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The Morning Record, August 04, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
iTAa* A ooos on.
—SaMl«> Could Hot PteM
tkito HIM Btclit, Bat BUolMa Wm
Xoi« BorUuuto -is That Bafaid.
Obm more tto Ocdtt dowaad tb«
ButUn Id » irood. dovly eosuMto
As far M Uto aod arron
aartMd yMtordi^ tto Uam* ^Ut eraa.
«M>h maktnc alma hlu aad
TIm bo7i froia SaltriUa.
e laoUar la Iniaehlarthalr hiu.
• Aftar tto tUrd laaiof aaithar alaa
got a aiaa aeron tto plate, althc^
■laood or thltd Hm. The fleldlag oa
boiA aidea waa oaiforijy elaaa aad
enlj oae error, aad ttot by
la the flimt iaalag, waa raapi
wte m rveovtfiBf MOaleatir *o Ba
aubM to i«b«lU ud fWUM bDilBaM
iB »tm»U w»j.'
Tha Dew Man of WUlUn B»bUv. te
Boarly eonpUtad and wOl to rtodp for
bulDMi with D oooplou uw Maek >7
tto firet ef acxt weak.
A. B. Baellmaatel ia reballdlng bU
large atcre and wiU reopen ito doora
early next
Mra. Eolmee bu tto foaedatioa laid
for a aew dwelllag aod will
boom again.
A. B. Boyar wtU hare hla !
market re^ for batlBem in a wary
abort Ume, the
d for rebaattag.
Daa Ttom tf alaofaaalamheroa tto
grooad for a aew etreetere.
K. B. Sargaat hu began to erect
aewboUdlng. whleh will eooa add to
the general pmperity of the plaee.
' WUl Oolemaa aad George Lake are
pnpariag to faU Into Uae aad among
otharn who will rebolld ara, Frank
IVlek. Jad Siaciair and T. B a^olair.
wbe Meh bare bill atefl ready for am.
The aaw mU! of Blloa A Ttaomaa wlU
etart again next Mcwday.
With them ImproTementa theee who
tore.eaffered will be girea employ
ment and eooa Lake Aaa will again be
a thrirlng baaiaem eaater.
Tto ^atUeat play of tba game
made la tto foortb ioBlag; Calut_waa
oa tblid aad TbompaoD' m drat
Tto^w atarted for aaeoad aad Boat
liaodttoballAoirntoAdama. (|alna
e OB tba ^ay. bot
•‘BuAiajr abot tto aphtta back to
''POMy*' aad caught Qalaa eaaUy.
Parto aad WUbala aiade a doabU
play la tto drat iaatag, ratllrlaf two
AM tVDIAB KBT WITH A BSBI■ men after two rnat had been aoored.
cxrg Aocanre x.abt bxobx.
oredited to Hall waa made
tn the alath Inaiag on Qniaa'a high dy.
Cto^ Bade a gnat ran to get it tot Thoaae Haayeto Bad Kia Bl^t
eeaUaH hold tto baU. It ooM aothlag.
Foot Bmaabad by a Train «<
bewem. aa tto
man waa retired.
B. * L Oapot-Tno Kaeb Wblebay
.Parka ia endited with aa error,
BTidaatly the|baBm,
wfaleb alwi oaat pothing.
There wae e aarlooe aoddant Ian
Oleaaee pl^ed a great game la eeater deld acmpling aU of Ida eta hard night that will d^«e oae ladlaa of
the maana of eaey
la totUag, Watkiaa, BnU aad time to
Laat Bight Jen aftar the U;S0 epatfal
Wtoeier led the BiMen with two Uia
train peUedovt of tto depot aa Indian
called Thomae Nanyaha wae diaoorered
For Maniatee. Gleaaoa Biade two aiaon. the tieek. near MeCoy'e potato
glea aad a doabla. aad Qalaa aad
ling in tke
• alagteeeaeh.
eretiatiag agoay. Be waa picked up
1 to Bodeed by tto Une-ap that
by ptoUee who were attracted to the
the HaaUera wen' aoaaewtot haadloapped by tto noB-arriral of BaUierford apol by bk erie* and borne to the depot
There it wm found that hie
and the abeeaee of Norotny.
right foot weeenuhed to a palp from
Jerome Wilbelai weat in and played
Toay*a beg for four Inainga. tot wai the ankle down. The lajared limb
^ naable to oobUboc. being in a weak' baeUly wrapped in cldlbi to etay tto
bleeding and Agent Murray of tbe G.
While la tto game, howerer. be played R. A I. DoUfied.
Mr. Mnrray waeoo band In a few
ttoh^ wall aad made, a pretty hit
when he came to bat in tto aecond mraenU and at onm aoagbt Dr.
After to retired Oo* pUyed tto por
tion .tatitteetorUy, aad alao made a
ftntbertord aad Toay wlU both be la
tto game today, and look oat for a hot
the time aad qould not be eeeured.
After eotae tiim hadelapmd Dr- Wllbelm wae brought. Be at once dreneed
the wound temporarUy. after admlnktaring marphlne to rellere the inunm
pain. Be prononaeed it
ipntata tto foot Tto InJared beare
sraa madeaa oonatortablc as poasible in
tto ooanw koum for tto might aad tto
; WiU ha made thk mamlag.
■nomas waa a membor of the PaahawbatowB Indian band, camping opon
tha abore of tto bay near tto depot aad
bad erldeoUy beea Indulging in' too
much firewater. It k
to waa about ta mas the tr*ek as the
train waa pa^ng. or ttot to had bean
oraipocoe by a dnudtea atupor aad eras
lying partially, upon the track. T%a
lajary k one of a terrible nature and
wUl 'eaum tto Indian ta lay up tor
some time aad ta becoaae a cripple tor
» made me folHaaiMee-a
In tto ftnt laaing Qalnn hit a litUe
alow one down the third ham Uae aad
beat it oat to firet:
Breton fielder^ ehoiee. whan Watty
threw Qnlan' oat at aeeond. G.eaaon
bit for a bam aad both to aad Bagnaa
aoored when Baaman hit for a bam.
TworaaaOne mme waa made by tto Oolta In
the eeeond. Fox hit for a baae. atole
amoad, aad aoored oa Tlbald'a alt.
Aaottorwaa made in tto third 00
------- - doable and Bayam' elagle.
Traeeme CIW •oond one in the diet
Haat get flxBt <m balla aad waa throwp,
oat at aaoond whea Watkiaa bU to Tltold. Wheeler made a Ut aad'waet to
third OB Magaaa’ throw onr Brpt baae
to eateh him, aad Watty tooted aaoth- Thowaads Oame To See tto (Rnua
er for tto Banlen ia tto third ob three
eaeeemire hltt by Watkiaa. HaU aad
There waa an Immaam oowd in the
dty yeatarday from all dlreetloaa. Tbe
Ato U ahoeld be auted ttot Bowta throng waa tha laegmt seen in tawa
hw raeemred hiacya.aad ampked
since the great Fourth.of-JnIy oeiebrafooAwvmA
tlon of a yoar ago. and tto attoadaooe
at tto sireua was racy torga. In the
aftmtaoa tto great tank srare Iliad
aad about two-thirds fuU last ai^t.
Tto.performameaa marltad tto la«a
patroaaga. Ttok
did a thririag baainam aad otbm Haas
profited in ^roportloB.
Ttore waa
Je.................... M A U
good ordw-^aU day. thanks to tha aspkamge of Chief of Police Beaala. Sher
0 a 0
iff SImpeoB aad their amlstaata. There
were a few drunks, howerer, moetly
Indians. Tba roads mUrtag tto city
ware^wded ta ttoir utmoat aaoaefty
aad as the day waa aa tdaal eireus day
and ererybody had a good tima.
1 s i
..... ......5 s
Ohioage Xarkat.
Chioigo. August I.-
Oompaay la Frecem Of OrgaalatiOB
Bara to Work Oold IDaea ta Alaafea-TBare Are Kany ifto'-Afe
WnUag tobe AUurad lBtoHardahl>.
L. E.<Hbbaheagafnd IrttoocgaaixatioB of aa extiailee etoek company
to be ealied tto Tierene aty A Alaaka
OoU MlniBg Co. Me baa beaa Tcry
tto amount ot Ute capital nock hue
aot been daeidad apoa. Ttoldcakto
perfect tto ocgaalmtioa. ttoe elect offieeca. alao tto aeUve werkete la the
gold field# to loeata elafma aad work
I. Ito ehaiw will he tlO each aad
will be pmmittad to bold aiore
than leo aharm. Mr. Gibba toe the
plan fonaulatad and a.
drawn, aad when the eompeay la organUedwUltaeoaeof tto party to go
Tbara hae beea a great deal of talk
r^ardlag tto gold dkeorertm in Aiaaka, but thk k tbe oaly
arganl^tloa yet prppoeed. though
there are aereral proailiMt cltlx»ai in
tto nty who are figt.riag upon meklag
tto attempt ta beeoaM rich (rum the
eldcndo Jeet dkeoeeied. It u pretty
generally uaderataod that thorn who
get gold from the Blottdyke or eieialw
wiU hare ta dig tor U la tbe An lit
eral aeam of the word; tot aotwith.ataadlagthe
are many wUllag to hrare the tarrore
of arctic wlntare and all tto aooompanyiag daagwu. In tto hope of get
ting -toxt" ta eome of tto wealth
____ _____________
ItwelUag of Ooorge Annatroag Batered Tenerday.
ported yeetardny aftamoaa occurred in
Pemwood. The dwelling of George
ArainroDg wee entered by thieeee and
a retam tickn ta Grand Baplds and a
■■"■11 enm of money atalen. Batiaace
wae effected daring the abeeaee of the
family, through e window, tbe eeeh of
which wua pried open. Nothing elm
wm taken and no ^parant attempt
waa Btade taeeoure anything elm of
ralea Skariff Simpaoa waa noUfiad of
the oocurrenee. but no clue which
might lead ta the dnecUon of the
ihierea waa dbeorered
Hm.^ t.«ii today.
Tbe Trmrerae Bay Line did a nuhlng
baainam yaauiday.
Bam baU today bt >:10. Manktae ra.
BusUers. Buthmfard aad Hunt will
be the battery.
Alderman Lardic hae let tto eoatoaet
tor prorkUng marble work for hla lot
in the cemetery ta BQay Bweere for
AI. and Henry BiagUng of the circus
anpany. went to Carp lake yeatard^
aad brought batoelxty fish, pletoral
Oapt. J. W. Emory ef tto ataamer
Onakama. brougkt dorrs tblr^ Torch
team tto elephaat
On aeeount of tba death of Mim Oai^
Bar tto W. F. M. 8. of tto Mathodkt
.ehurcb WlU he poatponto unUl next
Wednaaday. August 11th.
Frank Frladrleh and 8. C Daaprm
WiU tmre on tto yacht B. 8. Pto|^,
Tr.. today for GooigisB hay.
axpaet Joa Plngrae here ta Join tbe
yatot, but be may do eo at Oaarlarolx.
Tbe drug stare of M. M. Fordham
A Co. at Elmira was burned eusday.
The lorn waa abantte.000. W. W. Fordham. Jaoiar maabaraf tto firm, for
merly bald a poaitlon in tha drag store
of 8. E. Walt, thk dty.
Thom who iataad ta sritnem the pet
to ba-klrcn is Ito Qmad
Opera Bourn by W. 8. Bart aad hk
ipaay are urged to
■eats early. Tto bos oAee adratoi
■ale rrlU b^la at nine o'eloek tomor
row morning.
U.n; c
ingattheruMd^of H. W. Piarea,
oaWaat Front atoaat, in tto preatam
of relaUvmaadAtewlnUmata friaada.
Tba oatamcny'wua pnrformad by Her.
Ira Tripp. Tto yeang eouple wlD reoMea lha ,^ogTatBUttaaa of a I
aumbar of mataal friaada WSo wO:
glad ta know of tbair lUe-loag h^Dtm. tkay wm leave today for Fetaa.
key. where they wUl etay a moatb.
Thareatter they will lire la Trarerm
___ ______________ .
Xm* Popdar Asylum^ Atte
Voddad Teatmday.
Darld Cox. the po
tto asylum, aad whom work an
the HuaUeis at bam baU at fraquaat
!; Deeemtor. »L«7. inurraU has plaaaed tbe fans, has
taken taklmaell a charming wUa Bk
hrlda wae Mm Bra BaDsnald. ako
attesdast at tto acylnm. Tbe .awozk#e was aefiamaked yeetardny m
More Wheat Is Beins Harvested
In this region tbM for yeara. Same
way witii n*. We Art making more
picture frames tkan. any other firm in the
city. See onr new moulding.
■ Didal
lag Bckteem Teatard.
Baadredaofbeagry people
by the local botale aad rcataaranU yeatarday aad naarly mU tbe diaiag roome
were aboat depleted. Tbe tkrk Flam
eerred diaaare ta »00. Botal Whitlag sso. Lealaaaa Botal 100. netabarh rmuuraat UO. Botal Ikngbom ISO aad other hotak maay
All tto rlaitare were weU aerred aad
tha mreim in tto mearal diaiag rooma
wae qadek aad perfect. Tbe manner
la which tto crowds were handled
ahewe ttot Trarerm City aaa care for
almost any number ttot happens ta
come along. Baaldm.tto dtnaai, bnndrada wen eared for at eeppm Mate.
Tto Seatb BwMrd.
WUllam Ferguson, one of tto first
aatUma of Grant, died at hla b
there Satorday, U hk 8ld year. Fuaeral aerricea-were held Tueeday altarnoon at tto Bajaaey achool boom.
We want to close.
Out our stock. of Base Ball Goods.
We offer some BARGAINS on what
we have left, at-----
■HASKELL’S BOOKSTORE,Price Without Quality
.1. O. F..CAPS
An tbe BBST-not aiona as to trimaai^ aad atyU-but ako aa ta
Quality and Workmanship—Mo/ are made.
Joaeph Sparilag. a ploaaar oE Pam>• than a half dosen or a dosaa. in stack—and we a
hip siaoe IMT. died July so. ttot may
Pomter C^.' We hare^^ supply. Wa wen tl
at hk hoaw In KlagaWfuneral
took place Suaday aad was largely atWONDBEFOL VALDE.
Price Now—75c.
Tomorrow Bight Emma PlaU Guyton
wUl dallreraaothar'lecture ta women
ootyla Montague haU. Mrs. Ouytaa
baa a charming pcmMallty aod an aloqoeam rare in women. Her auhjeet.
tto health and heanty ef women, k
one which khcmld oommand tto atteotion of tto fair sax, and m there k no
charge for
ably be a laige audicnoe.
COMPARE—The Only True Test of Value.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
The meeUog of tbe Woman's Mlaalonary society of the Pn
church, announced for thk- aftemooa.
has bmn BOetponed, and wUI ha held
on Fridar aftatsooo. Angast dth. at
I o'clock, at tto home of Mta. Irish,
m State atreab
Oiir Prices
Like Our Shoes
Ara Rj£ht
ion mi IECEHB
When jou deai with a house
that has built up a reputa
tion by relling Reiiable Foot
wear only.
Fruit Jars. Canning Season.
8 Quart—eoo. doM 1 Quart—dOo. doc.
Paal Wakier tto Tiottm of Bobbere
Paul Weklar went ta the ciccaa yea.farday. While be waa gone thtaem
Wtaradtos barber shop aad stale eer■ral saaoa and a eUpplag macAlna.
After loag eafferlag aad many drai
- haeka, toke Aan ia gndaally reeorerfrem tke Mow reeel ted ta tto terrible
imlocawtcf July *• W*Qo th« are
atfUmaaytordrtdpa te ha b—a -by
IhMO who aaBteto.1to(a are amay
Get them before eeamm k over.'
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound
lode Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale- MUl Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 7 Engines. .Set Wortes, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
You your Footwear once
yon will come again. We BOYS’, YOllTHS’AND LITTLE GENTS*
are here to do yon and our
selves good. We are, as
Seamless Shoes
Tke OM Reliable Skoema
Bound ta Wear and Good s^le.
Qx Bloods lid Cbocotites fn Boys' aid Toitlis'
at Cost
*m MO&NIHQ BBOOBD. Bowwd Treadvrajr. eUrk of tbe botol
at Ma^ta-Waata. aaaw o««r with a
conpasT of raaortan to miarle with
TAAVERBE CITT. - MICHIOAN tbeairbtaaera.
Bee. W. U Faraam and wife. MiMOi
r>o> m omcs or Tiu
Emm Data aad Lula PatBam aod Mia
0. V. (%amberlialB of Kiiot, wereattbe
Tm*. T. Batk* AST) i. W. BiJcsui. Wbitlng ptoterda;.
Tbe ctrena attracted IroB Elk Bapid»
J. W. Haxrx, Editor ud lUnMW- & B. Wallape, Marion Paria. Mr. and
Mra'P- B. Moore, and Mr- and Mra A.
B. Mo«e of Ocadwater, who are r«**ta
of F. B. Moora
Mra Marie Friedrtofa of Ora&d BapKz ao(rt^brBir
Ida, wlU laare tbia botIiw for a
BOBtk% au; in bereottace at North'
Cirr caarauTOB port.
Ber danchlara. lanra and
Lobiae will
of the aatksn's dafanaa. Mr. Booaa»
relt thinks tba young man wUl narer.
-egret tba intarwt they bare token ta
TLXBT OF OT7VBOBTB ▲SVAM0> this work and daclnrw they will anraly
derire aose physical and maatol bene
fit from.tha ragnlar driUa ns waU as
Fow^ WiU VigoronalT
from the work of the nanpsl cmiaa.
Against Aotton of Torlwy and WUi The impreaaion made by tbs Mlcblgan
Kaka ap Bffbit to iproTMt Sredpa bon n
lor ibe aaaeew of nay requwta they
:ma^ mska upon the department for
patch today from OoBatantinoplc
Tlaloo of tba TnrUah fleet baa bean
ordered to aatl for^<MB•a;-^lalaod of
Crate. If tba autaaetoto Ik tba diepatch are tme. fraah tw^^a may ba
in the aatUemant of the
Gnaoo-Tnrklsh paaoa prallmlnariaa
is reported that tbe Torklab gorammeet la antidpaUng Use lanolng of addiUonal Tnrlrisb troops in Crate.
Tburaday last Use admlrMs opmmaad
lag tba foreign llaato in Cretan wntaie
bald s oonfaraaea and decided to oppose
by force tba landing of any Tnrkisb rainforcanseoto In' C^to. They
noUftad Ismael Bey. tbe Tnrldsb drll
la thk connactlao aa informal re
port has some to Use nary .dapartment
to Um affect that tbe borings made
into the boll of tba TanUe to detormlaa
DondlUooabow that aba b rary
atoaoeb, and indicate that it will be
pomibla to toka ber arooad to Detroit
atoomparaUrely small axpansa.
At. Steinberg's . Grand . Opera . House. ,
.OR RRaRoncRKT or......
Ameeica's Foremost Young
Dramatic Actor.
Petcoke; ;eel«rda>. amonf than katog
TnTmc Ctijt, Mr. aod Mie. B.'O. Boaa of that plaoe:
Mr. and Mra B. B Clarti, Mlaa Looiaa
HIU. Miaa Blanche ^arrett and Mlaa
Ten FMr Onw On Their Way to the
Am iaportMt phut in tb« B»«ndlM- Abbie Clark, all reaortaiafioaa (Ueaco.
Jftpui ooatro*^ hM prated itaell.
San Praneboo. Aognat -a. — Tbe
mai ia riew of the baotUiv ^ J»pu>
Tranaiaat Xatobaat in Tmbla.
to tbe propo—d uwantieo treat;,
Noyo wUl anil
Oailed SutM lllstoter Hewell me; elotbaa from the -Fire
deelire a protectoraU’ ud niae
It. with the andrrstandlog that if
U«. b,
«b« AnericaA flag osar tbe l»- the olothea didn't fit that b» eonld ra.bbb.
.pp™u, fklb, lb. I
tnra them and gat back tbe money paid.
I. / ^
TbU action b; h
they didn't fit, and Prank bpoeght
bU pnlUo.
Mtar Sewell U according to Inatme- them buck and naked for the caah. ~ lU ta».Uo»tor.lbI««.U.. Tbrtub
garrlaon In Crate.
7 —w
Uona from Secretary Sherman, in
to aaak a fortune.
rafnned. Now Mr. Pieeland
A dbpatob
of a eoetlmrency of thia natnre. Thia began legal acUon tbrju^ Jnatloe
from Dardlnallas annonncaa that tbe Obaap Bntoa to Viagara Falb and
wlU ba a peremptory bit of adriee of Varly. to reooter tbe aaaoanb Tbe
second narnl dlrision of the Tnrk{cb
SBKxeelSeairoBpurot Playw 4t^
He* york, la tbi*e of tSe :
Portland, Xa
the -banda off” character, ta Japan, aammoBB me made ratomable
fleet. consisUng of seran wnrsblpa,
and abowi that the Onitad Staten will Friday morning nt 10 o'clock. T%a
I by Bari Pasha baa sailact
atand no fooling bom that naUan.
proprietor- clalma be waa willing to ra- for the Islaod of Crate. Fean ara UCKCB SO ^isasTS reiia enn rurs
Ma, on Angpst Stb. at eery low i
Ta* great crown in the city jenter- torn tbe money, law the awonnt be expressed that the departure of the For foil iafonnaUon call on
tba time worth which
J. Rxaox. Aga
Turkiab naral dlrUlon may lead to a
day waa the largaat in town to attend
inmad by blm in making tba aale
a ebvna in yearn, and the worda of one
collision with the iatamatloaal fleet in
and showidg gooda.
of the BingUng Broa; ■’Thia looka
Cretan waters in riaw of Use anOXAJTD BAFIM XZ0VB810H
Usa foreign admirals
like good tlBiea for Traearaa City.” are
aignldcanb Tbe aUendanoe
ban deddad to oppose by force Use
aaae clrena in this eity two yeaie agp
I > Oraat Bhowa Znhibtt- landing of Tp^is^ r<
waa abont ooe-half that of yaaterday.
ad To Tbronga Taatarday.
Thia U one of the moat reawnring eriBlngllagBroa- great Mraa-aod
daaow of better Umw.
nagarieAaa come and gone, and old
City now.*"£w!ah.
that pac^ ia the mral diatricto ara
folka, ^ng fMka and all aorU of
74 ei
Uto 1
The 'Force of Xichigaa Stands
feallng the eSacta of .ratnmlng proafolks, from tbe eoantry and city,
pAfk Stmt. brtWMB Preat I Cass.
telling what a great show It was- Use
Waahiagtoo. Aog; A—Aaabtoat SaeTpbkbt U paielatant in keeping np grant comblnad abows of tbcae atiU
Tba naa of water for aprinkliag parher boatUlty towarda Graaoa. and new
star abow p^la tbb year aeUpaaa ratoiy Roaaeralt baa raUsmad to poaea is. by onr rnlaa, confined to toe
Waatalisgtoa from bu racant tour of In- boon of S a. m. and s a. m.. also 5 p
tbe anltan ,haa aant aeraa war aUpa to anything a'
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
apaetion of the nsTal militia of the eartake the Inland of Crate. The powers paat, and aa
* AlTpU«a where water b found mn. bon proualed and ahonld the Tnrklab ly a donbi bat that tbU ia tba moat iona atotea. While speaking in high ning contrary to tbb rale will be sba*
Saat mBBgainattt '
plate and tbe largeat abow of tbe tarma of the enUre force today ba off-exoept where a spedal permit ba
carmly praised Use Mieklgan oonUn- br«a granted.'
an loote, which'la <)aita likely, there kind In the eonntry. Tbe
H. D CsMPBKix A Soxa
way be aeriona trontala. Parbapa after tsaa exerted erery effort to enpply gaot. declaring them to be nnaxealled
all that wosld be-tba beat way to Im amnaemrot of a refload and attracUre by thcae of any other state. Ba was
ire and bare ellmlnatod from •apecially stmek by the fact that Use
grew npon the anltan the fact that be
that Detroit battalion was eridantly radone not own the aarthwonld tend to be objectionable. erailad from tba eery beat class of
In tfaU aa in all other rcspaeia a great yonng men in-the stole, tbelr eundaet
Lon Cbmpbell of Northport, la In tbe
an enibasiaam and aerioos
sncaaw baa barn attained. Ooa coaalty.
apicnona faatnre of Use abows U the parposa on tbelr part wbkb was not
NtwtbpmS tent down W. O. Qagnon
abaenea of tba gangs of crooks whlrii only craditoble to them, but most
to aee tbe animala
the efficiency of this arm
hare-baretofore been among tbe ntJerry BniHwS «om ornr fran Cedar
taebrs of tba ordinary circas. Tbe
to aee the elephant.
i-RorniarTon <>r rax
Singling Bros, bare made a apacial ef
Editor C. E. Bamsay of Central Lake,
The stock of Peerless
fort to.gnard against this disrapniable
waa In towc yeetetday.
and erimlnal'alament, and fer the parC A. Brail of South Boprdman, wni
UdIo" and Bay Straala.
Manufacturing Co., of De
pose of pioieeUoD to thelrr patra
tear M. A N K. depot, wttoes to anat Park Pi^ ywiardny.
dar Ca|
algbt Pli
Siovnlmr Besnlt of tbe
W. b. SL John came orcr from BelFrom this date this boat “o"** »*>
tkat he has re- Byan, a daiacUre of »0 yoais’ antroit,
laira yeatarday morning. OSifllV HaaL
parlanoe. are a partof Use aggregation.
will not make -gular coj ^ “fjTbm t
B. 8. Pratt want to Chariaraix ywtarTbwa, with tbe aid of tbe local authordamaged
too trarelday. on legal bnalaawitica ycatordny, were a manaae to any
N.' E. Fishing parties, how- ing pabUe in good shape. John May.
A. B. Waterbary ia
thing la the natnre of flaaelag games Automatlo Fir's Bsttnaniffb.
purchased for....—■
ion C. Peck of Molina. 111.
ever, can make arrangements formerly wiu> tba Hotel wbiung. wui
wblcta many bare bean rieUms of
on Set At Work.
Amrag the riaitm at tba clrena
for the nse of this handsome bare charge of ib* offic* ami attend to
Umw goat bytoe iwuof toe gneata. SatlsfacUoa
Benry Bicbardl of Bellnlra.
Tbe crowd ywterday was anormi
yacht, by communication by gnaraatoad.
Om Olbeen "rna orer from Kalkaaka
and tba big tent waa Japmad, while The DAmaao Bookonod
mail or wire, with
to mingle with tbe animala.
tbe aide shows antarUlnad orowds
Tons of TbouAAsdA.
Clare Fox of Bates, waa la town yaaJAMES M. WATTS.
a«rai..*e*rii an AOraat.
torday on baainrw at tba clrena
Of tba 'parfwmanca Uaalf only opa
ffawga White came orer from WUW
Tba heat yesterday malt^ tba pinga
orlUcism can be asada-tharabaatlrely
vwabnrg to Uika In the Mg show.
too mneb for one pair of eyas to aaa of toa aatomsiie fire czttngnbhar on
Oaarga Dale and wUe of Bellalre The elrcos taut U
feat long and tbe top floor of tbe bnilding at tbe cor
arara here to aajoy tba menagerie.
aeata nearly It.OOO joopia. and U the ner of Lamed and llstaa strcaia. and
W. 8. Sharer of Sherman, waa at Use
toe water entrsad great damage to tbe
laiYeat canras
WhiUng yeaierday. between ttmea
nay cirena aaa. wliboot exception ^ksofgoods'of ke-mbsm, Stoapel A
B. L. Olbbacamaln from Mayfield Thera are three rings and. two atagw
and toe Peerlees Maanfactnrlag
Bara yon triad onr mtoca
jnaterday to aee the Elngllng boya
and something is going on in avry one Co.
, C. W. (lodiard of the Bellalre IndaOne of tbe Iron plpaa formlag partof
of them nt tbe
gaodant. waa a Eac<)an rbltoe yaaurtbe system runs under toe skyligbula
toe long program.
Loekbari's performing alephnnts are both stores and toe plage melt whan
Mr. aod Mrs. Bobert Ooata of Wen
In i and lOe. Cignra
le moat marrelous Iminad naimnb toc'temperatnra raaebea ISO dagraea
lead, wnre lotaraatod .riUtora at the
Ever Burned Out?
rar aaan in tbb city. Tbay dance, toe Ban Wsxed tbrongb tbe skyligbu
{day mnaical insirvineato,dioeattable. and toe tamperntnre ran np so tout toe
Ondaraheriff Martin Brown of
gat drank, and do almoat anything pings melted and part of toe 40,000
lead, cbme over yaaterday to attend Msa that man can do excapt apeak All gallons of water slorad on tba roof
in all. tba big circa* b aemytoiag it ran down throagh tba bnilding.
O. P. CARVER. Agant.
Tbe sratebmao in toe store of milF. A. Mitcbell. Oanaral Pamangar was ptombad It should ba and tba
------AND-----Agent of tba M. A N E.. waa In tbe Maaara. Blngling bare earthly folfill- laina Daria, Brooks A Ca, acrom toe
Mty ywteiday.
The -^stock was sold at
ad toair promises and premntod tba alley, beard the fire alarm In tbe i
Beniy SeegmlUar. poMmaatar- at toa biggeat, brigbtaat and beat ebyns >f toe PMTlam Maaolnetoring
kbnnt tonaa O'clock la the ntteraobn. pnblic auction to the highest
Klagaiey. and bU twa ebUdraa.
yat aaao in the cityaod found water dripping from
to the cHy yaaterday.
wiodowa Ba eaUad on toe fire de
H. O. Hntxlar. editor of tba Manton
bidder. We call thk public’s
Tribn^ waa a plaaaant eallar at tbr
partment tor nmlatanae and an anBKOD office laat enoiad.
tranoa into toe.bnlldidg waa teroad.
Bo^bb AtMmar Takw by Ohinaea Tba dlaeoiary that tba plpaa la Bam- atteutiqn to the fact that
B. L. Copeland and J. a Boekm of
and Om Xnrdarad.
bam. Stoepal A Oo.'s srara alao ranaiag
BwkerOreek. wareamoagtba eMtoea
San Fraaabeo. Ang.
Tba ateam- waa not made antO araalng. wtea iBa some of the smallest and
in thaeltf f«>r
Mra. Joa. Bielmcl and Mra. C. U. ship Balgb arriTed today from Bong watchman anirad, and all Sea floora
At onr xtoca.
of the bnUding ware srall aoakad.
most damaged lots sot ex
Stonlay of SattonaBay. ware among Kong and Tokoboma ria Bonolnl
The stock In Bnraham. Stoof
bringing toa tbUawlpg t^iaatol- nd<
•ba rialtom In town ywtarday.
Mra. William Brown of Loland. waa am; News baa bean raealTad from Co.'s is worth between #400.090 and ceeding $100 in all went at
. W. J-A3?PtATTS,
Bong Koog of toa capture of toe Brit #500.000, and that of toa Paarlcm
in the edty
ish steamer. Paga. by Chinas pbatoa pany abont #100,000. Tbe first firm
Will Brown, of toe Bagtooffiea.
oe July I4to. A gang of
by too high a price elsewhere.
Lao Solomon came np
took paasage on tbe Pagn nsd while nt water for gst.ooo. and toa other for
. to aaa tbe ball game and iDcldant
aaa mnrdarad Captain Bcaa and seran smaller amoaat. bot it Is thoagbt that W.e bought onlf"t^ largest
to tnkj( a pwp at toe wild aal^s.
of toe crew and wounded slntoen oi
toe damage wilt largely exceed the inMr. and Mrs. George Bobertooi
They lootdd the ahip and fled
lots afld^V'rieSnest of its
Mr. Simon, of toe Pearlms company,
to Tbit friends and toka in toe exeito- tbe Acbeeo ooaat.
mid this morning that it was nbaolntaCor VnloB *•* Klntba^
"T'^L VanDermark.'' editor of toa
ly Impomible to tell what toa damage
Aldan Wsra. waa in town to attend toe
to tba etock sronld amoaat to and that
' Mrana yesterday, and made the E«»nD
DoUilDg would ba done tow^ a
a Tbit.
talnlog wbat toe toaa Is nnttl tbe in
Harana. Angnst S —CUptaU Oanaral surance adjestars arrirad wbtm an laBmmatt Oonltbr. formerly with W. J.
Hobba, kas aocaptad a poaltloa la a W«yl«e embarked at mhdnlght on toa rentory would be made.—Detroit BranFeeding Farmen’ Horses s Bpeolalty. Horses Boarded.
hardware stma la St Joaeph. aad ba Spanlshorniaar ValsooNnmas. Be bade Ing Nasra.
■nd hb wife bare morad to that place. farawaU to the antooritles and arrirad
M»* P. Haadbam of B-Bigbthstraai. at MatansastUamoraiag. Tba capM aafiartaialng. fdr a few daym, ber mln general baa paritonad Bkriqoa
hrothar. John Ophalaa, of Detroit, and Naptas. the toanigmtl iaaaaBtoiy. *bo
B. J. KOBOAH, Prop.
-Th. Haw aim Blook."
Tnrtrmt Olty, Mloh.
3Iiss Constance Williams
Uoriaii.iupistH, . ‘'TheUdjiiUiMS." '
Tuesdai, iigijst to, .... "Camille." |
WadBaslaj, iagust IT, - “The Man la the Inn Mast" ,
Meal rictets at Reduead Hans.
—Watch Repairing.
—Front Street.
Lady Watts
Now for Business!
Fishing Parties
on the
Smokers I Picture Mouldings
- THe Reeopilni leaders
Tobacco Meats and Groceries
Offers R; Telepbooe Pron^tlj
. MeededTe.
Fire lasuraace.
The goods will be here
this week.
Irix>k for lafw
tte swraeie iTTMeeMm* at MU
polBinxtitt. Tber kiww tMt their eonW.aub«
creOTMB cMDot pleM tb«m
k-Tbe dlaeuBBlons
tbMC matim. uid they therefore try to Salisbury Expl^ns ths Orsco*
Host Hm Ktode
of tl
StnatOi Burrem P«nlM • Cur* kelp ud aDcourpte b>ra by ttcrtpUng
OymnaMlc aMocUtkm
the ittuetloB crkrernllr end without'
BlB DmO.
rvftt Rumofa
phyHcal director* have brought to light
ftliT lINfreoltoc or boch-bltlnc“It !• herd work oeeurliit eppulct* EE UT8 IT IS LOI0-BEAWI4)8T. a wrong Wement tbai favor* the mom
R'WILL BEST BT THE gElflIOIA menu for cohotltoenu theite dope”
rapid -tStroductlon of Amertcan Idea*
Mid CcnfTcsunen Sam Smith a dap or
In the Oerman *r»tem of gymnaWlc Intwo before be left for hi* oome. "and a Bat Sweet
U U a OeeeplM P
atrectlon. George Wmig. of Sb
conyrrMran whr can land even ooe tptew to kotv* with Mark kailve CaM*d- j.„„,^t* the facUon that terma Itielf
:fnen« U conaldered a 'lucky degmm* ea Both aMw—tk*
progrcaWve element, while <3. Abellevi
- • Thriat*. Ooetot— Schlaedl. of thi* city, la the leader of
tbere.h*ve-be«B flfty new ..
WOeowiVAaWkor the etement which would limit Ita
ofOWUag Um
made »ln« the 44tb of March from the
progreM to a gradual development of
the German aialenf. Herman 3. Boot BtRgnlar Rseolt of tbs EzeesIWOm
hundred* of appHcaflon* on We la
London. Aug. L-Tbe Marunia W
p,rt ot hi* addreat
slTs Heat
WiMhlntion, Aue- I—Banator Bur- the yartcu* departmenta We are
Salltbury. -replying
-----------------------------------in the bon»e of lard* w .ne ..»<> .....
o,at the
Amerleana are
tova baa roue to AtUotlc Oty for a ling numrrou. appllcauqpa for pcWOOm , ^^^av
Earl u,votm*
dcToting ihemaelve.
thrmaelve*'to. among them
few day* of real bp the avaahore. Be In the new library, pae^'etortv fentf. ihe 1 of Kimberley, who uoeeiloned the gov-1i.....................................
baakei hall, hand ball, battle ‘■aa “d
Antornsme Fire ErtfngniRhers
fore leariiia Waahiactcat b* aald to ladle*, but I amr> told thai the place* Sre ernment aa to the elate of the peace i a game known a* tambourine bait
pour curreapoDdeai: 'Ibe rumor that to be tmt under the civil eervlce.; ro
Set at Work. negotutlcn. between Greece arJ Tur- 1
I waa poinu to Europe waa unfounded that we cannot do anyihirig for theriLi ir iwy. outlined the *utu* of the ConatanCenatanand that the
I* gratifying to Mcure the rMnatatemhlt
oranene* oi aimri.vw'fw,„ca.
1 cannot afford to go to Europe ibla Of old BoJdlen who are entlU.-d to rein- ----tiiK rie egchangt* of vlewa. occaaioB^y
„nch In addition
The Damage Redtooed in Tens
pear. I am «otn« to apend a wet* or ■Utemeni under civil amice rule No. referring to them .In wrcaatlc tone*. The
,, expounded In theh *y*tepi If
. tan dape on the aea eoaaa. where the lU’ of Thousands.
premier *ald It wa# no wonder- that the
wuhed. Boo* waa taken to taak
air te alwap* bcMlIctal to ma. After
They MIB dohn ChawheeUa.
patience of many people wa* *orely tried for hla radical departure from the ml**
that 1 ahau take a alow veanel Mp the
The member* of eorg;ree* who manag* by the deUy. The-compJeklty and mul- ; and view* that bad tlood year* of teat
Rodaon and mi)op the atmoephere and e attend to their ccrreB>cn<lenee and Mt.llcltv of the negotiation*, he added. | a* a eywetn that developed ibe
X woBd^l
aoanery of that
woBd^rful eectlon
*ectlon of our other dutiea and yet have Ume to *pend mlghUhowever. account for their length. ;
ia the building af the mroar
lop floor o
eountrp. I expect
VKt to kpead n »»“« “me their erenliiB* ocnvivlally mta* John Loid Ballrbury explalort that th* peace .
of lATUad and Bst«a atrcala and tha
, I lean record breaker* a* freak*.
oo Lake Champlain and then to go up Chamt.erlin, wbow hortelry here for
--------- --- — trytrg to arrange waa
tb« 418 Union 8t Tslsphone 94.
watar eat
e pow.
roar.y r«*ti wa* the i>opular rerert for
the St. Lawrence rtrer and over the the all-Blght «ate*men. Oh. the •ma
I beiw.
stocksqf good*-----------------I ordinnary ag
■ed country. The
lakae to Maidclnar tdand. There 1 aUall le* lh«> told each other, and the Mortea
Co. and the Pterlw* Mnoofacturing Co.
and a <
to* He aeia He'w^ld Bmt Beaa. a
One of tha Iron plpM forming part of
until aome time In the tall. 1 Chamberlin u.ld.lf collaied. would make wmiory conquered by the TurkKharmy
wa* one aealgnod to Oreecv by Interna-^
the ayaian mna under the akyllghto
think there U any belter aunv
volume ae Inieixatlng a* the
the pow.
Paris. Tex.. Aug. t—New* opa pwai- ue roof of both atorea, and the plugs
Bsrtag plaoe in Europe than can be ArabUn Night* with 8cb*her**ad«.
.When Chamberlin wa* in hi* Palace ... vote* in regard to it* dlupoMl waa llar tragedy. *urtounded by drenm- melt whan tha (CBperature runeboa 130
found la tbie country, and iUckinae
Th* ann nlaxed through
a recognUed by tbe *ultan. The latter riancei of an unurual character that oato one of the Aneat. I aball have an hotel ai Old Point Comfort he uid H.
and the terapernitue ran up
wae,rlfhi In demand ■eciirlfy again* coTTcd a few day* ago ntar Monkmnn.
tertrtlr wery about Oepege
•pportnnitp while at UaeUnac
ao mat we plug* melted and part of
. ^
Butler, that brUIixrt and erratic |«ir. Inmrricn* »uch ns fho*e which hronght
oour.ty. ha* reached hen
a Bumbac of my friendt on the Upper nalhrt who entertained ao royaUy when about the prevent war. and for that pur
Sbnlaaula. and that wUl
he had money, and who gradually drank port rec«in«atlf.B of the frontier on a who waa raarrlrd and had chUdran.
ybumre to me. becauae 1 have ■orae- hUnailf Into otuwurity. death, and ub- rtiateglc bari* waa a luaet-nabl# de
-^very warm friend* tb«». whom I
Brer ben called to the tec*
Bev. Jaire* WIdtaby.- They fled to the llama. Daria, Brooks A Co., aeooaa the
m:i Bto Onbto Aktoil rke Turk.
hot utten hare an opportunity w *
that you can get at the Drag
It was xl*c reasonable to held that the Indian Territory. Wldcrtiy gathered a alley heard the fire alarm In tha store
rhl BM Many PitowU*.
Store (our store)
number of friend*, among whom waa of the Peerless Manufacturing Co.
when he began to rink into the rium* Greek (ommutUle* should not be placed another
Ron. Edwin F. Uhl ha* been I
Chamberlin treated him like a prince. under Turkish rule. The premier fur
duTlu the paat e.eek aettUng up hi* Begrimed, unebom. nnfhaven. and ic ther aartned that her rraie*t>> minis the fulUy pair.
found water dripping from the winPowdBred SpioM,
done* eluded them and rrtumeS to dowa Be called on the fire dapartnSalr* with the department of atate tha a-orat Rage* of ImpecunloaUr and ter* believed those qpvr4t''»'
and U BOW on hi* way to Orand ICap- demetude. he trequerilly Impomd blm- settled, and that TVriiey had accepted Texas, but TClderiry and party over- DMDt for aaaistanee and an antran«
Pore OreBm ftortGr, '
• tda. where he wiu re*ume the pracUce •elf upon Oiair.berlln'* generoaity and the frwiiler line-traced by the mllliary hauird bln and *bui him. leaving him into the bnildtng was foreed. 'fbe dis
«f hla profemion. While Mr. Uhl waa fed upon hi* choice*! vlanda and Jtitanr* allartie* of the erabaf»li-» i-f Ibe powera. fer dead In, the wood* rear the road.
covery that the pipe* In Burnham. StoeaMtotaat ■ecretary of itate during the a* a *elMnvH«
though the premier shared I-ord Kim man lasri^ that way heard him gru
peland O&'a were also mnnlng w“ (and Pure Baking Powder, if you want
----• Smi part of Preuldeni Oevelard'. *«- tered and. *efilRg hlm»elf at a table, berley* doubt*. Speaking of the in Ing ttrd on going to the «cene done* '
not made unUl evening, when the
ond term la the White Hou»e, he made ordered a dl»h of dlamcnd hack terrapin demnity to'be paid Turk-r by Greece him who dM It. He aneraarda died, watchman arrived and all five floor* ua to make it, I pounds for II.OO.) Bob
ber SbeeUng. Rubber Tubing, aU
many frtenda In the national capital. and a quart bottle of dry Veraenay
the premier mid 'Tbere come* in the widerby.a preacher named Tarborough. of the building were well aouked.
aisaa Water BoUlsa (go
Zlnrtng the past week be baa received
raid to PIU the OeUM.
myrteiloii* and dlffigult question of the and four others have been arreriad and
The stock In
Fountain Syi.-.-.------.
oiany caUere and haa been aUnoat over
Co,'# la worth botweas flwo.ooqand |
The waiter quietly reported to Cham- German bordholder*. Wc do not think lodged in isll al-Bonhan.
,t Bruahea. and Atomlaeru.
whelmed with aoclal attentlona
He berUn and ark*d for Inrtrucllona. John that any InleraaUonal duty lie* on
•soo.noo and that of the Peerlaaa «om.*“''7: wiL.fc'i*a«r
Tktv*-a-orv'Wd • kelridr.
baa been Uving in Berlin a* arnba*- winced a mtl*. alBce terraplB were Enroic to provide for their-.yment
Hareb.*o. Wia.. Aug. 3.-N*w.r
^ ; the hands and faoe.
Mdor to Oermaiw durtng the .pan two worth »J apiece and champagne brought though 1 admit they liaVe been long unthl* t-lty yesterday of ihe tragic death
ycara. haring been appolnled to that H a boiiU; but be rallied under-the pa‘d.”
of Arthur F. Fralti. at the CTlff Bouse. >WBller amonnL but It it thODgbt tbatl
Important dlplomatle poaltlon upon the preemre and directed the waller
DevU . l*kr. Saturday al^t. He wm
death of MMitoter Kuoy.on. -Mr. Uhl the order, bopiag In ihl* way to apeedlly
ibr damage willI largriy
The credit of Grew In the Europe
aaiS: "> wa* entertained In roi’al 'rid hlRuelf of the UEavlcifne pte»ence. an markeL" said the maruul*. - will for foui.d in hl» room on the Wd deed with
tatoiloB while in Germany and r.aa ex- Butler called fur the beW Rta Vlctorta a long time be execedlngly small, and ;
taaSid all of the oourteaiee which a po in Ilie houee. which wa* llkeaise
some form of control of Or-ek sourc-e*
lite pMiple cmild beetow. I cannot nlrbrd under tlletit proieat, and be read of revenue I* tneritahle. 1 cannot aay
apeak in too high term* of the German Ifae'ever.Ing paper* until the terrapin that nagotlall-h* In that dlrectton hac/
people aa -a whole. They are a con should be rtKiktd. Meantime, a ba
advanced very far. and 1 must admit |
tented, and happy nation.
My trip thought struck Cbamheriin. He
_____ , wnatAbnloea
la iDul the in
that the q>;p*tk>n n-.ay he a source <»f j
tgeolltor He ar«r BxpsM.
acToee the Atlantic waa delightful and •ome American champafrne on hand.
very eonald-ruple drtay." With refer.
^.,*.^*,,.0. Aag- k-PuBewtog
tka' surance adjcktets arrived, when an In
Ibe WMther wa* beautIfuL QuHe a p«>r to fell and tou good to give away. ence to Crete. Lord Salisbury said there ]
to, twRitTtoor
— •—------our* ventory would be mada.
party of American gentlemen relumed Why -not icrape off the label. i
I* D<i vise for the power* to attempt , r,,.-sey m. T*-i»cd»T FUc Iritaaassd .Uion the aame atearoer with me. and there bottle In the ilh er Ice-cooler and palm
- r. V nable
TV PeFfleae Mannfactdring Co.,
____ „. ___ .-Sreatoomi
* fully «
off,on Butler’
tbe more Important controversy 1
Qiiablf to Kt*t aetiltfment with
To think
voyage. - ------ ------VIWU tu the department of wale'and
the iiOTnmoe pompaniea. conclud
Tved with
Crete seemed to b* favorable
bare completely wound up my cornec- bottle If imitation ehampagi
> play agreefr..-nl so far as the ChrlMUns were Sbovem^roUovid
Sowi4trildW.d by fair wtotbw toal :W: ed to sell the entire stock at auc aabtoSaelngToeClIps Qaat lose your ^
tloo with the diplomatic aerxlee.
I ^h» jiart ,j1 the dry Vi-ruenay. and concerned, but the two creeds weiv no
I^bt bonkerlr ri.ris For WtoXioria
canaot expre** any view* on th- pre*- Chamhertin trembled In hi* hcoi* «,r. neaxT than they bad been for many -Fair westbsr. rsc dad by sboweis la ax- tion, which took plaoe
Mr. Host at Oto UmSL Oripw niekto' tip*, put •a.
cnl political altuaUan because I liave fear Boiler -a-puld discover the trick and eeniuriea
reme mtut^ purMou: motor u aoBthera and jB9<; in Detroit.
rathstotwa 'ortlonsi fight nortbatotorly tended the sale and bought a large
Been alwent from the United Stale* an reaesi It. H*pplly.-h' wei-er. Georgt dt<l
Would BeqaleeaBto DItok.
riaM FOr Iowa—UenwwUr trir.
■' ioes that t could not expreaa any vlmra not complain. He feund fault with
The only soIutioB." be M‘d. "Beem*
portion-, of the slock si lees than
of value."
the terrapin, which did not contain to dig a d'llrh arror* the island with raaibw: narthertj wtnda. ____
oO cents on tbe dollar. Gooda are
sherry wine »nfllcl»nl for ee*n>nlng; the ChrtocUas on onq^ade nnd the MotFsllai* of a Cyvto Oanpsay.
not badly damagt-d. In order to
Although the Michigan r
sent fer mere eberry. h*d It healed, and lem* on the .uher, 'Our earnest object
Port tVayne. Ind.. Aug. 3.—The Ran close them qnickly, we will sell
groa have left u«. there ai
added to the slew, and fatlhfully drained U to anang* what hae b^-n promlaed.
t^ ely- Ol4
the so-called dry Veraenay. He ordered UMng car* to be Jnal to both itoctlona. dall Cycle cbmrarry weM Into the hand* them off at leas than half price.
her* of the Michigan <
another Havana rigar, and to ihe otter We are not Incltned to admit merely of a trustee yetleiday. Slow collections ThegotKia were bonRht for s|>ot
and thr drop to thr price of wheeto wa*
beoanae (he kloaeulmana are In (he ml- the cause. The comi-wny owe* fifteen ash, and in order to get onr
cxMuUve depurimenu of t
ntrity that ihetr totereri* are to be msBufacturur* about 11,300. Aaseu ar*
aoney back quickly will gtve
neglected." Lord Sallibgry aald ha ful about the tame. _____ _
*ek nwoik WHk Ato
«ople of Traverse City the benely agreed with Lord Kimberly that
"Great HfavenV mid Jchh Chamber- Crete wa* to a dangerous poaluAn. Tty
Flash Tor* tosa BU Ught
it Sale will open Saturday. Aug.
element cf ytange*. however, did not
Hatley. Wl*.. Aug- ».-C. .A. Nye. 7. Ev€rv«»e invited to call and pHoe Merchant Tailoring.
artae. he Instated, because the Iriamd while working around the pUM
* uuar- wa* mixed up to the affairs of the Otto
1 bargain.
Inmbla. and Alexander Grant, riiiri i
^ anybody and everybody, an
and the man empire, but rather from the lerrirterk of the railway mall service. They
op a 110 bUl be
ble dlytalon among the
machine could be atevped had a atrip
-have very impartant puulUona. all of {to my place t< eper.d It. I was. of courte.
of fleah tom down cm bit forMra (our
them, and *-!Jl. during the next few , obliged to charge Mm H for the imltaInche* long.
weekr give.us *om* Information .eonv| tien <hampa.tn> or he would bar* deeerning the parOcular branrheu of gccv- i tested the trirk and shoRed me like a
enuncnl work to which they are en- ptrk(x>cket. '1 bad fully made up my
gaged that will undoubtedly prove to- jplnd to kubmit tc the loe* and chare* Beat Bisk Tune Ur- Oalacto the KlM- VuttMT Of OongrMMnan Dlngluy XHqd
tCTMUng «n<] vslual'le
| H o|. tc the Icnr-rtanding icccum bedjk*. 1* 0.tod Advise.
eccenirtc ii',Vg a^lnsran’nnrxiwrted rc toil, and ! Tacoma. Wash.. Aug. k-The ateamer
lamp Clark, 1
Lowistos. Maine. Aug. 3 —K^n
n. in toover- 0,1, fct-couBied to Builer’a lordlioe** to Queen, which an Ived from Alaska yeaindent..point- ; ordering hi* frugal rtpait. Three dqj- terday. brought w-nrd that the mounted . uingiuy. lamer 01 vc
noribwest territory are 'j Dinglay. Jr.. ^Uad at bU bom# bar* toloOhe area
In fponl
the •pauker's larr for the l-rrapin, H for the wina.and | poUee of
ind aald: There
you see the so cent* for tw.i cigar* made thr Wt1 BtoeUng all i»e-i|Ae
ilAe bou'
bouvl for the Tukoo jday, aged M yanr*. Uiadsatb was doe
k. anf
----Dnkm «tree o.t
heavy weight and the light
t’M. and 1 returned him tt-W chart**.
„ u,, BHtlah line beyond to a awoke of paralyria. Dlaglay
e standing together.
this house
B'lOi of He gave thr waller O and rirodr out cf
Jureau tmaaoa. and cora- In Tumarkable bealtb Friday nlgbi
them come from ^Igan. a
* - the
esubMMiment wUh a pricrely air
,,| ,-hn have not a yevtf-a aupan A»tor
tbrtn are very gu*> “v®"‘A® that w..uld hgve drr.e ctvdit
proTlsloDs to retom to the coast. wbaa he waa stricken vritk pnraly^
ja a forceful f^w. and the little man
a y*rdertdlt. I Have often fdl wry pi,
oi the fortune seeker* who He Milled from tbe flrat attack and
I* pnseessed W more than ordinary guilty aixml IL" coaoluded Chxmberiln.
Taroma and tbe soi ad within •Mond awoke followed. CodgreMou
"hut I was in a dilemma from wbltb I
week* for Dyaa or
A. T. JtobnaoD. Hsuth Side 6boe Store. 40* Unkm SWueL
could not extricate mysrlf without a
had ctoaa«l the passes Into Dingley and otlmr relaUraa ware
PpmUlma sad UtoMh.
possible ecane. and nrver dared tell the
xplorlor when the Queen left Dy«a. monad borne Buoday Dingley v
Looking to tbr direction potnled
story for fenr It would reac h hts ear*,
jj .
enruful nnd aueeeaafnl batinea*
SpaAOlnc of Uonrm. who U prubaUy To compromise with my conmlenct 1 ,
Alfred Kummer. of Oakland, most of bli Istereato being In Auburn.
pay. to look at (be elegant line. U. A Ulbba. in Bllto bicycle abop. 311 I
' Cal, went sail
tbe heavy weight •of the' bouse, al gave away that to to charily."
t Skkguay and r
He baa served bTlhe aUte senate.
Mights iHtoal la Bevelrr.
1 po^, ,h„ he
though ha la hot
twit qu
quite as large
«rife died twenty years ago.
ha Tom Reed, who ocrupk* the
'Ir tboee day* Chamtwrlto's idaee was there that It would rent
er's-rhalr. and hence Is not upon the on New Torti aver.oe. In Ihe bouse now their supplies weighing tefi* pound*,
too J. AMontagne. mFrcmiSL
n«»r of tbr house durtng It* re*alon. occurred by Ibe Young Men's ChrUUan carried over Uie tiasM. Kununer and
^ Oamp At Oeabnl Lake.
Tbe Wile man referred to wa* CUn- artv-ciatlua- Billy Copeland. Dorn Plan. CapUin Carroll, of the steaiAer. warned
W. D. Lyon. Bay Thseker asfl Boy
•1 W. Smith of PooUae. Phil Sheridan. General Sherman. Sam every one not to attempt to enter the
ally <
Hr. Spaldingr to full!
tall (Uhl trarCud the men of that callbr*. Yukon country befnr* next eprtng. n>e Thompson will ride to Centowl Lake
lem II
probably vetgb*
man tobwunda.
names have become hUtorlc. used captain mt» that not gven IbOM who tbia morning on tbMr Weyelea. They ua. Bwy pound fall wrigbt and gaamntMri to kill t^um. 8 & Wait, DrugHr. Smith I* no raor* than
*■'— 6* fret tall..........................
meet there.........
and spend
the nlghu to are iww at Bkaguay mr Drm wai
‘ *rtu go Into camp there for aboot two
e Interior this vrtoter.
and probably never weighed more ilian
<,f »ueh fraternity a* can only ahlc to reach
I,; weeks and have a good Ume guMmlly.
UO pounds to hi* life. Whether or not
uoderrto<.d and apprertaied by men principally bee*
tbn are the brovy weight an.1 light „,m,
johe Chambertls waa to gntten over the
Thaatrical Vhtaa.
emlght. they ar* certainly tbe Img and ^1* i>riroe. and tie man ever left hla por- j
abort of tbe Michigan delegation.
uU without feeling lhal be had been 1
is a vurbatlm eritletss of
"1 hkve bad as many piutoiBcM to ,
»uh royalty, and be himself ^
i the imrfor
> of "Macbeth*'
by W.
nn iD my dlrtriel as any member of the "*ver>' invb a king
‘ Buabnell has ln*trocted the attorney w punor
Has Your
At bur
Soda Fountain
Cycle OinersLookHere!
s£':S':n,‘2R«Ksr.si;"^ .'s
■“o-uj.T'.Y.iissrftislsi, ^'5
Suits to Order.
Butter, First Clas.s
Boys’ Blouses
Great Cut in Bicycles
Accidents Impossible
Green that will kill Bugs
Cyclists, Look Here!
Soda Water
MieWgaJ delegattoa." roW Congre«mao Mealcb. "and yet 1 have bad Jem
irouble with them than any ^ber of
eongrra. who haa had portol^caae,
toaetue 1 do not give any utWconaUeration unUI the vacancies occuf, I
think them to the beat plan, for H I
should make
rhaps m
■ that do not fall due. perhaps
weal.hrWn who f~*ra' to
J™” Vurbl^iS
to Washtogton recently as * aeeafor acme man:»*
prtval. aecretary who. wa* espeeUWt
of th^ oflStoT^Uro^n
id *rhemen
to„iu,r with the cranks and
echemeip peTtWmanee 01 «neir omciai ouuro in
o hto
prevent the lyarhtog of tbe
of *11 aorta aaym frankly oBumeDoa_________
. vii.,.k-11
B the part <
1 rtbemrrs of all clam
Hrretofore be ala-aj-a was canridervd qifiie reapwee to oemMc
' rorapeunt to take care of hit own bust- . pe«pl*
the staie^
a magrjflcent fortune l>5m.Utloi. , his own Judgment: i*ui ever ahee be
■ cane to Wa*lngtt>n a* a senator bf
baa fell thal he needed a protect, r. An.
-T *tv* the uffle* to tbe teoleutanC other one uf the new ser.ili.rs feels that
• Wbr. receives thr suptK>n af the greuter h* roust have a reUtorr al*ui him all
number of IlcpublUar. patr,;ni of Ihe the time wbo *111 anticipate bU every
.'afflot. and dc rot let thr recommends- ; want.
_ v
He want# a man wbo will hr
of ....
the _____
county f,_________________
enre me to any way. excepting when hi* ' stooee and Htpper* to hHn. put
rocommrndatloD cotnetde* with th* coal for him. anticipate what he ahonld
wlstae* uf itM majority o( the Republic- I have for Areuktast and have it ah
ativriy rwill not ; order*
r place. I pcstlvrly
ordered for btm. and have hi*
d to my die
jrtiltag poetofllce cases, la. fact,
(be grunt man awakea; and y« only a
I hav* had
elartloosbeb very oborti tWi* ago thU game amwior
1 tktok they only tend to distort) used to biaek hla own baou ahoTe himdm bariMsir of tbe jiarty. in ray opin
ion: the people of (be Cieveoib dtotrtet
have to withdraw a rec
aner It had been mad*.
thaocnatoon being the touwall parformanM of H
of Lady Mnebeth. Brooklyn. M. T .
Octobig. 1«».
"I have seen a youngXaetor of aleoout
The Best Candies
MeLellan A Aab. ew. Front and Park, and r.
Ice Creaip Freezers irs"
Front 8t.. adjoining McMataaru'e eboe etora.
powm to oomptotely dumlnata tbe aool
of tbe epaetator*. to sway hla ambUana,
to transport him ont of bimaeM. '
geatoro, in ntteronMvin
aaeCtiB evary waei
n and by-play be 1
I tbe nbeolute master before wl^om one
and rvcpected i**ldent ol
] eounty. shot and
»“• •<>“ J'
gj yesterday, to a quarrel
,ijb, to use a certain pa
and llM praatrate. B to Macbeth U the
nm *iruck hi* tother. Tbr
aurMndervd himself
the au- ^ aunngeat portrayal of th* pvt that-1
thorttlea. and aakJ he merited
^; utuiiuem,
d pOnL.- hnv* anna for tbl^ yenr*.'
I mrot aa he had eommiued a terrible
Iba above to from the pen of an
•arineat uriUc. and ia well deaemd.
In tan-'performaacee (0 be gtrea In
Btatsbeig'e Grand Opera hpnae August
brieki to be *bo< at wfia », 10 aad n. (beau aentiaMBH wUl ba
aedfientnOy Miot and k&ied by Jamaa lupeated by thaae who onJoy the artieTriekic. proprtefb* of tha Wtoatow hotqL :«k woi* od Mr. Bart aad Ue axeeneai
n» mooting uronrraa at a r*ca ttMk
ten mile# w«« ef Ible ritg.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Have You Seen Finch?
wbael adjnatad fw »a
Angus McColl i
lOc a Gallon
10 per cent
Friadrich Block.
Holdesrortb Block. Union, etrert.
and Bead honea a opowaH^Margun*a livery Barn. '
X Oarraw, an Bay aUMt.
. prleaatbaMeatlKBastrmtet. A. & Frysnaa.
>, flnt doer east ef poetoffloa
THS ii-uBimra AMQioBb. ymww»nAY, AUGtrsr 4. isvr.
DMiaton Upon Which Hang* a
Croat Many Othor Caaaa.
VO ivDEjnnTr to oo to illhoib
r^mrnttAtm «r A>ta«eda
>. (te LMd OAM-av^ U b IM
Whtoh U. OMlMa U —«■ B.yail
•r tk. rabUe l>aW a>4 Mte W
Wartklratoo. AMf. I-C«
V of tbe pmeral land of&c*. ba*
decldw] adtcmlr to the dalra of Chaupalco louw. '111*., ai (tatitee ct tbc
auif It the cUlm of nilhob for IndeamtfleailoB or refoyrntni of purchase ucbey rredtred by the s^verwiBem frMo the
ml* of cwrutt Unde between Uia^ and
daJued b> the Mate u> bare taured
to It a* Mtamp
Is a Iona-pendlny*c9t>trovir^ betwsen
the federal sitd »uir covrmueMs. and
three ailferent rsamlaailoas have faaeti
maOe la the field by varloas apMUl
aaetta. and in dir.ereot yean wueau
bare been made cf other lands Ukewlae
'tavolved. The cTtmUal derhtoB is a
' lencthy reeapltuUU^ o« the svldeiwc
and ihr !•». a» this Is a test caaelevolrInf ISO other WmtUr rtalma new pendInc here. CommUaloher Hermann dteldee the Unds ODt y> bare been
vltble the meantnc ofr the crant. for
these reaeone^
Why ite Lasds Aie IlM awbap.
First, the t-vldmoe as s whole la In■jfflciMit to. Mio* swamp> efcarseter;
second, the oilclnal fleld
cf surrey
dM>rove ibe stated rlcJm t - S tfflna' lively show the lands to be acrleulturfwampy; third. elalt:.i.al'e teeU.I defective, bartnc beer material
ly Aancrd. w hile the kno.wledce of rriteeiree Is unmisble and tr ttly from
beartay; fourth, the suu basrvcocnlaed
the vsUdUy and resularlty of the covemmenl raire of three lands when II ac-
Individual setllerw and ciUaetin ot mismU thirty years before the ooaaty
acenu claimed the lands aa swamp, and
r of the UInc presented thirty yeare after the
attotwro «w«m «Bd u*
Ilia* «(«M 0*n«d BUM mpruM ocwt
and tbr coort ot cUtma
n* v«r HafCaalc VTm rF—K o4t.
WajtUBrw. A««. a.—IxnU SCaeCnalc. af K<bnfkB. haa bMn ^:.rc•d cat
*f W» pflJc* M ctikf rter* of the **t1rulniral «ctuniD«at. aUhoacfa hU offlu
protretad bj- tb* civll-»ervjc» commMca. Tbr wa# SacivUry WUaoD ae>
conpiMMl ibi« VM aimplr by civtiu
aU of MaeCualjr’* work to aaother. lAleI tooB Urad MacCoU* and be re-
Makaa Its Appaaranea in tha
* Strika of tha Coal Minara.
saatUa lyaewsd and a Bis MweOws ■«
-Daia« asa Made at Ds Anwlfs ISsa
tVwWUs Brewliv Is WsM Ticsiwto. V
~Bstlas of EMettaiH ^ atrUcses.
pliubord. Au«. A—WhaiuverJh* tm-
fuUsat capaUty. and meiw than tOO oata f.ar.pBUbu.
of eoal v ers ahippsd north over this
line. Twe n mines were advertised
anorMye at Law.
for last nlfbt. but what action was
decided Upor U not known. The mbius
, all neem weft sattsAsd and thcoperators
' are firmly of the oplaioo that their men
BrS/A'£5S CAitDS.
cannot be Induced .tn quit worA
Att«->er aad Csc
WtoceilDB. H'. Va.. Au#. A—Bflotts of a M. Mown.
the orymnUeih to repair the biwaka In
the nrtke U Uls Tnuelliid district have**”..
. ..
tailed, lb afMItlen to tbe Hoa'a Ron ITTF A. DCak. Aiwfchan aai owpariaaaodaoi.
..................... oe was W » yrtsdrtah Bioea
M«>| *«„.., Mask. City
^--------------- I ly-.Si, iS2S;»TiS,7: SijETO
erated: It all the mlnu eaee^ BoATa ■
Bun the mlnera are divided, about half i w** •W'b. pwmeSt
rrmalelw out. -Tbe orfanlaeia luw n
the creat masa meetlnt B * P*wa»M*2 ftSSi **“**^- uSaS**^
•t the Mai Ooi
ClereUhA Au*.' l-Profeetor Henry “"J"***
5 ' Pr*al*«i‘ Mahon will make the i.rinW. Eailott has written a scatblnc l«i«r
^ In. this dlswrlet.^ liA»1Advices from Fairmont
to The Plain Dealer rrcartinc Lord
ton^dare the
curksbnt» are to the effect that
Ballabury-. wral confrreh«^p^emint- i
“*• J**!
IW one a few days a«o to Aulsunt BeeOovemot HasOnce fully con- Rea is confident thi
»«sn-of Bute Day. ffc „y,: “in the i
•**•***« “•”^ I with the crldeni purpoee cf bavins tbs
•Ml «•» ef TroabW la DliBola
^! soa^nor
prepared ^(or any emrrfcccy
appaai* an c
O'- LeulA Au*. A—A apeclal from
of the fur aeal cehtsreacv which Lordl ““• ^ irlse In the
•* Odin.. 111a. to The Republle aaya: On*
SallsLury haa finally, at thertir*eni per-;‘“"T"
^ fovemor baa been ao hgBdred atrfkln* mloeta from Breeea.
aonal appaai of John Hay. auihortxafi. j Imprassed wltb the itravtty o'fthe caas: o'Pallon. TTanion. and BellevUle, in1 piotect afwlnst this studied attempt! that fte hat InstruMed tbe adjutant *en-. vaded tbis town again yeaterday and
to decelve'the people as to tbe scope sr.d sral to mnsfn In his office all night, i several hundred more arc expected torxtrat of that conference, and the In- awwltlng any yeoutsltlon that piay be dAF
theCentraUa.8orTento, Mento,
fereuce which may be dmem. that It la nude
made on him for irocna.
irocpa. The only aur-1
to be ot the Wlgbtcst gain to the Autrl..
ancamped near the northwest city UrnCM cam
premutlon U the
j|,r,bal Murray having notified
“In tbe firm place, wr ha'-e had the
*“ '»««'•' Proeessico rf minu,,y
^ camp within
corporate llnea Mayor Farthing
oOclal and eirt refusal of Lord Balls-' •" a*”* citlsepa headed by Burgess
bury to y«pm ihla ami qutsUon In any : Tsata of TurUe Crtek. marched through baa depotlaed forty cltUena. white and
wray affecting existing ru1« and regula- i ‘he streets of the borough Usi night and colored, to act as marshals. They are
Dons as eotaliUshrd by the Parts tri-, back again to “fJamp DetermlnaUm." , armed with revolverw. heavy cluba Md
bunal In im. This refusal eras made where a meeting was held and tbe bur- "«>»
dlapUy formidable Icmklng
> induce
April n last, and rot a thing bat taken
place since w blch has altered Sallsbary'a
stand. Foaterta trip to Loedrn only
■trenglbened' tbe British premler’shand HeCTva's school bouse yeeterday was m . The mlae. here am being epcratwl by a
ftlU force of men.
Now, wbai la the warrant for this er- vIMation of the Mint's prorlamallon.
story of what the fur teal eon■ertlsaat MeCMVarkuiol Haww.
CmMbT Ort Tbeas hseh So Wort
ftrence Is to compasa at WaMilutob
At l:Se thla morning ex-SheriS Richfit. Louis. Aug. A—A great effort eras
next October*
arda in chargr of the sixty deptitlwat made yesterday morning to stampede
“fiimiriy thla and nothing more: John Turtle Creek, took them all from that
, -h,,
miners back to work at
Hay, to farewk the force of Poateffa' place to rium Creek. Whfrv It Is rxpe.
“ •• “ -xpect- .
around Bellertlle. lUa.. but U was a
ed thv strikers will make an attempt
„ tbe
" “ i dismal failure. Af __
all of
prevant the miners frr-m going to srork. tosm and seremi In other
May 10. begged Sallabury to let tbe It Is announced that tl De Annit c—
BmUbraturwUits wiw bare been tiudy- parr rracllcaay adnuu that the Tor-.
tdack amoke poor
Ing the aeals on mir Itlandi since IStl tie Creek mines cannot he operated at, «arkA whUllea were blown long and
meet our nstnrwilsu atTTaahlngton next present and_ has d««ldt^ to clt*- them , |o„d_ tut the ruae did not wort, 'for
tall and compare tbelr Wologleal noiat down. The inasa-meeUiig of mihen nt i gg|y dx out of the several hundred
as to these animals, all reference to the tbe klcCrcs schroi bouse yesterday waa' futkers Uring about went down into
revtMon « tbe existing regulatlsns 10 the greateet during the eirtke. and probbusrjls ot tbg sartb to dig.
xpresMyltarTed tram tbe dutusulcn.
gathering of the kind
Bansbury ba| permined this: tbat.la all
missis Dssrsy KMke b ■stUed.
Id Allegheny rouriy. Mors
of It: and It Is Mmply nothing for the than AMO Striking mlnera were gathered
Chlesgo. Aug. A—A meetia* <tt the
American case, and a* to ac agreement for an sUl-day aesslon. and labor leaders trectors
of the Western Stone cornaddremed them in variout tongwea while 1
held yesterday afternoon and
likely. Judging from the wrprk 0
MBUHously decldsd to grant
J “
T« M^MAti.
r womxm.c.
TUTAklk X- aOBTOlC. H. D.. PhyslclM and
JXL aargsos hsalsmiii Is Trsesies OHy.
Tit& •g :
T •ciselsBstI
|^1S3‘i5S?1u3i.r .u r—
^how Ton’ Vaysa. Detroit. Chtrage aad
Chicago -M
West 3Iichigan
a. a-!». Mia, a.
wick ot a locratrte and eleeaUsg bMate.
T70B 8ALk-Uy rasl
X nmajl payaest
, XV .
**«" *
r rewarC by toartax at
...... rrM...rt.rtrt.
Lv RU-Aaptda. ... <44*41. II »* S. IWSA.
Ar.Trsrtfse OHy. TMa.a-tt Me. s. 4 Hr.a.
CTClljOCg WOOD FOR aAlg-«lB^ tosd
doable losd 4D eas's.
0"5-.J 10 Mra. BUUaga. auusg* OetU^
W*S£;ia ■
unsKi lUHnninai LI
T* take esaat Basday, Jaa* ». ur.
British last seaioB.
»l- the men bad d
“CkllUng in RusMan and Japanese
companlea followed tbe leml of the
agents to this InfcTTnal eoctference will
■ great enl
Western fitooe company, and tbe mss
net hsve tbe slighiest effect obc way or
ourd ahakli
shaking hands, qtioutliig sriu return to work today.
U«r the Pnbue Dehccwnwacy, the other or. the nand wh^h the Brtlembracing each other. The
I agenu may Uke and have lakto. crowd that had gaibered was ao much
,uds controls this matter absolutely: larger than tbe men bad anticipated
A—Captain General
Washlniton. Aus- l.-The tnorthly
she 'has aa uantnnily easy task, ns that they were w ild w ith Joy and drunk- tVivUr
atatemetit of the pu.silc debLUeued yt
tVevUr baa
bat algned
tlgned an
im order
erder expelling
ihlngv are now dlrecled on our side; she
from Cuba Eduardo Oarvla and Oecrge
terday. show s that the' debt less cash
' again -ekln Fester nt clean aa tbc
Bryson. corrsm».n<ieDts of New
PeellM* Wm Owe ofTr nmph.
Ibe treasury at the c»ae of bualni
did at Parts ir isu."
Among tbe speakers eras Ura. M. O. Tork n*w^|>era
on July 31. was r.«3.44C.«A an Increase
enea a Cbicwgr female Ul-or aglutor.
dortne the memtb ot H.7M.MD. which
There was m, rumor tn the camp that
Is SKCDuntcd for by a eomspondlm
Sheriff Lowrey would appear wttb.dep- DatalB *1 tbe IksMb TTosgbt s4 KsOm^
KlwBsplMer Plsds WblUeBspos L
..JIsIsUSTRATEDand force Ibe meeting to disperse,
. all's Home Nom^Jmw Illw
t waa evidently unfounded. The
irquette. Mich.. Au*. A-lf Ihtnga
Ills, Au*. A—Reports
^Mled by tbe eyclooe
turn out as Intended partlee here hope ^h.s were not of an Inflammaiory I
that Marquette may have a Klondyfce
,Friday night ahow that be extent of
Vjr ti3e.ei0. The deW Is
as follows:
Intereat besrlnc debt. right at borne. This spring n DOne ex 7hatToriVcm7-BteJ min"wereat‘4l^rti t«"llory tPtv^rwd wxa conslderahla.
CUt.SCo.UD. debt on which Interest has plorer named Jamre Wllklnaoa loeated yesterday in tbe Plum Creek mlnn but the stonn did not strike other
rreased since msturlty tl.tWMO: debt a lead half a mile southwest of Ki
whUe hnty two or three were In the home* than that of H. C. McDowell.
.. -bearins no Interest. jm7.7D.1U: total Menard. Rr has obtained an option on Bandy Creek mire. The pvllcy of lb< ' star Gan Jose, where six persons wen
tldK.4G.lP2. The caah Is cUwlfled as the pieces of property which It cn>
mlnen is to form ramps at thew mines
outright. Mvbowell was superfollowi: Ciold, im.MkTT?: silver. tUL- snd efforts.art- now being made toi
as well aa at Oak Hill and maintain ria„r of Malone townablp He waa
TM.lV: paper,/tlO.US.m; bonda dls- a company to work tbe find. The lead large paKles-pn guard. Presideot Do-1 found daad near the ruins of his bouse,
----- IIY-----burslns ufflceiw' balancsa. eU. BILTU.- Is forty feci wide where H cumaa to the tan announced that be could ggt Und ' close to bim Us nephew. H. E. MctU; total t»«;.«ei.»32.
Burface. and conttnues for a long dls- from private parH^ on which to pilch-; Oowall. Uy on bto back Ilfeleaa. Mra
monthly comparative sute- tanov.
bis eamra Tbe feeling In the camp waa «um Brownlee wns nllve when found
meot of ibt- sov
i reeelpuI iand
It U near the old Jnllen Case proper one erf trtampb. Ihe miner* claim that gta Uagered one hour. One of Mrs.
.... .
t for July’ abows the total ty—about s quarter of a mile from It— they are on the high road to succcn. and urownlee a daughlrt* was found dmd
receipts to have been ttS.CC7.SM. and aod.Wilklnsoo thlnka that what be has the enthusiasm wa* at levw beat. J. T near tbe house Ahotber daughter was
the dlsbursemenu tM.lW.SOt. Uatlni discovered Is tbe main lend, ot which McCoy. B promincin member of tbe found dead next morning in n oomfield
the excess of exi>endltures ev*r receipts tbsjead on the Case land was a tewnch. typcgrnpblcal union, egtendtd the vm-.i.geu fset awsy. Another of bsr cbllAT Igo r. M.. AMD
tU.07I,&M. ThU deflcll U accounted for Assay tests have been made of the rock palby and financUl support of tb* gi«B had both lags farokna: still anotbsr
by abnormally heavy ezpendlturea In- taken right <rff the surface of tke Wll- prtntera of the tnuatrr.
: noth arms and both legs brokssi.
Thursday, Aug. S
cMent to tbe l•rfnnnlnd ^ the new flaea) kmsoB lend. These show that it runs
) Mjas Jsssle Orovus was killed tastanTCrtsis b ksw M Head.
year. As corr.|>ared wlQi Jane tbe re- »t0.tS to the ton In gold, srttb. gllver and
Each camp In the besteged district will ly. Cbartas McDowell, aged II. ,irU:
neipu were Increased tX.lllCM. and the ooppsr showing^__________
be kept constantly fupidled srtih guarda probably die from hts laJurtcA Mrs.
dUtIursemeots. t37.lM.2ll. Durinr last
HMdquartrrx. as beretofere. will be McDowell escaped with slight lajurte*
moetb the receluu from custoraa
“Camp Determination.'' at Turtle CiyeA Jand Miss McDowell will recover. A mlt- Subjects:----amoantid to tlS.MC.k0i. an inereaac as
Tbe force of deputies was kept busy.ibmder tn McDowell's yard was tlAsd
compared «7th July, ISSt. ot about t&“The Awakened Woman.”
Eewry move was watched and trouble and set down ball a mil* away. John
MadSO. The Internal reeenue duflne —Boston
seemed to be In the air. Tbe oondlUoc McDowell's barn was lifted bodily wltb
“Our Girli"
July last yielded tis.7<7.m aa compand game! Bmon •. Washington I:
can bt said to be erltloal. Both Mdes xlx taors^ wad set down almost unlnelnanii—Piiteburg A Clnetnast] •:
with tl4.S«.«: for July. 18SC
‘ Flowers and their Rela
Tbe monthly siaiemaet ot the comp- DoutsMUe—Cleveland A LouMviUe i: ai feel thst Utere Is a ertsU near at band jured. The horses were not hurt. Three
ttollrr ot the currency sbowa that the Baltimore-Phlladelphla A Baltimore 4: Tbe offlcUlrof the New Tork snd aeve-"borsea, sixteen sheep and thirty bog*
tions to Human Life.”
Brooklyn-New Tork *. Brooklyn 8. land Oss Ccal eqmpany gave out the that were In John McDowell's barntotal circulation ot national bairic notss
----10, statement last night that their forces yard were killed. Ablgsasmfrastrecsras
on July n. 1SS7. was t2S0.TS)I.SM. an
were Increased U Turtlr Creek mine*, j found on the dairy farm ot John Oerdea
ciaaae as compared with July O. USl
TVestrtn League: At DetrtfU —Mil- and that mere men were at work In tbe There Is no sassafms In tbs Umber
erf t4.sic.4tl. —
and -_______
a decrease—as_____
piisd with Jniie ». UT. of »sr.l*0. The I wauUee A Detroit U; (second gaasel Plum Creek min* than there has been anywhere In the vtclnlty.
circulation based rm United SUtes 1 Milwaukee 1. Detroit 3; at Orwnd Rap- gnee tbe campaign agnlnst Ibe company have bsen.carrtsd a loag dlstaaca.
- ' ids-MinneapoUs 4. Orand Rapldt I: at SUrt' •
iBcrease for
bonds was ASC.4M.M*.
Indlwnapolti — St. Paul A IndianapoEvtcnoha TO baoh* book.
For twenty-foar days last winter tbe
Westen Asaoctatton:
At Qulnep— Waet Tiegtaht ttrttaeeOet Kettrs-Mahna temporxture In tbe Klondyke wa* M
Burlington 4. Quincy 1: nt Peorta—
OsAm the rt^Miy CWart."
) mlnue.'
cedar Bapida lA Peorta «: at Dee
OrxRon. if. Vs.. Aug. A—Notka ba* \ A Bronson (Mich.) man baa a fit tie*
Vorthfn ttfiUgftn List
•si Pisgeni Fan • Oeemss
MoliMs-gt. Joseph A Das HMaes 4; at bsen aerved by Superlnlendeot A. P.! with a good crop of fig* 00 It. which
Boekford—Dubuque 11. Rackfotd lA
(Mwdreke. of the Flemlagton mines, to
Washingtem. An^. A-Tbe ireasuryde.
_ nsn Diskii xiiiTmiirsi
every ctrlUn* miner tn the region oc- I No*
with the
garimenl has turned over to the Mate
g-rtn^Md. UU. Au* A-Tbrm ha- cupytng the company* bouaes. to va- >“»• th*‘ ih*" »« bushel# of gedd In STEAMER “PETOSKEY.*
department tor delivery to Chrtatopbet ay^„e„bers of the Seventh reglmenA
the property Immediately.
px- the Wicblla mountains. Oklabenia.
Bchmldi through the German etnbaMr
q.. tag trouble with oltlsens. The
Mrs. Margaret Letong baa lust ar
cltemenl run* high kmong tb* mlnris,
the sum of lAWiO as full Inderolty to goldlcn bad about thirty kegs of beer In a* tbr notice says their goods will be rived at fia'E Francisco, bavtng made
Alim tor Injuries susulncd In UK from I« lot tn the rear of tbe Retech brewery, thrown Into tbe etreet If they are not (be trip frok Cbtcaga on her wheel.
• •Os ■;
a rule shot fired by Dnlied SUtes Ml- A iwoveat guard of alaty men was sent out within n spaetfied Urn*. An at
An immena* swans of graesbopp
dlerw Schmidt was pamlng along thf , out «. bring them Into Camp Uacol^ tempt wUPbe made to operate tb* miDM passed orsr Manlstaa. Mlcb, taktag
K»ut two boars tor tbelr paesagw
with non-union men.
Tbe t.year-^d dsagbter oTHr. Both*
ooora aocTM.
proetrated by lb* beat
« Vlroqua; WlA, wbU* attbMr rtftle range and was SUnMt by
ran. Then there waa a gsnecal mtx-up Montgomery. iwabty-flve mile* eaat of »en>P«lo* W tMlow geeae Into a ataailow
«o»a eoriB
gtrmy tnillsl.
between soldlera and citueaa One ciu- b«i* yesterday. Ttast* ws(e thirty-two,
He was a subject ot Oennxny. but
s art InvesUwhen the appropriation was laadt for seo bad a bayonet run Into bis eye and dclogBtc* present, end twenty mins* 1 ‘The
retwesented- Tbe meeting was addressed, R
his cMlef congress expreaty refussd to tbe eye ball aeverely cut.
by W. D. Mahon, of Detroit, who I* to j of maU matter carrM aboard tb* graat
admit llsblllir m wefa oases mod made
g read: “Rsllef
of a subject of , Chicago. Aug. k — lAbor baa oom- charge of tb* work of organising mto- oeaan Msamshlps,
Oermaay. To pay. mri of hamane eon- metKcd a fight against non-nnlmi brick. ] are In WsM Virginia, aad othtsa. B*ao-1 Fanarrs Ja aouthwsstsni Ukbl^
«dc*aUim. without rafctanca to the After a certain nor date-oot yet fixed | inUons wen passed demanding a H- , estimate that tb* oats crop la that
check region
region this
this scaeoe
season wlU
qamIloB ef llabUlty tbarejor. to tbs —tb*
—the National-----------------Nattonal Bridntetr*' allMne* cent
cent rate
rale tor
tor digging
digging coal and a check
be> oae-toortb
and tbe Bulldln* »adea ooancIL backed wrighman on each tipple. An agree- Mm than last year,
\nvlxo AMore. n raaMent of Brute,
L. will refuse meat to quit work and remain Ml# till
by all
a seal* cf pricaa wa* agreed npon far. Wis, tfirew a sUek of cerdwt^ U a
k^^e I
-coal digger* of al tke sutss srae also' cow aad dlalocatsd bl* back. He Is Ig
t by payiiW.o
Referring to tb* Injunction toeued by
Mra Tamar, wife o( a farmer Uvlag
I* to Tbe Jadge Mason Mabon said he would pay t«s> snlle* sewtb ot HontMlo. Wla, hniig j
Topeka. Kan,Aag.k“^
/'for the
no attantloa to II He had bats ac•b* left a lattar nuung ah*
dolag to death by a mob «f thru* Italian
u UU
to,aubierte. 1 ha men ware Lotanao Be lad- „ -|. tl..
crop of corn wID n« b«^«t j „Hka# for tbe MM five yean. Be had
4 ma'm. jseSjmw^*
paid any_ -............
rflMeiUoci to..............
Arthur Daabar. of Holly. Mick, egad
end bad nsver baen artasted. ^Hc knaw u;
g^r toMog bl* life, as the
JaU at Hahnvtil*. Im. ibout a ymr ago' have wHbered tbe prod act.
bl* rtgbu a* aa Amerimn elDs^
ot a pracOBa) Jokw
smd lynched.
T —HIsWU* Ssra Darglar.
Mae riUM to'^
Green Bay. Wla. Aag. k-eteptaea 8.
Piompl medical bM saved •nsfiteamsrOovellM
Joyce, riertt of the dmm ceurt. shot hi* “■
tabi hr tAm.
H' bl* Ufa.
digest of official uplnluni and dertsleos w«e in tb. Uf. arm mlstaktog brt^ ^
eaiaiing to peaaion* and booniy land*, n burglar. She bad a eka* oaO trom
ruperviMon of tb* 1 death. tM MIU recover.
prepared under
nMMad In laftaelag tbe New To*k Gmttacn aasUlant seenrtary of the Interior,
wMb CamaacAsU.
and aetkm. No patty Jndg* mould ds- tml Labce
John W Reynelda has Just been isausd.
Mick.. Aag. k-Uei rklab prtvo Mm of tbe kbarty partbaaed tor
tl embraccalradieg dtcldoes on tbe mb- B.Momagoa.
1 mlMm bg tbe -Meod---------—
ef bJ* latbere.
aged a yean. cEanmfO*-----,-------------------.
Met* exlendlng from tb* organlaaikm ot rideCanes,
19 dflkktag enrboBn adid wbO* 4»- I. Buntlngtoe. W. Va„ Ang. k^Swr ^
aboatuig B. C
- k. Me bad a laig* temtly. who eolUerr on tb* Norfolk aad XTcatm
a so muse ter eaUidn. i rnflroad 1
inletltw departa*eaa as W40 aa «C the
caied by the coyemment.
Rotfay and Tnesdiy, lug. 24,
Itrtluni UcMgu
—TniisiiortitiOD Go.
ri3JSr.:i:i:EaS; **f s
.:'4Jfia,4 ,.k.c ^
iTAa* A ooos on.
—SaMl«> Could Hot PteM
tkito HIM Btclit, Bat BUolMa Wm
Xoi« BorUuuto -is That Bafaid.
Obm more tto Ocdtt dowaad tb«
ButUn Id » irood. dovly eosuMto
As far M Uto aod arron
aartMd yMtordi^ tto Uam* ^Ut eraa.
«M>h maktnc alma hlu aad
TIm bo7i froia SaltriUa.
e laoUar la Iniaehlarthalr hiu.
• Aftar tto tUrd laaiof aaithar alaa
got a aiaa aeron tto plate, althc^
■laood or thltd Hm. The fleldlag oa
boiA aidea waa oaiforijy elaaa aad
enlj oae error, aad ttot by
la the flimt iaalag, waa raapi
wte m rveovtfiBf MOaleatir *o Ba
aubM to i«b«lU ud fWUM bDilBaM
iB »tm»U w»j.'
Tha Dew Man of WUlUn B»bUv. te
Boarly eonpUtad and wOl to rtodp for
bulDMi with D oooplou uw Maek >7
tto firet ef acxt weak.
A. B. Baellmaatel ia reballdlng bU
large atcre and wiU reopen ito doora
early next
Mra. Eolmee bu tto foaedatioa laid
for a aew dwelllag aod will
boom again.
A. B. Boyar wtU hare hla !
market re^ for batlBem in a wary
abort Ume, the
d for rebaattag.
Daa Ttom tf alaofaaalamheroa tto
grooad for a aew etreetere.
K. B. Sargaat hu began to erect
aewboUdlng. whleh will eooa add to
the general pmperity of the plaee.
' WUl Oolemaa aad George Lake are
pnpariag to faU Into Uae aad among
otharn who will rebolld ara, Frank
IVlek. Jad Siaciair and T. B a^olair.
wbe Meh bare bill atefl ready for am.
The aaw mU! of Blloa A Ttaomaa wlU
etart again next Mcwday.
With them ImproTementa theee who
tore.eaffered will be girea employ
ment and eooa Lake Aaa will again be
a thrirlng baaiaem eaater.
Tto ^atUeat play of tba game
made la tto foortb ioBlag; Calut_waa
oa tblid aad TbompaoD' m drat
Tto^w atarted for aaeoad aad Boat
liaodttoballAoirntoAdama. (|alna
e OB tba ^ay. bot
•‘BuAiajr abot tto aphtta back to
''POMy*' aad caught Qalaa eaaUy.
Parto aad WUbala aiade a doabU
play la tto drat iaatag, ratllrlaf two
AM tVDIAB KBT WITH A BSBI■ men after two rnat had been aoored.
cxrg Aocanre x.abt bxobx.
oredited to Hall waa made
tn the alath Inaiag on Qniaa'a high dy.
Cto^ Bade a gnat ran to get it tot Thoaae Haayeto Bad Kia Bl^t
eeaUaH hold tto baU. It ooM aothlag.
Foot Bmaabad by a Train «<
bewem. aa tto
man waa retired.
B. * L Oapot-Tno Kaeb Wblebay
.Parka ia endited with aa error,
BTidaatly the|baBm,
wfaleb alwi oaat pothing.
There wae e aarlooe aoddant Ian
Oleaaee pl^ed a great game la eeater deld acmpling aU of Ida eta hard night that will d^«e oae ladlaa of
the maana of eaey
la totUag, Watkiaa, BnU aad time to
Laat Bight Jen aftar the U;S0 epatfal
Wtoeier led the BiMen with two Uia
train peUedovt of tto depot aa Indian
called Thomae Nanyaha wae diaoorered
For Maniatee. Gleaaoa Biade two aiaon. the tieek. near MeCoy'e potato
glea aad a doabla. aad Qalaa aad
ling in tke
• alagteeeaeh.
eretiatiag agoay. Be waa picked up
1 to Bodeed by tto Une-ap that
by ptoUee who were attracted to the
the HaaUera wen' aoaaewtot haadloapped by tto noB-arriral of BaUierford apol by bk erie* and borne to the depot
There it wm found that hie
and the abeeaee of Norotny.
right foot weeenuhed to a palp from
Jerome Wilbelai weat in and played
Toay*a beg for four Inainga. tot wai the ankle down. The lajared limb
^ naable to oobUboc. being in a weak' baeUly wrapped in cldlbi to etay tto
bleeding and Agent Murray of tbe G.
While la tto game, howerer. be played R. A I. DoUfied.
Mr. Mnrray waeoo band In a few
ttoh^ wall aad made, a pretty hit
when he came to bat in tto aecond mraenU and at onm aoagbt Dr.
After to retired Oo* pUyed tto por
tion .tatitteetorUy, aad alao made a
ftntbertord aad Toay wlU both be la
tto game today, and look oat for a hot
the time aad qould not be eeeured.
After eotae tiim hadelapmd Dr- Wllbelm wae brought. Be at once dreneed
the wound temporarUy. after admlnktaring marphlne to rellere the inunm
pain. Be prononaeed it
ipntata tto foot Tto InJared beare
sraa madeaa oonatortablc as poasible in
tto ooanw koum for tto might aad tto
; WiU ha made thk mamlag.
■nomas waa a membor of the PaahawbatowB Indian band, camping opon
tha abore of tto bay near tto depot aad
bad erldeoUy beea Indulging in' too
much firewater. It k
to waa about ta mas the tr*ek as the
train waa pa^ng. or ttot to had bean
oraipocoe by a dnudtea atupor aad eras
lying partially, upon the track. T%a
lajary k one of a terrible nature and
wUl 'eaum tto Indian ta lay up tor
some time aad ta becoaae a cripple tor
» made me folHaaiMee-a
In tto ftnt laaing Qalnn hit a litUe
alow one down the third ham Uae aad
beat it oat to firet:
Breton fielder^ ehoiee. whan Watty
threw Qnlan' oat at aeeond. G.eaaon
bit for a bam aad both to aad Bagnaa
aoored when Baaman hit for a bam.
TworaaaOne mme waa made by tto Oolta In
the eeeond. Fox hit for a baae. atole
amoad, aad aoored oa Tlbald'a alt.
Aaottorwaa made in tto third 00
------- - doable and Bayam' elagle.
Traeeme CIW •oond one in the diet
Haat get flxBt <m balla aad waa throwp,
oat at aaoond whea Watkiaa bU to Tltold. Wheeler made a Ut aad'waet to
third OB Magaaa’ throw onr Brpt baae
to eateh him, aad Watty tooted aaoth- Thowaads Oame To See tto (Rnua
er for tto Banlen ia tto third ob three
eaeeemire hltt by Watkiaa. HaU aad
There waa an Immaam oowd in the
dty yeatarday from all dlreetloaa. Tbe
Ato U ahoeld be auted ttot Bowta throng waa tha laegmt seen in tawa
hw raeemred hiacya.aad ampked
since the great Fourth.of-JnIy oeiebrafooAwvmA
tlon of a yoar ago. and tto attoadaooe
at tto sireua was racy torga. In the
aftmtaoa tto great tank srare Iliad
aad about two-thirds fuU last ai^t.
Tto.performameaa marltad tto la«a
patroaaga. Ttok
did a thririag baainam aad otbm Haas
profited in ^roportloB.
Ttore waa
Je.................... M A U
good ordw-^aU day. thanks to tha aspkamge of Chief of Police Beaala. Sher
0 a 0
iff SImpeoB aad their amlstaata. There
were a few drunks, howerer, moetly
Indians. Tba roads mUrtag tto city
ware^wded ta ttoir utmoat aaoaefty
aad as the day waa aa tdaal eireus day
and ererybody had a good tima.
1 s i
..... ......5 s
Ohioage Xarkat.
Chioigo. August I.-
Oompaay la Frecem Of OrgaalatiOB
Bara to Work Oold IDaea ta Alaafea-TBare Are Kany ifto'-Afe
WnUag tobe AUurad lBtoHardahl>.
L. E.<Hbbaheagafnd IrttoocgaaixatioB of aa extiailee etoek company
to be ealied tto Tierene aty A Alaaka
OoU MlniBg Co. Me baa beaa Tcry
tto amount ot Ute capital nock hue
aot been daeidad apoa. Ttoldcakto
perfect tto ocgaalmtioa. ttoe elect offieeca. alao tto aeUve werkete la the
gold field# to loeata elafma aad work
I. Ito ehaiw will he tlO each aad
will be pmmittad to bold aiore
than leo aharm. Mr. Gibba toe the
plan fonaulatad and a.
drawn, aad when the eompeay la organUedwUltaeoaeof tto party to go
Tbara hae beea a great deal of talk
r^ardlag tto gold dkeorertm in Aiaaka, but thk k tbe oaly
arganl^tloa yet prppoeed. though
there are aereral proailiMt cltlx»ai in
tto nty who are figt.riag upon meklag
tto attempt ta beeoaM rich (rum the
eldcndo Jeet dkeoeeied. It u pretty
generally uaderataod that thorn who
get gold from the Blottdyke or eieialw
wiU hare ta dig tor U la tbe An lit
eral aeam of the word; tot aotwith.ataadlagthe
are many wUllag to hrare the tarrore
of arctic wlntare and all tto aooompanyiag daagwu. In tto hope of get
ting -toxt" ta eome of tto wealth
____ _____________
ItwelUag of Ooorge Annatroag Batered Tenerday.
ported yeetardny aftamoaa occurred in
Pemwood. The dwelling of George
ArainroDg wee entered by thieeee and
a retam tickn ta Grand Baplds and a
■■"■11 enm of money atalen. Batiaace
wae effected daring the abeeaee of the
family, through e window, tbe eeeh of
which wua pried open. Nothing elm
wm taken and no ^parant attempt
waa Btade taeeoure anything elm of
ralea Skariff Simpaoa waa noUfiad of
the oocurrenee. but no clue which
might lead ta the dnecUon of the
ihierea waa dbeorered
Hm.^ t.«ii today.
Tbe Trmrerae Bay Line did a nuhlng
baainam yaauiday.
Bam baU today bt >:10. Manktae ra.
BusUers. Buthmfard aad Hunt will
be the battery.
Alderman Lardic hae let tto eoatoaet
tor prorkUng marble work for hla lot
in the cemetery ta BQay Bweere for
AI. and Henry BiagUng of the circus
anpany. went to Carp lake yeatard^
aad brought batoelxty fish, pletoral
Oapt. J. W. Emory ef tto ataamer
Onakama. brougkt dorrs tblr^ Torch
team tto elephaat
On aeeount of tba death of Mim Oai^
Bar tto W. F. M. 8. of tto Mathodkt
.ehurcb WlU he poatponto unUl next
Wednaaday. August 11th.
Frank Frladrleh and 8. C Daaprm
WiU tmre on tto yacht B. 8. Pto|^,
Tr.. today for GooigisB hay.
axpaet Joa Plngrae here ta Join tbe
yatot, but be may do eo at Oaarlarolx.
Tbe drug stare of M. M. Fordham
A Co. at Elmira was burned eusday.
The lorn waa abantte.000. W. W. Fordham. Jaoiar maabaraf tto firm, for
merly bald a poaitlon in tha drag store
of 8. E. Walt, thk dty.
Thom who iataad ta sritnem the pet
to ba-klrcn is Ito Qmad
Opera Bourn by W. 8. Bart aad hk
ipaay are urged to
■eats early. Tto bos oAee adratoi
■ale rrlU b^la at nine o'eloek tomor
row morning.
U.n; c
ingattheruMd^of H. W. Piarea,
oaWaat Front atoaat, in tto preatam
of relaUvmaadAtewlnUmata friaada.
Tba oatamcny'wua pnrformad by Her.
Ira Tripp. Tto yeang eouple wlD reoMea lha ,^ogTatBUttaaa of a I
aumbar of mataal friaada WSo wO:
glad ta know of tbair lUe-loag h^Dtm. tkay wm leave today for Fetaa.
key. where they wUl etay a moatb.
Thareatter they will lire la Trarerm
___ ______________ .
Xm* Popdar Asylum^ Atte
Voddad Teatmday.
Darld Cox. the po
tto asylum, aad whom work an
the HuaUeis at bam baU at fraquaat
!; Deeemtor. »L«7. inurraU has plaaaed tbe fans, has
taken taklmaell a charming wUa Bk
hrlda wae Mm Bra BaDsnald. ako
attesdast at tto acylnm. Tbe .awozk#e was aefiamaked yeetardny m
More Wheat Is Beins Harvested
In this region tbM for yeara. Same
way witii n*. We Art making more
picture frames tkan. any other firm in the
city. See onr new moulding.
■ Didal
lag Bckteem Teatard.
Baadredaofbeagry people
by the local botale aad rcataaranU yeatarday aad naarly mU tbe diaiag roome
were aboat depleted. Tbe tkrk Flam
eerred diaaare ta »00. Botal Whitlag sso. Lealaaaa Botal 100. netabarh rmuuraat UO. Botal Ikngbom ISO aad other hotak maay
All tto rlaitare were weU aerred aad
tha mreim in tto mearal diaiag rooma
wae qadek aad perfect. Tbe manner
la which tto crowds were handled
ahewe ttot Trarerm City aaa care for
almost any number ttot happens ta
come along. Baaldm.tto dtnaai, bnndrada wen eared for at eeppm Mate.
Tto Seatb BwMrd.
WUllam Ferguson, one of tto first
aatUma of Grant, died at hla b
there Satorday, U hk 8ld year. Fuaeral aerricea-were held Tueeday altarnoon at tto Bajaaey achool boom.
We want to close.
Out our stock. of Base Ball Goods.
We offer some BARGAINS on what
we have left, at-----
■HASKELL’S BOOKSTORE,Price Without Quality
.1. O. F..CAPS
An tbe BBST-not aiona as to trimaai^ aad atyU-but ako aa ta
Quality and Workmanship—Mo/ are made.
Joaeph Sparilag. a ploaaar oE Pam>• than a half dosen or a dosaa. in stack—and we a
hip siaoe IMT. died July so. ttot may
Pomter C^.' We hare^^ supply. Wa wen tl
at hk hoaw In KlagaWfuneral
took place Suaday aad was largely atWONDBEFOL VALDE.
Price Now—75c.
Tomorrow Bight Emma PlaU Guyton
wUl dallreraaothar'lecture ta women
ootyla Montague haU. Mrs. Ouytaa
baa a charming pcmMallty aod an aloqoeam rare in women. Her auhjeet.
tto health and heanty ef women, k
one which khcmld oommand tto atteotion of tto fair sax, and m there k no
charge for
ably be a laige audicnoe.
COMPARE—The Only True Test of Value.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.
The meeUog of tbe Woman's Mlaalonary society of the Pn
church, announced for thk- aftemooa.
has bmn BOetponed, and wUI ha held
on Fridar aftatsooo. Angast dth. at
I o'clock, at tto home of Mta. Irish,
m State atreab
Oiir Prices
Like Our Shoes
Ara Rj£ht
ion mi IECEHB
When jou deai with a house
that has built up a reputa
tion by relling Reiiable Foot
wear only.
Fruit Jars. Canning Season.
8 Quart—eoo. doM 1 Quart—dOo. doc.
Paal Wakier tto Tiottm of Bobbere
Paul Weklar went ta the ciccaa yea.farday. While be waa gone thtaem
Wtaradtos barber shop aad stale eer■ral saaoa and a eUpplag macAlna.
After loag eafferlag aad many drai
- haeka, toke Aan ia gndaally reeorerfrem tke Mow reeel ted ta tto terrible
imlocawtcf July *• W*Qo th« are
atfUmaaytordrtdpa te ha b—a -by
IhMO who aaBteto.1to(a are amay
Get them before eeamm k over.'
If You Have Logs to Sell
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good, Sound
lode Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale- MUl Machinery, of all
descriptions, including 7 Engines. .Set Wortes, Carriages
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
You your Footwear once
yon will come again. We BOYS’, YOllTHS’AND LITTLE GENTS*
are here to do yon and our
selves good. We are, as
Seamless Shoes
Tke OM Reliable Skoema
Bound ta Wear and Good s^le.
Qx Bloods lid Cbocotites fn Boys' aid Toitlis'
at Cost
*m MO&NIHQ BBOOBD. Bowwd Treadvrajr. eUrk of tbe botol
at Ma^ta-Waata. aaaw o««r with a
conpasT of raaortan to miarle with
TAAVERBE CITT. - MICHIOAN tbeairbtaaera.
Bee. W. U Faraam and wife. MiMOi
r>o> m omcs or Tiu
Emm Data aad Lula PatBam aod Mia
0. V. (%amberlialB of Kiiot, wereattbe
Tm*. T. Batk* AST) i. W. BiJcsui. Wbitlng ptoterda;.
Tbe ctrena attracted IroB Elk Bapid»
J. W. Haxrx, Editor ud lUnMW- & B. Wallape, Marion Paria. Mr. and
Mra'P- B. Moore, and Mr- and Mra A.
B. Mo«e of Ocadwater, who are r«**ta
of F. B. Moora
Mra Marie Friedrtofa of Ora&d BapKz ao(rt^brBir
Ida, wlU laare tbia botIiw for a
BOBtk% au; in bereottace at North'
Cirr caarauTOB port.
Ber danchlara. lanra and
Lobiae will
of the aatksn's dafanaa. Mr. Booaa»
relt thinks tba young man wUl narer.
-egret tba intarwt they bare token ta
TLXBT OF OT7VBOBTB ▲SVAM0> this work and daclnrw they will anraly
derire aose physical and maatol bene
fit from.tha ragnlar driUa ns waU as
Fow^ WiU VigoronalT
from the work of the nanpsl cmiaa.
Against Aotton of Torlwy and WUi The impreaaion made by tbs Mlcblgan
Kaka ap Bffbit to iproTMt Sredpa bon n
lor ibe aaaeew of nay requwta they
:ma^ mska upon the department for
patch today from OoBatantinoplc
Tlaloo of tba TnrUah fleet baa bean
ordered to aatl for^<MB•a;-^lalaod of
Crate. If tba autaaetoto Ik tba diepatch are tme. fraah tw^^a may ba
in the aatUemant of the
Gnaoo-Tnrklsh paaoa prallmlnariaa
is reported that tbe Torklab gorammeet la antidpaUng Use lanolng of addiUonal Tnrlrisb troops in Crate.
Tburaday last Use admlrMs opmmaad
lag tba foreign llaato in Cretan wntaie
bald s oonfaraaea and decided to oppose
by force tba landing of any Tnrkisb rainforcanseoto In' C^to. They
noUftad Ismael Bey. tbe Tnrldsb drll
la thk connactlao aa informal re
port has some to Use nary .dapartment
to Um affect that tbe borings made
into the boll of tba TanUe to detormlaa
DondlUooabow that aba b rary
atoaoeb, and indicate that it will be
pomibla to toka ber arooad to Detroit
atoomparaUrely small axpansa.
At. Steinberg's . Grand . Opera . House. ,
.OR RRaRoncRKT or......
Ameeica's Foremost Young
Dramatic Actor.
Petcoke; ;eel«rda>. amonf than katog
TnTmc Ctijt, Mr. aod Mie. B.'O. Boaa of that plaoe:
Mr. and Mra B. B Clarti, Mlaa Looiaa
HIU. Miaa Blanche ^arrett and Mlaa
Ten FMr Onw On Their Way to the
Am iaportMt phut in tb« B»«ndlM- Abbie Clark, all reaortaiafioaa (Ueaco.
Jftpui ooatro*^ hM prated itaell.
San Praneboo. Aognat -a. — Tbe
mai ia riew of the baotUiv ^ J»pu>
Tranaiaat Xatobaat in Tmbla.
to tbe propo—d uwantieo treat;,
Noyo wUl anil
Oailed SutM lllstoter Hewell me; elotbaa from the -Fire
deelire a protectoraU’ ud niae
It. with the andrrstandlog that if
U«. b,
«b« AnericaA flag osar tbe l»- the olothea didn't fit that b» eonld ra.bbb.
.pp™u, fklb, lb. I
tnra them and gat back tbe money paid.
I. / ^
TbU action b; h
they didn't fit, and Prank bpoeght
bU pnlUo.
Mtar Sewell U according to Inatme- them buck and naked for the caah. ~ lU ta».Uo»tor.lbI««.U.. Tbrtub
garrlaon In Crate.
7 —w
Uona from Secretary Sherman, in
to aaak a fortune.
rafnned. Now Mr. Pieeland
A dbpatob
of a eoetlmrency of thia natnre. Thia began legal acUon tbrju^ Jnatloe
from Dardlnallas annonncaa that tbe Obaap Bntoa to Viagara Falb and
wlU ba a peremptory bit of adriee of Varly. to reooter tbe aaaoanb Tbe
second narnl dlrision of the Tnrk{cb
SBKxeelSeairoBpurot Playw 4t^
He* york, la tbi*e of tSe :
Portland, Xa
the -banda off” character, ta Japan, aammoBB me made ratomable
fleet. consisUng of seran wnrsblpa,
and abowi that the Onitad Staten will Friday morning nt 10 o'clock. T%a
I by Bari Pasha baa sailact
atand no fooling bom that naUan.
proprietor- clalma be waa willing to ra- for the Islaod of Crate. Fean ara UCKCB SO ^isasTS reiia enn rurs
Ma, on Angpst Stb. at eery low i
Ta* great crown in the city jenter- torn tbe money, law the awonnt be expressed that the departure of the For foil iafonnaUon call on
tba time worth which
J. Rxaox. Aga
Turkiab naral dlrUlon may lead to a
day waa the largaat in town to attend
inmad by blm in making tba aale
a ebvna in yearn, and the worda of one
collision with the iatamatloaal fleet in
and showidg gooda.
of the BingUng Broa; ■’Thia looka
Cretan waters in riaw of Use anOXAJTD BAFIM XZ0VB810H
Usa foreign admirals
like good tlBiea for Traearaa City.” are
aignldcanb Tbe aUendanoe
ban deddad to oppose by force Use
aaae clrena in this eity two yeaie agp
I > Oraat Bhowa Znhibtt- landing of Tp^is^ r<
waa abont ooe-half that of yaaterday.
ad To Tbronga Taatarday.
Thia U one of the moat reawnring eriBlngllagBroa- great Mraa-aod
daaow of better Umw.
nagarieAaa come and gone, and old
City now.*"£w!ah.
that pac^ ia the mral diatricto ara
folka, ^ng fMka and all aorU of
74 ei
Uto 1
The 'Force of Xichigaa Stands
feallng the eSacta of .ratnmlng proafolks, from tbe eoantry and city,
pAfk Stmt. brtWMB Preat I Cass.
telling what a great show It was- Use
Waahiagtoo. Aog; A—Aaabtoat SaeTpbkbt U paielatant in keeping np grant comblnad abows of tbcae atiU
Tba naa of water for aprinkliag parher boatUlty towarda Graaoa. and new
star abow p^la tbb year aeUpaaa ratoiy Roaaeralt baa raUsmad to poaea is. by onr rnlaa, confined to toe
Waatalisgtoa from bu racant tour of In- boon of S a. m. and s a. m.. also 5 p
tbe anltan ,haa aant aeraa war aUpa to anything a'
Rates. $1.50 per Day.
apaetion of the nsTal militia of the eartake the Inland of Crate. The powers paat, and aa
* AlTpU«a where water b found mn. bon proualed and ahonld the Tnrklab ly a donbi bat that tbU ia tba moat iona atotea. While speaking in high ning contrary to tbb rale will be sba*
Saat mBBgainattt '
plate and tbe largeat abow of tbe tarma of the enUre force today ba off-exoept where a spedal permit ba
carmly praised Use Mieklgan oonUn- br«a granted.'
an loote, which'la <)aita likely, there kind In the eonntry. Tbe
H. D CsMPBKix A Soxa
way be aeriona trontala. Parbapa after tsaa exerted erery effort to enpply gaot. declaring them to be nnaxealled
all that wosld be-tba beat way to Im amnaemrot of a refload and attracUre by thcae of any other state. Ba was
ire and bare ellmlnatod from •apecially stmek by the fact that Use
grew npon the anltan the fact that be
that Detroit battalion was eridantly radone not own the aarthwonld tend to be objectionable. erailad from tba eery beat class of
In tfaU aa in all other rcspaeia a great yonng men in-the stole, tbelr eundaet
Lon Cbmpbell of Northport, la In tbe
an enibasiaam and aerioos
sncaaw baa barn attained. Ooa coaalty.
apicnona faatnre of Use abows U the parposa on tbelr part wbkb was not
NtwtbpmS tent down W. O. Qagnon
abaenea of tba gangs of crooks whlrii only craditoble to them, but most
to aee tbe animala
the efficiency of this arm
hare-baretofore been among tbe ntJerry BniHwS «om ornr fran Cedar
taebrs of tba ordinary circas. Tbe
to aee the elephant.
i-RorniarTon <>r rax
Singling Bros, bare made a apacial ef
Editor C. E. Bamsay of Central Lake,
The stock of Peerless
fort to.gnard against this disrapniable
waa In towc yeetetday.
and erimlnal'alament, and fer the parC A. Brail of South Boprdman, wni
UdIo" and Bay Straala.
Manufacturing Co., of De
pose of pioieeUoD to thelrr patra
tear M. A N K. depot, wttoes to anat Park Pi^ ywiardny.
dar Ca|
algbt Pli
Siovnlmr Besnlt of tbe
W. b. SL John came orcr from BelFrom this date this boat “o"** »*>
tkat he has re- Byan, a daiacUre of »0 yoais’ antroit,
laira yeatarday morning. OSifllV HaaL
parlanoe. are a partof Use aggregation.
will not make -gular coj ^ “fjTbm t
B. 8. Pratt want to Chariaraix ywtarTbwa, with tbe aid of tbe local authordamaged
too trarelday. on legal bnalaawitica ycatordny, were a manaae to any
N.' E. Fishing parties, how- ing pabUe in good shape. John May.
A. B. Waterbary ia
thing la the natnre of flaaelag games Automatlo Fir's Bsttnaniffb.
purchased for....—■
ion C. Peck of Molina. 111.
ever, can make arrangements formerly wiu> tba Hotel wbiung. wui
wblcta many bare bean rieUms of
on Set At Work.
Amrag the riaitm at tba clrena
for the nse of this handsome bare charge of ib* offic* ami attend to
Umw goat bytoe iwuof toe gneata. SatlsfacUoa
Benry Bicbardl of Bellnlra.
Tbe crowd ywterday was anormi
yacht, by communication by gnaraatoad.
Om Olbeen "rna orer from Kalkaaka
and tba big tent waa Japmad, while The DAmaao Bookonod
mail or wire, with
to mingle with tbe animala.
tbe aide shows antarUlnad orowds
Tons of TbouAAsdA.
Clare Fox of Bates, waa la town yaaJAMES M. WATTS.
a«rai..*e*rii an AOraat.
torday on baainrw at tba clrena
Of tba 'parfwmanca Uaalf only opa
ffawga White came orer from WUW
Tba heat yesterday malt^ tba pinga
orlUcism can be asada-tharabaatlrely
vwabnrg to Uika In the Mg show.
too mneb for one pair of eyas to aaa of toa aatomsiie fire czttngnbhar on
Oaarga Dale and wUe of Bellalre The elrcos taut U
feat long and tbe top floor of tbe bnilding at tbe cor
arara here to aajoy tba menagerie.
aeata nearly It.OOO joopia. and U the ner of Lamed and llstaa strcaia. and
W. 8. Sharer of Sherman, waa at Use
toe water entrsad great damage to tbe
laiYeat canras
WhiUng yeaierday. between ttmea
nay cirena aaa. wliboot exception ^ksofgoods'of ke-mbsm, Stoapel A
B. L. Olbbacamaln from Mayfield Thera are three rings and. two atagw
and toe Peerlees Maanfactnrlag
Bara yon triad onr mtoca
jnaterday to aee the Elngllng boya
and something is going on in avry one Co.
, C. W. (lodiard of the Bellalre IndaOne of tbe Iron plpaa formlag partof
of them nt tbe
gaodant. waa a Eac<)an rbltoe yaaurtbe system runs under toe skyligbula
toe long program.
Loekbari's performing alephnnts are both stores and toe plage melt whan
Mr. aod Mrs. Bobert Ooata of Wen
In i and lOe. Cignra
le moat marrelous Iminad naimnb toc'temperatnra raaebea ISO dagraea
lead, wnre lotaraatod .riUtora at the
Ever Burned Out?
rar aaan in tbb city. Tbay dance, toe Ban Wsxed tbrongb tbe skyligbu
{day mnaical insirvineato,dioeattable. and toe tamperntnre ran np so tout toe
Ondaraheriff Martin Brown of
gat drank, and do almoat anything pings melted and part of toe 40,000
lead, cbme over yaaterday to attend Msa that man can do excapt apeak All gallons of water slorad on tba roof
in all. tba big circa* b aemytoiag it ran down throagh tba bnilding.
O. P. CARVER. Agant.
Tbe sratebmao in toe store of milF. A. Mitcbell. Oanaral Pamangar was ptombad It should ba and tba
------AND-----Agent of tba M. A N E.. waa In tbe Maaara. Blngling bare earthly folfill- laina Daria, Brooks A Ca, acrom toe
Mty ywteiday.
The -^stock was sold at
ad toair promises and premntod tba alley, beard the fire alarm In tbe i
Beniy SeegmlUar. poMmaatar- at toa biggeat, brigbtaat and beat ebyns >f toe PMTlam Maaolnetoring
kbnnt tonaa O'clock la the ntteraobn. pnblic auction to the highest
Klagaiey. and bU twa ebUdraa.
yat aaao in the cityaod found water dripping from
to the cHy yaaterday.
wiodowa Ba eaUad on toe fire de
H. O. Hntxlar. editor of tba Manton
bidder. We call thk public’s
Tribn^ waa a plaaaant eallar at tbr
partment tor nmlatanae and an anBKOD office laat enoiad.
tranoa into toe.bnlldidg waa teroad.
Bo^bb AtMmar Takw by Ohinaea Tba dlaeoiary that tba plpaa la Bam- atteutiqn to the fact that
B. L. Copeland and J. a Boekm of
and Om Xnrdarad.
bam. Stoepal A Oo.'s srara alao ranaiag
BwkerOreek. wareamoagtba eMtoea
San Fraaabeo. Ang.
Tba ateam- waa not made antO araalng. wtea iBa some of the smallest and
in thaeltf f«>r
Mra. Joa. Bielmcl and Mra. C. U. ship Balgb arriTed today from Bong watchman anirad, and all Sea floora
At onr xtoca.
of the bnUding ware srall aoakad.
most damaged lots sot ex
Stonlay of SattonaBay. ware among Kong and Tokoboma ria Bonolnl
The stock In Bnraham. Stoof
bringing toa tbUawlpg t^iaatol- nd<
•ba rialtom In town ywtarday.
Mra. William Brown of Loland. waa am; News baa bean raealTad from Co.'s is worth between #400.090 and ceeding $100 in all went at
. W. J-A3?PtATTS,
Bong Koog of toa capture of toe Brit #500.000, and that of toa Paarlcm
in the edty
ish steamer. Paga. by Chinas pbatoa pany abont #100,000. Tbe first firm
Will Brown, of toe Bagtooffiea.
oe July I4to. A gang of
by too high a price elsewhere.
Lao Solomon came np
took paasage on tbe Pagn nsd while nt water for gst.ooo. and toa other for
. to aaa tbe ball game and iDcldant
aaa mnrdarad Captain Bcaa and seran smaller amoaat. bot it Is thoagbt that W.e bought onlf"t^ largest
to tnkj( a pwp at toe wild aal^s.
of toe crew and wounded slntoen oi
toe damage wilt largely exceed the inMr. and Mrs. George Bobertooi
They lootdd the ahip and fled
lots afld^V'rieSnest of its
Mr. Simon, of toe Pearlms company,
to Tbit friends and toka in toe exeito- tbe Acbeeo ooaat.
mid this morning that it was nbaolntaCor VnloB *•* Klntba^
"T'^L VanDermark.'' editor of toa
ly Impomible to tell what toa damage
Aldan Wsra. waa in town to attend toe
to tba etock sronld amoaat to and that
' Mrana yesterday, and made the E«»nD
DoUilDg would ba done tow^ a
a Tbit.
talnlog wbat toe toaa Is nnttl tbe in
Harana. Angnst S —CUptaU Oanaral surance adjestars arrirad wbtm an laBmmatt Oonltbr. formerly with W. J.
Hobba, kas aocaptad a poaltloa la a W«yl«e embarked at mhdnlght on toa rentory would be made.—Detroit BranFeeding Farmen’ Horses s Bpeolalty. Horses Boarded.
hardware stma la St Joaeph. aad ba Spanlshorniaar ValsooNnmas. Be bade Ing Nasra.
■nd hb wife bare morad to that place. farawaU to the antooritles and arrirad
M»* P. Haadbam of B-Bigbthstraai. at MatansastUamoraiag. Tba capM aafiartaialng. fdr a few daym, ber mln general baa paritonad Bkriqoa
hrothar. John Ophalaa, of Detroit, and Naptas. the toanigmtl iaaaaBtoiy. *bo
B. J. KOBOAH, Prop.
-Th. Haw aim Blook."
Tnrtrmt Olty, Mloh.
3Iiss Constance Williams
Uoriaii.iupistH, . ‘'TheUdjiiUiMS." '
Tuesdai, iigijst to, .... "Camille." |
WadBaslaj, iagust IT, - “The Man la the Inn Mast" ,
Meal rictets at Reduead Hans.
—Watch Repairing.
—Front Street.
Lady Watts
Now for Business!
Fishing Parties
on the
Smokers I Picture Mouldings
- THe Reeopilni leaders
Tobacco Meats and Groceries
Offers R; Telepbooe Pron^tlj
. MeededTe.
Fire lasuraace.
The goods will be here
this week.
Irix>k for lafw
tte swraeie iTTMeeMm* at MU
polBinxtitt. Tber kiww tMt their eonW.aub«
creOTMB cMDot pleM tb«m
k-Tbe dlaeuBBlons
tbMC matim. uid they therefore try to Salisbury Expl^ns ths Orsco*
Host Hm Ktode
of tl
StnatOi Burrem P«nlM • Cur* kelp ud aDcourpte b>ra by ttcrtpUng
OymnaMlc aMocUtkm
the ittuetloB crkrernllr end without'
BlB DmO.
rvftt Rumofa
phyHcal director* have brought to light
ftliT lINfreoltoc or boch-bltlnc“It !• herd work oeeurliit eppulct* EE UT8 IT IS LOI0-BEAWI4)8T. a wrong Wement tbai favor* the mom
R'WILL BEST BT THE gElflIOIA menu for cohotltoenu theite dope”
rapid -tStroductlon of Amertcan Idea*
Mid CcnfTcsunen Sam Smith a dap or
In the Oerman *r»tem of gymnaWlc Intwo before be left for hi* oome. "and a Bat Sweet
U U a OeeeplM P
atrectlon. George Wmig. of Sb
conyrrMran whr can land even ooe tptew to kotv* with Mark kailve CaM*d- j.„„,^t* the facUon that terma Itielf
:fnen« U conaldered a 'lucky degmm* ea Both aMw—tk*
progrcaWve element, while <3. Abellevi
- • Thriat*. Ooetot— Schlaedl. of thi* city, la the leader of
tbere.h*ve-be«B flfty new ..
WOeowiVAaWkor the etement which would limit Ita
ofOWUag Um
made »ln« the 44tb of March from the
progreM to a gradual development of
the German aialenf. Herman 3. Boot BtRgnlar Rseolt of tbs EzeesIWOm
hundred* of appHcaflon* on We la
London. Aug. L-Tbe Marunia W
p,rt ot hi* addreat
slTs Heat
WiMhlntion, Aue- I—Banator Bur- the yartcu* departmenta We are
Salltbury. -replying
-----------------------------------in the bon»e of lard* w .ne ..»<> .....
o,at the
Amerleana are
tova baa roue to AtUotlc Oty for a ling numrrou. appllcauqpa for pcWOOm , ^^^av
Earl u,votm*
dcToting ihemaelve.
thrmaelve*'to. among them
few day* of real bp the avaahore. Be In the new library, pae^'etortv fentf. ihe 1 of Kimberley, who uoeeiloned the gov-1i.....................................
baakei hall, hand ball, battle ‘■aa “d
Antornsme Fire ErtfngniRhers
fore leariiia Waahiactcat b* aald to ladle*, but I amr> told thai the place* Sre ernment aa to the elate of the peace i a game known a* tambourine bait
pour curreapoDdeai: 'Ibe rumor that to be tmt under the civil eervlce.; ro
Set at Work. negotutlcn. between Greece arJ Tur- 1
I waa poinu to Europe waa unfounded that we cannot do anyihirig for theriLi ir iwy. outlined the *utu* of the ConatanCenatanand that the
I* gratifying to Mcure the rMnatatemhlt
oranene* oi aimri.vw'fw,„ca.
1 cannot afford to go to Europe ibla Of old BoJdlen who are entlU.-d to rein- ----tiiK rie egchangt* of vlewa. occaaioB^y
„nch In addition
The Damage Redtooed in Tens
pear. I am «otn« to apend a wet* or ■Utemeni under civil amice rule No. referring to them .In wrcaatlc tone*. The
,, expounded In theh *y*tepi If
. tan dape on the aea eoaaa. where the lU’ of Thousands.
premier *ald It wa# no wonder- that the
wuhed. Boo* waa taken to taak
air te alwap* bcMlIctal to ma. After
They MIB dohn ChawheeUa.
patience of many people wa* *orely tried for hla radical departure from the ml**
that 1 ahau take a alow veanel Mp the
The member* of eorg;ree* who manag* by the deUy. The-compJeklty and mul- ; and view* that bad tlood year* of teat
Rodaon and mi)op the atmoephere and e attend to their ccrreB>cn<lenee and Mt.llcltv of the negotiation*, he added. | a* a eywetn that developed ibe
X woBd^l
aoanery of that
woBd^rful eectlon
*ectlon of our other dutiea and yet have Ume to *pend mlghUhowever. account for their length. ;
ia the building af the mroar
lop floor o
eountrp. I expect
VKt to kpead n »»“« “me their erenliiB* ocnvivlally mta* John Loid Ballrbury explalort that th* peace .
of lATUad and Bst«a atrcala and tha
, I lean record breaker* a* freak*.
oo Lake Champlain and then to go up Chamt.erlin, wbow hortelry here for
--------- --- — trytrg to arrange waa
tb« 418 Union 8t Tslsphone 94.
watar eat
e pow.
roar.y r«*ti wa* the i>opular rerert for
the St. Lawrence rtrer and over the the all-Blght «ate*men. Oh. the •ma
I beiw.
stocksqf good*-----------------I ordinnary ag
■ed country. The
lakae to Maidclnar tdand. There 1 aUall le* lh«> told each other, and the Mortea
Co. and the Pterlw* Mnoofacturing Co.
and a <
to* He aeia He'w^ld Bmt Beaa. a
One of tha Iron plpM forming part of
until aome time In the tall. 1 Chamberlin u.ld.lf collaied. would make wmiory conquered by the TurkKharmy
wa* one aealgnod to Oreecv by Interna-^
the ayaian mna under the akyllghto
think there U any belter aunv
volume ae Inieixatlng a* the
the pow.
Paris. Tex.. Aug. t—New* opa pwai- ue roof of both atorea, and the plugs
Bsrtag plaoe in Europe than can be ArabUn Night* with 8cb*her**ad«.
.When Chamberlin wa* in hi* Palace ... vote* in regard to it* dlupoMl waa llar tragedy. *urtounded by drenm- melt whan tha (CBperature runeboa 130
found la tbie country, and iUckinae
Th* ann nlaxed through
a recognUed by tbe *ultan. The latter riancei of an unurual character that oato one of the Aneat. I aball have an hotel ai Old Point Comfort he uid H.
and the terapernitue ran up
wae,rlfhi In demand ■eciirlfy again* coTTcd a few day* ago ntar Monkmnn.
tertrtlr wery about Oepege
•pportnnitp while at UaeUnac
ao mat we plug* melted and part of
. ^
Butler, that brUIixrt and erratic |«ir. Inmrricn* »uch ns fho*e which hronght
oour.ty. ha* reached hen
a Bumbac of my friendt on the Upper nalhrt who entertained ao royaUy when about the prevent war. and for that pur
Sbnlaaula. and that wUl
he had money, and who gradually drank port rec«in«atlf.B of the frontier on a who waa raarrlrd and had chUdran.
ybumre to me. becauae 1 have ■orae- hUnailf Into otuwurity. death, and ub- rtiateglc bari* waa a luaet-nabl# de
-^very warm friend* tb«». whom I
Brer ben called to the tec*
Bev. Jaire* WIdtaby.- They fled to the llama. Daria, Brooks A Co., aeooaa the
m:i Bto Onbto Aktoil rke Turk.
hot utten hare an opportunity w *
that you can get at the Drag
It was xl*c reasonable to held that the Indian Territory. Wldcrtiy gathered a alley heard the fire alarm In tha store
rhl BM Many PitowU*.
Store (our store)
number of friend*, among whom waa of the Peerless Manufacturing Co.
when he began to rink into the rium* Greek (ommutUle* should not be placed another
Ron. Edwin F. Uhl ha* been I
Chamberlin treated him like a prince. under Turkish rule. The premier fur
duTlu the paat e.eek aettUng up hi* Begrimed, unebom. nnfhaven. and ic ther aartned that her rraie*t>> minis the fulUy pair.
found water dripping from the winPowdBred SpioM,
done* eluded them and rrtumeS to dowa Be called on the fire dapartnSalr* with the department of atate tha a-orat Rage* of ImpecunloaUr and ter* believed those qpvr4t''»'
and U BOW on hi* way to Orand ICap- demetude. he trequerilly Impomd blm- settled, and that TVriiey had accepted Texas, but TClderiry and party over- DMDt for aaaistanee and an antran«
Pore OreBm ftortGr, '
• tda. where he wiu re*ume the pracUce •elf upon Oiair.berlln'* generoaity and the frwiiler line-traced by the mllliary hauird bln and *bui him. leaving him into the bnildtng was foreed. 'fbe dis
«f hla profemion. While Mr. Uhl waa fed upon hi* choice*! vlanda and Jtitanr* allartie* of the erabaf»li-» i-f Ibe powera. fer dead In, the wood* rear the road.
covery that the pipe* In Burnham. StoeaMtotaat ■ecretary of itate during the a* a *elMnvH«
though the premier shared I-ord Kim man lasri^ that way heard him gru
peland O&'a were also mnnlng w“ (and Pure Baking Powder, if you want
----• Smi part of Preuldeni Oevelard'. *«- tered and. *efilRg hlm»elf at a table, berley* doubt*. Speaking of the in Ing ttrd on going to the «cene done* '
not made unUl evening, when the
ond term la the White Hou»e, he made ordered a dl»h of dlamcnd hack terrapin demnity to'be paid Turk-r by Greece him who dM It. He aneraarda died, watchman arrived and all five floor* ua to make it, I pounds for II.OO.) Bob
ber SbeeUng. Rubber Tubing, aU
many frtenda In the national capital. and a quart bottle of dry Veraenay
the premier mid 'Tbere come* in the widerby.a preacher named Tarborough. of the building were well aouked.
aisaa Water BoUlsa (go
Zlnrtng the past week be baa received
raid to PIU the OeUM.
myrteiloii* and dlffigult question of the and four others have been arreriad and
The stock In
Fountain Syi.-.-.------.
oiany caUere and haa been aUnoat over
Co,'# la worth botweas flwo.ooqand |
The waiter quietly reported to Cham- German bordholder*. Wc do not think lodged in isll al-Bonhan.
,t Bruahea. and Atomlaeru.
whelmed with aoclal attentlona
He berUn and ark*d for Inrtrucllona. John that any InleraaUonal duty lie* on
•soo.noo and that of the Peerlaaa «om.*“''7: wiL.fc'i*a«r
Tktv*-a-orv'Wd • kelridr.
baa been Uving in Berlin a* arnba*- winced a mtl*. alBce terraplB were Enroic to provide for their-.yment
Hareb.*o. Wia.. Aug. 3.-N*w.r
^ ; the hands and faoe.
Mdor to Oermaiw durtng the .pan two worth »J apiece and champagne brought though 1 admit they liaVe been long unthl* t-lty yesterday of ihe tragic death
ycara. haring been appolnled to that H a boiiU; but be rallied under-the pa‘d.”
of Arthur F. Fralti. at the CTlff Bouse. >WBller amonnL but It it thODgbt tbatl
Important dlplomatle poaltlon upon the preemre and directed the waller
DevU . l*kr. Saturday al^t. He wm
death of MMitoter Kuoy.on. -Mr. Uhl the order, bopiag In ihl* way to apeedlly
ibr damage willI largriy
The credit of Grew In the Europe
aaiS: "> wa* entertained In roi’al 'rid hlRuelf of the UEavlcifne pte»ence. an markeL" said the maruul*. - will for foui.d in hl» room on the Wd deed with
tatoiloB while in Germany and r.aa ex- Butler called fur the beW Rta Vlctorta a long time be execedlngly small, and ;
taaSid all of the oourteaiee which a po in Ilie houee. which wa* llkeaise
some form of control of Or-ek sourc-e*
lite pMiple cmild beetow. I cannot nlrbrd under tlletit proieat, and be read of revenue I* tneritahle. 1 cannot aay
apeak in too high term* of the German Ifae'ever.Ing paper* until the terrapin that nagotlall-h* In that dlrectton hac/
people aa -a whole. They are a con should be rtKiktd. Meantime, a ba
advanced very far. and 1 must admit |
tented, and happy nation.
My trip thought struck Cbamheriin. He
_____ , wnatAbnloea
la iDul the in
that the q>;p*tk>n n-.ay he a source <»f j
tgeolltor He ar«r BxpsM.
acToee the Atlantic waa delightful and •ome American champafrne on hand.
very eonald-ruple drtay." With refer.
^.,*.^*,,.0. Aag- k-PuBewtog
tka' surance adjcktets arrived, when an In
Ibe WMther wa* beautIfuL QuHe a p«>r to fell and tou good to give away. ence to Crete. Lord Salisbury said there ]
to, twRitTtoor
— •—------our* ventory would be mada.
party of American gentlemen relumed Why -not icrape off the label. i
I* D<i vise for the power* to attempt , r,,.-sey m. T*-i»cd»T FUc Iritaaassd .Uion the aame atearoer with me. and there bottle In the ilh er Ice-cooler and palm
- r. V nable
TV PeFfleae Mannfactdring Co.,
____ „. ___ .-Sreatoomi
* fully «
off,on Butler’
tbe more Important controversy 1
Qiiablf to Kt*t aetiltfment with
To think
voyage. - ------ ------VIWU tu the department of wale'and
the iiOTnmoe pompaniea. conclud
Tved with
Crete seemed to b* favorable
bare completely wound up my cornec- bottle If imitation ehampagi
> play agreefr..-nl so far as the ChrlMUns were Sbovem^roUovid
Sowi4trildW.d by fair wtotbw toal :W: ed to sell the entire stock at auc aabtoSaelngToeClIps Qaat lose your ^
tloo with the diplomatic aerxlee.
I ^h» jiart ,j1 the dry Vi-ruenay. and concerned, but the two creeds weiv no
I^bt bonkerlr ri.ris For WtoXioria
canaot expre** any view* on th- pre*- Chamhertin trembled In hi* hcoi* «,r. neaxT than they bad been for many -Fair westbsr. rsc dad by sboweis la ax- tion, which took plaoe
Mr. Host at Oto UmSL Oripw niekto' tip*, put •a.
cnl political altuaUan because I liave fear Boiler -a-puld discover the trick and eeniuriea
reme mtut^ purMou: motor u aoBthera and jB9<; in Detroit.
rathstotwa 'ortlonsi fight nortbatotorly tended the sale and bought a large
Been alwent from the United Stale* an reaesi It. H*pplly.-h' wei-er. Georgt dt<l
Would BeqaleeaBto DItok.
riaM FOr Iowa—UenwwUr trir.
■' ioes that t could not expreaa any vlmra not complain. He feund fault with
The only soIutioB." be M‘d. "Beem*
portion-, of the slock si lees than
of value."
the terrapin, which did not contain to dig a d'llrh arror* the island with raaibw: narthertj wtnda. ____
oO cents on tbe dollar. Gooda are
sherry wine »nfllcl»nl for ee*n>nlng; the ChrtocUas on onq^ade nnd the MotFsllai* of a Cyvto Oanpsay.
not badly damagt-d. In order to
Although the Michigan r
sent fer mere eberry. h*d It healed, and lem* on the .uher, 'Our earnest object
Port tVayne. Ind.. Aug. 3.—The Ran close them qnickly, we will sell
groa have left u«. there ai
added to the slew, and fatlhfully drained U to anang* what hae b^-n promlaed.
t^ ely- Ol4
the so-called dry Veraenay. He ordered UMng car* to be Jnal to both itoctlona. dall Cycle cbmrarry weM Into the hand* them off at leas than half price.
her* of the Michigan <
another Havana rigar, and to ihe otter We are not Incltned to admit merely of a trustee yetleiday. Slow collections ThegotKia were bonRht for s|>ot
and thr drop to thr price of wheeto wa*
beoanae (he kloaeulmana are In (he ml- the cause. The comi-wny owe* fifteen ash, and in order to get onr
cxMuUve depurimenu of t
ntrity that ihetr totereri* are to be msBufacturur* about 11,300. Aaseu ar*
aoney back quickly will gtve
neglected." Lord Sallibgry aald ha ful about the tame. _____ _
*ek nwoik WHk Ato
«ople of Traverse City the benely agreed with Lord Kimberly that
"Great HfavenV mid Jchh Chamber- Crete wa* to a dangerous poaluAn. Tty
Flash Tor* tosa BU Ught
it Sale will open Saturday. Aug.
element cf ytange*. however, did not
Hatley. Wl*.. Aug- ».-C. .A. Nye. 7. Ev€rv«»e invited to call and pHoe Merchant Tailoring.
artae. he Instated, because the Iriamd while working around the pUM
* uuar- wa* mixed up to the affairs of the Otto
1 bargain.
Inmbla. and Alexander Grant, riiiri i
^ anybody and everybody, an
and the man empire, but rather from the lerrirterk of the railway mall service. They
op a 110 bUl be
ble dlytalon among the
machine could be atevped had a atrip
-have very impartant puulUona. all of {to my place t< eper.d It. I was. of courte.
of fleah tom down cm bit forMra (our
them, and *-!Jl. during the next few , obliged to charge Mm H for the imltaInche* long.
weekr give.us *om* Information .eonv| tien <hampa.tn> or he would bar* deeerning the parOcular branrheu of gccv- i tested the trirk and shoRed me like a
enuncnl work to which they are en- ptrk(x>cket. '1 bad fully made up my
gaged that will undoubtedly prove to- jplnd to kubmit tc the loe* and chare* Beat Bisk Tune Ur- Oalacto the KlM- VuttMT Of OongrMMnan Dlngluy XHqd
tCTMUng «n<] vslual'le
| H o|. tc the Icnr-rtanding icccum bedjk*. 1* 0.tod Advise.
eccenirtc ii',Vg a^lnsran’nnrxiwrted rc toil, and ! Tacoma. Wash.. Aug. k-The ateamer
lamp Clark, 1
Lowistos. Maine. Aug. 3 —K^n
n. in toover- 0,1, fct-couBied to Builer’a lordlioe** to Queen, which an Ived from Alaska yeaindent..point- ; ordering hi* frugal rtpait. Three dqj- terday. brought w-nrd that the mounted . uingiuy. lamer 01 vc
noribwest territory are 'j Dinglay. Jr.. ^Uad at bU bom# bar* toloOhe area
In fponl
the •pauker's larr for the l-rrapin, H for the wina.and | poUee of
ind aald: There
you see the so cent* for tw.i cigar* made thr Wt1 BtoeUng all i»e-i|Ae
ilAe bou'
bouvl for the Tukoo jday, aged M yanr*. Uiadsatb was doe
k. anf
----Dnkm «tree o.t
heavy weight and the light
t’M. and 1 returned him tt-W chart**.
„ u,, BHtlah line beyond to a awoke of paralyria. Dlaglay
e standing together.
this house
B'lOi of He gave thr waller O and rirodr out cf
Jureau tmaaoa. and cora- In Tumarkable bealtb Friday nlgbi
them come from ^Igan. a
* - the
esubMMiment wUh a pricrely air
,,| ,-hn have not a yevtf-a aupan A»tor
tbrtn are very gu*> “v®"‘A® that w..uld hgve drr.e ctvdit
proTlsloDs to retom to the coast. wbaa he waa stricken vritk pnraly^
ja a forceful f^w. and the little man
a y*rdertdlt. I Have often fdl wry pi,
oi the fortune seeker* who He Milled from tbe flrat attack and
I* pnseessed W more than ordinary guilty aixml IL" coaoluded Chxmberiln.
Taroma and tbe soi ad within •Mond awoke followed. CodgreMou
"hut I was in a dilemma from wbltb I
week* for Dyaa or
A. T. JtobnaoD. Hsuth Side 6boe Store. 40* Unkm SWueL
could not extricate mysrlf without a
had ctoaa«l the passes Into Dingley and otlmr relaUraa ware
PpmUlma sad UtoMh.
possible ecane. and nrver dared tell the
xplorlor when the Queen left Dy«a. monad borne Buoday Dingley v
Looking to tbr direction potnled
story for fenr It would reac h hts ear*,
jj .
enruful nnd aueeeaafnl batinea*
SpaAOlnc of Uonrm. who U prubaUy To compromise with my conmlenct 1 ,
Alfred Kummer. of Oakland, most of bli Istereato being In Auburn.
pay. to look at (be elegant line. U. A Ulbba. in Bllto bicycle abop. 311 I
' Cal, went sail
tbe heavy weight •of the' bouse, al gave away that to to charily."
t Skkguay and r
He baa served bTlhe aUte senate.
Mights iHtoal la Bevelrr.
1 po^, ,h„ he
though ha la hot
twit qu
quite as large
«rife died twenty years ago.
ha Tom Reed, who ocrupk* the
'Ir tboee day* Chamtwrlto's idaee was there that It would rent
er's-rhalr. and hence Is not upon the on New Torti aver.oe. In Ihe bouse now their supplies weighing tefi* pound*,
too J. AMontagne. mFrcmiSL
n«»r of tbr house durtng It* re*alon. occurred by Ibe Young Men's ChrUUan carried over Uie tiasM. Kununer and
^ Oamp At Oeabnl Lake.
Tbe Wile man referred to wa* CUn- artv-ciatlua- Billy Copeland. Dorn Plan. CapUin Carroll, of the steaiAer. warned
W. D. Lyon. Bay Thseker asfl Boy
•1 W. Smith of PooUae. Phil Sheridan. General Sherman. Sam every one not to attempt to enter the
ally <
Hr. Spaldingr to full!
tall (Uhl trarCud the men of that callbr*. Yukon country befnr* next eprtng. n>e Thompson will ride to Centowl Lake
lem II
probably vetgb*
man tobwunda.
names have become hUtorlc. used captain mt» that not gven IbOM who tbia morning on tbMr Weyelea. They ua. Bwy pound fall wrigbt and gaamntMri to kill t^um. 8 & Wait, DrugHr. Smith I* no raor* than
*■'— 6* fret tall..........................
meet there.........
and spend
the nlghu to are iww at Bkaguay mr Drm wai
‘ *rtu go Into camp there for aboot two
e Interior this vrtoter.
and probably never weighed more ilian
<,f »ueh fraternity a* can only ahlc to reach
I,; weeks and have a good Ume guMmlly.
UO pounds to hi* life. Whether or not
uoderrto<.d and apprertaied by men principally bee*
tbn are the brovy weight an.1 light „,m,
johe Chambertls waa to gntten over the
Thaatrical Vhtaa.
emlght. they ar* certainly tbe Img and ^1* i>riroe. and tie man ever left hla por- j
abort of tbe Michigan delegation.
uU without feeling lhal be had been 1
is a vurbatlm eritletss of
"1 hkve bad as many piutoiBcM to ,
»uh royalty, and be himself ^
i the imrfor
> of "Macbeth*'
by W.
nn iD my dlrtriel as any member of the "*ver>' invb a king
‘ Buabnell has ln*trocted the attorney w punor
Has Your
At bur
Soda Fountain
Cycle OinersLookHere!
s£':S':n,‘2R«Ksr.si;"^ .'s
■“o-uj.T'.Y.iissrftislsi, ^'5
Suits to Order.
Butter, First Clas.s
Boys’ Blouses
Great Cut in Bicycles
Accidents Impossible
Green that will kill Bugs
Cyclists, Look Here!
Soda Water
MieWgaJ delegattoa." roW Congre«mao Mealcb. "and yet 1 have bad Jem
irouble with them than any ^ber of
eongrra. who haa had portol^caae,
toaetue 1 do not give any utWconaUeration unUI the vacancies occuf, I
think them to the beat plan, for H I
should make
rhaps m
■ that do not fall due. perhaps
weal.hrWn who f~*ra' to
J™” Vurbl^iS
to Washtogton recently as * aeeafor acme man:»*
prtval. aecretary who. wa* espeeUWt
of th^ oflStoT^Uro^n
id *rhemen
to„iu,r with the cranks and
echemeip peTtWmanee 01 «neir omciai ouuro in
o hto
prevent the lyarhtog of tbe
of *11 aorta aaym frankly oBumeDoa_________
. vii.,.k-11
B the part <
1 rtbemrrs of all clam
Hrretofore be ala-aj-a was canridervd qifiie reapwee to oemMc
' rorapeunt to take care of hit own bust- . pe«pl*
the staie^
a magrjflcent fortune l>5m.Utloi. , his own Judgment: i*ui ever ahee be
■ cane to Wa*lngtt>n a* a senator bf
baa fell thal he needed a protect, r. An.
-T *tv* the uffle* to tbe teoleutanC other one uf the new ser.ili.rs feels that
• Wbr. receives thr suptK>n af the greuter h* roust have a reUtorr al*ui him all
number of IlcpublUar. patr,;ni of Ihe the time wbo *111 anticipate bU every
.'afflot. and dc rot let thr recommends- ; want.
_ v
He want# a man wbo will hr
of ....
the _____
county f,_________________
enre me to any way. excepting when hi* ' stooee and Htpper* to hHn. put
rocommrndatloD cotnetde* with th* coal for him. anticipate what he ahonld
wlstae* uf itM majority o( the Republic- I have for Areuktast and have it ah
ativriy rwill not ; order*
r place. I pcstlvrly
ordered for btm. and have hi*
d to my die
jrtiltag poetofllce cases, la. fact,
(be grunt man awakea; and y« only a
I hav* had
elartloosbeb very oborti tWi* ago thU game amwior
1 tktok they only tend to distort) used to biaek hla own baou ahoTe himdm bariMsir of tbe jiarty. in ray opin
ion: the people of (be Cieveoib dtotrtet
have to withdraw a rec
aner It had been mad*.
thaocnatoon being the touwall parformanM of H
of Lady Mnebeth. Brooklyn. M. T .
Octobig. 1«».
"I have seen a youngXaetor of aleoout
The Best Candies
MeLellan A Aab. ew. Front and Park, and r.
Ice Creaip Freezers irs"
Front 8t.. adjoining McMataaru'e eboe etora.
powm to oomptotely dumlnata tbe aool
of tbe epaetator*. to sway hla ambUana,
to transport him ont of bimaeM. '
geatoro, in ntteronMvin
aaeCtiB evary waei
n and by-play be 1
I tbe nbeolute master before wl^om one
and rvcpected i**ldent ol
] eounty. shot and
»“• •<>“ J'
gj yesterday, to a quarrel
,ijb, to use a certain pa
and llM praatrate. B to Macbeth U the
nm *iruck hi* tother. Tbr
aurMndervd himself
the au- ^ aunngeat portrayal of th* pvt that-1
thorttlea. and aakJ he merited
^; utuiiuem,
d pOnL.- hnv* anna for tbl^ yenr*.'
I mrot aa he had eommiued a terrible
Iba above to from the pen of an
•arineat uriUc. and ia well deaemd.
In tan-'performaacee (0 be gtrea In
Btatsbeig'e Grand Opera hpnae August
brieki to be *bo< at wfia », 10 aad n. (beau aentiaMBH wUl ba
aedfientnOy Miot and k&ied by Jamaa lupeated by thaae who onJoy the artieTriekic. proprtefb* of tha Wtoatow hotqL :«k woi* od Mr. Bart aad Ue axeeneai
n» mooting uronrraa at a r*ca ttMk
ten mile# w«« ef Ible ritg.
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Have You Seen Finch?
wbael adjnatad fw »a
Angus McColl i
lOc a Gallon
10 per cent
Friadrich Block.
Holdesrortb Block. Union, etrert.
and Bead honea a opowaH^Margun*a livery Barn. '
X Oarraw, an Bay aUMt.
. prleaatbaMeatlKBastrmtet. A. & Frysnaa.
>, flnt doer east ef poetoffloa
THS ii-uBimra AMQioBb. ymww»nAY, AUGtrsr 4. isvr.
DMiaton Upon Which Hang* a
Croat Many Othor Caaaa.
VO ivDEjnnTr to oo to illhoib
r^mrnttAtm «r A>ta«eda
>. (te LMd OAM-av^ U b IM
Whtoh U. OMlMa U —«■ B.yail
•r tk. rabUe l>aW a>4 Mte W
Wartklratoo. AMf. I-C«
V of tbe pmeral land of&c*. ba*
decldw] adtcmlr to the dalra of Chaupalco louw. '111*., ai (tatitee ct tbc
auif It the cUlm of nilhob for IndeamtfleailoB or refoyrntni of purchase ucbey rredtred by the s^verwiBem frMo the
ml* of cwrutt Unde between Uia^ and
daJued b> the Mate u> bare taured
to It a* Mtamp
Is a Iona-pendlny*c9t>trovir^ betwsen
the federal sitd »uir covrmueMs. and
three ailferent rsamlaailoas have faaeti
maOe la the field by varloas apMUl
aaetta. and in dir.ereot yean wueau
bare been made cf other lands Ukewlae
'tavolved. The cTtmUal derhtoB is a
' lencthy reeapltuUU^ o« the svldeiwc
and ihr !•». a» this Is a test caaelevolrInf ISO other WmtUr rtalma new pendInc here. CommUaloher Hermann dteldee the Unds ODt y> bare been
vltble the meantnc ofr the crant. for
these reaeone^
Why ite Lasds Aie IlM awbap.
First, the t-vldmoe as s whole la In■jfflciMit to. Mio* swamp> efcarseter;
second, the oilclnal fleld
cf surrey
dM>rove ibe stated rlcJm t - S tfflna' lively show the lands to be acrleulturfwampy; third. elalt:.i.al'e teeU.I defective, bartnc beer material
ly Aancrd. w hile the kno.wledce of rriteeiree Is unmisble and tr ttly from
beartay; fourth, the suu basrvcocnlaed
the vsUdUy and resularlty of the covemmenl raire of three lands when II ac-
Individual setllerw and ciUaetin ot mismU thirty years before the ooaaty
acenu claimed the lands aa swamp, and
r of the UInc presented thirty yeare after the
attotwro «w«m «Bd u*
Ilia* «(«M 0*n«d BUM mpruM ocwt
and tbr coort ot cUtma
n* v«r HafCaalc VTm rF—K o4t.
WajtUBrw. A««. a.—IxnU SCaeCnalc. af K<bnfkB. haa bMn ^:.rc•d cat
*f W» pflJc* M ctikf rter* of the **t1rulniral «ctuniD«at. aUhoacfa hU offlu
protretad bj- tb* civll-»ervjc» commMca. Tbr wa# SacivUry WUaoD ae>
conpiMMl ibi« VM aimplr by civtiu
aU of MaeCualjr’* work to aaother. lAleI tooB Urad MacCoU* and be re-
Makaa Its Appaaranea in tha
* Strika of tha Coal Minara.
saatUa lyaewsd and a Bis MweOws ■«
-Daia« asa Made at Ds Anwlfs ISsa
tVwWUs Brewliv Is WsM Ticsiwto. V
~Bstlas of EMettaiH ^ atrUcses.
pliubord. Au«. A—WhaiuverJh* tm-
fuUsat capaUty. and meiw than tOO oata f.ar.pBUbu.
of eoal v ers ahippsd north over this
line. Twe n mines were advertised
anorMye at Law.
for last nlfbt. but what action was
decided Upor U not known. The mbius
, all neem weft sattsAsd and thcoperators
' are firmly of the oplaioo that their men
BrS/A'£5S CAitDS.
cannot be Induced .tn quit worA
Att«->er aad Csc
WtoceilDB. H'. Va.. Au#. A—Bflotts of a M. Mown.
the orymnUeih to repair the biwaka In
the nrtke U Uls Tnuelliid district have**”..
. ..
tailed, lb afMItlen to tbe Hoa'a Ron ITTF A. DCak. Aiwfchan aai owpariaaaodaoi.
..................... oe was W » yrtsdrtah Bioea
M«>| *«„.., Mask. City
^--------------- I ly-.Si, iS2S;»TiS,7: SijETO
erated: It all the mlnu eaee^ BoATa ■
Bun the mlnera are divided, about half i w** •W'b. pwmeSt
rrmalelw out. -Tbe orfanlaeia luw n
the creat masa meetlnt B * P*wa»M*2 ftSSi **“**^- uSaS**^
•t the Mai Ooi
ClereUhA Au*.' l-Profeetor Henry “"J"***
5 ' Pr*al*«i‘ Mahon will make the i.rinW. Eailott has written a scatblnc l«i«r
^ In. this dlswrlet.^ liA»1Advices from Fairmont
to The Plain Dealer rrcartinc Lord
ton^dare the
curksbnt» are to the effect that
Ballabury-. wral confrreh«^p^emint- i
“*• J**!
IW one a few days a«o to Aulsunt BeeOovemot HasOnce fully con- Rea is confident thi
»«sn-of Bute Day. ffc „y,: “in the i
•**•***« “•”^ I with the crldeni purpoee cf bavins tbs
•Ml «•» ef TroabW la DliBola
^! soa^nor
prepared ^(or any emrrfcccy
appaai* an c
O'- LeulA Au*. A—A apeclal from
of the fur aeal cehtsreacv which Lordl ““• ^ irlse In the
•* Odin.. 111a. to The Republle aaya: On*
SallsLury haa finally, at thertir*eni per-;‘“"T"
^ fovemor baa been ao hgBdred atrfkln* mloeta from Breeea.
aonal appaai of John Hay. auihortxafi. j Imprassed wltb the itravtty o'fthe caas: o'Pallon. TTanion. and BellevUle, in1 piotect afwlnst this studied attempt! that fte hat InstruMed tbe adjutant *en-. vaded tbis town again yeaterday and
to decelve'the people as to tbe scope sr.d sral to mnsfn In his office all night, i several hundred more arc expected torxtrat of that conference, and the In- awwltlng any yeoutsltlon that piay be dAF
theCentraUa.8orTento, Mento,
fereuce which may be dmem. that It la nude
made on him for irocna.
irocpa. The only aur-1
to be ot the Wlgbtcst gain to the Autrl..
ancamped near the northwest city UrnCM cam
premutlon U the
j|,r,bal Murray having notified
“In tbe firm place, wr ha'-e had the
*“ '»««'•' Proeessico rf minu,,y
^ camp within
corporate llnea Mayor Farthing
oOclal and eirt refusal of Lord Balls-' •" a*”* citlsepa headed by Burgess
bury to y«pm ihla ami qutsUon In any : Tsata of TurUe Crtek. marched through baa depotlaed forty cltUena. white and
wray affecting existing ru1« and regula- i ‘he streets of the borough Usi night and colored, to act as marshals. They are
Dons as eotaliUshrd by the Parts tri-, back again to “fJamp DetermlnaUm." , armed with revolverw. heavy cluba Md
bunal In im. This refusal eras made where a meeting was held and tbe bur- "«>»
dlapUy formidable Icmklng
> induce
April n last, and rot a thing bat taken
place since w blch has altered Sallsbary'a
stand. Foaterta trip to Loedrn only
■trenglbened' tbe British premler’shand HeCTva's school bouse yeeterday was m . The mlae. here am being epcratwl by a
ftlU force of men.
Now, wbai la the warrant for this er- vIMation of the Mint's prorlamallon.
story of what the fur teal eon■ertlsaat MeCMVarkuiol Haww.
CmMbT Ort Tbeas hseh So Wort
ftrence Is to compasa at WaMilutob
At l:Se thla morning ex-SheriS Richfit. Louis. Aug. A—A great effort eras
next October*
arda in chargr of the sixty deptitlwat made yesterday morning to stampede
“fiimiriy thla and nothing more: John Turtle Creek, took them all from that
, -h,,
miners back to work at
Hay, to farewk the force of Poateffa' place to rium Creek. Whfrv It Is rxpe.
“ •• “ -xpect- .
around Bellertlle. lUa.. but U was a
ed thv strikers will make an attempt
„ tbe
" “ i dismal failure. Af __
all of
prevant the miners frr-m going to srork. tosm and seremi In other
May 10. begged Sallabury to let tbe It Is announced that tl De Annit c—
BmUbraturwUits wiw bare been tiudy- parr rracllcaay adnuu that the Tor-.
tdack amoke poor
Ing the aeals on mir Itlandi since IStl tie Creek mines cannot he operated at, «arkA whUllea were blown long and
meet our nstnrwilsu atTTaahlngton next present and_ has d««ldt^ to clt*- them , |o„d_ tut the ruae did not wort, 'for
tall and compare tbelr Wologleal noiat down. The inasa-meeUiig of mihen nt i gg|y dx out of the several hundred
as to these animals, all reference to the tbe klcCrcs schroi bouse yesterday waa' futkers Uring about went down into
revtMon « tbe existing regulatlsns 10 the greateet during the eirtke. and probbusrjls ot tbg sartb to dig.
xpresMyltarTed tram tbe dutusulcn.
gathering of the kind
Bansbury ba| permined this: tbat.la all
missis Dssrsy KMke b ■stUed.
Id Allegheny rouriy. Mors
of It: and It Is Mmply nothing for the than AMO Striking mlnera were gathered
Chlesgo. Aug. A—A meetia* <tt the
American case, and a* to ac agreement for an sUl-day aesslon. and labor leaders trectors
of the Western Stone cornaddremed them in variout tongwea while 1
held yesterday afternoon and
likely. Judging from the wrprk 0
MBUHously decldsd to grant
J “
T« M^MAti.
r womxm.c.
TUTAklk X- aOBTOlC. H. D.. PhyslclM and
JXL aargsos hsalsmiii Is Trsesies OHy.
Tit& •g :
T •ciselsBstI
|^1S3‘i5S?1u3i.r .u r—
^how Ton’ Vaysa. Detroit. Chtrage aad
Chicago -M
West 3Iichigan
a. a-!». Mia, a.
wick ot a locratrte and eleeaUsg bMate.
T70B 8ALk-Uy rasl
X nmajl payaest
, XV .
**«" *
r rewarC by toartax at
...... rrM...rt.rtrt.
Lv RU-Aaptda. ... <44*41. II »* S. IWSA.
Ar.Trsrtfse OHy. TMa.a-tt Me. s. 4 Hr.a.
CTClljOCg WOOD FOR aAlg-«lB^ tosd
doable losd 4D eas's.
0"5-.J 10 Mra. BUUaga. auusg* OetU^
W*S£;ia ■
unsKi lUHnninai LI
T* take esaat Basday, Jaa* ». ur.
British last seaioB.
»l- the men bad d
“CkllUng in RusMan and Japanese
companlea followed tbe leml of the
agents to this InfcTTnal eoctference will
■ great enl
Western fitooe company, and tbe mss
net hsve tbe slighiest effect obc way or
ourd ahakli
shaking hands, qtioutliig sriu return to work today.
U«r the Pnbue Dehccwnwacy, the other or. the nand wh^h the Brtlembracing each other. The
I agenu may Uke and have lakto. crowd that had gaibered was ao much
,uds controls this matter absolutely: larger than tbe men bad anticipated
A—Captain General
Washlniton. Aus- l.-The tnorthly
she 'has aa uantnnily easy task, ns that they were w ild w ith Joy and drunk- tVivUr
atatemetit of the pu.silc debLUeued yt
tVevUr baa
bat algned
tlgned an
im order
erder expelling
ihlngv are now dlrecled on our side; she
from Cuba Eduardo Oarvla and Oecrge
terday. show s that the' debt less cash
' again -ekln Fester nt clean aa tbc
Bryson. corrsm».n<ieDts of New
PeellM* Wm Owe ofTr nmph.
Ibe treasury at the c»ae of bualni
did at Parts ir isu."
Among tbe speakers eras Ura. M. O. Tork n*w^|>era
on July 31. was r.«3.44C.«A an Increase
enea a Cbicwgr female Ul-or aglutor.
dortne the memtb ot H.7M.MD. which
There was m, rumor tn the camp that
Is SKCDuntcd for by a eomspondlm
Sheriff Lowrey would appear wttb.dep- DatalB *1 tbe IksMb TTosgbt s4 KsOm^
KlwBsplMer Plsds WblUeBspos L
..JIsIsUSTRATEDand force Ibe meeting to disperse,
. all's Home Nom^Jmw Illw
t waa evidently unfounded. The
irquette. Mich.. Au*. A-lf Ihtnga
Ills, Au*. A—Reports
^Mled by tbe eyclooe
turn out as Intended partlee here hope ^h.s were not of an Inflammaiory I
that Marquette may have a Klondyfce
,Friday night ahow that be extent of
Vjr ti3e.ei0. The deW Is
as follows:
Intereat besrlnc debt. right at borne. This spring n DOne ex 7hatToriVcm7-BteJ min"wereat‘4l^rti t«"llory tPtv^rwd wxa conslderahla.
CUt.SCo.UD. debt on which Interest has plorer named Jamre Wllklnaoa loeated yesterday in tbe Plum Creek mlnn but the stonn did not strike other
rreased since msturlty tl.tWMO: debt a lead half a mile southwest of Ki
whUe hnty two or three were In the home* than that of H. C. McDowell.
.. -bearins no Interest. jm7.7D.1U: total Menard. Rr has obtained an option on Bandy Creek mire. The pvllcy of lb< ' star Gan Jose, where six persons wen
tldK.4G.lP2. The caah Is cUwlfled as the pieces of property which It cn>
mlnen is to form ramps at thew mines
outright. Mvbowell was superfollowi: Ciold, im.MkTT?: silver. tUL- snd efforts.art- now being made toi
as well aa at Oak Hill and maintain ria„r of Malone townablp He waa
TM.lV: paper,/tlO.US.m; bonda dls- a company to work tbe find. The lead large paKles-pn guard. Presideot Do-1 found daad near the ruins of his bouse,
----- IIY-----burslns ufflceiw' balancsa. eU. BILTU.- Is forty feci wide where H cumaa to the tan announced that be could ggt Und ' close to bim Us nephew. H. E. MctU; total t»«;.«ei.»32.
Burface. and conttnues for a long dls- from private parH^ on which to pilch-; Oowall. Uy on bto back Ilfeleaa. Mra
monthly comparative sute- tanov.
bis eamra Tbe feeling In the camp waa «um Brownlee wns nllve when found
meot of ibt- sov
i reeelpuI iand
It U near the old Jnllen Case proper one erf trtampb. Ihe miner* claim that gta Uagered one hour. One of Mrs.
.... .
t for July’ abows the total ty—about s quarter of a mile from It— they are on the high road to succcn. and urownlee a daughlrt* was found dmd
receipts to have been ttS.CC7.SM. and aod.Wilklnsoo thlnka that what be has the enthusiasm wa* at levw beat. J. T near tbe house Ahotber daughter was
the dlsbursemenu tM.lW.SOt. Uatlni discovered Is tbe main lend, ot which McCoy. B promincin member of tbe found dead next morning in n oomfield
the excess of exi>endltures ev*r receipts tbsjead on the Case land was a tewnch. typcgrnpblcal union, egtendtd the vm-.i.geu fset awsy. Another of bsr cbllAT Igo r. M.. AMD
tU.07I,&M. ThU deflcll U accounted for Assay tests have been made of the rock palby and financUl support of tb* gi«B had both lags farokna: still anotbsr
by abnormally heavy ezpendlturea In- taken right <rff the surface of tke Wll- prtntera of the tnuatrr.
: noth arms and both legs brokssi.
Thursday, Aug. S
cMent to tbe l•rfnnnlnd ^ the new flaea) kmsoB lend. These show that it runs
) Mjas Jsssle Orovus was killed tastanTCrtsis b ksw M Head.
year. As corr.|>ared wlQi Jane tbe re- »t0.tS to the ton In gold, srttb. gllver and
Each camp In the besteged district will ly. Cbartas McDowell, aged II. ,irU:
neipu were Increased tX.lllCM. and the ooppsr showing^__________
be kept constantly fupidled srtih guarda probably die from hts laJurtcA Mrs.
dUtIursemeots. t37.lM.2ll. Durinr last
HMdquartrrx. as beretofere. will be McDowell escaped with slight lajurte*
moetb the receluu from custoraa
“Camp Determination.'' at Turtle CiyeA Jand Miss McDowell will recover. A mlt- Subjects:----amoantid to tlS.MC.k0i. an inereaac as
Tbe force of deputies was kept busy.ibmder tn McDowell's yard was tlAsd
compared «7th July, ISSt. ot about t&“The Awakened Woman.”
Eewry move was watched and trouble and set down ball a mil* away. John
MadSO. The Internal reeenue duflne —Boston
seemed to be In the air. Tbe oondlUoc McDowell's barn was lifted bodily wltb
“Our Girli"
July last yielded tis.7<7.m aa compand game! Bmon •. Washington I:
can bt said to be erltloal. Both Mdes xlx taors^ wad set down almost unlnelnanii—Piiteburg A Clnetnast] •:
with tl4.S«.«: for July. 18SC
‘ Flowers and their Rela
Tbe monthly siaiemaet ot the comp- DoutsMUe—Cleveland A LouMviUe i: ai feel thst Utere Is a ertsU near at band jured. The horses were not hurt. Three
ttollrr ot the currency sbowa that the Baltimore-Phlladelphla A Baltimore 4: Tbe offlcUlrof the New Tork snd aeve-"borsea, sixteen sheep and thirty bog*
tions to Human Life.”
Brooklyn-New Tork *. Brooklyn 8. land Oss Ccal eqmpany gave out the that were In John McDowell's barntotal circulation ot national bairic notss
----10, statement last night that their forces yard were killed. Ablgsasmfrastrecsras
on July n. 1SS7. was t2S0.TS)I.SM. an
were Increased U Turtlr Creek mine*, j found on the dairy farm ot John Oerdea
ciaaae as compared with July O. USl
TVestrtn League: At DetrtfU —Mil- and that mere men were at work In tbe There Is no sassafms In tbs Umber
erf t4.sic.4tl. —
and -_______
a decrease—as_____
piisd with Jniie ». UT. of »sr.l*0. The I wauUee A Detroit U; (second gaasel Plum Creek min* than there has been anywhere In the vtclnlty.
circulation based rm United SUtes 1 Milwaukee 1. Detroit 3; at Orwnd Rap- gnee tbe campaign agnlnst Ibe company have bsen.carrtsd a loag dlstaaca.
- ' ids-MinneapoUs 4. Orand Rapldt I: at SUrt' •
iBcrease for
bonds was ASC.4M.M*.
Indlwnapolti — St. Paul A IndianapoEvtcnoha TO baoh* book.
For twenty-foar days last winter tbe
Westen Asaoctatton:
At Qulnep— Waet Tiegtaht ttrttaeeOet Kettrs-Mahna temporxture In tbe Klondyke wa* M
Burlington 4. Quincy 1: nt Peorta—
OsAm the rt^Miy CWart."
) mlnue.'
cedar Bapida lA Peorta «: at Dee
OrxRon. if. Vs.. Aug. A—Notka ba* \ A Bronson (Mich.) man baa a fit tie*
Vorthfn ttfiUgftn List
•si Pisgeni Fan • Oeemss
MoliMs-gt. Joseph A Das HMaes 4; at bsen aerved by Superlnlendeot A. P.! with a good crop of fig* 00 It. which
Boekford—Dubuque 11. Rackfotd lA
(Mwdreke. of the Flemlagton mines, to
Washingtem. An^. A-Tbe ireasuryde.
_ nsn Diskii xiiiTmiirsi
every ctrlUn* miner tn the region oc- I No*
with the
garimenl has turned over to the Mate
g-rtn^Md. UU. Au* A-Tbrm ha- cupytng the company* bouaes. to va- >“»• th*‘ ih*" »« bushel# of gedd In STEAMER “PETOSKEY.*
department tor delivery to Chrtatopbet ay^„e„bers of the Seventh reglmenA
the property Immediately.
px- the Wicblla mountains. Oklabenia.
Bchmldi through the German etnbaMr
q.. tag trouble with oltlsens. The
Mrs. Margaret Letong baa lust ar
cltemenl run* high kmong tb* mlnris,
the sum of lAWiO as full Inderolty to goldlcn bad about thirty kegs of beer In a* tbr notice says their goods will be rived at fia'E Francisco, bavtng made
Alim tor Injuries susulncd In UK from I« lot tn the rear of tbe Retech brewery, thrown Into tbe etreet If they are not (be trip frok Cbtcaga on her wheel.
• •Os ■;
a rule shot fired by Dnlied SUtes Ml- A iwoveat guard of alaty men was sent out within n spaetfied Urn*. An at
An immena* swans of graesbopp
dlerw Schmidt was pamlng along thf , out «. bring them Into Camp Uacol^ tempt wUPbe made to operate tb* miDM passed orsr Manlstaa. Mlcb, taktag
K»ut two boars tor tbelr paesagw
with non-union men.
Tbe t.year-^d dsagbter oTHr. Both*
ooora aocTM.
proetrated by lb* beat
« Vlroqua; WlA, wbU* attbMr rtftle range and was SUnMt by
ran. Then there waa a gsnecal mtx-up Montgomery. iwabty-flve mile* eaat of »en>P«lo* W tMlow geeae Into a ataailow
«o»a eoriB
gtrmy tnillsl.
between soldlera and citueaa One ciu- b«i* yesterday. Ttast* ws(e thirty-two,
He was a subject ot Oennxny. but
s art InvesUwhen the appropriation was laadt for seo bad a bayonet run Into bis eye and dclogBtc* present, end twenty mins* 1 ‘The
retwesented- Tbe meeting was addressed, R
his cMlef congress expreaty refussd to tbe eye ball aeverely cut.
by W. D. Mahon, of Detroit, who I* to j of maU matter carrM aboard tb* graat
admit llsblllir m wefa oases mod made
g read: “Rsllef
of a subject of , Chicago. Aug. k — lAbor baa oom- charge of tb* work of organising mto- oeaan Msamshlps,
Oermaay. To pay. mri of hamane eon- metKcd a fight against non-nnlmi brick. ] are In WsM Virginia, aad othtsa. B*ao-1 Fanarrs Ja aouthwsstsni Ukbl^
«dc*aUim. without rafctanca to the After a certain nor date-oot yet fixed | inUons wen passed demanding a H- , estimate that tb* oats crop la that
check region
region this
this scaeoe
season wlU
qamIloB ef llabUlty tbarejor. to tbs —tb*
—the National-----------------Nattonal Bridntetr*' allMne* cent
cent rate
rale tor
tor digging
digging coal and a check
be> oae-toortb
and tbe Bulldln* »adea ooancIL backed wrighman on each tipple. An agree- Mm than last year,
\nvlxo AMore. n raaMent of Brute,
L. will refuse meat to quit work and remain Ml# till
by all
a seal* cf pricaa wa* agreed npon far. Wis, tfirew a sUek of cerdwt^ U a
k^^e I
-coal digger* of al tke sutss srae also' cow aad dlalocatsd bl* back. He Is Ig
t by payiiW.o
Referring to tb* Injunction toeued by
Mra Tamar, wife o( a farmer Uvlag
I* to Tbe Jadge Mason Mabon said he would pay t«s> snlle* sewtb ot HontMlo. Wla, hniig j
Topeka. Kan,Aag.k“^
/'for the
no attantloa to II He had bats ac•b* left a lattar nuung ah*
dolag to death by a mob «f thru* Italian
u UU
to,aubierte. 1 ha men ware Lotanao Be lad- „ -|. tl..
crop of corn wID n« b«^«t j „Hka# for tbe MM five yean. Be had
4 ma'm. jseSjmw^*
paid any_ -............
rflMeiUoci to..............
Arthur Daabar. of Holly. Mick, egad
end bad nsver baen artasted. ^Hc knaw u;
g^r toMog bl* life, as the
JaU at Hahnvtil*. Im. ibout a ymr ago' have wHbered tbe prod act.
bl* rtgbu a* aa Amerimn elDs^
ot a pracOBa) Jokw
smd lynched.
T —HIsWU* Ssra Darglar.
Mae riUM to'^
Green Bay. Wla. Aag. k-eteptaea 8.
Piompl medical bM saved •nsfiteamsrOovellM
Joyce, riertt of the dmm ceurt. shot hi* “■
tabi hr tAm.
H' bl* Ufa.
digest of official uplnluni and dertsleos w«e in tb. Uf. arm mlstaktog brt^ ^
eaiaiing to peaaion* and booniy land*, n burglar. She bad a eka* oaO trom
ruperviMon of tb* 1 death. tM MIU recover.
prepared under
nMMad In laftaelag tbe New To*k Gmttacn aasUlant seenrtary of the Interior,
wMb CamaacAsU.
and aetkm. No patty Jndg* mould ds- tml Labce
John W Reynelda has Just been isausd.
Mick.. Aag. k-Uei rklab prtvo Mm of tbe kbarty partbaaed tor
tl embraccalradieg dtcldoes on tbe mb- B.Momagoa.
1 mlMm bg tbe -Meod---------—
ef bJ* latbere.
aged a yean. cEanmfO*-----,-------------------.
Met* exlendlng from tb* organlaaikm ot rideCanes,
19 dflkktag enrboBn adid wbO* 4»- I. Buntlngtoe. W. Va„ Ang. k^Swr ^
aboatuig B. C
- k. Me bad a laig* temtly. who eolUerr on tb* Norfolk aad XTcatm
a so muse ter eaUidn. i rnflroad 1
inletltw departa*eaa as W40 aa «C the
caied by the coyemment.
Rotfay and Tnesdiy, lug. 24,
Itrtluni UcMgu
—TniisiiortitiOD Go.
ri3JSr.:i:i:EaS; **f s
.:'4Jfia,4 ,.k.c ^
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