The Morning Record, August 22, 1897

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The Morning Record, August 22, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Two Ooste.

-No. 9^


oatil the Jaaitoe raw to the baak thh
■lordiag. At aaeahe wne }aat allra.
with ao hopea of rceotmy.


iteed np to lolH la l>mp
a M nt a riip. diedaiaUg the

paoy the martotib aeOcn. From there
It fell agaU to t,0IM. bat eabetantUUy

Dm Man in California.
Found a podeet of gold richer than any ia

Vni BoU Open Xmdge Taaodap SeM.
Cables from Lboepooi ram let IH
the Klondike region. Btrery one of onr cot'
Whmt Baartiad ^u BoQar ^aih ia Ughar ead a^ Are to the buU mo«eii«, AngotBltomera will find money in their pockets if tb^
fThlfagn fkan aad Oa|a Baaliae
Ledge Ko. lost. L a G. T.. of Lake
bay any of those 10c. cnrtAins.
---------Ubaylag aether
Aan wQl kald opea lodge ia the ebareh
aad Oleaad BMBg aad the 1
r aad this hes eerred
at that place en Taeaday ptoBlBg.
parUaUy to rellere the heary demand.
Aogaet II. Xia. U SoaU of thk ^iy
U Broksa.
• Wmw B*7« J«o.
At elevea o'clodi the maikat had
will be prerat aad delim aa addieu.
Chicago. Aagpat ll.-lbaV^Td^
Bk S4(kt«k A^Mttl.-Tbe Moest
qaietad eamewbat fora beeathlag epdl.
M. B.
- an iHiieh tettoyad ttu •stm*i«c
Good Mew For TraahfBM.
•&. aa adraaee of tear'beau with Bepiamber ecdidly Axed at 1.01.
■rt-T—^ works of the Elk RspUt Ira
tioath Fraakfoct. MUh...Aag. <i.Cora weal np a rat aad cate followed
Oo. uaMdaiM»nt«>MBtM>oac ^ The Cmae Lombar eompaay aaaoBBoee
08H was ask
Cbm also gars Indlod tbl* pUu. bat aow tbare i«
Joet before the rogaUr eUeUg wheat
The Septembm
a pnivoet tbst tb* plut will •ooa riM thatltwiUbnUda new ^ at oaea. caUone of a
to take the pUee of the oae reratly earb pi;iea U raagiag from M to |0K sgaU braacbed leto exdtad tmdtng
ftoultsasbMkndtcaiBbeoM of «b«
baroed. aad that It wiU' be a eombl- aa adranoeof orsraerat. Tea mte- with aa addlUoaai rice to tba kighcet
aation Umber aad abtagU mUl. The oUs after the carb opening September poUt of the morning. l.OSV forS^templwa H. B. L«w1a CAM
eompaay claims to hare tlmbaweBoagfa wheal had eoU back to »7H sad De- her. Later osi earb U held reiyl
•«« of the Elk
for at least u years cab
•troagly at that figure oa light offer*
eember eotd at PTlf.
ntBracd from Chtefo.
The opealag price for wheat am the ingm. Cora wee aUo rery eetiva. ft ia
he hM bra in
regalar board was 08 (or SeptamW. a reported tUt neariy a mQlhm bosbele
' «. K. Vbirbwlm. ou of the heeirat
Jemp of 6 compared with yesterday's of com has been marketed for export
owsera in ^ eompes.r. He hw «Im
How VadetahaOff
Aahtoa nod fins] flgote for regalar Undiag. Sale* bare aad at oatporta tode.r.
Deputy Karria Bec^tad
were made all the way between 96 and
kerated larUee and fau eoaoBi
Bmioue lajuyy.
VT for S^tember la the fltsl few min«hu ^ ofaemkol work* wiU be roboilt
•ad etoo that they , will be doable the
aadoeii was tooohed for aa ia* street Oonunbaioner Kelly Vrgee SvLaetwiotwWU
OAent of the old. pUnC The «
erTone to
bore, to S. Harris at this city ««1 |t^i
wockewUlhebaUlwUhiuiiy iBod<
Street Oemmimioner Kelly hae -been
U. February Bairia gars 1 propertyjj and PC for December aad did not
ImproeraeatB sad tbe plaat vbeo «
note to Diogman which was the at
plated will be » Tslosble additioii
essary lelo apoo the horae. Ia Jai
«ha Utfo int^ti of the eoapa
ary Bairiagavea chattel mortgage
Th. wildMt excitement we. in%omae ’ ^
»- »*. fomj^grradealof Ik
B. Schomberger npoa the same bon
mia. Cora wa. up ii nearly I
the "MMslty
lac to the people of Bib BM^ M U w M
Harris had paid all bet r 10 oa the
of looking after thb pent aad deetrry*
at Art lasrad that the plast destroyed
oau was sp to . it
property aoto. Ymterday Diogmaa
' log U wherever foand. Bvaryeiia b
wy^aotberepleeadeoom, if at aU.
iHth'whut bat It b abort of intoieat in
aqiaetad that the arork OB the aew came to the city and U Jnetiee Brewn'e each. Both plu were Jammed with arged to look aboat U their ymrda aad
eoart swore oet a writ of repler|a for
upon ihelrtarme to aae that the weed
traders oa the Sli advaaM In eern.
bnntallowed . to go toaeed.
dboBt twaa^ feat of the tramway
Ooanaalmaa aad ether elevator people
thU traaeaction wat to JutUe Verly
j/' «f the law mOl cave way this aecmaad
•old heavily. Shawets and warmar
aad swore oat aaether writ of rapleria
wMther b pradktod tor tbe eorn emtea
for tomorrow. Theeeramwhatyleld> ^aoed In the
ed on eeUing by elevator latareab aad
B toeerre.
oa the predbtba of warm weather
There’s more real worth ia the clothing we sell, thaa
to tke but'i
Taeaat DweDiac (hraed bp O. A.
with ehowera for all eorn emua, the
edgeai^ bdeif aad aMUtg
Asearraga, preadar aad mlabter of
what will be showii yon at any other store. .
* Hamwitmd BUebttp Bfaeched.
prieea wat e^ a rat from the top
war. has derided to convoke the eoorte
We Invite Comparison.
U November. The
Deeembm wheat gradodly crept ap
dleeoreead a blase la the faoaat dwail*
that he b U eneopd jrith Oraiat 'Wpy*
aieatwr tbe September optUa. reachlag
1^ oa the corner at Wa^iactea loot
aad HsttU npi hUfamUy
ler. bet be reaervee the right to make
•ad Prospaet etraata Ee Imtaedlitaly aad trieads m«ds life as aapiUaeaat aa MM. whiU September raseaUed sto- further evemUetba of the Cahaa qata97MJwt before
care the alarm from bas lU sad % lotlcn. In ecmdmlon. the pramler pro*
eUvea o'clock wheat began to eoddenly
qnlrad bat a few moaaau far the de­
eUims himeelfaa being the head of the
Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and'CIothiog House.
partment to gel VO the bamlof baild- women who belp^ made it warm far advance and the prbe Jumped to a
■rameataad not the leader of any
lac- the rtaideeee it located some the'ofioer. and it was oaly when be
diataaee beyood the city water eerr- drew Ua.rerolrer aad gare onmietaka- reached on the regalar board at 9BH
Mbs Carrie Llndley wUlring at the
iee, bat prompt, application of the ble eridenm that he was eaUUed to
The raeeipb «f i^eat at Binampo* M. E. chBTpb today.________
Bu cxtlagaiitbcrB carried apon the
ler the Uw. that be i
hue aad Udder waco* ' pra^ Andlyeaabladtoget the animal and lb aad DaUth the peat week are le*
Oyatora, Oyators-Jnet received di­
^eettra. Fire appeared to hare been lam it over to Diagman. When be pertod at t,40S earsagatnat I.IH of the rect from BalUmore. Fradh as a reac
' athrtad andertbe et^ bat there wu ddirered the horae he toM Ding- preripoe week aad 1.197 of the oorres- and ariid menu.
BO way of determiaiac Ite oricin. maa
to reaUt alt eSorte of
not dslte a miauto old here when
.Poya hare booD era to pUy ioeide the Barrie par^ to r^aU peanaiioB,
the straotare Utaly aad It is praeam- byeverynscaas labhpower. ao Diag* tbe Up top market of even earb trad­
ing was named and the raeoid was 98 M |
ad that they bad bra pUyiag
man loaded hU rig with racks aad
raad98S Deoemher. At thb
maethfa or emolriac Uiem yeetarday BUaes tor the paepeae of dafeaea
New York was up to l.OS.
aftarnooB or dariag the ereslBC. The These pracaoUDDs proved to be well
About flour, if that’s what
bUu had aet cahMd
haadway planned. As he was driving along the Meaawkib Schwarts celling of eova
you call being particular.
keeping apat 31 for December-J
Md the dantege will sot axoaed gioo. Btate road feeling thatAe bad ueaped
We’re not satisfied with hav­
. nebDildlag te owned by
d. Ham- tbe wraU of Harris, he was overtaken Thb Arm hae op to 11:0S arid bet<
Md u fuUy iaewod. .Mr. Ham- by Depety Sheriff Marria wiU tbe two aad three million boabeb of •
ing as good flour as any
U:» thb
moad bad leaaed the'hooa to Mr. Bor- other writ of replevin. Marrin bad a
We want it to be the
gnee who wae expected to take poe-' hard tlma of Ik The aeeslon axperiNew York etartod thb Utcel advance
eanlnti la a d^ or two.
by Ashton was oaly a raheaied by showing no break whea Cbleagn
compared with the reeepUoa raoelved
dkmatobm tram the seaboard wore to
ftwmmatr BBOWtf XBOUT.
by the 4ep«^. who narrowly ee- the effect that cash sales for export
bis gray mattor there were 1,700.000 bashels yeeterday.
Bkad Bechtel Has Beedved Borne Fine
and it is, when manufactured
■pecimewi For HU Aqnarioa
Tbe crowd was bearing U mind abo
But here b a snap right at
by-------The bravery eharactarUUe of tbe that tbe baU erawd had caUs on one
bmae. Yon doaH have to
Fred Beebtd made a rdasble addifreem to death to get It
Grand Traverse depaty aheriff, how-j^^ a half aiiUIoo boeheU of SeptomUoa to hto aqaariam yeetorday.
roodred by express from rather*
■ thbwMkl.i-^**^
BUhigaa foar Urge and hand
lyadmra of the German browa «
aUue. wUeb be haepUoad with hU flee dmpite the opporiUna offered drove iB lees than five mlnatea UMr
Ur mark was rcaehad aad SehwarU
MlUedoa of the beook and raUbow
back to the city.
hnndrad eeau (or n lot
■peeUa The German brawa troot U a accompanied him and woold have takof Septomber wheat.
attracted ratbe horae, bat a legal dbcai
When thb rad'letter raeoid had been
UnparaUedU Boope.
alderabU attoatkm U thU loedity, arose, and the dUBenlty was Anally
tbaa^ very eearee. (Urge qoanU- aetUed in the office of JasUee Verly, by made it was tomparmrlly at 99M but a
tUa have been planted U tbe Board- the payment of tbe reqoirad amoant moment before the eloee the price
went bach again to96K- When the
- man. but they are aol yet Urge anoagh
Dlngmaa. -who snrrandered the aoto eUetng beU rang at rtoon the ofiebl
lb be of kny valae. Utoogb U a few and signed it over to Schomberger.
reoord was tWM Aepk. one half
yeaia they will be ragbt with
Is what you will observe in everjtbing in our Nw Meat
below the top prim for the day, cr 6M
eaUe Uureet as brook troak
•eof BUvar.
Mai^et in the Brosch Rlock.'
net gain as compared with yesterday's
New York. Angast St.—The price of
Giants Dafaatod Celts.
Mea-eall wool axtia A'EJ|
bar ailver U Londnn fell agrin thb
heavyKeraeyPaab le04
The Page Fenoe OUnu defeated
it^toSijMneewbleh btbe lowOBDBES DELIVERED itlOMPTLY.
Manlstoe yMtarday br > ■<»'« o' « «> eel rmebed yet and a decline of 7-ii
IS. Wilson and Onlna wetp the oppoa peace alnee yeeterday. Tbe price b
lag twirlera. WiUoa U At sur pitobsr quoted u New York at MK. which b WheM Hade BemarkabU Advanoe
at the edered team and he wUl go withU M of a east of the lowest and a
To $1.06.
egalMt Watkiae te tomorrawb gai
faU of X rihoe yariarday. Mexbaa
Kew York, Aogast »L—With a rath
driUm are qooled at M.
nd a deafealag apraar, wheat etartod
It thb mormag am lb ellmb toward
U Haabue Friday the f
Correspoed with
M new level eet ^the boDs tor SepBandttsa BGtitthaFarmaia> Bmk tarn wae debated by a eenca
tamber cr Decembar. Akis U thb mar,
. ^
the TraverseCtty
Bvecy aye on the Aoer was Axed
sale Good.
Company. We have for Mle
Soued Hem­
Ohtoaffo MoMtoL
Bhephmd. BUkl,
Udb. Aag. tl.-El
on therigdbiaethegoag-etroke eel
lock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank. Maple Flooriaa
BmabU. rabter of the Fkrmare' kank
CailcegD. Aagait SI—WbeaV-AngoaL the axeitod qteeabUve machUe U moauesfrewtmUrMca
of thUtown.WMahotaad tataUy U* Al: Yeptomher. 99He; December. 99Vo. Moa.
Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. MDI Machinery, of3l
Bonnd and roaad went the
Good ariid Bobber « QQ
jor^hy baak eobbra early tUs mom** May.Al.00M.
hands anUl LfiSM was marked for
descriptions, iocludin* 2 Engines, Set Works, Carriages
Omto, men's eUes.. Jle.^C7
lag^ the ba^ looted of aU lu eaah.
Corm-AagmL llM9Me; September, wheat that eUaed oflbblly Uet aigbt
Vs can rar BUmUsa w Us
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
Theamoantof meoey taken b not
Deeember. S3\o;May, UXe.
fsetthm Uts stow coat Is
99M. and sold Urn oa the curb at
, yet known. There b no clew to the
As trmh high level was reached tbe
cashier Strode had tsteadad gelng
a^arm of writing brokers U the pit beto k!k Pleaunt thb moraing and .e^as
flHbe eimriy (ranUe and the bewilder­
ap before « o'dnck. He opaneid'^
ing roar khbh aseended like a bedlam
banl^ eaalt to get eome papeca anA
Manjr Otlier BargainA
to the Uriag fringe U tbe gallery tw
eras iaddh the vaolt wbea the bargain
minded the epeetatnes mor« of a wild
which we will be
Arad at him.
poUtbal merilagthaari the regalar
^ Buy a good one. We have some good ones cheap.
One baXUt Mtered bb body
pleased to show
bariama la which thonmads aad thoohcarLwhUatlwaaoeodanterad jaat a
•aods of driUn are changtng haab cm
- Amr laebas low. It wasaa aaay mala nod at the head or • wave of tbe
Im tfaM te tkm nkibtn to ffilB am
eard. Tna fOaa Always Bw asSTe^~
«nra to tha moMp ctet aad they
‘nsefirotandiieiafeaU of SepMm- ,
d«asAU^ '
imemamadeatX.01, -lyiiiMlUff laf'
advafiaaedlM o*at tha eAMri'riaaa.
Posndar caettder.

• jr«w FUnt vm 4m Oos
•ad nut it
bii BoobU tte ax.
Mt af tiu 0a« Puteayd by Win



Dirty Clothes *****|
Hamper. I



We Hare Some Specials in

Jen’s Fall Suits

*5.00. *6.50. *8.50, *10.00,
*12.50 m *1^.00.

UfT Wisiirs BUZL

Were Cranky

No Doubt

That There

Are Snaps In


Alaska- -



Bright, Fresh, Neat

“5'’“''"“!'“ 1.19

Fresh Meats—always fresh. Salt Meats.




T'.TTl.l'Itr.r- 2Bc


If You Have Logs to Sell




..If You Want a Cheap' Shoe

l-40ff^n all TanSlioes^l-40ff.





«pa». T. tUxwM Mm J. W. BAann.
J. W. Bak». Bdltor ttd Itewnr-




Tn «ra is ttw Mtt ^ iMt sicbt
wlU ftltad AUerau GwrtooB u oppatuitj to ooln «re Um eUmt of
tb» Fifth wsrd for bettor fir* protootioa. Howmr, th« A—kal «xtiaCm)A«n <**>* in opportona-nnd V7
proper npplianttca Mnd ntieh dnmp*.
not nlwnpa be ndeqseto
iacMeeAiebmdcniitod gnntor bend«»p. or Inn bleb wind.

Win whtot-nbore the doUnr nark,
onto mad eern rteinf in tbe anae j
portion nnd n preapeet of thir^
fbr^ ennu n bubei for {

Lenndndenl eneier to


■ of MieUenn nre beirinninr to feel tbe effeett of bettar
tfaen. nekU traa Uw onnal tell neb in
Aiinnenta. Tbe raede entorinf
Otnad Bnpida tcqnlre fifteen bnndred
More Creiebt cento ^beadle tbe boet' MM trooB end to tbnt dtp.
Mow Chptoia Geneinl Weyler any
branUte tbe trdUUonnl d«b of relictM the new premier of ^aia baa lateeed Uaoonree in the Cebna lebelUoB. He may nlao ooDtinBa ui be nmt«d bp the de-tenaiaed laearranta.

Mu. Maalgold. who bee beta clatk'
tog at toa Hotel Laalanau. baa bean
eallod hoae to EtogAoy ea aeeauni of
'eiAaaatoble toaPy. BU plaaa hto
been taken by Hroiy M. BtAaal of
Battoaa Bay.
Tbegaaeotbaao baUae played by
tbe Page Fern QtaateUaa oatortatoaeateawMlnnnietaaUfie cKbtWUne.
The game will A called at tiM MsadayaadtoebleaAenaadgiaBd ataad
Qeidoer -A Beat ere preparing to
drive an arteeUa wall oa the property
of S. & Pratt, oa the bOl eraet of the
dty. |Tbe aneeeae of tbe aiylua well
lead* Mr. Pratt to believe that a good
well -may A driven upoa bU plaee.
George W. BnU wm toe rieUio td
aevera attaA on Union atreetyeetor^
adona and Arne to bU boaa by Dr.
MeOonadlead-.jooeph Mook. Ha re­
vived afterreeelTtogproper earefroa
-Eaaaaal WUhela, of toe firm Of
WQbelB Brae., retaraed Friday nl^t
troa New Fork, wherd be puiuhaaed
large line ef toll and wUtor goode.
Mr. WUbelB atatoe tout tow* U an
of bedi
U and tout toe a
per* are rejoidag over
toe-brigbt buetooM prorpeete.
Tbe beet bell of toe eeaaoa wOl A
on ezblbltoa Moodey aflcnooa, wbeu
tbe Buttlm wiU aguia aeet toe toBoue Page Fenee Qiante. toe eggregatioD of ool«ed genUeaen wbkb aeoope
every amatour team they play, with
with BoA a team m toe HMtleie, wbea
they freqnenUy got let down.
The toetory of to# Fnlghua Maautocturing Co. lerunaingtwo boure
tlmeidaily. Tbe eoapany U woAing
on e large o^ of eerpet sweeper han­
dle# fw a Oread Bafdde firm, and alao
OB etoA tor toe Grand Bapias Bobool
FnralMie Oo. They Ave Jwt eblpped
Maple ordw of mw fraaee to Sea
Frandaoo wbiA U mtUtoeiory will leault la a large order.

Mr. and Mr*. AL Nld

Tb«« were fiood timae fnlore at
• dreafc Hall Teeterdaj at tbe renak»
ofTiarereeQianre—a feeUre ooo
towUebaUpMtasdpreeeat Ben.----of that edelety were Inritcd. Ontape
feetlritiee b^in with a dinaei

fiaapee are tbe beet in tbe wortd. abacInidj tbe rerj beet, and have toe beet
of materiaU at their eptnoeand.
la toe way of fruit and borlre.
■ fieto ecn and butter and ereasi.
wttooat etint. and all the
good faniliv to back tbeee. Bo Baturday. Anguet tUt; wee
to toe general rale and ow fifty eat
down, not only toereatare ooMlerta,
bet to a ban>y viaiUng time «t which
old neighbor* and frieada mewed tbe
beode wbieb made toeia aaeh. After
. tbe tablet ««e deeied toe
evae eaUed to order, and toe worthy
tototer. D. H. MeUallen. geve a abort
addrew of weloome. to whioh & Bay­
lor leepoaded to bk aeual happy 1
aor. to behalf of toe patrou mm»»\
Tbe younger nembere then took
oterge of toe seettog. and maele, both
laetoemental and vocal, rcadlnga and
teedtatowa. all.wtil rendered and well
yeeeivea, filled np toe remainder df toe


Tbe aaw nOl of toe ovel dieb feetory
to tanning two taonxe antra five day*
«aeb week.
,There were about ItO who enjoyed
the onearaloo to Omeoa. givro by toe
OMeeenl bend laM aighv
faieyette'a Colto will croM hate with
«be Oval Wood Diah Oo-b toam tola aftocaoon at Popnlar Point.
The J«ntor laegu of tbe Beeond
Aethodfet efanreh elroied a alee profit
BttbairaoelBl Friday night.
EVaab BroeA wm eyaet a drinking
Ifmmtmin to boreM at Ua mrutian well
' totbe alloy baA of bU new Ueek. ,
Twroty-tbiee UAeto to toe Mattoaal
«. A. B. bCMnpnent to Bnflalo. were
•add at toe &*W. U. depot yaMer-

. Elmer E. While of the SogU,-U in
Menliter te epead Sunday.
J. M. Wattaand W. C. Nelaoa of Lelaad were to the dty yeetordv
Dr. Ming and wUe toft yoetarday for
toe O. A. B. eneaapaartt at BofiUlo.
Wright Gamble, wife and daughter
left yeeterday fora riait to Byraeuee.
N. Y.
Alderman and Mre. A. B. Cook will
Imve today to apend toa day* at Glen
K. W. Herrington, eounty agent, wm
to toe city from Solon yeeterday on
MA Lena BaU of Pomona, will epead
a few day* with the family of Bet. a
W. a McKnl^t. a well known eleetriean of Fort Wayne, U a gucet at
MA Ode Eaua. wA bM been vtoittog frlewU to toU d^. went to MnnUtoe yesterday.
MA Grey ofOiieago. bM cetnrned
borne after rlaittog her father. A. P.
Grey, ef toe peninnla.
The MAee Wood wiU iMve for aevetoeelact mUUnery tor the faU trade.
Albert OobleBeky. elerk la 3. U.
Jobuon'* drug etare, left yMterday ou
a buBincM inp to AuH file. Marie.
HiB. TbomM HeCluaky and motoer.
Mia. B. HT Mur^y, arrived home Uat
night from a vUt at Grand Ledge.
Mary E. OvdeA arrived to tA dty
yeeterday to vUit the tomily o( Albert
CUidUa, the feoBtatreat fruit dealer.
Mre. Anton Oleaon end dan^ter
OUve are ependtog e week with the
family of John Wahl, nw Buttou
^fe. B. M. Green and Hein F.'Oreea
of Cilwtonati. arrived at Park Ptoee
yeeterday to stay the bulanoe of tbe
M A Claru Fowle, who bM bees rieItlng fiien4e here for tbe pMt two
to Grand Bapida yev
Mr. and Mr*. AiubU T^mnmn went
toOmeMontbaCraaoentbaBd exour■ton Utt eveaiag and stnyad
tU today.
WUUaa Judwa. of tbe wbetaaale
groeay Aom of Olney A Jndaon to
OreU BapMt. Uthegueeidf Harbert

—bSt^Udfred PmUand Jehn Seott
At t6a flatarday aaricA nf toe wOl A among tbe
________ Saaetary laprovanont Aadty to tA a B. eonemrtkm In Maide
■■■Btirni yerterdey toe aat profit aty today.
aaitantod to
Geo. B. Oroat, wA hM been eojonrn>rot C. T. Orawn wfit eewdeei tbe i^ in and around Mudngon- far the
blMhwb baUtato Maeday at Harbor Mt week, eame boma on tA C. A W.
flVri^aatotodbyawertotoDdaB “
Starry WUUama. wA bM been pend­
£. LeUof Elk Bapkla.
ing e woeb to thU d^ and.*t tbe
ft Tbeanef KonrtoriUnr hrtage the
. rotninod toDrund
Btonna branA of 8to4«rk Ooloaaa
_ large bvriee in twenty^ la^
nare wiU be a regalar neeOng of
DaAm Cbap. So- ttM. Madera Weed.
Mtef Aaerlea,Moadayaitbt AegaA
St. la Montague SaU. AU atoabere
an lequaned to atland.
A pUamt earprlaa party wan gHua
Mr. aad Mr*. W. J. Perinr tt tbatr
BoaiAaaa aveaaa vmi*mm IHday
aveaiag.byaaaaboroC thttr Maude,


Nelaon, Mre. NeUon and
Georgs W. AnJaaiB of Letond will
leave tomorrow for Bnflato, to uttend
tA O. A. B. eneempment
Mr. and Mre. John AntrobM of De­
troit, are among tA gueett at Park
Ptoee wA will rmnnto tAre tA i«matoder of tA auaunar aeaaon.
Mae Bva Jaekma and daughter of


Prinen OMrgs and Omi. **Bobt,*'
Idol «r tho British 80U
diors, Oooentod.
Cm** am er Uw AtteAe
AAoe to/M*
Ma,4h» 0

Tree*!, L—to* Vp !■ tA^
Londou. Aug. n.-^
Is Dublin CAUe. vhlAio mhnlflcence
of deeoratloo »nrpempe\tbe Interior of
any Haaouic tvnu>lv ln'\t^ country,
wa* tbe aoeee yevtwday of an ImpoWn*
eenmoDlal In the nature of an InvecUluie of tbe Order of St. PetrlA. By
cperlal command of her maJeMy the
.Eerl of Cedocen. lord
Irc)at4, officiated u tbe royal reproeentatlve and iu*eeted tbe Dukeof York
and Xkird Roberta,
of tor army to Ireland, with toe order

Fob ta a Day Al'v /la tA Bisalia af VaiBlahad by tba BoavacilYa Ohai^
lA Artoy •>. to Ptnmsa
Tror. N. T., Aug. H.-TToy Ad'twd
tttraedoiis yaKerday—the meeting Md aeT.W,APrys.»a«te.
CBato mwttog at »;to to the pariosa.
Preaahliig Kfcto, aabjaet: 'Tko **r
ley. wA with S
here at *:» a. m Be waa loodly cAered
Bvaalng aabjeet. "Shamgar. or a
as A gat off the train and durlA Ua
ffiomlA vAHed tA cottA factory far the Utooa." where ^*00 girls and women Ave bte
gaaday a^ool at BOOB..
a wann\ wricotne. The dty wm gay
Jnaior Lcagaa MS o’elook.
with deci>ijtlona Ad lA streets full of
Epworth LoagM at 6;1S fidlowod hy
pcopB.knd the president took part In
tA .parade, which lAludcd LMt mUlUa
LMO <iM veterana
Tha mala qaartot will Mag.
uBlop of the Army of the Potomac waa
U a vlalt to Uc Ninth com. or which
A Is a member. TA corps gave him
A ovatlcn and finally electM him hon­
orary pietIdAt. TA prestdenl Iq a few
word# accepted tA honor, signed bis
name to the register and left tA room
with the corp*’ badge upon Us hsaasL
In the evening the president attended
the public meeting of Uc Army of tA
Potomac In Music HaR The place war
Jammed in auffocatlA and tA presi­
dent received a great ovation. General
Alger was not with Urn. having
on a apedal train at «:» o'clock
New York. There a cre apecebes by
Governor Black and otbera, but not by
for LaA <________________

erd tcMened with gold knota.
The honor will A a rather coUly
to toow conreraed. The arbltrar>- fee*
attarhn! to toe conferring of toedlgnlty
av- rage tt.WO for each Individual ele­
vated to Ute dignity. Bubeequeolly the
Duke of York wm awore In aa a >

tsog* MamAr of UsM O.. Poeple aasls

OslUsrd A ■svtorap. Paswr.
MIm Or. McKsUar trill praaeb to the
Baptist ohareh tUa moratog. eahjeet.
"Coafarmity to the Meeter," at tbe
gVAXOgucAi. caracB.
Soaday aerrioes are m foUotm:
Preaching Sudsy UblO A m.
Saaday ariiool at U-4S.
Y. P. A.atep. m. •
Preaching at 7:U.
AU ar* tofltod to the eerrleee.
TharewOIhe no praaebtog ten
to the Coagrcgatioiial ehnreh tod*)
' Seaday achool at U:M a. m.
y. E 8. C. E at «:lt p. m.

Lima. 0„ Aug. H—A terrible smas
up ccrurred test nlghl about 10:*e at
Mr*. M.- B. Shnmway ud ehUdrka
the JunctloD of the Uraa NortArn and
Lake Erie Ad Western rsllmada. in the a^ Profeeeor ud
oastern ponioD of the dty. A Lai
fright crashed into a Lima Noitbern
I to their OMotgo home yeepaareoger train Arrylng a large cumCvntlaUyjOefMd bj
Teaterday rocmlng the Duke cf York Ar of excunlonlau oo their relurnbome
A Wg hMket of fiM fresh vegetablee
waa itreeentcd-’wlto a numAr of addrrme* at Dublin Castle. On his way knocked off the IrAk and badly demol­ made glad ths hesM departmeau of
there from the vlce-regal lodge the ished. Ad two coaches of Ue Llr
the Eboord yseterdsy. besring the
by tA people. Northern overturned. Adly inlorlng
trade mAk of Traverse Gty's well
He perKWeded to the throne........ ........ Urge numAr of Lima's prominent pe
remained standing whA e large num. pie. The engine wm tent lmo a wheat kaowB fiorisk Freak M. Payne. It U
bard to tell whereto Hr. P*yM mske*
Ar of conrratulatory addreeaes from
the maglKtruiee of toe dty and cobnty.
. . M fotowa: Mr*. Bert hi* greeteeteaooeM. with •'greea thing*
and fnim toe A
BeAett right arm and shoulder: J. B. growing,-—tbe neefal or theheaatUaL
Tronfleld, of West Cairo, badly farnlacd: for bis grosad* JmI bow sr* aUaM
Hr*. A. E. Clutter; Mrs. WilHam P.
reading hU loyM blgtuwea replM. say- Ban. Adly bruised; MIm Flora Gleat, with bloom, and he hie hard at work
tog A waa deeply eensIMv of toe truly ■Ack Inlured: Henry Breo sod vrlfe. In­ getUng things to shape in hi* greda
Irish welcome accorded to tA doebraa jured .about head; Mm P. W. Fox. InMs for the wtoterh eoattoaatioa of
and hlreeelf. addlA toat they bartUy tenmlly injured: Mr*. W. H. Long, leg
redprocated the kind words and would broken: Agoee Rcaenbeck. Injured in
eonvej; to lA queen the expreedona of alA: Rex WaJixer. knee Injured: Mr*. of ths mere proMle bAqeite M totarloyalty he bad heard. In Abclv-ion A T. N. BcanlA. dit and bruised; Mrs. Mttog part of bis work-thaaka.
remarked that he Aped It would not A Ida Watt, head cut: Mrs. John Watt,
toe last opportunity which toe duebees scalp wound: Mra. Ed E BntklA Inter­
Mo B to tkie Xoatti. hut they an
and himoelf would Ave of bt-comic: nal Injuries: n. V. PUnghter. heed cut: aUrighb Oyatsn at Kleteberh Colamacquainted with toe Irish and
Mr*. George Coe. falally crushed: Miss Waa.
_________________ »-it
beautiful end Interesting country.
Aha Koch. Ack badly sprained: AA
Exprsemon of OraUtute.
ran BOMB roB ra« ctXTAX. Stem, ear cut eff: Hra WUI Murray,
head cut.
Tothe klad friends and neMhosm

■The Ladles
of TraraMaqrl {


Silk Mnider;
tS S?

pwwe. Mswpei


ellks. j

AUG. l8Ui to SEPT. 1st

Has Your,
AttentionEta I
that you a
Store (OA

Pur* PowdAiW epl08«
Par* OrMm Varter,
bar Sbeettog. Enbber Tabtag. nU
faxe*. tthter Bottles (gnarutoed far
twoysaim.) Foulato Syriages,
iroet Brashes, end Atomixera,
kinds. Tkioat
OlyeertoeeadWHebBaasl Lotkm far
the hands and fees.

At Our
Soda Fountain

JAS. 6. jonsoii.
Stitiberg'tGnBl Open floitt


idianapoUi. - Aug. a.-"Prayer for
Presence of the Power of lb* Holy N. 8. DrZoete. sre hereby expree* >
WA tA subject of tA nmiee stoeeiest thuks.
Tax OaiLOBaa.
The Noasrebs of BepcrtolTe!
. TOT meeting A tA eapltol grounds
Buyukdere and Is Allerrd to have Aen yvsterday morning. At *:ao a praise
The Eminent Actor,
caused by a Amb. There wyr no
eeivlee la Tomllaees hall was
Tbe ate of water for sprlnkliag parOf life and notxidy wa* ln>ured. At i
dueled by Rev. D. P. McOill. Q
posee is. by oar rales, oosfined to tbe
etui Armenians were arrvstrd and
general eerretary-Slect. The feattl
boors of S a. m. nod 6 a. m., also S p.
police raptured docum,-nU which are ihe closing meeting of the day wi
aald to A nf an Incrimtnaiing nature.
address by B>>ofcei*.T. Washington, the
It now appear* that WednreAy was fampus colored orator, who wa given' ‘"AirpisMS^er* water is fouad rnaSupported by the
ntog Jntraty to tbb rale will be ehnt
aeAted for the exploalnn of bemA In tbe ChatRsuqua salute and cbiered
^—except where a eperiel permit bsa
this city because tA Turkish tuUnet tA echo.
bees gruted.
bad been announced to meet tAt Ay
B. D. CAaraau. A Soa*.
dt tA offices of the grand vtsicr. The
TurkA oIBcinU. for some ttr-.e paal.
“Yon mem to taiber avoid Mr. OeefiAve Aen apprehending
though they were not aware of Us Im­ maa of late. ” aald bw toother.
"1 admit it,“ aba replied. “Be'aaol plenty of them.
minence. Immediately after tA explo'The Operator,” "The Mas­

crov.Jed the ataUintataattog."
ter Mind,” "The Silver Lin­
: the po’‘What's the matisr with binr’ parGBBMAN PICNIC
Ru bad!
"The Clemenceau Case4*
to their homes and even arrested eotbe
a betog a very dtaaiilut joong to
of them who were armed with codgela
-But be<a an •ood." ri>a tatt
PTeah outrages are apprehended, pospetatanUy.
elWy upon the annlvereary of tA st­
Greet ttme* to store tor all who at­ "The Cross of Gold." "The
uck on the Ottoman Auk. Aug. n. or
tend this usnal ^enle or SebwaAn-Yta. 1 eaB*t find uythtac tota- fsMt. SpeeisI sttraetioos will be i
on tA anniversary of the arceerloo of
Heart of New York.” "The
Abdul Hamid II to the throne. Aug. n.
Tided and a dsliphtfnt day te amt
Bells”—preceded by "Lend
on which Ay In mi A succeeded hi*
fAaUwbo sttanA
elder brolAr. BnlUn Mured V. who
Dr. C. J. Staake. who la ataytog .at
Tbe C. A W. M. By. wOl ran a sp*
Five Shilliags.”
was deposed. Tbe BrItUh and lutlan tha Hotal Laslaaatt tpaat yaatorday in trail) from Traverse aw at 7 a. m.. arqpardahlA Ave left thdr usual
Ittg at Grand Rapids aboat noon,
whorage and Aa entered toe Bk Ba^ what# he aoU tha right of
ive tor hooM at 6:W p.
Arbor. An official note AuM yester- Antrim aoutry for hia' patant boffy trlprtteSLOO.
need to thM# produettoqa.
day afteruooti says;
-Plx Armenian hitch to Dr. ThooipBm.
Gao. DaBABATaa,
anarchlMs who perpMrated criminal
O P. A.
acts yesterday Ave been arrested and
Thaatrionl H<
wtU A oArtly tried. They wlU re­
ceive exemplary punlahmept."
The Moor# A Uvtogatona drnmatk
Peepl**'Cbeep Prtoes-IOe. lOe. Extra;
XvwsTluvvk Stewly Is lodA
aompaay wblek will hsffto a waakh anSUNDAY. AUG. S*.
Zgmdn. Aug. SL—Tbe Times puA ffneannant to Staiaberph IGmod Mon­
llabcf a leltrr frbra an occasional correAnaaal pWaie of the Oermu Boeieday
atc-ndent who asmru lAt Ind.; Ir still
ttea of Grand Rapids aad Westera Mtobt tha Dai-y Mew*
ar. extensive purcAAr of silver because Tha folk
a» out of 1*0 Alive* arc Ignonnt of tA wOlpliBMloMltfaeatropatree*: “Tba
fact tAI the mlnu are closed. They
ef Willard Newell sup games, lou of fan. plenty to snt and
Alleve they can excAnge their otmdrink. Mesie by tbe
aad ringing
iretitr for rupees at any mnnenl. tt-ben ported hy The Moor# and Lin
seeiety. Don’t mtee it.
the truth Iwcorars ginerally known It Oa. at the opera honae last avaatog wm
The C A W. M. Ey will ran a epeewill A a grevlou* cause of dlsalKctlon.
asumlaas wall for tol trsla exeuraloii. lesrtog Travene
The rorrvspondenl adds: “The great
'hnalDaMbyaaa. Cito at 7 a. m., ud arrivtog at Grud
Ba^ aboet noon. Retaratog lear­
irtb nf rupees la India raggvsu the
advisabimy of reopening
. the mints
and oallaat eompaay.
nt «:U p. aL Boaad tolp rate SL
Tha aadieaoa WM larg<aBd tha fra»S-«t
Gao. QaBAvaa. G. P. A.
ef ralrlA the Import rp sliver to order
to maA the value ef
ot approval ot
te the value ef ^ rui
YnUKoAll BotSi
Matter Mind” riMwad 4
BerUn. Aug. SI.—A dtowich to- tA
Willard Qpirell proved aster Indeed
Ever Bamed Oot?
KMlnlscA Seltnng from Madrid my* totbatffiwMter of .Cynis Blaakhara;
tAt luiy. Austria. Rumla and Oermany Ave accepted tA propeml of tA aa tovantor. Bat for a monmat did ha
BAoUb government (e adopt Interna­ toM eight of tbe ehaiaeter avoa to saZXT8TTXI.A.170B1.
tional m«tonrcs against anarchy, tA epeadtog to a aartoto call at the and of
chief of which win A tA e....................
O. F. OAMVXR. Agent.
the third act. Blaakhara ^ettU ra-

Willard Ml,


Nurij On Car Loiil of Stnerp
4-H» Qig Spumy

Too Will Bo lilt If Too


rapiled to Qie-8pan1ab At*. It 1*
expected, mya the dispatch. tAt tA
United States. Great Britain and Bwiaerlud win refuse to co-operate.
AasSrta aad BolgaHa MaA Cp.
London. Aug. n.—A dlipatcb to TA
TiiDca from Vienna aaya lAt tA Bul­
garian agent As opened negoUattaM
with the- Austro-Hungarian forelgB
office which Ave resulted Id a settlement of the difficulties tAt arose over
the statements of M. Stolloff. the Buifurian premier. In cOhneettOD wtth tA
attitude of tA AuMrlae govmment on
the rccmi prosecution of Captain Bdtebrff for ,the murder of his paramror,
AkA aglmoB. an AuMrlao sald«ct.
BBtarisdvatytAlaSAaa AJAr.
AA Alter. Mich., A«g. n. —MMa
Agnes Warran, dr fiprtogfittd. Ula. a
student In tA aamater aebool Ara. wm
klUed by a Mlridgu Cmittal tr^ here
laM nlgM. With two nMiinnllni sA
was waOdag a tA trmSTSi toOsd

8. C ItoOnt, toft yaator^ MIm YCartA ism
Ualvarfity ot Miol
day tor fi Tlatt to Saw Toik stote.

patUag him from the mtoda of tha aadloBoa. ThmakaflaUtothieyoBBg
■•a work that d*maa*tratea a«
Mim Vail DeVeraoa. who bM hafara
o^tarad fha heart* of oa th*a«r*
gome, aooead aaotharaacBsm m Maiy
Blaakhara. tha wayward daa^tee..
worif WM fiatol, bat vasy aSaeHa a
At Joaeph ChaadlA, tha eehamiag
owner of Tatlow Worka. Piaak F.
oartotoly la hk Itoa. WUhar Bigby
M Batty Todd tha aaaafA alao* won
tovor. aad Joa^h B.lHarphy gave Ufa
aad vigor toAhaooMidy pan of Joaaia
Todd, htt tovaaoMM with Saaey katog
ray laahy. NaOto.Dlamoad Blghy
WM rivaahiat aad attraottoa to the
cbaraatarofBaaey Blaakhara aad hm
aa*aM with bar tothtowaraaas^ good.
The ptoM WM waU atagad.

—Watch Repairing,
-jihn Verly.
—Front Street.



Fire Insuraoce.
F<r^ Ins

Suits to Order.
Fine Merchant Tailoring.




■ Men’s


$L4d Slniis.i





To Flsht **Oei
by to.
Juneli^ wHh o PomIWo
Oonofol Striko.

F%toe OP ns ooLui^ira keeihs.

«• »• ■•to «t •>. LmM


iw wui d

ColoiBbua. O.. Atig: IL—Tbe naUasa]
aeeoUre board of the Baited Hloe
Vorisne addooraed
taartttg iiBBed a call for a eoeferenee of
organlged labor to be beU In Bl Bouia
Aog.-M. The board rejected the propool'
Uoo of the PItuburg, operatore for «
conference to arbUrate the wage dlapate In that dlatilct. claiming Chat each
•etlon would be prtjadlclal to the inter.
cMa of the mrnere at large. Tbe board
ta rcadg to condder orerturca for tbe
•rtSltnUaD of ihc.Uaaea.of tbe great
atrOK oalr when these orerturea come
tram air tbe operatora In the compcUtlve district which Indodes Ohio. In­
diana. Ullnola West Virglnta and Penn*
arlennlB. Tbe bc&td baa decided ndt to
deviate from the etcabllshed pcHcg onill
the result of the fit. :
known. The aggreialve woih In the field
wUl ba eontlBucd and tbe cQorta to
spiM tbe strike in ' WcH Tlrglnla
^-dlatrict wfll be renewed.
4taws*Bl auth. ie'UM Prepnaltlo^
Tbe sueceas or tailore of the strike
hang! upon tbe St. Boula eonterence. the
4wtl for which has been Isdoreed b
Qompen and Sovereign. Tbcr malnlal
that tbe fight tiaw being Waged bj Ue;
mlnen la one of common intcRst to ortfae conntrjr.
t the St. Bouii P
with t
hasgrenUrlnterferad with tbe prospects
^ -leceai. aa the coal supplied from
and the few IsoUlcd dlatrlcu ta
Meting tbe Umlied demand. Tbe only
hope of cutting oS thlt eyppiy appears
to lie In the refusal of organised Ubor
In the ordinary ehaanels of traffic and
b«alB«as to refuse to handle or as<
«oai If the object of the St. LouU eon.
(ercnee la accomplished tbe rtrlke win


iaat«Mi «• M»w Tnu »hi mvM«
wlUi the thman from that Mcttoa. «rtie
ohUB* ■ AenoMtrsUon In ijB*
{■thr with the •trtken.
The eMken were )<dne4 hr their
vivee, etiA ebest HP pe«nte were pr»
ent at a iMeU&K. erbleh waa addreMed
hr Ura. Jcnea. of CUoaco: CapUla Mo.
Saj. and etbera Depntjr BamTeuag
IT the shtfIS to eooe to
hokoale aiTW are «■peetcd to rollow the artlval oT the
abeHff, and aa both Mdea are wro««fc(
to the hlgbeet iHtcb there la on telUag
wbai the reoolt mar ba There war
trotfUc at the atithtfe* camp near the
Banda mine during (beenomlng. aod a
Bomber of atrlkere were amathd tor
rioutlng the
aleo made at “Camp Tlctory,** near
CaaoBsburg. A constable appearsd la
camp with warrants for twelve men.
boi could only find, two of tbcea. The

polity OPGEII.GIlliHT
Th* Om Adftptfid Tewtrd Cuba
byth* MelQRlayAdmhi.
ma fl' BE OAUED ^ 8FAH

a muehaxy Mo* 1
1U Bo TUbso mt Ihs Oisead That Oar
tameara D.msad the aamw
WasUnitoii. Aug. tL-^fllelals of tbe
•tau department were very rebeenl
yesterday when asked concerning a re-


I port In ctrculaMon that dcfiiflu Instrao.
! tioDB have been given all our foreign
w to BvropeM
> sound and ascertain tbe
Pittrtinre. A«g. tl.—The coaloperators
I tbelr meeting last nlgbt, after wall* aiUtuds I
ing to vain for an answer from Proslleral Sratals Were
deni Rstebford to tbelr telegram asking -to Cuba. While general
n. oti-------------------ottaeiW.lnUi^ted
for a conference here today to arbItraU made by some of tbem.
tbe strike question. Issued the following that the United Btolev wasNWdy
aiaiemeni to tbe public, sbortly after anuine tbe potUlon taken by President
Inlgbt. Tbe statement xrai gives out Orant to 1B4. as shown by tbe toK . f
j preclpl- stroctlons of Beeretary Flrh to Minister
a by the followln
Altbough It nevgr appears
yemerda}-: "Resolved.jTbat a committee that- ibeae Instructions were carried out.
Blhorlsed. It vase tbe miners- lead- and there is no knowledge what Spain
gree to confer and no aatlatsctory
would have done to the premises, ft Is
' ran be agreed upon to said con*
ference, to propose that the matter In poialble that Minister Woodford wUI
'IfpUle between the miners and opera* have a diSemil raport to make. It can
■r* of the Piluburg district be sobmlt*
■d to arblttstlon, provided the miners
re pot to work at once pending tbe destonof aald board of arbitrallon.'’ Dur.
tog the evening tbe artlou of tbe mlnerg
jtlve at Oolumbui refoihig to conand railing the Bt. Bouls convention, a
siaiemckl was, then Issued, which sayp:
'The operators now have exhausted
every effort to make an amirable settle.
metiL but the miners refuse Hlher to
meet In conference or srUtrate. The
position token by Hr. Rslrfaford occa"I surptiSF to the operators. He
bringing In all competitive
atates when he knows the operators of
oher states under no rirrumstonee will
attend a Jtdnt conference. In making
thie demand Hr. Rstebford It sericlng to
delay a settlement In hope that be may
faring to bis aid all tbe Ubor organlxatkins of the cmiittry aod
poiltiral Influeece as will firighten tbe
politicians Into Inslsllng upon a mtUcraent of tbe strike without regard to tbe
to of the case. He has always to*
stated that the PItuburg dtstrict U the
key to the sltoatlon. and the operators
hold out to him -hn olive branch from
which is suspraded the key he ao^l.
*klr. Raicfaflrd is using the Pittsburg
miners as a egtspsw to scratch political
rhesiruts off the Idle coal tipples to thii
diririct. He know* very well that delsy
to settlement will deprive Pllisburg mtn..
if work which will be done during

•sIB St Ikw Prtsa at M. Laala Bew Task
aad aswbare-At CktaR* sa«
Chicago. Aug. n.—Dollar srbeat wM
A ouniDoo thing to the markets of tbs
oersal did
pries bare, tbe blgbast
offer betog M eenu for Beptomber. a
itoe of • cento rinee Thnreday. and HH
eenu for Decembes. But at New Tcrk
the price sreat at It. as tt did at St.
X.oulaaadMlansapolla.wbsre PUMnuyot
ftred tl spot for I JOS bushels of old Na
wild exclletnent to sD tbs inarkrto.
New Toik. Aug. gL—B. O. Dun *
Oo. to their weekly review of trade
say: Not tor-aereral yean have tbs
telograpblc reports from vaHoos diks
to all parts-gd the country beta m en­
couraging ot Htown as nalfonn improvcpiept an this week. Tbe markets
are called'crasy by some, but Cslrty
-----------— the peotds. wbose confidence
_ appears to ebsek IL Rumors
of Injury to erom are not sufflcleBtly
suprx.ried to bave n>u4 tofluenoe. The
one temporary btodrance Is tbe strike
■ ^
mtoera Tbs greatcat gain has been for agrlcnllorw. Corn
has advi
'anetf a lltUe to price, but Is
ring very torgely. so that the last
year’s nrplus mag soon be marketed
unless the new crop lurks out better
than many now expecL
Cotton de­
clined an eighth because of an satlgrown, hat tbe goods market Is decldedly Improving and some of the large
milts, after a tew weeks of gnspeaston.
have rsBumed work.

cents for tbe week <w actual transac­
tions. with heavy purcbasca for export.
It U commonly araumed that tbe yidd
will be SSO.eOO.WD busbelr or
though neant reports of tojory Indlcatlng tbe possibility of a somes
smsllrr outcome have belped tbe
vance lo prlcea. The Iren and steel
U UBselUed strike of I

Chicago. Aug. n. — Poliowtng _ .
League records at base ball: At WasbIngtoa—Chicago E Washington 2: tsecood game) Chicago t. WaMitogton
at Brooklyn—BL Louis 7. Brooklyn
at Baltimore—Oevetond L Baltimore 0:
at New Tork-Loulsvllle ». New York 1;
at PUtadeIpbIs—Cinrlnnatl 1. Pblladalpbla <; (second
game) CtodusDI'4.
PhllsdelphU 2;
Boston IV
Western > :
CoIumbuF^t Mlltraukee 11: at Kansas
i aty-lndlanspolls 7. Kaness aty «; at
i Bt. I’aul-l>etrolt 7. St. Paul I; at Hlo| neapuIls-Orand BapMi 7, Ulnneapo-

offices of tbe United States had been
teodersd to Spain ta bring about a aettlemeBt of tbe war. ’ bgi.- said Becretary FlHi. ihe weU Intended proffels
of tbe United Stotes w. s unwisriy
' ’
Jected by Sasih." The
Th I secretory r
latlon. X ■ ■ ■
many similar phasre totbal whirfaexisto
now, Pre- 'lent OrsM. said th- eece»The caU U Issued, to "orgsolked labor.
tary. regarded Independence si
as the
. Iti various dlvlstona and aubdlvisJ>.na
certsto and r eceassry solaUtm of the
and to all reform, sodat, educational and
Cuban qucr-l n.
The attitude of (be
sdentlHc bodies who condemn govertipreaent administration U raid to hr on
Beot by Injunction and the use of Toro
and It U raid HIniMer
Western AssortoUan; At Rockford—
to coerce the pople and deprive them uf
Wondford '
make It clear tn the SL Joseph 4. Kocfcford t: at Cedar Raptheir figbu as American cUlscna" It
Spanish authorities 1
KJe-Burllngt.oi J. Cedar Rapids 7: st
declares that "The great mlocrs' strike
will make Inii-rventlon by
Peoris-Des Uulnee 1, Peoria 14; at Du­
ha* gone Ixynn^ a struggle
Slates Imperative unless s
buque—Qn;ncy L Dubuqw It
wage*, A c^dx la the sSalrt of the nsdone speedily
Medlly l>y
Bfialn t
, DM While O-Hag tor 8b tegray.
trcubl<v to the Pittsburg coal d;slHrt or j preaent stluatl m. disastrous as It ts t
Milwaukee. Aug. a.-Cfisrtes TUe).
stand accused of Inorjlstercy all our Interesis.
win accept and to live under the
puur man to eearcfa of work. Thursdsy
icerlty. Public opinion srtll cerrule of an oligarchy of wraith or wheth­
received word from Chlrage that he
la him senx-reHiIe for the des.
er the iostltutlunp of free governrcenl.
was left a legacy of 22.000. Being witbirrrtlsbly pfcvall
tbe rl^t of free speech and praceable
out money to purchase a Ueket to ChipuhUr assemblages are fo be.suppreaued.
cage he r«s«lred to teach
there by
Umdon, Aug. n. — The correspdent
* . * Tbe irtannlcst and uo-Amerl.
stealing a ride on • freigbl train.
la the Heaerhrah DlstrM.
of Tbe liatly Chronicle in a letter from
late Thursday nigbu
Hasellon. Ps.. Aug. St.—The ronmlt- Cubs tells of rortfaer cruelty and dlsfirst principles of free goverameot and tee of strikers In the Honeybrook dis­ trees in that Isiacd. He sayv the pacifderogatory to tbe Inherent rights of the trict of tbe Lehigh and Wllkestram kra are dying by (be hundreds. ~tbrir lime after tbe a
masses, endangering the public pesc
Coal company held another conference
bodies totoUng tbe air close.loa Spaulsb
and dertroylr.g tb
yesterday afternoon with Laantl. The
fort." Tbe (fiuunicle
and indlvlual Ubert
f meeting
Pittsburg. Aug. 2L — Notices
eontlniilns. tvmartu that s private kladdition t
potted at the .Sitional Tube worito. Mc­
ter has Ucl received al Havana from
offered by the actlrA president of tbe
Keesport. Pa., yesterday sbaeuactogaa
Benvr'Bagsito. tbe Uberal leader to
rany. Lswsll asthurtzi-d them te
advance ot to per cent, to the wsgee
Siraln. to .a'bicb be sayv: 'Tbe atrociUe*
*Tbc Judlcinry la prosUtoted to tbe ray tbat tbe men dlsctaanced would be are ratstog a thrill of horror la Europe of all etaptoyes to Ibe tube works prop­
relnstoted. tj^t the drivers’ demands
er. Tbe Srdvanee gray Into effee
Uddlng of oppremirf cspttal.' ‘ ‘
and I fear it is ImposslUe to raise fre*
Aug. 20. It IS practkallr a reston
That »M.«00mlner* should be condemned would be acceded lo. and that an laloans, without which w* cannot rttoto
vestlgatioB of -the chargee against Su­
to Hve» of drndgrry and nsrvatkii
at the reduction made tost March.
Cubs." The rorrespendent further rays;
perintendent Jones would be promptly
tbe arbitrary rnlihgr of the conn
*tleTTnsn sjmdlraies are buying tbe deTime Mays s( a Btith.
t- Me. If tlie -ifn would return to work
an Insalt to a beacflcect
vastoted astates si-namtoal sums and
.Montlcello. WIs., Aug. n.-Mta. BdMonday. The Indiratlons are that the
rage upon free government and a
Intend to go in extensively for coffee srard Cheeshro. living three miles west
grace to the Christian rlvlUsailoo under
piloting, alian-loiiing sugar. This will nf here, gave Urth to triplets ThurnJsy.
which we live. Tbe recent injunctions
KSSB-Vllla. laS.. Ml
dlrertly conc.m the United Stole* and tbe first burn to Green eouoty. The
and their extreme appUratlcn against
RvsnsvIKe. Ind.. Aug. n.-Hoet of tbe will probably lead to extefiffve sugar new arrival! are all boys sad lusty
the tawftil rlghu ofttfae poor; the arrest
local iptoers who were Induced by tbe growtog in Ueorgta and Florida.''
ones Bt that, weighing about six pounds
and inrarcermtlon
hundreds ' ‘
Wa'hlegtcn. Aug. D —General Weyirr each.
mnrchrrs tc quit work hare returned
Mr. Cbecabro ts s weil-kDOWti
cent. inoCecrive pAir: the ger
lo the mtnei. and now there ts only one bar Informed CcceuI General Lees un­ farmer In this section.
t^oyment of srmA thugs to
of tbe mines not lo operation. The der date of Aug. 12 (hst tbe "a^-callrd
harass, and eeg^ the minrrr. have so
msrefaers are still bere. but feel rather Insurgent rapliln. Oectffe .Newtm. ae
exasperated tSe- people in localltlee
dieconraged, One operator aald that American citlsen.bas been placed at UbPeter LaM of FMtogton. Mkh,
bereafur there would hardly be a coal erty for having praenlcd Ureself l< the
was killed to a runaway sccldcsiL
mipers’ union te ibis city. He xrould column of the First battalion cf Cuba,
AndOlila. tbe sssssslB of Canovas del
permit his men to return to Totk. be near baraca." AUbougb the stole de­
Appral <• tbs ‘'Gras Plata Psapls.C
IUa wa» garrotted at Vetgarag
Newraid, only <
tbe condition that- they
"And to the end Uist a Just and egoU- quit Ibe union.
lor. the laneusgr of Oeneral Weyler’s Spalb. yraitrdsy.
, '
inerences beable settlement of the dine
Bx-Chamidon John L. Bulllvan wlU
order does nut acknowledge Uu It be was
will us (bo ffiea OffBratly.
tween employers and er
run as sl Independent candidate lor
released lisrause riguevtrd in
Clsrksburg. W. Vs., Aug. n.-Coneffected, the t>ubllc pran
mayrr ot BUton.
.vernment, but soother
trao' to expectolloas (be contempt case
the mswes. the i
Flour ban Jumped to tCCC per barrel
M Bopericr. Wia.. the hlgbcat tl has
beet, there In year*
San Sebastian. AuA, D.-Tbe <
Tbe execuilte board ot tbe Itlehlgan
•7p upoo General A^urraga. who « '
..-------- ---------------- -----------Tbe cabinet wlU

r trouble have i
about M outer i
nod contending elements in the govern­
ment of human aoclely. We appeal l<
tbe Ifberty.lovfng people of thU greet
nation to mod aoeredlle.*
8L Lovla. Ho... where a ■

be to formnlate plana to compel a mntn

Workers and Indorsed by 8



X DC Armit yselerdsy
afternoon midt -We pnguse to operate
•II our mines in full If ft takes every
filler of our eaidtal. We bare plans for
tbe tetsre. but I wUl not say what they

■Mail rarakur* ■•* to ■*•(.



H. McDonald’s raw mill at Green Bay.
Wla.. win be'stoned next week, and
will run until (be frees-np.
It wOl
give employment to seventy-five mes..
Wages tor loggcta on tbe Mkhlgsa
pentosuto -

Indlanapolto Aug. 2L—The IndlanAPIrltotoil Fnrhiture DcaJerf asaoctoUon
at night decided to bold a convention
J Wednesday. Sept. 1. and tovlte all
ployes advWng tbem that the comre runjlnre dealer* of this and oeigbpasties wUI not rmigntoe the untan to
: atates within a radkms of IH
any way. This Is tbelr uUlmstum to
t Rapid aty. 1
fram this <ii
reply to Secretary Waaler’s note to Uie
strayed the residence of George Hndm
luested to Join tbe
effect that the nntonlsts ertil quit work ■de dralsn will b
Monday If tbe nooriittlooisto are not organtsstloi). One of tbe principal ob­ Mra Hudarai and tour children
burned to death.
manufacturers tram retallng goods.
' John Loomlh .of Jaoeavtlk. Wto. an
aeronaut glvtog exhibitions at Etoctrk
Danville. Ills.. Aug. n.-For noecl park. ChlragA feU upon a shed berauas
Jostke court sentences DsnvUle leads. hie parariiute failed is work. He was.
fused to load coal for
Buperliiten4eti( Oombs posted a notice Police Magisttqje W. R. Timmons, who bnrt. but not totally.
Nottois have been trauad to tbe effert
dUeharglaff them, one aod aO, and or- sentenced a womsn to the rOck-pUe for
spun- tbat the Amoakeag eotton tent atVand«rtng_t^ to take tbelr tooto from the ihtrtydsys.yesterday IraparanlarB
er.Csri Ihma. N. H.. WlU Btori up to aU de­
partments ee BepL A This WlU give U
X. IL—Tbr mltis

tL-The BAtlonal

BsraTM.trM aar raakaa

ral pn
BteronsvUlc.Mkb.. wrote tbatr a

^nt ImgilzN luftn


IB S aad Ilk. dgaia .



Offers bj Teliphou Promfilif

---- AlfO----

ftiBifel Te.
TEIAPB09B 141.


be stated on Information received bere
Ihsl there tt no truth to tbe rteporl that
laird Ballsbury has sent an unfavorable
answer to a suggeatton that tbe United
States should Interfere, the fact being
that be bae not replied at aU to the
attempt of our amliaaaadur to eound
him on the subject and that hU attitude
gives rearon to believe he will not op*
poae such action ks our Interests may

Minister Woodford’s Instructions aib
to Intlmsu lo Spain that the United
States will tolerwne unless tbe sHoaUon la Cuba speedily Improvra. This
to effect was tbrlnaCnictlcmBwblcfa ware
gtven Cushing by Fish, and It Is understood that tbe attitude of the United
States now is slmost Identical with tbe

Remember: , Smokers!


awl «var7 UbE O

Fark Stmt. Bitwm TwA'k Cm.
open DAT AXD n«ffT.


Rate«.’$1.50 per Day.

MtalTickns at Refoced Rites.!

Lady Watts


Fishing Parties

Now for Business!

From this date this boat
will not make regular con*
nectious witb trains on M. &
N. E Fishing parties, bow*
ever, can make arrangements
for the use of this handsome
yaebji^, by communication by
mail or wire, with
Leland, Mich.



pwopaicnra oy rax


'oraar of





aaar K. A N- K. depot. wUbes to aa-

See Oer Rew Une

Piejure Mouldings

Cycle Owoers Look Here!

tooDOS lo tbs pablk tbat be has re­
fitted and fttrnlsbed the Bote) ^agTaorn bettor than It ever bag baeo befoap aad aaa aoeommodau tbn travel­
ing pablk to good sbapa.




Bsyat-.nrarX air ABayw

The Pure Juice

*" ■“

Butter, First Class
of tte aad Me. WUbats Bra..

Boys' Blouses

Great Cut in Bicycles

pgrtnlookatUroeteffaBtltoa H. E. Oibto. to BUa btepda sbop. |1) PratSt

that will kill Bugs
•a. BwypoaadfanwelgtalabdrwsratMdtokilftW
Bicycles to Rent


A K. Wait. Sra*

FaU lias aeaurfaL


^ n-at W.

To Rent


Best Candies
OM aoda. MsLallaa A Aab. aor. rrate aad Pbr^ aad n
Ice Cream Freezers j;;?:
Ladies’ High Bicycle Boots

rak abas St


Angus McColl
Paris'Green arlgiMl drug araa. ftrat tewaaM cf pratofitoa.

g. 21.—The eoa
Bacm work amemg tbe workfng
CIS Is tb be continued on a large scale
by tbcetitkera. Tberc were no rni

Bgcsu that It has come to hu*atAentkB that to eertato tostaoees cbeefca.
voucher* and
certlfleates arc
mailed ta pensrooei* In care of attoroer*. lo tbe order issued to tbem be
says that this must be stopped.

d at Turtle Cra^
Madlaon. WIs.. Ang. 2L—Tbe wMctol
MtooB of the IfgHlstute has adjovrasd.
•ttcr agrafing to tbe statato rentooB te
■hkh «M added a bfil ttdattog to tbs
eMtorrtsff. Mo. s< garbage at Mihraakra^ Mur «< the BMbeie had gtara


tbe to« awdew

eotm Cbkhgo to New Tork. s
to M esMs par H2 poutda
BrC a Dvtog take Mvtgai

xau Is gRifiltr ten 4o U era

I. wUh tbe h

mOoB of matri-

At Vaadatta.: DM.
Mayor Jobs E Rote. At Lextogloa.
Ky.. Odond Jobs O. Bodgaa. AlPhria.
Marqelc de kfalte-NaMa. who was ttaa
ax-btubsad of tbt wlb of De BasRa.
tbr alDger.
24n. JDUa A- MyftA arldow «fPM
Hyaia, ef.Jaaaarilla, ma, has bagua
wait agatora BtofioL OuRtr A Oa.. ot
ChkHB. torglAMtearagw fur aitogadi
panatel taJiRtra eateag uOtfto to aa ato.
;tator hataagifig •* tbt ■ifiralim

FMdlBr FarmaiV Bom* a SpMUtr- Boxm* Boards
'TBEBBCS -PTn -a. aarttr A TWT.m




AtrogsT 9^ v^.

«dUtc)y|).ne4. Tb.bvnMth.1
be had bra^ the
tha pap to Volo' and
•^TfB Jl waMBtoboU'WhUetao




<M1 for toTiaf dtwt oa traok haU«to4
with craral aad eitideta to beiiip aaed
Attomera ^ tawTV..^
(B the WeM 3tnej and Sraihon nU- Otkc* to **—-|— BlMk. ^Tfw« CltrMI^
Mr. 3. H. Micbola. aariatan* «aCharacter to the
m that ihto plaa baa
*0 be wot. aod «ny »itb »* Into
paBBd the eapwrimental eUBa, aod that
wtott w«e BOdttrd ia a aajr’thal:
J B- ©«»««. O
. they an colrtoidltovtbeoi
'* i. Themm^ood ,8a. Loaia
! a car for diatrtballag
di^boiiag tbe
tha tt
oU mai*ank>-,8.1«^a55ai*
warn fa aw*.
eot left for Athena, reflecting frotd
ttoxata-to a iatml*w. n't tna.
rarheaebo^tar^ffi^ IMaaad he «e»- ttnmto time npon the rirttMaoC btoj
land wonumbrad .ooe laeeti emy day
Bat bti wiaa«o l* a Pl
Vo]otoordtoatilytt>O.OOOg>UaitRn'«>«l>*d a <*•*» •»«•« «1««1
Athena fattmeof warltto^agaan ^-BWxg. Pwtar.
i MiMd Tbe naoU obtain^ to a ccbbof»00.000 Beery roote to •
‘**‘“‘*«->“ obtaina.
nm .TBa, ^ P«U.
1 f»*»
*» daat at p^ wbk*
All tbe etcanien ate oo war boaii___
alien element in oton*. !
Fear to not
All tbe oanlagea bare Tantabed There
fo a porare bo boma H trqnim more eoergy satiu« bat to placed tbere for
•otrarel oow In Greece ibaa It doaa M poet. htotbe‘*bepiiiaitigof«
----- -- - ,
ID aaothw cote, tor ebon beta do a Ibna lAoetbe'caKpaicB. The oor- —Br^.
-^e*-. Danhi D. Addi«oo Befa
Before Yonas
Old-Jiira. Jouee entered tbe drawing
' ' ai tar aaCbalkie Mco'i Chri|tian CDi<m.4BoK(B.
mu who owae tb* mer tarn It o'w.
eapccudly and qioitod a rery
AadWlheMaaeedtedrtiBg %Vtafeeaaa with phenomenal good fomne. Hewaa
nwidna rmibum,
pteny tahkwn.
bto breaklaat n tbe raataarant
Tbe mcHAanl who Klto btoclrrkato; -^waa |oal wbtoparfng a aeciet ta
there when be oabemd a paaaant come'
nxxto for all wool gocria ! OowlnJennto'aear.’'«xplaiDedCbarUa.
------ ^------------------in and walktowatd tha tear
the ;,,,oald ^ct be tnintlapdif
htoderba tclli ■•‘I'm emiy.”
mid tbe oM
old brfy g-ar*.
MwOT l9tM«tw
^ ABid *• prt» Ww iIMm te tb» tn-

5!'f \




but lipMi t Iifliu LI





Itftlien UcUfu
•rr:..- .TrtBpi)rtittoi Gt.

Oo tbe left of tbe pap Uset of Qnek
Tnfantiy^v on tba high, ban '
.brtagwitbontlntenntoaioa Gray
areatopand backward from all
Unea Souwtfauta woondad aacn
from there and paaaed tbe pop m be aat
reflecting in tbe roadway. Direct
bto front a mountain battery.of
Oteaka waa Toarii«. and the banea and
mniN of the cmratod were browting
tbe gram Inasbeltend plaoenoc far
tern tbe pop. Sooie aektiare lay in an
nptarned forrow of brawn trenebea.
U tba pop bad Mndied tbe raat gc
plain on nit
be would bare teen
black Uneaand linea Mill fuinirr than
black, and tbaae line* warv k11 Tnrki
Freqoantly a aeacondo of tioou and
bortUng Mtea waa in tbe air abore
him. and tbe abedto oraMod ai (bey
atroek. kloreoree, tbere waa acanetimea
a airlona aiogiog of great intecu. Bnt
for all ibaac Itaingr tbe pop did bA

- /

^ LyjTXgff,

VerUun UcihigcB Xiu

_______^_____ __ j totaisdragO'
"That it my dog." Tbe dragoman
Wa have awng too Mulway taan
,_«A. •Then are l.OOO.OOO doge
old myatictou of tbe poet Thereto
Uka that ^ Green, air."
"Ko, tbaae ain't. 1 taU yon that to myrniriam in Chrirtianity, and we ;a; —
MKnJd pccaeicnally get op into tbe *-8 TMdie a crm C
my dog."
doada.—Bev. A. T. Bolertaon, Bap- ‘IreremOo. m-H
As tbe peaean^ with tba trap dtoappaared ibroog^a door in ^ rw the ttou LootoviUe.



Bom boniea are bare that ought not
after him Infa ooortyard they foond
toan-ltobe bare. Good broki emght to be
tbe peaaant delivering (he pop man-]
tben^ Bni keep books oot of v«tr
vnor borne
other dragoman, tbe aervant of an Eng-; there.
lid) oofTespoDdenL bot tba'oo»TOipoBd-:tbalw1UrobofftbetJo(.a that con..*
la Ri* dew "
to the diaioctrr of every ehild Well A viU taka bucw aid ilM>( vMtm la a■l » ■■ ■
■llbo-'.dnnrelaialruaOSonhSpnmaSt. «-«(•
"1 got blm duL Atlanta.
••Too got tnm at Volo. >iid yoo?
Well. I got him at Velwtino He be of nctagooi^ir 1dm* l( ir reo C.:llongs to ibe San Fraoeiaco Esamtocr. verse, om law , oin- Kfi-. om- cl-iucU.
1 it dorsu t matter wbat yootay. yon Tbe old autapoui<u berwMU u:atti:r and
M CHS LsKtivr C«.
OBo't have him "
qnrit to fading away: in il-< ir uitiniatv
forms tbiy atvone.—Kev. llUK.lJKbavQKXUxrx wo^
"Sbut opr
age, Cuiiariau. Hew Vetk.
cstr tSsbef^l^^
to e«s •jJ'J*
••Well, be bat oon me two drami,
aev«m» i. tbe

^e waa a'little pop. not larger than
a kitten, bot be was fat and fairiy
Bwtbered in long white wool, marked
bare and there with black, and bebad
! of a fat pad). Two
nUiBia letomtw^an their retain
to the boat. and. mdii^ him. poomd.
One atooped and offend

lorti.lixi«.ao«. Pir.«.bu...a|
______ ___ ______



I tbha tcloincd the corre-




■a- not aabsfled witb "


b»*S*‘be eUborated’ The high li^ringof «h«-f"*' |
bis own experietices and. incidentally. ^ doca net low tbe ule
tbe erperieneu ol tbe pnp
People knntt. At a Christian propoaltion we;
gaied at Velertioo with awe He war' *ho are dcsirou of protcettag oor drilaneb a wee thing ti ' "


r to tbe pnp than they
Tbere ww some mNraggtoit in tbe rood
wt bad a bit of tnobla with bto horse,
wbtoh.bad bben but in Ibe back by
f>—« liiBd of fragntenL And when it
vu aU oTW ha looked wonnd for tba
SOB. tba two servaBto oDd tbe other
hoasea.aBd tbere WH BOM.
[Me tbat Bigbl In Volo a knoA
ana ta tba flOBopoBfieot'e floor, abd
aoltod owl it

Tl» buM. of »Jor m.— 0«

v^^tapmoof tlnm:tb«refore
. InadeadoalmUooatdprafan-: BoainesibM
become a b^ daw,---- *-





uram uDi


t End Hi«iMgM>

_____ ^

> 1

(tonto MOMS.

OBcw orrr Moetsme's asiOwarv stet*.

rar.^M-oeest.— ;




.Your Choice.


: ""n



Buildins; Lots
Houses and Lots


For All Cash or Low for
Part Cash

Ing <.

V It same down at tberateof 800 feet
«vero»a»a mm 1.
pec mliraw. wbieb to a bi^ velocity.
We mim lota of oppertnnitiee to do
and tbe wind were blowing at tbe rate gcod to oor folks et borne nntO mey

Then we ttlak how rnanj
«f tan milca per bou. tbe eide' drift
good things we might have mid. Ton

•%b«etotbepopraaW tbeewro- wonld be three times si gresl a
needn’t conee potting fli
vsrcicsl dsaesot and if tbto wfn
totaetad by imparting a vekmttAto tbe coffin. 1 know I've got e
Atpsqaal.tothMof tbe wind hM op- I cant Bieil when I’m
posed to it tbe tide drift wonld U< beltoro in this graveyard talk. lt*e aU
k Once tbere wu a b
doubled if the direction of tbe wind
cbooldsnddenlyirrene Ilmuttbcre- bad pot on k
Ont,"BBd to
lots be evident tbat to ba able to make Light oTMy
nr-onridefodlitoaatopetD be
Don’t wait to
L kie
- •
d; fsasMkiBd
e B. Stnait,


PATOBia A OAOnxx, Astefcera.

the wladw« mowing^

via UWt l»f». u —i-a o« «r»oi i^ ^ „


:;■“«•• •

-Honey to I.oan
vroaxtioa to bto dtonhmemeot Bit h* declorea that woman’e tears have
ibi^>—nuldnalr like that of a kM >ii
over bim. Unsue be bu
tor ballcon. hot it flUed Um with a anaiymd tbem and found only mnriaM
sort of iod aotiMw^ which w.t: rf rods an^a ^n^ of pboapb^noUoeabSia bto tipv •»«« walk.
A. Clark. Tbeonpbiat. at Waab-1
On hto wv to Atbaw ^pnpwy hiff**^

. a.U- o.fA. »•



him sold that be was of tbe famoot;
■bepberd d(« breed of tbe GteektaDd: —
. .
wu destined to be a big dog.
! nine to tbe kind wl
"Wait nntil be grows," tbeyuid. above tbe cirele cf petty pawicna. }ea].
"and tben if even .100 bad men ap- onaice <s rivalries ia wtaiefa yoo are
pnaeb yoor boose yon need oot f««r." moving and abow yon a larger hariaon
Looking at Vplntino. asleep in a flnffy of grander paasitatt and deeper ttocivea
vaa bary witb bto geological aorvey.
ball In tbe carriage, tbe conropondent to ssve a higher or mom oltimate pniTbe Esaminer oonropondent ea
ratbet tbongbt that tbe number of bwl pore—Waller L. Sbeldoo. Ethical Coi•long from ibe firing line at that time men was over tbr limit
| tore. St Looia.
At Tbebet, while tbe oorrespoodort i '
as —
and atopped when be saw tbe dog. Tbe
. dog bad been tryhig to aeratcli bto near hiacbed. Veteetino waddled, or rather! . yon do not need io Iw t<dd that year
aarwith bto off bind leg. bnt be stopped felLaroond tbe floor of tbe cafa. Tbe Batni* to inscuibly bnt inevitsUr
boys of tbe village congregated aboni ^(dded I7 what to taken into yoor
him, and tbe Greek dilld. wbo tboogbi, tfaongbta Wbat yon think aboot most
fleotive aileBce. Tbe pnp bad a crafty be bad teen almoit kiUed. dilated ooieameaUy and frequently yoo breome.
' eye. and be pot bis bead on one aide tbe exrei^ences of blmaeU and tbe dog. Tbooghts are the Uungs wUob giro
aod aorvey^ tbe
All tbere popaUr bcoon the pnp so- ’compkiioo to yoor life, fast u esstain
mneb attention to det^ Another Mn (1 oepted witb hit unal anUima Indifferare called by tbe leaf oai wbMi
came eloae then, aod yr«r ooRetpm>d<
eocc. He latcroattd himreK in certtin they ft«L—BcT. Henry Evertaoo Cobb,
said. “Gomeon. pop." He took tbe{
anrirtoiDg phyalcal, eecaatrleiUea. P« Collegiate Cburch. Kew Tort
ta bto anna.
lanance, every time be tried to rnn he
arwwssiiy rev to*

Tbe dog wM nttBTaUy named Velee- fell on bto nore When he tried to catch
We have all been at tbe bolUng poW
Moo at ooos. There was a tbongbt in Utot«l. be Ml on bto abonlder. In
tfa« oorteapoodtot's mind of cniiiDg blm facL be wa* ao mneb of a pop that be ®*
Loot Bot then be was not really loot. cMld fall in almoM atiy diMtioo with
dtbe Am
eq«a1 almndm These maneoveri were
aching, that odma of
nds in an
atooctmdBCted without regard to U» «»nyanQ
i^ boor, wbo bad accepted tbe andto- intwvM Mid admiration of <be pnpolace ; *kein were renwareWlyreveniNfnl. tbe
People do not osoallyulk aboot
Anie^a cool-down,
■noe of a otrretpoodent of TbaHaom.inor. His borne bad pntebly been in and eo. Ufore. be reached Atheu. be.
^ *!o; *ur*T?Jk **Vf
we of tbe atone bnta that ttood here WM easUv the moM famou d<« in I»tbtoed with the T«rk.-ECT. ^en
Oangregslionall*, Brookline,
osd there along tbe road, oow all lone­ Greece In Athens itself ba wu pot op;
ly. Hit ownere bad probably aebtUed at tbe beet botcl, and tbe honors be n-1

oat at word of tbe coming of tbe Tarkn eelved befitted bis social petorioo.
At present be is with year acre-} AU knowledge U
9ot he dldnU oare mb^ this either.
I'a -effort, not unaided by tbe infloHe wmply lolled on tbe uJuapoadwifa opondent. He has a pei
«tm and blinked fatly at tbe pawing tDgared at a ialnloos salary. He to ence of that Frarit goiding n
well Known here already, aod bis ap- tboogbL All knowledge moi
1 (be Bir«l csosKS popo j er open to iDveetigatioo. It mnst bold
Bnt be-doesn'Lcare.— itself ever tvady to mbniit to fresh veri­
Ids borres awaited bim. be gave tbe'
e wrong is
Imp VelotiDD into tbe bands of bis ' Btepben Crane in Son Francisco Cbron- fication. DonU to I
•Greek boy and stood aod admontobed '
u in ari momyand geol■t to faa 11 mpd
him s»nly for five minntes aboot the
inadvtoabilicy of losing tbst pop. Tbe
Tbere to another direction in which chorob.—Bev. Dr. Cbarlea & Eaton.
boy grioMd and toiA Talestiao la bto
tbe airitoiipwoald be *11(011(11 deTrctiro. I Cniroisaltou Kew Tork.
.KiJ. o.e.i«*ri,j
i. . •

West Michigan


Os tBprorot city prapenr.

laooe of babybood, he scotsed tbe g«nerewity of then men who bad nopped
OBder Are to giro him sMtotaooe. Rmy
Ungbed then aod mroked bis long hair
and wont away to tbeir bimlnem.
Tbe pBp*a intmmt waa always tbe
tbtog dirtotly ondet bto ntae. He was
naUy in tbe bottle of Vetomioo. bnt
wbat be wasted to do waa to waddle in
. bis earioaawayamoag tbe atooea «f the
roadway and nnell at <bem and foil
over them wbeneror be forgot that be
wntop heavy. Altboogb be was not
. iatget than a cake of eoap be hod acmeth^elepbantineiafatotsoromenL Hit
little legs were stiU very weak, and be
sprmwifd and atraddied over tbe road
In a way (bat ooe'wonld expect of
k Once s eavalr^an witb
order* galloped past faim, and a hoof <d

Wayw. natron. Chleaca sad'

oorxo WOOTH.





•nAXn ooXfOmatA.
aouo Boam

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