted
was the predicament In which four res- Menographer. The Judge broke o
unit! 3 n'clo k yesterday morning For­
Idenls of the vtUage of OretoB found
Harmnn made each re- ty arrests wm_cn^e.
themaelveaat night- Three of the party
, -pretext for further delay by
-Wlmribe HsgiHs Were Per.
-'(t'Bahlngtan. Jan.
34.—During 'the
Madrid. Jan. 34. — The rvirfoi that
aenste session ttolnrday. speaking
driADD wav su parai)ved ullh trmr occurred near the ih? eoncUisl.-n 'rtf the American warsbipa have been ordered
the T'riler rraolBUon. Biewart aald Uia;
that sie remained <rf> the trealle ai.d day's proceedings. Harrupo ;was'«feter* to Cuban waters has raused great exthe seemary of the treauury ^d no
Whs Indlantly ktlied. .
mined not to finish hU dlreck exaralna- cltcDieDl here. The Jmparclal. In the
tours aulboritp-to sell bonds and de­
tloo Raiurday because be wanted to eourse of a A-telent arUcle says: ‘*We
mand gold for tb«sB when there was
eagemeaa ot the Taakees
have the advantage of reviewing hla
"ctiin" ID the trsaaary with which to
Milwaukee. Jan. 24—Fire Bstordsy
seise (^Iha.*'
work Hunday and picking up today nay
redeetu s^.nda than he (Stewart) had. night completely Sesirvyed the Urge
he might have droriped Sclurftos Kea-()alMi Mew Mast Os.
Bonds ^d been aold. said Stewart, brick building and contents of the F. A.
day and the day. before. Jtrdge Gary
CleveUnd. Jan. 34.—Five hundred tneti
because the rein lo the treasury was B’alsh company. *maDufsctunTa
aeetned deternined to raaks Jilm gel are nni tn one of Senator Hanna's con*
■01 the kind eilh which It was dcaltvd parttera' and grinders' tinware and Onk>r ad- oems. tbe Globs Iran Worirs company
«o pay the ls>nde. He maintained Chat n-T*' machinery The loss Is csthnated through Batwrday.
the lae was .mandatory upon the nee* at noc.ouc. t333.0M 6t whk-h U cm mvk jourPing at 4 p. m..^ U uMMl Bator* tolpyarda The trouble Is dirwetly a\.days,
tribuiablc to a retiusl on tbe pan ot
retaD’ v>r the treasury to r^eem bond# and machinery and Vi.OM on buUdliEg.
But Harmon stuck to It. and at la^ the union employes to work with non­
tn nllvcr. even the Indianapolis com- The tnsuranw la t2U.M».
union men.
toilsslon, be eontlnued—which knew as
and adjotrrwcd t
attic of flnaocc aa It la poealUe (or men
alteraaUofi be*
24 - The
executive last fsw- moments *
Iks kaow—adml
Madrid. Jan. ».-One ot the cabtacc
bench and tbe bar occurred.
>t the London eBglneerk*has tween
,khto payable tt
usaea a circular advising the mta to Tbe Judge ridlcnled Harmon's "Ktoor* minlstmn. In the courne of an latarrtcw.
of the g
aald the gowernmaBt was qulu irnnoatl
IMitrrtng thrtlier along u tbs gMle sf aecnix the employeri' terns. A bnikM ous Tolee,*' eaUed -bta questl<«s '’csten*
respocUng the movamenu of the Aanor*
or-bonds by tba admin* of the mm baa been fined (or tmomw Eatloan,” and BM4. *T Kill nottaad hny
II be re* longer ttOt rMimloas wiste'Of tHBe." knn wanhips. which were f^ known
- •
'■ • of asretand. Stewalt Aeelared
tVhrVeat HarKion took -M tnlaifm (s

DM N- w—1 to 7VI1 «T Ml. ljto. r«i«v. j |,Tsb’m‘<inqr*Thr.' 'lh.!^



John J. Brezina



are to


n. isss.



N«w$0fth« Blizzard ThttRznd
in th« West SiltUruay
wand Sunday.

niK noHT Of THE ocnuftcA
Tarta. Jan. S4-—I>ar1ng the tre.- Ogbt
In the chancier of defjpttea Saturday H.
Oeraull Kiehard dealt At. Uebnmis a

violent blow in the c)e. A (erriUc me­
lee followed. Vlcfunle de Haghe. tried
to wllbatand U>« Sortallata' onaiaughi
on A.’ lUghllat*. M. Ih-vill« threw an
lok»-l at a. t>»‘t>ncnla. w'bembcmtaai.d.
but |hr mlislle atruck an uaher and tbe
content* deluged a C.-oaervatlve deput». whewe faee'na* drerci.ed wItt Wood
WhMi Oiwr, B»r B^lwaj
and Ink.' Deputy J>a>>t waa aeit.-d w.llb
VMMO.«rr- ah ei-llepUr At during tbe diw-rder and
•Ur - UliMt ■■.»* bM ■rllh Hnirr waa i-arrled out Into the lobt-y. D. De-,
KalM—U>cl> wu#r PH
Ohto CMm bomla t.8B ekltiiat.d by bla tlienda undrmeain a masa of S«lall»tt,
mt Ur# — rundm in (kr
who were hammering lilm. Ope mem­
ber of the chamleo- fainted fmm loaa
Chlr«(0, J»B.
—The enow »ior
of blntd and egeiiemenk Tbe Muiwuf' Seturda)- ntehi end yeeterda)- nontlny tnan di-|iuiy. fln-nler, whole turtsui waa’
■enu the »or»i la the city for yeara. torn 0-. In the acrlmmage, wa« ween to
V%e pr«u«l damace aa veil •a.lnoon' be praying al. ud w ith opraliaed arm*.
VMUence war .-au>i«d by the brcaklns The bureau of ili^rhamber of dcqiiitlea
decided to-pn«.i-ut , the drpuUea who
Ooetn ot lelesTarh and ti lepboae a im
prectpitaied the rlo'
In till* wepw-l the danots* aaa wtde.
It la agreed oii-ull aldca ihni Satur­
epread. and In all »>art» of the cltj day* ai-ene Ir llo- rhamb-r of depul.ei
polaa and uirw wen- brouirhi lo ihe waa olmott wl^mul pn-cedehl. except
cround. The i~:lli» (Hephunr aratetn tbe recent dlatiirbanm in Ih. Auairlaa
rurloualy enoUBb. C..Anl
waa hadly ni|ipli-d and thert- wa« tnuib reirbarath.
trouble nllh the rity lire alami ayatetn. Dadelll (former Auctrlan pieniicr) wltThe at reel i-ur n-rvtce. which aaturday newacd It.'' He iiiu.i have .Jell qulla
■tbuou'. After the chambeFwaaHearecl'
nirhl was badly drlayed. and tola
U5 lom-olt Tieckiliw were picked up. to.
•uep^ded-nn aotne line*, arms In bel
tteiher with itiBuy ennta that had been
running order yeaiecday. The ci
tom by deputir* from och olher a
taolm. br Icee-plng anoa .plua-a i
ahoutdera. U. novla-Hughe*. one of
all nlshl matsared
the depuliea fur tbedeparlnientarSelne.
keep llaelr Mn.-» mwB.
a dior alaromed -on hla Ongera.
whl.-h were *.i ,muill»i.-.1 thnt h- I* now
mini; Irpne on all nad*
the hand* of a aurgi.m.
.were ' r - t.p f..uf hour* laie. BiaTALMAGE TAKES A THIRD WIPE.
tloo Mamer
lliher*. of'the I'fil'.n eta-

omoioo ecTB a orov BLAvm,

■ tlon.-aatd »t urtJoj nlcbi •.^a» p>na- of
the aoret rallnadln* nlaht* he - hod
eter known. <>n«t«wi of the breektny do«rh i.r l■•lepap^I alnw they wenaa li> the »hereat>.a*i» uf trafrj.
The rmrtn
nrtn at klllwatgaee wa* the m>«a
•ea-ere which haa
year*. Pnoa t„ t
Incbea baa fallea
wlaad bloHlne a; I
r nny miie*
d in an
ran* of the rliy. traklnn I
an ln:po**llrtllty. lUilruad
In very trreaularly and enl^ tia<«arnKer
iralne; each atlh the aid or'aevelnl luftftnnllv. a. attefnried to iteb llimuylu
Thcaturm a a* reuenl all over Widfti-

niahi afid Sunday
momln« ih.r h*-aa-y aair waa a<-<-uiDlanled by floe «w».
ljuit nisbl the
weather ,wa» .ol(let and ileanna Sa«l«!• Tl-.tltir
nao division of the Mirblran iTentml
and on the Flin and pere Uatuuetie
The rale
■ equally IH-ne or
Idea of th<
• >11 over the »,-»i
W.tratd r*«ed. It
V'ti and iht» atate there waa tae jrmrraJ nili of tie «n-.» lilnit
B.i far a*
known Iher.- were no eahuallle* ntuiwd
by ihe rtprm. bui the show aiopped
iraine »i^ rlayt-d havoc with leieamdi
and tcl'-rh-n* wire*.

Kotad Piwarker Kante- Mn. f-plli-r. Maek
' Ip Rveryb<dr*.Mur|.rl-e.
^•l^*t,u^l. Jan si.-«ev. T. n.-Wlll

been re|eed. There waa quite a hlawy
rain durina Saturday night tinitl aleiui
t a. in. The rain waa followed by a
raged omiJnuuualy
urday. In Ohio building* a-ere
tmro..f«1. oil derclrka laid low and oth­
er damage done. At PfalladelpMa the
ea»l wine »f ibe old mate house fell
So ham waa donjjt tlie hlatoit. build­
ing a* Ihe arehe* whlrb collapaed were
not connect, d wlih It. a wectloo of the
wing n«tt to the eaal wall of Independ-


«at»:k rAraf>





lemlavitl.-. Jim, H.-The blyh stage of
the watci it. Ih. tihio w.s r-siwnalt
for a rallroiil s.vldeot In New All>si
St aI^\^ew^ly h-iur i-slenlay momlBg.*
which"P.W<id tn Ibe death of two met.

d«c.«tiiig OUT gnwnswre ifae

mrtr j;r“


th. ro afad hie brilliaut wit kept ibu
gu.-sta la a roar of faingbler.
■•Happ.«ingigglaaced..wn Umtoble.!
be «w a wWl known New York CTfwk ^

im li. a lung,

get in. Ja-nry kept bi* tyc ou ebe fd-i
^i- jt-wt-lvd' bcit, the *asb and ib«
low, and bclorv long saw faim necrete 'vrlvci girdle with a boA-<« tbe bft

id Mrs.' r
T and party
Rpi luga. Arfc.
Hut Sprtna*. Arti. RatapUi . Jack
kii„cked Kd'Iy Dxon. Ilv <>ui in
Ibcvalxth i->und.


O-P. CA&VEEL Bent. •

Suits to Order.
Merchant. 7aiioi;mg.
’ CVsj:-

irMassate Black. CaloaMmat.

-or««Ti. • Bill.«.»Importint to Propatj Holdtnf

ntueuf tbe raltutblc ailverware iu'bit'dde. n^^eudem with a Jeweled bnckla.
clntbea. At inHxr H tlawitcd oo lieaty j an-the noveliic* in Uniab at tbe waiat.

ment." aai'l Ibe pnmtl
mit down after an b^or?*

-■ - tbe silvct wnoldla'iniaaetlaod that
Stcckiugi Mr tbe hndal troosmo aibe wunld be arreamd i as embroidered in aamedaiutyfinrsl design
tbe-otbir cmidE ws* oa .
known to jbe t”lioe.
After a litiiri tfa,, pan
tlumgbt lawry abi^upaodofffaTd lu
a fciM. in tnagfe. ISoim- tdlverware wa* i
for boa ii a frill of for




1 nnderatBod.” mid tbe tuattdr of
fact ebainuan. “ We're not blamin yon.

of pai?r^ ** “ ^*"“* “

paaeea be annoonoed that it wonl.llfound on the other ounk'
worthy kaw that be was diwaiviwed, )irodunV t^ stiili-n silver, and withdrew in
aahurttJuie. I^aryr.iauaged pMsatn-iW
replace *he rest nf tbt* gilver. aud tbe

U fastens in fr.uii with ahead
and many tails, and it may be lined
with a cuiiniitiLg for if yim like.
mine with luUc is quite
Tbe pufc.* bniiwt tif velvet is making;
gtxid pivgRiMi iu ib<* fano of faabion, |
owing to the modernized edition, which
it vastly mure liecnming than tbe old

fsn wegc on.''—Philadelphia Ittvuril.
J rag lagaces A

time shape.
Tbe cniwti in le«a promi­
nent than ill the ^d fashion, giving it
• tnooder • iTivt. and it baa lututi width

iJ» foggy day."
iglsaidou ruatti


iu then whom'

A Aowen-d ailk gown can be hrooght!



p«,ple V o).c«Dsei..usly ws-k tvimfort in' ">'*•«
» barn.le-.laUv buutuf extmvagmicecr,
tbal lbe,f.qt rtrivva <mst..mar* iu hen* iu.; “***
the tm|w that they inight nig acromj x
.friend* wh.i w.mld have uttaerwiae been j
cncoantereduatai'lc. Bot tbe niwlfcaal. i
electric lights.
r that m> one evif used to
dim nuUI eftcr the light* -were lit. and
even yeC.ibcn* are tbonsanihi uf poor a*
Wi-Iiaa :ncii people'wbu do not take
their ttuiat aohstaotiai meal until Uie

•«* •“



"~nT;------CoJnnel piratnn'if!.*ti9»v> yearling
Amh. J:1A, wbo i* afiproocbiog hit
tweniietb binbjlay. is among the fore-

"" “


11 n»»t-r li... I. wa . v„T ai—

Hon. J. C. Oswald i* driving bis fa- abb, eipresvim. "—Washington Siarmnu gelding Orcenleaf, ZiiO)*, «o the
eTenuig.j Thi^.s),vle<iric|igbtia#ucii ■now )iatb iu Uinnimpolia
gu liiat nearly
A gelding fay Stambool, S;0*>a. oni.
alt night workiura who work by elec- of Moscova. 8:21)1;. by Ih-jQionl. owned
crielty linjoy prmerbially gooil appi*- in Califumia. i* tipped aaa ouniing auitiiea. All «f which, yon will notion, aatiixial trottrr.
w.rfks around to the siune cuiidusion—
Tbe filly by .'‘tambnol out nf Nancy
that a Lpu.kui fog makes peiqde taungiy
Hanks' dam. receutly btingbt tty ftreignUicaDSe of iht! extni lights.
em, is about at richly brod at anxynare
"Another pnuf I* tbe-factdhkt oor
ever ts-ui '
extra custouier* are almoat all men
The pacing ictallioD Earli
working^ ufllcie*. Which, m aocuuut of



Ttaias sfrlr* fnm CIbcUrsui, Oraad Bap-


I ----------------------- ^----------K*« Islam sr Bsra»s*s ceaat.


towBcS arrtrm at II Ma. ai-


Uielig. have been lighinl up all day. hydh*itunui. a pupil of Dungloa Xhonta*
eourte. witb.elocltic
ha* hem aeU te> ^p
and ukiuAly,, uf courae.
and Dick Wilaon.

West Michigan.

Harryjl. 8:1714.thettottinggelding,
H>:il Bvsdyk, rL-ceutir abippul frum

Aarmiiinu baa bisn cH-sted iu the
8trail*fctstlhm«it* ,and ifac far cast

»'> fjtslaad. brought #1,000 at
«• Liverjaml.



island i

...a li. ,1.

CisMsa- BepsirM Metier



“Wb.m I grt borne late, iDy-wifac—

**f«iy *' '«» for cloth gown* are
whit.-*ilk finely locked mw*bemmad IrUl •« tfaeadge

who had alr«> nmuagvd in gome way to \ wwrly

-r b>' :

IBB-.. Jau D.-ia..lMoue
belter yeaterday and attended aer• tn the moraine at the Rngllah
cbur<-h. A teiearani of inquio' *■ tn
hUheai.B*i-*srT.elv.:d from the queer.

Ever-Burned Ootf
If ao yon know

a few cbeniicwis in jnR wbac portion oi; FiDfi
the city I've sprat tbe night"
•'Hnw tbe dickrat doe* abe do that?'’'
“^T tba mod cn my ataiMa
land Plain Dmier.

Tbiimu Vmfier will ocaduct a public
atablc at Tlanville. Ky.
W«ad i.yo : r.Adym.dea R.«l
toward aeonr- sad will sue*4 p
rails Spevlal all
- -lUJmi's dw>
police, who area-.-urlng ibouaenda | quarter di a mile wide,
bur tbe most |
The ja, ing «uJ)i«, DietatUA 8t81. by
lubacrtpilon* t>>- luilmidailpf tarm- I^krt the island U mvn-ly an upheaval' b„i
u drHen to a boggy. In
i of tbe bottom Of tbeai-a. but allu high-, Alameda (,:a1,. and is ao gentle that be


I Say I

™ •“•r..oou... r«,

can haidlv taiv
It might be that tbe
la* of silk, and with a pnimp.'uw*k
genu^aam,V-n.i,*aof the city fon.« i ^ Ur,* «bvcfi,« is very pretty. If the

Aonaaa PsUc* A*e Bash Aassls.
-rlin. Jan .4.—TUmuichouitlieHra*pravln.vs a hlsii.rrfwl work or


TwsMea KllladM the llall -Ohlp Itlswr
Tkrealea. Trwnhle.

1 »w him last week. “ ouotioned Uocir
Allen plaintively. “He bOdToe fao.hali
followed uiy advica and wa* mrw .an
airratar boy at a nlary of
a we^“
-^bitago Trilmne.

Oog odUra of eelvct bm*« .or keg
aoeend wltfa Jewell, ate mneb woes
with evening drea. .

a^Wa* atonoB*^ fat. hshavi.w I


Ilf AlieghenyCUy. «--ire united In
mr.rrlagc Saturday a< the ^Ict iMen.-on
reaul.-nce, 47 Irvin wvrnue. TIu cereaa jwrfonned by Ilei. W. J
Iloblnaon. D D.. (taator erf the fowl
Unlli-d Prcajiyterlan chuph. The weddlni; (whieh came as a great-aurpriamany friends of the <v>ui>lei.
ai-c«untof« nxen'i death in the
family, an extremely quiet pffair The
only gu.-*l outside of the hnde'a near
lives waa
I.. 1|.
who waa making a profi-sslonal vHbIi to
the bdtJbr ai^ rwmatued to wlineaa the
ceremliiiy. ^e bride waa arrayed In
her iraiellng
gnan. and
when tbe
ibort ceremony was <-on<luded the party sat down to a wedding Irf-aki
after which Mr and Mr*. Taltnage took
Ihe train for aeveUnd.
,Mrs. Talmage la ihe daughter of the
late Jams* McCulchron. of the big Iron
firm IJiidaay 4k McCutrheon. She wa*
I widow of Charlew W. Collier, .miy
I of Judge K H. C-Kler. She U 40
ir* old. wbllr her busluind celebrated
Ulb birthday acrcnl mnnlh* ago.
. and Miw Taimag.- mcl during th.
jwat two aummecs at kUy HaitiMon, a
long laland resort, where the romantic
:p which culminated Ave DOnlha_
. .
i (orrdal engagement was car.
rl-d on. The prekeni Mi* Talmage* u
the reverend gentleman* third wife.

. Hioetelliiigatioy,‘’aid
Unole Alien Spark*. '*tba(if ’be would
take ‘Exea-laiar!'for bia motto be wooM
eocciaid in life. Tbakwa* ten yean aga

Pelt babiotieered with a larsenMtwd
black silk art ue ooe of Jb« featuea uf

ed at a gwell diutier party? It hapixsied
Ibiawtij*: Many yeeie agri Ecd-Lcaiy.
wbohad bm apcmUagQKwtofbistiiBe
Tbe rraxe for fralbere baa oartaioly
iu New Ytwk. luaiiaged in anme way to reached the limit
*enaan. and every
lilt tfaia Mwaon.
pft invibid to a t.brietnuw diuntr juiity kind of-turd
n-pnaeotedui tbewint^ ^
Bb Twiltals
giroD fay a WalCDt ainvl family. WfaaC DilliDery.
a aeitMiOe woman.
bla '-gipft' war is dot Luowo. fur be
Amiau tbe new TancKs*
fancio* u
in laabtao
Ttuuuioiij.d ■ .1,111.lIj. m it , ..i.;. I .1,1. I
“Why uc*? ’

............................ ............ ..

Talmagc. the noid dlviiw of Wa-h tisind Mr*. Kleanor MiCtKeh.->i Col-

«1M Tlaae ta Ike tM.
flaet II w-a* ram and wind. At ^lla"bonr •'•naM. iabh- damace waa d-.Be to


A bsmbeg'd^ibe edntral office dMeotirea w«r« wwapjiiBg atorid* at ciiT ball a
few.evoiiBgangu. "Talking aUMt Bed
Itemrj," aald a gia.v haired aletilb. “did
yoD ev« bear of tbe ncgl^Tck be tim­

DrtroMXxVr ....

-Od . mg . «nng nr hur.«.

v.a.l*. 51 e. a

i»mil|tbere i* a diafinct mud craiiT,! ii ale for any one to drive.

^ «
r7. l^Iii ^
dt-nra of having bi«n h*x-d op through t
• cTi'vlrer lu Wild mk.
The Briliabj
North Bproeo Hcnlld aay. the «*e.
which is 130 vards iu diameter, ia anr-i.
riwuded iby auoiber and Urg.-r onue, i
-bid.J>|,w, U,,.»ith
trao beuuatb a ~mocb
irgiT crau-r
would have UtS formed. The rising uf
tbe island was not aoaoiDpaaied fay any
volcanic I disturhacue.
Tbe crater i*'
aeani.-d-With errvinwAnd crack*. whiciT
emit gas.-*,
ily applying a i<a«b lu a
»uisll crack in the vRih-r the gas ignittw

Ib-v. Dr. M;- naei J. Cramer, brvtber- and hnni* atfadily-—81- Louh CHube• :a« of •irncral t'. 8. tiratu. la dead Demucrat
Cam*;.', Pa-, ir.rti aBlrHia,d>eft..rl*.
r Kta. Tom Thsmb.
kins ilombekt has alsn-l a decree
Tbe bandaonieat dwarf tbi*
reducing th.< Italian custom* larttr ui.
has ever ■h.-d, tbe Cuntito
Magri. fur-i
.-real* fr..i, 71, u.' -S lire, until April lu
The Jmwnese .rule.r CHU.w.wa* euc. eiiTly Mra Tmn Thouib, it mill a weU
riifiiliy launih.-.l fii^ ih. Unl-.a 1
^ pn-wTi'.sl u-ouiitn. and ha* Just been givrattt
Saturday. j faig dctuoilsirali.ais <d o*4i«y at a fund
The l*u.d In the Maryland leglaUilut.- 1 fair in Ihel'.ii. She wore a nuall whi
,r w-n^iur wa* a tie 8a.ur.^ un twu a|rfon. and while pivi»riiig ili.-tliahe*
... o..s-_.s 101 a
.................................................nt.«ainplatform fas-;



The .Toongster ^ Dextdr Pfinoe ont
S|*inx. Electrite
hlgctiat). by Hectlooeor. is iwo- (%Miy^Vw|«w. MnPriadrlefabkiet. 'PbsBM.
^ ^
s-ut mJm in rSi
colM in Call^

of «t» happiest bit* c< nomen—Joll:

LT.TrwrwnsOtty.. II
Ar.Bk BspUa..... •>
Lr. KUBstdda. .. 441
Ar.Tvwrvrw* City. T4I ks.B................4UVJI
PsrtorearlasrMiorOrwBdBspIdBBl 4:Mwb
J KBBOg. Agwat. Tiaiaia* olty

71iSrl'. Caiewstfeet. TsIefJxiselC.

gave Jo sThoroogfabred yearling by Tbe 1



IW. 7rfC.'K,ii'S3S“


wl dOe'clsak* a*.
and the nj'irlng nf two olhera. A pan
of the Nrv. AH'.my II li. a terminal
A auand therm 1 mi |j not ao much inMa k|Ma I'Mo.
rsliiiwd Is pan of tbe Air IJne sysdlcnt.-d by never .making a niiauke al
lemi. ak.its the river luink nn a si*<-l
by never ropeatiag it—Boveo.
Irvstl.- twwrfy feet high. The waler
'^u.-roiln.-d a s.-.tlon of the tceslle.
No Mini ii deaolate aa long as there is
causing the large si«n'li to U-abmimn la-iug (or w bum it cun feel
<-otne -Udd'-nly deprese-H. #tie locotii-..
trn*t and rei iTcncv.—iieurgo Eliot.
makwaJet.......... **'.
tlie 4op|>led 0V.-r Ihe side of the tosll 1 know of no iiiauu.-r of spraking ao
and Ml
into ilie w.t^.
c-ondu.-tothat uf giving praise and i ^<>op r.
Jdlm Ilorke, of .Wtt y|l.«n>. and hiolusiug It with an rx.eptiuii.-Lnteala
l>nik.'man. Harry MlllerT-uClewjisville.
iugly ubout th.-'oisdiiug she had tncuou
werc-kllled. Knaln-*.-! Henra Muri'hy.
Itensun Ksgvr*. i yean ..14. bf^.rfth
’ of Howard-Petk. Ind. and \ Plremau sahrm. Jhd.. is 1 dlt-d aim 'having tered dorifag her travel* ovi-r the .-urtb. Hiian. "f JxulsvUlerAwerr In­ iw*n married ihn
tliotw. and charged The cuuiitiMiwas horu tuM
jured. bwi not ser|..u*Iy,
years iigu, and her P*al name waa
wiih'bavinat two wives n»v.
Wbai an-111.* aim* wbivb tbeiT buneoreow. Rj.Horgaa. a* it
CtnrinnaU. Jan :t.-At midnight .Uu[TwIb MeBSiaiar...
meeting of the Khtedafod. Merry laviuia Huuip. hbo wa. niarrirfi
Hver her.- wa* IITly fi-ei .mt- In.-b and ' III.- creat Welah Musical urgamzstlun I in D168 to tH«.4sl Tom TiinmU wbo
linn-dniiu*‘r Tbc.v. are the pnfect- ,
rlxltig one Inch an hour.
A hundr^ul «r the United Ktates. will la- hdd ai | dh-d 14 years ago. bis widow ukitig an- ing 12,1 unrailvoi and Ih.' 'bappineBi of
thousand buah. U of coal wa* sunk al MiluBiikee, Jah. 1 and l^'lUk
{other husband, but a dwitrf. M'veral otiiura.—KMUt^FV-iiiiiig 1-andlng in the Ohio la Itie
Jake-; mhaeiar. tbe bliiUrd wlta’rd. : yeari lat.-r—liorton Herald.
gunieutlucut it a pearl of great priee, -rwon-.. - III LOT rOB BALE—Krw hot
pari-of Ih.- <lly by wgvtw
iN-at Ive* In Uw Chicago luuraamrni.
_______________________ ,
and wliis-v4T prnuon-s it 01 the uxpeomlA rea-ii 1 -occupy, rlod tocsiloer sill •
'ndU-d up 1.1 th.- n-Ind. 'All losses here,
.sya-BU iiMtalrv W. L. Hroti.-ing the gam.. He ran la. which la,
................... .................. J
of lo.iKW doidrv>.fiuike« a wim ud bap-;» w^Jt'*i&
ttau* tar. arv InalgblAianl. All hustness
an oher r«v-id. Thi- acore wa# «« to i .

men wh-Be lebar* w.Mbd Is* Inundated
A very diogulsr thing happened on
at tijiy-nve feet of waUT or at * lower
Cbouat* always tbe way tUat *1
Wllklm..n'. bank. Marquette. Mich.. I ^ >•»« Wip .rf the ErabeUw- to U-s-ton.
stag. ar. i-o«y rrmoilng their w-orr*
OOOIO gOCTB.ha* .-lo*Hl 111 door*, i. M. Wilkinson.
«««urr waa off Cape Elirabetb the beat, bowerar rough it may .._____ ______________
out of 'daogel.
w bu la dyinf, has made an assignment. ' wbun a dovq. similar lo-tbe oommou Cnttoniwill soon reader it easy and t'C«>R Rnfr-Oaod.
u.'ulsv.ile, Jan. •t.-eThere !• atlll dan­
All <-redit..ra are expected to be paid In j duv. s iu tbe «t.ft, flew abtard. He re­ agreeable.-Pytbagona
. laquMotOvB
ger of an oVi-ifl-iw of the lowlanda alerig
mained there for some time, bnt wa*
Coniiidcr bow niucb more yon oftm
the banks of Ih.' Ohlo.-^or the river
wwts* city Obsptcr. W.
l>r. John HbII has anni.unced fron.
yesinr-lsi started to rise again and I*
in. Wbunever be loft I suffer from yoor augnr and grief thanriLw ^1 terawarded by l**v
tbe pulpit of the ETfth Awmie Praaby- j
creeping up Ihi- hanks at .the rale of
fallowed and chaovd from tfauoe very thing* fw which you i!»»
two In'-hes an 'hour. The Indlraltona lerlqn chur. h, New York, that h* b" I by tbe at* gnlia. uiilll obliged to agaib are angry «nd grieved.—Mams An•^^^^*000 ra^SAlX^^lark^^
s determination t
aiw at prea-nt that the mark-of thirty rect-atidenfi
At la»t, thnnonghly find oat.
I wllf
1 befup the water* sign.
and wbeu night was ap'pruaobing. be
• ^duBCkc fatSi Traraiwa Cliy :
toiatwrOo n*-U
aritled on the dwk. crawled nodtir
*, Tean...
1. rt.-Tbr MlaslB- ftpsnish
' ttOOD rAEn tor trad* tor
for elty prerara FUay** evlick. ....
:iii;r* laionging to the aqnad- one of tbe liMswi* and there remaioid
•li nl river fr-.m Cairo t-. Sea- Orleans i PDV
wa*I paywMto. J. *.
Dainty raadcaaas are tat I in white
natil Boausi wm reactaid. when be flew
is rising rapidly and. tbrn- Is enough .... >r *Dcnrral Maximo Oom*^ have
^nonu the w.irai! fur his ride.—Kun-* iratbor and richly Jeweled.
water In alahl to send It shove the -rarrendergd to the Rptnlarda
Amt^g novelties in silmwaie are
A iremendoukly high tide In l.TmB sebeo Journal.
Wuiiger Use frum Cairo to Vlckaldira.
toasting ferimwlth CKtandlng amboraed
The water fuse a foot hvre y-alerday (MaBB) harbor yesicniar awapt up
Istb 1
and lu f.iur days it vUl probably be 8auru* river.and compl»lelyaubu>*fg*d
f 1VB**r** City Lea berUo. 1
I’cStfLsk* .
Ibe atreeu along tbe lank* In that porabove tbe datigrr line.
“TbmarejKiO.fiQa^viidtoci to Maine
Tbne are aUviT prabolderB that siiB' ODekaoto Jet
UOB of the tlty known aa West l^a.
BKXT-Ww b^ «rf rarato
-MsHlag of the Mptawars* Tatea
tysa MaiiM man. “1^^^ lra\T«40
r-rsloD, Jan. 84.—Tbe crater of ibe tneach or moile.
We seenn dtCttOO.OCKi a
tcn-silng acraea in the textile trouble*
Be Bald on.
of New Kagland temporarUy sbiried
••Thl* note 1* nogtmd." oald tbe lawyer. year from tbetu. Taking care of tbtae
who is not prude
<-unlpan>^—J.Tuuy Taylor.





a «o«. Iavsir.-.;;


^ TSITSi-t:
fS i

i«' i ii



- itSl:::::: ::


1.1 tI




J etiksSr. -

fi.rfn New Hedtord tB this Olty ’yeslerd*> 10 tbe meMlag of tb* raraullre
foiin- I td the Naticinal Bpltmers' union.
The nic-tlnt waa on* of diaeoalaarather vf acilon. altbongb It was r*<
pulv*>l to eracenirat* all tba effovu of
tbe ..rgHnlxaUM ea Ibe Nn* Pafifaffi

"1 can’t cullcvt It on account oi the way
It U wardHL lie pruiulmh^Ar-uov
day after d>oth,' InsteadolMnaay afuw
data You've bM awindlfdr'
■’Frk-nd." tiild Uill. w V swung *te
bolsnv oruand wltbtb aasisf toacb. * you
Jlst bold on lo Uat
that taper
HTI b* doe
about «4 boon

i ad U mtniiBM"-ctn

people ii tbtrlargnn indnatry in Blaine
at tbe preseat tima It pays buktar than
farming or loutDering or mining «r
And yet it is in iu Inlanoy.
Tbs bofiDtra bss grown so rapidly that
-we bare out bera able to bBild raitable
Inatew yraiw tbe palaoed^
» void «iU be la our lUtB "

its apprarauce aa a dooontitB of many
ttsttifol pieua of diver.
New tblag* in leather m Jewel eneet
and other bosee for (be draadag table
in varioQs sbadee at gnaa, with gilldeoaratlana Ibe aovclty ooasistr in a
gUnd sulM.—Jevtiln' CiroshK.

“*£i_Koney to Loan
yATOmiM • OMOTBn, AllarWi
(>••*■ aVar Msatsgae-akaigwa** stora.

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