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The Morning Record, May 28, 1897
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Fint Tear-Ko. 2L
balm, toa mato qnartaW MoaaUa Baaaet ai^l ntoara. Eefreahmaatk wiU te
aervad at attraeUvaboothaand aU aorb
of prettp and eaefal wares will be dis WILL PHBVAIL FOB OLD BBT.
jkMaAxamD vob thz
posed of bp praUp ladba, «od there
wlU te aoores of attraetlona that wOl
JCemorial Ztoj Xnata vUi Bare ' It bblmoetaaaiirad alreadp that the Azrugemants Ooraplatad for Bpaelal
Huy OeaMataati for Usafol Tro- propoaed cklines will be aaonrad.
Ti^ and Beat Barvioa—Paine
phlM~Xnt>7 Urt wiU elwa ToWiU be Taken to Make tha Vblt
. morrow
> of tha Fionaen a Pleasant Ona.
VdUowiBg b tke ariMfemeat ot tlie
lb are now. praetleaUp
friM awanto for the rMd rao« for wm B«AohOadmac Jnna 1. Tiavena
plated for the ananqli' raanloo of
Mamerlaf 4ar. whleb Uw oopodUae
Oltp Barip in Palp.
toe Old SiltUars' amodatloai. to taka
AaaiTM tote mad* pubUe:
Tba lone dbtanoe telephone line place in the Cl^ Opera Honsa next
OatTiBoPrlro■om Urand Xaptds to thb d^ will te Wedoaedap.
Goodrich tiroa, oaap aad liffp
repair oatflt—UaatiA & Up Mei^ in epamtloa at Cadillac abont the ftret Special eerrloe wiU te riven «a the
of Jnaa.-r'nie'work baa been rapidlp raliraade aad stoamboat Uaes and ev.
pnah^ and will te oonUaoad withoat erptotar will te ealonlatod to make
»Bd Tima Priaaatlon toa remainder of toe db- toavbitof toe pioaeere plearantand
UA. W. pia,*»-5l
Fiahiae rad. VAOD-J. A. Moat- tanea. A eamplnir eraw wUl be placed the rendoB a happp one.
aroe. •
<mtocllo«oiitof OadlUae. The loral
Tke railroads have made a tato of
MTimePrixacrew will barln workiar aoeth as aoen BOS aad oaa-toird tare for tha ronad
Udiaa biopoU hat, dS.SO^L. J.
aa toe pulea In Iha dtp Sava bean net trip far tha oeeeston. The G. B. A I.
aad work down natQ tbap moat the wm attach at Waltte an extra passea
pimp craw.. It b axpaetad that the par eoato to toe mixed train arrivlnr
lat Flaee Prtaa—
Uae will be readp to operate from thb here ataboot II o'clock, for tha aaoomBoamaUaf
—J atpla—Haaip d^ abont the flrat at Jolp, bat not
btion of tooaa who ahall attend
later than Palp IS.
. Blopela lamp, f2.ftO~A. B. PetTp.
fromaloar the branch. Vbitora can
return oa tha S:4S p. as. traia. The C.
Paul B. Wirt foaataia pan. fS.U’
A W. M. has msds toe sapis rata from
M. E, HaakaU.
Vataran Daa Whipple b Btm anBx- Elk Bapids and return add a apodal
Barar ai
trata will be run tram hare to that
part Maikaman
. ledPlaea PriM
Daa Whipple. T^aalanaa eoan^'a old- place after tba maatlnr.
Pl^^eiffar oaao. CS-OO-A. W. eat realdeat was in toe d^ peatardap
DetaUs have not bean made pat with
to do a UUla tradlap and vidt Manda. the M. A N. E. bnt asdn former timas
t aioBtte’ batte-Jad Gteaproa.
manscamantaf tha road can be daWhUa in town Dan called at Jim Pil4tb Placa Prlza—
Choice of bammoeka, »t.0(V-Lj
baam's shooUnf faliary and showed pended apoa to do jest wbat b rirht
Beaeber A Kpmar.
several friends a thlnp or two aboat for toe pleaanra and conrenianoe of
1 paar*! aateeriptiam to Barald—T. marksmanship. Dan b 97 pears ot apt, the oU settlers.
T. Baua
and a veteran of tos Mexicaa war, bat Captain Webb wiU transport pamen•to PUte Pnaa—
gnratram bap points pnd rotate for
1 Inaar tira X. A W. ft.OO-Frad hb haad has lost none of iU staadlm
one fare aad the aftarnooB boat vUl
• Fiacb.
norhbapa aap of Hs keaaeas.
1 aonto'a tab. to Baeord. 40 eta. P. mads a soora of 9S cot of a poadble loo wait nntil fear e’clook far tba retara
D. CarUa.
potats, nptm a balls spa 7-t dt an Into trio.
•to Plaaa PriaaMajor E. H. Uraaa of Cbarlavolx wm
Pair of bicpdaabeaa, ll-SO-Parfear in dlametar. . Ara there anp others of delirer the addraaa. and that with atothbape whoaan aqaal the faat?
«r features will serve axoallaat entoii Bonto'a barterlac—A (Mato.
talnmant for the welooma vbitora to
TtoPlaaaPrlae- ■
Medob to W. B. a and Veterans.
Bicpela lamp. te-OO—A. Pataadar.
Qaartermatoar O. W.' Harvravas will the Qaaan dtp.
Bapab oatflt, so eta.—A. H. Jterp.. te at toe Poet room at 9. o'elook a. m.
Aa in farmer times, Traversa dtp
•to Piau Prizc—
Xondap, Hap li. to dbtrlbata trana- wm -extend a eordial irraetinff to the
lamp, •l.7S>-J. W. Slater,
pieweara of the Grand Traverse region
•to Plara Prtse-=and pains will be token to mUce toair
FlUiav biepela ebala. S1.00>Cbaa ratarn, to the memb^ta of the Poet and vbit one of pleasure and haapltobla an■alto.
tha Wonaan’s Belief Cot pa.
Laat maa to finiabMBA. n>A M. BAIXMT
Box Craekar Jack einra, •9.S0—C.
S. Oaria
wm (Uto n Good Bntortalnmant
For wont aacldeBt—
Horrible Bxpertenee of Moble Peton-Ton^hV
oaUt—J. W. Slater.
eon's Don Pack.
Tba poaitleBS of toa abora prisaa ara
The adneation ot Mrs. Ida M. Baiiep
•abjaet to aneb ehaafaa aa toa oommlt- haa bean parfactad under sacb uaebers
Yeaterdap morning Noble Johnaon
toamapoaa flt to make, in eaaa other at Profoaeor Byron 6. Klag of tha Phfl- ent aAshlnr.
Noble is possawed of a dog oailed
^rixaa ara offarad before the Slat.
adeipbb oollexa of elaenUon. Prafeetor
Entries shoo id be made at osae to Virril A. Piskley of tha Cinclnnaa Jack. Jack went s ftsbiag too, to
Otaa. Oarrar.
Uat will te oloaad ooUefa of mnalo and tba no law emi gether with hb dof-bx Ug.
Noble Md Jack fished sear toe
Itotardap at S:00 p. m.
nent Pan! r. Davb of Grand Bapids.
Any aodianee wilt find her entrrtoin- bridge of toe O. K. A I. railroad. For
a time Pack waa eoateatod to sit qaiinf and
free. Tba e:
rat tonifhtwUi atlp basida'Meblo. end watch whUe the
-rbe firan under the anspioes of tha lad waited for a bite.
A 9omb Batnaa of Good Btdara for Grand TravetM Babakah lodfa for tke
Finally baoomlag tired and not hav
toa Bowl Baoa.
benefit ot the Orphans' Home fuadl At ing as mneb patbnte as Nobla, Pack
wandered ewep and sat aear the track,
Cbaa. O. Carrar haa raealrte the tol- Steinbsrf's Grand Opera Hoase. ~
jost eat of sight of Noble, ead relepaed
lewiaf CBtriea for toe Motoortal dap
iato a dare. Hb taU bp aeroM the
road raea: Karl NorthraprCtaaa. Boek.
Boland Boncbtoa. Jnllu Palm. Clark For Bavins tba Lila of a Foolish track.
Atoag tame a train. Pack tailed to
Alien. CharUe Bennie, Will Bennie. man vho Tomblad Into the Ufca.
notioe it.
Omar Friadrlch. Bap Brawn. Alfred
Dram Major Albert Pctartpl went to
Saddealp thar$ waa-a palp, and Jack
Moore. BlU^orth Bela. Balph Baab
Praakfort with the Boys' BaeA Tke made a diva for the river.
band enjoyad'one of tos dellchtfnl axNoble ceased waiting far a bitovand
cnrsiMS ea the lake. After leaviac made an Inveatigation.
WUl Oo at Paekson.
U toe meaatime the train waa atopOla Uraon of Spltoae Bap. waa in toe beat Albert was walkinf alons
tU' dtp peata^p arraarinp' with around a tara in the deck, bekiad aa pad. The reaaon was soon obvioos.
toa aalrnowa Jack bad aaglactod to remove .hb bU
Elmer IfoCop for the trainiaff of a rerp aakaown party.
s tbs track end toe otetnictioa
prombtec^t from wbieh ha cxpeete party saddanly disappeared. Albert
rraat ^aed.~'Mr. MaCopb prepaiiap dboovared that the maa had walked off stopped toe trab, which bad removed
to toka hb atrinjr of faat boraaa, Daa toa dock Into tha water. Tba dram e large portian ef the tail of. Jack;
Nabb waa pabad, bnt not ao btanaaBattap, Bicp<A OIri and Arbataa to major b brare, fcnrloas, and hamane.
Jaakaon for toe fiiet raoa meat ot tbr soofeoarae tab first tboafikt waa to Ip aa Jack, bnt the lad kastanad to rareaeas the antortsaata maa from Jlava toe saffarings of bb eomrade aad
eeaaon. Ila wUl abe taka Mr. Uroee’a
vniBf. Be did ao. after aararal pbktng kirn ap b kb arms bora him to
dasparato'attampU to fish the party the llvarp bara ef B. J. Morgan, aad
onv Whan the maa was aafaly landed there aonght tbs aarvioas ef Vatarinarp
Albert expected of ooaraa that he
Be Malfo St. Braneb Barar a Oraad woald tnmble all orer himself In db- Graver. Tba ^arp was axamlnad aad
a portion of tbs ragged eoda ampnk
plapb« hb fratitade. ifot the maa tatad: thaa the atab ef tba aavarte
I tote voted tr didaotoinc of^the eort. He-simply
tber was nioalp fixed ap wltb a lib
n inltev waded in end abraed Albert abemeeral appUcation of earbelb acid, wbbh
•eraa (Xtp at toa baxar of St Pteaci*
fallp. whbb of ooarse sstonbbed tot Nobb daebras Jack Uekad off right
ehsreh next weak wlU te exhibited todram major, for be thonpht sare the awapaad made himaalf aiok. Now,
dbp la tte dbplap window of T. J aasratefnl wretch wanted to te saved
tha dog b dUfignied for life. Nabb
Beat'aelotbtnfatore. ItbateanUfu'
Bat bs evldentiy didn't. Albert mw •ayetf toa dog can bear it ha can.
walkiat atlak of abonp. with a aoltd that be bad eommlltod a foolbb act.
foU teaatifollp ehaaad baaA It it
so he bambly apoltpbed to the fellow
enlnad at tte.
tor bavlnr aeved him from the fata ex- MraP.D. BUUaga -arm OoeappMar
Tha ffeatieman who will te voted for
pwioaoed by MeOlitp.
Ootbga on BUI lugs Halgfate.
are J. T. Baadla. A J. Uotyaa, J. T
Hannah aad Herbert Meati^e. Ooafreae of Stotae Bahaanalai
Mi*, j. D. Bluings and son Ervin are
The baser will te opeaad at Sw
Babearrab tor tha c^tetta, Oae- prapating to toks poassaaian of^ their
p'oloak Mondap aftaraooa with a ton ftem af Stataa, wm te aa ftmows; pretty oottoge et BUlbgs heigbte. thb
. emti anppar, in the OHp Opera Hoeto
ralta orebastra, Satordap at to a. tide of Bdgeweod oa the PenbaabTbaball wiU praaenta beaetifnl ap m.; ehlldran's faatival aong at 1 p. m.s
pnntoii have bean angagad aad tba
paataaoa with a taatp aad artbtle dm- taa<7 daadac, at 9 p. m ; sailors' chor attractive rammer abode b being made
flap ef deooratloaa bp Bnrt BalL Hie
at 9 p. m.; National 'mareb ai it still ators bvlting. Tba grounds wiU
ladlaa have woriied amidnenalp tomakr o'clock: fradnatos'drill at T o’^otit: te bsnniifiad aad varlaas improvetoa fdr a winner aad toetr aSorta wUl nagroaa at 9 o'cloek.
assats made -whbb wm make the pbaa
bn erawaad with aeoeaaa
Mia ottea prettiaat aad mast cosy oa
“ Tiimmsd Bat B^
Bvarp avralaff dariar the time ef tha
the abora ro^ Mbs Jolb wlU remain
and Barrain Daps, Map 89to and Hist. at OU. Mbalom derlag moet of toe
barar toara wUl be free a
410flonth Union strast.
at fivonbpaaobwaU kaem local
mereMMh<i> bar kiadeifartos
Mm. B. H. Br».
totet aa Hra. Dr. Martto. Mbs WUii-n
omoiAL TArm
Two Cento.
s.AhSk:b]u^*s. boossxoubi.
Delightful Views
From the piAzza in sum*
mcr arc appreciated by
the romantic and stay-at*
home people of Traverse
City, which are aided
greatly by the cool, com*
fortable'and airy Rattan
Furniture bought at Sla
ter’s. Their cool summer
furniture has been a
haven of rest for those
who have bought at—
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
OppoAlte BMktil'a Boelwtorc.
Specials For Friday.
Tbe qualities are there, but the life
is strangled out of the prices. Here's
the list for Friday only.
60(1 yards bSBlqntiltp'I’sble Oil Cloth, dolorad, 5-4 yard wlds, at.................11«
Cotton CbaUisa. light ground work, now sffoeta, worth 6c. a yard, at.............. to
1000 yds Peroaloa, Dimities. Chambrapa. etc. pat ap b ramoaat mb, all now
gooda worth lO to 12Hc. ja«t................... .................................................. U
LadbaBos*.sram'eaa.fastbUi. ebe^atZ6e,'now ....................
.............. ito
•3.60 Mob's Osps Msekintosb. for..................... ..........................
....... 4S.«»
•4.00 black Cbp Woratod Pants............................ ......... .........................;... Al.to .
Tontos extia good Salts, bw at^3.75)fer............................. ........ ...............czAp
Uaen Shade, moontod on qiriag roller, ................ .;......................................... ito
All Clonka. Capas and Jacketo, Ladbs and Chfidrab at 1-4 off.
95 per ocat dboonat for Friday only.
Dreu Skirta, 10 per cent DiBOonnt.
Reliable Dry Goods,'^i^arpet, and Clothing House.
Is always welcomeLike
angel's food, we don’t have
it every day, bnt' we ^
have the
every day, including Soil*
days- On.r customers say, it's
like snnshine, always wel*
mobbing- BECiOBI)
irty-nine S 'To
A Pant for thirty-nine
those who will
be kind enough::::
John Bong has Oivon op Ayeney of
cents cannot be a very t
the Adorns Oo.
Begtonlng today the huelnee
good one—we have a a
tbe Adorns Bxpm Go. in this
to examine onr Pant atock
city will bp cored for at tbe O. E. few. —
A I. depot, with C. R Murray os agent,
this week we promise they will
tew. T. Batw ^ J-W. OAMni.
John Barry having reeiyned. after i
be well repaid—An especially good deal in this line is an
log tbe company abontUyeora. Mr.
t. W. tiAKimi. Bitter *ad
Bortx woe forced to reriyg the agency all wool cassimere—good enough for any^e—was cheap
of (he oompeny os oeoonnt of the rap at tufro dollara—going at......
idly increasing buslneae of the tele
graph OBd tolvphone Jlnee, of whkb be
bos charge. He w^jf bereolter devote
bis entire attention to theac and the
electrical work eonneetod with them.
Our line cassimere and worsted pants at two .dollars—
Mr. Barry to the pioneer expreee
OScB. IQ rnmx BuYtftPb«»a
agent of this region, baviqy served an two dollars and twenty-five cente--up to three dollars and
agent of the United States Espree
for five yeore before taking tbe agency seventy-five cents have never ^wn surpassed—pants- are
.. M aecood cImb
of the Adams, making leyeon in all os something yOu will be sure to need—see if you don’t need
agent la this city. Daring the first sev them now—if you do, remember tbe place—remember also,
T»i ptheiiBg« of U)« ploneert of the
eral years of hto service Mr. Barry was
Or»od-!Tnvene rerioB Mcfajeor my
when in-need of shirts—overaUs-“Or any class of furnish
tbe only express agent within a
«fCBU of more tbu pOMiof impormilee oronnd this point and oil the ex- ings, that pants are not the only merchandise we keep.
tMoe. TbeMnpeUDCtkffoTdpleMMt
O^ortunitick for tbe slardy aettler*.
Uls region, Traverse.City being the dtowho hore earreds beautiful oonatr;
trtbutlng point, in earlier days yast
•at of ^h»t WM Bot auto; years oeo e
Bums of money passed through bis
•riUeroMs, to renew old acqo'eiDUocbe
bonds and many a night boa be slept
mmI to note tbe iMprovemenia that selalong side ef the office safe which^n•ooe, iadtutr; and progr^ bsTs
talned often oe much os tdo,000. Dur
hrooebt about. These men aod wooteo
ing bis servloe Mr. Barry introduced on
hove node comfbrUble homes for themOxbloodi), Chocolates,
eelTcs end their families round about
Cloth Tops
package*, wkich has been adopted by
m, duri&r loBf yean of toil and hardall the express eompanlea in the connshipt. They con now enjoy the fruits
of their labors and whe^ they eontem
In September. 1K60. Mr. Barry'
la the place to buy
pUto tbe Rreat ImpwvemeBta and
prmeoted withe prise oftSS
12, . S2.2ft
the wonderful irrowth and deeel
company sad a c«^floate of merit for
opBeat of the Grand Travene eounOther
enperlor effipiency in coring for the
tiy, they cannot help bni feel
company’s boaineas. porttcnlarly tbe are the best and Lowest in Price.
that their labor has bien well reword
Roney order department, fer the two
•d. Becb year seea chonffea omosy
previone years.
The certificate was
tbe early setUen, and each year around
a. ar^zAt Mt.
by Fiesident Platt, now United
the pteoie tables old famUtor faces ore
Stotee senator. This «t eourse Mr.
missed. The hand of death rrodnally
Bony prixes very highly. It woe award
leeeens tbe nnmber of these who knew
ed to him over SOO other ogeato.
TruTerse City when it was only a Inm
With tbe change in tbe expreas’ofEver Burned Out ?
her eettlemeat. Bnt those who remsiu
We also Bell tbe butter to go with thfi
fiec. there will be a c^nge in tbe teleIf so yon know
oppreciste the work of tbooe who hare
• brchd, boto Cbeemety and Dairy.
the value of
grepb and telephone offices. Arrange
ipme before and toil on^ in mokiny
ments hare been mode to remove
Jishory that their cblldiw eon read
We ha*, in stock a fuU line of
telephone exebsoge -and Western Un
O. P. CARVER. Amt.
srith ptcesnre and pride. The pioneers
ion office up stairs, to the offices form
arc welcofhe in Trarenc City and none
erly occupied by Dr. Andersoo. In the
appreciate their labors more than the
Mssooic block. Mr. Barry will here
at right prieeo. Try our new teoafi
bnoinees men and ail of tbe people of
the room*, handsomely and oonrenientMoeha and Java Coffee, the bwt in th*
the <^een City.
Thun any other firminthecity.
ly fitted np and furaistaed and increas
eity. at 40c. It to eimply elegant.
Move you ever seen our new
ed facilities locludlnga new switeb
Jxa dispatch to the Ursnd Rapids
board will be added. TbU change will'
Benld yesterday, the Petoskey eorreebe muelf better for the patrons of tbs
pondent tells of a relay bicycle race t«
exchange And te’.eprapb. os there will
Chorleroix and describe* it os the Sr»i
Cor. 7tb nod t'alM fits be more privAcy than heretofore, M. B. HOLLEY. Mxr. (Mb] . Wrraotat.
nee of the klad eeer held in this port
which will be much better for tbe
of tbe onuntry. Wonder if tbe writer
boa foryotten tbe litUe race yotten np
telegraph operators alao
in TVarrrse City lem than two yesr<
ayo, to trrand Rapids^ where thecitPeroona'..
•fBciaie and aldt-naen met onr rider:
Jacob Fnrtsch is in (>nnd Rapids.
mod yaee them on oestion? It msy be
Mm D. Hymen he* gone to Oiere
that the correspondent Ukrs into eon. BMwnn FMoAt; | '“-i <>■ • 'Wt.olderatwMi the suburban seclusion of Good Time :
t to ChiDr. 1. A. Tbompit’>B bos
and OborlevoiJL
Peteskey; or perhaps he tpros born day
Pelpukey. Mteb.. Msy I’u.—The first osgn to visit bis sister.
botore yesterday.
Frank Frieoricb rctnmed yesterday
relay rood rone ever held in this part
Thbbe ore some ta^^yers wbo fee] of the country was airoaged'for yester from a: trio to Chicago.
hart beesnse tbe b(wri of edsoation day and very succeusfally carried out.
Jock Pell snd Oe^re Peek af Grand
foiled to reduce tb^ aolaricB of tbe Copt Nordmm's team, distinguished Rapids, ore doing tbe eitr trade.
Uo^rs, AS it was expected to do. Tbe by bine ribbons, was composed of Chpr.
Mm John LHney, wfao.boe been visteoeben. 'vill sppreciste the posiUon of lie Harwood' Will Tracy. M. F. Gumic, Ulag in tbe city, returned to buttons
the dlsMtbfied once, because they were Koy Radnor and Chorlea Boas Copt. B*y yesterday.
in much the same staUof nnr -st, pend- Cook’s team, with scarlet ribbon, was Jasob Veit. i>resident of tbe Grand
lay tbeV'^nt
ermpooedof A. O Oook. E. T. Bower. Rapids Brewing Co. psssed through the
Bow O^st the board of edeeation
Ole Larson of buttons Bay woe in the
hoe prre-nted aieseoa in economy.it Seorle. It woe a brantifnl day nod at
fcamins f-.ir the-CooneU to demonstrate J^t 3 o'clock the leaders of ths two city yesterday sod todk dinner with
Imp Bobs and HumMl.
tenou started from the comer of How
its »le«B y^^tbe eubjectMm Dr. Mary WQUmu and Mm
ard and Mitchell streeu. each bearing
• ^
a message from Mayor Quolotanee to Floy Onderwood of Eaton fUpldo, were
'neHisterbood of Foresters will meet the mayor of Charlevoix. Charlie Har.- at Fork Ptoce yesterday.
Alex. Immcrinan. one of tbe leading
at two oV'-ock tbb afternoon.
wood, tbe youageet rider of tbe IS.
ycani/‘end Winnie Curtiss are tbe mode the first three milee in 13H min- men of TbompsonvlUe. was jn the eity
h»ppj poiiteesofs of a new Cccaccot ntes. and W. G. Cook mode the same yeaterdsy and dined at Park Place.
Mm Riley Sweets bos returned from
distance in 131* minntes. *nic entire
ran was msdo in just two hours, 30i< Holiand where she woe called by tbe
pb x x fb
Charles Hcriycld af Tbompeons
now'eominutas. WUl Cook retnming to the!
hoe been yrotitod on Increase
storting point at 4:4S’>. Tbe lose' tirely recovered.
BonL txxuiiAu. FAmt ra.
I Dick t^bombog of the
Tbe board of review of Mahistee bos fnrsisbed a sapper to tbe winners Ism llsrdwocid Lumber Co., at Good Har
ioereased the oaseumeat roil of tbe evening.
bor. U in tbe rity ua baeineee and
•Ity fiStM.lKW.
pleasure osmblned.
Tbe Junior Busy Workers will give
Mra Ids M. BaUey, who will give
an tee cream eodoPand eatertolnoMat
the entertarnment for tbe benefitof
Bouse wee Willing to Favor Oov/m- Orphans'Home, tonight in the Grand,
in the West Sidrchapel tonight.
or Pingree but Ranato Was Hot
came from Fmnkfort yesterday with
T.'A.Cbooto has moved htouiloring
I.nneing, May 37.—Gov. Pingree yes Ur. nod Mm A. H. Brown and will he
•bop to the building eontb of Anderoon's hudertoking rooms on Unlua terday asked the legislstnre to extend their guest the remainder of the week.
more Pingree legi^ptkm. Tbe bouse
Mr. sad Mm Leon Reddy of Unkm woe wHling, by a two-third'e vote, bul^
•treat are pufonU of on iaterasting the aenate set upon the scheme by a
habygiri who coma Wadaeaduy-mfter- vote of tbrro quarter* of tbe eenatora
Thus the pirseot eession wil^close next
A denebtur to the latest odditloa to Friday night sad again there to talk
the family of -Rr nod Mrs. George that the governor will coll a epacial
in Painting and Paper Hanging
Wc name a price on our
Martin, who lire five mllm south of •ewion. Under the plan of axteodtog
' has tsurbl us that that to a
the city.
■ '
tbe present seuion the bill fer mBeege
goods. • Wc sell rettabie Foot
Tfce Forexters will meet in regalia -weold haye baea avoided.
wear only. We cheerfully re
uuosioe this evening. Every member to The maki^M banging bill failed Ig
ramladed that there will be important bnt one vote of pemage la the Mneta
fund your money if goods are
haelnniB tneaoeider and all ore niged osd to still mightily alive, the vote b»
«not.as we represent them, j
to be preseat.
which tbe biU foUed of poeeaga being
pmnter sad Faber Hsoger.
xmnsidnrad and the toil toMad.
l%e bill which provides that
tor ohoelng shall be liens upon the'oulDonning onsembly this evening at
tools, woe rlgned by Governor Pligrae Mnrtnngh’e
yaaterday. and to now a law, given ImTbsf *e boodle sU kinds of Msdnserr s*
oil kinds of PrtsM to anlt sU UnUsW
toadlato effect.
Frank Miller, eon of H. L. Millar the
for New Toric ywt^y.
m neoMrarr.
wubwo blk.
Smth Side Hardware.
Ytmusm STIBT m<m»iMi wcn<r muu'
where be wm Use with Ue slater. Be
hoe Mcarad a potitka with the Thomas
Todd Printiny Oo.
.Niy WiUU^ who stm heat here
from Fife Imke tc serve M days in jail,
was released yesterday by Sbsrlfl
Rlapooa.'wbo received a teleyrom that
tbe neceasory 0ae and oosu hod bean
W. A. Newton lays epeelol claim for
belny the ohompton fisherman of the
city, basiny him amerUoa on the leayth
onfi weiyht of a msyaifleeat "eb
roller” canyht by hlmeeU, withoet aid
from outolde portleo.
The onnaal bnolaase meetiey of the
Northern Michlyon Odd Fellows' Annirersory . Aseeeiatlon trill be h^d at
‘ThompeonvlUe. June S3, when officers
frill be elected and the date set and
place choses for the next aanimfeary.
Lloyd GorrlsoB woe tbe victim of on
air yea ocoideat Wednesday nlybt. A
companion held the yen and by acci
dent its COB Lenta were dischoryvd in
the face of Lloyd, wbo woe badly
friyhteaed. tbouyfa net eertously in
Tbe entertainment of tbe Senior
Clam of tbe Ulyb school \m the Grand
tomorrow nlybt will be worthy ef a
larye attendance, oe tbe prayrom will
be excellent. The proceeds will be de
voted to yroduatlon expenses of tbe
Tbe entortaiamenft under tbs aus
pices of the Rebekshs in Stclnbery's
Grand tonight will be portionlarly en
joyable. Ui^ Ida M.-Bailey who will
be tbe principal entertainer, is telBat
ed and her eloontion is know to be of
tbe blyhdr closein tbe report yMtordny of the posi
tions of the new teoehera it woe eUted
that Miss Jickllnys would teach phy
sics omony other bmnebee, bet it wss
an error. MIh« Jkdclinys will teach
physical yeoyraphy, pbysioloyy and
ibr commercial bronebea.
Emersrn DeG'raw, postmaster a*
Uaplekp was oir.-sted yesterday oe
complaint of' Ralph Smith, charged
with oaesult and battery, and intro
doc« d to Jnstice Verly. DrGraw stood
mute and a plea ofnot^ilty was en
tered and the trial was set for next
Wednesday at» a. mWhen the members of the Octahedral
club leflj>n their Sabiny tour yesterday
laoTBing they ^ere ao eager to get
sfrny that obey forgot their cooking
ntenelle. Tbe ommission was discoversd when they reached Beudoo and
^heec necessary articlee of camp e<iul-'Age were telegraphed for.
£==“I_r : ■=
One Dollar and Sixty Cents.
TANS, In New Shoes.
Palace Mer;
We MakeMore Picture Frames
Thurtelf & Gane, Ltd.,
The Price
Is Right I
Three Barrels
First Class
Lead Paint
Ihc Style
Is Right!
We have built
up our business
on good goods.
To Advertise .
And Tell No Lies
60c. gallon.
Canopy Top Boggy,
. Cheap.
a. s. ;
: ! .
lov Get Value Received.
This Week.
Do You Enow
' AU IbA Yaitf Bond.
Kariftatiai on Lake Midiip
lii^n Is ner*
M Vtyed Immedi' cr oioKd. ^teamen no back aod forth
.u Actio, oc »«olutloo BU WM
Xtefilarad out of Order br firntaV cf the «e*t rtiore of the lake floriB* the
entire winter with remarkable regnJar.
w Bnd who wu SotUlo^
0^ oticcpti ot wl.iU^^iaoP
Washiar*oo, May ST.—Bej^ieaaata-Oration on the tramOake rootca were
tire Lewis (dem.) of WaablD|rtos «is- i made bjr the Detroit and Milwaukee
• dearored to brluf the Cubaa question ! BaJlroad company and hr the now defcefore the house today as the priri-: fnn« lJuitehn*nn Tiaiiyportuiioa comleendonesUonoaltooneemed oarlor•8«k and the snoot w
teUrlo. II the
ol oolw™t U»t;
developm™!. won, »od«
ncy,ef the Cnten i»«urp-^
Kow winter navintaed. 6pe*kj
6peah&- R®«i
Reed «»•»•:
de-! gation
ntion procoeda
nrocoeda almost
•Bta be reoomlaed.
cUred it out of order. Oo\be appeal'nod the new cur fmios steam.back and
the house by a rote of 87 to 57 snsialn- i forth with little rcganl for weather or
•d the spenkera. The house then ad-! <«» }<»•
reoeeas of tl» car ferries
on Lake Michigau. aud the car ferry
Jonn^ nntil Mondsy.
Tiuivju ueuea
defies wimer
wiulur to
in »oe
the ouaiui
StraiU oi
the cause of the
iaononuoamentihat negotiations
are In
tn«tri«.o to the
r».A Anro-ewnctioo of
pirytren iooking
Against Indemnity D
rtiBt will
. ioo breaking freight iteanien that
im.Uo thoir rao™ u, k«i. ,h™ In
Atbans, Hay S7.—^e Greek govern-1 ajousisrion on the Lake Superior and
It has sent»idemorandum to the! lower lake route during
against the lodein- The report is without foundation.
There is a vast differenee between
ally demanded by Turkey and alao protbo
teating against tie proposed recUBeaone shore to the other, and along iu
tioa of the Greek frontier.
wort shore, and the navigation of the
Advices from Lsmla today aay that a
great lakes tbrongboot their lengths
freak panic prevails there aud people and tbrangb the interlake channels. loe
are fleeing from t >e city and deserting bnak
t is expensivo,
and oorasioually
ioe fli es defy the emsbiug powers
their children.
I <il the best of (be so called ke breakers.
I Quo of Iba car ferries was recently MaliI ed by a floe near Menominee which deI fied not only the rtcarntt, bnt the exTaidlot of Mot OnUty Oltoea ftensa ' plosive power of dynamite The tmoble
tional Case.
j of winter navigation on the chain of
vn..VI......... \i«- o- 'TV- ............... ' lakes would ocenr in the ibterlBko chan-
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream freezers. Etc.
Frow •i.aiih to •le.oee u tbs —g- wt
TbMr Malartce.
Three states of the 46 pay (10,000 n
year each to their chief excentiTes, or
#8,000 more than ii paid a cabinet
ofilcck. Three tfareo states are New
York, New Jency ami Pennsylrania.
All three state* hare inrreased the compensution of thuir Rovemon within re
cent yean. Dutit the prti^ut coustitntion was amended some yeai* ago the
ealaryof the ftoremor of Mew Yoriewas
#4,000. end the aovemraii of Ponnsylrauia and New Jeiaey received #6,000
caeb. At the mme.time thu Roreraor of
Nerada received #6.<>0A and the gorernor of Loataiana #b.U4b.
In recent yean there has been an at
tempt at adjustment of the ralsrirs of
many gnvenjon so that ihtsiie may canform as far as prwsible to the ImporUnee of ttic rtatic* of the olrt<«. The
governor of-JlasMchnsettei,
for whose
i ■■
is an .•h.Jionencb y««, for‘
«l=*ry *nd now
*«-00(r. Tbogovernornf Loniitians.
is ,an election
^ office there
. ^rv|
146 Front St.
liiniTM. E. W. aAEmi
Fire Insurance.
aud noa’ gets #4,00U. The gnvemyci for a
lodiauu gets $6,000 a year
four years' term, or #?0,000. The govenrar of Ohio geu #8,01)0 a year for a
two years’ term. CXinncefimt pays hef
goTcrunr #4.000. and litlJe Bbode Is Brazing and Enameling.
promptly and reasonable.
land pays #8,000.
line (rf maleriaL
Bicycle Repairing,
Work done
Also a full
Groceries I
Sll’East Front St.
emor of Maine gets #2,.>00 a year,
governor of New Haminbire reerivea
#8.000. and formerly got only #1,000. |
Thegov<.morof Vermont h«i #1.600 a :T||E BEST PHOTOGRAPHS
year. Kow #1,500 is not a large salary '"*•***■'*' «»»««%>
for the governor of a aovoreign Amefi- j
“6.S^‘‘,inrSrb.'E'^‘:F0R 98c PER DOZEN.
And the VERT Beet QoodA
0.tos<toU» or of Oregon has a four yearn' term, ;
effects of the iee, it Sonld
,b, jb^Eor ot V™ob. bn. . i HijiEg
ph<.k«r.pb,r will .I
lid be
r«.i» It bM ncTO-: „u,
almGM imposidbletoopeiate- ranala dni' 1^ rf
been established officially what, on a.
ing midwintHT.
Another and a very aerious bar to
general lakenaviRation in winter is the or of NorthCaroHua mid to the govern-1
or of South Comlina. It is puppomd by {
P .,
mfuy persona that this myrterioas al- «Bd oo extra charge for gronpa. ReJusion bore some reference to liquid in-!“♦**»«'this work is guaranteed first ■
. drlvln.«.o“-,l»o
Uw eu, k>.. rtropl clo« .n) lh« lo-, „ j, i„,p„,ibl. ,c »e .nrihing .beri,
lb Ih. (.cl thbt the gomoor i
dictmeatr-ngaiost John E Searea Be-1 „t«u in the dnylinje. Winter naviga be
. fmbd
g comimuy and Edwards and i Ion on Uke Michigan, who arou.-rer
l smlmu, one of the oldest I
,W..,wVp«. b,,..»oild,»ib.>olo(«ii:l..onu.dfor.«rino.ll™stb
"«<». 1K« I
»1, bi „».X. Th,™
“< ■in'-. «l-nsiK. .Mr .hirf „„oy-j «"‘y f
l>ev manage'
-—-ma a# ai>»Lr.«iAk.wt
rbTAA “«* **<»« sDowsionua Tb»'v
■ smaJh-r audlies
wa w.
oi —--------atSYnguiaaec peraow pres
«ben rtKm-is
kkw isf ‘
into port When
InthetrialofPrtaident Havemeyer ol;
the American angar refining company
for ooatumacy before the eeaat»«ugar
lovastigating committee, was giefffly
intensified this momlag by the pend
ing motion of the defenee to instruct i
cunm FOB tg FEB DOZEB.
HIMES, Photographer.
“iritb “,b,wT
thick because of tbeir familiarity
The jury in wceordaace with tiie in- the route., bnt
get in!lyp
strucUousof thecourt returned a ver-1 to trouble while they are wmpptd. iu
dlctofnot guilty- lisvla. the city at-: “the rnmnltuonsprivacy of the rtunu.”
tomey. said that the verdict In tbia i
I» 4.oo* »«« follow, by any lueana
#.>1.000; tlw governor of Florida. #3,.'.O0. ,
Mi< h)«aiifiaysBgovrnjor#4.iHKi: Mon-i
Take Lessons
The Traverse Belle*
Sc. Cigar is posi
tively anequalled.
‘VK-tbTp‘':.;'”r;;i Murtaugh’s Academy.
#11.600; iuiliwoun. #5.1)00; iu K.d.ras-1
ka. #4.000: in Katu<u>, fa.ooo. Maty-1
land piavk |4.6nn; Ti-iu«. #4,’o00; Ida-'
bn.#.*j.o«0: Wert Virginia. #2.;oo Del
aware and Utah have tbe r.line stand-'
ardof rtimpeiirtitiou for t'nir govern-'
refused to answer questions and thstj
ktek, bat BaaaUfaL
#2.600. Tbe governor ..f Alabama i
a aot a parallel with ikat of i
If a young man would conu-mplate.
n>«*ivta the wmie salary m tbe govern-i
ilohlm the address drjivired hyCarl''"’^ Alaska fri.orsr. Wiarourtii pavsi
iSchnrx at tbe funeral of William Strin- i ♦2,600BUdCuhaa.l .#;i,000.—New York
I way. the head <rf the great bouse of i
All Bad : pteno manafaeturtrs. After refi-rriug ' Ihincing arK>mhly IkU evening
«mr HatloMl EiMtl
to tbe feet tbst tbe dead man began bU .
rtingh'v ae^demv
Evbij pre.ia. bt libe. the lime of ! *e«re life
Washington has had aume particular
narcicnlar (Wt
labor Mr. Schurz said
M. U. Gurrim. ‘ Instmrtlovis on V'niin. Maodoliu, Ban
'•He was a pattern ns a rich____
jo. Guitar. 011r> aod Rads.,
As everyone knows, QeorgeWasbingcould call the tuillio^ires of
■' bright boy. willing to work ard!
-ton was a great
■at e{>nrtamany Ui§ gre-ateac wish ^1 could
this bier and say to them. I learn, ran secure a place at the lit;R { Isstmielti tri am Iialc g tn kMl.
pleasote was iu
' faJlcmina the bounds, |
that at au> office,
iDonnmd on a liptopHe was an i ‘Tboae anning yon wbolami-rn
Termfi Rdaaoowble.
•thlote iu his youth and hl«loveof out- 1 *•“« P««tT looks with muttrriugs
door life cominnod
‘bis dead man.’
roniinuod to the day
dsv of bis
M« it
tef® *b
Boom e, Oltg Opwa Hoaa* Btoeh.
When be was presidii.t, hit j
*‘His milln-ns were never begrudged
chief divereipu was horre-Lark ridirg. :
The dark glance of envy never fell
U AB wiicli aU'vrrace In a gmid )«b»sM
n>-A« tSerr Is Orlvi-ti Facts And Fair;
Ha was f^d of dancing, tou, aud rt^u*>»“- <-'o»ctenBDess Hsi Jf paewd
.tss. A Bail lodri
' wu'l ant o
dri a «iMHl b-ts
larly attcuMod the axNmblies in the ; bim by dirtrined aud rt coueiled. Ytv,
.<oaip,**-nl bat b<x
long r««im in tlieCily tavern at Alexan- ^''**7 one *'oold bare rejoietri to see
• wbbW bot bff.ct Kbcbbibrj enrlK '
of tbe Sugar Rrflniog Company, wbos-
Frank Stepan,
“.“'i??"?." j.-'T"
Tjake Michigan it can be
and lower
Cigar on the mar
ket equals our Oiamond J. for 10c.
Largest and Finest Ltee of
in tks dty.
• A. W. JAHRAUS, •
Facts and Fairy Tales
Geo. P. Winnie.
dria. says tbe Washiogton Port.
«>U riclisr. for ev.-ry c»e knew
- - I'llo-Asis p. uisr and Paper Hanger.
Thomas J.ff.rKm'auaghi relief frvuu i*» 8« oontribpled ,to
i r»o^wp.ii
tbe earea of sio'te iu bis love for music. 1 ^ '•cHlaie of all
Be was'a clever perfuriiicr oil the violin
*'Ko one fulfilled belter than Jie tbe ,------------- ---------- —
•Bd whiled away many bourn sawing
Tl«-«-wa-ik> puffed '
hotel leelanau.
and some
o#his ha| pie
piest moments were l “■•*•‘=4 bis Uiug, mo(irt.i i>i« mode of
e o#^is
those spent iu trying'to evolve some la> life. Bot be knew one luxury.-luid be
practiced it: that was tbe luxury of tbe
bar saving device.
Prcsiiient Tyler lisd a deep aud abid liberal hand—a priucely luxury that
ing Jove for tbF good Ameiicau game few of the world’s greab*rt bare in
«f pokiT. Sunounded by a few efaums, dulged *0 more richly than ha
"It was not muury alone that he
be spmt many pleakant evenings draw
ing to bobtail flbsbes, filling against gave. . It was tbe heart jry of the genu
four aces and hoisting the full bonaes, ine benefaotor. with which lie bode tbe
welcome nuci often suHripated
bluffing on di'uees, bucking ante. Tbe
stakes were invuriaLly small, bnthis- tlieir wants. It waa tbe btigbt cbocrfulnrasof tbe willing giviT who conldcon«my auys that he was a bad loaer.
Andrew Jarkmn was pssskmately eeive no ubuse of bis gwetosity.
"I .have seen many men iu my
tend of oocKfigliting. and when he left
. .day,
. tbe Bermitage to niu tbe nation «t »»"«*■“ bigpt r licort. Isinoomochto
Washington be brought with him two i
edbis fitiert fighting eocka Tb«» be i I*"
. matciKNl asainrt the gameat, roosters In : *“*•
the surrounding rountry.^i (he IVuevusky.
tMSSee artirk inaile but a feeble showTbe following com-onsGoQ, wbkfa
ing againsi tlie Virginia hr d. Fresi™.
bn»‘Bl., Ob ...ml oa,., * bccbmd lb W ol .to- cipr
fieat Jbbtaob
pbUb-lb., b» ■,iri.l.,b,i.Mbb,«A. ! *.'-»-‘”’ "8°- ■■ ■ ““P'' pL'P"
feat, and la this respect be said thm hit, *“* *«*“ occutTrncea w^Jlcb a ticket
^ „__
Firk Strefit, between Frcnt t Cau. j
: 1 am the agent for this Fam*
Rates, J1.50 per Day.
ous Brand.
'Meal Tickets at Reduced Rates.
t ClAUlDAr Bo*nl
MprHol Bam
Here She Goes!
"Olve me a tinje table, V said s short FRIOAV AND SATUBDAY.'
«... L
was tbs
->dox. ^niB......................................X5c
'Frleas on -Lemons slsugtatered
dnrlng’ihe bsUmce of the week.
Ereqttiigg SoICClieiii.
failed to say ‘Pleaao' when asking for a
ticket."--------- • *
evening b6 would play Boston with
some of bis anuy churns He cared littls for riding and was rarely ncB «■
bocsebai^ in. Woihingtem. — AUb^
Fleiscliinag's CoiDpressed Teast
A One-Eorse Wa^n, nemrlY
new. double box, spring seat,
lAnelng make, wide tire.
One Double Wa^on. B-in.
tire, all complete. ^
One Double W#gon« narrow
tire, complete.'
One 2-eeated Open Bnggj.
Best Bottsr............................... |Sc
Ktesk. best eats of atl kinds lOe
Chuck snd Bound............« sed »c
Vrsl Stews........... ;....'...5to0c
Vesl Eosste............................. stolQe
fancy fm dtdng the marketing for the
-.Sul!; a. _
family. Ererymoroinghewould trudge-;
to the market pises with a basket on'___ of your Lusitie^
bis ana end rvture on hour Irter cany-!
DeUrereS toJMV part of th« cU)-.
"president W H. HairiMn waa'not'
Pillsbury FOR SALE
All goods firet class snd #sli*er«L
Oor. Pum ssd Mlath aw.
Presh Tstslsbtes OsUf.
Jacob Furtsch,
Tulephooe 34.
One Platform Wa#«ik.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traversa
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound H«inlock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Floorir^,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for'sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
moA srsnd the committee to reduce the
toteceo retm.
The eenaie eenmlttee which tuu
cherce of the arlff bill rave a hearins
to the delecatlOB of tobacco manufaetxueta at the A. Inrton Uet nl«M. The tobacco men
mtctee of elx. Their epok
Wm^oser, who presented
BaUOT «r HaUMN !■ CMc**« BmI but at the nicceetlon of the
V KMato BrwMhc Em* Oa«f IMiVT'IHtlaiB brteflr. The contention was that an ln<
ml, MiramV OplKlM-nm Tote om Uu •reaae of the tnumal revenue tax would
SwiT fUU
VldoiT *o tb* ntm»» leeeen the eoneumptlon of manufactured
t Haa plaalrof tobaceo. divertinr >t to raw materlale;
rate la • BM-MaUen rp TnlBidwy.
■•oar Car An
tala Caba.
that Uee manufacturere had adjusted
Earle Lake. Ind.. May ff.-TheexodUe
WaBilnston. Hay K-—Chicaro'e fa* their bustneae to the e^ocnt tax Ind from the renertf aaaembly ha» alread)would be put to a heavjr expenee
moo* lake front land caae, lip«olvln«
chanirc the rtxe of pIue> and packarea. berun. Yveterday Ihe ra<retlnr« of thb
■rofteky worth over IlkOOO.UOe. waj yee- a ehanire which would rreatly dleturb Women'* Porelrn Mleala^ry exMuUw
b, L..J
committee cloaed. and the number of
Herman la favor of the preaf'^ holder* ;
«,„iy altemative bertdea redudna thiiM who left at once waa Oonsldcnible.
of -the land. nalntlBe who aoufbt (and r thesUeJ ot plufti: and packaaee would The number of vialtorv bruurhl by U>*
throurh the United 8ute««uprone court j be to uae materiala of an Inferior quality fine weather made up for the lade, but
tfoubUeae wilt csntlnue to aeek) to ob- that they ml«hl eell the aame quaaiUle* a allmmer Attendance at the eveninx
Utn poaastelon of the lani. are Har\ey t of tobacco a! the present pricea. An
popular meetiiv waa very apparent Ai
H. La rollette.and Mathlae Benner. ?W»enl upon ^ch much atre- wat
_____ ^ ,r.
Ik. aoMmnes ' >•** war that the effert
of 'Inereaeod I noon the rrounda alxnit theparilea.
Thet endeatored
to locate^
McKee aerip on the land. The commia* j
bualnea* In the hands of a few «reat | brirhl colors rcplacMl the more sombre
Moaer-t decision allowa the patent ran- ,
jj,e senators asked several hues that had beds In evidence earlier.
- dtred to Rcben A. Kinaie in ISSl to questions they ra%-e noindkeilonwheth- The assembly has r>t throurh with
Knndor the arrumenta of the tobacco men moat of i'l senaailonal work and has
Plat lnelud«4 U,e Kbarv Um.
wruld resuH In any rhanre In the bilk Bellied down to builneaa. . The dealre
The daclaion ctjrera twenty-two parca 1 They were partlculariy desirous to know
to ret to the end waa aeea In an un-~
af type-wrttten matter, and la full of , «Pon whom the burden of the Incrwycd
references and .authorlUes. After redi-I
Weeslnrer replied willlnrneas to endure lonr debate, even
__ It would
tar at lensth a blatory of the ease, he that
be flret felt by the manu; upon Important maiten. and this fijeSractunrs,' but that In the e'nd It would 1 Inr will find more frequent manlfesta"Careful examination of all the evi be shifted to the rrowera of leaf to- , tlon hoteafter.
Lacatlaa of M>« Xesi Aseembly.
dence before me fatU to cup'vlnee me of becCO.
the coerecuiess of the scrip appllca&u’
mtentloc. The plat of survei* of the
AH That thd Ptssbytsrians Now
Hava to Look Aftar.
8o Fsr M Ohicaipo L W*
' Land Is Cenetnttd
Washtarton. May-n.—The
- w.U. brlellr <dl, the Wnrp
Inflicted upon the trade by the frequent
Changes of the tax and pretest ogmtast
tbe sdoption of the senate amendment.
. .
- .
n«l.lU or the propo^ t.. Ipctm.,
rell at (Tbnstanilnople has Informed the
state department that the two murder
ers of Tuunif. the man killed while dlatrlbutlng American rrtlrt funds near
Bitllt, Turkey, have been sentenced
fifteen years Imprisonment at haid la-
_ _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
riMUtMl •
at Painter.
, May 27.—Tbe avengij^.
«ly fla
ral Jcil
"Whan this change was made In ISM ’ Palmer, of Illinois, when be was stumpM going to reduce It U 4 | ing that state last fall In company >vi'h
■ants, but we told them rather
General Buckner,
Brake It 6 cents and then let it alone. bard-money ticket. There was quite a
What we ask U sttWllty. The fluctua mob present on that oceaMcm. arJ on
tions are what ruin our hostaess." The tnvestlgatkm by the |
tobacco Uiteteata conferred at the Cag4«bl with aenators and representatives
from toteoco-produelnr states, and arBbcdbd want ad vs. bring quick re-
unsm UD nnmsTKO ti
Caagsr Snsw mf raafirmaUam
Waxhlngton. May 21.—The senate
committee on foreign relations decided
to recommend the cuRfirmsUon of .the
nomination of Hnn. E. H. Oonger. of
Iowa, to be mlnlBster to B^L
Maslaal ta Her HnmaUMw.
Mount Clemena. Mich.. May r.—MtaAnnie Belden Uage. of New York, a
guest at the Park hotel. Is attracting
much attention by her wonderful vocal
poHcix. When ID a hypnotic state she
stags in tiatlaa and French songs writ
ten 100 years ago. though she caimot
bpeak the languages when in a natuial
condition. She go*e Inioahypnnticatate
when pttyingW piano and I* then und*r
the eomro! of Clotille. a gr.-at vocalist,
who died a century ago. She Is abnnl
40 years of age. and developed this pow
er ten years ago.
a KpMBgB or Yorxo LADIX8 wasted to
Oft LOTS roB«Atg CBEAP-Pnau SlMe
so aed kigbtk •Itweta. Apply to OLB
AddM jla OBZPTTTB. Traten* aty._jl-m
, Ia<lu«rt' required the rale aUowed by
The committee on systematic bene
" ficence. which reported, among other rue“>l ’■"» c.Mderrf auH« th.
ommendatlons deydnred the bolding d
6.W .u.t.lwnl In
church basaar* and other entertslnl«i-l.no<- Tl.* raoluUo. «■«
ments as a meant tp raise money for the
..«tborl-UW »>«
“ chUTVb. Ii/^-commended that members
....“d dblp I. Iorw.rdlm,
Ir- requested to devote a ttnth part of
. «ll«l -rppllM IfLll^ll^
thrir Income to the support of the
Must Have Beew Bard wa Meegaa.
' Washington. May 27.—The approach
*»»« VIrtortan Jubilee sert-ed as tbe
Rock Uand. Ills. May N.—The IhlrH..pl.l. ot lie n..l. Rev. Dr. ty-nlrth annual meeting of the. general
1... «d Uio«Ho.l
of ‘he United Presbylerlan
(rraelous lady 'I'lcloris wife ^ church of North America commenced in
mother st well as sovereign." he’ raid! |
rtW >»«« evening. The meeUng
"has shrined her in the hearts and rev- devoted to devotional cxerelses. the re«ia -'om™ lirlng moderator. Dr. Jaine* White, of
arotind tbe wotid. May her last days be Kansas'City. preaching hla annusl ser
l»ppl«t. Guld. U. oonp- mon. l^e address of welcome In behalf
rr ."S" rM:
■■ nt IK* a
lovsd country, that, hand-ln-h^ they |
That is the only way
facturers could -pay it. and a change in
The slae ef package* mean* an outlay ot
test about tl.OM.«00 In changing stamps,
Tbeae n^tMm Man As* AHva.
Prortneetown, Mass.. May n.-The
frtB.W. A-BOOK.
klxteen members of the crew of the JLl
tpMial attnatei
ProvlDcetown fishing schooner J. P.
Johnson, who went astray on the west- I
era bank last Friday, arrived here yea-'
terday. All were well, although* they
suffered much from hunger during Baturday.
ipirroD^A_ CBOag. Atteesey*.
“* '***
that the location 1. ao favoraTbo survey ordered ha*
, Havemeyer.
«avemeyer. the
tne president
presioeni of
oi the
me AmcrArmr- ^le that u
k ^ve.
saves about d.090 In mil,
ty law
lint 'm*
7^» meander
RefInInr company, sU.inly alont The pUa of PhlladHphU U t^i
. the shore or
water lint
WUherpoon building
must therefore have represented
of publication
have t
j leading counsel for the defenae,. moved | lahed. and the asaei^y should vtalt
nal teUlon.
inspect lu .proper
I that the Judge Instruct the Jury to HnJ
Quaker City
the defendant not gulHj on alx gr...3da. ‘y- The decision will not be rtmehed for
rtrtp orn»« on.ua b.l«eCT IM. boun'-i-ow iWi ih.
u to tb. lo.«l • ooupl. ot d.y. y.L Toii.nOy mmdary and the water line, since the sur- and state - contribution, of the »uinr
vey could extend no funher. That the ' company was beyond the JurtsdlcUoa of
meander Une and the boundary line at« ■ the senate committee and Impentaoni;
Mentical Is made doubly clear by the ' second, that It was not part of HavepUta*of survey, which make the con- msj-ir'i duty to examine recorl* Mr
tBUr of the lake correspond with the Ian- I the purpose of answering question* he
aries from Mreign lands
guage of the field notes. l%c meander j could not answer from memory: tii.rd. Forty *1
line shows the water line of the lake, j that when data from books or rw;or,ls who are on leave of absence sat on the
e been
oeen suggvsteo
Nor has any motive
suggested i are
— demanded
■**------- —*• such
’—*'*iKmks or records platform, and a number of them made
before the noon adjourn
why this should
have been shown, are the best evidence; fourth, that the
■■■ —— rfvhy
n.lhM the
There is no apparent■ reason
question n.it
put tn
to the m-llnAtfwitness a--.;
wai^ tyv. ment.
Publleattaa and kaaday gshsnl Watdu
TnjtsdStates s^nld have oir.llted from- broad, covering Irrevelhnt matter*, tffcli.
The afternoon aeasl,>n was devoted to
«» surrey twraty acres or any of the that If the witnea* weiv to be held re
reaching to the water line. Had cusant It was the duty of the coaicnii- the work or the board of puUicailonaBd
M done ao it would have disregarded lee to nara him that the queatloE was a Sunday school work. The stknding com
-committee, not an Individual qncstfon; mittee on Ibis subjw-t reported though
and vlnlBted the law.
and sixth, that the indictment did uot the chairman. Elder James Jcrvonce. of
iMd Permed Urter by AcereUew.
New York, renewing the work of the
“It thus appease to be well esla'.Uihed disclose cause of action.
Recommendations were made
Johnson made an argument of 'an year.
that the hank sad the water are correla
caHIng for contrllniUons of IJM.OOO durhour and a half In support of hi*
tive, andr that one cannot be ownedwith
‘h« rest of the year for the
out touching the other; that the bank Is tlon. and when be concluded District ‘
the prftylpal object, so that, when the Attorney Dgvl* asked f..r an adjourn- ‘ t***- Sunday orUooX branch of th* Iward.
uurfnff U»e churches to ^d .pt the
law once fixes the ivoprietarbhip of that. roent. which was granted. Davis will 1
rvply to the moUon today. The con- !
hymnal which Is now In use In
land which may have formed after the ’ eluding testlmatiy of the gov^ment j
antry and to the date of Klnxle's patent. l ©«ered at the morning session d-ae not , Kr««ate 1W.W» «l'lea
It muft be held that such Inured to the Important save for the pun*o*e of makCl»e« oftDay-. Work,
ewner of the majb land, since the tlUe ' Ing up the record as to what occurn-d,
by patent reUted hock and took effe« , i» »he senate tavestlgaiing commtuce.
from hU entry. Having found that said '
the present
Isnd* an- not public lands' of the United
needs of our country waa delivered, last
Htatea It is unnecessary to determine BmuIU la todanlas the einaae* <
evening* by John Wanamaker. in -<h»
turther as to the titles of the parties." |
te« by a Big M^rlty.
St'oond church at Warsaw. Ind. In the
j WasWngton.Maj'n.-The first
evening a meeting w as held 1n the InterHfswtan. raferring to the scrlppenr j
bill was taken In tht senate ye»- -est of foreign* Tiilsslons. Dr. Jphn L.
^d- •^Tp*J^nt*hotS?We • **'^*'- I‘«»w*"f*’^f*‘»<'hou« <lebate Withrow, ex-moderator of the asaembly.
Addrdesses were made by
! though eomparatit ely unlmportwt. af- Dr. Corbett on the woHt in C%lna. Rev.
Mr. Ewing in India’ Rev. Mr. Ed,-iatyne
be construed a* approving, the survey Of
« opportunity for the flrji in Persia and Rev. ' Mr. Hoskins In
nrty other so far a* It titermlned the ! alignment of tbe.yarlaus clemenis. Ves*
question whether thejMd was vacant moved to maJte the rate on boracic acid
public lands of thelTnltedSutea Tohave I cent* Instead of S cents per pound. ai
deteimlned eo Impmant a quesUon by provfcted by the committee. ThU prea survey pending the order for a hear- tented a direct Issue between the com Cumbertaad Prwbytertaa CmmmUUm A4eaemsi a Uyatesa af Tithes.
ing to dtiermlne the very question mlttce and the opponenu of the bill,
Chicago. May 27,—Committee reports
would have been highly Improper, not to The amendment was dcXeaied-yeaa, »:
•aysolrrigularavtcrendertheapppoval na>-s. M. The vote was largely on pany were heard at yesterday's session of the
{ Iiaes. The affirmative waa made up of general assembly of the Cumberland
Itself vold-t,
nlneteen'Democrwts and one Populist, Presbyterian church. The ccunm'ktee on
^ ■ tieltftld. The negative was made up ol
' tweaiy-nlne K<*T>ubUcsns, two l>emo- cemspendehee In Its report called slj craut McEnery of Louisiana and Jones temion to the coming snnlverasry of the
; of Nevada), and one Pupulistt Stewart adoption of the Westminster confession
Wa^ngtofu May 27.—Reptestntatlve* :
ot faith, and recommended as apprupriof Nevada).
ed pi^tlcally
all the tobacco ti
The del>ate waa psrilctpaled In by ai* celelirallon of the event. It _
to app-lnt s new commiUet
tnrerf-UOh. \ nktd State* wUh Ibo ex- vest. Jon-s of Arkaiwa*. Aldrich. Per- , agreed
-oepU<« of, the cigar manufacturera
White Caffrey. Gray and Btewar.. ■ lx calli-d' the committee on pastors, and
supplies which w ill have .full rantrul of
met here jteyterdr.y to protest against White, a Democratic memb-r of
the prupoe^ advaiK-e of 2 cents a pound finance committee,
opposed Vest’s supplying pulpits, no mlnlsicr..to take
tn the tax on iol*cco contemplated In amendment.- urging that the California charge without the consent of the new
the senate amendmyms to the tariff bill.
IHm . m. prn.ni and reproml-l
.Popt 1» .n.pnttOnr.n, -Tw’tot.i uta..., ouipM. ...Ip.,..
ewra », Hi.
0.11-1 SU>» I. ..0.1 IM.mo.lW po..d.
umuoiv. ..d
ihl, .mm,., 0.0- !».MO.OO. pom...
r.pr»™i«l. O-,m.l K. M.AIpl., of N.. Tort,.
chairman and T. E. Allen secretary.
Among thoseb pwent
present were rapresenwrepresentstlves of every
aiT5fy»S» CBflM,
shows cash bn hand April 1,- f74.4n.n;
tbUi receipts. nUJOLM; total disburse Cl M. BBomi, Anoraey aa« Cm
O. U«. hptelal atMs-toa u> t
ments. UH.en.tO: cash on hand April M aad
IH.4W.B. __________
of the local ministerial union was dellv-
Suits to Order,
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
o»o. -W-. aucTdr.
fr .... llMCT,r. Bk... t-ulmi m—-
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Has Your
Attention----- BreTbeescsItedtolbefset thM y
OSS gel at the Drug Wore (onr Stv
Pure Powilared SpicM*
Ana Arbor....... ......."
TUMo........................ "
▼is. Kumm.sgB r. A
* l» “
dw “
tate tal* tram sad
fag Watt
Chicago •“>
West Michigan
a. Water BotUss (gwarBj^ngn,
4a. Throat Brashes, a
. sad WiMh Hasel LoUoti far the
At Our
Soda Fountain
Trains betwess Tistsiss City sag Bk Bsptds
t2;’£5£»:: 52S:
»•» »• “™-
convenlloB of the ^Isoopal
Iowa adjourned yesterday. The commiuee on wradjuter bishop reported an
agreement of Bishop Perry to contilbnu
Sl.om to «m>^ the arafstant If tbe
dlooeae Increased the annuity for sal
ary and expenses to nearly K.oeo. An
attempt will be made to ueenre an «ndowment for the ^trytm.
---- PwUt Xir»<Jto In----
Msek. CUy
. CsSUlse
-New IdMfi In-
Fancy Toilet Articles.
6rui Ripldi t Indiiu L L
Dst. V.
.^•,***^9^*^**' ^
adjourned after prayer by tbe jpoderator
and calling of the roll, the election at a
new moderator being defend
BspsrtM Uw U. Mood at. l.Ba*A
iDdUnapoIla. May n.-dlecalver Jar
vis. ot tbe LoufavtUc. EvansvlUe and 8u
Louis Tonrosd. filsd bis iwort for Anril
Cut Glass.
. aABXs,
Ads. In the Morning Record
Bring Quick Retnms.
Fint Tear-Ko. 2L
balm, toa mato qnartaW MoaaUa Baaaet ai^l ntoara. Eefreahmaatk wiU te
aervad at attraeUvaboothaand aU aorb
of prettp and eaefal wares will be dis WILL PHBVAIL FOB OLD BBT.
jkMaAxamD vob thz
posed of bp praUp ladba, «od there
wlU te aoores of attraetlona that wOl
JCemorial Ztoj Xnata vUi Bare ' It bblmoetaaaiirad alreadp that the Azrugemants Ooraplatad for Bpaelal
Huy OeaMataati for Usafol Tro- propoaed cklines will be aaonrad.
Ti^ and Beat Barvioa—Paine
phlM~Xnt>7 Urt wiU elwa ToWiU be Taken to Make tha Vblt
. morrow
> of tha Fionaen a Pleasant Ona.
VdUowiBg b tke ariMfemeat ot tlie
lb are now. praetleaUp
friM awanto for the rMd rao« for wm B«AohOadmac Jnna 1. Tiavena
plated for the ananqli' raanloo of
Mamerlaf 4ar. whleb Uw oopodUae
Oltp Barip in Palp.
toe Old SiltUars' amodatloai. to taka
AaaiTM tote mad* pubUe:
Tba lone dbtanoe telephone line place in the Cl^ Opera Honsa next
OatTiBoPrlro■om Urand Xaptds to thb d^ will te Wedoaedap.
Goodrich tiroa, oaap aad liffp
repair oatflt—UaatiA & Up Mei^ in epamtloa at Cadillac abont the ftret Special eerrloe wiU te riven «a the
of Jnaa.-r'nie'work baa been rapidlp raliraade aad stoamboat Uaes and ev.
pnah^ and will te oonUaoad withoat erptotar will te ealonlatod to make
»Bd Tima Priaaatlon toa remainder of toe db- toavbitof toe pioaeere plearantand
UA. W. pia,*»-5l
Fiahiae rad. VAOD-J. A. Moat- tanea. A eamplnir eraw wUl be placed the rendoB a happp one.
aroe. •
<mtocllo«oiitof OadlUae. The loral
Tke railroads have made a tato of
MTimePrixacrew will barln workiar aoeth as aoen BOS aad oaa-toird tare for tha ronad
Udiaa biopoU hat, dS.SO^L. J.
aa toe pulea In Iha dtp Sava bean net trip far tha oeeeston. The G. B. A I.
aad work down natQ tbap moat the wm attach at Waltte an extra passea
pimp craw.. It b axpaetad that the par eoato to toe mixed train arrivlnr
lat Flaee Prtaa—
Uae will be readp to operate from thb here ataboot II o'clock, for tha aaoomBoamaUaf
—J atpla—Haaip d^ abont the flrat at Jolp, bat not
btion of tooaa who ahall attend
later than Palp IS.
. Blopela lamp, f2.ftO~A. B. PetTp.
fromaloar the branch. Vbitora can
return oa tha S:4S p. as. traia. The C.
Paul B. Wirt foaataia pan. fS.U’
A W. M. has msds toe sapis rata from
M. E, HaakaU.
Vataran Daa Whipple b Btm anBx- Elk Bapids and return add a apodal
Barar ai
trata will be run tram hare to that
part Maikaman
. ledPlaea PriM
Daa Whipple. T^aalanaa eoan^'a old- place after tba maatlnr.
Pl^^eiffar oaao. CS-OO-A. W. eat realdeat was in toe d^ peatardap
DetaUs have not bean made pat with
to do a UUla tradlap and vidt Manda. the M. A N. E. bnt asdn former timas
t aioBtte’ batte-Jad Gteaproa.
manscamantaf tha road can be daWhUa in town Dan called at Jim Pil4tb Placa Prlza—
Choice of bammoeka, »t.0(V-Lj
baam's shooUnf faliary and showed pended apoa to do jest wbat b rirht
Beaeber A Kpmar.
several friends a thlnp or two aboat for toe pleaanra and conrenianoe of
1 paar*! aateeriptiam to Barald—T. marksmanship. Dan b 97 pears ot apt, the oU settlers.
T. Baua
and a veteran of tos Mexicaa war, bat Captain Webb wiU transport pamen•to PUte Pnaa—
gnratram bap points pnd rotate for
1 Inaar tira X. A W. ft.OO-Frad hb haad has lost none of iU staadlm
one fare aad the aftarnooB boat vUl
• Fiacb.
norhbapa aap of Hs keaaeas.
1 aonto'a tab. to Baeord. 40 eta. P. mads a soora of 9S cot of a poadble loo wait nntil fear e’clook far tba retara
D. CarUa.
potats, nptm a balls spa 7-t dt an Into trio.
•to Plaaa PriaaMajor E. H. Uraaa of Cbarlavolx wm
Pair of bicpdaabeaa, ll-SO-Parfear in dlametar. . Ara there anp others of delirer the addraaa. and that with atothbape whoaan aqaal the faat?
«r features will serve axoallaat entoii Bonto'a barterlac—A (Mato.
talnmant for the welooma vbitora to
TtoPlaaaPrlae- ■
Medob to W. B. a and Veterans.
Bicpela lamp. te-OO—A. Pataadar.
Qaartermatoar O. W.' Harvravas will the Qaaan dtp.
Bapab oatflt, so eta.—A. H. Jterp.. te at toe Poet room at 9. o'elook a. m.
Aa in farmer times, Traversa dtp
•to Piau Prizc—
Xondap, Hap li. to dbtrlbata trana- wm -extend a eordial irraetinff to the
lamp, •l.7S>-J. W. Slater,
pieweara of the Grand Traverse region
•to Plara Prtse-=and pains will be token to mUce toair
FlUiav biepela ebala. S1.00>Cbaa ratarn, to the memb^ta of the Poet and vbit one of pleasure and haapltobla an■alto.
tha Wonaan’s Belief Cot pa.
Laat maa to finiabMBA. n>A M. BAIXMT
Box Craekar Jack einra, •9.S0—C.
S. Oaria
wm (Uto n Good Bntortalnmant
For wont aacldeBt—
Horrible Bxpertenee of Moble Peton-Ton^hV
oaUt—J. W. Slater.
eon's Don Pack.
Tba poaitleBS of toa abora prisaa ara
The adneation ot Mrs. Ida M. Baiiep
•abjaet to aneb ehaafaa aa toa oommlt- haa bean parfactad under sacb uaebers
Yeaterdap morning Noble Johnaon
toamapoaa flt to make, in eaaa other at Profoaeor Byron 6. Klag of tha Phfl- ent aAshlnr.
Noble is possawed of a dog oailed
^rixaa ara offarad before the Slat.
adeipbb oollexa of elaenUon. Prafeetor
Entries shoo id be made at osae to Virril A. Piskley of tha Cinclnnaa Jack. Jack went s ftsbiag too, to
Otaa. Oarrar.
Uat will te oloaad ooUefa of mnalo and tba no law emi gether with hb dof-bx Ug.
Noble Md Jack fished sear toe
Itotardap at S:00 p. m.
nent Pan! r. Davb of Grand Bapids.
Any aodianee wilt find her entrrtoin- bridge of toe O. K. A I. railroad. For
a time Pack waa eoateatod to sit qaiinf and
free. Tba e:
rat tonifhtwUi atlp basida'Meblo. end watch whUe the
-rbe firan under the anspioes of tha lad waited for a bite.
A 9omb Batnaa of Good Btdara for Grand TravetM Babakah lodfa for tke
Finally baoomlag tired and not hav
toa Bowl Baoa.
benefit ot the Orphans' Home fuadl At ing as mneb patbnte as Nobla, Pack
wandered ewep and sat aear the track,
Cbaa. O. Carrar haa raealrte the tol- Steinbsrf's Grand Opera Hoase. ~
jost eat of sight of Noble, ead relepaed
lewiaf CBtriea for toe Motoortal dap
iato a dare. Hb taU bp aeroM the
road raea: Karl NorthraprCtaaa. Boek.
Boland Boncbtoa. Jnllu Palm. Clark For Bavins tba Lila of a Foolish track.
Atoag tame a train. Pack tailed to
Alien. CharUe Bennie, Will Bennie. man vho Tomblad Into the Ufca.
notioe it.
Omar Friadrlch. Bap Brawn. Alfred
Dram Major Albert Pctartpl went to
Saddealp thar$ waa-a palp, and Jack
Moore. BlU^orth Bela. Balph Baab
Praakfort with the Boys' BaeA Tke made a diva for the river.
band enjoyad'one of tos dellchtfnl axNoble ceased waiting far a bitovand
cnrsiMS ea the lake. After leaviac made an Inveatigation.
WUl Oo at Paekson.
U toe meaatime the train waa atopOla Uraon of Spltoae Bap. waa in toe beat Albert was walkinf alons
tU' dtp peata^p arraarinp' with around a tara in the deck, bekiad aa pad. The reaaon was soon obvioos.
toa aalrnowa Jack bad aaglactod to remove .hb bU
Elmer IfoCop for the trainiaff of a rerp aakaown party.
s tbs track end toe otetnictioa
prombtec^t from wbieh ha cxpeete party saddanly disappeared. Albert
rraat ^aed.~'Mr. MaCopb prepaiiap dboovared that the maa had walked off stopped toe trab, which bad removed
to toka hb atrinjr of faat boraaa, Daa toa dock Into tha water. Tba dram e large portian ef the tail of. Jack;
Nabb waa pabad, bnt not ao btanaaBattap, Bicp<A OIri and Arbataa to major b brare, fcnrloas, and hamane.
Jaakaon for toe fiiet raoa meat ot tbr soofeoarae tab first tboafikt waa to Ip aa Jack, bnt the lad kastanad to rareaeas the antortsaata maa from Jlava toe saffarings of bb eomrade aad
eeaaon. Ila wUl abe taka Mr. Uroee’a
vniBf. Be did ao. after aararal pbktng kirn ap b kb arms bora him to
dasparato'attampU to fish the party the llvarp bara ef B. J. Morgan, aad
onv Whan the maa was aafaly landed there aonght tbs aarvioas ef Vatarinarp
Albert expected of ooaraa that he
Be Malfo St. Braneb Barar a Oraad woald tnmble all orer himself In db- Graver. Tba ^arp was axamlnad aad
a portion of tbs ragged eoda ampnk
plapb« hb fratitade. ifot the maa tatad: thaa the atab ef tba aavarte
I tote voted tr didaotoinc of^the eort. He-simply
tber was nioalp fixed ap wltb a lib
n inltev waded in end abraed Albert abemeeral appUcation of earbelb acid, wbbh
•eraa (Xtp at toa baxar of St Pteaci*
fallp. whbb of ooarse sstonbbed tot Nobb daebras Jack Uekad off right
ehsreh next weak wlU te exhibited todram major, for be thonpht sare the awapaad made himaalf aiok. Now,
dbp la tte dbplap window of T. J aasratefnl wretch wanted to te saved
tha dog b dUfignied for life. Nabb
Beat'aelotbtnfatore. ItbateanUfu'
Bat bs evldentiy didn't. Albert mw •ayetf toa dog can bear it ha can.
walkiat atlak of abonp. with a aoltd that be bad eommlltod a foolbb act.
foU teaatifollp ehaaad baaA It it
so he bambly apoltpbed to the fellow
enlnad at tte.
tor bavlnr aeved him from the fata ex- MraP.D. BUUaga -arm OoeappMar
Tha ffeatieman who will te voted for
pwioaoed by MeOlitp.
Ootbga on BUI lugs Halgfate.
are J. T. Baadla. A J. Uotyaa, J. T
Hannah aad Herbert Meati^e. Ooafreae of Stotae Bahaanalai
Mi*, j. D. Bluings and son Ervin are
The baser will te opeaad at Sw
Babearrab tor tha c^tetta, Oae- prapating to toks poassaaian of^ their
p'oloak Mondap aftaraooa with a ton ftem af Stataa, wm te aa ftmows; pretty oottoge et BUlbgs heigbte. thb
. emti anppar, in the OHp Opera Hoeto
ralta orebastra, Satordap at to a. tide of Bdgeweod oa the PenbaabTbaball wiU praaenta beaetifnl ap m.; ehlldran's faatival aong at 1 p. m.s
pnntoii have bean angagad aad tba
paataaoa with a taatp aad artbtle dm- taa<7 daadac, at 9 p. m ; sailors' chor attractive rammer abode b being made
flap ef deooratloaa bp Bnrt BalL Hie
at 9 p. m.; National 'mareb ai it still ators bvlting. Tba grounds wiU
ladlaa have woriied amidnenalp tomakr o'clock: fradnatos'drill at T o’^otit: te bsnniifiad aad varlaas improvetoa fdr a winner aad toetr aSorta wUl nagroaa at 9 o'cloek.
assats made -whbb wm make the pbaa
bn erawaad with aeoeaaa
Mia ottea prettiaat aad mast cosy oa
“ Tiimmsd Bat B^
Bvarp avralaff dariar the time ef tha
the abora ro^ Mbs Jolb wlU remain
and Barrain Daps, Map 89to and Hist. at OU. Mbalom derlag moet of toe
barar toara wUl be free a
410flonth Union strast.
at fivonbpaaobwaU kaem local
mereMMh<i> bar kiadeifartos
Mm. B. H. Br».
totet aa Hra. Dr. Martto. Mbs WUii-n
omoiAL TArm
Two Cento.
s.AhSk:b]u^*s. boossxoubi.
Delightful Views
From the piAzza in sum*
mcr arc appreciated by
the romantic and stay-at*
home people of Traverse
City, which are aided
greatly by the cool, com*
fortable'and airy Rattan
Furniture bought at Sla
ter’s. Their cool summer
furniture has been a
haven of rest for those
who have bought at—
J. W. Slater’s Furniture Store,
OppoAlte BMktil'a Boelwtorc.
Specials For Friday.
Tbe qualities are there, but the life
is strangled out of the prices. Here's
the list for Friday only.
60(1 yards bSBlqntiltp'I’sble Oil Cloth, dolorad, 5-4 yard wlds, at.................11«
Cotton CbaUisa. light ground work, now sffoeta, worth 6c. a yard, at.............. to
1000 yds Peroaloa, Dimities. Chambrapa. etc. pat ap b ramoaat mb, all now
gooda worth lO to 12Hc. ja«t................... .................................................. U
LadbaBos*.sram'eaa.fastbUi. ebe^atZ6e,'now ....................
.............. ito
•3.60 Mob's Osps Msekintosb. for..................... ..........................
....... 4S.«»
•4.00 black Cbp Woratod Pants............................ ......... .........................;... Al.to .
Tontos extia good Salts, bw at^3.75)fer............................. ........ ...............czAp
Uaen Shade, moontod on qiriag roller, ................ .;......................................... ito
All Clonka. Capas and Jacketo, Ladbs and Chfidrab at 1-4 off.
95 per ocat dboonat for Friday only.
Dreu Skirta, 10 per cent DiBOonnt.
Reliable Dry Goods,'^i^arpet, and Clothing House.
Is always welcomeLike
angel's food, we don’t have
it every day, bnt' we ^
have the
every day, including Soil*
days- On.r customers say, it's
like snnshine, always wel*
mobbing- BECiOBI)
irty-nine S 'To
A Pant for thirty-nine
those who will
be kind enough::::
John Bong has Oivon op Ayeney of
cents cannot be a very t
the Adorns Oo.
Begtonlng today the huelnee
good one—we have a a
tbe Adorns Bxpm Go. in this
to examine onr Pant atock
city will bp cored for at tbe O. E. few. —
A I. depot, with C. R Murray os agent,
this week we promise they will
tew. T. Batw ^ J-W. OAMni.
John Barry having reeiyned. after i
be well repaid—An especially good deal in this line is an
log tbe company abontUyeora. Mr.
t. W. tiAKimi. Bitter *ad
Bortx woe forced to reriyg the agency all wool cassimere—good enough for any^e—was cheap
of (he oompeny os oeoonnt of the rap at tufro dollara—going at......
idly increasing buslneae of the tele
graph OBd tolvphone Jlnee, of whkb be
bos charge. He w^jf bereolter devote
bis entire attention to theac and the
electrical work eonneetod with them.
Our line cassimere and worsted pants at two .dollars—
Mr. Barry to the pioneer expreee
OScB. IQ rnmx BuYtftPb«»a
agent of this region, baviqy served an two dollars and twenty-five cente--up to three dollars and
agent of the United States Espree
for five yeore before taking tbe agency seventy-five cents have never ^wn surpassed—pants- are
.. M aecood cImb
of the Adams, making leyeon in all os something yOu will be sure to need—see if you don’t need
agent la this city. Daring the first sev them now—if you do, remember tbe place—remember also,
T»i ptheiiBg« of U)« ploneert of the
eral years of hto service Mr. Barry was
Or»od-!Tnvene rerioB Mcfajeor my
when in-need of shirts—overaUs-“Or any class of furnish
tbe only express agent within a
«fCBU of more tbu pOMiof impormilee oronnd this point and oil the ex- ings, that pants are not the only merchandise we keep.
tMoe. TbeMnpeUDCtkffoTdpleMMt
O^ortunitick for tbe slardy aettler*.
Uls region, Traverse.City being the dtowho hore earreds beautiful oonatr;
trtbutlng point, in earlier days yast
•at of ^h»t WM Bot auto; years oeo e
Bums of money passed through bis
•riUeroMs, to renew old acqo'eiDUocbe
bonds and many a night boa be slept
mmI to note tbe iMprovemenia that selalong side ef the office safe which^n•ooe, iadtutr; and progr^ bsTs
talned often oe much os tdo,000. Dur
hrooebt about. These men aod wooteo
ing bis servloe Mr. Barry introduced on
hove node comfbrUble homes for themOxbloodi), Chocolates,
eelTcs end their families round about
Cloth Tops
package*, wkich has been adopted by
m, duri&r loBf yean of toil and hardall the express eompanlea in the connshipt. They con now enjoy the fruits
of their labors and whe^ they eontem
In September. 1K60. Mr. Barry'
la the place to buy
pUto tbe Rreat ImpwvemeBta and
prmeoted withe prise oftSS
12, . S2.2ft
the wonderful irrowth and deeel
company sad a c«^floate of merit for
opBeat of the Grand Travene eounOther
enperlor effipiency in coring for the
tiy, they cannot help bni feel
company’s boaineas. porttcnlarly tbe are the best and Lowest in Price.
that their labor has bien well reword
Roney order department, fer the two
•d. Becb year seea chonffea omosy
previone years.
The certificate was
tbe early setUen, and each year around
a. ar^zAt Mt.
by Fiesident Platt, now United
the pteoie tables old famUtor faces ore
Stotee senator. This «t eourse Mr.
missed. The hand of death rrodnally
Bony prixes very highly. It woe award
leeeens tbe nnmber of these who knew
ed to him over SOO other ogeato.
TruTerse City when it was only a Inm
With tbe change in tbe expreas’ofEver Burned Out ?
her eettlemeat. Bnt those who remsiu
We also Bell tbe butter to go with thfi
fiec. there will be a c^nge in tbe teleIf so yon know
oppreciste the work of tbooe who hare
• brchd, boto Cbeemety and Dairy.
the value of
grepb and telephone offices. Arrange
ipme before and toil on^ in mokiny
ments hare been mode to remove
Jishory that their cblldiw eon read
We ha*, in stock a fuU line of
telephone exebsoge -and Western Un
O. P. CARVER. Amt.
srith ptcesnre and pride. The pioneers
ion office up stairs, to the offices form
arc welcofhe in Trarenc City and none
erly occupied by Dr. Andersoo. In the
appreciate their labors more than the
Mssooic block. Mr. Barry will here
at right prieeo. Try our new teoafi
bnoinees men and ail of tbe people of
the room*, handsomely and oonrenientMoeha and Java Coffee, the bwt in th*
the <^een City.
Thun any other firminthecity.
ly fitted np and furaistaed and increas
eity. at 40c. It to eimply elegant.
Move you ever seen our new
ed facilities locludlnga new switeb
Jxa dispatch to the Ursnd Rapids
board will be added. TbU change will'
Benld yesterday, the Petoskey eorreebe muelf better for the patrons of tbs
pondent tells of a relay bicycle race t«
exchange And te’.eprapb. os there will
Chorleroix and describe* it os the Sr»i
Cor. 7tb nod t'alM fits be more privAcy than heretofore, M. B. HOLLEY. Mxr. (Mb] . Wrraotat.
nee of the klad eeer held in this port
which will be much better for tbe
of tbe onuntry. Wonder if tbe writer
boa foryotten tbe litUe race yotten np
telegraph operators alao
in TVarrrse City lem than two yesr<
ayo, to trrand Rapids^ where thecitPeroona'..
•fBciaie and aldt-naen met onr rider:
Jacob Fnrtsch is in (>nnd Rapids.
mod yaee them on oestion? It msy be
Mm D. Hymen he* gone to Oiere
that the correspondent Ukrs into eon. BMwnn FMoAt; | '“-i <>■ • 'Wt.olderatwMi the suburban seclusion of Good Time :
t to ChiDr. 1. A. Tbompit’>B bos
and OborlevoiJL
Peteskey; or perhaps he tpros born day
Pelpukey. Mteb.. Msy I’u.—The first osgn to visit bis sister.
botore yesterday.
Frank Frieoricb rctnmed yesterday
relay rood rone ever held in this part
Thbbe ore some ta^^yers wbo fee] of the country was airoaged'for yester from a: trio to Chicago.
hart beesnse tbe b(wri of edsoation day and very succeusfally carried out.
Jock Pell snd Oe^re Peek af Grand
foiled to reduce tb^ aolaricB of tbe Copt Nordmm's team, distinguished Rapids, ore doing tbe eitr trade.
Uo^rs, AS it was expected to do. Tbe by bine ribbons, was composed of Chpr.
Mm John LHney, wfao.boe been visteoeben. 'vill sppreciste the posiUon of lie Harwood' Will Tracy. M. F. Gumic, Ulag in tbe city, returned to buttons
the dlsMtbfied once, because they were Koy Radnor and Chorlea Boas Copt. B*y yesterday.
in much the same staUof nnr -st, pend- Cook’s team, with scarlet ribbon, was Jasob Veit. i>resident of tbe Grand
lay tbeV'^nt
ermpooedof A. O Oook. E. T. Bower. Rapids Brewing Co. psssed through the
Bow O^st the board of edeeation
Ole Larson of buttons Bay woe in the
hoe prre-nted aieseoa in economy.it Seorle. It woe a brantifnl day nod at
fcamins f-.ir the-CooneU to demonstrate J^t 3 o'clock the leaders of ths two city yesterday sod todk dinner with
Imp Bobs and HumMl.
tenou started from the comer of How
its »le«B y^^tbe eubjectMm Dr. Mary WQUmu and Mm
ard and Mitchell streeu. each bearing
• ^
a message from Mayor Quolotanee to Floy Onderwood of Eaton fUpldo, were
'neHisterbood of Foresters will meet the mayor of Charlevoix. Charlie Har.- at Fork Ptoce yesterday.
Alex. Immcrinan. one of tbe leading
at two oV'-ock tbb afternoon.
wood, tbe youageet rider of tbe IS.
ycani/‘end Winnie Curtiss are tbe mode the first three milee in 13H min- men of TbompsonvlUe. was jn the eity
h»ppj poiiteesofs of a new Cccaccot ntes. and W. G. Cook mode the same yeaterdsy and dined at Park Place.
Mm Riley Sweets bos returned from
distance in 131* minntes. *nic entire
ran was msdo in just two hours, 30i< Holiand where she woe called by tbe
pb x x fb
Charles Hcriycld af Tbompeons
now'eominutas. WUl Cook retnming to the!
hoe been yrotitod on Increase
storting point at 4:4S’>. Tbe lose' tirely recovered.
BonL txxuiiAu. FAmt ra.
I Dick t^bombog of the
Tbe board of review of Mahistee bos fnrsisbed a sapper to tbe winners Ism llsrdwocid Lumber Co., at Good Har
ioereased the oaseumeat roil of tbe evening.
bor. U in tbe rity ua baeineee and
•Ity fiStM.lKW.
pleasure osmblned.
Tbe Junior Busy Workers will give
Mra Ids M. BaUey, who will give
an tee cream eodoPand eatertolnoMat
the entertarnment for tbe benefitof
Bouse wee Willing to Favor Oov/m- Orphans'Home, tonight in the Grand,
in the West Sidrchapel tonight.
or Pingree but Ranato Was Hot
came from Fmnkfort yesterday with
T.'A.Cbooto has moved htouiloring
I.nneing, May 37.—Gov. Pingree yes Ur. nod Mm A. H. Brown and will he
•bop to the building eontb of Anderoon's hudertoking rooms on Unlua terday asked the legislstnre to extend their guest the remainder of the week.
more Pingree legi^ptkm. Tbe bouse
Mr. sad Mm Leon Reddy of Unkm woe wHling, by a two-third'e vote, bul^
•treat are pufonU of on iaterasting the aenate set upon the scheme by a
habygiri who coma Wadaeaduy-mfter- vote of tbrro quarter* of tbe eenatora
Thus the pirseot eession wil^close next
A denebtur to the latest odditloa to Friday night sad again there to talk
the family of -Rr nod Mrs. George that the governor will coll a epacial
in Painting and Paper Hanging
Wc name a price on our
Martin, who lire five mllm south of •ewion. Under the plan of axteodtog
' has tsurbl us that that to a
the city.
■ '
tbe present seuion the bill fer mBeege
goods. • Wc sell rettabie Foot
Tfce Forexters will meet in regalia -weold haye baea avoided.
wear only. We cheerfully re
uuosioe this evening. Every member to The maki^M banging bill failed Ig
ramladed that there will be important bnt one vote of pemage la the Mneta
fund your money if goods are
haelnniB tneaoeider and all ore niged osd to still mightily alive, the vote b»
«not.as we represent them, j
to be preseat.
which tbe biU foUed of poeeaga being
pmnter sad Faber Hsoger.
xmnsidnrad and the toil toMad.
l%e bill which provides that
tor ohoelng shall be liens upon the'oulDonning onsembly this evening at
tools, woe rlgned by Governor Pligrae Mnrtnngh’e
yaaterday. and to now a law, given ImTbsf *e boodle sU kinds of Msdnserr s*
oil kinds of PrtsM to anlt sU UnUsW
toadlato effect.
Frank Miller, eon of H. L. Millar the
for New Toric ywt^y.
m neoMrarr.
wubwo blk.
Smth Side Hardware.
Ytmusm STIBT m<m»iMi wcn<r muu'
where be wm Use with Ue slater. Be
hoe Mcarad a potitka with the Thomas
Todd Printiny Oo.
.Niy WiUU^ who stm heat here
from Fife Imke tc serve M days in jail,
was released yesterday by Sbsrlfl
Rlapooa.'wbo received a teleyrom that
tbe neceasory 0ae and oosu hod bean
W. A. Newton lays epeelol claim for
belny the ohompton fisherman of the
city, basiny him amerUoa on the leayth
onfi weiyht of a msyaifleeat "eb
roller” canyht by hlmeeU, withoet aid
from outolde portleo.
The onnaal bnolaase meetiey of the
Northern Michlyon Odd Fellows' Annirersory . Aseeeiatlon trill be h^d at
‘ThompeonvlUe. June S3, when officers
frill be elected and the date set and
place choses for the next aanimfeary.
Lloyd GorrlsoB woe tbe victim of on
air yea ocoideat Wednesday nlybt. A
companion held the yen and by acci
dent its COB Lenta were dischoryvd in
the face of Lloyd, wbo woe badly
friyhteaed. tbouyfa net eertously in
Tbe entertainment of tbe Senior
Clam of tbe Ulyb school \m the Grand
tomorrow nlybt will be worthy ef a
larye attendance, oe tbe prayrom will
be excellent. The proceeds will be de
voted to yroduatlon expenses of tbe
Tbe entortaiamenft under tbs aus
pices of the Rebekshs in Stclnbery's
Grand tonight will be portionlarly en
joyable. Ui^ Ida M.-Bailey who will
be tbe principal entertainer, is telBat
ed and her eloontion is know to be of
tbe blyhdr closein tbe report yMtordny of the posi
tions of the new teoehera it woe eUted
that Miss Jickllnys would teach phy
sics omony other bmnebee, bet it wss
an error. MIh« Jkdclinys will teach
physical yeoyraphy, pbysioloyy and
ibr commercial bronebea.
Emersrn DeG'raw, postmaster a*
Uaplekp was oir.-sted yesterday oe
complaint of' Ralph Smith, charged
with oaesult and battery, and intro
doc« d to Jnstice Verly. DrGraw stood
mute and a plea ofnot^ilty was en
tered and the trial was set for next
Wednesday at» a. mWhen the members of the Octahedral
club leflj>n their Sabiny tour yesterday
laoTBing they ^ere ao eager to get
sfrny that obey forgot their cooking
ntenelle. Tbe ommission was discoversd when they reached Beudoo and
^heec necessary articlee of camp e<iul-'Age were telegraphed for.
£==“I_r : ■=
One Dollar and Sixty Cents.
TANS, In New Shoes.
Palace Mer;
We MakeMore Picture Frames
Thurtelf & Gane, Ltd.,
The Price
Is Right I
Three Barrels
First Class
Lead Paint
Ihc Style
Is Right!
We have built
up our business
on good goods.
To Advertise .
And Tell No Lies
60c. gallon.
Canopy Top Boggy,
. Cheap.
a. s. ;
: ! .
lov Get Value Received.
This Week.
Do You Enow
' AU IbA Yaitf Bond.
Kariftatiai on Lake Midiip
lii^n Is ner*
M Vtyed Immedi' cr oioKd. ^teamen no back aod forth
.u Actio, oc »«olutloo BU WM
Xtefilarad out of Order br firntaV cf the «e*t rtiore of the lake floriB* the
entire winter with remarkable regnJar.
w Bnd who wu SotUlo^
0^ oticcpti ot wl.iU^^iaoP
Washiar*oo, May ST.—Bej^ieaaata-Oration on the tramOake rootca were
tire Lewis (dem.) of WaablD|rtos «is- i made bjr the Detroit and Milwaukee
• dearored to brluf the Cubaa question ! BaJlroad company and hr the now defcefore the house today as the priri-: fnn« lJuitehn*nn Tiaiiyportuiioa comleendonesUonoaltooneemed oarlor•8«k and the snoot w
teUrlo. II the
ol oolw™t U»t;
developm™!. won, »od«
ncy,ef the Cnten i»«urp-^
Kow winter navintaed. 6pe*kj
6peah&- R®«i
Reed «»•»•:
de-! gation
ntion procoeda
nrocoeda almost
•Bta be reoomlaed.
cUred it out of order. Oo\be appeal'nod the new cur fmios steam.back and
the house by a rote of 87 to 57 snsialn- i forth with little rcganl for weather or
•d the spenkera. The house then ad-! <«» }<»•
reoeeas of tl» car ferries
on Lake Michigau. aud the car ferry
Jonn^ nntil Mondsy.
Tiuivju ueuea
defies wimer
wiulur to
in »oe
the ouaiui
StraiU oi
the cause of the
iaononuoamentihat negotiations
are In
tn«tri«.o to the
r».A Anro-ewnctioo of
pirytren iooking
Against Indemnity D
rtiBt will
. ioo breaking freight iteanien that
im.Uo thoir rao™ u, k«i. ,h™ In
Atbans, Hay S7.—^e Greek govern-1 ajousisrion on the Lake Superior and
It has sent»idemorandum to the! lower lake route during
against the lodein- The report is without foundation.
There is a vast differenee between
ally demanded by Turkey and alao protbo
teating against tie proposed recUBeaone shore to the other, and along iu
tioa of the Greek frontier.
wort shore, and the navigation of the
Advices from Lsmla today aay that a
great lakes tbrongboot their lengths
freak panic prevails there aud people and tbrangb the interlake channels. loe
are fleeing from t >e city and deserting bnak
t is expensivo,
and oorasioually
ioe fli es defy the emsbiug powers
their children.
I <il the best of (be so called ke breakers.
I Quo of Iba car ferries was recently MaliI ed by a floe near Menominee which deI fied not only the rtcarntt, bnt the exTaidlot of Mot OnUty Oltoea ftensa ' plosive power of dynamite The tmoble
tional Case.
j of winter navigation on the chain of
vn..VI......... \i«- o- 'TV- ............... ' lakes would ocenr in the ibterlBko chan-
New Process Vapor Stoves,
„ Ice Cream freezers. Etc.
Frow •i.aiih to •le.oee u tbs —g- wt
TbMr Malartce.
Three states of the 46 pay (10,000 n
year each to their chief excentiTes, or
#8,000 more than ii paid a cabinet
ofilcck. Three tfareo states are New
York, New Jency ami Pennsylrania.
All three state* hare inrreased the compensution of thuir Rovemon within re
cent yean. Dutit the prti^ut coustitntion was amended some yeai* ago the
ealaryof the ftoremor of Mew Yoriewas
#4,000. end the aovemraii of Ponnsylrauia and New Jeiaey received #6,000
caeb. At the mme.time thu Roreraor of
Nerada received #6.<>0A and the gorernor of Loataiana #b.U4b.
In recent yean there has been an at
tempt at adjustment of the ralsrirs of
many gnvenjon so that ihtsiie may canform as far as prwsible to the ImporUnee of ttic rtatic* of the olrt<«. The
governor of-JlasMchnsettei,
for whose
i ■■
is an .•h.Jionencb y««, for‘
«l=*ry *nd now
*«-00(r. Tbogovernornf Loniitians.
is ,an election
^ office there
. ^rv|
146 Front St.
liiniTM. E. W. aAEmi
Fire Insurance.
aud noa’ gets #4,00U. The gnvemyci for a
lodiauu gets $6,000 a year
four years' term, or #?0,000. The govenrar of Ohio geu #8,01)0 a year for a
two years’ term. CXinncefimt pays hef
goTcrunr #4.000. and litlJe Bbode Is Brazing and Enameling.
promptly and reasonable.
land pays #8,000.
line (rf maleriaL
Bicycle Repairing,
Work done
Also a full
Groceries I
Sll’East Front St.
emor of Maine gets #2,.>00 a year,
governor of New Haminbire reerivea
#8.000. and formerly got only #1,000. |
Thegov<.morof Vermont h«i #1.600 a :T||E BEST PHOTOGRAPHS
year. Kow #1,500 is not a large salary '"*•***■'*' «»»««%>
for the governor of a aovoreign Amefi- j
“6.S^‘‘,inrSrb.'E'^‘:F0R 98c PER DOZEN.
And the VERT Beet QoodA
0.tos<toU» or of Oregon has a four yearn' term, ;
effects of the iee, it Sonld
,b, jb^Eor ot V™ob. bn. . i HijiEg
ph<.k«r.pb,r will .I
lid be
r«.i» It bM ncTO-: „u,
almGM imposidbletoopeiate- ranala dni' 1^ rf
been established officially what, on a.
ing midwintHT.
Another and a very aerious bar to
general lakenaviRation in winter is the or of NorthCaroHua mid to the govern-1
or of South Comlina. It is puppomd by {
P .,
mfuy persona that this myrterioas al- «Bd oo extra charge for gronpa. ReJusion bore some reference to liquid in-!“♦**»«'this work is guaranteed first ■
. drlvln.«.o“-,l»o
Uw eu, k>.. rtropl clo« .n) lh« lo-, „ j, i„,p„,ibl. ,c »e .nrihing .beri,
lb Ih. (.cl thbt the gomoor i
dictmeatr-ngaiost John E Searea Be-1 „t«u in the dnylinje. Winter naviga be
. fmbd
g comimuy and Edwards and i Ion on Uke Michigan, who arou.-rer
l smlmu, one of the oldest I
,W..,wVp«. b,,..»oild,»ib.>olo(«ii:l..onu.dfor.«rino.ll™stb
"«<». 1K« I
»1, bi „».X. Th,™
“< ■in'-. «l-nsiK. .Mr .hirf „„oy-j «"‘y f
l>ev manage'
-—-ma a# ai>»Lr.«iAk.wt
rbTAA “«* **<»« sDowsionua Tb»'v
■ smaJh-r audlies
wa w.
oi —--------atSYnguiaaec peraow pres
«ben rtKm-is
kkw isf ‘
into port When
InthetrialofPrtaident Havemeyer ol;
the American angar refining company
for ooatumacy before the eeaat»«ugar
lovastigating committee, was giefffly
intensified this momlag by the pend
ing motion of the defenee to instruct i
cunm FOB tg FEB DOZEB.
HIMES, Photographer.
“iritb “,b,wT
thick because of tbeir familiarity
The jury in wceordaace with tiie in- the route., bnt
get in!lyp
strucUousof thecourt returned a ver-1 to trouble while they are wmpptd. iu
dlctofnot guilty- lisvla. the city at-: “the rnmnltuonsprivacy of the rtunu.”
tomey. said that the verdict In tbia i
I» 4.oo* »«« follow, by any lueana
#.>1.000; tlw governor of Florida. #3,.'.O0. ,
Mi< h)«aiifiaysBgovrnjor#4.iHKi: Mon-i
Take Lessons
The Traverse Belle*
Sc. Cigar is posi
tively anequalled.
‘VK-tbTp‘':.;'”r;;i Murtaugh’s Academy.
#11.600; iuiliwoun. #5.1)00; iu K.d.ras-1
ka. #4.000: in Katu<u>, fa.ooo. Maty-1
land piavk |4.6nn; Ti-iu«. #4,’o00; Ida-'
bn.#.*j.o«0: Wert Virginia. #2.;oo Del
aware and Utah have tbe r.line stand-'
ardof rtimpeiirtitiou for t'nir govern-'
refused to answer questions and thstj
ktek, bat BaaaUfaL
#2.600. Tbe governor ..f Alabama i
a aot a parallel with ikat of i
If a young man would conu-mplate.
n>«*ivta the wmie salary m tbe govern-i
ilohlm the address drjivired hyCarl''"’^ Alaska fri.orsr. Wiarourtii pavsi
iSchnrx at tbe funeral of William Strin- i ♦2,600BUdCuhaa.l .#;i,000.—New York
I way. the head <rf the great bouse of i
All Bad : pteno manafaeturtrs. After refi-rriug ' Ihincing arK>mhly IkU evening
«mr HatloMl EiMtl
to tbe feet tbst tbe dead man began bU .
rtingh'v ae^demv
Evbij pre.ia. bt libe. the lime of ! *e«re life
Washington has had aume particular
narcicnlar (Wt
labor Mr. Schurz said
M. U. Gurrim. ‘ Instmrtlovis on V'niin. Maodoliu, Ban
'•He was a pattern ns a rich____
jo. Guitar. 011r> aod Rads.,
As everyone knows, QeorgeWasbingcould call the tuillio^ires of
■' bright boy. willing to work ard!
-ton was a great
■at e{>nrtamany Ui§ gre-ateac wish ^1 could
this bier and say to them. I learn, ran secure a place at the lit;R { Isstmielti tri am Iialc g tn kMl.
pleasote was iu
' faJlcmina the bounds, |
that at au> office,
iDonnmd on a liptopHe was an i ‘Tboae anning yon wbolami-rn
Termfi Rdaaoowble.
•thlote iu his youth and hl«loveof out- 1 *•“« P««tT looks with muttrriugs
door life cominnod
‘bis dead man.’
roniinuod to the day
dsv of bis
M« it
tef® *b
Boom e, Oltg Opwa Hoaa* Btoeh.
When be was presidii.t, hit j
*‘His milln-ns were never begrudged
chief divereipu was horre-Lark ridirg. :
The dark glance of envy never fell
U AB wiicli aU'vrrace In a gmid )«b»sM
n>-A« tSerr Is Orlvi-ti Facts And Fair;
Ha was f^d of dancing, tou, aud rt^u*>»“- <-'o»ctenBDess Hsi Jf paewd
.tss. A Bail lodri
' wu'l ant o
dri a «iMHl b-ts
larly attcuMod the axNmblies in the ; bim by dirtrined aud rt coueiled. Ytv,
.<oaip,**-nl bat b<x
long r««im in tlieCily tavern at Alexan- ^''**7 one *'oold bare rejoietri to see
• wbbW bot bff.ct Kbcbbibrj enrlK '
of tbe Sugar Rrflniog Company, wbos-
Frank Stepan,
“.“'i??"?." j.-'T"
Tjake Michigan it can be
and lower
Cigar on the mar
ket equals our Oiamond J. for 10c.
Largest and Finest Ltee of
in tks dty.
• A. W. JAHRAUS, •
Facts and Fairy Tales
Geo. P. Winnie.
dria. says tbe Washiogton Port.
«>U riclisr. for ev.-ry c»e knew
- - I'llo-Asis p. uisr and Paper Hanger.
Thomas J.ff.rKm'auaghi relief frvuu i*» 8« oontribpled ,to
i r»o^wp.ii
tbe earea of sio'te iu bis love for music. 1 ^ '•cHlaie of all
Be was'a clever perfuriiicr oil the violin
*'Ko one fulfilled belter than Jie tbe ,------------- ---------- —
•Bd whiled away many bourn sawing
Tl«-«-wa-ik> puffed '
hotel leelanau.
and some
o#his ha| pie
piest moments were l “■•*•‘=4 bis Uiug, mo(irt.i i>i« mode of
e o#^is
those spent iu trying'to evolve some la> life. Bot be knew one luxury.-luid be
practiced it: that was tbe luxury of tbe
bar saving device.
Prcsiiient Tyler lisd a deep aud abid liberal hand—a priucely luxury that
ing Jove for tbF good Ameiicau game few of the world’s greab*rt bare in
«f pokiT. Sunounded by a few efaums, dulged *0 more richly than ha
"It was not muury alone that he
be spmt many pleakant evenings draw
ing to bobtail flbsbes, filling against gave. . It was tbe heart jry of the genu
four aces and hoisting the full bonaes, ine benefaotor. with which lie bode tbe
welcome nuci often suHripated
bluffing on di'uees, bucking ante. Tbe
stakes were invuriaLly small, bnthis- tlieir wants. It waa tbe btigbt cbocrfulnrasof tbe willing giviT who conldcon«my auys that he was a bad loaer.
Andrew Jarkmn was pssskmately eeive no ubuse of bis gwetosity.
"I .have seen many men iu my
tend of oocKfigliting. and when he left
. .day,
. tbe Bermitage to niu tbe nation «t »»"«*■“ bigpt r licort. Isinoomochto
Washington be brought with him two i
edbis fitiert fighting eocka Tb«» be i I*"
. matciKNl asainrt the gameat, roosters In : *“*•
the surrounding rountry.^i (he IVuevusky.
tMSSee artirk inaile but a feeble showTbe following com-onsGoQ, wbkfa
ing againsi tlie Virginia hr d. Fresi™.
bn»‘Bl., Ob ...ml oa,., * bccbmd lb W ol .to- cipr
fieat Jbbtaob
pbUb-lb., b» ■,iri.l.,b,i.Mbb,«A. ! *.'-»-‘”’ "8°- ■■ ■ ““P'' pL'P"
feat, and la this respect be said thm hit, *“* *«*“ occutTrncea w^Jlcb a ticket
^ „__
Firk Strefit, between Frcnt t Cau. j
: 1 am the agent for this Fam*
Rates, J1.50 per Day.
ous Brand.
'Meal Tickets at Reduced Rates.
t ClAUlDAr Bo*nl
MprHol Bam
Here She Goes!
"Olve me a tinje table, V said s short FRIOAV AND SATUBDAY.'
«... L
was tbs
->dox. ^niB......................................X5c
'Frleas on -Lemons slsugtatered
dnrlng’ihe bsUmce of the week.
Ereqttiigg SoICClieiii.
failed to say ‘Pleaao' when asking for a
ticket."--------- • *
evening b6 would play Boston with
some of bis anuy churns He cared littls for riding and was rarely ncB «■
bocsebai^ in. Woihingtem. — AUb^
Fleiscliinag's CoiDpressed Teast
A One-Eorse Wa^n, nemrlY
new. double box, spring seat,
lAnelng make, wide tire.
One Double Wa^on. B-in.
tire, all complete. ^
One Double W#gon« narrow
tire, complete.'
One 2-eeated Open Bnggj.
Best Bottsr............................... |Sc
Ktesk. best eats of atl kinds lOe
Chuck snd Bound............« sed »c
Vrsl Stews........... ;....'...5to0c
Vesl Eosste............................. stolQe
fancy fm dtdng the marketing for the
-.Sul!; a. _
family. Ererymoroinghewould trudge-;
to the market pises with a basket on'___ of your Lusitie^
bis ana end rvture on hour Irter cany-!
DeUrereS toJMV part of th« cU)-.
"president W H. HairiMn waa'not'
Pillsbury FOR SALE
All goods firet class snd #sli*er«L
Oor. Pum ssd Mlath aw.
Presh Tstslsbtes OsUf.
Jacob Furtsch,
Tulephooe 34.
One Platform Wa#«ik.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with
the Traversa
Lumber Company. We have for sale Good. Sound H«inlock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Floorir^,
Short Maple Wood. Lands for'sale. Mill Machinery, of all
descriptions, including a Engines, Set Works, Carriages,
and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.
moA srsnd the committee to reduce the
toteceo retm.
The eenaie eenmlttee which tuu
cherce of the arlff bill rave a hearins
to the delecatlOB of tobacco manufaetxueta at the A. Inrton Uet nl«M. The tobacco men
mtctee of elx. Their epok
Wm^oser, who presented
BaUOT «r HaUMN !■ CMc**« BmI but at the nicceetlon of the
V KMato BrwMhc Em* Oa«f IMiVT'IHtlaiB brteflr. The contention was that an ln<
ml, MiramV OplKlM-nm Tote om Uu •reaae of the tnumal revenue tax would
SwiT fUU
VldoiT *o tb* ntm»» leeeen the eoneumptlon of manufactured
t Haa plaalrof tobaceo. divertinr >t to raw materlale;
rate la • BM-MaUen rp TnlBidwy.
■•oar Car An
tala Caba.
that Uee manufacturere had adjusted
Earle Lake. Ind.. May ff.-TheexodUe
WaBilnston. Hay K-—Chicaro'e fa* their bustneae to the e^ocnt tax Ind from the renertf aaaembly ha» alread)would be put to a heavjr expenee
moo* lake front land caae, lip«olvln«
chanirc the rtxe of pIue> and packarea. berun. Yveterday Ihe ra<retlnr« of thb
■rofteky worth over IlkOOO.UOe. waj yee- a ehanire which would rreatly dleturb Women'* Porelrn Mleala^ry exMuUw
b, L..J
committee cloaed. and the number of
Herman la favor of the preaf'^ holder* ;
«,„iy altemative bertdea redudna thiiM who left at once waa Oonsldcnible.
of -the land. nalntlBe who aoufbt (and r thesUeJ ot plufti: and packaaee would The number of vialtorv bruurhl by U>*
throurh the United 8ute««uprone court j be to uae materiala of an Inferior quality fine weather made up for the lade, but
tfoubUeae wilt csntlnue to aeek) to ob- that they ml«hl eell the aame quaaiUle* a allmmer Attendance at the eveninx
Utn poaastelon of the lani. are Har\ey t of tobacco a! the present pricea. An
popular meetiiv waa very apparent Ai
H. La rollette.and Mathlae Benner. ?W»enl upon ^ch much atre- wat
_____ ^ ,r.
Ik. aoMmnes ' >•** war that the effert
of 'Inereaeod I noon the rrounda alxnit theparilea.
Thet endeatored
to locate^
McKee aerip on the land. The commia* j
bualnea* In the hands of a few «reat | brirhl colors rcplacMl the more sombre
Moaer-t decision allowa the patent ran- ,
jj,e senators asked several hues that had beds In evidence earlier.
- dtred to Rcben A. Kinaie in ISSl to questions they ra%-e noindkeilonwheth- The assembly has r>t throurh with
Knndor the arrumenta of the tobacco men moat of i'l senaailonal work and has
Plat lnelud«4 U,e Kbarv Um.
wruld resuH In any rhanre In the bilk Bellied down to builneaa. . The dealre
The daclaion ctjrera twenty-two parca 1 They were partlculariy desirous to know
to ret to the end waa aeea In an un-~
af type-wrttten matter, and la full of , «Pon whom the burden of the Incrwycd
references and .authorlUes. After redi-I
Weeslnrer replied willlnrneas to endure lonr debate, even
__ It would
tar at lensth a blatory of the ease, he that
be flret felt by the manu; upon Important maiten. and this fijeSractunrs,' but that In the e'nd It would 1 Inr will find more frequent manlfesta"Careful examination of all the evi be shifted to the rrowera of leaf to- , tlon hoteafter.
Lacatlaa of M>« Xesi Aseembly.
dence before me fatU to cup'vlnee me of becCO.
the coerecuiess of the scrip appllca&u’
mtentloc. The plat of survei* of the
AH That thd Ptssbytsrians Now
Hava to Look Aftar.
8o Fsr M Ohicaipo L W*
' Land Is Cenetnttd
Washtarton. May-n.—The
- w.U. brlellr <dl, the Wnrp
Inflicted upon the trade by the frequent
Changes of the tax and pretest ogmtast
tbe sdoption of the senate amendment.
. .
- .
n«l.lU or the propo^ t.. Ipctm.,
rell at (Tbnstanilnople has Informed the
state department that the two murder
ers of Tuunif. the man killed while dlatrlbutlng American rrtlrt funds near
Bitllt, Turkey, have been sentenced
fifteen years Imprisonment at haid la-
_ _ ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
riMUtMl •
at Painter.
, May 27.—Tbe avengij^.
«ly fla
ral Jcil
"Whan this change was made In ISM ’ Palmer, of Illinois, when be was stumpM going to reduce It U 4 | ing that state last fall In company >vi'h
■ants, but we told them rather
General Buckner,
Brake It 6 cents and then let it alone. bard-money ticket. There was quite a
What we ask U sttWllty. The fluctua mob present on that oceaMcm. arJ on
tions are what ruin our hostaess." The tnvestlgatkm by the |
tobacco Uiteteata conferred at the Cag4«bl with aenators and representatives
from toteoco-produelnr states, and arBbcdbd want ad vs. bring quick re-
unsm UD nnmsTKO ti
Caagsr Snsw mf raafirmaUam
Waxhlngton. May 21.—The senate
committee on foreign relations decided
to recommend the cuRfirmsUon of .the
nomination of Hnn. E. H. Oonger. of
Iowa, to be mlnlBster to B^L
Maslaal ta Her HnmaUMw.
Mount Clemena. Mich.. May r.—MtaAnnie Belden Uage. of New York, a
guest at the Park hotel. Is attracting
much attention by her wonderful vocal
poHcix. When ID a hypnotic state she
stags in tiatlaa and French songs writ
ten 100 years ago. though she caimot
bpeak the languages when in a natuial
condition. She go*e Inioahypnnticatate
when pttyingW piano and I* then und*r
the eomro! of Clotille. a gr.-at vocalist,
who died a century ago. She Is abnnl
40 years of age. and developed this pow
er ten years ago.
a KpMBgB or Yorxo LADIX8 wasted to
Oft LOTS roB«Atg CBEAP-Pnau SlMe
so aed kigbtk •Itweta. Apply to OLB
AddM jla OBZPTTTB. Traten* aty._jl-m
, Ia<lu«rt' required the rale aUowed by
The committee on systematic bene
" ficence. which reported, among other rue“>l ’■"» c.Mderrf auH« th.
ommendatlons deydnred the bolding d
6.W .u.t.lwnl In
church basaar* and other entertslnl«i-l.no<- Tl.* raoluUo. «■«
ments as a meant tp raise money for the
..«tborl-UW »>«
“ chUTVb. Ii/^-commended that members
....“d dblp I. Iorw.rdlm,
Ir- requested to devote a ttnth part of
. «ll«l -rppllM IfLll^ll^
thrir Income to the support of the
Must Have Beew Bard wa Meegaa.
' Washington. May 27.—The approach
*»»« VIrtortan Jubilee sert-ed as tbe
Rock Uand. Ills. May N.—The IhlrH..pl.l. ot lie n..l. Rev. Dr. ty-nlrth annual meeting of the. general
1... «d Uio«Ho.l
of ‘he United Presbylerlan
(rraelous lady 'I'lcloris wife ^ church of North America commenced in
mother st well as sovereign." he’ raid! |
rtW >»«« evening. The meeUng
"has shrined her in the hearts and rev- devoted to devotional cxerelses. the re«ia -'om™ lirlng moderator. Dr. Jaine* White, of
arotind tbe wotid. May her last days be Kansas'City. preaching hla annusl ser
l»ppl«t. Guld. U. oonp- mon. l^e address of welcome In behalf
rr ."S" rM:
■■ nt IK* a
lovsd country, that, hand-ln-h^ they |
That is the only way
facturers could -pay it. and a change in
The slae ef package* mean* an outlay ot
test about tl.OM.«00 In changing stamps,
Tbeae n^tMm Man As* AHva.
Prortneetown, Mass.. May n.-The
frtB.W. A-BOOK.
klxteen members of the crew of the JLl
tpMial attnatei
ProvlDcetown fishing schooner J. P.
Johnson, who went astray on the west- I
era bank last Friday, arrived here yea-'
terday. All were well, although* they
suffered much from hunger during Baturday.
ipirroD^A_ CBOag. Atteesey*.
“* '***
that the location 1. ao favoraTbo survey ordered ha*
, Havemeyer.
«avemeyer. the
tne president
presioeni of
oi the
me AmcrArmr- ^le that u
k ^ve.
saves about d.090 In mil,
ty law
lint 'm*
7^» meander
RefInInr company, sU.inly alont The pUa of PhlladHphU U t^i
. the shore or
water lint
WUherpoon building
must therefore have represented
of publication
have t
j leading counsel for the defenae,. moved | lahed. and the asaei^y should vtalt
nal teUlon.
inspect lu .proper
I that the Judge Instruct the Jury to HnJ
Quaker City
the defendant not gulHj on alx gr...3da. ‘y- The decision will not be rtmehed for
rtrtp orn»« on.ua b.l«eCT IM. boun'-i-ow iWi ih.
u to tb. lo.«l • ooupl. ot d.y. y.L Toii.nOy mmdary and the water line, since the sur- and state - contribution, of the »uinr
vey could extend no funher. That the ' company was beyond the JurtsdlcUoa of
meander Une and the boundary line at« ■ the senate committee and Impentaoni;
Mentical Is made doubly clear by the ' second, that It was not part of HavepUta*of survey, which make the con- msj-ir'i duty to examine recorl* Mr
tBUr of the lake correspond with the Ian- I the purpose of answering question* he
aries from Mreign lands
guage of the field notes. l%c meander j could not answer from memory: tii.rd. Forty *1
line shows the water line of the lake, j that when data from books or rw;or,ls who are on leave of absence sat on the
e been
oeen suggvsteo
Nor has any motive
suggested i are
— demanded
■**------- —*• such
’—*'*iKmks or records platform, and a number of them made
before the noon adjourn
why this should
have been shown, are the best evidence; fourth, that the
■■■ —— rfvhy
n.lhM the
There is no apparent■ reason
question n.it
put tn
to the m-llnAtfwitness a--.;
wai^ tyv. ment.
Publleattaa and kaaday gshsnl Watdu
TnjtsdStates s^nld have oir.llted from- broad, covering Irrevelhnt matter*, tffcli.
The afternoon aeasl,>n was devoted to
«» surrey twraty acres or any of the that If the witnea* weiv to be held re
reaching to the water line. Had cusant It was the duty of the coaicnii- the work or the board of puUicailonaBd
M done ao it would have disregarded lee to nara him that the queatloE was a Sunday school work. The stknding com
-committee, not an Individual qncstfon; mittee on Ibis subjw-t reported though
and vlnlBted the law.
and sixth, that the indictment did uot the chairman. Elder James Jcrvonce. of
iMd Permed Urter by AcereUew.
New York, renewing the work of the
“It thus appease to be well esla'.Uihed disclose cause of action.
Recommendations were made
Johnson made an argument of 'an year.
that the hank sad the water are correla
caHIng for contrllniUons of IJM.OOO durhour and a half In support of hi*
tive, andr that one cannot be ownedwith
‘h« rest of the year for the
out touching the other; that the bank Is tlon. and when be concluded District ‘
the prftylpal object, so that, when the Attorney Dgvl* asked f..r an adjourn- ‘ t***- Sunday orUooX branch of th* Iward.
uurfnff U»e churches to ^d .pt the
law once fixes the ivoprietarbhip of that. roent. which was granted. Davis will 1
rvply to the moUon today. The con- !
hymnal which Is now In use In
land which may have formed after the ’ eluding testlmatiy of the gov^ment j
antry and to the date of Klnxle's patent. l ©«ered at the morning session d-ae not , Kr««ate 1W.W» «l'lea
It muft be held that such Inured to the Important save for the pun*o*e of makCl»e« oftDay-. Work,
ewner of the majb land, since the tlUe ' Ing up the record as to what occurn-d,
by patent reUted hock and took effe« , i» »he senate tavestlgaiing commtuce.
from hU entry. Having found that said '
the present
Isnd* an- not public lands' of the United
needs of our country waa delivered, last
Htatea It is unnecessary to determine BmuIU la todanlas the einaae* <
evening* by John Wanamaker. in -<h»
turther as to the titles of the parties." |
te« by a Big M^rlty.
St'oond church at Warsaw. Ind. In the
j WasWngton.Maj'n.-The first
evening a meeting w as held 1n the InterHfswtan. raferring to the scrlppenr j
bill was taken In tht senate ye»- -est of foreign* Tiilsslons. Dr. Jphn L.
^d- •^Tp*J^nt*hotS?We • **'^*'- I‘«»w*"f*’^f*‘»<'hou« <lebate Withrow, ex-moderator of the asaembly.
Addrdesses were made by
! though eomparatit ely unlmportwt. af- Dr. Corbett on the woHt in C%lna. Rev.
Mr. Ewing in India’ Rev. Mr. Ed,-iatyne
be construed a* approving, the survey Of
« opportunity for the flrji in Persia and Rev. ' Mr. Hoskins In
nrty other so far a* It titermlned the ! alignment of tbe.yarlaus clemenis. Ves*
question whether thejMd was vacant moved to maJte the rate on boracic acid
public lands of thelTnltedSutea Tohave I cent* Instead of S cents per pound. ai
deteimlned eo Impmant a quesUon by provfcted by the committee. ThU prea survey pending the order for a hear- tented a direct Issue between the com Cumbertaad Prwbytertaa CmmmUUm A4eaemsi a Uyatesa af Tithes.
ing to dtiermlne the very question mlttce and the opponenu of the bill,
Chicago. May 27,—Committee reports
would have been highly Improper, not to The amendment was dcXeaied-yeaa, »:
•aysolrrigularavtcrendertheapppoval na>-s. M. The vote was largely on pany were heard at yesterday's session of the
{ Iiaes. The affirmative waa made up of general assembly of the Cumberland
Itself vold-t,
nlneteen'Democrwts and one Populist, Presbyterian church. The ccunm'ktee on
^ ■ tieltftld. The negative was made up ol
' tweaiy-nlne K<*T>ubUcsns, two l>emo- cemspendehee In Its report called slj craut McEnery of Louisiana and Jones temion to the coming snnlverasry of the
; of Nevada), and one Pupulistt Stewart adoption of the Westminster confession
Wa^ngtofu May 27.—Reptestntatlve* :
ot faith, and recommended as apprupriof Nevada).
ed pi^tlcally
all the tobacco ti
The del>ate waa psrilctpaled In by ai* celelirallon of the event. It _
to app-lnt s new commiUet
tnrerf-UOh. \ nktd State* wUh Ibo ex- vest. Jon-s of Arkaiwa*. Aldrich. Per- , agreed
-oepU<« of, the cigar manufacturera
White Caffrey. Gray and Btewar.. ■ lx calli-d' the committee on pastors, and
supplies which w ill have .full rantrul of
met here jteyterdr.y to protest against White, a Democratic memb-r of
the prupoe^ advaiK-e of 2 cents a pound finance committee,
opposed Vest’s supplying pulpits, no mlnlsicr..to take
tn the tax on iol*cco contemplated In amendment.- urging that the California charge without the consent of the new
the senate amendmyms to the tariff bill.
IHm . m. prn.ni and reproml-l
.Popt 1» .n.pnttOnr.n, -Tw’tot.i uta..., ouipM. ...Ip.,..
ewra », Hi.
0.11-1 SU>» I. ..0.1 IM.mo.lW po..d.
umuoiv. ..d
ihl, .mm,., 0.0- !».MO.OO. pom...
r.pr»™i«l. O-,m.l K. M.AIpl., of N.. Tort,.
chairman and T. E. Allen secretary.
Among thoseb pwent
present were rapresenwrepresentstlves of every
aiT5fy»S» CBflM,
shows cash bn hand April 1,- f74.4n.n;
tbUi receipts. nUJOLM; total disburse Cl M. BBomi, Anoraey aa« Cm
O. U«. hptelal atMs-toa u> t
ments. UH.en.tO: cash on hand April M aad
IH.4W.B. __________
of the local ministerial union was dellv-
Suits to Order,
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
o»o. -W-. aucTdr.
fr .... llMCT,r. Bk... t-ulmi m—-
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.
Has Your
Attention----- BreTbeescsItedtolbefset thM y
OSS gel at the Drug Wore (onr Stv
Pure Powilared SpicM*
Ana Arbor....... ......."
TUMo........................ "
▼is. Kumm.sgB r. A
* l» “
dw “
tate tal* tram sad
fag Watt
Chicago •“>
West Michigan
a. Water BotUss (gwarBj^ngn,
4a. Throat Brashes, a
. sad WiMh Hasel LoUoti far the
At Our
Soda Fountain
Trains betwess Tistsiss City sag Bk Bsptds
t2;’£5£»:: 52S:
»•» »• “™-
convenlloB of the ^Isoopal
Iowa adjourned yesterday. The commiuee on wradjuter bishop reported an
agreement of Bishop Perry to contilbnu
Sl.om to «m>^ the arafstant If tbe
dlooeae Increased the annuity for sal
ary and expenses to nearly K.oeo. An
attempt will be made to ueenre an «ndowment for the ^trytm.
---- PwUt Xir»<Jto In----
Msek. CUy
. CsSUlse
-New IdMfi In-
Fancy Toilet Articles.
6rui Ripldi t Indiiu L L
Dst. V.
.^•,***^9^*^**' ^
adjourned after prayer by tbe jpoderator
and calling of the roll, the election at a
new moderator being defend
BspsrtM Uw U. Mood at. l.Ba*A
iDdUnapoIla. May n.-dlecalver Jar
vis. ot tbe LoufavtUc. EvansvlUe and 8u
Louis Tonrosd. filsd bis iwort for Anril
Cut Glass.
. aABXs,
Ads. In the Morning Record
Bring Quick Retnms.
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