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The Morning Record, March 26, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
«B ^aBBWMe KEGCTtD. (asi
Lil .0
UilTOBaE^^. >H<^ 4”JBDAT, IliBCH
?«•<’ H .}'*<■ •* t.l
.( ; ■ •■»>
^It-|> Iiuia M
• :■’■
qdytaaadrkariaa. Tka teaaralwM
allf.B.treat toa
ahenk <a tola atif.
|jim»it Woodloid lutnutol to>««a^ ■»o*B.ot O^Mtai^
. 4ou Brown malB«oliriu»ci(t. ,
tka ^AaX rartr dfoto tf Settoaa tef
wkwe to«r wiU raaUa. .Tka hrtda to a
i>------------ --------Bniittol X>^toHio« to Vkvto
fafilacr«MSladraadaiila74 toa #•
I U VtoltatMk ^>toto4toto-Jttortto te
toataifeaiitoatotrtaada. Tka
■ fhltoi Wiy 4tomm to 9b XntoM« M« ,...wtoa weU liawa fkfetetaa to
UaUaaa aaaalf. Thar naalaad waar
Vtotot 9to»te»^.>toBhtoMy^to Vto fctotot>'
koaatltalaa waD aa laatal praaaata.
pwtoM irito to* Sputok fvtonWatotofMa.
mA to <• Oa toMOH tar Mtotof Nok
«itotoa4a*.to»..i b, dtoaaita. to
flMk to pratoMa.
.....................................- Ualtoi-«totaa
tototoa ga«ai»wito atoetato ax* ra-
Xa^ to AM IHtort &aa
diadaltoahatoato hta i
Itoto. to i
dwaatafaatato apa aad wail
lata-TWanaOtor aad Hataly.
■awn a>adaato to Tbnana Ov
■HkiikTil aad wnardaar naa to
aMMf. Ma ww aaaa
a««t Boh« of Uqaiiy ttiiliimiuiti* M)Sinrimif»‘
fin iio?ivfn
' >■ ,
MimEii FW smtk
ihtoa 4toaai». Ttoa yrwlilato a»d oaU-
oMottv >r »«muodx -
New Colorings
New Patterns
OitoiadOtotoKapXaaltoaa Wink
itM WIU 9*ppl7 a Vatobar to
Wot Oeatolto Saal ta Taaatas.
0*o« Haa.
ThaeaUtaraifactalttaean. Afrtl
Vaaktoftoa. Marak to-Ttoa Waal
XtoaUtotaUa totolL Avtebarto-toa armaaaal raaanw ka*a baaa Btiatad Ik. in tktnii 1........... i-“-‘ - tjr tkto
vto* aaaattor «ai to>a la raatoaaaa tar laatoal 4apai
naratairk Kynik, eanad aawa Utelj
work, balk oMdallr *ad feaSadlr
«to toa 3toa N«r TaA aaAMiMintoiato
SkwlS Blwfaea had,
to toa au Maltcn tar hdihar dataaaa, tba oflatalaaUneataarlrtatoa dar
aad hatare flfht toW WM ptotad aatwo at Boatoa aad twe alMaw Tork.
aoedtaf to Uw taVarr tawaaktf ta
Tka BaWaittottoltaAMlU,
atoatattr to Waahl^bM ttoi Ika ^aa< to pr»n IstMtato ha ortorad to toa aeuy. Tka wiraa aad Uac dto^war* aott
tok Maalaatoatolea koUa tka Atoaa- half toMaaaato thaaasiltoiT eratoara, pratohty ika 9U Leato ar St. PmI <rut<t.w
•ator to tka Malaa to ka to iatoraal
ral aoeatlaa at
to tka AroaHaaa Uaa.
wail at tha nnhata to tka aoeaIka JDtooto fatol aUMto at
iito8|Mk<H a^ ha aaat. a»A wUl paatohl/ fat abaard tka tr aowmtttaa. aad aaktaf thaw ta
te tkto aflr laat amtag,
odiararatoarto tka tw* laataat treat
TtoM wtea aaat tala aanral toweton haak tka *toikate Satffia mw
toifa harowd toa mak to tka raUa tka QaaaHa*, nd
reada to brtag ta oooatrr aawaittaa
tod toad te^ eaaaldar
waa. aad tka raatot waa that at I
aaa toa Xatf* •eatoiato Sfatoak e’eloek ta tha araatag tkara wora ta
Oraaga kaU. wkare
WfaM-WlU .hd!.,-..
akald. toa toltawtif
kCadrid. Marak ».—It baa baaa aa^ato to bar ewa aanl loreaa.
aaaaaad Ikat tka Baak to Spala U le
1*8^ tka Bpaahk fararaMat MO,
daatadaaatoanbatof kvTtodto aeaChariaaota-A. 1. Ooaltar.
Omd Traaaaaa Q. B Baagbar
ftoltoa brlha «ar asd aa*7 toparv
KaUuaka-C. C Jaaka
naato aad tkaaaatotr ta fneSaally
Laataaaa-Ww. DalaaU.
Tka loUowtag wawbaiato tha aoei
»aa OkadaveU Baafbt to Sana
.witoktoftoa. MarrkW.—Tka report
A Seal br toa Sarwaaia.
to tkaMatoaeaartto toqabr to aea
Bialr-W. L. Mooroa.
IwfOrtaat ebaag* baa takaa
to ^ kaato to Praatoaat Mektotof. flam
Baat Sar<-J. M Mahaa.
toa Nortkan Mkehlgaa TiamOnat—r.
L- -OaoU.
partatiag Ga...^-whieh tka Sarwoar
OranJUka-A B. Oartia.
I at 9:40 1
•antof hr aad to tka ewfaar biiaww aaia oweeartoid Prod Pratt.
of toa baau.of tka Itaa. Bark# A
dhr UaaUaf lak»-Wawn Waal, prexr tar
a aaUlBg tka atmwar ClXj Charlaatojt to tka etkar wawbaa* to tka aow- M. BaUaL
SltalaatoadtotoiaUrttottha hoard paar- ^4 maw arraagawaat will go
Paataaala-F. L. Jobnaa.
WbiUwatw—J: i. Baigaa.
to toqaliT Sada that tka -aifiiMca tata agaet at eaep aad two terwer waU
UaioB-C. M. Bagar.
wUbaidoaawalak daatnrad toa Matoa «aa treat
01«r—lat ward. J . A LoI:^
•paar la latka eatoda. aatodaaa eat to tka ratagar. proir for J. W. MlUtkao; tad
...................k Tba aaw
afitolhntty tarthadMaatar. It
ward, A. B. Brawa: trd ward. J. B.
tbaawapaara aataUoM:
aal exfitoa aaaflalaa aa to tka akarloo; 4th waid. B. B. Papa; >th
A ASaroMi
ward. A. W. BUak.
aatv to toa ityltolM. bet tha toatt- tiar.' ataa era
Attar eonaltaOan bg tlU nkay
itarr: J. P. C Chafah. farwarlr to
■aaj feaa toahaarttet It weaa fewer*,
tkto eiy. trmiarw; 9. W.-farwoer.
nl BBhnartoa mtoe. the caaat chargeaaral aaaagn: Babart P. Obarto.
•etor towhlakwnaatdatatwtoad hr flao forwwtr to tola toy. gaaaral belUtt far a oaadldsta with toe tallowtoa toaMaaaaf, ttwtoktoa hattaf waa frtogktaadpamaagtoafBt; J. C. Ooo- tagraaalt:
Tba Brat tbiea tatormal: J. W. Mllll, antotaat .............
taint; WIU
ttot It wet wkat to kaewe
Qartaad to Trararaa Ofj. arlll kora kta,^t; a. D. Ckmpboa 1; A L Coalfa
wan two aapleaian. tha haard ftada.
Tba 4th. »th. atk aad Ttb: MUlUraa.
aad deaka ta Ckiaaga.
. dkarpton, l: Ooaltar. l: C
Tha irai wto frea toa aahtoa aal
aaitot eaa to toa aMltor aafeatoa
Tka ttk: MUUkaa. t: Oafkali. 9;
Saentarr Leaf did aat raten ta tha
wka. 1.
Mlfk Sehool Xyeoott Stoetaod Tkto
Tka »tk aad latA MUUkaa. t; CampaaiM dafartaaaat attar daUrariaf
Tha Law Skoeld ha AdoptaA
ball. t: Coaltar, t.
rafort. hat waa with toa freatdaat
Tba tlU: MlUikaa. 9; totapbaU. 1;
Tha Swtor Lpmaw wat ta tka laattBMoalr If to toa ataaaihHaf to tka
ue rooa to tka Blgh aebool laat araa- Ooaltar. 1; Jaaka. 1.
eabtoek Llaetoaaat Oonwkadar M
Tba lltb hallat wu; MUUkaa. 1:
i^aad-ntortalaad a iaega aadtaam
tor, 1; Jaaka. 1.
k toa fraatdnl aad toa with tka toaowtag axoallnt praftan
Tkto ballot waa at oooa, oa moi
Mia—MlaaaaOUnaad BaaOa Faiaaoratarr. aad aaawared aackal lai
tada---------------- aad Mr. MUltkn daItoderlac tba eaMaft eoatareaaa.
iTaiapMk ‘’Tha Barpar”—Jaok etarad toa aaa laaa. aad tka oemml
At 1: n tka aawtoa aeaaladad aad toa
■a»hwa Area* aw»y. laaaawar t
Ftaao nla -Mtoi Kata fkrcaat.
a^alctoaUwaBatoiadtkatattw tka ie>
Ahetnat. “Bew Znlaad"^tapd OBady oa toot to Fat
waa aanfoUr t*ad ta tka praa
■ t
Otan Team ta tba ttalA
BaMtatlea.‘tha Veto Waa .Baton"
to allAka tatMbwt to toa nWaat a
-Aaaa Marta
gaanl dlaaewloa (oltawad to
B^. “Bietoar Wm"-4n Kretaar. alxrady oa foot to raotfeataa
fdaaiial intoraa. Onunaadrr Marta
iMfMfta. “Mr aKpartano ta Colo baUtaaa bare aad It to a a
ttottoaOoltB wfll'ba to a
rado"—Altaa Alktaa.
who n I
Tba qeaattaa far dliiwnloa '
Watotaftoa. Marek U.-Oaeoara to •BaaaHod. Tkto ika fraa text bootoa taaa toat jmt. wQl agtoa bate ikirfi.
Tlhald wfUalao }toa tka
aa^ aSetato aa tawakeaMkaadtilit*
Fred Stalto aad. Blaaeha Ugaiaa aad Gltan tha pltahar wiU ba a
dka mrawntatotoa flaat of Sfeatok
apokafcriba aBr■atiaa^^wkUa J<4a bar. T*.iat* are alraadj aaar apto>»
tarpade. heata trm tka Oaakrtaa
Saett aad Maad BaU ditaadad too aar ttan ta tka toada to Maafar Jaka
Xtorto Ktaa. Ika flaat la to^^ekota for- aUre
EUlan toem Srto eiam plar«n- Tka
alMklatoitaldadaflaatakd^aaadwlBbafeUv n ■
la toa geawal
It aidatteafwtoda laat year.
^ to it to toa Waat tadlaa tod^ iw Smith took paK
•aadad aa aa-tadkattaa to
Bra. LomBohana* Botoar X>yA
Jadga Pobarta teeeleed a
agatatoaattOak leMaaal anarta an to toa eftakia toat
yaatatoar aaaaaaetag tba death to
Mn. Ftaaeia8tanaa.motoar to Mra.
aadar ordtaaiy elreaMtoaaaa It wlU
Sateato Sweat Botoal Mnat.
Bohwta. to hw kaM ta QraadrOla.
Mtak. Mra. Boharta hn ban to toa
Uat ataatag Mtoa lyla Prrma nil
b^taida ed bar motkor aaaaa Man aad
Jedfa Baharta wBl fe to Snadi^ tok
mettof to atfStoa:
araij aaa penb taiy pinnat aanlag. tototokaptamSaady;
toataaaaa aam
A a4*toan M4 b«o *atoAa< aMBtaM
lMto:«Mto Itatoa.
u4 umUmt
iltaM ^ to to whtto Ua rapart «aa
At oar Use cf Wheds brfore-yoti b«j--WA hSTS tbe
‘Outtn*," the euy nusiiiK.bicrck of IWsi ,:
lasll tofwA* of
ibara Bara
«Vk Foi
Baattas to
New WaU Paper
»M to tetotul SstowiM-VUl >to
itolwWae4lMWllaMitttba(Mi^ }aar*to M toto fatot
• to BtoUjr ttoa Btototo RovtoM
■« ^'
SpriM Hats.
■jdiMiito. mim BooK$Tm
Don’t Have To
now on salA
. Bakatoa kaato dmayafiH Yaana
key It ready mda How aw lav* toMh to
Ws osU spsoisl sttsattoa
Aad kaow tel Hk n waU apt. n weU Mda.
aad n waU trUamad. n If yeaM d^ Ika wwk
yowaall. Maas hen aaaa d nataf.to yaa^
HUES wumis ^
STEMiaGs —-
“gis?” Wheel Enameied For B2.SI ^3
PETANDER’a U?'£2‘$
that the
Tkto to t)w Mto popalar
made, m tka wearer alwaye im *
qnUty toe bmt.
for, Rve Csfits is the-- '
Traverse Belle,
Diamond J.
asd for Tea Ccats, the—
Mode by A. w. JAHRAUS,
Bicycle Bepatring! TryaPaifOfOiifSdiMlSIiiiitt
...i. . ..v.
b. et WWW ta« a*ww w
Good solid leatbar oonntsrs, solos and uppers-that is the kind that wean.
40« ubIos stTMt.
. , Serna autoShM atm
tag. aad my I
toat yoe eaa gat aaywkara. a
^*OMn?ato aaa aamplaa
s. El. OIB13S,
You have
thfr prettiest
in ♦msiii
fit lUrflla
Staple pdFaoc^^mes
m-O-ERTTHnrO- B^EimSB.
Sprmn dayt are here,
and rilk them tomes oar
Silk Capes.
Tn waatb-carrl^ thatladlSareat
ban than Tka kodtoa a
ow aad yoe
aar toto thay are toa
Aaaaa Itaa to SahyOn'toSnyea etar
mw, aad toa prtaa to ao Uftor tkaa aa
mditotit. woBnm
We have also jest reeeiTed a great
Capes. We wonW be pleased toehov yoe oar ne.
line Pricea we know will be satUfaCtoay.
Breaa Skirta—We have the Saeat line ia the city,
aad if yea need one earn will be aaie to pteaae you.
Broaoh Block;
•aiM- .
MO>n>a Baooilk.
thavlalta Mdfal •*
ka «taaa ia iha Or«ad Ofwa Ba«a
Ihto **««to« ^ PiafaaM Mata* ad aim
Oaiaga. Pnlliiii Mam pivAA 7«*a faw trtaada af Mr.
Utoafatadthathto aato Tr-Tr*~~~“j da* aad toto
aklltaf lhahitkaalo • . Tsalchtika
TMta* raenaocp aad gBaraatae satMbotkm.
Pl^ giro oa a tn*L
na f laifu ipaafal to tka faMlar W
Pmm fast ^loeatataadth* fallaw- will lad >ktoa*OBMtptitofty aajsykteapaa.tokBaanofOovataer Ptafraa kto. MIb Vadar wOt nadar i
ftt, BmE
ro**raa«*a aatloa ta ealltar a fairlil
ttoa ta tka Oevall aad Prlaa dto«aiiM»1UI«II tfircwMia«.
V40HIB PIWITL. VOraohoel la^MtorCfltoBLEBy GEAWK.
«er toemtomBMldof PatoUe Watta.
«M( la
M (to*l
Ihto <
data far alata a«alar to CU (to* *«
■ifik. Oao.G.Oa*aU. m4* Taoaat tor
iMoUto avvaiatMata* Oaltad (Hataa
-^Malrtot AtaarMy. J. W. liUUkM •**
okoaaa aad ttoa aafaetloa to a rood
Mr. MUUkaa to om of ttoa toaat ciUaM*
OmaA Traoww *Ma^ aU a «aa of
•aary qaaUficatfaa to yrofariy rayrtooaat tto* paoytoaAlto* Aatrtet ia ttoa
lastoaM af PiafaMT Batpto
•Tka Itoatory Girt" wlk^s'^ tral
AlBoa OeMdy Oa. ta BtaUWto
Mr kMtt«HHtoMu«4tkilri
■L Bmm U to W|M« itet tkm Oraad Opara Hmss. Tkto to mid ta
to M TSM^.Maltkvcn tok* kto to* a play tUad with lato
«Im to* wtobM «».»•» aad prodaaad ia aa eaa
«df«M7 wtaH tbnVto MttoiM «• |v*- ■aaaar by ttoto acBpaaj
*M m4 toUM ItoAtr iwt* wUfe tk* ■»- P. C ODbart rataraadlMtalckt ^Mi
«mtoadU« tto»t «to*7 to* «•
C. L. Oaytaa esM **or froB <Iiafa»d
■ftor U* t**riwi
Oadar tto* apaetol *et iwmlac *P*eW atMUM* on^toUtat* telac • M*> ^tfBtaekBaa of ttalatto. to rtoittaf
•kM. tto* dtotoiet
Mat uAcelsr* tto* laaalt «atU Satar- Hoo. W. a. Peatar rataraad’trofa
Lemoec tost Btfkt.
Aar. Ap« ». aad tk* aew
W. D. TMtimi esM o**r fraa KalMt tate tto^ a*ata toalar
iM Moa^.-wtoaa ttoa twntf day kaaka yratarday.
lUaU of ttoa apaetol a***iaa wfil to* J. A. Boot*. foTBtfy of ttoto eity, to
towB <B bailaim
laaetoaA T...........................
WlUtoB Bays*, tto* kaOar aakar af
(to* *t*(7 t
kto Oadniae. to ta ttoa ally aa bailaiB
Moto tkat tto* *Mt* wU11
tom or r*fM* to paaa It ia aay atoay* Mr. aad Mr*. J. U KyBsr af Oraad
tea. ttoarafar*. detatala*A to oaD Baptda, war* ta (top afay yoBlmday.
bar apaetol atoalto a* aaea a* ttoto Uadar Sbariff Aatotaa. who ha* baa*
oatoaad*. Ha Acaiaa tkat k* wiU fat ta Oraad Baald*. ratoraad last alybl.
Dr. J. A. Saydar apd fasUy wCU
i at a
ta Ktacalay.
alaattoa, aaA tkat ttoa aaaat* <dU «et i^*ai Sosdsy with
T. Bath Olimoa aad Profmmir Bcata
l ito* aaw^aaton.
rest to ProBkfort yoatetday. They
PiaatoatrtU UMy n
3. W. Slatei!. to rtontac^a tow days
with bar paraata at Barker Oaak.
Ma. aaa(««tk aaA pakUe ^AHtaA; aad -It to aot Impratoatol* Soatv Q
Mr. Chari** niikaal*y aad ptotar
—a wkacaa alwaya to* Aipiadad
ttoa Dor.
I'kls aaaatorial east rather tkas aa*
•a Ao what ha Aaaa* Jaa^ aad rirhu
I Seated float kto dtotriatfaracaU* (toyoaacp**pta.at6abla.
faUadapan to toa far the toaat latMt* to tko rorarwarto aiMarm. U say
toaaAtkaaBtli* p*o- *T«at tto* mmai* haa tka last aay skoal
ttoa arattaf of aay atamkar alaetad. aad iabl«a aa a tamU af ttoa latato laraad..
fla a< tto* atato. Eto i
yaliHe aCato* aad kto loyaUy to Ito* d*> it to etalmadtkatisaoMparwad 0»> ^tioaa, flra tto* pnpolactoe <A tto*
aMoyiaaat af ttoto aaedoa of (to* atato rtf'* dtotriet. rrtoieb iacloda* ooutto*i worldat I.BA5.000.000. Wa to «) iata tka Borthara part of tka atata. It crtaae orar <b* faror** of ISSd of »,•
wU) ba impotfbU to rlr* aoUea af a •00.000. To ttoto tacBaa* Eoropa to
apwdal eleetlaa aad prapara for It ta sadtoid witb WBtrilmtlap E?00.000;
AM*. 6.M0.000: Atrfaa, T.e00,000;
too day*."
rloa.EMO.000. Tto* Uoltad Stataa.
iMlrint Oowyaay.atEaatkarv. E C. la apMklar of tto* titaatloB rarard- with ita great icrowtto. MtlBeud by ttoto
Mita* a raaaatly paUlabaA lector, ip, tM Goraraor PtarrM'a tool It to atatad: aetbority at Ab00,000. aad it* presaM
ilaticBi. piaoedat TAOOO.OOO. laprewhtoto ka a^**^
> BUB* ttoan 61 pw oeot (rf the oo. ttoa iHItootthataaatleaandetaff far tka Ptacrar falU mot Ita Waterloo at
popolaHim <A Mortto and Sootto
kattor tbaa ttorydld ea ttoair fariM. tka haafa af Mr. Balfw tkto atorataf.
amphatto oplatoa that tka Miefalaad ar* ekaacfal aaA aaaat to to* eeatoatod aad happy m4 addK -Tto* fSB Ckatral eaaaat kt raaohad oadar other part of tto* earth. Ik* pc«mlstioo
tolU* hcT* iaereaaad la toIom (to* It aalMB Ua ^aatol etartar to fast ra- of Europe wa* tacreemd to I78.000.000,
rf. aad that the |-----f- of tto*
aroaad aa. Tk* praaast km alcma waold simply -work
PkUto *f
MadlttMi^ltoafar^iatto* aai»h- araiast tka weaker rsada aad la faror
of ttoa aa* It is daMrad to rraek. did tto*
ProB Mareh. 1840, mtU Mareh.
leaa. U i* ala* atatad that the ra--dket that they rato* prorWoaa to a^
ISM, ISI traoMi
to the oparaUra* at a pradt, whtoto* 11 paal of the etoartar eaaaot ka aoa- faipe plytag betwacB E«mp* aad
•to* a*Ul* wtoa-tot la ftaak ttoay waaid aldared aadar the prsaaat laiiiafa. to* eely—were lost «o roate, asd
The opiaioa toraaaral that tk* Ptatra* dirat reeell of ttoli ESM tf<
j^la* aottoa at a Icaa”
eaaaot aow pea* tk* koaar, aad lovb Tbe estiBsto of Urea lost from raMUm *i*m aaar tto* prapa- that tto* rovaraorwOl ao^ma aaolbar rioai other oansea to flOO. Ike sasbar
Bc* raoomaMdtaf tto* rapsal of of Haasablpi aertr to«ard froaiafur
Mtfaa to haad ttoetoaaty far MOM to
toaTtasportwaall. Tk* aaBbtobatBad.
Mridaaaawaoertkoaa* la fcodTiaf
aod tb* haafaer foondBad
Mr* attaatkto. Baaiaeto mm aad Both bosM adjooraad oatU Meaday «**nui*,
wa* IE Tb* otber wncka were oeoaed
l famw* ttoa
hr oolllMopa. baiiii wafaad Mtoon. oolChaeaaatytoalle** that tto* y .
i^^ta* that k* haloa with Icefaatga, eto. Fron Mart^.
wUpr*«all.aad*bU*tb«ala.a UtU* may kaap tto* lariatatan ta aawtoa oa- ISM totk* bmioAing of tb* premol
appoalTlin ta ms* part* of tto* aaaaty. tU aext Jaly If a Uxatloa kill, sock aa year.ttob lo« of Ufa oa tb* Atlaotio b*s
beta vary Baeto .lam tbu fa faniMr
lt***M to to* til* t*B«al optaloo «toat toa toaa drafted, to aot paaasd.
years, tboogh ooa or two targa alaamm
tto* Tot* win to* favaratoU. Tka ato^^
hare bad aetiotu al^pa, aad oee Wat
lata Buitoity af a aooaty toeildl^
r beard fnaa.—Wataiogtoe Tiaaa
akeald to* aaraaaUy aoaatdaraA toy aaary Gadartakar W. E AadaraeB to rto
voter aad tot* rata akaalA to* la fa«ar aaw Warar^ wbaeL
EO. Stroar to aU* ta be akoat
la roHar tto* B^tolkaa tdkot ttoto afaia aftara very saror* sad laar m*
^rtar tto* rater aheaU atoo aa*t kto
toaUottor (ke fra* tral toook ayetem The yoaar Baa’s aoetol elob far*
MLLora ma.
far Harara* Oty.' Tk* laiportaae* of plasMat daaeiar party Upt alykrta
eowiar toadar tto* law of ISfa. Is pr*l Mortaa^’t dcadamy.
araaeatotkataf IM'Wtotoh pats tk* Walter H. Peek af Sooth Bead, laE.
aoatrolef OBraysteaU (to* kasA* of to rUttar hi* naeU aad aaat. Mr. and
Ml*. A. W. PaekolWeat|Mtoth eto
taraihly opoo every votarP. W. Blakaaly to atakiar a daeldad
ahaara ta tto* old Daily ;far*^ taartaf
Party la Hoaor ^ Mto* Bdd.
aad repatrtar tto* bolldlaf*.
A plaaaaat party wa* fltos last •«
tar by ttoa Badeam Soslety of tto* Ik* Spwmta Uar«* af tto* Plitt
l^toeda etooieh la boaor af Mtoa Be- Mattoodtot etoareh totprapartap far a
baeea Kidd of Onaway, Preaqae 1*1* laetara to ba riw by ttoa fanaer par
eoaoty. at tto* horn of Mr. aad Hra. tar of ttoa otoortf. Kar. W. A. Pry*,
■aim oa Seraatk atraeC Ma^ ra*<* ow of Tkraa Rlraia.
aad refraahBCDta toelped to paaa a rerr The p^UaoMBtary drill elM of ttoa
pieaaaat ereatar- Mtoa Kidd haa toeia WoM^ Qob will meat with Mrs. J.
atteadtaf <d»ool at Blr B^ilA* aad ia P. OQiaapta at tto* ratodsaoa of Mia. E
s. unsornjiTiMaTr .
BOW OB her way tootaa>. m Waablartaastoaal
t o'aloek ttoto afteraooa.
Artaalan Wall TmtoU.
Mtoa Hadley, tto* Meatrie mM
Tka arteataa well at (k* ^)m haa
aaaaad to flow It* faU fora* aad sap- who haa appartmaato at Park Ptaoa,
fUea taBaSeieet water for the aae of kas laaaed tto* reoM fvme^ ooM
ttoe teatltoUoa. However, ttoto
Mr Mttotod of *aK>Iy 1* aUU avallatole
Bgga, par doses...
ao that M material iDceordtoleoee
* of all
aa^led. Tketreatola wlttoVlAe wall
bar* to raqatatad at tka metrtlar af ^ CUeato. Marak
r a cartar4
toe'aartto sear ttoa toaM of ttoa tolpe, Good Tamptaro ttoto oraatartaoracebe Btadatoattaad tbs to- Oer*-Maiwb. STtoo: May, MHe: Jaly,
•eeafeoaateaot dnit
amal af tto* lata bndtoar VirrU Ptoroa. MKe: Septamber. lOHME
•toe w^. Ttoa i
Other Importaat inwlnTB will k* dto* ^J^Hareb, UhjK May. S#)tfto Jnly;
. tkaAlMealtylaaoi
Vomaak Cftato BaasAl.
"Naaam aad ttoa ^tadhJPata," to tto*
aabjaet ape* wktoto Prot C E Bora
will taatara taalgkt. la Moatayav toan.
aadw tto* aaaplaaa wf tto* WaBaak
a*b. Profaaaor Hara'^ gira* ttoto
leetar* May tiaas aad to a ttoeraagk
BastarafttoaaatdMt. TkaprtoaaAadBtoakB wm b* aaly tea eraia. bat ttoa
laaur* will b* worth tea ttoaaa that
SOB to arary oaa who iball attaafl
OaiA af Thaaka.
Ttoa faatfy of the lata Ctoaa —r~
d«lra to (toaak ataeaialy ttoa trtoeds
who aaatotad ttoea la ttoair aflih '
aapactoUy Mtoa Baaaay tar ktad m>
rtoasaadl-er.-Mr. Beaaeto. toad ttoM
abaaoGfal floral offari^
Stdilieri't Gfod
PiWk-Mareh. SO 40; May.M4E
Oraad Baplds, MarekAa-Wheat. SSo
Odd PeUewa’ XaUtatfaB.
At tka racvfar Mattac of Or^
* * I. Mo. MO. I- o. a r..
/ ttfalid. After the a
tfriaad to try Ctoambartata’a
Balm. He eaya: -A faw aptfe
fnr|ir^I.J.I.IU P.1. B.hi .Md
•tok ta Beat tbs laAtoa *f Ttarwa*
l-8oUd WMk-i
Pants r
For 25 Cents.
Monday. Klarch 28
Comedy Co.
toby the kb* mtoa
Mr. Jake Simon
Job Lot ChiMron’sKnee Pants
Wa liETB plaetod on Mto te
<aoic* of
ool«^|tttt.lTO price, md c
valaes. rmimog from 50c to $1.00.
AU mntt go at J
SS Cents,a Pair.
“The Factory Girl.”
IJmIt-S poll, to . eutoDur.
Boston Store,
PopoUr Prices.
10. 20. 30c
----- -mwT
Oa Meaday kVsatag todtoa wffi b*
213 Front St.
nnetor's OpM litat ito-Rt^it
ini Kiciiinf-
Colors-Black, Maduro,
Belna Steel, Pearl. Bargirndy. ^
^ ^
Salmon, Seal Brown,
Bro* Ooha,Hyrtla
|Th8 Culpipper StfrHats^
Colors—Black, Brown, Bbdia, Mapla
These are the latest etylea best makes, and altogeth- ^
er the nobbiest hats offersd.
-i. i'/i-. .,.1
Vaw GIbbs Blook.
0^ aem'&A 9taou\« m&taVv
\tcmr aeo) aavt oeaU be \\ve
ytoVCT tV.\a5. ^ TRvA
&aoettoeV«^ l^ taaaVa
• r ■'
1 >
Map «w«mM M»«i>;iArwM>AT. KA»H w, i«m.
__« wM Mamnl aTMi vMtan ym.
ui anw « <b. mm,
u «*Mt nr. M IM «m balimtf «ar
ba swite Ba ake mtd OmI h* •ai Oacord of paBtkal Ult.
of u* ktwttoa. nM
WkfM tto rapon of q>« fcoart^
«Mr«ni M i»at iba Mate* ^
la tte perpoaa to traax tka Mowing ^
. “"“lossa.r.sssr-*"*-
aa aa« tba a«Nr ettan or tba
a bora, aaa att ana pa pocth
wm go with tba ottearp.
l^egMonMaVa^o. .
Mfk. March B.—Vb* Tamps imiHm
to -Tba really ypffirdsi calm' with wbkb
ckrtxi a «a» mm»t aaip.
Hawport Kawa Va.. March B,—TuDf tba Amaricaa ohvbl court of Ipqpky
U.«a» paraou y«ot<>rday wltaaaMd tba into tba BalnwdkMtar
taanebtiia of
.tb trattaajp
wkdam win oba Kentncky ai>4 Kaar- rteta
a eoBftlet.
tba ktsKaddltloaatoUadataB'B
paey, and probably tba most powarful
Branbain. Tea.. _
ItfhUar iPacbltiSi aSoac Tba Bear- ton yaatttdsy a Bra.
pans was tba bMt to raedva bar bap* iscendlary origin. *
ttam. Whan tba army of worfeata
knocked tba Use sboraa from tba cradle
t over mM; Aispraaoa; «»..
at tba reoBM Hra Okabatb MayMrd
WlMlow. wlf« of Uautaaaot Winew,
U. B. N.. rraapad tba c«t-ctasa bottk
a* champagne. wrappdS in mialatare
Madrid. BaKb B.->lt waa
American Aasa. and., crasblnc H upon yeatarday eranliag- that the Bgak of
tba bow at tba big batUaahIp said: ‘Tn Ppaln ta to land tba Bpaalab govara*
tba nama of tte United Butaa I non mant bw,«aa.WI pacataa, guaimataad by
tb* im treassrr boaBa
ctarktaa tbea Kaaraafga.'
- •
* ny down tba .
of the pmtiaot kpneblngB
BOwaOkaa, March a
arei eltpaaaed at tba yardaof tba New
wbMh wtu ba ot iau
to every
port ftewa BhlpbaUdlnf company.
Btroet c
In tba country
At II-St, an hour and a half Utar, tba dactrie
KanlBrity lafl tba ways, with caramo- baa htst bean handed down by tba su
plaa the coantarpart of thorn already preme court at Madison It U to the
wttnaasad. Tba dtrty of wwaaof was afioct that there can ba no axtaMlos
of atreat railway link beyond the city
Umna. even tbougb a
Bradley vaa an attractlva flgura on ^
boat’a bow. with the amblam of. purity
In her upUftad hand. Tba
la tba rapOTt haaa baaa cakM
yy **y*« «t “• facu"b^?^
^aslaa aavanunaBt win ba aqatralMt
«a «amar apaa «„a« toa u
•a te anr leacth it teraa
aaiowa ta aaart ttar. ana « k baUevaa
■•tba oBlalatrT win «o4«ac aa Ihr aa It can
JaapardWtir Ita own axincnea
iJ* onrrtaal of tba praaaat arnaaty.
■•be report «f tba Malae eoort of in.
qpliT wOl be Toad at todar'a caWi
■•rtiB*- Aitbeiish dorlns the li
Booth aad mora the preatdeot has braa
« Ida daMi avarT day and far Into tba
^t Ua Mliafs often remark the fact
«bli baa;rT boHat) of earr and work
4oaa not abow m bli face or appear to
■ffaet bk boalth..
WaAlaptop. March ».—Tba attantloa
g^^Aaatotaat flacretary of euta Day
J^caUad to a aiory printed la New
yTort yaaterday aftamooe which rep?
TCocMed hlk aa havloc attaodad a ooa.
Widpinaj> niobt. aod opaaklna for tba
iPioliint daclartnc that the Spaalah
ottBaOM had ceoa beyond djpkuaatlc
•dbaatmeai and adeocatlmr forOnt tba
fthsAan of Cii^ by annad Intarvenilfa
, JPdca Day does not uaually take the
troQhla to deny auny of the atorta. sat
bfloat ai to hla ballafa and ntterancaa.
bat tbk wad ancb a pcdntad sutamani. prodoet, waa dona with para water.
Ba aaM: -Z «d pot say to any___
and bare narar for a tnoomit tboosbt
.1— ....
raiaUona ‘
—1 tba ■■
pond tba hope oi
I haea PM advoe
Ikfmppitea in «
mk* Vm be set
battla with
opposed bar.
Carrying out bar paattinaet In tba
atatlar aha bad the water brongl '
a Main, wlra^m-rrad glam botUa i
the famuoa errata] apring on the spot
where Abraham Uncola waa bora la
Imraa county. Ky. Then, as tba vessel
auriad down the waya. several bottles
of old Bourbon whIMty ware buried
laetloa from tba Bpsj
agaln^ bar aides by Kantueklans wbo
ffU not say that this
tntarean^.at on^ and force Cuban free. ware M>poMd to tba water chrtatanInr. When the anafaon of tba big boat
bran dropped and aba bad roraa to
P coaraa.*' Tba aedvury added that iM .bad
a bait in midstream, the distinguished
whole Mory was entry.
Wa^ngtop. March B.-A acaae dramade in tba tatanslty ot Its lata^
a tbe benata yastrrday
rry by
ppeach on tbe Caban Mtustlon. Not
. ataca tbm ynanguraUon of Prestdant Me. -.-BEtalay have so many people bean on
tbe smtau slda of tba Capitol as ware
tbare yeatarday./ The gallaflea warkbehad wtita paopla, anaay of wboai had
hrriTad at tba Capitol as early «a t:»
p. m. k order to obtain seau. Brea
tba dlptomatk gallery, which la rarely
peenpled. waa flilad.mhfnbla a few pilantas after tbe aanatr convanad evaey
senator who could be praaasi waa la
fek sMt. and by the UmsTtanrstoa baJ
haguB bis speech dosana of mamban of
tba bouse were allbar standing or oe1. eupylag chairs In tba area wUbMit tba
Ssmi-cirria of
Bis first saatanen, n wbirii be oaid ba
gpoha by commaad of aileet iips-a dallattanlioa.
Mrs. Thurston's dying ra«oaat to bar
bustaend was that bs sbould lose oo
ttaaa oa account of bar death to do bla
Ptmom to save and free Cube and
peamba. Zn accordance wlib this
OPset. therefore. Tbureton aacrifleed
tarly ctfon. and even tbore wbo could
not agree wlih his conclusions conceded
tba power ot bU oraLion. As ba neared
the and of the speech his vwiee. which
baC been clear and ringing. PoUoeably
emotlop. but-rallied with an effort ted
dosed In a tngnker that tbrillad Us
Thuratop. dosed as follows^ “Mr
Pteshlaot. tai tbe caMa that moMudme
to Ufa and bops, tba ttnmgcat mSsk.
•.bnjkaii. I have p....................
iba aiur oft—o-. ,
but aE I bare I am glad to give. 1
ready to earva my eouatry aa beet i
In tba seoatr or in tbe Bald. My dearam hope, my most aamaat prayer to
. Ood la this, that when dMtb comas to
sad all 1 may meet it calmly and feardid my briored, la the causa
bonkolty. unOar tba AmerttM Sag.-'
mu and digaiBad aanatoro Iw
amr and wept, and U the gaUa
waited to hnadfPSi ed.sy«.
pm a romarkaka aeana. aadtbaottU' «ssi kSttO tba Utt
last sroMs bad baop groAt •( Aoath ttsatf. A*
falldtous apaaebaa ware made. Among
Ibe spaakars waa Oovarncj Bradley.
London. March B.-rn>r Dally Qraphlc
nyi editorially ihia morning: "Wo
tirink It iimatthat Washington eeaaad
wobbling. Weaka'ago It was aald that
tba starting of the Bnaniab torpedo
floutia for the West lodles would compal America to declare war, Today lb«
Aotllla I* MeamiBg eiratgbt for Porto
Rico. MaanwbUa aruia senators 1n
Waahlngtoa and ovtr-cia\-ar lournall
In Maw Torh are pUaniag InganiL..
campaigns to Ha tba odlom of dmtarIng war oo Ppala.
•■Sttraly this la unworthwpf tba Amar
an Odd rallow and a Mason, past grand
master of both Masons and Odd Fallowe. and was twlce«rboaen to rapraoent
tba latter body la tba Aub««»a IcAva.
Path at Hesetam Saak. klu.
Chippewa rails.. Ifu..^ March &—8.
C F. Cobban, one ot tba waaltblaot map
in twrtbara Wloconaln. la one of tba
vietims of tba coloaaal frauds'praetload
by govarei^i clerks at Ft. Past Reports say the amoocl of Cobtmn'a lom
wig reach ITLtoa. Cobbao slated ihal
tba agaret will not run oo high as this,
tbougb hla lots wilt ba ccmsldarable.
Ba takas the loss very calmly and beBaves that hla cbancea of beittg reim
bursed for tba tnonay are very sUm.
St. Paul. March Sk-Tbe Bank of
Marrlam Park, captui tH.Ste. whlcfa
waa reponed to have lavaatad In tbe
Southall govaramanl (Ima cbacka to
amount of mooa. failed to open
doom for bOBloaos yeaterday. The oB'cere of tba bank deny that the bank
was loaded with Bouthall Uma cbacka
and that Its capital was impaired,
a mating of the directors It waa decided
to clooe. baUavmg
to bead off any run on the bank. They
honaa yeajarday. and after consIderaUa
dllBrully a arrangaiiM-nt waa made to
dose gereral debate at 1 o'clock tbU
afternoon The debate yesterday wai
not on aanastlonal linaa. hot ac-.ry rsdl
ral axpriusloti was cheered to tba aeht
by the crowdaj gaUariea
A ganw at dmaipoa tap Uen’s'esfa
dm tba poealty raeortly offered la tbs
bewildered gaas cf tba vislun lo
a. The plaTcm ware »U
aDd n worthy attimo wbo. on
tba strength of a bet. bad entered tba
bnUtstioo of the king of beasta i
ffpktly a\ a tpbk wbldi bad ____
biopgbt ip for tba peipaae. jUie pair got
« eei7 well for a ttON. tbe lion wato)>_«PPsmit^
ntkm. Beat
C bowrr. toairira at. tbe t
tbe game was a poor bosiiM. after all.
for Instead <d allowing tba two men to
flaisb it In pmm ba spddmiiy made a
daabattbe table and seat it aptnnlM
with tbe dominta la wild wwtfyrimi
low tba air. Bueb to Ibe benw
aJoaben. wbo feared that a MiocAlim
tkatropba waa impeodim.
Tba aBStouz. bowevur. wm not alow
in taking tbe blnL On tba etmumrj. ba
lost DM a BOBcnt in bolting mu tff tba
oage. and tba relief was genoml when
be MMceeded in {muing tbe bars botweeo blmaelf aa4 tbednoliiberttf tba
lien appeared to be a very
W, bAn me apple., Onp,.. And Lwop., .too
Pg^.Aprlpdto, Popdiao, Pnmoo, Pig., Datoo uS
legDliblM. Cabbate, lagas aai Jbatt.
If You Have Logs to Sell
O-m-p^d with ft,
ca, Li..b«
W«bav« lorgde Oood,
<ff tbe fogrtive dcBiaio player to par
biB . Tiritand.aotDallr^MS^ceJS
lo aocopt from him a plaoe of meat pmscatod M a ptopitiaBry offarit«. As.
afwr doing }aitlea (o tba BOrsel. ba bogan to regaH Iba lotroder with Wlstfal
sy^ and by other ngos and tokens to
nmnlfeat so ‘
with blB. tbe tsnmr
promptly ioterraoMi and onotbrn atratagic moTemam to tbe rear was aneotad.
in Cbioaao Cbrooiola
■ x-Ajsnos TOR SAT.ni.
Altboogb Pufftaw Knmifcfum ii napally credited with
tbs fcstaae
tn tbe pTQdtotlaa of fab snrpriaiBg pienrea. tba OerBsn Bonardi owm Ua
earliam incradoctian to tbe ayMerisi
rt to an Eogltsb painter. Tba flm
tiBa ibe kslaer baodled s bnmh waa at
Wtndanr. wboo Mr. Frith wsi pstLHat
tbe pietureof tbe Prince of Waics' Btoriaga for tbe qoean. AU iba royal per—lagre gave mrtings to the artist, and
' kaiser, tbea a Ultlc 4-yMr-old
prince, spent several mornings in'tba
Btoomtngttm. Tila. March B.-LaonTo keep tba child qoiet. Mr.
ard H. Bllsa. the heavyweight wheel Sa*kt>ui>*»e painmand brntem
man. sndriy known as "Baby Bllaa,- allowed bis to dabble cs> one of tbe
was distanced In the taoe In the Rapob. OBflniobed oornere of tba oueoa.
Ucan ooavantloa for poHcu maglatraM.
Ai tbe oaioral respli of this very ip.
jpdidous praeeedini tba prlnM'a taoe
TZL10E&M& was
-----in a very few mlnot^ ooverod with
to co-oparatr with tba Bagaau cahtnat
parts of Africa slave* aresttll Mtosks of green, bloe and Tenailion.
is making Cuban home nala a radtiiy or
Tbesigblsff bis neared (aeetarrified
to give Rpaln parampiary oollca fo quit. tba basts of flnsnrlal reckoning.
Twq of tba eight toTradoao mtlriad by bit teverbesB. wbo faeggad tbe arri« w
To avoid both gouraea la to tura tba
terrible Maine dlaaslar Into a aort of the Maine have been recevaraA
lemove the reJora. and Mr. Frith, stb-i
lb fUteen yean Montana's copparoot- •d with rags and tnrpcBtine, had nearly
gruosoma rad barriog. If Prcaidant Mc
ut baa risen fro
-------Kinley does not mean war let biB say
»mplrt«4/ bbi cask wImp tba pongepi
io.w«.eee pounds.
so. and tba borrore In Cuba wlU boob
spirit foobdI ii
iri way into a Mntofa upoo
The Marquis of Ballsbvrr. It It an- the ebj^'a cheek'
The Standard tbit morolag. comment- nounevd. Is v-ry mucb stronger and In
tag editorially on iba cabled abstracts bailer beaiih. and starts for tba Riviera
Dent pslonr wiSk!his Asta, aod hid bimof Sanalor Thuruton's speech In the
United States sanaia yasUrday. aaveraRaddiog. CaL. report* the discovery •air nudera large tablo. where be yeUed
ly censuRS it aa a ftagruat anampla of
r a rn.ooo pocket In the Wsshlngtoa until be was tired. Mr. Frith dotba rvcklassnass of American pollticlaaa
to bU “BaBiniacenoM'- that tbe
line St ftvnrlt gulch.Iwanty.two ml.m
In goadlog the Spanish people to war.
from that place.
little pnaoe abemed a most unfetgiviug
A mstinac banafli at Bsltlraora In aid ^liritBiid MTenged bimmlf afterword
, kMeawSadby MMigaa golem.
Lansing. March *S--Both bouses of of the mciDumenl fund for iba man who fay sining go tadly that tbe pointer
killed In the Maine disaster naltsd
tba lagtaiatuR yeatarday unsnlmonaly
adopted reaolallons denounrlag In U.W0 tor tba fund.
ury UJcaoaM.—Loudoa CHtooiola.
The egacutivc counril of tba Amertsunngest terms the acts of Spain In
SB Osohara- amocistlan has daetdrd
bar relations with Cuba; deploring the
Obaatberiabi<ii Ooagb Botocdy.
prcaant aliuaUeP of affairs In tha-lalnnd and daclartnm "that the time has :
This ramody ta Utondod <
whan tbit iigllun
The (My National bank. Naw Tork. >r opoghs colda. mwop,
strongr s
arm In tba nam if iurtica a
nss engaged ItoO.OM gnid. and Haldal- eongb aod inffnena. It M
back. Irklebcimar A Co., same rity. fameas for Ito ci
give to
........................ ........... SU6.«m gold for Import.
beogbl traadonn from the yoke of Span
Tbcre have been gales, atww. ball and
Mr treachery and tyranny.bllnmidt throuehoQi Great Britain.
Birmingham a factory wall was bl<
down, bluing four peraona
March a.-Oanai
OoorgcT.NichMson has bean appoint, apro oblda that bare yielded psotoMlr
t Rooth^rt
to Ita ooeibtog affoeta. and of
BalvaUon.ArBy of Iba worid. in aa In- ed geoaral pas»«gcr trafllc manager of rerpoa attaeka of eroop it baa enrod.
tarriaw ysstarday on tba blosring up of the AtrhlBOB. Topeka sad Bsnia Fc often aaviair tba life of the ebiU. The
railway, to take effect Hgy L
(be battleship Maine aald ba hoped
Tba Ouarantarv' Finance eompaay. rxtapslvo oaa of It for wboqplDg eou^
aaa a settlement of tba dlflteulty tnoousa
other way than war. While be can po-. Pblladalphla. has
derstand that Jt ndtet be tba doty of to Clay Kemble and Henry any. Ida- a Kriralt. DncBMt. .
tba >1'nUad States to ateat Cuba, ba Umias. F1.M;.M0: assata IStLSgT.
Jamas M. Dsvia. s wasithr Quaker of
aaya that war would bring soffailng to
St. l,ouls. baa bought Oarilald nnlverai Wichita Kan., and presented it
le.Sodriy of Fricads for a naUenal
truoblrs In Cuba.
John R, Santo,
StDwal iRsrain.
,t lUI daniptfaU toduUig T«
Friday and Saturday,
______April 1st and Ond. (
to Mil uid «» onr dtopUf of'S^mug- (
Millmeiy, Pattern Hit,. FlonI Norelttw.
“i- » '
Lstast gtyUs ia Sallora.
C. ILKINS^^ Bicytk Ridiit.
and do give yon the boot work of any
one to tbedtyfartbsBiaay.
be daeatvad -by what otbaiu toll yob to
tba ooptrary, but coma and aaa for
I goaipataa all my work to Ba rigbX.
aad if It doca Dot prova ao 1 maka ft
Mop la tm 8 o'oloek svmv ereote.
anew* Saaday. to tba Cbldwuli tlS,.
doa baOdtog.'at aortb and of Oakta
1000 Rolls
Wall Paper Oiven
Hack, 60S indBa^G
HJ^R I .
Oaa langa let. es-foat froat,«aWe^
baa oaob vatae If takaa before Awtt
at. Look tUo ap at ttooo. .
„Oae fla-fpot'lat. Bariew street. Oak
g^ta. at atoabat your osra pries If
. --it
• I'-
I ErerBiiniedOstr
Chas. MastiCs
'Phone Ho. 8.
190 Front StroH. \
Victoria, n. C.. reports the arrival
BpringSalA Masa.. March 1
tbare of a relUbla party from Nlmpkloh
arc stored In tba different ai
rirer with tbs naara of ^rg* flnda. both
this city ie.000 B:
placer and qnarta, aldag tba banks ot
tba old snodaL Besddaa tbeaa Ahu strsaau
mare are stored in other areenata in
The San rrsneiseo eariala ot Walla.
the coontty,-ready lor .lasuancs to. Fargo
A Oo. deny etsiamanto to tba
tmopa. BQ.OM of Iba same modai of
rifle , Added to these there are atorad •Sect that tba Ooahan train rabbaro aa>
In tba-nalghborhyod of rLOOO to'
' nvorolMfipowiUerpryBLMta
to the srsensla bare to.OW Krag-Jorga«.
sen rifles, msklng s total availaUs tobos appolBtad Judaop
■day of K2.000 stand of sram.
W. Lyoni. of Oaorgla, to be register of
Usei. takiss-Body POaat.
tba troaaury. Drone la a oagro di
Hsvmns. March *6. - Tba body ot and tba podttan la the one made va
Wboa to pood of aaytU^ la «bta
UManant Friand W. JanUna. of the
--------- mbar.tbtaiatbo^tokpvo
Maine, was found mrly
yuorordMeand gut F
tba tarpado tube aft. as M. oant hr tba Adonaa Kspreoa .
it baa bean azpaetad woutd ba tba east. paay troto tba First Battonol boak of
Tba rwaiiw. of oourea. ware badly CUcogP to tba Btata Maak at TMOana Usva yow qelera abwteorpi^pp*'
M|» PM an bad aoMr. City. Mtate. lastWatordar. was hsalM
•pan aod SLOM
Sound H^nilack Lumber,
Mapde Flooring,
Sbort^'aple Wood.
twm mmmmm mxyoap. WAanjmBkr.mMM
Ml tnm a Mdce aa
m&mmri ttEW^DcnntfaREi
hftdgw bM iwoBtjr
OM«r «Mmt Te »• ttii'tlUM
SufNw by th* «uMm R^>
ef th«W«l|Cb<4 ,, ,
af the atace olOMi. The dtp puapfac ITCb W«
auttoB la wbBirrtea- and aR taetoriea Mbm. Ju
In the cftjr have been atopped.
Twenty acA ObMbi7
tor «
tprcOTB* ^
law iMfliBBia of Ibw maWoB sort pat.
At Bellatrr laat nlCDtthrflood
M te tha fasay fUaMHa at MaBkawan
Hb MBhiat tBaifc. helna « feet t Ihchee thatauietata awy tottwait baafltynr,
and BtattonarT.
aajoy Um dtoUseMoa *vhh* to imjiartod '
barnaABd aubieo are float
oatlB* paat I
«My. and the d
n win be en
Ch>etta*u Mbm* S.-^l it
tm Rigkl Uw OWo-rtTW MX ClBciBIMU atom LMt Blcht terrible aoSeriaa wae
nalM«r«4 tr bM n lachM. Mid flriai aoBth-ot hcre.' Orer m hosaea tn tba
•« iBoh u be«r. lUinrts Ctmb Bortb- aUp art 'flooded. Veoterday afteraooa UalstoBJ aronraBoat,' 'WaattaftOB bo«n WMt Tll«lRl4 Bt Um BMrw U 'tht the polire ordered all cinn to nap rob- nomakMranBl'toBtwbaB VO aiaaro
MAnngiMW brine nm ot benry rUm eliM and a heavy and atrlct patrol of tba Mw U vhhih kB lodfad. Tkawar
f rfr«r. It i* n the eteer hanBa wljl ha terpt Bp to
Isk Uk not B toaflMca), wim ws aro
>r dvredatiane p
Muabaa. a. MarA «->LaM nirht UtoiMtobtod maaoBiT^BeBter. Pont*
---------------------------- -------m water 1b -the Sdatp river had r»- If and Mfsod attach-tbsmadvrototbero
«eh4 BB'flfe^rtlofc' of rn!n vittaln tira M
oeted to a«ch an ezieni that all daafler old baeaea, aad ttaay.af^sal todanUad*
«r three d«re. Reperte fretn bU bbbt- la paat. aliboucfa aose wptar la aUU to ftoOflMa &VU goaloMlB .UM
- hen Bt-tke OUe Te)iey m of drtBU&c flewtne throBCb the bfyaKa In tbeleveea tnOlBfl flaawt
brteka "* “MTni
into «r etoodr Alee. AU up-tiw tB«ae ever aoet«M of Weed Coiambaa. TwM Vfa can MIU oan.raroa te UM JbohI
< ereport the Ohio rielne r«pi41y «cee^ oreie ruanlofl on recnlar achedule «• bows aad o««bt to Mm «i»d toon
itoohed that Wap ao mo OMro B
where tt ti ■hetloBBiT.
aoae.ofihe reada:
Uba tt.—teoktou
- httUeee—BBe^eB*eBln»ipir<>. ■
Tha OUm Boy—Cgy. I faaltort tba
L«M of Lfe U r^ofted Bt HeaUHoB.
Mrippia olrok Is UriBkln aboBtaan
f>.. ertaere the ■reni'MleiBl nrept awey
two cottaeco and drowned aiz tBBBtea.
„ Tba Typrwritw—Wby, tbs Idmt
•ataalr: Un. Chartee Wtalonaa aad hit
BactotoaMBB VoUoa.
"Ob ibc dcBd. 1 d& I beard Mm
Oeealud. March -M-The foUdwIa^
three aiBall iADdreB. aod Mr. and Mr*.
Chariae Rpriaenw. The railroad ott- from the flooded dlatrkta In <»la w
w «t thaovof Trae- aAln the bookkeeper bow mwob a
you ■ot*"—CiBdnaaU
antiOB th the tafhrtor Of CAIo la tmprov. received laat ntfhl:
Steubanwille—The Ohio ritror'reael
.. A roo«h eeilmate of the loai «f prop*, 4t feet t Inrhee at boob yeaierday aad _________not snehof tbe See warSs at tbe
wrtr la the auu of Ohio iMte it at at < p. m. had (allea only two laeben.
tor fMrtcna yaara a>d BOtblar aa
»ully HO tamiUce Iriinc wltua flfteee
to plve m»j raJief. I was «bto 1
ragWiiOi KiBHylteiaeidOA
mllea.ap asd dowa Ae river and la tbia
mrouad an the tima. bat eowsk
' A diapateb from ChlllicMbe aaro; cKy haro been drj\-*a from ibrtrhomea
MM evorTthlag I
*Never in the hutorr of the dtp baa
rer pipe and dre UncZ pUou are so cam
. b«ar of had at Mat *eaa «M to
imeotbe euSered ao ma^ from bleb , oobmerced and abot down.
<hambarlBMh PaM■ Balm.~
wUeb 1
■ aa wUblB the paat twenty*four
•torHIoeafl awd
- BOBIB. The eahteni part of the city W
eeroee of Oslro sTO an
la'a’abert Uma mtwd. JAM bagpy to
MOW a voritable aea. and ft|Dy M hoaaaa fcinrum rivers 10 t > teei-hlcher than
arc nbrnerped. The Colnmbaa aad Ctr*
Joan Kmab. Uormaotowa. C
wtertlle rtae of Wedaeoday came down traffle b blocked, and
sate by & B. WHt. Drweetot.
rsoelvtd for two days. Two mere wa
tted eeerytMaa -before It. and at < ouU on ibe Panhandle are reported.
•‘clock yeaierday mornlna the flelote
OallipolU - The Ohio river has Insivor was ov« ita banka and atUl ritin« Tsdsd tbe .baslneas streets of the ell•PT&AVSL.
at the rMe of flftsen loebea ptt boor. Mess or Point PtesMwt. BendersoB and
Chmiy after 7 o'dork the Balttaaoie Cheshire, near ^eie. In this cUy- the
T« ftotiiu
•«Ttoa Imafl afttka
•ad Ohio Soulbeaetera tracks at Ben- Hocklac Valley aad K. and M. tracks
naattok Batiaa.
• dek's curve washed away, and tba water ars subenerBed aad all trains have beea
w sf the ctu af TVoee
Mad ucMia over Main street and annulled. Tbe river Is ristng rapidly
Tba Mlybly Boatbara BaBway Byareached up as far aa Watt'ttreeC the and paople at Point Plsaaai
am. ttavarsMy tba aifbt OraaTBiM
fpraltore factory belna under water. Inc tbtlr homes.
i tbaBeomiBgaoBtb.drobro to eaU
At I 0‘claek tha embeakiDaBt on which
Mlddlaftw-n—The sratrr t
the BHBBtie^ Us Haattb ioakm^. the
the BaltlBtore and Ohio Benweatern feet slaM Wednesday uIjrhL' The imnal
tbaPlMsaviiiibir. Ur
tiBck separatee the city park and the brMgs on Titus avenue and two bridfes
___________ BBd thr ftokM TravaUay
fteer cave wmy.And in a iricW tbe park along the waterway went down yes*
leiaro 'oC tbe eny rhansr PuHle. to Ua many adeaalaMa. tbr
wUao lews ef ihsarouef baakUfai larsary. tba rich aad CarUla
became a sea of muddy water which terdayafternooB- Tbe OaclanatL Bamreached np aa far as tbe dynamca le the ilton and Dayton railroad tracks from
be beU to the leltow^ Mad BBd tbs maay rroorm which He
•ta^wmaa electric Upht. plant.
tb^sutlon for a di
alokyito IMaa.
-ted I
Oe to FlorUa Bkl taeape tba ama;
The Miami and Brie canal amroejr^ le tbe C.k.K.P.a. Ban ro aoid aad dkayreeaWdaya of wMlat.
aratcr woriis power bouse to shut bent' gave way la twenty places
BBd atoaat AflBBVILLB. 'Tbe Laad
down, and the natural cas mains to Wednesday oigtat and IM men are t
of Ue Sky.- TBB •WmBBLASD of
break ao that the supply of. cas is Ant at work trying to mend the breaks.
AMEsIcl. whara baa««« aad earth
Peurib Ward, to U s Bagloe beoea ao ■
About t o'clock tbe rislns waters
amt amokyst the maay of Usa
■KATT Loaan ik ikoiaka.
the rivet................................................
Piru Wore, to tba P
ef aatarW, Bit tha yrakdaat
they broke
ta AmrAk aad BUtarorwOhio Seaitawestera and the K. and W.
Amrriefl's okly PaMoa.- rtbe
as tha ptoeas ohaae ■milrsT
tracks near the }>oint creek bridee. tbe
ek to iha lorisise wosaeoo t
' T yaadarbOt. '
lawoa woy fee oae wUlsewale aero ■■iua?«
reault bclBC that two miles of Che C.. H.
'ctssk is the otwrasro o( saisaro
and D. track between the brldae and
Plorida. eaa go eia Cbattaa
At Boefe alacUea tha laUowtog atoeara ora to
tbe N. and W. traaMer eras washed eat
aad t
before tbe btcak In tbe Baltimore aad cause of the storm will not be leas than
the maay BauM fleida. which tall
OMo Southwestern bank at Che north- HH.asa. inclnding the loro of bustneaa,
thr tala of tbs strife hatwaas ibo Blao
'damage to tracks, damage to euuip*
oU Ony^'aek.
A train I
aad tbaOiay.
amt and personaJ to]dries. Tbe OaIt oat to (opalr
la ooaaantiok wlU tba Qaaaa * Oiwsbfoak. but the tralnmea had to ran tor Mnnau. HaaMIton and Dayton railroad
eaat BoaUv the SpoUera Ballway
.,-the+r Hvea. aa
- the
- track got. a train throucb
a fony raMa«f
forma tba Qiaat Tkroayb*Tranh*LlBa
Wsdna '
reams and trains are <toa frolMe af tha Peeeo. Tall teew.
to tba 8oatb aad Plorida. Bl^aat
■egularly. Tbe Big Poor
and O.
erotibaiad• tralaa,
tralaa. ear
mrry^ '
got a train lo CtocennaU at » o'clock
ala^ar. diaMy aad c
yesterday morning
lyalns on that
o’cioMc yrotarday a
Ooa AUaraoo far tvo yoofw
dU-MloB of the Big Pour are run from
water was wltMa I
here to Qriaiba. and then over the BaltradL
Otoe Mroiber e( toe Baord of fldscestoe tor oar aaaroat orrupoa tiekat ayaat <
tMnoro and Ohio SouthweaterB Into Clnddrom
Wa. B. Tarum.
_______joU* te eoa year.
i^f the train leoacwad ehihatL Tbe PeorM and eastern trains
Aaah Ooa'l. Pass. Anwt,
Batiee -to elao hereby rieao tool the priyaelthe bank, and had It not been tor a boy run al tsr as Arcanum. 0-. on the cast
Ho. 116 Peartb Asaaa.
--------- 1 ot boe tost booho oa
who flagged the train .with bM hand* mtA Tbe west end to all .right. Tbe
le oi the PoMte aeu
Loatovilla. tataeky.
kerchief a terrible wreck would have
eoefe at the See wotda of tha rtty ot tM A
aUrtaka. aa naelti laddod.
vaiWyliHr iHM&ldBh
Jobkad. TfM-M*
“ wWe do yoa UraP*
■kwwto diamaaa tbrt h»ro<U ftoaSa
^ Pw ropto Um madaat ys
'‘Taa bat wbero is year
HA TMflk TBST ABB TOO nok TO paw
AU.thal ba aahs la rrtara U tbat
. .
Slam to
UMtr flrtete
•‘Wah vbmayroald yaa yotf 7» worTpattayt
Obtaiaad by his to
ararr aickt”
ebfkBto&aaaaa aad d^
TbM waa iamaded to maks Um ylra formiUro trrotad.Wo maa im tlila
UMBaaaof (baeaeavbrkoa baoara
toOolnmbaa. bntUdton't. HesrampOy
^ «r ygm^Kv^^CtemSS
ravnUyaUck abowo tbbt moa who
aa^y tha rtia) >
_ .. ..lyaadtiaat*
_____ with aeUeo.hralaa aad
lay *•
- of- cbpokio caaaa. has
hodtoa roaalra. XtoaUKM toad tbe
--------- -------^
briyhk. mwMm
flleah aad Wood aad firo Sro yoanf Ara yoa - SiookrayM?
braltb t« Waa «kd Womaa. CaU aad aoeaa.wh w^ taUroa rrtote
aa care yok or aoC utracaamat
JOB, w« wiU WU yoa vbyt ralM
VmUwt^^C^MtlS?^ Hailroal kstol.
m£hM. Oki rnokth ^ Bfl
Oar matbods od treatmaM to aS that W
loMva Wan tba ackootob vttb tba aid
at ctoeAtty. tbat moot waadirfal o<
aU ayiktalitParalyato, Loro of Jtoww.
BbaaaiaHra. aad Wdtoaanaa of tba
ato^oro ayatem. Oo aagly, as «y
oWco to always crowded.
M meek. Traversa OMr.inefe.
Brsnrxyy oaads.
8.1 “TSJftcair
lam. BradlarJoatBa*.
gooay to agm-oeei hro» mr. vs^
—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
-VBront Street.
test enlferera. With Ma miles
Of their track gone aad perhaps as Darlington, offthe Pennsylvania
much more ce follow no one can tel! that the crew belonged to a through
freight that ruaa bciweaa Lc««Bsport
aad Loatovtiie. The engtaa was Na
of water, and were It not that tbe large m. of the Uiulfn-llle division, aad tbe
roaervoir comaSns halt a mllUon gal- •crew was preened into sei^-lee to haul
work train. Tbe train ran Into a
tons there would be a water famine.
In the floQ^ dtstrieu many tamlllee washout, two snd a half miles south of
with their Uvea
The 'Columbus while on Us way to fix a
br^ In the track. Conductor FraakUn was taken out of tbe wrwk aad
the worsi la osar.’'
carried to an embankment where h*
r emsKm wmi rank t
was left la charge of a tacaheman. Piro*
man rowgin was toand In a tree several
Thfl OflbbnteA SpflcifllifU,
ejras hilled.
Ilghty Plood Soaew Itototooat.
, Cumberland. Md . March 2L—An In*
.wsant rain has been falling h»rv Mnce
' r*Md»t
Punday. and a flighty flood seems Immlnehi. There are numeroor waahouu
on the Baltlnrar* and Ohio between
Hotel Whiting
TflATnss Cm, Hiob.
points, tS^ Potomac river M
”1ipidh-. The streams up 'aloBg
ges creek are ragtag torrents,
the b^ldgro on the Ci
sway ai any hour. Tbr
Central road to atoe ba
He to snrirer. ss the rains In the moOB*
■e have been heavT
^ttabnrg. Marctott.—At mMalgtat the
waters had recedes ta aa ilka mill
high water aiark <MA fart) and ae far
ther damage to leokrd ter. While' Ow
loro wfU rradv many thonaaatfa of dellara, the property daimagr wIU trot be aa
heavy aa at flrot expected
extra aad aariy parcantiea1 to rempW
thair machinery' and goods to rofe
ground- The prlndpH loro will be
lanC Lorala
------*■- win be deprivod el----------------the Miltog w
__ ,
tarovy^daBiago to the tradcaga ot aU the
11 be arveikl days
FiiUT. mil 1st. im
Ojiawiasos sHlaTiimnitlon Vis* snS BMeOr
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
oMy-At Other Ohio PMols.
Mtoroynie. O.. HarAtt.*-PmeekraHl*
* Yus are bomelcaa Are Uvro have boro
' t«ndaaarty«LHt.CH worth H prop-
drowned by tbe <r
t -Mn. Kaacg Ckarek
of Ue Tfliagc ef Oppar Alton ayalnsi
tbe Chicago and Alton ftailroafl com.
pany to reoovor ttTT.M* saM to be doe
to> flnm aad penalUro tor wtolatloa of
the ordlaauce regalaUay Um speed cf
trains has hers tramdsrtad ta tbe DaKg,w
od omier
Stater aTUBH
rireott eOBR
eoart nOB
from tbs rtnalt
a I oooit ot Madlaoa oooaty.
Orttift BMU a U4t‘s feaa«fes»Tfe*al s
wttolsiaUns PlnSar wtU eoafar a toss
}jjrtH^««»A»«dto*er.»r»ar»lag <e
.-* aaUla to ean eaa wtlM (bD Miesl
DRS. B. S. &CO.
Look Box too.
--wifeeoam terta mrtom at MB* m m
Wheeling and Parke
gand had an esHttng ezpertonce be
fllsteravlUe and Wheeling
Wednesday night and yosterday morning. Tbe swell of the'boat ao angered
the occupants of bouses partially under
isnk that there was
t a evnunoous ruslluTde of abois
flaed at the boat, but happily none of
the crew were hurt, though tevsrai
ahou whistled dangerously near tbe
pilot on duty. The flood reaAcfl iu
mazlmum height In Wheeling at * p.
m. yesirrdsy with a stage of U feat 7
inches, aesrto seven feet less than tbe
stag* that RiiierlallBDd la the
He flood of itM.
Outside or so aggregato la
' lero thaa tiM.WO the deprrouu
walas of property
nanaed. hr the flood, which oorarad
Bsarly every inch of lu aiM. to fully U
per cent., aggregataig toa.HO. Only
oo* railroad to able lo operatb
partial service, and that
lag divtalon of the Baltimore and Ohio
to Plttabuu. Tbe slz other tuflds on*
teriag WbeoUag will resume today.
probaUy. - -...................
«B ^aBBWMe KEGCTtD. (asi
Lil .0
UilTOBaE^^. >H<^ 4”JBDAT, IliBCH
?«•<’ H .}'*<■ •* t.l
.( ; ■ •■»>
^It-|> Iiuia M
• :■’■
qdytaaadrkariaa. Tka teaaralwM
allf.B.treat toa
ahenk <a tola atif.
|jim»it Woodloid lutnutol to>««a^ ■»o*B.ot O^Mtai^
. 4ou Brown malB«oliriu»ci(t. ,
tka ^AaX rartr dfoto tf Settoaa tef
wkwe to«r wiU raaUa. .Tka hrtda to a
i>------------ --------Bniittol X>^toHio« to Vkvto
fafilacr«MSladraadaiila74 toa #•
I U VtoltatMk ^>toto4toto-Jttortto te
toataifeaiitoatotrtaada. Tka
■ fhltoi Wiy 4tomm to 9b XntoM« M« ,...wtoa weU liawa fkfetetaa to
UaUaaa aaaalf. Thar naalaad waar
Vtotot 9to»te»^.>toBhtoMy^to Vto fctotot>'
koaatltalaa waD aa laatal praaaata.
pwtoM irito to* Sputok fvtonWatotofMa.
mA to <• Oa toMOH tar Mtotof Nok
«itotoa4a*.to»..i b, dtoaaita. to
flMk to pratoMa.
.....................................- Ualtoi-«totaa
tototoa ga«ai»wito atoetato ax* ra-
Xa^ to AM IHtort &aa
diadaltoahatoato hta i
Itoto. to i
dwaatafaatato apa aad wail
lata-TWanaOtor aad Hataly.
■awn a>adaato to Tbnana Ov
■HkiikTil aad wnardaar naa to
aMMf. Ma ww aaaa
a««t Boh« of Uqaiiy ttiiliimiuiti* M)Sinrimif»‘
fin iio?ivfn
' >■ ,
MimEii FW smtk
ihtoa 4toaai». Ttoa yrwlilato a»d oaU-
oMottv >r »«muodx -
New Colorings
New Patterns
OitoiadOtotoKapXaaltoaa Wink
itM WIU 9*ppl7 a Vatobar to
Wot Oeatolto Saal ta Taaatas.
0*o« Haa.
ThaeaUtaraifactalttaean. Afrtl
Vaaktoftoa. Marak to-Ttoa Waal
XtoaUtotaUa totolL Avtebarto-toa armaaaal raaanw ka*a baaa Btiatad Ik. in tktnii 1........... i-“-‘ - tjr tkto
vto* aaaattor «ai to>a la raatoaaaa tar laatoal 4apai
naratairk Kynik, eanad aawa Utelj
work, balk oMdallr *ad feaSadlr
«to toa 3toa N«r TaA aaAMiMintoiato
SkwlS Blwfaea had,
to toa au Maltcn tar hdihar dataaaa, tba oflatalaaUneataarlrtatoa dar
aad hatare flfht toW WM ptotad aatwo at Boatoa aad twe alMaw Tork.
aoedtaf to Uw taVarr tawaaktf ta
Tka BaWaittottoltaAMlU,
atoatattr to Waahl^bM ttoi Ika ^aa< to pr»n IstMtato ha ortorad to toa aeuy. Tka wiraa aad Uac dto^war* aott
tok Maalaatoatolea koUa tka Atoaa- half toMaaaato thaaasiltoiT eratoara, pratohty ika 9U Leato ar St. PmI <rut<t.w
•ator to tka Malaa to ka to iatoraal
ral aoeatlaa at
to tka AroaHaaa Uaa.
wail at tha nnhata to tka aoeaIka JDtooto fatol aUMto at
iito8|Mk<H a^ ha aaat. a»A wUl paatohl/ fat abaard tka tr aowmtttaa. aad aaktaf thaw ta
te tkto aflr laat amtag,
odiararatoarto tka tw* laataat treat
TtoM wtea aaat tala aanral toweton haak tka *toikate Satffia mw
toifa harowd toa mak to tka raUa tka QaaaHa*, nd
reada to brtag ta oooatrr aawaittaa
tod toad te^ eaaaldar
waa. aad tka raatot waa that at I
aaa toa Xatf* •eatoiato Sfatoak e’eloek ta tha araatag tkara wora ta
Oraaga kaU. wkare
WfaM-WlU .hd!.,-..
akald. toa toltawtif
kCadrid. Marak ».—It baa baaa aa^ato to bar ewa aanl loreaa.
aaaaaad Ikat tka Baak to Spala U le
1*8^ tka Bpaahk fararaMat MO,
daatadaaatoanbatof kvTtodto aeaChariaaota-A. 1. Ooaltar.
Omd Traaaaaa Q. B Baagbar
ftoltoa brlha «ar asd aa*7 toparv
KaUuaka-C. C Jaaka
naato aad tkaaaatotr ta fneSaally
Laataaaa-Ww. DalaaU.
Tka loUowtag wawbaiato tha aoei
»aa OkadaveU Baafbt to Sana
.witoktoftoa. MarrkW.—Tka report
A Seal br toa Sarwaaia.
to tkaMatoaeaartto toqabr to aea
Bialr-W. L. Mooroa.
IwfOrtaat ebaag* baa takaa
to ^ kaato to Praatoaat Mektotof. flam
Baat Sar<-J. M Mahaa.
toa Nortkan Mkehlgaa TiamOnat—r.
L- -OaoU.
partatiag Ga...^-whieh tka Sarwoar
OranJUka-A B. Oartia.
I at 9:40 1
•antof hr aad to tka ewfaar biiaww aaia oweeartoid Prod Pratt.
of toa baau.of tka Itaa. Bark# A
dhr UaaUaf lak»-Wawn Waal, prexr tar
a aaUlBg tka atmwar ClXj Charlaatojt to tka etkar wawbaa* to tka aow- M. BaUaL
SltalaatoadtotoiaUrttottha hoard paar- ^4 maw arraagawaat will go
Paataaala-F. L. Jobnaa.
WbiUwatw—J: i. Baigaa.
to toqaliT Sada that tka -aifiiMca tata agaet at eaep aad two terwer waU
UaioB-C. M. Bagar.
wUbaidoaawalak daatnrad toa Matoa «aa treat
01«r—lat ward. J . A LoI:^
•paar la latka eatoda. aatodaaa eat to tka ratagar. proir for J. W. MlUtkao; tad
...................k Tba aaw
afitolhntty tarthadMaatar. It
ward, A. B. Brawa: trd ward. J. B.
tbaawapaara aataUoM:
aal exfitoa aaaflalaa aa to tka akarloo; 4th waid. B. B. Papa; >th
A ASaroMi
ward. A. W. BUak.
aatv to toa ityltolM. bet tha toatt- tiar.' ataa era
Attar eonaltaOan bg tlU nkay
itarr: J. P. C Chafah. farwarlr to
■aaj feaa toahaarttet It weaa fewer*,
tkto eiy. trmiarw; 9. W.-farwoer.
nl BBhnartoa mtoe. the caaat chargeaaral aaaagn: Babart P. Obarto.
•etor towhlakwnaatdatatwtoad hr flao forwwtr to tola toy. gaaaral belUtt far a oaadldsta with toe tallowtoa toaMaaaaf, ttwtoktoa hattaf waa frtogktaadpamaagtoafBt; J. C. Ooo- tagraaalt:
Tba Brat tbiea tatormal: J. W. Mllll, antotaat .............
taint; WIU
ttot It wet wkat to kaewe
Qartaad to Trararaa Ofj. arlll kora kta,^t; a. D. Ckmpboa 1; A L Coalfa
wan two aapleaian. tha haard ftada.
Tba 4th. »th. atk aad Ttb: MUlUraa.
aad deaka ta Ckiaaga.
. dkarpton, l: Ooaltar. l: C
Tha irai wto frea toa aahtoa aal
aaitot eaa to toa aMltor aafeatoa
Tka ttk: MUUkaa. t: Oafkali. 9;
Saentarr Leaf did aat raten ta tha
wka. 1.
Mlfk Sehool Xyeoott Stoetaod Tkto
Tka »tk aad latA MUUkaa. t; CampaaiM dafartaaaat attar daUrariaf
Tha Law Skoeld ha AdoptaA
ball. t: Coaltar, t.
rafort. hat waa with toa freatdaat
Tba tlU: MlUikaa. 9; totapbaU. 1;
Tha Swtor Lpmaw wat ta tka laattBMoalr If to toa ataaaihHaf to tka
ue rooa to tka Blgh aebool laat araa- Ooaltar. 1; Jaaka. 1.
eabtoek Llaetoaaat Oonwkadar M
Tba lltb hallat wu; MUUkaa. 1:
i^aad-ntortalaad a iaega aadtaam
tor, 1; Jaaka. 1.
k toa fraatdnl aad toa with tka toaowtag axoallnt praftan
Tkto ballot waa at oooa, oa moi
Mia—MlaaaaOUnaad BaaOa Faiaaoratarr. aad aaawared aackal lai
tada---------------- aad Mr. MUltkn daItoderlac tba eaMaft eoatareaaa.
iTaiapMk ‘’Tha Barpar”—Jaok etarad toa aaa laaa. aad tka oemml
At 1: n tka aawtoa aeaaladad aad toa
■a»hwa Area* aw»y. laaaawar t
Ftaao nla -Mtoi Kata fkrcaat.
a^alctoaUwaBatoiadtkatattw tka ie>
Ahetnat. “Bew Znlaad"^tapd OBady oa toot to Fat
waa aanfoUr t*ad ta tka praa
■ t
Otan Team ta tba ttalA
BaMtatlea.‘tha Veto Waa .Baton"
to allAka tatMbwt to toa nWaat a
-Aaaa Marta
gaanl dlaaewloa (oltawad to
B^. “Bietoar Wm"-4n Kretaar. alxrady oa foot to raotfeataa
fdaaiial intoraa. Onunaadrr Marta
iMfMfta. “Mr aKpartano ta Colo baUtaaa bare aad It to a a
ttottoaOoltB wfll'ba to a
rado"—Altaa Alktaa.
who n I
Tba qeaattaa far dliiwnloa '
Watotaftoa. Marek U.-Oaeoara to •BaaaHod. Tkto ika fraa text bootoa taaa toat jmt. wQl agtoa bate ikirfi.
Tlhald wfUalao }toa tka
aa^ aSetato aa tawakeaMkaadtilit*
Fred Stalto aad. Blaaeha Ugaiaa aad Gltan tha pltahar wiU ba a
dka mrawntatotoa flaat of Sfeatok
apokafcriba aBr■atiaa^^wkUa J<4a bar. T*.iat* are alraadj aaar apto>»
tarpade. heata trm tka Oaakrtaa
Saett aad Maad BaU ditaadad too aar ttan ta tka toada to Maafar Jaka
Xtorto Ktaa. Ika flaat la to^^ekota for- aUre
EUlan toem Srto eiam plar«n- Tka
alMklatoitaldadaflaatakd^aaadwlBbafeUv n ■
la toa geawal
It aidatteafwtoda laat year.
^ to it to toa Waat tadlaa tod^ iw Smith took paK
•aadad aa aa-tadkattaa to
Bra. LomBohana* Botoar X>yA
Jadga Pobarta teeeleed a
agatatoaattOak leMaaal anarta an to toa eftakia toat
yaatatoar aaaaaaetag tba death to
Mn. Ftaaeia8tanaa.motoar to Mra.
aadar ordtaaiy elreaMtoaaaa It wlU
Sateato Sweat Botoal Mnat.
Bohwta. to hw kaM ta QraadrOla.
Mtak. Mra. Boharta hn ban to toa
Uat ataatag Mtoa lyla Prrma nil
b^taida ed bar motkor aaaaa Man aad
Jedfa Baharta wBl fe to Snadi^ tok
mettof to atfStoa:
araij aaa penb taiy pinnat aanlag. tototokaptamSaady;
toataaaaa aam
A a4*toan M4 b«o *atoAa< aMBtaM
lMto:«Mto Itatoa.
u4 umUmt
iltaM ^ to to whtto Ua rapart «aa
At oar Use cf Wheds brfore-yoti b«j--WA hSTS tbe
‘Outtn*," the euy nusiiiK.bicrck of IWsi ,:
lasll tofwA* of
ibara Bara
«Vk Foi
Baattas to
New WaU Paper
»M to tetotul SstowiM-VUl >to
itolwWae4lMWllaMitttba(Mi^ }aar*to M toto fatot
• to BtoUjr ttoa Btototo RovtoM
■« ^'
SpriM Hats.
■jdiMiito. mim BooK$Tm
Don’t Have To
now on salA
. Bakatoa kaato dmayafiH Yaana
key It ready mda How aw lav* toMh to
Ws osU spsoisl sttsattoa
Aad kaow tel Hk n waU apt. n weU Mda.
aad n waU trUamad. n If yeaM d^ Ika wwk
yowaall. Maas hen aaaa d nataf.to yaa^
HUES wumis ^
STEMiaGs —-
“gis?” Wheel Enameied For B2.SI ^3
PETANDER’a U?'£2‘$
that the
Tkto to t)w Mto popalar
made, m tka wearer alwaye im *
qnUty toe bmt.
for, Rve Csfits is the-- '
Traverse Belle,
Diamond J.
asd for Tea Ccats, the—
Mode by A. w. JAHRAUS,
Bicycle Bepatring! TryaPaifOfOiifSdiMlSIiiiitt
...i. . ..v.
b. et WWW ta« a*ww w
Good solid leatbar oonntsrs, solos and uppers-that is the kind that wean.
40« ubIos stTMt.
. , Serna autoShM atm
tag. aad my I
toat yoe eaa gat aaywkara. a
^*OMn?ato aaa aamplaa
s. El. OIB13S,
You have
thfr prettiest
in ♦msiii
fit lUrflla
Staple pdFaoc^^mes
m-O-ERTTHnrO- B^EimSB.
Sprmn dayt are here,
and rilk them tomes oar
Silk Capes.
Tn waatb-carrl^ thatladlSareat
ban than Tka kodtoa a
ow aad yoe
aar toto thay are toa
Aaaaa Itaa to SahyOn'toSnyea etar
mw, aad toa prtaa to ao Uftor tkaa aa
mditotit. woBnm
We have also jest reeeiTed a great
Capes. We wonW be pleased toehov yoe oar ne.
line Pricea we know will be satUfaCtoay.
Breaa Skirta—We have the Saeat line ia the city,
aad if yea need one earn will be aaie to pteaae you.
Broaoh Block;
•aiM- .
MO>n>a Baooilk.
thavlalta Mdfal •*
ka «taaa ia iha Or«ad Ofwa Ba«a
Ihto **««to« ^ PiafaaM Mata* ad aim
Oaiaga. Pnlliiii Mam pivAA 7«*a faw trtaada af Mr.
Utoafatadthathto aato Tr-Tr*~~~“j da* aad toto
aklltaf lhahitkaalo • . Tsalchtika
TMta* raenaocp aad gBaraatae satMbotkm.
Pl^ giro oa a tn*L
na f laifu ipaafal to tka faMlar W
Pmm fast ^loeatataadth* fallaw- will lad >ktoa*OBMtptitofty aajsykteapaa.tokBaanofOovataer Ptafraa kto. MIb Vadar wOt nadar i
ftt, BmE
ro**raa«*a aatloa ta ealltar a fairlil
ttoa ta tka Oevall aad Prlaa dto«aiiM»1UI«II tfircwMia«.
V40HIB PIWITL. VOraohoel la^MtorCfltoBLEBy GEAWK.
«er toemtomBMldof PatoUe Watta.
«M( la
M (to*l
Ihto <
data far alata a«alar to CU (to* *«
■ifik. Oao.G.Oa*aU. m4* Taoaat tor
iMoUto avvaiatMata* Oaltad (Hataa
-^Malrtot AtaarMy. J. W. liUUkM •**
okoaaa aad ttoa aafaetloa to a rood
Mr. MUUkaa to om of ttoa toaat ciUaM*
OmaA Traoww *Ma^ aU a «aa of
•aary qaaUficatfaa to yrofariy rayrtooaat tto* paoytoaAlto* Aatrtet ia ttoa
lastoaM af PiafaMT Batpto
•Tka Itoatory Girt" wlk^s'^ tral
AlBoa OeMdy Oa. ta BtaUWto
Mr kMtt«HHtoMu«4tkilri
■L Bmm U to W|M« itet tkm Oraad Opara Hmss. Tkto to mid ta
to M TSM^.Maltkvcn tok* kto to* a play tUad with lato
«Im to* wtobM «».»•» aad prodaaad ia aa eaa
«df«M7 wtaH tbnVto MttoiM «• |v*- ■aaaar by ttoto acBpaaj
*M m4 toUM ItoAtr iwt* wUfe tk* ■»- P. C ODbart rataraadlMtalckt ^Mi
«mtoadU« tto»t «to*7 to* «•
C. L. Oaytaa esM **or froB <Iiafa»d
■ftor U* t**riwi
Oadar tto* apaetol *et iwmlac *P*eW atMUM* on^toUtat* telac • M*> ^tfBtaekBaa of ttalatto. to rtoittaf
•kM. tto* dtotoiet
Mat uAcelsr* tto* laaalt «atU Satar- Hoo. W. a. Peatar rataraad’trofa
Lemoec tost Btfkt.
Aar. Ap« ». aad tk* aew
W. D. TMtimi esM o**r fraa KalMt tate tto^ a*ata toalar
iM Moa^.-wtoaa ttoa twntf day kaaka yratarday.
lUaU of ttoa apaetol a***iaa wfil to* J. A. Boot*. foTBtfy of ttoto eity, to
towB <B bailaim
laaetoaA T...........................
WlUtoB Bays*, tto* kaOar aakar af
(to* *t*(7 t
kto Oadniae. to ta ttoa ally aa bailaiB
Moto tkat tto* *Mt* wU11
tom or r*fM* to paaa It ia aay atoay* Mr. aad Mr*. J. U KyBsr af Oraad
tea. ttoarafar*. detatala*A to oaD Baptda, war* ta (top afay yoBlmday.
bar apaetol atoalto a* aaea a* ttoto Uadar Sbariff Aatotaa. who ha* baa*
oatoaad*. Ha Acaiaa tkat k* wiU fat ta Oraad Baald*. ratoraad last alybl.
Dr. J. A. Saydar apd fasUy wCU
i at a
ta Ktacalay.
alaattoa, aaA tkat ttoa aaaat* <dU «et i^*ai Sosdsy with
T. Bath Olimoa aad Profmmir Bcata
l ito* aaw^aaton.
rest to ProBkfort yoatetday. They
PiaatoatrtU UMy n
3. W. Slatei!. to rtontac^a tow days
with bar paraata at Barker Oaak.
Ma. aaa(««tk aaA pakUe ^AHtaA; aad -It to aot Impratoatol* Soatv Q
Mr. Chari** niikaal*y aad ptotar
—a wkacaa alwaya to* Aipiadad
ttoa Dor.
I'kls aaaatorial east rather tkas aa*
•a Ao what ha Aaaa* Jaa^ aad rirhu
I Seated float kto dtotriatfaracaU* (toyoaacp**pta.at6abla.
faUadapan to toa far the toaat latMt* to tko rorarwarto aiMarm. U say
toaaAtkaaBtli* p*o- *T«at tto* mmai* haa tka last aay skoal
ttoa arattaf of aay atamkar alaetad. aad iabl«a aa a tamU af ttoa latato laraad..
fla a< tto* atato. Eto i
yaliHe aCato* aad kto loyaUy to Ito* d*> it to etalmadtkatisaoMparwad 0»> ^tioaa, flra tto* pnpolactoe <A tto*
aMoyiaaat af ttoto aaedoa of (to* atato rtf'* dtotriet. rrtoieb iacloda* ooutto*i worldat I.BA5.000.000. Wa to «) iata tka Borthara part of tka atata. It crtaae orar <b* faror** of ISSd of »,•
wU) ba impotfbU to rlr* aoUea af a •00.000. To ttoto tacBaa* Eoropa to
apwdal eleetlaa aad prapara for It ta sadtoid witb WBtrilmtlap E?00.000;
AM*. 6.M0.000: Atrfaa, T.e00,000;
too day*."
rloa.EMO.000. Tto* Uoltad Stataa.
iMlrint Oowyaay.atEaatkarv. E C. la apMklar of tto* titaatloB rarard- with ita great icrowtto. MtlBeud by ttoto
Mita* a raaaatly paUlabaA lector, ip, tM Goraraor PtarrM'a tool It to atatad: aetbority at Ab00,000. aad it* presaM
ilaticBi. piaoedat TAOOO.OOO. laprewhtoto ka a^**^
> BUB* ttoan 61 pw oeot (rf the oo. ttoa iHItootthataaatleaandetaff far tka Ptacrar falU mot Ita Waterloo at
popolaHim <A Mortto and Sootto
kattor tbaa ttorydld ea ttoair fariM. tka haafa af Mr. Balfw tkto atorataf.
amphatto oplatoa that tka Miefalaad ar* ekaacfal aaA aaaat to to* eeatoatod aad happy m4 addK -Tto* fSB Ckatral eaaaat kt raaohad oadar other part of tto* earth. Ik* pc«mlstioo
tolU* hcT* iaereaaad la toIom (to* It aalMB Ua ^aatol etartar to fast ra- of Europe wa* tacreemd to I78.000.000,
rf. aad that the |-----f- of tto*
aroaad aa. Tk* praaast km alcma waold simply -work
PkUto *f
MadlttMi^ltoafar^iatto* aai»h- araiast tka weaker rsada aad la faror
of ttoa aa* It is daMrad to rraek. did tto*
ProB Mareh. 1840, mtU Mareh.
leaa. U i* ala* atatad that the ra--dket that they rato* prorWoaa to a^
ISM, ISI traoMi
to the oparaUra* at a pradt, whtoto* 11 paal of the etoartar eaaaot ka aoa- faipe plytag betwacB E«mp* aad
•to* a*Ul* wtoa-tot la ftaak ttoay waaid aldared aadar the prsaaat laiiiafa. to* eely—were lost «o roate, asd
The opiaioa toraaaral that tk* Ptatra* dirat reeell of ttoli ESM tf<
j^la* aottoa at a Icaa”
eaaaot aow pea* tk* koaar, aad lovb Tbe estiBsto of Urea lost from raMUm *i*m aaar tto* prapa- that tto* rovaraorwOl ao^ma aaolbar rioai other oansea to flOO. Ike sasbar
Bc* raoomaMdtaf tto* rapsal of of Haasablpi aertr to«ard froaiafur
Mtfaa to haad ttoetoaaty far MOM to
toaTtasportwaall. Tk* aaBbtobatBad.
Mridaaaawaoertkoaa* la fcodTiaf
aod tb* haafaer foondBad
Mr* attaatkto. Baaiaeto mm aad Both bosM adjooraad oatU Meaday «**nui*,
wa* IE Tb* otber wncka were oeoaed
l famw* ttoa
hr oolllMopa. baiiii wafaad Mtoon. oolChaeaaatytoalle** that tto* y .
i^^ta* that k* haloa with Icefaatga, eto. Fron Mart^.
wUpr*«all.aad*bU*tb«ala.a UtU* may kaap tto* lariatatan ta aawtoa oa- ISM totk* bmioAing of tb* premol
appoalTlin ta ms* part* of tto* aaaaty. tU aext Jaly If a Uxatloa kill, sock aa year.ttob lo« of Ufa oa tb* Atlaotio b*s
beta vary Baeto .lam tbu fa faniMr
lt***M to to* til* t*B«al optaloo «toat toa toaa drafted, to aot paaasd.
years, tboogh ooa or two targa alaamm
tto* Tot* win to* favaratoU. Tka ato^^
hare bad aetiotu al^pa, aad oee Wat
lata Buitoity af a aooaty toeildl^
r beard fnaa.—Wataiogtoe Tiaaa
akeald to* aaraaaUy aoaatdaraA toy aaary Gadartakar W. E AadaraeB to rto
voter aad tot* rata akaalA to* la fa«ar aaw Warar^ wbaeL
EO. Stroar to aU* ta be akoat
la roHar tto* B^tolkaa tdkot ttoto afaia aftara very saror* sad laar m*
^rtar tto* rater aheaU atoo aa*t kto
toaUottor (ke fra* tral toook ayetem The yoaar Baa’s aoetol elob far*
MLLora ma.
far Harara* Oty.' Tk* laiportaae* of plasMat daaeiar party Upt alykrta
eowiar toadar tto* law of ISfa. Is pr*l Mortaa^’t dcadamy.
araaeatotkataf IM'Wtotoh pats tk* Walter H. Peek af Sooth Bead, laE.
aoatrolef OBraysteaU (to* kasA* of to rUttar hi* naeU aad aaat. Mr. and
Ml*. A. W. PaekolWeat|Mtoth eto
taraihly opoo every votarP. W. Blakaaly to atakiar a daeldad
ahaara ta tto* old Daily ;far*^ taartaf
Party la Hoaor ^ Mto* Bdd.
aad repatrtar tto* bolldlaf*.
A plaaaaat party wa* fltos last •«
tar by ttoa Badeam Soslety of tto* Ik* Spwmta Uar«* af tto* Plitt
l^toeda etooieh la boaor af Mtoa Be- Mattoodtot etoareh totprapartap far a
baeea Kidd of Onaway, Preaqae 1*1* laetara to ba riw by ttoa fanaer par
eoaoty. at tto* horn of Mr. aad Hra. tar of ttoa otoortf. Kar. W. A. Pry*,
■aim oa Seraatk atraeC Ma^ ra*<* ow of Tkraa Rlraia.
aad refraahBCDta toelped to paaa a rerr The p^UaoMBtary drill elM of ttoa
pieaaaat ereatar- Mtoa Kidd haa toeia WoM^ Qob will meat with Mrs. J.
atteadtaf <d»ool at Blr B^ilA* aad ia P. OQiaapta at tto* ratodsaoa of Mia. E
s. unsornjiTiMaTr .
BOW OB her way tootaa>. m Waablartaastoaal
t o'aloek ttoto afteraooa.
Artaalan Wall TmtoU.
Mtoa Hadley, tto* Meatrie mM
Tka arteataa well at (k* ^)m haa
aaaaad to flow It* faU fora* aad sap- who haa appartmaato at Park Ptaoa,
fUea taBaSeieet water for the aae of kas laaaed tto* reoM fvme^ ooM
ttoe teatltoUoa. However, ttoto
Mr Mttotod of *aK>Iy 1* aUU avallatole
Bgga, par doses...
ao that M material iDceordtoleoee
* of all
aa^led. Tketreatola wlttoVlAe wall
bar* to raqatatad at tka metrtlar af ^ CUeato. Marak
r a cartar4
toe'aartto sear ttoa toaM of ttoa tolpe, Good Tamptaro ttoto oraatartaoracebe Btadatoattaad tbs to- Oer*-Maiwb. STtoo: May, MHe: Jaly,
•eeafeoaateaot dnit
amal af tto* lata bndtoar VirrU Ptoroa. MKe: Septamber. lOHME
•toe w^. Ttoa i
Other Importaat inwlnTB will k* dto* ^J^Hareb, UhjK May. S#)tfto Jnly;
. tkaAlMealtylaaoi
Vomaak Cftato BaasAl.
"Naaam aad ttoa ^tadhJPata," to tto*
aabjaet ape* wktoto Prot C E Bora
will taatara taalgkt. la Moatayav toan.
aadw tto* aaaplaaa wf tto* WaBaak
a*b. Profaaaor Hara'^ gira* ttoto
leetar* May tiaas aad to a ttoeraagk
BastarafttoaaatdMt. TkaprtoaaAadBtoakB wm b* aaly tea eraia. bat ttoa
laaur* will b* worth tea ttoaaa that
SOB to arary oaa who iball attaafl
OaiA af Thaaka.
Ttoa faatfy of the lata Ctoaa —r~
d«lra to (toaak ataeaialy ttoa trtoeds
who aaatotad ttoea la ttoair aflih '
aapactoUy Mtoa Baaaay tar ktad m>
rtoasaadl-er.-Mr. Beaaeto. toad ttoM
abaaoGfal floral offari^
Stdilieri't Gfod
PiWk-Mareh. SO 40; May.M4E
Oraad Baplds, MarekAa-Wheat. SSo
Odd PeUewa’ XaUtatfaB.
At tka racvfar Mattac of Or^
* * I. Mo. MO. I- o. a r..
/ ttfalid. After the a
tfriaad to try Ctoambartata’a
Balm. He eaya: -A faw aptfe
fnr|ir^I.J.I.IU P.1. B.hi .Md
•tok ta Beat tbs laAtoa *f Ttarwa*
l-8oUd WMk-i
Pants r
For 25 Cents.
Monday. Klarch 28
Comedy Co.
toby the kb* mtoa
Mr. Jake Simon
Job Lot ChiMron’sKnee Pants
Wa liETB plaetod on Mto te
<aoic* of
ool«^|tttt.lTO price, md c
valaes. rmimog from 50c to $1.00.
AU mntt go at J
SS Cents,a Pair.
“The Factory Girl.”
IJmIt-S poll, to . eutoDur.
Boston Store,
PopoUr Prices.
10. 20. 30c
----- -mwT
Oa Meaday kVsatag todtoa wffi b*
213 Front St.
nnetor's OpM litat ito-Rt^it
ini Kiciiinf-
Colors-Black, Maduro,
Belna Steel, Pearl. Bargirndy. ^
^ ^
Salmon, Seal Brown,
Bro* Ooha,Hyrtla
|Th8 Culpipper StfrHats^
Colors—Black, Brown, Bbdia, Mapla
These are the latest etylea best makes, and altogeth- ^
er the nobbiest hats offersd.
-i. i'/i-. .,.1
Vaw GIbbs Blook.
0^ aem'&A 9taou\« m&taVv
\tcmr aeo) aavt oeaU be \\ve
ytoVCT tV.\a5. ^ TRvA
&aoettoeV«^ l^ taaaVa
• r ■'
1 >
Map «w«mM M»«i>;iArwM>AT. KA»H w, i«m.
__« wM Mamnl aTMi vMtan ym.
ui anw « <b. mm,
u «*Mt nr. M IM «m balimtf «ar
ba swite Ba ake mtd OmI h* •ai Oacord of paBtkal Ult.
of u* ktwttoa. nM
WkfM tto rapon of q>« fcoart^
«Mr«ni M i»at iba Mate* ^
la tte perpoaa to traax tka Mowing ^
. “"“lossa.r.sssr-*"*-
aa aa« tba a«Nr ettan or tba
a bora, aaa att ana pa pocth
wm go with tba ottearp.
l^egMonMaVa^o. .
Mfk. March B.—Vb* Tamps imiHm
to -Tba really ypffirdsi calm' with wbkb
ckrtxi a «a» mm»t aaip.
Hawport Kawa Va.. March B,—TuDf tba Amaricaa ohvbl court of Ipqpky
U.«a» paraou y«ot<>rday wltaaaMd tba into tba BalnwdkMtar
taanebtiia of
.tb trattaajp
wkdam win oba Kentncky ai>4 Kaar- rteta
a eoBftlet.
tba ktsKaddltloaatoUadataB'B
paey, and probably tba most powarful
Branbain. Tea.. _
ItfhUar iPacbltiSi aSoac Tba Bear- ton yaatttdsy a Bra.
pans was tba bMt to raedva bar bap* iscendlary origin. *
ttam. Whan tba army of worfeata
knocked tba Use sboraa from tba cradle
t over mM; Aispraaoa; «»..
at tba reoBM Hra Okabatb MayMrd
WlMlow. wlf« of Uautaaaot Winew,
U. B. N.. rraapad tba c«t-ctasa bottk
a* champagne. wrappdS in mialatare
Madrid. BaKb B.->lt waa
American Aasa. and., crasblnc H upon yeatarday eranliag- that the Bgak of
tba bow at tba big batUaahIp said: ‘Tn Ppaln ta to land tba Bpaalab govara*
tba nama of tte United Butaa I non mant bw,«aa.WI pacataa, guaimataad by
tb* im treassrr boaBa
ctarktaa tbea Kaaraafga.'
- •
* ny down tba .
of the pmtiaot kpneblngB
BOwaOkaa, March a
arei eltpaaaed at tba yardaof tba New
wbMh wtu ba ot iau
to every
port ftewa BhlpbaUdlnf company.
Btroet c
In tba country
At II-St, an hour and a half Utar, tba dactrie
KanlBrity lafl tba ways, with caramo- baa htst bean handed down by tba su
plaa the coantarpart of thorn already preme court at Madison It U to the
wttnaasad. Tba dtrty of wwaaof was afioct that there can ba no axtaMlos
of atreat railway link beyond the city
Umna. even tbougb a
Bradley vaa an attractlva flgura on ^
boat’a bow. with the amblam of. purity
In her upUftad hand. Tba
la tba rapOTt haaa baaa cakM
yy **y*« «t “• facu"b^?^
^aslaa aavanunaBt win ba aqatralMt
«a «amar apaa «„a« toa u
•a te anr leacth it teraa
aaiowa ta aaart ttar. ana « k baUevaa
■•tba oBlalatrT win «o4«ac aa Ihr aa It can
JaapardWtir Ita own axincnea
iJ* onrrtaal of tba praaaat arnaaty.
■•be report «f tba Malae eoort of in.
qpliT wOl be Toad at todar'a caWi
■•rtiB*- Aitbeiish dorlns the li
Booth aad mora the preatdeot has braa
« Ida daMi avarT day and far Into tba
^t Ua Mliafs often remark the fact
«bli baa;rT boHat) of earr and work
4oaa not abow m bli face or appear to
■ffaet bk boalth..
WaAlaptop. March ».—Tba attantloa
g^^Aaatotaat flacretary of euta Day
J^caUad to a aiory printed la New
yTort yaaterday aftamooe which rep?
TCocMed hlk aa havloc attaodad a ooa.
Widpinaj> niobt. aod opaaklna for tba
iPioliint daclartnc that the Spaalah
ottBaOM had ceoa beyond djpkuaatlc
•dbaatmeai and adeocatlmr forOnt tba
fthsAan of Cii^ by annad Intarvenilfa
, JPdca Day does not uaually take the
troQhla to deny auny of the atorta. sat
bfloat ai to hla ballafa and ntterancaa.
bat tbk wad ancb a pcdntad sutamani. prodoet, waa dona with para water.
Ba aaM: -Z «d pot say to any___
and bare narar for a tnoomit tboosbt
.1— ....
raiaUona ‘
—1 tba ■■
pond tba hope oi
I haea PM advoe
Ikfmppitea in «
mk* Vm be set
battla with
opposed bar.
Carrying out bar paattinaet In tba
atatlar aha bad the water brongl '
a Main, wlra^m-rrad glam botUa i
the famuoa errata] apring on the spot
where Abraham Uncola waa bora la
Imraa county. Ky. Then, as tba vessel
auriad down the waya. several bottles
of old Bourbon whIMty ware buried
laetloa from tba Bpsj
agaln^ bar aides by Kantueklans wbo
ffU not say that this
tntarean^.at on^ and force Cuban free. ware M>poMd to tba water chrtatanInr. When the anafaon of tba big boat
bran dropped and aba bad roraa to
P coaraa.*' Tba aedvury added that iM .bad
a bait in midstream, the distinguished
whole Mory was entry.
Wa^ngtop. March B.-A acaae dramade in tba tatanslty ot Its lata^
a tbe benata yastrrday
rry by
ppeach on tbe Caban Mtustlon. Not
. ataca tbm ynanguraUon of Prestdant Me. -.-BEtalay have so many people bean on
tbe smtau slda of tba Capitol as ware
tbare yeatarday./ The gallaflea warkbehad wtita paopla, anaay of wboai had
hrriTad at tba Capitol as early «a t:»
p. m. k order to obtain seau. Brea
tba dlptomatk gallery, which la rarely
peenpled. waa flilad.mhfnbla a few pilantas after tbe aanatr convanad evaey
senator who could be praaasi waa la
fek sMt. and by the UmsTtanrstoa baJ
haguB bis speech dosana of mamban of
tba bouse were allbar standing or oe1. eupylag chairs In tba area wUbMit tba
Ssmi-cirria of
Bis first saatanen, n wbirii be oaid ba
gpoha by commaad of aileet iips-a dallattanlioa.
Mrs. Thurston's dying ra«oaat to bar
bustaend was that bs sbould lose oo
ttaaa oa account of bar death to do bla
Ptmom to save and free Cube and
peamba. Zn accordance wlib this
OPset. therefore. Tbureton aacrifleed
tarly ctfon. and even tbore wbo could
not agree wlih his conclusions conceded
tba power ot bU oraLion. As ba neared
the and of the speech his vwiee. which
baC been clear and ringing. PoUoeably
emotlop. but-rallied with an effort ted
dosed In a tngnker that tbrillad Us
Thuratop. dosed as follows^ “Mr
Pteshlaot. tai tbe caMa that moMudme
to Ufa and bops, tba ttnmgcat mSsk.
•.bnjkaii. I have p....................
iba aiur oft—o-. ,
but aE I bare I am glad to give. 1
ready to earva my eouatry aa beet i
In tba seoatr or in tbe Bald. My dearam hope, my most aamaat prayer to
. Ood la this, that when dMtb comas to
sad all 1 may meet it calmly and feardid my briored, la the causa
bonkolty. unOar tba AmerttM Sag.-'
mu and digaiBad aanatoro Iw
amr and wept, and U the gaUa
waited to hnadfPSi ed.sy«.
pm a romarkaka aeana. aadtbaottU' «ssi kSttO tba Utt
last sroMs bad baop groAt •( Aoath ttsatf. A*
falldtous apaaebaa ware made. Among
Ibe spaakars waa Oovarncj Bradley.
London. March B.-rn>r Dally Qraphlc
nyi editorially ihia morning: "Wo
tirink It iimatthat Washington eeaaad
wobbling. Weaka'ago It was aald that
tba starting of the Bnaniab torpedo
floutia for the West lodles would compal America to declare war, Today lb«
Aotllla I* MeamiBg eiratgbt for Porto
Rico. MaanwbUa aruia senators 1n
Waahlngtoa and ovtr-cia\-ar lournall
In Maw Torh are pUaniag InganiL..
campaigns to Ha tba odlom of dmtarIng war oo Ppala.
•■Sttraly this la unworthwpf tba Amar
an Odd rallow and a Mason, past grand
master of both Masons and Odd Fallowe. and was twlce«rboaen to rapraoent
tba latter body la tba Aub««»a IcAva.
Path at Hesetam Saak. klu.
Chippewa rails.. Ifu..^ March &—8.
C F. Cobban, one ot tba waaltblaot map
in twrtbara Wloconaln. la one of tba
vietims of tba coloaaal frauds'praetload
by govarei^i clerks at Ft. Past Reports say the amoocl of Cobtmn'a lom
wig reach ITLtoa. Cobbao slated ihal
tba agaret will not run oo high as this,
tbougb hla lots wilt ba ccmsldarable.
Ba takas the loss very calmly and beBaves that hla cbancea of beittg reim
bursed for tba tnonay are very sUm.
St. Paul. March Sk-Tbe Bank of
Marrlam Park, captui tH.Ste. whlcfa
waa reponed to have lavaatad In tbe
Southall govaramanl (Ima cbacka to
amount of mooa. failed to open
doom for bOBloaos yeaterday. The oB'cere of tba bank deny that the bank
was loaded with Bouthall Uma cbacka
and that Its capital was impaired,
a mating of the directors It waa decided
to clooe. baUavmg
to bead off any run on the bank. They
honaa yeajarday. and after consIderaUa
dllBrully a arrangaiiM-nt waa made to
dose gereral debate at 1 o'clock tbU
afternoon The debate yesterday wai
not on aanastlonal linaa. hot ac-.ry rsdl
ral axpriusloti was cheered to tba aeht
by the crowdaj gaUariea
A ganw at dmaipoa tap Uen’s'esfa
dm tba poealty raeortly offered la tbs
bewildered gaas cf tba vislun lo
a. The plaTcm ware »U
aDd n worthy attimo wbo. on
tba strength of a bet. bad entered tba
bnUtstioo of the king of beasta i
ffpktly a\ a tpbk wbldi bad ____
biopgbt ip for tba peipaae. jUie pair got
« eei7 well for a ttON. tbe lion wato)>_«PPsmit^
ntkm. Beat
C bowrr. toairira at. tbe t
tbe game was a poor bosiiM. after all.
for Instead <d allowing tba two men to
flaisb it In pmm ba spddmiiy made a
daabattbe table and seat it aptnnlM
with tbe dominta la wild wwtfyrimi
low tba air. Bueb to Ibe benw
aJoaben. wbo feared that a MiocAlim
tkatropba waa impeodim.
Tba aBStouz. bowevur. wm not alow
in taking tbe blnL On tba etmumrj. ba
lost DM a BOBcnt in bolting mu tff tba
oage. and tba relief was genoml when
be MMceeded in {muing tbe bars botweeo blmaelf aa4 tbednoliiberttf tba
lien appeared to be a very
W, bAn me apple., Onp,.. And Lwop., .too
Pg^.Aprlpdto, Popdiao, Pnmoo, Pig., Datoo uS
legDliblM. Cabbate, lagas aai Jbatt.
If You Have Logs to Sell
O-m-p^d with ft,
ca, Li..b«
W«bav« lorgde Oood,
<ff tbe fogrtive dcBiaio player to par
biB . Tiritand.aotDallr^MS^ceJS
lo aocopt from him a plaoe of meat pmscatod M a ptopitiaBry offarit«. As.
afwr doing }aitlea (o tba BOrsel. ba bogan to regaH Iba lotroder with Wlstfal
sy^ and by other ngos and tokens to
nmnlfeat so ‘
with blB. tbe tsnmr
promptly ioterraoMi and onotbrn atratagic moTemam to tbe rear was aneotad.
in Cbioaao Cbrooiola
■ x-Ajsnos TOR SAT.ni.
Altboogb Pufftaw Knmifcfum ii napally credited with
tbs fcstaae
tn tbe pTQdtotlaa of fab snrpriaiBg pienrea. tba OerBsn Bonardi owm Ua
earliam incradoctian to tbe ayMerisi
rt to an Eogltsb painter. Tba flm
tiBa ibe kslaer baodled s bnmh waa at
Wtndanr. wboo Mr. Frith wsi pstLHat
tbe pietureof tbe Prince of Waics' Btoriaga for tbe qoean. AU iba royal per—lagre gave mrtings to the artist, and
' kaiser, tbea a Ultlc 4-yMr-old
prince, spent several mornings in'tba
Btoomtngttm. Tila. March B.-LaonTo keep tba child qoiet. Mr.
ard H. Bllsa. the heavyweight wheel Sa*kt>ui>*»e painmand brntem
man. sndriy known as "Baby Bllaa,- allowed bis to dabble cs> one of tbe
was distanced In the taoe In the Rapob. OBflniobed oornere of tba oueoa.
Ucan ooavantloa for poHcu maglatraM.
Ai tbe oaioral respli of this very ip.
jpdidous praeeedini tba prlnM'a taoe
TZL10E&M& was
-----in a very few mlnot^ ooverod with
to co-oparatr with tba Bagaau cahtnat
parts of Africa slave* aresttll Mtosks of green, bloe and Tenailion.
is making Cuban home nala a radtiiy or
Tbesigblsff bis neared (aeetarrified
to give Rpaln parampiary oollca fo quit. tba basts of flnsnrlal reckoning.
Twq of tba eight toTradoao mtlriad by bit teverbesB. wbo faeggad tbe arri« w
To avoid both gouraea la to tura tba
terrible Maine dlaaslar Into a aort of the Maine have been recevaraA
lemove the reJora. and Mr. Frith, stb-i
lb fUteen yean Montana's copparoot- •d with rags and tnrpcBtine, had nearly
gruosoma rad barriog. If Prcaidant Mc
ut baa risen fro
-------Kinley does not mean war let biB say
»mplrt«4/ bbi cask wImp tba pongepi
io.w«.eee pounds.
so. and tba borrore In Cuba wlU boob
spirit foobdI ii
iri way into a Mntofa upoo
The Marquis of Ballsbvrr. It It an- the ebj^'a cheek'
The Standard tbit morolag. comment- nounevd. Is v-ry mucb stronger and In
tag editorially on iba cabled abstracts bailer beaiih. and starts for tba Riviera
Dent pslonr wiSk!his Asta, aod hid bimof Sanalor Thuruton's speech In the
United States sanaia yasUrday. aaveraRaddiog. CaL. report* the discovery •air nudera large tablo. where be yeUed
ly censuRS it aa a ftagruat anampla of
r a rn.ooo pocket In the Wsshlngtoa until be was tired. Mr. Frith dotba rvcklassnass of American pollticlaaa
to bU “BaBiniacenoM'- that tbe
line St ftvnrlt gulch.Iwanty.two ml.m
In goadlog the Spanish people to war.
from that place.
little pnaoe abemed a most unfetgiviug
A mstinac banafli at Bsltlraora In aid ^liritBiid MTenged bimmlf afterword
, kMeawSadby MMigaa golem.
Lansing. March *S--Both bouses of of the mciDumenl fund for iba man who fay sining go tadly that tbe pointer
killed In the Maine disaster naltsd
tba lagtaiatuR yeatarday unsnlmonaly
adopted reaolallons denounrlag In U.W0 tor tba fund.
ury UJcaoaM.—Loudoa CHtooiola.
The egacutivc counril of tba Amertsunngest terms the acts of Spain In
SB Osohara- amocistlan has daetdrd
bar relations with Cuba; deploring the
Obaatberiabi<ii Ooagb Botocdy.
prcaant aliuaUeP of affairs In tha-lalnnd and daclartnm "that the time has :
This ramody ta Utondod <
whan tbit iigllun
The (My National bank. Naw Tork. >r opoghs colda. mwop,
strongr s
arm In tba nam if iurtica a
nss engaged ItoO.OM gnid. and Haldal- eongb aod inffnena. It M
back. Irklebcimar A Co., same rity. fameas for Ito ci
give to
........................ ........... SU6.«m gold for Import.
beogbl traadonn from the yoke of Span
Tbcre have been gales, atww. ball and
Mr treachery and tyranny.bllnmidt throuehoQi Great Britain.
Birmingham a factory wall was bl<
down, bluing four peraona
March a.-Oanai
OoorgcT.NichMson has bean appoint, apro oblda that bare yielded psotoMlr
t Rooth^rt
to Ita ooeibtog affoeta. and of
BalvaUon.ArBy of Iba worid. in aa In- ed geoaral pas»«gcr trafllc manager of rerpoa attaeka of eroop it baa enrod.
tarriaw ysstarday on tba blosring up of the AtrhlBOB. Topeka sad Bsnia Fc often aaviair tba life of the ebiU. The
railway, to take effect Hgy L
(be battleship Maine aald ba hoped
Tba Ouarantarv' Finance eompaay. rxtapslvo oaa of It for wboqplDg eou^
aaa a settlement of tba dlflteulty tnoousa
other way than war. While be can po-. Pblladalphla. has
derstand that Jt ndtet be tba doty of to Clay Kemble and Henry any. Ida- a Kriralt. DncBMt. .
tba >1'nUad States to ateat Cuba, ba Umias. F1.M;.M0: assata IStLSgT.
Jamas M. Dsvia. s wasithr Quaker of
aaya that war would bring soffailng to
St. l,ouls. baa bought Oarilald nnlverai Wichita Kan., and presented it
le.Sodriy of Fricads for a naUenal
truoblrs In Cuba.
John R, Santo,
StDwal iRsrain.
,t lUI daniptfaU toduUig T«
Friday and Saturday,
______April 1st and Ond. (
to Mil uid «» onr dtopUf of'S^mug- (
Millmeiy, Pattern Hit,. FlonI Norelttw.
“i- » '
Lstast gtyUs ia Sallora.
C. ILKINS^^ Bicytk Ridiit.
and do give yon the boot work of any
one to tbedtyfartbsBiaay.
be daeatvad -by what otbaiu toll yob to
tba ooptrary, but coma and aaa for
I goaipataa all my work to Ba rigbX.
aad if It doca Dot prova ao 1 maka ft
Mop la tm 8 o'oloek svmv ereote.
anew* Saaday. to tba Cbldwuli tlS,.
doa baOdtog.'at aortb and of Oakta
1000 Rolls
Wall Paper Oiven
Hack, 60S indBa^G
HJ^R I .
Oaa langa let. es-foat froat,«aWe^
baa oaob vatae If takaa before Awtt
at. Look tUo ap at ttooo. .
„Oae fla-fpot'lat. Bariew street. Oak
g^ta. at atoabat your osra pries If
. --it
• I'-
I ErerBiiniedOstr
Chas. MastiCs
'Phone Ho. 8.
190 Front StroH. \
Victoria, n. C.. reports the arrival
BpringSalA Masa.. March 1
tbare of a relUbla party from Nlmpkloh
arc stored In tba different ai
rirer with tbs naara of ^rg* flnda. both
this city ie.000 B:
placer and qnarta, aldag tba banks ot
tba old snodaL Besddaa tbeaa Ahu strsaau
mare are stored in other areenata in
The San rrsneiseo eariala ot Walla.
the coontty,-ready lor .lasuancs to. Fargo
A Oo. deny etsiamanto to tba
tmopa. BQ.OM of Iba same modai of
rifle , Added to these there are atorad •Sect that tba Ooahan train rabbaro aa>
In tba-nalghborhyod of rLOOO to'
' nvorolMfipowiUerpryBLMta
to the srsensla bare to.OW Krag-Jorga«.
sen rifles, msklng s total availaUs tobos appolBtad Judaop
■day of K2.000 stand of sram.
W. Lyoni. of Oaorgla, to be register of
Usei. takiss-Body POaat.
tba troaaury. Drone la a oagro di
Hsvmns. March *6. - Tba body ot and tba podttan la the one made va
Wboa to pood of aaytU^ la «bta
UManant Friand W. JanUna. of the
--------- mbar.tbtaiatbo^tokpvo
Maine, was found mrly
yuorordMeand gut F
tba tarpado tube aft. as M. oant hr tba Adonaa Kspreoa .
it baa bean azpaetad woutd ba tba east. paay troto tba First Battonol boak of
Tba rwaiiw. of oourea. ware badly CUcogP to tba Btata Maak at TMOana Usva yow qelera abwteorpi^pp*'
M|» PM an bad aoMr. City. Mtate. lastWatordar. was hsalM
•pan aod SLOM
Sound H^nilack Lumber,
Mapde Flooring,
Sbort^'aple Wood.
twm mmmmm mxyoap. WAanjmBkr.mMM
Ml tnm a Mdce aa
m&mmri ttEW^DcnntfaREi
hftdgw bM iwoBtjr
OM«r «Mmt Te »• ttii'tlUM
SufNw by th* «uMm R^>
ef th«W«l|Cb<4 ,, ,
af the atace olOMi. The dtp puapfac ITCb W«
auttoB la wbBirrtea- and aR taetoriea Mbm. Ju
In the cftjr have been atopped.
Twenty acA ObMbi7
tor «
tprcOTB* ^
law iMfliBBia of Ibw maWoB sort pat.
At Bellatrr laat nlCDtthrflood
M te tha fasay fUaMHa at MaBkawan
Hb MBhiat tBaifc. helna « feet t Ihchee thatauietata awy tottwait baafltynr,
and BtattonarT.
aajoy Um dtoUseMoa *vhh* to imjiartod '
barnaABd aubieo are float
oatlB* paat I
«My. and the d
n win be en
Ch>etta*u Mbm* S.-^l it
tm Rigkl Uw OWo-rtTW MX ClBciBIMU atom LMt Blcht terrible aoSeriaa wae
nalM«r«4 tr bM n lachM. Mid flriai aoBth-ot hcre.' Orer m hosaea tn tba
•« iBoh u be«r. lUinrts Ctmb Bortb- aUp art 'flooded. Veoterday afteraooa UalstoBJ aronraBoat,' 'WaattaftOB bo«n WMt Tll«lRl4 Bt Um BMrw U 'tht the polire ordered all cinn to nap rob- nomakMranBl'toBtwbaB VO aiaaro
MAnngiMW brine nm ot benry rUm eliM and a heavy and atrlct patrol of tba Mw U vhhih kB lodfad. Tkawar
f rfr«r. It i* n the eteer hanBa wljl ha terpt Bp to
Isk Uk not B toaflMca), wim ws aro
>r dvredatiane p
Muabaa. a. MarA «->LaM nirht UtoiMtobtod maaoBiT^BeBter. Pont*
---------------------------- -------m water 1b -the Sdatp river had r»- If and Mfsod attach-tbsmadvrototbero
«eh4 BB'flfe^rtlofc' of rn!n vittaln tira M
oeted to a«ch an ezieni that all daafler old baeaea, aad ttaay.af^sal todanUad*
«r three d«re. Reperte fretn bU bbbt- la paat. aliboucfa aose wptar la aUU to ftoOflMa &VU goaloMlB .UM
- hen Bt-tke OUe Te)iey m of drtBU&c flewtne throBCb the bfyaKa In tbeleveea tnOlBfl flaawt
brteka "* “MTni
into «r etoodr Alee. AU up-tiw tB«ae ever aoet«M of Weed Coiambaa. TwM Vfa can MIU oan.raroa te UM JbohI
< ereport the Ohio rielne r«pi41y «cee^ oreie ruanlofl on recnlar achedule «• bows aad o««bt to Mm «i»d toon
itoohed that Wap ao mo OMro B
where tt ti ■hetloBBiT.
aoae.ofihe reada:
Uba tt.—teoktou
- httUeee—BBe^eB*eBln»ipir<>. ■
Tha OUm Boy—Cgy. I faaltort tba
L«M of Lfe U r^ofted Bt HeaUHoB.
Mrippia olrok Is UriBkln aboBtaan
f>.. ertaere the ■reni'MleiBl nrept awey
two cottaeco and drowned aiz tBBBtea.
„ Tba Typrwritw—Wby, tbs Idmt
•ataalr: Un. Chartee Wtalonaa aad hit
BactotoaMBB VoUoa.
"Ob ibc dcBd. 1 d& I beard Mm
Oeealud. March -M-The foUdwIa^
three aiBall iADdreB. aod Mr. and Mr*.
Chariae Rpriaenw. The railroad ott- from the flooded dlatrkta In <»la w
w «t thaovof Trae- aAln the bookkeeper bow mwob a
you ■ot*"—CiBdnaaU
antiOB th the tafhrtor Of CAIo la tmprov. received laat ntfhl:
Steubanwille—The Ohio ritror'reael
.. A roo«h eeilmate of the loai «f prop*, 4t feet t Inrhee at boob yeaierday aad _________not snehof tbe See warSs at tbe
wrtr la the auu of Ohio iMte it at at < p. m. had (allea only two laeben.
tor fMrtcna yaara a>d BOtblar aa
»ully HO tamiUce Iriinc wltua flfteee
to plve m»j raJief. I was «bto 1
ragWiiOi KiBHylteiaeidOA
mllea.ap asd dowa Ae river and la tbia
mrouad an the tima. bat eowsk
' A diapateb from ChlllicMbe aaro; cKy haro been drj\-*a from ibrtrhomea
MM evorTthlag I
*Never in the hutorr of the dtp baa
rer pipe and dre UncZ pUou are so cam
. b«ar of had at Mat *eaa «M to
imeotbe euSered ao ma^ from bleb , oobmerced and abot down.
<hambarlBMh PaM■ Balm.~
wUeb 1
■ aa wUblB the paat twenty*four
•torHIoeafl awd
- BOBIB. The eahteni part of the city W
eeroee of Oslro sTO an
la'a’abert Uma mtwd. JAM bagpy to
MOW a voritable aea. and ft|Dy M hoaaaa fcinrum rivers 10 t > teei-hlcher than
arc nbrnerped. The Colnmbaa aad Ctr*
Joan Kmab. Uormaotowa. C
wtertlle rtae of Wedaeoday came down traffle b blocked, and
sate by & B. WHt. Drweetot.
rsoelvtd for two days. Two mere wa
tted eeerytMaa -before It. and at < ouU on ibe Panhandle are reported.
•‘clock yeaierday mornlna the flelote
OallipolU - The Ohio river has Insivor was ov« ita banka and atUl ritin« Tsdsd tbe .baslneas streets of the ell•PT&AVSL.
at the rMe of flftsen loebea ptt boor. Mess or Point PtesMwt. BendersoB and
Chmiy after 7 o'dork the Balttaaoie Cheshire, near ^eie. In this cUy- the
T« ftotiiu
•«Ttoa Imafl afttka
•ad Ohio Soulbeaetera tracks at Ben- Hocklac Valley aad K. and M. tracks
naattok Batiaa.
• dek's curve washed away, and tba water ars subenerBed aad all trains have beea
w sf the ctu af TVoee
Mad ucMia over Main street and annulled. Tbe river Is ristng rapidly
Tba Mlybly Boatbara BaBway Byareached up as far aa Watt'ttreeC the and paople at Point Plsaaai
am. ttavarsMy tba aifbt OraaTBiM
fpraltore factory belna under water. Inc tbtlr homes.
i tbaBeomiBgaoBtb.drobro to eaU
At I 0‘claek tha embeakiDaBt on which
Mlddlaftw-n—The sratrr t
the BHBBtie^ Us Haattb ioakm^. the
the BaltlBtore and Ohio Benweatern feet slaM Wednesday uIjrhL' The imnal
tbaPlMsaviiiibir. Ur
tiBck separatee the city park and the brMgs on Titus avenue and two bridfes
___________ BBd thr ftokM TravaUay
fteer cave wmy.And in a iricW tbe park along the waterway went down yes*
leiaro 'oC tbe eny rhansr PuHle. to Ua many adeaalaMa. tbr
wUao lews ef ihsarouef baakUfai larsary. tba rich aad CarUla
became a sea of muddy water which terdayafternooB- Tbe OaclanatL Bamreached np aa far as tbe dynamca le the ilton and Dayton railroad tracks from
be beU to the leltow^ Mad BBd tbs maay rroorm which He
•ta^wmaa electric Upht. plant.
tb^sutlon for a di
alokyito IMaa.
-ted I
Oe to FlorUa Bkl taeape tba ama;
The Miami and Brie canal amroejr^ le tbe C.k.K.P.a. Ban ro aoid aad dkayreeaWdaya of wMlat.
aratcr woriis power bouse to shut bent' gave way la twenty places
BBd atoaat AflBBVILLB. 'Tbe Laad
down, and the natural cas mains to Wednesday oigtat and IM men are t
of Ue Sky.- TBB •WmBBLASD of
break ao that the supply of. cas is Ant at work trying to mend the breaks.
AMEsIcl. whara baa««« aad earth
Peurib Ward, to U s Bagloe beoea ao ■
About t o'clock tbe rislns waters
amt amokyst the maay of Usa
■KATT Loaan ik ikoiaka.
the rivet................................................
Piru Wore, to tba P
ef aatarW, Bit tha yrakdaat
they broke
ta AmrAk aad BUtarorwOhio Seaitawestera and the K. and W.
Amrriefl's okly PaMoa.- rtbe
as tha ptoeas ohaae ■milrsT
tracks near the }>oint creek bridee. tbe
ek to iha lorisise wosaeoo t
' T yaadarbOt. '
lawoa woy fee oae wUlsewale aero ■■iua?«
reault bclBC that two miles of Che C.. H.
'ctssk is the otwrasro o( saisaro
and D. track between the brldae and
Plorida. eaa go eia Cbattaa
At Boefe alacUea tha laUowtog atoeara ora to
tbe N. and W. traaMer eras washed eat
aad t
before tbe btcak In tbe Baltimore aad cause of the storm will not be leas than
the maay BauM fleida. which tall
OMo Southwestern bank at Che north- HH.asa. inclnding the loro of bustneaa,
thr tala of tbs strife hatwaas ibo Blao
'damage to tracks, damage to euuip*
oU Ony^'aek.
A train I
aad tbaOiay.
amt and personaJ to]dries. Tbe OaIt oat to (opalr
la ooaaantiok wlU tba Qaaaa * Oiwsbfoak. but the tralnmea had to ran tor Mnnau. HaaMIton and Dayton railroad
eaat BoaUv the SpoUera Ballway
.,-the+r Hvea. aa
- the
- track got. a train throucb
a fony raMa«f
forma tba Qiaat Tkroayb*Tranh*LlBa
Wsdna '
reams and trains are <toa frolMe af tha Peeeo. Tall teew.
to tba 8oatb aad Plorida. Bl^aat
■egularly. Tbe Big Poor
and O.
erotibaiad• tralaa,
tralaa. ear
mrry^ '
got a train lo CtocennaU at » o'clock
ala^ar. diaMy aad c
yesterday morning
lyalns on that
o’cioMc yrotarday a
Ooa AUaraoo far tvo yoofw
dU-MloB of the Big Pour are run from
water was wltMa I
here to Qriaiba. and then over the BaltradL
Otoe Mroiber e( toe Baord of fldscestoe tor oar aaaroat orrupoa tiekat ayaat <
tMnoro and Ohio SouthweaterB Into Clnddrom
Wa. B. Tarum.
_______joU* te eoa year.
i^f the train leoacwad ehihatL Tbe PeorM and eastern trains
Aaah Ooa'l. Pass. Anwt,
Batiee -to elao hereby rieao tool the priyaelthe bank, and had It not been tor a boy run al tsr as Arcanum. 0-. on the cast
Ho. 116 Peartb Asaaa.
--------- 1 ot boe tost booho oa
who flagged the train .with bM hand* mtA Tbe west end to all .right. Tbe
le oi the PoMte aeu
Loatovilla. tataeky.
kerchief a terrible wreck would have
eoefe at the See wotda of tha rtty ot tM A
aUrtaka. aa naelti laddod.
vaiWyliHr iHM&ldBh
Jobkad. TfM-M*
“ wWe do yoa UraP*
■kwwto diamaaa tbrt h»ro<U ftoaSa
^ Pw ropto Um madaat ys
'‘Taa bat wbero is year
HA TMflk TBST ABB TOO nok TO paw
AU.thal ba aahs la rrtara U tbat
. .
Slam to
UMtr flrtete
•‘Wah vbmayroald yaa yotf 7» worTpattayt
Obtaiaad by his to
ararr aickt”
ebfkBto&aaaaa aad d^
TbM waa iamaded to maks Um ylra formiUro trrotad.Wo maa im tlila
UMBaaaof (baeaeavbrkoa baoara
toOolnmbaa. bntUdton't. HesrampOy
^ «r ygm^Kv^^CtemSS
ravnUyaUck abowo tbbt moa who
aa^y tha rtia) >
_ .. ..lyaadtiaat*
_____ with aeUeo.hralaa aad
lay *•
- of- cbpokio caaaa. has
hodtoa roaalra. XtoaUKM toad tbe
--------- -------^
briyhk. mwMm
flleah aad Wood aad firo Sro yoanf Ara yoa - SiookrayM?
braltb t« Waa «kd Womaa. CaU aad aoeaa.wh w^ taUroa rrtote
aa care yok or aoC utracaamat
JOB, w« wiU WU yoa vbyt ralM
VmUwt^^C^MtlS?^ Hailroal kstol.
m£hM. Oki rnokth ^ Bfl
Oar matbods od treatmaM to aS that W
loMva Wan tba ackootob vttb tba aid
at ctoeAtty. tbat moot waadirfal o<
aU ayiktalitParalyato, Loro of Jtoww.
BbaaaiaHra. aad Wdtoaanaa of tba
ato^oro ayatem. Oo aagly, as «y
oWco to always crowded.
M meek. Traversa OMr.inefe.
Brsnrxyy oaads.
8.1 “TSJftcair
lam. BradlarJoatBa*.
gooay to agm-oeei hro» mr. vs^
—Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
-VBront Street.
test enlferera. With Ma miles
Of their track gone aad perhaps as Darlington, offthe Pennsylvania
much more ce follow no one can tel! that the crew belonged to a through
freight that ruaa bciweaa Lc««Bsport
aad Loatovtiie. The engtaa was Na
of water, and were It not that tbe large m. of the Uiulfn-llle division, aad tbe
roaervoir comaSns halt a mllUon gal- •crew was preened into sei^-lee to haul
work train. Tbe train ran Into a
tons there would be a water famine.
In the floQ^ dtstrieu many tamlllee washout, two snd a half miles south of
with their Uvea
The 'Columbus while on Us way to fix a
br^ In the track. Conductor FraakUn was taken out of tbe wrwk aad
the worsi la osar.’'
carried to an embankment where h*
r emsKm wmi rank t
was left la charge of a tacaheman. Piro*
man rowgin was toand In a tree several
Thfl OflbbnteA SpflcifllifU,
ejras hilled.
Ilghty Plood Soaew Itototooat.
, Cumberland. Md . March 2L—An In*
.wsant rain has been falling h»rv Mnce
' r*Md»t
Punday. and a flighty flood seems Immlnehi. There are numeroor waahouu
on the Baltlnrar* and Ohio between
Hotel Whiting
TflATnss Cm, Hiob.
points, tS^ Potomac river M
”1ipidh-. The streams up 'aloBg
ges creek are ragtag torrents,
the b^ldgro on the Ci
sway ai any hour. Tbr
Central road to atoe ba
He to snrirer. ss the rains In the moOB*
■e have been heavT
^ttabnrg. Marctott.—At mMalgtat the
waters had recedes ta aa ilka mill
high water aiark <MA fart) and ae far
ther damage to leokrd ter. While' Ow
loro wfU rradv many thonaaatfa of dellara, the property daimagr wIU trot be aa
heavy aa at flrot expected
extra aad aariy parcantiea1 to rempW
thair machinery' and goods to rofe
ground- The prlndpH loro will be
lanC Lorala
------*■- win be deprivod el----------------the Miltog w
__ ,
tarovy^daBiago to the tradcaga ot aU the
11 be arveikl days
FiiUT. mil 1st. im
Ojiawiasos sHlaTiimnitlon Vis* snS BMeOr
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
oMy-At Other Ohio PMols.
Mtoroynie. O.. HarAtt.*-PmeekraHl*
* Yus are bomelcaa Are Uvro have boro
' t«ndaaarty«LHt.CH worth H prop-
drowned by tbe <r
t -Mn. Kaacg Ckarek
of Ue Tfliagc ef Oppar Alton ayalnsi
tbe Chicago and Alton ftailroafl com.
pany to reoovor ttTT.M* saM to be doe
to> flnm aad penalUro tor wtolatloa of
the ordlaauce regalaUay Um speed cf
trains has hers tramdsrtad ta tbe DaKg,w
od omier
Stater aTUBH
rireott eOBR
eoart nOB
from tbs rtnalt
a I oooit ot Madlaoa oooaty.
Orttift BMU a U4t‘s feaa«fes»Tfe*al s
wttolsiaUns PlnSar wtU eoafar a toss
}jjrtH^««»A»«dto*er.»r»ar»lag <e
.-* aaUla to ean eaa wtlM (bD Miesl
DRS. B. S. &CO.
Look Box too.
--wifeeoam terta mrtom at MB* m m
Wheeling and Parke
gand had an esHttng ezpertonce be
fllsteravlUe and Wheeling
Wednesday night and yosterday morning. Tbe swell of the'boat ao angered
the occupants of bouses partially under
isnk that there was
t a evnunoous ruslluTde of abois
flaed at the boat, but happily none of
the crew were hurt, though tevsrai
ahou whistled dangerously near tbe
pilot on duty. The flood reaAcfl iu
mazlmum height In Wheeling at * p.
m. yesirrdsy with a stage of U feat 7
inches, aesrto seven feet less than tbe
stag* that RiiierlallBDd la the
He flood of itM.
Outside or so aggregato la
' lero thaa tiM.WO the deprrouu
walas of property
nanaed. hr the flood, which oorarad
Bsarly every inch of lu aiM. to fully U
per cent., aggregataig toa.HO. Only
oo* railroad to able lo operatb
partial service, and that
lag divtalon of the Baltimore and Ohio
to Plttabuu. Tbe slz other tuflds on*
teriag WbeoUag will resume today.
probaUy. - -...................
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