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The Morning Record, June 03, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
.American Fleets Besumed Bombardment of
Forts at Santiago Yesterday, Joined ^
by,Battleshlp Oregon.
cm, wceufbiday, Junes, isse.
BtasTH eSASi sxsBcniBi
Co. ■, 34tk 8o{.. Mich, tolocteers (Haiiah Clfbif
ilnast TicUail a Death to be aa the Mara, c
WMUmrtM, Japa l.—Tkraa aara
Mea at aariooi ItlBaa hava AatalapaA
iB eunp. Baj Babeota, coasaapUaB.
Tba a<rkU praAo papOa aaab^tsf
irf StartlBK. lUiada; lUebarA Eall7 and rar US srill bold
fTadaoUac axAlWt Craaa. id tbaSixU.IUiaoia weiv arelaaaat 9 a'cloek tSIa aoraiac la
: aaat to Fort Myen aaflariar (roa ty tba aaaaably rooa at tba Ceaual
baildlBf aaAwiU raeaiva the eertift.
eataa aattUlaf Uwa to boeoao foU■ama. Jaaa <.-Tba aaaaor flatad aambaa of tba Hirh aoboal.
' Oar patraaa kava baaa oa tba «ova ao «acb latdy lhab
they have kept at OB the BMva to keep aaowk WallP^iia'
tbaai. Wa an tieklad to death to etala that wa teva aaM.
Bcra aew pooda aad that tba prioaa an
aa low ab tb^ ab^
ways bava beea.
A wAen froa Taapa ta atop
taradaa tollowa:
290 Proat Street
HoUey ft OoimsMe
Cboraa. ■■Awaha. aaraka ^ flowara
OoBoert BadtaUoa. “Jaaa” — Bavaa
pnoB aad private. Aay i
Kaadla*. -On Doiac WitbBat’->CIara
iBf aratobaaaxalad.
Baaay. ••Babher^-FlvA Baaak.
Of b'lving a new wheel this jeer—Let oa abo* yon ■
oovfiiAasATiov or dtoia.
Maaio—Aaateaad Lacy 8ta^.
tfaing that is ri^bt in workmanship, etyfe and prioe. nia 1
•adtattoa. ‘Tialaiar a Baakai
Vb« ITbtch Laataf 84 Boon aad Oc- UU Skialda.
’ Hanning Wheel oi the year, *t
■ of •30,000.000.
Bnay. "Tarrilorial Orowtb at Uallod |
MtNyiej'u) The Morelsc Kecord.
hUa.--Raaa Oolby.
Boabay. Jaaa i.—A coaflacraUaa
B Stoat.
th* Sf^- Peabiwar. wbkbwaaaotMatered for|>«‘»«'
Cboraa, "Bavel of tba LMvaa"—
twesty-toar boora. baa
Naw York. Jim
A WoriA'i Port
Aa.PrtBM BslU Oopjrirktad OsUewTs | gy, A««r(eM aklps Itj oft Suttaco booaea. doiag dataafa to the
Baeltatiaa. "Briar Bwa" Floy—
abtnt fear aoiWaa of rapaea. (abool | Bala^
that adrieaa tram Saatiaco naalvad barber aod tea w ■a cirollBf aroaad.
y. "Naval Beroea"—Jiaaaiie BarSUiOW.ouo) Tbia b aapp«aad to be ! giaek.'
'bora aay tba Aeaarieaa fleet r
fire of India.
j EaeittUon. "Tbe
ary Uptba atla^ oa tba forte at the eatfanca
tbal the rebelt froq the (Ucuaao Como< tba bay tbb
VHBBI THE TSACHBB8 00. I Flower drill
Abont bot weather coraeta—the chill in the air vooU
\ Iben are S.ooe rabelt withlo three paby bava attacked tbe city la three!
' Beprodaetl>c>. "Ulla'--Btbal Pope. ,
0 discount all we said—but now by pemusaioQ of the tbavmeoiA^^aa of Saatiayo aad tbe towa b la a i ootawaa. atartlar from Ckwinoraal. I Wi.re« for Bosuaar Basreattaa
Koritation. "JlBaiy Browa'a flbtar'a
A ter we call yoar attention to oar
Boraa aad Abroad.
•paate: expacUar a aaoweatary attack ;«« Aataaio aad Cbai. aad a bloody aad
' WoMmfikTAibart Beaaa.
dataraiiBad flfbt b celay on.
Tbf taaebara have aaarly eoapl)
doer—Baaa cboraa.
by laad aa wall aa by aea.
tbelr irork far the aehool .vear. aad by
Bacitotba. "Cbptaia Jpaaaty"—
MdN mlaw have baaa laid la tba ehaaOa board Ue diapateb beat Dmatfor] Carrie Earle.
«al by tba dpaniarda.
Others^t 50c and 11.00^ extra fine.
The battle‘Ibe-bambardiaeBl Taaaday did rreat
pleaasBtjilaBs have W«b fermad. aad
Reliable Dry Gooda, .Carpet
; ihip Oreroa Jriaad tbe fleet tbb nmSosy. "Tte Beady Oar b Beadiar-’'!
a will prvTs to be aae of w
.AaBafv >a the tows aroaad tbe Alaaaand Clothing Honse.
iac. flabblacUa Mat raiaarkabla I aad profit as well aan
daaadla Uiebaalaao aad St.‘noi
Sapt. C. T.yUrawB and fatally will
It b reported that Oeaaral
dleUaee craloa la Ua bbtory of
d to oat tbe eable be- aiodaro irooelada Her raeepUea by vbil aootbera Uicbicaa im U>aa to Ukr i'
la eoauaeneciscai week at the Normal
tweaa Havana aad Kay Weal'
»onhy of bar aebiavaWill buy a fine Niagara, Roanoke or
Prof. C. D. Bora and family will go to
jment. Caaiofalany at^fifleea-koet tbelr alwamaWr. Oliret. toroowmeaca-----------Putnam Bicycle. Elegant new live
! -’Tbe BritUh fani-; apead. abe swept in a majaatlc saaii- mant. ratarslny is lim«''|^.«fiakle Ur. !
just received•er ladatetlyoable ratorned from BM’ i elrtsle ihroayb tbe fleet
a point op- Horn to yo to TawaaCity to coadaet a
119 Front Street.
ay. Proa the bridya tba pnlte tbe flacahip. tba aolU ranks of Taaebera' Innituta bafora a^^l bayina
ited aavantaan abipa in whito-clad. chaerlny mllwa waanlny
Prefwia'w aad Mrs. U A. Cobb will
TfaU is aapposed to In-1 Ue aidee of each vassal aa aba passed.
leave tomorrow for Uair home near
Ado Arbar.
Miao Mary MeUnyblin wUl apead
Ue aammer at Martin.
----------i Thirty-FoarU KiohlcaB„Vew Kaa
Mias Bslaa A. Kbrion wtU ya to
lu Poll aaota.
Ana Arbor.
i Camp Batoa. lalaad Uka. Jana 2.Mbs Harriet Bonldln wUl eoatinac
her Oermaa at Ua sammar school at
B mao aalbiad and ware
VnUVot Ebk Pra
‘ I Wrad in Uia b rainy, aowpletlny tbe Wcllaaley. Masa
Mho Lilliaa Dftwainy wUI ya
a Traopn in Oobnn
qaola Of tbe Thlrty-foarU raciment, Eomolas after attaadiny a raaaioa of
VabaraUnUl It in Esc
which iaavea for RaUa Cbareb Bonday. tbe dam af VT at tba Normal, of which
TJant Eoaa of •pnln'a Powafol
Funoos Xonareh Shirt in all colon and stylos, I
waa nraaideav
na^b At Lnrya
^ asnal prioe |1 to $1.00, removal aale prioeo 860.
Mba Bephemia Jiekllny wUl vbit
Hospital Ahlp Bant VorU.
npiHftl W Tn Homnav Kacoan
er borne la Fllnt•
Elkhart iancy Shirt, oanal price 76? to $L00, ' ,
Taoipa. Jana S.—It can ba auted
Ubs Lacy Sereranea wiU yo to hw
• now 48o to 69c.
I ' ia
Key Weak Jane I.—The boopitbl beau at Walled Lake.
-poaltivaly that na troopa have baaa
Oraah Hata IBc.
*bip SoUoe sailed for Haw Tork Inst
Ubi EtizabaU Blayham wUl apand
rad at tbia paint, and
Men's fine Worsted Panto, Olay weave TBe.
b reealvad tnm •lybt. bavlny oa board Be sick aad part of Ua sammar In Cbicaya.
■be Florence Warner wiU ya to
ndadaaUovasadthamarinaa from
Boy's and man's elegeat Caps 19c.
and 8ehla;^/Bo
Another line of men^ endJt>oy'S 6O0 Chqhe now 86e. !
^tibvamant of traons frnai bare
Uba BatU Frail axpaab to visit at
The frame store baildiag ?
The paUcsta wUl do batUr la a eoal- Postlae part af Ua
Goode ere going out wiuTa niah. Oomo and got j
'^Alraetlon of Cabs te axpoctad.
ar climate, and Ua Key Wmt baapllal
Mba Edith OIbba wiU remain at bar known as 120.E. FVont St., 2 a ohoioe beifore all la taken. Tbapawarfal float of . Admiral 4
borne in Traveree City, aa wUl aba the
ibQkaly te'banapdad as a
vara b atUI monk of a faoUw, and It b
show oaeo and ealh tot eels.
EdiU Hemara. Lola
•UUd tbwa b ao Utantlan on Ue part I farwaid mevamani kayin. kUdak. EataUe Behna
will be sold very cheap..
of tba anthacitlM ta as
Oartrnda Hlyyina.
Mbs Almd Cook will vbit at
If parties fishing to buy
aad Hanover.
lay n bly flaat of ptaoUeally annr
Mba ChrbUna Faton will divids bar see me at once.
HawaU Hnwinc Fursmbad Oaal fbr
nnd Ueratora naa-'ly balplaaa tt
time between New LoadM and AlmonL
tbo Oharisotoa Host Vow ba Prwporu into Caban waUn.
.Mbs Mary E. Cryalar wUl apend Ua
taeted by Ua Haitad Btntaa.
Tbe work of payiny off troapa at
vaeaUoo at bar borne at YpaUaati.
Urn Hbaaa Jannb and BdIU Hard
Tampa oommaaced today- Over tSOO,I. Jana t.-Naval oHci^, ■Ul remain at Trevana City abo, vblt<»o wUl ba diitribaiad la aazt two ar
ealcaUta that lUwati b aa ally «f isy Ua Aasembly at Bay View.
tbrea days by ,Uo elybt paymaatara
tba United Sutna. Oatr yovaramaat b
Mlm Edith Basaatt will yo to Navi.
forlUprotoetien.' After ukby U Ua Normal comIba United Btatea enibar Cknrleoton meneameat Mba WUaey wUlAO to bar
borne at Milford.
probably arrived at Honalala laat SatMba Ida Coven wUlyo U YpaUnnU
orday aad took aboard a fall coal sop- nnd Mba Lillian LaSella to PortlnnA
Smorgaaoy SOI ApprapriaUay fllO,ply. aad b now m kar avay tor the' Mbs Bffle Lamb wUl vbit at Uaaaln.
000.000 Paaosd by Ua Heosa
Taatarday Aftamoon.
Mbs Aaynato Adams will apend Ua
Coal was aecumalaUd at Benelola by anmmor at Oakwood.
. WpadalMTaiMoanavaacoas
Waskinyton. Jane 2.—Thv oryent t aitadSUtaaCoBaal Oaneral Haywood,
Mba Jeaaie Camp wUl riait
dafldeney bill, which was passed by ^ aod allowlmy Ua Cbarteatsa ta taka alny and YpailanU.
MbaFaaaia Taylor wUl apand bnr
We have placed on sale today the choiM of all
Ua boose UbaftameoB Inoorparatea ‘ a aopply tram HawaU boa east away all
leatlon at her borne In Chleaya
our uew spring stock of ladies fine baud turned.and
Us more aryent war eatimalca aui
> naatraUty. Mor
Mba Ayaaa Batea wUl divide bar
Welt Shoes, black and colored, all «izes and widths,
tad Ua boose ysatnrday by Been
Aba effanaa ayainat naatraUty b to be. time between Gaylord aad Qreyliay. ~
rew toes, new lasts, fresh new goods this spring—.
Alyer. also an emaryancy appro
repealed, lor it U axpactod that today
I have just arrived From Chica
Mint NaUb Nebon wiU vbit
Every pair worth $3.00 to |4.00. The price while'
ties for 919,000.000 tar.tbe navy,
Ua adraace'lnard of tranaporta a
go with a new lot of Bicyela and
Mba Jaaala BtUea wUl apand Ua am
they last daring Uiis sale $2.46.
-contlnyent e^nsm of Ua axBfadlUaa lay troopa u Uanlb are enUriny HenSandriee.
laratOoldwnUrnndMlmHora Swift
Your choice of all men's fiae shoes, hand aad
UUo Pblll^lapa. 1100,000: faraipadl- elnlB barber to rapisnbh thalr coal wUlyotoOroai
New and aeoond band.
machine sewed, Russian cold skin, vied kid. kangaroo,
Aionary lom to Onba. maebixwy. anpply.
T&e cheapest pUoe to get a good
American horse leather, chromo kid and calf, lace
wqu^naenw ate . ysso.OOO; for tba alywheel.
Mba NsUle Filklna was enllad to kv
and congress, new toes, new shapes, all sizes. New
Hove to by a Shot.
Ml aevTlceofihe^rmy. »l»s,000: aabBicycles from 115.00 to t23.00.
home at Mnttboa Inst wwk by lUaaan
spring goods. Eveir pair worth $2.00 to $3.00—
■hlMra dapartarai, $5,000,000; madl- Spe^W *n MoanM Saoeai.
Mbs CBnreCnrrwUl apead Ua vnen Call and see tbe beigains. dnri^tfais sale $1.89.
Kay Weak Jane t.—The Britbb tloa at her heme in Dandee.
New Wbeela and Tandems to
We want to put 300 pairs on tte feet of peo|de
Mba fioby Dmn wUl vbit in aenUnni rent, at
Tbs MU abo carries 1150.000 tor tif tramp abnmar Banyal^ Olaayow was
in this vicinity this week, as an advertisement of
pedo Asfenam of ManiU harbor, and Biyhtod off Florida i«ya. She did Mlehiynn.
Mba Oiwoa Cleveland wUlqiendBOM
hdbt her oolore when alynallad and
our uew stock and to prove the advantage yon gain
far tbe boreao of sappUw and
Ume boU to Oread Bnplda nnd Celdby our special fal^
nncamita. and tl.OOO.OOO far cloUiny waabovetobyaabok
Don't miss this sale and chance to get a fine sty* m4 omU atorea for Ue use of Ua
Knniad lari Viybk
lisb shoe for little money.
MOT- The appropriations to ba availpmi Fumlsbsd a hy Spain.
Last nlybi Mba Bvy Oole aad Jnmaa
Melal m tbe Xeamsa Bnoono.'
avn ware nniud U mnrriafe by Esv.
Kay WaL Jano A-Carwa’a oaal b Dam*a OoebUn. Tba ceremony was
b tUdaparire qnaUUas and parity at
performed at ^ newly prepared h
KayWast,JmM2.-~Tba farernmant boint nnbndad from Ua
Front Btioet.
Ue bride and yrrem, on VaUey
hw pamhnaod the prise stanmor Padre It will bo bid la by Uaitsd SUtM aad
atreet, in Ue pranenee of a tew Uttte two hnnirod thsMril floUm
MS Freat Bt. - H. E. ttre.,. IM.1 W.
Do You ThinL
Sngraged in a Bloody and Betermlned Fight
■with Spaniards While the Warships
Fought the Forts. *
o, 0.
I..- Partham BlocL
i We’ve
I Said Nothing
SoDiiser Corsets at 35c.
For Sale Cheap
!w lioofl mil
For Friday and Saturday.
T. J. HOvST,
Shoe Bale!
acd Sundries.
IIS UdIoi St.. ROilr Worts.
1 Stroae trenmeat
The Boston Store,
mm. T. JUn ASP J. W. BAim.
kddnMM of SMbUBg Tboo^tt ud
LutnieUv* laCmM lAotwid to br
TMt AudlaBM Is tk« (H^ Oporo
■owo-DiplomM PiMMUd m K«7'
•r W. W. OsMtA
4 the program tHtfc «a hAlnaa
^*OnrAbi be the state." nM the vats,
dielory, bat owing to PI sen waa naaMetobepneeatnadhia ontlw Waa|
read by Bdwia Ohapmas.
It was a I
poltobed and aeholariy addma. bring-:
tng ont lornefnUy ths mpaaalbtUtiy of each pnwn to Uagovoramant apd Ue.
allagtaace dna to conntoy. In coaala- \
alon be spoke eloqantly of Ue years of
friandahip aajoynd by Us elan and
pladgad tbair earaast eftorts toward
Ue baet sad kighnt msnhead and
in Ue fatara
Mr..Onwn Uan Introdnoed Ue Hon.
W. W. hmlU. fhstrwisn of (he Board
of Edocstlon. who la a faw giaeefni
Cbeapest atid mori raiu1>U |daoe to get yoar bicyde repaired nod
put in good nuDiDg ortier. Have bxd WTeral yeara ezperieace and
know bow it aboold be dose. Sstixfaction goaraLceed. I am eeUisg
I biopole BuadriM At about coet. Kew asd wecosd hand wheeU for «tto
and to rent. Please give aa a trial.
ELLIS. 811 Front dt,E(Mt.
bM bM Mod to Um dM of
*98 is (irisc U«B two ploMsat dsjt
tbolr Bodostisf onrelMO, ssd
tboy B47 «•!! fMl Usl it te • good
OSes for tb* fstsn.
Lomg tetoro the hmtt sppdstM fofC
Um procrsa to b«rls Ust sight ths Ue Dtanaer la which they bA per
Clt7 Open hsU wm lllod with Istor- formed the dattn of Ueir acheolyeara.
iwd being eean ■noctag Uem Ust Uak pamrersnea
larger than on the prerieos evealng. Ad eudlonsaan iatkepAt woald be
Slandlsg room was at a prenioni sad the keyaeU of their eacoees In Ue fnataay were nnable togata admlaaloa.
QtrooU Oeurt dnrora.
tcra. Be Ura presented the dlplomes.
bfi V«tsl IVt
yret muA \o &o
The stage eeVtlnge were nsehanged, wbkb repraeeaiA the bard sad (alUTbe Jnrere fer Ue Jane term ofUe
Ue oaly dlCerrnee la Ua pretty pio- fal werk.. ef Ue elan in Ueir peat Circait Ceurt Ave Aes drawn u folVR“Tirt
\oo fiooV. &00& tnesttteT \o makt
tore as Ue enrtain roae belag Us new ysAS ef school life.
Omt AMOTW!n,\U comtkekt.
faeea Is Ue front row of seats oo Ue
The last eumberra the program waa
Acme—FrAk Atwood.
platform. Ue speake>a of Ue sight be Ue clam aong. oompoaed by Bin Alloe
Risir—lUrvoT S. Monroe.
fore eccapylng Ue second row, and Ue Crawford, which was one ef Ue pretBut Bay—Walter Fciger.
orators of Ue eveeieg Ailing Ue front tket and most appropriate ever ^ves
Fife Uke—I.«rlD FUndara.
tl-elrele et chain, while the Bigh br a Trav.erM City grAoaliag elaas. '
Garfidd-BoArt lUraey.
echeel Uaehen were seated In Ue
After Ue benAlctlA by Rev. J.
OrAt—FrAk Ury.
rear. ‘
BreAy Ue sadiencc wae dlsrahwA and
iireen Uke—Henry Bqrton.
T^e program wee opened wiU a de- Ue impfompM racepUos Aid
Uag Uke—Joseph Chase. Joseph
VVTti» 0^ "NDAfiVi
vtX\t:b\K lor
llghtfnl song by Us Btgk eehaot cho stage by Ue grAaatea.
rus. nunbering any, followed by sn
>DaVfi\6. SkVrtfi.
C.W\UTtTt'fi >Dba.T, eU. ’PrVttfi
FollewlBg tk tbe list af meaiAre
Hayfield - ArUnr CUrter. Joseph
inroeatioa by Bev. J. B. Bready.
WiU Ue coonn of ttady pareaA
A very pretty mandolin and gnitar Alice BerUa AtkiM.......................Utla
ParadA-»IasA Mewmareh. Fred
doct was given by Obarlee and LotUe BrrdAry] Boon......................... EagUb WACh.
a hearty en- E ina Eleaoor Clapp..................BcieallA
PealssaU-B. H. Wsik B. B. Nelaes.
Wkiioa L* Verne Uray................EaglUh
Trsveru Cl^—let Ward. W. B.
Mabel UsrSeld Oraj....................Baglleh
I eondiUena <
Etbel Merle Bozie ..........................Atin Hooker. W. J. BobA; Sod Ward. Frank
perlty were glran by Ue Arat ipeaker BmiusM. Boebee ....................... SnglUb Trade. A. B. BeoMtt: Ird Ward. WUof Ua aranlng. William A. Laigton. Roy CAosm...................................EaglUh 11am Brlgbty: 4U Ward. Charles HaJew-e MeeUilntore........................BAlUh
iford; SU Ward. Jobs HAklas.
Upsi Usorle Robbs........................Latin
BdIU Marie UraesAgb.............. EaglUh
CaioB-Osrdoern. Bsger.
rnmssL sad adaaaUea far Ua Floreaoe May Holmn................. EaglUh
lvy>'ed Krataer........................ Engll
Stephen Uoaglae Ardle........... Eagll
AnoUer warrant wu AaA b
4o close ont Urge etoek of
□ la bar ocatloa, “Cabroksa Paths." WillUm Anguklak Aightoo ...EnrlUh
Jraaa U- Ollmore ptcurod Ufa as a vast AraAgan MAd.......................AlAtlOe dodge EoArta ynterdsy for Ue rKaUarinc [5. Moore.........................Atia mt of HA Bi^Am fer vioUiinL- .>r
plsia ovar which eaeh ana mait i '
wa paU, snAnrgad that the gsal
Jsnre FrArrIck Muaeoa.. - .Seleatific
be marksd by high aUna and noUa aa- Arall Frank NorMsgor..............'EnglUb
Evaiythlng most be sold at ebme prloe. Pattern Hata,
Lucile O'Nesl................................ EaglUh
Walking Bata, Sailor*. Hibbon* and atyliah trimmed eflkot*.
BcaeUa Voglaaoag in a toroafnl man- Harry F. I*srker. AUntific Ragloearinr
Mnet move on aooonnt of erection of a new building at
ir pointed ont eeme ef Ur dangers Orton Andrew Smith................Aieatific
Florence Adell Shosk................. EaglUh
IS Lucy Skic
Skidds. . EoglUb-Uerman
Eclth Themu..
On* Solid Week,
L. Thirlby..
I £»o\)eV^ AJDeaWveT....
eoririi DlmllA It
Wm U« AokerieSB t
» of Uo
latberofSsntlsrossdsssraiy of is•SiiOBio atonslnc tho eitj tron
nsr, the •ItosMon tor Carrers Bstt U
•OWBdj Istoraotisr. It it oridosU;
tbs porpOM of the Ameriosst to oos' I to ose their gsse sstU so «o it fhreed isto the bop. with the
jgjonaMOoB todeetrop the dpsaUh
lx thek Msl to obe
: XdthebU^cle ordisj
a thst pertieo
M» mr froqseat Tlolstiont is tbit
- «wd sod offesdan should he proBptlp
wnoted shea ditregsrdiag ibst pro•Mm. Muro soeldssU oecur st c
Mgsthesssywhere else.
■OWTAT Amks it detervised thst
|'*<MlinV •( nosey shsU wet rotsrd the
nestios of the.wsr ssd hit roeonidsttons te'ooBgrne for snple spfc;f»>»<8tilM sro pronpUy ssd fsTors|y Uf epeiei rtd. Tho Ulebifss oorser
I M the coblaet U denowtrsUag the
le of the Wolveriue (^roouct in
Han of wsr.
"n^e Booe^d O^erm
Am JsbUsst.
' Osnp Bstoo, Istssd Uke. Jsne t.
Ibe newt of behley'e esgsceanot i
iMItego has pot sU the boys is high
t, sod the sews thst we sre to
« <k to WsaaihgtoBNpo Istor tbss
irdsy nortiisg has sdde< to their
Lon Bight )
>OSt Asithed reoding Ua ngalstioae of
•ho Oslted States Amy sad the meetv
Mg «d the oonpaa; had ctsaed1 byaU^
I • Mg^norleo. when seaeably
^ l^soaodedSBd Cenpasy
. gM 818881 to appear before •eglneats!'
They Bight here bees
y •hofliaihad the nanberoef the eonfsoy hncwa Ue ealL They grasped
IMlrgsaestthedfst aoood and sail
eras, the rwnsrlnbly •sieh tine of <we
After the Bsaatge was read sad the
MgtBMOt was seo^Uneated ea their
4aiak raapoDM. theeempssies rotaraod to their qasrters, where eoags wore
ooog by nenhera of ear eoB|My. all
JatelagheartilTiathe ehertMes Prl•ale Aoberu brashisg the laterjali by
XocdUtloaa which kere heartily approxMted,
n\a atoraisg we reeeired ordert to
godt all oor beloaglags that sre to be
fOlailiiid to TrsecrM City sad get la
' nodinsas to mere teChmp Alger.
K. W. Bssttags has tmn thagaeat of
Ue SOS, Oorpersl HseUaga. sad was so.
eothaaUatic oeer oar work that he felt
like a boy again and woold like to be
.. ChpLasdUraMclDtoahweatteDo•nit this norntag. the captals retnrs|[^ this ereaing. Mrs. Melatoah will
Mho SB eateaded riel't U Soathers
Mtahigas bafore her retsrs north.
Wa are now all Aited oat eneept a
Ji»-overaau which wUI be Usaect to
w tonarrow asd all wUl be ia mdl
aaaa to neee ^ toptorrow sight.
Josa A. Woop, -
Tee, Why Votf
■ f)aalh the UasiiM News; -K«i
•hot Traesree City An sot tnlcsd t
oaMraU the PonrU woold it not be
tpnsie for Ue Salt City to again
j late. Use wiU another oelebra^«ie••hlayearr
Tiews of Oanp.
war Friedrich la uhlbitlag a great
Ana views takes at Osmp
~ nlaetasoday. Cbmaany M. Thirloortb regiment, fern the ocater of
(•MM is aaariy aU
vorpapUa leariog for
'fttasUinV CWV. 'DVmWvts \&t.
S.obtV's Oeqaaives \0 to Sbt.
City Rpera House
Uachod npoa by
Harry F. Parker wA eooiraatod Ue
week ssd toppling gevarnBeat ef
bpala ''ith Ub steady. >o»erfal ferward march of Ue Ualwd SUtee.
-Tros WorU” wae Ue aabject of an
abla addrcee by Bona L. tUielda. which
waa tall of insplntlon to high
noble lirlng.
-Tbe Bedeniae Love Song” ws
mlrnbly given by Ueewa. Whlu. Balan,
Ueslslt sad Bunts
eneore wlU Ue pretty begto eoag,
■Sleep Kentucky Bsbe."
“Service Ue true Meesore of UreatiM” was Ue aebjeet ef sa eloquent,
sddran by Aliee B. Aiklae, Ip which
she desoaatrnud Ue feet that all trnly
grant people have bad for Ueir aebla
parpen Ue service et homanltyAmong Atnerles'sgTnateoatributlena
>b Ue world Boy Ondkaai ckcee for
special bcbUod aclf-geTarnmenl
vance ia all Ue eeleaoM ednontional
itrietlsmaad leyslty.
qoniioB "What Nazi" was well
•wbrbd by Bdaa £. Clapp, wbe daaerlbad Us anarch far kaowledge from Ue
kiadergarua. Urongh the ytori of
school, sad on into the greater acheol
of lift.
Among the ant iDtamUngaoelo
ieal ezperineauof modern yenre
eoeial eaterutnmenta. which are oo
lag to be rccogalsed as Impertaat faetort la Ue government of great dtlsa.
These were dejcribed ia sa sble i
aer by EUcI Bezle and thek naefolThebeaelteof tnveland Ue greet
ebsagnU meUode of tn
WiU their wonArfal improvement is
late ynxB were tenehed npon by Bees
J. MeOonsld In sa Intamtieg wsy.
Ue' baaelu derived (ram trsrel
msda Bsalfnk
A tola by Him Alice Crawford wu
given Is s drlightfnl manner and racalved sa cnthualssUe si
A tbonghtfal arstlsn was given by
harsh Agan Baba, her anbjeot belag
“Whattsyeurysrdsticb.” She pravad that eaviresmsoU dan sot eostrol
ese who has a high Ideal ssd nrgod
Ust all adopt eiSBdsrdk o(
Ust will sat hamper Urm la Ueir
afur iivn.
The eezi asms oa Ue program waa
Uai of AmU Nerllogor, who eallsted
four wnks ago. Sopk Orawa epoks
feallsgly at bU abeoaee and a bearty
lA of applaon wae given in bis
hoaarpy the andienoe proving Ue high
ntecn la whlah ha was held by all.
Tbe Inspiring battle cry “Beyond
UoAJpaUn luiy,” whkk carried an
army to eacent waa Ue/Object ofaa
Adran by Fioreaeell. Holmce, who
■aid Uat proper incAUre At'oaly
briaga a* U eoecon bat may lornlab iskpiraiin to eoai^len oUar UtM lasriaa 1). Moara U bar Abrifaly kketekad Ua Aranes
nsAe by ear. oonstcy la Ua last
hnArad yean prorlag Ua faUacy of
Ue propbeeln bAc half a oAUiy age
polatlag oat Ue eUady Arann of tA
Mtloa aA prapbeaying stUl gnatn
Charles U. Welsh................... SctanilBc
The class ca<c«n arc: Amll F. Ncrllager. president: Bocrlla Voglsaang.
Dmldeal: Bdwts L Tblrlby. aeeraisry; Willism A. Leighton, trose-
BAqnet Ad Floe Program FromlaA
for TonightThs meetiog of Ue Traverse Qty
Alumul AikOcUtlon la the CItv Opera
Ball tonight, which mAks Uc does of
Ue ueruUn of commeneeBMt week.
promUee to be of nnoenal Intcrcek la
place of the enstomary bAqoel a raeepUoB will A glvA. beginning at
eight o'clock. Owing to tbe rapidly
Ucreadsg namAr af memAn U has
bees found seceaaary to limit onUlda
inriutloDa. and AmAlon U by ipecUl
laritatlon only.
Tbe literary pcpgram for tbe evenlag wUI A u followk;
Plaae solo. M A Jceepbin VAer.
AloBDl oraUon. Chuln F. Bach.
8oeg. Idaeeo City QaAtek
BemarA by bupk C. T. Urawa.
“Tbs Teacbere." ■ALUlUa Downlag.
BedtstlM. MA AUy Roland.
"Class of -'M." Slephqn D. LsrdU.
“The Alumai.” HA NIa B. Fsyav
Eong. gaees City Qusrtek
It U IntAded to Bshe Ue eocA
part of Ue evealsg Ue promlseat festara. Md Ue alamnl Ad Udr friude
srn MticiAiUg a ddightfal time.
■Pearl Tackaberry,
Adjoining Frledrloh Block.
Monday, June 6.
Senter Payton's
Big Comedy Co. Art
A big laughiog sbuw oompleto
1 pvpry detoi!.
High due einging and dandns
•pedaUiea at ert-ry periormaace.
'■ Mooday night tbt-y will present
tbe English mplo-drams, in five
dcube pnrticrf wW. the feet•« »dl M
with the e™. md lunde-„M by kiikieE. oh, no-bet by
hnrine them eom«ly diod. Right .hoee meke heelthy
feet m.d the d^m tell os Um. heelthy fee. ere the fimt
requisites for healthy bodies. Without healthy bodies
We offer you
“The BM Flag”
Sel? Shoes
a« the best ail «oUd. HgMiy
buUt footwear, for tlie least
Prieee 10, 20 and .*100Ladira free Uonday night only,
if accompaniad by one paid 36c
Seata will be on ulo at the nanal place Saturday morning.
CtiAge-of play nightly.
BaA maAgemeot kesA move peepis
la poer cireumiuaces Uaa say oUer
one csose. To A lucoeaefol one must
look abc*d sod pISB sheed so tbat | j
whcB a fsvorabls epportuolty prassBUtW
lAirhvUrsadyioiaks Araatage of A
It, A HtUe foreUoaxht will aUe aavs *
much expeoae ami ralAbls tims. A i
* ■
will kMpa,
lie. CAlera ,
Ua boose. | _
alt natll A-lg
crasity eovAl* it and Um rain hU | a
bsst horaa golor for a doctor Ad have A
a big doctor All to pay. baaidas: odsIa
pays oat'SS coats, Us oUer Is wat
iBodrsd Apllara sad Um woadora why I <
his aalrhAr is rtUiac richer while he ,
See our new stylo, jtat in.
Once More
Has Invaded the land In the Interest of humanity, and once ^
more in the interest of those who intend getting
A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering |
Moat people have a liUla paUeaea,
ne people Ave a lot. If jm gel Oeo.
Wioale to hang your papor, you
won't aeed any. for ha oomea wbaa be
agrees to, dooaa't wmIs Ue papsr, and
ehargea no aaore Ua oUera.
Opposite Eagle Office.
PmiF. C. E. HMST
tlBclier of Violin.
OP* ^3sr-y EZETsro
We ptention Ute fket tbat we offer the Desk have the
largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better.'sat- ^
. IsfacUon than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.
i HaiMimtttHiaifliuiaiftMiMkwittitiiiis
TM^itoMmtB akooap. todat, jwht s.
A Grand ConeiH«tion M««tinff
I the nlllWT ••••K-
. ck«oii.H:.. riB, Jui», l-PrtT»t*
Mltrhett. aob of OMUior John t.. Hitch.
of W'lacoulD. a member of the Flnl
lDt4B>rr ^ M*BL dsoplved
nr« ratriotluo hate Id refueln* b aec
Bad lleoteDBntcr aacurad tat him br.bu
Senator Mlicbril wired his non
that be bad aecured fair
We Are Not
Having‘a Special Sale
ixposWon Ufaps
But ut tbe eema tiine with ue lb>sa u etook ea wa oariy It la Impuealblt
not to aooumulaU odd aulta-alsaa (at broken whan It la too late to dap.
Uoa^a pattara from the wholaaUar-Wa bav. at the pnaaat tbaa par.
bapt forty or lifty aalu where only oba or two alara of a kind ramalaOn tbaaa wa can aaya yon moaay-If you do not Sad a St tbara. oar ra*.
alarataok wlU be aura to oonlala ladacamanta you cmabot raalat-Wo
are making a record tbla year on our popular priced aumiaer aulta. both
for atyla, lit and axoapUonal aaaortmant and valnaa.
the f*-na.
nu»H cBara tiimab amo
9rr *• VWrcct," a* awcan — aii«<y
ra»i u
»r*tA hr
•MU*- MM tm4 Oubf Wu
•m Um B*r« M Um rnmk
aloev. ,
■n. Letters <im to thell>Mtn«-ABath*r
UUaeto Uor Otto.
Chlrkamaura 1‘ark. June 1—Ueutea.
nit Coli rel liartrulT. chief mirceon on
Oencral Brooke* eta", and LleuteDabt'
Colonel Ntcholaa -Senn. aaeietant war-
■aH tha'WhMle Oolha. Ih» Chefee Ba
WuhlnrioB. Jun* t.-TaM»rdv'a «m•16b «f tbc'bouM
n>eo lu 0>» eon•Mmtlon Bsd pimrf at * MU rmlled teoB cenerBl of the volunlcr Armr. lB*«
' mp br-JroMn* «R«p.) of WIbtobiIb io DiSbt conOnned the t .eien.eni that Un.
naott Bit po.iilcai
iDcuir«d teller bad boucht ih» Chk-kamauca
fourteenth I Phfk hniel prci erty. tendered It to the
lu tb* third MctluD
>DsOtutioD. The 1 Kcvcrtinum for boepital
al purTx aea. •
•abate vove i
1 notable apeachea |
< erpted. The m
Jtn* fiHture of the day ..............
o Qrorvenor and Beltic (Uem.)
](eDlurk>*upoii the ubiltcralinn of ail park has ihe sham l«iile between the
aecond and third division* of the First
•eetiOB feel.-n| BBiktbe rcBlIly at laat of
Nine leRlmrnts composed ^e
A rclmltej ooiiatr}'. IncidenlBi (u the
atuckinc ar.d def.-ndln* trmlea. 1«0
•abate eeveral membera reviewed the
conriualon that a member of cooftw
•ould sot bold aliDuUBoaoutIr a ralli.
tarr and clitl office. Tbe del«te was
%tOucht on far a refereBce to Oeneral
Joe \Mi-H;:er. now aarvlnc aa a major pany C. Fifth Illllnoia Canton. Ilia,
■•neral and uatll twceatlr a member of died Tuesday nl*hi and tb* remalna
the house Tha autemasta that aome were shipped to his family yesterday.
I . atatea vera unable to reapond to tbe He was a member of the KntshU of
I damanda fnr valuiiteara called forth a»- Pythias and a Ur*e detachment from
planalloDi and
d iaa aUeced Interview that erder-frum the local lod*es accom
panied the remain* to ihe slsllon.
Washln*ton. Jure L—Camp AI*erDow
.coDUIne U..10 men. of wbura t.Wl arc
pronounevd ready f. r active service.
raa declared out of order. Tbe paaaaca Coinni'l ‘ Girard announced yesicrday
d thV bill conaldered yeaierday by tbe
division ronuined ' ftety-Bve coses of
BoBaa will affect bat few partiea
■neasU-a Hany of the recimental boaBauay Ofa(*ets to Uwea.
pltaU have case* of the tame diaeaae..
Ifa* alatement made by Lacey
but thus far none ha* proved seHook.
I 4ewa that Major O.oeral Wheeler.
AUbama wm* abaent from the hooa*
Oeneral Orabam
no iDloklcatln* |
laava brouthl Bailey to hi* feet.
"I Hae." faa aald. "u> correri a falae beveraieet should be snid In the ____ ,
I. Btatament of the fentleman frorn lon-a anme of the railn* bttoths have been
I Ilia fenUeman from Alaiama it not mb- operatln* what are popularly termed
•ant on leave of the house, a
’• I
Fairfax county. In which tbe camp i*
faa with my coaaent to lone
located, and which ms prohibition «>
"Hr. Speaker." cried McMl'Iln. "there
' to Bot a member of thi* h .use who does
he centleman from Alabama
0 tha rtont to wrt e bis councontinued Bailey. "I dn no)
I kallave a man can hnid under the c^nI. ■MUiUeB a military and civil offlca i
the same time, and I enuld •
pRSnsItlon that .wnuld em
•taandeBipeat of this belief. i
It made-tor my brother."
OreavaaDr Win TTTto Pat«e(.
Orasranor Indoraed tbe poMtU n taken
^ Bailey, and Inridenially declared his
halter that no man e patHottam will be
«aU*d "in qneailco because he stands
Mffldly by the terms of the coiiallluilPn
sad Its manifesi B|iiHt." ProceadiDir be
dlcreaard to ap<
taffly on reunIK
venality of ps
•vary band. H
.Bttljadc of Rumtw. now eruwln< dally
■sore pronounced, to the* fact that Rurcfte was oonvin.ed fur the nr*l lime
that absolute Injally prevailed In tbis
land. If there Is anythin* that make*
a BoMler of tbe civil war fe. 1 eraieful
(B Aimtcbiy Ood It is be permuted to
Uva to see the presrm union ofhlscounConcludlns
sr from Ohio declared: "I am
. to vole torenioveevrry vesllfp of
laftalatlon tuch as Is almiU st in tbi*
fata and BO help me God. I will try to
Mahas aa Btoqnaat apeeeh.
nAspeeefa of Grosvenor called forth
B iWobse frtun Settle iDerr.) of Kentaefer upon the part of the sc«itta that
hM aol been often surpaaaad in phraaaaioBT and eloquence. "Her aons fre^nint to tbe south at the end of the
Hrll war] laid down tbeir anna tn food
faith upon the altar of their country."
savi be. "and In tfae aame aplrtt they
BOW toke their step to the music.ef the
Vnlon. ! do not believe the American
people were ever so united as they are
tedky.' < 00110010* b£ said the Amerlcan p<-ci>le Would fr<e not only Cuba
fact wou’d free themselves, and "out of
this fire snri (tvod wherewith we are
faaln* U.Mlicd we shall come forth. I
doubt not. new m. n and new women.
Blaaa ev.rj "hli. witn sfx-ilonal hate
Bsd aecflorHl l.m. no.p. clean *one.<or-
lember. from alUusii. r* oi the rb.mw crowded P. Ih.- K. ntu. ky inrmla-.-i
Clvta raM« Tkrw Mllm Lo^a BaaiStoattfaeUpeWlaa-U—Wei^ltfaaa.
mm* Paapi* ISetoat to Bee tt ItoseItoKrtpUoa aramand. aad MIAtoca
Omha, Neb.. June
Jn the preaanca
if Ui* Nebraska de'etaltl .n In cxngresa
in the WhIta llouae at Waahinctoo LbW
mllea aaay. at 1:M p. m. yesiecaar
Prealdenl UcKInley touched a button.
tcinaiional exiositlon was started. At
Xra Barbara rryBBr Ztoud.
■ he time the music et 100 lands was
lira Barbara TryBcr. wife of VVasecl
Ollm* (he air at ihe ekp.Mltlun *rctieds
wlih melody, the cheer* of 100.000 people Tryn*r.dtadat8:Jolaat nlchi of conwar* aacendint; and tbe bIsaU of Innu- l aumptlos. Deoaased wa* 31 yean of
MB besidoa the buaband to moura her
(ihe was a member o< the J. C I
beaefil aaaoeiailoa.
ODrre.pond with IW Ttarerw City Lumber Corapuiy.
We have for aale Good,
wAU lake placB at l o'cloek Sunday alterbooB fTM tbe rcMdeece on SpraM
etrtet, aeder the atMpleee of the J. a
D. and C. & P. 8. Boeietiea.
Firat ofthe B«bbbb.
The firet eaenraies ofthe
Nwah-to-waeto wUl be viran this eeealaffby
the suaster
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Short Maple Wood.
boat will leave the dock et Ties aad as
•omnskffT bcildtvc
roalTlo* '
meraMe whittles
* In
in Omaha an^
(round* were blow in*. Tbe civic' parad*
wlthwhleb Ibeabow was opened started
from the center of tbr city al «:M a m.
Peaessaiaa Tkera- MIlaw la Laa*tb.
It was itaree'mllea In lencth and was
a *rand tpectacie.
reached the (round* there were IM.660
people there. By praclsmsll-n of Bayor
Heore* tbe day was observed as a **aeral holiday and the clttsena and visitotw made the most of It. Tfae city was
hour will be flvee at the rceert.
-Heobineryof all
w* dMc-cripuons,
i-wo li^nginee,
B, incisouig
including Two
Workh, Oarriagea and Sawe. A complete Saw MiU Plant
for aale.
XtoBtb OB ]
Jaeoph WlBowlaeki died laat BvealBff
at hie home at 006 Kaadelph etnet.
at the tee of T0,yeB*a.
The lia>e af
tha fuseraJ wUl be asaonhead late
Thera will be a rvyular neproce
of TraearsB City Chapter Na IV B. A.
H. toaiffht al T:30
I Must
a»d thoutoaf^rruYto^t^U h«
^ toutuBB^ Bi Tiauora will b* hare wattle*, vf the exia .ItUn mana»er*. where the waet aide of tha room will
from every direction wherq boete nod | end otbvr*. music, and a poem cel*- be Sue<l up for fate oec.
railroad* can reach.
The bay beBts' hraiinc the event.
BoUey raturned yaeterdsy
■raion* W Nerthporti
oi.a4 Ule by in. »«.«***.»*.
from HaBistoe. where ae -weat to araad other tntou on the bav tha H A
Fu'l'^wlr-k tbe d.dlcat.-ry ei reises the
^ otliwpotouonlhebey. tbeM. A|„ai,,,i. .„d *u.sis sdjmirncd to Ha- rasce for reduced rata* *s tha H. A N.
N. E. will make a special rate ant hne- ehlr.ry hsll They were emidiated l.y e: for the K. 0 T. M. eelebraUoa to
deed* will eeme fsnm Madtetcc aud * crowd that was m.nsurrd by ihe dl-': be bold here June fjro.
other point, alonr that road.
If You Have Logs to Sell
fake and learaa two danrhtera ant oae
It for ih* Hac-'
Therefore some of my stock of
Jewelry must be sold at Reduced .
7,f.»r the cloeioff eserdeei of 8l.
- >»
A.,, and another from as far ecath as ] from his *»ai m itw While House I Mornin* and tomorrow at the
Be*d City. Prom the north a special I toochid the button connected wlih his , New* Stand for Saturday Biffht.
ratoismadeof IheO. a *1. Traeerae !1' «»<■ connei ted w ith a dlOly ahould prapare for the lar^rai :
The reiraUr quarter v meettoff of the “pTn/hlbe
W. r
C. T. L-. -in
win v..
be belo U Ue parlor* 1:11068.
crowd eesr aqaa here
of tbe CunrreKaUoaal church Uiaaftar-
AmosemcBt Votea.
The Setter Payton Comedy cBmpaty
which will open s week's esreffemest'
at Ue avy Opera Hoase, ocmmcBciBg j
.. . . I
Hoadsy. Juae 6. Is a ooBrpany whick to [
^tJes to be the very bist of It's elaae [
Ud to headed by tbe oeieb
diaa Mr. (terur Payloa.
This com-i
W^a* been patroatoed by spme of |
beat ihaalre ffaert In the west-1
—> tuie* and baa alwaya cieen ealire i
.Sloadsy B>rht Uey will,
pment tbe Enrllsb melo drama in dve I
acta. rnUUed-The Black Fla* •• Mon-'
day Bicbt Will be deslroated as ■■ladiae
Biffbt" and each lady at-compaaled bv
ae escort with e paid 3C cent ticket
will be admiltod frve and enllUed to a
rsaerred scat Beato will be on sale at
Ue aaaal place (totardsy a>orBl8(.
OhMaffo Harfcev
(real u
vblve. Kradually the speed <> the wheels
lecreasln*. i
r the shaft
icbed tbe nurmal —the ehtirir spark
‘ by the pi.si.lirr* bands had
tv the lir-m.'-iise plant, and all
»ov small!r B-achlnry. ..f the enure
croundv r>telvln« Insiilratlon from the
besan Its-.'n uiIne wi.rk.
This was
cuocIusioD of the formal
Koerylhln* Mated Uky rtoeAwarfc.
In Ihe an«rnt~.,o si 4 o’cliwk the N't-
Look over my line of Watches,
Clocks, Silverware, Fine NoveltiVi
in Jewelry.
haJf past two o'elaek.
Ject: Vuarterly report*.
ft iiuam WataoB. Ue 14-year*-old aoa
of Jareto Itatson of Habei. died at h<a
Tbe funeral
will be held
from Ue VVilllamabnrFh ebureb Ui*
tlacr at II o'clock.
tlonal Marine land xave a concert. I
Torn Shane i* In Chica*B Uto areek to
w hich was auend^l by many IhousaniJs ' t,-_
of i»op>
Nallcnat air* were popular I
everyUln* rendered alui.* this line !
® •’
®f Stratford
were erotiretl enthuxasMcally It Is ea-: were in lb# city yesterday,
tlmaird that over lou.uoc people p*M«j 1
ihr„uahthe**t,adurln*'yhelUy Not-t
Ckmpbell. formerly editor of
<1*y'S rerwenie*
....................... ........... ......
” 'B®plra Leader. Is la the cltVdusk w ith s (ranUiiyrotet hnical dUpIsy
Miss Ultan Mettoe of Kalkaska
.■nducted .
Uonal ex,v,«.,kn at Omaha,
...n.,I— b... „
Asparagus, Letture. Badisbes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
from It* |
of wasiern cnierprtev ai.d plu-k. bT„iu
the tin.p onen s# aJupti-d the reeolullon of Wlll:a-n J. Hr>sn. requi-siln* an
approprlaUon to asaUt Ibr ,nur. r.ae U
the preaent. when tbe work is t-ompleivd. tbe efforts of It* promoter* have
met with aponiaoeoUB sai-cves fUartIn*
wllb a CCpIUl of 3;M.«00. the (firc<-lura
hare the sat slaiUoa of w.ine*.-n*
s display of 1.
e states, as w
South Amencan r
ihilr ifforta.
The grounds a
>f the city. alMM
from the buslnee* center. They are
the shape of a rectangutar lot, wlU lasoon UO feet <slde exteodm* tbe en
tire leoxU Tbe lagoon is surro
b)' arven great hulldingx. clam
arcbiitcture end impoain* in alse Per
haps the n-osi eirlklu*
is the gov.
klu* of all Is
building, It being lopped by a
colmaal dome, -'
ited by a nrura
"Liberty EnliKhii-r.mg the Wnrid."
tbe torch Is 17k feel from tbe
. oeriain a ratn Balm ws* t
.a* Ike BaUleea-ltoeralu
I edy that fare him asv n
torlhs Mew Lety.
I other* baee tesUBed to U
■ lief from pain which tbit
and Navy Lea*ue, ha* Just returnt-! *isv
»«I from Washinirton. where he had
Card of Thank*.
I aailefactory conference* wiy> BerroUry
To Ue k.nd frleoiU aad nelrbbora
I of Xt’ar'AI*er. Secretary of tbe Nevy
who to hiDdir cams to car —<-«--—
I Inn* and the chief medical utllceU
in Ue hicknei* sod dcaU of oar prec] navy departmenU on i
loBs Oracc. we do *raiefollv exlead
I Mef work among suldlrra a^ aaflora
moat, heartfelt (ratUuoe.
1 AlFVr these officials received him cor- U*d deal wlU you aji u you have doac
• dialty and listened attentively to whal toward ua in «ur aorraw is the prayer
Me had to aay on Jhe subject.
W. H Bik.Ktit.
J r Adjutant GeneAl Cirtin has atoted
H*m« Bootika.
1 OBvernor Tanner to rrwmrrend Iwo reMybtlk HuukRB,
raltln* uffic.rs for each of the IlUnols
Bt-astii UuoakB
-ow at place* of rendesvocs
h whose dutMII elisJI be to
HcAnllayand CoOetd
to tbe city at preaaat
totorrals ■
at in the tot
of Mqaare'a Maraxine.
line, sbowlajr
sbowla* speci '
mca psjmof Llbrary^of L'Diveraal HU-
tor Uc paatY ,e«*. U
BOW comnletc aad ooeera Ue anura
pariod of time ap to Ue preeent. add
Is Ue prodacUaa of a very eminent
iff of htotorlaha.
e ehie
chief of which
tor Frof. I. 6.
S. Clara and F
Pn»t "
- CoTBeH
Unlvei ...
_ eicht lart« oetoeo volumee nad «cmulasd.ooo doehl* e^nma pacda and
^•**As* uT^^
work th«y
a sfwioiai propualliMO* U*
Fred Carr ratamcd to IJunda* vector-
Bonding of riD* Art*,
the Temple of Crrv*.tbe Ulnee and KtoIn* boJIdlnc. tbe Administration buUdIn*. the BalldlD* of Becirtdly. tb*
Manufacrares belldln* snd the mat
Audliorium. Tbe arch of stntsc actOM
the lagoon constliutea Ue mhd en^c* to the grounda It to compesed
of twealy-toar layer* of atana each
rapresenting a trans-lCISelntppl stats.
There are many minor feature* of the
en^iion. including a Mld**y. bob
buUdtac ts lavishly deoerated. Bctodra
U* bonding* mentioned are Ue 1bim>.
Implement and Traasportatloa. the
B>7 acta to De Lu fatodtoff to
------ 1 t«Brimnnlili on Ua
Bto to- Atour Dabr aad oUem tavmed «•
T. PeaBtn*ton
will go to Lake Ann tbla mcwninr for a,
abort vtoil^
Vront BtroeL
The Finest Line •
-l.h — -uTllo.
Mr. aad
-Phono 167.
" “ *■'' ■" Clara Ctora.
I toBMadVaseiAto
Be*. J. G. laslto of Petnakev wa* in’*!
ff »* oi rwtoalcey. wa* In
.ndlnk'the newnrss orill'U* I‘‘‘f-'I*'
to the employe* everythin* moved ■
>-Bder-Sherlff Martin Brown of Le.tr,ne«t .of clockwork , Asad, wa* in the city ydatarday.
Joae 3. - Wheat-Jnae.
•l.n; July. «iJ4»M«; Sapjkmber, Tftci
of the ;
U. .a Stanley and arlf* of dntlont
Oceember, T7Jto.
• vlt-i. r* fr- n
> visited
aii*»d»d tbe rraduailnff >
Oora—June. 3»^e; Jal.r. 33\; Sep-1 tbe rrounds.
tembet. 34)«e: Deoeaibar. 34 Sc.
of Kmikaaka lain
■ ISTOHFOFTH s.-us-.,vx-v-.ww.wwl
4-_^.AT KMTBBPRikB y,,
elaiUn* frieode and relativca
Oata—JBBe.t8e:J«ly.#4Sc; to
Vr. tlJtc.
W. A. Wyman and Hra Mareat
*r tbe
•dniie. 110 FT: Joly. tlO.Ff.
Baltdln*. af Mots.
. Boyt of Sutton* Bay, ware to U* city
The Trans-.Visrlssjppl *nd ItUerna- yeatorday.
Uraad Bpplda. Juae 3.—WbesS tLOO.
ssya; ••DarlBFmybroUer'a 1
fa to kaadB. he raya k to Baclena ae
thee celebretloh for the 3Srd arc mah-
K «rAT»a.
ItliBOwdcBnliely settled that Sprliic. Meld will be Ue place of r. nd- avou. f..r
I tfae two rcfflraents which a ll! l« callfd
I Jor by lb* tlBlled Siatcswh.mhia.cona
I Ball Is flaally mad*. Th> two regiments
will be tfacoolured redment < f <'liica*o
.•ad that orcanUed by Rei-rcsematlve
^mca a. campbeu. .of HrUeai.shora.
Campftoton. lalaad Imkr. Hith.. June
] M*-4ovenior Pto*ree has Issued an ufftL Btal cIrcBlar tn which be saya that be
I'mas received bo official notice of a sec.
vnlunleera and that at
It la 'iiDioastbl* toteQ wbal will
____ red of HtcbtoBB aad wfactfacr It
d fas required to furalU a qnoia of
Midry. arOitefr «r cavatry." Vatu
_________ ^
The Hanlstoe New* staua that Man! Sion*
affer KitmwBd has ordared Us :sM
Btlon. Tbe people wete dp
c holiday attire, and bualneas wk* •an-j ball team to report at MaBtetac. Ju'ae
Inr rfcat stridfh toward* a rrnad eaerally
lo pertnlt llth.
lerks and wui
the da*>B
ly oenraioBf at r>wtly I clef’
M. Be&itott wUI more bit Jeweliy
» are beln* airaand for I *'*‘*''*'‘''*- The opmink ceremony eontea* to the peatolBue VnUdlaff.
ehair* tbe a
6f Fishing Tackle
Mr. and lira. TUry D. Behoof Kalsaka were to tb* city to attoad Ue
Hlsa ElaabeU Benaett of lay City
in the city, at
and Mias Harriet Wiley ef Chlcaffa are
tbe racau of Mim Blomom Jarvla
Mr. aad Mra. Wm. DeWlm of Fernarood are entertatolng their daughter
Mra. W. C. Sehorfer aad ehildraa of
Mra.-George AlUsan aad baby mod
Mra J O. Wehator arriaed from Chlcago yraterday aad want to Oa
where Ury arill epead the *Bmmcr
Mr. aad Mra John Atodfaam of 8ottoas Bay came to tbe city to wltacaa
Ue esareiae* of U« giadoatlag eias*.
Hardware. 146 Front St
We do not
belong to the combination
of which Ualr aoa Boy to a mnmb*
I was aanooaly affiiewd wiU aot^_
tor aaearal yeara aad tost faU bad a
mora seeare eoiuU Uaa oaw hefewe.
1 faaeo naed naaay temadtoa artUoat rPoeialag maeh relief, aad hei^ reoemmsadod to try b bottle af Chaaibortoto'*
OaagfaBma^y>:h>afrteBd,wfaD. kaow-
fytog reaalla Tho Ikat botCto raltovcd
mo very mU aad tfah siemid kotU*
kad.aagDofTimaltfa tor tweaty yeara.
ItongaotfaHy. Mia. Mary A. Board.
5igw>. Ark. Mhg a B. Wnto
beat CfaitMgo beef killed tt boifae.
t w»p prioee. We hcr« •
•ad ckofunubyog^he
Bingham Bros., Fmt Strd.
213 FW St
Baltimara Stock Bocoiaad Three Timm a
FiMctoi't Opnr topn-ifa hamiii
■ -TBM moxnnQ Mwogp.
W. BmumU C W. A^tHh riuk IMrk,
W. L. Bmra. W. O. Bitor,
te Um hlatory
WuUnctoD count?
«M (oin^tt«4 TuMdk? ««-«DlBC. UirM
nlln cut pf thU cll?. b? n nun turned
Mteholu Bcacr, who abot Adolph Gar.
Wa Ave U»M. Both an irldaMt of
MUataukra. The? boib arrlccd hen on
«ba I p. lA. train and hired a livery
•ton vlth the Intention or loofclac up
anew property ntu >l»ly HIU. which
Bauer told Garvan would be aultahle
'tor a hotel and aaloon.
While on their war. on nachins a
toad w hich la hid by a etretr^ of woodaaa both uidea. Bauer, kaowlac that
Oart-an had n.lU In hii poaaeaalon.
took out a nvolver and deliberately
ahot hta companion five Uraee. after
which be took hie meoey and carried
the auppoeed dead man Into the woodi
and came to tbia oily, when be encased
a.room at the Centrfl hotel. In the
■ManUme Garvan had regained con.
MMuaaeaa. and with what little ■' rencth
- ha bad left aucceeded In reacblns the
tannbouae of WlUiam Rchauer. nearby,
when he rave an account of the ah<Mtlar and a deecriinion and the name ot
» money on him i
a ndlbinr of the c
fmdat, JtmB
Ko. Om <l)of aaid <Aty. aa bwMotora
«U. to be n2i
*^»»»* 'kuhdraA AoUan,
taad lor tba parpoao of
You ewamiUM wmM
.. ----------------____________,_______.
^ the aapaaae ^ workLir apifaatwhaa tbeeklotef tbePIredepart-loe. iBprorlar. tapalttaf Ue alr««ta.
AUocheya at Law.
» it aeeeaaary be aball be i aad otW ezpoBaee ia aiM atreet die}-to. aaiplcy oee arare maa at I Met lor the a^ earreat Anal year
oBeM B Meeiacee Meek. TBveene Otty. Ml
parlmeat on Can atnel. at a! 8e«. I —Thla ordlnaaoe aball t
aaUry aot U exceed forfy dollan (»40); lamedlaU rffeel
•rta. Jan f^«arty. C. C Baa.
Ulteoa, B O. Kobv O. J. Taahar.
rnak Daaa. Baaiy Yeakee-, Ckaa.
Haat. J H HnrMa. W. D HolUater.
irUNelaaa, 8. Adaler, J. Kilmer. J.
. ZimiaerBae Joaeph Perraa. F’raak
McAlUer. A. B. W)la<m. C. D. KaaK. B.(Gnea.
KnbiU. Daa
Boward, Wk C A. BaaaaTt
Craae. Cbaa D Pinau.
ade. P A. Wrirht, C R. Coopw .. See.
Oee W. Coleataa. Will Neaated. wm
W Boldewenb'.
lb'. J. D Book,
Book. John
well. Beary
T. E. Uhym®T
iry WUklaa. r.
•Tei neenn .....................................
IVank UelB. lean Dunn. J.
Bonioe. L- Soule. W. T^aela. A
K -eanlde J H Kllaea. GbarVy Hall
Bored by Aldermaa Oarriaea* that t' e
peiitioa be rccieed BBd piaocd oa Ale.
Motioa carried.
Traeeree City. Bleh.. May *7. lB8s. ,
cnnArmed by the Couaell. Toar eomBltW woold aleo aarreet that at leant
I a portloa of the moetee of lb* eoatiereot fund Bay V expended far park
BeapectfuHr aobmltted.
A B Cook.
Rci-axK Uootmica.
W. J Paaaaa.
Committee oa Wire and Meana
Moved by Alderman GreiUck that
the report of tl
t be acepted and adopted.
To the HowwitlJe tv Bayt'C and < Uy
Motioe carried by yea and aay vole
Council <if tv City e.f TVotw City.
Teu—Alderwan Packer. GoedrlCh.
Qkjrrutitk*—The Boeid of Bduealioa Qrellick Deeiyaad BaellBaotel. Ur-
Ev«r Burned 0«t?
‘ cll of the City of Traeeree City on Ibe
i t(hb day el May' IMi.
W. W. Surm
A. W. RicxEBD.
City Clerk.
O. P. CA&TSK. Ag«M
G'iiS ; KS2SST dSTJi
Moved by Ald«-a>an (toodrleh that
Iheordiaaoce V adopted and p«e.e0. IC-Meteenllk Co. Beet.______________________
TreverM ettr. Mleh
Yeaa.~Alderio»a Parker. Goodneb.
Uiwilivh. Ileamoad. Boelimaotcl. Lardi*. aad Oarriaoo.
Sara, aeae.
Moved by Alderman Uarriaon that
tbe Chief of the Fire Deparlmeet V iaatrucled lo ie^ilriti
advieability of
of pnrehaaiDK
parehaaioc one
one or two boraee
I with the eVmipAl enflne \ad
at next r^alar meetlsK.
Mouoa carried.
Moved by Alderman Urelliek that /"IHAB G 1TB\'ER.*n<in*rat Lew. .
the City Clerk be antborixod to employ O UtaeAHlUlkm Block.Travwwt'ltl
aaBiaUBoe to eoaplele tbe tax rolle
Motion earried by yea aad aay vole
d walka. to e
:« follows
■ pdtiUea for cradlBA aad
of Travtree C ly hereby propeeea to
Mil .to the City of Traeerae City The
Beet State atraet aebor>) boildlar and
rronnda. lacludlnir ! leta Mxl64 fvt
each tar the lum of fruo uo.
We woold like to have von decide
tbie BMtcr at oov. for we hate an op•ell thla propeeiT la the
8wedi«h S
AmeHea at the same
John R. Santtg
GeHiil hsiraiM.
Dr. Higgins,
I from Pnent atreet
d that tha peU^a V '
I rnBAIWR) m'RXt—Wlw kawll* BoI
: Noe.fal
by Alderman Goodrich that • .rtw
W.W Smith.
w -. rauKan
A. W. Eickxi
I the City Clerk be heresy re^jnired tola ttk'e
t^ U GamucK
Aldermen aiphabetl-1 '
MUwaitkee, June t—In the surdtior
Moved by Aldermen Goodrich that
^ *^°CoMlttee
il future roll calU
oeurt yeeierday union lebor received a
in tbatorder.
Moved br Alderman Oarrlaon that Ue
hard blow from Judee t^ulherland. in the propoeltion V, rejected.
Bouoa earned.
of tbe committee be accepted and
the cane of Erdican Schalta ajmlnet the
AolidoUr. tor esUaeUott of teeth
Traverae Citv. Hay IS. ISWe
ad -pled.
T OST—a parkas-. O- Prmu -irwt. r
Behlltz Brewlnr company, rnmtlnr e
riad. Council adjourned
, wlUoui pain need. Imieal aad mnet
Xj lee nrear>-'»iomi <eia*ia K-ti
Iht Mapor and CUp
tarried by .fep aad nay veto
temporarr Injunction to reeiraln the 7b tv
Ux'oapnflfe. *P-?i
■torv.' nr,
ceenpasy fpim Interterlnr with Scbuia
Aldermea I
In the employment of non-union labor
Greillek. Lleamond. I
In the execution of a balldlnr (yntract.
-The Board of l^igca- di* aad Oarriaon.
Traeerae Oily Market.
The court holde Umi a apcelAcanun In a fan of vaid city hereby preeenu to yon
CMtract rruulrmr the contractor le uae iUatmnal report, embodyiar Ue aetiBelow is a llat of the beyiny aad aell
Ohb- union labor li volA
maie of the amonnla
lay pHeee of yeeierday
y for yrc
proTliioBa aad farm prMueu to
iney ebaryed eraeCity:
nubile Kbo^U
»ke aeveral d<acrlplleoa of propsupport of t
acujae paicx•chooU ofi^d
of aaid
Sevrer IHatriet 1
wll pan or *111 iraUr for lh.i«o<-d *,
Clear Pork per bbl. a
- a H. Bro*ii.:it rroal urew
OearPvk perM...
..,** lajaln:
Short Cat Pork.............
*Of the City OenacU of the pity of Trav.
: I Short Cat Pork
Pa>vba-> of took*. eppereiA* ead
forth in tbe aaaemBeat roll be
H-Bie-wiIIb* IT- I
erne City.
«oo. fur hulldlnrl
.u- and ap*cJer-a |
Adjourned reiruUr taeeUnp of tha
nvButbrRv... .. .. .
,..T.. . -lAur ojIoo May s
.Idrurv uf « W. I
^ ^aell held la Connell ream May BMke tot llbratT
•• ♦ I
“v^imiderme. Parkar.
J&l B. J. Morgan,.
ESSr.r«-,j._ liiiEiru.;
On M. ft V. B. B. IL
•' *
HmUbc waa called to order by W.
W. !>BiU. Mayor.
eProyent—Aldermen Parker. Goodrich.
OreOldk. Deamond. UneUatanul. Urdte. and Oarriaon aad W. W. SmiU.
Total ...7..
raiieieird aa
eoafirmed (
^I Sin.?*.;:::
• of yonr honorable body t
irAMXM' ii> Socim- or
Mored by Ald«rm D Lardic that U
Botitloo be yraated.
MeUnn earried.
Traverae City. Mieb.. May U
Yb IV ff-nurroMr. tV Mttvu'r and CUy
CouneW uf CV CUV *tf Traoertt CUp,
ts-Be U
I »■
’ •;
^■ABtWk- BouxR
........ — •
Clerk of ■^td of Bdneativ.
report and ealimatc t. _____________
Uucaiioabc received aad plhev^
W. J. Pakkbr
Commiltae on Ways aad Men
B Lardle that
r dollars.
Butter, per lb
Em. per doze
• «•■ Valtaa i.
M. A M. B. M. A. finamor AxeureieM.
<OR eALX-murl
X-eiurk o( ro
W. Brek. WC
City to Maoiste* on Snndsv,
May rsnd, and every other I
A. HPaJN.-tocloClBxbstllMmMaaaais
thereafter. Trains leave Trave
Cosialuall •bunt aimikk, aari,-*, tan* ,___
Return ing tralut leave vanhipkutboih BsiMasaaS axrapSk Marref
- _
Manistee at 5:40 p. ra. Osual low rutee. Ik* XTval rirlo*7 of tw xallaat
Round trip fare not more th»* fi.oo for
!laaow Jamn
klu Vouax. the lBL*rp 4 leader
for Cuba
f IB the halls of (Varim
war book pablhib«e: am taw
*UlOI*<l BS|
cut book, klsb*«i
H. W. Crsx^oiisu. Agent.
oeir ai.a. Xarh
A ■
The M.AN. E tram, luv^g^
Horse Hotel.
tfioMpon.8xnT<»i 1—That to defray
expeadUnrea and liabilii
... ___________
year beginolnr May
fnd lift» aad ending May 1st Ism.
than be raised
by Uxatiou
the real aad peraoam property
in aaid city snbjeel to taxatloa the
• M t* l»
OldlfluMuti for kS-^Wm S* ssb
... 'o virhaai
.r*r** fUr ....
r*** amr «tia* aa t *o<bi
0««wr B*dd*b. Calluu
U oe «r addivM P. P. B*dIK. TVBwrwr Cliy.
LiTcr}, Sale iid Feed Bata.
dare rredll: fi-trhl paid: oalSl tre*. Vm*
lutmarriTattvs---------------- If. <Msi Bap
udar Addr—a-Tbr Xaitoaal Book Ooweru.
Drpa ■&. Bd UFarbom airvci, Cbleaeo. XiaM . -. aad Pewahey a-. 1 ma a. m.
bund^Tw} doimn.^'*^'“^
! r "e"'
the I
tweaty-five doUata.
aekama. ~
Cemetery Sexton, five hundred do)-,
A 0«r Lmwber To, X
See 3.—All aalvive shall V paid le I
ewnthly iastaUmenta oa approval of J
Bop at
I evening.
See 3.-TbM ordlnaaoe aball taka j ■ .
iU. «wrCo_*«tl^
We do hereby certify that the foregoiay ordlnaaoe waa passed by the
CeuBcil of the City of Traverae City on
the 80th day of Mar. 1«9li
W W. Smi
A. W. RicaXRli.
I. City Clet
li linid Kiplds t iDdiiH LI
and adapted.
Motion carried by yea aad any vote
Moved by Aldermaa Oeedrleh. that
as follows:
I* erdinaace be adopted and paeaed.'
Parkv. Ooedrieh
Motion carriad by yea aad Bay vets
Oreiliek. Deamomd. HneUmaaUl. La
aa followt:
die. and Garriaoa.
Yeaa—Aldermea Parker. O^idrich.
NayS. aona.
Greillek. Deemoad. Hdellmaatel. l.aiPirst-clasa Riga EverTthing i
Tiaven* City. May so, ISM.
di* sad QarrisoB.
and aeav Rates aa reaaoaablv as
flrav-claas bare in the city
CiKiirLKiiKR:—Yonr cam
Ways and Means would i apeetfnlly
it the following report at an catituiB Kr~l i-r>
all the exDeadllorea that will
Wm. Acker. I
, Ta
I- required to be iliade made from the
topp. Frank K. Adenau,
I. C. A. Dsmerec. ,
of the
Yenisb. Wm. Beil
•. M. Ryai
Moved hr Alderi
Garrison tbi
street district No. 1. of the eity during
the petition V
be nfei
nferred le tha eommi
the currrnt fiscal year iaelndl^ lalertee en dtreeta and ttidewalka
est and debt to fall dne. Improvement
_ Metioe carried. and repair ef atrerU. bridgea. aideIto IV HoiiorobK. Die M<ivor and CHk walka support of fire aad police deCourH' of UitCilpof TratMTsc City. partmenu. paymanl of aalariaa. eenjriehkwn
streetioa of aewera. care of the poor,
GkrTTJCMXXt—Wa aha uadenlgaed, payment of current expeuaaa, and
reeideau and Uxpayen of the city, do water and light sn»ly. and support of
eBMeaUy object to tbe paasage of tba tbe public ackools ter one year v!
dcdlaanea- relAtive to herdlag cattle
Fire deeertmvnt—Fir* tboueai
■wUhla the city limiU aad aak tbi'
oac hundred and sixty dallaiu (
Centlnreat fund—Sizlaea hi________
dellars (fiooo).
A great ma» of oui eitiseu ■
Water—Six Ihousaad dallarm. (finooo).
poerpeopldancTMMpaoL ...--------------aeU milk to obtain tb< ir living, and if it (85Sf»).
were not for the fvt that they ooald
Interest aad SiablBg fund—Twe
kava tbelr oawt herdhd on the plalas tbenmad dollaiu, (WOOO).
aad aaoeeapled lands in summer, they
Light—Two thaoiAad aad eight baamould be put to au unusnai aad ex;ra- dred dollars, ifismO).
ordiaary expense.
I'ev fuud-TUrtam hoadfod doliBonroplatou it is batur that tha Urt. (filSOO).
gnesoB iKe eommoms sh-iuld be fed
Balariae—Two tkonmad aad five kuadomathaatoaUowlttogrow uil and dred aad fifty dollaia. (fiSdSOi. .
Librvy—Two huadrud aad fif^ delWe hope yoa will give tbU matter lare. (8<M).
gov aariy oeoelderBtton aad aet eaWU
A» uaaiweiry expeaM npaa a large
peelUB of ov aroetby taxpaying peoSehotie-Tmaaty-ArM tboaeaiid aad
mhudrad asd eevaaiy-five daUaia.
warn. John Barry. Joka J. Broaiaa. R.
Meved bv Aldan^''Uoellaia;
• 'line
- th»t the teeelutlon be ado^
M follows:
Yeaa—Aidarmea Parker, UeodHek,
Motion carried.
Greillek. Deemoad. luellmaatel. L«rTraenee City. Mieb . May SO. im. dle aad Garritoa.
7V> tv MoRorahle, jIV Mapor <md CUp
Naya. aoae.
Council or (V CUp oj Traeerae CUp.
Aa ordlnaace fixlay the aalarica of
eertaia City oSeen for the fikcaJ year
Gkictlxmrx—Toor ce^aitvoe Wa;
aya eodiag Hay 1st. ISM.
Be It ordalaed by tba Conacll of
waa referred
referrec the
tba Cllv of Travarse City:
ading tbe ealarice
Sacnoif l —That each city officer
fer the cuneol fiihereinafter named shall receive kach |
cal rear, aubmit i
annual salary, aa beretnafter sUied.
City Uerk—One U>
auk vaiary to termlaate with tbe enrllltOO).
flaeal year of the city, aad each of
City Trcaanrer—Sev« I bnudred tweaaaid aalariea is hareby fixed and dety ddtlam. ilTsoi.
City Atteraey—Two baadred aad tarmiaed as follows:
forty dollantSJtO).
_______ .
Chief of Polloe-Oaa thooaaad. doltwenty deHart.
lam. lAlooo).
City Atlomcy. two huadred forty
.Niyhlwoichman—Bach Six huadred
doiiara iSooii.
Chief ef Peliee. one tbomaad dollan
' AaaUlaolCl
* •nUiaol Chief at Fire Departmeat—
Night watchi
I. leaebl six baadred ,
Fif'y dollan.
. . (8501.
Drirer of fire drparUBent
m—riva dollan
Aselaunt Chief of Fire Dei
adred forty dollan. (8S4«
aueebed, belay votera and laxpayare
aaddrvellarain.tbe poutheaM portion
of the Villaye of Traverae Cilv and
aloag tbe tine of Woodmere avanue.
II tbe Mbeel ehildrea le
tteadthe Beardmae av-'
id aunt ef aeoeaaity trav
el from the terainu at tbe aldewalh at
ioKlorer of Fire Depart
Heanah avenue op to Eighth Street
Bdred forty dbllaiu, (8S40).
.^^ther in the wayon road or Oa the
Director of the Foor-Oae baadred
track of the O B A I, railroad.I which tweaty five dollars. (filfSi.
awkea U bad traVeliag. aleo varV daahaadfwd
Sextos of Cemew^-Flve
gerona: aad
\_,_- dollan. (fsoA),Cemetery
Whereaa. The travel' oa eaU Wood^
Additional man at fire departmaat
mere avenne for wagoai aad oarriagee foriv dollan per mMth for lime ocen. b rendered IspreeUeablr the greater
nertioa of the way on aocooDt of it box
Wag opened up aorgraded. Sew
Tberefnce. We do Beet eamcally pray
aad petition the naeet keaonble Board
f Aldirl
up and apfficiently grade aad gravel
Weodmere avenue aa to make it prac
ticable to drive upon, from D.
Wrlfht'a property
iheoM U
Eighth atreet north along
eof U. B
A 1 railroad, alko prepare
e grade aeSl
Cleat te lay kidewa.k aad .
log of aame. tncnunect with that al
ready bulk OB the aaid Woodmere avenne and that tbe work be commenced
and completed a) earileat dau paaaiblf.
' Namr-kOf peftioDerk:
D E Wriybt. Joaepb Boon. Frank H
Lea. M h Wright. Charlea Ueva. Hen
ry Bova. Frank Wilvan. I^vi Ackar. E.
Clyde, L. Clyde, K S.-Clyde, A C. Ryan.
Ryan, bage
re Ityan.
M - "
AII bagegp. bm and back «oik
ro.d sbouw be wt with
Office 239 Stat* atredt. tele** t2*i i phone
All orders leCt with me
if 1 »»•> receive prompt atteatipn.
A TrarerwCUxbaatwrCew
Cbeeae per M ..........
Oatv per bo (old). .
Corn per bo.. Old .
Salt [OT bbl...............
***?S'eeraa CSty. Mick.. May to,
To IV Bonn
Council 0/
............ An.
paiVtoaeid '
ore July lot, »»»*. '
Bro(U4ail flsehMYsky.
<rUllr*«e lor
laib aad ahl
air Lumber
■rCo. ISS-lf
Kolk* t» berebr rirrn kkleaalet profioaala ^*.^J°*** '• “
„ ...5S»5£i'
CouBiy Clerk, uill me 1
aa Court nouae a^oape to
iheroDBlr. ko*
tberli* of Trar
•Ciir.iiraod Tvatwee GoubM.llleblraB. a
Uose '
rbl e«
> idaea auAap*riS*aiu>'-e are on
W. A KeviuB.
ife-ioB, Court---------- -k B>da
Ida Bual breea
... kli for BuUdtoe Court Hl_
•mad m U ai A Kr-too. Couolr I
r oo . Ulrb Uwk bill Buat be
*tlfc a lamd to tbe euB of tmAQ
Bicycle Riders.
X«aB Prurrea
ise Bslldlac Com
sssixst!.'; i:
collected In
eeaformity to Uw for the obJeeU aad
Remember that I do all kinds of re
To trhea t Har Cecr»r*-Ad
pnrpoeea hereinafter eaumeimted aad pairing aad eaamellBg. aad that I can vlte. havtox leR |u
l*be*?te tote
in tha Mveral fueda aad amonnu as aad do give you the beet wvk of aay
one in tbe dty few tba mooey.
Ooatiageat Fuad, aixteu hundred be deoeived by what others taU you to
the ooewaiy, bat oome aad see for
Fire Departmaat Fund, five
I guaraatea all aiy work to V right,
eae hundred sixty dbUi
Water Fund, aix Umh
a^ if It does aet prove so I make it
Feliv Fond, two thouaai
^tep in till 8 o'elvk ewirv evaniag,
hundred dellara
Light Fuud. twothouMBdelrhthBa- except Sunday, in the CbldweU A Lou
don boUdiag, at anrth end of Oaiom
dred dolian.
•and dellara
Poor Fuad, thirtaaa huadred daUan.
Salaries Fund, two thoMsad five
huadred fifty dollan.
^brvy Fuad, two huadred fifty dol-
......... " .....
TiiE mm,
Prla tlag Pmd. two bnadrad fifty dal-
*Pwrk Fuad, five hnpdrvd doll
Soboel Fuad.
on* huadred savaaiy-ive dollara
Bee. I.—There ebaU alee be nmei
levied aad eeUeetedaeeavdiagtelaw.a
tax of five (5) rnOMem theddlaromaU
la Bte^ dlrtriet Ka 1, a levy of five thcreml estate and hetaemal property
mUle om the ddUpr. maklag ahemt tan Bubjeet te taxatlem h BMW Dtekrtet
with Bfirl. IkB JfiWBlfir.
HasHngs’ Real Estate Agency.
its Is'aVvvato Imoaly •IJIA
' C
.American Fleets Besumed Bombardment of
Forts at Santiago Yesterday, Joined ^
by,Battleshlp Oregon.
cm, wceufbiday, Junes, isse.
BtasTH eSASi sxsBcniBi
Co. ■, 34tk 8o{.. Mich, tolocteers (Haiiah Clfbif
ilnast TicUail a Death to be aa the Mara, c
WMUmrtM, Japa l.—Tkraa aara
Mea at aariooi ItlBaa hava AatalapaA
iB eunp. Baj Babeota, coasaapUaB.
Tba a<rkU praAo papOa aaab^tsf
irf StartlBK. lUiada; lUebarA Eall7 and rar US srill bold
fTadaoUac axAlWt Craaa. id tbaSixU.IUiaoia weiv arelaaaat 9 a'cloek tSIa aoraiac la
: aaat to Fort Myen aaflariar (roa ty tba aaaaably rooa at tba Ceaual
baildlBf aaAwiU raeaiva the eertift.
eataa aattUlaf Uwa to boeoao foU■ama. Jaaa <.-Tba aaaaor flatad aambaa of tba Hirh aoboal.
' Oar patraaa kava baaa oa tba «ova ao «acb latdy lhab
they have kept at OB the BMva to keep aaowk WallP^iia'
tbaai. Wa an tieklad to death to etala that wa teva aaM.
Bcra aew pooda aad that tba prioaa an
aa low ab tb^ ab^
ways bava beea.
A wAen froa Taapa ta atop
taradaa tollowa:
290 Proat Street
HoUey ft OoimsMe
Cboraa. ■■Awaha. aaraka ^ flowara
OoBoert BadtaUoa. “Jaaa” — Bavaa
pnoB aad private. Aay i
Kaadla*. -On Doiac WitbBat’->CIara
iBf aratobaaaxalad.
Baaay. ••Babher^-FlvA Baaak.
Of b'lving a new wheel this jeer—Let oa abo* yon ■
oovfiiAasATiov or dtoia.
Maaio—Aaateaad Lacy 8ta^.
tfaing that is ri^bt in workmanship, etyfe and prioe. nia 1
•adtattoa. ‘Tialaiar a Baakai
Vb« ITbtch Laataf 84 Boon aad Oc- UU Skialda.
’ Hanning Wheel oi the year, *t
■ of •30,000.000.
Bnay. "Tarrilorial Orowtb at Uallod |
MtNyiej'u) The Morelsc Kecord.
hUa.--Raaa Oolby.
Boabay. Jaaa i.—A coaflacraUaa
B Stoat.
th* Sf^- Peabiwar. wbkbwaaaotMatered for|>«‘»«'
Cboraa, "Bavel of tba LMvaa"—
twesty-toar boora. baa
Naw York. Jim
A WoriA'i Port
Aa.PrtBM BslU Oopjrirktad OsUewTs | gy, A««r(eM aklps Itj oft Suttaco booaea. doiag dataafa to the
Baeltatiaa. "Briar Bwa" Floy—
abtnt fear aoiWaa of rapaea. (abool | Bala^
that adrieaa tram Saatiaco naalvad barber aod tea w ■a cirollBf aroaad.
y. "Naval Beroea"—Jiaaaiie BarSUiOW.ouo) Tbia b aapp«aad to be ! giaek.'
'bora aay tba Aeaarieaa fleet r
fire of India.
j EaeittUon. "Tbe
ary Uptba atla^ oa tba forte at the eatfanca
tbal the rebelt froq the (Ucuaao Como< tba bay tbb
VHBBI THE TSACHBB8 00. I Flower drill
Abont bot weather coraeta—the chill in the air vooU
\ Iben are S.ooe rabelt withlo three paby bava attacked tbe city la three!
' Beprodaetl>c>. "Ulla'--Btbal Pope. ,
0 discount all we said—but now by pemusaioQ of the tbavmeoiA^^aa of Saatiayo aad tbe towa b la a i ootawaa. atartlar from Ckwinoraal. I Wi.re« for Bosuaar Basreattaa
Koritation. "JlBaiy Browa'a flbtar'a
A ter we call yoar attention to oar
Boraa aad Abroad.
•paate: expacUar a aaoweatary attack ;«« Aataaio aad Cbai. aad a bloody aad
' WoMmfikTAibart Beaaa.
dataraiiBad flfbt b celay on.
Tbf taaebara have aaarly eoapl)
doer—Baaa cboraa.
by laad aa wall aa by aea.
tbelr irork far the aehool .vear. aad by
Bacitotba. "Cbptaia Jpaaaty"—
MdN mlaw have baaa laid la tba ehaaOa board Ue diapateb beat Dmatfor] Carrie Earle.
«al by tba dpaniarda.
Others^t 50c and 11.00^ extra fine.
The battle‘Ibe-bambardiaeBl Taaaday did rreat
pleaasBtjilaBs have W«b fermad. aad
Reliable Dry Gooda, .Carpet
; ihip Oreroa Jriaad tbe fleet tbb nmSosy. "Tte Beady Oar b Beadiar-’'!
a will prvTs to be aae of w
.AaBafv >a the tows aroaad tbe Alaaaand Clothing Honse.
iac. flabblacUa Mat raiaarkabla I aad profit as well aan
daaadla Uiebaalaao aad St.‘noi
Sapt. C. T.yUrawB and fatally will
It b reported that Oeaaral
dleUaee craloa la Ua bbtory of
d to oat tbe eable be- aiodaro irooelada Her raeepUea by vbil aootbera Uicbicaa im U>aa to Ukr i'
la eoauaeneciscai week at the Normal
tweaa Havana aad Kay Weal'
»onhy of bar aebiavaWill buy a fine Niagara, Roanoke or
Prof. C. D. Bora and family will go to
jment. Caaiofalany at^fifleea-koet tbelr alwamaWr. Oliret. toroowmeaca-----------Putnam Bicycle. Elegant new live
! -’Tbe BritUh fani-; apead. abe swept in a majaatlc saaii- mant. ratarslny is lim«''|^.«fiakle Ur. !
just received•er ladatetlyoable ratorned from BM’ i elrtsle ihroayb tbe fleet
a point op- Horn to yo to TawaaCity to coadaet a
119 Front Street.
ay. Proa the bridya tba pnlte tbe flacahip. tba aolU ranks of Taaebera' Innituta bafora a^^l bayina
ited aavantaan abipa in whito-clad. chaerlny mllwa waanlny
Prefwia'w aad Mrs. U A. Cobb will
TfaU is aapposed to In-1 Ue aidee of each vassal aa aba passed.
leave tomorrow for Uair home near
Ado Arbar.
Miao Mary MeUnyblin wUl apead
Ue aammer at Martin.
----------i Thirty-FoarU KiohlcaB„Vew Kaa
Mias Bslaa A. Kbrion wtU ya to
lu Poll aaota.
Ana Arbor.
i Camp Batoa. lalaad Uka. Jana 2.Mbs Harriet Bonldln wUl eoatinac
her Oermaa at Ua sammar school at
B mao aalbiad and ware
VnUVot Ebk Pra
‘ I Wrad in Uia b rainy, aowpletlny tbe Wcllaaley. Masa
Mho Lilliaa Dftwainy wUI ya
a Traopn in Oobnn
qaola Of tbe Thlrty-foarU raciment, Eomolas after attaadiny a raaaioa of
VabaraUnUl It in Esc
which iaavea for RaUa Cbareb Bonday. tbe dam af VT at tba Normal, of which
TJant Eoaa of •pnln'a Powafol
Funoos Xonareh Shirt in all colon and stylos, I
waa nraaideav
na^b At Lnrya
^ asnal prioe |1 to $1.00, removal aale prioeo 860.
Mba Bephemia Jiekllny wUl vbit
Hospital Ahlp Bant VorU.
npiHftl W Tn Homnav Kacoan
er borne la Fllnt•
Elkhart iancy Shirt, oanal price 76? to $L00, ' ,
Taoipa. Jana S.—It can ba auted
Ubs Lacy Sereranea wiU yo to hw
• now 48o to 69c.
I ' ia
Key Weak Jane I.—The boopitbl beau at Walled Lake.
-poaltivaly that na troopa have baaa
Oraah Hata IBc.
*bip SoUoe sailed for Haw Tork Inst
Ubi EtizabaU Blayham wUl apand
rad at tbia paint, and
Men's fine Worsted Panto, Olay weave TBe.
b reealvad tnm •lybt. bavlny oa board Be sick aad part of Ua sammar In Cbicaya.
■be Florence Warner wiU ya to
ndadaaUovasadthamarinaa from
Boy's and man's elegeat Caps 19c.
and 8ehla;^/Bo
Another line of men^ endJt>oy'S 6O0 Chqhe now 86e. !
^tibvamant of traons frnai bare
Uba BatU Frail axpaab to visit at
The frame store baildiag ?
The paUcsta wUl do batUr la a eoal- Postlae part af Ua
Goode ere going out wiuTa niah. Oomo and got j
'^Alraetlon of Cabs te axpoctad.
ar climate, and Ua Key Wmt baapllal
Mba Edith OIbba wiU remain at bar known as 120.E. FVont St., 2 a ohoioe beifore all la taken. Tbapawarfal float of . Admiral 4
borne in Traveree City, aa wUl aba the
ibQkaly te'banapdad as a
vara b atUI monk of a faoUw, and It b
show oaeo and ealh tot eels.
EdiU Hemara. Lola
•UUd tbwa b ao Utantlan on Ue part I farwaid mevamani kayin. kUdak. EataUe Behna
will be sold very cheap..
of tba anthacitlM ta as
Oartrnda Hlyyina.
Mbs Almd Cook will vbit at
If parties fishing to buy
aad Hanover.
lay n bly flaat of ptaoUeally annr
Mba ChrbUna Faton will divids bar see me at once.
HawaU Hnwinc Fursmbad Oaal fbr
nnd Ueratora naa-'ly balplaaa tt
time between New LoadM and AlmonL
tbo Oharisotoa Host Vow ba Prwporu into Caban waUn.
.Mbs Mary E. Cryalar wUl apend Ua
taeted by Ua Haitad Btntaa.
Tbe work of payiny off troapa at
vaeaUoo at bar borne at YpaUaati.
Urn Hbaaa Jannb and BdIU Hard
Tampa oommaaced today- Over tSOO,I. Jana t.-Naval oHci^, ■Ul remain at Trevana City abo, vblt<»o wUl ba diitribaiad la aazt two ar
ealcaUta that lUwati b aa ally «f isy Ua Aasembly at Bay View.
tbrea days by ,Uo elybt paymaatara
tba United Sutna. Oatr yovaramaat b
Mlm Edith Basaatt will yo to Navi.
forlUprotoetien.' After ukby U Ua Normal comIba United Btatea enibar Cknrleoton meneameat Mba WUaey wUlAO to bar
borne at Milford.
probably arrived at Honalala laat SatMba Ida Coven wUlyo U YpaUnnU
orday aad took aboard a fall coal sop- nnd Mba Lillian LaSella to PortlnnA
Smorgaaoy SOI ApprapriaUay fllO,ply. aad b now m kar avay tor the' Mbs Bffle Lamb wUl vbit at Uaaaln.
000.000 Paaosd by Ua Heosa
Taatarday Aftamoon.
Mbs Aaynato Adams will apend Ua
Coal was aecumalaUd at Benelola by anmmor at Oakwood.
. WpadalMTaiMoanavaacoas
Waskinyton. Jane 2.—Thv oryent t aitadSUtaaCoBaal Oaneral Haywood,
Mba Jeaaie Camp wUl riait
dafldeney bill, which was passed by ^ aod allowlmy Ua Cbarteatsa ta taka alny and YpailanU.
MbaFaaaia Taylor wUl apand bnr
We have placed on sale today the choiM of all
Ua boose UbaftameoB Inoorparatea ‘ a aopply tram HawaU boa east away all
leatlon at her borne In Chleaya
our uew spring stock of ladies fine baud turned.and
Us more aryent war eatimalca aui
> naatraUty. Mor
Mba Ayaaa Batea wUl divide bar
Welt Shoes, black and colored, all «izes and widths,
tad Ua boose ysatnrday by Been
Aba effanaa ayainat naatraUty b to be. time between Gaylord aad Qreyliay. ~
rew toes, new lasts, fresh new goods this spring—.
Alyer. also an emaryancy appro
repealed, lor it U axpactod that today
I have just arrived From Chica
Mint NaUb Nebon wiU vbit
Every pair worth $3.00 to |4.00. The price while'
ties for 919,000.000 tar.tbe navy,
Ua adraace'lnard of tranaporta a
go with a new lot of Bicyela and
Mba Jaaala BtUea wUl apand Ua am
they last daring Uiis sale $2.46.
-contlnyent e^nsm of Ua axBfadlUaa lay troopa u Uanlb are enUriny HenSandriee.
laratOoldwnUrnndMlmHora Swift
Your choice of all men's fiae shoes, hand aad
UUo Pblll^lapa. 1100,000: faraipadl- elnlB barber to rapisnbh thalr coal wUlyotoOroai
New and aeoond band.
machine sewed, Russian cold skin, vied kid. kangaroo,
Aionary lom to Onba. maebixwy. anpply.
T&e cheapest pUoe to get a good
American horse leather, chromo kid and calf, lace
wqu^naenw ate . ysso.OOO; for tba alywheel.
Mba NsUle Filklna was enllad to kv
and congress, new toes, new shapes, all sizes. New
Hove to by a Shot.
Ml aevTlceofihe^rmy. »l»s,000: aabBicycles from 115.00 to t23.00.
home at Mnttboa Inst wwk by lUaaan
spring goods. Eveir pair worth $2.00 to $3.00—
■hlMra dapartarai, $5,000,000; madl- Spe^W *n MoanM Saoeai.
Mbs CBnreCnrrwUl apead Ua vnen Call and see tbe beigains. dnri^tfais sale $1.89.
Kay Weak Jane t.—The Britbb tloa at her heme in Dandee.
New Wbeela and Tandems to
We want to put 300 pairs on tte feet of peo|de
Mba fioby Dmn wUl vbit in aenUnni rent, at
Tbs MU abo carries 1150.000 tor tif tramp abnmar Banyal^ Olaayow was
in this vicinity this week, as an advertisement of
pedo Asfenam of ManiU harbor, and Biyhtod off Florida i«ya. She did Mlehiynn.
Mba Oiwoa Cleveland wUlqiendBOM
hdbt her oolore when alynallad and
our uew stock and to prove the advantage yon gain
far tbe boreao of sappUw and
Ume boU to Oread Bnplda nnd Celdby our special fal^
nncamita. and tl.OOO.OOO far cloUiny waabovetobyaabok
Don't miss this sale and chance to get a fine sty* m4 omU atorea for Ue use of Ua
Knniad lari Viybk
lisb shoe for little money.
MOT- The appropriations to ba availpmi Fumlsbsd a hy Spain.
Last nlybi Mba Bvy Oole aad Jnmaa
Melal m tbe Xeamsa Bnoono.'
avn ware nniud U mnrriafe by Esv.
Kay WaL Jano A-Carwa’a oaal b Dam*a OoebUn. Tba ceremony was
b tUdaparire qnaUUas and parity at
performed at ^ newly prepared h
KayWast,JmM2.-~Tba farernmant boint nnbndad from Ua
Front Btioet.
Ue bride and yrrem, on VaUey
hw pamhnaod the prise stanmor Padre It will bo bid la by Uaitsd SUtM aad
atreet, in Ue pranenee of a tew Uttte two hnnirod thsMril floUm
MS Freat Bt. - H. E. ttre.,. IM.1 W.
Do You ThinL
Sngraged in a Bloody and Betermlned Fight
■with Spaniards While the Warships
Fought the Forts. *
o, 0.
I..- Partham BlocL
i We’ve
I Said Nothing
SoDiiser Corsets at 35c.
For Sale Cheap
!w lioofl mil
For Friday and Saturday.
T. J. HOvST,
Shoe Bale!
acd Sundries.
IIS UdIoi St.. ROilr Worts.
1 Stroae trenmeat
The Boston Store,
mm. T. JUn ASP J. W. BAim.
kddnMM of SMbUBg Tboo^tt ud
LutnieUv* laCmM lAotwid to br
TMt AudlaBM Is tk« (H^ Oporo
■owo-DiplomM PiMMUd m K«7'
•r W. W. OsMtA
4 the program tHtfc «a hAlnaa
^*OnrAbi be the state." nM the vats,
dielory, bat owing to PI sen waa naaMetobepneeatnadhia ontlw Waa|
read by Bdwia Ohapmas.
It was a I
poltobed and aeholariy addma. bring-:
tng ont lornefnUy ths mpaaalbtUtiy of each pnwn to Uagovoramant apd Ue.
allagtaace dna to conntoy. In coaala- \
alon be spoke eloqantly of Ue years of
friandahip aajoynd by Us elan and
pladgad tbair earaast eftorts toward
Ue baet sad kighnt msnhead and
in Ue fatara
Mr..Onwn Uan Introdnoed Ue Hon.
W. W. hmlU. fhstrwisn of (he Board
of Edocstlon. who la a faw giaeefni
Cbeapest atid mori raiu1>U |daoe to get yoar bicyde repaired nod
put in good nuDiDg ortier. Have bxd WTeral yeara ezperieace and
know bow it aboold be dose. Sstixfaction goaraLceed. I am eeUisg
I biopole BuadriM At about coet. Kew asd wecosd hand wheeU for «tto
and to rent. Please give aa a trial.
ELLIS. 811 Front dt,E(Mt.
bM bM Mod to Um dM of
*98 is (irisc U«B two ploMsat dsjt
tbolr Bodostisf onrelMO, ssd
tboy B47 «•!! fMl Usl it te • good
OSes for tb* fstsn.
Lomg tetoro the hmtt sppdstM fofC
Um procrsa to b«rls Ust sight ths Ue Dtanaer la which they bA per
Clt7 Open hsU wm lllod with Istor- formed the dattn of Ueir acheolyeara.
iwd being eean ■noctag Uem Ust Uak pamrersnea
larger than on the prerieos evealng. Ad eudlonsaan iatkepAt woald be
Slandlsg room was at a prenioni sad the keyaeU of their eacoees In Ue fnataay were nnable togata admlaaloa.
QtrooU Oeurt dnrora.
tcra. Be Ura presented the dlplomes.
bfi V«tsl IVt
yret muA \o &o
The stage eeVtlnge were nsehanged, wbkb repraeeaiA the bard sad (alUTbe Jnrere fer Ue Jane term ofUe
Ue oaly dlCerrnee la Ua pretty pio- fal werk.. ef Ue elan in Ueir peat Circait Ceurt Ave Aes drawn u folVR“Tirt
\oo fiooV. &00& tnesttteT \o makt
tore as Ue enrtain roae belag Us new ysAS ef school life.
Omt AMOTW!n,\U comtkekt.
faeea Is Ue front row of seats oo Ue
The last eumberra the program waa
Acme—FrAk Atwood.
platform. Ue speake>a of Ue sight be Ue clam aong. oompoaed by Bin Alloe
Risir—lUrvoT S. Monroe.
fore eccapylng Ue second row, and Ue Crawford, which was one ef Ue pretBut Bay—Walter Fciger.
orators of Ue eveeieg Ailing Ue front tket and most appropriate ever ^ves
Fife Uke—I.«rlD FUndara.
tl-elrele et chain, while the Bigh br a Trav.erM City grAoaliag elaas. '
Garfidd-BoArt lUraey.
echeel Uaehen were seated In Ue
After Ue benAlctlA by Rev. J.
OrAt—FrAk Ury.
rear. ‘
BreAy Ue sadiencc wae dlsrahwA and
iireen Uke—Henry Bqrton.
T^e program wee opened wiU a de- Ue impfompM racepUos Aid
Uag Uke—Joseph Chase. Joseph
VVTti» 0^ "NDAfiVi
vtX\t:b\K lor
llghtfnl song by Us Btgk eehaot cho stage by Ue grAaatea.
rus. nunbering any, followed by sn
>DaVfi\6. SkVrtfi.
C.W\UTtTt'fi >Dba.T, eU. ’PrVttfi
FollewlBg tk tbe list af meaiAre
Hayfield - ArUnr CUrter. Joseph
inroeatioa by Bev. J. B. Bready.
WiU Ue coonn of ttady pareaA
A very pretty mandolin and gnitar Alice BerUa AtkiM.......................Utla
ParadA-»IasA Mewmareh. Fred
doct was given by Obarlee and LotUe BrrdAry] Boon......................... EagUb WACh.
a hearty en- E ina Eleaoor Clapp..................BcieallA
PealssaU-B. H. Wsik B. B. Nelaes.
Wkiioa L* Verne Uray................EaglUh
Trsveru Cl^—let Ward. W. B.
Mabel UsrSeld Oraj....................Baglleh
I eondiUena <
Etbel Merle Bozie ..........................Atin Hooker. W. J. BobA; Sod Ward. Frank
perlty were glran by Ue Arat ipeaker BmiusM. Boebee ....................... SnglUb Trade. A. B. BeoMtt: Ird Ward. WUof Ua aranlng. William A. Laigton. Roy CAosm...................................EaglUh 11am Brlgbty: 4U Ward. Charles HaJew-e MeeUilntore........................BAlUh
iford; SU Ward. Jobs HAklas.
Upsi Usorle Robbs........................Latin
BdIU Marie UraesAgb.............. EaglUh
CaioB-Osrdoern. Bsger.
rnmssL sad adaaaUea far Ua Floreaoe May Holmn................. EaglUh
lvy>'ed Krataer........................ Engll
Stephen Uoaglae Ardle........... Eagll
AnoUer warrant wu AaA b
4o close ont Urge etoek of
□ la bar ocatloa, “Cabroksa Paths." WillUm Anguklak Aightoo ...EnrlUh
Jraaa U- Ollmore ptcurod Ufa as a vast AraAgan MAd.......................AlAtlOe dodge EoArta ynterdsy for Ue rKaUarinc [5. Moore.........................Atia mt of HA Bi^Am fer vioUiinL- .>r
plsia ovar which eaeh ana mait i '
wa paU, snAnrgad that the gsal
Jsnre FrArrIck Muaeoa.. - .Seleatific
be marksd by high aUna and noUa aa- Arall Frank NorMsgor..............'EnglUb
Evaiythlng most be sold at ebme prloe. Pattern Hata,
Lucile O'Nesl................................ EaglUh
Walking Bata, Sailor*. Hibbon* and atyliah trimmed eflkot*.
BcaeUa Voglaaoag in a toroafnl man- Harry F. I*srker. AUntific Ragloearinr
Mnet move on aooonnt of erection of a new building at
ir pointed ont eeme ef Ur dangers Orton Andrew Smith................Aieatific
Florence Adell Shosk................. EaglUh
IS Lucy Skic
Skidds. . EoglUb-Uerman
Eclth Themu..
On* Solid Week,
L. Thirlby..
I £»o\)eV^ AJDeaWveT....
eoririi DlmllA It
Wm U« AokerieSB t
» of Uo
latberofSsntlsrossdsssraiy of is•SiiOBio atonslnc tho eitj tron
nsr, the •ItosMon tor Carrers Bstt U
•OWBdj Istoraotisr. It it oridosU;
tbs porpOM of the Ameriosst to oos' I to ose their gsse sstU so «o it fhreed isto the bop. with the
jgjonaMOoB todeetrop the dpsaUh
lx thek Msl to obe
: XdthebU^cle ordisj
a thst pertieo
M» mr froqseat Tlolstiont is tbit
- «wd sod offesdan should he proBptlp
wnoted shea ditregsrdiag ibst pro•Mm. Muro soeldssU oecur st c
Mgsthesssywhere else.
■OWTAT Amks it detervised thst
|'*<MlinV •( nosey shsU wet rotsrd the
nestios of the.wsr ssd hit roeonidsttons te'ooBgrne for snple spfc;f»>»<8tilM sro pronpUy ssd fsTors|y Uf epeiei rtd. Tho Ulebifss oorser
I M the coblaet U denowtrsUag the
le of the Wolveriue (^roouct in
Han of wsr.
"n^e Booe^d O^erm
Am JsbUsst.
' Osnp Bstoo, Istssd Uke. Jsne t.
Ibe newt of behley'e esgsceanot i
iMItego has pot sU the boys is high
t, sod the sews thst we sre to
« <k to WsaaihgtoBNpo Istor tbss
irdsy nortiisg has sdde< to their
Lon Bight )
>OSt Asithed reoding Ua ngalstioae of
•ho Oslted States Amy sad the meetv
Mg «d the oonpaa; had ctsaed1 byaU^
I • Mg^norleo. when seaeably
^ l^soaodedSBd Cenpasy
. gM 818881 to appear before •eglneats!'
They Bight here bees
y •hofliaihad the nanberoef the eonfsoy hncwa Ue ealL They grasped
IMlrgsaestthedfst aoood and sail
eras, the rwnsrlnbly •sieh tine of <we
After the Bsaatge was read sad the
MgtBMOt was seo^Uneated ea their
4aiak raapoDM. theeempssies rotaraod to their qasrters, where eoags wore
ooog by nenhera of ear eoB|My. all
JatelagheartilTiathe ehertMes Prl•ale Aoberu brashisg the laterjali by
XocdUtloaa which kere heartily approxMted,
n\a atoraisg we reeeired ordert to
godt all oor beloaglags that sre to be
fOlailiiid to TrsecrM City sad get la
' nodinsas to mere teChmp Alger.
K. W. Bssttags has tmn thagaeat of
Ue SOS, Oorpersl HseUaga. sad was so.
eothaaUatic oeer oar work that he felt
like a boy again and woold like to be
.. ChpLasdUraMclDtoahweatteDo•nit this norntag. the captals retnrs|[^ this ereaing. Mrs. Melatoah will
Mho SB eateaded riel't U Soathers
Mtahigas bafore her retsrs north.
Wa are now all Aited oat eneept a
Ji»-overaau which wUI be Usaect to
w tonarrow asd all wUl be ia mdl
aaaa to neee ^ toptorrow sight.
Josa A. Woop, -
Tee, Why Votf
■ f)aalh the UasiiM News; -K«i
•hot Traesree City An sot tnlcsd t
oaMraU the PonrU woold it not be
tpnsie for Ue Salt City to again
j late. Use wiU another oelebra^«ie••hlayearr
Tiews of Oanp.
war Friedrich la uhlbitlag a great
Ana views takes at Osmp
~ nlaetasoday. Cbmaany M. Thirloortb regiment, fern the ocater of
(•MM is aaariy aU
vorpapUa leariog for
'fttasUinV CWV. 'DVmWvts \&t.
S.obtV's Oeqaaives \0 to Sbt.
City Rpera House
Uachod npoa by
Harry F. Parker wA eooiraatod Ue
week ssd toppling gevarnBeat ef
bpala ''ith Ub steady. >o»erfal ferward march of Ue Ualwd SUtee.
-Tros WorU” wae Ue aabject of an
abla addrcee by Bona L. tUielda. which
waa tall of insplntlon to high
noble lirlng.
-Tbe Bedeniae Love Song” ws
mlrnbly given by Ueewa. Whlu. Balan,
Ueslslt sad Bunts
eneore wlU Ue pretty begto eoag,
■Sleep Kentucky Bsbe."
“Service Ue true Meesore of UreatiM” was Ue aebjeet ef sa eloquent,
sddran by Aliee B. Aiklae, Ip which
she desoaatrnud Ue feet that all trnly
grant people have bad for Ueir aebla
parpen Ue service et homanltyAmong Atnerles'sgTnateoatributlena
>b Ue world Boy Ondkaai ckcee for
special bcbUod aclf-geTarnmenl
vance ia all Ue eeleaoM ednontional
itrietlsmaad leyslty.
qoniioB "What Nazi" was well
•wbrbd by Bdaa £. Clapp, wbe daaerlbad Us anarch far kaowledge from Ue
kiadergarua. Urongh the ytori of
school, sad on into the greater acheol
of lift.
Among the ant iDtamUngaoelo
ieal ezperineauof modern yenre
eoeial eaterutnmenta. which are oo
lag to be rccogalsed as Impertaat faetort la Ue government of great dtlsa.
These were dejcribed ia sa sble i
aer by EUcI Bezle and thek naefolThebeaelteof tnveland Ue greet
ebsagnU meUode of tn
WiU their wonArfal improvement is
late ynxB were tenehed npon by Bees
J. MeOonsld In sa Intamtieg wsy.
Ue' baaelu derived (ram trsrel
msda Bsalfnk
A tola by Him Alice Crawford wu
given Is s drlightfnl manner and racalved sa cnthualssUe si
A tbonghtfal arstlsn was given by
harsh Agan Baba, her anbjeot belag
“Whattsyeurysrdsticb.” She pravad that eaviresmsoU dan sot eostrol
ese who has a high Ideal ssd nrgod
Ust all adopt eiSBdsrdk o(
Ust will sat hamper Urm la Ueir
afur iivn.
The eezi asms oa Ue program waa
Uai of AmU Nerllogor, who eallsted
four wnks ago. Sopk Orawa epoks
feallsgly at bU abeoaee and a bearty
lA of applaon wae given in bis
hoaarpy the andienoe proving Ue high
ntecn la whlah ha was held by all.
Tbe Inspiring battle cry “Beyond
UoAJpaUn luiy,” whkk carried an
army to eacent waa Ue/Object ofaa
Adran by Fioreaeell. Holmce, who
■aid Uat proper incAUre At'oaly
briaga a* U eoecon bat may lornlab iskpiraiin to eoai^len oUar UtM lasriaa 1). Moara U bar Abrifaly kketekad Ua Aranes
nsAe by ear. oonstcy la Ua last
hnArad yean prorlag Ua faUacy of
Ue propbeeln bAc half a oAUiy age
polatlag oat Ue eUady Arann of tA
Mtloa aA prapbeaying stUl gnatn
Charles U. Welsh................... SctanilBc
The class ca<c«n arc: Amll F. Ncrllager. president: Bocrlla Voglsaang.
Dmldeal: Bdwts L Tblrlby. aeeraisry; Willism A. Leighton, trose-
BAqnet Ad Floe Program FromlaA
for TonightThs meetiog of Ue Traverse Qty
Alumul AikOcUtlon la the CItv Opera
Ball tonight, which mAks Uc does of
Ue ueruUn of commeneeBMt week.
promUee to be of nnoenal Intcrcek la
place of the enstomary bAqoel a raeepUoB will A glvA. beginning at
eight o'clock. Owing to tbe rapidly
Ucreadsg namAr af memAn U has
bees found seceaaary to limit onUlda
inriutloDa. and AmAlon U by ipecUl
laritatlon only.
Tbe literary pcpgram for tbe evenlag wUI A u followk;
Plaae solo. M A Jceepbin VAer.
AloBDl oraUon. Chuln F. Bach.
8oeg. Idaeeo City QaAtek
BemarA by bupk C. T. Urawa.
“Tbs Teacbere." ■ALUlUa Downlag.
BedtstlM. MA AUy Roland.
"Class of -'M." Slephqn D. LsrdU.
“The Alumai.” HA NIa B. Fsyav
Eong. gaees City Qusrtek
It U IntAded to Bshe Ue eocA
part of Ue evealsg Ue promlseat festara. Md Ue alamnl Ad Udr friude
srn MticiAiUg a ddightfal time.
■Pearl Tackaberry,
Adjoining Frledrloh Block.
Monday, June 6.
Senter Payton's
Big Comedy Co. Art
A big laughiog sbuw oompleto
1 pvpry detoi!.
High due einging and dandns
•pedaUiea at ert-ry periormaace.
'■ Mooday night tbt-y will present
tbe English mplo-drams, in five
dcube pnrticrf wW. the feet•« »dl M
with the e™. md lunde-„M by kiikieE. oh, no-bet by
hnrine them eom«ly diod. Right .hoee meke heelthy
feet m.d the d^m tell os Um. heelthy fee. ere the fimt
requisites for healthy bodies. Without healthy bodies
We offer you
“The BM Flag”
Sel? Shoes
a« the best ail «oUd. HgMiy
buUt footwear, for tlie least
Prieee 10, 20 and .*100Ladira free Uonday night only,
if accompaniad by one paid 36c
Seata will be on ulo at the nanal place Saturday morning.
CtiAge-of play nightly.
BaA maAgemeot kesA move peepis
la poer cireumiuaces Uaa say oUer
one csose. To A lucoeaefol one must
look abc*d sod pISB sheed so tbat | j
whcB a fsvorabls epportuolty prassBUtW
lAirhvUrsadyioiaks Araatage of A
It, A HtUe foreUoaxht will aUe aavs *
much expeoae ami ralAbls tims. A i
* ■
will kMpa,
lie. CAlera ,
Ua boose. | _
alt natll A-lg
crasity eovAl* it and Um rain hU | a
bsst horaa golor for a doctor Ad have A
a big doctor All to pay. baaidas: odsIa
pays oat'SS coats, Us oUer Is wat
iBodrsd Apllara sad Um woadora why I <
his aalrhAr is rtUiac richer while he ,
See our new stylo, jtat in.
Once More
Has Invaded the land In the Interest of humanity, and once ^
more in the interest of those who intend getting
A New Carpet Or a Floor Covering |
Moat people have a liUla paUeaea,
ne people Ave a lot. If jm gel Oeo.
Wioale to hang your papor, you
won't aeed any. for ha oomea wbaa be
agrees to, dooaa't wmIs Ue papsr, and
ehargea no aaore Ua oUera.
Opposite Eagle Office.
PmiF. C. E. HMST
tlBclier of Violin.
OP* ^3sr-y EZETsro
We ptention Ute fket tbat we offer the Desk have the
largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better.'sat- ^
. IsfacUon than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince you.
i HaiMimtttHiaifliuiaiftMiMkwittitiiiis
TM^itoMmtB akooap. todat, jwht s.
A Grand ConeiH«tion M««tinff
I the nlllWT ••••K-
. ck«oii.H:.. riB, Jui», l-PrtT»t*
Mltrhett. aob of OMUior John t.. Hitch.
of W'lacoulD. a member of the Flnl
lDt4B>rr ^ M*BL dsoplved
nr« ratriotluo hate Id refueln* b aec
Bad lleoteDBntcr aacurad tat him br.bu
Senator Mlicbril wired his non
that be bad aecured fair
We Are Not
Having‘a Special Sale
ixposWon Ufaps
But ut tbe eema tiine with ue lb>sa u etook ea wa oariy It la Impuealblt
not to aooumulaU odd aulta-alsaa (at broken whan It la too late to dap.
Uoa^a pattara from the wholaaUar-Wa bav. at the pnaaat tbaa par.
bapt forty or lifty aalu where only oba or two alara of a kind ramalaOn tbaaa wa can aaya yon moaay-If you do not Sad a St tbara. oar ra*.
alarataok wlU be aura to oonlala ladacamanta you cmabot raalat-Wo
are making a record tbla year on our popular priced aumiaer aulta. both
for atyla, lit and axoapUonal aaaortmant and valnaa.
the f*-na.
nu»H cBara tiimab amo
9rr *• VWrcct," a* awcan — aii«<y
ra»i u
»r*tA hr
•MU*- MM tm4 Oubf Wu
•m Um B*r« M Um rnmk
aloev. ,
■n. Letters <im to thell>Mtn«-ABath*r
UUaeto Uor Otto.
Chlrkamaura 1‘ark. June 1—Ueutea.
nit Coli rel liartrulT. chief mirceon on
Oencral Brooke* eta", and LleuteDabt'
Colonel Ntcholaa -Senn. aaeietant war-
■aH tha'WhMle Oolha. Ih» Chefee Ba
WuhlnrioB. Jun* t.-TaM»rdv'a «m•16b «f tbc'bouM
n>eo lu 0>» eon•Mmtlon Bsd pimrf at * MU rmlled teoB cenerBl of the volunlcr Armr. lB*«
' mp br-JroMn* «R«p.) of WIbtobiIb io DiSbt conOnned the t .eien.eni that Un.
naott Bit po.iilcai
iDcuir«d teller bad boucht ih» Chk-kamauca
fourteenth I Phfk hniel prci erty. tendered It to the
lu tb* third MctluD
>DsOtutioD. The 1 Kcvcrtinum for boepital
al purTx aea. •
•abate vove i
1 notable apeachea |
< erpted. The m
Jtn* fiHture of the day ..............
o Qrorvenor and Beltic (Uem.)
](eDlurk>*upoii the ubiltcralinn of ail park has ihe sham l«iile between the
aecond and third division* of the First
•eetiOB feel.-n| BBiktbe rcBlIly at laat of
Nine leRlmrnts composed ^e
A rclmltej ooiiatr}'. IncidenlBi (u the
atuckinc ar.d def.-ndln* trmlea. 1«0
•abate eeveral membera reviewed the
conriualon that a member of cooftw
•ould sot bold aliDuUBoaoutIr a ralli.
tarr and clitl office. Tbe del«te was
%tOucht on far a refereBce to Oeneral
Joe \Mi-H;:er. now aarvlnc aa a major pany C. Fifth Illllnoia Canton. Ilia,
■•neral and uatll twceatlr a member of died Tuesday nl*hi and tb* remalna
the house Tha autemasta that aome were shipped to his family yesterday.
I . atatea vera unable to reapond to tbe He was a member of the KntshU of
I damanda fnr valuiiteara called forth a»- Pythias and a Ur*e detachment from
planalloDi and
d iaa aUeced Interview that erder-frum the local lod*es accom
panied the remain* to ihe slsllon.
Washln*ton. Jure L—Camp AI*erDow
.coDUIne U..10 men. of wbura t.Wl arc
pronounevd ready f. r active service.
raa declared out of order. Tbe paaaaca Coinni'l ‘ Girard announced yesicrday
d thV bill conaldered yeaierday by tbe
division ronuined ' ftety-Bve coses of
BoBaa will affect bat few partiea
■neasU-a Hany of the recimental boaBauay Ofa(*ets to Uwea.
pltaU have case* of the tame diaeaae..
Ifa* alatement made by Lacey
but thus far none ha* proved seHook.
I 4ewa that Major O.oeral Wheeler.
AUbama wm* abaent from the hooa*
Oeneral Orabam
no iDloklcatln* |
laava brouthl Bailey to hi* feet.
"I Hae." faa aald. "u> correri a falae beveraieet should be snid In the ____ ,
I. Btatament of the fentleman frorn lon-a anme of the railn* bttoths have been
I Ilia fenUeman from Alaiama it not mb- operatln* what are popularly termed
•ant on leave of the house, a
’• I
Fairfax county. In which tbe camp i*
faa with my coaaent to lone
located, and which ms prohibition «>
"Hr. Speaker." cried McMl'Iln. "there
' to Bot a member of thi* h .use who does
he centleman from Alabama
0 tha rtont to wrt e bis councontinued Bailey. "I dn no)
I kallave a man can hnid under the c^nI. ■MUiUeB a military and civil offlca i
the same time, and I enuld •
pRSnsItlon that .wnuld em
•taandeBipeat of this belief. i
It made-tor my brother."
OreavaaDr Win TTTto Pat«e(.
Orasranor Indoraed tbe poMtU n taken
^ Bailey, and Inridenially declared his
halter that no man e patHottam will be
«aU*d "in qneailco because he stands
Mffldly by the terms of the coiiallluilPn
sad Its manifesi B|iiHt." ProceadiDir be
dlcreaard to ap<
taffly on reunIK
venality of ps
•vary band. H
.Bttljadc of Rumtw. now eruwln< dally
■sore pronounced, to the* fact that Rurcfte was oonvin.ed fur the nr*l lime
that absolute Injally prevailed In tbis
land. If there Is anythin* that make*
a BoMler of tbe civil war fe. 1 eraieful
(B Aimtcbiy Ood It is be permuted to
Uva to see the presrm union ofhlscounConcludlns
sr from Ohio declared: "I am
. to vole torenioveevrry vesllfp of
laftalatlon tuch as Is almiU st in tbi*
fata and BO help me God. I will try to
Mahas aa Btoqnaat apeeeh.
nAspeeefa of Grosvenor called forth
B iWobse frtun Settle iDerr.) of Kentaefer upon the part of the sc«itta that
hM aol been often surpaaaad in phraaaaioBT and eloquence. "Her aons fre^nint to tbe south at the end of the
Hrll war] laid down tbeir anna tn food
faith upon the altar of their country."
savi be. "and In tfae aame aplrtt they
BOW toke their step to the music.ef the
Vnlon. ! do not believe the American
people were ever so united as they are
tedky.' < 00110010* b£ said the Amerlcan p<-ci>le Would fr<e not only Cuba
fact wou’d free themselves, and "out of
this fire snri (tvod wherewith we are
faaln* U.Mlicd we shall come forth. I
doubt not. new m. n and new women.
Blaaa ev.rj "hli. witn sfx-ilonal hate
Bsd aecflorHl l.m. no.p. clean *one.<or-
lember. from alUusii. r* oi the rb.mw crowded P. Ih.- K. ntu. ky inrmla-.-i
Clvta raM« Tkrw Mllm Lo^a BaaiStoattfaeUpeWlaa-U—Wei^ltfaaa.
mm* Paapi* ISetoat to Bee tt ItoseItoKrtpUoa aramand. aad MIAtoca
Omha, Neb.. June
Jn the preaanca
if Ui* Nebraska de'etaltl .n In cxngresa
in the WhIta llouae at Waahinctoo LbW
mllea aaay. at 1:M p. m. yesiecaar
Prealdenl UcKInley touched a button.
tcinaiional exiositlon was started. At
Xra Barbara rryBBr Ztoud.
■ he time the music et 100 lands was
lira Barbara TryBcr. wife of VVasecl
Ollm* (he air at ihe ekp.Mltlun *rctieds
wlih melody, the cheer* of 100.000 people Tryn*r.dtadat8:Jolaat nlchi of conwar* aacendint; and tbe bIsaU of Innu- l aumptlos. Deoaased wa* 31 yean of
MB besidoa the buaband to moura her
(ihe was a member o< the J. C I
beaefil aaaoeiailoa.
ODrre.pond with IW Ttarerw City Lumber Corapuiy.
We have for aale Good,
wAU lake placB at l o'cloek Sunday alterbooB fTM tbe rcMdeece on SpraM
etrtet, aeder the atMpleee of the J. a
D. and C. & P. 8. Boeietiea.
Firat ofthe B«bbbb.
The firet eaenraies ofthe
Nwah-to-waeto wUl be viran this eeealaffby
the suaster
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Short Maple Wood.
boat will leave the dock et Ties aad as
•omnskffT bcildtvc
roalTlo* '
meraMe whittles
* In
in Omaha an^
(round* were blow in*. Tbe civic' parad*
wlthwhleb Ibeabow was opened started
from the center of tbr city al «:M a m.
Peaessaiaa Tkera- MIlaw la Laa*tb.
It was itaree'mllea In lencth and was
a *rand tpectacie.
reached the (round* there were IM.660
people there. By praclsmsll-n of Bayor
Heore* tbe day was observed as a **aeral holiday and the clttsena and visitotw made the most of It. Tfae city was
hour will be flvee at the rceert.
-Heobineryof all
w* dMc-cripuons,
i-wo li^nginee,
B, incisouig
including Two
Workh, Oarriagea and Sawe. A complete Saw MiU Plant
for aale.
XtoBtb OB ]
Jaeoph WlBowlaeki died laat BvealBff
at hie home at 006 Kaadelph etnet.
at the tee of T0,yeB*a.
The lia>e af
tha fuseraJ wUl be asaonhead late
Thera will be a rvyular neproce
of TraearsB City Chapter Na IV B. A.
H. toaiffht al T:30
I Must
a»d thoutoaf^rruYto^t^U h«
^ toutuBB^ Bi Tiauora will b* hare wattle*, vf the exia .ItUn mana»er*. where the waet aide of tha room will
from every direction wherq boete nod | end otbvr*. music, and a poem cel*- be Sue<l up for fate oec.
railroad* can reach.
The bay beBts' hraiinc the event.
BoUey raturned yaeterdsy
■raion* W Nerthporti
oi.a4 Ule by in. »«.«***.»*.
from HaBistoe. where ae -weat to araad other tntou on the bav tha H A
Fu'l'^wlr-k tbe d.dlcat.-ry ei reises the
^ otliwpotouonlhebey. tbeM. A|„ai,,,i. .„d *u.sis sdjmirncd to Ha- rasce for reduced rata* *s tha H. A N.
N. E. will make a special rate ant hne- ehlr.ry hsll They were emidiated l.y e: for the K. 0 T. M. eelebraUoa to
deed* will eeme fsnm Madtetcc aud * crowd that was m.nsurrd by ihe dl-': be bold here June fjro.
other point, alonr that road.
If You Have Logs to Sell
fake and learaa two danrhtera ant oae
It for ih* Hac-'
Therefore some of my stock of
Jewelry must be sold at Reduced .
7,f.»r the cloeioff eserdeei of 8l.
- >»
A.,, and another from as far ecath as ] from his *»ai m itw While House I Mornin* and tomorrow at the
Be*d City. Prom the north a special I toochid the button connected wlih his , New* Stand for Saturday Biffht.
ratoismadeof IheO. a *1. Traeerae !1' «»<■ connei ted w ith a dlOly ahould prapare for the lar^rai :
The reiraUr quarter v meettoff of the “pTn/hlbe
W. r
C. T. L-. -in
win v..
be belo U Ue parlor* 1:11068.
crowd eesr aqaa here
of tbe CunrreKaUoaal church Uiaaftar-
AmosemcBt Votea.
The Setter Payton Comedy cBmpaty
which will open s week's esreffemest'
at Ue avy Opera Hoase, ocmmcBciBg j
.. . . I
Hoadsy. Juae 6. Is a ooBrpany whick to [
^tJes to be the very bist of It's elaae [
Ud to headed by tbe oeieb
diaa Mr. (terur Payloa.
This com-i
W^a* been patroatoed by spme of |
beat ihaalre ffaert In the west-1
—> tuie* and baa alwaya cieen ealire i
.Sloadsy B>rht Uey will,
pment tbe Enrllsb melo drama in dve I
acta. rnUUed-The Black Fla* •• Mon-'
day Bicbt Will be deslroated as ■■ladiae
Biffbt" and each lady at-compaaled bv
ae escort with e paid 3C cent ticket
will be admiltod frve and enllUed to a
rsaerred scat Beato will be on sale at
Ue aaaal place (totardsy a>orBl8(.
OhMaffo Harfcev
(real u
vblve. Kradually the speed <> the wheels
lecreasln*. i
r the shaft
icbed tbe nurmal —the ehtirir spark
‘ by the pi.si.lirr* bands had
tv the lir-m.'-iise plant, and all
»ov small!r B-achlnry. ..f the enure
croundv r>telvln« Insiilratlon from the
besan Its-.'n uiIne wi.rk.
This was
cuocIusioD of the formal
Koerylhln* Mated Uky rtoeAwarfc.
In Ihe an«rnt~.,o si 4 o’cliwk the N't-
Look over my line of Watches,
Clocks, Silverware, Fine NoveltiVi
in Jewelry.
haJf past two o'elaek.
Ject: Vuarterly report*.
ft iiuam WataoB. Ue 14-year*-old aoa
of Jareto Itatson of Habei. died at h<a
Tbe funeral
will be held
from Ue VVilllamabnrFh ebureb Ui*
tlacr at II o'clock.
tlonal Marine land xave a concert. I
Torn Shane i* In Chica*B Uto areek to
w hich was auend^l by many IhousaniJs ' t,-_
of i»op>
Nallcnat air* were popular I
everyUln* rendered alui.* this line !
® •’
®f Stratford
were erotiretl enthuxasMcally It Is ea-: were in lb# city yesterday,
tlmaird that over lou.uoc people p*M«j 1
ihr„uahthe**t,adurln*'yhelUy Not-t
Ckmpbell. formerly editor of
<1*y'S rerwenie*
....................... ........... ......
” 'B®plra Leader. Is la the cltVdusk w ith s (ranUiiyrotet hnical dUpIsy
Miss Ultan Mettoe of Kalkaska
.■nducted .
Uonal ex,v,«.,kn at Omaha,
...n.,I— b... „
Asparagus, Letture. Badisbes, Bhubarb
Fresh Every Day.
from It* |
of wasiern cnierprtev ai.d plu-k. bT„iu
the tin.p onen s# aJupti-d the reeolullon of Wlll:a-n J. Hr>sn. requi-siln* an
approprlaUon to asaUt Ibr ,nur. r.ae U
the preaent. when tbe work is t-ompleivd. tbe efforts of It* promoter* have
met with aponiaoeoUB sai-cves fUartIn*
wllb a CCpIUl of 3;M.«00. the (firc<-lura
hare the sat slaiUoa of w.ine*.-n*
s display of 1.
e states, as w
South Amencan r
ihilr ifforta.
The grounds a
>f the city. alMM
from the buslnee* center. They are
the shape of a rectangutar lot, wlU lasoon UO feet <slde exteodm* tbe en
tire leoxU Tbe lagoon is surro
b)' arven great hulldingx. clam
arcbiitcture end impoain* in alse Per
haps the n-osi eirlklu*
is the gov.
klu* of all Is
building, It being lopped by a
colmaal dome, -'
ited by a nrura
"Liberty EnliKhii-r.mg the Wnrid."
tbe torch Is 17k feel from tbe
. oeriain a ratn Balm ws* t
.a* Ike BaUleea-ltoeralu
I edy that fare him asv n
torlhs Mew Lety.
I other* baee tesUBed to U
■ lief from pain which tbit
and Navy Lea*ue, ha* Just returnt-! *isv
»«I from Washinirton. where he had
Card of Thank*.
I aailefactory conference* wiy> BerroUry
To Ue k.nd frleoiU aad nelrbbora
I of Xt’ar'AI*er. Secretary of tbe Nevy
who to hiDdir cams to car —<-«--—
I Inn* and the chief medical utllceU
in Ue hicknei* sod dcaU of oar prec] navy departmenU on i
loBs Oracc. we do *raiefollv exlead
I Mef work among suldlrra a^ aaflora
moat, heartfelt (ratUuoe.
1 AlFVr these officials received him cor- U*d deal wlU you aji u you have doac
• dialty and listened attentively to whal toward ua in «ur aorraw is the prayer
Me had to aay on Jhe subject.
W. H Bik.Ktit.
J r Adjutant GeneAl Cirtin has atoted
H*m« Bootika.
1 OBvernor Tanner to rrwmrrend Iwo reMybtlk HuukRB,
raltln* uffic.rs for each of the IlUnols
Bt-astii UuoakB
-ow at place* of rendesvocs
h whose dutMII elisJI be to
HcAnllayand CoOetd
to tbe city at preaaat
totorrals ■
at in the tot
of Mqaare'a Maraxine.
line, sbowlajr
sbowla* speci '
mca psjmof Llbrary^of L'Diveraal HU-
tor Uc paatY ,e«*. U
BOW comnletc aad ooeera Ue anura
pariod of time ap to Ue preeent. add
Is Ue prodacUaa of a very eminent
iff of htotorlaha.
e ehie
chief of which
tor Frof. I. 6.
S. Clara and F
Pn»t "
- CoTBeH
Unlvei ...
_ eicht lart« oetoeo volumee nad «cmulasd.ooo doehl* e^nma pacda and
^•**As* uT^^
work th«y
a sfwioiai propualliMO* U*
Fred Carr ratamcd to IJunda* vector-
Bonding of riD* Art*,
the Temple of Crrv*.tbe Ulnee and KtoIn* boJIdlnc. tbe Administration buUdIn*. the BalldlD* of Becirtdly. tb*
Manufacrares belldln* snd the mat
Audliorium. Tbe arch of stntsc actOM
the lagoon constliutea Ue mhd en^c* to the grounda It to compesed
of twealy-toar layer* of atana each
rapresenting a trans-lCISelntppl stats.
There are many minor feature* of the
en^iion. including a Mld**y. bob
buUdtac ts lavishly deoerated. Bctodra
U* bonding* mentioned are Ue 1bim>.
Implement and Traasportatloa. the
B>7 acta to De Lu fatodtoff to
------ 1 t«Brimnnlili on Ua
Bto to- Atour Dabr aad oUem tavmed «•
T. PeaBtn*ton
will go to Lake Ann tbla mcwninr for a,
abort vtoil^
Vront BtroeL
The Finest Line •
-l.h — -uTllo.
Mr. aad
-Phono 167.
" “ *■'' ■" Clara Ctora.
I toBMadVaseiAto
Be*. J. G. laslto of Petnakev wa* in’*!
ff »* oi rwtoalcey. wa* In
.ndlnk'the newnrss orill'U* I‘‘‘f-'I*'
to the employe* everythin* moved ■
>-Bder-Sherlff Martin Brown of Le.tr,ne«t .of clockwork , Asad, wa* in the city ydatarday.
Joae 3. - Wheat-Jnae.
•l.n; July. «iJ4»M«; Sapjkmber, Tftci
of the ;
U. .a Stanley and arlf* of dntlont
Oceember, T7Jto.
• vlt-i. r* fr- n
> visited
aii*»d»d tbe rraduailnff >
Oora—June. 3»^e; Jal.r. 33\; Sep-1 tbe rrounds.
tembet. 34)«e: Deoeaibar. 34 Sc.
of Kmikaaka lain
■ ISTOHFOFTH s.-us-.,vx-v-.ww.wwl
4-_^.AT KMTBBPRikB y,,
elaiUn* frieode and relativca
Oata—JBBe.t8e:J«ly.#4Sc; to
Vr. tlJtc.
W. A. Wyman and Hra Mareat
*r tbe
•dniie. 110 FT: Joly. tlO.Ff.
Baltdln*. af Mots.
. Boyt of Sutton* Bay, ware to U* city
The Trans-.Visrlssjppl *nd ItUerna- yeatorday.
Uraad Bpplda. Juae 3.—WbesS tLOO.
ssya; ••DarlBFmybroUer'a 1
fa to kaadB. he raya k to Baclena ae
thee celebretloh for the 3Srd arc mah-
K «rAT»a.
ItliBOwdcBnliely settled that Sprliic. Meld will be Ue place of r. nd- avou. f..r
I tfae two rcfflraents which a ll! l« callfd
I Jor by lb* tlBlled Siatcswh.mhia.cona
I Ball Is flaally mad*. Th> two regiments
will be tfacoolured redment < f <'liica*o
.•ad that orcanUed by Rei-rcsematlve
^mca a. campbeu. .of HrUeai.shora.
Campftoton. lalaad Imkr. Hith.. June
] M*-4ovenior Pto*ree has Issued an ufftL Btal cIrcBlar tn which be saya that be
I'mas received bo official notice of a sec.
vnlunleera and that at
It la 'iiDioastbl* toteQ wbal will
____ red of HtcbtoBB aad wfactfacr It
d fas required to furalU a qnoia of
Midry. arOitefr «r cavatry." Vatu
_________ ^
The Hanlstoe New* staua that Man! Sion*
affer KitmwBd has ordared Us :sM
Btlon. Tbe people wete dp
c holiday attire, and bualneas wk* •an-j ball team to report at MaBtetac. Ju'ae
Inr rfcat stridfh toward* a rrnad eaerally
lo pertnlt llth.
lerks and wui
the da*>B
ly oenraioBf at r>wtly I clef’
M. Be&itott wUI more bit Jeweliy
» are beln* airaand for I *'*‘*''*'‘''*- The opmink ceremony eontea* to the peatolBue VnUdlaff.
ehair* tbe a
6f Fishing Tackle
Mr. and lira. TUry D. Behoof Kalsaka were to tb* city to attoad Ue
Hlsa ElaabeU Benaett of lay City
in the city, at
and Mias Harriet Wiley ef Chlcaffa are
tbe racau of Mim Blomom Jarvla
Mr. aad Mra. Wm. DeWlm of Fernarood are entertatolng their daughter
Mra. W. C. Sehorfer aad ehildraa of
Mra.-George AlUsan aad baby mod
Mra J O. Wehator arriaed from Chlcago yraterday aad want to Oa
where Ury arill epead the *Bmmcr
Mr. aad Mra John Atodfaam of 8ottoas Bay came to tbe city to wltacaa
Ue esareiae* of U« giadoatlag eias*.
Hardware. 146 Front St
We do not
belong to the combination
of which Ualr aoa Boy to a mnmb*
I was aanooaly affiiewd wiU aot^_
tor aaearal yeara aad tost faU bad a
mora seeare eoiuU Uaa oaw hefewe.
1 faaeo naed naaay temadtoa artUoat rPoeialag maeh relief, aad hei^ reoemmsadod to try b bottle af Chaaibortoto'*
OaagfaBma^y>:h>afrteBd,wfaD. kaow-
fytog reaalla Tho Ikat botCto raltovcd
mo very mU aad tfah siemid kotU*
kad.aagDofTimaltfa tor tweaty yeara.
ItongaotfaHy. Mia. Mary A. Board.
5igw>. Ark. Mhg a B. Wnto
beat CfaitMgo beef killed tt boifae.
t w»p prioee. We hcr« •
•ad ckofunubyog^he
Bingham Bros., Fmt Strd.
213 FW St
Baltimara Stock Bocoiaad Three Timm a
FiMctoi't Opnr topn-ifa hamiii
■ -TBM moxnnQ Mwogp.
W. BmumU C W. A^tHh riuk IMrk,
W. L. Bmra. W. O. Bitor,
te Um hlatory
WuUnctoD count?
«M (oin^tt«4 TuMdk? ««-«DlBC. UirM
nlln cut pf thU cll?. b? n nun turned
Mteholu Bcacr, who abot Adolph Gar.
Wa Ave U»M. Both an irldaMt of
MUataukra. The? boib arrlccd hen on
«ba I p. lA. train and hired a livery
•ton vlth the Intention or loofclac up
anew property ntu >l»ly HIU. which
Bauer told Garvan would be aultahle
'tor a hotel and aaloon.
While on their war. on nachins a
toad w hich la hid by a etretr^ of woodaaa both uidea. Bauer, kaowlac that
Oart-an had n.lU In hii poaaeaalon.
took out a nvolver and deliberately
ahot hta companion five Uraee. after
which be took hie meoey and carried
the auppoeed dead man Into the woodi
and came to tbia oily, when be encased
a.room at the Centrfl hotel. In the
■ManUme Garvan had regained con.
MMuaaeaa. and with what little ■' rencth
- ha bad left aucceeded In reacblns the
tannbouae of WlUiam Rchauer. nearby,
when he rave an account of the ah<Mtlar and a deecriinion and the name ot
» money on him i
a ndlbinr of the c
fmdat, JtmB
Ko. Om <l)of aaid <Aty. aa bwMotora
«U. to be n2i
*^»»»* 'kuhdraA AoUan,
taad lor tba parpoao of
You ewamiUM wmM
.. ----------------____________,_______.
^ the aapaaae ^ workLir apifaatwhaa tbeeklotef tbePIredepart-loe. iBprorlar. tapalttaf Ue alr««ta.
AUocheya at Law.
» it aeeeaaary be aball be i aad otW ezpoBaee ia aiM atreet die}-to. aaiplcy oee arare maa at I Met lor the a^ earreat Anal year
oBeM B Meeiacee Meek. TBveene Otty. Ml
parlmeat on Can atnel. at a! 8e«. I —Thla ordlnaaoe aball t
aaUry aot U exceed forfy dollan (»40); lamedlaU rffeel
•rta. Jan f^«arty. C. C Baa.
Ulteoa, B O. Kobv O. J. Taahar.
rnak Daaa. Baaiy Yeakee-, Ckaa.
Haat. J H HnrMa. W. D HolUater.
irUNelaaa, 8. Adaler, J. Kilmer. J.
. ZimiaerBae Joaeph Perraa. F’raak
McAlUer. A. B. W)la<m. C. D. KaaK. B.(Gnea.
KnbiU. Daa
Boward, Wk C A. BaaaaTt
Craae. Cbaa D Pinau.
ade. P A. Wrirht, C R. Coopw .. See.
Oee W. Coleataa. Will Neaated. wm
W Boldewenb'.
lb'. J. D Book,
Book. John
well. Beary
T. E. Uhym®T
iry WUklaa. r.
•Tei neenn .....................................
IVank UelB. lean Dunn. J.
Bonioe. L- Soule. W. T^aela. A
K -eanlde J H Kllaea. GbarVy Hall
Bored by Aldermaa Oarriaea* that t' e
peiitioa be rccieed BBd piaocd oa Ale.
Motioa carried.
Traeeree City. Bleh.. May *7. lB8s. ,
cnnArmed by the Couaell. Toar eomBltW woold aleo aarreet that at leant
I a portloa of the moetee of lb* eoatiereot fund Bay V expended far park
BeapectfuHr aobmltted.
A B Cook.
Rci-axK Uootmica.
W. J Paaaaa.
Committee oa Wire and Meana
Moved by Alderman GreiUck that
the report of tl
t be acepted and adopted.
To the HowwitlJe tv Bayt'C and < Uy
Motioe carried by yea and aay vole
Council <if tv City e.f TVotw City.
Teu—Alderwan Packer. GoedrlCh.
Qkjrrutitk*—The Boeid of Bduealioa Qrellick Deeiyaad BaellBaotel. Ur-
Ev«r Burned 0«t?
‘ cll of the City of Traeeree City on Ibe
i t(hb day el May' IMi.
W. W. Surm
A. W. RicxEBD.
City Clerk.
O. P. CA&TSK. Ag«M
G'iiS ; KS2SST dSTJi
Moved by Ald«-a>an (toodrleh that
Iheordiaaoce V adopted and p«e.e0. IC-Meteenllk Co. Beet.______________________
TreverM ettr. Mleh
Yeaa.~Alderio»a Parker. Goodneb.
Uiwilivh. Ileamoad. Boelimaotcl. Lardi*. aad Oarriaoo.
Sara, aeae.
Moved by Alderman Uarriaon that
tbe Chief of the Fire Deparlmeet V iaatrucled lo ie^ilriti
advieability of
of pnrehaaiDK
parehaaioc one
one or two boraee
I with the eVmipAl enflne \ad
at next r^alar meetlsK.
Mouoa carried.
Moved by Alderman Urelliek that /"IHAB G 1TB\'ER.*n<in*rat Lew. .
the City Clerk be antborixod to employ O UtaeAHlUlkm Block.Travwwt'ltl
aaBiaUBoe to eoaplele tbe tax rolle
Motion earried by yea aad aay vole
d walka. to e
:« follows
■ pdtiUea for cradlBA aad
of Travtree C ly hereby propeeea to
Mil .to the City of Traeerae City The
Beet State atraet aebor>) boildlar and
rronnda. lacludlnir ! leta Mxl64 fvt
each tar the lum of fruo uo.
We woold like to have von decide
tbie BMtcr at oov. for we hate an op•ell thla propeeiT la the
8wedi«h S
AmeHea at the same
John R. Santtg
GeHiil hsiraiM.
Dr. Higgins,
I from Pnent atreet
d that tha peU^a V '
I rnBAIWR) m'RXt—Wlw kawll* BoI
: Noe.fal
by Alderman Goodrich that • .rtw
W.W Smith.
w -. rauKan
A. W. Eickxi
I the City Clerk be heresy re^jnired tola ttk'e
t^ U GamucK
Aldermen aiphabetl-1 '
MUwaitkee, June t—In the surdtior
Moved by Aldermen Goodrich that
^ *^°CoMlttee
il future roll calU
oeurt yeeierday union lebor received a
in tbatorder.
Moved br Alderman Oarrlaon that Ue
hard blow from Judee t^ulherland. in the propoeltion V, rejected.
Bouoa earned.
of tbe committee be accepted and
the cane of Erdican Schalta ajmlnet the
AolidoUr. tor esUaeUott of teeth
Traverae Citv. Hay IS. ISWe
ad -pled.
T OST—a parkas-. O- Prmu -irwt. r
Behlltz Brewlnr company, rnmtlnr e
riad. Council adjourned
, wlUoui pain need. Imieal aad mnet
Xj lee nrear>-'»iomi <eia*ia K-ti
Iht Mapor and CUp
tarried by .fep aad nay veto
temporarr Injunction to reeiraln the 7b tv
Ux'oapnflfe. *P-?i
■torv.' nr,
ceenpasy fpim Interterlnr with Scbuia
Aldermea I
In the employment of non-union labor
Greillek. Lleamond. I
In the execution of a balldlnr (yntract.
-The Board of l^igca- di* aad Oarriaon.
Traeerae Oily Market.
The court holde Umi a apcelAcanun In a fan of vaid city hereby preeenu to yon
CMtract rruulrmr the contractor le uae iUatmnal report, embodyiar Ue aetiBelow is a llat of the beyiny aad aell
Ohb- union labor li volA
maie of the amonnla
lay pHeee of yeeierday
y for yrc
proTliioBa aad farm prMueu to
iney ebaryed eraeCity:
nubile Kbo^U
»ke aeveral d<acrlplleoa of propsupport of t
acujae paicx•chooU ofi^d
of aaid
Sevrer IHatriet 1
wll pan or *111 iraUr for lh.i«o<-d *,
Clear Pork per bbl. a
- a H. Bro*ii.:it rroal urew
OearPvk perM...
..,** lajaln:
Short Cat Pork.............
*Of the City OenacU of the pity of Trav.
: I Short Cat Pork
Pa>vba-> of took*. eppereiA* ead
forth in tbe aaaemBeat roll be
H-Bie-wiIIb* IT- I
erne City.
«oo. fur hulldlnrl
.u- and ap*cJer-a |
Adjourned reiruUr taeeUnp of tha
nvButbrRv... .. .. .
,..T.. . -lAur ojIoo May s
.Idrurv uf « W. I
^ ^aell held la Connell ream May BMke tot llbratT
•• ♦ I
“v^imiderme. Parkar.
J&l B. J. Morgan,.
ESSr.r«-,j._ liiiEiru.;
On M. ft V. B. B. IL
•' *
HmUbc waa called to order by W.
W. !>BiU. Mayor.
eProyent—Aldermen Parker. Goodrich.
OreOldk. Deamond. UneUatanul. Urdte. and Oarriaon aad W. W. SmiU.
Total ...7..
raiieieird aa
eoafirmed (
^I Sin.?*.;:::
• of yonr honorable body t
irAMXM' ii> Socim- or
Mored by Ald«rm D Lardic that U
Botitloo be yraated.
MeUnn earried.
Traverae City. Mieb.. May U
Yb IV ff-nurroMr. tV Mttvu'r and CUy
CouneW uf CV CUV *tf Traoertt CUp,
ts-Be U
I »■
’ •;
^■ABtWk- BouxR
........ — •
Clerk of ■^td of Bdneativ.
report and ealimatc t. _____________
Uucaiioabc received aad plhev^
W. J. Pakkbr
Commiltae on Ways aad Men
B Lardle that
r dollars.
Butter, per lb
Em. per doze
• «•■ Valtaa i.
M. A M. B. M. A. finamor AxeureieM.
<OR eALX-murl
X-eiurk o( ro
W. Brek. WC
City to Maoiste* on Snndsv,
May rsnd, and every other I
A. HPaJN.-tocloClBxbstllMmMaaaais
thereafter. Trains leave Trave
Cosialuall •bunt aimikk, aari,-*, tan* ,___
Return ing tralut leave vanhipkutboih BsiMasaaS axrapSk Marref
- _
Manistee at 5:40 p. ra. Osual low rutee. Ik* XTval rirlo*7 of tw xallaat
Round trip fare not more th»* fi.oo for
!laaow Jamn
klu Vouax. the lBL*rp 4 leader
for Cuba
f IB the halls of (Varim
war book pablhib«e: am taw
*UlOI*<l BS|
cut book, klsb*«i
H. W. Crsx^oiisu. Agent.
oeir ai.a. Xarh
A ■
The M.AN. E tram, luv^g^
Horse Hotel.
tfioMpon.8xnT<»i 1—That to defray
expeadUnrea and liabilii
... ___________
year beginolnr May
fnd lift» aad ending May 1st Ism.
than be raised
by Uxatiou
the real aad peraoam property
in aaid city snbjeel to taxatloa the
• M t* l»
OldlfluMuti for kS-^Wm S* ssb
... 'o virhaai
.r*r** fUr ....
r*** amr «tia* aa t *o<bi
0««wr B*dd*b. Calluu
U oe «r addivM P. P. B*dIK. TVBwrwr Cliy.
LiTcr}, Sale iid Feed Bata.
dare rredll: fi-trhl paid: oalSl tre*. Vm*
lutmarriTattvs---------------- If. <Msi Bap
udar Addr—a-Tbr Xaitoaal Book Ooweru.
Drpa ■&. Bd UFarbom airvci, Cbleaeo. XiaM . -. aad Pewahey a-. 1 ma a. m.
bund^Tw} doimn.^'*^'“^
! r "e"'
the I
tweaty-five doUata.
aekama. ~
Cemetery Sexton, five hundred do)-,
A 0«r Lmwber To, X
See 3.—All aalvive shall V paid le I
ewnthly iastaUmenta oa approval of J
Bop at
I evening.
See 3.-TbM ordlnaaoe aball taka j ■ .
iU. «wrCo_*«tl^
We do hereby certify that the foregoiay ordlnaaoe waa passed by the
CeuBcil of the City of Traverae City on
the 80th day of Mar. 1«9li
W W. Smi
A. W. RicaXRli.
I. City Clet
li linid Kiplds t iDdiiH LI
and adapted.
Motion carried by yea aad any vote
Moved by Aldermaa Oeedrleh. that
as follows:
I* erdinaace be adopted and paeaed.'
Parkv. Ooedrieh
Motion carriad by yea aad Bay vets
Oreiliek. Deamomd. HneUmaaUl. La
aa followt:
die. and Garriaoa.
Yeaa—Aldermea Parker. O^idrich.
NayS. aona.
Greillek. Deemoad. Hdellmaatel. l.aiPirst-clasa Riga EverTthing i
Tiaven* City. May so, ISM.
di* sad QarrisoB.
and aeav Rates aa reaaoaablv as
flrav-claas bare in the city
CiKiirLKiiKR:—Yonr cam
Ways and Means would i apeetfnlly
it the following report at an catituiB Kr~l i-r>
all the exDeadllorea that will
Wm. Acker. I
, Ta
I- required to be iliade made from the
topp. Frank K. Adenau,
I. C. A. Dsmerec. ,
of the
Yenisb. Wm. Beil
•. M. Ryai
Moved hr Alderi
Garrison tbi
street district No. 1. of the eity during
the petition V
be nfei
nferred le tha eommi
the currrnt fiscal year iaelndl^ lalertee en dtreeta and ttidewalka
est and debt to fall dne. Improvement
_ Metioe carried. and repair ef atrerU. bridgea. aideIto IV HoiiorobK. Die M<ivor and CHk walka support of fire aad police deCourH' of UitCilpof TratMTsc City. partmenu. paymanl of aalariaa. eenjriehkwn
streetioa of aewera. care of the poor,
GkrTTJCMXXt—Wa aha uadenlgaed, payment of current expeuaaa, and
reeideau and Uxpayen of the city, do water and light sn»ly. and support of
eBMeaUy object to tbe paasage of tba tbe public ackools ter one year v!
dcdlaanea- relAtive to herdlag cattle
Fire deeertmvnt—Fir* tboueai
■wUhla the city limiU aad aak tbi'
oac hundred and sixty dallaiu (
Centlnreat fund—Sizlaea hi________
dellars (fiooo).
A great ma» of oui eitiseu ■
Water—Six Ihousaad dallarm. (finooo).
poerpeopldancTMMpaoL ...--------------aeU milk to obtain tb< ir living, and if it (85Sf»).
were not for the fvt that they ooald
Interest aad SiablBg fund—Twe
kava tbelr oawt herdhd on the plalas tbenmad dollaiu, (WOOO).
aad aaoeeapled lands in summer, they
Light—Two thaoiAad aad eight baamould be put to au unusnai aad ex;ra- dred dollars, ifismO).
ordiaary expense.
I'ev fuud-TUrtam hoadfod doliBonroplatou it is batur that tha Urt. (filSOO).
gnesoB iKe eommoms sh-iuld be fed
Balariae—Two tkonmad aad five kuadomathaatoaUowlttogrow uil and dred aad fifty dollaia. (fiSdSOi. .
Librvy—Two huadrud aad fif^ delWe hope yoa will give tbU matter lare. (8<M).
gov aariy oeoelderBtton aad aet eaWU
A» uaaiweiry expeaM npaa a large
peelUB of ov aroetby taxpaying peoSehotie-Tmaaty-ArM tboaeaiid aad
mhudrad asd eevaaiy-five daUaia.
warn. John Barry. Joka J. Broaiaa. R.
Meved bv Aldan^''Uoellaia;
• 'line
- th»t the teeelutlon be ado^
M follows:
Yeaa—Aidarmea Parker, UeodHek,
Motion carried.
Greillek. Deemoad. luellmaatel. L«rTraenee City. Mieb . May SO. im. dle aad Garritoa.
7V> tv MoRorahle, jIV Mapor <md CUp
Naya. aoae.
Council or (V CUp oj Traeerae CUp.
Aa ordlnaace fixlay the aalarica of
eertaia City oSeen for the fikcaJ year
Gkictlxmrx—Toor ce^aitvoe Wa;
aya eodiag Hay 1st. ISM.
Be It ordalaed by tba Conacll of
waa referred
referrec the
tba Cllv of Travarse City:
ading tbe ealarice
Sacnoif l —That each city officer
fer the cuneol fiihereinafter named shall receive kach |
cal rear, aubmit i
annual salary, aa beretnafter sUied.
City Uerk—One U>
auk vaiary to termlaate with tbe enrllltOO).
flaeal year of the city, aad each of
City Trcaanrer—Sev« I bnudred tweaaaid aalariea is hareby fixed and dety ddtlam. ilTsoi.
City Atteraey—Two baadred aad tarmiaed as follows:
forty dollantSJtO).
_______ .
Chief of Polloe-Oaa thooaaad. doltwenty deHart.
lam. lAlooo).
City Atlomcy. two huadred forty
.Niyhlwoichman—Bach Six huadred
doiiara iSooii.
Chief ef Peliee. one tbomaad dollan
' AaaUlaolCl
* •nUiaol Chief at Fire Departmeat—
Night watchi
I. leaebl six baadred ,
Fif'y dollan.
. . (8501.
Drirer of fire drparUBent
m—riva dollan
Aselaunt Chief of Fire Dei
adred forty dollan. (8S4«
aueebed, belay votera and laxpayare
aaddrvellarain.tbe poutheaM portion
of the Villaye of Traverae Cilv and
aloag tbe tine of Woodmere avanue.
II tbe Mbeel ehildrea le
tteadthe Beardmae av-'
id aunt ef aeoeaaity trav
el from the terainu at tbe aldewalh at
ioKlorer of Fire Depart
Heanah avenue op to Eighth Street
Bdred forty dbllaiu, (8S40).
.^^ther in the wayon road or Oa the
Director of the Foor-Oae baadred
track of the O B A I, railroad.I which tweaty five dollars. (filfSi.
awkea U bad traVeliag. aleo varV daahaadfwd
Sextos of Cemew^-Flve
gerona: aad
\_,_- dollan. (fsoA),Cemetery
Whereaa. The travel' oa eaU Wood^
Additional man at fire departmaat
mere avenne for wagoai aad oarriagee foriv dollan per mMth for lime ocen. b rendered IspreeUeablr the greater
nertioa of the way on aocooDt of it box
Wag opened up aorgraded. Sew
Tberefnce. We do Beet eamcally pray
aad petition the naeet keaonble Board
f Aldirl
up and apfficiently grade aad gravel
Weodmere avenue aa to make it prac
ticable to drive upon, from D.
Wrlfht'a property
iheoM U
Eighth atreet north along
eof U. B
A 1 railroad, alko prepare
e grade aeSl
Cleat te lay kidewa.k aad .
log of aame. tncnunect with that al
ready bulk OB the aaid Woodmere avenne and that tbe work be commenced
and completed a) earileat dau paaaiblf.
' Namr-kOf peftioDerk:
D E Wriybt. Joaepb Boon. Frank H
Lea. M h Wright. Charlea Ueva. Hen
ry Bova. Frank Wilvan. I^vi Ackar. E.
Clyde, L. Clyde, K S.-Clyde, A C. Ryan.
Ryan, bage
re Ityan.
M - "
AII bagegp. bm and back «oik
ro.d sbouw be wt with
Office 239 Stat* atredt. tele** t2*i i phone
All orders leCt with me
if 1 »»•> receive prompt atteatipn.
A TrarerwCUxbaatwrCew
Cbeeae per M ..........
Oatv per bo (old). .
Corn per bo.. Old .
Salt [OT bbl...............
***?S'eeraa CSty. Mick.. May to,
To IV Bonn
Council 0/
............ An.
paiVtoaeid '
ore July lot, »»»*. '
Bro(U4ail flsehMYsky.
<rUllr*«e lor
laib aad ahl
air Lumber
■rCo. ISS-lf
Kolk* t» berebr rirrn kkleaalet profioaala ^*.^J°*** '• “
„ ...5S»5£i'
CouBiy Clerk, uill me 1
aa Court nouae a^oape to
iheroDBlr. ko*
tberli* of Trar
•Ciir.iiraod Tvatwee GoubM.llleblraB. a
Uose '
rbl e«
> idaea auAap*riS*aiu>'-e are on
W. A KeviuB.
ife-ioB, Court---------- -k B>da
Ida Bual breea
... kli for BuUdtoe Court Hl_
•mad m U ai A Kr-too. Couolr I
r oo . Ulrb Uwk bill Buat be
*tlfc a lamd to tbe euB of tmAQ
Bicycle Riders.
X«aB Prurrea
ise Bslldlac Com
sssixst!.'; i:
collected In
eeaformity to Uw for the obJeeU aad
Remember that I do all kinds of re
To trhea t Har Cecr»r*-Ad
pnrpoeea hereinafter eaumeimted aad pairing aad eaamellBg. aad that I can vlte. havtox leR |u
l*be*?te tote
in tha Mveral fueda aad amonnu as aad do give you the beet wvk of aay
one in tbe dty few tba mooey.
Ooatiageat Fuad, aixteu hundred be deoeived by what others taU you to
the ooewaiy, bat oome aad see for
Fire Departmaat Fund, five
I guaraatea all aiy work to V right,
eae hundred sixty dbUi
Water Fund, aix Umh
a^ if It does aet prove so I make it
Feliv Fond, two thouaai
^tep in till 8 o'elvk ewirv evaniag,
hundred dellara
Light Fuud. twothouMBdelrhthBa- except Sunday, in the CbldweU A Lou
don boUdiag, at anrth end of Oaiom
dred dolian.
•and dellara
Poor Fuad, thirtaaa huadred daUan.
Salaries Fund, two thoMsad five
huadred fifty dollan.
^brvy Fuad, two huadred fifty dol-
......... " .....
TiiE mm,
Prla tlag Pmd. two bnadrad fifty dal-
*Pwrk Fuad, five hnpdrvd doll
Soboel Fuad.
on* huadred savaaiy-ive dollara
Bee. I.—There ebaU alee be nmei
levied aad eeUeetedaeeavdiagtelaw.a
tax of five (5) rnOMem theddlaromaU
la Bte^ dlrtriet Ka 1, a levy of five thcreml estate and hetaemal property
mUle om the ddUpr. maklag ahemt tan Bubjeet te taxatlem h BMW Dtekrtet
with Bfirl. IkB JfiWBlfir.
HasHngs’ Real Estate Agency.
its Is'aVvvato Imoaly •IJIA
' C
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