The Morning Record, August 17, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 17, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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womiixsD SKX ozTT oomron.

▼alsa of BicMac CMiuMaa.
What tto eltp eecabU did hot do laat
totht«0Momad«0M UpM than thair
oBhdalaeta Aldannaa Goodrich i
oaet to eortaia parii propoaitioaa. aiao
.locaadiac a pgaalUa

wtoaa do^ (t U to hrl&c vioUtm of
oitpordiBaaaea to jactloe. and attar
at *a wiaa OMelBaioa that aaap of tha
aedtoaaooa la foroa an «at aaforoad
etottea aU mat with ttora or iaaa taw
tot aetioa eaded la thatf dhwimloa
Howarar. wa afa to haaa a park a
mlttaa. to ooaaiat of oaa aldennaB t
aaeh ward: that waa at far aa that j
Caetloe weat at thte time.
^r^ardlaff tha wtaUlthmeDtot-a Uaa
ter tameinf oo Bi^t atraat. iadaead
to h patitloa troaa rcaidaata of that
atnat. About tha time that tha'exUtlar ordinasaa which aatabliahad tha
1<1», waa paaaed. Mayor Smith aad C.
S, Baek had aatabliahad their Una
whito aaaaedad that aatabliahad by toa
city. Satoaqaantly othara terraead out
from thair walka tot aot aU uaiformto. Mr. Back waa proaant and «apAaatad that the line to asuUiahad aeyoordiap to tha tamoea of tto lofr
owDod to blm aad Mayor^Smith, which
woold laava tha roadway SI faat ia
width whan both Mdat arara tartaead.
Ha dmertbed toe adraatah* that
weuU foUow, bothla aMTl^ of ax, paaaa ia earia« for tha atraat aad tha
; aaacmat of dnat which woald to radaaod. Tto matter waa rafonad to
. thacontmUtoaopatraata
BaaidenU of Watoter attaataakad for
tha fraeallnc of ihat atraat from Boaa
atraat to Qardeld araaoe and that waa
aiao ratenad to tha oommittaa on
atraatsaod walto
A paUtion for a walk on the aodth
adde.ot lOto atraat from Oaaa atraat to
aaenna waa crahtad. aad the
walk crdacad to to totlt to SO daya
Thma waa no action apoo the propoMtfOa to parchaaa the Dantraa proparty aoath of the aaytoe kouaa, aa ^
membwa of toe oommHtae on ways
and mean bad not yet yiraa the mat­
ter anfltoaat eonaldarntion.
The board of pnbUc worka racom■iittdtfl tha extaaatoa of the WaUinyton atraat newer ancLaftar the racommandaUoa waa adopted the el^ attor­
ney waa toatroetad to draw up tha
The report of toe aty traanrar raeaalad a batonec^of SMW.Sf.
Ttoatatamoataad pay roll of- the
board of publie world for pnblic ImproTamante aaUad for ttta.M and the
nmenntt wan ordered paid.
Alderman Ooodrieb pnaentad a bUl
tram Stnet CommimioDar Kelly, for
arabbiny on Woodmara aTanna and
Oamrntnat. A part of toe work had
toaa toelndad to a prariotta order of
tha aounen. bat opon Woodmara annae tha wwk had been ordered by Aidarman Goodrich to behalf of the board
of pabUe wprka: without
Uad by tha aonaelL Alderman Montofua aaorad that toe bill to allowed baeasoe be thonyht it onybt to to paid,
bat be aaUad tola oppartnnity to rayiatar a riyoroiu protaat ayalnat aato
. jpdnya on by Aldarmaa Goodrich. Be
declared that noone mambar'of the
aom^ had a rlybt to order each improramaait withont initnetiona from
tha aattn board aa a body, aad baraaftor. if then waa any more work dona
witboatdne oonaidatutlon' and anthoriaathw by the conneU ha woold flyht it.
Mr. KaDybbtUwaaoidarad paid aad
Altoamaa Ooodrioh tpok no
to toe oppealtton of Aldartaaa Monta^tohlaeoana.

Uu .ialomtlOB to eosli f»is would
to bf r»lM to tto olty. Mayto tolth
raudtotto boudttotQ. B. Boofbey.
wto deola in atoM enutova, anou
tobtB that
to would briac a oraahor hero tel trial
atol that the eUf aoto not to nader
to toka it, wtothar it
TWa propoatOoa waaoeaaaeh-aera litoral thho
any pat oSaro<.that it waa aoaaidarad
with tatw, tho^rh ao daflaita aetioa
waa tatoa at tUa tiaia Bat tha dto
eaaatea vpea the propoaltioa of Aider-.................................... A- Mr.
iBff od tha plaa ear
UapaakiBr of atraat i
ode which ware adopted to aome por-

ttoMofthaMWrwdi'dtof wrtakito(>
I not adopted.' Spaaklnc of
^rtakUnr. Aldarmda Cook adalaad
that aome pramoca to bronpkt to bear
npou toe water worka oo^paay to todnoa them to furalah taaaauia anfieanl

reoant dra on Sproee atraat. whaa
there waa not aao^ water to qaeneb
a trlfliwr blata to a amaU bam. The
oootraet frith the water workn'eompaay waa xaterrad to and it waaahown
that thJre ahoald to anooph prewnra
to throw two atraama alzty feat from a
(Conltoxatf on 2d po{K.)

Waa BUhad Ont of tha Bay Sonday
wm Darrow made a rb^tly find
while troUtof for troat to the bay op^
aocompaaiad by Miaa Mayyie
PyaeawbownaontforanaU. Mr. Dar­
row had about tooo feet of win Una out
when tha water waa about sso faat
deep, and aadtoty faaUny a .haavy
atralB upon hie Una baalad It to-with
difleolty. B^raadisappol^whento
found aodtlat tot an aid boA. tot aurpriaad whaa ha aaw tha boot eoittatoad
tbe bonaa aad decayed fteah of a haaua
foot. Mr. Darrow broaybt the naalybtly object home' aad depoaltad It
to Ua boat bonw thtokiny that perbape tha boot and foot had balonyad to
Tom Chrlzeek wbo waa drowned while
ftahtoy throsyfa the ioe latt apriay.
The boot waa of the beery aowblda
kind and wua the left one t'pon toe
ootaide of the heal waa a metal atrip
calcnlatad to keep the boot from ruatoyoeer. Ttaia mlyht pprfaapa lend to
toe Idantifieatkm of toe party to whom
it balmyad and of which toe foot
aparb The aeppcalUoa that a part of
too body of Tto> Cbtomk waa found WM
diaaipntsd by tto aunt of Chauek. wbo
dcalarcd that Tom wore
whan drowned aad bad
It faM bean a popular nyiny tout
Oiaad TraroiM b^ aarer yiroa op ita
aietiM. aad thk ia uadoobtadly om
who loot hte Ufa aome tone ayo. by
r. and whoM friend* hero Umy
ayoyirenap bopM of recoeartny tha
____________ _
Obugtd by W. P. Xaneoy With Mot
Tnniny Oa«r<Mlactleaa.
Chnrlea M. Watktoa wm ariMtad
yaatarday ebaryad with ambenltoy a
email aom of money from W- P. Eaanay. the mai& dai^r., Watktoa had
bean employed by Kenaey aa collector
aad toe money to qaeaticn la elalmad
to hare boM eoUactad by bim and not
tarnedto. .
Than hM bmm troaWe between the
two men for aome time and thin diffieuity U probably a eulmtoatfam. They
had an altereaUoa on the atreat yM
Urday tot ao damaye WM dona. Wat­
ktoa arM tuleaaed oa tioo baU to Ap­
pear (oraheartoyThanday moraiiiy.

Tba Shaboyfaa baaa ball team, ehamplou of the Wiaeanato atata laayne,
an ban today for oaa yama Thia
team hae tha reputatten of batoy the
faataat and moat ayyramira in Wiaaoaaln, and oboold tto Baatlan beat toam
«L'paa ttoftaommandatfoeof Chiaf of tbay oaybt to to aatlttad to tha cham^ica-hlpof”

Pat Dano and Bd. Eardy, both foU
paid amployM of toe fire dapartaaant.
} Ohioayo VaifeaA

Date uofiaiabed bMtoam AUramaa
fioodrleh called attoatioo to the noMt
ansiMttoa to haaa the mayor aad
iMmbar of toe oooMil eioftOnmd BapUaand CUoayo for toa pdrpoMOf yain-

an atotoarttmM.totattb]aMma
acMitlird that a trip to toe mpor pa­
ve then were idaArbatoy

Aayatt 16-WtoaSMe; Sto««»bar. SSHe; Oaoambar,
Sic: May. SSMe.
-Oorn-Auyart. SSkc; Saptambi
t$Sc; Daoambar. foXe: May. SSKiOata—AayMt, ' l?Hc:
17He; October. ITXc: December, 19|<«
Pork-AnyMtand Septafober. r.Wj
October. fiS.lO; Dacembar, ts.17.
Urd—Aayuet. fo.lT;

« anahar. miyht to too B

ol ShaJaakaMtay party.






been aide for oear-aiyht mootto with a
caaear. Baaldaa bar haabaad a famOy
of thrM aoM and four deayhian aarnn tor. Ibe niaiine wil to taken to
former hoBM of tto family to GadUlna, today, aftoi a abort aarrfoa at
MtmUata Are Too Beat lor Xaakaceai- tto booM to thia ally, awdartad by
Boward Moora
Xhap Want Down Without a BeoraBoorem Waa nt Braaly aad TraaSVBBOim ZKXZB OAITOBS.
aria Olty Btapad a Bisa Oama.
Waa Btaaltoy
oa a TCato and
The Baatlan arritad borne yeetarday
Oi^tarad by Train Ken.
from Maalnvod. after toatM« tha Bade
AtBa^wto yMtarday a party
twofaaa aaaUy. Tha eeaeod fame
arraahA for nriatiny train mao who
aahatwotaadataottma waa tto
to force him from the
pitabad for trdn. upon whleh to waa stMliny
Boorum. tha «c-Haatlw.
h aaremWritotahaa ride. TtomaaUaaidtotoeefiaoriabtha Bade and hla
threeleacd to oboot
tham>hrm)taafop tor le htto two
of them
yma by WathiM
■ aad
HoU. AAiir
AAiirpropro­ tto train omd. Be an*wai
tlou of the man wpo wm
portion ware two-bnaa Uta and Bitoar
robbtoy tto dwdUnyaP of Sylraatar
made two of them.
Beutaony. Paler OUlla and William
Brarybo^ bit tha haU aad toe
Moa a few daya ayd. and tha party who
Swede from SparU ” neror reeelrad a
ratwdrubbtoy. Boat made a hinatoy wMohaaadby'Underah ~ ~
thia proTM to be the rlyht maa be wiU
catch nt a fool that wm a entoarjaak.
probably to brouyht hen ta oMwar
HuU made tone hltt and atola four
bawa. aaeoad twice and third twice. te tto robtoriaa

of them on pretty alidea-wnd
Botoarford, “Louie BUtt,’’ run beam
Uke a fiend.
Watktoa' pitehtoy wm auperb
toe iMt Inutoy hU work wu yml.
The fint maa at batatnok oat aad
tha next made a hit and atola aeeond.
tot tha next two mao—Kroeyar and
White, both bMvy hitter*—ha stroek
oat. refiriay the aatira aide oa atrlkaa
rhan a bit aMnat a run.
Whaolar made, a mayolfleant
aiw catch of a foul fiy In Satsrd^ yama 'Both yaaaaa
won aaaUy. - Tha boat from TnraiM a#- played with a aaap aad
vim that aroold wia anparbara and the
Mnak^on eraaka ooeleada to thia town
the bMt amatoar
to toe atata. and do not boaitata
toaayao. PrankTUtorptoyedaaoond
boM to both yamea,pnd(^ pUyad apianaidly. Be did not ntarn to tUa city
with tha team but want oa to hia home
to Andenon. lodlana. yaatarday. .FUh________hlmaelf popular while hare
aad tbe fane r^rat hi* departure.
Kahoa of the Bnatlan of­
ficiated a* ampin la tbe eaeond yume
yarc yaaanl MtiefaeUon. Jim
tbe alnff to him for • food one-

Mairlad ia WUUaMbuy..
A happy marrtoya wm aolmnnUa.
WUliamabnry Saturday by Bar. D. A
Graaa. The oantiaeU^ parUca <
Braae Herald and MIm AfinM Bam£
dauyhtar of John BamUton.
Mra.J. M. Uynylaoatoe tick Hsi.
Dr. O. C Joalyn Mtlad orer from EaV
tou Bay Sunday.
Tha mothar’e maattoyot tha WUIard
W. C. T. U. arill taka place at S:S0 thi*
aftarooen to tha Second M. E. ehareh.
Mia. Padaa wtU ImA
The Baatlan wOl yo to Bay View
•Widnaadmy to play a fame with tto
roaort taana for the adlfiatolon of tho
at the hlf farmora’ yatbarlny.
Tbara wQl to food buM baU
TwaUth Street Park thia aftaneoa t
tha chaaiplJbd
tha Wiaaa^ Matat Icayna. aad <
BMilan.' Oama eallad at S:$o.
Pranto^rooeb A Son* bare plaaad to
poaitton tha new oieat raeka for thair
mMt market. Tto laek* are
mental, nitola platad and toaid

Flunk Paik* want to Dk Rapid* yeatarday on hi* wheel la two houn aad
B B. X. fire mliintca Ha made the ntnrn trip
id tha mma time ayutoat a atrouy bead
wind aad did not ditmoant doriny the
.1 « I 0 0 t » t *—18 «« S
.0 0 « V 0 B 0 U 0- « » T

Bar. j. F. Mum ia Blaaaad with tha j
Local BaUTaam.
Oaa of tha moot ayynMiro boM toll'
aath^Mta to tto rtW to Bar. Fr. i
Maw of Sk Pianei* aharah. Be bM |
bMU a loyal aapportar of tto Hutton !
aad aarllar to tto iMiea atatad that Ifj
tha boy* woold win two oat of three I
M from MaaSetaa ha would bmtc ,
op a box of eiyun. Ba wm m tood m
hte word aad yaatarday whan tto Beat-'
tou raturnad from Maakayim they,
foond a bu of fraynnt Dtomoad Jb awnlttoy them. Tto4*toruUiy n«d adaalratfon of Father Mom-la appra^tgd
aad tha boyo wUI make a opacial effort
today to malatoia thair yoto ataadtoy
by defmUny tbe champkma of tHaeontto.

1 Alaska - 2

BotM Bad to Be Shot.

But bare ia a eaun riyht at
bame. Ton doaH bare to
freexa to dMth to yet it
aitbar. T. J. Beat oflen



Sto FMOffT sntCCT.

. M. B. HOtlBV. MAtoaM.

Factory made. Cheap. Or measure taken
and made to order and hung, at-----


You Take Half



Wa taka batf-thatb our eutwto* rtmy ou wkmVn toft to

Ladies’ Summer Capes, ^
Child’s Summer Reefers.

Special and Extraordinary Talnes in Ladies’ Shirt
Waist! and Silk Waists.
Haw BaU Stuff eomtoy to awy^ n

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet, and Clothing House.

To the crippled condition of
the times we consider it onr
duty to inform yoa that,
quality considered, our........

floor is the cheapest jon can


Bright, Fresh, Neat


Mra Lortoa MePcaald, ayad S7. wifo
of AnyMMaficaalAdiadattor hUM.
aacMT -Spraoa aad Baadnfpt afoaat,
Sanday morntoy. l6a. Mclkmld bad

I want to get off and walk” to the one riaoe
where I can find a full line of artistic Stanoiierr; aU the latest styles and shapes; some­
th!^ 1 know is correct


I No Doubt
I Tltat There
I Are Snaps In

A ralnabla hone belonyliiy to Frank
Vinton of WUlkuMbaryh. ateppad into
a hole to the pMtan Sanday and broke
ita lay. The animal wm abot by ax«iariV Mead Vtotou.

WaU Bnofrn Society Opopla of 8ayInaw Wadded pt the Basort.
A pretty aad romantic raoort waddiny took plaoa Wadnaaday araaii« at
tha cottaya of F. H. Grarm at Omana.
whaa Mto Llxxia Ltor. a aodaty baUa
of Sayiaaw wm marrtad to Oaorye R.
WOay. a mambarof tha Valley Menufootariay Co. of tto Mma city- Mto
Uhr oama to Omana a few day* bafora tha waddii« to riait bar friend.
Mra C. O. Whitnay. and Mr. Wiley
enma npfrom Saytoaw with Mr. Whit­
nay on Wadnaaday. Tto aaremony
look place Wadnaaday. Bar. Uaa. B.
Bradley oOrtatiay. aad-pc«tty littU S^
yaar»-ald Fraacaa A Whitney, laohiay
Uka a dato^ fairy, to filmy white, aetinyMrtoyba^. The bride wMeharmtoyly atUrad to a brawn coMaroy trarallny aait and carried a boaqaat of orehida. Tto aottayo wm alaborataly
rith farm. traUtoy ^ aad
flowara and the rtppUny wara* 00 tto
baato ptoyad a mitoeal waddiny marah.
to tto
raMMoiafowfriaada. aad «
OM rafraahawafo were aerraA
AftmarWtof afowdayaattba raawt Mr. andMn. WUaypaoMd thixNvh
PocMCItyytoforday m tb^ way

'Mr. Captain, stop the sMp»

; Men'* ali wool extra -|


Is what you will observe in every’thing in our New Meat
Market in the Brosch Blodc.
Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.

: MaababrirtlyaUwool



atm* tiamrtaM year*.


W* caU nor Heatf to lOe
tan Oat the *>,»* com t>


If You Havo Logs to Soil

Correspfwd witb^
the TraverseCity
Lum^ Company. We have for sale Good, Sound Hem­
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flowing.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. MUI Machinery, of aU
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages
and ^ws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.

Many Other Bargains
which we wUl be
pleased to show

14 Olf n AH Tan SliHS

Hmr Stlts. WaiRpmfShMlfHfillwuriiUfos
, toGam. UsiSctoiams.
Toe Oax Alwaya Hu ■nTm

Popular ClotUer.

SBX KOBNIHO BSOOBl>. witA tepuMte.llr.wA Mfi. Puiy
MteiNteftlleLeUM. who Am tea

rsATXRSEcmr. •


m» nu omo o» tn


•a to te h«M teHow York

xnrERR RRixn nr/mronov

not te be Icnored.
Next year there will be many tmrommenta which It te too late to Start
thte teU and the plaoe wUl be mpldly

Mm C. a Wblteuy and little dnotbThonteioal Vol
ter Pmneot nrrired from Omenn yeaM«M Intorest te brine I
terdny for n abort ridt with: Mr. and
I the BssaU oT the
Mm C L. Wbltey.
Baarinc In the Injunotion Oasae.
Mte* Em Wella nod Mim Mnnd BayBDBeORtPnoNB.
Plttepng. Aac- Id-—h meeUnc of Us, which wok place at Kansas OHy
gsdora. who bam been Tiaittec Mtee
last Mhreh. As they ham been proMyrtle BnuabnU. mtnmel to Ibetr theofflrinteof
• In
in the city haa been eaUed for tonlcbt dace4 only in the very largest dtiee
to bonfer with aad.take aaeb action w other\etetce. Traveree qity to fortaOMIMr.teBAU.
may be naked by the local ofB .-me of nato -in.being able to eee them only
the baiUd Mine Wt^em Cnloo. It to
antlripa'tad that the hearinc on the ih New York. Tke p^wi* in the other
Injaaetton to be held today may gp dltim ^Mk la toraaoftbe pratoe of
: four-inch maint Hero Mded the water against, thsm.and a
their exerilMoe. The edmtoaSon '
In camp nt ^ plneed n
be pnt on the minen
4 M-lto PoMottM •
Turtle Croric and ^ereoiM of
I the New *s and Meeate. The box oSoe sale
the eonndl waa abaent, bat York, and CteTelaB<;'Gs^
Wand Coal Co: began at Strinbete'e O^ad yeaur'
PKAOBflBnnorOsuuLnU ted to
A n^aam
m'Goc drteb mw the neeetety A* to the marching eM
of nctioo eoon la that matter and bad
torn w^Mng. it wlU be
tec Um IteUu orup. Tho Gout of
In that event It to ,
Thrte UM>k axeopUou to the atetetoMl uve •
expected that the order of the eourt
k'lMtMtte iPrteee erman from enA ward aad o eprimu wlU-be disobeyed, so a tost might be
• tbe-fsi d
SmtI. of aotiM. dteUtod to rotroot. dUaea from epeb ward U
7. and hr told it well too.
had. aod the miners and* the leader­
Uwofore ttee wm » fl^t. yclept in
■■Bill Morris. - be ssiA -was a
) of tan to look thorrn^ ship of Prmident Patrick Dolnn and
in the town in Indiana wbere
Prwoe end ItelyodML The
into the matter o' parks aad'to pro- othen srlll continued to march to the
I was bom. Bill ws* a sbrrwd fellow,
pel feotnk beinc the eue- token by
mlnea It to then expected that the
and it wasDt long after Iw got into
the eeoonde to eee Ihnt their wbaoerm- the eonndl sboold require leaden and perhape nmay of the
bastoeee before t>e waa maktog pleoty
iriDdpte did not httrt «ooh other. and to aleo look np the qumtloa of lo- will be arrested. Thm will be no re- Of money Uke a good tanoy other
Mnoe Henri eteawoMdedell^Uy end eatlona. Mr. C
*i»taaee. but in that ease the etrikera people. Bill ttaoogbl that e diamond
theetotenpoa 'tbehenodeftbe Itoltea
• Ui be wilbonta head and themectinc
usmediaie vooeber for wealth,
•rmy ww nttorly oblitcntod. Then body. Be teled attention to the fact tuoigbtw
to be for the par- i and be boagbl one a* soou ai he bad
theOwnte^ter^iho ■
that there nernr waa any .headway In p(B« of selecting a number to take the
Cetduc aebool boildiag* untU the ptoopa of those who may. la the event
the bert of friende. Onrertae debt te whole dty heonme iniMcntod; and be of their being arrested for the infring- tore long tuid tud tfaemmsde intostnda
■‘Shanlv aftcrwsid Bill got en Invlnot eo^He u the duel pot it U i
deemed'thi* a rood way to eelablteb m«ai of the order of the eourt, and k- Utlon to s wedding. He pnt on a low
efleetlTC ud epreete more coreeemml parka and tbu* aattefy all the ing kept in Jail and anaMc longer to eta veei end farteacd taisthree.diamfxri
peopla On moUoB of Mr. Good­ direct the movement of theateikorsetud* in fall sbm boeom Then be went
IT te encctoted by AldemaGorrieon rich U waa dedded to have the eouadl
to the wedding, prepared to make a
Fouch DefMted.
that we bare our city ordtewoe^
wnestion.. Bot. nnage to ssy. nobody
aeleet a committee of five from
rteed eo that they may b< undent
TheFou^ bau ball team was de DOtioed fato diamood aoda BUI ww
fratea by Ure Lafayette Colt*, at Poplar sarprised and gnevoL - Be dido-t know
by the people.
whst todo orsay He atqod srouad nnnot adraneed to caat any n
Parker. OreUiek. Cock. Lardie and Oar* Point. Sundsy. by the book of 11 to der the gailigbte and turned end rwisfto. Roeatg of the Colt* straek out
riaoD ak the eommluea Tbtec»n Aled bimseU sothsttbe
derman Montarue a obaaee tto'ebject seven men ui the fcsl Uree Inning* *L
■ '
bot etilJ
. bet atenply to eee if ■
; that mid Witeon of the anm. team
I word aboot the thier
Ticoromly, and he i
aort of -lawB miebt be
led with a ost fiK in the laet elx. EUmer of t Ai.myr^ ,tadt.
slmpUelty would leave no oxcuM for
Poach hit a ball totonfarasb heap nndl
jost before the wedding
fairy wand ao that we ena have parka
befoK It oonld be found be had craeed | Bopper.
ipper. Bill
BUI went to the tosi
by the preato chance method, when­
and naked him to be pennitled to epeak.
Go6unim.un> Novtaoo* ever Alderman Goodrich wtebed, nod the platA
They mt down to npper, and Bill tried
do not
acree harmoniotey nt any dme and ^aoe Mr. Goodrich
in.erery wsy to get eomebody to men.
mpatt the method* of
mlcbt dealm He aocowd^Mr. Good­
hu dipmood etada No one took
mittee on path*. BowoTer. it te a ntte- rich o/mabinc a eocCMttea for the
t& tllgbtMt nocieecd a
{the tpcakitv. BiU wm called on and
JMtten tobe aUe to eay that we are to. oonnoiF to follow rerardlnc the ap
Bncted nt Lrinna Folnv
I mid: -Imlim and gentlMMm. I have
hare eneb
polatment of the commietee. then of
I^snd Mat. the 'pretty resort at;
iijtentng with great iotercM to
there may be diflereneee of oidnien re- ColnCnhMd and ..
head of Chrp lake, wticb to | srhst hat. been mid here tonight. L too.
Canllnc wbetber Ali
aelf. Alderman Lardie arced netion
being daveloped by
_ Watts, hope tbe Uvm of thii yoong ooople trill
the oounril or the mayor shall make
at TmTine City te away behind
dallgbtfal be m happy m a flower and m bright m
othtf dtiee la the park line. There
apote in this sKtkm of the atete. and my ihRediasood acmte. "->BoSaloEo.
wna notbinc further neeomplfahed.
when it haa been embe'utobed aeoordHere wu wbeie Alderman Monte
Ing to the plan* now proposed ttaere
foond Ume to ai
will be no more attracUve
“Obr abririceo the landlady, m tbe
e. A. R. wm Bare a Groat Time In Inr wboae duty it i* to take action to spend the aummer than this.
It ‘ labdtody'i boiband laboriooaly baoied
Oiy fitted byr nature for a;
a • from bit
hi* pocket
pock« a bail
half emptied bc^te
acainat riolaton of bicyde
n for a ouiet "M t*>* worthiest wretch ban-t drunk
The annual reunion, nt Big Rnpida. had other law*. He referred to thr place where wic
and nt the tnme Ume eopiy the brandy 1 sent him tor’ Bow um I
Septembei. It. 16 nnd 17, of {he-Hold- throwinc of tacks is the sueets. fail-

9m. T. RAyn

J. W. BAnoot.

Hotel Whiting I

a. W. HAXvai. Editor wA Mmr«.

Tbatebse Cm, MichWddufiigy «d Thmddj,



•, y


recnaUoo nod tport which
give* health and pleasure to thoee who ,
Mr. WaU* has already |
erected twenty neat bath-honem and a i
boat honas, ail atUaeUvely painted i i
and ooavanieaUy arranged. TLeriwre tnoUt. an 1 needed f
to smooth nod anndy In eom* places rinuati Enquirer.
and pebbly In othets which to sore to
1W Vswhava ub4 ti
anil the fnocy of everyone. There to
Lnvster, in. .
Intely no dnoger to bnthrr* and make* tbe follow _[ curtoua remarks:
Watte baa taken pain* to provide **I have had oocssion to riwerve ai
•raiy iaaii^ for tbto bealUiy psaUme.
thoncht (he old rtllace
•bonld be reriaed ao that people oonld ' There are nowAve boate which cap be have found an a
undamtend them, and ha would wply secured by the neorten and in ad-! betwsen their ptoflie and thorn U their
the aame remedy to some of the i
c tlo. v>U...n.b«U., Ui«. U M I y*"- ,A
pateed dace the dty
extensive grove of beach, maple, spruce
Influenoe of Ue ate and food and profa.
aadeak. It to note tangle aucb a* to ably the change <d posture bad so al­
found nt many raaorts, bat the gronnd tered the design of the face that yoo
to well rienred and it to n delightful eoold have believed it s different inaaeat him nt the
Monday erening and be would yim plnce for pteniepnrtlcs to spend n dny dividuaL 1 afterward mw two of .them
A pretty cottega with
Uem abtetoryofa nei^ water worin
tiousforalarge party, hm Jaat been
plant which be Inspe^ while l>i
>pleted. It to attracUve in design, llbonrs after their deaU they imme­
Waterupm. VIA. remnUy. The iarldiately recovered Ue ptofite w^ had
and mpedally arranged for Mmfort
tetioa waa aoeepled.
straek me so mnob at tbete blnh. only
It to now preeided tbe profiU of tbe deed ritUd was, m
r by Mrs. atnte. who looks after the migM be expected, more strongly
ifort of visitors and proridm them marked end more term than that «f Ue
Viehienn'B Soldien Left teUod Lake WiU meals that would delight an epi- living." _________________
oure.' -nae bsilding to located upon a
naiaral tenace and eommanda an en.
“Waro't Uat ramanti^’ said tbe
laland Lake, Aucast lA—A weary
eld^y maiden boeidet.
lot of anldiem marched out of quartera
wbat romentioP' growled
at-lalaad Lake thU mornlacaad board> Lriand Print i
tbe bqobelor boarder, m Uere wm no
ed the spedal tmln* io waiUnc and
nayUlng in the wny of ediblea. to
elm at Ue ubU to p^ attantio
Camp Pincree
make Ulehapfv tor Ue toarist. can find the lady’s qomriat.
ery. The governor and hi* party were
amonc the last to learn. General
e trip from Foaeh to the resort down bis wife's n^ fn hla tax Uri n
valeed her at |1,000,000.'
White ramatas an the cronnde to level
• two boon throagh p eireteh
■Habl ru bet be As flgering on letthe-teata and turn
beauUlal aoeneiy and at many. tint the te__ .______ _______________
Cronhd totbefarmera from whom it polnto en roots Uere nre nUraetiont of
bar sold.
Cleveland Plain DmIcb.
waa rented. The eoldiera are weary htotortoal iatorwL ss Near the Point
partly on aooount of the hard work and Uere to eplendid hem flUing nnd right
XUattes’ BorderUnd.
partly from the eonritei^ which
cioee by. at Ue bend of Ue Inker which
ralcued dariac the peat week. H>* to three milm brand, to Ue jdaoe wbere
Stop beyond iu border and Ue gloom
boys any themi
> tha.t Uw work
the famous salsBon trout whieb bve of nrin. Ue potooa of deepate alarm
hnan't burt-tbem nnd th«y admit that created no mack enUnriasm kmoog ^ U Ue face. HealU te Us
could do all that waa required of
1 life, dteeaae Ue ^oom. It U
are to be found. Tbe Lndy
d that the myetqriou* border
If it waa not for the late boor*
Watte, the hnndsome nnd roomy ynebt cnee cromed Uere can be no reuralng.
which Mr. WnttabnUt Inst spring, tout In^spnny. many easm it l^^e, ^
The only remedy a
„ .
. ST baa .
Ue dtopoenl ot-vtoltors for Ue trout ______
-e of thte erU ia the r
flahing and Ue eport la Us moat excit­ tndividaB^ ia ohaiga. Not ao wiU Dr.
Ottaaa. Ue emUeot ^eeUltet ef the
* wUcb are now the rale In
ing that one eoald dealre.
firmofDfa.B.SACa, of HoskMen.
New York and Pei
Already •mveial lot* are . eoU "to Mich. Dnder btemanipalation and
aM adedBtete traopa hare been broqgbt te the
enttfle dteoovertea, and Uete ^plica­
hicbest deCTM of eflldeary. Thte wealthy people In Chkwgo nnd riM tion. all fanctfonal and orfante
where, who will build oottegm there teoobimand ' '
ling a delecation from the. light
next Mring.oThcra wUI he eoUiag t—perfeoUy and permanently.
infantry of Detroit c£Hed upon Govern­
bet first clam stoBCturm erected and Tbe victim. Ue sufferer, r^lus fate
or Pincree and Captain Gardener. Xn
already contracted lor wiU bs bealU and strengU and becomm again
fate apeeeh the latter
pmtoreaqae land Urge, coating from a aoned bring. Hia marveloas Uill
troopa apoa their cood beUwicr nnd
nnd nUlity
la not the rmali of ehnnee
or-lnrii/but Ue legitimate growU
promteed fhat chance* would be made
.soiM UoM whowOl balld there
whkh would further Impmve theatete next yenr.'.-nreF. W. Bryan, a weU
aoMlera. Among other tblnga be had known real|mtAte deeJan E. A. Mor>
rllL a arealUy tea Importer: Thomm have baen taatornd throagh Or.
and they may be
B. Ackora, eredtt dark U Ue Urge maabakUL
Tithln two yearn
ofM. D. Write,
Thte nmwiM PhyrieUa wiU vtoit
all of Chtengo. and A N. WirU of Ti>- Trnvunn Qw Wsdnmday and Tbaiaunsactlytbe ooodltteBor a tern Uda All Ume gaatUnma lm»e hero
Us Whiting Hotel. &
nt the Print Utely and deela^ it to 'ha
AJoactecbyttUMiDaUarmlng resort, and the s^sndU

tere' and Satioia' Aseodatiou of north- ore to riac bell*, ridinc on prohibited
walks, etc. Also the riolaUona of the
ordloanoe prerldlng that
ahall not obstruct the street.. Be re­
ferred to the ofaetruetlona offered at
the atore of Mr. Boland on ^t State
kand ez- Btreet, where the walk U plied with
nan O Doonell. MePhenoo merehandtee nearly all the time, makroat of TraverMCi^ always tokee an inc It.dUBealtforpedaetrlans to paaa
aetire Intereet lath eee annual rennktDS atUmm Ihla dteeuseiao ateo ended
in the diacniaion. Alderman Garriaon
and srlU eend a pood delation.


itrEifiley dub PieteAt the picnic of the Toninsuln
to be held at Bowere
bar Pri^. the Ladtee Aid eociety of
Mapleton will aerre iee eoam. tern.
lenwaaile. bteeuit and boney. This
prototeiie to be the ontdoor etost of the
B on the penlnrala and wm r>r«
a City people an
meet friend* in that loeall^.

SLoavsn astd DnrxvovnBD
Are the Bpeaken tor •nnterGcheol
Rally Day.
The Bally Day committee an tortnaate in •eeorinf tor the ................. Jnext
Wednuday Bon. Ja< » O-Donnilll of


£fMd Rapid*. □ No. more eloqaent
tnpeaker* are to be found in the etote
and they wiU be rmUy enjoyed by
Mednd Vinton waa in WUltemsbuc
D. r. Hotee of Northport,*** in the
any yeeterdnr-f
Bon. WUUam D. Totton of Kalkaekt.
wna in the dty yeetorday.
Miu Badie PraU left ynterday for %
efnekte Tidt at Iron Moutoln.
Mr and Mn. C G. Trimble of MenMm. wore te the elty yenterday.
John R. Santo apent Sunday at La
tend Point, the pueet of J. M. Wntto milW Wonner of EUaworth. wat
te the
ywterday and dteed at Park
Mm. Joaepb Pomeroy, whohaakpen
Tteltlnc Mm. Burt J. BaU. rotoned to
aoandO. H^Wbite of Ianr from a
two inak*' ontinc at Old Min

Grand Bapida, paaaad throoeb the dty
yseterday cn thdr w»y to Omana.
Mm 8. A. Wh2tflaU,.owiMr of ^
Mantete Pdnt ronrt.>{waa at Park
MoornyMted hy 4. A.
Mm Haute EMn«yo«Cteace. baa
Mteraod hem After n wookte rtelt

Two Days Only Emth HoMh.

Cousnltstion and Exam!nation Free and
DM. a B.a* OO. m*M*thalrBHm(i<ioUi Diwwv* td lb*

Kar. ntrwt

aa« vitWsi U

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
liCAEAXTEB To cure wevi caw of
will si" mwiai otuottou to aiAralt <
WlrOtocere. PccsoooauririiiS tor iwufwwt ^
TtuM who are naabto to eaU ran wiio toll psvttcotor*«
MBt le vxprew- wiia toll iBWriw-tioiMluxr (obatahos.
TteOrwof pra.B. B. C Co. «m tocorpevatm aoveial r*
bcDcejroa tohrooeeaueaa If rovvsiftef tmw. Tbfrarev*

twote ihtvo «
WeswsmbsvowrCIrtmsmt ?

DRS. B.S. &CO.
Look Box 160.


Mew EmbroMerisn.
Mtos Grace Jrimeoo of Grand Rapids
wm be nt the reeideoee of Mr*. J. E.
Sant', n«I B SU street for Ue
two weeks erlU a complete line of
reaped liaero. rill


Ever Bttmed Ontt


mt aad most I

O. F. CARVER. Agmt

> not and w
»* or take ordere as derired.


The Frtaoea* Barber Shop.
When you want a ligbk
Igbk easy share
drop U at the
or an arttetie hair eat.. drr
Priaceea. Srd door weal
U of Hotel Whiting. No waiting. Tbrae first eUm

Has Your

O. E. tfnnri.Prop.
Votie* to Water Ooi
The aar of water for aprinkliag puiposea is by oar rulre. coafioed to Ue
honra of Sam and 8 a. m.. also S p.
m.and ,
All p'aee* wbree water te foond runDing eontraiy to Uto rule will be abut
off—exerpt Where a special permit hea

Ever been caUed to tSe flut
Upt yon can get at tbe Drag
Store (oarettM)

Pure Pewdered Spicos. .
pQM CresxD Tsrtsr,

(and Pure Bak’rg Powder, if yoo want
OB to make it. a poosda for tl.OO.) Rub­
The tax roll* of Ue five ward* of tbe ber Sbrnieg. Bobber TuMog. all
City of Treverae City, for Ue "
of school, c............................
taxes for Ue fiscal year 1897-1898 bae*
Glycerine and Wlteb Basel Lotkm f
Ue hands and face.
iUid taxm may be paid to me
fioe at any time before Bcptei
1897, wiUout charge for eolleetim.
Une per oeat. pearity for oolleetkm
will be charged and erilected upon all
Uzm remaining unpaid September lat.
1897. I will be at my office to reerive

At Our

Soda Fountain

o’clock anUl ll:H d’rioek i

Officq Boom 1, Herald baOdiag. it
Front street.

JiS. 6. J0HR80I.

at Ue B
Go to tbe Lion Barber Shop tor bate
cute aad bnUa, 15 eentt each,
M. H. Gnyrm.

Fire Insurfuice.

250 PAIRS MEN’S SteiobQ’sGnnd Open Bobu.
One Night Only,
Wednesttaj. Angost 18th.




Evmy deun of the u ronadn as writ
Begnlnr <1^50

oor ptee tor


Wss ItR Foul BlowP .
0<«e and See Ibr TooXM^


Suits to Order.
Merchast Tailorisg.



eiecH ill THE FORT.
Ulino^Strfkt fUldm wnn a NotablaViotory land Obtain Efi.
tranoa to Daoatur.

Rim*eh«c fMterday morning. TbU hM
bwa Ui« uouftl euDdoy cunom at «» Um
cvnpg. but cron U U bad boen etber*
wlac tb» atrtet orderg o( all strike l««derm to emit quietly ontU after today
arouM ba>
17 haf usuaily bees used by the
o dp Dlaalcnary work among tbe
working mlDera.
None of them
tempted to ace any worknwn. taowe'
and «U kept severely away from i



•aaatarCM.weaf MMMlpyt Pamm Away
-Beptearatalive Wright.

Fight So Hotly Thtt Th«y Comt
Kmt Hurting Each

Missislfppt City. l^H.. Aug. It.—
TTalisd Sutes.Stnator Jsmes Z. George
died here Ssturday. HIr death was hot
unexpected, at he had been luRaring
with heart trouble a year or more. In
May teat ha and his wife celebrated tteir

Chat hli proelatnatlon excluding, tbcm
was UUmatcircc.andttaaias(heylBtended
to vlolau no laws they could not come In
tutu the oScerar of the Uw aald timt
.they might. The Decatur miners then
CaUed'cD the Mierlff to tdmll the csmpm. He mid he eonld not trithout the
-oonseni of the msyor.
Mnyor Taylor
was walt^
on by a comihinec of
Decatur men, aad be finally consented
for them to come ID ft they would go om
•gain at nlgfaL Then .the Decatur and
. miUlde miners quietly marched in..about

A meeting had been called by tradea
union ofllcera to pretest against the em<
ptcyment of lU the AcriS
at an expwae of tmo a day. and tbe
marched to the meeting. A. a. Webber
and A. T. Smith, both minert. and.liev.
David F. Howe, paster of the Plrrt
Methodlet cburcfa.-mide speeches my*
Ing that the men had a conaUtutional
right to aaeemble; that there had been
BO disorder, and so the board of super­
vision could not allow tbe big bnit of
the aheriff. and that ar there bad been
BO threats or tntlmldstlon there was no
ressoa to be afraid of the raarchera.
I^. Archie Nell. or.e of the Spring*
^Id mlnera. mid that they had come on
foot heeauae they could not pay to ride,
to persuade the men at worlf la Decatur
to quit work and brip In tbelr great
struggle for more wages. His talk
quiet and bad a great effecL A n
ing of mlnera only was announced for
last night In Htnery haH'-and thee the
■ men adjourned.
Tbe Bpringfleid men
atayed In the dty to attend that
Ing. The iherlR has dlcharged th
cial deputies.
Baklan (M a Kriks started.
At the meeUng of miner* last night
elefaty Decatur mlnera and SiO outsiders
were pretent.
The Decatur men all
voted for a reaoluHon to go In the mine
today, clean up their rr«>m«, and
out aad attend a meeting at S o'clock
tonight. A cammAtee of two was
pointed to go to each entry and notify
the rest of the men of thl« action.
About 'too men are working. It Is
beueved that tbe action of last night
will cause the rent to strike, but It may
have the effect of InUmtdatlng the ma­
jority. who are'German. Poles, while
the men who want to strike are talkers
' and agitators. Tbe Pans and Springfield men after the meeting all mareheef
to thdr campa outside of the dty.
Bnrfley BUM PiiHau OetSem
8L Loul*. Aug. 1S.-A special to The
' Republlran from Cofleen. Ilia., says:
Oenernl Bradley boldr forth west of
town. HI* emmdera are returning from
Mount Olive and Staunjoc. There w
a thibttg of visitors going and coming
rounding country. Sheriff Randle went
last. nl«ht to bia home at Htl
..Deputy Willoughby U In charg#
mine guards and placed hU m
on all the mada .The outlook
that the crumderS are going to try to
force tbelr way
into i.wn.
precauUoa Is being taken that they do
not get In. Teatcrdaymornlngacrusader
came to town inquiring for the MetbodM minister to see If be could get the
mIoMer to preach to them
bnt-owilig to iweviuua eosaaeiDeot
BlAlater eouM not go.
BetBlacmamit- far the
SL Lotfla. Aug. It.—A apeclal to The
RepnbUe from Mount Olive. Ilia., taya:
Interest In the strike situation was cen­
tered here yestgrday.
All yesterday
preparations were being made to renew
tbe siege at CoSeen. Farm tesuna and


Ing the miners ulll ride and make use
of tbe wagons for bed*. About ren large
loads of provisions left here last even­
ing. By sunrlae this morning It Is eatJmated that'l.OOO men will ralnforce the
camp. ClUaens of thl* place who have
been 'Tiald up"" by the Cotfeen autbortUc* and not allowed to enter (bat town,
have employed aiU/meys to bring suits
for daJhagea. Tbe litigation to foUow
promise* to be a* Interesting as the
Strike ntaklf. About fifty women, wires
of the miners from this and aurroundIng towns, are making arrangementa
to go to camp. Thrir object will be to
IftSuence the wives of the mlnera there
to ptevall on tbelr husbands to Join In
the demand (or tbe acalc of wages and
to Jotn tbe aaapanalon. ,


MaPn Aie Sat Caeafortabla-WaMag
FItubutE. Aag. lA—A leaden sky and
fitful uhowers contriboied to tbe feeling
^ «r depreaglon which axisted at the mln• «*¥• campa at Turtle and Flora Creeka
yesterday. The man' huddled together
for Mielter unW the comtaleaary. tents,


and having nothing alae to do pat In
the time emoklng nnd dlscundng (he
atrike In all Ite phases. Tbe spirit of
aggremiveneBs. however,
has largely
died out The aame grim determlnaUun
- to attek It out until aiarvatlon brinn
debat or their eflorts victory la appamt. but there are no propoaltlonB to
attain tbelr end by force
trary to the'abrittra ordera.
n oppoalng
Dw as
all realise that In
oppoalr- the
e aberiff
represented by the
sheriff aad Ida deputhfe^aapie
ties they would have about
gucoeSB as In batUngtbelr beads agaiiy^
a SUM wan- They have no parOenter
lore for The '

—-By Bsylac ToarX— '


Meats and 6roc^


la settled fa court- Itoch
! anxiety la
rcased as to tbe outcome.
tbelr abl!l. {
Tbe men atakeeverythli
show a eigbt t
marcb on tbe puMK road. Teaterfay
bere was a large maas meetAbout l.oee strikers
tbe Plum creek
« SMbe Oaaipe ia tbe Pltue CaOM Aay
preaenl. Speeches were made
by Ratehford. Oompera. Sovereign and
«•»• ••'*•»•
- Wasi Tdg«Bt»
tbe loesl leaders.
The meeting wa^ Parts. Augf It-The Count of Turin
Decatur, lila^ Aog. !«.—A hundred orderty'and there was no Inlerferajee^and Prince Henri of Orleans, fought
miners yesterday
morning trm the deputies.*
with sworda •< t o'clock yesicrvcM to tbe camp of tbf Springfield aad
Fum.mloen cmtbe edge ortbe dty and march taking place today In spite
I at Vancreaaon. M. Iwonileff acted as
iBTtted them to come In to a meeting. the strict orders Issued by Prerident,
Dolan against such a course. Some bf «»*>»«•
Ardilc Kell, one of the leaders, said that
fretting under the restraint. rained, and lasted twenty-alB mini
ever.since it was known that they were
(bam. who Is In charge of There were five
.'*to be Invited In Mayor Taylor had aald
IP. I________ ________- ..
. which

ton Wm5A>[WQII|ET

whether to-allow the march or not. The
deputies are on tbe‘alert and say they
will arrest aay who may parUcipate.
Evictions from com';«ny boutea have
begun. One family haa Already beefl
cvlrted and its household goods pre
tqr. It Is prob­
able other evictions will take place
___________ '
Ca'sapUga la WMt Tlrslate.
CharlestoB. W. Va.. Aug. *6. — The
In the Kanawha field
urday. Dllcher.—
left at night I

Saturday was tbefifth day since DUeber
told tbe men that it they would
work the strike would not lari but Bve
days. Those who came out did so on
that proL«as than one-fourth of.
be miners In tbe Kanawhs valley
of Charleston were at work Satur­
day. Consequently there was pructlralcuapenslon of work, but the men
seem to be ready to resume. The
diggers at Winifred held a meeting
Saturday and decided l>y a large ma­
jority—JIT to B«—to return to wdrk to­
day. There were about 100 present at
the meeUng. There seems to be an untandlng among tbe miner* at the
river front between Montgomery an I
Mount Carbon to return to work today.
The Information' from the New rieer
field Is that tbe coal diggera In that
region are strongly opposed to striking,
and It te believed that Dlicber aad bis
aasoriates will have but little stioecm
In that region,___________
gtrihan AgalB Bgjelaad by gi
Clnclm^tl, Aug. !«.—A specUl uTne
Commercial-TriluDC from
W. Va.. cays; I^medlatel
JacksoB's return firm

Driers br Tstephone PrompDp

Oer.Caloa aad Stank gu.


H..n —



- .I..

u... d«

of the report of the doctors the aecoids
decided that the conhat must go on. The
*ee<nd asmult was stopped because the
combatant* came. Into rinse qtterier*. la
the (bird amault the Count of Turin .
■ bit In the
tbe back irf-ihe
nf-ihr right hand.;
feurtb I
tbe wound war tllghL In tbe feurth

ClevelaM lA
Western League: At .MlnceapcUn-Cohimhut 1*. Ulsr.eapiils 0: at St- Paul—
iBdlacar'Its U. SL Paul S: at Mllwan. _
.. g i(|i»,oke* *: at
kee—Otar.d Rapids

City—Detrali 10. Kaiineas'City
A fSunday) At Mlnnrapolte-Columi
Kansas City—De­
i *. Ml
( trait A Kama Oty I: (eecoed gum
Detroit 0. Kana* Wy »; at 81-^nlI
M””®, kee—Grand
Raptdr A Milwaukee lA
* —
tMlaeg Waeb a* M Oeate a Taa.
Western Aasoclallon: At QuIdcttBrasil, lnd..Aug. 1C,—At a nrass m
; Rockford A Quincy IS; si BurUsgton—
ing of. mlnera held here ftatorday
Cedar Rapid* 11. Burllngtcn I; at St.
offer made by the Jackson Coal and
a ccunler blow, bring hit In the right Joeef*—Dubuque A St. Qoeeph *: at
Mining company to pay CO cent*
Dee Holuee-Peorta Z. De* Moipe* tl.
for mining cnal to run the Centrdl Inm lower region cf the atdomen. The doc. At
ton cm lioth ride* examlntd the wound
lud (Sunday)
and Steel company plant with we
Uncy ZC: (second game) Reckford ZT.
nnd declaied that Prtr.o Henri was rensn- i Qul'
Jected by unanlgous yote.
ilncy »: at De* Malncs-Pcorla A Dee
derid by it cksrty Inferior in hi* antete-1 <^il>
tarihere la AbaolalJ Waab
gcnlw. Major LeonllrR and M. Mnur- ,
. B-dford, Ind.. Aug. IC.-Over lU
Ichon piop.»ed that the cO(pl>st be I •:
lllee of the striking miners at Untun SIOTped, ard thl* »4* done by.t
ary !n absolute want. A iwr caplu dlbi accord.
While hi* wbund wm being t .-thE USUAL RESULT WiO. FOLLOW."
tributlon of W rente Is aH tbe relief that drc«d Prince Hrart raWi}« .hlmwlf j
_______Bari CtOwas afforded last week.
upon the ground, extended ht* band to
^wW. Whytbe Count ot Turin. *ayir.g: "Allow mt..
aa*aqlt the u ipire. Major Lecntlefl. declared that the eworrT^of Prince Hetil
was bent and eicpped the engagement
long enough to fnrnlth tbe prince with
a new w<tapo*L
In the fifth swuuli the combs
again got ino close quarter* ard-


•II. bai l>

Colcheeter. Ilia. Aug. 1A-H. C. Jones,
natmaater at Colchester for more tbap
hree yean past, la abort IMS In bis arnnnU A government Inspector arrived
n Cclrbnter Saturday morning, golag
« tbe postoAec at an eariy hour. VpOn

E. M. Fhrmer. a merchanL happened
come acrena Jons* as be wst almost lo
tbe act of BhooUng bimseU Jn the head,
and look lb* weapon away from him.
Jonea was then taken by friend* to a
rocm and guarded all day during' the
evening a warrunl wa* Issued fur hi*
artvri on ^e charge of
DepuOLj---------------------------- - D and Henry
Roberta, one of Jones' bondsmen, have
irge of the olllee. Jones'
' final
week* people have n l been able to buy
any Z-cest stamps
posjerffice. during ^
been drinking heaplslnrd what haa become of the money.
And ttae Devito Os lote
Perry, (X T.. Aug. M--A
near Cushing, southeast
to enat out devIM- One *
has been rrilered


niwuja ta gtodb

Prince Httirl. ar.d Dr.' Cart* on behalf
ot the Crum of Turin. . Thl* account «f
the fighUng wa* algned by tbe.aecon'da
Tbe detail* of the duel show that-thc
cocnuBler wa* very sharp and deter­
mined. Immediately on the cromlng of
su'ords Prince Henri vigorously pressed
his adverrary. Tlie (Tount of Turin re­
treated to the jlniji of the grounA and
then resuming the offenaive touched bis
opponent. The third ar.-l fonrtb aasau'.U
ended In long engagement* within gusrd.
The Tempt my* that the wound in the
abdomen cf I^ Henri I* serlnu*. I'ul
Bteel gon<
tnteatlnra w. uld (have been perforated.
After hi* wourd^od recclved,a prelimItary dnaaing l*rlnce Henri walked to
his carriage urulded. The Count of
Tnrtn. accompanied by hi* seconds, left
Part* (or Italy yeaierdaj- afteraooa. He
was not experiencing any special dUtresa from his wounds.
Rome. Aug. lA—The near* of the re­
sult cf the duel has been rtcelved with
the greatest entbustaan. Crowds fitl the
street*, cheering for the Count of Turls
arid the army, aad sailing upon the
tsaode In the public square* to pUy the
royal hymn. Many of the . bouses are
dmoratsd with fiaga in benor of fbe reanU. and all the newspaper* have istued
Wseetal edltlona glrtng Ih* detaila of the
encounter. Extra guards have been

upon the
------------------ ,
mw^riy^asd many have hmm

. *W. J-J


• S'll

served notice
they can furnish coal ne more. The
electric light company aUll has a i
my of coal on hand. .


bdtwMB rrentJ^Om.

applications i
In *1* caw* agalnri Pred
leader* of the mining strike In
counly. The plaintlR* 1n the»c rate*
were tbe Harvey Ccal and Ccke copipany. the Dunlop Coal cnmimny, ^he
Cnlyen COal cumpany. the McDonald
Oclllrry Ccal company, the Star Crnl
company, and th< Sugar Creek Coal and
Coke oi^psny. all operatlrg on I-ourer Jertlon of the second* of Prince Henri,
creek, rayelte rouniy. thl* state.
In of Orleans Ic the direction of the en- ' Philadelphia‘1
Bp>oklyn .
each case an Injuncticn was granted, counter by a fifth r^rtythe hearing of all the cas. e for a perms•
(lenl irjBECIlon to take place atCbarlMe latest
ton on Nov. 10. allhcugh i motkmi to
dicrcive the temperary InJunctloD will
be heatd In the same city on Sept
a later meeting E
it Cffeveland»-«t. Louis K.
.ritoold the defendants sc elect. The crpnd* decl^ upon tbe rendearbus The
at New Tork-Boaton 4.
‘'der If In every reaped Ideetlcai with (he
at Washington—Brooktme Iftoed upon application «( James
I PbltedelpnlB
Sloan. Jr., cne of the rrlrctpal rioekhla 10. (Sunbolders ct the M<
against Deha et aL

usd beery Mad of-------

and alocr then the lenator had failed
rapidly. James Z- Georg* was bom
dltlek of Prioc
Monroe county. Ga.. 0«. ». 18JA I
father having died in hU Infancy be redoctors, after coniniltatloD, have .a?- moved, when t years of age. with hi*
pressed-the <qilnlon that no ImporUnt mother U MtailmtppL He made
organ wa* touched, but abw.lute r«t orf „ » evcemlonlet In IMl and
neceaeary ter recovery
Owing 't.r brave •oidlcr of the Confederacy. He
-Kaplea and el»ewhfre the | «■* elected I'ntled Rtatys tcnalor inlSSl.
cled a duel...............

‘ ‘
remains of the lecatcr
Jackaoo, Ulea.. and arrived there yeeterday. Tbe funeral will lake place
.at o< tbe OaeL
The ofBclal account, furnished by the Can^Mton. Mita, where he wlU
seconds, rtvlles fully the clrcumaiances buried beside hi* uHf*.
Norlh Adams- Mstei. Aug. Il-RepreB up to ihe 'encouniiT. Tbe Count
. Turin,
conalderinx the letter* cf tentative Ashlev B-Wrightdropped dead
Prince Henri of Orleaiu to the Figaro at hi* home bc!\ ?atorday r.igbt- Aahoffcnalve to the lulian army, wrote lo ley Besemn Wright was bora In Hlnnhlm on July C demanding a retractioii. { dale. Berfcriilre cooiuy. Mara., and reTbls letter could not be answered until vcelved hi* education
public acbool*
In the pub
Aug. 11. the day of the arrival cf and Uncdln academy at Hinsdale,
Prince Henri In France. The nrtnee was first elected lo rongreis In im
Washington. Aug.'lA—Samuel Chea­
replied to the count's demand by tclcgnm.<matnulnlng th^ right of a trav. i- ter RelA a former UWyer and writer,
er to record hi* experlenceA TJiwofllcia and the nephew of Captain Rild. the
inded . tbe
the arrunp-- naval warrior who.
account then
privateer brig -"Oenerul Armrir
ments for the duel, give* the r.
the remarkable naval battle <
Axoree Uland* In ini. died here Friday
kfieranon. aged TT yearA A son rurrive*
aceord tbe coudlttou were settled him. Reid was bora In New Talk city
In in*_______________________
as follows:
Caadlttaa* afthe Eagagwat.
Tbt weapon lo be tbe dueling raord:
a LfwAbat Saltll
each combatanj to us^thaf of his o.-ati
(he blade* lo be of equal
r (siml>*lai:t to be at lllv.-rty tc tuaintain (be ground be galnfv
and each
he allowed the space-of
L..ague h
fifteen mt
or retire:
mlnuira: the <'onil>at t» be resamed In |vmHIoo of these
o Clubs alnce Ian
tbe positions occupied, and only to ter-^ repoK:
rolnate on the di'clsion' of the four
Played Wop. I.rat. P. C
onds or the adricc of the doctor, wh-m
of the adveraarle* I* manifestly in luiilrnontat. of inferiority; .tV coodu.t ..( cincijpr.atl
tbe meeting to be Intrusted alternat-Iv j^ew York
lo tbe two paril*-*. lota iK'lng drawn

Uncnln. Illfcf Ang.
lA—The street
railway company hah given oIBclaJ



Prince ~Renri . received
wound* In the rt^ht
right side of tbe abd
of Turin was wounded

‘>11* Recoftoil leaden

_ .
Aug. lA—Mrs.
Daniel Scott and her lt-ye*r-old daugh­
ter. who reside - -------------------------■ found lying <
- home Saturday.

will raruwr. but her daughter ts badly
hurt and will probably die. Mrs. Scott
tbe wife of an employ^ of the park
-mmisslon. Scores of men are searcL-ng fur the raptet and If he is cMgbt
the usual results will follow.

Rates, $1.50 per Day.

Meal Tickets at Redecei! Rates.


M Want Ads fffi

Fishing Par^s

Now for Business!



From this date this !>oat,
w'ill not make regular con­
nections with trains on M. &.
N. E. Fishing parties, how­
ever. can make arrangements
for tBe use of this handsome
yacht, by commnnication -by
mail or wire, with
Ireland, Mich.

See Quf Newiine
I'BuitukruR or



Corner o<




Picture Moulding!s


near M. A N. R. dep-rt. wtahcfc to an•oaoca U> the public that be baa re­
fitted and farnUbed tbe-8otel Paag-

Cycle Ofoers LookHere!

boni better than It ever haa been hofore and enB.aecnminodatc tbn travel­
ing public in good shape.

John May.

formerly with the H({tel Whiting, will
have charge of the offioe and attend to
the wants of the gueste.


ssjisrz' hE'Ssn*
Itae*rTBW.go<Mcec*.e*ra........................ II
Oteer f>sD4H-« in Prepiwtien. Brariag «


Lederle's STTKS

aaym-.oearM.aK ADepeA

The Pure Juice
Butter, first Class

1 yen call tor lofi

Boys’ Blouses i


Jif ^

A. T. Johaseo. tteuth Sldq Shoe Steru. 4(H Unien BtrerA

Great Cut in Bicycles

per to look at tbe elsfaut Ilea.

eek will aaeatua
. .j>« Andarton Wheel. E» to MO. ^
U. B. Glbba, la Blla Meyele shop, SJ} FruntSt-

Green that will kill Bugs

Bicycles to Rent

uae)L It
ai pav yoe te buy your P. G. ol
» kOf tbea. S k WalA Drug-


Pall linn matertel

Soda Water
To Rent
The Best Candies
ertnffi soda.

at Plnchh Bkyelt Bepntr Shev,

MeLellas A Aah. eer. Front and Park, and rear Maaonie Ble^

Ice Cream Freezers JrS' SSJyS'S'ir 8.^15.52:
Front 8A. adj^Biag MeMamara'a aboa atm.

Baltimora. AugTIt—The large
and piling mill* of the 'Duilf Lumber
compailr u'filch were located at tbe foot
of Itosiou atreel on tbe water (ronu
were doitroyed by fire last night, the ef­
fect of a belt of lightning, and th^coeflagralloti wus only subdued after It had
wrought damage to the extent of MOO,WA All the damage la covered by Insnr-

Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots
Angus McColl
Paris reen



, TroUing aad Bead hcrOM a m
Third door roat of Mergan’e Urery Ban.

ntiflaal drag maa. fim doer east ei poetoflee.

nA. Aug.’ lA—Winiam
J. Bryan, the silver ebampton. was re­
ceived here Saturday with the grenteut
cnauslaara and by about all the people
in tbe town and aurronodlng country.
He gpokc to U.«e at tbe driving park
la the afreraoon.______________
(MrilMe. Kr_ Ang. lA-Tbe body of
George Wlteon. colorud. was found bang­
ing to a tgae In-tbe'woodi near Myera,
te tbia cMBty. WRaon’s reputedoa haa
baen bad sod Uifr ghraa riae to tbe anp.
poMUon that ibe hanging wa# dona by

FMdlnff FEnnuH* Hozhm » 8pMiHlt7- Bothm Bfwrded.






fUOC raOT CDSTt THfut uyts,

Our ftie dopattanit is to be oon*
......M tuperanll Mid Dt. Ttlsaffe araded fer itt euellmt dtedpUM.
•!•«««« twlve W#bif-iWariD Ibaa iTbi* wm obaerred by a lady vbo lived
In tho kwrW.
I i„ u>« «•« <>« wb« tbe old
Plbteaaot B. R. BaniMd. Ott httiopobmed. ^wmawaki^ ^
«Mf,«l>«leeivd wrsldalrttrf lb. alam. «ad. mrf^ a yet licta in tbe

y AJttBilit maocUamoele- : eky. dmnd.
dremd. altboach mom than a



Ateoraeya at Law.
Uitle Rock. Ark. Anc. Ik-The blood0lw8Mlttn.D'
tt-t me* riot that W eve. ocmmsd la
H You Art. Hort Art Somt Things ArimnaaelnmonthaiookplacvaiRalarm
Katlcn. thirty mllw from UUIe Ruck,
You H«d Bttter Putt
late Saturday cveninc. Three men are
-TSik o.t to u» iS.
in Your Hot
dca^ anothm fatally sroundtd aed two
otban badly Icjarcd. The dead an: . a.rt«un K. Ha. o( PbUBllAla ,
Harrlrm Kerr, a necro. shot all to
OilADA WILL BA VEHEB FESOEIT pieces: CharTca Peters colored. klUid Uft-au attaie eulned at tU.006 He be1 bees taka out I--------------------------------------mtrit^t: Chaiin Andry. white, mot
throueb the bean Tbe eeHoosly Injured
ehiefroUad tot they j »• ueseanuis ci.____________
nWMwy tor
uw gnattal
gimwm biblio^Ue
TM> rwt WMk »■ tMO^KVlMk CUiM mrs: 3. T. Clarfee. Jr. telssraph
tor. abet throueb the moulder, prS^, MBCM pam ct tbe mamt time
tin It um
ircitl^ to «nll too roll, nod mrae wasn a
m. d.. mysirtaa^
tataUy- R. D. Owena while, deputy | Oiaiifcpfl. tbe well kbowar««C til* Tail
of toasm-bar. ba- «*
; S-8?2a
meriB of Perry county, ahot throueb
c wont to a ftr« witooat flrat ‘
fcr TV»taUi« «r Datclac th« Croln. serloutly.
ealUhff to* toU. Tbto. be explalood.
rNPcisH. Pl*^
Lawn. ABMC Them ariav TtW oTE*.
Owens had a warrant toa Harrlaon
iraa dooe to prevent fnod being-----P«Mm Om
B tiMte.
Kerr, a bcctd ebarced with murdtr. DOT of VirfiDla dartoii tbe
BOW ia S> year* old. to llviB« ai Pair- mod upon to* dly. wUeh pay*
oucarn. Onu Attgl l*.-Tbe rtfiilamoot. tfwlM conniy. W. Va. Tbe
Uoa* formlatcd br the DomioloB cot*
fatbtt of Vwt VlrftnlB. M be ii called, to tb* jJam glIncUtr caUMttoB of a roy- cer. The Srst afatX atruck Owens tn the
CiolA the bullet ■ttUdoc acme aUvar In has aAlear mind aod fud benltb.
that Um# to not anotoar Ora. oompapy
a)t7 OB CoM 1011x4 In the Tukoo cr« hie trouser's pocket, clanclnc khd InBko Terry aclls ber astofrapbe for In to* Clitad Staia# run JO ayatam^
pablUhed In tbe OfflcUl Ouette. }vM Sletlnc a aenout w»und. Tfee OMBsy la
-.-Bm*UvOW(Ky.)a*etamed. They arc 4s feUevv; **Tliat upon Owsna' pocket probably raved his IKa .. oma aaeb. and wlto toe money «
an r>U Dined upon the dalme referred Andry and Oarfee want to Owens’ as. oMalMd ttill eodow a cdiOd's bed in an
to In the recdlatioB Tot the carcniDMt atstance and five more eecrcea joined Engltoh boaplmL Bodyud Kipluf. _vgC80ClXAMEuUB WAWT6
<C placer Dliilnc alone the Toko* rlrer In with Kerr. A pitched battle ensued •rbra he wai in tbto oonntty. ratoad
and Itt trtbotarlcf a royalty of 10 per In whMb over Bfty mots won llred. moocy In tbe mme way for a freab air
OOliro MOfeTH.
cent aball be In-led and <»Uected by of. When the shootlnc was orer Andry and fund.
Peter* lay dead. Clarfee had Maccered
iiylranlaY fln|^^^^^,^arTrare
finl three goeamort
Into his offlr* and fallen upon the floor.
provided that
Owens vas.lylnc In a ditch near Che
C bu cqaaled ^wn m this reremalcder of goreroor
takes from a Pncle claim doea not
Bobrrt E. Pe.tti*oii'«pdie oeatrat
seed mo pD week. And la cam
•Doaot mined and taken from any aln* rlaon Kerr was fooud lylna dead In the to it, be
oono aoTTM.
re oot
ooi oooaeonOve. aa wer* ; »Us*sld.Mteh. maf____________________
pie dalzD exceeds tSOO per week there read a mile asrar.'IIterally mot tc pieosa term* were
toeln. .
K WaNTfeDc-TratersaORy L
' man be lertad and ecDecied a royalty The other necror* who partldpated '
Victor Prapooni. tbe celebrated
of 10 per oent. npon the amonet taken
and bavr not y^l,been tnptnrrd. but if
ent np to tSOO. and spon the excem or they shonld he would et cenree be
ammuil taken freen any Mnsle cialm
orer mO per week there shall be lerled
and coUerttd a royalty of So per cent.
DeOenW to ra>»tPWasli.tM<aalD.
tinue In tbe buiiDea*. ns Victor Pran-.
*^at the time and maarwr In whicb
Meet D an Lonis A*a-ak
oobl Icavea a noo
anm royalty ehall be coUteicl. and the
Detroit. Au*. 1C—Promoter* of the
Sir John Boma Ban., wbo has jut '
persons who shall coUeet the tame, mall
new ‘'Amertenn” party, which had lU! ...Jeed a pixTace at the basd* Oi \ •rrr*y:TeD-k
be proTldid for hy ibe recoiaticns Jio
VlctorlA u tbe bud of tbe On- ; VV LsnberOe
made by tbe cold conuaindenerr and inception In Detrdt. met here Saturday i
that tbe cold «mralBmmer be and U and e)acted dstecatu t
Stefemebip line. Bir father. <
t tha I
hereby elver. aoUiorliy to make meb
the utloi
_ eonfrrred in
n qf the ^_________
banatetcy wm
reculatlons and rules accotdiccly- That party called at 8L X.OU1* Au«. *8. The ,
(jnt to cuiy maito m
pUttorm adopted ineludu tbe foltowlnc | ft* Atlantic ip *i
eontinned Cor ten days after
plankn: All ^blic ntURlu to be gUeed |
D. C. Oilman of
. been poritd npoh tbe claim In respect of onder state control: the prohibiticn of)
whicb II Is demanded, or In the vtdnity private armed bodlew. direct legislation Bipcina a>iTM*ity bu accepted aa la.
of aoch Halm, by ihe gold «
by the people through the mitlaUTe and viMtiOD tran toe board of troMiii of
or his agent ahall be foDoi
foDowed by the refetmdom: the atmpUfleBUoB of elec- Waahli^too and Lee uniiwaity to dea of tbe claim. That any at- ttoOK equal au«r»ge for the aexe* on an llvar an ad^ on 8^ I6^t^--------....
- --------- 'V
tempt to defraud the
by arlthi
edneatlonal hasta;
baato: abaoIute'Beparatlon of atOD being toe ti
church aed atole: abellUen of aU ex- 1.. WUaon M i^deol of Wuhlngton
. Aktng fUm atntementa empuens from taxatloo; only tboM In and Lee nnivenity.
onot takeo oot may be pah* full sympathy with Amertesh tnstitn.
Bev. B. a Snadgius to a mtoiuw
East End ICtebigaa
nncellation of tbe HsUm In re^ tiontobe dlglblef
whom borne to at gtenterey. OaL, and
hlch'fraud or fUae cuieAMH
of wage-urn
committed or made: and that alien competition and that of eonvlci ta- wbo flMls a pRdItabto tmsinew tn pera at aea. -»bat al.
bon truruoed cointtne* to he restricted
the BUte: looaloptlu ttappcovsd and ways ready a boat, in which be
liquor take conpln beyond tbe thru mile line.
D into any aute of lli
tow Is irbcK they oan be married witoont lia KaoviATioitK
xue or rettfiotiqp of law.
DltlUg-a BalAeM wllh Drw>m<le.
'CbarlM Henry Jatua Taykg. tbe
Hunttngten.- W. Va., Aug. iS.rOne- well known ooloed man. wbo bu taken
•SBMatana Dm*! Tm Pnget lb
half of the^DevU's backlwne.-th* rocky
The regnUtlons governitne the dU- fortrus ofthr Hatllelds In the moon- up bis reddeoce ir Baltimore, bu Just
praedee in tbe anpoaal of placer mining clalmi along tbe
on fog r
ptemetvnrt to that city He budoTnhoa river and Its tributarlu are dynamite Saturday aod HatBeld
amended no that entry can only be hla men were driven from their strong­ Clloed Ibe deanahip of tbe Momsgranted for alternate Halms known as hold by Sheriff Kcadle and hU poaae. Brown Law aclMol <f AtUnta. which
I. bench Halma bu diggings after a desperate battle. No Uvea were wu nceully offered to bim.
Id the Aghe hut ft Is reported
Lord TColsvley ia acA likely to reUin
and dry dtgglnga: and tbu tbe other
that two were wounded. Matfleld aod tar any lengtb of time bis poatHoB as
I bf dlaroaed of by paUic bis followers are believed to be short
' 'oftbcBritiabanny.
iltlon as well as suppliea. They
auetkm or in such manner as may be
It afflicted with cancer of tbe stomdecided by the minister of tbe Interior. have rHrmted farther Into the motta- aeb. Tbe doctors deelat* tbat bu Ufa
•Tfee penalty for treapasaing upoe talu and are bHng clouly followed by may be prolonged DotU toe ond of toe
a poaae. _________________
• ■ r tbe c
yur. He will donbtleu be sooeaaded by
Lonl Bobena, familiarly known u
I*. Ang. 1
which Um .person o
. .
and others pro­ "Uttle Boh**' by Tommy Atkina, wbou
A. B. Myers
whether by original
hibiting ibe Milwaukee aod VankoUa idol be-to._________________
a mining claim, and the Eiecmc rud from tedpHng Its upltal
- er of *tae stork from gs.*M.eao to n«.e* was disrefusal by tbe gold
neeuitnnoe of any appliutkm which solved Saturday by Judge Johnson.
the peraoo ireapaulng may at any time There Is now no ie^ faindranee to tha
A enUe foot of toe beat eadu wHcba
make for Halma
8« poopda green and as pemads dry.
building of the Ua*._________
In nddltlon to such penally
_________ in uil water to said to
moODtad police, upon a requisition from
the gold commluloDcr to that *S«et.
Dublin. Ang. U.—A potato blight to make wood banter and mot* duabte.
Tbe wood’s '‘tazlDUi" to a yeUow u
y uke tbe neeqaaary atepa to «Je« ravaging the countlea of Clare and Urntbe treamsaer. Tbe clause in tbe foimu erlcA Prices have qnadrnpled and rad titige in tbe tru indicating decay.'
regulatlou providing that the dtocov- tber* Is only a supply ter two monlha
■Tdnd gaUi'^ are lunpy aareUlnga
TO of a new mine to entitled to Halm
tbespottwtaatabnaobu havebeen
and ahall be granted a Halm for "bar
’ diggings" TW feH in' length, has been
aaoebded so tbat tbe grant may apply Saturday SUr Pointer did
Tbe ItTgeet tree* <m
to the creek and river claims Uiatud of 1:01%.
oaottoept are toe well kn
to "bu dlgglb
At Paahme Park. New Tork. John R. of Ohliteola.
' ~
Gentry tried to but tbe record, biu only
TeUow pine, wbu green,
succeeded In doing a mile In S:0<HES.BI pooi^ to tbe-enbio taot ud
Ooveraor Dtake. of Iowa,
when dry Ee.Sl.
Ms Is the I
turned to CenterrUle. his home. 1
Exchlslor Bprlnga, very much Improve!
TeUow stone Lake. Wi-o.. Aug.
paiotad or olted. Any prau* which
tn bultb.
Two masked highwaymen bHd np
BamuH and David Hatow. father and aervu to retain toe up to dattmetiv*
robbed a number of THlowsume Kational .park trans*>ortation coactaea In Mm. were uptured at Chicago for mak­ (0 toa dar^ity of toe wood.
the park Saturday morning; rHIevIng ing lllcll whiaky In that Hty. It U uld
It to Hid that para plantad to thh
that a number of uloonkeepcr* an
the tourists of about tSW. The eucl
oarto npper cod down will last IcagU
were rol>bed while cn route from Cantbha tbou which ate aet In tbe natural
poaitioD in which the tree grew.
M.W. otnfUiUMAM. agau.
covered but aliout three mile* of been graded permission
Tbe rings in a erou aectlon of a tru
thetr lourney. At the point where the
are •opposed to Indicate the age and
hold-up took pUee was the crest
rate of growth of abc tree, bnt this inhigh hlU'wberelbefreight road branebu
off from the government road at a sud­
diution Is by uo muu infallible, for
1 Chicago, becam
den turn. Eacb caaoh was halted and
in some year* two rings are formed.
robhtd as It drovt ut>.
Boacwood is u called not becanw It
Culonei Toung has an exceileot deto T«l. bnl buaaae, when truhly oat,
acrlpUon of the man. and It will be alit omiu toe fragranu of roau. It to of
moat Impossible for the highwaymen
<»ly moderate weight, a rabio fan
to leave the park, u soldiers are guardwcigtalog «E» pouda. — St .Loot*
every posaible outlet. None of tbe
r* la the osaebu was hurt.







Tnutortitin Co.




'■m Chicago —

West Michigan

j wnsfcis ~~ ’—.s"
Eras“js“J*TS.s: w&s
-Money to Loan

-r-Watch Repairing.
-John Verly.
—Front Street.




.Youp Choice.

Building; Lots
Houses and Lots

GREAT BARGAINS TriKife BijUiie of Steinoi.

: i-:

r miU opDoMt*
Ktfbet marked the Hosing of the ptoy
the Wyandot lennU tourney Balnrday
as penormsD
uu ua,
The Englishman
performed the
fut <o
a three-aet lutch. . teavlng hlmaelf.
Lamed and Wreco tied tar Brat N*ce.
t be ^uidad bare, as all
Hob deeUed to allow the players to set­
tle It among.themeeivca. -to the IntaraatloMl lertu the ‘

matehu and lost three, two et which
were taken from Colllna Kesbit was the
only one of the viator* wbo.defuted
tether Wren* or Larned.

_______ rt martial for the i
drr of Sermr Canovu dd Castillo at the
batla of Banto Agueda on Aug. k
.the autemanu of AngloUIlo wore
■dtted to writing. Tfee undanu of the
t martial win n

ed BatUtnay auung uie owner, v^piai*
HaiHUna. of Kasranec, tUa.. and telgfatly Injuring fifteen others.
Tbe steamer Kong Haltdan arrived
at Stavanger. Norway, report* that
she sighted on Satorday.a bnUoongatng
eut-aouthuat at an altitude of LUO
(UL Possibly Aitdrec-a balloon.
Tbe authorttlD of SL Clair eonaty.
nta.. ate hunting for a pretty yonn|
woman styllsbly dreued. and-with' a
deu not
betoag tp her. fl|p young sromaa-Urad
the rig/at Bellev.Ua
Hon tathan AUen Hlteheock. a pramtMnecttlaen of 81. Lonlr whom Preal.
dut MeKlnisr recenUy appointed amto BuHla. hu accapud the
peeltloa. This Is ofBHal. He Is a grutgrandson of Ethan Allen of Revolutlonahar are May gvginsAng; U.-PoIlovtBg u* tfas





Tb« Jufe tan fo Uncle Sam’a oavy
teiew IM.OOO poernda cf plug tobaoeo
Qraat Britain asd balaod aanl
tanka, tb* mote ImpanantW _
Bank cf England, arbkib h« a «i|dlal
«f 178.000^000.
Twpott *rat*i tha Invantten of tettac
toe lodlana^or the Obtoam and are of
onoertaln antteeity. They carry* to Botope with wain
They have a novel way la It^of^

tpku hg tha tesai feutoh ataeata.

eoizs aom.




If tbe placard liMoribed’’Beoma to tot*
tg“Tobelat,'.'whlebaaeMHtn Eng­
land, a wfaiM oloto abont toa atae <f ■
napkiD ftnttaa from
notifying toe paatenby tou the apartnMBtt can ha ranted.

London. Ang. lA-^
iMTuest hda upon the hod/^f
who dtod raeeatlr In ttathknl Hraap,

For All Cash or Low for
’ Part Cash

*'H I «B]y had a {daee lo pat aQ toa
■fed 1 gK on my abou and
tag OBfeteoea ttau days, I'd aooa osm *
eonpte of a«u--utouldB‘t L aamm^'
ofaaemd Jack u ta prepared In nttoa



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