The Morning Record, July 17, 1897

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The Morning Record, July 17, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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: '-'M


omoAL vAm
Piwt Teer-No_ftt




it a eoaa ttoito wh loat in doatiaa
Brewnb eoart bp Shartdan aad ap­
pealed. Bpman aeld a toam to BhertXV A OOOO OAXV AT OAAVS dan, which the latter otototed waa not mx OV TBAWMBX
aeoordtog to refaaentoUeoa Pratt A
Darla are attoraepa lor the defendant
▼WtenPUTed » 8troa« Oam« «a« and Twaddle A Croat for toe plaintiff. Bight XlUloD Peet of Be^o^ to Baw
HeAi« TeuD OoiOd Vet Kmp the
WiU Olre Bmplopment to a Larga
#»M-VomL Pitebed WeU, bat
Poroe of Bea-Ptoat Bas Under­
X«eel vine XMiyUred on AbMaoe
gone Bneaal«emepaira,aad IsVow
Km.AW. KilUkon Xetartatoed the
tfTboir UnrtVintWB.
Vagotone fftoh
eat et'e
jnaprMtwdefudadeoiowrb r
4a tbe flnt imitf to «la the gvB*.
nere le do diaeredit to
to a tout that plag the good, clean,
ahatp fame the Tlaitov pot op peeterAap.
man oe 'toe team bad
ehaaeee to dtottogdlab UatoU. aad tbe

The Waahtogten Btreet Vagtttoe
: Oab met with Mra. Millikan poatoc^
A tew other nelghbarti^
Meade were torited. making a pleaaant oompanp nomberlng abont flftp.
Mra. L. Boberta and Via. M. K. Back
______^ reapaotiTolp KeCInrab Vagattoe aad the Beriew or Berlewa. Vim
Mabel White aad Mtmea AUee Boherto,
aad AUoe Crawford tandered eome fine
The oatfield ia a fooA one, and
and roeal
apaotol tooBtien k doa to ,U«ler to mnaie. Mra. J. B. Martin gare aeretal
cMtor fitod; peatetdap ha had flta pat- of bar totoaitable roeitationa. and toUr.
outa to hU eradlt and a prettp
eoke and lee ermm were aarrad on tbe
eatttoc off Boll at aaeoad bate on a hit porohw and to the parlora. The oeenthat weald ordtoarilp eotiUe him to ieton waa made one-of tpeelal entertttotaaaa.
totoment to honor of the MliNt Weat/Krempltohedaflaegaaeand ahaw- >rorth af Brooklpn. New Tork, who
ad good jadgmeni at criUoal timea. toe gnoeU of their oovalne, Mr. cml
Jaaaa eaaght a good ’game and Mra. MilUkea. . alae made two eoridnf
The hooM team alao ptoped goad baU
moat oC the time, bat toe erron that
I cd them were
nee of Aeplum Paateof Bni
Made whme thep wtn leaat expectedttontt $78,000 Lem Annaollp
waraeeetip. Two prettp doable plapa
teas Age. "
w«ra made, om to the eefbnth toning
AnotoCTimptfftantredttctios to ecal
bpPatoeandNoaotop.andeae to the
of matoteaaaca of the toeane paUento
eighth bp Saifka and Morotop'.
Parks at aaeoad had nine chanoto and to toe aspltims of Michigan, was made
aooeptod them aU North pitched tor at the Joint beard meeting of the me­
tbe Hnatiara, had etmtod ont well, tes •'t theee toetiWtioda held at,<to toe berrp ca Thoredap. whae the rate wai
drat toning, eod daring the game nine redaaed from 44 eens per patient per
mm toaned the atmoapbere. Szcept- dap to 4t cens. Tbit will be a caTiag
iag a liule naetaadtoeea to two innings to the emte end coontics of toUp $».he pitohod a good game: Behee good 000 daring the next pear. Tbe rate of
apood and corrm. Watkine. la left malnteaanae haa beoa ao rapldlr teBald, made two ftae ran^ag catohei of deced bp toe traateee daring the tost
fast Bp balle, and waa UbeiaUp f- tone pears that toe mrtog for toe Bec»l pear ending Jnlp 1. 1698 orer '
fiscal pear ending Jnlp 1. 1*6. wiU be
Tba rialtort made th^ three
the Brat toatng atUr Imwlor aad Fox grt.OOO. This ia an Important itec '
had been ratirad on eirikea Beok ala- redaction of SUM taxes and h prattp
good proof that toe splnm trai
' gled,Joaea bit for two baaea.
waa hit bp a pitched ball, fllltog the are doing all to their power to lighten
haaea, and then erron hp Wheeler Md the burden of laxetion that U Jaat
bearing eo hsrilp upon toe people of
Norotnp flowed the whole
•core, Uarlwr Laker and Van Wonnar toe etate. This Is a good example for
the other eUtetoatitntlons to foUow.
on toeaa. Oonnmi then etrnck onk
more Were made to the eerento
<m e baee on balle to Beok. another
doable bp Jonm. sTetogle bp Boaki aad
Of Btate Banh. Hannah A Lap On.
and Hannah A XnpBercsmtUeOo..
The ffosUera made their two to the


Tbe aannal meetings of the stocktixto on bite bp North, Adame aad
Bant, and emn hp Oormao'aad Bnati. holdes of toe Bannah A Lap Co. and
toe sute Bank were held in the bank
oSee pMterdap and toe nnnonl meet­
ing of toe atoekbolden of toe Hannan
A Up Mercantile Co. waa held Thnradap. The
r and toe
were extreraelp i
......... ‘
I I 0
aenj partlenlarlp gratifp0 e 0
iag. The bank declared toe unna!
diridend of 6 per cent aad mniiA a
eobetantial baJance to nadlrided prof-

feyziil 1
.:l ?





: cml. to Konb
I4S. Uapire—
Hnntotoa 'Oolta WiU Map :
Kanlatoe will be here for a gaa
hall Mood^. and toe Hattiers ar« getog to make a great eSoH to wto.
Fkber. a good tofieldw aad pltehar
from lndiana.\)etoe toe team at Maake■ttotodap.

rm Haaxaa a i.aT co.
Praaldent and Oaaeral Manaf
Perrp Itonnah.
Vice-PrasldenV-A. Tmep Lap.
Beeretaip-Samnal Uartond.
Tsaanrrr-J. T. Bannah.
Dlreoloia—Perrp Bannah. A. Tracy
Lap, James htorgan. J. T. Banaah, &
Prorideat-PerTp Hannah.
Vi^P«aldent-A. Ttacp Lap.
Semtarp—B. Hentagn*Trcaaorer—E P. Wllbalm.
General Manager—B. Moalagoe.
Directore—Perrp Bannah. A. Tracp
Up. James Morgan. WlUtom Morgaa,
Herbert Mdntagna

Oaorge W. Vewieea aad BUm Harp B.
Bowas Hartiad.
Oporge W. Fewlem and Mlm Marp E
Bowes, both well known realdanS -of
Etogslep. weea nnlted to marrtoga toet
erentng at T o'clock, bp E«v. W. E
Wright, at the realdens of Mr. aad
Mra. Bandmmi. on Sooth Catonatraet.
Tbe coapto wiQ make their home ^
Ktogslep aad wlU be at home then to
A W. Patdnn Xade n Knttoa
lOB Twt^ their Meade.
dip to aoaeh the XiffbtmaMen.
Tbe Bnstien left at 4:so peeterdap
ThecaMotUopd *■. Mapsard os
tinned to take toe attentian odtheClr- aftaraoca for Moakegon for two games,
enitooartall dap peatoedap. Daring todsff and tomorrow. The Grand BapIntormimtoB the proeeeatlng nttoraep Ids Herald team wUl go from hma to
anatoged LewU Fitchett. who waa Latiwr tola morning.
arrested to oompaap with Mre. Agnca
Ohtoago Barket Beport.
HBhhell at Mackinac a short time igo.
Chicago, Jalp IB—Whnt—Jalp.
apoaashargeofcrlmtoal ralatioaa. ^
7SHe: September,. TOke; Deomber,
W. PaUtoto. counsel for tbe defcadai
. mede a mottoa to qoaeh toe tofonaa- TlHc.
Corn-Jalp.-UHa September. MHc;
tion. bat toe eoart has not pel ruled
outoemotioo. ShouU U not be grant­ Deeember. iTXetTMa; Map. nif<9
ed Fitohett wUl be tried this term.
Oata-Jolp, i7Jfo: Septembar, 16c;
ne warn of Ole Beams agatoet
aovaraltosoraneeeomp^iea ware.pat M^.
Lard-Julp. K«i September, KW*
^ cne of Sbmidaa to. Bpman will
teUowtoetatonewbMnrtrM. Thla
Winning Vlght Along.
BiepeU OtrL B. J. Morgan's teat grap
mare, won Brat monep to toe t:to elaea
pace at flddwater. Thoredap. easUp, to
three atralght beate. Tima.
tMH, »J**.

Aftorhn idleneea of abool two moatos
toe miU of toe Trarene Clip Lumbar
Oo. wlU ooun preeent a aceae of botiqoM actiritp. Stooa the oettiemeat of
toe difieultp with toe 'loagahoremea'e
local onion Manegor Ludgate hu been
derating his attention to making rapaire and patting toe plant to Bratclasi eoadUlon for a long ran. The
ceetoek hae been newlp painted
and toe riret holae fllied with metal,
•bp obrlatlng danger of fire from
Tbe rirer is fail of logs and a large
qoantitp are at Elk BapW*. to he rafted here w needed.
cat of hemlock
will be about 8.000.000 feet. PraparaUoDS are now made to ctart the swe
Taeedmp morning. Tbia will glra
amplormest U about too man to toe
lilt, par* and on toe rafS nntil the
totter part of Bomber.
Oak Bark Bandfip^eheoL
Sabbato-eehool wUI be held to the
Oak Park primarp school boUdIbg cn
Webater etreet at 8 p. m. Bundaps. Mr.
Elijah Adalep ia anpertotendent. Mlm
Kellie Bingham secretary, and Mias
Bveryhodp is
invited to ettend and make this an to-'
•tractive end aclf-enatetolag echool.
Ms. W. E MtUer left for Blk Bapida
Mlm Bedloid of Manistee and Mr.
and Ms Hovap of Ltoooln. Neb., were
to town pecurdep.
There waa a dance at Popolar Point
last nighv largelp attanded. and everpoodp bad a good. time.
A partp of ladlm and chadran from
tbe South Side enjopod a pie^ pasterdap at Ne-a-U-wanta.
Tbe work of tbe Cirenit eoart ofioes
will be eonalderabip teeacned bp the
addltiou of a UI*hona Tbe Bomber
ia SI. throe riags.
Tbe pap car of the Grand Baplds A
ladtana BnUwap Co. waa la toe city
leat might and diatrlbated envalopes to
Ita emplopee to thU dtp'.
A namber of Grand Bapida people
tram toe neighboring raeorte
prmentatthe bell gaate. end rooted
lopallp for toe Bcrald
The achooaer Oek Leaf olaarad pee­
terdap tor SandoakT, O., with aberge.
of hemlock Inmber from toe Traverse
Cltp Umber Co. She carried WO.OOO
feet. ■
night Justice Verlp sat
storaoa Front etregt for sxactipan
hoar vrltbout moring a maecia. and to
that time ooanted 800 bi«pels which
pasaed that petov Bat the SOO did not
all ring toadr'bells at toeeroastogs near
Wallie Perry haa reeigaed Ua petitloa to tbe factory of toe Potato Imple­
ment Oo. to tnke n posttfon to Ue emplopof the Bonrdmnn Blver Eleetrie
Light A Power Co. . He is at work aaeiatiag la the wiring of the
The exenrtion given oe the steamer
Ootumbla last might noder toe anapicea
of the Ladlea' Aid Soeletp of tba OongregaUonal ebareh. was n grant
cam and a large nnmber enjoypd a deUgfatfnl saU on toe hap aad an' hoar's
■iroU to toe grovm el Ne-ah-tn-wnata.
There were about too to toe partp.

Ales. Steinberg retaraed tram Nnw
York Uet night.
Jnmm A. Bnntot Grand Bapide. <
up peeUnUp and will aup over Sandap
nt Ne-nh-ta-wnnia.
Earn T. MnUa. whose fusUp ns
•taptogstOmnnn. peesed threngh toe
cltppaeterdnp on his Anp home.
Ms. C. M. Duatiep of Plpmouth. b
vlBltiBg bm daughter, Ms. Arable
Umnraa. and will rsmeto fior aeratml
Mr. aad Miv E T. Enight and Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Bkbnrdeo
Cleveland. pnaMd thrangh town panterdap on thair wap to Oaena.
Louis A. Pratt arrivofi tram Ann Ar­
bor poatardap to upend a ehort time
vrlto hie pnranto. Mr. and Ms. E E
He Is nooompnnied bp J. ~
Tbantttoel Votes.
Tbe Chleaim later Ocana says of
"Oneof toemeteeswhito fine
toterrala aeraee toe skp. As a plapcr
who can acUeve toe mask eetoato

gine oat more tramolooelp Ito aotee to
tbe warm breen.
Tbe prlma donna. LouIm Brehasp,
was hevd twloe daring the erentog.
She la a Sae sopraao, pamem tog
*oioe and pleasing ways, Berrstoging
called forth heartp atiptonaq tram toe
SanlaneUi gare tbe fifth of Ua hppotic aatertatnmento before an appre­
ciative andlence tost evening. There
s larger aumbm of eabjecte than
nsnal, eoneeqaentip more laogb-prw
voklng fsatoree. Teeierdap afteraoon
at toe Park Place be eooceeded to hfpnotixlng e namber of todlee. and tola
evantog wUl endeavor to ban a clam
of them on toe etaga.
The Salter A Martin Uncle Tom't
Cabin Oo. glvea a grand alreet parade
at noon on toe 11st, and In the evening
toe three heade will give e mosieal
smneert to front of toe Opera Bonaa
The cenpenp eeiriea ell toe apeeiai
acenerp mad aSeeta reqnlred to g^re a
perfect pradoetion of tola old. bat ever
popolar plap. 'The oompanp appears
to Statoberg'e Otaad Opera Heoee.
Two Hoadr* Haeietee Ladlm Tektog
mietee. Jalp id —Tba fist oookmg
acbooi to toe hUtorp of Manlsue was
opened tole moratog nt Union hni>.
with Mim Mkry Umeon Clark of Mil­
waukee. as inatraetor.
The eammar coarse ia toeontiatof
toraa leeeoaa each week, maldag the
whole term cover a aeriod of four
weeks. Tbe leaaout wiU leat tram one
: 1^ a halt M two hoora, aad will be
B Moadap eveaiaga. Wedneadar
nfterno«a and Fridnp mornlnga.
Tbla morning toe fist, leaeon was
given bafos n etorn nnmberlog nboat
800 ladles, and oooaUted of n Ulk on
oereaU. milk and eggs. MU Clark
gave toe clam some excellent reelpee
tor making various dlsbmpi food.
Tbe stage of ths hall has been fitted
no with ehel VOS. oil and gas stoves.antil it looks like a veritably kitchen.
VotiM to Water Ooneumes.
Tbeaaeof water for apriakltog aa^
poses is. by our rales, confined to the
boos of 8 a. m. and 8 a m.. also S p.
m. aad 6 p. m.
AU places whes watar U femad ransing contrary to toU rate will be that
off—except whes a sperial permit haa
been granted.
H. U. CAuraxu. A Sous.



Needs £food tools to work with. A happy
wife wants a pleasant room to live in. Make that other
room pleasant with some wall paper. We are making
lower prices than ever.




M, B. HOtLET, RUiiAOn.

From March 10 to July 10

Get Aboard I
Don’t Miss These Bargains.
PofittiTely th« MgfAfit yen will get ttiiff
year. Hy great J nly Olearahoe Sale. I will qoote a feu
... bai^ains,
,----- i-_. —jgj
to qnoto^ .
that are
bnt apac
one ont of every hnndrncL
A. good Lonnge, well mads, fall
Miing, $4.00.
A good Conch, fall spring, 96M.. A good
Coach, corduroy, 36 brings. 6.6a
I will positively sell bnt 4
thi price.
theee at this
A good la^ 3-pteoa Bedroom Sait,
glaaa, patent oastora^ior 11.75, A fine large 3-pieoe Sait,
itent dust-proof
lost-proof dravern,
dravero, patent castora, for 12.
12A0. A fine $ece Farior
Parlor Snit,
beet pluah, silk bands,' sprir
. 8rge high back

Dining Cbaira. aoiid oak,- .5A0.
from 95c. dp,
-----------------------------------3.76 np. Polished
oak oombination Book Casea from 4A0 np.
We haven’t many
of theee, bnt what we have most be sola by Jnly 15th.
thoee that come early will be happy and those that miss this
sale will alwayn r^jret it

J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,


as-m raowt sraerr. taa max cnr.

Those Shirt Waists
Attract the Ladies
And why shouldn't tocp7

For all kinds of soft drtoka call ap
'phene 148. DeUvared tree at reew

...... 98cr




. ,.35c

We still have aoAbc
It, and all-sizes.
These are all new Waists just received.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.


84 paU ladierPtograe A Smith
Baser Toes. Hand Taraa. Cloth
- Tops. A. B aad C. $4.50 aboea

7S p<tis Oxfords, fortaar price
$1.88. fl.M. $1.78 and t). Oar
price $1.00 to clone oak

Men's Patent Leatoer ud bamela, tormar prism $8 and $».


88 pais Mba'a nash veep
atpll* SUppes. fkirmer $i.ts
goods going at «8c.

47 pals ladlea' Black and Taa
Pingree ASmito Jnlieto, fornar
$8, cloetog oat prlee $8.
lUkfi No XifftAkA

Thg Original.

B!gh.ar7.aadw*^ Noalghtiaga WogaU to. toe toUege


M Xas m em Prm U a*Mk( « Da

We are still.
Doing bnsinesfi «t the 0I4
etnnd* ■ Have survived the depreaaimi of times np to date,
and are in better shape than
ever to fin orders for the

flour on eartii.


Razor Toes-They Must Ga.
fi. Few Bargjuns in Ladies' and Gents’ ^oes!
New Line of ChUdren’s Shof




• to^ntolU*. Itte



OeeyMr.hrBAO. *

B At tk*
At t
Mlek., A* AMoed elaa m
BATCBfoas of Uta ocfSBfasttoa of oosl mlBora throw* eold
r npon Utw.efforto of the pwe*
ter* wto sre endesToclsr to
settle the diffleslty bj the t
fins. Be heUeree thst the i«1k* css
hs settled by s bold stsad mslststned
bytheBiseis. Other oflldsU sn"«t«
the new plSB sad wiU ri*e it their esp.
port. If PreeldeBt Bstohferd wohld
■BtkB perbspe s s

The Pure
Fruit Juice

•’Poetoy to nouitaff MO taan wcMs
whteh tha B. A O. traaate* West Vlrflalaooal. Bxeept for the foragolar thmra MBStherwttti a fLatteat the
a «la
the oodl eitoatton pwsante no new end of each line Uke the bbbIo
the teal Of a dog's tail.
HotJto be ootdooe by the aboeito
OmnpU «UWc adto
'Poetry to tbs fooltobeto thing la the
to what«» flavor oor Soda Byrapo with.
■eaatot Hanna Was Agtaad to Aid la wtoU. bet It hii ntam staaps <a cm
W* do not nae cztraeU st onr foaalaU. A
end tiMt help an editor to get bis aaU
Bottilng Batka.
Ui««>klUg gUss of Us cream
aS."xAtUnta CoastitBtlon.
WaahlarUB. Jely It. -Senator Baacoda (the beet to the city, they aey) for
flve eenu. Everything strictly efeaa ahoat
na has replied to th^^y^noeet ot the
-------- B a Wan Bliss PvOTSib.
state arbltratloB comi^i^oeK askleaember to have been told bya
lag AAA*-*-"— iB
strike. Bto
BUB. that this .ptoewb was of
gnas ocigia sad that H ran. “HeU to
d la the BOalag Strikp MBpared with good intoatioos end ractod
ot his was now oa the groond ready to with lost emnthnitlsa"—Kotss and
PlUabaig. July iV.—Trae aallorm'.ty abt and forward a eetUessent.
Uyr win
in the PitUborg
A S20,000.000 FRAUD.
BlBlBff dMrict tfcrasfMb* sOarto of
The first mention of tbe Boas la blabst It wOJ
a to was* ths BsMsi retoms is tn*
Mry to In China, B. C. $10. They conBhe Ume. It U expected thst It wUl
**l hate to shatter a pet delnteco by qoerod that coontry end were rtterwerd
teke eerersl weeks to eeeore the eiffdriven ou by tbe Oeieetiato and march­
Bstsree of the opemton to thepropo- giving the facte in the eaae.-'aalda
ed deer eerass AsU, peneteatisg '
elUoo. Is the BesntlBe the mil
ooontry now known as Hangary
in $7$ j
oadsle Mj thst no effort wiU be epered
7^ exposed Kgor^M iff eaaaeqneDCto aad A. D. For • time they
e„ tlMn belora MM.B to orar.
to fores the strike toe
thegteeiMttrend Ikaowot istbefa- overran the whole of tbe oootioetrt. bot
The tine* along which the arbltratore BOBS ‘Inidel peokage'of tbetoeaBuy were defeated to tbe heart of France
and driven back to tbe hanks of tbe
expeet to work to to get the lake ship- Tonlta
"leayfamona. botlt toat
Tkey wUl band
together to tome the smaller operators a gcDeral saaaa It to teaaes oaly
BBoag bridal ooaplea I don't know
lato liae by bosloeas awthods.
ne only ocnelasive evMcMe of a
To 01d Boldtors.
TbeposiUoa of the miser*'edWals tiow It to, bat evmy bridal ooople that man's riaoerits to that he gives himself
r> to WaeblagtRi ca their wed^
I wfll he to ‘Travene CHy. at the BoIn thto new pbaie of the strike moveit SMBS to Be that ahoat for a pcinelple. Words, money, aU ^1 Whtttor. Tbomday. JnTy ». AUrid
toqoeer. U. D. BsBihford. tho Btne-tHitha of 8ie bridal oonplee of the tbingi eto^ are comparuiveiy easy to
' e away, bnt when a man makes a eoldtotohavtogpeaaioa matter* toad'
wUl have Bothliw ODontty go to Waablngtoa--kDOW
<ff bto dally life and praotioe it to
to do with ik Be has perristeatly re- atnat that package, and the brideei
Solicitor of PeaaloBa.
foaedtoeometo Pittebarg for the eon- not BBtil she goee throng the ngnto^ plain that tbe troth, whatever it may
be. has pBSteSiioe at him. James Bosfeianoe. President Doolan and Secre­ lOBtlae conaectod irith U. Noriritto
tary Warner have «it loose froB ths
and proTaalts. bot if his or bar ririt to a
Oo.’s goods by onr special tale* b
bridal one the tnad of the pee

piMAlaf 8m wotfti of r>od dtl*«
■hlf Olid of riilMt oboT* V01I7. i^io•iolly lmsvata«olsColn.oa4 cloetiw
cOms ud eompMool borinm mb who
wtU eoadwt tba boalMM of tfae town
erdtjOB oeoBOBiUi oad
. T. Batm. asd 3. W. BAnn. Best prtselplee.
BfW7bod7 ie tavHed toooBeootsnd
X W. Haotw. Edtt^ ond IUa«c«r- beer tA« sew plAS ilBMitd bj ttieee
eoUege bm. ,

TftA.vzK8x onr. . xiomoAD,





Fruit Jars. ™*'*"*'
Canning Season.

2 Quart—65c. doz. 1 Quart—58c. dot.


will SeU Today:

aeoUed, sleo s esviae of frest expense
yeUsdby thersisetatprieae csaesd by
Bqcai. rights Is gessM b not s sseOSB After sU. It WAS decided by the
Mtherltles Is Ksssss aty to pat
M prieonera st worh on the city stone
pOs.olsd ss BOB snd npon tho'
toeel with Bsle prisooers, btat stros*
. WM protests from the
B Is the dty hst« Ueked op
mnpoA. Besides.BsUfrlendsofthefslr
d ssd psld ths
ffneelmpoeed nnUl not s
Bslsed Is JsU. It to All rlrht for wo­
men to toU is Ksssss bat when they
' tfendafslsst the Ihw sad ore
peUed to dOB msle sttire sad bnsk
atone irith bob it to different. Sobs
role* ATS poor snd don't work both
Tn boards of troetoee of the seyloBe
te the Insane hare set the pace U the
oeoeowkel eoadact of the aeestol In-

- erell to smaUte the essmplee that farBlahed. One ciirniflcsnt festare of Che
salaf of expenses la the esi« of
these anfortonste wards of the
BoawesUb, is that nose of toem are
depriT^ of^^ythinr that is repaired
iorthelr comfort, health and proper


**^•1 ^tkaow who it was tn the de-

oaelM however to imlute them goi^
While a salt may appear to be of the
dal pair, bat it went, and it grow* in
i-floth aa Baother, there is always
popularity every year. When the conple a doubt
ibt about the latrlaalc vain* a*
enter the vanlt. the aan in riiarge, aft- wall a* in ths anke and enU Thaee
w a few ptahminaiy and perfanotoey goods are always new; never e anil
shown the aeeond season. The bnyer
down a package of Dotao, and tells the is rnsranteed extensive aad new pat­
terns. so well ent and Bade a* to dehIv* the taUors tfaMBSeIvca. Com aad
He tbai tells her that the package coo- see the line Tbnmday sad Friday
UaBlltoo ClotblBg Co. 61
rirma Have BefBaed to Aoospt Lorn
cf glO.000 each. The.
brtde 1s delighted, of oonrm, and when
WashingtOB. July lA-AU bops of a rite goee beck borne she talks for weeks
egccsaafal settleBent ot the arBor about baring held gM.000,000 in her
qaestloa this seosloa bu been aban. hand all at OM time. The bridegroon
dosed by Secretaiy Long, aad be locdes
for a complete ceiBtlon of work on nre, and he fondles thepa(*age ewhile,
the three batUeehips' for whieh the and the pair go Bway bltorial over the
aavy raqalree aearly e.oM tons of side
man «wm the ptokw*
<» the
plates. .
sbeU and ohocktoa
The action of the eeaato la redoelag
"Nowlhto to All skuplya gigantic
the limit ot price from gtss a ton. the frond CO the yoong people. The mesbe prid by the nry at Woohingtoo dor* not bold that
department, to $900, the original ansonst of nwney. The balk of the gov- ■ample* on ahibttion here Tbnmday
amoont named by Senator Chaadler, enment monry 1s at the nbtreasary in aad Friday. Come aad sec them.
61means thpt not a ton eaa be poreba^, this'city That-'bridal package' i* a Bamllloe Clothing Co.
deceiver. It dors contain notm to
as both Arms have retoeed point blank
of gSO.OOO.OOO. of tbedeto accept a dollar Ism tbaa $ti& a ton.
oof $10,000 Mcb, bnt tbry'n
Tills som the sewetary believes to be
StS in exoeai of what the government
should pay for armor, bat rather- than M0,000.0U-< the happy conple bare
delay the eonstraeUoa of the three baV fondled siniply s pmA^ that rrpreUeehipe be urged upon eoagrese that •nted no Bjorr rain* than the price of
he be anthorlied to award ooatroeU at the paper and the printing on Ik It
may be cmel to riiatter this pretty delnthese figoraa.
sioo. bot my oonsclenee fortridi me to
The lorn to the navy by the delav In carry the burden at its concealment any
bnilding the three bg batUeehips. I
longer: beooe tbeae facta "—New-TOA
experts say, will be heavy as it to likely 8pn.
a will bhid the gova WiikiiMs mm* an w«ra.
leforfsllareto fniThe
of a friend of mlnetotite
ntob the p&tcs wb^ they are called
pOBcesoT of a thin gold watch obain.
It is something after the patcem of a
cable. Each link to find
incly finished, and
are the- Wtocoosln. lUiaols and Alathat of -an artlsk
g it closely one woold e
think tfist the penoo who 1
in love with his Work. It U
aMcmaneatIt boaid,-vrilh the
all oparmtara. Oenaral Little of Ohio,
waa made jnsldaBt. aad B. Frank
Sohaidt of Isdiana, aaeretary.

Now for Business!

• toUke
Ths LapAB Day .1
is Chicago Joly »S. will be attonileil by at least flee bnndred ox-eon
federate soldier*. Htoe Winnie Darto.
••Dai^btorof the OoBfederacy,” to alao
iiifnrilrl to be present Here to aamhor cTidenee of the oniw of the
^orth sad Sonth. sad ofthepisdoai
of that feeliaf of bitterBM wbkh bDi«t forth when the report
of the dnt rnndred apon Fort Somtor
ema beard throapbaat the enUre ebnadry.
Two Hi-:n>RXi> ladies in Jtsoistoe ere
takiiip •• proctlcAl" lesiBoi is a eoAImg eehoot What dellcdaos posattdl.And Strikars Are Firm la'WeMTirttteAare AOCTeAtediB the B^t City:
Wheeling. W. Va. July le.—T>e ad.
The following editorial, printed is vantagee this morning am all on the
the Chrtotian Herald of Detndt ohowe striketn’slda None of the miners have
• Traverse City
retamed to work. Idle mines are comprise in Traverse CiW to a;
paraUvelv emslli aggregntiac 400 men.
while the striker* sre oat od sceonot of
local disbttisfsctioo more than sym­
M^Uest raporu of the recent meetisc
pathy for the movement. The striker*
«(the Orond Trsveroe Baptist *----are aldiag the agitator* greatly.
Bach pa
At Falrmoonl the •Itoatian to prob, Msaksta and of the Baptist MlntoterB' Ismatical, and the miner* lean toward
SooMatFentoo- Their enterpriseand
worit we do not remember to bsTeseen the strike. Operator* will endeerw ti
keep all hand* working SAtarday and
huDditr- otri
tbe orgaotoer*
warn fnlly appre^ted.
Ea*t^ Ohio to qnlek

i- s



««adayto Keettnps Wm Be d
By Hoted:Bpeakera.
IteUoutso Bxoobd—m* aeweet
pad Boetjaeoessfal phase of the tompinrr~ reform will be set forth In
'TrareiiM City ymlpltt and in the Opera

gift to bU wife eboot 15 yran
% ago. az
it to not ouly highly prised hr
t her c
thst acKioot. bat also breansr ot its design sihI fliiiah. A week or two ago
of the link* broke.
"1 wilt get that fixed for yoo all
rigbk" said my friend. "1 knew Jost
the man to take it ta He is not a jew­
eler. bnt s Bsebinist by tr^e, and 1
would ratbo' give a job like this to him
than to s jeweler. He ha* a
genioi which
wcric o>' thi*
By friend took th* chain to ibe genina He has a small, mean looking
•hop in an
oullkety sneol down town. He*
examined^bb chain carefoHy and
pesTedtobecomert'fleotfVeovtTlL Then
his face Ut up with a smile a* he said:
"I reamniber thto chain very well 1
Bede it 15 years aga" —Brooklyn
Potoakey Kanto Bona* Burned Three Begle.
Fetoekey. July 14.-WlUiaB Waller-*
leldeBee aad -Boat of the fnraitare bodi of eestrra Ore
contained therein was toUUy deetrqyed the brawl plsin* between the Boeky and
' mooDtoin* were the original
by fire at l;M tato Brnmiag.
bsbiut of (be prcbtotaric bene, a fleet
daughter, Mildmd, berely eeeeped by
UtUeanhnal no larger then s fox which
ladder tmm the eeeond etorr . af tt
In the long ago scampered over the
homing bqUding.
lonely land. After the lapse ot ages the
As thto to the third time ibel Waller: Bwdem boTte ii
faasbeenbttmadoalit would seem that the sUmplng gmmd of bto
be to the tIoUb of ineendlariee. The The esyuM has heootne so vataeleB
valne of the hones and fnmltore was the lovaslan of the eleotiro ear and
bicyole and the dlmppeoranee of the

r O. A.
wars, Ohio, who has beeo aa^
To«B( Abraham UsooIb of
aatiit sod one of its fore■Matspeakera. and Professor A. Webb
«d AlbtoB eoUepe, another fine pUtierv speakwABd aritator, wUl apeak.
AH Of ttaee Keatiemea have been inti,
Mtoly associated with the anti silnon
■ovement from itt bcffinniac In Ohio OealPralghtelneraasednBthaB. AO.
door years art Ito name, prlneiples.
Cleveland. 4.nly le.—An advance of 45
Bsthods distinpttoh it from eieiy
mu on aU coal from Wart Virglato
I of the
field* ooBlag into Cleveland was made
thtoacmlng. The Ineraaae tvas forced
- Itnlready has Oath- by the BaltiBore A Ohio raUroad.
rbloh raised It* freight mtes on West
Virginia coal 46 oento. Bsklag the mu
( sad BopabltoaB. 1
fciMti^eitoana PwpeHst It know* bat to OeiolaBd tl.M Instead of $1.06. It
one battis toy, vl*., ‘■Tbsaalooa Baat UM nportad yesUrday that ea^ an
for ittreriafarolMaanteBoU^gi. advaaee had hesn Bade, hot the VaUey
and - - la, Pthsrwtoa tha E A O..
Bt tlBA^It affeete all1 road* to
priBcdplaaaad aMhods Iff n





4MreaiXTOH ur raa


One Entire Week,


krM. AN.B. Ovpet.

Steinberg's Grand
Opera House.

July 21st.
MOrwMMTbtactOU X

Dried Beef. Unr,
Choice Poifttii
Aad swyAtog a flirt-elOB Barks*



Ever before the Pntoie.
Coming from a Trinxtphal E
at Hammemteinh Olyi

A 6nat Performance!
An literesliie Ptrformain!
A Performance Foil of Briglif

Has Your

Fopilu Stmns Pitas-to,Mnl Ne.
Monday night will be Ladiea' Might
of a Me. ticket being
Ivery pnrcbaeer
pni____ _____
. _
eetitied to an extra ticket admitting a
lady froe of charge.

Para Powdarad 8pi^
Fora Craun Tartar,
taak*n.lpevBd>(ornA Bakter OkeMtag.
KubterTaMag. all elaaa. Water BMtU* tgnaraatete ter t>r« jamn.) rvaaiala Syrlafe*.
Bssy Ua*a. ThroM Brwbes, aad Atomlam.
Olyentar asd Wnck Baaal beetau tor tka


Fire iDsnrance

At Our
Soda Fountaiir

On your Dwelling,
Store, Faotory or Stock,


carry a certain amount
at all time*
For Rates and any other im-

near M A N. B. de^L wl*h<
noueee to tbe pnhile thst he ha* reflv
ed and fnrntobed the Hdiel lUagborn
better than it ever ha* been before and
ran eeeomodato the travelleg pnbHc is
in good abape. John May formerly
with the Botol Wbitlog will have
charge of the office and attend to the
want* of tbe gnekto.

Beef, Pork, leil,Hitui,
Prosstd Cooked Em,

formation, consult.

E. W. Hastings’


Commencieg on Mooday
morning, July
’ • 12,
'* 1897,
-7. I
will sell tickets to and from
all points on Carp. Lake for
Phone 78. Johnson Block. one fare for the roend trip.
Lady Watts can be chartered
at all times for Fishing or
Picnic parties at very reason^
able rates. There is nothing
Fttknmt. brtwiiB Trart 8 Cam. more delightful than a trip
OPXIt OAT AXD KJOBon Carp Lake, these warm
Salmon, Bass and
Rates, $1.50 per Day.
Pickeral fishing best . in
Meal Tictetsat Redeced Rites. Michigan.
James M. Watts.



suIncle Join's CabiD Go. If You Have Logs to Sell


the halter has been taken fnn hto neck
end be has been tomed knee to itraggle
ith nataie for bto
Over this seetioo many tbotueA head
of wild borsee now toem os tetram- As iBmortal a* tha DeelamtUa of
meled as In prehtotorto days, and doting
-------- la Urge
inter these


It to e MB of the sarrival of the Attest The ooynse. like the red man, may
read hto doom in the
son, hot
the well brad boras can still look tdriUaatton la the face tad dmand shelter
aad date in abondaaea. — Spofcaas

ICKiliu IN iBto NMdtana-lO

See Hie,
MooBter Parade At Noon.

Aa Alehame editer, briag Hkad tt

<110 a Mhltiai of rsosto." nbIM;

Mcts-IB, 3S aid SOt

Correspond with
the Traverile City
Lumber Company. We liave for sale Good, Sound Hem-,
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery, of alt
descriptiQito, including 3 Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Mws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.


Livery, Bus and Feed Stable...
Feeding fannen hont* • flitocUhy.

HoaM boarded,




MMti D«aA at th* Hands of a
Southam Mob.

Ha Ww TIM «m

rt-AMUMT aara Ha Waa tM M a
OHIaiai Tba Ftoadlab Criaa Ba Ommaitaad aa a Taaay Waiaaa.

Tloraaca. Ala^ July ll—Tba aag»,
Amboay WlUlama, wbo eutrayad and
maadared lUaa Raua WllllaiM. aa 18yaarMdd while- ylrl. at Waat PoMt.
, Tana.. Tueaday, baa bm captntM near
Pmftien, tbia eoumy. A (nob baa atartad
teek to WaM Point wltb the neyro and
pcopoan to bun bln at the atake da tbt
aeeiM ot kla ortma.
ClBctuatl. July lA—The CMomerdal.
TMbui^-a apeclal fnm FVmo. Ala.,
naya: Kaar We»L Point. Tann.. Tnaaday
aftenooB. Mla'^aM Wllllama
» wai
' found brutaly murdeiud In tbtI wobda
Bear bar bona Tcaterday aftanooe
Astbeoy WUllaraa bar ' murderer and
nvltbcr, waa cuptutjd near Prolttea
aad last nlybt be exNated hU crtme la
the atre«a of Wert Point In tbepreaenee
W HO people, wnuams waa rlddlM wltb
bulleta and baned to aAea Before a
abot waa dr«d be waa knocked down
bad otamped to death. Then the crowd
Ml back and tboae wbo bad plaioli fired
volley after volley at talnL '
Tb« Hurt far the Mlaereaat.
Tbc crowd then yatbered wood and
buiMlny a fire over bim watcbed' Lba
-ybaatiy aceaa until the murderer waa
oaly anca. For two daya and nlyhta
l« naa anted aad determined have
ytoured tbc eoantTy for mllea Several.
..dimes pones were witbtn attootlny "
taace of him. bat be Mcai^ He
captured within Mxtecn mHea of tba
•cent of bli crime. A roan named Clark
to Fbom baapplled for tobacco held talm
(OrtbeerowA Winiama waa firat traced
.) Ira
tefiy-s .... ..
■ Blytafa lodylBy. He waa later seen i
PralttoB and acvcnl abou were fired.Tkle fiaye the Wra4eh Waa TVrtated.
. All trace Ot him waa loM untllWednea*
day atunkoon. when aearcnera came up­
on bln three mllec aoutb of 'PruItton.
Be had been in the wooda wKhoui food
onr two daya and rurolDg moat of the
Ume. BO tbat be waa ezhaurted. Tbc
crowd quickly took him back
Keifc of hia brntalicrtme. tied him to the
—■.a tree that be bad tied hla rlcUm
to wbn be outrayed her. and there
yaee film a tortnrltiy death. The moh
ameompeaed of moat
Tke victim waa ibortlr to have been
married to a.youny mao in Naabvlile.
Her intended bqsbaad rattte down from
Kaatavllle yeeterday arid waa at Weal
Point to meet ibe crowd of avbi«era and
anal them.
Hew Hb Tbelo. Wm FOud.
The youny lady left here^home early
Tuesday morning to pick borrlea. When
Ae did not return for dinner her frlendi
- went In aesrrb of her. Sbe wai found
dead and tied to a apllny with a leatber strap around t r neck. One of her
eye* bad heer yr ,
tlyblly clutched hands wi
yraaa AH around tbe yround shewed
that a terrible rtruyaie had Uken place.
ro war captured bis face
QulteaSCTutyle over »•« Pleee of Mertlay. Omuh. rtually Wleaiay.
Detroit, July 1« —Tbe feature of tbe
cloainc day of tbe Republican Leayue
eoerentloB waa a rtruyyle over next
place of meetlny. Omaha, wtaleb had
been recommended nearly nnanlipously
by tbe committee havlny the matter la
charye. bad the pull all along, but Hal-


Wohlnatoe, July lA^WASe i»0*»y
aflatn oecupM tka atleDtloa ot tba
aMta tkrouabout yasterday tad tba
Harrla ra^slutlon reUtln* to tha pw4.
lay JwaJrttl procaadlny* MU>»>t tba
UbIob PacUlc tr»a OnaUj waM o*ar.
Barty la tba day Senatow Btawa«
•Bd White Indulyad to aba/p---------- •'

The lolot rsoolutloa waa passed accsptlny the invtuuon of Pnaee to
paMdpaU Id lbs Parle czpaatUoB of
No bUBlB'eaB waa iranaacted by the
ouse. Immediately after the Journal
■as apprewed a iveeaa waa taken os
Cannon's motion until'today.
Tbe aenate passed the blU to make
lined apinti transported from one
attte t another eublect to sUte laws,
e as liquor dMiUed within tbe
aettleroent with the PadlM railways
until conyreae acta waa ayain debated
without action. Tbe rveolutlon to .ac­
cept tbe Inviutlon to take part In the
French intemtUona] ezpoaltlan of l»00
raa adopted.
Grand Rapida Mich.. July Ifc-iTbs
state eupreme court bolde that a newapaper editor, reporter pr proofreader li
not a laborer to-an nttent to entitle him
preference under tbe labor Uen
When The Democrat went Into
hands of a receiver
Colorel U. AJmy Aldrich bad HW comIny In back mlary as manaylny editor
anB other editors, teporierv and proof­
readers were credltora to an amount that
would brtay the total up to n.OOD. Tbe
drculi court allowed' them to Intervene
aa preferred crsdtton under tbe Ubor
law. but tbc tupreme court bolds tbat
their work waa profeailonal and dm
manual, and the ,Uw does not cov
'_______ _
KUdaeer Aayell Leave* «er Turkey.
..JB Arbor, BIch.. July lA-Prerld«Bl
James B. Anyell and wife have left here
on Ibelr way to Turkey. They win take
the aiearaer Xortnandle for Havre, from
where they yo b# overland route to

;saden Bdltsre^ bMh Thlny* Win
HapysB Osse Tee Oflaa ler Jobs •allU
puU.seeai.STksa.tbe psIeyesfWsect Bela« Caned a
4 by Osr Sitne.ry
. London,i. July lA—The e^»rt<y^—
papers re In a raye over tb^ repli of
Secretary Sherman to Lord
tbe seal eontroverey tn which Sher­
man makes frequent and dintnet ImpsUllcns of t«d faith ayalnrt Bnytand.
Tbe half-peonrloumalaUrtte*eneatlooal
ardi beariny
Uon'a Tall Ayuln" and
Shrieks at Bnylani" Tbe more aerioui
paperv.d<ul wltb the altuatlon edifonaJ
ly. The Globe In an article headef
-Tankee liwMence" mya: "The meinorW of CUveland'a
are all revived by tbe extraordinary
and inrultlny dlHiatcb which Uf. Sberroan bai permitted to find lu way Into
tbe papeiu. Waiviny tbe menu of tbe
quesiloB. which fortunately -la cue for
the naluTullsta tbe aatonlablny tone of
Ur. Sherman la la defiance nM only of
tbc uiayet of diplomacy but ct tbe
maxims ot ordinary clvllliy.
WsuMOtreHay HU ruipiiu
“EnylUhroeu will be ylad to »ee tbat
Lord Sallebary haA so far as patrol ot
tbe aea flUieriet Is concerned, treated the
meeaaye as tbouyh Jt bad oever bees
aent It he were to yo a step farther
and to direct Sir Julian PauDccfoie lointlmau to Mr. McKinley that her
dlrpatcbea couched In au^ lanyumyeand
could only reply to tbe next by bandiny
Colonel Hay his pasrporu tbe arUon
would he Indorsed by tbe complete ap­
proval of the nation.**

TTw Pmt takes a wery iserloos View
of the matter. It aay*: "Every IndleaUon points to the certainty that Greal
> fiyhl for
Ited States
her existence ayali
as soon as ai] American government be­
be aafely begun,
lieve* that WI
At tbe Healey reyatta yesterday Dr.
rtatcamen muM aearvh
McDowell, of Cblrayo. and E. H. Ten
and make sure tta*t
Eyck, of Maraefauaette. both wen trial
heats in tbe race for thr diamond senUa
Just I
The body of Tom Roberta a former should concede ao long as there Is sny
Rockford, nia. buy. iravellny talMman reasonable doubts eonceming ib* Joator a New York Japanese silk house, baa tlee of their poslUon. but they mn«t be
been fc4ind lit Lake Elrie qt Rldyway. prepared (or an appeal to foreo.
Ont.. ten miles from Buffalo. He bad • • ' Our duty Is to make sure tbat
been mlsslny six weeks.
It come* by no fault of oura. and tbat
Chief Hasen. of tbe aeceet mrvlcc. has It shall

united that
yiven'sotice of the dueovery of a new prepared. The respite will In all prob­
counlerfeli tlO stiver certificate. It I* of ability be tbe time needed for the ereathe series of jni. cberic D. wltb the Hon of a more powerful American fleet
wnall carmine seal, the portrait of Ben- —aay three or four
drlckf. and the name of ‘flllman and creation of a pollUca
Uoncar. as reyUter and treaaurer re­ some naval pqwei—aay In a* many
months. Tbe oiyanlaatlon to sustiUn
MeoBsba WU- wartt CbrUtcpber Co­ such a contest may be abort. The time
lumbus Leadiny cUlxeni of tbe place .to tare the situation I* not In three
have qriced the Cbicayo South park year* or three moDlbs. but n<
board for him. The board bar not taken
mriMilrie Censoiv. Our »*e«l
The Dally Cbrocicte thinks Lord
Thomas J. Upton, of Londrs. Eng­ Saliibtfry would be Ju*II(l-<I In retumland. presidem of the Thomas J. Upton
■packing compar.y. I* in Cbicayo. Up­ the yroun'e
ton is tbe Esyllsb tea merrhani wbo meut doe*....................
gsve ns.VdOO .on the occasion of the couched In *uch term* If be dorfc not.
queen's Jubilee to feed the poor of Lon­ It Is becai
'rume a certain nb-rty of
Miiw Frances Hayre, the only daugh­
ter of tbe Uie Prertdeni Hayea will be
married to Enri^ Harry Baton. V. 8. of American dlpU-macy and *ay*: "Tb*
K„ on Sept- 1. President and Mrs.'Mcy fact that some naiiona like ou
KInley win attend.
fortunsie Id heiny favored wi
Tb* National Confectioner*' asaocta- preuenre of a diplomatist wbo It
tlcD at ll# annual convention baa elcctsd a yentleman In public than In private
the following offleers: President. Waller life U not somclent to remove this «'.ur
M. Lowney. Ilosion:
and danger."
• Sen-ard. St. Louis.
\ Tbe
arrived In CtalI Rmeul Hhglvlst* Aba

terday by • a. m. and tbs feature of tbs
moralny aeaMon was tba appaaraBcu
of tbe tufulai- chalnnan. WIttUrt J.
Bryan, wte ^waa tondly riteered aad
made a bM rtweeb. eioalny aa fouows:
"We wiul rear a people In tbe yreat
will stand for American lib­
erty ai^ American proyresa." Beaoln-

I* n.H prior 10 tb* :

' Rrofeesbr Zclla. a weII-kno«-n PYeneb J
very eartly re-elected, i
peoyramme of the principal ;
Mate, and Ihr fllinoU and Michigan i The Young Rapilst aorieUe. a
deteyates • were urjil b to mske
•reat ahowl n* f.^ Chapin and BUk'
their respective canul a;iw.
Report* from AUika (ell of wondrrno femblance
------------ of a contest -aiu^veri's of free gold Jurt acrusa
mlnal poa tlen of trva*ur-r. The dl.ColumWa. Men ate
order ..................
V weeks at thr dlfi*
Its mo»t remarkalde feature, and Ibe tings
younger ard more Inexpertencd eleBM-nt* were m-i by any mean* vb.’lly
liaMuu b Truly

tbat calls for redouble eneryy
cause and commends the action ot
McKlDl^ In aendlny to Europe
Q. but at tl
time declares emphatically fv Indepen­
dent action reyardtess of tbe action of
any other natioo. A minority report
declared that tbe silver queatlon waa
partisan now. and should have no place
this convention. Both reports *

TnvwM 01t7. Xicb-f
WfidUBdEj ft&d XtoindAj.
7ttl781ud22, 1897.

(te ^ Car.

d Lung Treo^^ cu^ ^■MeMber^eum^ ls^ofP^ wnMrt


DRS. B. S. & CO.

pessl-nlatle Jingo renatora wbo were urder a lolemD
“ ...-------- ,
„„ (hr subject ^ obligation to treat It ■* confidential.
tiailon# (or peace In coume of ! The Tithe# In II# flnandal article, in­
here. the attitude of the eub- fcrrtng to Sberman'# ciamunkatloD.
pf«area* ich
U In kiK^plrg with hie spirit ray#: "Mr. Sberman’# dispatch l» not re‘ rt^clllstlon with the friendly jne-j.garded »ertoo»ly, but the fact that
I American ttalcsman-or rather pollHIt uadful from lime to time
to Indulge In Unkuage of searcslr veiled
•Ituatlon In a parliamentary senne. II
hosUnty will nol pass unnoticed, nnd
' aerved to illustrate iheir earnest inwill
the prevgllina lndlM>oeltlos
tercet In the affgir* of tb# leayue aad
of prudent Invcttcra to buy American
tbrir parly, winch Interest was ert lentWartiIngton. July W.-The aenste yeaterday confirmed the following nomina­
Tbe St. James Oasette osys: ’*Tbe pnbtions: F. W, Hoddtcld. of Iowa, consul IlcaUan is a further deoionitrutlon of
Trieste. AUetrta; George J. Corey, of certain trana-Ailartlc meibcda of
Inols, St AinMerdam.Netherlond*; Bd- plomacy which may one day involve'
WaMilnaton. July le.-xrhlle the bouse
ird N. Ogmun. of MlnnesoU. at BtuH- consequence much mors srrlona A dlatesolutlon retallny to the «iilement at
the Parifle railway deal wa# under eon- gart. Germany; Jceepb G. Btephesta of patch couched In terms of studied dlseonrtesy aad menace towurdr this coun­
ridrrptlon In the aenate yesterday Allen Indiana, ai Plyrooulh. England.
try 1# a smalt matter We are used to
urged government ownership and npenTried a New Sulria. gcbeM
that the real gtet of the situation Is
Uon of tbc t’nlan Pacific road, declariug
New York. July II—John Scott Oliver, the fact tbat the United States considers
that It wouia reduce passenyer and
frrtyht rate* fmm H to • per .renr; Gear the California deputy abiriff who wo* that kind of Isnyuagv safe. But It
tnslsied that government owqnuhlp Indicted last week for abduction, at­ ibol safe, and after some affront.
flagnant. we may
le day t
would Increase pamenger and' fr»l*kt tempted suicide In the Tomhe prime yes­
terday afternoon. He (hruM a lead pen­ tbat we canot yield to them:
rate* 45 per cenL
cil down hi# IhrcaL He I# not seriously might aitae a situation of tbe gravest
hurL ThI# Is the second suempt at sal- peril."
eweayo, July l«-To clear himself ride since bU arreeL
* To B# Held.
Of the charge of perjury brougbt acainst
him by Loriu* Oark Henry Branden­
London. July U.-tmiit i
burg mnat run tbe yanUet of the frund
eral huhlic here the tone
Jory. Jurtice Rnderwood declined to
r Bbennan's letter. to Ami
dlsmlM the caae. and bound theeleetHc them i* Boirean.
street .car circuit Inveuter ever to the
Tbc latter, having nllowed bis cigar corteepondent ot the AasoclaCed
erlmiDat-court In the sum of H.OOO. ‘rtac
bo*d sraa atgnad almost immedUUIy to go ooL throws It wlttMDi oenmony is tn a posiUon to aay that wh
on the oniRSL In «>d«t to give him g criticltm the
hy John W. X Thomaa
It may
leMiB in good manBes the littta v)a have to make on tbe p
of tba
nM tn
any way affected untavorabty the Mgi.
yortarday llllmaa s.-eor*d
UaUona which Colonel Bay baa been
of tbs bill In ToiatloB t« the loterstats
•Oh, leave the hntt, ay 4aa Mlow. eoodnetlng. A confarMte* arm be held
-tnnspMtatla ot fiMUtad opMta, and
In WaOUngtem daring tha, antum. at
a aad Japan wlD b


3408 Frames

.Ever Burned Out ? -.

I Central Railroad com­
pany lose, as far aa tbe'lower court
The CnUed Slates auLet ns maks some for yon.
ibont two yeeru ayo de­
rided that the railway company was
entitled to Ibe title of tbeee land* on M. B. BOLLXr. Hyr.
which (hr homateadcr* had settled
and the railway company at once began
eject them-_________

If ao you know
tbe mlna of

O P. OARTBB. Ag ant


: pgM OTrthrrly wtnda
trhbns and WirtuniU—tWtr
nSTwOTiber. Ugbl variable wi
xning OTotberly Fot Iowa—Pair.

.. . _

Great Cut in Bicycles

p*y to look at the elegant Una. H. E. Gibbs, in Bllli bkyele shop. 311 Front BL

Worth Looking Up

Kimball Co.. Chleago. N. E-Stroog. Mgr. Trav.
Branch Stora.
Cbarlss W. X
Slein RIocb
Clotbiny Co. of Boebeater
N y.. V... exhibit ... special Une^
store IVlday and SalnrA. Montagoe. is? Front 8L
sail* at. our
day oi
of uii*
Util week. These yood* are anperior In make and floUb aad have no
eompeUtion. They fit weU. artistic­
ally cal. latest deaiyna. Many wear
Front and Park sta.
tbe btein Bioeb clotbiny wbo have been
buylny the hiyker priced tailor-made TUT Dll IPD niWDV Is the place to buy a first elana loaf Brand—tha
yo^a (mly ao expert can tell Ihr ltl£ rALAUEi DAUSKI beatlntown. Trvoar Cream Bread. It la a
winner. Thnrtalf A Gone. oar. 7th and Uakn.
difference- We take apeclal orderi for
tall delivery: for ovrreoata and ulster#
aa well as suits. Come and took over rhoon Quite SPECTAL VALUES fit 50-85.00-gB.oO-PaU weighla.
lines on Tbur.i'ay and Friday LRcdp OUild Look Uiem over. Wilhelm Bros.. Eoalh Union Strae*.
Billon aothiny Go.




JEA-16,25, 36, 60c,CYCLISTS, LOOK BERE!

FlaeaUn the city.

Allthebcat fruit flavora.

Fraita and



. office. If It wa*. then tbe sUtemrnt be
ri-<-iiilj Ii:ade repudiating the chary*
c( lad fallh war deliberately mldeadiDg When be wa# first appointed to hit
pr.vrnt effire douhtr were eziHwMVd a#
I ID the wladcm of tbe cbilre. If he really
thU dl>|-etch they w ill he ^lly CODfirmed."
.'' Tbe writer then auygetti that


^uits to Order.


and the tact and energy of the preaidIng officer* were lax.-d to i r?#i*rvp #4iything llkeorder and keep clearof parllaSm^ry emanylement. H*hlle tbT
f the leayue r


To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men

Lock Box 160.


ad regularly ««-d the floor and

OolF SaA Vostb.

“T ---1

sivc languaye. o fatten upon England REkXXYl
I a charge of ba- ralth. - If this wa# not
j RecretaiT 8h*r •n's ir.irDUuh bt ha#

hi tante Mb fito tm-M*

Hotel Whiting

Toronto. July 11—Tbc opcnlny meetige of tbc Bpwortta LcaytM weac held •‘'’grWawdirTS.peelal
Bt wUl plaase bttef t»e OT three ei
esterday afiemoco- In tbc pavlllan and uimeum. rat.ou.HTUt«
tbe Metropoliian chusrt. In the pavil­ *lCme who are uasbl* W eaU, eaa writ, full eueUeulan
ion A. -A Hardy, premlw at Oniaiio. MBt by esprem wiib full lertruetlao. hew ts b* takes.
The drw rt Dr*. •.. a..AOO..U
* Oo---- -------------- *--------* —
with a earttal of >
warmly welcomed tbe rtsltasx. as did - -myeetaksBi '
aad well fcaowB.
also Rev. A. Cannen. of Toronta Rspliea were made for the MrtbodIM Eptw
church by Bishop W. X. Nlnda at
3li. and for the Mrtborigt EpMcopal
church south by Bishop O. P. FUagerald.
of Narhvllle. Similar wrvlccs were beld
at tbe MelrupoUtan cbnrch. Last nlybt
meetlny were held tn four bnlldlnya tbe
BaF Tisw BktsA
Tieksta wUI bs sold vU Uia nrud
MetropoUtan church Blabep Banlda * Indiana
to Bay View
July It to IS. yood retum' a lecture cm the
.. In tbe courae of inf unto Auffost >1, at one fan for Fine Merchant Tailoring.
round trip frwn alt MiebUran polnUwhich he made a vlgottm* aiutk
press. Mating tbat Inuead of doing yoed Sand for illnatr»t«Kl deaerlpUrs matter
served up for breakfaft a bash of to
C. L. Loeywoop,
O. P. AT. A.,
ms. murd-r and scandat
___________ Grand Baptda. Mteb.
•rtUrr.MuMl.mve (b. Las*.
Ashland, veto.. July lA—A derision
—WE HAVE MADEhas been filed by Judy* Hebns by
which stzty-two eetllcru ayalnrt wbrti

. the dlipalcb before
irki In an editorial: "It Is impowlble KOUth'YI
doubt the auttaentlrity ot the docu- KKIfEKYI


fiadartag fvab mttltg to be gahjaot to
ginto ^^o«h* sum egtiM aa «Mts
mmH In the elate.

tlu OdatesM «#MUlfta

cry aublect InUresUny to the yraatwest
—trriyatlon. tbe tariff on lead and Mber u eelera products. Pacific coart har­
bors. control of tbe Pacific railway,
miaea and mlnioy.
At tbc aflembon
of little ytris aany
of which waa "Bryan, echo bis name—
Bryan of Nebraska.". Then there were
epeecbee on Irrigation and other roatr.______.....__________

Maryland people were not disposed to
ntloB bad recorded Itself f-r Omaha. I of-mWe.
Cbicayo. Datia#. and (
e ' at CTcvelanA O-


Wm. J. Htyaa tlJie. Hb fiartai PrsMdIsy

Afi lllufitrktfid by Shtrmsn'fi Di>
plomsey. Net RfilMifid

McLeUan & Ash, oor. Front and Park, and rear Maaonie Block.


Only appearance (n TVancrae Cttv of


Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
for 3SC.


Tin Coocen Enel e( fie Season

'‘-:SSS.!Lf ■

Splendid PK^ram Intirodaolug FaTorlte Knmben.

icomAT xTunm. m.7 i9tL

Baldaworth Block. Onion atrML

date: pricea the same at 314 East Front Bfc

A. 6. ^man.

1 naveamovea


Friedrich Block.

HAVE YOD SEEN, FINCH? ILr'.Si:5S.2,T^;S.‘‘Sr,’‘X25

10 Per Cent. Off S^'.*WC'o.“„S.^**l,,U*‘.?£;


o^**.Y*,Sno.'S5 SS

Shoe at ll.uo. at South Side Shoe Star*. A. T. JobnSM. 404 South Onion St. .


original drug man, firat doM east of poatofBea.

.ss s


• •i


New Procses Vapor Stoves,
Ice Cream Freezers, Etc.

TH> Kcnomra aooBs, uttrsnAY, ivlt n, imt.
Pen»by th« Labor C<
•n at tfkt Smoky Cl^.

SE ABKim xn^siOTr

■t»ca« «f Mm Pbmw
Praii** KM* Km.

Ibpie 1^ She Veeh Wsglnnlag #«ly IM.
Cmmmrmt hy Bm. a. B. l>syla
Thnc.-^lBeltof la Christ-whsi fi to. wtM U
dm. -iHta er.
Acts rrl. Ib-M- .


marvaso woas wu« ummia.





k '


General UtOe. of tbe Ohio arbltratJca
board, said that every obstaciehad been
tMMved to the way of a aeuiement
aleag the Unee prOpoMd.. and that he
tmd Dot beard of any operaton who
would not sign. Commlsaloner Edward
Slgley and Horace Calef. of lUlnoto. left
tor Chicago last etenlng to see Col. W.
P. Raid and J. W. Ettaworth. and If
pMsible Induce Colonel Rend to return :
to jnuabunr and use his tonuenee
•mong the operators to have the agreemeni rtgned. t.. P.'UcCormacA of Indlana. another of the eammlBstoners.
• left for Terre Haute this memlng to
•re J. Smith Talley, to *cure hie eo•peratkm. Talley Is a heavy punAaaer j
of Pltuburg c>al
Last evening the
, dommlsaion aeni a telegram to Senator |
Mark Hanna, asking him to lend bis as. !
baring the agreement {
adopted. The situation in the dletrlct
among tlrf mlnersjwalns unebang^.
WsM VlrgiatoMeBOelatOai.
Meaatlme the West Virgtota a t^on i
to >->>«Bg<"r for the benefit of the ,
aulkers. A Huntington, W. Va.. dtspatch says:- There Is a decided change
to the coal fields of aoutbeni West V.rgtnla. and It la now stati4 for an ah*
aohite certainty that Inalde. <tf fortytogtat hours a maiortty of aU the min•m OB the N. and W. and Cli
Join the sirtkera. i
• aod Ohio railway i
_____________ __ iw to both fields. I
and In tbe latter ih.- Chesapeake. Bel.
moot and Black Cat mines are Idle, the
miners. MS to nuihber. gotog < nt at.
tWMl yerierdaj-The
end W.
but I
the strike representatives are confllent '
tlmt matters will c. me their tie; in a ;
Aort time. On the Kanawha y uierday
all the operators raised the price of
mining one-fourlh tf a cent a buahel ,
on aoft. and one-half a cent pn hard
ooal. but it li U lleved tbU will not hold
tbe men to line.
Maklag a Ceanler MovamMit.
A dispatch from CIncinMtl sa>-a; Aa
Impombt counter movement against
the organisers of the United
Woikers now in West Virginia, was begun here yesutday by a conference of
Bve operators In that stale. They deUvmined to give their, miners an advance
of U cents a .ton above tbe present
rates, and to make a correepondirik toceeaae Ic the rrev of cual at tbe mines.
They have relurnvd to aak all other
operators in the slate to do the aaate.
It la'the opink>D uf coal men here that
their action will be approved and fullowed by tbe other orators to the
The price of coal M the mines
ts ratoed to tl.::' i«r ton.

ti^ admoob i He claimed to bo and c«n do what Be


itod : eiaims 6> do. , This pbMS o( faith la ilhMntod ia tb« find itopioa) rafcri'Dee.

him, and earefBUy pot back into bis
pocket tbe hi
balf ooianuinotiogbebed

be «ngbt him tad naked him to beal
Ui ebUd. He bellmd Ibat Jens bad
tbe ptTwer to beat. Wbep Christ told
hba to goI bis way.
war. that the chi
child WM
bOBlOd, be feSlleTSd it He went iMHe

. 1 expecting to tod tbe ohlid btwled. »d
“Kotalwsye”—taasanidisappotBted i be did. That was littple intelhstaal
‘ toi»-‘‘tint l«sed to fcar^ a frirnd who I belled in Cbrtn's power to beat It is
did. Hs really was tbe moat wU deny. I tbe tort step t» mrlng faltb in Otasist.
tag chap I ever saw, and wbal bs | Ko one can base saving faith and Oast
woBlds'l .do to Dt*hd>
aodienaa in Cbrist witboBt Am
_nt Worth doiiig."
leotnally in tbe bistraic Obrist. A Be“WbaiB it be aowr
Hsl in CbriA is s heart Oust in tbe per■on of Christ for mlvBtloB. This is tba
second ekment in faitb. It it sBvit«


tewWomeaetKaameOlty, Kaa.De Net
raver Pell Eeeel Blghta.

“Th, U killed Urn. Ztw

hrahcb at
i tbedramatteartandnsadtoglveibowt
Kan., that women prisooeTu must work , ^ ^ ^
,„it,aan Ocmey UUnds
on the stone pile along with the «•«> f
tar in ,
has caused a great oommotloa. and has 1
tribatayy to tbe Mia-

faith. Witb tbe intallMt we beUrae m
ttw bfanoric Cfarish. we beJiete in the
at Christianity,
bat with tbe be«U we trast lotb«p«w
gmi J«i Cbtlft as a pemnnal and indivktnal Aarioar. This alexnent of belirf

not yet been put mto effect.

Be had been the origlnaMr of

to Christ U'illasaated to tbe aeetmd

* —• m
■“ ■ —
------ --------— .
I than bad a lailnre. One Fourth of July
bs wsa going to giro tbs giaadeat dlai play of bis Ute, and tbe fcatara to tbe
| btogM leUem <m Ibe toll was a set
hlgb.^tb aa emrnOQS
; Qiwb loaded witb fireworks to go up

, by the toitraetions cf Pmil. this
: bran^t to a itOat where be has sckm
twitof to CbxisUamty. Tbe eresta to
cxBuiecticn witb Paul's inpAstinnienr
; bring this gi-necal LelUf to a cUma*.
' and be «im ont, •’Wbal mnri I do M

Raneu aiy. July ll-TTie order of

P»rtoP« “ 1 gtaippl.

¥1 Qui j[ urvasne wruiu] uiat inry ai uiu
be compelled to d<^ ov^iaiis and crack
rock their male relatlva appeared and
paid their fines.
Tbe Current Brent dab. an orgrnlM.
tlcn of women who diwus. pfUtim before each el«yoo. has expte^ itaeU

has callei^ Indignation meeting 10 pro-I
^ny pe^to tbw
tost agsJiSi tbe‘TtuMtened dicgraceand : that night as then bad arcr been, aod



k. bowok. b.

DiAMONSJ. Cycle Ofners Look Here!
Tobacco SSSl^y'-SlSSphW.^^kyT'Sl.: '
BsirWMIta CU^ S4J|
Bmt PMals. vltta»-lt bs.

end every kted o

_____ ’asn^M in Preportioo.

Lederle’s STTKS

• A. W. JAHRAUS. •

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

^GROCERIES, Grud Rljldl t IllilU I 1

CT —?n“iSr*'

1,141 ’i-ilft-.olS
T Sti U
• « WalSSS

Jemii Christ, and tbw shaU
be Kvwt.” Behove not to mirwaes. not

t 47] 7 H

•is Isis'.,
j Be favors tbem to time.

. Watoilngton. July I&—Tbe tariff
fetrees were in a more hopeful nsood
yesterday than Wednesday aM one of
expressed the opinion that the Republlcant would be able lo conclude their UsommoD the Demotodiy
Saturday. Thla view
eratic members by S
he said was Justified by the present ap.
pesrance of things, but be added that
there were suit more contlngmcles that
might arise to prevent so early an
agreement and that It waa Impossible
to My predtely when the end would
be reached.
On the bouse side, on tbe other band,
amoac those In dose touch 'with the
conferrees. it is asaerted with the most
positiveness that the house conferrees
have no tetrsUon of yteldicg anything
f.o the senate on the house schedule and
ui^nlon ts freely expressed that the
deadlock wni continue indefinitely until
tbe aenate yielda
The DeffiocraU of the senate are con.
eerned over the mAiler of a snceeaaor
for Harris of Tennessee, who died la«
week. One vote U a big thing to the
Mhate Just now. _____________

Uw bain and retreated to a safe place,
bat toe powder wonldat bent. Itflxxled
and went oat toMead. Once, twice,
thrioe. it fliaied, BpBitervd and went
ooti and then tbe crowd began to growl

tlw world dona nnl has
have. A
Christ toinga spii Itual hlswdtiga. chief.
m d which is the eternal aalvaii
liop eff
1 Jeans
aouL “Bcliiwe «b tbe Cord
Qiiist, andtbaaabalt boMved.” '•Tboa

and guy, as crowds always will, and afaai^be saved.” uo doaU or aaoensdothe prgftmor began to get wild.
ty towot it—toialt be. hm may be: poto**8eTetal other wettipU to mI the . tlve, abaolnte certaincy. Thai belief to
piece off were ao mote socceariuL and Chrin bringa to tbe believer tbe chiefat last, with a moibrrvd Kmun sf estof all baman aspicaltoss—aalvation.
craiy rage, be tbet np tbe ladder of the
Bible Reodiuga.—Math. svii. U-W;
tower m iu very top. where be had a
platfoem stored with all aom of inlhaB-

xxi, HI; Mark v, H5-1U; ix, S8; xi, SfiS4; John iii, 14-18t. Acta TiU, W-40;

inahle .and
and exptostve
rxptostve tl'-----------------------thinga arranged to
r tina He stood
go aff at tbe proper
tort tfie
there a
.bee and
aky, tbe crowd indnlgiag

xiii, Sb, 80: xxvi. lA; Bom. 1,
I-fi; Beb. x. Bb. 3*i
SO: xi. 14.
14, 8B40;
Jaa U. id-06: 1 Juha. v. A A
■- ■■ —

Ith now and then a threat as
Jeera, with
what he might expect if be woaM ooly
_____ down to tbe ground. This
time to show what be could do to pleaM

not. A man is lisble to ^ve himsalf ap
to siiiful tboagbu and to plan eriiaoing

which wosalreadytogglngatitsanehcr.

ashc sitaot the romooniOD table or in

“As tba balloon shot np it was a ter- the prayer meeting, and a miBcoary
rlAo right, and tbe poor devil's shrieto dotau'c always go wioeg when be has
added to tbe intensity of the soeoe, al- only heathen or canaSbala arcond him.
Rady lorid with ted and blue lighta, ; More depends on wbst is within a man
while tbe air wok filled with ell maaner than what is round aboot him. for Us

n be fell, h
-fnl and holy reign.—Uni
proper dataa, no other innand^P
•ariptton except ‘fle strived toplroae.' ”
< Obaiiea V. Baxter with be at tbe
The dramatic oleic ms at leart half Bamilton Ctotblng Oompany’e atorc
a minate in tecoverlng bit speech ofta sritb a line of hteln Blue!
the recital of tblsfamaikahle tala, and Tbonday aad Friday of this week
bafen be could ask any queettime tbe ■toad of Friday and Saturday aa
advance agent bod folded bis tent like
a dreus and atoien away to toe ofBoe of
toe next dsamatle mitie he had to call

KotsQ Clerks AdjMrs.
Toledo. O.. Joly 11-The National Retoll Clerkf assodatlon adjourned yencrday afirrnoon. after a moat euccaartnl
eoovenUoa. The officers elected were:
Prertdent. W. B. Conway. St- Louis:
seeretary-treasurvr. Max Morris. Crippie Creek. Oolo.: executive committee—
E Solomon, Denver: Arthur J. Baldsrto, Marina. Ind.: J. P. Baer. Ottumwa,
la.: Charles O'MaUey. Bloomlcgton. lUa
Gm. DeDke Rw a HM Fa
Dm Motoea la.. July IL—
sday raorateg by a tall on the etepa of the capltoL
He -strue
- _
tbe hip. which
eatad by a buUrt daring (he
tofniy aiay prove aeriesK aa

nw Westorn MoRttoff Kews regoMa a
emarkable oam of anpecRltkn. A
yoong sratnan in rmiini bad anlftaad
tram flto. and ihe adopted a remedy
wbirii woold be to mart people almost

West Michigan




And everything in tbe line
of first class jewelry and

Lt. Bk Baptos..... SHs-s. II Bs-a. tISrx.
Ar.Tnesr—Otty 7«xja It »r. a. «Mr«.
Parlor ear team

toilet articles.

UDsnE lunraunmLi

F. Jh- BARIs,


Trtnne Ei; Uie of Stann.
KvatyAayjve css takeseoi-1. pIssssatridsM
OrsaS Trseerse Bay.

"tXSSSl:::::::::::::::::::::-::. !S::


ii i:i



aom socTB.

•ooro VOBTB.

Oo to tbe Lion Barber Shop for balr
eata aad botba, 19 eante eaeb.
M. H. GnyrtTR.

aa i^tilriva aa tbe diaeaK ItselL Sbe
psodBred a Uve toad. pUoed it in a bag.
bang it around ber BKk aad oarried it
next ber body. Tbe woman was oand
of ber fito. bat ^ seas bring medioaUy
attended at tbe Pnamim inlinaiy at


toe Mffle tiiiM. Tba sroman believet,
boarever. that this was a ooianidaane
and that ber rtraage talkmasAw tbe
instxameat of bee oore-—totb Wales

tveasr na* i
rsstly rstssrti



Tbe Man (expeetoaUyj^lbtB yoa
trill be my wifel
. ThaOirJ-Ho, todeed. 1 rinplyitod
I lend yon. —Ifsv Tork Ledgs.
Cs LtM

To Ova la to ban jariloB, Mb, ntw
MB. devotioo. pnWW* ^warity< mb*
BOB eeaaa, right Hdriat^waMid faria
toe beart.—Vtonr Hago.

PMeSortbsMMarts.*el»kaMsvaas sat sse

P- O.


aw ssa eta
r, a.‘s. a-,*- a.


Bom beer, aherbel. ginger ale. k
aoar.blrobhaer. etc., delivered atreridence free. A. L. Jt^ee A Co. 'Pboae

........ : t»



with good
baduem doea't go aa a matter of ooaaae

and, Kiting tbs whole thing sfire. be
■wang oat ifito the air to the balioos,

n. July tAmPenoal 04brge
be. U. & A. fcvtlred). Is the

strike the sugar achedi
A acatbtng arrstlgnment of the
•agar rrvrt ts conveyed to tbe statemente aet (ortb by General Foiaythc to
SBppon of hts prayvr.__________


We Sell-

Us audieaoe. aad to a minuta, atid be- with tbe same sorToandinga
t<ae anybody Imd any idea what be didn't do m well to Eden w Denfel did
in Baby loo. and when you and I hear
H said that good oiA) bad ate a rlm|de
matter of eavironmeut we know better,
wbvtber tba man who aaya ao does or

IsnspolU soS LoeteTllls 4 m a. M
Proj^On^ BspMs. Kaekiaaw.anS psias-

416 Union SL Telephone 34.

OoodncH doesu'tCDme a

woaM do next, be cangbt np en amfnl
of tbe expiorirca about blm. fastened
them to bis clotbcs and bang wreaths
and rings over bis neck and tboaldeTS.






T XT n Hi »■



Bnrtag ml

■catriaL asttst^kie gesrsswriT s»------

■ . always to ataek,

lAter -Wofoen are iHrt to be put to pmiixick to eet off tbe gnat display with, lbs grvahat of tempogal blemtoga
work on the rock piles with men In I his own band tbeie was a round of ap-; Cbilat UeMe# his bebeveia temporarily.

upon.—WHbingttm Star.


are my

Kaiuwa City. Ran.
Thr board of polhro
followed by a dead sileDca aa
cpmmtosioBera has rescinded ite order | «be aadieoce sat breatblem watching for : have better bealtb, more ceatentBrentA
in deference to popular optnlon. Tbe I
xmmt of blaiing glory. Bnt scaae- 1 gtMtcr peace of cmarience and many

ree««alsed. The second week and the
BM Voatb aavM HU Neck. '
etlghth day of cur euapeesloB brings with
Marion, [lla.. July It.-Bleve Gill. i<
it greater amunsniv cf ultimate victory yvaiv old. haa been found gulUy of
than any previous day. Oar fdreca mrm
mailer In the first degree and moiiKTeaslng eveo hour, our determina­
tenped to «lfe imprtoinmeot. KIs age Is
tion la stcniocblng. and our actloua are l^bat saved hts neck. Last February
Uw-abl^ In cytry particular.
Ttw Gill vlalted Andrew Rader, a neighbor.
state ar^ numl-rr of miners Involved are They had always been on
as follos's: Wt-picrn Pannsylvaala— terms, but srhllr Radrr eraa feeding hU
Fully ?i.Mib mlntvs have Joio^ ua far Slock GIU killed and then robbed Uin.
Uvtog wages.
No defense was offered at the trial ax.
IS In every mine h
cept a plea for mercy.

o eontlBue tbe march, until
Uvtog wages are secured. Wert Vir^
.gtola—About LllOO miners have Joined
tbe muvvment.
Reporu from various
secilont of tbe stale confirm tbe beUef
that miners will aumend Eight organ,
ixen have left this city today for West
Virginia. Subtly of ooal from that field
wUJ be rut off to a very few day*.
“Keatncky and Tannemst About 4JMfi
mtaers have suapesidad. others may be
expected to follow- Kanme—Miners are
aU at work, bat wiD hold a ooaventkw
on Rsturday. U la ■owecad that they
wui atoo m .
todlcatc that IMO
safprtkSed.' Nothti.
their acrion. The a_____
becoming exhausted, at the varioaa Oia.
firibattog' potots. RaltiariM are «afia-

lo s and 10c. CIgaia

degredatloo of womanbnod." The mem-! mytrieod wm feeling K gaud yon ooold , to creeds and cctifesrion. b« oo tba
ben Threaten that enforrement of the I aea it in bis walk.
I pwssa Jesus Christ with the trust of
order means the retirement of the police {
‘'Everybody was oo edge. too..far tbe tlm bMrt. Sc did it snd was saved.
eommlsskmers fre^ office at tbe flrtl op­
ad blase
gW tbe management ,
n. What does beliH in OiziM dot 1.
portunity. and as women vote In Kan­ had been advertising for wnAs./and It brings temporal bleminga Tbe Gasas munripal elertloes the threat is not
tbe ..boor
""ywban. promptly at the
boar of
10 : peraanm nobleman believed in Christ
n Idle .0
^ i o'clock, my friend stepped forth like a I That belief saved tbe life ofbia child.


Irg «
state a

pywdriek »s*^

s/«.ttM*aw.iIims>sodsklA oatoetofrisd*
riehBteek.. PasMOt.

besMwU" PsalaMwcrsd. “Briioveto

Chicago. July U.-4Aaguc base ban
scores yrsterday: A( Pltuburg—BOMon
T. Pittsburg fi: at Cinclnnatl^WashtogtoD U. Cincinnati fi: at Loulsritle—New
Tork 10. Boulsvlllr 0: at Clrvetand— leasly aUmt shooting, and still tbe b
BtvKikiyn L Cleveland t; at Chicago—| Uoo swept upward witb ito fteiy freight !
When inan received tbe menmge of
BaUlmort », Chleage Z: at 8l J,ou1s- iDad
namangcr. antil. when it bad '
■■inlifir' OISM the amtas mtm» abrlSe la PhUsdeiphla t Bt. U«»is 0.
macbed a notot 1.000 fart above the Christ, be beard a voice telling him to

Catambur. o..
July iA—Pretldent i Grand Rapids 11. Ullwauker *; ..
Psul-Columbus 1. Bi. Paul «: ai-Uln. n
Ratchford and Fcrrotary Pearce have laoeapiilla—Detroit fi.
■ued an 'official l>ulletln. So. 1. to the Kansas Cliy-lcdlanapoUi tX. 1
mtorra U belr.g a review of the rttuapeople never saw such aa exUtdtion aa h* eff amnetoing wbtefa they «mld M
tten. The built Un mi’s: “Our fight for
rettern AsaoclaUonr At Rnckford— that before, nor will ever again in all
Wring wages now covers In whole or Burltagton 6. Rockford J: at Duhiejue irrocabillty. and wboi it was oeer.”
_ ... ...
of the Un- —Dee Hrtoss t Dubuuue S: at Certar enka-ded lb, w»t. "lb. ndb—
; Raplda-St. JoMph 6. Cedar Rapids 4:
ion. ]i IS a R
loeal mttlemt-nts n1U be antbortsed or at Peoria—Quincy A Prona A

“Ohio— 1
have laid down tbelr tn^to (heir
maad for Uvtog wages, i^tog the
pwifloa general exceptlnk"a4ew l
■ “ iBs-Advicee rvertVed

Tilt RtciiBiizBl Ittltfs

‘■Tbanki, i am sore.” add tbe ad-1A noblemaa at Uapnatun bus a child
Tuee agent, as be tend oret tbe ten ' nigh unto death. Vrhui bo beard thM
.Uaci tbe dnuutfo critic was firing to | Jens biid dome (ram JadM to Oallln,

Ant dtasm oo tbe A &
*'I ptewiue." smiled tbe d. c., **tbnt
yoB atwayu
Blways wwirw
stritB mi
to ploMs.
tnn—ii loo. —«


of Ofirtf

tvcitold character, boUcf and trust, and
loidgi also two kinds of blisNings, ternand spiiitual. Both phases of be.
lid aiid both bWslDiH of belief , are U.
Instratod in our tcijdoa) nfcycooM.

- • Bitnetn are ^estUnte, arid Che otrlkf^fs
'■ ' have organised a commissary and ere
soliciting prorltloBB of buslncM men
and tarmera. Over JOO famlUee are be.:
PItUburs. July 16 —Te»t«Mlar va* tag given rattone dally. There are
a flax dcTotKl U> oo tbe part .miners la the Pana district.
la Uasoupin county, at Ndwood. tbe
Of Ui« Jolat arbitretloa oomaUnlon In
men accepted on. Uonday an advance
4U ^ori to •ecure tni« uaUonnltjr In
of 10 per cent, per ten and went to
thta district, u suctcMcA by W. P- work on tbe enadUlnn that they dhould
D* Armltt. and Uw nvembera exprew etrtke when tbe men at -Oreea lUdge
tbamserna a* well aatUOed iritb the ■truck.
Three taundf^ miners as.
pfo»rwi made. - Two of the lara«*t op> •embled at Green Ridge Wednesday
, _
•ratora l« the district—W. P. De Andlt and induced the miners tbere
out. and Uuwe at Mlwood foOowed. The
aad naacla U HobUaaoa-have ionOtrard mine was the onlyoneIn opera' Meted to bead the list and ^ eommlatioo yeatenlsr In Macenpincounty. The
fool aatMed that the othn- op.
tbe two mines at Tayloraratoi* will aobo tall In line,
n i* vUle. UO in number, struck yesterday.
«lalm«] br tbetnlaen' otteuia. bow- At Decatur tte-mlnere are stifi at woric
«*«r, that the aadeiwundlna was that and will probably contlnBe so.
tte acteemoBt meant K per cent, of the

■(Atura They aay It .wiu be aheoluudy
Impoarible to pet W per cent of the op.
entora. as there are a preat many op.
aratora mining on a email acale. Preal.
dmil Dolan said that while be wonld
do all In hU power to assist the comettMoners to secure the algnaturm of
the operatora to the agieament. be
thought the proposition was a adieme
«r Piealdent De Armltt to heep his meii

Han yen triad oar malma

in tbe Lord Jesas Christ has ■
A W—Kww ml » riiH«\iKKki mtrn Wk*

nto.. Julx ll-Th* inla.

but hare decUnod and wtU ned return
to work. The temflks of many of the

. eatpet of the district, wheieas It Is now
■aid to mean U per cmL of Che op.

orsisB^s CAHoa.

SmokersI aj;suas“.'flsr,n'* ■

****""• •***

Morning Record

bring quick return*.

B. tf. (tolOIRU^ AgsM^

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