The Morning Record, October 08, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 08, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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ifceoBd T«wwNo 447





Another Ontbreak Threaten*


W«li«r PreMi, I
who left in tb*
infunoon for But Jordnn. tb«lr U*«
.iotock hftrlDf bun kbtpped mrlior in

Horaemen Agltave Spring and,
Fall Meetinga fbr 1899.



that the roreraor of MiaeiHippi. Oor. I
•mor MeLanrla. beaded a aumpede of |
atate oSslaU and cstUaaa from the cap-1
tUl oa aoeonat of yellow ferer are na- i
Tha coeemor ta aUtl at bU reri-1
denee at the oouklru of Jackaoa. <

A Happy Man-

la one that bu a happy family, and the one way to have aach a'
left is Ue afternoon. Qalte a
ed bj Pillager Indians.
party left early U the nomlnf for
family ia to bare roma framed pietnrm on the wall If yon hare tha
Grand Rapid*, inelndinf Jamu Fell,
pictnru wa hare the new moaldioc for the frasm, and they are daadiaa.
AUheofb It Waa Xndioawd That Tha
TnvetM Olty to IM On* of nawtu of
the atartor, 0. B- Fox tbe drirer. tbe
Bad Man Had Bm Bubdaed-Oen*
Oltiu In VorthvMUm Mlehipm Ueurt. Hoo^r brother* and otben.
erai Bacon Annonncad That Ho Oeneral I<ea'a Oommand Will Prapare;
Jfoxt a«oMn—▼ialten PrtiM Thia Tbe Hooper atabla and tbe boatler* and
290 Front Street
**Oity Bookstore.'*
MoreBelDforoemaata Wen Moaded.
9ow^» ‘BoopiteUtr-Tbreo Loonl atteodantaof tbe bcreu left the erento Sail for Havana Prom
inp before, imoiedUtely after the cloae
aa Ba Had tha Band Whipped,
BaTanoah October 97.
Sonu la tha I.iat of Wiaaen.
In the party whteb loft for Moakeiton
A Mat rmtlfylB* ootoo»e of. tbe
Waabiarton, Oct. 7.— ianeral Lee ra1698 noe meeUnc of the Tneeru a- UatereBlnr.wullr.aad MrB.K.W.B*ld-. Mioneapolia O.t. 7 —The Jonrnal'a
ceired order* from the war depar^ent
. . tj Drirlor Cinb. U a renewal of thes wisand Mr.Baldwin'adrirer. Mr. Brad' Walker apeeial uya:
______________________._______• ley. The horara and tt*ble help left, between the Indian affeet Sntherlaod ' today to more hia commandt from Jack- •
talk for tbe
We have tbe most complete asisortmeot of Pocket
nent drirlny clrcnlt for Northweatern I earlier in tbe day. F.C Suffrrtoo.Prank; *ed the Chippewa cblefa now at tbe aonrllle to Seranoab to be ready
' Talwood and N. Q. R'ce. of Peioakey, j agency, it gniag on apd amtten are embark for Barana October 27.
Books in tbe city, and at prices that will leave you some*
While notbinr definite' bu been de-‘B. B. Walker. Frankfort. J. W. Forth, i
aunmlov a thing
put in one.
Walter Wright of Company B.lliirtycfdedopVn.itoanbeuld with almort ’ ManUtu. and tbelr auble help, all j
Colby, employed at the a<reaey flnh reyiment died TbnmdaV at Irlan'd
poaitireoeu. that a circuit Inclndinc i left the city U.i erenlnr and each ; *cbool u initructor. wu tha morning
Sprlnr and Fall meeting* for 1699. wUl j wltii a promiu to retnm again.
ordered to lure the agency by tbe In-.

beVfLtnre of next year', racing, and j Mayor Perry, of Grand Eaplda, who | dian*. and b. ju.i arrived here. She !
that Trareree Ol»y will, in all Uklltaood. alu railed the race track on Thrieday. j fear* urioiu trouble within the next,
lead the Uat of a half dosen or more left for bU borne early yuterday morn-1 few bonrt and uy» tb.i tbe pretext of ^
J Ab more prenuam tickeU or premiums, after Mcember 5th. '
enterprifc’ng eitlu of tbe Nortfawui. tog. well pleased ilb hi* visit to tbi* tbe becks who are eonetaollUy a
Please bear this ia mind
at the agency from all
wbieb will be inclnded in tbe proposed
& Benda A Co.
they bare come ia to sign the roll*. \

Thru Travere* City Winner*.
cirenil. racb city to hare a Spring and
jTaUaM, TaUeto. TaUetf!
The judgu yuterday made tbe fol­ U rnsnafaciared for tbrneurion.
alu a Fai raoe-meeting.
Indian Agut fiotberland. before
Call and BU oar UbleU,
8ocb a circnit will rery likely "Be de­ lowing award* of tbe pnr«M to tbe
fin-. Sailing loU of
cided upon tbi* coming winter, and eloulyeoatuted Obal mMofThniaday. etorttog. gave u bis optoion tbai the
msn'e. <«8'3t.
while it u alu ooturuin. tbe ebaacea tbe 2:27 elau: Fred himont, first; Ony- oooference woald nolamooot to enytbtog,
art very farorable that the
ler Boy. seond; Frank M. third and
iot tbeu muting* of next year, will Dan Bailey.fonrth. El will be a unrw tbe buck* bed requuwd it. Bimur*
isclnde in the racu from day to day, of gratifsetioQ to all ruidenU of Trav- arecorrenl here that twj troops of
pragrama aimllar to tbe muting Jut cru City, u well ucnnufu pride, to earalry from Fort Vatu and Fort
closed in thl^ity.
know that thru of thus foar money Keogh, which passed through Minne­
Bnifii •‘gVar* Ooeatp Beard.
winner*, are Trareru aty horeea,Fred apolis Tneaday night oe tbelr w*y to
Tidk in tbe Hotol Whiting tbe great­ Almost bring owned by tbe Qermalac Huntarllle. all hare bun ordered to
er part of yuterday. preceding the brother*. Freak M. by C. Ingeull and come to Walker ds fut u they can be
departure of tbe taorumen who bar* Ban Baliry. by A. A. McCoy A Boa. got her*. None of tbe tohabitaato
made Trareru City a very lively towa Uoylor Boy. who took aound money, ia here, with few exwptioM, hare any
tbe putwuk, wu of a Juldedly tbe property of B. B. Walker.of Frank- hope that tbe end ia aur. It 1* gen­
Must be left to th* eutomerally held that tbe beginning bu not
''boney” nature. Oonapicinou fa the fort
er*' declalon.
Mow that the rau muting li'orer,
groapa wereanch wall kaown beruWe are glad to ehow p«r vieic
fnU riUs - bare you oompan
on mni
u K. W.
.1 SureUry Compton and Treunrer Gd.
Prominent Chief X’ltod.
clotba. trimmtogs, maku and
Mukegon- Jamu Fell, better known Imutner are very busy figuring np ra- SpCelsltaTet MouiKu Btrou.
general "tone" with the other
Wubiagton. OcU 7. —A Dispatch
aa "Jack," Charley Fox! tiia drirer and ceipta and expanaen. and probably
dealere' goods, and are utlaflad
boTM owner and other* fram Grand, wiUito a wuk will bt able to annonnu from General Buon. ruelrad by tbe
tbat weSlgettocMle.
Bapid*. Walter French, P. 8. Vork and; Jut bow the Trareru City Driving: adjuUnt geaaml. dateJ Walker. Oct.
on tbe wuk'a C-via B-siserd. 0.31. 7, ssyitbe Indians
ureral otbera from But Jordan, Cinb
CInb stands,
*Und*. finaacielly
Reliablp Dry Goods, Carpet
I bare aeatUrnd to esnou to rarions
Tbomu Wilun from Sherman, buide aporta.
They have been com­
and Clothing House.
Tbe pnrau awarded daring the rau j uunda in that *utioa.
Be adds; -I
Memra PtatV Compton and Lantnar of
paring our shoes with
• tbU cHy, and the Ulk among them mut, ware oae ^f filW. two of fiioo; hare accompUsbed all that can be done
wu of the feaalbiUty of the utoblUb- aacb. and foor of rsuch. Na>xtywr, i bare at tbit late season and will return
others and find our
It la tbr ioleatioD to at laut dboble with my Si
. mentofacircn[tnextaeaaon._
A Walker. Minn., sputol to the Dis­
It wu developed to the conrersation. thU amount.
One of the funny IneldenU of
patch from Oener^ Bseon. uys: "One
which wuot a general nature, that
the project of aneb a circuit bad bun wuk'e muting wu th'e "two-legged j <,f the Indma* WUed by sharp ahooler
The world lovu to gat bold of th* handle end of a bamto U la bntlm"
Infarmal y dtocuseed and apprornd of pig." a feature of the "Midway" and j ^ chief Bn Go Nay Kt SWng."
: than eantog money; HU raving moneyt It bS2 for «l. Th?^^ tttolmttw
unrou of rereoue |exyi they '---------------—
by tbe driving club* of Manistee. Eut | oae of
o» tbeeappoked
Jordan and Trareru City in tbe put to the cinb. The "gale reulpU" off indie,.
th. per- ,p„.r,.U, l.»,d.a tor UnpAb lUb
auion, and eo general and nnirerul U..
Places your band nn ihg tbrottie of extra beat at no extra ooaU It ia am
InrutMot. It la sprading fit to maka fit. Attached to etore or fnniau pipa.
ly farorable was tbe opinion in favoi cenuge Of proflu coming to the otob Oe bbig. wbo wu the cauu of tbe
to l»e the best bargain
MU. ud
Surctnry whole tronble, the other Indians ttar
of haring such a cirenil, tbatstepa are ]
K>^***'coatt boUlttie“*'^
op the chimney and pauw It around £•
Compton fefiaourry for the proprie- log taken him by fonse from the depniy
ever offered in Traverse
w under way for tbe app
n general committu composed of mem­ lor. wbo had madea lulng toruUnent. marshal* who were taking him to DuCity.
Intbua witneuin an Illegal liquor
bers from each of the driring elnba to thdt be remitted tbe
Baud Oemptoa'a Bnvelope.
hare a joint muting aome time tbU
- We have them in black ; Larger Store..Double Stock..
Little Mand Compton yesterdar pul
winter aad prepare a definiu plan
or tan—Cloth Top and
Elegant New Lines,.
This will undoobtodly be done, bat
ri»« ••fe In her totber.* oftiM. tbe
matters hare not yet progressed so far »50. nuUy sealed to an ecrelope. and Speclsl toTas Moasise Rxroui.
All Leather.
which she tabled u "Rau Wtoninga."
Mtoaupolis, Oct. 7 —A sputol from
that a'foreeast can be giren of tbe perthough
Dnlutb uys tost General Bacon hu
aonuel of this committu.
tbe poruthat tbe mare untword that he bu toe Pillager
Horthwwurn Oircutt.
Increased dbplay Fine'Watches. Fins line Silk Umbrella*.
It 1* bellored. however, that toe ***“'’C. reuived for winning to a rau band whipped and dove not need far­
Strlngwl Ij^oM Inwrunieau. Strin,!. for dl iiatnimenl.. H.,i.
name of tbe circuit, when formed, will
land China Ware. Ererything new.
' be typi^l nf the localltiu reprueatad. fees aad otherexpensu. tbenelamoui
Take a look tbrongb onr ele^nt new qnarterA
A name that aums to be to faror wUi of tne paru wu only 6S7.M. bnt Mand'e
wrtsl tsTes Messise Rscobd.
probably be "Tbe Nortbwutern Mich­ father generously made up tbe bslanu,
Walker. Minn., Out. 7.—Oeneral Ba­
igan DrirJngCIrcuU.” If not exactly M that tbe envelope, now in her fath­ con and all bis men arrired here at
er's tafe-kuping. cobuins exutly »S0.
that, it will be aomelhto
12:4S, having no dlfiisolty abonl land­
Borumen of Trareru City are
guting tbe ume idea.
ing from toe boau. The general re­
Tbe citiM It to proposed to todnde to mealing on the generosity of "Jack" ports that at uveral polnto along the
auch a circuit will be Traveru City, of
lake white fiage were eeen. indtuting
course. Muskegon, Hart, But Jordan. raeu, Tbe Traveru City Driving Club
Maniitu, Petukey. Reed City, Big offered Mr. Fell proper remnneraUon
for bisurrloea. but be declined to aeLlat of toe Killed and Wounded.
Thlvru b« bourhi *t • t»rr*lB <t t*kraM«o<«.
upl aunt, uylog that became to help
Chicago. Oct. 7.-H»e Tribune's sufi
eally large to make it repreunUllr* wf out Traveru City ulely In the interest nrrupondenl at Walker. Minn., en
Dortowutera Miebigsn. and yet not of tha Driring Club and. furtoermora. route to toe scene of toe bsttle betoo large to be eui'y corered within that be stood ready to come again twun Company E. Tbitd infantry, un­
tbe llmiu of tbe racing eusons. one in wbenerer tbe club held raoea, and offi­ der ummaod of Qeorrat Bacon, aad
tbe Spring the other to the Autumn. ciate to anycapaciiyto which be could tbe Pillager- Indians on Hur Island.
BSyi: Tbe slesmer Flora hu arrlTrd,
The date* of tbe rarious muling* will lie of urriu to tbe etnl
bringing tbe killed and wounded. Tbe
also be so arranged a* to make trans­
OBKBBAL BUFFIXLD BBTIBBO following U a comolete lUl of the kill­
fer* of racing material and horse* u
cuily u poealble, with referesu to XwoBieb'gan BegimenU Ordered to ed in Wedneedsy'e engagement:
OBcera—Msjv Melville Wilkinson.
railroad* and time.
Bsrgeant William Butiar.
All Liked Trareru City.
Hprcisl lo ih* Mossias Recoan.
Privates—Edward Lowe. John OldTrareru City borumen and the elti,,
Wasblngion.Ot-t. 7.—Among
stead. John Swallenftocker. Alfred
.b. Z-bell. .
:re 1 have combined an exteoaire
htoek of----Gleren'aoldlers were wounded bep—Ion of nnd boo Dnffl.w,
11.lor UnTnnU eidu the following clriltoDt: Edward
piuii... u. tb. nu«^. «>b.. b.r
flarria, city marshal of Walker; Joupb
(.,0.101. —k bu .Ml. .p.. U.0 a.J., „(,i.r uup Oaear, pitot of the etumer Jennie: T.
ju,i.,..iu.o On. ..a
Of an unapproachable value, shoes of merit, built upon
J. Sbuban, deputy ITnlted Slate* marhonor, freshly made of honest and clean atot^ Why not go
1. a».la( bu.a, ,„« lunaiora Comp. I
or,m.W., . Bbal: Colonel Tinker, ledton toipector: The croTFded oonditton lorcee
with the majority? Why not follow tbe crowd? InveetigHte
ton. at the Betel Whiting yuterday new army corpe, which plaeu the
roe to sell a large quantity ot
Henry. Waltor*. eagioenr of Um tag
impartially and then judge. Why can’t we save,yon aa moeb
aad tbe evening beforn. remarked to Tblriy-firsland Tblnyflfto Michigan
goods St
in thia aa well ae any other department of onr estabhahmmt?
their good-byu that if Trareru City ia Atianto. Gurgia. to
Oeneral Baeon U unbart and all toe
Ail we ask is a fair trial.
held another laetog muting next au- Mej tr General drukeridge.
ewepaper oorrespeodenU hare bun
POO. tosy would be sure to enme. Not
Our ahoea are all up-to-date, and we warrant every pair - >aeoonnted for. Tb^-y are nntojnrod, To make room for new goods. Yon
to give satisfaction.
aurcisBOFA foliobkav.
only that, bnt each owner of atoek
should take advantage of the
tboDgb they were once under toe tame
eommented on toe bospluble trwt- Officer Dharle* BiMll of Detroit Bhot!
Try our men's Satin Oil, all solid ShocA io a>l widths
Are which thinned toe ranks of
for $liI8. We honestly believe there ia 82.00 worth
aent they bad raulved at the baod* of
BimsaU Lwt Might
j tbe troop*.
of wear in them.
tneTrarene City Driviog Club, aad
SprctsluTssaiissisv UscesD.
Onr ladies’ line Dongola Buttm sad Lace
weia M weTl-pleased. that they prom-,
Th* Looaala Disabled,
226 Front Street
Ised to bring larger etrings of racing I *>«««“■ O')- f--HoUuman Charles
Shoes, in all toes and laata are to b^nstly compared with $1.76
to the HOUIKV RwonsD.
atoek next time, to fact that toe pick
attempted suicide U.U erentog
shoes sold elaewbere, onr price, $liS.
OauBStown, OeL 7.—Tbe Canard
of tbelr ataWu would be brought to j br shooting himself to toe head vriih a liner. Lueania, which left New York
W* save yon as moch or more on onr higher gradea.
Ihla city, tbe expetirnu of tbe ^t 1 ««•'*«■• He «*<>» reported dying in for Lirerpool Osl I. vru aigbted off
Call in—look and priceJhe good values we offer. We are sore
wuk baring ahowo them that Trareru ^''eee b«*P>tal. Tbe eanu assigned Brbwhead today. dUabI ed.
to impreaa yon.
—Bard or aofu
City knows a good thing when it sees;
act U Ul beeltb.
It and knew bow to expreu iu eppre-! StUl *v.»«Vvr
, etotioa in a aubatenttol manner.
,ew lot cf todiel' floe fur oollarettu
—All for bnrslag.
Boraeaan ell Go Home.
received here ywierdsy, from tbe Gorernor of MIsalMippi Was Hot
Also tbe Alvrayi Beady Fire Eiadlera
• Amcpie tha hnrsfimsn whn I aft tha toakota to Mew'YsTk. Very aetoet
Drieaa Away By TeUow fbv«r.
. AMBg tbe bmim who left tha
Don't faU U su them. Onr
to start yoar Area.
city during tbe day, from uriymorepompleto line rangw from $2 M to ewUltoTnHoxMhioBMavi. •
lag ootU late last ereniag.may bq manMid.uo.
bTxixitxxo s.
Jackaoa, Mi>a., Out.The ng irU


Holley & Connable,

Do You Garry Money?

Marta Bi.ct


Ladies’ Have
Found it



I Whatever’s

I Sajd:

Best Styles,
Best Materials,
Best Workmanship
anil Lowest Prices.




$3.RR Shoes
that we are selling
at $1.98



__ _



Jewelry, 5 ilverware!

Popular Shoe House.
In Onel


Fancy and
Staple Groceries.




Shoe Dept.

Sell Shoes

Greatly Redeced Prices








■■^ V: t>7^-

W T. Ba«



I Jury D«ddM W«xtord Oomin AnaUant Hot OnUty.
• Md Zaol4mM is

J. W. Hauk

the OircDlt Oonrt—Proseeatsr.TwMa, m. BaJURS, Bditor ssd lUucwBUB8CBXPT10KB.



11 tk* PoWoBe. A* Tfa't

^*BiSS>rsniraSEIet WAree-


?njil^ A R^RMS uIMmoa.
uaoBA6s s. osm.< CbIppeTA


Oo^M.Mrofpmqiie Ule.


Mr«.ab.r Stele Board «f EdueeUoa
***% P. aOBHSOR ot VaehleBew.
VS^Mbw Stete Beard e( BdeceUe. (hws
‘'T'! A PLAIT of OeMMA

«!• SBd Mr*. KcBUl Hat. Sat<ta1
■^Md Werdj BBosnntAn.


B W.iULUKKB.ofOreBdTreTane.

^ ^KSDao^orrATTK W. CLVDE.

• ^ *5So
nso B
Sonslr Sorreror—
"*^^Su4if'A BOOB.
virBpi^VMhsrtoin need of ntsterisi
iA B Mrmoa. one thst wUl drew Isive
A to bid ehnreb, he abosld
AttosdsliBoetsUaf the dsllt seMlou
at (he Clrcait eonrt, sod view the ee^r
srowde ot morbid eeaBstioa eeekeis, of
^th dezea, who throne there to drink
IB the dURnaUng detsUa whieh ai%
gsrsithed b; s Isrge pereenUge of the
srlminsl cseea on tnsl in thst tribnnsl.
J^tsiis which ooBBSBd the esger, uodielded sttcBtioB of reflsed men snd
SPoBen. for bonrt st • tiBe. to the ece«
MMplAtlon of Blth even the jreUoweet
pt jrellow newipepen wonld sot dsre
te prist. Thit BorWd esrioeity eeekls( of the BBoeee It s feetsre is etery
«lsp of Ue eooPtiy ssd oflere s frnitfnl
ileld for the etsdy ot boBss setnre.
T«l DeBoersta of Hew York did not
4aelsre Is fs*or of the free eolsege of
Silver, be} Hid nothlnf egsinat it. In
order to nnlte their psrtj they soBi*
dl-o.U«r»~ilorp.T««veW They
are attempting to plow with a strange
«a«m.. AaUveranda gold ox.
akey work together for no other pnrfSM than to get tee offices and to pnt
tea empire state under tee beela of
Tammany's nvtoerat, Dick Crokerf ..
Bx Govuuioa Waitk of Oolorado.who
waated to ride in blood np to tee biifile»M»and was silver mad. ia now tee
Imppy owner of rich gold mines WonMor if he will new sell an onnoe of hie
gold for rixteen oeaeee of eilver,iTh believed that Admiral Dewey
wonld be able to collect Uncle Sam's
olalma agalnet Tarkey.
Dewey M a
great noUeetor.




Arrived Teninrdny After Mon temn n
■ante fn ernes Hscpital.
BlUwarte C. Hole who went to Onbn {
vrite Oospasy M, arrived
from Oraoe boeplUl. New Baves,;
neooBpMied by hM brother Chariea K. '
Hals Altbongb qnlte weak and tired
hy hU long Jmraey, Bllswortb waa
looking well, but U very tUn and
weighs only IM poaodo. After a few ^
honre rest be was out on tee etraeu to <
Shake hands with old friends and aa-;
tee first I
day after hie illncm teat he waa drem-:
ed and allowed to go out ot dooca. Rt
drat hie stomach was vary weak hut
BOW U verr mneh better. Before leevlag MonUnk Point be was relieved of
•IB whieh aomeoae removed from bla
jeans He went from Montank Point
to New Haven on a Red Croes boat and

Dealer in Bicycles i Bicycle Sundries
Mf woA w fimt clnae and prices that are in reach of nil. I «n •
prepared »i M times to Uke mre of the Unde. I make « npecinl^ is
» Brtzinji, VnicADizing and v-------“—
» c-i.-. *v for
. ____
EonmeKDR. _A
of. wheel*
nnd to reni.
J. C. ELLIS, 311 Front street, eanU

ThoM were the word* which the Jn17 Is the Its
cosrt Iste yeeterdsy sltorsoos. snd
they were the worda, too, which let
Irs NeBiU go » <*««
The eeenea in the Clrcnit court yeeterdsy. while Isoklsg the infeeUoM
ehsiseter of the syapstteUe locidenu in the Cornell esee of the dey be­
fore. yet were replete with psaengee of
the staaoatintereat to the‘people who
crowded the eonrt ro«n to ita felleat
arsUng eppscUy.
arrived at AfonUnk Point the night IA O.ann of 88 vnii b-< O rflrmcd in
The esae of
people venoa Its
Oeibolic Ota«-ch aaedny.
McRll'.ebsrgedwitbsaesnlt with in­
On Sunday wil) he the f-u«t of 8«.
tent to eomait Border, wsa coBBenc- iera bad been tekea to the government Frauela in tbe Citbolie church nod tee
ed is the cosrt the dsy before, se waa boepltal at New Haven. Conn. Charles feaitival will be tbe ow»*ius oi M»e
etsted in theKscosn. yceterday The
d to teat place where he foand coofirmatlon aervic i ^ tea church.
•tory of the criae wsa slao told
Ellaworte in a very bad condlUon. Tbe Tbeservioee wil be enndocied by tee
theee coIobdc st the eeae time. Yee- doctors gave him no hope of hie broth­ RL Rev Bishop Bichter of Grand Bupterdsy morning the trisl of the
er’s recovery, but oarefnl nttenUon and Ida ut tee 10 o’clock m as, U>-be follow­
reacmedssd after sn enUre dsy good nuraingbae restored him to better ed by a aerm<^D by tee bishop. Theie
iUed with aoaae aenestlonal ineidestt. health and be is now gaining rapidly. will he a clsM o' as and tee i
it resebril seoneloaloo IssteTealog.
wilt be solemn and impreealve.
Ossee Tht Drpw Orowds.
The Sare lo Orippv Oera.
To begin with, the foot thst s erislThere Is Be nve anff >rlng from tela i
tl esee in which s wompn. s mss snd Otrenlt Oenrt Today Will Begin the
drendfiil malady.if y □ will only get 7
s bsby fifored. with s revengetol fstbTrial of AlUgwl OSkaden.
tee right remedy. Ym are bavibg pain •
er sad s reroleer sa ibt oenlrsTflgursa,
In Circuit oenrt, today, bafore Judge alt teroogh y .or body. y«or liver U out
wara tha feslorea which sttrseted s OorbeiL will begin tee trUlaol alleged of order, have no appetl'e. no lifeer
large crowd to the coart honae. snd s rlolatore of tee liqnor laws The first ambition, haves bad cold, in fict
, " completely
npletely used up.
np. Elcc-rlc
Elec'ric Kilters
crowd thst wsa filled with morbid cori- T»ia«wuoi »e oquor .a^
ease up for hearing will betbatof the j, the only remedy that wil give yon
oeiiy. It wsa asnifastsdla many ways People
People verana Fred Wnrzanrg, ageintt I prompt and enre relief They act di
looking men, sa sell sa gentle- whom there are two chargee. This
. oo your Liver. St<>o
Stomauh a
neya. tone np the al-n’e sr«teB
troB the more refioed walks of
waa not tbe first on tee calendar, make yon fn 1 ll'ie a n-i^ being.
life. Were there in sbondsnee. 80
those of tee People verana Howard
women sadgiria.
WhiUng and twoehnrgee against Eiberi
For sale at'h» I
Tha Trisl dory.
O. Bitia. hsTing been pssalog over tea- ; Wait and J G. Jobaoa
The Jury which returned the verdict porsrily. With the trial of the Wart- er bottle
of seqsltua ia M followa: Banry Coor- bcirg cneiM, however, it la the Intention
tsda, Michael Uhering. T. J. Osraes. of <4tc autborltioa to pash all the iotrso- ft.L. iTMTeUMlrCtiau
Oan br pr<-cnr-d of Mrs. C. R Bector
Aogsatna Barrett, A. B. Brsineid, B P. tlon^ of the liqnor law to a flnlab sa
at 141 Lake Avei ne.
443 snt
Newhooae, Charles esehtelhen, PrSd rapidly sa poaalble. Than# esaaa -paaaF. Stesrna, C. D. Kenyon. A. J. Me- ed over", wilt probably come np after Enr Xnaeh Ceutcr.
Benry. Oeorge 8. Godard, and WUIUb the other caaee have been disponed of.
Nelaon'A 8p.(.-higer.Bew luneh e>nn|.
sod fifteen cert meals. *03 Sooth
alou street. 44S-A*.
The aritaeeeee heard on behalf of
kins nnd bU tateer, a veteran of the ▼oltage was Light, and He Escaped
Maced Id your residence for 1 eenua
day by the Nortenm Telephone
tivU war, wearing the nnifora of the
with only a Bnned Band.
Ca 440 dt.
Grmad Army, John Dizen.John Oorwin,
Beniy Blink, iincman forB- D.CampNettie*8Bith, Richard Daria. Engenia beI.A8ona, met with a painful acci­
Peck, Mre. McRlU, Mim Hand McRUl, dent yesterday which waa fortunate in
Belle Davis,- Frask Smite. D. W. net Ming mem eerieoa. He wa» work­
Conalna, a man of evident Spanitb or ing at the remoTul of electrtt: v ires Lu
origin, whoobjteud to taking tee vicinity ot tee building b.>iug re­
the oath, candidly admiiUng that be moved from tbe H ^naon properly wb -o
had loid varying storiee asd declining be received a severe shock. He xroap
to incriminate himself for pe jary by ed a wire, which he auppieed to bo up­
being fworn, Mrs I«egget and B. C. on circuit number 4.
Just teen tbe
circuit was turned on and Bliek wa»
While Mrs McRUl was on tea aUnd tumbled over in aheap. His right band
nnder croaa-examination. abe bad one waa badly burned and tbe shock ineaor two pretty sharp verbal paaeagea paciuied him for a time. Fortunately
with Proeeemor Tweddle. She told of tee voltage waa light; had it been full
how she tried to protect tee family be would have been killed.
honor and save her daughter's name,
by aayiog fb« informed enriona is- ypa PHT610AL PEVELOPMHMT,
fcirtrasBong the neighbors teat the
tee Bouier o( Hand’s child, and Pahlic tehocl TeafiReN to Tern •
SyffinaaloB OlnA
in telling how abe questioned bet
daughter sa to tee paternity of the
Shveral of tbe teacher* of tee r*hlle
child, quoted Hand as saying: ‘-it bfi’ ateoola. ateletically ineltaed a*e ar Are the beat
earth - •
longs to a mue. hlAck, Inalgtiiieant ranging to organize a gymnarinio eleh lor the money—4-very on.- ifonran- «
lookieg enr," • which,” Urs McRill
engage Formtoi
teed. They don't e**’ no oh more' f
added, “I udentoed to mean Edwin ball for praetlee and to rxBCiaerverv .thnn tbn common $i, *160, t3.75 >
afterWoon. It la auid that aeveral of ,
-ten Uanbers are bandy with the gloves
fthiootof Bag.
One third of yonr life in spen
i«8c tlBS Inter proseenting A.tor- In refined boxing and expert In other bed—that
ought to be conif.jrUble. •

•ey Tweddle In the eonree of bis re- atbivtie exereiaee, and this win be a | _
naeef tee slang eaiMveBlon is addremlng Mrs McRU!, "So
yee let tee cat ont -of tee bag, did
••ren.ldi«, 'waeteervply.afd Mr E. Bart, of '•rulon. 8.
« and ae if
on my
cough set in and flea , tevm'tispeaking to himself, about there being
Kou:dnet »ru
ly oau in the neighborhood of Wex
up. aajiog 1 could live but
teed Cmaera, to which Mis McRUl ac- short time I gave myzelf^^
f. "It might have been
S»= .bol. with niy friroda on earth. 1 would mee't
my abaeut ob.b above. My husband
eepedally one little black one.'
was advised to get Dr. Ring's .New 1)11"Dj yon refer to Bopklner* naked
for Cooaumpl on. Coughs
Bgha and
Mr. Tweddle, aa an andible . laagb
gave it a tiisl. took in all
>ulea. It bds cured me
me. and
went aronod tee eonrt room.
"Yesair. I do." waa Hra. McRill'a
well and healthy woman. Trial bottles !
]0 ctA. at 8 B Wait's and J. a Joha'And if yon had a gnn.
; Stores. Regular
egular alas »0e
lUpdor pricualuded.
yon wonld have shot Bopkinar’pertetnd Mr. Tweddle.
“Yee. air. 1 would," wna tee retort, TnitmaadOroeckU
SBphaa.s >d by aihOnergeUe nod of her
F om •4 M ac Sso 00 at a Benda A .
After ioae more evidence, mainly
hearing on tee good character of MV.
S .V. we have a eoaplate etoek. Call '
McRUl. and bla general repnutlon for
h) and aee. Our goods ate nke. tre»h 1'
being a peaceable clUsen, and
and clean. Tataan. 44S-2t.
further eroaa and rodiract exam!
bearing on tbe facta in the cme. tee at­
Udiea. clean your kid glova vrite
torneys tor both aides announced
Mil»« Olovelioe. It ia not a liquid,
leaves "o odor and cao be used while
SMS as olosod and argnmant began.
For sale
Hr. Fhtebte for tee dafenae and ten glove la oo the baud.
only by James G. Johnson, the drugProaeenUng Attorney Tweddle for tee

oar line of PlsgrM

For womeo.


I Our complete Fall and Winter Line is in. I




Call and inspect them.



The Old Reliable Sboemao.
118 Front Stroat.
Worsborg Block ^

I Customers-

American Eagle
Brand of


.o.™.., to,

pbj.ici 4...1. J, f, SLITER, Ho0se FnrDislier.'


•’Happy as clams in high water” —because
we never sold a pound of adulterated flour
in our history.

We have a nice bunch of

wheat thai LKITER missed, and onr ens


tomers are getting it.


'Buy the ‘ Best.”


The Gentlemen!

Bten’s High Grade Patent Leather Shoes,
Pine Vesting Tops, Light Flexible Soles- -A
strictly dress Shoe.

THE PRICE $5.00.

In aaaanlte upon tee War Depart«Mt are hat a feint. The real atteek
Bftee Demoemey Is diraeted ngaliot
People spoke for about an boar aaeh.
■nnnd Boney.
and the jury reUred after an nnuanally A laUphne
Placed in your residence, for tc 11
:bauative charge by Judge Corbett,
Pkt HcOonnM In Has ataa.
a day
Northern Telephone i
to ter Jury room in tbe front ot
Duff McDonald reived a wlrcmm
bauae. Tbe jary waa out abiul
dayauting teat;
^ boar before ..
>|,»™ib.rP.l. -bo bM
,4 .Ub
Mew York b'splttl.artved at hU homei^ ^bovs
Id Manistee Thursday nlghi. aeeompn-1
Bled bv his aUter Chriatens. who aurs-1
•d him in tbe hospHtl. Pat la atUl
1 and a-ee tbe
Ben’s new fall
la we're iff -ring at TBN DOI^
ooita sick, be' tbe cserilent care be re-1 auiu
>R8 Better than have ever been
•rivod in tea Plows# hospital baa
than any other
pr<;,ght good reeulte and W.
.tore will sell
u—ot UiU pries.
tjom tbe dieeeae contracted in Cnba is
this cialm
'O're willing yon
IShop opposite ^gle office. |
gnetloally aaeured.

For street wear we have a fine line of
Black and Tan Shoes, made from Box and Wil­
low Calf, Heavy Extension Soles—The newest
toes- -Leather and Drill Linings.

Geo. R.-Winnie

$3.00 TO $5.00.

Up-to-date Painter
and Paper Haaear.



I lEMtan ci iBtarMt Trom All |
Faita at XicMgkm.
BortTMd FUr of Detroit It prood of
Mte dbtlDetioa of Mu tbe onir imti
la MiehiffMi «bo bu buo »o Oid Fel
low for dfijr year*.
Hra. MaUldeUraiat ha* brooebt nil
«far98.000at KtlMualoet Fred Bam.
Sbe waa bitten by Barti'a Dof
After a conUnaou aerrloe of tea
year* T. T. Lyon, of tbe airrlnltoral
•xperimeDt elation at South Harcn. ie
'' to retire. Be la one of tbe beet Imown
borUenltarUU in the oonniry.
Mra. Mary I. MU.«aa. of Greet Lake,
alttoefb blind and Ti yean of afr, baa
pieced twenty-flre qeilU in tbe paet
three years. Sbe bas aleo pabliabed
two eolamee Of poem* duria; her years
There was a manias at Oxford reoeptly in which tbe ^ro^m was 78 years
of ace, and the bride T7.
,A St. Johns man Insisted on sat'ikior
his pipe wbile attendinr a performance
at the local theatre, and it cost him tIO
when he was broubt before the JesChas, Lepard, of BiobSeld. bad his
lU«nrbti« the cylinder of a bean
tbrasber nt his father's farm and be­
fore be oonid extricate himaelfbia limb
eras so badly bmlasd that ampaUUon
will be neoessary.
J. K. Fenoy^P^t No.*a. Grand
Amy, baa rccelM from tbe War De­
partment n S.OOO-^ond cauon wfaieb
srlll occupy n poaUion of honor on tbe
ooarttaonae cronods at Sarfnaw.
NatU McAfee, sfed it. of Three
Oaks, bss married Bnrrer Bolmrs.acad
M who was diroreed from bis i -st wife

seas dnnsced in a typhoon and te beUr
rapntred at Bonolnln.
The residents of Abincdon, Pa., and
ridnity are ralMnc a food to hare the
hlfhwaya patrolled at nlrht to prarmt
the derredatioBB of thieree.
Edward Tomkins, of Onmden, N. J..
bad bimaelf loched np in Mm Omden
jail to prerent himself fromabeylncan
mpolse to kin hU fomily.
Tbe Pre .idem baa issned an usentire order ereatiof Porto Bleo a mili­
tary department,'to be known ns the
De^tment of Porto Bieo, with Msjor General Brooke in command.
At Manila there bare been foniteen
eases of smallpox and six deaths from
thatdisraaeamou the American troops
dnrinc tbe psst two days.
Proeedore for reopeninp the Dreyfos
ease bas formally bec«n lb tbe oonrtof
cassation. Paris
TbeSpsnieb coremment bas sanc­
tioned tbe sair of dpanisb cnaboaia in
Caban waters to South American repoblles.
At Barana. owinf to the rsst amonnt of red tape r- qaired to obtain
burial permlts,many bodies of tbe poor
picked np in huts and on the streets,
are left for days nnboried eren after
they are Uken to tbe cemetery.
TbeoommisaioB cent to Hawaii to
examine into tbe condition of affairs
has eooclnded to recommend a form of
CDvemmentfor tbe blsod similar to
tbat of tbe District of Colt&bla.
CoDfress is expected to take ap tbe
Tarioss qaestions in relntlon to Hawaii
at tbe heffinninr of tbe eeaeioB.
Btronir demand wil]^ be made for tbe
laylu of a Paeifle cable to be conuolled by the United Sutes.
FOnr mij ir fenerals of rolunteers
end tweoty-flre brifmdieT ^neisis of
Tolnoteers ere to be mMleeedontof the
United Slatee eervice coon.

Ineendiariee tied tbe fire bell down
I BO tbat it would not rin^. and eetfire
ehlcku tbiem are s^-1 u, tbe town of LoweU, Indiana, early
tblnr B
Tbnraday morainf. and in three hoare
iek was awakened at kb farmboose by 14 bosinees bonsee were
the eqnawkincof hens pod iookiaf oat, Tbe town had no 6re proteeiion, nnd
naw two women makinr tracks with a thb fact, coapled with the bell being
nonple under their arms Be(ssecbaee tind, so tbat assbtaaoa oonid not be
bint they proved too nlmhle for him.
called, made it Imposeible to prevent
A yonng married woman tiTlnr weat tbe spread of the flames.
«f Metnmora attempted toeommitsoiAt Gray Gables, Tbamday. cx-Proaiaide last Tbnrsday erening hy hanrlog dent and Mm. Grover Cleveland cele­
keraelf. She tore her ekirt maUnr e brated tbe seventh birthday of their
Booee of it and stnisr beioelf np to the daughter Bath. Bulb was the raclp
bedpoet. Neighbors and a doctor work- tent of many besntifol gifts and en
«d over her for some time to Smtor* tertained ber gaesu with eongs in Ger­
I. and were saeeestfol.
man and Rnglieb.
At Bay City Thomas ICianey, U years
Farmers livibg ten miles north of
wandered away from borne Ihurs- Perry, Ukisboms. tell of s wooderfa
Aay nlgbi and fell into tbe river at the drove of cbickea hawks that have come
Micbigan Ceatrsl freight taonse Traio- into tbe coDQtry la tbe past few days.
men heard bis criee brlp. re«eaiag It b said tie hawks are in one drove
him jsst in time to save bis life.
and namber 3.UU0. Birds, chickens and
At Cadillse Josenb Gibs^kn, an em- many small fowls have been cangbC
' ^oyc In tbe Csmmer planing mill met
Bertha KelUtein ki'led her mother
srttb a pecalUr mUhap tbe otberoven- aod faulty shot taemelf at PilUbnrg,
~ing. He was carrying a circoisr saw, Pa. Sbe waa despjadeni aod did nit
pad when crossing (he g: B. A I tracks want her mother to live wltboat her
ntnmbled and fell, one of ih* teeth of
In New Y-irk City ctae will o* Mr^.
tbe saw runniu noder the knee cap of
Winters, recently d. <-eas»d st tbe age
kb right leg, oaaslu » painfnl wound,
of TS years, in whici she left her
which may resnitinpermsnentiametire fortnne of ti.ouo.ouo to her It-yeaiold bavbsnd. u ^lug eontasted by
At Detroit the wife of B*T. H O Par Mrs. Winters' oepbe.w and six nieces
ker waa mn into by a h cyelbt lidlog Tbe fortuoe r-pre«enu tbe accumoon the aidewnik.
Tbe wheelman im lated wealth of two dead baebaods.
mediately picked np hb hicy.:le aod
Tbe psbie sibtols were opened at
' sped away leavipg Mm Parker in sn
dsot-sgo. ‘oiii. -M lo-lsy. AtUndanee
BBeonaeloasoondltloa. Sbe wet car­
b made compa'.sorv,, and- Boglish will
ried home by some neighbors and b in
be Uagbt. There will be thirty teach
■ critical ooodiUmi.
cm at a sa'ary of MO a mooib ea- b.
James Sweeny, n W/aodotte fireman. and a •Dperioieodeot at gift a month
In a hero. The borne of Blehard Weleh
Women saved tbe rillue of locaswas discoverd oD fire in tbe night by a
vilie, Oaio, from dcsiracUon by fi-e
pawing p-destri\a. Tae niarm was
Friday mtmiag during tbsabveuceof
rieea and the Welch fern ly had a ngr.
nearly all of the men by forroieg a
row escape. Sweeney dartod lota tbe
bucket brigade and keeping the fl<
dense smtke and gropel tab way t >
eouflned to the barn le which tbe fire
where tbe child wa« sieepipg end ap­
peared at the door sQortly af er with
In ImlUtlon r.[ the feaU of the cow
the child in 4ib arms and hU clothes on
five. He was badly baroed. Tkeehild b^ys of the Wild West shows, small
b»f»-tbrewa Isssa over tbe neckvfa
was nnbart.
borM ridden by Mr. Lee Panl. in BatieAt Houktoo. beesnse Mr. Ystes; s
fonuiue. Obio. ttarowiag the horse,
; neighbor, critlebed tbe bicycle ridiag'
whi.-ti trampled ttie rider, ioj irlog him
•. of a IG-yesr-old daughter of Richard
.> Mitebell. tbclatterjemplied his reeol
ear at the critic at close range, hat inBow to P.-«vi-ni Oronp.
^ nffeetaally. M'tchell Is in jtil. The
We have two children who are enb? dangbler is still on bar w-ieel and jeci
to stucksof croup. Whenever sn
^ T«tea bas cessed nommenting on the attack is com Dg on my wife gives them
s netions of bb neighbors.
Cbsmberlsio s Cough Bemedy and it
always prevents the attack. It Is a
TbeCopemIsh G>i
bousebnld ueeessity in tbisconotryaod
aslon of three weeks, during no matter what else we run out of, it
whieb time the editor and fami'y will would not do to be without Cbamber. etolt with frieods in eoatbem Miebigan. lalo'B Cough Remedy, More of it is
sold here than of all ntba- cough madine eeaaeleas strain of American j-nir- eines combined.-J. M. Xicxi.x. of NicMalUtie life evidenUy isn't palling bard kle Bros . merehsou. Mcklcville, Pa.
oatbe Copemtsh Courier man.
Tbe For sale by 8. E. Wail
Old fasbiOD iu mav be revi
evenr and tear of a political campatgo.
but DO old fashioned medld
too, are to be aroided by tbe Copemisb pls<
-....................... - Colic.
lace Cbsmherlaio's
Ctaolers and
pditor. Tbe pbilasophem ere not all Omi
irrhoea Remeoy. For sale by S. E.
dwd yet.<-Cadillae News and Expmee. | ^ValL
Mnancal Hewa Votea of


The retlow fever altnatlon in Mis*
taelppi is growing worse.
General Shatter has been tempotmri)j. assigned to foe command of the De­
partment of foe East.
Tb* government bas placed an order
for amokelee* powder at Santa Cms.
OaL. which will keep foe plant bosy
leg two yean.
T%e ovetdoe transport fleoatnr enre«t> 'roin MaoiU to Sen Frnnolsco

»rr WUI Tiy toKoreWlseh*
newski BnildingFrotn Tront Street.
The moms of tks old bnildiop!
Paris on. 7.—The Amerto .nandl"*''*^ Bsnry Wisebnewski Is Wsna-'
I ferrinf from Dr. Mnosun's property to^
Spanish peaoe ommlnsionei
jtbeletirestof Anpnst Belteer’sboildafaln tofrether this afternoon.
t^,j ion. bs«e bien beset with all ao-Uof
Thus far tbe form orei
American prseenUment bat not been :
Wbmtem new or stronger
demands may possibly derelope from * "***‘“ exislioj orditbe Americsn side sine. Mondsy may ***"*
eonferenees with General Merritt beldi*^**™* within 4* hoars or damsfes
.Inn Hold,;'. j.l„
li Ual’"""
At.* U... .or.
d.n,.nd. rni*dln( tb. fttuppi.*
•bn, d.rt.1... bb.n nn. bnnb nbknbnd
bptb. .U*m.oUofG,nn,.l M.rrilb
d,ac.KI» *.«.d .la.d.i
Ill..bnntbl.b.l U.n nrinUnl.b.b* ““"•‘•'•I- - ■ „ “'b., Fr*.k
, Putman has giveu up the job.
roUations o
.t today's B<
Eleport bas-!l that the Uariled SUtes I Y'esierday Pal Bjwea, of Empire,
That In Emd To Be The
Mtion Of American Peaoe

loUDl. U> ul., th, PAILIppl., dJO„lU.. *,».„«ark
Abbl.UI.odbI LbObb .bd
,h. pUf-dl.e.,,b. plAUi
.l»bUu lbd.«»d*u.oI tb. ru.o, U>;."A«llbrU..« b. »U.b.kU-«,l.
tb. orcbipoloAo.
Md.y. N-p.-m
b. a-. the.Uo.,
TbU 1. ..Id lb b.T. b*. . bortl bio.
P •"
-A "
‘I” *"»■
for tbe SpsuUh commissioners.




Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors.

TpmvprvA ClT^,

Diasatrous Ffrein Jackson Oeoanioned
uLom of #26,000.
Jackson. Oct 7 —Tne most extensive
wholeeslennd retail
in tbe eity.that of iliehsrdson
A Bnight, was bnroed thU morning
The firm says tbat there was «$r>.tW0
worth of goods in tbe store. Tbe new
tall stock bad just arrived. Tbe fire
was noticed at 4 o’clock,
lu eanse
unkoown. Every article in the
s was destroyed. The insurance
on tbe stock is $12,000. Tbe lens is
nbont IIS uoo above the i
Tbe building was owned by Dr. MeLangfalln and insored for M.OOO.
lone on it U probably $3,000. Duffany
Bros.'bessr adjoining burned at a lots
to tbe stock of $2.000 It was insured
forbmtf. James Dnffany reaened bit
mother, who was overcome by tbe
smoke, by carrying ber down stairs In

First Mnmber of High School Lecture
OouTse Will be on Oct 16.

The reserved seat plat tor the first
umber in the Uii^b scboel lecture and
music coarse wi.l be placed at tbe City
kstore tbU muraing. and lboce de­
siring good seleciions will do well to
apply ear:y. No person will be per­
mitted to -eserve more tbao fire seau.
The course thl* year is far supnrior
to any previous courses and includes
atuaetions which wonld draw large
audiences In tbe IsrgOT cities. Prof.
Grswn bas exercised 'great care and
judgment in bis seleeUons and the re­
sult will be that Traverse City will be
treated to a better variety of entvtainments than ever before.
Tbe first number will be the noted
lecture. -Snobs aod Snobbery.'’ by tbe
still more noted Col. L. F. Copeland,
wbo delighted aofi instmeted an Im­
mense audience during the course last
year. Tbe ebtertainmenu will be
given In Sieieberg's Grand and the
Six American Sailora.Have Died Of first wUJ be on October 1$.
The DieeaM,

Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.

ManUa, Ock 7.-Slx Amerlean aollie CM Tbrrti First.
diera hare died of
. There is a huuII umn in one eff foe
pastforty-eigbt boers.
Bight others ^(I’ni stuKv. not far from Bonon,
have the disease.
Bight have died of AIkik-inliuhituntH take gnat pride in
typhoid fever.
oxnlling eviiy iithcrbmo in tbeir ririniiy. .TIm-t try i v.-ry uru iorention.
Their Hope# Heallned.
anil if it bus any m rt uf tniril it i» sore
Wssblngton. Get. 7.—Tbe soeual re­ to Lc BMiigiN-d to duty in smue part of
port of the anditor of tbe poetoffi.w de the plufXL Two pATtly griith-nicn, one a
partmeot shows tbat five Michigan sea roptain and cbt irtbrrnlawn'r. both
eitiee are
are eav.v..^
entitled to
delivery in retin d from uriive life, u
« free om.vcr,
and adopoonsequence of bavlnc donee pwisljjj
uaturallvin foe eou«' of
,,/iA A. — ... 1_*.
businees of $I0.<KK>
or more last year.
time th<y failttliuoi
They are Ulg Bspids. Dowaglsc. LudIngton, Mount Clemens and 8k Joseph.
> gontlo
. :iv<-u ut
(T. In 1
AUek Rosenthal of Petoskey; wbo ............ .......... thi ir houBi B that foe aide,
very wifidy
was B raididaie in tbe D. O. K. K.
night tbe lawyer wns nwdiog a btaik in
Tbarsdsy, and tbe guest of Juliu*
his study wbt n a u rrific crash up stairs
Steinberg while ie foe city, left for sianh'd him. Uikiu iiiccsHguting he
bie borne yesterday afternoon.
t.Tmid that an nnralycbimucy had ruthJ. O. Joynt of Omeoa, is In tbe city Je»*ly hnrlnl itself through his rnof,
visiting h>« son. Herbert J yuL
doing ronridiTsble damag*-. That iu it­
Jerome Wilbe‘m.wbo west to U troU self was a uialtcr of great aunoyandc,
to hMW up mimln,; eqolpmenu sod per­ Imt when he ditK-overed it wiw the seo
'sptsiu's ehiiuiiey that woe
sonal Hf«-cU of some of foe Company M
Ris wrath knew no botuids. Hustentug
beys, returned yesterday noon, with down to bis library, be pulM out bhi
thh forwrt that ereryfoiEg of value bad lawbooks and hunted up similar caen.
been filched, p-nbsb’y during foe rush deriving and srlHmiug hoar be could
of irsssferriDg for IruopS from the pccnre Hutisfaetint) freon tbe detestshle
^slns when they arrived from M->Dt«nb captain. While thua engag'd a note ar­
rived from hi» tminy that read as ftJ
Mr. and Mr>. .1 H Bose of Fiodiry. low*, “If yem don't n-lurn fooae bricl.s
at once. 1 will put tbe mutbu- in iW
Ohio, wbo have been visiting Mr. sad bunds of the law.’:—Harper’s Konud
Mrs Frank Grubb of Archie, lef; here Table.
for home yesterday morning.
il yCadbsm returoed yesterdsy to “
bis home BtSattons Bay after speort- What tbe naak* and l.eBdlBt Bssinsss I
Inga few days in the city.
Man of kslsms.oo thlak of tbe
E. B. Daily. Dr. Ru’ke aod A. F.
Banting returned yeate-day to Bmnire.
A. J. lillliker city circulator of tbe
Manivte'* D li y Newt, returued pnterdav to Msniatee after er joying two oThsPi sli •
Wr.ikr u.Mlrr>ixr.w1.tu>rrbTP>rilf/
days in ' lis city.
r SF*prt-wii.ll}
<11.11. «-.|n*'nina
a-yi»in<-a elth
ihr ofllrrrJohn *-anborn a-'l wife of Narfoporl i rn<i*^i^l. .ol ibr Aiobigsa Accident As
>,aa<l e«H>« thrtn lobe
were ie foe city yesterdav.
1 sorisUon
M Htsck and Brrt b ayton of Lake I br]lrT!^lll rUrf cm u, the imcr hb> ouiaeAon transacted busioeas her* yester-1

Still ds top. Bfist (d^ars for
^Union made, too.

money on the markot

Sold by a]] dealers.

Tonnelier Block.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Cornsapond with the TmTerne* City Lumber Cotiipany.
WAhat’e fo^MleOaod,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
still Machinery of at) deecriptiona, incloding Two Enginea,
flet Works. Carriagea and Saws. A complete Saw UUl Pinat
for Bale.


Wrtn’t Have To
"T.““ Take a Back Seal

Dr. C W, Gardner of Bellaire
■baking bands yesterday with efy

____ w«
_belletr II <o Ie- osr (bai I. ludlflaaslf
msiisred and esnCnrird on •irlei bu«ler-*
Avi-DX s larer Brmber.blp lo
hsTT orrer S»ar4 • -oiaptslitt .it usrot or tsllurr u> men all lexUlmau-

rirm XatlOBsl Saak.
Loehbsrt wilt leave thf*
E < .
tfiorr'ng for Nashville. Tenn., where
V. T. B.assn.
win eontiooe bis
fats stud!
studies In' the
CMhlrr Uanr 8>HbX* Bask.
•"•Hi**! department of foe! Venderbllt
A. M
H».^o( Ka.
'Rnbeii HerknerofCompsov M, was
able In be on tbe sueet yesterday.
Rslpb Bas'ipgs was out yesterday
ir a ride, after a Inrg llipen*.
A’H .n V,-n'wae .«» B—z't,'*.
tbe city yesterday on boatnesa.
WholMblr etaiiaaera.
Placed in your rraidence for ..
iB gnitz.
a d
day by foe Northern Telephone
Co. 440-6t
XO* P. til*
Riley Sweera, repres-nfoUveof B M
Wolf ACo. of Barre. Vt.. bas closed a
Gone by buc what .
'contract with tbe Uslsell family for a
AgeUtB Wanted Ih Unroom ’'the corner of fashion”—
monoRieDt for tbe fami'y bnrlsi let, j
orive shipments of new goods. Yes­ where Mrjor Dslsell. a veteran of foe
occupied Terltory.
terday. jnore Ladi<w iedinm Prieed
Jackets, mWi aed^bildren's gar- cirll war. aud tbe late Cloyd Dstzell nf I wrei
meou aod Ladies rur CoiltreUM, Compaoy M are laid. Tbe shaft will
earn* In. Cull aod see our line of wpATslqiheBt
cloaks. Lownr prices than
reridemw for. Sc
lion II get
guufUtet ior elseBteelinga pair of pants a waieb and
vest from Conrad Both, waived exami­
lASOhfo. LUChM, XABChw!
fo foe Circuit oourt. Be will be tried
<4'’v>d at Tatmsn's luneb <
s Innebes, good lone___
44>i 2’.
thl* »es-H>o.
:bea, at Tattnaa’a 44$-2U

For Boy of them when it comes to selling Cookies.
We’ve got about—weU, anyway enough grades to
Buit everybody. Fricee reaaonable.


248 Front Street •

Bicycle Riders.

Orw HeXma's Shoe eum.
'IPXxozxw xes.

pairingand ecaiuriiDg, sL____ __
and do give vnii tbe best work of an.'
one in the city for the money. Don'
he deceirrd hy wbat olherr tell you I'
tbe o^trary, but v.<!Qe tnd ace fv

♦t t $

^ 1 guarantee all my work to be right
and If it does not provn so I make it

AD'Molar. tor riirarilaa af ieeth wliks
pain n>ad. laWM anC m-M utMarunr
paratMB ret um^ tor aisklaxeztraeUac aei


John R. Santo,
Eeneral laMtaim.

-Ever Burned OntY
If BO yon know
foe nine of

xxrexTxiuAiff OS.




nmtUT 1

Ftaa From Iseend Prop Beeriat.
A bnneb of a rad raapberry bosh,
U ttta brnugbt ip by Prank Mood to tha RacPrBbytarian
C—Msat bf Me*. N B. tMyta
OOD oflee yesterdsv. had on it bloaAll the ttate wiortions of tbe year
Topic. —-htnoiiKu.‘-~P> sxsiii. Pe.
All Snniiay aebool workara in tbit aema and green and ripe frail. The
wbieb were to be held prior to Noren- “aitsitd Is Uw part«» who»- Ood lx tke berd aecUra of Htcbigan are looking for- beak gro*»e in tha yard of J. B,
and tke people wUmi He haib cbosoi for Us
ber are now mattem of record.
<nrn inhsrlianee.”—IV usUi. U.
arard with pleaaant aatteipaiioB to tbe JohaaoB. Mrs. Johnaon made a pie
Twenty-eight states elect goremora
Tbe Ood of tbe American nation la Normal Training loatltata to begin in from the berries of this remarkable
daring this year. Tbeir aggregate rota tbe Lord, and He hath bb«a>>d it Sinoe
Firat Pftabyterian ebnreh next bttfb. Joat before tUrtlog o« tbe e»4a 18M was b. 11B.T9S. oat of a graod tbe daya of God'a cboMon |iouple m> peo­ Monday, and which wUl eoaUnae to curaioa. Ost. 4.
total for tbewbolacoontryof N,07I.- ple have had snob erideuoea of God'a tbe K.tb The inaiitote is to ba bald
0f<6. Eight other atatat. among tbem t1nnder
the ansp-cea of the Grand Tea*ponp
lioou, wil ueid electioDf Ibis year for
Buoklea'a Aroiea Salva.
{^[arte Sunday School Asaociation, and
ory of
ooly minor itate oSc-era. This clam of clearly scon in tbe bistc
Tmx But 8A1.VX in the world for
its die* I iia purpose is u deepen tbe intamt in hito, Brutaea. Rorea, Dloera. Salt
loved' conutr
. of1 _______,
itry from Ibe day
atates in 1S»6 peUed 4.84^603 rotea,
very nntil tbe
rbe proaent momi
moment He Sanday acbooI work and afford oppor>
.Fever Sores. Tetl
making for both ebusra 13,459.055.
.11 “
*<»rkara to profit by the ax
These 86 Norember etntes erabrwall bwia^co. God has W.-ssed ni withw-aa and dlMnaaioa of im
, cures PU. .
orno.parreqnlred. It Is gnaroateed
bat ),013.«41 of tbe voles cast in tbe many Ueatingt Om-'.f the groatost of 1 ^\ ^
to give X erfset aatiafacUon or money
whole cooiitiy two year. ago. Prom a these tkBdnga i. a God
per box. For
Bfricily atatepniiit of view, than, 1S08 ism. American patriotiam is of a bigb
"«*dem aoollaaee. for Sundar
is not conspicconsly an off year io poli-, and lofty character. Tbe oor.titry seomt aebool work, inelodlng papan, lesson sale br J. O. .fobaaon and 8. B Walt. |
' to have a peculiar power of inspiring belpa. books, record#, cards, black
All membera of tbe nexthanaeof rep- tbrinieoseat love and duvotino of iu , board#, etc , will be afforded for mo- Sey'f Shirts
iCBOUtativea are to be elected Itaia year cirixens.
Collars, enffa, autpeoden. gloves. tC
itnal profit.
mate. haU. and caps. Big aaaort-iS
Host of tbem are still to be cbmrn.
udy<rf a few of the ch.racteris-1 Tba aaasion will open Monaay
A study
mentb UtUe prices, at S- Benda A ~
This is alw> an iuiporiant
senatorial tlca of this patriotism ^1 ^^ove tl^ ^ mg
_ by wprda
_ of greeting from Eev.
no federal senator
iwnattir is tbis
tbia is
ii trna and abnw
year. Even where to
that it is one of 1
's|j'rti Baraev L*»1T
ba elected at ibe nest aerriou
of tbe God's
' choicest
adbp lotbeAmeri-i
legtalatnre tbe riate n-nators of 1K98 can nation, obA Ketua. tS.OO.
ill bold orw
over ..a
and oJi.
cake p.n
part in Ita
tbe aen-1I 1. It
atonal clectiuo of 1901. Of tbeBOaena-, closaea Tbe d>-veli>pm«ut of claaaee is ' entiUed, -‘The Bible Teacbar'a Privel
tors fiom ibo 45 states of tbe Union no . one of,tbe greaicHt claagae that con-'age." by Prof. C. H. Horn. The cloafewer chan 30. or oue-tbird. bare bet-o fronts a rcpnblic. bnt sq^ioag as MI | ing address will beCy Bev J. C. Car*
elected tbia year or will be electod by classes ferveitly love tbeuatinn and are ^
preaideot of the Sanday School
legislatures elected tbis year
: willing to make hcroie aacriflew for it
ewkcmniBv will fan- ATsltphsu
Tbe number of congrassmeo allCady this danger is net present To the aam-1
Placed ia your retidenee. for 3c
elected is very small. Maine and Ver-! eut time at least this has
true. In
“•* tboogbu and a large attenda day bv the Northern Telephone
moDt, tb. oulj S..pc™.b.r u.ii. b... i tb. ojmg Ui»n. ol . lorvlBb
Hcb !
Co. 440-61
oulysix between tbem. Tbe congres-! and poor alike have pruvod tbuir patriot- P* ixpecled. including many
aionalelaelioosoi NovembcTwill detar-I ism. Wealthy. arihtrxTratic. ednroU-d I abro^id.
mine tb( oomplesiuu of tlie n...i bonsa Baniltun Fish gave bis life for bit'
of represenlBtivei, and tbe legislative cjautr>-juat as w illiugly as the pnonwt
Travaraa Oity Market.
electiuua of that irtmib will determine and mi»t igiiuraut v«luut<H.-r, and tbia, Below
k 'ow Is
it a
a Hat
lUt ofthe
of tbe hnvlnv
buying and
and as
tell T *. LOL'DOtt.I
J . Block._________
the jolitiral l-.,mpleai.«i of the wnaie > but an illustration of wbal has bemi,
of yesterday for gr«*rf'
• cer* *U M-h ntw b
pantrtuc tao stuud
fortbeni-KC two cniigresKs. the Fifty-j nniversally iruu. May it always be aol provlaiona and farm prodneU in Tn
aistb ami Fifty seveutb.
3. It is a isitriolisni tbut pervades all'erae City:
MSeOBvexaecloa. ill rreei
In nearly every November atate tbe aeccioos. Tbe war with F|«in baa for;
--------- —I—rimnun. la
nomiaatioDi have been made already, i ever destroyed all sectioual feeling. A
OeWu* miTcdbMUa (ML
and tbe campaign ia jost Ix-ginning. [ patriotic aon of Uie aontb was tbe fint Oear Pork per lb.,
lO.Mcr^llle Co 1
Um *aa ~l«
The only notsbie exception is New York. American anldicr to shod bis life’s blood abort Cut P<wk....
Tbe ouniiug elt«iian will afford to ; co Cnbau auiL In ereiy way tbe south
tbe pMple tbeir first opportunity to ex- baa aliowu ita loyalty and devotioo to Bye Flour. H. L. A Co, Beal..
press appeal of 4*P* present adminie-] the flag. Tbe word "rebel" la forev.
Meal, H. L. A Co. Beat...........
tration. Tbe people are called upon to obsolete in tbe Am
Feed. B. U A Co. Beet..........
express tbeir views on tbe gravest quea- Tbm is one onuntry, oou flag, one
tion that evw came before tbe votara of
America, tbe preservation of tbe Ci)ion
Lard per lb..................................
one to os aa a result of tbe war.
r pngOk
*** M
atooe excepted. Tbat qneation is, Shall
8. It is a patriotiMn tbat pervades all Butter per 1b Daln..................
tbe Doited Stotee lake its place at ace , nauonalitiea. Our natinn is young. It Creamery
at Low. Bpoeial
<d tbe foremost nations of tbe world or j has been popnlated by all nationalitira. Oie^ per Ib ............................
Oatt per ba (old).......................
shrivel up within itself? In a word. | Oor national
Corn per bo., old.......................
shall it emolate tbe example of Great' oor ability to
Poutoee,per bn.......................
Britain or follow in tbe footsteps9«f|
of j nationalities and
to make them flr« Salt per bbl.................................
Belgium? Whatever local issues may I Americana, and tb«i English. Germana Bran per 100...............................
To taka egaei Ooadar. 4»* >. U9T.
be Ibd election returns in Ibe November I or French. Hed we not been able to do Buckwheat..............
........ ..................
4 00
staCM will be interpreted aa approving' this, instead of having imc gn.-s
nrrne kati or TMAVEBaX CITT DMALr
or disapproving tbe policy ge««-raHy
jean nation____
wo would
hadcuno- j __________
dmiguaud with tbe term
Imperial- try made up of a little England, a little wheel, old. per bu...
•pBAtKBD NVaak-Mtss Bwelle ■ntcrah. a
iam.”—Chicago Inter Ocean.
Mo. k
Germany and a little France. Under I Wheat, new, per bn.,
X rradiute ot ib* Oelcetolir Boep<iaI, Aae
' - -r. win rcoBood to calls (or aonlac. Ml
the blessing of God bos been Oato. No. 1. per bn. <z
Corn, per bn..
done. No matter from i$bat nation v
ea '■
Bye. per bn............
mar bare come we ate Amei
*1 a
Bntter. per ft........
Tke Protevtlve Pollrr Bar SllMUlat- ana Anierloaua all.
Eggs, perdosen...
ed Parrica Trad*.
Potatoea. per bn...
Tbe Ameriewn Bulletin, in e review ' triotixm tbat stas tbe baud of God .
Oaekaata.............. Lv«
lerorlapcraoo. Jolla* atelaberc 44R-n.
of tbe American itcD trade in lb97 and j tbe destiny of uatinos. and that eo. Three Doetore in OoaemltaUon.
in tbe first seven mouths of 1698, says; knowledges His liadersbip and tbat
-Blrtt-rsar^ld ware, carrU**, OkJc(*ike...‘-'.'.'.V. “
C*OB etI.K—K
f rob*, sod' —“lie;

ecMlr b-irae casj- ksep- BaarOtwak............ “
"Tbe fiscr.1 year which ended ou June I looks npon patriotimu iteulf asareliD BcaJewiB rsaaklla.
MaaMtaeCii iilag.. “
sr: rttahesaU. kaqulre o( Dr. KUs.cItr.
80, I69K, was. Ibe most remarkable in gioos dncy, aolemnlyonod to GudHimMaple OrwTc.......... *•
onr hisiory in tbu great inereaae tbat it I aelft yon like
ral kous* i
ledicine in
tecoidid iu oor exptx-U of tinmestiej Bible Readings.—Ex. xxxU. 81, 8ti
t. 44«-1f

merclMiidise, a laige pen of which iu-! Buth i, Iti. 17; 1 Kings xi, 14-32; Pa
creuoe was doe to the ftnyign demand j cxxxvii, 1-0; exivii. 20; ITov. sir, 84; yon is best, to be chuaen in tbe second
for Americau iron and steel, wbi''j b.ti I Iml ixii. 1. Slaili. xxiii, S*;Lokexiii, place; wbal reason(i, e.. Theoryl-aays Hooik Colon *1*0*1. Clt).
le It
i« best to be cboeec In the last place
been growing rapidly in tbe Just few 84, ..5; xix, 41-44; B<an. tx. 1-6; I Til
g&ykSi-':!!!!'!.-' ~
But If yoo can gel Dr. loclinalioD. Dr. 1 If'X BAVBoo baod axmer w loac oi>
years Iu tbe year nn-utionod we export- Ji, ], A
Ilea tnrm___,
Bsperieoue and Ur. Reason to h»ld a
ed 335,868 tons of pig iron and 232,663*^
S::4^'orMs.i:: ••
coosuItaUoD together, they will give attorasra- TraTsrae CII7,
Trarave* BoaevL... **
tons of iron and stci l rails. Th ) protroyon the best advice tbat can be taken."
poo B>r piewiitFs a large OraiU^TtUa.........
‘ policy which u-as cure t
iuduWhen you have a bad cold Dr. Ineer r^oaseore br applrlac Ttatarae CUy- ■■.Arr
lOfly dt-ri
rided by our n
cliaaUon would reeommendXbMaber.
. ISlb aad Uoloa •creM*.
eotiio oocTk.
frei- tradew bcoansn they taid it bin- i aiiyhudy else. If He was tired and Iain's rourb Remedy because it ia
dered onr foreign trade is now triumph-jtoiigbt rest for body ami brain. He pleasant and sate to take. Dr. Expert pw>R BALB-Cbaap rorra*b.or v^Uradr (iw
ence would rcoommend it bacauaa It
antly viudicated.
..................veirbi i&'vSaftd*;
Ortrlos and xeoerai
"Tbis policy bas promoted competi­
manent care- Dr. Braaon would reetion. conipetitioo ^s brought down
Wliat a different iuctirntion the oatmend it because It ia prepared < a
priu-s, i.. d low prices have opened for- cbnicb would be if every member lived acientifle
prinelples.. and aeU on na- i? D( alldswripUoo*: eowpleleoa ms. lo;iflc prinel
I a life of self forgrtfiilncvs! Wbst a so­
eigu marker to onr products.
plan in reMeving tbe Innga. SBlreo(TniBless-J.C.Lir<rts Bsials. tNIsbW.
ls jnstiii-.-.! nf ber cblldt
chlldreu.' Murb is ciety yoora weald bu if each member opening the secretions and rectoring
said io tbe newspapers about rbe means ! imiuu-d tbe Otviue Model in ibis re- tbe avatem to a natnral and healthy Q.iai. Wasts
liUoD. For sale by S. E. Wait.
tbat are necessary to incirase our ex-' Epwl! How quickly would (be world be
ports of mannfactured products co-tor- [ troogbt to Cbrist if all who Lear Hit
QOUfTToe I WAirms-Ladle* or C
O weoloroi r SOB pi rts srw of Jorenll*
J o sen 11* Book*
eigii countries. We ropeat wbat we: name wonld deny self for tbu sake od
Okid of Thanks.
Itwihr bolldt
four book*
luve berctofuro said, tbat tbe way to | tbe perishing millions who never will
aradrd (or III
ro up folka Baefe
increase tbem exp irta ie to sobeidite; l« saved until the love of Mmis takes
Dsny friei
mail steamship lines between our prin- . the place of the lore of cam and pJeoe- . .Ilom-lne wlibb-.......................................

cipal ports and tbe principal porU of ^ nr<-which now eu IcrgulyccAtral ua all
.fBo'maoy beasUtal tokt. .
other ronntriuiL Trade wonld follow —Fxesbylerian Jouraal.
tbeir sympathy for oa daring oarreOutfli olth sawplp* or all four book* (rer.
cent bereaven
Nradivrlre tr*ale>tawpu for par*oc pan oalr
Ma Axi> Mu 1. Bptnkk;
oftbepoMacpaM^' Drop all traoh aad rirwr
tson ■ mnoik -*rua oor eai-loal** Jurealloa.
A'. BrrskR.
<s (‘oaraaa.
JcraaiLB D

Mabv Ri-txer.
Nioaragua canal fur cuumiurcial aa well ewhaa Barvrs a-e Tkelr HlMblr t>eCairsdo
TFlopeS a««sr or eDtrll.
as for military reasoua Tbe trade of
rpO BTNT-Ko » Was
tbe orient would ibuu largely fall into
^Irc oXrrorc* Wllkl
Tbe greater port—iu fact, nearly all
•Rag pmiloaa.
—Of the tobacco raised in Cnba and uot Onad Peooe JoUloe. Chicago OeL 1&. 19<
It Oaakiwt Job
need by the Caban cisar makers is
President Me Kiniey.Sam^n.^bley
shipped to tbo Uuitwl Status. Atcurtain
and Hohoon will ba tb.
aa at ttaC ptaaeur■ Peiler w ill B
ern Mi
r. A. Mmntj
oond tnn ''eketa In Chicago for 00 ibr eorarr ot EWbih and Ba«e**«re*u. R#m
.t the ttarklaam
,eai. andV“

In tbe cali-ndar year nf l»97Grfwl
return Oct
Britain eiporiadEl.J70.000,0U0of man- |
leaeea for r .icogo every Saturday. glORWAUt^Pt-AM—Teo^hMs^ sMei^k
nfactures. Tbe L«ii«1<-u Stetlat in a«
Charlevoix every Tuesday. Phone 36.
iletsilk are giviu. Unguiigu go out into Ibe lolioooo dis­
.-..-export: i<2(IH.OOO.OtK) trict and dual directly wifb the plantouA *-u
IH- R>>' Wdr.
ofii-ii buying a iin-uiisiuK crop L-*-- 1
^ wonta asd latmaL J.
watneaiaa* SesanLraar traiaaatS>a*ar a
OescIaTe at PitUhk^.
0«e.ta a«eeteapLSt. im
•iljU.IMiU, W.-t
Hg.-k. jirofits anti return ;
iiai'Dfactiues In W»«~rily to be a go.d judge of tobac
C-Two wbrehe •rraerra aaU twa
Ooefai* for r^und trip Sell Oct. 8lh ' T*OB
~IB8BI BBEtll lEI 81
i-r -u.!--t.g June 80. 1897. I »• Ue goes down iuro tl» very ^ter o ISth rrturu (K't i7ih. CBb extend to I ^ •*
>:t - ’IhL Mo»t direct roatc. sbortert
rn raa *ranl flrr or llte 1a- j i; SStsS 98«ss± s:s 89
W. cau,;,
_____________________ibrrthatlam ta Ikr baalil».i u.„ ,n nw “'™"'
nea* Bnral Xxrkaoge LMursner. Aarrrtcaa
C E Mt-BRAV. AgenL
or Bra Vork.Tburti^ Plr*. Pealauula M«n.mi.nul. I,.r-. ...d ,,I .h. o«™ruori

aa.< ■ a ■ c< a a < a d aa aaaaa
_ trocKWo»i>. O. P- A T. A. sl. rraukfon Plate (fiMu. Mirk , tfslaal Plate
1.. Ita l.« eJl
■ Ttaemtod i. tb.tot —11. Tb,
(llaaa. Actaa Ufeef One*, and otber romaasE$=««s«9a8«« «s ;i88a8
t!S'J.i:il.0l» n-ppiM-uis wagts. piitl.
bta . „rn«|! .»! ptabi Graad BapkU.
Dle*. X- H. Allra. Prtedrlek Block.
n-rt. Lk.i Liiiig by for tbe Ur odor. A little variation one way or
larger sliura. or ut-uily uiue-lemba of tbe other makt-a tbe tofaroo good or VflW XeaifU
bad After aniclling it the huyer ie like­
Lediot doHlring Uilnr made autU are
tbe whole.
requeaud to call on Mra. Ida Smith ^XMI^K aiD^A^ lUK-ree
Iu England alru tta-mw luHteiials are ly to roll a rudely constructed utgar ost
at 346—corner Boardman avenue and
iiujWTtrd. H-re tl'ty are prodno-d in of tbe leaf end Kirnke it. Uewillinbule
Plait drcaamaking
this oooutry and di> their aiiaru in pro­ the tmoke and endeavor to determine
done also. 4U 6f
viding labor If the truth were known, exactly tbefluvor. He will also examine
f TrarrracOltr t-ni
it would prolvbly le found ibat of iiur the ash carefully and test also tbe comthe law 6<al year rJ.-.O.OOO,- bUhtiuo of tbe tobacco—that is. tty to
exports ill1 tl
flu.) out bow i. ;.g it will bold fire. It i*
' Votioe to Tbx PByeto.


DR. SPIWR S“l:.*Aa?ariS:


«U1 fa^

«IANT>»09>rHK44 4l^JMI«fl0l9
Wk«« (kr ICtas Valtatw Cmm «• •
CarraM. thr (Kkrr Vartetin Bara
«a 8taa« 0» t'alU Bto Malcatr Baa

U the eitj of Boiubar bad a totelai7
bird, tbere i* no maoMr of donbt what
Utd that aboald be. I do oirt koow.
WTa a writer is Tbe Timea oT^dia.
wbf cfae ancient I^Tptian defied tbe
itdi. but if Bonibar boro tbe prood figora of a roltora rampant on ber ebicld
orerr body wotild know why. Of all tbe
nnfkUried poblic aerrantt who bare
fdsDtiOad tbemseJrea witfa this city and
deroCed tbeir energica to ite welfare no
other can taka a place beaide tbe roltve. Onfurtonaiely tbe nritnre bat
Barer lent iMolf to tbe spirit of ber' aldiy. Tue eatcle baa. ttraugeijr enoBgb,
tbongb tbe difference between tbe two
bat nerer been rery well marked in tbe
popolar mind. Tbe tiansiaiota of onr
Bil^e bad no notion of il
Modern natnial bUloty bB diaMitangled tbe two uainee abd attigncd
them to two very different families of
birda. thfl dittinctti>n between wbieb in
■u in just tbit—that while tbe
is it.
mlcnre waiU
conetlodie. Popnlaraeutiiuentpersitta
in regarding tbe former at the more
Boble. but tbere can be no qnMtiob
wbtcb it tbe more oaefnl.
It ie not easy indeed to reef i3 to one*■11 tUe oxtrut c:-d ><Mieflui‘U(.v of tbe
wi'ik i-nnidl rii
;;i4he length
and ..... iilfunj. .seodto
year's end bytlie mighty race of mlturea. Tbe writer continnes: Tbe xnltorea that oue aeea in socb unmliera on
Jfalabar bill belong to two spo-ica,
wbieb arneasy cuoogh to distiugoisb
wbai oaeAa>be'a atteotioa baa bean
tamed to tbe difference between them.
Tbe catnmoner of tbu two. tbe white

length of tbe winga on tbe iradereida
Tbia hand ia broken by the dark body,
and that aervea to distingulab tbe bird
at a glance.
Tbe other apecies ia the Jong biUed
vulture (Gyps psUleacena) of Barnea






UBsm UD niTBUim j.i

dea. Its general color
« nndcri
wiugs are alike. Tbe two apeciea
abont tbe Mine sin and larger than ana
wonld rospect who bas only aeen tbem
at a disiBDce. A good apncinien will
meaanro over eeveo feet (nm tip to tip
of tbe wings.
There is one ourions differsooe in
tbeir faabila Tbe long billed valttne
breeds always on high cllffa while ta
Bengal brother is content to boild iu
nest on any tree big enough to bear tbe
weight of eneb a ponderous edifioe. 1
Tside of tbe harbor.
egK, gcoenJly wbita.
ilutcbed with brown.
Once in tbe air, no bird surpaa>«a
tbe majesi." of lu flight Tbe qorotiao
........................ acaased whether
.................. ............—• a-Ppi* »heir
.The difficulty origiDated. of Ararse.
with aomebodyof tbatunfommate class
who must reaaon about a question of
fast instiv.d of looking. He demonstiat.-ed that b-Dch a feat was impossible. Tbe
vultoree kept cm doing it all tbe same,
-and any one may watch tbem. For
Anars together they will sail in circlet
or rather io spirals, witbont the slight- j
Wt motion of tbeir wings beyond trim- '
mlng tb<-pj to tbe wind like tbe sails of
kbdU Of ednrse tbere must be a wind.
Tbere are two other kinds of valtoree
wbieb mayjiccasianally be terii in Bom­
bay One is tbe king vnliure (Otogypa
ealvBSi. a royal bird, not iodsed larger
than tbe others, bnt of nobler aspect and
prouder character. It appears singly or
with its mate and will not consort with
tbe berd. When it comes to • carcaas,
tbe others have to stand by nntil it hxe
Aiqed. Tbere is no diflicolty
Ricnli in reoogsixlng this species
« by its
ii deep tilack col. relieved only
ro pure 1
patches on ita tbigbs sod by the blood
red tint of its tiurv bead and ueck. Onr
fourth vultpre is tbe foul bird kunwuat
Pfaaraob's cbickeu. as well as by other
lew Rpntsble iiani'A Its title in sooaoe

I. ^iiss<tXJ‘SJSrJ‘,Frs-.






-ii 11






pleittB of the Dw-ran. I

Srud RipUi t ladlim R. i

flats. It is e white Idrd. not mneta bigluill
ibnn a kite, with ouly -4be qn:
' k. lu bill
feathers of tbe wing black,
fa yellow and
long and thin. iU naked face
— ‘pf**
bare, but cltubedwitb long, rn ty wbice
featbera. pointing backward
Bot stand
d nprigbt,
upright, liketbetrvevultarea
bnt carriea iu body like a dock and
walks like a recruit. By tbc-se dgnt
- you may know Pharaoh's cbickeu It
makes iuababby nest of sticks, rags and
rnbbisfa OB trees, ledges of public bnildiogt or lU^wbere about March and lays
two white eggs, moro or less blotched
with brown.

__ ,


The Lohxa mud SleepA phyaiejan qa<»ed by tbe Borino
TraoKKpt says tbat acute hisuiauia
may be promptly cared by the praclim
of deep breutbmg Draw into tb« lungs
aa mifeb air aa powiblo and do .not ex­
hale it ontll obliged to. and then os
slowly at possible It u suiui-wbal ttf a
wbw the mpbt is oppressively
warm, bftif persWwi In ia fairly sure
<0 roUeve Hut bypctiemia uf the brain
. II.___ti_____
which ovciyday
Idk coll wakelol-----I. ec* the
le>r tn liidoce
Tbe tricks
> I. round to be
deep are many, bui
more immeoiatelv cuiuauioua than ——
plan of torciog rbe Inugs to take tbe
batdeo oil tbe biain ami oar

rxiK^s aa a like


Lsrr,r««brL"™.°,,i; Specialist in Diseases of the Eye

A Prong Hrrer4,

Taking ovrrythit:;; iiiioountiilcretii
tbe fi«-«l
bus made a roci...
Ita l,«ll thM^ll. .b. 1™., nf
true Awrii^u uii;-vtr with pride, patrLKiwii and sn-udtv »i; I'u; country s
b.a. n,rv n .d eltrace* ^

„-s. Si,**""



- bis dgar
.. into bis moulta and find
that it baa gone out No cigar ever
tobtea BO goodaftet it hiwouro gomeouL
and a flue Havana cigar it positively
rank when it bas met such
I- quality Bongbt for is
tirv. if atauiple nuuked
“ V ! r wVli■ keep
L .|. lighted four
minutes, it ,it conridnTcd
very good.
S'.me will bum for fltc mmn.c.
minntce mm

and rli>' tateaand
Iwal rear
l« tbe civ* (ocibrpi
-t to'll
u> iirse
rW o'elork a.
OS'* boor* from
frooi So'elert
' - k p. mw.. aod
w.and irow
iroa I o'Hork
O'Hor to ( o'elark
afaaeb week
TuTMltr aed Pridar.^rMlng*
(row T o'rlock In X n-«-t
,j ...
On all lasr.
lberewUlberbara»d w»e -eollectloci and c .......... Ortober l«i ualiillKoT*«ibrrr*t. IWLiboa will
Barxlnal eaiwa. *ucB aa CaiaTwet. Crow e
• pbairrd
rnallr at »wa per real (or rollaeihr nr.1 Urae(V"*?r^.“P'“*'‘’’
n rewalHoraapaid Wo«roi*uf
daru *o aa to aTall th'B*«l<
■rpMnrwrd ta Uw Cllr Clerk (or
Tf----- ----------------------------.. ________ diwaae

At The Cottage Home.


HwaldkalMlar. r_____

prrxB weszBUBo.



' 8S8SS S85S88


Tb'b 8 81 B'B 6~B be S bXb
• AaaaaaAaaaaas.aa



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