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The Morning Record, January 19, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tutu Y^-Vo. pi.
tided that he i
Wmiarn F. Aar
aeaelon aeat weee. Be hae aow ea the
treok a carload W flee becifoe. ,
he eaw him d
XBRn iwn. AUAB BWABTZ, ed like tea tromawhUkey tU“- l», AVQ A OSASGB VO KXLP OVVA Aaa Arbor, bao boea sold by L. A
WAS uizn>.
{Pratt^bo has owned aad coadnctod it
Beitaer-e ealooa. Other wltaeeem who i
for two year*, to Uc reooBtly oryaatoeUflcd that they knew HcOUl to he
.MtatmUMA te VtgtitMB IC«nths 4t ia the habit of ledalfiiir la iatoal- fiOBthofo Kmbom fitartod More- ixed alomnl aaeoclation of the Balterrity- The' mayaxiae wiU be eonaollHuti Lmhot for rnfcrr-SoMl eaafo, were 0«o. W. MeWethy, ltdfar BOBt u SoooEBlne Oaba aa M- dated wlu t^e Alamnl Kews aad Mr.
Ortaeby. 3. 0. Laafworihy, Peter BooUyorant, Bnt the Plaa waa VraaOMVowOa«rfol-aOBmM»MT« diM aad Mr. OlbK
Pratt will be Ue manayfoy editor.
tratod—Appealed Pram BaUay .of
Tbeeo witaeeeee wereMl who teattChair aad Domaadod Aottoa.
Aed yeetorday aad the eaee will be ooa-
TbM tel, Mrtur, XfoMU Wa.
WaUlayloB. Jan. is.—T%eboaae baa
brokea away on the Cnbaa .qnestion.
Late UU aftersooB Mr. DeanaoBd of
MlmonH oBered aa Aa anwadmeal id
the diplomaUc aad oonenlar appropria
tion bUI a rearimioa for the reo(«BiUw of Oabaa baUiC«r«Wtf- When a
point of order waa raised ayaloet It he
made a atroiiy epeeeb appaallny to
Uoae who eympaUixed wlU Ue lanryeata U oter-ride Ue mlea of Ue
honae aad aeaert Uemaeltea to adopt
Ue amendment.
Be deelered they
eonid neter explaia Uelr ooaree to
UrircpaaUUenta if they did not aeUe
Uia opportneity.
Mr. Bailey of Ttxaa amid ap^uee,
challenyed Mr. Milt, ehalrmaa of ^e
eommittM oa'foreiyn aflaira. to aUte
U it waa Ue Intention of Uoae in ao>
thority U ylte the boase an oppertroity to veto on a Caban beUiyeraacy reaolntion.
Mr. Bill atade no reply exenpt u protmt that Bailey waa oat of order. Mr.
Bepbora. ia Ue chair, aoataiaed Ue
point of order. Mr. Deormead UhrenpoB appealed from Ue dedaion of Ue
ch^ and arycd Ue members to aoiac
preoentopporUnity. Mr. Dlny4y.
.Ue floor leoder of Ue majority, burriod U Ue reaena Greet excitomoat
The eemker oatered the hall while
WrOBTUVATZ BBLX. ZV8XGH. Mr. Dioyley aisled U bto aide of the
Had a W BrokMi la Two npom boaoetodbrey^nUperaoBal inelioarioae toward Ue ameadmeal and stead
While aaadUey Lofo.
hyUo ralio.
DeU Baalya. while ualpadlay k«*
from aa M. A K. E. car yoBtoday'af-.
toraooB lor the Trater*e City Lamber
Co., met with a eeriofta aeeident. One cenld yet conrideraUoa for noUiay ex
of bU leya waa badly craabed aad cept after Usee la aaUority approved
broken ia two plaoee. The uaforta*
LiMter Swmu »Um 8»mru. hu Ut» tiaeed thU morslac.
foud irvUV, Is Oi« OUMllMiuvof ^
«rlM« of l*rf«7. Md be wm
to the •foto'e prieon »t Marquette to- PhntUar Aeeideat to Wailaa leowU
dar to earra.a term of «m and oae-half
Beaalted PataUy.
A feoaliar .eape of
Tbc ldttUao«7 la the.eaw wae all ia
•t U):W /eatodaj menfor Md the reavlied yealarday swralar
WUllam BoaWelt. the weU
JttiT too«*tt la a rerdlct of ruOty
of Sooth Ualoa
forty miaalaa after raUriar- fiweet,
who allowed bimelf to be ealled street. Deeeaaed wa* A! year* of ace
SwarU, appear* to be well eoanectod
Aod a erimlaal ibaire Memed to 111
become him. Be eUied that It way
**Wt four weeke ar>. *bHe Mr.
hot bU lateatlM to defrand MeCoj ,& I
dreeUne. the aail of owe
toea cancbt
Mie hem of hia
800 wbea he drew the check for-rt. of Ua
------------------- in **•'
^omiac it hack and partially
. 'hot to proTide hlmaelf with the laeaae
«f toaporarUy •eearietr hie-sialnteB- teariac it from the toe. Mr. Beewell
aaee oeU] be poold eara mooey .eaooch tbooyht little of the lajory. thenyh it
to pay Ua' way. It wee learwed of him waa very palafal, aatU Mood polaoainc
that be had beee once before arteetod, aet ia aad Other membera of the foot
oo a Aanre of aaeault eed battery la became diaeoeod. Gaacrene waa the
laDetioib Be wateeateoeod b>-Jndce rw«ltaad Dr. Martin * ocaUed upon
totneatthccaae. ft wi I tke intoatioo
■Corbett Mat erealac at t:U o'eloek.
PaUr Boatrom. who waa ebarced to bate an a . tatioB performed. baV
with .a
of the llqaor low Mr. Boewell waa too eirk to Daderyo it.
^aag^ hia pleo aed plead r«>ity. The The retail waa Ua death aa noted.
The faneral will uke piece from the
eoBTt impoeed a fine of rs. which add
ed to the eeeta. broucbl the eapeaae op family rmldoaoe. comer of Twelfth
aad Ualoa atreeta. Tbonday at I
The liqoor riolaiioo ease arei°*t o'cloek p. M. Sortim will be eonBandera of the
LoeU Sieder wae.dbeoatiaaed oe ae- daeted by Bet. J.
oeuil of the abeeoee of a material Wlt- Free Mcthodut ehoreh.
.FropecaUac Attorney Tweddla wp*
hot prepared logo on vith the cnae
V^inat EOey Swper*. therefore U wa*
oesliBecd ovar the term. E & Pratt.
•Uoaey for Sweer*. etroacly arcad
i^tbeopoecMpM to trial Utetorm aa
hia elient had waived eamiaatioo la
the Eeeorder’a eoort eo ea te hare the
matter dlapoeed of thia term. ThU ia
the third time the csae had eotae into
conn aad it
aeaa of hia rileat to bate theee ckaryea
haayinc ot^ him. Aa the
Mid DOl Uke ap the caae al thU Ume.
the oourt decided to let it yo over.
Froeecator Twaddle aalied to bate
ra. W. O. Holden
a aetioa broofht
'by the depaty auta yaaM warden aad
he exoaet^ that official «r a repreaentatita here to dlmet the trtaL
Pratt, ooa^l for the defaaae. aryaod
that h*a clieal waa deairooa of batioy
the matter dUpoeed of at once, but
■woold not InaUU The caae waa oootUaed.
Before the ad)oommeOt of the eenrt
Sheridaa B. Howard waa ycanted a de
cree of ditoTce from Naaale Ha.ward,
oa the yronad of deMnlon.
Ue offleora of Tiatorae City Teat. Ho.
■IM. K. O. T. M. aad kite No. 71. L.' O,
T. M.pUleottinla,.
Stamps are wbat yon coed. Wo
^1 just wbat yem wtak.
in a few days time, and t^y are labor savers. Yoo'll be ■V' prised to sea bow mneb yoa use them alter yon bars haC
them (or s while. See whst we can do for yon.
Just Try !
We meen, when you want a GOOD ^otnre 'iTsme to
Jurt Try
Haskell’s Bookstore..
mxxmxa. miooH.
"Ihere is Something
Rotten in Deiimarkl"
a Possibly be had foat
yeae Uron^ Ue seat of-some wd
chair, aad found it oot to hia aortow.
Tboraia aoUiny like baadaoene. i>ew
and i^t6-date Fnmltore for yeaeral
aatlatAAlon aad all-aroaad enmfort. aed
latest deairaa i Hyl
... ...............................................
Bed Boom 1
>. aad at prioaa that wiU
We are Showing a Ladies' Fine Shoe.
at $2.00
that we know you will appreciate,
ever offered at the price.
The Beto Shoe we Iutm
House Hur&ifihinff Store,
1S81IS Front SI.
Men’s all wool Casrimere Suite, choice peUems, IVestfc
faced to shonlderB, good lining, pipsd trimmed, esd
fine fitting. Tbe value is $7JK), but here they go fit
the redicnloasly low fipure of $6.00. We've nearly all
siaee, bat Come Early if yon want to take adTSMt
tage of this offer.
*iaw jeopoAsaf mi*ow ^otiaa ox mxm.wAw Oltg
l>r. Andcraoa aoet to dreee the wouada
Maaistoe’s Oaadidate Maybe
aad aat the brtrtm boeea.
If Be Bo fterirw.
Gmad Bnpida. Jam 16.—Ex-Soiater
A. O. Wheeler of ManMtee. U ia Ua
tk* Bead Monday While
city today eonfrrriay wlU local pollUHaollay Loya.'
Mclaaa aad friends. It U said that Mr.
Loo. Iteoater, ayod I* year*.- the eon Wheeler baa-Aeen offemd Ue United
of John/>eailer. the Sattoea Bay houl
andean bate it if
keeper/ waa banUay loy* four mUca ha waamit. batiareyard uUU he is
Dorlh of duttona Bay Monday sominy net aaylay a word. The diapatebea
when be waa hit on the bead by a lay. yesterday from Weebinyton yate Mr.
He waa terribly bnUod but menayed Haaoeo Ue laride track, hot U U anto yet borne aleat. H waa thnnybt ha dentood that Mr. Baaaen’aonlyekance
Aiybt not roootw, bat ho U bettor to depeada npoa Mr. Wbeeler'a decliaaday and wUI pt>bahly poll thronyh aU tlOB.
' ___________
________ •
Gaining: in Popularity^-a.
Lwt Month EiclM .411
year PHOTOS. We hate a eomplt<
lineefPicUrc Monldlny* and will fi
all ordera prompUy. If we hate te work
All D-.len Sell Th.m lor
Manufactured by
“W. tT-A.T=rR^TJ~S,
Tonnelier Bloek. '
«n SonU Cnioa St.
Ret. R. 0.1
in Ue First M.
The caae of Liuic M^llT by bee
--------- it.fr
next friaad, EUxabeth MeOltl._^ An- Plan for Public Boadlay Boem^for
Tonny Koa'Aasamlay Ooflnitb . hold. 1 stead at Ue Door aad Knock.”
The power of Ue words of Ua evaaBbapa.
Alton Not.oUy.- Jr. Prank
aad J. A. Jackeon, waa uken op
At the maidcnoe of Mr*. P. J. Cortle yritot teemed to toeoh maay hearte
the noon riaepa U waa S:U^rfore a Moaday niyhl there waa a fair atUad- and Ue aertjcee were of deep interaab
jmj waa'aeenrad. aad the laat
anoo of deleyatea from tim tarioaa Serricee will be hal^tach eteniay' Uia
tke panel waa nenled. FoUowiny are cbnrcb aoclellea. to diacom the prothe jnror«: F. Fox. O. C. Bence. B. peaed plan of a pobllc readloy room for
Filler. II. M. Prooty. L. Bomrieh. E. yMay men. The project waa the aabH. E. Peck has oryanixed at elaa. ■
B Cjhampioe. £. C. Boyan. B. Gilbert. ject of an animatod diacaaalon aad eom- vocal mnaie in Ue U. B. efaarcb.
«h- /
J. M. Oampbell.A. Welllne.J. M. Bayer. mitteea were appointed aa follow*:
gnecn City Oamp.Beyal Xriykbar* of
C. D. Konyoa.
BxecnUvo-Mi*. P. 3. Cartia. Hr*. D. Amerkm. will meet teolyht in MooteUnderwood A Umlor appeamd for II. Tllaa. John P. Mnier aad Mr. yneBall.
the plalatiff and Pratt A DatU tor the PirreeJenaary 2&wlU be Ue eiat annlterdefenao.
Flnnaco-J. A. Moatayaa. E O. Ladd.
oaiy of Ue admiaaioa of Mlchlyan te
The caae U bronybt by the daaybter J. F. Miner. Ur*. M. £. Back and Mi*. UeCnioa.
S. C. Deapiwa;
of- the 4te Henry MeOtll. who
The -drUl of Ue Hannah Billea will
Tbery will be naotker meetiay next
killed alnot Chriatua. 18»4. >y aa
be toaiybl instead of laat niyhl an an- eoylae on the C. a' W. M. The ac week at Ahieh the reporU of the eom- nonnoed Uronyb error.
tios la for daiaayaa nya^^
defeodThe fnaaiat of llule parenoe Mack
bou and thair bondamo. U U allcyed COM definite plan will
ey will take place from Ue rmideace
that tb. death of the doceaaod McGill
of Ue pareate this mornlay at tan
waa cauaad bernnae of hU intoxicated
sUte which dpprited him of the power
The Beetera Star Chapter will serve
of Uk.lny cere of himarlf. The aalooa ioaiOT LyeeaL EhMldeo That the
Oouatry Oiria take the Lead.
a ten-cant aafSHr U the Maanatc dinkeeper* in the acUoo arc Aetoa KotoiThe Jnalor Lyeoam held an iatereeV lay room UU erenlulnMa difo uatU T
ay aad Aayoai Ueiiopr. AotoB h'oaoP
lay aeaaioa yesterday aftoraooo and a o’clock.
« othore named arc Ue boadamea of pleaoaat aad laetmeUte proyraof^ waa
Thin etaalay Ua LodlM'' Artel Sex
tke two mentioned.
tette WiU eatert^ la Ue aty C^nta
Ayreeahle marie was rendered by Booae. TbU wUl.beoaeof Ue-fiasat
The efforta of the plamilff wen oonfined Vo endentom to prote by wlt- the Jaalor OoUt. whieb waa followed
>her* In the Hlyh eeheol leeUre
aeman that Beaiy MeOiU waa under by a deelamaUan oaUUod -How Kate
tha laAnwoa of U^ner the day ha waa ShoUey croaaed Ue bridyo.’* by Anna
The Woman's Qab claw te bouMhold
IcBled and Wt be procured liquor from Marten.
• MaamioawUl .aMcl with Mrs. Jaa. O.
thedefeadaaW.- W. 8. Aodenon. the
'■UUmarek.'’ a Mayraphleal eemy. Johunn Uia afternoon at S:S0 o'clock.
uadertaker. teeUfled that be prepared waa well ylrea by Cari Partin.
‘The nntiitlve valnn nf yraUu” will ^
the body for barial and that he. found
“The tain# of yood oooklay,*' waa the nbjnet under dlacnteiaB.
n bottle of Uqnld that ulybt hate be«n Ue-tiUe
the-tiUe of a tery inuroatiny
eeaay by
The faUar-ln-law of Cnpt. Bmoty.
wkiaky, bat he waa not am*. Mayor Ethellad Uotcbel. -Mach Ado About
who anffered Ue ampaUUee of two
Smith aaw McGUl at the floor mill a; Nothlny." a reprodoctioo by Mattie
flnyw* a riwrl time ay* on aeeoant of
abort time before the ooUUlom aad be Lyon, wat oae of the iatomeUnf Bum- an aorident te a faw mill, is rMorertey
Uoayht be was rilyhtiy aeder Ue In- bor*.
from .Ue oaaaeqteat Uloees and la able
finanee of liquor, bat oeold »ot awear
CUiater Dnnbar delitmed aa able
to be aboat ayote. '
toll. AlUUe later ia the aftmmooa declamation, which waa followed by
Monday alyht Uree alelyb loads of
. John B. I'riee. aa amploye of Ue floor aa entertaiUny duet by Solah aad
yonay people af Ue Preabytertan
mill, teatified that ho alao aaw MoGiU Mertle Miller.
that day. Utwoen the howa of Uma
TbeqoeaUoafor debate waa, •• Ee- efaardi - drove oat to Ue hoapitable
e of Hr. and Mf*. J. R. Johaeoa.
ahd four o'cloek. afUr*tbe oalllaloa. aolted. That Ue eonntey ylrl makes a
Be waa quite poalUte that he mw him ketter wife Uan aclly ylrL’' The af- Uroe mUee ont of tke city aadadeat that boar. Aa Mr. MeOlU waa killed flnuUte was takes by Oearye Baff UyhUnl eocialewaater w epaal.
Barney Aadataan U .romodeltey Ue
eoea after 1 o'cleck Ur-tmtimoBy of aad Both Thom, aad Ue aefiaHte by
Mr. Prfoe waa net reyasdwJ .«• partle- Flpm Caldwril aad WillBawMall. Tb^ Iroat of Ue aid Hwald baOdtey by
apUearie ppoa that tefoU
1o^ docMed tWt Ue oouatry .ifiri addtey .lary* ylaae wtodowa te the
ThaoalywitMmwhopQritlfaiy tm- tpado the beet wifo.
a Mo wIB honady te
We are
Still "V’ery Busy
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Slow peoplh wUl never catch on
to the faiit that our
sat,ixi.henby ledekle.
Flour is taking the lead.
In Order to
Redace/Oor StocL
mtery te inveetory. we will
■oods for
next Thirty
Greatly RedHced Prices. OUR SILK SALE
A pronounced fiucoeCB. The asfibrtmcnt wexy
ffne. The price “690” Very Ipw. Many «re
txkinff »dT»ntaff0 of the barsains offared.
Hadn’t yon better take a lookP
XXXX Coffee, v
Pare Lard..........
Cbaaed Cora -Ckaned Peaa...
16 Ibe'Gr
We Keep Oysters. DON’T
Oor. B. Union &nd 7th StrMto.
Buy tha l^coming^r Goodyear Glore Brandt,
thaJBeat on Sarth, at
I pi
Dfly prapared.
Tha par-
Jan wtt* pratUI; Mt otf wltk 4Mor»
Below baU
Uat a/the b^ay and aeU-
tfpM of p»;ma ud bloMMUar pUnU
After flaatrattbe Hot
fr»c>*> W*U ft weft* of
baaaty and pleaaan. ^ The Udlaa are j
asLuxe noca.
“Te reoume UwaabjectwewendbeoaInp at the Uhb," ha brmo. *'lb bm dive
Ym. T. Bftw ft«o J. W. Hftnmi.
Heada Xarnar «oaA&n.
Several additiona to the roll bt atn- I
* J. W. Baxbeii. Gdltor ftad HftBic«r.
deau of Prof. Dockaray’a baWoNB colStTBSO&XPtlOKB.
lade have beaa made thb week, aaood
Mia 1'bMt of Shatiaad. nod Mba Dan-
sew............ CUD M:
Hbort Onl Pork..................................... ..
hr mA
Mba May Smith
-Ii wasn't ih.-ilrrt affair of hooorihat,
I bad Vi do «1th In uo« way ur anolbiv, | Bm K
tbm Dut evw the dm onocrrsl lueUkajQ^
of WUllamalawyur. We tad
fancy, and we w«
^M)t our vaeatlos
Mba Maud Ball of Wexford.
ford of Traverae City.
Profeaaor Dock-
Batter per 1
. _
Clothing. Dr)i Goods,
b.d i«rdhl»d.
. .
ID dorllng was mor
wards of hU enerfy of the paat three,
ally aad eoHeUy wrung. Ottn-1 Baked blat
yaara la wteblbblad a Ent <daa baal** 'VtuuVl van mTowi ■ rhallrneat*
1^ tnlBlat aehaol hare aad the in-
aray b reallxlnd now wme of the re
tiaae o^ patroaide
//Tn Bft|r>« deelarM tbftt It wUhca ftll
JWtft of tcMCM to the propeftcd nil?
voiM fteftrly ft hftlf-volcBB to ridieoie
«f the «nt«r^rl»e. The ftftcni<m popcr
kw tftkeapftinfftotoftlytodlftecmrftre
the efiortt of the iDtenirent. eoerfetic
" ‘1 hart'not an«w«evdtbe qtiwtkm. yoo
are atinut to ul)^cL 1 cannot aarwre H4o
awunl. If li-vrf aivepl a chslU-DW. '
will Mfor the slm|tle xaueiD that I a
at what people Woahl
Woald think
other dood enuHalameBt^ “The Dla- , afraid
aond Myalcty.” by Bryan’*
1b SteiBberd’a Grand last aidbt.
play was well received and the altoaUc
fftrd, bat to tofthe foB of their progr—lee epWt.
Now It »ould
Census Taker”
iftratBeal of cftidUl ftftd Iftcrrae of
______ , U worthy of eaeottrftfei
Chieapd^ Jan.
aad How Tbey TonM-d OaV
Brosch Block.
be•Too hare a fir.'laiinl.r." aid the , you imtnlia'
improre- risitinxcli-rKyntantoau i-a>t aide moth- { Ucniiw to Hhoct t<
All plftBS
to. thU
•• I>>a*ycni ]<lni>e.‘
K'c-lt. Uutnk Oor
“Ve*. sir.” *hi- atvw.tnd with a
>, bat if en^ eBtorprieee
were ftKl with each dbootnmretBeBt touch uf priih. "aud they have all
madh.uamc* foriboluM-U-a, and ioaoma
fte the Bftitle ,offen. Michlrftft woald
ways liawbi.iia
In Ip and cumBOt ftow rftfth with the'forcmoet •
fort to Ok Tbira i* I.lih-J.ihsmie. Ue
••V. II know what I brllera 2 ahall
haa bad hi* pi. tar. r iu the papers as not Ivy in bit him In any iwuit. IfIkUlisl
•aterpriM wbioh pramleee the hei
•The Boy Widid.T' of tlrs^mur Scbaid hi iii, H
Ala meBlioaed. the prew of Ue oomehvrti-litrly foor.
iJtttle Sana
”n, ac
-aanlty aboeld be the Arat to pnah it over there in ibc ecniT was kniiwn for { killed y«ur'
ftsd the laat to offer diaooBTftceprorreoe
hie (Jar Victim,
Wc pot d^.ltOO dam-'
tdet from the car oomptuiy. and as she
youud she has oatpMwn her hurta.
to do «I
B.wr KUI
E.W.BasflBgs... oysters
Beal Estate
| 213 From st.
Money tn Loan
wlderepo-'l dnsllvdld iRabIng but kee boidp »livyi
tatUD at ‘The Bc7 Hero.' bat that was ; over it
I evTD rofOMd la go aa aurgnin.
tbe^caaaeqY his dvatfa.
Y«a. vr<-have
tonlly when Grulwiu
lot puir WiJlie. Voa see, it waa thia lOKistnl.
' HU >ecaiid was wb aiw named Morrow I _
way: He wa* ambiiiook and afue ihu
11* agmd to vn IlUprOVed
have aatowttoA lA over >S0 isUlioB papws stopped talkiud aUmt him as -an.n.«mmal.ra«
paow. when h« migbl. have known that'
Hnr Um'
Unm' be
ha urganiaod
bMbeU aa acftlaat the world'a toUl ■Tha
'The Boy
AtpBftst ofaboat 3M mil lion'baabela. •nd became known as 'The Boy Uat
taw.' When the police RtdiroaUeaoiUH.
Tiu ftflorta ofaihe iadiaa who are he^mied and did a lot of good wtork
Urahsiii '• only
worUsr for • pobltc raadloc roon for as ‘Xbe Boy Detective.' Bot hi* m>t
Ip Berope dariBjr the p*at year have
ane-half of the toUl
Onr exporta o^ wheat
City Property.
XJ'^Ki'pSr'SiJoto»nmock. Them.73.
the sae of the yosay men of the city
pioee where tha yossf
derer.' bat the man be atia<-k«d thrash
ed him within an inch of his 1U«. That
broke his belrt. ahd be did the only
thing left to a buy «if h'is spiriL Ho be
came a ' Boy Snicide.' Ye*. Wiiljewas
a faw boon la the eveaiaca io meotal
raereatlos and proflublc readlaf aad
A. F. Anderaoh of Oaaaa.
dty yatarday.
& Ckihen. fortnerly of thb cl^. now
Of Ealkaaka, was ia the city yaaterday.
B«v. C. T. Stoat went to Beat Jordan
aad (batral lakejrMteiday U> ooodoet
(oUfiooe aervkaa.
Mia BUliao will return to Old Mbtoday
after a abort ablt with
iriaada la the city.
Babert Bex aad tha Mbaaa Martha
Bax aad Blale Johaaon drove over froa
Bapida' yaaterday
tradlafCharlie CoUmaa aad wife have yoae
to HntehboD. Kaa.
doty poor
Mr. Cbleaaa b is
chaafe of
'diaaU waa advbcd by bb pbyaieiaa.
Barty Oloalat in Kai
The taajority of. the retail atorca of
Maabtea, Ifave aitrvrd to cloae their
^aeaa of bualacaa at aix o'clock every
The movemrot baa beeo oa
loot for aoae lima aad it new appean
the plan
XraTanM .Bay
beooae reaernl
Tent and
Biv^ Ba-
joyad a Bocial Srani^.
Laat nidfat Montaffae hallywoa inr
■oeanr af aociabUlty aad frateraSlyood
' leltowahip. The.occaaloa waa theViot
the receatly
oOeara of Travcrae Bay TenV No.
H. O. T; M. aad Traverae Bay Ulve,
L. O. T.
The cereaoaiea were io
the iastaUatloa
ww« spread and the fieat dutheriad
aat down l« a splc-adld aapper.
teat vras thoroudbly appreciated and
spirit conld not be satisfied w ith
anything very loog. and after detting
plrtui in the ps}Trt again aa ‘The
it plrture
Buy PngUist' and laiw aa 'The Boy
Miadunary' he tri«d to be a
Thera ia aot
olty is hlichicftft of theta)
of tha Tear.
VAod y«t woman ia auppored to bea
weak ortatorrs" he mid thnngfatfnlly
istelahorata aociely rveat
Adelbot—1I piwn't asy that I'm feeltog imebu
Uisrrva I'vegot
'eg« a beaiW
_ my bead, don't yer know?
ccatnmea ly oold
Otraldiuo—Nevermlnd. Addy. Doa’t
worn by the ladles dlspI»J«<>
iiven if ltd# cmly a cold. U'a
axqulMu tasta aad aot a faw war* of
fpll drtaa and
dioh aad baauUful Uxtara.
<'an'» yoo-aea him righto'
my UK>Dld.-r.’
■I-l was afraid—I might—mlght
have bit him.'
"Thai, f'lr the first ttroa, IJbokad eloaalylDVj Graham's eysa. Tbcy wo* blank,
Id the urns of hft
URber. K'Uiarknlile from a |
fail on an ordinary aouveisarina" Uo
aatd. looking up from the hook aha waa
year in Traveraa City.
lied iu my pati
wa* Id m-.real danger.
"'t'mhUnr’beqiM-wloned In ahkiety
aodlhlel.meaai kwoed---------^
"I know it, Uit it ihi*t every darned
fool thalcanoCnra it."—Chiatgo'Tnb-
^ Ue ^tam Star ahapter laai aight
'' Of
Ibrir Hnt
lara waa
to the Inoplriag
wouadkl man.
"huddenly 1 thought of the
• be bad
It was tha alMlaMOHMa;
"Aad yet Umt thought Uls man bad
bwtiaied (Immgb fwr. They bad aaearad
■‘■Jim. be said sarDaaitr, thyagh aMB
until RU>li parting Uk* poageg*
sion, JanuhFj~-I6tb.
Dc. Molar (kladlyy-Hov, doea Uat
Later a baaqoot rieh aad
Tha tablea
.A -
18 ON A
laoFall Uoeof
Reduced to
The demand for ImprovM and Un
improved City Property is becom
ing brisk. I have
Fail to Profit
by Tlib,
Caulkett & Co.,
Cor. Nintb and Cuion Sta.
Two or Three Houses and Lots
and a Number of Wejl Located
Vaqant Residence lots
Pleuinf Oomftdy Drama,
With Spaoialttoa.
—Front Street.
At Low Prices
teto OB 84, U Bo, 00«.
B<n|ihia~.l doo'l miad yoo wtaktoi
m the tooth ao iaaeli if yoo would «a]y
b^yowMogvabainaaucff myey*.
nriTiwiy OiwtM
in Traverse City that will be sold
PSICES, lOc, iOc ui SOc.
—John Verly.
Iftofeascra Mnrtaagh aiM
-hwatHnUy tit—I vrtth yoUad ykata
Don't fail tocall at once and
—Watch Repairing.
The early
maak tor-
paitmeat to Mclntoab * Eliiott of MafiUUw, wU] CNMi-
yortloa of tbs evaalag wae firea to
Flelcher't Duster Depot anil nestaaraiL
i Knir Line Of Meats
"H.1 admititd in the store yaaterday
And Uen he dodged.-^Chnado'PaM.
Tba aoelal party dl*«> ^
GrBiaii.v WeunajWi tbrtrW.fur'^'tWD. j
of ca>urw Etvm yit the thuugbt .d that— j
that there waa still a feWthiOKS 1 kn^ | V> liuerrupi.^^Hl t'iiwhainqiil’^.
loun about than, Itia." — Clevelaaid quite mtdy omr.
Yoii bad imunted two ' !
— •Tbrw-firvV
"My frVDd drew fai* band to his breast
at tlw rnronaf t'aiht»-fv » |,uiul andcainr
II.wf (itmng H<-stowti.*! bimwK grandly
and find uilhuui aim at raiMhau.
look WltTifi
••c-ure uu tie- irm.lle is With tbs
"I<-at open fals abirt end saw at
twiiv. iiiou., «'ll.. .1 ■b.m IS crymle.
that lb.' winind waaveir sr-r1ou*—iHit
|cau:*.l..i r«n’U-.-d U* ruTlk-.u^iiiiruorili fatuL 00 tar os a su|aTtlcJal vxam«nat)..t, shown!, but with tha chanws
,i„„.l.,wln, \<.\p agslnsi rM-o'.-ry.
'UllwlM-:. ,-n. *v.4.1."..d Ibftuuler^
You'd U-iirr gvtoviT the llm-,'
'He Is likely to tllu.'
! —liarper s Am.'jr.
- 1
■Graham reiivnl e bit aad triad
whUi»-T my naiiie.
A>n»us «kv ISrwsoOs.
■Hm-jui-mw>tsaebatar1eHxllrof mi
•■Y..U ul-joy
.1., y.«‘ I rievFrai>km»s 1* aunlher. On this esoeplla
••Ther* art, 64 lunscloa used tu carry-
^Mara Star Party loat VlyMt Beat
Counts. 4Gc p«r quart
Slandarda, 3Uc per quart
Solid Meata.
"ut Steinberg’s Grand Opera-Honse
•bia affaire of the year for teth tent
u the I
uws lTu.1 iiinrh Is rek-vaut. 1 never luM
"Tbra a.vt ry irregular and snaxwrhat
dfaiimtic thing liapp^ned. Crabaci mind
hlsk-ri hand, rumtilng Ibat a bait mu.4
Mast Mav* UmC ta Cav^w
Ik iiimle (or aume Irosim. tVas II. n>uhl 11
be ivws
ardkT’ tVas he afrwkl v. la- abut
"No.” wid <;uluh.l StilwelL
uit 1 ku
ko> w tavirr. U«-aiii*i
don't yeani fnb bis Msiety: L'ndsrstfiUd atr Ih at) Inalaiit
1 knew blBi M> Will, tmt the cghrradklii't.
me. I don't wy fob u uiauU- that he is
- -Jim, haaaid. ulihoiii mu\lDgfruiu
Ootas|*rfsrt a K'liih-maji as grows,
bUimcVs -ciiu.i-iR-rv-a MX.nd '
man's i.revi.iu* aasoriatlnus will
t-ulhlR-rtand MlUm bi.aiU their tonhis charmrter.*’
rariiy inllaeool- bis
. ««
Wbstdo }‘i« know of bii {xeviaaa t
GrabamYsldr InaperfeetU vt^y \uVa-.be ad.rd ftirapkoruf |WA* I lore a |iage from a siiiall noteeput faU pistol can-fiiUy undcT bU
that bo can't ^ wtisfled to play baU a
n and
penrll (nun bi> |s>-kdoBvn ganu-s uf^poker witbont ooiutin
liw M-rlblJ<d a fewwunl* and Lheu
over the entire pa^ of hyaeda. "—Waafa- fulikd the paper.
intitai Star.
"'Kavp ihai.'hesaldicme.
• Idn-w BsKh. thiiikiiig irwahoutthia
d'lgular lotrmipll.>n IbansIxatUrahani's
TlR-r.- was al>e>lub-ly no traiv
of tallseing
fl.U fare was fimi.
Wiped bU glaswe. "I'm afraid
lathis very drhhcrath.n and
oulle^ ^Bcatirai ain't gou to .
wrong—a atliriifvw. a •
much g^ after alL
ivi.aljsUihal (T.uld not tw detUnd
■‘Why, .Silas." his aozicnuwlta oriad.
tu.itviumu had a jurchanical, an
“what niskw yoo wy thaiV’ ,
•d t* Btake thU one of the moat enjoy-
^ hlva.__________ ^
& Co
"i-uthbert and hU Iririida had Juski
tk.. UP.,,....!. _k..h __
the hniibuwt <if ail our family, IhooitlI eau'i say,'sir, ilial we have reasrai lu
cnjuplaiii of any uf Ui< m. '—New Vnrk
Btwday Jnanr tl.
BalUaMre Stock Raeeivad Three Times a
Fire Ihsurancfe.'
o l utblvrt to expbla the «ll-
wbaftt axpertfttioni traa thia ooantry
"hean store
Front Street.
Grand Raplda. Jan. 1&—#bmt.S7c.
Whut cxportatloi|ft to Europe ceo-
Cuihl»n-t w» a mrk stMK a
hi* n.aii. tirabuu was i
shot and a nen ire.
"Willyou arry my an
" -OrxMialUl.m that }
by the prcM fto^ eeery oae-'wbo
\ OhloadO Karket. .
will be
Oftrtftla locftlity. eBiploymeftt of Ubor.
. lUree'
50 Cents on a Dollar
The Fair,
... .
-AH thb Icimirmlwrid whctithe affair
h irUUam Cuih<.-rteaii.r up Gr
cbaadad froa the prevloua evenlnd aad
. which promlM the deeelopment of
aad' aeftBofftotariof
were plaaalnd in aome rospedST'To-
* tofftlrmlBded mcD thftt any enterprUe
iat-vixv KATsaorTaavnacnuir.
tloBs preeeated called forth enthoslaa-
eftMBt of LAlftftfto county ia thU
Gents’ Furnishings, Dress Goods.
will aooa force
him to aeqaire mare ooBBodiqaa qoar-
/ rad Ufoufh UeUftftti eopnty; »ad d»-
Great Bankrupt Sale!
if sold HOW. Come and nsk about
them, if you want a home or a good
A :
THos.T. Hates.
bt* Shan W the supikqI of Um lerminml; "Hb ts (hr U«1 tnsD," hr satd.
**whoni I should tah<^ pride Is <«IUnc as
Amrrh-sn vUlaen."
wuLcmr ajcroMsi
Immigratien Rattrictien C«& •
Ma]or% of th» S*|»«
at* Statesman.
■ or Um BUtsr b^rs I
Rtetou* .ProcMding* at^ Tans,
Nantea, Lyon*. MarMin**
Against tha Hobrawa.
^aafalnirton. Jas. IL-Souator Wel>
colt's addrsaa to the srnato yeaterdar
dvtne an ac-ount vt bis mlsalob to Ko>
asdih* rtiMi.toM I. « to ts-asaopsis
a< Its
Trll. of HIS
aurer HUsU£-Uoum mWIm Is U*o-
revlewe-d the history of the
and loM what U had dune, favta that 1
have Men 'presented hrietotore ' IQ
these dispah-h'es. Pome munthp a*o a
speolal atated that when Wolcott spoke
he would show- an Jntenae hatred for
the Biitlsb because (bey had treated
blm so,badly. Yesterday one of the fttst
thknxs Wolfvtt did was to de<lare-not
aUudins at all in words to the ai>«<-lal—
tb|it be bad been treated as well aa b*
eould T»ssit>ly hate desired.
Wnh-oti t'nun.etwted the obnades
wowith which the lontwlsdlol -o
thtend—tbe fjl! itflhe price.... sliver,
. ,;
coincident tarifT l.rl.slstlon and" ' the
sialetnrntv id Nr" T«m1c‘Irankers In
Knaland. who samjerd everyl«dy that
blnieismsoi wo. a dead l«u- In -Amei- !
Is-Ue.s and
end lntcrv|e«s
lnu-rv|e«s said ito
p bc-B riven ..ut by the s.;creiaiyiI
h. Irvssury had l>een tiu.^ed i'' .1 bimertilllsm was deaAiXhcse
bspww with tbe dews.*' -Hpll oa Kata" sad
Otbar PleMsal Crtss (iaee Cba HaUas amd
OasUeHapabllmi a Mcbt af *Hlwi >>0#'
-Meante HeiwaM SSadaaU aad V
I Hsll-Maeb
farts. Jan- IK—A *r«at antl-I>reyf.:.
and anti-Semite fiteeilnr last nicht al
the Tivoli Vauk ^11 produced evtr.ordinary w-eces. Tbs nelsiiieirni- •
•** pafwled by pullee.dp«ot,«.rt sn-l il
ton.■ and
ihe rapldh■■
'Bereaved t^e»vliemS;ii'
In* of the nteetlnv' the h.. • s'teethln* ws of humanity. .ims.I-...: e
*,siiesUilu«. sbouihi* '‘a b
Boas ftsM wiser ts Mary by UmOwMMs
Cbicaco. Jan 11 —Fire broke out yesUrday noralnc la tbe dsnblr als-atury
stone buMneae Idock at US to IM Harkst street, and -befocc the Barnes were
estinrulabed s kws uf over nau.m had
been entiiled.Bvs Anns bsd been driven
into tbealrreia.abOtber suffereU severe
ly from wawr.sndtsiowveo weeesUshtly Injured. The Barnes did sot ooismunUwie with tbe opjier stortsw
tbruudb tbe Boors, (or these Sre not
esten awsy in a sincle place, they did
not find their way up the atalrs. far
these are marine and unumUhed ,bj
Are. and the elevau-r abaft abows nc
alyn uf Are.
The only expiasallen at present Is
that they burst tbnruBh tbe outer winlows Of the third fto-r. I«si*d upward
and sioiT »>y »^ry Jumped Into th.Boors show, dnstroytng all the Ootilenta The l.mlJiny Wlonyed to kL A.;
.Byerwon, and iwsldss him the losers ar- j
-U C. wacfasmulh * Cm., wboleaale
elotblcis. Iiae.sw. f'ully insured; LouU
W. AM * Co.. Jeweler*.
* Co., cetuo swods. B. ll. Popier.
imvcilor sitent; A. Slrkelsen & Co.,
woolen KMKts. Vluetl. Coon A CV >last
*»).<»« by wau-r. All wdi^lnsured.
- WaSbUvton. Jan. IS — Fntifrs* of
rasthrdar's fn.«'<^lnKs In the senala'were the hpeecb delivered by Wolof CoUwsdo. chairtnaa of tbe bl^'MtalUc i-aainUsrluu, upuB tbr nreotta./ thins vl the cumnusshio with £uropean
countries relative to Infernatlunal blaalaiUsm. and 'the pasaace of the
I«4ge bill resmi'linc Inuataratlon Into
6i» United SUt<*.
must inietTwUnK and taiportant that have charactifriseJ an>retoluti.ui Vm'Ij
_____ _
aUiClc day's work of the senate durinc
tbe p(«se«t seaalon. In aolklpatlun of Ini. m lews WBd. .lelierri ■were. AVolcU b-r.her* iM-ir.n..
Iwar-ne .1
Ih- Ins. rlptlon I'peach Osa Had' Is Osdd. -kaatber Hylac as.
Haay Had a Kama llMapa.
tbeai tbe tfaUeites were crosd>vl at an trusted. for*-rl.-a Uut be tju.ned the - to tbe Jews " and other in-crtpllona li
' aatiy hour. Qune uov'zimtedly Hanna president and secretary as belli* abso- i was s.M,ii*«e.n that the SAW prwsv'ni
Vimaina A. T.. Jan. lE~An accldcni,
appeared at tbr oinnltiK ot4be
Jiitelf 111
In c^.r.»lttMn to eadiMihcr on th.- .-•■■Mliait-..
r..mi*s'u-.l tarsely
of anarrlils.ts and r>f look |daos at the Kblrvlew -tunnel.
flKIS .’•“•CIJ
Pnraker. tbe senior s
1 money
belrsr.. _...«rs
others ts-nl un
. opp.»lt.K the rtudent... 1 about nine ir
........ .. duesllon.
.. presid.nl
.- -..................
prraented Uanas s credentials
W<.||s.|( rttid. a slm-cre frt.bd vf blmet-1
^ Guerin, lit- pn-sideni. propo*ls«S one man wai
remainder of tvh< niuurs term poimker alllsni. while Cane
oo record, for;
y,, bomrtwry i.ivaidei.ry be ivns Ably fatally Injured A number of olb-;
•acerted his collvai-ue t« the d>-sk where
*..Ut stairtarJ.
ferred upon M. Ko. hefort and M. Dm- | «n had an almost inltwrulons escape.
Tice President B isn adm nytvrvd the lb.Hertnsle
Kummiyifd the p^nt situation
Sunday s
oath. At lbs cOi lusion uf the mumlna
srehrsts tryms to wr.n.-h the l-off';
train JCo-l United tbe Um.bnatneM Wolco.. u-can his address and Impossible to count on
any co-operSUM ,
unu-Semile. ScolBle* l"«'k
tju- tunnel. Hen
al lu conelBSlou be was surrounded
aad'wanhiy eonrrauiicied by bts Rs-
One Gallon
Table Syrup
20 Cents
will Buy you
Brooch Block.
848 Front 8t»et,
If Xou Have Logs to Sell
Corrwepoml with theTTWvvni.. City LiiDitwr Compaoy.
have fur sal^juud.
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill lUchitierytif AUda
Set Work*, Ctrrkgep «xul Saws.
for aale
X,iilcladidK Tvo EngiBed.
A oompU-te Saw Mill Plant
Tbc imDlcr^Uoh hl.l was tb.-n taken fle^ors.un.-ed hU imenll^of mirlnf I M Tl.leUud deuvered sm address de- ; ai.rtn^ »» s loud
-iher mumeol a solid
up and discussed unni 3 o'clock, tbe
Jhr cumnilart..n and _
said that ll | Boundns
In future blnictaii i •“"'■llhr to su|.p..ri the covernroeai ! m-k and l•t>mlor llmherw cstne fsUUK |
boar at which, jg pml.iok sKreemtut^ muhi l«“ r
it bad l>eeb arrant.-d to v.-t.- flusUy *p-' Ik- .-.-nsidcrail, ns. I rhanae the ratio Tumult end fUhis for trie barnerB con . down. Rnsdrr.aster Lyvins and ForelUiu-d, wllli sboutlti*. whtsHlna ar-.i . Rian Hailbew* w-iV caiuchl under ito.
•n the antenaiceiiis and the I'lll. An from l« to 1 to Uf to 1. The news|>ap
sinitiru: ..f the 'UarwelUalsc- and th- - mass of rock and tlmher* They*er^
amondment •Tered by Sp««.ner of Wlswhile U.
>*• Th'el-ud
ThIelMUd pr.pro- | »w,n.takw.
siwn taken out bul I.yons died In a fc
j"hy^1he''MnUn7 r^^er"Irf • '-CantMKii.ilr."
Ca.it1ii:n.»lr." white
'oonaln. provtdmr inai th. ability ou
__ _part
_ of tbe immlsrant either
aiul It Is rot tiAleved Matthew s
rtsnwe.1 mart.e.1 hosume to ll.e pr.vi«.l-*«K'Ortl
‘n aB vlolenl
vioteol speeeh. deckinna
d^-Ur.n, | mindief
- -W.. .i..
,.||| ||v>^ No thpHJKb trains . . . —
«r to wriic should’U- uc.vpied as • i
by ihe'- mT.mn^^^^^
the Oivyfus scandal wM tK.
tbe e..r>.-,|
; ttamnyh tbs-tunnel for several days, as
., ...............
nriscemsnl of
c a socUl revolution by
anlArtMt testof
teatof hlsllterarywasadoptedi
vU.i.uur app.*! f„r 1 metreement
; ’-lutnd uf scuunUrela derdrlni t
- by a vote of «: to 2X. Another amend- j
thiuy everylhldK In older t.»
trattor,” Ths
men* now bscame
_______- -. Ihs family a.vompanyin*.
>e of Use. Austla lUalr.
abJmmUrant rejei-ted under the cndl. 1 Wash.nalon. Jsrt. 1*.-Early Sunday natUnuka. The anarchists removed the
USDS of the bill should be telumed to 1 msmliw tbe orcuiwnls of one of the i„.n sialn-ase aU1hK anes* to the ( Grand H*Wds Mlrb
tha oourtry wh-nte thfy .am* by tbe , Is.se hoieUiwetv starUedby the trtl OBe. m-that tbe .^mnnttee was un-, Pstlvn. of
this city.wHh^ei^Wlih—com|«ny was also aduptrd- I s.r^ms of Ore wife of an Ohio con- »bls to <lrmer>d -Frtw flyhla bspan i itwtqn. of
Ja.ksoOwm this serK vui.
Other efforts were msde to amend th* I yiei.snian.niepr..pileu>rofthebotelwaa:
nround the flaiia hYnally the student*Pb'lb^elphU to Inspect and piwbably
measure, twit lAHed.The hill wa* IhvnLcalled from hi. bed. and Weakln* Inti' fKaw'd th. anan h.sls out -t the ball
PMsed l>r a'vote of tu ».
| the r.sim found the meroh»r nf eon- ; yb* otirsnlkers of. rtie meellna then Jllalr. ordered by the leyldature for th____ beaUnx Ills wife. With the m-< srtsed the Aar* de.s.ratlnc the ball, ami capllol rroundi at Lansln*. They will
t. m( (be DIU B* Pssssd
The bill as passed provides
ImmlKrant* pl^s rally fa|«hle and over
U years of a*e sbtfl be shle to read of
write the Ensllsh UnCuske. or mime
altber ian«ua«e; but a person not able
to read or write, who -Is ov er W years
«r aye. and Is the |>srem or srsndpatWfit of s qUBlIOed tmminrsnt over Jl
a 1^^ Prtsrtpl* loM rtawa.
j Injured; Plbslly the students w^ Tan- |
CWleases Lesaw Ca"wltt-wy«us of aye and cst>aUe of suppurtln*
Washlitfion. Jan. ll.-Secmary Bliss . quiabed ad th. anarchists masters of i Chtea«o, Jan. U-i-fk.vemor TSBMr
•uch a parent or icrand.parrnl.may ac AS approved an Intportam decmlun In ; the situation. Th- mestlns broke up ordered -tbe police Mnatorial »nvestl*acompany the Jmmlarwnl, or the parent .h* homestead land .am- of Porvh-r ea | and the anarehlsla replaced the ladder . „□* rommiiiee to (u to SprinyAell
or mndMrent may be sent for and tJJlk-n from fti* NS'susao fand district and Invaded Ibh tribune, led bv M-; Ust ni«ht. and the committee wrM.
come to Join tbe family of tbe child ar wi#et.n‘ln. Id this cake the prinvlple i OurtoU BourtshU.s a r«J Aa*. wnd^all
resuurt It* work In Chlca«o
CTWndcMId over U y.srw .vf a|»- tjusUlaid down that .ore secretary of the shoulln* 'O.vnspae* Hwche/ort (W* ' Thursday. The.A'rvemor held three coDfted under dbe law and w ife ur mlnv islertor la not bound by the ddt.ion upon H.wbefort).
................. ar.d '---Lon*''-e
Uv *oia ! ferencei w>th the Committee, praliwd
, rtiUd not able to read or write may ac V* a predc«-a.or In ..(TIve "her- It >e Tbe dlsturbsmes tS-nilnued. the an- .
wndti. and ur*ed that tbe probe be
company or he serrt f..r and come to aBIrn-attvely shown that mantfemt In-i archlsip .1-v:Uimin* fn
put ^'debperJoin the buaUnd or parent who Is Justice has Is-en d-oie o tbe Uw dear- 'asainst tbe-aiiny and a< v.almins Drey
«ualined.. Tbe set does not apply to ly .-nlaappl rd by •
i fus. Some .
persona .omlnc t- the Tniied State*
: Csrfu, Island of Corfu, tlreec*. Jan.
(M>sUteta<mied by IMwib.
Mom th* island of Oiih# durlns the eon.
I U.—At lb. Unman Catfauilc church last
. ttnuanc* of preiwitt dls..rf*e* there who
i ev.-nio* during ves;ier*. a y.Hin* than
WashlnatoQ. Jan. tk-s*un*ul General
WILD -nttr. ox TBR xniyuT
llAVeheretuIoirta-rn inl.ul-IIsnis-uf that Gudseun at I'ansiu* vsbied -lbe spue i
I aliacked the pr^^ta One. Father
,*|->De*t LsifM«. wa* kblcd'. another
deiofim'eni yerterday aanouiirioir ib-'tola^
, morially wounded, and two other* Were
Msw Who VMM la the N*mUI«wdrowiiliu; of Wjllla.n Astil-y. I'nUed
Tbe senators who i.usd aaainst tbe fttsies c-n»ttl St fo-o. Asiby was Ap
__ • ____
Opposite 8t«lnb«i!^*, ,^hon« 146.
e Interset wqf a
MU were; Allen. Hs>->n. Hate. Kerry. pointed to .•«!.» .miy a few- moOths
si Mflwsabsov
Caflery. Olay. <'>a-krell, luinlel. Gor AlPj, and had b.wn well known in tb's to the stmets, where the police bad ,
man. Heltfcld. J.mfS uf Arkasias. rliv ami Vi.oliila a* a ti-wsidper man beep, relnfori-ed by • the r-pu' licaij. j 'Milwaukee. Jan. U.—Tbe Mllwaukr*
Kenney, l.iiidsay. McKiwry, Hallury. connected with the N’toMlk. Va.. »ew»- ciiard* Al Iv ..'Hoik In the e-venlns ; Mafufaciurln* company. * roTTeiTslIOA
Urn_bi-llc* of student*. Aourtsbime the • enea*ed |n jm- msrufurtut. of bicycles
Martin. Hills. Hit- hell. Money . M-ryan. l>apers.
.. I e. »rth Wllwaukc. msd.-a voluntary
'Murphy. IMljrt. UswUns, Ikwch. Sir*,
H.s-lanr w nrdty T*-*—‘-j '
i Ifl-coi-s an-l shoutln* Vtve U'
Uknment yesterday lu Jesse B. Whltart. Tari 1. . Walthall apd Whlle-SL
WaslilnslMii. £n. 1».-Th- Imiwore- ( prov eeded in tbe dim tier f the
- MillUWlw or tSAsHIKUTUK TAUta. '
meat in Mr* June's condition I* *o .'lan-«luh In the Avet-ue de I Opera. The
.-at Hiat il Htorw announce that she , tru»j-* Viesred the I'la.-e d> la Bept
Asms* OS Tmte* with Both Ksrt amd Us.
11 be mtlr. !y out of danker ao.l able ' ll.iiie and . harped the Jaalle* of >i
iillTr of Chliw«M wanutlt..
1.. sit UP 111 thrW «.r four days. They deniw. A larye force k pr*i-.-tliis i
- UUln drops of watar
run tbe city OAs year.
.SvarblPBion. Jan. II —Yest-rday wa* have nut allempled to pride- fsr the Military elup. iteveral i-efT.in* were i
Ijsnlel J Wattrrs. of Wla-onsin. baa
Hake no preat dtopUy:
.DM^cl of <'..lumbla day in ili' house. bullet snd will li'.l d.i So for sometime - rrsi.-d. The •leni.'-tielrsior* then p:
to a SMU clerkship In
Mit'only three I-llt»of kwal lmp>wUb<T uniMw ll.eh-.uld dev«l..p that Ue pres- ceeOed. shoiillpk' t-Mnupoes Zols." to been reinstated
Bat litUc drow of p^texa Ink
*«» passe.1. Tbe remainder of the ses- ence -wi^ ittjurwus to the -Injured the tUBce*
of The Temjw. TTie Aurmr ' the p*vi It ..Bice,
Tara tbe tide yotr warThe IJhte I'sride. but tbe pdice
The Arm of Ha<T * PrndletobY bahkMon was devvrted tu further cunsld. ra.
ayaln <Us|H-rs.-d them. Near mldnlKlil . ers and broker*. Nrw Turk city, has
UoB of the m5u> appropriation blU The
iSktor TeUew Fever Is lbs Aprtn*
60C student*, led by M-^MUtevnye. rvws- made an *s-l«nrr«-nt.
drhatf was’l-sr-ilcularly noiaMe for a
Washlneion. Jan. Iv—Buryetm fSen- M'mbl.d at the Ullltao rinb. but lfa*> j Kigbl Hon. Charles Pelham >'lllleTm.
Tl*oruu> speeth by Mc<'lclUn of New , eral Wvnsn
1* Informed by Hur«e«n met ulih tbe -vanir fair.
| known a* tb* "father of tbe house of
YoT*. a son of n.-n«nl tlet>t*e B Mc- j,j„.ray
Murray, at Hubile. that there was.*
In the n.-1ce ...me were wounded and cojpmnns " is dead st l,ondon. a*ed M.
■ Oellan. Atuckln* the jweseiit army or- death from yellow (ever at Whistler,
sanlsailrm as ubs<-lrie and Ineffk-tetiL Afu . a* rec-mtlv is eighteen days a*o. ottii-r. sltcFlcl. l.'ltlmntel} M. Mllle- I The eatsle of Ib* Isle, Sensl.T James
I n Fair Insl.-ad of bring Mo.und.eM. U
Me ayawlsd that we were wofully un- A fami esusorred there on Ikd. «.
piTpaced tor war rhould s crlsi* cun* It I* -viTsorillnary' f. r yellow- req-er l-i to insri-h Wore the club ciyln* "Vlve ,hnwnJ>y llrmtned B«urv* to bellZJ».By midnlaht those who had and codicndeil f.ir modem methcsla in cmliiue In the Umiril Wales duritiSq I'.xniree
Henry W*ysrbur».of KaukauoM
•rxanlaatliiQ. equipment and.su^ies, th* winter.
____ _
l•laoc dc :
had been ,rvMi-rvd
the mulbrr ^ tifleen ihlldren.
whlit, tv.mid enable the United Stfsm
irinin* I
r<lp<-ik. Then- were .
P--r-H t'alhsUr* i-raUwt.
r Wrth to twins ivevnUy. 8bv is bOt
-to it)-ei uWemeniency. I^wl* «f WaMiWsrhlngtnn. Jsn. U —Arvon* !^e fesisilons elp*-wh<:re.
tnst.in iiMo rivadc a sisreh thaj^ttrmccsd au.ntiiei in d.-nDnciatli.n M trusts. memorial* ri>—nie.1 in tl.e senate 51^. -i^iidtilchi U. Hlaoo. th.- pref."Wlcfv are 70a goibjr my prutty maidr’
t.~li W-U ofthedlriwli.m
Ilo. ,'i--iA.naUy
.WhUh he d.- lared were threStelnnVjthc terday u.-rc -ih.--r.-m..n»tiatn
■■rm foiiir a sboppiar. kind air.-*ke«aidv
Calh. llc soigne* .-I the Vnll.^ of the ,r.,-n "ho t>tprolc tin* the
.Ubrrilee -» t1,e «-ountry. The conslft^*
•—Millliirv club
thr->uyh ,feivr <rf
, pni»-».
"Abd who (eto all of your vaiuabic trader'
*rt1ij approiuialkm >111 | State*.. .................... .. ................................
...__ ...
V.-.■■meen.-. CTivimimr inmovs.
- led |,ewl*' si»-ec* Vas I memlwrs. ptl.ved by Mr Mnrphy. .”f 1 lro'>'>le
from numeroiw
•>1b« adverttoera. air. abe^aid
U I.e-m.t .If Oakwood, Oakland
tlM festun- .'{ tbtb *cr*l-n and wasquitc New T.-rk. ara!n»t Ih- .-tiactmvni oflhe 1 proviti- ial towns r. i-.iri »llrdMit numlI
' fesiaii-.n* a; Marsetik-*, where th- win•cnsatlohal.
Eng-un'l test w-ek
. do**
dos* of J-.-«l*h
J-.-wlsh ah-<tah-s-wwerv broken.
. Lewi* mn-le
. thing of an innovaGase Uefvev th* HstMe--------‘**—
Nsnlrs (h. n- lUive Iver some alts-k* nearly «.«" |«-und»
tat km by l,iklnR 111* i>-*l;i..n in iht
An interevting legvurv of the proWastingioit. Jan. It - 8e.Tvtahj- Gag* on shop* and the synagogue. Th*
ATsn In froQi of h. eieaker'* rowirtur
hliumlmiut "Uti trust Is a profit
as iM-fore The bouse hanking and cur- Crirs'd re>- v'ed those' wht. were arrested.
r bouse faci n, faeb^
and speaklns
.-.inimni.-e y-st.-rday giving the
l.yone. Jen IH-An enil-Jewl»h »ju- sharing plan. In wfii- h the miners will
*na oil fliuin'-es. and deni .ieT:M-n*ii-.iiiMn look pla-e b-:rvj^OH trusts were in .-.-ntriM -t tne coon- j ' -----; '
elevalon of the Grvnt Northern
-e tbougbt should be terday wlih o.-» of "tk.wn ,wtUi Iwvj’t»T »»* oonitliuied th- -im.Urd band j
« '
heard again today.
vue. Th.- olifiv vd Le iVpl*. wbtek
powwr”’ behind the d.-, r-e*
the ] Aon*, tl* v
ha* gopf-wtsd Z-l* »** aiiacked. bul 1 have handl.d near S.MfiJO* bushel* of
Jf.tbearniy weri It,. I e*-d tb* I
> as. r.taey Al^r AW f Ml Tg.
the staff piAdr H eorti* and drove away ; whntt aln.-e l**t winter,
people would, b* aald. he ju*fti-0 In
Xfashlngt.m. J«o. It-SevTvtary Al- the »tudenta.
Tb* Eur^ Ham* CJIp company will
AsWlrg wbelMr It wa* mn to l-e used
up for a abort tlnw
Harrwine*. Jan., 1'—A crowd of IWt 1 start a factory at Orven Bay. Wit., for
to bATTlcAd* tbe courts and hresk down 1
•nd 1* said tu be olberwiar perwm:* ma.Ie e derti<m»lf»iloo bercyes- : tb* n»ial.lng of tbe clip which wIB be
everythlng that means free.lon^of th* ) inipn-vod In <x.f>dltlun.
lervlaj against tbe Jews. Th.-y cbeer*^ | brought there lb a rough epndtuon.
Bewe^tf it be. It ■*«** to me
■ovenunent. Ms quoted a i-l-gram I
—■- "ir. T—ZZ~.. »
Henry Dunally. of Shell Lake. Wla..
wtoeb he said Hanna had rvceiv.-.! irom !
Oary.citarh*. Bt. BsUag.
, TMoaly pradeaL rlckt-aadwlto
_ "'Tve
hakv.qy Mimillfig
-nve ul
U ! waa
was thrown from
fro* a wagon lb a ronFrankfort. 0«rmaiiy.. rignrd 1., a., .Chicago. Jan. Ik-Coun-ei for LuM- ____ ___
If eoe moald-Wld hie batiaem f
BeUeman as fcdlows: "I congraiuUt* ' gvrt rvceifed unottacr setback yasier- Fraai-e" and dl»pla>-lng tbe trl-cdor, ; awaj-and lay for alKboora to ibe woods
Tf recalariy advertiae.
you on your eleciloB. It i» m-at sat- .ley at th*. band* of Judge GaryAnclher
r ruled that no testlnmny tending
aald came fniffl the roan who helped tu ,.!■> f-Iiou Ikiuls- Luelgert had dctdkro-1
pl».- a mortpsg* on ihl* guvemment j she would teave boroe. prior to Mar I. upon Zola." They g
•f l=no.ow.*«. It* Bua>tei>e* had no iff:, wa* adiMstolSl*. .Surii eridene*
panll-l Jn history save lbs ro*rt«ag* | wa* held by tiie wort to be heamay.
•ent by fonUu* Pilate to th# execution-i and f..r this rvS*on ll was not comJame* McDencugb. a Chicago .jad
•r Ml Jk-iir ^rlat. congtnlulaling him pelvnl.
lyoadftn. J*n iS.-Rleht --Mon. 8te Nortbwtw.ern fralfht engitwer. was In|bat hi* work waa w-ell don*.
Ml.-bael ^teks-Beseb. rhaavetiw of the •taotly killed by a locomotive at th*
Oro»vcnor interrupted lo ask If l.*wls
Paducah. Ky.. Jnn. It.—James E M-r.
Fortieth avenue. Otlcago
waa nwar. that Beitgroan was an ry. the so-enu-d - "millionaire tramp,"
American vlilscti ‘ I am," Tcspondcd died yesterday fiMin the clfe.ia
nr*t terd of,/he trva»ilr>-, 00 tbe
The raia ffeto aU tbe eepdit
The Koenlgen Lulae colliery at GM
LauU. 'He w an um>alrioUc'’AntArlcan fall three w-eka ago. He uarted c«rn- Indian |•aUcT Of ' the g■>vrmmen^•^at
>v -For tito crops of gtato aad hay.
SlleMa. caaght fire and
Mtlsen.-' iAMauuc m. iha ttemocsABc slderahl- properlj-. but It feU a kmg Mancheaier. and f^ld tbe govemmeBt
WbOe the enaabiae dees the gmribf
te«e.] .
w*a d-ierrolted, even at the cost c(
• •
allilon dollan “ '
•rusvenor r*«all«d the fact thstBuRr*
la it'* steady. »mWinp wgyQ vasb^vaa u
ty-flv* others have perished. .
ABAb with the >tedll of bIB house reo60 tbs salanmas'* laiajT to rained
A prise fight Is said to hav* takea
A«Cd lirrshiaMr aid to tbe UnlOS cause
Fer the tood* *eU la the eton.
BaHhg the was To tbla Lewis topUed
place near the vIlUg* of Rio. Wbu.
wMh the stotemeai that RellgMM bad
MATeBport. 1*.. Jaa. U.-Tbc WaabWhile tbe wily adniitlument
Cl*vstoBd.Jab.U.-Th* poUoe stopped between two yuong men between whoa
U^IKii U* lualdsoet from this een- bnra-HaUlgan 00free *
tb* aane-Oarrard fight to tb* Ktt**Btt exlBUd a fewL Tbe men fought thirty
ChaM trade toaide tbe deer.
•nr at »
»bsB b* feared tbs la- burasd oat last eseaiag.
MsaA' Catorsa Mtor gar* tb* EsMMoa
rtsaai tax law woold «mpM hi* to pay tasurkook
to Gaos.
we are Selling
Fancy Dairy Butter
19c PER
Strictly Fresh Eggs
. ..... .... . ... .------- ^
at 19c per Dozen,
Enterpi^e Gfcjpcery,
Th« SubiMof ui hn;icrt»itCofi‘
ftrmea Now in ^rogrot*
at Chictcb.
n&SLT 500 Dta^QATES 01 EAVD.
( ptn* ct «&»t«iCB wUiA «m Vi
•Ft acvk id rvtarn t)> work.
Of thr Mher •««>»* HctW bu «»•
vrioprd <u 7M to (orrcMI tlw fulore.
The Laeonla
Luonla ud
asd Pn>!T«'«
Pcrrirfll a«l
alii »«*«oHi^
ef» ID Mddeford itnick be«au» they I
«« «»»«M
were anzloiu IB while tlvp wearen In ! *■»" uttraiw* to t»K« woi^.^ad *her
• k. Ar,Arr^^,m^r. mill 1 .ewltlon.tlmnle I ***• hddlWwd. to Xi«(ht Wlod. <<)*' ntOM
took matiert iBlo tbeir own bkodi. re- *»•“» tol fualdrn of,0«-^
ywdle- of other deprunenu. Theee
two »tr1ke«, whPe on Identical Intue*. I
will eerie only mm minor llirhl* alone
the Uhe unleoa the »tr1ke lever *row»
and they become the nurleut of a yen
era] f^l in Maine dttea. One °*h»-r|
minor'ilam row
now on
« i. that at Bi.ry«. |
ion, Vi., whyre the Queen Oty min*
ahal down Indednltely |ie<atsnr the op
erative* refnaed point blank to kwept
the reduction
lent wbkh
•load Id tiK iuldJIeot tbeMUaca.
-What U It, fatlHrr' the ackad. and
lake a' cnraoiy vlifW nf the region Imuicdlau'l/ (urroumllmt and note the ptetor
caquu' sttrai-llvriuwF ot il>e loeaiUy.
was an idtwl >put for an Indian rUlage.
tor the tahu wefe pttebod In a uiaimUc
BrtcklayOil<«co. ean. tt.—The conferebee of
fpmt of great maw. arerahadowlBg a
uperatbra and miaera to try to
devoted ycalrrday very Jancely to a smooth and gmlky slope, at tha foot ot
on a acale of aas«i for the pteawbk* flowed the uji|«'ranaksrlteT. Herr
year net at thii eHyycaterday with
,/ ent y«
While aearly all the delegate* la and there a bright flower itfud l(a petal,
2»oi«rator«rrom Ohio. Xa(Uaaa.tlHdbU
The hlnla aa»g*w<a<Uy
the Idea, there la murti doubt a* .to above Lfae gTiwa
aad I’onTiByK-anla, and STt tnlneta from
prariicabtlHe. mainy, rlalmlng that In the tt>-<«. und all the glortsa at nature
the aame f< ur ataie* and from Weal
rlM be IrapdKdble to aecure It In the •eauad lu gind accord.
But to KLiuru to ihccddsf andhH daid^Vlrflnia. pn-rent. The cmnnlitee on amatler cUlee. Tlte matter waa Anally
Inr. The fair StghI Wind listeoed with a
referred to the committee with ln»l
nlea reported, a' plan «f
palpHaUngboari tolbowotdsof her father.
tions lei prepare an amendment
Vy which each state la allowed
"Toukbtow hwift Arrow will retun to
number ot v..i«a-f.ajr-and that the con*tliatloD
con««J>uen to
to be
** mbmiiied
euom.»« for con- nur vlUagn. briugtiui a« token* of victory
acme commiuec be compoeed ot fotin
the MaltaVf utir tw>l^ttan' fuca the SUmlnem and lour opemtom fmm each |
hiyona" mid ihr chief. ^Helanowtbe
aaund Intdt f uf uur tribe, and whoa 1,ataie. wHh the exnpuon of Illinois
the gnat Ucd Pox. am gatbmd P> uiy fa
which ahoold.have .five^delemtea. buij
ther* and Uikr Up my eternal abode In the
happy bi*u:iiig ground, be, Swift Arrow,
.will be Ibo flratchlef of the Ogatalla. ,.-^Imv.aapr-*eni-d rerommendlngooevotet- charged with the murder of t-year-old wbo {. Duw daughter of the gruel cbiaf
mn«i be wile of the new cbk-f. "
■ ■
Percy Lockyar.
irimtclUed •- —'a.tno.ooh t
■ Xu. <hnr fall>er. not" ra< lalmed Sight
yeoterday by Waciatrate Jermon to
.Illinoir operator In aje-ahme
Wind, linking to bt-rkneo. ami lifting tter
aaalt the aetion of the coroner. There
latter rep.rrt .l|. clar.li td'i.e
band* lo pltlfnl entri-aty. rSwtfi Arr<iw
Ji:m baalB and cited ih- !-. *UFe of repr.
aeema llltle doubt now that Henderaon
Isagpwl cdih-tbuthe U culfl aud uruel.
ttvea a* a fair < xample.
brutally backed ibe buy to piece*, and and I run nen-r kive him.''
la-fore Hfe. w-aa extlhet threw him In
tleponorihe MmJmHi. art.m I.
“I here given uiywdemn larunlae. and
Chairman ifertie. of ibe mle. c.'mi.t'V ••Heddi--*" creek and welabled the child Bed Fox aluKy.kuvp. bl. word. "
Tee. defendc.1 the m.Oocny iejeirt i>i down with heavy alonee.
••Irt me gu 10 him aod 1 will plead
*Fhe boy. apparently unronarloua of ■ ^iij, f,li
the ground that repn^iiaCon on «
rehwM-yuU." aaid Ihe tawutj
hi* crime, aiated aloMdly
tonnage bafitr war a danpe-ojn pn-ce
fill malil<ii. clinching at bek father'k ami
trate. whUe hi* father kcnit b)- hia aide wlMi bands Which wife laden with anadent, and would r.aull In ehiiitliiar
and wept u\-<-r and carewed hi* N y. maOMufAuldnntI |ir>vl»u* abrila.
yorlij nthe tniall proilu<"Ta.
Henderson hel evee hlA bo>- guilty, but
-Why do you aid; ihl"'" deavaDdfd Red
of.a scale inmmlltee uaa next lakei asserts that hr U rot In hU right mind.
Bvy frown cnaatog bw ft
Ramuel had an attack of typhoid fever
pp. each stale to neleei It* own dele
years ago and hi* Jalber main*nlea. On demand for a P>ll call bj
p. dtwr father. I Iocs am
atatea the fart wa* developed that onl> talpa that he has acted strangely ever
••His It
one or two delFSStlona were organised,
“]t Is While Hooiwdn ’'
and pKceedlnm wet* blocked. . An »dThe cysa of Bed Fox II
Help, a C«lls«e.
^iirnment was theiefore taken
Rt Paul. Jan. is -The Vnlverally ol
Before adjournment the Wrat
Hamllne. the M-- K college of UlpaeVlntlnl* del-icatlon of miner* wa.
*'Bui be h hravu aud strong and baodsola, has been hampered In Us wprtt
•eated »Hh a voice In the vonvention
•omc." urged Ibn maiden. *'Hu haf bunt
by a debt.ghk-h to wime extent hu Im. but wllhoul a vole.
ed in the fanwt and brought me U» rarM
paired the full plan, of Us trustee*. J.
of Wrdv He I. the ii>..t expert ol all Ibe
J. RUI. of the nreat Nerthnn. ha* noOshcmicQ In Uir trfUAj an cqueairian
The aUtea are
_ _
n the conof Hamllne.
lam sure that be cannot lieexc«lli)d by
ferrarc a* folkwa; Operator*—Ohio. 4«:
that be will el ve S2Q.liOI> fur tbs purpose
any of the young mi-u of your acquaintIndiana. ^I: lUlnOta. *2; IVnnaylvanla.
of raMng the debt, pmvldrd other
anoe. Father. d«r.'I lore White Mist-aC Mln-rw-nilnola. Ill; Obip. M;Pennfriends .f the InatHtill.in would twiae
rylvanla. 4e: Judlana. ST;
Weat Virrnla. I
"Sptwk nolurlhiir." DXclalmed the chief
BewJwwiiB Bwtlrrwfweh'. PwBetwl.
themnlerssredlipiiaed lashim a roncllIn graal wng'T. "You shall marry a chief.
iatory splrti they
Wa.hIngtun. Jan. 1*.—The n-maina
TOBWrrtiw- he ictuma and yon shall go to
Builerworth. late <-•10:
tilings whlcb they.win In all probal-l^sjoDFr of patent*, will be bioughi to bi> lent «> w>m as the gn-nt mfdkioe man
aecoring the followiqjl^^aMilBgtnn toduy.
Funeral trrvice* can perforin the ceremony usual to sneh
urcaskiua lleilre p> your letil. iilraw
thn-f stand pr»-emln.-nt: 1. The abnll- , *h be h*1<l at iIm- Outvh o' the
and tel 11. bt-ar
tior of Ih-scTFen and the esi'ahhshmrnt'ant tcm«rr.-». afi-r which Ihe body
m gr<«* scale v.-lEht. L Andncreaae of 1 wiH be temporarily plai-eil in the vault in rqtanl to Wbllc kluGoasln."
Wlthabiwtybrart Sight Wind allptwd
10 cent* a ton t The InalUutlon of the 1 In one of thr local eem-lcrle* and later
imi> the {irivary of her own lent and gave
,1-huur day- As a oinvilary to the I removed to^Ohk)
berwif uptollx- mud .onviwrul itittUu
V Ihe Saturday half-bultkjOs. White Mo-rasln wa. away on the
iday may be asked.
Alva. n. T.. Jan. It.-Paul Metcalf, chaw- or .be might Lave gone to hi>;> lor
All night the lay
wall] to he a refugee from Montana ooiiifnnlng adxKie
To ihe Aral demand tlllnuls nperaUira
with a tblrtr yeais' s-ntenc-e f.u mur awake un her r<iurh of oofi funu
have praciically acv-did. a* vi-ll W* X
In ibo iiMiniInu «hr hmnidUiam sbnnie
der hangttig o.ver him. was prolaDIy
portion of IndiarA Imt Oble and l^•nrifatally wounded yvstrrday In a deaper- andknew ilmt ;-»llt Arrow and ihevk
ayiv.nls are pmiarrd to Aghi It. in
, at- tight with a iKouce <vf Sh-rUf Mr- loriuU" mciuia-ra uf tbu irits; were reluni
case It !■ found irore pranlrable |o
- Cmth's deputies In a dugout near Wln- lug to thev ilUgiv 'ilubHHjueutly whs b. anl
work oil a.dlfferenual scale, in order to
Vb'-sier. twenty lAII-a northwest of the warrrlr- and ita- shrill Innanlalions
secure hapmony. th- miner* proimae ts
w-bleh neiviDipaninl tlie daurc <ff trluinpli.
I here.
present sUhManllaUy these • demands; ,
but she did noiguonliu join In the tu>
S^enty-Ave cents a iou In the Plus-j
burg dia
I for artwned coal. This l<
Columhua. <
an. 1«. -ftpeaker UaIt wasap).n»rbiugduF\ when she beard
eoulcalent le 6» cent
r Of r
a rustling wmiid oliulde of tbe Mgit. and
basis f»hlo would gel « and Tlllnoi. 7S | ysatsrday apiwdnlvd the committee
Mkod.- Night Wind, are you
cent*. Taking the Danville dutriii as : investigate the alleged attempt t« brllw then-?a liaala. It would give, digger* In the ' BepreaentaUve OUa of HaralUon coun.-Who to It?"
• adted.
Slreator rein* *I rent*. In the Wllinlng- j ly. to vote lor Marco* A. Hanna for
ton third-vein Aeld 61 cents.
| aenstor.
Two of ihe i-omitvliice ar-It to your faitblul lovor. White Moo«Pm-pcar of Ibe Opngt.is.
DemocTals. Ifae-ther three fteiwbllrani.
Wiih a glad cry she sywang from her
Oppooed to thrae demands Ihe npera-I
t-ai i. JL-. ii..k
tors have come to IThlrago prepared — ' '
ODUcb and with art rym and slrwlniiig
Orand Rapid*, MIrh:. Jan Is.-Edwin niusole* wot Uie lioal flying with the .*111
light for a r-ducllon. They will ask f.w
K. rm wa* elecle.1 firealdent of the
$4 umts In ihe'Plttsliueadlstrlei. other
dutrl-ts Im te- ditf-r-ntlai-d ,.n this
rv- mllu. Tlw-lr
ta aut-i-eed Knor I'utnam. who dl<-d •art Shouts amid la> h-wrd nvon-disilm-tlT. nml
' bai^. Till- leal pun»>- of ihU w.-ik I*.
1*hl Wes pK-stdent of the hank whi-o Wbtu- .thscBolii loukul lack bu sow
of cauro-. i- *-->-ur- a • ••iniir-isnbe-..>«•*£
le-fore he was ai>-‘ to one canue llM- agurrof Swift Armw and
a cimpr.-mis.. 1.. be tij l.a^s of 6f rents for manv- year*
(if Bed Fux.
a'lon fijii sr-t-eped eual'in the niisliunc
Aud now whnt wiuTid lirukc on h>*twr>
‘ dleirlil—a n> t din-r-n<->-fp>m the min- Pi*T*1^nt n»v«;nni1
Uwa. the Ihundt-ruf tbccstamclivlMwd
iadU»*w«'XlvT n^oper Pto
If tk- slo|>|sal to mako a lauding. b<KI>-binoti<l. \s.. Jsn. tk—-Bx-RepreIT^b 1
1: «'I»TTU<« MILL* ON.
I aentallv-e B. n'amln S. ll<K-per died aud- aruold be naplunot, wbuma. to owpand
•ummdww.Mild la-infamy. •
WsMtofil SB* rtoswfcFfc— dt-o:y at P.-nnv I
lU tailed to Nlghi Wiod aad Mid:
" Linen. 1 will push the canuu aghtee and
light tW as Uk7 come. V•fitpi-yer
she shinted.' "Ud iHrX; to
yxighl Wind, luu-n. ' hcraireeted.
^liriead dp 1., u-annui be for-t.iU Thfill* .'I buildiug si.aies unx-cred frwm
^TllUi a suiltli-n l.-«p eiie wr>v;tod ibr pad
great cini ■■tk.r.s lu Sew ll-a«.rd
189 I'KuJiDra in the ilate. Tbe haw dle fmm hill hands uiJ threw it far ovir..... ___ ■. of oprtwUvr*
__ i
Xlritl a/Hl Ih-VMmde
blork IS of i
board. Tbo pursuer* niiouted la dKiiia.v.
cr^q.A'’’«m*'Vil d*v tte'7^^
fe«. Ibrbas. ol tbe oolomu ifs'feet Hod Fox lontd hie daughbv and ha<i not
allowud his brwvv* to flm at the flying
belnp at Fidrii-ford. Me.,
"FI*’''- the height of onltuun to' ST.«
TreeMM !• Rattere t'ottea Mill. TIM
Wm l9«*Iee Teat oTTkee—dt.
*rn“d;:;i. .".rwV.H i
purwuas refuacu lo »..r*. thui^lfloliii: loot, sod Uie'wulght 6a.4 tons. fThis
tw.p rein*. an*l.ai l*vxi»ion. whVr.- <m« polylilh. coostroc-icd by the SchtsiL of
mill w-as crippwi t>> too wcat -0^ naj - Mia.-, fnruto a ccpni|gwb«igiTc display
ingom. The general wage r. du. il.m U ,4 ti-e OaUixal Tvw.tjtaw .if the state iu
e.lln.kle.1 to elfeci in.*o i-.aon. in
mabriai. geultodcally aralevui'ttO reills. sllhnugb Uui
'tuuged. It i" a igtapectiag piide to tbe
.h,iv-',.F-vl'-u»lj- adjpl-d ih.- tir» »< ne.i,
fm atone sud fomitoica a comUlc a-ml sev.hil ..Iber* hav- gtv-u n.i- ‘
riJ'-rer for
tler..fimmedtolrrrdur|k.u.. He^- and,
»U djiralility by an.
there .l.wtotiFfact1..n wa. br.M,gtu p. ihv
‘•xp.-nre of all the qumry pmd.'rtHtc- ..f scents and Pwrw-1-r*' ov-t, h' I-V nUuoapbotie uifliwnoi*.—beiraiminnt uri.-vaiM-ew and In must cases | iilhr Ameri.nu.
tb-e<- wen- riitwo- rriecdhC or an In- ,
---------------------------;------UUlr>- pr>illllsi-d.
SmowIbo whA Wlad.
Lasl'nigM found iIm- textile Opera
In some uf tbe Chicago railway yards
>n.i u,-.n .h. Dutn—. -11! d.. '
, • ^nd the <iueeii.>ii >.f ar dMuatriai but- i
tle the entire length ad' breadth of the |
New Bitoian.i «iar<«. Tei ch'cf point
In tilts battle will bt dwcirilee. and I
the Arst command of rygwtuged lainr
thought w-ei: n.gh 9tosci ebedhm^.;
4^'^im*‘b?TltwTJre”L iwn-rf^
-pbolM-ry at the <»». «id llw wmlt.
“lo «• bo mtiMactory. Tbe oompttmtd air-ls led from a power hoBi*
throoeli an ondergrouud pipe, to wbiob
a bom U nttsebed in tbe car yard. Affixed to Ibe tnd (ff -the h<xw ia au inm
nox^o a* long as an ord to ary broom
it. crSmiit, .
h«a*mboot afoot hrundand
*eul. l^ervenllon by t»« state t«.nl of | MAkd with a long Mil a thtoty^OBd of an iuch to width, through whidi
aflWtTntl./n thl* «--«-►
•vs.-nj- imeljbe allowed, and no overt art on the part Imuea the oomptWed air at the rate of
of tbe *(rikeT« uiid nu attempt to open •
ibio feot a minute. Tb* dost doee
mill Is expevlrd for a numticr of days.
not stay long In front of that autrent.
Tbe N-w- Bedford strikers will re
ceive moner fr-m epnntlves elsewbere.
• la Eagto^
but th- sum total will be rcoervnd until
English irtm
inofauturtTi And' no
a ir-.ira-ieil battle brlltfa'On want and
to the rvporu which have roach.
bsrdFhips which, .uv
tbe unlona -............._,«oniIurt
will then
All the New B*diortJ '«S
lu respect of tJie pnanbiUtie*
mill* i.iemed SI bell Uiue rseierday a* j of Edison's prtMtns of extracting iron
Wh-n no help came to light* fttnn iowgnde uresbyeinctridty. Over
t. speed siopp^ overuearu and 4,000 torn of Anerkan ixtia were laud
sooorid hands ptapared to make •very- ed at Liverpool dgrtog ooe week of ^o'tblng anug.' and the mill gates
vember. and the BrltW> pnm is aoktog
9oto-d indeflitiiu-ly The labor anteo* did
bow mneh
be importod.—
IKUs worti postord^ exaast to earn- i
ar..uld aah te turUar Una to <
BeaaaetfkUr a«hnlU*d.
Obo. f. GapiM.
J M. HftenwABTeiJ. W. Pakakn.
Ever Barspd Ortf
M aeyoB kpow
who ha* dovacetf m gacii deal of Mcea-
cxpreMe. hi" opiniem Ihut 600
ten in *0 farmn. the ti&e in tlia PariiiBordeanx oouteat. wa* Pot u* much ftw
a ballhy nnd well tntsed rider. Dr. of eoe tract for tboae alraady placed.
Motion carried by yea and nay eole |
Cbanplonniere ttirea the fsUnwing ddtalla cd BiTteere aodCordaiw'aiBedioda aWhUotn"
Yea.—Aldermen Parher. Moataraa.
durinff the Bcrdi-uox-Pari* rme:
Oreilvek. Goodrich. Coedt. Deamoad.did not cat nitrofteomi food.
(ardle. BeellntMtol. UarriaoD aad
aod th^ w<wc right. But tboogh they |
did w* »i they drank "Wonneo* qttau-'
Suits to Order.
Fine ; Merchant Tailoring.
TfaToitoCtly. Mleh.. Jan. IS. }«07.
naTnagr or BOAkD
tea. bM'f ton and milk. It i« nteleea to
eet during Ttolent ex«vi*e, hot It if
op pcdijc womks.
We do hereby c^fy to the eonnell
of Mid aty that the fallowing ia an aeimpnrtaut to drink, and tf lb* Lidy ia onrate account of the coat of rapalra
in good workmg order las only xewdU on st'ceU and the eonttmeUon tharsof.
of the effort U a deoeaae in weight.' tha aawunt of maf.........................................
katorUi used and the
The effect manimala ia eitaiiar. M. ekpruL* theiwer. and the atroet or dUm
PaiUard, the ^lortsmao, wboxode l.SOO where aooh BUterial wa« need or UVor
kllaneMn In ledayalact year <ni bit
a aae amtwo maree Potnpaune and Merveilletue. rraaat" coastatciap e
ie Stock, relee kWMt.
Importut t« Ptepertf Hidjen!
did nut incrcarc tbeir ration of oata
but gave tbexu Urge quantiiies of green
fodder and water. It i. the nme with
our cydlKf. who race on froif and a
dial of liquid.
'Tl>i.< is tight as regardt the quality
Kdglag tlBtwr foe Sokt ....
of foo^required on a long dUtauoe oootmt. Wbetbtg each a race be bannfsl
|o an ezaeptinoal rider properly trained
or Dot we do not yet know. UillaBbor-
Waisr ‘.or .prlakUag
Work la eepevary
Irito. .ftkto
land, Hulliciii usd Bidlake among Engliab, aud Bicteirs, Iloret. Suqibsae and
Dnbuis atnottg French ridna, with many
man nf rxcuptional physique, but it
miwt bamifni to the malty vfao are imtrained. -» BritlMi
Gnuid Ripids t iDdiiu R. 1
Motion earried- by yea aad ady
othera who liace oonipeied in sueb
raona. are atiil well and hcaliby. iaclad- M foT'ow.:
Yeas—Aldermea Parker. Montague,
log D. IttauioD. who rsc»l about 1R74
and lelu in rix day rjn-a.
Wu smet
watch their carem in tntnrs before we
can lac down any rule. Ottr own opin
ion . in iliat ii doe. no harm to tbo one
by Alderman Cook that th
cfeolar frudl aaowg tweMr-i
.. .
d Treasurer be anthorix^ 1
Medical 6S0-00. totbeeraBltof tl
Water fund..
Police fund....
PrinUng fuad
SI6U 00
Motion earried. -Moved by Alderman Cook that the
two mW diroetoriee of
M. Parhoey when oompleted.
Motion carried by yea andi Bay. Toto
as followi;
Fariier. Grelliek,
HueUmaatei. Garrieua and Jahraue.
Of tba Oitjr Connell of tha City of SrawaraoChy.
Btffulmr meollog of the City OouncU.
held U Oonneil room. Jan. 17. 1»M.
MMUnc WM Milad to order by W.
W. hmilh. Mayor. '
Parker. Menugwe. Ureilick. Goodrich. Cook. Usamoad. Latdle. Boellmaatel. Oarriaoa
and JahraoB and W. W. Smith. Mayor.
MlBstca of laat tegalar meeting aad
of apaelal meatlag* held Jan. 1 Ith aod
Jannary 'itth. iwis. were read aod
Moved by Aldermaa Lardie that the
matter of revising tbe old village ordiaanoes not now applieable to the one
pf the city be refenwd to tbe Commit•iae da Or«
a to report 1
rcguler meeting.
!rr«^*^OraMnapids.Dscroh wad
• ait£p B.
Motion carried
_____ I rTrtirkioa brwack arrive* at II40 w as.
On motion of Aldertaaa Cook, dnly
Leaves a( I -JS p. b.
the iiDdersigBa4. carried. Council adjourned.
C. h. BCUtAT. Anal.
Ml of your hoaoeaA. W. BicggK).
:.L. LOCKWOOD G P.A..Orst>4Ba^
araet fire telsphone polea
CitT Qerk.
aide of Lake aeenne from
on the YTMl
:hth street aoath to tbe alley be.Ninth aad Tenth atreels. )bC8
art three poles west In said alley to the
reaideace of A. W Feek
^ y
Hii'uiuagTciJcraogg Co.
Attorneys at Law.
West Michigan.
to HoeiagM Btacb. Tisvm Ottr. Ktok
I <6
4M: ..
Aiuwnrr aad Oeaaasltor at
S. M..—BBOmx.
VT trattaw to Piwbwte prs
la MenweUto CSe. Block,
ays aod Meant whom yon inotr
to eumloe the bookaof tbe City 7
ort tbit they have
girer beg to report
folly cari-iad oat your
ir instrucUoBS ia
ind tbe books ia goad
this matter, aad fini
ad neatly
. hvpi
kept, and
<^er. and well aad
at they are a credit to
submit. ihai
treasurer, ...
Mr. Wiaoic.
and to the city.
A. B Cook.
B. MoxT*.irr..
-tv. .1 Farkuk
aito wUl suesd proapU)
Ar. 13k BaplAs..
Lv. Elk BaplA*........
Moved by Alderman HoellmanUl
that the re^n be auocpied and placed j
Motion carried.
SeSf <s;
to all day or algkl
R. llOON.PhraeiaB.aBdctoiavaa. M<»
Qraad BasWa,AUah.
unsm UD lOBtmisim l i
I'Twveiwe City. Mich.. Jnn 17. IS97.
7V> thr Mon</ntMr. the Mayor and CUy
riuncfl nf
of Ihe CUy
City of Tmatrt CUy:
Yunr Committee on Fire and Wator
towbODWaa referred the matter of
Ihe city employing Maolv C. Dodge to
:i Lbr City Atiomey In looking
ling up:
ibetl '
the R
and the
cost of said
Ige. reepeetfoliy so’ibmlt tbe follow- t
of M- Dcilge
tog printed report
J.. M. Hi ILl-UAtTBI.
Grx). F. UaKiUmjV.
'Moved by Aldermaa Goodrich that
'* C b^ge be employed to aeatot
Gilbert to a therough
City AL
examination of I
:o. 'i;.Ji?2d'7Si.v*5S52i‘'R2i*^"i{i
White Moowsln arid Night Rind stood
■tot In Ibe nnoe. dinging lo >w;b miwr
and wu-.iitg ot-llniirv to tbe iilil dilof. A
gnwiiol inhnal le.-onr nmapvl Hrd Foj.
At that t-onm-rn bis own canue was
■nfoly grouiHlid. JIi- saw hie daughter
and ihciintjA.iPI-<l Whil- Mis--n><'i whirl eil may be well inf >nne<l as to U
Btaiua thereof, geseraliy, and eapeci
in refereoue to .the clanta reiativt
arbitntioD to determiae the ralne
of hb water works planu'
JaiK- rifevs
■ -Moved by AMermao Ba<dImAotel to!
Ahbongl>4lii «ii.:iu.r
amend the motion of Aldcrmnn Good*!
nm-Ul>ivd thl - null, -r >J
rich thnt the mattor be rufenwd'to the
Inr-r-iil.-U- and raij.erl;
on Fire and Wnter. that
nind aiimTitlng they be instn
i k-thc-. >;hi-n • - rvM-kid Jane ■ trunk on Do^aatoU
■ hr niv-;.>t»p i.r c..‘ji>irnirv) from Isiwuod to ■ervieea aad n
rt at the t»Kt raguiar
Thoriiflri.I «<r> n wrj-er.ln Llppintott'*. BueUng. _
•'•iH-rrvrn. the plain black Ruck whkh.
It aod original BOtloB as
■■thr.UKh Qudk-rlU.-. ar leua bad Ibu amended were duly carried."
rneiltof fltllug Ui a ola'iy. " One rlfwn Jnlins Uaellmaotal. Esq.. Chairmnn of
whltr tm-L.-r. tbi- hiarA stik of wbtob Mr-.
OB Fire and Wator, City,
Fairfax Inst-iieU i»r lu owner on the oc
ir—Referriag to the acUen
casloo of Ixr tirnt cvi-nln'g with Hr
I Oonneil i
Boebosur: Un- b-*t dram of sUver gro.*, meeting of January 3rd. na set forth in
pUrctsFcd for Him Temple'* wedding, and tbe printed clipping hereto anneked.
which wae too tine to bo worn “cxn-pi im Wg to any that for the e^i<
SiitBto i«»H.«i*, ' and the lilac ging- Uoned. ^ ehargw wooid be Acn dolin which she thruatensd to be mar
rs^ev dl
rkd when Mr. i
yras bent >
Icnslng tho eusum of the light novuilsu.
****^4a*lt C. boDOB. ,
Webmravert d«L.omemi^ Him In
br Aldmumn MoMogne that
riot bee, iM vteT-qoeer ones Uu?
___ report
reportt .of tka eommlCtM .be r»eaived
placed tm file.
.. .
Motion carriad.
Eyre" must be a men. oluce noNrcuuan
■ -Blovk-
IwqBiTv e« Oval WcoS ni»fc 6o- tft-tt
L rtwr-rw*^ Ar'-r^
Baroas ol--- '
Xwv: SarpstroTR;
WWOK BBMT—1t>« 1
K. Al^
buBlBdsd^S^^lwr £
old VC Ibe jaras. tavw
wooM arruy a lady, in a motnlqg g*wn nt
■ky blue crape i^d twist an axurc rani la
her balr for bnmkfmt—but I must oonfem
that iWs oevtir sevo whM good tbe fins
elothm of thU buauty did her- Certainly
It was tbs ownor of tbs clean whiteitNikv
and whoas
id to gold, shlnmtath on
T -------- ._N beat. ■BiiaUs lor pteassr*
panbw. crwiklag aad Uahlag. ASarce* H. B.
UiikNortapon. na tv*
•EVOB BAlg-tuBber. Ulh and i
f tVaveieeCIvy LBBkerCo. MAX
DrmncU of the t
Pnblle Ligfattisooftbellvealeelricare
llfbti <
iMBTid at* BwvVmsmeetingbeiilai
'LTJL—.Honey to Xd>an
Oa iBprcree <aj prsparty-
' PATOKXM * OMOnSB, Attoxnam
B. Uke mlT'inU^aBg
leNa. L mwpaaalj to sake
Tutu Y^-Vo. pi.
tided that he i
Wmiarn F. Aar
aeaelon aeat weee. Be hae aow ea the
treok a carload W flee becifoe. ,
he eaw him d
XBRn iwn. AUAB BWABTZ, ed like tea tromawhUkey tU“- l», AVQ A OSASGB VO KXLP OVVA Aaa Arbor, bao boea sold by L. A
WAS uizn>.
{Pratt^bo has owned aad coadnctod it
Beitaer-e ealooa. Other wltaeeem who i
for two year*, to Uc reooBtly oryaatoeUflcd that they knew HcOUl to he
.MtatmUMA te VtgtitMB IC«nths 4t ia the habit of ledalfiiir la iatoal- fiOBthofo Kmbom fitartod More- ixed alomnl aaeoclation of the Balterrity- The' mayaxiae wiU be eonaollHuti Lmhot for rnfcrr-SoMl eaafo, were 0«o. W. MeWethy, ltdfar BOBt u SoooEBlne Oaba aa M- dated wlu t^e Alamnl Kews aad Mr.
Ortaeby. 3. 0. Laafworihy, Peter BooUyorant, Bnt the Plaa waa VraaOMVowOa«rfol-aOBmM»MT« diM aad Mr. OlbK
Pratt will be Ue manayfoy editor.
tratod—Appealed Pram BaUay .of
Tbeeo witaeeeee wereMl who teattChair aad Domaadod Aottoa.
Aed yeetorday aad the eaee will be ooa-
TbM tel, Mrtur, XfoMU Wa.
WaUlayloB. Jan. is.—T%eboaae baa
brokea away on the Cnbaa .qnestion.
Late UU aftersooB Mr. DeanaoBd of
MlmonH oBered aa Aa anwadmeal id
the diplomaUc aad oonenlar appropria
tion bUI a rearimioa for the reo(«BiUw of Oabaa baUiC«r«Wtf- When a
point of order waa raised ayaloet It he
made a atroiiy epeeeb appaallny to
Uoae who eympaUixed wlU Ue lanryeata U oter-ride Ue mlea of Ue
honae aad aeaert Uemaeltea to adopt
Ue amendment.
Be deelered they
eonid neter explaia Uelr ooaree to
UrircpaaUUenta if they did not aeUe
Uia opportneity.
Mr. Bailey of Ttxaa amid ap^uee,
challenyed Mr. Milt, ehalrmaa of ^e
eommittM oa'foreiyn aflaira. to aUte
U it waa Ue Intention of Uoae in ao>
thority U ylte the boase an oppertroity to veto on a Caban beUiyeraacy reaolntion.
Mr. Bill atade no reply exenpt u protmt that Bailey waa oat of order. Mr.
Bepbora. ia Ue chair, aoataiaed Ue
point of order. Mr. Deormead UhrenpoB appealed from Ue dedaion of Ue
ch^ and arycd Ue members to aoiac
preoentopporUnity. Mr. Dlny4y.
.Ue floor leoder of Ue majority, burriod U Ue reaena Greet excitomoat
The eemker oatered the hall while
WrOBTUVATZ BBLX. ZV8XGH. Mr. Dioyley aisled U bto aide of the
Had a W BrokMi la Two npom boaoetodbrey^nUperaoBal inelioarioae toward Ue ameadmeal and stead
While aaadUey Lofo.
hyUo ralio.
DeU Baalya. while ualpadlay k«*
from aa M. A K. E. car yoBtoday'af-.
toraooB lor the Trater*e City Lamber
Co., met with a eeriofta aeeident. One cenld yet conrideraUoa for noUiay ex
of bU leya waa badly craabed aad cept after Usee la aaUority approved
broken ia two plaoee. The uaforta*
LiMter Swmu »Um 8»mru. hu Ut» tiaeed thU morslac.
foud irvUV, Is Oi« OUMllMiuvof ^
«rlM« of l*rf«7. Md be wm
to the •foto'e prieon »t Marquette to- PhntUar Aeeideat to Wailaa leowU
dar to earra.a term of «m and oae-half
Beaalted PataUy.
A feoaliar .eape of
Tbc ldttUao«7 la the.eaw wae all ia
•t U):W /eatodaj menfor Md the reavlied yealarday swralar
WUllam BoaWelt. the weU
JttiT too«*tt la a rerdlct of ruOty
of Sooth Ualoa
forty miaalaa after raUriar- fiweet,
who allowed bimelf to be ealled street. Deeeaaed wa* A! year* of ace
SwarU, appear* to be well eoanectod
Aod a erimlaal ibaire Memed to 111
become him. Be eUied that It way
**Wt four weeke ar>. *bHe Mr.
hot bU lateatlM to defrand MeCoj ,& I
dreeUne. the aail of owe
toea cancbt
Mie hem of hia
800 wbea he drew the check for-rt. of Ua
------------------- in **•'
^omiac it hack and partially
. 'hot to proTide hlmaelf with the laeaae
«f toaporarUy •eearietr hie-sialnteB- teariac it from the toe. Mr. Beewell
aaee oeU] be poold eara mooey .eaooch tbooyht little of the lajory. thenyh it
to pay Ua' way. It wee learwed of him waa very palafal, aatU Mood polaoainc
that be had beee once before arteetod, aet ia aad Other membera of the foot
oo a Aanre of aaeault eed battery la became diaeoeod. Gaacrene waa the
laDetioib Be wateeateoeod b>-Jndce rw«ltaad Dr. Martin * ocaUed upon
totneatthccaae. ft wi I tke intoatioo
■Corbett Mat erealac at t:U o'eloek.
PaUr Boatrom. who waa ebarced to bate an a . tatioB performed. baV
with .a
of the llqaor low Mr. Boewell waa too eirk to Daderyo it.
^aag^ hia pleo aed plead r«>ity. The The retail waa Ua death aa noted.
The faneral will uke piece from the
eoBTt impoeed a fine of rs. which add
ed to the eeeta. broucbl the eapeaae op family rmldoaoe. comer of Twelfth
aad Ualoa atreeta. Tbonday at I
The liqoor riolaiioo ease arei°*t o'cloek p. M. Sortim will be eonBandera of the
LoeU Sieder wae.dbeoatiaaed oe ae- daeted by Bet. J.
oeuil of the abeeoee of a material Wlt- Free Mcthodut ehoreh.
.FropecaUac Attorney Tweddla wp*
hot prepared logo on vith the cnae
V^inat EOey Swper*. therefore U wa*
oesliBecd ovar the term. E & Pratt.
•Uoaey for Sweer*. etroacly arcad
i^tbeopoecMpM to trial Utetorm aa
hia elient had waived eamiaatioo la
the Eeeorder’a eoort eo ea te hare the
matter dlapoeed of thia term. ThU ia
the third time the csae had eotae into
conn aad it
aeaa of hia rileat to bate theee ckaryea
haayinc ot^ him. Aa the
Mid DOl Uke ap the caae al thU Ume.
the oourt decided to let it yo over.
Froeecator Twaddle aalied to bate
ra. W. O. Holden
a aetioa broofht
'by the depaty auta yaaM warden aad
he exoaet^ that official «r a repreaentatita here to dlmet the trtaL
Pratt, ooa^l for the defaaae. aryaod
that h*a clieal waa deairooa of batioy
the matter dUpoeed of at once, but
■woold not InaUU The caae waa oootUaed.
Before the ad)oommeOt of the eenrt
Sheridaa B. Howard waa ycanted a de
cree of ditoTce from Naaale Ha.ward,
oa the yronad of deMnlon.
Ue offleora of Tiatorae City Teat. Ho.
■IM. K. O. T. M. aad kite No. 71. L.' O,
T. M.pUleottinla,.
Stamps are wbat yon coed. Wo
^1 just wbat yem wtak.
in a few days time, and t^y are labor savers. Yoo'll be ■V' prised to sea bow mneb yoa use them alter yon bars haC
them (or s while. See whst we can do for yon.
Just Try !
We meen, when you want a GOOD ^otnre 'iTsme to
Jurt Try
Haskell’s Bookstore..
mxxmxa. miooH.
"Ihere is Something
Rotten in Deiimarkl"
a Possibly be had foat
yeae Uron^ Ue seat of-some wd
chair, aad found it oot to hia aortow.
Tboraia aoUiny like baadaoene. i>ew
and i^t6-date Fnmltore for yeaeral
aatlatAAlon aad all-aroaad enmfort. aed
latest deairaa i Hyl
... ...............................................
Bed Boom 1
>. aad at prioaa that wiU
We are Showing a Ladies' Fine Shoe.
at $2.00
that we know you will appreciate,
ever offered at the price.
The Beto Shoe we Iutm
House Hur&ifihinff Store,
1S81IS Front SI.
Men’s all wool Casrimere Suite, choice peUems, IVestfc
faced to shonlderB, good lining, pipsd trimmed, esd
fine fitting. Tbe value is $7JK), but here they go fit
the redicnloasly low fipure of $6.00. We've nearly all
siaee, bat Come Early if yon want to take adTSMt
tage of this offer.
*iaw jeopoAsaf mi*ow ^otiaa ox mxm.wAw Oltg
l>r. Andcraoa aoet to dreee the wouada
Maaistoe’s Oaadidate Maybe
aad aat the brtrtm boeea.
If Be Bo fterirw.
Gmad Bnpida. Jam 16.—Ex-Soiater
A. O. Wheeler of ManMtee. U ia Ua
tk* Bead Monday While
city today eonfrrriay wlU local pollUHaollay Loya.'
Mclaaa aad friends. It U said that Mr.
Loo. Iteoater, ayod I* year*.- the eon Wheeler baa-Aeen offemd Ue United
of John/>eailer. the Sattoea Bay houl
andean bate it if
keeper/ waa banUay loy* four mUca ha waamit. batiareyard uUU he is
Dorlh of duttona Bay Monday sominy net aaylay a word. The diapatebea
when be waa hit on the bead by a lay. yesterday from Weebinyton yate Mr.
He waa terribly bnUod but menayed Haaoeo Ue laride track, hot U U anto yet borne aleat. H waa thnnybt ha dentood that Mr. Baaaen’aonlyekance
Aiybt not roootw, bat ho U bettor to depeada npoa Mr. Wbeeler'a decliaaday and wUI pt>bahly poll thronyh aU tlOB.
' ___________
________ •
Gaining: in Popularity^-a.
Lwt Month EiclM .411
year PHOTOS. We hate a eomplt<
lineefPicUrc Monldlny* and will fi
all ordera prompUy. If we hate te work
All D-.len Sell Th.m lor
Manufactured by
“W. tT-A.T=rR^TJ~S,
Tonnelier Bloek. '
«n SonU Cnioa St.
Ret. R. 0.1
in Ue First M.
The caae of Liuic M^llT by bee
--------- it.fr
next friaad, EUxabeth MeOltl._^ An- Plan for Public Boadlay Boem^for
Tonny Koa'Aasamlay Ooflnitb . hold. 1 stead at Ue Door aad Knock.”
The power of Ue words of Ua evaaBbapa.
Alton Not.oUy.- Jr. Prank
aad J. A. Jackeon, waa uken op
At the maidcnoe of Mr*. P. J. Cortle yritot teemed to toeoh maay hearte
the noon riaepa U waa S:U^rfore a Moaday niyhl there waa a fair atUad- and Ue aertjcee were of deep interaab
jmj waa'aeenrad. aad the laat
anoo of deleyatea from tim tarioaa Serricee will be hal^tach eteniay' Uia
tke panel waa nenled. FoUowiny are cbnrcb aoclellea. to diacom the prothe jnror«: F. Fox. O. C. Bence. B. peaed plan of a pobllc readloy room for
Filler. II. M. Prooty. L. Bomrieh. E. yMay men. The project waa the aabH. E. Peck has oryanixed at elaa. ■
B Cjhampioe. £. C. Boyan. B. Gilbert. ject of an animatod diacaaalon aad eom- vocal mnaie in Ue U. B. efaarcb.
«h- /
J. M. Oampbell.A. Welllne.J. M. Bayer. mitteea were appointed aa follow*:
gnecn City Oamp.Beyal Xriykbar* of
C. D. Konyoa.
BxecnUvo-Mi*. P. 3. Cartia. Hr*. D. Amerkm. will meet teolyht in MooteUnderwood A Umlor appeamd for II. Tllaa. John P. Mnier aad Mr. yneBall.
the plalatiff and Pratt A DatU tor the PirreeJenaary 2&wlU be Ue eiat annlterdefenao.
Flnnaco-J. A. Moatayaa. E O. Ladd.
oaiy of Ue admiaaioa of Mlchlyan te
The caae U bronybt by the daaybter J. F. Miner. Ur*. M. £. Back and Mi*. UeCnioa.
S. C. Deapiwa;
of- the 4te Henry MeOtll. who
The -drUl of Ue Hannah Billea will
Tbery will be naotker meetiay next
killed alnot Chriatua. 18»4. >y aa
be toaiybl instead of laat niyhl an an- eoylae on the C. a' W. M. The ac week at Ahieh the reporU of the eom- nonnoed Uronyb error.
tios la for daiaayaa nya^^
defeodThe fnaaiat of llule parenoe Mack
bou and thair bondamo. U U allcyed COM definite plan will
ey will take place from Ue rmideace
that tb. death of the doceaaod McGill
of Ue pareate this mornlay at tan
waa cauaad bernnae of hU intoxicated
sUte which dpprited him of the power
The Beetera Star Chapter will serve
of Uk.lny cere of himarlf. The aalooa ioaiOT LyeeaL EhMldeo That the
Oouatry Oiria take the Lead.
a ten-cant aafSHr U the Maanatc dinkeeper* in the acUoo arc Aetoa KotoiThe Jnalor Lyeoam held an iatereeV lay room UU erenlulnMa difo uatU T
ay aad Aayoai Ueiiopr. AotoB h'oaoP
lay aeaaioa yesterday aftoraooo and a o’clock.
« othore named arc Ue boadamea of pleaoaat aad laetmeUte proyraof^ waa
Thin etaalay Ua LodlM'' Artel Sex
tke two mentioned.
tette WiU eatert^ la Ue aty C^nta
Ayreeahle marie was rendered by Booae. TbU wUl.beoaeof Ue-fiasat
The efforta of the plamilff wen oonfined Vo endentom to prote by wlt- the Jaalor OoUt. whieb waa followed
>her* In the Hlyh eeheol leeUre
aeman that Beaiy MeOiU waa under by a deelamaUan oaUUod -How Kate
tha laAnwoa of U^ner the day ha waa ShoUey croaaed Ue bridyo.’* by Anna
The Woman's Qab claw te bouMhold
IcBled and Wt be procured liquor from Marten.
• MaamioawUl .aMcl with Mrs. Jaa. O.
thedefeadaaW.- W. 8. Aodenon. the
'■UUmarek.'’ a Mayraphleal eemy. Johunn Uia afternoon at S:S0 o'clock.
uadertaker. teeUfled that be prepared waa well ylrea by Cari Partin.
‘The nntiitlve valnn nf yraUu” will ^
the body for barial and that he. found
“The tain# of yood oooklay,*' waa the nbjnet under dlacnteiaB.
n bottle of Uqnld that ulybt hate be«n Ue-tiUe
the-tiUe of a tery inuroatiny
eeaay by
The faUar-ln-law of Cnpt. Bmoty.
wkiaky, bat he waa not am*. Mayor Ethellad Uotcbel. -Mach Ado About
who anffered Ue ampaUUee of two
Smith aaw McGUl at the floor mill a; Nothlny." a reprodoctioo by Mattie
flnyw* a riwrl time ay* on aeeoant of
abort time before the ooUUlom aad be Lyon, wat oae of the iatomeUnf Bum- an aorident te a faw mill, is rMorertey
Uoayht be was rilyhtiy aeder Ue In- bor*.
from .Ue oaaaeqteat Uloees and la able
finanee of liquor, bat oeold »ot awear
CUiater Dnnbar delitmed aa able
to be aboat ayote. '
toll. AlUUe later ia the aftmmooa declamation, which waa followed by
Monday alyht Uree alelyb loads of
. John B. I'riee. aa amploye of Ue floor aa entertaiUny duet by Solah aad
yonay people af Ue Preabytertan
mill, teatified that ho alao aaw MoGiU Mertle Miller.
that day. Utwoen the howa of Uma
TbeqoeaUoafor debate waa, •• Ee- efaardi - drove oat to Ue hoapitable
e of Hr. and Mf*. J. R. Johaeoa.
ahd four o'cloek. afUr*tbe oalllaloa. aolted. That Ue eonntey ylrl makes a
Be waa quite poalUte that he mw him ketter wife Uan aclly ylrL’' The af- Uroe mUee ont of tke city aadadeat that boar. Aa Mr. MeOlU waa killed flnuUte was takes by Oearye Baff UyhUnl eocialewaater w epaal.
Barney Aadataan U .romodeltey Ue
eoea after 1 o'cleck Ur-tmtimoBy of aad Both Thom, aad Ue aefiaHte by
Mr. Prfoe waa net reyasdwJ .«• partle- Flpm Caldwril aad WillBawMall. Tb^ Iroat of Ue aid Hwald baOdtey by
apUearie ppoa that tefoU
1o^ docMed tWt Ue oouatry .ifiri addtey .lary* ylaae wtodowa te the
ThaoalywitMmwhopQritlfaiy tm- tpado the beet wifo.
a Mo wIB honady te
We are
Still "V’ery Busy
Free Storage
for Bicycles.
Slow peoplh wUl never catch on
to the faiit that our
sat,ixi.henby ledekle.
Flour is taking the lead.
In Order to
Redace/Oor StocL
mtery te inveetory. we will
■oods for
next Thirty
Greatly RedHced Prices. OUR SILK SALE
A pronounced fiucoeCB. The asfibrtmcnt wexy
ffne. The price “690” Very Ipw. Many «re
txkinff »dT»ntaff0 of the barsains offared.
Hadn’t yon better take a lookP
XXXX Coffee, v
Pare Lard..........
Cbaaed Cora -Ckaned Peaa...
16 Ibe'Gr
We Keep Oysters. DON’T
Oor. B. Union &nd 7th StrMto.
Buy tha l^coming^r Goodyear Glore Brandt,
thaJBeat on Sarth, at
I pi
Dfly prapared.
Tha par-
Jan wtt* pratUI; Mt otf wltk 4Mor»
Below baU
Uat a/the b^ay and aeU-
tfpM of p»;ma ud bloMMUar pUnU
After flaatrattbe Hot
fr»c>*> W*U ft weft* of
baaaty and pleaaan. ^ The Udlaa are j
asLuxe noca.
“Te reoume UwaabjectwewendbeoaInp at the Uhb," ha brmo. *'lb bm dive
Ym. T. Bftw ft«o J. W. Hftnmi.
Heada Xarnar «oaA&n.
Several additiona to the roll bt atn- I
* J. W. Baxbeii. Gdltor ftad HftBic«r.
deau of Prof. Dockaray’a baWoNB colStTBSO&XPtlOKB.
lade have beaa made thb week, aaood
Mia 1'bMt of Shatiaad. nod Mba Dan-
sew............ CUD M:
Hbort Onl Pork..................................... ..
hr mA
Mba May Smith
-Ii wasn't ih.-ilrrt affair of hooorihat,
I bad Vi do «1th In uo« way ur anolbiv, | Bm K
tbm Dut evw the dm onocrrsl lueUkajQ^
of WUllamalawyur. We tad
fancy, and we w«
^M)t our vaeatlos
Mba Maud Ball of Wexford.
ford of Traverae City.
Profeaaor Dock-
Batter per 1
. _
Clothing. Dr)i Goods,
b.d i«rdhl»d.
. .
ID dorllng was mor
wards of hU enerfy of the paat three,
ally aad eoHeUy wrung. Ottn-1 Baked blat
yaara la wteblbblad a Ent <daa baal** 'VtuuVl van mTowi ■ rhallrneat*
1^ tnlBlat aehaol hare aad the in-
aray b reallxlnd now wme of the re
tiaae o^ patroaide
//Tn Bft|r>« deelarM tbftt It wUhca ftll
JWtft of tcMCM to the propeftcd nil?
voiM fteftrly ft hftlf-volcBB to ridieoie
«f the «nt«r^rl»e. The ftftcni<m popcr
kw tftkeapftinfftotoftlytodlftecmrftre
the efiortt of the iDtenirent. eoerfetic
" ‘1 hart'not an«w«evdtbe qtiwtkm. yoo
are atinut to ul)^cL 1 cannot aarwre H4o
awunl. If li-vrf aivepl a chslU-DW. '
will Mfor the slm|tle xaueiD that I a
at what people Woahl
Woald think
other dood enuHalameBt^ “The Dla- , afraid
aond Myalcty.” by Bryan’*
1b SteiBberd’a Grand last aidbt.
play was well received and the altoaUc
fftrd, bat to tofthe foB of their progr—lee epWt.
Now It »ould
Census Taker”
iftratBeal of cftidUl ftftd Iftcrrae of
______ , U worthy of eaeottrftfei
Chieapd^ Jan.
aad How Tbey TonM-d OaV
Brosch Block.
be•Too hare a fir.'laiinl.r." aid the , you imtnlia'
improre- risitinxcli-rKyntantoau i-a>t aide moth- { Ucniiw to Hhoct t<
All plftBS
to. thU
•• I>>a*ycni ]<lni>e.‘
K'c-lt. Uutnk Oor
“Ve*. sir.” *hi- atvw.tnd with a
>, bat if en^ eBtorprieee
were ftKl with each dbootnmretBeBt touch uf priih. "aud they have all
madh.uamc* foriboluM-U-a, and ioaoma
fte the Bftitle ,offen. Michlrftft woald
ways liawbi.iia
In Ip and cumBOt ftow rftfth with the'forcmoet •
fort to Ok Tbira i* I.lih-J.ihsmie. Ue
••V. II know what I brllera 2 ahall
haa bad hi* pi. tar. r iu the papers as not Ivy in bit him In any iwuit. IfIkUlisl
•aterpriM wbioh pramleee the hei
•The Boy Widid.T' of tlrs^mur Scbaid hi iii, H
Ala meBlioaed. the prew of Ue oomehvrti-litrly foor.
iJtttle Sana
”n, ac
-aanlty aboeld be the Arat to pnah it over there in ibc ecniT was kniiwn for { killed y«ur'
ftsd the laat to offer diaooBTftceprorreoe
hie (Jar Victim,
Wc pot d^.ltOO dam-'
tdet from the car oomptuiy. and as she
youud she has oatpMwn her hurta.
to do «I
B.wr KUI
E.W.BasflBgs... oysters
Beal Estate
| 213 From st.
Money tn Loan
wlderepo-'l dnsllvdld iRabIng but kee boidp »livyi
tatUD at ‘The Bc7 Hero.' bat that was ; over it
I evTD rofOMd la go aa aurgnin.
tbe^caaaeqY his dvatfa.
Y«a. vr<-have
tonlly when Grulwiu
lot puir WiJlie. Voa see, it waa thia lOKistnl.
' HU >ecaiid was wb aiw named Morrow I _
way: He wa* ambiiiook and afue ihu
11* agmd to vn IlUprOVed
have aatowttoA lA over >S0 isUlioB papws stopped talkiud aUmt him as -an.n.«mmal.ra«
paow. when h« migbl. have known that'
Hnr Um'
Unm' be
ha urganiaod
bMbeU aa acftlaat the world'a toUl ■Tha
'The Boy
AtpBftst ofaboat 3M mil lion'baabela. •nd became known as 'The Boy Uat
taw.' When the police RtdiroaUeaoiUH.
Tiu ftflorta ofaihe iadiaa who are he^mied and did a lot of good wtork
Urahsiii '• only
worUsr for • pobltc raadloc roon for as ‘Xbe Boy Detective.' Bot hi* m>t
Ip Berope dariBjr the p*at year have
ane-half of the toUl
Onr exporta o^ wheat
City Property.
XJ'^Ki'pSr'SiJoto»nmock. Them.73.
the sae of the yosay men of the city
pioee where tha yossf
derer.' bat the man be atia<-k«d thrash
ed him within an inch of his 1U«. That
broke his belrt. ahd be did the only
thing left to a buy «if h'is spiriL Ho be
came a ' Boy Snicide.' Ye*. Wiiljewas
a faw boon la the eveaiaca io meotal
raereatlos and proflublc readlaf aad
A. F. Anderaoh of Oaaaa.
dty yatarday.
& Ckihen. fortnerly of thb cl^. now
Of Ealkaaka, was ia the city yaaterday.
B«v. C. T. Stoat went to Beat Jordan
aad (batral lakejrMteiday U> ooodoet
(oUfiooe aervkaa.
Mia BUliao will return to Old Mbtoday
after a abort ablt with
iriaada la the city.
Babert Bex aad tha Mbaaa Martha
Bax aad Blale Johaaon drove over froa
Bapida' yaaterday
tradlafCharlie CoUmaa aad wife have yoae
to HntehboD. Kaa.
doty poor
Mr. Cbleaaa b is
chaafe of
'diaaU waa advbcd by bb pbyaieiaa.
Barty Oloalat in Kai
The taajority of. the retail atorca of
Maabtea, Ifave aitrvrd to cloae their
^aeaa of bualacaa at aix o'clock every
The movemrot baa beeo oa
loot for aoae lima aad it new appean
the plan
XraTanM .Bay
beooae reaernl
Tent and
Biv^ Ba-
joyad a Bocial Srani^.
Laat nidfat Montaffae hallywoa inr
■oeanr af aociabUlty aad frateraSlyood
' leltowahip. The.occaaloa waa theViot
the receatly
oOeara of Travcrae Bay TenV No.
H. O. T; M. aad Traverae Bay Ulve,
L. O. T.
The cereaoaiea were io
the iastaUatloa
ww« spread and the fieat dutheriad
aat down l« a splc-adld aapper.
teat vras thoroudbly appreciated and
spirit conld not be satisfied w ith
anything very loog. and after detting
plrtui in the ps}Trt again aa ‘The
it plrture
Buy PngUist' and laiw aa 'The Boy
Miadunary' he tri«d to be a
Thera ia aot
olty is hlichicftft of theta)
of tha Tear.
VAod y«t woman ia auppored to bea
weak ortatorrs" he mid thnngfatfnlly
istelahorata aociely rveat
Adelbot—1I piwn't asy that I'm feeltog imebu
Uisrrva I'vegot
'eg« a beaiW
_ my bead, don't yer know?
ccatnmea ly oold
Otraldiuo—Nevermlnd. Addy. Doa’t
worn by the ladles dlspI»J«<>
iiven if ltd# cmly a cold. U'a
axqulMu tasta aad aot a faw war* of
fpll drtaa and
dioh aad baauUful Uxtara.
<'an'» yoo-aea him righto'
my UK>Dld.-r.’
■I-l was afraid—I might—mlght
have bit him.'
"Thai, f'lr the first ttroa, IJbokad eloaalylDVj Graham's eysa. Tbcy wo* blank,
Id the urns of hft
URber. K'Uiarknlile from a |
fail on an ordinary aouveisarina" Uo
aatd. looking up from the hook aha waa
year in Traveraa City.
lied iu my pati
wa* Id m-.real danger.
"'t'mhUnr’beqiM-wloned In ahkiety
aodlhlel.meaai kwoed---------^
"I know it, Uit it ihi*t every darned
fool thalcanoCnra it."—Chiatgo'Tnb-
^ Ue ^tam Star ahapter laai aight
'' Of
Ibrir Hnt
lara waa
to the Inoplriag
wouadkl man.
"huddenly 1 thought of the
• be bad
It was tha alMlaMOHMa;
"Aad yet Umt thought Uls man bad
bwtiaied (Immgb fwr. They bad aaearad
■‘■Jim. be said sarDaaitr, thyagh aMB
until RU>li parting Uk* poageg*
sion, JanuhFj~-I6tb.
Dc. Molar (kladlyy-Hov, doea Uat
Later a baaqoot rieh aad
Tha tablea
.A -
18 ON A
laoFall Uoeof
Reduced to
The demand for ImprovM and Un
improved City Property is becom
ing brisk. I have
Fail to Profit
by Tlib,
Caulkett & Co.,
Cor. Nintb and Cuion Sta.
Two or Three Houses and Lots
and a Number of Wejl Located
Vaqant Residence lots
Pleuinf Oomftdy Drama,
With Spaoialttoa.
—Front Street.
At Low Prices
teto OB 84, U Bo, 00«.
B<n|ihia~.l doo'l miad yoo wtaktoi
m the tooth ao iaaeli if yoo would «a]y
b^yowMogvabainaaucff myey*.
nriTiwiy OiwtM
in Traverse City that will be sold
PSICES, lOc, iOc ui SOc.
—John Verly.
Iftofeascra Mnrtaagh aiM
-hwatHnUy tit—I vrtth yoUad ykata
Don't fail tocall at once and
—Watch Repairing.
The early
maak tor-
paitmeat to Mclntoab * Eliiott of MafiUUw, wU] CNMi-
yortloa of tbs evaalag wae firea to
Flelcher't Duster Depot anil nestaaraiL
i Knir Line Of Meats
"H.1 admititd in the store yaaterday
And Uen he dodged.-^Chnado'PaM.
Tba aoelal party dl*«> ^
GrBiaii.v WeunajWi tbrtrW.fur'^'tWD. j
of ca>urw Etvm yit the thuugbt .d that— j
that there waa still a feWthiOKS 1 kn^ | V> liuerrupi.^^Hl t'iiwhainqiil’^.
loun about than, Itia." — Clevelaaid quite mtdy omr.
Yoii bad imunted two ' !
— •Tbrw-firvV
"My frVDd drew fai* band to his breast
at tlw rnronaf t'aiht»-fv » |,uiul andcainr
II.wf (itmng H<-stowti.*! bimwK grandly
and find uilhuui aim at raiMhau.
look WltTifi
••c-ure uu tie- irm.lle is With tbs
"I<-at open fals abirt end saw at
twiiv. iiiou., «'ll.. .1 ■b.m IS crymle.
that lb.' winind waaveir sr-r1ou*—iHit
|cau:*.l..i r«n’U-.-d U* ruTlk-.u^iiiiruorili fatuL 00 tar os a su|aTtlcJal vxam«nat)..t, shown!, but with tha chanws
,i„„.l.,wln, \<.\p agslnsi rM-o'.-ry.
'UllwlM-:. ,-n. *v.4.1."..d Ibftuuler^
You'd U-iirr gvtoviT the llm-,'
'He Is likely to tllu.'
! —liarper s Am.'jr.
- 1
■Graham reiivnl e bit aad triad
whUi»-T my naiiie.
A>n»us «kv ISrwsoOs.
■Hm-jui-mw>tsaebatar1eHxllrof mi
•■Y..U ul-joy
.1., y.«‘ I rievFrai>km»s 1* aunlher. On this esoeplla
••Ther* art, 64 lunscloa used tu carry-
^Mara Star Party loat VlyMt Beat
Counts. 4Gc p«r quart
Slandarda, 3Uc per quart
Solid Meata.
"ut Steinberg’s Grand Opera-Honse
•bia affaire of the year for teth tent
u the I
uws lTu.1 iiinrh Is rek-vaut. 1 never luM
"Tbra a.vt ry irregular and snaxwrhat
dfaiimtic thing liapp^ned. Crabaci mind
hlsk-ri hand, rumtilng Ibat a bait mu.4
Mast Mav* UmC ta Cav^w
Ik iiimle (or aume Irosim. tVas II. n>uhl 11
be ivws
ardkT’ tVas he afrwkl v. la- abut
"No.” wid <;uluh.l StilwelL
uit 1 ku
ko> w tavirr. U«-aiii*i
don't yeani fnb bis Msiety: L'ndsrstfiUd atr Ih at) Inalaiit
1 knew blBi M> Will, tmt the cghrradklii't.
me. I don't wy fob u uiauU- that he is
- -Jim, haaaid. ulihoiii mu\lDgfruiu
Ootas|*rfsrt a K'liih-maji as grows,
bUimcVs -ciiu.i-iR-rv-a MX.nd '
man's i.revi.iu* aasoriatlnus will
t-ulhlR-rtand MlUm bi.aiU their tonhis charmrter.*’
rariiy inllaeool- bis
. ««
Wbstdo }‘i« know of bii {xeviaaa t
GrabamYsldr InaperfeetU vt^y \uVa-.be ad.rd ftirapkoruf |WA* I lore a |iage from a siiiall noteeput faU pistol can-fiiUy undcT bU
that bo can't ^ wtisfled to play baU a
n and
penrll (nun bi> |s>-kdoBvn ganu-s uf^poker witbont ooiutin
liw M-rlblJ<d a fewwunl* and Lheu
over the entire pa^ of hyaeda. "—Waafa- fulikd the paper.
intitai Star.
"'Kavp ihai.'hesaldicme.
• Idn-w BsKh. thiiikiiig irwahoutthia
d'lgular lotrmipll.>n IbansIxatUrahani's
TlR-r.- was al>e>lub-ly no traiv
of tallseing
fl.U fare was fimi.
Wiped bU glaswe. "I'm afraid
lathis very drhhcrath.n and
oulle^ ^Bcatirai ain't gou to .
wrong—a atliriifvw. a •
much g^ after alL
ivi.aljsUihal (T.uld not tw detUnd
■‘Why, .Silas." his aozicnuwlta oriad.
tu.itviumu had a jurchanical, an
“what niskw yoo wy thaiV’ ,
•d t* Btake thU one of the moat enjoy-
^ hlva.__________ ^
& Co
"i-uthbert and hU Iririida had Juski
tk.. UP.,,....!. _k..h __
the hniibuwt <if ail our family, IhooitlI eau'i say,'sir, ilial we have reasrai lu
cnjuplaiii of any uf Ui< m. '—New Vnrk
Btwday Jnanr tl.
BalUaMre Stock Raeeivad Three Times a
Fire Ihsurancfe.'
o l utblvrt to expbla the «ll-
wbaftt axpertfttioni traa thia ooantry
"hean store
Front Street.
Grand Raplda. Jan. 1&—#bmt.S7c.
Whut cxportatloi|ft to Europe ceo-
Cuihl»n-t w» a mrk stMK a
hi* n.aii. tirabuu was i
shot and a nen ire.
"Willyou arry my an
" -OrxMialUl.m that }
by the prcM fto^ eeery oae-'wbo
\ OhloadO Karket. .
will be
Oftrtftla locftlity. eBiploymeftt of Ubor.
. lUree'
50 Cents on a Dollar
The Fair,
... .
-AH thb Icimirmlwrid whctithe affair
h irUUam Cuih<.-rteaii.r up Gr
cbaadad froa the prevloua evenlnd aad
. which promlM the deeelopment of
aad' aeftBofftotariof
were plaaalnd in aome rospedST'To-
* tofftlrmlBded mcD thftt any enterprUe
iat-vixv KATsaorTaavnacnuir.
tloBs preeeated called forth enthoslaa-
eftMBt of LAlftftfto county ia thU
Gents’ Furnishings, Dress Goods.
will aooa force
him to aeqaire mare ooBBodiqaa qoar-
/ rad Ufoufh UeUftftti eopnty; »ad d»-
Great Bankrupt Sale!
if sold HOW. Come and nsk about
them, if you want a home or a good
A :
THos.T. Hates.
bt* Shan W the supikqI of Um lerminml; "Hb ts (hr U«1 tnsD," hr satd.
**whoni I should tah<^ pride Is <«IUnc as
Amrrh-sn vUlaen."
wuLcmr ajcroMsi
Immigratien Rattrictien C«& •
Ma]or% of th» S*|»«
at* Statesman.
■ or Um BUtsr b^rs I
Rtetou* .ProcMding* at^ Tans,
Nantea, Lyon*. MarMin**
Against tha Hobrawa.
^aafalnirton. Jas. IL-Souator Wel>
colt's addrsaa to the srnato yeaterdar
dvtne an ac-ount vt bis mlsalob to Ko>
asdih* rtiMi.toM I. « to ts-asaopsis
a< Its
Trll. of HIS
aurer HUsU£-Uoum mWIm Is U*o-
revlewe-d the history of the
and loM what U had dune, favta that 1
have Men 'presented hrietotore ' IQ
these dispah-h'es. Pome munthp a*o a
speolal atated that when Wolcott spoke
he would show- an Jntenae hatred for
the Biitlsb because (bey had treated
blm so,badly. Yesterday one of the fttst
thknxs Wolfvtt did was to de<lare-not
aUudins at all in words to the ai>«<-lal—
tb|it be bad been treated as well aa b*
eould T»ssit>ly hate desired.
Wnh-oti t'nun.etwted the obnades
wowith which the lontwlsdlol -o
thtend—tbe fjl! itflhe price.... sliver,
. ,;
coincident tarifT l.rl.slstlon and" ' the
sialetnrntv id Nr" T«m1c‘Irankers In
Knaland. who samjerd everyl«dy that
blnieismsoi wo. a dead l«u- In -Amei- !
Is-Ue.s and
end lntcrv|e«s
lnu-rv|e«s said ito
p bc-B riven ..ut by the s.;creiaiyiI
h. Irvssury had l>een tiu.^ed i'' .1 bimertilllsm was deaAiXhcse
bspww with tbe dews.*' -Hpll oa Kata" sad
Otbar PleMsal Crtss (iaee Cba HaUas amd
OasUeHapabllmi a Mcbt af *Hlwi >>0#'
-Meante HeiwaM SSadaaU aad V
I Hsll-Maeb
farts. Jan- IK—A *r«at antl-I>reyf.:.
and anti-Semite fiteeilnr last nicht al
the Tivoli Vauk ^11 produced evtr.ordinary w-eces. Tbs nelsiiieirni- •
•** pafwled by pullee.dp«ot,«.rt sn-l il
ton.■ and
ihe rapldh■■
'Bereaved t^e»vliemS;ii'
In* of the nteetlnv' the h.. • s'teethln* ws of humanity. .ims.I-...: e
*,siiesUilu«. sbouihi* '‘a b
Boas ftsM wiser ts Mary by UmOwMMs
Cbicaco. Jan 11 —Fire broke out yesUrday noralnc la tbe dsnblr als-atury
stone buMneae Idock at US to IM Harkst street, and -befocc the Barnes were
estinrulabed s kws uf over nau.m had
been entiiled.Bvs Anns bsd been driven
into tbealrreia.abOtber suffereU severe
ly from wawr.sndtsiowveo weeesUshtly Injured. The Barnes did sot ooismunUwie with tbe opjier stortsw
tbruudb tbe Boors, (or these Sre not
esten awsy in a sincle place, they did
not find their way up the atalrs. far
these are marine and unumUhed ,bj
Are. and the elevau-r abaft abows nc
alyn uf Are.
The only expiasallen at present Is
that they burst tbnruBh tbe outer winlows Of the third fto-r. I«si*d upward
and sioiT »>y »^ry Jumped Into th.Boors show, dnstroytng all the Ootilenta The l.mlJiny Wlonyed to kL A.;
.Byerwon, and iwsldss him the losers ar- j
-U C. wacfasmulh * Cm., wboleaale
elotblcis. Iiae.sw. f'ully insured; LouU
W. AM * Co.. Jeweler*.
* Co., cetuo swods. B. ll. Popier.
imvcilor sitent; A. Slrkelsen & Co.,
woolen KMKts. Vluetl. Coon A CV >last
*»).<»« by wau-r. All wdi^lnsured.
- WaSbUvton. Jan. IS — Fntifrs* of
rasthrdar's fn.«'<^lnKs In the senala'were the hpeecb delivered by Wolof CoUwsdo. chairtnaa of tbe bl^'MtalUc i-aainUsrluu, upuB tbr nreotta./ thins vl the cumnusshio with £uropean
countries relative to Infernatlunal blaalaiUsm. and 'the pasaace of the
I«4ge bill resmi'linc Inuataratlon Into
6i» United SUt<*.
must inietTwUnK and taiportant that have charactifriseJ an>retoluti.ui Vm'Ij
_____ _
aUiClc day's work of the senate durinc
tbe p(«se«t seaalon. In aolklpatlun of Ini. m lews WBd. .lelierri ■were. AVolcU b-r.her* iM-ir.n..
Iwar-ne .1
Ih- Ins. rlptlon I'peach Osa Had' Is Osdd. -kaatber Hylac as.
Haay Had a Kama llMapa.
tbeai tbe tfaUeites were crosd>vl at an trusted. for*-rl.-a Uut be tju.ned the - to tbe Jews " and other in-crtpllona li
' aatiy hour. Qune uov'zimtedly Hanna president and secretary as belli* abso- i was s.M,ii*«e.n that the SAW prwsv'ni
Vimaina A. T.. Jan. lE~An accldcni,
appeared at tbr oinnltiK ot4be
Jiitelf 111
In c^.r.»lttMn to eadiMihcr on th.- .-•■■Mliait-..
r..mi*s'u-.l tarsely
of anarrlils.ts and r>f look |daos at the Kblrvlew -tunnel.
flKIS .’•“•CIJ
Pnraker. tbe senior s
1 money
belrsr.. _...«rs
others ts-nl un
. opp.»lt.K the rtudent... 1 about nine ir
........ .. duesllon.
.. presid.nl
.- -..................
prraented Uanas s credentials
W<.||s.|( rttid. a slm-cre frt.bd vf blmet-1
^ Guerin, lit- pn-sideni. propo*ls«S one man wai
remainder of tvh< niuurs term poimker alllsni. while Cane
oo record, for;
y,, bomrtwry i.ivaidei.ry be ivns Ably fatally Injured A number of olb-;
•acerted his collvai-ue t« the d>-sk where
*..Ut stairtarJ.
ferred upon M. Ko. hefort and M. Dm- | «n had an almost inltwrulons escape.
Tice President B isn adm nytvrvd the lb.Hertnsle
Kummiyifd the p^nt situation
Sunday s
oath. At lbs cOi lusion uf the mumlna
srehrsts tryms to wr.n.-h the l-off';
train JCo-l United tbe Um.bnatneM Wolco.. u-can his address and Impossible to count on
any co-operSUM ,
unu-Semile. ScolBle* l"«'k
tju- tunnel. Hen
al lu conelBSlou be was surrounded
aad'wanhiy eonrrauiicied by bts Rs-
One Gallon
Table Syrup
20 Cents
will Buy you
Brooch Block.
848 Front 8t»et,
If Xou Have Logs to Sell
Corrwepoml with theTTWvvni.. City LiiDitwr Compaoy.
have fur sal^juud.
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill lUchitierytif AUda
Set Work*, Ctrrkgep «xul Saws.
for aale
X,iilcladidK Tvo EngiBed.
A oompU-te Saw Mill Plant
Tbc imDlcr^Uoh hl.l was tb.-n taken fle^ors.un.-ed hU imenll^of mirlnf I M Tl.leUud deuvered sm address de- ; ai.rtn^ »» s loud
-iher mumeol a solid
up and discussed unni 3 o'clock, tbe
Jhr cumnilart..n and _
said that ll | Boundns
In future blnictaii i •“"'■llhr to su|.p..ri the covernroeai ! m-k and l•t>mlor llmherw cstne fsUUK |
boar at which, jg pml.iok sKreemtut^ muhi l«“ r
it bad l>eeb arrant.-d to v.-t.- flusUy *p-' Ik- .-.-nsidcrail, ns. I rhanae the ratio Tumult end fUhis for trie barnerB con . down. Rnsdrr.aster Lyvins and ForelUiu-d, wllli sboutlti*. whtsHlna ar-.i . Rian Hailbew* w-iV caiuchl under ito.
•n the antenaiceiiis and the I'lll. An from l« to 1 to Uf to 1. The news|>ap
sinitiru: ..f the 'UarwelUalsc- and th- - mass of rock and tlmher* They*er^
amondment •Tered by Sp««.ner of Wlswhile U.
>*• Th'el-ud
ThIelMUd pr.pro- | »w,n.takw.
siwn taken out bul I.yons died In a fc
j"hy^1he''MnUn7 r^^er"Irf • '-CantMKii.ilr."
Ca.it1ii:n.»lr." white
'oonaln. provtdmr inai th. ability ou
__ _part
_ of tbe immlsrant either
aiul It Is rot tiAleved Matthew s
rtsnwe.1 mart.e.1 hosume to ll.e pr.vi«.l-*«K'Ortl
‘n aB vlolenl
vioteol speeeh. deckinna
d^-Ur.n, | mindief
- -W.. .i..
,.||| ||v>^ No thpHJKb trains . . . —
«r to wriic should’U- uc.vpied as • i
by ihe'- mT.mn^^^^^
the Oivyfus scandal wM tK.
tbe e..r>.-,|
; ttamnyh tbs-tunnel for several days, as
., ...............
nriscemsnl of
c a socUl revolution by
anlArtMt testof
teatof hlsllterarywasadoptedi
vU.i.uur app.*! f„r 1 metreement
; ’-lutnd uf scuunUrela derdrlni t
- by a vote of «: to 2X. Another amend- j
thiuy everylhldK In older t.»
trattor,” Ths
men* now bscame
_______- -. Ihs family a.vompanyin*.
>e of Use. Austla lUalr.
abJmmUrant rejei-ted under the cndl. 1 Wash.nalon. Jsrt. 1*.-Early Sunday natUnuka. The anarchists removed the
USDS of the bill should be telumed to 1 msmliw tbe orcuiwnls of one of the i„.n sialn-ase aU1hK anes* to the ( Grand H*Wds Mlrb
tha oourtry wh-nte thfy .am* by tbe , Is.se hoieUiwetv starUedby the trtl OBe. m-that tbe .^mnnttee was un-, Pstlvn. of
this city.wHh^ei^Wlih—com|«ny was also aduptrd- I s.r^ms of Ore wife of an Ohio con- »bls to <lrmer>d -Frtw flyhla bspan i itwtqn. of
Ja.ksoOwm this serK vui.
Other efforts were msde to amend th* I yiei.snian.niepr..pileu>rofthebotelwaa:
nround the flaiia hYnally the student*Pb'lb^elphU to Inspect and piwbably
measure, twit lAHed.The hill wa* IhvnLcalled from hi. bed. and Weakln* Inti' fKaw'd th. anan h.sls out -t the ball
PMsed l>r a'vote of tu ».
| the r.sim found the meroh»r nf eon- ; yb* otirsnlkers of. rtie meellna then Jllalr. ordered by the leyldature for th____ beaUnx Ills wife. With the m-< srtsed the Aar* de.s.ratlnc the ball, ami capllol rroundi at Lansln*. They will
t. m( (be DIU B* Pssssd
The bill as passed provides
ImmlKrant* pl^s rally fa|«hle and over
U years of a*e sbtfl be shle to read of
write the Ensllsh UnCuske. or mime
altber ian«ua«e; but a person not able
to read or write, who -Is ov er W years
«r aye. and Is the |>srem or srsndpatWfit of s qUBlIOed tmminrsnt over Jl
a 1^^ Prtsrtpl* loM rtawa.
j Injured; Plbslly the students w^ Tan- |
CWleases Lesaw Ca"wltt-wy«us of aye and cst>aUe of suppurtln*
Washlitfion. Jan. ll.-Secmary Bliss . quiabed ad th. anarchists masters of i Chtea«o, Jan. U-i-fk.vemor TSBMr
•uch a parent or icrand.parrnl.may ac AS approved an Intportam decmlun In ; the situation. Th- mestlns broke up ordered -tbe police Mnatorial »nvestl*acompany the Jmmlarwnl, or the parent .h* homestead land .am- of Porvh-r ea | and the anarehlsla replaced the ladder . „□* rommiiiee to (u to SprinyAell
or mndMrent may be sent for and tJJlk-n from fti* NS'susao fand district and Invaded Ibh tribune, led bv M-; Ust ni«ht. and the committee wrM.
come to Join tbe family of tbe child ar wi#et.n‘ln. Id this cake the prinvlple i OurtoU BourtshU.s a r«J Aa*. wnd^all
resuurt It* work In Chlca«o
CTWndcMId over U y.srw .vf a|»- tjusUlaid down that .ore secretary of the shoulln* 'O.vnspae* Hwche/ort (W* ' Thursday. The.A'rvemor held three coDfted under dbe law and w ife ur mlnv islertor la not bound by the ddt.ion upon H.wbefort).
................. ar.d '---Lon*''-e
Uv *oia ! ferencei w>th the Committee, praliwd
, rtiUd not able to read or write may ac V* a predc«-a.or In ..(TIve "her- It >e Tbe dlsturbsmes tS-nilnued. the an- .
wndti. and ur*ed that tbe probe be
company or he serrt f..r and come to aBIrn-attvely shown that mantfemt In-i archlsip .1-v:Uimin* fn
put ^'debperJoin the buaUnd or parent who Is Justice has Is-en d-oie o tbe Uw dear- 'asainst tbe-aiiny and a< v.almins Drey
«ualined.. Tbe set does not apply to ly .-nlaappl rd by •
i fus. Some .
persona .omlnc t- the Tniied State*
: Csrfu, Island of Corfu, tlreec*. Jan.
(M>sUteta<mied by IMwib.
Mom th* island of Oiih# durlns the eon.
I U.—At lb. Unman Catfauilc church last
. ttnuanc* of preiwitt dls..rf*e* there who
i ev.-nio* during ves;ier*. a y.Hin* than
WashlnatoQ. Jan. tk-s*un*ul General
WILD -nttr. ox TBR xniyuT
llAVeheretuIoirta-rn inl.ul-IIsnis-uf that Gudseun at I'ansiu* vsbied -lbe spue i
I aliacked the pr^^ta One. Father
,*|->De*t LsifM«. wa* kblcd'. another
deiofim'eni yerterday aanouiirioir ib-'tola^
, morially wounded, and two other* Were
Msw Who VMM la the N*mUI«wdrowiiliu; of Wjllla.n Astil-y. I'nUed
Tbe senators who i.usd aaainst tbe fttsies c-n»ttl St fo-o. Asiby was Ap
__ • ____
Opposite 8t«lnb«i!^*, ,^hon« 146.
e Interset wqf a
MU were; Allen. Hs>->n. Hate. Kerry. pointed to .•«!.» .miy a few- moOths
si Mflwsabsov
Caflery. Olay. <'>a-krell, luinlel. Gor AlPj, and had b.wn well known in tb's to the stmets, where the police bad ,
man. Heltfcld. J.mfS uf Arkasias. rliv ami Vi.oliila a* a ti-wsidper man beep, relnfori-ed by • the r-pu' licaij. j 'Milwaukee. Jan. U.—Tbe Mllwaukr*
Kenney, l.iiidsay. McKiwry, Hallury. connected with the N’toMlk. Va.. »ew»- ciiard* Al Iv ..'Hoik In the e-venlns ; Mafufaciurln* company. * roTTeiTslIOA
Urn_bi-llc* of student*. Aourtsbime the • enea*ed |n jm- msrufurtut. of bicycles
Martin. Hills. Hit- hell. Money . M-ryan. l>apers.
.. I e. »rth Wllwaukc. msd.-a voluntary
'Murphy. IMljrt. UswUns, Ikwch. Sir*,
H.s-lanr w nrdty T*-*—‘-j '
i Ifl-coi-s an-l shoutln* Vtve U'
Uknment yesterday lu Jesse B. Whltart. Tari 1. . Walthall apd Whlle-SL
WaslilnslMii. £n. 1».-Th- Imiwore- ( prov eeded in tbe dim tier f the
- MillUWlw or tSAsHIKUTUK TAUta. '
meat in Mr* June's condition I* *o .'lan-«luh In the Avet-ue de I Opera. The
.-at Hiat il Htorw announce that she , tru»j-* Viesred the I'la.-e d> la Bept
Asms* OS Tmte* with Both Ksrt amd Us.
11 be mtlr. !y out of danker ao.l able ' ll.iiie and . harped the Jaalle* of >i
iillTr of Chliw«M wanutlt..
1.. sit UP 111 thrW «.r four days. They deniw. A larye force k pr*i-.-tliis i
- UUln drops of watar
run tbe city OAs year.
.SvarblPBion. Jan. II —Yest-rday wa* have nut allempled to pride- fsr the Military elup. iteveral i-efT.in* were i
Ijsnlel J Wattrrs. of Wla-onsin. baa
Hake no preat dtopUy:
.DM^cl of <'..lumbla day in ili' house. bullet snd will li'.l d.i So for sometime - rrsi.-d. The •leni.'-tielrsior* then p:
to a SMU clerkship In
Mit'only three I-llt»of kwal lmp>wUb<T uniMw ll.eh-.uld dev«l..p that Ue pres- ceeOed. shoiillpk' t-Mnupoes Zols." to been reinstated
Bat litUc drow of p^texa Ink
*«» passe.1. Tbe remainder of the ses- ence -wi^ ittjurwus to the -Injured the tUBce*
of The Temjw. TTie Aurmr ' the p*vi It ..Bice,
Tara tbe tide yotr warThe IJhte I'sride. but tbe pdice
The Arm of Ha<T * PrndletobY bahkMon was devvrted tu further cunsld. ra.
ayaln <Us|H-rs.-d them. Near mldnlKlil . ers and broker*. Nrw Turk city, has
UoB of the m5u> appropriation blU The
iSktor TeUew Fever Is lbs Aprtn*
60C student*, led by M-^MUtevnye. rvws- made an *s-l«nrr«-nt.
drhatf was’l-sr-ilcularly noiaMe for a
Washlneion. Jan. Iv—Buryetm fSen- M'mbl.d at the Ullltao rinb. but lfa*> j Kigbl Hon. Charles Pelham >'lllleTm.
Tl*oruu> speeth by Mc<'lclUn of New , eral Wvnsn
1* Informed by Hur«e«n met ulih tbe -vanir fair.
| known a* tb* "father of tbe house of
YoT*. a son of n.-n«nl tlet>t*e B Mc- j,j„.ray
Murray, at Hubile. that there was.*
In the n.-1ce ...me were wounded and cojpmnns " is dead st l,ondon. a*ed M.
■ Oellan. Atuckln* the jweseiit army or- death from yellow (ever at Whistler,
sanlsailrm as ubs<-lrie and Ineffk-tetiL Afu . a* rec-mtlv is eighteen days a*o. ottii-r. sltcFlcl. l.'ltlmntel} M. Mllle- I The eatsle of Ib* Isle, Sensl.T James
I n Fair Insl.-ad of bring Mo.und.eM. U
Me ayawlsd that we were wofully un- A fami esusorred there on Ikd. «.
piTpaced tor war rhould s crlsi* cun* It I* -viTsorillnary' f. r yellow- req-er l-i to insri-h Wore the club ciyln* "Vlve ,hnwnJ>y llrmtned B«urv* to bellZJ».By midnlaht those who had and codicndeil f.ir modem methcsla in cmliiue In the Umiril Wales duritiSq I'.xniree
Henry W*ysrbur».of KaukauoM
•rxanlaatliiQ. equipment and.su^ies, th* winter.
____ _
l•laoc dc :
had been ,rvMi-rvd
the mulbrr ^ tifleen ihlldren.
whlit, tv.mid enable the United Stfsm
irinin* I
r<lp<-ik. Then- were .
P--r-H t'alhsUr* i-raUwt.
r Wrth to twins ivevnUy. 8bv is bOt
-to it)-ei uWemeniency. I^wl* «f WaMiWsrhlngtnn. Jsn. U —Arvon* !^e fesisilons elp*-wh<:re.
tnst.in iiMo rivadc a sisreh thaj^ttrmccsd au.ntiiei in d.-nDnciatli.n M trusts. memorial* ri>—nie.1 in tl.e senate 51^. -i^iidtilchi U. Hlaoo. th.- pref."Wlcfv are 70a goibjr my prutty maidr’
t.~li W-U ofthedlriwli.m
Ilo. ,'i--iA.naUy
.WhUh he d.- lared were threStelnnVjthc terday u.-rc -ih.--r.-m..n»tiatn
■■rm foiiir a sboppiar. kind air.-*ke«aidv
Calh. llc soigne* .-I the Vnll.^ of the ,r.,-n "ho t>tprolc tin* the
.Ubrrilee -» t1,e «-ountry. The conslft^*
•—Millliirv club
thr->uyh ,feivr <rf
, pni»-».
"Abd who (eto all of your vaiuabic trader'
*rt1ij approiuialkm >111 | State*.. .................... .. ................................
...__ ...
V.-.■■meen.-. CTivimimr inmovs.
- led |,ewl*' si»-ec* Vas I memlwrs. ptl.ved by Mr Mnrphy. .”f 1 lro'>'>le
from numeroiw
•>1b« adverttoera. air. abe^aid
U I.e-m.t .If Oakwood, Oakland
tlM festun- .'{ tbtb *cr*l-n and wasquitc New T.-rk. ara!n»t Ih- .-tiactmvni oflhe 1 proviti- ial towns r. i-.iri »llrdMit numlI
' fesiaii-.n* a; Marsetik-*, where th- win•cnsatlohal.
Eng-un'l test w-ek
. do**
dos* of J-.-«l*h
J-.-wlsh ah-<tah-s-wwerv broken.
. Lewi* mn-le
. thing of an innovaGase Uefvev th* HstMe--------‘**—
Nsnlrs (h. n- lUive Iver some alts-k* nearly «.«" |«-und»
tat km by l,iklnR 111* i>-*l;i..n in iht
An interevting legvurv of the proWastingioit. Jan. It - 8e.Tvtahj- Gag* on shop* and the synagogue. Th*
ATsn In froQi of h. eieaker'* rowirtur
hliumlmiut "Uti trust Is a profit
as iM-fore The bouse hanking and cur- Crirs'd re>- v'ed those' wht. were arrested.
r bouse faci n, faeb^
and speaklns
.-.inimni.-e y-st.-rday giving the
l.yone. Jen IH-An enil-Jewl»h »ju- sharing plan. In wfii- h the miners will
*na oil fliuin'-es. and deni .ieT:M-n*ii-.iiiMn look pla-e b-:rvj^OH trusts were in .-.-ntriM -t tne coon- j ' -----; '
elevalon of the Grvnt Northern
-e tbougbt should be terday wlih o.-» of "tk.wn ,wtUi Iwvj’t»T »»* oonitliuied th- -im.Urd band j
« '
heard again today.
vue. Th.- olifiv vd Le iVpl*. wbtek
powwr”’ behind the d.-, r-e*
the ] Aon*, tl* v
ha* gopf-wtsd Z-l* »** aiiacked. bul 1 have handl.d near S.MfiJO* bushel* of
Jf.tbearniy weri It,. I e*-d tb* I
> as. r.taey Al^r AW f Ml Tg.
the staff piAdr H eorti* and drove away ; whntt aln.-e l**t winter,
people would, b* aald. he ju*fti-0 In
Xfashlngt.m. J«o. It-SevTvtary Al- the »tudenta.
Tb* Eur^ Ham* CJIp company will
AsWlrg wbelMr It wa* mn to l-e used
up for a abort tlnw
Harrwine*. Jan., 1'—A crowd of IWt 1 start a factory at Orven Bay. Wit., for
to bATTlcAd* tbe courts and hresk down 1
•nd 1* said tu be olberwiar perwm:* ma.Ie e derti<m»lf»iloo bercyes- : tb* n»ial.lng of tbe clip which wIB be
everythlng that means free.lon^of th* ) inipn-vod In <x.f>dltlun.
lervlaj against tbe Jews. Th.-y cbeer*^ | brought there lb a rough epndtuon.
Bewe^tf it be. It ■*«** to me
■ovenunent. Ms quoted a i-l-gram I
—■- "ir. T—ZZ~.. »
Henry Dunally. of Shell Lake. Wla..
wtoeb he said Hanna had rvceiv.-.! irom !
Oary.citarh*. Bt. BsUag.
, TMoaly pradeaL rlckt-aadwlto
_ "'Tve
hakv.qy Mimillfig
-nve ul
U ! waa
was thrown from
fro* a wagon lb a ronFrankfort. 0«rmaiiy.. rignrd 1., a., .Chicago. Jan. Ik-Coun-ei for LuM- ____ ___
If eoe moald-Wld hie batiaem f
BeUeman as fcdlows: "I congraiuUt* ' gvrt rvceifed unottacr setback yasier- Fraai-e" and dl»pla>-lng tbe trl-cdor, ; awaj-and lay for alKboora to ibe woods
Tf recalariy advertiae.
you on your eleciloB. It i» m-at sat- .ley at th*. band* of Judge GaryAnclher
r ruled that no testlnmny tending
aald came fniffl the roan who helped tu ,.!■> f-Iiou Ikiuls- Luelgert had dctdkro-1
pl».- a mortpsg* on ihl* guvemment j she would teave boroe. prior to Mar I. upon Zola." They g
•f l=no.ow.*«. It* Bua>tei>e* had no iff:, wa* adiMstolSl*. .Surii eridene*
panll-l Jn history save lbs ro*rt«ag* | wa* held by tiie wort to be heamay.
•ent by fonUu* Pilate to th# execution-i and f..r this rvS*on ll was not comJame* McDencugb. a Chicago .jad
•r Ml Jk-iir ^rlat. congtnlulaling him pelvnl.
lyoadftn. J*n iS.-Rleht --Mon. 8te Nortbwtw.ern fralfht engitwer. was In|bat hi* work waa w-ell don*.
Ml.-bael ^teks-Beseb. rhaavetiw of the •taotly killed by a locomotive at th*
Oro»vcnor interrupted lo ask If l.*wls
Paducah. Ky.. Jnn. It.—James E M-r.
Fortieth avenue. Otlcago
waa nwar. that Beitgroan was an ry. the so-enu-d - "millionaire tramp,"
American vlilscti ‘ I am," Tcspondcd died yesterday fiMin the clfe.ia
nr*t terd of,/he trva»ilr>-, 00 tbe
The raia ffeto aU tbe eepdit
The Koenlgen Lulae colliery at GM
LauU. 'He w an um>alrioUc'’AntArlcan fall three w-eka ago. He uarted c«rn- Indian |•aUcT Of ' the g■>vrmmen^•^at
>v -For tito crops of gtato aad hay.
SlleMa. caaght fire and
Mtlsen.-' iAMauuc m. iha ttemocsABc slderahl- properlj-. but It feU a kmg Mancheaier. and f^ld tbe govemmeBt
WbOe the enaabiae dees the gmribf
te«e.] .
w*a d-ierrolted, even at the cost c(
• •
allilon dollan “ '
•rusvenor r*«all«d the fact thstBuRr*
la it'* steady. »mWinp wgyQ vasb^vaa u
ty-flv* others have perished. .
ABAb with the >tedll of bIB house reo60 tbs salanmas'* laiajT to rained
A prise fight Is said to hav* takea
A«Cd lirrshiaMr aid to tbe UnlOS cause
Fer the tood* *eU la the eton.
BaHhg the was To tbla Lewis topUed
place near the vIlUg* of Rio. Wbu.
wMh the stotemeai that RellgMM bad
MATeBport. 1*.. Jaa. U.-Tbc WaabWhile tbe wily adniitlument
Cl*vstoBd.Jab.U.-Th* poUoe stopped between two yuong men between whoa
U^IKii U* lualdsoet from this een- bnra-HaUlgan 00free *
tb* aane-Oarrard fight to tb* Ktt**Btt exlBUd a fewL Tbe men fought thirty
ChaM trade toaide tbe deer.
•nr at »
»bsB b* feared tbs la- burasd oat last eseaiag.
MsaA' Catorsa Mtor gar* tb* EsMMoa
rtsaai tax law woold «mpM hi* to pay tasurkook
to Gaos.
we are Selling
Fancy Dairy Butter
19c PER
Strictly Fresh Eggs
. ..... .... . ... .------- ^
at 19c per Dozen,
Enterpi^e Gfcjpcery,
Th« SubiMof ui hn;icrt»itCofi‘
ftrmea Now in ^rogrot*
at Chictcb.
n&SLT 500 Dta^QATES 01 EAVD.
( ptn* ct «&»t«iCB wUiA «m Vi
•Ft acvk id rvtarn t)> work.
Of thr Mher •««>»* HctW bu «»•
vrioprd <u 7M to (orrcMI tlw fulore.
The Laeonla
Luonla ud
asd Pn>!T«'«
Pcrrirfll a«l
alii »«*«oHi^
ef» ID Mddeford itnick be«au» they I
«« «»»«M
were anzloiu IB while tlvp wearen In ! *■»" uttraiw* to t»K« woi^.^ad *her
• k. Ar,Arr^^,m^r. mill 1 .ewltlon.tlmnle I ***• hddlWwd. to Xi«(ht Wlod. <<)*' ntOM
took matiert iBlo tbeir own bkodi. re- *»•“» tol fualdrn of,0«-^
ywdle- of other deprunenu. Theee
two »tr1ke«, whPe on Identical Intue*. I
will eerie only mm minor llirhl* alone
the Uhe unleoa the »tr1ke lever *row»
and they become the nurleut of a yen
era] f^l in Maine dttea. One °*h»-r|
minor'ilam row
now on
« i. that at Bi.ry«. |
ion, Vi., whyre the Queen Oty min*
ahal down Indednltely |ie<atsnr the op
erative* refnaed point blank to kwept
the reduction
lent wbkh
•load Id tiK iuldJIeot tbeMUaca.
-What U It, fatlHrr' the ackad. and
lake a' cnraoiy vlifW nf the region Imuicdlau'l/ (urroumllmt and note the ptetor
caquu' sttrai-llvriuwF ot il>e loeaiUy.
was an idtwl >put for an Indian rUlage.
tor the tahu wefe pttebod In a uiaimUc
BrtcklayOil<«co. ean. tt.—The conferebee of
fpmt of great maw. arerahadowlBg a
uperatbra and miaera to try to
devoted ycalrrday very Jancely to a smooth and gmlky slope, at tha foot ot
on a acale of aas«i for the pteawbk* flowed the uji|«'ranaksrlteT. Herr
year net at thii eHyycaterday with
,/ ent y«
While aearly all the delegate* la and there a bright flower itfud l(a petal,
2»oi«rator«rrom Ohio. Xa(Uaaa.tlHdbU
The hlnla aa»g*w<a<Uy
the Idea, there la murti doubt a* .to above Lfae gTiwa
aad I’onTiByK-anla, and STt tnlneta from
prariicabtlHe. mainy, rlalmlng that In the tt>-<«. und all the glortsa at nature
the aame f< ur ataie* and from Weal
rlM be IrapdKdble to aecure It In the •eauad lu gind accord.
But to KLiuru to ihccddsf andhH daid^Vlrflnia. pn-rent. The cmnnlitee on amatler cUlee. Tlte matter waa Anally
Inr. The fair StghI Wind listeoed with a
referred to the committee with ln»l
nlea reported, a' plan «f
palpHaUngboari tolbowotdsof her father.
tions lei prepare an amendment
Vy which each state la allowed
"Toukbtow hwift Arrow will retun to
number ot v..i«a-f.ajr-and that the con*tliatloD
con««J>uen to
to be
** mbmiiied
euom.»« for con- nur vlUagn. briugtiui a« token* of victory
acme commiuec be compoeed ot fotin
the MaltaVf utir tw>l^ttan' fuca the SUmlnem and lour opemtom fmm each |
hiyona" mid ihr chief. ^Helanowtbe
aaund Intdt f uf uur tribe, and whoa 1,ataie. wHh the exnpuon of Illinois
the gnat Ucd Pox. am gatbmd P> uiy fa
which ahoold.have .five^delemtea. buij
ther* and Uikr Up my eternal abode In the
happy bi*u:iiig ground, be, Swift Arrow,
.will be Ibo flratchlef of the Ogatalla. ,.-^Imv.aapr-*eni-d rerommendlngooevotet- charged with the murder of t-year-old wbo {. Duw daughter of the gruel cbiaf
mn«i be wile of the new cbk-f. "
■ ■
Percy Lockyar.
irimtclUed •- —'a.tno.ooh t
■ Xu. <hnr fall>er. not" ra< lalmed Sight
yeoterday by Waciatrate Jermon to
.Illinoir operator In aje-ahme
Wind, linking to bt-rkneo. ami lifting tter
aaalt the aetion of the coroner. There
latter rep.rrt .l|. clar.li td'i.e
band* lo pltlfnl entri-aty. rSwtfi Arr<iw
Ji:m baalB and cited ih- !-. *UFe of repr.
aeema llltle doubt now that Henderaon
Isagpwl cdih-tbuthe U culfl aud uruel.
ttvea a* a fair < xample.
brutally backed ibe buy to piece*, and and I run nen-r kive him.''
la-fore Hfe. w-aa extlhet threw him In
tleponorihe MmJmHi. art.m I.
“I here given uiywdemn larunlae. and
Chairman ifertie. of ibe mle. c.'mi.t'V ••Heddi--*" creek and welabled the child Bed Fox aluKy.kuvp. bl. word. "
Tee. defendc.1 the m.Oocny iejeirt i>i down with heavy alonee.
••Irt me gu 10 him aod 1 will plead
*Fhe boy. apparently unronarloua of ■ ^iij, f,li
the ground that repn^iiaCon on «
rehwM-yuU." aaid Ihe tawutj
hi* crime, aiated aloMdly
tonnage bafitr war a danpe-ojn pn-ce
fill malil<ii. clinching at bek father'k ami
trate. whUe hi* father kcnit b)- hia aide wlMi bands Which wife laden with anadent, and would r.aull In ehiiitliiar
and wept u\-<-r and carewed hi* N y. maOMufAuldnntI |ir>vl»u* abrila.
yorlij nthe tniall proilu<"Ta.
Henderson hel evee hlA bo>- guilty, but
-Why do you aid; ihl"'" deavaDdfd Red
of.a scale inmmlltee uaa next lakei asserts that hr U rot In hU right mind.
Bvy frown cnaatog bw ft
Ramuel had an attack of typhoid fever
pp. each stale to neleei It* own dele
years ago and hi* Jalber main*nlea. On demand for a P>ll call bj
p. dtwr father. I Iocs am
atatea the fart wa* developed that onl> talpa that he has acted strangely ever
••His It
one or two delFSStlona were organised,
“]t Is While Hooiwdn ’'
and pKceedlnm wet* blocked. . An »dThe cysa of Bed Fox II
Help, a C«lls«e.
^iirnment was theiefore taken
Rt Paul. Jan. is -The Vnlverally ol
Before adjournment the Wrat
Hamllne. the M-- K college of UlpaeVlntlnl* del-icatlon of miner* wa.
*'Bui be h hravu aud strong and baodsola, has been hampered In Us wprtt
•eated »Hh a voice In the vonvention
•omc." urged Ibn maiden. *'Hu haf bunt
by a debt.ghk-h to wime extent hu Im. but wllhoul a vole.
ed in the fanwt and brought me U» rarM
paired the full plan, of Us trustee*. J.
of Wrdv He I. the ii>..t expert ol all Ibe
J. RUI. of the nreat Nerthnn. ha* noOshcmicQ In Uir trfUAj an cqueairian
The aUtea are
_ _
n the conof Hamllne.
lam sure that be cannot lieexc«lli)d by
ferrarc a* folkwa; Operator*—Ohio. 4«:
that be will el ve S2Q.liOI> fur tbs purpose
any of the young mi-u of your acquaintIndiana. ^I: lUlnOta. *2; IVnnaylvanla.
of raMng the debt, pmvldrd other
anoe. Father. d«r.'I lore White Mist-aC Mln-rw-nilnola. Ill; Obip. M;Pennfriends .f the InatHtill.in would twiae
rylvanla. 4e: Judlana. ST;
Weat Virrnla. I
"Sptwk nolurlhiir." DXclalmed the chief
BewJwwiiB Bwtlrrwfweh'. PwBetwl.
themnlerssredlipiiaed lashim a roncllIn graal wng'T. "You shall marry a chief.
iatory splrti they
Wa.hIngtun. Jan. 1*.—The n-maina
TOBWrrtiw- he ictuma and yon shall go to
Builerworth. late <-•10:
tilings whlcb they.win In all probal-l^sjoDFr of patent*, will be bioughi to bi> lent «> w>m as the gn-nt mfdkioe man
aecoring the followiqjl^^aMilBgtnn toduy.
Funeral trrvice* can perforin the ceremony usual to sneh
urcaskiua lleilre p> your letil. iilraw
thn-f stand pr»-emln.-nt: 1. The abnll- , *h be h*1<l at iIm- Outvh o' the
and tel 11. bt-ar
tior of Ih-scTFen and the esi'ahhshmrnt'ant tcm«rr.-». afi-r which Ihe body
m gr<«* scale v.-lEht. L Andncreaae of 1 wiH be temporarily plai-eil in the vault in rqtanl to Wbllc kluGoasln."
Wlthabiwtybrart Sight Wind allptwd
10 cent* a ton t The InalUutlon of the 1 In one of thr local eem-lcrle* and later
imi> the {irivary of her own lent and gave
,1-huur day- As a oinvilary to the I removed to^Ohk)
berwif uptollx- mud .onviwrul itittUu
V Ihe Saturday half-bultkjOs. White Mo-rasln wa. away on the
iday may be asked.
Alva. n. T.. Jan. It.-Paul Metcalf, chaw- or .be might Lave gone to hi>;> lor
All night the lay
wall] to he a refugee from Montana ooiiifnnlng adxKie
To ihe Aral demand tlllnuls nperaUira
with a tblrtr yeais' s-ntenc-e f.u mur awake un her r<iurh of oofi funu
have praciically acv-did. a* vi-ll W* X
In ibo iiMiniInu «hr hmnidUiam sbnnie
der hangttig o.ver him. was prolaDIy
portion of IndiarA Imt Oble and l^•nrifatally wounded yvstrrday In a deaper- andknew ilmt ;-»llt Arrow and ihevk
ayiv.nls are pmiarrd to Aghi It. in
, at- tight with a iKouce <vf Sh-rUf Mr- loriuU" mciuia-ra uf tbu irits; were reluni
case It !■ found irore pranlrable |o
- Cmth's deputies In a dugout near Wln- lug to thev ilUgiv 'ilubHHjueutly whs b. anl
work oil a.dlfferenual scale, in order to
Vb'-sier. twenty lAII-a northwest of the warrrlr- and ita- shrill Innanlalions
secure hapmony. th- miner* proimae ts
w-bleh neiviDipaninl tlie daurc <ff trluinpli.
I here.
present sUhManllaUy these • demands; ,
but she did noiguonliu join In the tu>
S^enty-Ave cents a iou In the Plus-j
burg dia
I for artwned coal. This l<
Columhua. <
an. 1«. -ftpeaker UaIt wasap).n»rbiugduF\ when she beard
eoulcalent le 6» cent
r Of r
a rustling wmiid oliulde of tbe Mgit. and
basis f»hlo would gel « and Tlllnoi. 7S | ysatsrday apiwdnlvd the committee
Mkod.- Night Wind, are you
cent*. Taking the Danville dutriii as : investigate the alleged attempt t« brllw then-?a liaala. It would give, digger* In the ' BepreaentaUve OUa of HaralUon coun.-Who to It?"
• adted.
Slreator rein* *I rent*. In the Wllinlng- j ly. to vote lor Marco* A. Hanna for
ton third-vein Aeld 61 cents.
| aenstor.
Two of ihe i-omitvliice ar-It to your faitblul lovor. White Moo«Pm-pcar of Ibe Opngt.is.
DemocTals. Ifae-ther three fteiwbllrani.
Wiih a glad cry she sywang from her
Oppooed to thrae demands Ihe npera-I
t-ai i. JL-. ii..k
tors have come to IThlrago prepared — ' '
ODUcb and with art rym and slrwlniiig
Orand Rapid*, MIrh:. Jan Is.-Edwin niusole* wot Uie lioal flying with the .*111
light for a r-ducllon. They will ask f.w
K. rm wa* elecle.1 firealdent of the
$4 umts In ihe'Plttsliueadlstrlei. other
dutrl-ts Im te- ditf-r-ntlai-d ,.n this
rv- mllu. Tlw-lr
ta aut-i-eed Knor I'utnam. who dl<-d •art Shouts amid la> h-wrd nvon-disilm-tlT. nml
' bai^. Till- leal pun»>- of ihU w.-ik I*.
1*hl Wes pK-stdent of the hank whi-o Wbtu- .thscBolii loukul lack bu sow
of cauro-. i- *-->-ur- a • ••iniir-isnbe-..>«•*£
le-fore he was ai>-‘ to one canue llM- agurrof Swift Armw and
a cimpr.-mis.. 1.. be tij l.a^s of 6f rents for manv- year*
(if Bed Fux.
a'lon fijii sr-t-eped eual'in the niisliunc
Aud now whnt wiuTid lirukc on h>*twr>
‘ dleirlil—a n> t din-r-n<->-fp>m the min- Pi*T*1^nt n»v«;nni1
Uwa. the Ihundt-ruf tbccstamclivlMwd
iadU»*w«'XlvT n^oper Pto
If tk- slo|>|sal to mako a lauding. b<KI>-binoti<l. \s.. Jsn. tk—-Bx-RepreIT^b 1
1: «'I»TTU<« MILL* ON.
I aentallv-e B. n'amln S. ll<K-per died aud- aruold be naplunot, wbuma. to owpand
•ummdww.Mild la-infamy. •
WsMtofil SB* rtoswfcFfc— dt-o:y at P.-nnv I
lU tailed to Nlghi Wiod aad Mid:
" Linen. 1 will push the canuu aghtee and
light tW as Uk7 come. V•fitpi-yer
she shinted.' "Ud iHrX; to
yxighl Wind, luu-n. ' hcraireeted.
^liriead dp 1., u-annui be for-t.iU Thfill* .'I buildiug si.aies unx-cred frwm
^TllUi a suiltli-n l.-«p eiie wr>v;tod ibr pad
great cini ■■tk.r.s lu Sew ll-a«.rd
189 I'KuJiDra in the ilate. Tbe haw dle fmm hill hands uiJ threw it far ovir..... ___ ■. of oprtwUvr*
__ i
Xlritl a/Hl Ih-VMmde
blork IS of i
board. Tbo pursuer* niiouted la dKiiia.v.
cr^q.A'’’«m*'Vil d*v tte'7^^
fe«. Ibrbas. ol tbe oolomu ifs'feet Hod Fox lontd hie daughbv and ha<i not
allowud his brwvv* to flm at the flying
belnp at Fidrii-ford. Me.,
"FI*’''- the height of onltuun to' ST.«
TreeMM !• Rattere t'ottea Mill. TIM
Wm l9«*Iee Teat oTTkee—dt.
*rn“d;:;i. .".rwV.H i
purwuas refuacu lo »..r*. thui^lfloliii: loot, sod Uie'wulght 6a.4 tons. fThis
tw.p rein*. an*l.ai l*vxi»ion. whVr.- <m« polylilh. coostroc-icd by the SchtsiL of
mill w-as crippwi t>> too wcat -0^ naj - Mia.-, fnruto a ccpni|gwb«igiTc display
ingom. The general wage r. du. il.m U ,4 ti-e OaUixal Tvw.tjtaw .if the state iu
e.lln.kle.1 to elfeci in.*o i-.aon. in
mabriai. geultodcally aralevui'ttO reills. sllhnugb Uui
'tuuged. It i" a igtapectiag piide to tbe
.h,iv-',.F-vl'-u»lj- adjpl-d ih.- tir» »< ne.i,
fm atone sud fomitoica a comUlc a-ml sev.hil ..Iber* hav- gtv-u n.i- ‘
riJ'-rer for
tler..fimmedtolrrrdur|k.u.. He^- and,
»U djiralility by an.
there .l.wtotiFfact1..n wa. br.M,gtu p. ihv
‘•xp.-nre of all the qumry pmd.'rtHtc- ..f scents and Pwrw-1-r*' ov-t, h' I-V nUuoapbotie uifliwnoi*.—beiraiminnt uri.-vaiM-ew and In must cases | iilhr Ameri.nu.
tb-e<- wen- riitwo- rriecdhC or an In- ,
---------------------------;------UUlr>- pr>illllsi-d.
SmowIbo whA Wlad.
Lasl'nigM found iIm- textile Opera
In some uf tbe Chicago railway yards
>n.i u,-.n .h. Dutn—. -11! d.. '
, • ^nd the <iueeii.>ii >.f ar dMuatriai but- i
tle the entire length ad' breadth of the |
New Bitoian.i «iar<«. Tei ch'cf point
In tilts battle will bt dwcirilee. and I
the Arst command of rygwtuged lainr
thought w-ei: n.gh 9tosci ebedhm^.;
4^'^im*‘b?TltwTJre”L iwn-rf^
-pbolM-ry at the <»». «id llw wmlt.
“lo «• bo mtiMactory. Tbe oompttmtd air-ls led from a power hoBi*
throoeli an ondergrouud pipe, to wbiob
a bom U nttsebed in tbe car yard. Affixed to Ibe tnd (ff -the h<xw ia au inm
nox^o a* long as an ord to ary broom
it. crSmiit, .
h«a*mboot afoot hrundand
*eul. l^ervenllon by t»« state t«.nl of | MAkd with a long Mil a thtoty^OBd of an iuch to width, through whidi
aflWtTntl./n thl* «--«-►
•vs.-nj- imeljbe allowed, and no overt art on the part Imuea the oomptWed air at the rate of
of tbe *(rikeT« uiid nu attempt to open •
ibio feot a minute. Tb* dost doee
mill Is expevlrd for a numticr of days.
not stay long In front of that autrent.
Tbe N-w- Bedford strikers will re
ceive moner fr-m epnntlves elsewbere.
• la Eagto^
but th- sum total will be rcoervnd until
English irtm
inofauturtTi And' no
a ir-.ira-ieil battle brlltfa'On want and
to the rvporu which have roach.
bsrdFhips which, .uv
tbe unlona -............._,«oniIurt
will then
All the New B*diortJ '«S
lu respect of tJie pnanbiUtie*
mill* i.iemed SI bell Uiue rseierday a* j of Edison's prtMtns of extracting iron
Wh-n no help came to light* fttnn iowgnde uresbyeinctridty. Over
t. speed siopp^ overuearu and 4,000 torn of Anerkan ixtia were laud
sooorid hands ptapared to make •very- ed at Liverpool dgrtog ooe week of ^o'tblng anug.' and the mill gates
vember. and the BrltW> pnm is aoktog
9oto-d indeflitiiu-ly The labor anteo* did
bow mneh
be importod.—
IKUs worti postord^ exaast to earn- i
ar..uld aah te turUar Una to <
BeaaaetfkUr a«hnlU*d.
Obo. f. GapiM.
J M. HftenwABTeiJ. W. Pakakn.
Ever Barspd Ortf
M aeyoB kpow
who ha* dovacetf m gacii deal of Mcea-
cxpreMe. hi" opiniem Ihut 600
ten in *0 farmn. the ti&e in tlia PariiiBordeanx oouteat. wa* Pot u* much ftw
a ballhy nnd well tntsed rider. Dr. of eoe tract for tboae alraady placed.
Motion carried by yea and nay eole |
Cbanplonniere ttirea the fsUnwing ddtalla cd BiTteere aodCordaiw'aiBedioda aWhUotn"
Yea.—Aldermen Parher. Moataraa.
durinff the Bcrdi-uox-Pari* rme:
Oreilvek. Goodrich. Coedt. Deamoad.did not cat nitrofteomi food.
(ardle. BeellntMtol. UarriaoD aad
aod th^ w<wc right. But tboogh they |
did w* »i they drank "Wonneo* qttau-'
Suits to Order.
Fine ; Merchant Tailoring.
TfaToitoCtly. Mleh.. Jan. IS. }«07.
naTnagr or BOAkD
tea. bM'f ton and milk. It i« nteleea to
eet during Ttolent ex«vi*e, hot It if
op pcdijc womks.
We do hereby c^fy to the eonnell
of Mid aty that the fallowing ia an aeimpnrtaut to drink, and tf lb* Lidy ia onrate account of the coat of rapalra
in good workmg order las only xewdU on st'ceU and the eonttmeUon tharsof.
of the effort U a deoeaae in weight.' tha aawunt of maf.........................................
katorUi used and the
The effect manimala ia eitaiiar. M. ekpruL* theiwer. and the atroet or dUm
PaiUard, the ^lortsmao, wboxode l.SOO where aooh BUterial wa« need or UVor
kllaneMn In ledayalact year <ni bit
a aae amtwo maree Potnpaune and Merveilletue. rraaat" coastatciap e
ie Stock, relee kWMt.
Importut t« Ptepertf Hidjen!
did nut incrcarc tbeir ration of oata
but gave tbexu Urge quantiiies of green
fodder and water. It i. the nme with
our cydlKf. who race on froif and a
dial of liquid.
'Tl>i.< is tight as regardt the quality
Kdglag tlBtwr foe Sokt ....
of foo^required on a long dUtauoe oootmt. Wbetbtg each a race be bannfsl
|o an ezaeptinoal rider properly trained
or Dot we do not yet know. UillaBbor-
Waisr ‘.or .prlakUag
Work la eepevary
Irito. .ftkto
land, Hulliciii usd Bidlake among Engliab, aud Bicteirs, Iloret. Suqibsae and
Dnbuis atnottg French ridna, with many
man nf rxcuptional physique, but it
miwt bamifni to the malty vfao are imtrained. -» BritlMi
Gnuid Ripids t iDdiiu R. 1
Motion earried- by yea aad ady
othera who liace oonipeied in sueb
raona. are atiil well and hcaliby. iaclad- M foT'ow.:
Yeas—Aldermea Parker. Montague,
log D. IttauioD. who rsc»l about 1R74
and lelu in rix day rjn-a.
Wu smet
watch their carem in tntnrs before we
can lac down any rule. Ottr own opin
ion . in iliat ii doe. no harm to tbo one
by Alderman Cook that th
cfeolar frudl aaowg tweMr-i
.. .
d Treasurer be anthorix^ 1
Medical 6S0-00. totbeeraBltof tl
Water fund..
Police fund....
PrinUng fuad
SI6U 00
Motion earried. -Moved by Alderman Cook that the
two mW diroetoriee of
M. Parhoey when oompleted.
Motion carried by yea andi Bay. Toto
as followi;
Fariier. Grelliek,
HueUmaatei. Garrieua and Jahraue.
Of tba Oitjr Connell of tha City of SrawaraoChy.
Btffulmr meollog of the City OouncU.
held U Oonneil room. Jan. 17. 1»M.
MMUnc WM Milad to order by W.
W. hmilh. Mayor. '
Parker. Menugwe. Ureilick. Goodrich. Cook. Usamoad. Latdle. Boellmaatel. Oarriaoa
and JahraoB and W. W. Smith. Mayor.
MlBstca of laat tegalar meeting aad
of apaelal meatlag* held Jan. 1 Ith aod
Jannary 'itth. iwis. were read aod
Moved by Aldermaa Lardie that the
matter of revising tbe old village ordiaanoes not now applieable to the one
pf the city be refenwd to tbe Commit•iae da Or«
a to report 1
rcguler meeting.
!rr«^*^OraMnapids.Dscroh wad
• ait£p B.
Motion carried
_____ I rTrtirkioa brwack arrive* at II40 w as.
On motion of Aldertaaa Cook, dnly
Leaves a( I -JS p. b.
the iiDdersigBa4. carried. Council adjourned.
C. h. BCUtAT. Anal.
Ml of your hoaoeaA. W. BicggK).
:.L. LOCKWOOD G P.A..Orst>4Ba^
araet fire telsphone polea
CitT Qerk.
aide of Lake aeenne from
on the YTMl
:hth street aoath to tbe alley be.Ninth aad Tenth atreels. )bC8
art three poles west In said alley to the
reaideace of A. W Feek
^ y
Hii'uiuagTciJcraogg Co.
Attorneys at Law.
West Michigan.
to HoeiagM Btacb. Tisvm Ottr. Ktok
I <6
4M: ..
Aiuwnrr aad Oeaaasltor at
S. M..—BBOmx.
VT trattaw to Piwbwte prs
la MenweUto CSe. Block,
ays aod Meant whom yon inotr
to eumloe the bookaof tbe City 7
ort tbit they have
girer beg to report
folly cari-iad oat your
ir instrucUoBS ia
ind tbe books ia goad
this matter, aad fini
ad neatly
. hvpi
kept, and
<^er. and well aad
at they are a credit to
submit. ihai
treasurer, ...
Mr. Wiaoic.
and to the city.
A. B Cook.
B. MoxT*.irr..
-tv. .1 Farkuk
aito wUl suesd proapU)
Ar. 13k BaplAs..
Lv. Elk BaplA*........
Moved by Alderman HoellmanUl
that the re^n be auocpied and placed j
Motion carried.
SeSf <s;
to all day or algkl
R. llOON.PhraeiaB.aBdctoiavaa. M<»
Qraad BasWa,AUah.
unsm UD lOBtmisim l i
I'Twveiwe City. Mich.. Jnn 17. IS97.
7V> thr Mon</ntMr. the Mayor and CUy
riuncfl nf
of Ihe CUy
City of Tmatrt CUy:
Yunr Committee on Fire and Wator
towbODWaa referred the matter of
Ihe city employing Maolv C. Dodge to
:i Lbr City Atiomey In looking
ling up:
ibetl '
the R
and the
cost of said
Ige. reepeetfoliy so’ibmlt tbe follow- t
of M- Dcilge
tog printed report
J.. M. Hi ILl-UAtTBI.
Grx). F. UaKiUmjV.
'Moved by Aldermaa Goodrich that
'* C b^ge be employed to aeatot
Gilbert to a therough
City AL
examination of I
:o. 'i;.Ji?2d'7Si.v*5S52i‘'R2i*^"i{i
White Moowsln arid Night Rind stood
■tot In Ibe nnoe. dinging lo >w;b miwr
and wu-.iitg ot-llniirv to tbe iilil dilof. A
gnwiiol inhnal le.-onr nmapvl Hrd Foj.
At that t-onm-rn bis own canue was
■nfoly grouiHlid. JIi- saw hie daughter
and ihciintjA.iPI-<l Whil- Mis--n><'i whirl eil may be well inf >nne<l as to U
Btaiua thereof, geseraliy, and eapeci
in refereoue to .the clanta reiativt
arbitntioD to determiae the ralne
of hb water works planu'
JaiK- rifevs
■ -Moved by AMermao Ba<dImAotel to!
Ahbongl>4lii «ii.:iu.r
amend the motion of Aldcrmnn Good*!
nm-Ul>ivd thl - null, -r >J
rich thnt the mattor be rufenwd'to the
Inr-r-iil.-U- and raij.erl;
on Fire and Wnter. that
nind aiimTitlng they be instn
i k-thc-. >;hi-n • - rvM-kid Jane ■ trunk on Do^aatoU
■ hr niv-;.>t»p i.r c..‘ji>irnirv) from Isiwuod to ■ervieea aad n
rt at the t»Kt raguiar
Thoriiflri.I «<r> n wrj-er.ln Llppintott'*. BueUng. _
•'•iH-rrvrn. the plain black Ruck whkh.
It aod original BOtloB as
■■thr.UKh Qudk-rlU.-. ar leua bad Ibu amended were duly carried."
rneiltof fltllug Ui a ola'iy. " One rlfwn Jnlins Uaellmaotal. Esq.. Chairmnn of
whltr tm-L.-r. tbi- hiarA stik of wbtob Mr-.
OB Fire and Wator, City,
Fairfax Inst-iieU i»r lu owner on the oc
ir—Referriag to the acUen
casloo of Ixr tirnt cvi-nln'g with Hr
I Oonneil i
Boebosur: Un- b-*t dram of sUver gro.*, meeting of January 3rd. na set forth in
pUrctsFcd for Him Temple'* wedding, and tbe printed clipping hereto anneked.
which wae too tine to bo worn “cxn-pi im Wg to any that for the e^i<
SiitBto i«»H.«i*, ' and the lilac ging- Uoned. ^ ehargw wooid be Acn dolin which she thruatensd to be mar
rs^ev dl
rkd when Mr. i
yras bent >
Icnslng tho eusum of the light novuilsu.
****^4a*lt C. boDOB. ,
Webmravert d«L.omemi^ Him In
br Aldmumn MoMogne that
riot bee, iM vteT-qoeer ones Uu?
___ report
reportt .of tka eommlCtM .be r»eaived
placed tm file.
.. .
Motion carriad.
Eyre" must be a men. oluce noNrcuuan
■ -Blovk-
IwqBiTv e« Oval WcoS ni»fc 6o- tft-tt
L rtwr-rw*^ Ar'-r^
Baroas ol--- '
Xwv: SarpstroTR;
WWOK BBMT—1t>« 1
K. Al^
buBlBdsd^S^^lwr £
old VC Ibe jaras. tavw
wooM arruy a lady, in a motnlqg g*wn nt
■ky blue crape i^d twist an axurc rani la
her balr for bnmkfmt—but I must oonfem
that iWs oevtir sevo whM good tbe fins
elothm of thU buauty did her- Certainly
It was tbs ownor of tbs clean whiteitNikv
and whoas
id to gold, shlnmtath on
T -------- ._N beat. ■BiiaUs lor pteassr*
panbw. crwiklag aad Uahlag. ASarce* H. B.
UiikNortapon. na tv*
•EVOB BAlg-tuBber. Ulh and i
f tVaveieeCIvy LBBkerCo. MAX
DrmncU of the t
Pnblle Ligfattisooftbellvealeelricare
llfbti <
iMBTid at* BwvVmsmeetingbeiilai
'LTJL—.Honey to Xd>an
Oa iBprcree <aj prsparty-
' PATOKXM * OMOnSB, Attoxnam
B. Uke mlT'inU^aBg
leNa. L mwpaaalj to sake
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