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The Morning Record, February 01, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
K»t Tm^—No. £3.
TlMforlowhUnard which wnppod
io lu icp (otda paatmUj wUl
4«miah>Mther foldoa opportoaltj of
the ctoolM of tbo Boaorr of th«
Vpidwt iohaMtoBt.'’ The ■tom Ufon
Bondar Wtor. rorp bm.
ro relwMd from the ombrooe of
phraa. Ud ropod all
ooUl It bacao
w appaar aa thoorh all klodi of trmfSc Boatba aupaadad for a ttma. The
aleeaHtj of the atom harrwM not raal.
^ Uad ootU it waa laaraed that all traioa
«• the roiAt eoterioc Ue «itp were
aaaaj hoore delated and raparla oMoe
la ataUof that the blrbwa;^ in all .dl. TOeUoaaVare aifeetoallj bloekad ao aa
to impede uafUc of all klada.
The atare doe bara from Old MImIoo
to tha afterooon aaa the roada
bad that to attempt to fo baek woeld
baea OBlaba.
The ataya boead for.':forgiport a
la reaeblap :
wba forced to tom baek.
Tba train oa tha M. A R. B. dae to
laaea bara for llaalauy at »;>» dM aot
Baba the attempt A the Itoa waa
bladkad with drifted awiw.' Tha tiato
from Baatotaa daa kata at 11 a. %.
, B^a the trip, howarer, with
fkw. arrieinc about aoa hoar lata
Tba aame trala left at the oaBal hoar
la tha aftoraooa, bat tha other aontb
-oe;aia« north at «:!• waa alao takea
(to tha C A W. M. the trala from Blk
Bordtoy to tba forae ef Ua ertnd. which
aayyaau Ue tor^rlay aad auffertoya
'wtoy wboaa
hr of eenjacl wlU
Ua Boat terribla acraeeb. than afato
wiu a UadderUy Boaa that
Mood coia and filU
atelmaclaad only by
fihdba who bare haard Ubb. At trot
oma WBtld Utok Uat aOBa af SbarlE
Wfira’e boantom ware Way tormnfitatoooafaaalomof ibak erlBBi,
to aalblar tat tha harmlaB w*11toy «d
are partially beatod bet the celb are
left Bold. Aa there are ao prboaem
new ia eaatody tbe
not ao yraat aa it mlybt be.
you are rea^ to
Just One Kind at That Price; While They Lest.
the remora] of a maaW of the natloar with tha
oommittoa itoaU.
IM-IU FVoat St.
We are
StiU Very Busy
«r E E Olnb Had a Slal^
ride aad
tativa of Ooldvater Sehaol
to Bse* Leoktoy After PubUe Ohary**
■ ti'of Ua 1
B. E elab aad a f»w fri^da aajoyed a
Stanley OrlCan.
Inrday aiybt. and later a
bM baanto^ elly
UUa borne of Mr. a tow daya toektoy up Ua
b to to
aad Mru. Jaa ElUhrtda wmt at Trav. Ula Ttotoity who bart teoa ^t to
emaCl^. Tbs avaalay pamad rapii^ bOBB (roB tha ae^ooL Ha .to atoo
wlU coBaa aad a deUybtful Mma yea- tooktoy afur tha W to Beat Bi^
arally aad Ua ride bofnaaaeBad mneb townaUp wboM eaa^— ----- -—-*
too aberv Tho^r **pact to barn a alnd- by tha loaal i «Ua|
Tbe Popular Shoe Houae
: Gaining in Popularity.
mom. Tbi
yoer PAOTOS. We have a acmplrte
line of Pietora Mooldtoya___
Mooldtoya aad_______
will fill
oil tn^ra pipmpUy, if wa have to work
all BiyfaL
Lut HooUi Excelled All Ptst BcidcnL
MsnnlAotnred Ijy
V^- J~-A.B:TiwA-XrS,
Touhslisr Block.
I am abowiug a few Bicycles
whicE I have Re-Enameled.
Look at them in E. E. Mlller’a
Dreg Store.
Maa; Differaat Styles.
Gives Perfect Batisfiwjtion.
Gonl Kmlw lid Eipet Eainlr.
To Tate Adyaotap of Oat Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
AU Dealer* Sell Then tor
411 SoDtb Onion St.
to begin with. Try a pair.
Boys, we
towl%l to Tat aouias Baeeua.
Waahtoytoa. Jaa. SI__ Todayb aaaMpa of tba aaaato laalad iHa b
Two yeaeral appropriation biUa
•d. that forr th?^a
tbe anny, earrylay
•sa.)l3.«n. That for axoenUra l«ialaUra and jpdictol departmanta. carryiDyfiSl.OSt.tSO. pamed later. eoaaiaUay
of ISl payoa aad ooeapyiay tba attealion of tba aaaato dartoy tha yVoatar
partof theaeaaiaa. After a brief a
: aeuUra aaaalon tba aeaato adjourned.
toeaBoUre ooaatroetad rt eard 'board
aad the varloM parta reptaaaattoy
•arlOM pbaoaa of Ua work, which
Drop^ Dead Toator^ ia Ottto4.
I azpialaad to Ue oanraa of Ua
liar th r*r*tv
SptoUl pMlal M ih* Ucaan*
for Ua oeeMloB
Quincy. lU., Jan. si.-Ji
aad OM of tbe aambai* wm a pleaatoy
It in Quincy, drdpped
doet ytoha by Balph ConaaUe aad MIb
appoplasy today.
Kllha. Beep
^bty-fiea yean old. SeoaBabaroto
IISS aad atortad a dry yooda atofa to
a bonaa bnUt of loya. Ddcaaaad bM
BDPPSE It me. EXLXEBXDBE. boon to aetiva boptoaB oror atoea.
J.W. SLATER’S I ^^ickers?
Heuss foniishlng Store,
One Per Army aad Another Per Exaoiitira, XmyiaUUra aod.Xadlctal
Shnwn for Onhaa Oanao by Xdbartl
OoUaottoa Proa tha People,
apwtel teToaliaaniiL, Bacooe
New York. Job. SI.-Or. BanehM
Snryeoa O^rml of the
Cubaa taauryaat army. hM jnat arrlrad from Barope brtsyiay MO.OOO'
raiaad to Parla far Ua Cabaa caoM.
Afraaioato aaya tba popalar aaatii
Tba Itoe batwaaa here aad Patoakpy TkB btaBt op tbe T. P. s! 0. s.'
ia Franca la atrw la faror of aaeeoM
waa ^ badly btoakad aad ao trala
Anntraraary SBOioa Son- for Cabo amoby all Haaew He mid:
roaehdfi bara from there yeatorday. that Told at
-Tbera la a dMlre that Cuba be freed.
day Brantoy.
daa bara andto'eldek belay atoppad
Tba Freaeh yoraramoot U reatratoad
by drlfta at Mllaira. The anew plow
Tba aareatoentb aBoirorMry of tbe
from taktoy aay acUoa to farur of Oaha
which bale^ at tbia and of the llaa <%riaUu Badaavor aoelety wm appro
by Freaeh Intereato in Bpaalah tend*.
I at Van Boren.
It atarted out priately obaerrod Sunday oranlay to
n the aftoraooa for thiaeity
Iba new Praabj-toriaa ebureb, by tba
laai aiybt yot aa far aa WIUlaBabary. Lodal I'aion.
9ky Hade a
Tba proyrem wm-UbI orraayad by
■ where it wua bloekad
loekad aad at ml^ht
EMerenoa to Sharmaa.
tba United Society, and
A almllar alwaUon proraBad anTtbe brief the biatory of tbe osybiiMUcm SpwUU leTBiNoMiMEaroanWaaktoyton, Jaa. Si.—Dorlay
mala line of the O. B. A I. Tha Uala aiaoa ito inoapUoa. All tbe aoL-Ietlm to
apeeeeb by 8hm (damoont) of KeaAna to leare bare at 11 a. B..wtarCad aU tba city were liberally rapnaaatod
tacky, to tba bonaa today, be declared
.rt^t and reaebad Walton wjAJUtla tbe aerrtoe wm admirably arraayte
Ua wariMat plade to badm
AMonltj. bal oa oeeount of tha 4^
on the mala line wm foread to wa^ M. B. Holley, Oaa Eltoa. Chriattan 1‘at-' raaarrod for John Sbennan. Blaaoa
Tba trato dua at Walton abortly afl0 ton. Boby Oann nnd Parker Pan- wore heard oa Ua
Uka remark.
dinner wm blocked ia drtfu near Oad- atoyton.
tiiae and
not roaebad bore at two
Tba alamanta of tha woWk of Ua ao«'etoek tbia moralay.
Ctaw ware rapraaoatad by a Btoatore Ue ToUar raaolaUoo—yaM lU. aaya
. waUtoy.
Tha jau ia Gold.
Oa'acooDiit of tnmblewith the teller
to the JaU telMlar there baa baea a
aaarcitp of haat which baa
eoaafderabla iBeoareBleaea to (iberiff
atwAltoTBI liOBBBW«aC(«h.
Pappy Soft and Xlttoaa.
BarUayton. Iowa, Jaa. Il.—Abe
< ew MiiuM.
Tba City Book BUwe wanb n family ^
Stormer eoafcaaad to tha marder of of*-----Approood aad Cm
pappy doye
— and «
Uf. ranny Barbara and bar daoybSltaad Taatorday-Ka W1U Taka
1 taUa of the erime. Ha Bye be oobbIVTbte Boraiar A. V. rriadrleh. who
'tad tba.daad Soaday ntybU Janaaip s
baa praatdad orar tha ioeal poat oSea
Oo.. fts Front al
four year*, will re^jra bU poalUoa ia He billed the mother 1Srat to a oellar,
then anttead the hUle yirl toto a bpd
a.' W. Ka«^ who wUl Uke
room abore aad aet her throat. Wild
Mr. Baff reealred a
ibreau of lyooblnyare hoard on all
day from .f. L. BrUtow.
aidea aad the atajor aaBoanoea that tba
pMrtb Aaaiatoot P
ity jail wharf«to*4nar la aoafinad.
BoUfylar Aim that hie bonda are apb yuarded by armed men who will reptorad. bia oOBmlaaioa aiyaed aad
ebt aay attempt at lyaehtoy, wUhbolaathorizlar hlBtoaanime tbTdntlB
of tba ofilua atoaaa. Mr. Prledriah
baa ererythiny ta ypod order for tab
ao that Mr. Bmfl wUl atop to
LADIESaad .coatlnna the woric of tha yoroM- Bat Mattonal 9ai
aUe OoBBlttaa
meal witboot oonlaaioo. ' With h
WU Oonaider Oaaa of Barrity
in the aame capaeli
. of Pannaj^eaaia.
Mr. Baff will kaow jaat what to do and
apwlal u> Hoauae nauiu.
there will be no iaeoaeanieDea wbatWaabinytoa. Jaa. st —Chairman
wbiefa .b aftoa the «
Jonaa of tha democratic aeiioDal camWe Have a Complete or ,ai tt. dennbie .tfini in Mndin
there b a abaaye to each aa 1
mittoaaaya Utara b no truth to the
Underwear, and Hie Prices Art
ataiemeat that he baa remoead Wm. F.
.. . ■ Assortment
Hlght Uia«'. Cbildmn’. ud InHarrlty, the Fennaylraala member, and
^ts fityles are alao abown here. We are.atill offering great
aabMHntad a man dealyaatod by the
aa bbaae-:
-Jonaa aaya Chairman Uarmon
IHralUny of WUUaB Walter, Waar of tha Pennaylyuta aoBBittoa and
I» aatlqne oak. aim. Bab,>mdple>
Ssttoea Bay. TolaUy Daatroyad
of the committoe. alao a' o' Maboyaay? If ao wa caa yiee yon
by Fira Taatarday Xorntoy.
aumber or
of t'cnnayivania
Peonaylvanta damoeraB,
damoeraCt, ^ flatoj
dik»i. tedroam
imuvom auiu
sulU meaa,
meda. wnica
oBariay ihb weak et low prioaa
SnUonaBay, Mtob .Jaa. Nl.—Early
illy iaeltothb morntoy the dwelllny of WUlUm informed tha aeaetor of the aclIOB of
Walton, one mtleboattaweel of here, the demoaraUe oommiUaa of Fonneyl- «A. They are tbe beat value for tba
totally destroyed by fire, tocladtoy venla. nnd anld tha mettar woald be money wa bare oror aold, and will fit
praaantod to Sanetor Jonaa to an offi op a room aoaUy. while they are aa
all lb ooBlaoto of faraltore,
I Qnr siloes stand hard knocks beV|
nactal aad oomrartoMe aa tl
effedte. eloikiny. eto. It b tboaybl cial Banner: aad all papern and
- ii
panelre aata
laid before him. J
that tbe blau oriyiaatod from a dafeet-
f^ly food time uattl It reaebod Iato*x
Obarted by O. W. TboBaa With Herloebea. la Ue moaatlma the atorm
lay Stolaa Soma Plnah.
(fpw warnaandThe trneka oontlanad
irrivtoy at latorioehan aboat i Yettorday afUrfaooa Uodenbariff
to fill. A^viay
Aabtoa arreeled MatUa Wade, wlj^ b
« p. B. it ooald yat no further,
ferta to aaeara maa to balp aboval ebaryad by Oaoeya W. Tbemaa with
act wen «aatalllay, aa tbe atorm waa baTtoy atolaa from bb fomitara aton.
ao aarare that raaa did not aara to on Cnlea itraat laai Friday, a plaea «f
pk«b. Tba wartaat alao
brara IL At bwa'o’eloak thb
toy thar« waa no praapact af itb aamad Sarah Ayarn, but Sarah hedrd
yattlny oat before mornlay. Tbe tbe officen ware oominy ao aba dbaptrala which left Sraod Bapidi at » pearad.' Mattie waa takaa toto eoa.
Valoak toft oa time wUh oae of tba tody, howetor. aftora ebaaa la tba ootbaarlBt aayiSB of tbe itoa attaebad aklru of Parawood aiar Bonybey’i
tha rttfular-loaoBoUva.
_____ ..
_ train
hill. Both woman bad beard, arldeatwaa oaty .a abort,time toto «t Wbito I >X- toai they wire waatod aad proOosd bat eepertoneed yreal trouble I pnred to clade the oSeen. but Mettle
nbb aide. Of ooarae aba.oouM aot waa takea aad todyad ia jail,
i^ea thU city aa loay aa tba olhar waa ‘
«>7 and AffiMd Bant tor OltlBona.
. bat tba traeka rapidly filled -with
dtrilttof aaow and aa attempt to* ratara
' to Elk Saplda w4a fralUam. The ttaia ira fioa. .There waa a bllnard at tbe
waa atallad near Aetna and two enriaaB tlma of (be fire and tba ptroay wind
were aaat oat to brtof It baek. Tba Bade all efforU to aare tba bnildtoy
BMtbboaad fralphtleft all r«fat bat aad contenu fruitleat Tbe family b
. wmporarOy. bat
all othare tm all rdtla ware caacaled.
Tba alMaUoa oa the C. A W. M. waa they «HU be nWa to replaoeUeir dweU
aerioaa, aa It waa ImaoBlble to yat lay aa aooe aa tba waathar will parmiL
The bnildtoy and c
tratoa althar way from bare. -Tba
•arad to tba Farmase' Malaal laa. Co.
___ train which left (trend BapL- ,
to tbe mamiay waa delayed five boon j The loaa m> Ua balldlay b SMIO.
at White Cloud oa aaoecatof the block
ade of a loyyiay Unto for Mnakayon.
After iuraleaae the paaaaayar made
Erwy alsbt whaa tbo wind U atrony.
nad aomatlBB when It ia notbtay but
,a yeaUa aapbyr. raaldanta to Ua rlclnUy oj tba jaU are aatortatoad w'tU
the wtedBlU OB tha JaU rrooada.
wbteb la lataodad to aa^ water for
iba ^a, brat doB not. It ia all ratr
mOAM SAOLT 9ADTSD JJn> aatortatniar
oee stu aacoatoBed
itoian An> xulvobxxa.
to tha DolBBaa. bot the
would reaUj Be wllUac to aapplj aU
' VeTmisiTronVortb Or Sooth Tm. aorta of oU if tha eheiilT will oalp »«u.. p™. >.. O.U..,
Settoad Child Xato a Bom mod Out
«M«»r-OBa Vrom Onad Sapite ellab to tha dicijr bairbta of tbi atrv
Har Thteat—nxaata of LjBobtor
StaUod M lawrloehM-Uao.OlMod tai^a^Baka the BiBiiiirp a^aa>
CoBpal ao Annad Octard to Vatcb
»atwa Hwoaadytcokoy.1.ash- tioa.
Brlaoo TTbara MBtdator kaCoofiaad.
ovficiAx. FAram ,
fUNNIH & ur GO.
la good abape, bat we esa eop^y
yoor waato for eome tknf to oomck
aad are Anxious to
Lower onT stock.
Aad are offeriag aome Bsrgsliis
which yoa will do well to take adraaUge oL A choice etoek of
Bakery Goods always on band,
and we weald not bare yoa loae
Bight of tb^ fact that the
ia the bert, Md that it will pay
yon to
a aack if j'oa hare never
Oor. 7«k ADd UnloB Btrests.
213 Front SL
BaltUncra Stonk Saaafrte TlMa Timm a #aak
Salto M—*1
FlaMers Oyster leRat aad Rasturiat
To aU to make their purchaaea where they think they
can do beat. We wiah to remind yon. that OUT Store
i| the place, and a trial N^aat^yom
' TH» it»samma jawo«D, TUBSPAt, tmtoam i. i8«b.
TUyxuxoirr. ■ xiomw
k. T. *Af»* Am J. W. BAxnai.
J. W. BAxm. UlMr M<t Mamcct.
kr MUi.
•A u tto r«
I’wTaqslwrMaiUjritkubeAs tb«
tor tr«Mai7 taulc
priTBtc enmluUoM •< teaki
. 2*ke pr
> y^WlUln tb*lr JoftoiletioB. »t estra eoa
/ yuOoc trocD saeb baoki ai for uy
• -J
tkeU WOMBU. ThU pnetio* kw taMa
AkoUabad b7 tke MW «oat^U«
tb* «m«cy.
wko atow*
tl*t k« kelSm* tka stoppa«a of iba
ynwttea will rellera azamlMra (tmi
M7 aupieSon tkataacbapactol amplajr. Mat «aa la aa^ Wa^VAact tka alrieiMaa 9t tbalr offieia) detiaa aa airpllad
to tka baak* uodar tbalr JarladieUaa.
Tka action U ranerally oomwaoaad at
aaanUbla ana, and will ba food (or
tkoofkt far tbopa paraoni wba alwaya
taaiat that tba aatire Kot«n»aat la
nparatod la tka Intaraata •( tka kanka
«( tba ooiwtry.
bla Array od la Vlthda Xoax
moacb Of Cuba.
Waabinrtaa. Ju. SI.—Tba I'allad
Btbtaa BOW baa aaaawblad aaar teba
4ha Btcal forsidabla flaat of warOlpa
that baa baea r*tta toyetbar in <nr
baata watan tor naay yaan. 1
pitota tba Kortb Atlaalic aqi
of Adnlnl Reard. aad
' tkadfhU^poanraf thaablpalalUaa'-bMadlatba
ThtoftoetwUlba nlaforoad-by tba
topada koat/Koola. Tb#
oakar Brooklyn, almont etjnal'to a
tetUaahip banelf. la dulay oat at tba
• Slow Tork nary yard, and U expected
«e aail tba Uar« -tUi weak to Join
dAnthnl Bkardb dqMdfoa Tba cnabat Ba^nua aad tba tralntay ahlp
Jhaax an at Part Boyal. &. C., wiUla
Maine, batUeablp: toaanra, e.60r>;
apaad in kaoto. 17.«; ogcan. aad
JM: aaia battery: 4 lO-iaeh. B B-iaeb.
Iowa, battlcablp:- loaaaca. 11,00:
' apaed In knota, id; oSom aad
Mb; aala kattary: 4 u-laeb. es-iad,
. d4-iaeh.
ladlaaa. batUaahlp; toaaafa. )Q.soo;
i^aad In kaota. I&.M; ofleefaaad
4to: main battery: 4 is-lneb. « tt-lneh.
bUaaacbnaatta, battlaablp: toonare.
ie.tbO; apeed In kaata. IB: officara ud
MB. 4BS: iMln battery: 4 is-taeb.
pdaeb. 4 B-ineb.
Texaa, batUaahlp: tonaare, o.ioo:
jpaad la knota, 1?: oAeM» and ma.
J»0: main battary: t It-laeb, S B-lneb,
Bew York, anaotad crniaer: toaaac*.
J.SOO: apeed la knalf :i; egeen and
paan. BB6: idbla battery: e B-lacb, IS
Dattoll. naarmorad crniaer: tonaaca.
A.OOO; apeed in knot*. IS.7: oSeert aad
jaa. trii mala battery: » S-Ind.
Montyoeecy. naarmored crniaer: tonMfa. S.ooo: apaed la knou. IV S: ogearaaad ma. m.'rnaln hattoiy. 9 Stook.^ ■ .
DnpoBt. torpedo beat; Unaafa. IM;
apaad la knota. ST.ft; ogoen aad
Oaablnr. tarpado boat; toBaaca. lOS:
apfsA la kneta, XS.^ omton and ma.
try ahoaU kctaf at taaat yanaWaaa
aatmjb to laat oaa yaar aa4 a hall Oa
tka “aalaUa*' they will aay that yaa
aaa bny awytkinr yon want koia at
naanitalTlt prioea. Tba tapp wko baUaaaa aay aaak atafl ka'a tool, aad ba
wfli ba ftay laaky l( todoaa not “laad
tba riTana" aarly la the taU. My a4rtoa toaayooa wlahl^aaooM baaa.
it to auy away (roa tko Kloadlka
Tba boa* U MW It Ui halfkt, bat by
next fall the -bobMa wOI baae barau**
aad tkara will ba baadrada of paopto
laftkaMwItbeotaxiaayarirrab. Tka
ann U aUlbla bara la tba fnlefa for caUy
ahent thirty slantaa aaeh day ad U
r w far annth that by tka laat of
Uk Mtb wa wUl not aaa k aU. Oaadlaa an l.M tmeb. Wa bara only a (aw
latt. to we only naathaat to aai by. aad
tkaraatoftbatlaa wa kaopoaaof
atOTO lida ofl. whleb ytna aaon^ Ih^t
to aaa to pat around tba eabin. Doga
taka tba placo o( bann ban. ad a
rood taaa of aera or elrbt will kanl
bait a ton. The aatln dofa an laa«
haired. They oanoi bark, bat bow)
lika a wolf, and an cailad nalynataa
Sotaa o( tbaw raaomble tba wolf aad
aoma look like orar-Knwn foitaa Tbey
an rraat tklaaaa and will ata^ M.vtblnit they eaa carry off. In tba wintar time tbay an worth from SlOO to
$IM) apiece." -
r mad. o^^ M
Tka Hiard al Bdaaatia wQt aMl tka
Tw A Ck.>a Ttk adininm, tofatkar
a «f W. J. Bobba harmed
..J tka baUdtnr (keraom. at private
olatortTBO. rorlartkar IntonattM
oat and wbUa tka An wai
A. W. RKMum,
CbIBf of Polloa Baania diapatnbad Ed. ,pply to
Hardy to tba aeawi rrlUi a hand chemI'-al enrtna. Wba B<L arrHad ikon
be found that tka dapatmat waa '
a J. MORGA«,
Hack, Bns and Biggage
Giro na, tA. pira aa tba boy arbn
ainpaai bia vortl fir bia oooapatla
what it may, balaaqnal laayof tboaa
who follow the nm'a aait Ui sUat aalWhM la Bead «f uythlag la tb{a
_______ Ua wlU do mere in tba
Una remember thia it tha place tn lava
time, be will do It betn-r. be will
eeT-wa One ii aaam-ly aemdbla <
ykbrordaraaadfat prompt warb.
tigoa wliila ba man-hea to mnaia Ike
UatUfaettoa ynaratasd or M ebarya.
very vtan an ftiid to make bannay aa Lava yoar mdata at aflka or call a
tlx-y revolva in-tbalr aphwaa Woodrpwa U tba atreatb
alb«eth(r pan eaIraUtl<m Ita powera of
andoraace. Efforw, tu be permanvatJy
nirfiU, mnat be unlfamly joyoua—a
aaafalnr. gnnfal from very
yladiiPia, beanUtol hcaaaa brigbl.—
Philadelpbia Metbndivt.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oon-pood with th. T«™r«
I—>«» Gompu;.
"We have for aale Good,
i^und Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
. Short Maple Woo(k
T.jajSn3B E-os SAI.E!MiU JUchi^O' Pf -ll dewipUpi., iidpding IVo Eogi»«.
Bet Wo^ ChTTiaga and Saws. A complete Saw Hill Pint
'Phone No. 3;
Trnrt iaapplWlwi^ UiaconSdo
in a peraa Tbevdtllereaoo baiW'
faiib and tiiisi may b
ttdiion. ll la (dent
Clieas Casli (rrocei?
257 Front Street,*”
twaawv^ct UeLdiajaAxOcaWrUaa-
..rLtira*.-!* ______
Tax XVXOBTB or pttbiax.
la ruuiKoWd with baUariuy. .fievila FlU UM g rlKJ IM StipM CTIQViK
ma.r Ulii'Vf that then ia a God, Imtl
ipin of Jra ■ balkwaa
on Him
Hay Appllcatwu for Hembaiahip only dliriplf
onto vverlaKtiny life. We ballave a dn.-How Bandy For Baaiaam.
rram Laadlay XaalBaw Hao.
trine; we irmn a |irao(L What wa beTnreraa City Lod^. No. T3. la n
Uere aboot Cfariet ia « tbinir. what
lay a iiii i iaafiil eflort to nnmbor U lu wa tract in (%rim dor la aother.—
laambenhip laadiar bwlaaea. ud Chriatia Intemftacer.
profaaalooal n>W of Ua eltr. Than la
Far tav PabUe Oail
now a clam of tu belay put tbranrb
Zeal tor tbe pdblio gnnd ia (he charaad a Thanday erenlny tba laat od
acteriatle of a tiiau of booiv and a yontba'elaaa win ba r<r«n
B^od r
Uctuo. ad moat take plan td pieaa>
After that the elaaa will nealre the nm. protlta ad all other private ymtithird, ad at tba followlny meellny BcstilouiL Wboerer vranti tbit niotiTe
BMtber data of aboot twenty of Tnr- ia a opa aumiy, or a ingkrioon
ene Cilyb bnt ciUaena will take tb« naotw to maldwl. In propevtion u> tba
work. Than la work ahead for aboal mimpplird airirutaKea with wblcta nnUm Boaiba. Tba lodye la yrowiar torv and fonnne have bleosod him.—
to ba eoontad one of the beat In tba
atate ad Ue atln new aet of aafnif■rwU war ChvM.
ieut rohea neanUy reoaind an aa Am
*'3be world for Oiriat; tba utia
aa ay la the atata. The rnad
rObriat; tha family for CbriK: mybainc arranrwl tor tUa month wUl ha aelf fcr'Cttriat.'' wnnld be betnr if pnt
ana of the kaiinant aoelal arato of the in tbe tnrened <atl<r. Atat “mywdf ftw
yea» and U u beidy looked forward to Gbrial." toa tha family, tba the na
with yrat piaaaore.
tion and tba lha World. A aUU battai
order wonld be. Chriat fm- mo. Cbrin
JohBAOB Block.
TkOBO 78.
for tbe family, (fariat f<w tba nation
and Ckriat for the worid.On Wodaoaday eratoy. rahraary «.
Ooaaiy wUl appmtr la
L. Ooa
Cl^ .Open I - aaa In Uia Hlyb aehoo)
la a
A oomiery in rich In aadt a dagne
aa iu ebitdra are •trany In that which
Which win ha oalqoa aad Mtlraly
la thu city. Tba Oetralt rrea Praaa amhea (or ri|rbWr>nanw and troth, aad
poor, however mock <d land aad gold it
neatly eaUiaad tba foUowlac p
miybt ptwwim. if ita childia iaek
at DoUca:
tbeaa cmalitioa.—Ohorcbman.
“Boyi 1* Coary aaurtalaed am
hmdred people in. the lactnn room of
tte Centra] l‘na»ytarla eboiU
Wbeo yon want to take a r^e
' Ike world baa hardly beeu to ap-
E.W. Bastings
Real Estate
Fire Ipsurance.
Muney to Loan BlSIlte
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
rUlayen an enppooed to ba lath end
U the gnoarj of a Mala# VilUira aad
Mr. Canary Upanaataa the diCenat
charaetera. Bia
elerariy done. Tbedlaloi
with olaeer atorlea aad food iokea.ad
thf adlanea waa erldaatiy blyhiy
plaaaed. Tha aaterUlBBent waa ahdar
of Oppartanity Clrela of
tha Klnr'a Dancbtera.
Marrla UwlAUftyaumday Aar Deti^t to etolt friwda.
Mra. F-. M. Aabta
party of frleada at whist iMt oraaburHerbert Joynt drove to Omana yaatatday to attrad tha marrUye of bla
ptw^iate tbe valoe of parmnahty m a
adnoativa fira. It aptwadataa brick
and mortar, booka and Inattnotion qaita
aongb. but penonality not aaarly
eDOBlL—S. V. Oofa.
Traoia Olw Hatkst.
Helow U a Hat of tba bayiag aad aalllag prleca of yrstarday far grocarlca.
provtooM aad Item yodanla in Tnv-
OCoar Oragoa wm naUAif yaatarAfly poanda; oaadlaaaragiu or bme
day aftoraaa of a hnea whleb had
haa«.a«aadlMI fa tU aUay baek of Ua
la gl.M par pound.
gcld-aad any aa tomlag to this e
Alao a lot of ike very Aiegt PArf*
land cattara, two utd tbne seaitcd
sltolHwI out fit yon ont with any kind
of a tampatr
PfODGsr IdWBcy
M.. thlaeralny.
The atreat anllphts were oot atrala
laat nlykt baaoaa of tba aevan atoha
which ereaUd damate to tha wine.
it of tbe meeUny of tha B.
A & M. tolyht tha meeUar of tba nut ISO EATM or TBAtT
Xaalara Alar wUI hapaa^oaad nntfl
farther hoUM.
Anthony UraUiek baa ntoned
Am Tenac Ha TaUa of. kacdAipo Datroil. when .ha went to laapee> a
•taam barga whinb ha U daalrou* ^
, to bo Sndnrad by Oold'^
David Hiaber drove over frnm SnUou
William Baaohar. formerly u ampliiji of Iba U. R. A1., and well known Bpy Sunday might with Mvaral travel
g------r nllroad man in thia city, la try- ing nuu, bat was haWa to ratara yaaiag hia fortanas in tba Klondike gold today oa aecoant of thaatorm.
^Ms- HUfadiorrMivadalettartita
The cSlmaay la tbe baUdlag oecm-him -• Bhon Uma ago. dated-from Dhw pled by Pater Uoadraa'a City BaaUaAm city. Nov. IB. IWT. .A aynopaU of rui bamad aal laat alghl. Portoiba lattar will ba of Inlaraai
natoly there araa m damaga doaa.
Ba «ya ba has loqatad two elaima.
Miaa Baae Conway, taaober of the
aanaBoaamCiwakbakofbla ab- kindergartm at Oak Park, wa oUed
ta. aad owe on Krayan Craak abont 40 home to rraakfan Hataiday <m am
aaUaa from DawM. Tha Umpaealura hoant of the aariou Ulnam of bar
waa than fi dagraas below xaro.
WM vwy bad for rhaamatiam. fevers
. The Wogu^b Pofriga Mimiaiiafy
• and other things toa’nnmerwn to
aoeiaty of Ue M. B. abareh will mat
tin. but ha had baa pertaoUy WMI aU
in -tha aaw ebureh parton Wadnaaday
tba Uma. Ha haa gnb anough to laat
afleraooD at Z:3u. Ta will ba aervad
aUI tha let of next Jnly.
from :■ to T o clock. dll are ocndlaliy
"i^la MW Mt aaarly as eraty
ahoBi gold in bora M tbay are a tha
Jalia Otahaw. Ua Uraa moolha’ <M‘
•uta^a Hnadradsofmu had to go
down tha Ynka befara It froaa aad
baadrada more vrill have to go ent a Cadar Uan. died at two n'claek yatartha iaa, M they have Mt aooagk grab day of paamonla. Tha fanaeal wUl
to wlaur on. fTour Mb baa asUiag ha held tomorrow at 10:30 tram the
all tha way fnagrt togisOpar&Maf home of J. B. Gray fa that vBlagt.
Sleighing Parties,
The demand for Improved and Un
improved City Property is Iwcom.Jng brisk. Ihave
Two or Three Houses and Lots
and a Number of Well Located
VaqaiitResiiieiiGe Lots
axLLnie pmca.
Tbora'wm ba a reyalar moaUny of
------- -
ratnembef the beet fdaca to go.
I hiW a large open boa, a 5 aeat
■Idigh ha^d a top W AU vary
eonfortabla^ut ''
-- -
—Watch Repairing.
inTraverse Oity that will be sold
At Low Prices
it sold NOW. Odme and aak abont
them, if you wat a borne or a gooA
>- -
—John Verly.
-Frhnt Street.
386 Pairs
Fine Shoes.
/Pingree & Smitli. A. E.
Neftleton and W. L. Doug-
TTFios. T. Bates.
The Old Seliable Bboeman,
Pair Going
. $6.00
Inspect them.
Traverse Wty. Kich.
bMUcMMtbt tan tt Alpboon
lo flMti la -tbe abdp, Adolph bop^ te
an osdtttaiM aigbt'* mt in the mm
above, bat tbe fatan wen agaiaat him.
fraabiJi bed totbeflotr.ead be felt tbe
bonae radkiiwM if anWtbqaakebad
paaed enderParu. Ha got cn his handi
and ksea in a daned ooHlitlan. with g.
roar aa of thoadte in his cans .mingled
with tbetbarpcrackleof bracing glaa
Hr made fata way to tbe window, won
dering wbrtbrt be waa nderp at awake,
and tonnd tbe window ahattmd. The
iligbt poured into tbe daerted
“Bow cu 1 bdp yon W w^kT^w eard In a aeated poalHcm on bis chair,
tyi* bin there widi ooU after coil (d
©work myself."
I anxioi
“I wonld bewinittg tawixk ffaT'iMlb* tbe
Bg if I ooeld get a ^aa to deep and
“Why don't yoB deal? lt«<ddU I
woe kwagiy. Wbat are yon afraid cT MTd. Tbe dalra be fastened immovahly
PriaMt It y no wme than Umpirv to tbe Ooor; tben be Stood back mi
tbe dneta hangry. 'i know, for I ^va garad wllb a sigb at the two grim mat
ed denres. with tbeiK.beads druopiBg
triad both. Wbat U yoor trader’
««7 wbl^ we tmn banaa aamn tbat
at dam briyleady
beiyleedi furward on their eoeded
“I dm a watefanaker and a fird
like alleol cfBgita of
wodemas. bnt 1. bava pawned dUny Uee^ luoklag
ttMbnna «aM. pnambte. law abUoa bnt ‘ tbi dead
loQb. 1 have tramped front Lyona
altiaai lata a »alef>onr wbon
Mtqqdng hU penrplrit«1gow. Adolpb
bcact la UMwltha d«lM/arT«ac»now ratned blaacientlflntoiheiiiacbitte
Picaid looked a^
aaoA «ondii« at Botbific loacwmplWi
that had startled bin so when be first
fnw ittiniitea
■■WfaydldytBaooaytnar' beadmd came iu. He carafolly axambted ita
mmbaniim to •* that emythlug was
la a Ume narrow iniaet off tbe brand
e gropid bis way tfaroogb tbe; at last.
Bae de
Bear the gnat tannlana
rd tbe otnlrway and erent | “1 ww yon we» a IdkHr eoantry* right. Guing totbeeapbaard. be took
bU trutbcir's uue, —.
bnt nan. Frenchmen bare helped me tram np a false bottom and Uflrd carcfnlly.
tf-Mout I'WnaM Mood tbe dodqndk- down, oallinlt b---------------------------oat a number of dynanih- cattridgeafctg ehop of the brotben Delore. Tbe tbe lower imrt of tbo stair bad bMtl tinMtoUoia.'
“Let oa ait down on tbia teaeb. that tbe two sWp rs bud stolen from a
window- waa fili^ with obaap cl«^ blown awav. and be fell niion tbe debris
Freotdi tnine. Tttren be arranged iu a
aad detmding (ram a tied eprtug at- below, lying there baU «nnd.d. mval- Whatla yonr name, smd bow kmg bar^ battery, tying tbim togetber. He raU«d
jo6 Uwti in OiglandV'
•oped in aolforatiug smoke.
taobed tQ tbe top of the door waa a bell
“My uamt) u Adolpb Carrier, and 1 tbe hani'-ur of tbe.roachinc and set tbe
.When Adulpb partially
wblcb niTv wbon any
band sn ihat tbe blew would fAl iu AO
-have been InXondon three .montba."
octatciooHneRi. be became aware
----that? Bow bare yon iklnntty after tlii' toacbinriy was set in
tw« .iiM«wen helping bUn <wt
mhtiiai. Tbe
<l''od]T (xmibitution
emtlunally bdir ia tbe rocnat tbe
be placed ra>: a srhsU table, wbicb he
t tbe afaop, and trade in tbe
in fnuit of the two «lt«-p.
l^bcwbood waa oat bride enoagfa n.
hi' sal down cm a
I'mcanniiiis, .and 1 •J«cp.‘^iT<91 tan.''
i keep an aadatanU Tbe
J- “Wi-il. 1 think 1 om do Utter than ebair {alicaUy to untfit tbeawakrnlng.
! bmthen had wnfcad aniaably tn tbia
Tbo room aras siinaicd at tbe back of
{ that for •ycm. • C-'ime with nicw"
antall rbom Icr- SO y«ara and were re
Phard l4<uk Udeev tn fata bnetae. let theboowunilwre-abuost pnlufallynil),
ported bj -tbe dmUnaal that quarter
ting hiniH'lf in wiib a latcbkoy. No not a antmd fr<an the street peuetrating
eC Piiria n be tsoRDoaaljr rich. Hm7
body wvttiid to occupy ty< plare bnt . to it. Tbe caudli* bqnied low. gnttmd
himself and lguiioiiH'?> Ht ltd tbo way i and went out, but AHulph ad thor and ;
to.tbe top story and Qpentd a dopr that did not light autitbcr. Tbe room was ’
bad plwty of^tnaory for tbeir fragal
ctonmnnicatid with a raom cnHrely atiU <m1y lylf in ilvkuess. for tbo puxm
' wants, as w<-ll ae fnr Cbelr
UrilRtt^ iu'at tbe window, retare of fnniicuro. IsavUig Adolph
•xoeedinBly mild dienpaliaua at tbe
tbin.% Pimtl «'ciit down stairs again minding 'AdX>>^ Ikat it wqs jnrt a
.tMdgfaboring eafa They bad always a
and earns oif shortly after with a Ugbt- 'mimth before when be bad looked unt
little Bimey far tbe chorob aad a little
Mtroet in Paris while hU
ntn^ tor obarity, and no cod bad i-rer
od ewndie in hU bond, followed by Labrotbur lay tnnn)^nd in tbe room be- j
bmd either of tben speak a barah
muiiie. who i-arrlcd a mattresa
“This will do for yon fnr tonight,' low. Tbe boors dragged along, andi;
word to any litibg eool. and lean of all
raid Picard, “und tomorrow we will sm Adolpb ml oa iumovablo as the two
to each otbtf.
if w« can get yon aby work. Can yon ; Mated Utfore him. The aqi
One evening, jiw as they weje abpat
make clocks?'
light, slowly moviug. at last
lost Qlamined
to clone the nboi^ and adjonni together
tbe Kai4xl form of Picard.
“Oh. yssi. aodgoodooes!"
to the 'cefti. tbo bell niis. and Adolph
"VMTwrIl. tilv-omoa U« ot tbe
wnat t^eward to Icbtb w^l waa want*
Pe fdl apea Vu dri/rts brimr.
tonb and msttriali yon t>Md. and 1 wiU
ed. 'He found waiting fvbimaniuibead flm to one side, tlxm back,
IcBDpt iudividnal of annuaow ao die tbe rains of the Miattered shop. He was get tb«n for yon."
repimble tbat 'be at once made np bis -still mpnanring tbo uam« uf bis b«ptb
Picard wrote in a notebook tbe items yawned.-drew a deep bre^ and uied
mind that ben* at last was (he thief for or. and they wire telling him. in a it- Adolidi recited to him, Lanxdoe waUA- tOBtraggic‘Liimniu.!!'' be cried. “Adolpb! '
tbolr new empluy«*cloMly. bat
wboau they bad waited m> batg in vain.
and a What the deril is t^U? T say. berel >
Tbenian'atAld. rovingtye. tliat seeuM< ri^l. allboogh be vugotly felt ^t ^ n«hing. Next day a table
They had
^ te^ayedf'
to Mir^ oBt every ounjer and orauny w^t thi-y «d ^
AtUpb qnleUy. “Db
tn tbe place and real nowbeiv fur langer
L You will wake Lathan a woond at a time, added to Deand anme.ebeeu uf braea.
Picard and Umoiue were enmewhat tuvine. who if bndde yna 1 am bera
kre'a aospiclcata. Tbe anwrury viiltar
m Migi
*' was eridMitK spying oat tbe land, and
en>|dciooa uf tbeir reerait at flrrt. bnt
Adolph fdt certain be wonld do no bqal.
be went cm indnatrionsly with bU task Ul^t la wailing.
(^ing that a crowd mooff in and made no attempt to-ocmimonicete
“Adulpb. yon ficad. yon are in league
DM with bim at that |artlcalar boor.
tbe Mtrwt. kept haik b>- the police. He with nybudy. They wem eew that be with the pnlioc'V
Wbodcred why be bwl uot wwo all Cbean
“No. 1 am' not. I wiU explain every
look frcoi 1
expert workman
nrktuaa and a ciniK, Inprcple when be had liaked oat of tbe
in a muniniL -Have patkmce."
a (nrtive gUnev at tbe door
abattend windaw. When they brought
as given other things to do. Much as Addlph Hi a candla and Picard, railing
of tbe back mum. a saMtl paper covered
him to the Mubalance. be rndated
slowly awakisisg
ling np tbfir rnums and .golDg er- hit fyea. mw that
-'psnal and. nniying tbe atring eaiaego lo his nsdt for beet and otbor iwoeasitiea of Lnmolne waa bonnd like bimmlf.
wbal berriedly. displayed a crade pkoe
asaiiMce. who was Bleeping
LamcHne. glaring at bis partner and
of dockwork. 9i>ade ot bnm HataUag
_________ r____ .._„TBUeft
' - ’'ng wbat bad bappsued.
it to Adolfd) be eatd. “How mneh
faU first maAdolph finiAsd
woald It cow to inafce a docm Ilka ibair' placed him in tbe vehl .
cliinq be took it down to then and
driven away to Ote bcMpftaL
“Yon bave tnmod traitor. Picard 1
hibited it with pordcamUe pride. There
For aeeeial day* Adolpb fancied that
Tbe man beaitaled^ a bMOMBt. “It
was a dial cm it esaotly like a clock, al- Yon have roformed. ourm yonl”
be wfcii dreaming, that be wonld noon tbemgfa it bad bnt erne band.
''Kecpqniet yon fooL Don't yon see
y a part ut a clock,aaid at laat
huuid as tightly as yon?"
“I don't nnderatand It. 1 new aw
“LW US see it w.^." mid Picard.
indoidTinos lifa li
tbe nnna “Bet it to that die bell will ring in
“Tbcre bai beta no traitor and do ina dock made like tbia"
who told him be wonld never see bU three minotea''
fanning. nor netd of any. A montb ago
“It is an alarm attack
brotber again.- adding by way of ocmscitbe visitor, with some ii
Adolpb did as rcv|e««e>) «od Mood Uuigbt. Picard, there waf blown into
latioB that death had bemi painlew and______
eternity a good and bimest man. wbo
when tbe‘1
never bartried joo or any one. 1 am his
is can yon dnpUcate
brutbM. Adolpb Delora. wbu refneed to
It and at what prlaer’
make yoar infetnal maobiae for yOn. 1
*‘Bot why not make tbe alann taaam mm-b cbangMl dnoe th«o. bat p«rcblnery part of .the clock? It would bo
haua now Wtwignite me?' ‘
moeb gbeaper than io make this aad
^Iaw.<art«Odd,''crlad Fioard. “that
tben attacb It to a clock. “
jimm it under bis ccat with- 1 did iiQt>^it|-l waa In Lcudcm at tbe
V. Tbe man made a gertare of annoy- last bim his lifa
When be trad the stteeia of Paris a j
iteution? B6oh a ritape time, lean profit Tbereia no nse in
bm the shadow of j j,
paming Ibe cn«owa
banding me ov^to tbe police, even
“Will yon amrwer my qnetticn?’' be ^ Utet. be
ble former |urtly Mf. Hi-was gannt | ..j ^
j, *mt ahapo yon like, tbongb perhaps you think yon cam terMidgrany.
<1. bis i-lnibes hanging on { and tbinnsr than
mafi taggnr.1
if yem wiab rorise tbia poor wretrb lato lying
bimaail Ibcy bad U«m made ftir Nome_|
against me."
of a clock. In fact. 1 think 1 can g
other wan. a fortnight's atnlibyb.'ard
and get tma
“Prmy to Qcd. wbom name yo
cm tbe face winoii liad always berauv. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
lightly OM. tost tbe polloe yon
tnaygrt yon before 1 am diaiewito yon.
. snspirioB of wbat tbe man was. tb
the piilica. strange aa it may eonud
log blm DKTRlyaUrief and hoping to
however, aomewbat to Tim. is yonr only hope. Ifat they will
fr^ten him ^ this bint at bia own recognlied bun at first They beari he |
bad rcoeived am^e ocmtp»eimn<in from ‘
nenal. Picard. ImpatUmt at have tu cme quickly if tbey are to mve
tbe government and nw n^d hara ;
ig»ke rongbly M bim wh.m
0. Picard, yon have lived perhaps
yrara.<m tbiaoartb. Tbe next boar
and tbiei. with a qnbk tffe. Memed to m.mey«K^h»«moehl»anbie ,llN '^ mumed aad cmlered him to go np
to Ua work. Adolpb departed uf yuar life will be Umger to yon than
imainife tbe dlatenoa frcaa wbm be wWont the nra«s,|y cif w<rting f.w It ;
them to tbeir bete'1 tbem years.'!
stood to the pavemest, ekidonUy medi and they look.-d <m btm as a fnrtun«e 1
Adedpb pot the putuamiem emp la ita
”.See that yonnDdeeeUad thotmatating flight.
, - ^
, chine. Imnnrtna" mid Pioaid. "8el it tflaenanclctartedtoameiftMism. Fora
“1 will eBewhat my bratbor rays iogtb
itb oqnal a^thy. Onui be walked past halfanbonr."
few momenta ita
tick tkk
abost this. " mid Adolpb. Bnt before witbo
• Lamoine. timing tbe band to tbe fig- only eonud beard in tbe toom, tbetWD
A^^ph oonld call bia Icotber tbe mao
are VI im tbe dial, net tbe works in ttioboitedAod was goDeln an Inatant. leavIng'Hiemecbanumintbebaocbnf tbe
quiet tick tic* they drank tbefr boM.
bewildered ciuckmaker.
“Me mums lo understand bie btudAlpbcm. wbon lie beard tbe story of
wos looking tor bis
tbeir belated dpatamw. was even more
________ ________
onuvinoed than bis brother of the dan Uotber. utosn ibet 1h'waa marebing ;
ger of ibe altoatlua. Tbe man was on- for tbe murderer. Un« day be entered \ t^ady etoff tbU Engliab tiiwr isl I wish
mod French Vw».if Tbie
donbttdiy a tbivf and tbe bit of clock- tbe poHop oKn- where be bad first made
lucky fnmplaini.
' '
malNs Be drowsy.
wiek merely aa excuM for getting in bia nulucky
.ve ynn amMid bim yot?" lie
Immoiae did iini ..
side till' fortrw The bratfam, with
nodding /in bis ciuur. Plmrd threw
xuQik iierturbauim. locked dp the esteb- aakid tbe officer iu ebargw
.“Wbora?-'-inqniml tbe ofllcar. nbt bimself down cm bw -nuitaoas in
lishuanT.''aod tiMtead of gotiw to tbeir
of tbe roexu. imtnoiac. wbai be
Bsual' <-ufi' tbi-y lietisik ibi-tuselves^
“Piuanl. leui Ailniph Dclnre.”
fell tnmi bia ebair. mnUMod an taih
S)ii-<«lily ;i. psnibU-to the Iifib'e of
and lay wben< ho felL
poliiv, wlM'ri''ilii-v told thi-ir snqilpoos
Jkn bunr«.laiM ton door Mealtbily
and gave a di h-ripiiia of tho sniipomd
.*tipwnd.'and AA«iph'a brad oanitooaly
tmlprlt 'ni.' ofUis-r
^ — timeaodistb.v«;ia«lL“
"I^rbBiw 1 oonld help X «» ffidng to!
naming hiIguewd by thi-)f story
Kkm. WiU you
yun give me Piemrd'a
Picard's ad(b, ,jj^|
aiktil «^rtuH>nt
ajartment inch by tneh,
'Before nxiniiiiK tbe man. who gart Lendos.
, hia iTsfiy .^.-s .rapidly scerahlng tb. The (to-iHAf rasa trt< >11 Hrfertaflitv to erg
Us nanw ** Ja.siu. > Picard, was arr '' draaa-'"
"liMeiabbiaddrem. bnt I tbink ycm. ^xnn aiid filling with malicions glm
«d. bnt the antliiiriti.-s made little
bad b^cf liaive toe emse alone. Yon do wbt n far mw ibat rveey^^ing was a* be boond man aurlBg wUb wM« opa ,
tbeir eeaL .Adoliili IMon-swum p
ttvnly that Pirard ami Iik- \isiinr wm not know tbe language, and yon may | tud plaiuiN!. He entered qnieily and at tbe dUl qf the vJudl. wbtle tbe whole
tbt Mtoe person, hoi dm iinauxr bad n< mcvrly aranae bis snspirtaaa U yoa. hi-, closed the «loc» softly befaincl bim. Hr burrar of tbeir positieft slowly brain
terfcte thill, if yoo learn anything j piu) w grasi tSiil of sthmg cord in bia
dUBcnIcy in pravlng dial h.toft tick, tick tkk, toft
band. Apiirnm-bing tbe sliv-piug uifUi
cafe two miles awuy at tbtThe fanner frank. bunvM igqiremioo |
tiptoe, be biokial down on them W tick, tic* tkk. Ucfttlck! Eacft man's
uiAdulpb's eyes bad girt-u pUe» to a j • monicol.wcmdcri
' -iag
_ wbfibtT the drag face was paM and rlralrts trf sweat
luok<ifcttnuii>gtbaiappuledtotbehi-]bad’ctoin' Itawcak anffb'tenlly well for ran down fraai Ibc-ir browa Boddesly
silnet of a FiMMb'police ofH«r. Ho I faitn to proceed. Tbe qni-etion was set- Picard ralmd Us yoke in an ntwartUy
ahont tbe elm.
was ably defWided, and bis adv.H-ate thought HOtnelbing might oume erf toia. j tied for him with a eoddwmem (bat shriek.
*'Iexi««te«tlMt.“aaid Adolpbqnletsolimitted thitf, btm» if be bad te-.n in and bU uistiDcU did not niitomd bim. ! msrty nnawed bim. An appalling
U<;liire with great craftiuive watched i clang of tbe bell, a idarding wiond that ly. "1 d*’t tliink any one can bear,
th<- shop, as etated by IhUora, and luai
that we may
la>r;:uiiK-d as alleged for the uticliaias-m. till cl'iir of the bnusu III Lmdou. takiiiR - wemed lend eonn^ to walcti the died, Imt 1 will gag yoo Imth,
Mo risks." When this was dtoie, be
tlK M' whs notbiag cTinlnal In that, on
Nm. tlie pnaeoBtlOB oonld abow tbat.be pose. He mw Picaid oobse emt alime <« | He ^pped hia rope and aUng lo'the mM; “I have set toe clockwork at «0
ar« already
iut-'iided to pot what be kkmgbt to Im- sevihal onwsitae and uncs- with anotb-1 door in a panic of drmd. fata palpitating
prii|s-r Bsna As well arrest a man wbu er nf bis uwa stripe, whom be twA to faMut nearly nffodotiag him with- its spent- Tbere la adll rime euoogb left
for medluBcm aad repentance, ^daw
inu-h-d tu bny a key few bis wateb.
-------- -------------- ... , —
VtK evening, wbon auming Leioeeter trtm at tbe machine wbl.* bed given toe candle here so that iU rays will
Pisard was relmmd. altboogb the po
tliediBl. When y>«
llen, omaiii he waa cme of tbe men t^ aqnam. Picaid was aeccated by a stran- aneb an nnexpertsd aioRa. «owly
made yciar own peace, pray for tbe acmls
wauitri, n-wilvtd to keep a elcaa walcb gur in hU own- lafigtMgw Isaddng ooveriup command over hlmadt
on lus huure uioM tnenu. Bnt tbe sus aronud wiib a stari» be mw al his aide tamed bis-gaae on tbe akepont. Neither Of any yon ban- mat iindsteenlty wUfiemt time for prejaaatoa*."
a ulngtng tramp, wane than ob^ibUy bad moved. Both were breathing
pect.-d iua{i. as u to rare them
Delore left toe rocan aa erffly
- aary iroobl.-,
baarlly aa evwbad entered it. and tbe doomed
lioodcu. Btid
tried Ineffecvaally to try out as tbey
Fora wrak AdoiiIpb slept badly la tbe
bis votoe.
toe key tnraitig In tbe door.
“Oonld yon aoUai a poor ooatty; danmms.Ban of.^twu abooldan
rikOp, tor. althnogbI be hoped tbe thief
Tbe entoorttoa knew that eon
awaikBing ootne beitire ne was teaoy.
anr* whined hOan.
Bad Tbeen friginraid awaybyttii protflTHabaand Plcmid'a wrists tigbUy bad pertsbed in that eaplomcm, baf
“I bare no motley. “
taff taken a^lmt htnr, etui. '
wbetfaar it was one xoea or two tbsy
«MttaB^ Ml hi* amkloA Bis kaeai
be fieUaaleqi. bedrMmedi
MseltowaTHenextdJd tbe samL
Laawlmi, Wi^ acxnat.affort bc«9(Ptr
lam,ajacd workman.."
we are Selling
Faocir Daily Butter
. 19c
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19o per Dozen.
Enterprise Grocery,
Opposite Stoinborg'*. '^hooe 1.48.
Thinkers’ Thoughts
Who mved bimaeU la time by keea,
Wtte aae af printeraMnk:
Tbe emmtaat drop of water
Wear* away tbe.bardmt atone;
Tbe Coaataat gnaw of Toww
MaaUeateetbc tangbmt baoa ' "
Tbe eonetaat ooalag lover
Oarrim off the blnablag maid:
k toe oat ana who gate the timda. .
Tbe man stood 'mid hia bnalaM wraek,
WKCrnoe al amet al 1 bad Bad.
Tbe aberiff took the little check
Hia sale pradaoed, aad aatdi
“Old fellow, aaxt Umelnat be wlaeDaen take ray worda amlm-
A ataa ea« thne a good tolag bad
Wbkh people wnnllftave prteed.
Bat he never told a alogle one.
For be aew ateertieed.
r in the medlua.
whiob reaohM tke pe^le.
some wise red
of tbewhlu aMM -tvj ’
PK ttwn to go Kwajf
FbrtfeeW«ofimMBa.*iH»tbto«fM n.
INDIANS WHO LOOK OUT FOR THEM DoQk la tbe biUi |Elr« tbem » bettw,
lu Uto.
lirinKtSM tb«ilrbro(berla4bui*E«aa
T1i« octar, la aitutic and anWcraot
»(wt feriU* iwmtiw ia
uUo&l.-ij fuaitd is -isHir fUaen la BnT«P-«dA«. -Tb««»«
4 TM -Utm U
>«-. .11 « U-. b.™»
hot «l,>bor .ijrin*; which
**^^.7^."^ *
of two ftDd » half ftwL.withi
thniodb a oarxpw ravine, oo the
■>»>«■ tblck (ail. ahoot bajf-ai kog
-of which their lUiIemadvillagelabnllL I the body; a faroad, flat hi-»l: Ter^ahoct
___________ ,____________ __ I The water ia an hot aa it i«>ort forth naiadad earn, and tlio loug body oorerI haa oot atwaya heea the fattll > w»d flowadown tb« ir^ch that U-wiU ed with beas^tifol cbeatuut for:\ The
of the white oiaa that in aome loaaAtiea : Oiator (he bend It tbntat into iL and it
Vary abort, but atroug; the'feet
where the red ~mea were formerly very ' 1« ao_highly Chaiyed with •olphor and
Bot only webbed, but nre armed with
naoKTona they hare bocn qaiieextor- , Wi»«9' oiediMnal detaeuta that it baa a #n™,idehlB elawa ’ IndsMt. in atmiBth
nlnated. At tioMw. indeed, they have jawpntatitM aeoond tonone in (beotmntzy
. .irfii,- w--; oront mrmtw. hoorino
core u>
of .-u.
“*** **~™«
ta»l Wiled
Uliau wlthop,
tt iuiliut wuac AUU
Oiaua lI for the -».«
uo.a.iau and. Ilk.
witboDt right,
ridfat. aa
M in MeWoo
Mattioo and
aad I oompUinta'
«wipl*inta And
Aad ao, having
havltiK peroelved
w without
ibia wcndertnl
wtaidertol apring
aprioc • »>lgh rank an»«i«
mammala U ia;
Weet Indlea
the, vinoea of ihia
Vb itwall ibat moot of the &iglUb “»ny rean ago and knowing fnnn tha , what boya wonld
aewbTi<tfAnK«caiitafwdont by treat- I t»d»ti«»*<>f their aneertora ihatiUwa-;animal.”»»i tUi an o
inglb«IijdUn.wiib.famM»w.aratlaa«L t*»* have cored many affiicted peopla, | very attraitivo jmrkuU h, mew who do
they did ioi iutrod to mordeo- or make' tiie prtMt Indiana have erected mde ' not object after a long day e ai<ort to
alaTaa id-Ui. m. aidid the Spaalardiof ' haihhonaea. which they famidied with name home dmtubed to tbc akin, ifww
«he aunthetii coontriea. The pilgrim fa-i troodm tntaaand.which they rmi ont to odvered with mad. and fR^rba^ witbonl
-ihm paid JlaMaeuii fm-tbe land and I Inuiuiu who come fitau far and near.
having klUvd on otter after alL For ibe
awn tber tank and William Petin made : That U why it baa huen aatd that they otter alwaye makn a brave etragglc for ,
treatv wbnvbv he a«jnliwd a Urge live In. or rather by. hot water, for tbtir freedom and life. Wfam once it rkwebw
rt u.j, -R, ^1.., tiH,
uiuAtutai# ta
t..bho™» ^ u.«. .ita. ».»i i«- lu i«i.«u.. 1-u.v. Qi.!».
It j
Ever«BtinMd Oatf
AUonMjB al Law.
Hew Torfe Jaa. *L—Tba icaUBMoy OflkMia
OlMk. temOtf. MM
anS oib«r tvecMdiBss In the oae raMoUr irtrS IB Ctileasu wtwra a nulrood
BtrsiNBSB CAHVSmas raevvand haaRT darnacc* acalBat j
a raltroaS corpotatlau fur aii-jted bla^liMlDK Rrowioa out of tha Doha airlka
will natirt-. iBridenially at lavai. aa a
kind ot brief f.ir coOBaH 1B a aoisa- ^tUnr M 0««. AiumerL^f^eM^
' what Blnillar raae to I* UIH at Uaa.'
cheater neat muDth. a Meal. ftrcB of
tawye" havlB* received a rwioaM W ^aoit B
____.... Cuj.
•-aue aad forward all obialaaWa data 5«%t> all day or aiykt
IB relation to the Chh-aao caae.
atrea to aboieirtra
In tBe Ki.aliah pnicredlmta te- ear-[dSdehtUnB-e
MarkhaB Blork. ut>
who Kerettlachilaied
In Aupuat
by the Federal »> of Mniter BulMrra aa i
outcome of a atrike have hrouyht'
If to yon know
O. P. CARVSrR. Agent.
Suits: to Or^ler.
/ •
Fioe Merj:haiit Tailorisg.
aulta lui
for demaow a««r\HBl:rK Mo.auo. 1^
their riaim letna that the bU. kil.i haa I f
prevented them obiaiBnu: work at.iheir
at .Ihrir -r
B Fed-ra-iotier Kmploriw EmrlBBeri.
X. (UTBL Rhrdrias end SoiewA.
Ibt FVdrrwIloh of Matter DulldBrs W I rtS
Ko « KMoaic noeki mililmii* tW
th» Mroiutrat roivrailon of empiirying Ijiol n».
lioawnet. Tclefibae lO.
caiUtal'in EngUnd..and the a
a noubir one.
ayntliici ii.diMMnferacBr.aoeeaadlbnwt.
thV’^l!^?^t*^i i^'r^nr*t-.?a!!ri!'**ii°^ ' Vyotuik a nrA-au At,^ _, .
iBptrtaiit to Propertj fitMenf■
The nrr
^ D°s*.,i.”'a!;.*syss.rg.tra;: THE mo. E SMTO IGEICf
lUudUitbeli^tof onme. and they aw proheWy the riohe« , la not to hr dbdoilgcd witb-wt l«vy i i™™^
paid were ven««U»
SLleSnatf red i^cw to all th
i work, while efter it i. dUlodged. « j
uodeni timtu neran
quite inadeqnate,
tot that th.7 paid any >ioe at all ; Tb«r atoiple bote of "adoljp," or eharp ia it.^tbgt ihoagh the dopn» Pcorta and Ilerten, dlvbh.n
„ rnawn ...
. .1when they might bare taken it byforce^ mod brick, line the left took of the rw k«wnly on the waU-b it again toke. to granted a rearrangrmBnt of rank Vhuh C toU*
.iwn-d that thAv wMW.mnvmt hr B Mrieit Fine III t dooble TOw: ttcb bonte ooB-' tbo wBtiT.like t fla*h hf liglitBliig. and w111 amount to an Jti<p-a»e In twV Th*------------------------ -—— --------------------—
«f faitnetia.'^
i airta maJiOy of one large room; vriih a ; U>* chtwebaatobeU-gtaall over agato. ' men cl^-d that the agirement of IM: Q f
edI up
up to
to a.
ae to
to overtime
overtime and
uod ,„b:c Bkek.
Yet in rpiteof aenlrttof friendltome *“Wl
tl*»»<*-»U»**eDd ; To InmiTr a eoccctnful o«er bimt | »e»
’w—wi rJacinnatl.
They eay tbte
and niottial forbearance the red men i »
a big mnch dependa opotMthfedter ‘Tbetme
" ....................
*Biuloibir adluaied.
oonttoofd Wdjrlndleand melt awavbe- bei »1>«
*»!»« flH«l np otter bound la a
hardy, rongh ,
with all BortBOf bonwboldfarniahlnga.J«M«*lABlmal. urarly two fret high at; --------------- :-------liene d the Indiana hare aepamte ^ tbr kltonldty and very game. The but- {
faonaea, wbitdi they rut to white pa-.
anurd with eiiuon. and one cu
New Bnglud
.^ij to.su,. d»,. s™., d.1
exiA The made of living of the aborigtoee ooodorvd to Uiia ewd. Now there
-pARBgH anoy fOB UALK^ ^ atU my
““-'•‘■‘•“o!”waa that auie Maiwmwjit. who. though
•____ _
- V .I
Omaha a franchlae.
leelu*lneeniuva.aaea*j t^Tmala .rtabl earI The
The ottiT
ottiT la
U vcrydcrtrticflwei
vcryduquctlweto flah of , The relaUoB. ot Oitotemala ud Sal- t).
a great ttoieftcin, yet lived in a wretoht>»tesar«aab**<Be.»*odN richt pUee
. I all kind#, and hi- baa the gnid taateto
(«r r«ea Barber. W. K.Bl>u«r. 91 «(
«d bat and knb«i«ed npen the eoucy
one. It
glmninga nf the enil aqd au.
ItTTAMTBI> llsiwabaek'liiill' Uihe ^eraTalao thu pmilUriiy, tlmt it kiUa aragua. from Ru'fialvador atote (bat
I W era. i s>>«> bey* <*e work oe rip ud rat
■ Like him liv.d all hie barbarian
' alt uwa. 4eoa« wee. Ur rsnera ud luwhar
' and team t« piemw uiuy more fiah tbu ivvulullon in Salvador Is iromlBcBt.
brethren to the .met. along the Atlutio
Ibwxllvra. J. L.OIBtK.May««id. MIrb. 91 A«
it cw dei-uor. and alto that it alwaya
Klfia l.eo|H>lii uf Ilclslum has p
voaat ud ai far wen aa the Uianadppi
cata the pnme perta only, while It choiwd for t40i.4NM the yarhl Mayflower,
TaUqr. But bfacn thMuRlUny to whiob
built for (be late Ogden Ouelel. of New
lie oor preeeut atatoa of' New Mexioe
and Artoona waa reached it waa feond
It U really a very toapiriting
tUu acme of the Indtoni were dwelling
ere idx crciifbtoonj
txinpleof wiry, me bred
in Ftomauunt villagee ot Hom and mnd
aanirrL lantAH Maibnca
died «uddrnly ai Prairie du CWeii. WU, |-»treei. »■<
Nouaca. Tbeae, then, an about the cnily j timta wd whu thoe ore all filled they Otttr bonnda on a fine aammermanitog.
■ f«. it i» la «»»«»>«» tl»( tbU apart ii
n.«, B«».
intact t
““ ^
white m.m'
They do not do this from any tocUna- • gattw tbc dog* uuiiot be pn-vinwd
tlon of hoeidtality, bowmer. bat-charge
; plcutore. while the whip keeps then
Because she rvdueed logtvebim tBoney iTToiwi Tn sent—tisei
•• or Mksaita. for a I
Jamea .NoUb rut off (he ear of nu ! “
alKler-lh-Uw. .Hra ->argarM Fechan. j
the Indiana bad toffered at onr banda.
S nAl.g—SM«ad-haa4 «BMcr. 3.C.aial.a
lth a rasor al Cblcaga.
and luaUad id taking fren tbui with- Email bawd ahuty ran by uentapria-ij^^j^'*
~ out pay their land* aad hmttoEgrotmdi
strike near (iolden. Colo., says be
weUmghi them. In certain eutca there
Indui-ed to leave hti old home at Rock
boia. laqalfeef omns&D
arv M-ulenieuM of Indiua who are eeford. Rls.. by a dream.
«tmd to the piwaeaMcn id vaet tniNa of
The Cargill Broa' elevator and tbe ^ytkip POBJSAlX-a«alaeK^ gr
land ud who are making gooi pn^rem
Northern Grain oompuy's cleraler at
MtUouC* ftamm*CUy
in cdocatiou, and the orta of puea
Klera. Tremiwaleau oouniy, Wla. were
Then-, for iuitai^, oh.' the iiberokeea, U. «»■«. ud b.U.1 -hU. M,. "L^ i
burned with tbeir conUnu.LCW boabele
who at a wibe are tar ridier tbU uy
equal body of white peoiile in thii consP»u9Ui »4 lao
tr?-; who have acbonUud rollug«*. totiKTgD-CaU oa w a
auuUB-- ud fertile farms, and live h^
H« bad
pity uniT piawfolly by ihemeclvca. Om “U>"rm»hTtEly«maln.aiU«a, :T '
™ T ^
walked forty Biller ud waa troan to
of thi-ir nnnibr^ yvan ago uiventod a
0,1. OH.-onui.UH,
death. .
Cbvtukce alpbahi-t, and their , rultoa rrvut and the man ber lord ud luaater.
The Jury In Ibe case of Chariea U ■v^K SgXT-WaukaKolayMaevM rroat
- atom wiae and uprigbL
fiat they sqpm rwxmciled to (bis ar- ^
Draper, on trial at Jartcsonville. Uli. r >treet.»esr|»UoMee. S. AMUler. I«4f
Tbuee who rtiU pi-rrist to lending a
for the jiiurder of Charles L. HastlngB, g-HUH,.
, wild and rmoiing lib-even are looked
brousiU ID a vgrdl'.L fludlog him guilty,
njion aa Uie avardi of our govivnmeat
glklng him a life.aenience.
defensf ple-.led Insulty.
ud an- protecliil to their right* eo far bonoffta derived from (be spring, and the
-Alprvllldnaeud youiig mu attacked
a* f>"*il'lo. Srbiinta and eilniwtiuual to- receipts ate equally divided. And ibeea
etiiuuiiDii of advanced gnde have been roceipta are not small by uy meua.
and begin to ecarota abouL Tbe otter rrtuning hotoe-from the Marquette
foudfd fur tb«ir excluaive uae. and all
school. Chicago, and after throwing bar
In the snow, delllwrately pulled om of
the aide braid* of her long hair out by
-tog till
(be r>R>ts by main strength. .
- >e baa l«ai gpputoi
« todiana
II tbi-m«
tog here, but bring toutaei^^^lSi
of themai,
These reMi-iatiiioa. are beattervd ud camp out. to fart, they ^ upou
throughout the i-ooutTv. (articolarly te this beneficent cnwtlcD, the anljtour "He's here.-be'a-baTr abow that tbu
to tbu
_j'a Mnitaritun
- compelled to
.» take ~
the west and anothw.-et. and the Indi- qwing. as (be poor mu'*
auitorii— ottor has mw
u* now. iukiead <if l .-ing pernmud to ; ud b‘1* tv
own nke. that it
roam aU.ot i;i *avug, ry »tul iudolenw. j will never be token from the Indians so
are ■-u<'>ur3i;id to till tht-eoil and pro- | long a» tbeydi*p»ti«* ibowaU-mtowiw-,
worry takes place, ud the ebaac is over,
Tide for tbr-ir wuu. Ap-uu imii.- been . ly ud at ao,iow|p firice.
tbc otter having bum caught ud etruappnnu-d i.i ditoud Hk-it ngbu. '
Th. OllitnM Spto
pled almost b^orv be had been fully
tiiai* of t'johi and agno
menu have bm-n iiisde fur tbelr on. and
acbuub. bay* bei-u e>toMiibed at tbeir
t^ry dom which they are ooapelled to
»,m 1. I.,.,pp,.d.,
n and boun^ go boma.
Im> it will beanw that an- bare al last --------- 1. ilM.S pimuda
don<! much 1
a for the inevhabM
Spate yaa a i
w «f TOO de- [
. . Tbavebss Cm, Miob.
____ iHrnm.
*» .-i. «... m,.-,
The faila of Niagara carry ddrn 10.- ^ toe baa the property—ptouUartobodOOO.OfW cubic feet of water per minute, i »« »hieh expand oo frfeattog-of Uqqeo>|Ual (•> about S.U0U.(SHI fa>wiwpuw««.
: <yl»fl Viier preeraru ud tulidifying
Gold cu to- U-atwi 1.20P times tiiifi-' •«»» »h«n the pretenro has toes re«r tbu priniiug paper. Uneouncewfll moved. Consequently the weight of any
edW 140 aqnart. feet.
body movtog upon a sheet ol ice cauaea
: Tbc big tree* (redwood) ofChtovcrat »he (ortnaUon of a tbto layer of water
rgrov.-. Califoniiu. arc Sf in number. 10. which aeiantn it from U»e toe. ud
letog ovw lu J« t to dtoiu^. They Miba by ndnoitig the friction to a mto: rug.- to height
Confides tUL
-igbt from iSD to 237 fuel ud l»nm. cnablee it to move muootily over
I l.D
L' B • a. * oo dense tWr attasticw to Diwsse* «f tte Eys.
•‘alipiwy.’'- On gUm. on the wmtrmry.
siMlOMMB|>OeB.j>BdyiOtir<ai«MnleslH---------------------------The aeven w'codoa of the world
\xHi this liquid medium ia wuttog.
the pyramid*, thet^iaros of Al.
vrHorwisaA^VIew* Bririil-* Ui
solid ud nnyklding
the hanging gaidniR of Babylon. tovti" «
wl ccaitoc
• -- •
- •
the I
of Ing a friotiou.
in spi te of the
Olympian Jupiter, tbeu
. Kevis* sad kJ«.^^B«etal Clwm n«u1
Artemisia and the ooloaraa of Bbodea; , amooihnea* of the
Gruil SipUi i Iiliui K. R
•sr^j?Si ‘
TVsiMaiTtr* frem Oil
U> sad PetoAey at 191 p. a
- aPLWsrat.Orsadm
*■ Brasek sr
C. k. MURKAT. Ami.
bOOKWOOD O.P.A..Orsa4Esa(le
West Michigan.
'USU__Money to Irfian
Drs.B.S.& CO.
Hotel Whiting
rRIDir, FERROlRUlli, IRSt.
RoraranroaanAU aki> b*ratiovMc. i
the other placed above IL a
bam that came tu them through tba \
! (fate layer of water will be-formed. ^
at tbeir lands
: anti) this layer hai been prcaod ont ibe
g tbetn
them Boomdtog to the ; A very carious it
ipl^- I upper gla*e will move on the other aa
fiKoepU of the golden rule. Tb«e are : ed at a mtoe to CernwaU, England, a cuootbly aa if on ida. Thia peculUr
gaow ud then esceptim whiob .mntina
- ‘ mine which is l.BQU feet deep.
> pvipmy of toe U doe to the effect of
benvaidid.'for the .pteyut gcnenttoB
ThU engine baa been oonstneMdiOr ' {weMtire in lowering the treeainiLpotot
tt ted men writl cling te tbeir nvagaty, Ufttog the miaeqi and lowering then of water, m that whaoever toe i* anband •elfish white mn an always to be
Bielr woric. wfattb ia at a depth tff Jeoted to great pnMu* it pnrciaUy
found ready to oomniU ■njuat etRa for ..
tbeir own ennohiuGnL
| tods pivvidid with stages cr platftsxna,
But what about Ibe paittoular Indtona which ac- n.«ipraoated put eadi otbv.
Who are now to*‘bolw«err" In Koih- j (be stageerbetog two fathoms apart,
cm Califonila. when gien ud perp,’ • i Each rod tvoeirea a motion throngh tha' t^uciniXl. a Polish
tnonototoigoardagnatvaUtfirtowbioh .mmediaumaa
InstoaUr kiued at
are thehaadwatenof tbertverSuLoia , A mu stepping on to a lower list- Uqb U. ynaprday
ilaad tby the lifting of the rod.! tramway of
Bey. rwid* a .tribe of Indtona whose I form ia raiaed
fwiMBtben bad been then Cor at least : wbiidi bitogt h’
at <nu-e
aby ud poor, ud tbeir mnau Doacnee
at oatUB have very bard wotk indeed to
End rafneient nauriahmant « «leto
ktfa wbiie their gratoflaUtoonaetla
er vvry prodnetive.
TEU being the easa why Aonld
IndiMW eo Moaetoaely cling to the U«i
hot Mmtot they have built here and »
In etepping
back to. set out of the way It la supb toaga fiobecsotinnes posed thatXuctoskl loot hie biluge and
< stepping from one to aaoebm. ritong It
: feet between each etep. The pletfcme
; an o;qnaite to eatto other at the' *
•aim. Thtl
’ tour atora. and a h^ doaeu efftoas ud
wttotiW lUi^totoMtff MtontagtaBjemanarbuiidiuga Umw. Ul».eW: toaurCBaplotfioRstoMOlliMi
to Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Bsgertas f»o«» say ■ uka—Hi weeaag«rsa*rasiint tsUef. A^aabsMeais* caaisauii.
‘^^^S^SrmCANrEBe esees •ttbosi scManUe.
er seas. New Mbte*.
tss tsstris
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Look Box 160.
I( Yob Do, Try Th« Want Dq»rtment of V -
I^Dhirnff arc Quick Because Everybody Reade the Record.
o-sSsaasiunsm UD Mtntmtu li
K»t Tm^—No. £3.
TlMforlowhUnard which wnppod
io lu icp (otda paatmUj wUl
4«miah>Mther foldoa opportoaltj of
the ctoolM of tbo Boaorr of th«
Vpidwt iohaMtoBt.'’ The ■tom Ufon
Bondar Wtor. rorp bm.
ro relwMd from the ombrooe of
phraa. Ud ropod all
ooUl It bacao
w appaar aa thoorh all klodi of trmfSc Boatba aupaadad for a ttma. The
aleeaHtj of the atom harrwM not raal.
^ Uad ootU it waa laaraed that all traioa
«• the roiAt eoterioc Ue «itp were
aaaaj hoore delated and raparla oMoe
la ataUof that the blrbwa;^ in all .dl. TOeUoaaVare aifeetoallj bloekad ao aa
to impede uafUc of all klada.
The atare doe bara from Old MImIoo
to tha afterooon aaa the roada
bad that to attempt to fo baek woeld
baea OBlaba.
The ataya boead for.':forgiport a
la reaeblap :
wba forced to tom baek.
Tba train oa tha M. A R. B. dae to
laaea bara for llaalauy at »;>» dM aot
Baba the attempt A the Itoa waa
bladkad with drifted awiw.' Tha tiato
from Baatotaa daa kata at 11 a. %.
, B^a the trip, howarer, with
fkw. arrieinc about aoa hoar lata
Tba aame trala left at the oaBal hoar
la tha aftoraooa, bat tha other aontb
-oe;aia« north at «:!• waa alao takea
(to tha C A W. M. the trala from Blk
Bordtoy to tba forae ef Ua ertnd. which
aayyaau Ue tor^rlay aad auffertoya
'wtoy wboaa
hr of eenjacl wlU
Ua Boat terribla acraeeb. than afato
wiu a UadderUy Boaa that
Mood coia and filU
atelmaclaad only by
fihdba who bare haard Ubb. At trot
oma WBtld Utok Uat aOBa af SbarlE
Wfira’e boantom ware Way tormnfitatoooafaaalomof ibak erlBBi,
to aalblar tat tha harmlaB w*11toy «d
are partially beatod bet the celb are
left Bold. Aa there are ao prboaem
new ia eaatody tbe
not ao yraat aa it mlybt be.
you are rea^ to
Just One Kind at That Price; While They Lest.
the remora] of a maaW of the natloar with tha
oommittoa itoaU.
IM-IU FVoat St.
We are
StiU Very Busy
«r E E Olnb Had a Slal^
ride aad
tativa of Ooldvater Sehaol
to Bse* Leoktoy After PubUe Ohary**
■ ti'of Ua 1
B. E elab aad a f»w fri^da aajoyed a
Stanley OrlCan.
Inrday aiybt. and later a
bM baanto^ elly
UUa borne of Mr. a tow daya toektoy up Ua
b to to
aad Mru. Jaa ElUhrtda wmt at Trav. Ula Ttotoity who bart teoa ^t to
emaCl^. Tbs avaalay pamad rapii^ bOBB (roB tha ae^ooL Ha .to atoo
wlU coBaa aad a deUybtful Mma yea- tooktoy afur tha W to Beat Bi^
arally aad Ua ride bofnaaaeBad mneb townaUp wboM eaa^— ----- -—-*
too aberv Tho^r **pact to barn a alnd- by tha loaal i «Ua|
Tbe Popular Shoe Houae
: Gaining in Popularity.
mom. Tbi
yoer PAOTOS. We have a acmplrte
line of Pietora Mooldtoya___
Mooldtoya aad_______
will fill
oil tn^ra pipmpUy, if wa have to work
all BiyfaL
Lut HooUi Excelled All Ptst BcidcnL
MsnnlAotnred Ijy
V^- J~-A.B:TiwA-XrS,
Touhslisr Block.
I am abowiug a few Bicycles
whicE I have Re-Enameled.
Look at them in E. E. Mlller’a
Dreg Store.
Maa; Differaat Styles.
Gives Perfect Batisfiwjtion.
Gonl Kmlw lid Eipet Eainlr.
To Tate Adyaotap of Oat Sale.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
AU Dealer* Sell Then tor
411 SoDtb Onion St.
to begin with. Try a pair.
Boys, we
towl%l to Tat aouias Baeeua.
Waahtoytoa. Jaa. SI__ Todayb aaaMpa of tba aaaato laalad iHa b
Two yeaeral appropriation biUa
•d. that forr th?^a
tbe anny, earrylay
•sa.)l3.«n. That for axoenUra l«ialaUra and jpdictol departmanta. carryiDyfiSl.OSt.tSO. pamed later. eoaaiaUay
of ISl payoa aad ooeapyiay tba attealion of tba aaaato dartoy tha yVoatar
partof theaeaaiaa. After a brief a
: aeuUra aaaalon tba aeaato adjourned.
toeaBoUre ooaatroetad rt eard 'board
aad the varloM parta reptaaaattoy
•arlOM pbaoaa of Ua work, which
Drop^ Dead Toator^ ia Ottto4.
I azpialaad to Ue oanraa of Ua
liar th r*r*tv
SptoUl pMlal M ih* Ucaan*
for Ua oeeMloB
Quincy. lU., Jan. si.-Ji
aad OM of tbe aambai* wm a pleaatoy
It in Quincy, drdpped
doet ytoha by Balph ConaaUe aad MIb
appoplasy today.
Kllha. Beep
^bty-fiea yean old. SeoaBabaroto
IISS aad atortad a dry yooda atofa to
a bonaa bnUt of loya. Ddcaaaad bM
BDPPSE It me. EXLXEBXDBE. boon to aetiva boptoaB oror atoea.
J.W. SLATER’S I ^^ickers?
Heuss foniishlng Store,
One Per Army aad Another Per Exaoiitira, XmyiaUUra aod.Xadlctal
Shnwn for Onhaa Oanao by Xdbartl
OoUaottoa Proa tha People,
apwtel teToaliaaniiL, Bacooe
New York. Job. SI.-Or. BanehM
Snryeoa O^rml of the
Cubaa taauryaat army. hM jnat arrlrad from Barope brtsyiay MO.OOO'
raiaad to Parla far Ua Cabaa caoM.
Afraaioato aaya tba popalar aaatii
Tba Itoe batwaaa here aad Patoakpy TkB btaBt op tbe T. P. s! 0. s.'
ia Franca la atrw la faror of aaeeoM
waa ^ badly btoakad aad ao trala
Anntraraary SBOioa Son- for Cabo amoby all Haaew He mid:
roaehdfi bara from there yeatorday. that Told at
-Tbera la a dMlre that Cuba be freed.
day Brantoy.
daa bara andto'eldek belay atoppad
Tba Freaeh yoraramoot U reatratoad
by drlfta at Mllaira. The anew plow
Tba aareatoentb aBoirorMry of tbe
from taktoy aay acUoa to farur of Oaha
which bale^ at tbia and of the llaa <%riaUu Badaavor aoelety wm appro
by Freaeh Intereato in Bpaalah tend*.
I at Van Boren.
It atarted out priately obaerrod Sunday oranlay to
n the aftoraooa for thiaeity
Iba new Praabj-toriaa ebureb, by tba
laai aiybt yot aa far aa WIUlaBabary. Lodal I'aion.
9ky Hade a
Tba proyrem wm-UbI orraayad by
■ where it wua bloekad
loekad aad at ml^ht
EMerenoa to Sharmaa.
tba United Society, and
A almllar alwaUon proraBad anTtbe brief the biatory of tbe osybiiMUcm SpwUU leTBiNoMiMEaroanWaaktoyton, Jaa. Si.—Dorlay
mala line of the O. B. A I. Tha Uala aiaoa ito inoapUoa. All tbe aoL-Ietlm to
apeeeeb by 8hm (damoont) of KeaAna to leare bare at 11 a. B..wtarCad aU tba city were liberally rapnaaatod
tacky, to tba bonaa today, be declared
.rt^t and reaebad Walton wjAJUtla tbe aerrtoe wm admirably arraayte
Ua wariMat plade to badm
AMonltj. bal oa oeeount of tha 4^
on the mala line wm foread to wa^ M. B. Holley, Oaa Eltoa. Chriattan 1‘at-' raaarrod for John Sbennan. Blaaoa
Tba trato dua at Walton abortly afl0 ton. Boby Oann nnd Parker Pan- wore heard oa Ua
Uka remark.
dinner wm blocked ia drtfu near Oad- atoyton.
tiiae and
not roaebad bore at two
Tba alamanta of tha woWk of Ua ao«'etoek tbia moralay.
Ctaw ware rapraaoatad by a Btoatore Ue ToUar raaolaUoo—yaM lU. aaya
. waUtoy.
Tha jau ia Gold.
Oa'acooDiit of tnmblewith the teller
to the JaU telMlar there baa baea a
aaarcitp of haat which baa
eoaafderabla iBeoareBleaea to (iberiff
atwAltoTBI liOBBBW«aC(«h.
Pappy Soft and Xlttoaa.
BarUayton. Iowa, Jaa. Il.—Abe
< ew MiiuM.
Tba City Book BUwe wanb n family ^
Stormer eoafcaaad to tha marder of of*-----Approood aad Cm
pappy doye
— and «
Uf. ranny Barbara and bar daoybSltaad Taatorday-Ka W1U Taka
1 taUa of the erime. Ha Bye be oobbIVTbte Boraiar A. V. rriadrleh. who
'tad tba.daad Soaday ntybU Janaaip s
baa praatdad orar tha ioeal poat oSea
Oo.. fts Front al
four year*, will re^jra bU poalUoa ia He billed the mother 1Srat to a oellar,
then anttead the hUle yirl toto a bpd
a.' W. Ka«^ who wUl Uke
room abore aad aet her throat. Wild
Mr. Baff reealred a
ibreau of lyooblnyare hoard on all
day from .f. L. BrUtow.
aidea aad the atajor aaBoanoea that tba
pMrtb Aaaiatoot P
ity jail wharf«to*4nar la aoafinad.
BoUfylar Aim that hie bonda are apb yuarded by armed men who will reptorad. bia oOBmlaaioa aiyaed aad
ebt aay attempt at lyaehtoy, wUhbolaathorizlar hlBtoaanime tbTdntlB
of tba ofilua atoaaa. Mr. Prledriah
baa ererythiny ta ypod order for tab
ao that Mr. Bmfl wUl atop to
LADIESaad .coatlnna the woric of tha yoroM- Bat Mattonal 9ai
aUe OoBBlttaa
meal witboot oonlaaioo. ' With h
WU Oonaider Oaaa of Barrity
in the aame capaeli
. of Pannaj^eaaia.
Mr. Baff will kaow jaat what to do and
apwlal u> Hoauae nauiu.
there will be no iaeoaeanieDea wbatWaabinytoa. Jaa. st —Chairman
wbiefa .b aftoa the «
Jonaa of tha democratic aeiioDal camWe Have a Complete or ,ai tt. dennbie .tfini in Mndin
there b a abaaye to each aa 1
mittoaaaya Utara b no truth to the
Underwear, and Hie Prices Art
ataiemeat that he baa remoead Wm. F.
.. . ■ Assortment
Hlght Uia«'. Cbildmn’. ud InHarrlty, the Fennaylraala member, and
^ts fityles are alao abown here. We are.atill offering great
aabMHntad a man dealyaatod by the
aa bbaae-:
-Jonaa aaya Chairman Uarmon
IHralUny of WUUaB Walter, Waar of tha Pennaylyuta aoBBittoa and
I» aatlqne oak. aim. Bab,>mdple>
Ssttoea Bay. TolaUy Daatroyad
of the committoe. alao a' o' Maboyaay? If ao wa caa yiee yon
by Fira Taatarday Xorntoy.
aumber or
of t'cnnayivania
Peonaylvanta damoeraB,
damoeraCt, ^ flatoj
dik»i. tedroam
imuvom auiu
sulU meaa,
meda. wnica
oBariay ihb weak et low prioaa
SnUonaBay, Mtob .Jaa. Nl.—Early
illy iaeltothb morntoy the dwelllny of WUlUm informed tha aeaetor of the aclIOB of
Walton, one mtleboattaweel of here, the demoaraUe oommiUaa of Fonneyl- «A. They are tbe beat value for tba
totally destroyed by fire, tocladtoy venla. nnd anld tha mettar woald be money wa bare oror aold, and will fit
praaantod to Sanetor Jonaa to an offi op a room aoaUy. while they are aa
all lb ooBlaoto of faraltore,
I Qnr siloes stand hard knocks beV|
nactal aad oomrartoMe aa tl
effedte. eloikiny. eto. It b tboaybl cial Banner: aad all papern and
- ii
panelre aata
laid before him. J
that tbe blau oriyiaatod from a dafeet-
f^ly food time uattl It reaebod Iato*x
Obarted by O. W. TboBaa With Herloebea. la Ue moaatlma the atorm
lay Stolaa Soma Plnah.
(fpw warnaandThe trneka oontlanad
irrivtoy at latorioehan aboat i Yettorday afUrfaooa Uodenbariff
to fill. A^viay
Aabtoa arreeled MatUa Wade, wlj^ b
« p. B. it ooald yat no further,
ferta to aaeara maa to balp aboval ebaryad by Oaoeya W. Tbemaa with
act wen «aatalllay, aa tbe atorm waa baTtoy atolaa from bb fomitara aton.
ao aarare that raaa did not aara to on Cnlea itraat laai Friday, a plaea «f
pk«b. Tba wartaat alao
brara IL At bwa'o’eloak thb
toy thar« waa no praapact af itb aamad Sarah Ayarn, but Sarah hedrd
yattlny oat before mornlay. Tbe tbe officen ware oominy ao aba dbaptrala which left Sraod Bapidi at » pearad.' Mattie waa takaa toto eoa.
Valoak toft oa time wUh oae of tba tody, howetor. aftora ebaaa la tba ootbaarlBt aayiSB of tbe itoa attaebad aklru of Parawood aiar Bonybey’i
tha rttfular-loaoBoUva.
_____ ..
_ train
hill. Both woman bad beard, arldeatwaa oaty .a abort,time toto «t Wbito I >X- toai they wire waatod aad proOosd bat eepertoneed yreal trouble I pnred to clade the oSeen. but Mettle
nbb aide. Of ooarae aba.oouM aot waa takea aad todyad ia jail,
i^ea thU city aa loay aa tba olhar waa ‘
«>7 and AffiMd Bant tor OltlBona.
. bat tba traeka rapidly filled -with
dtrilttof aaow and aa attempt to* ratara
' to Elk Saplda w4a fralUam. The ttaia ira fioa. .There waa a bllnard at tbe
waa atallad near Aetna and two enriaaB tlma of (be fire and tba ptroay wind
were aaat oat to brtof It baek. Tba Bade all efforU to aare tba bnildtoy
BMtbboaad fralphtleft all r«fat bat aad contenu fruitleat Tbe family b
. wmporarOy. bat
all othare tm all rdtla ware caacaled.
Tba alMaUoa oa the C. A W. M. waa they «HU be nWa to replaoeUeir dweU
aerioaa, aa It waa ImaoBlble to yat lay aa aooe aa tba waathar will parmiL
The bnildtoy and c
tratoa althar way from bare. -Tba
•arad to tba Farmase' Malaal laa. Co.
___ train which left (trend BapL- ,
to tbe mamiay waa delayed five boon j The loaa m> Ua balldlay b SMIO.
at White Cloud oa aaoecatof the block
ade of a loyyiay Unto for Mnakayon.
After iuraleaae the paaaaayar made
Erwy alsbt whaa tbo wind U atrony.
nad aomatlBB when It ia notbtay but
,a yeaUa aapbyr. raaldanta to Ua rlclnUy oj tba jaU are aatortatoad w'tU
the wtedBlU OB tha JaU rrooada.
wbteb la lataodad to aa^ water for
iba ^a, brat doB not. It ia all ratr
mOAM SAOLT 9ADTSD JJn> aatortatniar
oee stu aacoatoBed
itoian An> xulvobxxa.
to tha DolBBaa. bot the
would reaUj Be wllUac to aapplj aU
' VeTmisiTronVortb Or Sooth Tm. aorta of oU if tha eheiilT will oalp »«u.. p™. >.. O.U..,
Settoad Child Xato a Bom mod Out
«M«»r-OBa Vrom Onad Sapite ellab to tha dicijr bairbta of tbi atrv
Har Thteat—nxaata of LjBobtor
StaUod M lawrloehM-Uao.OlMod tai^a^Baka the BiBiiiirp a^aa>
CoBpal ao Annad Octard to Vatcb
»atwa Hwoaadytcokoy.1.ash- tioa.
Brlaoo TTbara MBtdator kaCoofiaad.
ovficiAx. FAram ,
fUNNIH & ur GO.
la good abape, bat we esa eop^y
yoor waato for eome tknf to oomck
aad are Anxious to
Lower onT stock.
Aad are offeriag aome Bsrgsliis
which yoa will do well to take adraaUge oL A choice etoek of
Bakery Goods always on band,
and we weald not bare yoa loae
Bight of tb^ fact that the
ia the bert, Md that it will pay
yon to
a aack if j'oa hare never
Oor. 7«k ADd UnloB Btrests.
213 Front SL
BaltUncra Stonk Saaafrte TlMa Timm a #aak
Salto M—*1
FlaMers Oyster leRat aad Rasturiat
To aU to make their purchaaea where they think they
can do beat. We wiah to remind yon. that OUT Store
i| the place, and a trial N^aat^yom
' TH» it»samma jawo«D, TUBSPAt, tmtoam i. i8«b.
TUyxuxoirr. ■ xiomw
k. T. *Af»* Am J. W. BAxnai.
J. W. BAxm. UlMr M<t Mamcct.
kr MUi.
•A u tto r«
I’wTaqslwrMaiUjritkubeAs tb«
tor tr«Mai7 taulc
priTBtc enmluUoM •< teaki
. 2*ke pr
> y^WlUln tb*lr JoftoiletioB. »t estra eoa
/ yuOoc trocD saeb baoki ai for uy
• -J
tkeU WOMBU. ThU pnetio* kw taMa
AkoUabad b7 tke MW «oat^U«
tb* «m«cy.
wko atow*
tl*t k« kelSm* tka stoppa«a of iba
ynwttea will rellera azamlMra (tmi
M7 aupieSon tkataacbapactol amplajr. Mat «aa la aa^ Wa^VAact tka alrieiMaa 9t tbalr offieia) detiaa aa airpllad
to tka baak* uodar tbalr JarladieUaa.
Tka action U ranerally oomwaoaad at
aaanUbla ana, and will ba food (or
tkoofkt far tbopa paraoni wba alwaya
taaiat that tba aatire Kot«n»aat la
nparatod la tka Intaraata •( tka kanka
«( tba ooiwtry.
bla Array od la Vlthda Xoax
moacb Of Cuba.
Waabinrtaa. Ju. SI.—Tba I'allad
Btbtaa BOW baa aaaawblad aaar teba
4ha Btcal forsidabla flaat of warOlpa
that baa baea r*tta toyetbar in <nr
baata watan tor naay yaan. 1
pitota tba Kortb Atlaalic aqi
of Adnlnl Reard. aad
' tkadfhU^poanraf thaablpalalUaa'-bMadlatba
ThtoftoetwUlba nlaforoad-by tba
topada koat/Koola. Tb#
oakar Brooklyn, almont etjnal'to a
tetUaahip banelf. la dulay oat at tba
• Slow Tork nary yard, and U expected
«e aail tba Uar« -tUi weak to Join
dAnthnl Bkardb dqMdfoa Tba cnabat Ba^nua aad tba tralntay ahlp
Jhaax an at Part Boyal. &. C., wiUla
Maine, batUeablp: toaanra, e.60r>;
apaad in kaoto. 17.«; ogcan. aad
JM: aaia battery: 4 lO-iaeh. B B-iaeb.
Iowa, battlcablp:- loaaaca. 11,00:
' apaed In knota, id; oSom aad
Mb; aala kattary: 4 u-laeb. es-iad,
. d4-iaeh.
ladlaaa. batUaahlp; toaaafa. )Q.soo;
i^aad In kaota. I&.M; ofleefaaad
4to: main battery: 4 is-lneb. « tt-lneh.
bUaaacbnaatta, battlaablp: toonare.
ie.tbO; apeed In kaata. IB: officara ud
MB. 4BS: iMln battery: 4 is-taeb.
pdaeb. 4 B-ineb.
Texaa, batUaahlp: tonaare, o.ioo:
jpaad la knota, 1?: oAeM» and ma.
J»0: main battary: t It-laeb, S B-lneb,
Bew York, anaotad crniaer: toaaac*.
J.SOO: apeed la knalf :i; egeen and
paan. BB6: idbla battery: e B-lacb, IS
Dattoll. naarmorad crniaer: tonaaca.
A.OOO; apeed in knot*. IS.7: oSeert aad
jaa. trii mala battery: » S-Ind.
Montyoeecy. naarmored crniaer: tonMfa. S.ooo: apaed la knou. IV S: ogearaaad ma. m.'rnaln hattoiy. 9 Stook.^ ■ .
DnpoBt. torpedo beat; Unaafa. IM;
apaad la knota. ST.ft; ogoen aad
Oaablnr. tarpado boat; toBaaca. lOS:
apfsA la kneta, XS.^ omton and ma.
try ahoaU kctaf at taaat yanaWaaa
aatmjb to laat oaa yaar aa4 a hall Oa
tka “aalaUa*' they will aay that yaa
aaa bny awytkinr yon want koia at
naanitalTlt prioea. Tba tapp wko baUaaaa aay aaak atafl ka'a tool, aad ba
wfli ba ftay laaky l( todoaa not “laad
tba riTana" aarly la the taU. My a4rtoa toaayooa wlahl^aaooM baaa.
it to auy away (roa tko Kloadlka
Tba boa* U MW It Ui halfkt, bat by
next fall the -bobMa wOI baae barau**
aad tkara will ba baadrada of paopto
laftkaMwItbeotaxiaayarirrab. Tka
ann U aUlbla bara la tba fnlefa for caUy
ahent thirty slantaa aaeh day ad U
r w far annth that by tka laat of
Uk Mtb wa wUl not aaa k aU. Oaadlaa an l.M tmeb. Wa bara only a (aw
latt. to we only naathaat to aai by. aad
tkaraatoftbatlaa wa kaopoaaof
atOTO lida ofl. whleb ytna aaon^ Ih^t
to aaa to pat around tba eabin. Doga
taka tba placo o( bann ban. ad a
rood taaa of aera or elrbt will kanl
bait a ton. The aatln dofa an laa«
haired. They oanoi bark, bat bow)
lika a wolf, and an cailad nalynataa
Sotaa o( tbaw raaomble tba wolf aad
aoma look like orar-Knwn foitaa Tbey
an rraat tklaaaa and will ata^ M.vtblnit they eaa carry off. In tba wintar time tbay an worth from SlOO to
$IM) apiece." -
r mad. o^^ M
Tka Hiard al Bdaaatia wQt aMl tka
Tw A Ck.>a Ttk adininm, tofatkar
a «f W. J. Bobba harmed
..J tka baUdtnr (keraom. at private
olatortTBO. rorlartkar IntonattM
oat and wbUa tka An wai
A. W. RKMum,
CbIBf of Polloa Baania diapatnbad Ed. ,pply to
Hardy to tba aeawi rrlUi a hand chemI'-al enrtna. Wba B<L arrHad ikon
be found that tka dapatmat waa '
a J. MORGA«,
Hack, Bns and Biggage
Giro na, tA. pira aa tba boy arbn
ainpaai bia vortl fir bia oooapatla
what it may, balaaqnal laayof tboaa
who follow the nm'a aait Ui sUat aalWhM la Bead «f uythlag la tb{a
_______ Ua wlU do mere in tba
Una remember thia it tha place tn lava
time, be will do It betn-r. be will
eeT-wa One ii aaam-ly aemdbla <
ykbrordaraaadfat prompt warb.
tigoa wliila ba man-hea to mnaia Ike
UatUfaettoa ynaratasd or M ebarya.
very vtan an ftiid to make bannay aa Lava yoar mdata at aflka or call a
tlx-y revolva in-tbalr aphwaa Woodrpwa U tba atreatb
alb«eth(r pan eaIraUtl<m Ita powera of
andoraace. Efforw, tu be permanvatJy
nirfiU, mnat be unlfamly joyoua—a
aaafalnr. gnnfal from very
yladiiPia, beanUtol hcaaaa brigbl.—
Philadelpbia Metbndivt.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oon-pood with th. T«™r«
I—>«» Gompu;.
"We have for aale Good,
i^und Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
. Short Maple Woo(k
T.jajSn3B E-os SAI.E!MiU JUchi^O' Pf -ll dewipUpi., iidpding IVo Eogi»«.
Bet Wo^ ChTTiaga and Saws. A complete Saw Hill Pint
'Phone No. 3;
Trnrt iaapplWlwi^ UiaconSdo
in a peraa Tbevdtllereaoo baiW'
faiib and tiiisi may b
ttdiion. ll la (dent
Clieas Casli (rrocei?
257 Front Street,*”
twaawv^ct UeLdiajaAxOcaWrUaa-
..rLtira*.-!* ______
Tax XVXOBTB or pttbiax.
la ruuiKoWd with baUariuy. .fievila FlU UM g rlKJ IM StipM CTIQViK
ma.r Ulii'Vf that then ia a God, Imtl
ipin of Jra ■ balkwaa
on Him
Hay Appllcatwu for Hembaiahip only dliriplf
onto vverlaKtiny life. We ballave a dn.-How Bandy For Baaiaam.
rram Laadlay XaalBaw Hao.
trine; we irmn a |irao(L What wa beTnreraa City Lod^. No. T3. la n
Uere aboot Cfariet ia « tbinir. what
lay a iiii i iaafiil eflort to nnmbor U lu wa tract in (%rim dor la aother.—
laambenhip laadiar bwlaaea. ud Chriatia Intemftacer.
profaaalooal n>W of Ua eltr. Than la
Far tav PabUe Oail
now a clam of tu belay put tbranrb
Zeal tor tbe pdblio gnnd ia (he charaad a Thanday erenlny tba laat od
acteriatle of a tiiau of booiv and a yontba'elaaa win ba r<r«n
B^od r
Uctuo. ad moat take plan td pieaa>
After that the elaaa will nealre the nm. protlta ad all other private ymtithird, ad at tba followlny meellny BcstilouiL Wboerer vranti tbit niotiTe
BMtber data of aboot twenty of Tnr- ia a opa aumiy, or a ingkrioon
ene Cilyb bnt ciUaena will take tb« naotw to maldwl. In propevtion u> tba
work. Than la work ahead for aboal mimpplird airirutaKea with wblcta nnUm Boaiba. Tba lodye la yrowiar torv and fonnne have bleosod him.—
to ba eoontad one of the beat In tba
atate ad Ue atln new aet of aafnif■rwU war ChvM.
ieut rohea neanUy reoaind an aa Am
*'3be world for Oiriat; tba utia
aa ay la the atata. The rnad
rObriat; tha family for CbriK: mybainc arranrwl tor tUa month wUl ha aelf fcr'Cttriat.'' wnnld be betnr if pnt
ana of the kaiinant aoelal arato of the in tbe tnrened <atl<r. Atat “mywdf ftw
yea» and U u beidy looked forward to Gbrial." toa tha family, tba the na
with yrat piaaaore.
tion and tba lha World. A aUU battai
order wonld be. Chriat fm- mo. Cbrin
JohBAOB Block.
TkOBO 78.
for tbe family, (fariat f<w tba nation
and Ckriat for the worid.On Wodaoaday eratoy. rahraary «.
Ooaaiy wUl appmtr la
L. Ooa
Cl^ .Open I - aaa In Uia Hlyb aehoo)
la a
A oomiery in rich In aadt a dagne
aa iu ebitdra are •trany In that which
Which win ha oalqoa aad Mtlraly
la thu city. Tba Oetralt rrea Praaa amhea (or ri|rbWr>nanw and troth, aad
poor, however mock <d land aad gold it
neatly eaUiaad tba foUowlac p
miybt ptwwim. if ita childia iaek
at DoUca:
tbeaa cmalitioa.—Ohorcbman.
“Boyi 1* Coary aaurtalaed am
hmdred people in. the lactnn room of
tte Centra] l‘na»ytarla eboiU
Wbeo yon want to take a r^e
' Ike world baa hardly beeu to ap-
E.W. Bastings
Real Estate
Fire Ipsurance.
Muney to Loan BlSIlte
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
rUlayen an enppooed to ba lath end
U the gnoarj of a Mala# VilUira aad
Mr. Canary Upanaataa the diCenat
charaetera. Bia
elerariy done. Tbedlaloi
with olaeer atorlea aad food iokea.ad
thf adlanea waa erldaatiy blyhiy
plaaaed. Tha aaterUlBBent waa ahdar
of Oppartanity Clrela of
tha Klnr'a Dancbtera.
Marrla UwlAUftyaumday Aar Deti^t to etolt friwda.
Mra. F-. M. Aabta
party of frleada at whist iMt oraaburHerbert Joynt drove to Omana yaatatday to attrad tha marrUye of bla
ptw^iate tbe valoe of parmnahty m a
adnoativa fira. It aptwadataa brick
and mortar, booka and Inattnotion qaita
aongb. but penonality not aaarly
eDOBlL—S. V. Oofa.
Traoia Olw Hatkst.
Helow U a Hat of tba bayiag aad aalllag prleca of yrstarday far grocarlca.
provtooM aad Item yodanla in Tnv-
OCoar Oragoa wm naUAif yaatarAfly poanda; oaadlaaaragiu or bme
day aftoraaa of a hnea whleb had
haa«.a«aadlMI fa tU aUay baek of Ua
la gl.M par pound.
gcld-aad any aa tomlag to this e
Alao a lot of ike very Aiegt PArf*
land cattara, two utd tbne seaitcd
sltolHwI out fit yon ont with any kind
of a tampatr
PfODGsr IdWBcy
M.. thlaeralny.
The atreat anllphts were oot atrala
laat nlykt baaoaa of tba aevan atoha
which ereaUd damate to tha wine.
it of tbe meeUny of tha B.
A & M. tolyht tha meeUar of tba nut ISO EATM or TBAtT
Xaalara Alar wUI hapaa^oaad nntfl
farther hoUM.
Anthony UraUiek baa ntoned
Am Tenac Ha TaUa of. kacdAipo Datroil. when .ha went to laapee> a
•taam barga whinb ha U daalrou* ^
, to bo Sndnrad by Oold'^
David Hiaber drove over frnm SnUou
William Baaohar. formerly u ampliiji of Iba U. R. A1., and well known Bpy Sunday might with Mvaral travel
g------r nllroad man in thia city, la try- ing nuu, bat was haWa to ratara yaaiag hia fortanas in tba Klondike gold today oa aecoant of thaatorm.
^Ms- HUfadiorrMivadalettartita
The cSlmaay la tbe baUdlag oecm-him -• Bhon Uma ago. dated-from Dhw pled by Pater Uoadraa'a City BaaUaAm city. Nov. IB. IWT. .A aynopaU of rui bamad aal laat alghl. Portoiba lattar will ba of Inlaraai
natoly there araa m damaga doaa.
Ba «ya ba has loqatad two elaima.
Miaa Baae Conway, taaober of the
aanaBoaamCiwakbakofbla ab- kindergartm at Oak Park, wa oUed
ta. aad owe on Krayan Craak abont 40 home to rraakfan Hataiday <m am
aaUaa from DawM. Tha Umpaealura hoant of the aariou Ulnam of bar
waa than fi dagraas below xaro.
WM vwy bad for rhaamatiam. fevers
. The Wogu^b Pofriga Mimiaiiafy
• and other things toa’nnmerwn to
aoeiaty of Ue M. B. abareh will mat
tin. but ha had baa pertaoUy WMI aU
in -tha aaw ebureh parton Wadnaaday
tba Uma. Ha haa gnb anough to laat
afleraooD at Z:3u. Ta will ba aervad
aUI tha let of next Jnly.
from :■ to T o clock. dll are ocndlaliy
"i^la MW Mt aaarly as eraty
ahoBi gold in bora M tbay are a tha
Jalia Otahaw. Ua Uraa moolha’ <M‘
•uta^a Hnadradsofmu had to go
down tha Ynka befara It froaa aad
baadrada more vrill have to go ent a Cadar Uan. died at two n'claek yatartha iaa, M they have Mt aooagk grab day of paamonla. Tha fanaeal wUl
to wlaur on. fTour Mb baa asUiag ha held tomorrow at 10:30 tram the
all tha way fnagrt togisOpar&Maf home of J. B. Gray fa that vBlagt.
Sleighing Parties,
The demand for Improved and Un
improved City Property is Iwcom.Jng brisk. Ihave
Two or Three Houses and Lots
and a Number of Well Located
VaqaiitResiiieiiGe Lots
axLLnie pmca.
Tbora'wm ba a reyalar moaUny of
------- -
ratnembef the beet fdaca to go.
I hiW a large open boa, a 5 aeat
■Idigh ha^d a top W AU vary
eonfortabla^ut ''
-- -
—Watch Repairing.
inTraverse Oity that will be sold
At Low Prices
it sold NOW. Odme and aak abont
them, if you wat a borne or a gooA
>- -
—John Verly.
-Frhnt Street.
386 Pairs
Fine Shoes.
/Pingree & Smitli. A. E.
Neftleton and W. L. Doug-
TTFios. T. Bates.
The Old Seliable Bboeman,
Pair Going
. $6.00
Inspect them.
Traverse Wty. Kich.
bMUcMMtbt tan tt Alpboon
lo flMti la -tbe abdp, Adolph bop^ te
an osdtttaiM aigbt'* mt in the mm
above, bat tbe fatan wen agaiaat him.
fraabiJi bed totbeflotr.ead be felt tbe
bonae radkiiwM if anWtbqaakebad
paaed enderParu. Ha got cn his handi
and ksea in a daned ooHlitlan. with g.
roar aa of thoadte in his cans .mingled
with tbetbarpcrackleof bracing glaa
Hr made fata way to tbe window, won
dering wbrtbrt be waa nderp at awake,
and tonnd tbe window ahattmd. The
iligbt poured into tbe daerted
“Bow cu 1 bdp yon W w^kT^w eard In a aeated poalHcm on bis chair,
tyi* bin there widi ooU after coil (d
©work myself."
I anxioi
“I wonld bewinittg tawixk ffaT'iMlb* tbe
Bg if I ooeld get a ^aa to deep and
“Why don't yoB deal? lt«<ddU I
woe kwagiy. Wbat are yon afraid cT MTd. Tbe dalra be fastened immovahly
PriaMt It y no wme than Umpirv to tbe Ooor; tben be Stood back mi
tbe dneta hangry. 'i know, for I ^va garad wllb a sigb at the two grim mat
ed denres. with tbeiK.beads druopiBg
triad both. Wbat U yoor trader’
««7 wbl^ we tmn banaa aamn tbat
at dam briyleady
beiyleedi furward on their eoeded
“I dm a watefanaker and a fird
like alleol cfBgita of
wodemas. bnt 1. bava pawned dUny Uee^ luoklag
ttMbnna «aM. pnambte. law abUoa bnt ‘ tbi dead
loQb. 1 have tramped front Lyona
altiaai lata a »alef>onr wbon
Mtqqdng hU penrplrit«1gow. Adolpb
bcact la UMwltha d«lM/arT«ac»now ratned blaacientlflntoiheiiiacbitte
Picaid looked a^
aaoA «ondii« at Botbific loacwmplWi
that had startled bin so when be first
fnw ittiniitea
■■WfaydldytBaooaytnar' beadmd came iu. He carafolly axambted ita
mmbaniim to •* that emythlug was
la a Ume narrow iniaet off tbe brand
e gropid bis way tfaroogb tbe; at last.
Bae de
Bear the gnat tannlana
rd tbe otnlrway and erent | “1 ww yon we» a IdkHr eoantry* right. Guing totbeeapbaard. be took
bU trutbcir's uue, —.
bnt nan. Frenchmen bare helped me tram np a false bottom and Uflrd carcfnlly.
tf-Mout I'WnaM Mood tbe dodqndk- down, oallinlt b---------------------------oat a number of dynanih- cattridgeafctg ehop of the brotben Delore. Tbe tbe lower imrt of tbo stair bad bMtl tinMtoUoia.'
“Let oa ait down on tbia teaeb. that tbe two sWp rs bud stolen from a
window- waa fili^ with obaap cl«^ blown awav. and be fell niion tbe debris
Freotdi tnine. Tttren be arranged iu a
aad detmding (ram a tied eprtug at- below, lying there baU «nnd.d. mval- Whatla yonr name, smd bow kmg bar^ battery, tying tbim togetber. He raU«d
jo6 Uwti in OiglandV'
•oped in aolforatiug smoke.
taobed tQ tbe top of the door waa a bell
“My uamt) u Adolpb Carrier, and 1 tbe hani'-ur of tbe.roachinc and set tbe
.When Adulpb partially
wblcb niTv wbon any
band sn ihat tbe blew would fAl iu AO
-have been InXondon three .montba."
octatciooHneRi. be became aware
----that? Bow bare yon iklnntty after tlii' toacbinriy was set in
tw« .iiM«wen helping bUn <wt
mhtiiai. Tbe
<l''od]T (xmibitution
emtlunally bdir ia tbe rocnat tbe
be placed ra>: a srhsU table, wbicb he
t tbe afaop, and trade in tbe
in fnuit of the two «lt«-p.
l^bcwbood waa oat bride enoagfa n.
hi' sal down cm a
I'mcanniiiis, .and 1 •J«cp.‘^iT<91 tan.''
i keep an aadatanU Tbe
J- “Wi-il. 1 think 1 om do Utter than ebair {alicaUy to untfit tbeawakrnlng.
! bmthen had wnfcad aniaably tn tbia
Tbo room aras siinaicd at tbe back of
{ that for •ycm. • C-'ime with nicw"
antall rbom Icr- SO y«ara and were re
Phard l4<uk Udeev tn fata bnetae. let theboowunilwre-abuost pnlufallynil),
ported bj -tbe dmUnaal that quarter
ting hiniH'lf in wiib a latcbkoy. No not a antmd fr<an the street peuetrating
eC Piiria n be tsoRDoaaljr rich. Hm7
body wvttiid to occupy ty< plare bnt . to it. Tbe caudli* bqnied low. gnttmd
himself and lguiioiiH'?> Ht ltd tbo way i and went out, but AHulph ad thor and ;
to.tbe top story and Qpentd a dopr that did not light autitbcr. Tbe room was ’
bad plwty of^tnaory for tbeir fragal
ctonmnnicatid with a raom cnHrely atiU <m1y lylf in ilvkuess. for tbo puxm
' wants, as w<-ll ae fnr Cbelr
UrilRtt^ iu'at tbe window, retare of fnniicuro. IsavUig Adolph
•xoeedinBly mild dienpaliaua at tbe
tbin.% Pimtl «'ciit down stairs again minding 'AdX>>^ Ikat it wqs jnrt a
.tMdgfaboring eafa They bad always a
and earns oif shortly after with a Ugbt- 'mimth before when be bad looked unt
little Bimey far tbe chorob aad a little
Mtroet in Paris while hU
ntn^ tor obarity, and no cod bad i-rer
od ewndie in hU bond, followed by Labrotbur lay tnnn)^nd in tbe room be- j
bmd either of tben speak a barah
muiiie. who i-arrlcd a mattresa
“This will do for yon fnr tonight,' low. Tbe boors dragged along, andi;
word to any litibg eool. and lean of all
raid Picard, “und tomorrow we will sm Adolpb ml oa iumovablo as the two
to each otbtf.
if w« can get yon aby work. Can yon ; Mated Utfore him. The aqi
One evening, jiw as they weje abpat
make clocks?'
light, slowly moviug. at last
lost Qlamined
to clone the nboi^ and adjonni together
tbe Kai4xl form of Picard.
“Oh. yssi. aodgoodooes!"
to the 'cefti. tbo bell niis. and Adolph
"VMTwrIl. tilv-omoa U« ot tbe
wnat t^eward to Icbtb w^l waa want*
Pe fdl apea Vu dri/rts brimr.
tonb and msttriali yon t>Md. and 1 wiU
ed. 'He found waiting fvbimaniuibead flm to one side, tlxm back,
IcBDpt iudividnal of annuaow ao die tbe rains of the Miattered shop. He was get tb«n for yon."
repimble tbat 'be at once made np bis -still mpnanring tbo uam« uf bis b«ptb
Picard wrote in a notebook tbe items yawned.-drew a deep bre^ and uied
mind that ben* at last was (he thief for or. and they wire telling him. in a it- Adolidi recited to him, Lanxdoe waUA- tOBtraggic‘Liimniu.!!'' be cried. “Adolpb! '
tbolr new empluy«*cloMly. bat
wboau they bad waited m> batg in vain.
and a What the deril is t^U? T say. berel >
Tbenian'atAld. rovingtye. tliat seeuM< ri^l. allboogh be vugotly felt ^t ^ n«hing. Next day a table
They had
^ te^ayedf'
to Mir^ oBt every ounjer and orauny w^t thi-y «d ^
AtUpb qnleUy. “Db
tn tbe place and real nowbeiv fur langer
L You will wake Lathan a woond at a time, added to Deand anme.ebeeu uf braea.
Picard and Umoiue were enmewhat tuvine. who if bndde yna 1 am bera
kre'a aospiclcata. Tbe anwrury viiltar
m Migi
*' was eridMitK spying oat tbe land, and
en>|dciooa uf tbeir reerait at flrrt. bnt
Adolph fdt certain be wonld do no bqal.
be went cm indnatrionsly with bU task Ul^t la wailing.
(^ing that a crowd mooff in and made no attempt to-ocmimonicete
“Adulpb. yon ficad. yon are in league
DM with bim at that |artlcalar boor.
tbe Mtrwt. kept haik b>- the police. He with nybudy. They wem eew that be with the pnlioc'V
Wbodcred why be bwl uot wwo all Cbean
“No. 1 am' not. I wiU explain every
look frcoi 1
expert workman
nrktuaa and a ciniK, Inprcple when be had liaked oat of tbe
in a muniniL -Have patkmce."
a (nrtive gUnev at tbe door
abattend windaw. When they brought
as given other things to do. Much as Addlph Hi a candla and Picard, railing
of tbe back mum. a saMtl paper covered
him to the Mubalance. be rndated
slowly awakisisg
ling np tbfir rnums and .golDg er- hit fyea. mw that
-'psnal and. nniying tbe atring eaiaego lo his nsdt for beet and otbor iwoeasitiea of Lnmolne waa bonnd like bimmlf.
wbal berriedly. displayed a crade pkoe
asaiiMce. who was Bleeping
LamcHne. glaring at bis partner and
of dockwork. 9i>ade ot bnm HataUag
_________ r____ .._„TBUeft
' - ’'ng wbat bad bappsued.
it to Adolfd) be eatd. “How mneh
faU first maAdolph finiAsd
woald It cow to inafce a docm Ilka ibair' placed him in tbe vehl .
cliinq be took it down to then and
driven away to Ote bcMpftaL
“Yon bave tnmod traitor. Picard 1
hibited it with pordcamUe pride. There
For aeeeial day* Adolpb fancied that
Tbe man beaitaled^ a bMOMBt. “It
was a dial cm it esaotly like a clock, al- Yon have roformed. ourm yonl”
be wfcii dreaming, that be wonld noon tbemgfa it bad bnt erne band.
''Kecpqniet yon fooL Don't yon see
y a part ut a clock,aaid at laat
huuid as tightly as yon?"
“I don't nnderatand It. 1 new aw
“LW US see it w.^." mid Picard.
indoidTinos lifa li
tbe nnna “Bet it to that die bell will ring in
“Tbcre bai beta no traitor and do ina dock made like tbia"
who told him be wonld never see bU three minotea''
fanning. nor netd of any. A montb ago
“It is an alarm attack
brotber again.- adding by way of ocmscitbe visitor, with some ii
Adolpb did as rcv|e««e>) «od Mood Uuigbt. Picard, there waf blown into
latioB that death had bemi painlew and______
eternity a good and bimest man. wbo
when tbe‘1
never bartried joo or any one. 1 am his
is can yon dnpUcate
brutbM. Adolpb Delora. wbu refneed to
It and at what prlaer’
make yoar infetnal maobiae for yOn. 1
*‘Bot why not make tbe alann taaam mm-b cbangMl dnoe th«o. bat p«rcblnery part of .the clock? It would bo
haua now Wtwignite me?' ‘
moeb gbeaper than io make this aad
^Iaw.<art«Odd,''crlad Fioard. “that
tben attacb It to a clock. “
jimm it under bis ccat with- 1 did iiQt>^it|-l waa In Lcudcm at tbe
V. Tbe man made a gertare of annoy- last bim his lifa
When be trad the stteeia of Paris a j
iteution? B6oh a ritape time, lean profit Tbereia no nse in
bm the shadow of j j,
paming Ibe cn«owa
banding me ov^to tbe police, even
“Will yon amrwer my qnetticn?’' be ^ Utet. be
ble former |urtly Mf. Hi-was gannt | ..j ^
j, *mt ahapo yon like, tbongb perhaps you think yon cam terMidgrany.
<1. bis i-lnibes hanging on { and tbinnsr than
mafi taggnr.1
if yem wiab rorise tbia poor wretrb lato lying
bimaail Ibcy bad U«m made ftir Nome_|
against me."
of a clock. In fact. 1 think 1 can g
other wan. a fortnight's atnlibyb.'ard
and get tma
“Prmy to Qcd. wbom name yo
cm tbe face winoii liad always berauv. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
lightly OM. tost tbe polloe yon
tnaygrt yon before 1 am diaiewito yon.
. snspirioB of wbat tbe man was. tb
the piilica. strange aa it may eonud
log blm DKTRlyaUrief and hoping to
however, aomewbat to Tim. is yonr only hope. Ifat they will
fr^ten him ^ this bint at bia own recognlied bun at first They beari he |
bad rcoeived am^e ocmtp»eimn<in from ‘
nenal. Picard. ImpatUmt at have tu cme quickly if tbey are to mve
tbe government and nw n^d hara ;
ig»ke rongbly M bim wh.m
0. Picard, yon have lived perhaps
yrara.<m tbiaoartb. Tbe next boar
and tbiei. with a qnbk tffe. Memed to m.mey«K^h»«moehl»anbie ,llN '^ mumed aad cmlered him to go np
to Ua work. Adolpb departed uf yuar life will be Umger to yon than
imainife tbe dlatenoa frcaa wbm be wWont the nra«s,|y cif w<rting f.w It ;
them to tbeir bete'1 tbem years.'!
stood to the pavemest, ekidonUy medi and they look.-d <m btm as a fnrtun«e 1
Adedpb pot the putuamiem emp la ita
”.See that yonnDdeeeUad thotmatating flight.
, - ^
, chine. Imnnrtna" mid Pioaid. "8el it tflaenanclctartedtoameiftMism. Fora
“1 will eBewhat my bratbor rays iogtb
itb oqnal a^thy. Onui be walked past halfanbonr."
few momenta ita
tick tkk
abost this. " mid Adolpb. Bnt before witbo
• Lamoine. timing tbe band to tbe fig- only eonud beard in tbe toom, tbetWD
A^^ph oonld call bia Icotber tbe mao
are VI im tbe dial, net tbe works in ttioboitedAod was goDeln an Inatant. leavIng'Hiemecbanumintbebaocbnf tbe
quiet tick tic* they drank tbefr boM.
bewildered ciuckmaker.
“Me mums lo understand bie btudAlpbcm. wbon lie beard tbe story of
wos looking tor bis
tbeir belated dpatamw. was even more
________ ________
onuvinoed than bis brother of the dan Uotber. utosn ibet 1h'waa marebing ;
ger of ibe altoatlua. Tbe man was on- for tbe murderer. Un« day be entered \ t^ady etoff tbU Engliab tiiwr isl I wish
mod French Vw».if Tbie
donbttdiy a tbivf and tbe bit of clock- tbe poHop oKn- where be bad first made
lucky fnmplaini.
' '
malNs Be drowsy.
wiek merely aa excuM for getting in bia nulucky
.ve ynn amMid bim yot?" lie
Immoiae did iini ..
side till' fortrw The bratfam, with
nodding /in bis ciuur. Plmrd threw
xuQik iierturbauim. locked dp the esteb- aakid tbe officer iu ebargw
.“Wbora?-'-inqniml tbe ofllcar. nbt bimself down cm bw -nuitaoas in
lishuanT.''aod tiMtead of gotiw to tbeir
of tbe roexu. imtnoiac. wbai be
Bsual' <-ufi' tbi-y lietisik ibi-tuselves^
“Piuanl. leui Ailniph Dclnre.”
fell tnmi bia ebair. mnUMod an taih
S)ii-<«lily ;i. psnibU-to the Iifib'e of
and lay wben< ho felL
poliiv, wlM'ri''ilii-v told thi-ir snqilpoos
Jkn bunr«.laiM ton door Mealtbily
and gave a di h-ripiiia of tho sniipomd
.*tipwnd.'and AA«iph'a brad oanitooaly
tmlprlt 'ni.' ofUis-r
^ — timeaodistb.v«;ia«lL“
"I^rbBiw 1 oonld help X «» ffidng to!
naming hiIguewd by thi-)f story
Kkm. WiU you
yun give me Piemrd'a
Picard's ad(b, ,jj^|
aiktil «^rtuH>nt
ajartment inch by tneh,
'Before nxiniiiiK tbe man. who gart Lendos.
, hia iTsfiy .^.-s .rapidly scerahlng tb. The (to-iHAf rasa trt< >11 Hrfertaflitv to erg
Us nanw ** Ja.siu. > Picard, was arr '' draaa-'"
"liMeiabbiaddrem. bnt I tbink ycm. ^xnn aiid filling with malicions glm
«d. bnt the antliiiriti.-s made little
bad b^cf liaive toe emse alone. Yon do wbt n far mw ibat rveey^^ing was a* be boond man aurlBg wUb wM« opa ,
tbeir eeaL .Adoliili IMon-swum p
ttvnly that Pirard ami Iik- \isiinr wm not know tbe language, and yon may | tud plaiuiN!. He entered qnieily and at tbe dUl qf the vJudl. wbtle tbe whole
tbt Mtoe person, hoi dm iinauxr bad n< mcvrly aranae bis snspirtaaa U yoa. hi-, closed the «loc» softly befaincl bim. Hr burrar of tbeir positieft slowly brain
terfcte thill, if yoo learn anything j piu) w grasi tSiil of sthmg cord in bia
dUBcnIcy in pravlng dial h.toft tick, tick tkk, toft
band. Apiirnm-bing tbe sliv-piug uifUi
cafe two miles awuy at tbtThe fanner frank. bunvM igqiremioo |
tiptoe, be biokial down on them W tick, tic* tkk. Ucfttlck! Eacft man's
uiAdulpb's eyes bad girt-u pUe» to a j • monicol.wcmdcri
' -iag
_ wbfibtT the drag face was paM and rlralrts trf sweat
luok<ifcttnuii>gtbaiappuledtotbehi-]bad’ctoin' Itawcak anffb'tenlly well for ran down fraai Ibc-ir browa Boddesly
silnet of a FiMMb'police ofH«r. Ho I faitn to proceed. Tbe qni-etion was set- Picard ralmd Us yoke in an ntwartUy
ahont tbe elm.
was ably defWided, and bis adv.H-ate thought HOtnelbing might oume erf toia. j tied for him with a eoddwmem (bat shriek.
*'Iexi««te«tlMt.“aaid Adolpbqnletsolimitted thitf, btm» if be bad te-.n in and bU uistiDcU did not niitomd bim. ! msrty nnawed bim. An appalling
U<;liire with great craftiuive watched i clang of tbe bell, a idarding wiond that ly. "1 d*’t tliink any one can bear,
th<- shop, as etated by IhUora, and luai
that we may
la>r;:uiiK-d as alleged for the uticliaias-m. till cl'iir of the bnusu III Lmdou. takiiiR - wemed lend eonn^ to walcti the died, Imt 1 will gag yoo Imth,
Mo risks." When this was dtoie, be
tlK M' whs notbiag cTinlnal In that, on
Nm. tlie pnaeoBtlOB oonld abow tbat.be pose. He mw Picaid oobse emt alime <« | He ^pped hia rope and aUng lo'the mM; “I have set toe clockwork at «0
ar« already
iut-'iided to pot what be kkmgbt to Im- sevihal onwsitae and uncs- with anotb-1 door in a panic of drmd. fata palpitating
prii|s-r Bsna As well arrest a man wbu er nf bis uwa stripe, whom be twA to faMut nearly nffodotiag him with- its spent- Tbere la adll rime euoogb left
for medluBcm aad repentance, ^daw
inu-h-d tu bny a key few bis wateb.
-------- -------------- ... , —
VtK evening, wbon auming Leioeeter trtm at tbe machine wbl.* bed given toe candle here so that iU rays will
Pisard was relmmd. altboogb the po
tliediBl. When y>«
llen, omaiii he waa cme of tbe men t^ aqnam. Picaid was aeccated by a stran- aneb an nnexpertsd aioRa. «owly
made yciar own peace, pray for tbe acmls
wauitri, n-wilvtd to keep a elcaa walcb gur in hU own- lafigtMgw Isaddng ooveriup command over hlmadt
on lus huure uioM tnenu. Bnt tbe sus aronud wiib a stari» be mw al his aide tamed bis-gaae on tbe akepont. Neither Of any yon ban- mat iindsteenlty wUfiemt time for prejaaatoa*."
a ulngtng tramp, wane than ob^ibUy bad moved. Both were breathing
pect.-d iua{i. as u to rare them
Delore left toe rocan aa erffly
- aary iroobl.-,
baarlly aa evwbad entered it. and tbe doomed
lioodcu. Btid
tried Ineffecvaally to try out as tbey
Fora wrak AdoiiIpb slept badly la tbe
bis votoe.
toe key tnraitig In tbe door.
“Oonld yon aoUai a poor ooatty; danmms.Ban of.^twu abooldan
rikOp, tor. althnogbI be hoped tbe thief
Tbe entoorttoa knew that eon
awaikBing ootne beitire ne was teaoy.
anr* whined hOan.
Bad Tbeen friginraid awaybyttii protflTHabaand Plcmid'a wrists tigbUy bad pertsbed in that eaplomcm, baf
“I bare no motley. “
taff taken a^lmt htnr, etui. '
wbetfaar it was one xoea or two tbsy
«MttaB^ Ml hi* amkloA Bis kaeai
be fieUaaleqi. bedrMmedi
MseltowaTHenextdJd tbe samL
Laawlmi, Wi^ acxnat.affort bc«9(Ptr
lam,ajacd workman.."
we are Selling
Faocir Daily Butter
. 19c
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19o per Dozen.
Enterprise Grocery,
Opposite Stoinborg'*. '^hooe 1.48.
Thinkers’ Thoughts
Who mved bimaeU la time by keea,
Wtte aae af printeraMnk:
Tbe emmtaat drop of water
Wear* away tbe.bardmt atone;
Tbe Coaataat gnaw of Toww
MaaUeateetbc tangbmt baoa ' "
Tbe eonetaat ooalag lover
Oarrim off the blnablag maid:
k toe oat ana who gate the timda. .
Tbe man stood 'mid hia bnalaM wraek,
WKCrnoe al amet al 1 bad Bad.
Tbe aberiff took the little check
Hia sale pradaoed, aad aatdi
“Old fellow, aaxt Umelnat be wlaeDaen take ray worda amlm-
A ataa ea« thne a good tolag bad
Wbkh people wnnllftave prteed.
Bat he never told a alogle one.
For be aew ateertieed.
r in the medlua.
whiob reaohM tke pe^le.
some wise red
of tbewhlu aMM -tvj ’
PK ttwn to go Kwajf
FbrtfeeW«ofimMBa.*iH»tbto«fM n.
INDIANS WHO LOOK OUT FOR THEM DoQk la tbe biUi |Elr« tbem » bettw,
lu Uto.
lirinKtSM tb«ilrbro(berla4bui*E«aa
T1i« octar, la aitutic and anWcraot
»(wt feriU* iwmtiw ia
uUo&l.-ij fuaitd is -isHir fUaen la BnT«P-«dA«. -Tb««»«
4 TM -Utm U
>«-. .11 « U-. b.™»
hot «l,>bor .ijrin*; which
**^^.7^."^ *
of two ftDd » half ftwL.withi
thniodb a oarxpw ravine, oo the
■>»>«■ tblck (ail. ahoot bajf-ai kog
-of which their lUiIemadvillagelabnllL I the body; a faroad, flat hi-»l: Ter^ahoct
___________ ,____________ __ I The water ia an hot aa it i«>ort forth naiadad earn, and tlio loug body oorerI haa oot atwaya heea the fattll > w»d flowadown tb« ir^ch that U-wiU ed with beas^tifol cbeatuut for:\ The
of the white oiaa that in aome loaaAtiea : Oiator (he bend It tbntat into iL and it
Vary abort, but atroug; the'feet
where the red ~mea were formerly very ' 1« ao_highly Chaiyed with •olphor and
Bot only webbed, but nre armed with
naoKTona they hare bocn qaiieextor- , Wi»«9' oiediMnal detaeuta that it baa a #n™,idehlB elawa ’ IndsMt. in atmiBth
nlnated. At tioMw. indeed, they have jawpntatitM aeoond tonone in (beotmntzy
. .irfii,- w--; oront mrmtw. hoorino
core u>
of .-u.
“*** **~™«
ta»l Wiled
Uliau wlthop,
tt iuiliut wuac AUU
Oiaua lI for the -».«
uo.a.iau and. Ilk.
witboDt right,
ridfat. aa
M in MeWoo
Mattioo and
aad I oompUinta'
«wipl*inta And
Aad ao, having
havltiK peroelved
w without
ibia wcndertnl
wtaidertol apring
aprioc • »>lgh rank an»«i«
mammala U ia;
Weet Indlea
the, vinoea of ihia
Vb itwall ibat moot of the &iglUb “»ny rean ago and knowing fnnn tha , what boya wonld
aewbTi<tfAnK«caiitafwdont by treat- I t»d»ti«»*<>f their aneertora ihatiUwa-;animal.”»»i tUi an o
inglb«IijdUn.wiib.famM»w.aratlaa«L t*»* have cored many affiicted peopla, | very attraitivo jmrkuU h, mew who do
they did ioi iutrod to mordeo- or make' tiie prtMt Indiana have erected mde ' not object after a long day e ai<ort to
alaTaa id-Ui. m. aidid the Spaalardiof ' haihhonaea. which they famidied with name home dmtubed to tbc akin, ifww
«he aunthetii coontriea. The pilgrim fa-i troodm tntaaand.which they rmi ont to odvered with mad. and fR^rba^ witbonl
-ihm paid JlaMaeuii fm-tbe land and I Inuiuiu who come fitau far and near.
having klUvd on otter after alL For ibe
awn tber tank and William Petin made : That U why it baa huen aatd that they otter alwaye makn a brave etragglc for ,
treatv wbnvbv he a«jnliwd a Urge live In. or rather by. hot water, for tbtir freedom and life. Wfam once it rkwebw
rt u.j, -R, ^1.., tiH,
uiuAtutai# ta
t..bho™» ^ u.«. .ita. ».»i i«- lu i«i.«u.. 1-u.v. Qi.!».
It j
Ever«BtinMd Oatf
AUonMjB al Law.
Hew Torfe Jaa. *L—Tba icaUBMoy OflkMia
OlMk. temOtf. MM
anS oib«r tvecMdiBss In the oae raMoUr irtrS IB Ctileasu wtwra a nulrood
BtrsiNBSB CAHVSmas raevvand haaRT darnacc* acalBat j
a raltroaS corpotatlau fur aii-jted bla^liMlDK Rrowioa out of tha Doha airlka
will natirt-. iBridenially at lavai. aa a
kind ot brief f.ir coOBaH 1B a aoisa- ^tUnr M 0««. AiumerL^f^eM^
' what Blnillar raae to I* UIH at Uaa.'
cheater neat muDth. a Meal. ftrcB of
tawye" havlB* received a rwioaM W ^aoit B
____.... Cuj.
•-aue aad forward all obialaaWa data 5«%t> all day or aiykt
IB relation to the Chh-aao caae.
atrea to aboieirtra
In tBe Ki.aliah pnicredlmta te- ear-[dSdehtUnB-e
MarkhaB Blork. ut>
who Kerettlachilaied
In Aupuat
by the Federal »> of Mniter BulMrra aa i
outcome of a atrike have hrouyht'
If to yon know
O. P. CARVSrR. Agent.
Suits: to Or^ler.
/ •
Fioe Merj:haiit Tailorisg.
aulta lui
for demaow a««r\HBl:rK Mo.auo. 1^
their riaim letna that the bU. kil.i haa I f
prevented them obiaiBnu: work at.iheir
at .Ihrir -r
B Fed-ra-iotier Kmploriw EmrlBBeri.
X. (UTBL Rhrdrias end SoiewA.
Ibt FVdrrwIloh of Matter DulldBrs W I rtS
Ko « KMoaic noeki mililmii* tW
th» Mroiutrat roivrailon of empiirying Ijiol n».
lioawnet. Tclefibae lO.
caiUtal'in EngUnd..and the a
a noubir one.
ayntliici ii.diMMnferacBr.aoeeaadlbnwt.
thV’^l!^?^t*^i i^'r^nr*t-.?a!!ri!'**ii°^ ' Vyotuik a nrA-au At,^ _, .
iBptrtaiit to Propertj fitMenf■
The nrr
^ D°s*.,i.”'a!;.*syss.rg.tra;: THE mo. E SMTO IGEICf
lUudUitbeli^tof onme. and they aw proheWy the riohe« , la not to hr dbdoilgcd witb-wt l«vy i i™™^
paid were ven««U»
SLleSnatf red i^cw to all th
i work, while efter it i. dUlodged. « j
uodeni timtu neran
quite inadeqnate,
tot that th.7 paid any >ioe at all ; Tb«r atoiple bote of "adoljp," or eharp ia it.^tbgt ihoagh the dopn» Pcorta and Ilerten, dlvbh.n
„ rnawn ...
. .1when they might bare taken it byforce^ mod brick, line the left took of the rw k«wnly on the waU-b it again toke. to granted a rearrangrmBnt of rank Vhuh C toU*
.iwn-d that thAv wMW.mnvmt hr B Mrieit Fine III t dooble TOw: ttcb bonte ooB-' tbo wBtiT.like t fla*h hf liglitBliig. and w111 amount to an Jti<p-a»e In twV Th*------------------------ -—— --------------------—
«f faitnetia.'^
i airta maJiOy of one large room; vriih a ; U>* chtwebaatobeU-gtaall over agato. ' men cl^-d that the agirement of IM: Q f
edI up
up to
to a.
ae to
to overtime
overtime and
uod ,„b:c Bkek.
Yet in rpiteof aenlrttof friendltome *“Wl
tl*»»<*-»U»**eDd ; To InmiTr a eoccctnful o«er bimt | »e»
’w—wi rJacinnatl.
They eay tbte
and niottial forbearance the red men i »
a big mnch dependa opotMthfedter ‘Tbetme
" ....................
*Biuloibir adluaied.
oonttoofd Wdjrlndleand melt awavbe- bei »1>«
*»!»« flH«l np otter bound la a
hardy, rongh ,
with all BortBOf bonwboldfarniahlnga.J«M«*lABlmal. urarly two fret high at; --------------- :-------liene d the Indiana hare aepamte ^ tbr kltonldty and very game. The but- {
faonaea, wbitdi they rut to white pa-.
anurd with eiiuon. and one cu
New Bnglud
.^ij to.su,. d»,. s™., d.1
exiA The made of living of the aborigtoee ooodorvd to Uiia ewd. Now there
-pARBgH anoy fOB UALK^ ^ atU my
““-'•‘■‘•“o!”waa that auie Maiwmwjit. who. though
•____ _
- V .I
Omaha a franchlae.
leelu*lneeniuva.aaea*j t^Tmala .rtabl earI The
The ottiT
ottiT la
U vcrydcrtrticflwei
vcryduquctlweto flah of , The relaUoB. ot Oitotemala ud Sal- t).
a great ttoieftcin, yet lived in a wretoht>»tesar«aab**<Be.»*odN richt pUee
. I all kind#, and hi- baa the gnid taateto
(«r r«ea Barber. W. K.Bl>u«r. 91 «(
«d bat and knb«i«ed npen the eoucy
one. It
glmninga nf the enil aqd au.
ItTTAMTBI> llsiwabaek'liiill' Uihe ^eraTalao thu pmilUriiy, tlmt it kiUa aragua. from Ru'fialvador atote (bat
I W era. i s>>«> bey* <*e work oe rip ud rat
■ Like him liv.d all hie barbarian
' alt uwa. 4eoa« wee. Ur rsnera ud luwhar
' and team t« piemw uiuy more fiah tbu ivvulullon in Salvador Is iromlBcBt.
brethren to the .met. along the Atlutio
Ibwxllvra. J. L.OIBtK.May««id. MIrb. 91 A«
it cw dei-uor. and alto that it alwaya
Klfia l.eo|H>lii uf Ilclslum has p
voaat ud ai far wen aa the Uianadppi
cata the pnme perta only, while It choiwd for t40i.4NM the yarhl Mayflower,
TaUqr. But bfacn thMuRlUny to whiob
built for (be late Ogden Ouelel. of New
lie oor preeeut atatoa of' New Mexioe
and Artoona waa reached it waa feond
It U really a very toapiriting
tUu acme of the Indtoni were dwelling
ere idx crciifbtoonj
txinpleof wiry, me bred
in Ftomauunt villagee ot Hom and mnd
aanirrL lantAH Maibnca
died «uddrnly ai Prairie du CWeii. WU, |-»treei. »■<
Nouaca. Tbeae, then, an about the cnily j timta wd whu thoe ore all filled they Otttr bonnda on a fine aammermanitog.
■ f«. it i» la «»»«»>«» tl»( tbU apart ii
n.«, B«».
intact t
““ ^
white m.m'
They do not do this from any tocUna- • gattw tbc dog* uuiiot be pn-vinwd
tlon of hoeidtality, bowmer. bat-charge
; plcutore. while the whip keeps then
Because she rvdueed logtvebim tBoney iTToiwi Tn sent—tisei
•• or Mksaita. for a I
Jamea .NoUb rut off (he ear of nu ! “
alKler-lh-Uw. .Hra ->argarM Fechan. j
the Indiana bad toffered at onr banda.
S nAl.g—SM«ad-haa4 «BMcr. 3.C.aial.a
lth a rasor al Cblcaga.
and luaUad id taking fren tbui with- Email bawd ahuty ran by uentapria-ij^^j^'*
~ out pay their land* aad hmttoEgrotmdi
strike near (iolden. Colo., says be
weUmghi them. In certain eutca there
Indui-ed to leave hti old home at Rock
boia. laqalfeef omns&D
arv M-ulenieuM of Indiua who are eeford. Rls.. by a dream.
«tmd to the piwaeaMcn id vaet tniNa of
The Cargill Broa' elevator and tbe ^ytkip POBJSAlX-a«alaeK^ gr
land ud who are making gooi pn^rem
Northern Grain oompuy's cleraler at
MtUouC* ftamm*CUy
in cdocatiou, and the orta of puea
Klera. Tremiwaleau oouniy, Wla. were
Then-, for iuitai^, oh.' the iiberokeea, U. «»■«. ud b.U.1 -hU. M,. "L^ i
burned with tbeir conUnu.LCW boabele
who at a wibe are tar ridier tbU uy
equal body of white peoiile in thii consP»u9Ui »4 lao
tr?-; who have acbonUud rollug«*. totiKTgD-CaU oa w a
auuUB-- ud fertile farms, and live h^
H« bad
pity uniT piawfolly by ihemeclvca. Om “U>"rm»hTtEly«maln.aiU«a, :T '
™ T ^
walked forty Biller ud waa troan to
of thi-ir nnnibr^ yvan ago uiventod a
0,1. OH.-onui.UH,
death. .
Cbvtukce alpbahi-t, and their , rultoa rrvut and the man ber lord ud luaater.
The Jury In Ibe case of Chariea U ■v^K SgXT-WaukaKolayMaevM rroat
- atom wiae and uprigbL
fiat they sqpm rwxmciled to (bis ar- ^
Draper, on trial at Jartcsonville. Uli. r >treet.»esr|»UoMee. S. AMUler. I«4f
Tbuee who rtiU pi-rrist to lending a
for the jiiurder of Charles L. HastlngB, g-HUH,.
, wild and rmoiing lib-even are looked
brousiU ID a vgrdl'.L fludlog him guilty,
njion aa Uie avardi of our govivnmeat
glklng him a life.aenience.
defensf ple-.led Insulty.
ud an- protecliil to their right* eo far bonoffta derived from (be spring, and the
-Alprvllldnaeud youiig mu attacked
a* f>"*il'lo. Srbiinta and eilniwtiuual to- receipts ate equally divided. And ibeea
etiiuuiiDii of advanced gnde have been roceipta are not small by uy meua.
and begin to ecarota abouL Tbe otter rrtuning hotoe-from the Marquette
foudfd fur tb«ir excluaive uae. and all
school. Chicago, and after throwing bar
In the snow, delllwrately pulled om of
the aide braid* of her long hair out by
-tog till
(be r>R>ts by main strength. .
- >e baa l«ai gpputoi
« todiana
II tbi-m«
tog here, but bring toutaei^^^lSi
of themai,
These reMi-iatiiioa. are beattervd ud camp out. to fart, they ^ upou
throughout the i-ooutTv. (articolarly te this beneficent cnwtlcD, the anljtour "He's here.-be'a-baTr abow that tbu
to tbu
_j'a Mnitaritun
- compelled to
.» take ~
the west and anothw.-et. and the Indi- qwing. as (be poor mu'*
auitorii— ottor has mw
u* now. iukiead <if l .-ing pernmud to ; ud b‘1* tv
own nke. that it
roam aU.ot i;i *avug, ry »tul iudolenw. j will never be token from the Indians so
are ■-u<'>ur3i;id to till tht-eoil and pro- | long a» tbeydi*p»ti«* ibowaU-mtowiw-,
worry takes place, ud the ebaac is over,
Tide for tbr-ir wuu. Ap-uu imii.- been . ly ud at ao,iow|p firice.
tbc otter having bum caught ud etruappnnu-d i.i ditoud Hk-it ngbu. '
Th. OllitnM Spto
pled almost b^orv be had been fully
tiiai* of t'johi and agno
menu have bm-n iiisde fur tbelr on. and
acbuub. bay* bei-u e>toMiibed at tbeir
t^ry dom which they are ooapelled to
»,m 1. I.,.,pp,.d.,
n and boun^ go boma.
Im> it will beanw that an- bare al last --------- 1. ilM.S pimuda
don<! much 1
a for the inevhabM
Spate yaa a i
w «f TOO de- [
. . Tbavebss Cm, Miob.
____ iHrnm.
*» .-i. «... m,.-,
The faila of Niagara carry ddrn 10.- ^ toe baa the property—ptouUartobodOOO.OfW cubic feet of water per minute, i »« »hieh expand oo frfeattog-of Uqqeo>|Ual (•> about S.U0U.(SHI fa>wiwpuw««.
: <yl»fl Viier preeraru ud tulidifying
Gold cu to- U-atwi 1.20P times tiiifi-' •«»» »h«n the pretenro has toes re«r tbu priniiug paper. Uneouncewfll moved. Consequently the weight of any
edW 140 aqnart. feet.
body movtog upon a sheet ol ice cauaea
: Tbc big tree* (redwood) ofChtovcrat »he (ortnaUon of a tbto layer of water
rgrov.-. Califoniiu. arc Sf in number. 10. which aeiantn it from U»e toe. ud
letog ovw lu J« t to dtoiu^. They Miba by ndnoitig the friction to a mto: rug.- to height
Confides tUL
-igbt from iSD to 237 fuel ud l»nm. cnablee it to move muootily over
I l.D
L' B • a. * oo dense tWr attasticw to Diwsse* «f tte Eys.
•‘alipiwy.’'- On gUm. on the wmtrmry.
siMlOMMB|>OeB.j>BdyiOtir<ai«MnleslH---------------------------The aeven w'codoa of the world
\xHi this liquid medium ia wuttog.
the pyramid*, thet^iaros of Al.
vrHorwisaA^VIew* Bririil-* Ui
solid ud nnyklding
the hanging gaidniR of Babylon. tovti" «
wl ccaitoc
• -- •
- •
the I
of Ing a friotiou.
in spi te of the
Olympian Jupiter, tbeu
. Kevis* sad kJ«.^^B«etal Clwm n«u1
Artemisia and the ooloaraa of Bbodea; , amooihnea* of the
Gruil SipUi i Iiliui K. R
•sr^j?Si ‘
TVsiMaiTtr* frem Oil
U> sad PetoAey at 191 p. a
- aPLWsrat.Orsadm
*■ Brasek sr
C. k. MURKAT. Ami.
bOOKWOOD O.P.A..Orsa4Esa(le
West Michigan.
'USU__Money to Irfian
Drs.B.S.& CO.
Hotel Whiting
rRIDir, FERROlRUlli, IRSt.
RoraranroaanAU aki> b*ratiovMc. i
the other placed above IL a
bam that came tu them through tba \
! (fate layer of water will be-formed. ^
at tbeir lands
: anti) this layer hai been prcaod ont ibe
g tbetn
them Boomdtog to the ; A very carious it
ipl^- I upper gla*e will move on the other aa
fiKoepU of the golden rule. Tb«e are : ed at a mtoe to CernwaU, England, a cuootbly aa if on ida. Thia peculUr
gaow ud then esceptim whiob .mntina
- ‘ mine which is l.BQU feet deep.
> pvipmy of toe U doe to the effect of
benvaidid.'for the .pteyut gcnenttoB
ThU engine baa been oonstneMdiOr ' {weMtire in lowering the treeainiLpotot
tt ted men writl cling te tbeir nvagaty, Ufttog the miaeqi and lowering then of water, m that whaoever toe i* anband •elfish white mn an always to be
Bielr woric. wfattb ia at a depth tff Jeoted to great pnMu* it pnrciaUy
found ready to oomniU ■njuat etRa for ..
tbeir own ennohiuGnL
| tods pivvidid with stages cr platftsxna,
But what about Ibe paittoular Indtona which ac- n.«ipraoated put eadi otbv.
Who are now to*‘bolw«err" In Koih- j (be stageerbetog two fathoms apart,
cm Califonila. when gien ud perp,’ • i Each rod tvoeirea a motion throngh tha' t^uciniXl. a Polish
tnonototoigoardagnatvaUtfirtowbioh .mmediaumaa
InstoaUr kiued at
are thehaadwatenof tbertverSuLoia , A mu stepping on to a lower list- Uqb U. ynaprday
ilaad tby the lifting of the rod.! tramway of
Bey. rwid* a .tribe of Indtona whose I form ia raiaed
fwiMBtben bad been then Cor at least : wbiidi bitogt h’
at <nu-e
aby ud poor, ud tbeir mnau Doacnee
at oatUB have very bard wotk indeed to
End rafneient nauriahmant « «leto
ktfa wbiie their gratoflaUtoonaetla
er vvry prodnetive.
TEU being the easa why Aonld
IndiMW eo Moaetoaely cling to the U«i
hot Mmtot they have built here and »
In etepping
back to. set out of the way It la supb toaga fiobecsotinnes posed thatXuctoskl loot hie biluge and
< stepping from one to aaoebm. ritong It
: feet between each etep. The pletfcme
; an o;qnaite to eatto other at the' *
•aim. Thtl
’ tour atora. and a h^ doaeu efftoas ud
wttotiW lUi^totoMtff MtontagtaBjemanarbuiidiuga Umw. Ul».eW: toaurCBaplotfioRstoMOlliMi
to Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Bsgertas f»o«» say ■ uka—Hi weeaag«rsa*rasiint tsUef. A^aabsMeais* caaisauii.
‘^^^S^SrmCANrEBe esees •ttbosi scManUe.
er seas. New Mbte*.
tss tsstris
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Look Box 160.
I( Yob Do, Try Th« Want Dq»rtment of V -
I^Dhirnff arc Quick Because Everybody Reade the Record.
o-sSsaasiunsm UD Mtntmtu li
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