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The Morning Record, June 15, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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ow cu om.
Spain Would Hake Valuable ConceBsions to
Germany for Interference With Amer
icans at Manila.
Hsvsba. J«m 14.—Th« Germu wi
•hip G«!er Arrirad At Ciea(a«roA os SaI’
ardAjr Uit.
Marines Again Attached by Spaniards, but
They Weie Prepared and Aided by
Marblehead and Texas.
*blp Aacawpaay tha axiMi-- of tha anprama aoort, has baaed aa aV
taehmeat afolMt tba property of
Joaaph Loiter, tha wheat spaealator of
Cbicago, tor S7SS.BZS in farar of Otto
Sat for 8w
Was ab Vm
Troopa for OubA.
Waablortoa. Jaoe H.-OUclal iaformaUob bAa raAcbad tTaabiB^a that
the fleet of tr*asporU with the trwoa
Warships Did EffectiTe Woric and the Enemy Was Driven
Off—Deader of the Philippine Insurgents Frohiblto any
Peace Nidations With Spain—Depending on Freedom
hava left yaatarday for Coba. had sot
Through United States—Blanoo Attempted to Lore the ,aAlled op to thU morBbi(rAmerican Blockading Veaaels Into Bange of Motto's b atatad •• tar •• cab be laarBad for
Ub aaespaeted delay ta Ua morament
Guns, but Fsilsd.
Opeeial U> TM Mopmie Bsoeaa.
ware eraUlac aloar^e ahora. Half a
Madrid. Jama 14.—The Spsabh praM doaaa ahou ware firod. Tha ruboau
hBAlB«aaaadltAeptliBle«hAaod upoa
a aa reply.
the ballaf that OaraaBy tataada to
Flataa Attaeka by 1
peoTOBtAboabardmaatof MaaiU by SpwlAlwtkeMoann Baosaix
BMklaf a UTAl deatoaattAioa. The
HaTaaa, Jaae 14.—Adriaea from Mat«rre a .oaerlfioa wiU aacaa, Jaat raoeirad. aay that oa Satarthe vtow of aaearlBK Gar^aay'a aa- daylatt
At—. Ai pollOAA ad by Barmadai aad Afalla. made aa
thanM“*— iB
af oSarUr OarniABy attempt ta aoter Q
•Caa, prorthe followtaf oonaeMloaa la ratara of laoa of Mataaxaa. aad
hm **fokia( tha iaitiatiTa la chaekla( baralar ae^ koaaaa. bat tha iasarthe Amarieaaa;” First, a aaral etoUaB ffaata ware rapalead wiU loaa, laeladud eoaliaf dapott la epaabh Ooea- oie (bpUia Morrboa aad wa liaoteaKw; eaaoBd. SsaalMi eoaearaaoa la tha aat. aad oaa prirate kiUaO, aad a aarof Oermaay’a «
raaat. a oorporol aad alaa priratm
^ aad pblltleal ralatioM with Moadad. Tka Spaaiah had alaataaa
araiBst flaatiaroImter adriees thb afternoon show
that Ua atari waa actually made yaaterday. bat that tba mntaataat bat
draryad. and many ahlpa did aot move
natU thb morpiar. It b aappaaed
Ua Tsssrli are bow oader way. The
palfllc will probably be iaformed to
morrow aoaearoiny Ua' BKwamant as
Ua aaUoriticB are datermlaad to wlUdraw tha oansorahip Uns tar aaforaad,
from Florida poiau tomorrow. Oaaarol Shaftar's force will be ie the rlclaity of Santiaco by Friday aooa. It b;
KV Tou aaaxv ssaLSBS
arru rosxpB Lsrmn.
Sab PrAneiMO. Jane U.—The troopa A Writ of AttAohBaot Xmad
Maw York Taataaday Ppoa ProMBpriAlBt Um AMoad MamUa ezpadiparty of the IRathroBad Vbaat Xinf
tk>D boarded the UAnsporto today. Tiie
—Tha Anoant Foots Vp •Tes.oas,
float is axpaetad to iMit tOMnow.
foroa ABBbora S.4U mm. Tha me
eprcitl >oTn t^bssns ksc^B.
Ameic AAd Ua aoUiar Mi
New York, liana l4.—Jestlea Daley
£. Lobkaa. Wm. Callaybaa aad TVm.
Kniffht, grata dealers, fw money adranaad. The attachmeat was leried
opoB funds baloaging to Laliar aad de
posited in the Chase Matioosl beak,
tha Baaorar bank and othar flaancial
eencaros ef thb eily.
The plaiatlFa wboeomprba Ua firm
of Otto K. Lohrice A Co., atteat that
Uay bare adraBoad at spaoto! iasUaaa
and request ef Leiter, in earloos aoms,:
STJ.3.8S5. slDoe Feb 1. im. which be
prombad to pay oa datoaad. They
allege that ha has rafatad to pay Ua
amooau ao adraaoed to him. Tha at
tachmeat was bsoed OB Ua ground
that Loiter b a nea-rasidaBt.
Chicago. Jane 14.—It waa stated by
a friead ef Joeaph Loiter that Ua at
tachmeat baa«d agaiaat him in Maw
York will not affect the aitoatiea aad
that it will net feroa aa amlgamant.
Tba appeal to tha coart la Maw YaU
arldanUy antlripated. aa a reptoaUra of aerodiwv waa hare and
told Mr. LelUr Ua| be was ‘-going U
do •omaUlag.*' Mr. LMter told him to
go ahaed and do it.
expected Ua daberkatloa will Uka Ua
net of tket day and aiybt.
It b expected aaoUer expeditien will
from aa Atiantie point wiUia
. wcaadad. Tha aama forea of laJolina AUor tejorad.
Jalioa AUor waa lojarad yaaterday
•anraau waa aflerwanb aaoaaBtarad ten daya. thb time fer Porte Rico.
traatporU are alreatdy arail- by a heavy place ef iron falling apoa
Jfaw York, Jane 14.—Cable adrloea
of hb l«a. aad -eattiag a deep
Imt off Caimaaers. Jaaa Uth. atata bpaaiarda claim they dbperadSl them able. Tha raporta from Porte Bieo iadieata that Ua Spaabh forea Uan gash to Ua boaa. Dr. Kaaalaad atthat aaotbar batUa has baea foorbt with a loaa of twelra killed.
teaded ta Ue iajary.
Tka iBaarraata are alaa ^ipartad' to does aot axeaad s.ooo mea, aad ao it U
batwaaa the mariaaa aad SpMiiarda
The former were relmforoad by tha kara carried away maay woaaded. aad deemed uaneceasary ta send a larya
For This Week.
Prices on Wall Paper are knocked as flat as are the
forts at Santiago. All because we bought a carload of
Wall Paper at our own prices. Douole rolls of paper at
l^c and up, and Border at Ic a yard.
Holley A OommUffi
290 Front Street
Are always looking for Ba^sihs—Ws Iists them in
Wall Paper.
If you comparo qnaUty with the prioo.
Newest in TiesI
Zurich Silks
Have just been received here. Come in Four-in1 hand. Imperial, Puff. Club and Bow styles. Prices
I are 25c to 50c. See these goods.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
ittd Clothing Honse.
'’“y ®
Niaeara, Roanoke or
Bicyde: Elegant new line
119 Front Street.
Strong Points
I• Are our $6.98INsuits—competition
price ta
Marblahcod. Texaa aad tha coIUar to hare abaadoaed a qaaBtity of propAbsraBda. Camp McCaUa aad the party which they looted et CamaaayaFOSnCABTBBS- 8A1.AAIS8.
erat of tha hill where tha mariaaa rov
local reerrUU force, ef Lea Jaa. Oaorga W. Beff of Thb 01^ Has
wore aatrasehad weto attacked by
$tOO Added to HU Pay.
AwwbeltalBff SDABlah torcea. Uallka ptoriaea of SaataClara. it b aaaonacad
has boaa aacoffad with aad Spwlal lo The Konlot S«^.
tha flrat firbt it was aot a aarprba. <
WaahUgtoa. June 14.—Tha marked
•Ithoach tha Americaaa were at a db- j l>“ dbpaisad aa ii
increaae la UeraoalpU U Us preaidaaodTUtaea aa to aumbari. Tbt laaach-1eirht men killed oa the flalA
tisl post offices sll over Ua coaatry has
« ef tha Teaaa aad Mai
200 pairs Cbildreg's Tan
KXSSAffiS FOn BRIinB OOMS1T1.. wamated Ue adraace la Ue salariee
rapid flio saaa la their h^a did affao- {
Shoes, lace or buttoK size
of a vast aambar of postmasters.
tiva work ia ahelUay the^amy ia tha ' ThaTT.S Ouaboat XapU Oarried It
to 11. Compare with 3
The Detroit posimeeUr’s eelary UTladar a Flag of Truce.
haahM alear tha ceaaV Tha bif fUBS
eraesed from SS.OOO s year te IQ.OOO. any $1.25 shoe sold.
e Stock ie going down, but them u« muty Inugnin. lett.
of the Marblabead aad Texaa tore Spwlal le Tat Moatue Rtouaa.
Haraoa,Juaal&—At 7 o'clock thb Ua maximam salary paid in any state.
thioack the hldia* placee of tha Spaa.
The sooner yon oome the bottw eelectian. yon get
morulajr Seawphora of Mono OaaUa Amoeg Ue oUar Michigaa iaeraeaaa
iards aad aeat them flyinran the fellewieg: Tnvana City. gS.SOO
Tba battia laated all Saaday airht •lyeaUad that a Temel flylap a flar of
aad WM ramarkabla for the ferocity of traoe, was ia airht aad tha Spanish
HasUaga. tl.TOO to tl.SOO: Maskegoa.
the anamy’a aUacka. The Jooraal'a raaboat. Laflaeha, with Cal. tielpl of
C2.G00 to C.TOO: ,foaU Unad Bapkls.
200 pairs of Misses’ Tan i 124 Front Street
dbpatch boat waa made a apeelal tar- the paaaral'a staff. Dr. ConpoU. the
Friedrich Block..
li.oeousi.MO: IoBla.fl2.Mu to flS.MO: Shoes, lace or button, .sizes
Cat by the bpaaish akarpabootefS. A Saeratary-Oaaeral of the (ror«ramaat
Kalkaska, fll.IOO to fll.MOj Lawall. 11*4 to 2.
Better than loU
haU of Maamsr ballets faU apoa her and Alaxaadar UoUaa. Ua Britbh eoaA1.400 toALMOi MlddlevlIIa, fll.IOO to of Shoes at $1.50.
dacka and plaiced tba eabiaa natU tha nl hare, on hoard, went to meat Ua
rceaal which taraed oat to be tha fll.M0. MU PleaaaaU fll.ooo to fll.MOr
tha woodwork looked like siarae.
with all Ik. UtMt aachiBarr ]art kddee for delnc all kinds ef Btrycle BnUdlar aM
Pataakoy. flS.SOO to flZ.SOO; Bead City.
Thb 1« the third attack the Spaniarda Daltad Sutaa aaziUUry ruhaat Ma
kepaliinc. sBrk as Bragtag, nnssaliagaBd fntalsUBg BiiadriM of all deserlaMoaa.
ple. An officer ea board of her baadad fll.500 to fll.700; Cedar Springa. fll.OOO
CoL Oilpl a acaled docamaat addresaad t* fll.IOO: Ladlagton. flS.000 to $9,100.
It :tm Flnalar.
te Mr. Oallaa. The Spaabh paaboat
MtlwO.*W.H Depot. «ker< IvlUUioaiy
Mew York. Jas« 14.-ApK
150 pairs Men's fine Shoes,
ratoraed to Ua harbor at 1 p. m.
has baea Imaed by Afaiasldo. leader
All Work Gunra^feod-Frioea Right.
Se^ry Alger Orden S5.000 Mon in Vici Kid.
$3.00 goods at
Of tha Philippine lasargraU. prohibiFmnro at lovo mamoa
|U be Seedy M Move This Week.
H. £. GIBBS, the Bicycle Man.
t4»p any attempts at pasca naffotiatioaf'
apM^14oToi HoBsias &so>ui
Orabar Moatcomary FracUead oa
wiU Spain. Tba United Sutes. he
Mew York. June 14,-A WaUiagten
BaaU Clara Battery.
•aya. b eemiaf to aid aad free the Phil•pedal to Ue Joarnal says Uat eacSp.<rik) to Tbs Moaatuia Kaoms.
tpplaaa from tyranny, and coaslders | Hamna, Jnac 14 -The United SUtaa ratery Alger today aatiflsd 4i ee Urathem capable of salf-rweramaaU To i fruiter Uoatfomai ’ at about 4 e’eleck bam. la eemmaad at Camp Alger. Uat
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.
rptola tba fwd offiem of that freat
mohed nearer thaa Ua S9.M0 men ia camp moat be nady Regular S3.50 goods,
aatlea Uay moat abaUin from plaadar. b usually tba case to Ua SanU Clara tomovaaauU thb weak,
Viaaaa. Jana 14.—The Naaa Prial battery and fired Urea shoU at FuaU
Baa4a4 for Maw XnglaaA
Fraaae says Spain liaa rsqaaated tha Brava. Tba first abet vras fired at 8.apscUl IS Tbs Mosnsv Rscosn.
peweisto urea Ua United SUtaa to 000 maters aad Ua othan wan fired at
Jana 14.—Three Spenbh
oecapy Maalls, ahoald tba town sarrea- 9,000 matara. Tha Moatgomery Uea
For a lltUn money you eaa 4mm eooL appm^riatc to Un aonm
et Liverped reeeaUy, Ue
4er, aad aot allow Ua iaanrfeata to do rsanmed her place la Ue blackading
Many other special prices
and Hva a more ooatly garmmt which oould ba laid away to ooUor
Oellago, Navarro aad Paleatlno. r»waathm. Among Ue maay good Uinga wa off« are:
Une. Her projacUIm fell vary near Ue named the Comln. Le Juao and Palee- on good shoes.
We want your trade.
Man's White and Blnek; Blna and Black; Brown and Tha stripped
Bunco's Oama Dloa't Weak.
batWrUa Tha SpaaUh battery east ef tre, mOled for SU JcAas. Maw Broaswnabahle Percale OoaU at 30e.
EeyWmt.Jnae 14.-Uaaaral BUaco Korro OaaUa flrad oea abet
wiok yaaterday. aoeording to edvioes
Men's Fast Black Sate^^Ceate to 95e.
hM appenntly not abandoned Ua hapa Amaricaa wankip.
ehulned. _________ ..
Men's UnMt WaahaUe (Mta. naaUy made, to S9.S&
of taring Ue American wanhips wlUA Spika Through Hie FoeU
A better qnaUty Faney L^en Washable Suite, vary dnmy. to fli,*S.
VUl Vet A4JOUS Bafon July 18.
- ta range ef Ua Havana batteries. AdMen's nU weol donbU tareested Skeleton Bine Serge Oonli and VMts
BpecisI u> Tux Uossivo Rsoasn.
Bramt FairebUd b sufforiag from a
' vices roeetved ban today sat that Are
WaUiogtea, June IS—Coagnaamai paiaful wound la oaa of hb feet, re
«r—»-u ships left Havana harbor on
ceived while plsylag on Ua river bank
A fine quality all wool Smge Skebloa donbb kmeated Oont and
'laada, who is plleUng Ua HsFriday aad baadad aastarlr. Tha vmnear Ua G. B. A I. nUway bridge Sav
Vest, very nobby, to flAQO.
waiUn bill, said ibb moralag that It
urday. HaeUppaden a plaak whbh
•eb ef Ua blocking sqaadron ran in a
waa nadar water and forced a six-lach
ehort dbtaaca and opened lira. Tha adjanra before July. 19.
iron ipika compleUly through hb foot.
Onr Mnalln Underwear Special 8^e oontinuM in foil pragiMA Join
eaemy did aot reepoad bet toraad and
UbanalafulwonadhutUe hoy wlU
Plenty of Money for Wer.
We an agala'^reedy, wiU a large
the crowd.
ina into Ua barber. Tha American
stock of Ice. to delinr U« mume to any
SpeeUl toTsa Mosxun Rsceen.
^pa did net accept Ua bait aad chase
Waahiagton, Jaa* 14—the Treesnry
Umbu Tmtarday Ua Sante Clara bat- effieiabsay Uat Ue ladlaeUens an
Maple block wood also fer mio.
Tha Wemen'a Auxiliary of Oraae
flmy and two other betteriaa opeaad Uat Ue flMO.000,000 loan will be large ebunh will meet friU Mra. Steal, thb
afteroooa at two e’eleek.
over nbeeribed.
•lo apoa the aaxUtaiy gnaboeU which
$9.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong point
T. J. HOvST,
Mid-Sumiiier Ming
Right in Line.
Alfred V. Friedrich
.„...F0R THE UDIES--.
The Boston Store,
vm^vsBss om. •
u T. BiWf *ro J. W. BAnn
$. W. HASm. Editor wd IUmCvbubbc^uptiomb.
• M .TravcrM OUr,
Mlek..aa*Maad aloMBmCwr.
AheatfllOOVuatTat Be Bated Be
fore a Fuet OteaTaamia
aa Aaeuiad Pacv
> eaergetie effort U being made to
rate tasda for a baae ball team for
thU eeaeoa la TraTOrea Ctty. Aa jrat
there k na poKlUre aaaaranee thatanfi
elent fanda will be rated. Man; of
the boalnew man of the dt; hare raaaended llbarall; and are prepared to
lend subetaatlal enpport U the enter1. $300 haa been rated thna far,
but ft k neceawy to eecnre $400. be■Idee Mlee of eeaaaa tlekaU to the
anaont of $eo0. Uat ;ear the oanpon
ticket plan waa a enooeai bat there waa
not enough at the end of the iiaiaa to
pa; all of the ezpenaae, aa It waa apoor
fw- baae ball.
Thk jaar It U deelgned to aatablkh
a fund to aaeare aoceeae and aware Ua
▼ciy beat aaUrInl. and It k expected
that the patronage of Ue games will
he better, ae the llmea hare Improred.
Bealdca. the experienoe of the pMt two
year* haa famlahad a preeedeat regaMIng playera. It li dealgaed to aaeare
oal; flrnt etee men and a fall team haa
already been oonddared and the propooed men are ready to report aa eooa
ae It k aMored that the amoaat aamed
can berated. Of the $400 fand there
yet remain! $100 to be rated end It k
thoae who haee net already
anhaertbad and who are lataroatad In
malnUinint a gaod'team. wilt anhaeriba at onoa. ao that the team may he
fnlly argaslsed for a game with Manktae here for the hl$ Maceabee cele
bration. Ooopon book* mny ate be
enbacribed foratenee. They will be
eold in denomlnationi the same ae laat
year. Tboee deeirlng tbrm wUl eoafer
a teror npon tboee who are working
for the team, by leaving their names
ith Jamw Keboe. Carey Bull or with
J. W. Hantaea. at Ue Rksobh ofioe at
PWK Leo M»t M ftmbUMAor
Madrid to alaa sp the atrenrU of the
gpaaiih aavy. The report ahowa that
0pata haa two r^d warahlpa: Ilia
CMetobat Coloa. aew hotUad np la
BantSago baj. and naafnl onlj to the
Ualtad Btotea or at a aahmariaa craft:
•Bd the battleabtp Palaja. which la atMehad U the OadU fleet, and of aa naa
iP aajhodj M an offaaalre or dcfea^va
afin at the praaaat Uma The othpr raMclB are deeaied of lltUeacoaaaL
■XhMe ooaelMioaa aeoB reaaonabla
It Ue above amoaat can be rated,
fha ralne of the twe ablpa Meath
and Uere ahonld be no qneetloa of It.
j «aa be better Jcdged If the; ehonU
Uk city will have Ue beet team it
«^we tP enoauter one of the Aateiiever had and the beat amateur team in
Michigaa, and one which wUl fnlly
It waa boldl; anaoonead that the maintain Ue reputation Trareme City
^raaa oenaonhlp reetlnr npon the Morw has enjoyed for aeveral year* at the
. ^nu of the fleet af trw^ traaaparta tret Id amateur base hall. ThU k Ua
which hae left Tampa, would be Uttad ■mat popular eport la Traverse City
when the float had cleared for Cuba. every year aad Ue Interest in Ue gnme
Thf reokleae etatement came with a ' has beea grewlag. 'hiU year ehanld
which, howet r U eoftanad br be no exception to Ua rolp
the lataat iatelllgaa e that the fleet
not ;et aailcd.
Bdward Hare Ue Yletlm of a ffeeuUar
While ridiag in from laterlochan yea^Mblp Dag Pit and Plowar Prom a
‘ tarday. Edward Here took a header
Vemub Bonnet Haa Oauaad Bn.
from his bicycle which resaltad la
ionelajoryto hk face aad eyea.
It k reported from Empire Uat late ■ i^tded In a bmth heap and hU face
Mat Thunday afternoon while Herman was terribly leoemted and hi* eyea inKneks waa plowing in hU field, ha I
{. a manner which endangere
^Hse to a fteahly dog pit about 10 feet i ^be sight. Dr. Gamer dressed
iomg aad ain feet wide. Ue made Ue wounds. The eaaae ef the dtestar
AkooTcry known and upon vUitlng It' was ajoeeenad tire.
«ba next momlng fonod it completely
Mlad. wlU an ironwood skid etlcklng
H. L. Carter k in tlrand Bapida
iMt of Ue lujee earU. ate an arllScial
E. Panghem went to Newavgo ycaflower from a lady's hat. They dag
•bout 14 feet before coMiog to solid
8. A. Denster ef Grand BapMs U la
garth, aad abont le rods nearer Ue be city.
tmA found where aaoUer pH had been
N. E Strong returned from Calk
gtartad aad abandoned. Great excite- laet night.
flMBt k prevailing aad Ue eeoend vklt
J. U. Oibha earns np from Mayfield
Ue unknown diggera. pclntaUward
E Dona of BeUalre was in Ua ei^
Jaa. Keboe went to Grand Ba^
____ _
MeettBga of flolanoe and Bdnoatlea,
. aBid af Xnaic DlTlaiona Toaighv
The members at Ue Seienoe and Edarntlirn divUloa of the Woman's Qub
are reqaeetad to*meet Uk evening at
Ake borne of Ue chairman. Mra. A. W.
ffaek. from t ta 8:30 o'eloek. The memtaa af Ue divuien ef Mnsie, Art and
EaprsHioa will meet et Ue same <
at Ue home of Hies M. Oertrude
flpeagve. chairman of Ue division.
Ybaee meetings are called on aoeoant
gf Important hnslaess in coaaei
erlU Ue new program and all
aber* art orgod to be present.
The entire clnb U invited to meet
WiU Ue clam in Hoasebold Economics
•t McNamara Ball Thnrmday aftemooa
c $0 awlst In making enndy to be given
$0 Ue little folka at Ue -CbUdrea'e
pay" meeUng pf Ue clnb Friday.
XAttta Albert Dloogby Gave BU
Faranma floaia.
Little Albert Dlonghy. eon of James
Dlunghy, gave hk paroats a-eeare Mon
day evening. Beliic tired of pUy he
ellmhed Into Ue baU of a baggy aad
went to sleep. The buggy belonged to
Mr. Wete of Inland, who dteovered
the lad wbea near); koma. Ae it was
too late to eome back that night ho
kept Ue boy until mcnmlng whan he
retnraad him to hk parenta.
aheenoe greaUy alarmed tha
paranU who notified Ue police and a
•earch was iaeUtoted bnl failed to
reveal Ue wbereabentt of Ue lad. AU
eoru of rumors were afloat during Ue
abeenee of Ue hqy. bnl provi^ to bo
oaly ramon when he pot in hk ap
pearance yesterday muraing.
The front of Ue OrsUlok block k
being improved wiU new trimmlnp of
A new walk k belag laid on Ue weei
tide of Boardoma avanue, betwesa
8UU aad Froat streets.
Yeeterday J. W. Slat«r sold two blgb
gradr Cycloid blcydee to partte at
Grswn. Urengh an ndverttement in
Ur Bxi'osn.
George Calkins received n meeeage
from Clere aanoaneing Ue death vf
hk faUar, yaaUrday. aad immedlataly
lofl for that place.
A load of Junior Eadesvorers from
M Freebyleriaa church went to Ue
homeefJ. E Johneoa. eontheas'
Ueelty picalekleg. yesterday.
Tbeaaleofacak for -Mim Fra
of Yale" opene at the box offlee af
Buioberg'e Grand Uk morning at T:30
a'doek. It will be a large one.
M. B. Holley has a colleeUua of 143
different war badgea. and k dkplaylng
m m a ahleld covered wiU velvet,
ivly arranged in Ue dkpUy window
of the City Book Store.
State Oil laspecior SmlU of Lawtoa,
was in Ue elty yeeterday on oBelal
bnsineaa. He was aatertalned by De>
put; Oil Inspector Prank Friedrich aad
Dr. Lawton of Ue anylnm.
: Batnrday that John Lomnger
took a header Icto Ue river at East
Bay. instead of Sunday as annona
yesterday. Mr. Loraager says
does do sack Ulngs on Ue Sabbath.
Manager Steinberg received Ue first
ont-of-town order for eeate for ‘'Mte
Freaels of Yale" last evening, it being
from Fife Laka A Ueatre parly of
probably ten or a dotan wiU atiaad
from Uat place.
Prof. C. E. floret, who arrived in Ue
city yeeterday noon to open a school
of violla Instroctlon. called a reheamal
tel evening of Sulnberg'e Grand
>uae orebeetra which was
flint of Ue full arganirstioB.
The Uree large Lefall waUr wheale
which are to Uke Ue place of Ue
•even Ires modem wheels taken from
Ue Hannah A Uy floor mill, have ar
rived and will be placed in position ander the mill at once. This improvemenl will be an imporianl and desir
able one.
BntBinva BpedflltF.
-- ,----
tyCl6 WOrKS.
bicvele aundriee at abont coat, Kew and aerond band wbeela for sale
and to rent. Plea$e give os a trial.
KIXI8, 811 Front tfL, East.
I ^vvvoaVs
Heinrich Zetgler. a Leelnaan Oennty
Fionser. was Thrown from hk Bnggy and Died In a few Kieutee
While drlvlag from his home st
Oviatt to Maple City Monday. Hslnrich
Zelgler met with nti accident which
resaited fatally. Bis home ran away
and he wns Umwn from hk baggy,
sDSUiaiiig Injnrte which resnlte in
hlsdiraU flftmn minntes later.
Zelgler was a pioneer of Leelaoan
oonnty and had reached Ue ripe age of
87 year*. Ue was widely known in
Uls secUen of Ue state and many
friends la Travente City will moam
with the members ef Ue family.
Belcaveaa wife and four children.
Mra Jehn A. Jackson and Heary Zelglar of Uls city and two sons llring at
The fnneral will be belA from Ue
OvUU church at one o'clock this afterI. W. 8. Andereoa will direct Ue
The Youag L*dic> MteloDsry society
will meet wiU the Qome sod Foreign
y of the Congregaidgewood Uls afterooa at 3 o'clock. Any of the ladies!
iskiag to attend Uk meeting wUJ
find aa omnlhns waiting in front of
Jas. G. JohneM's drag store on Front
at 3:30.
I ‘ive '^v\i\joxvs
\0 awdi Vbz.
We do not
belong to the combination
And we are not obliged to sell meat at war prices.
best Chicago beef killed at home
Bingham Bros., Front Street
In the
Swim18 said of people who
are up^odate and are
recognired wherever
they go for their correct
knowledge of life and
People In the swim
are the people who
because they are posted
on what is best for the
Teacher of Violin.
SinSlo St KiHnbere * Or*o8 Open Uooee.
Jiisr Itih
TVrw«-Ten r,Mu. Omua
Fur funSrrlofi>n>ail<K...]l SB A Blelcben.
SI MelsWn'e Mere. ST u>SI rroet el.
Orrr HrSsmsn * Skur Slate.
Want Work
For your money? That's what yon get
when yon employ tte. E Winnie—
your money's worth in good honest
Itfid Air...
Air sSnlsUleTMl lur sbeolu
nnioB of Irrth.
inrtti'n »f IrMb wiLl
ABDctidar. hr rain
leiDuerd lalret ssd i
«tios ret Dwd In- owki:ine riuertioB 1M7-
Ve have a
car load of the best western oom-fed stock and can fomisb yon the ^
Fred 8. BaztM. formerly of Uk elty.
aew of Graad Bapids, k la Ue city
eeentlng a Milvraukee bardwar*
Mteca Rboda Batteabary and Nel
lie Lardle wlllleave Uls morning for
Graad Bapids, where Uey will spend
the soamer.
Opposite Eocle Office.
Jekn Osherne of Sattoa't Bay
town yaterday.
A. J. Laieoa of KaUmasoo k In Ue
city on buslnena.
Frank Friedriek retaraed from Pe-
Cbeapeet sod most rebsUo place to get yocr bicycle repaired and
'bad" aeveral’ year^ximrieDce
' ace jm
^t in good running onkr. H^e
There are lots <rf sneh
2i559>8i7 pairs c$ SELZ i
made last year alone.
In offering yon these shoes we declare
them the best in the world (at the
money, no matter whether the price is'
>1.50 or $5.00.
Ssh Stoss
Steinberg’s erand
Opera House.
How Fitzsimmons I
Hit Corbett
Friday, June 17.
D. B^BnUer^if Frankfort waa at
Park Place yestertay.
L- A. Pratt returned laat night from
Ann Arbor aad OetrolL
H. W. Cnnnlngbam Mj^'dnngbter
went U Battle Creek yesteday.
Bert Miller and Bay Wait went fish
ing yMterday and had good lack.
Mrs. M. A. WMtfate weat to Grand Original "Charley’s Aunt,”
Bapids ywterdsy for a skort vklt.
and that great cast in
Fraok and B
in Cedar for a vklt wlU Uelr anat.
ptotrict Meeting nt Eeyne City.
Hra.C. E Compton and danghter
Meednma A King. E L. Kellogg. E
Oreenetcad. A. W. Bashea. E E John- City.
Mr*. E E. Fan Fleet retenied from
•ea. J. JamewiB. A. J. flelm. F. Qriffio.
ffohn Fowls. J. A. Bread;. F. Eldred. Wblu Clood yeeterday. where ahe has
H E Leyns aad J. T. Sblelda, left ym- heenvlsiting.
H. MoaUgne has beea entertalniag
, flerdny <>■ the eteamei CeInmWa for
: Boyne City ms delegata from Uk city J. W. Millar, a
«• Ue dktriet meeUng of the Woman's man of Chicago.
Funnier than "Chkrley's
Dr. A. H. Holliday retained from
pUentgn Missionary Society to he held
Manton tet nlgbt.where he was called Aunt."
M Uat place UU week.
npoB professieaal husii
Better than "My Friend of
Uavilah Uoffmaster went to Hopkins
Early Morning Wedding.
A mnrrisgeceremCTy will Uke place yesterday, where he wlU spend
immer wlU his grand-pareoU
Uk ^neralng at 10 which will make
Mte Teresa Wtirehntgof Grand Bap
Mias' Kittle T. Neian, daugbUr of
Morris Nolan, Ue wife of WilllaiD ids came up tet nigbt for a visit with
Johnson of Ue Peninsula- The mar Ciiy Treasurer Wnrsburg and family.'
Mlm Mamie Celman arrived tet
riage will be eolcmnlzed in St. Franck
nigbt from tensing, whet* she has
been attending Ue eekool for Ue bUnd.
Fienlc and Juvenile Feriival.
J. JameaoD went to Port laron yeenufseenr Martangh'sJnrenileorehee- terdav where be wUl aitoad Ue O. A.
Popular prices, 25, 35, 50.
Wa wlU their young friends will have E renaioa as a dalegate from Ula elty
■ hoaket picnic and monical festival at
Mra. Wm. Hole and children have and 75c.
Carp Lake flatarday and wUl anjoy Ue geae to Gladstone where Uey wlU en
Reserved seats at box of*
Hmadlord SonUard of joy emrral weeks’ vkitiag. They wUl
stop at Elk BapMe en ronto.
fice Wednesday morning.
In the solar plexus bas always been a deep mystery to his
“Miss FraRcis ^
admirers. How we sell
RtR! Bdi! RlM
Miss Fruciser Tile!
She's All Ript!
At such low prices is a mystery to the admirers of a good ar- ^
tide. The unexpected will happen sometimes, and wo will
give everyone a chance to secure a beautiful floor covering ^
at a low price if you come quick.
THB MOEglHO U00«1), -WBDmWDAT, JPOT IB, 1898
S*er*tary Threw* Out
• Feeler to the Euro
pean Power*.
Bet Hot witk the Ueit«4 States Diiect,
hf No Maootr of Mcaoa.
HrM *ilh a TUrd rof«r<
riMraar Aaairta PrefarrMl-WaablRKWa OKrisK Admit lb* HalUtia af the
Arm) of InvMlon of lulm—Marinm ail
tha UUI at Catmaarra tVllbdrmaa U> a
■afar IWItan—Maax ><baeUrda XaM la
Bara Beaa KUM la Uw »nghl.
BniHHIa. June H.-A i>re<tei Madrid
eereapondent <>f The Petit lUeu, o( lUa
bo etelms to have had «Ub Bcnnr MerlBO, the private aecreUry of the flinnisb
premier. Rennr Sagaata. In which the
secretary declared that the Spanlstagov•mment mill now aceep: any peace |im.
possi which la suhmlttcd. “un the exti that It d'*anct emanate
from the enemy." hut the premier's
retari' U
u aaid
aaM to
to h^\e
hhv. added.
,|. *TK.
The InteraaUnn^l medlat^n which Would be
oapedally welcomed uinm the port of
Bpalo would be In the case of the Inltla*
Uve being taken by France or AustrlB."
WashlngtuB. June it.—The first army
Of Invasion to Cuba la now well on Us
wny. thirty.two lransp<irt steamabl|>a.
bearing over U.OOO ofbeers and men.
oravnyed by battleships, crulaera. gun.
boaU and auxiliary cruisers sixteen In
number, bating anuaJly sailed from
Key West at daybreak yesterday mornIn*. An aothorltatlve siaiemeui <■>
this effect was made at the war• de|
nwnt yceterday. setting st
porta that tb* rzpcditlno was on Its
way or had landed laai week. The au*
thoritlea made the announcement for
tha reason that the time for aecr.-cy
waa now past, ns the scout isiata bad
Blade sure that the path was clear be
fore ft and that no possible menace
eould come from the 8|>a:ilah ships or
troops, eves ahould they know our
forces wsrc advancing against them.
With the expedition oft. ofnclals here
tael that there will be a p clod cf cum.
paratlte Inao-tlon f<ir a few daya
Win Became l>rama>lr After Thatwday.
By Thuraday. at the latest, the transporta will be off Santiago, and a large
army win make lu landing on Cuban
■OIL Sampson has cleared the way for
be after that, when
Blade, that actual dra
been shot fb»uah the abdotnoa and ta■uatlr kUled. For moat of the day and
nlKht Lloutentanl* Neville and 8ba«
had l-een atirrounded bjr a tnueb au.
parlor force, but men and omeera be
haved aplendldlr. and althnuth the OrIna of the epantarda «aa conMant and
heavy Ueulenant Nevilir’a deUehmeat I
held lU otrn. mairtlnc much more daraaco than It auatalned. At leaat
fi[»nlarda are Icnown to hav« 1
killed, and aa I.leutenant Nrvllle'a
kept up a steady fire th
niKhl. and the enemy was not at a
ffreat i
a cere heavy.
No Fear of the Yellow Scourge i
in the Camp at Chieka*
mauga Park.
Cbmp Xotr Wha'Caald Marvh U> the
Imadaa SperlaUThal Day apaBlab Sraaaary
rmalal Ohee—iUperleare. irf the Men
I. Belter Thaa Uara.
AbaanI tba Tiaatparu at Tampa Oaa
1-ondon. June It.—The muminf paBat Night.
pora publish further Ions acovisnU of
Chlekamauga Park. June 14.—During
the bonbardmint of Banllagu on June
V day* false reiKirla t
I, confirming the retiurtB from the
tba, MoAo caat e and Z \
tt>v Pi^va-eno..
fvicr In Ulaa aslppl there was
Ketrella batter) nere t>oth ael afire by
of the army camp here
the American a.irlia, and that the Span- i “
being moved have mhde their appear*
aged. Th.-.e vcrsli^ns aay that the ilua- ’ «« In a number of MPera. The ofaachuaelta and the Buaanei cere some- j Sclala here are unanimously of the ,
what iniun d by sheila The Dally Tele- ^ opinion that the fever scare mill ^yc |
graph's c«rrer|>»n<leni ' aa>8l 'The ' no effect
effeil on
op ib
ihr camp
heir. U baa Seen
6e«*n |
amp heie.
iny years a
roar of the guns, while a tr- plcal rain ;
poured Ihmughoul a iierfect deluge. {
ISHolpmrai tb** Steadily «»a.
j The HitanlKh shooting was better than
In ense of an imergcn.y Si.oOO men
, Ihc American. The aunken collier Mcr* could be sent liib. B<-tl..f from Chlrka*
1| channel.
not bloikKampa.m
the entrance
to the
to '. n.auga park. Three w..uld
tlrely e«)Ul|>r*ett, but In such eundltlun
force Ihe entnUH-e when the
• ^ e.
tr< I .a. • «hln 1
SL'e B good Bi-Cc.Unt Of
Negligee Shirts!
Elegant assortment at 39c, 60c, 66o, to
$1.50. Call in and see them. Just the
thing for comfort.
Amuaement Kotos.
Mias Aoaa B. Layng, one of the lead*
cosslderod ons of the clerercot
aotreatra os the Atnerias stage today.
Tha OaUbratad Spadaliate,
Hotel Whiting
jrceed ■'
airadlly on and the oClb lal/ are making
The Dally Chranlcle-a correspondent
r""''"- *'''
winditl. n to respond to any
•It U' surKlsIng that the AmeH-1
Here, oiii iiom uuo wn
rapidly along this line.
after three hour* firing by the pick of
the American Heel Spain's Colura were The authorities can now send equip
ment here, aa the other amles are pro
otm floalloc"________ .
vided fur.
ra at roar raHeiw.
Altagad BadyUm af Ttaopa.
Atlanta. Ga.. June 14.—Governor At
wMib It la kinson has been asked by several prom
pointed out. In itmneitlon wllh the re inent clllien* of iVsIker county to taka
ported Intenllon of the fnited States cognlxaniv of the rowdyism w hicb they
to occupy Ihe t-adrone and Caroline claim Is pivvalent at fhicksmauga.
talanda that 'Germany has long de General Brooke, II la said, has offered
sired Ponape aa a c.alirg suilon " “A* .........
......... .a ..........................
regiment If necessary
.o.H, oOlcera
,.ai— In
i_ making
—. 1.1
the Bpanlah cabinet do. i not consider
the moment artUed to dla. uss peac^. ' n,.r.,ntly a Jew who keeps a M..rc there
the dl.patcb coDllnoea, 'ihe war party onmded the aoldlera and according to
the atory w hlch has reach' d the *overnor they put a rope around hla body
and dragged him out and looted bis
entioB 1,1, „ Governor Atkinson said last
against the l'nl\ed xiatra."
night he would Inreaugaie the matter.
! ami If the facta prove true aa reported
•ad part
tie Beatlsed.
.. I be will communicate with the p
di'iartiiiei.i, Ir.siktltig upon
order at th# Mg camp.
■eraad Baalla Kxpedllloa.
San Franclaco. June 14.—The rnDM Imfight at Crest HllL The dead will pnrtani order Issued fiom army headburled on Culian soil There it quartern y>eterday was
nothing unusual alaiul thia altbougl. ] Major General Oil* that
rtsh.'Uldnow- le fully realla.d that with • to comprise the so.*, ml fleet of
to go to the Philippine* w el
actual warfare
modes of war mui
tically rendy for th* r.s.epllon of tr».J
said by those In aulhonty t
and troops to the nurnWr of als.ul 4
be la direct commmilcath.n with the will not permit the removal ot
romprlslne the Tenth IVnnsyhwnla.
Anthorlllea here. Admiral Sami«.>n bar from the point of action.
Tolonel Hawkins: First f. leradu. i'o|.
taken the shore end of the cable landonel Hale; First Nebr.oku. folcnel
lag at Guantanamo and a fon e of cable
BDtv Prises fur Uewey.
Bratl: two |cnltallc>n> cf r<-rulars from
•xperla la rapidly restoring the line to
leindoB. June 14.—Aosirdlng to a dts- the Kighleenth and Tnei.;)-third Inworking order. Tim rfslnratbm
of tms
.rair.n oi
fr„m Madrid to Tlie Financial fantr>'. rolonel Fivmh: a deiaehmeni
—o.Siscnlsh ironclads from from the engineer
and the two
Madagascar waiers have arrived In battalions of triah light Infantry, Cap
tant movements, an'l will eaable the light of Manila aud Admlrnl Dewey's tain Young, will raa*. Ihelr camps. I>«d
•uUtorltlea here to keep in close i»uch ships have gone to meet them.
their lent* nnd lagreg. Into wagons,
With thuaeexecullng thesiraiegic moveand be ready to march aboard.
n# Aftark at f^l
IKTa or
k by the Spin- Jadge Dyneh Taler, t’karge «r a Baama
Beal .
Tuna Bud Uulfwge. law.
larde U|w,n the t'nlled Kuirs murines al
Taaipa. Fla.
Great Bend, Kail.. June H—In
Ouantaaamobayftaiurdaynighi baa had
a IBlbcr sobering effect ui<m the eb-- public square frnhilng on the principal
upon business street of this Ml)’ a murderer plnger Is In command .>f the troops left
rushing troops forward regardless was lynchi*d last evi-Blng by a mob of at Tami-a. and It la lK.|lcted will com
et their unpreparednea*.
Baiurday pn.bably of r.<« isrsims It Is eellmated mend the next expedition to salt. The
destlnailon of this next ex|.ec1ltlvft
a . bush-wbacklng
warfare, that at least UM men of Great Bend'* be I'orto lU'O. <:*-n<-ial t'lubugh Le-e's
which are anything but agreeable tu {Hipulaibn cf :AM iwraons witnessed cuTps Is not likely to gu to Porto Rico,
the peraon* who ha.'e been hoping for a Ihe tragedy. The victim was John
but wlU be a«M to Cul« when
■hori Cnmralgh. A good deal of r.urUme come* tu strike Havana
prise la expreased al the failure of this April < killed Uynle lluffinelaler.
rsjKirt to mention aay aubatanilal al'l IC-yrarndd danghter of tVllllam Huff- troopa which left here Jor Key West
to forming the first army of Cu
received from the Insurgents by tlie
ban Invasion wvr.- convoyed from
Fnitel Btsie* marlaea camiied on Crest er HufTmelsIer, and
love for the daughter, and the trag Tampa to Key West by Ihe Helena.
Bill. U’-Inforeetmnta were sent from
our own shli*. hut It dews not appear In edy f'Jlowed Ihe girl's refusal lo accept Annaisdis, Casilnr and Wlndom. The
IrcKips were Joyful when orders were
the r*-|erts that the marines had help his sdvahrew.
When tbr girl went tu the stable In recvlued at lust to make a >taJ t for Key
from tbr men liest <wlcuUled fr.im their
experlene.. in jungle fighting to be of Ihe evening Becker shot her to death. West. The rumor* of S|«nlsh gunboaia
service In an eniHcupirr with Spanlih Sending elghi bulleu Into her body, aft had delay.d their Jopariurv after
er which he ael fir. to the fanrer's sta twrkallon had taken pl u". and
ble*. Al first It was reiMiried that the ennsed Ih-m lo be war|>ed Into the Blip
murder, r had shot htmis-ir, and that he
I.lfe aloard a troopBh
rep. Hate t. I lieavlty la had died In the flames, hut later It beTbrlrHepulv
came know h that be had tied and Search at llir l■••sl. arcl wli:
lhal pret.Ml.-d Thursday and Friday
while Ihr iraniporla were kept In the
Bu. j«.. i:. vta
ali|« was dlsagrcvaM... Tlie soldier* suf
»n, H—|r„p,B,ht, luv.O A.»..|.,.a
i.k.S'b, ih, «.rl« i. fered greatly, but cuniplalncd little.
Prew.)-The Spaniards last night al- HoUhlnson. there having l»en many The manner IB which Ihe ahl|>s .
Ucked the camp of th. First battalion I threnl* that he would be lynched If rrowd.'d together did not permit
porta lo be opened and with the ther
of marine* under , U- ui. iisnl It. W. ; bp.ught b. r.Hamlngum and were repul*.*d with ^ Ue.ker ha.I lH.en brought here for mometer cloa* t' 100 Ihe heat down
baavy lose. Four Amerlcwni were i
'*■" 'inrher* embraosl the Ihe ho'ds Of tha vesse l, where at night
Ihr yriM)|ia were jiack.sl In like aardi
killed, namely: Furgeem J. B. Gibbs. ..f : •'M>''n<mlir. Many of the mob
likely, j »aif simply unlo.ai
New York city: fu-rgeantFmUh. Private
McCnlgan. Private Dunnrlsby. ail or , l:.-cker Is from Marlc-n. Ilia., and of
Company D. Thewoundedwere; Private ,
hardshl|<s. fainted away, while
McGowan, of i'oini>any D. band
tabor Thrvaleas to I'sr the BayroB.
more cass* of proalrallon were raiorled
fared, and thr pilot on the Ul
Oshk.'sh. WiB. June H.-rnleaa an from nearly every other transport.
cnilser Murlil-h.vad, shut through the amlcKb:. s. Itl-m' nl of the differences
Two men of Ihe Peventy-flrst New
head. The tiring U'gan after midnight, bttwe-n Ihe munufac lurers of this rtiy Turk volunieera were among th* aufand laliri until claybraak. Al lime* there and the sirtkltig wondwerkera la ar fer-nt and It was hour* before the
was a heavy fusillade on both sides.
rived at Iq- Thursday night. Immediate phiklrlaiis succeeded In restoring them
Late this numnlng
• 8pa:
ste|» will l>e taken b) the Wlaconaln to oonaclousnsss. On Friday, however,
opened fire from two guns plai
laced •
Stale Pe-l'-ratlon of l.,Mh>,r tn Institute the ship* were ordered
west aide of Che hiirlHW. The abota flew a vlr>rous flghl against th* mmm*n
*n by Into the stream, word having been
wild. The Texi;*. YaQkee nnd torpidn boyccitllBg all Oshkosh saah. douna and brought up hy the convened gunbrat
Boat Porter, which were lying In Ihe blind*.
Horne) that no trnev of any hostile
harW. o|.en d iltv and in a short time
vesaci bad been found. After a confer■lienced the Sianish guns. The latter
rnr* ol several h»u s' duroiion belw.*<*fl
fired only w.< e after the ships opened
MUwaukee. June 14.-Judge Seamanln Generals Miles and hhaftrr and ....
fire on them There w«-re nu casualiles the Vnited Matea court yesie.day I*. | general brigade commanden., and the
eg the Amsriran aid-.
gued a pertnanenl restraining order
It was dec IJvd by <'ol„srI Huntington against the Fred Miller Brewing com
this nKTulng to atandon the position pany. of Milw'Bukre. against using the
firet oceupb-d by the ramp, i
word "Budwelaer'' lo connrctlon with
ware do algn*
«s of
lit ri-inf.
the brandirg of a certain beer. Thecom- some hour* later the start was n
tro<9* and U was known that
hat a fcr.
pUInt w
ide by thsAnheuaer-Iluacfc
fpanurda i
■w|ng tompany. of 8t. Loulx
lime* mc-ra Aimcrr.ua Brewtni
than the8 m
marine imttallcn was In thpresident nominated James II. Barkley.
elelnitr. Therefore the crest of the hill
a brigadier
Bwraa aa the Ball Field,
which the tne>im held last night waa
rhicago. June I4.—League score* at
filvatl up lo the ballerh-s and rifle pita
base ball yesterday were: At Loulcvllle
UttleOtrt Killed ta a load Pit,.
of the hill near (be harlwr. which 4a —Cincinnati I. loculsville 4: at WafitBlanchardvlUe. Wla.. June it.-Baaal*
yreterted by warships.
Ington—Balilmore I. Washington t: at and aarence lltlion. two iiuic chil
Before leaving the po
New York-Brcu klyn A New Tort 4: at dren. were playing In a aandplt near
0t the hill the marlnea ^
Boalon—Philadelphia A Bnetek <: at here, when the lumk suddenly caved
^ return of lieutenants Neville and Chicago and CleveUnd-naJn.
la and hurled them, Clarence auceced.
■haw with thirty men of Company D In
TTaatera lAague:
ed In liberating hlmaelf, blit he couU
BDOd Shape but much exbauated by
fiMkLMD houri of picket duty. One man.,
«• ..
4. Kansas vaty
..., 7:
.. at
.. Bb
.... -Paul
iwgn-' Bmlth. of Company K. had —Oelrolt l. Pt. Paul t: at HlnneapoUsColumbiis •.jiinQMpolB A
Tkavkbsz City, Miob.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1898.
On* Bar Onlj Xach Kostk.
OonsoltsUon and ExAmuAtiOB Free end Strictly
-----------------Bd ............................... . Cbcvsa IBt. —-------—
oMto sad WoM. a^ alDBsw
The "Frae Pnm" of Wlnnip^ had
this to ray of Mkaa Layng:
"Tha 'Vesta* of Mlaa Anna B. U.rar.
iscludlag the ‘Oaeulatory NuriBor*.'
oefther ‘ few or far between". In act I.
which she ehowered apoo her be
trothed. Fred Anderaon, <Mr. lU.v*
sasd Cappi to the trafie faoe, and
iealoMj well portra.ved by the deep
and liquid tooea of her
was of a class we seldom aee in this
cKy ••
The '‘Mlaa Pranela of Yale" Compa
ny are all talented eommedlans and
have reoeieed tbonaanda of flaltoring
notieea daring their tonrlog aensos.
which includes almoat every section of
the rnlledSUtea from Maine ta Flor
ida, from Florida to California and alto
ihrougboot the British poaaeas
from Victoria to Montreal.
feeplag Bhn w twver.
Urs. FluiGdiiuffut—D’ye mt«n t* aay
ynn’vc lusii nutrri>sl ten y««r»i an never
I bad a qnam*l with .wr buetaud^
Fair Straugvt^TImt is tree, tnw^am.
' Ami yc always i< t bitu bavu tbe «ast
w *«1:"
“Yes. niadam. I wmldn't fcr sbt
wnrld do anytbiug to Ii-ms'U my bi»
baud's love fir luu Uu aiigbt get caraluw.*'
"Y»w. We an Jntqrlen byprafriwim,
BDd at two iwrf.muuice* ev«y day J
stand ujmiiisi a Durd while be tbrowi
tbekniicw”—New York \V«Uy.
Mr. Aabsry P*ppm.
“I>«i't the use Ilf diiaippMuing kuu
apiiust intcruaiiwial lawi" asked At*
bury lV|>]s*ra.
“Of ismiw mg." auswend the law
tguilcut Uardcr.
"Ihut'aatnuige. J tbuoRht IhlTo wai
a law uiniintd c.oiui'alcd weapons In cv-1
A Waw
IMsKmuilisl PoBMenthT — 1
this was tbu luuiuxl
Ccaidoruir (ULlahoma railroad)—
That's wluic it's railed.
I'xMi ufNr—Uohl Vl-hatu then Urn*
itwl about it?
Cawdai-tor (aftur rrflcctina) — Tb*
time fur mralx—New Y’urk Wm^i
ik-wtiteb are ofise takm for Nrrroaa
irealltcsoaot PilM vithoal pain.'---------I* of kalf*. caustic or llgatcre* (
To.^ung, Middle Aged, and Old JAen
aay wakaeaaea.
«• eaa gtra pmsaaaM reliaf.
■^•*—■ ——1i^lAMCKBSraredwlttKnitaridwkaife.pataoracar.
New wathoO*.
CAWCEBa rured wUbout aridw kaife. p»ta o
tUTABRH. .................................
Nr* lM*BC tseslmeuL"Bsani
wetl aadsad
MCABANTKB To chtc vsery caM ot Dyspepsia.
Drw*psla. Sick BcaCvk*.
PUm, Tape W>
0P^e will giTc special attestka to dlgkoli ewae* as4 u> ease* other pbrwleii
led^ cm PeteoB. applriag tar tt*«tia»Bt *iU plaaae tarlag i*o or Ur*« ooaere
Those wheat* waaUe to call caavrltetuUsanlcBlar*of U
■ul byeipsMa. with full laMnirUoae ho* le he takes
Tbe flrwi at Ora. B. B. a Oe. ww tnrerTiarst*« eerctwl y«ara i
e wllh a eai
iBcwyoutakraacaaBesalf rewewplortaew. They arc raepoi
leahC wcllki
DR§. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box XeO.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreepond with the Traveree City Lnoiber OonpBoy.
We have tor sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Hachioeiyot ell deecriptioos,iDcladuigTwo Eotfiaee,
Bet Works, Carriagee and Sawa. A complete Saw Miil Piaat
for Bale.
Women’s Oxfords
Price* start at eoe aad are ap. atopplag
on the way at popular points until tl.SO M
reMhed. Style* are Oaln. Bulldog aad
CemmOB Beaae
If yon need anything in thk llaa we
may bave what yeu waaA Our allk top
akoca are beaullm. Ooae aad buy aboae
of na. We will surely save yon money.
Bronka—Notira: all thoar little ialaodl
Dear tbe cuusi of Cuba railed rayel
Uuclu Sam wania a bais) of gni^lic*
Dearer the m.x'ih- of tbe fighA why
docMi’t be tic up ri(dit aluugsid* ud
Rirtra—Bemuse Undo 8am In’t a
jay.—CbiuKKu Tribune.
A. S. Fryman,
Mr. Utttr—You Mk«n to be very feed
of poetry, Mias Branx 1 ais aort
must bave WTituxi wane.
Mias Lkans—Ob. no. Mr. Utter; mine
it a far snis riur miwiuo.
Mr- Utictwiudeed?
Miss Ui'orn^Yea; ! inspire iA—
Brooklyn Life.
“Richard m may have ahonted ‘My
kingdom fora berae!' I'd give my Idn*.
duin for a stud." raid the caunitad king
wbtxi tbe cxillar be siole froan the globe
trotter would keep climbing ot*»
hack uf hisbtrui—Me, Up
OhmegD XaikeA
July. 3S%K
tember, SSttc:
wr. US'eOate—Jnue.
—Juue. S4c; July, t»hc; September.
r. SlVc: May, *4Me.
Porkc—Juac aad July, •B.4».
Praotioal Shoaman.
135 HYnnt Street.
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badishes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
Thone 167.
MS Front Straet!
P»epl« of Small Meant «0 Hava
tha First Chance to Gat the
Naw 3 Per Cent*.
DoaoB nr oeseit
Tt—*•— aod rooeo aaeo an •iMe «T
Terocllr" to Um booela
Waahinrton. June 14. — The aetiaU
reaterdar paeaed a WK' Kranttnt tbe
Cripple Cwk lUUmad companr rl*ht
at way tbr.uyh'the Pllte-« Peak, Colo.,
timber reaeive, and aUo an act tor tbe
doaoph Loitoe^ Wboat Deal tBaeeo Bias
■ka 0«
OslI a Otattea.
CblGam. June 14.—A]Mbtereat on the
xeaterday centered
An old sPny tells of a litUe firt wh« ' hoard
irbtai Baked for a dcAniHon of appotits In the doincs of Joseph Lelt<
■tiA “Well, when yim'reeatlB. yoD'ia the
’appy. and wbiti yon'nj Ihrongh you’re deal
Ota non-partisan commls- I tlRbt. and that's a|ipetita “ Now, tbla sinnir In prices war craerallyattributed
(Tirl waa not an etytoulntrist, but aba ’ to Immense sales by him. Aox.rdliiK to
TMab ta* rvraM
London. June 14.-The edltortaU In
the iromins
momln* papers exprtwa —
.. . ..
-—1._ dispute In the
tbs --------throatenlo*
Klyer valley has beer------- -renf^’. h.lwever. that U. Harotaux.
the French f.^.*n mlnlater. haa mads
an excellen lantain for Fiance. aoiM
«.f them sorrowfully reproaching I/ord
Ballsbury for allowing England to be
•Ion tc
to xather Inlormatlon and recom
g tBT Mee WoMk *r
Mata fraiii ahwftary «•«»■■ ClrvBUr—
A MMptd Job of rriollBc MMl Malllac
SuFolod M WoablarlM—iBferiBmUoB
■or Tbow Who UMlro to iwlUrrlbo.
Waahlnctnn. June 14.—Immediatrtr
«poii receipt of tbe Informatloii from
Uie White Hou»e that the war revenne
Mil had been aimed bj the prealdent
BierKaty Gase leeued a circular ext. the public the prepooed bond
Iwua. the i«lnts of which are as foU
n to tsvf iilyate the payof the cUim of the book cuncero
of the Methodist Episcopal ctaurch
south was then dtacuased. It belnc
charred that In Kcltlns tbe claim
thtwucb deception had been practiced
open the senate. A heated colhMiuy he.
tween Chandler and Pasco waa tbe
feature nf the discussion. Chandler
aatd that Pasco waa unwUtlnelr and
unwilllntly the acait throuxh which ih-;
decepi.on bad been practiced.
tb« withdrawal of the state'
menl. but Cbandier lni at..d that U was
and refused ^ withdraw It. al
lows: Doth texlsteml and coupon bbod.
wlU be lasued; •‘subacrtptlons wUl be re-1
wired at par for a period of ihlrty-fonr
days, the subscription belns open from I
this date to S o'clock p. m. tbe I4ih day j
of July. IMS:" allotments to all Individ_
II be made before any
ttonds will Iw allotted to other than In
dividuals: those tor tSOO or leas will ba
•Hotted at nnre and must be paid for
U full at the time: thoae for over tSOC
will not be made until after July 14. and
' then berlnnlnt with the smallest sub•erlptton: those subscrtbtnc fi>r ir.'>re
than t&oo will aend alone In rash t per
cant, of the sulw^lpilon
Caa take Bowls In luslallments.
AnyBubarnl>erfurmore thentMCw|Uhe
permitted to take his allotment of bonds
In Inatsllments of ZS per rent.. taklnR
tbe Aral Installment within ten da.vs
after tbe nolle* of the allotment, and
the balance at four equal Iniervals of
forty days each. Tbe secretary of the
treasury will receive In payment tor the
bonds postolBoa tnnoey orders payable
at WathlnmoD. D. C.. and checks, bank
drafts and express ihoncy orders col
lectable In the ctiles of New York, Bos
ton. Philadelphia. Baltimore. tVasUlucton. Clnrlnnati. \.<Mvasv.
Chicago. c«.
Ft. Louis. New
Ortsans and Ran Frandaca All money
and bank
bank drafts
drafts must
must be drawn
arden and
la favor of the treasurer of tbe Tintled
Big Ask of PriaUag WsO Daas.
Baturday afternoon at Z:M O’clock
Secretary Gage delivered Into the hands
Captain Bryan, foreman of tbe gov•rement prtqt shop, the material to be
used In tbe preparation of ctreulars
rels'Jve m the new war lean. Almost
4.400.000 of these (irvulars. Bubacripi
t' h blanks ai.d i'«ro|ihlels d'-rripUee
•i i; e I r.
.• . — -|.<iu!red. This work
Chandler’s statemem was untrue ai.d he (Chandler!
knew It. and Chandler retorted that
_____ opposite of that
“the truth Is the axaot
oiatemem "
aen wsaaw aw sustt anwrwwra
the Schuylkill river. In the rxtrvmv
Boutha-esleru sectl.m of the city. Tbe
buralag oil was soon runninx In biasing
alreama all ever the place and Into the
river. At 10 o'clock the Are aas burn
ing furiously, and ^t«e veasels In the
river were on Are
a tre endeavoring
stop theproyresi of the flamre hy bullding errbankmenu. water having no ef*
feet. The Are was exlendlng toward
the Point Breese Gas works, one of the
cliy plants now under lease to the
L’nited Gas Improvement company.
At II tfcl.K-k the Are waa uluSer eoatml, and the destruction wss conAned
tc the reBnlng comi>anya property, ex
cepting that two oil carrying ateamers
were destroyed and a third steamer
badly damaged.
’The Aames did not
reach the gas works or other nearby
property, which It was feared earlier In
the night could not be saved. ’The loai
Vin be rl-Hn KOO.OOO.
»«> »’•»*'* “P «»>'• deal. This couree was
»*<*«*n' on sccouot ..f Lelier s Inablh
Hy to ,.ut up tra.Bins a^hlch were .-ailed
that Lelter's hea.Iest
most tbinR. tbat.v.mc in my way £«
*“ *''"•*
lessee came In bis Eurojiean ventures.
sectvaticiu and diRcMliiiu.
Bi-od crej s In view
1 cmld cat inup'. but I- anml^
As I 2.e*^ater
esicr had
iisd a
a d.'|.r.-ssln«
di'|ir.eeln« effect
told my moth.*'
Inw, 1 do not dare to , .......................
markets, snd b.
Rive up amtikiuR. U»-an*c stoppinR off ..................
.. value of the cereal mertobacco olwavs
always iurtuoisa
iurtuoMia tbe ajipotita, ; ehandlsed tn Kumpean |v>ris.
i Sill
“ S'istts:
U-tW«n the aR.a of 4 Aa’U-Alleo
«ea Appear Heme. Sy
, ToB„tarum !
.ber-uair, t.Hecntes.
BprinRlt-U. Hie , June It.-Thc hoteU
«"“*'>' »re ,t. ud^d wllh delcRu., s l.. .he IteU an insult to oar aaaUitiiy : publl'-an aiatv . .nv.nil..n. which coneboulrtn’l cat fliah. Tbe Vor- | vmes «t n a.n i^alay. The <s.n\.-nilon
!«»>••““ cmuiauy. limited, would pull I mu
,he larsest ever held In the mat..
; half our t«ib and bare us rnminate on con.t«inB -f i.-i deieyatra Ii wns dc-
nMtgritmyire thandRoah.wd. Sand fottdemnlng the
W. P.Cistsar
Attorneys at Law.
■ by' tbs deleHffiis eat RraTul;osirichre tat nails and
cmintn, who dectattbe Uke. Ooats, tou. are catholic of pal-; that such a resolution will mean the deate. 8o 1 don't go bnngry for tbe «]»I f«at of eeversi Bei ubilcan candidates
Cd a morbid fanev.
No. as 1 have said. for tbe legislature.
F. K W’hlltemore seems rertalnef tbe
I tat oflnuuodiously. It u my inaRiool
•o to do. and instincts are beavcD bon. nomination for sute treasurer.
this one parricnlarly. Nobody that fol nomlnalinn for sUte gupertntendent of
lows instiuot is a liRbt eater.
Look at
______________ _
10. Mereaatlte Co aiork.
H.P., UtdemuPsan. Office Is Uoama Bldf.
OffireFrbdrlrt bMa ’Ptoae,
..Cti.oi-r. Hou« Bi..
The Father—That young man who
emd to cnll on yon and stay so lata is
in tbe uavy now, I tutdersundf
Tbe Daughter—Via. papa, and think
of it. Hii boat has b.«n disabled. The
a™ l -.bin h.~ b-ii
Yellow Perer Makes Ms Pragtrea.
Washington. June 14.—Surgeon Gen
eral Wyman last night received -heerIng news fmm the district In Mlsalsslppl infected with yellow fever. No
new cases have develot-ed and no new
fuel have l>een reported or discovered.
The cxlailng eases are abs.iiutely IsoIsted sn.l Ihe entire plaie Is subjecud
by the governmeiil ofltcllds to the most
rigid quarantine.
The stath annual convention of tbe
wiscunt-in State Federmion of lAbov la
In session
oly »SMJ»0 worth of am-
loan le found In ttie fact that
Scretaty Gage for all ou1a.-i4pUons of
gMV akd Ies» wffil begin (be lUlM^iorm
at uocc. TMs fact shoatd be bJrae In
mind Iv smell InveMors in onler that
they mny not delay their subsi rlptlonk
nstii the lost momept. when the h^vy
Rul^rtpU-ns are Uben up for cobsM-
murwtion was exiwnded tn the borabardmenl of SaalMgS on June t
Jafi.es PHe<-. of Onim. Wla.. aged
alsml 40 yeara. cnmmtttMl eulclde by
takluK loirls gn-eti and morphlur.
Tli* house hes passed Ihe emergeacy'
hill appropriating DTJ.HI to nay the
lb-hr|ng sea .ward which will be duV.
vni-n l’r. h«r. the millionaire brewer
.-i.teii-.prstj* lotetlng a 110.I'n-her brewery tn
klllwi-iilaTov i-r\- - .ini l.as n. mlnstrd Thomas
It Ri(.i
.\j.pie« ti, VVht. for Vnlled
((taire ti-A'shal f.ir (be uoribern dlstslct
U U'lsiorjilii.
The lirit.^'v euami-r Tuirkenham was
cnpt'iri-tl lo ihAm-rli-na
crvis-r Si. l.oids uhlie oarrylng coal
to the SianUrds lu Cola.
I^led is obiaia Damagea,
A very S'-vere wind and rain storm
______________ struck V.-'U-ii.a Station. WIs.. and Uew
Appleton. Wla.. June 14.—The
Idr* Rarah A. Buss.-II agalmx the Clll- ’ down Ogden Itros.* "I'bcle Tom'sCabln*'
eitgu and Northw estern Hallway com-- Show company's lent,
gany for K4iG(« for dantages alleged to |
Robert L*-ach. of Waienown. N. T.,
have U-( n rcclvi-d In the wreck last - made a sun-eesful trip through tbe
BUiamer of a train <.f Christian Ksdeav- { whirlpool rapids of Klagare Fhlls 8unorers. vns dlsconUcued j-ertrt-lay. each day to a baireL coming out without a
Dart*-jualiui Its own fiau This le the scratch.
laK of the roar 4-ases that wereyoufflii.
C»iar]es Bhank. a Chicago Janitor,
la thli city.
Others were senied at commlUed suicide because of remorse
about the same rate as the H
ii ease.
ease, iover the murder of Frederick Klnxte.
•nd in (he fourth a Judgment dl HL4MI ,
date, which he commlUed Aftecn
■ given.
I years ago.
| Thg Niger loondary dlspnte. In which
Houston. Tex.. June 14 -‘IT..- train Er:gtish i-spere and pollUclams havereeo
robbrrewbowere-concera.dlniheboia- •
Is ptacUcally siwied. A
• up of the Sanla Re si foletnsn June- convestlon covering aU dlapules la
Hob end the murder of F.rfT.ar. John- rtgAr f»r sigmture.
aon have beiei caught Iw the posse |
Dr. John A. Lnirabee. one of Lonis.Rgadnl by Khcrlff Shield, of Tom Green vlll.-'s best known chyslclsns and pron*
«ouniy. Three ef them were captured incntly known In his profmMon all areg
BtnCu near Bonon. The men oBstgd the country. di>d at hUffiome In LonlsHgtat sM two of them wtre wounded.
| vUls of Bright's dlseass, aged U.
WasblBrlas unwt.
- -
TiavarM City MarfeaL
ao-I C^tU-T|^U»ls at HamllB A MUIer'Om
TpOR SAUE: OBTBADB-AfanBOf taDaerre.
f well k>-a<ed Aonthergond (arm on tb«
bork But 140. Travarwr city. Mleh. *4* 6t
tbe rrral vlelory e( ike gallaai Dewey; tells
eeerrlblBg about Saapacm. Urble;. PUsbBgb
Ukcv IB Ike halU afOoaseeM Tbe grealoM
war book pablubet: •» Urge pages; I4D aolarx* ealoeed aapa bi^l ba^. bireeM
Btrruie KATits
day* credn; trrlgbl p«M; oaldt free. Write
Wheat, old, per bn......................
WbeaL new, par bn................ ..
Data. No. 1. per bn. (new)..
Corn, per bu.....................................
Bye. per bn........................................
Battler, per lb...................................
-W. O’. SOBBS,
146 JiTont StTMt
Hastings’ Real Eslals Agancy.
14 tsM IM. swkll barer. Sm laestloc. ktk emet. eaa be boogbt fee IsnL
44 feet M. good evclUkg. F»rawa«4. tS Sews wad 410 per weuU tmt'Jpald for.
41 serss Ibres milra oaoik aoS west iroa tbe city. LaoS good, well waiertA, rsobc or
chard. ThlstsabargmloturoalyllJM.
WHoerre I lalle sesu alMmpnned, will be sold 1s oi
ap Other plsees }ost re desirable or bo*« bo.
213 Front SL
rsr s^br
r PBOPERTY rent aAlX-IWe beau
aad twpster r^mori. Beddeo EaU
_ *WiuTak»i:nli>eu»befed
WUl labs uDlBeuglbefed
» wm
I Tiarei— ci»r propeni la esekans*,'*"
gtretaocUaeoaiwn-thlnUui psrrbbse• Il!?re.
CinmeeBeddea. Call on or adds
dsfc 4M WashlagloB «- Trarerw
A Cliy LowberCQ. k*4f___________
l.oa>ber. laik aad ablaglaa.
rnty LuBkerCo. l»-tf
VoUm to Oonttaetore.
Notice Is herebj glrto ikai oaalad propaaals Tiremsa Oltr
will ba reerired at IkecAer of tv. A. Kewloo. —
OMBlyaerk. smUlke Irth day of Jaaa imal
I aVIoek p B. lor aU Ubor aad Bawrlal te
.yai .i.™rea“tr^S^lrevSSoao?
_.ehlyaa. aeeocdlag la plaas aad spcetSca■sfaraUhedlHBosk. BowBaaA **—*- —
“iJSr:::: -
eowayg bareby fsswee 4 by Ika baUdlag oob.
"nS^ City of
-cny. Jaoel. II
Jobs Pt-Lcim
Stock Bwmlvwl Three Tinwa a fPeek
Fletcittr's Of^r Depot ui flestwui
ooly. A. k. PryaaB. IB Penal alreet.
unan inioniiuiui li
xs wagre. Barker Osdar
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doops F^Ti^Ar
and Windows.
New Process" Vapor Stoves.
TralBB arrlTB froa
ds asd Pmoakry at 1 :M p
Trsm rt. Wayua, Oraod ,i., , i.. . i.... __
BaUerlberreralreagraad tl.OO pCBBlBB tree,
VpOB aALE-Ooe oM aalaoB Bslorm. lareire
f of Boward Wblitag.
Treveree ctar. Bleb
Giud sipiai ft indiui LI
e sent back
She's fffreid we'll mtk'
them. Tb«7areChinaaB<aa’’—Prinoe-^'f^P"'*
Butter per lb Oaire-----um Tiger. ________________
Creamery Butter.Ib....
Cheese per Ib .
Warsfaars Block.
All baggage, bus and hack work
for said road ahonld be left with
me. Office 239 Btate atreet, tdephone 8. All orders left with m«
will receive prompt attention.
Visiug—What, la she afraid that yon.
H. L A Co. B«aL..
will mash ihtxn?
BTF* per doi..
John R. Santo,
Geaeral lasaraaca.
Ob M. & N. B. S. B.
F“!?s^srM'ijssss? ss;
••Fa^. ■■ the boanrital yo^ wornis a list of (he boring and sellan said.
are a«ty for what wa I in^
of yeataiday for groeeriet,
hare dixm. Will you’’—
I ptorialoiis and farm reodneU IB Trersatxi. ’’ UH!
man wieirnps*
tbe Bwni
kwm ora
old mao
Intempt- i oree City:
ed, “why don't yon go to the lawyer {
aroBod the mraerr I'm no diroroe
^ Clear Pork per bhl, sew...
conn.”—Chicago Net
[Clear Pork per tb.....................
Short Cut Pork.
I Short Cot Pork per tb....
Kitty—Uotfaor hae flowers in tboiKJonr. H L. A Co. beat..
back yard and won’t let u play baU Eye-Flour. H. L. A Co. BcaL..
Reel, U. L. ACo-BeaV..
The busln-es |crt of the town of Spar-
-r,- ■»" - -
B. J, Morgan,
TTlSaiffgP HPUHa-JIlss KswUe BoKresh.
A grwSaawef ikr Cslrermlty BMpilmi. As
Arbor, wilt resreaS ra calls for aoialBg. B
B Sitnrret SIS «f
I Of the Ameiicsn .shliw
I to the repairing vord."
aittiug bemde him.’’
“How do yon knowF'
has his arm aronad berwaiM.”
FiratrUu Eir. EretyUilBE B*w
and neaL Kates as reasooa'-’----------------ffrat-clasB barn in tbe city,
cnll nnd get oor prices.
Bndbqa 1 Vktiniki,
Ikse Block. Tmretss
Madrid. June It.—In the chamber of OAtCBEt. LOST-If Ibe pans wba task a
dopatlea yestesday the minister of the C> oawbel Barked -A M R." ftoa a lady arrlrtas oa the trala last Bight, will aasd oama
Inierlor. capdepon. - replying to ques to Borord c4Boe be wtU eoafar B faeer. S4S-II*
tions on the sablect. said that aceordtng to the aeml-oRIrlal dispatches dur
ing the .last Aght at aantlago. de Cuba
■a BpsaUh shell burst on the deck of
ling a gun.
>■» b.......
killing and wounding a number of
"vriousiy iiijurlQg the voareL while
u^ jjew fork and several oih«^ veasels
compelled to withdraw in a badly
In addition, throe
Be .Bwew Tbsy Woald Ba.
Tbex had eloped and remmedYor Rm |
panaital blosaiuR.
Horse Hotel.
Llieij, Sale and Feed Ban.
socle Bl<.ck.
Bare Faany Kmrs at MsdrU.
^(>Ma A ooygu_
^^l-NO MAN WANTan-K or IS xsare of
and J. H. Brownlee, of Carbon{Unator Vaaun has arrived. Benaior
r Cullom will Inot be her
Bicycle Riders.
Eemomber that I do all kinds of rs^
pairing and enamelliig. and that 1 caa
Bi work of
and do give you tbe best
in tbe euy
etly lor
for vac
tbe caaocy.
by wbat otbare^
r oontrary,
1 guaruntae all my work to bs right,
and if it docs not prove so 1 make It '
(stop in tut 4 o’clock every eveoteg,
except Sonday. In tbe Ckldwell A Lon
don boilding, nt north end of Union
sbonldur? It U true that,«siu can eat
mcee tn winuw than in snmitier.
like to lire in Greenland, with a Loodon restanmnt in tbe front yard.—Jody.
O.p. CARVER, Agaat-
aadronveraartas^til Fraat Pi
wcwk below that tbo Rrindok do abova ;
Chicago, maklag In all lOOffwr cent,
claims proved, amounting to f1.34LV9.M). has been ordered t«ld by Comp
troller Dawes- May $, IMl. the Checnlral National bank dosed Us doom.
• ««h« ‘>' er a resolution
Ever Bsrned Out?
I.W. PatebiB.
we aro fillwl. and we are Itappy. And
to Bboltah this bliss by dnyts—»«»•
•mrasl Imysclf^catWcll atid larRidy
®f ‘“SA
••Well, don't let me nee him pen.m.^'
Washington. June 14.-A seventh dlv- j
"w^ non i »e* me » nun arow
idend «fl per renl. In favor of tbe cred- j hew »U boors of the nifffat, or yen willj
itora of the Chemical National bank of ,
him being toed <mt.“ —Toaken
e sobscnp(i<
Ftbe same P-n„B.
prison, -.11
■r . lutglb.
be consHtnrd os a siagl>- subscHi'lIon*
«f tl.«Mi for 9J0 bands, and
-ill hae Is reerhed
.............. .................................
Anoiln-r Imipiriant
f.^ n.atmg
F«T all amounts received of t&OO and
nnder r-«.e!pts wfl 1^ R v-n Immediately. and liie l«i>ds d.-Avered al the earltVBI praciuable dme. ’This course is
takro. i( Is undi-rst'-nd. iiecausc It It be
lieved lhs( ntier all tiM nstl demands
are oattifled thcie w411 still be enougta
left to be dittribui.-d among tbe large
aubsertben, although the' indications at
tte iwescnt tkr.r are that the loan wlB
be pard ipetci’in to an unusual extent
petmir of sma'J meant.
! awti there U a llnle sand in tbe sngar. - pr»P«-«
*?:rrjI the W.ooo
prisoog an
WaRRUa—Wby. 1 w« they feed tbs
Philadelphia June 14.—Fir.- broke out [ we kn.iw Uc was atark, staring, gnuing ; temporary chairman, and Judye D. J.
at t s* o'clock last evenlny at the ex- ! «“»d wb.-n be di.l it
1 HamUn, of Shelbyvi le.t^rmanvi.lchalrThun. urn. I’m not too flnireL
Sup-i man. The tuple most dlK uased ir tbe
to eon-{
Waggles—Tbe vari4ns
lUtnly to bankrupt tbe a
JagRlos—How's that'
OU Bsteary oa Mre aad Ike River Llks- , » wad of Rnua like a COW. Ncbocdwd- j daed b> the State central re-Bimlttee to
wBs—Water Ha> Xa Kseri.
: nemor tried Uuit fur wwen yeara. and | make Charles A. Works, of itnckford.
Have a f: H. Bead.
j„oe I4.-The J»Uwer BepubIt it probable that never Iwtfore has so !
commltu-e yesterday
Systematic and enenteUc an e»>ri been adopted re«>Iutloos In favor of fusion
Blade to accnally reach the people. The writ, tbe Democrats and t*t>pullais in
treasury will not wait fur th- people to the comlpg campaign un tbe stare, cancome to It: It has gone U. them; and greaalonal and legislative tickets, and
every man. woman and child who has •PD-lnP-d a commlure to corJer with
I other parties with
g» to Invest will not lack an opp-.rumiy rommilUt
to buy o govc-ramonl b<nd and thus
participate In the war loan. Already
many have sulnu-ribed heavily to the
tean. not tar single subsorlpUona but by
•everal. eapecting thus to be altotted
sunong il.e SrsL ft le the tnieeiloe of
the deiuir«m- nt, under the law
aspsasivs at IVisiat.
trusteed. It Is
h advam-od the
do we cat bw? Do wo niaslicuto and money .m-It bad asreed to Uke care
•wallow for tbe sako of fccliug that of It.
we’ro buUow tunck.aieay On the coo-1
l.atcr I.Hier's wheal Interests were
trary. we .at and an- Un.sl, we feel tliat turned over to a hoard of truat<«s. who
il^ffeli?“ebher u^Jn'r-'e
Rallcrics, the spv^hes ly-lny .Imply re- i
hashes of the well-knouu arguments ,
pt« and rein.
' *« *«y
Any Baa. Womea or ChIM with
r.r ,i';ri-rj'S;;5y^rBr2:
l^id. tmt It is --of "■'St.r
warramtsl w rwu.wctho feeling of full^ after mtala (.cwd buav.ua. wbat
The delate uwm Kawa l«n annexs- ’
tloooontlnnedln>heh'.us<-,tensi>eeche. ^ g,
BTUay nnd k
I- ym. iday.
the dMirc of Becretary Gagv that Bfty I ffintTflAT. PATS 100 TZS CSIT.
r.p,B n..iiiB,
treasuiT deparim
tbe msierisl at the latter hour Testerday morning, before ihe time IndfcaTkd.
tbe entire work of prlniinRhadbeendos- and s wagon fmm
. printing offlre al ten minutes to S dell'
•red the Aral loo.ooo of each ..f the clrculara, blanks and pamphlets required.
MaUlag Was Doae ta Ttmev.
Tbe treasury furve was busy yester
day preparing for the malls the enornous number of papers that will be sent
«ill to alt money order piwt.ifTIces, banks
and exprem offices. The bundles were
prepared sccrrdlng to slates and terTltories and sent to the poStotBce In InataUmenta By tfail noon this work was
all accomplisned. and the messengers,
grom the treasury were on their way U!
mitllonv 0 r American rlltiens.
was a pbUoaopbi* and a Rood c«i«^ too.
one tulhortiy tiii.-r ordered all bis
W'bicb is (are. Ati.tbudy wbo potaaea trad<>tcioaed out at the c|.cnlns of the
a auoJ aud a body is bappy afuw a large day's tmnsacilons In the «h< at Mu and
meal, when be uxia-riiaiow that feel- Its-esstati-dthatailvAsit.OWi.OUbushiiiRuf Ui-sacdoombletcni*a.ofirided<in. . »*• "f **>'«'
liquidated for him in
I hare sum ailvi-rtimiumta__ it -.sma i^e <'hlcnyo mark, t alone. Fifteen mln-
Witb Xsrl, tiu Jmrdar.
ow cu om.
Spain Would Hake Valuable ConceBsions to
Germany for Interference With Amer
icans at Manila.
Hsvsba. J«m 14.—Th« Germu wi
•hip G«!er Arrirad At Ciea(a«roA os SaI’
ardAjr Uit.
Marines Again Attached by Spaniards, but
They Weie Prepared and Aided by
Marblehead and Texas.
*blp Aacawpaay tha axiMi-- of tha anprama aoort, has baaed aa aV
taehmeat afolMt tba property of
Joaaph Loiter, tha wheat spaealator of
Cbicago, tor S7SS.BZS in farar of Otto
Sat for 8w
Was ab Vm
Troopa for OubA.
Waablortoa. Jaoe H.-OUclal iaformaUob bAa raAcbad tTaabiB^a that
the fleet of tr*asporU with the trwoa
Warships Did EffectiTe Woric and the Enemy Was Driven
Off—Deader of the Philippine Insurgents Frohiblto any
Peace Nidations With Spain—Depending on Freedom
hava left yaatarday for Coba. had sot
Through United States—Blanoo Attempted to Lore the ,aAlled op to thU morBbi(rAmerican Blockading Veaaels Into Bange of Motto's b atatad •• tar •• cab be laarBad for
Ub aaespaeted delay ta Ua morament
Guns, but Fsilsd.
Opeeial U> TM Mopmie Bsoeaa.
ware eraUlac aloar^e ahora. Half a
Madrid. Jama 14.—The Spsabh praM doaaa ahou ware firod. Tha ruboau
hBAlB«aaaadltAeptliBle«hAaod upoa
a aa reply.
the ballaf that OaraaBy tataada to
Flataa Attaeka by 1
peoTOBtAboabardmaatof MaaiU by SpwlAlwtkeMoann Baosaix
BMklaf a UTAl deatoaattAioa. The
HaTaaa, Jaae 14.—Adriaea from Mat«rre a .oaerlfioa wiU aacaa, Jaat raoeirad. aay that oa Satarthe vtow of aaearlBK Gar^aay'a aa- daylatt
At—. Ai pollOAA ad by Barmadai aad Afalla. made aa
thanM“*— iB
af oSarUr OarniABy attempt ta aoter Q
•Caa, prorthe followtaf oonaeMloaa la ratara of laoa of Mataaxaa. aad
hm **fokia( tha iaitiatiTa la chaekla( baralar ae^ koaaaa. bat tha iasarthe Amarieaaa;” First, a aaral etoUaB ffaata ware rapalead wiU loaa, laeladud eoaliaf dapott la epaabh Ooea- oie (bpUia Morrboa aad wa liaoteaKw; eaaoBd. SsaalMi eoaearaaoa la tha aat. aad oaa prirate kiUaO, aad a aarof Oermaay’a «
raaat. a oorporol aad alaa priratm
^ aad pblltleal ralatioM with Moadad. Tka Spaaiah had alaataaa
araiBst flaatiaroImter adriees thb afternoon show
that Ua atari waa actually made yaaterday. bat that tba mntaataat bat
draryad. and many ahlpa did aot move
natU thb morpiar. It b aappaaed
Ua Tsssrli are bow oader way. The
palfllc will probably be iaformed to
morrow aoaearoiny Ua' BKwamant as
Ua aaUoriticB are datermlaad to wlUdraw tha oansorahip Uns tar aaforaad,
from Florida poiau tomorrow. Oaaarol Shaftar's force will be ie the rlclaity of Santiaco by Friday aooa. It b;
KV Tou aaaxv ssaLSBS
arru rosxpB Lsrmn.
Sab PrAneiMO. Jane U.—The troopa A Writ of AttAohBaot Xmad
Maw York Taataaday Ppoa ProMBpriAlBt Um AMoad MamUa ezpadiparty of the IRathroBad Vbaat Xinf
tk>D boarded the UAnsporto today. Tiie
—Tha Anoant Foots Vp •Tes.oas,
float is axpaetad to iMit tOMnow.
foroa ABBbora S.4U mm. Tha me
eprcitl >oTn t^bssns ksc^B.
Ameic AAd Ua aoUiar Mi
New York, liana l4.—Jestlea Daley
£. Lobkaa. Wm. Callaybaa aad TVm.
Kniffht, grata dealers, fw money adranaad. The attachmeat was leried
opoB funds baloaging to Laliar aad de
posited in the Chase Matioosl beak,
tha Baaorar bank and othar flaancial
eencaros ef thb eily.
The plaiatlFa wboeomprba Ua firm
of Otto K. Lohrice A Co., atteat that
Uay bare adraBoad at spaoto! iasUaaa
and request ef Leiter, in earloos aoms,:
STJ.3.8S5. slDoe Feb 1. im. which be
prombad to pay oa datoaad. They
allege that ha has rafatad to pay Ua
amooau ao adraaoed to him. Tha at
tachmeat was bsoed OB Ua ground
that Loiter b a nea-rasidaBt.
Chicago. Jane 14.—It waa stated by
a friead ef Joeaph Loiter that Ua at
tachmeat baa«d agaiaat him in Maw
York will not affect the aitoatiea aad
that it will net feroa aa amlgamant.
Tba appeal to tha coart la Maw YaU
arldanUy antlripated. aa a reptoaUra of aerodiwv waa hare and
told Mr. LelUr Ua| be was ‘-going U
do •omaUlag.*' Mr. LMter told him to
go ahaed and do it.
expected Ua daberkatloa will Uka Ua
net of tket day and aiybt.
It b expected aaoUer expeditien will
from aa Atiantie point wiUia
. wcaadad. Tha aama forea of laJolina AUor tejorad.
Jalioa AUor waa lojarad yaaterday
•anraau waa aflerwanb aaoaaBtarad ten daya. thb time fer Porte Rico.
traatporU are alreatdy arail- by a heavy place ef iron falling apoa
Jfaw York, Jane 14.—Cable adrloea
of hb l«a. aad -eattiag a deep
Imt off Caimaaers. Jaaa Uth. atata bpaaiarda claim they dbperadSl them able. Tha raporta from Porte Bieo iadieata that Ua Spaabh forea Uan gash to Ua boaa. Dr. Kaaalaad atthat aaotbar batUa has baea foorbt with a loaa of twelra killed.
teaded ta Ue iajary.
Tka iBaarraata are alaa ^ipartad' to does aot axeaad s.ooo mea, aad ao it U
batwaaa the mariaaa aad SpMiiarda
The former were relmforoad by tha kara carried away maay woaaded. aad deemed uaneceasary ta send a larya
For This Week.
Prices on Wall Paper are knocked as flat as are the
forts at Santiago. All because we bought a carload of
Wall Paper at our own prices. Douole rolls of paper at
l^c and up, and Border at Ic a yard.
Holley A OommUffi
290 Front Street
Are always looking for Ba^sihs—Ws Iists them in
Wall Paper.
If you comparo qnaUty with the prioo.
Newest in TiesI
Zurich Silks
Have just been received here. Come in Four-in1 hand. Imperial, Puff. Club and Bow styles. Prices
I are 25c to 50c. See these goods.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
ittd Clothing Honse.
'’“y ®
Niaeara, Roanoke or
Bicyde: Elegant new line
119 Front Street.
Strong Points
I• Are our $6.98INsuits—competition
price ta
Marblahcod. Texaa aad tha coIUar to hare abaadoaed a qaaBtity of propAbsraBda. Camp McCaUa aad the party which they looted et CamaaayaFOSnCABTBBS- 8A1.AAIS8.
erat of tha hill where tha mariaaa rov
local reerrUU force, ef Lea Jaa. Oaorga W. Beff of Thb 01^ Has
wore aatrasehad weto attacked by
$tOO Added to HU Pay.
AwwbeltalBff SDABlah torcea. Uallka ptoriaea of SaataClara. it b aaaonacad
has boaa aacoffad with aad Spwlal lo The Konlot S«^.
tha flrat firbt it was aot a aarprba. <
WaahUgtoa. June 14.—Tha marked
•Ithoach tha Americaaa were at a db- j l>“ dbpaisad aa ii
increaae la UeraoalpU U Us preaidaaodTUtaea aa to aumbari. Tbt laaach-1eirht men killed oa the flalA
tisl post offices sll over Ua coaatry has
« ef tha Teaaa aad Mai
200 pairs Cbildreg's Tan
KXSSAffiS FOn BRIinB OOMS1T1.. wamated Ue adraace la Ue salariee
rapid flio saaa la their h^a did affao- {
Shoes, lace or buttoK size
of a vast aambar of postmasters.
tiva work ia ahelUay the^amy ia tha ' ThaTT.S Ouaboat XapU Oarried It
to 11. Compare with 3
The Detroit posimeeUr’s eelary UTladar a Flag of Truce.
haahM alear tha ceaaV Tha bif fUBS
eraesed from SS.OOO s year te IQ.OOO. any $1.25 shoe sold.
e Stock ie going down, but them u« muty Inugnin. lett.
of the Marblabead aad Texaa tore Spwlal le Tat Moatue Rtouaa.
Haraoa,Juaal&—At 7 o'clock thb Ua maximam salary paid in any state.
thioack the hldia* placee of tha Spaa.
The sooner yon oome the bottw eelectian. yon get
morulajr Seawphora of Mono OaaUa Amoeg Ue oUar Michigaa iaeraeaaa
iards aad aeat them flyinran the fellewieg: Tnvana City. gS.SOO
Tba battia laated all Saaday airht •lyeaUad that a Temel flylap a flar of
aad WM ramarkabla for the ferocity of traoe, was ia airht aad tha Spanish
HasUaga. tl.TOO to tl.SOO: Maskegoa.
the anamy’a aUacka. The Jooraal'a raaboat. Laflaeha, with Cal. tielpl of
C2.G00 to C.TOO: ,foaU Unad Bapkls.
200 pairs of Misses’ Tan i 124 Front Street
dbpatch boat waa made a apeelal tar- the paaaral'a staff. Dr. ConpoU. the
Friedrich Block..
li.oeousi.MO: IoBla.fl2.Mu to flS.MO: Shoes, lace or button, .sizes
Cat by the bpaaish akarpabootefS. A Saeratary-Oaaeral of the (ror«ramaat
Kalkaska, fll.IOO to fll.MOj Lawall. 11*4 to 2.
Better than loU
haU of Maamsr ballets faU apoa her and Alaxaadar UoUaa. Ua Britbh eoaA1.400 toALMOi MlddlevlIIa, fll.IOO to of Shoes at $1.50.
dacka and plaiced tba eabiaa natU tha nl hare, on hoard, went to meat Ua
rceaal which taraed oat to be tha fll.M0. MU PleaaaaU fll.ooo to fll.MOr
tha woodwork looked like siarae.
with all Ik. UtMt aachiBarr ]art kddee for delnc all kinds ef Btrycle BnUdlar aM
Pataakoy. flS.SOO to flZ.SOO; Bead City.
Thb 1« the third attack the Spaniarda Daltad Sutaa aaziUUry ruhaat Ma
kepaliinc. sBrk as Bragtag, nnssaliagaBd fntalsUBg BiiadriM of all deserlaMoaa.
ple. An officer ea board of her baadad fll.500 to fll.700; Cedar Springa. fll.OOO
CoL Oilpl a acaled docamaat addresaad t* fll.IOO: Ladlagton. flS.000 to $9,100.
It :tm Flnalar.
te Mr. Oallaa. The Spaabh paaboat
MtlwO.*W.H Depot. «ker< IvlUUioaiy
Mew York. Jas« 14.-ApK
150 pairs Men's fine Shoes,
ratoraed to Ua harbor at 1 p. m.
has baea Imaed by Afaiasldo. leader
All Work Gunra^feod-Frioea Right.
Se^ry Alger Orden S5.000 Mon in Vici Kid.
$3.00 goods at
Of tha Philippine lasargraU. prohibiFmnro at lovo mamoa
|U be Seedy M Move This Week.
H. £. GIBBS, the Bicycle Man.
t4»p any attempts at pasca naffotiatioaf'
apM^14oToi HoBsias &so>ui
Orabar Moatcomary FracUead oa
wiU Spain. Tba United Sutes. he
Mew York. June 14,-A WaUiagten
BaaU Clara Battery.
•aya. b eemiaf to aid aad free the Phil•pedal to Ue Joarnal says Uat eacSp.<rik) to Tbs Moaatuia Kaoms.
tpplaaa from tyranny, and coaslders | Hamna, Jnac 14 -The United SUtaa ratery Alger today aatiflsd 4i ee Urathem capable of salf-rweramaaU To i fruiter Uoatfomai ’ at about 4 e’eleck bam. la eemmaad at Camp Alger. Uat
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.
rptola tba fwd offiem of that freat
mohed nearer thaa Ua S9.M0 men ia camp moat be nady Regular S3.50 goods,
aatlea Uay moat abaUin from plaadar. b usually tba case to Ua SanU Clara tomovaaauU thb weak,
Viaaaa. Jana 14.—The Naaa Prial battery and fired Urea shoU at FuaU
Baa4a4 for Maw XnglaaA
Fraaae says Spain liaa rsqaaated tha Brava. Tba first abet vras fired at 8.apscUl IS Tbs Mosnsv Rscosn.
peweisto urea Ua United SUtaa to 000 maters aad Ua othan wan fired at
Jana 14.—Three Spenbh
oecapy Maalls, ahoald tba town sarrea- 9,000 matara. Tha Moatgomery Uea
For a lltUn money you eaa 4mm eooL appm^riatc to Un aonm
et Liverped reeeaUy, Ue
4er, aad aot allow Ua iaanrfeata to do rsanmed her place la Ue blackading
Many other special prices
and Hva a more ooatly garmmt which oould ba laid away to ooUor
Oellago, Navarro aad Paleatlno. r»waathm. Among Ue maay good Uinga wa off« are:
Une. Her projacUIm fell vary near Ue named the Comln. Le Juao and Palee- on good shoes.
We want your trade.
Man's White and Blnek; Blna and Black; Brown and Tha stripped
Bunco's Oama Dloa't Weak.
batWrUa Tha SpaaUh battery east ef tre, mOled for SU JcAas. Maw Broaswnabahle Percale OoaU at 30e.
EeyWmt.Jnae 14.-Uaaaral BUaco Korro OaaUa flrad oea abet
wiok yaaterday. aoeording to edvioes
Men's Fast Black Sate^^Ceate to 95e.
hM appenntly not abandoned Ua hapa Amaricaa wankip.
ehulned. _________ ..
Men's UnMt WaahaUe (Mta. naaUy made, to S9.S&
of taring Ue American wanhips wlUA Spika Through Hie FoeU
A better qnaUty Faney L^en Washable Suite, vary dnmy. to fli,*S.
VUl Vet A4JOUS Bafon July 18.
- ta range ef Ua Havana batteries. AdMen's nU weol donbU tareested Skeleton Bine Serge Oonli and VMts
BpecisI u> Tux Uossivo Rsoasn.
Bramt FairebUd b sufforiag from a
' vices roeetved ban today sat that Are
WaUiogtea, June IS—Coagnaamai paiaful wound la oaa of hb feet, re
«r—»-u ships left Havana harbor on
ceived while plsylag on Ua river bank
A fine quality all wool Smge Skebloa donbb kmeated Oont and
'laada, who is plleUng Ua HsFriday aad baadad aastarlr. Tha vmnear Ua G. B. A I. nUway bridge Sav
Vest, very nobby, to flAQO.
waiUn bill, said ibb moralag that It
urday. HaeUppaden a plaak whbh
•eb ef Ua blocking sqaadron ran in a
waa nadar water and forced a six-lach
ehort dbtaaca and opened lira. Tha adjanra before July. 19.
iron ipika compleUly through hb foot.
Onr Mnalln Underwear Special 8^e oontinuM in foil pragiMA Join
eaemy did aot reepoad bet toraad and
UbanalafulwonadhutUe hoy wlU
Plenty of Money for Wer.
We an agala'^reedy, wiU a large
the crowd.
ina into Ua barber. Tha American
stock of Ice. to delinr U« mume to any
SpeeUl toTsa Mosxun Rsceen.
^pa did net accept Ua bait aad chase
Waahiagton, Jaa* 14—the Treesnry
Umbu Tmtarday Ua Sante Clara bat- effieiabsay Uat Ue ladlaeUens an
Maple block wood also fer mio.
Tha Wemen'a Auxiliary of Oraae
flmy and two other betteriaa opeaad Uat Ue flMO.000,000 loan will be large ebunh will meet friU Mra. Steal, thb
afteroooa at two e’eleek.
over nbeeribed.
•lo apoa the aaxUtaiy gnaboeU which
$9.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong point
T. J. HOvST,
Mid-Sumiiier Ming
Right in Line.
Alfred V. Friedrich
.„...F0R THE UDIES--.
The Boston Store,
vm^vsBss om. •
u T. BiWf *ro J. W. BAnn
$. W. HASm. Editor wd IUmCvbubbc^uptiomb.
• M .TravcrM OUr,
Mlek..aa*Maad aloMBmCwr.
AheatfllOOVuatTat Be Bated Be
fore a Fuet OteaTaamia
aa Aaeuiad Pacv
> eaergetie effort U being made to
rate tasda for a baae ball team for
thU eeaeoa la TraTOrea Ctty. Aa jrat
there k na poKlUre aaaaranee thatanfi
elent fanda will be rated. Man; of
the boalnew man of the dt; hare raaaended llbarall; and are prepared to
lend subetaatlal enpport U the enter1. $300 haa been rated thna far,
but ft k neceawy to eecnre $400. be■Idee Mlee of eeaaaa tlekaU to the
anaont of $eo0. Uat ;ear the oanpon
ticket plan waa a enooeai bat there waa
not enough at the end of the iiaiaa to
pa; all of the ezpenaae, aa It waa apoor
fw- baae ball.
Thk jaar It U deelgned to aatablkh
a fund to aaeare aoceeae and aware Ua
▼ciy beat aaUrInl. and It k expected
that the patronage of Ue games will
he better, ae the llmea hare Improred.
Bealdca. the experienoe of the pMt two
year* haa famlahad a preeedeat regaMIng playera. It li dealgaed to aaeare
oal; flrnt etee men and a fall team haa
already been oonddared and the propooed men are ready to report aa eooa
ae It k aMored that the amoaat aamed
can berated. Of the $400 fand there
yet remain! $100 to be rated end It k
thoae who haee net already
anhaertbad and who are lataroatad In
malnUinint a gaod'team. wilt anhaeriba at onoa. ao that the team may he
fnlly argaslsed for a game with Manktae here for the hl$ Maceabee cele
bration. Ooopon book* mny ate be
enbacribed foratenee. They will be
eold in denomlnationi the same ae laat
year. Tboee deeirlng tbrm wUl eoafer
a teror npon tboee who are working
for the team, by leaving their names
ith Jamw Keboe. Carey Bull or with
J. W. Hantaea. at Ue Rksobh ofioe at
PWK Leo M»t M ftmbUMAor
Madrid to alaa sp the atrenrU of the
gpaaiih aavy. The report ahowa that
0pata haa two r^d warahlpa: Ilia
CMetobat Coloa. aew hotUad np la
BantSago baj. and naafnl onlj to the
Ualtad Btotea or at a aahmariaa craft:
•Bd the battleabtp Palaja. which la atMehad U the OadU fleet, and of aa naa
iP aajhodj M an offaaalre or dcfea^va
afin at the praaaat Uma The othpr raMclB are deeaied of lltUeacoaaaL
■XhMe ooaelMioaa aeoB reaaonabla
It Ue above amoaat can be rated,
fha ralne of the twe ablpa Meath
and Uere ahonld be no qneetloa of It.
j «aa be better Jcdged If the; ehonU
Uk city will have Ue beet team it
«^we tP enoauter one of the Aateiiever had and the beat amateur team in
Michigaa, and one which wUl fnlly
It waa boldl; anaoonead that the maintain Ue reputation Trareme City
^raaa oenaonhlp reetlnr npon the Morw has enjoyed for aeveral year* at the
. ^nu of the fleet af trw^ traaaparta tret Id amateur base hall. ThU k Ua
which hae left Tampa, would be Uttad ■mat popular eport la Traverse City
when the float had cleared for Cuba. every year aad Ue Interest in Ue gnme
Thf reokleae etatement came with a ' has beea grewlag. 'hiU year ehanld
which, howet r U eoftanad br be no exception to Ua rolp
the lataat iatelllgaa e that the fleet
not ;et aailcd.
Bdward Hare Ue Yletlm of a ffeeuUar
While ridiag in from laterlochan yea^Mblp Dag Pit and Plowar Prom a
‘ tarday. Edward Here took a header
Vemub Bonnet Haa Oauaad Bn.
from his bicycle which resaltad la
ionelajoryto hk face aad eyea.
It k reported from Empire Uat late ■ i^tded In a bmth heap and hU face
Mat Thunday afternoon while Herman was terribly leoemted and hi* eyea inKneks waa plowing in hU field, ha I
{. a manner which endangere
^Hse to a fteahly dog pit about 10 feet i ^be sight. Dr. Gamer dressed
iomg aad ain feet wide. Ue made Ue wounds. The eaaae ef the dtestar
AkooTcry known and upon vUitlng It' was ajoeeenad tire.
«ba next momlng fonod it completely
Mlad. wlU an ironwood skid etlcklng
H. L. Carter k in tlrand Bapida
iMt of Ue lujee earU. ate an arllScial
E. Panghem went to Newavgo ycaflower from a lady's hat. They dag
•bout 14 feet before coMiog to solid
8. A. Denster ef Grand BapMs U la
garth, aad abont le rods nearer Ue be city.
tmA found where aaoUer pH had been
N. E Strong returned from Calk
gtartad aad abandoned. Great excite- laet night.
flMBt k prevailing aad Ue eeoend vklt
J. U. Oibha earns np from Mayfield
Ue unknown diggera. pclntaUward
E Dona of BeUalre was in Ua ei^
Jaa. Keboe went to Grand Ba^
____ _
MeettBga of flolanoe and Bdnoatlea,
. aBid af Xnaic DlTlaiona Toaighv
The members at Ue Seienoe and Edarntlirn divUloa of the Woman's Qub
are reqaeetad to*meet Uk evening at
Ake borne of Ue chairman. Mra. A. W.
ffaek. from t ta 8:30 o'eloek. The memtaa af Ue divuien ef Mnsie, Art and
EaprsHioa will meet et Ue same <
at Ue home of Hies M. Oertrude
flpeagve. chairman of Ue division.
Ybaee meetings are called on aoeoant
gf Important hnslaess in coaaei
erlU Ue new program and all
aber* art orgod to be present.
The entire clnb U invited to meet
WiU Ue clam in Hoasebold Economics
•t McNamara Ball Thnrmday aftemooa
c $0 awlst In making enndy to be given
$0 Ue little folka at Ue -CbUdrea'e
pay" meeUng pf Ue clnb Friday.
XAttta Albert Dloogby Gave BU
Faranma floaia.
Little Albert Dlonghy. eon of James
Dlunghy, gave hk paroats a-eeare Mon
day evening. Beliic tired of pUy he
ellmhed Into Ue baU of a baggy aad
went to sleep. The buggy belonged to
Mr. Wete of Inland, who dteovered
the lad wbea near); koma. Ae it was
too late to eome back that night ho
kept Ue boy until mcnmlng whan he
retnraad him to hk parenta.
aheenoe greaUy alarmed tha
paranU who notified Ue police and a
•earch was iaeUtoted bnl failed to
reveal Ue wbereabentt of Ue lad. AU
eoru of rumors were afloat during Ue
abeenee of Ue hqy. bnl provi^ to bo
oaly ramon when he pot in hk ap
pearance yesterday muraing.
The front of Ue OrsUlok block k
being improved wiU new trimmlnp of
A new walk k belag laid on Ue weei
tide of Boardoma avanue, betwesa
8UU aad Froat streets.
Yeeterday J. W. Slat«r sold two blgb
gradr Cycloid blcydee to partte at
Grswn. Urengh an ndverttement in
Ur Bxi'osn.
George Calkins received n meeeage
from Clere aanoaneing Ue death vf
hk faUar, yaaUrday. aad immedlataly
lofl for that place.
A load of Junior Eadesvorers from
M Freebyleriaa church went to Ue
homeefJ. E Johneoa. eontheas'
Ueelty picalekleg. yesterday.
Tbeaaleofacak for -Mim Fra
of Yale" opene at the box offlee af
Buioberg'e Grand Uk morning at T:30
a'doek. It will be a large one.
M. B. Holley has a colleeUua of 143
different war badgea. and k dkplaylng
m m a ahleld covered wiU velvet,
ivly arranged in Ue dkpUy window
of the City Book Store.
State Oil laspecior SmlU of Lawtoa,
was in Ue elty yeeterday on oBelal
bnsineaa. He was aatertalned by De>
put; Oil Inspector Prank Friedrich aad
Dr. Lawton of Ue anylnm.
: Batnrday that John Lomnger
took a header Icto Ue river at East
Bay. instead of Sunday as annona
yesterday. Mr. Loraager says
does do sack Ulngs on Ue Sabbath.
Manager Steinberg received Ue first
ont-of-town order for eeate for ‘'Mte
Freaels of Yale" last evening, it being
from Fife Laka A Ueatre parly of
probably ten or a dotan wiU atiaad
from Uat place.
Prof. C. E. floret, who arrived in Ue
city yeeterday noon to open a school
of violla Instroctlon. called a reheamal
tel evening of Sulnberg'e Grand
>uae orebeetra which was
flint of Ue full arganirstioB.
The Uree large Lefall waUr wheale
which are to Uke Ue place of Ue
•even Ires modem wheels taken from
Ue Hannah A Uy floor mill, have ar
rived and will be placed in position ander the mill at once. This improvemenl will be an imporianl and desir
able one.
BntBinva BpedflltF.
-- ,----
tyCl6 WOrKS.
bicvele aundriee at abont coat, Kew and aerond band wbeela for sale
and to rent. Plea$e give os a trial.
KIXI8, 811 Front tfL, East.
I ^vvvoaVs
Heinrich Zetgler. a Leelnaan Oennty
Fionser. was Thrown from hk Bnggy and Died In a few Kieutee
While drlvlag from his home st
Oviatt to Maple City Monday. Hslnrich
Zelgler met with nti accident which
resaited fatally. Bis home ran away
and he wns Umwn from hk baggy,
sDSUiaiiig Injnrte which resnlte in
hlsdiraU flftmn minntes later.
Zelgler was a pioneer of Leelaoan
oonnty and had reached Ue ripe age of
87 year*. Ue was widely known in
Uls secUen of Ue state and many
friends la Travente City will moam
with the members ef Ue family.
Belcaveaa wife and four children.
Mra Jehn A. Jackson and Heary Zelglar of Uls city and two sons llring at
The fnneral will be belA from Ue
OvUU church at one o'clock this afterI. W. 8. Andereoa will direct Ue
The Youag L*dic> MteloDsry society
will meet wiU the Qome sod Foreign
y of the Congregaidgewood Uls afterooa at 3 o'clock. Any of the ladies!
iskiag to attend Uk meeting wUJ
find aa omnlhns waiting in front of
Jas. G. JohneM's drag store on Front
at 3:30.
I ‘ive '^v\i\joxvs
\0 awdi Vbz.
We do not
belong to the combination
And we are not obliged to sell meat at war prices.
best Chicago beef killed at home
Bingham Bros., Front Street
In the
Swim18 said of people who
are up^odate and are
recognired wherever
they go for their correct
knowledge of life and
People In the swim
are the people who
because they are posted
on what is best for the
Teacher of Violin.
SinSlo St KiHnbere * Or*o8 Open Uooee.
Jiisr Itih
TVrw«-Ten r,Mu. Omua
Fur funSrrlofi>n>ail<K...]l SB A Blelcben.
SI MelsWn'e Mere. ST u>SI rroet el.
Orrr HrSsmsn * Skur Slate.
Want Work
For your money? That's what yon get
when yon employ tte. E Winnie—
your money's worth in good honest
Itfid Air...
Air sSnlsUleTMl lur sbeolu
nnioB of Irrth.
inrtti'n »f IrMb wiLl
ABDctidar. hr rain
leiDuerd lalret ssd i
«tios ret Dwd In- owki:ine riuertioB 1M7-
Ve have a
car load of the best western oom-fed stock and can fomisb yon the ^
Fred 8. BaztM. formerly of Uk elty.
aew of Graad Bapids, k la Ue city
eeentlng a Milvraukee bardwar*
Mteca Rboda Batteabary and Nel
lie Lardle wlllleave Uls morning for
Graad Bapids, where Uey will spend
the soamer.
Opposite Eocle Office.
Jekn Osherne of Sattoa't Bay
town yaterday.
A. J. Laieoa of KaUmasoo k In Ue
city on buslnena.
Frank Friedriek retaraed from Pe-
Cbeapeet sod most rebsUo place to get yocr bicycle repaired and
'bad" aeveral’ year^ximrieDce
' ace jm
^t in good running onkr. H^e
There are lots <rf sneh
2i559>8i7 pairs c$ SELZ i
made last year alone.
In offering yon these shoes we declare
them the best in the world (at the
money, no matter whether the price is'
>1.50 or $5.00.
Ssh Stoss
Steinberg’s erand
Opera House.
How Fitzsimmons I
Hit Corbett
Friday, June 17.
D. B^BnUer^if Frankfort waa at
Park Place yestertay.
L- A. Pratt returned laat night from
Ann Arbor aad OetrolL
H. W. Cnnnlngbam Mj^'dnngbter
went U Battle Creek yesteday.
Bert Miller and Bay Wait went fish
ing yMterday and had good lack.
Mrs. M. A. WMtfate weat to Grand Original "Charley’s Aunt,”
Bapids ywterdsy for a skort vklt.
and that great cast in
Fraok and B
in Cedar for a vklt wlU Uelr anat.
ptotrict Meeting nt Eeyne City.
Hra.C. E Compton and danghter
Meednma A King. E L. Kellogg. E
Oreenetcad. A. W. Bashea. E E John- City.
Mr*. E E. Fan Fleet retenied from
•ea. J. JamewiB. A. J. flelm. F. Qriffio.
ffohn Fowls. J. A. Bread;. F. Eldred. Wblu Clood yeeterday. where ahe has
H E Leyns aad J. T. Sblelda, left ym- heenvlsiting.
H. MoaUgne has beea entertalniag
, flerdny <>■ the eteamei CeInmWa for
: Boyne City ms delegata from Uk city J. W. Millar, a
«• Ue dktriet meeUng of the Woman's man of Chicago.
Funnier than "Chkrley's
Dr. A. H. Holliday retained from
pUentgn Missionary Society to he held
Manton tet nlgbt.where he was called Aunt."
M Uat place UU week.
npoB professieaal husii
Better than "My Friend of
Uavilah Uoffmaster went to Hopkins
Early Morning Wedding.
A mnrrisgeceremCTy will Uke place yesterday, where he wlU spend
immer wlU his grand-pareoU
Uk ^neralng at 10 which will make
Mte Teresa Wtirehntgof Grand Bap
Mias' Kittle T. Neian, daugbUr of
Morris Nolan, Ue wife of WilllaiD ids came up tet nigbt for a visit with
Johnson of Ue Peninsula- The mar Ciiy Treasurer Wnrsburg and family.'
Mlm Mamie Celman arrived tet
riage will be eolcmnlzed in St. Franck
nigbt from tensing, whet* she has
been attending Ue eekool for Ue bUnd.
Fienlc and Juvenile Feriival.
J. JameaoD went to Port laron yeenufseenr Martangh'sJnrenileorehee- terdav where be wUl aitoad Ue O. A.
Popular prices, 25, 35, 50.
Wa wlU their young friends will have E renaioa as a dalegate from Ula elty
■ hoaket picnic and monical festival at
Mra. Wm. Hole and children have and 75c.
Carp Lake flatarday and wUl anjoy Ue geae to Gladstone where Uey wlU en
Reserved seats at box of*
Hmadlord SonUard of joy emrral weeks’ vkitiag. They wUl
stop at Elk BapMe en ronto.
fice Wednesday morning.
In the solar plexus bas always been a deep mystery to his
“Miss FraRcis ^
admirers. How we sell
RtR! Bdi! RlM
Miss Fruciser Tile!
She's All Ript!
At such low prices is a mystery to the admirers of a good ar- ^
tide. The unexpected will happen sometimes, and wo will
give everyone a chance to secure a beautiful floor covering ^
at a low price if you come quick.
THB MOEglHO U00«1), -WBDmWDAT, JPOT IB, 1898
S*er*tary Threw* Out
• Feeler to the Euro
pean Power*.
Bet Hot witk the Ueit«4 States Diiect,
hf No Maootr of Mcaoa.
HrM *ilh a TUrd rof«r<
riMraar Aaairta PrefarrMl-WaablRKWa OKrisK Admit lb* HalUtia af the
Arm) of InvMlon of lulm—Marinm ail
tha UUI at Catmaarra tVllbdrmaa U> a
■afar IWItan—Maax ><baeUrda XaM la
Bara Beaa KUM la Uw »nghl.
BniHHIa. June H.-A i>re<tei Madrid
eereapondent <>f The Petit lUeu, o( lUa
bo etelms to have had «Ub Bcnnr MerlBO, the private aecreUry of the flinnisb
premier. Rennr Sagaata. In which the
secretary declared that the Spanlstagov•mment mill now aceep: any peace |im.
possi which la suhmlttcd. “un the exti that It d'*anct emanate
from the enemy." hut the premier's
retari' U
u aaid
aaM to
to h^\e
hhv. added.
,|. *TK.
The InteraaUnn^l medlat^n which Would be
oapedally welcomed uinm the port of
Bpalo would be In the case of the Inltla*
Uve being taken by France or AustrlB."
WashlngtuB. June it.—The first army
Of Invasion to Cuba la now well on Us
wny. thirty.two lransp<irt steamabl|>a.
bearing over U.OOO ofbeers and men.
oravnyed by battleships, crulaera. gun.
boaU and auxiliary cruisers sixteen In
number, bating anuaJly sailed from
Key West at daybreak yesterday mornIn*. An aothorltatlve siaiemeui <■>
this effect was made at the war• de|
nwnt yceterday. setting st
porta that tb* rzpcditlno was on Its
way or had landed laai week. The au*
thoritlea made the announcement for
tha reason that the time for aecr.-cy
waa now past, ns the scout isiata bad
Blade sure that the path was clear be
fore ft and that no possible menace
eould come from the 8|>a:ilah ships or
troops, eves ahould they know our
forces wsrc advancing against them.
With the expedition oft. ofnclals here
tael that there will be a p clod cf cum.
paratlte Inao-tlon f<ir a few daya
Win Became l>rama>lr After Thatwday.
By Thuraday. at the latest, the transporta will be off Santiago, and a large
army win make lu landing on Cuban
■OIL Sampson has cleared the way for
be after that, when
Blade, that actual dra
been shot fb»uah the abdotnoa and ta■uatlr kUled. For moat of the day and
nlKht Lloutentanl* Neville and 8ba«
had l-een atirrounded bjr a tnueb au.
parlor force, but men and omeera be
haved aplendldlr. and althnuth the OrIna of the epantarda «aa conMant and
heavy Ueulenant Nevilir’a deUehmeat I
held lU otrn. mairtlnc much more daraaco than It auatalned. At leaat
fi[»nlarda are Icnown to hav« 1
killed, and aa I.leutenant Nrvllle'a
kept up a steady fire th
niKhl. and the enemy was not at a
ffreat i
a cere heavy.
No Fear of the Yellow Scourge i
in the Camp at Chieka*
mauga Park.
Cbmp Xotr Wha'Caald Marvh U> the
Imadaa SperlaUThal Day apaBlab Sraaaary
rmalal Ohee—iUperleare. irf the Men
I. Belter Thaa Uara.
AbaanI tba Tiaatparu at Tampa Oaa
1-ondon. June It.—The muminf paBat Night.
pora publish further Ions acovisnU of
Chlekamauga Park. June 14.—During
the bonbardmint of Banllagu on June
V day* false reiKirla t
I, confirming the retiurtB from the
tba, MoAo caat e and Z \
tt>v Pi^va-eno..
fvicr In Ulaa aslppl there was
Ketrella batter) nere t>oth ael afire by
of the army camp here
the American a.irlia, and that the Span- i “
being moved have mhde their appear*
aged. Th.-.e vcrsli^ns aay that the ilua- ’ «« In a number of MPera. The ofaachuaelta and the Buaanei cere some- j Sclala here are unanimously of the ,
what iniun d by sheila The Dally Tele- ^ opinion that the fever scare mill ^yc |
graph's c«rrer|>»n<leni ' aa>8l 'The ' no effect
effeil on
op ib
ihr camp
heir. U baa Seen
6e«*n |
amp heie.
iny years a
roar of the guns, while a tr- plcal rain ;
poured Ihmughoul a iierfect deluge. {
ISHolpmrai tb** Steadily «»a.
j The HitanlKh shooting was better than
In ense of an imergcn.y Si.oOO men
, Ihc American. The aunken collier Mcr* could be sent liib. B<-tl..f from Chlrka*
1| channel.
not bloikKampa.m
the entrance
to the
to '. n.auga park. Three w..uld
tlrely e«)Ul|>r*ett, but In such eundltlun
force Ihe entnUH-e when the
• ^ e.
tr< I .a. • «hln 1
SL'e B good Bi-Cc.Unt Of
Negligee Shirts!
Elegant assortment at 39c, 60c, 66o, to
$1.50. Call in and see them. Just the
thing for comfort.
Amuaement Kotos.
Mias Aoaa B. Layng, one of the lead*
cosslderod ons of the clerercot
aotreatra os the Atnerias stage today.
Tha OaUbratad Spadaliate,
Hotel Whiting
jrceed ■'
airadlly on and the oClb lal/ are making
The Dally Chranlcle-a correspondent
r""''"- *'''
winditl. n to respond to any
•It U' surKlsIng that the AmeH-1
Here, oiii iiom uuo wn
rapidly along this line.
after three hour* firing by the pick of
the American Heel Spain's Colura were The authorities can now send equip
ment here, aa the other amles are pro
otm floalloc"________ .
vided fur.
ra at roar raHeiw.
Altagad BadyUm af Ttaopa.
Atlanta. Ga.. June 14.—Governor At
wMib It la kinson has been asked by several prom
pointed out. In itmneitlon wllh the re inent clllien* of iVsIker county to taka
ported Intenllon of the fnited States cognlxaniv of the rowdyism w hicb they
to occupy Ihe t-adrone and Caroline claim Is pivvalent at fhicksmauga.
talanda that 'Germany has long de General Brooke, II la said, has offered
sired Ponape aa a c.alirg suilon " “A* .........
......... .a ..........................
regiment If necessary
.o.H, oOlcera
,.ai— In
i_ making
—. 1.1
the Bpanlah cabinet do. i not consider
the moment artUed to dla. uss peac^. ' n,.r.,ntly a Jew who keeps a M..rc there
the dl.patcb coDllnoea, 'ihe war party onmded the aoldlera and according to
the atory w hlch has reach' d the *overnor they put a rope around hla body
and dragged him out and looted bis
entioB 1,1, „ Governor Atkinson said last
against the l'nl\ed xiatra."
night he would Inreaugaie the matter.
! ami If the facta prove true aa reported
•ad part
tie Beatlsed.
.. I be will communicate with the p
di'iartiiiei.i, Ir.siktltig upon
order at th# Mg camp.
■eraad Baalla Kxpedllloa.
San Franclaco. June 14.—The rnDM Imfight at Crest HllL The dead will pnrtani order Issued fiom army headburled on Culian soil There it quartern y>eterday was
nothing unusual alaiul thia altbougl. ] Major General Oil* that
rtsh.'Uldnow- le fully realla.d that with • to comprise the so.*, ml fleet of
to go to the Philippine* w el
actual warfare
modes of war mui
tically rendy for th* r.s.epllon of tr».J
said by those In aulhonty t
and troops to the nurnWr of als.ul 4
be la direct commmilcath.n with the will not permit the removal ot
romprlslne the Tenth IVnnsyhwnla.
Anthorlllea here. Admiral Sami«.>n bar from the point of action.
Tolonel Hawkins: First f. leradu. i'o|.
taken the shore end of the cable landonel Hale; First Nebr.oku. folcnel
lag at Guantanamo and a fon e of cable
BDtv Prises fur Uewey.
Bratl: two |cnltallc>n> cf r<-rulars from
•xperla la rapidly restoring the line to
leindoB. June 14.—Aosirdlng to a dts- the Kighleenth and Tnei.;)-third Inworking order. Tim rfslnratbm
of tms
.rair.n oi
fr„m Madrid to Tlie Financial fantr>'. rolonel Fivmh: a deiaehmeni
—o.Siscnlsh ironclads from from the engineer
and the two
Madagascar waiers have arrived In battalions of triah light Infantry, Cap
tant movements, an'l will eaable the light of Manila aud Admlrnl Dewey's tain Young, will raa*. Ihelr camps. I>«d
•uUtorltlea here to keep in close i»uch ships have gone to meet them.
their lent* nnd lagreg. Into wagons,
With thuaeexecullng thesiraiegic moveand be ready to march aboard.
n# Aftark at f^l
IKTa or
k by the Spin- Jadge Dyneh Taler, t’karge «r a Baama
Beal .
Tuna Bud Uulfwge. law.
larde U|w,n the t'nlled Kuirs murines al
Taaipa. Fla.
Great Bend, Kail.. June H—In
Ouantaaamobayftaiurdaynighi baa had
a IBlbcr sobering effect ui<m the eb-- public square frnhilng on the principal
upon business street of this Ml)’ a murderer plnger Is In command .>f the troops left
rushing troops forward regardless was lynchi*d last evi-Blng by a mob of at Tami-a. and It la lK.|lcted will com
et their unpreparednea*.
Baiurday pn.bably of r.<« isrsims It Is eellmated mend the next expedition to salt. The
destlnailon of this next ex|.ec1ltlvft
a . bush-wbacklng
warfare, that at least UM men of Great Bend'* be I'orto lU'O. <:*-n<-ial t'lubugh Le-e's
which are anything but agreeable tu {Hipulaibn cf :AM iwraons witnessed cuTps Is not likely to gu to Porto Rico,
the peraon* who ha.'e been hoping for a Ihe tragedy. The victim was John
but wlU be a«M to Cul« when
■hori Cnmralgh. A good deal of r.urUme come* tu strike Havana
prise la expreased al the failure of this April < killed Uynle lluffinelaler.
rsjKirt to mention aay aubatanilal al'l IC-yrarndd danghter of tVllllam Huff- troopa which left here Jor Key West
to forming the first army of Cu
received from the Insurgents by tlie
ban Invasion wvr.- convoyed from
Fnitel Btsie* marlaea camiied on Crest er HufTmelsIer, and
love for the daughter, and the trag Tampa to Key West by Ihe Helena.
Bill. U’-Inforeetmnta were sent from
our own shli*. hut It dews not appear In edy f'Jlowed Ihe girl's refusal lo accept Annaisdis, Casilnr and Wlndom. The
IrcKips were Joyful when orders were
the r*-|erts that the marines had help his sdvahrew.
When tbr girl went tu the stable In recvlued at lust to make a >taJ t for Key
from tbr men liest <wlcuUled fr.im their
experlene.. in jungle fighting to be of Ihe evening Becker shot her to death. West. The rumor* of S|«nlsh gunboaia
service In an eniHcupirr with Spanlih Sending elghi bulleu Into her body, aft had delay.d their Jopariurv after
er which he ael fir. to the fanrer's sta twrkallon had taken pl u". and
ble*. Al first It was reiMiried that the ennsed Ih-m lo be war|>ed Into the Blip
murder, r had shot htmis-ir, and that he
I.lfe aloard a troopBh
rep. Hate t. I lieavlty la had died In the flames, hut later It beTbrlrHepulv
came know h that be had tied and Search at llir l■••sl. arcl wli:
lhal pret.Ml.-d Thursday and Friday
while Ihr iraniporla were kept In the
Bu. j«.. i:. vta
ali|« was dlsagrcvaM... Tlie soldier* suf
»n, H—|r„p,B,ht, luv.O A.»..|.,.a
i.k.S'b, ih, «.rl« i. fered greatly, but cuniplalncd little.
Prew.)-The Spaniards last night al- HoUhlnson. there having l»en many The manner IB which Ihe ahl|>s .
Ucked the camp of th. First battalion I threnl* that he would be lynched If rrowd.'d together did not permit
porta lo be opened and with the ther
of marine* under , U- ui. iisnl It. W. ; bp.ught b. r.Hamlngum and were repul*.*d with ^ Ue.ker ha.I lH.en brought here for mometer cloa* t' 100 Ihe heat down
baavy lose. Four Amerlcwni were i
'*■" 'inrher* embraosl the Ihe ho'ds Of tha vesse l, where at night
Ihr yriM)|ia were jiack.sl In like aardi
killed, namely: Furgeem J. B. Gibbs. ..f : •'M>''n<mlir. Many of the mob
likely, j »aif simply unlo.ai
New York city: fu-rgeantFmUh. Private
McCnlgan. Private Dunnrlsby. ail or , l:.-cker Is from Marlc-n. Ilia., and of
Company D. Thewoundedwere; Private ,
hardshl|<s. fainted away, while
McGowan, of i'oini>any D. band
tabor Thrvaleas to I'sr the BayroB.
more cass* of proalrallon were raiorled
fared, and thr pilot on the Ul
Oshk.'sh. WiB. June H.-rnleaa an from nearly every other transport.
cnilser Murlil-h.vad, shut through the amlcKb:. s. Itl-m' nl of the differences
Two men of Ihe Peventy-flrst New
head. The tiring U'gan after midnight, bttwe-n Ihe munufac lurers of this rtiy Turk volunieera were among th* aufand laliri until claybraak. Al lime* there and the sirtkltig wondwerkera la ar fer-nt and It was hour* before the
was a heavy fusillade on both sides.
rived at Iq- Thursday night. Immediate phiklrlaiis succeeded In restoring them
Late this numnlng
• 8pa:
ste|» will l>e taken b) the Wlaconaln to oonaclousnsss. On Friday, however,
opened fire from two guns plai
laced •
Stale Pe-l'-ratlon of l.,Mh>,r tn Institute the ship* were ordered
west aide of Che hiirlHW. The abota flew a vlr>rous flghl against th* mmm*n
*n by Into the stream, word having been
wild. The Texi;*. YaQkee nnd torpidn boyccitllBg all Oshkosh saah. douna and brought up hy the convened gunbrat
Boat Porter, which were lying In Ihe blind*.
Horne) that no trnev of any hostile
harW. o|.en d iltv and in a short time
vesaci bad been found. After a confer■lienced the Sianish guns. The latter
rnr* ol several h»u s' duroiion belw.*<*fl
fired only w.< e after the ships opened
MUwaukee. June 14.-Judge Seamanln Generals Miles and hhaftrr and ....
fire on them There w«-re nu casualiles the Vnited Matea court yesie.day I*. | general brigade commanden., and the
eg the Amsriran aid-.
gued a pertnanenl restraining order
It was dec IJvd by <'ol„srI Huntington against the Fred Miller Brewing com
this nKTulng to atandon the position pany. of Milw'Bukre. against using the
firet oceupb-d by the ramp, i
word "Budwelaer'' lo connrctlon with
ware do algn*
«s of
lit ri-inf.
the brandirg of a certain beer. Thecom- some hour* later the start was n
tro<9* and U was known that
hat a fcr.
pUInt w
ide by thsAnheuaer-Iluacfc
fpanurda i
■w|ng tompany. of 8t. Loulx
lime* mc-ra Aimcrr.ua Brewtni
than the8 m
marine imttallcn was In thpresident nominated James II. Barkley.
elelnitr. Therefore the crest of the hill
a brigadier
Bwraa aa the Ball Field,
which the tne>im held last night waa
rhicago. June I4.—League score* at
filvatl up lo the ballerh-s and rifle pita
base ball yesterday were: At Loulcvllle
UttleOtrt Killed ta a load Pit,.
of the hill near (be harlwr. which 4a —Cincinnati I. loculsville 4: at WafitBlanchardvlUe. Wla.. June it.-Baaal*
yreterted by warships.
Ington—Balilmore I. Washington t: at and aarence lltlion. two iiuic chil
Before leaving the po
New York-Brcu klyn A New Tort 4: at dren. were playing In a aandplt near
0t the hill the marlnea ^
Boalon—Philadelphia A Bnetek <: at here, when the lumk suddenly caved
^ return of lieutenants Neville and Chicago and CleveUnd-naJn.
la and hurled them, Clarence auceced.
■haw with thirty men of Company D In
TTaatera lAague:
ed In liberating hlmaelf, blit he couU
BDOd Shape but much exbauated by
fiMkLMD houri of picket duty. One man.,
«• ..
4. Kansas vaty
..., 7:
.. at
.. Bb
.... -Paul
iwgn-' Bmlth. of Company K. had —Oelrolt l. Pt. Paul t: at HlnneapoUsColumbiis •.jiinQMpolB A
Tkavkbsz City, Miob.
FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1898.
On* Bar Onlj Xach Kostk.
OonsoltsUon and ExAmuAtiOB Free end Strictly
-----------------Bd ............................... . Cbcvsa IBt. —-------—
oMto sad WoM. a^ alDBsw
The "Frae Pnm" of Wlnnip^ had
this to ray of Mkaa Layng:
"Tha 'Vesta* of Mlaa Anna B. U.rar.
iscludlag the ‘Oaeulatory NuriBor*.'
oefther ‘ few or far between". In act I.
which she ehowered apoo her be
trothed. Fred Anderaon, <Mr. lU.v*
sasd Cappi to the trafie faoe, and
iealoMj well portra.ved by the deep
and liquid tooea of her
was of a class we seldom aee in this
cKy ••
The '‘Mlaa Pranela of Yale" Compa
ny are all talented eommedlans and
have reoeieed tbonaanda of flaltoring
notieea daring their tonrlog aensos.
which includes almoat every section of
the rnlledSUtea from Maine ta Flor
ida, from Florida to California and alto
ihrougboot the British poaaeas
from Victoria to Montreal.
feeplag Bhn w twver.
Urs. FluiGdiiuffut—D’ye mt«n t* aay
ynn’vc lusii nutrri>sl ten y««r»i an never
I bad a qnam*l with .wr buetaud^
Fair Straugvt^TImt is tree, tnw^am.
' Ami yc always i< t bitu bavu tbe «ast
w *«1:"
“Yes. niadam. I wmldn't fcr sbt
wnrld do anytbiug to Ii-ms'U my bi»
baud's love fir luu Uu aiigbt get caraluw.*'
"Y»w. We an Jntqrlen byprafriwim,
BDd at two iwrf.muuice* ev«y day J
stand ujmiiisi a Durd while be tbrowi
tbekniicw”—New York \V«Uy.
Mr. Aabsry P*ppm.
“I>«i't the use Ilf diiaippMuing kuu
apiiust intcruaiiwial lawi" asked At*
bury lV|>]s*ra.
“Of ismiw mg." auswend the law
tguilcut Uardcr.
"Ihut'aatnuige. J tbuoRht IhlTo wai
a law uiniintd c.oiui'alcd weapons In cv-1
A Waw
IMsKmuilisl PoBMenthT — 1
this was tbu luuiuxl
Ccaidoruir (ULlahoma railroad)—
That's wluic it's railed.
I'xMi ufNr—Uohl Vl-hatu then Urn*
itwl about it?
Cawdai-tor (aftur rrflcctina) — Tb*
time fur mralx—New Y’urk Wm^i
ik-wtiteb are ofise takm for Nrrroaa
irealltcsoaot PilM vithoal pain.'---------I* of kalf*. caustic or llgatcre* (
To.^ung, Middle Aged, and Old JAen
aay wakaeaaea.
«• eaa gtra pmsaaaM reliaf.
■^•*—■ ——1i^lAMCKBSraredwlttKnitaridwkaife.pataoracar.
New wathoO*.
CAWCEBa rured wUbout aridw kaife. p»ta o
tUTABRH. .................................
Nr* lM*BC tseslmeuL"Bsani
wetl aadsad
MCABANTKB To chtc vsery caM ot Dyspepsia.
Drw*psla. Sick BcaCvk*.
PUm, Tape W>
0P^e will giTc special attestka to dlgkoli ewae* as4 u> ease* other pbrwleii
led^ cm PeteoB. applriag tar tt*«tia»Bt *iU plaaae tarlag i*o or Ur*« ooaere
Those wheat* waaUe to call caavrltetuUsanlcBlar*of U
■ul byeipsMa. with full laMnirUoae ho* le he takes
Tbe flrwi at Ora. B. B. a Oe. ww tnrerTiarst*« eerctwl y«ara i
e wllh a eai
iBcwyoutakraacaaBesalf rewewplortaew. They arc raepoi
leahC wcllki
DR§. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box XeO.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreepond with the Traveree City Lnoiber OonpBoy.
We have tor sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Hachioeiyot ell deecriptioos,iDcladuigTwo Eotfiaee,
Bet Works, Carriagee and Sawa. A complete Saw Miil Piaat
for Bale.
Women’s Oxfords
Price* start at eoe aad are ap. atopplag
on the way at popular points until tl.SO M
reMhed. Style* are Oaln. Bulldog aad
CemmOB Beaae
If yon need anything in thk llaa we
may bave what yeu waaA Our allk top
akoca are beaullm. Ooae aad buy aboae
of na. We will surely save yon money.
Bronka—Notira: all thoar little ialaodl
Dear tbe cuusi of Cuba railed rayel
Uuclu Sam wania a bais) of gni^lic*
Dearer the m.x'ih- of tbe fighA why
docMi’t be tic up ri(dit aluugsid* ud
Rirtra—Bemuse Undo 8am In’t a
jay.—CbiuKKu Tribune.
A. S. Fryman,
Mr. Utttr—You Mk«n to be very feed
of poetry, Mias Branx 1 ais aort
must bave WTituxi wane.
Mias Lkans—Ob. no. Mr. Utter; mine
it a far snis riur miwiuo.
Mr- Utictwiudeed?
Miss Ui'orn^Yea; ! inspire iA—
Brooklyn Life.
“Richard m may have ahonted ‘My
kingdom fora berae!' I'd give my Idn*.
duin for a stud." raid the caunitad king
wbtxi tbe cxillar be siole froan the globe
trotter would keep climbing ot*»
hack uf hisbtrui—Me, Up
OhmegD XaikeA
July. 3S%K
tember, SSttc:
wr. US'eOate—Jnue.
—Juue. S4c; July, t»hc; September.
r. SlVc: May, *4Me.
Porkc—Juac aad July, •B.4».
Praotioal Shoaman.
135 HYnnt Street.
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badishes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
Thone 167.
MS Front Straet!
P»epl« of Small Meant «0 Hava
tha First Chance to Gat the
Naw 3 Per Cent*.
DoaoB nr oeseit
Tt—*•— aod rooeo aaeo an •iMe «T
Terocllr" to Um booela
Waahinrton. June 14. — The aetiaU
reaterdar paeaed a WK' Kranttnt tbe
Cripple Cwk lUUmad companr rl*ht
at way tbr.uyh'the Pllte-« Peak, Colo.,
timber reaeive, and aUo an act tor tbe
doaoph Loitoe^ Wboat Deal tBaeeo Bias
■ka 0«
OslI a Otattea.
CblGam. June 14.—A]Mbtereat on the
xeaterday centered
An old sPny tells of a litUe firt wh« ' hoard
irbtai Baked for a dcAniHon of appotits In the doincs of Joseph Lelt<
■tiA “Well, when yim'reeatlB. yoD'ia the
’appy. and wbiti yon'nj Ihrongh you’re deal
Ota non-partisan commls- I tlRbt. and that's a|ipetita “ Now, tbla sinnir In prices war craerallyattributed
(Tirl waa not an etytoulntrist, but aba ’ to Immense sales by him. Aox.rdliiK to
TMab ta* rvraM
London. June 14.-The edltortaU In
the iromins
momln* papers exprtwa —
.. . ..
-—1._ dispute In the
tbs --------throatenlo*
Klyer valley has beer------- -renf^’. h.lwever. that U. Harotaux.
the French f.^.*n mlnlater. haa mads
an excellen lantain for Fiance. aoiM
«.f them sorrowfully reproaching I/ord
Ballsbury for allowing England to be
•Ion tc
to xather Inlormatlon and recom
g tBT Mee WoMk *r
Mata fraiii ahwftary «•«»■■ ClrvBUr—
A MMptd Job of rriollBc MMl Malllac
SuFolod M WoablarlM—iBferiBmUoB
■or Tbow Who UMlro to iwlUrrlbo.
Waahlnctnn. June 14.—Immediatrtr
«poii receipt of tbe Informatloii from
Uie White Hou»e that the war revenne
Mil had been aimed bj the prealdent
BierKaty Gase leeued a circular ext. the public the prepooed bond
Iwua. the i«lnts of which are as foU
n to tsvf iilyate the payof the cUim of the book cuncero
of the Methodist Episcopal ctaurch
south was then dtacuased. It belnc
charred that In Kcltlns tbe claim
thtwucb deception had been practiced
open the senate. A heated colhMiuy he.
tween Chandler and Pasco waa tbe
feature nf the discussion. Chandler
aatd that Pasco waa unwUtlnelr and
unwilllntly the acait throuxh which ih-;
decepi.on bad been practiced.
tb« withdrawal of the state'
menl. but Cbandier lni at..d that U was
and refused ^ withdraw It. al
lows: Doth texlsteml and coupon bbod.
wlU be lasued; •‘subacrtptlons wUl be re-1
wired at par for a period of ihlrty-fonr
days, the subscription belns open from I
this date to S o'clock p. m. tbe I4ih day j
of July. IMS:" allotments to all Individ_
II be made before any
ttonds will Iw allotted to other than In
dividuals: those tor tSOO or leas will ba
•Hotted at nnre and must be paid for
U full at the time: thoae for over tSOC
will not be made until after July 14. and
' then berlnnlnt with the smallest sub•erlptton: those subscrtbtnc fi>r ir.'>re
than t&oo will aend alone In rash t per
cant, of the sulw^lpilon
Caa take Bowls In luslallments.
AnyBubarnl>erfurmore thentMCw|Uhe
permitted to take his allotment of bonds
In Inatsllments of ZS per rent.. taklnR
tbe Aral Installment within ten da.vs
after tbe nolle* of the allotment, and
the balance at four equal Iniervals of
forty days each. Tbe secretary of the
treasury will receive In payment tor the
bonds postolBoa tnnoey orders payable
at WathlnmoD. D. C.. and checks, bank
drafts and express ihoncy orders col
lectable In the ctiles of New York, Bos
ton. Philadelphia. Baltimore. tVasUlucton. Clnrlnnati. \.<Mvasv.
Chicago. c«.
Ft. Louis. New
Ortsans and Ran Frandaca All money
and bank
bank drafts
drafts must
must be drawn
arden and
la favor of the treasurer of tbe Tintled
Big Ask of PriaUag WsO Daas.
Baturday afternoon at Z:M O’clock
Secretary Gage delivered Into the hands
Captain Bryan, foreman of tbe gov•rement prtqt shop, the material to be
used In tbe preparation of ctreulars
rels'Jve m the new war lean. Almost
4.400.000 of these (irvulars. Bubacripi
t' h blanks ai.d i'«ro|ihlels d'-rripUee
•i i; e I r.
.• . — -|.<iu!red. This work
Chandler’s statemem was untrue ai.d he (Chandler!
knew It. and Chandler retorted that
_____ opposite of that
“the truth Is the axaot
oiatemem "
aen wsaaw aw sustt anwrwwra
the Schuylkill river. In the rxtrvmv
Boutha-esleru sectl.m of the city. Tbe
buralag oil was soon runninx In biasing
alreama all ever the place and Into the
river. At 10 o'clock the Are aas burn
ing furiously, and ^t«e veasels In the
river were on Are
a tre endeavoring
stop theproyresi of the flamre hy bullding errbankmenu. water having no ef*
feet. The Are was exlendlng toward
the Point Breese Gas works, one of the
cliy plants now under lease to the
L’nited Gas Improvement company.
At II tfcl.K-k the Are waa uluSer eoatml, and the destruction wss conAned
tc the reBnlng comi>anya property, ex
cepting that two oil carrying ateamers
were destroyed and a third steamer
badly damaged.
’The Aames did not
reach the gas works or other nearby
property, which It was feared earlier In
the night could not be saved. ’The loai
Vin be rl-Hn KOO.OOO.
»«> »’•»*'* “P «»>'• deal. This couree was
»*<*«*n' on sccouot ..f Lelier s Inablh
Hy to ,.ut up tra.Bins a^hlch were .-ailed
that Lelter's hea.Iest
most tbinR. tbat.v.mc in my way £«
*“ *''"•*
lessee came In bis Eurojiean ventures.
sectvaticiu and diRcMliiiu.
Bi-od crej s In view
1 cmld cat inup'. but I- anml^
As I 2.e*^ater
esicr had
iisd a
a d.'|.r.-ssln«
di'|ir.eeln« effect
told my moth.*'
Inw, 1 do not dare to , .......................
markets, snd b.
Rive up amtikiuR. U»-an*c stoppinR off ..................
.. value of the cereal mertobacco olwavs
always iurtuoisa
iurtuoMia tbe ajipotita, ; ehandlsed tn Kumpean |v>ris.
i Sill
“ S'istts:
U-tW«n the aR.a of 4 Aa’U-Alleo
«ea Appear Heme. Sy
, ToB„tarum !
.ber-uair, t.Hecntes.
BprinRlt-U. Hie , June It.-Thc hoteU
«"“*'>' »re ,t. ud^d wllh delcRu., s l.. .he IteU an insult to oar aaaUitiiy : publl'-an aiatv . .nv.nil..n. which coneboulrtn’l cat fliah. Tbe Vor- | vmes «t n a.n i^alay. The <s.n\.-nilon
!«»>••““ cmuiauy. limited, would pull I mu
,he larsest ever held In the mat..
; half our t«ib and bare us rnminate on con.t«inB -f i.-i deieyatra Ii wns dc-
nMtgritmyire thandRoah.wd. Sand fottdemnlng the
W. P.Cistsar
Attorneys at Law.
■ by' tbs deleHffiis eat RraTul;osirichre tat nails and
cmintn, who dectattbe Uke. Ooats, tou. are catholic of pal-; that such a resolution will mean the deate. 8o 1 don't go bnngry for tbe «]»I f«at of eeversi Bei ubilcan candidates
Cd a morbid fanev.
No. as 1 have said. for tbe legislature.
F. K W’hlltemore seems rertalnef tbe
I tat oflnuuodiously. It u my inaRiool
•o to do. and instincts are beavcD bon. nomination for sute treasurer.
this one parricnlarly. Nobody that fol nomlnalinn for sUte gupertntendent of
lows instiuot is a liRbt eater.
Look at
______________ _
10. Mereaatlte Co aiork.
H.P., UtdemuPsan. Office Is Uoama Bldf.
OffireFrbdrlrt bMa ’Ptoae,
..Cti.oi-r. Hou« Bi..
The Father—That young man who
emd to cnll on yon and stay so lata is
in tbe uavy now, I tutdersundf
Tbe Daughter—Via. papa, and think
of it. Hii boat has b.«n disabled. The
a™ l -.bin h.~ b-ii
Yellow Perer Makes Ms Pragtrea.
Washington. June 14.—Surgeon Gen
eral Wyman last night received -heerIng news fmm the district In Mlsalsslppl infected with yellow fever. No
new cases have develot-ed and no new
fuel have l>een reported or discovered.
The cxlailng eases are abs.iiutely IsoIsted sn.l Ihe entire plaie Is subjecud
by the governmeiil ofltcllds to the most
rigid quarantine.
The stath annual convention of tbe
wiscunt-in State Federmion of lAbov la
In session
oly »SMJ»0 worth of am-
loan le found In ttie fact that
Scretaty Gage for all ou1a.-i4pUons of
gMV akd Ies» wffil begin (be lUlM^iorm
at uocc. TMs fact shoatd be bJrae In
mind Iv smell InveMors in onler that
they mny not delay their subsi rlptlonk
nstii the lost momept. when the h^vy
Rul^rtpU-ns are Uben up for cobsM-
murwtion was exiwnded tn the borabardmenl of SaalMgS on June t
Jafi.es PHe<-. of Onim. Wla.. aged
alsml 40 yeara. cnmmtttMl eulclde by
takluK loirls gn-eti and morphlur.
Tli* house hes passed Ihe emergeacy'
hill appropriating DTJ.HI to nay the
lb-hr|ng sea .ward which will be duV.
vni-n l’r. h«r. the millionaire brewer
.-i.teii-.prstj* lotetlng a 110.I'n-her brewery tn
klllwi-iilaTov i-r\- - .ini l.as n. mlnstrd Thomas
It Ri(.i
.\j.pie« ti, VVht. for Vnlled
((taire ti-A'shal f.ir (be uoribern dlstslct
U U'lsiorjilii.
The lirit.^'v euami-r Tuirkenham was
cnpt'iri-tl lo ihAm-rli-na
crvis-r Si. l.oids uhlie oarrylng coal
to the SianUrds lu Cola.
I^led is obiaia Damagea,
A very S'-vere wind and rain storm
______________ struck V.-'U-ii.a Station. WIs.. and Uew
Appleton. Wla.. June 14.—The
Idr* Rarah A. Buss.-II agalmx the Clll- ’ down Ogden Itros.* "I'bcle Tom'sCabln*'
eitgu and Northw estern Hallway com-- Show company's lent,
gany for K4iG(« for dantages alleged to |
Robert L*-ach. of Waienown. N. T.,
have U-( n rcclvi-d In the wreck last - made a sun-eesful trip through tbe
BUiamer of a train <.f Christian Ksdeav- { whirlpool rapids of Klagare Fhlls 8unorers. vns dlsconUcued j-ertrt-lay. each day to a baireL coming out without a
Dart*-jualiui Its own fiau This le the scratch.
laK of the roar 4-ases that wereyoufflii.
C»iar]es Bhank. a Chicago Janitor,
la thli city.
Others were senied at commlUed suicide because of remorse
about the same rate as the H
ii ease.
ease, iover the murder of Frederick Klnxte.
•nd in (he fourth a Judgment dl HL4MI ,
date, which he commlUed Aftecn
■ given.
I years ago.
| Thg Niger loondary dlspnte. In which
Houston. Tex.. June 14 -‘IT..- train Er:gtish i-spere and pollUclams havereeo
robbrrewbowere-concera.dlniheboia- •
Is ptacUcally siwied. A
• up of the Sanla Re si foletnsn June- convestlon covering aU dlapules la
Hob end the murder of F.rfT.ar. John- rtgAr f»r sigmture.
aon have beiei caught Iw the posse |
Dr. John A. Lnirabee. one of Lonis.Rgadnl by Khcrlff Shield, of Tom Green vlll.-'s best known chyslclsns and pron*
«ouniy. Three ef them were captured incntly known In his profmMon all areg
BtnCu near Bonon. The men oBstgd the country. di>d at hUffiome In LonlsHgtat sM two of them wtre wounded.
| vUls of Bright's dlseass, aged U.
WasblBrlas unwt.
- -
TiavarM City MarfeaL
ao-I C^tU-T|^U»ls at HamllB A MUIer'Om
TpOR SAUE: OBTBADB-AfanBOf taDaerre.
f well k>-a<ed Aonthergond (arm on tb«
bork But 140. Travarwr city. Mleh. *4* 6t
tbe rrral vlelory e( ike gallaai Dewey; tells
eeerrlblBg about Saapacm. Urble;. PUsbBgb
Ukcv IB Ike halU afOoaseeM Tbe grealoM
war book pablubet: •» Urge pages; I4D aolarx* ealoeed aapa bi^l ba^. bireeM
Btrruie KATits
day* credn; trrlgbl p«M; oaldt free. Write
Wheat, old, per bn......................
WbeaL new, par bn................ ..
Data. No. 1. per bn. (new)..
Corn, per bu.....................................
Bye. per bn........................................
Battler, per lb...................................
-W. O’. SOBBS,
146 JiTont StTMt
Hastings’ Real Eslals Agancy.
14 tsM IM. swkll barer. Sm laestloc. ktk emet. eaa be boogbt fee IsnL
44 feet M. good evclUkg. F»rawa«4. tS Sews wad 410 per weuU tmt'Jpald for.
41 serss Ibres milra oaoik aoS west iroa tbe city. LaoS good, well waiertA, rsobc or
chard. ThlstsabargmloturoalyllJM.
WHoerre I lalle sesu alMmpnned, will be sold 1s oi
ap Other plsees }ost re desirable or bo*« bo.
213 Front SL
rsr s^br
r PBOPERTY rent aAlX-IWe beau
aad twpster r^mori. Beddeo EaU
_ *WiuTak»i:nli>eu»befed
WUl labs uDlBeuglbefed
» wm
I Tiarei— ci»r propeni la esekans*,'*"
gtretaocUaeoaiwn-thlnUui psrrbbse• Il!?re.
CinmeeBeddea. Call on or adds
dsfc 4M WashlagloB «- Trarerw
A Cliy LowberCQ. k*4f___________
l.oa>ber. laik aad ablaglaa.
rnty LuBkerCo. l»-tf
VoUm to Oonttaetore.
Notice Is herebj glrto ikai oaalad propaaals Tiremsa Oltr
will ba reerired at IkecAer of tv. A. Kewloo. —
OMBlyaerk. smUlke Irth day of Jaaa imal
I aVIoek p B. lor aU Ubor aad Bawrlal te
.yai .i.™rea“tr^S^lrevSSoao?
_.ehlyaa. aeeocdlag la plaas aad spcetSca■sfaraUhedlHBosk. BowBaaA **—*- —
“iJSr:::: -
eowayg bareby fsswee 4 by Ika baUdlag oob.
"nS^ City of
-cny. Jaoel. II
Jobs Pt-Lcim
Stock Bwmlvwl Three Tinwa a fPeek
Fletcittr's Of^r Depot ui flestwui
ooly. A. k. PryaaB. IB Penal alreet.
unan inioniiuiui li
xs wagre. Barker Osdar
Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doops F^Ti^Ar
and Windows.
New Process" Vapor Stoves.
TralBB arrlTB froa
ds asd Pmoakry at 1 :M p
Trsm rt. Wayua, Oraod ,i., , i.. . i.... __
BaUerlberreralreagraad tl.OO pCBBlBB tree,
VpOB aALE-Ooe oM aalaoB Bslorm. lareire
f of Boward Wblitag.
Treveree ctar. Bleb
Giud sipiai ft indiui LI
e sent back
She's fffreid we'll mtk'
them. Tb«7areChinaaB<aa’’—Prinoe-^'f^P"'*
Butter per lb Oaire-----um Tiger. ________________
Creamery Butter.Ib....
Cheese per Ib .
Warsfaars Block.
All baggage, bus and hack work
for said road ahonld be left with
me. Office 239 Btate atreet, tdephone 8. All orders left with m«
will receive prompt attention.
Visiug—What, la she afraid that yon.
H. L A Co. B«aL..
will mash ihtxn?
BTF* per doi..
John R. Santo,
Geaeral lasaraaca.
Ob M. & N. B. S. B.
F“!?s^srM'ijssss? ss;
••Fa^. ■■ the boanrital yo^ wornis a list of (he boring and sellan said.
are a«ty for what wa I in^
of yeataiday for groeeriet,
hare dixm. Will you’’—
I ptorialoiis and farm reodneU IB Trersatxi. ’’ UH!
man wieirnps*
tbe Bwni
kwm ora
old mao
Intempt- i oree City:
ed, “why don't yon go to the lawyer {
aroBod the mraerr I'm no diroroe
^ Clear Pork per bhl, sew...
conn.”—Chicago Net
[Clear Pork per tb.....................
Short Cut Pork.
I Short Cot Pork per tb....
Kitty—Uotfaor hae flowers in tboiKJonr. H L. A Co. beat..
back yard and won’t let u play baU Eye-Flour. H. L. A Co. BcaL..
Reel, U. L. ACo-BeaV..
The busln-es |crt of the town of Spar-
-r,- ■»" - -
B. J, Morgan,
TTlSaiffgP HPUHa-JIlss KswUe BoKresh.
A grwSaawef ikr Cslrermlty BMpilmi. As
Arbor, wilt resreaS ra calls for aoialBg. B
B Sitnrret SIS «f
I Of the Ameiicsn .shliw
I to the repairing vord."
aittiug bemde him.’’
“How do yon knowF'
has his arm aronad berwaiM.”
FiratrUu Eir. EretyUilBE B*w
and neaL Kates as reasooa'-’----------------ffrat-clasB barn in tbe city,
cnll nnd get oor prices.
Bndbqa 1 Vktiniki,
Ikse Block. Tmretss
Madrid. June It.—In the chamber of OAtCBEt. LOST-If Ibe pans wba task a
dopatlea yestesday the minister of the C> oawbel Barked -A M R." ftoa a lady arrlrtas oa the trala last Bight, will aasd oama
Inierlor. capdepon. - replying to ques to Borord c4Boe be wtU eoafar B faeer. S4S-II*
tions on the sablect. said that aceordtng to the aeml-oRIrlal dispatches dur
ing the .last Aght at aantlago. de Cuba
■a BpsaUh shell burst on the deck of
ling a gun.
>■» b.......
killing and wounding a number of
"vriousiy iiijurlQg the voareL while
u^ jjew fork and several oih«^ veasels
compelled to withdraw in a badly
In addition, throe
Be .Bwew Tbsy Woald Ba.
Tbex had eloped and remmedYor Rm |
panaital blosaiuR.
Horse Hotel.
Llieij, Sale and Feed Ban.
socle Bl<.ck.
Bare Faany Kmrs at MsdrU.
^(>Ma A ooygu_
^^l-NO MAN WANTan-K or IS xsare of
and J. H. Brownlee, of Carbon{Unator Vaaun has arrived. Benaior
r Cullom will Inot be her
Bicycle Riders.
Eemomber that I do all kinds of rs^
pairing and enamelliig. and that 1 caa
Bi work of
and do give you tbe best
in tbe euy
etly lor
for vac
tbe caaocy.
by wbat otbare^
r oontrary,
1 guaruntae all my work to bs right,
and if it docs not prove so 1 make It '
(stop in tut 4 o’clock every eveoteg,
except Sonday. In tbe Ckldwell A Lon
don boilding, nt north end of Union
sbonldur? It U true that,«siu can eat
mcee tn winuw than in snmitier.
like to lire in Greenland, with a Loodon restanmnt in tbe front yard.—Jody.
O.p. CARVER, Agaat-
aadronveraartas^til Fraat Pi
wcwk below that tbo Rrindok do abova ;
Chicago, maklag In all lOOffwr cent,
claims proved, amounting to f1.34LV9.M). has been ordered t«ld by Comp
troller Dawes- May $, IMl. the Checnlral National bank dosed Us doom.
• ««h« ‘>' er a resolution
Ever Bsrned Out?
I.W. PatebiB.
we aro fillwl. and we are Itappy. And
to Bboltah this bliss by dnyts—»«»•
•mrasl Imysclf^catWcll atid larRidy
®f ‘“SA
••Well, don't let me nee him pen.m.^'
Washington. June 14.-A seventh dlv- j
"w^ non i »e* me » nun arow
idend «fl per renl. In favor of tbe cred- j hew »U boors of the nifffat, or yen willj
itora of the Chemical National bank of ,
him being toed <mt.“ —Toaken
e sobscnp(i<
Ftbe same P-n„B.
prison, -.11
■r . lutglb.
be consHtnrd os a siagl>- subscHi'lIon*
«f tl.«Mi for 9J0 bands, and
-ill hae Is reerhed
.............. .................................
Anoiln-r Imipiriant
f.^ n.atmg
F«T all amounts received of t&OO and
nnder r-«.e!pts wfl 1^ R v-n Immediately. and liie l«i>ds d.-Avered al the earltVBI praciuable dme. ’This course is
takro. i( Is undi-rst'-nd. iiecausc It It be
lieved lhs( ntier all tiM nstl demands
are oattifled thcie w411 still be enougta
left to be dittribui.-d among tbe large
aubsertben, although the' indications at
tte iwescnt tkr.r are that the loan wlB
be pard ipetci’in to an unusual extent
petmir of sma'J meant.
! awti there U a llnle sand in tbe sngar. - pr»P«-«
*?:rrjI the W.ooo
prisoog an
WaRRUa—Wby. 1 w« they feed tbs
Philadelphia June 14.—Fir.- broke out [ we kn.iw Uc was atark, staring, gnuing ; temporary chairman, and Judye D. J.
at t s* o'clock last evenlny at the ex- ! «“»d wb.-n be di.l it
1 HamUn, of Shelbyvi le.t^rmanvi.lchalrThun. urn. I’m not too flnireL
Sup-i man. The tuple most dlK uased ir tbe
to eon-{
Waggles—Tbe vari4ns
lUtnly to bankrupt tbe a
JagRlos—How's that'
OU Bsteary oa Mre aad Ike River Llks- , » wad of Rnua like a COW. Ncbocdwd- j daed b> the State central re-Bimlttee to
wBs—Water Ha> Xa Kseri.
: nemor tried Uuit fur wwen yeara. and | make Charles A. Works, of itnckford.
Have a f: H. Bead.
j„oe I4.-The J»Uwer BepubIt it probable that never Iwtfore has so !
commltu-e yesterday
Systematic and enenteUc an e»>ri been adopted re«>Iutloos In favor of fusion
Blade to accnally reach the people. The writ, tbe Democrats and t*t>pullais in
treasury will not wait fur th- people to the comlpg campaign un tbe stare, cancome to It: It has gone U. them; and greaalonal and legislative tickets, and
every man. woman and child who has •PD-lnP-d a commlure to corJer with
I other parties with
g» to Invest will not lack an opp-.rumiy rommilUt
to buy o govc-ramonl b<nd and thus
participate In the war loan. Already
many have sulnu-ribed heavily to the
tean. not tar single subsorlpUona but by
•everal. eapecting thus to be altotted
sunong il.e SrsL ft le the tnieeiloe of
the deiuir«m- nt, under the law
aspsasivs at IVisiat.
trusteed. It Is
h advam-od the
do we cat bw? Do wo niaslicuto and money .m-It bad asreed to Uke care
•wallow for tbe sako of fccliug that of It.
we’ro buUow tunck.aieay On the coo-1
l.atcr I.Hier's wheal Interests were
trary. we .at and an- Un.sl, we feel tliat turned over to a hoard of truat<«s. who
il^ffeli?“ebher u^Jn'r-'e
Rallcrics, the spv^hes ly-lny .Imply re- i
hashes of the well-knouu arguments ,
pt« and rein.
' *« *«y
Any Baa. Womea or ChIM with
r.r ,i';ri-rj'S;;5y^rBr2:
l^id. tmt It is --of "■'St.r
warramtsl w rwu.wctho feeling of full^ after mtala (.cwd buav.ua. wbat
The delate uwm Kawa l«n annexs- ’
tloooontlnnedln>heh'.us<-,tensi>eeche. ^ g,
BTUay nnd k
I- ym. iday.
the dMirc of Becretary Gagv that Bfty I ffintTflAT. PATS 100 TZS CSIT.
r.p,B n..iiiB,
treasuiT deparim
tbe msierisl at the latter hour Testerday morning, before ihe time IndfcaTkd.
tbe entire work of prlniinRhadbeendos- and s wagon fmm
. printing offlre al ten minutes to S dell'
•red the Aral loo.ooo of each ..f the clrculara, blanks and pamphlets required.
MaUlag Was Doae ta Ttmev.
Tbe treasury furve was busy yester
day preparing for the malls the enornous number of papers that will be sent
«ill to alt money order piwt.ifTIces, banks
and exprem offices. The bundles were
prepared sccrrdlng to slates and terTltories and sent to the poStotBce In InataUmenta By tfail noon this work was
all accomplisned. and the messengers,
grom the treasury were on their way U!
mitllonv 0 r American rlltiens.
was a pbUoaopbi* and a Rood c«i«^ too.
one tulhortiy tiii.-r ordered all bis
W'bicb is (are. Ati.tbudy wbo potaaea trad<>tcioaed out at the c|.cnlns of the
a auoJ aud a body is bappy afuw a large day's tmnsacilons In the «h< at Mu and
meal, when be uxia-riiaiow that feel- Its-esstati-dthatailvAsit.OWi.OUbushiiiRuf Ui-sacdoombletcni*a.ofirided<in. . »*• "f **>'«'
liquidated for him in
I hare sum ailvi-rtimiumta__ it -.sma i^e <'hlcnyo mark, t alone. Fifteen mln-
Witb Xsrl, tiu Jmrdar.
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